Warhammer40k Expansion Apocalypse

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WARHAMMER CL APOCALYPSE CONTENTS Introduction Fighting Apocalyptic Battles What is Anocaiose? The Apocalypse Mision ‘The Battle of Cold Steel Ridge Organising 2 Battle Planing in Advance the Bate Armies and Battlefields Apocaiese Armies arine ty Srategi Assets Tau Army Paintieg Tank C ener Vehicle Markngs ‘Modeling Command Vahices Baneblade SuperHeaiy Tank SuperHeay Tanks Sproat Model Kes ‘ult Modes & (resting Datasheets Troi ky Bates ven Bigger Games Linked ables Immense Foor Wars Apocalypse Train Lage Tein Paces Thamed Games Defence taser (nk Stomp Factory Exterminatus Apocalyptic Forces “Adtionl Rules cargantaan Creates pera vices yes Special Rules Datasheets paral Guard Banebiade Superhas Hesiemmer Supers Forres of Avogance ya Patan ‘Emparor’ fs’ Tnk Canoany ‘emperor's Wath 2iery Company - “Emperors Talons” Recon Toc Caryn Aula Space Mati Thunder Gurship Armoured Spearhead ‘Sunpresson Force Line Breaker Squadton Masters ofthe Chagter a 100 02 105 105 107 108 The Imperium ares Bate Tan Warhound Scour Thunders Fighter Marauder Bormber ons Stores 2g Mek’ Stampa Fighta2ommer skulfanma Bate Forres Gorgantuan Squg600" Kult of speed Aspect Asaul Wave Spit Host Wines id ost yeas Hlsropane Botan Barbed Mivodule Subterranean Swat tive Mind Brood MyeetcAssul toe Endless Swarm Tau Empire Banacuda Heat Fihter Graae knavoc ack armoured inersetion Cadre ‘api sation Force ecions Sous Pion Marah ral Dark elder Sipraid Force Ravager Tan-Huntes Fores of Chaos Paguereaper of Nurgie Bras Scorpion of Kerne Tide of Spawn Warp fit Battle for the Kan Factory stratagic Assets sng Staten Ase Incr Ase atid Assets Front Line Asets Support Asse Appendices Finding venwes Further infomation Imperal armour Super iany Transport Cart ‘Ales Mt fuses Sarimony Index 12 126 927 ua 132 133 135 138 138 140 143 148 149 150 181 153 156 558 189 767 176 195 187 188 138 189 93 594 195 196 198 198 199 200 There is only WAR.” Apocalypse allows you to take incest of examples of apocaiic your battles to a whole new level. gazes that we nave payed a he No longer will you lead a single Games Wortshop Ges Stuso, with ets detachment of troops into battle. tutes of the armies, models ant Now you can have hundreds of ne hive vse to fight these men and squadron after squadron batt Thve of you tet love the fof tanks under your command. story ofthe 41st Milencium and the ‘The greatest heroes of the age hutrtions produc by the Sivan’ battle at the side of your warriors arsts wal asm fn pleny to ook at against the hated foe. Huge war ith these pages machines tower over the battlefield, their superheavy The book s broadly dvd into two ‘weapons blowing apart even the pars. The fist has deagne for you most heavily armoured tanks and esd tough and eno) ~ yu cutting bloody swathes through huge game of the enemy ranks. Aircraft scream 000 wen you've through the smoke-palled skies, 1 The second hal contains ‘making devastating bombing runs uteancibote of the nes youl ee ‘oF landing to unleash a horde of to these pages again andl agsn ay bloodthirsty fighters. Orbiting srepare or and ‘cht out a battle, spacecraft fire punishing barrages ‘hat pound the enemy into the The fs ‘ground and reduce even the est fortifications to rubble. HT ING This is war on a scale undreamt of. APOCALYPTIC BATTLES This is Apocalypse. his section explain howto setup and pie bate covers the (nthe pages tat follow you wil find atl, fererthing you reed 10 know in ace to deploying te ames and deccing who fight apocayetc bats of Warharymer hes woe 40,000. vou wil een howto setup and organise the battle, about the new modes you can colect and use games of ris. ORGANISING A BATTLE Seal, and all tie ales you wl need in Fightng a manwmth game takes a bit of Oe io use these new urs. Hawever, organisation =the nest saeson gies some fur aims tonepire aswel as inform, and practical tos (ike remembering te bring so Warbammer 40,000 Aoocahpse 260° enugh food! half of the book conta: ‘One cannot consider the fate of 2 single man, nor ten, nor a hundred, nor a thousand. Billions will five or die by our actions here, and we have not the Tuxury to count the cost.” Iaguisitor Keyptnaan 12 APOCALYPSE INTRODUCTION “There is no time for peace. No respite. No forgiveness. ARMIES & BATTLEFIELDS Here you'll fi adice anc auicance on colecting and parting yout army fran Apocalypse bate, 3: we as preparing the table and encugh train The second half consists APOCALYPTIC FORCES Tals pct contains dozens of new nits thatean be used vnen “ghtng “Apocalypse bats. The ules you wl ees 9 use everthing fem speck Fights Bommers to huge Wario can be found her, ‘STRATEGIC ASSETS Sraegic assets add an a dersion bates, Sawing you to unleash ital bombardments, sot up shield Senerators or even enuip achoracer with a vortex srenadel APPENDICES Rules sinmates andl ther handy information can be found a the bac, itespesed throughout the book you wil Pa ilusravons, bate reports desert spocaiptie bates wis have fought att Studio, addtional information sbout how races Fight ates ofthis cae, st anyibing ese we fete ght you! We have als st up 4 Warnaraer 40,000 Apocalypse secon on the Games ‘workshop wete, hich canbe foun at the following adress ‘www.games-workshop.com The includes al kind of useful faring advice and hobby ate, further etal ofthe bates festured in tis book ‘apd has datasheets for mere new nits hat you can usin your games, ‘Our goal hasbeen to prove you everything you need t 90 about fighting realy lrg bates using the Waharmer 40,000 res. In fot the cyl on whet you can do is your eum images So have fu, and remember vieoy nay ot always Go to tre side withthe biggest guns but they coainty do het Jens tonrson| FIGHTING © APOCALYPTIC § BATTLES WHAT IS APOCALYPSE? Bring out all the miniatures you own, get your friends together, and fight bigger battles than ever before. sutabiy lege lang ae, a bit of ime hey can no lange use al of tek models callecton, and would sng gare atossh savas | care tlhe ‘The goed news i that ts acnaly very louse your ea to ly huge games of Warhammer ang infermason you wl eed to sala entice collection, I's te deste tobe 40,000 f you want, al that requred Up your games fom 1,500 or 2,000 able to play ell are games o [Be two armies of 3,000 poins or mere, 2 poi bates to 3,000 points plus, Note 14 FIGHTING APOCALYPTIC BATTLES that you will nea ‘worth of mods pe si syst apacaytic least 3,000 points ~ anything less ugh ima ways showing tats easy 1 fight ge nals is probably = mos rmporant thing this book can teach you. While paying weve found games of up to tee or four housand fonts ca eal be completed by SH Players in the course of long erring, nd without the need ta learn reams of few game sesh order fo take par. Bagger games work best wth teams of payers and take longer to complet, but be sil ery enayabe and salghtfonsard | think ts important to tes ths point the start, becase one of the ve hear from players abou that they wll take too long to ploy ar be "hard or ‘A can realy ay to this tha in my fm exparance the reverse ue, and that 2 propery organised large bates slp oy t take par. n Tat tis realy 5 the case as shovi by OU very fst ‘game of Apocalyose, Tis was a massive ‘are between two tears of tree players tach ean remember rein the paves before the game, waring tiem that ‘hinge might no ork out petty and that the game could take suite a lng ‘ime t ish, What acvaly happened ta most he exace eves of ti. The (ge sated of at 1Dam in te morning ‘th she deployment cf te so aries, land hid been ough to a condusion and packed avay by 6pm incu a one Fur beak Torus to have our lunch! More inporanty, had been a breeze to ‘organize and et even feager for ther next cae aim of this ook, the, to nse you to ight lrg bates ke the one just Cescbed, and to make sure tt we ‘ae you everything you nee te know to rake sur the games you pay ae 35 ‘out. point which that white Apocsiypse battles ‘don't equi ary changes to he cre me es, they ae nat the sae 35 3 ore gome, and you need tobe prepared SIZES OF GAME Bigger games take longer, but more prayers wil speed hing Up Less than 3,000 points Standard Warhammer 4000 game, wth player per se, takes 1-3 hous 9 ple. | 3000-6,000 points Standard Apacahpse game, vith 12 players per se, takes an ven, 6,000-15,000 points Large Aeocalyae game, 2-4 payers paride, takes up toa dey to ply 16,000 points plus | monster Apocalypse gam, 3 or more | Players per side, mey fake a weekend stan, Apocalypse bates do ‘ake longer to play — nota long 3s same right ink, but longer nonetheless Appeal 1,500 paint game wil tae tnywete fom are te thee Rout op a FIGHTING APOCALYPTIC BATTLES 16 tnd can easy be completes inthe course’ Apecalype battle as cad far powertl to include a sta ‘af evering. An Apocaypse bate wll outweigh the te taken to Setup the So.Apacalpze not only allows you to ae require at leas a wreleeveing, arc can game, Sut you doneed tobe ansre of your whole clecion, but also ake ful day oreven-a neckend fo wht youve lettng youre infor so ou things Ike the enormanssapet-heany ommplete (see the box on Szes of Game can prepare according. A ot of thie ack turks ofthe mpetal Gust, Space for more detaled guidelines). deca of Is taken up with aciee on how 10.90. Mavine Tunderhe fis, Apocase ats ate not realy 2 about onan the vast a replacement forthe normal se game our oym experience of doing ju Than Legions ‘hat you wil want te piay the arg games we organ butshoul be seen es something of Design St (n 209 of his Apccalipse offers undaled special cceason, ‘ppertunits for those players who enoy But Apocalypse offers fr more than just comverting and scatch-buléing rede ‘Apocalypse bates aso requite quite 2 ot the chance to gat together wth your venting raratie scenarios, ané those of preparation compared to nor ‘ates and fight bat tha of your that ike mating thir an elabora game, mainly because of ther sheer sie Citadel minature, Mos notably, it has wargames tana, all of these aspocts, rod the ie they take to ply. alowed us to add dozens of neve units to and much more besides, re dscssed in shoulder this put you of playing an She-game that would simply be soe he pages that follow LEGENDARY UNITS & BATTLE FORMATIONS Fart ns bk you vi fd Sarre den es eda | five sone orse game Iocan rn on arin 4,00 tn | eter mre spy 0 | power nce ne vou Bote peat at eve ogre ot Apsara Strona norte ie tend vgn Tere Sole mins a ncherthe Enpocrs Fat te crea Ok Cte ot ped ond the Wr ern on ies on ang vee wry tris rd bate maton on hier Wns es ou fou efortony eng We Do gaa www games-workshop.com Suppression Force FIGHTING APOCALYPTIC BATTLES ‘The missions included in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook are perfect for two-player games of lunder 3,000 points. For larger ‘games we have developed a new mmission to use when fighting Apocalypse battles. 5 of plays, ta fight a large battle that une al of he Cade inate In con, Inc, just so0ut te only really hard and ‘an what you can uses hat eid an army worth 3,000 ‘ot more This vey eferen0 the he standard misons ore pay because ofthis Im going to expan n works in 9 pages Jou scaly sy ste one oat feed other shan thi Aktough thee i oly one vtsion ofthe 95 been designe “You would have me weigh the continued existence of this planet aguiast the lives of those ‘who defend it? Idiocy! Order them to advance All of them.” THE APOCALYPSE MISSION - The next few pages explain the rules for fighting an Apocalypse ‘ battle, from army selection to de ing the victors. iL PICK ARMY 7 399 players, th Jal points roreven things 5. PREPARE BATTLEFIELD in any mutually agreable manne and” is locate, ad pick each side's ec where SET TIME LIMIT camry on after the sine it reached, No asset may be taken more than once per sie unless itis a Tsonus' asst G. DEPLOY not setup are kept in Strategic Reserve’. Payer units om Strategic Reser tothe bate at the tart ofeach urn (see page 23), #. PLACE OBJECTIVES urs to set up objectives. Each side sets up ployment atea, one noma’ ind and one eployrent area 8. FIGHT THE BATTLE The side that et up fist fakes the fist tum, Q. VICTORY! When the game: commit coe i hel ney FighTing APOCALYPTIC BATILES © 3.4 AL PICK ARMY Tach ple ting arin an bate neds rng song an ay Remember that yo Armies may nde ay nuroer af unas | elation from any Codex ary Ot pla ALLIES can ong nk tm mre than one ay et 0 # our eas pel Card au, us sad of Haque ou bos | Stop na nr ns can he geo Tn pot ng | Bi som tober loge av slo yuo ay erties unt you ee maton dacedor oe dousees, | ews?yutatere meni of aay we amore coe anew | Gratis tro se page eos, | fcwatd beet be sagt ae Nt eae neta strictions apply to the army ~ just bring | Song eneses ou tre arya oa aly Redwooh oo erutee ul co enh hoy ta on ay dy hoi | Hyena ak oy sega tat hy aap ss bt ‘rap br rata Shee org tee och oe faves Dipole le ce ewe fe Agcaps alos flour ee binge our coco nde Imac pawsiheyhowintararmy Clacincwhchienhyaltere’”" Ruhr ead what wean ig Tina pnetnerepprilite satiate app to pating av ary er nd gues om trbo Memchchte thee aurte, catalan sree apek yuan israel ot Ponsa ine’ on atta tenant Tir mattoen wabenigepin Now apetci ene gore ihc ayn pore sdlo""" Wat colecons of reat as ntsc yes ote ine oes) Yao neve heed wera Ts soo xs tal ato vlstehporaniorte Fathas ornilsbou‘e eat a itameanumport ine sope _— corculusct ietns Sng get Garena hry one meen Fyovush aes poy es ‘meanest ple’ ee Oyox Soha unessorwart oleae Sta ‘ew pe ges nha posts Lekeinewbsteralclieufs. Genortesterin's"ymdoithae Involve 4600 6000 fort tho acbinamgatng obetane od woetuted cer modllyrdore woman pew eter ejonbe, Wieguct SingSorgtaete Vanek ists ieenke. Syhodieaiel src af wees SGiconyuteyarsail yee Yemutedungpnesing pep ind Sys rg an tard ‘e's and sen Pa bale is lot 18 FIGHTING APOCALYPTIC BATTLES B. SELECT TEAMS Faved tte canbe played betneen ‘to player: But they ae especial ates totem play whe Ks posse olay a gansta ares, or gars whe thre ar thee or mor ses tno pa fo the bse Apoapse bate ison vine assure that he players Wl De Beceuse of thi thee ar tree of more plojers taking gar in te bate they must be sp into Bo teams atte stare of comparing the and then sitting the players ito two fears that have rough equal points values. eis (hat bath sis have seat the same umber of pois, asthe sie wi the Teast points wil be gen exta sratene asses in onder to balance the game (see Step 5: Pik Statege Assets, on page 72) However yo should aim bcreate M0 tears whose pos values ar as simar “Te mumber of player in each seer oss have fo 06 the same, but ihe if neither team has meve than one ployer ‘more than opponent (eg, hee payers versus four players is better than vera fe) Hove, hi less important than having roughly the same points values for each se. “The layers in a team each command thei coun ery. The rules affecting one payers Uns dant afect the units belonging to Bote payer onthe some side So or example, the Res OF Bate’ rule tht apples ta Space Marine Commanders vwould ony apply 6 the Seace Marine Unis fom the owning players army sie is sste has the benefit of far and balance, can lea 0 some “unusual allarces, to sy he least. You may want to cosider sig the Ales ‘atx on page 198 to dese which team each player belongs te. Spasking personaly | ane Ike the sarge aliorces this system rests, and enoy the challenge of coming us wits a cemplanaten of how the alance came about but your taste may vr. Forces per side Gaming area size 3,000 pots a8 5,000 points exe 0,000 pois 2x8 20,000 points 2x8 (As 8 rough gue, you should have about one square fot oF paying are for every 100 poses wart of models on the gest am. 20 FIGHTING aPacaLyeTi¢ BATTLES ‘5. PREPARE BATTLEFIELD ‘An apoaltcbati requires a sutably large paying area anc enough terain 70 Ait The sie of table requed can vary quite a bt, denending upon the ames ‘hat ate filed. As avule of thumb we'd recommend the gaming ata ses shown Inthe chart below. Pate note thar shings may get cronded,especal with armies Tee Ors ana Tyros that have aso cheap f09pe Astute readers wil have noticed th table szesve quoted apart fom valet ane bated on sing several 6 by 2 tables together. Sa the 6" by & abe is, made up of 9 6 by tables se by Si, Eight fet abou the maximum ‘sth tha can be used ards aor players to reach the mide, wie wen four feet aout the mau length than ean be used without the table Starting to look too long an thn We provides some gules later on the book if you fel he nee foe an even larger plying area shar that provided by a 2¢ foot long table (jou might want to use ‘the floor, and you vl ao find Informsten on mere urusua ble set-ups (ee pages 66t0 71 ts the table eed, you nee to fl it wit tan. The Warhammer 40,000, rulebook ecorsmendls tht aecut 25% of the table be covered inte © find that ths maces for an avy crowded Apocaiypes batted, quite side fom All the tees have bean clumped together to form a forested area The wide open spaces vil soon be filed wit tanks and oo: any issues to do with how you get rough erin femurs tof a quate of 524 by table Instead you shou by yout hands on as much tea a you can be then setup any mutually oreable manner |vecormend ‘Cumping' the teint frm large ‘features rather than spreading i every aver the batiefel for example you could clump a of he bulkings te create town, al ofthe woods to crate a forest ard on. Dont wory there are some fay wide-open spaces on tre table vyou' son Fil ther with troops The last thing you need t do at this stage sto chide the playing aea ino wo Gepleyment zones separtes by a 12 Wide area of ova end Toca thi, rola scatter ce and place a marker on ‘he point ofthe table edge wher he diecton row is perting. Then place @ Second mater as far asi is possble to (get fom the fis pin If thee xe wo oF more such pons, use the one hat most dosaly Spt the paying aca nto ra Nowr draw a straight Ine det between the two pants: ro-an’s and stetches 6" either ae of hs ne ee randomly seected payor now picks fone ef te to seer on ethers oF ho-man$ lend a his ies deployment Zone the opposing side wil use the femainng area on the ote ses of vm’ ed A few hile can become tactical Jimgortane during the bat. ‘tad city uns are laced to Iorerent 2 vartorn urban ace,

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