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Understanding Gold Plating

Peter Wilkinson
Engelhard Limited, Cinderford, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

For effective operation, gold plating baths must require the minimum of attention in respect of replenisbment and replacement,
and mustproduce as little sub-standard or reject work aspossible.
To acbieve this, an understanding of the processes involved and
thefactors affecting them is advantageous. Tbis article attempts to
provide such an understanding in a simple manner. Special attention is given to the plating of gold from acid baths containing
monovalentgold complexes.

The use of gold as a comact material on connectors,

switches and prmed circuit boards (PCB's) is now well established. There is also an awareness that only gold deposits from
acid (pH 3.5-S.) gold(I) cyanide baths comaining cobalt,
nickel or iron as brightening agents have the appropriate
properties for a contact materiaL Gold deposits from: pure
gold(I) cyanide baths; from such baths comaining organic
materiais as brightening agents; or from electrolytes containing
gold in the form of the gold(I) sulphite complex, do not have
the sliding wear resistance which is necessary for make and
break connections (1).
1t was known for many years that deposits from acd gold(I)
cyanide baths brightened with cobalt, nickel or iron comained
about 0.25 per cem of base metal, but this did not explain why
their densities (16.0-17.0g/cm 3) were so much lower than the
density of pure gold deposits (19.3 g/cm3). The classical experiment of Munier (2), in which she dissolved the gold of the
brightened deposits in aqua regia vapour to reveal a polymer
network, showed that deposits of this type were much more
complex than was formerly thought.
In what follows, an carlier account (3) of the factors involved in the formulation and operation of acd gold plating
baths is brought up to date. Brief accounts are also included of
the electrodeposition of gold from gold(III) cyanide baths and
from gold(I) sulphite baths.
The Formulation of Gold Electrolytes
Range ofElectroiytes Available

There are only three complexes of gold which are suitable

for commercial use in gold plating baths. By far the most important are the cyanic\e and sulphite complexes of gold(1), of
which the potassium derivatives are KAu(CN}2 and K3Au(S0 3 )2
GotdButl., 1986, 19, (3)

Other gold(l) complexes, such as those with thiomalate and

thiosulphate have been considered, but it is doubtful if they
will ever find commercial application.
In terms of electricity consumed, gold(I) baths are more
efficient than gold(III) baths. Thus, assuming 100 per cem
efficiency, 100 amp-min will deposit 12.25 g of gold from a
monovalent gold complex, but only 4.07 g from a trivalem gold
Nevertheless, deposition from acid gold(III) cyanide baths
has merit in the plating of acid resistant substrates such as stainless steels, to which electrodeposited gold normally adheres
badly because of their passivated surfaces. Hence, these baths
can also be used to produce decorative gold alloy coatings on
such substrates.

111e Deposition Process

Figure 1is a schematic diagram ofwhat is thought to happen
during rhe deposition of a metal from a solurion of one of its
The cathode attracts predominantly positive ions to a region
near its surface whch is known as the Helmholtz double layer.
In addition, negatively charged cornplex ons, such as the
Au(CN); ons present in the gold(I) cyanide plating baths,
which approach this layer become polarised in the electric
field of the cathode.
The distribution of the ligands around the metal is thereby
distorted and the diffusion of the complex ion into the Helmholtz layer is assisted.
Finally, within the Helmholtz layer the complex breaks up.
Its component ligand ions or molecules are freed and the metal
released in the form of the positively charged metal cation
which s deposted as the metal atom on the cathode.

It will be appreciatecl from this simple picture of events at

the cathocle, that the ease of gold deposition from gold(I)
cyanide baths, which comain gold in the form of Au(CN); ons,
will depenei on the ease with which these ons dissociate into
Au + and C ions, thus:


Au+ + iC

The mass action law dictates that for a reversible reaction:


a constam

[Au+][c )'
where [Au(CN);], [Au+] and (CN-] are the concentrations ofthe
respective ons in solution .
This constant (4) provides a measure of the stability of the
Au(CN);complex anel is referred to as its stability constam {32
(the subscript 2 indicates that the reaction is two stage).
The value of {32 for the Au(CN); ion has been determined as
10383 . This is exceedingly large anel implies that the equilibrium
in reaction (1) is far to the left and that the Au(CN); ion is a
very stable one. Moreover, it indicares that the concentration
[Au+] of Au+ ons is given by equation:

[Au + ] = [CN-2 ]

. 10-383

This is an exceedingly low concentration and it would appear

as f reasonable rates of deposition of gold from gold(I)
cyanide solutions are possible only because of the polarisation
of Au(CN); ons which approach the cathode surfaces anel their
decomposition in accord with equation 1 within the Heimholtz
The electrodeposition of gold from its other complexes is
thought to occur in asimilar manner.

Gold(I) Cyanide Baths

These may be operated under alkaline, neutra! or acid conditons. Under acid conditions, the value of [Au +] is increased as
a result of the equilibrium reaction:

in which the formation of undissociated HCN is strongly

favoured. Acid gold(I) plating baths are therefore characterised
by low free cyanide on concentrations. However, uncler alkaline conditions and especially if potass m cyanide is present,
the value of [CN-) is greatly increased. Following equations 1 to
3 this means that in acid baths the value of [Au+ ] is increased,

whereas in alkaline baths it is decreased. Despire the fact that

the stability constam of the Au(CN); on is unchanged, this
complex ion therefore appears to be less stable in acid than in
alkaline media. The range of usefulness of gold(I) cyanide
baths in acid media is limited , however, by the tendency of the
Au(CN); complex to decompose at pH' s below about 3 with
precipitation of AuCN thus:
Au(CN); ---7 AuCN +C
Both polarographic and potentiometric studies have shown
that the gold(III) cyanide complex Au(CN):; is formed in acid
gold(I) cyanide plating baths during operation, presumably by
oxidation at the anode (5,6). It is important to realise that any
gold oxidised to the trivalent state in this manner is not available for deposition at the cathode because gold(I) anel hydrogen are preferentially deposited. The efficiency of the bath
therefore falls, not because some gole! is being deposited from
gold(III) cyanide, but because the effective concentration of
gold(I) cyanide in the bath has been reduced. Also gold(III) is
ju st as susceptible to 'drag out' as the gold(I) anel the metal's
valency does not affect its price.
Modem acid gold(I) cyanide baths are therefore formulated
with the addition of a mild reducing agent so as to minimise the
formatiori of gold(III) cyanide, but baths formulated severa!
years ago can give rise to gold(III) cyanide formation especially
under unusual plating conditions, such as wire plating. Since
the gold(III) complex is also very stable, it is better to prevent
its formation than to reduce it back to golcl(I) cyanide.
GoldBull., 1986, 19, (3)

Gold(III) Cyanide Baths

As has been indlcated above, acid gold(I) cyanide plating
baths are normally operated at pH values between 3.5 anel 5.
They cannot be operated at pH values less than 3.5, since under
such acid conditions the gold is precipitated as AuCN. Moreovcr, deposits from acid gold(I) cyanide baths have little ductility so that platecl articles cannot be subscquently deformecl
without risk of cracks developing in the surface coating. These
anel other limitations of acid gold(I) cyanide baths have stimulated studies in recent years of the deposition of gold from
golei(III) cyanide baths.
Thus, a method for the preparation ofHAu(CN) 4 anel the formulation of gold plating baths baseei upon this gole! complex
were descrlbed in 1971 (7). The baths wcrc found to have excellem plating characteristics at pH values from 0.1 to 5.0, anel
gave optimum performance in the pH range 1.0 to 3.0. They
typically comained the gold complex, a citrate, phosphate or
tartrate, a weak organic acid and a mineral aciel such as phosphoric acid.
Then in 1979 the plating of gold strikes on stainless steel
substrates using gold(III) cyanide baths was claimed (8).
Potassium nitrate was usec:l as the electrolyte in these baths anel
ethylenediamine hydrochloride as a complexant.
cobalt, copper, tin anel indium could be incorporated as alloying constituents anel the bath operated at pH's preferably less
than 1.5.
The gold(III) cyanide complex was generated directly by
warming a solution containing KAuC1 4, KN03 anel KCN, the pH
of which was subsequently adjusted by adelitions of hydrochloric acid. This gave rise to evolution of chlorine at the anode
and severe corrosion problems, so that significam exploitation
of the patent elid not follow, though the deposition of gold-tin
a!loy coatings from baths ofthis type has been claimed (9).
More rccently (10-11), a study of the galvanic deposition of
gold anel gold alloys from baths baseei upon potassium
gold(III) cyanide has resulteel in the formulation of chlorielefree baths which are finding limited application for special purposes. Not only are the deposits bright, harcl anel relatively free
from non-metallic componems, but they are also ductile anel
rdatively pore-free. They have low contact resist:ance which is
not affected by heat.
These propenies can be modifieel by adclitions of alloying
metais such as Co, Ni, In, Sn, Zn or Cd. Other components of
the baths may incluele an amine, amino acid or phosphonic
acicl, with the pH beng aeljusted preferably to between 0.6 anel
2,0 by the aeldition of phosphoric acid or sulphuric acid or mixtures of these, plus citric acid, phosphate anel sulphate. Adclition of chlorides to the baths was scrupulously avoideei.
Other gold(III) cyanide baths (12,14) have also been developecl recently.

GoldBull., 1986, 19, (3)

It must be stressecl, however, that these baths are not usecl

commercially to any great extent. The deposits they yield cannot be used in contact applications in electronics because their
wear resistance is inadequate against existing gold plated contacts. Also the rates of deposition from them are slow so they
cannot be used in modem high speed equipment. Moreover,
they are corrosive.
Apart from the chloride-free baths discussed above, other
modem gold(III) baths are available commercially which do
contain chloride but which contain substances which prevent
formation of chlorine at the anode.
At present gold(III)Icobalt and golci(III)/nickel baths are
used for plating stainless steel or chromium with flash coatngs
of gold (about 0.1 ,um thick).
A gold(III)/indium bath has also been cleveloped which
yields deposits suitable for clecorative applications on such substrates where an extremely light yellow colour is desired.

Sulphite Baths
Dissociation of the gold(I) sulphite complex occurs by the
Au(SO);- ;:= Au+

+ 2SO -

It is much less stable than the gold(l) cy:micle complex anel its
stability constam is of the orcler of 1010 or about 1028 times less
than that ofthe Au(CN); complex:



[S0 -)2

However, at neutra! anel acicl pH va[ues the complex is

unstable. Significam reactions which occur under these conditions are:

2HS03 + 4e -c> Sp - + 20W (at the cathode)


The formaton ofthe dlthionate ion sp -, which is a powerful reducing agent, leads to a gradual reduction of the gold
complex to metallic gold (14). Below pH 4.7 the sulphite ion
breaks down.
Reduction of the gold compiex between pH 4.7 and 8.0 can
be clecrased considerably by strengthening the sulphite complex with ethylenediamine (16) or by adding an oxidising
agent, like picric acid, that will react with the dithionate at a
faster rate than the gold sulphlte complex. However, the use of
these additives makes the bath contrai difficult and is not completely effective.

Although brightness in itself is not importam in gold plating
for electronic applications, it is associated with other desirable
qualities such as wear resistance and lack of porosity.
Brighteners for gold electrodeposits are of three types:
O Organic substances such as polyethyleneimines and high
molecular weight polyamines. TI1ese operate by selective
absorption within the Helmholtz double layer, usually
causing an increase in polarisation. They are adsorbed
onto the more prominent growth points so that the gold
is deposited preferentially on other parts of the cathode
surface, producing a levelling and brightening effect. Invariably the organic additive is incorporated into the
structure of the deposit with adverse effects on its physical properties, especially wear resistance. The wear resistance can, however, be improved by co-depositing a
second metal such as cadmium.
O Co-deposited metais and semi-metais such as arsenic,
thallium, selenium, lead etc. The use of these causes depolarisation and they produce only lustrous deposits
from cyanide baths but fully bright deposits from sulphite
baths. They operate at extremely low concentrations of a
few ppm and this has resulted in a number of theories as
to how they work, but only one the01y withstands examination. In this theory the semi-metais are regarded as
being adsorbed evenly on the cathode surface where they
catalytically enhance the nucleation of the gold. In the absence of these brighteners the gold nucleates at growth
points such as crystal dislocations on the cathode, but the
catalytic effect of the semi-metal encourages more even
deposition by creating more growth points (17). The
effect can be termed catalytic because the charged
species, for example TI , is available for readsorption.
The mechanism is even more efi:lcient for sulphite golds.

O Co-deposited transitional metais such as cobalt, nickel

and iron. For coatings used as contact materiais on
connectors and PCB's, these are the most important
In describing the brightening action of transitional metais,
cobalt can be taken as the example but the same arguments
appiy to some other metais. It has been known for some time
that cobalt brightened gold deposits contain carbon (18,) in fact
if a deposit does not contain at least 0.1 per cent carbon it will
not be bright. C 14 labelling techniques have shown that this
carbon originares in the carbon of the cyanide ligand (19).
In some way the presence of cobalt is responsible for the
creation ofMunier's polymeric material in the gold deposit (2).
Analysis has shown that as well as carbon these deposits also
contain potassium, nitrogen and oxygen. It has been suggested
(20) that a complex such as KCo(Au(CN) 2 ) 3 is formed and it is
this material that acts as a brightener.
In a piating bath this complex is visualised as being formed
within the Helmholtz double layer. Under the usual operating
conditions it is only vety slightly soluble, so that as it is formed
it is adsorbed onto the cathode in an analogous manner to
organic brighteners. Any parameter that increases the solubility
of KCo(Au(CN) 2 \, such as high pH or high temperature, would
be expected to reduce its brightening effect. This is in accord
with the fact that these transitional metais act as brighteners
only in acid gold cyanide baths, whereas the semi-metais can
brighten deposits from a much wider range of goid electrolytes. If this understanding is correct we should expect to find
K, Co, C and N present in the brightened deposits in the same
atomic proportions as those in which they are present in
KCo(AU(CN)J 3, i.e. the atomic ratios of K:Co:C:N in acid gold
deposits should be 1:1:6:6.
In practice these ratios can vaty enormously, the K:Co vmying from 1.0:0.4 to 1.0:5.5 depending on the electrolyte and the
operating conditions (21). The Co:C ratio can vary from 1:3 to
1:10 (22). However, the atomic ratio of C:K is fairly constant at
3:1 (22), and the potassium in these deposits increases linear!y
with the electrolyte potassium concentration.
These results do not rule out KCo(Au(CN) 2) 3 as the main
brightening agem but they strongly indlcate that these elements
are also present in other forms, for instance some workers have
identified elemental cobalt, CoOOH and cobalt cyanide in acid
goid deposits (23,24).
Although the formation of KCo(Au(CN)J 3 is significam in
that t explains many characteristics of the acid gold process, it
may well be that this substance is only an important intermediare in the deposition process. It may be that other reactions contribute to the brightening process, namely the inclusion of potassium, the reductlon and deposition of cobalt,
and the formation of complex cyanides and polymers.
GoldBull., 1986, 19, (3)

Operating Parameters of Gold(I) Cyaoide Baths

pH influences the bath in a nurnber of ways. High pH
(- 5.0) allows a higher concentration of free cyanide and
therefore cyanocobaltate formation is greater. Also at higher pH
the solubility of KCo(Au(CN) 2 ) increases so that its brightening
ability is reduced. As mentioned earlier, chelates are used to
contrai the supply of cobalt to the double layer and chelating
strength s pH dependem. Finally, as the bath operates the pH
will rise, and to counter this acid gold baths need to be well
buffered. pH also affects efficiency in that the lower the pH, the
higher the concentration of hydrogen ons; this favours depostion of hydrogen instead of gold .

A typical composition of an acid gold deposit that is bright,

has fairly low internai stress and is hard wearing is given in
Table I. These figures agree fairly well wth those predicted by
the KCo(Au(CN) 2)3theory.
The presence in an acid gold plating bath of a strong ligand
for cobalt can interfere with the formation of KCo(Au(CN)) 3
and the brightening action, by removing cobalt ons from the
system. Thus, if cobalt is added as the ethylenediamine tetraacetate complex, an overall cobalt concentration of about 6 gte
may be required to provide sufficient cobalt ons to allow the
formation of KCo(Au( CN)2)3.
There is, however, an extremely strong ligand in all acid
gold cyanide baths, namely cyanide itself. The cyanocobaltate
complex Co(CN)r is one of the most stable complexes known
(4), so much so that when complexed to Co(III), cyanide ceases
to be toxic. More significantly, when cobalt is complexed with
cyanide it is no longer available to form KCo(Au(CN)J 3 . The
formation of cyanocobaltate is encouraged by high Co(III) concentration and high free cyanide concentration:
In an acid gold system the free cyanide concentration is very
Iow, as any free cyanide tends to form undissociated HCN, but
at higher pH free cyanide concentrations are increased.
Therefore lt is importam, when baths are analysed for cobalt, that the analysis should differentiate between 'inert' and
'active' cobalt. Although the effect is notas strong when iron or
nickel are used as brightening agems, it is nevertheless still
operative in baths containing these brighteners.
As yet there is insufficiem evidence to say conclusvely what
the state of the as-deposited cobalt is, but all observers are now
agreed that there is non-metallic material present and that
some, if not ali, the cobalt is present in thc form of a cyanide
complex. However, the KCo(Au(CN\) 3 theory does provide an
explanatjon of the observed b haviour of cobalt-brghtencd
acid gold baths.
GoldBull., 1986, 19, (3)

Increasing ternperature increases the solubility of
KCo(Au(CN) 23) , and this leads to decreasing brightness. Chelating strengths are also temperature dependem. The effects of
higher temperature can usually be corrected by increasng the
gold and cobalt concentrations .
Darrel PJating
A barrei can act like a semi-permeable membrane by creating a separate catholyte within the barrei. Within the anolyte
compartment the cd+ concemration increases, whilst within
the catholyte the pH and free cyanide increases . When the barrei is removed and allowed to drain, the two solutions mix and
there is a rapid formation of cyanocobaltate. These effects can
be cmmtered by maint.aining a low pH, increasing the flow of
electrolyte through the barrei and by using the largest possibl e
volume of electrolyte.
High Speed PJating
High speed acid gold solutions are designed to produce the
same type of deposit as convemional vat plating . In order to do
this it is usual to increase the gold and cobalt contem so as to
prevent local depletion around the cathode. For the same
reason agitation in, high speed plating becomes critica!: jet
plating is necessary to produce thc required turbulence for
very high current densities. Higher temperatures are needed to
reinforce the effect ofturbulence.
The main characteristics of high speed plaing are the high
anodic and cathodic current densities. Various effects result
from this: the pH rises faster; more Co3+ is produced; conversion to cyanocobaltate is faster; anel organic chelates tend to be
anodically oxidised. As far as brightness alone is concerned,
semi-metais are better additives at very high current densities.
Recently, a number of acd gold processes have been developed which make use of organic addltives to increase the cu rrem density range of baths for deposition of cobalt and nickel
brightened acid golds. This enables high speed plating to be
done at lower concentrations than was previously possible.


By efficiency we mean that proportion of the applied current, usually expressed as a percentage, that results in the deposition of gold. The remaining current s responsible for the
reduction of other species.
The reacton below is of little importance in terms of current consumption but the formation and adsorption of
KCo(Au(CN) 2\ increases the polarisation and thus encourages
the deposition of hydrogen:

Any parameters that encourage the formation of

KCo(Au(CN) 2 \, will therefore decrease the efficiency, for
example low pH, high free cobalt concentration, low temperature.
The use of the correct chelating agents will control the availability of cobalt ons and thus the formation of KCo(Au(CN\) 3
so that the best compromise between brightness and efficiency
can be achieved.
The effect of impurities can be exemplified by considering
lead, which can act as a semi-metal brightener, but which in a
cobalt acid gold bath inhibits the formation of KCo(Au(CN)) 3.
In the light ofwhat has been discussed above about the catalytic
effects produced in semi-metal brightening, it will be seen that
lead could be expected to interfere with the formation of the
brightener and cause depolarisation and an increase in effciency. Most semi-metais interfere in this way, but Group 4
contaminants are more acceptable, at least in fairly low concentration.
Compared with most base metal plating baths, precous
metal baths have a low metal concentration in order to reduce
inventory costs.
Nearly all the currem in such baths is carried by the conducting salt, which is in relatively high concentration. lhe
Au(CN); on is not electrostatically attracted to the cathode and
the supply of gold to the Hejmholtz double layer is thus diffusion dependem. Agitation is therefore mportant as a means
of ncreasing the supply of both gold and brightener to the
cathode. This has both advantages and disadvantages in that
high agitation can increase efficiency, but it also makes distribution worse by ncreasing the efficiency relatvely more at
high current densities than at low current densities.
Modem selective plating techniques have reduced the problems of metal distribution on the substrate and one of the other
beneflts of the new current .density extending additves is that
they also improve distribution.

Physical P:roperties ofDeposits

The physical properties of gold deposits will now be considered in the Iight ofthe above.
The hardness of a gold deposit is due to its structure or the
impurities in the deposit or both. With acid cyanide deposits
there is ao almost direct relationship between hardness and
base metal contem, and it is possible to vary the hardness of a
deposit by varying the chelate concentration in the electrolyte.
With organically brightened golds the hardness increases with
increasing brightener concentration, the causes of the increased hardness being higher impurity levei and greater grain
refining. The hardness of sulphite golds can be comrolled by
the amount of free brightener, usually arsenic, in the electrolyte
but in ths case the hardness is not due to arsenic in the deposit
but to grain refining. It has now been realised that the reiationship between hardness and wear resistance is not simple
and straightforward, so that hardness is not regarded as beng
as importam as it used to be.
Wear Resistance
Wear resistance is not a definite physical property but
depends on very complex interactions of numerous factors.
Hence, when comparing wear resistance it is importam that the
same experimental technique is used. Bright deposits have better wear resistance than dull deposits, acid gold bath. deposits
are better than organically brightened deposits, and these in
turn have better wear properties than semi-metal brightened
cyJ.nide or sulphite golds. The cobalt brightened acid golds
have a fine grained structure with a polymer framework which
gives a tough deposit, whilst arsenic brightened sulphite deposits are very fine grained and almost amorphous; their fine
graned structures being easly deformed. Organically brightened golds show acceptable wear resistance against themselves, but against the tough resilent deposits of an acid gold
bath they are unacceptable.
More recent work (20) has indicated that the levei of potassium has an important influence on the sliding wear resistance
of acid gold deposits. However, as the atomic ratios of K:C and
C:N in such gold deposits are fairly constant, it could be that the
potassum levei is oniy an indication of other features in the
deposits which are responsible for their improved wear resstance.
If the pre-treatment of the substrate is effective, the fine
grained deposts from a semi-metal brightened deposit show
less porosity than acid gold deposits. Unfortunately the deposit
structure factors that reduce porosity tend to preclude other
desirable propertes.
GoldBu.ll., 1986, 19, (3)

The study of the formation of pores in acid gold deposts has

made the formulation of low-porosity aciel golds possible, but
pretreatment still remains the most important factor in controlling porosity.

There are a number of theories that attempt to explain stress
in electrodeposits; none of them are entirely satisfactory and
only two will be considered.
The excess energy theory (23) states that an on must pass an
energy barrer in arder to leave its ligand field and become an
atom in a solid lattice. This additional energy barrier is respmsble for polarisation . Once over this energy barrier, the atom
will have excess energy which is converted into heat so that
each freshly deposited layer s hotter than the rest of the sold.
On cooling this gives rse to tensile stress. The relatively high
stress in aciel golds anel the low stress in sulphite golds is explained in this way. On this basis, however organically
brightened gold should be high in tensile stress anel this is not
necessarily so.
The dislocaton theory (24,25) states that impurities cause
extra dislocations in the metallattce , which cause stress in acid
golds and sulphite golds. In terms of this theory certain
organics should give rise to compressive stress because they
disguise some of the surface vacancies which lead to dislocations.
It is known from empirical observations that a deposit containing more than 0.3 per cem w/w Co or Ni will probably be
too highly stressed, and ths would fit in with the second theory.
Stress s probably generated in more than one way and it is
unlikely, therefore, that one theory wll ever supply ali the

Table 11 shows the densities of acid gold deposits. The figure
for pure gold deposit s induded .
The much lower density of cobalt anel nickel brightened
acid gole! deposits cannot be explained on the simple assumption that the deposit contains 0.2 per cent cobalt or nickel_. For
the density to have fallen so much, the structure of the gold deposit must have been expanded by the inclusion of relatively
lightweight material.
It has been indicated above that in acid gold deposits up to
10 per cent of the atoms are not gold but are much lighter elements. This explains their lower density.

The early acid gole! processes were developed empirically
and it is only in the past few years that the relationship between
the composition anel operating parameters of the electrolyte,
and the composition anel performance of the deposits have
begun to be understood. If significant advances are to be
achieved, a more rigorous theoretical basis is required as a
guide in exploring avenues of future development . O

Acknowledgement: This paper incorporates contents from an earlier publiGition (3)

by the author. They are reproduced with the permssion of the Institute of Mera! Finishing.

1 ]. Souter, Trans.I.E.E.E. Part 1,Hybrid Pack, March 1974, 18
2 G.U. Munier,Plating, 1969,56,1151-1157
3 P. Wilkinson, Trans.lnst.Met. Finish., 1981,59,57-60
4 'Stability Constants', Chem. Soe., Special Publcation No . 17, 1964, 111
and 109
5 A. Knodler ,Meta llobeiflache , 1979, 33, 7
6 Y Okinaka, West.Elect. Eng., 1978,22, (2), 72-81
7 E.Freedman and].N . Shea, U.S.Pat.3598706, 1971
8 A. Fletcher and W.L. Moriarty, U.S.Pat. 4168214, 1979
9 Oxy Metallndustries, GeJmanPat. DE-OS 2658003, 1976
10 W. Zilske, GennanPat. DE-OS 3012999 Al, 1981
11 ].M. Deuber and HJ. Luebke, '72 nd nn. Tech. Conf. Proc., Am. Electroplaters' Soe.,' 1985, G3
12 Arakawa KakoKKJpn. Pat.Appl. 57174487,1981

GoldBull, 1986, 19, (3)

13 ArakawaKako KK,]pn. Pat. Appl. 57203787,1981

14 Arakawa Kako KK,jpn. Pat. Appl. 57203788, 1981
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' 17 S.T. RaoandR. Weil, Trans.lnst.Met. Finish ., 1979,57,97-101
18 D.R. Mason andA. Blair, Trans.Inst. Mel. Finish., 1972, SO, 138-140
19 L. HoltandJ . Stanyer, Translnst.Met. Finish., 1972, SO, 24-27
20 E.T. Eisenmann,]. Electrochem. Soe., 1977,124,1957-1958
21 J. Souterel a/., 'Connectors '85, Leicester', 1985,43
22 P. Wilkinson and C.Martin, 'ler Conf.Brune! University', 1984
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