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[A.C. No. 3808. February 2, 2000]

RAYMUNDO T. MAGDALUYO, complainant, vs. ATTY. ENRIQUE L. NACE, respondent.
In a verified complaint filed with the Office of the Bar Confidant on March 17, 1992, complainant
Raymundo T. Magdaluyo accused respondent Atty. Enrique T. Nace of acts amounting to deceit and gross
Complainant alleged that he is the registered owner of parcels of land situated in Antipolo, Rizal. In 1991,
he conducted dialogues with squatters - among them respondent - living on said land and offered to
relocate them to another portion of the land. The squatters refused, and on August 21, 1991, filed a
complaint against complainant before the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (PARAB). They
claimed to be tenants on complainant's land and, thus, could not be forcibly ejected.
Almost three months later on November 14, 1991, the squatters - again including respondent - also filed a
case against complainant before the Regional Trial Court of Antipolo for the annulment or cancellation of
complainant's land titles. This time, they claimed to be owners, not mere tenants, of the land. They traced
their alleged ownership to an old Spanish title.
In view of the conflicting causes of action in the agrarian and the civil cases, the DAR Provincial
Adjudicator dismissed the squatters' complaint before the PARAB for lack of jurisdiction. At the same time,
the civil case was also dismissed for lack of cause of action. The RTC ruled that the squatters' claim of
ownership based on an old Spanish title could not defeat complainant's claim under a Torrens title.
Complainant filed this complaint against respondent inasmuch as he was a party to both the agrarian and
civil suits. He accused respondent of having deliberately committed a falsehood and of forum-shopping,
and prayed that proper disciplinary sanctions be imposed against respondent.
Respondent denied complainant's allegations. He stated that the agrarian case was filed not by him but by
a federation of farmers and, therefore, not his personal responsibility. He denied having committed forumshopping since, according to him, the two cases involved different causes of action.
This matter was referred to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines for the proper investigation, report, and
In its report, the IBP notes that respondent failed to appear during any of the hearings of the case,
prompting complainant to present his evidence ex parte and thereafter submit the case for resolution. Es
Said the IBP in its investigation report:
"...while it may be true at different causes of action are indeed involved, it is their total
inconsistency, nay, total opposition with each other which raises doubts about the
respondent's sincerity. It escapes this Commission [on Bar Discipline] how Respondent
can, in good faith, allege to be a lawful tenant one moment, and be an owner the next.
Respondent herein, as a lawyer, was remiss in his duty to correctly inform the court of
the law and the facts of this case. He failed to allege in his complaint the fact that a prior

dispute had been existing between the parties before the PARAB, thus deceiving the
court and giving it an inaccurate appreciation of facts.
Lastly, respondent was delinquent in his duty as a lawyer to maintain only such suits as
appears to him to be just and such defenses only as he believes to be honestly debatable.
It has long been settled that Spanish titles cannot be used as evidence of land ownership.
Yet respondent dares raise the same in his complaint to defeat Complainant's duly
registered certificate of title. Any lawyer would know that a Spanish title would have no
legal leg to stand on in the face of Transfer Certificate of Title over the same parcel of
The IBP recommends that respondent be reprimanded for his unprofessional and improper acts. Being
fully supported by the evidence on record, we concur with the IBP's findings and recommendation.
Clearly, respondent violated the prohibition in the Code of Professional Responsibility against engaging in
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.[2] He was, indeed, less than sincere in asserting two
conflicting rights over a portion of land that, in all probability, he knew not to be his. What made matters
worse was his participation in bringing such claims to court, knowing them to be contradictory and
therefore cannot both be true, though both could be totally false. In this he is guilty of consenting to if not
actual commission of a falsehood before a court, again in violation of the Code of Professional
As a lawyer, respondent is bound by his oath to do no falsehood or consent to its commission and to
conduct himself as a lawyer according to the best of his knowledge and discretion. The lawyer's oath is a
source of obligations and violation thereof is a ground for suspension, disbarment, [4] or other disciplinary
action.[5] Respondent's acts are clearly in violation of his solemn oath as a lawyer that this Court will not
WHEREFORE, as recommended, respondent Atty. Enrique L. Nace is hereby REPRIMANDED for his
misconduct, with a warning that a repetition of the same or similar act shall be more severely dealt with.
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, Buena, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.

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