Scholarship Acceptance Form PDF

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Name: ..................................................................................................................................
Applicant Number: ...............................................................................................................
School of Study: ..................................................................................................................
Course: ................................................................................................................................
Date of Offer: .......................................................................................................................
I have read and understood the following conditions to the scholarship award, and agree to
comply with them. The conditions of the scholarships are:
1. That all scholarship holders meet all remaining conditions for entry to the University.
2. That scholarship holders successfully complete their academic course of study.
3. That the scholarship shall be awarded for the duration of study, unless stated otherwise.
4. That the award shall be given as a tuition fee scholarship, meaning that fees will be
reduced by the amount specified. No cheque or payment shall be made directly to the
student. The award and the payment of a deposit are not interchangeable. International
students are still required to pay a deposit by the deadline unless they hold a full
5. That scholarship holders remain liable for paying any remaining tuition fees to the
University of East Anglia (UEA).
6. That scholarship holders undertake to write at least one student testimonial whilst
studying at UEA, and they agree that their testimonial and photograph can be used in
publicity material.
7. That scholarship holders agree by accepting this award that upon arrival at UEA and upon
request by the International Office and the Associate Dean (Admissions), that they may be
contacted by a small number of prospective students from their country and/or subject area
to answer simple questions about UEA and/or their course of study.
8. That scholarship holders, upon request, must be prepared to send a testimonial one year
after graduation informing the university of their current position, and how their education at
UEA helped them secure their career goals.
9. That scholarship holders will assist at UEA Open Days/Evenings, where their academic
programme allows them.

10. This offer of a scholarship may be withdrawn if the applicant is in receipt of additional
funding from another source.
11. If an applicant later defers their entry onto the course to a following year, then they will
no longer be considered for the scholarship. The applicant may be considered again the
following year, but an award cannot be guaranteed.
I accept the offer of a place and scholarship to study the above course at the University of
East Anglia. In accepting this place I confirm I have read the above scholarship terms and
conditions and the courses terms and conditions at and I am aware of the duration of the course, tuition fee charges and
required living expenses for my programme of study.
The provision of courses and other arrangements may, with good reason, be subject to
change without notice. Applicants will be notified immediately of any material changes likely
to have a bearing on their application, such as cancellation of, or major modification to
degree programmes, or modules offered, changes to the delivery or location of courses; or
changes to fees and charges to be levied by the University.
Signature ....................................................................... Date: .................................................

You may also scan and email this to the email address on your offer letter.

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