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Our extensive initiatives in the economic, environmental and social arenas were widely
recognized in the number of awards we received. Most notably, we were named as one of the
Worlds 50 Most Admired Companies by Fortune
Magazine in May 2009. Not content to rest on this laurel, we will continue in the companys
efforts to live up to its reputation as a leading global company. Id like to take this opportunity to
deliver our deepest appreciation for the continued interest and support of our valued stakeholders
in this report and our sustainability management. While actively listening to and collecting the
opinions of our stakeholders, we will strive to become a highly respected and admired company
in the eyes of the world and our customers.

About Samsung Electronics

Founded in 1969 in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
manufactures and sells a wide variety of electronic products, communication devices, and
semiconductors. In January 2009, we restructured our organizational structure to better reflect
the respective characteristics of each business sector and the common technology, market and
customer base denominators within its businesses, thereby creating synergies. The previous six
division-based system was separated into a Digital Media & Communications (DMC) business
unit and a Device Solution (DS) business unit.
Today, its global presence includes a total of 111 subsidiaries in the form of production
subsidiaries, sales subsidiaries, distribution subsidiaries, research laboratories and eight overseas
business divisions representing North America, Europe, China, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia,
Central and South America, CIS, the Middle East and Africa.
As of the end of 2008, Samsung Electronics total global employment stands at 161,700, which
break down into 84,464 working in Korea (80,084 regular workers, 900 contractors, 3,356
interns and 124 others) and 77,236 overseas (65,746 regular workers, 2,008 contractors, 4,483
interns and 4,999 temporary workers). Of the total employees, locally-hired employees in
overseas plants accounted for 48% and non-regular workforce numbers 39,308 persons
consisting of 17,470 in Korea (subcontractors an outsourced) and 21,838 persons overseas

(subcontractors, outsourced and promoters). The number is expected to grow further given the
corporate policy of global localization and initiatives to recruit a talented, globally diverse
workforce. On the other hand, R&D members number 42,100, taking up about 26% of the total
staff, of which 34,400 are in Korea. Also aware of the importance and social call for an expanded
female workforce, Samsung Electronics sets quotas for female staff by corporate
policy. As a result, we expect that the number of female managers and executive members will
continuously increase.

Integrity Management at Samsung Electronics

Encouraging Suggestions for Work Process Improvement

Samsung Electronics implements various programs to support employees suggestions so
that ideas can bear fruit. We offer incentives for the filing of patents, provide a knowledge
management system to share expertise and knowledge amongst employees, and support
community activities. We also offer incentives for idea suggestions to encourage our employees
to proactively participate in knowledge sharing within Samsung Electronics. As a result, a total
of 3,515 patents were filed in the U.S. in 2008.

Adopting a Flexible Time program

Samsung Electronics adopted a Flexible Time test program in 2008 in selected business
divisions to maximize the creativity of its employees. This test was the expression of our
determination to shift from a time management-based corporate culture to a creativity-oriented
corporate culture. Under the program, employees are empowered to flexibly manage their office
hours as long as they work a total of eight hours each day. If this test proves successful, we will
expand the program to a company-wide level.

Work-Life Balance
Because social norms have changed, an increasing number of female workers are
participating in economic activities and retaining high potential employees has become the key
to successful business operations. Happiness has become the overarching value of employees
quality life, giving rise to greater social interest in balancing work and life. Therefore, Samsung

Electronics also supports and encourages the employees to balance their work and life. In case
anyone works overtime, their supervisor and the employee are notified to insure they comply
with the legal overtime work requirements. For the creativity of the employees, Samsung
Electronics also provides vacations for self-management and other vacation programs including
family theme tour packages.

Welfare Programs
Samsung Electronics shares and cares about its employees concerns over their health,
childrens education and post-retirement life and helps them prepare for their future in order to
enhance employee satisfaction and provide better working environments. In addition to the basic
legal welfare programs such as premium subsidies for National Pension, Industrial Accident
Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance


Samsung Electronics has a systematic program where the Human Resources Management
(HRM), education and working departments organically collaborate in human resource
development. In addition to its own education programs, Samsung Electronics also operates
various outsourced programs through partnerships with globally prominent universities and
regional specialists to foster a globally competent workforce. Focused on learners, worksites and
mission implementation, the aim of Samsung Electronics HRD program is to have the education
bear actual fruit in business performances. The HRD organization has a dual system, which
includes a company-wide technical research center that promotes the common core competencies
and divisionlevel education organizations that are in charge of the specialized techniques
required for each business unit and onsite practice. Samsung Electronics HRD program employs
a Selection and Focus strategy to enhance digital core competencies to realize the vision of a
world leading company. The digital core competencies have four principles, which are value
sharing, fostering next-generation leaders, strengthening global competencies and developing
technical experts.

Value Sharing as a Constituent

Value Sharing is intended to share our management philosophy, principle, vision and
core values and to solidify our collective determination to pursue continued change. In that
context, we operate differentiated programs by trainee groups of new employees, experienced
new employees and grade level-based change courses (managers, team leaders and executives).
Next Generation Leadership Programs
In order to nurture next-generation leaders who will take the lead in the future initiatives
of leading the digital convergence revolution and becoming a world leading company, Samsung
Electronics strategically selects and fosters next-generation leaders from talented managers and
executives, and maintains a pool of high potential employees at each grade level.
Global Pool of Talent
Samsung Electronics runs a number of systematic foreign language courses to help
employees sharpen their global competencies in English, Chinese, Japanese and other languages.
The one-year course of regional specialist program course trains the candidate pool for future
overseas assignments and provides preliminary education on working requirements and
conditions of overseas plants. Intensive courses are separately prepared for short-noticed
overseas assignments. At the same time, we also send our people to MBA programs at domestic
and internationally prominent universities to enhance
Division-level Courses
The division-level courses are composed of diverse self-development programs that meet
the individual needs of each business area such as technical courses, foreign languages and
computerization. Class-based courses: courses for the newly-promoted and new employees
Technical courses: product-specialized course, basic technology course, production and
manufacturing technique course Quality courses: quality management course, Six Sigma course
Foreign language courses: speech course and test preparation course Computerization courses:
computer course, test (e-Test) preparation course Others: communications / organization
activation courses
New Employee Education
Samsung Electronics helps new employees early adapt to work through new employee
courses that focus on corporate values and core competence enhancement. The one-year course
provides a systematic program

encompassing basic knowledge and job training. In addition, specialized mentoring program
maximizes the self-development of new employees and their competence enhancement.
Fair Evaluation and Compensation for Performance Samsung Electronics evaluates the
achievements of individual employees every year along with their competency evaluation.
Annual salaries are graded based on the comprehensive evaluation results, and respective annual
employment contracts are concluded. Samsung Electronics fair performance evaluation schemes
include interim management systems and formal objection procedures to prevent unfairness in
the evaluation scheme. Under the principles of Non-discriminatory Compensation and
Performance-based Compensation, Samsung Electronics strives to ensure fairness and
competitiveness in its compensation schemes. Accordingly, we apply the identical rate to the
same position grades, irrespective of gender, nationality, religion, social
position or age. Compensation is differentiated only according to performance. The
compensation is delivered in the forms of basic salary and performance-based incentives. The
basic salary has a set table of grade-based schemes and the incentives are differentially paid
according to achievements against targets. The incentive program is divided into individual
performance incentives and group performance incentives. The group performance incentives
program is also segmented into productivity incentive and profit sharing. The global
compensation system basically follows a merit based adjustment method, with local discretion in
setting wage systems in compliance with the local regulations of each nation. Respecting Human
Rights and Diversity
Equal Opportunity and Non-discrimination
The Samsung Code of Conduct prohibits discrimination in employment, assignment,
promotion, payment, education andretirement based on academic and / or regional backgrounds,
gender, religion and race. In order to promote female workers participation in economic
activities, Samsung Electronics applies quotas for new recruitment.In 2008, Samsung Electronics
has no cases of violation of the anti-discrimination regulations including gender discrimination.
Prohibition of Forced and / or Child Labor
Samsung Electronics strictly prohibits forced labor and child labor under aged 15 by the
Employment Standards Act. Korea was asignatory to the International Labor Organization (ILO)
in 1991 and ratified the international convention on child labor. In strict accordance with the
international convention, we prohibit forced and child labor in all our business premises

including overseas plants, while complying with local regulations. We ensure that all our
employees are aged over 18 years. In case of hiring an underage person, we collect and keep in
custody a copy of their family records with their age and the signed, written consent of their
parent or guardian.
Human Rights Education
Samsung Electronics conducts regular education courses to help employees build a
desirable human network and protect human rights. We have a Mutual-Respect Corporate
Culture course and Workplace Manners course. The mutual-respect corporate culture course
is an annual mandatory course for all employees to help them protect human rights, prevent
sexual harassment and improve relationships.
Female workers account for 35% of Samsung Electronics total workforce in Korea.
Given the female recruitment quota policy, the number will continue to rise and, accordingly, the
number of female managers will increase within the company. Adopting a disabled vocational
trainee program, we encourage and promote disabled employment. We also assist the physicallychallenged with medical expenses, facilities and other welfare programs. In recognition of these
efforts to promote disabled employment, Samsung Electronics was awarded the grand prize of
True Company by the Ministry of Labor in September 2008. Based on the belief that talented
international workers play an important role in the global

Company Overview Employment Status

Labor & Human Rights

Work & Life Balance
Work hours are continuously monitored at Samsung Electronics to promote work-life
balance. In particular, we have introduced a flexible time program for administrative staff so they
can set their own work hours to enhance quality of work life. Work hours at the global
production subsidiaries are adequately managed according to local employment standards and
the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) guidelines.

Labor Union Policy and Labor Council

Samsungs basic HR policy is summarized in the following statement: The workers and
the company will cooperate for mutual advancement based on the principles of co-existence, coprosperity and harmony. Samsung Electronics strives to provide superior working conditions
relative to its peers so that employees do not feel the need for a labor union. All of our business
sites across the globe have a labor council to facilitate dialogue between labor and management.
Other major communication channels include the GWP committee and safety council.
Each of our business sites in Korea has a worker council. Each worker council holds at least one
regular meeting per quarter. The council also gathers when the need arises to discuss matters
such as salary adjustments. It enables grievances and requests to be swiftly conveyed to
management so that the necessary corrective measures can be pursued. Due consideration was
given to employees requests to improve the work environment. In 2010,
the worker council addressed several issues through expanding the flexible time program,
establishing infrastructure for stress relief,
Outplacement Program
Up through 2010, we provided assistance for 2,216 retiring employeesfind new jobs or
start a business through the career development centers. In 2010, we signed an agreement with
the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business to help seasoned specialists find new jobs
at small and mid-size enterprises. In 2011, we plan to offer career planning courses for
incumbent employees.
Major Reasons of Retirement
1. Study 1. Change of Occupation
2. Change of Occupation 2. Family Reason
3. Health Problem 3. Study
4. Domestic Affairs 4. Health problem
5. Contract Expiration 5. Dissatisfied with Type of Work
Performance Evaluation & Benefits
In 2010, Samsung Electronics made upward adjustments in the salaries of all employees
and applied a system of accumulated annual salary for individual workers to differentiate
compensation according to performance. We offer benefits required by law as well as internal

benefit programs to enhance quality of life for employees. Both regular employees and those
working on contract basis can take advantage of numerous benefits which include group
insurance, physical exams, financial aid for medical costs, congratulatory/condolence pay, and
use of leisure facilities. In 2010, we increased the physical exam components to promote the
health of employees.
Child Labor
Discrimination, forced labor and child labor are prohibited in accordance with articles 4, 6 and
16 of the companys rules of employment. In addition, we strictly abide by the 24 ILO
conventions ratified by the Korean government. In 2010, there were no violations of laws and
regulations related to child labor and forced labor.

These are the Hr practices and policies followed in the Samsung corporation.

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