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Subject :


Date :


Time :

3.00p.m. 3.30p.m.

Class :

3 Kambar

Number of Pupils :


Proficiency Level :

Low to intermediate

Focus :


Theme :
Topic :
Content Standard :

World of Knowledge
Water Creatures
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral
in a variety contexts.

Learning Standards :

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:

(b) answering simple Wh-Questions
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Lesson Objectives :

Cross Curricular
Element (EMK) :
Emphases :

Teaching Aids :

1. Answer simple wh-questions orally.

2. Rearrange at least four jumbled up sentences in the worksheet give with neat legible print.
Creative & Innovative
i. CCTS Critical Thinking: Identify main idea.
ii.Multiple Intelligences Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic
iii. Moral Values Love and value environment.
iv. Olympic Values Joy of effort
Dialogue, worksheet

Set induction
(3 minutes)

Teaching & Learning Strategy/ Activity

Letter chain
MI: Linguistic, Intrapersonal
1. Teacher writes a letter chain on the blackboard.
2. Teacher randomly chooses any pupil to come to
Eg: Pbbbovvvrbbcvvubbpbbivvnvvve
the front and erase the letter that instructs by the
3. Teacher writes all the letters that is left on the
board and asks pupils to read.
4. Teacher relates to the lesson.


Input and information

1. Teacher shows picture of Porcupine Fish.
Teaching materials: Picture on Porcupine Fish
2. Teacher describes the fish and shows the parts of MI: Spatial, Linguistic
its body.
3. Teacher allows pupils to ask any question if they
do not understand.
4. Teacher asks simple question if it is necessary.

(12 minutes)

Listen and Answer Question

Teaching Materials: dialogue about Porcupine Fish.
1. Teacher plays a dialogue recording about Example of questions:
Porcupine Fish
1. What did Philip see in the documentary?
2. Pupils listen to the audio twice in order to get gist
2. How does a porcupine fish swell its body?
3. When will the porcupine fish swell its body?
of the dialogue.
4. What is on the porcupine fishs body?
3. Teacher asks a few wh-questions and the pupils
5. True or false. A porcupine fish is not poisonous.
need to answer the question orally.
4. Pupils need to raise their stick name in order for
teacher picks them to answer the question.
5. Teacher can helps them by giving them clue if
they cannot answer.
6. Teacher can corrects them if they pronounce the
words wrongly.
Jumbled sentences (worksheet)


(7 minutes)

(3 minutes)

1. Teacher distributes the worksheet.

MI: Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic
2. Pupils listen to the instruction given by the Moral Value: Love and value environment
3. The worksheet requires the pupils to rearrange
the word into a sentence.
4. Pupils need to rearrange the words in order to get
a complete sentence.
5. Teacher can gives clue to those who are weak.
Passing balloon
1. Teacher passes a balloon to the pupils.
2. Pupils need to pass the balloon to their friends
while the music plays.
3. Teacher stops the music.
4. Pupil who holding the balloon needs to tell the
class what they have learnt.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson.

MI: Bodily Kinesthetic, linguistic, interpersonal

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