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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334

www.stp hil ip neri pd

P ari sh O f f ic e 503.2 31.495 5 | Fax 503 .736. 138 3

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the

Paulists committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be
welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach
out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creation through
worship, education, and service toward the common good.

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 18, 2015

JOBS? presented by Fr. Bob Cary, CSP, will be

Saturday, Jan. 24 in Carvlin Hall. A look at how our

work is connected to scripture, church teaching and
our own experience to help us bridge the gap
between Sunday and the rest of the week. Call the
office to register or email [email protected]
so we can plan materials and refreshments.
This workshop will also provide a special integration
into the initial meeting for those interested in the
Paulist Associate program on Sunday, Jan. 25 after
the 9:30am Liturgy.


Fr. Bob Cary, CSP, will preach at our Masses next

weekend for the annual Paulist Appeal. The Paulists
rely on each of us to support them in their ministry.
We can support them by sharing our faith, with our
prayers, but most importantly in financial support to
help fund their ministries and to care for those living
and working in senior ministry. The Paulists have
been part of our parish history since the founding
over 100 years ago. Please be as generous as you
can next weekend. There will be brochures with
envelopes in the pews next weekend for your


Is for the Collection for the Catholic Communication

Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel
through Catholic social media activities and enriches our
faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print
media. Half of all proceeds remain in our archdiocese
and support local needs, so please be generous in this


We are celebrating the Rite of Acceptance for our four

RCIA candidates today during the 9:30am Liturgy. The
candidates will be joining us for the French Toast
Breakfast, so please come and introduce yourself to


On Tuesday, Jan. 27th, 7-8:30pm, we will be continuing

the celebration of Christian Unity Week with a seminar
involving several of our Orthodox brethren of


on Jan. 24 at 7:15pm in the Paulist Center


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or from other parts of the world, welcome
& thank you for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection
basket or give to one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact anyone on staff.

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday, January 18 :

For the people of St. Philp Neri

Deaf Community Mass
Maria Thom
Karla Landis DeBaillie
Jack Daly
B- Catholics

Thursday, January 22nd:

9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00pm Mass
8:00am Mass

Bob Finn


Friday, January 23 :
Saturday, January 24th:

12:10pm Mass
8:00am Mass

For Christian Unity

For Paulist Vocations


Sunday, January 25th

4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass

Margaret Capri <B>

Rose Scafidi <B>
Deaf Community Mass



Monday, January 19th:

Tuesday, January 20th:
Wednesday, January 21st:


Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for
you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.
Parish Office Hours
Monday 9am Noon
Tuesday Friday
9am 4pm
503 231-4955
Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of NW Paulist Center
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP .x118
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP .x114
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP ..x113
[email protected]
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison .x107
[email protected]
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson ..x103
[email protected]
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe .x101
[email protected]
Maintenance & Grounds
Ed Danila
[email protected]
Bulletin deadline is Tuesday Noon.

Please pray for:

Family of Jack Daly
Mark Duyck
George and Kay Edens
Gary Thornton

Church Cleaning, Jan. 19-25, Bill Dietzler


Is this the same God who cried out to Adam after his fall and made the
earth tremble? It is! But not as Judge and Punisher but as Saviour, the
Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. The Divine Lover of souls!
[Christmas Sermon, 1870]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and
you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud,
CSP, at (202) 269-2519 and tell him your story.


Please join us for some Quality Tranquility and Peace in our Sanctuary on
Sunday evenings. All are welcome to the Open Sanctuary at Saint
Philip Neri, 6pm-7pm, Sunday, January 25th, February 1st, 8th,
and 15th. Live music, praise and adoration, conversation. Join old
friends, meet new people! We start at 6pm and end at 7pm with
refreshments. Invite your friends and new acquaintances. Our purpose is
to GROW the GROUP! If it is successful we will add more Sundays.


Everyone is invited to join us for a Valentine's Day Benefit Dance on

Saturday, February 14th from 7pm to 11pm. The event is
sponsored by the young adult and middle adult groups, and is open to
people of all ages. Tickets are $10 per person in advance. $15 per person
at the door. All proceeds from the tickets go to Rose Haven, a women's
shelter in west Portland. Music is by D.J. Brandon Anderson. There will be
dance lessons. BYO snacks. This is a non-alcohol event. Location: Saint
Philip Neri, Carvlin Hall. Call the office for tickets.



---put this on your calendars now (parents and students attend together
please): First Reconciliation classes--- Sundays, 10:40am, Feb.1 and
15th in the Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on
Saturday, Feb. 28th at 5pm in the church.
First Eucharist classes--- Sunday, 10:40am, April 26 and May 1 st. The
celebration of First Communion will be Sunday, May 17th at the 9:30
Liturgy. Please register your children for the classes by contacting
[email protected].

Second Sunday of Ordinary TimeSunday, January 18, 2015

Pastoral Corner
It is only a cartoon. Last Sunday around a million French citizens flooded the streets of Paris to proclaim freedom;
freedom from tyranny, freedom of speech, religion, freedom from fear and terror. Freedom, however, does not mean
I can do whatever I want. Freedom requires civility. Freedom does not mean just because I can, I should. Words,
even cartoon words matter. That said, there is no justification for slaughtering anyone for what is only a cartoon, be
it a misguided opinion or not. Freedom requires civility.
There is nothing civil about extremism in any form. Extremism never expresses the core values of any religious
tradition. Extremism is ego on steroids, what I want at all costs. Addressing extremism and extremists is not the same
as addressing their so called religious identities. Extremism is born of a dark fear that I am not going to get my way,
that I am only good or right if I can wipe out all opposition to my way of thinking. We see being played out on th e
world stage, the bulling, fighting, arguments, spats and ego butting we experience as a part of our daily, individual
lives. So, the solution begins with each of us individually, how we act and react on a daily basis to daily problems.
Our scripture readings this weekend give us a clue to where we need to begin. Like Samuel we are often
confused by the voices we hear. Eli tells Samuel what we need to do, to go to a quiet place, sort things out and utter
the most important sentence, speak Lord, your servant is listening. Only in quiet, only by getting our egos out of the
way and listen with all of our senses will we know the next right step to take.
In the Gospel, Jesus asks a most important question, what are you looking for? They ask, where do you
stay? Jesus responds, come and see and they went and saw and stayed with Him. As we begin this New Year, the
question is what are we looking for? Jesus invites us into a relationship with Him and we must stay with Him if we are
to know the next right step.
This response may seem so small, puny, insignificant we might just say so what. We might say if everyone
doesnt get on board, why should I? The fact is that nothing will change unless we change. We can only begin by
taking the next step, and then the next and the next. The march in Paris last week will mean little unless each and
every marcher actually changes, lives daily what they marched for. The march ws only a small beginning, the real
work lies ahead as it does for each of us.
The French did a good thing last week. We do a good thing every week in church but if these good things
dont transform our daily lives it is all for naught. We need to live what we celebrate so we can celebrate what we live;
otherwise it is only a cartoon.
Peace, and all Good, Michael

Young and Middle adults are invited to join our
Facebook page. Go to your Facebook page and
search on keywords: Bridges Catholic Young
Adult Ministry Portland Oregon.


Special integration material during Fr. Carys

workshop on Sat. Jan. 24 10am-1pm, then
meet after 9:30am Mass on Sunday, Jan. 25
for an initial meeting for those interested in
the Associate program.
Scriptures for Next Week
January 25, 2015
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading, Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Responsorial Psalm, 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 (4a)
Second Reading, 1Cor 7:29-31
Gospel, Mark 1:14-20


Young and Middle adults are invited to join our "" group.
Meetup is an online search tool to find people in the Portland area
that have interests that are similar to yours. You find similar
interests by using key words. We are the first and only meetup that
has keywords including "Catholic" and "Portland." Go to and put in key words "Portland Catholic
Spirituality." You may have to join, but it is free.


Our next meeting will be Monday, Jan. 26 at 7 pm. Our first

meeting was well attended and we have 20 committed volunteers to
so far. Our next step will be to have volunteers take different
leadership roles. Bill & Vi Leathers have already stepped forward to
coordinate setup/cleanup, Adrienne Jarvis with design flyers and
tickets, & Robert George will coordinate the kitchen. We still need
coordinators for decorations, beer/wine/soda sales, publicity,
sponsors, & volunteers. Please think about volunteering to
coordinate one of these specific areas.

FR. BILL is away at St. Annes Parish for the 4th week helping out
during the pastors illness. Next weekend he will be away on the
Archdiocesan Young Adult Retreat.

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