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and National

Selected Articles II
Edited by Gabi Siboni





Cyberspace and
National Security
Selected Articles II
Edited by Gabi Siboni




Institute for National Security Studies




Graphic design: Michal Semo-Kovetz

Printing: Elinir
Institute for National Security Studies
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All rights reserved.
March 2014
ISBN: 978-965-7425-59-6

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), incorporating

the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, was founded in 2006.
The purpose of the Institute for National Security Studies
is first, to conduct basic research that meets the highest
academic standards on matters related to Israels national
security as well as Middle East regional and international
security affairs. Second, the Institute aims to contribute to
the public debate and governmental deliberation of issues
that are or should be at the top of Israels national security
INSS seeks to address Israeli decision makers and
policymakers, the defense establishment, public opinion
makers, the academic community in Israel and abroad, and
the general public.
INSS publishes research that it deems worthy of public
attention, while it maintains a strict policy of non-partisanship.
The opinions expressed in this publication are the authors
alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute,
its trustees, boards, research staff, or the organization and
individuals that support its research.

Foreword | 5
A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence: Building Stability through Strength | 7
Frank J. Cilluffo, Sharon L. Cardash, and George C. Salmoiraghi
Duqus Dilemma: The Ambiguity Assertion and the
Futility of Sanitized Cyberwar | 29
Matthew Crosston
The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace | 43
Martin C. Libicki
An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges in the
Information Age | 51
Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky
Cyber Warfare and Deterrence:
Trends and Challenges in Research | 69
Amir Lupovici
In Defense of Stuxnet | 83
James A. Lewis
Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect: Of Much Persistence and
Little Change in the Cyber Threats Debate | 95
Myriam Dunn Cavelty
The Threat of Terrorist Organizations in Cyberspace | 105
Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart
The INSS Cyber Program | 133

Israels rapid development as a leading player in the cyber realm is one of
several factors that have spurred research in Israel in general, and at the
Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in particular, on cyber-related
issues. In order to broaden the scope of the research underway at INSS,
the INSS Cyber Program has long promoted international cooperation
in the field, reflected, for example, in the INSS conference on defensive
operations and intelligence in cyberspace, held with the Cyber Security
Forum Initiative (CSFI), a large and important organization in the United
States cyber community. This years conference is also held in collaboration
with various entities in Israel, including the Ministry of Intelligence, the
National Cyber Staff, the IDF Computer Service Directorate, and the chief
scientist in the Ministry of the Economy.
The conferences focus on defensive operations and intelligence allows
INSS to highlight its work in this field, which complements a variety of
related professional activities underway in Israel and around the world.
This years conference has several important objectives, among them: to
deepen cooperation among government agencies and organizations in
the cyber field in Israel and the United States; to enhance exposure of the
Israeli cyber market among American technology companies that seek to
develop business in Israel or to lend exposure to Israeli capabilities and
technologies abroad; and to expand international cooperation in the cyber
field with other countries.
As with previous conferences, we have compiled several articles written
by researchers at INSS and institutions elsewhere around the world. These
articles were prepared within the framework of the Institutes Cyber Program,
and were first published in the INSS journal Military and Strategic Affairs.
Gabi Siboni
Director, Cyber Program, INSS

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi

A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence:

Building Stability through Strength
Frank J. Cilluffo, Sharon L. Cardash, and
George C. Salmoiraghi

In many ways, deterrence in cyberspace is eminently more

complicated than deterrence in the Cold War. The nature of
the domain makes it so. Even the most sophisticated theories behind nuclear deterrence will prove inadequate for
dealing with the complexities of a man-made domain with a
virtually infinite number of constantly changing actors, motivations, and capabilities.1
Cyber threats pose a real and growing problem, and to date, United
States efforts to counter them have lagged. While the ability to defend
against an attack or intrusion must be maintained, the US, like any country,
would be well served by deterring its adversaries from acting in the first
place at least when it comes to the most serious of actions, namely cyber
warfare. Clearly not all hostile behavior can be deterred, but it is important
to identify priorities in this regard and determine how best to address those
that lead the list. Despite animated discussions, development of a grand
unified solution has remained elusive, in part because the complexity and
crosscutting nature of cyber deterrence requires a comprehensive and
cohesive solution that encompasses stakeholders in both the private and
public sectors.
In order to help structure the debate and advance toward the goal,
we propose a framework that examines the issue critically and looks to

Frank J. Cilluffo is director of the George Washington University Homeland Security

Policy Institute (HSPI) and co-director of GWs Cyber Center for National & Economic
Security (CCNES). Sharon L. Cardash is associate director of HSPI and a member of
CCNES. George C. Salmoiraghi is an attorney and advisor to HSPI in Washington, D.C.
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 4, no. 3 (2012): 3-23.

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

dissuade, deter, and compel both state and non-state hostile actors. Placing
potential threats into conceptual relief this way helps clarify the sources
of danger and serves as a starting point for determining and attaching
responsibility for hostile action(s) against a country or its allies. This then
allows the relevant players who have been targeted by hostile actors to
proceed with necessary discussions and action as both a precursor to,
and actual execution of, appropriate and effective response measures. The
rubric thus yields a further corollary benefit by aiding to identify areas that
would benefit from or even require cooperation among affected/targeted
entities. In short, this framework provides a starting point to explore ways
to deter hostile actors, and as such offers a conceptual lens that can be of
value to the US and its allies alike. Neither the range of actors nor their
potential activities detailed below is meant to be exhaustive. It is instead a
snapshot, and a rough one at that, intended to help convey a sense of who,
what, how, why, and so on, as a prelude to a more in-depth discussion of
strategy and policy in the area of cyber deterrence.

State Actors
Foreign militaries may engage in computer network attack/computer
network exploitation (CNA/CNE) to limit, degrade, or destroy another
countrys abilities, in furtherance of a political agenda. Foreign militaries are
increasingly integrating CNA and CNE capabilities into their war fighting and
military planning and doctrine.2 Such efforts have conventional battlefield
applications (i.e., enhancing ones own weapon systems and platforms,
and/or stymieing those of others); and unconventional applications, as
cyberspace extends the battlefield to incorporate broader civilian and societal
elements. Cyber domain activity may cover intelligence preparation of the
battlefield, to include the mapping of critical infrastructures of perceived
Foreign intelligence and security services: Exploits may include political,
military, economic, and industrial espionage; theft of information from or
about another government; or theft of intellectual property, technology, trade
secrets, and so on in the hands of private corporations and universities.
Many foreign intelligence services are engaged in industrial espionage in
support of private companies.4 Ultimate aims of activities by this actor
category include the desire to influence decisions, and affect the balance of
power (regionally, internationally, and so on). Convergence of human and

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

technical intelligence is especially notable in this category, and includes

the insider threat.5
Hybrid aspects: Elements of state capability may be integrated to achieve
a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Alliances (state-to-state)
may be invoked for a similar effect. Joint activity in this respect may include
collection of information, sharing of findings obtained by a single party,
and joint execution of field operations (attacks). States may also seek and
enlist the assistance of non-state actors, such as hackers for hire who do
not feel bound or restricted by allegiances.

Non-State Actors
Non-state terrorist organizations may conduct CNA/CNE in furtherance of a
specific political agenda. They place high value on the internet (to recruit,
train, fundraise, plan operations, and so on).6 US and allied counterterrorism
efforts yielding success in the physical world may lead al-Qaeda and their
ilk to enter the cyber domain ever more deeply. The latter might try to learn
lessons from (or even surf in the wake of) the actions of Anonymous
and other hacktivists who use the cyber domain to bring attention to the
cause they espouse.
Non-state criminal enterprises, which include theft of intellectual property,
identity, and the like, as well as fraud, are generally motivated by profit.
Cyber-specific tools and techniques can yield major monetary rewards. The
global cybercrime market was valued at $12.5 billion-plus in 2011,7 though
estimates vary (validity of calculation methodologies and impartiality of
certain sources is debated and empirical evidence is difficult to obtain).
Hybrid aspects: Alliances of convenience are possible among non-state
actors (terrorist and criminal groups, and even individuals) to fill capability
gaps, generate force multiplier effects, and so on. Similar arrangements
of mutual convenience are also possible between state and non-state
(terrorist, criminal, lone hacker) entities; a non-state actor serves to expand
a states skills and capabilities, or acts as a states proxy for other purposes.
Such arrangements further compound the attribution challenge (who is
responsible) and provide for additional plausible deniability.
Against deterrence in the nuclear realm,8 the cyber counterpart bears
both similarities and differences.9 The cyber domain in particular demands
a focus on actors, rather than weapons/capabilities alone; hence prioritizing
these actors according to the scope, scale, and nature of the threat that they

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

pose is critical. Only after racking and stacking them can we focus on the
actors that matter most, and do so in a way that confronts and neutralizes
their specific intentions and capabilities.
Defense and offense are both crucial components of a multilayered
and robust US posture and strategy designed to ensure national safety.
Deterrence can provide an additional layer of protection by preventing
those with interests inimical to the United States from leaving the starting
blocks. To preserve as well as further national/homeland security, it is
therefore important to think through, develop, and sustain over time in
a quickly evolving (technological and security/defense) ecosystem the
requisite US capabilities and capacities to support the country, credibly
and effectively, in standing ready and being able to dissuade, deter, and
compel its adversaries. While concerted efforts directed toward these ends
should be pursued in parallel with committed efforts to defend systems,
such an approach and stance must not be taken as a substitute for building
and maintaining strong additional means of reconstitution that give rise
to strong resilience. Indeed, resilience itself may be a powerful deterrent.
Reflecting the wisdom of Sun Tzu, the capacity to bounce back after an
incident plus the demonstrated will and ability to respond to a cyber attack
should serve to strengthen US deterrence efforts and thereby avoid battle
and bloodshed: For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles
is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme
of skill.10

Contours of the Cyber Threat

The United States and its interests are under daily cyber threat from both state
and non-state actors. Potential US targets are many and varied, and extend
to critical sectors such as water, power, finance, and telecommunications.11
According to press reports citing a spokesman for the National Nuclear
Security Administration, the US Nuclear Security Enterprise experiences
up to ten million security significantevents each day.12 Tallies of the
Department of Homeland Security reveal tens of thousands of cyber
intrusions (actual/attempted) each year, and dozens of attacks on critical
infrastructure systems the latter total increasing by several orders of
magnitude from 2010 to 2012.13 The range of senior officials, past and
present, who have sounded the alarm bell is striking, and includes Assistant
to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John O.


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

Brennan;14 Director of the National Security Agency and Commander of

US Cyber Command General Keith Alexander; former Homeland Security
Secretary Michael Chertoff; former National Coordinator for Security and
Counterterrorism, and former Special Advisor to the President for Cyber
Security, Richard Clarke; the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security
Committee, Senator Joseph Lieberman;15 ranking member on the Senate
Armed Services Committee, Senator John McCain; and FBI Director Robert
Mueller, who recently predicted that the cyber threat will in the future
displace terrorism as the top threat to the country.16
One commentator noted vividly, Foreign spies and organized criminals
are inside of virtually every U.S. companys network. The governments
top cybersecurity advisors widely agree that cyber criminals or terrorists
have the capability to take down the countrys critical financial, energy or
communications infrastructure.17 Yet in addition to suffering monetary
losses that the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive and other
US officials number in the billions due to computer network exploitation in
the form of backdoor theft of valuable intellectual property,18 the country is
taking a more ominous hit as the subject of adversarial efforts to engage in
the cyber equivalent of intelligence preparation of the battlefield including
Chinas mapping of critical US energy and water supply infrastructures,
which could later be leveraged so as to deter, dissuade, or compel action
on the part of the United States.19
Critical industries in other countries have experienced cyber attacks.
Saudi Aramco (state owned and the worlds biggest oil producer) saw
a virus of external origin infect roughly 30,000 of its computers in August
2012.20 Shortly thereafter Qatars RasGas (the second largest producer
of liquified natural gas in the world) was also hit.21 Newspaper reports
suggest that the French nuclear power group Areva was the target of a
cyber attack in September [2011].22 And the list goes on.
While countries possess abilities of varying degrees and sophistication,
dozens are expanding their cyber capabilities, including the United States
and its allies (Israel is a prime player in this domain). Vis--vis the United
States, China is a key source of advanced persistent threats, though state
sponsored fingerprints are not always evident on the mouse or touch screen.
Attribution is all the harder when there is a substantial delay between
the event and the victims report or request for assistance.23 Evidence
of Chinese intent, though, has existed for more than a decade: in 1999,


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

two Chinese army colonels published a book titled Unrestricted Warfare,

which highlighted alternative means to defeat an opponent, distinct from
traditional direct military action.24
Russia too is a sophisticated and determined adversary in the cyber
domain. In the 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia, Russia attacked
and disrupted Georgias communications network. As Ambassador David
Smith observes, Russia has integrated cyber operations into its military
doctrine; though not fully successfulRussias 2008 combined cyber
and kinetic attack on Georgia was the first practical test of this doctrine
[and] we must assume that the Russian military has studied the lessons
learned.25 In 2007, Estonias government, banks, and other entities were
also the target of large and sustained distributed denial-of-service attacks
(DDoS attacks)many of which came from Russia.26 Hackers and criminals
based in Russia have made their mark. Cyberspace has proven to be a gold
mine for criminals, who have moved ever more deeply into the domain as
opportunities to profit there continue to multiply. The value of the global
cybercrime market in 2011 has been pegged at over $12.5 billion, with
Russias slice of the pie being $2.3 billion (close to double of its absolute
value compared to the prior year). There are indications, moreover, that
the forces of organized crime in the country have begun to join up by
sharing data and tools to increase their take.27
The potential for cooperation between and among actors with
substantially different motivations is of serious concern. For instance,
states that lack indigenous capabilities but wish to do harm to the United
States or its allies may co-opt or simply buy/rent the services and skills
of criminals and hackers to help design and execute cyber attacks. Do-ityourself code kits for exploiting known vulnerabilities are easy to find, and
even the Conficker worm (variants of which still lurk, forming a botnet
of approximately 1.7 million computers) was rented out for use.28 Thus,
lack of access to the infrastructure or backing of a powerful state is not
prohibitive. Proxies for cyber capabilities are available. There exists an
arms bazaar of cyber weapons. Adversaries do not need capabilities,
just intent and cash.29 This is a chilling prospect, bearing in mind that alQaeda has called for electronic mujahidin to attack the US government and
critical US infrastructure. Rear Admiral Samuel Cox at Cyber Command
noted that al-Qaeda operatives are actively pursuing the means to attack
US networks, a capability that they could buy from criminal hackers.30 In


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

addition, cyber capabilities (however acquired) may be used as a force

multiplier in a conventional attack.
Other notable actors of concern in this context include North Korea and
Iran. What both of those countries may currently lack in capability they
make up for in abundance of intent. Iran is investing heavily to expand and
deepen its cyber warfare capacities.31 The country has also long relied on
proxies such as Hizbollah, which now boasts a companion organization
called Cyber Hizbollah, to strike at perceived adversaries. Law enforcement
officials note that Cyber Hizbollahs goals and objectives include training
and mobilizing pro-regime (meaning pro-government of Iran) activists in
cyberspace. In turn and in part, this involves schooling others in the tactics
of cyber warfare. Hizbollah is deftly exploiting social media tools such as
Facebook to gain intelligence and information. Each such exploit generates
additional opportunities to gather yet more data, as new potential targets
are identified, and tailored methods and means of approaching them are
In addition, elements of Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have
openly sought to pull hackers into the fold.33 There is evidence that at the
heart of IRGC cyber efforts one will find the Iranian political/criminal hacker
group Ashiyane;34 and the Basij, who are paid to do cyber work on behalf
of the regime, provide much of the manpower for Irans cyber operations.35
In the event of a conflict in the Persian Gulf, Iran could combine electronic
and computer network attack methods to degrade US and allied radar
systems, complicating both offensive and defensive operations of the US
and its allies.36 In Hizbollahs own bid to deter, moreover, Hizbollah leader
Hassan Nasrallah has stated publicly that there will be no distinction
drawn between Israel and the United States in terms of retaliation, should
Israel attack Iran to halt its progress toward a nuclear weapons capacity:
If Israel targets Iran, America bears responsibility.37
In sum, states are exploiting cyberspace to advantage, furthering their
own interests by gathering information, gaining the ability to degrade the
capabilities of perceived adversaries, and so on. Non-state actors, terrorists,
and criminals are also leveraging cyberspace to their own ends, benefiting
from a domain that levels the playing field and allows smaller and even
individual actors to have a disproportionate impact. This asymmetry
gives rise to an ecosystem that is fraught with a range of perils that did
not previously occupy the focus and energies of major powers. Hence the


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

concerns of the major powers, for the impact of certain scenarios raised
above could significantly undermine, if not shatter, trust and confidence
in the system (be it American or another).
Nor is the threat unique to the United States. Asymmetric warfare is
of course one of the defining features of the Israeli experience on both
the kinetic and virtual battlefields.38 Consider also other (arguably) lesser
known casualties of the cyber struggle. As outlined by the Office of the
National Counterintelligence Executive in its 2011 Report to Congress:
Germanys Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) estimates that German companies lose $28 billion-$71 billion and 30,000-70,000 jobs per year from foreign
economic espionage. Approximately 70 percent of all cases
involve insiders.
South Korea says that the costs from foreign economic
espionage in 2008 were $82 billion, up from $26 billion in
2004. The South Koreans report that 60 percent of victims
are small- and medium-sized businesses and that half of all
economic espionage comes from China.
Japans Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry conducted a survey of 625 manufacturing firms in late 2007 and
found that more than 35 percent of those responding reported some form of technology loss. More than 60 percent
of those leaks involved China.39
Observations by French Senator Jean-Marie Bockel, recorded in an
information report of Frances Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Defence and Armed Forces, are equally striking:
In France, administrative authorities, companies and vital
service operators (energy, transport, health, etc.) are victims
daily of several million cyber attacks.These cyber attacks
may be carried out by computer hackers, activist groups,
criminal organisations, as well as by competitor companies,
or even by other States. The finger of suspicion often points
towards China or Russia, even if it is very difficult to identify the authors of these attacks precisely.40
So too the assessment of Jonathan Evans, Director General of the United
Kingdoms Security Service:
Britains National Security Strategy makes it clear that cyber security ranks alongside terrorism as one of the four

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

key security challenges facing the UK. Vulnerabilities in the

internet are being exploited aggressively not just by criminals but also by states. And the extent of what is going on
is astonishing with industrial-scale processes involving
many thousands of people lying behind both State sponsored cyber espionage and organised cyber crime.One
major London listed company with which we have worked
estimates that it incurred revenue losses of some 800m as
a result of hostile state cyber attack not just through intellectual property loss but also from commercial disadvantage in contractual negotiations. They will not be the only
corporate victim of these problems.41
Evans has reasoned further as follows:
So far, established terrorist groups have not posed a significant threat in this medium, but they are aware of the potential to use cyber vulnerabilities to attack critical infrastructure and I would expect them to gain more capability to do
so in future.42
The necessary question is, therefore, what should be done.

Cyber Deterrence and Multidimensional Response

Given the manifold and disturbing evidence of cyber capability and hostile
intent on the part of both state and non-state actors, the United States must
carefully chart and craft a way forward that comes to terms powerfully and
proportionately with the facts and realities of concern that characterize the
cyber domain today (and are unlikely to disappear any time soon). It would
be false comfort to think that the US or its allies can firewall a way out of
this problem. Instead, and in order to help shore up both cyber security
and the protection of critical infrastructure, the US should formulate,
articulate, and implement a cyber deterrence strategy.
A spirited but embryonic policy debate on the subject has already
been held in certain select quarters, yet the complex, cross-sector, and
multidisciplinary nature of the challenge has so far rendered a strategic,
integrated response out of reach. Threats are evolving daily, adding an
extra layer of complication, and notwithstanding the pace and volume
of the threat stream, information about threat vectors is often not shared
across sectors or made public. At the level of principle, this reticence is
certainly not beyond reason, as government seeks to protect classified
material and industry seeks to protect proprietary information. In practice,

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

though, such reluctance throws sand in the gears of response as well as

prevention efforts.
Against this background the scale of the task is admittedly daunting,
but the United States would be well served to elaborate and execute a
cyber deterrence strategy and policy that seeks to dissuade, deter, and
compel, both as a general matter and in a tailored manner that is actor/
adversary-specific. A solid general posture meaning basic security steps
(protection, hygiene, technology), could serve as an 80 percent solution,
neutralizing the majority of threats before they manifest fully. This would
free up resources (human, capital, technological) to focus in contextspecific fashion on the remainder, which constitute the toughest threats
and problems, in terms of their level of sophistication and determination.
To make such recommendations operational, lines in the sand or, in this
case the silicon, must be drawn. Preserving flexibility of US response by
maintaining some measure of ambiguity is useful, so long as parameters
are made clear by laying down certain markers or selected red lines whose
breach will not be tolerated.43
To effectively deter an individual or entity and thereby prevent it
from accomplishing its goal or ideally, prevent it from acting in the first
place it is imperative to understand fully just what the initiating party
hopes to achieve. (The idea is a variation on the theme/principle of noted
strategist Miyamoto Musashi: Know your enemy, know his sword.44) This
foundational understanding constitutes the first step to dissuade or compel
ones adversary; and taking that step requires examining the situation
through the eyes of the other. While bearing in mind that all of the sources
of threat referenced above are exploring and exploiting information and
systems via cyber means, these various actors have different and distinct
objectives. Though using virtual means in a virtual medium, each such
actor is after specific real world results and seeks to collect (or worse) from
its target(s) accordingly.
What must the United States do to convince state actors not to engage in
computer network exploitation or computer network attack through their
military and intelligence services in furtherance of broader goals? Here the
US cyber response should be an outgrowth of its broader deterrence strategy
relative to a given actor, meaning that the cyber deterrence component
should be consistent with and complementary to any preexisting, broader
US deterrence strategy for that player. Other countries need to understand


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

and appreciate that the United States can and will impose a proportionate
penalty if attacked in a cyber manner and medium, though US response
may ultimately be cyber or kinetic, with all options on the table. Regarding
cyber response, offensive capability must be demonstrated in such a way as
to leave no doubt as to the consequences of breaching a US red line. Such
demonstration, however, must be undertaken with full recognition of the fact
that any tool, technique, tactic, or procedure employed could subsequently
be taken up, tweaked, and used in turn in retaliation, including against
allies. Response in this context is predicated on the ability to attribute an
attack to one or more specific actors (foreign powers).
On the intelligence side, since their inception states have been engaged
in stealing secrets. Though espionage has gone digital, taking and adapting
the worlds second oldest profession to the twenty-first century, foreign
governments are using cyber means for the original purpose: to obtain
information that can be used to shape and sharpen decision making. Put
another way, states are using cyber means (think of Russian and Chinese
hackers working in service of their governments, for example) to augment
their ability to collect information of interest to their respective policymakers.
The question then becomes, what information are these actors interested
in obtaining, and why? To the extent that practitioners of cyber deterrence
can inject insights and articulate a detailed answer to this double-barreled
query, the targeted government (be it US or allied) will be able to defend
systems better and tailor deterrence activities correspondingly.
Industrial espionage is a subset of this type of state sponsored activity.
The intent is to increase the economic prosperity or viability of business
concerns in a given state. Although the espionage activity is state directed,
the ultimate beneficiaries may be private or semi-private entities. On the flip
side, from the targets perspective, the consequences that follow from the
theft of trade secrets may be profound and extend beyond economic loss,
to diminished national stature in the eyes of the world. In the assessment
of US National Counterintelligence executive Robert Bear Bryant, cyberespionage is a quiet menace to our economy with notably big results.
Trade secrets developed over thousands of working hours by our brightest
minds are stolen in a split second and transferred to our competitors.45
US productivity and innovation may also suffer as a result, with further
potential knock-on effects for future growth and development. If military
relevant information is exposed and extracted, there may also be national


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

security implications. It takes little imagination to conjure up what a hostile

party could do, for example, with stolen US technology that holds potential
military application.46
Much like states, transnational terrorist organizations seek an asymmetric
advantage that they can leverage in trying to enact their desired political
agenda. By and large, however, such groups possess fewer resources than
states, and have largely eschewed engaging in the political process, favoring
instead the use of violence to achieve their aims. From this standpoint it
would not be much of a stretch for terrorists to seek more bang for their
buck, by turning to digital means as a force multiplier for kinetic action.
The more detail that can be learned and discerned about these groups
tactical cyber and strategic political objectives and aspirations, the more
helpful fodder there will be for crafting a cyber deterrent that thwarts them.
The forces of terror and crime may also converge, merging into a hybrid
threat founded on an alliance of convenience, in which each party draws
on the others skills and assets to further their respective ends. Contrary
to their non-state counterparts whose mainstay is crime alone, pure and
simple profit is not what makes terrorist groups tick. This difference in kind
actually presents an opening of sorts, which could be exploited through
skillful exposition and execution of a tailored cyber deterrence strategy.
Recall that deterrence is a subset of coercion that seeks to cause an
adversary to refrain from acting by influencing its belief that the likelihood
of success is slight, or that the pain from the response is greater than it is
willing to bear.47 Historically, deterrence has been taken to require three
overt elements: attribution, signaling, and credibility.48 In present context,
deterrence presupposes that the contours of US red lines are made clear
to its adversaries as well as its allies; that it has signaled that breaches
of these boundaries will not be tolerated; and that it can and will visit
consequences for any such breach upon the party that trespasses. The
expected US reaction should be sufficiently threatening to the potential
perpetrator to dissuade it from undertaking the activity in the first place.
When defining US red lines in cyberspace, substantial forethought and
caution must be exercised, bearing in mind that activities that approach
but do not cross these lines will, as a corollary of boundary definition, be
considered from a less punitive perspective. Activities that do not have an
otherwise benign purpose, such as efforts to map US critical infrastructure,


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

should be assessed accordingly. Nothing good can come when a foreign

country or non-state actor has intimate knowledge of these systems.
Attribution is crucial to underpin deterrence. One must know who has
acted in order to visit consequences upon them. However, it is hard to find
a smoking keyboard in cyberspace since the domain is made for plausible
deniability. The magnitude and significance of the attribution challenge in
the context of cyber attack response has been underscored by prominent
analysts,49 though a contrarian strain does exist.50 Difficulty aside, being
able to attach the action to the actor enables the aggrieved party to react.
The possibility of response in kind increases the number of options that
a targeted entity can draw upon after the fact, which could include the
potential to give better than the original target may have gotten. Concerted
effort directed towards developing improved attribution capacities through
technological and other means are time and resources well spent.
So too must adversaries understand and appreciate that the United
States stands poised to use the full spectrum, breadth and depth, of its
powers to enforce these rules. To credibly convey that message and have it
hit home with those who bear hostile intent, there must be a public display
of capabilities that is sufficient to make the point, without exposing so much
that the display becomes self-defeating because it gives away the store,
by permitting adversaries, for example, to reverse engineer (or otherwise
mimic) and use the very US means and methods that are on display. The
display aspect of the exercise is made even trickier by the fact that the
laws governing cyber warfare are still nascent, evolving, and thus to some
extent unclear. Caution and proceeding with care are therefore warranted
on a second level as well.
Although the United States must demonstrate that it has in its toolkit
the requisite items for use against hostile parties when necessary, there
has not been a clear cut public demonstration of cyber dominance to date
for which the US has definitively taken and actively sought ownership.
Against this background, should the United States consider engaging in
the digital equivalent of an above-ground nuclear test? This is a question
for US policymakers, practitioners, and technologists alike, as they seek to
define a path forward and elaborate both doctrine and strategy for the cyber
domain. The ironic possibility that if conducted with care (commensurate
to the enormity of the exercise) the cyber equivalent of such a test may be


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

instrumental to deterring hostile actors and thereby preclude a fight is not

to be dismissed out of hand.

Building Stability through Strength

It is sometimes said that the best defense is a good offense. According to
open source reports, the United States is developing rules of engagement
regarding cyber attacks, and the Defense Department is seeking to bolster
its arsenal of cyber weapons51 (though a cyber attack may engender a cyber
or kinetic response). As former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General James E. Cartwright has observed, efforts and investments of the
type just described would help recalibrate the defense to offense ratio
which until relatively recently stood at 90 percent to 10 percent in favor
of defense52 and would strengthen and build credence in the US ability
to deter effectively adverse action in the cyber domain.
However, the US cyber security community, like its allied counterparts,
remains a work in progress. In the US in particular, the community still
has a long way to go before it reaches the level of skill and maturity now
displayed by the US counterterrorism community.53 The synchronization
of Titles 10 and 50 of the United States Code, harmonizing military and
intelligence functions, has been a major post-9/11 breakthrough that
significantly enhanced the US overall counterterrorism posture. The US
can leverage this achievement by tailoring and applying the concept to
the cyber context, bearing in mind the (yet-to-be-met) twin challenges of
codifying rules of engagement and pursuing a more proactive stance.54
To move forward smartly in the cyber domain, the United States and
its allies must demonstrate leadership and possess vision, together with a
sound plan of action. For too long, incidents have driven strategy in effect,
tactics masquerading as strategy. While the United States possesses some
unique capabilities, these capabilities will not be used to fullest advantage
unless and until there is a broader strategic framework in which to embed
them. Building on the conceptual framework set out above, certain key
tenets emerge that can serve as a foundation for developing and enacting
an effective cyber deterrence strategy, capacity, and posture. Those tenets,
the beginnings of a blueprint for cyber deterrence, are as follows:
Calibrate to meet the mission. Capability supports credibility in this context.
To the extent that investments and efforts may reflect a defense to offense
ratio that suggests an imbalance that could negatively impact on homeland/


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

national security, the existing calibration should be considered carefully

and adjusted as necessary. As a prerequisite to imposing consequences,
calibration (or recalibration) goes hand in hand with the political will to
act, when called upon, to impose sanctions.
Start and build from a position of strength. To deter or dissuade successfully
requires the capacity to convince potential adversaries that the costs of
hostile action will exceed the perceived benefits. Developing and signaling
the existence of a first strike capability is therefore fundamental.
Put the accent on speed, surprise, and maneuverability. Nanoseconds can
make a difference in cyberspace. Response in close to real time should
therefore be the goal. While there should be no doubt about the principle
that any breach of red lines will incur consequences, there is value in
maintaining a measure of ambiguity about the precise nature of those
consequences, so as to keep the object looking constantly over its shoulder.
Flexibility plus clarity may seem a non sequitur, but in fact is strategically
prudent here.
Leave no person behind. A first strike capability alone would leave the
country vulnerable to and unprepared for a response in kind, should the
adversary possess such capacity. As in the Cold War stage of the nuclear
era, both prudence and forethought mandate a second strike capability to
ensure force protection. Maintaining dominance in science and technology
is crucial, since there are technical solutions to even vexing challenges in
the cyber domain.
Know thy adversary. The maxim may be worn and tired, but it still applies.
To defeat potential adversaries, a deep understanding of the particular
aims and aspirations of each is needed. This insight should then inform
the strategy and tactics for that case, allowing these elements to be tailored
to a specific opponent, thereby maximizing the potential to thwart them.
The so-called OODA loop observe, orient, decide, and act applies.
Lead by example. Implicit in the idea of robust cyber deterrence is the
presupposition that the entity poised to deter has inoculated itself against
that which it may visit upon others (since the possibility of blowback exists).
To proceed differently is to jump off the plane without a parachute. The
US government should therefore strive to place its own house in order as
a crucial corollary to meeting the threat. Moreover, the government should
initiate the steps needed to facilitate information sharing so that critical


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

facts reach all key defenders of national assets and resources, including
those owned and operated by the private sector (critical infrastructure).
Partner for success. No single component of government or even the
government as a whole can go it alone in the cyber domain. Genuine
intra- and cross-sector partnerships are essential. Within government, for
example, the careful synchronization and harmonization of military and
intelligence functions (Titles 10 and 50) for cyber deterrence purposes could
prove valuable, as it has in the counterterrorism context. The importance
of inoculating ahead of time extends beyond the public sector to critical
networks and systems that lie in private hands. Accordingly, the private
sector must commit to undertake the steps necessary to reinforce homeland/
national security. To ensure that bar is met, federal authorities should
reach out to the private sector, taking a carrot and stick approach that
combines both positive and negative incentives designed to produce the
desired outcome.
Think and act internationally. Transnational challenges require transnational
solutions, and cyberspace is by definition borderless. Trusted partners on
the international level can and should bring much to the table in this context.
Admittedly, national interests may impede the ability to share the most
sensitive of data and information. Nevertheless, it would be self-defeating
to refrain from leveraging key bilateral relationships and alliances, from
the Five Eyes intelligence partnership (Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
the United States, and the United Kingdom) to NATO to the EU plus other
strategic partners such as in the Mediterranean region and Asia, to include
Israel, Singapore, India, and Japan.
With inspired leadership the cyber warfare equivalents of Billy Mitchell,
Bill Donovan, or George Patton, who truly understood the tactical and
strategic uses of new technologies and weapons the United States can
forge and execute a powerful cyber deterrence strategy that looks through
its adversaries eyes in order to be adequately prepared for cyber events,
ideally with just bits and bytes rather than bullets, bombs, and bloodshed.

1 Eric Sterner, Deterrence in Cyberspace: Yes, No, Maybe, in Returning
to Fundamentals: Deterrence and U.S. National Security in the 21st Century
(Washington, D.C.: George C. Marshall Institute, 2011), p. 27.
2 Bryan Krekel, Patton Adams, and George Bakos, Occupying the Information
High Ground: Chinese Capabilities for Computer Network Operations and


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence




Cyber Espionage, prepared for the U.S.-China Economic and Security

Review Commission by Northrop Grumman Corporation, March 7,
2012, p. 54,
Siobhan Gorman, Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies, Wall Street
Journal, April 8, 2009,
html; and Mark Clayton, Exclusive: Potential China Link to Cyberattacks
on Gas Pipeline Companies, Christian Science Monitor, May 10, 2012, http://
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX), Foreign Spies
Stealing US Economic Secrets in Cyber Space: Report to Congress on Foreign
Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage 2009-2011 (October 2011), p. 4,
Eben Kaplan, Terrorists and the Internet, Council on Foreign Relations,
January 8, 2009,; and Special Report by the Homeland Security Policy
Institute (HSPI) and the University of Virginias Critical Incident Analysis
Group (CIAG), NETworked Radicalization: A Counter-Strategy (Washington,
D.C.: May 2007).
Group IB, State and Trends of the Russian Digital Crime Market 2011, p. 6,
See Thomas C. Schellings classic text, Arms and Influence (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1966).
See for example Martin C. Libicki, Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar (RAND
Sun Tzu, The Art of War, translated by Samuel B. Griffith (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1963).
Ellen Messmer, DHS: Americas Water and Power Utilities under Daily
Cyber-Attack, Network World, April 4, 2012,
Jason Koebler, U.S. Nukes Face up to 10 Million Cyber Attacks Daily,
US News & World Report, March 20, 2012,
Joe Lieberman, Cyber Networks Sitting Ducks for Attacks Hartford
Courant, April 8, 2012,
John O. Brennan, Time to Protect against Dangers of Cyberattack,
Washington Post, April 15, 2012,
time-to-protect-against- dangers-of-cyberattack/2012/04/15/gIQAdJP8JT_


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence

15 Lieberman, Cyber Networks Sitting Ducks for Attacks.

16 Jason Ryan, FBI Director Says Cyberthreat will Surpass Threat from
Terrorists, January 31, 2012,
17 The reality is that our infrastructure is being colonized, said Tom
Kellerman, former commissioner of President Obamas cyber security
council. See David Goldman, Cybersecurity Bills Aim to Prevent
Digital Pearl Harbor, April 23, 2012,
18 A senior intelligence official, briefing reporters on the condition of
anonymity, noted a few cases in which estimates were given in economic
espionage prosecutions over the past six years: $100 million worth of
insecticide research from Dow Chemical, $400million worth of chemical
formulas from DuPont, $600million of proprietary data from Motorola,
$20million worth of paint formulas from Valspar. See Ellen Nakashima,
In a World of Cybertheft, U.S. Names China, Russia as Main Culprits,
Washington Post, November 3, 2011,
19 Nick Hopkins, Militarisation of Cyberspace: How the Global Power
Struggle Moved Online, The Guardian, April 16, 2012,
?cat=technology&type=article; and Nick Hopkins, US and China Engage in
Cyber War Games, The Guardian, April 16, 2012,
20 Reuters, Saudi Oil Producers Computers Restored after Virus Attack
New York Times, August 26, 2012,
21 Elinor Mills, Virus Knocks out Computers at Qatari Gas Firm RasGas,
CNET News, August 30, 2012,
22 Christopher Brook, Report: French Nuclear Company Areva Hit by Virus,
ThreatPost, October 31, 2011,
23 Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee
on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and
Management, said: China is the most aggressive collector of U.S. economic
information and technologyChinas cyber warfare capabilities and the
espionage campaigns they have undertaken are the most prevalent of any
nation state actor. China has created citizen hacker groups, engaged in
cyber espionage, established cyber war military units. See NCIX, Foreign
Spies Stealing US Economic Secrets in Cyberspace, p. 5; see also Cindy Saine,


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence







Experts Warn of Increased US Cyber Security Threat, VOA News, April

24, 2012,
Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, published by Chinas Peoples Liberation
Army, Beijing.
David J. Smith, How Russia Harnesses Cyberwarfare, American Foreign
Policy Council Defense Dossier (August 2012),
Jason Healey and Leendert van Bochoven, NATOs Cyber Capabilities:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Atlantic Council Issue Brief (2011), p.
Group IB, State and Trends of the Russian Digital Crime Market 2011, p. 6,; see
ENG.jpg (graphics).
Frank J. Cilluffo, The Iranian Cyber Threat to the United States, Testimony
before the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security,
Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, and Subcommittee
on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies,
April 26, 2012, p. 4,
Cyber%20Testimony%204.26.12%20Frank%20Cilluffo.pdf; and Conficker
Working Group, Conficker Working Group: Lessons Learned,
Cilluffo, Testimony before the House of Representatives, p. 4.
Jack Clohurty, Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for Electronic
Jihad, ABC News, May 22, 2012,
Yaakov Katz, Iran Embarks on $1b. Cyber-Warfare Program, Jerusalem Post,
December 18, 2011,
Cilluffo, Testimony before the House of Representatives, p. 6.
Golnaz Esfandiari, Iran Says it Welcomes Hackers Who Work for Islamic
Republic, Radio Free Europe, March 7, 2011,
Iftach Ian Amit, Cyber [Crime/War], paper presented at DEFCON 18
conference, July 31, 2010.
The Role of the Basij in Iranian Cyber Operations, Internet Haganah, March
24, 2011,
Michael Puttre, Iran Bolsters Naval, EW Power, Journal of Electronic Defense
25, no. 4 (2002), p. 24; Robert Karniol, Ukraine Sells Kolchuga to Iran,
Janes Defense Weekly 43, no. 39 (September 27, 2006), p. 6; Stephen Trimble,


Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence








Avtobaza: Irans Weapon in Alleged RQ-170 Affair? The DEW Line,

December 5, 2011,
Reuters, Nasrallah: Iran could Strike US Bases if Attacked, Jerusalem Post,
September 3, 2012,
Ilan Evyatar, Falling into the Trap, Over and Over Again, Jerusalem Post,
November 17, 2010,
aspx?id=195767; Dan Harel, Asymmetrical Warfare in the Gaza Strip: A
Test Case, Military and Strategic Affairs 4, no. 1 (2012): 17-24,; Yolande Knell, New Cyber
Attack Hits Israeli Stock Exchange and Airline, BBC News, January 16, 2012,; and Joshua Mitnick, Israels
Businesses Losing the Cyber War, Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2012, http://
NCIX, Foreign Spies Stealing US Economic Secrets in Cyberspace, p. 19.
Jean-Marie Bockel, Senator for Haut-Rhin, Cyber Defence an International
Issue, a National Priority, Information report no. 681 Committee on Foreign
Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces, July 18, 2012,
Address at the Lord Mayors Annual Defence and Security Lecture, City
of London,
See Tom Whitehead, Cyber Crime a Global Threat, MI5 Head Warns,
The Telegraph, June 26, 2012,
Cilluffo, Testimony before the House of Representatives, pp. 7-8. See also
Frank J. Cilluffo, The U.S. Response to Cybersecurity Threats, American
Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) Defense Dossier (August 2012),; and Martin C. Libicki, The Strategic Uses of
Ambiguity in Cyberspace Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 3-10,
The Book of Five Rings.
Nakashima, In a World of Cybertheft, U.S. Names China, Russia as Main
W. W. Kaufmann, The Requirements of Deterrence, in W. W. Kaufman,
ed., Military Policy and National Security (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1956); Peter Marquez, Space Deterrence: The Pret-a-Porter Suit for
the Naked Emperor, in Returning to Fundamentals, pp. 9-10. Coercion in turn
seeks to influence an adversary to act or refrain from acting by threatening

Cilluffo, Cardash, and Salmoiraghi | A Blueprint for Cyber Deterrence







to, or actually, imposing costs on an adversary to limit its options and/or

affect its cost/benefit analysis such that the adversary determines the cost of
its putative action is not worth the benefit that would be conferred. Marquez,
Space Deterrence, p. 10, citing G. Schaub, Jr., Deterrence, Compellence
and Prospect Theory, Political Psychology 25, no. 3 (2004): 389-411.
Marquez, Space Deterrence, p. 10.
For example, see Yasmin Tadjdeh, U.S. Military Overestimates Value
of Offensive Weapons Cyberweapons, Expert Says, National Defense,
September 13, 2012, citing Martin Libicki, senior management scientist at
RAND Corp,
F. Hare, The Significance of Attribution to Cyberspace Coercion: A Political
Perspective. Paper presented at the Cyber Conflict (CYCON), 2012 4th
International Conference, June 5-8, 2012.
Federal News Radio, DoD Hammering out Rules of Cyberspace, October
21, 2011,;
and Ellen Nakashima, Pentagon to Fast-track Cyber Weapons
Acquisition, Washington Post, April 9, 2012,
Lolita C. Baldor, Pentagon to Publish Strategy for Cyberspace War, Navy
Times, July 14, 2011,; see also A Conversation on
Cyber Strategy with General James E. Cartwright, Homeland Security Policy
Institute (HSPI) Capstone Series on Cyber Strategy, May 14, 2012,
Frank Cilluffo and Andrew Robinson, Analysis: While Congress Dithers,
Cyber Threats Grow Greater, Nextgov, July 24, 2012,
Cilluffo, AFPC Defense Dossier.


Duqus Dilemma:
The Ambiguity Assertion and the
Futility of Sanitized Cyberwar
Matthew Crosston

The debate over the applicability or non-applicability of international law

to cyberwar and the need for a cyber-specific international treaty might be
irrelevant. Both camps, pro and con, argue about the need for cyberwar to
have the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) or some new international legislation
properly cover the cyber domain. Both camps, however, misread how the
structure of the cyber domain precludes strategically piggybacking on
conventional norms of war. International laws on conventional war are
effective because of the ability to differentiate between civilian and military
sectors. There is a civilian/military ambiguity in the cyber domain that
makes such differentiation unlikely if not impossible well into the future.
Hence Duqus Dilemma: with the focus on establishing legitimate
targets and setting limitations on allowable action, the United States and
its allies expose themselves to vulnerabilities while engaging in a futile
endeavor that does not lead to improved cyber control. The effort to establish
cyber rules akin to conventional norms is fruitless since these rules are not
enforceable or logical. They will simply handcuff lawful states. This signifies
that greater effort should be expended on creating preemptive strategy
that accepts the military/civilian ambiguity problem. The tendency of
scholars and policymakers to strive for sanitized cyberwar by constraining
targets during operations means that cyber strategy remains devoid of
true deterring power.

Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Miller Endowed Chair for Industrial and International
Security and Founder and Director of the International Security and Intelligence
Studies (ISIS) program at Bellevue University.
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 5, no. 1 (2013): 119-31.


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

Whether one believes LOAC can or cannot apply to the cyber domain,
whether one pushes for an international cyber treaty or thinks such treaties
will be meaningless, one aspect is constant: the desire for rules governing
cyberwar behavior. The problem is in attempting to create a code of cyber
conduct that demands a distinct separation between civilian and military
sectors. The cyber domain is not amenable to this separation since the
aforementioned fusion, where participants, facilities, and targets are
hopelessly entangled between civilian and military institutions, has basically
been a missing explanation as to why the global effort to enhance and
clarify norms has remained uneven and inadequate.

The Ineffectiveness of International Law

Addressing the issue of cyber security, the East-West Institute stated
in 2011, There is an urgent need for international cooperation on this
most strategic of issues. If we fail on this task, global stability could be as
threatened as it would be by a nuclear exchange.1 International norms
established with the Geneva and Hague conventions were meant to be
explicit lines of protection for civilian populations when states engaged
in war. That respect for and preservation of civilian life is now held to be
sacrosanct, regardless of what form or delivery method war takes. As such,
there is an expectation that cyberspace can be subjected to the discipline
of conventional norms.
Others argue that establishing these customary understandings in
the cyber domain is one of the most important geopolitical battles today,
going so far as to say that it is Ground Zero for global diplomacy, national
security work, and intelligence.2 The goal is to bring the principles of arms
control into the cyber domain. Indeed, the most optimistic want voluntary
agreements that impose constraints on the development of cyber capabilities
and ostensibly ameliorate behavior in cyberspace. Some, however, have
acknowledged that there are potential dangers in trying to achieve this.
Stewart Baker, a former general counsel at the NSA and assistant secretary
for policy at DHS under President George W. Bush, voiced the obvious
fear: the United States and its allies would obey whatever was written
down and agreed to while no adversaries would.3
There may be a larger problem, however, than non-compliance:
conventional war has the distinct advantage, historically, of being fairly
explicit about target classification. Most military networks that would


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

initiate and enact a cyber attack depend upon and work within countless
numbers of civilian networks. In addition, many of the actors that are
part of the planning, initiation, and deployment of cyber attacks are not
necessarily formal military but rather civilian employees of government
agencies. In other words, the world of cyber conflict and cyberwar is not a
world that can achieve such explicit classification. In fact, future trends only
show this fusion growing deeper and tighter in time. As such, any attempt
to introduce norms and rules that are predicated upon knowledgeable
differentiation will likely end up confused and ineffective.
This ambiguity assertion, for lack of a better term, has so far been
relatively ignored in the various cyber debates. The latter tend to revolve
around how loose or rigid, how informal or formal, how international or
local such codes of constraint should be. Many of these proposed codes
aim to constrain cyber behavior so as to protect banking, power, and
other critical infrastructure networks except when nations are engaged
in war.4 Without addressing the ambiguity problem, however, states
find themselves in a quandary: where are the lines of distinction between
civilian and military drawn? Perhaps the biggest dilemma, therefore, is
not the problem of figuring out attribution (who was the trigger man), but
rather this futile attempt to clear up the inherent and purposeful ambiguity
that characterizes the critical infrastructure used to house, develop, and
utilize a states cyber capabilities.
Many of the current cyber discussions are flawed by the manner in
which they implicitly want to analogize conventional conflict with cyber
conflict, to make cyber attacks equivalent to armed attacks. To do this,
however, the conversation must turn to legal definitions and parameters:
when does cyber conflict constitute the use of armed force or a formal act
of war? What actions would constitute a war crime? How much damage
does it take to trigger a necessary retaliatory response?5 These questions are
much more difficult to answer in the cyber realm because of the logistical
nightmare provoked by the ambiguity assertion. This fact has not been
emphasized appropriately to date, nor is it strategically addressed at all.
Up to now, questions have focused instead more on comparable lethality,
damage estimates, and the aforementioned attribution problem. To an
extent, however, all of these problems are enveloped by the civilian/military
ambiguity issue. The inability to establish that separation means that lethality
could be more extreme by being more than just military casualties, damage


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

could be more devastating by being more than just military facilities, and
attribution might not even be relevant: defining the WHO of an attack does
not solve the problem if the HOW behind the WHO is inextricably fused
among government, military, and civilian properties and people. In other
words, many assume that figuring out WHO in cyberwar will solve most
problems. The ambiguity assertion reminds everyone to be careful what
they wish for: in cyber war, the WHO will never be conveniently distinct
because of the HOW.
International law clearly does not alleviate the problem of civilian/
military ambiguity in cyber conflict. Whether the discussion extends to
codes of conduct, treaties, or international laws writ large, none of these
potential documents attempts to address the inherent structural problem
of modern societies and how they currently organize, conduct, and develop
their cyber capabilities. Further confirming this is the equal amount of
time, effort, and frustration expended in the sister projects of establishing
terms and defining parameters. Examining that frustration will illustrate
how impactful the ambiguity assertion is when contemplating how the
world should deal with the rules for cyberwar.

The Frustration of Setting Terms

Part of the problem in getting international law to cover cyberspace efficiently
involves a longstanding failure to translate essential terms and parameters
into something that would truly impact on the cyber domain. Progress in
moving beyond this problem has been extremely limited. Indeed, even a
cursory glance across the literature over the past decade attests to the fact
that cyberwar does not fit perfectly into the already existing legal frameworks
on war and use of force.6 Despite this reality, these terminological and
doctrinal difficulties have been continually investigated with the aim of
forcefully coordinating existing terms and doctrines in the cyber arena. This
article argues that the lack of success is attributable to the unwillingness
to engage the civilian/military fusion.
The desire for explicit terms, parameters, definitions, laws, and treaties is
based more on the worry that failure to produce such explicitness will leave
cyberwar outside the boundaries of rules that currently govern conventional
war. The consequences are considered stark: critical civilian infrastructure
could be targeted, as could basic necessities such as agriculture, food, water,
public health, emergency services, telecommunications, energy, banking


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

and finance, and so on. The ambiguity assertion, however, articulates the
difficulty in obtaining such explicitness: most if not all of a states cyber
capability utilizes and depends upon critical civilian infrastructure that also
provides many important civilian functions. No state to date has created
a cyber operations capability that is wholly distinct and separate from
civilian networks and civilian infrastructure. In other words, go after the
military targets and you will also de facto be going after civilian targets.
The literature to date seems to ignore this fact. Consequently, much of the
literature engages in a false riddle, trying to impose a theoretically precise
answer on an empirically ambiguous reality.
This is further confirmed by the number of respected scholars, diplomats,
and policymakers who miss the relevance of the ambiguity assertion by
demanding that the laws of cyberwar should actually forbid the targeting
of purely civilian infrastructure, indicating that cyber actors should try to
respect the Geneva Conventions as much as conventional actors do.7 The
problem, of course, is that in cyberwar, purely civilian infrastructure is a
category of diminishing returns. Indeed, given the obvious trend that sees
only intensification and deepening of the civilian/military fusion, purely
civilian infrastructure will end up more myth than reality.
The failure to address this structural riddle has been matched by an
over-emphasis on agency. This manifests itself mainly in the focus on
limiting and controlling potential cyber actions from adversarial states.
James Lewis of CSIS emphasizes how a state can reduce risks for everyone
by imposing common standards, like moving from the Wild West to the
rule of law.8 Eugene Spafford concurred, citing how cyber security is a
process, not a patch, requiring continual investment for the long term
as well as the quick fix, without which states will always be applying
solutions to problems too late.9 These are some of the brightest and most
respected names in the cyber discipline. Their warnings are not irrelevant,
but the emphasis on state actor agency, while failing to recognize the
impact and importance of inherent cyber structure, leaves a vulnerable
gap in cyber strategic thinking. Indeed, the contemporary failure to create
explicit norm coordination should be seen as a demand to consider new
strategy that can accept this structural incompatibility as inherent and not
something to overcome. For structural ambiguity is not only intrinsic:
states are purposely deepening the ambiguity for its strategic advantage
and economic efficiency. States, therefore, should not focus on how to


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

force a distinct civilian/military separation, but should rather develop

new strategic thinking that accepts the ambiguity problem as a logistical
reality that must be accounted for.
For empirical confirmation of the futility of trying to address these
problems of conventional norms and explicit parameters, look no further
than the United States military over the past half-dozen years. It is easy
to produce a laundry list of frustration and unfulfilled hopes: General
Alexander of US Cyber Command mentioned that progress was being
made, but that the risks were nonetheless growing faster than the progress
at present;10 Vice Admiral Michael Rogers, commander of the US Navys
fleet cyber command, admitted to Congress that no agreement had been
reached amongst the various commands on ironing out the rules of cyber
conflict, but hoped that there would be positive developments at some
point in the near term;11 and even the Pentagon produced a cyber document
that ultimately stated that the laws of armed conflict apply in cyberspace
as in traditional warfare, even while admitting that the basic terms act of
war and use of force were still somewhat ill-defined in the cyber domain.12
This shows the real term effects that the lack of new strategic thinking
has when states do not address the ambiguity of civilian/military fusion.

Turf Wars and Tightropes: Military Discussion on Cyber

Just as with scholars, policymakers, and diplomats, the military has been
steadfastly committed to establishing strict rules of cyber engagement that
are akin to the conventional rules of war.13 For several years, there has been
a pending revision of the militarys standing rules of engagement in the
cyber realm.14 It seems that while the military hoped that the scholarly and
diplomatic communities would be able to help define much of the needed
clarification, the two latter communities were themselves hoping to see the
military lead the way with its revision. This obfuscation of responsibility,
however, is not as relevant as many observers and analysts might think:
failure to address these issues is not so much a case of one community
trying to pass the buck on to another, but rather testimony to the confusion
created when the ambiguity assertion about civilian/military fusion is not
General Alexander stated that in debating the rules of conflict in cyber
operations, the United States was trying to do the job right.15 Those debates,


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

however, constantly oscillate back and forth between positions that do

not address the primary innate structural concerns of the cyber domain.
Consequently, the military has spent a half-dozen years promising imminent
progress that does not materialize. The Pentagons official report was itself
described as ducking a series of important fundamental questions,
including defining such basic terms as war, force, and appropriate
response.16 This is pointed out not to poke fun at the military. Quite to
the contrary, this article makes the argument that given the reluctance of
all parties concerned to engage the ambiguity assertion, with an eye to
developing new strategy that embraces it rather than hopelessly using
old strategy to overcome it, the military has had no real chance of making
substantive progress to define the parameters of cyber action concisely.
It is no coincidence that the American military has sincerely worked
on issues such as administrative network control, cyber organization,
force composition, and cyber intelligence/operation differentiation, in
addition to basic terminology parameters, without any major questions
being considered definitively and comprehensively closed.17 How, for
example, can USCYBERCOM be expected to connect all the dots and be the
competent arbiter in determining a case for action when it readily admits
difficulty in even articulating who exactly comprises the fraternity of cyber
warriors operating and defending home networks?18 If the issues at hand
were neither so serious nor so far-reaching on the future of cyber conflict,
it would be almost comical. Only recently has it seemed possible that
relevant military bodies have started to reach the epiphany discussed here:
Although there are some noteworthy first steps toward establishing an international set of cyber norms evident in
bodies such as the Convention on Cybercrime any global
framework governing military response actions in cyberspace will surely materialize at an onerous pace. After all,
how can the rules of war, built upon the tactile presence
of combatants and weapons and sovereign territory, be retooled for a world where troops can be dispatched in milliseconds from a multitude of states?19
At least the above quote begins to frame the discussion around the
innate incompatibility between how war in cyberspace would likely be
conducted and how that compares to all previous wars. It is still, however,
emphasizing agency over structure: establishing an international set of
cyber norms mainly to hallmark the division between civilian and military

Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

assets and mitigate action already undertaken. This might help explain
why formal strategic documents concerning cyberspace end up being
nothing but simple platitudes about how the United States intends to
protect itself. Take for example the Department of Defenses (DoD) Strategy
for Operating in Cyberspace, released in mid-2011 and consisting of five
strategic initiatives:
Strategic Initiative 1: Treat cyberspace as an operational domain to organize, train, and equip so that the DoD can take
full advantage of cyberspaces potential.
Strategic Initiative 2: Employ new defense operating concepts to protect domestic networks and systems.
Strategic Initiative 3: Partner with other US government departments and agencies and the private sector to enable a
whole-of-government cyber security strategy.
Strategic Initiative 4: Build robust relationships with US allies and international partners to strengthen collective cyber security.
Strategic Initiative 5: Leverage the nations ingenuity through
an exceptional cyber workforce and rapid technological innovation.
Take full advantage; employ new concepts; partner with others;
build robust relationships; leverage ingenuity. All of these phrases are
wonderful slogans, but they are not accompanied by any explicit new
strategic thinking that could hope to actually institute said initiatives.
Trying to adapt conventional strategy slightly and then force the cyber
domain into it is likely to remain a project bearing little fruit. Examining
that conventional strategy and proposing new strategy that engages the
structural dilemma is the final section of this paper.

Engaging Ambiguity: Strategic Thinking for the Civilian/Military

Cyber Fusion
The need for a new strategic approach is best illustrated when the arguments
of two highly respected strategic thinkers one military and one legal,
who happen to fall on opposite sides of the LOAC cyber debate ignore
the problem of civilian/military structural cyber fusion. Dunlap, while
accepting the need for improvement, believes the tenets of the law of
armed conflict to be sufficient to address the most important issues of
cyberwar.20 The concern for distinguishing between legitimate military


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

and civilian targets does not seem to bother Dunlap in its impact on the
applicability of LOAC:
LOAC tolerates incidental losses of civilians and civilian objects so long as they are not excessive in relation to
the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. In
determining the incidental losses, cyber strategists are required to consider those that may be reasonably foreseeable
to be directly caused by the attack. Assessing second- and
third-order reverberating effects may be a wise policy
consideration, but it does not appear LOAC currently requires such further analysis.21
Dunlaps distinction is actually quite important given the current
intellectual climate: he has introduced some much-needed realism into
the debates by reminding people that LOAC has never been a flawless
strategy that provides perfect protection for civilians and civilian objects.
The problem highlighted here, however, is that his concerns over military/
civilian differentiation are misplaced.
These pro-LOAC arguments are effectively built around the fact that
cyberwar does not have to have a perfect record in delineating and then
protecting civilians because LOAC does not, either. But these arguments
assume that such delineation is generally possible. The future of cyberwar
is unlikely to be able to create such possibility because it has long been
established how many of the militarys critical functions, assets, service
providers, and supply chains all rely heavily on civilian traffic and networks.22
As such, new strategy needs to be positioned so as to prevent the use of
cyber weapons in general, because once they are used, the likelihood of
incurring civilian risk, damage, and casualties will be de facto. Sanitizing
the impact of cyber weapons once they are used by trying to constrain
targeting choices will not work.
The anti-LOAC camp makes the same mistake when discussing why
the law of armed conflict does not bring clarity to cyberwar:
The laws of war are in place to ensure that parties to a conflict target combatants rather than civilians, and, if civilians
are targeted, to ensure that such individuals have forfeited
their protected status. To determine whether cyber-attacks
properly distinguish between civilian and military targets,
one must understand [the] distinction.23


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

The opposition camp fails in the belief that such a distinction can in
fact be created in the cyber realm. This camp does not see the strategic
influence of the ambiguity assertion, focusing rather on the deficiencies
within LOAC and other contemporary norms and treaties: in short, make
better laws and the cyber world will come to heel. As such, this camp is
even further from cyber reality, ignoring a problem that is only going to
deepen and intensify over time. The opposition camp, in essence, is a more
liberal approach to conflict because the end goal is to create an atmosphere
of trust that can minimize higher levels of violence and treachery.24 This
flies even more in the face of the current and future structure of cyberwar.
Both of these camps believe in being able to monitor and regulate and
circumscribe cyberwar after it has begun, as happens successfully with
conventional war. This is a false hope. The ability to monitor, regulate,
and circumscribe cyber action is best done through strategy that can
inculcate preemptive fear and thereby induce caution and hesitation.
Current conventional strategies that aim for trust, target distinction, and
minimizing noncombatant impact are simply inexplicably ignoring how
cyberwar is organized, structured, and operationalized.
Liberal thinking also dominates the legal community, which is heavily
leaned upon for law projects and the strategic thinking that purportedly
infuses said projects for the cyber domain:
[An effective solution to the global challenge of cyber attacks] cannot be achieved by individual states acting alone.
It will require global cooperation. We therefore outlined the
key elements of the cyber treaty namely, codifying clear
definitions of cyber warfare and cyber-attack and providing
guidelines for international cooperation on evidence collection and criminal prosecution that would provide a more
comprehensive and long-term solution to the emerging
threat of cyber-attacks.25
The only thing left to add here is to note yet another camp focusing
on mitigating risk and limiting damage in the cyber domain ex post facto.
Regardless of philosophical standing, political agendas, or theoretical
acumen, every camp that examines the problem of parameters and definitions
in the cyber domain seems to exclude considerations of preemptive strategies
built upon fear and inducing reluctance to action. General Alexander of
US Cyber Command cited the need to establish the lanes of the road for
what governments can and cannot pursue and asserted that establishing

Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

those lanes was the necessary first step to addressing the challenge of
cyber attacks.26 What all of the camps examined here have in common is
a tendency to give lip-service to strategy, but then really focus exclusively
on ex post facto operations to establish progress. If the focus continues
to be on agency action rather than on structural deficiency, then progress
will not simply remain slow: it will become non-existent.

Duqus Dilemma: Why It Matters

This analysis has pinpointed flaws in the current thinking and efforts
to establish clear definitions and parameters governing the rules and
operations within cyberwar. The emphasis placed here on inherent structural
difficulties, namely, the innate cyber civilian/military fusion, has shown the
likely damaging and deadly consequences to societies when strategies do
not focus on the effort to stop cyber action preemptively, focusing instead
on operational considerations after conflict has begun.
Only now are isolated legal analyses highlighting these problems
beginning to emerge:
It is unlikely that a state such as the United States could take
precautions against the effect of attacks on military objectives by separating military objectives from civilians and
civilian objects in cyberspace. This is because of the interconnectedness of US government and civilian systems in
the near complete government reliance on civilian companies for the supply, support, and maintenance of its cyber
capabilities Proportionality assessments likely will prove
particularly precarious in cyberspace, where outcomes are
more difficult to predict than in the physical world: physical
attacks at least have the advantage of physics and chemistry
to work with. Because, say, the blast radius of a thousand
pound bomb is fairly well understood, one can predict what
definitely lies outside the blast radius and what definitely
lies inside. Error bands and cyber-attacks are much wider
and less well-known [Most reports do not explain how]
these public-private partnerships could be constituted in a
manner that adequately considers laws of war issues nor do
[they] address the likely use of active defenses by the private sector.27
As illustrated above, this structural issue is more than just semantics. It
literally covers who engages cyberwar, what can be destroyed in cyberwar,


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

who can be a victim during cyberwar, even the philosophical and ethical
questions meant to be asked about cyberwar itself. Duqus Dilemma is an
entreaty to move away from unattainable goals and idealistic dreams in a
futile hope to create sanitized cyberwar. Cyberwar will never be sanitized.
Consequently, contemporary strategic thinking about the cyber domain
must start treating the ambiguity assertion with the same gravity that the
more famous attribution problem receives.

1 Tom Leithauser, Rules of War Should Apply to Cyber Conflict, Cybersecurity
Policy Report, February 14, 2011.
2 Tom Gjelten, Shadow Wars: Debating Cyber Disarmament, World Affairs
173, no. 4 (2010): 33-42.
3 Ibid.
4 Aliya Sternstein, Experts Recommend an International Code of Conduct for
Cyberwar, National Journal, June 10, 2011.
5 Andrew Liaropoulos, War and Ethics in Cyberspace: Cyber-conflict and
Just War Theory, European Conference on Information Warfare and Security
177-XI (July 2010).
6 Vida Anatolin-Jenkins, Defining the Parameters of Cyberwar Operations:
Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places? Naval Law Review 51, no. 132
(2005): 1-34.
7 Don Tennant, The Fog of (CYBER) War, Computerworld 43, April 27, 2009,
pp. 28, 30-32.
8 James Fallows, Cyber Warriors, Atlantic Monthly 305 (March 2010): 58-60,
9 Ibid.
10 John Curran, Updated Rules for Cyber Conflict Coming Soon, Defense
Officials Say, Cybersecurity Policy Report, March 26, 2012.
11 Lolita Baldor, Cyber Warriors, Army Times, August 6, 2012, p. 23.
12 Siobhan Gorman and Julian Barnes, Rules for Laws of War: US Decides
Cyber Strike Can Trigger Attack, The Australian, June 1, 2011.
13 Anonymous, Military Ponders Cyberwar Rules, Los Angeles Times, April 7,
14 Ellen Nakashima, Pentagon Seeks to Expand Rules of Engagement in Cyber
War, Washington Post, August 10, 2012.
15 Ibid.
16 Ellen Nakashima, Cyber Offense Part of Strategy, Washington Post,
November 16, 2011.
17 Wesley Andrues, What US Cyber Command Must Do, Joint Forces
Quarterly JFQ 59 (Fourth Quarter 2010): 115-20.
18 Ibid.


Matthew Crosston | Duqus Dilemma

19 Ibid., p. 120.
20 Charles Dunlap, Perspectives for Cyber Strategists on Law for Cyberwar,
Strategic Studies Quarterly (Spring 2011): 81-99.
21 Ibid., p. 90.
22 Erik Mudrinich, Cyber 3.0: The Department of Defense Strategy for
Operating in Cyberspace and the Attribution Problem, Air Force Law Review
68 (2012): 167-206.
23 Michael Gervais, Cyber Attacks and the Laws of War, Journal of Law and
Cyber Warfare 30, no. 2 (2012): 525-79.
24 Ibid., p. 561.
25 Oona Hathaway et al., The Law of Cyber-Attack, California Law Review, Inc
(2012): 817-85.
26 Ibid., p. 884.
27 Hannah Lobel, Cyberwar Inc: The Law of War Implications of the Private
Sectors Role in Cyber Conflict, Texas International Law Journal 47, no. 3
(2012): 617-40.


The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity

in Cyberspace
Martin C. Libicki

Strategic ambiguity has an honored place in the mores of statecraft. The

studied unwillingness of states to say what they have done (or would do)
coupled with the lack of proof that they have done it (or would do it) liberates
other states. They can argue that something was done, but if their purposes
so dictate, they can pretend that it was not done. The degree of doubt can
vary: from thorough (no one is sure what has happened or would happen)
to nominal (no one is fooled). In either case, however, those who did it
have provided a fig leaf, however translucent, that other states can adopt.

Examples of Strategic Ambiguity in Physical Space

One time-honored example is Israels refusal to admit (or deny) that it has
nuclear weapons. No reputable analyst believes that Israel does not have
nuclear weapons. But since Israel has never announced whether it has
any, other states are free to pretend that Israel has not crossed the nuclear
barrier. This is convenient for states that would be pressured by their
people to respond with nuclear programs of their own were Israels status
overt. It also helps states that could not ship certain classes of exports to
Israel were Israels status more open.1 At the same time, no sane country
behaves as if Israel lacked a nuclear retaliation capability.
A parallel ambiguity concerns the putative US use of Predator attack
flights and cruise missiles against al-Qaeda members in countries such as
Yemen or Pakistan. Official policy is to deny that such flights take place.
When Yemens leader claimed that these were Yemenite operations, very
few analysts were fooled. But at least until recently, the leaders of these
countries did not have to contend with admitting that sovereignty violations
were taking place, with at least their tacit permission.
Dr. Martin C. Libicki is a Senior Management Scientist at the RAND Corporation.
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 3-10.


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

Another longstanding example is US policy towards Taiwans

independence. The United States has declared both that it opposes a
Taiwanese declaration of independence and any attempt to resolve the
status of Taiwan by force. The United States does not recognize Taiwan as
a state and so has no mutual aid pact with it. However, if Taiwan declared
independence and China decided to take the island, would the United
States intervene on Taiwans side? It is clearly in the US interest for China
to think so in order that China does not start a war. But it is almost as clearly
in the US interest for Taiwan to think otherwise, so that Taiwan does not
provoke China into starting a war. Assume the odds of a US intervention
are literally a coin toss and perceived that way on both sides of the Straits.
If so, Taiwan may well calculate that the expected value from declaring
independence is negative (whereas it would have been positive if the US
were definitely coming to help), due to the fact that the United States might
decide not to intervene. Similarly, China could conclude that the expected
value of a cross-Straits invasion is also negative because the United States
might intervent. Anything less ambiguous could well prompt one or the
other to do something foolish.

Cyberspace is Tailor-Made for Ambiguity

Cyberwar is, literally, inside work. When hackers enter a computer system
to misdirect its workings, the direct results are often literally invisible to the
outside world. Depending on how such systems have been misdirected, the
indirect results may be invisible as well. True, the results of a cyber attack
on a power grid that turns off the lights can be viewed even from space. But
without further investigation and revelation, it will not be clear whether a
blackout was a deliberate attack, or the result of human error, bad software,
or (most frequently) Mother Nature. Even if it were clear that a system
misbehaved because it had been attacked, exactly who attacked may be
shrouded in mystery. Finally, even if the fact and the author of the cyber
attack were clear, the purpose may be quite obscure: after all, cyberwar
alone cannot kill anyone, or even break very much (but see Stuxnet),
much less seize territory or change a regime (and whereas cyberwar can
facilitate other applications of force, it is those other applications that are
more visible). Nearly all intrusions are meant to steal information or rent
the capacities of the target machine (as in a bot) and otherwise leave the
system alone. Deliberate attacks can often be framed as attempts to mislead


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

people (e.g., false radar images) or their equipment (see Stuxnet). In the
latter cases, obviousness is self-defeating; once it is clear that you have
successfully deceived a system, the systems administrators are unlikely
to allow the system to operate as it has.

Is Stuxnet an Exception?
One would imagine that a cyber attack that actually broke something might
have passed the point where everyone could be try to hide its existence. The
Stuxnet worm was discovered in June, 2010, and its target was identified as
an Iranian nuclear facility in September. The earliest suspicions tagged the
Bushehr reactor as its target,2 and the Iranians denied that any such reactor
was affected. Within a few weeks, the Natanz centrifuge plant was identified
(more plausibly) as its target. Initial Iranian denials were contradicted in late
November, 2010, the day that assassins killed two Iranian nuclear scientists,
and when Ahmadinejad admitted that there was a worm that had caused a
great deal of trouble, which was then taken care of.3 How badly did Stuxnet,
in fact, hurt Irans nuclear development? Statistics from the IAEA would
indicate that it may have led to the premature retirement of 10 percent of
Irans centrifuges and thus, at most, it bought the worms creators several
months reprieve from the data at which Iran would have enough nuclear
material to build its first bomb.4 Other reports quote officials predicting that
the earliest that Iran can (as of early 2011) assemble such material would
be 2015, a delay of several years.
There is a lot more (apart from what it accomplished) that is currently
unclear about Stuxnet.5 One question is how it got into Natanz in the first
place; suspicions that the worms designers received witting or unwitting
help from Russian contractors appears to have soured Irans working
relationship with them.6 More important is exactly who wrote and released
the worm. Was it an individual (its sophistication says otherwise)? Was
it Israelis as suggested by several clues internal to the code but who
knows that these clues were not planted to mislead suspicion? Was it
Americans? Was it both, working together?7 Or, was it the Chinese?8 With
all the ambiguity, it is no wonder that Iran has yet to retaliate (at least in
any noticeable way). That noted, Syria did not respond to the strike on
its suspected nuclear facility, and Iraq did nothing but complain when its
Osiraq reactor was bombed and there was no ambiguity who did it in both
cases. Conversely, Irans strong ties to Hamas and Hizbollah suggest that


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

it may have had ways of expressing its displeasure that were unavailable
to Syria (in 2007) or Iraq (in 1981). Furthermore, Iran has yet to make much
of a big deal about the incident; likening it to an act of war after months of
silence and denials would be quite a volte-face.
The advantages of using Stuxnet rather than airpower to degrade Irans
nuclear capability are fairly clear (assuming the worm, in fact, did as its
designers hoped): comparable effect, and induced distrust among its
victims as to which of its suppliers or supplies may still be contaminated,
but with less condemnation (indeed, perhaps a sneaking admiration) and
fewer strategic risks.

The Uses of Ambiguity

The working hypothesis is that a cyber attack used in lieu of kinetic methods
creates more ambiguity in terms of effects, sources, and motives. Thus, if
cyber attacks work and this is a tremendous if they change the risk profile
of certain actions, and usually in ways that make them more attractive
options. What follows are some hypothetical uses of cyber attacks.
One, cyber attacks may be used by a victim of small scale aggression
to indicate its displeasure but with less risk of escalation than a physical
response would entail. In late 2010, for instance, North Korean forces shelled
a South Korean island, killing two civilians and two service members. A
retaliatory cyber attack that disrupted an important industrial facility
(ignoring the fact that North Korea is not well digitized and has nearly
zero network connections to the rest of the world) could have conveyed
displeasure. North Korea, if it wanted to respond, would have had to
(1) admit that one of its facilities had been hacked, and (2) take steps to
indicate why it was South Korea, and only South Korea that was at fault
(it could be the United States or even Japan, and China). Conversely, if
North Korea did not react publicly, it stood a good chance of limiting the
number of people with a good idea of why some facility ceased working.
This introduces another advantage of cyber warfare over physical combat:
although being attacked may be a source of pride (e.g., you can play David
to the enemys Goliath), being hacked primarily means that you ventured
into cyberspace with inadequate attention to maintaining control over
your systems. Victimhood is not something worth boasting about. Thus,
states that can hide having been attacked may well do so, thereby saving
face but doing so also making an obvious response less likely. They could,


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

of course, respond in kind and so a tit-for-tat struggle that started in the

physical worlds ascends (or descends) into the virtual one. But that course
may be safer all around than coming to blows.
Two, a state rich in cyber warriors may also use the threat of cyberwar
to deter the potential target against support proxy war fighters: e.g., Israel
could threaten Iran with cyber attacks if Israel is attacked by Hizbollah,
a group with known links to Iran.9 In this situation, Israel may not want
to make such a threat public. A public threat would allow Hizbollah to
coerce Iran by claiming a desire to wreak the sort of mischief that would
prompt Israel to strike Iran in cyberspace. But there are private ways to
convey the threat, and such a threat has logic. The usual problem with
cyber deterrence is that attribution (of the starting attack) is a problem, but
a physical attack say, Hizbollah rockets striking Israel would be obvious.
Conversely, although a state like Iran may not fear a direct Israeli attack
even in response to a Hizbollah attack (no such attack materialized in 2006,
for instance), it may fear a cyber attack given the clear superiority of Israeli
hackers over Iranian ones. Such superiority mitigates (although it does
not erase) the fear that having declared the intention to carry out a cyber
attack, Israel would have no accessible targets in Iran; even if the success
of any one attack is uncertain, the odds that enough will succeed and hurt
are sufficiently good. Irans blaming the United States afterwards may be a
problem for the United States but make things easier for Israel. Escalation
into violence is not really an option for Iran given Israels conventional
combat dominance (at least if the battle were close to Israel). More to the
point, Iran would have to admit its systems had been conned and make a
convincing case that it knew who did it. Finally, while Israel is more wired
than Iran, again, with Israels cyber capabilities, that fact may not be enough
to turn the tide towards Irans favor should it strike back.
Three, cyber attacks can be used by one state to affect the outcome
of conflict in another state without having to make any sort of visible
commitment, even an implied one. Consider the civil war in Libya. If Libyas
military was sufficiently wired so that cyber attacks could conceivably
make a difference in its capabilities,10 then Western hackers, by disabling
the central governments forces, could conceivably tilt the direction of
the fight. If the rebels won, Western governments would be better off as
a result. Rebel forces, at worst, would have no way of knowing they had
received assistance, and that may be just as well (particularly regarding


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

the more jihadist of Libyas rebels who greet the intervention of US forces
by switching sides). Or, hints could be offered (e.g.: if this capability fails
tomorrow, you will know why). Conversely, if the government won, it may
suspect that its information systems were tampered with by Western forces,
but it may not be able to prove as much. It may complain, but if Libya were
expected to blame its shortfalls on the West, then such complaints, in the
absence of evidence, would have little force. More to the point, it may not
want to claim as much if it wants to pretend afterwards that it has no reason
to make enemies of the West all over again. If the civil war drags on, the
West can pretend that it had made no prior help and thus had made no
commitment to escalate its assistance (even if hints were dropped to the
rebels, they would have an even harder time proving to others that Western
hackers were offering assistance, since unlike the government, they would
likely have no access to the tampered computers). The greatest problem in
offering such assistance is the possibility of getting caught, but if the target
of the attacks is on the outs with the rest of the world, it is unlikely that it
will get much help tracing the attacks. So attractive is such assistance (at
least from the helpers perspective) that it may be a routine feature on
both sides of any conflict where the outcome is uncertain and networks
matter to war fighting capabilities. And again, admitting that ones systems
have been hacked is always at least a little embarrassing.
Four, cyber attacks do not need to be directed towards adversaries,
although the risks of making new enemies if the source of the cyber attacks
are discovered are obvious. Consider a situation in which two neutral states
are inching towards war that one might prefer not take place. Suppose that
a third state is capable of introducing faults into both sides surveillance
and/or command-and-control systems that raise doubts whether they have
pierced the fog and overcome the friction enough to undertake military
operations. If systems go haywire, either target state is more initially likely
to blame the other for its woes (if they understand that such woes were
obvious and induced rather than non-obvious or accidental) rather than a
third party; chances are that the initial presumption is likely to color their
forensic activities and conclusions. Furthermore, there is a good chance
that such blame will be kept private given the embarrassment involved. Yet
risks exist in such maneuvers; such machinations may drive states towards
war if one side or both comes to convince itself, for instance, that the cyber


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

attacks from the other side are precursors to an immediate movement of

forces, or are indications that their foes forces are not just posturing.
A variant on this technique is to use cyber attacks to disable a capability
in a state whose leadership is reluctant to use it anyway (either because the
leadership feels itself to be on shaky political ground vis--vis its excitable
populace, or because the leadership is exercised by a consensus among
factions11). Once such a capability is found inoperative, the political leadership
announces to its military leaders that it has no option but to stand down.
Perhaps the military unearths evidence that a third party was behind such
an incapacity the political leadership, relieved at not having to act, may
deem such evidence inconclusive or not credible it in the first place.
Five, ambiguity may be useful in declaratory policy, one that indicates
how a state would respond to a cyber attack. Ambiguity has both costs and
benefits. The cost is that others may think they can get away with attacks
that they would have forborne if they had understood that reprisals would
follow. But the benefit is that the target state may not want to strike back,
particularly if it lacks the confidence to attribute the attack. A state that
fails to strike back because it is unsure may not lose stature in its own
eyes attribution really is difficult. Yet if the attacker (and others) come
to believe that such a state did know but pretended otherwise for fear of
a full-scale fight, then any threat to retaliate rings hollow and not just
in cyberspace. If a state leans too far forward in promising reprisals in
response to cyber attacks and cannot deliver, its ability to deliver against
all other threats may be further doubted.

Cyberwars many tactical ambiguities lend force to a strategy built on
strategic ambiguities. There may be many cases in which an aggressor
state does not want what it has done it to be obvious. Even the target state
in some cases may conclude that pretending as much (even if it must turn
a blind eye to the evidence) has advantages over trying to clarify matters
or even claiming clarity in absence of the real thing.
But the downside to strategic ambiguity should be noted. States may
arrogate the right to carry out all sorts of mischief in cyberspace on the
belief that they will never be called into account. The lack of accountability,
however, is inherently dangerous. Sometimes it is unwarranted (the state


Martin C. Libicki | The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

is only fooling itself), and even if warranted, it provides hackers a degree

of freedom that history suggests is dangerous in and of itself.

1 By contrast, legislation had to be passed in 2006 to permit the United States
to share civilian technology with India, which like Israel is a non-signatory
to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but unlike Israel, a declared nuclear power.
See Peter Baker, Signs India Nuclear Law: Critics Say Deal to Share Civilian
Technology Could Spark Arms Race, Washington Post, December 19, 2006,
2 Robert McMillan, Was Stuxnet Built to Attack Irans Nuclear Program?
IDG News, taken from PCWorld, September 21, 2010.
3 William Yong, Alan Cowell, Bomb Kills Iranian Nuclear Scientist, New York
Times, November 30, 2010.
4 Joby Warrick, Irans Natanz Nuclear Facility Recovered Quickly from Stuxnet
Cyberattack, Washington Post, February 16, 2011. See also the report by the
Institute for Science and International Security,
5 What is most clear about Stuxnet is how it worked because the worm was
captured alive, so to speak, in the wild before it could self-destruct (which
it should have done if it was unable to find a specific programmable logic
device that met certain preset parameters associated with a particular type
of centrifuge).
6 The Stuxnet Worm: A Cyber-Missile Aimed at Iran? Economist, September
24, 2010,
7 William Broad, John Markoff, David Sanger, Israel Tests on Worm Called
Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay, New York Times, January 15, 2011.
8 Jeffrey Carr, Stuxnets Finnish-Chinese Connection, December 14, 2010,
9 Many observers take issue with the characterization of Hizbollah as a
puppet of Iran. Yet there is a difference between Hizbollah acting only on
Irans orders, and Iran having enough influence on Hizbollah to discourage
it from unwise actions.
10 An influential article reviewing the possibilities of Western intervention
in Libya mentioned electronic warfare in the form of communications
jamming, but nothing about cyber warfare. See Thom Shanker, U.S.
Weighs Options, on Air and Sea, New York Times, March 6, 2011, http://
11 If the fact that Chinas stealth fighter surprised Hu Jintao when meeting with
Secretary of Defense Gates is any indication, its military is not absolutely
beholden to its political leadership and thus the countrys effective
leadership may also be somewhat of a coalition.


An Interdisciplinary Look at Security

Challenges in the Information Age
Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky

Developments in electronics and computers since World War II have
affected a broad range of fields and created the information age. This
article focuses on interrelationships among information technology, the
information age, and security. More specifically, it aims to contribute to a
discussion of the national security issues stemming from the development
of information technology.
Much of the driving force behind computer development has been derived
from military applications. Following new possibilities, thinking about
the effect of technological change on defense issues has also progressed.
In addition, the information age, which continues to develop rapidly,
along with advances in computer communications and the penetration
of computers into every area of life, has given rise to cyberspace. These
developments challenge existing perceptions and force reconsideration of
basic concepts. The need for an informed public debate and the design of
a firm policy has likewise grown, given the fact that the cyberspace risk is
already concrete as dramatized by events in Estonia in the spring of 2007,
as well as the Stuxnet affair.1 In Estonia, daily life was disrupted following
a technically simple but massive attack on internet-based services. With
Stuxnet, it appears that a technically complex cyber weapon was used,
designed to cause precise damage to the system controlling the industrial
process at a protected nuclear fuel enrichment facility in Iran. The weapons
design and method of operation included camouflage of its activity for
Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel is head of the Yuval Neeman Workshop for Science, Technology
and Security at Tel Aviv University. Lior Tabansky is a Neubauer research associate
working on the Cyber Warfare Program at INSS, which is supported by the
Philadelphia-based Joseph and Jeanette Neubauer Foundation.
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 21-37.


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

a prolonged period. This cyber weapon apparently caused cumulative

physical damage of strategic significance. The consensus is that in both
incidents, states were behind the cyber attacks, though in both cases no
definitive evidence exists.
A basic theoretical understanding of the information age is essential
in order to consider cyber security issues. This article relies on ideas by
philosopher Karl Popper, futurists Alvin and Heidi Toffler, and economist
Paul Romer to illuminate the characteristics of the information age and to
clarify the issues that emerge when technological development interfaces
with national security. It analyzes the current characteristics of cyberspace,
and discusses the implications for national security questions. It then
reviews the field known as information warfare and focuses on the totally
new phenomenon of computer warfare in cyberspace. The article then
reviews cyber weapons and methods of warfare, discusses defense, attack,
and deterrence, and presents key issues in the cyber defense realm. It
appears that in order to maintain security and peace, a multidisciplinary
assessment of the new issues and challenges is required.

Theoretical Background
Technological change occupies many thinkers who struggle to assess its
social effects. Although the scope of this article does not permit a full review
of the field, three thinkers relevant to an understanding of the dynamic
reality must be mentioned.
The term Third Wave, taken from the theories of the bestselling authors
Alvin and Heidi Toffler, refers to a time period (table 1). According to the
Tofflers, we are in the midst of a transition to the Third Wave, in which the
economy is based on knowledge and control of information,2 instead of on
industrial mass production. Similarly, the form of warfare is changing as
well. The name of the game has become obtaining information about the
enemy and denying it information about yourself. The side that controls
information technologies will win the war, even if it faces many weapons
rolling off Second Wave assembly lines.


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

Table 1. The Waves According to the Tofflers

The First
The Second
Wave from
the mid-17th
until the end
of the 20th
The Third
Wave from
the end of
the 20th


Who is Rich Symbol


Landowner Sickle


Automated Industrialist Machinery Tank,

of mass
Knowledge Bill Gates



Method of Waging
battle at point
blank range; land
Machines used at
medium range,
poor accuracy,
attempt to damage
Attempt to damage
through the use
of computers.
Remote damage
to functional
capacity, without
physically reaching
the target

Concepts developed by philosopher Karl Popper, who died in 1994,

enhance the theoretical stage. Popper analyzed the world of knowledge as
another existing concept, in addition to the material and spiritual worlds
(table 2).3 Popper insists that an entire world of human knowledge exists
(World 3), populated by beings that are objective contents of thought,
such as the Pythagorean Theorem and the laws of physics. These are neither
material nor subjective mental experiences. Once the Pythagorean
Theorem was formulated, it became an objective truth independent of the
spirit that created (or discovered) it. In other words, knowledge is objective,
even though it is a product of the (subjective) human spirit.

Table 2. Poppers Three Worlds and Cyberspace

World 1
World 2
World 3


Knowledge Objective


Example in
Tables, airplanes
Pain, happiness
Displays (the user
Mathematics, physics Software


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

Unlike material, knowledge can be used again and again and shared with
many consumers without being diminished. Knowledge or information is
a non-rival, partially excludable good. Paul Romer, a pioneer researcher in
the new theory of economic growth, discusses the economic consequences
of knowledge, and lays the foundations for a different knowledge-based
economy.4 He argues that growth in the economy, the basis of power and
prosperity, is not solely a result of changes in capital and manpower. The
development of knowledge is a new, potent source of endogenous growth.
The character of this knowledge-based growth differs from what is familiar
in the traditional economy.
If we combine Poppers metaphysical basis with Tofflers sociology and
Romers economic theory, we can suggest that the wars of the First and
Second Wave were conducted mainly in World 1 (material). In these wars,
the side with the largest and strongest army that was best able to mobilize
troops and develop the mental factors (World 2) among its troops (e.g. the
spirit of battle, motivation, and courage) would be victorious. According to
this theory, future wars will also spread to World 3, the world of information.
Without derogating the value of these elements in the future, while past
wars relied on physical force (the First Wave) and present wars rely on the
power of machinery (the Second Wave), future wars will rely more and
more on brainpower.

Intellectual Approaches to National Security in the

Information Age
The outstanding symbol of the information age the electronic computer
was built at the end of WWII to help the US military in artillery ballistic
calculations. In the decades following, especially after the invention of the
transistor and the integrated circuit, computers have continually shrunk
in size. Gordon Moore, co-founder of computer processors manufacturer
Intel, stated in 1965 that the number of transistors that could be placed on
an integrated circuit would double every 1-2 years, while the price would
remain constant.5 When this rule proved valid for semiconductors, the
prediction was dubbed Moores Law. Futurist Ray Kurzweil presents
persuasive arguments for extending Moores Law to information technologies
in general.6
With the development of the computer and its shrinking physical
dimensions, defense institutions employ computing to improve the


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

performance of many systems. The chief benefit was a revolution in the

accuracy of munitions, manifested first in airpower. Computers initially
contributed to better operational planning. When it became possible to
install a computer in warplanes, the power of computing was harnessed
for the purpose of attack missions. An important strategic change occurred
when the computers dimensions and price were downsized enough that it
could be embedded in ammunition itself. Thus was born the era of smart
weapons precision guided munitions that were initially adopted in aerial
warfare. The operational results were stunning. In an attack on a specific
individual target, such as a tank, one airplane armed with smart weapons
can now do what 15 airplanes could do 30 years ago, or what 60 airplanes
could do 40 years ago.7 No wonder this technological revolution has had
a decisive effect on the theory of warfare.
In order to adapt the art of war to information technology, a new theory of
warfare dubbed the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) was developed
in the early 1990s, based on four fundamental elements: precision strike,
space power, dominant maneuver, and information warfare.8 Information
warfare involves several different aspects: computer warfare (computers
are the main technological means of storing and transporting information),
electronic warfare (mostly against sensors and communications systems),
psychological warfare and managing the media (media briefings, embedding
reporters in combat units, and manipulation of the information released
to the public). These terms must be used accurately and the meaning of
information warfare must be fully understood, particularly as these
concepts have evolved with the advent and development of cyberspace.
The direct result of RMA is the absolute military superiority of the
developed countries on the battlefield,9 as reflected in the US wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan, and in Israels wars in Lebanon and against terrorist
organizations. Indeed, a critical benefit of RMA is the unprecedented
capability to conduct accurate and effective low intensity warfare, and
the ability to defeat terrorism through military means, without causing
widespread collateral damage.10 As computer development continues,
however, a change in approach is required. What follows is intended to
provide a basis for an updated concept of national security in a reality that
includes the new cyberspace.


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

The ongoing growth of computers and communications networks generated a
new situation at the beginning of the 21st century: an additional computerized
layer above the existing older systems that effectively controls their function.
The spread of computers, their integration in various devices, and their
connectivity to communications networks have created a new space.
Cyberspace is composed of all the computerized networks in the world,
as well as of all computerized end points, including telecommunications
networks, special purpose networks, the internet, computer systems, and
computer-based systems. The concept also includes the information stored,
processed, and transmitted on the devices and between these networks.11
This picture enables us to understand what is happening in World 312 while
focusing on the encounter with national security issues.
Unlike land, sea, air, outer space, and the electromagnetic spectrum,
cyberspace is not a product of nature. Cyberspace is created by human
beings, and would not exist without the information technologies developed
in recent decades. Knowledge which is perhaps the most important element
in cyberspace is a product of cumulative human endeavor.13 The structure
and design of cyberspace as it is today has significant consequences for
national security (table 3).14

Table 3. Characteristics of Cyberspace and their Weak Points


Weak Point

Rapid change

Rapid obsolescence of means, including

defense systems

TCP/IP protocol architecture

It is difficult to track the signal in the network

and attribute it to a source.

High level of complexity

It is very difficult to connect an event to its

cause, and difficult to distinguish a malfunction
from an attack.

Extensive use of standard commercial

off-the-shelf equipment

A narrowing gap between small and large

players. The vulnerability of identical hardware
and operating systems puts a broad range of
systems at risk.

Entry-level cyber weapons are

relatively cheap

The scope and price of defense is increasing.

An unclear legal environment

A gray area with a low probability of

punishment encourages instability.


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

Cyberspace can be described as consisting of three layers.15

a. The most tangible layer, which currently provides the infrastructure
of the computer world, is the physical layer. The physical components
are the concrete building blocks of cyberspace building blocks with
natural characteristics: width, height, depth, weight, and volume.16 In
Poppers theory, the material layer corresponds to World 1.
b. The second layer is software logic, a variety of command systems
programmed by people, intended to instruct a computing device.
The physical components are controlled to a large extent by software,
and the information stored on computers can be processed through
software commands. The software layer is partly physical (World 1)
and partly logical, meaning, again, World 3.
c. The third layer of cyberspace is the data layer that a machine contains
and processes. The data and its processing generate information and
knowledge. This layer is the least tangible of the three, mainly because
the characteristics of information are very different from objective
physical characteristics. This layer definitely belongs to Poppers
World 3.
From Information Warfare to Cyber Warfare
In American and European professional literature,17 information warfare is
considered a significant feature of the information age. In American military
terminology, information warfare is called information operations, and its
computerized component is called computer network operations (CNO).18

Table 4. Topics Included in Information Warfare

Information collection

Relevant Systems and Technologies

Various sensors in all parts of the electromagnetic
Transporting information for Broadband communications, compression, encoding,
processing and the consumer encryption
Storage and retrieval
Databases, de-duplication, compression
Processing and filtering
Digital signal processing (DSP), automatic target
recognition (ATR), data fusion, artificial intelligence (AI)
Making information accessible Broadband communications, display systems, and a
human-machine interface
Denial of information
Jamming, electronic warfare (EW), encryption,
deception, obfuscation
Information protection
Denying unauthorized parties access to your
information, encryption


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

Table 4 shows that the topics listed under information warfare are
actually classic topics existing throughout the history of war. In the
course of history, several classic methods of warfare have been developed
for information warfare, including intelligence gathering by human
sensors (as in Joshuas use of spies in the conquest of the Promised
Land) and the development of special gathering technologies (such as
airborne intelligence sensors, satellites, etc.). Classic methods have also
been developed in the prevention aspect of information warfare, such as
camouflage, dummies and masks, jamming and blocking, deception and
misdirection, propaganda, and so on.
Further analysis of table 4 indicates that the increasing dependence of
information systems on computing is practically the only innovation in this
field. In other words, while information warfare is not new, this is not true
of computer-based information systems. Cyberspace makes it possible
to define new targets, weapons, and methods of warfare. What is new
about Third Wave warfare or war in the information age is not information
warfare per se, but computer warfare. For this reason, it is best to limit the
discussion by focusing on computer warfare in cyberspace. The change in
cyberspace is so great that the basic concepts, such as war, weapon,
attack, and defense, require a new explanation.
Computer warfare in cyberspace is unauthorized access to the adversarys
computer systems for the purpose of intelligence gathering, disruption,
deception, and prevention and delay of the use of information, while
preventing the enemy from doing the same to ones own computer systems.
A traditional attack (barrage, bombing, physical sabotage) on computer
systems will also certainly cause disruption, prevention, and delay in the
use of information. Such a physical attack, however, is not classified as
The characteristics of cyberspace19 also define warfare in this sphere.
The characteristics of cyberspace make it difficult to distinguish between
a deliberate attack and malfunction, and complicate the effort to attribute
action to a specific party, thereby also making it difficult to respond to an
attack. The characteristics of cyberspace today empower marginal players,
and give the attacker an advantage over the defender.
In recent years, a discussion has developed about the vulnerability
created by the indispensability of cyberspace in all life processes in a
developed society.20 Computer warfare is not confined to military systems;


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

with the spread of computers and communications networks, it has become

applicable to all areas of life. Most systems in the civilian economy and the
entire critical infrastructure are now dependent on computers, and are part
of cyberspace. This fact generates vulnerability and new possibilities for
warfare, and also requires defensive preparation in developed countries.
Attack and Defense in Cyberspace
Cyber weapons21 are malware and harmful hardware that damage the victims
computer resources and disrupt his data, deceive, and cause deprivation of
service or the collection and transfer of intelligence. Malware is hostile
software designed to disrupt orderly activity of a computer system and
damage the process managed by that system. Spyware is hostile software
designed for covert data collection and its potential transmission over a
network. Phishing is a stratagem based on software and social engineering
designed to fraudulently obtain personal data and details of user identities
to gain unauthorized access to sensitive resources.
Hardware can be implanted through the addition of an electronic
component to an existing unit, or an addition within an integrated circuit.
The implant can take place during manufacture, transportation, operation
and maintenance.22 The use of software as a logical weapon, more common
than the use of hardware, is what enables the most advanced methods of
warfare. Knowledge and technology are non-rival, partially excludable
goods; these inexhaustible characteristics make them hugely important
in all matters pertaining to information warfare. Not all the consequences
of this potential have been fully clarified.23
When there are good grounds to suspect that a cyber attack is underway,
it is very difficult to identify the source and the attackers identity. All parties
operating in cyberspace use common tools and methods. Commercial
cooperation, a kind of outsourcing, frequently takes place between the
technical parties possessing attack capabilities (programmers, encoding
hackers, owners of captive networks) and those ordering the services
(private investigators, organized crime, espionage organizations). In order
to determine that a cyber attack is an act of war, several aspects must be
a. The organizational and geographic source: whether a state is behind
the action24


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

b. Motive: whether it is possible to identify an ideological, political,

economic, or religious motive for the attack
c. Level of complexity: whether the attack required complex planning
and coordinated resources that are available primarily to state agencies
d. Results: whether the attack caused damage and casualties, and whether
it would have caused damage without the defensive actions taken.
The characteristics of cyberspace make it difficult to answer these questions,
and answers sufficient for setting policy will undoubtedly be lacking.
For adequate defense, it is necessary to discern there is an attack,
which is no simple matter in cyberspace. Early implantation of malicious
hardware or software, especially before testing plans have been formulated,
reduces the chances of detection. More accurate cyber weapons cause little
collateral damage, which makes detection of the attack by the victim less
likely. Defensive actions involve three aspects:25
a. Detection: the Achilles heel how to realize that a computer attack
has taken place
b. Prevention: a means of stopping the attacker at the penetration stage
c. Response: recovery measures to limit the attackers achievements,
forensic means, and even retaliatory action.

Key Issues in Cyberwar

The technological change underlying the transition to the Third Wave, the
rapid expansion of World 3, and the development of the information economy
raise new questions. One of the most important is the debate on critical
infrastructure protection. The feasibility of a cyber threat to the infrastructure
of a modern society was presented through experiments, such as a power
generator being put out of action and blown up by broadcasting commands
to its command and control system.26 It appears that this threat became a
reality in the summer of 2010, when the Stuxnet worm virus that infected
Windows-based computers was discovered. It searched for computers
running Siemens-produced industrial command and control software of a
certain type connected to an industrial controller of a specific model. Only
if it located the relevant computers, the virus activated software code that
disrupted the activity of the computerized controller, while concealing
the change from the control software and equipment operators. Stuxnet
allegedly damaged the proper operation of the centrifuges for uranium
enrichment in Iran. The source and duration of the attack are unknown.27


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

The US, the worlds only superpower, is a pioneer and leader in the
discussion of its cyber vulnerability.28 A countrys critical infrastructure
is an obvious target in any conflict. Nonetheless, why has such concern
been raised now, and in the strongest countries? The answer lies in the
transition from the wars of Tofflers Second Wave to the wars of the Third
Wave, the information wave. Discussion of critical infrastructure protection
has been renewed because of the emergence of a new threat that could
not have been carried out before. The development of cyberspace makes
it possible, for the first time in history, to attack critical infrastructure
systems in cyberspace, without physical access to the site and without
exposure during or after the attack.
Critical infrastructure protection is one of the key issues of cyber security.
The topic is outside the scope of this study, and deserves a specific discussion
of its own.29
Information warfare immediately invites examination of the concept
of war itself: is a cyber attack on computerized information involving no
use of firepower an act of war? What constitutes a legitimate target in
such a war? The extensive military use of civilian infrastructure (mainly
communications) complicates the distinction between military and civilian
targets. For example, the computer infrastructure of the US Department of
Defense consists of 15,000 networks and seven million facilities dispersed
all over the world. Most of the US Defense Department communications,
however, are channeled through commercial civilian networks.30 Civilians
(even women and children) can be as effective as soldiers in computer
warfare. Does this make them potential targets of a response? How should
we act in a case of widespread economic damage? Moreover, the meaning
of such an attack is unclear. Assume that one day the computer systems
of the Israeli banks crash. Assume also that we manage to determine with
certainty that the enormous damage was caused deliberately by a deliberate
penetration, and assume that we succeed in tracing the attacker to the
territory of a neighboring country. Now, is this an act of war? Ostensibly, the
damage caused is only economic; there are no (direct) human casualties.
Countries have frequently responded with restraint to traditional attacks that
caused economic damage but did not take human life.31 Economic damage,
however, is liable to paralyze an entire country. How do we estimate the
indirect damage caused by an attack? Assume that a cyber attack caused
prolonged disruption in the supply of electricity. Assume that one of its


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

results is putting road lights and traffic lights out of commission, and the
resulting darkness causes fatal traffic accidents. Should a victim of such
an accident be considered a cyber warfare casualty? Should we respond
with firepower and ground maneuver, or with a cyber counterattack?
The problem is more complicated than the scenarios described, because
a computer attack does not require a base in a country, and it can also be
conducted by organizations and even by individuals.
Computer warfare is also conducted between friendly countries
competing for diplomatic and economic intelligence. Is this warfare? Is
it acceptable or advisable to use computer warfare in peacetime for such
A special problem in cyber warfare is detecting an attack; in contrast to
a traditional attack occurring in World 1, the material world, the location of
the strike and the attackers identity are not necessarily exposed following
the attack. There are no defined front lines in computer warfare, and
geographic distance has almost no meaning in electronic networks. Given
the characteristics of cyberspace, detecting an attack cannot be taken for
granted: an attack and a malfunction have similar effects. While the computer
world has become more sophisticated, as reflected in the multiplicity of
software and applications and the growing number of transistors in each
component, malfunctions are not less likely. The statistical probability of
a software bug or programming error is constant, and its nominal value
rises with increased complexity of software.32
The capability to detect that computers have been attacked and damaged,
rather than malfunctioning naturally, is inadequate. Without the ability
to distinguish in real time between an attack and malfunction, large scale
investment in constant cyber readiness is necessary. Defense against cyber
threats must encompass all aspects of attack and be updated with new
developments, and its cost is rising steadily. The argument on difficulty of
defense is similar to the argument against an active anti-missile defense and
the argument that defense against suicide terrorists is futile. Nevertheless,
it is possible to devise a response to the new threats,33 although the burden
is substantial, since the characteristics of todays cyberspace give a clear
advantage to attack over defense.34 The field of encryption is one of the few
areas in cyberspace in which the defender still enjoys an advantage over
the attacker.35 Given the difficulty of identifying the fact of an attack, its
geographic location, and the identity of the attacker, a state of uncertainty


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

results that makes an escalating response difficult. Table 3 above summarizes

the characteristics and many weak points that create the attribution
problem: it is hard to know the attackers source and identity and on behalf
of whom he operated, and it is certainly hard to prove guilt. In the traditional
defense realm, great effort is expended on intelligence, advance warning,
and deterrence in order to limit as much as possible the resources spent
on a state of continual readiness. The problem of deterrence is particularly
difficult in cyberspace, mainly because of the attribution problem.36
The characteristics of cyberspace give rise to problems for an attacker
as well. How can one tell whether the cyber-attacked computers have
really been damaged? In order to rely on a cyber attack, battle damage
assessment is necessary. From this perspective, an open loop attack, i.e.,
one whose degree of success is unknown, is of limited utility. This problem
is especially acute if the cyber attack was not intended to destroy data but
to manipulate it.
In conventional warfare, rules have been developed that are anchored
in international conventions. These conventions, which were written
before the emergence of cyberspace, deal in armed conflict, physical
confrontation, territorial attack, and so on. These concepts are irrelevant
to computer warfare, and the existing conventions require adaptation to
cyber warfare Third Wave warfare. Despite widespread research in this
field, it is reasonable to assume that an assessment of the issues from a legal
standpoint will take many years. The absence of rules makes it difficult to
cope on a daily basis with the special problems of cyber warfare. The issues
reviewed are not purely legal; they are essential issues for policymaking and
taking decisions. In late 2011, NATO was in the midst of formulating a legal
framework to enable it to respond to cyber attacks using methods currently
of uncertain legality. An understanding of the theoretical foundations of
the field is critical for improving the ability to cope with it.

Cyberspace is a fairly new product of the information age, and cyber
security is part of the transition to the information age. In order to cope
with this challenging change, a multidisciplinary perspective should be
adopted. Therefore some of the information ages important theoretical
origins were presented, including ideas of the Tofflers, Karl Popper, and


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

Paul Romer. Clearly there are other sources, and further multidisciplinary
research on the information age is welcome.
The problems in dealing with security challenges are a function of the
characteristics of cyberspace: rapid action, the rate of change, intricacy, and
complexity. Cyber attack and defense take place in World 3, the world of
knowledge. The significant consequences of the key issues of cyber warfare
described in the last section of this study should be investigated in depth.
The key development is not information warfare; it is computer warfare
in cyberspace. Discussion of solutions to computer matters tends to focus
on the technical realm, far away from public debate and public policy.
Clearly professional understanding of the field under discussion is essential,
and it presents enormous challenges requiring a solution at the national
public policy level. However, a review of the main issues of cyber security
paints a complicated picture, beyond the technical computer professions.
In order to provide national security in the dynamic environment of the
information age, it is therefore correct to utilize inputs from every relevant
field of knowledge, including the social sciences, psychology, biology,
medicine, and philosophy. This study aims to encourage interdisciplinary
research into the cyber security challenges, contribute to the development
of an informed national security policy, and thereby contribute to security
and prosperity in the information age.

1 The Meaning of Stuxnet: A Sophisticated Cyber-Missile Highlights the
Potential and Limitations of Cyberwar, Economist (GBR) Economist 397,
no. 8702 (2010), September 30, 2010, from the printed edition.
2 Information or data is distinguishable from knowledge, which also
requires conceptualization and understanding of the raw information. This
distinction is unimportant for the purposes of this article.
3 Karl Popper, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1972), chapters 3-4.
4 Paul M. Romer, Endogenous Technological Change, Journal of Political
Economy 86, no. 5, pt. 2 (1990): S71-S102.
5 E. Mollick, Establishing Moores Law, Annals of the History of Computing,
IEEE 28, no. 3 (2006): 62-75.
6 Ray Kurzweil, The Law of Accelerating Returns, (2001).
7 Isaac Ben-Israel, From Sword Blade to Computer Memory, Odyssey 9,
October 2010.
8 For information on RMA, see: Michael E. OHanlon, Technological Change
and the Future of Warfare (Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press,


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges






2000); Stuart E. Johnson and Martin C. Libicki, Dominant Battlespace

Knowledge: The Winning Edge (Washington, DC: National Defense
University Press, 1995).
This ascendancy has caused the enemy to retreat to a strategy of survival and
asymmetric warfare.
This capability was demonstrated for the first time in Israels victory in
2000-2005 over Palestinian suicide bombers during the intifada. See Lior
Tabansky, The Anti-Terrorism Struggle in the Information Age: Palestinian Suicide
Bombers and the Implementation of High Technologies in Israels Response, 20002005, position paper published by Tel Aviv University, May 2007.
The great resemblance between the American and Israeli definitions is a
result of shared values and a similar scientific and economic level. China,
Russia, India, France, and other countries define cyberspace and cyber
threats differently. Such a comparison, however, falls outside the bounds of
this study.
See the discussion above of Karl Poppers theory.
A discussion of the status of knowledge appears in Karl Popper, and was
mentioned in the preceding section.
For a discussion of cyberspace in the context of national security, see Lior
Tabansky, Basic Concepts in Cyber Warfare, Military and Strategic Affairs 3,
no. 1 (2010): 75-92.
Martin C. Libicki, Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar (Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation, 2009).
Today, the infrastructure of the computer world is electronics. Before
electronics, there were mechanical calculators. And in the future? The
practicality of utilizing biological infrastructure for computational purposes
has already been demonstrated. DNA computing uses molecular biology
and DNA instead of electronic components. Another possibility is peptide
computing: bio-molecular computing based on amino acid compounds.
Compare the definitions of the US Defense Department, Joint Publication
Jp 3-13: Joint Doctrine for Information Operations, edited by United States
Department of Defense, Washington, DC, 2006, with those of the European
Union as defined in the tender of the European Defence Agency Study,
Computer Network Operations (CNO) for EU-led Military Operations,
10-CAP-OP-37 (EU Milops CNO Capability) Annex, August 16, 2010.
This includes computer network defense (CND), computer network
exploitation (CNE), and computer network attack (CNA). The technical basis
for the three types of action is identical.
See table 2 above.
For example, see Richard A. Clarke and Robert K. Knake, Cyber War: The
Next Threat to National Security and What To Do About It (New York: Ecco,
2010); Franklin D. Kramer, Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz, Cyberpower
and National Security (Washington, DC: Center for Technology and National
Security Policy, National Defense University Press: Potomac Books, 2009);


Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges









William Lynn III, Defending a New Domain, Foreign Affairs 89, no. 5
(September-October 2010); Martin Coward, Network-Centric Violence,
Critical Infrastructure and the Urbanization of Security, Security Dialogue
40, no. 4-5 (2009): 4-5; Walter Gary Sharp, The Past, Present, and Future of
Cybersecurity, Journal of National Security Law and Policy 4, no. 1 (2010).
For a discussion of the technical issues, see Jeffrey Carr, Inside Cyber Warfare:
Mapping the Cyber Underworld (OReilly Media, 2009); and Rick Lehtinen,
Deborah Russell, and G. T. Gangemi, Computer Security Basics (Sebastopol,
CA: OReilly & Associates, 2006).
Faulty hardware implanted by the CIA in a system for transporting gas
purchased by the Soviet Union allegedly caused an enormous explosion in
Siberia in 1982. See W. K. Clark and P. L. Levin, Securing the Information
Highway: How to Enhance the United States Electronic Defenses, Foreign
Affairs 88, no. 6 (2009).
For the economic consequences, see the discussion by Paul Romer
mentioned above.
Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the policy support
threshold was lowered: sometimes circumstantial evidence, such as
ideological support of an enemy or provision of logistic services to terrorists,
is sufficient.
A detailed discussion of these matters is beyond the scope of this study.
The Aurora Experiment, conducted in the national laboratories in Idaho,
US; See James Andrew Lewis, Thresholds for Cyberwar, Washington, DC:
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2010.
The Meaning of Stuxnet, note 1.
United States, Presidents Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection,
Critical Foundations: Protecting Americas Infrastructures: The Report
of the Presidents Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection,
Washington, DC: US GPO, 1997.
See Lior Tabansky, Critical Infrastructure Protection against Cyber
Threats, Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 2 (2011): 61-78; Myriam Dunn,
Securing the Digital Age: The Challenges of Complexity for Critical
Infrastructure Protection and IR Theory, in Johan Eriksson and Giampiero
Giacomello, eds., International Relations and Security in the Digital Age
(Routledge, 2007).
Lynn, Defending a New Domain.
Israeli governments behaved in this manner for years, when thousands of
rockets trickled into Israel from Gaza and hit open areas in the western
One of the measures of software complexity is the number of source lines of
code (SLOC). Windows NT 3.1, the Microsoft operating system, which was
introduced in 1993, had 4.5 million SLOC. Windows XP, introduced in 2001,
had 45 million SLOC. Linux Fedora 9 has 204 million SLOC.
See Tabansky, The Struggle against Terrorism in the Information Age.

Isaac Ben-Israel and Lior Tabansky | An Interdisciplinary Look at Security Challenges

34 Ibid., and Lynn, Defending a New Domain.

35 The dominant encryption method is based on a mathematical principle that
it is difficult to factor a number whose factors are prime numbers. Quantum
computing has features that will completely eliminate the advantage of the
existing encoding methods. When a quantum computer is built, the security
field will undergo an upheaval caused by the foundations of encryption
being made obsolete.
36 Libicki, Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar. See also Amir Lupovici, Cyber
Warfare and Deterrence: Trends and Challenges in Research, Military and
Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 49-62.


Cyber Warfare and Deterrence:

Trends and Challenges in Research
Amir Lupovici

In recent years a growing number of researchers have expanded the

discussion of deterrence strategy to a host of new threats. Unlike the Cold
War era in which the study of deterrence focused primarily on deterrence
among nations and superpowers and on nuclear deterrence, recent years
particularly since 9/11 have seen much research on deterrence strategy
in relation to other threats, such as terrorism, rogue states, and ethnic
conflicts. These studies share several elements: they are based primarily
on an effort to examine the relevance of conditions necessary for successful
deterrence, formulated in the context of the Cold War, and to a large degree
are policy oriented, particularly regarding the challenges confronting
the United States.1 These same elements dominate the evolving debate
on the connection between deterrence and cyber warfare.2 Much of the
research on deterrence strategy and cyber warfare is based on an American
perspective. It examines the possibility of successfully implementing the
strategy of deterrence in order to prevent cyber attacks, or analyzes the
way the US can use cyber warfare in order to deter other threats it faces.3
These studies make it clear that the possibility of successful deterrence
against cyber attacks is limited with regard to each of the dimensions required
for its success: the existence of capability (weapons), the credibility of the
threat, and the ability to convey the threatening message to the potential
challenger.4 Nonetheless, there are several elements to consider that under
certain circumstances are likely to serve as the basis for successful deterrence
even in the realm of cyberspace. This essay surveys the literature and
proposes directions for continued research on the topic.
Dr. Amir Lupovici is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 49-62.


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

The essay begins by presenting the necessary conditions for a successful

strategy of deterrence. It then reviews the central claims regarding the
difficulties in applying successful deterrence in cyber warfare vis--vis each
of these conditions. The third part discusses some benefits and shortcomings
of certain factors that may strengthen deterrence against cyber warfare.
Finally, it highlights the importance of continuing the discussion of deterrence
and cyber warfare, indicating a number of directions for future research.

The Conditions for Successful Deterrence

There are different ways in which actors can try to prevent their enemies
from taking undesirable action. The strategy of deterrence by punishment
is one of the most studied. This type of deterrence has several definitions,5
with the definition by George and Smoke, whereby deterrence is the
ability to persuade a potential enemy that the price it will pay as the result
of carrying out the undesirable action will outweigh any possible profit,
is among the most commonly used.6 This type of deterrence differs from
deterrence by denial,7 which is based on the attempt to persuade potential
aggressors that they must avoid taking action because they will fail to
attain their goals.8 The concept of deterrence also differs from the concept
of compellence, which is based on the use of threats in order to make an
enemy undertake an action, whereas the aim of deterrence is to make the
enemy avoid taking undesirable action.9
A central question regarding the strategy of deterrence by punishment
concerns the conditions under which it is likely to be successful, i.e.,
cause a potential enemy to avoid challenging the defender. The research,
developed mostly during the Cold War and dealing with deterrence between
the superpowers, focuses on three central conditions: the defenders
capabilities, the credibility of the threat, and relaying the threat message
to the challenger.
The first essential condition for successful deterrence by punishment is
that the defender be able to exact a price from the challenger. It is therefore
not surprising that studies in deterrence arose in particular during the
nuclear era, as this weapon allowed both sides to make the cost of a future
war very clear. Nuclear weapons gave leaders a crystal ball of sorts, allowing
them to see the effects of the next big war and thus encourage them to exert
caution in their conduct.10 At the same time, capabilities are not limited
to the non-conventional, as conventional means too may be used to take


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

a toll on the challenger.11 Moreover, an important part of the capabilities

dimension is the means of delivery available to the defender, such as
aircraft, missiles, and even roads and vehicles that may play a role in the
element of capabilities within the context of deterrence.
A second condition for successful deterrence is the credibility of the
threat. In order for the deterrence threat to be effective, the defender must
be ready to use the capabilities at its disposal. Various researchers have
presented a range of factors that may limit this willingness, e.g., internal
or international public opinion, or even the deterrence capabilities of the
enemy (the challenger).12 Common to all these elements is that each in
its own way raises the cost of taking action, thereby reducing the actors
credibility in terms of carrying out the threat, if necessary.13
The third condition is effective delivery of the messages to the challenger
concerning the two previous conditions capabilities and intentions. In
other words, the challenger must be aware of the defenders capabilities and
its willingness to use them. Researchers who have developed psychological
approaches to deterrence claim that this condition is the most important
of all, whereby the perceptions and misperceptions of decision makers
directly affect the success of deterrence.14 In this sense, what matters are
neither the capabilities nor the intentions of the defender, rather how they
are perceived by the potential challenger.
Finally, because the strategy of deterrence may prevent different types
of threats, it is difficult to discuss the conditions for successful deterrence
uniformly, as they must be adapted not only to the challenger but also to
the type of action the defender is trying to prevent. So, for example, while
nuclear weapons may be effective in deterrence against an all-out attack
(general deterrence), its effectiveness would be lower against more
limited types of threats.15

Difficulties of Deterrence in Cyber Warfare

Many of the studies analyzing the strategy of deterrence against cyber
warfare are based on Cold War theories. Researchers analyzed the central
conditions for successful deterrence discussed in the literature: defensive
capabilities, the credibility of the threat, and communication, or the ability
to transmit the message of capabilities and the credibility of the threat to
the challenger. Most researchers believe that an analysis of these conditions


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

shows that the strategy of deterrence may be expected to fail when applied
to threats created by cyber warfare.16
Cyber warfare allows weak players to move the confrontation into a sphere
in which they can maximize profits while risking little which makes
deterrence harder to establish. In effect, an actor that is more technologically
developed is also more susceptible to cyber warfare.17 In fact, the possibility
of retaliation against a weaker player is reduced, and thus the ability to
establish a credible threat of deterrence is also lessened. For example, it
is very difficult to deter players, especially individuals, who do not own
information systems that can be threatened with damage.18 This challenge
also exists in the confrontation with nations with less developed information
systems infrastructures, where the possibility of creating an effective threat
by means of cyber warfare alone is limited.
A second challenge to deterrence against cyber threats relates to the
defenders credibility. The defenders vulnerability may limit its willingness
to tap its capabilities out of concern that retaliation could lead to escalation.
The problem for the defender is that such escalation is liable to be much
more dangerous to itself than to the challenger, which in turn is likely to
strengthen the challengers belief that the defenders willingness to act
is low.19 This challenge is further amplified by the fact that cyber warfare
entry costs are usually lower for the weaker side.20 In other words, the
cost to the challenger of engaging in cyber warfare is often limited, which
further increases the difficulties in presenting and executing the deterrent
threat required in order to prevent such action.
Internal as well as international public opinion may limit the credibility
of the threat of retaliation because of the nature of cyber warfare. In
situations in which it is difficult to establish the identity of the source
of the attack,21 the ability to employ a retaliatory measure likely to cause
damage is constrained.22 A potential challenger may view these constraints
as undermining deterrence credibility. In this way a potential aggressor,
assessing that the chances of the defender making good on its threats are
low because of the damage it is likely to incur as a result, will be more
willing to take risks and challenge the defender.


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

Conveying the Threat

A third problem stems from the defenders difficulty in conveying the
message about its capabilities and about the credibility of its response to
the challenger. Beyond the fundamental problems regarding each of the
dimensions described above, challengers may be not only anonymous
but even individuals who often have no identifiable physical address.23
Libicki, for example, claims that to this day the source of the 2007 attack
on the Estonian servers is in question: it is not at all certain that the attack
was directed from above by the Russian government, as claimed by many
who have analyzed the case.24 The source of an attack can be another state
entity, organizations or individuals operating from within the borders of
another state, or organizations or individuals operating from within the
targeted state. This situation reflects the frequent blurring between crime,
terrorism, and warfare.
Moreover, when speaking of deterrence, it is necessary to identify the
challenger in advance, before any challenge takes place, in order to target
the deterrent threat. This is a key issue, because deterrence is based on the
fact that the potential challenger is aware of the defenders capabilities and
its willingness to use them ahead of time. However, if the defender is hard
pressed to identify the source of the damage even after the attack, it will
certainly find it difficult to do so prior to it. While intelligence capabilities
may provide a partial solution, the threat that the defender can envision
in most situations is general only, and is meant to cover a relatively broad
range of potential challengers that the defender thinks would be likely to
attack. However, deterrence is more effective when the threat even if not
completely explicit is aimed at specific actors rather than at anonymous and
undifferentiated sets of actors or types of actors liable to issue a challenge.25
Another difficulty directly related to the transmission of messages to the
challenger involves the specific platform used.26 This difficulty is amplified
in light of the multiplicity of actors capable of creating threats. Unlike the
Cold War era, when enemies were a limited number of known state entities
with relatively clear capabilities, the number of possible aggressors has
multiplied in the information age, lowering the possibility of presenting
stable and credible deterrence.27 The large number and variety of threats
possible in cyber warfare creates an arena in which it is more complex to
operate and in which it is not completely clear how or to whom to transmit
the deterrent message.


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

Opportunities for Deterrence in Cyber Warfare

Despite these difficulties, the possibility of successful deterrence in
cyber warfare exists, at least in part and under specific circumstances. For
example, a number of researchers have stressed that retaliation need not
be limited to cyberspace but may be effected by more traditional means.
Thus, in the case of a state threatening to act by means of cyber warfare,
the deterrent threat towards it may be based on the broadest range of
capabilities the defending nation has at its disposal. Different threats,
whether economic or military, may be effective in deterring a state enemy
using cyber warfare against another state entity. Similarly, against threats
posed by individuals or terrorist organizations seeking to use cyber warfare,
states may, as proposed by a number of researchers (and also several
decision makers), choose means of deterrence that do not require use of
cyber capabilities. For example, they can employ threats through the judicial
system (internal or international) and through internal security services,
as well as use of traditional military threats.28 As such, if actors assess that
they will profit by diverting the confrontation into cyberspace, where they
enjoy superiority, the actors under attack that might be attacked are under
no obligation to limit the theater to cyberspace and may instead move the
confrontation into theaters more convenient to them.
Another measure is deterrence by denial. The benefit inherent in this
sort of strategy is that it may be based on defensive measures and thus not
only be a means of preventing the enemy from acting but also providing
a solution in case the challenger decides to act. Moreover, according to
Morgan, making extensive use of various defensive measures may help
identify the aggressor and strengthen the ability to take retaliatory action,
which in turn strengthens deterrence by punishment.29 Nonetheless, the
challenges of using this strategy lie in overcoming problems similar to
those linked to the successful use of deterrence by punishment. In both
cases, the low entry cost required of challengers when they engage in cyber
warfare remains a central difficulty.
Morgan also suggests that serial deterrence30 may be useful in confronting
cyber warfare threats: Cyber attacks are very likely to turn out to be
manageable primarily through applications of serial deterrence, repeated
harmful responses over an extended period, to induce either temporary or
eventually permanent suspensions of the most bothersome attacks or of
attacks by the most obnoxious opponents.31 While this is an original way

Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

to confront threats in cyberspace and represents an interesting attempt

to use existing concepts in an innovative way, it is not without difficulty.
For example, it is unclear whether the enemy can be affected over time
by repeated attempts, as these are liable to teach the challenger that the
deterrence of the defender is not working (and that therefore the defender
needs to engage in the same repetitive actions).32
Another problem regarding a strategy based on serial deterrence is
exposing the capabilities of the defender. Although this problem is inherent
in every form of deterrence in cyberspace (deterrence by punishment or
denial), it is particularly acute when what is at issue is deterrence over time,
as with the strategy of serial deterrence.33 In such situations, exposing the
offensive capabilities as the consequence of repeated attacks may serve
as the basis for knowledge or inspiration for the challenger.34 Morgan
himself has referred to this issue and argues that revealing capabilities is
liable not only to provide inspiration to enemies and motivation to attain
similar capabilities but is also likely to allow enemies to prepare for a future
threat, thereby damaging its measure of effectiveness.35

Directions for Further Research

While indeed some scholars have started to suggest new directions for
research on deterrence in cyberspace, I would like to point to two main
avenues through which cyber deterrence thinking can be further developed.
First, research dealing with threats in cyberspace should be sharpened. It
seems that there is a growing gap between practice and types of threats in
the international arena, and the way in which research in this field examines
the strategy of deterrence. This gap exists in other research dealing with
deterrence, but it is particularly prominent in the realm of cyberspace,
which includes many types of interaction between many different sorts
of actors representing various kinds of threats. Therefore it is necessary to
expand the discussion about the types of actors, the threats they create, and
the ways and challenges of deterring each one. In addition, similar to the
broader research relating to the strategy of deterrence, there is a tendency
to focus on the deterrence of states against various types of players (e.g.,
terrorist organizations, rogue states),36 while an important aspect not given
sufficient attention is the deterrence of these actors against the states they
seek to challenge. This aspect exists also in cyber warfare and intensifies


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

the problems of states that must now deal with a much more complex
setting than in the past.
Moreover, research on cyber warfare tends to deal with more classical
aspects of security, whereas the arena of threats is complex and varied.37
For example, states are worried about the growing strength of economic
players (such as Google) or ideological ones (e.g., individuals seeking to
promote government reforms) using cyberspace. Irrespective of whether
or not the existing definitions of cyber warfare include interactions with
these actors, a considerable contribution could be made by analyzing
these relations using theories of deterrence. The concept of the strategy of
deterrence might be used, for instance, to study the interactions between
Google and China with regard to the implied or direct threats presented
by these players to one another in the context of search engine censorship.
In this sense, dividing research on deterrence and cyber warfare according
to different types of threats (e.g., internet war, cyber terror, cybercrime,
cyberwar) and the actors operating them (states, individuals, economic
institutions) may be not only more accurate and productive but may also
identify the conditions for raising the chances of success of each actors
strategy of deterrence against its enemy.
The second theme that should be expanded is analysis of the traditional
literature on the strategy of deterrence in critical and original ways. This
has already been done in some of the essays published on the topic.
However, it remains to analyze further concepts regarding deterrence
strategy already discussed in the literature, such as immediate deterrence,38
general deterrence, and extended deterrence,39 and to try to understand
the significance and relevance of applying these practices to cyberspace.
Similarly, the concept of ambiguity should be studied. This concept may
serve as a framework for practical thinking in confronting the dilemma
inherent in the need for revealing capabilities on the one hand,40 balanced
against the concern that the enemy will be able to exploit this exposure to
increase its own strength and immunity to attack. Using insights developed
in different contexts may provide an interesting foundation for developing
ideas on cyberspace ambiguity, not only with regard to intention and
willingness to make good on threats but generally with regard to the existence
of capabilities. In this respect, it is possible, for example, to analyze the
different efforts made by several nations in recent years in the field of
cyber warfare. Not only are the means developed by nations likely to


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

strengthen their strategy of deterrence against these threats, but the very
prominence of these efforts may also serve as a deterrent tool. The same
is true of the American establishment of a strategic command to manage
cyber warfare:41 it has a range of objectives and functions, but its very
reference and prominence allow not just improvements in capabilities but
also demonstrate US willingness to invest resources in reducing threats
and damage. It may be that stressing the desire to invest in measures of
this sort and revealing the scope of the budgets, resources, and manpower
dedicated to the subject even absent a detailed breakdown of the measures
acquired and their capabilities can help increase the credibility of the
deterrent message against threats in cyberspace, especially with regard
to threats involving high levels of violence on the part of other nations. In
other words, a partial revelation of capabilities while maintaining ambiguity
about their essence allows for a reduction of the harmful effects described
above but also transmits a forceful message. At the same time, one may
expect that the low entry threshold for operating in cyberspace, especially in
cases of asymmetrical confrontations, will continue to present a challenge
to establishment of a strategy of deterrence seeking to prevent threats in
this realm.

The research that deals with cyber warfare deterrence discusses primarily
the difficulties inherent in deterring enemies from using this strategy.
Although deterrence may work under certain circumstances, the problems
associated with the defenders capabilities, the defenders willingness to
use them, and the defenders ability to convey a message of deterrence to
its potential enemy greatly limit the possibility of successful deterrence.
Nonetheless, in light of the benefits inherent in the strategy of deterrence
in reducing the scope of violence of conflicts, it is important to try to further
the research dealing with the connections between deterrence and cyber
warfare. This essay has indicated some directions for further thought and
development of these ideas. However, as claimed by Morgan, these insights
should be applied carefully, because additional empirical knowledge about
the essence of cyber warfare is required, in terms of both the damage it
can generate and the way in which it may be used.


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

1 Amir Lupovici, The Emerging Fourth Wave of Deterrence Theory: Toward
a New Research Agenda, International Studies Quarterly 54, no. 1 (2010): 70532.
2 Cyber warfare refers here to a certain type of information warfare, though
at times the concept of information warfare serves as a synonym for
cyber warfare. This type of warfare is based on various attempts to prevent,
disrupt, or destroy the enemys information systems, while protecting the
information systems of the defender against similar threats. See Richard
J. Harknett, Information Warfare and Deterrence, Parameters 26, no. 3
(1996): 93-107; Gary F. Wheatley and Richard E. Hayes, Information Warfare
and Deterrence (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1996),
pp. v-vi, 5-6; Roger C. Molander, Andrew S. Riddile, and Peter A. Wilson,
Strategic Information Warfare: A New Face of War, Parameters 26, no. 3
(1996): 83, 86-90. For a review of central concepts in cyber warfare, see Lior
Tabansky, Basic Concepts in Cyber Warfare, Military and Strategic Affairs 3,
no. 1 (2011): 75-92.
3 On the general tendency of research dealing with cyber warfare and
security to analyze policy oriented issues and to minimize the incorporation
of broader theoretical dimensions, see Johan Eriksson and Giampiero
Giacomello, The Information Revolution, Security, and International
Relations: (IR)relevant Theory? International Political Science Review 27, no. 3
(2006): 221-44.
4 This essays use the common terms to describe the actors involved in
deterrence strategy: the defender the actor seeking to use the strategy
of deterrence in order to prevent undesirable action against it, and the
challenger the actor seeking to act against the defender. The sometime
usage of the alternative terms the deterring actor or the deterred actor is
problematic because it assumes the success of the strategy.
5 For an excellent survey of definitions of the concept of deterrence by
punishment, see Patrick M. Morgan, Deterrence Now (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2003), pp. 1-2.
6 Alexander George and Richard Smoke, Deterrence in American Foreign Policy:
Theory and Practice (New York: Columbia University Press, 1974), p. 11.
7 Deterrence by denial also differs from the strategy of defense. While there
is an overlap, defense seeks to provide a solution to a situation in which the
strategy of deterrence has failed, while deterrence by denial seeks to prevent
the action by making the challenger understand that it lacks the capacity to
execute the action because of the defenders capabilities.
8 Glenn Snyder, Deterrence and Defense (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1961). Nevertheless, deterrence by punishment and deterrence by
denial may in theory support one another. If a potential challenger is made
to realize that not only are its chances for success low but it will also be


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence

required to pay a steep price for aggression, there is a higher chance it will
refrain from action.
9 Thomas Schelling, Arms and Influence (New Haven: Yale University Press,
10 Albert Carnesale, Paul Doty, Stanley Hoffmann, Samuel P. Huntington,
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., and Scott D. Sagan, Living with Nuclear Weapons
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983).
11 For a discussion of conventional deterrence, see., e.g., John J. Mearsheimer,
Conventional Deterrence (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983) and Jonathan
Shimshoni, Israel and Conventional Deterrence: Border Warfare from 1953 to
1970 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988).
12 For example, it has been claimed that the development of international
norms calling for the ban on nuclear weapons and international public
opinion in support of this call have weakened the strategy of deterrence
because they have raised the cost of their use of them. See T. V. Paul,
Nuclear Taboo and War Initiation in Regional Conflicts, Journal of Conflict
Resolution 39, no. 4 (1995): 696-717.
13 Various researchers have debated the question of how to increase the
credibility of the threat and have even proposed measures to attain this
goal, e.g., by means of costly signals. See James Fearon, Domestic Political
Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes, American Political
Science Review 88, no. 3 (1994): 57792. Still, some researchers have cast
doubt on the effectiveness of some of these measures. For a discussion of
the topic, see, for example, Paul Huth, Reputations and Deterrence: A
Theoretical and Empirical Assessment, Security Studies 7, no. 1 (1997): 72-99.
14 Morgan, Deterrence Now, pp. 15-16.
15 For an excellent survey demonstrating the different types of Israeli
deterrence, see Uri Bar-Joseph, Variations on a Theme: The
Conceptualization of Deterrence in Israeli Strategic Thinking, Security
Studies 7, no. 3 (1998): 12-29.
16 Harknett, Information Warfare and Deterrence; Bruce D. Berkowitz,
Warfare in the Information Age, in John Arquilla and David F. Ronfeldt,
eds., Athenas Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age (Santa
Monica: RAND, 1997), pp. 183-84; Emily O. Goldman, Introduction:
Security in the Information Technology Age, in Emily O. Goldman, ed.,
National Security in the Information Age (London: Taylor & Francis, 2004), p.
3; John Arquilla. Thinking about New Security Paradigms, in Emily O.
Goldman, ed., National Security in the Information Age (New York: Routledge,
2004), pp. 210-13. Morgan reaches similar conclusions, claiming that the
different elements affecting the practices of deterrence of the Cold War,
based both on this strategy and on supportive measures such as arms
control, are less relevant to deterrence in cyberspace, though he does
not entirely rule out the possibility of using different types of deterrent
strategies in confronting these threats. See Patrick M. Morgan, Applicability


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence





of Traditional Deterrence Concepts and Theory to the Cyber Realm, in John

D. Steinbruner et al., eds., Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring Cyberspace
(Washington: National Academies Press, 2010), pp. 55-76. In light of the
various limitations regarding the ability to establish deterrence against
cyber warfare, it has been proposed especially for the United States, which
is the primary subject of the research to take alternative measures, such
as using defensive means. See Wheatley and Hayes, Information Warfare
and Deterrence, p. 9, and James Adams, Virtual Defense, Foreign Affairs 80
(2001): 107-12.
Harknett, Information Warfare and Deterrence; Wheatley and Hayes,
Information Warfare and Deterrence, p. 9; Berkowitz, Warfare in the
Information Age, pp. 183-84; Martin C. Libicki, Conquest in Cyberspace
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 272. On societies
vulnerability to electronic attacks, see Ron Deibert, Circuits of Power:
Security in the Internet Environment, in J. P. Singh and James N. Rosenau,
eds., Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power
and Governance (NY: SUNY Press, 2002), p. 115. For sensitivity to threats
both external and internal to information systems, see Martin C. Libicki,
Cyber Deterrence and Cyberwar (Santa Monica: RAND, 2009),
pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG877.pdf. At the same time, for Libicki
the scope of threat created by cyber warfare in the present age is neither
clear nor certain. According to Libicki, the issue of the scope of damage
liable to be created by cyber warfare is a central question at the heart of the
debate about the importance of the strategy of deterrence against this type of
warfare (Cyber Deterrence and Cyberwar, p. 36). For similar reasons having to
do with the paucity of available information and the newness of the subject,
Morgan cautions against drawing hasty conclusions about the possibilities
of deterrence against cyberspace threats, Applicability of Traditional
Deterrence Concepts and Theory to the Cyber Realm, pp. 61-62.
Libicki, Cyber Deterrence and Cyberwar, p. 26.
Harknett, Information Warfare and Deterrence, p. 104.
Molander, Riddile, and Wilson, Strategic Information Warfare, p. 87.
For more on the difficulties in identifying the source of cyber warfare
attacks, see also Libicki, Cyber Deterrence and Cyberwar, pp. 44-45.
For more on internal and international public opinion limiting the possibility
of using force, thereby affecting the defenders deterrence, see., e.g., Robert
Jervis, Deterrence, Rogue States, and the Bush Administration, in T. V.
Paul, Patrick Morgan, and James Wirtz, eds., Complex Deterrence: Strategy in
the Global Age (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009), p. 153.
Wheatley and Hayes, Information Warfare and Deterrence, p. 9; Harknett,
Information Warfare and Deterrence, p. 104; Berkowitz, Warfare in the
Information Age, pp. 183-84; Anthony Cordesman and Justin Cordesman,
Cyberthreats, Information Warfare, and Critical Infrastructure Protection:

Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence






Defending the US Homeland (Westport: Praeger, 2001), p. 7; and Arquilla,

Thinking about New Security Paradigms, pp. 210-11.
Libicki, Cyber Deterrence and Cyberwar, pp. 1-3.
The reason is that a deterring threat must be adapted to the type of threat
and the type of element posing it. Therefore it is important to establish
the deterrence in the context of the threat for the specific aggressor. For
example, deterrence against a state actor enjoying sovereignty in a particular
territory and possessing valuable target differs from a non-state actor and
therefore requires the presentation of different types of threats. This issue
has in recent years been at the center of an extensive debate in the context
of tailored deterrence, particularly in the context of deterring terrorism.
For a discussion of the concept, see Jeffrey S. Lantis, Strategic Culture
and Tailored Deterrence: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice,
Contemporary Security Policy 30, no. 3 (2009): 469-71. For a discussion of
the concept vis--vis cyber warfare, see Richard L. Kugler, Deterrence of
Cyber Attacks, in Franklin D. Kramer, Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz,
Cyberpower and National Security (Washington, DC: National Defense
University Press, 2009), pp. 331-33, and Lantis, pp. 469-71.
Harknett, Information Warfare and Deterrence, pp. 98-100.
Libicki, Conquest in Cyberspace, p. 272. For more on the effect of the
Revolution in Military Affairs on deterrence and the ability to deter, see
Morgan, Deterrence Now, pp. 219-24.
Hayes and Wheatley, Information Warfare and Deterrence, pp. 13, 19-20;
Kugler, Deterrence of Cyber Attacks, p. 328; and in Cordesman and
Cordesman, Cyberthreats, Information Warfare, and Critical Infrastructure
Protection , p. 7.
Morgan, Applicability of Traditional Deterrence Concepts and Theory to
the Cyber Realm, p. 59.
Doron Almog uses the similar concept of cumulative deterrence with
regard to the way to deter terrorist threats not in the cyber arena. See Doron
Almog, Cumulative Deterrence and the War on Terrorism, Parameters 34,
no. 4 (2004-2005): 4-19.
Morgan, Applicability of Traditional Deterrence Concepts and Theory to
the Cyber Realm, p. 59.
Lupovici, The Emerging Fourth Wave of Deterrence Theory: Toward a New
Research Agenda, p. 722.
Thus, for example, a challenger is likely to learn about the defensive
measures (or be inspired to attain such measures) on the basis of the means
used by the actor trying to use deterrence by denial, thereby limiting the
ability to deter effectively with this strategy.
Similar criticism was raised after the reports about the Stuxnet virus, which
reportedly disrupted the systems of the Iranian reactor in Bushehr. The
concern presented by a number of information security specialists was
that this cyber attack would serve as inspiration not only for what can be


Amir Lupovici | Cyber Warfare and Deterrence






done using such warfare but also that some of the codes of the virus itself
were revealed and could conceivably serve various actors in their attempts
to damage sensitive infrastructures. See., e.g., Experts Fear Hackers Can
Launch Stuxnet-Like Attacks on Power Plants, Prison Gates, The Globe and
Mail, October 24, 2011.
Morgan, Applicability of Traditional Deterrence Concepts and Theory to
the Cyber Realm, p. 63.
For reference to this issue in the context of information warfare, see, e.g.,
Goldman, Introduction: Security in the Information Technology Age, p. 3.
For a discussion of the range of these threats, see Tabansky, Basic Concepts
in Cyber Warfare, especially pp. 80, 86-88.
A basic distinction existing in the study of deterrence deals with the
difference between general deterrence, based on the attempt to prevent the
enemy from thinking at all about the possibility of attacking (e.g., as with
nuclear deterrence), and immediate deterrence, touching on a situation in
which an actor would like to take an action (e.g., move troops) and by using
threats the defender dissuades the enemy from taking such action. An
important discussion in this context could deal with the meaning of each of
these types of deterrence in cyberspace.
Libicki, for example, has started to analyze extended deterrence in
cyberspace. See Libicki, Cyber Deterrence and Cyberwar, pp. 104-6), and it
is possible to develop the discussion of theoretical issues discussed in the
literature with regard to extended deterrence. For a discussion of the concept
of extended deterrence see., e.g., Paul Huth,, Extended Deterrence and the
Prevention of War (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988).
The literature about deterrence stresses that it is necessary to transmit
the threat message to the enemy, including the price it will have to pay.
Therefore messages about defensive capabilities or revealing capabilities
have been noted as important elements in this context.
U.S. Cyber Command Fact Sheet, US Department of Defense, May 25,

In Defense of Stuxnet
James A. Lewis

Revelations about Stuxnet and Flame have provoked a chorus of dire

warnings on the dangers of cyber warfare and the need for action. Yet the
most troubling question to emerge from these revelations is why, if cyber
warfare is such a critical issue, are so many people so badly informed about
it? Suggestions that Stuxnet or Flame have increased risk are based on a
faulty understanding of how much risk already exists in cyberspace, the
already high frequency of state-sponsored malicious cyber action,1 and the
rapid growth in many countries military capabilities. It is, rather, more
accurate to see Stuxnet and Flame as episodes in the ongoing contests
between the US, Iran, and Russia.
The belief that Stuxnet increases risk to the US or its allies is based
on a number of erroneous assumptions. Notions of blowback, collateral
damage, or opening a Pandoras Box do not make sense in the context of
how cyber attack techniques have been used and have evolved over the last
three decades. Stuxnet did not reveal a new military capability that others
will be quick to copy. Cyber attack is a recognized military and intelligence
capability that has been in use for years. Perhaps forty states are acquiring
or have already acquired military cyber capabilities,2 including the ability
to launch cyber attacks. Most of these national programs are shrouded in
secrecy, and there is disagreement on how existing international law that
governs armed conflict should apply to the new mode of attack. However,
every advanced military already has a cyber attack capability and many
other nations wish to acquire it.
The allegation about the US role in Stuxnet was not much of a surprise;
most nations had already concluded that the US was responsible, and they
were not astonished to see software become a tool of coercion and attack.
Dr. James A. Lewis is a senior fellow and director of the Technology and Public Policy
Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 4, no. 3 (2012): 65-76.


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

The use of cyber techniques as intelligence tools dates back to the 1980s;
cyber attack by militaries dates back to the 1990s.3 The development of
offensive cyber techniques has accelerated in this century, when high
speed global networks became widely available and the internet moved
from being an accessory to being the central infrastructure for economic
and governmental activity. Whether it is network-centric warfare or
warfare in informatized conditions (as China puts it), cyber attack is not
new to military planners.

From Espionage to Attack

Although Stuxnet and Flame have been hailed as the dawn of cyber war, this
is mistaken on several counts. Cyber attack is not new, and while sabotage
may involve the use of force, not all acts of sabotage count as an act of war.
Calling Stuxnet and Flame cyber war perpetuates the exaggeration and
imprecise reasoning by analogy that has dogged inquiry into cyber security
from the start. Cyber attack offers new tools for coercion, espionage,
and attack rather than an unprecedented and unique category of conflict.
The line between espionage and attack in cyberspace is very thin. The
network penetration and control necessary for espionage could be used to
disrupt critical services. An opponent who can gain controlling access to a
network can also disrupt and perhaps destroy. One way to think of cyber
attack is as the weaponization of signals intelligence, transforming the
passive collection of information into active disruption. This means, to put
cyber disarmament in context, that to ban cyber attack we would also
need to ban espionage, an activity that no nation will agree to abandon.
Flame was one of the many intelligence collection programs that are
found on the internet. There is public knowledge of a dozen programs like
Flame used for cyber espionage. Technology has changed how nations spy
on each other and cyber espionage has become a central element of national
collection programs. The internet has created what some intelligence
officials call a golden age for espionage.
This golden age is entering its third decade. In the early 1980s, Russian
intelligence services used West German hackers to penetrate US military
and research networks and exfiltrate information. Chinese security services
have waged a long and successful campaign against the networks of the
US and its allies, and have engaged in massive state-sponsored industrial
espionage. If Stuxnet pointed towards the US and Israel as the nations with

James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

the most to gain from disrupting Irans nuclear effort, what nation would
gain the most from spending immense resources to track Tibetan human
rights activists? In the last fifteen years, many collection programs like
Flame have become public; presumably there are others that are better
hidden. For espionage, cyber techniques are in good measure an extension
of traditional signals intelligence capabilities, and for China, an extension
of the distributed approach using multiple civilian agents seen in Chinese
human collection programs.
Both China and Russia use cyber exploits in ways that differ from the
cyber activities of Western services in important and potentially destabilizing
ways. Both rely on proxies private hackers acting at the direction of the
state for government purposes. Proxies provide an increasingly feeble
degree of deniability does any serious observer believe that China and
Russia do not control what happens on their networks and an advance
line of attackers that can shield state actions and, if necessary, be sacrificed
to placate other nations. Russian proxies have focused on financial crimes,
Chinese proxies on industrial espionage. Both nations provide a degree of
training and support to their proxies and insist on one cardinal rule no
hacking against domestic targets. If this rule is observed and if the proxies
cooperate in tasks assigned by the state, they are free to act against targets
in other nations. Russian proxies were responsible for the exploits against
Estonia and Georgia (the latter were precisely coordinated with Russian
military plans);4 Chinese proxies were responsible for the exfiltration of
data from many economic and military targets in the US and other nations.
In contrast, neither the US nor its allies use proxies to engage in state
sponsored financial crime, and the US does not engage in industrial
espionage. US doctrine for the use of cyber techniques as an extension of
traditional tools of coercion is different, but certainly not unprecedented.

Cyber Attack and the Weaponization of Signals Intelligence

Capabilities like those contained in Stuxnet reflect years of development and
experimentation in how to exploit digital networks to gain military power.
Stuxnet had advanced destructive capabilities, as it was designed to affect
industrial control systems specialized computers that run machinery but
it was an extension and refinement of existing software attack techniques.
The ability to use software to disrupt industrial control systems and cause
physical destruction was demonstrated in a 2005 experiment at Idaho


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

National Labs. Perhaps five nations have this capability the US, the UK,
Israel, Russia, and China - and many other nations are trying to acquire
it. In this regard, the US may be primus inter pares, but it has peers (or near
peers) when it comes to cyber attack. Stuxnet may be the most advanced
such weapon (another hallmark of the US), but it is by no means a unique
Cyber attack is another option for military planners. With Stuxnet,
for example, planners could weigh the merits and disadvantages of cyber
attack, air strike, special operations teams, saboteurs, or missiles. Existing
military doctrines have been extended and adapted to the new mode of
attack. Nations have created cyber attack capabilities and have developed
doctrine and strategies for their use. These national doctrines are not the
same in all countries. We are in a period of experimentation as nations
evaluate this new military capability and explore how best to use their new
cyber capabilities. In addition to Russias use of cyber attack in Estonia
and Georgia and alleged Israeli use in Syria, we have seen Russia and
China carry out reconnaissance for attacks on US critical infrastructure
(according to the head of the US National Security Agency),5 and probes
by Iran against Israel and Gulf states. The US used cyber attacks in the
1990s during the conflict with Serbia and against Iraqi air defenses between
Persian Gulf wars.
The US, Russia, China, and others include attacks on critical infrastructure
as part of their doctrine for the military use of cyber attack. Publicly available
doctrine suggests that each country makes decisions on the use of cyber
attack in a manner consistent with planning for the use of other long range
weapons such as the benefits of a strike, the risk of escalation, and the
potential for collateral effect. US doctrine shows some parallels to thinking
about strategic bombing and the use of aerial bombing to reduce the will and
capacity of an opponent to resist while avoiding a prolonged confrontation
with its military forces. Russian doctrine pays greater attention to disrupting
political stability and military command systems through cyber techniques,
and this resembles Soviet doctrine on crippling first strikes against NATO
by attacking critical infrastructure. Chinas doctrine is more opaque, but
public discussion has emphasized attacks on infrastructure to disrupt the
US ability to intervene in a regional crisis.6
Putting cyber attack in the context of military decision making (and
assuming that state and non-state actors overall have similar military


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

planning processes) has implications for use of cyber attacks. Nations are
no more likely to launch a cyber attack that causes physical damage against
the US or its allies after Stuxnet than they were before its discovery, nor
are they likely to stop using cyber techniques for espionage and political
coercion. We have not seen physically damaging attacks that could cause
damage, destruction, or casualties (as opposed to espionage and crime)
against the US and its allies from those countries with this capability
because they assess the risk of a violent response as too high. This is the
same reasoning that keeps them from launching aircraft or missiles against
the US. However, international practice and law do not justify the use
of force in response to espionage and crime, making the risk of a violent
response small and acceptable.
This reluctance to attack may change as other nations with a different
tolerance for risk, such as Iran, acquire advanced cyber attack capabilities,
or as actors who overestimate their ability to remain covert gain advanced
capabilities. What we do not know is how far non-state actors have
advanced in their ability to develop similarly destructive techniques. The
only indisputable evidence is that to date, we have not seen non-state
actors engage in such attacks. This may reflect an absence of motive or of
capability, and we cannot estimate how quickly such actors may gain the
ability to carry out Stuxnet-like attacks.
To the credit of the designers of Stuxnet, it was carefully written to
avoid collateral damage. Other attackers may not be so careful, but this
has nothing to do with access to the Stuxnet code. Potential opponents
still go through the same calculus of benefit and risk in deciding whether
to use force against the US, and they are deterred by the likely US military
response using all military assets at its disposal, not just cyber attack. They
may now cite Stuxnet as part of any public justification of attack, but this
will be an excuse, not part of their decision making. Nations are no more
likely to launch a cyber attack against the US or its allies after Stuxnet than
they were before its discovery.
How militaries will use the potential of cyber attack has important
implications that explain why Stuxnet and Flame did not greatly change
matters. Like any weapon, cyber attack has its own characteristics. Cyber
attacks can be fast, covert, and contain less political risk in some scenarios.
Their drawback is a less destructive payload. An attack planner will consider
these aspects, and assess the likelihood of a cyber attack achieving the


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

desired effect at lowest cost when compared to other modes of attack.

In some scenarios, cyber attack is preferable. The alternatives to Stuxnet
included sabotage teams, airs strikes, missile strikes, or even occupation
of the territory by conventional forces. Even this short list of potions, all
of which pose greater risk of friendly losses, turmoil, and escalation, is
enough to indicate why cyber attack was preferable
Nations already routinely use cyber attacks in ways that serve their
needs. Other nations have the ability to carry out an attack like Stuxnet; but
their strategies emphasize other goals, and to date, it has not been in their
interest to cause physical damage. Russia and China have demonstrated
advanced capabilities and could launch Stuxnet-like attacks should such
attacks seem useful to them. That cyber conflict before Stuxnet was largely
hidden from public view does not mean it was not taking place.
Another erroneous assumption is that Stuxnet was an event like
Hiroshima, unleashing a new and uncontrollably destructive military
force. But there is no Oppenheimer to chant of Stuxnet, Now I am become
Death, the destroyer of worlds.7 Despite the apparently tempting desire
to compare cyber attack to nuclear weapons, this comparison is fallacious.
Even small nuclear weapons have immense destructive power. Cyber
attacks do not. They are a support weapon, useful to shape the battlefield
in advantageous ways, but their effect is neither massively destructive nor
fatal, and they do not pose an existential threat to nations. Cyber attack
can be best compared to a missile, offering a fast, long range strike, with
greater covertness (perhaps) but a smaller destructive payload. This limited
destructive capability does not mean we should welcome the disruption
of an artificial financial panic or a blackout that could last weeks, but we
must also avoid exaggerating the effect of a cyber attack.8 Stuxnet called
attention to the vulnerability of modern software, but the destructive
power of cyber attack is nowhere near that of nuclear weapons or even a
sustained assault using kinetic weapons.

The Regional Contest

Stuxnets code is now publicly available and some worry that it could
now be reused by others. This ignores one of the primary limitations of
cyber attack. They are usually single-use exploits. Once the zero days
and other programming errors in operating systems or industrial control
systems are exposed by an attack, they are usually fixed. The publicly


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

available Stuxnet code was part of a larger and more complex exploit that
involved a range of espionage techniques. The code was only part of the
exploit and by itself insufficient. Stuxnet, if relaunched, would not work.
The best evidence of this is that while many systems around the world
were infected, only one, in Iran, was damaged.
Iran may seek revenge for Stuxnet, but it was not news to the Iranians
that the US and other nations are engaged in covert campaigns aimed at
hampering their illicit nuclear weapons program, nor have the Iranians ever
been shy about using violence against the US or Israel. Iran is responsible
for the deaths of American personnel in Beirut, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq.
Stuxnet is another chapter in a covert, sporadic conflict between the US
and Iran that has been going on for more then thirty years.
Iran is also not bashful about uttering threats, and makes no secret of its
own desire to develop and use cyber attack techniques. Venomous rhetoric
against Israel by Iranian leaders may simply be rantings designed for a
domestic audience, but this does not excuse them. States bear responsibility
for the public remarks of their leaders. Given these threats, and in the
context of repeated violations of its international commitments regarding
nuclear weapons, to say that a covert action involving the use of software
against Irans nuclear program is inappropriate an action that produced
no casualties or collateral damage is a strange conclusion.9
If we accept that the US was involved in Stuxnet, this is also not a
surprise. The US has a history of using covert action against aggressive,
non-democratic regimes. The capability was developed in World War II
(under the tutelage of the British) and was refined and expanded during
the Cold War. But the US has never used covert force against a democratic
nation or against a nation that posed no threat to international peace. We
can question the US ability to discern threats to peace there have been
many errors, but Iran is not one of them. Covert action is preferable to
other military responses in many cases, as it reduces the risk of direct
confrontation or expanded conflict. Covert action is a middle ground
between acquiescence and open war, another tool for legitimate defense
for state use even if it is repugnant to some.
The US justified these interventions on the grounds that it is leading
a coalition of nations in defense of democracy a role thrust upon it by
World War II and the Cold War. This role was generally accepted by the
community of democracies between 1941 and 1990. Even if we do not


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

accept the assertion that the US still leads a coalition of nations in defense
of democracy, we can make a strong case that Irans behavior threatens US
security and international peace, justifying active measures in response.
The advantages of Stuxnet are many and the only regret we should feel
is that it was discovered prematurely. Launching Stuxnet posed much less
political risk than air strikes. There was no collateral damage, no televised
images of smoking buildings and weeping civilians, and no downed pilot
being marched through the streets of Tehran en route to being tortured.
The weaponized code cost much less than a single F-16.

The Missing Political Context

The emphasis on cyberwar in the public discussion of Stuxnet and Flame
has meant that interesting questions have gone largely unasked. Seeing an
opponent stumble across a complex, covert operation, especially if this
happens more than once, suggests that we should consider explanations
other than coincidence. The hypothesis about both Stuxnet and Flame worth
exploring is the connection of the revelations to Russia. The revelations
about Flame served a larger Russian political agenda on internet governance
and cyber security. Putting Stuxnet and Flame in the context of the practice
of espionage and covert political action may better explain what occurred
than a focus on warfare.
In particular, the way that information about Flame was released is
consistent with an effort at political manipulation to win support at upcoming
multilateral meetings on internet governance later this year. Russia and
others would like the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to
play a larger role in cyber security and internet governance. A greater
role for the ITU would undercut any perceived American hegemony in
cyberspace and perhaps reduce the risk Russia faces from the untrammeled
access to information that the internet can provide.Russia may also seek to
stigmatize the use of cyber attacks and wing support for a treaty banning
weapons like Stuxnet in an effort to undermine an area of perceived US
military advantage. This is a standard trick in international negotiations, to
propose constraints that erode an opponents capabilities more than your
own (similar to the efforts in the 1980s to manipulate nuclear disarmament
in Europe to reduce NATO capabilities more than those of the Warsaw Pact).
There are unusual associations in the entire affair. The Chief Executive
Officer of the company that found Flame was an unofficial spokesperson


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

for the Russian government at the 2011 London Cyber Conference. In

November 2011, his company and the ITU announced they were forming
a partnership to promote global cybersecurity.10 The company says that it
found Flame after the ITU asked it, in an unprecedented request, to look at
data breaches in the Middle East, on the basis of which the ITU announced
a global warning on cyber security, which was also unprecedented.11 This
could be straightforward; an alternate hypothesis which cannot be rejected
is that this is a larger political maneuver designed by the Russians to
influence opinion in key nations. It is a common intelligence technique
to use a proxy to release damaging information about an opponent and
Russia relies heavily on proxies in its own cyber espionage practices. These
anomalies are suggestive and point to alternative hypotheses, the most
plausible being that Western services created Flame to spy on Iran, and
that Russia exploited its discovery for political purposes.
In recent years, Russia and China (sometimes acting through the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization) have begun to develop an international strategy
that would create an internet more accommodating to their interests. They
believe that the information dominance of the West is part of a larger strategy
of hegemony rather than a reaction to the failure of state-run media. While
they can suppress their own citizens, they cannot suppress foreign sources
of information. They have invested heavily in censoring technologies but
have also sought international agreement to define information as a weapon
that must be controlled. The internet creates political pressures not easily
controlled by authoritarian regimes that can be a threat to their regimes
(how much of a threat is another matter). This larger effort to restrict access
to information and undercut the US is the political context for Flame.
At roughly the same time that Flame and Stuxnet were attracting such
attention another piece of spyware went largely unremarked. A popular
proxy service (which allows internet users to evade government controls)
was compromised so that every person who downloaded the proxy program
also downloaded malware that provided their user name and machine name
and logged all of their keystrokes. The Simurgh malware affected thousands
of people. The researchers at the University of Torontos Munk School
who found it believe it was targeted at Iranian and Syrian dissidents.12 The
malware created far greater risk than Flame but was not as loudly trumpeted,
nor did the ITU issue a global warning. One possible explanation for this
anomaly is that Flame fit a larger political agenda and Simurgh did not.


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

The relation of Flame to international negotiations on cyber security (and

internet governance) provides important background on the multilateral
efforts to make cyberspace more secure. One unremarked aspect in the
recent public commentary is that the new risk from cyber attack became
part of the international security agenda several years ago, when the military
and security risks of high speed global connectivity became apparent.
Cyberspace, weakly governed and poorly secured, is a now a source of
international instability. Nations fear inadvertent escalation into a larger
kinetic conflict more than the actual effect of cyber attack, given its limited
potential for damage. A serious dialogue on how to reduce risk has been
underway at least since the Russian effort to coerce Estonia using cyber
techniques in 2007. The attacks against Estonia in 2007 posed much
greater danger to international stability than Stuxnet, as it threatened to
trigger armed conflict between NATO and Russia.
As a result, there are discussions in many official forums on how to reduce
risk and increase stability. These include the UNs Group of Government
Experts, the Organization for Stability and Cooperation in Europe, the Asian
Regional Forum and the London Conference Process. The Organization
of American States has held meetings on cyber security. The US, Russia,
and China are engaged in bilateral discussions on cybersecurity, and the
US has engaged in similar discussions with close allies. To portray Stuxnet
and Flame as a grave new danger is more of a rhetorical device to gain
negotiating advantage than a serious analysis of international security.

Technologically advanced militaries have created cyber techniques and
will make use of them to advance their interests. There is conflict (even if
it is not warfare). If Stuxnet and Flame point to any risk, it is that a lack
of knowledge of the military and negotiating terrain for cyber security and
a quasi-superstitious understanding of cyber attack will impede efforts
to make cyberspace more stable and secure. Stuxnet and Flame were not
apocalyptic, not particularly new, and not the dawn of some new era of
warfare. Technology has reshaped warfare since the start of the industrial age.
We may not like this, but states and armed groups have rarely forsaken a new
capability. Nations may reject massively horrific weapons, but everything
else will be used. Cyber attack is no different. States will behave as they


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

have always behaved, and simply take advantage of new technologies to

achieve their purposes.

1 Malicious cyber action can be defined as software sent over digital networks
to illicitly access target computers and execute instructions without the
owners permission.
2 James A. Lewis, Katrina Timlin, Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare, UNIDIR
Resources, 2001,
3 Clifford Stolls The Cuckoos Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer
Espionage (New York: Doubleday, 1989) details Soviet cyber espionage in
the 1980s. While there is little public discussion of cyber attacks by the US
against Serbia in the 1990s, US officials have provided details in interviews.
4 US Cyber Consequences Unit, Overview by the US CCU of the Cyber
Campaign against Georgia, August 2009,
5 Militarisation of Cyberspace: How the Global Power Struggle Moved
Online, The Guardian, April 2012,
6 See, for example, Steve DeWeese, Capability of the Peoples Republic of China
to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation, Northrop
Grumman, October 2009.
7 Robert Oppenheimer, scientific head of the project to develop an atomic
bomb, quoted this statement from the Bhagavad Gita at the first successful
8 Cyber-like-nuclear scenarios involve long chains of dubious assumptions
about the political effect of attack and the resilience of the target. For a
longer discussion, see James Lewis, Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism,
Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats, CSIS, December 2002,
9 See, for example, Robert Wright, How Obamas Cyberweapons Could
Boomerang, The Atlantic, June 2012; Misha Glenny, We will Rue Stuxnets
Cavalier Deployment, Financial Times, June 2012,
s/0/6b674600-afc7-11e1-a025-00144feabdc0.html#axzz25KCLvt33; or
Jason Healy, Stuxnets are not in the US National Interest: An Arsonist
Calling for Better Fire Codes, Atlantic Council, June 2012. Note that the
triggering event for these cries of anguish was not the actual attack, but a
news story about the attack, illustrating the media driven nature of much of
the discussion. Noise in the press is not a good measure of actual risk.
10 ITU Teams Up with Kaspersky Lab for ITU Telecom World 2012,


James A. Lewis | In Defense of Stuxnet

11 Kaspersky Lab and ITU Research Reveals New Advanced Cyber Threat,
12 Munk School of Global Affairs, Iranian Anti-Censorship Software
Simurgh Circulated with Malicious Backdoor, May 2012, https://


Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect:

Of Much Persistence and Little Change

in the Cyber Threats Debate
Myriam Dunn Cavelty

Cyber threats have been on the security political agenda for a number of
years. Since RAND researchers John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt suggested
in 1993 that cyberwar is coming!1 cyberwar has become the most prominent
buzzword in the debate surrounding computers, national security, and
cyberspace. Being at the mercy of well-publicized events and occurrences,
interest in the topic used to flare up whenever anything involving the
aggressive use of computers hit the news, only to disappear again when
other issues took over the limelight.
This changed in 2010. In particular, it was Stuxnet, the sophisticated
computer worm written to sabotage systems that control and monitor
industrial processes, that stirred up the international community in major
ways and catapulted the cyber topic into the sphere of public fears and to
the top of everybodys threat list. As a result, more and more countries
consider cyber attacks to be one, if not the major future security threat.
But how justified is this assumption? And what has Stxunet really
changed in the debate?
This article aims to provide a balanced picture of the phenomenon
of cyberwar. It will show how and why the meaning of cyberwar has
evolved from the narrow conception referring exclusively to military
interaction to its broad meaning, which has become detached from war
and encompasses almost every activity linked to the aggressive use of
computers. In particular, it will distinguish between different forms of
cyber conflict in order to lay the ground for a levelheaded threat assessment.
Dr. Myriam Dunn Cavelty is head of the New Risk Research Unit at the Center for
Security Studies in Zurich, Switzerland.
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 11-19.


Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

It further shows that there is probably less change and more persistence
in the cyber threat debate at large than is currently acknowledged. The
threat image has been quite solid since the late 1990s, and Stuxnet has
not changed this to any substantial degree. The same can be said for the
countermeasures that are planned or envisaged.

Contexts and Meanings of Cyberwar

The importance and emergence of the concept of cyberwar can best be
understood in the larger context of the information revolution, which has
shaped and is still shaping perceptions of opportunities and dangers.
In particular, the technologies of the information revolution and related
organizational innovations in the 1980s and 1990s seemed to alter the nature
of conflict and the kinds of military structures, doctrines, and strategies
needed. Thus, it seemed to imply the rise of a new kind of warfare in
which the factor of information was to grow more and more important.
This development was facilitated (if not driven) by the end of the Cold War
and the ensuing reorientation in terms of enemies, strategic thought, and
defense spending.
It was the second Persian Gulf war of 1991 that created a watershed
in military thinking about cyberwar. That conflict was seen by military
strategists (mainly American) as the first of a new generation of conflicts
where victory is no longer ensured only by physical force, but also by the
ability to win the information war and to secure information dominance.
As a result of the conflict, strategists began to publish scores of books on
the topic.2 The reaction to the technological developments after the Gulf
War also manifested itself in the publication of new doctrinal papers that
institutionalized the information component.
The debate was initially characterized by a great deal of euphoria. Soon
after, however, more attention was given to the risks associated with this
development. Specifically, the formulation of strategies that no longer
aimed at enemy capabilities but directly targeted the opponents flow of
information highlighted the relatively high vulnerability of networked
US troops. As the debate over attacks on potential hostile information
systems progressed, the possible dangers to civilian data networks were
also increasingly discussed. The US as the only remaining superpower
was seen as predestined to become the target of asymmetric warfare.
Widespread fear took root in the strategic community that those likely to fail


Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

against the US war machine might instead plan to bring the US to its knees
by striking against vital points at home, namely, critical infrastructures.3
The concept of critical infrastructure includes sectors such as information
and telecommunications, financial services, energy and utilities, and
transport and distribution. It also includes a list of additional elements
that vary across countries and over time.4 Most of these sectors rely on
a spectrum of software-based control systems for their smooth, reliable,
and continuous operation.
With the growth and spread of computer networks into more and more
aspects of everyday life, the object of protection moved from being perceived
to be limited proprietary (governmental, mainly military) networks to
encompass the whole of society or rather, its way of life provided by the
uninterrupted sub-structure of technology.5 On this basis, a comprehensive
threat image with two interrelated sides evolved. First, an inward-looking
perspective sees the very connectedness of infrastructure systems as
posing dangers, because perturbations within them can cascade into
major disasters with immense speed and beyond our control. Advances
in information and communication technology have thus augmented the
potential for major disaster in critical infrastructures by vastly increasing
the possibility for local risks to mutate into systemic risks. Second, an
outward-looking perspective focuses on the increasing willingness of
malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities without hesitation or restraint.
Because critical infrastructure systems combine symbolic and instrumental
values, attacking them becomes integral to a modern logic of destruction
that seeks maximum impact.
In addition, the cyber dimension reformulates space into something no
longer embedded in place or presence. The enemy becomes a faceless
and remote entity, a great unknown that is almost impossible to track. This
results in two significant characteristics of the threat representation. First,
the protective capacity of space is obliterated; there is no place that is safe
from an attack or from catastrophic breakdown in general. Second, the
threat becomes quasi universal because it is now everywhere.

A Cyber Phenomenology
It comes as little surprise, then, that cyber threats are feared the way they
are. Nonetheless, every observer cannot help but notice how unspecified
the threats actually are. By leaving its military confines, the concept became


Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

greatly blurred: cyberwar has come to refer to basically any phenomenon

involving a deliberate disruptive or destructive use of computers.
Such conceptual vagueness is not helpful if we are to understand
what goes on in cybered conflicts6 and what kinds of countermeasures
are actually needed for what kind of phenomena. Bruce Schneier, an
internationally renowned security technologist and author, differentiates
between cyber vandalism, which includes the defacing of websites; cyber
crime, which includes theft of intellectual property, extortion based on the
threat of Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) attacks, fraud based
on identity theft, and so on; cyber terrorism, e.g., hacking into a computer
system to cause a nuclear power plant to melt down, a dam to open, or two
airplanes to collide; and cyberwar.7 Schneider uses cyberwar to refer to the
use of computers to disrupt the activities of an enemy country, especially
deliberate attacks on communication systems.
Schneiers classifications construct a cyber threat escalation ladder
from rung to rung, the potential effects as well as the scope and the intensity
become more severe. The last few years have shown that cyber espionage
and cyber sabotage are missing from this ladder. More important, however,
is that the lines of demarcation between the different activities are greatly
blurred. When a particular detrimental event occurs, it is often difficult
to determine whether it is the result of a malicious attack, a failure of a
component, or an accident. And although their goals are different, the
tools and tactics used by armies, terrorists, and criminals in cyberspace
are very similar, if not the same. This means that knowing who is behind
an attack and what kind of phenomenon it constitutes is a major difficulty
when it occurs.
Then again, just because it is difficult does not mean that such a
differentiation is not necessary: the opposite is true. First, the advantage of
a severity of effects view is that it helps policymakers prioritize in theory,
which is highly needed. Only computer attacks whose effects are sufficiently
destructive or disruptive should be regarded as a national security issue
and should therefore earn the attention needed for something existentially
threatening. Attacks that disrupt nonessential services or that are mainly
a costly nuisance are not.8 Second, a narrow and precise definition also
helps to circumvent other dangers inherent in calling something war,
like exculpating the victims of an attack from their own responsibility
for the consequences of their negligence in terms of computer security


Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

or creating pressure to retaliate against hackers, real or imagined.9 Third,

it clearly shows where the center of gravity lies: with careful computer
forensics. Each and every occurrence must be carefully investigated. As
Schneier notes:
Just as every shooting is not necessarily an act of war, every
successful Internet attack, no matter how deadly, is not necessarily an act of cyberwar. A cyberattack that shuts down
the power grid might be part of a cyberwar campaign, but it
also might be an act of cyberterrorism, cybercrime, or even
if its done by some fourteen-year-old who doesnt really
understand what hes doing cybervandalism. Which it
is will depend on the motivations of the attacker and the
circumstances surrounding the attack...just as in the real

Threat Assessment
That said, how endangered are we? Conflicts in cyberspace have been a
reality for over a decade: elements of any political, economic, and military
conflict take place in and around the internet. Furthermore, criminal and
espionage activities aided by information and communication technologies
take place every day. But in the entire history of computer networks, there
have been very few examples of severe attacks that had the potential to
disrupt or actually did disrupt the activities of a nation state in a major way.
There are even fewer examples of cyber attacks that resulted in physical
violence against persons or property. The huge majority of cyber attacks
are low level and cause inconvenience rather than serious or long term
disruptions. In fact, it has been convincingly shown that a pure (or strategic)
cyberwar is very unlikely to ever occur, with attacks on computer systems
more likely to be used in conjunction with other, physical forms of attack.11
Did this estimation change with Stuxnet? Classifying Stuxnet according
to the escalation ladder is a challenge. Stories and speculations about the
worm, its origins, and its intent exist by the thousands.12 Well written or less
so, they all contain bits and pieces of a puzzle that is inherently unsolvable.
The pieces of the puzzle all seem to suggest that only one or several nation
states the usual cui bono logic pointing either to the US or Israel would
have the capability and interest to produce and release Stuxnet in order
to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program. Though the world will probably
never know for certain who is behind this piece of code, the majority of

Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

strategic planners out there are willing to believe that a digital first strike
has occurred and a virtual Pandoras Box has been opened.
However, even if the most extreme case is assumed that the majority of
states in this world have developed effective and powerful cyber weapons
or will in the near future (which is very doubtful) the mere existence and
availability of such capabilities does not automatically mean that they will
be used. The cyber realm seems to lead people to assume that because they
have vulnerabilities they will be exploited. Still, in security and defense
matters, careful threat assessments need to be made. Such assessment
necessitates the careful deliberation of the following question: Who has
the interest and the capability to attack us, and why would they? For
many democratic states, the risk of war has moved far to the background.
The risk of a cyber attack of the severest proportions should be treated the
same if there is no natural enemy.

Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

On the other hand, the publication of Stuxnets code and many other details
has already led to many piggyback attacks. SCADA systems computer
systems that monitor and control industrial, infrastructure, or facility-based
processes are therefore likely going to be the target of choice for any
kind of hacker in the near to midterm future. This comes with an inherent
danger of intended and unintended (side) effects, of course but in fact,
the critical infrastructure community has been talking about the threat to
SCADA systems for over a decade. In addition, experts have been expecting
a major occurrence in cyberspace for a long time. Seen this way, Stuxnet is
less of a surprise and more of a confirmation of what has been discussed
and feared for years. Though it has focused the minds of politicians on the
upper two rungs of the ladder, at least temporarily, it does not change the
probability of cyber terror or cyberwar occurring.
It also does not change the methods and tools available to counter cyber
threats. This concerns information assurance measures, for example, or
the many diverse activities, concepts, and processes subsumed under
critical infrastructure protection (CIP). CIP is handled similarly in many
states:13 close partnerships with the corporate sector and international
partners are sought, mostly in order to exchange information on threats
and issues. In addition, more recently, a shift away from the concept of
protection towards the concept of resilience can be observed.14 Resilience


Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

is not a new concept, of course, but its current rise indicates a significant
and crucial shift in thinking. While protective (and defensive) measures
aim to prevent disruptions from happening, resilience accepts that certain
disruptions are inevitable.
Such thinking is absolutely necessary and needs to become rooted deeply
in politicians minds and subsequently in the minds of the population.
Information networks can never be secure in the national security sense.
In fact, the opposite is true: cyber incidents are fated to happen, because
they simply cannot be avoided. In other words, even the most perfect
defenses will not be able to guarantee that nothing severe will happen in
a networked world.
States have the tendency to react forcefully to such a challenge and try
to increase the level of security by all means. But cyberspace should not
be mistaken for just another realm in which military action can be taken
at will. To continue reaping the benefits of the cyber age, it is necessary to
learn how to live with insecurity in pragmatic ways. Apart from legal and
strategic restraints that will certainly be factored into any consideration of
whether to use cyber attacks as weapons or not, the biggest impediment
should be fears of uncontrollable blowback. First of all, repercussions could
emerge directly through the interdependencies between various critical
assets that characterize the environment. Second, blowback may be felt
through the more intangible effect of undermined trust in cyberspace, with
damaging repercussions for the global economy.15
By implicitly or explicitly moving an issue into the realm of national
security and military actions, one tends to subject it to the rules of an
antagonistic zero sum game, in which one partys gain is another partys
loss. The logic of cyberspace, however, is a different one. Like the governance
of space and the oceans, its governance requires globally accepted norms.
The avenues currently available for arms control in this arena are primarily
information exchange and norm building, whereas attempts to prohibit
the means of cyberwar altogether or restricting the availability of cyber
weapons are likely to fail. However, these difficulties should not prevent the
international community from pushing all countries to adopt responsible
limits and self-restraint in the use of cyber weapons and from thinking
about new and innovative ways to enhance protection of vital computer
networks without inhibiting the publics ability to live and work with
confidence on the internet.

Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

1 John Arquilla and David F. Ronfeldt, Cyberwar is Coming! Comparative
Strategy 12, no. 2 (1993): 141-65.
2 Greg Rattray, Strategic Warfare in Cyberspace (Cambridge: MIT Press,
2001); Michael OHanlon, Technological Change and the Future of Warfare
(Washington: Brookings Institution, 1999).
3 Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Cyber-Security and Threat Politics: US Efforts to Secure
the Information Age (London: Routledge, 2008).
4 Elgin Brunner and Manuel Suter, International CIIP Handbook 2008/2009
(Zurich: Center for Security Studies, 2009).
5 Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Cyber-Security, in Peter Burgess, ed., The Routledge
Handbook of New Security Studies (London: Routledge, 2010), pp. 154-62.
6 Chris Demchak, Cybered Conflict as a New Frontier, Atlantic Council,
October 28, 2010,
7 Bruce Schneier, Schneier on Security: A Blog Covering Security and
Security Technology, Post: Cyberwar, June 4, 2007,
8 Cf. Clay Wilson, Computer Attack and Cyber-terrorism: Vulnerabilities and
Policy Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Report for Congress
(Washington: Congressional Research Service, 2003) and Dorothy Denning,
Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism: The Internet as a Tool for
Influencing Foreign Policy, in John Arquilla and David F. Ronfeldt, eds.,
Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy (Santa
Monica: RAND, 2001), pp. 239-88.
9 Martin Libicki, Defending Cyberspace and Other Metaphors (Washington:
National Defense University, 1997), p. 38.
10 Schneier,
11 Peter Sommer and Ian Sommer, Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk,
OECD/IFP Project on Future Global Shocks, 2011,
12 Two prominent examples are: Mark Clayton, Stuxnet Malware is Weapon
out to Destroy Irans Bushehr Nuclear Plant, Christian Science Monitor,
September 21, 2010,; and William J.
Broad, John Markoff, and David E. Sanger, Israeli Test on Worm Called
Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay, New York Times, January 15, 2011, http://
13 Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Manuel Suter, Public-Private Partnerships are
no Silver Bullet: An Expanded Governance Model For Critical Infrastructure
Protection, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 2, no. 4
(2009): 179-87.


Myriam Dunn Cavelty | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

14 Christine Pommerening, Resilience in Organizations and Systems:

Background and Trajectories of an Emerging Paradigm, in Critical Thinking:
Moving from Infrastructure Protection to Infrastructure Resilience, CIP Program
Discussion Paper Series (Washington: George Mason University, 2007), pp.
15 Andrew Rathmell, Controlling Computer Network Operations,
Information & Security: An International Journal 7 (2001): 12144.


Siboni, Cohen, and Rotbart

The Threat of Terrorist Organizations

in Cyberspace
Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart

The first motion picture ever screened before an audience was produced
by the Lumiere brothers in 1895. It showed a train entering a station,
seemingly moving toward the viewers in the hall. The spectators, who
were convinced that the train was approaching them, screamed in panic
and fled the building. During the first movie ever shown, it seemed to the
spectators that what they were seeing was reality.1
Cyber terrorism is a field in which reality and science fiction are sometimes
intertwined. If we examine one of the key concepts in cyberspace namely,
dealing with terrorist threats we find that the rationale underlying the
concept (which emerged after the formative events at the beginning of
the twenty-first century, such as the Y2K bug and the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks) is that the world appears to be at the peak of a process
that belongs to the post-modern and post-technology era, an era with
no defensible borders, in which countries are vulnerable to invasion via
information, ideas, people, and materials in short, an open world. In
this world the threat of terrorism takes a new form: a terrorist in a remote,
faraway basement has the potential ability to cause damage that completely
changes the balance of power by penetrating important security or economic
systems in each and every country in the world and accessing sensitive
information, or even by causing the destruction of vital systems.2
Can the reality of September 11, 2001 when a terrorist organization
that had planned an attack for two years, including by taking pilot training
Dr. Gabi Siboni is a senior research fellow and the head of the INSS Cyber Warfare
Program. Daniel Cohen is the coordinator of the Cyber Warfare Program at INSS.
Aviv Rotbart is a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science at Tel
Aviv University.
This article was first published in Military and Strategic Affairs 5, no. 3 (2013): 3-29.


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

courses, eventually used simple box-cutters to carry out a massive terrorist

attack repeat itself in cyberspace? Is a scenario in which a terrorist
organization sends a group of terrorists as students to the relevant courses
in computer science, arms them with technological means accessible to
everyone, and uses them and the capabilities they have acquired to carry
out a massive terrorist attack in cyberspace realistic or science fiction? In
order to answer this question, we must first consider what capabilities a
non-state actor can acquire, and whether these capabilities are liable to
constitute a real threat to national security. An analysis of the main threats
facing a country over the course of several years, given expected changes
in its strategic balance sheet, requires identifying the entities threatening
a country as well as the roots of the threat and the reasons for it.
No one disputes that non-state actors, terrorist organizations, and
criminals are using cyberspace for their own purposes and deriving benefit
from a field in which everyone is at the same starting point a field that also
enables small individual players to have an influence disproportionate to
their size. This asymmetry creates various risks that did not attract attention
or provoke action among the major powers in the past. The question is
whether the activity of these players in cyberspace constitutes a threat
with the potential to cause major and widespread damage, and if so, why
such damage has not yet occurred.
This article assesses whether attacks in cyberspace by terrorist
organizations, whose effect until now has usually been tactical, will be
able to upgrade (or perhaps have already upgraded) their ability to operate
cyber weapons with strategic significance weapons that can inflict large
scale or lasting damage of the sort that causes critical systems to collapse
and brings countries to their knees. The purpose of this article is to discuss
the threat of cyberspace terrorism and assess the truth of the concepts that
have emerged in recent years concerning this threat.
This article focuses on the activities of non-state organizations with
political agendas and goals, even if operated or supported by states. A
distinction is drawn between these activities and those that are conducted
directly by countries, which are beyond the scope of the article, as are the
activities of organizations whose aims are mainly of a criminal nature. For
the purposes of this article, a terrorist act of a non-state organization in
cyberspace will be defined as an act in cyberspace designed to deliberately
or indiscriminately harm civilians. For example, disruption of the internet


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

site of a commercial bank by a non-state organization with political goals

will be defined as an act of terrorism in cyberspace. Figure 1 illustrates the
scope of discussion in this article.

organization with
political motives

Deliberate or
attack on civilians
in cyberspace

Figure 1. Terrorist Acts in Cyberspace

The Methodology of the Study

A number of benchmarks had to be met in order to assess the activity of
terrorist organizations in cyberspace. The first was identification of the
motives for using cyberspace as part of the political struggle being waged
by the terrorist organizations. Toward this end, two principal motives were
identified. The first is the use of cyberspace in support of terrorist activity,
mainly the acquisition of money and recruits or money laundering in
order to finance the activity. The second is the use of tools in cyberspace to
provide the actual strike against the targets that the terrorist organization
set for itself, as well as its use for other violent means. In this context we
will analyze the cooperation between non-state organizations and the states
that operate them and support their terrorist activity.
The second benchmark of this study required an assessment and in-depth
understanding of the capabilities that terrorist organizations can obtain,
bearing in mind that not every computer operator, even if a technological
genius, can generate an effective and significant terrorist attack. In this context
we also examined the assumption that significant attacks in cyberspace
will continue to be confined to high-technology countries and will require
considerable resources in terms of both intelligence and technology. Next,
having established an understanding of the terrorist organizations array

Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

of relevant technological and intelligence capabilities, it was necessary to

consider whether such activities by terrorist organizations have actually
been identified. Finally, all the findings were analyzed in order to formulate
conclusive insights and recommendations as part of the defense needs.

Analysis of Capabilities
Cyberspace contributes to the enhancement of knowledge and acquisition
of capabilities. In addition, technology is useful in creating an anonymous
communications network.3 Similarly, cyberspace serves as a platform for
expanding the circle of partners for terrorist activity. In contrast to the
recruitment of terrorist operatives in the physical world, in cyberspace it is
possible to substantially enlarge the pool of participants in an activity, even
if they are often deceived into acting as partners by terrorist organizations
using the guise of an attack on the establishment. This phenomenon is
illustrated by the attacks by hackers against Israeli targets on April 7, 2013,4
when some of the attackers received guidance concerning the methods and
targets for the attack from camouflaged Internet sites. The exploitation
of young peoples anti-establishment sentiments and general feelings
against the West or Israel makes it possible to expand the pool of operatives
substantially and creates a significant mass that facilitates cyber terror
operations. For example, it has been asserted that during Operation Pillar
of Defense over one hundred million cyber attacks against Israeli sites
were documented,5 and that during the campaign and the attacks there
were quite a few operatives who followed developments through guidance
apparently provided by Iran and its satellites.6
On the one hand, the array of capabilities and means at the disposal
of terrorist organizations in cyberspace is limited because of its strong
correlation with technological accessibility, which is usually within the
purview of countries with advanced technological capabilities and companies
with significant technological capabilities. On the other hand, access to
the free market facilitates trade in cybernetic weapons and information
of value for an attack. One helpful factor in assembling these capabilities
is countries that support terrorism and seek to use proxies in order to
conceal their identity as the initiator of an attack against a specific target.
In addition, the terrorist organization must train experts and accumulate
knowledge about ways of collecting information, attack methods, and


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

means of camouflaging offensive weapons in order to evade defensive

systems at the target.
This study reveals that to date terrorist organizations have lacked
the independent scientific and technological infrastructure necessary to
develop cyber tools with the ability to cause significant damage. They also
lack the ability to collect high quality intelligence for operations. The ability
of terrorist organizations to conduct malicious activity in cyberspace will
therefore be considered in light of these constraints.
As a rule, a distinction should be drawn among three basic attack
categories: an attack on the gateway of an organization, mainly its internet
sites, through direct attacks, denial of service, or the defacement of websites;
an attack on an organizations information systems;7 and finally, the most
sophisticated (and complex) category, attacks on an organizations core
operational systems,8 affecting its core functions for example, industrial
control systems.9 Cyber terror against a country and its citizens can take
place at a number of levels of sophistication, with each level requiring
capabilities in terms of both technology and the investment made by the
attacker. The damage that can be caused is in direct proportion to the level
of investment.

An Attack at the Organizations Gateway

As noted, the most basic level of attack is an attack on the organizations
gateway, that is, its internet site, which by its nature is exposed to the
public. The simplest level of cyber terrorism entails attacks that deny
service and disrupt daily life but do not cause substantial, irreversible,
or lasting damage. These attacks, called distributed denials of service
(DDOS), essentially saturate a specific computer or internet service with
communication requests, exceeding the limits of its ability to respond and
thereby paralyzing the service. Genuine requests go unanswered because
the service is overloaded by having to deal with the attackers requests.
DDOS attacks carried out by a terrorist organization10 need to be effective
and continue for a significant amount of time to ensure that as many people
as possible become aware of the attack and are affected by the denial of
service. Suitable targets for such an attack are, among others, banks,
cellular service providers, cable and satellite television companies, and
stock exchange services (trading and news). Popular cellular applications
whose disruption can be a nuisance, such as WAZE, access to e-mail service,


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

and appointments calendars, as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

call applications, may be added to this list.
Another method of attacking an organizations gateway is through attacks
on Domain Name System (DNS) servers servers used to route internet
traffic. Such an attack will direct people seeking access to a specific site
or service towards a different site, to which the attackers seek to channel
the traffic. A similar, but simpler, attack can be conducted at the level of
an individual computer instead of the level of the general DNS server,
meaning that communications from a single computer will be channeled
to the attackers site rather than the real site which the user wishes to surf.
Damage caused by such attacks can include theft of information; denial
of service to customers, resulting in business damage to the attacked
service; and damage to the reputation of the service. The attacker can
redirect traffic to a page containing propaganda and messages he wants
to present to the public.
One popular and relatively simple method of damaging the victims
reputation at the gateway of the organization is to deface its Internet site.
Defacement includes planting malicious messages on the home page,
inserting propaganda that the attackers wish to distribute to a large audience,
and causing damage to the organizations image (and business) by making
it appear unprotected and vulnerable to potential attackers.

An Attack against the Organizations Information Systems

The intermediate level on the scale of damage in cyberspace includes
attacks against the organizations information and computer systems, such
as servers, computer systems, databases, communications networks, and
data processing machines. The technological sophistication required at this
level is greater than that required for an attack against the organizations
gateway. This level requires obtaining access to the organizations computers
through employees in the organization or by other means. The damage that
can be caused in the virtual environment includes damage to important
services, such as banks, cellular services, and e-mail.
A clear line separates the attacks described here from the threat of
physical cybernetic terrorism: usually these attacks are not expected to
result in physical damage, but reliance on virtual services and access
to them is liable to generate significant damage nevertheless. One such
example is the attack using the Shamoon computer virus,11 which infected


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

computers of Aramco, the Saudi Arabian oil company, in August 2012.

Even though the attack did not affect the companys core operational
systems, it succeeded in putting tens of thousands of computers in its
organizational network out of action while causing significant damage by
erasing information from the organizations computers and slowing down
its activity for a prolonged period.12

An Attack on the Organizations Core Operational Systems

The highest level on the scale of attack risk is an attack on the organizations
core operational and operating systems. Examples include attacks against
critical physical infrastructure, such as water pipes, electricity, gas, fuel,
public transportation control systems, or bank payment systems, which
deny the provision of essential service for a given time, or in more severe
cases, even cause physical damage by attacking the command and control
systems of the attacked organization.
A successful offensive could cause the release of hazardous materials
into the air and physical harm to a large population. This is the point at
which a virtual attack is liable to create physical damage and its effects
are liable to be destructive. Following the exposure of Stuxnet, awareness
increased of the need to protect industrial control systems, but there is
still a long way to go before effective defense is actually put into effect.
Terrorist groups can exploit this gap, for example by assembling a group
of experts in computers and automation of processes for the purpose of
creating a virus capable of harming those systems.13
Another way of obtaining physical cyber weaponry is likely to emerge
from the black market in cyber weapons and its expansion to include
physical infrastructure, in addition to the virtual weaponry that it already
offers now. It should be noted that as of the date of this writing, such a
scenario has not actually occurred. Because it involves complex and costly
cybernetic weaponry, however, it is possible that clandestine trading in
this area is already underway in the internet underworld.14 As noted, this
is the highest level on the cyber attack scale, and the costs and damage
caused by it are correspondingly high, as evidenced by the Stuxnet worm.15
Development of attack capabilities, whether by countries or by terrorist
organizations, requires an increasingly powerful combination of capabilities
for action in cyberspace in three main areas: technological capabilities,


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

intelligence guidance for setting objectives (generating targets), and

operational capacity.

Technological Capabilities
The decentralized character of the Internet makes trade in cyber weaponry
easy. Indeed, many hackers and traders are exploiting these advantages and
offering cyber tools and cyberspace attack services to anyone who seeks
them. A varied and very sophisticated market in cyber products trading for
a variety of purposes has thus emerged, with a range of prices varying from
a few dollars for a simple one-time denial of service attack to thousands of
dollars for the use of unfamiliar vulnerabilities and the capabilities to enable
an attacker to maneuver his way into the most protected computer system.
Thanks to cyberspace, this market is growing by building on the infrastructure
of social networks and forums that allow anonymous communications
between traders and buyers.16 In an interesting phenomenon, seen only
recently, these traders are leaving the web underground and stepping out
into the light. They can be found on the most popular social network of
all: Facebook.17 A blog by information security company RSA18 describes
a new situation, in which the traders offer their wares not only as goods,
but also as a complete service, including the installation of command
and control servers, training in the use of the tools, and even discounts,
bargains, and the option of buying only certain modules of the attack tool
in order to reduce the price. The growth of this market raises the question
whether and how terrorist organizations can use all the knowledge and
tools that have accumulated in the cyber crime market.
In order to answer this question, it is necessary to assess the gap between
the abundance of tools and capabilities currently offered for sale openly on
the Internet and the requirements of terrorist organizations. Todays market
for attack tools is aimed at cyber criminal organizations, mainly for purposes
of fraud, stealing funds from unwitting bank account holders, and identity
theft by collecting particulars from credit cards, bank account numbers,
identity cards and addresses, entry passwords to financial websites, and
the like. These tools are not necessarily suitable for the needs of terrorist
organizations. At the same time, many terrorist organizations might engage
in the practices of cyber criminal organizations for the sake of fundraising
to finance their main terrorist activity. The principal objective of terrorist
organizations causing substantial damage and instilling fear can be

Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

accomplished in a number of ways and at different levels of difficulty and

severity. The tools of the cybernetic underworld can be of great assistance
in DDOS attacks and in stealing large quantities of sensitive information
from inadequately protected companies (for example, information about
credit cards from unprotected databases), which will almost certainly
arouse public anxiety. Terrorists still have a long way to go, however,
before they can cause damage to control systems, which is much more
difficult than stealing credit cards, and towards which cybernetic crime
tools are of no help. With respect to the intermediate level described above
concerning attacks on an organizations information systems, it appears
that the underworld possesses tools capable of assisting cyber terrorism.
Some adjustment of these tools is needed, such as turning the theft of
information into the erasure of information, but this is not nearly such a
long process, and the virus developers will almost certainly agree to carry
it out for terrorist organizations, if they are paid enough.

Intelligence-Guided Capability
One of the key elements in the process of planning a cyber attack is the
selection of a target or a group of targets, damage to which will create the
effect sought by the terrorist organization. Towards this end, a terrorist
entity must assemble a list of entities that constitute potential targets for
attack. Technology that provides tools facilitating the achievement of this
task is already available free of charge. For example, the Facebook and
LinkedIn social networks can be used to find employees in the computer
departments of infrastructure companies, food companies, and the like.
Taking the Israel Electric Corporation as an example, academic studies19
show that company divisions can be mapped, employees can be found in the
various departments, and those with access to the companys operational
systems can be selected, all with no great difficulty.20 If these employees
are aware of the importance of information security, and therefore cannot
be directly attacked, their families and friends can be traced through
Facebook, and the desired target can be attacked through them. Social
networks constitute an important source for espionage and collection of
business and personal information about companies and organizations,21
and terrorist organizations can easily use the information distributed
through them for their own benefit.


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

It is also necessary to map the computer setup of the attacked organization,

and to understand which computers are connected to the internet, which
operating systems and protective software programs are installed on them,
what authorizations each computer has, and through which computers
the organizations command system can be controlled. For example, if a
terrorist organization wants to control the functioning of a turbine that
produces electricity, its task, although much more technical and difficult
than mapping the companys organizational structure, is now especially
easy, following the publication of a study by a white hat hacker, who
conducted the first internet census in history.22
Using a ramified network of robots (software programs implanted in
computers that wait for an order from the command and control center to
which they are connected), the white hat hacker compiled a list of 1.3 billion
IP addresses in use, for some of which he published technical data such
as the type of open gates, the requests to which these addresses respond,
and more. The published results of the census are freely available to all
interested Internet surfers. For a malicious hacker, these data are sometimes
necessary in order to attack and take over the entire computer system of an
individual or organization. Thus a companys organizational structure can
be mapped, and if its network is not adequately protected, information can
also be gleaned about the computers used by the companys employees.
Good protection and awareness of information security capabilities
can make it very difficult for hackers and terrorists to carry out the
abovementioned actions. Organizations with critical operational systems
usually use two computer networks: one external, which is connected
to the internet, and one internal, which is physically isolated from the
internet and is connected to the organizations industrial control systems.
The internet census does not include information about isolated internal
networks because these are not accessible through the internet. Any attack
on these networks requires intelligence, resources, and a major effort,
and it is doubtful that any terrorist organizations are capable of carrying
out such attacks. Here the terrorist organizations can take advantage
of another study conducted by hackers from the University of Berlin,23
which uses a Google map (enabling researchers to present and share
geographic information that they have collected) to display a large number
of industrial control systems (ICS) deployed throughout the world that
are connected to the internet. The information displayed on the map is


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

taken from an enormous database freely available to everyone through the

Shodan website,24 which makes the life of a terrorist hacker much easier.
This service uses information collected by Google for its mapping and
location-based advertising services and makes it accessible to the public.
It is possible that the hackers who recently broke into the home networks
of hundreds of Israelis used services from the Shodan website in order to
collect intelligence for the attack, and perhaps also to obtain tools (cyber
ammunition) to actually carry it out.25

Operational Capability
After collecting intelligence and creating or acquiring the technological
tools for an attack, the next stage for planners of cybernetic terrorism is
operational to carry out an actual attack by means of an attack vector.26
This concept refers to a chain of actions carried out by the attackers in
which each action constitutes one step on the way to the final objective,
and which usually includes complete or partial control of a computer
system or industrial control system. No stage in an attack vector can be
skipped, and in order to advance to a given step, it must be verified that
all the preceding stages have been successfully completed.
The first stage in an attack vector is usually to create access to the target.
A very common and successful method for doing this in cyberspace is called
spoofing, that is, forgery.27 There are various ways of using this method,
with their common denominator being the forging of the message senders
identity, so that the recipient will trust the content and unhesitatingly open
a link within the message. For example, it is very easy to send an e-mail
message to an employee at the Israel Electric Corporation (mentioned above),
in which the sender forges the address of a work colleague, a relative, or
another familiar person. The attackers objective in this case is to make
the receiver of the message trust the content of the message and open its
attachments or enter the internet addresses appearing in it.
The forging of e-mail is an attack method that has existed for many
years. Defensive measures have accordingly been developed against it,
but attackers have also accumulated experience. Incidents can now be
cited of completely innocent-looking e-mail messages that were tailored
to their recipients, containing information relating to them personally or
documents directly pertaining to their field of business. The addresses of
the senders in these cases were forged to appear as the address of a work


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

colleague. As soon as the recipients opened the e-mail, they unknowingly

infected their computers with a virus.
The forgery method can be useful when the target is a computer connected
to the internet and messages can be sent to it. In certain instances, however,
this is not the case. Networks with a high level of protection are usually
physically isolated from the outside world, and consequently there is no
physical link (not even wireless) between them and a network with a lower
level of security. In this situation the attacker will have to adopt a different
or additional measure in the attack vector infecting the target network with
a virus by using devices that operate in both an unprotected network and
in the protected network. One such example is a USB flash drive (Disk on
Key or memory stick), which is used for convenient, mobile storage of
files. If successful, the attacker obtains access to the victims technological
equipment (computer, PalmPilot, smartphone), and the first stage in the
attack vector creating access to the target has been completed. Under
certain scenarios, this step is the most important and significant for the
attacker. For example, if the terrorists goal is to sabotage a network and
erase information from it, then the principal challenge is to gain access to
the target, that is, access to the companys operational network. The acts
of erasure and sabotage are easier, assuming that the virus implanted in
the network is operated at a sufficiently high level of authorization. Under
more complex scenarios, however, in which the terrorist wishes to cause
significant damage and achieve greater intimidation, considerable investment
in the stages of the attack vector is necessary, as described below.
Lockheed-Martin, which fell victim to a cyber attack, offers a methodology
for analyzing cyberspace attack operations, which it calls the Cyber Kill
Chain.28 According to this methodology, a complex cyber attack comprises
seven milestones, paralleling the actions of planning the operation and
creating the attack vector. The first step entails collecting intelligence about
the target. The right cyber weapon for the attack must then be selected
and launched at the target. The next stage includes the exploitation of a
vulnerability in the target computer that will make it possible to implant
a malicious file on its system, followed by installing the tool in a way that
will enable it to carry out operations within the system. The stage after that
is to create communications between the tool and the attackers command
and control servers, so that the tool can be guided and a report obtained
from it about events on the victims computer. The final step in the cyber


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

kill chain is the conducting of active operations from within the victims
computer, such as erasure, spreading of the tool, taking over the physical
devices accessible from the computer, and the like. The term Cyber Kill
Chain was chosen in order to emphasize that in order for the attacker
to succeed in carrying out a cyber attack, he must successfully complete
every milestone without being detected and without his access to the
target being blocked.
A terrorist organization seeking to attack operational systems will have
to carry out all the stages in the chain. These are advanced and complex
operations, which terrorist organizations usually do not know how to
implement by themselves. If the target is protected at a very low level, no
great technological capability will be required of the attacker in order to
create damage or achieve defacement. In most cases, however, the terrorists
will have to acquire products or services from expert hackers. In other
words, they will have to use outsourcing.
Within the offensive cyber products market, terrorists will find accessible
capabilities for a non-isolated target. In the same market, they will also
find attack products, and presumably they will likewise find products for
conducting operations on the target network (similar to the management
interface of the SpyEye29 Trojan Horse). Despite this availability, internetaccessible tools have not yet been identified for facilitating an attack on
an organizations operational systems. Access to these tools is possible in
principle,30 but the task requires large-scale personnel resources (spies,
physicists, and engineers), monetary investment (for developing an attack
tool and testing it on real equipment under laboratory conditions), and a
great deal of time in order to detect vulnerabilities and construct a successful
attack vector.

Types of Cyberspace Attacks

It is possible to identify a number of types of cyberspace attacks in accordance
with both their level of expected damage and the scope of their intelligence,
technological, and operational investment. In most cases, these two measures
correspond with each other. The following review paints a picture of the
capabilities of a non-state organization in cyberspace.


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

Amateur Attack
This action is taken using tools that are (in most cases) known to information
security companies and are identifiable by standard protection software
programs. Defenses against these tools have been developed, and they are
therefore likely to prove effective only against unprotected targets. Such
tools are usually used only for research or gaming purposes because only
in rare cases can they be used to steal valuable information or to sabotage
protected computer networks. They have spy and sabotage capabilities,
but these are not very sophisticated.
Minor Attack
This is an attack in which not much effort has been invested. Most of
its activity consists of searching on the internet for readymade tools or
purchasing them from companies that specialize in them. Attacks of this
type do not usually succeed in causing damage to entities that are attentive
to information security (state, military, and advanced industrial entities),
but they can penetrate private computers, steal information, and sabotage
them. In most cases, these attacks are one-time events (theft of an important
file, erasing a disc drive), but they can also sometimes be part of an extensive
attack, such as the theft of a computers domain name system (DNS), which
makes it possible to monitor its activity on the internet.
The tools used in a minor attack do not include the various software
modules; they have a single inexpensive code component that carries out
all the actions of the tool. This code component is written in a way that will
not allow its capabilities to be easily altered or expanded, and it is target
oriented. Through the internet anyone can obtain this type of limitedcapability cyber weapon for a few thousand dollars at most.
This category also includes the use of botnet software agents for DDoS
attacks. Creating the network is a more complex operation, but once it is
created, it can be used for many DDoS operations. It can also be leased
to others for denial of service from various websites lacking high-level
protection against such an attack.
Medium-Level Attack
This is an attack capable of causing significant damage or carrying out
advanced spy operations at a lower cost than that of a major attack (see
below). Usually this operation does not use new, unique vulnerabilities


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

(because these are very expensive); rather, it uses known or partially

known vulnerabilities against which the target is not yet protected. The
operation does not include expensive modules for implementation and
testing such as those developed for Stuxnet. At the same time, by using
modules for an attack on computer systems (erasure, disruption) and spy
modules, such an operation can be very effective as part of a short-term
attack for destructive purposes (because no effort will be made to conceal
the destruction, which would be too expensive) or to spy on a victim whose
systems do not have high-level protection.
A medium-level attack is much less costly than a major attack, as the
former entails fewer man-years and does not require special, expensive
hardware or the purchase of new and expensive vulnerabilities. An
inexpensive vulnerability is sufficient for penetration of the victims computer
systems, bearing in mind that these are liable to be detected and blocked
in the near future. The mid-level category also includes viruses capable
of spreading throughout the computer network (worms) and waiting for
an order from their operator. This attack model is particularly useful in
creating a network of software agent robots for DDoS operations. This
category also includes a DDoS attack against protected websites, which
requires sophistication from the attacker and familiarity with the protection
system at the target.
Major Attack
This is an attack into which many personnel, computer, and monetary
resources have been invested, and which has been thoroughly tested
in the laboratory before being put into operation. This operation uses
unfamiliar vulnerabilities, giving the attacker a long time to operate it
before it is detected and shut down. The operation is usually camouflaged
in order to leave few footprints. The software tool contains a number of
modules, some of which are likely to be designed to sabotage the victims
special-purpose software or hardware systems (e.g., Stuxnet), and will
never operate elsewhere, in order to reduce the possibility of detection.
A major attack operation is likely to entail a wide range of modules
corresponding to the target it was designed to attack, such as spy modules
searching for files or information and sending the findings to the operator
and attack and camouflage modules sabotaging centrifuges while
misleading the control system, so that the latter will report that the former are


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

in good repair. Such an attack involves many man-years, advanced computer

resources, and sometimes hardware systems and testing equipment designed
to simulate the theater in which the hostile code will operate, for example
centrifuges with Siemens control systems in the case of Stuxnet.
Table 1 summarizes the differences among the various categories of
cyber attack by listing the criteria that make it possible to distinguish clearly
between types of cyber weapons according to the level of their capabilities.
The parameters are divided into several categories. The first includes the
cyber weapon envelope and its ability to reach its target and operate freely
there without being blocked. The first two parameters are included in this
category. Their importance lies in the comfortable work environment that
they enable the attacker to enjoy, in the knowledge that he can penetrate his
targets and carry out operations there whenever and however he requires,
without fearing that his capability will be blocked or his weapon exposed
and removed. The next three parameters constitute the second category,
which pertains to the cyber weapons ability to carry out its main activity
at the target, whether that be the theft of information, its destruction, or
electronic or physical damage or disruption. The various weapons in this
category are distinguishable by the algorithms that they apply in order to
spy on the target, and by their ability to disrupt computer and physical
systems. The ability to cause physical damage constitutes the highest
level in this category. The final category represents the two parameters
relating to the tools behavior within the targets network, and the extent
of its capability and the freedom that it grants to its operators to conduct
the operation at the target. High-level capabilities in this category are those
that make it possible to adjust the weapon by delivering modules from a
distance and to change the definitions of the task, send orders to the tool,
and define new intelligence targets for it. Sophisticated tools will also be
able to manage a large data-collection operation on the targets network by
spreading to other computers and collecting concentrated and coordinated
information from them.


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

Table 1. Differences among Cyber Attacks

Ability to penetrate systems

Ability to camouflage
Spy capabilities
Ability to damage computer
Ability to damage physical
systems connected to the
computer setup
Ability to spread
Ability to communicate with
a control server

Very good

Level Attack Attack


Very good




Very good

Very good



Very good

Very good







Very good
Very good




The table indicates that the criteria significantly distinguishing major

attack capabilities (which few countries possess) from other cyber attack
capabilities are the ability to spread on the network, to communicate with the
control server, and to damage physical systems connected to the computing
systems. These operations require the greatest sophistication in conducting
cyber attacks. Only a few countries have access to the knowledge and the
ability to produce a weapon of this type. The minor attack column in the
table reflects the low entry level to the cyberspace battlefield. It appears
that even small weapons in the hands of non-state entities are capable
of penetrating computer networks well, performing espionage at a very
high level, and if they are designed for it, also sabotaging the computer
system that they have penetrated. Because their camouflage capability
is mediocre, they are unable to reside in the attacked system for as long
as heavy or medium weapons, and will therefore have to achieve their
objectives within a short time.

Activities in Cyberspace Attributed to Terrorist Organizations

This section examines terrorist operations in cyberspace in accordance
with the above delineation, that is, operations whose purpose is to cause
deliberate or indiscriminate harm to civilians through action in cyberspace
by non-state organizations with political agendas and goals, even if operated
or supported by states.

Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

One of the first documented attacks by a terrorist organization against

state computer systems was by the Tamil Tigers guerilla fighters in Sri
Lanka in 1998. Sri Lankan embassies throughout the world were flooded
for weeks by 800 e-mail messages a day bearing the message, We are the
Black Internet Tigers, and we are going to disrupt your communications
systems. Some assert that this message affected those who received it by
sowing anxiety and fear in the embassies.31 Several years later, on March 3,
2003, a Japanese cult name Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) conducted a
complex cyber attack that included the obtaining of sensitive information
about nuclear facilities in Russia, Ukraine, Japan, and other countries as part
of an attempt to attack the information security systems of these facilities.
The information was confiscated, and the attempted attack failed before
the organization managed to take action.32
An attack through an emissary took place in January 2009 in Israel.
In this event, hackers attacked Israels internet structure in response to
Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip. Over five million computers were
attacked. It is assumed in Israel that the attack came from countries that
were formerly part of the Soviet Union and was ordered and financed by
Hizbollah and Hamas.33 In January 2012, a group of pro-Palestinian hackers
calling itself Nightmare caused the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and the El
Al Airlines websites to crash briefly and disrupted the website activity
of the First International Bank of Israel. Commenting on this, a Hamas
spokesman in the Gaza Strip said, The penetration of Israeli websites
opens a new sphere of opposition and a new electronic warfare against
the Israeli occupation.34
The civil war in Syria has led to intensive offensive action by an
organization known as the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) an internet group
composed of hackers who support the Assad regime. They attack Syrian
opposition groups using techniques of denial of services and information,
or break into websites and alter their content. The group has succeeded
in conducting various malicious operations, primarily against Syrian
opposition websites, but also against Western internet sites. SEAs most
recent action was aimed mainly against media, cultural, and news websites
on Western networks. The group succeeded in breaking into over 120 sites,
including Financial Times, The Telegraph, Washington Post, and al-Arabiya.35
One of the most significant and effective attacks was in April 2013, when the
Syrian Electronic Army broke into the Associated Presss Twitter account,


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

and implanted a bogus tweet saying that the White House had been
bombed and the US president had been injured in the attack. The immediate
consequence of this announcement was a sharp drop in the US financial
markets and the Dow Jones Industrial Average for several minutes.36 The
SEA is also suspected of an attempt to penetrate command and control
systems of water systems. For example, on May 8, 2013, an Iranian news
agency published a photograph of the irrigation system at Kibbutz Saar.37
During Operation Pillar of Defense in the Gaza Strip in 2012 and over
the ensuing months, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict inspired a group of
hackers calling itself OpIsrael to conduct attacks38 against Israeli websites
in cooperation with Anonymous. Among others, the websites of the Prime
Ministers Office, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education, the
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel Military Industries, the Israel
Central Bureau of Statistics, the Israel Cancer Association, the President
of Israels Office (official site), and dozens of small Israeli websites were
affected. The group declared that Israels violations of Palestinian human
rights and of international law were the reason for the attack.
In April 2013, a group of Palestinian hackers named the Izz ad-Din
al-Qassam Cyber Fighters, identified with the military section of Hamas,
claimed responsibility for an attack on the website of American Express. The
companys website suffered an intensive DDoS attack that continued for two
hours and disrupted the use of the companys services by its customers. In
contrast to typical DDoS attacks, such as those by Anonymous, which were
based on a network of computers that were penetrated and combined into
a botnet controlled by the attacker, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam attack used
scripts operated on penetrated network servers, a capability that allows
more bandwidth to be used in carrying out the attack.39 This event is part of
an overall trend towards the strengthening of Hamass cyber capabilities,
including through enhancing its system of intelligence collection against
the IDF and the threat of a hostile takeover of the cellular devices of military
personnel, with the devices being used to expose secrets.40

Independent Cyber Attacks by Terrorist Organizations

Our analysis of attacks by terrorist organizations in cyberspace reveals
that the low entry threshold for certain attacks and the access to cybernetic
attack tools have not led the terrorist organizations to switch to attacks with
large and ongoing damage potential. Until now, the terrorist organizations


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

cyber attacks have been mainly against the target organizations gateway.
The main attack tools have been denial of service attacks and attacks on
a scale ranging from amateur to medium level, primarily because the
capabilities and means of terrorist organizations in cyberspace are limited.
To date they have lacked the independent scientific and technological
infrastructure necessary to develop cyber tools capable of causing significant
damage. Given that terrorist organizations lack the ability to collect high
quality intelligence for operations, the likelihood that they will carry out
a significant cyber attack appears low.
In order for a terrorist organization to operate independently and carry
out a significant attack in cyberspace, it will need a range of capabilities,
including collecting precise information about the target, its computer
networks, and its systems; purchasing or developing a suitable cyber tool;
finding a lead for penetrating an organization; camouflaging an attack tool
while taking over the system; and carrying out an attack in an unexpected
time and place and achieving significant results. It appears that independent
action by a terrorist organization without the support of a state is not selfevident. The same conclusion, however, cannot be drawn for organizations
supported and even operated by states possessing significant capabilities.
There is also the possibility of attacks by terrorist organizations through
outsourcing. A review of criminal organizations reveals that they have
made significant forward strides in recent years. The Kaspersky laboratory
recently exposed a new group of attackers, apparently commissioned by
criminal organizations or by a state for industrial espionage purposes.
This is a group of hackers named Icefog that concentrates on focused
attacks against an organizations supply chain (using a hit-and-run method),
mainly in military industries around the world.41 Another development
is the distribution of malicious codes using the crime laboratories of the
DarkNet network, which has increased access to existing codes for attack
purposes. Criminal organizations are already using the existing codes for
attacks on financial systems by duplicating them and turning them into
mutation codes.42
There is a realistic possibility that in the near future terrorist organizations
will buy attack services from mercenary hackers and use mutation codes
based on a variation of the existing codes for attacking targets. This possibility
cannot be ignored in assembling a threat reference in cyberspace for
attacks on the gateway of an organization or even against its information


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

systems. It is therefore very likely that terrorist organizations will make

progress in their cybernetic attack capabilities in the coming years, based
on their acquisition of more advanced capabilities and the translation of
these capabilities into attacks on organizations information systems (not
only on the organizations gateway).
The ability to carry out an attack that includes penetration into the
operational systems and causes damage to them is quite complex. The
necessity for a high level of intelligence and penetration capabilities, which
exist in only a limited number of countries, means that any attack will
necessarily be by a state. For this reason no successful attack by a non-state
player on the core operational systems of any organization whatsoever has
been seen to date. Although no such attack has been identified yet, there is
a discernible trend towards improvement of the technological capabilities
of mercenaries operating in cyberspace for the purposes of crime and fraud.
Presumably, therefore, in exchange for suitable recompense, criminal
technological parties will agree to create tools that can carry out attacks
on the core operational systems of critical infrastructure and commercial
companies. These parties will also be able to put their wares at the disposal
of terrorist organizations.

Recommendations for Measures at the National Level

The range of threats in cyberspace is extensive. Basic defenses against
these threats need not substantively distinguish among the sources of
threats. The notion that a defense can be devised in cyberspace specifically
against threats from terrorist groups therefore appears impractical. On
the contrary, the defense concept for threats of attacks in cyberspace by
terrorist organizations does not, and cannot, differ substantially from an
overall defense approach to threats in this realm.
The fundamental concept for defense against cyber threats must be
based on a number of basic elements: intelligence, a multi-layer defense
approach, an attack approach, public awareness, and civilian defense.
The first basic element in defending against cyber threats is intelligence,
including collection of intelligence based on guidance that takes situation
assessments into account. In this context, it is important to identify threats
and guide the parties collecting the intelligence with respect to information


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

concerning terrorist groups seeking to operate in cyberspace. As noted, in

many cases states are behind the activity of terrorist organizations, and
intelligence gathered in the state context can also provide information for
the terrorist organizations affiliated with or operated by it.
Intelligence constitutes an essential element, second to none, in dealing
with threats in cyberspace. The ability to collect and analyze a large amount
of information makes it possible today to create high quality intelligence both
at the state level and, in more than a few cases, at the level of organizations
and businesses that regularly monitor their information and communications
networks for the purpose of detecting anomalous behavior that might
indicate a future attack, or in order to discern irregular activity on the
computer network. In this context, it is appropriate to emphasize that
when a country such as Iran supports and sometimes even operates
terrorist organizations, Western intelligence organizations should monitor
not only the target country but also the organizations affiliated with it.
In the context of Iran, this means monitoring Hizbollah, Hamas, and the
Syrian Electronic Army.
A Defensive Approach Containing Several Layers
This measure entails a perimeter defense as well as protection of critical
assets, including the ability to maintain activity even after penetration by
malicious code, and preemptive action against active parties, for example
by disclosing intelligence information to law enforcement authorities in
countries where the activity is taking place, or using legal tools in other
countries. Such action could possibly disrupt the ability to operate the
malicious code before it is distributed.
An Offensive Approach to Threats
This element in dealing with cyber threats includes two levels. The first
pertains to the ability to take offensive action within and sometimes also
outside of cyberspace through a preemptive strike against a terrorist
organizations cyber resources (infrastructure, financing, websites, and
operatives). The second level concerns the ability to conduct retaliatory
actions after the attack, and after satisfactory identification of the parties
responsible for the attack. Such a strike need not be confined to cyberspace;
it can also include real physical elements. In some cases, a legal arrangement
for the offensive activity is necessary in order to make the approach effective.


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

In more than a few cases, a chain of operations can be identified if states

(such as Iran) operate non-state organizations (such as Hizbollah and SEA),
when all together they operate interested parties or even deceived parties
within a network for the sake of bolstering their attack capabilities. The
need to operate a broad system of attackers requires guidance in a number
of contexts. The first involves determining the targets to be attacked, the
second concerns the timing of the attacks, and the third pertains to the
tools for carrying out the attacks. All of these require the establishment
of websites and special forums to which the information is channeled.
This activity creates vulnerabilities by enabling disruptive and deceptive
action, thereby sowing confusion while softening the impact of the attack
planned by its leaders.
Explanatory Activity
It can be assumed that explanatory activity will not be effective within the
very hard core of cyber attack operatives. Preventative explanatory activity
has two purposes. The first is to increase awareness of the possibility that
attackers are liable to be harmed as a result of preemptive activity in the
country in which they reside (for example, their exposure to law enforcement
authorities in that country). The second is the exposure of those behind the
organization. As noted, in many cases, the attackers have been deceived
and are completely unaware that they are being operated by states and
terrorist organizations. It is therefore possible that these actions can reduce
the scope of the phenomenon to some extent.
Organizing Civilian Defense in Cyberspace
The vulnerabilities of the civilian cyber apparatus in Israel constitute a
defensive gap inviting terrorist organizations to take advantage of it. The
relatively weak defenses of these systems enable terrorist organizations to
take simple action against targets in this sphere. Since civilian cyber systems
create structural vulnerabilities, a civilian defense should be established in
cyberspace, and the sooner the better. The recommendation of the Institute
for National Security Studies to the Israeli government is that the defense
of civilian cyberspace should be formulated so that it can provide a better
solution to threats should be noted in this context.43
Terrorist organizations have not yet crossed the operational and
technological threshold that would allow them to operate independently


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

against Israel and other Western countries in the cyber warfare sphere.
Developments in the criminal attack market, however, are liable to
produce significant attack capabilities. These developments, combined
with the support and guidance in intelligence and operations provided
by technological powers like Iran, could lead to dangerous activity in the
cyber field on the part of terrorist organizations. This threat, therefore,
should not be taken lightly. Even though no significant activity by terrorist
organizations in the cyber field has been observed yet, the development of
the threat in this sphere requires appropriate organization.

1 The authors would like to thank Noam K. from the National Cyber Staff and
Doron Avraham and Keren Hatkevitz, interns in the Cyber Warfare Program
at the INSS, for their assistance in preparing this article. Michal Aviad,
Documentary Film (Tel Aviv: Heidekel, 2007), p. 5.
2 For example, see Haim Pass and Dan Meridor, eds., 21st Century Battle:
Democracies Fight Terrorism, Study Forum (Jerusalem: Israel Democracy
Institute, 2006), p. 25.
3 For example, see Tor a software program that helps create anonymity on
the web. Every layer is encoded, and every station in the route folds its layer
and delivers it to the next station. This principle is called an onion router,
4 Oded Yaron, Hackers Plan Cyber Attack against Israeli Targets in April,
Haaretz, March 14, 2013,
5 Steinitz: Military Threat against Israel has also Become a Cyber Terror
Threat, Globes, July 9, 2013,
6 See the statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on this
subject: Netanyahu: Iran and Its Satellites Escalating Cyber Attacks
on Israel, Globes, June 9, 2013
7 This refers to any system for storing, transporting, or processing
organizational information, whether or not it is connected to the internet,
and whether or not it constitutes part of the organizations core business.
8 An organizations core operational system is the hardware on which the
organizations core processes are managed and the software used for
that purpose (whether it is a security or a civilian business organization).
Disruption or destruction of such a system can halt all or part of the
organizations activity and could cause physical damage in certain cases.
9 An industrial control system (ICS) is a tool that integrates software and
hardware components and is designed to oversee a physical production


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect






process. The system contains sensors for monitoring the controlled process
and inspectors who control this process. The system is also likely to include
a connection to the organizations other computer networks and sometimes
also to the internet.
This type of attack is also carried out independently by activists and
anarchists, or on behalf of and guided by a terrorist organization.
Shamoon Virus Targets Energy Sector Infrastructure, BBC
News Technology, August 17, 2012,
In this incident, malicious code was inserted into Aramcos computer
system, and 30,000 computers were put out of action as a result.
Ralph Langner, lecture on the subject of securing industrial control
systems, Annual Cyber Conference, Institute for National Security Studies,
September 4, 2012,
The Disturbing World of the Deep Web, Where Contract Killers and Drug
Dealers Ply their Trade on the Internet, Daily Mail, October 11, 2013, http://
Jesse Emspak, Why We Wont Soon See another Stuxnet Attack, Tech
News Daily, July 24, 2011,
Aditya K. Sood and Richard J. Enbody, Crimeware-as-a-Service A Survey
of Commoditized Crimeware in the Underground Market, International
Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 6, no. 1, (March 2013),
A Facebook page offering cyber weapons for sale can be found at https://
Limor Kessem, Zeus FaaS Comes to a Social Network near You, RSA,
Speaking of Security, April 2013,
Michael Fire, Rami Puzis, and Yuval Elovici, Organization Mining Using
Online Social Networks, arXiv:1303.3741 .
Aviad Elishar, Michael Fire, Dima Kagan, and Yuval Elovici, Homing
Socialbots: Intrusion on a Specific Organizations Employee Using
Socialbots, International Workshop on Social Network Analysis in
Applications (SNAA), August 2013.
Fernando M. Pinguelo, Bradford W. Muller, Norris McLaughlin, and P.A.
Marcus, Is Social Media a Corporate Spys Best Friend? How Social Media
Use May Expose Your Company to Cyber-Vulnerability, Bloomberg Law,
Internet Census 2012, Carna Botnet,
Map of SCADA systems in the world,


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

24 The Shodan website, which contains information useful to hackers: http://
25 Gili Cohen, Hackers Attack Home Networks of Hundreds of Israelis,
Haaretz, September 11, 2013,
26 Attack vector:
27 Spoofing attack:
28 Eric M. Hutchins, Michael J. Cloppert, and Rohan M. Amin, Intelligencedriven Computer Network Defense Informed by Analysis of Adversary
Campaigns and Intrusion Kill Chains, Leading Issues in Information Warfare
& Security Research 1 (2011): p. 80.
29 Doug Macdonald, A Guide to SpyEye C&C Messages, Fortinet, February 15,
30 Thomas Rid, Cyber-Sabotage Is Easy, Foreign Policy, July 23, 2013. http://
31 Dorothy E. Denning, Cyberterrorism, Testimony before the Special
Oversight Panel on Terrorism, Committee on Armed Services, U.S House
of Representatives, May 23, 2000, p. 269,
32 For a chronology of the Aum Shinrikyo actions, see
33 Paul Everard, NATO and Cyber Terrorism, in Response to Cyber Terrorism,
(Ankara, Turkey: Center of Excellence Defence against Terrorism, 2008),
34 Daniel Cohen and Aviv Rotbart, The Proliferation of Weapons in
Cyberspace, Military and Strategic Affairs 5, no. 1 (2013): 59-80 .
35 Dylan Love, 10 Reasons to Worry about the Syrian Electronic Army,
Business Insider, May 22, 2013,
36 Peter Foster, Bogus AP tweet about explosion at the White House wipes
billions off US markets, The Telegraph, April 23, 2013.
37 Yanir Yagna and Oded Yaron, Israeli Expert Said, Syrian Electronic Army
Attacked Israel and Denied It, Haaretz, May 25, 2013,
38 Amir Buhbut, Cyber Attack: Prime Ministers Office, Ministries of Defense,
Education Websites Put out of Action, Walla News, April 7, 2013, http://
39 Nimrod Zook, Cyber Attack: Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Fighters Hit American
Express, Calcalist, April 2, 2013,


Gabi Siboni, Daniel Cohen, and Aviv Rotbart | Unraveling the Stuxnet Effect

40 Lee Yaron, Defense Department Warns: Hamas Cyber Capabilities

Stronger, Bamahane, November 14, 2013, p. 19.
41 Kaspersky Lab Exposes Icefog: A new Cyber-espionage Campaign
Focusing on Supply Chain Attacks, September 26, 2013,
42 For more on mutation codes, see Cohen and Rotbart, The Proliferation of
Weapons in Cyberspace.
43 Gabi Siboni, A National Response to Civil Defense in Cyberspace,
Viewpoint Paper for Decision-Makers, Institute for National
Security Studies, April 2013,


The INSS Cyber Program

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), an independent, nonpartisan think tank that is an external institute of Tel Aviv University,
deals with issues related to Israels national security. The Institute holds
seminars, forums, and conferences and produces various publications,
including monographs, journals, analytical articles, and position papers
for decision makers. In 2013, INSS was ranked as Israels leading think
tank and among the leading think tanks in the world in the field of national
security. INSS is a public benefit company.
The INSS Cyber Program aims to cultivate knowledge on cyber
warfare and broaden the study of its related aspects. It focuses on the
conceptualization and creation of a common language regarding cyberspace
and national security; development and examination of national policy;
and the identification of guidelines for doctrine of cyber warfare for Israel,
at both the national and inter-organizational levels. Research aims to
contribute to an informed public debate on cyber security and promote
strong public policy on the issue.
To this end, the program engages in a variety of research activities
in subjects relevant to the field of cyberspace, including: development
of a national defense concept for cyberspace; sharing of knowledge and
information across organizations and sectors; intelligence and operations
in cyberspace; proliferation of malicious codes in the cyber sphere; terrorist
and non-state organizations in cyberspace; activities by major states and
other actors in cyberspace; and legal and regulatory aspects. In addition,
the program publishes a bi-weekly review of cyber intelligence on the basis
of open sources. This review, published in English, is distributed by the
Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI) as well as through other frameworks.
In order to sharpen the common language and cultivate knowledge, the
Cyber Program has established a national professional forum to formulate
strategic insights and policy recommendations concerning cyber defense.
This forum enables the building of innovative knowledge and connections
among the relevant players in both the private and public sector. In addition,
it provides decision makers with an important professional resource that
researches new issues in the field and publishes position papers.
Forum members include some twenty-five senior figures from three main
sectors: government, the defense industry, and research and development in


leading technology companies and academia. The forum holds discussions

on a regular basis on a range of subjects, including: conceptualization and
creation of a common language in national security contexts; development
and examination of a national policy for cyber defense; the interface between
the techno-tactical and strategic realms; the interface between the defense
sector and the business sector; the boundaries of responsibility between the
state and the private sector (organizations and individuals); and knowledge
sharing and regulation.
The forum was established in an effort to narrow the gap in the discourse
between two realms: the technological, home to many players and where a
great deal of knowledge has developed in Israel (and the rest of the world);
and the strategic, with an emphasis on Israel, where there is a need for
significant improvement in the development of knowledge and policy.
Thus a major aspect of the forums role and its added value in activity and
knowledge development in the cyber field in Israel is the connection it
forges between the two arenas. Furthermore, the discussion underway in
the context of the forum is necessary to achieve the supreme goal: a strong
and lasting improvement in Israels cyber resilience.
In 2013, partly as a result of insights that emerged from the forums
discussions, INSS published recommendations for decision makers
concerning the organization of civil defense in cyberspace in Israel. One
of the forums goals during 2014 is to examine the national concept and to
make recommendations for decision makers in this field.

INSS Cyber Program Team

Program Director: Dr. Gabi Siboni
Program Coordinator: Daniel Cohen
Cyber Forum Manager: Hadas Klein
Prof. Amir Averbuch
Dr. Tal Koren
Dr. Yair Oppenheim
Major M. (IDF - C4I Corps)
Hila Adler
Carmit Valensi


Research Assistants and Interns

Eddo Bar
Roxana Bogdanski
Giorgio Bonadiman
Nir Carmi
Keren Hatkevitz
Sarah Kohne
Sami Kronenfeld
Danielle Levin
Ran Levy
Jeremy Makowski
Amir Steiner
Simon Tsipis
Shlomi Yaas

INSS Memoranda, 2013 Present

No. 134, March 2014, Yoram Schweitzer and Aviv Oreg, Al-Qaedas
Odyssey to the Global Jihad.
No. 133, March 2014, Pnina Sharvit Baruch and Anat Kurz, eds., Law
and National Security: Selected Issues [Hebrew].
No. 132, January 2014, Yoram Schweitzer and Aviv Oreg, Al-Qaedas
Odyssey to the Global Jihad [Hebrew].
No. 131, December 2013, Amos Yadlin and Avner Golov, Regime
Stability in the Middle East: An Analytical Model to Assess
the Possibility of Regime Change.
No. 130, December 2013, Yehuda Ben Meir and Olena Bagno-Moldavsky, The Voice of the People: Israeli Public Opinion on
National Security 2012 [Hebrew].
No. 129, July 2013, Zvi Magen and Vitaly Naumkin, eds., Russia and
Israel in the Changing Middle East.
No. 128, June 2013, Ruth Gavison and Meir Elran, eds., Unauthorized
Immigration as a Challenge to Israel [Hebrew].
No. 127, May 2013, Zvi Magen, Russia in the Middle East: Policy
No. 126, April 2013, Yehuda Ben Meir and Olena Bagno-Moldavsky,
The Voice of the People: Israeli Public Opinion on National
Security 2012.
No. 125, March 2013, Amos Yadlin and Avner Golov, Regime Stability in the Middle East: An Analytical Model to Assess the
Possibility of Governmental Change [Hebrew].

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