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B4 – Saturday, January 16, 2010 SPORTS The Daily Journal

Using their heads for expression
1. Camden Catholic (3-2)
Decorating headgear is a
popular way for wrestlers to
2. Paulsboro (9-1)
3. Washington Twp. (4-2)
4. Eastern (4-5)
say what’s on their minds
5. West Deptford (5-0) By PATRICK BUGANSKI
Staff Writer
6. Timber Creek (9-1)
7. Absegami (11-1) [email protected]
8. St. Augustine (8-3)
It’s the only protection a wrestler has
9. Delsea (5-3) when he steps onto the mat. However, for
10. Delran (5-0) some high school wrestlers, head-
11. Haddonfield (11-4) gear is more than just a safe-
12. Collingswood (7-1) ty item, it’s also a means of
13. Pennsville (6-2) expression.
14. Kingsway (7-4) From different styles of
15. Burlington Twp. (2-3) headgear to different col-
*Records through Thursday
ored straps, pads and tape,
many wrestlers have
embraced the one part
LOCAL RECORDS* of their uniform that’s
103 customizable.
Tom Gattinella, St. Augustine 12-2 Delsea’s Eric Reger patrick
Billy Ward, Buena 13-3 has always been BUGANSKI
John Hennelly, Delsea 7-4 known as flashy, and
Jake Martin, Millville 6-6 his headgear is just one example of how the
Dominic Pizzo, Cumberland 4-4 senior 152-pounder expresses himself.
112 “I’ve been (decorating my headgear) since I
Curt Delia, Delsea 12-2 was in eighth grade,” Reger said. “It’s just
Wil Garner, Schalick 8-4
Jake Derella, Millville 8-5 something to stand out.”
David Jones, Cumberland 5-3 In the past, Reger has kept track of his
119 wins on his headgear and showed school pride Staff photo/Craig Matthews
Joe Esposito, St. Augustine 12-3 with a “D” on it too. Vineland’s Ricky Azeglio uses his headgear as a tribute to former Buena wrestler Ricky Wilcox, who died in
Justin Pierotti, Buena 11-4 This year, he went even farther, taping the an auto accident in 2004. Azeglio had the headgear professionally airbrushed with a cross and “Ricky” in remem-
Will Elliott, Cumberland 6-1 straps that go around the back of his head berance of Wilcox. Some wrestlers decorate their headgear as a type of self expression.
Christian Trainor, Vineland 6-4 together and writing his nickname, “Phats”
125 and a Bible verse. On one ear pad, he has a who died in an auto accident in 2004. anything.”
Rob Jillard, Delsea 13-3 ribbon in remembrance of Adam Frey, an
Zach Burgin, St. Augustine 7-2 “Everyone else does taping and taping was Millville coach Scott Stay doesn’t like per-
Jonathon Rodriguez, Vineland 6-3
elite wrestler at Blair Academy and Cornell getting old, so I tried to do something new sonalizing headgear either. In fact, he doesn’t
Jesus Cosme, Millville 7-4 University who lost his fight with cancer on and I actually like how it came out,” Ricky allow his wrestlers to decorate theirs.
130 Dec. 26. said. “It means a lot to me because he was like “You’re there to wrestle and win,” Stay
Dillan Berghof, Buena 13-4 “Me and my mom would always go on my best friend so I decided to do something said. “You’re not there to make a personal
Joe Devone, St. Augustine 9-3 (Frey’s) blog and see how he was doing and for him.” statement. You put your headgear on and you
Ricky Azeglio, Vineland 8-2 some Blair kids that I’m friends with would Not everyone is a fan of adding a personal wrestle. The most I would tolerate is two dif-
Matt Hennelly, Delsea 8-5 talk about him, so that’s why I put it on touch to their headgear though. ferent colors. It doesn’t help you wrestle bet-
135 there,” Reger said. “I’m not a real big show-boater,” St. Augus- ter.”
Mike Gleisberg, Vineland 9-1 Vineland’s Ricky Azeglio had his head- tine Prep sophomore Mark Patterson said.
Mark Patterson, St.Augustine 11-2 gear professionally airbrushed with a cross
Richard Morris, Cumberland 6-2 “Headgear is really just to keep my ears from
and “Ricky” on one ear pad in remembrance looking disgusting, so as long as it’s comfort- Patrick Buganski covers scholastic wrestling
140 for the Daily Journal. He can be reached at (856)
Paxton Burgin, St. Augustine 8-2 of the former Buena wrestler Ricky Wilcox, able, I don’t care. I’m not going to tape it up or 563-5260 or [email protected]
Nick Quiles, Millville 8-6
William Fauver, Schalick 5-4
Gary Mosley, Cumberland 6-3 THE INSIDE STUFF
Eric Reger, Delsea
Nick Santiago, Vineland
Rob Elliott, Cumberland
Adam Schroeder, St.Augustine 8-4
Staff Writer
[email protected]

Being the lone senior in the St.

Q &A
Paxton Burgin
Paul Pierson, Delsea 7-2 Augustine lineup, Paxton Burgin is
Connor Donohue, St.Augustine 5-4 counted on for leadership and experi- St. Augustine
171 Each week, The Daily don’t under-
ence. He also brings talent with an 8-1 140/Senior
Sergio Cortez, Buena 9-6 Journal will speak referee stand that
in dual meets. The 140-pounder is one of
189 Ron Roberts for an inside it’s a full
Eric Hensel, Buena 12-4 the key reasons why the Hermits have year, how is the team living up to expectations look at the rules of the mat. two seconds.”
215 turned their season around with seven that you had coming into this year? Roberts, a 1992 Buena grad- On pinning
Mahalo Camba, Cumberland 9-0 straight wins. Burgin has won his last A: Our team is coming along pretty quick. With A.J. uate, is a 13-year refereeing out of bounds:
Noah Repko, Buena 8-5 seven bouts too, including two by fall. In (Fisher) and Leon (White) and Nick (DiGalbo), we veteran and the current “If one
Chris Johnson, Millville 7-6 the fall, Burgin was picked to be repre- expected them to win every match and that kind of
Anthony Figueroa, Vineland 4-4 Vice President of the New part of the
sent the wrestling team when the relieved the pressure from everybody else
HWT Jersey Wrestling Officials Roberts pinning sur-
school put 9-foot tall posters of athletes because we knew they were going to get six. So
Andrew Baumgardner, St.Aug. 11-1 Association. face is in
in the gymnasium. Burgin’s likeness everybody’s really stepped up.
Dom Hinrichsen, Buena 12-3 sits directly to the left of the American Q: What are your thoughts on having a 9-foot bounds and the other is not,
*Based on reports results, This week — Calling the pin: it’s not a fall. As long as a
wrestlers must have a .500 record flag in the gym. Burgin recently spoke cutout of yourself hanging on the wall?
with The Daily Journal about his sea- A: It’s a little awkward sometimes. Everyone jokes “The pinning surface left and a right is in, it’s a
and at least seven matches pin. If everything is out, you
son on and off the mats. around with me, but its pretty cool. I feel like I get more runs from the shoulders
attention as a wrestler with it up there. I honestly don’t down to the bottom of the can’t even score nearfall
Now on the Web QUESTION: What’s it like being the only senior even know what to say about it,it was very unexpected. scapula. You can have points.”
in the starting lineup? Q: How has coach Joe Melchiore helped you as either both shoulders, both On why you can’t call it from
ANSWER: It’s kind of nice at practice because it a wrestler? scapulas or one of both, any the stands:
gives me a chance to take charge. But it’s kind of A: He’s really brought me up to the next level. He’s an combination. Any portion “Most people think that
hard at the same time because there’s not any- amazing technician and that’s what I needed. Over of either side has to be held once it’s tight, it’s a pin. We
body to share the responsibility of holding the the last couple years I’ve always had the condition- and remain stationary in have the best view down
team together. (Junior, Adam) Schroeder comes up ing I needed and the strength that I needed, I’m contact with the mat for there, that’s why we’re there,
big sometimes as a leader and some other guys always in the weight room. But he really has helped two seconds. A lot of people we have the best look at it.”
step up. I think it’s kind of nice overall. me out with my technique and that’s going to help
Q: Is there a lot of pressure? me get further in regions and hopefully states.
A: Yeah, a lot of kids on my team are just as good Q: What is the strangest varsity sport at St.
BLOG as me if not better than me, and they’re younger Augustine?
High school wrestling guys. It kind of keeps the pressure on me to keep A: Fencing is probably the strangest sport we
news and notes the bar up and keep working hard. have. We just started the rugby team last year, I
thinking of going out for that. Neither, 1
Q: You lost three top-notch wrestlers form last
Would you
NEWS AND NOTES Team rather win..?
Are you a high school Individual
■ South Jersey is still buzzing about closing in on a lofty milestone. He needs state title
wrestling junkie? Can’t state title An individual
Washington Township’s 32-31 criteria five wins to reach 500 in his illustrious 38 state title
get enough of stalling
chants and cauliflower
win over Eastern on Wednesday. The
Minutemen earned the extra point with
career. Only Ralph Ross (601, Triton
Red and Highland) and Dennis Smith
60 A team
state title
ear? Check out “The Mat more pins (two) than Eastern (one). (542, Delran) have acheived the mark in Neither
Pack” online blog for Eastern had won the previous seven South Jersey history.
your daily dose of South meetings with its Olympic Conference ■ Despite it being the middle of Jan-

“ Chris
American Division foe including a 50- uary, there are only three undefeated I feel it would be more of
Jersey grappling info. 14 rout in last year’s Group IV playoffs. teams remaining in South Jersey with an accomplishment to win
Visit an individual state title
The Vikings were scheduled to wres- Delran (5-0), West Deptford (5-0) and, the Millville
tle No. 1 Camden Catholic on Friday.
■ Absegami coach Gene Barber is
suprise of the group, Woodstown (8-0).
— Tom McGurk
than a team state title.
” Junior
189 pounds


103 5) Sean DiEmma, Paulsboro (16-2) 4) Mark Patterson, St. Augustine (8-1) 3) Justin Danfield, Camden Cath. (2-3) 2) Colin Walsh, Washington Twp. (10-0)
1) Chad Walsh, Camden Catholic (8-3) 125 5) John Harvey, Absegami (10-5) 4) Ben Fanjoy, Cherokee (13-0) 3) Jimmy Owens, West Deptford (4-0)
2) Ricky Carter, Washington Twp. (9-1) 1) Joey Duca, Paulsboro (17-0) 140 5) Ray Schlitt, Haddonfield (12-1) 4) Mike Zeuli, Cherokee (13-1)
3) Michael Zold, Paulsboro (11-4) 2) Dan Pak, Delran (8-1) 1) Hank Stinson, Eastern (14-3) 160 5) Cliff Farrell, Mainland (12-1)
4) Billy Ward, Buena (12-3) 3) P.J. Schmidt, Moorestown (8-1) 2) Taylor Walsh, Camden Catholic (10-3) 1) Preston Keiffer, Eastern (16-1) 215
5) John Hennelly, Delsea (7-4) 4) Chalie Huff, Washington Twp. (9-1) 3) James Green, Willingboro (7-0) 2) Jeff White, Middle Township (9-0) 1) Zach Greenwald, Paulsboro (15-1)
112 5) T.J. Miller, Camden Catholic (5-0) 4) Kurtis Becker, Kingsway (14-1) 3) Nick Palumbo, Seneca (11-1) 2) Mahalo Camba, Cumberland (9-0)
1) Kevin Devoy, Burlington Twp. (12-0) 130 5) Mike Bakuckas, Hammonton (9-0) 4) Kenny Emmons, Pennsville (13-2) 3) Wayne Young, Camden Catholic (8-3)
2) Curt Delia, Delsea (12-2) 1) Tyler Scotton, Willingboro (11-0) 145 5) Jordan Davis, Woodstown (13-2) 4) Kyle Lloyd, Kingsway (11-2)
3) Kyle Klaus, Haddonfield (12-2) 2) Rob Jillard, Delsea (13-3) 1) Anthony Baldosaro, Eastern (13-1) 171 5) Dan Garwood, Clearview (7-2)
4) Brendan Keller, Timber Creek (16-0) 3) Dymere Rappa, Paulsboro (15-3) 2) C.J. Cobb, Williamstown (5-1) 1) Zach Agostino, Egg Harbor Twp. (14-2) Hwt
5) Justin Mayer, Deptford (8-1) 4) James Higgins, Washington Twp. (7-3) 3) Shane Robinson, Absegami (14-4) 2) E.J. Goree, Burlington Township (7-1) 1) Chaz Lear, Lower Cape May (10-0)
119 5) Travis McDowell, Delran (7-0) 4) Khalid Shakir, Bordentown (14-0) 3) Jake Poeppel, Woodstown (14-0) 2) Nick Curl, Paulsboro (13-3)
1) Robert Deutsch, Eastern (15-2) 135 5) Zach Inman, Pennsville (13-3) 4) T.J. Shea, Bishop Eustace (14-1) 3) Dom Hinrichsen, Buena (11-3)
2) Matt Sausman, Camden Catholic (6-2) 1) Cal Stack, Eastern (10-3) 152 5) Dylan Bushby, Haddon Heights (9-2) 4) Bill Bilo, Timber Creek (11-2)
3) Chuck Zeisloft, Gateway (7-0) 2) Eric Hamrick, Collingswood (13-1) 1) Dave Newcomer, Eastern (7-6) 189 5) Mark Dormann, Kingsway (9-1)
4) Coley O’Brien, Ocean City (10-0) 3) Zach Cohen, Williamstown (11-2) 2) Eric Reger, Delsea (14-2) 1) Jarred Holliday, Burlington Twp. (11-1)

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