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Republic of the Philippines

A.M. No. 10-10-4-SC

March 8, 2011



On April 28, 2010, the ponencia of Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo
(Justice Del Castillo) in Vinuya, et al. v. Executive Secretary (G.R. No. 162230) was
promulgated. On July 19, 2010, counsel for the Malaya Lolas, Attys. H. Harry L.
Roque, Jr. (Atty. Roque) and Romel Regalado Bagares (Atty. Bagares), filed a
Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration in G.R. No. 162230, where they posited for
the first time their charge of plagiarism as one of the grounds for reconsideration of
the Vinuya decision.
According to Attys. Roque and Bagares, the works allegedly plagiarized in the
Vinuya decision were namely: (1) Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decents article "A
Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens;" (2) Christian J. Tams book Enforcing Erga Omnes
Obligations in International Law; and (3) Mark Ellis article "Breaking the Silence: On
Rape as an International Crime. On, July 22, 2010, Justice Del Castillo wrote to his
colleagues on the Court in reply to the charge of plagiarism contained in the
Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration.
In Memorandum Order No. 35-2010 issued on July 27, 2010, the Court formed
the Committee on Ethics and Ethical Standards (the Ethics Committee) pursuant to
Section 13, Rule 2 of the Internal Rules of the Supreme Court. In an En Banc
Resolution also dated July 27, 2010, the Court referred the July 22, 2010 letter of
Justice Del Castillo to the Ethics Committee.
On August 9, 2010, a statement dated July 27, 2010, entitled "Restoring
Integrity: A Statement by the Faculty of the University of the Philippines College of

Law on the Allegations of Plagiarism and Misrepresentation in the Supreme Court"

(the Statement), was posted in Newsbreaks website and on Atty. Roques blog. A
report regarding the statement also appeared on various on-line news sites, such as
the GMA News TV and the Sun Star sites, on the same date.

The text of the UP Law faculty Statement is partly reproduced is as follows

with emphasis:

.An extraordinary act of injustice has again been committed against the
brave Filipinas who had suffered abuse during a time of war.
XXXX --------XXXXX
hopes crushed by a singularly reprehensible act of dishonesty and
misrepresentation by the Highest Court of the land.
XXXX ------- XXXXX
the High Court actually misrepresents the conclusions of their work
XXXX ------ XXXX
by transforming it into an act of intellectual fraud by copying works in order
to mislead and deceive.
But instead of acting with urgency on this case, the Court delayed its
resolution for almost seven years, oblivious to the deaths of many of the petitioners
seeking justice from the Court. When it dismissed the Vinuya petition based on
misrepresented and plagiarized materials, the Court decided this case based on
polluted sources. By so doing, the Supreme Court added insult to injury by failing to
actually exercise its "power to urge and exhort the Executive Department to take up
the claims of the Vinuya petitioners. Its callous disposition, coupled with false
sympathy and nonchalance, belies a more alarming lack of concern for even the
most basic values of decency and respect.

XXXX - ---- XXXX

.clear and obvious plagiarism
.the Court cannot coldly deny relief and justice to the petitioners on the basis of
pilfered and misinterpreted texts.
With these considerations, and bearing in mind the solemn duties and trust
reposed upon them as teachers in the profession of Law, it is the opinion of the
Faculty of the University of the Philippine College of Law that:
The plagiarism committed in the case of Vinuya v. Executive Secretary is
unacceptable, unethical and in breach of the high standards of moral conduct and
judicial and professional competence expected of the Supreme Court;
The same breach and consequent disposition of the Vinuya case does
violence to the primordial function of the Supreme Court as the ultimate dispenser
of justice to all those who have been left without legal or equitable recourse, such
as the petitioners therein;
In a Resolution dated October 19, 2010, the Court en banc made the
following observations regarding the UP Law Faculty Statement:
Beyond this, however, the statement bore certain remarks which raise
concern for the Court. The opening sentence alone is a grim preamble to the
institutional attack that lay ahead.
The insult to the members of this Court was aggravated by imputations of
deliberately delaying the resolution of said case, its dismissal on the basis of
polluted sources, the Courts alleged indifference to the cause of petitioners in the
Vinuya case, as well as the supposed alarming of lack of concern of the members of
the Court for even the most basic values of decency and respect.
In the same Resolution, the Court went on to state that:
While most agree that the right to criticize the judiciary is critical to maintaining a free and
democratic society, there is also a general consensus that healthy criticism only goes so far. Many
types of criticism leveled at the judiciary cross the line to become harmful and irresponsible attacks.
These potentially devastating attacks and unjust criticism can threaten the independence of the
judiciary. The court must "insist on being permitted to proceed to the disposition of its business in an
orderly manner, free from outside interference obstructive of its functions and tending to embarrass
the administration of justice."

Thus, the Court directed the respondents to show cause, within ten (10) days from receipt of
the copy of the Resolution, why they should not be disciplined as members of the Bar for violation of
Canons 1, 11 and 13 and Rules 1.02 and 11.05 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

On November 19, 2010, within the extension for filing granted by the Court,
respondents filed several pleadings.
By way of explanation, the respondents emphasized the following points:
(a) Noble intention
Respondents assert that their intention was not to malign the Court but
rather to defend its integrity and credibility and to ensure continued
confidence in the legal system.

(b) The "correctness" of respondents position that Justice Del Castillo

committed plagiarism and should be held accountable in accordance with
the standards of academic writing
A significant portion of the Common Compliance is devoted to a discussion of
the merits of respondents charge of plagiarism against Justice Del Castillo.
Relying on University of the Philippines Board of Regents v. Court of Appeals 52
and foreign materials and jurisprudence, respondents essentially argue that
their position regarding the plagiarism charge against Justice Del Castillo is
the correct view and that they are therefore justified in issuing their Restoring
Integrity Statement.
(c) Respondents belief that they are being "singled out" by the Court when
others have likewise spoken on the "plagiarism issue"
In the Common Compliance, respondents likewise asserted that "the
plagiarism and misrepresentation allegations are legitimate public issues.
(d) Freedom of expression
(e) Academic freedom

Based on the Show Cause Resolution and a perusal of the submissions of
respondents, the material issues to be resolved in this case are as follows:
1.) Does the Show Cause Resolution deny respondents their freedom of

2.) Does the Show Cause Resolution violate respondents academic freedom
as law professors?
3.) Do the submissions of respondents satisfactorily explain why they should
not be disciplined as Members of the Bar under Canons 1, 11, and 13 and Rules
1.02 and 11.05 of the Code of Professional Responsibility?
4.) Does the separate Compliance of Dean Leonen satisfactorily explain why
he should not be disciplined as a Member of the Bar under Canon 10, Rules 10.01,
10.02 and 10.03?

(1) No. A reading of the Show Cause Resolution will plainly show that it was
neither the fact that respondents had criticized a decision of the Court nor that they
had charged one of its members of plagiarism that motivated the said Resolution. It
was the manner of the criticism and the contumacious language by which
respondents, who are neither parties nor counsels in the Vinuya case, have
expressed their opinion in favor of the petitioners in the said pending case for the
"proper disposition" and consideration of the Court that gave rise to said Resolution.
The Show Cause Resolution painstakingly enumerated the statements that the
Court considered excessive and uncalled for under the circumstances surrounding
the issuance, publication, and later submission to this Court of the UP Law facultys
Restoring Integrity Statement.
To be sure, the Show Cause Resolution itself recognized respondents freedom
of expression when it stated that:
While most agree that the right to criticize the judiciary is critical to
maintaining a free and democratic society, there is also a general consensus that
healthy criticism only goes so far. Many types of criticism leveled at the judiciary
cross the line to become harmful and irresponsible attacks. These potentially
devastating attacks and unjust criticism can threaten the independence of the
judiciary. The court must "insist on being permitted to proceed to the disposition of
its business in an orderly manner, free from outside interference obstructive of its
functions and tending to embarrass the administration of justice."
Indeed, in a long line of cases, this Court has held that the right to criticize
the courts and judicial officers must be balanced against the equally primordial
concern that the independence of the Judiciary be protected from due influence or
interference. In cases where the critics are not only citizens but members of the Bar,
jurisprudence has repeatedly affirmed the authority of this Court to discipline
lawyers whose statements regarding the courts and fellow lawyers, whether judicial
or extrajudicial, have exceeded the limits of fair comment and common decency.

To be sure, the adversarial nature of our legal system has tempted members
of the bar to use strong language in pursuit of their duty to advance the interests of
their clients.
However, while a lawyer is entitled to present his case with vigor
and courage, such enthusiasm does not justify the use of offensive and
abusive language. Language abounds with countless possibilities for one
to be emphatic but respectful, convincing but not derogatory, illuminating
but not offensive.
(2) No. There is nothing in the Show Cause Resolution that dictates upon
respondents the subject matter they can teach and the manner of their instruction.
Moreover, it is not inconsistent with the principle of academic freedom for this Court
to subject lawyers who teach law to disciplinary action for contumacious conduct
and speech, coupled with undue intervention in favor of a party in a pending case,
without observing proper procedure, even if purportedly done in their capacity as
A novel issue involved in the present controversy, for it has not been passed
upon in any previous case before this Court, is the question of whether lawyers who
are also law professors can invoke academic freedom as a defense in an
administrative proceeding for intemperate statements tending to pressure the Court
or influence the outcome of a case or degrade the courts.
Applying by analogy the Courts past treatment of the "free speech" defense
in other bar discipline cases, academic freedom cannot be successfully invoked by
respondents in this case. The implicit ruling in the jurisprudence discussed above is
that the constitutional right to freedom of expression of members of the Bar may be
circumscribed by their ethical duties as lawyers to give due respect to the courts
and to uphold the publics faith in the legal profession and the justice system. To our
mind, the reason that freedom of expression may be so delimited in the case of
lawyers applies with greater force to the academic freedom of law professors.
It would do well for the Court to remind respondents that, in view of the broad
definition in Cayetano v. Monsod, 134 lawyers when they teach law are
considered engaged in the practice of law. Unlike professors in other
disciplines and more than lawyers who do not teach law, respondents are bound by
their oath to uphold the ethical standards of the legal profession. Thus, their actions
as law professors must be measured against the same canons of professional
responsibility applicable to acts of members of the Bar as the fact of their being law
professors is inextricably entwined with the fact that they are lawyers.
(3) Yes. With respect to good faith, respondents allegations presented two
main ideas: (a) the validity of their position regarding the plagiarism charge against
Justice Del Castillo, and (b) their pure motive to spur this Court to take the correct
action on said issue.

The Court has already clarified that it is not the expression of respondents
staunch belief that Justice Del Castillo has committed a misconduct that the
majority of this Court has found so unbecoming in the Show Cause Resolution. No
matter how firm a lawyers conviction in the righteousness of his cause there is
simply no excuse for denigrating the courts and engaging in public behavior that
tends to put the courts and the legal profession into disrepute. This doctrine, which
we have repeatedly upheld in such cases as Salcedo, In re Almacen and Saberong,
should be applied in this case with more reason, as the respondents, not parties to
the Vinuya case, denounced the Court and urged it to change its decision therein, in
a public statement using contumacious language, which with temerity they
subsequently submitted to the Court for "proper disposition."
Whether or not respondents views regarding the plagiarism issue in the
Vinuya case had valid basis was wholly immaterial to their liability for contumacious
speech and conduct. These are two separate matters to be properly threshed out in
separate proceedings. The Court considers it highly inappropriate, if not tantamount
to dissembling, the discussion devoted in one of the compliances arguing the guilt
of Justice Del Castillo.
As for the claim that the respondents noble intention is to spur the Court to
take "constructive action" on the plagiarism issue, the Court has some doubts as to
its veracity. For if the Statement was primarily meant for this Courts consideration,
why was the same published and reported in the media first before it was submitted
to this Court? It is more plausible that the Statement was prepared for consumption
by the general public and designed to capture media attention as part of the effort
to generate interest in the most controversial ground in the Supplemental Motion for
Reconsideration filed in the Vinuya case by Atty. Roque, who is respondents
colleague on the UP Law faculty.
In this regard, the Court finds that there was indeed a lack of observance of
fidelity and due respect to the Court, particularly when respondents knew fully well
that the matter of plagiarism in the Vinuya decision and the merits of the Vinuya
decision itself, at the time of the Statements issuance, were still both sub judice or
pending final disposition of the Court. These facts have been widely publicized.
This Court takes into account the nature of the criticism and weighs the
possible repercussions of the same on the Judiciary. When the criticism comes from
persons outside the profession who may not have a full grasp of legal issues or from
individuals whose personal or other interests in making the criticism are obvious,
the Court may perhaps tolerate or ignore them. However, when law professors are
the ones who appear to have lost sight of the boundaries of fair commentary and
worse, would justify the same as an exercise of civil liberties, this Court cannot
remain silent for such silence would have a grave implication on legal education in
our country.

Thus, the 35 respondents named in the Common Compliance should,

notwithstanding their claim of good faith, be reminded of their lawyerly duty, under
Canons 1, 11 and 13, to give due respect to the courts and to refrain from
intemperate and offensive language tending to influence the Court on pending
matters or to denigrate the courts and the administration of justice.
(4) No. In his Compliance, Dean Leonen essentially denies that Restoring
Integrity II was not a true and faithful reproduction of the actual signed copy,
Restoring Integrity I, because looking at the text or the body, there were no
differences between the two. He attempts to downplay the discrepancies in the
signature pages of the two versions of the Statement (i.e., Restoring Integrity I
and Restoring Integrity II) by claiming that it is but expected in "live" public
manifestos with dynamic and evolving pages as more and more signatories add
their imprimatur thereto. He likewise stresses that he is not administratively liable
because he did not misrepresent the members of the UP Law faculty who "had
agreed with the Restoring Integrity Statement proper and/or who had expressed
their desire to be signatories thereto.
The Court cannot subscribe to Dean Leonens implied view that the
signatures in the Statement are not as significant as its contents. Live public
manifesto or not, the Statement was formally submitted to this Court at a specific
point in time and it should reflect accurately its signatories at that point.
Further, in our assessment, the true cause of Dean Leonens predicament is
the fact that he did not from the beginning submit the signed copy, Restoring
Integrity I, to this Court on August 11, 2010 and, instead, submitted Restoring
Integrity II with its retyped or "reformatted" signature pages. It would turn out,
according to Dean Leonens account, that there were errors in the retyping of the
signature pages due to lapses of his unnamed staff. First, an unnamed
administrative officer in the deans office gave the dean inaccurate information that
led him to allow the inclusion of Justice Mendoza as among the signatories of
Restoring Integrity II. Second, an unnamed staff also failed to type the name of Atty.
Armovit when encoding the signature pages of Restoring Integrity II when in fact he
had signed Restoring Integrity I.
We are willing to accept that the reformatting of documents meant for
posting to eliminate blanks is necessitated by vandalism concerns.
However, what is unusual is the submission to a court, especially this Court,
of a signed document for the Courts consideration that did not contain the actual
signatures of its authors. In most cases, it is the original signed document that is
transmitted to the Court or at the very least a photocopy of the actual signed
document. Dean Leonen has not offered any explanation why he deviated from this
practice with his submission to the Court of Restoring Integrity II on August 11,

Dean Leonen cannot claim fears of vandalism with respect to court

submissions for court employees are accountable for the care of documents and
records that may come into their custody. Yet, Dean Leonen deliberately chose to
submit to this Court the facsimile that did not contain the actual signatures and his
silence on the reason therefor is in itself a display of lack of candor.
We are surprised that someone like Dean Leonen, with his reputation for
perfection and stringent standards of intellectual honesty, could proffer the
explanation that there was no misrepresentation when he allowed at least one
person to be indicated as having actually signed the Statement when all he had was
a verbal communication of intent to sign. In the case of Justice Mendoza, what he
had was only hearsay information that the former intended to sign the Statement. If
Dean Leonen was truly determined to observe candor and truthfulness in his
dealings with the Court, we see no reason why he could not have waited until all the
professors who indicated their desire to sign the Statement had in fact signed
before transmitting the Statement to the Court as a duly signed document. If it was
truly impossible to secure some signatures, such as that of Justice Mendoza who
had to leave for abroad, then Dean Leonen should have just resigned himself to the
signatures that he was able to secure.
In sum, the Court likewise finds Dean Leonens Compliance unsatisfactory.
However, the Court is willing to ascribe these isolated lapses in judgment of Dean
Leonen to his misplaced zeal in pursuit of his objectives. In due consideration of
Dean Leonens professed good intentions, the Court deems it sufficient to admonish
Dean Leonen for failing to observe full candor and honesty in his dealings with the
Court as required under Canon 10.

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