The Canterville Ghost

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The Canterville Ghost

The stain
Mr Hiram B. Otis was American. He wanted to live in an old castle in England, so he
bought Canterville Chase. Everyone told him that he was doing something really
stupid, because Canterville Chase was haunted. I am an American Mr Otis said to
those who believed in the story of the ghost. And Americans dont believe in ghosts.
They are an old-fashioned European idea.
A few weeks later the Otis family started preparing for their new life in England.
There were six people in the Otis family. Mr Otis himself was a United States
minister. His wife, Mrs Lucrezia Otis, was a good-looking lady. When she had been
young in New York, she was famous for her beauty. She was full of energy and very
healthy. Their eldest son was Washington. He was tall and handsome. His sister,
Virginia, was fifteen years old. She had large blue eyes and blonde hair. She was very
lovely. A young English lord, Cecil, was in love with her. The youngest children were
twins, Ricky and Robby. They were often naughty, but everybody liked them.
When the family came to live at the house, they drove through the woods in a

It was a lovely July evening. The birds were singing and rabbits
ran away over the grass. However, as they got closer to Canterville Chase, the weather
changed. The sky was suddenly full of dark clouds. Some large black birds flew over
their heads, It began to rain. In the garden, they saw a black tree with no leaves or
flowers on it.
An old woman dressed in black was waiting for them at the door of the house. This

was Mrs Umney, the housekeeper.

Welcome to Canterville Chase, she said.
They followed her into the library, Tea was ready for them,
Whats that? asked Mrs Otis suddenly. There was a dark red stain on the floor by

the fireplace.
It is blood, said the housekeeper. How horrible said Mrs
Otis. I dont like bloodstains in the sitting room. Remove it. Mrs Umney smiled. It
is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville. People say that she was very sick
because her husband didnt love her any more. One day she disappeared. No one
knew where she was and everybody thought that it was her husbands fault. Sir Simon
never came back to the house, but his guilty spirit still haunts the place. And no one
can remove the stain.
Nonsense! said Washington. My special cleaner will clean it right away. He
started rubbing the floor with the cleaner. In a few minutes, the stain was gone. At that
moment, there was a great flash of lightning.
Everyone was frightened.
The Ghost is angry! said Mrs Umney and then fainted. We are Americans said Mr
Otis. We arent afraid of ghosts. You are safe with us. Now, lets all go to bed.

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