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Mini Mech v1.

Mini Mech is a set of house rules designed for simulated combat between companies of tiny
mechs and combat walkers. The goal is to create a fun, fast paced, streamlined set of rules
that will maintain the flavor of mech combat.
Miniatures - Any miniatures can be used. Im using a variety of minis that stand around
15mm tall that are similarly based.

Written by Sean Conlon. Copyright 2011.

Playtested by Scott Cramer, Chris Haire, Stephen Lee, Eric Walter,
Jeff Knoke, Bill Starmer, Brad Pflugh, Tony Horus, and Dave Schnur.

Light mechs are fast and agile, great for hit-and-run, scouting and ambushing, hard to hit, but
lack the armor and firepower for a steady engagement.
Medium mechs have better armor and weapons than a light mech but cannot move as fast.
Heavy mechs are slow, but have lots of armor and weapons.

Armor Level - This is the amount of armor that has been applied to a mech. It will
determine how much damage can be absorbed from an enemy attack.

Mech Armor Levels

Light Mech Armor

3 damage points absorbed

Medium Mech Armor

5 damage points absorbed

Heavy Mech Armor

7 damage points absorbed

Attack Strength - This is the overall value of a mechs weapons power.

Mech Weapon Range and Strength
Light Mech Weapons

6 hex range

1 damage point

Medium Mech Weapons

8 hex range

2 damage points

Heavy Mech Weapons

10 hex range

3 damage points

Mech Movement and Speed

The maximum number of hexes a mech can move.




Light Mech

5 hexes

10 hexes

4 hexes

Medium Mech

3 hexes

6 hexes

2 hexes

Heavy Mech

2 hexes

4 hexes


Turn Sequence
Initiative phase - determine who moves first.
Action phase - move and/or shoot and/or overwatch.
Player A moves a mech, shoots, if able, then proceeds to the next mech until all mechs have
completed an action. Player B then moves and shoots, etc.
Initiative - Each player rolls a 1d6 at the beginning of the turn. The player with the most
active mechs adds +1 to his roll. The player with the highest result (Player A) moves his light
mechs first. Player B then moves his light mechs. Player A then moves his medium mechs,
followed by Player B, and so on, until both players have finished their mech movement.
Movement - A player can choose to walk, run, jump, overwatch, or do nothing.
Shooting - A player can shoot at any time during their movement, at one target, provided
they are within range and LOS. Begin movement, announce which target you are shooting at,
and resolve damage. Finish movement, if any. Each mech can only shoot once per turn.
Overwatch - A mech in overwatch may interrupt another players turn , to shoot once, if an
opponent mech moves within range and LOS.

Action Phase Movement

None - Mech is not moved, can recover from hot status. Mechs can still shoot and recover
from hot status.
Walk - Mech moves up to its walk distance and can recover from hot status if it doesnt
shoot this turn. Mech cannot move through building squares.
Run - Mech moves up to its run distance, and at least its walk distance. Mech becomes hot
if it shoots during same turn. Mech cannot move through building squares.
Jump - Mech moves up to its jump distance. Mech becomes hot if it shoots during same
turn. Mech CAN move through (over) building squares and occupied hexes.

Jumping onto buildings - Light and medium mechs can jump onto buildings (which have flat
surfaces) by starting their move in a hex adjacent to the building base. Mechs jumping down
from a building must end their movement in a hex adjacent to the same building base.
Overwatch - Mech does not move and gets one reaction shot during an opponents next

Mechs cannot move (walk or run) through or occupy the same hex as a friendly or
enemy mech.

Action Phase Combat

Shooting - Check range and line-of-sight to the target. To shoot, roll 1d6, a result of 5 or 6 is
a successful hit. Subtract the weapon damage from the armor of the target mech. If the
damage goes at or below 0 (zero), the target mech is destroyed.
Mechs on top of buildings can only shoot (or be shot at) at half range, by mechs on the
ground level. If both mechs are on buildings shooting is normal and calculate the range by
using the least number of hexes to the edge of each building base and +1 (hex) for each of
the building bases.
Line-of-sight - LOS is determined by drawing a line from the center of the attacker hex to the
center of the target hex. Buildings block LOS. Any part of a building base blocks LOS. If LOS
follows the edge of a building occupied hex, target gets a +1 cover bonus. Hexes with mechs
will block LOS to other mechs. Mechs cannot shoot through hexes occupied by other mechs.
(Optional: Shooting past a friendly mech, which occupies a hex on the edge of LOS, add a +1
to the target for cover. If the die result is a 1, You have hit the friendly by mistake.)

Shooting modifiers
Base attack

Roll a 5 or 6 on 1d6

Within half range

-1 (ie. 4, 5 or 6)

Target is a light mech


Optional: Target has cover


Attacker or Target is on a building

range is halved

Building-to-Building Shooting - Mechs can shoot at each other with no penalty, if both
mechs are on top of buildings. Calculate range by including 1 (hex) for each building base,

then use a full, adjacent hex to start counting range hexes.

Getting Hot and Overheating

If a mech runs or jumps AND shoots in the same turn, the mech goes from a normal or
cool state to a hot state. At the end of a mechs action phase, use a token to indicate the
mech is hot. On a hot mechs next turn, it can choose to walk OR shoot only and return
back to normal or cool. If a mech decides to choose an action other than walk or
shoot, the mech overheats and a malfunction check is required.
If a hot mech decides to:
Walk AND shoot
Run and shoot, roll on the Too Hot table and add +1
Jump and shoot, roll on the Too Hot table and add +2

Walk AND shoot
Run AND shoot, roll Too Hot and add +1
Jump AND shoot, roll Too Hot and add +2

After movement and/or shooting, roll a d6, and check Too Hot table.

Too Hot Check




No Effect


Malfunction Occurs, roll on Malfunction Table

Malfunction Table


Everything is cool - No Effect

Knocked down = stand up at the end of your next turn, no


Weapons jam = no shooting for one turn

Ammo explosion = lose 1 damage points

Shut Down = lose 2 damage point, No movement or

shooting, Roll on Power-up Check table at the end of your
next turn.

Mech explodes in a fiery ball of death

(1 damage point to any mech within 2 hexes)

Power-up Check


Remain shut down, roll again at end of next turn


Power-up and walk (and shoot) only for next turn

When a shutdown occurs, mech is stationary (no movement or shooting) until the players
next turn. At the end of the next turn roll 1d6, result: 1 remain shut down for another turn,
2-6 power up and walk (and shoot) only for next turn.

Optional Rules
Direct Contact - mechs can make a running or jumping charge in a last ditch effort to do
damage to a target mech. (Light mechs are still +1 to hit)
Punching or kicking - Adjacent mech can make a physical attack on an opponent mech. Roll
1d6, a result of 5 or 6 is a successful attack. If successful the target takes 1 damage point. No
effect if unsuccessful.
Ramming - Mech makes a straight run move of at least 3 hexes into the target hex. Roll 1d6, a
result of 5 or 6 is a successful ram. If successful the target mech takes 2 damage points.
Attacker takes 1 damage point, if unsuccessful.
Jumping Attack - Mech makes a straight jump move of at least 2 hexes into the target hex.
Roll 1d6, a result of a 5 or 6 is successful. If successful, the target mech takes 2 damage and
rolls on Malfunction table. If unsuccessful, the Attacker takes 2 damage and rolls on
malfunction table.
Drop Attack - Mechs can drop from a building and initiate a jumping attack on a target mech
in an adjacent hex. Roll 1d6, a result of a 5 or 6 is successful. If successful, the target mech
takes 3 damage and rolls on Malfunction table. If unsuccessful, the Attacker takes 2 damage
and rolls on malfunction table.
In all cases, if the attacker is successful, the attacker occupies the target hex and the
defender moves into any empty adjacent hex. If the attacker fails, the attacking model stops
in the hex adjacent to the target, along the attack route. (For a Drop attack failure, attacker
moves to any adjacent empty hex.) A target mech that gets destroyed as a result of damage
from direct contact, moves to an adjacent hex and then is replaced by an explosion marker.

Urban Assault - Players deploy their units on opposite ends of the table and attempt to
eliminate each other.
Defend the Chancellery - One player has to defend the objective, and may deploy anywhere
on the table. Attacking player chooses a table side to deploy.
Sector control - Table sector is determined before the game. Players must control the sector
for 2 full turns to win. Control is defined as opposing forces are not within the sector

Capture the flag - Objectives are placed in the deployment zones of each player. Capture the
opponents flag and return it to your own flag location. Must have both flags to complete the
objective or first to return the enemy flag to a specified location.
Repair facility - Each side has a repair facility. A damaged mech can be repaired by remaining
on the building base for 1 turn per 1 damage repaired. The facility cannot make repairs if
there is an enemy mech in an adjacent hex. Enemies can destroy a facility be remaining
adjacent for 3 turns. The game is over if a players repair facility is destroyed.

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