Binding and Loosing X 3 English

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Prayer of Binding and Loosing

Matthew 16:19.....And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of
heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven;
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18-19.....Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in
heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning
anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Lord, we
life and
You have
You will

thank You for __________.

We thank You that You have been at work in his/her
that You will continue to work in his/her life. We thank You for the love that
shown to ____________, for the plans that You have prepared for him/her and that
never give up on him/her.

In the name of Jesus Christ we bind ___________s body, soul, spirit, mind and emotions to the
purpose and will of God. We bind ____________ to the Truth of God and to the completed work of
Jesus Christ. We bind his/her thoughts to the thoughts of Jesus Christ that he/she might share
the thoughts, feelings and purposes that are in Jesus own heart.
We bind ____________s feet to the road of truth that his/her steps may be firm and certain. We
bind him/her to the mercy, grace, love, forgiveness and self-sacrifice that are found within the
cross of Christ. We loose within _____________ every old and evil thought pattern together with
every wrong belief, attitude, thought, desire, motivation, habit and behavior. We bind in and
bring down every spiritual stronghold that is associated with these behaviors in him/her. We
bind within _____________ the spirit of unforgiveness, fear, confusion and mistrust.
Additionally, we bind within ______________ any self-confidence, denial, domination,
exploitation of others, ridicule and pride.
We bind within _____________ any and all results from having been deceived or deluded, and the
effects of lies and empty delusions. We loose his/her mind from the confusion and darkness that
the world brings that he/she may see the light of the Lord Jesus clearly. May every precious
word of the Lord Jesus that has entered into _____________s mind and heart be made alive and
strengthened by the Holy Spirit throughout the day and throughout the week within him/her.
In the name of the Lord Jesus we bind the effect of every negative word that has been spoken to
him/her, or by him/her, or about him/her. We loose ____________ from all ensnarement resulting
from the sins and faults of his/her ancestors and others. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
we loose ____________ from all confinement and curses coming from his/her ancestors, and we
declare that these curses no longer have any effect upon _____________ or upon his/her family.
In the name of Jesus Christ we bind
financial and spiritual blessing that
body, soul, spirit, mind and emotions
stumbling block which Satan has placed

Satan with chains so that _________ may retrieve every

has been stolen from him/her. We loose ____________s
from Satans influence. We destroy every strategem and
upon him/her.

We bind and loose all of these things in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We
Praise God that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the keys of authority to be able to do this.
Lord, we thank You for these truths that You have made clear in the Bible.
From henceforth, we declare the Lords power and greatness to be upon _____________. May the
Lord be a fence of fire all around ____________ and may he/she feel the Lords presence and
security. We pray all of this in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Binding and Loosing Prayer

(For Yourself)
Matthew 18:18-19.....Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in
heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning
anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Lord, I thank You for myself. I thank You that You have been at work in my life and
that You will continue to work in my life. I thank You for the love that You have shown
me, for the plans that You have prepared for me and that You will never give up on me.
In the name of Jesus Christ I bind my body, soul, spirit, mind and emotions to the
purpose and will of God. I bind myself to the Truth of God and to the completed work
of Jesus Christ. I bind my own thoughts to the thoughts of Jesus Christ that I might
share the thoughts, feelings and purposes that are in Jesus own heart.
I bind my feet to the road of truth that my steps may be firm and certain. I bind
myself to the mercy, grace, love, forgiveness and self-sacrifice that are found within
the cross of Christ. I loose within me every old and evil thought pattern together with
every wrong belief, attitude, thought, desire, motivation, habit and behavior. I bind
and bring down every spiritual stronghold that is associated with these behaviors in
me. I bind within myself the spirit of unforgiveness, fear, confusion and mistrust.
Additionally, I bind within myself any self-confidence, denial, domination,
exploitation of others, ridicule and pride.
I bind within myself any and all results from having been deceived or deluded, and the
effects of lies and empty delusions. I loose my mind from the confusion and darkness
that the world brings that I might see the light of the Lord Jesus clearly. May every
precious word of the Lord Jesus that has entered into my mind and heart be made alive
and strengthened by the Holy Spirit throughout the day and throughout the week within me.
In the name of the Lord Jesus I bind the effect of every negative word that has been
spoken to me, or by me, or about me. I loose myself from all ensnarement resulting
from the sins and faults of my ancestors and others. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, I loose myself from all confinement and curses coming from my ancestors, and I
declare that these curses no longer have any effect upon myself or upon my family.
In the name of Jesus Christ I bind Satan with chains so that I may retrieve every
financial and spiritual blessing that has been stolen from me. I loose my body, soul,
spirit, mind and emotions from Satans influence.
I destroy every strategem and
stumbling block which Satan has placed upon me.
I bind and loose all of these things in the name of my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. I
Praise God that the Lord Jesus Christ has given me the keys of authority to be able to
do this. My Lord, I thank You for these truths that You have made clear in the Bible.
From henceforth, I declare the Lords power and greatness to be upon me. May the Lord
be a fence of fire all around me and may I feel the Lords presence and security. I
pray all of this in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Binding and Loosing Prayer

(For Ourselves)
Matthew 18:18-19.....Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in
heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning
anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
Lord, We thank You for Ourselves. We thank You that You have been at work in our lives
and that You will continue to work in our lives. We thank You for the love that You
have shown us, for the plans that You have prepared for us and that You will never give
up on us.
In the name of Jesus Christ we bind our bodies, souls, spirits, minds and emotions to
the purpose and will of God.
We bind ourselves to the Truth of God and to the
completed work of Jesus Christ.
We bind our own thoughts to the thoughts of Jesus
Christ that we might share the thoughts, feelings and purposes that are in Jesus own
We bind our feet to the road of truth that our steps may be firm and certain. We bind
ourselves to the mercy, grace, love, forgiveness and self-sacrifice that are found
within the cross of Christ. We loose within ourselves every old and evil thought
pattern together with every wrong belief, attitude, thought, desire, motivation, habit
and behavior. We bind and bring down every spiritual stronghold that is associated with
these behaviors in ourselves. We bind within ourselves the spirit of unforgiveness,
fear, confusion and mistrust.
Additionally, We bind within ourselves any selfconfidence, denial, domination, exploitation of others, ridicule and pride.
We bind within ourselves any and all results from having been deceived or deluded, and the
effects of lies and empty delusions. We loose our minds from the confusion and darkness
that the world brings that we might see the light of the Lord Jesus clearly. May every
precious word of the Lord Jesus that has entered into our minds and hearts be made alive
and strengthened by the Holy Spirit throughout the day and throughout the week within us.
In the name of the Lord Jesus we bind the effect of every negative word that has been
spoken to us, or by us, or about us. We loose ourselves from all ensnarement resulting
from the sins and faults of our ancestors and others. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, we loose oruselves from all confinement and curses coming from our ancestors,
and we declare that these curses no longer have any effect upon us or upon our families.
In the name of Jesus Christ we bind Satan with chains so that we may retrieve every
financial and spiritual blessing that has been stolen from us. We loose our bodies,
souls, spirits, minds and emotions from Satans influence. We destroy every strategem
and stumbling block which Satan has placed upon us.
We bind and loose all of these things in the name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.
We Praise God that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the keys of authority to be able to
do this. Our Lord, we thank You for these truths that You have made clear in the Bible.
From henceforth, we declare the Lords power and greatness to be upon us. May the Lord
be a fence of fire all around us and may we feel the Lords presence and security. We
pray all of this in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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