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clinical section

Bonded compomer slope for anterior tooth crossbite correction

Theodore P. Croll, DDS William H. Lieberman, DDS
Dr. Croll is in private practice in Doylestown, Pennsylvania and clinical professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry,
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine; Dr. Lieberman is in private practice in Redbank, NJ and
coordinator of continuing education at Monmouth Medical Center in Monmouth, New Jersey.

clinical section

he reverse stainless steel crown is a well-known

method of correcting single tooth anterior crossbite
(Fig 1). When an elongated preformed incisor stainless steel crown is luted with the lingual surface facing labially,
the resulting slope contacts the opposing mandibular incisors
and normal occlusal forces move the incisors out of crossbite
relationship. The reverse crown method corrects dental tipping type single tooth crossbite rapidly, comfortably,
inexpensively, and without the need for special patient cooperation. Such treatment is also useful in certain cases of primary
tooth anterior crossbite1,2 and was used once for treatment of
a 10-month-old.3
Two disadvantages of using reverse stainless steel crowns are
the unsightly silver appearance of the crown form, and the limitations of working with an inclined slope that is already formed.
Both problems can be avoided by using a bonded resin-based
composite custom formed inclined slope.4 The authors have
found that using a polyacid-modified, resin-based composite
material (compomer) to form the slope facilitates treatment.
Compomers do not have the physical strengths of the unmodified resin-based composites and are therefore easier to remove
from the tooth after completion of crossbite correction. This
article describes correction of single tooth anterior crossbite
using bonded compomer material and documents two cases of
successful treatment.

it easier to recognize the resin material for removal after treatment. The slope is designed to elongate the incisor such that
some overbite is created in centric occlusion. The posterior
teeth typically do not contact after slope placement, but normal posterior occlusion is re-established as soon as the maxillary
incisor is displaced labially. The bonded slope can be formed
using a cut down acetate (strip) crown form or by freehand
sculpting. Crossbite correction is usually completed in two to
four weeks. The resin can be removed incrementally with burs
and disks over several months so that sufficient overbite relationship remains to prevent relapse.

Using usual acid etching and light-curing procedures,
compomer material, formed into an inclined slope, is bonded
to the incisal half of the maxillary tooth in crossbite. It is best
to use a shade of compomer material that is easily differentiated from the shade of the tooth. The difference in shade makes


Fig 1. Stainless steel crown form, cemented in reverse, creates

slope for crossbite correction.

294 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Case 1
An eight-year-old boy had crossbite of the permanent left central incisors (Fig 2). The right maxillary central incisor was
not yet erupted. A compomer (Hytac, ESPE) slope was bonded
to the maxillary left central incisor and remained in place for
five weeks. Treatment is documented in Figures 2-4.
Case II
A seven-year-old boy had bilateral permanent central incisor
crossbite (Fig 5). A compomer (F2000, 3M Dental Products)
slope was bonded to the left central incisor only (Fig 6). The
single slope functioned to correct crossbite of both incisors, as
evidenced by the 16 month postoperative photograph (Fig 7).
When considering anterior crossbite correction using bonded
resin-based composite or compomer material, one must rule
out skeletal class III malocclusion. In a classic demonstration
of Newtons third law of motion, the resin slope functions to
tip an anterior tooth labially while the mandibular tooth is

Fig 2. Eight-year-old with crossbite of the left central incisors.

Pediatric Dentistry 21:4, 1999

Fig 6. Compomer slope bonded on the left central incisor only.

Note length of slope and ideal mechanical advantage.

Fig 4. Compomer slope removed in five weeks. Crossbite corrected

as seen in this view, nine months after treatment.

Fig 7. Crossbite correction of both incisors achieved with one slope,

seen 16 months after treatment. Right tooth apparently corrected by
influence of mutual gingival fibers.

When the resin slope is removed, care must be taken not to

damage the enamel surface. We recommend slow speed diamond or carbide burs and aluminum oxide finishing and
polishing disks for removal of the compomer material. High
speed cutting is useful to remove a bulk of material, but the
operator has more control using the slow speed handpiece for
the resin bonded close to the surface.


Fig 5. Seven-year-old with bilateral central incisor crossbite.

tipped slightly in the lingual direction. If crossbite exists because of mandibular prognathism or a posteriorly positioned
maxilla (or both), bonded resin slopes are not useful for
crossbite correction. In questionable cases, cephalometric
studies and/or orthodontic consultation may be indicated.
The patient and parents (or guardian) should be told that
the childs bite will feel unusual for awhile, but the child will
adjust to it. A softer diet than usual may be helpful for the
first few days after slope placement.

Pediatric Dentistry 21:4, 1999

1. Croll TP, Riesenberger RE: Anterior crossbite correction in

the primary dentition using fixed inclined planes. I. Technique and examples.Quintessence International 18: 847-853,
2. Croll TP, Riesenberger RE: Anteror crossbite correction in
the primary dentition using fixed inclined planes. II. Further examples and discussion.Quintessence International
19:45-51, 1988.
3. Croll TP: Crossbite correction for a ten month old child: Report of a case. Quintessence International 16: 703-705,
4. Croll TP: Anterior tooth crossbite correction using bonded
resin-composite slopes.Quintessence International 27: 7-10,

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 295

clinical section

Fig 3. Compomer slope, bonded in place, establishes overbite

relationship and elongated inclined plane.

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