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Minnesota Dairy Team

Calf Starters
Dr. Hugh Chester-Jones
Animal Scientist, SROC
Neil Broadwater
Extension Educator Dairy

Prepared for MN Dairy Days, 2009

This presentation will center on basic principles, concepts and management practices when
feeding calf starter to dairy calves. The presentation will also cover research studies
conducted at the Southern Research and Outreach Center (SROC) in Waseca, MN on
various calf starter physical forms, formulations and feeding programs to provide the
opportunity for rumen development and growth of the young calf.

Calves tell us that all starters are not created equal

Variables that contribute to differences in calf starter intake:
Milk feeding programs
Water intake
Calf starter formulation and physical form
Calf genetics, gender, birth weight
Calf housing, management and environmental conditions

There are a number of variables that contribute to differences in calf starter intake as all
starters are not the same. The milk feeding program affects calf starter intake based on
the amount being fed and the percentage of protein and fat in the milk replacer. Water
is an essential nutrient for the calf and its availability affects starter intake. Other
factors include the formulations and physical form of the starter, the birth weight of the
calf, the genetic makeup of the calf and even the gender has an effect on intake. And
finally, the housing, management and environment the calf is exposed to has a large
impact on how well the calf consumes the starter offered.

Energy and crude protein requirements of calves

(from birth to weaning)

Calf ADG,







% of DM


























(adapted from Van Amburgh, 2006)

Rations need to be balanced to meet the needs of the calf and to reach targeted growth
goals. This table shows the energy and crude protein requirements of dairy calves from
birth to weaning based on various daily gain goals. Ideally, from birth through weaning, a
reasonable average daily gain target is 1.76 lbs per day with a dry matter intake of 2 lbs per

The Essential Nutrient for Calves
Rumen development
bacteria require an
aqueous environment
milk or milk replacer bypasses rumen via
esophageal groove
Promote intake of dry feed

As was mentioned previously, water has an important influence on the intake

level of calf starter. Water goes directly into the rumen and creates an aqueous
environment needed by rumen bacteria. Whereas, milk or milk replacer goes
directly to the abomasum since the rumen of the calf has not been developed

Physical Factors Contributing to a

Palatable High Quality Calf Starter:

Physical form can affect

palatability and intake
Usually coarse textured,
pelleted or a rolled meal
Pellet too hard or too soft will affect intake
Calves do not like finely ground mixtures

Another key variable that contributes to differences in calf starter intake is the
physical form which can affect palatability and intake. Most calf starters are
either coarse textured, pelleted or in a rolled meal form. If using pellets that are
too hard or too soft, it will affect intake by the calf. Also, calves do not like
starters that are finely ground mixtures.

Calf Starters
Not dusty, moldy, or have an off flavor
Have a minimum level of fiber provided by inclusions of
roughage byproducts
Molasses or molasses-based products help palatability and
should be 5-8% of the mixture

Calf starters should not be dusty, moldy or have an off flavor. Any of these
characteristics can affect intake. Moldy starter can also affect the health of the
calf. Calf starter should have a minimum level of fiber provided by inclusions
of roughage byproducts. Calf starters that include molasses or molasses-based
products help palatability and intake, and should be around 5-8% of the

The Housing System can affect Intake

Housing systems:
SROC work (Chester-Jones and Ziegler, 1993) fed dairy herd calves born
from November to March 1991 and 1992 assigned to polydome vs wooden
hutches outside (av max and min temps were 32o, 13o; 35o and 20o F for years
1 and 2), or inside raised stalls in a controlled environment (55o F).
Calves were fed a 16.5% CP CS (48% cracked corn, 13% SBM, 32% oats, 5%
molasses, and 2% vitamin/minerals), Calves fed pooled waste whole milk at 1
Calves inside had 12.7% lower DMI, similar total gain but used their feed
10.7% more efficiently than outside calves.
Housing did not affect health in the first winter but 43% more calves were
treated inside vs outside the 2nd year.

Housing is another variable that affects calf starter intake. Research conducted at SROC
back in the early 1990s using different housing systems demonstrated both intake
differences and calf health affects. Calves were assigned to polydomes and wooden hutches
outside or to stalls inside in a controlled environment of 55 F. The study took place over a
two year period during the colder months from November thru March 1991 and 1992.
Results of the study showed that calves inside had 12.7% lower dry matter intake but
similar gain as those kept outside. However, the calves housed inside used their feed 10.7%
more efficiently. Housing did not affect health in the first winter but in the second winter,
43% more calves were treated inside than outside.

Nutrient composition, as-fed, of commercial calf

starter used in SROC studies 2004-2006
(Ionophore at 30-60 g/ton)


Std texturized


Std texturized

18 or 22

TM & Salt, %


Ca, %


P, %


UIP, % of CP


NDF, %


Mg, %


ADF, %


K, %


Fat, %


S, %


NEL, Mcals/lb



NEG, Mcals/lb


Vitamin A,


Vitamin D,


NFC, %

In studies conducted from 2004-2006 at SROC a standard texturized

commercial calf starter was used which consisted of 18 or 22% crude protein,
13.85% neutral detergent fiber, 3.22% acid detergent fiber as well as 3.22%
fat. The non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) value of this starter was 56.53%.

Calf Starter Intake Benchmarks at SROC

Pre-weaning 1-42 days
Days 1-14

1.7 lbs (range 0.8 to 2.6 lbs)

Days 15-28

12.0 lbs (range 8.8 to 15.8 lbs)

Days 29-42

29.7 lbs (range 24.6 to 34.2 lbs)

Total, Days 1-42

43.5 lbs (range 34.6 to 51.6 lbs)

Post weaning 43-56 days

Total, Days 43-56

62.2 lbs (range 55.9 to 67.2 lbs)

Using benchmarks is a good way to set realistic and achievable goals and determine if a
particular management practice or program is successful. The calf starter intake benchmark
at SROC during the 42 day pre-weaning phase is 43.5 lbs, with a range of 34.6 to 51.6 lbs.
Post weaning intake from day 43 to day 56 is 62.2 lbs, ranging from 55.9 to 67.2 lbs. The
slide also points out the intake and ranges by two week intervals during the pre-weaning
phase. This can provide a measurement of how the calves are doing to see if targets are
being met.

Weaning Criteria Recommendations

Use Calendar or Feed intake? Calendar at SROC
Large breeds:
Starter consumption > 1.5 lbs/day for 2-3
consecutive days
Starter consumption > 1 lb/day for 2-3 consecutive
Half feeding rates of milk replacer encourage
starter consumption, increases rapidly after

What criteria should be used to determine when to wean a dairy calf? Should it be based on
how much room there is available in post-weaning pens? Should it be based on age of the
calf or the amount of feed the calf is consuming? At SROC, calves are weaned based on the
age of the calf, mainly because of housing facilities and calves arriving twice per week from
the three cooperating dairies that supply calves to SROC. General recommendation for
large breeds, including Holsteins, is to wean when the calf is consuming more than 1.5 lbs
per day of calf starter for at least 2-3 consecutive days. For the Jersey breed, the calf should
be consuming more than 1 lb of starter for 2-3 consecutive days. As the calf gets close to
the time of weaning, feeding a half rate of milk replacer will encourage starter consumption,
which will increase rapidly after weaning.


Focus of SROC Calf Studies 2004-2007

Calf Starter programs
Levels of molasses in complete texturized starters
Different physical form of starters with/without
intake enhancing supplements
Corn sources for calf starters (steam flaked, whole,
Management programs - Use of calf blankets in the winter of 2004-2005
Group vs. Individual transitional management in the

Calf Starter studies at SROC during the period of 2004-2007 focused on two programs, the
calf starters and the management of the calves. Calf Starter programs included: levels of
molasses in complete texturized starters, different physical form of starters with and without
intake enhancing supplements, and corn sources for the starters such as steam flaked, whole
or roasted corn. Management programs evaluated included the use of calf blankets in the
winter of 2004-2005 and management of calves in the nursery in preparation for the calf
transitioning to its next housing facility.


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized or pelleted calf starters
with or without flavor intake enhancing ingredients
56 day study with 114 two day-old Holstein dairy heifer calves were put on
trial using five different intake enhancing flavor sources.
Treatments were:
1) texturized control (TCS)
2) pelleted control (PCS)
3) pelleted control with chocolate flavor (PCSS)
4) pelleted control with whey flavor (PCSW)
5) pelleted control with sweet start flavor (PCSS)
Calf starters at 18% CP were offered free choice throughout the study.
All calves were fed a medicated 20:20 milk replacer in two equal feedings
at 9.9 ounces (as-fed) plus 67.3 fluid ounces of water for 35 days, then once
a day from day 36 to 42.
Fresh water was available at all times.

Studies were conducted at SROC looking at calf starter options. The following slides will
cover results of some of those studies. First, a 56 day study was conducted with 114 two
day-old Holstein calves using texturized or pelleted starters with or without flavor
enhancing ingredients offered free choice. The pelleted options included a pelleted control,
with chocolate flavor, with whey flavor, and with sweet start flavor. All calves were fed a
medicated 20:20 milk replacer in two equal feedings at 9.9 ounces as fed, plus 67.3 fluid
ounces of water for 35 days, then once a day from day 36 to 42. Fresh water was always


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized or pelleted calf starters
with or without flavor intake enhancing ingredients

Average Calf Performance over 56 days

-----------Treatment----------Final Hip Ht, in
Final BW, lb
Total Gain, lb
ADG, lb
Milk Repl, lb
Calf Starter, lb

35.7 35.3
177.5 168.1
87.1 79.4
1.56 1.42
47.3 47.3
114.9 114.1


170.0 165.3 154.1
109.6 108.2

This table shows the average calf performance over the 56 day study period
with the five treatments. Data was collected for final hip height, final body
weight, total gain and average daily gain, and average lbs/calf of milk replacer
and calf starter consumed.


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized or pelleted calf starters
with or without flavor intake enhancing ingredients
Calves fed texturized starter had 11.4% greater pre-weaning gains.
Calves fed sweet start flavored pellets tended to have the lowest preweaning starter intake which was reflected in poorer calf performance.
Starter intake similar for all calves across diets during first 28 days.
Post weaning DMI and ADG from day 43-56 were lowest for calves fed
Gain/lb of feed was highest for calves fed TCS.
Feeding a texturized 18% CP calf starter continues to be the preferred
program when compared to complete pelleted starter diets.
The addition of flavors to pelleted calf starters did not improve calf
performance and in the case of PCSS was detrimental to calf growth.

Results of the study showed the following:


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized calf starters with varying molasses content
Range used 5 to 12%
Penn State work compared 5 vs 12% molasses in CS for 42
days when fed a 20:20 MR program at 10% birth weight;
weaned at 28 days;
Calves fed 12% < CS intake and gains but > rumen
development; 12% molasses not recommended

A study at Penn State University compared texturized calf starters with a molasses content
of 5% vs 12% over a period of 42 days. A 20:20 milk replacer was fed at a rate of 10%
birth weight. Calves were weaned at 28 days. Results of this study showed that calves fed a
12% molasses content starter had less intake and gains but more rumen development. The
conclusion of the study is that a 12% rate of molasses in the calf starter is not


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized calf starters with varying molasses content
A 56 day study with 79 Holstein heifer calves were put on trial using three
differing levels of molasses in calf starter.
Treatments were:
1) 240 lbs molasses per ton of calf starter (12%)
2) 180 lbs/ton (9%)
3) 120 lbs/ton (6%)
All calves fed a 20:20 medicated MR on trial days 1-35 at a rate of 1.25
lbs/hd/day in two equal feedings and 0.625 lbs/hd/day from days 36-42.
All calves fed texturized calf starter free choice through day 56 of the trial.
Calf starters were similar in nutrient content containing approximately 18%
crude protein, 10% ADF, 2.7 Mcals ME/kg, 1.2% Ca, 0.6% P.
Fresh water was available at all times.

In a 56 day molasses study at SROC with 79 Holstein heifer calves, a comparison was made
using a 6%, 9% and 12% molasses content texturized calf starter fed free choice. All calf
starters contained approximately 18% crude protein and 10% acid detergent fiber. A 20:20
medicated milk replacer was used from day 1 to day 35 at 1.25 lb/day in two equal feedings
and then from day 36-42, they were fed at 0.625 lb/day. Fresh water was available at all


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized calf starters with varying molasses content
Average Calf Performance over 56 days
12 %
Final Hip Ht, in
Final BW, lb
Total Gain, lb
ADG, lb
Milk Repl, DM, lb
Calf Starter, DMI, lb
DMI/gain, lb

Results of the study indicated calves fed a calf starter containing 6% molasses had 8.3%
greater average daily gain and 5.3% greater gain per lb of feed than calves fed a starter
containing 12% molasses. The calves fed the starter with 9% molasses had similar
performance to the calves fed 6% molasses.


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized calf starters with varying molasses content
Dry matter intake of milk replacer and calf starter were not different
between the three molasses treatments over the 56 days.
Calves fed starter with 12% molasses had 9.1% and 6.4% lower total gains
than those fed the 9% and 6% molasses levels, respectively.
This was partially attributed to less calf starter intake by calves fed 12% vs.
those fed 9% and 6% levels.
Feed was utilized more efficiently by calves fed the 6% treatment
compared to those fed the 9% molasses treatment.
Under conditions of this study, there were no benefits of increasing
molasses levels in the calf starter above a 6% inclusion rate.

The 56 day study also showed that dry matter intake of milk replacer and calf starter were
not different between the three molasses treatments. However, calves fed the 12% molasses
starter had 9.1% lower total gains than those fed the 9% molasses level and 6.4% lower total
gain than these fed the 6% molasses treatment., partially attributed to less intake. Feed
efficiency was better for the 6% molasses starter compared to the 9% treatment. Under
conditions of this study at SROC, there was no benefit seen to increasing the molasses
content of calf starter above 6%.


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized calf starters with differing processed corn
vs. a pelleted starter
A 56 day study with 125 Holstein heifer calves
All starters were medicated with 1.3 oz. Rumensin per ton.
Calf starters were offered free choice throughout the trial.
Treatments were:
1) steam flaked corn, pellet and oats (SFCPWO)
2) whole corn and pellet (WC)
3) whole corn pellet and oats (WCPWO)
4) roasted corn, pellet and oats (RCPWO)
5) complete pellet (CPEL)
All calves were fed a 20:20 medicated milk replacer on trial days 1-35 at a
rate of 1.25 lbs/hd/day in two equal feedings and 0.625 lbs/hd/day from
days 36-42.
Calves were weaned at day 42
Fresh water was available at all times.

Another calf starter trial at SROC involved 125 Holstein heifer calves over a 56 day period
using texturized starters with differing processed corn vs a pelleted starter. All starters
contained 1.3 oz of Rumensin per ton. All calves were fed a 20:20 medicated milk replacer
from day 1-35 at 1.25 lbs/hd/day in two equal feedings and 0.625 lbs/hd/day from days 3642, then weaned. Fresh water was available at all times. There were five treatments in the
trail as follows: steam flaked corn, pellet and oats; whole corn and pellet; whole corn pellet
and oats; roasted corn, pellet and oats; and complete pellet.


Calf Starter Options

Using texturized calf starters with differing processed corn
vs. a pelleted starter
Average Calf Performance over 56 days
--------------Treatment-------------SFCPWO WC WCPWO RCPWO CPEL
Final Hip Ht, in
Final BW, lb
159.0 163.9 158.1
Total Gain, lb
ADG, lb
DM Feed/gain, lb
Total DMI, lb
Health cost, $

Results of this study showed: Calves fed a complete pelleted calf starter had lower gains
and poorer feed conversion compared to calves fed texturized diets but had a tendency
for less scouring days and treatment cost per calf. Calves fed the whole corn/pellet diet
and the roasted corn/pellet/oats diet tended to have slightly higher intake and gain than
calves fed the steam flaked corn/pellet/oats diet and the whole corn pellet/oats texturized
diet. Analysis of all starters showed variations across starters especially in fiber content,
neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber, crude protein and starch composition.
The variations in feed analyses may have affected calf performance as much, if not
more, than physical form.


Calf Starter Options

Pre- and post weaning performance and health of calves fed
texturized calf starters with different processed corn or on a
different milk replacer feeding schedule
108 2-4 day-old calves assigned to one of 4 treatments to
evaluate their effect on pre- (42 d) and post weaning (d 4356) calf performance and health.
Calves were housed in individual pens in a naturally
ventilated barn.
All calves fed a 20% fat, 20% protein all-milk protein
medicated milk replacer (MR) with 19.7% CP (DM basis)
calf starters (CS) fed free choice with access to fresh water.

A calf starter trial at SROC involving 108 two to four day old calves evaluated pre- and post
weaning performance and health using texturized calf starters with different processed corn
or were on a different milk replacer feeding schedule. Four treatments were used and all
calves were fed a 20:20 all-milk protein medicated milk replacer with 19.7% CP calf
starters fed free choice and with access to fresh water.


Calf Starter Options

Pre- and post weaning performance and health of calves fed
texturized calf starters with different processed corn or on a
different milk replacer feeding schedule
1) Texturized calf starter based on steam flaked corn, pellet and oats
2) CS based on whole corn and pellet
3) CS based on roasted corn, pellet and oats
These 3 groups fed an all-milk protein, medicated MR (20%CP:20% fat)
at 0.57 kg powder/day in 3.98 L water (12.5% solids) divided into 2 equal
feedings for 35 days. From d 35 to 42 (weaning), calves were fed once daily
(0.285 kg powder in 1.99 L water).
4) CS as in Treatment 3 but fed a different Milk Replacer feeding schedule
This group fed MR at the same rate as above for 14 days then switched to 1x
daily feeding (.57 kg) powder/day in 3.98 L water) from day 15 to 35
followed by the same schedule as above 3 groups for days 35 to 42.
Fresh water was available at all times.

The four treatments were: 1) Texturized calf starter based on steam flaked corn, pellet and
oats; 2) Calf starter based on whole corn and pellet; 3) Calf starter based on roasted
corn, pellet and oats. These three groups fed medicated MR at 0.57 kg powder/day in
3.98 L water (12.5% solids) divided into 2 equal feedings for 35 days. From d 35 to 42
(weaning), calves were fed once daily (0.285 kg powder in 1.99 L water).
4) Calf starter same as in Treatment 3 but fed at the same rate as above for 14 days, then
switched to 1x daily feeding (.57 kg) powder/day in 3.98 L water) from day 15 to 35,
then followed by the same schedule as first 3 groups for days 35 to 42 (fed once daily
at 0.285 kg powder in 1.99 L water).


Calf Starter Options

Pre- and post weaning performance and health of calves fed
texturized calf starters with different processed corn or on a
different milk replacer feeding schedule
Overall 56 d calf performance:
There were no overall performance differences.
Daily DMI, daily gain, and feed/gain averaged 1.24, 0.66 and 1.95 kg,
Health parameters:
Calves on treatment 4 fed 1x/day from day 15-35 had the lowest fecal
scores from day 1-42.
No differences in pre-weaning scouring days (fecal score 3) and overall
treatments costs averaging 1.97 and $1.65/calf, respectively.
Using steam- flaked, whole or roasted corn based calf starters did not affect
calf performance or health.
Feeding MR 1x vs. 2x daily from 15-35 days did not affect calf growth.

Results of this study indicated there were no overall performance differences amongst all
calves over the 56 day period. Whether using a calf starter based on steam flaked, whole or
roasted corn did not affect calf performance or health. It was also concluded that feeding
milk replacer one time or two times daily from day 15-35 did not affect calf growth.


Calf Starter and Milk Replacer Options







MR rate, lb/day




Solids, %




Calf starter, CP %




Initial BW, lb




Initial HH, in




Serum Protein, g/dl




Final BW, lb




BW change vs Initial




Final HH, in


35.91 (-2%)


Milk DM, lb

46.86 (-43.3%)

55.44 (-23%)


Calf Starter, DM lb, 56 d total

103.4 (+19.8%)

108.46 (+23.6%)


Total DM, lb
ADG, day 1-56, lb
Total Gain, lb





1.61 (-8.8%)





There has been a lot of interest in using an intensive milk replacer feeding program for dairy
heifer calves. A number of calf raisers have been doing it for some time. A study was set
up at SROC to evaluate calf performance comparing three programs over a 56 day period:
1) a control using a 20:20 non-acidified milk replacer fed at a rate of 1.25 lbs/day with an
18% crude protein calf starter; 2) a modified treatment using a 28:16 milk replacer fed at
1.5 lbs/day with a 22% crude protein calf starter, and 3) an intensive treatment using a 28:16
milk replacer fed at 2.25 lbs/day with a 22% calf starter. Results of the study showed a
body weight change over the 56 day period of 187% with the control; 200% with the
modified; and 213% with the intensive program. Calves on the control program consumed
43.3% less milk replacer but 19.8% more calf starter than the intensive program calves.
Calves on the modified intensive program consumed 23% less milk replacer but 23.6%
more calf starter than the intensive program calves. Average daily gain compared to the
intensive program was 18.7% less with the control and 8.8% less for the modified intensive
program. Although the study shows an advantage in using an intensive program, or a
modified intensive program compared to the control program in body weight gain to 56
days, calf raisers must determine how each of these choices fit into their overall calf raiser
goals and the costs associated with each of the program choices.


Performance of 105
dairy heifer calves
fed control diets
across 7 research
projects from 1 to 56

4 trials

July '05

Dec 04 to

Dec 05 to

04 to 05

Sept '05

Feb 05

Feb 06





Initial serum protein (g/dl)





MR, Protein:fat %






MR, lbs/d, 1-35 d





MR, lbs/d, 36-42 d





MR DM, lb, 1-42 d













Calf starter % CP
Calf starter, lb DM,1-42d

The range of 56 day calf

performance when fed
standard control diets:
1.53 to 1.72 lbs/day
gain/feed from 0.49 to
0.56 lbs gain /lb DM

Calf starter, lb DM,43-56d





Initial Hip Height, in





Final Hip Height, in,1-56d





Hip Height gain, in,1-56d





Initial BW, lb





BW at 56 days





BW gain, % of initial





Total DM lb, 1-56 d





Gain, total lb, 1-56 d





ADG, lb, 1-56 d





Gain/feed, DM lb, 1-56 d





This is a performance summary of the control groups only for 7 research projects completed
at SROC from 2004, when the new facilities opened, until February 2006. The length of the
projects were 56 days, pre-weaning from day 1 to 42, then post-weaning from day 43 to 56.
The summary is divided into time periods and shows the milk replacer and calf starter
programs, initial and final hip heights, initial and final body weights, total dry matter
consumed, average daily gain, and gain per lb of feed for the 56 day period. Note the data
in the bottom row no difference in gain per lb of dry matter consumed. However, there
was a difference in average daily gain of about 0.3 lb/day less for the non-medicated milk
replacer group. This group also consumed less calf starter, had shorter final hip height and
less body weight gain at 56 days.


Protein Sources and Levels

Early SROC work (Miller et al., 1986) indicated increasing protein from
13.1, to 15.1 to 17.2% in calf starter fed to bull calves enhanced ADG and
feed efficiency.

2/3 SBM:1/3 Urea
Urea in 68.4% rolled corn, 20% alfalfa hay based starter
No performance differences tendency for decrease in ADG as Urea

Do the protein sources in calf starters influence calf performance? Research back in 1986
by Miller at SROC indicated that by increasing protein from 13.1% to 15.1% to 17.2% in
calf starter fed to bull calves enhanced average daily gain and feed efficiency. The protein
sources used were soybean meal, a mixture of 2/3 soybean meal and 1/3 urea, and
incorporating urea into a mix of 68.4% rolled corn and a 20% alfalfa hay based starter. The
study also showed no performance differences for decrease in average daily gain as the urea
percentage increased.


Protein Sources and Levels

Also at SROC, Miller et al., (1986) compared alternative protein sources in
15.2% CP Calf Starter for calves from 94 to 400 lbs BW.
Ave Daily Gain


Soybean Meal


Formaldehyde treated SBM


Dried Distillers Grain


Meat Meal


Dry matter intake averaged 2.4% of body weight vs 3% today at SROC.

In addition to the work done to evaluate performance by increasing protein percentage in

calf starter, Miller also compared alternative protein sources using a standard 15.2% crude
protein calf starter for calves from 94 to 400 lbs body weight. The protein sources and
average daily gains for the study were as follows: urea-1.72, soybean meal-1.96,
formaldehyde treated with soybean meal-1.88, dried distillers grain-1.71, and meat meal1.88 lb/day. Dry matter intake for all calves averaged 2.4% of body weight. In research
conducted recently at SROC the dry matter intake is at 3% of body weight.


Protein Sources and Levels

Other information:
Drackley (2000) fed a 18:20 vs 22:20 milk replacer with 18 or 22% CP calf starter.
Results showed daily gain was greater for 22:20 milk replacer. The 22% calf starter
resulted in greater feed efficiency but not in gain.
Akayezu et al, (1994) fed a 15%, 16.8%, 19.6% or 22.4% CP (dry matter basis) calf
starter from 4 to 56 days plus whole milk fed at 8% of birth weight daily. Results
showed the maximum growth was with the 19.6% CP starter.
Abdelgadir et al. (1996) fed a 17% CP calf starter with soybean meal and roasted
soybeans (280F vs 295F) and 30%, 45%, or 52% RUP with raw or roasted corn.
Results showed the higher temperature roasted beans with roasted corn was the best
combination. Using protein and energy sources of similar rumen-undegradable
protein (RUP) is recommended.

In continuing to look at protein sources for calf starters, other studies around the country
include: 1) an 18:20 vs 22:20 milk replacer with 18 or 22% CP calf starter. Results
showed daily gain was greater for 22:20 milk replacer. The 22% calf starter resulted in
greater feed efficiency but not in gain. 2) a 15%, 16.8%, 19.6% or 22.4% CP (dry
matter basis) calf starter from 4 to 56 days plus whole milk fed at 8% of birth weight
daily. Results showed the maximum growth was with the 19.6% CP starter. 3) a 17%
CP calf starter with soybean meal and roasted soybeans (280F vs 295F) and 30%,
45%, or 52% rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) with raw or roasted corn. Results
showed the higher temperature roasted beans with roasted corn was the best
combination. Using protein and energy sources of similar RUP is recommended.


Role of Forage
Coarse + 7.5% Hay
Hay of consistent particle size
CP - 23.08% ADF - 6.47%

Coarse + 15% Hay

Hay of consistent particle size
CP - 22.60% ADF - 7.43%

The next few slides will look at incorporating forage fiber in the diet for pre-weaned calves.
The photos in this slide show hay particles mixed in the calf starter, one at 7.5% hay and the
other at 15% hay.


Hay or no Hay?
Should access to hay be limited during pre-weaning?
Intake of dry feed and early consumption of feed promote growth of rumen
epithelium starter grain is fermented in the rumen to create volatile fatty
acids, which equals energy. The volatile fatty acids need water and starter.
Hay = scratch factor to keep rumen papillae from forming keratin layers that
reduce absorption.
An example would be to wait to feed hay until 6-7 weeks of age. This
would be after weaning at 4 to 5 weeks of age.
( Adapted from Quigley, 1996)

Should hay be offered to pre-weaned calves and if so, how much and when? Intake of dry
feed and early consumption of feed promote growth of rumen epithelium starter grain is
fermented in the rumen to create volatile fatty acids, which equals energy. The volatile fatty
acids need water and starter. Hay offers a scratch factor to keep rumen papillae from
forming keratin layers that reduce absorption. One good strategy would be to wait to feed
hay until 6-7 weeks of age. This would be after weaning at 4 to 5 weeks of age.


Rumens of 6-Week-Old Calves

Milk, Grain, Hay

Milk and Grain

An important goal during pre-weaning is to make sure the rumen develops properly.
Note the photos in the slide comparing rumen development where the calf was fed
milk, starter and hay; another calf was fed milk and starter only; and another calf
was fed milk only. Again, young calf needs to consume an adequate amount of calf
starter to promote growth of rumen epithelium.


Incorporation of fiber sources

SROC study on bull calves weaned at 28 days
fed 80% corn and 17.6% soybean meal diets from 5-7 days
up to 300-400 lbs
compared 0, 15 or 30% chopped alfalfa hay (to replace
some corn and soybean meal).
The starter with 15% hay gained 3.7% and 8% greater than
calves fed 30% or no hay from 95 to 300 lb.

A few years ago, a study was conducted at SROC on bull calves weaned at 28 days. They
were fed 80% corn and 17.6% soybean meal diets from 5-7 days up to 300-400 lbs. A
comparison was made of incorporating 0, 15% or 30% chopped alfalfa hay into the diet to
replace an amount of corn and soybean meal. Results showed that the calves on the starter
with 15% hay gained 3.7% and 8% greater than calves fed 30% or no hay respectively, from
body weight average of 95 lb up to 300 lb.


Incorporation of fiber sources

Minnesota work with a 20:20 milk replacer program plus:
17.4% crude protein, 35.1% neutral detergent fiber
complete pelleted calf starter
with 0, 12.5 or 25% alfalfa leaf meal (26% CP, 47% NDF)
Increasing the alfalfa meal percentage decreased feed
efficiency and tended to decrease calf starter intake but
there were no gain differences.
Gains were much lower than current SROC research work
taking place.

More work was done in Minnesota on incorporating fiber sources into the diet
of pre-weaned calves using a 20:20 milk replacer program plus: 17.4% crude
protein, 35.1% neutral detergent fiber complete pelleted calf starter with 0, 12.5
or 25% alfalfa leaf meal (26% CP, 47% NDF). Results showed that increasing
the % alfalfa meal decreased feed efficiency and tended to decrease calf starter
intake. However, there were no gain differences.


Incorporation of fiber sources

Iowa State work (Cloverdale et al, 2004)
fed commercial CS (22.65% CP, 19.04% NDF, 4.22% fat
31.85% finely cracked vs 32% coarse steam flaked corn;
oats, molasses, protein pellet)
with 7.5% or 15% bromegrass hay chopped to 8-19 mm particle size.
20:20 milk replacer fed at 10% body weight
calves were weaned based on intake level

At Iowa State University, researchers fed a 22.65% crude protein commercial

calf starter comparing a starter containing 31.85% finely cracked corn to one
containing 32% coarse steam flaked corn. The starters also contained oats,
molasses and a protein pellet. These starters were compared with a 7.5% or
15% bromegrass hay chopped to 8-19 mm particle size. Calves were weaned
based on intake level.


Incorporation of fiber sources

Iowa State work (Cloverdale et al, 2004) -- continued
Results of study 1:
Calf starter intake constant at 2-24 days = 0.55 lb/day
25-47 days = 0.77 lb/day
48-50 days = 1 lb/day
Calves fed the coarse diet had a greater ADG and feed per lb of gain
Calves fed the starter that included the 7.5% hay did better.
Ruminal Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) were greater for the coarse diet
Results of Study 2 (same diets as Study 1 but fed free choice)
No performance or VFA differences
Pre-weaning starter intake averaged 1.41 lbs and ADG was 1.19 lb/day
Authors suggested forages of consistent particle size are beneficial for both rumen
development and calf performance and have the potential to be economically

Results of the Iowa State research were divided into two parts: Study 1: Calf
starter intake was constant at 2-24 days = 0.55 lb/day; at 25-47 days = 0.77
lb/day; at 48-50 days = 1 lb/day. Calves fed the coarse diet had a greater ADG
and feed per lb of gain. Calves fed the starter that included the 7.5% hay did
better. Ruminal Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) were greater for the coarse diet.
Study 2: (where the diets were the same as in study 1 but fed free choice) No
performance or VFA differences. Pre-weaning starter intake averaged 1.41
lbs and ADG was 1.19 lb/day. Therefore, it was suggested that forages of
consistent particle size are beneficial for both rumen development and calf
performance and have the potential to be economically viable.


Physical Form of Calf Starters and Ingredients

Franklin et al. 2003
22% CP calf starter with Bovatec.
Calves 1 gal whole milk daily;
weaned when calves CS intake 1.5 lb/day for 2 days;
Compared ground(G), pelleted (P) or texturized (T) CS;
Ave. days to weaning were 32, 37, and 31 for G, P, and T CS;
ADG over 42 days were 1.1, 0.97, 1.21 for calves fed G, P, and T CS,

The physical form of calf starter can influence intake and rumen development of the preweaned calf. In a 2003 study by Franklin, calves were fed a 22% starter with Bovatec along
with 1 gallon of whole milk daily. Weaning occurred when starter intake was at 1.5 lb/day
for two consecutive days. The study compared ground, pelleted and texturized calf starter.
In this study, physical form of calf starter had some influence on average days to weaning
and on average daily gain over the 42 day period. For the Ground starter, average days to
weaning was 32 days with calves having a 1.1 ADG over the 42 day study period; the
Pelleted starter showed 37 days to weaning and a 0.97 ADG; and the Texturized starter
showed 31 average days to weaning and a 1.21 ADG over 42 days of the study.


Physical Form of Calf Starters and Ingredients

Beharka et al, 1996 fed bull calves from 4 days of-age; 17.5% CP; 30%
NDF, 12.7% ADF CS with 75% grain mix and 25% chopped alfalfa hay;
whole milk fed at 8% birth weight daily; weaning when calves CS intake
of 1.2 lb/day for 2 days.
Unground CS (hay chopped at 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) and grains rolled) vs
Ground CS (all milled through 1 mm screen)
Results showed Ruminal pH was less for the ground starter; Cellolytic
bacteria was less for unground starter. The conclusion was that physical
form is important for rumen development and calf performance.

A few years ago, Beharka did a study on bull calves starting at 4 days of age. The calf
starter was 75% grain mix and 25% chopped alfalfa hay resulting in an analysis of 17.5%
CP; 30% NDF, 12.7% ADF. Whole milk was fed at 8% birth weight daily. Weaning took
place when calf starter intake was 1.2 lb/day for 2 days. A comparison was made using
unground calf starter and hay chopped at 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) and grains rolled vs ground
starter that was all milled through 1 mm screen.
Results showed Ruminal pH was less for the ground starter; Cellolytic bacteria was less for
unground starter. The conclusion was that physical form is important for rumen
development and calf performance.


Physical Form of Calf Starters and Ingredients

Lesmeister and Heinrichs (2004) fed 33% whole corn (WC) vs, dry rolled
corn (DRC) vs roasted corn (RC), or steam flaked corn (SFC) in calf
starter (21.14% CP, 75.6% TDN, 17.94% NDF, 7.76% ADF, 0.78 Mcals
Calf starter intake highest for DRC, then WC, RC, and SFC, respectively.
No performance differences
Authors suggested that RC calves had similar growth and rumen
development but increased rumen structural growth and butyrate
production that suggested better prepared for weaning.

In another study on physical form of calf starters and ingredients, Lesmeister and Heinrichs
in 2004 fed 33% whole corn vs, dry rolled corn vs roasted corn, or steam flaked corn in
starter. The analysis was 21.14% CP, 75.6% TDN, 17.94% NDF, 7.76% ADF, 0.78 Mcals
Results showed that starter intake was highest for the dry rolled corn, then whole corn,
followed by roasted corn and steam flaked corn. There was no differences in calf
performance across the various forms of corn. The authors suggested from the study calves
fed roasted corn had similar growth and rumen development but increased rumen structural
growth and butyrate production that suggested they were better prepared for weaning.


Other Options for Calf Starters

Fat levels
various vitamins
yeast cultures
mannan oligosaccharides
and other supplements
These have been evaluated and provide opportunities to refine CS
formulations above the main ingredients just discussed.

Other options that can be considered for calf starters include: Fat levels, ionophores, various
vitamins, yeast cultures, mannan oligosaccharides, and other supplements. These have been
evaluated at SROC and provide opportunities to refine calf starter formulations above the
main ingredients just discussed.


Calf starters should be relatively simple formulations that promote
optimum intake, rumen development and meet target growth goals as
economically as possible.
All starters are not created equal. Remember, there are number of
variables that contribute to differences in intake, including the milk
feeding programs, physical form and main nutrient inclusion levels that
have been emphasized in this presentation.

In summarizing calf starters for dairy replacement heifers, formulations and feeding
program need not be complicated. They should be relatively simple formulations that
promote optimum intake, rumen development and that meet target growth goals as
economically as possible. The bottom line is that all calf starters are not created equal.
Remember, there are number of variables that contribute to differences in calf starter intake,
including the physical form and main nutrient inclusion levels that have been emphasized in
this presentation.


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