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OpenSearchServer PHP Client

OpenSearchServer is an Open-Source professionnal search engine offering lots of
advanced features:

Fully integrated solution: build your index, crawl your websites, filesystem or
databases, configure your search queries

Complete user interface in browser

Search features:
o Full-text, boolean and phonetic search
o Outer and inner join
o Clusters with faceting & collapsing
o Filtered search (date, distance)
o Geolocation using square or radius
o Several spell-checking algorithms
o Relevance customization
o Suggestion (auto-completion)

Indexation features:
o 17 languages
o Crawlers: web, filesystem (local, remote), database, mailboxes
o Special analysis for each language
o Numerous filters: n-gram, lemmatization, shingle, elisions, stripping
diacritic, Etc.
o Automatic language detection
o Named entity recognition

o Synonyms (word and multi-terms)

o Automatic classifications
Find out all the awesome features offered by OpenSearchServer on our
This API connector is intended to be used with PHP 5 (any version >= 5.3)
and Composer. It is based on the V2 API of OpenSearchServer.


Create a folder for your project

mkdir ossphp_sandbox
cd ossphp_sandbox

Create a file named composer.json with this content:

"require": {
"opensearchserver/opensearchserver": "3.0.*"

Run these commands to install vendors:

curl -sS | php

php composer.phar install

Create a folder where example code can be written:

mkdir web
cd web
echo "<?php include_once '../vendor/autoload.php';" > index.php

Code can now be written in file web/index.php. Take examples


Quick start
A global handler must be created. It will be used to submit every request to your
OpenSearchServer instance:

= '<instance URL>';

$app_key = '<API key>';

= '<login>';
$oss_api = new OpenSearchServer\Handler(array('url' => $url, 'key' => $app_key,
'login' => $login));

Each API request is wrapped in a particular class. Requests must be instanciated,

configured and then passed to $oss_api->submit() that will return
an OpenSearchServer\Response object.
Create an index
This code creates an index based on our "WEB_CRAWLER" template, which will
automatically create a schema allowing to easily crawl a website.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Create();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Configure web crawler

Add some allowed patterns:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Inclusion\Insert();
->patterns('*', '*');

Note character *: it means crawler will be allowed to follow any URL starting by these
Add some start URLs for crawler:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Url\Insert();
->urls('', '');

Here * is not used since real URL are given to crawler: it will use these URLs as first
entry points.
Start crawler:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Start();

Index documents
While crawler is running some documents can still be manually indexed:
$document = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Document();
$document ->lang(OpenSearchServer\Request::LANG_FR)
->field('title','The Count Of Monte Cristo')
->field('url', '1');
$document2 = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Document();
$document2 ->lang(OpenSearchServer\Request::LANG_FR)
->field('title','The Three Musketeers')
->field('url', '2');
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Put();
->addDocuments(array($document, $document2));

Here objects of type OpenSearchServer\Document\Document() are being used to create

documents, but some other options exist: passing array, passing JSON, ... See
documentation below to know all about this.
It is quite easy then to search for documents:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Search();
->query('The Count')
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);
echo 'Total number of results: ' . $results->getTotalNumberFound() . '<br/>';
echo 'Number of results in this set of results: ' . $results->getNumberOfResults();
foreach($results as $key => $result) {
echo '<hr/>Result #'.$key.': <br/>';
echo '<li>Title: '.$result->getField('title').'</li>';
echo '</ul>';

Client Documentation

Table of contents

How to make requests

o Create an handler
o Create a request

Create request by using an array of JSON parameters

Create request by using JSON text

o Handle response and search results






Work with index

o Create an empty index
o Create an index with a template
o Get list of index on an instance
o Delete an index
o Check if an index exists

Instance monitoring

Configure schema
o Create a field
o Create full schema
o Get list of fields
o Get details of a specific field
o Delete a field
o Set default and unique field for an index

o Create an analyzer

o Get list of analyzers

o Get details of a specific analyzer

Web crawler
o Patterns

Insert inclusion patterns

List inclusion patterns

Delete inclusion patterns

Insert exclusion patterns

List exclusion patterns

Delete exclusion patterns

o Inject URL in URL database

o Force crawling of URL
o Start web crawler
o Stop web crawler
o Get web crawler status

File crawler
o Start file crawler
o Stop file crawler
o Get file crawler status
o File repositories

Local file




REST crawler
o List existing REST crawlers
o Execute a REST crawler

o Create an autocompletion
o Build autocompletion

o Get list of existing autocompletion items

o Query autocompletion
o Delete an autocompletion item

o Push documents

Add document with array notation

Add documents by creating

OpenSearchServer\Document\Document objects

Add documents by pushing text file

o Delete documents
o Delete documents by query

Execute search queries

o Search options
o Search(field)

Save a Search(field) query template

o Search(pattern)

Save a Search(pattern) query template

Search templates
o List search template
o Get details of a search template
o Delete a search template

o Create a list of synonyms
o Check if a list of synonyms exists
o Get existing lists of synonyms
o Get synonyms of a list
o Delete a list of synonyms

More like this queries

o Create a more like this query template
o Delete a more like this query template

o Get list of more like this query templates

o Get details of a more like this query template
o Execute a more like this search

Spellcheck queries
o Get list of spellcheck query templates
o Delete a spellcheck query template
o Execute a spellcheck search

o Get status of a scheduler job
o Execute a scheduler job

o Get list of replications
o Get details about one replication
o Create or update a replication
o Start a replication
o Delete a replication

How to make requests

In this PHP client requests to OpenSearchServer's API are objects. Each request object
must be submitted to a global handler that is in charge of sending them to an
OpenSearchServer instance and returning a response.

Create an handler
= '<instance URL>';
$app_key = '<API key>';
= '<login>';
$oss_api = new OpenSearchServer\Handler(array('url' => $url, 'key' => $app_key,
'login' => $login));

Create a request

Several types of objects are available, each being a mapping to one API. For instance
objects of typeOpenSearchServer\Index\Create will be used to create index and objects
of typeOpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Search will be used to search for documents.
Each request object is a child of the abstract parent class OpenSearchServer\Request.
For example here is the code to create a request that wil create an index when sent to
an OpenSearchServer instance:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Create();

After being created each type of request must be configured in a particular way,
depending on its type, by calling some methods.
For example this code will tell OpenSearchServer to name the new index "first_index":

Important note:

method index() is really important and is shared by almost every type of requests.
In the case of index creation it serves to give a name to new index and in almost
every other request it will be used to configure the index on which API call must
be made.

This method will not be documented further but will be displayed in code examples
when needed.
Once configured request must be sent to an OpenSearchServer instance thanks to the
handler created before:
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Create request by using an array of JSON parameters

JSON body of request can be given as an array of JSON parameters to the constructor.
If values are given this way every data set by calling specific methods on this request
will be ignored.
However some methods must still be called to set index on which work and every
parameters used directly in request's URL.

Example: create a Search field template:

$json = array();
$json['query'] = "test with values";
$json['searchFields'] = array(
"field" => "title",
"mode" => "PHRASE",
"boost" => 3
"field" => "content",
"mode" => "PHRASE",
"boost" => 4
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Put($json);
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Create request by using JSON text

JSON body of request can be given as a JSON strings to the constructor. If values are
given this way every data set by calling specific methods on this request or by giving
JSON array values will be ignored.
However some methods must still be called to set index on which work and every
parameters used directly in request's URL.
Example: create a Search field template:
$json = <<<JSON
"query": "open search server",
"start": 0,
"rows": 10,
"lang": "ENGLISH",
"operator": "AND",
"collapsing": {
"max": 2,
"mode": "OFF",
"type": "OPTIMIZED"
"returnedFields": [
"snippets": [


"field": "title",
"tag": "em",
"separator": "...",
"maxSize": 200,
"maxNumber": 1,
"fragmenter": "NO"
"field": "content",
"tag": "em",
"separator": "...",
"maxSize": 200,
"maxNumber": 1,
"fragmenter": "SENTENCE"

"enableLog": false,
"searchFields": [
"field": "title",
"mode": "PHRASE",
"boost": 3
"field": "content",
"mode": "PHRASE",
"boost": 4
"field": "titleExact",
"mode": "PHRASE",
"boost": 5
"field": "contentExact",
"mode": "PHRASE",
"boost": 6

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Put(null, $json);
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Handle response and search results

Several types of responses can be returned by submit(). Internally this method uses a
Factory that builds a response depending on the type of Request given.

Main Response class.

o isSuccess(): true if everything went well, false if there was a problem
during execution of request.
o getInfo(): some requests can return some information. For example Index
deleted: 00__test_file.

o getRawContent(): return raw JSON content of response.

o getJsonValues(): return an array of values built from JSON response.


$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Create();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Extends OpenSearchServer\Response\Response. Used when response contain iterable
values. This class implements \Iterator and can thus be used in a loop structure.

Example: loop through suggestions of an autocompletion query:

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\Query();

->query('count of')
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Requests that use this type of response:

o OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\Query
o OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\GetList

o OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Rest\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Index\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Field\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\SearchTemplate\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Analyzer\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Synonyms\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Rest\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Exclusion\GetList
o OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Inclusion\GetList

Extends OpenSearchServer\Response\ResponseIterable. Used for search results.

o getResults(): return array of objects of type
o getFacets(): return an array of facets for this query. Each facet is an array
with key being name of field and values being array in the form <text
value> => <number of occurrences>

Example of array of facets:

Array (size=3)
'host' =>
array (size=7)
'' => int 149
'' => int 47
'lang' =>
array (size=2)
'en' => int 43
'es' => int 12
'contentBaseType' =>
array (size=2)
'pdf' => int 9
'text/html' => int 41

getQuery(): return query executed by OpenSearchServer

getRows(): return number of rows asked

getStart(): return starting offset

getTotalNumberFound(): return total number of results found in index for this


getTime(): return query duration, in ms

getCollapsedDocCount(): return number of total collapsed docs

getMaxScore(): return max score in this results set

getNumberOfResults(): return number of results in this results set

Example: this class being iterable it can also be used in a loop structure:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Search();
//using a pre-configured query template
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);
echo 'Total number of results: ' . $results->getTotalNumberFound() . '<br/>';
echo 'Number of results in this set of results: ' . $results->getNumberOfResults();
foreach($results as $key => $result) {
echo '<hr/>Result #'.$key.': <br/>';

This class creates object of type OpenSearchServer\Response\Result:

o getPos():
o getScore():
o getCollapsedCount():
o getField($fieldName, $returnFirstValueOnly = true): return value of a

$fieldName is the name of the field to

return. $returnFirstValueOnly can be set to false to get every values

of a multivalued field. Often fields will have only one value, thus
default value for this parameter is true.
o getSnippet($fieldName, $returnFirstValueOnly = true): return value of
a snippet

$fieldName is the name of the field from which the snippet has

been created.$returnFirstValueOnly can be set to false to get every

snippets if several snippets where asked.
o getAvailableFields($returnAllWithoutValues = false): return all
available fields for this result.

$returnAllWithoutValues can be set to true to return fields that have

been configured asreturnedFields in the query even if they have no

value for this result.
o getAvailableSnippets($returnAllWithoutValues = false): return all
available snippets for this result.

$returnAllWithoutValues can be set to true to return snippets that

have been asked the query even if they have no value for this


$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Search();

//using a pre-configured query template
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);
echo 'Total number of results: ' . $results->getTotalNumberFound() . '<br/>';
echo 'Number of results in this set of results: ' . $results->getNumberOfResults();
foreach($results as $key => $result) {
echo '<hr/>Result #'.$key.': <br/>';
echo 'Available fields:</br>- ';
echo implode('<br/>- ', $result->getAvailableFields());
echo '<br/>Available snippets:</br>- ';
echo implode('<br/>- ', $result->getAvailableSnippets());
echo '<ul>';
echo '<li>Title:'.$result->getSnippet('title').'</li>';
echo '<li>Url:'.$result->getField('url').'</li>';
echo '</ul>';

This kind of response looks like OpenSearchServer\Response\SearchResult but with
fewer features, since results returned by MoreLikeThis query are simpler.

o getResults(): return array of objects of type
o getQuery(): return query

This response is returned by SpellCheck queries. It is used to access spell check
suggestions for each asked field.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\SpellCheck\Search();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

getSpellSuggestionsArray(string $fieldname): return the spell suggestions for

one field as array, key is searched word and value is array of suggestions: key is
suggestion and value frequency. Array will be sorted with more frequent
suggestions at the beginning.
o Example of result

array (size=3)
'houze' =>
array (size=2)
'house' => int 12
'houzz' => int 6

getBestSpellSuggestion(string $fieldname): return best spell suggestion for

this field.

getSpellSuggest(string $fieldname): helper method, alias

to getBestSpellSuggestion().

Work with index

Create an empty index

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Create();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Create an index with a template

Two pre-configured templates are offered with OpenSearchServer: WEB_CRAWLER
and FILE_CRAWLER. Each template comes with pre-configured schema, queries,

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Create();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);


$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Create();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Get list of index on an instance

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

This class does not need a call to ->index() before submission.

Delete an index
Go to API documentation for this method

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Delete();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Check if an index exists

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Index\Exists();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Instance monitoring
Several instance-wide monitoring properties can be retrieved:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Monitor\Monitor();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
echo '<ul>';
foreach($response as $propName => $value) {
echo '<li>'.$propName.': '.$value.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';

This would display for example:

availableProcessors: 4

freeMemory: 38656976

memoryRate: 12.958230285108

maxMemory: 1879048192

totalMemory: 298319872

indexCount: 59

freeDiskSpace: 24181137408

freeDiskRate: 23.061161199939 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment

sun.boot.library.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin

java.vm.version: 24.51-b03

java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation




Available methods:

full(boolean $full): if set to true return every available properties. Otherwise

return only some basic properties.

Configure schema
In OpenSearchServer each index must have a schema. A schema is a list of fields,
each with some properties.

Create a field
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Field\Create();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of field to create.

indexed(boolean $indexed): tells whether or not this field must be indexed.

Indexed field can then used in full-text searchs.

analyzer(string $analyzerName): analyzer to use on this field. Analyzer allow to

apply several transformations on indexed or searched data.

stored(boolean $stored): tells whether or not this field must be stored. Stored
field can return their original values in search queries, even if some Analyzers
transformed it.

copyOf(string/array $fields): field(s) from which copy value. Value is copied

before transformation by analyzers. A string or an array of string can be given to
this method.

Create full schema at once

Schema can be totally created at once using some JSON Text or JSON array of values
with object of type OpenSearchServer\Field\CreateBulk.

$json = <<<JSON
"name": "uniqueId",
"indexed": "YES",
"stored": "NO"
"name": "title",
"indexed": "YES",
"stored": "YES",
"analyzer": "TextAnalyzer"
"name": "description",
"indexed": "YES",
"stored": "YES",
"analyzer": "TextAnalyzer"
"name": "descriptionStandard",
"indexed": "YES",
"stored": "NO",
"analyzer": "StandardAnalyzer",
"copyOf": [
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Field\CreateBulk(null, $json);
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Get list of fields

Go to API documentation for this method

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Field\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Get details of a specific field

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Field\Get();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of field to get information for.

Delete a field
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Field\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of field to delete.

Set default and unique field for an index

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Field\SetDefaultUnique();
//remove unique field for this index

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

defaultField(string $name): name of field that must be used as default field.

Default field is used for search queries when no particular field is configured in
the query. Empty value removes default field setting.

uniqueField(string $name): name of field that must be used as unique field.

Unique field is used as a primary key. Empty value removes unique field setting.

Create an analyzer
Go to API documentation for this method
Analyzer can be created or updated using some JSON Text or JSON array of values
with object of type OpenSearchServer\Analyzer\Create.
$json = <<<JSON
"token_separator":" ",
"prefixList":"English stop words",
"token_separator":" ",
"suffixList":"English stop words"

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Analyzer\Create(null, $json);
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of the analyzer to create or update.

lang(string $lang): lang of the analyzer to create or update.

Get list of analyzers

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Analyzer\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $analyzer) {
echo $analyzer->name . ' - ' . $analyzer->lang. '<br/>';

Get details of a specific analyzer

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Analyzer\Get();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of the analyzer to get information for.

lang(string $lang): lang of the analyzer to get information for.

Web Crawler

Available methods for Insert and Delete classes:

pattern(string $pattern): URL to insert or delete

patterns(array $patterns): array of URL to insert or delete

Insert inclusion patterns

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Inclusion\Insert();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

List inclusion patterns

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Inclusion\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Delete inclusion patterns

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Inclusion\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Insert exclusion patterns

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Exclusion\Insert();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

List exclusion patterns

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Exclusion\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Delete exclusion patterns

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Patterns\Exclusion\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Inject URL in URL database

In addition to inserting pattern it is also needed to tell crawler which URL it should use to
start crawling. It will then discover automatically new URLs to crawl.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Url\Insert();
->urls(array('', ''));
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Force crawling of URL

Same as "Manual crawl" in OpenSearchServer's interface. Given URL must be in
inclusion patterns.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Crawl();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Start web crawler

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Start();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Stop web crawler

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\Stop();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Get web crawler status

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Web\GetStatus();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

File crawler
Start file crawler
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Start();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

run($runType): run crawler once or forever. Defaults to forever.

Stop file crawler

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Stop();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Get file crawler status

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\GetStatus();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

File repositories
Every type of location share some common methods for insertion:



Available methods:

path(string $path)

ignoreHiddenFile(boolean $ignoreHiddenFile)

includeSubDirectory(boolean $includeSubDirectory)

enabled(string $path): enable/disable this location

delay(int $delay): delay between each access to a file, in ms.

Local file
Insert local file location
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\LocalFile\Insert();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Delete local file location

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\LocalFile\Delete();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

One method must be called to target location to delete.

Available method:

path(string $path): path of location to delete

Insert FTP location
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\Ftp\Insert();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

username(string $username)

password(string $password)

host(string $host)

ssl(boolean $isSsl): if set to true uses FTP over SSL.

Delete FTP location

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\Ftp\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Several methods must be called to target location to delete.

Available methods:

path(string $path): path of location to delete

username(string $username)

host(string $host)

ssl(boolean $isSsl): set to true if location to delete uses FTP over SSL

Insert SMB/CIFS location
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\Smb\Insert();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

username(string $username)

password(string $password)

domain(string $domain)

host(string $host)

Delete SMB/CIFS location

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\Smb\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Several methods must be called to target location to delete.

Available methods:

path(string $path): path of location to delete

username(string $username)

domain(string $domain)

host(string $host)

Insert Swift location
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\Swift\Insert();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

username(string $username)

password(string $password)

tenant(string $tenant)

container(string $container)

authUrl(string $authUrl)

authType(string $authType): can be KEYSTONE or IAM.

Delete Swift location

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\File\Repository\Swift\Delete();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Several methods must be called to target location to delete.

Available methods:

path(string $path): path of location to delete

username(string $username)

container(string $container)

REST crawler
List existing REST crawlers
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Rest\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Execute a REST crawler

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Crawler\Rest\Execute();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of REST crawler to execute.

Create an autocompletion
Go to API documentation for this method

Autocompletion are "sub-index" for OpenSearchServer. They need to be created and

configured with fields to use for suggestions.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\Create();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of autocompletion item to create.

field(string $name): name of field in main schema from which suggestion are

fields(array $fields):** helper method, calls field() for each item in array.

Build autocompletion
Go to API documentation for this method
Autocompletion sub-index need to be re-built frequently, when content on main index
changes. This can be automatized with OpenSearchServer's Schedulers or done by
calling this API.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\Build();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of autocompletion item to build.

Get list of existing autocompletion items

Go to API documentation for this method
Several autocompletion items can be built, each with particular fields for some specific

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\GetList();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Query autocompletion
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\Query();
->query('Three Musk')
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of autocompletion item to query.

query(string $keywords): keywords to use for suggestions. Usually beginning of

a word.

rows(int $numberOfRows): number of suggestions to return.

Delete an autocompletion item

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Autocompletion\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of autocompletion item to delete.

Push documents
Go to API documentation for this method

Add document with array notation

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Put();
'lang' => OpenSearchServer\Request::LANG_FR,
'fields' => array(
'name' => 'uri',
'value' => '1'
'name' => 'title',
'value' => 'The Count Of Monte-Cristo, Alexandre Dumas'
'name' => 'title',
'value' => 'Multiple value for field title'
'name' => 'autocomplete',
'value' => 'The Count Of Monte-Cristo, Alexandre Dumas'
'name' => 'content',
'value' => '"Very true," said Monte Cristo; "it is unnecessary, we know each
other so well!"
"On the contrary," said the count, "we know so little of each other."
"Indeed?" said Monte Cristo, with the same indomitable coolness; "let us see. Are you
not the soldier Fernand who deserted on the eve of the battle of Waterloo? Are you not
the Lieutenant Fernand who served as guide and spy to the French army in Spain? Are
you not the Captain Fernand who betrayed, sold, and murdered his benefactor, Ali? And
have not all these Fernands, united, made Lieutenant-General, the Count of Morcerf,
peer of France?"
"Oh," cried the general, as if branded with a hot iron, "wretch,to reproach me with my
shame when about, perhaps, to kill me! No, I did not say I was a stranger to you.'
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Add documents by creating

OpenSearchServer\Document\Document objects
$document = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Document();
->field('title','Test The Count 2')
->field('title','One field can be indexed with multiple values')
->field('autocomplete','Test The Count 2')
->field('uri', '2');
$document2 = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Document();
->field('title','Test The Count 3')
->field('autocomplete','Test The Count 3')
->field('uri', '3');
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Put();
->addDocuments(array($document, $document2));
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

addDocument(array / OpenSearchServer\Document\Document $document):

add a document in list of documents to add in the index.

addDocuments(array $documents): helper method. Add several document,

call addDocument()for each item in array.

Available methods for object of type OpenSearchServer\Document\Document:

lang(string $lang): set lang of indexation. Used by some Analyzers to transform


field(string $name, string $value, int $boost): give value to a field, with an
optionnal boost. You would probably prefer to use boost at query time. This
method can be called several times with same $name argument to index multiple
values for one field.

Add documents by pushing text file

Go to API documentation for this method

Text files in CSV or TTL can be pushed to OpenSearchServer, with a regexp pattern to
match fields.
$data = <<<TEXT
4;The Three Musketeers;In 1625 France, d'Artagnan-a poor young nobleman-leaves his
family in Gascony and travels to Paris with the intention of joining the Musketeers of the
Guard. However, en route, at an inn in Meung-sur-Loire, an older man derides
d'Artagnan's horse and, feeling insulted, d'Artagnan demands to fight a duel with him.
The older man's companions beat d'Artagnan unconscious with a pot and a metal tong
that breaks his sword. His letter of introduction to Monsieur de Trville, the commander
of the Musketeers, is stolen. D'Artagnan resolves to avenge himself upon the man, who
is later revealed to be the Comte de Rochefort, an agent of Cardinal Richelieu, who is in
Meung to pass orders from the Cardinal to Milady de Winter, another of his agents.;en
5;Twenty Years After;The action begins under Queen Anne of Austria regency and
Cardinal Mazarin ruling. D'Artagnan, who seemed to have a promising career ahead of
him at the end of The Three Musketeers, has for twenty years remained a lieutenant in
the Musketeers, and seems unlikely to progress, despite his ambition and the debt the
queen owes him;en
6;The Vicomte de Bragelonne;The principal heroes of the novel are the musketeers. The
novel's length finds it frequently broken into smaller parts. The narrative is set between
1660 and 1667 against the background of the transformation of Louis XIV from child
monarch to Sun King.;en";
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\PutText();
->fields(array('uri', 'title', 'content', 'lang'));
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

pattern(string $pattern): REGEXP pattern to use for mapping values to fields.

data(string $data):

langpos(int $pos): position of language in mapped fields (index start at 1)

buffersize(int $bufferSize)

charset(string $charset): charset of sent text

field(string $fieldname): one field mapping. Can be called several times to map
several fields.

fields(array $fields): help method. Calls field() for each item in array.

Delete documents
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

field(string $name): name of field on which base deletion.

value(string $value): value of the field to delete.

values(array $values): helper method. Call value() for each item in array.

Delete documents using an existing query template or

using a query pattern
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\DeleteByQuery();
->query('title:[* TO *]');
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Document\DeleteByQuery();
//query template deleteMoreThanOneWeek can define some relative date filters
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:
One or the other of these 2 methods must be used:

template($queryTemplate): name of a query template to use for deletion.

query($pattern): query pattern for selecting documents to delete.

Execute search queries

Search options
Two types of search queries exist in OpenSearchServer : Search field and Search
They both offer lots of common options and only differ in the way of specfiying searched
$request = new ...;
//set operator to use when multiple keywords
//set lang of keywords
//enable logging
//set returned fields
->returnedFields(array('title', 'url'))
//set static filter
//set another static filter, different way
->filterField('year', '[0 TO 1990]')
//set another static filter, with yet a different way
->filterField('category', array('files', 'archives'))
//set number of results
//configure sorting
->sort('date', OpenSearchServer\Search\Search::SORT_DESC)
//add a level of sorting for documents with same date
->sort('url', OpenSearchServer\Search\Search::SORT_ASC)
//set facets (min 1, multivalued field)
->facet('category', 1, true)
//set snippets
->snippet('content', 'b', '...', 200, 1,
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

General options:
o query(string $query): search keywords
o emptyReturnsAll(boolean $value): if set to true and keywords are empty
will return every documents of the index

o operator(string $operator): Set the default operator: OR or AND

o lang(string $lang):
o enableLogs(boolean value): Enale logging of this query
o returnedFields(array $fields): An array of fieldnames to return with
o rows(int $rows):
o template(string $name): set name of query template to use. If set, query
will use given registered query template but will override every parameters
defined in the query object.
o snippet():

Sorting options
o sort(string $field, string $direction): add a sorting on one field. Can be
called multiple times to successively sort on different fields.
o sorts(array $sorts, string $direction): helper method. Calls sort() for
each item in array.

Scoring options
o scoring(string $field, int $weight, boolean $ascending, type $type):

Facetting options
o facet(string $field, int $min = 0, boolean $multi = false, boolean
$postCollapsing = false): compute facet for one field: this will return
count of every different values for this field. Facets can be used through >getFacets() when workingh with

anOpenSearchServer\Response\SearchResult object. You can find more

details in the proper section.

Filtering options
o queryFilter(string $filter): add a filter with a pattern query. For
example : lang:en.
o negativeFilter(string $filter): add a negative query filter.
o geoFilter(string $shape, string $unit, int $distance): add a geo filter.
o negativeGeoFilter(string $shape, string $unit, int $distance): add a
negative geo filter

o relativeDateFilter(string $field, string $fromUnit, int $fromInterval,

string $toUnit, int $toInterval, string $dateFormat, boolean
$isNegative):: add a RelativeDateFilter. This filter allows dynamic date

This filter can be used to simplify date filtering, or when saving a

Search template. If a template is saved with a relative date filter it
will always force a date filter base on current date. For example if
set with values fromUnit = days, fromInterval = 30, toUnit =
days, toInterval = 0 and dateFormat = yyyyMMdd this search
template will always filter documents whose chosen filtered field
contains a date in last 30 days. For instance if $field is
"fileSystemDate" and if a search is run on february 1st of 2014 it will
translates to this filter: fileSystemDate:[20140101 TO 20140201].


$field: name of field on which apply filter.

$fromUnit: unit to use for first boundary. Values can


$fromInterval: interval to use for first boundary.

$toUnit: unit to use for second boundary. Values can


$toInterval: interval to use for first boundary.

$dateFormat: format to use to render dates. Full date format

is yyyyMMddHHmmss(OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Searc

$isNegative: whether this filter must be negative or not.

o negativeRelativeDateFilter(string $field, string $fromUnit, int

$fromInterval, string $toUnit, int $toInterval, string $dateFormat,
boolean $isNegative):: add a negative RelativeDateFilter.
o filter(string $field): helper method, alias to queryFilter().
o filterField(string $field, string / array $filter, string $join, boolean
$addQuotes): other way to add a query filter.


$field: name of field on which apply filter.

$filter: value(s) on which filter.

$join: if $filter is an array of values, type of join to use

between values: OR or AND.

$addQuotes: whether to add quotes around filtered values or


Collapsing options
o collapsing(string $field, int $max, string $mode, string $type):

Join options
o join(string $indexName, string $queryTemplate, string $queryString,
string $localField, string $foreignField, string $type, boolean
$returnFields, boolean $returnScores, boolean $returnFacets):

Go to API documentation for this method
Fields that must be searched are specified precisely in this kind of query:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Search();
//set some search fields
->searchFields(array('content', 'url'))
//set a specific different search field with Term & Phrase, term boost = 5 and
phrase boost = 10
OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Search::SEARCH_MODE_TERM_AND_PHRASE, 5, 10)
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

searchField(string $field, string $mode, int $boost, int $phraseBoost):

searchFields(array $fields, string $mode, int $boost, int

$phraseBoost): helper method. CallssearchField() for each item in array.

Save a Search(field) query template

Go to API documentation for this method
Query template can be registered to be used later without having to give every
parameters. They can also be edited with the administration interface.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Field\Put();
->searchFields(array('content', 'url'))
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);

Go to API documentation for this method
With this kind of query searched fields are configured with a pattern language:
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Pattern\Search();
//configure search pattern
->patternSearchQuery('title:($$)^10 OR titleExact:($$)^10 OR titlePhonetic:($
//configure pattern to use for snippets
->patternSnippetQuery('title:($$) OR content:($$)')
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);

Save a Search(pattern) query template

Go to API documentation for this method

Query template can be registered to be used later without having to give every
parameters. They can also be edited with the administration interface.
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Search\Pattern\Put();
->patternSearchQuery('title:($$)^10 OR titleExact:($$)^10 OR titlePhonetic:($
$results = $oss_api->submit($request);

Search templates
As shown above it is possible to save several search templates for future use.

List search templates

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\SearchTemplate\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Get details of a search template

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\SearchTemplate\Get();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Delete a search template

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\SearchTemplate\Delete();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Create a list of synonyms
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Synonyms\Create();
'car,vehicle,transportation device',
'keyboard,electronic device'
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of list to create

addSynonyms(array/string $list): synonyms to add. One array entry for each

group of synonyms. The synonyms within a group are separated by commas.
Example: couch,sofa,divan

Check if a list of synonyms exists

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Synonyms\Exists();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of list to check

Get existing lists of synonyms

Go to API documentation for this method

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Synonyms\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Get synonyms of a list

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Synonyms\Get();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of list to get

Delete a list of synonyms

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Synonyms\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

name(string $name): name of list to delete

More like this queries

Create a more like this query template

Go to API documentation for this method

$request = new OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\Create();
//set lang of keywords
//set some search fields
->fields(array('title', 'content', 'uri'))
//set returned fields
->returnedFields(array('title', 'uri'))
->filterField('lang', 'en')
//give this template a name
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

template(string $template): name of more like this query template to create

docQuery(string $docQuery): query to match document

likeText(string $likeText): searched text

analyzerName(string $analyzer): name of analyzer to apply on searched text

fields(array $fields): array of fieldnames to use

minWordLen(int $value): minimum length of words

maxWordLen(int $value): maximum length of words

minDocFreq(int $value): minimum frequency of document

minTermFreq(int $value): minimum frequency of term

maxNumTokensParsed(int $value): number of max token to parse

maxQueryTerms(int $value): number of max query terms to use

boost(boolean $value): enable boost

stopWords(string $value): name of an existing stop words list

returnedFields(array $fields): An array of fieldnames to return with results

Filtering options

o queryFilter(string $filter): add a filter with a pattern query. For

example : lang:en.
o negativeFilter(string $filter): add a negative query filter.
o geoFilter(string $shape, string $unit, int $distance): add a geo filter.
o negativeGeoFilter(string $shape, string $unit, int $distance): add a
negative geo filter
o filter(string $field): helper method, alias to queryFilter().
o filterField(string $field, string / array $filter, string $join, boolean
$addQuotes): other way to add a query filter.


$field: name of field on which apply filter.

$filter: value(s) on which filter.

$join: if $filter is an array of values, type of join to use

between values: OR or AND.

$addQuotes: whether to add quotes around filtered values or


Delete a more like this query template

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

template(string $template): name of more like this query template to delete.

Get list of more like this query templates

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

foreach($response as $key => $item) {

echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Get details of a more like this query template

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\Get();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available methods:

template(string $template): name of more like this query template to retrieve.

Execute a more like this search

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\Search();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Available methods:

template(string $template): name of more like this query template to use

Every other methods of OpenSearchServer\MoreLikeThis\Create can be used there.

Spellcheck queries
It is not possible at the moment to create Spellcheck query templates through API.
Spellcheck query templates can be listed, deleted and used for a search.

Get list of spellcheck query templates

$request = new OpenSearchServer\SpellCheck\GetList();

$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Delete a spellcheck query template

$request = new OpenSearchServer\SpellCheck\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Execute a spellcheck search

$request = new OpenSearchServer\SpellCheck\Search();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Get status of a scheduler job
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Scheduler\GetStatus();
->name('test job');
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

name(string $name): name of scheduler job

Execute a scheduler job

Go to API documentation for this method

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Scheduler\Run();

->name('test job')
->variable('url', '');
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

name(string $name): name of scheduler job

variable(string $name, string $value): some tasks can receive variables.

variables(array $variables): helper method, calls variable() for each item in


Get list of replications
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Replication\GetList();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);
foreach($response as $key => $item) {
echo '<br/>Item #'.$key .': ';

Get details about one replication

Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Replication\Get();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

name(string $name): name of the replication

Create or update a replication

Go to API documentation for this method

$request = new OpenSearchServer\Replication\Create();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

name(string $name): name of the replication

replicationType(string $value): type of replication (use constants defined


remoteUrl(string $value): URL of the target OpenSearchServer instance

remoteLogin(string $value): login for the target instance

remoteApiKey(string $value): API key

remoteIndexName(string $value): target index name

secTimeOut(string $value): timeout in secondes

Start a replication
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Replication\Run();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

name(string $name): name of the replication

Delete a replication
Go to API documentation for this method
$request = new OpenSearchServer\Replication\Delete();
$response = $oss_api->submit($request);

Available method:

name(string $name): name of the replication

OpenSearchServer PHP Client Copyright 2008-2014 Emmanuel Keller /

OpenSearchServer PHP Client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
OpenSearchServer PHP Client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
OpenSearchServer PHP Client. If not, see

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