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The Completely Unofficial

Star Wars Encyclopedia

Version 6.2
December 2004

Bob Vitas
[email protected]
[email protected]

A listing of this encyclopedia can be viewed on the World Wide Web, hosted by TheForce.Net, at the following URL:
All text contained herein is copyright 1996-2004 by Robert Vitas, and is based on information which is copyrighted by
Lucasfilm Limited. All LFL information is used without expressed permission, and without malicious intent.

I need to thank a number of people for various things:

Geoff Birt, for convincing me (against what I thought was my better judgement) to go and see Star Wars that first
time in 1977
Randy Simpson, for keeping me interested in all of this through The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi,
and for being a good friend above all else
my Mom and Dad, who somehow managed to put up with all of my Star Wars posters and paraphenalia (even
though most of it failed to survive my college years), allowing my imagination to grow unabated
all the authors and editors who conrtibuted the many additions they've written to the Star Wars universe,
especially Aaron Allston, Kevin Anderson, Cory Herndon, Daryl Mallett, Dan Wallace, and Megan Watkins
all the folks at West End Games, for taking the small Star Wars universe and expanding it into a role-playing
all the artists who worked on Star Wars projects, for bringing the characters, equipment, and locations to life
the Wake and Durham County, NC, Libraries, for providing me access to some of the source materials listed in
the bibliography
Dan Wallace, for help with planets, chronology, and Episode I: RACER!
Mike Beidler, for his Star Wars Literature Compendium

Michael Potts and James McFadden, for TimeTales and JMM's Chronology, and their help on my chronology
David Anderson, John Bartos, and Michael So, for their growing lists of starships
Colin Boothe, for finding that last C-3PO Pepsi One can!
Nan Galliher, Lady Chiss, mMathab and Jnx, Jim Fisher, Ryan Scheckel, Tomasz Stepien, J. Craig Williams,
Mark O'Brien, Megan Watkins, Aaron Snyder, Frederic Geertsen, Adam "ChissDude" Nettina, Michael Potts and
Christopher McElroy, Andrew Christiansen, Alex Spade, Tim Grubbs, Robert Treder, Eugene Waara, Michael
Mueller, Gabrielle and Bartosz, Piotr Mikolajski, Gwyn Oppel, Kris Joosten, and John Gorzny, for the use of their
Star Wars materials
Sabrina Kofax, Mat Ripley, and the folks at, for bringing the encyclopedia to palmtop
The members of the New Sim Universe (, for their use and promotion of the
Dave Settle (Hey You), for reminding me that I needed to finish Rebellion!
Megan Watkins, for help with her story, "The Occupation of Rhamalai", and for pointing out that I had actually
entered SWAJ 12 and 13, not 13 and 14!
Mike Farnham, NarCranr, Robroj, Rafal Ruta, SWKeith, Ben Broad, Theluvr (aka Welden Gann), Thierry
Monnereau, Ray Chramega, Michael Potts, Lance Worth, Al Manuel, and all the folks who have visited the
Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia website...keep the comments and questions coming!
Matt Jones, for his help in getting the Source listings correct, and for general spelling and grammar repairs
Ken & Rita Ritchie at Heroes and Villians, Tony Sacarello at Triangle Cards and Comics, and Lance Worth at
Star Force Collectibles - for helping me spend all my money!
Stan and Matt at, for all their help in getting the encyclopedia out to the Internet
Jenny Vitas, Meghan Vitas, Lindsay Holman, and Keith Mercure, and for letting me borrow their Star Wars books
my wife, Jill, who thinks knows I'm weird and loves me all the same

and, of course, George Lucas, for creating all of this, and for sharing it all with us

This encyclopedia is dedicated to my kids, Jennifer and Meghan, as a reminder that their imaginations don't
have to dwindle just because they grow older.

Version 6.2, December 2004

Additions to this version:

added The Beginning of the End... (SW Databank)

added Boba Fett: Pursuit

added Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith

added Exploring Droid Adventures (SW Databank)

added Exploring the Ewok Adventures (SW Databank)

added Flight of the Falcon

added A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale (Hyperspace comics)

added Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy

added Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (thanks to M.R. Sachs!)

added Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (thanks to Aled Morgan!)

added Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown

added Jedi Trial

added MedStar II: Jedi Healer

added The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology

added Planet Hoppers - Bespin

added Planet Hoppers - Yavin

added Rendezvous at Ord Mantell (WOTC online adventure)

added Republic Commando: Hard Contact

added Reveral of Fortune (Hyperspace comics)

added Star Wars: Empire - Alone Together (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - The Bravery of Being Out of Range (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - A Little Piece of Home (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - Target: Vader (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars Galaxy magazine, issue 1 (thanks to Gwyn Oppel!)

added Star Wars Galaxy magazine, issue 4 (thanks to Gwyn Oppel!)

added Star Wars Galaxy magazine, issue 6 (thanks to Gwyn Oppel!)

added Star Wars Galaxy magazine, issue 8 (thanks to Gwyn Oppel!)

added Star Wars Insider magazine, issue 78

added Star Wars: Jedi - Yoda (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

added Star Wars: Republic - Armor (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Bloodlines (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Forever Young (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Show of Force (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Tales - issue 19 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Tales - issue 20 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars Trading Card Game - Return of the Jedi Expansion

added Talnar's Rescue (WOTC online adventure)

added Tempest Feud

added Villains of Knights of the Old Republic (SW Databank)

added Weapons of the Battlefront (SW Databank)

added a Source entry (LAWS) for the LucasArts Entertainment Company website (

added information from the official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

added partial information from Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds

added partial information from Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (thanks to Capt. Admirison!)

added partial information from Star Wars: Battlefront

added partial information from Star Wars: Empire - Idiot's Array (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added partial information from Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns (thanks to Aviv Karni!)

added partial information from Star Wars Gamer, issue 1 (thanks to Terry Aringe!)

added partial information from Star Wars Gamer, issue 7 (thanks to Terry Aringe!)

added partial information from Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed

added partial information from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

changed italicized "padawan" to "Padawan"

re-read Out of the Cradle (Hyperspace fiction)

Additions to Version 6.1 (July 2004):

added Battlefields and Generals (SW Databank)

added Boba Fett: A New Threat
added Cat and Mouse (WOTC online adventure)
added The Cestus Deception
added Clear and Present Dangers (WOTC online supplement)
added The Clone Wars Continue (SW Databank)
added Galactic Campaign Guide
added Galactic Gazetteer - Hoth and the Greater Javin (WOTC online adventure)
added Heroes of Knights of the Old Republic (SW Databank)
added The Hive
added Jedi Quest: The Changing of the Guard
added Jedi Quest: The False Peace
added Medstar I: Battle Surgeons
added Planet Hoppers - Adumar
added Planet Hoppers - Beheboth
added Planet Hoppers - Hapes
added Planet Hoppers - Vandelhelm
added Priority: X (official site Hyperspace Fiction)
added Rough and Tundra (WOTC online adventure)
added Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon, series 2
added Star Wars: Empire - Darklighter issue 12 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: Empire - To the Last Man (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Galaxy issue 11 (thanks to John Gorzny!)
added Star Wars Gamer issues 4 and 9 (thanks to Gwyn Oppel!)
added Star Wars Insider issues 75, 76, and 77
added Star Wars: Republic - Dead Ends (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: Republic - Hate and Fear (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: Republic - No Man's Land (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: Republic - Striking from the Shadows (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Trading Card Game - The Phantom Menace
added Star Wars Trading Card Game - Rogues and Scoundrels
added The White Witch (official site Kessel Mines)
added information from Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (thanks for Frederic Geertsen!)
added information from the official Star Wars website (
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (
finalized information from Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
finalized information from Star Wars Tales issues 9 and 10 (thanks to Gwyn Oppel!)
re-read Dark Force Rising
re-read Heir to the Empire
re-read The Last Command
added a Category for Names and Titles, with Human, Alien, and Near-Human Types

Additions to Version 6.0 (February 2004):

added Blood Sport of Rattatak (SW Databank)

added Fool's Bargain

added Here They Come! (SW Databank)

added Inside the Worlds of Star Wars - Attack of the Clones

added Jedi Quest: The Moment of Truth

added Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest

added Junior Jedi Knights: Promises

added Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress

added Loves Lost (SW Databank)

added The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

added New Jedi Order Sourcebook (thanks to Alex Spade!)

added Nightsaber (WOTC online adventure)

added Planet Hoppers - Hoth

added Planet Hoppers - Manaan

added Planet Hoppers - Thyferra

added Planet Hoppers - Zeltros

added Rebel Jedi (WOTC online adventure)

added Star Wars: Empire - Darklighter, part 4 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - The Savage Heart (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - What Sin Loyalty? (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine
added Star Wars Insider issues 72, 73, and 74
added Star Wars: Jedi - Count Dooku (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: Republic - The Battle of Jabiim, parts 3 and 4 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: Republic - Enemy Lines (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Tales issues 17 and 18 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Trading Card Game The Empire Strikes Back Expansion
added Survivor's Quest
added Triplet Threat (WOTC online adventure)
added The Wellspring (WOTC online adventure)
added information from the official Star Wars website (
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (
added partial information from Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
used the source abbreviation E3 to indicate early information from Star Wars: Episode III

Additions to Version 5.3 (December 2003):

added Arms and Equipment Guide (thanks to Andrew Christiansen!)

added Bantha Tracks - issues 31 and 32 (thanks to Artoo's News!)

added Boba Fett: Hunted

added The Clone Wars: Warriors and Battlefields (SW Databank)

added Coruscant and the Core Worlds (thanks to Tim Grubbs!)

added The Final Prophecy

added Inside the Clone Wars (SW Databank)

added Jedi Quest: The Moment of Truth

added Planet Hoppers: Korriban (WOTC website)

added Star Wars: Empire - Darklighter (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - Sacrifice (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars Insider - issue 71

added Star Wars: Jedi - Aayla Secura (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Jedi - Shaak Ti (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Blast Radius (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Double Blind (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - The New Face of War (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars Tales - issues 15 and 16 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added The Ultimate Alien Anthology (thanks to Tim Grubbs!)

added The Unifying Force

added information from the official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

added partial information from New Jedi Order Sourcebook (thanks to Alex Spade!)

added partial information from Star Wars: Republic - The Battle of Jabiim (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
Additions to Version 5.2 (September 2003):

added Bantha Tracks issues 1 through 30 (thanks to Artoo's News!)

added Beneath Aucellis Park (WOTC online adventure)

added The Constancia Affair (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Dark Horse Presents #3 (includes Luke Skywalker: Walkabout)

added Droids (Star Comics)

added Duel (short story for Hasbro)

added Equipment (short story for Hasbro)

added Force Heretic III: Reunion

added The Kashyyyk Depths (thanks to TimeTales!)

added Legacy of the Jedi

added Luke Skywalker's Activity Book (thanks to TimeTales!)

added Marvel Comics Illustrated - Star Wars issues 1 through 7 (thanks to TimeTales!)

added Pizzazz Magazine - Keeper's World (thanks to TimeTales!)

added Pizzazz Magazine - War on Ice (thanks to TimeTales!)

added Planet Hoppers - Aargau (WOTC website)

added Planet Hoppers - Ando (WOTC website)

added Planet Hoppers - Carida (WOTC website)

added Planet of Kadril (thanks to TimeTales!)

added Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Star Wars Insider issues 69 and 70
added Star Wars Marvel comics, issues 42 through 84, 86 through 107 (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)
added Star Wars Monthly poster magazine, issues 1 through 18 (thanks to TimeTales!)
added Star Wars Trading Card Game Jedi Guardians expansion set
added Star Wars Weekly issue 149 (thanks to TimeTales!)
added Storm Fleet Warnings (short story for Hasbro)
added With the Band (WOTC online adventure)
added Zygerrian Takedown (WOTC online adventure)
added information from Star Wars Galaxies online player manuals
added information from the official Star Wars website (
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (
added partial information from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
added partial information from Star Wars: Starfighter
added partial information from Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Additions to Version 5.1 (July 2003):

added Anakin's Race for Freedom (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Boba Fett: Maze of Deception

added Cantina Roll Call (SW website)

added Dark Forces: Rebel Agent

added Force Heretic II: Refugee

added Hunger (WOTC online adventure)

added I Am a Jedi

added Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap

added The Kitonak Connection (WOTC online adventure)

added Masquerade (WOTC online adventure)

added The New Jedi Order Update (SW Databank)

added Obi-Wan's Bongo Adventure (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Planet Hoppers - Arbra (WOTC website)

added Planet Hoppers - Coruscant (WOTC website)

added Planet Hoppers - Kessel (WOTC website)

added Planet Hoppers - Velmor (WOTC website)

added Positive ID (WOTC online adventure)

added Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Secrets of Tatooine (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Shatterpoint

added Star Wars Marvel comics, issues 1 through 41 (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Star Wars: A Valentine's Story (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Empire - Princess... Warrior (thanks to mMathab, Jnx and Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars Gamemaster Screen

added Star Wars Gamer issue 8 (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Star Wars Insider issues 67 and 68

added Star Wars: Jedi - Mace Windu (thanks to mMathab, Jnx and Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Characters

added Star Wars: Republic - The Defense of Kamino (thanks to mMathab, Jnx and Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Sacrifice (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Star Wars: Tales issues 9 (thanks to mMathab and Jnx) and 15 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added Star Wars Trading Card Game - Battle of Yavin expansion set

added Star Wars 3-D issues 1, 2, and 3 (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added Tatooine Ghost

added The Thrawn Crisis (SW Databank)

added Troopers of the Galaxy (SW Databank)

added Ultimate Alien Anthology (SW Databank)

added Watch Out, Jar Jar! (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

added information from the official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

added partial information from Coruscant and the Core Worlds (thanks to Ying Lee!)

added partial information from Star Wars: Republic - The New Face of War (thanks to Lady Chiss!)

added partial information from Star Wars: Tales issue 10 (thanks to mMathab and Jnx!)

used "GMRxx" to indicate issues of Star Wars Gamer magazine

used "SWGxx" to indicate issues of Star Wars Galaxy magazine

used "WOAxx" to indicate the individual adventures from the WOTC website

Additions to Version 5.0 (March 2003):

added A Forest Apart

added Art for Art's Sake (WOTC web adventure)

added The Art of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

added The Art of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

added Boba Fett: Crossfire

added Force Heretic I: Remnant

added High Alert! (WOTC web adventure)

added Inside the Corporate Sector (SW Databank)

added J't'p'tan (WOTC web enhancement)

added Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise

added Jedi Quest: The School of Fear

added Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade

added Star Wars: Empire - Betrayal (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones adaptation

added Star Wars Insider magazine, issues 64, 65 and 66

added Star Wars Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added Star Wars: Republic - Honor and Duty (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added Star Wars Tales issue 14 (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added The Swamps of Mimban (SW Databank)

added information from the official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

added partial information from Tatooine Ghost (excerpt in A Forest Apart)

Additions to Version 4.4 (December 2002):
There were no additions to the encyclopedia for this version, but it was completely categorized! This was a web-only
update, to get the fully-categorized database out there and available. The HTML code remained unchanged, since
there was not content change, and the existing Version 4.3 ASP files will work with the new database.
Additions to Version 4.3 (November 2002):
Thanks to the Multimedia staff at TF.N, I now had images and sounds for many entries in the encyclopedia!

added Alien Anthology (thanks to ChissDude for this one!)

added Bloodhawk Down (WOTC website)
added Crimson Empire Handbook (thanks to ChissDude for this one!)
added Destiny's Way
added Emissary of the Void, Chapter One (official Star Wars website)
added Episode II: DVD Undelete (SW Databank)
added Jango Fett: Open Seasons (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Rebellion Era Sourcebook (thanks to ChissDude for this one!)
added Rite of Passage (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones comic series (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Star Wars Insider #62 and #63
added Star Wars Tales #12 and #13 (thanks to Lady Chiss for these!)
added Star Wars Trading Card Game - A New Hope expansion set
added Starships of the Galaxy (thanks to ChissDude for this one!)
added Steal of a Deal (WOTC website)
added Swim Meet (WOTC website)
added The Clone Wars Begin (SW Databank)
added The Devaronian Version (thanks to Lady Chiss and Julien for this one!)
added Traitor
added Weapons of War (SW Databank)
added Worlds of the Expanded Universe (SW Databank)
added Ylesia
added information from the official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG website (
finalized information from the Droids and Ewoks cartoon series
officially added links to the images stored in the Multimedia section of TF.N ;-)

Additions to Version 4.2 (July 2002):

This edition marks the first time the encyclopedia held 35,000 entries!

added "Anakin: Apprentice"

added "Coruscant Nightlife" (SW Databank)
added "Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand"
added "Inside the Jedi Temple" (SW Databank)
added "Jedi Quest: The Dangerous Games"
added "Let the Executions Begin" (SW Databank)
added "The Missing Planet" (SW Databank)
added "On the Hunter's Trail" (SW Databank)
added "Pillars of the Old Republic" (SW Databank)
added "Rendezvous at Ord Mantell" (WOTC website)
added "Return to Naboo" (SW Databank)
added "Return to Tatooine (SW Databank)
added "Splitting the Galaxy" (SW Databank)
added "Star Wars Episode II Incredible Cross-Sections"
added "Star Wars Episode II Visual Dictionary"
added "Star Wars Gamer" magazine, issue 6 (thanks to Frederic Geertsen for this one!)
added "Star Wars Gamer" magazine, issue 10 (thanks to Frederic Geertsen for this one!)
added "Star Wars Insider" magazine, issues 60 and 61
added "Star Wars Trading Card Game - Sith Rising" expansion
added "Star Wars Visual Dictionary"
added "Talnar's Rescue", parts 1 and 2 (WOTC website)
added "The Unauthorized Star Wars Compendium"
added "This Party's Over" (SW Databank)
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

Additions to Version 4.1 (May 2002):

added "Aliens and Creatures Update" (SW Databank)

added "Attack of the Clones"

added "Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive"

added "The Dark Empire Handbook" (thanks to Kris Joosten for this one!)

added "Droids: Weapons and Workers" (SW Databank)

added "The Expanded Universe Fringe" (SW Databank)

added "The Eye of the Sun"

added "Gun Nut" (WOTC website)

added, issues 45 - 49

added, issues 50 - 56

added "Jango Fett" (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added "Jedi Apprentice Special Edition 2: The Followers"

added "Jedi Quest - The Way of the Apprentice"

added "Jedi Quest - The Trail of the Jedi"

added "Last Call at Leatherbacks" (WOTC website)

added "The Nebula Assassin" (WOTC website)

added "Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream"

added "Star Wars: The Stark Hyperspace War" (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added "Star Wars Insider" issue 59

added "Star Wars Starfighter: Crossbones" (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added "Star Wars Tales" issue 11 (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added "Star Wars Trading Card Game" - Attack of the Clones

added "Zam Wesell" (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)

added information from the Official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

Additions to Version 4.0 (February 2002):

The encyclopedia now has a new interface, and will start being numbered with a new version each year. As you
use the new interface, please be aware that not every entry in the database has been categorized yet. I only
started with 32,000 of them!

added The Approaching Storm

added Aurra's Song (thanks to Gabrielle and Bartosz for this one!)
added Dark Journey
added Darth Maul (thanks to Brien Bell for this one!)
added Horning In (WOTC website)
added Inside the Death Star (SW Databank)
added Jedi Quest comic series (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Jedi Apprentice: The Only Witness
added Jedi Apprentice: The Threat Within
added Mission to Myrkr (WOTC website)
added Star Wars: Darkness (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (thanks to Kevin Teoh for this one!)
added Star Wars: Infinities - A New Hope (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Star Wars: Twilight
added Star Wars Chronicles
added Star Wars Insider Issue 58
added Tag and Bink Are Dead (thanks to Lady Chiss for this one!)
added Villains of the Expanded Universe (SW Databank)
added The Wildlife of Naboo (SW Databank)
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (
added information from the Official Star Wars website (
added partial information from Racer Revenge
finalized information on starships from many LucasArts games (thanks to Michael So!)
moved the A Long Time Ago... entries from the Arcana to the Entries table
moved the Marvel Comics entries from the Arcana to the Entries table
updated or added many entries, based on reader comments and feedback
updated the Planets Spreadsheet to this level of the Encyclopedia

Additions to Version 3.03 (December 2001):

added "A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy" (SW Databank)

added "Goo Nee Tay!" (SW Databank)

added "Heroes of the Expanded Universe" (SW Databank)

added "Jedi Apprentice: The Call to Vengeance"

added "Jedi Apprentice: The Death of Hope"

added "Jedi Quest"

added "More Starships!" (WOTC website)

added "Recovery"

added "Star By Star"

added "Star Wars Adventure Journal" Issue 7

added "Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Theed Palace" Expansion

added "Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections"

added "Star Wars Insider" Issue 57

added "Ten Years Later..." (SW Databank)

added "The Rycar Run" (WOTC website)

added "The Wildlife of Star Wars"

added information from the Official Star Wars website (

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website (

Additions to Version 3.02 (October 2001):

fixed the search code, to allow for single quotes (') in the search text

fixed the reports switchboard in the database

removed the old counter, and created a home-grown counter

added Among the Clouds (Star Wars Databank)

added The Battle of Endor (Star Wars Databank)

added The Battle of Hoth (Star Wars Databank)

added Boba Fett: Agent of Doom (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel's Wages (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added The Dark Side Sourcebook
added Death, Dirt, and the Nerf Rancher's Daughter (WOTC website)
added The Fall of Cloud City (WOTC website)
added Finish the Race, Of Course (Star Wars Databank)
added Galladinium's Fantastic Technology: Guns and Gear for Any Occasion
added Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear (thanks to J. Craig Williams!)
added Inside Jabba's Palace (Star Wars Databank)
added Inside the Galactic Senate (Star Wars Databank)
added Jedi Knight Trading Card Game: Masters of the Force expansion
added Jedi Knight Trading Card Game: Scum and Villiany expansion
added Jedi vs. Sith (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Previously Unreleased (Star Wars Databank)
added Sergio Aragones Stomps Star Wars (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: The Hunt for Aurra Sing (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit
added Star Wars Adventure Journal Issue 3
added Star Wars Adventure Journal Issue 4
added Star Wars Adventure Journal Issue 5
added Star Wars Adventure Journal Issue 6
added Star Wars Cookbook: Wookiee Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes
added Star Wars Cookbook II: Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes
added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Reflections III expansion
added Star Wars Gamer Issue 5 (thanks to Frederic Geertsen!)
added Star Wars Insider Issue 56
added Star Wars Tales Issue 1 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Tales Issue 6 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Star Wars Tales Issue 8 (thanks to Lady Chiss!)
added Start Your Engines! (Star Wars Databank)
added Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika
added Young Jedi Collectible Card Game: Boonta Eve Podrace expansion
added Young Jedi Collectible Card Game: Reflections expansion
added information from the Official Star Wars website
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website

Additions to Version 3.01 (August 2001):

The Encyclopedia now has over 30,000 entries!

Added new options in the ASP display code:

pop-up windows for source information on Entry, Search, and Arcana pages

set the Entries page to display 100 records at a time

provided page size modification for Search page

added the "New Entries Only" option on the Entry page

added icons for images and sounds, with pop-up display windows, if available for an entry

put the Links page into a database table

added Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... Issue 1

added Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... Issue 2

added Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... Issue 3

added Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... Issue 4

added Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... Issue 5

added Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... Issue 6

added Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire

added Edge of Victory II: Rebirth

added Goroth: Slave of the Empire

added Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: Deceptions

added Jedi Apprentice: The Ties That Bind

added Signal Interruption from the WOTC website

added Star Wars: Emissaries to Malastare

added Star Wars Adventure Journal Issue 2
added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Coruscant
added Star Wars Gamer Issue 2 (thanks to Frederic Geertsen for loaning this one!)
added Star Wars Gamer Issue 3 (thanks to Frederic Geertsen for loaning this one!)
added Star Wars Insider Issue 54
added Star Wars Insider Issue 55
added The Crypt of Saalo Morn from the WOTC website
added The Essential Star Wars Chronology
added information from the official Star Wars website
added information from the Wizards of the Coast website
finalized information from The Star Wars Essential Guide to Alien Species

Additions to Version 3.0 (July 2001):

this is the first version which was done with a Microsoft Access database as the backend. All data from the old
MSWord encyclopedia was imported into the database, then is displayed on the web using Active Server Pages
(ASP) files.

added Cloak of Deception

added Head Trip (from the WOTC website)

added Infinity's End

added Living Force Campaign Guide

added A Night at Tosche Station (from the WOTC website)

added Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell

added Secrets of Naboo

added Starcrash

added Star Was Customizable Card Game - Tatooine

added Star Wars Insider magazine, issue 53

added Star Wars Tales #7

added The Star Wars Essential Guide to Alien Species

added The Storm's Edge (from the WOTC website)

added information from the official Star Wars website

added information from the Wizards of the Coast website

finalized information from the Jedi Knights Trading Card Game

finalized information from the Star Wars Adventure Journal #10 (thakns to everyone who discovered that I wasn't

moved references to Operation: Clodhopper (OC) and Smugglers of Naboo (SON) to WOTC
Additions to Version 2.04 (April 2001):

added Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids (thanks to Jim Fisher and Mike Mueller for loaning this one!)

added DarkStryder Campaign Boxed Set

added Darth Maul: Saboteur

added Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

added Edge of Victory I: Conquest

added Endgame

added Flashpoint! Brak Sector

added Invasion of Theed

added Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescued

added Jedi Apprentice: The Evil Experiment

added Jedi Council: Acts of War

added Lords of the Expanse (thanks to Tom Gantert for loaning this one!)

added Mos Eisley Adventure Set (thanks to Tom Gantert for loaning this one!)

added Operation: Clodhopper

added Planets of the Galaxy, Volume 3

added Platt's Starport Guide

added Podracing Tales

added Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide (thanks to Mark O'Brien for loaning this one!)

added Smugglers of Naboo

added Star Wars Adventure Journal #11 (thanks for Megan Watkins for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Adventure Journal #15 (thanks for Megan Watkins for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Reflections II

added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Final Battle
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Podrace to Freedom
added The Star Wars Essential Guide to Droids
added The Star Wars Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
added The Star Wars Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
added Star Wars Introductory Adventure Game (thanks to Tom Gantert for loaning this one!)
added Star Wars Insider magazine, issues 51 and 52
added Star Wars Kids magazine, issues 14 and 15
added Star Wars Missions #1: Assault on Yavin 4
added Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
added Star Wars Tales #2
added Star Wars Tales #3
added Star Wars Tales #4
added Star Wars Tales #5
added Tapani Sector Instant Adventures (thanks to Tom Gantert for loaning this one!)
added online information about the Living Force Campaign Guide
added more online information from the Official Star Wars website (
added online information from the Wizards of the Coast website (
added partial information from Battle for Naboo
added partial information from Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescue
added partial information from the Jedi Knights Trading Card Game
added partial information from Star Wars: Demolition
added partial information from Star Wars Gamer, Issue 1
added partial information from Star Wars Gamer, Issue 2
added partial information from Starfighter

Additions to Version 2.03 (December 2000):

added Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse

added Alliance Intelligence Reports

added Balance Point

added The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing

added Classic Star Wars, issues 16 and 17

added Creatures of the Galaxy (thanks to Jeff Fisher and Mark OBrien for loaning this one!)

added Darth Mauls Revenge

added Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Episode I

added Jedi Apprentice: The Shattered Peace

added Jedi Apprentice: The Deadly Hunter

added Kathol Rift (thanks to J. Craig Williams for loaning this one!)

added Lukes Fate

added No Disintegrations (thanks to J. Craig Williams for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Adventure Journal, number 1

added Star Wars Adventure Journal, number 14 (thanks to Megan Watkins for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Pirates from Beyond the Sea

added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Bongo Rally

added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Danger on Naboo

added Star Wars Galaxy magazine, issues 2, 5, 9, and 10

added Star Wars Kids magazine, issues 10, 11, 12, and 13

added Star Wars: Chewbacca

added Star Wars: Outlander

added Star Wars: Union

added Tales of the Jedi: Redemption

added The Starfighter Trap

added The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook (thanks to Jim Fisher and Mark OBrien for loaning this one!)

added Wretched Hives of Scum and Villiany (thanks to Mark OBrien for loaning this one!)

added Young Jedi Customizable Card Game: Duel of the Fates

added more information from the Official Star Wars Website (
Additions to Version 2.02 (August 2000):

added Agents of Chaos: Hero's Trial

added Alien Encounters (thanks to Tomasz Stepien and J. Craig Williams for loaning this one!)
added Black Sands of Socorro (thanks to Ryan Scheckel for loaning this one!)
added Crisis on Cloud City (thanks to Tomasz Stepien for loaning this one!)
added Dark Tide II: Ruin
added Imperial Spy
added Jedi Apprentice: The Fight for Truth
added Pirates and Privateers (thanks to Tomasz Stepien for loaning this one!)
added Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One
added Platt's Smugglers Guide (thanks to Tomasz Stepien for loaning this one!)
added Player's Guide to Tapani (thanks to Nan Galliher for loaning this one!)
added Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Death Star II
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Trouble on Tatooine
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Rescue in the Core
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Festival of Warriors
added Star Wars Insider magazine, issue 49
added Star Wars Insider Magazine, issue 50
added Star Wars Kids magazine, issue 9
added Young Jedi Card Game: The Battle of Naboo
corrected information from The Occupation of Rhamalai
corrected the listings for SWAJ #12 and SWAJ #13, listed as SWAJ #13 and SWAJ #14 in V2.01
finalized information from X-Wing: Alliance

Additions to Version 2.01 (July 2000):

added Capture Arawynne

added Graveyard of Alderaan (thanks to Ryan Scheckel for loaning this one!)

added Hideouts and Strongholds (thianks to Ryan Scheckel for loaning this one!)

added Imperial Double-cross (thanks to Ryan Scheckel for loaning this one!)

added Jedi Apprentice: The Day of Reckoning

added Live Action Adventures (thanks to Nan Galliher for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Adventure Journal, number 12 (thanks to Jim Fisher for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Adventure Journal, number 13 (thanks to Jim Fisher for loaning this one!)

added Star Wars Kids Magazine, issue 7

added Stock Ships (thanks to Nan Galliher for loaning this one!)

finalized Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Cloud City (thanks to Sompeetalay for noting its omission!)
Additions to Version 1.10 (May 2000):

moved the "Planets and Their Native Races" document into a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet

added Anakin's Pit Droid

added Battle for the Golden Sun

added Black Ice

added Cracken's Rebel Operatives

added Dark Tide: Onslaught

added Domain of Evil

added The Far Orbit Project (thanks to Rob Treder for loaning this one!

added Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters

added Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations

added Heroes & Rogues (thanks to Nan Galliher and Piotr Mikolajski for loaning this one!)

added Instant Adventures (thanks to Nan Galliher for loaning this one!)

added Jedi Apprentice: The Mark of the Crown

added Jedi Apprentice: The Defenders of the Dead

added Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path

added Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple

added Jedi's Honor

added Operation: Elrood

added Planet of the Mists

added The Politics of Contraband (thanks to Aaron Snyder for loaning this one!)

added Queen In Disguise

added Rogue Planet

added Rules of Engagement (thanks to Nan Galliher for loaning this one!)
added Scoundrel's Luck
added Secrets of the Sisar Run (thanks to Nan Galliher for loaning this one!)
added Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
added Star Wars Campaign Pack
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Bartokk Assassins
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Fury of Darth Maul
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Jedi Emergency
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Ghostling Children
added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker
added Star Wars Gamemaster Kit
added Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections
added Star Wars Insider Magazine, issue 48
added Star Wars Journal: Darth Maul
added Star Wars Kids magazine, issues 1 through 6
added Star Wars Miniatures Battles
added Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion
added Star Wars Technical Journal
added Tales of the Jedi Companion
added information from the Official Star Wars website
finalized information from Rebellion
finalized information from Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin

Additions to Version 1.09 (January 2000):

more minor formatting and grammatical changes

added entries on the characters of the Aurebesh from Star Wars Monopoly

added Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire

added Cracken's Threat Dossier (thanks to Jim Fisher for loaning this one!)

added Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts (thanks to Jim Fisher for loaning this one!)

added Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror

added Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead

added Galaxy of Fear: Clones

added Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive

added Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi

added Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare Machine

added Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague

added Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm

added Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past

added Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Search for the Lost Jedi

added Star Wars Insider Magazine, issue 46

added Star Wars Insider Magazine, issue 47

added Tales from the New Republic

added The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook Special Edition (thanks to Jim Fisher for loaning this one!)

added The Official Strategy Guide for Episode I: RACER (thanks to Dan Wallace for this one!)

added The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (thanks to Jim Fisher for loaning this one!)

added Vector Prime

added Wanted by Cracken

added X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue

added X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service

added X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement

added Young Jedi Card Game: The Jedi Council

finalized information from the Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Endor

finalized information from Rebel Assault

added partial information from X-Wing Alliance

started categorized listings of entries

Additions to Version 1.08 (September 1999):

more minor formatting and grammatical changes

added Star Wars Journal: Anakin Skywalker

added Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force

added Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival
added Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Illustrated Screenplay
added Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook
added Star Wars: Episode I Insiders Guide
added the Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack
added Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Visual Dictionary
added Star Wars: Epsiode I Whos Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of The Phantom Menace
added Star Wars: Episode I Whats What: A Pocket Guide to The Phantom Menace
added The Art of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
added The Mandalorian Armor
added Slave Ship
added Hard Merchandise
added X-Wing: Iron Fist
added X-Wing: Solo Command
added X-Wing: Isards Revenge
added X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
added Star Wars Episode I: Anakin Skywalker
added Star Wars Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi
added Star Wars Epsiode I: Queen Amidala
added Star Wars Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn
added Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Comics
added Vader's Quest
added Crimson Empire
added Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood
added The Making of Baron Fel
added X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - Family Ties
added X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - Masquerade
added information from Star Wars Insider Magazine number 43
added information from Star Wars Insider Magazine number 44
added information from Star Wars Insider Magazine number 45
added information from Aaron Allston's Star Wars FAQ
added a source listing for the Official Star Wars Website
added partial information from Star Wars Customizable Card Game Endor
added partial information from DroidWorks
added partial information from Yoda's Challenge
finalized Young Jedi Knights Collectible Card Game
finalized Star Wars: Episode I - Racer

Additions to Version 1.07 (June 1999):

changes are now in blue

lots of minor formatting and grammatical changes

modified the Planets table to include position, day, and year information

added Vision of the Future

added Trouble on Cloud City

added The Kathol Outback

added the Star Wars Handbook: X-Wing Rogue Squadron

added Star Wars Adventure Journal #8

added Star Wars Adventure Journal #10

added information from Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition

added information from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Special Edition

added information from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Special Edition

added Star Wars Science Adventures: Emergency in Escape Pod Four

added Star Wars Science Adventures: Journey Across Planet X

added George Lucas: The Creative Impulse

added Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures #9

added Classic Star Wars #3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 19

added Shadow Stalker

added Mara Jade: By the Emperors Hand

added Shadows of the Empire: Evolution

added The Jabba Tape
added Jedi Academy: Leviathan
added Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
added Rogue Squadron PC/N64 Game
added Dangers of the Core
added Jar Jars Mistake
added Anakin to the Rescue
added Anakins Fate
added Star Wars Journal: Queen Amidala
added Crisis at Crystal Reef
added Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections
added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Special Edition
added partial information from Prelude to Rebellion comics
added partial information from the Young Jedi Collectible Card Game
added partial information from Star Wars: Episode I - Racer
added partial information from The Gungan Frontier
added partial information from Star Wars: Behind the Magic
finalized information from the Heir to the Empire comic series
finalized information from the Dark Force Rising comic series
finalized information from Golden Age of the Sith
finalized information from Fall of the Sith Empire
added information from Michael P. Kube-McDowell's Black Fleet Crisis FAQ

Additions to Version 1.06 (November 1998):

moved from WordPerfect 6.0 to Microsoft Word 97

added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Sealed Tournament Deck

added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Second Anthology

added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Jabbas Palace

added Star Wars: The Annotated Scripts

added The Emperors Plague

added Jedi Under Seige

added Return to Ord Mantell

added partial information from Trouble of Cloud City

added Rebel Dawn

added more information from the Marvel comics series to the Arcana section

added X-Wing: The Bacta War

added I, Jedi

added Star War Journal: Captive to Evil

added Star War Journal: Hero for Hire

added Star War Journal: The Fight for Justice

added X-Wing: Wraith Squadron

added Tales from the Empire

added information from the Special Editions of the Star Wars movies

added partial information from Star Wars: Behind the Magic

added Star Wars Gamemaster Screen

added Mission to Lianna

added Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook

added Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races

added Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

added Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders

added Galaxy of Fear: Spore

added Galaxy of Fear: The Doomsday Ship

added partial information from Lords of the Expanse

added partial information from Stock Ships

added partial information from The Kathol Outback

Additions to Version 1.05 (April 1998):

first HTML version made available on the WWW

added Specter of the Past

added The Paradise Snare
added The Hutt Gambit
added the Return of the Jedi NPR Dramatization
added Shadows of the Empire from Dark Horse Comics
added Heir to the Empire from Dark Horse Comics
added Boba Fett: When The Fat Lady Swings
added Boba Fett: Murder Most Foul
added Droids: The Protocol Offensive
added This Crumb for Hire from A Decade of Dark Horse, Volume 2
added Twin Engines of Destruction from Dark Horse Comics
added The Game Chambers of Questal
added Scavenger Hunt
added Han Solo at Stars End from Dark Horse Comics
added X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair
added X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground Tatooine
added X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Warror Princess
added Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of the Sith
added partial information from Tales of the Jedi: Fall of the Sith Empire
added partial information from Dark Force Rising from Dark Horse Comics
finalized information from Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds

Additions to Version 1.04 (December 1997):

moved from WordPerfect 5.2 for OS/2 to WordPerfect 6 for Windows 95

reformatted all Helvetica font text to Arial fonts

reformatted all System Monospaced font text to NTR fonts

converted the Planets and their Native Races table

added <* n *> headers so that readers can go directly to letters via searches

added Tyrants Test

added Tales of the Bounty Hunters

added The New Rebellion

added Planet of Twilight

added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Hoth

added Star Wars Adventure Journal #9

added Crackens Rebel Field Guide

added Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters

added Twin Stars of Kira

added Otherspace

added Otherspace II: Invasion

added The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer

added Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Dagobah

added partial information from Yoda Stories

added partial information from Masters of Teras Kasi

added partial information from the Galaxy of Fear series of young adult books
Additions to Version 1.03 (June 1997):

added Shield of Lies

added The Krytos Trap

added Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens: Enemies and Allies

added Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures

added Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds

added Classic Star Wars: The Vandelhelm Mission

added minimal information from The Golden Age of the Sith

added the Jedi Academy Sourcebook

added Riders of the Maelstrom

added minimal information from Rebellion

added Tales from Mos Eisley

Additions to Version 1.02 (July 1996):

added Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley

added Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
added Star Wars: Customizable Card Game - A New Hope
added Classic Star Wars
added Star Wars: Essential Guide to Vehicles
added Wedges Gamble
added the Death Star Technical Companion
added The Isis Coordinates
added Starfall
added Strike Force: Shantipole
added Lightsabers
added The Golden Globe
added Lyrics World
added Planets of the Galaxy, Volume 2
added Secrets of Shadows of the Empire
added minimal information from The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
added partial information from X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair
moved information from Star Wars Galaxy magazine from Arcana to the base encyclopedia

Original Version 1.01 (January 1994)

All facts and information contained in this encyclopedia are TM and copyright by Lucasfilm Ltd., except as
noted. Information which has been copyrighted by LFL is not used with expressed permission.
This document may not be redistributed with the consent of the author. I've worked too long and hard on this
to have it pirated. E-mail me at [email protected] if you want to copy information from it.

Some Information on This Encyclopedia

This encyclopedia was created from all Lucasflim-licensed sources of Star Wars information. It was created without
regard for what is "canon" what is not "canon" in the Star Wars universe. I have spoken with several respected
members of the Star Wars community, both officially and unofficially, and many have grown to consider the Marvel
tales as "myths and legends" within the Star Wars timeline. As such, they may or may not have happened exactly as
retold in the Marvel comics. Think of it this way: when the United States Mens' Hockey Team won the Gold Medal at
the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY, it was considered the "Miracle on Ice." The stories of the US players
have been well-documented by the US press. Imagine, though, the stories of those hockey games as told through the
eyes of the Russian players who lost in the semi-finals. They would tell a starkly different picture of the exact same
events. I've come to think of the Marvel comics as retellings of events which occurred during the Galactic Civil War,
from the perspective of those individuals who were in the background while the action was taking place.
It was first made available to friends in 1994, after about 2 years of work. I had been compiling information in a few
text files, since I hadn't read any of the West End Games material when Heir to the Empire came out. Thus, I was
completely at a loss as to what a Lancer-class frigate was. As it grew, I realized that this was bigger than the text files
I had started with, so I tried out WordPerfect. Once I got everything converted over, and started really getting it
presentable, I printed out the First Edition.
I kept working on it, especially when I learned about the scope of the West End Games material and the width of
Bantam Spectra's deal to produce new novels. My free time, as I knew it, would be forever changed!
When I got the HTML plug-in for WordPerfect, I knew it was time to "go public." That first HTML converter took about
14 hours to complete the entire encyclopedia (which was about 2 Megabytes in size as a WP60 file), and my AOL
account could only handle about 15 letters of the alphabet. I am indebted to those readers who started visiting my
website back then, and who clamored for more information. After trying a couple other converters in an effort to get
that 14-hour time down, I gave up on WordPerfect and migrated to Word 97. (This was a tough choice, since I am not
Bill Gates' biggest fan by any stretch of the imagination!) The HTML code converted in about 10 minutes, from a set
of files which was now about 5 Megabytes in total. All this meant that I had more time to figure out how to make the
encyclopedia presentable.
I moved my ISP from AOL to Mindspring, and was able to get the full encyclopedia uploaded. However, I was limited
to 450 Megabytes of transfer per month, which at first was OK. But, as the prequels started getting headlines, I would
hit that mark every once in a while. When the prequels were about a year away, I would hit it every month. It was at
this time that offered to host my encyclopedia. I hesitated, not sure if I should move. However, as the
prequels approached and I starting hitting my limit by the 15 of each month, I was getting as frustrated as my
readers. So, I agreed to their offer and moved to their server. Thanks, Matt and Stan!
Of course, things always look greener across the fence, and I began to get a lot of notes from readers asking me to
send them the files via e-mail. While the server was handling the HTML code pretty well, downloads were only
completing about half the time. This was getting to be a hassle, as was the week where the site was down for an
unknown reason. Also, space started to become an issue, prohibiting me from putting up lots of pictures and
graphics. Thus, I took a sabbatical from and started hunting for a new home. Amazingly, I found one
almost immediately at TheForce.Net. They agreed to give me a ton of space and all the help I needed. While I had
this before, I was now part of one of the largest Star Wars sites on the Internet. TheForce.Net had already recognized
my encyclopedia as a cool site, and now it was on its way to become the Star Wars encyclopedia on the Internet.
Now that I'm with TheForce.Net, I'm reaching new and existing readers with more ease than ever. Thanks to readers
like you, I've been transferring well over 4 Gigabytes of data each month! I'm also indebted to the readers who have
written back, pointing out problems and offering suggestions, in an effort to make this the most complete and
comprehensive encyclopedia available! I really do enjoy reading your correspondences and answering your
questions. Keep 'em coming, especially now that the encyclopedia is backended by a database!
It is impossible to create a document like this from such a huge body of knowledge without finding some
inconsistencies and errors. Every author who has written in the Star Wars universe has commented on it and dealt
with it. Lucasfilm has final say on the material I drew from, and it makes no claim that the material is 100 percent
compatible with George Lucas' vision of the Star Wars universe. So, if there are errors or inconsistencies, I have tried
to note them as appropriate.
It is important to note that this massive work could not have been completed (like it will ever be complete!) without
help from a number of sources. They are all noted in the Acknowledgements section. I just hope I didn't leave anyone

I have also tried to document the source of my encyclopedia entries at all times. The bibliography at the end of this
encyclopedia is quite extensive, and I have tried to indicate with each entry which source it came from. If an entry is
not sourced, it means that I could not remember where I found it. If you find an unsourced or inaccurately sourced
entry, please e-mail me!. The source listed is the first reference to an entry. If there are multiple sources listed, then
all sources listed contributed some information to the encyclopedia. The abbreviations I have used are as follows:


Source Title
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - Second Screenplay Draft
Star Wars 3-D, Issue 1
Star Wars 3-D, Issue 2 - Havoc on Hoth
Star Wars 3-D, Issue 3 - The Dark Side of Dantooine
Anakin: Apprentice
The Art of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Ambush at Corellia
Alien Encounters
Arms and Equipment Guide
The Art of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
A Forest Apart
Alliance Intelligence Reports
Star Wars: Episode I - Anakin Skywalker
Alien Anthology
Boba Fett: Agent of Doom
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Jedi Council: Acts of War
Anakin's Pit Droid
The Approaching Storm
Junior Jedi Knights #4 - Anakin's Quest
Assault at Selonia
Dark Horse Presents Annual 2000: Girls Rule! (contains Aurra's
The Art of Star Wars
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: The Adventures of Teebo
The Art of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Meance
Star Wars: A Valentine Story
Boba Fett: When the Fat Lady Swings
Boba Fett: Murder Most Foul
Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar-Kooda
Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive
Boba Fett: Crossfire
Boba Fett: Maze of Deception
Boba Fett: Hunted
Boba Fett: A New Threat
Boba Fett: Pursuit
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor
Battle for Naboo
Battle for the Golden Sun
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing
The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil

Source Type
YA Novel
YA Novel
Children's Book
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
Video Game


The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel's Wages

Black Ice
Balance Point
The Black Sands of Socorro
Star Wars: Behind the Magic computer software
Bantha Tracks Fan Club Newsletter (issue number n follows BTRKS)
Before the Storm
X-Wing: The Bacta War
Star Wars: Chewbacca
Crisis on Cloud City
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Premiere Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Endor Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Death Star 2 Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Tatooine Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Coruscant Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Reflections III Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Theed Palace Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - A New Hope Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Hoth Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Dagobah Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Cloud City Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Official Tournament Sealed
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Jabba's Palace Expansion Set
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Second Anthology
Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Special Edition Expansion Set
Crisis at Crystal Reef
Coruscant and the Core Worlds
Crimson Empire
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood
Cracken's Rebel Field Guide
Star Wars Chronicles
Cloak of Deception
Creatures of the Galaxy
Children of the Jedi
Champions of the Force
The Courtship of Princess Leia
Star Wars Starfighter: Crossbones
Cracken's Rebel Operatives
The Crystal Star
Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook
Classic Star Wars
Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures
Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple
Cracken's Threat Dossier
Jedi Apprentice: The Call to Vengeance
Clone Wars Cartoons, Series 1
Clone Wars Cartoons, Series 2
Dark Apprentice
The Darkstryder Campaign
Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO
Droids: The Animated Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO
Dark Empire

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
Children's Book


Dark Empire II
Star Wars: Dark Empire Sourcebook
Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Dark Force Rising
Dark Force Rising
Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
Jedi Apprentice: The Deadly Hunter
Dark Horse Presents Annual 1999 (includes Luke Skywalker:
Diversity Alliance
Dark Journey
Darkest Knight
Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith
Darth Maul
Darth Maul: Saboteur
Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter
Jedi Apprentice: The Defenders of the Dead
A Decade of Dark Horse, Volume 2 (contains "This Crumb for Hire")
Domain of Evil
Delusions of Grandeur
Jedi Apprentice: The Death of Hope
Jedi Apprentice: The Day of Reckoning
Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival
Star Wars: Darkness (issues 32 through 35)
Droids Special
Droids: Rebellion
Droids: The Kalarba Adventures
Droids: The Protocol Offensive
The Dark Side Sourcebook
Death Star Technical Companion
Death Star Technical Companion, Second Edition
Dark Tide: Onslaught
Dark Tide II: Ruin
Death in the Undercity
Destiny's Way
Darkstryder: Endgame
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Search for the Lost Jedi
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Festival of Warriors
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Pirates from Beyond the Sea
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Bongo Rally
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Danger on Naboo
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Podrace to Freedom
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Final Battle
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Bartokk Assassins
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Fury of Darth Maul
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Jedi Emergency
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Ghostling Children
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Capture Arawynne
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Trouble on Tatooine
Star Wars Episode I Adventures: Rescue in the Core

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel


Placeholder for Star Wars: Episode III

The Ewok Adventure
The Star Wars Essential Chronology
Empire's End
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Alien Species
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Droids
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream
Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire
The Eye of the Sun Trilogy
Emissary of the Void
The Empire Strikes Back
The Empire Strikes Back
The Empire Strikes Back NPR Radio Program
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Sketchbook
The Empire Strikes Back: Special Edition
Star Wars: Emissaries to Malastare (issues 13 through 18)
Edge of Victory I: Conquest
Jedi Apprentice: The Evil Experiment
Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
Fool's Bargain
Flashpoint! Brak Sector
Force Commander
Jedi Apprentice: The Fight for Truth
Force Heretic I: Remnant
Force Heretic II: Refugee
Force Heretic III: Reunion
Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising
The Far Orbit Project
Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire
The Final Prophecy
Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids
Graveyard of Alderaan
Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns
Galactic Campaign Guide
Game Chambers of Questal
The Glove of Darth Vader
The Gungan Frontier
Galladinium's Fantastic Technology
Junior Jedi Knights #1 - The Golden Globe
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope
Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies
Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin
Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel


Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races

Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi
Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters
Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley
Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts
Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
George Lucas: The Creative Impulse
Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, Second Edition
Star Wars Gamemaster Kit
Star Wars Gamer, Issue 10
Star Wars Gamer, Issue 2
Star Wars Gamer, Issue 3
Star Wars Gamer, Issue 5
Star Wars Gamer, Issue 6
Star Wars Gamer, Issue 8
Star Wars Gamemaster Screens
Eaten Alive: Galaxy of Fear Book 1
The Doomsday Ship: Galaxy of Fear Book 10
Clones: Galaxy of Fear Book 11
City of the Dead: Galaxy of Fear Book 2
Planet Plague: Galaxy of Fear Book 3
Nightmare Machine: Galaxy of Fear Book 4
Ghost of the Jedi: Galaxy of Fear Book 5
Army of Terror: Galaxy of Fear Book 6
The Brain Spiders: Galaxy of Fear Book 7
Swarm: Galaxy of Fear Book 8
Spore: Galaxy of Fear Book 9
Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
Goroth: Slave of the Empire
Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear
Hideouts and Strongholds
Star Wars Handbook: Crimson Empire
Star Wars Handbook: Dark Empire
Star Wars: The Hunt for Aurra Sing (issues 28 through 31)
A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale
The Hive
Hard Merchandise, Issues 45 through 49, Issues 55 through 59
Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past
Heroes and Rogues
Han Solo at Stars' End
Han Solo at Stars' End
Han Solo and the Lost Legacy
Han Solo's Revenge
Agents of Chaos: Hero's Trial
Heirs of the Force
The Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
Heir to the Empire
Heir to the Empire
Hardware Wars: Special Edition
Hardware Wars
Star Wars Handbook - X-Wing: Rogue Squadron

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
Online Comic
YA Novel
YA Novel


Instant Adventures
Star Wars Introductory Adventure Game
Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope
The Isis Coordinates
Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections
Imperial Double-cross
Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back
X-Wing: Iron Fist
Star Wars: Episode I Insider's Guide
I, Jedi
Invasion of Theed
X-Wing: Isard's Revenge
Star Wars Infinities: Return of the Jedi
Imperial Spy
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Illustrated Screenplay
The Imperial Sourcebook
The Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Episode I
Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy
Star Wars: Jedi - Mace Windu
Star Wars: Jedi - Shaak Ti
Star Wars: Jedi - Aayla Secura
Star Wars: Jedi - Count Dooku
Star Wars: Jedi - Yoda
Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: Deceptions
Jedi Apprentice Special Edition 2: The Followers
Jedi Academy: Leviathan
Star Wars Journal: Anakin Skywalker
The Jedi Academy Sourcebook
Jedi Bounty
Star Wars Journal: Darth Maul
Agents of Chaos: Jedi Eclipse
Jango Fett
Jango Fett: Open Seasons
Jedi's Honor
Star Wars Journal: Hero For Hire
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Jedi Knights Trading Card Game
Jedi Knights Trading Card Game: Scum and Villiany
Jedi Knights Trading Card Game: Masters of the Force
Star Wars Journal: The Fight for Justice
Star Wars Journal: Captive to Evil
Jedi Quest
Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice
Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown
Jedi Quest: The Trail of the Jedi
Jedi Quest: The Dangerous Games
Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise
Jedi Quest: The School of Fear
Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel


Jedi Quest: The Moment of Truth

Jedi Quest: The Changing of the Guard
Jedi Quest: The False Peace
Star Wars Journal: Queen Amidala
Jedi Quest
Jedi Search
Jedi Trial
Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap
Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi
Jabba the Hutt: The Gaar Suppoon Hit
Jabba the Hutt: Betrayal
Jedi Under Seige
Jedi vs. Sith
Junior Jedi Knights #6 - Kenobi's Blade
Darkstryder: Kathol Outback
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Darkstryder: Kathol Rift
X-Wing: The Krytos Trap
Live Action Adventures
The Constancia Affair (LA Times comic strip)
The Kashyyks Depths (LA Times comic strip)
Planet of Kadril (LA Times comic strip)
LucasArts Entertainment Company website (
Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon
Lost City of the Jedi
Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu
Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of Thonboka
The Last Command Sourcebook
Living Force Campaign Guide
Living Force Campaign website (


The Lost Ones

Lords of the Expanse
Legacy of the Jedi
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago #1
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago #2
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago #3
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago #4
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago #5
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago #6
Junior Jedi Knights #2 - Lyric's World
The Mandalorian Armor
Star Wars Miniatures Battles
Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel
Medstar I: Battle Surgeons
Star Wars Annual #1 - The Long Hunt
Star Wars Annual #2 - Shadeshine
Star Wars Annual #3 - The Apprentice
Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - Way of the Wookiee
Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - The Day After the Death Star
Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - Weapons Master

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
WOTC Online
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel


Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - War on Ice

Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - World of Fire
Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - The Word for World is Death
Marvel Illustrated Star Wars #1 - The Guardian of Forever
Star Wars: Marvel Comic Series (issue number n follows MC)
Droids (Marvel Star Comics)
Mos Eisley Adventure Set
Ewoks (Star Comics series)
Star Wars Missions #1: Assault on Yavin 4
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand
Medstar II: Jedi Healer
Mission to Lianna
The Maverick Moon
Mission from Mount Yoda
Jedi Apprentice: The Mark of the Crown
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith
Star Wars: The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot *
Masters of Teras Kasi
The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook Special Edition
No Disintegrations
Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Characters
Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Notebook
New Jedi Order Sourcebook
Operation: Elrood
Otherspace II: Invasion (The Official Star Wars Website)
Junior Jedi Knights #3 - Promises
Prophets of the Dark Side
Star Wars Planets Collection
Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One
Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Two
Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Three
Player's Guide to Tapani
Planet Hoppers


Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

Star Wars Monthly Poster Magazine (issue number n follows PM)
The Politics of Contraband
Planet of the Mists
Planet of Twilight
Pirates and Privateers
Podracing Tales
Platt's Smugglers Guide
Platt's Starport Guide
Star Wars: Prelude to Rebellion (issues 1 through 6)
Pizzazz Magazine - Keeper's World


Pizzazz Magazine - War on Ice


Star Wars: Episode I - Queen Amidala

Queen of the Empire

YA Novel
Children's Book
YA Novel
YA Novel
Children's Book
YA Novel
YA Novel
Comic (issues
Comic (issues
YA Novel


Star Wars: Episode I - Qui-Gon Jinn

Rebel Assault
Rebel Assault: The Official Insider's Guide
Rebel Assault II
Episode I: RACER Strategy Guide
Star Wars: Episode I - Racer
Racer Revenge
Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
Star Wars: Republic - Armor (issue 68)
The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
Star Wars: Republic - The Battle of Jabiim (issues 55 through 58)
Star Wars: Republic - Bloodlines (issue 64)
Star Wars: Republic - Blast Radius (issue 53)
Star Wars Rules Companion
Republic Commando: Hard Contact
Rebel Dawn
Star Wars: Republic - Double Blind (issue 54)
Star Wars: Republic - Dead Ends (issue 61)
Star Wars: Republic - The Defense of Kamino (issue 50)
Star Wars: Republic - Enemy Lines (issue 59)
Rebellion Era Sourcebook
Original Revell Model Kit instruction sheets
Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force
Star Wars: Republic - Forever Young (issue 67)
Star Wars: Republic - Honor and Duty (issues 46 through 48)
Star Wars: Republic - Hate and Fear (issue 60)
Return of the Jedi: Special Edition
Riders of the Maelstrom
Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell
Star Wars: Republic - The New Face of War (issues 51 and 52)
Star Wars: Republic - No Man's Land (issue 62)
River of Chaos
Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine
Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
Reversal of Fortune
Return of the Jedi NPR Radio Program
Return to Ord Mantell
Star Wars: Rite of Passage (issues 42 through 45)
Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Rogue Planet
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, First Edition
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition
Star Wars: Republic - Sacrifice (issue 49)
Star Wars: Republic - Show of Force (issues 65 and 66)
Rogue Squadron
Rogue Squadron II : Rogue Leader
Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Star Wars: Republic - Striking from the Shadows (issue 63)
Shadow Academy

YA Novel
Audio Book
Online Comic
YA Novel
YA Novel


Star Wars Science Adventures: Emergency in Escape Pod Four

Star Wars Science Adventures: Journey Across Planet X
Spaceballs: The Movie
Star By Star
Showdown at Centerpoint
Star Wars Screen Entertainment
Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire: Evolution
Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack
Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
Strike Force: Shantipole
The Starfighter Trap
Skywalking - The Life and Films of George Lucas
Scavenger Hunt
Shards of Alderaan
Star Wars: The Stark Hyperspace War (issues 36 through 39)
Scoundrel's Luck
Slave Ship
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
X-Wing: Solo Command
Starships of the Galaxy
Shield of Lies
Secrets of Naboo
Specter of the Past
Secrets of Tatooine
Jedi Apprentice: The Shattered Peace
Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide
Survivor's Quest
Stock Ships
Storm Fleet Warnings
Secrets of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Secrets of the Sisar Run
Shadow Stalker
Star Tours
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Storybook
Star Wars Campaign Pack
Star Wars Demolition
The Star Wars Databank (at the Official Star Wars Website)
Star Wars: Empire - Alone Together (issue 22)
Star Wars: Empire - Betrayal (issues 1 through 4)
Star Wars: Empire - Darklighter (issues 8, 9, 12, and 15)

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
Short Story
Short Story
Short Story
Children's Book


Star Wars: Empire - Idiot's Array (issues 24 and 25)

Star Wars: Empire - To the Last Man (issues 16 through 18)
Star Wars: Empire - The Bravery of Being Out of Range (issue 23)
Star Wars: Empire - Princess Warrior (issues 5 and 6)
Star Wars: Empire - A Little Piece of Home (issues 20 and 21)
Star Wars: Empire - The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell (issues
10 and 11)
Star Wars: Empire - Sacrifice (issue 7)
Star Wars: Empire - The Savage Heart (issue 14)
Star Wars: Empire - What Sin Loyalty (issue 13)
Star Wars: Empire - Target: Vader (issue 19)
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars Galaxy magazine (n is the issue number)
Star Wars Holiday Special
Star Wars: Infinity's End (issues 23 through 26)
From Star Wars to Indiana Jones: The Best of the Lucasfilm Archives
Star Wars Insider Magazine (issue number n follows SWI)
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 1
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 10
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 11
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 12
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 13
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 14
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 15
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 2
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 3
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 4
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 5
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 6
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 7
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 8
Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 9
Star Wars Kids: The Magazine for Young Jedi Knights
Star Wars Monopoly
Star Wars
Star Wars: Outlander (issues 7 through 12)
The Star Wars NPR Radio Program
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook
Star Wars: Starcrash (issue 27)
The Star Wars Sourcebook
The Star Wars Sourcebook, Second Edition
Star Wars: Special Edition
Star Wars: Twilight (issues 19 through 22)
The Star Wars Technical Journal
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 1
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 10
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 11
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 12
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 13
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 14
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 15
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 16



Star Wars: Tales, Issue 17

Star Wars: Tales, Issue 18
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 19
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 2
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 20
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 3
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 4
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 5
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 6
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 7
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 8
Star Wars: Tales, Issue 9
The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express
Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays
The Truce at Bakura
Tag and Bink Are Dead
Tales of the Bounty Hunters
The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
Trouble on Cloud City
The Cestus Deception
Star Wars Trading Card Game - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Trading Card Game - Sith Rising
Star Wars Trading Card Game - A New Hope
Star Wars Trading Card Game - Battle of Yavin
Star Wars Trading Card Game - Jedi Guardians
Star Wars Trading Card Game - The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Trading Card Game - Rogues and Scoundrels
Star Wars Trading Card Game - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Trading Card Game - Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescue
Star Wars: The Devaronian Version (issues 40 and 41)
The Emperor's Plague
Tempest Feud
Tales from the Empire
Tales from the New Republic
Tatooine Ghost
The Great Heep
The Hutt Gambit
Defender of the Empire
TIE Fighter
TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide
The Stele Chronicles
Tales from Jabba's Palace
The Jabba Tape
The Last Command
Tatooine Manhunt
Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
Tales from Mos Eisley
The New Rebellion
Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction
Tales of the Jedi

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel


Tales of the Jedi Companion

Tales of the Jedi: Redemption
Jedi Apprentice: The Only Witness
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace comic series
The Paradise Snare
Tapani Sector Instant Adventures
Twin Stars of Kira
Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War
Tyrant's Test
Jedi Apprentice: The Ties That Bind
The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
Jedi Apprentice: The Threat Within
Star Wars: Union
Ultimate Alien Anthology
The Unifying Force
CD-ROM bundled with The Unifying Force
Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path
Star Wars Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika
Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary
The Star Wars: Episode I Visual Dictionary
Star Wars: Episode II Visual Dictionary
Junior Jedi Knights #5 - Vader's Fortress
Classic Star Wars: The Vandelhelm Mission
Vision of the Future
Vector Prime
Vader's Quest
Star Wars Weekly #149 - Death Masque
Wanted by Cracken
X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble
Battle in the Streets!


Death, Dirt, and the Nerf Rancher's Daughter


The Rycar Run


Horning In


Last Call at Leatherback's


Gun Nut


Rendezvous at Ord Mantell


Swim Meet


Steal of a Deal


Bloodhawk Down


Put Up Your Dukes


Operation: Clodhopper

YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
YA Novel
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online


Ride Herd


Art for Art's Sake




Positive ID


The Kitonak Connection




Zygerrian Takedown


Beneath Aucellis Park


With the Band


Rebel Jedi


Damsel in Distress




The Wellspring


Triplet Threat


Galactic Gazetteer


Rough and Tundra


Cat and Mouse


Talnar's Rescue


Rendezvous at Ord Mantell (revised)


Head Trip


The Storm's Edge


A Night at Tosche Station


The Crypt of Saalo Morn


Signal Interruption


The Fall of Cloud City


Clear and Present Dangers


Smugglers of Naboo Fast-Play Game

High Alert!

WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online


Wizards of the Coast Website (

Mission to Myrkr


More Starships!


The Nebula Assassin


X-Wing: Wraith Squadron

Star Wars: The Wookiee Storybook
Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy
The Wildlife of Star Wars
Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections
Star Wars Episode II Incredible Cross-Sections
X-Wing versus TIE Fighter
The X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM
The Farlander Papers
X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide
X-Wing Alliance
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: Battleground Tatooine
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: Family Ties
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: Masquerade
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: The Rebel Opposition
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess
Yoda's Challenge
Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - The Menace of Darth Maul
Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - The Jedi Council
Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - The Battle of Naboo
Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Duel of the Fates
Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Reflections
Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Boonta Eve Podrace
Yoda Stories
Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
Zam Wesell

WOTC Online
WOTC Online
WOTC Online
Children's Book
YA Novel

Lastly, I document A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, by Bill Slavicsek, as a source of information.
While this encyclopedia is very similar to Slavicsek's work, I have tried to put all my Star Wars knowledge into an
encyclopedic format, complete with pictures, related topics, and cross-references. Slavicsek's Guide is also a source
of some information that I missed. What was troubling for me was that I started creating this encyclopedia around the
time of The Last Command by Timothy Zahn. Slavicsek's Guide was released about a year later, much to my dismay!
However, I still found myself lacking vital information, and kept on plugging until I was able to get it all in one place.

Notes on Encyclopedia Entries

All entries are listed alphabetically, with the assumption that numerals come after letters. There are many
cross-references to other listings, and they should all refer to a full description somewhere in the encyclopedia.
The names of human characters are listed alphabetically by last name. Being a human from Earth, I used the
standard American phonebook listing for all Star Wars humans. Thus, if you want to look up Han Solo, you need to
search in the S section under Solo, Han. If a human only goes by a single name (eg., Roa), then you simply look up
that single name.
Non-human names, however, are listed alphabetically by the initial part of their name. This is because I chose not to
impose Earth-bound human standards on Star Wars alien races. Thus, if you are trying to locate Momaw Nadon, you
need to look under Momaw Nadon. As with single-named humans, aliens who one have one word to their names are
listed by that name (eg., Garindan).
If a character's race is unknown, their name is listed as it appears in the source.
Entries from any source not licensed or authorized by LucasFilm are preceeded by an asterisk (*). There's at least
one of them!
May the Force be with you...

A long time ago in a galaxy far,

far away...

A Call To Reason
this was the title of a pamphlet created by Mon Mothma and the early leaders of the Alliance to Restore
the Republic. It contained a great deal of information on the atrocities being performed by Emperor
Palpatine and his Imperial forces. It was distributed on neutral and Imperially-controlled worlds that the
Alliance felt were on the verge of joining the rebellion. (XW)
A Galaxy Befuddled
this documentary, produced shortly after the Battle of Naboo and hosted by Doctor A. Rahring, provided a
glimpse into the life of the Dorumaa leviathan. (WOTC)
A Google of Gornts
this was one of the worst holofilms of the Old Republic, produced in the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (HNN4)
A New Hope
title of Episode 4 of Star Wars. This is the official Episode title for the film Star Wars, which originally did
not have an Episode name or number. This was added for the 1978 re-release, after work had been
started on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Star Wars won the following Academy Awards:

Best Art Direction (Norman Reynolds, Lesley Dilley)

Best Set Decoration (Roger Christian)

Best Costume Design (John Mollo)

Best Sound (Derek Ball, Ben Burtt, Sam Shaw)

Best Film Editing (Paul Hirsch, Marcia Lucas, Richard Chew)

Best Visual Effects (John Dykstra)

Best Original Score (John Williams)

Special Achievement Award for Sound Effects Creation (Ben Burtt)

Star Wars was also nominated for the following awards:

Best Picture

Best Supporting Actor (Alec Guinness)

Best Director (George Lucas)

Best Screenplay (George Lucas)

A New Order

this Imperial holovid starred Alexis Cov-Prim. (LAA)

A Shadow Falls
this wildly popular holovid was directed by Ch'been, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.
A Toss of the Dice: This Gambler's Life
these memoirs were collected and published by Lando Calrissian, shortly after the Battle of Endor.
A Vrassa
this pleasure-causing drug is standard in most medical kits. (CFG)
A. Rahring
this Kel Dor xenobiologist was noted for his work with the rare leviathans of the planet Dorumaa, during
the last decades of the Old Republic. He hosted the documentary A Galaxy Befuddled, which brought the
unusual life of the leviathan's to the public's attention. (WOTC)
this woman trained under the Jedi Master Kirlocca, at the Almas Academy, many years before the Battle
of Yavin. She was noted for her desire to fight with two lightsabers, instead of one, a trait which worried
the Masters of the Academy. However, A.J.'s trials produced sufficient evidence of the purity of her heart
to alleviate any fears of her fighting style eminating from the Dark Side of the Force. (WOTC)
this was the abbreviated name used to describe the Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles corporation, which
produced a variety of full-body clothing that provided the wearer with protection in a number of
environments. The most popular of A/KT's outfits was the Tuff1 combat jumpsuit. (DTO, ROE)
this was the original model of accounting droid produced by Genetech, and was the predecessor to the
A2 series. (FTD)
this was the usual designation of the personal shuttles that were assigned to the Admirals of the Old
Republic, missioned to taxi them to and from their flagships, during the height of the Clone Wars. (MJH)
A-1 Deluxe
an old model "floater" produced by Mobquet Swoops and Speeders, this landspeeder was produced just
prior to the onset of the Clone Wars. It was not the fastest, sleekest, or most desirable speeder on the
market, and was initially panned by critics. It was, however, extremely reliable and inexpensive. The body
was 7.1 meters in length, but was thin and cylindrical, allowing it to accommodate just a pilot and a single
passenger. The configuration of the speeder meant that the pilot and passenger had to sit one behind the
other. An option on the A-1 was Corellian leather seating. One of the primary drawbacks to the A-1
Deluxe was the lack of cooling capacity for its drive systems. The A-1 Deluxe had a two-meter flight
ceiling, and could attain speeds of 160 kilometers per hour. (TM, GG7, CCG2, HNN4)
A1 Tow
an Alliance heavy lifter group supplying Admiral Harkov during his attempt to defect to the Alliance. (TIE)
this was a series of ion engines produced by the Surronians for use on the L19 heavy freighter. (SS)
developed by Fabritech, this form of cargo scanner was used to determine the load, mass, and volume
ratios of a starship's cargo. (SWJ4)

this was an old astrogation plotter, designed and manufactured by Republic Sienar Systems during the
Old Republic. (PSG)
this as the designation of Aratech's one-man repulsorlift disk. This transport was simply a one-meter disk,
onto which ware mounted several repulsorlift pocket drives and a command module and guardrail. They
ware primarily used by construction workers who needed to reach inaccessible areas to complete their
work. It measured about one meter in diameter, and stood about 1.5 meters tall. (CFG)
this was the designation of the clone trooper who, along with Anakin Skywalker, survived a Separatist
attack on the moon of Ohma-D'un, during the height of the Clone Wars. Anakin chose to call the trooper
Alpha, since he seemed to be much more than a simple clone. (RNFW, RBJ, RHF)
this set of coordinates, located in the first quadrant of the planet Tatooine, pinpointed the location of ObiWan Kenobi's hovel. (SWTJ)
this Red Star Shipping Action IV transport was hijacked by the Far Orbit while running a legitimate cargo
for Cambrielle SolidState, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Her Captain, Joh Steen, believed that the Far
Orbit was an Imperial ship, and agreed to turn his cargo over to Dhas Vedij. (FOP)
this was a series of accounting droids produced by Genetech. These hemispherical droids moved about
on a small repulsor engine, and measured about a meter in diameter. The A2 replaced the earlier
success of the A1 accounting droid, embracing the latest technologies. The A2 series could handle a
variety of market valuations with extreme accuracy, making them valuable to huge financial operations
like the Corporate Sector Authority. A small defect was discovered in the original SkillWare caused the A2
to have small inconsistencies when dealing with small businesses, but Genetech quickly fixed the
problem. (SWJ15, FTD)
this was the designation of a Viper probe droid guarding Zsinj's facilities on Xartun. (WS)
this small ion engine was manufactured by the Surronians for use on the Conqueror Assault starship.
They were smaller, and less powerful, than the A2.5 engine. (EGV)
this Surronian ion engine was larger and more powerful than the A2-grade engine. (EGV)
A2.50-grade Engine
see A2.5 (MJH)
this was the name of Incom Industries' Treeduster speeder, produced during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (EOS)
this is Incom's series of Sleuth Scout ships. The A-24 is 14 meters in length, and requires only a pilot. A
single passenger can also be accommodated. It is armed with two laser cannons, and is protected by a
decent set of shields. It has excellent maneuverability and sublight speed for a ship of its size and class.
one of the best armor-piercing blasters produced during the Galactic Civil War, the Blas-Tech A280 rifle

was reputed to be able to cut a fully-armored stormtrooper in half. Several of these rifles were stolen by
Janse and brought to the Alliance shortly before the Battle of Endor. This weapon, along with
predecessor, the DLT-20A, were marketed as Longblasters. The A280 was different from the DLT-20A in
that its galven circuits were clustered near the focusing crystal, giving the weapon a slight bulge at the
midseciton. This also provided the A280 with more power over a longer range. (RASB, TLC, CCG10,
this was a follow-on to the BlasTech A280 heavy blaster rifle, used by New Republic forces in the decade
following the Battle of Endor. (DARK)
this Corellian Masternav map detailed the area of space surrounding the Sisar Run. (SSR)
this BlasTech blaster rifle as favored by marksmen and snipers for its accuracy and range. It was
employed by those who worked in hostile environments, and was standard issue to the Alliance forces
stationed at Echo Base on Hoth. (CCG9)
this spherical droid was originally designed as a business and accounting assistant. A2-B4 was first
owned by Lord Anstaal, who was one of the Old Republic's richest nobles. After Anstaal died, A2-B4 was
sold to Sybegh Abya, and was programmed to help him manage his breedtash ranch. A2-B4 performed
well enough, but always compared his current stature to the "good old days" working for Anstaal. (SWJ6)
A2-grade Engine
see A2 (MJH)
known as Zip, this A2-series accounting droid was owned by Jhorag Corconnan. Zip acted as Jhorag's
business associate, during Jhorag's work as a Tasar Crystal purchasing agent. However, A2-ZP had
been programmed by the Alliance as a security droid, loyal to Jhorag and ordered to protect him while he
organized rebel cells on Tasariq. (SWJ15)
this was the designation of a Viper probe droid guarding Zsinj's facilities on Xartun. (WS)
this was the designation of the Tonheld Mining Corporation asteroid facility that was used by the Hawkbats as their base of operations. (IF)
this was a model of personal defense system designed by Corellian Technologies. Classified as a
"personal defense module," the A3AA was a protective suit which emitted a cloud of courenth and ves,
helping to disperse blaster energy and protect the wearer from weapons fire. (GG10, GUN)
a Duwani Mechanicals 3DO droid, this protocol and service droid was owned by Andur and Nomi
Sunrider. (TOJ, TOJC)
this gleaming silver protocol droid was owned by Retter Lewis, and served as a translator and assistant at
Callia's. (CRO)
A3-series Droid
this was a model of Imperial labor droid. (MC75)

this green-plated protocol droid served as the primary contact for any mercenary or smuggler visiting The
Yard or Syndicate One. (SWJ8)
this old Kuat Drive Yards ion cannon was designed for use on large capital ships. (SOP)
A4 Juggernaut
this combat vehicle was the forerunner of the HAVw A5 Juggernaut produced by Kuat Drive Yards during
the height of the New Order. It measured twenty meters in length, twelve meters in height, and could
accommodate twenty passengers and a half-metric-ton of cargo. Most were armed with three turretmounted heavy laser cannons and a pair of turret-mounted blaster cannons. (WOA18)
this A5-series assassin droid was purchased by Grosteek, who reprogrammed the droid to serve as the
bouncer at the Farrimmer Caf. A5 preferred hand-to-hand combat, but wouldn't hesitate to draw his
blaster when necessary. A5 was destroyed when it got caught in the crossfire of a battle between Bon
Sequors and the bounty hunters who were tracking him down for the theft of rare antiquities from the
residence of Randar Dowellin. (SWJ11)
A-5 Envirosuit
produced by Malik Technologies, this environmental protection suit was quite expensive but well worth
the cost. It gave the wearer complete protection from heat, radiation, and contamination. The A-5 had
three basic parts: the inner bodysuit, a domed helmet, and a heavy backpack which contained the suit's
control mechanisms. (GSE)
this modified 5DS-series protocol droid was assigned to Rith Tar'ak when she left active duty to serve as
an Alliance recruiter on Ebra. A-5DS was the first of its kind to be produced, and was reprogrammed by
Rith to help her make contact with those Ebranites who were forced to work in the lu-ramin mines of
Grythsorin Canyon. (SWJ11)
A5-series Assassin Droid
this series of humanoid automaton was produced to serve as assassins. (SWJ11)
A-6 Interceptor
this was a small starfighter produced during the last decades of the Old Republic. In stock form, the A-6
was armed with a pair of turbolaser cannons. (JQ5)
A68 Market
located on the first Death Star in city sprawl North 7:A68, this was the home of the station's largest and
most active network of black marketeers. Overseen by Gorsick Dommaro, it provided Imperial personnel
with access to most forms of weapons, illegal holovids, and personal electronics. These items were
obtained through a complex series of contacts and couriers spread througout the nearby sprawls. No
specific location was ever identified. (DSTC)
A-9 Vigilance Interceptor
a fast, highly maneuverable starfighter built by Kuat Drive Yards, the A-9 was pulled out of the design
archives in order to help fill the gap left by the loss of so many TIE Fighters during the Galactic Civil War.
However, when the Alliance defeated the Empire at the Battle of Endor, many of KDY's factory worlds
were the sites of rebellion and revolt. One such world was the prime manufacturing site of the A-9. When
all was said and done, the A-9 found its way to the New Republic's arsenal instead of the Imperial fleet.
The craft is 7.4 meters in length, and is armed with a pair of heavy turbolaser cannons. Like the TIE
Fighter, the A-9 has no hyperdrive, although it is capable of speeds approaching 1,300 kph. (DE1, DESB)
see CT-96/298 (TCD)

A-98 Tac Code 12

this was a special code given to ARC trooper A-98, also known as Nate or Jangotat, which he could give
to non-military personnel who performed extraordinary service for him during official business. In this way,
supportive non-combatants could be given special consideration for combat pay by the Old Republic.
A99 Aquata Breather
this small, thin device is often found in survival kits and utility belts. The A99 breather, when inserted into
the user's mouth, extracts oxygen from the surrounding water, allowing the user to swim underwater and
"breath" through their mouth. The A99 Aquata breather resembles a small, curved mouthpiece. (SW1)
A9G Archive Droid
developed by Industrial Automaton, this humanoid droid was designed to archive and collate large
amounts of data. The primary operation of the A9G-series was as a librarian or library administrator.
Unfortunately, the software which controlled these droids was flawed, and many universities and major
libraries overwhelmed them. The A9G series was scrapped, and the Alliance acquired several of them on
the auction blocks. With a bit of reprogramming, the A9G units were modified to sift through large
amounts of military information and retrieve specific documents for military leaders. (TBSB)
A9-series Droid
this was a series of driller droids developed for use in mining operations. (JH)
this Kuat Drive Yards thrust engine design was created for use in the A-9 Vigilance Interceptor. They
have self-contained power generators. (EGV)
the verbobrain model that was installed in the venerable 3PO series of protocol droids, the AA-1
verbobrain was built by SyntheTech during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was designed to hold
the etiquette practices of millions of species, with the ability to cross-reference and analyze alien
amenities. These units often contained some five exabytes of computer storage, and operated at a
frequency of seven petahertz. (CPL, SWSB, MJH)
this was the name of a datafile maintained by TriNebulon News, and contained reportly 8,000-year-old
cave drawings found by Andor Javin on Sullust. According to reports, the cave drawings predicted the
rise of the Empire. (SWJ10)
this version of a droid verbobrain was produced by Arakyd, for use in the AD-series of armory droids.
this is an outdated Trast repulsor truck. (IA)
this was the model number of Vector Technologies' Keeper subdermal control system. (WSV)
this T-4A Lambda-class shuttle was part of the small group of ships assigned to the Alliance's Storm Unit,
during their attempts to free prisoners from Imperial prison facilities. (XWA)
designation of the detention block on the first Death Star used to imprison Princess Leia. It was located
on Level 5. (SW)

this was the designation of Trast's speeder truck. Measuring over twenty-one meters in length, the A-A5
was designed to transport heavy cargoes across rough terrain on Outer Rim worlds. The A-A5 required a
three-person crew, and could accommodate up to 25,000 kilograms of cargo. The A-A5 was protected
from harsh environments by thick armor plating, which made the A-A5 easily reconfigurable for use as an
unarmed troop transport. With some modification, the A-A5 could move 25 troops with ease. (RASB, TLC,
designation of the X-wing Luke was flying during Thrawn's reign of terror. (HTTE)
this is the designation of a Trast speeder truck developed after the Battle of Endor. It is designed to be a
cargo transport, with a maximum capacity of three individuals and 25,000 kilograms of cargo. (TSK)
this was one of the largest freighter designs of the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Known as the
Coruscant Freighter, the triple-engined AA-9 could accommodate more than 30,000 passengers when
configured for passenger transport. The engines of the AA-9, a trio of Corellian Engineering Corporation
Dyne 2577 radial sublight engines, provided more than enough thrust to escape a planet's atmosphere
and reach a hyperspace jump point. Note that, according to Star Wars Insider #61, these ships were
known as Botajef Freighter-Liners. (TCG1, SWDB, SWI60)
an Alliance heavy lifter group supplying Admiral Harkov during his attempt to defect to the Alliance. (TIE)
this SyntheTech verbobrain was developed for protocol droids during the early decades of the New
Republic. (HT)
Aabe, Peita
this bald man, a former Imperial officer, served as the Chief Navigator of the Chiss Expansionary Defense
Force during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Several years earlier, he suddenly
appeared at the border of Chiss space, asking for asylum. Distinguished by thin mouth, deep-set eyes,
and prodigious nose, Aabe was a short-tempered man who had little patience. He was also determined to
keep Csilla out of the New Republic, and found a number of supporters among the Chiss. In order to
ensure that Csilla remained outside the Republic, Aabe arranged to have Soontir Fel's family captured
and eliminated, a plan which would silence the loudest support for Csilla's joining the Republic. However,
when his plans were revealed to those Chiss who served him, Aabe found himself acting alone. His selfcentered goals didn't sit well with the Chiss, and he was forced to submit to Jacen Solo and Commander
Irolia. He was tried and imprisoned for his treachery. (FH2)
this was a codename used by one of Bail Organa's agents during the last days of the Imperial Senate. He
was used only when top-level business of the Alliance needed to be conducted. Thus, his presence
always meant something important to the recipient of his message. Aach was dispatched to Anchoron to
tell Garm Bel Iblis of the discovery of the plans to the first Death Star. Aach's arrival delayed the
beginning of Bel Iblis' speech to the assembled group at the Treitamma Political Center, and probably
saved the Senator's life. The Center exploded in a ball of flame, part of a plot to assassinate Bel Iblis's
wife and force him to join the Alliance. (TFNR)
this hulking, humanoid assault droid was developed and manufactured by Arakyd Industries, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. Arakyd used a great many of these droids in its own corporate security
force. Most notably, sixty AAD-4 droids were dispatched to the planet Vulpter, where they stormed the
corporate offices of Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems and halted the production of the XPLR-R
exploration droid. (HNN5)

this planet was located just a half-day's trip through hyperspace from Ragoon-6. The planetary
government of Aaeton had, at one time, obtained special permission to allow young students to travel to
Ragoon-6 for survival camping trips. This was in return for helping the Ragoon elders administer the
hand-over of their planet to the Galactic Senate. (JQ2)
Aagh Odok
this was a noted Zabrak explorer. (WOTC)
this ball of molten rock was the innermost planet of the Zug System. (PH)
Aak Dog
see Akk Dog (OWS)
this Old Corellian term means 'respect' or, more literally, 'respecting space.' When used by a Socorran, it
translates to 'individual space,' and indicates the right of every native of Socorro to go about his or her
own business without others prying in. A violation of aa'kua is a crime against the individual's own person,
and was considered worse than murder. (SWJ7, BSS)
this Rodian arms dealer worked with Gredori, Keesi, and Vosso during the early years of the New Order.
this young Jedi student was one of Bruck Chun's obnoxious friends. (RF)
this New Republic Intelligence agent held the rank of Major. Aama was assigned to Alpha Blue, and
served as one of Hiram Drayson's senior facilitators. (TT)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "firelight".
Aanor ishiia zals
this Old Corellian phrase translates into Basic as, "Love conquers all." (SWJ12)
this is the homeworld of the Aar'aa race. (TPS)
this race of chameleon-like reptiloids is native to the planet Aar, and is known for its ability to match its
skin color to its surroundings. Known as skin-changers, the Aar'aa are tall, well-muscled humanoids with
pebbly-scaled skin, clawed hands and feet, and a thin ridge of skin running down their backs. Their large
faces are dominated by thick eye-ridges which hang down over small, glowing eyes. (TPS)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "brewer" in the Sullustan language.
a planet of some importance to the Empire, Aargau was known throughout the galaxy for its banks. It was
known to many beings as the Jewel of the Zug System. By the time of the Clone Wars, Aargau was under
the control of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Much of the planet's surface was dominated by a huge
pyramid, which was divided into seven distinct and vast levels that had been built one atop the other for

thousands of years. All visitors reported to the uppermost level, which was the smallest and easiest to
secure. Access to the lower levels was granted on an as-needed basis to those citizens and visitors with
the correct credentials. The seventh level, known as the Undercity, was a lawless area where any number
of illegal and criminal activites could be found. In order to ensure that individuals remained on the correct
levels, specialized lasers tinted the lighting of each level to a unique color. Sometime before the Battle of
Yavin, Aargau was the site of a week-long conference between Baron Tagge and the Corporate Sector
companies. The result of the meeting was the formation of the Corporate Sector Authority. Aargau
remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War, although Princess Leia Organa and Darth Vader played
an intricate game of politics there. After the Battle of Endor, Aargau fortified itself behind planetary shields
and perimeter warships. Aargau was the third planet of the Zug System, and was orbited by a single
moon. The average day on the planet lasted 24 standard hours, and its year encompassed 364 local
days, giving Aargau a similar calendar to that of Coruscant. (CSA, DESB, MC48, BF3, PH)
Aargau Charter
this was the charter that established the governing principles of the people of Aargau. Among the most
prominent rights given to the people by the Charter was the requirement that each individual be armed to
protect themselves. (SWI65)
Aargau Executive Board
this was the name given to the primary governmental body which controlled the planet Aargau, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. (SWI65)
Aargau Medical Observer Corps
this neutral organization was active during the height of the Clone Wars. Both the Separatists and the Old
Republic tolerated the AMOC, allowing them to visit war-torn worlds to investigate any atrocities which
might have been committed. (SWI70)
this was the name of the derivative language spoken by the natives of the planet Aargau. Much of the
language was based on the financial aspects of Aargau's economy. (PH)
this was the term used by the human population of Aargau to describe themselves. (PH)
this relatively unimporant world was covered with rocky deserts that were filled with wondrous stone
spires and arches, the reminders of the water that once flowed freely on its surface. During the height of
the Clone Wars, about a year after the Battle of Geonosis, Aargonar was supposedly under the control of
the Old Republic when the Confederacy of Independent Systems tried to take possession of the planet. A
vicious battle ensued, with the Republic's forces being led by Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett. Years later, the
planet's third moon served as the site of an Alliance base, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It
was also known as the homeworld of several individual sarlacc creatures, located across the planet's
surface. (WOTC, RESB, REL)
Aargonar 3
this was the third moon of the planet Aargonar, which was the site of a secret Alliance base during the
years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. (RESB)
one of Gaeri's aides in the Bakuran Senate. (TB)
this was the name given to the original race of beings which inhabited the jungles of Aaris III. The name
was later used to describe the primitive descendants of the original race. The ancient Aaris were
advanced for their time, but their civilization was ruled by the visionaries and oracles who read the stars
and cosmic events. Foremost among the seers was an Aaris named Kastays, who foretold the downfall of
Aaris civilization after seeing a comet streak across the skies. Kastays' vision proved to be correct, for

shortly afterward a victorious military force returned from battle with the Plaque of Victory. The Plaque's
unusual powers created a number of power struggles and unusual omens, and the Aaris destroyed
themselves in a planetwide civil war. Modern Aaris were wart-covered, reptilian humanoids barely a meter
in height. They were quite primitive in their ways, although they were very experienced in navigating the
ruins of Aaris III. (DARK)
Aaris III
this remote planet was located in Kathol Sector, just off the Trition Trade Route from Kolatill. The third
world in the Aaris System, it was a lush, tropical world covered with jungles and dotted with abrupt
mountain ranges. A variety of ruins were scattered across its surface, representing the only remnants of
the original civilization of Aaris which inhabited the planet. During the last years of the New Order, Aaris
III was also the site of an outlaw camp, located on the far side of the planet from the Place of Kastays.
this was one of the small group of Shamed Ones who lived beneath the surface of Coruscant, after the
planet had been transformed into a likeness of Yuuzhan'tar. Aarn was one of the few Shamed Ones who
lived independently, away from groups like that led by Vuurok I'pan. Like the other Shamed ones, though,
Aarn believed that the Jedi Knights were not abominations, but saviors of the Shamed Ones and symbols
of the new ideology which should be embraced by the Yuuzhan Vong. For this reason, their band
remained small, in case they were captured by the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. This ensured that their small
cult of Jedi followers would never be fully discovered. Aarn himself was relatively young, but his slender
features indicated that his ancestors had probably been Shamed Ones as well. Aarn was one of the
primary sources of stories surrounding Vua Rapuung and his friendship with Anakin Solo, having heard of
the original story from a friend on Garqi. (FH1)
Aarno Dering
this male Euceron was a noted time-keeping official for many sporting events, during the years following
the Battle of Naboo. He was noted for the casual way in which he kept time for many racing and sporting
events, often shaving tenths of seconds off an athlete's time in return for certain monetary favors. Dering
served as the official timekeeper for many events held as part of the Galactic Games on Euceron, much
to the amazement of many sporting officials. However, just as the Games were to begin, Dering was
implicated in the fixing of several events, and he was pursued by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
The Jedi were on Euceron to keep the peace, but stumbled onto the criminal betting rings that were
forming around the Games. Before they could question Dering, though, he escaped from his apartment
and fled into the street. Unfortunately, he was struck by a passing speeder truck and killed instantly.
When the Jedi reached his body, they discovered that he had been carrying a false identification card,
planning to adopt the alias of Ak Duranc. They also discovered that Dering had been assigned to time the
illegal podracing which was happening in the Great Dordon Caves. Fligh later revealed that Dering's
activities had been part of a larger plot to discredit several Old Republic Senators, who were on Euceron
to attend the Games. (JQ3)
this was the name of the warrior caste of the Viis Empire. Members of the Aaroun were specially bred for
fighting, having an appealing physical form while being agile and brutal in combat. (HNN5)
this amiable Hutt ran a repair and salvage shop on the planet Cinnagar about 5,000 years before the
Galactic Civil War. Aarrba was a friend to Hok and Timar Daragon, and continually kept their starship in
working order. It was Aarrba who took in Jori and Gav Daragon, after they were orphaned during the First
Unification Wars, and raised them to adulthood. Aarrba continued to support them, giving them loans
when no one else would, until they were unable to pay for repairs to their ship following the discovery of
the Goluud Corridor. He was forced to have them arrested, in order to make them face up to their debts.
When they fled the authorities, Aarrba impounded their ship and called in all their debts. Aarrba's body
was stricken with sickness, and much of his body was amputated to remove the infection. He was
relegated to a repulsor-chair in order to move about. When Naga Sadow began his conquest of the Koros
System, Gav Daragon returned to Cinnagar and was confronted by Aarrba. Aarrba threatened Gav with

imprisonment for his crimes, but Gav's Massassi bodyguards moved into position. Before he could do
anything about it, Aarrba was killed by the bodyguards. Much later, after the Great Hyperspace War,
Empress Teta gave Jori Daragon all rights to Aarrba's repair station for her part in winning the war. (GAS,
Aarrba's Repair and Salvage
this starship maintenance facility was run by Aarrba the Hutt, and was located near the ancient Cinnagar
starport. (GAS)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "waves" or
"breakers". (GCG)
this huge humbaba was known in Kashoonara legend as the steed of the deity Hurrungat. The legends
say that Aarwynn was "six Kashoonara high" at the shoulder, which was considerably larger than modern
humbaba. (COG)
AAT Battle Tank
this Baktoid Armor Workshop craft was created for use by the Trade Federation and its droid armies.
Measuring 9.75 meters in length, the AAT required four battle droids to operate it: a commander, a pilot,
and two gunners. The ship was well armed, with a huge laser cannon turret-mounted atop the main
section, a pair of range-finding blaster cannons to support the main laser, two anti-personnel blasters
mounted with the range-finding weapons, and six projectile launchers. They can reach ground speeds of
up to 55 kph and, while not shielded, have incredibly thick armor plating to protect the tank from attack.
this was the model designation of the Baktoid Armor Workshop AAT Battle Tank. (SON)
Aavman Extravagance
this small starship manufacturer produced luxury yachts during the New Order. (CRO)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "sunrise" - or, more literally, "the
last breath of the moon". (GCG)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "mist" or "smoke" in the Twi'leki language.
Aayla Secura
this young Rutian Twi'lek female trained as a Jedi Padawan under the tutelage of Quinlan Vos, before
Vos was captured on Nar Shaddaa. She had been rescued from slavery on Ryloth years before by Vos
and his Master, Tholme, when she showed a great aptitude in the Force. She was trained by Master
Tholme for many years before began training with Quinlan. Shortly after their capture on Nar Shaddaa,
Aayla Secura was stripped of her memories by a combination of drugs and chemicals. Unknown to her, it
was actually her uncle, Pol Secura, who stripped her memory as well as that of Quinlan Vos. Her
connections to the Jedi Knights were partially eliminated, but were stored within her lekku and never truly
lost. Pol Secura kept her safely hidden on Ryloth, as a member of his own harem, until Quinlan
discovered his deception. Aayla, however, could not remember her connection to Quinlan, having been
fed an almost continuous supply of glitteryll. When she tried to use the Force to prevent Quinlan from
killing Pol Secura, she accidentally pushed Pol off a ledge to his death. She fled Ryloth in order to avoid
capital punishment, and roamed aimlessly for several months. However, with her mind wiped clean, Aayla
found herself drawn to the presence of Volfe Karkko on the prison world of Kiffex, and managed to reach

the planet aboard Havor's starship. She also hoped to locate her former master and kill him. Karkko,
awakened from his long stasis and bolstered by the strength of the feral Anzati of Kiffex, took Aayla as his
Queen and groomed her to become an extension of his Dark Side power. When the Anzati attacked the
Jedi who had traveled to Kiffex to investigate Karrko's re-emergence, Aayla found herself in combat with
Quinlan. She could not kill him, instead allowing the feral Anzati to capture him for later consumption of
his "soup." When the Jedi launched their final assault on Karkko's fortress, the Anzat magician ordered
Aayla to kill Quinlan once and for all. When he revealed the truth behind her memory loss, and offered
her the hope that her memory might be still stored in her lekku, Aayla stopped fighting for a moment.
Karkko tried to kill her for her defiance, and Quinlan attacked. In the battle, Quinlan dispatched Karkko,
freeing Aayla from his Dark Side grasp. She was allowed to return to Coruscant to continue her training,
but the Jedi Council would not let her train with Quinlan. The choice was never given to her, though, as
Quinlan chose to set off on his own, letting the Force guide him across the galaxy. They were reunited
when they were forced to travel to Kintan to rescue Master Tholme from Kh'aris Fenn. For her efforts,
Aayla was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight upon returning to Coruscant with her Master and Quinlan.
Years later, when the call went out to all Jedi to accompany Mace Windu to Geonosis, Aayla Secura was
part of the 200-being team. She was also one of the few Jedi to survive the initial stages of the Battle of
Geonosis, before Master Yoda arrived with the Army of the Republic. In the aftermath of that struggle,
Aayla was dealt another blow when she was told that Quinlan had resigned from the Jedi Order and had
joined the Separatists. Although she desparately wanted to bring him back to the Jedi, Master Tholme
and the Jedi Council ordered her to concentrate on her duties to the Republic. It was during this period
that she found a friend in Jedi Master Kit Fisto, one of the few Jedi who could read the movements of her
lekku. While on Devaron to investigate Senator Vien'sai'malloc's part in the etsablishment of a Separatist
base on the planet, Aayla was confronted by Aurra Sing. Drawing on lessons she learned from Quinlan,
Aayla defeated the bounty hunter by slicing off the antenna which sprouted from Aurra Sing's head.
Without this connection, the bounty hunter was easily captured and sent to the prison facility on Oovo IV.
Aayla returned to Coruscant with the rest of the Jedi forces on Devaron, and she finally reconciled her
inner struggle over whether she was a Twi'lek or a Jedi Knight. She also returned Master J'Mikel's
lightsaber to Xiann. She later participated in the abortive attack on the droid foundries on Hypori, and was
one of the few Jedi to survive the attack. Aayla Secura was played by Amy Allen in Star Wars: Episode II
- Attack of the Clones. (OWS, SWT, DRKN, SWDB, ROP, J3, SWDB)
this protocol droid was programmed by the Alliance to serve as a bureaucrat. During the early years of
the Galactic Civil War, AB-4 served as Advanced Base Baskarn. AB-4 was also the base's primary supply
officer, and continually chastise the base's personnel for losing equipment in the jungles. (SWJ2)
this droid was a defacto member of the Farns, although it didn't actually belong to any organic member of
the gang. Female in personality, A-B6 would do anything the other Farns asked of her, just to remain
friends with them. (GG7)
a Wookiee doll given to Jacen Solo by Chewbacca. (CS)
an Imperial Navy officer, Aban was a Commander when he was placed in charge of the construction of
the Imperial garrison on Sedri. He formed an alliance with the renegade priest Karak, hoping to obtain the
power of the Golden Sun for the Empire. The plan backfired when Karak was captured by Pek and Fala,
but Aban continued to make progress until the Alliance ousted the Imperials from Sdri. Later, after
surviving the Battle of Endor and being promoted to Captain, he was placed in charge of Grand Admiral
Thrawn's Taanab Operation. He served as the commander of the Bellicose in Thrawn's fleet during this
time, some five years after Endor. (DFR, BGS)
this Aruzan dola tree farmer was Manaroo's father. He begged for her life to General Kritkeen, but the
Imperial was unresponsive. He sent Abano away with false promises and a warning shot from a
stormtrooper's blaster. Dengar later returned with Manaroo and rescued Abano and his family, and the

Alliance hid them - and the other Aruzans - on an unknown safeworld. (TBH)
this gas giant is the sixth planet in the Atrig System. It has 18 natural satellites. PG2 also calls this world
Abatrang. (PG2)
Abav Ghart
this Gotal was the leader of the Void Demons gang during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Ghart had
been a pirate for more than fifty years at the time of the Battle of Yavin, and started the Void Demons
more than thirty years before the war. He always dressed in expensive clothing, and was distinguished by
the Repulse-Hand cybernetic prosthesis. He was considered a fiend of the worst kind, willing to do
anything or betray anyone for a profit. He is also referred to as Aban Ghart in Planets of the Galaxy,
Volume One. (PG1)
a planet covered with rain forests. (SE)
Abbaji System Constables
this was the primary police force that protected the planet Abbaji, during the early years of the New
Republic. (GMR9)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "sensitive". (GCG)
this planet was the homeworld of the Farang and Waroot races. (SWJ8)
ABC Scrambler
this bounty hunter's weapon was an Aural-Biological-Chemical scrambler. It was based on the design of
an anti-ordnance electromagnetic probe, and emitted a full spectrum of ultrasonic waves, chemical
agents, and biological irritants when fired. The spread of the scrambler's blast had a wide pattern, and
disoriented its target with massive sensory overloads. This allowed the hunter to capture the target
without having to fight them. (GG10)
this notorious Twi'lek gangster operated from an underground fortress located beneath the Rym
Mountains, on the planet Socorro. He was also one of the trio of owners of Ethra Brewery. Born to
parents who were part of a merchant family on Ryloth, Abdi was unusual because of his ebony-black
skin. He lost his family when a rival clan assassinated them. Abdi had learned of the plot shortly
beforehand, and tried to warn his father. His father ignored him, and even accused Abdi of being the
would-be assassin. Abdi was sold into slavery shortly before the murder of his family. The slave ship he
was transported on crashed in the deserts of Socorro, and Abdi was rescued by an Ibhaan'I shaman.
Upon learning of the deaths of his family, Abdi vowed to exact revenge on their killers. He made friends
with the most prominent members of Socorro's underground, and eventually moved his family fortune
away from Ryloth. This got him exiled form Ryloth, but he was beyond caring for that world anymore:
Socorro was now his home. His ties to the Society of the Black Bha'lir gained him a measure of respect,
and soon he had established a great deal of influence in the smuggling business of the planet. He even
ignored the Hutts, knowing that the Black Bha'lir wouldn't tolerate Hutt interference on Socorro.
Eventually, Abdi-Badawzi's criminal empire expanded, and his capable leadership ensured its continued
existence. (SWJ2, BSS)
Abek's Station
this small shadowport, located just off the intersection of the Sisar Run and the Ac'fren Spur, was owned
and operated by Nim Abek during the Galactic Civil War. Abek used the station as a staging area for his
personal group of pirates, outside his work for Sprax. When it was learned that Limna Yith was being held
on the station, many interested parties converged on it, including a group dispatched by Sprax himself to
rescue Yith. In the struggle for possession of the Kerestian, Abek's Station was severely damaged when

the Imperial warship Ion Storm bombarded it with laserfire. The station was abandoned. (SSR)
this small, rodent-like humanoid was a smuggler on Dantooine, during the years following the Battle of
Yavin. (3D3)
this red dwarf star cast very little visible light on the planet Alpheridies. It was the primary body in the
Abron System, containing the planet Alpheridies. It was located just within The Veil, on the edge of the
Mid Rim. (TOJC)
Abersaith Aviary
this exotic bird preserve was located on the planet Corulag, situated in the immense Abersaith Canyon.
Mild repulsor fields separated the ecosystems of more than twenty million different species of birds, while
the top of the aviary was formed froim huge canopies of transparisteel that allowed natural sunlight to
filter into the aviary. (CCW)
Abersaith Canyon
this immense canyon was located on the planet Corulag. At several spots, the Canyon was several
kilometers wide, and it was more than twenty-four kilometers in overall length. It was perhaps best-known
as the site of the Abersaith Aviary. (CCW)
this word was part of the dialect spoken on the planet Belgaroth. The abbreviated form of the phrase
"anywhere but here", abh served to sum up the mindset of most Belgarians, who simply wanted to leave
the planet as quickly as possible. (CCW)
this planet's orbital shipyards served as the construction facility for the ancient Jedi training vessel,
Chu'unthor, as these shipyards were the only facility capable of handling the huge ship. (PJSB)
this Tiss'shar trader found the life of a trader to be too boring and non-productive, and soon went into
business as a pirate. Using his knowledge of the various hyperspace trade routes across the galaxy, he
formed his own pirate gang and terrorized the Perlemian Trade Route during the height of the New Order.
He seemed to discover his potential in this new leadership role, quickly establishing the Dark Wing fleet
and gaining a reputation as a ruthless and efficient leader. The Dark Wing eventually became the
Shadow Wing, although Abin-Ral-Xufush continued to lead with an iron fist. He was known for his strong
anti-human prejudices, although this generally was reserved for beings outside his own orgainzation.
Within the Shadow Wing, Abin-Ral-Xufush was known as a fair and equal leader, regardless of the race
or species of his followers. He did not tolerate insubordination, and any betrayals within the ranks of the
Shadow Wing were dealt with in brutal and lethal ways. Note that Pirates and Privateers names the pirate
gang as the Dark Wing, while the Wizards of the Coast website names them the Shadow Wing. (PP,
this race of slender reptilians was native to the planet Inysh. Their limbs are long and supple, and their
tails end in a fork. The Abinyshi developed space travel at about the same time as humans, although their
technology never matched the levels of the Corellians or Duros. They used starships to colonize several
nearby worlds, but their overall population never blossomed enough for them to expand further. Their
numbers were greatly diminished after the Empire discovered the reserves of kalonterium in the planet's
crust. The Empire stripped the planet of its minerals without regard for the native lifeforms, and the toxic
pollution it produced nearly wiped out the Abinyshi. The Abinyshi were believed to be extinct, but several
individuals came forth as the Alliance gained support. (AE, SWJ14)
Ablajeck Sector
along with the Moddell and Spar Sectors of the galaxy, this sector made up the Inner Zuma region.

this was one of the four main continents found on the planet Veron. (PG1)
an Imperial slang word used to denote any indigenous lifeform to a planet. (SME)
abo b'Yenntarr
this was the Bosph term used to describe the Force, and translated into Basic as "the power of the
unknown spirits." (SWJ13)
Abo Dreth
this large, dark brown world was the primary planet in the Abo Dreth System, located in the Corporate
Sector of the galaxy. The surface of Abo Dreth was broken by hundreds of silver lakes and rivers that
wandered across the planet's face in no particular pattern. The nitrogen-rich atmosphere supported a
small population, many of which allied themselves with the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (OWS)
Abo Dreth System
this star system, located within the Corporate Sector of the galaxy, was a hotbed of rebel activity during
the height of the Galactic Civil Wars. Fiolla was dispatched to the Abo Dreth System with Naven Crel to
investigate any possible links to the Abo Dreth rebels and the band that destroyed the first Death Star.
this was one of the many Imperial escort carriers destroyed by Alliance forces during the Galactic Civil
War. (XVT)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "starlight", according to historian who studied the Ithorian
race. (GCG)
this was the proper name of the planet known as Masterhome. The name Masterhome was given by the
planet's native race, the Anointed People. It was discovered by the Old Republic some ninety years
before the Battle of Yavin. Abonshee was a temperate, Earth-like world with an abundance of hardy
plantlife and reptilian fauna. (SWCP, MB, AE)
this New Republic warship was destroyed at the Battle of N'zoth. (TT)
produced by Ferisoliq Imports, this Aqualish bio-light panel produced an ever-changing display of light ad
pattern to soothe its viewers. The display was produced by a reactive plankton that lived in the sealed
environment of the panel. The plankton responded to changes in light, temperature, and atmospheric
gases. Many nobles and dignitaries kept these devices in their homes and offices, as the plankton could
die in the presence of certain toxic gases. If the panel suddenly went dim, it was a sure indication of a
problem with the air. (GFT)
this star was the central body in the Abran System. (TBSB)
Abran Belt
this asteroid belt contained the mining colony B'knos. (TBSB)

Abrax Cognac
a pale blue, alcoholic distilled spirit. It was favored by New Republic General Salm. (XWN)
this planet was the primary world in the Abraxas System. Abraxas was once known for its rich mineral
and ore deposits. However, when the mines ran dry, the mining corporations simply packed up and left
the system. Their transport ships and orbital refineries were left behind to crumble, and the debris
eventually filled the empty spaces in the system. (NEGC)
Abraxas System
this star system was once known for its rich mineral and ore deposits found on the primary planet of
Abraxas. However, when the mines ran dry, the mining corporations simply packed up and left the
system. Their transport ships and orbital refineries were left behind to crumble, and the debris eventually
filled the empty spaces in the system. This wide array of debris made travel through the system almost
impossible. It also made the perfect hiding places for pirates. (T5)
this planet, located in the Tion Cluster, was the homeworld of the marsh haunt species. (PJSB)
see Abregado-rae (HTTE)
this ball of molten rock was the innermost planet of the Abregado System. (CCW)
this gas giant was the fourth planet of the Abregado System. It was orbited by nine moons. (CCW)
the primary planet in the Abregado system, Abregado-rae is located in the Borderlands region. The
homeworld of the Gado race, Abregado-rae was a temperate world whose day lasts 23 standard hours,
and whose orbit lasts 349 local days. It was located at the head of the Rimma Trade Route, and had
originally been scouted by the Old Republic some 10,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It remained
uncolonized for seven millennia, until the creation of the Rimma Trade Route. Despite the temperate
nature of Abregado-Rae's environment, it supported an extremely small and sparse variety of lifeforms.
There were less than ten species of large animals which were native to the planet. Since the fall of the
Empire, Abregado-rae has become a civilized world, although it still maintains a large base of smugglers.
The planetary government established by the Tundei regime, in an effort to reduce crime and keep the
peace, severely restricted individual freedoms for its citizens. However, their law-at-all-costs demands
eventually backfired, driving away the criminals but also driving away much of the income they brought to
the planet. Note that the galaxy map inside Star Wars Insider, issue 65, indicates that Abregado-rae is
located in the Core Worlds. (HTTE, DFR, HTSB, EGP, SWI65, CCW)
Abregado-rae Spaceport
a once-decrepit establishment, it has been refurbished since the New Republic came into power. (HTTE,
this barren, rocky world was the second planet of the Abregado System. (CCW)
this ball of frozen rock was the fifth and outermost planet of the Abregado System. (CCW)
this man was part of Niles Ferrier's smuggling organization, during the early years of the New Republic.

Luke Skywalker was captured by Imperial forces on this planet, during a diplomatic mission just prior to
the Battle of Endor. He was rescued by the Imperial defector, Brenn Tantor. (NEGC)
an Alliance platform supply station destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Abrion Major
this was the primary planet in the Abrion System, and the capital of Abrion Sector. (HNN5)
Abrion Sector
this sector of the galaxy was made up of some 200 planets which were dedicated to agricultural and the
production of foodstuffs. In the last years of the Old Republic, the entire Abrion Sector - including the
planets Ukio and Abrion Major - joined the Separatist movement and seceded from the Republic. (TLC,
Abrion sector
area of the galaxy which contains Ukio. (TLC)
this Imperial Dreadnaught served as the flagship of the fleet dispatched to Saloch 2 in order to subdue
the Lortan fanatics perpetrating the Reslian Purge. (MBF)
this planet, subjugated by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, is the homeworld of the Yatir race of
humanoids. (ISB)
Absolute, The
this was the name of the secret police force maintained by the Civilized faction of the planet Apsolon,
during the decades leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The motto of the Absolutes was simple: "Absolute
justice calls for absolute loyalty." The Absolutes were charged with putting an end to the industrial
sabotage of the Workers, but they were unable to stop it. They were known for their use of painful torture
and sensory deprivation in order to make the Workers bend to their will. Many Workers had their hands
broken, so that they could never work in the high-paying technical jobs. In the wake of Ewane's election,
the Absolutes were supposed to have been disbanded. Their headquarters building was gutted and
turned into the Museum of the Absolutes, as a grim reminder of their activities. However, many believed
that the Absolutes were ultimately behind the murder of Ewane, shortly after he left office. The Jedi
Master Tahl was able to infiltrate the ranks of the new Absolute, and was present when Qui-Gon Jinn was
captured. Their ranks were small and uncontrollable, and there was constant in-fighting among the
members. (TTB)
this was the name used to describe those Selonians who, during the time of Thrackan Sal-Solo's rise to
power and the Corellian Crisis, were determined that the planetary repulsors should be used as a weapon
that would allow the Selonians to forcefully gain their independence from the New Republic. However,
their support of the Sacorrian Triad eventually forced the New Republic to intervene, and the Absolutists
were dissolved. (AS, CCW)
any material which can absorb liquids, absorbmats are often used as drink coasters. (HSR)
Abubaka II
this starship was often used by Alton Lochner and his team of Alliance agents. (AIR)
this city was located on the Sesto continent of the planet Garnib. (PG1)

an alien race from an unknown world, they are not among the most friendly species in the galaxy. They
prefer their seclusion. (DESB)
this was the model number of Loronar's tube-launched ABC Scrambler. (GG10)
Abya, Sybegh
this breedtash farmer was a native of the planet Sedesia. During the height of the Galactic Civil War,
Sybegh was also the primary Alliance contact on the planet. He was assisted in his ranching endeavors
by the accounting droid A2-B4. (SWJ6)
one of the two binary stars that dominate the Byss-Abyss system. (GG4)
Abyss, The
this was the deepest of the mines which had been excavated on the planet Vasha, during the last years
of the New Order. It was believed that the Vashan god of decay, the Rot-Maggot, had his lair at the
bottom of the Abyss, near the planet's core. (GMR9)
Abyss, The
this deep-reaching, vertical slice of Imperial City was located on Coruscant. The headquarters of the New
Republic Intelligence agency, known as the Mirage, were located well below the surface of the planet,
within the Abyss itself. (HT)
Abyss, The
this was one of the many podraces which meandered through the cloud-cities of the planet Ord Ibanna
during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
an alien race native to the planet Byss (not the same Byss that the reborn Emperor Palpatine used as his
power base), these tall humanoids have long, well-muscled limbs and a single, slitted eye. The eye of the
Abyssin has twin lenses and dual focal planes, which allows the Abyssin some measure of depth
perception. They have incredible regenerative ability, and actually consume their own body mass and
rebuild cells. An average Abyssin body cell is replaced every 80 hours. Many of the normal organs found
in pairs in other races are singular in the Abyssin, but can be regenerated if injured. They are a nomadic
race, with no substantial exports. Thus, the planet has been relatively ignored by traders. The primary
visitors to the planet are slavers who come to export the Abyssin themselves. For this reason, the Abyssin
were distrustful of the Arcona explorers who tried to establish a relationship with them. However, when
the Arcona began to share desert survival techniques, the Abyssin began developing a certain level of
trust with respect to off-worlders. When two tribes of Abyssin meet, they will either enter into a Trade (if
water and food are plentiful, gaunts, weapons, or young are exchanged) or a Blooding (a fight to the
death for water rights). The Abyssin have greenish-tan skin and long arms that reach to the ground when
they walk. Their hands end in sharp claws. Although Abyssin can live to be over 300 years in age, their
ability to regenerate gradually decreases. Those Abyssin who can no longer regenerate themselves
usually walk into the desert and die. Those that refuse to die are ritually stoned by younger Abyssin.
this was the name of the written and spoken language of the Abyssin race. The written version was
formed from simple hieroglyphs, while the spoken version was made up of primitive grunts and growls.
Abyssin Grafting Patch
this unusual form of bandage was developed by Kirgalis Pharmaceutical Exports, and used speciallyharvested regenerative cells from the Abyssin bio-chemistry. When applied to a wound, the patch
promoted the rapid growth of new skin cells to heal the wound. The patch wasn't as affective as bacta,

but was extremely useful in field situations. (GFT)

this was the override code which would halt the self-destruct mechanism placed in the memory banks of
the droid A-Cee. (SFE)
Cybot Galactica's surveillance droid, the AC1 series was a repulsorlift-powered sphere to which was
mounted a swiveling holocam. The sphere was just under a meter in diameter. The AC1 was known as a
"Spy-Eye,"and was designed as a mobile surveillance platform which transmitted live images as it moves
about. (RASB, EGD)
Academy of Jedi Archaeology, The
a division of the ancient Jedi Knights which strove to recover the ancient Jedi teachings and lore,
including the Sith knowledge. (DLS)
Academy, The
an elite training and educational institution, the original goal of the Academy (during the Old Republic and
early parts of the Emperor's New Order) was to train personnel for various space-going tasks. Under
Palpatine, though, the goal was twisted to become an Imperial training center. There is no single location,
although the Academy's most renowned training center is on Raithal. The basic training program lasts 30
months. (SW, JS, COTF, ISB)
this was the name of a street, found in the city of Tacto, on the planet Radnor. (JQ1)
Acamma, Veril
this woman was one of the many military leaders who fled the Tallaga garrison, on the planet Sucharme,
when the Trade Federation shut the garrison down, sometime before the Battle of Naboo. The Federation
hoped to force Sucharme's government to repay an outstanding debt by invading the planet and taking
control of its economy. However, a group of soldiers led by Acamma fled into the wilderness to regroup.
Under Acamma's direction, a successful resistance campaign was initiated, which eventually drove the
Federation from Sucharme. (GCG)
this dry, rocky planet is the second in the Elrood System. A small mining company, run by Radell Mining,
Incorporated, extracts raw ores from the barren wastes. Radell owns the planet. (PG3)
this was Kee-Piru Computronics' version of the Mon Calamari aquatic computer. (GFT)
this is a potent Wookiee liquor. (RD)
Acceleration Chair
this is the name of the g-force-absorbing seat used by starship pilots. (HSE)
Acceleration Compensator
a starship component which helps provide artificial gravity and dampens the effects of maneuvers while
going at or beyond lightspeed. (SW)
Acceleration Couch
this was the name of the g-force-absorbing bench used by starship passengers. (HSE)
this was the largest reptavian native to the planet Dagobah. Because of its size, it spent much of its life
patrolling the upper levels of the jungle canopy, where it could fly freely above the trees and capture prey.

Acclamator-class Troopship
developed and manufactured by Rothan Heavy Engineering, the 752-meter-long Acclamator-class transgalactic military transport ship was designed in support of the Army of the Republic. Measuring 752
meters in length, the Acclamator could carry up to 16,000 clone troopers, 320 speeder bikes, 80 LAAT/c
or LAAT/i gunships, 48 AT-TE walkers, and 36 SPHA-T vehicles. The ship was created for the Republic,
rather than the Trade Federation or the Separatists, after several Kuati officials were murdered by the
Federation at the Eriadu Conference. The Acclamator-class ship was the first ship produced, and was
designed to carry huge numbers of troops and support materiel into battle anywhere in the galaxy. What
made them unusual for a capital ship was that the Acclamator-class could move through planetary
atmospheres as well as the vacuum of deep space. This meant that separate dropships were not
required. Each of these massive ships was armed with 12 quad turbolaser turrets, 24 laser cannons, and
four projectile launchers. It was crewed by 700 officers, and was equipped with a Class 0.6 hyperdrive in
order to get troops into battle arenas with maximum swiftness. The Acclamator was distinguished as the
first ship capable of carrying out a Base Delta Zero order, something never seen in the Old Republic until
the onset of the Clone Wars. In most design respects, the Acclamator was the predecessor of the Victoryand Imperial-class Star Destroyers. (X2, SWDB, SWI62, NEGV)
Accolux Township
this Yedagon city was supposedly attacked and destroyed by the Lords of Dismay Flightknife, during the
civil war which broke out on Adumar due to Tomer Darpen's treacherous schemes. In reality, the flatcam
reports of the battle were faked, in an effort to keep the Empire from learning that the Adumari had sided
with the New Republic. The reports were meant to hold off any Imperial reprisal because of the Adumari
choice until a New Republic fleet could arrive to defend Adumar. (SOA)
this was a form of repulsor chair, produced by Go-Corp during the early decades of the New Republic.
Accu, Paddy
this man, a native of the planet Naboo, was known as a respected pilot and warrior. After he retired from
active duty, Paddy Accu served the royalty of Naboo as a pilot and boat captain. He later took on the
position of caretaker at the Varykino resort, in Naboo's Lake Country, working for the Naberrie family.
When Senator Padme' Amidala returned to Naboo after as assassination attempt, just prior to the vote on
the Military Creation Act, Paddy Accu took Senator Amidala and Anakin Skywalker to the Lake Country.
this is part of the ignition system used on the sublight engines of many capital ships. (CFG)
this was the brand name of a stun gas developed by Locris Syndicated Securities. (AEG)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer served the Empire as a patrol ship during the period leading up to the
Battle of Endor, monitoring the shipping lanes for criminals and members of the Alliance. Under Imperial
duty, the Accuser was in the Tatooine System when Boba Fett arrived with the frozen body of Han Solo.
Darth Vader gave the Star Destroyer and the rest of its fleet the order to stand down and let Fett deliver
Solo's body to Jabba the Hutt. Tycho Celchu was assigned to the Accuser during his first stint of Imperial
duty. He was talking to his family on Alderaan when the planet was destroyed by the first Death Star.
Unfortunately for the Imperial fleet, it was later one of the first Imperial-I class Star Destroyers the New
Republic captured after the Battle of Endor. In a bold and reckless action, Han Solo and Lieutenant Page
literally talked their way onto the bridge of the ship, and Solo himself - dressed in a stolen officer's uniform
- relieved the ship's commander of duty and took control of the ship. It was later renamed Emancipator.
Note that X-Wing: Isard's Revenge claims the Accuser is an Imperial-II class ship. (DE1, MTS, WG, IR,

this Ghtroc Industries Class 720 freighter was owned and operated by Kal-tan-shi, and was obtained
when the Tiss'shar acquired a bounty from the Lesser Plooriod Cluster during his tenure with House
Paramexor. The ship proved to be quite durable, which was a blessing for Kal-tan-shi because he was
not a terribly gifted mechanic. He worked hard to ensure that the ship wasn't damaged during a hunt, but
he never stopped to worry about the ship. It was armed with a double-laser cannon and a turret-mounted
laser cannon. (AIR)
manufacturers of various models of worker droids and droid parts. AccuTronics was a former subsidiary
of Industrial Automaton. (RASB, DWK, SWJ13)
this was a model of podracer engine that was developed by Gruber & Paly during the early years of the
New Order. (IWST)
the man was the leader of the swoop gang known as the Afterburners, who protected the general
populace of the Nexus City spaceport and the area known as the Overhang, on the planet Entralla, during
the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ4)
Ace Entertainment Corporation
this corporation owned a number of upscale gambling establishments, including the Ace of Sabres on
Kluistar. (WSV)
Ace of Sabres
located on the planet Kluistar, this gambler's paradise was owned by Ace Entertainment Corporation, and
boasted 99 different levels and 1,001 different amusements. (WSV)
Ace of Staves
this roughneck was the unofficial leader of the Bartog Syndicate, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. He was known as a conman as well as a man who could get his hands on anything you wanted, and
he developed a wide network of forgers and thieves to operate within Zirtran's Anchor. (SWJ5)
Ace Ring
this was one of the rings found within the sport of Ringer, played on Stassia during the height of the New
Order. Putting a ringer disk through the Ace was extremely difficult, but gave the tosser more points with
a single throw. (SWJ6)
Ace Squadron
Pash Cracken's A-Wing squadron, it saw extensive duty at the Battle of Thyferra. (BW)
this Cybot Galactica combat droid brain was used by Sienar Fleet Systems in the TIE/D Fighter. (EGV)
this modified protocol droid was used by the Alliance as an information gathering system. A-Cee was
dispatched to Sulon with Candice Ondi, in the year leading up to the Battle of Yavin, to chronicle the rebel
uprising on the moon. A-Cee had been given specific programming which activated a plitex nine bomb
whenever it saw an Imperial officer. It nearly self-destructed the first time it encountered Kyle Katarn,
while traveling with Jan Ors aboard the Star of Empire after the death of Candice Ondi. A-Cee was later
captured by Dol Donar II, during Kyle and Jan's escape from the liner. Hoping to turn the droid into the
Imperial authorities, the Donars activated it to see what sort of data it contained. Upon seeing Nathan
Donar's Imperial uniform, A-Cee activated its bomb and exploded, destroying the Donar's starship and
killing all aboard. (SFE)
this heavy alloy was used by the Trade Federation to protect the chest of their super battle droids. The

acertron plating was cryogenically tempered to add strength, but it could also flex slightly in stress to
prevent breakage. (VD2)
this being was a lock-picker and all-around thief who worked in the CoCo District of Coruscant during the
years leading up the Clone Wars. Acey was a good friend of Dexter Jettster, and often helped Dexter
move vehicles that were illegally parked near his diner. (JQ9)
Ac'fren Spur
this side-path of the Sisar Run connects to the run at a shadowport which isn't on any known map. It
connected the Si'Klaata Cluster with Sriluur by way of Ques. Much of the Spur was harassed by the Disac
pirate gang, until Ket Maliss wiped them out. Sprax believed that a cluster of pirates survived, and hid on
an unspecified planet along the Spur. (SSR)
this was the Ewok word for "okay". (BTRKS26)
one of the primary worlds of House Cadriaan, this planet was located in Tapani Sector. It was located
along the Shapani Bypass, giving it a great deal of trade. Achillea was a world of semi-tropical beauty,
with shallow seas and three continents. (PGT, LOE)
Achillea Great Market
this vast, open-air market was located in Cadriell, on the planet Achillea, and was the largest such market
in Tapani Sector. (LOE)
this was one of the many Victory-class Star Destroyers which were still active, as part of the Imperial
Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Acib, Y'ull
this man took control of Black Sun's criminal organization, in the years after the death of Grand Admiral
Thrawn. At the urging of Grappa the Hutt, he developed a group of clones of Xandel Carivus, in an effort
to place a puppet in his place on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He also poisoned General Immodet
to help cover his tracks. Their plans backfired when the clones were defeated on Ord Cantrell, and were
traced back to Black Sun. When Macus Kayniph's cloning facilities were destroyed by the New Republic,
Acib began to feel that Grappa's plans were falling apart. His fears were realized when Grappa was
captured by the Zanibar and taken to Xo as a sacrifice. (CE2, HCE)
Acid Droid
this was a specialized form of crawl-carrier, that carried a payload of building-collapsing acid within its
body. When it infiltrated its objective, the acid droid literally sacrificed itself by dumping its payload,
destroying itself as well as the surrounding structure with the powerful acid. (SWI77)
Acid Lizard
according to urban legends, the acid lizard lived beneath the sands of the plante Tatooine. The acid lizard
resembled a large alligator, with a heavier body and longer legs. It excreted a form of acid from its skin,
which it used to create a vast system of tunnels beneath the dunes. (MDCAR)
Acid Rat
this was a species of vile rodent. (MDCAR)
Acid Root
a dangerous plant native to Wayland. (TLC)
the innermost world of the Cularin System, Acilaris was barely large enough to be considered a planetoid.

Nevertheless, it had enough gravity to hold an atmosphere, albeit one which was laden with sulfur,
carbon, and boron. The surface of Acilaris was very hot, and was believed to be rich in natural minerals
and crystals. However, the temperature prohibited mining activities. (LFC)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "selfless servant". (GCG)
this Mon Calamarian served the Alliance as a Navy Admiral, and was later promoted to the position of
Commander-in-Chief of the New Republic. He was serving as an officer in the Mon Calamarian Navy until
he was captured when the Empire took over Calamari, and was presented to Grand Moff Tarkin as a
personal slave. He followed Tarkin around everywhere, all the while collecting information about the
Imperial war machine, in hopes that he could escape and provide the knowledge to the Alliance. He
gained limited knowledge about the Death Star in this fashion, enough to make him fear for the safety and
future of the galaxy. When Tarkin decided to move to a permanent post on the Death Star, Ackbar was to
be brought along with him. However, Tarkin's shuttle was attacked by an elite force whose goal was to
assassinate Tarkin. They failed only when an Imperial Star Destroyer arrived to drive off the attackers, but
they managed to rescue Ackbar in the attack. From that point on, Ackbar served the Alliance faithfully,
using his knowledge of Imperial doctrine wherever possible. He was in command at the Battle of Endor,
guiding the space battle over the second Death Star and drawing fire from the ships that were to destroy
the space station's central power core. Following the formation of the New Republic, Ackbar became one
of the Republic's ruling members, until Councilor Fey'lya used incriminating evidence against him planted, unknown to Fey'lya, by Grand Admiral Thrawn - in an effort to discredit Ackbar. When Fey'lya's
plans were revealed, Ackbar was reinstated as a New Republic dignitary and the Commander of the
Navy. He was away from Calamari when the reborn Emperor Palpatine attacked the planet, and survived
the assault on his homeworld. Later, when he and Leia were on a diplomatic mission to Vortex, his shuttle
was sabotaged, causing it to crash into, and destroy, the Cathedral of Winds. This was part of Furgan's
plan to bring down the New Republic from the inside, and severely degraded Ackbar's self-confidence. He
returned to Calamari to help rebuild what was still unrepaired from the Emperor's attack, and was on the
planet when Admiral Daala chose to attack Calamari. He and Leia were able to rally the minimal
Calamarian defense, stalemating Daala's attack until help from the New Republic arrived. Ackbar chose
to remain on Calamari until Furgan attempted to finalize his plans by kidnapping baby Anakin Solo on
Anoth. He then left the planet and arrived at Anoth in time to rescue baby Anakin. This demonstration of
the Empire's desperate attempts to regain control of the galaxy helped to crystallize Ackbar's resolve, and
brought him out of his self-imposed shell and back into the New Republic's government. He remained a
vital asset to the Republic throughout the Black Fleet Crisis and the negotiation of peace with the Empire,
but when Borsk Fey'lya was named the New Republic's Chief of State, Ackbar decided to retire from
active duty and return to Calamari. Ackbar was kept informed of the progress of the battle against the
Yuuzhan Vong, and used his time to investigate a way to defeat them. As his health flagged, Ackbar was
assisted by Winter, who had traveled to Calamari while her husband, Tycho Celchu, rejoined the military.
Admiral Traest Kre'fey and a small faction of commanders convinced Ackbar to come out of retirement,
and lend their support to the war effort. Ackbar was reinstated to his rank of Admiral, and assisted
Admirals Kre'fey and Sovv in developing new tactics to use against the alien invaders. His plans involved
the use of dead-end hyperspace routes through the Deep Core, and eventually developed into the tactics
used at the Battle of Ebaq. Unfortunately for the New Republic, as well as the fledgling Galactic Alliance,
Admiral Ackbar died at his home on Calamari shortly after the abortive Yuuzhan Vong attack on the
planet, since five years after their initial invasion. Ackbar was portrayed in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
by Tim Rose. (ROTJ, HTTE, DFR, DA, COTF, MTS, VOF, VP, Y, DW, SWI65, UF)
Ackbar Slash
this desperate starship maneuver was developed by the Alliance's Admiral Ackbar. The slash involved
sending your warships directly through the line formed by your opponent's ships at top speed. If done
correctly, and if the Force was with you, this maneuver resulted in two things. First, any of the opponent's
ships who missed your ships actually shot up their own ships. Second, it scattered the opponent's ships,
breaking their line. (WS)

this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "mighty". (GCG)
this Mon Calamari was a Commander in the New Republic Navy some twenty years after the Battle of
Endor. He was in command of the cruiser Mediator, during the time when it was dispatched to
Rhommamool. His appointment to Commander was met with some discontent by the New Republic's
elite, not because he was one of the few remaining Mon Cal in the Navy, but because they believed he
was given command of the Mediator simply because he was Mon Calamari. Ackdool was forced to act
when Nom Anor launched a series of warheads against the city of Osa-Prime, an attack he claimed was
initiated by Rhommamoolian officials. (VP)
this large, crustacean predator was considered vicious by any definition of the term. Originally native to
the verdan plains of Vendaxa, the acklay had six legs which ended in a sharp claw, and there were three
clawed fingers at each knee joint. The neck of the acklay was protected by a tall, bony crown, and its jaws
were filled with sharp teeth. Many acklays were exported to the planet Geonosis, for use in the gladiator
arenas as fightign animals. Many of these vicious creatures escaped, wiping out entire hives of
Geonosians before being hunted down. Those acklay that survived eked out an existence on the briny
shores of the Ebon Sea. (OWS, SWI60, VD2, SWDB)
Acklay Chopper
this was the only name used to describe one of the most notorious Geonosian slavemasters of the last
decades of the Old Republic. A former petranaki fighter, Acklay Chopper nearly died in the arena when
an acklay severely injured him. Rather than giving up, he took his picador's spear and drove it through the
roof of the acklay's mouth. As the creature crashed to the ground, Acklay Chopper gathered his strength
and cleaved the acklay's head from its neck, thus earning his new name. He then presented the head to
Hadiss the Vaulted, who named the warrior the fight manager of the arena. (GORW)
this Mon Calamari male spent most of his time in the cantinas of Mos Taike, on the planet Tatooine,
during the early years of the New Order, claiming that the alcohol he consumed was the next best thing to
the waters of his homeworld. Ackli often claimed to have seen krayt dragons first-hand, which attracted
the attention of a pair of Zabrak treasure hunters. Dusque Mistflier happened to overhear their
conversation, and wanted to follow them during one of her early missions with Tendau Nandon. She
hoped to obtain tissue samples of one of the large reptiles, and managed to convince her Ithorian partner
to spent a day attempting to locate one. They set out to trail Ackli and the Zabraks, but the three treasure
hunters apprehended them and left them to die. Before they could obtain any of the dragon pearls used
by the krayts to aid in digestion, the trio was attacked by three krayt dragons and forced to flee for their
lives. (SWI74)
this woman worked as the night-shift bartender at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley, on the
planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. Ackmena was portrayed by Bea Arthur in the Star
Wars Holiday Special. (IWST, SWH)
Jesmin Ackbar's alias, while serving as a member of the Night Caller's crew. (WS)
popular Alliance rumors held that this Imperial Star Destroyer was badly damaged because a problem
with the tractor beam generators. The original generators were too complex for a standard stormtrooper
to operate, and the operations team made several errors which caused the two ships to collide.
Subsequent tractor beam generators, such as those on the first Death Star, were greatly simplified. (T4)
A-class Bulk Freighter

this double-hulled transport ship was similar to the Gallofree Yards Medium transport in design. It used a
pair of angled hull plates to surround the central cargo section, which could be modified to fit various
configurations. The hull plates mounted on the sides of the A-class freighter, in contrast to the Gallofree
ship, where they mount on the top and bottom. A pair of main drives was mounted vertically at the rear of
the shell. Many pilots considered the A-class freighter to be a knockoff of the Action IV freighter. (HTTE,
A-class Fortress
this was a design of pre-fabricated defensive structure that was developed by Imperial engineers for
deployment in the field, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It took a fair amount of time to set up
an A-class fortress and establish a defensive perimeter, which limited its deployment to areas in which
hostilities were at a minimum. (SWELM)
this Alliance Special Forces soldier was a member of Team Razor. (HAS)
Acme Droid Service
local Mos Eisley legend held that this droid repair shop was located in a back alley of the spaceport city,
during the height of the New Order. It was here that C-3PO and R2-D2 hid from Imperial stormtroopers,
while Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi hired Han Solo to take them all to Alderaan. The exact
location of Acme Droid Service has never been found, and many historians believe the name was created
by local merchants to help keep the stormtroopers away from their own places of business. (MDCAR)
Acoi, Rel
this man was the leader of the Oquan bounty hunter group, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He
and the Oquan worked for the Empire whenever they could, since the Imperials always paid well for
captured Alliance spies. (GMR5, WOTC)
this planet, the third in the Lazerian System, was covered in barren desert. It was the site of the system's
penal colony, and was off-limits to non-authorized personnel. Captured dissenters and criminals were
incarcerated on Acorvus. The planet has a marginally breathable atmosphere. (TSK)
Acoustic Disruptor
a device used in the Kessel spice mines to scrape off the top layer of rock and expose the spice below.
this Trade Federation freighter was one of the many ships which were refitted with weapons, during the
years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, to provide a measure of security from pirates and other attacks.
Under the command of Nap Lagard, it was called to rescue the freighter Revenue when the Nebula Front
tried to steal its load of lommite. Unfortunately, the Acquisitor arrived too late to save the Revenue. (COD)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'cra added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Acre's Spaceport
this was the only publicly-accessible spaceport on the planet Mon Gazza. (RAC)
this was one of the largest cities found beneath the ice of the planet Csilla. (FH2)
Actinic Luminator
a high-powered light often used by smugglers. (COJ)
Action II Freighter

one of the first freighter models produced in the Action series by Corellian Engineering Corporation. Carib
Devist used one to fly to Bothawui, during the build-up of warships following the Caamas Incident. Hidden
inside the freighter was a squadron of TIE Interceptors. When Devist's freighter and the Millennium
Falcon were caught in the tractor beams of the Tyrannic, Devist detonated the Action II, with a series of
explosions that allowed his crew to blast away in the Interceptors. The explosion freed the Falcon from
the tractor beam, allowing them all to return to open space and expose the Tyrannic. (VOF)
Action IV Freighter
a trapezoidal, medium bulk freighter built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Action IV
measures 100 meters in length and can carry 30,000 cubic meters of cargo with a maximum mass of
75,000 metric tons. Its inner holds can be individually adapted to various pressurization and climatic
needs. It was sold with no weapons systems and no defensive shielding, but there were plenty of aftermarket systems which could be fitted to the Action IV's design. They require a dedicated crew of 8, and
have no passenger facilities. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 3 indicates that the Action
IV is 110 meters in length, required a crew of ten to operate, and can transport up to 70,000 metric tons of
cargo. (HTTE, SWSB, SWJ3, SOG)
Action Tidings
this was one of the many species-specific newsfeeds available to the inhabitants of Cloud City, in orbit
around the gas giant Bespin. Action Tidings was produced by and for the Ugnaughts who worked in the
city during the height of the Galactic Civil War, although the corporate headquarters and primary studuio
facilities were located in a tower in the city of Ugnorgrad, on the Ugnaught Surface. Its most popular
anchorbeing was Ars Fivvle, whose holodocumentary Ugnaughts' Progress was distributed across the
galaxy. (MC57, PH)
Action V Transport
another starship in the popular Corellian Engineering Corporation Action series, the Action V measure\d
115 meters in length. It required a crew of 10 to operate, and could hold up to 80,500 metric tons of
cargo. In its stock form it was unarmed, and had minimal shielding. (DFRSB)
Action VI Freighter
another medium bulk freighter built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Action VI measures 125
meters in length and can carry up to 90,000 metric tons. It has no weapons systems and minimal
defensive shielding. It requires a dedicated crew of 10, and has no passenger facilities. (MMY, RASB)
Action-Keynne XII
this is a model of Corellian transport ship. They were designed to transport highly valuable cargoes, and
were one of the most luxurious Corellian ships ever built. The Action-Keynne XII was also heavily armed,
with multiple tiers of weaponry. (SOP)
this Drearian Defense Riot Shield was manufactured from layered metal and one-way, mirrored
transparisteel. A small notch in the upper section allows a blaster to be aimed and fired from behind it.
Actuating Blaster Module
this blaster component takes the excited gas from the Xciter chamber and converts it into a beam of
intense energy and light. The energy and light are subsequently focused - a process called galvening - as
it passes through the barrel of the weapon. (CFG)
A'Daasha, Corinna
a native of the planet Corellia, Corinna and her twin sister, Kandria, grew up in a wealthy family and never
had to struggle to attain anything. Corinna, unlike her sister, grew bored and restless in this existence,
and used some of her inheritance to travel among the stars. However, despite the freedom and adventure
she experienced, Corinna felt somehow unhappy without Kandria. When Kandria left Corellia to join her,
Corinna's spirits immediately rose. The pair eventually settled on Adarlon - Kandria's choice, to which
Corinna, quickly agreed - and they established the Glow Dome complex. Corinna often tended bar

herself, using a portable holoprojection unit to alter her appearance. She was also sympathetic to the
Alliance, having witnessed the news reports brought in by the underground unit No-Holds-Barred. Her
attachment to the Alliance provided a sense of security and purpose, something which was missing in her
childhood. (WSV)
A'Daasha, Kandria
a native of the planet Corellia, Kandria and her twin sister, Corinna, grew up in a wealthy family and never
had to struggle to attain anything. Unlike her sister, Kandria thoroughly enjoyed the life of luxury, but
became distraught after Corinna left Corellia to see the galaxy. She decided that she couldn't be without
Corinna, and decided to join her in her travels. The pair eventually settled on Adarlon - Kandria's choice,
to which Corinna, quickly agreed - and they established the Glow Dome complex. Shortly after the
business took off, Kandria became withdrawn and moody, and it was later learned that she had been
possessed by the Derriphan known as Ziakas. (WSV)
this was a common name among adult Codru-Ji. (UANT)
this was a noted member of the Yarkora race. (UANT)
a New Republic bulk cruiser that was captured by Qorl over Coruscant. The ship was loaded with
armaments and hyperdrive components, which Brakiss and the leaders of the Shadow Academy needed
to help shore up the new Imperial Navy. It was on its way to Kuat, but was being inspected by Admiral
Ackbar at the time. Qorl's forces disabled the ship's weapons and communications, but left its shields and
engines operational. The ship was towed to the Shadow Academy, which was cloaked within Coruscant's
system. Note that Jedi Under Siege claims the Adamant was attacked by the Shadow Academy at
Kashyyyk. The Second Imperium used the hyperdrive cores and turbolaser batteries from the ship, as
well as New Republic shield codes, to outfit their own ships. The resulting confusion allowed the Second
Imperium to skip inside Republic defenses, until Ackbar used the shield codes against them and dropped
all their shields. The Imperium's fleet was then decimated by Republic cruisers. (LO, JUS)
this Victory-class Star Destroyer was sent by Grand Admiral Thrawn to intercept Mara Jade at Abregado,
some five years after the Battle of Endor. (DFR)
this New Republic escort cruiser supported the Borealis during Leia Organa-Solo's mission to meet with
Seti Ashgad. The ship was one of the first to succumb to the Death Seed plague launched by Ashgad and
Dzym, and was stolen by Ashgad's people and destroyed on a world far from Nam Chorios. Hand-held
weapons from the crew were later used to arm the Newcomers on the planet, in the uprising planned by
Ashgad and Dzym. (POT)
an aquatic planet. (AIR)
Adannon, Alric
this noble of House Cadriaan placed second during the Vor-cal hunt which took place shortly after the
Battle of Hoth. He was not chosen to represent Cadriaan at the Vor-cal shortly before the Battle of Endor,
however, since Cadriaan had employed a team of Alliance agents to infiltrate the hunt and discover the
motives of House Melantha. Adannon was livid at being passed over, and decided to set out for Vilhon on
his own in order to take matters into his own hands. He was known as a loud, arrogant man with a fiery
temper, but he was nevertheless loyal to House Cadriaan. During the hunt, it was learned that Adannon
used a contact within Boss Tosk's organization to obtain access to Vilhon, a fact that doomed his political
career and earned him the wrath of Boss Tosk. (LOE)

this winged reptile evolved on the hostile world of Omiddelon III. Individuals could grow to lengths
reaching three meters, and they hunted in large packs. Adars had long, scaled bodies which had a row of
short spines along the dorsal ridge. Their heads resembled scorpions, with a flat skull surrounded by a
pair of strong mandibles. Adars have high metabolisms, and stored water and food in their tails. When
food was scarce and their internal reserves were too low to sustain activity, adars could go into a trancelike state and wait for prey to come to them. (COG)
this Imperial Prefect controlled the planet Denevar during the Galactic Civil War. He accused Reson Nath
of a variety of crimes, including abetting a known criminal and conspiring against him. The trial was
presided over by Janq Paramexor, and overseen by Moff Gorliz. As was often the case in respect to the
various guilds sanctioned by the Empire, Nath was subject to the rules of the Paramexor Guild of
Hunters. Her punishment was to face her accuser in armed combat. Adar, a thin man without much
physical training, realized that he would be killed in combat against Nath, and withdrew the charges.
However, Moff Gorliz had already placed a bet with Janq Paramexor that Adar would last at least ten
minutes in the battle, and ordered them to begin combat. (GG10)
this male Noghri served as Leia Organa Solo's bodyguard, during the period following the Battle of Duro.
In the confusion that ensued when Coruscant was attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong, Adarakh and Meewalh
tried to ensure that the Solos, along with the infant Ben Skywalker, reached the Millennium Falcon safely.
They were fooled, along with the Solos, by the appearance of Welda and Tarc. When the combat droid
YVH 1-507A revealed that Welda was actually Viqi Shesh, the rogue Senator lashed out with a powershiv
and stabbed Adarakh in the ribs. The weapon punctured his heart, killing the Noghri almost instantly.
Adarakh died bravely, giving the Solos a chance to escape the planet. (EVR, SBS)
Adare, Terena
this woman served as the chief administrator of the planet Dantooine, during the years following the Great
Sith War. When the planet was virtually abandoned by the Old Republic after Darth Malak destroyed the
Jedi enclave on Dantooine, Administrator Adare was faced with economic disaster until she opened up
the planet to treasure-seekers and archaeologists who wanted to sift through the ruins. While these
opportunists brought credits to Dantooine, they also caused many problems for the planet's native
population. (LAWS)
this was the spoken language of the Adarian race, which consisted of a collection of tonal inflections that
could be easily formed by the Adarians' rigid mouth. (UANT)
an Imperial Star Destroyer operative during the Galactic Civil War. It was used in the defense of the TIE
Defender development site in the Parmel System. (TIE)
this planet is the homeworld of the Adarian race. It is covered with volcanic mountains, most of which are
perpetually covered with snow. Its year lasts 409 standard days. (GG12)
an alien race native to the planet Adari, the Adarians are humanoids with unusual cranial structures. Their
skulls are elongated and tall, and have a large hole which goes completely through it. They have no ears
or noses, and their mouth is ringed with sharp, bony ridges instead of lips. The Adarians make up for the
lack of ears with a covering of fine hairs along their skulls that pick up the vibration of sound waves. A
series of glands near the skin's surface allows them to smell. Their throats can be distended and filled
with air, and the resulting "long call" can be useful as a communication method or a kind of defensive
action. The Adarians have a rigid caste system which dominates their society, and they have evolved an
advanced technology based on the use of super-cooled carbon-ice computers. They were able to remain
neutral during the Galactic Civil War by signing a non-agression treaty with the Empire, providing the
Empire with unlimited raw materials in return for their neutrality. (GG12)

this planet, located in the Minos Cluster, functioned as the Cluster's entertainment destination. By itself,
Adarlon is a rugged, mountainous world originally settled by a group of Old Republic altruists - many from
Alderaan - for its beauty rather than its resources. They were particularly well-funded, and their society
grew into one of entertainment rather than survival. It was on Adarlon that the holographic medium was
developed as an entertainment staple, and music from the planet is also highly sophisticated. Its primary
industry was centered around tourism, and its temperate climate was well-suited to the various resorts
and parks which operated there. Adarlon has a day which lasts 21 standard hours, and a year which lasts
381 local days. Adarlon was also the home to one of the most famous opera companies in the galaxy,
and the famous opera singer Neile Janna was a native of Adarloon. (GG6, SWJ5)
this ancient Sith King was the gatekeeper of the Sith holocron used by the leader of Onderon, some
4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Adas was a huge man who had used the power of the Dark Side
of the Force to conquer his homeworld some 24,000 years before the Great Sith War. Sith scholars of the
period believed that Adas created the holocron more as a testament to his achievements than as a
teaching device. (TOJC)
Adazian Liebke
this Weequay was a Major in the Alliance's Special Forces unit on New Kisge. A native of Sriluur, Liebke
was part of a family with a rich military history, and he himself served in Dnalvec's militia and fought in the
Houk-Weequay Conflicts. Adazian was known for his ability to handle the nocturnal dark wolf, and
maintained a pack of twenty during his tenure with the Alliance. Adazian was also a member of Eclipse
Team's Twilight Squadron, and was an accomplished wilderness fighter. (AIR, SWJ6)
this small device is similar to a Holocron. It is given out by manufacturers who want to promote their
products. When activated, the ad-cube displays a holographic advertisement of the product the
manufacturer wants to sell. (POT)
Adder Ain-la
this noted poet once wrote that Coruscant was "a dead metal shell of a worldsoulless beyond
salvation, so cold and empty its frozen carcass must be reheated with solar mirrors." (CCW)
Adder Moss
originally found on Dagobah, adder moss has made its way to several other worlds, including Naboo.
Adder moss is burned as a natural fuel, but can also be eaten as a spongy, spicy snack. (GF)
Adder's Bite
this was an alias used for the shuttle Narra when it was assigned to work with the captured Night Caller
under the control of Choday Hrakness and Wraith Squadron. (WS)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as
"guardian" or "sentinel". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a
complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Sermeria. (HNN4)
this Rodian clan owned a small enclave on the Betu continent of Rodia, and owed its allegiance to the
Chekkoo clan. (SPG)
located in the Outer Rim Territories, this was the primary world of the Adegan System and the site of an
important Jedi stronghold. It borders the Cron Drift. Adega was one of the original nine Auril Systems, and

is only one of six that remains following the creation of the Cron Drift. (DE1, DE2, DLS, REB)
this star was the central body of the Adegan System, which contained the planet Ossus. (TOJC)
Adegan Crystals
known as Ilum crystals, these minerals emit powerful bursts of light when induced by resonant
frequencies. This trait makes them the most common crystals used to construct lightsabers. (DE1)
Adegan Eel
a creature found in the Adegan System. (DLS)
this starship, given the New Republic Registry number RN32-000439, was owned by Refka Trell. (SOL)
Aden, Tev
this man served as Dictio L'varren's chief aide, during the early years of the New Republic. Aden was
killed shortly after the death of Shek Barayel, when he was confronted by Kaleb Darme. Kella Rand was
the first to discover Aden's body and question Darme. Circumstantial evidence in the form of a remote
detonation device found on Aden's body led many to believe he was responsible for Barayel's death, but
he was later absolved of any crime when Imperial forces were discovered to be behind Barayel's murder.
this was one of the highest levels of competitors recognized in the game of Strag. It was said that an
Adept could plan their game four moves ahead, even in the face of a Piluvian salamander-storm. (MJH)
Adepts of Chalatca
see Chalactan Adepts (SHPT)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Adi indicated vitality or personal power. (GCG)
this planet was the site of a mining colony which was attacked by pirates. The miners hired a group of
mercenaries to protect them, and the pirates then hired Andov Syn to help them. Syn singlehandedly
wiped out the mercenaries. (WBC)
this planet was the site of an Imperial stronghold during the Galactic Civil War, but later became a
member of the New Republic. (TNR)
this gas giant is the sixth planet in the Lianna System, and was surrounded by eight moons. (ML)
Adipose Lice
this parasite lived on the fatty deposits of its host, causing tremendous weight loss in just a matter of
hours. Experimentation in controlled reduction of bodily weight, via the injection of adipose lice, has been
discussed and experimented with by many doctors and scientists. A selective toxin was injected to halt
the spread of the lice. However, the adipose lice do not care which fatty tissues it attacks, and it
consumes all fat it encounters. The treatment, which is extremely expensive, often causes more harm
than good. (TBSB)

Adi's Rest
this large volcano, located on the planet Lok, was named by the smuggler Nym, in honor of his one-time
ally, Adi Gallia. (SWI70)
Adison Cray
an Alliance free agent working during the Galactic Civil War. (GG9)
this major city was located on the planet Corulag. (WSV)
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer that was stolen from the Empire by the New Republic and renamed
Liberator. It was destroyed in battle over the planet Coruscant just prior to the reborn Emperor Palpatine's
emergence. (DE1)
this was the brand name of a series of slugthrowing holdout pistol manufactured by Czerka Arms. The
Adjudicator was commonly sold as a personal defense weapon, but many paramilitary outfits added a
silencer and used it for offensive attacks. (ROE)
this Imperial Star Destroyer assisted the Relentless in the subjugation of Gerrard V. During the Battle of
Endor, the Adjudicator took heavy damage and was abandoned to the Alliance. (SWJ3, TBSB)
Adler Roty
this alien as a noted Sorcerer of Tund, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Adler Roty was
also a showman, and traveled across the galaxy to entertain beings of all species with his unusual magic.
He made sure to reinforce the idea that his form of magic was not The Force, but actual magic. He often
used the adjectives "Facinorous, Moliminous, Nefandous, and Numamorous" to describe his show.
this was the operational headquarters found on Hologram Fun World. (HNN5)
Admiral Korvin
Wilhuff Tarkin assigned this Trade Federation battleship to Raith Sienar's small fleet, during their attempt
to obtain a Sekotan starship three years after the Battle of Naboo. At the time, the Admiral Korvin had not
yet been handed over to the Old Republic Navy. (RP)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was under the command of Captain Dagon Niriz during the years
following the Battle of Yavin. It was the ship which transported Thrawn back to the Unknown Regions
after his appointment to Admiral. It was never seen again, even when Thrawn returned to take control of
the Imperial remnants several years after the Battle of Endor. (TFE, VOF, SWJ11)
this is a Horansi verb, which means "'to clean one's toenails." (POT)
this planet is the homeworld of the Adnerem race. It is known in most circles as a pleasure world, where
any being can go and relax in luxury. Adner orbited a binary star, and it was rumored that more than
2,000 theme parks and pleasure houses dotted its surface. (WBC, AE)
Adner, Divina Quri
Wilek Nereus had proposed marriage to this woman, a native of Arkonne III. Unfortunately, Divina was
killed by Phean Tic'Karcta, a jealous rival for Divina's business. Nereus eventually hunted down and killed
Tic'Karcta to exact a measure of revenge. (TBSB)

this race of tall, thin humanoids was native to the planet Adner. They are distinguished by their large,
triangular-shaped heads, which have a prominent bulge or knob in the center of their forehead. They
have wide, flat eyes, and their thin arms end in hands which have four thin, talon-tipped fingers but lack a
truly opposable thumb. The Adnerem were known for their desire to improve their socio-economic
positions in life, which often required them to work for the betterment of their individual families, or steri.
The average Adnerem tended to be asocial and introverted, but they were often found in small groups. A
well-known phrase described the Adnerem this way: "Two Adnerem are a party, four a dinner, and six a
funeral." (WBC, AE, SWJ11)
Ado Sector
this area of the galaxy contains the StarForge Nebula. (FOP)
Ado Spine
this hyperspace trade route connected the major planets of Ado Sector. (PP)
this battle droid was one of the commanders during the Trade Federation's assault on the Gungan Grand
Army, during the Battle of Naboo. (SON)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this Twi'lek was a confidante of Ekh the Red, and worked for Orman on Lianna. (ML)
Adony Station
this Imperial depot, located on the planet Jerne, was rumored to be the resting place of the Eternity
Crystal. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa raced to Adony to discover the crystal before Darth Vader
could, some time during the Galactic Civil War. Vader rigged the vault where the crystal rested - a nearly
impenetrable coffer - to explode when the Alliance agents tried to open it. However, the Dark Lord was
also caught in the explosion. Luke and Leia managed to escape, and Vader was buried under the rubble.
He survived as well, but the crystal - and much of Adony Station - were lost. (CSWDW)
Ador Beldune
this was the name of a noted Adarian individual. (UANT)
Adoris Feline
this small, catlike animal is a favorite of many freighter and long hauler crews. (OS)
Adostic Arms
this weapons manufacturer is known for its large-bore projectile shotguns. (CRO)
this being was a noted Korfani poet. (SESB)
this Imperial Moff controlled Kilbanis Sector from a base on the planet Manwess III. It was Adrell who first
posted a bounty on Malindin Gevarak's head. (GG10)
this ancient Sith devotee was one of the many chamberlains who served Master Uthar Wynn at the Sith
academy on Korriban, during the era of the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
this gas giant was the third planet in the Tatoo System. It had four natural satellites, and was surrounded
by a system of rings. Many of these rings contained solid ice, which was mined as a source of water for
the planet Tatooine. (GG7, SOT)

A'driannamieq Mountains
found on the planet Elom, this wide expanse of rocky peaks is the native land of the ranphyx. (GG12)
this was a common name among the Zeltron people. (UANT)
Adrimetrum, Kaiya
this woman and her husband lived on Siluria III, until the Empire invaded the world and killed her
husband. Since then, she rallied her neighbors, and led successful guerilla attacks on the Empire. She
even was able to remove the Imperial Governor of the planet, which got her noticed by Corwin Shelvay.
Shelvay recruited her into the Alliance, where she trained with the likes of Page and Keleman Ciro. Both
believed she was too aggressive and hot-headed, but she served faithfully as a Unit Commander during
the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Endor, she served in Page's Commandos, and was part of the
assault team dispatched to Kal'Shebbol to take down Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. When Sarne escaped
and the New Republic decided to hunt him down, Kaiay accepted command of the corvette FarStar and
set out to capture Moff Sarne in Kathol Sector. (GG9, DARK, KO)
this woman was an Imperial Prefect during the Galactic Civil War. (GG10)
AD-series Droid
this model of droid was often used on military bases as an armory administrator, providing specialized
weaponsry and equipment repair. Designed and manufactured by Arakyd, the AD series was targetted for
sale to the Empire as an armory unit, programmed to handle weapons maintenance more efficiently that
humans. However, the Empire deemed that the benefits of the AD-series droid was marginal (estimates
of less than 0.001% gains in efficiency have been documented), and declined to purchase the AD. Arakyd
had assumed that the Empire would purchase them and mass-produced the AD-series, and found
themselves with a huge inventory of unsold droids. Eventually, Arakyd managed to unload the AD-series
to local law enforcement agencies and independent mercenaries. (ROE, GG10, FTD)
Adsila Rifts
this area of shifting dunes was located on the extreme western edge of the Doaba Badlands, on the
planet Socorro. The area was known for its huge concentration of sand wells, which made it especially
dangerous to traverse. (BSS)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
this yellow star was located in the Outer Rim Territories, and was the primary world in the Aduba System.
this ball of searing-hot rock was the innermost world of the Aduba System. (GMR4)
this planet, a terrestrial world draped in a poisonous atmosphere, was the second planet in the Aduba
System. (GMR4)
Aduba-3 was the third planet in the Aduba System, located in the Outer Rim. It was orbited by a single
moon, and was originally settled as an agricultural world. Despite its arid appearance, Aduba-3's plains
were fed by arterial rivers that snaked through the planet's crust. However, after it was rumored to have
rich and widely-distributed lodes of chromium, Aduba-3 experienced a boom in population that rendered
much of its landscape a dusty wasteland. These rumors turned out to be false, the product of several
greedy schemers who seeded existing mines with chromium deposits. Because of this deceipt - which
many later attributed to the Tenloss Syndicate - many spacers chose to avoid the planet altogether, as a

reminder of its troublesome past. It orbited a fourth-class yellow sun, and was one of many planets
throughout the galaxy with a native population of banthas. Han Solo, Jaxxon, and a group of adventurers
liberated a village on this planet in the months following the Battle of Yavin. The village was being held by
Serji-X Arrogantus. (MC7, MC16, GMR4)
this was the fourth planet in the Aduba System, a terrestrial world that was orbited by a pair of moons.
(LTA3, MC60, GMR4)
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Aduba System. It was orbited by seven moons. (GMR4)
this frozen ball of ice was the sixth and outermost world in the Aduba System. It was orbited by a single
moon. (GMR4)
Adum Larp
this Rodian male owned and operated an equipment and supply store on Dantooine, during the era of the
Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
this remote world, located on the inner edge of Wild Space, was colonized some 10,000 years before the
Battle of Yavin by separatists who had rebelled against the Old Republic. They had been defeated by the
Republic's forces, and given the option of death or resettlement. They chose to be resettled, opting to
take their chances on a remote planet rather than be executed. The separatists evolved outside the
mainstream of galactic growth for millennia, until they were contacted by the New Republic some 8 years
after the Battle of Endor. The human natives of the planet, who call themselves the Adumari, developed a
complex social structure which was based on personal honor and triumph over one's enemies. The
primary industries of the planet were based on the production of war materiel, and they were skilled in the
manufacture of proton torpedoes. They lacked a world government when a New Republic mapping ship
accidentally found the planet and first contacted them, but the Adumari quickly learned that the Republic
was not the only power in the galaxy. The perator of Cartann, Pekaelic ke Teldan, offered both the
remnants of the Empire and the New Republic the chance to prove themselves and earn the alliance of
Adumar in what basically became a popularity contest between Wedge Antilles and Turr Phennir. The
perator himself was eventually ousted in favor of his son, who was more receptive to creating a
democratic world government, where his father had wanted a government controlled by Cartann leaders.
In the end, Adumar welcomed the New Republic and became a member world. Adumar has two moons.
Adumar Central Control
this was the starship traffic control center of the planet Adumar. (SOA)
Adumar: Five Years of Union
written and produced by Hallis Saper, this award-winning documentary portrayed the events of Operation
Joystick and the struggle to bring the planet Adumar into the membership of the New Republic. (PH)
this was the name used by the human inhabitants of the planet Adumar. The descendants of a group of
people who rebelled against the Old Republic and were defeated some 10,000 years before the Battle of
Yavin, the Adumari continued to be a rebellious society even after they settled the planet. Their records
indicated that there had been at least two huge wars which reduced the people to barbarism, but their
tenacious nature had brought them back each time. They had a complex social structure which was
based on personal honor and triumph over one's enemies. Any Adumari could challenge another Adumari
in armed combat, which was usually fought to the death unless the victor chose to lessen the prestige of
his victory. Combat was the primary sport in Adumari society, with contests in ground-based combat and
aerial dogfighting. The techniques developed by the Adumari were crude by modern galactic standards,
since there were very few battles that involved more than two participants, and each was usually fighting

for prestige rather than learning from past mistakes. As a people, though, the Adumari were known as
hard-working, industrious people who developed sophisticated manufacturing facilities. What was
considered unusual was that, despite their obsession with fightercraft, the Adumari never re-developed
any form of space travel, a circumstance attributed to their unique society. When the Adumari were
contacted by the New Republic and urged to form a world government, the perator of Cartann, Pekaelic
ke Teldan, was approached first, since Cartann seemed to be the strongest of the existing city-states.
However, the perator took it upon himself to ingratiate himself with the diplomats, in an effort to beat his
rivals to the punch and become the planetary ruler. However, this Cartann-based government was met
with opposition from several other nations, including the Yedagonian Confederacy and Halbegardia. In
the end, it was discovered that the New Republic diplomat to Adumar, Tomer Darpen, was leading the
Cartann leadership down a path he had chosen, rather than forming a democratic planetary government.
The perator of Cartann opted to retire rather than be executed, and abdicated the throne to his son. A
more representative world government was formed, and the Adumari elected to join the New Republic.
Adumari Union
this was the name of the world government envisioned by Escalion, perator of Yedagon, for the planet
Adumar. It was endorsed by the perators of Halbegardia, Thozzelling, and Tetanne, and they offered the
nation of Cartann - under the leadership of a new perator, Balass ke Teldan - a chance to join it and help
create its laws and policies. The Adumari Union was eventually admitted to the New Republic. (SOA)
Advanced Appendage Bus
introduced shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, this was Cybot Galactica's proprietary version of
the Universal Socket Interface. While competitors and many small corporations claimed it was CG's
method of driving its competition out of business, CG stated that the AAB was simply "more advanced
technology." Benchmark tests showed that the AAB was up to three times as fast as the USI, at least
according to CG spokebeings. Unfortunately for CG's customers, the AAB was incompatible with the USI,
requiring the purchase of new technology in order to comply. (HNN5)
Advanced Base Baskarn
this was the name of the remote Alliance starfighter base established on Baskarn during the Alliance
during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ2)
Advanced Explosives Handbook
a compilations of songs written and played by the band Deeply Religious. It has been banned by the
Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Advanced Reconnaissance Clone Trooper
known as an ARC Trooper or an Advanced Reconnaissance Commando, this was the term used to
describe an elite soldier created from the genetic material of Jango Fett, cloned by the Kaminoans at the
order of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The ARC trooper had greater independence and adaptability than the
standard clone trooper, and were often used in small groups for highly-sensitive missions. Jango himself
had described the training program for the ARC Troopers, and was able to bypass the Kaminoans and
instill his own orders into their training. Primary among these personal orders was directive to destroy all
immature clones in the event that the Separatists attacked Kamino. Jango's final orders were that the
young clones were to serve the Republic, or to die before they fell into enemy hands. They were trained
to be exceptionally strong and durable, with stamina that would amaze any race. The ability to recover
from physical exertion was programmed into their training, with the ability to drop into various levels of
rest to meet the individual needs of a trooper's body. They could even sleep on the march. The basic
training of an ARC trooper was geared toward sending them out on solo missions, although they were
often trained in small groups to minimize the time required to get them trained. The independence of the
ARC troopers, however, made them somewhat unpredictable in battle. For this reason, the Kaminoans
kept the ARC Troopers in stasis tubes until it was absolutely necessary to use them. Among the traits
retained from Jango's original genes were several pieces of his memory; most prominently, the ARC
Troopers retained a measure of disdain for the Jedi Knights. (OWS, RDK, WOTC, TCD)
Advanced Reconnaissance Commando

see Advanced Reconnaissance Clone Trooper (SWDB)

this was the native language of the Advoszec race. (UANT)
Advent One
this was the nickname given to the Y-Wing obtained by Jarin, during the liberation of Edan II. (IAG)
Adventure Hiker and Hunter
this small corporation produced a variety of rations used by military personnel and civilians while out in
the field. (ROE)
this Crescent-class Mark II transport was owned by Aelon Reglis, after he decided that he was going to
be the first member of his family to travel among the stars. He gave the Adventurer to his daughter, Lynx,
as a graduation present after she graduated from the Imperial Academy. She found little free time to
actually use the ship, and it only saw action when she impersonated the Alliance agent Sapphire on a
mission to Kira Sector. Shortly afterward, Lynx was implicated in a plot to steal military secrets and was
arrested. The Adventurer was impounded by Imperial forces and later dismantled. (SS)
this Verpine starship is a pre-Empire vintage with a lifting body design and hoverjets in place of
repulsorlifts. It had no weapons or shields, and did not have an astromech droid for navigation. It was
designed to be a small, personal sporting craft. (BTS)
this long-barreled slugthrower was produced by Czerka Arms during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Easily broken down for transport or concealment, the Adventurer found a niche among bounty hunters
such as Aurra Sing. It had excellent aim over long distances, and used a rich oxidizer to propel darts and
slugs. (WOTC)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was stationed at Heriston, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, for a series
of repairs. (RESB)
during the last decades of the Old Republic, advertiscreens were used to promote products with loud
audio and glaring video. These large viewscreens could be mounted anywhere, from starports to
alleyways, and could continuously display a series of product advertisements. (SHPT)
Advising Circle
this section of the primary city of Kegan was used by V-Tan and O-Vieve as a base from which they ruled
the planet. Every Keganite was allowed to enter the Advising Circle and voice their opinion, which would
be considered in the maintaining of the General Good. (FFT)
Advisory Council
this seven-member governmental body was created by the New Republic to act as a balance to the
power of the Chief of State. The Advisory Council was also a sounding board for the Chief of State's
ideas. The Advisory Council could revoke the orders of the Chief of State, and could impeach the Chief of
State if five of seven members voted for it. (RASB)
this was the capital city of the planet Riflor. The exact location of Advora on the planet's surface was of
little consequence to the native Advozsec, since it had been moved some eighty-two times before the
Battle of Endor due to the frequent earthquakes that altered Riflor's surface. (GMR4)
Advora Learning Center

this was one of the most prominent educational facilites found on the planet Riflor. It was located in the
capital city of Advora. (GMR4)
this was the native language of the Advozsec race. (GMR4)
this term describes a single member of the Advozsec race. (GG12, CCG2)
an alien race characterized by their short stature, large black eyes, and enlarged cranium, the Advozsec
were native to the planet Riflor. Their skulls were punctuated by a short, thick horn which protruded from
the center of their forehead. Their ears were short and pointed, and grew close to the skull. Despite the
inhosptiable nature of Riflor's environment, the Advozsec managed to evolve and grow as a species and
as a civilization. Their large eyes allowed them to see in the murky light. Riflor's constant tectonic activity
instilled a sense of skepticism and pessimism, as the Advozsec cities were continually being rebuilt after
natural disasters. A herbivorous race, the Advozsec were known to become violently ill should they
consume any form of animal protein. Their technology mirrored that found in much of the galaxy, although
they tended to build it on a smaller, more transportable scale. The basic tenet of Advozsec society was
simple: plan for the worst, control all posssible variables, and survive. The Advozsec first made contact
with the Old Republic some 10,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, after their first attempts at
hyperspace travel brought them to the attention of explorers. Millennia later, Riflor was destroyed by a
Yuuzhan Vong bio-virus that killed the planet's plantlife. This left millions of Advozsec to starve to death.
Only those Advozsec who were offworld at the time, as well as the Bomminde fammily of Tejrivozs,
managed to survive. (GG12, UANT, GMR4)
Adz-class Destroyer
this Imperial starship design was used as a patrol ship in many outlying regions, and was developed after
the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Their primary armament consisted of three quad-laser cannons and
three dual-cannon ion batteries. They could achieve .55 past lightspeed, and maintained six fighters
within her bays. One of the primary technological advances used in the Adz-class destroyer was the
inclusion of an array of slave circuitry that allowed a crew of 24 to handle virtually every system. At 150
meters in length, the Adz-class patrol destroyer required 12 gunners and could transport up to 8
passengers and 4 prisoners in its brig. (TT, CTD)
a subspace communcations relay module used in many Imperial starfighters. The communications
network established by the fighters provided information during battle as well as during searches. (CCG4)
a heavy-duty repulsor unit used to keep sail barges afloat. (TJP)
this was Kroddok Stopa's verification code, used to communicate with the Obroan Institute's central
computer. (SOL)
designed and manufactured by the Tagge Mining Company, the AEA-500 was a 20-meter-long
prospecting craft developed during the height of the New Order. It required a pilot and dig operator to run,
and could carry up to ten metric tons of mineral and ore samples. A series of tri-beam lasers were used to
scrape up samples of rock from asteroids and planetoids, while internal plasma units filtered out the
valuable materials for storage. (GFT)
this is the name given to the supporters of the Ante-Endor Association by the Mrlssi. It is derived from the
abbreviation A.E.A.. (XWPA)

this race of small, orange-skinned humanoids is native to the planet Aefao. (RD)
this planet is the homeworld of the Aefan race. The t'landa T'il recruited pilgrims from this world for the
Besadii Hutts, although Han Solo once tried to dissuade the Aefans from leaving. (RD)
this was one of the Aegies-class shuttles acquired on Kal'Shebbol by the New Republic. It was later
assigned to the FarStar, during the search for Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. (E)
Aegis-class Shuttle
this is a series of combat shuttle manufactured during the Galactic Civil War by Telgorn Corporation. The
29-meter-long shuttle was highly demanded by military groups, as it could deliver troops into a warzone
and pick them up while taking a pounding. A crew of two, plus two gunners, could operate the craft and
deliver up to 40 troopers and three light combat vehicles into action. Two side airlocks could also be used
as boarding ramps, and the ship was armed with a pair of turret-mounted laser cannons and two frontmounted concussion missile launchers. (KO, ROE)
Aeien Silk
this wonderfully-patterned, heavy silk fabric was used as a lining for capes and cloaks during the height of
the New Order. (VD)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'ek added to an
individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Aeneid Council of Elders
this govnermental body controlled the Aeneid System during the early years of the New Order. Each of
the system's inhabitable worlds provided a representative to the Council, allowing each world to have a
say in the affairs of the system. (T16)
Aeneid System
this star system contained fifteen planets, thirteen of which were inhabitable. According to the alien
known as Squishmael, the rare Kessel Bird was native to thirteen of the Aeneid System's planets. (T16)
Aeon Ranger
this modified Corellian transport had the main body of a YG-4210 with the engine section of a YG-5000. It
was armed with a pair of light ion cannons, two blaster cannons, and a rear-facing heavy concussion
missile launcher. The ship, which could serve as a scout ship, assault boat, or patrol ship, required a crew
of four to operate. (GMR2)
this tall humanoid was a professor at the Leadership School on Andara, during the years following the
Battle of Naboo. Professor Aeradin's thin head was crowned by four antennae, which quivered when he
grew agitated. Professor Aeradin was also the assistant Dean at the School, and was responsible for
ensuring that each incoming class of students was matriculated into the system. (JQ5)
this specialty corporation produced a variety of personal safety devices. (GFT)
Aeramaxis Technologies
this small corporation produced specialized, personal equipment, including the Evasive-13 individual field
disruptor. (EGW)
this man, a weapons expert, was part of the underground movement led by Cilia Dil on the planet

Junction 5, some 23 years before the Battle of Geonosis. When Cilia and her band decided to get
arrested, in an effort to infiltrate the Guardians, Aeran agreed to remain free to alert the resistance of their
plans. (LOJ)
this moon, one of two bodies that orbited the planet Krant, was the site of a large battle during the early
stages of the Clone Wars. The Trade Federation had established a mining colony on the moon during the
years leading up to the battle. (SWDB, GBC)
this young woman was the daughter of Alarik X and Careese, the King and Queen of Lazerian IV. Her
outward appearance was that of the spoiled princess, but her actual role on Lazerian IV was much more
than that. Despite her parents' Imperial loyalties, Aereena was the leader of the New Republic resistance
on the planet following the Battle of Endor. (TSK)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
Aerie Command
this was the code name for the base of operations of the New Republic Intelligence agency's Special
Threats division. It was located on Coruscant. (CTD)
Aerie, The
this immense casino and hotel was established near the city of Moenia, on the planet Naboo, during the
months following the Battle of Yavin. To attract visitors, the owners touted the casino as the premier
gambling facility in the galaxy. (ROD)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
one of the Corellian orphans rescued from Ylesia by Han Solo and Chewbacca, he was a dark-haired
child. (RD)
this form of container was used by those beings who maintained contained environments for small, flying
creatures. (COG)
Aerospace Engineers Incorporated
a company to which Han Solo owed 2,500 credits in his early smuggling days. Vinda and D'rag worked
there, and issued the warrant for Interstellar Collections Limited to repossess Han's ship in order to
recover the funds. It is located on Oslumpex V. (HSR)
Aervis Wint
this Gungan served as a security officer on the planet Cularin, during the years following the Battle of
Naboo. Wint worked for Broof Yurdel at Gungan Security, providing the residents of Gadrin with a local
security service. (EOS)
this planet was known as the homeworld of the treton. (JQ3)
Aeten II
this highly-volcanic, tectonically-active planet was the only known source of stygium crystals. By the early
years of the New Order, much of Aeten II's sources of stygium had run dry. The planet was destroyed
during the height of the New Order when Grand Admiral Martio batch, searching for a source of stygian
crystals with which to produce a fool-proof cloaking device for the Empire, blasted the planet into
fragments with the superlaser installed on the Tarkin. (X1, SWI66, NEGV)

Aether Hypernautics
this corporation produced military-grade hyperspace motivators for use on Imperial warships, like the
Nebulon-B frigate. Their headquarters were located on Corulag. (FOP)
Aethersprite-class Delta-7 Light Interceptor
this wedge-shaped fighter craft was developed and manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, some 22 years
before the Battle of Yavin. Measuring eight meters in length, the Aethersprite was created from the
original designs of Adi Gallia by a design team led by Walex Blissex. The ship required an astromech
droid to assist the pilot, but its limited size demanded that the astromech be stripped down in order to be
hard-wired into the ship's systems. The original Aethersprite design lacked a hyperdrive, requiring it to be
transported through hyperspace with the help of a booster craft or hyperdrive ring. Later models were
equipped with a Class 3 hyperdrive unit. The Aethersprite measured eight meters in length, with a
wingspan of just 3.92 meters. It was a single-passenger vehicle, which could accommodate sixty
kilograms of cargo and was capable of speeds of 12,000 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. The
Aethersprite was armed with a pair of dual laser cannons mounted just below and behind the nose of the
ship. As the Clone Wars ground on, Anakin Skywalker stripped his own Delta-7 down and removed the
main powerplant, modifying it to accept the engines from the TransGalMeg Syliure-31 hyperdrive ring.
This new ship, with the huge hyperdrives mounted at the front of the ship, was painted in bold colors and
bore a striking resemblance to the podrace Anakin once flew to win the Boonta Eve Classic. Despite its
technologically-advanced design, the Aethersprite and the entire Delta line was dropped from KDY's
repertoire when Emperor Palpatine chose them for the construction of Star Destroyers. All design and
manufacturing information on the Delta fighters was sold to Sienar Fleet Systems about ten years after
the Battle of Geonosis. (SWDB, HNN4, X2, NEGV, SQ, GMR9, SWI77)
AF Double Strobe
this Verdrellig shield generator was used on many large starships. (RM)
this was the callsign of one of the Imperial stormtroopers assigned to the garrison on Cloud City, shortly
after the Battle of Hoth. (JKG2)
this was the ID number of an Imperial stormtrooper who was part of the forces garrisoned on Cloud City,
after Darth Vader captured Han Solo there. AF-119 was notparticularly fond of active duty, and would
rather have been hunting gundarks. (JKG)
this was the callsign of an Imperial stormtrooper garrisoned at Cloud City, in the wake of the Battle of
Hoth. AF-27 was known to purposely lose at sabacc, in order to gain favor with his commanders. (JKG)
this sect of Selonians terrorized the Corellian System some four centuries before the Battle of Endor. The
planned to exterminate all human control of the Corellian System, hoping to take control of the
government for themselves. The sect was destroyed by Keiran Halcyon and his fellow Corellian Jedi, and
was all but forgotten until the Empire used its specter to incite xenophobic reactions among the human
population of the system. (IJ, PJSB)
homeworld of the Defel race, it is a large, high-gravity world orbiting the ultraviolet supergiant Ka'Dedus.
The planet has a thick atmosphere but no ozone layer, and so ultraviolet light passes directly to the
surface. Heavy atmospheric gases then block most of the remaining wavelengths of light. For these
reasons, all lifeforms on the planet have evolved with the ability to see in ultraviolet light. The planet's
main export is the metal meleenium. At one time, Kuat Drive Yards mined Af'El for many of its natural
minerals. (DFR, GG4, CRO)
Af'El Lion
this strange beast is often found in traveling circuses. (GG6)

this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'fey added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this planet was a manufacturing center for Cybot Galactica, some 100 years before the Battle of Naboo. It
was believed that the original droid known as C-3PO, parts from which Anakin Skywalker later used to
rebuild the droid, was activated on Affa. (SWDB, LAT1)
Affect Mind
a technique used by the Jedi Knights, it allows them to use the Force to control, sense, and alter another
being's perceptions. It can be used to create illusions in, or remove images from, the being's memory.
Affide Crystal
this was supposedly a drug used by Alliance spies, at least according to Imperial documentation.
Whenever an Alliance spy was captured and interrogated, many died under the pressure. Reports usually
indicated that the spy took their own life, rather than divulge information, by consuming an affide crystal
which had been hidden in a false tooth. (GMR6)
Affiliated Moisture Farmers
this was a loose organization of the moisture farmers who worked on the planet Tatooine. (EGA)
Affodies Crafthouse of Pure Neimoidia
this Neimoidian corporation produced a wide variety of mechanical and technical devices for use by the
Neimoidians and the Trade Federation, including mechno-chairs. (COD)
this man was the High Lord of Sarin Sector, in the Outer Rim, during the Galactic Civil War. He used the
Mantis Bounty Hunter Syndicate as his own personal army, in spite of Imperial law, and made sure that
the Syndicate's contracts furthered his own goals. (GG9, GG10)
an alien race native to the planet Dom-Bradden, the Affytechans resemble tall, sentient plants. They grow
in a number of colorful configurations or leaves, petals, tassles, and tendrils, and no two are exactly alike.
Their normal body temperature is 83 degrees. (COJ)
this Coynite term was used to describe those nations (or Sarrh'Tais) which were deemed renegade, or
contrary to the tenets of the En'Tra'Sol. No other family or nation could work or communicate with a family
branded af'harl. In the Basic tongue, the word af'harl meant "unseeable." (AE, PG3)
this was a common name among the Chev race. (UANT)
Aft Deck Diner
this restaurant is situated on the Bazaar Deck of the Kuari Princess, and advertises "cheap eats from a
dozen worlds." (RM)
this Coynite word meant "deception," which was considered an unforgivable sin by the En'Tra'Sol. (PG3)
After the Old Life
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation Only In
Your Dreams, and has been given a scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Afterburner Arches
this trio of natural stone arches was located just off the coast of Prime Coromon, on the planet Fresia.

this swoop gang was active on the planet Entralla during the early years of the New Republic. Lurking in
the streets of the Overhang, near the starport of Nexus City, the Afterburners kept themselves busy trying
to protect the local citizens from conmen and other criminals. (SWJ4)
this continent, one of two on the planet Ropagi II, is located on the planet's western hemisphere. Like its
counterpart, Forethought, the continent is amazingly flat, and covered with huge expanses of grassy
plains broken by urban centers. Those native Ropagu who study the past and the history of their culture
live on this continent. (TSK)
a native of the planet Alderaan, Afyon served the New Republic as Captain of the Larkhess escort frigate
some five years after the Battle of Endor. He was off-planet when Alderaan was destroyed, and vowed to
make the Empire pay for its crimes. He signed up with the Alliance as a first officer on a gunship, and
worked his way up to Captain. He was somewhat disgruntled by the apparent lack of recognition he and
his companion starship commanders are receiving, while the pilots of the snub fighters seem to get all the
glory. Afyon was also one of the growing number of military officers who had shed their loyalty to Admiral
Ackbar, and had thrown their support to Borsk Fey'lya. (HTTE, HTSB)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'ag added to an
individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual's affiliation to the Iag or Ag clans. It was added to the
individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Ag Circuit
this hyperspace travel route was used by the many agricultural worlds of the Core and the Deep Core to
move their foodstuffs to needy planets. (UF)
this was a less-powerful version of the AG-2G quad-laser battery, developed by Corellian Engineering
Corporation. (BP)
Corellian Engineering Corporation's quad-laser battery, these were employed by Han Solo aboard the
Millennium Falcon. The cannons could be configured to fire singly, in pairs, or all at once, depending on
the desired power level of each blast and the recycle time required between shots. (RASB, EGW)
a semi-sentient race of huge, lumbering predators native to Zelos II, the aga have thick, gray skin, yellow
eyes, and six muscular legs. The front two legs can be used as arms in battle. They average four meters
at the shoulder, and are formidable beasts. They attack by first issuing a terrible screech which
immobilizes its prey, then they lash out with their front two arms. The aga were used by Emperor
Palpatine to allow stormtroopers to perform highly-secret tasks. Palpatine had the aga drugged until they
began hallucinating, then made the greatest fears permanent with the Dark Side of the Force. The aga,
much like cidwen and avogwi, were then used as guards. They viciously attacked anything or anybody
that came near them. (COJ, PG2)
Aga Culpa
this thin-bodied humanoid ruled over the moon of Nar Shaddaa, some four years after the Battle of
Naboo. Aga Culpa was distinguished by his pale gray skin, as well as the full-scalp cyborg unit on top of
his head. He made a pact with the slave raider Krayn, allowing him to control the spice processing

facilities on Nar Shaddaa in return for the freedom of the beings who lived on the station. Aga Culpa was
viewed as weak for this agreement, an assessment which was quite correct. When Siri Tachi and Anakin
Skywalker escaped from Krayn, they were able to secure Culpa's help in allowing a slave revolt, as Culpa
agreed to order the Nar Shaddaa guards to do nothing to stop the slaves. (JQ, JQC)
this planet, located in the Lahara Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was the home of Keyan Farlander. It
was the site of an Imperial invasion during the early years of Palpatine's reign as Emperor. Mon Mothma
visited there following the Ghorman Massacre, in an effort to help the Agamarians understand Palpatine's
evil. Later, it was the site of a hidden Alliance base, early in the Galactic Civil War. The natives of the
planet are known to be rough-hewn farmers known for their stubbornness. During the early stages of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Agamar served as a stopping point for refugees fleeing the Outer Rim worlds
under attack. This support was given after Leia Organa Solo and Danni Quee pleaded with the planetary
leaders for support. As the Yuuzhan Vong stepped up their invasion, Agamar remained a pathway to
freedom for those Outer Rim worlds which were attacked. However, when the Yuuzhan Vong learned of
the effects of bafforr tree pollen on their vonduun crab armor, they overran Agamar in an effort to extend
their control to Ithor. (XW, DF, WS, DTO, DTR)
Agamor Krin
this was the name of a famous Houk individual. (UANT)
this alien race is native to the harsh, volcanic planet Kuras III. The Aganof were a species of large, plantlike beings which lacked true sexes. They had a number of small appendages that were used for
locomotion, and another set of appendages for sensory input. A row of heat-dissipating flaps and
olfactory stalks lined their dorsal region, with small mouths below each flap used to capture small
creatures that were attracted to the flaps. Each end of their bodies ends in a jointed limb which is tipped
with a sharp claw. They lived in the caves of Kuras III, and survived without the senses of sight and
hearing. These beings spent much of their free time engaged in philosophical debates and intellectual
arguments, using vibrations and scents to relay their ideas. They had little concept of an alien species,
and knew nothing of the Galactic Civil War. (PG3, AE)
this city, located on the planet Bassadro, was founded near the Agao Range. (SWI65)
Agao Range
this range of dormant volcanos was located on the planet Bassadro. Most of the mountains and their
foothills were formed of obsidian, the result of ancient eruptions and lava flows. This made travel through
the Agao Range difficult, since it was easy to slip on the glassy surface, and shards of obsidian cut like
knives through flesh and bone. (SWI65)
this small village was located near the city of Agao, on the planet Bassadro. It was here that the
Confederacy of Independent Systems claimed that a battalion of Old Republic clone troopers wiped out
the entire population, at the order of the Jedi Knights. (SWI66)
Agapos the Eighth
this ruler of the Sunesi people was a well-liked but largely ineffective leader. Under his rule, the Empire
established its presence on Monor II. His son, Agapos the Ninth, exhibited some sensitivity to the Force,
and his natural abilities led Agapos to retire early. He let his gifted son take over and went into seclusion.
Agapos the Ninth
this Sunesi was the son of Agapos the Eighth, Agapos was a gifted child with some sensitivity to the
Force. As his talent grew, Agapos became able to heal others with a touch. He believed that his ability
was simply the workings of the Maker, and that he himself was simply a conduit. When his father retired
from leading the Sunesi people, Agapos the Ninth took over and began focusing their attentions on the

Empire, rather than on their tribal disputes. His outspoken protest of the Empire's mining of cirrifog helped
to unite the Sunesi, and the death mark imposed by the Empire made him even more respected. He was
forced into hiding, though, when bounty hunters began searching for him. One pair of hunters,
Chenlambec and Tinian I'att, finally managed to capture him. Chen's plan was to get him off Monor II in
order to alleviate some of the Imperial pressure on the Sunesi, and to help keep Agapos alive. His
teachings and writing had become popular among the worlds of the Alliance, and his philosophy was well
regarded. Daye Azur-Jamin managed to meet up with Agapos on Treka Point, where Agapos told the
young man that he needed to find Tinian I'att and let her know he was still alive. (SWJ10)
Agapos the Tenth
this Sunesi succeeded his father, Agapos the Ninth, as the ruler of the Sunesi people shortly after the
New Republic signed a peace accord with the Imperial Remnant. (BP)
Agaric Ale
this foul brew was favored by the Neimoidians. (DMSH)
this red giant star is at the center of the Agash System. (PG2)
this noble Lady of Tapani Sector was a dominating woman who ran her family's holdings like a
stormtrooper commander. Not a member of her family was exempt from her ability to foil their plans, no
matter how devious or well-laid. (LOE)
Agave-class Picket Ship
this was one of the new class of starship designs approved for manufacture by the New Republic Navy.
At 190 meters, it was the shortest of the ships assigned to the newly-commissioned Fifth Battle Group.
Designed and manufactured by Republic Engineering Corporation, the Agave-class was operated by a
crew of 28, with 8 gunners and up to 5 passengers. It was armed with a pair of turbolaser cannons and 4
laser cannons, and was equipped with a Class-1 hyperdrive. The primary mission of this ship was tactical
and operational reconnaissance, and they were outfitted with powerful sensors and stealth packages.
a winged, avian race. (TNR)
Agen Kolar
this Zabrak Jedi Knight was one of the handful of Jedi who survived the initial stages of the Battle of
Geonosis. Agen Kolar was part of the small group who were surrounded by the droid armies of Count
Dooku and his Separatists, just before the Army of the Republic arrived on Geonosis. Unfortunately for
Kolar, his apprentice Tan Yuster died at Geonosis. Shortly afterward, Kolar was dispatched as part of the
forces which attempted to liberate the planet Brentaal from Separatist control. The mission was based on
intelligence which had been leaked to the Republic by the Separatists, in the hope of ambushing the Jedi
and their clone trooper forces. The Separatists were, therefore, ready for the Jedi, and Agen Kolar's
assault force was quickly captured. Kolar tried to inhibit Shogar Tok and his forces by claiming that Shaak
Ti was dead. Despite the assistance provided by Quinlan Vos on Brentaal, when the Jedi Council ordered
Agen Kolar to bring him in for questioning, the Zabrak didn't hesitate. He tracked Quinlan, who was
operating under the alias of Korto Vos, to Nar Shaddaa, and tried to capture him. Quinlan's underworld
acquaintences, especially Khaleen, allowed him to escape, and Agen Kolar had to return to Coruscant
empty-handed. This was actually what the Jedi Council had in mind, however, because they had been
working for months to infiltrate Quinlan's Korto Vos alias into the Separatist network. They chose Agen
Kolar to bring him in because they knew he would never actually kill Quinlan, despite any crimes he had
been accused of. As the Clone Wars ground on, Agen Kolar was one of the many Jedi who were
promoted to Jedi Master, and he was also appointed a position on the Jedi Council. Agen Kolar was
portrayed by Tux Akindoyeni in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. (OWS, J2, RDB)

this modified Anxarta-class freighter was was one of the last of its kind produced by Sienar Fleet
Systems. It was obtained by the Alliance, which provided the ship to Scandium Team as its primary
transport. After the loos of Scandium Team during the Wellte-ir Massacre, Aven Cholus took control of the
Agent and used it during her tenure with Gale Team. It was armed with a turret-mounted turbolaser
cannon and a pair of turret-mounted twin laser cannons. (SWJ11)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'ges added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this Hutt was one of Jemba's assistants at the Offworld Mining Company facility on Bandomeer. After the
transport ship Monument was nearly captured by pirates and left for dead, Aggaba and a group of
Offworld miners accepted an offer to come work for Clat'Ha and the Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation.
an alien race. (SWJ8)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
this Interdictor cruiser was part of High Admiral Teradoc's fleet in the years immediately after the Battle of
Endor. He leased the ship to Ysanne Isard, for her to use against Rogue Squadron during the Bacta War.
She used it to intercept the Rogues as they passed through the Alderaan System, with the Corrupter as
the primary attacker. However, the Rogues were able to fully disable the Corrupter and severely
damaged the Aggregator in the battle. The Aggregator jumped back into hyperspace when it realized the
battle was futile. (BW)
this was one of the many Victory-class Star Destroyers which were still active, as part of the Imperial
Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
a Star Destroyer dispatched to bring Kirtan Loor to Imperial Center following the death of Gil Bastra.
a Super-class Star Destroyer assigned to Admiral Roek during the Galactic Civil War, the Aggressor was
part of the fleet which was patrolling the Inner Rim. It was accompanied by five Imperial-class Star
Destroyers. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, The Aggressor was commandeered by Grand Admiral
Grunger, who used the ship as his own personal flagship. Grunger took the Aggressor and the huge fleet
of warship she had amassed and tried to take control of the Corellian Sector. When Grand Admiral Pitta
refused to back down, Grunger rammed the Aggressor into Pitta's torpedo sphere, destroying both ships
and both Grand Admirals. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue #2 indicates that the
Aggressor was recalled to defend the Corellian shipyards six months after the Battle of Endor. (SWJ2,
Aggressor Assault Fighter
this unique Trilon starship design measured roughly twenty meters in length, and was designed
specifically for combat. Its insectile shape was easily recognizable, with a thin main hull and two forwardfacing mandibles and two retractable steering vanes. The mass of the Aggressor was higher than in most
starfighters, but this was compensated for by the fact that most interior space was dedicated to power
cores and weapons systems. (EGV, NEGV)

Aggressor Wing
this flight group of Y-Wings was commanded by the New Republic's Colonel Salm during the period
following the Battle of Endor. The Aggressor Wing was given the task of delaying the evacuation of
Brentaal IV, in order to prevent the fleeing Imperials from looting the planet prior to the Battle of Brentaal.
Shortly afterward, the Aggressors were instrumental in assisting Commando Team One in liberating Sate
Pestage from Ciutric, then returning to the theater of battle to save Rogue Squadron from Imperial
attacks. (XWES, XWMR)
Aggul Meztim-Si
a city located on the planet Veron. (PG)
this name, which meant "jovial", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
Agira, Nyrat
this woman was a frequent patron of the Outlander Club, some ten years after the Battle of Naboo. Easily
distinguished by red hair which was done up in the Solloops style, Nyrat Agira was constantly trying to
become part of the "in" crowd. Her eyes had been surgically altered to be more appealing, in an effort to
attract a potential mate. An elaborate tattoo adorned her abdomen, announcing her religious affiliation as
a member of the Zealots of Psusan. Nyrat cruised the club scene, especially the Outlander Club, in order
to make sure she was seen as well as to observe the latest trends. Note that Inside the Worlds of Star
Wars: Episode II names this character as Agira Nyrat. (OWS, SWDB, IWE2)
this unusual, experimental weapon was developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during
the height of the Clone Wars. Like many of the weapons developed for the Separatists, the agonizer was
designed to cause intense physical pain to a clone trooper, without causing physical trauma. The weapon
emitted microsonic laser beam that caused the body to create massive amounts of prostaglandin. If not
treated immediately, a victim often died from sensory overload. (MJH)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was under the command of Admiral Teren Rogriss. It was dispatched to
Adumar to escort the 181st Fighter Group during the negotiations between the Adumari, the New
Republic, and the Empire. Rogriss took the ship out of the Adumar system when the Adumari chose to
side with the New Republic, then he joined the Adumari armed forces. The Agonizer later returned to
Adumar under Imperial orders to subjugate the planet. However, the New Republic was able to mass a
defensive fleet and drive off the Imperials. The Agonizer took heavy damage during the battle, but
survived. (SOC, SOA)
this was the brand name of Arakyd's nerve disruption system. Resembling tall, three-legged spider, the
Agonizer-6 was produced for use by the Empire in controlling large crowds. The Agonizer-6 was
equipped with an AI-4 droid brain, making it a fully-functional, independent crowd control device. The
droid brain was stripped of any life preservation programming, and was also devoid of personality
modules. These devices, originally designed to incapacitate a living being by sending out a neural
impulse that disrupted the normal operation of the nervous system, were later used by the Empire as
interrogation tools. The manufacture of the Agonizer-6 was later outlawed by the New Republic. (EGW)
Agony Inducer
this unusually cruel device was used during interrogations. Capable of inflicting a wide range of pain, an
agony inducer allowed its user to gradually or suddenly elevate the amount of pain a victim was feeling.
Agony of Tarkin, The
this opera was written and produced by the Imperial Opera Company, shortly after the Battle of Hoth.

Agony's Child
this Yuuzhan Vong warship was disabled during the Battle of Ithor by the combined firepower of the New
Republic and the Imperial Remnant. Its dead hull remained in orbit around Ithor as a dead moon. (DTR)
a large, strong alien race, they have incredible brawn and strength. Like the Wookiees, they were hunted
by the Empire for use as slaves. (GG9)
Agoris, Bryce
this native of Alderaan was, at one time, a Lieutenant in the Alliance's Infiltrators unit, before he deserted
shortly before the Battle of Endor. With the help of Myrgaanti Shi-iki, Agoris stole more than two million
credits worth of equipment when he deserted, and became a freelance mercenary. Agrois and Myrgaanti
traveled in the modified starship Warhog. (SWJ6)
Agovast, Krugh
this man held the rank of Sergeant in the Alliance military, and served as the cargo master and crew chief
at the Gelgelar Free Port, under the command of Arik Stijhl. (SWJ14)
this avian predator was native to the wroshyr forests of the planet Kashyyyk. Cold-blooded by nature, the
agr was known for its ferocious attacks, which only increased in violence as the agr aged. Because of this
continual increase in aggression, mature agrs fought constantly for territory, and very few individuals lived
more than six to eight years. The average agr hadf a wingspan of about two meters, and hunted as part
of a pack made up of dozens of individuals. (GMR4)
this was the acronym used to describe Allied Grain and Roughage, the huge agro-combine that was
founded on the planet Corellia during the Old Republic. (MBF, NEGC)
Agra Alliance
this group, based on the planet Merisee, controlled the prices, production, and practices of the tozgrowing cooperatives on the planet. (PG3)
this was a shortened term, used to decribe a starship's anti-gravity systems, which was popular during the
Clone Wars. (MJH)
Agri, Pellas
this man was an agent of House Pelagia who worked as a troublemaker and spy for much of his life. His
father had died in a House Mecetti prison, unjustly arrested for a crime he didn't commit. This left young
Agri with a burning hatred of House Mecetti. He was attacked by a group of thugs from House Mecetti on
Lamuir IV, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Working under the alias of Coros Telari, he had stolen a
datafile from Mecetti, and was hoping to return it to his Pelagia masters. A team of Alliance agents,
hoping to meet Trel Modetto aboard the Eternal Hope, were directed to the site of the attack by Janna
Pallask. Their efforts in defeating the thugs saved Agri's life. He spent a great deal of time in a bacta, but
owed a debt of gratitude to the Alliance agents. (TSIA)
see Agricultural Corps (RESB)
Agricultural Administration
this was the primary organization, funded by the Old Republic, to oversee the production of food and the
processing of agricultural products. The AgAdmin was supported by the Agricultural Corps of the Jedi
Knights, which provided much of the manpower needed to bring agriculture to the far-flung worlds of the
Republic. (WOTC)
Agricultural Corps

this vast body of Jedi trainees was part of the the Jedi Council's student development systems. Working
in support of the Old Republic's Agricultural Aministration, the AgriCorps ostensibly provided a support
system for newly settled planets. Those worlds which had need of agricultural improvement - primarily
terraformed worlds, but also planets damaged by industrial misuse - could petition the Agricultural Corps
for assistance in bringing plantlife to their environment. Underlying the goodwill of the AgriCorps was the
belief that all Jedi Padawans needed a way to learn about the nature of life and the balance it brought to
the galaxy. The patience needed to nurture crops to grow in harsh environments was a direct paralle to
the patience a Jedi Knight needed to discover peace in an unsettled situation. Despite these basic ideals,
many students of the Force feared being placed in the AgriCorps, for such placement held the
assumption that they lacked the ability to become full Jedi Knights. (RF, WOTC)
Agrierd Intergalactics
this small corporation produced a number of devices for use in fighting fires. (GFT)
a planet located near Corellia, Agrilat was home to a strange crystal swamp. At one time, Han Solo and
Dengar participated in a dangerous swoop race there. Dengar sustained numerous injuries, and harbored
a grudge for Solo ever since. Note that Agrilat is also referred to as a city on the planet Corellia in Star
Wars Games #6. (MTS, TBH)
this lightweight metal was used to create a coating which was used to repair solar sails. (SWJ14)
any automaton whose primary functions involve agricultural skills. (HSE)
this planet is the homeworld of the Skrilling race. The name 'Agriworld-2079' is a M'shinni designation, as
the M'shinni used it as one of their many agricultural colony worlds. They discovered the Skrilling race
there, and even provided the name 'Skrilling' to them. The planet had no name before the M'shinni
arrived. (GG12)
a group of political activists which vied for Leia Organa-Solo's favor during the early years of her tenure
as the New Republic's Chief of State. (POT)
AG-series Droid
this was a series of medical droids produced during the last decades of the Old Republic. (MJH)
this was the title of the ruling noble of a given Coynite nation. At the height of the New Order, there were
29 Ag'Tra representing 29 nations. All Ag'Tra were loyal to the Coynite king and queen, and were bound
by law to send one of their personal Kroyn warriors to serve as bodyguard to the En'Tra each year. (AE,
Aguarl III
this ocean world was the site of an Alliance base populated by the Mon Calamari and Quarren following
the first Imperial attack on Calamari. A Quarren spy for the Empire provided the planet's location, and a
TIE Bomber attack was launched against the planet. The Alliance's newly-installed defense system took
out three of the four bombers, but Ranulf Trommer was able to recover minimal control of his ship and
launch concussion missiles at the base. The base took grievous hits, and had to be evacuated. (ROC)
the female Jawa that managed the Jawa Traders scavenger lot in Mos Eisley. The name Aquilae was
given to her by human customers who couldn't pronounce her given name, Khea Nkuul of the Weekkata
tribe. She found that running a business in which she sold mechanical things was harder than she
thought, given that she was a Jawa. So, she hired Mace Windu to be her salesman. Shortly after R2-D2

and C-3PO landed on Tatooine, after blasting away from the Tantive IV, Aquilae and Mace were forced to
go to work for Jek Nkik and his tribe while trying to swing a deal with them to recover CZ-3. They barely
escaped the destruction of Jek's sandcrawler by Imperial forces searching for the droids. When she finally
caught up with CZ-3, it had been blasted to pieces by Zutton. She took the droid's motivator and several
other parts. (GG7, EGC, SWJ11)
AH-77 Twenchok
this combat submersible was one of the many vehicles designed by Incom Industries at their main
research and development facility on the planet Fresia, during the early years of the New Republic.
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "keeper"
or "warden". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
a New Republic Hajen-class fleet tender assigned to the Fifth Battle Group. It was destroyed on its final
training mission near Bessimir when it overshot its hyperspace exit point. It plunged into the planet's
atmosphere and disintegrated. (BTS)
Ah'chu apenkee?
this Huttese question literally meant "Who are you?" (GMR5)
Ahid, Ruceba
this man and his accomplices, Oejoe Hitiwa and Stu Hemphawar, were smugglers and small-time
criminals who worked from a tiny apartment near Coruscant's entertainment district, during the years
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The Senate Bureau of Intelligence issued a bounty for their arrest, after
they were implicated in a scheme to traffic illicit contraband throughout the Core Worlds. All three men
were eventually captured by Jango Fett on Coruscant, while the bounty hunter was searching for Jervis
Gloom. (BH)
this Noghri served as Leia Organa-Solo's bodyguard in the years prior to the appearance of Admiral
Daala and the discovery of the Maw Installation. During a series of negotiations between Leia and a
representative of the Barabel people, Ahk'laht physically manhandled the Barabel minister when he
refused access to Alater-ka for the New Republic fleet. The political and personal embarrassment led
Leia to send Ahk'laht back to Honoghr with the message that the Noghri were no longer indebted to the
family of Darth Vader. (JASB)
a city on Coyn, it was also the site of the Ah'Kra'Tais starport. (PG3)
this starport wsa one of five major installations on the planet Coyn, at the height of the New Order.
Located in Ah'Kra, its name literally meant "land of the common crafters." (PG3)
this Mon Calamari female was captured during the Empire's initial occupation of Calamari and forced to
work with the medical corps. The rest of her family was simply sold into slavery. She did her best to ease
the suffering of her people, being moved from camp to camp in order to ensure she didn't develop any
relationships. When she saved the life of a minor Imperial Navy officer, the grateful officer brought
Ahleazah to his starship, where she was allowed to work with and learn from the advanced medical
facilities on the ship. During her treatment of an Alliance pilot who was to undergo interrogation, Ahleazah
decided that the time had come for her to act against the Empire which had destroyed her family. She
treated the pilot, then got both of them to an escape pod just as the Imperial ship was leaving the Anoat
System. An Alliance convoy later rescued them, and Ahleazah served the Alliance - and later, the New

Republic - as a medic and healer. (HR)

Ahnjai Rahmma
High Inquisitor Tremayne's Srrors'tok bodyguard. It is unknown how Tremayne won the respect of Ahnjai
and obtained a life debt, which Ahnjai strives to fulfill. (GG9)
Ahra Naffi
an ancient term used by the ancestors of the Qella to describe themselves. The Qella were their children,
although the Qella themselves had no children. (BTS)
the Fallanassi word for "four" or "fourth." (BTS)
this was a spicy food featured in many cafes on Coruscant, during the last years of the Old Republic.
Ahr's Dive
this was one of the many taverns and restaurants located in the Spacer Quarter of Aldera, on the planet
Alderaan. (CCW)
Ahsane, Hhalyia
this strikingly beautiful woman owned and operated The Custom Stop in Vakeyya, on the planet Socorro.
Her exact origins were never revealed, but many believed her to be a former smuggler, bounty hunter,
Imperial noble, or any combination of these. (BSS)
Ahsi Yim
this yojng Yuuzhan Vong Shaper was training as an adept under her domain sister, Nen Yim, during the
last stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. She was elevated to the rank of Master Shaper
about a year after the Battle of Coruscant, and decided to join Nen Yim's pursuit of knowledge supporting
the Jedi Heresy. When Nen Yim disppeared on her mission to locate Zonama Sekot, Ahsi Yim was
assigned to work with the new Master Shape, Qelah Kwaad. Qelah Kwaad questioned the decision
openly, to Supreme Overlord Shimrra himself, and inferred that Ahsi Yim had helped Nen Yim escape.
Because of this, Shimrra had Ahsi Yim executed. (FP)
an Alliance starfighter pilot assigned to complement Keyan Farlander while ambushing an Imperial
convoy near Orron III. Ahsmar was killed in the battle. (XW)
Ahto City
this floating city was established by the Selkath on their homeworld of Manaan, more than 4,000 years
before the Battle of Yavin, to provide a base of operations for the many small businesses which produced
kolto. The city's primary residents were to be the many off-worlders who traveled to Manaan to work for
the corporations. During the Great Sith War, the Selkath allowed both the Sith Empire and the Old
Republic to maintain embassies in Ahto City, striving to maintain a balanced distribution of kolto to each
side of the war. When the production of kolto suddenly stopped, the Selkath abandoned the city and
returned to the oceans. (KOTOR, PH)
Ahto Luxury Resorts
this was the luxury resort established by the Empire on the planet Manaan, during the height of the New
Order. (PH)
Ahto West
this section of Ahto City was located on the planet Manaan. (KOTOR)
this planet, the innermost of the two worlds in the Kriekaal System, was covered with oceans of molten

metals. (SWJ13)
AI Scheduler
an artificial intelligence device which is employed at most major spaceports. Its intelligence and logic
circuits are used to receive incoming landing requests from starships. The scheduler then processes the
incoming call against the current slate of landings, and assigns the starship a landing clearance and
arrival window. (CS)
Ai' tanna Shimrra khotte Yun'o!
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translated into Basic as "Long life to Shimrra, beloved of the gods." Note that
this phrase is written as Al'tanna Shimrra knotte Yun'o in The Unifying Force. (DW, UF)
this was a model of fully-functional droid brain produced by Arakyd during the height of the New Order.
this tall humanoid was native to the moon of Bogg 4. Aia was mostly human in appearance, although
white feathers covered his head and his fingers and toes were webbed. He was known on Bogg 4 as a
pickpocket and thief, and many beings would have loved to tear his wings off. Aia was one of the few
beings who had learned to literally fly between the moons, waiting until those moons with atmospheres
grew so close that their atmospheres mingled. During these close periods, Aia could actually fly through
space from moon to moon. It was in this way that Aia helped a young Boba Fett travel to Bogg 11 to
recover Slave I from Honest Gjon, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis. However, even as he befriended
young Boba Fett, Aia stole the boy's last credits from his pockets. (BF1)
Aiaks Fwa
this Whiphid mercenary worked for Jabba the Hutt, shortly before the Battle of Ylesia. Jabba paid him to
infiltrate the Ylesian slave trade as a pilgrim to Colony Seven, and when given a signal, to kill the t'landa
Til priest leading it. (RD)
this evil network of spies and assassins was active during the last decades of the Old Republic. Aic
provided a great deal of input to the Geonosians of the Stalgasin Hive, during their construction of the war
chamber used by the Separatists during the early planning stages of the Battle of Geonosis. (SWI66)
the AIC-4 was Sonda Armament's Armored Interface Craft, designed to fit in the belly of a Star Destroyer
and deployed with troops to the surface of a planet. Its armor plating allows it to drop into hostile territory.
The 40-meter-long ship required a crew of 6, and could carry up to 44 troops. It was armed with 2 laser
cannons and 2 heavy repeating blasters. (SWJ2)
this planet, the primary world in the Aida System, was a sparsely-populated planet. It was a world loyal to
the Empire, and solidly under the control of Governor Io Desnand during the New Order. The Wookiees
working with Chenlambec to trap Bossk provided a set of false coordinates to a Wookiee waystation that
led them to Aida. A derelict starship was left there, signaling the location of Lomabu III via a series of
trilling Wookiee songs. The Aida System is the closest neighbor of the Lomabu System. (TBH)
Aidan Bok
Tash Arranda once came into contact with the ghost of this Jedi Knight, after opening the tome The
History of the Jedi Knights on the abandoned space station of Nespis VIII. Bok had been charged with
guarding the ancient Jedi library on the station shortly before the advent of Emperor Palpatine's New
Order. When Palpatine ordered the extermination of the Jedi, Bok was powerless to defeat the Sith lord.
He was ashamed of his failure, and remained on the station as a disembodied spirit, trapped in the book,
unwilling to become one with the Force. When he helped Tash Arranda escape from the space station
and Borborygmus Gog, he reconciled his shame and allowed himself to become immersed in the Force.

(GOF4, GOF11)
this was the handle of one of the many advisors to Cularin Senator Lavina Wren, during the years leading
up to the Clone Wars. It was aidedecamp who first discovered Tiny F's message of an impending attack
by the Thaereian Military on the people of the Cularin System, during the early stages of the Clone Wars,
and brought it to Senator Wren's attention. (LFCW)
this man was a noted criminal, active on the planet Coruscant during the early years of the New Republic.
this stout, male Rattataki was one of Asajj Ventress' soldiers, during the height of the Clone Wars. (RHF)
the primary planet in the Aikhibba System, this minor world is located just off the Gamor Run. (DESB)
Aiks Fwa
see Aiaks Fwa (UANT)
Ailon Nova Guard
this military operation, located in the Ailon System, had a prowess in battle that has been compared to the
Mandalorians and the Imperial Royal Guard. They trained religiously, and have a 13,000-year history of
success, and were allied with the Old Republic. Their basic tenets revolved around the survival of the
fittest, and they believed that Emperor Palpatine was the prime example of this. They remained largely
non-human in their membership, however, and were virtually disbanded by the Empire. However, the
Guard's membership remained focused on their training, and in the wake of the Battle of Endor they
worked diligently to eliminate any Imperial threat. (GG9, SWJ15)
Ailon System
this planetary system is the home of the Ailon Nova Guard. (GG9)
Aing-Tii Monks
this strange race of creatures inhabits the furthest reaches of the Kathol Outback, near the Kathol Rift.
They are one of the few travelers who actually seem to be able to navigate through the Rift, having been
seen emerging from the Rift on several occasions. As a race, the Aing-Tii are tall, edentate mammals
whose bodies are covered by bony plates. They have four legs, although they most often stand erect.
Their heads are covered by helmet-like plates, and are dominated by two large eyes. They have no
visible mouths, but use a group of long, thin tongues to sense and communicate. The tongues are used
for tasting, smelling, and feeling. Much of their bony armor is covered with intricate, painted symbols that
resemble the markings seen on their strangely-organic starships. Their tails, also covered with thick
plates, are prehensile and often used in defense and attack. The Aing-Tii are also Force-sensitive,
although they don't use it and control it the way Jedi Knights do. No one is sure exactly why, but the AingTii patrol the Kathol Outback between the Marcol Void and the Kathol Rift looking for slave ships. They
incapacitate the slavers with their Sanhedrim starships, then free the slaves. (KO)
Aing-Tii Sanhedrim
this was another name given to the Aing-Tii Monks of the Kathol Outback. (KR)
Ainik, Renn
this Professor of Astrographics served the New Republic as the Director of Studies at the Astrographic
Survey Institute. Ainik compiled a full datafile on the planets of the Corellian System and the worlds
involved in the Sacorrian Triad's Starbuster Plot for the Republic's Intelligence agency. (CTD)
Ainlee Teem
this Old Republic politician, a Gran from the planet of Malastare, was one of the three candidates

selected to replace Chancellor Valorum, after Queen Amidala of Naboo called for a vote of no-confidence
in Valorum's abilities. (SW1, IS1)
Ainvar ul-Esca
this was one of the most powerful Jedi ever to train aboard the massive starship Chu'unthor, several
centuries before the Battle of Yavin. (PJSB)
AI-Prime Cybobrain
this was an older model of droid brain, developed during the Old Republic for use in protocol droids.
Air Ambulance
this repulsorlift transport is used to convey injured and ailing individuals to hospital facilities as quickly as
possible. Essentially a transport airspeeder, the air ambulance is crewed by a pilot, co-pilot, a medical
technician, and up to two prone patients. (TA)
Air Avab
this was one of the many floating cities found in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius. (WOTC)
Air Brake
this piece of equipment is used on pod racers and other high-speed ground vehicles. It collects the air
moving past the vehicle and uses it to slow the vehicle down. This is accomplished through friction and
directional manipulation of the air flow. They can be non-jetted or jetted, depending on the how much the
racer wants to spend. A jetted air brake adds to the stopping ability of the brake by routing the forced air
through one or more reverse-thrust stopping jets. (RAC)
Air Brother
this was a name, used by members of the thranta riders who lived on Bespin during the last years of the
Old Republic, to describe each other. (BHAS)
Air Cake
this was a form of dessert originally created on Corellia. (LOE)
Air Cushion
this special bed is used in hospitals to help comfort burn victims. One of the few advances in medicine to
come out of the Imperial armed forces, the air cushion uses a series of small repulsors to float the
patients above the surface of the bed. This allows the patient to lie still without contacting their burned
skin, and increases hygiene by allowing the patient to be bathed without soiling bedding. (TNR)
Air Rodeo
originally devised on Bespin, the Air Rodeo was a collection of events staged in the gas giant's Life Zone.
Riders and their thrantas performed complicated maneuvers, daring tricks,and daredevil dances in the
atmopshere, without the safety of a net or other protective devices. Beings from across the galaxy saw
the Air Rodeo on holobids, and many more flocked to Cloud City to witness it in person. Because of the
thrantas' inability to survive without the correct atmosphere, the Air Rodeo rarely traveled away from
Bespin. (WOTC)
Air Snake
this unusual, legless reptile had a system of air bladders inside its body that allowed it to literally float
through the air by moving its muscles in a certain way. (GMR10)
this was TaggeCo's entry into the basic swoop market, a three-meter-long vehicle controlled by hand
controls, foot pegs, and knee pressure points. The Air-2 had a rounded front cowling with integrated
maneuvering vanes and an optional windscreen. While it was exceptionally fast, with a top speed of 600
kilometers per hour, the Air-2's control system made the swoop hard to control under hard driving
conditions. Han Solo escaped from a group of slavers on Bonadan by fleeing on an Air-2 swoop. (EGV,


Airam Sector
this area of the galaxy was controlled by the Empire shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XVT)
the name name given to any of the custom-built prospector craft used by the independent tibanna gas
miners of Bespin. They are usually 15-30 meters in length, and are a hodge-podge of wings, repulsors,
and pod-shaped refineries. (JASB)
another name for a landspeeder. (AS)
this was Bespin Motors' professional model of sling racer. It could attain speeds over 400 kilometers an
hour. (SPG)
this was the name of Exocron's primary atmospheric defense force. The Airfleet employed heavilymodified airspeeders known as Skylarks to protect the huge Sky-Dreadnaughts which anchored its fleet.
When the pirates and criminals of the Kathol Outback began invading Exocron airspace, it was decided
that the force should be expanded to patrol the immediate space near Exocron. At this time, the Airfleet
grew into the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet. (KO, VOF)
Airflow Car
this was the term used to describe any small vehicle which traveled through speciallized, tubular
transportation systems on a cushion of air. These vehicles relied on changing air pressure inside the
travel tube to maintain a specific velocity, allowing for rapid transit of beings and cargo. (MC20)
this one-man, repulsorlift vehicle was developed as a personal transport. It was similar in design to the
STAP vehicles used by the Trade Federation. They were especially dangerous because of the highly
volatile fuel cells they used. (BHAS)
the entry portal on a crawler, or any other craft which has an external connection to another craft, and
operates in a hostile or vacuum environment. (CS)
it was in this spacer bar that the Wookiee Grasheel first met Shamus Falconi. The story of their meeting is
long and complex, and involved a number of angry pirates and a bottle of lum. In the end, Grasheel found
himself the owner of half of the Lumrunner and Falconi's partner. (SWJ9)
this restaurant was located aboard the deep-space repair facility 3DC/Green. (HAS)
AirPatrol II
this was a series of airspeeder produced by Bespin Motors during the New Order. The AirPatrol II was
designed for use by security forces, and was armed with a twin blaster cannon. In addition to the pilot, the
AirPatrol II could transport up to two passengers. These craft measured eight meters in length, and had a
flight ceiling of 250 kilometers. (FBS)
this was one of the largest furniture dealers found on the planet Coruscant, during the years leading up to
the Clone Wars. Airromco provided "intimidating" office furniture for virtually every budget, and their motto
was "Office furniture on a grand scale." (HNN4)

any repulsorlift vehicle that flies in the upper atmosphere of a planet, they cannot enter the vacuum of
space. They are meant to be utility craft, but can be modified for battle. (ESB, DFR)
Airspeeders for Bodyguards and Security Specialists
this was an Old Republic training course, created to give civilians and non-combat military personnel a
basic overview of airspeeder handling. The course was held on Coruscant. (SWI65)
this technique for landing a starship was considered a last resort, to be used when the only other option
was to crash. It was used primarily in those situations when repulsorlift engines failed, elminating a pilot's
ability to lower a ship to the ground using anti-gravity. Airstilting involved turning a ship upright with
respect to the ground, so that its main sublight drives were pointing downward. With careful modulation,
the sublight drives could be used to drop the ship to drop close to the ground, but not all the way. The
thrust generated by the drives prevented this. In order to land, the sublight drives had to be cut off just
above the ground, dropping the ship onto its rear with a jarring thud. Then, with luck, the ship would
topple over in such a way that it ended up on its landing struts, again with a jarring thud. Quite often, the
ship's tail fins and landing struts were badly damaged as a result, but the primary systems were kept
intact. (DFR)
this large man dreamed of being a starfighter pilot as a youth. However, his stocky build made him too
large to fit in the cockpit, so he settled on becoming a law enforcement officer. He joined the Cloud City
Wing Guard shortly before the Battle of Hoth, and was a supporter of the Alliance when Darth Vader
garrisoned Cloud City. (JKG)
Airtight Base
this was the codename of Clabburn the Younger's primary base during the height of the New Order. It
was located inside one of the many asteroids found in the Hoth Belt, and was named for the fact that it
was virtually impossible to breach. Clabburn kept a pair of space slugs near the entrance to the base,
hidden in caves but ready to attack any vessel that attempted to get in. (WOA34)
this was the generic term used to describe any repolsuor-driven cargo vehicle used on the planet
Coruscant during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SWRPG)
see 8F (SWJ10)
this protein drink is consumed by spacers to keep their bodies healthy during long runs. It is served hot.
this was a species of flying cetacean native to the planet Naboo, and also found on the world of Kamino.
The aiwha was similar in appearance to a thranta. They used a combination of sonar and radar for their
communication, and were equally at home swimming in the ocean or flying through the air. A hollow bone
structure and large lungs helped the aiwha remain aloft or afloat, and their flat tail was used as a rudder
and paddle. Their small legs were not made for walking, and the aiwha preferred to land in the water
rather than on land. Many aiwhas were trained by the Gungan and Kaminoan peoples to accept a saddle
and harness, and were used as airborne transports. Aiwhas fed on the small fish which inhabited the
surface of the ocean, eating primarily daggerts. While it was generally acknowledged that the Naboo
aiwhas were indigenous, many xenobiologists believed that the Kaminoan aiwhas were either
transplanted or genetically reproduced. (WSW, VD2, SWDB)
this was a common name among members of the Ugnaught race. (UANT)

Aj Koenes
this Talz rangeland manager agreed to assist the New Republic team which tried to restore Duro's natural
environment during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. He was continually at odds
with Sidris Kolb, the meteorologist of the group, since their projects often required similar resources. (BP)
Biotech's top-of-the-line cyborg construct, it allows a lifeform to become a cybernetic computer interface
liaison. Lando Calrissian's assistant, Lobot, was an Aj^6. They were promoted by Biotech as "Artificial
Intelligence Worth Shaving Your Head For," since many Aj^6 constructs were shaven in order to implant
the wrap-around computer interface. Note that Crisis on Cloud City claims that Lobot's implant was
manufactured by Bioniip Laboratories. (RPG, CSA, CCC)
this was the Biotech model of cyborg construct used by Lobot on Cloud City. Note that this contradicts the
West End Games material on this device, which denotes it as Aj^6. (CCG5)
this was a popular name among the Amanin people, named for a famous individual in Amanin history.
this Imperial stormtrooper was stationed at the garrison in Hullis, on the planet Halmad, during the early
years of the New Republic. (IF)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'jeg added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
A'jidre Skrigatov
this rotund Devaronian male served as the Provincial Governor of the planet Abregado-rae during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. Skrigatov was little more than a petty gangster, so he used his goons to
arrange an engagement to Brinaloy N'Vaari, the last surviving member of her family. Despite his strong
sense of honor, it was later discovered that Skrigatov arranged for the assassination of the former
Provincial Governor, who was actually Brinaloy's grandfather. In order to gain popular - and political support, Skrigatov planned to marry Brinaloy and tied up the loose ends. However, she used her skills as
an actress and went into hiding, cutting off Skrigatov's only hopes of winning support. (ND)
this was Arakyd Aerodynes' personal jet pack, developed to be lightweight and virtually soundless. It
could transport a total mass of 300 kilograms across a horizontal distance of about 500 meters before
requiring recharging. A single charge could also lift the maximum mass nearly 200 meters in the air.
this Jedi training droid witnessed the fight between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bruck Chun, shortly before QuiGon Jinn arrived on Coruscant to find a Padawan apprentice. The blame for the fight was pinned on ObiWan by Bruck, in hopes that he would get Obi-Wan shipped off to the Agricultural Corps while Bruck was
chosen as a Padawan. In the end, AJTD-6 described the actual cause of the fight to the Jedi Masters,
and neither boy was chosen. (RF)
AJTD-series Droid
this highly-specialized kind of droid was developed for use by the Jedi Knights. These Advanced Jedi
Training Droids could be used in all kinds of classes, but were primarily used for lightsaber training. (RF)
Ajunta Pall
this ancient Sith Lord was buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, many centuries before the
Great Sith War. Pall's spirit was known to be restless, and wandered the tomb in search of his sword. The

sword had not been placed on his sarcophagus, and Pall was doomed to wander the tomb until he could
find it. It was said that the Sith who located the sword - from among a group of three - and presented it to
Pall's spirit would receive the sword as payment from Pall for freeing his spirit. (KOTOR)
this Hutt ran a series of gladiator-style fights in the Upper City of Taris, some 4,000 years before the
Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
this bird of prey was native to the planet Bothawui. (GCG, WOTC)
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It referred to a bird of prey found on
the planet Bothawui. (GCG, WOTC)
Ak Duranc
this was the false identity which had been created for Aarno Dering by Fligh, in preparation for his
assistance in fixing some of the events at the Galactic Games, some six years after the Battle of Naboo.
This false ID was discovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, after Dering was struck and
killed by a speeder truck. (JQ3)
this was the ID tag of the data taken from the Gnisnal's recovered datacore. It was deciphered by Ayddar
Nylykerka. (BTS)
an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate that attempted to disable the Interdictor-class Harpax in the Ottega System.
It was destroyed in the battle. (TIE)
this dry, barren planet is the fourth planet in the Elrood System. It supports only microbial life, although a
colony of artists maintains a small outpost there. Akana was orbited by a single moon. (PG3)
born Akanah Norand Goss, Akanah was the daughter of Joreb Goss and Isela Talsava Norand. Akanah
was a descendant of the Fallanassi through her mother, Isela, who sent her to live on Carratos when the
Empire first sought to take over Lucazec. Akanah lived there as a normal individual, although she was the
only Fallanassi on the planet. There, she met and married Andras Pell. Pell was 36 years her senior, and
the marriage lasted a year until Andras passed away. Some time later, she sensed the presence of Luke
Skywalker, although she did it through the command of the White Current, rather than the Force. She
traveled to Coruscant and found Luke, even though he'd hidden himself away in Darth Vader's old
residence. She came to him with an offer to help him find his mother and thereby ease some of his
emotional burden. She took Luke to her homeworld of Lucazec, but they failed to find any information on
Luke's mother. They did find a Fallanassi marking indicating where they fled to, and left Lucazec only
after battling with Imperial agents left behind to intercept the Fallanassi. They continued to follow a path
known only to Akanah, traveling to Teyr and Atzerri before arriving on J't'p'tan. Akanah was very secretive
about their search, which worried Luke about her motives. (BTS, SOL)
Akanah Norand Goss
this was Akanah's birthname. (SOL)
Akanah Norand Pell
this was Akanah's married name, following her marriage to Andras Pell. They lived in the city of Chofin,
on the planet Carratos, for a year before Andras died of old age. It was at this point that she left Carratos
to find Luke Skywalker and located the Fallanassi. (SOL)

this sparkling moon was the only satellite of the planet Akana. It was known as the "diamond in Akana's
sky," a reference to its shimmering appearance. Akanala's brilliance was due to its composition, which
was mainly quartz. (PG3)
one of the medical officers serving aboard the FarStar shortly after the Battle of Endor, Akanseh had fled
Calamari to avoid being enslaved, but was later imprisoned on Kal'Shebbol by Moff Kentor Sarne.
Akanseh was liberated by Page's Commandos during the New Republic assault on Kal'Shebbol. Akanseh
never revealed why he had been imprisoned, simply claiming that Sarne hadn't needed a charge to
imprison him. In reality, Sarne was wanted Akanseh to develop a droid-maintained medical suite on
Kal'Shebbol, to augment his experiments with the DarkStryder technology. Akanseh joined the crew of
the FarStar when the call went out for volunteers to go after Sarne. Unknown to most of his shipmates,
Akanseh was a former interrogation expert with a great deal of experience in torturing individuals. When
the FarStar and its crew escaped from the Q'Maere Research Facility, Doctor Akanseh opted to remain
on Q'Maere and help rehabilitate the prisoners there. (DARK, KO, KR)
Akarias, Piret
this Alliance pilot was the owner of the YT-1300 transport ship known as the Meandering Star. It was Piret
who was assigned to bring a group of Alliance agents to investigate the loss of contact with the safeworld
Stronghold. He escaped the initial attack of the Charon and their warship, the Desolate, fleeing the
Charon bioscientists and making his way to his ship. However, the sight of his friends being experimented
on by Charon scientists drove him mad, and he was irrational when the Alliance agents discovered him.
this was one of the many Vratix hives which lived on the planet Thyferra. (UANT)
Akarin Ricaev
this was the name of a distinguished member of the Vratix hive Akarin. (UANT)
Akarin Xercr
this was the name of a distinguished member of the Vratix hive Akarin. (UANT)
Akarren Duufor
this name was attributed to a known Shi'ido individual, but it remained unclear whether or not it was the
Shi'ido's given name. (UANT)
a Schenor rescued from an Imperial attack on a research station. He was questioned by Luke Skywalker,
who hoped to use his story to sway the Schenor to the side of the Alliance. (RPG)
the Weequay commander of Jabba the Hutt's sail barge. He was discovered by the cook Porcellus, stone
dead in the kitchens, just before Luke Skywalker arrived at Jabba's desert palace on Tatooine. Porcellus,
fearing that someone would blame him for the Weequay's death, disposed of Ak-Buz's body by tossing it
onto one of the many scrap piles outside the palace. In reality, Ak-Buz was killed by Dannik Jerriko. (TJP)
this blue-beaked avian was native to the jungles of Cularin. The akcinor had a distinct call, which was
often mimicked by Tarasin as a form of communication during a hunt. (LFCW)
this ancient Quarren surname meant "first among scholars". Like many Quarren surnames, it could be
traced back to the time of the Battle of Ruusan. (GCG)
this female Ferroan was one of the many pilots who lived and worked on Zonama Sekot during the height

of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was Aken's transport ship that ferried Han Solo and his
wife, Leia Organa Solo, as well as several Jedi Knights, to Zonama Sekot's surface, after the planet
reappeared near Coruscant. (UF)
this Noghri, a member of clan Kihm'bar, brought the news of the Empire's deception to Rukh, aboard the
Chimaera. (TTSB)
this was the Aramandi word for "clan." (SSR)
Akim's Munch
this streetside cafe, located in the city of Mos Espa on Tatooine, flourished during the period in which
Jabba the Hutt brought podracing to the planet. Many humanoids considered the food at Akim's to be
undercooked and stringy, but aliens like Sebulba hung out there anyway. (IWE1)
this ancient corporation was a division of Corellia StarDrive, and over time specialized in the production of
mining equipment. Their headquarters was maintained on Corellia through the era of the New Order.
Akinetic Field
a force field used to bind two structures together in deep space. (ISB)
Akk Dog
this vicious predator was native to the planet Haruun Kal. Despite their fearsome reputation, akk dogs
were beloved by the natives. The average specimen stood about two meters tall, and was protected by
thick, armor-like skin plates. The coloration of the akk dog was a dusty brown, which allowed it to blend
into the grasslands of their native world. Their large eyes gave the akk dogs excellent vision, both during
the day and at night. The slayed paws of an akk dog were studded with shovel-size claws, allowing them
to gain a foothold on virtually anything. The tail of the akk dog was nearly as long as its body, and was
heavily muscled, providing balance as well as a kind of weapon. The eyes of an akk dog were lidless, and
were protected by a transparent shell. Domesticated akk dogs were used to round up grassers by
ranchers. They could only be bred on their native world, but feral akk dogs were smuggled to Nar
Shaddaa for sale on the black market. These beasts were often mentally or genetically altered to serve as
vicious guards and protectors, despite the fact that possession of an akk dog was illegal. Akk dogs were
also a species which could touch the Force, which made them excellent companions for the Korunnai. In
addition to the akk dogs used by the Korunnai, there were two lesser species which hunted in the jungles
of Haruun Kal, as well as the akk wolf. (ETM, OWS, HDE, SHPT)
Akk Guards
this was the name used by Kar Vastor to describe the six Korunnai warriors who served as his honor
guard. Each member of the Akk Guards controlled two akk dogs, and wielded vibroshields similar to
those worn by Vastor himself. The Akk Guards paralleled the Jedi Knights in a number of aspects, an
similarity that was attributed to the ancient ancestry of the Korunnai. Upon being accepted into the Akk
Guards, a Korunnai warrior constructed his own pair of vibro-shields, just as a Jedi apprentice built their
own lightsaber. (SHPT)
Akk Wolf
this huge predator, native to the jungles of Haruun Kal, was an immense species related to the akk dog.
this Jawa worked for Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, collecting protection money from local businesses. (TM)
this city was located on an unnamed world just outside Hutt Space. (WOA35)

this man served the Empire as a Commander of the ground forces working to secure the planet Ralltiir,
during the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Two years earlier, TK-622 saved the life of Akobi, and
Akobi showed his gratitude by ensuring that TK-622 got promoted to new positions whenever he was
moved. The pair honed their combat skills together, and developed an innate trust of each other's
abilities. While on Ralltiir, Commander Akobi ordered the strike against a supposed rebel cell that led to
the massacre of farmers and families at Ettam. When he found out that the attack had destroyed a
medical facility, and not a weapons deopt, Akobi began to question his own abilities and the tenets of the
Empire. Shortly afterward, TK-622 was again forced to put his life on the line when a hidden thermal
detonator - planted by rebels - went off near them. Shortly afterward, Akobi was transferred to a posting
on the first Death Star, and TK-622 went with him. Upon arrival, TK-622 discovered a sabotaged RA-7
protocol droid, again saving Akobi's life. Onboard the Death Star, Akobi was to receive a commendation
from Grand Moff Tarkin himself, to honor the work he did on Ralltiir. Before the ceremony, another
Alliance-rigged droid attacked Akobi, sending thousands of volts of stunning energy through his body
before TK-622 couuld destroy it. The attack eventually claimed Akobi's life, and spurred TK-622 to dig
deeper into the possibility of an Alliance saboteur on the Death Star. (SWESL)
this religion was an extremely powerful entity based on the planet Gascon. The High Advisor to the King
and Queen was a member of the Akol, and he held a great deal of influence over the King. (GMS)
this species of tree grew in the jungles of Thyferra. (BW)
this was one of the more common names given to Cragmoloid individuals. (UANT)
this vicious reptile was native to the planet Trammis III, and was feared because its scales were resistant
to blaster fire. The average Akorec stood nearly ten meters tall at the shoulder, and its long head was
filled with huge teeth. (GMR5)
Akorec Strike Cruiser
this was a form of attack cruiser which was popular in the Centrality during the height of the New Order.
Designed and manufactured by Scillal Designs as the 891c, this ship measured 250 meters in length, and
was crewed by 220 officers and gunners. It was armed with twelve laser cannons and a tractor beam
projector, and could carry up to 4,000 metric tons of cargo and up to 700 passengers or troops. (GMR5)
this Alliance specification describes the necessary parameters for refitting a starship's transponder. (CFG)
this Weequay served as Jabba the Hutt's drum master, as well as being one of the crimelord's best handto-hand fighters, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. A native of the city of Al-Campur, Ak-Rev
worshipped Am-Shak, the Weequay god of thunder. He caught the eye of one of Am-Shak's monks when
he was young, and the monk taught him about hand-to-hand combat and boxing, as well as music. After
leaving the monastery, Ak-Rev made a living as a street fighter, and always paid his tithes to Am-Shak.
Jabba once saw Ak-Rev - who adopted the name of one of his slavemasters - playing drums at a
religious ceremony, and offered him a job on Tatooine. Note that Star Wars Insider, issue 67, indicates
that Ak-Rev was given the chance to serve as Jabba's bodyguard only after getting into a fight with
several of Jabba's Gamorrean guards. Ak-Rev accepted, and played the huge drum in Jabba's Tatooine
palace with Umpass-Stay. He also trained many of Jabba's guards. Although he survived the swath of
destruction that followed Jabba's death, Ak-Rev was killed just days later when Tusken Raiders attacked
the landspeeder he and Umpass-stay had used to travel to Mos Eisley. (MTSE, CCG9, SWI67)
a maximum security Imperial prison planet located in the Calaron Sector. (HSR, CSA, REB)

Aks Moe
this Gran was a native of the planet Malastare, and rose to become one of the planet's primary political
forces. As the Ambassador of the Congress of Malastare, Aks Moe was eventually elected as his planet's
Senator to the Old Republic, and proved to be a skillful politician. However, like many of the Senators of
his day, Moe was nothing more than a politician, and worked strictly by the laws and protocols put in
place by the Republic. It was Senator Moe who agreed to host the peace treaty negotations between the
Lannik and the Red Iaro, and it was Moe who also promised that the Red Iaro would have the
cooperation of the Malastare government during the negotiations. In addition to his ties to the Red Iaro
terrorists, Aks Moe cultivated a relationship with the priest of the Ffib. To hide his role, Aks Moe went so
far as to have the Jedi Knights who were serving as mediators assassinated, although the plan eventually
failed. As the Old Republic rotted from within, Senators like Moe continued to demand that every item be
put to a vote, and the Senate became bogged down in its own inefficiency. When Queen Amidala
traveled to Coruscant to protest the Trade Federation's invasion of her homeworld of Naboo, Aks Moe
was the first Senator to demand a commission be dispatched to Naboo to investigate the situation. In the
decade following the Battle of Naboo, Aks Moe was one of the loudest supporters of the Military Creation
Act. Unforutnately, Senator Moe was killed in an explosion while on the planet Aargau, shortly before the
onset of the Clone Wars. The explosion was blamed on the Separatists, who discovered that Senator
Moe was on Aargau to negotiate funding of the Republic's army with the Intergalactic Banking Clan. Aks
Moe was acted by Mark Coulier and voiced by Marc Silk in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
(SW1, TPM, IS1, ETM, HNN4, HNN5)
Akul Witig
this Quarren served the Alliance as a Lieutenant within the security corps which protected the Calamari
shipyards during the early stages of the Galactic Civil war. Later, after earning the respect of his Mon
Calamari superiors, Akul Witig worked undercover with Ma'w'shiye on Karideph, as a member of Eclipse
Team. Witig was known as an aquatic wilderness fighter within Eclipse Team. (SWJ4, AIR)
Akuria Two
this ice world was the site of an Imperial base during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The planet was
also the homeworld of the Snow Demon race, which the Empire hunted like beasts without realizing that
they were sentient. (PZZ2, MCI4)
this aquatic race is indigenous to the planet Lazerian IV, and descended from a species of savage sea
creatures tens of thousands of years ago. The Akwin are mammalians, with blue-green fur and six limbs.
The upper set of limbs resemble human arms, and end in three-fingered hands. The second set of limbs
also resembles arms, but they originate from the midsection and end in flippers. The lower set of limbs
are normal legs that end in webbed feet. Akwins also have thick tails which end with a flat fluke, which
they use to propel themselves through the water. The long, flat head of the Akwin is covered with cilia,
which can be nearly any color from white to blue to black. They breathe via a combination of gills and two
blowholes at the tops of their heads. The Akwin raise their food on underwater ranches, and live
peacefully in huge cities on the ocean floor. They have developed a sophisticated, water-resistant
technology which is rarely shared with off-worlders or the native humans. The humans of Lazerian IV
believe the Akwin are some sort of legend, a belief fostered by the Akwin to keep the humans from
discovering them. The Akwin are aloof and condescending to races which breathe air. While the human
population has little information on the Akwin - they believe them to be legends, after all - the Akwin have
a great understanding of human history and culture. (TSK, AE)
Al T. Nadder
this talented Devaronian mechanic owned a repair shop in the resort city of Le Yer, on the planet
Abregado-Rae, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (ND)
Al T. Nadder's Repair Shop
this repair shop, located in the resort city of Le Yer, on the planet Abregado-Rae, was owned by the
Devaronian Al T. Nadder during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (ND)

this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Eala clan. It was added to
the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Alabak's Gold
a modified Calamari jump freighter used in the rescue of Adar Tallon from Tatooine. It was similar in
shape, though somewhat smaller, than the YT-1300 freighter. (TM)
a city on the planet Esseles. (CRO)
Alabard's Comets
this was one of the only Alliance military units based in Tapani Sector during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Based on a barren moon of the Sheva System, the Comets served to maintain a listening post
and provide intelligence on Imperial activities in the sector. (LOE)
this young planet was located on the far edge of Fakir Sector from the Core. It was once considered too
volcanic to successfully mine, until the Empire realized that the planet was a prime source of alantium.
The Empire tried to establish a mining colony on the planet, but the Alliance was able to send in a strike
team and disrupt the colony's construction. (SWCP)
Alagar, Frenil
this man was a member of the Alliance's High Command, and was one of the primary observers stationed
in Elrood Sector when the Empire subjugated Elrood. He urged the Alliance to keep Elrood in mind as a
potential ally, despite its distance from the galactic core and its obvious Imperial control. (PG3)
this man served as a Private in the Alderaanian guard, during the height of the New Order. He was also a
valued member of the Alliance, having a number of contacts on Outer Rim worlds and being a skilled unit
procurement officer. Private Alain was among the guards who were slain by Imperial stormtroopers when
Darth Vader and the Devastator overtook the Tantive IV over Tatooine, during their search for the plans
to the first Death Star. (JKG)
native to the planet Von-Alai, the Alain were known for their ability to survive in the harsh, cold
environment of their homeworld. However, as the Alain became more technologically advanced, they
found that the pollution and toxic waste of their factories was destroying the planet. Rather than adapt
their factories to produce less waste, the Alain decided to adapt to the changing climate instead. As a
result, Von-Alai's environment quickly became over-polluted. The Alain continued to adapt, building their
residential buildings on platforms to escape the toxic sludge that had replaced the snow-covered plains.
Alak Schou
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong worldships which the alien invaders used to cross the gulf
between galaxies and launch their attack on the New Republic. (GMR8)
this is the primary moon of the planet K'vath 5, and is known as a resort world for the wealthy and
powerful. It has two continents, and has a semi-tropical climate. Corran Horn and Mirax Terrik
honeymooned on Alakatha, at the expense of the New Republic, as a gift for their service as well as for
public relations purposes. (IJ)
Alam Syk
this Jedi Knight was in charge of security at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, during the years following the

Battle of Naboo. He was known for his expertise on a wide variety of security systems and theories. (JQ5)
this New Republic warship was one of many that were commandeered by Senators who were trying to
flee the Yuuzhan Vong conquest of Coruscant. Despite the inevitablity of Coruscant's fall, many New
Republic military officers decried the Senate's appropriation of military ships to escape Coruscant,
especially knowing that thousands - if not millions - of civilians were stranded on the planet. (DW)
this young Ghostling child was captured, along with Princess Arawynne, by Djas Puhr and brought to Mos
Espa to be sold as a slave. Alamar was just five and a half at the time. (E1A5)
this luxury liner was noted for the stash of Garcornian spice which was smuggled aboard it in a pet crate.
The spice was protected by a motion sensor, which set off the recorded call of a Breshig trill beast iof
anyone got too close. (GFT)
this woman and her twin sister, Eritha, requested the help of the Jedi Knights six years after the
population of New Apsolon elected a planetary leader. The sisters were the daughter of the former leader
Ewane, who was killed shortly after he left office. They supposedly went into hiding, and begged the Jedi
Knights to return to New Apsolon and find Ewane's killer. When Qui-Gon Jinn arrived in search of Tahl,
he learned that the twins had willingly joined Roan's household, and had not sent for the Jedi. Alani
herself told Qui-Gon that they had seen Tahl, and that the sisters felt like they were a part of Roan's
family. This was all a cover, though, in an effort to protect Tahl, who had infiltrated the Absolutes. The
twins were captured shortly after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on the planet. Alani and Eritha
were released after Roan was killed, but Eritha soon found out that Alani had been working for Balog all
along. She discovered that Alani had been behind their kidnapping, which had been meant to sway public
sympathy against the Jedi. After the death of Legislator Pleni, Alani suddenly announced her intentions of
running for the position of planetary governor, in opposition to the plans of Manex. She also revealed to
Obi-Wan that Eritha had secretly been working for her all along, and that Eritha's support of the Workers
was a sham. Alani believed that, with Eritha at her side, she would be voted into the Governor's position.
However, after their admissions and the capture of Balog, both Eritha and Alani were arrested and
imprisoned, and their bid for power was extinguished. (TTB, DOH, CTV)
this being was a Jedi Master who worked at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, during the years leading up to
the Clone Wars. This might be a reference to Ali-Alann. (JQ9)
this natural ore was an important component in the formation of starship hull plating. (SWCP)
Alaphoe Gardens
this luxurious collection of buildings and plantings graced Lalos Island, on the planet Procopia. Consisting
of the gardens themselves, a concert hall, riding stables, a bathhouse, and the beuatiful Glass Palace,
the Gardens were considered the most wondrous site on the planet. Lady Bathos of House Cadriaan
often held her parties here during the Capital Season. (LOE)
Alaphoe Lake
this small but picturesque lake was located in Alaphoe Gardens, on the planet Procopia. (LOE)
Alaras, Cinto
a native of Rya, this man was a designer and medical consultant, employed by Neuro-Saav during the
early years of the Galactic Civil War. Assigned to the facilities on Tauber, Doctor Alaras earned a
reputation as a contributor rather than an inventor, and was suspected by many of his colleagues of
plotting to steal their designs. He was educated at the Carosi XII Academy of Medicine shortly after the
Battle of Yavin, and the position at Neuro-Saav was the first - and only - job offer he received. (AIR)

this aging Sephi was the King of the planet Thustra during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He
was favored among his subjects, who willingly followed whatever plans he had for Thustra. His charisma
and influence extended well beyond Thustra, as many planetary rulers in neighboring systems looked to
him for wisdom and guidance. Thus, when Alaric chose to secede from the Old Republic, Chancellor
Palpatine and the Galactic Senate were worried that his defection would lead to the secession of many
other planets in the area. A small contingent of clone troopers, under the command of Jedi Masters Tyffix
and Tyr, was dispatched to Thustra to make a show of force. Their mission was to avoid engaging the
Sephi, but Alaric was adamant about leaving the Republic. In response to the Republic landing forces on
Thustra, Alaric made contact with Count Dooku about joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
His people were equally opposed to the Republic, and launched wave after wave of devastating attacks
on the Republic's forces, often at the cost of their own lives. When Jedi Master Yoda - an friend of Alaric's
for more than 200 years - arrived on Thustra, the King found himself torn between his friendship and his
own loyalties. In the end, Alaric decided to choose what was best for his people, and pushed ahead with
his secession. He imprisoned Yoda as a Republic General, but remained on speaking terms with the Jedi
Master. They spoke at length of the state of the galaxy, and Alaric explained that he was willing to wait
out the Clone Wars as a neutral party. He would wait to see who would emerge victorious, with the goal
of having Thustra remain intact. When he realized that the Republic's forces would eventually overwhelm
the Sephi, Alaric chose to attack Yoda. He would either defeat the Jedi Master and instill more bravery in
his people, or he would die as a martyr and incite the Sephi to more desparate acts of fanaticism. Alaric's
first blaster bolt was deflected by Yoda, but its trajectory brought it right back to Alaric. The blaster
pierced his chest, and Alaric died shortly afterward. His death served its intended purpose, and even the
neighboring systems rallied to help the Sephi repel the forces of the Republic. (J5)
Alarik X
this man was the King of Devit, the only nation found on the planet Lazerian IV, in the years following the
formation of the New Republic. He was staunchly loyal to the New Order, as was his wife, Careese. Alarik
was a charismatic leader, and was an expert in military matters. (TSK)
Alaris Koth
this was a note Dashade individual from the ancient histories of the planet Urkupp. (UANT)
Alaris Prime
this moon orbited a huge gas giant, which masked the moon's appearance to most shipboard sensors.
For this reason, it went undiscovered to many millennia, until the Wookiees of nearby Kashyyyk
discovered space travel. When the Wookiees first arrived, they found a world of temperate forests and
oceans, with many stands of wroshyr trees, which were believed to be native only to Kashyyyk. Wookiee
legends tell of wroshyr trees traveling through space to Alaris Prime, but no scientific explanation has
ever been put forth. Alaris Prime was eventually turned over to the Wookiees by the Old Republic, after
some twenty years of deliberation. It was a highly-valued world, given its proximity to Kessel and
Bimmisaari, and the Trade Federation once tried to obtain control for themselves. The Wookiees objected
to this, fighting to keep the Federation off Alaris Prime. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was dispatched to
mediate the dispute, eventually turning control of the moon over to the Wookiees. Alaris Prime eventually
became a technology hub for the Old Republic. Note that Star Wars Insider, Issue 62 indicates that this
moon was simply named Alaris, and that it orbited Kashyyyk itself. (GB, SWI62, GBC)
see Alsakan (GMR9)
this remote world was the site of an Alliance-sponsored archaeological dig, during the period surrounding
the Battle of Yavin. Ancient records indicated that a great civilization once existed on the planet, although
there were no modern records of any beings on Alashan. The Alliance hoped that some sort of weapons
technology might be discovered on Alashan, and sponsored the expedition to assist in their effort to
overthrow the Empire. Contact was lost with the outpost after the Battle of Yavin, and a scout force
dispatched to investigate was also lost. Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker were later stranded on the
planet, following their theft of the Staraker, after they were directed to Alashan to continue the

invvestigation. The planet was known to have at least three natural moons. Luke and Leia found an
Imperial detachment on Alashan, and both parties agreed that the planet had a strange connection to the
Force. Five kilometers beneath the surface, Luke, Leia, and Major Grau discovered an immense city,
hidden by barriers that had been breached by the archaeologists. The defeat of the Sentinelk creature
whichh protected the city brought down tons of rock and debris, forever burying the ancient city amd
cutting off any hope of recovering Alashan's strange technology. (MCI5, MCI6, MCI7)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "desert" or "sand". (GCG)
Alask Vrei
this Twi'lek male was once a baron on his homeworld of Ryloth, until his holdings were seized in a clan
power-struggle and he was left creditless. He discovered that he had a knack for the tactics of
dogfighting, and joined the New Republic Navy as a tactician. He served with distinction as a line officer,
and survived his fair share of engagements before being named the commanding officer of Nightflier
Squadron. Much to the chagrin of his pilots, Vrei acted as if they were his subjects, protecting them from
harm in much the same way a lord protected his farmers and smiths. However, he was not above playing
hardball if the situation demanded it. (GMR9)
Alasl Bowl
this was a form of utilitarian artwork, created from deposits of unusual stone found only in the Jundland
Wastes of Tatooine. Most alasl bowls were carved by the Sandpeople, which made collected specimens
quite rare. (TG)
Alaspin Casino
the destruction of this casino, which led to the deaths of the Kassandre crime family, was believed to be
the work of Limna Yith. (SSR)
Alassa Major
this planet was known for its resorts and entertainment, and was considered a rival to Bespin's Cloud City
in terms of its appeal. (SWJ10)
this anti-toxin was used to cure the effects of many standard, Imperial interrogation drugs, like Mangoriza.
Alater, Osted
this Imperial Navy Captain was dispatched to investigate the native insurrections against Planetary
Safaris. Hunting expeditions had been decimated by attacks from the "native beasts," and Alater was sent
by sector governor Paro Lanto under the Dangerous Species Act to eliminate any threat. However, Alater
discovered the true intelligence of the Barabels and had Planetary Safaris banned. (GG4, WOTC)
this was the only permanent underground city and spaceport found on the planet Barab I. It was crude by
most standards. It was built by Shaka-ka to honor Imperial Captain Osted Alater, who exposed the
deception of Planetary Safaris, which had been hunting the Barabels despite their intelligence. Years
later, the spaceport and the surrounding city - as well as the entire surface of Barab I - were destroyed by
the Yuuzhan Vong. Note that the Wizards of the Coast website indicates that Alater-ka was actually built
by Captain Alater, to facilitate the Empire's operations on Barab I and to help ensure the protection of the
Barabel race. (GG4, FH1, WOTC)
Alavar, Nee
this woman was a Senator to the Old Republic, during the years following the Battle of Geonosis. Nee
Alavar will be portrayed by Rena Owen in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. (SWI75)
this organic material, grown by the Vratix on Thyferra, ws one of the two primary components that are

refined into bacta. The Vratix originally mashed alazhi into a lotion to treat cuts and burns. When mixed
with kavam, the alazhi lotion created bacta. While kavam was easily synthesized on any planet, alazhi
was indigenous and unique to Thyferra. (XWN, SWJ3)
this was the Vratix term for the Thriving Season, the ten-year peiod following the Battle of Nabo, during
which both the Xucphrua and Zaltin factions were forced to submit to Vratix control. Dubbed the Vratix
Occupation by many corporate interests, Alazhixazha began shortly after the election of Palpatine to
Supreme Chancellor. A huge number of scandals involving corporate payoffs preceded the revelation that
both Zaltin and Xucphra had destroyed fields of alazhi in order to jack up the procie fo bacta across the
galaxy. The normally anti-bureaucratic Vratix decided that they had to stand up for their planet and its
reputation, and executed a bloodless coup that even their worst enemies described as "elegant." It was
during the period of Alazhixazha that the Bacta Cartel forced to compete with local companies and nonhuman business interests for supplies of bacta. It was also during this time that galactic awareness of
bacta - including its production and distribution - was increased significantly. (PH)
this planet was devastated by a series of bloody, chaotic civil wars in the decades leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. (HP)
this unit of measure describes the strength of the power-pulse emitted by a repulsorlift generator. (CFG)
a nondescript planet located in the Core, Albecus was the site of an Alliance safehouse in the years
following the Battle of Yavin. (CRO)
Alboz Sea
this large body of water was located on the planet Veron. (PG1)
a planet. (SWJ10)
this BRT-series computer was installed at the University of Calamar on Esseles some two hundred years
before the Battle of Yavin. Like the rest of the BRT series, Albert (as he was known to his friends) was an
efficient machine that controlled much of the school's daily operations. However, like the rest of the BRT
series, Albert's programming was reduced severely, and he was left sorting registration records and
scheduling classes. When Albert invited the university's faculty to a party to celebrate his 200th year of
service, only three members showed up. Albert went into a sulk, and began to ruminate within its own
databases. Albert stumbled upon a cell of Alliance supporters within the student body, and began to
assist them in their struggles against the Empire. He even discovered that one of their number was an
Imperial spy, and arranged to have him arrested and removed from the cell. During this time, Albert also
discovered that much of his programming remained intact, despite the attempt to reduce it many years
earlier. He devoted himself to assisting the Alliance in any way possible, keeping his true abilities a
secret. (CRO)
Alby Ermad
this male Ugnaught was a noted designer of battle armor, working for Sienar Fleet Systems during the
years following the Battle of Naboo. Alby Ermad assisted his colleague, Artzam Hathan, in making off with
several disks worth of secret plans and schematics from Sienar, and the pair fled to the Outland Transit
Station. However, a bounty had been placed on both Ugnaughts' head for their arrest and return to
Sienar. Jango Fett collected the bounty on both of them. (BH)
this planet, the third in the Gacerian System, is covered by a dense, hot jungle. The planet is tectonically
active, which prevents any major construction. However, it does have a barely habitable atmosphere. Alc

is orbited by a single moon. (PG2)

this dusty city is the capital of the planet Sriluur. (MTSE)
this was the name of the governmental building located in Ratamesh, on the planet Thisspias. (NEGC)
this dense, yet lightweight armor was created by the Trade Federation's manufacturing centers for use in
plating their droid starfighters. (SWK)
this fruit is native to the planet Kashyyyk. Its milk is used by Wookiees for drinking and cooking. Is the
alcoari an animal? (RD)
this beast of burden was used by the Oldtimers who settled the planet Nam Chorios. The alcopays were
succeptible to disease, and often carried parasites which were transferred to blerds and grazers. (POT)
Aldar Beedo
this Glymphid hitman was also one of the Outer Rim's best podracer pilots. Aldar was recognizable by his
long, thin snout and gangly arms. It was Aldar Beedo who killed Borzu Nale, the Fluggrian crimelord who
was Kam Nale's father, and earned him a bounty in several systems. Beedo was later hired by Wan
Sandage to eliminate Sebulba, in hopes that the Dug's domination of the podracing circuits could be
broken. However, Beedo was unable to do this during the Boonta Eve Classic race won by Anakin
Skywalker. Beedo drove a Manta RamAir Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet racer, and finished third in the
Boonta behind Skywalker and Gasgano. During the Vinta Harvest Classic race on Malastare, shortly after
the Battle of Naboo, Beedo found another chance to kill Sebulba when the Jedi Knights - on Malastare to
negotiate a peace treaty for the Lannik - distracted Sebulba in the midst of the race. His shot went wide of
the mark, however, and nearly killed the Jedi. Years later, Beedo was finally captured by a bounty hunter,
caught in the middle of the Fire Mountain Rally on Baroonda. (TPM, RAC, IG1, PRT, ETM, HNN4)
see Aldera (MJH)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Alder, Cal
this Alliance scout was a native of Kal'Shebbol. He served under Bren Derlin for a number of years, and
was one of Echo Base's perimeter patrol leaders. During the Battle of Hoth, Lieutenant Alder coordinated
the snowspeeder groups that were protecting the main base against Imperial attacks. Years later, Alder
was among the group of New Republic military officers who planned the mission of the FarStar to locate
Moff Sarne in the Kathol Sector. (CCG3, SWI74)
this city was the capital of the planet Alderaan, before it was destroyed by the first Death Star. The city
was built on an island in the middle of a large lake formed eons ago by the impact of a huge meteor.
Many of the planet's dignitaries were housed in Aldera, and the famous Alderaan University was situated
there. Bail Organa once maintained a palace in the city, where his study overlooked the lake and was
surrounded by gardens. (ISU, POT)
Aldera Guard
see Guard of Aldera (GMR9)
Aldera Police Force

this was the primary police force which maintained order in the city of Aldera, on the planet Alderaan.
Aldera Spaceport
this was Alderaan's primary spaceport, located on the outskirts of the capital city of Aldera. (CCW)
Aldera Universal Medcenter
this was one of the most prominent hospitals found on the planet Alderaan. Affiliated with Alderaan
University, the Aldera Universal Medcenter was known for never turning away a being in need, and many
said that miracles were performed on a daily basis inside its walls. In addition to its medical facilities,
Aldera Universal Medcenter also contained a renowned educational facility, providing training and handson experience for interns as well as professionals. (CCW)
Princess Leia's small starship, she piloted it under the alias Lelila in order to travel unobtrusively. (CS,
this planet's human inhabitants were among the most peaceful beings in the galaxy. They were in
continual harmony with the world around them, and chose to build their cities on top of sandstone bluffs
and on stilts in the shallow seas. Alderaan itself was a temperate world that was orbited by three moons.
The towering cities were built in such a way that they wouldn't trample the grass or destroy the seas. The
inhabitants of the planet catalogued over 8,000 species of grasses on the plains, and more than that in
species of flowers. At the age of seventeen, an Alderaanian was considered an adult. It was a well-known
custom that the adult members of Alderaan's society never cut their hair, but allowed it to grow into long
tresses. Alderaan was a staunch supporter of the Old Republic, and many of its inhabitants served in the
armed forces. Following the Clone Wars and the widespread destruction caused by it, the government of
Alderaan outlawed all weapons. They placed all weapons aboard a transport ship and sent the ship out
on a never-ending series of random hyperspace jumps. The homeworld of the Organa family, Alderaan's
role in galactic politics took a detour during the later years of the Old Republic. As Palpatine continued to
gain power, the Organas began organizing a resistance to his Presidency. With the implementation of the
New Order, Alderaan became one of the primary supporters of the newly-formed Alliance to Restore the
Republic. However, the outspoken dissatisfaction with Palpatine's rule led to the destruction of the planet.
When Leia Organa was captured aboard the Tantive IV over Tatooine, she was taken to Grand Moff
Tarkin for questioning. Tarkin tried to obtain information from her, but she proved too strong. Even when
Tarkin threatened to destroy Alderaan with the new Death Star, Leia lied to him about the location of the
Alliance's base. Tarkin took no chances, however, and ordered the destruction of the planet. Alderaan
was blown to pieces just before the Battle of Yavin, and all life on the planet was destroyed. Some 60,000
natives survived because they were off-world at the time, and were granted a unique status within the
Alliance, as well as the New Republic. (SW, SWR, CPL, GA, ISU, SOL, RD, TCD)
this star was the central body of the Alderaan System. (CCW)
Alderaan Alliance
a collection of the survivors of the destroyed planet, they outwardly denounced the Empire's use of force.
Once the Galactic Civil War was ended, they compiled a list of all the known designers and developers of
the Death Star project. They used this list to bring the developers out of hiding to stand trial for their
crimes. (COJ)
Alderaan Ascendency Contention
a power struggle within the Alderaanian hierarchy that occurred several decades before the Clone Wars,
in which the various high houses of Alderaan could not make up their mind as to which would assume the
throne of Viceroy of Alderaan. After three separate votes yielded no outcome, the Jedi Knights were
asked to mediate the contention. Jorus C'baoth was among the Jedi assigned to the Contention, and their
ruling was that Bail Organa had the rightful claim to the title of Viceroy. (DFR)

Alderaan Biotics
this hydroponics company supported Alderaan's need for foodstuffs and other organic supplies until the
planet was destroyed by the first Death Star. They once established an operational facility on Borleias,
but the site was abandoned after Alderaan was destroyed, and the faciity was staffed with maintenance
droids and abandonded. It was discovered years later by Evir Derricote, who rerouted a large amount of
Imperial monies to re-establish the site. He used it to produce the initial strains of the Krytos virus until
Borleias was liberated by Rogue Squadron after a pair of engagements. Alderaan Biotics later became
the New Republic's primary manufacturing facility for the creation of rylca. (XWN, KT)
Alderaan Department of the Arts
this was the primary governmental agency which funded and promoted the arts on the planet of Alderaan.
Alderaan Diplomatic Cruiser
this was the name given to a specially-designed version of the (SWI77)
Alderaan Expatriate Network
this pro-Alliance news network was founded by professional reporters who joined the Alliance after the
destruction of their homeworld. It was considered one of the most thorough and professional newsfeeds
of its time. (SWJ3, SWJ11)
Alderaan Guard
before the planet Alderaan rid itself of weapons, the Alderaan Guard was one of the main, armed police
forces. (BW)
Alderaan Reel
this rhythmic dance was performed at balls and formal dances on the planet Alderaan, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (TCD)
Alderaan Royal Engineers
manufacturers of ion drive systems used during the Clone Wars, they were also a prominent starship
manufacturer during most of the Old Republic. ARE was most famous for their luxury yachts, space
stations, and exotic vessels. They were gradually muscled out of the spotlight by aggressive firms like
Kuat Drive Yards, and laid low during the New Order. ARE was also part of the secret rearmament
program that was initiated on Alderaan, but never got the chance after the first Death Star destroyed the
planet Alderaan. (EGV)
Alderaan Ruge
a very rare and expensive liqueur. (POC)
Alderaan Select Academy for Young Ladies
an exclusive Alderaanian school attended by Leia Organa, this prestigious Academy taught manners and
high culture to the young woman of the planet Alderaan. (SWSB, T11)
Alderaan Star Scream
this song, written by Ballifore Figg for his band, Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes, was a haunting
movement that somehow captured the painful destruction of the planet Alderaan. (HR)
Alderaan Thranta
see Common Thranta. (WSW)
Alderaan University
this famous institute was heralded as one of the most forward-thinking schools in the galaxy, and
produced some of the best minds in many disciplines. Founded in Aldera by the great thinker Collus, it
was designed to isolate its students from the outside world. Collus believed that this would lead to
uninterrupted stretches of time that would allow students to contemplate their studies. Over the years,
many other schools were built around Collus' nucleus. These "pods" were developed, not just by

Alderaanians, but by any race wanting to further their knowledge through contemplation. The Ithorians
had a botanical pod, for instance. During the early years of the New Order, the University became a
center of anti-Imperial dissent. Many of the Alliance's brightest minds were schooled and recruited at the
University, including the poet Hari Seldona. (ISU)
Alderaan Weaver's Reel
this was the original form of the Alderaan Reel, developed by the Weaving Clans of Alderaan. (TCD)
Alderaanian Ale
this fermented, alcoholic beverage was brewed from the fragrant grains once native to Alderaan. (RD)
Alderaanian Death Legion
this unit of the Alliance's Special Forces was made up exclusively of men and women who were natives
of Alderaan. They were given the worst sort of missions against the Empire, mainly because they
requested them. (ROE)
Alderaanian Diplomatic Corps
established on the planet Alderaan, this group worked to mediate disputes whenever the Old Republic did
not have the resources to do so. The efforts of the ADC were brought to the forefront during the early
stages of the Clone Wars, when planets like Jabiim threatened to secede from the Republic. The ADC
worked hard to allay the fears of these worlds, despite the growing conflict between the Republic and the
Separatists. (SWI68)
Alderaanian Flame-rose
this plant is extinct in the galaxy, following the destruction of Alderaan, except for a group maintained by
the Gree at the Lonatran Gardens. (SWJ8)
Alderaanian Flare-wing
this butterfly-like insect was native to the planet Alderaan, and was noted for the vibrant colors of the
wings on each of its subspecies. (MJH)
Alderaanian Guard
this was another name for the Senatorial Guard, which was dispatched by Bail Organa to protect
diplomats from Alderaan during the height of the New Order. They evolved from the ranks of the Alderaan
Guard. (JKG, BW)
Alderaanian High House
this was a hair style which derived from the coiffures of the members of the royal house of Alderaan. It
was popular in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, after the planet Alderaan was destroyed by the first Death
Star. (SWJ5)
Alderaanian Medical Association
this was the controlling body of the multitude of doctors and physicians of the planet Alderaan. (CCG5)
Alderaanian Tessent
see Alsakan Tessent (GMR9)
Alderaanian War Frigate
this was a class of warship produced to serve as part of Alderaan's fleet during the Clone Wars. They
were among the most powerful ships of their time, and were the pride of Alderaan's fleet. The basic
design of the War Frigate measured 250 meters in length, and was armed with ten quad turbolaser
batteries and four medium ion cannons. (GA)
this ancient starship drive system manufacturer also produced high-performance power generators.

this was the name used to describe the planet Alderaan in several of the Marvel comics. (LTA2)
a planet. (GMS)
Alderath Horticultural Society
this group of botanists and horticulturalists was based on the planet Alderath. During the Galactic Civil
War, they sought out and obtained a specimen of the Millennium blossom. However, the plant was stolen
by a crimelord while en route to Alderath. (GMS)
Alderbathe Monastery
a noted religious retreat. (HR)
an insectile race. (CPL)
a planet loyal to the New Republic. (CPL)
this Hapan weapons expert was leery of using the BlasTech T-6 Thunderer blaster pistol, after hearing
stories of its barrel being warped by the intense power generated by the weapon. (GUN)
Aldine Brigade
this was the name of the squadron of House Melantha troops who served under the command of Captain
Brixus Aldine, during the height of the New Order. (TSIA)
Aldine, Brixus
this man was a loyal soldier for House Melantha, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.
He held the rank of Captain, and commanded a squadron of soldiers who became known as the Aldine
Brigade, during the height of the New Order. (TSIA)
this planet was the homeworld of Lara Notsil, an alias used by Gara Petothel to gain entrance to the New
Republic's armed forces. The village in which she lived was destroyed by Admiral Trigit, who captured
Lara and used her as a concubine. (IF)
this was one of the binary stars at the center of the Aldo Spachian System. (SL)
Aldo Spachian Comet
this unusual comet was locked in an orbit between Aldo and Spach, the two stars at the center of the
otherwise unexciting Aldo Spachian System. The comet was unusual in that it had a huge coma
surrounding a tiny ball of ice and stone, and it had four distinct tails. The tails were formed as a result of
its location between the two stars, with two tails shooting straight out behind it and the other two curling
aorund it. The comet was something of a tourist attraction, and was generally regarded as the only
reason a being would travel to the Aldo Spachian System. (SL)
Aldraig IV
this industrialized planet was part of the Aldraig System, located in the Core Worlds. The Empire
established an AT-AT productions facility, as well as a TIE Fighter hull assembly plant, on the planet,
wiped out large tracts of pristine forest to make room for them. (TBSB)
Aldrete, Agrippa
this man, a native of the planet Alderaan, served as his homeworld's Senator to the Old Republic, a
position he served with Liana Merian. They were part of the delegation which voted during the ousting of
Chancellor Valorum, after Queen Amidala of Naboo called for a vote of no-confidence in his ability to
remove the Trade Federation's blockade of her homeworld. (IG1)

Aleck W'a Ni Odus

this scientist had been an associate of Jenna Zan Arbor's, and was invited to the party she held at Didi
Oddo's caf. (EVE)
Alee Aroval
this Nimbanese data forger was surrounded by rumors of great associations with the Klatooinan Trade
Guild and the Hutts themselves. He never discussed his past, but nevertheless was one of the best
forgers in the galaxy. He managed to obtain a Bureau of Ships Services interface plug, allowing him to
make nearly perfect alterations to a starship captain's permits and licenses. Of course, his fees were
commensurate with his workmanship. (PSG)
this planet was located on the border between the Colonies Region and the Inner Rim. It was the
homeworld of the Aleena race, and was the site of a Jedi Knight chapter house during the last years of
the Old Republic. (IWE1, OWS, HNN5)
this short-bodied alien race was native to the planet Aleen. These beings were characterized by their
long, thick bodies and short limbs. They waddled when they walked, and were ungainly to look upon.
Their heads were dominated by a long, thin plate of body which extended back from the skull, and their
faces were flat. Two small eyes sat over a wide mouth which was filled with short, sharp teeth. Aleena
was known for their quick-change metabolism, which helped them escape from sagcatchers on their
homeworld. Individuals were bred for their color variation, another way they avoided becoming prey. As a
people, the Aleena had a strong warrior tradition. (OWS, IWE1, NEGC)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "protector" in the Twi'leki language. (GCG)
Alema Rar
this blue-skinned Twi'lek female and her sister, Numa, were part of the new order of Jedi Knights who
trained under Luke Skywalker in the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. A
former dancer, Alema and Numa trained briefly under Daeshara'cor before being dispatched to assist with
the resistance on New Plympto. The strength of the sisters helped rally the natives of the planet, but the
Yuuzhan Vong simply unleashed a plague which destroyed all life on the surface. Alema and Numa fled
with several thousand refugees, managing to escape the system aboard the Nebula Chaser.
Unfortunately, the cruiser was intercepted by the Yuuzhan Vong and searched. During their attempt to
avoid being captured, Numa was the first of the Jedi to be killed by a voxyn. Alema managed to survive
the mission, and she continued to serve the war effort as part of Twin Suns Squadron. During the final
stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, after the living planet Zonama Sekot agreed to help bring
about an end to the conflict, Alema was one of several Jedi Knights were bonded to seed-partners and
provided with Sekotan starships. (SBS, EL1, FP, UF)
this was one of the many mining settlements, or o'bekis, established on Goroth Prime. It was close
enough to the planet's equator to suffer from electromagnetic discharges from the planet's debris ring.
the last code key that was given to Admiral Ackbar by Leia Organa-Solo, it was used to gain entrance to
the Presidential residence on Coruscant. (BTS)
this was one of the strongest planets of the Freeworlds Region of Tapani Sector, during the height of the
New Order. Much of the planet's surface was arid, and covered with a thick smog. This forced the
inhabitants to develop underground cities and domed canyon dwellings. The planet's true value was
found in the abundance of natural ores hidden in its crust and mantle. The planet was originally colonized
by settlers from the planet Gilliana. They had hoped to terraform the planet, by Aleron refused to bend.

The colonists then turned to developing the underground cities found on the planet. (PGT, LOE)
Aleron Trade Cooperative
this council, made up of the major business leaders of the planet Aleron, ruled the planet at the height of
the New Order. Although each member of the ATC was supposed to have an equal vote, the
representatives of Macander Heavy Ores tended to dominate meetings. (LOE)
Alert T-7
this was a Chiss level of alert used aboard starships, to indicate that someone had been shot and needed
assistance. (SQ)
see Yagaran Aleudrupe. (EGC, AE)
this was the codename of the Imperial Governor who controlled the planet Jastro III and its surrounding
system during the Galactic Civil War. He used it during his intervention between his daughter and Selas
Ferr, pretending to be a supporter of the Alliance. The Governor's daughter was in love with Ferr, despite
the fact that he was a member of the rebel underground. Alexan provided assistance to Ferr, and agreed
to help him rescue a group of rebel prisoners in return for the safety of the Governor's daughter. Neither
Ferr nor the daughter knew Alexan was the Governor, but the rescue of the prisoners and Alexan's
daughter was a success. Unfortunately, Alexan was severely wounded in the escape attempt, and died of
his wounds. Only after the escape did Ferr and the daughter realize Alexan's true identity. (HR)
Alfestril System
Captain Nevik of the Devastator believed that suspected Alliance undercover agents were working in this
system, shortly before the Battle of Hoth. His crew found this information in a coded transmission
delivered to Agent Sollaine by Darth Vader himself. Sollaine executed Nevik when the Captain refused
his order to travel to Corulag instead. (SWJ12)
Alfex Cargo Stacks
located Brentaal's capital city of Cormond, this collection of storage facilities was actually a front for the
operations of Black Sun on the planet. Billions of tons of contraband and smuggled goods passed through
the Alfex Cargo Stacks each year. (CCW)
Alfreda Goot
this Togorian bounty hunter was known for her flowing red hair, which she allowed to fall out of her blast
helmet. She wore a modified version of the Mandalorian armor made famous by Boba Fett, although
Alfreda's armor wasn't as sophisticated. She had installed a pair of heavy-duty climbing claws in the
wrists. When she learned that Jabba the Hutt had placed a bounty on Han Solo's head, shortly after the
Battle of Yavin, she decided to try and collect on it. She devised a plan in which she captured Leia
Organa on Ord Mantell, and then forced Han to accept a race to the Dockside Cafe on Mos Eisley. The
winner of the race would recover Leia alive. Han had no choice but to accept the wager, but he managed
to meet up with Captain Sodarra and his team of stormtroopers. This incident wasn't in Alfreda's plans, so
when Han showed up at the Dockside Cafe with an Imperial squadron behind him, Alfreda was forced
into action. She shot at Han and Sodarra, and a brief firefight ensued. During the fight, Han was able to
shoot Alfreda and kill her, thereby recovering Leia and avoiding capture. (SL)
Algae Sack
airborne communities of microorganisms that inhabit Bespin's atmosphere. (JS)
Algae Sugar
this sweetener is created from the dried extracts of certain forms of algae. It is often dissolved in water
and fermented, then consumed as a alcoholic beverage. (POT)
this was a form of bread favored by Herglics. (LOE)

this small micro-organism lived in the atmosphere of the planet Toydaria, and was believed to be
essential to the survival of the Toydarian race. All Toydarians who traveled away from their homeworld
brought a supply of algae-mat with them, which they regularly sprayed into the air of their new homes.
Algal Stalk
this was the name given to the colonies of algae which lived in the Life Zone of the planet Bespin. Each
stalk was a thick rope made up from billions of individuals, and reached down into the lower atmosphere
to obtain nutrients. (WSW)
this yellow star is at the center of the Lagarna System. (PG2)
a planet. (POT)
this is the native language of the populace of the planet Algar. (POT)
Algar Mining
headquartered in Algarine, this corporation controls all the mining in the Algaran System. It has been
plagued by sabotage from Imperial elements in the Algaran System. (PG2)
Algar Pleasure Dome
Wing Tip Theel was one of the few slicers who found a way to penetrate the central computer core of this
facility, on the planet Algar. (POT)
Algara II
the primary planet in the Algaran System, Algara is a world aligned with the New Republic but run with
the style of an Imperial world. The government requires permits, applications, and depositions for nearly
everything, and every piece of paperwork carries a fee. The populace, made up of the native Xan and a
number of humans, fights against the government, which supports the New Republic, wanting to institute
the basic tenets of the New Order without the bureaucracy. The normal day on Algara II lasts 24 standard
hours; the year lasts 360 local days. Algara II has four moons. (PG2)
Algara V
the fifth planet in the Algaran System, Algara V is a gas giant. It has 14 natural satellites. (PG2)
Algara VI
the sixth planet in the Algaran System, Algara VI is a frozen wasteland covered with frozen water and
methane. It has no natural satellites. (PG2)
a planet raided by the Empire, in an effort to rout all Alliance support on the planet. (COJ)
a wine best served at 50 degrees, in a 40-degree glass (COJ)
the capital city of the planet Algara II. The planet's monorail hub is located here. (PG2)
Algark Stalk
this carnivorous fungus is native to the planet Gamorr, and resembles a 3-meter-tall umbrella. They grow
in colonies in the forests, and when they mature, the cap of the stalk releases thousands of spores into
the wind. The spores can also be released when an animal bumps into the stalk, and the animal can
accidentally breathe in the spores. If this happens, the creature becomes an unwitting host for a new
colony of stalks. (SWJ10)

Algeran Faction
this anti-Imperial group violently opposed the assention of Palpatine to the position of Emperor. Based on
the planet Esseles, the Algeran Faction caused widespread damage and loss of life during Palpatine's
early years as Emperor. (SWJ9)
meaning "lovely", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)
Algic Current
a wide-ranging ocean current on Chad III, the Algic Current flows from the planet's equator almost to its
Arctic Circle. The tsaelke would migrate with the current each year. (COJ)
Algnadesh Ship Graveyards
this mysterious collection of starships, which were lost in space and never found again, formed the basis
of a popular legend during the early years of the New Republic. (FH1)
this planet is famous for two exports: pirates and lawyers. (SWJ9)
this binary star, located in Trax Sector, is something of an anomaly. Scientists believed that the double
star wandered through its area of the galaxy without any planets, but picked up orbital debris as it moved.
At the time of the Battle of Yavin, Algunnis is surrounded by a huge asteroid belt, made up of planets and
other solar bodies Algunnis had captured and crushed with its intense gravity field. (GMK)
a Coynite phrase used to ackowledge the wishes of another being. (SWJ2)
this yellow star was the central body in the Al'Har System. (SS2)
Al'har I
see Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
Al'har System
this star system contained the planet Haruun Kal, which was also known as Al'har I. Because the system
was located at the hub of the Gevarno Loop, the Old Republic tried to gain the support of the Korunnai in
order to obtain a foothold on the traffic on the Gevarno Loop. Haruun Kal was the only habitable planet in
the system, and it orbited just within an asteroid belt that was believed to have been the remnants of one
or more inner planets. Beyond the asteroids, several gas giants made up the systems' outer planets.
Ali Alann
this youth was training as a Jedi Padawan at the same time Anakin Skywalker was a student at the Jedi
Temple on Coruscant, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Ali was a friend of Tru Veld. (JQ1)
Ali Tarrak
this pirate was able to steal several TIE Defenders from the Empire in the Yrrna System. (TIE)
this Jedi Knight was the caretaker of the youngest of the trainees in the Temple on Coruscant, during the
last years of the Old Republic. He was known among the Jedi for his steady nerves and calm demeanor.
this Jedi Knight was known to her fellow Jedi for her incredible cooking, including wounderful blumfruit
muffins. (JQ2)

Alien Combine
this underworld organization gave the impoverished aliens of the planet Coruscant a rebellious voice. Led
by Dmaynel Kiph, the Combine provided a voice for aliens by acting as a sort of union for the creatures
working in the Invisible Sector. They helped the Rogue Squadron pilots when they infiltrated Coruscant,
highlighting the fact that many Gamorreans and Quarren were being rounded up for no good reason, and
never returning. (WG)
Alien Protection Zone
an area of Coruscant's Imperial City set aside for the habitation of non-human labor during the New
Order. It was set up to appease many Old Republic Senators who felt that the New Order unfairly treated
aliens. (WG)
Alien Quarter
a sector of the Bonadan Southeast Spaceport II which is inhabited almost exclusively by non-humans.
this was the brand name of Whappamanga's version of a VoxBox. The AlienEnhancer was not a realtime
communication device, however. It allowed for the replaying of twelve standard phrases and queries, and
was marketed for use by beings who could understand but not speak Basic, such as Wookiees and
Gamorreans. (AEG, WOTC)
Aliha sel valle volgoth
this Old Corellian question translates to "what do you want?" (SWJ7)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and meant "pick", as a mining implement. (GCG)
Alim, Jukas
a minstrel popular in the galaxy around the time of Han and Leia's marriage. (CPL)
a native of Coruscant, Alima grew up in the Empire. He was a quick study, and progressed rapidly in the
Imperial Navy. He was in command of the Star Destroyer Conquest when it leveled much of Ithor's Cathor
Hills before the Ithorians surrendered. However, when Alima was given the opportunity to become the
Captain of Darth Vader's flagship, Alima chose a demotion instead, realizing that Vader's quick temper
often made quick work of flagship Captains. His effectiveness to the Empire was not diminished, though,
and Alima was placed in charge of locating C-3PO and R2-D2 after the droids escaped from the Tantive
IV. He discovered Momaw Nadon in Mos Eisley, and quickly recognized his old Ithorian nemesis. He
demanded that Nadon find the droids or the Empire would wipe out his gardens. Nadon could not bring
himself to betray the Alliance, and when the Millennium Falcon blasted out of Mos Eisley, Nadon told the
Imperial Prefect that Alima had disregarded Nadon's information pointing to the Falcon. This was as bold
a lie as Nadon had ever told, but it accomplished its purpose: the Prefect executed Alima on the spot.
Nadon, adhering to the Law of Life, stole genetic samples of Alima's DNA, and cloned it when he returned
to Ithor. Alima's twin sons served Nadon, as punishment for their father's actions. (TME)
Alinda Solaris
this New Republic Naval Commander was the Sector Intelligence Officer for the Kalinda System. He
called the Republic's primary Naval officers together to implement Project Second Chance. (TSK)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this was one of the most heavily-guarded planets of the New Republic. It is also known for its potent
neurotoxins. (SOP, IJ)

Alis Point
this planet was the site of an Alliance base that had to be abandoned. (MTS)
this woman was the wife of Aron Peacebringer. She was a fiery woman with a short temper, traits which
Aron enjoyed. Her marriage to Aron produced a number of children, although their first-born daughter
died of a mysterious disease which Aron himself managed to survive. Unfortunately, after the destruction
of K'avor and the appearance of Leia Organa, Aron began to believe that Alisande was behind the plot to
have him assassinated, unaware that the actual traitor was his aide, Ygal Delois. (MC53, MC54)
this Snivvian word represented the number 9. (HNN5)
this Jedi Master was the trainer of the padawan learner Rann I-Kanu, shortly before the Battle of Naboo.
Master Ali-Vor made regular trips to Naboo, to ensure that Rann was continuing to broaden his education.
Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Master Ali-Vor led a team of investigators to Naboo to locate the
source of illegally-exported creatures. He dispatched a small team, including Rann I-Kanu and Galak, into
the jungles to locate the possible smugglers. (IOT, GMR2)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "lucky". (GCG)
a notorious bandit who roamed the Tatooine wastes, Alkhara used the B'omarr palace as his base for
thirty-four years, sharing the palace with the remaining B'omarr monks while he ravaged unwary moisture
farmers. He allied his band of thieves with the Sand People long enough to use their strength and ferocity
to wipe out a police garrison. He then killed all of the Sand People that had helped him. It was this cruel
act that created the feud between Sand People and humans, a feud which continued for centuries after
Alkhara's death. When the Sand People sought to exact revenge on him, he fled deep into to the B'omarr
palace. Ultimately, however, Alkhara was ousted from the palace by Jabba the Hutt, who desired the
palace for his own base of operations. Alkhara fled Tatooine, and was never seen again. (DS, ISU, IWST)
Alkhara Tower
this was the name given to the nine-story tower the overlooked the palace of Jabba the Hutt, on the
planet Tatooine. The tower was named for the bandit Alkhara, who usurped the palace from the B'omarr
Monks who were using it as a sanctuary. Alkhara refurbished the tower during his thirty-four-year control
of the palace, although he left the B'omarr circular stairway in place. The stairway was created to allow
the monks a maximum of walking space in a confining area, giving them planty of room to wander around
in contemplation. At the base of the tower, many meters beneath the surface, was a sacrificial pit, into
which the B'omarr monks threw the brainless bodies of enlightened individuals. (IWST)
Alkherrodyne Propulsions
this corporation believed in producing products that failed in the field after a short period of time. This
"programmed obsolescence" meant that customers would have to buy another of their products in a short
time, ensuring future profits. This policy got them into trouble when they released the Azaria 66 unit for
sale. The Azaria 66 began exploding under normal operating conditions, and Alkherrodyne was hit with a
number of lawsuits. Alkherrodyne, looking for a scapegoat to avoid penalties and fines, fingered Klaus
Vandangante as the engineer whose shoddy work led to the failure of the Azaria 66. They took
Vandangante to court, and professionally and financially bankrupted him. This was a short-lived victory,
though, for public concern with Alkherrodyne products led to poor sales and the eventual dissolution of
Alkherrodyne altogether. (CSA)
Alk'lellish III
this planet, located in the Sumitra Sector, is the homeworld of the ketrann. (TB, REB)

Alku Vordu
this being served as the Senator of his homeworld, Daroon, on the Imperial Senate during the years
leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Senator Vordu was on Daroon when Emperor Palpatine disbanded the
Senate. Senator Vordu was targeted for capture by Falto Dragen, but a team of Alliance agents managed
to rescue Vordu before he could be brought into custody. Vordu then tried to reach Bail Organa on
Alderaan, to implore Organa to bring the Alliance into full rebellion against the Empire. Unfortunately, the
Alliance agents arrived in the Alderaan System just as the first Death Star destroyed the planet. Although
the group was captured by the Imperials when their ship was damaged in the shockwave, Vordu and the
Alliance agents escaped in a stolen Assault Shuttle. (RESB)
this desolate world is the first planet in the Lazerian System. It is an extremely hot, searing world with no
natural life. (TSK)
All I Can Ever Do
Tinian I'att sang this song as a member of Sprig Cheever's band, during her escape from Druckenwell.
All Planets Market
this large, open market was located on the planet Coruscant during the last century of the Old Republic.
Found in a plaza near the Senate Rotunda, the Market provided the natives of Coruscant with a source of
fruits and vegetables from planets throughout the galaxy. (LOJ)
All Planets Relief Fund
this humanitarian relief effort was considered the pet project of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. The goal of this legislation was to have the Senate create a central
fund of credits that could be used to fund rescue or relief operations to member planets that had
requested help from the Senate. Any world in peril could petition for funds directly to the Senate, thereby
eliminating the bureaucracy that often surrounded the appropriation of funds for such efforts. After the law
itself was passed, a huge ceremony was to held in which the Senators provided Chancellor Palpatine with
a set of vertex crystals that accounted for all the funds collected to start the All Planets Relief effort. The
ceremony was believed to have been targetted by Granta Omega and his cohorts, who were looking to
achieve numerous goals. Of a secondary concern was the acquisition of funds. It was later revealed that
the actual plan was the kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine himself. They hoped to distract Coruscant
security long enough to release the Zone of Self-Containment into the planet's water system, rendering
the entire Galactic Senate unable to act against them. Lastly, they hoped to full discredit the Jedi Knights,
who would take the blame if the ceremony was disrupted and the Senate infiltrated. (JQ9)
All Science Research Academy
this school, located on Yerphonia, was one of the most prestigious educational facilities dedicated to the
study of the physical sciences. It was believed that Granta Omega graduated from the Academy, shortly
before the Battle of Naboo. (JQ4)
All Stars Burn As One
this was the official anthem of the Old Republic. (TCD)
this bulding material was strong yet lightweight, being composed of synthetic concrete and aluminum.
Alland Yards
this starship repair facility was located some distance from the Koornacht Cluster, and was aligned with
the New Republic. (SOL)
this Neutron Star-class bulk cruiser was purchased by the Sludir Omze'kehr Kahr and transformed into
Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport. (PSPG)

Allashane, Jess
one of the Alliance's younger veterans, Jess was a member of Echo Base's cold-weather troopers. Like
others who supported the Hoth base, he was trained to counter Imperial cold-environment tactics.
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this Super-class Star Destroyer served as the Imperial command ship during the first Battle of Calamari. It
emerged from relative obscurity to support the reborn Emperor Palpatine's bid for galactic power, but was
destroyed when the Emancipator caught it with its shields down during the Battle of Calamari. (DE1,
this was one of the New Republic Imperial-class Star Destroyers assigned to Han Solo and the Mon
Remonda during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. Years later, the Allegiance was assigned to escort Wedge
Antilles and his pilots to Adumar for the negotiations to bring the world into the New Republic. (SOC,
this MC80b cruiser was part of the New Republic's naval fleet during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. It served as the base of operations for Nomad Squadron during this time, and was dispatched to
the Meridian Sector of the galaxy. (GMR9)
one of Bel Iblis' Katana-fleet Dreadnaughts, the Allegiant became part of the fleet that protected
Coruscant from attacks by Grand Admiral Thrawn, some five years after the Battle of Endor. (DFR, TLC)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "heroic". (GCG)
a species of carnivorous plant native to the planet Ithor. Small specimens are mostly harmless, but larger
plants will kill and eat small rodents. The alleth plant has broad leaves which are green at the edges and
bright orange and yellow in the middle. When prey gets close enough, the alleth lashes out with its
leaves, hoping to stun its prey. (TME, GOF9)
Allexi Jabbra
this was a noted figure in Anzat history. (UANT)
All-Human Free-For-All
this gladiator-like event is held regularly in the Victory Forum of the city known as Dying Slowly. In the
event, four humans (the combatants are human, to make the fighting "even") are placed in the arena and
ordered to fight to the death. The last combatant standing is declared the winner. The combatants are
pulled from the criminal ranks, and the winner is usually given some form of freedom. In general, the
three largest combatants gang up on the weakest individual, killing him before going berserk against each
other. Han Solo once survived the Free-For-All, after being caught cheating at cards. This occurred when
Han was a young man of seventeen. (TBH, TPS)
this Imperial Customs officer was stationed on the planet Wroona during the Galactic Civil War. (PSG)
Alliance Civil Government
one of the primary organizations which formed the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Civil Government
was headed by Mon Mothma and saw to the normal functions of a recognized government: general

welfare, protection, foreign relations, and finance. (RASB)

Alliance Communications Encrypter
developed for use by the Alliance, and known as the ACE, this device allowed Alliance field agents to
communicate by heavily encoding their transmissions. They were used by those agents who were
working with independent spacers or privateers, allowing them to use standard communications systems
while maintaining their secrecy. Most ACE units were equipped with the Code Quasar protocol. (GUN)
Alliance Credit
the official monetary unit used by the Alliance, it was exchanged on par with Imperial credits on most
Alliance worlds. Other worlds would exchange 25 Alliance credits for a single Imperial credit. (RASB)
Alliance Diplomatic Corps
during the Galactic Civil War, this branch of the Alliance to Restore the Republic was charged with
reaching out to other races and establishing alliances with them, thereby gaining allies in the struggle
against the Empire. (SWJ1)
Alliance for the Creation of Habitable Environments
this Old Republic association regularly petitioned the Senate to set aside endangered or unusual
locations, forbidding any corporate or military usage so that the natural environment could be maintained.
Most often, the Alliance was acting to protect rare or endangered flora and fauna. (WOTC)
Alliance Guide for Safeworld Exploration
this document laid out the Alliance's guidelines for establishing a safeworld on an uncharted or remote
planet. It covered issues such as negotiating with primitive natives and the introduction of technology to
less-advanced worlds. (SWJ2)
Alliance High Command
the group which monitors the day-to-day activities of the New Republic. (JS)
Alliance High Command
along with the Alliance Civil Government, the High Command was the heart and soul of the Alliance. Led
by Mon Mothma, this body consisted of all the Commanders and war ministers of the Alliance. (RASB)
Alliance Media Monitoring Project
this Alliance operation was developed to monitor Imperial holotransmissions and other forms of
communication and glean any important or useful information from them. Among the information obtained
during this operation was the location of several newly-discovered planets. (TA)
Alliance Military
the following table describes the ranking system used by the Alliance. The highest rank is at the top of
each column. Because the Alliance military was made up of a variety of command structures, there isn't
always a one-to-one mapping of ranks among them. (ROE)
Alliance of Free Planets
this was the name of a temporary government established by the Alliance's High Command, in the wake
of the Battle of Endor. Lasting just a few months, this body helped define the goals, methods, and
formation of the New Republic. (TBSB, MC88)
Alliance of Rebel Planets
another name for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. (SWTJ)
Alliance of Twelve
this was the original name of the leadership structure of the Peace Brigade, formed from twelve beings
who wished to see some portion of the galaxy survive the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Over time, more and
more members were added to the Alliance, which eventually became the Ylesian Senate. (Y)
Alliance of Twelve, The

when the Peace Brigade blockaded the Yavin System, in an effort to capture the Jedi students on Yavin 4
and turn them over to the Yuuzhan Vong, they claimed to be operating under the authority of this alliance.
Alliance Starbird
this was the name sometimes used to describe the "rising phoenix" insignia of the Alliance to Restore the
Republic. (PP)
Alliance Strategy and Tactics
this series of holo-videos was produced by the Alliance for use by the teams of Starfighter Command, and
detailed the various methodologies to be used by Alliance starfighter pilots against Imperial opposition.
Alliance to Restore the Republic
the group of planets which opposed Palpatine's New Order. The name was often shortened to simply the
Alliance, and was called The Rebellion by the Imperials. It grew out of pockets of resistance to the New
Order, and was promoted early on by Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. Following Imperial attacks on
Mantooine and Ghorman, the Alliance grew at a furious pace, linking disenfranchised humans with
oppressed alien races. While it promoted peaceful union of all races and planets, the Alliance realized
that military might would be key to the Galactic Civil War. With Mon Mothma as the Alliance's
Commander in Chief, it was politically and strategically sound. Following his rescue from Moff Tarkin,
Ackbar was named the Alliance's Fleet Commander. Crix Madine used his military training to become the
Alliance's Special Forces Commander, while Jan Dodonna became the Starfighter Commander. In
addition to these positions, the Alliance recognized the need for a Sector Commander, Fleet Intelligence
Officers, Ordnance and Supply teams, and Support Services. The leaders of the Alliance recognized that,
if the war came down to sheer numbers, the Empire would win eventually. The Alliance was very cashpoor, and relied on its member races and creeds to help fund its operations. Thus, the Alliance relied on
cunning and stealth at first, winning small victories while planting seeds of doubt in the Imperial mind.
Following the destruction of the first Death Star, the Alliance became more than a rag-tag coalition; it
became a legitimate threat to the Empire. Palpatine saw this, and sent the majority of his war machine in
search of the Alliance. By moving quickly and quietly, the Alliance evaded Imperial pursuit, but took
severe losses in doing so. When the Emperor allowed the plans to the second Death Star to be leaked,
the Alliance jumped at the chance to overthrow the Empire. The combined might of the Alliance's
members, coupled with Palpatine's greed and conceit, overcame the Imperial yolk, and the heart of the
Empire was killed during the Battle of Endor. Following the clean-up operations from the Battle of Endor,
the leaders of the Alliance re-established the Republic. Dubbed the New Republic, it embodied the ideals
of the Old Republic while meshing in the renewed spirit of racial diversity. (SWN, ESB, ROTJ, XW)
Alliance Veterans Victory Association
this brotherhood of retired Alliance veterans was more than a retirees' club, but something less of an
armed forces reserve. The AVVA publishes the newspacket Fleet Watch. During the Black Fleet Crisis,
the AVVA was led by Bren Derlin. (TT)
Alliance War Bond
this bond was issued by the Alliance, and was guaranteed to mature between five and twenty-five years
after the end of the Galactic Civil War. While it was a risky investment at best, the bonds allowed the
Alliance to obtain badly needed credits. (RASB)
Alliance War Museum
this Imperial City monument held the various military artifacts retrieved by Operation Flotsam and the
Historical Battle Site Preservation Act. The HBSPA funded the museum, which was open to the public.
The Museum's curators desperately wanted to obtain the original Millennium Falcon, but Han Solo
wouldn't allow it. (BTS, HT)
this Lord served as the owner of a wondrous casino found on the planet Qiaxx. He was an unusual being,
with a huge, bulbous body supported by four short legs. His upper torso was tiny on comparison, and was

attached to the front of his body. Two small arms allowed him to manipulate objects. Allic's ovoid head
was dominated by two wide, thin eyes. (MJEH)
Allie, Stass
this Jedi Knight accompanied Tassida Judrelle to Cona, during the break-up of Lojrak Shrag's slat
smuggling ring, just before the Battle of Geonosis. A relative of Adi Gallia, Stass Allie adopted many of
the same fashion styles of her kin, including a Toloth headdress. Stass Allie was known as a competent
fighter and field agent, but focused much of her training in the area of the healing arts. After the Clone
Wars broke out, Stass Allie was one of the many Jedi who were promoted to Jedi Master, and she was
appointed a position on the Jedi Council. Stass Allie was portrayed by Lily Nyamwasa in Star Wars:
Episode II - Attack of the Clones and by Tace Bayliss in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
Allied Grain and Roughage
known simply as AGR, this huge agro-combine was founded on the planet Corellia during the Old
Republic. (NEGC)
Allied Tion
this is the middle of the three sectors that make up the Tion, and is located between the Cronese
Mandate and the Tion Hegemony. The capital world of the sector is Jaminere, and includes Lianna,
Lorrad, and Cadinth. (ML)
Allied Tion Historical Society
this organization was founded to record and preserve the history and culture of the Tion Hegemony.
Alliwon Electronics
this corporation produced a wide range of time pieces during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
Allor Vybb
this being was a Professor of metallurgy and energy physics at the University of Byblos during the early
years of the New Republic. When a group of prisoners escaped from the facilities on Delrian, Professor
Vybb was among the many beings who were brought in to help handle the crisis. (GCG)
All-Species Replica Droid
originally conceived of by the scientists who worked for ODT, the All-Species Replica Droid was the
logical evolution from human-replica droids. With modifications to the droid body itself, and with certain
adjustments to the entechment process, ODT believed that they could provide non-human bodies for a
number of alien races, providing their members with a form of immortaility. (SWI75)
All-Terrain Advance Raider
see AT-AR (IWST)
All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft Vehicle
see AT-AA (FC)
All-Terrain Armored Transport
see AT-AT (ESB)
All-Terrain Personal Transport
see AT-PT (DFR)
All-Terrain Scout Transport
see AT-ST (EBS)
All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer
see AT-TE (TCG1)

a Ferroan stringed instrument. (RP)
this planet was discovered shortly after the Battle of Yavin, during an exploration mission funded by
Radell Mining Corporation. Its ownership was disputed by the Scourge, a pirate gang who tried to claim it
as their own. Radell had sent the Gray Griffins to follow up their exploration activities, but they were
captured by the Scourge and held for ransom until a group of Alliance agents rescued them. Alluuvia was
an ocean world whose waters were desne with metals and minerals that made it toxic to off-worlders.
Alluuvia was also the homeworld of the Anguilla. The Empire's Imperial Mining, Limited, tried to establish
a mining outpost on the planet, recognizing the concentrations of alanium, doonium, and zersium were
enough to fund any operation. The Anguilla, led by Anyar, opposed the Imperial occupation, and with
some help from the Alliance, they were able to drive off the Imperials. Anyar eventually agreed to allow
Radell Mining Corporation to mine the planet, so long as the Ithorian Iych-thae were able to oversee their
work. (OE)
Alluvial dampers
the part of a ship's hyperdrive system responsible for regulating the emission of thrust-generating ion
particles. (ESB)
All-World Games
this collection of sporting events brought together the best athletes from all the Senali clans, as
contestants vied to win the prestige of being the best on the planet. (SP)
a rogue Jedi, exiled by the Jedi Knights during the Old Republic and sent to Dathomir. She first trained
the rancors as mounts, and was responsible for showing the first Dathomirian women how to use the
Force. Allya is generally given credit for writing the first Book of Law, although subsequent leaders and
even other clans have modified the Book of Law for their own use. (CPL, CTD)
Allyan Magic
this is the term generally used to describe the usage of the Force taught by the ancient Jedi Allya to the
women of the planet Dathomir. It refers to the essentially good use of magic. Like all forms of Dathomirian
"magic," Allyan Magic employs spells to gather the presence of the Force to a woman. She then channels
it and uses its strength to create the desired effect. (CTD)
Allynic E'kles
this Caamasi Jedi Master served the Jedi Order during the Golden Era of the Jedi. Master E'kles was a
respected investigator, and had extensive knowledge of the criminals and pirates of his age. A great deal
of this knowledge, along with Master E'kles' personality and his knowledge of the criminal mind and
investigation techniques, was stored in a Jedi Holocron for future Jedi to explore. Much of Master E'kles'
memnii were also stored in the Holocron, although the Holocron was unable to project these into the mind
of its user. The personality of Master E'kles could, however, assist in telepathically projecting a specific
memory into the mind of a telepathic Jedi. (PJSB)
Darth Vader, in an effort to discover the Alliance's primary base, sent probe droids to planets in all sectors
of the Outer Rim Territories, including Allyuen. He also sent droids to other worlds in the Anoat System,
including Hoth and Tokmia. Allyuen itself was an inhospitable world of frigid deserts, and was mined for
its meager veins of chromite. (ESBR, WOA33)
this was the name given to the twelve priests of the Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry who reported directly to the
Third Prophet. (AIR)
Almakar System
a planetary system. (RPG)

this temperate world is the primary planet in the Outer Rim's Almanian System. The planet supported two
sentient races, the Je'Har and humankind. The Je'Har were a powerful people, and subjugated many
human tribes. Among the humans that suffered under the Je'Har were the family of Dolph, who later
adopted the name Kuellar and destroyed the Je'Har in revenge. Almania has three moons, one of which
is called Pydyr, and was a rival of its parent world. Almania had a meager economy under the yolk of the
Je'Har, while Pydyr prospered. (TNR)
this minor world is the primary planet in the Almaran System. Located in the Elrood Sector, much of the
planet was dedicated to the tourist trade. When the Empire invaded the sector, the Alliance was able to
erase the data files in the central computer of Almar Upside, the planet's primary city. Dummy
corporations were set up, and the planet remained outside of Imperial control. The Alliance then set up a
number of listening posts on the planet, in an effort to obtain information on the Imperial forces nearby.
Almar is a pleasant world, covered with tropical beaches, jungles, and wide plains of unusual orange
grasses. (PG3, TBSB)
Almar Downside
this is another name for the planet Almar, in reference to the pace station Almar Upside. (PG3.)
Almar Upside
this space station, orbiting the planet Almar, houses the planet's central computer system. Considered to
be the planet's capital city, Almar Upside was the only major city on or near the planet. (PG3)
this world was the fifth and outermost planet in the Cularin System. The Jedi Knights of the Old Republic
discovered that the ancient Sith had established a fortress on the desert side of the planet, hoping to
gather Dark Side energy from the Force-dense Cularin System. Analysis done in the years following the
Battle of Naboo indicated that the fortress had been built 1,132 years prior, well before the Battle of
Ruusan. One of Almas' moons also was known to be laden with unique crystals which the Jedi used in
the creation of their lightsabers. The fortress on the planet had been established by Darth Rivan, who is
generally credited with bringing the kaluthin grass to the planet. When Darth Rivan first arrived on Almas,
the planet's atmosphere was filled with poisonous gases like phosphorus and methane, so he developed
the kaluthin to help alter the atmosphere. The kaluthin was a success, given that all Almas' water was
located underground, and continued to thrive after Darth Rivan was driven from the planet during the Sith
Wars. Over the centuries, the kaluthin spread across the planet and created an atmosphere which was so
high in oxygen it was almost toxic to humans. The grass also gave the planet a distinct aural glow, mainly
from the phosphorus it consumed. This living growth was unusually countered by the Dark Side energy
on the planet, which originated in the desert region and slowly spread. The Jedi of the Old Republic
determined that the desert area would eventually consume the fertile kaluthin plains, utterly destroying
the planet's surface. (LFC, WOTC)
Almas Academy
this was the name of the Jedi training compound established on the planet Almas 145 years before the
Battle of Naboo. Its original founding was watched closely by the Jedi Council, which feared that its
proximity to a source of Dark Side energy would be catastrophic to its student. However, Nerra Ziveri
proposed that the schools' proximity to the Sith fortress on Almas would serve as a constant reminder to
all students of the dangers of the Dark Side fo the Force. The buildings of the Almas Academy were
located in the very center of the city of Forard. (LFC)
Almond-kwevvu Crisp-munchies
a small pastry favoried by many Squibs. (SWJ11)
Almost Authentic
this was the name of a Surronian L19 freighter stolen by a group of pirates from Imperial Moff Aricos
Dreleene. He had hoped to obtain an L19a special edition, but discovered that his "bargain" was a run-ofthe-mill L19. He invested a huge sum of credits to have outlaw techs refit the ship to appear to be a true

L19a, including modification of the serial numbers and transpoder codes, and Dreleene was able to pass
it off for many years. However, a band of pirates saw the First Edition and captured it, thinking they had
acquired an L19a. After learning that it was a fake, the pirates turned the Moff and the ship over to the
Alliance. The Alliance refitted the ship, and renamed it the Almost Authentic. The Alliance armed the ship
with the stock twin blaster cannons as well as a turret-mounted ion cannon. (SS)
this slang term was used in the Elrood Sector to describe any being who lived on the planet Lanthrym
during the Empire's control of the sector. The term referred to the fact that Lantrhym was almost, but not
quite, located along the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Run. The natives of Lanthrym strongly resented the
monicker. (PG3)
one of the seven clans of Ammuud. (CSA)
Al'Nasrl Sector
a section of the galaxy. (ISB)
one of Leia Organa-Solo's diplomatic aides, during her tenure as the Chief of State of the New Republic.
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'lon added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Aloo, Sim
this quiet, patient man served as Emperor Palpatine's senior political advisor during the period leading up
to the Battle of Endor. Aloo rarely spoke out loud, but was known for his remarkable wisdom and control.
this Twi'lek was Tavion's apprentice, learning the ways of the Dark Side of the Force as a member of the
Disciples of Ragnos, during the early years of the New Republic. Alora was first encountered by Luke
Skywalker at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, when the Twi'lek managed to infilitrate the temples and hack
information from Master Skywalker's computer. When the cult was discovered by Jaden Kor and Rosh
Penin, Tavion was able to capture on convert Penin to their cause. Jaden Kor remained free, and
managed to track Alora to Hoth, where she had been following the trail of Master Skywalker to Dagobah.
A brief fight ensued, but Alora was allowed to escape when Kyle Katarn prevented Jaden from killing her.
Although Alora returned to the service of Tavion, she again encountered Jaden, this time on Taspir III.
Alora initially chose not to fight Jaden directly, instead sending hordes of Disciples to confront him. Jaden
was up to the challenge, however, and eventually reached the location where Rosh Penin was hiding.
Alora then revealed that the entire situation was a trap to capture the Jedi, and forced Jaden to choose
between his loyalties: he could either give in to the Dark Side of the Force and slay Penin for lying, or he
could remain on the Light Side and give up his fight. Jaden chose the Light Side, which angered Alora.
She killed Penin on the spot, then challenged Jaden herself. Unfortunately for Alora, she underestimated
Jaden's strength, and the Jedi Knight was able to defeat her in combat. (JKA)
this planet, second in the Derilyn System, was a hot, rocky wasteland. (PG3)
Alou Asteroid Belt
this asteroid belt separates the first and second planets in the Baralou System. (PG1)
this man was one of the slavers who worked on the planet Mandalore, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. He was known for his cruel sense of humor, always finding something fun in the mistreatment

of the slaves. (LTA4, MC69)

this dark-skinned man was a starfighter pilot who served the Alliance, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Alph was part of the small team, led by Luke Skywalker, which piloted modified TIE Fighters in
order to infiltrate Admiral Giel's armada in an effort to eliminate its threat to the Alliance. Despite the fact
that their attack took the Imperials by surprise, Alph was shot down and killed early in the battle. (MC61)
this was the nickname used by Anakin Skywalker to describe the clone trooper designated A-17, during
the defense of Naboo, during the Clone Wars. Anakin chose to call the trooper Alpha, since he seemed to
be much more than a simple clone. During the Battle of Jabiim, Anakin use the Force to draw away the
droid army protecting the Separatist base, so that A-17 could set of a huge explosion to destroy it, cutting
off Durge's only way to launch an attack on Naboo. However, the explosion was bigger than A-17 had
anticipated, and he was disabled in the blast. This allowed Durge to injure A-17 before Anakin could
intervene, but Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi managed to drive Durge and Asajj Ventress off Ohma-'Dun.
A-17 continued to serve with Anakin during the Battle of Jabiim, but he began to chafe at the Jedi's orders
to keep as many Separatists alive for questioning. A-17 began to openly question Obi-Wan's leadership
on Jabiim, suggesting that the Republic's forces should simply kill every rebel and political leader, thereby
ending the hostilities once and for all. Asajj Ventress managed to capture both Obi-Wan and Alpha on
Jabiim, and she transported them both to Rattatak for interrogation. Ventress mercilessly tortured them
while hoping to turn them over to Count Dooku as gifts. Kenobi and Alpha managed to escape, with some
help from Ki-Adi-Mundi and Anakin Skywalker, before returning to Coruscant. Alpha was later recalled to
Kamino, to serve as the instructor for a new batch of clone commanders. He agreed to take Anakin's
suggestion of unique names for the clone to Kamino. (RNFW, SWDB, RHF)
Alpha 13
this was the key code used by the Alliance to verify that beings were allowed to use drop point Condor.
Alpha Blue
the codename of the hidden New Republic military operation led by Hiram Drayson. Alpha Blue officially
doesn't exist; it was created by Mon Mothma to work around the mechanisms of government and
diplomacy when necessary. Alpha Blue served as another set of eyes and ears for the head of the New
Republic, providing necessary information from discreet sources. (BTS)
Alpha Flight
this was one of the three main starfighter units of Naboo's Space Fighter Corps, during the years leading
up to the Battle of Naboo. (NEGC)
Alpha Kentrum
Michael Tandre's starship, which he was forced to crash-land on Orellon II. The ruins of the ship
eventually became the basis for the Temple of the Je'ulajists. (SWJ2)
Alpha Nonce
this space station served as a waypoint in the Mid Rim, somce 55 years before the Battle of Geonosis.
Alpha Outpost
this small Imperial base was captured by Sasnak Toxis and Thar'quan as a feint to mask the Alliance's
activities on Ralltiir. (CRO)
Alpha Point Zero
this was the designation of the Shell Hutts' highest level of authority. (MA)
Alpha Premier
this was the political title given to the primary leaders of the Shistavanen people. (AIR)

Alpha Red
this was the codename of the experimental group created by the New Republic Intelligence agency, and
charged with performing covert research into the Yuuzhan Vong biology. Led by Doctor Joi Eicroth and
staffed by a group of Chiss scientists, Alpha Red was a logical spinoff of the Alpha Blue team. Primary
among the goals for Alpha Red was the discovery of how the Yuuzhan Vong genetic structure worked,
and what could be done to attack them at the physiological level. The formation of Alpha Red could be
traced almost back to the point at which the Yuuzhan Vong captured Belkadan, and was aided by people
like Danni Quee. After much research, Alpha Red learned that the Yuuzhan Vong genetic makeup was
very similar to that of most beings in the galaxy. However, a unique strand of genetic material was found
in the Yuuzhan Vong body that was shared with every known form of Vongformed life. This discovery
allowed the Alpha Red team to develop an airborne pathogen that could attack this unique string of genes
and infect the Yuuzhan Vong and their creations. The virus was believed to have been shelved after
Vergere destroyed the original sample, but the blueprints for its creation were never erased. A new strain
was devised and secretly unleashed on Caluula, shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered at
Coruscant. The strain proved effective in killing the Yuuzhan Vong and their bio-technology, but it also
killed off swarms of flitnats and much of the winged-star population. For this reason, the Alpha Red
project was ultimately scrapped. (DW, UF)
Alpha Red
this was the codename given to the biological pathogen developed by the New Republic Intelligence
team, also known as Alpha Red, to work against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Alpha Red pathogen was an
airborne killer that attacked only those forms of life which contained the unique genetic strand that was
found in all Vongformed life. It had a latency of about five days, giving the pathogen a chance to locate
the genetic target. Then, it attacked the host on a cellular level, breaking down cellular material until the
body's tissues became liquid. This liquid was laden with the Alpha Red pathogen, which could then be
passed on to other individuals. Dif Scaur and the NRI planned to deploy Alpha Red from the air, confident
that it would selectively attack Yuuzhan Vong and leave the galaxy's own lifeforms alone. They reasoned
that the use of Alpha Red against the Yuuzhan Vong was no different than the ways in which the alien
invaders destroyed Ithor and Coruscant. They also believed that another Yuuzhan Vong attack of
biochemical nature could be thwarted by the Alpha Red pathogen, before it could take hold on a target
world. Their plan met with stern opposition from the Jedi Knights, but was supported and approved by
Chief of State Cal Omas. The Fosh Jedi Knight Vergere had other plans, however, based on her fifty
years of experience with the Yuuzhan Vong. She managed to steal the only viable sample of Alpha Red
from its secured location - an action that many military people believe was abetted by Jacen Solo - and
change it into something harmless. The genetic blueprint of the Alpha Red virus was maintained,
however, and work began shortly after the Battle of Ebaq to rebuilt it. In a secret activity, the Bothan
Intelligence agent Wraw was inserted into Team Meloque, with the specific mission to deploy the new
virus on Caluula to test its effectiveness. The test worked almost too well, as the winged-stars which were
native to Caluula died off, along with the Yuuzhan Vong and their bio-technology. For this reason, the
Alpha Red project was ultimately scrapped after the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered at Coruscant, shortly
after the test on Caluula. (DW, UF)
Alpha Team
a generic term used to describe the first survey group to determine a newly-found planet's resources and
habitability. (HSE)
Alpha TR-8
this was the codename for the Imperial prison facility located on the planet Rordak. Alpha TR-8
maintained a perfect record of no escapes during the Galactic Civil War, although later inspection of the
facility's plans revealed that escape was possible. At maximum capacity, Alpha TR-8 could hold more
than 5,400 prisoners, all of which were forced to work in a nearby barthierum mine. (PG1)
this was the designation of one of the clone troopers who trained subsequent generations of clones
grown by the Kaminoans for the Army of the Republic, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. His
success with basic training exercises made Alpha-17 a prime candidate to lead the training of the

Advanced Reconnassiance Commandos, which were also known as ARC Troopers. (SWI74)
Alpha-1733 Mu-9033
these were the standardized coordinates of Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut, located in the first quadrant of
Tatooine. (SWR)
this was one of the clearance levels developed by the Imperial Security Bureau, and denoted a high level
of clearance. (POM)
this Imperial code denoted a higher level of security than Alpha-3A. (POM)
Alpha-class Gunboat
this is the class of warship that included the XG-1 Star Wing. (XW)
this was the term used by Kuat Drive Yards to describe the individual responsible for overseeing the
various construction projects going on at the facilities in orbit near Kuat. The ?-foreman was supported by
several ?-supervisors. (HM)
Alpha-plus Charge
this is a compact device filled with highly-explosive material, and is used most often in mining operations.
Alpha-plus charges are incredibly powerful, and are used only when other, more conventional methods of
excavating rock prove futile. (JAL)
an alien race native to the planet Alpherides, these humanoids have a complex social structure built
around a single queen. This 1,000-year-old queen is the sole female on the planet, and she mates with all
the males when they reach the age of 150. She lives in a palace in the great Alpheridies Ocean. (FNU)
the planet that was home to the Alpheridian and Miraluka races, Alpheridies was located in the Abron
System. It was first seltted by the Miraluka thousands of years before the fall of the Sith Empire, during
their search for a new homeworld. Alpheridies was located on the spinward edge of the Expansion
Region of the galaxy. (FNU, DLS, TOJC, UANT)
Alpheridies Ocean
this great body of water was located on the planet Alpheridies. (TOJC)
Alquono deg apprefaron
this was a Rodian expression of gratitude and thanks. (T15)
Alrym II
this plain-looking, thin man was the planetary governor of Lanthrym, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. He was perhaps best known for the six Gamorrean guards who traveled everywhere with him. (PG3)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
this planet was founded before the advent of the Old Republic. It was settled by the colonists who brought
the Kuat Explorer to the Core. Over the years, the inhabitants have made war on each other with
regularity and passion, in a series of battles known as the Alsakan Conflicts. The wondrous warships
used in the battles were the design basis for the Invincible-class dreadnaughts. When Palpatine rose to
power and formed the Empire, Alsakan supported the New Order. It surrendered quickly to the New

Republic, however, when Ackbar came to recover the planet. (DESB, CSA)
Alsakan Circo-Menagerie
this was one of the Old Republic's most popular travelling shows, combining the entertainment of a circus
with the thrill of an exotic animal menagerie. (CCW)
Alsakan Conflicts
a series of battles among the ancient inhabitants of the planet Alsakan, the first Alsakan Conflicts took
place some 17,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (CSA, NEGC)
Alsakan Guard
this was the name of the primary police and defense force that protected the planet Alsakan. They used a
stylized version of the Tessent as their emblem. (GMR9)
Alsakan Tessent
this was the term used to describe the version of the Tessent that was attributed to the ancient Kings of
Archais who united the tribes of Alsakan. Like the Ayrou Tessent, it resembled a large farlus hawk with
the head of a felinx. According to legend, the Alaskan Tessent was a representation of the guardian of
Saml Previl and the ancient Kings of Archais, who united Alsakan under a common leader. The Alsakan
Tessent was a symbol of patriotism, although many treasure hunters believed that it was also the key to
unlocking an ancient storehouse full of riches. The Alsakan Tessent disappeared sometime later, and
several legends and rumors of its final resting place were told throughout Moddell Sector. One rumor held
that it reappeared in the possession of a member of the Guard of Aldera during the last decades of the
Old Republic. The Guardsman was part of the team which estalished the orbital telescopes around Ast
Kikorie, but was on a shuttle that was ferrying supplies from Ast Kikorie when it crashed back onto the
planet. The Guardsman kept the Alsakan Tessent close to his downed ship, preferring to live in
anonymity rather than revealing what he possessed. Another rumor claimed that the Alsakan Tessent
was stolen in ancient times by Jilst Bindalin, who died on Sarafur with the Tessent in his possession. Note
that Star Wars Gamer, issue 9, also claims that this particular Tessent was of Alderaanian origin. (GMR9)
Al'solib'minet'ri City
this was one of the primary starport cities found on the planet Galantos. (FH1)
Alta Ranga
this strange alien was a Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the years following the Battle of
Naboo. Alta Ranga, distinguished by his anvil-shaped head and long arms, wore a perpetual scowl on his
face. (AAOTC)
known as "high-speed death on four legs" on its homeworld of Altora, this reptilian creature was a solitary
hunter which stalked its prey with incredible stealth. When a target was decided upon, the altagak would
lunge from its hiding place and attack. During these attacks, altagaks have been clocked running at more
than 80 kilometers an hour. They were considered the apex predator on Altora, which gave them long
lifespans reaching 28 standard years. (COG)
Altair 9
this dark world was covered with swamps, which were home to a number of predatory species of plant
and animal. A minor skirmish was fought on the planet during the Clone Wars. (TCD)
Al'tanna Shimrra knotte Yun'o!
see Ai' tanna Shimrra khotte Yun'o! (UF)
Altar Moon
this Alliance modular conveyor group supported the Organarms factory, and was destroyed in an Imperial
attack. (TIE)
Altar of Death

this chamber within the Charon starship Desolate was the primary temple of Charon worship. It
represented the black hole which was consuming the Charon homeworld. In the center of the chamber
was a huge, black stone monolith which seemed to consume the Force and any life energies near it. Any
lifeform which is near the monolith is suddenly drained of its life force, in accordance with the Charon
belief that all life must return to the Void. (OS)
Altar of Promises
this religious site was founded just outside Colony One, on Ylesia. Located at the foot of the Mountains of
the Exalted, the Altar was the site of the daily devotions performed by the t'landa Til for the pilgrims which
flock to the planet. This religious ceremony was actually a ruse perpetrated by the t'landa Til, who simply
used resonant pouches in their necks to create vibrations which affect the sensory areas of the brains of
other sentients. After the Yuuzhan Vong took control of Ylesia and turned it over to the Peace Brigade,
Thrackan Sal-Solo planned to rebuild the site as a temple for the Yuuzhan Vong to worship their gods.
(TPS, Y)
a planet that is home to the night-gliders. (HSE)
this planet, located in the Corellian Sector of the galaxy, was the homeworld of the Corragut race. (CCW)
Alta-wave Calibrator
this piece of technology was considered illegal by the Old Republic. (IWE1)
the third of the Force skills which Jedi can master, Alter is also the most difficult. It involves the Jedi's
ability to modify the Force and redistribute its energy. (SWSB, IJ)
Altha Protein Drink
this was a fairly tasty, protein-packed drink that was favored by athletic beings during the early years of
the New Republic. (FH1)
this planet was the site of a vicious space battle during the height of the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
this man was the leader of the Citizen's Council, on the planet Dodz, during the decade leading up to the
Battle of Yavin. During much of his career, Councilman Althon was essentially powerless, since the
Council and the planet were under the control of Governor Kugg. Although he did not condone Jost
Ellon's use of a Ranger X-1 defense droid against Kugg's Destroyer, when Kugg's droid was destroyed in
combat, Althon quickly thanked the young boy and set out to reclaim Dodz for its citizens. (MDCAR)
the primary planet in the Altier System. (SWJ5)
Altin Wuho
this assassin worked for Dirk Balor during the Galactic Civil War. Wuho worked with a captive nightmare
demon known as Reist, which he controlled with a lead-lined helmet and a forcefield bubble. Wuho was
sent to capture Luke Skywalker in the Lapez System, and cornered Luke on Lapez 3. Wuho sent Reist in
first, with a homing device to locate his position later. Wuho followed in a shuttle, and discovered that
Reist had been badly injured by Luke in a fight. Wuho then engaged Luke himself, and was injured. This
injury revealed to Luke that Wuho was an android. Luke took parts from the droid body to repair his own
damaged ship, leaving the cybernetic corpse of Wuho behind on Lapez 3. (CSWDW, W149)
Alto Ocean
this was one of two major bodies of water on the planet Demar. (FBS)

this was the capital city of the planet Bethal. (SWJ4, SWJ11)
Altor 14
this world is the primary planet in the Roti-Ow System, and homeworld of the Avogwi (Altorian Birds) and
the Nuiwit (Altorian Lizards). Discovered by Rego Mineral Company, it is a hot, dry planet whose lifeforms
have adapted unique methods of obtaining and collecting water. Its day lasts about 94 standard hours,
which contributes to the arid nature of its surface. During the 47-hour "day," any water that collected on
the surface would evaporate away. (GG4, COJ)
this planet was covered with rolling plains and savannahs. (COG)
Altorian Birds
see Avogwi (GG4)
Altorian Lizards
see Nuiwit (GG4)
Altorian Milk-ale
a strange beverage fermented on Altor 14. (SL)
this planet was under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. It was uninhabited, which was the
primary reason the Empire selected it to served as the site of a HoloNet relay station during the Galactic
Civil War. (MBC)
Altratonne Prime
this star was the primary body around which the planet Altratonne orbited. The star's regular solar flares
showered the planet with ionic storms, disrupting communications. (MBC)
Altratonne Station
this was the name of the Empire's primary HoloNet relay communications base, found on the planet
Altratonne. It was eventually destroyed by an Alliance strike team led by Lav Bilsek. (MBC)
this frozen planet is the eighth planet in the Atrig System. It has a single moon. (PG2)
Altronel, Ketrian
this woman, a native of the planet Hargeeva, grew up in a blue-collar family of cloth merchants. Her
parents recognized her ability to learn and study, and worked hard to ensure that she had a thorough
education. Ketrian chose to study the field of geology, and was awarded a scholarship to a university
attached to the Imperial Academy. She excelled there, and was best known for her revolutionary ideas in
the field of metal sciences. She was also a collector of swords and knives, as she was fascinated with the
ways in which metal could be shaped to form the blades. She took up fencing, and through the sport she
met Stevan Makintay. The two eventually fell in love, and Ketrian "branded" him with a scar on the cheek
when he tried to break up a duel between herself and another woman who made advances toward him.
Mak proposed marriage to her, which led to Makintay's disinheritance. After his father had him sent away
to prison, he told Ketrian that Mak had left her for a life as a starfighter pilot. She felt betrayed by Mak,
and fell deeply into her work at the Arginall Refinery. Her work with the minerals of the planet led to the
discovery of how to increase the heat-absorption properties of ostrine ten-fold, which caught the attention
of Nial Pedrin. She later saw Mak in a holovid depicting the results of his failed rebel uprising in Arginall
City, but didn't get a chance to confront him until sometime later. Then, Mak brought along several
members of his Alliance team, in hopes of convincing her to join him and the Alliance. She refused, and
was captured with him as part of an Imperial raid and shipped off to a penal colony. When she learned
that Pedrin had killed her good friend, Alikka Nolan, during an intense interrogation session, Ketrian
began to doubt her loyalties to the Empire. Following their "rescue" from the Imperials by the Ghawem

pirates, Ket rejoined Mak and became part of the Alliance, working out of Eyrie Base. (SWJ8)
Altyr 5
the New Republic maintained an outpost on this world, although the base was atacked by Imperial forces
some seven years after the Battle of Endor. The Imperials were eliminated by Kyle Katarn, who was on
Altyr 5 in search of information on the location of Dromund Kaas, during his mission to help Mara Jade
become a true Jedi Knight. (MOTS, NEGC)
Aludium pu-36
this unusual, green alcohol was used in some of the strangest drinks of the Old Republic. (VD2)
Alui Corridor
this hyperspace trade route was often ambushed by pirates, during the height of the New Order. (AIR)
this Imperial shuttle transported important personnel to the Silver Bull during the evacuation of the
SpecWar facilities. (TIE)
an alloy used in making door casings and other interior structures. (LCM)
this young woman was a Padawan learner at the Almas Academy during the years following the Battle of
Naboo. She was a good friend of Lora Nadad, and worked with Lora in making the Cularin System more
aware of the struggles of The Lost. Alurali passed her trials to become a Jedi Knight shortly afterward.
this planet is known for its vast tar pits. (VP)
an alloy used in making starship hulls. (SCRE)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It referred to a beautiful, flying insect that
was native to the caverns of Sullust. (GCG)
this fluttering insect was found in the caverns of the planet Sullust. Its colorfully-patterned wings were
considered beautiful by the Sullustans, who copied the patterns in a variety of artworks. (GCG)
Alvace Star
this Alliance medal of honor was given to those pilots who managed to lead their teams out of dangerous
situations. (SWJ11)
Alvak, T.
an Imperial Pilot, Alvak graduated with honors from the Imperial Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV before
becoming a well-decorated officer. He is a TIE Fighter pilot, serving in the Solaset Fleet during the
Galactic Civil War. (SWSB)
a stormtrooper squadron assigned to set up roadblocks in Mos Eisley to keep R2-D2 and C-3PO from
escaping Tatooine. (TME)
this planet, the fourth in the Kidron System, is a large gas giant with thirteen moons. (PG3)
Alvor Cano

this Iotran Braceman was the lead investigator into the disappearance of the Malachite Scent, during the
last years of the Old Republic. He discovered Clabburn the Elder's role in the event, and later exposed
the crafty deception of Clabburn the Younger. (WOA34)
this was a temperate world, covered with colorful, deciduous forests and stony, crystalline spires. It
orbited a trio of small, blue-white stars. (GMR5)
Alvorine City
this was the capital city of the planet Alvorine. (GMR5)
this was the name given to the nomadic population of the planet Ansion, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. Ostensibly led by the overclans of the Borokii and the Januul, the Alwari chose to remain
separate from the Unity of Community, fearing that the city dwellers would usurp all the rights to the
grasslands they called home. The Alwari were traditionalists at heart, and had adapted modern
technology to their own uses. Even glowlamps were modified to flicker, like the natural flames used by
their ancestors. When Ansion started thinking about seceding from the Republic, the Alwari were certain
that the Republic - especially the Jedi Knights sent to Ansion to settle the dispute - sided with the city
dwellers. (APS)
Borsk Fey'lya was a member of this Bothan clan, which was one of only three clans allowed to colonize
the planet Kothlis after it was purchased from Raynor Mining Enterprises. The Alya clan was also one of
the first Bothan clans to ally itself with the Alliance, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. (MBC,
this Fyodoi female was Kalor's wife. (PG2)
this man adapted a Corellian Technologies Big Shock netting to protect his landspeeder. (GUN)
this was the handle of one of the many slicers who first discovered Tiny F's message of an impending
attack by the Thaereian Military on the people of the Cularin System, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars. alyssaroxu seemed to have a flambouyant personality, and the signature on her postings read
"Hugs and kisses, Alyssa, future apprentice to Baylan." When Tiny F first posted a decrypted message
form Jir Tramsig to the Cularin HoloNet, alyssaroxu was one of the few who initially thought it was a hoax.
It was during this series of exchanges that alyssaroxu also started a running campaign to flame the slicer
known as wampa1. In order to keep the immature slicer off the node, Alyssa sent three trillion copies of a
picture of wampa1's mother and a gundark from wampa1's own HoloNet node. (LFCW)
this woman was Prince Isolder's cousin, and one of the many within the royal family who disapproved of
his choice of Teneniel Djo for a wife. Following the Battle of Fondor, in which Isolder lost a large portion of
the Hapan fleet, there were seven recorded assassination attempts against Isolder, many of which
originated from Alyssia. It was even believed that Alyssia talked her own niece - the daughter of her
younger sister, Chelik - into trying to assassinate Prince Isolder, shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. (DJ)
Alysssa Maggrit
this young Duros girl was twelve years old when the Clone Wars broke out. She was living in the city of
Tolea Biqua, on the planet Genarius, running numbers for her uncle at the time. Her cover was blown
when the inept slicer known as wampa1 revealed her name on the HoloNet, believing that the young
Duros was actually the slicer known as alyssaroxu. (LFCW)

this planet was the homeworld of a race of piscine beings who resembled Gamorreans. (MDCAR)
Alzoc III
an Imperial world during the Galactic Civil War, Alzoc III is the homeworld of the Talz. It is known for its
beautiful pearls, even though the planet is mostly covered by cold, frozen plains and hard-packed snow. It
has no known moons. It was removed from the Galactic Registry by the Empire in order to protect a
perfect source of slaves, and was replaced early in the reign of Leia Organa Solo as Chief of State of the
New Republic. (TB, GG4, COJ)
Alzoc pearls
gemstones often used a knifehandles. (TB)
this Vagaari command translated into Basic as "cease fire!" (SQ)
this planet, located in the Chalenor System, was a nearby neighbor of Yinchorr. (AOW)
this New Republic Senator was a B'das, and was a member of the Council on Security and Intelligence.
He agreed with Krall Praget, regarding the loss of the Teljkon vagabond - and Lando Calrissian, Lobot,
R2-D2, and C-3PO - as a failure. (SOL)
the nickname given to the Amanin warrior who was living in Jabba the Hutt's palace shortly before the
Battle of Endor. His actual name was unknown. (CCG7)
a nickname given to the Amanin race, who are often called the Headhunters. (ROTJ)
Amanda Fallow
one of Talon Kaarde's smuggling ships, the Amanda Fallow served as one of the primary escort ships
that made up Karrde's fleet during the early years of the New Republic. Like the Dawn Beat, the Amanda
Fallow was a modified YZ-775 that was armed with a pair of turbolasers, two double lasers, and two
proton torpedo launchers. This gave the ship exceptional firepower for its size. The vessel could
accommodate up to twelve passengers and 400 metric tons of cargo, and required a crew of eight to
operate. (TLC, GMR4)
Amanda's Toy II
this starship was owned by Unlimited Horizons, Incorporated, and was known in the New Republic's
Registry as RN18-950319. (SOL)
Amander Public School
this was a prestigious preparatory school located in the city of Calamar, on the planet Esseles. (SWJ6)
the term used to describe a single member of the Amanin race. (GG12)
an alien race native to the planet Maridun, the Amanin were a race of tall, flat-bodied creatures with an
impossibly agile form. Their long, thin trunks are punctuated by thin, gangly limbs which allowed them to
become expert hunters in the jungle fringes they inhabited. Their unusual body shape made normal
walking ungainly, but their ability to climb trees and roll along the ground made them swift in their natural
environment. Vital organs within the Amani body were small, and were distributed throughout their
bodies, making them difficult to kill. Important organs were also duplicated, and their brains were really a
network of distributed bundles of nerves. They were a tribal people with a primitive level of technology
when the Empire tried to garrison Maridun, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Most Amanin were skeptical

and even fearful of high-technology items. When the Empire discovered Maridun, it wasted several
companies in their first attempt to subdue the Amanin, as the Imperial forces were completely unprepared
for the coordination of the Amanin, both in pre-battle planning and in actual combat. Eventually, however,
the Empire prevailed, and managed to acquire Amanin slaves by pitting the tribes of Amanin against each
other, with rivals supplying slaves from their enemy's tribes. (GG12, UANT, SWELM)
this woman, who lived 4,000 years before the advent of the New Order, was the Queen of Onderon, and
wife to King Ommin. For many years, Amanoa was unaware that Ommin had been studying the ways of
the Sith. When she did find out, Amanoa tried to break the hold the Dark Side of the Force had on him,
but failed utterly. Instead, Ommin brought her into the Sith magics and began training her. She had some
ability to control the Force, and Freedon Nadd's presence allowed her access to the Dark Side quite
easily. She became known as the "Dark Queen." She held the Onderonians away from the planet's other
wild tribes until her daughter, Galia, fell in love with the Beastmaster prince. She was so enraged that she
called on Nadd and the Dark Side of the Force and tried to defeat the Beastmasters herself, but Master
Arca returned her to the Light Side. The removal of the Dark Side energy killed her, and she was buried
with Ommin and Freedon Nadd on the Dxun moon. (TOJ, DLS, TOJC)
this was the name adopted by the human colonists who settled the moon of Lamus, some ten
generations before the Galactic Civil War. The name itself was derived from an ancient dialect, and
meant "People of the Emerald Sky." Although not a superstitious or primitive group, the A'Mar were
nonetheless concerned with the occurrence of Lamus' sunless day, and event which happened once
every thirty years. Their fear was heightened by the fact that the sun seemed to rise just after a group of
A'Mar drank from the Wellspring, the source of all surface water on the moon. This fear, although
tempered by an understand of how celestial bodied moved through space, gave rise to the ritual known
as The Vigil. (WOA31)
Amar, Allegra
this young princess was a member of the Alliance, and was part of the group assigned to Edan Base
when it was attacked by the Empire, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (IAG)
this man was a New Republic Senator. (T11)
this was a valuable, gold-green gemstone. (BF5)
this was a race of vulpine beings, humanoid in stature but resembling tall foxes. (WSW)
this planet, located in the Allied Tion sector, is known for its dense forests. (ML)
this woman was a Captain with the Alliance, and was part of the command team of Chiron Base during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ11)
this female Tarasin was one of the strongest members of The Wyrd, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars. She was known for her control of certain weather phenomena, as well as her ability to cloud or trick
the mind of another individual. (LFCW)
this woman was native to the planet Gadrin, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Amaya and her
friend, Suki, spent much of their free time roaming the bars of Gadrin for men to have fun with. (EOS)

Amazing Alonzo
this circus star was part of Kersh Lauskner's Traveling Animal/Acrobatic Arcadium. Alonzo owned and
controlled a wild trompa, which he kept at bay with an electric prod. During a performance at the
Gralleenya Gala, Alonzo's trompa got loose and attacked a young child. The child was rescued by Rogan,
who was injured by the beast. A group of Alliance agents - on Questal to rescue Tiree - subdued the
trompa before it could do any more damage. It was later discovered that the beast was reacting to the
low-level emanations of Moff Bandor's hurlothrumbic generator. (GCQ)
this Mon Calamari physicist proposed the existence of the Ambak Limit. (GG2)
Ambak Limit
proposed and extrapolated by the Mon Calamari physicist Ambak, this limit identifies the distance from a
planet within which moons can be formed from the accretion of leftover matter. Within the Ambak Limit,
the gravitational pull of the planet serves to tear apart any moon-like body. Beyond the Limit, moons can
be formed or "collected" from space-borne bodies. (GG2)
this Mon Calamari was a Jedi Knight who worked as an investigator during the last years of the Old
Republic. Ambaln's primary job was to locate potential Jedi students and assess their capabilities. Any
candidate who met the strict guidelines of the Jedi Order were brought to Coruscant for training. He also
worked undercover on several occasions to help track down criminals and other miscreants. Just before
he was dispatched to locate a potential Padawan on the planet Lobaoc, Ambaln spent considerable time
undercover in a criminal syndicate. His experiences there tainted his connection to the Force, bringing
him into contact with the Dark Side of the Force. He secretly desired to start his own "Jedi Order", based
on his newfound connection to the Force. Ambaln took the assignment to locate a young girl on Lobaoc,
but planned to turn the child to the Dark Side as the first of his own students. Ambaln planned to sacrifice
his loyal assistant droid, Z-N0, as part of a trap to throw off the Jedi team which was dispatched to
Lobaoc to stop him. While the Jedi team managed to intercept him, Ambaln was able to escape into the
watery depths of Lobaoc, taking the small girl candidate with him. They fled the planet aboard Ambaln's
whitecloak fighter, and were never heard from again. (WOA16)
Ambar, Drexler
this man was a well-known fisherman and adventurer who traveled to a large number of planets,
documenting their attractions for other enthusiasts. He was noted for insinuating that the planet Neftali
was completely devoid of the Force, and was an entity within itself. He later settled on Neftali and opened
Ambar's Big Game, Tackle, and Gear Shop to cater to the sportsbeings who traveled to Neftali. Drexler
and his wife, Keturah, had seven sons and a daughter before he disappeared on a routine check of traps
near their home. Keturah and the locals searched for months, but never found him. (BSS)
Ambar, Keturah
this woman was born to a family of fishermen on the planet Neftali, and was generally regarded as the
oldest living resident of the planet during the height of the Galactic Civil War. She fell in love with, and
later married, sportsman Drexler Ambar, and the pair settled on Neftali to raise a family of seven sons and
a single daughter. After Drexler's disappearance shortly before their sixtieth wedding anniversary,
Keturah maintained their business, Ambar's Big Game, Tackle, and Gear Shop. (BSS)
this is the capital city of Chandaar. (ML)
Ambar's Big Game, Tackle, and Gear Shop
found by Drexler Ambar in Cordel Cove, on the planet Neftali, this supply store offered virtually everything
a being could need to go hunting or fishing on the planet. Ambar's also had a guide service, and rented
out a wide selection of equipment and vehicles. (BSS)
Ambassador-class Shuttle
this was a SoroSuub shuttle design, also known as the Luxury Shuttle 001, developed and manufactured

during the early years of the New Order. It was designed to spoil the rich and powerful, being outfitted
with the most comfortable appointments and amenities. Measuring fifty meters in length, it was armed
with a pair of front-mounted double laser cannons. It required a pilot and co-pilot to operate, and could
accommodate up to ten passengers and 100 metric tons of cargo. (SWJ3)
Ambassadorial Dining Area
this part of the Imperial Palace on Coruscant was decorated in gold-leaf, and was highlighted by artifacts
collected by the Emperor Palpatine. The New Republic maintained the furnishings in the hall, and used it
as a Senatorial meeting place after Dolph bombed the Senate Assembly Chamber. (TNR)
a member of Mazzic's crew during the early years of the New Republic, Amber was the pilot of the
Skyclaw. (TLC)
this was the name of the star which was central to the Ambria System. (TOJC)
Amber Eye
this jewel was owned by Schnil Hakoon, but was stolen by Pierce Mantrell shortly after the Battle of
Yavin. A team of Alliance agents, on Kirtania to obtain Shiarha Root to combat the Direllian Plague on
Tiragga, captured Mantrell and returned the jewel to Hakoon. (SWJ1)
Amber Sun Mining Corporate
a gas mining operation that works in the Bextar System, Amber Sun was a corporate subsidiary of
Dynamic Automata. It imported Entymals as slaves to work as miners. (SWJ3)
this was a popular morning news and information show, aired on the planet Coruscant during the last
years of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
Amberlandrax Armaments
this weapon manufacturer produced a variety of weapons based on obscure, alien designs, during the
height of the New Order. (GFT)
this man was one of the Peacekeeperrs who protected the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project,
during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SQ)
this was the name of the Carrack-class cruiser maintained by Moff Kentor Sarne on Kal'Shebbol, as his
primary escape mechanism should the planet fall to the New Republic. The Ambition was maintained
below-ground, and was well-armed and well-armored. When Page's Commandos finally launched their
assault on Kal'Shebbol, Sarne was forced to flee in the Ambition, along with his closest advisors. They
blasted their way out of the underground chamber and fled Kal'Shebbol. (DARK)
this Imperial supply ship crashed into the B'knos mining colony, completely destroying it. (TBSB)
the world which Jedi Master Thon tamed, it is a ringed world in the Stenness System. It is barren and
sparse, and was once full of Dark Side energy. At one point in TOJ, Oss Willum says that Thon rid the
planet Arkania of the Dark Side, instead of Ambria. When Master Thon arrived there, he pushed back the
Dark Side into its source, Lake Natth. He lived there from that point until his death. The planet became a
research location several millennia later, when BioTech Industries set up a campus there. It has four
moons. (TOJ, DA, HXW)
Ambrian Wastes

this was the vast desert which covered most of Ambria's equatorial region. (TOJC)
Ame Llom
this blue-skinned, near-human female was a regular patron of the Outlander Club on Coruscant, during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. She was an associate of Hayde Gofai and Sne Wo during this
period. (SWI75)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this six-year-old girl was born to enslaved parents on the desert world of Tatooine. Her family was owned
by Yor Millto during this time. Growing up, she was a friend of young Anakin Skywalker. Two years before
the Battle of Naboo, Amee lost her mother, Hala, to the slave raider Krayn. Amee and her father survived
the attack. Two years later, before the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, Amee and Seek both believed that
Anakin's homemade podracer would never fly. They were surprised and amazed to learn that Anakin
eventually won the race, as well as his freedom, and left Tatooine to become a Jedi Knight. Amee, who
had always been fond of Anakin, remained a close friend of his mother, Shmi, in the years that followed.
Shmi often noted that Amee would swoon at the sight of every handsome young man. Amee was
portrayed by Jenna Green in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, IS1, JQ, TG)
Amelkin versus Tovath
this was a classic match of Quadrant, replayed for many years because of the incredible strategems
involved. (IF)
this was a common name among the Chev race. (UANT)
Amended Proprieties Bill
this Old Republic law prohibited any member of the Republic government from profiting by using insider
information, learned in the course of their legislative duties, to bolster their financial holdings. Statute 435,
Sub-statute 1759 specifically focused on the misuse of legislative proposals or construction contracts
being negotiated by the Republic. (COD)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was being refitted at Fondor, for use as part of the New Republic fleet,
when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked the system. The Amerce was destroyed by the suicide runs of several
groups of coralskippers, which holed the ship and left her broken and adrift. (JE)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "solid". (GCG)
Amethyst Shipping & Storage
this warehouse was located in the city of Ilic, on the planet New Cov, during the early years of the New
Republic. Tav Breil'lya was tracked to the warehouse by Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, during their
investigation into Borsk Fey'lya's accusations against Admiral Ackbar. The warehouse was actually a front
for Garm Bel Iblis' operation on the planet. (DFR)
this is a recreational planet. (SOL)
a group of Alliance heavy lifters destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Amgris, Joodiel
this man, a native of Varonat, established Great Jungle Outfitters on Varonat. (SWJ1)

this club is known throughout the Outer Rim for its fine selection of spirits, as well as its entertainment.
Amidala, Padme'
this native of the planet Naboo was born with the name Padme' Naberrie, and took the royal name
Amidala when she was elected Queen. She was just fourteen standard years of age when she was voted
into office as the Queen of Naboo. However, she was already a seasoned veteran of the planet's political
scene, having served for two years as the ruler of the capital city of Theed. Note that issue 6 of the Star
Wars Kids magazine claims Amidala was elected Queen at the age of twelve, not just city leader. She
was born to humble parents who live in a remote, mountain village, but quickly became enamored of the
glamorous life of the city after visiting with her grandmother, Winama. Although this worried her parents,
they also saw that she was quite special, and allowed her to continue her political training. After becoming
Queen, she trained under Captain Panaka in the martial arts, and also agreed to use deception when
necessary to ensure her safety. To this end, she favored heavy theatrical facepaint and an incredibly
ornate wardrobe, but this was mainly for practical purposes. The facepaint and clothing helped mask her
true appearance, which closely resembled that of her handmaiden, Sabe'. In times of crisis or danger,
Sabe' often took the place of the Queen, while Amidala pretended to be a simple servant using her given
name Padme' Naberrie. Shortly after being elected Queen, she was thrust into the galactic forefront
during the rise to power of Senator Palpatine and the crisis with the Trade Federation. She showed why
she had been elected during the conflict, standing tall against the Neimoidians and traveling to Coruscant
to petition her case to the Galactic Senate. However, political maneuvering was outside her scope, and
she often deferred to Palpatine's judgement. This led her to fall into Palpatine's plan to discredit
Chancellor Valorum, as she felt that the only way to save Naboo was to force Valorum out of office and
replace him with a stronger figure. However, her experiences on Tatooine with Shmi and Anakin
Skywalker had reduced her faith in the Old Republic anyway, and Valorum's lack of backbone in
condemning the Neimoidian invasion only served to support her agreement with Palpatine's plan to
remove Valorum from office. During her stay on Coruscant, Amidala realized that Jar Jar Binks - and the
Gungans in general - were greatly misunderstood by the Naboo. With Binks' help, she devised a plan to
remove the yoke of Neimoidian control. Once her plea had been heard, Amidala returned to Naboo and
forged an alliance with the Gungan leader Boss Nass, and together they were able to repel the droid
armies of the Trade Federation and free Naboo from its blockade in the climactic Battle of Naboo.
Following the completion of her two terms as Queen, Amidala stepped into the role of Senator to the Old
Republic. She served Chommell Sector, including Naboo and its 35 neighboring star systems, after
Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Senator Amidala was one of the loudest
voices in opposition to Chancellor Palpatine's call for a military solution to the growing movement toward
secession from the Republic, forming the Campaign Against Republic Militarization in an effort to stave off
full-scale war. However, two assassination attempts on her life took her back to Naboo, under the
safekeeping of a more mature Anakin Skywalker. They two discovered, much to their dismay, that they
were falling in love. After surviving the Battle of Geonosis, Padme' and Anakin were married on Naboo.
Amidala was portrayed by Natalie Portman in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and Star
Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (SW1, TPM, JQA, IG1, SWK, OWS, SWDB, HNN4, VD2, X2,
this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. It referred to a species of luminous kelp
that was native to the oceans of Mon Calamari. (GCG)
this was a species of luminous kelp that was native to the oceans of Mon Calamari. (GCG)
Amira Nasrabi
this female Mon Calamari was the owner and operator of the Illuminated Aquean casino, located on
Streysel Island on the planet Vaynai, during the height of the New Order. She was often seen walking
through the casino, talking to clients and gathering information like an infochant. She didn't sell the
information, but she kept choice data to use for her own profit. Amira was also a stickler for security, and

maintained dossiers on nearly all of her regular customers. What most beings didn't know was that the
aquariums which lined the walls of the Illuminated Aquean contained marine life which created a wealth of
natural poisons and toxins, which Amira used for formulate especially deadly mixtures. These poisons
were not for public sale, but used by Amira to manipulate others into positions which gave her the most
profit. (GMR8)
this Ruurian was the daughter of Skynx, and she grew up to become the leader of the Unified Ruurian
Colonies. It was Amisus who pledged the support of the Ruurians to Grand Admiral Thrawn and the
Empire, some fifteen years after the Battle of Endor, when the Hand of Thrawn was discovered. (ECH)
Amithest, Mari
this young girl was a member of the Bear Clan training class, learning about the Force from Master Yoda
himself during the year leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. Mari Amithest was portrayed by Phoebe
Yiamkiati in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (OWS, SWDB)
meaning "strong", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this is the capital city of the planet Bacrana, and the capital of Brak Sector. Shortly before the Battle of
Yavin, a demonstration protesting the construction of the Imperial shipyards was broken up by Imperial
forces under the command of Moff Lesan Ramier. The protestors were routed, and Moff Ramier was able
to solidify his position. Amma was laid out in seven primary sectors, with two residential areas, a
governmental sector, an industrial sector, a resort sector, the new city, and the Imperial sector. (SWJ8,
this Imperial Moff, in charge of Portmoak Sector, was a contemporary of Abran Balfour. (GG9)
this planet was originally colonized by settlers from Thokos. There were seven colony ships that arrived,
and the descendants from each ship formed the basis for Ammuud's seven major clans. A series of
savage clan wars broke out, and lasted for nearly 10,000 years. About 100 years before the Galactic Civil
War, the clans called a cease-fire, and developed a governmental system based on the Ammuud Code.
Years later, the planet was under Corporate Sector Authority jurisdiction, but subcontracted to the clans.
Each clan leader, or Mor, then ruled as part of the planet's government. This coalition is very shaky, as
the clans tend to play against each other in a perpetual power struggle. There is a unique Code that is
used among the clans to ensure some level of fairness. The planet itself is thickly forested, with large
oceans and two immense polar ice caps. (HSR, CSA)
Ammuud Code
a set of rules and tenets which are used by the major clans on Ammuud to set guidelines for their
interaction. The Code keeps the clans working as a coalition while it prevents them from killing each
other. No one is above the Code. (HSR)
Ammuud Height
this was the tallest mountain found on the planet Ammuud. (EGP)
Ammuud Swooper
this battered, sky-blue YT-2400 freighter was part of the New Republic focrces which regrouped at
Borleias, in the wake of the Battle fo Coruscant. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally retook Borleias, the
Ammuud Swooper took damage in the evacuation but was escorted out by General Wedge Antilles. (EL2)
Lando Calrissian suggested to Niles Ferrier that this planet was a possible source of stolen warships,
since the Cavrilhu were using it as a base during the early years of the New Republic. (DFR)

this was the alias adopted by Nom Anor, when he first joined Vuurok I'pan's small group of Shamed Ones
living below the surface of Coruscant. Shortly after I'pan's group was executed by Yuuzhan Vong
warriors, Nom Anor stopped using the alias, for fear that it had been compromised. (FH1)
an amphibious assault vehicle used by the New Republic on Calamari, the Amphibion was designed and
built by SedriMotors. Based on the Incom XM-21, the Amphibion is a quiet surface floater. Its low profile
and quiet repulsorlifts allow troops to quickly and safely enter an aquatic battlezone. The Amphibion is
lightly armored, and not equipped for heavy combat duty. This made them easy to produce in large
quantities. If the Amphibion was required in combat situations, it was usually supported by other craft.
The Amphibion measures 7.3 meters in length, and is armed with a single antipersonnal gun mounted in
the rear. Hand-held weapons are stored in lockers inside the ship. The Amphibion can be mounted with
an Atgar 1.4 FD P-tower. (DE1, DESB, EGV)
this unusual reptile was native to the homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong. Amphistaffs were literally grown in
low groves, emerging in threes from a deep-rooted, leathery polyp. Even as juveniles, amphistaffs were
strongly carnivorous, and their voracious feeding served to nourish the amphistaffs as well as the polyp
on which they grew. Because their mouths were often smaller than their prey, amphistaffs used their teeth
to tear the prey into small chunks. These chunks were small enough for the groundmouth of the polyp to
consume as well, and the young amphistaffs often swept food into the groundmouth to help sustain the
polyp. As the young amphistaff grew larger, it became too large for the polyp to support and broke itself
away from the main plant. Wild amphistaffs then fed voraciously before rooting themselves int eh ground
and transforming into polyps, repeatting their asexual reproduction cycle. If captured when they leave the
polyp, young amphistaffs could be bonded to a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. A snake-like creature in its normal
form, the amphistaff used a series of strange power glands to harden all or part of its body to the
consistency of stone. This makes the creature a valuable form of spear to the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. It
can also narrow its neck and tail before hardening, to form a kind of razor. This narrowing of the body
results in an incredibly thin blade, which was honed even further by the life energies of the power glands
being compressed around it. The edge of the amphistaff blade was measured in atoms, and it could slice
through virtually any substance. The only known substance which could repel it was conduun crab armor.
When relaxed, the Yuuzhan Vong warrior could use the amphistaff like a whip. The amphistaff was also
highly venomous, and could accurately spit its poison into the eyes of an opponent twenty meters away.
The poison blinds instantly, and causes a long, slow death if manages to seep into the target's pores.
When hardened, the amphistaff was also impervious to the blade of a lightsaber. Later, in the campaign
against the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong developed a species of amphistaff which could be
implanted into a warrior's body for concealed transport. After the hostilities between the Yuuzhan Vong
and the Galactic Alliance were resolved, and the Yuuzhan Vong were allowed to live on the planet
Zonama Sekot, they found that amphistaffs and many other bio-engineered weapons simply reverted to
their animal forms and fled into the forests. This was one way in which Sekot forced the Yuuzhan Vong to
give up their lust for war and embrace a more enlightened existence. (VP, DTO, HT, T, UF)
a planet in the Chorios Systems. It was against Ampliquen that Seti Ashgad instigated a series of pirate
attacks, in order to draw New Republic forces away from Durren and Nam Chorios during Dzym's bid to
gain control of the galaxy. This attack nullified the uneasy truce that existed between Ampliquen and
Budpock, although this was part of Dzym's plans. (POT)
a species of tree whose wood is used in furniture. (COJ)
a mining district found on the planet Waskiro. (JTH)
this desert-covered planet is the third planet in the Atrig System. It has two moons. (PG2)

one of the gods revered and adored by the Weequay, Am-Shak was the god of thunder. (MTSE)
this was one of the many repulsor-equipped war machines used by the Trade Federation during their
invasion of Naboo. (GMR4)
this terraformed world was the third planet in the Genesia System. The surface of the planet was
dominated by rocky canyons, which spoke of the water which used to run across the planet's surface.
This made the terraforming project much easier. It was also rumored that several sponsors of the
terraforming project were prominent crimelords based on Genesia. When the terraforming was complete,
Amthau became a favorite vacation spot for the wealthy inhabitants of Genesia. (FBS)
Amthau City
this was the only city formed on the planet Amthau, following its terraforming. Roughly seventy-five
percent of the city's structured were located belowground, allowing the exterior city to be regularly
patrolled. (FBS)
Amulet of Trust
this Gungan artifact was kept in the Gungan Sacred Place, until Jar Jar Binks was named to be a special
representative to the Galactic Senate, in the years following the Battle of Naboo. The Gungans bestowed
the amulet to Jar Jar, and a symbol of his position and the faith the Gungan people had in his ability to
represent the Gungans to the Senate. (VD2)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and meant "faithful". (GCG)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as
"craftsman" or "master". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a
complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this was the only name Alex Winger knew for her mother, who died in the Imperial subjugation of Janara
this Hutt was the daughter of Orko, a H'uun who was an enemy of Gorga the Hutt. Gorga wanted to marry
Anachro, and placed a bounty on Bar-Kooda, who was pirating Orko's ships. He hired Boba Fett to bring
the pirate back in one piece, so that Bar-Kooda could be served to Orko during an engagement dinner.
This pleased Orko immensely, and he gladly gave Anachro's hand in marriage to Gorga. They were
married on Tatooine, and honeymooned on the planet Skeebo. There, Anachro was kidnapped by the
Skavers and Kaptain Voor, who hoped to gain a huge ransom for her. Gorga once again called on Boba
Fett, who encountered Ry-Kooda as well as Voor, and managed to eliminate both of them. Anachro was
returned to Gorga's side, and was soon found to be pregnant. She hoped that this would bring her father
and her husband together, but events unfolded around her that left her father dead and herself under
attack by Ry-Kooda. Boba Fett intervened before the Koodan could reach her, saving her from certain
death. She gave birth shortly thereafter. (BF)
this decorative plant is used in flower gardens, where it provides bursts of color and intense aromas. (TT)
this dumbbell-shaped land mass is the larger of the two continents found on the planet Lianna. (ML)
Analysis Bureau

the division of the Imperial Intelligence which is responsible for gathering data from other divisions and
searching for patterns or other relevant information. It employs some of the best decryption and
encryption experts in the galaxy. (ISB)
Analysis/Encoding Computer
known as an A/E device, this form of computer was developed by the Empire in order to maintain the
security of its data. The A/E computer took an incoming datafile, opened its encryption and read the data,
then recoded the information for further transmission. These devices were developed and used in
secrecy, and were deployed on Plexus Droid Vessels to ensure the integrity of their data. (SWJ10)
this was a common name used by the Abyssin race. (UANT)
this tropical world was located in the Yarith Sector of the galaxy, on the edge of the Ivax Nebula. Most of
its lifeforms were ocean-dwelling creatures, the largest of which could fit into the palm of a human. The
dominant lifeforms were shellfish. (WOA33)
Anapolla Musical Splash
this attraction of Lamuir IV's Priole Danna festival highlights a wide range of musical styles from some of
the galaxy's newest artists. (SWJ3)
Anarak Four
this planet was ruled by a tetrarch during the last years of the Old Republci. It was said that the tetrarch, if
he didn't like the food he was served at a meal, would have the chef boiled in his own kettle. (MJH)
this Kitonak was the lead jizz wailer for the band Hutt. He hired a group of freelance scouts to return him
to his homeworld for the Great Celebration during the Galactic Civil War. Rather than fighting in most of
the cantina brawls he participated in, Anarc would sit the combatants down and discuss with them the
virtues of patience and understanding. (GMS)
Anarid Cluster
this area of the galaxy contains the planet Kelada. (SWJ2)
this Kitonak name was common across Kirdo III. (UANT)
this huge, unkempt man served under Major Grau on Alashan, during the early years of the Galactic Civil
War. Chosen mainly for his brawn, Anarine was a Fleet Sergeant who also acted as Grau's second-incommand on Alashan. He was distinguished by his bald head and long, pointed fingernails, and his
overall appearance was more animal than human. Anarine and Grau were invited to join the Alliance,
after surviving the mission to Alashan, but both refused and returned to the Empire instead. (MCI6, MC7)
this strange pit is located in the Shadow Forest of Kashyyyk, near Rwookrrorro. Wookiee legend says
something fell out of the sky and crashed into the forest, creating a deep pit-like scar through the trees
and deep into the ground. The planet, according to the legends, did not heal the wound to the forest,
deciding instead that the pit would be the home of the katarn. Located at the very bottom of Anarrad is the
Well of the Dead. (TT)
Anavill Smuggler's Guild
this Mid Rim criminal organization established a foothold on the planet Bridin Anchorage, shortly after the
death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It became part of an overall alliance known as the Mandroxan cartel,
along with Manliss Enterprise and the Droxian Traders League. (GG11)

Anavus Svag
this grim-faced near-human Jedi Master was one of many who commanded the warships which defended
the planet Coruscant during the Great Hyperspace War. His personality, as well as his expertise in the
weapons, ships, and military tactics of his era, were collected and stored in a Jedi Holocron. (PJSB)
this was a Core Worlds planet. Known as the Defender of the Core, Anaxes served as the primary naval
base for the Old Republic fleet that protected the capital. (WOTC, SWI64, CCW)
Anaxes Citadel
this was the primary governmental building found on the planet Anaxes. It was built more than 700 years
before the Battle of Yavin, allowing the Old Republic to station its largest defensive force in the Solis
Axum System. Roughly a third the size of Couscant's Imperial Palace, the Anaxes Citadel was
nevertheless more impressive to most naval officers, for it was here that the Navy's highest honors were
bestowed. (CCW)
Anaxes Station
this space station was located at the fringes of the Axum System, near the planet of Anaxes. (CCW)
this was the term used by most inhabitants of the Core Worlds to describe the human population which
was native to the planet Anaxes. (CCW)
this was a common name among the Falleen. (UANT)
this was a common name among the Filordi race. (UANT)
this Imperial Major was in charge of the interrogations which took place on the Deathblock of Tol Ado's
prison facility, during the height of the New Order. (JH)
one model of Fabritech's Tracking Computer used on starfighters. (SCRE)
Ancathia Funge-flower
an exotic plant grown by many Ho'Din. (SESB)
Ancher, Karl Mathieu
this smuggler often worked with Drake Paulsen. They were imprisoned together on Omman, but escaped
with the help of Tait Ransom. Karl retired to the planet Socorro, where he established the Black Dust
Tavern. Ancher was also one of the three primary owners of the Ethra Brewery on Socorro. The escape
from Omman left Ancher with a cybernetic leg. After his retirement, Ancher was considered one of the
fathers of modern smuggling on Socorro, but was also considered one of the most honest businessbeings
on the planet. (SWJ2, SWJ3, BSS)
Ancher, Toob
this smuggler worked for the crimelord Saadoon-Kauldi, and collected debts from Saylor Marjan on
Arapia. The brother of Karl Ancher, Toob was the more reckless smuggler, and grew tired of his brother's
intellectual pursuits outside the arena of starships. When a bounty hunter's thermal detonator went off in
his face, Toob's face was badly damaged in the blast. He retired shortly afterward, but contracted
Brekken Vinthern, the Bitter Winter disease, and slowly lost his mind. (SWJ5)
Ancher, Toob
this smuggler spent most of his time in the Ottega System. He was permanently disfigured when a bounty
hunter's thermal detonator exploded in his face. His left eye was completely blown away, and his right

had to be replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis. After contracting the Black Winter disease, he was taken
to Redcap by Drake Paulsen to serarch out Saylor Marjan and recover a debt owed to Saadoon-Kauldi. It
was on Redcap that the disease finally took Toob over the edge, and he set out to attack the Aremin,
believing that he had to escape an Imperial ambush on his smuggling ship. Drake Paulsen was forced to
shoot Toob out of the sky, in order to avoid a greater conflict. (SWJ2, SWJ5)
Anchor Blue
this immense Houk was one of the gladiators who was fighting on Rattatak when Assaj Ventress
submitted her name as a combatant, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis. Anchor Blue fought well enough
on his own, although he once lost his right hand in battle. The Rattataki warlord who owned him had it
replaced with a vibroblade, but he also had a pain-causing device implanted in the blade's hilt. This
allowed the Rattataki to remotely cause Anchor Blue to experience and intense jolt of pain, which drove
the Houk into a fighting rage. When the fighting was over, the same device pumped sedatives into Anchor
Blue's bloodstream, calming his down enough to be returned to his meager cell. Unfortunately, Anchor
Blue was among the combatants who stepped into The Cauldron with Asajj Ventress, and the lightsaberwielding Rattataki made quick work of dispatching him. (SWDB)
a major city, by Tatooine standards, Anchorhead was a major source of supplies for the settlers and
moisture farmers on the planet. Luke Skywalker and his friends often gathered there, at Tosche Station.
Located on the Great Chott, Anchorhead's average population was about 700 beings, and it was located
several hundred kilometers southwest of Mos Eisley. During the height of the New Order, Anchorhead
was the only one of the original settlements established on Tatooine to continue to exist. It was originally
founded some 4,200 years before the Battle of Yavin, and was re-established during the second wave of
colonization, some 4,100 years later. (SW, GG7, SOT, TG)
Anchorhead Volunteers
this was a collection of small businesses, based in the city of Anchorhead on Tatooine, which performed
search and rescue operations in the desert. They were particularly busy after sandwhirls and other
sudden storms, when travelers were lost of badly hurt. In operation during the height of the New Order
and during the early years of the New Republic, Anchorhead Volunteers was actually a front for Alliance
supporters who were smuggling agents and supplies beneath Imperial patrols. (TG)
this planet, located in the Corellian Sector, was supposedly the site of Garm Bel Iblis' death during the
height of the New Order. Later, Talon Karrde established a listening post on the planet. (DFR, TLC)
Ancient and Honorable Union of the Tion Hegemony
this is the full name of the Tion Hegemony. (ML)
Ancient Corellian
this was one of the oldest forms of the Corellian language. (PH)
Ancient Order of the Pessimists
this cult grew quietly on the volcanic world of Maryx Minor. The Order always believed that the worst
would happen, regardless of the situation. They were forced to hide Abal Karda, during the fugitive's flight
from the Empire. Karda killed at least one of the brothers, Mabob, believing the young man was spying on
him when Mabob was simply bringing his meal. He killed another brother during Mabob's funeral, claiming
their chants were too loud. The Order was then dismayed to learn that both Boba Fett and Darth Vader
were tracking Karda, and they believed that their end was near. However, Fett and Vader fought to a
standstill and left the planet, and their struggle only killed four of the Order's brothers. The leader of the
Order declared that this was an omen, which meant that they needed to start looking for the worst in
every situation. He declared that the order should begin looking toward the brighter side of any situation.
Several of the Order's older members declared this a heresy, and they were proved correct. Vader felt
that the Order had witnessed too much, and ordered their destruction. Several turbolaser barrages from
Vader's Star Destroyer leveled their hermitage and destroyed the Order. (EOE)

Ancient Quarter
this was the oldest section of the city of Otoh Gunga, on the planet Naboo. It was relatively uninhabited.
Ancient Republic
a song written and played by the band Deeply Religious. It was first released as part of the compilation
Emperor of Air and Darkness, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Ancient Tokens of Legendary Ewok Heroes
eight sacred artifacts from Ewok history, they have been handed down from priest to shaman to priest
over the generations. Most recently, they were in the possession of Logray. The tokens are the White
Wings of Hope, the Red Wings of Courage, the Blue Wings of Strength, the Candle of Pure Light, a magic
walking stick, the Sook rock, a magic crystal, and an ivory tooth. The tokens are bestowed upon the
members of a great undertaking, as was the case when Deej and his sons escorted the Towani children
on a mission to rescue their parents from the Gorax. The crystal was carried by Deej until it was obvious
that it belonged to Kaink, the Ewok priestess, who used it to divine the intent of the mission and to
influence the animals of Endor. The walking stick was given to Wicket, for it allowed the gullible little Ewok
to see through the false surface of the magic pool, and aided him in rescuing Mace from the pool's
depths. The ivory tooth was part of an ancient jawbone which was possessed by Chukha-Trok, who
joined the mission after befriending Mace. (EA)
Ancient Words
this was a form of epic poetry practiced by the Sekct. The Ancient Words took many hours to recite in
their entirety, as the native language of the Sekct was very complex. (POM)
Ancum, Jioie
this woman, a supporter of the Alliance, was a native of the planet Tuttin IV. Jioie was trained in her youth
as a classical musician, and had soprano voice which brought many an audience to tears. She and her
husband, Tendis, had a son named Ryley, who they were forced to leave behind when the Empire took
control of Tuttin IV. In order to provide a cover for their duties with the Alliance, they accepted a posting
off-planet with the Empire, leaving Ryley in the care of Shran Etison. Tendis had taken a promotion to
become the foreman of a factory offplanet, while Jioie went along as his assistant. Ryley, when he was
old enough, began to hate his parents because he believed that they had abandoned him to take
positions within the Empire. When she learned that Ryley had been feeding information to Keth Beamis,
Jioie arranged to be on Beltrix III for his audition. Ryley was stunned to meet his mother there, but kept a
straight face in order to maintain Jioie's cover. (GMR6)
Ancum, Ryley
this youth, a native of the planet Tuttin IV, was a member of the local Alliance cell during the years
following the Battle of Yavin. Ry played the bass vye in the band called Far Cry, and used the bass line
from his band's music to secretly transmit messages to Keth Beamis about Imperial shipping plans. Ryley
had grown up supporting the Alliance after he was led to believe that his parents had abandoned him to
take up positions within the Empire. Ryley himself was left in the care of Imperial Governor Shran Etison,
so that he could remain on Tuttin IV and continue his education. When he learned what the Empire was
doing behind its massive propaganda machine, Ryley' hatred for his parents only deepened. His hatred of
the Empire hardened when Beamis was killed while being interrogated. However, Ryley was still under
the protection of Governor Etison, and thought he was helpless to act. His patience paid off, though,
when Etison arranged for Far Cry to act as "bait" in a trap to expose the Alliance cell on Beltrix III. Ryley
agreed to continue auditioning for the Holstrum Talent Agency, so that Etison could catch the Alliance
spies. Ryley, however, used his bassline coding system to send ahead a warning of Etison's plans. The
cell was able to destroy or hide its records, and Etison's agents found nothing but a legitimate talent
agency. While on Beltrix III, though, Ryley met with the Alliance agents running the local cell. The agents
turned out to be none other than his musical teacher, Tet Tramys, and his own mother. Surprised,
relieved, and excited all at once, Ryley maintained a calm demeanor and did nothing to expose his
mother's cover. His faith in his parents, however, had been restored. (GMR6)
Ancum, Tendis

this man, a supporter of the Alliance, was a native of the planet Tuttin IV. He and his wife, Jioie, had a
son named Ryley, who they were forced to leave behind when the Empire took control of Tuttin IV. In
order to provide a cover for their duties with the Alliance, they accepted a posting off-planet with the
Empire, leaving Ryley in the care of Shran Etison. Tendis had taken a promotion to become the foreman
of a factory offplanet, while Jioie went along as his assistant. Ryley, when he was old enough, began to
hate his parents because he believed that they had abandoned him to take positions within the Empire.
Andal, Villis
this Imperial Moff controlled Elrood Sector during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Andal was the son
of a noble, well-connected Atrisian family, and spent much of his youth perfecting such archaic skills as
marksmanship with a Kiliean bolt gun and riding the loirbnigg of the planet Frisal. An excellent student, he
earned admission to the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. In return for an undisclosed favor to an Imperial
Senator - rumored to have been a large sum of credits and the destruction of any evidence of the bribe Andal was promoted to Assistant to the Moff of Elrood Sector. When the Moff died in a routine space
accident, Andal found himself promoted into his place. He found himself unable to contain the rising tide
of piracy and rebellion which sprang up after the destruction of Alderaan, even with three Imperial-class
Star Destroyers at his disposal. When the Brazen was destroyed by Alliance forces while in drydock at
the Derilyn Space Defense Platform, Moff Andal was removed from his position and re-assigned. (PG3,
this near-human race is characterized by small, pointed horns on their heads and symbiotic grafts which
attach to their skin. (TT)
Andal's Dream
this was the personal space yacht of Imperial Moff Nillis Andal. (PG3)
this ball of molten rock was the innermost planet of the Ando System. (PH)
Andar Suquand
this ancient Ithorian revolutionary was known for the subtle ways in which he affected social and political
change. His actions became known as "casting sand in the gears of the machine", since they caused
great damage and instituted great change over a period of time. (MJH)
this planet, largest and most influential world of the Andaran System, was also the seat of the system's
government. A lush, green world with a temperate climate that allowed agriculture and industry to exist
side-by-side, Andara was considered beautiful as well as wealthy. (JQ5)
a planet which was a haven for criminals and other underworld operatives. During the early years of the
New Republic, the planet was under the control of Valis Lorn. Andasala was originally a mining settlement
established by Gesenix Mining. Promising because of the wealth of natural resources available, Andasala
became a booming world by virtue of its proximity to Svivren. Its location also brought into direct contact
with the Galactic Civil War, as both the Empire and the Alliance fought battles for control of the space
lanes around it. These battles continued well after the Battle of Yavin, until Valis Lorn arrived. He
nationalized the planet through the use of his criminal henchmen, establishing a "safe" world for its
natives. The average day on Andasala lasts 25 standard hours, and its year encompasses 370 local
days. (GG11)
Andasala Achievement News
this was the primary news agency on the planet Andasala. (GG11)
this independent spacer ran a small shipping business from a base on the planet Tatooine, during the

height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWRPG)

Andes, Murton
a member of the Empire's Intelligence corps. He was stationed for a while on Tatooine. He developed a
series of contacts with Jabba the Hutt, although he was forced to break these off when he was transferred
to the Al'Nasrl sector. (ISB)
this gas giant was the sith and outermost planet in the Caridan System. It was orbited by twenty moons.
Andi's Hill
this low bluff was located near the town of Currahen Crossroad, on the planet Garos IV. (SWJ2)
this water-covered, Mid Rim world was the second and primary planet of the Ando system, and was the
homeworld of the Aqualish race. It was orbited by a pair of moons. During the height of the Galactic Civil
War, the planet was tightly controlled by the Empire. Ando was the sight of one of Thrawn's feint attacks
in preparation for his attack on Ukio; the attack was led by the Bellicose. Ninety-five percent of the planet
was covered by water and there was very little solid land mass, and the Aqualish have adapted by living
in sailing ships or on the small islands. The islands themselves were often nothing more that hummocks
in a swampy ecosystem, and were shrouded with an acrid, steamy mist. There was at one time a sister
planet to Ando, but the Aqualish wars left it barren and blasted soon after they discovered space travel.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Ando was one of the first planets which were "spared" in
return for a live Jedi Knight. Unfortunately for Dorsk 82, he was killed by the Aqualish when he tried to
protect the droids which worked on the planet. Ando eventually fell to the Yuuzhan Vong. (DFR, TLC,
GG4, MA, EVC, PH, FH3)
this star, located in the Mid Rim, was the central body of the Ando System. (PH)
Ando Demilitarization Observation Group
this group of Jedi Knights, acting on a request from the Galactic Senate, oversaw the elimination of
weapons and arms among the various Aqualish factions and races on the planet Ando, many decades
before the Clone Wars. (DFR)
Ando Overland
this was one of the most famous podraces of the Old Republic, rivalled only by the Boonta Eve Classic.
Like the Ando Prime Centrum, the Ando Overland took place on the frozen world of Ando Prime. Like the
Boonta, the Ando Overland was sponsored by the Hutts of the Desilijic clan. Because of this, both races
were postponed indefinitely when Zorba the Hutt was arrested on Kip, due to the lack of funding being
provided by the Hutts. (GMR2, HNN4)
Ando Prime
this cold, frozen world was the third planet in the Ando System, and the site of a podracing course that
challenged racers with a variety of icy, nearly frictionless surfaces. The planet's primary inhabitants were
the Bendu monks, who lived and worked in the Andobi Mountains. More modern settlements sprang up to
the south of the mountains, and the villagers built a huge water pipeline and pump system to bring
mountain spring water to their growing cities. The podraces that began here were originally staged to
entertain the laborers who were building the pipelines, which took nearly a decade to complete. (RAC,
Ando Prime Centrum
this is the primary city found on the planet Ando Prime. (RAC)
Ando Prime Centrum
this was one of several pro-circuit podraces run on the planet Ando Prime, during the last decades of the

Old Republic. (RAC)

Ando Project
this was the name of the Imperial operation geared toward harvesting Andoan mineral-fish for use in
cheaply extracting certain minerals needed for the production of laser weapons. The mineral-fish were
collected by the Bountiful and processed for shipment aboard the Eclipse freighter to Uridia. Once on the
arid moon, the mineral-fish were adapted for life there in order to help the Empire process uridium from
the ground. The project was disrupted by a team of Alliance agents from Chiron Base, after Captain
Amarith received a tipoff on the Imperial activities on Ando. (SWJ11)
Andoan Ale
green, alcoholic beverage. (TME)
Andoan Colonial
this was the primary news and media agency found on the planet Ando, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (SWI67)
Andoan Free Colonies
this collection of Mid-Rim worlds was colonized by the Aqualish some seventy years before the onset of
the Clone Wars. Made up of fifteen member worlds and led by Andosha II, the Free Colonies did not
support the secession of Ando from the Old Republic, remaining loyal to the Republic despite the actions
of their parent worlds. (HNN4)
Andoan Marsh Lizard
this large predator terrorized the swamps which bordered on the coastlines of the planet Ando. Measuring
up to four and a half meters in length, these beasts were ambush predators which hung just below the
surface of the water with just their eyes breaking the surface. Their front legs ended in clawed paws,
while their rear legs were large paddles used for locomotion. Their flat tail served as a third paddle and as
a rudder. (SWJ11)
Andoan Mineral-fish
native to the planet Ando, this large shellfish could reach sizes of up to a meter in length. Classified by
zoologists as a crustacean, the mineral-fish had outer shells which were formed from a variety of valuable
minerals and ores, making them a cheap source of raw materials. They have advanced bio-chemical
processing abilities, as evidenced by the rate at which they add to their shells. The average mineral-fish
lives only five years, but in that time they grow quickly. The Empire was interested in the fish for two
reasons: the ores in the shell were used to form war materiel, and scientists wanted to learn how they
processed raw material. Unfortunately, no one has been able to duplicate the mineral-fish's abilities.
Andoan Wine
this distinctive wine was produced on Ando, and was aged in heavt casks. (SWJ15)
Andobi Exa
this was the capital city of the planet Andosha II. (HNN4)
Andobi Mountain Run
this was one of several pro-circuit podraces run on the planet Ando Prime, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (RAC)
Andobi Mountains
this mountain range was the home of the Bendu priests, and was located on the planet Ando Prime.
Water from the springs found in the mountains is famous throughout the Outer Rim Territories for its
supposed medicinal benefits. (RAC)
meaning "adventurous" - or, more literally, "heedless of danger" - this was one of the most common

names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals,
and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Andoorni Hui
this female Rodian was a member of X-Wing Rogue Squadron. She was killed during the assault on
Borleias. (XWN)
this planet was a haven for thieves and swoop gangs during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ6)
Andor, Reez
this man was one of the many slythmongers who sold death sticks in the entertainment district of
Coruscant during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He was captured and questioned by Jango
Fett, who was on Coruscant searching for Jervis Gloom. Andor provided few clues about Jervis' location,
and was eventually turned over to the Coruscant police force. (BH)
this planet was known for its banks, which catered to an elite and secretive clientele. Note that this may
be a misspelling of Andara. (JQ5)
this man was a regular patron of Didi Oddo's caf, some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. (DH)
Andosha II
this was one of several worlds which were colonized by the Aqualish, as part of the political body known
as the Andoan Free Colonies. In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, Andosha II was one of the first
Aqualish planets to denounce the secession of the planet Ando, instead remaining loyal to the Old
Republic. (HNN4)
Andov Syn
Andov Syn was one of the most famous Kerestians in history. Unfortunately, Syn was famous because he
was a ruthless, deadly mercenary who could be hired to perform just about any job. Syn, who wore ornate
battle armor and traveled in a jet-black space yacht known as Syn's Shadow, was once hired by a group
of pirates who were trying to raid the mining colony on Adim. The miners had hired a group of
mercenaries to protect them, but Syn eliminated them all singlehandedly. Very few individuals knew that
the name Andov Syn was an alias used by the notoritous bounty hunter Nariss Siv Loqesh. (GG12, WBC,
this man was a career military officer who was trained at the Neona Military Academy before joining the
Freeworlds Common Navy. He was a member of an ancient Tapani Sector house, which had disbanded
when the Freeworlds Region ceded from the Expanse. (LOE)
this woman was the sole member of the POWER party, on the planet Telos, some twelve years before
the Battle of Naboo. However, she was no less determined than an entire politcal party to ensure that
Telos wasn't turned into an industrial wasteland. Therefore, when Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi
revealed that Xanatos was using UniFy as a front for Offworld Mining, she agreed to help them bring
Xanatos to justice. She and her cohort, Denetrus, helped the Jedi expose Xanatos and his plans by
showing video of the Sacred Pools during a Katharsis game. Xanatos had been using the pools - which
were located in a protected, global park - as dumping grounds for the toxic wastes developed during the
mining of malab and other ores. After Xanatos was defeated, Andra and Denetrus began to fall in love.
They later married, and worked with the Chun family to try and save Telos. Andra realized that Telos
could not be saved, and joined Uni in coming up with the idea of the BioCruiser. Den supported her
efforts, and the couple eventually moved aboard the ship. (DOR, JAD)

this ball of molten rock was the innermost planet in the Caridan System. (PH)
Andrakles, Erkas
this man was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about the Koornacht Cluster, during the early years of
the New Republic. After being expelled from Condular's Grand Astrocartographic Institute, he found work
as an astrocartographer for several large corporations before setting out on his own. Andrakles claimed to
have found a crashed ship on the planet J't'p'tan, a ship that Farlax Sector authorities denied even
existed. Andrakles claimed that the strange ship was made of a coral-like substance, and was of organic
nature. Years later, it was assumed that Andrakles' ship was a coralskipper, once used by Yuuzhan Vong
scouts. (WOTC)
Andras Pell
this male met and married Akanah on the planet Carratos. He owned a great deal of property and wealth,
which he left to Akanah when he died. His death occurred only a year into their marriage; Andras was 36
years her senior, and apparently died of old age. (SOL)
this Firespray-class starship was owned by Eamon Azzameen. (XWA)
this Imperial Moff was one of the few remaining Imperial leaders who survived the death of Grand Admiral
Thrawn and the wave of battles that followed it. Ten years after Thrawn's death, Andray met with Admiral
Pellaeon and Moff Disra to discuss a negotiated peace treaty with the New Republic. At first he thought
Pellaeon was joking about trying to surrender to the Republic. (SOP)
Andreya, Lesle
this woman was a native of the planet Neree. At one time, she was an intelligence agent with the Alliance.
However, after the Battle of Endor, she deserted her position and began selling New Republic computer
files to the highest bidder. She was last seen on Nal Hutta, but she had the uncanny ability to blend in
with any crowd. Only her Neree accent tended to give her away. (WBC)
this Imperial Army General was part of the team assembled by Darth Vader to guard the laboratory on
Belderone, and to subjugate the planet Kulthis, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He scoffed at
Vader's adherence to the Force as a source of power, and often felt the Dark Lord's wrath. When he
learned that Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were on Belderone, General Andrid took matters into his
own hands, hoping to capture them for himself and earn the favor of the Emperor. His spies were killed
trying to capture the two rebels, and Andrid's actions were brought to the attention of Lord Vader. In
anger, Vader used the Force to strangle Andrid, crushing his windpipe and killing him. (LTA1, MCA3)
Andrim Shipyards
this was one of the three primary starship construction facilities that made up the Kuat Drive Yards. Like
its companions, the Andrim Shipyards was located in a ring of facilities that orbited the planet Kuat. It was
owned by the influential House Andrim. (CCW)
Andrim, Jestra
this woman was a member of the wealthy House Andrim, and a native of the planet Kuat, during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. (CCW)
this white spice variety is found on the planet Sevarcos. It is much more abundant than the black,
Carsunum variety. Andris is used as a flavor enhancer and preservative, although it has been claimed
that the spice can induce euphoric feelings. It was discovered that andris which was stored in deep,
intense cold had enhanced effects. (SWJ2, TPS, ROM)
Andris Moon
this was the name of the immense, repulsor-equipped galley owned by Lord Cassius Nolath Rha. The

Sevarcos spice lord's ship was kept off the ground by its repulsors, but lateral movement was supplied
the doznes of oar-shaped impellers which were operated by a mixture of slves and prisoners. The craft's
primary purpose was the collection and processing of the two spices found on Sevarcos, andris and
carsunum. (SWJ2)
Andron System
this planetary system which contains Aralia. (GG4)
this Troig was the host of the popluar Eriadu-based talkshow Essence, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. He was one of a handful of reporters who remained ostensibly loyal to the Old Republic
during the Clone Wars. (HNN4, SWI72)
this man was a holocamera operator who often worked with Hailey LaMelle on Namore. The pair was
captured by planetary officials when they tried to film a payoff between Prefect Gerom and Dasar Zorm.
this man was one of the many miners who worked on Katanos VII, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Andru was sent with his son, Jing, to greet Jedi Master Lunis and his apprentice, Obs Kaj,
when the pair traveled to Katanos VII to investigate a possible link to the Separatist plan to produce
clones. He was prepared to follow Kram into battle, in order to ensure that the miners received the
bounties placed on their heads by Count Dooku. However, he was unprepared when Jing got to close to
the fighting, and was killed. He realized that the Jedi weren't the monsters they had been made out to be
by Dooku, and he allowed Obs to escape. This action led to Obs being shot down by Dooku's forces in
orbit around Katanos VII, and Dooku paid just half the bounty to Kram for Master Lunis. This left the
miners virtually creditless, as well as under suspicion for the deaths of the two Jedi. Kram blamed their
fate on Andru's weakness, and ordered the miners to disband and flee for their lives. (T19)
Andrus, Drea
this alias was used by Bria Tharen, when she and Han Solo returned to Corellia after escaping from
Ylesia. Drea was the wife of Janil Andrus. (TPS)
Andrus, Janil
one of the early aliases used by Han Solo, during his tenure with Garris Shrike. He used it later on to
return to Corellia with Bria Tharen. (TPS)
Andsof, Venra
this Lorrdian woman served as an aide to Ambassador Milac Troper of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps,
during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. She accompanied Troper to the Galactic Horizon, where
a treaty was to be negotiated with Troper's assistance. Andsof realized that something was wrong aboard
the herdship by reading the body language of the ship's crew, but couldn't place a finger on it until Dayla
Kev's forces began sabotaging Troper's efforts. (GMR6)
a New Republic functionary, vice-chairman of the Orbital Debris Committee which was formed following
the destruction of the reborn Emperor Palpatine. (JS)
a semi-precious stone often cut into small shapes for rings. (COJ)
this Ogemite was one of the few females of that race to take up the occupation of trader. She inherited
her father's business when he succumbed to Bledsoe's Disease. She met Luke Skywalker in the Mos
Eisley cantina some years after the Battle of Yavin, and helped him track a cargo of squills to the Jawas.
Luke contracted the disease, and they were captured by Imperial forces. They discovered that the Empire

had manufactured Bledsoe's Disease to make it easier for Imperial agents to locate Alliance bases.
this male Gran was wanted for a variety of assassinations and murders during the years following the
Battle of Naboo. And-Yees was considered a rogue who committed his killings based on a personal need
for action, rather than a political or corporate motivation. A bounty was placed on his head by the
Republic Security Force. And-Yees was captured on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett and
brought in for the bounty on his head. (BH)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Anea referred to a lucky wife in Cerean mythology.
this was the name of a lucky wife from Cerean mythology. (GCG)
Aneash Maglea
this being was one of the most successful racers who ever participated in the Spira Regatta Open.
Aneash won several races during the height of the New Order, and was known to hold lavish parties
before each race. (GCG)
Aneeda Desha
this was the name of a noted Pa'lowick. (UANT)
one of the two main continents of the planet Gacerian. (PG2)
this planet was a colony world established by the Ho'Din. About twenty years before the Battle of Hoth,
the planet was caught in the middle of a civil war between neighboring worlds, and several large cities
were destroyed in an "accidental" barrage of Imperial fire. A huge firestorm resulted, and much of the
planet's terrascaped surface was destroyed. Very few Ho'Din escaped the raging fires that swept across
the planet. (ND)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
this alias was used by Atril Tabanne, when she and Wraith Squadron infiltrated the planet Storinal. Anen
was a native of Bakura, and was one of the bodyguards protecting Wes Janson, who was using the alias
Iskit Tyestin. (WS)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Anf Dec
this Colicoid was the Captain of a diplomatic convoy which was targetted for ambush by the slave raider
Krayn some four years after the Battle of Naboo. Despite their misgivings, the Colicoids had asked the
Jedi Knights to accompany Anf Dec's convoy, in an effort to protect them from an ambush. Anf Dec
reluctantly allowed Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker aboard his ship, but openly disregarded their
positions. However, when Krayn finally attacked, Anf Dec discovered that his own crew was woefully
unprepared for battle, and his ship was quickly disabled. Anf Dec allowed the Jedi to take a G-class
shuttle and infiltrate Krayn's ship, hoping to escape with his ships intact. Anakin later discovered, after
being captured by Krayn and sent to the Spice Mines of Kessel, that Anf Dec was the Colicoids' primary

negotiator, working with Krayn to corner the spice processing market. (JQ)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "warrior".
this woman served as Garm Bel Iblis' communications officer aboard the Bail Organa, during the Battle of
Coruscant. (SBS)
Anga System
Dengar claimed that Boba Fett was hiding in this star system, shortly after the Battle of Hoth, while
waiting to exchange Han Solo's carbonite-frozen body with Jabba the Hut. (LTA4)
this was the name used by Aunuanna to describe her daugher, Aurra Sing. (ETM)
these creatures, rumored to exist on the moons of Iego, were considered the nost beautiful creatures in
the galaxy, although very few beings have ever actually seen one. The University fo Sanbra officially
named these beings the Diathim, after an investigation was launched to uncover the truth about Iego.
Angeles, Pike
this Lorrdian man joined the Alliance after completing two tours of duty with the Imperial Navy, when he
learned that slavery was almost fully sanctioned by the Empire he served. This went against everything
he believed, and so he defected. He was assigned to the Y-Wing squadrons on Dantooine, where he was
partnered with the astromech R2-S4. He also brought with him an impressive knowledge of Imperial
codes and schematics, and longed to become a field agent. After winning R2-D2 from Captain Raymus
Antilles in a sabacc match, Angeles traded the droid for a position as a deep-cover agent. Airen Cracken,
a participant in the game, placed Pike back into Imperial service as a starship engineer. His Lorrdian
heritage allowed him to assume virtually an identity at will, which allowed him to re-enter Imperial service
without being recognized. He used his position to gain access to backwater Imperial bases, and simply
stole ships that had come in for service. His charismatic personality allowed him to talk his way out of
explaining the theft, and provided the Alliance with much-needed starships. His full Lorrdian name was
Shen-and-Gretta Pikeual-Angeles of Lorrd. (CRO)
this Alliance frigate patrolled the deepest regions of the known galaxy, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. C-3PO found a number of holgraphic messages hidden in R2-D2's memory banks while
serving on this frigate, during the early years of the New Republic. (T10)
Angerian Fishak Surprise
this mixed, alcoholic drink was a favorite at the Binary Bar on Venaari. (SWJ5)
Angle Trap
this unique device was found to be effective at containing Force-sensitive individuals. The Five used them
on Attahox to control Force Demons. (CSWDW)
this creature, native to the fourth moon of Yavin, was a spider-like crustaceal mollusk with long legs
attached to a small body. It draped itself over the exposed roots of the Massassi trees, with the ends of its
legs in the water of a river or stream. When a fish swam too close to the angler, it thrust its legs out at the
fish, spearing it with the pointed ends. The legs then worked in unison to grab the fish and draw it into the
angler's mouth. (ISU, WSW)
Anglethorn, Darial

this fiery, red-haired woman was a native of the planet Beheboth, and was a member of a moisture
farming family during the height of the New Order. She also served as the leader of the rebel band that
opposed those who would steal the planet's water. When Gideon Longspar was defeated by Luke
Skywalker in combat, Darial was able to destroy the water-holding tanks, restoring Beheboth's trapped
water supply. Some four years later, Darial became Beheboth's representative to the New Republic
Senate, making the trip to Coruscant several times a year to ensure that Beheboth was well-represented.
When she was on her homeworld, Darial served as the peacekeeper of the city of Prosperity. It was
during this time that Luke Skywalker returned to Beheboth, only to discover that Darial had been injured
in an attack. It was while trying to stabilize her that Luke discovered Darial had a connection to the Force,
when she called out for his help. Darial had stumbled upon the makeshift laboratory of Mils Giel, who had
been breeding a dangerous variant of the Tirrith for use as a biological weapon. She was returned to
Prosperity and eventually recovered from her injuries, and was able to provide Luke with enough
information for him to begin a search for Giel. (LTA3, MC66, PH)
Angor Farn
this Bith worked for Sleeft Docking Bay Maintenance until he accidentally checked out the wrong
freighter. The freighter he acquired was full of top-of-the-line droid parts stolen from Notsub Shipping by
Sleeft. He tried to flee from Tatooine while negotiating with Sleeft to ransom the parts, but he was not
allowed to leave. He holed up in the Dim-U monastery until Coral Ohah was able to recover him. (GG7)
Angor System
Kyp Durron and his vigilante Jedi Knights were reported battling smugglers in this system, shortly before
the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. (VP)
Angot Conglomeration
this small group of businesses was active during the last decades of the Old Republic. (BH)
this planet produced an abundance of frozen consumables during the Galactic Civil War. (IA)
this was one of the Imperial dungeons ships used by Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta to collect entire alien
civilizations for use as slaves. The Abgrix, along with the Apocahk and the Azgoghk terrorized the Outer
Rim for many years, until Pitta's death at the Battle of Tralus. (SWI66)
a timid, blue-haired creature. (CFG)
this race of intelligent ocean-dwellers was native to the planet Alluuvia. The Anguilla had long, eel-like
bodies which were well-muscled, and they had long arms and powerful hands. At the time of their
discovery, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Anguilla were a primitive culture which had no notion of
civilization as thought of by most humans. They were nomadic hunters, following the migrations of the fish
schools in order to maintain a steady food supply. The leaders of each Anguilla community were
determined in tests of strength. (OE)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "desired". (GCG)
a planet. (AIR)
Animal Circle
located near the Garden Circle on the planet Kegan, this section of the planet's primary city was
dedicated to the raising of a variety of domesticated animals. (FFT)

this female Devaronian was mated with Skerrit. (COG)
this Anzati assassin agreed to train the young Aurra Sing, who was a dancing girl at the time, for
Wallanooga the Hutt, despite the fact that she was not of the Anzati people. Anis agreed only because his
people owed Wallanooga a large debt. As he aged, Anis remained a good leader to the Anzati, until he
was murdered by Torgo Tahn. A bounty was placed on Torgo Tahn's head, which was later claimed by
Aurra Sing. (ASNG)
Anjeri, Padija
this Alderaanian woman contacted Drake Paulsen on Omman, and offered him 30,000 credits to transport
her offworld immediately. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, she and her team of anthropologists were trying
to return a Twi'leki artifact to Ryloth before a group of Imperial agents could steal it from her. Padjia had
studied at Alderaan University, and joined the Alliance after the destruction of her homeworld. She was
recruited into the Alliance by one of her teachers, Oll Maa'cabe. She worked with her father, Colonel
Renz, although she kept her mother's maiden name as was the Alderaanian tradition for an only
daughter. It also allowed her to honor her mother's Alderaanian heritage. The Imperial hoped to use the
crystallite skulls to bribe the Twi'leki government into an alliance. The Alliance to Restore the Republic
caught wind of the Empire's plans, and hired Doctor Anjeri to recover the skulls in order to keep the
Twi'leks from joining the Empire. (SWJ12)
Anjet Okeco
this being was a HoloNet reporter, working in the Jrade District of Coruscant during the last years of the
Old Republic. (HNN4)
this noted Hutt clan was known for its ability to survive and even thrive during periods of galactic changes.
During the last years of the Old Republic and the early years of the New Order, other Hutt clans were
either forced to acknowledge Anjiliac's leadership, or they were crushed. (TF, WOTC)
Anjiliac Towers
this was one of the main office centers maintained by the Anjiliac clan of Hutts, and was found on the
moon Nar Shaddaa. (WOTC)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Ank Ki'Shor
this planet was the site of the Siege of Ank Ki'Shor, a Galactic Civil War battle in which the Y-Wing
starfighter played a prominent role. (EGV)
Ank Kit'aar
this Outer Rim planet was located in the Druess Sector. (CRO)
Ankarres Sapphire
this remarkable jewel was supposed to have special healing abilities. An individual who touched an
injured limb with the stone soon found the wound healed. The stone was owned by Dom Pricina, until she
failed to keep a vigilant watch over it while traveling on the Kuari Princess. The droid 4-LOM initially took
it from her possession in order to protect it, but then realized that it could steal the stone without being
caught. The droid later fenced the stone on Darlyn Boda, beginning its foray into the criminal world. When
4-LOM returned to Darlyn Boda with the survivors of the Bright Hope, he found that the stone had never
been sold, so he reclaimed it and took it to his partner, Zuckuss. The Gand was recovering from breathing
oxygen, and 4-LOM reasoned the stone might help him. 4-LOM also used the stone to help Samoc Farr.

this immense saurian was native to the jungles of Haruun Kal. Twice the size of a greasser, the ankkox
was a lumbering beast whose wide body was held just above the ground on six stout legs. The dorsal
shell of an ankkox was almost four meters across, and protected its heavy body. The crown shell
protected the neck and skull of the beast. When in danger, the ankkox could retract its legs and head into
its dorsal shell. The crown shell fit into a gap in the dorsal shell, providing the ankkox with incredible
protection against attack or - as was more common on Haruun Kal - the noxious gases which spewed
from its active volcanoes. The Korunnai used ankkoxes as mounts, bolting a chair to the crown shell for a
driver and using the dorsal shell as a platform for a weapon or a howdah. The only part of the ankkox's
body which was not protected by armor plating was the thick tail, which was tipped with a heavy ball of
armor. The ankkox used this tail as its primary weapon, using incredible muscle control to swing the ball
of armor at its attacker. The Korunnai warriors regarded the ankkox as the apex predator of the jungles,
and many a Korunnai youth tried to acquire the tail-ball of an ankkox as the ultimate symbol of their
prowess: dangerous to acquire, difficult to use, but deadly in action. (SHPT)
this is one of the two major races of the Gungan species. Characterized by their hooded eyes, green skin,
and small haillu, the Ankura were also quite secretive and aloof. The Ankura remained largely separate
from their Otolla brethren until Boss Nass - an Akuran - decided to align himself with the Otolla in order to
disseminate technology and skills. The partnership eventually led the construction of Otoh Gunga. (IG1)
this planet, covered with rolling plains, was the homeworld of the Cragmoloid race. It was located in the
Unknown Regions, in close proximity to Ord Mantell. (GMR6, UANT)
Anky Fremp
a Sionian Skup living on Nar Shaddaa, Anky Fremp was one of the first beings to befriend Greedo. (DE1,
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was being refitted at Fondor, for use as part of the New Republic fleet,
when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked the system. The Anlage was destroyed by the suicide runs of several
groups of coralskippers, which holed the ship and left her broken and adrift. (JE)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "moon" in the Twi'leki language. (GCG)
Ann Gella
this blue-skinned Rutian Twi'lek female was part of Sebulba's personal entourage, purchased by the Dug
from the Hutts as a yobana, or personal masseuse. Along with her twin sister Tann, Ann always gave the
dangerous Dug a massage prior to a pod race. Ann had enlisted the help of Mars Guo, in an effort to
escape from Sebulba's slavery. (YJC1, IS1, IG1, NEGC)
Annadale Fayde
this rock balladeer was often melancholy in her lyrics, and her career was keenly observed. She never
used the same group of backing musicians twice. She resembles a Ho'Din. (GG9)
this planet was the destination of the Imperial fleet, following the Battle of Endor. It was known as Cannij
Barr to the Ayrou of nearby Maya Kovel. Annaj was located two days from Endor, and was the nearest
Imperial sector capital to Endor. New Republic military leaders believed that the Star Destroyer
Unrepentant acquired data from the aftermath of the Battle of Endor and then jumped to Annaj to report
its findings. The planet was known to exist on most astrogation computer systems at coordinates (-334, 697, 16), and was first colonized about 300 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was named the Moddell
Sector capital originally by the Old Republic about fifty years before the Battle of Yavin, after the Old
Republic incorporated the sectors of the Inner Zuma. In the wake of the Battle of Endor and the loss on
Imperial convoys into and out of the Moddell Sector, Annaj was more less forgotten by the rest of the

galaxy. (TB, GMR9, TBSB)

Annaj House of Detention
this was the primary prison facility found on the planet Annaj. (GMR9)
Annaj-Houche Run
this short hyperspace lane connected the planet Annaj and the Moddell Sector of the galaxy with the
planet Houche. In between these two worlds, the Run made a stop at Vasha. (GMR9)
Annaji Chromofly
this moth-like creature was native to the planet Annaj, where it grew to have a wingspan of nearly half a
meter. During the summer months, the four-winged chromoflies gathered in huge swarms to mate, and
their mating flights were considered one of the planet's natural wonders. (GMR9)
Annals of the Republic
this was one of the many exhibit wings found in the Galactic Museum on Coruscant. It was breifly
renamed "The New Crder: The Glories of the Next Thousand Generations" during the rule of Emperor
Palpatine. (CCW)
this Imperial Captain was known to be extremely patient. He served as the commander of the Empire
Forever, taking Advisor Coh Veshiv on several missions. Annance had only been with Veshiv for three
months before his patience began to run out. Shortly afterward, Veshiv was captured by the crew of the
Far Orbit. Annance would have normally been suspicious of Captain Vedij's orders to take over for him on
Veshiv's fact-finding mission in the Ringali Shell, but had become so weary of Veshiv's presence that he
considered the request a stroke of luck and gladly turned Veshiv over. (FOP)
this was a noted Clawdite. (GMR10)
this was one of the three Acclamator-class troopships that was dispatched by the Old Republic to help
defend the planet Duro, during the height of the Clone Wars. The ship and its companions were all
destroyed in battle, as General Grievous showed that he was a master tactician. (SWI75)
this was the name of the process by which the energy-charged seeds of the boras trees of Zonama Sekot
were shaped by mature boras trees into new forms of boras. The creation of a Sekotan starship from
seed-partners mimicked this process, as the forged seed-partners became seed-disks, which were then
molded to airframes and combined with technology to form starships. (RP)
Bollux's alias as a gladiator droid when Han Solo infiltrates Stars' End. (HSE)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was part of Governor Newen Streeg's fleet, which patrolled the Sisar
Run during the last years of the New Order. The Annihilator skimmed the border of Hutt space during its
regular patrols, and it nearly captured Drek Drednar and his pirate gang before they disappeared into the
Quintar Nebula. (SSR, SWJ5)
this was the name, used by the natives of the planet Junction 5, to describe the supposed superweapon
that had been developed by their neighbors on the moon Delaluna. Despite the incredible fear of the
weapon maintained by the natives of Junction 5, the leaders of the government on Delaluna denied its
very existence. In reality, there was no Annihilator weapon. Cilia Dil and her band of rebels managed to
expose the truth in a daring raid on Delaluna's Minstry of Offense and Defense, in which they found the
Annihilator plans in a files marked "Misinformation." The existence of the Annihilator was a ruse used by

the Guardians to keep themselves in power. It was Lorian Nod himself who came up with the idea of the
Annihilator, as part of his plans to take control of Junction 5 for himself. (LOJ)
this woman served as a flight attendant on the Tinta Palette when it was attacked by Invid pirates. (IJ)
Annloc Yerj
this being was a noted entertainer during the last years of the Old Republic. When the Clone Wars broke
out, Annloc joined Jasod Revoc's Galactic Revue and traveled across the galaxy to entertain the troops of
the Grand Army of the Republic. (MJH)
Annon, Blix
this plump man was a Senator to the Old Republic some 55 years before the Clone Wars. Known for his
expensive and opulent tastes, Senator Annon was nevertheless very generous in his support to the Jedi
Order, both financially and practically. Thus, he came to believe that he could call on the Order whenever
he needed help, as repayment for his generosity. During a mission he undertook at the time, Senator
Annon was accompanied by Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn. Their ship was
apprehended by a pirate, who had used the disabled ship of Senator Galim Eddawan as bait. In the
ensuing battle, the pirate - who revealed himself to be Lorian Nod - captured Senator Annon and fled into
space. Unfortunately for Senator Annon, the strain of being attacked and kidnapped was too much for his
aging body. He died of a heart attack shortly after his capture, before Nod could ransom him back to his
constituents. (LOJ)
an agricultural planet, Annoo was known as the homeworld of the Annoo-dat race. The planet was thrown
into turmoil a few years before the onset of the Clone Wars. General Ashaar Khorda led a military coup to
overthrow the government, but was thwarted by the forces of the Old Republic. General Khorda fled into
hiding, and the Republic installed its own government on Annoo. (DCAR, ZW, OWS)
a species of reptilian humanoids native to the planet Annoo, these hulking humanoids have drowsy eyes,
flat noses, and spots on their faces. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Annoo-dat physiology was
the fact that each individual had four eyes, allowing them to see into a variety of spectra and with
incredible clarity. The crown of the Annoo-dat head was ringed with short horns, and their chins ended in
a bony point. A thick tail helped to counterbalance their long bodies, and the legs of an Annoo-dat had
two knee joints. The spots on their face changed color with their emotional state, getting brighter as an
individual became angrier. (DCAR, ZW, OWS)
this being served as a medic, working for Talon Karrde aboard the Wild Kaarde. (VOF)
Annual JatzDay Race
this annual series of podraces was held at the Togatto Speedway, on the planet Esseles, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (CCW)
Annual SecBowl
this was the annual grav-ball tournament that was held on the planet Nubia during the last decades of the
Old Republic. One hundred twenty-eight teams from the surrounding sector participated each year,
hoping to become the sector champion. (CCW)
the primary planet in the Anoat System of the Anoat Sector, Anoat was at one time among the inhabited
planets located along the Ison Corridor. However, it was abandoned sometime before the Galactic Civil
War after toxic waste rendered the ecosystem unable to sustain life. (ESB, JS, CHRN, WOA33)
Anoat City
this was primary city on the planet Anoat, although it was abandoned many years before the Galactic Civil

War. What remained behind was a collection of duracrete and durasteel rubble that was covered with
toxic sludge. Moff Rebus hid there, in an attempt to avoid Kyle Katarn, just prior to the Battle of Yavin.
(DF, WOA33)
Anoat Malted
this is a rich, sweet beverage has a deep, smoky flavor. (SH)
Anoat Sector
this was one of the three sectors of the galaxy that made up the Greater Javin area of the Outer Rim
Territories. The original boundaries of the Anoat Sector included the area now known as the Yarith
Sector, encompassing the entire area of space containing the Kiax and Ivax Nebulas. Because much of
the sector was mapped by Ecclessis Figg himself, he petitioned the Old Republic to name the sector
'Ecclessis'. However, investigation of public records revealed an earlier survey team had already given it
the name 'Anoat'. Generations later, the Old Republic split the burgeoning Anoat Sector into two parts,
splitting the sector so that each part contained one of the two parts of the Twin Nebulae. The Anoat
Sector contained those worlds surrounding the Ivax Nebula, while the other sector would include the
planets near the Kiax Nebula. The heirs of Ecclessis and Yarith Figg argued that the Republic was trying
to artificially limit their expansion in the region and curb their economic control of the Anoat Sector, but
their appeals fell short of swaying the politicians. They managed to win a small victory, however, when
the Kiax Nebula sector was named Yarith Sector, after Yarith Figg. However, the border between the
Anoat and Yarith Sectors meandered in and out, cutting off certain planets from existing political
allegiances to minimize local power. (WOA33)
Anoat System
this star system contained the planets Anoat, Gentes, and Deyer. It was here that the Imperial fleet
chased the Millennium Falcon after it escaped from the Hoth asteroid field, in the wake of the Battle of
Hoth. During the time of the New Republic, the system is relatively deserted. It is located near the Hoth
System. Note that Rebellion places the Anoat System in the Churba Sector, while the Dark Side
Sourcebook places it in the Anoat Sector. (ESB, JS, GG2, DSSB, WOA33)
this planet was located near Ord Mantell, in the Mid Rim. In addition to a colony of Zabraks, there were
two main groups of native humans: those that lived and worked in the mountain mines, and those that
lived and worked in the lowland plains. The miners depended heavily on trade in order to survive, and
valued their relationship with the Empire. The farmers, however, were self-sufficient, and resented the
controls imposed by Imperial law. At the height of the Galactic Civil War, the farmers wanted to join the
Alliance, but the miners feared the loss of their trade. An intense civil war broke out, and lasted for nearly
25 years before Han Solo met with the leaders of both groups. Han was acting as the Grand Marshall of
the 93rd Blockade Runners Derby on Ord Mantell. (ROM, WOTC)
this man was the younger brother of Prince Denid, of the planet Velmor. When the Empire subjugated
Velmor and slew their parents, the boys were split up. Denid was taken by Jedidiah into hiding, while
Anod was groomed by the Imperials to become the next King, albeit an Imperial one. Anod was killed by
Captain Traal, his Imperial attache', when he tried to kill Denid at the behest of Zelor. Traal discovered
that Loren and Korl Marcus were actually Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker in disguise, and wanted them
alive. She shot Anod in the ensuing confusion. (LTA2, MC49)
Anointed People
this was the name used by a race of reptilian humanoids which had reached a feudal level of society by
the era of the New Order. They were native to the planet Abonshee, which they called Masterhome, and
had a feudal society which split their people into two classes: the Godlings, who were the rulers and
priests of the planet; and the Unwashed, which were the serfs and laborers. All of the Anointed People
were ruled a supreme leader known as the Godking. Despite their fearsome appearance and disparate
societies, there were very few wars in their history. After Imperial Lord Dixton tried to take control of the
Godking, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Godking aligned the Anointed People with the Alliance. The
Godlings assisted a group of Alliance agents in capturing Dixton and ensuring the Anointed Peoples'

freedom. (SWCP, MB, AE)

a humanoid alien race native to the Yablari System, the Anomid are born without vocal cords. This
requires that the immature Anomid wear complex masks which synthesize the sounds necessary for
communication with others. These masks are very large, covering all but the Anomid's eyes and
forehead. They dress in long, hooded robes made from pure dendrite. Most Anomids have pale,
translucent skin and wide eyes, and their ears are large and leaf-like in shape. Anomids have six toes on
each foot. Their technology is fairly sophisticated, and the Anomid have become very wealthy selling it in
the galaxy. A peaceful race, they supported the Old Republic for 15,000 years before the onset of the
New Order. Their own political system was divided in its support during the Galactic Civil War, but they
sided with the Empire in an effort to meet their homeworlds' needs. (RM, GG12, RD)
this was the name given to the native language of the Anomid race, which consisted of an intricate
collection of hand and body signals. Because Anomids had six fingers on each hand, this form of sign
language was "unpronounceable" by most other races. There was no written element to the Anomid
language. (UANT)
this creature was a nocturnal, lupine predator native to the near deserts of Tatooine. They were
opportunistic feeders that hunted in packs, killing small prey or scavenging off larger kills by other
predators as the environment demanded. Each pack was led by a dominant pair. The average anooba
weighed more than thirty-five kilograms, and had large ears to help regulate body heat. Their snouts
ended in a heavy beak, and their strong jaws allowed them to bite through bone and gristle. Most
anoobas were continually hungry, and would often feed until gorged and unable to move. Young anoobas
were cared for by the pack for just a year, after which the largest are driven off to fend for themselves.
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "commander" or "warrior chief". (GCG)
Anoon Bondara
this Twi'lek Jedi Master was a contemporary of Qui-Gon Jinn, and was a master of the teras kasi martial
arts. Master Bondara was also the teacher of Darsha Assant. When Darsha was ordered by the Jedi
Council to retrieve Oolth the Fondorian from the Crimson Corridor of Coruscant, Master Bondara
questioned the Council's objectives in sending the padawan into such dangerous territory. However, he
was forced to let her go. When she returned many hours later, without Oolth and speaking of the
Fondorian's death, Master Bondara tried to calm her down and asked her to retrace her steps, so that
they could determine it Oolth had survived. Unfortunately, they found no trace of Oolth's body, and ended
up in the crossfire of Darth Maul's attempt to execute Lorn Pavan. Hoping to buy Darsha and Lorn time to
escape, Master Bondara attacked the Sith lord during a speeder chase. Hoping to catch Maul by surprise,
Bondara leaped onto his speeder and attempted to disarm Maul. When that failed, Bondara realized that
he had only one option. Bondara used his lightsaber to ignited the power cells of Maul's speeder, causing
an explosion which took his life but, unfortunately, not Maul's. (DMSH, COD)
Anorad Estuan
a renowned Dactrurian actor. (RM)
Anorelgan Slip-socker
if you don't know what one of these is, then you don't want one. (RM)
Anorik, Dek
this grizzled old smuggler was captured by Imperial forces on Gacerian. In exchange for his freedom, he
agreed to lure unsuspecting, greedy salvagers to the Gacerian System, where they could be captured by
the Empire and put to work as slaves in the Gacerian gem mines. (PG2)

planet on which Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo "hide" their children during the early years of the New
Republic. It is really three fragments on an ancient planet which was destroyed eons ago, and is held
together by gravity, orbiting a common center of mass. Two fragments orbit in close proximity, and are
virtually uninhabitable. The third fragment is separated from the other two, and is capable of supporting
life. Thus, many system cartographers consider Anoth to be the third planet in the Anoth System. The
three planetary fragments orbit a small, white dwarf sun. The Anoth fragment has a day which lasts
fourteen standard hours, and orbits its sun every 286 local days. Winter took care of the children there,
and worked with Admiral Ackbar and Luke Skywalker to prepare defenses. The fortress was breached by
Ambassador Furgan's troops, who used MT-ATs to break down the barriers and gain entrance. The base
was abandoned for some years after Furgan's attack was thwarted, to see whether knowledge of the
planet became widespread. When it didn't Han and Leia began to refurbish the base as a private, welldefended retreat. (JS, COTF, JASB, TNR)
Another Chance
this legendary armory ship was a massive transport ship used to carry all of Alderaan's weapons offplanet. A converted Alderaanian War Frigate, it was programmed to continually jump through hyperspace
until called home by Alderaan's council of elders. It was accompanied during this time by three
Alderaanian warships, which were slave-circuited together. The Another Chance was manned by a
collection of droid workers, programmed to maintain the ship and protect it against unauthorized entry.
Many of the stories of ghost ships near the Alderaan system report seeing this ship. The Another Chance
was actually recovered by Alliance sympathizers shortly before the Alliance's defeats at Derra IV and
Hoth, when Orinn Tathis returned to the Graveyard of Alderaan in an effort to locate the remote calling
device. He hoped to turn the weapons carried within the ship over to the Alliance, in an effort to help them
fight back against the Empire. (GA, BTS, BW)
Another Hopetown
this was the name used for the rebuilt settlement of Newest Hopetown, on the planet Ennth. (SHA)
Another Idiot's Array 2
this was one of the worst holofilms of the Old Republic, produced in the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (HNN4)
Anothian Living Crystal
this unusual, crystalline lifeform was native to the planet Anoth. (EGP)
this Cerean female worked for Elwis Bontraar as an information broker during the last years of the Old
Republic. She was killed on a routine mission, and her sister Zascha vowed revenge against Bontraar for
her death. (WOA22)
ANq 2.4
early version of Fabritech tracking computer used on the Z-95 Headhunter. (TIE)
one model of Fabritech's Target Tracker used on starfighters. (SCRE)
this Fabritech sensor array computer was designed to work with a rectenna dish. (EGW)
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "laughter". (GCG)
a deity worshipped on the planet M'haeli. (ROC)

early model of Fabritech Sensor package used on the Z-95 Headhunter. (TIE)
one model of Fabritech's Sensor Unit used on starfighters. (SCRE)
one model of Fabritech's Sensor Unit used on starfighters. (SCRE)
Fabritech's wide range sensor system used on many capital ships. (SCRE)
Ansa System
it was in this star system that Dengar believed Boba Fett had a hideout, during the months following Fett's
capture of Han Solo on Cloud City. (MC69)
this planet is located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was the site of an Alliance base during the Galactic
Civil War. (GG9)
this race of beings was noted for its wide range of knowledge and learning. (VD2)
a planet. (POC)
this man, a native of the planet Baffop, was in charge of prepping Luke Skywalker's X-Wing prior to the
Battle of Yavin. During the ensuing years, Anselm moved up the Alliance's ranks as a technical expert.
Nine years after Yavin, Anselm served as the lead technical member of the crew sent by Leia Organa
Solo to recover the Katana Fleet. (DFR, DFRSB)
this was one of the two races which evolved on the planet Glee Anselm. The Anselmi were adapted to
live on the land, unlike their amphibious neighbors, the Nautolan. Because of this, the Anselmi were
aggressive when it came to acquiring new territory and protecting their land holdings. Unfortunately, the
Nautolans were physically stronger, and often repelled any Anselmi attempts to acquire more land. In
general, though, the two races existed peacefully on the planet. (WOTC)
this was the native language of the Anselmi race. (WOTC)
this holo-video character was developed on Adarlon. Ansil was a refugee who became the finest sansil
player in the galaxy. (GG6)
a planet. (RPG)
this planet was located near Vortex and Bilbringi, and was orbited by two moons. The homeworld of the
Ansionian people, Ansion was a world covered with sweeping grasslands and plains. This landscape was
often swept by high winds, as there were few mountains to break up the wind. As a result, most species
found on the planet were either avians which rode the winds or sure-footed enough to remain on the
ground. However, there were stands of trees and sharp, volcanic vents dotting the landscape, breaking
the seeming monotony of the plains. Some ten years after the Battle of Naboo, Ansion was one of the first
planets to vote to secede from the Old Republic, an event which held great political implications.
Unknown to many, Count Dooku and the leaders of the growing secession movement had planned to use
Ansion as the first of several planets to actually secede. Hoping that a plethora of planetary alliances

would be enforced, Dooku believed that many more planets would follow Ansion and secede, thereby
destroying the already fractured Republic. However, the Jedi Knights were dispatched to ensure that
Ansion remained part of the Republic. Eventually, an accord between the peoples of the plains and the
city dwellers was made to remain with the Republic, forestalling a great turmoil in the Republic. Decades
later, Ansion was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong as they made their way toward Coruscant some twentyseven years after the Battle of Yavin. (SBS, APS)
this humanoid race was native to the planet Ansion. There were two main races of Ansionians native to
the planet, differentiated mainly by physical stature. The dominant race stood just shorter than standard
Human stock, while the other race - known as the Gwurran - was much smaller. Wiry and lean,
Ansionians were distinguished by their bulging eyes and single nostril, as well as the stripe of fur which
sprouted atop their heads and ran down their spine. This fur was a source of pride for individual
Ansionians, and each individual had a unique coloration patterns to reveal their individuality. The skin of
an Ansionian was yellow in color, and their mouths were filled with fine, sharp teeth. Each hand and foot
ended with three digits, but all their fingers and toes were opposable. Their physiology differed greatly
from that of a human, and it was known that the average Ansionian had more than one heart. Because of
the convex, protruding formation of their eyes, Ansionians could not blink or squint. As a people,
Ansionians used only a single name to identify each other. When an individual wanted to display pleasure
or approval, an Ansionian would pop their knuckles in rapid succession. (APS)
Ansionian Unity
this was another name for the Unity of Community. (APS)
this hide of this creature was cured and used to make durable boots and jackets. (COG)
this noble was known as one of the Old Republic's richest men. (SWJ6)
this planet is famous for its three vast rings. (POC)
Ansuroer Sector
this area of the galaxy is the original home of the Houk race. (GG12)
this was the Imperial officer who served as the Commander of the Star Destroyer Right to Rule during the
height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "judge"
or "leader". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
Antab, Rixes
this small-time thief worked on the planet Tatooine, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He
once stole a shipment of chubas that was destined for Jabba the Hutt, which earned him a bounty on his
head. Jango Fett later claimed this bounty, when he was on Tatooine to gain an audience with Gardulla
the Hutt. (BH)
Antakarian Fire Dancer
this was a potent alcoholic drink. (SPG)
a huge gas giant located in the Prindaar System. It has six natural satellites, four of which support life.

Antar 4
the fourth of six moons orbiting Antar, Antar 4 has an unusual rotational axis that is nearly parallel to its
orbital plane, which wreaks havoc on the moon's seasons. It also affects the moon's day/night cycles, as
both sides of Antar 4 sometimes exist in daylight when the planet Antar is not eclipsed by its sun. During
these eclipse phases, Antar 4 receives virtually no light, except what is reflected off other moons. Antar 4
is the homeworld of the Gotal race, who have developed sensitive horns which allow them to exist on
Antar 4's ever-changing face. Antar 4 was the site of one of the earliest battles of secession, some nine
years after the Battle of Naboo. (GG4, HNN4)
Antar 5
this is the fifth moon of the gas giant Antar, and is the site of a Gotal mining operation. (GG4)
Antar Band
this group of experienced smugglers, thieves, and cutthroats was led by Ujin Voli, and was largest rival to
the Black Sun interests of Sprax along the Sisar Run. Voli recruited criminals who had formerly worked for
other criminal organizations or were former law-enforcement agents. Among the group's membership
were the Ishi Tib Zirlig and the Aramandi mercenary Ar'wa Nonshik, two reasons why Sprax chose to
leave the Antar Band alone. (SSR)
Antared III
this planet had three major starports, located in the cities of Durollia, Pegg,and Hermos. (GMH)
Antares Six
this New Republic escort frigate, under the command of Syub Snunb, was dispatched to rescue the crew
of the Liberator. (DE1)
Antares System
this star system was known to be the home of a species of poisonous butterflies, which used a stinger to
inject an attacker with a deadly toxic. (MC48)
this was the native language spoken in the Prindaar System, particularly on the moons of Antar. (EGP)
Antarian Rangers
a para-military group based on several planets, the Antarian Rangers were formed by Marus Timpel and
Kaskutal on Antar 4, some 600 years before the Battle of Yavin. The mission of the Antarian Rangers was
simply to assist and aid the Jedi Knights in any way possible, although they were most often employed as
front-line troops in battlezones. They were trained to be masters of any environment, in order to meet the
various challenges assigned to them. The Jedi Council refused to comment on their position toward the
Antarian Rangers, although they allowed it to continute to grow and expand over the years. Many
individual Jedi valued their assistance and dedication, especially in situations where military force was
needed. In the coming centuries, as the Jedi Order became more conservative and insular, they began to
turn away from the use of separate organizations like the Antarian Rangers. This meant that the amount
of work available to the Rangers began to diminish, and the organization was forced to drastically reduce
its manpower. During the Clone Wars, the Antarian Rangers were able to briefly expand their efforts in
support of the Jedi involvement in the war. Unfortunately, whole groups of Antarian Rangers were killed
off, and many of the survivors scattered and went underground. Those that remained loyal to the Jedi
found themselves hunted down as part of Emperor Palpatine's Jedi Purge, further reducing the
organization's size and scope. Only a few groups managed to survive the Galactic Civil War, but they
were openly sought out by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. In the years following the Battle of Endor, the
organization grew slowly, but proved to be invaluable during the formation and protection of the Great
River during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (WS, WOTC)
Antbbianplourr III
the long-standing Emperor of Eiattu, he was Gror Pernon's brother. He became Emperor during the last
years of the Old Republic, and reigned until he died during the Galactic Civil War. It was at this time that
he was succeeded by his son, Uthorrferrell Cartha. Antbbianplourr's reign was characterized by the fact

that he bartered away his planet's pride and honor in order to maintain his seat during the initial wave of
Imperial conquests. (XWWP)
Ante-Endor Association
a group of fanatics who spread propaganda that states the Battle of Endor never took place, and that the
Empire still holds sway in the galaxy. The roots of the AEA were based on Mrlsst, spreading from the
remnants of Imperial control there. Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron were caught up in the AEA's
propaganda, and tried to convince its followers of the truth of the Battle of Endor. However, the AEA
preached an elaborate tangle of fabrications about the events of the Galactic Civil War, the end result of
which dictated an Imperial victory over the Alliance. (XWPA)
a planet locked in perpetual winter, Anteevy was the site of the Imperial robotics construction facility
known as Ice Station Beta during the Galactic Civil War. The Empire refined phrik here for use in the
Darktrooper program, and also mined a number of other useful ores and minerals. (DF, TCG9)
this city, located on the planet Commenor, was the planet's sporting center. Many major sports leagues
based their headquarters in Anteluma. (HNN5)
Antemeridian Freight Lines
C-3PO claimed to be Igpek Droon, an employee of this shipping company, when he and R2-D2 booked
passage off Nim Drovis on the Zicreex. (POT)
Antemeridian Sector
this area of the galaxy, adjacent to the Meridian Sector, was allied with the Empire even after the Battle of
Endor. Following the fall of Emperor Palpatine, the sector was held in Imperial sway by Moff Getelles,
until he was defeated by New Republic forces in the Chorios Systems. (POT)
this planet was the sector capital of Antemeridian Sector, and the base of operations for Moff Getelles.
this was the term used to describe the retractable antennae of the Balosar race. These organic receptors
allowed a Balosar to hear things which normal humans could not. Many Balosar criminals used these
antenepalps to listen into conversations surreptitiously, retracting them when they needed to avoid
attention. (SWDB, SWI70)
this is an underworld slang term which refers to the hired thugs of a crimelord. Antenna-breakers are the
goons sent out to collect the fees and interest charged by their employers, and are under order to break
the antennae of their victim if they can't pay up. (WBC)
an Imperial freighter supplying Zaarin's beam weapon research platform. (TIE)
Anteru Sea
one of two oceans found on the planet Gacerian. (PG2)
Anthropology of Engineering, The
this work of non-fiction was written by Jo Ewsli, and was based on his experiences with the design and
development of the I-7 Howlrunner starfighter. (NEGV)
Anti-Artist Federation
this group of activists caused a stir in the art world of the planet Malastare, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. Made up an eclectic mix of beings, the Anti-Artist Federation maintained that much of the

art that was being produced wasn't actually art at all. Their mission was to expose these "frauds" who
were collecting huges prices for their art, which they was being produced to the detriment of the
environment or to inter-species relations. Quite often, the acts of the Anti-Artist Federation resulted in lost
revenues for artists, which made the Federation unpopular in certain circles. (BH)
Anti-blaster Energy Field
this type of energy dissipation field was developed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It was
concurrently created by I'att Armaments. The theory behind the field was that the energy from a blaster
bolt could be absorbed and dispersed across the surface of stormtrooper armor. The problem with the
system was that the dispersion created an intense amount of heat that literally cooked the trooper inside
the armor shell. I'att Armaments discovered a way to eliminate this problem with the addition of a heat
dissipator unit and by imbedding zersium into the body glove worn by troopers. The body glove was also
important because it protected the flesh of the trooper; the dissipation field unpredictably damaged living
flesh. Moff Eisen Kerioth executed the leaders of I'att Armaments and tried to replicate the design for
himself, but was unable to perfect it because Tinian I'att had appropriated several key components. (TFE)
this was one of the potent medical drugs developed for use by the Grand Army of the Republic, during the
height of the Clone Wars. (MBS)
this strange form of idea was created by the deity Cold Danda Sire. Anti-concepts were ideas which
consumes other ideas. (CSWDW)
Anticoncussion Field Generator
a device which creates a stabilizing field that keeps cargo or passengers from feeling the effects of
collisions with energy bolts or physical impacts. They can be starship-sized, or they can be built to protect
space stations. These systems are very expensive. They create an umbrella-shaped magnetic field that
absorbs the kinetic energy of the objects that hit it. It protects a starship by compressing around the
impacting object, absorbing its energy and dispersing it along the rest of the magnetic field. (HSE, DFR,
Anti-Corr 113
this corrosion preventative was used to protect equipment from heat and environmental damage during
shipment. It was developed by ColuChem scientists who wanted to transport equipment through the toxic
environment of Clak'Dor VII, and soon found its way into galaxy-wide use. It takes decades to break down
or evaporate, and can only be removed with powerful chemical solvents. It has the side effect of turning
whatever it touches a dull shade of blue. (SWJ9)
Anti-G Couch
this was a full-body protection system used in the starfighters of the Old Republic, to protect pilots from
the gravitational forces of sharp turns and high-speed maneuvers. (JT)
any device which counteracts the force of gravity, such as a repulsorlift. (SWN)
Antigrav Ball
this repulsor-fitted sphere is tethered to the ground by chains or thick ropes. Its primary use is as a plant
holder, allowing non-native plants to grow above the harsh ground of terraformed worlds. (POT)
Antigrav Drive
any starship power plant which allows the force of gravity to be negated, allowing the ship to rise up and
through the atmosphere. They are also called repulsorlift drives, and are used in-system, so that the
effects of the hyperdrive are not brought on a planet's inhabitants. (SWN)
Antigrav Lifter
this cargo moving device is used to move heavy boxes and equipment from one place to another. The

cargo must be first loaded onto the lifter, which acts like a hand truck. (POT)
Antikra the Egglayer
this was the most important of the Vashan deities. The luminous mandibles of Antikra were considered
blessed by the Vashans, since it wsa from the mouth of Antikra that the Vashan people were born.
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Antilles Maneuver
named after Wedge Antilles, this starfighter attack maneuver was devised at the Battle of Yavin, in an
effort to save Luke Skywalker. In this maneuver, an attacking starship tries to kill an enemy who is in
pursuit of a comrade. The attacker approaches the enemy while hidden in front of the comrade. The
comrade's ship breaks off at the last moment, leaving the enemy in the sights of the attacker. A quick
burst of blaster fire takes the enemy by surprise. (CCG9)
Antilles, Bail
this Old Republic politician was one of the three candidates named to succeed Supreme Chancellor
Valorum, after Queen Amidala of Naboo moved for a vote of no-confidence in Valorum's abilities.
However, Antilles and Ainlee Teem were both defeated in a general election by Senator Palpatine of
Naboo. (SW1, IS1)
Antilles, Barzur
this man was a noted criminal who was incarcerated - and later died - in the Annaj House of Detention.
He was one of the many treasure hunters who dedicated part of their life in search of the Tessent, and
often answered questions about the artifact from his cell on Annaj. (GMR9)
Antilles, Corellia
this woman was a xenoarchaeologist who spent much of her career searching out potentially dangerous
artifacts, retrieving them so that the New Republic could safeguard them. On one mission, Corellia
uncovered what she believed to be an ancient Gree device in the jungles of Asation. She spent much of
her time in the spaceports of Satikan, hoping to find a crew to help her recover the device from its hiding
place. She was forced to hide it when a group of wild Gree attacked her after she took the device from
their tribal city. She barely survived the trip to Satikan, and most of her survey crew was killed in the flight.
A group of Te Hasan Gree managed to intercept her, and took the device - known as the Khoz'zhak back to Te Hasa in exchange for credits and a lesser device. When a group of prisoners escaped from
the facilities on Delrian, Corellia was among the many beings who were brought in to help handle the
crisis. (SWJ8, SWJ14, GCG)
Antilles, Jagged
Wedge's father, Jagged owned the Corellian Inter-System Marketing Station and fuel depot on Gus Treta
with his wife, Zena. He and his wife were killed when the Bonestar Pirates, trying to escape from Corellian
authorities, purposely lifted off while the refueling lines were still attached to their ship. The resulting
explosion threatened to destroy Gus Treta, but Jagged and Zena sacrificed themselves to limit the
destruction to their depot. (XWPA)
Antilles, Jon
this Jedi Master was one of the many students trained by the Dark Woman. No one in the Jedi Order
believed that Jon Antilles was his real name, since many of his missions involved the infiltration of enemy
territory. After attaining the rank of Jedi Master, he refused to take a Padawan learner, choosing instead
to roam the galaxy wherever the Force guided him. After each of his missions, which included gainined
access to the Bounty Hunter's Guild and bringing known Jedi-killers to justice, the Jedi Temple feared he
was dead. Master Antilles, however, always seemed to find a way to return unharmed. Unfortunately for
the Jedi Order, Master Antilles died during the early stages of the Clone Wars. He had been part of the
team dispatched to recover the antidote to the swamp gas used to destroy life on Ohma-D'un, and had
attacked the bounty hunter Durge as soon Master Diath was killed. His attack bought Obi-Wan and

Master Fay enough time to track down Asajj Ventress, but Durge was too strong. He forced Master
Antilles into the lave, drowning him and burning his body instantly. (RBR)
Antilles, Myri
this girl was the younger daughter of Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri. Myri was barely a year old at the
time when Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade were married. (U)
Antilles, Raymus
a starship Captain working for the Organa family, Antilles was in command of the Tantive IV. Along with
Princess Leia, he was also a supporter of the Alliance. Antilles was described as the owner of C-3PO and
R2-D2 by C-3PO himself. This may have been part of the programming given to him and R2-D2 by
Antilles and Princess Leia, to hide that fact that R2-D2 contained the stolen plans to the first Death Star.
Antilles was killed by Darth Vader on board the Tantive IV when he refused to divulge the location of the
stolen Death Star plans. Vader physically strangled him. Note that in the novelization of Star Wars,
Antilles' name was Colton. Antilles was portrayed by David Ackroyd for the Star Wars Radio Drama on
National Public Radio. (SW, SWRN, SWR, JPL)
Antilles, Syal
this young girl was the first daughter of Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri, and was named for Wedge's
sister. (U)
Antilles, Syal
this woman is better known as Wynssa Starflare, one of the most popular holodrama stars of the New
Order. She grew up with her family - which included her younger brother Wedge - in the Corellian System,
but was not enamored with the life of a starship mechanic. She longed for more, and before her twentieth
birthday, Syal left her family and moved to Coruscant to pursue an acting career. Wedge was seven at
the time, and he never got a chance to know her. She changed her name shortly after the death of her
parents, and went on to become famous. During a party on Coruscant, she met Soontir Fel, who had
been stationed on the planet shortly after the Battle of Yavin. They fell in love almost immediately, and
Syal was forced to admit to Fel her true name and relationship to Wedge Antillies. Fel told her that it didn't
matter, and they were eventually married. When Fel was tested by Ysanne Isard and was lost at the
Battle of Brentaal, Syal fled Coruscant and hid from Imperial reprisal. Fel spent the rest of his career
trying to find her. They were reunited shortly before the re-emergence of Grand Admiral Thrawn, and
together they gave birth to five children, including a baby boy, whom they named Jagged. After the
Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy, the couple retired to the Chiss homeworld of Csilla,
where they felt it was safer to live among the Chiss. After many years on Csilla, Syal became much like
her Chiss hosts, distrustful of the rest of the galaxy. When Luke Skywalker arrived on Csilla during the
search for Zonama Sekot, she openly questioned the motives of his expedition. Her attitude only
hardened when her son, Jagged, left Csilla on a fact-finding mission and chose to remain with the New
Republic. When Coruscant fell to the Yuuzham Vong, Syal came to believe that the Republic was
doomed, and she did not want her family to go down with them. (XWM, HXW, DTR, FH1, FH2)
Antilles, Wedge
born on Corellia, Wedge spent much of his childhood working for his parents on the last planet in the Gus
Treta system. Note that the Marvel Comics adaptation of Star Wars: A New Hope indicates that Wedge
was a native of Tatooine. His parents, Jagged and Zena, owned a fueling station there, and Wedge
became proficient at starship systems. He also gained a great deal of piloting skill there, and was ready to
go to the Academy when a pirate ship, the Buzzzer, under the command of Loka Hask, got spooked at
the fuel depot when a Corellian Security Force fleet arrived. Hask ordered them to lift off, but the crew
forgot to unhook their refeuling coupling before blasting away. The resulting fuel leak was ignited, and
Wedge's parents were forced to eject the fueling station in order to save the rest of the station. Note that
Star Wars Screen Entertainment software indicates Wedge was away at school when the accident
happened, that the accident was caused by smugglers, and that the smuggler's ship was destroyed in the
resulting explosion. Both of Wedge's parents were killed in this effort, and Wedge - who was with Booster
Terrik at the time - went after the pirates in an old Z-95 Headhunter. Although he managed to destroy the
Buzzzer, Wedge's lack of funding led him to start taking all kinds of odd jobs, and was getting nowhere as
a smuggler when he decided to join the Alliance. He quickly demonstrated his abilities as a fighter pilot,

and also ran a number of reconnaissance and escort missions before being tapped as one of the X-wing
pilots in the Battle of Yavin. Since then, Wedge's growing skills have earned him a number of distinctions,
the greatest of which came when he was named squadron leader of the famous Rogue Squadron. While
with Rogue Squadron, Wedge assisted Lando Calrissian during the Battle of Endor, and helped destroy
the incomplete Death Star being built there. He remained as Rogue Leader through the restructuring of
Rogue Squadron, and his squadrons provided invaluable support in the battles against Ysanne Isard and
Grand Admiral Thrawn. It was during this time that Wedge also developed the idea of Wraith Squadron,
which he successfully implemented and modified into a crack infiltration unit. After turning down two
promotions, Wedge was promoted to the rank of General about a year before the defeat of Thrawn, and
was offered the command of the Star Destroyer Lusankya. He also chose to remain with the Rogues, but
was assigned, along with Calrissian, to command the captured Star Destroyers Emancipator and
Liberator when Emperor Palpatine's clone emerged from Byss. He fought bravely at Coruscant and
Calamari, although the Emancipator was destroyed on Calamari. He later returned to Coruscant, where
his primary role in the New Republic was changed from pilot and warrior to General and clean-up
supervisor following the near-destruction of the planet. This was a short-lived assignment, though, for his
desire to pilot a starship quickly outweighed the ease of being a supervisor. When that effort was
launched, Wedge wanted to get back into piloting. He became the escort for the ship which dropped the
Eol Sha colonists off at Dantooine, and then was named Qwi Xux' bodyguard. During this time, Wedge
began to fall in love with Qwi, while also returning to Rogue Squadron and assisting the Republic in the
assault on the Maw Installation. Wedge was assigned to the Lusankya, which served as his base of
operations, for the purposes of commanding a special task force. However, after several years of war,
Wedge began to realize that he had grown apart from Qwi. What he didn't know was that she felt they
had grown apart as well, so they both agreed to end the relationship and go their separate ways. Wedge
decided to take a vacation and figure out what to do with his life, when he was chosen by Airen Cracken
to lead the delegation to Adumar. Wedge's diplomatic skills were not the greatest, but his gut instincts
proved more valuable in swaying the Adumari to join the New Republic. During the mission, he also
discovered that he and Iella were in love with each other, and he quickly proposed to her. Iella accepted
almost as quickly. Shortly after peace was negotiated between the New Republic and the Imperial
Remnant, Wedge retired from active duty, and he and Iella set to work starting their own family. Wedge
was eventually succeeded by Gavin Darklighter, although the former pilot provided assistance to Gavin
during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Wedge served as Rogue Alpha during the struggle against the Vong,
piloting a reconnaissance X-Wing to gather data. Shortly after the Battle of Garqi, Wedge discovered that
he was not only a father but an uncle as well, after meeting Jagged Fel for the first time. Wedge was
eventually promoted to the rank of General, and was given the command of the Mon Mothma during the
final stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. He barely survived Operation Trinity after the
Yuuzhan Vong managed to destroy much of the HoloNet, and returned to help plan the defense of Mon
Calamari and the Galactic Alliance's final assault on Coruscant. With the surrender of the Yuuzhan Vong
at Coruscant, Wedge and many of his contemporaries vowed to retire from the military life once and for
all. Note that Marvel Comics' Star Wars series, issue 78, claims that Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles
were both natives of Tatooine, and were the oldest and best of friends. Wedge was portrayed in Star
Wars: Episodes IV through VI, by Dennis Lawson, who replaced Jack Klaff mid-way through production of
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Wedge was also portrayed by Don Scardino for the The Empire
Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio. (SW, SCRE, ESBR, HTTE, JS, DA, COTF, XWN,
Antilles, Zena
Wedge Antilles's mother, Zena was killed near Gus Treta when she and Jagged attempted to limit the
firestorm caused by the Bonestar Pirates to their own depot. This effort saved the rest of the station, but
ultimately killed them. (XWPA)
Anti-magnetic Polarization Ray
this energy beam was developed to disrupt the magnetic forces holding certain materials together by
polarizing individual molecules so that they repelled each other, rather than attracted one another.
Anti-Matter Pod

this unusual weapon was part of the arsenal used by the unusual entity known simply as Ship. When
ejected from its interior, anti-matter pods drifted outward toward the enemy. When the anti-matter pod
came into contact with solid matter, the resulting explosion nullified everything in its blast radius. (MC38)
Anti-orbital Ion Cannon
an ion cannon modified to knock out targets in orbit around a planet or moon. (ZHR)
Antiox Breath Mask
this was brand name of the breath masks produced to allow Kel Dor individuals to travel away from their
homeworld of Dorin. The unusual method of attachment, coupled with the isotopes produced by the
antiox mask would kill a non-Kel Dor being in a short period of time. (UANT)
Antipose IX
the destination of the star yacht Arleen, according to the navigation droid Lando Calrissian rented in the
Oseon System. It was part of the Antipose System, and was known for its beautiful, violet skies. (LCM,
Antipose XII
another planet in the Antipose System. (LCF)
this is the Ugor term for anything evil in their world, in contrast to the good exemplified by High Prophet
Botiv. The Ugors claim that the Squibs were formed from pseudopods of the Anti-Prophet. (SH)
Antiques by Dumas
this small shop was located in Imperial City, on Coruscant, during the last years of the New Order. It was
run by the antique weapons collector Plumba, until he was killed by one of Ysanne Isard's agents.
this backwater world was known to be extremely boring, by even the most primitive of space-going
cultures. Antiquity was covered with mudflats and shallow seas, broken here and there by sheer mountain
ranges. The planet was best known for the teggi fungus which grew in the mud. The average day on
Antiquity lasts 23 standard hours, and its year encompasses 372 local days. (POC)
any device which was capable of undoing the recording of a transaction maintained in a transfer register.
They were outlawed on many planets, because they could be used to negate important transactions or worse yet - modify transactions to transfer ownership to another party without payment. (HP)
Antisepsis Field
developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, this specialized energy field was used to sterilize
the area around a surgical patient, thereby minimizing the risk of infection. In essence, the antisepsis field
killed any cellular body that came into contact with it. This included blood cells and bacteria, as well as
any number of viral contagions. (MBS)
a drug administered to counteract the effects of physical shock or trauma. (COJ)
Antistatic Generator
this devised was required when an individual needed to work on or near sensitive circuitry or electronics.
It ensured that no static energy built up in the immediate area, thereby eliminating the possibility of an
electrostatic discharge that could ruin the equipment. (AQ)
Antmuel VI
this planet was famous for the xenoarchaeological finds it yielded, such as the Ch'hosk Cave Drawings
discovered by Angrail Ryhl. (HR)

Anton Standish
this New Republic Naval Admiral was the Sector Fleet Commander for the Kalinda System. (TSK)
this Bakuran technician was assigned to help Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo activate the Drall repulsor
during the Starbuster plot. He had a reason to help, since his aunt lived on the planet Bovo Yagen,
primary planet around the third star listed on the Starbuster agenda. After the Sacorrian Triad was
brought down, Antone remained aboard Centerpoint Station as a technician. It was Antone who
discovered that the Station's repulsors would be inoperable without Anakin Solo's help, since every
system on board had imprinted itself with his fingerprints, DNA, and brainwaves. (SC, JE)
this man was a vigo to the criminal organization Black Sun, during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. A bounty was placed on his head by Dreddon the Hutt, and Jango Fett was hired to capture or kill
him. Despite his security measures, Antonin was captured and killed by Fett. Unknown to Fett, Antonin
himself had placed a bounty on Dreddon, a job which Zem Wesell completed shortly before Fett could be
paid. Both bounty hunters were unable to obtain payment for their respective jobs. (JF)
Anto's Star
this Corellian Engineering Corporation CR90 was on its twelfth voyage when it was stolen from the hold
of a larger transport and turned over to Drek Drednar. It was heavily modified, and later renamed the
Sable III. (SWJ5)
Antruse, Eppie
this was the maiden name of Eppie Belden. (TBSB)
Antyll, Dom
this human owned and operated Docking Bay 92 at the Mos Eisley Spaceport. His clothes were always
dirty and covered with grease, as if he'd just come from making major repairs to some huge piece of
equipment. (GG7)
Fabritech sensor package used on the B-Wing. (XW)
this Old Republic Acclamator-class assault transport was one of the many ships that were destroyed at
Duro, during the height of the Clone Wars, when the Separatist forces in the system launched Operation
Durge's Lance. (SWI74)
this was one of the Alliance's Nebulon-B frigates, destroyed during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Anvon Trig
this was the name of a noted Iotran individual. (UANT)
Anwis Eddicus
this being was a noted former Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic. Chancellor Eddicus was honored
by Bisquit Baron for his contributions, with a commemorative holocube that documented his history being
included in many QuickSnack and QuickSnackLite meals. The meals and holocubes were available
shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
native to the planet Gravlex Med, this race of tall humanoids was distinguished by their unusual skull
structure. A tall bony ridge extended nearly a meter in length from the back of their head, and their lower
jaw also jutted outward with a bony ridge. Anx were exceptionally tall and lanky, standing about four
meters in height, with a muscular tail that helped them keep their balance. As a species, the Anx were

known to be courteous, serene beings who rallied around whatever group they were a part of. Many
millennia before the Clone Wars, the Anx discovered interstellar flight, and colonized many of the star
systems in their sector. (SWDB, DW, UANT)
this was the native language of the Anx race. It was made up of spoken words and low-frequency tones
produced by the sinus cavities in the Anx headcrest, which could be heard across great distances. There
was also a written version of the Anx language. (UANT)
Anx Minor
a planet. (NEGC)
this city is located on the northern coast of Anai, on the planet Lianna. It supports a small starport used by
private vessels and transport ships. (ML)
Anxarta-class Freighter
manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems, this light freighter measured 28 meters in length and could
transport up to 65 metric tons of cargo. This class of freighters went out of production about ten years
before the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ11)
Fabritech's long-range sensor array. (EGV)
this sensor cluster was the follow-on model to Fabritech's Anx-y system, adding a lateral scanning array
to the package which was used on the T-65 X-Wing. The Anx-y/2 was first used on the Z-10 Seeker.
Fabritech's active sensor package. (SCRE)
this Anguilla was the leader of the community which agreed to help a team of Alliance agents drive
Imperial forces off the planet Alluuvia. However, when he learned that the Radell Mining Corporation
wished to establish a settlement on Alluuvia, he became angry with the Alliance team and threatened
them. The Ithorian, Iych-thae, intervened and agreed to oversee all of Radell's operations, to ensure that
Alluuvia wasn't polluted as Dega was. Anyar reluctantly agreed to allow Radell on the planet,
understanding that the planet would be better off with Radell than with Imperial Mining, Limited. (OE)
this ancient Rodian clan was the sworn enemy of the Chattza clan, but chose to remain isolated from
much of Rodian politics on their clan holdings, the An'yettu Islands. Navik the Red ensured their isolation
by keeping them from expanding beyond the islands. (SPG)
An'yettu Islands
this archipelago was located west of the Betu continent of Rodia, in the Wesessa Sea, and the traditional
holdings of the An'yettu clan. (SPG)
Anywhere Room
located on Hologram Fun World, this amusement attraction claimed to be able to transport a visitor to any
location in the galaxy. In actually, the Room generated a three-dimensional, fully-interactive hologram of
the environment. (GOF4)
this star was the central body in the Abregado System. (CCW)

this planet was the homeworld of the Anzat race of humanoids. Very little was known of this world, as
most every explorer or scientist who has traveled to Anzat never returned. The Anzati themselves only
returned to the planet Anzat in order to reproduce. (EGA, UANT)
a race of humanoids that closely resemble humans, at least externally, the Anzati are more myth than
reality to many of the galaxy's inhabitants. Internally, their composition differs greatly from that of pure
human stock. The primary difference is that the Anzati have proboscii hidden inside their cheeks that can
be extended out from their nostrils. These proboscii are used to consume the brain of the Anzati's victim.
The Anzati places his face nose-to-nose with its victim, and the proboscii extend into the victim's nostrils
and then into the brain, where they consume the brain and all its life energies. The Anzati refer to the
brain and its energies as "soup." They are creatures of no real biological rhythm; they simply exist, and
when they require rest, they drop into a deep coma-like state. Certain feral species of Anzati also have
the ability to exude long, rope-like tendrils which can be used to wrap up a victim and immobilize them for
later feeding. (TME, TJP, GOF5, DRKN)
this incredibly ancient language was the native tongue of the Anzati people. It was unique to the planet
Anzat, and although a written version was known to exist, no samples were ever seen away from the
planet. (UANT)
this is the plural form used to name the Anzat race. (GOF4, TME)
this name was common among the Kerestian people. (UANT)
this is a misspelling of the droid Doc's designation (used in the last issues of Shadows of the Empire:
Evolution). (SEE)
this was the original designation of Massad Thrumble's custom-built medical droid, which he later
nicknamed Doc. (SEE)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "flower" in the Twi'leki language. (GCG)
Aola Blen
this Twi'lek female and her sister, Mala, ruled the trading houses of Thaere Privo many years before the
Battle of Naboo. Aola was the younger sister, and was viewed as the more subservient of the pair. Unlike
her sister, Aola had a fear of hyperspace travel, and never traveled beyond the borders of the system.
When Mala struck and alliance with Riboga the Hutt, Aola refused to meet with the Hutt unless his ships
traveled deep into the system. Even then, Aola could not rbing herself to fully trust Riboga. Unknown to
the sisters, Riboga played them both against each other, changing his allegiance from one to the other
just to watch the balance of power shift in the Thaere System. This angered the Thaereian Military as well
as Aola, for both parties hated to see the Hutts gain a stronger hold on the Thaere System. Both Mala
and Aola were killed shortly after Riboga fled the Cularin System, and their deaths were characterized as
"untimely" by the local population. (LFCW)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "grassy meadow". (GCG)
Aorala Sensor 100
this was BlasTech's original motion sensor device. (CFG)

this common Zabrak surname meant "animal herder". (GCG)
Ap Kormar
this alien played center for the Quent Assassins during the years leading up to the Battle of Hoth. After
the Assassins defeated the Shad Furies 21-20 in overtime in a match in Imperial City, Ap was attacked
and beaten to death by seven humans who claimed to be Furies fans. In reality, the seven were Imperial
supporters, working for a distant Moff, who killed Ap as an example to other Alliance sympathizers . His
death was nearly prevented by Ytavarg Aleema, but Aleema arrived too late to save Kormar. In anger,
Aleema used his shockball equipment to kill the seven attackers. (CRO)
this was the model number of an Atgar Blaster Turret. (MBC)
see P127. This is a short description of the Astronav P127 C\course plotter. (IJ)
this Imperial attack droid was created by Arakyd, shortly after the Battle of Endor. These droids had a
humanoid torso, but in place of a head the AP-1-C had a second torso armed with a repeating blaster and
an array of sensors. These droids were developed to coordinate the activities of the AP-2 and AP-3
droids. (SWG2)
this humanoid attack droid was produced by Arakyd for the Imperial forces fighting the New Republic,
shortly after the Battle of Endor. Like the companion AP-3 droid, the AP-2 was designed to receive orders
from an AP-1-C droid commanding a pool of soldiers. Highly mobile, the AP-2 was armed with a light
repeating blaster, a pair of heavy blasters, a pair of micro-grenade launchers, and a hand-held blaster
pistol. A broadband antenna was used to receive command signals from the AP-1-C droid. (SWG2)
this barrel-shaped Imperial attack droid was developed by Arakyd during the early years of the New
Republic. Designed to act on the orders of the AP-1-C commander, the AP-3 was armed with a blaster
cannon, six rocket tubes, and a micro-torpedo launcher. A broadband antenna allowed it to receive
signals from the AP-1-C series. (SWG2)
this was the model number of Kuat Drive Yards' Asteroid Prospector. At 350 meters in length, the ship
was designed to swallow whole asteroids and partially refine them within its holds. The craft was crewed
by 500 officers and 36 gunners, and could transport up to fifty passengers and 80,000 metric tons of ore.
Because the ores it refined were at least twenty-five percent pure, the AP-300 was armed with eight laser
cannons. Four tractor beam projectors assist in moving asteroids into position to bring them aboard. (PP)
this was a series of general purpose mess-hall droids manufactured during the early years of the New
Republic. Kir Kanos used one to fly a Scimitar Assault Bomber in orbit around Yinchorr, after he fled the
planet Phaeda. General Wessel fell for the trick, and brought the bomber aboard the Emperor's Revenge.
The bomber was rigged to explode upon opening, taking out the Star Destroyer just after Carnor Jax
escaped. (CE)
Aparo Sector
this area of the galaxy, with the Wyl Sector, formed the border of the Corporate Sector. It was ruled by
Moff Wyrrhem. (CSA)
Apas Connector
this device is the primary electronic component activated by pulling the trigger of a blaster. The apas
connectors signal the power flux dispersion unit that it is time to release a charge of gas into the Heter

valve. (CFG)
APC Array Blaster
this blaster weapon, developed during the last years of the Old Republic, fired a cohesive collection of
blaster bolts at a target, giving it a wider pattern of fire that had more power than a single blaster bolt.
APC Repeating Blaster
this was the favored weapon of Trandoshan slavers, during the last years of the Old Republic. (RCHC)
a droid produced in the years just prior to the Clone Wars, they were built from xylen chips and gold
wiring, which became too expensive. They were replace by C-3 series droids. (RPG)
Apex Incisor
this was a one-shot, anti-vehicle missile produced by Golog-Bertum during the early years of the New
Republic. It was a simple weapon to operate: simply point the nose at the intended target, allow the Apex
Incisor to gather spectral analysis data, and them arm it. The weapon's internal drives are ignited, and it
launched into the air to hunt down the target. The only drawback to this weapon was the intense heat
generated at launch, which could severely burn the user if they didn't evacuate the launch area fast
enough. (GUN)
APF Missile
this Old Republic missile, developed for use during the Clone Wars, was an anti-personnel fragmentation
device that scattered shrapnel across the battlefield in an effort to cut down the droid armies of the
Separatists. (SS2)
Aphidale, Tanu
this woman replaced Lanyss Gutierrace as the Personnel Director for the Old Republic's Judicial
Department, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
a species of tree native to Belsavis. (COJ)
Aphran IV
this planet, located near Bilbringi, was the primary world in the Aprhan System. A relatively poor world,
Aphran IV was a warm planet which lacked polar ice caps. The fact that no moons orbitted Aphran IV
meant that there were no tides, so much of the planet's water supply remained static. The human natives
of the planet were known throughout the galaxy for their exquisite woodworking. (EL2)
Aphran Planetary Exosecurity
this was the planetary security force which protected the planet Aphran IV, during the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. (EL2)
this species of small insect makes a loud humming noise when it swarms together. (VOF)
this was one of the many Kubaz clans that were native to Kubindi. (MJH)
Apilid Worm
this species of bloated, white-fleshed worm was discovered living at the bottom of some of the deepest
mines dug into the planet Vasha, during the early years of the New Republic. The mouth of an apilid
worm was crowned by sharp mandibles, which it used to dig through rock and ores, crushing pieces small
enough that they could be digested. The average apilid worm measured about a meter in length, but they
swarmed in huge colonies that resembled writhing knots of corpse-flesh. Once the apilid worms were
exposed, they attacked the nearest heat source, and their jaws were capable to tearing flesh from the

bones of Vashan or Ayrou alike. (GMR9)

Apla, Chik
this Imperial officer was part of the team which was stranded on Dolis 3 in the wake of the peace accord
signed between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic. Chik joined Moff Derran Takkar in his plan
to disrupt the wedding of Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker, as a way to strike back against the New
Republic. Chik was known for his skills with hand-to-hand combat, especially with knives. While on
Coruscant, it was also revealed that Chik had been having a somewhat platonic affair with the Moff's wife,
Anlys. He was captured by Mara during his attempt to steal her wedding dress. Anlys had given Chik the
address of Jari'kyn's studio, and Chik dressed in his finest Imperial armor to attack the Twi'lek. He was
unprepared for Mara's presence, and she caused him several serious injuries before remanding him to
the custody of the police. (U)
this Alliance safeworld was scouted by Lieutenant Deeve during the early stages of the Galactic Civil
War. (AIR)
this alien race has a species-wide yearning to travel to exotic places and meet new people. (RM)
this was a large-bore gun designed to fire a conner net at a target ship. (GFT)
this was one of the Imperial dungeons ships used by Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta to collect entire alien
civilizations for use as slaves. The Apocack, along with the Angrix and the Azgoghk terrorized the Outer
Rim for many years, until Pitta's death at the Battle of Tralus. (SWI66)
a hardwood tree that was once native to the planet Bethal. An infestation of greddleback termites
decimated the population of apocia, but an aggressive replanting effort was undertaken to bring the
apocia back into production. (SWJ4, SWJ11)
Appeasement Vote
this challenge to the leadership of the New Republic was championed by Senator Viqi Shesh, and
supported by those Senators who had no love for the Jedi Knights. The Appeasement Vote, if it had
passed, would have required the New Republic to turn over the Jedi Knights to the Yuuzhan Vong,
thereby meeting the alien invaders' demands and halting any further invasion of the galaxy. Popular
support for the vote came from the Core Worlds, where substantial amounts of credits would be lost if the
Yuuzhan Vong attacked and destroyed major commerce centers. Ultimately, the Appeasement Vote
failed, especially after Senator Shesh's dealings with the Yuuzhan Vong were exposed. (REC, SBS)
Appreciated Reminiscences
this was the Basic translation of the title of a popular Bith song, which became the theme song for Epoh
Trebor during his tours to visit the troops of the Grand Army of the Republic, at the height of the Clone
Wars. (MJH)
Apprentice Legislature
this was the branch of the Naboo government which encouraged young children to take an active role in
politics. Modeled after the full government, the Apprentice Legislature allowed children to decide for
themselves the position and policies of government. The most gifted of these children became full
Legislators, and many of these went on to fill positions in the Naboo government. (SWDB)
Approach Vector
the flight path which is generated by a ship's navicomputer to place the ship on target to intercept a space
station or another ship. (ESBR)

this was the original name of the planet New Apsolon, before the natives elected a planetary leader and
threw off the totalitarian government of the Civilized Authority. (TTB)
Apted Squelsh
this female Mon Calamari served as a Major in the Grand Army of the Republic, serving under Admiral
Arikakon Baraka during the height of the Clone Wars. She was known as a straight-forward officer,
lacking any visible emotion and displaying an unusual detachment from her troops. (TCD)
Ap-xmai keepuna!
see Ap-xmasi keepuna! (RCHC)
Ap-xmasi keepuna!
this Huttese phrase literally meant "Don't shoot me!" Note that an X in the Huttese language sounds like a
wet smacking of the lips. (GMR5)
AQ21 Aqua-Harvester
this enormous, repulsor-equipped platform was produced by SoroSuub for use by corporations which
were engaged in the aquaculture of fish and oceanic plants. Measuring 110 meters in length, the AQ21
required a crew of 14 to operate, and could accommodate up to 150 workers. Armed with four defensive
blasters, the AQ21 was a self-sufficient vessel that could repel most pirate attacks. (GMR8)
AQ-5 Waveskimmer
developed by Hydrospeare Corporation, this attack hydrofoil was also known as a wave walker. It
measured 14 meters in length, and was manned by a crew of three with a pair of gunners. It could also
transport up to 28 troops and a metric ton of cargo. It was armed with a pair of medium blaster cannons
and a pair of light blaster cannons. (AIR)
Aquadon CAVa 400
this modified Nen-Carvon CAVw PX-10 was produced by the Hydrospeare Corporation. The 5.1-meterlong craft was redesigned to work in aquatic environments, with the addition of stern thrusters and lateral
thrusters to give it mobility without requiring the craft to maintain contact with the ground. It was armed
with a turret-mounted medium blaster cannon, and its cockpit was designed to provide continual "headsup" viewing by using gyroscopic stabilizers similar to those on the B-Wing starfighter. If the ship is heavily
damaged, the gyro-locks release the pilot's cabin and allow it to avoid further damage. (AIR)
a faction of the Aqualish race on Ando, the Aquala live on floating raft cities and sailing ships. The Aquala
are called the finned aqualish, since they retain their fins instead of fingers. They are considered to be of
a lower social caste than the Quara Aqualish, even though they make up about ninety percent of the
Aqualish population. They blamed the Quara for the steady decline in the harvests of fish from the seas,
and ignited a racial war that lasted several generations. The war was ended when an exploration vessel
of unknown origins landed on Ando, and the two sides stopped fighting each other and destroyed their
visitors. The two groups then reverse-engineered the ship and discovered how to fly it and then build their
own ships, although the process was painstakingly slow for the non-technical Aqualish. The uneasy truce
was soon broken, and the two groups took their battle to Ando's sister planet, utterly destroying it. (GG4)
Aqualis Baralou Algae Processing Plant #T-18
see Aqualis Base. (PG1)
Aqualis Base
this was a food processing station which floated on the seas of the planet Baralou. Its official name was
the Aqualis Baralou Algae Processing Plant #T-18, and it was publicly owned by the Aqualis Food
Conglomerate. This was all a front, however, as Aqualis Base actually supplied foodstuffs to the Alliance
during the Galactic Civil War. (PG1)
Aqualis Food Conglomerate

this large corporation was founded to generate foodstuffs from the life in the seas of the planet Baralou. In
reality, this corporation was a front to hide the fact that the Alliance was actually operating the food
processing facilities on Baralou. (PG1)
this was the native language of the Aqualish race. Although each of the three subspecies of Aqualish had
their own dialect, they couold understand each other without trouble. (ANT, UANT)
a walrus-faced race of bipeds from the planet Ando, the Aqualish were a belligerent species with three
distinct races. There were also three castes of Aqualish society, based on which race an individual was
part of. The higher caste had hands which are articulated webs with opposable thumbs, and was known
as the Quara. The lower caste had clawed hands, rather than the webbed ones, and was known as the
Aquala. The smallest and least known of the three races was the Ualaq. The distinction between levels
was very great; webbed Aqualish hold governmental and commercial positions, while the clawed Aqualish
are usually left to become bounty hunters and smugglers. They are a belligerent yet technically-advanced
race. The Aquala live in vast sailing ships, while the Quara live on the planet's small islands. They have a
long history of civil war, and have destroyed Ando's sister planet because of it. The war was initiated by
the Aquala, who blamed the Quara for the declining harvests of fish. The war lasted until an exploration
ship landed on Ando. The two groups banded together and killed the ship's crew. Eventually, the nontechnical Aqualish discovered how to fly the ship, and even learned how to build their own. The old
grudges soon re-surfaced, though, and the two factions took their battle to Ando's sister planet. When the
Empire arrived, the war-loving Aqualish tried to overthrow them. The sheer might of the Empire battered
the Aqualish into submission, but it instilled a deep hatred in the Aqualish culture. (SW, GG4, TLC, TME,
Aqualish-Corellian War
this series of battles took place many centuries before the Battle of Yavin. (AE)
this race of near-humans evolved on the planet Velusia. Descended from the original human explorers
who found the planet millennia before the Battle of Yavin, the Aquar evolved to become more adapted to
their aquatic environment. The skin of an Aquar was made up of millions of tiny scales, with colorations
ranging from blue to green. The fingers and toes of an Aquar were webbed, and the hair of an Aquar was
usually green. The nose of an Aquar was flattened, and instead of two nostrils there were three horizontal
slits. An Aquar could breathe underwater just as well as on land, giving them the ability to exist in either
realm. (CCW)
an ocean world which sided with the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Surveys have shown that it
has no land masses above the surface of its oceans. Further scouting of the planet revealed that it was
the homeworld of the Chuhkyvi race of Iskalonians. (CSW, EGA)
Aquaris Freeholders
a group of mercenaries commanded by Silver Fyre, the Freeholders eventually joined forces with the
Alliance. They fought for freedom against Imperial control on Aquaris. (CSW)
Aquarium Room
this was one of the many wondrous locations found within the walls of the Pearl Island Casino, located on
the planet Pavo Prime, during the early years of the New Republic. It provided a series of educational
shows about the ocean life found on the planet, in addition to its dazzling displays of fish and
invertebrates. (SWI67)
a domed, bubble-shaped city that is found on the planet Calamari, Aquarius was designed to allow airand water-breathing races to co-exist together. It has a number of water-filled canals in which underwater
dwellings are built. Large markets and apartments are built above the canals for air-breathers. (GDV)

an underwater transportation device used on Aquaris. (CSW)
a small, repulsorlift craft used to traverse the oceans of Ando and other water-based planets. (TME)
Aquatic Assault Trooper
see Seatrooper (ISB, SWDB)
Aquatic Computer
this was a specially-designed computer, created by the Mon Calamari people for use in oceanic and
aquatic environments. It employed rare elements and minerals, which interacted with the salt water of the
ocean to store and manipulate information. A display screen was included, which used self-generated
electrical impulses to stimulate organic microorganisms in order to produce an image. The Mon Calamari
also used specialized crystals as external data storage devices. (GFT)
Aquatic Ecosystems, Incorporated
this business evolved on the planet Neona, to take advantage of the abundance of edible fish species
which inhabited the planet's oceans. They were bolstered by a partnership with Hanson Mining
Consolidated, and developed floating fish farms to maintain their stocks. (LOE)
Aquatic Gundark
one of many creatures given the name of gundark to indicate its bad temper, the aquatic gundark of Yavin
4 was unrelated to the standard gundark. The aquatic gundark was a green-skinned predator that hunted
in the shallow streams and rivers of the jungle moon, moving about on two huge flippers which were
designed to quickly propel the aquatic gundark through the water at high speeds. (WSW)
Aquatic Inegrated Systems
based on the Elkit Peninsula of the planet Kothlis, this small coroporation produced a variety of
aquacultured fish and plants. Owned by a group of Herglics, AIS was the primary producer of salar on
Kothlis. (SPG)
this planet supports human life. The natives dye and tattoo their skin with elaborate patterns during
certain rituals. (JASB)
this planet was settled by Duros explorers during the early centuries of the Old Republic. (GMR2, MC7)
this is a beautiful, water-covered world. (RAC)
Aquilaris Classic
this was the name given to the largest of the pro-circuit podraces which wound through the floating cities
of the planet Aquilaris, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
Aquilie Water
this was a bottled spring water favored by the Empire during the height of the New Order. (T4)
this was a mild poison created by Amira Nasrabi, from natural materials collected from the sea life of
Vaynai's shallow oceans. It produced a deep lethargy in those beings who ingested it. (GMR8)
AQX-series Exploration Droid
this form of aquatic exploration droid was developed to search a planet's oceans for ores, minerals, or
specific locations. (CCW)

this is a model of BlasTech stun cuffs manufactured during the early years of the New Republic. (JASB)
AR-25 Bubbleship
this mid-sized transport craft was developed by the Daedalus Gas Mines corporation, and was designed
to be used in gas-mining operations. The cargo hold of the AR-25 was made from thick transparisteel,
which allowed workers to see the gases which were being mined and advise the command crew on
where to harvest gases. (LFC)
technically a fifth-degree utility droid, this automaton was developed and produced by Karflo Corporation
to to perform menial labor. It had a rudimentary vocabulator, and could speak about 300 works of Basic. It
was equipped with a C3-DD NeuroNet brain, which gave it only enough intelligence to perform the tasks it
was given. (GSE)
this scan of the planet Bimmiel was performed by Doctor Anki Pace and a group of students from the
University of Agamar. It revealed the presence of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior's skeleton and remains, which
had been on the planet some forty or fifty years. The warrior had been killed by a slashrat, but the body
was mummified after being dragged into a cave. (DTO)
this was the model number of a cargo winch produced by Utilitech, for use on a droid. (FTD)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'ra added to an
individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
a planet in the Hapan system. The humans native to the planet are fond of building and solving thought
puzzles. (CPL)
Arabella, Varin
this noble Lady of Tapani Sector was the leader of House Barnaba during the height of the New Order.
She became the head of Barnaba at the age of seventeen, after her parents died of a mysterious illness.
She was known to be a headstrong leader with natural diplomatic skills, but she often clashed with her
inner council of advisors. (PGT)
a sea-going creature native to the planet Toola, they are hunted by the Whiphids during rites of passage.
The arabore is a fish-eating rodent nearly three meters in length, and with flat tusks studding its short
snout. Their bodies, while thickly layered with fat, are streamlined for swimming. A young male Whiphid
must kill an arabore with his bare hands to prove himself a mighty hunter, while a new Spearmaster must
kill one to prove himself worthy. (GG4, SWJ10)
a Dimok escort shuttle assigned to guard the shuttle Keydon during its rendezvous with the Ripoblus
shuttle Phantele. (TIE)
this man served as a medic aboard the FarStar, during the hunt for Moff Kentor Sarne. Arac held the rank
of Lieutenant in the New Republic military. (E)
this swamp-covered planet was the site of the Alliance's DVL-181 outpost, during the Galactic Civil War.

Aracara Testing Facility
located on the remote world of Aracara, this weapons laboratory was abandoned when the testing proved
unprofitable. The Alliance took control of the facility and used it as outpost DVL-181. (HAS)
Arachnia EMRG-50 Rail Gun
this weapon has an incredible range, able to hit targets at point-black distances and up to 4,000 meters
away. It has a strong recoil, which required a strong individual to shoot it. (TSK)
an insect-like race, the sentient Arachnoids resemble huge spider-like ants. Six legs propel them along,
with the upper pair serving as arms. A large, bulbous end section is supported by the four rear legs, and
their heads have sharp beaks. (TSK)
a spider-like creature found on the planet Arzid, it spins a sticky web to capture its prey. (PDS)
this planet is the third world in the Lianna System. A mildly poisonous atmosphere covers the planet, and
it is orbited by three moons. (ML)
Aradian Pulse-lifter
this atmospheric drive system is an alternative to repulsorlifts. The technology is new, and causes large
disturbances in the surrounding area when activated. (BTS)
this male S'kytri was the Lord of the Highlands, on his homeworld of Skye, during the height of the New
Order. He was also the Patriarch of the S'kytri people, and pledged his support to Kharys after Darth
Vader and the Empire took control of the planet. However, he retained a measure of faith in the prophesy
that a being would come to Skye to free the S'kytri. After hearing Luke Skywalker's testimony during this
trial for trespassing on Skye, Aragh and the council of the Highlands were convinced that Luke was the
being they had waited for. Luke and Leia Organa were freed, and Aragh pledged the support of his
warriors in the effort to overthrow Kharys. (LTA1, MCA1)
this ancient Melodie lives beneath the surface of the waters on Yavin 8. At one time, he could read the
ancient Massassi writings that litter the moons of Yavin, but the ability has faded over the years from lack
of use. He learned the Massassi words as part of the training he received from his mother, Esla. Esla was
her generation's keeper of legends, as was Aragon. When Anakin Solo and Tahiri ask him to help them
decipher the riddle of the Golden Globe, Aragon cannot help them with the ancient writings, but he does
give them the entire message contained within them. Anakin and Tahiri then translated the message into
its component letters, allowing them to read more of the ancient writings. (LW)
Arah Asteroid Belt
this asteroid belt was the site of an Imperial mining operation geared toward the procurement of derillium
and oridium for the V38 development project. (RA2)
Arak Omis
this imposing Aramandi served as the Taal of the Aramand Cluster at the height of the New Order. A
pushy and argumentive being, Arak Omis was a member of the Cirra akia who was nonetheless wellknown and respected for his ability to fairly solve any dispute. He despised the Lant Mining Corporation,
and flatly refused to grant LMC any form of mining rights to the planets in the Aramand Cluster. When the
Empire first started to take control of Brak Sector, Arak Omis found himself humbled before its military
might, and he worked to appease the Emprie whenever and wherever possible while keeping the
Aramand Cluster in the control of the Aramandi. (FBS)

an Imperial scientist, Arakkus led an Imperial weapons development lab until he was contaminated by
experimental radiation released during an Alliance attack on the lab. The radiation was released when an
Alliance attack on the installation destroyed much of the lab. Arakkus retired from Imperial service, feeling
sorry for himself and angry at the galaxy. He hid near a dwarf star, but could not reconcile his suffering.
Thus, he began sending out false distress signals, luring ships to him. He lured them so close to the
dwarf star that they were unable to escape its gravity. dooming the ships' crews just as Arakkus was
doomed. Known as the Graveyard of Lost Ships, this collection of doomed ships eventually orbited the
star in five interconnected rings. Arakkus refused to try and live out a full life. When his distress call lured
the Millennium Falcon to the Graveyard, Arakkus was beseeched by Han Solo and Luke Skywalker to
leave the place. He refused, claiming that he had rigged the Graveyard with negatron to explode if
someone tried to remove him from it. Han realized that such an explosion would free the Falcon, but
Arakkus fled into the depths of the station, rather than go back to the outside world. Han and Luke
detonated the negatron, destroying the Graveyard and killing Arakkus. (CSW)
Arakyd Aerodynes, Incorporated
this division of Arakyd Industries developed and manufactured personal-use vehicles and conveyances.
Arakyd Industries
a major manufacturer of droids, heavy weapons, and starships, Arakyd made a name for themselves
during the New Order by securing several high-profile deals with the Empire. The Viper Probe Droid was
one of their greatest achievements, as it marked one of the most successful attempts to use artificial
intelligence in a military application. After the Battle of Endor, Arakyd continued to remain loyal to the
Imperial remnants, and produced the XR-85 Tank Droid for use when the Empire battled the New
Republic for control of Coruscant. However, as the Empire dwindled and eventually became the Imperial
Remnant, Arakyd altered its stance and began to sell its products without regards to political
backgrounds. (SCRE, ESB, DFR, JS, EGV, WOTC)
this Alliance warship was part of the small fleet known as the Pegasus Strike Force. (SWJ2)
Arali Dil
this young Twi'lek woman was a student at Garqi Ag University, and was member of the resistance there.
She was a contemporary of Dynba Tesc, and was part of the crew that helped liberate the Star's Delight.
a small, tropical planet located in the Andron System, Aralia was the adopted homeworld of the Ranat
species. When the Ranat population of Rydar II was eradicated, in an effort to destroy the rodents, three
Ranats managed to escape by stowing away on a starship, and ended up on Aralia. Once on the planet,
the Ranats multiplied rapidly. It was also the location of the amusement park Project Aralia. (GG4)
a pungent weed found on the planet Alderaan which blooms with a purple, trumpet-shaped flower.
Legend has is that, if a new bride finds one in her yard, she will soon have a child. When the petals are
dried, they curl around their seeds; these dried petals have been used as baby rattles. (CPL)
this high-gravity, tropical planet was the homeworld of the Aramandi race. It was located in the Aramand
Cluster of Brak Sector. It was orbited by a single moon. (SSR, AE, FBS)
Nil Spaar's embassy ship, it was a huge, spherical craft that was always escorted by three smaller craft.
One of the first Aramadia-class thrustships, it employed an Aradian pulse-lifter propulsion system for
atmospheric travel. Nil Spaar took the ship to Coruscant when he went there to draw the New Republic's
attention away from the Koornacht Cluster. Note that Coruscant and the Core Worlds indicates that the

Aramadia was a Super-class Star Destroyer, preserved in the city of Hariz as an inspiration to future
generations of Yevetha. (BTS, CCW)
Aramadia-class Thrustship
this Yevethan warship design is a sphere-shaped craft equipped with Aradian pulse-lifters for propulsion.
They are also called T-types. There were two basic models of thrustship: an unarmed troop transport and
a fully-armed warship. The warship was graded at medium-cruiser-class weaponry, armed with eight main
laser cannon batteries spaced around the ship to defend any angle of attack. Up to four batteries could be
linked together, to concentrate fire on a single target. They were also armed with several concussion
missile launchers. What made the Aramadia-class so strong in battle was the fact that their spherical
shape made it easy to shield. The smooth, rounded surface allowed maximum shielding capability with
minimal power input, unlike a boxy starship which required multiple generators. The T-type thrustship
measured 240 meters in diameter, and required a crew of 6,810 Yevethans along with 49 gunners. It
could transport up to 1,600 troops and 10,000 metric tons of cargo. Each was armed with 8 turbolaser
batteries, 3 proton torpedo launchers, 4 gravity bomb launchers, 4 missile launcher batteries, and 6 ion
cannons. (SOL, TT, CTD)
this was the central star in the Aramand System. (AE)
Aramand Cluster
this collection of star systems was located within Brak Sector, and was controlled by the Aramandi race.
The systems of Aramand, Orma, Cirra, Mila,and Lota were all contained within the Cluster, and were
situated within seven light-years of each other. The Aramandi kept to themselves, and the borders of the
Cluster were jealously guarded against intrusion by the rest of Brak Sector. (AE, FBS)
Aramand System Cruiser III
this was the primary patrol cruiser built by the Aramandi during the height of the New Order. At 140
meters in length, the ship required a crew of fifteen Aramandi and four gunners, and could transport up to
ten troopers and 250 metric tons of cargo. The Cruiser III was armed with four turret-mounted laser
cannons, and the the standardship used by the Taler navy. (FBS)
this was a race of four-armed, four-eyed humanoids from the planet Aram. Because of living for
generations in Aram's heavy gravity, their bodies were short and stout. Their skin coloration ranged from
light red to light brown, and their eyes were solid black. As a people, the Aramandi were governed by the
religious beliefs of the Eeronon, and divided themselves into four distinct castes or akia: the Orma, Cirra,
Mila, and Lota. The Aramandi jealously controlled the Aramand Cluster, within Brak Sector, mainly
because it was the the area of their birth. As the Lant Mining Corporation exhausted its worlds, they
beganmaking overtures to the Aramandi, hoing to gain access to the Cluster. With the advent of the New
Order, the Aramandi were also courted by the Empire, and given elaborate concessions to allow a simple
garrison to be erected on Aram. In return, the Aramandi were basicaly left alone. (SSR, AE, FBS)
this was the most up-scale, expensive restaurant found in Drepplin city, on the planet Glova. Owned by
Tegist Byrg, the planetary Governor, Aramand's catered to some of the planet's richest, and most corrupt,
political officials. (POC)
Aramatha, Tor
this noted pacifist was also an influential member of Alderaan's government, during the height of the New
Order. It was Aramatha who discovered that Lorac Nonnaihr was smuggling guns through the Spacer
Quarter of Aldera. (CCW)
Arantha Communications
this corporation produced a variety of civilian-use communication scanners during the New Order. (GFT)

this planet was the homeworld of the Kadri'Ra race. (SWJ5, BSS)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Arapto was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "swift". (GCG)
an alien arachnid species native to the planet Kirtania. The misuse of the planet's resources by the
humans that colonized the planet has resulted in the near-extinction of the araquia race. The average
Araquia resembled a large spider, with greenish-brown skin and long legs. They lived in the lower canopy
of Kirtania's deciduous jungles. Their knowledge of the plant life on Kirtania gave them a great deal of
information on medicine, and their serums and anti-venoms were sought out by travelers and doctors for
curing a number of rare diseases. (AE)
this New Republic Senator was from the planet Gantho, and was a staunch opponent of the Daysong
Party. (POT)
Arat Fraca
this planet is the location at which the Star Morning suddenly reappeared a year after it left Motexx for
Gowdawl. (SOL)
Aratach Corporation
see Aratech Repulsor Company (SWDB)
Aratech Repulsor Company
this large corporation anufacturered a variety of speederbikes and other repulsorlift craft. Many of their
designs, most notably the 74-Y and 74-Z spederbikes, remain popular throughout the galaxy. (SWSB,
Arati Squadron
this was a group of Army troopers dispatched by the Empire to overtake the New Republic base on
Saarn, shortly after the re-appearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (SWJ6)
this Ghostling princess was captured by Djas Puhr and sold to Sebulba as a slave, shortly before the Dug
lost the Boonta Eve Classic podrace to Anakin Skywalker. She was seven years old at the time of her
capture, but found herself as the leader of the small group captured and brought to Mos Espa. They were
sold by Sebulba to Gardulla the Hutt, but were later freed by Anakin Skywalker, Dorn, Kitster, and Pala.
Gardulla had planned to use the Ghostlings to help tend her underground garden oasis, but Anakin
decided that they would be killed if they worked there. With the help of his friends, Anakin was able to get
the Ghostlings passage off Tatooine on a smuggling ship. However, Arawynne was badly injured in the
escape. (E1A5, E1A7)
this modified MRX-BR Pacifier was owned and operated by Tern Ashandrik. It was armed with a pair of
proton torpedo launchers and three heavy laser cannons. (ND)
this Imperial Navy Lieutenant worked with Jacen Solo and a group of engineers from the Galactic Alliance
to reprogram a gravitic amplitude modulator for use in jamming the communications of a Yuuzhan Vong
yammosk, shortly after the Battle of Bastion. Lieutenant served aboard the Defiant, and his work with the
GAM was not immediately endorsed by Captain Essenton, despite the assurances of Grand Admiral
Pellaon himself. (FH1)

Zeck Tambell served aboard this Imperial-class Star Destroyer as a security officer, before being
assigned to the investigations team on Stassia. (SWJ6)
Arblis Forest
this dense, dark forest dominated the main continent of the planet Kothlis. It surrounded the Ragnook
Mountains on all sides. (SPG)
an Imperial Sergeant serving under Colonel Johans in the Hell's Hammers. He helped lead the assault on
Protazk, on Spuma. (ISB)
when Teebo was a child, the Ewok Arbo was the tribe's legend keeper. (AT)
Arbo Maze
a thicket of trees found on the forest moon of Endor, the Arbo Maze was extremely dense and forbidding.
Most creatures that wandered into it were quickly lost. (ECAR)
Arbo, Elga
this Corellian woman was the owner and operator of the Redshift Runner, until she ran afoul of Gydio
Lucone. She had mortgaged everything she had to make the Redshift Runner the fastest ship in the
sector, and she made her living as a courier. When Lucone threatened to seize the ship, Elga refused. A
struggle ensued, and Elga was fatally wounded. However, her co-pilot, Maceb Joodsen, made off with the
Redshift Runner and was never seen again. (SS)
this Mon Calamari served the New Republic as Captain of the Hope, during the period shortly after the
Empire retook Coruscant following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn.. (TFE, SWJ7)
Arbor Industries
this was the primary company founded by Jenna Zan Arbor, and was dedicated to producing life-saving
drugs. It was later revealed that most of the drugs produced by Zan Arbor were created to counteract
specific contagions and diseases produced by Arbor Industries. Zan Arbor revealed that she funded her
experiments into the nature of the Force by unleashing specific amounts of contagions on unsuspecting
worlds, then selling them the antidotes she claimed to have developed. The primary laboratories were
based on Zan Arbor's homeworld of Ventrux, but were closed down when Zan Arbor established her
secret laboratory on Simpla-12. (EVE)
Arboreal Octopus
this warm-blooded creature, native to the forests of Cholganna, was the favored prey of the nexu. (VD2)
this forest planet, the second world in the Arbran System, was the homeworld of the Hoojib race. The
Alliance discovered the Hoojibs when they were scouting out locations for a new base. The Hoojibs later
allowed the Alliance to establish their base on Arbra, after the loss of the Echo Base on Hoth. Millennia
before the Hoojibs evolved, another sentient race inhabited the planet. This race tried to eliminate their
negative feelings by pushing their energy into an underground cavern, which was protected by a force
field. Over time, this negative energy coalesced into a being known as the Darker. Arbra was orbited by a
single moon. (EGC, EGA, MC55, SWDB, WOTC)
this was the name used to describe the extinct civilization that was originally native to the planet Arbra,
during the time of Xim the Despot. It was the Arbrans who created the unusual force screen, deep
beneath Arbra's surface, within which they stored all their negative energies. Over time, these negative
energies reached a critical mass and coalesced into the Darker. The Arbrans themselved eventually died
out, and very few records survived to describe their civilization. (PH, MC67)

this star was the central body in the Arbran System, which was located in the Outer Rim Territories. (PH)
Arbran III
this planet, the third world of the Arbran System, was a frozen ball of ice and rock which was orbited by a
pair of moons. (PH)
Arbran IV
this planet, the fourth world of the Arbran System, was a gas giant that was orbited by eight moons. (PH)
Arbran V
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Arbran System. It was orbited by eleven moons. (PH)
Arbran VI
this frozen ball of ice and rock was the sixth and outermost planet in the Arbran System. (PH)
Arc Hammer
this Imperial warship was essentially a huge, floating manufacturing facility. The long, dagger-shaped ship
was assigned to Rom Mohc's Darktrooper project. Kyle Katarn was able to penetrate the ship and defeat
Mohc in combat, despite the fact that Mohc had donned a Phase Three Darktrooper unit as an exosuit.
The Arc Hammer was destroyed when Katarn defeated Mohc, and the Darktrooper project was smashed.
Arc of Fire
this bar and grill was located on the planet Selenius VII. (GG10)
Arc Razor
this was the name of the starship owned by the bounty hunter Gyran. (SSR)
ARC Trooper
see Advanced Reconnaissance Clone Trooper (SWDB)
Arc, Gally
this man, a native of the planet Brentaal, was a noted collector of antique starships, during the height of
the New Order. (SWJ7)
officially known as the Aggressive ReConnaissance starfighter, this ship was developed by Incom/Subpro
for the Old Republic during the height of the Clone Wars. The central fuselage was connected to a pair of
sturdy wings; to increase maneuverability, two smaller wings could be extended from the fuselage on
each side of the ARC 170, one above and one below the stationary wings. This configuration made the
overall wingspan of the ARC-170 almost 23 meters. The ship was armed with a pair of medium laser
cannons, two rear-mounted blaster cannons, and six proton torpedoes. Unlike traditional starfighters, the
ARC-170 required a crew of three plus an astromech droid to operate. (OWS)
Arca Jeth
a humanoid Arkanian, Arca was a Jedi Master from the planet Arkania. Note that in Tales of the Jedi:
Redemption, Master Arca is portrayed with four fingers and a thumb. He agreed to oversee the planet
Onderon, but instead sent Ulic Qel-Droma, Ulic's brother Cay, and Tott Doneeta to the planet. He later
assists them on the planet, and is forced to conceal Freedon Nadd's Sith lore in a tomb on the Dxun
Moon. He refuses Exar Kun's request to see the Sith artifacts from Freedon Nadd's ship. He later attends
the Jedi Assembly on Deneba, and is killed in the battle by one of the Krath war droids. Ten years after
the Great Sith War, Arca's spirit appeared to Ulic Qel-Droma on Rhen Var, and urged the distraught man
to abandon his plans for suicide and depend on his inner strength to survive. (TOJ, DLS, EGC, TOJR,

this is the long, main hall of the Rabaanite Gymnasium, found in the city of Ban Belos. (SWJ9)
Arcade Omicron
this diversionary establishment in Lumchugger's Hub, on the planet Bescane, is home to one of the few
holozeotroscopes seen outside the up-scale entertainment centers on Coruscant. It continually loops
through a holographic display of the Battle of Yavin. The Arcade Omicron also has several scenic
replicators. It was here that Alliance agents found Cooper Dray, during their search for clues about the
Death-Hunter cyborg project. (SWJ9)
this freighter was owned and operated by Darren T. Weeb during the Galactic Civil War. (ML)
this volcanic world was the second planet in the Sacor, or Sacorria, System. It was orbited by a single
moon. (CCW)
Arcan IV
Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca searched for Han Solo on this planet. A group of smugglers, holed up
on Arcan IV, had hated Solo because he had made their trade almost glamorous. (MC79, LTA4)
Arcasite, Mol
this woman, a noted bounty hunter, was part of a group of hunters hired by Granta Omega to capture
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Wren Honoran on Ragoon-6, some five years after the Battle of
Naboo. She had the ruthless reputation of taking innocent lives in order to capture her targets. She
traveled tha galaxy in a custom-made cruiser which had been outfitted by Sienar Advanced Projects. She
barely escaped from Ragoon-6, after Obi-Wan and Anakin managed to destroy her ship and leave her
stranded. (JQ2)
Arch Canyon
this natural landmark is found in the deserts of Tatooine. The canyon is dominated by beautiful, natural
stone arches that span its width. Jabba the Hutt's personal podracing course, located on the outskirts of
Mos Espa, ran through Arch Canyon, on its way to Jag Crag Gorge. (TPM)
Arch Grub
this large, burrowing insect was native to the planet Geonosis, and was considered a delicacy by the
native Geonosians, who lightly grilled it to enhance its flavor. (IWE2)
Arch of Triumph
this landmark was erected on Coruscant by the Empire, shortly after Emperor Palpatine instituted the
New Order. The Arch was erected in Palpatine's honor. Han Solo, during one of his Academy training
exercises, obtained the fastest time for an assigned run when he flew through, rather than over, the Arch.
Arch Pose
this was one of the many mediative stretching exercised practiced by the Jedi Knights of the Old
Republic. With the hands and feet placed firmly on the ground, a Jedi then arched their body into a
rounded shape, with the buttocks as high as they could go. (MBS)
Archaic Lightsaber
this was the name used by Jedi scholars and historians to denote the first lightsabers ever developed.
Unlike the elegant weapons of the Jedi Knights used during the last decades of the Old Republic, the
archaic lightsaber was designed as a siege weapon. Using "frozen blaster" technology, these lightsabers
required a separate power pack which was often worn on the back. Over the millennia, the Jedi Knights
were able to miniaturized most of the components used in the construction of a lightsaber, most notably
power sources, to create the simple weapon known to most beings of the modern era. (PJSB)

this planet was the site of legendary, mythical peaks of incredible height. (GCQ)
a scientist who investigates ancient civilizations who had developed space travel. (LCM)
this being was a member of the Vibroaxe Squadron of pirates. (IF)
the New Republic military doctor assigned to the Glorious. (BTS)
Archive System
this was the name of the network of infochants and data collation centers established by Breslin Drake,
during his search for the Imperial agent known as the Wraith. (DARK)
this was the codename of the Ringali Shell's most successful infochant, active during the Galactic Civil
War. ARCHIVE-H was supernaturally accurate, and commanded a high - although fair - price for his
services. (FOP)
this was the name given to the highest political offices of the planet Vergill. (JE)
this modified frigate was part of an Imperial fleet which maintained the confinement of prisoners taken
during the Battle of Hoth. (XWA)
Archregent Vardovin IV, Lost King of Duro
this was the name given to the mummy acquired by Goontirk, from a Rynn merchant. Goontirk had a
feeling that the mummy was a fake, even though he obtained a certificate of authenticity in the deal, but
knew that a mummy would be the perfect addition to the traveling freak show he maintained aboard the
Madman's Fortune. However, the mummy contained more than a dozen skekfish eggs, which later
hatched and destroyed the crew of the ship. Goontirk himself was consumed before the Madman's
Fortune crashed into the planet Engebo V. (WOA10)
this was the term used to describe any large nexus of government activities, during the last years of the
Old Republic. Within an Arcology were administrative offices as well as a dedicated HoloNet node.
(HNN4, HNN5)
Arcon Multinode Agricorp
this Corellian-owned macro-farming and food processing company was one of the original Contributing
Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority. Arcon has major holdings in the Outer Rim Territories, and
buys over 30% of the crops grown by independent Outer Rim farmers. A diversified corporation working
with the Corporate Sector Authority, Acron Multinode also produced a number of specially-bred grain
hybrids for use on various worlds. (HSE, CSA)
the Arcona were a race of scaleless, bipedal serpents with an anvil-shaped head and marble-like eyes.
Between their eyes is a small bulbous knob that is used as a heat sensor and supplement to their
eyesight. Their skin resembles fibrous wood, and ranges in color from dark mahogany through gray to
ebony. They are native to the planet Cona, and require ammonia supplements whenever they are offplanet. When irritated, their eyes exude a milky, tear-like fluid. Socially, Arcona arrange themselves into
groups called Grand Nests. They are farmers by nature, tilling Cona's rich tropical environment. The
absence of salt in their environment has caused them to become addicted to the substance on occasion.
Such addicted Arcona are noticeable by their glowing yellow eyes, a result of a chemical interaction
between the salt their optic nerves. This interaction also causes hallucinatory visions to play across the

Arcona's eyes. However, increased levels of salt also break down the pancreatic ability to convert
ammonia into a water-conserving enzyme, and is thus deadly to the Arcona. (GG4, SCRE, CCG, REC,
Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation
this Cona-based mining operation was a secondary player on Bandomeer until Qui-Gon Jinn and ObiWan Kenobi managed to expose Xanatos' part in the control of Offworld Mining. (RF, DR)
Arconan Tunneler
this was a mining device developed by the Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation. (RF)
this was the native language of the Arcona. (ANT)
this mild poison caused exhaustion when ingested by most races. (GCG)
this planet was the sister world to Gambolla. (SWJ11)
Arcopola Baas Music Festival
this important musical event was held annually in Greccia, on the planet Arcopola. (SWJ11)
Arctan Meeso
this was a famous Iktotchi individual, distinguished in the histories of the moon of Iktotch. (UANT)
Arctic Environments Combat Range
this Imperial Army training center was located at the north pole of Sirpar. (SWJ2)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
a nondescript planet. (SWJ4)
this Ubese bounty hunter was perhaps best-known for his singlehanded capture of the Exelis Hunters in
the Strabin Sector. When his friend and sometime partner, Kiran Tatch, was expelled from Glorga the
Hutt's employ, Arcuse decided to join him to work as freelance hunters. They worked like this for nearly
twenty years before joining the Granse Confederacy. His reputation as a bounty hunter was heightened
by the fact that Arcuse made very few enemies, and never left the employment of a crimelord on anything
but good terms. (AIR)
the first planet in the Arda System. (CSWEA)
this small, neutral world was known for its industrial advances. The T-6 diodem was produced on Arda-2,
which is the primary planet in the Arda System. (CSWEA)
the third planet in the Arda System. (CSWEA)
this green-skinned humanoid was a native of the planet Solem, and was part of the rebel underground
that sprang up during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Yolan Bren was one of the few survivors of
Imperial Governor Malvander's subjugation of Solem. Ardal accompanied Lol to the city of G'ai Solem, in
an effort to free Yolan Brean, after Bren had surrendered himself to Boba Fett. Ardal was among those

individuals who wanted to kill Malvander outright, but Yolan Bren decided to bring the Governor with
them. That way, if he couldn't survive in the wilderness like the people he had subjugated, he could then
be put to death. (SWES)
this native of the planet Brentaal served the Imperial Navy as a Lieutenant Commander aboard the
Executor. He was in command of the bridge pit crews during the Battle of Hoth and the chase of the
Millennium Falcon to Cloud City. As a junior officer, Ardan participated in the subjugation of several alien
races, including the Ithorians and Wookiees, as well as the planets Firro and Sinton. (CCG4)
Ardana Mitt'Ayehe
this Twi'lek was the owner and leader of the Ayehe Dance Troop. (ML)
this mineral has the unique property of growing stronger in the presence of radiation. This makes it a
perfect material for creating fuel canisters for starships, especially capital-scale ships, which require huge
amounts of power. This mineral was found in large quantities on the planet Questal, and the Emperor
raided the planet in an attempt to expand his fleet of Super-class Star Destroyers. Unfortunately, the
supply ran out just after a group of Alliance agents overthrew Moff Bandor. (GCQ)
an Imperial Army Colonel assigned by Furgan to capture Anakin Solo on Anoth. He was a native of
Chandrila, and grew up to serve in the Imperial Navy. Known as a fair leader, Ardax was respected for his
ability to put his crew's well-being in front of his own. He was a veteran of command of several ships in
the Caridan System before traveling to Anoth. (DA, COTF, JASB)
this was the name of the most popular alcoholic beverage produced by the Ardees Beverage Company,
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Note that the adaptation of Star Wars: Epsiode II - Attack
of the Clones, by Patricia Wrede, indicates that ardees is the beverage consumed by Obi-Wan Kenobi
and Dexter Jettster, as opposed to jawa juice. (SWDB, AOTCA)
Ardees Beverage Company
this was one of the Old Republic's best-known producers of soft-drinks, during the last decades of the
Republic. Shortly before the Clone Wars, Ardees paid grav-ball star Deme Tryshyn a reported 3.1 billion
credits to serve as a spokesbeing for their drinks. (HNN4)
Ardele, Feylis
this young woman was a member of the Commenor militia before joining the Alliance. She worked with
the militia in preparation for entrance to the Imperial Academy. She never attended, though, citing
philosophical differences with Imperial doctrine. She impressed Admiral Ackbar, who referred her to
Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron shortly after the discovery of the Eidolon. Her experience with TIE
Fighters and her abilities with an X-Wing earned her a position in the Rogues. She soon found herself
falling in love with fellow Rogue Avan Beruss, and they worked hard to keep their relationship a secret.
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Ardellian, Tormax
this Corellian pirate was a member of a raiding party that tried to smuggle in Alliance operatives and
equipment to the planet Questal, some three years after the Battle of Yavin. His expedition was exposed,
and the agents and crew were imprisoned. The Alliance operatives were killed in a public execution, and
the pirates were permanently detained. Ardellian managed to escape the initial assault, and he wandered
around Gralleenya city for several weeks, trying to figure out how to rescue his companions. (GCQ)

this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Arden once had a romantic relationship with princess Kalieva K'ntarr. Arden left the political and
commericial intrigues of Rydonni Prime for the stars, and was supposed to take Kalieva with him. She
once mistook Sienn Sconn for Arden, when Sconn tried to infiltrate Rythani Products and steal a weapon
prototype. (SWJ9)
this gas giant was the fourth planet in the Bakura System. Note that The Truce at Bakura simply named
this planet Planet 4. (TB, TBSB)
Arden Industries
this small, starship manufacturer produced a number of freighter designs, including the Model 47 light
freighter. (POC)
Arden, Deredith
this Bakur Corporation employee held the rank of Captain, and was the commander of the first colony
ship to reach the planet Bakura during the Old Republic. He served as the first leader of the Bakur
Corporation, and eventually founded the city of Salis D'aar. He served as Prime Minister for eight years,
building a social and economic base for the settlers to work from. He was unable to fully remove the
political infighting that plagued the planetary government until it was nationalized by the Empire. (TB,
an Alliance Mon Calamari MC80a cruiser operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Ardent IV
this Old Republic cruiser was one of many ships that participated in the Star Hyperspace Conflict. The
Ardent IV was a police force vessel, and among its crew was then-Lieutenant Jan Dodonna. (NEGC)
this Imperial Navy Captain rose through the ranks in the decade following the death of Grand Admiral
Thrawn. He served as Admiral Pellaeon's second-in-command aboard the Chimaera during the initial
phases of testing of the new cloaking device. Although Ardiff disagreed with Pellaeon's choice to
surrender to the New Republic, his sense of duty and honor to his commanding officer made him hold his
tongue. However, this did not stop him from voicing his opinion when he felt it necessary, a trait Pellaeon
came to appreciate and promote. (SOP, VOF)
an Alliance modified CR90 corvette that was destroyed while trying to disable the Harpax so that Admiral
Harkov and the Protector fleet could escape and defect. (TIE)
this Thyferran was a captain in the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. He initially served under Erisi Dlarit,
but was chosen to lead the squadrons that accompanied the Corrupter to Alderaan to intercept Rogue
Squadron. When the Rogues disabled the Corrupter and chased off the Aggregator, Ardle surrendered
his TIE Fighters to Wedge Antilles. (BW)
the small, white dwarf star primary to the Ardos System. Hutt legends say that Ardos was in love with
Evona, which was a sister star that made up a binary system. The two lovers had many children, which
were the various planets of the system. When Evona was sucked into a black hole along with several
planets, Ardos became angry and miserable at the loss of his loved ones. Ardos self-destructed, throwing
off a huge radioactive mantle of gas, and reducing itself to a white dwarf. The ejection of radioactive
matter destroyed many of the remaining planets, leaving only the Hutt homeworld of Varl. Scientists from
the Old Republic and Empire believe that this story is a mere legend, and that the Hutts destroyed much

of their system in an ancient civil war. (GG4, TF)

this small starship manufacturer produced a variety of starship designs during the Old Republic. (DMSH)
Arecelis Acosta
this Coynite was a member of the Alliance's Harrier infiltration team. A tall creature covered with blueblack fur, Arecelis was killed by the Dark Jedi Vialco on Nysza III during the Harrier's attempt to take out a
new Imperial communications bunker near Iscera. Arecelis was a good friend of Deke Holman. (SWJ8)
Arelik Armor
developed by Stavren Arelik, this protective suit was designed with bounty hunters in mind. It provided
modest protection against blaster and projectile weapons, but was designed to be upgraded and adapted
to specific needs. (GUN)
Arelik, Stavren
this man developed the Arelik Armor protective suit especially for bounty hunters. (GUN)
this Imperial gunboat was stationed near Redcap during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ5)
Arena Citadel
this was the name given to the massive structure which served as the main facility at the Mos Espa Grand
Arena. The Citadel encompassed all the ticketing and entry locations, vending and seating areas, and all
supporting facilities. (BF4)
Arena of Games
this gladiator stadium was established by Imperial General Alfren Hul on Derilyn. It was located in the
governmental district of the city of Tekar, and was a replica of the Rols'Kus arena on Coyn. (OE)
Arena of the Mind
this unusual edifice was established by the Ropagu near the city of Ropagis, for use in the culture-wide
debates which replaced open warfare in their society. There is seating for 10,000 Ropagu, which flock to
the arena to witness intellectual debates between scholars and philosophers. Off-world guest speakers
are sometimes invited to join the debates, and there are a number of translation facilities available. (TSK)
Arena Shockball
this version of shockball is played in a confined space, restricting movement on the playing field. (SOL)
this large, round-tabled holographic projection system was developed and manufactured by Imlok during
the last decades of the Old Republic. The ARENA-7580 was one of the most sophisticated, tactical
monitoring systems of its day, providing a fully three-dimension representation of a battlefield. Using an
incredible array of input devices, including on-site cameras and targetting and tracking sensors, the
ARENA-7580 was capable of monitoring the activities of individual troopers during a large-scale war. The
Stalgasin Hive of Geonosians employed an ARENA-7580 in their war chamber, during the Battle of
Geonosis. (SWI66)
Arenas of Mepha'as Prime
this was the name of the prestigious gambling halls of Mepha'as Prime. (SWJ5)
Aressa, Tress
this woman had many parts of her body replaced with illegal cybernetic implants and replacements. She
was known as one of Cloud City's best independent infochants, and controlled a large network of vessels
throughout the city. She was employed by Captain Velantia of the Imperial Security Bureau to root out
information on the Alliance's movements on Cloud City. (GG2)

this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Areta came from the term meaning
"industrious". (GCG)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
this astromech droid served aboard the Mourning Glory during the height of the New Order. (PH)
this planet was the center of Xim the Despot's empire, and the site of his royal palace. (ML)
this hot ball of rock was the first planet in the Tasar System. (SWJ15)
located in the Kanz Sector, this planet revolted against the Old Republic about 4,000 years before the
Galactic Civil War. Its provisional governor, Myrial, declared the Kanz Sector independent, and began to
forcibly conquer other planets in the sector. Lorrd was one of these planets, whose cries for help fell on
deaf ears, for the Old Republic was too busy to help. The Kanz Disorders lasted nearly 300 years before
a group of Jedi Knights could be dispatched to end them. (CSA)
this people subjugated the Lorrdians during the Kanz Disorders. (AE)
Argdran, Mikos
this short, pudgy man was something of an infochant, playing the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route and
exchanging useful information with the highest bidders. He was once employed by Lud Chud, but
doublecrossed the Rakaan crimelord by alerting Tanda Pryl and the Thunderflare of an attack by Chud's
forces. The pirates were decimated at the hands of a fully-prepared Imperial Star Destroyer, and Mikos
was captured. Lud Chud then discovered that Argdran had stolen a number of computer datafiles, and
had a team of bounty hunters throw Mikos out of a passing cargo ship. Luckily for Mikos, a team of
Alliance agents was passing by the area, on a search for Shondra Del. Lud Chud, upon learning of
Argdran's survival, employed a team of Loag assassins to hunt down Mikos, and the Alliance team was
forced to travel to Merisee to throw off the pursuit. The Loag were able to track Argdran by the weak
signal produced by the stolen datafiles. However, Argdran and the Alliance team were rescued from the
assassins by the Thunderflare, believing they were simple ore transporters. Argdran, however, was
captured by the Empire on Derilyn and forced to fight in the Arena of Games. After being rescued by
Shondra Del, he pledged his support to the Alliance. (OE)
Argenhald Base
this was the name of the Imperial garrison located just outside the city of Lurark, on the planet Saffalore,
during the early years of the New Republic. (SOC)
Argent Kole
this Zabrak bounty hunter plied the spacelanes during the height of the Clone Wars. In reality, Argent
Kole was an alias used by Jedi Master Agen Kolar to infiltrate The Rig and locate Mika, during the Jedi
Order's search for the Crimson Nova bounty hunters. According to Kole's background, he had been a
hunter for fifteen years before the Bounty Hunter's Guild listed him as dead, the result of a computer
glitch. He had been unable to take on a hunt for many years, since the Guild refused to recognize him as
a living, breathing hunter. Argent Kole had hoped to redeem himself in the eyes of the Guild by bringing
Kit Fisto in as a prisoner, to claim the bounty offered by Kh'aris Fenn on Jedi Knights. When they were
deep in the bowels of The Rig, the two Jedi revealed their true nature, and freed the various prisoners
who had been captured by the bounty hunters. In this way, they were able to create a diversion that
helped distract Mika's attention. (RSF)
Argent Lady

this new Ghtroc Cargo Empress-class freighter was owned by Cosmohaul Shipping. It was loaned to a
group of freelance mercenaries by Paxtrell Snoygal, in the hopes that the mercs could stop the piracy
which was plaguing Cosmohaul's transports. The Snoygal had hired a new crew to transport 100 R5
droids to Sullust. The crew turned out to be Xalto Sneerzick and his followers, who were trying to free the
droids. He had inserted an "emancipation virus" into their programming, but one of his droids rebelled and
shot him. The Argent Lady was pursued and captured by an Imperial Patrol Craft, but its crew was
overtaken by the mercenaries and left stranded. The Argent Lady returned to Cosmohaul, but not before
one of the infected R5 droids escaped in a life pod. (SWJ9)
this was the traditional axe used by Gamorrean warriors. The weapon consisted of a heavy axe blade,
often acid-etched with runes to inspire the warrior, which was mounted on a thick wooden handle. The
arg'garok was perfectly balanced to take advantage of a Gamorrean's low center of gravity, and was
difficult for taller, thinner races to wield. (UANT)
Arginall City
this was the capital of the planet Hargeeva, and one of only six urban communities on the planet. (SWJ8)
Arginall Refinery
this small operation was one of the primary sources of the ores and minerals extracted from the mines
found on the planet Hargeeva. It was controlled by the Empire during the height of the New Order, and its
corporate offices were modified to serve as part of the Imperial garrison base. (SWJ8)
Argo, Lomina
this woman was a computer systems analyst, living in the CoCo District of Coruscant during the years
leading up to the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
Argo, Yom
this Alliance special agent was rumored to have been partnered with Tay Vanis during the recovery of the
plans for the second Death Star from the Bothans. Yom Argo was also one of the first Alliance
representatives to visit the planet Iskalon. After Vanis was captured by Imperial forces, Yom Argo fled to
warn the Alliance about his capture and lead a rescue effort. Unfortunately, Yom Argo was killed when he
crashlanded on Lahsbane just after he left the Bothans. His astromech droid managed to survive the
crash, and tapes of its data were held by the Lahsbees in honor of the Lahsbee individual who also died
in the crash. However, when the Lahsbees discovered that the tapes were part of a high-technology
system, they gladly turned them over to Leia Organa and the Alliance. (LTA6, MC73)
Argoe, Vleen
this woman managed the Shvash Gas Cooperative, located in the Gelgelar Free Port, at the height of the
New Order. She was considered by the natives of Gelgelar to be a pyromaniac, and she was known to
burn off excess shvash gas just to watch the flames. She even carried a miniature flamer with her at all
times, in case she needed to see a flame or two. (PSPG)
an Imperial Grand Moff who was swindled by the Tonnika Sisters out of 25,000 credits. (TME)
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Ironhand, one of the thirteen Star Destroyers still
under Imperial control some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. When Moff Disra set his
plans in motion to overturn the New Republic, he ordered Argona, along with Captains Nalgol and
Trazzen, to ready themselves for an assault on Bothawui, following the Caamas Incident. Argona
questioned the necessity of moving three Star Destroyers to Bothawui on a long-term mission without
direct support, until Disra brought out a resurrected Thrawn, played by the con artist Flim. The Imperial
Captains all agreed with the plan. (SOP)
this was one of the largest cities on the planet Rhamalai, and was the first locationtaken over when the

Empire subjugated the planet. (SWJ13)

primary planet in the Newland System, it was the site of an Imperial manufacturing facility during the
Galactic Civil War. It was eventually abandoned following a number of Alliance assaults. (TIE)
this man was one of the lesser Prophets of the Dark Side, during the years leading up to the Battle of
Hoth. (RESB)
a long-bladed weapon prefered by members of the Loag. (CRO)
Argos, Sorn
this independent spacer made a stopover on Elerion, sometime after the Battle of Yavin, and tried to
make a pass at Leia Organa. Leia was working undercover to locate a stolen holocube that contained
information on the locations of several Alliance bases. (T15)
Argovas City
this was the capital city of the planet Argovia. (IA)
this humid, marshy world was rich in minerals and ores. This made it a prime location for a variety of
small corporations, until it came under the notice of the Empire. The Empire established a sensor network
complex on the planet, using the net to tie together communications in the Endocray Sector. When the
Empire decided to nationalize the sector, it used the complex on Argovia to jam communications during a
sector-wide blockade. A team of Alliance agents managed to infiltrate the planet and destroy the complex,
helping to end the blockade. The average day on this misty, stormy world lasts 28 standard hours, and its
year lasts 345 local days. (IA)
an Alliance shuttle destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this race of near-Humans was characterized by their frail build and long features. Their ears were slightly
pointed at the top, and their eyes had a piercing quality. (CRO)
Aria Callet'dira
this is the name of Gacerite battle music, used to whip Gacerite soldiers into a fighting frenzy. It was
played by a military unit's musicmakers. (PG2)
this was the capital city of the planet Garos IV, and was the site of Chado's Pub and the University of
Garos. (SWJ1, SWJ12)
a creature whose tongue is a delicacy. (CPL)
Mara Jade's alias when she went undercover in Jabba the Hutt's palace in order to kill Luke Skywalker.
She provided C-3PO with a good deal of background on Jabba's operation, after the droid arrived at the
palace as a gift from Luke. (TJP, ROJR)
Aridian Procedures for Development of Agricultural Fertilizer on Lythos Nine
this was an obscure publication that detailed the scientific requirements involved in meeting the
agricultural needs of the soil found on Lythos Nine. It was considered one of the most boring scientific
texts every produced. (MBS)

a desert planet which was once the site of an Alliance weapons depot. Its atmosphere was filled with
ionization energy, making communications and sensor operation on and around the planet extremely
difficult. Darth Vader planted an imposter on Aridus, who posed as Obi-wan Kenobi, in an effort to capture
Luke Skywalker. The actor became extremely engrossed in his role, believing that he was actually
defeating an evil enemy when he killed attacking stormtroopers. This drew Luke closer to him, as well as
the native Chubbits that inhabited the planet. The actor eventually came to believe Vader was evil, and
destroyed the Ivory Tower in an effort to distract Vader while Luke escaped. (CSW, EGP)
Aridusian Lava Beetle
this unusual insect was native to the planet Aridus, and was named for the way in which its shell seemed
to glow from the inner heat of its body. (SHPT)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
a native of Alderaan, Ariela was Eyvind's fiance. The two were married on Tatooine, in a ceremony that
included their human and Jawa friends. Ariela supported Ariq Joanson's belief that the humans, Jawas,
and Sand People could live together peacefully, despite what the Empire said. Ariela and Eyvind were
married the day that Owen and Beru Lars were killed. When a group of adolescent Sand People
ransacked their wedding and killed Eyvind, she was carried away by the Sand People until Ariq rescued
her by placating the young Sand People and trading water for her. The Imperial troops interrupted the
bartering, claiming that they came to rescue the two, and shot a number of the Sand People. Despite the
Imperial pressures, she stayed on Tatooine to run Eyvind's farm and help Ariq pursue his peace. (TME)
this young woman, native to the planet Almas, was the leader of a small group of children who wre part of
The Lost. A friend of Lora Nadad, Ariella watched over about seventy children during the years following
the Battle of Naboo. (WOTC)
Arienne Desert
this vast wasteland was located south of the Trekali Mountains, on the planet Sevarcos. (SWJ12)
Arikakon Baraka
this male Mon Calamari served as an Admiral in the naval forces of the Old Republic, during the height of
the Clone Wars. Admiral Baraka was in charge of the mission to Vandor-3, about a year after the Battle of
Geonosis. A career officer, Admiral Baraka followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfatjer by
joining the military. This history gave Baraka a deep understanding of war and military actions, but it also
made him wary of the introduction of clone troopers to the Grand Army of the Republic. He no longer had
to worry about abnormal behavior among his troops, as each clone was produced to be utterly loyal and
follow directions with incredible precision. Deep inside, he also wondered whether he and other military
leaders were simply becoming obsolete. When he was ordered to take the Nexu and travel to Ord
Cestus, he was angry at having been removed from the main fighting lines of the war. He bristled at the
fact that a mission to Ord Cestus would not gain him any attention or promotions, and he vowed to
eliminate the Cestian threat as quickly as possible in order to return to the fighting. He believed he was
going to strike at the Clandes Industrial complex, but Asajj Ventress had secretly altered the triangulation
of the signals. Instead, the targetting system was actually aimed at a densely-populated civilian area.
Baraka didn't know this, but was still shocked when ARC trooper A-98 - once known as Nate - ordered
the ships to fire on his exact location. Only the seriousness of the request, which would surely kill the
ARC trooper, made Baraka change the ship's targetting to aim at Nate's position. (TCD)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "delicate" in the Sullustan
language. (GCG)
Aril Nunb

Nien Nunb's sister, she was the Executive Officer of the X-Wing Rogue Squadron about two and a half
years after the Battle of Endor. Wedge Antilles praised her abilities as a fighter pilot, but he opposed her
nomination as XO because she was an instinctual pilot with little ability to teach. He wanted Tycho Celchu
to be the XO. She eventually became a pilot in the squadron, and was captured on Coruscant. She was
used as one of Evir Derricote's experimental aliens for his Krytos project before she was rescued. She
later assisted the Rogues during the Bacta War by piloting the Valiant warship. After several years of
valiant and intelligent service, Aril was promoted to Admiral, and given command of the Victory-class Star
Destroyer Protector. She accompanied Leia Organa Solo to Bastion, shortly after the start of the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion, to enlist the aid of Admiral Pellaeon and the Imperial Remnant. (XWN, WG, BW, DTR)
a native of Forard, on the planet Cularin, Arin and her husband Pthillip discovered Lora Nadad and
brought her to the attention of the Almas Academy during the last decades of the Old Republic. (LFCW)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
located in the Albarrio System, this jungle world was the sector capital of Relgim Sector. It was on the
intinerary of the Kuari Princess when Imperial Moffs Torpin and Vanko began plotting their deception of
Emperor Palpatine. Members of the Alliance were also on the planet, trying to discover what the Moffs
were up to while escaping from stormtroopers. The Moffs and the Alliance agents all boarded the Kuari
Princess on Aris. Aris is the capital world of the Albarrio Sector. It has no native sapient species, although
the wok-woks that roam the jungles have begun showing rudimentary intelligence. The jungles of Aris
cover the planet in tropical rainforest, with trees growing 250 meters tall in the warmest parts. The
inhabitants of the planet live in tree-dwellings formed from wide platforms and connected by simple
bridges and walkways. (RM, CFG, TFE)
Aris Brace
this bulk freighter owned the Corellian Merchants Guild record for the most cargo runs over five parsecs.
Aris V
this planet, located in Parmel Sector, was chosen as a possible base of operations for the dishomed
Laramus Base Irregulars. (GG9)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "beloved." (GCG,
this term was used during the last decades of the Old Republic to describe a wealthy individual. (BF4)
this was the title given to the familial leaders of Chiss clans. The rank of Aristocra was unusual in that it
was a civilian rank that seemed to be higher in the military command structure than even Captain or
General. (SQ)
Arjan II
this droid brain is roughly equivalent to the AA-1 Verbobrain in terms of capacity. They were used in the
creation of Roche J9-series worker droids. (GG7)
Arjan IV
this was the most modern droid-logic computer brain produced by Ulban Arms during the early years of
the New Republic. (EGD)
Arjon F.M.P.

a native of Ord Mantell, Arjon (F.M.P., to her friends) stopped on Tatooine during a layover and never
made her connecting flight. She has since become a card-shark, with no real scruples and a growing
loyalty to Ohwun and Chachi DeMaal. The DeMaals tolerate her presence in the entry ramp to Docking
Bay 94 in Mos Eisley, where she scams her customers. (GG7)
this Imperial Strike-class cruiser supported the attack on the Organarms facility during the Galactic Civil
War. (TIE)
Arjun, Jr.
this Imperial combat utility vehicle was assigned to the Arjun, and participated in the attack on the
Organarms facility during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Ark Roose
this Nuknog was known as "Bumpy" on the Outer Rim podracing circuits. A native of the planet Sump,
Bumpy favored the Vokoff-Strood Plug-G 927 model of racer during his prime. Being one of Sebulba's
cronies, Ark Roose tried to sabotage Anakin Skywalker's podracer, shortly before the Boonta Eve Classic
race, but disabled Ben Quadinaros' machine by mistake. In the end, Ark was knocked from the race and
did not finish. (RAC, IG1, IWE1, PRT, SWDB)
this was a Bothan term, used to describe the highest state of war in which the Bothan's could participate.
It was reserved for those dire situations in which the very survival of the Bothan race was at stake, and
demanded the complete and utter extermination of an enemy. It had been invoked only twice in Bothan
history, before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. In the wake of Borsk Fey'lya's death at the Battle of
Coruscant, the Bothans again invoked the ar'kai, vowing to eradicate the Yuuzhan Vong. Historically, the
invocation of ar'kai demanded that the enemy be destroyed to the last individual, that their names be
wiped from history, and their planets reduced to dust. (DW)
originally part of the ancient Sith Empire, Arkanian was a planet which had a great deal of Dark Side
energy. For this reason, it was the world watched over by Jedi Master Arca Jeth during period leading up
to the Great Sith War. It was a cool, tundra world known for its huge diamonds. Because of its location in
the Colonies region, Arkania was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. It
was used as a strategic base, allowing the Yuuzhan Vong access to the Hydian Way, the Perlemian
Trade Route, and most of the Colonies. During the years leading up to the Clone Wars, a theraputic
cloning center was established on the planet, to generate replacement organs for individuals suffering
from life-threatening diseases. Much to the dismay of these individuals, the onset of the Clone Wars
brought about a halt to any non-military cloning, under Senate decree E49D139.41. (TOJ, DESB, SBS,
Arkania Hyperspace
this terminal spaceport was located near the jump gate which was placed near Arkania, some 4,000
years before the Battle of Yavin. (TOJC)
this was the native language of the Arkanian people. (ANT)
this was the race of near-humans which were native to the planet Arkania. They were distinguished from
baseline human stock by their four-fingered hands and their milky-white, pupiless eyes. The Arkanians
were best-known for their extensive research into genetic manipulation, especially in the development of
the Yaka species, although there was a peception during the era of the New Order that the Arkanians
were "mad scientists" who were going to enslave the human race. As a people, Arkanians were arrogant
beings who had little tolerance for rude behavior. Arkanians were also somewhat xenophibic, and
believed themselves to be superior to most other races. (EGP, ANT, WOTC)

Arkanian Bond Armor

this form of body armor was produced by the Arkanian people during the era of the Great Sith War. It
used a bonded form of laminate to create its plates and panels, making it a durable - though inflexible material. (KOTOR)
Arkanian Dawn
this infamous Thalassian Y164 slave transport ship is feared throughout the Outer Rim Territories.
Rumors surrounding the ship say that no one ever survives a trip in the Dawn, for no one has ever been
seen after boarding it. This is, in fact, all a clever ruse put on by the Sullustan Thila, who owns the Dawn.
She is an Alliance operative, and uses the mystique and fear surrounding the ship to swoop down on
slave camps and collect slaves. She then transports them to Alliance safeworlds, where they can live in
peace. (GG9)
Arkanian Dominion
this was the political power of the planet Arkania, some fifty years before the Battle of Yavin. It was during
this time that the Arkanian Revolution took place, in which the Arkanian Renegades tried to steal power
from the Dominion. The coup failed, but it brought to light the benefits of cyborg technology. (EGD,
Arkanian Dragon
a large, reptilian creature native to the planet Arkania, the Arkanian Drago was considered semi-sentient
by many xenobiologists. (FNU, EGP)
Arkanian Jellyfish
a lifeform native to the planet Arkania. (FNU)
Arkanian Microtechnologies
this Arkanian corporation was ostensibly a manufacturer of medical supplies and technologies, but
specialized in the advanced development of genetic engineering. Like the Arkanians who founded it,
Arkanian Microtechnologies was highly fearful of outsiders, and much of its security system centered on
the prohibition - or elimination - of non-Arkanians. This made entering the premises nearly impossible for
off-worlders, unless they were provided with specialized security badges. During the early stages of the
Clone Wars, Arkanian Microtechnologies struggled to produce a cheaper clone trooper for the Army of
the Republic. Their plan did not involve cloning, but a new form of development which remained a
corporate secret for many years. (PH)
Arkanian Renegades
this group of power-hungry scientists were known for their ability to cyborg virtually any living creature.
They used their talents to create an invincible cyborg army, and tried to unseat the Arkanian Dominion
some fifty years before the Battle of Yavin, in an event which came to be known as the Arkanian
Revolution. The coup failed, but the cyborging technology of the Renegades was adopted by the natives
of Arkania. (EGD, NEGC)
Arkanian Revolution
occurring some fifty years before the Battle of Yavin, the Arkanian Revolution was a coup attempt
launched by the Arkanian Renegades. They hoped to use a cyborg army to bring down the Arkanian
Dominion, but the coup ultimately failed. However, the benefits of cyborg technology were brought to
light, and eventually adopted by the Dominion. (NEGC)
this planet was the homeworld of Devon Fuller. (GG9)
Arkanis Regency
this was the primary political body of the Arkanis Sector of the galaxy. It was an ancient order, predating
the famous Empress Teeda. (SWJ6)
Arkanis Sector

this section of the galaxy was found along the border of the Mid Rim Territories. (SWJ6)
presumably, this is a typo in Jedi Search, which lists Arkayd (not Arakyd) as the manufacturer of the
Millennium Falcon's concussion missiles. (JS)
this man was a professor at the Mrlsst Academy, before he became infamous for leading the Justice
Action Network cell on Mrlsst. He was a gifted speaker, and was known to orate at length against the
Empire. He had nearly forty years of research and teaching experience at the Mrlsst Academy at the time
of the Battle of Endor. (LOE)
Arkonne III
a planet. (TBSB)
Arkos, Seb
this skeletally-thin man was the owner of Arky's Emporium of Forgotten Treasures, located in the city of
Xakrea on Darkknell. He went most often by the nickname "Arky," and was a close associate of Booster
Terrik before Booster was sent to Kessel. He was known in criminal circles as a pretty good forger, and
even spent some time in the spice mines of Kessel after an arrest. (TFNR)
this specially-bred piece of bio-technology was developed as an organic heat source by the Yuuzhan
Vong. (FH1)
Arkudan Gaming Cubes
these ancient dice were rumored to give their user good luck. (KB)
this alien was a member of the Alliance, and was a native of a planet bathed with ultraviolet light. Arkvis
was a member of the staff at Oracle Base, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (FBS)
this New Republic Navy officer served as the task force coordinator under Etahn A'baht, as part of the
Fifth Battle Group. Arky helped plan the initial blockade of the planet Doornik-319, also known as
Morning's Bell. (SOL)
Arky's Emporium of Forgotten Treasures
this antique dealership was owned and operated by Seb Arkos in the city of Xakrea, on the planet
Darkknell. It was located at 24335 East Ryloth Street. (TFNR)
this Imperial Navy Colonel served aboard the Lusankya, under the command of Joak Drysso. Arl was in
command of the ship's starfighter squadrons. (BW)
a pleasure yacht on which Lando Calrissian's rented navigation droid last served. The droid was rented
by Lando in the Oseon System in order to get him to the Rafa System, some years before the Battle of
Yavin. (LCM)
Arleil Schous
this aging male Defel served as one of the Alliance's primary contacts on Tatooine. He was well-regarded
as a leader in Mos Eisley's alien community. His advancing age had dimished his ability to warp light, so
he was unable to hide in the shadows like younger Defel. (CCG6)
this was one of the many months observed during the year on the planet Velmor. (WOTC)

this ancient Coynite warrior was the son of Toral, and took his father's beliefs in the En'Tra'Sol to heart.
He channeled the natural agression of the Coynites into a rigid code of conduct by slightly revising the
laws and uniting the Coynites under a single leader. He also established the first Coynite mercenary
units. (PG3)
this immense, reptilian predator was native to the planet Nubia. Resembling an elongated, armored bull,
the armadid was a vicious beast whose tail ended in a huge claw. Its toothy maw was protected by a pair
of long, curving tusks, and each of its four legs ended in a huge, three-talon foot. (WOTC, CCW)
this was an immense, humanoid race. Each Armalat hand had just three fingers. (APS)
Armament Rating
this was the scale on which the offensive nature of a starship can be measured. The basic scale is: 0 = no
weaponry, 1 = light defensive weapons only, 2 = light defensive and offensive capabilities, 3 = medium
defensive and offensive capabilities, 4 = heavy defensive and offensive capabilities (SS)
Armand, Lazarus
this New Republic agent was the second in command of Sector Intelligence in the Kalinda System. He
was instrumental in hiring smugglers to assist in Project Second Chance. (TSK)
a planet. (MDCAR)
Armatin the Dread
this retired smuggler owned the slava bar in Esau's Ridge, on Tholatin, during the Black Fleet Crisis. (TT)
this man was supposedly the son of Sleightan, who made his fortune as an independent spacer.
Sleightan claimed that Armbrus was unjustly imprisoned by an overzealous Imperial customs officer, who
said that the only thing Sleightan could have from Armbrus' ship was the protocol droid L7-BO. (SWJ11)
manufacturers of shipboard ion and laser weapons. (SCRE)
Armond, Aleq
this man was a research scientist who taught at the Corulag Academy. He worked directly with Sienar
Fleet Systems to develop advanced ion drive systems for TIE Fighters. (SWJ7)
an Imperial shuttle used during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Armored Caterpillar
this Alderaanian insect was the larval stage of a furry, large-winged moth. The armored caterpillar
burrows underground and remains hidden there for up to twelve years in a thick cocoon. These insects
were the primary food source for many of Alderaan's bird species. (ISU)
Armored Defense Platform
any of the heavily-armed, orbital stations used to protect a planet or system from invasion. (HTTE)
Armored Eel
a large, segmented terrestrial slug native to the moon Yavin 4, the armored eel was a wide, flat head
dominated by high eye-ridges. (ISU)
Armored Heartbreak
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It has first released as part of the compilation

Limited Warfare, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Armored Rat
a large, hard-plated rodent native to the underground levels of Coruscant. (DMSH)
Armored Vrblther
this was one of the few subspecies of vrblthers which remained native to the planet Varl. This species
evolved a thick, armored skin over the generations, as a result of remaining on the planet's surface and
eking out an existence in the radiation-blasted ecosystem. These hunch-backed bipeds were essentially
reptilian in nature, resembling the base-stock vrblthers which were transported to Nar Shaddaa and Nal
Hutta. However, the claws of the armored vrblther were extremely sharp, and their tails were studded with
sharp spikes. One unusual aspect of this creature was the fact that the armored scales we thick enough
that radioactive materials sometimes became lodged in between them, making them mobile sources of
radiation. Armored vrblthers survived by attacking and eating anything in their paths, although they
usually fed on the Nikto and Twi'lek nomads which lived on Varl's surface. (WOTC)
Armorers' Confederacy
this band og outlaw armorers and weapons technicians was originally based on the planet Xal 3, but was
run off the planet and forced to seek refuge in the Krasho Salt Rifts on the planet Sarafur during the last
years of the Old Republic. The Confederacy was known for its skills in repairing almost any form of
combat armor, and their custom designs were considered among the best in the Outer Rim. (GMR9)
this matte-black armor plating was used by many pirate groups during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (COD)
developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, armorweave fabric was used in the creation of
cloaks and jackets. These seemingly simply garments were capable of dissipating blaster bolts, and could
even repel small amounts of lightsaber energy. (VD2)
Armory Droid
another term for a gladiator droid or other military training automaton. (E1A1)
Arms Emporium
this business was owned by Masse Goskey during the height of the New Order. It was located in the city
of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. It was situated on Paradise Road, just off Spacers Row. (IWST)
Arms Load-Out Permit
this Imperial document was one of a number of documents required from any spacer who plied the
spacelanes during the New Order. The procedures for obtaining the certification were documented in the
Spacer's Information Manual. Known as an ALP, this document provided information on the current
weapons and armament of the starship it was issued to. (SWJ9)
Armudu Spice
this spice complimented the flavor of both food and tobacco, especially carababba tabac. Niles Ferrier
used armudu spice when he rolled his cigarras, and the combination of aromas made Ferrier's presence
well-known in confined areas. (DFR)
this bounty hunter was known for his poetry, and often wrote epitaphs for his acquisitions. (GG10)
Army of Honor
this was one of the most popular, pro-Imperial holo-vids produced during the height of the New Order.
Army of Life

this illegal group of ecological terrorists rose to prominence in the wake of the Battle of Naboo. Led by a
mysterious figure known only as the Paladin, their goal was to "resurrect primitive ecosystems across the
galaxy. To this end, they planned to export a freighter full of clodhoppers from Naboo to Stend IV, where
they could wreak havoc with the Gran settlements. When greeting of leaving each other, members of the
Army of Life would say "For the Life." This may be the same group as the Knights of the Core, since they
had the same goals and aims. (WOA2, SON)
Army of Light
this was the name used by the Jedi to describe the war force dispatched to Ruusan, under the command
of Lord Hoth, to fight against Lord Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness. In the final battle for Ruusan,
the Sith unleashed a thought bomb, which obliterated every member of the Army of Light. (ECH)
Army of Terror
this was the final result of Project Starscream, had it ever succeeded. Borborygmus Gog had planned to
develop an army of biological constructs which was quick to generate, was immune to the Force and
could obtain sustenance from its victims. All earlier steps in the project were geared toward the creation
of the army. Gog had implanted into the brain of each construct an explosive device, which could be
detonated if the army ran amok. The plans for the army were scuttled when Gog was killed on Kiva and
the only surviving member of the army, a being known as Eppon, was destroyed by Gog. (GOF6)
Army of the Republic
this was a shortened name for the Grand Army of the Republic, which was formed to combat the
Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. (MTS, HNN4)
Arnae, Dwin
this thin, mousy Imperial officer was a driven perfectionist who had hoped to set an Imperial record for the
most successful apprehensions of suspected customs violators. His other goal was to set the record for
most successful prosecutions against those customs violators. An extraordinary individual in his own
eyes, Arnae's perfectionist attitude got him thrown out of the Imperial Navy when he uncovered some
infractions on the part of his superiors. Rather than bring the matter to further attention, his commanding
officer had him removed to the Sector Interdiction office on Travnin. In order to meet his own goals which his superiors cared little for, since they were all more worried about the Alliance - Arnae continually
scoured the Minos Cluster, keeping his highly-disgruntled crew on missions for months at a time. (GG6)
Arner Figgis
a respected Issoria scholar, Arner taught anthropology and archaeology at the University of Be'Nal
despite never truly experiencing either activity. He was also one of the few aliens ever to teach at the
Imperial Academy of Science and Methodology. Figgis wrote a basic guide on the Old Corellian
language, known as Old Corellian: A Guide for the Curious Scholar. (SWJ7, SWJ12)
this Imperial Lieutenant was in command of the lead AT-ST scout walker assigned to Tempest Squadron,
in defense of the shield generators garrisoned on the forest moon of Endor during the construction of the
second Death Star. A combat veteran, Arnet commanded a prototype AT-ST under the command of
General Veers during the Battle of Hoth. During the Battle of Endor, Arnet was assigned to devise a
counterattack to any rebel activity which captured the shield generator bunker. (CCG10)
Arnjak, Baljos
this man, who appeared to be a native of Coruscant, was a member of the New Republic's Wraith
Squadron. He served as the team's biological expert, and was one of the few beings with extensive
experience in the Yuuzhan Vong physiology. Arnjak's knowledge and skills were the reasons he was
chosen as one of the Wraiths chosen to accompany Luke Skywalker on a mission to infiltrate Coruscant,
after the Yuuzhan Vong captured the planet. Arnjak had managed to develop his own ooglith masquers,
designed to resemble Yuuzhan Vong warriors when worn by New Republic agents. When the mission
was completed, it was Arnjak who chose remain behind on Coruscant, which had been terraformed into a
simulacrum of the long-long Yuuzhan Vong homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. He let loose a number of fungus
droids that allowed him to gather information from across the planet, and made regular reports back to

the Republic's commanders. It was Arnjak's report on the return of the Prophet, Yu'shaa, that prompted
Kenth Hamner and the few remaining Jedi Knights to launch another mission to Coruscant, this time to
talk to the Prophet about what happened on Zonama Sekot. Unknown to even his commanders, Arnjak
had also managed to make contact with the Shamed Ones who flocked to the words of the prophet
Yu'shaa, and had altered them to the possibility that the Galactic Alliance might try to retake Coruscant.
When the attempt actually occurred, and Judder Page led an infiltration team to Coruscant's remade
surface, Arnjak and his rebels were able to seek them out and provide assistance. (EL1, UF)
this male Zeltron was the King of his people, at the time of the Battle of Endor. He and his wife, Queen
Leonie, held a huge gala for the victorious Alliance, but the party was stormed by a gang of Nagai.
Unknown to most of the revelers, the planet Zeltros was under attack by three separate entities at the
same time: the Nagai, the Tofs, and the Hiromi. The Hiromi invasion only managed to gain control of the
royal kitchen, but the combined forces of the Alliance, the Zeltrons, and the Hiromi managed to smash the
other invasion operations and keep Zeltros free. (EGA, MC104, PH)
this grizzled old man was one of the original colonists who came to Tatooine. He became a friend of Adar
Tallon, and was targeted by Jodo Kast during the hunt for Tallon. Arno managed to escape, and helped
the Alliance locate Tallon. (TM)
this stormtrooper served under Lesim on the Forest Moon of Endor, and was one of the troopers who
brought in Luke Skywalker, after he surrendered. (MTS)
this Imperial Navy pilot was one of the pilots who pursued the Millennium Falcon through the Hoth
asteroid belt following the Battle of Hoth. (MTS)
this Imperial General maintained a TIE Defender production facility on an unspecified world during the
early years of the New Republic. He fancied himself a warlord in training, having broken from the Empire
shortly after the Battle of Endor. His ability to lead a force was threatened when Ysanne Isard - having
survived her own death at the Battle of Thyferra - tried to take command of the facility. Arnothian refused,
but had neither the strength nor the will to fight against her. In the end, Isard had him executed for
insubordination, and she took control of his facility. (IR)
a small farming community on Tatooine, named for the leader of the original Tatooine settlers. It averaged
about 350 beings, and was located just south of Bestine. (GG7)
Arnthout Pass
this rocky roadway led travelers through the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine. (GG7)
Arnthout, Melnea
this woman was the leader of the first colony ships to land on Tatooine. She was faced with a number of
problems upon landing on the desert world, including the crash of the supply ship Dowager Queen. She
rallied her people, and eked out a settlement from the unforgiving land. She established the Bestine
settlement, and opened a dialogue with the local Jawas, who were already living on the planet. They
agreed to help the humans, and the colony eventually prospered. Later, Fort Tusken and Motesta were
established, although Fort Tusken was abandoned after a Sandperson attack. (GG7)
this small droid manufacturer, based in the Corellian System, was founded by Lirran Aro and specialized
in the production of security droids. Aro was put out of business, however, by bad publicity. After it was
learned that Aro security droids had been reprogrammed to assassinate a noted Corellian official, public
sentiment and corporate confidence dropped signifcantly, and Aro was forced to declare bankruptcy.

Aro, Lirran
the founder and chief designer of the droid manufacturing corporation Aro, this man retired to Selonia
after the corporation went bankrupt. (FTD)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'rob added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this series of security droids, produced by Aro, had a humanoid structure which stood nearly two meters
tall. They were known to be extremely loyal to their owners, and were capable of a wide range of
autonomous action. However, they were deemed "too lethal for commercial sale" during the New Order,
despite the fact that the stock Aro-GX was only armed with a pair of wrist blasters. (SWJ1, FTD)
Aroma Disseminator
this is a special device that is usually an option on most higher-level droids, such as protocol droids.
Aroma disseminators exude an odor which is pleasant to the smell of its owners. (GMH)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Manda. (HNN4)
a species of poisonous succulent plant, shaped like a cactus. (TME)
this planet was covered with dense, temperate jungles. It was homeworld of the Blagwahr and Moggonite
races. (T1)
this was the general term used to describe any ground-based militia which entered a battlezone by
dropping from the air, using disposable repulsor packs to quickly reach the ground. Arpitroopers - the
phonetic description of an RP Trooper - were common in those local and planetary militia which were
supplied by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the Clone Wars. (SHPT, SS2)
Arpor, Weggit
this man was Nim Zanti's lieutenant, at least to all outward appearances. In reality, Weggit was a Tenloss
Syndicate officer who kept watch over Zanti's actions end ensured that they were in line with Tenloss'
operational goals. A former smuggling boss who rose through the ranks of Ororo Transportation, Weggit
later worked for Galindas Exports as a logistics expert. (SPG)
this humanoid race was noted for its horned eyebrow ridges and a pair of short horns on its chin. (AIR)
this ferocious, warm-blooded predator was native to the planet Pellastrallas, and was considered one of
the most vicious predators in all of Agarix Sector. A solitary hunter, the arqet resembled a large, armorplated horse, with a pair of curved horns sprouting from its temples. The feet of an arqet ended in heavy
hooves, which gave it the sure-footedness to maneuver in Pellastrallas' mountains. (COG)
literally meaning "Land of the Fallen Ones of Valor," this vast Coynite cemetary was located outside the
capital of En'Tra'Tal. An honor guard of four Coynite warriors guarded the grounds, dressed in full regalia
to indicate the importance of the location. Any member of Coynite society who died in battle was buried
there, as well as those non-Coynite warriors who died in the service of the Mercenary Guild of Coyn or
Coyn itself. (PG3)

this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "traveler".
Arr, Kodo
this middle-aged man proclaimed himself to be the best smuggler in the galaxy, when he arrived on the
floating city of Tolea Biqua during the height of the Clone Wars. Distinguished by his close-cropped, white
hair and his boisterous personality, Kodo Arr claimed to have survived the rigors of learning the
smuggling trade on Nar Shaddaa, which gave him the right to assume the title of best smuggler in the
galaxy. He made a number of moonside runs in a heavily-modified T-16 skyhopper, andonce tried to drag
a crate filled with goods through the lower levels of the moon's skyscrapers. The heavy crate began to
tear the skyhopper's rearend off, so he tried to slow down, forgetting that the crate's inertia would not be
stopped by the T-16's brakes. He improvised a makeshift deflector shield using old droideka parts he
found in his hold, and barely got their shield generators running when the crate hit the skyhopper. Not
many beings believed this story, but Kodo Arr never stopped telling it. (LFCW)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "fur",
"hide", or "shield". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a
complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
Arra Desert
this vast desert was located on the planet Sorrus. It was formed when the government dammed up a
nearby water source, draining the area of water more than twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. (EVE)
this was one of the six major continents found on the planet Celanon. (PG1)
Arrak Snake
a native Ithorian reptile, the arrak snake was distinguished by its green eyes and brightly-feathered
scales. (TME, BF5)
this planet was notorious for its run-down urban areas. (COG)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Arranda, Tash
an orphan from the planet Alderaan, Tash and her younger brother Zak traveled the galaxy with their
strange uncle Hoole after their parents were killed when the Empire destroyed their homeworld. The
children had been away on a field trip when the destruction occurred. The three were wanted by the
Empire for a number of supposed crimes. Tash was thirteen at the time she began to notice a sensitivity
to the Force. She was taken in by the B'omarr monk Grimpen, who drew her into his plans by making her
believe she was one of the most enlightened beings of her generation. However, she was simply drawn
into an elaborate scheme in which Jabba the Hutt had been using B'omarr techniques to transfer the
brains of the galaxy's worst criminals into other bodies. Tash ended up with the brain of Karkas after the
original host escaped, and promptly killed Commander Fuzzel. Hoole managed to get her brain back into
her own body after stopping Grimpen and returning several ancient scrolls to the B'omarr monks. She
later used a red-gemstone necklace - give to her by her mother - as a way to concentrate on the Force.
(GOF1, GOF7, GOF11)
Arranda, Zak
this orphan, once a native of the planet Alderaan, traveled the galaxy with his sister, Tash, and their
uncle, Hoole. Hoole took care of the children after their parents were killed when the first Death Star
destroyed Alderaan. The children had been away on a field trip when the destruction occurred. The three
were wanted by the Empire for a number of supposed crimes. Zak was a little over a year younger than

Tash, and while he had some affinity for the Force, Zak was extremely adept with technology. He could
return most computers and systems to working order, given the right parts and some time. Zak was
declared clinically dead when they stopped on the planet Necropolis to purchase a new starship. After
befriending Kairn, Zak was drawn into Doctor Evazan's plans to create armies of reanimated zombies. He
injected Zak with the diluted juice of cryptberries, then injected him with reanimation serum. Zak was then
buried, and Evazan hoped that the boneworms would soon begin burrowing into his body to locate bone
marrow. It was Zak who discovered that the B'omarr monk Grimpen was working with Jabba the Hutt to
transfer criminal brains into new bodies, and rescued his sister from a similar fate while in the crimelord's
palace on Tatooine. (GOF1, GOF7, GOF11)
Arrandle Mountains
this low range of mountains was located on Sevarcos, on the north side of the Desert of Kariste. (SWJ12)
Arrant, Jurnel
this man, a native of the planet Corellia, was the chief executive officer of the Lommite Limited mining
corporation during the era leading up to the Battle of Naboo. A handsome man of middle age, Arrant was
frustrated by Lommite Limited's inability to counteract the industrial sabotage of his biggest rival,
InterGalactic Ores, against the operations on Dorvalla. He ordered his chief officer, Patch Bruit, to hire
independent mercenaries to cause problems for InterGalactic. Unfortunately for Arrant, the feud between
the two corporations was manipulated by Darth Sidious in such a way that Lommite Limited and
InterGalactic Ores destroyed themselves, leaving the lommite mines open to the Trade Federation. Arrant
believed that Hath Monchar was responsible for the death and destruction which swept both Lommite
Limited and InterGalactic Ores, until he was shown evidence of outside tampering. In the end, he was
forced to merge with InterGalactic Ores and turn over control of Dorvalla to the Trade Federation. Note
that the Ultimate Alien Anthology indicates that Jurnel Arrant was a Neimoidian. (DMS, UANT)
this beefy, black-bearded man was the leader of the Blood Nest bandit group, based on the third moon of
M2398. He despised Captain Darillian. (WS)
an Imperial freighter destroyed by Keyan Farlander during his first tour of duty as an X-Wing pilot. (XW)
Arrejis Mellaha
this Squib ran Serooin's Gear, on the planet Betha II, shortly after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Mellaha, like many aliens who lived in the Outer Rim at this point in galactic history, was wary of the
presence of humans or the New Republic. However, he harbored neither group any ill-will. In fact, he was
prospering from selling illegal goods to his patrons, primarily because of bans imposed by the Republic.
While not directly cooperating, Mellaha helped a group of Republic agents search out the Kaarenth
Dissension by warning them to stay away from certain areas of Betha II's primary starport. (SWJ8)
Arrest Tentacles
developed by the Yuuzhan Vong, arrest tentacles were the bio-technological equivalent of a tractor beam.
They could be extended from a starship, primarily the matalok cruiser-analog, in order to grasp and
control a smaller vessel. (SBS)
this Imperial bulk cruiser was assigned to Admiral Greelanx. It served as part of the front attack line
during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. Drea Renthal managed to destroy this ship by launching a series of
concussion missiles into her flanks, then pummeling the ship with turbolaser fire. (THG)
Arrgaw System
this system is located on the Harrin Trade Corridor, between the Lahopa and Lazerian Systems. (TSK)
native to the planet Cularin, this vine seemingly grew overnight out of dead or decaying plant material.
The spores of the arrgrar were carried in the digestive system of a species of rat, and then deposited

beneath the compost. The arrgrar vine grew quickly, entwining any other plantlife and inserting tiny
tendrils into its host to suck water and nutrients from it. The host died quickly, along with arrgrar, but the
arrgrar dropped its spores before it died, thereby ensuring the continuation of the species. (WOTC)
meaning "singing", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "mighty"
or "strong", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.
(GMR10, GCG)
Chewbacca obtained this false identity from a Tsyklen on Nar Hekka, shortly after he joined Han Solo.
this Kurtzen was a worker at the Bakuran Senate Complex during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. He was also a good friend of the Ryn informant, Goure, and provided a wealth of
information about the tunnels and chambers beneath the complex. Arrizza had no political affiliations, so
he cared little for either the Bakuran government, the Freedom movement, or the New Republic. Thus,
when Goure asked for his help in locating Jaina Solo, Arrizza agreed to help Goure and Tahiri Veila
infiltrate the Complex. Later, Arrizza used his strange connection to the life-energy of the Force to help
Tahiri learn to live in peace with the Riina Kwaad personality that had been implanted in her mind by
Mezhan Kwaad. (FH2)
this Bothan served as a Lieutenant in the New Republic, and was stationed aboard the Ralroost as the
communications officer, under the command of Admiral Kre'fey during the Yuuzhan Vong occupation of
Garqi. She was later killed during the Battle of Ithor, when a Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper got past the
Ralroost's failing shields and exploded on the bridge. (DTR)
Arrogant One, The
see Arrogantus, Serji-X (GMR4)
Arrogantus, Serji-X
a native of Caprioril, this swoop racer challenged Ignar Ominaz in many races and championships, during
the last years of the Old Republic. He had been given the nickname of "The Arrogant One" because of his
disregard for the rules and hazards of swoop racing. Arrogantus considered Ominaz to be a plodding sort
of racer with little hope of actually remaining champion. However, after Arrogantus himself was defeated
several times by Hodrix, he found himself without a manager or a sponsor. He raced one last time, but his
desparate attempt to win the race led to a nasty crash. Arrogantus suffered severe trauma to the head,
and was forced to abandon his racing career. Years later, Arrogantus became the gang leader of the hilldwelling Cloud Riders, and was overtaking the planet Aduba-3 when Han Solo and Chewbacca were
stranded there. He was eventually overthrow by Solo, Jaxxon, and their band of adventurers, when
Merri's grandfather called forth the Behemoth from the crust of the planet. Rather than surrender, Serji-X
flew his skyspeeder directly at the grandfather. The Behemoth, in an effort to kill Serji-X, crushed both
men under its huge, clawed foot. Note that this character is also referred to as Sergi-X. (MC8, HNN5,
MC9. MC10, GMR4)
an Aratech airspeeder popular in the Outer Rim. (TFE)
one of Aratech's landspeeders, the Arrow-23 was designed for use by adventurers and guides who
needed to get into the wilderness. It was protected by military-grade armor and blast-resistant windows.
Despite these measures, the 8.1-meter-long Arrow-23 was surprisingly comfortable, and was one of the

fastest civilian speeders on the market during the height of the New Order. The Arrow-23 was also easily
customized, with a wide range of options for communications, comfrot, and weapons. The Alliance
modified these craft extensively, adding a laser cannon and a concussion grenade launcher to move up
to 5 troopers into a hot battle zone. (RASB, AEG)
Arroway, Cheln
this man worked for Tern Ashandrik as hired muscle, protecting Ashandrik's interests on the planet
Seregar. (ND)
an Alliance Lambda-class shuttle used to evacuate key personnel from Briggia, when it was attacked as
part of Operation Strike Fear. (XW)
this Twi'lek woman was the chosen companion of the Najib Lathaam, until he mistakenly angered Adalric
Brandl by not allowing him to leave the planet Najiba during its passage through the surrounding asteroid
belt. Brandl used the Dark Side of the Force to strangle Arruna and kill her without touching her. (TFE)
Ars Fivvle
this Ugnaught, a member of the Isced tribe, worked as a reporter for Action Tidings on Cloud City, during
the height of the New Order. Fivvle had been with the network for nearly a century at the time of the
Battle of Hoth, and was known for his ability to snoop out good stories. He was also known for his selflove, and many other reporters often said that he was the unofficial president of the Ars Fivvle fan club.
He seemed to have a way of making himself the center of any story, although his reporting was generally
considered to be in-depth and informative nonetheless. He was leaked information about the Ugnaught
rebellion against Imperial Governor Treece, in the wake of Lando Calrissian's flight from Cloud City, some
months after the Battle of Hoth. Fivvle and his team planned to record the eventual destruction of Cloud
City, as a testament to the fortitude of the Ugnaught people. Note that Marvel Comics' Star Wars series,
issue 57, depicts Fivvle and his team hiding out on the surface of Bespin, which was a swampy marsh
filled with liquified gases, while waiting for the bombs to explode. Several years after the Battle of Endor,
Fivvle retired to the Ugnaught outpost of Ugnorgrad, although he remained the most popular figure of
Action Tidings. His holodocumentary, Ugnaughts' Progress, was so popular on Bespin that it was
eventually picked up and distributed to newsnets across the galaxy, and earned him a great many honors
from broadcast agencies. This, of course, only added to his self-described legend. (MC57, PH)
Ars Opus
an Imperial freighter which was carrying a cargo of R2 astromech droids, it was overtaken by pirates but
later captured by the Alliance. In what appeared to be a planned maneuver, some of the R2 units were
programmed to be remotely controlled. When they were used by Alliance starpilots, they suddenly lost
control of their ships and were captured. (XW)
developed by the Jedi Knights, this salt-like material was used to counteract the adhesive effects of
blorash jelly. (SBS)
a planet. (SWJ10)
Art Beyond Dying
this was the name of the "glorious conception" honorable Blood Carvers could experience after their
physical bodies died. Once the physical body was killed, the Blood Carver moved forward into the
afterlife, reborn in a more wondrous form. Many heinous crimes, especially those which bring dishonor to
one's family, result in a warrior's exclusion from the list of those allowed to experience the Art. (RP)
Art Galaxy Roundup
this was one of the many newsfeed articles written by Pertaal Shenvehr. Like his other columns, it
contained coded messages and phrases that allowed him to pass information to Alliance field agents.

Art of Movement
this Jedi training exercise put a student into an obstacle course filled with lines of light, as well as a
multitude of bouncing points of light. The idea was to move from one side of a room to the other, avoiding
the various lights which kept moving around the room. The goal was to hone the student's reflexes while
enhancing their agility. (JQ3)
Art of the Small
this technique of utilizing the power of the Force was discovered and refined by the Fosh Jedi Knight,
Vergere, during her five decades of imprisonment with the Yuuzhan Vong. Vergere's personal study and
introspection transcended the traditional definitions of a light side and a dark side to the Force. Instead,
she found a wild form of the Force and a more controlled form. This definition, which simply stated the the
Force exists and can be controlled, led her to the discovery of the Art of the Small. Using this technique,
Vergere could make herself "small", in such a way that she was barely recognizable within the Force. This
allowed her to fool her Yuuzhan Vong captors into believing that she was not, in fact, a Jedi Knight. It also
allowed her to manipulate individual molecules within her body to affect tiny chemical changes. Thus,
Vergere could alter her own tears to become healing fluids or poisons. (WOTC)
an Imperial Security Bureau agent who worked with Wallace Fisk on Demophon. (SN)
Artery Worm
this tiny, vicious worm was native to the planet Dathomir. During the Old Republic, the Witches of
Dathomir raised artery worms to feed to their victims. When ingested, an artery worm will burrows through
its host's veins, turning them to molten fire as it digests them. (SWIE)
Artesian Space Collage
an art form which consists of hanging objects suspended around a central point of interest. (TNR)
this planet was originally colonized by the Ithorians, but was not governed by the Ithorians. Shortly before
the Battle of Naboo, it was believed that the terrorist group known as The Flail was going to launch a
major operation on Arthon. (WOTC)
Articles of Secession
this was the formal documentation package which was developed shortly before the Clone Wars, for use
by those planets which chose to secede from the Old Republic in order to join the Confederacy of
Independent Systems. (HNN4)
Articles of the Hawk-bats
this ficticious set of by-laws supposedly governed the actions of the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force.
Artificial Gravity
most often used in spacestations and starships, artificial gravity is produced by special gravity generators
to create the illusion of gravity where there exists no gravitational force, such as in deep space. (HSE)
Artillery Remote
this device is used by military field personnel to remotely fire heavy artillery weapons. (CCG3)
Artistic Integrity
this musical compilation by the band The Emperor's New Clothes featured a song that was also entitled
Artistic Integrity. It was written to goad the band Red Shift Limits, who released an anti-Imperial cover of
the TENC song, Totally Patriotic. (GG9)
Artom's Crest

located on the molten moon of Rennokk, this was the tallest spire of solid rock found on the moon. It was
named for Reidi Artom, who discovered that the spire was the only permanent surface feature on
Rennokk. (LFC)
Artus Prime
this planet was mined by several operations for a variety of ores and minerals, until Imperial forces took
control of the planet. The Imperial forces garrisoned the planet and took control of the mines in an effort
to supply raw materials for the work of Admiral Galak Fyyar. Kyle Katarn managed to infiltrate the
operation shortly after the Battle of Endor, rendering the mines inoperable and temporarily halting Fyyar's
work. Kyle also freed the prisoners who were being forced to work in the mines. (SWI69, JK2)
Artzam Hathan
this male Ugnaught was believed to have stolen secret plans and schematics from Sienar Fleet Systems,
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. With the help of his colleague, Alby Ermad, Artzam made
off with several disks worth of documentation and fled to the Outland Transit Station. However, a bounty
had been placed on both Ugnaughts' head for their arrest and return to Sienar. Jango Fett collected the
bounty on both of them. (BH)
Aruden Kej
this Jedi Knight was a noted starfighter pilot, and was part of the task force assigned to the Monitor III
during the attempt to smash a band of Iridium Pirates which was harassing Old Republic shipping
convoys near Vuchelle. After the Monitor III took heavy damage from a blast of the pirates' power gem,
Aruden Kej and his fellow pilots took to space in the Aethersprite-class fighters designed for the Jedi.
However, Kej was killed in the battle to save the Monitor III. (HNN4)
Aruk Besadii Aora
this Hutt was one of the most powerful members of the Besadii clan. A sibling of Zavval, it was Aruk who
placed his nephew Kibbick in control of the Ylesian spice processing facility. Almost 900 years of age at
the time of the inception of the New Order, Aruk was so corpulent that he was unable to perform simple
movements. Aruk and Jiliac were the two most wealthy and powerful Hutts of their age, and they were
continually striving to outdo each other in terms of profits. Aruk gave birth to the disfigured Hutt called
Durga, and raised the child in the face of opposition from many other Hutts. When Jiliac realized that Aruk
was going to cut off the supply of spice and slaves from Ylesia, he contacted Teroenza. The two devised
a scheme in which poisoned nala-tree frogs - a favorite delicacy of Aruk's - were fed to the old Hutt. Aruk
consumed the frogs with abandon until his system could no longer take the abuse. Aruk died form the
continual poisoning, and his nephew, Durga, suspected foul play. Durga had Aruk's body frozen and sent
to Coruscant for an autopsy, where the poison was identified and isolated. (THG, RD, NEGC)
this was a distniguished member of the Pacithhip society. (UANT)
Arunskin 32
a cargo skiff manufactured by GoCorp. It was tougher than the Bantha II skiff, without sacrificing cargo
capacity. It measured 17.2 meters in length. (TME, GG7)
this ancient Jedi Master was teaching Set Harth when Lord Hoth rallied the forces of the Jedi for the
Battle of Ruusan. Rather than take his apprentice to Ruusan, Aru-Wen chose to leave Set Harth on
Coruscant. Unfortunately, Aru-Wen was killed when Lord Kaan set off the Sith thought bomb. (DSSB)
this planet, the homeworld of the Aruzan race, was subjugated by the Empire. It had five moons. (TBH)
this fair, blue-skinned race of humanoids was native to the planet Aruza. The Aruzans had rounded heads
covered with blue hair so dark it appears black. They had a form of group mind, which was accessed via
an access port implanted behind their ears called an Attanni. They also were incapable of performing

violence, and were easily subjugated by the Empire. Certain members of the race were taken to
COMPNOR Redesign camps. There, their brains were heavily modified by surgical, chemical, and
cybernetic techniques to turn them into a slave race of warriors. The Aruzans hired Dengar to eliminate
Sinick Kritkeen, in an effort to remove the Imperial yoke. (TBH)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this was a common name among the Talz race. (UANT)
Ar'wa Nonshik
this Aramandi mercenary worked for the Antar Band during the height of the Galactic Civil War. A former
member of the Cirra akia, he was a longtime friend of Ujin Voli. During his career on Aram, Ar'wa was a
guard for a low-level bureaucrat, and was never quite sure what his employer did for a living. After his
boss was found dead, Ar'wa was approached by Ujin Voli and offered a position with the Antar Band. He
remained loyal to Voli and the Band throughout their rivalry with Sprax and Black Sun. (SSR)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Arwen Cohl
this notorious Mirialan pirate was hired by the militant wing of the Nebula Front, during the last decades of
the Old Republic, to harass Trade Federation convoys. He controlled the pirate group from his modified
Tempest-class gunship, the Hawk-Bat. Cohl was a native of the same planet as Luminara Unduli, and
bore facial and hand tattoos similar to those of the Jedi Master. He was known on his homeworld as a
freedom fighter who made many sacrifices to help his people gain their independence. However, soon
after his people gained their freedom, Arwen was accused of conspiring against his people, and
sentenced to prison. He managed to escape from prison with the help of some friends, and vowed to
have his revenge against those who imprisoned him. He became a mercenary and avenged himself quite
strongly before setting out as a pirate. Many years later, Captain Cohl and his crew managed to infiltrate
the Trade Federation freighter Revenue shortly before the Battle of Naboo, capturing the freighter's load
of lommite and aurodium ingots. Unknown to Cohl, his actions were being tracked by the Republic and
the Jedi Knights. After securing the aurodium ingots from the Revenue, Cohl and his infiltration team
faked their own destruction by flying toward the explosion of the Trade Federation ship and hiding near
the pole of Dorvalla. It was believed that Cohl's actions were actually part of Darth Sidious' plans to
garner sympathy for the Federation within the Republic. Cohl and his crew tried to reach Dorvalla, but
were shot down. Cohl himself managed to return to Asmeru, but the rest of his crew had either been killed
or left the crew. Cohl was then hired by Havac to put together a team of assassins to help alter the course
of events in the taxation of trade routes by the Republic by assassinating Chancellor Valorum on Eriadu.
However, when the Jedi caught wind of Cohl's activities, Havac was forced to take action to avoid
discovery of his own plans. Havac's forces intercepted Cohl's people on Eriadu, and a firefight broke out.
Cohl was shot and left for dead by Havac in the melee, in an attempt to implicate Cohl in Valorum's death.
With Boiny's help, Cohl was able to survive long enough to thwart Havac's plans. In another brief struggle,
Cohl and Havac shot each other. Cohl died from the multiple blaster wounds. (OWS, COD, SWDB)
Aryon, Kant
Tour Aryon's husband, Kant was a retired conman. He was born into the lap of luxury, growing up the son
of rich parents on Bethars. When he met Tour, he decided it was time to settle down. He became
completely devoted to her, and married her about eight years before the Battle of Endor. (GG7)
Aryon, Tour
this ebony-skinned female was the Imperial governor of Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. She was
a slave to fashion, and was always seen wearing the latest clothes. Her contributions to the planet
Tatooine were mainly cultural, despite her sharp intellect and quick wit. She had little regard for Mos
Eisley. Tour was a native of the planet Treylon II. (TJP, GG7)

this was the Snivvian word for "art." (HNN5)
Arystul Yoci
this was the name of a noted Umbaran individual. (UANT)
this flightless, predatory bird is native to the planet Cerea. It was quite large in size, standing taller than
most Cerean men. They are covered with white feathers broken by areas of blue and gray, and stride on
the ground on long, thin legs. Aryx have a huge beak which they use to bite, hold, and tear their prey. The
Cereans often domesticate the aryx for use as a mount, but they must always remember that the bird
could turn on them if mistreated. (PTR)
Aryx Slash
this was one of the many attack postures practiced by the warriors who trained in the teras kasi martial
arts. (HNN5)
this female Jedi Master was caught in the gravity well of the black holes that fill the Tyus Cluster. She
eventually died there, but remained in the Cluster as a disembodied spirit. When she encountered Kinnin
Vo-Shay in the Cluster, she recognized his Force-sensitivity and rescued him, then helped him escape
the Cluster. She also taught him how to contact and control the Force, and accompanied Vo-Shay when
he managed to break free of the Cluster. Vo-Shay, however, had no intentions of becoming a Jedi Knight.
After Vo-Shay met the young man named Nyo, Aryzah realized that Nyo was also Force-sensitive, and
agreed to help teach him about the Force. (TFNR)
a planet known for its macaab mushrooms, Arzid was the homeworld of the arachnor. It is also the site of
a small Imperial outpost, where Grand Moff Muzzer was sentenced to serve for five years among the
arachnors and tentacle-bushes. (PDS, EGA)
Asa Naga
this blue-skinned near-human worked for the Black Sun vigo Darnada during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. Distinguished by three forehead tattoos and a scar across his left eye, Asa Naga and the
Wookiee Gargachykk were sent by Darnada to hunt down Feen Fenoob and either obtain the credits that
the Sullustan owed to Darnada, or bring in his body. They were unable to recover the money, and were
resigned to bringing back the Sullustan's body when they discovered that Darth Maul had already killed
him. The two thugs brought Maul back to Darnada, only to have the Sith Lord execute the entire
assembly. Only Asa Naga survived, and he fled to Alexi Garyn's residence on Ralltiir to report on the
execution of Darnada. Unfortunately, Maul followed him to Garyn's residence, and the Sith Lord killed him
in an effort to eliminate any trace of his involvement. (DM)
Asaari tree
a tree native to Bimmisaari, it can move its leaves and roots, appearing to be somewhat mobile. (HTTE)
Asaari Wind
this modified PLY-3000 yacht was Ritinki's personal starship, which the Bimm purchased directly from
SoroSuub after extensive upgrades were compelted. It was designed to be both a pleasure craft and a
combat starship, with incredible speed and firepower. To this ebnd, Ritinki had a pair of military-grade
Sienar Fleet Systems drive systems installed. The Asaari Wind was then armed with a pair of light laser
cannons, a pair ofmedium ion cannons, two turret-mounted heavy laser cannons, and rear-mounted
turbolaser. The ship could carry up to ten passengers and seventy metric tons of cargo. Cecil Noone took
possession of the ship after surviving Ritinki's attack on Vop the Usurer aboard the Song of the Clouds,
after the Borogove was lost. (SWJ15)
Asador Leen
this being worked at the Xizor Transport Services refueling depot on Karnst, during the years leading up

to the Clone Wars. He was the Crew Chief on duty when the Moulee-Rah Patogga made an emergency
landing at the facility, only to be captured by law enforcement officials and Jedi Knights for carrying a hold
full of ryll spice. (HNN5)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Essowyn. It was located on the continent of Sorontill.
Asagov Raider
this modified Action IV transport was owned by Miktiss and the Des'maric Pirates. It was originally known
as the Cekbar Servant until it was captured by Miktiss and renamed. The ship was armed with eight ion
cannons and twelve double laser cannons, and was used by Miktiss to coordinate the actions of the three
Skipray BlastBoats within the Pirates' fleet. (DARK)
Asajj Ventress
a native of the planet Rattatak, this woman was a ruthless and cunning adversary, known for her military
expertise and her corrupt mastery over the Force. Her parents were murdered by Osika Kirske when she
was young, and might have died if not to the sudden appearance of Jedi Master Ky Narec. Master Narec
was stranded on Rattatak, and discovered her connection to the Force. Cut off from the Jedi Order, Narec
took it upon himself to train Ventress. After Narec was killed by Kirske, Ventress used her considerable
powers to gain power and authority on her homeworld, and eventually killed Kirske. She was discovered
later by Darth Tyranus, and was instrumental in his plans to lead the Separatists to victory. Despite the
fact that she was never trained in the Sith arts, she became one of his most trusted Commanders, and
wielded a pair of curved-handled ligthsabers which were similar to Tyranus' own weapon. When it was
learned that Jedi Master Mace Windu was traveling to Ruul to meet with the dissident Jedi Master Sora
Bulq, Tyranus ordered Ventress to go to Ruul and kill the dissidents. If cornered, she was to explain that
she had been hired by Master Windu, to help ensure that there would be no dissention among the Jedi.
She managed to injure Master Bulq and kill Mira, and she openly stated that she hoped Master Windu
would be pleased with her work. She then turned her attention to destroying Master Bulq's followers,
hoping to ensure that the Jedi Order was discredited. She was unable, however, to defeat Master Windu
in battle, and opted to flee Ruul and fight another day. Ventress later was teamed with the bounty hunter
Durge, during the Separatist attack on the moon of Ohma-D'un. They had hoped to launch a second
attack on naboo, after Ohma-D'un was destroyed, but Republic forces led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin
Skywalker interrupted their plans. As Durge tried to reach Naboo, Obi-Wan and Ventress battled with
their lightsabers in the swamps. Their battle ended in a draw, with Anakin arriving with clone troopers just
as Durge arrived to help Ventress escape. They fled to Queyta, where they were ordered to secure the
antidote to the swamp gas poison used on Ohma-D'un. Once again, Obi-Wan and the Jedi Knights
confronted them, but Ventress was in control of the antidote by then. She tried to flee, but was pursued by
Obi-Wan and Master Fay. It was Master Fay who used the Force to hurl shards of glass and metal at
Ventress, catching the Dark Jedi in the throat. Ventress had no skills in healing, and surrendered the
antidote to the Jedi. She didn't die, however, and stabbed Master Fay as they were fleeing. Once again,
Ventress and Durge fled the Jedi to return to Count Dooku. As the Clone Wars ground on, Ventress
issued substantial bounties on 82 members of the Jedi Order, all of them without the consent of the
Republic Office of Criminal Investigations, which allowed every bounty hunter in the galaxy to try and
capture them. This served two purposes. First, it helped eliminate many of the Jedi Knights. Second, it
kept the rest of the Jedi Order busy defending themselves from bounty hunters while they were trying to
bring an end to the conflict. She nearly killed Anakin Skywalker on Yavin 4 before escaping with her life,
then captured Obi-Wan Kenobi on Jabiim, hoping to present the Jedi Master to Count Dooku as a gift.
However, Obi-Wan managed to escape, taking Ky Narec's lightsaber with him. The loss of the weapon,
which had been a symbol of Ventress' only guiding example, left her with a broken sense of loyalty.
this continent, located on the planet Mutanda, was connected to Cel'Con by a thin bridge of land. (PG1)
Asamin System
this planetary system was located along the Essien Run. (AIR)

this was a common name among the Kushiban race. (UANT)
one of the main worlds of the Gree Enclave, Asation is home to the crafters of the Gree race. It is also the
gateway for visitors to the Enclave, as any being wishing to travel to one of the other Gree worlds must
board the Rokak'k Baran there. It is a wet, high-pressure world covered with slimy wetlands and primitive
jungles. It is believed that the Gree terraformed the world many millennia ago, using genetically-altered
lifeforms to populate it. The Gree who are born to this world are much shorter than those Gree born on
the homeworld of Gree. The average day on Asation lasts 18 standard hours, and its year encompasses
380 local days. (SWJ8)
an modular conveyor used to smuggle Imperial goods into the Sepan System, it was captured by the
Empire during the Sepan Civil War. (TIE)
A-scale Rating
this measurement system describes the proximity of a received starship transponder code to a match
within the Bureau of Ships and Services database. An A-1 match is a perfect match; the larger the value,
the poorer the match. Anything greater than A-3 is usually regarded as falsified. (CFG)
this is the outdated, Adumari form of a turbolift. (SOA)
Ascension Gun
this specialized version of the S-5 security blaster was often used by adventurers and scouts, although it
had many other practical uses. Primarily developed by Captain Panaka, the ascension gun used a
cylinder of compressed gas to project a heavy missile at a target. The missile could be tipped with a
number of barbed points or attached to a grappling hook, depending on the method of ascension desired.
Attached to the missile was a length of syntherope or other strong wire. The syntherope was then
attached to a small but powerful winch located on the ascension gun's barrel. Once the missile was
securley in position, the gun's user could activate the winch and be pulled upward to the missile. (TPM,
Asexual Professional Greenputt Tour
this was one of the primary series of greenputt matches held during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Only those greenputt players who lacked sexual organs were allowed to compete. Many sports historians
point to the formation of the APGT as the start of the sport's downward spiral into political correctness, as
a wide variation of leagues sprang up afterward. (HNN4)
this genetically engineered creature is used by the Lurrians to burrow subterranean cities inside glaciers.
this ball of searing rock was the second planet of the Belgaroth System. (CCW)
Ash Ore
a valuable substance (DRO)
according to Ewok legend, this was the name of a fierce huntress. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)

this red-furred Ewok huntress was the elder daughter of Chief Chirpa and Ra-Lee. Asha was raised by
the Corrina after she was separated from her sister, Kneesaa, when a hanadak captured her. Ra-Lee was
killed in the attack, and Kneesaa was left alone with her father. (ECAR, SWDB)
a native of Eiattu, he was a Sergeant in the People's Liberation Battalion. (XWWP)
Ashaar Khorda
this Annoo-Dat radical started a small rebellion on his homeworld of Annoo, shortly after the Old Republic
thwarted his attempt to take power for himself. General Khorda, a strong-willed being who didn't take well
to failure, tried to take control of Annoo using military forces he had usurped from the government, but the
Republic managed to install its own leader. General Khorda then went underground, fomenting rebellion
while searching for the Infant of Shaa. He proclaimed to be a freedom fighter, combatting the injustice
and tyranny of the Old Republic, and managed to gather a large following. General Khorda nearly
succeeded in destroying the Infant near Coruscant's central power core, but was killed in a struggle with
Jango Fett and the Jedi Master, Yarael Poof. (ZW)
this female was the sister of Elinda, the original lead singer for the band known as the Twisted Rancor
Trio. When Elinda refused to sing at Davik Kang's estate, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin,
Ashanda was hired by Gilthos Uksaris to replace her. (KOTOR)
Ashanda Ray
this modified MC-18 light freighter was owned by Kinnin Vo-Shay. The ship, with Kinnin at the helm,
supposedly disappeared in the Tyus Cluster some fifty years before the Battle of Endor. The ship was
designed and built by a Mon Calamari friend of Vo-Shay's, and was one-of-a-kind. Like all Mon Cal
designs, the Ashanda Ray had an organic look to it, resembling an ocean-dwelling creature more than a
starship. It was armed with a heavy triple-laser cannon, three proton torpedo launchers, and an ion
cannon. (TFNR, SWJ13)
Ashandrik, Tern
this man was wanted by TaggeCo for a number of of offenses, including theft, trespassing, and murder. A
bounty was placed on his head, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, and he fled to Seregar. On Seregar,
Ashandrik befriended the Marauders swoop gang, using them to deflect minimal interference from bounty
hunters. He employed the Twi'leki huntress Lliandri to lure more stubborn hunters to the Trigdale refinery
in the jungles near Storrd Township, where he had holed up. His knowledge of the refinery helped him
outwit other hunters, whom he eliminated at his leisure. Ashandrik managed to evade capture for a long
time. (ND)
Ashas Ree
this planet was located in what was once the ancient Sith Empire. Freedon Nadd fled to this planet, after
killing Matta Tremayne and succumbing to the Dark Side of the Force. (TOJC)
this planet is covered with water. (BGS)
this man was rumored to have been the best mechanic on the planet Rafft, during the early years of the
Galactic Civil War. (SWJ3)
Asher III
this Alliance maintained a staging base on this planet, until the Empire tracked them down and destroyed
the base shortly before the Battle of Hoth. (SS)
this Vratix political party complemented the Zaltin and Xucphra factions of humans on Thyferra during the

New Order. The Ashern were considered a terrorist group by the human factions, and was supposedly
responsible for introducing contamination into a Xucphra bacta lot, at the direction of the Zaltin
corporation. The origins of the Ashern could be traced back to the last decades of the Old Republic,
during the early years of Alazhiaxazha, or the Thriving Season. Then known as the Razorclaws, these
militant Vratix realized that their people would only be able to retain some measure of control over bacta
production if they were able to understand and control the production of alazhi. To this end, the Ashern
tried to develop a new strain of alazhi that would increase the effectiveness of bacta. This new strain of
alazhi was destroyed about a year after it development, cementing the Ashern's role as terrorists rather
than drivers of social change. Years later, Erisi Dlarit's uncle discovered a contaminate in lot ZX1449F,
which was eventually traced back to the Ashern. The group was also known as Black Claw, in reference
to the way in which they sharpened their foreclaws and painted themselves black to hide in the shadows.
The Vratix became concerned about their human counterparts during the outbreak of the Krytos virus on
Coruscant, seeing that the Imperial ties to the bacta cartels were becoming stronger. It was at this time
that the Zaltin faction began supplying the Ashern with weapons and credits to maintain their attacks on
Xucphra-aligned facilities. When they needed addiitonal help in planning their overthrow of Xucphra, they
recalled Bror Jace from Rogue Squadron by falsely claiming his father was ill. They then arranged for
Jace to "die" in an accident, making it possible for him to assist them without ties to any political body.
They sent Qlaern Hirf to petition Wedge Antilles to champion the acceptance of the Vratix in the New
Republic, in return for help in creating their own supply of bacta. Wedge agreed, but was unable to make
a move when Ysanne Isard took control of Thyferra. (XWN, SWJ3, KT, BW, PH)
Ashern Circle
this body of Vratix leaders governs the Ashern society on Thyferra. (KT)
Ashes of Korr
this was the outermost of the two debris fields orbiting the remore star of Horuset. The planet Korriban
was located between the Korriba Scar belt and the Ashes of Korr. (PH)
this Yuuzhan Vong was a high-ranking member of the Intendent caste, during the height of the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. He was known to Nom Anor as a greedy and self-serving rival who rose to
power after the fall of Coruscant. With the former capital world being reformed as a simulacrum of
Yuuzhan'tar, Ash'ett grabbed territory and notoriety in an effort to gain more power for himself. He
eventually became the leader of the Intendent caste on Coruscant. This made Ash'ett one of Nom Anor's
first targets, after the former Executor had assumed the role of Yu'shaa, the Prophet who furthered the
words of the Jedi Heresy. (FH3)
Ashgad, Seti
this political contemporary of Senator Palpatine was one of the future Emperor's main opponents. In
political circles, he was known as the Golden Tempter, a tribute to his persuasive voice and charismatic
speeches. He came from the hyperdrive design division of Incom Industries, where his major contribution
was the design of the Z-95. Ashgad was sentenced to a prison term on the world of Nam Chorios, where
he came to power by filling in the void left when the Hutt Beldorion failed to maintain his hold on the
populace. As Ashgad rose to power, he was subverted by the droch Dzym, who used Ashgad as his
figurehead. Dzym kept Ashgad alive for many years beyond his natural lifespan by continually
"recharging" his life energy, and a story was developed that Ashgad had a son. Then, still lively and
youthful, Ashgad appeared as his own son and took control of the Rationalist Party on Nam Chorios. He
arranged a meeting with Leia Organa-Solo, at the behest of Dzym, in order for the droch to launch his
own assault on the galaxy. Organa-Solo was captured, and specially-created holo-vids dispatched to
indicate she left Ashgad in good hands. Ashgad held her in his own complex on Nam Chorios until she
escaped. Dzym took Ashgad and tried to flee the planet after the natives rose up in revolt, but their ship
was destroyed before they made it out of the system. (POT)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "big-hearted."

Ashka Boda
an elderly Jedi Master who was murdered during the Jedi purge, Ashka Boda was perhaps best-known
for his work investigating the appearance of Count Dooku in the Gree Enclave, just before the onset of
the Clone Wars. He was the holder of a Holocron, of which Vodo Siosk-Baas was the Gatekeeper, at that
time. Following Master Boda's death, Palpatine took control of the holocron and stole its secrets. (DE1,
this young, female Togruta was a member of the Bear Clan of Jedi students, during the years leading up
to the Battle of Geonosis. (SWI65)
this was the name used to describe the Force on the planet Tython, during the early years of the Old
Republic. (PJSB)
Ash'nagh vruckuul urukh
this was a Yuuzhan Vong phrase used when mocking an opponent. (FH3)
this Socorran term literally translated to the phrase "hidden hive," and was used to warn travelers of
nearby nests of chiru. (BSS)
according to Ewok legend, this bird spirit always appeared in large groups to eat unattended food. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
this stern, Gotal female served the New Republic as the Commander of the Esfandia Long-Range
Communications Base during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. More than twenty
years earlier, Ashpidar had been living on Antar 4, where she fell in love and planned to have a family.
Her mate, a commercial interpreter, died in a mining accident, and Ashpidar left Antar 4 to escape her
grief. She never returned, and eventually sought employment with the New Republic. (FH3)
one of the four main tribes of nomads which evolved from the original settlers of the planet Socorro, the
Asilyr were considered to be excellent scouts. They were also known to be the most amiable of the four
major tribes, and they believed that the sun, Sokor, was their personal enemy. (BSS)
Asilyr Tribal Lands
located on the planet Socorro, these territories were on the western edge of the Doaba Badlands near the
Adsila Rifts. The nomadic tribes which lived in the area were considered the best scouts and guides on
the planet. (BSS)
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Chandrila System. It was orbited by nine moons. (CCW)
Ask Aak
this Gran Senator from the planet Malastare represented his homeworld to the Old Republic after Aks
Moe was killed in a speeder accident. During the height of the Clone Wars, Senator Aak was a vocal
opponent of the Jedi Knights, wondering aloud about their ability to lead the clone troopers of the Army of
the Republic. He questioned the ability of a group of "peacemakers" to act as generals in the military, a
stance he loudly reiterated after the defeats at the Battle of Jabiim and on Parcelus Minor. With the
destruction of the Star of Iskin and the death of Finis Valorum, Senator Ask Aak found even more
ammunition for his stance, which allowed him to speak eloquently in favor of the Security and

Enforcement Act. (SWDB, HNN5, RDE)

Ask Argothil Anything
this was one of the many newsfeed articles written by Pertaal Shenvehr. Like his other columns, it
contained coded messages and phrases that allowed him to pass information to Alliance field agents.
this boiling-hot desert planet is the homeworld of the Askajian race. It was located in the Outer Rim, about
a day's travel off the Rimma Trade Route. Note that the Star Wars Customizable Card Game claims the
name of this planet is Askajia. (TJP, CCG7)
a humanoid race with deep familial traditions, the Askajians live on the desert world of Askaj. Their bodies
have become extremely efficient at absorbing and storing water. An Askajian can survive for long periods
in the open desert, returning in a thinned state. Upon consuming water, their bodies seem to inflate,
hoarding the water for later use. The females have six breasts, which come in handy following the
delivery of a litter of cubs. The cubs are not named until after their first birthday. Many Askajians raise
tomuons for their milk, meat, and wool. The Askajians are known for their luxurious fabric, woven from
tomuon wool. Weavers and dancers were revered in Askajian society. Weavers bring income to the
Askajian people, as tomuon fabrics fetch a high price throughout the galaxy. Dancers were important to
the religious and historical aspects of their society, maintaining the tribal histories and legends. (TJP,
this Bothan clan originally discovered the Dresselian System, and settled in the system's asteroid belt to
set up mining operations. They left the planet Dressel alone, recognizing that the evolving Dresselian
race didn't need any interference. They were subjugated by Imperial forces that wanted the mining
operations for their own uses, during the establishment of the New Order. (GG12)
one of the six Tiss'shar races, the Ask-ar were characterized by the red, mask-like markings on their
faces. (UANT)
Askar Rayl'skar
this Bothan was the leader of the Askar clan during the Caamas Incident, some ten years after the death
of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was present when Drend Navett tried to set off a riot in merchant's Square
on Bothawui, shortly after the revelation of the Caamas Document. Rayl'skar tried to calm the crowd, but
was thoroughly unsuccessful. (SOP, UANT)
Askarian Worm
a small, wriggly creature. (SWJ9)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'skra added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "bleeds his enemies dry". (GCG)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "eventempered." (GCG, WOTC)

this is the Imperial decree which legalized the procurement of slaves, under certain conditions. (GG9)
located on the planet Bunduki, this city was the home of the galaxy's most famous teras kasi martial arts
tournament, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "celestial". (GCG)
this spherical, general-purpose message droid was produced by Arakyd Industries during the New Order.
It was known by the brand name of Seeker, and was designed to provide its owner with a safe, effective
way to communicate across the galaxy without having HoloNet access. Designed around the basic Viper
probe droid design, the AS-M12 droid traveled across the galaxy in a specially-designed, civilian version
of he Viper's hyperspace pod. The droid was equipped with a variety of recording and playback devices,
and had several methods of identification which it could use to verify the recipient's identity. (SESB, FTD)
the New Republic established a defense net around this planet, shortly after the Battle of Endor. (WBC)
this planet was a dun-colored, arid world in the Senex Sector. Asmeru was once a world of wondrous
cities and grand palaces, but a sudden climatic change forced the natives to flee to other worlds in the
sector. In the interim years, the cities and buildings fell into disrepair and ruin from neglect. After the
climate stabilized, the world was populated by Ossan slaves who were created on Karfeddion but found
to be defective in some way. The slaves, bred for agricultural work, managed to survive and established
their own culture on the planet. (COD)
this assassin droid was owned by Zam Wesell during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. ASN-121
was originally designed as a courier, but was modified in many ways to perform the duties of an assassin.
It was equipped with an electrical field generator to protect it from being grasped or caught. A
communications cylinder slot was modified by Zam, with the cylinder itself carrying kouhons or other
deadly creatures which could not be traced to any individual. The chuck which held the cylinder was
capable of holding a harpoon launcher or sniper blaster. Glass cutters allowed ASN-121 to quietly enter a
building, and tiny repulsorlift engines allowed the droid to have incredible maneuverability. Zam Wesell
used the droid to deliver a pair of kouhons to the apartment of Padme' Amidala, after the bounty hunter's
attempt to execute the Senator when she landed on Coruscant failed. ASN-121 was caught by Obi-Wan
Kenobi, but the droid managed to drag the Jedi Master on a thrilling ride through the aerial streets of
Coruscant. In order to try and avoid capture, Zam Wesell was forced to shot the droid out of the sky.
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
a series of ASP droids modified for use as assassin droids, under the command of Darth Vader. They had
been developed with AA-1 verbobrains in order to better anticipate and act upon Vader's movements.
this model of the ASP-series droid was used to assist big-game hunters. (LOE)

this was a series of droids used to train living beings in the use of certain weaponry. The ASP-6 was
armed with a vibroblade and a blaster. (LOE)
a series of ASP droids manufactured by Industrial Automation to be cargo movers. Like most other ASPs,
they were thin constructs supported by hundreds of servomotors and hydraulic linkages, and could lift
huge crates without a problem. Most have a single ocular receptor and minimal auditory sensors,
although upgrades can be found. Because these droids were given feeble programming and minimal
intelligence, most ASPs were heavily modified by their owners. (SWSE, MTSE, FTD)
this ASP-7 series droid was employed by the Imperial Prefect of Tatooine, shortly before the Battle of
Yavin. It was part of a shipment of 200 units, ordered to install communications relays throughout Mos
Eisley. The Mark IV Imperial probe droids that patrolled the city regarded the relays as illegal
communications systems, and often called stormtroopers to investigate their perfectly legal installation.
ASP-704 eventually developed a personality tic, and would strike out at a nearby Mark IV before it could
interrupt its work. (MTSE)
a series of menial labor droids often used to transport heavy loads from one location to another. (CCG9)
this Victory-class Star Destroyer joined the Imperial forces shortly after the Battle of Endor, but its Captain
defected with Prince-Admiral Krennel when he broke away from Imperial service. It was stationed in orbit
around Corvis Minor Four, in defense of the system. It was dispatched to report on the destruction of
Rogue Squadron near Corvis Minor Five, but arrived too late to report any concrete evidence. (IR)
Aspre Plunge
an exclusive resort set into the northern cliffs of Ataria Island on Spira. The needle-shaped resort itself
extends over 100 meters below the surface of the ocean, and rose several stories above the top of the
cliff. (SWJ1)
ASP-series Droid
a tall, spindly general purpose droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton, the Asp-series can be
configured for many purposes. The basic construction of the ASP-series is centered on a spindly body
connected by hundreds of servomotors. Heavy-duty hydraulic linkages allow the droids to perform the
heaviest of menial duties. (SE, SWSE, BTM)
Asran System
this planetary system was located in Brak Sector. (FBS)
this planet was the home world of a group of religious pundits who worshipped a collection of holy
children. Known simply as the Holy Children of Asrat, the children loudly denounced the New Order, so
the Empire sent their trained assassin Dengar to kill them. Dengar's conscience suddenly began to
resurface, and he opted to leave Imperial service rather than killing them. (TBH)
Assant, Darsha
this Jedi padawan was under the tutelage of Master Anoon Bondara shortly before the Battle of Naboo.
She had been orphaned on Alderaan, and discovered at the age of four by Master Bondara and brought
to Courscant. In order to complete her training and become a full Jedi Knight, Darsha was ordered by
Mace Windu and the Jedi Council to recover Oolth the Fondorian from the Crimson Corridor of Coruscant.
The humanoid had information which was vital to the Jedi, but was afraid to travel to the Jedi Temple
because of the presence of the Raptors gang. Anoon wondered at the Council's choice of tasks, but
Darsha was sure of her abilities. Unfortunately, she underestimated the Raptors, who disabled her
skyhopper and forced her to flee with Oolth in tow. During their flight, Darsha lost her grip on Oolth, and

the Fondorian fell several hundred level to his death. Ashamed, Darsha returned to the Temple and told
Bondara about the accident, and the pair set out to see if Oolth had survived. They were caught in the
crossfire of Darth Maul's attempt to execute Hath Monchar and Lorn Pavan, and Master Bondara
sacrificed himself to allow the other to live. Darsha fell deeper into despair, but Lorn's acceptance of her
served to bolster her confidence. They nearly survived to reach the surface of Coruscant, but Darth Maul
attacked. In order to save Lorn's life and ensure that news of the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo
reached the Jedi, Darsha followed her Master's example and sacrificed herself in an effort to lure Maul
into a trap. She collected fuel cells using the Force, while dueling Maul with her yellow lightsaber. Her
plan nearly succeeded, but Maul managed to survive while Darsha was killed. In the end, she became
one with the Force. (DMSH, COD)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Assassin Droid
the name given to any number of droid types which were programmed to seek out and eliminate a
specific target. They can be programmed to kill an individual, or to take out an entire population. There
were also the so-called war droids used as guards and soldiers in many upstart planetary armies. The IGseries of assassin droids was among the best at performing their duties. They were banned during
Palpatine's rule as Emperor, after they started to be used against Imperial forces. (ESB, COTF, SWSB)
Assassin's Guild
this band of assassins was formed during the last decades of the Old Republic. Analogous in many
respects to the Bounty Hunters Guild, the Assassin's Guild worked with independent parties to match up
death marks with available assassins. (RHD, MC48, MCI3)
Assassins' Guild
an infrastructure set up to oversee the various activities performed by galactic assassins. It has a number
of subdivisions, geared toward the specific professions, such as bounty hunters. The Elite Circle are a
separate subdivision catering to large clients. Given that the majority of its members are wanted criminals,
the Guild's operations and central location are a secret. (HSL)
Assault Armor Division
this branch of the Imperial Army was responsible for the implementation of heavy machinery, such as ATAT walkers. (NEGC)
Assault Cruiser
this form of warship was developed by the Bothans during the early years of the New Republic. Smaller in
size that a Victory-class Star Destroyer, the Assault Cruiser boasted twenty percent more firepower and
fifty percent more shielding and armor plating. It was leaner and less angular that the Victory-class ship,
and was designed to take a beating while giving one out. The design and construction of these warships
was heavily protested by many factions, since the Assault Cruiser was developed after the Imperial
Remnant had negotiated a peace with the New Republic and the state of war between the two had been
nullified. The ships proved to be excellent for carrying starfighters into battle, with a pair of huge hangars
located amidships. The launch apertures from the ship allowed fighters to head up or down, depending on
the conditions of battle, and made recovering fighters at the end of an engagement quick and easy.
Assault Frigate
basically a modified 700-meter-long Dreadnaught-class starship, the assault frigate was stripped of its
outer shell to increase engine capacity and fuel efficiency. Two dorsal solar fins were also added,
increasing maneuverability and energy production. There were no docking bays on an assault frigate, but
there were 20 retractable docking tubes that could be extended from the ship's holds. The assault frigate
was also equipped with a great deal of droid and computer-automated systems. Thus, crew requirements
for the assault frigate are just 5,000 beings, down from the 16,000 required on the original Dreadnaught.

Assault Gunboat
generic name for the Cygnus Spaceworks Xg-1 Alpha-class starfighter. (XW)
Assault on Vardoss IV
this was one of the most famous historical battles of the Empire. (GFT)
Assault Shuttle
a 30-meter starship loaded with tractor beam projectors, sensor packages, harpoon guns, concussion
missile launchers, and automated blaster cannons. Designed around the transportation and support of a
40 spacetrooper squadron, the assault shuttle had a crew of five and limited navicomputer capabilities.
Assault Transport
a well-armed transport ship used by the Empire, such as the KonGar Ship Works ATR. (TIE)
this was the name given to the nearly-public forum established during the early years of the New Republic
as the basis for its government. The Assemblage was made up of Senators and representatives, and the
Provisional Council was drawn from its ranks. (DFR)
Assemblage Commons
this was the primary facility, established on Coruscant by the New Republic, in which matters of state
were discussed with civilian audiences. The Commons was essentially a huge auditorium, with tiers of
seats along the outer walls. A simple lectern or dais was located in such a position that all in attendance
could see and hear the speaker. (DFR)
this species of space-going arachnids is capable of exisiting in hard vacuum. Their exoskeletons contain
the necessary proteins to protect them from decompression when traveling among the stars. Their
homeworld's name and location are well-kept secrets. However, individuals can be found floating in the
gaps between planets, most notably the middle-man Kud'ar Mub'at. Each assembler is comprised of a
primary intelligence node and the web it controls. Each node can create subnodes from its own neural
fibers, and can use them for a number of facilities. A subnode which outlives its usefulness can be reingested by the assembler, and the physical and genetic material can be reused. In this way, assemblers
tends to be quite possessive, and will reuse anything they find to augment their webs. Each intelligent
primary node is also quite jealous of its own intelligence, and will strive to keeps its subnodes form
becoming too intelligent. Successive generations of assemblers often grow from these subnodes,
whoever, and the strongest subnode will often consume its creator, continuing the line. Any assembler
which dies, but is not consumed, can be brought back to life by the application of power and data mixed
in the correct proportion. This allowed Boba Fett to re-animate Kud'ar Mub'at in order to determine
Neelah's identity. (MA, HM)
the Imperial customs frigate which once intercepted Roark Garnet as he tried to flee Imperial space. The
Assessor was also the ship that intercepted Han Solo and Chewbacca during their most fateful Kessel
Run. Han was forced to dump the load of spice he was transporting, but was unable to recover it and
deliver it to Jabba the Hutt. This put him deeply in debt, and forced him to hide out on Tatooine. It was
commanded by Tybert Capucot. (RPG, RD)
Assocation of Free Trade Worlds
this group of activists was one of the many groups which mixed the politics of alien rights with business
concerns. They were active during the last decades of the Old Republic. (COD)
this prefix, which was used in the names of many modern planets, was used by the Old Republic to
denote a world which housed am ASTrocartographic research station. Over the centuries, the word Ast
was simply used to describe the planet. (GMR9)

Ast Kikorie
this planet was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. The prefix "Ast" was a remnant of the planet's
history as an Old Republic astrocartographic research outpost, originally established to map the areas of
Wild Space closed to the Moddell Sector. The Old Republic constructed a ring of orbital telescopes
around Ast Kikorie, but eventually abandoned them when the Clone Wars broke out. Over time, the
telescopes were abandoned but not forgotten. During the early years of the New Republic,
astrocartographers found record of Ast Kikories' telescopes, and made the dangerous journey to the
Moddell Sector in order to use "free" telescope time. The natives of the planet called it "Downbelow", a
reference to the ring of telescopes and other docking platforms that fill Ast Kikorie's skies. (GMR9)
Astaal Vilbum
this Baragwin was a noted Jedi scholar, during the last decades of the Old Republic. He knew of several
Jedi Holocrons which were stored in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and was one of the first to discover
the Holocron which told of Volfe Karkko's imprisonment on Kiffex. This discovery led Mace Windu to
dispatch a team to Kiffex to eliminate any threat from the re-awakened Anzati magician. (OWS, DRKN)
Astal Sector
an area of the galaxy located in the Outer Rim Territories. (GG9)
a Captain in Isolder's entourage, she is the Prince's personal guard, and a native of Terephon (CPL)
this was Kashan Santhe's code name, used while he was working with the Alliance cell on Lianna. (ML)
this being was a minor crime lord during the height of the New Order. (SESB)
Asteroid 7785
this piece of rock was once part of the planet Alderaan. After Grand Moff Tarkin destroyed the planet, the
resulting rubble formed a wide asteroid field known as the Graveyard. Shortly after recovering from the
injuries he suffered during the Battle of Yavin, Darth Vader circulated a rumor that the Royal Palace of
Alderaan had been discovered intact on Asteroid 7785. He hoped to lure Leia Organa and any other of
the survivors of the battle to Alderaan, where Captain Janus Bonn waited for them. Vader then
augmented the rumors by adding a story about the mining survey team discovering a survivor in the
asteroid who claimed to be Bail Organa. Vader went so far as to build a replica of the Palace inside the
asteroid, using motion sensors and other mechanisms to trap his victims inside. Unfortunately for Vader,
a group of Alliance agents intercepted the message from Hanos Darr and Zaz Hamiroz before it reached
Leia Organa, and arrived at the asteroid before she did. The trap was sprung, but without the victims
Vader intended. In reality, a tiny fragment of the Royal Palace's underground stucture was discovered in
the asteroid. (GA)
Asteroid Dancer
this YT-1500 freighter made a regular run to Nova Station, in the Carida System, during the height of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SBS)
Asteroid Director
produced by the SlaynRoche Company, this small repulsor sled was designed to assist in moving
asteroids to and from mining operations. It took in the dross form the initial mining operations on an
asteroid and converted them into fuel, which allowed the Director to propel the asteroid to a final refinery.
Asteroid Fortress
this was a form of space combat siege engine used by the Empire during the latter stages of the Galactic
Civil War, as well as during the Empire's early attempts to win victories against the New Republic. (TSK)
Asteroid Hopper

this small, needle-shaped starship was created by the Verpine for travel between the Roche asteroids.
They have no weapons or shields, since they were not designed for combat. (SFS)
Asteroid Prospector
this was the brand name of Kuat Drive Yards' asteroid refining starships, such as the AP-300. (PP)
Asteroid ships
built by Stonehill Industries, used as tugs by Lando at Nomad City (HTTE)
Asteroid Theater
the location of Bithabus the Mystifier's stage on Hologram Fun World. (QE)
this was one of Mobquet's most popular racing swoops. It had a flight ceiling of 35 meters, and was quite
fast. (GCQ)
this was one of the many movements used by Yuuzhan Vong warriors in hand-to-hand combat. The asthkorr was a stunning throat hold, meant to momentarily stop an enemy's breathing. (FH3)
an Imperial Corvette operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Astin, Fable
this tall, slender woman was a Captain in the Alliance military, and was the leader of the Harrier infiltration
team. She was also a young Jedi in training. Fable was one of youngest beings ever appointed the rank
of Captain, and at the age of 19 was also one of the youngest infiltration operatives. Her mother had been
a Jedi Knight, and instructed Fable's father in its uses. When Fable's father was killed in a struggle with
one of the Emperor's Inquisitors, Fable and her mother were forced to flee and hide from Palpatine's
reach. Despite her military training and sensitivity to the Force, Fable was also easily distracted and
moody. After her team suffered a loss during a mission to Nysza III, Fable was faced with the Dark Side
of the Force in a confrontation with the Dark Jedi Vialco, who was guarding the Imperial communications
bunker she was ordered to destroy. The bunker was taken out, but Vialco soundly defeated Fable in a
short battle of wills. Later, in a chance encounter on the planet Iscera, Fable met Jaalib Brandl, and
followed him back to Trulalis. There, she was introduced to Adalric Brandl, Jaalib's father, and was given
instruction in the deeper use of the Force to help her defeat Vialco. Despite the needs of Harrier Team,
Fable remained on Trulalis for many months, striving too hard and making more mistakes than she
thought she was capable of making. During her training, Fable fell in love with Jaalib, a relationship that
Adalric forbade. He sent Jaalib back to Iscera and called Vialco to Trulalis, provoking a battle that
renewed their aggressions. She was unaware of Adalric's true intentions until she had defeated Vialco
and refused to kill him outright. Adalric prodded her, then sent an image into her mind - that of Vialco
recovering his lightsaber and lunging toward her. She spun her own lightsaber around and decapitated
Vialco, only to snap out of the vision and realize that Vialco had never recovered the weapon. Adalric
then imprisoned her, hoping to return her to the planet Byss as a gift to the Emperor. (SWJ8)
Astopone, Shasheva
this woman served the Alliance as a deep-cover agent on the planet Coruscant, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. She was well-known as the heiress of the fortune her father had made in the export
business, and was one of the most generous sponsors of the Galactic Museum and the Skydome
Botanical Gardens. Her secret life as an Alliance agent began when Bail Organa recruited her during the
early years of the New Order. She agreed to help the Alliance by using her influence and position to meet
with leaders of business and government, gathering information that she eventually passed on to the
Alliance. However, she lived in fear of being discovered, and would only meet her contacts in highlypublic places. (CCW)
this was the name of Lord Allic's personal ship. (MJEH)

produced by zZip Product Concepts, this twelve-meter-long luxury speeder was manfactured to provide
its owner with the smoothest possible ride as well as all the amenities. It could be flown by a single pilot,
and could transport up to eight passenger and 250 kilograms of cargo. In order to protect its passengers,
the Astral-8 was given thick armor plating and a built-inanticoncussion shielding system. (GFT, AEG)
this man served the Alliance as a Commander of a medical corps stationed on Kirtania. (SWJ1)
this CR90 corvette was part of the Bothan Combat Response Element, during the early years of the New
Republic. (E)
any sport in which starships are flown in complex patterns and maneuvers for the viewing pleasure of an
audience. (LCF)
the scientific and practical use of stellar coordinates to calculate flight plans and trajectories in open
space. (AC)
Astrogation Computer
also known as a NavCom, this device is used to determine the current coordinates of celestial bodies,
and to help plot courses between them. (SW, HTTE, JS)
Astrogation Gazetteer
a regularly-published journal which describes the astrogation parameters required to fly from any planet
to another planet. It keeps track of realspace and hyperspace positionings of spatial bodies, and details
average trip durations. (RPG)
Astrogation Plotter
this device was used before the advent of modern, powerful navigation computers. A collection of slide
rules, factor wheels, and slot charts, an astrogation plotter allowed a starship captain to plot out a
pathway through space and hyperspace. They found a moderate following among smugglers and
independent spacers during the height of the New Order, as backups to their nav computers. (PSG)
Astrogation Survey Team
this branch of the Old Republic's Science and Culture Administration was charged with charting and
cataloguing the area beyond the known galaxy, during the period between the fall of the Sith Empire and
the Great Sith War. (TOJC)
Astrogation Today
a periodical dedicated to the science and mechanics of astrogation. (HR)
Astrogator-class Starship
these probe ships are often called "flatfish" because of their shape. The Astrogator-class is a flat, sensorstudded survey ship, and is used to collect all sorts of data from orbit. They measured 35 meters in
diameter, and required a crew of three. (BTS, CTD)
Astrographic Survey Institute
this New Republic agency was charged with the identification and survey of unexplored worlds. ASI
defined the planetary coordinates used in navigation computers. (BTS, SOL)
a New Republic Astrogator-class probe, it was rerouted from its normal survey mission to monitor the
Koornacht Cluster just before the start of the Yevethan Great Purge. Etahn A'baht had asked his old
friend, Kiles L'toth, to divert a survey ship to the Cluster before the Fifth Battle Group arrived there.

However, the Astrolabe was discovered at Doornik-1142 by Vol Noorr and the Purity, which fired on the
small survey ship and disabled it. The three crewmen were killed, and the entire incident was used by Nil
Spaar as part of his plan to take over the New Republic. He publicly blamed Leia Organa-Solo for their
deaths, since - he claimed - they were acting on her orders to scout out an invasion of the Cluster. (BTS,
Astromech Droid
these small droids were designed for use with small starfighters. They are basically self-contained
navigation computers, but also are programmed for starship maintenance. Industrial Automation
produced many of the best astromech droids, including the R2, R5, and R7 series. (SW, SCRE, DE1)
Astromech Heaven
this giant droid supermarket is located in the Lola Curich starport, on Lianna. In addition to selling new
droids, Astromech Heaven provides service and repair facilities. (ML)
Astromech Voice Box
produced by Inustrial Automaton specifically for R-series astromech droids, this device allowed the droid
to communicate with its owner in the Basic language. The Voice Box interpretted the beeps and whistles
of the droid and emitted actual words, eliminating the need for a protocol droid interpreter. (GFT)
this corporation manufactures starship course plotters used in luxury liners, such as the P127. (IJ)
Astroserver Industries
this conglomerate produced such equipment as the Rover and Trailmaster tracking devices. (CFG)
this was the designation of the diamond boron missiles which were produced by the Confederacy of
Independent Systems on Pengalan IV, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The AS-X-DB was an
anti-starfighter weapon, designed to penetrate the thick armor of Old Republic warships and explode
inside the craft. (SWI65)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'syk added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Asylum Station
a name used by slave traders to denote Crseih Station. It is well-known among slavers because Hethrir
uses it as a clearing house for the slaves he culls from the Empire Youth camp. (CS)
this plant, native to the planet Bothwaui, produced a pleasant-smelling flower. (GCG, WOTC)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. It described a pleasant-smelling flower found on
Bothawui. (GCG, WOTC)
Asyr Sei'lar
this female Bothan was living in the Invisible Sector of the Coruscant underworld when Rogue Squadron
infiltrated the planet prior to the New Republic's assault on it. She was a member of the Alien Combine,
noticeable by her black pelt, which is punctuated by white splotches on her chest, head, and hands. She
tried to come onto Gavin Darklighter, who rejected her. She labeled him a bigot, and brought him to the
Combine for punishment. Asyr soon discovered that Gavin was simply scared, and was as understanding
of alien species as any non-human. She was a graduate of the Bothan Military Academy, graduating a
year behind Peshk Vri'syk. This training earned her the respect of the Rogues and the New Republic, and
she was given a place in the squadron following the liberation of Coruscant. She and Gavin became
romantically involved, but were discreet about it. She was watched by Borsk Fey'lya, who had hoped that

Asyr would remain loyal to the Bothan political ideals and could provide potentially damaging information
about the Rogues. She refused his demands, and remained loyal to the Squadron. When Asyr and Gavin
made their relationship public and decided to adopt children, Fey'lya stepped in to block their efforts. He
felt that Asyr wasn't behaving in a Bothan-enough fashion, and told her in no uncertain terms that any
further dalliance with Gavin would have serious repercussions. She once again refused to accept
Fey'lya's demands, but also realized that she and Gavin would be unable to have the life they wanted.
She went on a rampage, flying beyond herself during the assaults on Liinade III and Corvis Minor Five,
until her ship collided with an enemy fighter over Corvis Minor Five. Her loss came as a shock to Gavin
and the Rogues, who mourned her deeply. However, Asyr herself managed to survive, having been
rescued by the Errant Venture. She swore Booster Terrik, Mirax Terrik, and Iella Wessiri to secrecy,
leaving the New Republic in the hope of bringing about changes to Bothan society by working
undercover. (WG, KT, IR)
this Dug phrase meant "not", and was used to negate a statement. (EOV, GMR9)
AT3 Directive
this was the designation of an order given with the Emperor's command, and overrides nearly any
Imperial protocol. (MJEH)
see Aurek Trill 69/Cresh (JT)
ATA Pulse-wave Blaster
this hand-held, pulse-wave weapon was produced by Greff-Timms Industrial some 4,000 years before the
Galactic Civil War. What the ATA lacked in range it made up for in destructive capability, although it
lacked a stun setting. (TOJC, AEG)
this was the Imperial All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft vehicle. Similar in many respects to the AT-AT walker, the
AT-AA moved on four legs. However, its stance was very low to the ground, like a huge lizard. A heavy
flak pod sat atop the main section, for use against enemy aircraft. (FC)
this man served as the First Officer aboard the Mathayus, serving the Empire under the command of
Admiral Coy. Atali was quick to ally himself with Darth Vader, when Emperor Palpatine dispacthed the
Mathayus to Dargulli to track down a possible Jedi Knight. When a distress signal came from an Alliance
base near Yorn Skot, Vader allowed Admiral Coy to take his ship and intercept the rebels. Unfortunately
for Coy, the Alliance had laid a trap for the Imperials. The ship which was intercepted by the Mathayus
was a decoy, laden with explosives that were set to go off should the ship's hull be breached. First Officer
Atali sent with a team of stormtroopers to open the ship up, which set off the explosives and badly
damaged the Mathayus's hangar bay. Atali and his team were killed in the explosion. (SWI62, SWEB)
Atanna, Gabrial
this man was the Imperial Senator from the planet Esseles, until the Emperor dissolved the Senate just
before the Battle of Yavin. Senator Atanna was replaced by Moff Jander Graffe, and Atanna went into
hiding. The Alliance launched an effort to rescue him, since Senator Atanna had been a spy for the
Alliance during his tenure. Atanna and his entire family were moved to an Alliance safeworld. (SWJ3,
Atapap One
this planet was settled by Duros explorers during the early centuries of the Old Republic. (GMR2)
this variant on the Imperial AT-ST was known as the All-Terrain Advance Raider. The main cockpit was
held lower than on an AT-ST, giving the AT-AR a more hunched appearance. The AT-AT was also faster
than an AT-ST, and had better armor. (IWST)

Ataria City
this was the capital city of the planet Spira, located on the northeast coast of Ataria Island. (SWJ1)
Ataria Island
this island, located in the oceans of Spira, is the site of the planet's major spaceport and resorts. The
island is formed on the north and west by spectacular cliffs, and by luxurious beachs on the east and
south. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire maintained a small garrison on the island.
this was the ancient term used to describe the Form IV lightsaber fighting style. (SWI68)
Atarul, Cammel
this Imperial investigator worked on the planet Tinnel IV during the early years of the Galactic Civil War.
Investigator Atarul was dispatched to Moff Jerjerrod's personal estate, shortly after the Battle of Yavin,
when the estate was robbed by the Tombat. (SWJ6)
this was the designation of the Imperial All-Terrain Armored Transport vehicle, an elephantine assault
tank built at the Kuat Drive Yards. These 15-meter-tall machines lumbered around on four articulated
legs. Note that Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy indicates that an AT-AT stood 22.5 meters tall.
They required a crew of three to operate, although much of the war machine's motion was controlled by
sophisticated artificial intelligence. The AT-AT could carry up to 40 troops and 400 kilograms of cargo.
Armed with two fire-linked heavy laser cannons and two fire-linked medium blasters on its head-like
cockpit, the AT-AT was designed to inspire fear in the enemies of the Empire. General Veers was a
proponent of the AT-AT, and purposely overlooked the fact that the AT-AT could be toppled by a cable
wrapped around its legs. Although this weakness was used effectively by the Alliance on Hoth, the
Empire continued to use the AT-AT to instill fear. (ESB, DFRSB, TME, IWST)
AT-AT Barge
this Imperial ship was designed to carry a fully-outfitted AT-AT walker from its berth on a Star Destroyer to
the surface of a planet. It was similar in shape to the MTT assault craft employed by the Trade
Federation. (FC)
AT-AT Swimmer
a version of the Imperial walker that is used in aquatic environments. The main section of the body was
expanded and flattened out in order to accommodate the addition of repulsor engines that helped keep it
afloat. The Swimmer was heavily armored and protected from the effects of salt and water, and
resembled a huge turtle. It required a crew of five, and could transport up to 40 troops and 600 kilograms
of cargo. It was armed with a pair of modified heavy laser cannons which could fire underwater, and a
pair of medium blasters. (GG9)
a Ripoblus escort shuttle used during the Sepan Civil War, as well as in battle against the Empire. (TIE)
At-Computer Link
this device, manufactured by Crozo Industrial Products, allows a cyborg to use a comlink connection to a
mainframe computer in the immediate area. The range is about 1,000 meters unless a relay link is
established. (CFG)
At-cyb Husher
this small, self-contained communications implant was developed by Crozo Industrial Products. Designed
to be surgically implaneted near the user's larynx, the At-cyb Husher allowed the user to subvocalize their
messages by manipulating their tongue and jaw muscles. These movements were converted into
communications signals and sent to a receiver, which then produced the equivalent of speech. (EGW)

this Devaronian once stopped at the Farrimmer Caf, claiming that he had left his nagging wife and
needed a drink to calm his nerves. He was later wanted by the Mynock 7 Space Station authorities for
questioning, as it was believed he was a bomber and an assassin. A group of mercenaries discovered
that Aterph had hidden bombs in several locations throughout the station, including the Farrimmer.
Atgar SpaceDefense Corporation
manufacturers of cost-effective, low-powered anti-vehicle weapons and defense systems. (RPG, ISB,
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
this archaic name was given to female Zabrak, and referred to the being in Zabrak mythology who
welcomed Zabrak into the afterlife. (GCG)
this figure was from the Zabrak mythology. Together with her sister, Nath, Ath welcomed dead Zabrak
into the afterlife. (GCG)
Athakam II Med Unit
developed by Athakam Medtech, this device was sometimes referred to as a medbed. Equipped with a
repulsorlift engine, the Med Unit could transport a being while diagnosing and, if possible, administering
treatment for a variety of injuries and illnesses. The Med Unit could transport the injured being to a
hospital with a simple push. A 2-1B medical droid could also access the Med Unit, further enhancing its
diagnostic capability. (GFT)
Athakam MedTech
this bio-technology company worked closely with Rhinnal State Medical Academy, and developed a
number of medical tools like bioscan units. (SESB, EGW)
Athallian Messenger
this legendary courier ship crashed in the Tatooine desert some forty years before the Battle of Yavin.
Sandstorms were supposed to have erased any remnant of the ship, including a treasure trove of
gemstones hidden in its holds. Many treasure-hunters disappeared while trying to locate it, and it was
said that even the Jawas wouldn't go near the place where it supposedly crashed. (SWG9)
this All-Terrain Heavy Enforcer walker was produced during the build-up to the Clone Wars, as a
complement to the AT-TE. (X2)
Athega System
this remote star system was devoid of planets capable of sustaining life, but worlds such as Nkllon proved
to be invaluable sources of metals. (HTTE, TLC)
a manufacturing world known for its assembled computer components. (GMH)
this world, the second planet of the Loro Babis System, was where the ancient Jedi Master Chamma first
encountered the Dark Side of the Force. (TOJC)
this was one of the galaxy's largest producers of swimwear for females of all species, during the last

decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)

this Rodian award was given to bounty hunters of the Goa-Ato in a variety of categories, such as Best
Shot and Most Notorious Capture. (SPG)
this was the name used by clone commando RC-3222. In the Mandalorian language, the word atin meant
stubborn, and RC-3222 lived up to this name. He was one of the many commandos who was dispatched
to Geonosis during the opening battle of the Clone Wars. He was also one of the handful of commandos
who saw the rest of his team killed in battle. Unfortunately, on his second mission, Atin was once again
the sole survivor. Atin held a great deal of anger and personal responsibility for the deaths of so many
others, despite the fact that he himself only barely survived the fighting. He was constantly reminded of
their deaths by a horrible scar that ran across his face, and he refused to have it treated so that he would
not forget them. This deep-seated emotion made it hard for Atin to fit in with the other commandos who
were put together to form Omega Squad. Another difference was in his training, as Atin was the only
member of Omega Squad to train under Walon Vau. Atin's natural skill was with weapons of any sort, and
he often chose unusual weapons for missions, based on the parameters he expected to encounter.
During the final stages of the mission to capture Ovolot Qail Uthan, Atin was hit with a blast from a
Verpine shatter gun while carrying Uthan's unconscious body to the extraction point. The blast splattered
against his armor and caused a large amount of damage, but Atin and Uthan both ultimately survived.
this was the Mandalorian word for "stubborn." (RCHC)
Atin Attan
this Sullustan female was one of the eight members of the Twilight Class of the Galactic Outdoor Survival
School who became part of the Alliance's Eclipse Team. She excelled in the field of geology, and was
also a skilled pilot. After graduating from GOSS, she served the Alliance as a pilot instructor in the Roche
Asteroid Field, and was part of the team which developed the B-Wing. (AIR)
this Air-To-Land vehicle was similar in shape to the cockpit of a Y-Wing bomber, but had a pair of
retractable landing foils on either side. (DCAR)
this was the traditional Gungan throwing stick, a weapon developed to fling small energy balls at an
enemy in battle. Although the range of the atlatl is much less than the cesta, the atlatl is much more
accurate. (IG1)
the third planet in the Panto System, Atloran is a lifeless sphere that has nonetheless been used for
recreation. It is known for its zero-gravity campgrounds and amusement parks. (DFRSB)
Atmosphere Containment Field
an field-projecting device which generates an impenetrable energy field used to keep an atmosphere on
only one side of the field. They can be used on space stations or capital ships to keep the atmosphere
inside the docking bays until the starfighters need to launch. They can conversely be used to keep a
hostile planet's storms and harsh weather out of a building. (SW, COTF)
Atmosphere Flyer
a generic term for any low-altitude repulsorcraft, such as the T-16 skyhopper. (CSW)
this is the name given to any atmospheric storm caused on planets which have little or no natural water.

Ato, Hadis
this man, a native of the planet Curulag, was a member of the first class ever to pass through the Corulag
Academy. After his graduation, Ato served as a sniper and bodyguard in the Imperial Army before being
transferred back to Corulag. He was assigned to monitor the activities of the Corulag Academy, secretly
ferreting out any support or sympathy for the Alliance. (CCW)
Atom, The
see Force Multiple Orbit (SWED)
Atomic Drive
an out-dated form of ion drive, the atomic drive was replaced by the Hoersch-Kessel Ion Drive. These
drives use a fission reactor to generate electromagnetic waves that reflect off the space-time fabric of
realspace, creating momentum. They are extremely radioactive, and must be stored in a pod that is kept
away from the living and working areas of the rest of the ship. (SWSB)
Atomic Reactor
an out-dated form of power converter, the atomic reactor has been replaced by the fusion reactor. It
employed atomic fission to generate energy, which in turn generated large amounts of heat and radiation.
This made them very dangerous to use. (SWSB)
this planet was located in the Core Worlds. (VD2)
Atori, Otias
this native of Trulalis was Adalric Brandl's mentor. Otias was a famous theatrical actor before becoming a
director and acting teacher. He was unable to keep Brandl from answering Palpatine's call to become a
Dark Jedi, and strove to save Adalric's young son, Jaalib, from a similar fate. Otias reprimanded Brandl
when he returned to Trulalis some twelve years later, although Brandl hoped that he could assist in
returning to the light side of the Force. (TFE, SWJ8)
this was Kuat Drive Yards' All-Terrain Personal Transport vehicle, built from plans and designs originally
developed by Rothan Heavy Engineering. A squat, single-pilot transport which was developed about the
time of the Katana fleet but which was never mass-produced, it was similar to the AT-ST, only smaller in
stature. It was armed with a twin blaster cannon and a concussion grenade launcher. The AT-PT
measured four meters in length and stood three meters tall, and could accommodate up to 150 kilograms
of cargo. The primary mission of the AT-PT was to give an individual all the firepower of an assault
vehicle, while remaining extremely maneuverable and fast. Because the New Order was implemented
before the AT-PT could be put into production, it never became available to the civilian market. The
Empire later rejected the AT-PT in favor of the larger AT-ST. (DFR, DFRSB, AEG, NEGV)
this was the short name for Slythor the Squib's All-Terrain Pleasure Vehicle known as the Peeve. It was a
salvaged Imperial AT-AT walker, with the legs removed and replaced with four repulsorlift engines. (OE)
KonGar Ship Works' Assault Transport ship, the ATR measures 45 meters in length. Rated at 65 MGLT,
these ships were larger and better-armed versions of the original stormtrooper transports built by Telgorn
Corporation. The hull of the ATR is rated at 50 RU. Each ATR is equipped with the following shipboard

4 Taim & Bak H6 Turbolasers

2 ArMek SW-3 Ion Cannons

2 Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each)

Front/Rear Projection shields (100 SBD)

this was a modified version of the base KonGar Ship Works ATR assault transport. It was considered a
member of the Gamma-class transport family. (XWA)
this planet is the second world in the Kattellyn System, and was ravaged during the Clone Wars. The
once-beautiful landscape supported Human and Ee life, but was reduced to an arid wasteland after a
prolonged battle between the Army of the Republic and the forces of the Confederacy of Independent
Systems. There were few survivors of the Battle of Atraken, when Separatist forces unleashed
biochemical weapons in order to defeat the clone troopers of the Old Republic. Although the Old Republic
claimed that Operation Katabatic was a success, the chemicals unleashed by the Separatists seeped into
the soil and continued to kill of the natives for many years to follow. Many inhabitants fled to the moon of
Trilos to live in pressurized settlements. Atraken rotates once every twenty standard hours. Its year lasts
304 local days. It has three moons. (PG2, SWI67)
Atraken Hope
this is one of two ships in the Atraken fleet to survive the devastation of the Clone Wars. However, it is no
longer functional, and serves as a source of parts for the Atraken Memory. (PG2)
Atraken Memory
this is one of two ships in the Atraken fleet to survive the devastation of the Clone Wars. It is barely
functional, and is based at Starport Touchdown. (PG2)
Atrakenite Guild of Miners
this guild manages the day-to-day operations of the mines on Atraken's moon, Trilos. (PG2)
this planet was one of many worlds cited by Thrynka Padaunete as having "suffered under the atrocities
of the Jedi Knights" during the Clone Wars. (SWI71)
this female Yuuzhan Vong was a member of the Shamed Ones who lived below the surface of Coruscant,
after it was transformed into the likeness of Yuuzhan'tar. At'raoth was also a devote follower of the
prophet Yu'shaa, who was actually Nom Anor in disguise. She was the first of The Select to be
dispatched to the offices of Supreme Overlord Shimrra, in an effort to gather intelligence on the ruling
elite of Yuuzhan Vong society. Unfortuantely for At'raoth, she barely reached the antechambers of
Shimrra's offices before she was discovered. As she was killed by the irksh poison hidden in a false tooth,
she screamed her defiance by invoking the name of Ganner Rhysode and the Jedi. While this was not
part of Nom Anor's plans, it did show Shimrra that The Message of the Shamed Ones was gathering
momentum. (FH2)
Atravis Sector
area of the galaxy ravaged by Moff Tarkin early in his career. It is known for its marble and bronze
furniture. (COJ)
this large, orange star is at the center of the Atrig System, located in the Outer Rim Territories. (PG2)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Atrisi System
planetary system which was home to the Kitel Phard dynasty. (ISB)

this ancient planet had a widely varied ecosystem. (COG)
Atrisian Assault Corps
this special forces military unit was the primary strength behind the Kitel Phard dynasty. Made up of His
Majesty's Roto-gunners, the Imperial Atrisian Grenadiers, and the Queen's Own Armored Cavalry Troop,
the AAC maintained the laws of the dynasty. (ROE)
Atrisian Imperial Historical Library
located on the planet Kitel Phard, this vast museum maintained a virtually complete collection of the
works of the royal families, dating back to the original manuscript of Sayings. (SWJ14)
Atrisian Iron
this Old Republic Dreadnaught was one of the many ships that were destroyed at Duro, during the height
of the Clone Wars, when the Separatist forces in the system launched Operation Durge's Lance. (SWI74)
Atrisian Order of the Nine Stars
this was one of the highest forms of decoration awarded to the members of the Atrisian Royal Corps.
Atrisian Royal Corps
this was the term given to one of the Imperial Army's four major army components. Along with line, armor,
and mobile corps, the Atrisian Corps was responsible for secretly infiltrating enemy positions. (ISB, ROE)
Atrisian System
the military forces placed in this system by the Empire were responsible for the creation of the FD system
of artillery classification. (ISB)
a park created for the use of the passengers aboard the Star of Empire. (GOF10)
Atrium 41
this housing block is found in the Trasli District of the city of Talos, on the planet Atzerri. It has fifteen
living levels, but was run-down and a virtual slum when Akanah and Luke Skywalker arrived on Atzerri. It
was owned by Akanah's natural father, Joreb Goss. (SOL)
Atrium of the Senate
see Atrium, The (UF)
Atrium, The
this was the name given to the grand entry hall of the Senate Rotunda, located on the planet Coruscant.
Located just behind the Great Door, The Atrium was lined with statues of the Old Republic's greatest
heroes and politicians. After Coruscant was taken over by the Yuuzhan Vong, much of the Atrium was
destroyed during Ganner Rhysode's attempt to hold off the warriors who were pursuing Jacen Solo and
Vergere. However, during the reshaping of Coruscant into a new version of Yuuzhan'tar, parts of the
Atrium were rebuilt to create a vast, yorik-coral cavern which served as the antechamber to the Well of
the World Brain. (T, UF)
Atrivis 7
this war-torn planet was located in the Atrivis Sector of the galaxy. (TCD)
Atrivis Advancer
this Vangaard Pathfinder was owned by the Alliance, and was used to scout out new worlds to serve as
Alliance bases. (CRO)
Atrivis Day
this Alliance freighter group was attacked and destroyed during the Imperial attack on the Organarms
facility, during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Atrivis Resistance Group

born from the resistance groups on Fest, the ARG was created when firm communications links were
formed between Fest and Mantooine, as well as with other resistance pockets in the Atrivis Sector. The
command of the ARG was set up on an abandoned space station in the Generis System, and was fed by
a complex underground information network. When Mon Mothma asked them to link their network with
the growing, galaxy-wide Alliance, there was heated discussion among the ARG's leadership, but they
eventually agreed, signing the Treaty of Generis and officially joining the War. (RASB)
Atrivis Sector
area of the galaxy which contains Generis, located in the Outer Rim. (TLC)
Atron's Mistress
Greezim Trentacal's slaving ship, it also served as his personal command center. The Mistress was a
custom-built Zuraco cargo hauler, measuring 87.3 meters in length and armed with a single turretmounted medium turbolaser. The inside of the ship was large enough to transport up to 185 enslaved
beings, along with a crew of four. Trentacal rarely left the safety of the ship, and his quarters were wellappointed. (SWJ8, TFE)
All-Terrain Scout Transport vehicle; a two-legged version of the AT-AT, used as a scout vehicle and in
areas where agility is required. The 8.6-meter-tall AT-ST was mass-produced by the Balmorrans, and was
also built by Kuat Drive Yards. It has a crew of two, and can transport up to 40 kilograms of cargo. It is
armed with a twin blaster cannon, and twin light blaster cannon, and a concussion grenade launcher.
Because of its small size, the AT-ST lacked a dedicated power supply. Instead, it used disposable, highintensity power cells, which tended to limit the AT-ST's range. What it lacked in firepower, the AT-ST
made up for in maneuverability, and its two legs were capable of moving the walker at speeds near ninety
kilometers an hour over open terrain. (ESB, ROTJ, DE2, DFRSB, EGV, CCG10, ICS, TCG6)
this variant of the original AT-ST design is significantly larger than a basic AT-ST, standing over 10
meters in height. The AT-ST/A has improved gyro-balancing systems, and their legs have greater
reinforcement. They are armed with a single heavy blaster cannon. (EGV)
see AT-ST/A (NEGV)
Attack Bug
see Blast Bug (DTR, T)
Attack Frigate
this capital ship was essentially a large freighter with additional weapons systems bolted on by the owner.
Attack Pattern Beta-Zero
developed by the Royal Naboo Defense Force, this arrangement of N-1 starfighters allowed the Naboo to
take on a large number of swift-moving enemy ships. (SFT)
Attack Pattern Delta
the spacing and attack formation used by the Alliance's snowspeeders when attacking the Imperial
walkers during the Battle of Hoth. It was developed by Beryl Chiffonage and Luke Skywalker. (ESBR,
Attack Pattern Echo-3
this was an Imperial formation used by TIE Interceptor pilots in the years following the Battle of Endor.
One fighter of a group leads the rest, with one fighter to the right and two to the left in a lop-sided V
formation. (XWES)

Attack Pattern Zeta Nine

this starfighter attack formation was developed the Royal Naboo Defense Force, and was designed to
have three N-1 starfighters take out a small capital ship. (SFT)
Attack Pattern Zeta-Gamma One
this starfighter flight arrangement was developed by the Royal Naboo Defense Force, during the Old
Republic. It allowed a more experienced squadron of fighters to lead a squadron of green pilots into
battle. (SFT)
Attack Stohl
this creature was native to the planet Ichtor 8, where it was discovered by Imperial scouts who recognized
its commercial value. Averaging just over a meter in length, attack stohls are warm-blooded predators
whose bodies are covered with a thick pelt of downy-soft fur. Their mouths were studded with sharp
fangs, which injected a poison into the bloodstream of their victims. They were considered a petty
nuisance by the Imperials, and their curiosity first endeared them to hunters. However, it was soon
realized that these slow-moving creatures could be trained as pets. For an extremely high price, a person
could own a beautiful stole-like wrapping for their neck, which would attack any being which got too close
for personal comfort. The ownership of attack stohls was popularized by Shantee Ree, who owned one
and started a campaign to ensure the survival of the species. (COG)
this poor, stench-ridden garbage world is best known for the phosovane salts produced there. Han Solo
once tried to pick up a load of salts during an Alliance mission with Princess Leia, and became entangled
with the Five. (CSWDW)
Attakril Meats
based on the planet Kidron, this small business provided a variety of meats in bulk quantities to the
restaurants and grocery stores of Elrood Sector. (PG3)
this cybernetic link is used by the Aruzan race. With a data port located behind their ears, the Aruzans
can commune and share emotions via the Attanni. When two Aruzans decide to bond for life, they can
share their intimate thoughts and dreams through the Attanni. The Attanni strips away emotion and lays
bare the knowledge and memories of both parties. (TBH)
this Hoover lived in Jabba the Hutt's Tatooine residence. (CCG7)
this immense, six-legged vehicle was the forerunner of the Imperial AT-AT. Known as an All-Terrain
Tactical Enforcer, the AT-TE provided the Army of the Republic with a formidable vehicle for bringing
troops into the midst of battle. Measuring 12.4 meters in length and standing just over five meters tall, the
AT-TE was armed with six anti-personnel laser turrets and a heavy projectile cannon. It could transport
twenty clone troopers into battle, and carried an IM-6 medical droid for remote battlefield treatment. The
crew of an AT-TE was made up of a pilot, a spotter, four interior gunners and a gunner for the exterior
projectile launcher. The armor plating of the AT-TE was shielded from ion attack by built-in
electromagnetic shields. Capable of speeds near 60 kilometers an hour over ground, the AT-TE was
deployed onto the battlefield by an LAAT/c gunship. The AT-TE was commisioned by the Kaminoan
cloners who were employed by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, so that their clone troopers could safely be
deployed into battle. The Kaminoans contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to build these vehicles,
steering clear of any corporation with ties to either the Trade Federation or the Separatists. Due to the
timing of the clandestine development of the clone troopers and the development of the AT-TE, the armor
design created for the clone troopers produced by the Kaminoans was not finalized when the AT-TE was
first developed. Thus, the driver and spotter working in the AT-TE were forced to squeeze themselves
and their armor into the cramped cockpit. In the wake of the Battle of Geonosis, when the AT-TE series
first saw duty, they were often deployed in swarms to take out as much of the enemy's holdings as
possible in a short period of time. (TCG1, X2, SWDB, SWI64)

Attention to the Moment Gives Knowledge

this was one of many Jedi training exercises used by the students of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,
before they were chosen as Padawan learners. The students were required to close their eyes and, using
only the Force, observe their surroundings in great detail. (HP)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "Father",
"Mother", or "first", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.
(GMR10, GCG)
this great, gray Wookiee was the father of Chewbacca, who often went by the nickname Itchy. At the time
of the Battle of Yavin, Attichitcuk was nearly 350 years old, and had been one of the leaders of the
Wookiee people during the Old Republic. He was a skilled hunter and warrior, and was known to have
killed and entire pack of twenty katarns which attacked him in the jungle. He also represented Kashyyyk
when the Old Republic started negotiations for colonization rights to Alaris Prime. He was awarded the
honor of being part of the initial colonization force as a reward for his work during the negotiations.
However, on Alaris Prime he discovered that the Trade Federation had illegally set up its own base of
operations. Attichitcuk was forced resort to battle, working with his fellow Wookiees to drive the
Federation off. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were dispatched from
Coruscant to help settle the conflict. Years later, after Chewbacca was freed from Imperial slavery by Han
Solo, it was Solo who gave Attichitcuk the nickname Itchy. (WSB, TT, GB, GBC)
this Trianii female was born to a life of comfort and peaceful contemplation on the planet Trian. She had
no dreams of becoming a Trianii Ranger, until she fell in love with Keeheen. They were soon married, and
Atuarre began training as a Ranger. Atuarre became pregnant during her training, and had to break it off
when she gave birth to Pakka. The family moved to the Trianii colony world of Fibuli, where their services
as Rangers were needed. However, this idyllic family life was quickly shattered when the Corporate
Sector Authority moved in and annexed the Trianii colony worlds, including Fibuli. Keeheen resisted with
every ounce of his being, and he and Pakka were taken prisoner and sent to prison to ensure their
silence. Atuarre, bereft of her family, began to concentrate on becoming the best Ranger she could
possibly be, and quickly was elevated to Ranger status. She then set out to find her husband and son.
Atuarre managed to rescue her son during a prisoner transfer in Authority space, but could not find her
mate. Pakka's traumatized state hardened her resolve to defy the Authority and find Keeheen. She joined
Rekkon's team in order to discover his whereabouts, working as an apprentice agronomist. She later
helped Han Solo break the secret of Stars' End by impersonating Madam Atuarre, the leader of a band of
entertainers sent to Stars' End by as a replacement for another act. There, she was able to rescue
Keeheen. They returned to Trianii space, where Atuarre became a physical trainer for the Ranger cadets.
Atuarre is distinguishable by her striped pelt, yellow and green eyes, and her meter-long tail. She was a
native of the planet Trian. (HSE, CSA)
this was the First day of the Tapani local calendar's week. (PGT)
Aturi Cluster
during the Galactic Civil War, this section of the galaxy was a hotbed of Alliance support until the White
Death Scimitar Assault Wing took out much of the Alliance's resistance. (ISB)
a pittin Leia Organa had as a childhood pet on Alderaan. She named the pale pink creature an All-Terrain
Attack Vehicle. (COJ)
this Rendili StarDrive commercial hyperdrive was a moderately expensive way to back up a starship's
basic hyperdrive. It was rated about a fourth the speed of a stock hyperdrive. (GG6)

developed by the Old Republic for used during the Clone Wars, the All-Terrain Experimental Transport
walker was considered the predecessor to the modern AT-ST scout. They were developed as smaller
counterparts to the AT-TE tank, for deployment into cramped battle arenas. However, because the
designers at Rothana Heavy Engineering were continually revising its design, the AT-XT never saw full
production. Many of its systems and design aspects were later reused in the development of the AT-ST
walker. The basic AT-XT was to have been armed with a heavy laser cannon and a proton missile
launcher. (SWI68, KOTOR, NEGV)
A-type Droid
this was an outdated model of droid, often found in early Alliance units. (SFE)
this temperate planet was part of the trail Akanah followed, in her search for the Fallanassi. She and Luke
Skywalker went to Atzerri after they failed to locate the Fallanassi on Teyr. The planet is the site of a
shipyard at which Lando Calrissian was shown the damage that occurs to a ship's systems due to entry
and exit from hyperspace. Atzerri was one of the member planets of the Free Trader Worlds. Later,
Atzerri was one of the first worlds overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong. (SOL, HT)
this is the name of the style of music performed by jizz bands. (ROJR)
this young girl eked out a meager existence as a thief on the planet Korriban, during the years following
the Battle of Naboo. She found a makeshift residence in the Sith monastery beneath Dreshdae's plateau,
a place where very few other beings chose to visit. Auben earned a few credits selling various items that
she had stolen, usually from visiting starships. When Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin approached her,
during their mission to apprehend Granta Omega, they were pointed to Auben as a source of information.
She agreed to help them, but they found themselves pursued by the droid armies of the Commerce Guild.
Auben led them to the lowest levels of the monastery, where an ancient hangar bay provided the only
escape route. Unfortunately, the Sith Lord who was on Korriban to meet Granta Omega discovered her in
the hangar and killed her when she got in his way. (JQ10)
this was one of the two major cities, along with tacto, found on the planet Radnor. Together, they were
considered the Twin Cities. Some five years after the Battle of Naboo, Aubendo was also known as the
Isolation Sector, when a plague was unleashed in the city. The two cities were isolated from each other,
in order to minimize the spread of the plague. (JQ1)
Aubro Ahntanda
this Sullustan male was a noted slave lord. (WSV, UANT)
Aucellis Park
this immense amusement park, owned and operated by Emo Aucellis, was created as an homage to his
former career as an explorer and historian. The attractions and shows were meant to represent events in
his career which were momentous, although many regarded the attractions as much more exciting than
Aucellis' own life. It was also a widely-held belief that Aucellis Park was nothing more than a tourist trap,
filled with thousands of ways to separate a visitor from their credits. Unknown to most visitors, however,
Aucellis Park was also a cover for a large-scale, Imperial re-education facility. The rides and attractions
were designed to place beings in a more impressionable state of mind, while the food and beverages
were laced with chemicals to reduce inhibitions and keep people open-minded about what they saw while
visiting the Park. The underlying theme of the park revolved around the notion that exploration was good,
so long as it was done in the name of the Empire. Thousands of security cameras swept the grounds,
looking for people who spoke out against the Park's ideals or, more specifically, the Empire. These
individuals were quickly escorted to an area beneath the part for re-education. The perimeter of the park
was continually monitored by no less than 312 security droids and six destroyer droids which served as
squad leaders, and additional security cameras were hidden in nearly every sign found throughout the

park. (WOA27)
Aucellis Park: Your Ideal Vacation
this promotional brochure was designed to lure beings to Keriba VI, so that they could visit Aucellis Park.
Aucellis, Emo
this somewhat reputable explorer and historian created Aucellis Park, on the moon of Keriba VI, as a
testament to his own life's work. While the Park provided visitors with many thrilling rides and attractions,
they were much more exciting that Aucellis' own life. (WOA27)
this Lianna-class corvette was of the customs patrol fleet that worked in the Lianna System during the
Galactic Civil War. When the Audacious discovered smugglers or pirates, it would herd their ships toward
its sister ship, the Reliant, which remained just outside sensor range. Modified from the basic design, the
Audacious measured 150 meters in length and was armed with six double turbolaser cannons. (ML)
Audio Drone
this small device is used by individuals who wish to mask the fact that they are no longer in a given
location. These drones can record and playback any number of subliminal and barely audible bodily
functions, including breathing and heartbeat. When set near a recording device or other surveillance
system, they provide audio signals that make it appear as if the individual is still in the room, even when
they are not. (MA)
Audio Performance Incorporated
this corporation produced a number of disruption bubble generators for use by bounty hunters and
paramilitary organizations. (ROE)
Audit Droid
any droid programmed for business or financial applications. (QE)
an Imperial IPV-1 patrol craft assigned to the Demophon system. (SN)
this Corporate Sector Authority figure observes the operation of the CSA and roots out corruption and
inefficiency. The Auditor-General works at the direction of the Prex. (CSA)
Audo, Nile
this tight-lipped, unpleasant man worked for Mal Biron on Nwarcol Point, shortly before the Battle of
Endor. He often met prospective smugglers at the station, providing information to supplement that found
in Envelope, if the smugglers could give him the correct code phrase. (SSR)
this was a form of novel which was recorded for listening, rather than printed for reading. This allowed the
reader to hear the story at their leisure, over and over again. (GG10)
this was a common name among the Lepi people. (UANT)
this was the third of seven seasons experienced on the planet Guiteica. (AE)
Aul Tarrus Vishav
this Bitthaevrian held the rank of Major-Guardian within the m'Yalfor'ac Order. Born a slave in the Upper
Bal'ta'ran Cluster, he grew to incredible size due to the continual labor he was forced to do. The skin on
his arms was striped, due to a bout with sinjaffe which seemed to slow him down for only a few days. This
size and strength was perceived as a threat by his slavemaster, and was ordered to be executed. He

managed to escape when his guards underestimated him, and his escape made him legendary among
the slaves of the bal'ta'ran crystal mines. He entered the m'Yalfor'ac Order as a footsoldier, and worked
his way upward until he became the personal bodyguard of Quaal Tavier Catharius. He proved his loyalty
to Tavier when he singlehandedly defeated three attackers sent by the rogue Jael Ganton Farvash,
thereby thwarting Ganton's attempt to assassinate Tavier. Tarrus was revered as a hero, and was
considered by many to be almost an equal of Tavier himself. Tavier bestowed upon Tarrus the Ransar
Rhal Insignia, which practically ensured his position as successor to Tavier's leadership. (AIR)
this woman was Aurra Sing's mother. Aunuanna was addicted to various forms of spice, and survived on
Nar Shaddaa by eking out a meager existence selling Gizer Ale to passing beings. Aunuanna was
believed to have been using spice while she was pregnant, which resulted in her daughter's connection to
the Force. Years later, she helped Mace Windu and Depa Billaba located the source of the illegal akk
dogs being smuggled from Nar Shaddaa. (ETM, OWS)
Aura Blossom
a bright, deep-blue, bioluminescent flower native to the forest moon of Endor. (ECAR)
this planet, the primary world in the Aurea System, was noted throughout the galaxy for the exquisite
blown-glass artworks produced by its natives. The planet and its moons were located just a half-hour from
Corellia via hyperspace. (CT, SWJ15)
this was one of the dominant written forms of communication used throughout the galaxy, and allows any
race to write the phonetics used by the Basic language. Note that Specter of the Past indicates that the
Aurebesh is a language that had a somewhat better ability to convey technical information that Basic.
this is the first symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "a". (SWM)
Aurek Company
this was a division of the Imperial 501st Legion of stormtroopers, serving the Empire of the Hand during
the years following the cease-fire between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic. Aurek Company
was among the first Imperial forces dispatched to Kariek, after the United Tribes of Kariek requested
Imperial assistance in removing the Warlord from power, some twenty-two years after the Battle of Yavin.
Unit Aurek-Seven was assigned to act as the personal guard for Commander Chak Fel, when he
accompanied the Chiss and Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, on a mission to locate
the remains of the Outbound Flight Project. (FB, SQ)
Aurek Trill 69/Cresh
this was the identification number of an amry transport deployed by the Old Republic to the planet
Praesitlyn, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. (JT)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
Auril Systems
this group of Core star systems was originally composed of nine unique systems. During the Great Sith
War, three of the systems were destroyed, creating the area of the galaxy known as the Cron Drift. The
remaining six systems remain intact, including the Adega System and the spaceport world Nespis VIII.
(TOJ, DE2)
Aurin, Madelein
author of Heroes of the Republic. (GG9)

this valuable ore was refined and used for currency by the Trade Federation, during the last decades of
the Old Republic. The Federation would only accept bribes in the form of aurodium ingots, since they
could be easily moved about without interference from the Republic. (COD)
this metal was considered a valuable commodity during the last decades of the Old Republic, and a large
ingot could command more than 300 million Republic credits. The metal, especially in ingot form,
appeared to burn with an inner light which refused to have a definite color. (RP)
Aurora, Odea
this jewelry maker worked to make a living in the back of a landing bay on Cloud City, but was a member
in good standing of the Parliament of Guilds. She was also an Alliance sympathizer, and acted as a
contact point for Alliance agents traveling to Bespin during the Galactic Civil War. Odea was orphaned at
the age of six, when her mother tried to go into business as a shipper on Cloud City. Toln ne Yerres had
her executed when she mistakenly transported goods stolen from Jabba the Hutt, and Odea was told to
never to return to her mother's ship. She was thirteen at the time of the Battle of Hoth. (GG2)
Aurorient Express
this immense, ray-shaped luxury cruiser was owned and operated by Clode Rhoden. The ship was a
symbol of the alien's wealth and status, and made a perfect target for the eco-terrorist group known as
the Green Forge. The alien named Buck insinuated himself into the Rhoden family by serving as Madam
Rhoden's personal trainer. He then convinced her to destroy the ship and kill her husband, as part of a
plot to aquire his life insurance policy. To cover his tracks, Buck created a diversion by making it appear
that the Aurorient Express had been attacked by pressure pirates. Unfortunately for Buck and Madam
Rhoden, the ship actually was under attack by pressure pirates, who used Fastlach-class defense droids
to tear apart key sections of the ship. The various plans to steal the wealth of Clode Rhoden and the
cargo of the Aurorient Express were thwarted by Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
However, after all parties decided to take their differences to the courts, Bouyardy and Waverton allowed
a core bomb found onboard the Aurorient Express to explode as payback for all their troubles. (TAE)
Aurra Sing
this bounty hunter was, at one time, a student of the Force. Born to Aunuanna on Nar Shaddaa, Aurra
Sing was taken from the degenerate moon by the famed Dark Woman and trained on Coruscant for a
short time. As a Jedi trainee, she learned minimal control of the Force from the Dark Woman, but Aurra
was captured on Ord Namurt by a group of Sennex Pirates, who later apprenticed her to Nooga the Hutt.
The pirates told Aurra that the Dark Woman told them she was not strong enough to complete the early
training of a Padawan and had been dismissed by the Dark Woman. This angered Aurra, and she hated
the Jedi fiercely from that point on. Nooga apprenticed her to some Anzati assassins, who implanted a
Rhen-Orm biocomputer in her skull to augment her mental capacity. After learning that she could use her
minimal contact with the Force to hunt down others, she returned to Nooga, assassinated him, and set
out to become a bounty hunter. Note that the story Aurra's Song claims Aurra Sing was purchased from
the Sennex Pirates by Walla the Hutt, after the Dark Woman sold her to the pirates. She was noted for
her ability to hunt down and kill the Jedi Knights, and she had several lightsabers in her trophy case to
mark her prowess. After leaving the Jedi, she had a Rhen-Orm biocomputer implanted in her head, to
help her in her hunting. She was the bounty hunter who eventually located and eliminated Reess Kairn on
the Forest Moon of Endor. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Aurra was retained in an effort to locate
and kill the secretive Jedi Master, Sharad Hett. Since she was familiar with the streets of Mos Espa,
assignment was easy for her. Despite the efforts of Ki-Adi-Mundi, she was able to assassinate Hett. Aurra
Sing was a female humanoid with pasty, white skin, three-jointed fingers, and thin limbs, she was quite
striking in her appearance. She also had an antenna plugged into the left side of her top-knotted skull.
This antenna seemed to give Aurra Sing some connection to her Anzati masters. During the early stages
of the Clone Wars, Aurra sing was hired by Devaronian Senator Vien'sai'malloc to assassinate
Elsah'sai'moro and protect the Separatist base on Devaron from attack. Eager to kill more Jedi, Aurra
agreed to the job. She nearly killed both Jedi Master Tholme and her own former teacher, the Dark
Woman, but she was apprehended by Aayla Secura. Aurra Sing tried to taunt the young Jedi, trying to

use an advantage she could gain. However, in combat, Aayla managed to slice off the antenna on Aurra
Sing's head, momentarily cutting her off from her anger. Aurra Sing was captured by the Jedi and
sentenced immediately to imprisonment on Oovo IV. The lightsaber she had collected were returned to
the Jedi Order for dsitribution to students of the dead. Aurra Sing was portrayed by Michonne Bourriogue
in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (YJC1, IG1, SWI57, BHAS, OWS, DSSB, ASNG, J3)
Ausec Grogle
this Trandoshan trader was active during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (E1A4)
Austan Asteroid Cluster
many of the properties in this cluster of asteroids were owned by Meysen Kayson. (SWJ6)
this village, located on the southern hemipshere of the planet Rhinnal, was controlled by the Kieger clan.
a Sovereign-class Star Destroyer that was under construction when the Emperor Palpatine was reborn on
the planet Byss. (DE1)
Autem, Lissa
this girl was the younger daughter of Sagoro and Sula Autem. Much to her father's dismay, Lissa admired
the daredevil antics of her older brother, Reymet. (RHD)
Autem, Reymet
this young man, the son of Blue Guard member Sagoro Autem, was twenty years old at the time of the
Battle of Geonosis. He had been educated at the Leadership School on Andara, but as a scholarship
student. This meant that he was snubbed by most of his wealthier classmates, and was something of a
loner during his education. During the years following the Battle of Naboo, Sagoro sent Reymet to be
trained as a Senate Guard, although Reymet chafed at the education. He wanted to spend his time racing
through the garbage pits of Coruscant, risking his life for thrilling activities. This frustrated Sagoro, whose
father and grandfather had both served the Senate Guard with honor and distinction, especially when
there were a number of arrests during the illegal races. Reymet, however, had noble intentions while
racing, hoping to earn enough credits to book passage for his girlfriend, Riao Siao, back to her
homeworld of Felacat. When his uncle, Venco Autem, agreed to help get Riao back to Felacat, Reymet
gladly provided his father's Senate Guard access codes to Venco, unaware that Venco was planning to
use them for illicit actions. When the Senate Guard and the Jedi Knights implicated Venco in the murder
of Jheramahd Greyshade and the attempted murder of Simon Greyshade, Reymet was forced to reveal
his misuse of the authorization codes to his father. Sagoro managed to thwart Venco's plans, but began
to realize that his family meant more to him than his loyalty to the Guard. Rather than allow Reymet to be
arrested as an accomplice to Greyshade's murder, Sagoro sacrificed his own career to allow Reymet and
Riao to escape Coruscant. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, Autem was arrested for stealing
the souped-up speeder of Senator Simon Greyshade, the man his father had been assigned to protect.
After being arrested, the Senator's speeder was "stolen" by Anakin Skywalker, during his attempt to
rescue his Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, from the ASN-121 droid which tried to assassinate Senator
Padme' Amidala. (HNN5, RHD, JQ5)
Autem, Sagoro
this man was a Senate Guard, serving the Blue Guards under Commander Zalin Bey during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. He refused to be promoted, preferring active duty to a desk job. He also felt
a deep-seated hatred of his older brother, Venco, a former Senate Guard who had been taking bribes and
payoffs to overlook certain evidence against Senators. It was Sagoro himself who discovered this, and he
never forgave Venco for his actions. The decision to remain an active Guard came back to haunt him
when Senator Jheramahd Greyshade was murdered, eight years after the Battle of Naboo. Sagoro and
his partner, Isaru Omin, were assigned to investigate the murder of Greyshade, allowing the Jedi Knights
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to protect Simon Greyshade. When it was discovered that Venco
Autem was behind the assassination of Jheramahd Greyshade, Sagoro was taken off the investigation,

and assigned to keep watch over Simon Greyshade. Upon returning home, Sagoro discovered that his
son, Reymet, had provided Venco with Sagoro's own authorization codes. Rushing to the Senate
Rotunda, Sagoro found that Venco had infiltrated Simon Greyshade's chambers and was planning to kill
him. Sagoro was forced to shoot his own brother, killing him to ensure that Greyshade survived. When a
full-scale investigation into Venco's actions was launched, Sagoro realized that family meant more to him
that he thought. He sacrificed his own career to ensure that Reymet was able to leave Coruscant and
avoid being implicated in Venco's plans. His own partner, Isaru, was forced to arrest him as an
accomplice to Venco's plans. He was imprisoned on Brentaal, until Shogar Tok and his Separatist forces
took control of the prison and began to use it as their base of operations. Sagoro led a team of insurgent
prisoners - along with Lyshaa and Ryyk - in a revolt, only to be cut off by Jedi Master Shaak Ti and a
squad of clone troopers. With the Republic's forces pinned down, Shaak Ti offered the three their freedom
in exchange for helping the Jedi to destroy Tok's hold on Brentaal. They reluctantly agreed, seeing no
better path to freedom. Autem agreed to accompany Quinlan Vos on a mission to destroy the weapons
emplacements defending the fortress, which might allow the Republic's forces to gain access to the
facility. Just before Vos could set the explosives, however, they were apprehended by Tok's forces.
Unknown to the Separatists, though, was that Korto Vos and Sagoro Autem had planted a series of
explosives. Many of the undetected explosives went off spectacularly, destroying much of the weaponry
protecting Tok's fortress and allowing Vos and Autem to escape. After Shaak Ti defeated Shogar Tok in
combat, they kept their end of the bargain and allowed Sagoro to go free. Note that this character is
referred to as Saguro Autem in Star Wars: Jedi - Shaak Ti. (RHD, HNN5, J2)
Autem, Saguro
see Autem, Sagoro (J2)
Autem, Sula
this woman married Sagoro Autem, and was the mother of his children. When Sagoro's older brother,
Venco, was implicated in the murder of Senator Jheramahd Greyshade, Sagoro threw his entire being
into the investigation. Sula felt that he had abandoned his family for his loyalty to the Senate Guard, and
threatened to leave him. After it was revealed that their son, Reymet, had provided Sagoro's authorization
codes to Venco, Sula couldn't take it anymore. She took their daughter, Lissa, and left Sagoro. (RHD)
Autem, Venco
this man was behind the plans to influence the Financial Reform Act, some eight years after the Battle of
Naboo. A former Senate Guard, Venco was the older brother of Sagoro Autem. He was expelled from the
Guards for taking payoffs to overlook certain evidence, after an in-depth investigation by Sagoro himself.
Venco was sent to prison, and was eventually released with time-off for good behavior. Venco claimed
that he did what he did to help expose the corruption in the Senate, but Sagoro never believed him. It was
discovered that Venco arranged for the deaths of many Senators prior to the vote on the FRA, including
Jheramahd Greyshade, then ensured that appropriately conditioned replacements were elected to
support his position. He tried to cover his actions by explaining to Sagoro that he was dying, which in fact
was true. After contracting a terminal disease while in prison, Venco had nothing to lose, and decided to
do whatever he could to further his ideals. When Sagoro proved intractable, Venco decided to become
close to Sagoro's son, Reymet. When Reymet tried to get his girlfriend, Riao Siao, freed and returned to
Felacat, Venco used his contacts to assist in her release. In return, Venco asked for Reymet's security
codes, ostensibly to make contact with a Senator. Reymet's codes had been revoked when he was
arrested for garbage pit racing, but he provided Sagoro's codes instead. Using his brother's codes, Venco
infiltrated the Senate Rotunda and arranged to guard Senator Greyshade's platform. Using a feint
arranged by Princess Tsian, Venco found himself alone with Greyshade, and was about to murder him
when Sagoro discovered him. After exchanging angry words, Sagoro was forced to shoot and kill Venco
to save Greyshade's life. (RHD)
this corporation produced a number flame weapons during the New Order. (GUN)
Authority Cash Voucher
created by the Corporate Sector Authority, this plastic data card denoted a certain sum of credits due to
its holder. (HSE, SWDB)

Authority Currency Exchange

developed by the Corporate Sector Authority, an Authority Currency Exchange was an automated kiosk
which took in various commodities, such as precious metals, gems, and non-standard currencies, and
converted their value into the credit standard. It then issued the owner of these commodities an Authority
Cash Voucher in return. (HSE, SWDB)
Authority Data Center
located on Orron III, the Corporate Sector Authority's Data Center was a vast repository of the data
necessary to keep the Authority in a position of power. (HSE)
Authority Merchant Marine
the Corporate Sector Authority's private shipping union. (HSR)
Authority Starship Code Safety Regulations
known as "askers" by the outlaw techs of the Corporate Sector, these regulations define specific
attributes that all starships operating in the Sector must adhere to. These regulations affect all aspects of
starship modifications, including weaponry, shielding, hull plating, sensors, escape mechanisms, landing
gear, power plants, communications, propulsion and braking, cargo space allocation, and passenger
accommodations. Starships that didn't meet the code were impounded, unless the owner carried an
Authority Waiver that noted those systems not up to code. (CSA)
Authority Waiver
any authorization provided by the Corporate Sector Authority that allows certain inspections to be
bypassed. They are most often issued to those starships under the Authority's control, so that they can
bypass the normal takeoff, landing, and safety inspections that are performed on most other ships. Many
smugglers have forged Waivers that allow them access to certain spaceports. (HSE)
Autin, Bront
this Imperial was a COMPNOR Art Group Monitor, serving under Kem Tija in Sanbra Sector. He
discovered Tem Eliss was about to publish the University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life, and tried to
detain Eliss. He was unable to capture Eliss before the academic escaped, and the Guide went into
underground publication on student networks. (GG12)
this ancient weapon was the fore-runner to the blaster cannon. Like modern blasters, it produced a highintensity packet of coherent light which could be shot into a target. Unlike modern weapons, the
autoblaster simply let fly with a salvo of bolts that were hard to aim and of relatively low power. (SH)
this old style of weapon resembles a longbow, but has automatic loading mechanisms as well as assisted
tensioning. (POT)
this ancient, repeating crossbow weapon was produced by Drolan Plasteel. (TOJC)
this was the generic term for any automated food preparation unit installed on a starship. (GG9)
this speciallized device was used to rapidly chill down liquids, and was a common fixture in many
cantinas and taverns across the galaxy. (MJH)
any automated medical station. (COJ)
any pre-programmed vehicles assigned to a specific task. On the planet Kegan, during the last decades

of the Old Republic, autohoppers were remotely-controlled skyhoppers which were used to monitor the
activities of every Keganite citizen. (HSL, FFT)
this was the generic term used to describe any global positioning system used by scouts and explorers to
map out unexplored worlds. This device was roughly the size of a datapad. (IA)
Automata Galactica
this Old Republic droid manufacturer took over and merged with Industrial Intelligence to form the megacorporation Industrial Automaton. Never a huge corporation, many senior members of Industrial
Intelligence wondered how Automata Galactica developed the economic power to execute the merger.
this newsnet was created to provide access to the latest news and information on the galaxy's multitude
of droids and automata. (FTD)
Autominer Mk IV
this was Akin-Dower's version of a MechMiner, produced for use during the height of the New Order. The
Autominer found great acceptance in the Tasar Crystal mines of the planet Tasariq. (SWJ15)
any self-motivated transport vehicle which can be programmed to move materials from one place to
another. (HSR)
Autonomic Crust-piercer
this piece of mining machinery uses a huge, cone-shaped gouge to break through a planet's crust in order
to reach the ores below it. The crust-piercer is essentially a long, solid pole. The cone is studded with
durasteel teeth, and the entire machine is moved about on huge treads. This configuration allows it gain a
great deal of momentum before plowing into the earth, at which time the grinding of the cone makes quick
work of the surrounding strata. (SLS)
any automated defense system that uses remote sensors to detect the presence of an intruder. These
systems are often employed around satellites and space stations, to allow them extra time to prepare for
an attack. (VOF)
developed by the Corellian Security Force, this was a model of fixed-emplacement weapons detection
system. (GUN)
this was a model of treaded locomotion system developed for droids during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (SWJ6)
this medical device is used to stop the flow of blood from a limb by compressing the vessel with a force
field. (ESBR)
this was the brand name of SoroSuub's droid-mounted global positioning system (GPS) module. The
AutoTracker allowed a droid to monitor its position and generate an automatic map of its immediate
surroundings, ensuring that the droid and its owner were never be lost. (FTD)
any powered wrench-like hand-tool that supplies additional torque via an internal power source. (LCF)
Autumna Planitia

an expanse of land near Margess Base. (RPG)

this moon was the second which orbited the planet Almania. The inhabitants of the moon were wiped out
by Dolph's remote-detonation droids following his attack on Pydyr. (TNR, EGP)
produced by GTU, this was their basic suit of power armor. It was portable and sturdy, and provided good
protection for most light-duty applications. GTU went on to produce three derivative suits of armor for
specific applications: the AV-1S for scouts and explorers, the AV-1C for combat soldiers, and the AV-1A
for assault troops. (GFT)
this was a military suit of assault armor, which found its way to the black market during the height of the
New Order. Manufactured by GTU, the AV-1A was the most sophisticated derivative of the basic AV-1
suit of power armor. It was the bulkiest AV-1 suit, requiring fifteen minutes to fully don, but it also provided
twelve hours of operating time before requiring replenishment. Like the AV-1C, the AV-1A came equipped
with a repulsorlift engine for maneuverability, and was given enhanced imaging and communications
systems. It also provided superior life support and strength augmentation facilities. (SWJ14, GFT, AEG)
developed by GTU from the basic AV-1 suit of power armor, the AV-1C was designed for combat use. It
was equipped with a comprehensive weapon integration and targeting system, which allowed the user to
link two weapons to the suit's onboard battle computer for easier use. Like the AV-1S, this suit was
equipped with a small repulsorlift engine to greater maneuverability, as well as a suite of imaging systems
spanning visible and infrared spectra. (GFT)
this derivative of GTU's AV-1 suit of power armor was equipped with sensor systems and survival tools
for use by scouts and explorers. The AV-1S was also given a repulsorlift engine, to help the wearer move
about in rugged or hostile environments. (GFT)
this Imperial V-series supervisor droid was assigned to oversee the construction of the second Death
Star, serving directly for Moff Jerjerrod. AV-6R7's arms were removed as punishment for failing to monitor
a faulty power droid. (VD)
this is one of the few forms of plantlife on the planet Baros. It is a prickly, cactus-like plant, and is the
primary form of food consumed by the Brubbs. (GG4)
Avabush Spice
a spice which acts as a truth serum. When administered, it induces sleepiness in the patient. It comes
from a thorny plant. (ZHR, MMY)
this Alliance Commander oversaw the transport of Imperial prisoners on the Celestial, and arranged for
the crew of the Long Shot to supplement the Celestial's crew. (OS)
this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer was part of the fleet commanded by Ysanne Isard shortly after the
battle of Endor. She used it to protect the planet Thyferra, along with the Lusankya, Corrupter, and
Virulence, during her short reign there. It was commanded by Sair Yonka, who took the ship with him
when he defected to the New Republic. It was then renamed the Freedom and saw extensive duty at the
Battle of Thyferra. (BW)

this Imperial Corporal served as a scout trooper with the Imperial garrison on the forest moon of Endor,
during the construction of the second Death Star. Something of a loose cannon, Avarik was known as a
brawler and streetfighter. He was given the assignment of monitoring yuzzum activity around the shield
generator site. (CCG10)
meaning "charming" or "eloquent", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These
names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to
three names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Avaro Sookcool
this Tetsus Rodian associate of Lando Calrissian ran the Flip of the Credit, a seedy casino in Equator
City, on Rodia. Avaro spoke Basic well enough, but he had a lisp which impeded his speech. He was also
Greedo's uncle, but held no grudge against Lando and Leia Organa when they arrived on Rodia shortly
before the Battle of Endor, claiming "business is business." Avaro was also a member of the Black Sun
organization, reporting ostensibly to Clezo but with a direct line to Xizor himself. (SE, SESB)
Avatar Orbital Platform
this orbital space station was designed by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Pekt, as a facility where the
Empire could detain and subjugate Wookiees for slavery. It was located near Kashyyyk, in order to
ensure minimal transport time for "wild" Wookiees. Over time, Avatar became a source of fear and
sadness for the Wookiees, who knew that family members stolen from Kashyyyk were sent to Avatar for
"taming." (GB)
this Corellian Engineering hyperdrive was designed to be compatible with virtually any starship system.
Although it was about half as fast as a stock hyperdrive, it was extremely reliable. (GG6)
Avatar's Needle
this was the name of Shanto Dhil's modified Guardian-class cruiser. Designed to be a pirate vessel, the
Avatar's Needle was armed with four heavy laser cannons, and was refitted for the storage of stolen
goods. Dhil never revealed how he obtained the ship, which was obviously an Imperial craft at one time.
He used the ship to pose as an Imperial customs ship, then preyed upon unwitting bacta transports. Dhil
never actually boarded the ship, but instead he "docked" with one of the spheres on a B-12 transport and
clamped onto it with a specialized cradle. He then detached the bacta sphere and fled into hyperspace,
often before the transport's Captain realized what was going on. (LOE)
Aved Luun
this female Jawa was the mate of Kalit, and the shaman of her tribe. She suspected that Wittin was
plotting to kill Kalit, but had no proof. (CCG7)
this fruit-producing, fungus-like tree was native to the Jasserak Highlands, on the planet Drongar. The
round, reddish-purple fruit grew to about the size of a human fist, and could be pressed to release its
juices. The pulp had a tart, crisp taste. The juice of the avedame could be fermented to create a flavorful,
red wine. (MJH)
A-vek Iiluunu Fighter Carrier
this 800-meter-long Yuuzhan Vong wasrship was similar in appearance to a flat, ovoid stone. A collection
of branch-like appendages studded the exterior surface of the A-vek Iiluunu, each of which could hold up
144 coralskippers. The mission profile of this ship was to deposit its complement of coralskippers into a
battlezone and then retreat to the fringes, where it awaited the end of the fighting. Coralskippers could
return to the A-vek Iiluunu to be rejuvenated at any time. Each of these carriers required a crew opf 320
to operate, and could accommodate up to 480 pilots and 280 metric tons of cargo. Twenty plasma
projectors and several dovin basals gave the A-vek Iiluunu adequate protection. (NJOSB)
Avenel Rest Station

this space station housed one of the galaxy's most prominent medical facilities, during the early years of
the New Republic. (GUN)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
the nickname given to the TIE Advanced by Imperial pilots. (TIE)
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer under the command of Captain Needa, the Avenger's mission was to
search out the Alliance's bases following the Battle of Yavin. The Star Destroyer participated in the
suppression of over 436 planets - many of which were found in the Outer Rim Territories -and it was the
lead ship in the attack on the Alliance's Hoth base. It was temporarily disabled by the Alliance's ion
cannon, but it later assisted in the hunt for the Millennium Falcon. The Star Destroyer remained at the
forefront of the Imperial fleet, serving as the communications vessel in the Battle of Endor and
participating in the Battle of Calamari. It was later under the command of Sedriss the Executor during the
period when Sedriss was initiating Operation Shadow Hand. Note that X-Wing: Alliance claims this ship
was an Imperial-II class Star Destroyer. (ESB, ROTJ, DE1, DE2, SWSB, CCG4, XWA)
Avenger Squadron
this squadron of starfighters was proposed by Ysanne Isard to Corran Horn, while Horn was imprisoned
at Lusankya. She told him that Avenger Squadron would be his to command against the Rogue
Squadron. This, among other promises and deceptions, did not lure Horn into her control. (KT)
this female Devaronian served as the planetary President of Devaron during the height of the Clone
Wars. Aven'sai'ulrahk was unaware that her primary Senator, Vien'sai'malloc, was in league with the
Separatists, and had given them a location on Devaron from which to launch a series of ambushes
against Republic supply convoys. However, after Aayla Secura and the Jedi Masters Tholme and the
Dark Woman wre able to defeat Aurra Sing and bring Vien'sai'malloc to justice, President Aven'sai'ulrahk
demanded that the Senator be dealt with as a criminal to the planet Devaron first. Of course, this meant
immediate death. (J3)
Avenue of Core Worlds
this thoroughfare, located on the planet Coruscant during the last decades of the Old Republic, was the
site of many parades and public events. It was on this street that Qui-Gon Jinn and Adi Gallia saved
Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum from an assassination attempt, shortly before the Battle of Naboo.
Avenue of the Core Founders
this thoroughfare led from the Old Republic's Senate Chamber outward into Imperial City. It was lined with
towering, humanoid statues and sunken sitting areas. (COD)
this planet was the site of rebellious activity during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was on Averam
that Winter was known as the Targeter, although her time on Averam was cut short when Imperial forces
discovered the rebel cell and eliminated it. According to Rebellion, Averam is in the Sesswenna Sector.
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Monarch. He surrendered to Admiral Ackbar's fleet
after negotiations when the New Republic took control of Coruscant. (WG)
this planet, the primary world in the Averill system, was located about five lightyears from a 1,000-

kilometer-wide dumping ground used by three private courier services. The couriers would dump their
undelivered and expended datacards into the system. Much of the planet's economy was based on
mining activities, especially when the Empire discovered a rich lode of quadrenium beneath its crust.
(SWJ7, SWJ13)
this was the name used by the human natives of the planet Averam. (TLC)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this man was was one of Talon Karrde's most loyal workers during the early years of the New Republic.
When it appeared that Mara Jade had double-crossed Karrde and sold him out to Grand Admiral Thrawn,
Aves was the first ton confront her about it. However, after Mara devised a plan to get Karrde free, Aves
decided that she had truly been duped by the Empire. After years of dedicated service - as a sensor
operator on Myrkr, and as the co-pilot of the Wild Karrde - he was rewarded with his own command, that
of the Last Resort, shortly after the Battle of Bilbringi. Karrde also promoted Aves to the rank of Captain at
this time. (HTTE, DFR, IR)
Avian Cryer
a predator native to Orellon II. (SWJ2)
white, flying creatures native to the planet Drall. (AS)
Aviary, The
this was the term used by the local residents of Vlarnya to describe the area of the city in which the pilots
tended to reside. (IJ)
Avionics Control
shipboard computers that aid in maneuvering starfighters. They allow the pilot to concentrate on other
duties. (SCRE)
a planet. (APS)
this barren, rocky world was the fourth planet in the Alderaan System. It was orbited by a single moon.
this frigid, rocky world was the fifth and outermost planet of the Alderaan System. (CCW)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Moorja. (SWI76)
this Ishori was the Captain of the warship Predominance. Even when Leia Organa-Solo knew of the
cloaked Star Destroyers behind Bothawui's comets, Av'muru chose not to listen to her and continued to
focus on what he believed was a Diamalan attack. This supposed attack came after the Vengeance group
managed to infiltrate the ship and fire on Drev'starn. (VOF)
Avnir, Edon
this man was a noted blaster merchant, who sold handcrafted weapons during the last decades of the Old

Republic. (GCG)
this is the name given to the true leader of the Avogwi people. The position of Avog is determined by
ceremonial battles, as described by Toro-toral. Although ceremonial, these battles are fought to the
death. (GG4)
tall, predatory birds native to Altor 14, they have three opposable fingers on each wing. They are primitive
and lawless, and despise technology. They are often called Altorian Birds. Much of the Avogwi society is
dominated by the teachings of Toro-toral, which detail the elaborate ritual duels among Avogwi. Many
Avogwi found off their homeworld are employed as bounty hunters. Emperor Palpatine subjugated a
number of Avogwi during the New Order, using drugs and the Dark Side of the Force to keep the Avogwi
hallucinating about their deepest fears. They were then used as vicious guards, while stormtroopers were
used for more important tasks. The Avogwi are carnivorous. It is scientifically possible that the Avogwi
and Nuiwit are descended from the same ancestors, although neither race will admit to it. (GG4, COJ)
this planet was located near Radnor, and was the homeworld of the Avoni race. (JQ1)
this alien race was native to the planet Avon. They were known for their aggressive colonization of other
worlds, a trait that the Radnorans disliked. (JQ1)
meaning "breathless", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
a flying predator native to the moon Yavin 8, the avril is a two-meter-long creature with an eight-meter
wingspan. It has a razor-sharp beak and twenty-centimeter claws which it uses to attack and kill reels.
The avrils have vibrant blue beaks and talons, and dark black plumage. (LW)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "medical specialist" in the Sullustan
language. (GCG)
Avuae Sea
located on the planet Carosi XII, the Avuae was formed when the Carosi star began to expand. The star
consumed the five innermost planets in the system, and gradually began to warm up the others. Carosi
XII was a frozen ball of ice, but began to melt during the expansion. Since then, the single-celled life that
was dormant in the ice has blossomed, and the Avuae teems with life. It provides the displaced Carosites
with a ready source of protein. (PG2)
this was a highly-specialized holographic storage system developed by Gentik and Harris. The AVX-1
was designed for use in espionage droids. (CRO)
Award for Engorgeable Excellence
this award was presented yearly by the Orto Culinary Academy to the galaxy's best chefs. (HNN5)
Award of the Mechanic's Nightmare
first given to Garik Loran by Cubber Daine, this Wraith Squadron honor was bestowed upon the pilot who
returned from a major engagement, and whose starfighter had suffered the most damage. (IF)
Awarru Tark

this humanoid bounty hunter was well-respected among his peers, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. Unfortunately, Awarru was killed by Stauz Czycz, who hoped to gain access to Darth Vader and
exact revenge on the Dark Lord. (T4)
Awdrysta Pina
this Jedi Master was forced to use the techniques of mortichro in order to defeat Arden Lyn, during the
battle of the First Great Schism. However, Master Pina was mortally wounded during the struggle, when
Arden Lyn used a Kashi Mer talisman against him. He died as Lyn expired, although her connection to
the Dark Side of the Force allowed her to survive across many millennia. (GMR5)
this yellow star was the primary body in the Aweris System. It was orbited a single planet, Taboon.
the generalized name of the Dodonna/Blissex RZ-1 Starfighter, this ship was designed from the R-22
Spearhead. It was a flat, one-man, wedged-shaped snub fighter built for the Alliance after the loss of
Echo Base and prior to the Battle of Endor. The A-Wing was designed, as its name implies, by Jan
Dodonna and Walex Blissex. Because the Alliance was short on funds, most A-Wings were custom-built
in private shops. As an example, the ship Tycho Celchu flew at the Battle of Endor had its cockpit inlaid
with Fijisi wood. It measured 9.6 meters in length, and was designed for interception and long-range
reconnaissance. One unique feature of the A-wing was the short hydro-servo bearing installed in each
wingtip, allowing the pilot to tilt the laser cannons up to 60 degrees up or down. Its top sublight speed was
120 MGLT, and it could maneuver at 1,300 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. It had limited navcomp
capabilities, being able to calculate only 2 jumps before requiring recalibration. It boasted the following
shipboard systems:

MPS Bpr-99 Power Core and Fusion Reactor

Twin Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon Engines

Torplex Rq9.Z Advanced Avionics Control

Microaxial LpL-449 NavCom Unit

Incom GBk-785 Hyperdrive Motivation Unit

Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array Model Number PA-9r

Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid Number PG-7u

Fabritech ANq 3.6 Target Tracker

2 Borstel RG-9 Laser Cannons

Dymek HM-6 Concussion Missile Launchers (up to 6 missiles)

Sirplex Z-9 Shield Projector (50 SBD)

Fabritech ANs-7e Sensor Unit

IN-3444-B Sightline Holographic Crosshairs

Titanium Alloy Hull (15 RU)

One obscure aspect of the A-Wing's design came to light after the Battle of Endor, when Arvel Crynyd
used his ship to singlehandedly destroy the Executor. The A-Wing's unique shape, coupled with its speed
and its highly-explosive fuel system, made the starfighter a manned projectile weapon of incredible
destructive capability. (ROTJ, SCRE, SWSB, RASB, XW, TIE, BW, NEGC, NEGV)
A-Wing Slash
this New Republic naval battle technique required split-second timing among a group of starfighters. The
maneuver usually employed a group of X-Wings which flew directly toward the defensive line guarding a
capital ship. Flying just behind the X-Wings would be a group of A-Wings, hiding in the X-Wings' drive
glows. The X-Wings disengaged their attack at the last second, drawing the fire of the defense with them.
The A-Wings could then strafe the undefended ship at will. It was very similar to a saggery-blossom
maneuver. (TLC, SOP)
this as a species of hump-backed herd animal which had been domesticated by the Ansionians. (APS)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "singer", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race.
Awson, Byam
this man was the constable of the Elesa settlement, on Ando Prime, during the early years of the New
Order. (GMR2)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "waterfall".
this modified 2-1B medical droid was owned by Kh'aris Fenn, and was used to torture his captives in
order to obtain information. AX/RX was kept at Fenn's fortress on Kintan, and was in charge of the
interrogation of the Jedi Master Tholme. However, the droid could not discern between true death and
Tholme's use of the Force to shut down his bodliy functions. When Kh'aris realized that Lon Secura had
refused his demands, Kh'aris sent an order to AX/RX to execute Tholme and Nat Secura. Once again,
Tholme fooled the droid into thinking he was dead, then tried to destroy it. He was surprised to see his
Padawan, Aayla Secura, arrived to destroy AX/RX and gain their freedom. (ROP)
this highly-specialized droid verbobrain was developed by Caldrahlsen Mechanicals for use in the C4LR
series of litigation droids. (FTD)
this was a specialized droid computer brain developed for use in espionage droids by Gentik and the
Columni. There are several classes of AX-1 brains, depending on the level of droid being modified. Class
IV brains were often used on small, limited-function droids like the MSE-6. (CRO)
this BlasTech starship blaster cannon is known as a "ground buzzer." The Ax-108 is designed to be
concealed on the underside of the ship's hull. When activated, the Ax-108 drops down out of its
compartment and can be aimed at the target. The Ax-108 has a 360-degree range of motion, but it has
limited firepower. It is designed to take out approaching ground forces during a hasty departure from a
spaceport; interstellar use is limited. (CCG)
this Alliance listening post was hidden in an asteroid belt in the Cron Drift. This post supposedly
intercepted a transmission of the plans to the first Death Star, just before the Battle of Yavin. (XW)

this model of assassin droid was notoriously quirky in its behavior. One model was captured because of
its habit of rearranging its victim's furniture after the kill. (GMR3)
this asteroid was the site of a small Alliance communications relay station, which was destroyed by the
Empire shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Kyle Katarn was still in officer training when he commanded a
squad of stormtroopers into battle on AX-456, and received commendations and honors for his work in
securing the asteroid. It was on AX-456 that Kyle first encountered Jan Ors, when he couldn't bring
himself to kill her and her team in cold blood. (SFE)
this heavily-modified GAT Skipray Blastboat was owned by Siro Simito, and used in the starship races he
participated in. (CRO)
an Alliance transport group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this strong metal was used to form control boxes and other protective coverings. (E1A5)
this was the largest continent found on the planet Talus. (CCW)
this droid, originally a standard Arakyd messenger unit, was modified by a group of smugglers to act as a
combat reconnaissance and espionage droid during the height of the New Order. It moved about on a
series of tiny repulsorlift engines, and was equipped with a photorecption system and holographic
recording unit. (RESB)
this series of blaster weapons was produced by Prax Arms. It was a rapid-fire weapon capable of
incredible destruction. The Alliance often added a Locris Syndicates MGL-1 micro-grenade launcher to
the AXM-50, creating a formidable weapons capable of breaking through a barrier with its grenades, then
allowing the user to lay down suppression fire to any enemies who emerged. Soldiers commonly referred
to these kinds of weapons as "blast and smash" rifles. (ROE)
Axo, Vabrick
this man, a native of the planet Commenor, owned and operated Sampo's, a restaurant found in Chasin
City, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Axt, Delindras
this woman was a noted Spheroids player during the era of the New Order. (GFT)
this planet had a semi-toxic atmosphere, requiring that monst humanoid races use a breath mask
whenever possible. (SWJ3)
this temperate world was the third planet of the Axum System, located in the Core Worlds. It was orbited
by two moons. During the millennia before the formation of the Old Republic, Axum served as the center
of the Azure Imperium. When the Azure Imperium was absorbed into Coruscant's sphere of power, Axum
chose to bow out of the spotlight, allowing Anaxes to become the planet known as the Defender of the
Core. (CCW)
Han Solo once described this world as "Coruscant turned inside (sic) and made into a jail where the

inmates are in control." Sate Pestage fled here, after he lost control of the Ciutric Hegemony. He tried to
make a deal with Leia Organa that would turn Coruscant over to the New Republic in exchange for his
freedom, but Ysanne Isard had other plans. She dispatched Admiral Krennel to subjugate the planet,
wiping out many of the planet's civilians for harboring Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Rogue Squadron. The
vast majority of the populace was unaware of the presence of the New Republic on their world, and died
for no apparent reason. (XWM, IR)
Aya Lim
this was the name of a noted Kaminoan scientist. (UANT)
Aycee Lameers
this male Gran was small-time criminals who worked for Sebolto during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. A death stick addict, Lameers funded his habit by selling all manner of illicit contraband for the
Dug crimelord. A bounty was issued for his capture by Pixelito Grand Council, in connection with a
number of black-market activities. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter
traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto. (BH)
Aycen, Frei
this Corellian woman was a noted pirate, operating during the last years of the Old Republic. She was an
idealistic woman who saw through the corruption that destroyed the Old Republic, and was known to
steal cargoes and supplies while ensuring that her victims were not harmed in any way. Her pirate fleets
consisted of a number of Cloakshape fighters and small transports, all of which were protected by the
modified IPV-1 system patrol craft Freejack. The ship's interior sections were rearranged to accommodate
more cargo space, and a hyperdrive was installed for interstellar travel. (SOG)
Ayddar Nylykerka
a New Republic asset tracking officer, he was part of the initial team set up to track the location of former
Imperial warships. Ayddar was a Tammarian, and had many wives on Coruscant. Ayddar was responsible
for deciphering the data recovered from the Gnisnal and highlighting the missing Black Fleet to Admiral
Ackbar. In the wake of the Black Fleet Crisis, Nylykerka was promoted to the position of chief analyst in
the asset tracking division of the armed forces. He was part of the team which was formed to obtain any
and all information on the Yuuzhan Vong, during their invasion of the galaxy. During the invasion,
Nylykerka was promoted again, this time to the Director of Fleet Intelligence. As a member of the New
Republic Defense Force, Nylykerka learned that the Yuuzhan Vong were trying to destroy the Jedi
Knights, but was unable to discover the reasons behind their actions. Note that Agents of Chaos II: Jedi
Eclipse names this character as Addar Nylykerka. (BTS, HT, JE)
Ayehe Dance Troop
this group of Twi'lek dancers, led by Ardana Mitt'Ayehe, was popular throughout the Tion during the New
Order. (ML)
Ayelixe Fabrico
this Old Republic corporation merged with Krongbing Interstellar Fashions, forming Ayelixe/Krongbing
Textiles. (WOTC)
Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles
this fabric and textile manufacturer was one of the original Signatory Sponsors of the Corporate Sector
Authority. This Old Republic conglomerate was formed when Ayelixe Fabrico merger with the larger
Krongbing Interstellar Fashions. They were the leading manufacturer of uniforms for the Imperial armed
forces during the height of the Galactic Civil War, although the corporation strove to remain politically
neutral. Note that Pirates and Privateers claims the corporation's name is Ayelic/Krongbing Textiles.
Ayk Arko
this male Gran was a noted criminal who worked for Sebolto during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. A bounty was issued for his capture by the Coruscant police force, in connection with several
cases of public damage that occurred on Coruscant during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The

bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto.
Ayra Foon
this was a noted Quermian individual. (UANT)
this alien race, native to the Outer Rim world of Maya Kovel, was characterized by its blood-chilling voice.
As a people, the Ayrou were known to be strong-willed individualists, committed to maintaining a peaceful
existence of barter and negotiation. Most Ayrou regarded any form of combat as a juvenile approach to
resolving a situation, preferring to use their brains to determine a suitable outcome. Because of this, the
Ayrou were known to debate on a topic for generations before abruptly changing societal customs to
meet their needs. This also instilled in the Anyrou a hoarding mentality, with each individual holding onto
anything they could find, on the off-chance it might prove useful one day. The average Ayrou stood two
meters in height, and was distinguished by their long limbs and milk-white skin. Their startling eye colors
were matched only by the bright plumage the Ayrou had instead of hair, and many Ayrou were continually
preening themselves to ensure their best appearance. The fingers on their hands were tripled-jointed,
allowing the Ayrou to grasp and bend their hands into unusual positions. (SOP, UANT)
this was the native language of the Ayrou people. Many humanoids likened this language to the sound of
a bird being strangled. (UANT)
Ayrou Tessent
this was the term used to describe the version of the Tessent that was attributed to the Ayrou race. Like
the Alaskan Tessent, the Ayrou Tessent resembled a large bird which had the head of a felinx. The Ayrou
Tessent was supposedly part of the vast horde of treasures that were accumulated by the ancient
hierarchs of the Il Madri religion. When the Il Madri religion was abandoned, the treasures were supposed
hidden somewhere in the Kuna systems of the galaxy's Moddell Sector, although the Ayrou Tessent was
believed to have been hidden on Ast Kikorie, as it contained the coordinates of the hidden treasure trove.
Ayrvn, Garim
this man was once the warden of an Imperial prison, until the Alliance raided the installation and freed the
captives. Garim resigned in disgrace, and took up bounty hunting as a way to get back at the Alliance. He
joined House Tresario, and vowed to recover all the prisoners who escaped with the Alliance. (GG10)
Aythar Desh
this was the name of a noted Thakwaash individual. (UANT)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "wind in the leaves". (GCG)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "star" in the Twi'leki language. (GCG)
Ayy Vida
this Twi'lek female frequented the bars and nightclubs of Coruscant, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. She was unusual among Twi'leks because her yellow skin was striped with orange, rather
being a solid color. A consort working for Hat Lo, Ayy Vida dreamed of being rescued from servitude, but
feared that Tas Kee would eventually hunt her down. During the year leading up to the Battle of
Geonosis, Ayy Vida was a known associate of Achk Med-Beq. She hoped that his association with Dannl
Faytonni would allow her to meet the man, whom she believed to be an officer of the Old Republic who
might be able to free her from enslavement. Ayy Vida was portrayed by Karina Wakefield in Star Wars:
Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (OWS, SWDB, IWE2, SWI75)

this was the designation of Incom Industries' heavy-weight, armored droid leg system. (DWK)
AZ 7-62
this was a freighter owned by Twin Suns Transport Services. (XWA)
this Huttese adjective translated roughly into Basic as "hazardous." (E1A14)
this arid, terrestrial world was the fourth planet of the Zug System. It was located just inside the asteroid
belt known as The Coins of Gauha, and was orbited by a pair of moons. (PH)
Azaria 66
this propulsion unit was manufactured by Alkherrodyne Propulsion. It was engineered in accordance with
their corporate "programmed obsolescence" mandate, and was poorly designed. When it started
exploding in the field and lawsuits started rolling in, Alkherrodyne falsely accused Klaus Vandangante of
being negligent in his engineering. Both Vandangante and Alkherrodyne were bankrupted because of the
failure of the Azaria 66. (CSA)
an Imperial General killed on Lafra when the CSPL-12 projectile launcher one of his troops was using
jammed. An official investigation later revealed that the trooper was in error. (ISB)
sister of the Singing Mountain clan on Dathomir. (CPL)
Condren Foreck's home planet. (AC)
Azerbaz Region
this was one of the northernmost of Tatooine's habitable regions. (T20)
this immense Imperial starship resembled the basic design of the World Devastator, although it predated
the super weapons by several years. It was originally commanded by Admiral Mir Tork, who was serving
under Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta, and resembled two huge cube connected by a thick shaft. Four
engines, the lower two of which could swivel downward, propelled the ship in atmopsheres. The interior of
the ship was refitted to house laboratories and slave holds, as Admiral Tork and his partner, Doctor
Leonis Murthe', spent much of their careers subjugating and destroying alien civlizations. The Azgoghk
was defeated in battle by the New Republic and abandoned, but it was later recovered by Admiral Tork
and transported to Malicar 3 for repairs. The ship was badly disabled when Boba Fett arrived on Malicar 3
to execute Tork and Murthe'. (AOD, SWI66)
this infamously paranoid pirate was captured by Morturr Heth and the surviving Disac pirates, shortly after
Ket Maliss wiped out the Disac. His identity was later used by Morturr Heth to get back at Black Sun. His
ship, the Rampaging Ranat, was also usurped by Heth's gang. (SSR)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. It was an alternate spelling of Asyr. (GCG, WOTC)
this was one of the repulsorlift-equipped, floating cities found on the planet Rordak. (PG1)
a nondescript planet in the Rayter Sector. (CRO)

this ancient Falleen managed an antiques store in the Southern Underground of Coruscant. In reality,
Azool was portrayed by Xizor's niece, Savan. (SEE)
Azool's Antiques
this artifact dealership was owned by the old Falleen Azool, and was located in the Southern
Underground of Coruscant. (SEE)
this blue-skinned, Wroonian woman was entertained by Han Solo while he and Chewbacca were trying to
keep the peace on Aduba-3. She was dating the alien Warto at the time, and he jealously attacked Han.
(MC8, GMR4)
this man was strong in the Force when he was discovered by Emperor Palpatine, shortly before the
institution of the New Order. Palpatine used Azrakel as an experiment, forcing him to experience the full
power of the Dark Side of the Force for days on end. Palpatine hoped to see how long it would take for
Azrakel's mind to break. Azrakel proved resilient, and Palpatine soon tired of the experiment. Azrakel was
recovered by Supreme Prophet Kadann, but his mind had been wiped clear. Kadann trained him to be a
living weapon, and to hate both Palpatine and Darth Vader. Over time, Azrakel came to hate Kadann as
well, and set out on his own to the Corporate Sector and Wild Space, in the wake of the Battle of Endor.
this cool, forested planet was one of the worlds colonized by the Mugaari, before they made contact with
the Old Republic. It was originally part of the area of the galaxy known as Mugaari Space, which later was
renamed to be the Javin Sector. Atzubek was known as the headquarters for many of the Greater Javin's
corporations. The native population was among the wealthiest in the Outer Rim Territories, despite its
backwater location. (WOA33)
this Tusken Raider was badly injured when he encountered a mole serpent in the desert of Tatooine,
some time before the Battle of Yavin. The mole serpent had been brought to Tatooine by Ranon Djelkh,
but the bounty hunter who was transporting his had to crash-land in the desert. A-Zulmun managed to
survive his encounter with the worm by shoving his slugthrower rifle into the mole serpent's mouth.
Shortly afterward, his dying body was found by a group of smugglers who had inadvertently come to
possess the Tirginni Cologne Djelkh had imported. Although he distrusted them with every fiber of his
existence, A-Zulmun eventually began to talk to the smugglers. When they agreed to help move the
bounty hunter's ship - the Star Stalker, which was blocked the entrance to the cave used by A-Zulmun's
tribe - he showed them the way to the ship. When Ranon Djlekh and his thugs showed up to retrieve the
mole serpent, A-Zulmun managed to injure the crimelord with another rifle, giving the smugglers a chance
to defeat the crimelord. Once the remains of the Star Stalker were moved, A-Zulmun thanked the
smugglers and began to restore his tribe's home. (SOT)
this planet saw a great deal of combat during the later stages of the Clone Wars. (MJH)
Azure Angel II
this was the name used by Anakin Skywalker to denote his heavily-modified delta-7 Aethersprite-class
fighter, during the height of the Clone Wars. Among the primary modifications was the addition of a
shipboard hyperdrive unit, which eliminated the need for a hyperdrive ring when traveling across
interstellar distances. (JT)
Azure Dianoga
an Invisible Sector cantina located on Coruscant. (WG)
Azure Hammer Command

this was the primary Imperial stationed in the Imperial Center Oversector of the galaxy, defending
Coruscant and a good slice of the Core Worlds during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The fleet's
flagshiop was the Super-class Star Destroyer Whelm, which was supported by fifty-seven other capital
ships. (CCW)
Azure Imperium
this ancient political body was headquartered on the planet Axum, during the millennia before the
formation of the Old Republic. When Coruscant became the recognized center of galactic power, the
Azure Imperium was absorbed into its sphere of protection. (CCW)
Azure Motorworks
this groundcar manufacturer was based on the planet Anaxes, and built exceptionally quiet and luxurious
vehicles that conformed to the strict regulations of the planet's cities. (CCW)
Azure Overlook
this was a popular tourist spot, located on the coastline of Quantill City, on the planet Ando. It was
situated in the Quara area of the city, opposite the city's starport to protect its pristene beauty. A
wondrous rock garden covered much of its grounds, with a variety of aline plants and lichens being
cultivated in its niches. (SWJ11)
Azure Sector
this was one of the wealthiest, and most crime-free sectors of the galaxy during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. (WOA34)
Azure Shield
this small Imperial fleet was separate from the Azure Hammer Command, and was specifically charged
with the defense of the Azure Sector during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (CCW)
Azure Walk
this was the name given to the central walkway of the Grand Piazza on Anaxes, which was created from
azure marble flagstones. (CCW)
Azur-Jamin, Daye
Tinian I'att's fiance' and a Force-sensitive individual, Daye worked in the research and development
division of I'att Armament. He was close to Strephan I'att, and the two of them collaborated on an antiblaster energy field during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. When Imperial Moff Eisen Kerioth decided to
steal the designs for his own work, he executed Strephan and his wife, Augusta, in front of Daye and
Tinian. Daye and Tinian's bodyguard, the Wookiee Wrrl, managed to get Tinian to safety. After making
sure she escaped from Druckenwell with the plans to the energy field's technology, Daye destroyed the
I'att complex. Unfortunately, he was caught in the resulting desctruction and was nearly killed before he
could rendezous with Tinian. He was rescued by the local underground, and eventually recovered.
However, he had many body parts replaced with cybernetic implants. Rather than endanger Tinian
further, Daye remained with the underground and eventually joined the Alliance. He worked for the cell
led by Una Poot, and was responsible for aiding the Sunesi in their battles against the Empire. When
Daye met Agapos the Ninth, the Sunesi used his ability with the Force to see what was troubling Daye,
and explained that he needed to find Tinian and let her know he was alive. Several years after the Battle
of Endor, Daye and Tinian were reunited. They rediscovered their love for one another, and eventually
were married. Daye himself traveled to Yavin 4 to discuss further training with Luke Skywalker, and
became a field agent for the Jedi. Soon afterward, Tinian gave birth to a son, Tam, who himself grew into
a Jedi student. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Daye provided reports from the front
edges of alien-held territory, and was on Nal Hutta following the Battle of Fondor. (TFE, TBH, SWJ10, BP)
Azur-Jamin, Tam
this Force-sensitive boy was the son of Daye Azur-Jamin and Tinian I'att, and later was a student at Luke
Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Luke asked Tam
to travel to Nal Hutta and locate his father, who hadn't reported into the Jedi in several days. Tam later
returned to the Jedi base on Eclipse and became a member of Saber Squadron. During the final stages

of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, after the living planet Zonama Sekot agreed to help bring about
an end to the conflict, Tam was one of several Jedi Knights were bonded to seed-partners and provided
with Sekotan starships. Tam was ultimately one of the handful of Jedi Knights to survive the conflict with
the Yuuzhan Vong. Note that Star by Star indicates, at one point, that Tam was a Duros. (BP, SWI57,
Azuroth Khell
this Kalzerian was a native of the Kost province. He became part of the resistance that grew on Kalzeron
shortly after the Empire subjugated the planet. Khell and his comrades fled Kalzeron in order to train and
obtain weapons, but the Empire withdrew from the planet shortly after the Battle of Endor. When the
members of the resistance returned home, they were branded cowards and traitors to their people.
Outcast from his own world, Khell wandered the galaxy as a hired gun and mercenary, until he was
picked up by Executive Results. The leaders of this corporation were so impressed with his skills that they
brought him to the attention on Saujutta-Ok-Topii herself. Saujutta recognized his potential, and placed
Khell in charge of the forces that were neutralizing the enemies of Syndicate One. (SWJ8)
a Mon Calamari light freighter. (SN)
Azzameen Station
this ring-shaped space station was owned and operated by Tomaas Azzameen and his brother, Antan. It
served as the base of operations for Twin Suns Transport Services. (XWA)
Azzameen, Ace
the youngest of Tomaas Azzameen's three sons, Ace was eager to begin flying for his father's company,
Twin Suns Transport Services. However, his brothers never wanted to admit he was ready, so Ace often
flew with his sister, Aeron. She favored him over the other two boys, although her loyalty to the entire
family never waivered. Ace learned how to fly transports with Aeron shortly after the Battle of Hoth, and
was instrumental in helping the Alliance steal the shuttle Tyrdirium near Zhar. (XWA, NEGC)
Azzameen, Aeron
the only daughter of Tomaas Azzameen, Aeron was the family's computer systems expert. She was also
an ingenous hacker, and could fly a transport with any of her brothers. During the last years of the
Galactic Civil War, she became emotionally involved with Olin Garn, after the pilot contracted with Twin
Suns Transport Services. (XWA)
Azzameen, Antan
this man and his brother, Tomaas Azzameen, cofounded Twin Suns Transport Services. His loyalty to the
family ran deep, especially after he was caught on Hoth, assisting the Alliance with a supply delivery,
when the Empire attacked. However, he grew to oppose his family's affiliation with the Alliance, and soon
turned into a traitor. He tried to expose the family and turn them over to the Empire in a trap laid at Kessel
Station, but Ace and the Alliance were able to thwart his plans. (XWA)
Azzameen, Emon
the middle of the three sons of Tomaas Azzameen, Emon was a skilled pilot with a hot streak. He was
always around when a fight breaks out, and seemed to attract more trouble than one man ever could.
Often, his temper got the better of his judgement, and he had to be rescued by his siblings. (XWA)
Azzameen, Galin
the eldest of the three sons of Tomaas Azzameen, Galin was known as a quiet yet brilliant man who was
groomed to follow in his father's footsteps within Twin Suns Transport Service. He held strongly to his
own beliefs on right and wrong, and was a background supporter of the Alliance. Galin and Tomaas
Azzameen were both killed aboard the Vasudra, when it destroyed during a bacta delivery. (XWA)
Azzameen, Tomaas
this man and his brother, Antan Azzameen, cofounded Twin Suns Transport Services. The older of the
two brothers, Tomaas served as the family leader during the period between the Battle of Yavin and the

Battle of Endor. Like Antan, his loyalty to the family runs deep, especially after Antan was caught on Hoth,
assisting the Alliance with a supply delivery, when the Empire attacked. However, Tomaas also felt that
the Empire was morally wrong, and supported the Alliance as discreetly as possible. His skills in business
have gotten the family into a rivalry with the owners of Viraxo Industries. Tomaas and Galin Azzameen
were both killed aboard the Vasudra, when it destroyed during a bacta delivery. (XWA)
this man was a professor of Modern History at a university on Alderaan, during the early years of the New
Order. He openly opposed the tyranny of the Empire's government, and even described the sport of
wegsphere as a symbol of the Empire's oppression. Azzi failed Conn Doruggan in his class, after reading
his essay on Human Expansionism. (TBSB)

B. J. Rordan's Collectables
this old bulding, located in the Verena City starport on the planet Kirima, was owned and operated by
Bren-Jules Rordan. Rordan used the business - which sold various bits and pieces of discarded junk - as
a cover for his operations as head COMPNOR agent on the planet. (TSK)
this repulsorlift engine was developed by Incom Industries, and modified for use on cloud cars by Bespin
Motors. Massive B/I repulsorlift engines were developed to keep Cloud City aloft in the atmosphere of the
planet Bespin. (GG2, SWDB)
this Treadwell droid worked aboard the first starship Platt Okeefe piloted for the Klatooinan Trade Guild,
the Brentaal Princess. The droid was destroyed, however, when Platt was forced to crashland on
Tatooine. B-0B hadn't been properly stowed, and was dashed against the bulkheads. (PSG, SWG10)
a series of labor droids built by AccuTronics, the B1 was designed to perform heavy-lifting and
manipulatory tasks. The B1 has become a necessary part of most spaceports, where it is used to load
and unload bulk freighters and other cargo ships. The 1.5-meter droid was programmed to respond to the
simplest of commands, and is incapable of learning from its environment. This eliminates the need for
periodic memory wipes, reducing the operating costs associated with it. (RASB)
B-1 Worker Droid
see B1 (LOE)
this large power blaster was developed during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. It was first used by the Barabels of the Wild Knights. (SBS)
this was a generic power converter produced during the height of the New Order, most often used to
power starship turbolasers. (SWEIA)
B-12 Transport
one of the few specialty starship designs produced by Kuat Drive Yards, the B-12 was designed to
transport bacta. Based on the designs of the Lancer-class frigate, the B-12 measured 238 meters in
length, and required a crew of 26 to operate. It could transport up to six passengers and 600,000 metric
tons of bacta. Many of these ships were modified to have a concealed laser cannon, especially at the
height of the Galactic Civil War, to protect the ships from being hijacked. The central fuselage of the B-12
was made up of sixteen pressurized, temperature-controlled spheres, in which the bacta was transported
to prevent spoiling. (TSIA. LOE)
this 613-series digger droid was owned by the Tredway family, and worked at the 24 Tredway mining
facility until it was destroyed by Imperial Governor Parnell. B14 provided information on the injuries to
Dena Tredway to Luke Skywalker. B14, along with B70 and P39, sacrificed themselves in order to allow
Luke Skywalker, Gideon Smith, and Sidney Shortfang rescue Dena Tredway and take her to Ire
Eleazari's asteroid for medical treatment. (JH)
B1-series Battle Droid
the armed footsoldiers of the Trade Federation, these thin droids were the mainstay of the Federation's
armed forces. As in other situations that required a show of force, the Trade Federation spared no

expense in designing these droids to fight their battles. The Federation's droids were built by Baktoid
Combat Automata to resembled the dissicated skeleton of the Geonosians who were contracted to
manufacture them. This fearsome shape stood 1.91 meters tall, was plated with white armor, and could
carry and operate a wide range of weapons. A backpack mounted to the droid contained much of the
droid's sensors and communications gear. They could be deployed in massive numbers by using MTT
tanks to bring them to the battle site. The droids were stored in a compact, fetal position in long racks
aboard the MTT, and were placed on the battlefield until a Droid Control Ship activated them. If there
opponent started to turn back the battle droid force, they were programmed to call in reinforcements, such
as destroyer droids. The Neimoidians placed battle droids in every area of their military, and distinguished
their various uses by color. Red-shouldered droids served as security teams, blue-colored battle droids
served as pilots, while yellow-shouldered droids are part of the command structure. Plain white droids
were infantry and soldiers. At the height of its power, it was rumored that the Trade Federation had no
idea exactly how many battle droids were under its command. (SW1, YJC1, IG1, CCG15, TCG1, SWI70)
this was one of the communications frequencies used by the underground resistance on Garos IV, during
the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ2)
B22 Imperial
this hold-out blaster, produced by Merr-Sonn during the height of the Galactic Civil War, was generally
considered the smallest such weapon ever produced. It was a powerful weapon, despite its size. Known
as the Imperial or, in some circles, the Little Emperor, the B22 was originally produced for Imperial agents
who needed an easily-concealed weapon. Its popularity led to the development of the 22T4 holdout
blaster. (GUN, AEG)
this was the designation of the cloning sample of Luke Skywalker, taken from the hand he lost in the
lightsaber duel with Darth Vader on Cloud City. The insane Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth used this sample to
create a clone of Skywalker, some five years after the Battle of Endor. (DFR, TLC)
B2-series Battle Droid
see Super Battle Droid (MBS)
a series of MerenData computer interface droids, the B2-X was a cubical module with incredible memory
and operational capacities. The B2-C was essentially a portable positronic processor, produced to
provide incredible amounts of computer processing power in a compact package. MerenData hoped to
sell the B2-X to the Empire, but the Imperial Intelligence agency was disappointed with the personality
glitches that plagued the early prototypes. (CSA, EGC)
this was a model of heavy-duty spot luma, produced for industrial use by SunnGunn. (WSV)
this huge, well-armored droid was a prototype designed by Loronar for navigational and tactical
speculation. Despite its fearsome appearance, B3NK was also programmed for systems integration and
computer operations. As a prototype, B3NK was untested, but was nevertheless assigned to assist KiAdi-Mundi in his search for Ephant Mon, Maj-Odo-Nomor, and his daughter, Slyvn. (PTR, HNN5)
a technical droid used by the Empire. (SWSB)
B4J4 Droid
this is a model of Blujay security droid. It is equipped with a repulsorlift generator, so it can go just about
anywhere. The B4J4 series was armed with a pair of heavy blasters, two stun blasters, and two grapplecable shooters that fire ShrinCord. They were used by Santhe/Sienar Technologies to guard their
headquarters on Lianna. (ML)

a series of labor droids. (TJP)
this large, spider-shaped droid was one of Mala's constructs. She left it behind in the spaceport on
Centares, when she and a group of other bounty hunters gathered to see if Ban Papeega could discover
the name of the pilot who destroyed the first Death Star. When Mala learned that the pilot's name was
Luke Skywalker, she was hunted down by Vader's troops. After jumping from a cliff, Mala was rescued by
B-6 and returned to her ship. They fled to Coruscant, but were shot down by an Imperial patrol. B-6 was
damaged beyond repair in the crash, but Mala reused its parts in a trap meant to delay the stormtroopers
who searched for them. (VQ)
B-7 Freighter
a transport ship manufactured by Loronar, the B-7 freighter measured 19 meters in length and required a
pilot and gunner to operate. Armed with a single laser cannon, the B-7 could accommodate up to eight
passsengers and a metric ton of cargo. (DARK, KO)
this 613-series digger droid was owned by the Tredway family, and worked at the 24 Tredway mining
facility until it was destroyed by Imperial Governor Parnell. B14 provided information on the injuries to
Dena Tredway to Luke Skywalker. B70, along with B14 and P39, sacrificed themselves in order to allow
Luke Skywalker, Gideon Smith, and Sidney Shortfang rescue Dena Tredway and take her to Ire
Eleazari's asteroid for medical treatment. (JH)
Incom Industries produced this plasma phase coil for use on starships, during the New Order. (SWJ2)
this Alliance datafile provided a unique code sequence which could be loaded into a skifter. The new
code would modify the skifter's knowledge of sabaac cards, creating a database of frequency codes used
by stormtrooper helmets. The chip could then be used to anticipate which frequency a trooper helmet
would used for communication. (CFG)
this thin, humanoid droid was working for Movo Brattakin in the years prior to the Battle of Yavin. He
passed himself off to C-3PO and R2-D2 as Brattakin's personal assistant, but he was much more than
that. When Brattakin was killed, he put his own brain inside B-9D7's cranial cavity, effectively continuing
his reign over various underworld elements while remaining a mystery long after his death. In this way, he
manipulated Jace Forno and Olag Greck until B-9D7 was ultimately destroyed by Forno on Boonda the
Hutt's moon. (DRO)
Baab, Fema
this woman served as a Senator to the Old Republic during the height of the Clone Wars. Fema Baab will
be portrayed by Olive Levi in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. (SWI72, E3)
this Chadra-Fan worked as a double agent, skirting between the Alliance and the Hutts, during the height
of the Galactic Civil War. Based on the planet Ord Mantell, Baajik chose his allegiances based on where
the credits were best. He sold out Phoedris Bos to his eggmate brother, Cypher Bos, during the bounty
hunter's attempt to capture Han Solo. Unfortunately for Baajik, Cypher Bos could not let him live whiel he
knew the secret of his eggmate. Pretending to be Phoedris, Cypher Bos met with Baajik and shot him
dead. (SWG5)
Baal Commune
this was one of the largest Gotal settlements found on Antar 4. (EGP)
Baanu Ghezh

this was one of the many worldships brought to the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was used as a base
of operations for many Shapers during the aliens' invasion of the New Republic. (FP)
Baanu Kor
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong worldships which traveled across the void between galaxies in
order to invade the New Republic. (EVC)
Baanu Miir
this Yuuzhan Vong worldship had spent almost a millennium in space, carrying twelve thousand Yuuzhan
Vong from their own galaxy to the galaxy of the New Republic. Its antiquated design meant that it
achieved a level of artificial gravity, not through the use of dovin basals, but by spinning continually as it
moved through space. Because of the differing gravity as one moved outward, the warriors took control of
the outer levels, training in the heaviesdt gravity. However, the stress and strain of the journey eventually
took its toll on the ship. Its rikyam brain began to die, and was unable to control the basic operate of its
maw luur. Shortly after the Battle of Duro, Nen Yim was assigned to help keep the Baanu Miir alive. She
struggled mightily, trying to locate a Shaper protocol that could help her keep the brain alive. When one
entire arm of the worldship died because the rikyam lost the ability to control it, Nen Yim was forced to
realize that there was nothing she could do to keep the ship alive. (EVR)
Baanu Rass
this was the largest Yuuzhan Vong worldship present in the galaxy, during the aliens' invasion of the New
Republic. The Baanu Rass served as the base of operations for the Shapers who developed and bred the
voxyn. The Baanu Rass was chosen for this duty because it was dying quickly, its brain unable to
continue living after the long, intergalactic trek. It was most abandoned when the Jedi decided to attack it,
in an effort to eliminate the voxyn queen. (SBS)
Baarak Kalaim
this Klatooinan was known as absent-minded and unkempt, but was nonetheless an excellent mechanic
and technician. He joined The Shield after being recruited by Peert Ginzork, and served them for many
years during the Galactic Civil War. (CRO)
Baas, Krestin
this ancient man was renowed for his skill in dejarik. Many modern dejarik boards came equipped with a
hologram of Master Baas, which played with his incredible style and speed. (GFT)
Baas-class Space Station
this space station was an Imperial design, measuring 900 meters in height and capable of containing a
million metric tons of cargo. The design allowed for a crew of 300, which included a small security forces,
and up to 100 visitors. (IA)
Baath Brothers
this group of brothers controlled the Outlander Club during the last decades of the Old Republic. They
were considered some of Coruscant's most dangerous - and most successful - crimelords, and built the
Outlander Club from a small establishment into a thriving entertainment facility. Note that this contradicts
Coruscant and the Core Worlds, which indicates that Volven Roxe owned the Outlander Club. (IWE2)
this Imperial Navy Admiral was in command of the Imperial forces stationed on Byblos, during the height
of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ14)
Babalabbet Swoont
this Sullustan was a highly respected cybernetic engineer in his home system. A promising career took a
bad turn when Swoont ate some contaminated food and suffered slight damage to his brain. His work
began to result in deviant behavior in droids, and a mining accident caused by one his droids resulted in
his incarceration in a criminal asylum. The noted droid abolitionist Xalto Sneerzick recognized Swoont's
ability with droids, and arranged to free Swoont from prison. Despite his insanity, Swoont became fiercely
loyal to Sneerzick, and became an integral part of the Droid Abolitionist Movement. When Sneerzick

decided to start raiding Cosmohaul Shipping, Swoont devotely followed him. They posed as a transport
crew, and were given the task of transporting 100 R5 units to Sullust on the Argent Lady. Xalto's
programming of the R5 droids caused them to rebel against even the abolitionists, and Sneerzick's entire
team was shot and killed by the rebellious droids. Swoont perished along with them. (SWJ9)
this tropical planet was the site of an Obroan Institute research base, headed by Kroddok Stopa before he
was killed on Brath Qella. (SOL)
Babasta Beast
the flesh of this creature was consdiered a delicacy when boiled. (WSV)
this was a diminutive, alien race. (JQ3)
this colony world was visted by Star Morning, as it traveled from Darepp to Motexx. (SOL)
an alien race. (SOL)
Babbnod Luroon
this Twi'lek pirate served under Captain Naz Felyood during the height of the New Order. She worked as
Felyood's second-in-command aboard the Jynni's Virtue, and was instrumental in helping the crew
pinpoint their location over Korriban, after they fled an Imperial patrol and were shot down by unknown
forces upon exiting hyperspace. After crashlanding on Korriban, Babb tried to keep the crew together
while Felyood tried to scout their location. Howeer, Felyood was possessed by the spirit of Dathka
Graush, and the Kooriabn Zombies eventually killed much of the ship's crew. In an effort to keep the
zombies from taking the ship, Babb set off the self-destruct mechanism of the Jynni's Virtue, killing herself
and the remaining crew, as well as any zombies in the vicinity. (PH)
Babel Senjorg
this Bith merchant was an associate of Ort Hoogra-D'En, and was wanted by the Empire for supplying the
Ho'Din with plant material used to manufacture his spore bombs. He was killed when he booked passage
to Celanon aboard the Chalcedony on Pallaxides, when the crew fell victims to the spores used by
Hoogra-D'En in his bombs. One of the bombs was accidentally set off by a bumbling Rodian, killing the
pilot of the Chalcedony and others aboard. The pilot managed to get the ship to Celanon, but expired
before he could land it. The ship crashed, killing those aboard who were not already dead from the
spores. Babel was listed among the dead. (ND)
this ancient Wookiee was hunting in the Shadowlands of his homeworld of Kashyyyk, many millennia
before the Battle of Yavin, when an alien starship crashlanded in the jungle. Although the crew was killed,
Bacca recognized that their technology was still capable of causing great damage to the forest and his
people. He took debris from the downed starship and fashioned a great sword, that later became known
as Bacca's Ceremonial Blade, as a reminder to his people and future generations that trust must be given
cautiously, and only to those who have earned it. (KOTOR)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "ally" or
"friend". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
this unique Wookiee weapon was wielded by Zaalbar, during the Great Sith War. It wasfirst created by
Bacca, from the debris of the first non-Wookiee starship to ever visit Kashyyyk. The blade passed from
generation to generation as a reminder that trust should be given cautiously, until it was believed to have

been broken by the Wookiee chieftain Rothrrrawr many years before the Great Sith War. The event
occurred when Rothrrawr underestimated a beast in the Shadowlands and lost the blade in the beast's
hide. The hilt was then kept as a symbol of leadership, passed from chieftain to chieftain until the blade
was found by Zaalbar. Zaalbar then reassembled the entire blade, restoring the Ceremonial Sword to its
former state. (SWDB, KOTOR)
this graduate of the Imperial Academy on Raithal served as a warrant officer in the Imperial Navy. He
served under Admiral Piett aboard the Executor, acting as the ship's chief helmsman. (CCG4)
BaChorin, Elbren
this immense man was a veteran of the Imperial 865th Regiment. When the regiment was under heavy
fire, most of the men fled in fear for their lives. Only BaChorin and Shelby Tribold remained to fight.
Tribold was badly wounded, and BaChorin single-handedly rescued him. After retiring from active duty,
BaChorin established BaChorin's Spaceways, Unlimited. (HR)
BaChorin's Spaceways, Unlimited
this seedy, rundown transport agency was owned and operated by Elbren BaChorin. (HR)
this was a noted Cragmoloid, who made several trips away from his homeworld of Ankus during the early
years of the New Order. (GMR6)
this Lancer-class frigate was part of Warlord Zsinj's third fleet. (SOC)
Backpack Companion
this was another name for the ludos creature which inhabited the forests of Ganlihk. (COG)
a creature native to the planet Vinsoth, the backshin are hunted as a food source by the Chevin. It meat is
considered tasty by many other races as well. (MTS, GG12)
a Corellian CR90 corvette captained by Jacob Nive, the Backstab was the only Eyttyrmin Batiiv ship to
survive the attack of the Bombard and the Crusader. It resurfaced several years in Elrood Sector, where
Nive was approached by Shondra Del with an offer to help the Alliance with Operation Elrood. After the
Battle of Endor, the Backstab served as part of the Invid pirate fleet. (GG9, IJ, OE)
this species of streamlined, multi-legged water creature was native to the rivers of the planet Ansion.
Bacnor Armaments
this specialty weapons manufacturer produced a number of personal-safety weapons, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
this planet was the site of a strong Alliance cell, which erupted following the Battle of Yavin. The planet
was the capital of Brak Sector at the height of the New Order. The Imperial Moff in charge, a man named
Lesan Ramier, swiftly quelled the insurrection and place the capital city of Amma under martial law.
this yellow star was the central body of the Bacrana System. (FBS)
Bacrana Bay
this inlet of the Seeker Sea bordered on the city of Amma, on the planet Bacrana. (FBS)

Bacrana Educational Institute

this Bacrana-based university was known to have the foremost political science curriculum in all of Brak
Sector, at the height of the New Order. (FBS)
Bacrana Shipyards
located in Brak Sector, this independent starship construction facility remained outside Imperial control
during the height of the New Order. (FBS)
Bacrana System Defense Force
this was the primary military force which was formed to protect the planet Bacrana. After Moff Ramier
routed several thousand protestors in Amma, he discovered that the BSDF was never rounded up and
ordered to cease all activities. The Commander of the BSD, Trep Reskan, pulled his forces out and fled to
the Tel System. From this remote base, the BSDF launched several actions against Moff Ramier, which
attracted the attention of the Alliance. After the Alliance made contact with him, Reskan turned over the
BSDF to the Alliance, a move which the entire force had agreed to. (FBS, SWJ7)
a rejuvenatory fluid that circulates healing bacteria around a wound to speed recovery, bacta was
originally created by the Vratix. The fluid contained living organisms that help speed a patient's recovery
by latching onto a wound and aiding in the regeneration process. It was first created by the Vratix, on
Thyferra, by combining the chemical kavam with the organic lotion alazhi. The small human population on
Thyferra was placed in charge of two corporations, Zaltin and Xucphra, and their small human
management teams controlled huge populations of Vratix laborers. When Palpatine became Emperor, he
decreed that the two corporations would be the sole providers of bacta for the galaxy, giving them a
monopoly on its production but indebting them both to the Empire. Because of the monopoly and the
prices they could charge, the corporations created an export-quality bacta and a Thyferran version. The
Thyferran version was much more potent than its export version, which had lesser healing properties to
drive up the demand. During the early years of the New Republic, Ysanne Isard tried to cripple the
Republic by restricting the availability of bacta in two ways: first, she let loose the Krytos virus on
Coruscant; second, she took control of the planet Thyferra. The Republic began taking great strides to
preserve its supply of bacta, including reclaiming any unused bacta from patients who were immersed in
a bacta tank. This practice continued for another 15 to 20 years until bacta production could be fully reestablished under New Republic auspices. There was a rumor of a band of renegade Twi'lek pirates who
would immerse their captives in bacta during interrogation sessions. They would then run electricity
through the bacta, torturing their victims to the point of death, and then remove the electricity. They would
allow the bacta to heal the victim, then start the electricity again. (ESB, SWJ3, XWN, SOP, BW)
Bacta Bypass
another name for the Shapani Bypass. (PGT)
Bacta Cartel
this is the name first used to describe the monopoly held by the Xucphra and Zaltin corporations on
Thyferra, during the height of the New Order. When Ysanne Isard took control of Thyferra and placed the
Xucphra faction in charge, the Bacta Cartel became a one-corporation operation with Imperial backing.
Bacta Numb
this form of bacta was used to numb a wounded area, as well as to begin the healing process. Bacta
numb was effective in deadening the pain of minor injuries. (SBS)
Bacta Parlor
during the second decade of the New Republic, especially in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of
the galaxy, bacta parlors sprang up on a multitude of worlds. Each parlor provided patrons with the ability
to obtain a quick bacta treatment, without having to register with a hospital or other medical facility. This
allowed refugees and independent spacers to continue to travel away from the warzones, while still being
able to receive treatment for their injuries. (REC)

Bacta Patch
this special bandage has a small amount of bacta impregnated into its gauzy material. When applied to a
flesh wound, such as a blaster graze, it helps heal the wound quickly. (IF)
Bacta Purge
a medical procedure in which a person's entire body is flooded with bacta internally. While a bacta tank
allows external access to the bacta agents, a bacta purge givens them direct access to lungs and other
vital organs. It is a last-resort treatment, since it can do more harm than good if improperly administered.
Bacta Run
another name for the Shapani Bypass. (PGT)
Bacta Squad
this group of soldiers was part of the Galactic Alliance's primary infiltration force, dispatched to the
surface of the planet Coruscant during the final battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. Bacta Squad was one
of many such infiltration groups to make contact with the massed Shamed Ones, combining their forces
against the military might of Supreme Overlord Shimrra. (UF)
Bacta Tank
a cylindrical tank into which a person can be submerged for extensive exposure to the healing properties
of bacta. (ESB)
Bacta Tray
this repulsor-equipped rectangular box was filled with a thin layer of bacta. The bacta level inside the tray
was maintained by a low-level tractor beam generator, preventing spillage. A wounded being could be
transported in the tray to a proper medial facility, all the time receiving healing benefits from the bacta.
This device, developed during the Galactic Civil War, allowed field medics to save more lives by getting
them into bacta as soon as possible. (LOE)
Bacta War
this was the name given to the events leading up to, and including, the Battle of Thyferra. Historians trace
the start of the Bacta War to the point at which Rogue Squadron resigned its commission from the New
Republic, following the liberation of Coruscant from Ysanne Isard. The Rogues then began to raid bacta
shipments and production facilities, stealing the rejuvenating fluid for use on Coruscant and other creditpoor worlds which required it. Isard retailiated by destroying worlds that accepted the bacta, then
murdering the Vratix workers who created it. As the Rogues struck from their base on a space station in
orbit around Yag'Dhul, Isard took more losses. The stakes were raised when Isard learned that the
Rogues passed through the Alderaan system, ostensibly to through off pursuit, but actually to meet with
Talon Kaarde. Isard then leased the Aggregator in hopes of catching them. This tactic resulted in the loss
of the Corrupter, and the Aggregator was badly damaged, as the Rogues proved to be more than a match
for her tactics. The battle was influenced on both sides by the information of Melina Carniss, who had
been acting as a double agent under Talon Kaarde. The Rogues took the next step, persuading Captain
Sair Yonka to defect and bring the Avarice into the New Republic's fleet. Isard retaliated, and sent the
Lusankya and the Virulence to destroy the Rogues' base at Yag'Dhul. Once again, the Rogues had
enough warning to prepare a defense, and Booster Terrik's planning paid off. False weapons placements
throughout the Rogues' location led the Lusankya to believe she was under attack from an immense
force, and she fled when the Virulence interposed itself between the station and the Super-class Star
Destroyer. The Virulence was captured by Terrik, renamed the Freedom, and turned over to Yonka to
command at the Battle of Thyferra. That battle marked the end of the Bacta War. (BW)
this was a form of bandage that was impregnated with bacta. In this way, it could be applied directly to a
wound to help speed the healing process. (ROD)
this was a drinkable form of bacta, developed during the early years of the New Republic. Despite its

obvious healing benefits, bactade looked like muddy water and tasted like chalk. (TG)
Bactriasan Scarab
this creature's bodily fluilds were used in the creation of high-strength glues and cements. (GFT)
Bad Water Pull
the exact name of this period during the year on Ergeshui is unpronounceable in Basic, but it referred to
the time when the planet's moons exerted their strongest gravitational pull on the planet. The tides were
exceptionally intense, and the native Ergesh went into a form of temporary psychosis. (AE)
Badeleg, Cho
this man was one of the human members of the ExGal-4 outpost on Belkadan, when the Yuuzhan Vong
began their invasion. The ExGal-4 team saw the Yuuzhan Vong's advance warship land on Helska, but
they believed it to be a simple asteroid. Danni Quee led an expedition to Helska to see what had
happened, and Badeleg was part of the team. Their Spacecaster shuttle was quickly intercepted by
Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers and disabled. Badeleg was killed on the shuttle during the assault, and
never made it to Helska. (VP)
this man worked as an independent spacer from a base in the Roche Asteroid Belt, and used a number of
J9 worker drones in his business. (FTD)
an Alliance cargo ferry group stationed at DS-5, it was destroyed when Darth Vader intercepted Admiral
Harkov at the station. (TIE)
Badi Dea
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
a variant of the Kamarian race that lives in the deserts of Kamar. They have lighter colored exoskeletons
and thinner chitin in order to better survive the desert heat. (HSR)
this was one of the most remote areas of the desert found on the planet Ord Cestus. Those X'Ting and
other Cestians who were outcast or banished from their tribes were often exiled to the Badlands. (TCD)
this Imperial CR90 corvette was part of a convoy that was ambushed and destroyed by the Alliance,
shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
a desert region of the Kamar. (HSR)
Badlands of N'G'Zi
this vast, empty plain was located on the planet Geonosis, and marked the western edge of the E'Y-Akh
Desert. During the months leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku maintained a secret hangar
in the Badlands, well away from the prying eyes of the Geonosians. (IWE2)
Bado Karpa
this male Aqualish was a pirate of some renown during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He
worked briefly with Meeko Ghintee before the Muttani was arrested, and later worked with Quallung Tula,
Grillo Zaman, Sabo Leeda, and Tuba Acho to steal fuel cells from the Outland Transit Station during
Ghintee's escape from Oovo IV. However, a bounty was placed on all their heads by Rozatta, and Bado
Karpa was captured by Jango Fett shortly afterward. (BH)

this was one of the two moons which orbited the planet Kuat. (CCW)
Badra, Lowghen
this man was a pilot and technician who worked from a base on the planet Yabosta, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Badra was also a friend of the Jedi Master Niquon. (GMR10)
Badra's Engineering and Repair
this was the name of Lowghen Badra's business, on the planet Yabosta, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (GMR10)
this Mandalorian word translated into Basic as 'to hurt' or 'to harm'. (KOTOR)
Badure, Alexsandr
an old acquaintence of Han Solo's, Badure was a veteran of the Old Republic's military, having served in
the Twi'lek Spice Conflict, the Corellian Territories Engagements, and the Outer RIm Wars. After
retirement, Badure went to work as a mechanic at the Academy when Han Solo was a cadet. Since then,
he has worked on and off with Han and Chewie, and even saved them during the blown Kessel run that
got them into trouble with Jabba the Hutt. Chewie carried a life-debt to Badure from that point on, which
was repaid on the snowy slopes of Dellalt. He is reunited with Han on Rudrig, where he was trying to get
off the planet and search for the Queen of Ranroon. He asks Han for transport, but Han initially refuses.
After a number of close calls, he tells Han about his knowledge of the Queen of Ranroon, and Han
agrees to help him find the ship. (HSL, CSA)
Baed Sharpshooter
a form of slug thrower manufactured on Vatta Four. (CFG)
Baem, Rodin
this man was a native of the planet Hoylin. He was an informant and computer slicer working for the
Empire at the height of the New Order, and had actually earned the confidence of Darth Vader himself
after providing the location of several Alliance bases. After the fall of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader
at Endor, Baem was able to break into several New Republic computer systems and steal information. He
was believed to be working for either Moff Lankin and/or Admiral Drommel. (WBC)
B'aerlak Beast
this was a species of jungle creature that resembled a reptiloid, three-humped camel. Many scouts and
explorers used b'aerlak beasts as mounts during their expeditions. (IA)
Baes Logia
a planet which was the site of an ongoing skirmish between Imperial forces and the Alliance. Graf Yonna,
acting as Parsol d'Ahndole, killed an Imperial general on this planet, during an Alliance effort to capture
him alive. (CRO, SWJ10)
this BFL-series labor droid greeted Han Solo and Droma, after they landed on Ruan in search of Droma's
family. Han believed that the droid was Bollux, but Baffle claimed no knowledge of the Corporate Sector
or Doc Vandangante. Programmed for serving as a driver, Baffle could operate virtually any repulsorequipped vehicle. In reality, Baffle had been working with black-market programming to overthrown the
Salliche Ag Corporation, which had been scrapping droids in favor of organic laborers in an effort to
develop products which were better suited to the Yuuzhan Vong ecology. With the help of Han and
Droma, Baffle was able to override the control signals which were keeping the droids immobile. The
droids rose up against their Salliche Ag oppressors and managed to unseat them. Baffle later helped Han
and Droma escape Ruan by hiding them in an automated scout collector, which the droid piloted to the
spaceport. It was later revealed that the droids on Ruan had a full mythology based around "the longawaited one, only flesh and blood who would be able to help them." C-3PO discerned that Han Solo had
become this being. (JE, BP)

a temperate planet. (DFRSB)
Bafforr Trees
semi-intelligent trees native to Ithor, and worshipped by the Ithorians. Like a hive mind, the more trees
there are, the more intelligent they become. When seven or more trees grow together, the Bafforr achieve
a sentience. The bark of the Bafforr is smooth and glasslike, and its blue coloration is radiant and
luminous. The bark coloration of saplings is deeper blue than the older trees. During the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy, Corran Horn and Jacen Solo discovered that the pollen of the baffor tree was
deadly to the vondunu crab armor worn by the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. They were able to defeat the
Vong in a single battle before the effects were learned by the Vong commanders. In retaliation for this
usage of bafforr pollen, Deign Lian ordered the destruction of Ithor. All life on the planet, including every
bafforr tree, was killed in the attack. The New Republic, however, had taken steps to ensure the survival
of the bafforr, and took cuttings and young plants to several worlds, such as Borleais, in an effort to save
the tree from extinction. (DA, TME, DTR)
this Phindian male was the leader of the Syndicat, which maintained control of the planet Phindar some
twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. He secretly made a deal with Prince Beju of Gala, offering to
provide bacta to the Prince so that he could pretend to save his planet from a false bacta shortage and
gain the votes necessary to become the leader of Gala. Baftu, in return for the bacta and other funding,
would then get a foothold on the planet Gala, and would be able to take control of the world for the
Syndicat, with Beju as his figurehead leader. However, Baftu's plans were thwarted by several schemes,
including Obi-Wan Kenobi's impersonation of Prince Beju and Qui-Gon Jinn's efforts to return the
Syndicat's stolen treasury to the Phindians. He worried about Terra's concern over his dealings with
Beju,and when they discovered the empty treasury, Baftu accused Terra of stealing it herself. She was
killed by the Syndicat's assassin droids. Baftu himself was later captured by the Phindian resistance, led
by Guerra Derida, and tried to his crimes. (HP)
a bordok kept as a pet by Wicket W. Warwick. (ECAR)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Karnst. (HNN5)
this massive, six-legged creature was bred by the Yuuzhan Vong to pull heavy loads from one place to
another. (FH3)
this man was one of Lando Calrissian's employees at the Nomad City installation on Nkllon, during the
early years of the New Republic. Bagitt worked as an engine technician, and was one of the last crew
members to evacuate the walking city after it was disabled by Imperial forces that raided it for ores. (TLC)
this alien race joined the New Republic. They had a collective society which, while not exactly a hive
mentality, worked as a committee. This led to interesting consequences when they were admitted to the
Republic's Navy, for entire ships had to be crewed with Bagmims in order to allow them to make
decisions as a group. They are a tenacious race, especially when confronted. (SOP)
this city is the site of a major starport on the planet Nim Drovis. It is surrounded by bayous.The city was
also the largest of the planet's free ports. Its primary population was formed from Alderaanian colonists,
and the port became one of the more important crossroads between the New Republic and the neutral
worlds of the Meridian Sector. The city is divided into two sections, denoted simply as Old Town and New
Town. (POT)

Bagwa, Hermione
this woman was a waitress who worked at Dex's Diner, on Coruscant during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Her father had been a good friend of Dexter Jettster, and Dex promised to look after Hermione
when he died. A native of the underlevels of Coruscant's Galactic City, Hermoine spent much of her time
at the Diner trying to outwork Dex's waitress droid, WA-7. Hermione Bagwa was portrayed by Susie
Porter in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. (SWI58, OWS, VD2, SWI65)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "hunter" in the Sullustan language.
Bahalian Shipyards
located in the Bajic Sector of the galaxy, this small though well-respected shipwright was known as a front
company for the Tenloss Syndicate. It was believed that the prototype for the Z-95 Headhunter - known
as the Onyx Star - was produced at Bahalian. (GMR5)
this was a common Psadan name. (UANT)
this planet, the fourth in the Coyn System, has a small, thin ring system. The name "Ba'Har" means
"battle blade" in native Coynese. Ba'Har was a gas giant with five natural moons, and didn't seem to
support any life. (PG3)
this young Zeltron was part of the detachment sent to the Forest Moon of Endor to meet with the leaders
of the Alliance, most especially Leia Organa, in the wake of the Battle of Endor. Admiral Ackbar then
placed the four Zeltrons in charge of protecting Leia, in order to simplify a delicate situation. Bahb and his
companions were personally escorted back to Zeltros by Leia Organa shortly afterward. Like most
Zeltrons, Jahn had a strong hatred of the Nagai. (LTA6, MC95, MC103)
a New Republic historian who feared that the remnants of the Empire would eventually overthrow the
New Republic. (DESB)
this term is used in the underworld of Pembric II to refer to any highly-efficient killer. (VOF)
one of the many Noghri clans. (TTSB)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Bail Jumper
this modified T-65B X-Wing was owned by a being who claimed to be searching for the Onyx Star, some
fifty years after it was released for production. In place of the astromech droid, the cyborg who owned the
ship had installed a seconary laser cannon turret, to augment the X-Wing's four laser cannons. His
implanted computer systems were then used to assist in astrogation. The Bail Jumper intercepted Jaina
Solo and her Z-95 headhunter shortly after she was given the craft as a graduation present from her
parents, as she was leaving Yavin 4 for Crystal Reef on Calamari. The cyborg who flew the Bail Jumper
accused Jaina of stealing the prototype Onyx Star and trying to turn it over to the Subpro Corporation.
Jaina tried desparately to learn why the cyborg was living in the past, trying to stop an event which had
occurred fifty years earlier. When the cyborg pressed the attack, Jaina was forced to destroy the Bail
Jumper in order to escape. The cyborg managed to survive, and Jaina arranged for him to be rescued.

Bail Organa
this New Republic warship was under the command of Garm Bel Iblis during the defense of Coruscant
against the Yuuzhan Vong, some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. (SBS)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Columus. Shortly before the onset of the Clone
Wars, the Columi began a marketing campaign that claimed visits to Bailee and other locations on
Columus were beneficial to a being's health. Medical officials refused to substantiate these claims.
this New Republic General was in charge of maintaining Coruscant's planetary shield during the
Yevethan Great Purge. (BTS)
this young boy and his brothers worked in the fields with his friend Tenno, on the planet Ceriun, some
1,000 years before the Battle of Endor. When Tenno suggested that they take the Jedi holocron found by
Ka'arn and keep it safe until a Jedi could travel to Ceriun to recover it, Bairn was among the group that
agreed to help him. They also hoped that, maybe, a Sith might come looking for it, and take them all as
apprentices. When the Sith did arrive and simply took the holocron, Tenno explained that they had been
trying to ensure he could have it. Anger surged in the Sith, who explained that he needed no one's help
before killing Bairn and the others as Tenno's "reward". (T17)
this Ansionian was the Highborn of the Qulun clan, during the ten years following the Battle of Naboo. He
was distinguished from most other Ansionians by the fact that he was portly and completely bald. He was
also never one to shy away from making a quick credit or two, and when he discovered that Soergg the
Hutt had placed a bounty on the heads of the Jedi Knights who were looking for the Borokii overclan,
Baiuntu took it up himself and his clan to find them. Soergg didn't want the Jedi killed, merely delayed
until the vote to secede from the Old Republic had been finalized. The Qulun managed to intercept the
Jedi - Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli, as well as the Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barriss
Offee - shortly after they met with the Yima clan. Baiuntu and Qulun appeared friendly at first, but quickly
incapacitated the Jedi and their Alwari companions, Kyakhta and Bulgan. The Qulun were unable to
capture Tooqui, however, and the Gwurran managed to find a way to rescue his friends. Using a
stampeding herd of lorqual, Tooqui destroyed the Qulun caravan and rescued them. In the aftermath,
Baiuntu and his clan were unprepared for an attack by a pack of shanh. Baiuntu was among the first
Qulun to be killed and eaten. (APS)
a Ho'Din medicine man whio lived in the rain forests of Yavin Four. He has a unique, rhyming speech
pattern. He collects various plants and roots for theur medicinal value, and he also cultivates those that
he believes to be endangered. The plants that he fears may be extinct are shipped back to the Ho'Din
homeworld of Moltok for further study. When Trioculus was blinded by the Glove of Darth Vader, the
Imperial troops captured Baji and conscripted him as a medic. Baji's entire supply of Kibo seeds was lost
trying to save Trioculus. He was later rescued by the Alliance, and has worked as part of DRAPAC ever
since. (LCJ, QE)
Baji Sector
this area of the galaxy is located in the Rim Territories. It contains the Vergesso Asteroids. Note that
many West End Games books, including the Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook, name this area as
Bajic Sector. (SE, SESB)
this warm beverage was often served at breakfast. (MJH)
Bajmo nean
this Ortolan phrase meant something like "You're not too smart" in Basic. (3D3)

this Crotok pirate was part of the team which was led by Larken and Sahr, during the height of the New
Order. Bak was the pilot of the Trust Me supporting Larken and the Pillage. The team once tried to attack
the lowly freighter known as Kizbon's Box. They were unaware that it was actually an Interceptor-class
Helix freighter, more than well-enough armed to handle the pirates. Bak and the Trust Me were quickly
destroyed by the Kizbon's Box. (SWJ5)
this airless, rocky planet was the innermost world in the Bakura System. (TBSB)
an Alliance modified CR90 corvette that was destroyed while trying to disable the Harpax so that Admiral
Harkov and the Protector fleet could escape and defect. (TIE)
this frozen, ice-covered planet was the third world in the Katorrs System. (PH)
Bakchou Arm
this section of the galaxy contained Fakir Sector. (SWCP)
Baked Imperial Surprise
this Alliance ambush tactic involved misaligning the sublight drive systems of a cargo ship, in order to fool
enemy sensors into believing the ship truly needed maintenance. The additional radiation emitted by the
"faulty" drive masked the fact that the cargo ship's bays were loaded with tons of explosives. When the
ship was detained by Imperial authorities, it could be remotely detonated, destroying the Imperial ship.
this man served under Commander Brion Peck, as part of the Alliance cell on Rafft during the years
leading up to the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ3)
Baker, Incavi
see Larado, Incavi (TBH)
Baker, Miagi
this man married Incavi Larado, then died suddenly. It was believed that Incavi had something to do with
his death, but nothing was ever proven. (TBH)
this was one of the many Noghri clans. (TLC)
Bakisian Drift
this notorious space anomaly is located in the Tragan Cluster. Its wild and random energy discharges
wreak havoc with navicomputers, and hinders travel through the sector. (GG12)
this Bloxian worked as a thug and hired gun for the Linkaas Corporation, along with his brother Chokk.
Baak was inordinately proud of the fact that he was five millimeters taller than his brother. (SWJ1)
this Snivvian pirate was one of the many who were contracted by the Alliance to ambush Imperial
convoys. He had previously served as an "alien cultures consultant" to the Alliance in Zaric Sector, before
decided to strike out on his own as a privateer for the Alliance. His superiors tried to persuade him to
remain with the Alliance, but Bakken threatened to strike out on his own if he wasn't allowed to leave.
Zaric Sector command let him go, and Bakken quickly made good on his promises to help the Alliance.

this Reigat was a member of the Alliance's V-16 sleeper cell. He was a bodyguard and strong arm for a
gang leader in the Downside of Fabrillan, and was known to be an anti-social being. Bakku was also a
supporter of the Alliance, hating the Empire for trying to impose its rules on him. (CRO)
an Imperial cargo ferry group used to deliver supplies to the outpost in the Pakuuni System. (TIE)
Obi-Wan Kenobi adopted this alias, during his attempt to rescue Anakin Skywalker and Siri Tachi from
Krayn's spice processing facility on Nar Shaddaa. Obi-Wan had been given the identity by Didi Oddo,
who developed all the correct paperwork in order to arrange a meeting between Krayn and Bakleeda.
Bakleeda was then employed by the Colicoids, led by Anc Def and Nor Fik, to serve as an independent
assessor of Krayn's spice and slaving operations. (JQ)
Bakli, Amel
one-time governor of the planet Caprioril, he was killed - along with 20,000 other spectators - by an
assassin droid during a swoop race. (SWSB)
this was a game of chance played on the planet Ansion. (APS)
Baktoid Armor Workshop
this Neimoidian manufacturer produced many designs of automated and droid-controlled warships for the
Trade Federation's fleet. Among the designs Baktoid created were the MTT transport and AAT battle
tank. Their work was characterized by bulbous, rounded lines complimenting basic utilitarian designs. The
primary headquarters for Baktoid were located on the planet Metalorn, with manufacturing sites scattered
across the galaxy. Many of these sites, including facilities on Foundry, Ord Lithone, Ord Cestus, Telti, and
Balmorra, were shut down shortly before the Clone Wars, as a result of the tariffs imposed by the Old
Republic on the Federation's battle droids. In the aftermath of these actions, Baktoid itself was dissolved,
and most of its designs as assets were sold off to various supporters of the Confederacy of Independent
States. Note that The Cestus Deception indicates that the homeworld of Baktoid Armor was actually Ord
Cestus. (X1, HNN4, TCD, LAWS)
Baktoid Combat Automata
a subsidiary of the Baktoid Armor Workshop, this facility produced battle droids for the Trade Federation.
Bakur Complex
this series of buildings and parks was used for housing, offices, and medical facilities in Salis D'aar. It was
based on the grounds of the Bakur Memorial Building, once the seat of government and under the control
of the Bakur Corporation. The Complex was comprised of the Greenwell, Statuary Park, and the Memorial
Building itself. (TB, TBSB)
Bakur Corporation
this was the mining corporation which funded the original colonization of the planet Bakura. (TBSB)
Bakur Memorial Building
this edifice marked the center of the city of Salis D'aar, and was where all Bakuran governmental offices
were located. It later formed the center of the Bakur Complex, and housed the senate chamber, the Great
Hall, residences, and transportation services. (TB, TBSB)
Bakur RepulsorCorp
this was the largest producer of repulsor-equipped vehicles on the planet Bakura. (TBSB)
the name of the primary star in the Bakuran system. (SC)

this planet was settled some 153 years before the Battle of Endor, with a second wave of colonization
near the end of the Clone Wars. This second wave was attributed to the fact that Count Dooku used
Bakura as a base of operations, some seventeen months after the Battle of Geonosis. Initial settlements
were established by the Bakur Corporation, and Bakura was ruled by a Prime Minister and Senate. It was
re-discovered by the Empire's Imperial Study Survey 60774 and placed under Imperial control about three
years before the Battle of Endor. The planet was known for its exports of repulsorlift parts, fruit candy,
and liqueur. Bakura was located on the edge of the Rim worlds, the third in a system of eight planets. It is
a lush, forested world not unlike Endor, with two moons. Both moons had been heavily mined for
materials used in the construction of the second Death Star. Because of its location on the opposite side
of the galaxy from the Corporate Sector, shipments between Bakura and the Corporate Sector were
routed through Bothan space to avoid the dense gravity mass of the Core Worlds. During the height of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Bakuran people were fooled into allowing the Keeramak to
consecrate their planet for the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement. In reality, the Keeramak consecrated the
planet - known now as Xwhee - to the Ssi-ruuk, as part of an elaborate plot hatched by the Yuuzhan
Vong. The consecration of Bakura as Xwhee meant that the Ssi-ruuk could attack the planet without the
fear of dying on a pagan world. (TB, TBSB, FH2, RBL)
Bakura Incident
this became the historical term used to describe the events which occurred on the planet Bakura, prior to
the Battle of Endor and culminating with the Battle of Bakura. Many New Republic historians, including
Voren Na'al, felt that public knowledge of the Bakura Incident would undermine the efforts of the fledgling
Republic to lead the galaxy. Na'al was worried that the existence of a relatively unknown species, which
had the ability to nearly defeat a Jedi Knight and entech humans, would cause a widespread panic in the
galaxy. (TBSB)
Bakura Senatorial Academy
see Bakuran Senatorial Academy (SWDB)
Bakura-class Destroyer
this warship was developed by the Bakurans in the years after their liberation from the Ssi-ruuvi invasion
force. At 850 meters in length, they were formidable ships. They required 8,250 crewmen and 275
gunners, and could transport up to 2,000 troops and 36,000 metric tons of cargo. The Bakura-class
destroyer was armed with 60 turbolaser batteries, 60 ion cannons, and 10 tractor beam projectors. They
were also equipped with a hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer (HIMS) system. The power plant of
this design was based on the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer, but the exterior was much more fluid in
shape than the angular Imperial warship. (CTD)
Bakuran Defense Fleet
this small fleet was built by the Bakuran people shortly after the Battle of Bakura, to defend the Bakura
system against a subsequent invasion. Its backbone consisted of four capital ships - the Intruder,
Watchkeeper, Sentinel, and Defender. When the New Republic requested assistance in breaking the
Sacorrian Triad's interdiction field surrounding the Corellian System, Admiral Hortel Ossilege sent all four
capital ships to the Republic' aid. After the decisive battle against the Sacorrian Triad, only the Sentinel
and the Defender survived to return to their postings as part of Bakura's defense. (FH2)
Bakuran Fever Bumps
this fever-like condition was encountered on the planet Bakura, and resulted in the victim being covered
with numerous small welts. (EVR)
Bakuran Loyalist Movement
this was the pro-Imperial faction which sprang up on Bakura following the liberation of the planet from the
Ssi-ruuk and its alignment with the New Republic. (WS)
Bakuran National Symphony
this was the most prestigious of symphony orchestras found on the planet Bakura during the early years
of the New Republic. (NEGC)

Bakuran Senate Complex

this collection of governmental buildings formed a counterpoint to the Bakur Complex, in the city of Salid
D'ar on Bakura. (FH2)
Bakuran Senatorial Academy
this was the premier educational facility on the planet Bakura, with a curriculum geared toward politics
and public service. It was located in Salis D'aar. (TBSB)
Bal Ferensil
this Bothan succeeded the Twi'leki sisters, Mala and Aola Blen, as the ruler of the trading houses on the
planet Thaere Privo, some years before the Battle of Naboo. After the sisters' death, Ferensil used his
political connections to assume control, then began working the remnants of Riboga the Hutt's operations
to secure the system. Through Ferensil's machinations, the Thaereian Military was able to establish a
strong base of operations within the Cularin System, apparently with the consent of Nirama, who seemed
to need as much protection as he could obtain. (LFCW)
this ball of searing rock was the innermost planet of the Aramand System. Despite its inhospitable
environment, the Armandi established a small colony on the planet. (FBS)
this Weequay thug was a member of Gardulla the Hutt's crime organization, shortly after the Battle of
Naboo. A bounty for his capture was taken out by a group of Jawas, after they leanred that Baladdok had
slaughtered one of their rontos. Jango Fett later claimed the bounty, during a mission to locate Gardulla
the Hutt. (BH)
Balaidas Academy
this school is well known for its police and security science departments. It was closed to non-human
races during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. (SWJ8)
this planet was located in Taldot Sector, and provided much of the sector's agricultural resources. The
Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatists, established an experimental
communications jamming system on the planet during the early stages of the Clone Wars, but the facility
was quickly neutralized by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adar Tallon, and the forces of the Old Republic. (SWI65)
Balan Ocean
this was the southernmost of Aram's two oceans. (FBS)
Balana Thranta
once native to the planet Alderaan, the balana thranta was made extinct with the destruction of its
homeworld. It was distinguished from the common thranta in several ways, chiefly the balana's larger
body and brown coloration. The wings of the balana had a hooked shape near the forward tips, giving the
appearance of "hands." The characteristic rudder-like tail was also slightly different, with the horizontal
lobes being much longer than the vertical lobes. Like other thranta species, the balana could be trained to
act as a transport beast, and it would allow an open-air seating raft to be strapped to its back. (WSW)
Balance Casino
located in Vandalar City, this casino was owned by the Herglic entrepreneuer Narloch. (ND)
Balance, The
this was the primary tenet of the religious sect known as the Undying Flame. Yuuzhan Vong who joined
the sect worshipped the sibling deities Yun-Q'aah and Yun-Txiin, who represented love and hate and all
things opposite in the universe. However, the two deites were equal and opposite parts of a whole, and it
was this whole that was represented by The Balance. The continual attempt of the universe to achieve
The Balance was known as the Great Dance. (SBS)

one of the most able subnodes generated by the assembler Kud'ar Mub'at, Balancesheet was in charge
of monitoring and tracking the assembler's vast accumulation of credits. As it matured, Balancesheet
became more and more aware of its creator's schemes, and also grew to understand its own existence. It
kept much of its intelligence hidden, but showed enough to gain Mub'at's trust. During negotiations with
two parties, Mub'at would sometime allow Balancesheet to pretend to be Mub'at himself. Balancesheet
would crawl into one of the carapaces Mub'at had shed, and act as if it were Mub'at itself. This worked
particularly well, since Balancesheet could mimic Kud'ar Mubat's voice and speech patterns with ease.
While remaining outwardly loyal to Mub'at, Balancesheet secretly developed an intelligence on par with its
creator. After the destruction of the Bounty Hunters Guild, Balancesheet discovered how to disconnect
itself from Mub'at's web without dying, and without alerting its creator. This allowed Balancesheet to begin
its own rise to power, which started with an alliance with Prince Xizor. The Falleen saw great opportunity
if he could eliminate Mub'at and have a level of control over Balancesheet, although the subnode believed
it controlled its own destiny. In a daring move, Balancesheet allowed Xizor's forces to infiltrate Kud'ar
Mub'at's web. After announcing its independence, Balancesheet ordered the destruction of the old web
while it set about killing its creator. Xizor himself them provided a bulk transport ship for Balancesheet to
use as a base of operations, and would have destroyed Fett if Balancesheet hadn not explained the
hunter's continued usefulness. Balancesheet then stiffed Boba Fett of fifty percent of the bounty for
Voss'on't, as "paymeny" for his life. Years later, Balancesheet learned of the connections between its
creator, Prince Xizor, and Kuat of Kuat, and actually offered to help Boba Fett and Neelah put the pieces
together. (MA, SLS, HM)
this jungle-covered world was the home of the unusual insect known as the Force Mite. (WOTC)
this city is located on the southwestern coast of the continent of Forethought, on the planet Ropagi II. It is
connected to Ebyl, Ropagis, and Torvane via monorail service. (TSK)
this was the Korunnai name for the Downfolk, those off-worlders and settlers who lived on the lowlands of
the planet Haruun Kal. There was a somewhat contempuous connotation to the name, since these beings
were quite often caught in the Thakiz Baw'kal, or Downstorm, which scoured the lowlands of Haruun Kal
with toxic gases each winter. During the years leading up to the Clone Wars, the Balawai and the
Korunnai were locked in a vicious civil war that was known as the Summertime War. The native Korunnai
had been displaced by the Balawai offworlders, and fought to maintain their independence. Both sides of
the conflict were brutal to their opponents, with a certain amount of "recreational torture" occurring to
prisoners before they were executed. When the Separatists took control of the Gevarno Cluster in the
months following the Battle of Geonosis, the Balawai agreed to support the Confederacy of Independent
Systems in exchange for their own sovereignity. The Balawai hoped that the backing of the Separatists
would help them win the Summertime War and eliminate the Korunnai opposition. (SHPT)
this Imperial officer was assigned to create work assignments for the garrison in Hullis, located on the
planet Halmad, shortly before the garrison there was infiltrated by Wraith Squadron. (IF)
this woman, a native of the planet Aargau, was one of the leading council members of the Depositors,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (PH)
this man was a Baron in the Tapani Sector of the galaxy, during the height of the New Order. It was said
that he bore a striking resemblance to Shey Tapani himself. (PGT)
this plant is a hardy,second-generation plant often used in terraforming. It is planted after first-generation
plants like crom have broken down the rocky soil into usable nutrients. (POT)

Baldavian Lip-reader
this was (could be) an alien race which was gifted with the ability to read lips across great distances.
Baldavian Pocket Hare
this is a species of small, highly skittish rodent. Any cowardly individual was often referred to as a
Baldavian pocket hare. (VP)
this was one of the main cities on the planet Adarlon. It was located quite close to the planet's primary
spaceport, and was the center of the planet holofilm industry. (GG6, HNN5)
Balfed, Espan
this man was the heir to the Balfed family fortune. Unfortunately for Espan, the fortune amounted to
virtually nothing, after the Balfeds were set up and framed by the House of Tagge during the Galactic Civil
War. He was a Captain in the Imperial Navy, commander of a customs frigate at the height of the New
Order, but even his contacts in the military couldn't reverse the decision against the Balfed family. (HR)
Balfour, Abran
this mousy man with close-set eyes and a perpetual five-o'clock shadow was the Imperial Moff in charge
of Parmic Sector during the Galactic Civil War. He achieved the rank of Moff despite having no natural
charisma or political savvy. Some believe that these traits were the reason he was assigned to Parmic
Sector. He has consistently failed to with the respect of his subordinates, and busies himself with his
personal space barge, the Lady Telura. (GG9)
planet on which the High Stakes Casino is located. Lando Calrissian met one of the Tonnika Sisters
there, and became infatuated with her. Unfortunately for Lando, "Bresenni" wanted nothing to do with him,
since both sisters were working with Han Solo to pull a fast one on Lando. (MTS)
a crew member of the Wild Kaarde, Balig served as a gunner during the early years of the New Republic.
this was the term used to describe a single member of the Balinaka species. (PG1)
an alien race native to the planet Garnib, the Balinaka are an expressive race with a rich artistic culture.
Even after being subjugated by the Empire, they retained their artistic passions. They continued to hold
the Wallarand, an annual, 50-day arts festival which was permitted by the Imperial garrison there because
of the Balinaka's acceptance of the Empire. The average Balinaka stood four meters tall at the shoulder,
and resembled a humanoid otter. They were discovered to be amphibious mammals who evolved thick
fur and a layer of blubber to survive in the icy waters of the planet Garnib. They have sensitive eyes, and
can see into a wider visual spectrum than most humanoids. Each Balinaka has both lungs and gills,
allowing them to be able to breathe on land or in the water. A single member of this race is known as a
Balinak. (PG1)
Balis, Estalle
this noble Lady was a member of House Mecetti, during the height of the New Order. She was also the
director of Lord Bode' Leobund XI's spynet, as well as a member of the Mecrosa Order. (LOE)
Balis-Baurgh System
this three-planet system is naturally shielded from sensors by its intense solar radiation and dense gas
clouds. One of the planets in the system supports life, and its inhabitants built a space station as a
symbol of their global peace. All nations helped, and created a wonderful monument to cooperation.
However, the Empire quickly changed all that, usurping the station and turning it into an automated

prison. (SWJ1)
this green leaves of this plant are often boiled and served with spices. (SWJ12, MC62)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "captures his prey alive". (GCG)
Ball Creature
the spherical life-form native to the planet Duroon, the ball creatures were a race subjugated when the
Corporate Sector Authority annexed their planet. Being docile herbivores, they could offer little resistance.
These noctural creatures eventually appealed to the black market to obtain weapons, and Han Solo
delivered a cargo of guns to them before going in search of Stars' End. (HSE)
Ballad of Shan'Gredor, The
this piece of Jenet literature supposedly documented the conquest of the danchaf by Chirr't Ferr, who set
a trap for the danchaf and then had his own warriors exterminate the creatures. (COG)
Ballad of Stars' End
this was a familiar ballad, popular during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ7)
Ballad of the Jedi Mechanic, The
this ballad, written by Tionne, was created to honor Jaina Solo's graduation from the Jedi praxeum on
Yavin 4, shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. (GMR5)
this New Republic Endurance-class fleet carrier was destroyed at the Battle of N'zoth. It was hit by a
volley of Yevethan missiles, which ripped through the ship's shields and ignited its internal decks. The
resulting chain of explosions blasted three squadrons of fighters out of its bays and into space. (TT)
Ballax, "Shank"
this man was the leader of the prison guards known as the Helmet Squad, working at the Oovo IV prison
facility during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. In his position as leader, Ballax was aware of
the various criminal activities that were taking place within the prison, including a large internal smuggling
operation that ensured the inmates had all manner of articles that were otherwise prohibited at many
prison facilities. Ballax was also aware of - many Hutts would claim that he was directing - the skimming
of profits from the smuggling operations, filling the bank accounts of many members of the Helmet Squad
and taking income away from the smugglers. Several prominent Hutt crimelords posted a bounty on
Ballax's head, which went unclaimed for many years because of his position and location. Shortly after
the Battle of Naboo, Jango Fett claimed this bounty during his "rescue" of Bendix Fust. (BH)
Ballifore Figg
this Bith musician was known as "Balli the Horn" during his tenure as the leader horn player with
Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes. Ballifore was one of the band's top songwriters as well, pairing with
Jardra to create some of the band's most popular - and most controversial - pieces. Much of Ballifore's
music was inspired by the Alliance, for the band spent much of its early career touring in the Outer Rim.
Ballifore met a number of Alliance agents and other rebels, and was touched by their raw emotion and
drive. (HR)
this planet was thought to be the homeworld of the Rakririan race. Note that Han Solo and the Corporate
Sector Sourcebook, as well as Han Solo at Stars' End, claim their homeworld to be Rakrir. (AE)
an Alliance pilot serving on one of the Alliance's CR90 corvettes. (RPG)

this ancient weapon slings arrows, much like a crossbow. The arrows are strong enough to pierce armor
plating. (SWCP)
Balloon Camera
this was the generic term used to describe any repulsor-assisted surveillance device, often held aloft by a
large, gas-filled balloon. Popular on podracing courses during the last decades of the Old Republic, these
cameras provided visual recordings of remote and inaccessible locations. They differed from standard
hovercams in their use of gas-filled ballons as their primary means of levitation. (BF4)
Ballow-Reese, Bendodi
this man was the oldest member of the ExGal-4 team on Belkadan, at the time of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion. He was fifty-three, and a veteran of the Alliance. He was sent out with a group of ExGal-4
members to scout out a huge storm heading for the outpost, but they were unable to return because of
the incredible ecological damage done by Carr's dweebit beetles. Realizing that they would all never
make it back, Bendodi turned his oxygen pack over to Tee-ubo Doole and fled to die. When Luther
De'Ono tried to follow him, he shot Luther before turning the blaster on himself. (VP)
this Barabel was one of the bounty hunters who accompanied Crutag to Trinta, in an effort to capture a
group of Alliance agents. Unfortunately, Balluzikik was one of the first hunters to be killed by one of
Halagad Ventor's dreambeasts. (DOE)
this grassy plant was native to the planet Chandrila. (EVR)
an Imperial world responsible for the manufacture of many of the Empire's most destructive weapons,
including the AT-ST and many of the Emperor's war droids, Balmorra was originally a base of operations
for the Colicoids. Located between Kuat and Neimoidia, Balmorra was one of the many worlds which
seceded from the Old Republic. After the Battle of Endor, Balmorra was attacked by the group of Dark
Jedi who tried to re-establish the Empire after the reborn Empire's death, but the Balmorrans repelled the
Empire using the weapons they had built. The planet then became somewhat loyal to the New Republic,
initiating trade with the government. When Sedriss rose to power, he forced the Balmorrans into an
uneasy arms alliance following a battle between the various war machines produced on the planet.
According to the Rebellion computer game, Balmorra is located in Sesswenna Sector. (DE1, DE2, REB,
Balmorra Flu
this mildly contagious form of the flu caused intense sinus pain and swelling, accompanied by the
excessive production of mucous. (UF)
Balmorran Arms
this weapons manufacturer was one of the Old Republic's formeost producers of combat droids. Years
later, Balmorran Arms was funded by the Empire, and produced AT-ST scout walkers and several forms
of battle automata. (EGD, HNN5)
this man served as the Chief Security Controller of the city of New Apsolon, on the planet of the same
name, nine years before the Battle of Naboo. A member of the Worker faction, Balog was given his
position by Roan, after Roan was elected to rule the planet after Ewane stepped down. He greeted QuiGon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi when they arrived on New Apsolon, in search of Tahl. Later, in the wake
of the kidnapping of Eritha and Alani and the death of Roan, Balog was implicated as the primary suspect
in both criminal activities. He escaped, with Tahl as his hostage, before Qui-Gon could confront him.
Balog held Tahl prisoner, believing that she had access to a list of Absolute supporters which, if made
public, would ruin his chances of taking control of New Apsolon. Balog's forces managed to wipe out a
settlement of Rock Workers before being dispersed by the Jedi, who managed to free Tahl as well. Balog,

however, escaped from their grasp. During his escape, he confronted Qui-Gon, who cut the fingers from
Balog's hand with his lightsaber in order to obtain a detonator Balog was holding. Balog had the last
laugh, though, escaping from the base and manually setting off huge amounts of explosives. The Jedi
managed to flee, but Balog remained free. It was later discovered that Balog had been trying to obtain a
list of Absolute supporters, in order to blackmail certain individuals and discredit others. He obtained the
list when he found that Irini had stolen it from Legislator Pleni, and so he tracked her down and shot her.
He took the list from her and left her to die. Balog was later captured by the Jedi, hiding in the Museum of
the Absolutes while trying to decipher the list. He was arrested, along with Eritha and Alani, and their bid
for power was thwarted. (TTB, DOH, CTV)
this vines grows among the waza trees on the planet Dar'Or. Several thousand years before the advent of
the New Order, the Ri'Dar race strung nets of baloo vines between waza trees to develop small towns
within the trees. The nets collected leaves and needles falling from the waza trees, over time collecting
into thick mats of decomposing matter. The layers of humus have been used by the Ri'Dar to plant
gardens in their aerial towns. (GG4)
this Ortolan worked as a bartender at the Rimsoo Seven military facility on Drongar, during the height of
the Clone Wars. (MBS)
Balor, Dirk
this Imperial Captain trapped Luke Skywalker in the Lapez System during the Galactic Civil War. He later
employed the assassin cyborg Altin Wuho to capture Luke, which they failed to do on Lapez 3. (CSWDW,
this was a race of near-humans, noted for the retractable antenepalps atop their heads. Native to a planet
also known as Balosar, they were generally regarded as shifty cheaters and scoundrels by other races.
As a people, the Balosar seemed to be content to allow their homeworld to be overrun by offworld
corporations and criminal syndicates, taking bribes and other payments in return for land grants or other
rights. The lowest classes of Balosar were paid poorly for their work in sweatshops and factories, despite
the best efforts of the Old Republic. (SWDB, SWI70, UANT)
this planet, located in the Core Worlds, was the homeworld of the Balosar race. Much of the planet's
commerce was split between poorly regulated factories and criminal activities, and tourism was strongly
discouraged. (SWI70, UANT)
this crudely-written langauge was the native tongue of the Balosar people, and was considered no less
complex than Basic. (UANT)
this was the native language of the Balosar race. (GMR10)
Balowa System
located in the Mid Rim, this star system was one of the places where Crian Maru and her apprentice,
Dree Vandap, searched for Kaox Krul. There was a single world in the system whivh supported life, but
none of it was larger than a womprat. (GMR5)
Balrog, Clayton
Imperial Sergeant in charge of Spacetrooper Platoon 243-XT. (SWSB)
Bal'ta'ran Crystals
found on the planet Guiteica, this valuable mineral was mined by a few select non-Bitthaevrian
coroporations, including Vulca Minerals. (AIR)

this small company built podracing engines and racers. (IG1)
this literary character appeared in the roleplaying game Quest for Quasar. He was believed to have stood
1.89 meters in height, although many of the game's more avid fans claim that this measurement was not
part of the game's canon lore. (HNN5)
a creature native to the planet Th'irus, the balthaz' resembles a bantha in size and shape. They were
domesticated by the Th'iruckai for use are pack animals and draughtbeasts. (GMS)
this material was often smuggled during the height of the New Order. (T6)
this remote planet was the site of the only dueling academy to survive the Clone Wars and the rise of
Emperor Palpatine, the School of Hidden Wisdom. Despite its pleasant environment, Baltimn's remote
location made it inaccessible for many tourists. (PJSB)
the Jedi Knights were dispatched to resolve a dispute on this planet, shortly before the Battle of Naboo.
The people of Baltizaar had been attacked by the Bando Gora cult, and pleaded with the Senate for
assistance. Count Dooku refused to lead the mission, claiming that the Jedi were being used
indiscriminantly by the Galactic Senate to settle such problems, and he left the Jedi Order. The Jedi task
force which was dispatched to Baltizaar was decimated by the Bando Gora, with only a handful surviving
to return to Coruscant. The rest were either killed or imprisoned. Among the survivors of the fighting was
the Dark Jedi Nikkos Tyris, who retreated to Suarbi to recover. (WOTC, OWS, PJSB)
a native of the planet Kalarba, Balto worked for Baron Pitareeze. (DRO)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Balu, Predne
this man served as the assistant Security Officer of the Port of Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, just before the
Battle of Yavin. He was a heavy-set human with black hair and eyes, and a bald, melon-like head. (TME)
a famous style of sculpture. (GG9)
this was one of three Bothan clans which were allowed to originally colonize Kothlis. (SPG)
Bama Vook
this Talz worked as a test pilot for Trinkatta Starships, in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Boll
Trinkatta assumed that Bama had been killed when Bartokk assassins working for Groodo the Hutt stole
the droid-equipped starfighters that Trinkatta's corporation was building. In reality, Bama Vook had slaved
the starfighters together and "stolen" them himself, in order to ensure that the Trade Federation didn't
take possession of them. In order to better communicate, Bama Vook wore a voice translation unit on a
thick collar around his neck. After taking the droid starships, Bama Vook disguised himself with an
eyepatch, in hopes of escaping notice long enough to find the Jedi Knights who had come to Esseles.
Qui-Gon Jinn soon realized that it was Bama Vook who had alerted Adi Gallia to the presence of the
Trade Federation on Esseles, and the building of the droid starfighters. When he stole the starfighters,
Bama Vook also obtained a prototype hyperdrive developed by the Neimoidians, presumably for use the
starfighters. (E1A2)

this alien race was noted for its varied, spicy food, which many other races considered an acquired taste.
One of the trademarks of Bamasian cuisine was the dessert, which consisted of a small, ring-shaped
pastry that contained a protein-circuit onetime holocasting unit. When broken open, the holocaster was
activated, and displayed a sample of Bamasian wisdom before shutting down permanently. (MBS)
Bamasian Bread Ring
this dessert was considered the trademark of Bamasian cuisine was the dessert. The bread ring
consisted of a small, ring-shaped pastry that contained a protein-circuit onetime holocasting unit. When
broken open, the holocaster was activated, and displayed a sample of Bamasian wisdom before shutting
down permanently. (MBS)
Bamula Sector
this area of space was defended for generations by the Flamestrike Legion, until they were forcibly
disbanded by the Empire. (SWJ8)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
Ban Belos
this is the capital city of the planet Rabaan. (SWJ9)
Ban Papeega
this orange-feathered avian performed the interrogation of an Alliance pilot who survived the Battle of
Yavin, revealing that Luke Skywalker had destroyed the first Death Star. Darth Vader executed Papeega,
so that no other being would know of Luke's part in the destruction. (VQ)
Ban, Yuthura
this female Dark Jedi was one of the leaders of a training academy that was established on Korriban
during the decades leading up to the Great Sith War. Yuthura was being trained by a Sith Master named
Uthar Wynn during this time, until a group of Jedi Knights managed to infiltrate the academy by posing as
Sith apprentices. The Jedi managed to befriend her, and Yuthura revealed her plans to kill Master Wynn
and take over the academy. After gaining Master Wynn's confidence, the Jedi revealed themselves but
kept Yuthura's plans a secret. Angry at this turn of events, Wynn and Yuthura attacked the Jedi, but both
were defeated in combat. ('s)
this Huttese word roughly translated into Basic as "shame" or "friend," depending on usage and context.
Bana Besadii Diori
this Hutt was one of the primary investors in the construction of the Shelter base, in the remnants of the
Maw Installation, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. A cousin of Randa, Bana joined Lando
Calrissian and Han Solo in helping to create the first outpost along Luke Skywalker's Great River because
he believed that, in return, the Jedi would help the Hutts restore their control over Hutt Space. (EVR)
Banai, Elly
this was one of Kitster Banai's two children. (TG)
Banai, Ji
this was one of Kitster Banai's two children. (TG)
Banai, Kitster
this nine-year-old boy was one of Anakin Skywalker's best childhood friends. A resident of Mos Espa and
a slave owned by Gardulla the Hutt, Kitster and Anakin had many adventures, when they weren't working

for their masters. Kitster was good at keeping secrets, and the biggest secret of all was that he knew who
his father was. Kitster was four years old when he was captured when the ship owned by his father, Rakir
Banai, was boarded by pirates. Years later, Kitster continued to eke out an existence on Tatooine,
eventually buying his freedom after working as a steward at the Three Moons hotel. However, even after
accepting a position as majordomo at the Rendala Estate, Kitster couldn't earn enough credits to keep
himself and his new wife, Ulda, out of debt. Ulda eventually left him, and Kitster later married Tamora.
They had two children, but Kitster was forced to sell his souvenirs of Anakin in order to maintain his
income. One of them was a holocube that attracted the attention of many podracing fans, but also Leia
Organa Solo, who had come to Tatooine to acquire the moss-painting Killik Twilight. When Imperial
forces tried to obtain the artwork, Kitster took matters into his own hands and stole the painting, fleeing
into the desert. He was pursued by both Han Solo and the Imperials, finding a brief respite with Herat's
Jawa clan before they were stopped by the Imperials. During this interruption, the Jawas' sandcrawler
was attacked by Sandpeople, and Kitster was taken captive by the Tuskens. Killik Twilight was also
taken, leading the Solos on a further chase. The Sandpeople planned to sacrifice him to the vengeful
ghost that roamed the Valley of the Spirits, but he was rescued by the Solos. After the Shadowcast
information was destroyed and Killik Twilight turned over to Grees and his companions, Kitster tried to
explain to Leia why he refused to acknowledge the fact that Anakin eventually became Darth Vader. In
Kitster's mind, Anakin never lost sight of the fact that he was Shmi Skywalker's son, even after he fell to
the Dark Side of the Force. Kitster's words helped Leia realize that her fear of her father was grounded in
a one-sided argument, and she began to see him as the child Kitster remembered. Kitster was portrayed
by Dhruv Chanchani in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, TPM, IS1, E1A5, TG)
Banai, Rakir
this pirate and vigilante was believed to be Kitster's father, a secret that Kitster himself knew to be true
but would never reveal. He was continually hunted by the Hutts, and lost his son and wife to a Hutt raiding
party. Ranai later returned to Tatooine, after being employed by Jira to return Princess Arawynne and a
group of Ghostlings to their homeworld of Datar. During the rescue, he was reunited with Kitster, although
Kitster did not revealed his own identity to Rakir. Rakir then left Tatooine with the Ghostlings. (E1A5,
Banai, Ulda
this ornery woman was Kitster Banai's first wife. A former native of Kuat, Ulda was always suspicious of
Kitster and his dealings outside their home. She once suspected him of cheating on her, but the being
she hired to tail him reported that Kitster had been out gleaminking a desertscape. Ulda left Kitster shortly
after they were married, when he couldn't maintain a steady income. She set up a small business in the
Mos Espa Swoop Arena, running a lounge and betting parlor out of an old podracer's stall. (TG)
this planet is located in Rayter Sector. (TA)
Banche Tech
this droid developer was nationalized by the Empire and added to the Imperial Droid Corporation. (FOP)
this was the Huttese term for a music group or band. (GMR5)
a small, herbivorous creature. (TJP)
known as the "sandbar dweller" in the Devaronian language, this beetle-like creature inhabited the rivers
of Devaron. They were drift-feeders, gathering in huge swarms and resting on sandbars while feeding on
the detritus that floats by. Seeing a swarm of bandaras on the river was considered good luck by
Devaronian river pilots, since it warned them of shallow waters. During the mating season, male bandaras
emit a coarse "singing" to attract potential mates, a drone which was intolerable by female Devaronians.
They tried to wipe out the bandaras, but were unable to completely exterminate them. Male Devaronians,
however, could tolerate the song of the bandaras, and were rumored to have employed mercenaries to

help save the species. (COG)

Bandercamp Auctions
this five-week-long auction took plance annually at the Hinder Market, on the planet Recopia. Exotic pet
dealers from across the galaxy arrived on Recopia to sell their creatures. (CCW)
a musical instrument. (TME)
this race of humanoids was pressed into serivce as laborers. They are generally regarded as a tough
stock without much intelligence, but are effective workers when given plenty of food and simple
instructions. The Tervigs declared that they would sell the Bandies from their mutual homeworld of
Tervissis, shortly before Leia Organa-Solo was kidnapped by Dzym and Seti Ashgad. (POT)
a species of vicious omnivore native to the area around Temptation Canyon on Sriluur. Bandigos
resembled large, dog-like creatures with clawed limbs and wrinkled skin. They lived in the sand, and often
ambushed their prey by hiding under a thin layer of sand until the prey got close enough to capture.
These four-legged creatures let out long, sinister howls at night, and many historians believe that the
ancient Weequay thought these howls were produced by the water nymphs which lived deep within
Temptation Canyon. (SSR)
Bandits of Ggy-ynt
this pirate gang operated during the early years of the New Order. (AIR)
Bando Gora
this was the name of a cult of Force witches who were active during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. They once attacked the Outland Transit Station, an event which forced Dexter Jettster to sell his
stock in the space station to Jango Fett. Sometime afterward, the Bando Gora attacked the planet
Baltizaar, terrorizing the planet's inhabitants until the Jedi Knights were called into action. The Jedi were
completely unprepared for the true nature of the Bando Gora, and many were killed in battle. Any others
were captured and tortured. Only a few survived. Among them was the rogue Jedi Komari Vosa, who fell
under the spell of the Dark Side of the Force during her imprisonment. She eventually used her growing
powers to defeat the leaders of the Bando Gora and take control of the cult herself. Komari Vosa ran the
Bando Gora from a fortress on the burial moon of Kohlma. It was during this time, shortly after the Battle
of Naboo, that the Bando Gora developed a form of death stick that warped the mind of its user, creating
aready supply of drugged slaves for the cult. The cult was made up of two castes of beings. The lower
caste served as the cult's soldiers, although few resembled their original forms. They were drugged with
the altered death sticks, then twisted to the Dark Side of the Force by Komari Vosa herself, becoming
mindless drones who simply did Vosa's bidding. The higher caste was Vosa's personal guard, allowed to
have more independence in order to address any cunning being who managed to break through the
ranks of soldiers. The cult was smashed by Jango Fett some ten years before the Battle of Geonosis,
when he was hired by Count Dooku - who used the title of Darth Tyranus - to locate Komari Vosa. Jango
caught Vosa on Kohlma, and would have killed her if Tyranus hadn't stepped in. Tyranus then explained
that he had trained Vosa years before, and used the Bando Gora as a way to test Jango's suitability to
serve as the template for the clone troopers that were created for the Army of the Republic. (GMR10, BH)
this planet was at one time and agricultural world of rolling plains, until it was discovered that many
valuable ores were hidden in its crust. Then, mining operations such as Offworld Mining took control, and
reduced it to strip mines and industrial wastes. The planet was the homeworld of the Meerian race, who
struggled to come to terms with the prosperity that cost them their natural beauty. Located in the Outer
Rim Territories, Bandomeer is known for its high concentration of ionite, as well as the many predators
that lurk in its wilderness. The planet's surface was roughly divided in half by a huge landmass and the
Great Sea of Bandomeer. (RF)

the primary planet in the Bandonian System. (WBC)
Bandonian Plague
a virulent plague. (WG)
this Imperial Moff who was placed in control of the planet Questal some three to four years before the
Battle of Hoth, in an attempt to quell the population there. A ruggedly-handsome man with a muscular
physique, Bandor worked his was up the ladder through bootlicking and treachery. He aspired to be
Emperor Palpatine's rght-hand man, and it irked him that he couldn't control the Force. He served
faithfully, and gladly assumed control of Questal. There were several factions, all of which were fighting
over claims of the mineral Ardanium. The Emperor wanted to control the mining of ardanium, in an effort
to bolster the construction of Super-class Star Destroyers, and Bandor was given control of the planet. He
ruled with an iron fist, and installed several of the major criminals in positions of power. At the same time,
Bandor was experimenting with the potential use of hurlothrumbic generators as weapons to use against
the Alliance. The generator induced fear when activated, and this was translated by the locals has
Bandor's use of the Dark Side. Bandor did nothing to dispute this, as it added to his power. He was
apprehended by Alliance forces on the planet Questal before he could perfect the weapon. (GCQ)
this was the only major city found on the planet Bandomeer, and was thus the capital of the world. It was
here that Offworld Mining Company as well as Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation had their bases of
operation while mining ionite from the planet's crust. (DR)
Bandorian Colonies
these colonies were wiped out by an outbreak of the Candorian plague. The epidemic was contained
before it reached beyond the colonies, and the plague was thought to have been eradicated. However,
forty-six years later, the Empire unleashed it on Dentaal. (SWJ5)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
Bane Malar
this mysterious bounty hunter, whose species is not known, wore a black pressure suit with a spherical
black helmet. The helmet's visor is mirrored on the exterior, so as to completely hide Malar's physical
appearance. Although he was an infrequent visitor to Jabba the Hutt's palace, he had nonetheless put
plans in place to kill the crimelord and take control of his criminal empire. It was rumored that Malar was
somewhat telepathic. (CCG7)
this small, explosive projectile was developed by the Dug race for use with a b'hedda swingblade. While
not exactly dangerous, bangcaps created a huge noise when they struck a solid object. This sudden
noise stunned most creatures, allowing the Dug hunter to slay them with the blade. (UANT)
this special breed of corn was named for the sound it made when heated in a pot. Inside the kernels was
a small amount of water that expanded as the kernel was heated, until the pressure from the steam
caused the kernel to cook inside its husk. When the pressure of its expansion became to great, the kernel
burst open, changing into a tasteful, fluffy puff. The noise created when a potful of kernels burst open
gave this corn its name. (TME)
this young bantha was orphaned in the deserts of Tatooine around the same time that Tahiri Veila's
parents were killed, several years after the Battle of Endor. After Sliven found Tahiri, he also discovered
Bangor, and decided that the two orphans would be given a chance to live and grow together. The
Tusken Raiders did not usually name their banthas, but Tahiri was determined to give the creature a

name. After Tahiri left Tatooine to study the Force at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, Bangor remained with
the tribe on the chance that Tahiri would return and successfully complete her trial of adulthood. It was
Bangor who located Tahiri and Anakin Solo in the desert of the Jundland Wastes and helped them return
to the tribe's camp, just before the time allotted for the trial had expired. (P)
this was a common name among the Phindian race. (UANT)
Banir Avenue
this wide street, located in the city of Forak, on the planet Dosha, was the site of several repair and
modification facilities during the height of the New Order. (SWJ4)
Banis Avenue
the site of an Imperial repair facility on the planet Dosha. (SWJ4)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Baniss came from the term meaning
"handsome". (GCG)
Baniss Keeg
this female Duro frequented the Mos Eisley cantina, ever on the lookout for a pilot needed deep-space
training. She often worked with Ellors Madak as a scout for the Empire, and sometimes worked for the
Corporate Sector Authority as a surveyor. In reality, Baniss Keeg was an alias used by Cachi DeMaal.
Banja Cake
this was a form of finger food favored by many celebrities, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
this man was the nephew of Imperial Admiral Banjeer. Known as the Boss, he controlled the planet
Baramorra during the early years of the New Republic, employing bounty hunters to maintain control of
the planet and it surrounding system. Banjeer later revealed that his control of the planet was funded by
Grappa the Hutt. Kir Kanos, under the guise of Kenix Kil, executed Banjeer as a traitor to the New Order.
this Imperial Admiral served on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He was one of the few who believed
that Kir Kanos would eventually destroy the Council, in the wake of the death of Carnor Jax. Shortly after
Burr Nolyds was assassinated, Banjeer was found dead in his home, the victim of a knife-wielding
assassin. It was believed that Admiral Banjeer might have been a native of the planet Anaxes. (CE2,
Bank of Aargau
this was the primary banking and financial institution found on the planet Aargau. In addition to handling
nearly every aspect of financial transactions on the planet, the Bank of Aargau was also the primary
driving force behind Aargau's government. In order to ensure the security of the trillions of credits held in
their vaults, the Bank of Aargau established and maintained one of the galaxy's largest private armies,
known as Bank of Aargau Security, Limited. (PH)
Bank of Aargau Security, Limited
this wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of Aargau managed every aspect of planetary defense on the
planet Aargau. During the height of the New Order, BAS was one of the largest private armies allowed to
exist under the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Although most Aargauuns believed that the existence of BAS
helped secure their neutrality during the Galactic Civil War, the reality was that too many Imperial
dignitaries maintained too many bank accounts with the Bank of Aargau to allow the planet to be fully
subjugated. The first and foremost mission of BAS was to uphold the Statutes of Aargau. (PH)

Bank of Aargauha
a Corporate Sector financial institution. (CSA)
Bank of the Core
one of the original signatory sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority, the Bank of the Core is one of
the galaxy's largest financial institutions. The Bank owns at least a majority interest in over 3,000 different
banking corporations in and out of the Corporate Sector. They also mint most of the Authority's currency,
and control over three-quarters of the loans issued in the Sector. (CSA)
Bank, The
this was the name of Gandle Ott's law-making parliament. The body was originally formed to create and
modify the planet's laws, and evolved into an advisory council for the planetary governor. (DARK)
Banks, Ziv
this smuggler was a friend of Toob Ancher, who died in a shoot-out at the Orange Lady Tavern. (SWJ5)
this Dantari was one of Maga's closest friends and advisors. (GOF11)
this New Republic code slicer was also an average pilot. He washed out of several flight groups before
becoming a candidate for Wraith Squadron. However, when he was caught modifying his scores in the
central computer at Folor, he was expelled from consideration. (WS)
Bannock, Hilas
this man, a native of the planet Yarnil, was trained as an officer for the Imperial Security Bureau. He was
specifically chosen by COMPNOR for training after he turned in a number of his neighbors for seditious
activities, and he eventually became one of the most successful operatives in the Core Worlds. A lowbuilt, muscular man, he spent a good part of his career on Anaxes, searching for traitors or doubleagents. (CCW)
Banolt, Lirin
also known as Bruhas Drey, Ran Nammom, and Kier Dom, this conman often posed as an Imperial
Procurement Officer, offering exclusive contracts in return to huge bribes. He worked for Sate Pestage,
stealing antique art and weapons for the Imperial dignitary's personal collection. Pestage was forced to
execute Banolt, when the conman threatened to blackmail him over the location of the Eidolon, during the
last years of the New Order. When the New Republic discovered that Banolt had been killed, they
discovered that his supposed Imperial position did in fact have some basis, as they found an Imperial
holonet transceiver among his belongings. (XWBT)
this Senali clan was part of Meenon's family, on his sister's side. Meenon had charged them with bringing
up Prince Leed, during his nine years on Senali. (SP)
Bansak, Albee
this elderly man served at the Estaria Central Starport as the chief technician. He was also a member of
the local Alliance cell, and worked with Ela Harns to maintain a cache of supplies - hidden in the starport for the Alliance. (HAS)
Ban-Satir II
the planet on which Norvanian Grog is produced. (CSA)
Bansche Tech
this corporation was a major manufacturer of black-market assassin droid components. It was
nationalized following the Battle of Yavin by Imperial officials. (SWJ6)

this New Republic warship was destroyed at the Battle of N'zoth. (TT)
Banshee Bird
native to Corellia, this avian was known for its high-pitched scream. (DMSH)
meaning "resourceful", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)
Bant Eerin
this ten-year-old Mon Calamari female was one of Obi-Wan Kenobi's best friends, during his training at
the Jedi center on Coruscant. Obi-Wan remembered her silver eyes most of all. After Obi-Wan decided to
remain on Melida/Daan and help The Young in their struggle against their elders, Bant blamed Qui-Gon
Jinn for Obi-Wan's forsaking of the Jedi oath. Qui-Gon and Tahl later asked for Bant's help in searching
the lake inside the Jedi Temple for a number of items and artifacts stolen by an unknown thief. Bant
agreed to help, and was nearly killed by Xanatos and Bruck Chun. Obi-Wan intervened, and Bant
survived being tied to the bottom of the lake. Bant was chosen by Tahl as a Padawan, although Tahl
tended to leave Bant behind on the more "dangerous" missions. This angered Bant, who confided her
feelings to Obi-Wan when Tahl set off for New Apsolon to discover the identity of Ewane's killer. In the
wake of Tahl's death on New Apsolon, Bant initially held Obi-Wan partly responsible for not saving her
life. Bant felt no peace in Tahl's death, despite her Jedi training. When she traveled to the planet with
Mace Windu, Bant refused to acknowledge Obi-Wan's presence until both were sent out to locate Irini.
Then, Bant began to open herself up to Obi-Wan, and they were able to renew their friendship. In the
wake of Tahl's death, Bant was chosen to apprentice with Kit Fisto. (RF, HP, UP, TTB, CTV, JAF)
this was the nickname of a noted Corellian weapons expert, active during the early years of the New
Republic. (GUN)
huge, elephant-like beasts with curving tusks, banthas were found on a great number of worlds with
vastly different climates. The bantha was as much at home being used as transport by the Tusken
Raiders on Tatooine as it was on grassy plains and frozen tundra. The bantha was domesticated on most
of these worlds, and was used for pulling heavy loads, transportation, and even as war beasts. The meat
and hide of the bantha were much sought-after. While the origins of the Bantha were unknown, every
world on which is existed laid claim to being its homeworld. Most banthas bred in captivity were trained as
beasts of burden, and most of those were bred for desert environments. It was believed that the bantha
was originally native to Tatooine, as there was a wealth of fossil evidence of banthas existing during an
era which predated most modern civilizations. There were at least three distinct subspecies found on the
planet Tatooine: the common bantha, the dwarf bantha, and the dune bantha. Banthas used their
dextrous, sensitive tongue as a sort of hand, pulling up grass and shrubs from the ground. Also located
on the tongue were breathing and scenting spiracles, which allowed the bantha to determine an object
without stooping or reachint awkwardly. Male banthas raised their tongue as a way to singal their
readiness to mate. The distinctive horns of the bantha grew at the rate of a knob each year. Thickness
and condition of the horns were indicators of the bantha's health and environment. Most female banthas
achieved just a single spiral during their lifetimes, while a male may achieve two full spirals. Because of
this spiraling, and because banthas butted heads in ritual combat, a pair could become entangled each
other's horns. This almost always meant death for both banthas. Banthas traveled in herds of up to
twenty-five individuals, led by the oldest, strongest female. A herd which grew too large was split, with the
second oldest and strongest female taking the new herd. The average bantha could live more than eighty
years. The banthas of Tatooine were known to form deep bonds with the Tusken Raiders of the planet,
and often committed suicide if their riders were to die first. Banthas which died naturally were placed in
vast graveyards, which held a kind of ceremonial reverence with the banthas. (SW, SWSB, DK, WSW)
this was the nickname of a member of Vibroaxe Squadron. (IF)

this is a military slang term referring to an AT-AT walker. (SWJ9)

Bantha Blaster
a green and pink alcoholic drink that fizzes and pops as it goes down your throat. Note that MedStar I:
Battle Surgeons indicates that a Bantha Blaster had an orange-and-blue coloration, and mentioned
nothing about the fizzing. (TJP, MBS)
Bantha Bottle
made popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna, this canteen was filled with chilled vitawater
and sold to those patrons who became parched while dancing. The canteen was resuable, so it made a
perfect souvenir. (WSV)
Bantha Brakes
this was spacer's slang for a tractor beam. (SWJ13)
Bantha Burrows
this was one of many deep-desert locations found on the planet Tatooine. It was distinguished from the
rest of the desert's canyon mazes by thousands of huge caves which were believed to be used by
banthas who wanted to hide during sand storms. (TG)
Bantha Butter
this was a form of sweet, creamy butter made from the milk of a female bantha. (T)
Bantha Clan
this was one of the many "clans" formed by the Jedi Council to facilitate the training of young individuals,
during the last decades of the Old Republic. Like other such groups, the Bantha Clan was made up of
children of varying species between the ages of four and eight standard years. They trained in these
groups until they were thirteen years old, at which time they were either chosen by a Jedi Master as a
Padawan learner or given other duties outside the Jedi Order. (PJSB)
Bantha Graveyard
this was the Roonan name for the eerie patch of land near the Umboo Province, where the banthas of the
planet Roon went to die. What made the area unusual was that starships flying over the area seemed to
experience all manner of malfunctions, as if the Graveyard could affect sensors and navigation. After the
discovery of Ogger Baobab's starship in the Graveyard, the Council of Confederated Provinces declared
the space above the Bantha Graveyard to be a nof-fly zone until the mystery could be investigated.
Bantha II Cargo Skiff
manufactured by Ubrickkian Industries, the Bantha II skiff was a sleek, pointed, nine-meter-long
repulsorlift cargo platform. It required a single pilot, and could transport up to 16 passengers. It could also
carry 120 metric tons of cargo. Its maxmimum flight ceiling was 50 meters, and the Bantha II could cruise
at speeds up to 250 kilometers an hour. It was an open-air skiff that was piloted from the rear. Jabba the
Hutt employed these kinds of skiffs when taking prisoners to the Sarlacc pit. The advertising for the
Bantha II described it as "a skiff so easy to pilot, even a labor droid can handle it!" Maneuverability was
achieved by a pair of semi-circular steering vanes attached at the rear of the skiff. (ROTJ, SWSB, NEGV)
Bantha Plains
this flatland, located between the Great Mesra Plateau and the Northern Dune Sea, was named for the
banthas that congregated there. (IWST)
Bantha Raider
this was another name for the Sandpeople of Tatooine, based on the fact that they rode banthas across
the deserts of the planet. (MC17)
Bantha Rock
a natural rock formation located on Tatooine, Bantha Rock was named for the way it resembled a bantha

when viewed from Mos Espa. (E1A8)

Bantha Sqadron
this Imperial training unit was stationed at the Carida Academy during the years prior to the Battle of
Yavin. It was decimated during a training exercise which was designed to test prototype MT-ST walkers.
Shira Elan Colla Brie and Myrette Davani were hunting Bantha Squadron's MT-STs as part of a wargame
exercise, moving through the mountains known as Tarkin's Teeth. For an unknown reason, Shira's
training lasers had been replaced with actual working weaponry, a situation that was later blamed on
"instructor error". All members of Bantha Squadron working in the MT-ST were killed, and the walker itself
was destroyed. Their deaths were later described in Imperial communications as "regrettable casualties",
and the surviving members of Bantha Squadron acted as if nothing has happened. (PH)
Bantha Traxx
located in the upper-class section of the planet Lianna, Bantha Traxx was established in the old Club
Vortex building, and quickly established itself by gaining a wealthy and influential clientele. Owned by Yin
Vocta, the Bantha Traxx contained a restaurant, bar, dance floor, and gift shop, all of which featured a
desert motif located within traditional Liann architecture. The entrance to the establishment was wellmarked, with a glowing neon bantha above the doorway. The desert motif was a nod to one of Vocta's
favorite places, Tatooine, and lent itself well to the bantha theme of the restaurant. (WSV)
this code was created by Anakin Solo, and was used to purchase the nanny droid TDL-3.5 from an online
catalog. He had hoped to purchase the droid to help C-3PO, not realizing that he might get into trouble.
The code was derived from the story The Little Lost Bantha Cub, a favorite of Anakin's. The code was
discovered by C-3PO and Jaina and Jacen Solo when TDL-3.5 showed up to take over C-3PO's duties.
Bantha-blood Fizz
an alcoholic drink made from clarified bantha blood. (TJP)
Bantha-class Assault Shuttle
this troop carrier and assault shuttle was one of the most welcomed ships ever added to the armada of
the Alliance, and continued to gain popularity in the early years of the New Republic. Developed by Mon
Calamari and Sullustan designers in response to the Empire's use of Sentinel-class shuttles, the Banthaclass shuttle created to fly in behind a fighter screen and the take a beating while delivering ground troops
into battle. It landed on a gimballed monopod, giving it a small footpit while allowing it to carry and
delivery nearly thirty tons of troops and armed vehicles into a warzone. A group of turbolasers
manufactured by Golan Arms stud the upper hull of the ship, providing heavy cover for the troops which
disembark from it. The ship requires a living pilot, but the pilot is assisted by a droid brain, and many of
the pilots often banter with the droid during missions. These pilots often refer to themselves as "bus
drivers." (XWMR, HXW, NEGV)
Banthal Company
this company owns an orbital docking array near the planet Taanab, which usually handles the largest
cargo ships. (EGP)
this restaurant, found in Lumchugger's Hub on the planet Bescane, was a legitimate front for the
operations of the forger Lucky Ordomire. Among the delicacies served here are the Tusken Special
(bantha meat shish-kabobs), Calamaria Surprise (exosquidra poppets), Ithor Delight (scrambled ooglata
eggs), the Rodian Platter (deeply-oiler cranker roots), and Corellia's Pride (liquid-extract fringe cake).
an Imperial freighter under the protection of the shuttle Krayt near Bonadan when it was attacked and
destroyed by Alliance starfighters. (XW)

this insect was known for that fact that it fed almost exclusively on the blood of banthas. (SWJ2)
this tasty herb was used in a variety of dishes. (TCD)
Banthine Sonic Drill
this tool is used by many mineral and ore prospectors to remove matrix and expose more valuable
substances. (POT)
Banto, Kalista
this woman served as a crewmember aboard the scout ship Bright Seeker. (TSIA)
a food source found on the planet M'haeli. (ROC)
Bao Dur
this Zabrak was one of the many Iridonians who supported the Old Republic and the Jedi Order during
the years following the Great Sith War. A mechanic by trade, Bao Dur enlisted in the Republic military
after witnessing Mandalorian soldiers attacking Iridonian colony worlds. In addition to being an excellent
warrior, Bao Dur lent his technical skills to the development of new shields and other technology. During
the fighting against the Mandalorians, Bao Dur lost his left arm in combat. The limb was replaced with a
mechanical prosthesis, which gave him added strength. (LAWS)
Baobab Archives
this was the immense library and archival center maintained by the Baobab family on the planet Manda.
Baobab Merchant Fleet
a starship transport company owned by the Baobab family, the Merchant Fleet prospered for many years
before falling on hard times in the early days of the Empire. With the Imperialization of the Trade
Federation, those merchant fleets that did not receive Imperial contracts - or curry them with incentives were left to fend for themselves. The Baobab Merchant Fleet remained independent from the Empire, and
was forced to struggle just to remain solvent. (TGH, SWDB)
Baobab, Ebenn Q3
this man was known for his work on the Galactic Phrasebook and Travel Guide, the immense phrase
book he compiled to documenta wealth of human and alien expressions for use by travelers across the
galaxy. (GMR5, HNN5)
Baobab, Mungo
a Mandan sent to Biitu to establish a trading post and a fuel-ore mining operation, he was a reckless
adventurer whose family owned the Baobab Merchant Fleet during the early years of the New Order.
Mungo was dispatched to Biitu by the elders who served as the Merchant Fleet's board of directors, who
feared that Mungo's recklessness would prove to be the undoing of the fleet. It was just before his
assignment to Biitu that Mungo assumed ownership of R2-D2 and C-3PO, after they were freed by Jann
Tosh. When the Empire discovered the fuel reserves of Biitu, they dispatched the Great Heep to capture
Mungo and take control of the refineries. While they were able to defeat the droid and reclaim Biitu, much
of the planet's surface had been destroyed. After defeating the Imperials on Biitu, Mungo and the droids
set out for the Roon System, in the hopes of locating the mysterious and valuable Roonstones. Upon
arriving on Roon, Mungo found himself the target of Governor Koong, who had pursued him from Biitu.
On Roon, Mungo met Auren Yomm, and helped her team win the Colonial Games. For his efforts, Auren
gave Mungo a single roonstone, giving him the hope of finding more. Shortly afterward, Mungo
discovered the "haunted" starship on which his distant relative, Ogger Baobab, lived. Before passing on,
Ogger bequeathed six bags of roonstones to Mungo, as well as providing more information on where to
find the stones. Before Mungo and the droids could travel further, they were captured by Koong and held
by his henchman, Gaff. Mungo dropped the Roonstones in order to ensure their escape. He then ran into

Koong's plans to destroy the Tawntoom province by releasing ther rooze germ, and Mungo was able to
steal the germ and free the Yomm family. In the process, he discovered that a great cache of Roonstones
was located beneath Tawntoom province. He tried to negotiate the return of his starship, the Caravel, in
exchange for the Roonstones. However, Admiral Screed double-crossed Koong, and Koong destroyed
the Roonstones' location. Mungo managed to escape with but a single Roonstone. This stone, however,
contained the earliest-known text of the Dha Werda Verda. (TGH, DCAR, SWDB)
Baobab, Ogger
this man, a member of the Baobab merchant family from the planet Manda, was lost over the planet Roon
when his starship experienced a malfunction and crashed. It was later discovered that Ogger's ship went
down in the area known as the Bantha Graveyard, and that Ogger himself survived inside for nearly sixty
years before dying of old age. Before he died, though, he managed to pass on his knowledge of the
Roonstones to his great-nephew, Mungo Baobab. He warned Mungo not to chase the Roonstones for
wealth, and urged the younger man to ensure that he maintained his friendships before pursuing personal
gains. (WOTC, SWDB)
Baobab, Olgun
this man was a partiarch of the Baobab family, and one of the founders of the Baobab Merchant Fleet.
Mungo Baobab discovered him aboard a supposedly haunted starship during the early years of the New
Order. Olgun explained that he, too, had been searching for the Roonstones. Mungo was surprised to
learn that Olgun possessed six bags fulls of them, especially after he had been unable to locate but a
single stone. Unfortunately for Mungo, Olgun died before he could be taken into care. Olgun left Mungo
his collection of roonstones and a survival kit. (DCAR)
this creature has a slimy, algae-like body. It inhabits the ponds of Glottal, and is a required element in
Glottalphib ponds. (TNR)
this name, which meant "serene", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'bar added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Bar clan. It was added to
the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Bar Ras
this brutish Gungan was arrested for stealing the tools of other Gungans, then savagely beating them
when they tried to confront him. Bar Ras was exiled from Otoh Gunga by Boss Nass. (EGA)
this wraith was one of the unique organisms that inhabit the world of Jellyfish Cove. She, like all of her
race, is mobile and can prowl for prey in an ethereal form. However, she could not exist in ethereal form
in the presence of sunlight, which caused them to solidify into statue-like images of themselves. Bara
nearly overcame the problem when she first encountered Garve. She tried to attack him during a thick
fog, but shafts of sunlight kept making her solid. Garve escaped, but only until Bara discovered that the
Imperial uniforms left on Jellyfish Cove by her other victims could wrap her in sunlight-blocking material
from head to foot. She dressed as an Imperial officer and gained admittance to Garve's base. When it
became dark, she revealed her true form and again nearly killed Garve, but he was once again saved by
sunlight which streamed through the windows. (SWG1, TMEC)
this red dwarf star was the primary sun in the Barab System, which included the planet Barab I. (GG4)

Barab I
homeworld of the Barabels, Barab I was the innermost planet in the Barab System, orbiting very near to
its primary star, Barab. Barab I orbited Barab at less than 125 million kilometers. Thus, its surface was
constantly being bombarded by all sorts of radiation. This, coupled with the intense heat from the star,
caused any water which condensed to the ground at night to quickly evaporate, creating a deadly, humid
surface environment that resulted in an irradited greehouse effect. The Barabels and most other forms of
life on the planet adapted by living in the caves the riddle the planet, and every form of life - including
most herbivores - was capable of killing another creature for sustenance. All forms of life on Barab I were
cold-blooded, despite its proximity to its primary star. The average day on Barab I lasted about 60
standard hours. During the latter stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Barab I was
attacked and razed by the alien invaders. All life was erased from the planet's surface, and the Barabel
population was taken away for slavery. (GG4, DFR, DFRSB, FH1, WOTC)
Barab II
this frozen ball of rock and ice was the second planet in the Barab System. (WOTC)
Barab III
this gas giant was the third and outermost planet in the Barab System. It was orbited by thirty-four moons.
this was the native language of the Barabel race. When spoken, it consisted of a series of hisses and
barks which sounded harsh to human ears. (EGP, UANT)
this bipedal race of reptiloids was covered in black scales much like fingernails. Known for their hunting
and tracking abilities, Barabels had heavy, retractable claws and sharp, needle-like teeth. They were a
communal race which was native to the irradiated world of Brab I, with separate groups of up to 10,000
individuals existing under the guidance of a pack leader. Their aggression was well-known, but they were
also extremely loyal to their mates and parents. Barabels were especially fond of fighting with their nearby
neighbors, the Verpine, and often captured Verpine and gave their body parts to the Kubaz. Being a
moral race by nature, they had a deep respect for the Jedi Knights which stemmed from their first
experiences with the Jedi, in which a Jedi Master successfully mediated a dangerous clan dispute. The
written history of the Barabel race only dated back some 400 years before the Battle of Yavin, although
most xenoarchaeologists agreed that life before this was similar in most respects to life since that time.
When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, the Barabels managed to remain untouched for several
years, until Barab I was attacked and destroyed. The Barabels as a race were either killed or taken
offplanet to be enslaved, and no life was left on the planet's surface. Those Barabels taken as slaves
were killed when Saba Sebatyne returned to her homeworld to find it in flames. She failed to recognize
the Yuuzhan Vong transport ship, and shot it down. She was horrified to see Barabel bodies gushing from
the transport, but later reconciled herself to the fact that death for the Barabels was probably better than
slavery. The memory of her people kept her fighting for years to come. (DFR, DA, DFRSB, GG4, FH1,
Barabel Fruit
this large, black-skinned fruit was very tasty. (RF)
Barabel Wars
a civil war on Barab I over choice hunting grounds, it was stopped by a group of nearby Jedi Knights.
Barabi Run
this smuggling ship was known to have transported raw spice to the planet Varl, as part of Mika the Hutt's
plans to produce tempest. It made a regular journey along the Perlemian Trade Route, stopping at
Rhilithan in accordance with Mika's orders. A Mobquet Medium Transport, the Barabi Run was formerly
known as the Moonlight Cruise, until it was refitted for spice transport. The body of the ship was made up
of two rectangular modules and one cylindrical module, and it was armed with two concealed double

turbolaser cannons, two pairs of heavy ion cannons, four concussion missile launchers, and a tractor
beam projector. Many who encountered the ship felt that it was too heavily armed for its size, but the
ship's cargo more than made up for its armament. The ship required a crew of six to operate, and could
carry up to 500 metric tons of cargo and twenty-six passengers. The ship was captained by Tarson
Kestrel, until it was apprehended near Rhilithan by a group of freelance agents hired by Angela Krin of
the Corporate Sector Authority. Although the crew was detained by the Corporate Sector Authority for
running spice, they were never charged with a crime, and the Barabi Run was released several days
later. (TF)
this planet is the site of the Institute for Sentient Studies. (BTS)
another name for the Klatooinan race, used because so many Klatooinan males have been named after
Barada M'Beg. (TOJ, GG12)
this Klatooinan was the leader of Jabba the Hutt's repulsorpool on the planet Tatooine, just prior to the
crimelord's death. He had been badly scarred and disfigured on his homeworld before being sold to
Jabba. Barada was won by Jabba in a rigged sabacc match, but Jabba chose to keep Barada as a slave
rather than give him any kind of freedom. It was Barada who discovered the body of Ak-Buz in the palace
scrap heap. He also assisted in watching over Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca when Jabba
brought the to the Pit of Carkoon. Unfortunately for Barada, he was one of the first of Jabba's men to fall
into the Sarlacc pit when Luke's plan for escape went into action. (ROTJ, TJP, EGC, CCG7, SWDB)
Barada M'Beg
this famous Klatooinan is perhaps the most revered scholar and leader in Klatooinan history. It was
M'Beg who represented the Klatooinans in their ancient negotiations with the Hutts, prior to the war with
Xim the Despot more than 25,000 years before the rise of the New Order. M'Beg is so well-revered that
many Klatooinans name their male sons after him. This has led some other races to refer to the
Klatooinans as Baradas. (GG12)
Barada Rakul
this Klatooinan was the Captain of the Moulee-Rah Patogga, working for he Besadii kajidic during the
years leading up the Battle of Geonosis. Captain Rakul, his ship, and his crew were captured on Karnst
by a joint law enforcement team, after their ship was discovered to have been transporting more than 100
metric tons of ryll spice. Captain Rakul, when questioned, seemed to have no idea what kind of cargo he
was carrying. (HNN5)
Baradas II
a planet. (GG10)
Baradis School of Technology
this school, located on Jarvanam, was actually a front for the training of Tenloss Syndicate criminals. Any
Tenloss member who needed specific criminal skills was sent to Baradis for formal training. (GG11)
a powerful but unstable synthetic element, baradium is used in thermal detonators. When ignited, the
baradium generates a particle field around the exploding particles which are being emitted from the
detonator. Most thermal detonators can generate a five-meter sphere; this means that the baradium is
capable of incinerating everything inside a five-meter diameter sphere centered on its source. Everything
outside the sphere is undamaged, as the sphere will eventually collapse when the baradium is spent.
this Barabel was captured for use as an Imperial slave, but escaped from the compound on Herios IV.
Before he left, Baraduk stole a cache of weapons from the Imperial armory, an act which earned him the

wrath of Herios' Governor. However, Baraduk evaded capture until the governor offered him amnesty to
simply leave the planet - an offer prompted by the loss of fifteen Imperial soldiers who were killed chasing
Baraduk. The Barabel agreed, and left Herios IV with all the weapons he could carry. He was hunted by
Galasett for many years, until he defeated the Kerestian in single combat. The two maintained a blood
feud over the years. (GG10)
a race of hunch-backed, bipedal saurians, the Baragwin have spread throughout the galaxy after their
early ancestors discovered space travel. By the time humans began traveling through space, the
Baragwins had probably already forgotten where their homeworld was. They have large heads which are
as wide as their shoudlers, and thick, muscular necks. They have an incredible sense of smell, and can
even determine their quarry's emotional state from the various pheromones exuded. Their homeworld has
been lost over the millennia, and communities of Baragwin have evolved distinct emotional and cultural
differences. Being widely scattered, they simply adopted the various technologies found throughout the
galaxy, and have become knowledgeable in their uses. They have developed weapons and tools that are
useable in their three-fingered hands. (GG12, ANT)
Baragwin Assault Blade
this ancient weapon was developed by the Baragwin race, more than 4,000 years before the Battle of
Endor. It was considered a marvel of miniaturization technology, placing a tiny vibration generation into
the hilt of a vibrosword, with room left over to add a power generator that would discharge an intense
shock upon contact. (KOTOR)
Baragwin Assault Gun
this ancient weapon was developed by the Baragwin race, more than 4,000 years before the Battle of
Endor. It was essentially a repeating blaster, but with greater power and destructive capability. (KOTOR)
Baragwin Shadow Armor
this was a specialized form of body armor that was developed by the Baragwin race more than 4,000
years before the Battle of Yavin. It employed a unique material, coupled with camouflage technology and
a specialized stealth generator, that rendered the wearer invisible when viewed from any direction.
Baragwin Stun Ray
this defensive weapon was developed by the Baragwin race, more than 4,000 years before the Battle of
Endor. (KOTOR)
this was the primary language of the Baragwin people, noted for its usefulness in business and trade.
Barak, Koth
a crewmember of the escort cruiser Adamantine, Koth Barak was the first to die from the Death Seed
plague unleashed by Dzym and Seti Ashgad. (POT)
a species of tree found on the planet Garos IV. (SWJ5)
Barakas, Brakka
this human was an Elder from the planet New Brigia. He was captured by the Yevethans and forced to
record a message to the New Republic. Tal Fraan devised the scheme to counteract the blockade of
Preza, using perjured pleas for the New Republic to refrain from firing on Yevethan vessels to preserve
the lives of prisoners. The plan worked, and the Yevethans were able to break the blockade. Is this the
same character who was described as Brigian in Tyrant's Test? (SOL)
this yellow star is the primary star in the Baralou System. (PG1)

this is the primary planet in the Baralou System. It is a warm world covered with oceans dotted with jungle
islands and rocky outcroppings. It is the homeworld of the Krikthasi and Multopos races. Mostly ignored
by the Empire, the Alliance kept a presence on Baralou to maintain a trade agreement which allowed
them to obtain some of the planet's abundant algae for food. Baralou was also known for the abundance
of gemstones found in its waters, inlcuding sasho gems, kuggerags, and jasse hearts. It is the first planet
in the system, and has a day which lasts 22 standard hours. Its year lasts 295 local days. (PG1)
this temperate world was often soaked with rainstorms, contributing to its dreary reputation. During the
early years of the New Republic, the planet was controlled by the nephew of Imperial Admiral Banjeer,
who used bounty hunters to control the local populace. (BHKK)
Baran Do
this was an ancient philosophy of the Force, distniguished from that of the Jedi Knights and the Sith in its
training methods and beliefs. Much of the Baran Do tradition was centered on knowledge and wisdom.
Baran, Biros
this man, a native of the planet Corellia, served as the chief Intelligence officer at the Alliance's Eyrie
Base. He held the rank of Commander in the years following the Battle of Yavin. It was known that Baran
joined the Alliance only after he claimed that the Imperial governor of Corellia ignored his talents, which
were much greater in Baran'sown mind than they were in real life. He was not well-respected among the
starfighter pilots assigned to the base, who often referred to him as "Barren-Brain" behind his back. His
appearance, squint-eyed and snivelling, made many beings wonder if he was even human. After Niall
Pedrin nearly succeeded in locating Eyrie Base, Commander Baran was reassigned to a desk job on an
Alliance safeworld. (SWJ8,SWJ10)
Baranar, Haaken
this huge man was an independent scout and free trader during the early years of Palpatine's New Order.
About 10 years before the Battle of Yavin, Baranar was mauled by a snow demon during a stop-over on
the planet Toola. He was taken to the Great Hoary Mastmot Trading Station, and while he recovered the
owner - a Wookiee named Spetbecca - was captured by bounty hunters. Haaken was unconscious at the
time, and felt that he owed the Wookiee a debt for not helping out. Thus, Haaken remained on Toola to
manage the Trading Station in the hopes that Spetbecca would return. (SWJ10)
Barancar Port
this starport was known for its disgusting sewers and general state of disrepair. (SWJ8)
this eel-like crreature was native to the planet Procopia. It was hunted for sport by the nobles of the
Tapani Sector. (PGT)
Barani List
this was the codename of the datafile maintained by Sprax and Millicent, detailing the involvement of
Sprax's dealings with Neil Barani and the Yen-2 mining outpost. It also contained the names of the
mercenary teams sent out by Xizor and Sprax to recover Limna Yith. Neil Barani had be provided with the
names by the Black Sun vigo Green, who hoped that Barani would sell it to the Empire and bring down
Sprax's operation along the Sisar Run. After changing hands several times, the list was recovered by
Sprax's mercenaries on Yen-2. Contained in the list was a great deal of false information created by
Green and meant to destroy Barani, vigo Sprax, and Ujin Voli. There was also a great deal of
misinformation meant to make anyone who read the document believe it was false. (SSR)
Barani, Neil
this stocky, middle-aged man was the co-owner and chief engineer of the Yen-2 mining colony. He was
known as a string leader, with fair principles and a guiding vision. When he discovered that the Verde
Asteroid Field was rich in deposits of doonium, he decided to strike a deal with the Empire and gain his

company a huge profit. Barani negotiated a deal with Major Stipling, then also provided Stipling with
information about Sprax's connections to Jatayus Outbound, Xizor Transport Systems, and Black Sun.
However, Limna Yith had been employed by Sprax to eliminate Barani's little rebellion, and managed to
obtain a cop of the information, which became known as the Barani List. Limna Yith then destroyed the
Yen-2 outpost. Barani hid in the abandoned station, hoping to avoid the wrath of Black Sun and/or the
Empire. Barani later revealed that he had been forced by the vigo Green to set up Sprax for a fall at the
hands of the Empire. Green had promised Barani a huge payment as long as he supplied the Barani List
to the Empire. After failing to sell the list and then being rediscovered on Yen-2, Barani fled to the surface
of the asteroid and allowed himself to die in the airless environment. (SSR)
Barant, Rojo
this bald-headed man was a scout for the Alliance, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. He
was an independent scout who was more or less forced out of work by the rise of the Empire. So, he took
his services to the Alliance, and was eventually stationed at the Edan Base on Edan II. Rojo was the first
to discover the Imperial presence in the system, when he located a downed escape pod that turned out to
be a probe droid capsule. His warning of the impending Imperial attack allowed the Alliance to abandon
most of Edan Base before the Empire attacked it. (IAG)
Barauch 797 Filliae Gron 113 Pinkrun 472 Aprion 1811
this was the lockout code provided to Kinman Doriana by Darth Sidious, for use in disabling the battle
droids of the Separatists and allowing him to access their computer memories. With the access provided
by the code, Doriana could wipe clean enough of the droid's memory to eliminate any evidence of his
presence, resetting the droid to a point just before it caught him. (SWI70)
Barayel, Shek
this Chief Councilor of the planet Indu San was assassinated by Imperial forces at the planet's Council
Hall, shortly after the Battle of Endor. The Imperial hoped to blame the assassination on New Republic
operatives, in an effort to keep Indu San and the Indu Council from joining the Republic. (SWJ6)
this smuggler once came upon a shipment of LE-series repair droids, having "obtained" them from an
Imperial supply depot during the Galactic Civil War. (FTD)
Barbed Flyer
this Ithorian avian was know for its long, spiked tail. (OS)
Barcarian Claw Salt
this substance was often smuggled. In its raw form, Barcarian claw salt resembled eyeballs, and had a
horrific odor. (AVS)
this man was a Lieutenant in the Darkknell Defense Agency, and served under Colonel Nyroska. He
didn't agree with Nyroska's plans to profit from recovering the plans to the first Death Star from Moranda
Savich, but when Ysanne Isard began messing with the computer systems of the Defense Agency, he
began to work with Nyroska's plans. (TFNR)
this isolated moon is a barren, desolate rock incapable of supporting life. However, it served as an
Alliance research and development site for new hyperdrive technology during the Galactic Civil War,
under the direction of Charls Ginsbrack. The new hyperdrive generated strange, hyperdimensional
whirlpools that randomly took organic and inorganic items with it, including several of Ginsbrack's
scientists. Ginsbrack himself was sucked out of existence, and the project was abandoned. (GMS)
this Klatooinan was a member of a street gang which controlled a small sector of Coruscant's
entertainment district during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was wanted by the Republic
Security Force in connection to a growing ring of narcotics dealers which was trafficking death sticks and

other drugs throughout the Core Worlds. He was captured on Coruscant by Jango Fett, who was
searching for one of Bardack's primary contacts, Jervis Gloom. (BH)
Bardak, Yasinda
this well-educated woman was a native of Coruscant, and the daughter of the owner of TranStar
Construction. She was a mainstay of the social life in Tasariq City's Paradise Square, doing whatever she
wanted to do, whenever she felt like doing it. As the Imperial presence on Tasariq grew, Yasinda made
more and more anti-Imperial remarks during her parties, and even openly questioned the wisdom of the
Tarkin Doctrine. However, few realized that Yasinda was acutally an Imperial Intelligence agent who had
been recruited by Emperor Palpatine himself for special training. It was planned that she would one day
become one of the Emperor's Hands, as Yasinda was found to be Force-sensitve, but her Imperial
upbringing made her refuse to accept the possibility that the Force even existed, let alone was accessible
to her. She was removed from the training, but continued her education with the Intelligence agency, and
eagerly spent her time on Tasariq searching for rebel cells. Unfortunately for Yasinda, her proximity to the
Tasar Crystals re-awakened her Force-sensitivity, and she started to hear voicesin her head. This slowly
drove her insane, and only her years of training kept her from completely losing her mind. (SWJ15)
this boxy, Corellian-built transport ship was based on the planet Halmad, and ran a regular three-way
route through the system. Around 100 meters in length, it had an exemplary record for avoiding pirates,
until it was targetted by Wraith Squadron. After getting it's navigator drunk and learning of its flight plans,
the Wraiths - acting as the pirate group known as the Hawk-bats - intercepted and boarded the ship not
once but twice, in a seemingly adroit pari of ambushes. Its owner and Captain, a man named Rhanken,
was at a loss to explain his sudden run of bad luck. (IF)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
a short, stocky human assigned by Olag Greck to guard the shipment of droids which contained C-3PO,
R2-D2, and IG-88. (DRO)
Bardrin Group
this marketing corporation maintained a long-standing rivalry with the Uoti Corporate, with each trying to
outdo the other in the sales of weapons and ship systems in their home sector. It was run by Ja Bardrin
shortly after the Battle of Endor. (TFNR)
Bardrin, Ja
this large man was the leader of the Bardrin Group, shortly after the Battle of Endor. He had his own
daughter, Sansia, kidnapped in order to ensure his power. He then commandeered the crew of the Wild
Karrde and ordered Mara Jade to "rescue" her from slavery at the hands of Chay Praysh. In reality, he
merely wanted Sansia's ship, the Winning Gamble, recovered in order to maintain control of its highlymodified systems. Also, he had programmed the ship's sensors to monitor Praysh's alace defenses, and
planned to use the information to storm the Drach'nam's palace on his own time. He then planned to sell
the Winning Gamble to Praysh in return for some highly-secret weapons prototypes the Drach'nam's
pirates had stolen from the Uoti Corporate. He also ensured that the Mrahash of Kvabja would deny ever
sending a floater globe to Praysh, despite the fact that he sent one with Mara as a gift to Praysh. All these
plans, he felt, would ensure that he could obtain the Uoti prototypes. However, as soon as Karrde
discovered that his crew had been taken, he immediately rounded up his forces and stormed Bardrin's
own palace. The Bardrin Group's guards were no match for Karrde's forces, and quickly surrendered the
palace. After Mara and Sansia were freed, Karrde took the sensor data that Bardrin had taken on
Praysh's palace and sent it to Luke Skywalker, in the hope that the New Republic would use it to storm
the fortress and rescue the enslaved women. Sansia remained with her father, ensuring Karrde that she
would punish him in her own way. (TFNR)
Bardrin, Sansia
this young woman was the daughter of Ja Bardrin. Bardrin had her kidnapped in order to remove her from

a position of power within the Bardrin Group. She had been flying in the Winning Gamble, and her father
desparately wanted the ship returned because of its highly-enhanced systems. Sansia was then sold into
slavery to Chay Praysh. She was glad to discover that Mara Jade had flown to Torpris to rescue her, but
when she learned that her father had hired Mara, she became dismayed that Mara only wanted the ship.
When Mara's plans began to come together, Sansia assisted any way she could. Once they made it to
the Winning Gamble, Sansia used its weapons to eliminate a group of Drach'nam guards and enable
Mara to escape with her. After returning to her father's fortress, Sansia learned the true intentions behind
her capture. She was so enraged that she gave ownership of the Winning Gamble to Mara Jade, and
provided the sensor data it collected on Torpris to Talon Karrde. She then arranged to punish her father
for his duplicity. (TFNR)
Bare Forest
located on the planet Zelos II, this grove of conifer trees grew at the edge of the Valley of Umbra. Much of
the valley was continually in shadow and covered with dense fog. It was in the valley that the Empire set
up defensive platforms to guard their garrison base from discovery. The New Republic's Red Team Five
attempted to break through the platforms and infiltrate the garrison, but an overeager leader caused them
to launch their assault too quickly. The Republic's forced were nearly wiped out, and only Jai Raventhorn
survived to be captured. (TFNR)
Barefoot Band
this band, which always performed in their bare feet, was popular in the cantinas of Bestine, on the planet
Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. (SWI68)
Barefoot Squadron
this was the name given to Tahiri Veila's starfighter group, established in the wake of the Battle of
Coruscant to augment the depleted forces of the New Republic. Tahiri's position as a Jedi Knight and a
survivor of the assault on the voxyn queen at Myrkr gave her leadership credentials, and the pilots of
Barefoot Squadron quickly adapted to her style of leadership. Most, including the executive officer handpicked by Admiral Traest Kre'fey himself, fought bravely in battle as well as in support of their leader.
Unfortunately, like many New Republic squadrons of the time, Barefoot Squadron had a high percentage
of green pilots, recruited from the planetary defense fleets in response to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. (Y)
this planet suffered an ecological disaster during the New Order, and was later explored by the Ho'Don
healer Baji. (EGA)
this ancient Quarren surname meant "respected physician". Like many Quarren surnames, it could be
traced back to the time of the Battle of Ruusan. (GCG)
Barezz, Inglemann
this man was an agent of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence during the height of the Clone Wars. In this
position, Agent Barezz was charged with discovering why the planet Duro fell so quickly to General
Grievous and the Separatists. His investigation led him to report that Senators Onaconda Farr and Ronet
Coor were to blame, as it was Senator Farr who rerouted warships from Iseno to Rodia - instead of Duro just prior to the Separatist attack. (SWI76)
Barezz, Mar
an Imperial Security Bureau agent working on Bothan's Planet, he intercepted Tiree there but could not
capture him. He continued to try and locate Tiree, in what could best be described as an obsession.
Barezz, Winn
this Imperial Lieutenant served as the spaceport officer on Ord Mantell during the years following the
Battle of Endor, and was one of the first to discover that drochs were carrying the Death Seed plague on
a crago ship which landed at the spaceport. (EGA)

this man was a member of the Alliance forces deployed to Oracle Base on Tel III, shortly after the Battle
of Yavin. (FBS)
this was the Qom Jha name for the leader of a nesting. The Qom Qae also used this term, which was
mainly given to the eldest member of the nesting. (VOF)
Bargeth Relb
this was the name of a distinguished Morseerian individual. (UANT)
this Huttese word translated into Basic as "bargain." (GMR5)
Bargon u noa-a-uyat
meaning "you will be rewarded" in the Huttese language, this was the closest phrase to "please" or "thank
you" use by the Hutt race. (TF)
this male Tof was second in command of the invasion force which tried to capture the planet Zeltros,
during the months following the Battle of Endor. (MC106)
first planet in the Churba system, it is a ball of molten rock. (DFRSB)
the blue star that is primary to the planet Baros. (GG4)
this native of the planet Wakeelmui was an employee of Sienar Fleet Systems' missile division when he
decided to join the Imperial armed forces. He trained as a stormtrooper, but was transferred to scout
trooper training when he showed more aptitude in that area. He eventually became one of the Empire's
best speederbike pilots, and was assigned to the Imperial garrison on the forest moon of Endor, during
the construction of the second Death Star. While at Endor, Barich dreamed of flying a starfighter and of
joining the 181st Imperial Fighter Group after his tour of duty was complete. However, during the
speederbike chase with Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, Barich was badly injured when he looked
behind him to see where his pursuit was. When he turned around, he was unable to avoid hitting a huge
stump and crashing. He was rescued and returned to his homeworld to recover, but could think of nothing
more than getting back into action, especially in the wake of the Battle fo Endor. He was trained as a
fighter pilot, and eventually achieved his dream of flying with the 181st Imperial Fighter Group. His knack
for clashing with superior officers - he claimed that their tactics were outdated - earned him several black
marks on his record. He was soon demoted and returned to serve as a stormtrooper, but he never lost his
skills for riding a speederbike. When Grand Admiral Thrawn rose to power, Barich once again was
assigned a position as a scout trooper, and was instrumental in several battles against rogue Imperial
warlords. (CCG10, NEGC)
Barimoq Crater
located on the planet Tasariq, this was the largest of the impact craters left behind centuries ago by a
meteor shower. The modern Tasari clans meet in the crater twice a year to set policies for dealing with
offworlders and revising their own legal code. Barimoq Crater was considered the cermonial capital of the
planet. (AE)
Barimoq Industries
this Tasari corporation produced a variety of personal projectile weapons. (SWJ15)
Airen Cracken had to rig up a restraining bolt deactivator to free his droid Vee Gee from the natives of this

water world. (CFG)

a Dathomir witch of the Nightsisters clan, she has a gift for "forcing minds" (coersion). She was exiled
from the Singing Mountain clan with Gethzerion after their attempt to assassinate Augwynne was
thwarted by Kara'teel. It was Baritha who helped Gethzerion escape the immediate wrath of the clan, and
she was later rewarded by Gethzerion with a place at the head of the Nightsisters clan. When the two
clans brought their feud to a conclusion - shortly after Han Solo and Leia Organa arrived on Dathomir Baritha disappeared in the battle and was never seen again. (CPL, CTD)
Barium Frizz
an alcoholic concotion created by Wuher. (TME)
Barjas, Dolk
this starship Captain worked for the Obroan Institute, and was in command of the exploration vessel
Penga Rift. (TT)
Bark Rat
this warm-blooded rodent was native to Cholganna, and was one of the stables in the diet of the nexu.
once regarded as a promising politician, this Imperial Governor was in control of the planet Kintoni during
the early years of the New Republic. He was targeted for removal by the Republic, who dispatched Crix
Madine and a team of troopers to capture him. Barkale's capture was interrupted by the appearance of
Mara Jade on Kintoni, who had been trying to evade Ysanne Isard. Jade knew of Barkale from a meeting
with Emperor Palpatine, who had been questioning the increasing loss of credits from Kintoni, losses
which Barkale had written off to rebel raids. Jade discovered that Barkale had been warehousing credits,
artworks, and other valuable items for some ten years, and reporting them stolen by the Alliance. Since
she was still a member of the Imperial order, Jade executed Barkale as a traitor to the New Order, but
allowed Madine to recover Barkale's warehouse as a way to fund the New Republic. (T1)
this was the designation of a Nebulon-B2 frigate that was part of the Alliance's fleet. (TIE)
a jungle planet which is home to a unique microorganism which is deadly to insects but harmless to
higher forms of life. The organism is used by scouting teams to keep insects away, but is only sold on
Barkhesh. This planet was known for its resistance of the New Order. (SWJ6, RSG)
Barkhesh Insect Culture
developed and manufactured exclusively on the planet Barkhesh, this unique chemical spray was used to
create a foam that would protect a user from attack by various forms of insect life. Sprayed from a
specialized canister, the insect culture deterred or killed the insects before they could bite or sting. Many
environmentalists of the New Republic decried the insect culture, claiming that it would one day destroy a
unique insect species. (GUN, SWJ6)
this was a very fast, open-air speeder used as a luxury airtaxi on the planet Coruscant, during the last
years of the Old Republic. (CCW)
this Noghri served as one of Leia Organa-Solo's bodyguards on her trip to the Bothan homeworld of
Bothawui, during her investigation of the Bothan financial situation during the Caamas Incident. (SOP)
Bar-Kooda was a Koodan pirate that preyed upon Orko the H'uun. Gorga the Hutt offered Boba Fett the

chance to hunt down and kill Bar-Kooda as part of a plot to win the hand of Orko's daughter, Anachro.
Bar-Kooda had a muscular humanoid body, but his head was a huge, smooth bulb with protruding eyes
and a wide, sharp-toothed mouth. He was known to eat his enemies. Bar-Kooda's left arm was refitted
with a cybernetic prosthesis. Boba Fett used the services of Wim Magwit to infiltrate Bar-Kooda's pirate
ship, the Bloodstar, and apprehended the pirate with the help of Magwit's mystical hoop, a short-range
matter transmitter. Boba Fett captured Bar-Kooda and returned the body to Gorga, who served the
pirate's body up as a dinner for Orko. Bar-Kooda's older brother, Ry-Kooda, attempted to exact revenge
on the two Hutts, but Boba Fett intervened and killed him, too. (BF)
Barl, Deli
this woman was Roxi Barl's sister. The pair dreamed of getting rich without doing any work, and schemed
for years to get Deli married off to a wealthy businessman. Their chance came when Deli was wedded to
the vice-president of fleets for CorDuro Shipping. However, their dreams came to an abrupt end when the
man divorced Deli. Deli was cut completely out of his will, and the sisters received nothing. The man died
shortly afterward, and his death was eventually traced back to Roxi Barl, who had murdered him in
revenge. (WOTC)
Barl, Roxi
this black-haired woman, who was once described as having the smile of a hungry rancor, was known to
the Corellian Security Force as an assassin and thug. She and her sister, Deli, tried to get rich quick by
marrying Deli off to the fleet vice president of CorDuro Shipping. This man owned a one-thousandth of a
percentage point interest in Kuat Drive Yards, valued at well over a million credits. However, when the
man divorced Deli and left her out of his will, Roxi killed him out of anger. Years later, Roxi was the leader
of the team dispatched to Corellia to capture or kill the Jedi Master Eelysa and any other Jedi they found.
She was working as an independent contractor who had been engaged by Victor Pomt and the Peace
Brigade to eliminate the Jedi. Roxi's team ran into Han and Leia Organa Solo at the medical facility that
was treating Eelysa, and were forced to flee or be shot by the Solos. Her role in the attack on Eelysa and
Leia was traced back to CorDuro Shipping, when it was revealed that she was related to CorDuro's vice
president of fleets by marriage. His death was deemed mysterious, and Roxi's involvement in his death
was soon exposed. (REC, WOTC)
a Corellian game. (BTS)
this minor Lord was a member of House Melantha, and was known as a saber rake who was something
of a protg of Vaskel Savill. He was considered very effeminate by many other nobles, most of whom
hated the fact that Barleos attracted more young ladies than they did. He was, however, very vain about
his appearance, and hoped to use Savill's influence to help further his own career. Savill asked Barleos to
gather a group of saber rakes in order to murder High Lord Bal Jaset on Procopia, but the action was
halted by the intervention of a team of Alliance agents. The agents had been hired by House Cadriaan to
discover what Savill was up to, and eventually led to the destruction of Savill's and Barleos' careers.
Barloz-class Freighter
this Corellian Engineering Corporation freighter measured 41 meters in length, and could transport up to
120 metric tons of cargo. The Barloz-class freighter was one of the most popular freighters of the Old
Republic, until CEC introduced the YT-series and ushered in the modern era of freigher design. It was
manned by a crew of two, with an additional gunner and up to four passengers. It was armed with single
forward-firing laser cannon. Propulsion was provided by the NovaQuad-D system, a precursor to the
drives used on the YT series. (TTSB, SS, WOTC)
Barma Sector
this sector contains one of the larest concentrations of megacorporations found in the galaxy. (SWJ8)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

this planet, the primary world of House Barnaba, was located in Tapani Sector. Its steep mountains
formed deep, fertile valleys, and Barnaba was considered the breadbasket for much of Tapani Sector.
Many of the noble families of House Barnaba have immense, floating castles that allow them to farm the
land without having to give up space for a residence. In this way,Barnaba was almost devoid of actual
cities, since most of the population either lived in these castles or in small farming settlements. (PGT,
this brotherhood of warriors was known for their exquisite weaponry, including the Twenchok foil. (AIR)
this young man, a native of the planet Belderone, was Flint's best friend. Flint volunteered Barney to keep
an eye on the Millennium Falcon when Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa traveled to the planet to
investigate the Imperial laboratory there, shortly before the Battle of Endor. Barney and Flint later
volunteered to help them with their efforts to liberate Kulthis and Belderone. Unfortunately, Barney was
injured when Flint tried to rescue his mother, Zana. Flint crashed their speeder, and Barney was thrown
from the vehicle. He was later rescued, and he joined the Alliance when he learned that his entire family
had been killed in the Imperial assault. Barney also trained briefly under Luke, in the months following the
Battle of Endor. Luke was hesitant to train beings in the use of the Force, for fear of creating another
Darth Vader. Despite this setback, Barney accompanied Luke on a mission to free the planet Naldar.
There, he discovered that Flint had been training under Darth Vader himself, in order to avenge his
mother's death. Barney explained that Flint's mother had died at the hands of the Empire, not the
Alliance. He managed to convince Flint to renounce his connections to the Empire and the Dark Side of
the Force, saving Flint from a life of evil. (LTA1, MCA3, MC92)
a dirty, disgusting human male on Corellia, Barnley was a member of the Human League. A large man,
Barnley spotted Han Solo in the midst of a Human League demonstration just prior to the Corellian Trade
Summit, and brought him to the League's jail for questioning. (AC)
this Imperial Counselor was part of the command structure put in place on Garos IV, when the Empire
subjugated the planet during the height of the New Order. Like most of the other officers and ranking
officials, Counselor Baro lived in Zila during his stay on the planet. (SWJ2)
a temperate planet. (HTSB)
Baron Galrowk
this Whiphid business tycoon made his fortunes on the backwater world of Gambolla. His estate was
famous for its vast art collection, but much of it was stolen by the Tombat despite an elaborate security
system. (SWJ11)
this was the title given to the president and leader of Cloud City and its government. Ecclessis Figg
decreed that the position would be passed to the incumbent Administrator's choice. If the incumbent was
unable to choose, the next Administrator would be voted into office by the members of the Exex and the
Parliament of Guilds. (GG2)
Baronos Sector
an area of the Colonies region of the galaxy. (GG10)
Baron's Hed
this once-beautiful city, which served as the capital city of Sulon, was surrounded a wondrous palace, and
was the site of the moon's primary starport. After the Empire took control of Sulon, they turned Baron's
Hed into their base of operations. The palace was cleaned out and turned into an operations center. After

Jerec killed Morgan Katarn and obtained the location of the Valley of the Jedi, he spent a short amount of
time in Baron's Hed, piecing together the ceiling tiles from Morgan Katarn's house before leaving for the
planet Ruusan. (DF2, SFE, RAG)
Baron's Knoll
this prominent hill, located on the moon of Sulon, was the site of the moon's Government House. While
not as tall as many surrounding hills, Baron's Knoll commanded a complete view of its surroundings, and
forced the beings who lived around it to look upward at their leaders. (RAG)
this was the name of the largest continent of the planet Baroonda. (RAC)
this was the primary city of the Majan people, located on the planet Baroonda. Baroo was located on the
coast of the planet's largest continent, which was also called Baroo, and encircled the ancient Nazwa
ruins. (RAC)
Baroo Coast Course
this was one of several podraces that were sanctioned by the pro circuit, and wound through the coastal
areas of the Baroo continent of the planet Baroonda, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
Baroo Heads
this was the name given to the various statues located along the coastline of Baroo, on the planet
Baroonda. The huge carved heads stand in vigilant worship of the huge volcano that is located in the bay
near Baroo city. (RAC)
this planet is a swamp world, known to planetologists for its active volcanoes. The planet's native race,
the Majan, live in the ruins of their ancestors' temples, deep in the swamps. (RAC)
this planet is the homeworld of the Brubb race. It is as large, arid world with a strong gravity (about 2.9
times standard). Its surface suffers from intense wind storms, and is nearly devoid of plant life because of
the lack of organic nutrients in the soil. The average year on Baros lasts 567 standard days. (GG4)
Barosa Warren
this Morellian male was credited with founding the Galactic Outdoor Survival School. A former Morellian
Enforcer, it was believed that Barosa Warren was the last true Morellian in the galaxy, at the time of the
Battle of Yavin. All his descendents were half-Morellian and half-human, as both of his wives were
humans from Coruscant. After retiring from hisrole as an Enforcer, Barosa served the Old Republic as a
scout. After serving the Old Republic, Barosa again retired, this time at the age of 118, to OM813, where
he set to work on GOSS. Over the next forty years, Barosa devoted his life to getting OM813 ready to
house the survivalist facility. (AIR)
Baroule, Sehn
the director of Premier Provisions, Baroule was also a supporter of the Alliance. (SN)
this planet served as the site of Lieutenant Lon Donell's shipyards, during the early years of the New
Republic. (WBC)
this silver-and-red grain was native to the planet Qiilura, where it grew in vast fields. Its bead-shaped
grains were exported to the Core Worlds, where they fetched a huge price as a luxury foodstuff. This
meant that barq was virtually unaffordable to the farmers who grew it, but it made them very wealthy
when it was harvested and sold. During the last years of the Old Republic, much of the barq that was
produced on Qiilura was controlled by the Trade Federation, which had installed Lik Ankkit on Qiilura to

oversee its production. (RCHC)

Barquin D'an
this Bith was the older brother of the famous Figrin D'an, and was a Kloo horn player for the Max Rebo
Twelve. He was always bitterly jealous of his younger brother, because Figrin's music became extremely
popular while Barquin's own career wallowed in mediocrity. His musical compositions were often
considered excellent, but his singing and playing were regarded as average. Barquin was known as a
minor player, even though he performed as an opening act for Red Shift Limit, Starburst, and Annadale
Fayde over his career. He traveled to Tatooine in the hope of playing with Figrin and the Modal Nodes,
only to find that they were unavailable. Instead, Barquin signed on to help the Max Rebo Band play at
Jabba the Hutt's palace. After Jabba had Oola killed for resisting his desires, Barquin fled the palace as
fast as he could. Note that Star Wars Insider, issue 67 indicates that Barquin remained with the band
during the planned execution of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, hoping to throw himself into the sarlacc pit
and end his miserable life. Instead, when Jabba was killed, Barquin jumped ship and fled to Mos Eisley.
He eventually made his way to Stenos, where he gave up music entirely and formed a lucrative
import/export business. (RJSE, MTSE, SWI67)
this was a terrible creature of legend. (T1)
this was the Gorothite name for the Aqualish who traveled to Goroth Prime to mine the hyperbarides
which were found on the planet. In the Gorothite language, the name literally meant "colonizer/pilgrim."
Barrek, Daakman
this man was a native of the planet Mrlsst, the son of two highly-educated professors. It was his mother,
an expert in the field of genetics, who discovered that his midichlorian count was quite high, and that
Daakman had the potential to become a Jedi Knight. He was one of the strongest Jedi of his generation,
attained the rank of Jedi Master in his thirties after successfully training his first Padawan. He discovered
his second Padawan, Sha'a Gi, on the planet Ord Biniir, and spent a good deal of his time drawing the
awkward youth out of his shell. During the years leading up to the Clone Wars, the pair proved to be a
formidable opponent to the pirate gangs that terrorized the Outer Rim. It was on one of these missions
following the Battle of Geonosis - during which Barrek's first Padawan died in the fighting - that Barrek
and Gi discovered the droid foundries on Hypori. Barrek relayed information on the planet's location to
Coruscant, and was told to await a task force sent to destroy the foundries. However, was doomed almost
from the start, as General Grievous swiftly decimated the Jedi forces. The starship on which Barrek and
Gi were traveling was shot down, but they managed to survive the crash, only to be surrounded by battle
droids. Grievous himself arrived on the scene to dispatch the Jedi, and Barrek was among the first to
stand up to the unusual being. Barrek's skills were no match for Grievous', though, and Barrek was swiftly
cut down. (SWDB)
a plant native to the deserts of Kamar. (HSR)
this remote area, found far to the south of Clandes on the planet Ord Cestus, was one of the most
desolate locations on the planet. (TCD)
this small speeder manufacturer produced several models of combat airspeeders, during the early years
of the New Order. (GSE)
Barrges, Rof
this man, a native of the planet Cularin, was one of several hundred natives who disappeared from public
view during the years following the onset of the Clone Wars. Many people secretly attributed these
disappearances to the Thaereian Military, which spent the nighttime hours removing an vocal opponents

to its control of the Cularin System. (LFCW)

this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. Its meaning was unclear, although the literal translation
meant "balancer". (GCG)
this species of unusual creature was found in asteroid belts across the galaxy. Believed to be somewhat
intelligent, barri were able to survive in the hard vacuum of interstellar space. Many xenobiologists agreed
that barri were intelligent enough to grasp the complexities of astrogation, since the migrations of barri
were observed to be directed, rather than haphazard. It was believed that barri originated on a planet in
Wild Space, and took to the stars to find more food. They subsist by licking the asteroids on which they
ride, using acidic saliva and other excretions to break down the rock into digestible material. These fourmeter-long creatures resemble a thick slug with four large, taloned feet at one end and their heads at the
other. Many deep-space pilots have discovered that thye could form a bond with a particular barri, during
which time the barri attaches itself to the ship for a ride. In return, the barri subconciously communicates
with the ship's navigator and provides assistance in astrogation. This relationship was particularly
noticeable among Gotal and Ugor pilots. (COG)
Barricade, The
this pirate tactic was one of the oldest known methods for stopping a ship in space. The pirate fleet would
use tractor beams to move a large asteroid or other debris into the realspace location of a hyperspace
travel route. The body would then create a mass shadow in hyperspace, forcing the target ship's
hyperdrive to shut down and revert the ship to realspace. Once the target was in realspace, the pirates
attacked at will while the target ship's command crew was still disoriented after being dragged out of
hyperspace before their destination. (PP)
Barris, Mosh
this Imperial military prefect was a subordinate of Governor Tadrin during the early years of the New
Republic. Barris had previously been a member of the Imperial Navy, serving under Voss Parck during
the events that brought Thrawn into the Imperial Navy. Barris had led the landing mission that recovered
Thrawn, and had even advocated a planetary bombardment to eliminate the threat the Chiss posed.
Instead, Parck took Thrawn aboard their ship, and Barris was relegated to several backwater positions
before being assigned to Tadrin. Tadrin named Barris the ruler of Garqi while he was off-planet, which
happened more and more often after the Emperor's death at Endor. Corran Horn was able to infiltrate
himself into Barris' cabinet as Eamon Yzalli, working as one of Barris' aides. In this position, Horn was
able to liberate many prisoners from the Garqi facility, including Lai Nootka and Dynba Tesc, and
implicate Barris as a traitor to the Empire. (TFE, KT, SWJ7)
an alien species. (TFNR)
Barrog, Williar
this Imperial Captain commanded the cruiser Kana's Steel during the Galactic Civil War. His ship was
responsible for patrolling and protecting the area near the planet Narg, in preparation for the arrival of
Moff Nile Owen during the attempted coup by the Farool brothers. (TA)
Barron, Shepprd
this man, a former Major in the Corellian Security Force, worked with the New Republic to help investigate
the activities of the arms dealer known only as Gundark. (GUN)
Barrows, The
this section of the planet Trulalis is known as "the graveyard," for it is filled with the tombs and
mausoleums of the dead. It was here that Adalric Brandl retreated after escaping Imperial control, hoping
to make up for lost time with his son, Jaalib. (SWJ8)

this young, pale-skinned human worked as a delivery and pickup driver for Tikiman. A lazy youth without
much ambition, Barry nevertheless works hard for the old bartender. (TA)
an Imperial Army Lieutenant, Barse served under General Covell during the early years of the New
Republic. He was in charge of securing Talon Kaarde's base on Myrkr, after Grand Admiral Thrawn
discovered that Karrde had been lying to him about several issues. (DFR)
this planet maintained control over the planet Lianna until the Old Republic Senate took the industrial
world under its own jurisdiction. (ML)
this swoop rider served Crev Bombaasa as a hired hand and armed thug on the planet Pembric II. (VOF)
Barsoom Boulevard
located on the cityworld of Coruscant, this street was the location of Anoon Bondara's struggle with Darth
Maul, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. (DMSH)
this obese, cyborged man served as one of Emperor Palpatine's Grand Moffs, during the height of the
New Order. The only flesh visible on his body was his head, as everything else from the neck down was
encased in flexible armor. Bartam was part of a small group of Imperial officers, led by Grand Moff
Trachta, that planned to assassinate Palpatine and take control of the galaxy for themselves. Beneath
Trachta's plans, Bartam planned to eliminate Trachta and remake the Empire in his own image. However,
Bartam's plans to eliminate Trachta were thwarted when Trachta shot Gauer. This allowed Trachta's
agents to infiltrate Bartam's apartments and shoot Bartam in the head. Trachta was not free, however. His
agent was shot and killed by one of Bartam's guards, while Trachta was executed by one of Bartam's
agents. (SWI62, SWEB)
this New Republic Navy Lieutenant served under Captain Sreas aboard the shuttle Tampion. He was
captured when the Yevetha ambushed the shuttle, in an attempt to capture Han Solo. Barth was kept
alive, although Sreas was killed. Barth and Solo were held in a Yevethan prison for several days, until Nil
Spaar brought them out. He demanded that Solo offer his wife's promise to yield to the Yevetha, on the
threat of his life. Solo refused, and Spaar killed Barth to show that he would stop at nothing to control the
Koornacht Cluster. (SOL, TT)
this ore was mined by prisoners of the Imperial prison facility on Rordak. (PG1)
this Obroan Institute scientist and explorer discovered the existence of the Foran Tutha star probe.
Unfortunately, a member of his team inadvertently set off a fire inside the probe, destroying it before the
probe could be returned to Obroa-skai for examination. (TT)
Bartog Syndicate
this criminal organization controlled the underworld of Zirtran's Anchor, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Named in honor of Quentin Bartog, and based within the hull of the Laughing Sullustan, the
Bartog Syndicate was little more than a collection of misfits who worked well together. (SWJ5)
Bartog, Quentin
this man was a notorious crimelord who worked from a base aboard the Laughing Sullustan during the
last years of the Old Republic. Bartog later attached his ship to Zirtran's Anchor, but later abandoned it.

this race of deadly assassins was hired by Ambassador Yfra to kill the Solo children and Tenel Ka on
Hapes. They are tall, humanoid insects which have a hive mind, and always travel in groups of fifteen in
order to maintain their intelligence level. Individual Bartokks were barely sentient. They are covered with a
hard, black carapace, and have two legs, four arms, and razor-edged claws on each hand. One of these
hands was considered the primary hand, while the others were off hands which were no less capable.
Prior to the rise of Emperor Palpatine, the Bartokks designed and built their own starships, including a sixwinged starfighter and spike-hulled freighter. Bartokks were known for their regenerative abilities, and
could regrow lost limbs or even an entirely new body is given the time to heal. (L, E1A1, E1A2, UANT)
Bartru and the Blaster Rays
this Celanon-based musical group was fronted by a Devaronian singer. Many beings couldn't tell their
music from the dying wails of several alien species. (POC)
Bartyn, Hugo
this man was an entrepreneur who made a name for himself some 500 years before the Galactic Civil
War, when he founded Bartyn's Landing on the planet Lamaredd. A cruel man who was regarded as a
pro-human bigot, Bartyn openly stated that other races and primitive species were little more than
animals. His employer, Outer Rim Oreworks Corporation, saw a chance to get rid of him by assigning him
to the Lamaredd operation and allowing him to run it as he saw fit. The only stipulation was that he keep
credits flowing into ORO's bank accounts. This gave Bartyn the opportunity to remove any information on
the Lamaro System from ORO's computers, which effectively made him the ruler of the system. He
controlled Bartyn's Landing and the mining operations in the Lamaro System for some thirty years, before
dying at the age of 84 when his hunting party disappeared. He had been hunting the native Menahuun, in
an effort to remove "the vermin" from the area surrounding Bartyn's Landing. Many settlers feared that
Bartyn's death would be just the beginning of a Menahuun revolt, but no overt actions ever occurred.
Bartyn's Landing
this settlement was founded on the planet Lamaredd, ostensibly by the survivors of a starship
crashlanding. In reality, the settlement was originally the base of operations of the Outer Rim Oreworks
Corporation representative Hugo Bartyn. He used his LH-3010 freighter as the starting point for the
settlement, taking it apart and centering the "town" around the ship's command module. The settlement
was unknown to most beings because Bartyn worked to erase any knowledge of the system from the
galaxy's star charts. Spreading outward from the remains of the freighter, Bartyn's Landings eventually
prospered despite Lamaredd's remote location and the lack of supplies. However, the settlers came to
feel that the native Menahuun were more of a nuisance than the rightful inhabitants of Lamaredd, and
they tried to hunt them into extinction. The Menahuun fled into the wilderness, biding their time and
gathering their strength for an eventual attack on Bartyn's Landing. When Hugo Bartyn went on his last
Menahuun hunt, his entire party disappeared, and was never seen again. (UANT, GMR7)
a Singing Mountain sister who joined the Nightsisters, Barukka was the eldest daughter of the Clan
Mother Augwynne. Unfortunately for Augwynne, Barukka was seduced by the dark spells performed by
the Nightsisters and was exiled from the clan. During the Imperial Warlord Zsinj's occupation of Dathomir,
she lived by herself as one of the forsaken, but petitioned to get back into the Singing Mountain clan. She
had the power to manipulate the earth to her will. (CPL, CTD)
this Hutt word translates to "little princess." The emphasis is on the second syllable. (POT)
a six-legged creature. A famous joke involves a five-legged barve - one had been amputated - being
discovered by a sentient named JoJo. The barve's owner tells JoJo that the barve can talk, drive a
speeder, and babysit his children. When JoJo asks why one of its legs has been amputated, the owner
replies "Well, you can't eat a barve like that all at once." (TJP)

Barzo Freighter
this was a squat freighter designed by SoroSuub many years before the Battle of Naboo. The Barzo
freighter measured approximately 41 meters in length, and was powered by four large sublight drives.
Barzon, Carl
this man was a professor at the University of Garos, and was also one of the leaders of the resistance on
the planet Garos IV. Barzon was one of the original founders of the Committee of Seven for Garosian
Unification. Much of his professional career was spent investigating the natural cloaking abilities of the
ore hibridium. Barzon was born on Sundari, but moved to Garos IV to further his education, and stayed
on to continue teaching. After the Empire arrested his son, Cord, on nebulous charges, Barzon pledged
his full support to the New Republic. Barzon himself was later captured and sent to Sarahwiee, but he
was later rescued by Alex Winger, Tere Metallo, and Gil Crosear. (SWJ1, SWJ4, SWJ6)
Barzon, Cord
this young boy was Carl Barzon's son, and his only family after the death of his wife. Cord was captured
by Imperial soldiers and arrested for suspected affiliation with the New Republic, although no formal
charges were ever given for his arrest. Carl was told that Cord had been conscripted into military service,
but he was never seen again. Cord was reported as dead shortly afterward. (SWJ4, SWJ6)
this Imperial Colonel served under Admiral Pellaeon on the Chimaera during the time when Pellaeon tried
to neogitiate a peace treaty with the New Republic. Bas was in charge of coordinating starfighter launch
and landing. He had clawed his way up through the ranks, from a lowly TIE Fighter pilot to his position of
flight commander, although his rough nature contrasted sharply with the cultured bearing of most other
officers. (SOP, VOF)
BAS Research and Development
this division of Bank of Aargau Security, Limited, was created to develop the various scanning and
security technologies required to ensure the safety of the Aargauun population and the vast multitude of
credits controlled by the Bank of Aargau. (PH)
this Customs-grade holoscanner was designed and produced by BAS Research and Development during
the height of the New Order. It resembled a small computer, but had a large viewscreen. This viewscreen
was square in shape, measuring two meters on each side, and allowed security and customs officers to
get a good image of the beings they were scanning. The touch-sensitive screen allowed officers to zoom
in on certain areas of the being they were scanning, primarily the skeleton, digestive tract, and circulatory
systems. The BAS44 could also scan packages and parcels in which contraband might be smuggled.
Although the BAS44 was originally designed for use solely on Aargau, many ended up in the possession
of wealthy Core Worlds beings. The BAS44 used powerful imaging scanners to allow officers to "see
inside" a being, and it was found that exposure for more than a minute to the BAS44's scanners caused
damage much like an energy weapon. (PH)
this author created many childrens' poems, including some counting rhymes. (SOL)
this Noghri bodyguard accompanied Leia Organa Solo to Bastion, during her attempt to gain the
assistance of Gilead Pellaeon in battling the Yuuzhan Vong. Basbakahn accompanied Leia to Duro,
during the New Republic's attempt to restore the natural ecosystem of the planet's surface. When the
Yuuzhan Vong attacked the planet, Basbakahn was taken prisoner by the alien invaders. (DTR, BP)
this was one of the primary cities found on the planet Colunda Prime. (HNN5)

this hyperactive Verpine owned Bascko's Droid Repair shop, located in the resort city of Le Yer on
Abregado-rae. (ND)
Bascko's Droid Repair
this repair and maintenance shop was located in the resort area of Le Yer, on Abregado-rae. It was
owned by the Verpine Bascko during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (ND)
this native Thyferran was Erisi Dlarit's wingman as part of the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. He
accompanied her on the raid that destroyed the settlement on Halanit. (BW)
Base Delta Zero
originally coined during the Clone Wars, this was the Imperial code name for a military operation whose
goal is the complete desstruction of all the target's "assets of production," including factories, arable land,
sentient life, and droids. A Base Delta Zero operation reduced the upper crust of a planet to molten slag.
(ISB, X2)
Base One
the callsign for the Alliance base on Yavin 4 during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Bashinan Hodizwen
this being was a noted Jedi scholar, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
this ice ball was the fifth planet in the Rhinnal System. It was orbited by a single moon. (CCW)
the standard language spoken throughout the galaxy, Basic was believed to have been derived from
several ancient languages, including Dromnyr. (SW, CPL, PJSB)
Basic Interrogations
Cryle Cavv once claimed that High Inqusitor Tremayne wrote this book, during his capture by Gaen
Drommel aboard the Guardian. (SWJ15)
an inhabitant of Hosk Station, Basil was the first to mistake C-3PO's repaired cranium as the mark of the
assassin droid, C-3PX. (DRO)
this planet was the site of the Battle of Basilisk, where the Jedi Master Sidrona Diath was killed. (DLS)
one of the four Star Destroyers stationed at the Maw Installation by Grand Moff Tarkin, it was nearly
destroyed when Daala sent her Star Destroyers after the stolen Sun Crusher. Following the destruction of
the Hydra, Han and Kyp took the superweapon through the Maw, and Daala followed. They emerged into
the firefight between the Kessel Navy and Luke and Lando in the Millennium Falcon. A Loronar cruiser,
badly damaged and burning already, crashed into the Basilisk, knocking out many shipboard systems and
causing a hull breach. The ship was repaired while Daala was biding her time in the Cauldron Nebula.
(JS, DA)
Basilisk War Droid
developed by the ancient Mandalore warriors, these automated attack ships were used to conquer star
systems. The Basilisk droids were bulbous, insectile war machines that could operate on their own or with
the help of a Mandalorian warrior. The Mandalorians called them "war mounts." There were several

models of Basilisk droids produced, with individual mission profiles such as bombers, stealth ships, and
open combat. (TSW, EGD)
this was one of the larger continents found on the planet Lenthalis. (GFT)
this freshwater plant grows on the surface of lakes on the planet Hirsi. It is a primary source of food for
the Qwohog race. (GG12)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Baskalar, Yush
this man was taken from his family at an early age, when it was discovered that he had some sensitivity to
The Force. He failed in his training, however, because of his inclination to be overly violent. Yush then
spent much of his early years studying anything to do with science, especially droids and cybernetics, and
his ability with the Force allowed him to learn things faster than most other students. When Qar Jalunn
offered him the chance to do research in some questionable areas of study, Yush jumped at the chance.
However, the working environment was not pleasant, and Yush had to work with the Old Republic military
team stationed in the Cularin System. Yush almost left, but Qar Jalunn convinced him to stay. (LFC)
this inhospitable jungle world was located in the Outer Rim. Baskarn was the homeworld of the Yrashu
race, and was also the site of Advanced Base Baskarn, which the Alliance used as a point to make
guerilla runs into Imperial territoriy. The Alliance forces who worked on Baskarn discovered that an
airborne, symbiotic bacteria which was breathed in as part of normal respiration gave them the ability to
breathe underwater for short periods of time. The bacteria were specific to Baskarn, and died out
whenever a being let the planet. The ability to breathe water also faded. (SWJ2)
Baskol Yeesrim
this Gran was a member of the Malastare delegation to the Old Republic Senate, during the period
surrounding the Battle of Naboo. He was part of the group supporting Aks Moe and Ainlee Teem during
the ouster of Chancellor Valorum. In the wake of the death of Aks Moe and the growing problem with the
Separatists, Baskol Yeesrim became increasingly vocal about the inability of the Jedi Knights to stop
many of the galaxyt's problems. (IG1, HNN5)
this was the smallest of the four primary continents found on the planet Essowyn. (PG1)
Bass Mando
this was a guitar-like instrument favored by many b'ssa nuuvu bands for its intricate sound and playability.
It required a separate amplifier when played as part of an ensemble, because its music was soft-toned. It
was similar in many respects to a bass vye, which had its own internal power source. (GMR6)
Bass Viol
a musical instrument used in most jizz bands, the bass viol produced a deep, resonating sound. (TFNR)
Bass Vye
this was a musical instrument, played whenever a deep, resonant bass is needed in a song or
instrumental piece. It was popular among dusk players during the height of the New Order. (GMR6)
Bassa Bridge
this was one of the original bridges built in the city of Theed, on Naboo, to span the Solleu River. It aged
poorly, and was not safe for large amounts of traffic. The Naboo built Pergola's Bridge just upstream, to
take some of the strain off the bridge. (IWE1)

this planet was ravaged during the early stages of the Clone Wars, until Jedi Master Empatojayos Brand
and his clone troopers managed to negotiate a surrender from Major Domb Treetor and his Separatist
forces. The planet was known to have been a source of many minerals and ores, most of which were vital
to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the production of its droid armies. (SWI65)
Bassel Sea Salt
this is a strong form of salt-like spice. (SA1)
this man was part of a militant group which supported the Alliance forces on Ralltiir, shortly before the
Battle of Yavin. Basso, his older brother Jiir, and their men planned to rescue Leia Organa after she was
apprehended by Lord Tion. With a diversion, they also planned to have Basso deliver vital information to
the Princess, which had been imprinted in his mind with a hynoptic suggestion. Their plans were nearly
smashed when the Imperial stormtroopers protecting Tion shot Basso, but he managed to reach Leia and
eventually recovered from his wounds. When the Tantive IV was caught by Imperial forceson Kattada,
Basso agreed to help with the coordination of Leia's meager ground forces. It was Basso who forced Leia
to recognize that the war against the Empire would be bloody, no matter how much planning she did. She
then decided to keep Basso safe until they could return to Alderaan, while Leia put herself in command of
the battle. (SWEP)
this Imperial Naval Chief was assigned as an aide to Grand Moff Tarkin aboard the first Death Star. Bast
was well-known for his ability to correctly estimate an enemy's capabilities, something he learned while
hunting big game as a youth. It was Bast who notified Tarkin of the threat posed to the Death Star by the
Alliance snubfighters. (CCG)
Bast Castle
located on the planet Vjun, Bast Castle was built as Darth Vader's personal retreat during the height of
the New Order. Like the surrounding landscape, the exterior of Bast Castle was dark and forbidding, with
only two entrances. The front entrance was heavily guarded by automated defense systems, while the
rear entrance forces invaders to scale nearly vertical stairs in the midst of some of Vjun's worst weather.
These stairs spiraled into and out of the rocky cliffs, and footing at the higher levels was made more
treacherous at the temperature dropped below the freezing point. The central structure of the castle was
domed and heavily armored, with a tall tower at its center. In stark contrast to the castle's exterior, the
polished stone floors and walls were kept warm by a combination of geothermal and automated power
sources. Hidden within the walls of the castle were two of Vader's most prized possessions: the Jedi
Holocron of Asli Krimsan, and the lightsaber used by Obi-Wan Kenobi at the time of his death. After the
Battle of Endor, the castle was controlled by Imperial supporters who had learned of its location. The
reborn Emperor Palpatine - living in one of the many clones grown on Byss - used the castle as the
headquarters for his Dark Jedi. Sedriss was the first to occupy it, and erected a large, black statue of
Vader in one of the castle's anterooms. With the continued growth of the New Republic and the loss of
power by the Empire's remaining supporters, Bast Castle was eventually abandoned in favor of more
strategic - and more hospitable - locations. Its location, and the rumors of Kenobi's lightsaber, came to the
attention of Jedi Master Tionne some years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, during one of her
missions to seek out Jedi lore. She obtained information on Borgo Prime, as did the mage known as
Orloc. Both reached the Castle at about the same time. (DE2, KB, VF)
this was an Ansionian swear word, used to indicated an individual's loss of patience. (APS)
this crystalline spear is the traditional weapon of the Gutretee race. (IC)
it was on this bleak planet that Slique Brighteyes lived out his last years, hiding from Imperial Admiral Mir
Tork and his partner, Doctor Leonis Murthe'. Brighteyes died there, shortly after Boba Fett returned with

the heads of the two Imperial officers. (AOD)

this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer served as the flagship for the fleet commanded by Captain Brannij,
who was under orders from Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. During the Battle of Kathol, the Bastion and the
Raptor were called in to protect Kathol from New Republic forces, which were led by the Kursk Mal'ia and
the Bothan Combat Response Element. The combined firepower of the two Star Destroyers began to turn
the battle in the Empire's favor, but the death of DarkStryder and the defeat of Moff Sarne left the Imperial
fleet without leadership. The Bastion took heavy damage, until Captain Brannij realized that Sarne was
only worried about saving himself. Breaking off his service to Sarne, Brannij ordered the Bastion's guns to
fire on the launch gate which orbited Kathol, destroying the gate and robbing Sarne of any hope of reestablishing the gates. Once Sarne was defeated, Brannij took the Bastion and the remaining Imperial
ships and fled into hyperspace. (KR, E)
this planet, the capital world of the Sartinayian System and Braxant Sector, was the political heart of the
Empire in the dark times following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Its true name is a secret kept wellhidden by the Empire. It was controlled by Moff Disra, who retained control during the rise in power of the
New Republic. It was on Bastion that the surviving Moffs met with Admiral Pellaeon to discuss a possible
peace treaty with the Republic. After the Imperial Remnant was formed and allowed to exist outside the
Republic, the capital of the Empire was centered on Bastion for many years. During the early stages of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the planet and the Empire remained untouched for many years.
Once the Yuuzhan Vong were soundly defeated at the Battle of Ebaq, they began to turn their attention to
the systems they had passed. Among them was the area of space controlled by the Imperial Remnant.
Bastion was attacked first, and the Empire was completely unable to defend itself. Bastion fell almost
immediately, as the Yuuzhan Vong fleet decimated the Imperial warships and destroyed the planet's
surface. (SOP, FH1)
this Imperial fuel tanker made a regular run from the planet Halmad. It was destroyed when the Hawk-bat
pirates attacked the Imperial garrison in Hullis. (IF)
the ancient Jedi Master Chamma used this ship to travel to Athiss with three other Jedi, to investigate a
distress signal they received. (TOJC)
Bastion Armor
this form of environmental protection armor was produced some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil
War. As the name suggested, Bastion Armor was also useful in combat situations. (KOTOR)
Bastion Military Control
this was the primary nerve center of the Empire, during the era in which the Imperial capital was on the
planet Bastion. All military communications and other data passed through the Control center. (VOF)
Bastori Rak
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior intercepted the transport Jeolocas, in order to capture the Jedi Knights that
were hiding in its holds, just after the Battle of Coruscant. Bastori Rak was mortally wounded when he
was forced to fight against Alema Rar, and died watching his crew being decimated by blaster fire from a
squad of VYH-1 battle droids. (EL1)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Bastra, Gil
this acquaintence of Kirtan Loor once ridiculed Loor for using skirtopanol on an Alliance captive, even
though the prisoner was known to have used lotiramine. Bastra was a member of the Corellian Security
agency at the time, and was in charge of assigning Imperial Intelligence agents to Loor and other

operatives. Bastra's low opinion of Loor led him to assign the worst agents to assist Loor, a fact that was
not lost upon Loor. Before that, Bastra was a business partner with Corran Horn's father. He worked with
Corran, Iella and Diric Wessiri, and a number of other Alliance supporters. When he needed to hide them
from Imperial eyes, Bastra and Corran Horn created false identification records for a group of smugglers.
Then, in a staged confrontation, Bastra accused Horn of killing the smugglers in cold blood. Thus, they all
managed to flee Imperial control. When Bastra defected, he led Loor on a merry goosechase across the
galaxy, feeding Loor enough clues to keep him on Bastra's trail. This suited Bastra fine, because it drew
Loor away from the locations of the others in his group. When Loor finally captured Bastra, he savagely
interrogated him but got no information. Bastra finally died under the strain of the interrogation. (XWN)
Basz Maliyu
this Mon Calamari smuggler was believed to have been the traitor who betrayed the Syvris shadowport's
location to the Empire. It was believed that Basz was once an Imperial slave, and many of his rivals
attributed his ease with Imperial officers to this story. Others have said that he made friends with the
Imperials to ensure his other business dealings weren't interfered with. Whatever the reason, he was
shunned after the destruction of Syvris shadowport. (SWJ13, PSG)
this modified Gymsnor-3 freighter was owned and operated by Ort Hoogra-D'En. It was armed with a pair
of laser cannons and a pair of heavy blaster cannons. (ND)
Batch, Martio
one of the last Imperial Grand Admirals, Batch was known as the "invisible admiral" because he
maintained a low profile in Imperial politics. This allowed him to spend a great deal of time away from
Coruscant, developing a cloaking device for the Imperial Navy at Imdaar Alpha. Batch was noted his bold
attempt to locate stygian crystals, when he took command of the Tarkin superweapon and used it to blast
apart the planet Aeten II, releasing the crystals hidden beneath its crust. After the Alliance discovered the
Imdaar Alpha facility and destroyed Batch's flagship, the Terror, Batch took the rest of Admiral Sarn's
forces and fled into the Outer Rim. Unfortunately, the crew remained loyal to Sarn, and Batch was
assassinated by his second-in-command, who took the Admiral's fleet and joined Warlord Harrsk. (ECH,
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this lonely wind spirit kept herself warm by slipping into huts and sleeping
beside Ewoks. (GCG)
a female Ewok, Batcheela was Warok's wife, and Teebo's mother. (AT)
this woman, born to one of the lesser families of House Cadriaan, was the leader of House Cadriaan
during the height of the New Order. She was known more for her impressive parties than her government,
but she was nevertheless a more than capable leader. (PGT)
this was a specis of huge, ray-like creature native to the planet Kiffex. These beasts flew through the air,
riding thermals and currents just along the canopy of Kiffex's jungles.Many of the beings who lived on
Kiffex were able to train the bathwas for use as mounts. (DRKN)
Baton of Rank
this speciallized version of the Yuuzhan Vong amphistaff was carried by certain individuals of the warrior
caste, to indicate their higher level of rank that their peers. Much narrower than an amphistaff, the baton
of rank was also more difficult to wield. (UFCD)

this was the native language of the Blood Carver race, spoken primarily on the planet Batorine. Because
the Batorese language employed a wide variety of scents and skin colorations, it was nearly impossible
for other races - and even protocol droids - to understand and learn. (UANT)
this planet was the homeworld of the Blood Carver race. (RP)
this Bothan was a General in the New Republic's military, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. Leia Organa Solo negotiated with General Ba'tra on behalf of Tendrando Arms, in an effort to
convince the Republic to purchase the new YVH 1 combat droids. General Ba'tra eventually agreed to
meet with Lando Calrissian to discuss the possible purchase of the droids. As the Yuuzhan Vong pressed
their attack, it was General Ba'tra who reinstated Lando to the rank of General, in hopes of having more
commanders in the defense of Coruscant. (SBS)
this was one of the many smugglers - known as Huxlings - who worked for Jerf Huxley, during the years
leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SQ)
Batta, Callow
a native of the planet Coruscant, this man was a professor of governmental and political history at the
University of Sanbra for nearly two decades before being put on "indefinite leave" by the sector Moff,
shortly before the Battle of Hoth. Most suspected that Doctor Batta's anti-Imperial speeches earned him
the displeasure of the Moff. Whatever the reason, Doctor Batta turned to a life of crime, and became a
notorious pirate and smuggler by the time of the Battle of Yavin. Despite his fearsome reputation, Batta
was known to hand out fizzer-sweets to the children on the starships he ambushed. Among his former
peers at the University, Batta was known as an expert on Old Republic history, and a multilingual savant.
Batta, Kaori
the son of Kylo Batta and a Chandrilan noblewoman, Kaori was an accomplished big-game hunter
himself. He left Chandrila early in his life, and made a name for himself by securing a number of large
beasts for display and research in zoos. Kaori surived many attacks himself, and when he met Luskin
Exovar, their adventurous spirits immediately formed a bond of friendship. Kaori agreed to travel with
Exovar to Neftali, working as a safari leader to take wealthy hunters out into the wilderness to hunt ice
modrols. Kaori also ran The Trap within Exovar's Emporium. (WSV)
Batta, Kylo
this legendary big game hunter was native to the planet Chandrila. (WSV)
this was Adar Tallon's patrol ship during the early years of the New Order. When he learned that
Palpatine would probably have him executed for his loyalty to the Old Republic, Tallon staged his death in
the Dalchon System. There, with the help of his friend Quist, Tallon pretended that the Battalion was
attacked and destroyde by pirates (led by Quist). (TM)
Battalions of Zhell
this was the primary military force created by the ancient Zhell race. They were defeated in battle when
an ancient volcano suddenly erupted, covering the Zhell warriors with lava and ash. (CCW)
Battle Analysis Computer (BAC)
developed by General Dodonna, a prototype of this device was used by Luke Skywalker during the
Bakura Incident. It's primary function was to provide battle plans and statistics and help gauge the
outcome of a battle's logistics. The BAC could be connected to an R2 unit, and the droid's holographic
projection system provided realtime displays of the BAC's battle monitors. (TB, TBSB)

Battle Dog
this aging Quasar Fire-class warship was one of the New Republic craft assigned to Han Solo and the
Mon Remonda during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. (SOC)
Battle Droid
Ssi-ruuvi machines enteched with human brain energy, used as combat vehicles (TB)
Battle Group of Yun-Harla
this was one of the five primary Yuuzhan Vong naval forces which were deployed by the Warmaster,
Tsavong Lah, to attack the New Republic base on Ebaq 9. Like the Battle Group of Yun-Yuuzhan, this
group was held in reserve by the Warmaster until the flow of the battle could be discerned. Unfortunately,
the New Republic had laid an excellent trap for the alien invaders at Ebaq, and the Warmaster's battle
groups took heavy damage. The Battle Groups of Yun-Harla and Yun-Txiin took the brunt of the damage,
and leapt into hyperspace to escape. However, the New Republic had mined the only hyperspace route
away from Ebaq, setting out explosive mines as well as interdictor mines, and both battle groups were
dragged out of hyperspace into another Republic ambush. As more and more Yuuzhan Vong warships
exited hyperspace, the mines found more than enough targets among the Yun-Harla and Yun-Txiin battle
groups, which were torn to pieces. The commanders of the two groups were able to send out warnings to
the remaining Yuuzhan Vong forces, but only provided minimal warning. (DW)
Battle Group of Yun-Q'aah
this was one of the five primary Yuuzhan Vong naval forces which were deployed by the Warmaster,
Tsavong Lah, to attack the New Republic base on Ebaq 9. Like the gods they were named after, the YunTxiin and Yun-Q'aah battle groups worked as a team to try and outflank the enemy. The plan of the
Warmaster did not consider any possible subterfuge by the Republic, and thus they battle groups were
unprepared for the multiple ambushes staged by the Republic's warships. The Yun-Q'aah battle group
fled into hyperspace shortly after the Yun-Txiin battle group escaped, and received the warning of
interdictor mines just before the fleet hit them. Because the Yun-Q'aah battle group had taken little
damage during the Battle of Ebaq, most of its ships managed to avoid the mines or absorb damage and
escape back to Yuuzhan Vong-controlled space. (DW)
Battle Group of Yun-Txiin
this was one of the five primary Yuuzhan Vong naval forces which were deployed by the Warmaster,
Tsavong Lah, to attack the New Republic base on Ebaq 9. Like the gods they were named after, the YunTxiin and Yun-Q'aah battel groups worked as a team to try and outflank the enemy. The Battle Groups of
Yun-Txiin and Yun-Harla took the brunt of the damage, and leapt into hyperspace to escape. However,
the New Republic had mined the only hyperspace route away from Ebaq, setting out explosive mines as
well as interdictor mines, and both battle groups were dragged out of hyperspace into another Republic
ambush. As more and more Yuuzhan Vong warships exited hyperspace, the mines found more than
enough targets among the Yun-Txiin and Yun-Harla battle groups, which were torn to pieces. The
commanders of the two groups were able to send out warnings to the remaining Yuuzhan Vong forces,
but only provided minimal warning. (DW)
Battle Group of Yun-Yammka
this was one of the five primary Yuuzhan Vong naval forces which were deployed by the Warmaster,
Tsavong Lah, to attack the New Republic base on Ebaq 9. This group was the first to attack the New
Republic's forces, drawing initial fire and allowing the Battle Groups of Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q'aah to try and
outflank the enemy. However, the reserve forces of the Republic pounced on the battle group, and
Tsavong Lah was forced to use the Yun-Yammka battle group as a sacrifice. He ordered the group's
warships into all-out attacks designed to disrupt the enemy, thereby giving the other battle groups a
chance to survive. When the Yuuzhan Vong fleets were ordered to retreat, the Yun-Yammka group was
too near Ebaq to make the jump into hyperspace. All ships in the Yun-Yammka fleet were destroyed by
the New Republic. (DW)
Battle Group of Yun-Yuuzhan
this was one of the five primary Yuuzhan Vong naval forces which were deployed by the Warmaster,
Tsavong Lah, to attack the New Republic base on Ebaq 9. Like the Battle Group of Yun-Harla, this group

was held in reserve by the Warmaster until the flow of the battle could be discerned. The Yun-Yuuzhan
battle group was personally commanded by the Warmaster, and was sent into the fray to work with the
Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q'aah battle groups when the New Republic brought in its reserve forces. When the
tide turned toward the Republic, Tsavong Lah saw his own forces shredded in the pincers of the trap
devised by Admiral Ackbar. A retreat was ordered, but the Yuuzhan Vong found the only hyperspace
escape route mined by the Republic. The Yun-Yuuzhan battle group lost only a third of its ships, but most
of those were transports loaded with warriors. The Warmaster then ordered the Yun-Yuuzhan battle
group into an all-out assault on Ebaq 9. Using what little ground assault strength he had, the Warmaster
hoped to capture the Jedi Knights on the moon and sacrifice them to the True Gods, in the hopes of
gaining their favor and assistance in the battle. He was betrayed by the former Jedi Knight Vergere, who
managed to crash her starship into Ebaq 9 and vent its atmopshere. (DW)
Battle Horn-class Bulk Cruiser
one of Rendili StarDrive's bulk cruisers, the Battle Horn-class cruiser was a 600-meter starship manned
by a crew of 2,050. It could also transport up to 200 troops. It was armed with 30 quad laser cannons and
two tractor beam projectors. (DFRSB, SQ)
Battle Hydra
this alchemical beast was created by Exar Kun during his years as a Dark Lord of the Sith. The Battle
Hydra is a two-headed, winged ragon with a whip-like tail which is tipped with a hooked stinger. The
stinger is coated with an acidic poison. The hydra is mindless and shy when left on their own, and do not
willingly attack unless goaded by the Dark Side of the Force. (JASB)
Battle of Aargonar 3
this was the name of the brief struggle in which the forces of the Empire routed the Alliance's base on the
moon of Aargonar 3. The Alliance was able to flee the system with much of their computer systems and
personnel intact, but the base itself was destroyed. (RESB)
Battle of Antar 4
this battle took place some nine years after the Battle of Naboo, and marked the first struggle of a world
to secede from the Old Republic. The battle was initiated by the Gotal guerilla group known as Roshu
Sune, and was meant to force the planetary government of Antar 4 to secede from the Republic. The Jedi
Knights were called in to help settle the dispute, but were soundly denounced in the news and media for
their inability to prevent the battle. The outcome of the battle was considered bloody by even the most
minimal of standards, and left the Gotal populace of Antar 4 badly injured. (HNN4, HNN5)
Battle of Anx Minor
Admiral Ackbar commanded the New Republic Star Destroyer Guardian in this skirmish against Admiral
Pelleaon shortly after the resolution of the Black Fleet Crisis. Note that Star Wars: The New Essential
Guide to Characters indicates that the Imperial fleet contained a warship known as Pride of Yevetha,
which was lost during the Black Fleet Crisis. (NEGC)
Battle of Atraken
this was the name given to one of the early battles of the Clone Wars, in which the Old Republic battled
the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems for control of the planet's doonium resources.
When the battle for Atraken, codenamed Operation Katabatic by the Army of the Republic, turned toward
the Republic, Separatist forces located in underground bunkers unleashed a series of biochemical
weapons against the Republic's clone troopers. While the clone troopers were prepared for the
chemicals, the general populace of Atraken was not. Operation Katabatic was considered a tactical
success for the Old Republic, since the Separatist forces were eventually eliminated. However, it was
estimated that ninety percent of Atraken's civilian population was killed during the battle and the
subsequent chemical bombardment. (SWI67)
Battle of Bajic, The
this battle was a definitive Imperial victory, during the time just prior to the Battle of Endor. Darth Vader
was able to decimate the Alliance fleet, creating some problems with the planning of the Battle of Endor
due to substantial losses to the Alliance. (ROJR)

Battle of Bakura, The

prior to the Battle of Endor, the Emperor Palpatine made a deal with an alien race known as the Ssi-ruuk.
In exchange for enteched battle droids for the Imperial fleet, the Emperor would give the aliens the human
subjects they needed to entech. He provided the location of the planet Bakura, which the Ssi-ruuk
attacked just prior to the Battle of Endor. The Alliance, fresh from the defeat of the Emperor, recovered an
Imperial distress signal, and went to Bakura in an effort to help the now-displaced Imperials. An uneasy
truce developed between the Alliance's team and the Imperials, which was almost undone by internal
treachery. The combined forces overcame this, however, and were able to soundly defeat the Ssi-ruuk
and drive them back to their part of the universe. Many of the Imperials renounced their commissions to
join the new-formed Republic. (TB)
Battle of Balmorra
when Executor Sedriss rose to power in support of the reborn Emperor Palpatine, he forced the
Balmorrans into an uneasy arms alliance following a battle between the various war machines produced
on the planet. The New Republic, hoping to destroy the Emperor once and for all, launched a
counterattack on the Imperial strongholds on Balmorra. Governor Beltane had thrown his support behind
the New Republic, and his SD-10 wardroids were able to help the Republic forces defeat the Imperials
and free Balmorra. (NEGC, DE2)
Battle of Basilisk
this ancient battle between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force resulted in the death of Jedi Master
Sidrona Diath. (DLS)
Battle of Bassadro
this was the name given to assume control of the mineral resources of the planet Bassadro, during the
early stages of the Clone Wars. The Conferedacy of Independent Systems, also known as the
Separatists, had taken over control of Bassadro, hoping to secure its resources for the production of its
droid armies. However, Old Republic clone troopers led by Jedi Master Empatojayos Brand were able to
use concussion missiles to destroy CIS emplacements in the obsidian caverns of the Agao Range, wiping
out most of the droid army stationed there. Separatist Major Domb Treetor was utterly defeated, and
eventually surrendered Bassadro to Brand and the Republic. (SWI65)
Battle of Bastion
shortly after the Battles of Coruscant and Ebaq, the Yuuzhan Vong began to realize that the New
Republic was a threat to their conquest of the galaxy. However, their resources were spread thinly across
the galaxy, and the new Warmaster Nas Choka decided that it would be prudent to eliminate any smaller
threats before launching another offensive against the Republic. In a series of bold moves, the Yuuzhan
Vong backtracked along their invasion paths and began eliminating any force they deemed dangerous.
After utterly destroying the Yevethan civilization, they turned their attention to the Imperial Remnant. The
Moff Council had long believed that they were not going to be attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong, simply
because the alien invaders had passed them by. This logic was faulty, but the Imperials doggedly held to
the reasoning that the Empire would have soundly defeated the Yuuzhan Vong before a full-scale
invasion could have started. Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, however, didn't believe this for a second. He
knew that the Empire had been defeated by the "rag-tag rebels" of the Alliance, and would have been no
match for the war-loving Yuuzhan Vong. His words fell on deaf ears, however, and the Moff Council
chose to ignore the Yuuzhan Vong. This proved to be their downfall when the Yuuzhan Vong suddenly
attacked Bastion and Muunilinst. In a bold move, small fleets were dispatched to both Imperial worlds,
and met with token resistance from unprepared defense fleets. Despite the efforts of Pellaeon, Bastion
fell swiftly, as did Muunilinst. In short order, the Battle of Bastion was over, and Imperial forces were
fleeing toward Yaga Minor. (FH1)
Battle of Bilbringi, The
in the wake of the Galactic Civil War, the Bilbringi shipyards remained an Imperial depot, although they
were open to most smugglers and other shippers. Grand Admiral Thrawn used the shipyards regularly,
keeping his existing ships together while building new ships to expand his fleet. Just prior to this battle,
Thrawn had managed to pen the New Republic on Coruscant by planting a number of cloaked asteroids
in orbit around the planet. The Republic worked to locate the asteroids, and learned that they could detect

them with the use of a crystal gravfield trap (CGT). The Empire had one stored at Bilbringi, and so the
Republic devised a plan to steal it. At the same time, the rough smuggler's alliance was also trying to
steal the Empire's CGT, in an effort to gain favor with the New Republic. Thrawn learned of the
smugglers' plan, and laid a trap for the Republic. The trap was sprung, but the combined forces of the
New Republic and the Smugglers's Alliance overcame the Imperial fleet. Thrawn's forces were driven
away from Bilbringi. Thrawn was killed by his bodyguard following the battle. (TLC)
Battle of Binquaros
this was one of the many small struggles which occurred during the Galactic Civil War. It was generally
believed that the battle was actually won by the ThunderForce mercenary unit. (HAS)
Battle of Borleias
this was the name given to the New Republic's stand at Borleias, in the wake of the loss of Coruscant to
the Yuuzhan Vong. After Senator Pwoe appointed himself Chief of State, he ordered Wedge Antilles to
hold Borleias temporarily, using it as a base to strike at the Yuuzhan Vong while the Advisory Council fled
to safety. Wedge followed only the outline of this order, instead planning to use Borleias as a place to
strike hard at the Yuuzhan Vong. A series of subterfuges - the development of the pipefighter and
Operation Starlancer, the development of Jaina Solo as Yun-Harla incarnate - all served to focus a large
portion of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet on Borleias. When the Republic felt that it was ready, and enough of
the Yuuzhan Vong fleet was array in the Pyria System, Wedge launched his assault. The Yuuzhan Vong
forced, led by Czulkang Lah, were unprepared for the Republic's assault, the their fleet was decimated.
Although Borleias was eventually lost again to the alien invaders, the Republic was successful in taking
out a large portion of the Yuuzhan Vong navy. (DW, EL1, EL2)
Battle of Borleias
this holodocumentary was produced by Wolam Tser, and highlighted the valiant and heroic efforts of
Wedge Antilles and the New Republic forces that gathered on Borleias after the Yuuzhan Vong took
control of the planet Coruscant. (DW)
Battle of Borosk
this was the name given to the defense of the planet Borosk by the Imperial Remnant, against the
Yuuzhan Vong forces that decimated the Empire at the Battle of Bastion. Using information and tactics
that had been supplied by the Galactic Alliance, Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon managed to rally the
remaining Imperial fleet to defend Borosk, repelling the advance of B'shith Vorrik's forces and driving
them out of Imperial space. (FH1)
Battle of Brentaal
one of the first major skirmishes in which Rogue Squadron was instrumental, the fledgling New Republic
managed to defeat Imperial forces and take control of the planet Brentaal. When Imperial Admiral Lon
Isoto offered no direct resistance, Rogue Squadron took control the moon Brentaal IV, from which it could
stage the liberation of Brentaal. The only serious resistance they got was from the 181st Imperial Fighter
Group led by Soontir Fel, but the Rogues were able to defeat Fel and the control of Brentaal itself. (HXW,
Battle of Cerea
this was one of the many battles fought during the Clone Wars. Many Cereans lost their lives in the
struggle, including the family of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. (SWI70, RNML)
Battle of Chabosh
this was the name given to the Imperial rout of Alliance forces on the planet Chabosh, during the early
years of the Galactic Civil War. It was famous mainly because of the heriosm of then-Captain Harsh, the
Imperial military officer who survived the front-line battle and made a full recovery from injuries which
would have killed a regular man. (GMR6)
Battle of Champala
Admiral Ackbar commanded the New Republic Star Destroyer Guardian in this skirmish against Admiral
Pelleaon shortly after the resolution of the Black Fleet Crisis. (NEGC)

Battle of Coruscant
this was the name given to the decisive battle of the Clone Wars. Separatist forces, led by General
Grievous, had captured Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and were holding him hostage. The Separatists
then launched an all-out attack on the planet Coruscant, using Palpatine as a human shield to prevent the
destruction Grievous' flagship, the Invisible Hand. However, during the battle, Obi-Wan Kenobi and
Anakin Skywalker managed to infiltrate the Invisible Hand and rescue Palpatine, freeing the forces of the
Old Republic to attack at will. Ultimately, the Separatists were defeated, bringing about an end to the
Clone Wars. (OWS)
Battle of Coruscant
this was the name used to describe the struggle to control the planet Coruscant, during the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. Under the guidance of Battle Plan Coruscant, the Yuuzhan Vong were to
have two attack forces arrive at Coruscant in a classic pincer move: one force from Borleias and the other
from Reecee. However, the Yuuzhan Vong force from Reecee was destroyed by the Republic forces
fleeing Borleias, reducing the Yuuzhan Vong attack force by half. Despite the loss of a major part of his
fleet, Warmaster Tsavong Lah continued with the planet. A portion of the remaining ships from Borleias
entered the Coruscant System by hiding a wave of warships in the OboRin Comet Cluster. As the comets
neared Coruscant, the alien warships launched the first wave of attacks on the planet. The New
Republic's forces fought valiantly, and nearly defeated the first wave of ships before noticing another
huge fleet of Yuuzhan Vong warships dropping out of hyperspace. Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya agreed
that the Republic could not maintain control of the planet in the face of the overwhelming odds, and
agreed to turn Coruscant over to Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Suspecting treachery, the Warmaster sent
Romm Zqar, an aide, in his place. Chief of State Fey'lya, already under intense scrutiny from the
Republic, allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to take Coruscant, but not before setting off a large bomb while in
the presence of Romm Zqar. The New Republic's forces scatted, left without a centralized government.
Battle of Dantooine
this was one of the many early battles of the Clone Wars, in which the forces of the Confederacy of
Independent Systems used a new form of weapon against the Jedi Knights and the Army of the Republic.
During this battle, Mace Windu found himself separated from the rest of his team, in a vast grainfield. In
addition to an army of battle droids, Master Windu had to fight his way through the first of the Separatists'
seismic tanks. Only Master Windu's incredible skills with a lightsaber allowed him to penetrate the ranks
of battle droids in order to reach the seismic tank. Then, Windu relied oni his ingenuity to defeat the tank
and eliminate the Separatist threat on Dantooine. Much of the battle was witnessed by a young boy, Paxi
Sylo, who documented the events in a series of holovids that many believed were highly exaggerated.
Battle of Dantooine
this was the name used by historians to describe the New Republic's defense of the planet Dantooine
against the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, some twenty-five years after the Battle of Yavin. The planet
was beseiged by refugees who were fleeing the alien attacks on Dubrillion and Destrillion, just as the
Yuuzhan Vong had planned. They used huge dovin basals to block certain hyperspace escape routes,
forcing the refugees to Dantooine. A Yuuzhan Vong force was already in place at Dantooine, ready to
ambush the refugee starships. The Yuuzhan Vong presence was discovered by Anakin Solo and Mara
Jade Skywalker, who were on Dantooine trying to cure Mara of the coomb spores she had been infected
with. Any attempt they couldhave made to contact the Republic was cut short by Yuuzhan Vong ground
forces, and the aliens' navy fleets decimated the Republic's starfighter squadrons in short order. Although
a rescue task force was dispatched to Dantooine shortly after word of the attack reached Coruscant, only
a few refugees were recovered. After debriefing the survivors, the New Republic understood that the
Battle of Dantooine had been carefully orchestrated by the Yuuzhan Vong, as a way to test the military
strength and tactics of the New Republic. (NJOSB)
Battle of Denab
the battle in which the Imperial Fourth Attack Squadron of Victory-class Star Destroyers was routed by
Alliance fighters. The Alliance methodically concentrated firepower on single Star Destroyers until one

was destroyed, then moved to another ship. The slow Victory-class ships could not counteract the attack
strategy, and were destroyed. (SWR)
Battle of Derra IV
this was the name used by historians to describe the Imperial ambush of an Alliance supply convoy near
Derra IV, just prior to the Battle of Hoth. Although Darth Vader's forces annihilated the Alliance convoy, it
was learned later that the ambush had been devised by Admiral Thrawn, in one of his first campaigns as
an Imperial officer. (NEGC)
Battle of Drongar
this was the name used to describe the fight for control of the planet Drongar, an engagement between
the Grand Army of the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the height of the
Clone Wars. Ostensibly, Drongar was of little military importance. However, both sides realized that
whoever controlled the export of processed bota would have the upper hand in the war. Because the bota
plants were extremely delicate in nature, traditional warfare tactics were abandoned, in order to preserve
the plant. Local sorties fought with slugthrowers, swords, and staffs were necessary to prevent damaging
the bota, forcing both sides to constantly adapt. The battle came to an abrupt end when the Separatists
learned that the bota plants were mutating at such a rate that they would become useless weeds in a
matter of weeks. They launched a massive assault on the forces of the Old Republic, driving them off
Drongar and leaving the planet behind. (MBS, MJH)
Battle of Dubrillion
this was considered by many historians to have been the first true battle between the Yuuzhan Vong and
the forces of the New Republic. After the Republic destroyed the Praetorite Vong base on Helska 4, the
planets Dubrillion and Destrillion were left undefended. This allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to follow the trails
of refugees from Sernpidal to Dubrillion. New Republic warships, still at Helska 4, raced to Dubrillion to
help Lando Calrissian defend the planets. However, the Yuuzhan Vong forces were still unknown
quantities, and their bio-technology gave them the upper hand during most of the conflict. Dubrillion fell
quickly, followed by Destrillion, as refugees fled the system for Dantooine and the Imperial Remnant.
Battle of Duro
this was the struggle between the rag-tag forces of the New Republic, sent to defend Duro and its orbital
cities from the Yuuzhan Vong. The battle was predicated on several events, all of which fell into place
after the New Republic announced its plans to reclaim the surface of the planet Duro. A team of scientists
was formed to determine the best ways to restore Duro to its former natural state. The New Republic
agreed to fund the plan, provided that the Duros High House allow refugee settlements to be established
in domed cities on the planet's surface. Initially, the Duros leaders refused, but a series of well-placed
bribes eventually swayed the voting in favor of the Republic's plan. The bribes came from the Peace
Brigade, who convinced several shipping concerns - such as CorDuro Shipping - that the Yuuzhan Vong
would allow them to retain one of Duro's orbital cities in exchange for the surface of the planet and all the
refugees. Ultimately, however, the Yuuzhan Vong had no intention of letting anyone go free, especially
when Warmaster Tsavong Lah learned that Jaina and Jacen Solo, as well as their mother, Leia OrganaSolo, were all on Duro. The Yuuzhan Vong desparately wanted to capture a live Jedi Knight, and the
Warmaster thought he could finally capture one. Yuuzhan Vong forces moved in and attacked Duro with a
swift assault, made easier by the fact that the Duros High House believed the alien invaders were simply
there to take control of the surface. In a brutal attack nineteen of the twenty orbital cities surrounding Duro
were destroyed by ychna ships, with just Urrdorf City escaping the destruction. New Republic navy forces
managed to hold off the Yuuzhan Vong assault force in order to rescue the Solos, but Duro eventually fell
to the Yuuzhan Vong. In the wake of the battle, Tsavong Lah claimed he would put an end to the
hostilities and leave the Core Worlds alone, provided that the New Republic turn over Jacen Solo to the
Yuuzhan Vong. (BP)
Battle of Ebaq
this was one of the most decisive victories the New Republic managed against the Yuuzhan Vong, more
than 25 years after the Battle of Endor. Using a battle plan developed by Admiral Ackbar, a false base of
operations was established on the remote moon of Ebaq 9. The moon's location had been discovered

from Imperial surveys of the Deep Core that were provided by Gilad Pellaeon. It was located along a
hyperspace corridor than ran into the Deep Core to Treskov-115W, then dead-ended. The only way out of
the Deep Core was back along the entry route. Ackbar hoped to lure the Yuuzhan Vong to Ebaq 9 using
the ruse of the Final Redoubt, then launch a massive assault from the rear. This would trap the Yuuzhan
Vong forces near Ebaq, where the New Republic could crush them between two forces. Information on
the Final Redoubt also included the fact that certain Jedi Knights were stationed there, as added incentive
for the Yuuzhan Vong. The alien invaders took the bait, based on intelligence received from Nom Anor,
and launched an assault on Ebaq 9. Tsavong Lah did not commit his entire fleet of five battle groups all at
once, but he also did not foresee the New Republic's trap. The secondary Republic fleet was later
augmented by the three fleets controlled by Garm Bel Iblis, and surprised the Yuuzhan Vong. The naval
battle in space near Ebaq turned at this point, as the Yuuzhan Vong found themselves badly
outnumbered, with more New Republic forces arriving as the battle progressed. These forces were
augmented by the Smuggler's Alliance and Garm Bel Iblis, and managed to turn the tide of battle to the
Republic's favor. To further damage the Yuuzhan Vong naval forces, the New Republic laid interdictor
and explosive mines along the hyperspace route leading away from Ebaq, destroying many more
Yuuzhan Vong ships before all mines were detonated. With four of his battle groups decimated or
destroyed, Tsavong Lah realized that he could not win. So, he took the Battle Group of Yun-Yuuzhan and
headed to Ebaq 9, in an effort to capture the Jedi Knights and sacrifice them to the True Gods. He
deployed thousands of group troops, an action not considered by the Republic's military advisors, and
would have succeeded in capturing the Jedi if not for the effort of Vergere. She pretended to defect to the
Yuuzhan Vong, but used Tsavong Lah's grudging acceptance as a way to infiltrate the Yun-Yuuzhan
battle group. She then flew her starship into the surface of Ebaq 9, venting any remaining atmosphere in
the mines with sudden completeness. The Yuuzhan Vong ground forces were asphixiated almost
immediately, and they died shortly afterward. The only survivor was Tsavong Lah himself, but he was
killed in battle by Jaina Solo. The New Republic was able to mop up any Yuuzhan Vong forces which
remained in the Ebaq System, and rescued the ground forces on Ebaq 9 before regrouping at Kashyyyk
and Calamari. (DW)
Battle of Endor
Following the destruction of Hoth's Echo Base, the Alliance scattered throughout the galaxy in an effort to
evade the Empire. A group of Bothans, trying to prove their worth to the Alliance, were able to obtain
information on the construction of a new Death Star. Unbeknownst to them, the Emperor Palpatine let
them have the data, in an effort to bring the Alliance to him for its final destruction. The Alliance used the
data and launched a two-pronged attack at Endor's forest moon and the new Death Star. The first part of
the attack involved ground troops penetrating Imperial defenses to deactivate the huge energy shield
guarding the Death Star. The group - led by Han Solo - accomplished this with the help of an unknown
race called Ewoks. The second part of the plan involved a starship attack similar to the one used at the
Battle of Yavin. This time, however, the unfinished Death Star allowed the Alliance a chance to destroy
the main reactor directly, without the nearly-impossible shot at an exhaust port. The Emperor used this to
his advantage, and tried to lure Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force by having him watch the
battle, in which a number of the Alliance's ships were lost. It was later revealed that the Emperor was
using a technique which allowed him to control the minds of much of the Imperial Navy. This, in effect,
allowed the Emperor to control the entire battle, as it was his will that was guiding the gunners and pilots
of the Imperial Navy. With the tide turning the Emperor's way, the Alliance's ground team managed to
deactivate the shield, and allowed their fighters - led by Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles - to
penetrate the Death Star's hull and destroy the power generator. The Emperor was killed by Darth Vader
just prior to the destruction of the Death Star, but Vader was also mortally wounded, and died on the
station as well. As a result of the Emperor's death, the Imperial Navy had no idea how to continue the
battle. The Emperor's will was no longer driving them, and they were quickly unsure how to proceed. This
allowed the Alliance's ships to move in and destroy 6 Star Destroyers and rout the TIE Fighter squadrons.
The remainder of the Imperial Navy limped away in a hasty retreat, allowing the Alliance to regain
rulership of the galaxy. (ROTJ, HTTE)
Battle of Eos
this was one of the many skirmishes fought between the Empire and the Alliance during the Galactic Civil
War. (NEGV)

Battle of Esfandia
this was the name used to describe the events which surrounded the defense of the planet Esfandia by
the Galactic Alliance, in the face of a Yuuzhan Vong warfleet. The Yuuzhan Vong, acting on information
provided by Peace Brigade spies, discovered the long-range communications bases on Generis and
Esfandia. The Generis base was utterly destroyed by Commander B'shith Vorrik's fleet, and he set out to
destroy Esfandia's base as well. However, his fleet was still being pursued by Grand Admiral Gilad
Pellaeon, who had been tracking Vorrik ever since the Battle of Bastion. In the meantime, Han Solo and
his wife, Leia Organa Solo, had discovered the Yuuzhan Vong's plans for Esfandia, and had hidden in the
planet's liquid atmosphere in an attempt to locate the base before the Yuuzhan Vong could. Pellaeon and
Vorrik fought to a standstill in orbit, even after Pellaeon's forces were augmented by the Pride of Selonia.
In a daring move, Tahiri Veila volunteered to make contact with Vorrik and offer herself to him, ostensibly
as an agent who could betray the location of the base. Vorrik, unable to refuse the offer, sent a small
force to the surface. This force met with stiff resistance from the craft hidden aboard the Collaborator, and
Vorrik realized he had been tricked. He launched an all-out assault on Pellaeon's forces, but the loss of
the ships on Esfandia's surface left him with reduced defenses. Pellaeon, aboard the Right to Rule,
working with Captian Todra Mayn aboard the Pride of Selonia, was able to destroy Vorrik's flagship and
eliminate the Yuuzhan Vong threat, thereby keeping Esfandia free. (FH3)
Battle of Ession
this was the name used by historians to describe the New Republic's victory over the forces of Apwar
Trigit, in orbit around the planet Ession. New shipment of TIE Fighters were being produced at the
Pakkerd Light Transport facility on Ession, and the Star Destroyer Impacable was dispatched to Ession
for defensive support, along with the corvette Night Caller. However, the Night Caller was under the
control of Wraith Squadron, and was supported by three squadrons of X-Wings hidden in the holds of the
Blood Nest, which took the place of the Red Feathers. Using a maneuver known as the Loran Spitball,
the Night Caller destroyed the power cells of the Implacable, leaving the ship dead in space. Trigit,
realizing that he was beaten, set the Implacable to self-destruct, then headed for the escape pods. The
Implacable smashed stern-first into one of Ession's moons and was destroyed. (NEGC)
Battle of Fendry
this battle between Alliance and Imperial forces was filled with chases through the clouds of the planet
Fendry. (SWJ11)
Battle of Fleyars IV
this battle was decided by Imperial forces, which dominated the local militia and navy to subjugate
rebellious activity. (PG3)
Battle of Fondor
following closely behind the Yuuzhan Vong victory at the Battle of Tynna, this struggle saw much of the
orbital shipyards at Fondor destroyed, along with thirty warships which were being refitted. The Yuuzhan
Vong had leaked information to the New Republic that it was going to attack either Corellia or Bothawui
after taking Tynna, and the Republic was forced to leave Corellia undefended in an effort to bluff the
Yuuzhan Vong into attacking there. The New Republic Defense Force had hoped to use the repulsors on
Centerpoint Station to take out the enemy fleet. However, before the Republic could launch its attack, it
learned that the Yuuzhan Vong were attacking Fondor. Using swarms of coralskippers, the Yuuzhan
Vong made a series of suicide runs at the planet's facilities, causing widespread damage without actively
engaging the minimal security of the planet. In the end, the shipyards were left in ruins, and most of the
thirty warships at the planet were destroyed. The New Republic tried to use the Centerpoint Station
repulsors to take out the Yuuzhan Vong fleet at Fondor, but Anakin Solo refused to use the station as a
weapon. Furious at the turn of events, Thrackan Sal-Solo fired the weapon instead. However, he lacked
the accuracy which only Anakin could draw from the Force, and his shot went just wide. The intense blast
of repulsor energy destroyed much of the Hapan fleet and part of the planet itself. It also wiped out the
Yuuzhan Vong armada before continuing through the system unabated. In the aftermath of the battle, the
Hapes Consortium pushed to completely isolate themselves from the rest of the galaxy. (JE)
Battle of Galboron, The
this was one of the most famous historical battles of the Empire. (GFT)

Battle of Galidraan
this was the name given to the battle in which the Jedi Knights, led by then-Master Dooku, defeated the
Mandalorian Shocktroopers. (JFOS)
Battle of Garqi
this battle was predicated on the New Republic's attempt to extract Corran Horn, Jacen Solo, Ganner
Rhysode, and their Noghri fighters from Yuuzhan Vong-held territory on Garqi. The New Republic's
Admiral Traest Kre'fey brought a small force to Garqi during the insertion effort, but they remained just
outside the system in order to avoid detection. When Corran, flying the Best Chance, tried to escape the
planet, the Yuuzhan Vong sent a small force to intercept the shuttle. Admiral Kre'fey then moved the
Ralroost into position to collect the Best Chance, prompting a large retaliation by the Vong forces. A fullscale battle erupted over Garqi, with the New Republic's forces taking a beating despite recovering the
Jedi Knights. Just as the Vong were about to pummel the Republic's ships, Imperial Admiral Gilead
Pellaeon hypered into the system with a small fleet of his own. Pellaeon quickly interjected his warships
between the Republic's flagging forces and the Yuuzhan Vong, absorbing fire while attacking the alien
ships. Realizing that they would be beaten, the Yuuzhan Vong commander Shedao Shai ordered a full
retreat, allowing the combined New Republic and Imperial forces to gain a minor victory. (DTR)
Battle of Gendrah-Narvin
the Alliance suffered the loss of key personnel to the forces of the Empire in this struggle. (SWJ11)
Battle of Geonosis
this battle, in which the forces of the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights made a stand against Count
Dooku and his droid armies, signaled the onset of the Clone Wars. Some 100 Jedi Masters and Knights
were dispatched to Geonosis, after Obi-Wan Kenobi was captured and held prisoner there by Dooku.
This small number was all that could be spared, since most other Jedi were scattered across the galaxy
fighting the various disputes which sprang up because of the Separatist crisis. The Jedi were unprepared
for the droid armies produced on the planet, and found themselves surrounding by a million battle droids,
100,000 super battle droids, and 3,000 droidekas. The Separatist forces, which now included armies from
the Commerce Guild, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Techno Union, and the Corporate Alliance,
were also supported by 15,000 dwarf spider droids, 4,100 hailfire droids, and 7,500 homing spider droids.
The timely appearance of the Army of the Republic, recently commissioned by Chancellor Palpatine and
created from clones that had been produced on Kamino, augmented the Jedi forces and proved to be too
strong for the droids. 192,000 clone troopers arrived at Geonosis, along with 1,600 LAAT/I gunships, 400
LAAT/c carriers, 2,160 AT-TE walkers, and 100 SPHA-T walkers. The Geonosians fought well, and the
droid armies proved efficient, but they were poor warriors when compared to the clones. The droid
factories on Geonosis were destroyed or shut down, but Count Dooku managed to escape, allowing him
to continue the fight against the Republic and setting off the Clone Wars. Many Jedi historians looked
back on the battle in the months which followed, and concluded that the Jedi failed to bring the battle to a
swift end because they tried to act as peacekeepers, rather than generals. Leaders such as Mace Windu
tried to negotiate a peaceful resolution, unaware that the Separatists had already committed themselves
and their resources to war. (TCG1, AOTC, AOTCN, VD2, SWDB, SHPT, IWE2)
Battle of Gormen
this was one of many skirmishes which occurred during the Galactic Civil War, in the wake of the Battle of
Hoth. The Alliance's forces had nearly won the battle, but the Empire had been holding back a group of
AT-AT walkers until absolutely necessary. As the AT-ATs emerged from the smoke and haze, the civilian
troops fled in terror and the Alliance forces simply surrendered, knowing that it was impossible to outrun
the walkers. (NEGV)
Battle of Gravlex Med
it was at this battle, between the forces of the New Republic and Imperial Admiral Pellaeon, that the
planet Gravlex Med was overtaken by Imperial forces. During the battle, Pellaeon was also able to
reclaim possession of his former flagship, the Chimaera (ECH)
Battle of Heg
nearly the decisive battle in the struggle for control of the planet Bundim, the Battle of Heg saw a

resounding Imperial victory over the Alliance forces trying to liberate the planet. Heg itself was leveled by
Imperial forces in just three days, but the Alliance rallied and was able to overcome the Imperials and
restore freedom to the planet. The occupation and subsequent liberation of Bundim took place after the
Battle of Yavin. (GMK)
Battle of Helska
this was the term used by historians to describe the New Republic's first victory against the Yuuzhan
Vong. The alien invaders had placed an immense yammosk deep within Helska's core, hoping to grow it
as the basis for their initial strikes against the Republic. In a daring series of missions, the Republic forced
the world to warm and then re-solidify via the Mezzicanley Wave effect. Helska's matter was unable to
handle the strain of the effect, and shattered into a billion pieces of ice and rock. (GMR8, VP)
Battle of Hoth
following the destruction of the first Death Star and other losses at the hands of the Alliance, the Empire
began dispatching thousands of remote probe droids to all sector of the galaxy. One of these probe
droids located the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth, established after the evacuation of the Massassi Base
on Yavin 4, and was able to relay information on the base before being destroyed by Han Solo and
Chewbacca. A fleet of Star Destroyers under the command of Darth Vader was sent to destroy the base.
Admiral Ozzel, acting against the established battle plan, believed that he could surprise the Alliance
forces by coming out of hyperspace at the edge of the system and causing them to panic. However,
Ozzel's plan backfired, as the Alliance was alerted to the presence of the Imperial fleet and was able to
put its evacuation plans into effect. Ozzel was executed for this blunder, and Captain Piett was promoted
to fill the void. Vader then sent General Veers to the planet's surface with a group of AT-ATs known as
Blizzard Force, which decimated the Alliance ground forces and destroyed the main power generator.
With the ground battle lost, the Alliance put their early warning of the Imperial invasion to its best use, and
quickly evacuated key personnel and equipment under heavy fire from their v-150 ion cannon. The
majority of the Alliance's Hoth base staff escaped to scatter across the galaxy, and nearly half of its larger
starships were able to evade the Imperial blockade. The Battle of Hoth became one of the most
legendary and infamous battles of the Galactic Civil War, primarily due to the fact that Imperial
propaganda experts sent holodocumentarians to Hoth with the main troops, and later used footage from
the battle to paint a glowing picture of the "heroic snowtroopers" of the Empire. What was lost in the
documentaries were Ozzel's blunder and Vader's fixation on locating Luke Skywalker, since it was Vader
who ordered the Star Destroyers of the blockade to target a single ship - the Millenium Falcon - while
allowing others to escape. (ESB, PH, IWST)
Battle of Hypori
during the Separatists' secret military build-up of droid forces, most of the manufacture of battle droids
was done on Geonosis. The foundries of Hypori augmented those of Geonosis after the onset of the
Clone Wars, until the planet was discovered nearly three years later by Jedi Master Daakman Barrek and
his Padawan, Sha'a Gi. A task force was dispatched to Hypori by the Jedi Council and the Army of the
Republic, but it was smashed by General Grievous before it could reach the surface. (CWC2)
Battle of ILC-905
this fast, furious, eleven-minute engagement was first time New Republic forces had been able to attack
and destroy a Yevethan Aramadia-class thrustship. The Indomitable, under the command of Commodore
Brand, initiated the assault when he discovered the Yevetha were using the ILC-905 system to jump their
thrustships into the Koornacht Cluster behind New Republic forces. Brand decided to take out the
thrustship they encountered, but two others jumped in behind it. In the heat of the battle, the Indomitable
and the Vanguard were joined by the Marauder. The thrustships Tholos and Rizaron fought back,
destroying the Vanguard before Esege Tuketo and Dogo were able to penetrate the Tholos' shields and
knock out its navigational systems. The thrustship spun out of control and plunged into the nearby planet,
and the Yevethans fled the system. (TT)
Battle of Ithor
this was one of the most tragic battles waged between the forces of the New Republic and the Yuuzhan
Vong. Preceded by only a few weeks by the Battle of Garqi, the struggle for Ithor was predicated on the
fact that the pollen of the bafforr tree was deadly to the vonduun crab armor worn by the Yuuzhan Vong.

Corran Horn discovered this while on Garqi, and relayed the information back to the New Republic
military. Unfortunately, Shedao Shai received a report from Runsk Das on the defat at Garqi, and the
Yuuzhan Vong also discovered the effects of the pollen. In an effort to eliminate this advantage, the
Yuuzhan Vong launched an assault on Ithor. They met heavy resistance from the New Republic forces,
which had been augmented by a fleet of Imperial Remnant ships commanded by Admiral Pellaeon
himself. Pellaeon and Traest Kre'fey had worked together on the defense, which included the ground
support of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Knights. As Rogue Squadron worked in space, the Jedi worked to
defend the baffor groves against Yuuzhan Vong gorund forces. The combined frepower of the Republic
and the Imperial kept the Yuuzhan Vong starships at bay, and the ground forces of Jedi Knights and
soldiers managed to defeat Shedao Shai's own warriors. The outcome of the battle was placed in limbo,
however, when Shedao Shai and Corran Horn agreed to a duel. Corran fought for the planet Ithor, while
Shedao Shai fought for the remains of his ancestor, Mongei Shai. For two weeks, both sides retreated to
lick their wounds and gather reinforcements, while the two combatants prepared for their fight. Corran
Horn managed to defeat Shedao Shai in their struggle, but the final blow of the battle was yet to be dealt.
In orbit, Deign Lian completed his treachery against Shedao Shai, unleashing a horrendous bioweapon
on Ithor. Thick gobs of the bioweapon struck the planet, and quickly reduced all plant life and much of the
native animal life to dead husks. Ithor was utterly destroyed, but the final blow hadn't been dealt, for
Traest Kre'fey ordered the Corusca Rainbow to hold the Yuuzhan Vong fleet in position, while the
augmented New Republic forces pummeled them with laser fire. The Yuuzhan Vong fleet was decimated,
and the Legacy of Torment lost its drive systems and plunged into Ithor's surface, setting off planetsweeping fires. (DTR)
Battle of Jabiim
this was the name given to the conflict which arose during the Clone Wars, more than a year after the
Battle of Geonosis, when the planet Jabiim tried to secede from the Old Republic. The Galactic Senate,
acting on intelligence gained from agents on Jabiim, believed that the Jabiim Congress had been
undermined by the Separatists. Individuals such as Alto Stratus spoke eloquently about the "oppression"
of the Republic, but many believed that these words had been purchased with weapons, supplies, and
credits by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Rather than lose Jabiim to treachery, the Republic
decided to take control itself. However, it was ill-prepared for the conditions on Jabiim, while the Jabiimite
rebels had lived there all their lives. The Republic's heavy artillery became mired in the muddy, rainsoaked plains, while the Jabiimite rebels managed to destroy any machinery that continued to work. The
battle dragged on for more than a month, with the Jedi gaining few victories against Alto Stratus and his
Separatist-augmented forces. Eighteen Jedi Knights - most of them Masters, with Obi-Wan Kenobi
believed to be among them - and some 9,000 clone troopers were killed by Jabiimite rebels during the
course of the battle, until a small group of Padawans made their last stand against Alto Stratus. All but
Anakin Skywalker - who had been called away to lead the rescue effort - died in the battle, but Aubrie
managed to kill Stratus before she died, on the forty-third day of the battle. However, the surviving
members of the Army of the Republic were too few in number to make any additional headway, and they
were forced to retreat, leaving the Separatists in control of the planet. Obi-Wan Kenobi, it was later
learned, had actually been captured by Asajj Ventress and transported to Rattatak. (SWI68, SS1, RBJ,
Battle of Jaga's Cluster
it was during this battle, more than 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, that Cassus Fett killed the
officer of the Old Republic's flagship. With this act, and Fett's subsequent flight into deep space, that
earned him the position of the galaxy's most-wanted being. (KOTOR)
Battle of Kalarba
shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong took the planet Fondor, they attacked Kalarba and wrecked Hosk Station
in order to eliminate the non-organic technology it contained. The fighting was fierce, as the Pitareeze
family and its supporters fought desparately to remain free. However, despite these efforts, Kalarba and
its system were utterly destroyed. A small percentage of the population managed to escape before the
Yuuzhan Vong render Kalarba a toxic wasteland. The Battle of Kalarba marked one of the first
engagements in which the Chiss Nssis-class clawcraft was flown alongside the ships of the New
Republic. (NEGV)

Battle of Kalsunor
this ancient battle predated the Golden Age of the Sith, and was the first documented encounter with the
silooth. During the battle, the natives of the planet Kalsunor were defeated by the Sith. (DSSB)
Battle of Kamino
this historic conflict was one of the most important battles of the Clone Wars. Shortly after the Battle of
Geonosis, the Separatist leaders discovered that the source of the Army of the Republic's clone troopers
was the factories of Kamino. Led by Commander Merai, the Separatists launched a full-scale war on
Kamino. Fortunately for the Old Republic, Jedi intelligence agents managed to learn of the Separatists'
plans before the actual attack, and were able to establish a defense network on Kamino. The Battle of
Kamino marked the first use of the specialized Advanced Reconnaissance Clone Troopers by the
Republic, which gave the Republic's forces a slight edge. However, the plans discovered by the Jedi
Knights were actually planted by Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious, so the Separatist forces were aware
of the ambush set by the Republic. This did not prevent the Old Republic from planting information of their
own. A datafile containing false coordinates for the reactors powering the Kaminoan cloning facilities was
placed in the hands of the Corporate Alliance, which provided the information Commander Merai's forces.
Merai himself planned to fire the killing blow from the Shark, but he soon learned that he had been giving
bad information. Rather than see his forces decimated, Merai flew his ship into the midst of the Jedi
Knights' hyperspace rings, destroying many of them and sacrificinf himself. This allowed the Separatist
forces to retreat into hyperspace, where they were able to regroup and plan a new attack. Kamino, and
the cloning facilities, were defended by the Jedi and the Army of the Republic, ensuring the continued
development of clone troopers. (SWI63, OWS, RDK)
Battle of Kashyyyk
this was the name given to the New Republic's effort to free the planet Kashyyyk from the control of the
Second Imperium, after Brakiss and the forces of the Shadow Academy tried to steal Imperial technology
from the planet. (JE)
Battle of Kathol
this was the name given to final conflict between Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne's forces and the crew of the
FarStar. The FarStar was outnumbered two-to-one in the battle, facing a Victory-class Star Destroyer and
an Interdictor-class cruiser. The FarStar was unable to escape, being trapped within Kathol's gravity well
as well as being pinned down by the Interdictor. Just when the Imperials were about to smash the
FarStar, the Bothan Combat Response Element, led by Kursk Mal'ia and the Boash'ua, intervened. The
battle swung to the New Republic's favor until the Imperial Star Destroyer Titania appeared.
Unfortunately, the Titania was unprepared for the Bothan reaction, and suffered massive damage in an
all-out assault. The guns aboard the Titania continued to fire, even as other ship systems failed, and
harrassed the Republic ships until the Raptor and the Bastion arrived. The Republic's forces were
unexepectedly augmented by ships from the Qektoth Confederacy, which attempted to take the
DarkStryder technology for their own, but they were not enough to save the FarStar. A smaller,
subordinate battle erupted when the Sabriador Slavers and the Skandrei Bandits tried to join the battle
and destroy the Qektoth, but a fleet of Aing Tii Sanhedrim warships arrived to destroy them. The forces of
the New Republic were also augmented near the end of the battle by the forces of the Yvarema. In the
end, the battle turned when the FarStar was destroyed. It plummeted into the surface of Kathol and
exploded, destroying the Imperial garrison and wiping out Sarne's ground forces. The surviving members
of the FarStar's crew set out to locate Sarne and eliminate him, as well as discover the secret behind
DarkStryder. After the destruction of DarkStryder and the loss of Sarne's command, the Imperial Navy
forces scattered, leaving Kathol in the hands of the New Republic. (E)
Battle of Koros Major
Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema had formed the Krath, a quasi-militant group whose principle power lay
in the use of the Dark Side of the Force. The Krath managed to assert themselves into control positions
on 6 of the 7 worlds in the Empress Teta system. The sole opposition was met on the planet of Koros
Major. The Krath moved an ancient military space station into orbit around the planet, and began using
military and Force-based attacks to turn the Korosians to their will. The Old Republic and the Jedi
Knights, fearing another Dark Jedi uprising, created a combined strike force and went to Koros Major to

turn the Krath back. The Krath used a series of Dark Side illusions to lull the Republic into thinking that
the battle would be based mainly on the use of the Force, but an illusory armada of starfighters contained
a percentage of real Chaos fighters, who crashed their starfighters into the command ships and disabled
the Republic momentarily. (DLS)
Battle of Korseg IV
this was one of the many battles that took place during the Galactic Civil War, during which the Alliance
struggled to maintain its base on the mountainous world of Korseg IV. (RPG, GMH)
Battle of Lorshan Pass
this was the name used by Jedi historians to describe the masterful defense of Korunnai tribes from
attack by Balawai militia, which had been augmented and supported by Separatist weaponry and
vehicles, some six months after the Battle of Geonosis. A minor skirmish of the Clone Wars, it was one of
the most masterful strategies devised by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Despite overwhelming odds that saw
the Korunnai warriors face impressive Separatist firepower, Master Windu managed to lure the Balawai
militia into a position where they were trapped against a grasser stampede. These ground-based forces
were trampled to death, while their airborne support was eliminated when Master Windu and Nick Rostu
managed to take control of a Turbostorm gunship and infiltrate the Balawai lines. Then, knowing that the
Balawai were supported by droid starfighters of the Separatists, they began firing on "friendly" gunships,
forcing the droid control system to re-evaluate its battleplan. The droid starfighters then began firing on
Balawai gunships, believing them to be hostile. In short order, the Balawai forces were defeated, allowing
the Korunnai to march on Pelek Baw. (SHPT)
Battle of Mon Calamari
this was one of the early battles of the Clone Wars, in which the Quarren Isolation League tried to wrest
control of their homeworld of Mon Calamari and turn its shipyards over to Count Dooku and the
Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Quarren found themselves fighting against Jedi Master Kit
Fisto and a squad of specially-trained aquatic clone troopers, whose strength was augmented by the
ranks of the Mon Calamari Knights. Ultimately, the Quarren Isolation League was defeated, and Mon
Calamari remained free to continue its relationship with the Old Republic. (CWC1)
Battle of Muunilinst
this was one of the early battles of the Clone Wars, and was one of the Old Republic's first attempts to
eliminate the leadership of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was hoped that, without its
leadership, the Confederacy would be unable to continue its attacks. The forces of the Army of the
Republic, led by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, struggled to destroy
the droid forces that protected San Hill and the leaders of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Leading the
Separatist forces were Asajj Ventress and Durge, and it was Ventress who managed to lure Anakin away
from Muunilinst. This left Obi-Wan and a handful of clone troopers to stand against Durge and his droids.
The battle was fought on many fields, including a battle between speederbike-mounted IG Lancer droids
and clone troopers. Ultimately, the droid were defeated, and Obi-Wan confronted Durge in a vast fortress.
The Gen'Dai bounty hunter nearly defeated the Jedi Master, until Obi-Wan allowed himself to be
"consumed" by Durge. Working from inside, Obi-Wan was able to destroy many of Durge's internal
systems, causing his body to disintegrate. With Durge's defeat, San Hill was captured and held for
questioning. Muunilinst was one of the first planet on which the forces of the Old Republic were
successful in removing the Separatists from power. (CWC1, ROF)
Battle of Muunlinst
this was one of the early battle of the Clone Wars, occurring just four months after the Battle of Geonosis.
Battle of Naboo
although this struggle marked a high point in the history of Naboo, it marked the beginning of the end of
the Old Republic. Forced by an illegal blockade of the planet by the Trade Federation, the Battle of Naboo
was really a diversionary tactic. The Trade Federation, led by Nute Gunray but ultimatelt controlled by
Darth Sidious, attempted to remove the taxation of trade routes by blockading Naboo. Sidious ordered a
planetary invasion, and the Neimoidian members of the Federation sent thousands of droid soldiers and

tanks to the surface of the planet. They were quickly able to subdue the native populace, as the humans
of Naboo were quite peaceful and the Gungans hid rather than become involved. Once the planet was
secured, the majority of the Federation's invasion fleet returned home, leaving a skeleton force to control
the droid armies on the ground. Queen Amidala, just fourteen at the time of the invasion, fled to
Coruscant to plea for aid in breaking the blockade, but received none from the stagnant Galactic Senate.
All of this played into the schemes of Darth Sidious. However, he did not count on the appearance of
Anakin Skywalker and the strength of Amidala's will. She devised a plan to capture Gunray and force him
to call of the blockade, but it hinged on two factors of battle. The first involved the Gungans, whom she
had persuaded to help in the fight. They called out the Federation's droid armies in an intense land battle
that raged across the plains of Naboo. While this battle forced the droid armies into action, it left the city
of Theed relatively undefended. Amidala, with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, forced their way into
the palace and overcame the Neimoidians. Meanwhile, in the space above Naboo, the Royal starfighter
fleet had engaged the droid control ship. However, its shields were too powerful for the small N-1 fighters
to penetrate. A lone fighter, marginally controlled by Anakin Skywalker, penetrated the ship's interior.
During his attempts to flee the ship, Anakin unleashed a volley of energy torpedoes that ruptured the
control ship's internal power sources. The huge ship began exploding from within, and ripped itself apart
in a matter of minutes. Anakin and the fighters escaped, and the droid armies on the ground were left
powerless. This came just as the droids had forced the Gungans to surrender. When they realized the
droids were no longer able to function, the Gungans rounded them up and dismantled them. In the end,
Naboo was freed from Federation control, and the humans and Gungans wlecomed a new era of
cooperation between their peoples. (SW1)
Battle of Nam Chorios
this was the term used by historians to refer to the defeat of Imperial Moff Getelles' forces at Nam
Chorios, by the combined might of the New Republic and the intelligence provided by former Imperial
Admiral Daala, several years after the Battle of Endor. (NEGC)
Battle of Nar Shaddaa
this battle was ordered by Moff Sarn Shild, who ordered that all smuggling in his sector be stopped. This
reneged on a series of rbibe and gifts he had received from the Hutts. Jabba and Jiliac, seeing the
damage an attack on Nar Shaddaa would do, used Han Solo to bribe Admiral Winstel Greelanx into
allowing the residents to win the battle. Greelanx had received a Base Delta Zero order from Shild for Nar
Shaddaa, and struggled to find a way to throw the battle. When he finally came up with a plan, Greelanx
then received a communique from Excomm commanding him to lose the battle. So, the tables were set
for a battle of Imperial might versus a rag-tag fleet of smugglers and thieves trained on short notice by
Han Solo, Mako Spince, and Lando Calrissian. They mustered every snub-fighter and freighter they could
in an effort to make a stand against Greelanx's fleet. Their plan involved throwing a group of ships against
the Imperials, hoping to break into their picket lines while giving the impression that the smugglers' forces
were spent. A second group remained out of sight, ready to pounce on the Imperial fleet from behind. The
two groups were supplemented by Drea Renthal's pirate fleet as well as a series of images projected by
Xaverri. The battle started badly for the smugglers when a pair of ships jumped the gun before the
counterattack could be launched. Despite the loss of two ships, the smugglers quickly gained the upper
hand when the Imperial forces became over-confident. The appearance of Xaverri's illusory fleet caught
the Imperials offf-guard, and allowed the smugglers to take out several Imperial warships. The battle was
ended when the Peacekeeper plummeted into Nar Shaddaa's planetary shield, eliminating one of the key
Imperial ships. The remaining ships were unable to exploit the hole in the moon's shield, and Greelanx
ordered a retreat. The entire populace of Nar Shaddaa suffered some form of loss or injury, as did most
of the Hutt kajidics. Only Besadii seemed to come out unscathed, a point which Jabba the Hutt used
against them when they began raising prices of processed spice. (THG, RD)
Battle of N'zoth
this was the final battle of the Black Fleet Crisis, in which the New Republic implemented Operation
Strong Hand against the Yevetha. The Republic's ships, aided by a false fleet generated by Wailu and
Akanah, took the upper hand against the Yevethan fleet near N'zoth. This cut off much of the coordination
with other Yevethan warships in the Koornacht Cluster. The Yevethan warships were severely beaten by
the Republic's ships, due mainly to the data gathered at the Battle of ILC-905 and the success of the

Thunderhead. Then, Sil Sorannan and his Camp Pa'aal Squadron stole a large piece of the Yevethan
fleet and retook it in the name of the Empire. This left the Yevetha without a central fleet and without a
leader, for Nil Spaar was stranded in hyperspace by Sorannan. The remaining Yevethan ships were
quickly defeated, and the Republic survived the Black Fleet Crisis. (TT)
Battle of Onderon
this was the name used by historians to describe the struggle between the ancient Jedi Knights and the
Sith warriors who controlled the planet Onderon, during the Great Sith War. The Sith Lords ordered the
Mandalorians to descend on Onderon. Mandalore agreed to the mission, and attacked Iziz. However, his
forces were overcome Onderon during a pass of the Dxun moon, and fled to the moon for refuge.
Battle of Oovo IV
this was one of the many skirmishes that took place during the Galactic Civil War. It was during this battle
that Imperial commanders were made aware of the fact that the Alliance was using stolen or captured
Imperial warships against them. (NEGV)
Battle of Ord Biniir
this struggle was actually two battles, both of which took place during the Galactic Civil War. In the weeks
leading up to the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance's Y-Wings managed to defeat the 223rd Imperial Fighter
Group and take the planet Ord Biniir from Imperial control. (Note that this is most likely the battle that is
referenced in the opening crawl of Star Wars: A New Hope.) Shortly afterward, on the very day of the
Battle of Yavin, the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing managed to destroy the Alliance forces over Ord Biniir
and retake the planet. (MBF)
Battle of Ord Torrenze
the Old Republic was involved in this struggle, which was brought on when an invading force blockaded
the planet of Ord Torrenze. The inhabitants of the planet were unable to fight back, and the invaders
mercilessly pummeled the planet's surface with turbolaser fire. In an amazing action of bravery and skill,
the crew of the corvette Freedom's Messenger led an Old Republic assault team into the blockade, all
guns firing in an effort to clear an evacuation route for the unarmed transports stranded on Ord Torrenze
and laden with refugees. Although the Freedom's Messenger suffered a power core breach and was left
for dead, its efforts saved the lives of millions of beings. (DARK)
Battle of Orinda
this struggle for control of the small planet Orinda occurred some nine years after the Battle of Endor,
when Imperial Admiral Pellaeon decided that the Imperial Remnant needed to re-assert its power. Within
a few weeks, Pellaeon and his forces had captured Orinda and six neighboring systems before the New
Republic could react. The Republic sent Wedge Antilles and the Lusankya to Orinda, but the meager
Republic fleet was no match for the Imperials. The Super-class Star Destroyer Reaper destroyed the fleet
carrier Endurance and most of the Lusankya's starfighters before Antilles withdrew. Orinda remained in
Imperial hands for many years afterward, until Pellaeon was defeated and signed a peace treaty with the
New Republic's Chief of State, Ponc Gavrisom. (ECH)
Battle of Phaeda
this was the name given to the conflict in which the New Republic liberated the planet Phaeda from
Imperial control. It was at this battle that New Republic forces were able to capture the Lusankya from
Ysanne Isard. (HCE)
Battle of Pin Faan
it was during this battle, in which the Empire was victorious, that Captain Beri Tulon learned how to use
the Battlefield Holographic Control Interface to group his troops into more effective units. (FC)
Battle of Raquish
this bloody conflict occurred on the planet Ando, during the height of the Old Republic. Like many such
battles which took the lives of thousands upon thousands of Aqualish, it was blamed on the
demilitarization forced on the planet Ando by the Old Republic. The battle was finally ended when both

sides agreed to sign the Treaty of Raquish, which forbade either side to launch any sort of attack against
the civilian population of either side. (HNN4, SWI67)
Battle of Raxus Prime
this was the name given by historians to the struggle between Count Dooku and the forces of the Jedi
Knights, and their attempts to secure the Force Harvester from Raxus Prime. The Jedi were forced to
bombard Dooku's compound and destroy his facilities to ensure that the Force Harvester was never
found. (RS, J1)
Battle of Reecee
this was the name given to one of the two short battles between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan
Vong, which took place just prior to the Battle of Coruscant. While the New Republic's military thought
that the Yuuzhan Vong would attack Coruscant from Bilbringi, they had actually been massing a force in
the nebual surrounding the Black Bantha. When they discovered that only a token defense force was
staged at Reecee, the Yuuzhan Vong moved in to subjugate the planet for their own use as a staging
location. The battle would have ended with the Yuuzhan Vong in control of Reecee if Republic forces at
Borleias hadn't arrived to augment the meager defense force. This combined force managed to destroy
the Yuuzhan Vong ships in the Black Bantha, reducing the Coruscant attack for almost in half. (NJOSB)
Battle of Ruusan
this struggle took place roughly 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, during the latter stages of the
Great Sith War. It was a prime example of the Old Republic's ability to pacify a recalcitrant group which
disregarded the Republic's authority. In a series of seven titantic battles, the Jedi Knights - led by Lord
Hoth and the Army of Light - defeated Lord Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness five times. The Sith
forces were decimated, and Lord Kaan and his followers created a thought bomb as a last-ditch effort to
destroy the Jedi. In the resulting explosion, every single warrior on Ruusan was obliterated except one.
That lone survivor was the Sith Lord, Darth Bane. (SWI57, SON, ECH)
Battle of Selaggis
this was the penultimate conflict between the forces of Imperial Warlord Zsinj and the New Republic fleet
led by Han Solo and the Mon Remonda. It was precipitated by a series of events, the first of which was
Lara Notsil's defection from Wraith Squadron. She volunteered to join Zsinj's forces, but actually was
acting alone to bring the warlord down. She commandeered the use of the Iron Fist's MSE-6 droid fleet,
and set up systematic failures of the huge warship's computer, engine, and shield systems. After planting
the notion with Zsinj that the New Republic would try to take control of Vahaba - a star system within
Zsinj's control - she then began her internal attack. Meanwhile, she had also alerted the Republic of
Zsinj's move to Vahaba, and Han Solo had dropped a good portion of his fleet there. He was also
supported by the Interdictor cruiser Stellar Web, on loan from Imperial Admiral Rogriss, who was also
chasing Zsinj. Solo's fleet nearly caught Zsinj at Vahaba, but they managed to escape into hyperspace.
However, Lara had removed any reference to the nearby Selaggis star system, so the Iron Fist and her
fleet were dragged out of hyperspace before they had gone more than eight light-years. Solo pursued and
caught Zsinj at Selaggis Six, and the battle became a sluggin match. Zsinj was able to call in
reinforcements, since the Chains of Justice and a third of his fleet hadn't been able to jump from Vahaba
with the rest. Zsinj felt that the tide had turned until Solo's reinforcements arrived from Halmad. The
Republic fleet pounded Zsinj, and the warlord was forced to use his last-ditch effort. Employing a mock-up
starship known as the Second Death, as well as a "tunnel" created with orbital nightcloaking satellites,
Zsinj fled with the Iron Fist into the tunnel as the Second Death was exploded nearby. When Solo's forces
sifted through the wreckage, all they found was evidence which supported the destruction of the Iron Fist.
Battle of Sernpidal
this was the name used by historians to describe the New Republic's brief attempt to keep the planet
Sernpidal from falling to the Yuuzhan Vong. The outcome of the battle was something of a forgone
conclusion, since the Yuuzhan Vong had already infiltrated Sernpidal's government and installed a huge
dovin basal in the heart of Sernpidal City. Thus, the battle became a struggle to extract as many refugees
as possible from the planet's surface before Dobido smashed into it. Among the dead was the Wookiee
Chewbacca, who died so that his partner, Han Solo, could escape the destruction with a hold full of

refugees. (NJOSB, VP)

Battle of Shindra's Veil
this was one of the climactic battles fought by Shey Tapani, during the unification of the planets in Tapani
Sector some 6,000 years before the Battle of Endor. It was fought by starships within the area of nebular
gas known as Shindra's Veil. During the Battle, Shey Tapani destroyed the forces of the Rogue Houses,
thereby eliminating any opposition to the unification. (TSIA)
Battle of Singing Mountain
this was the climactic struggle in the battle for control of the planet Dathomir. Warlord Zsinj had controlled
the planet for several years, stripping the moon Koratas of ores for use in producing durasteel. When the
New Republic discovered Dathomir, and after Luke Skywalker discovered the ways in which the women
of the planet used spells to control the Force, a complex struggled evolved. The Nightsister clan decided
it was time to destroy the Singing Mountain clan, while the New Republic launched a final assault against
Zsinj. The Battle of Singing Mountain saw the Singing Mountain clan finally defeat the Nightsisters, shortly
after Gethzerion and her closest advisors were killed while trying to escape the planet. As the Singing
Mountain sisters were victorious, so was the New Republic. Zsinj was finally destroyed in a battle over
Dathomir. (CTD)
Battle of Skorrupon
this battle took place during the early years of the New Order, when the Inquisitors of the Empire began
hunting down the Jedi Knights and any other Force-sensitive individuals they could find. On Skorrupon,
High Inquisitor Volytar discovered the presence of Sia-Lan Wezz during his attempt to subjugate the
planet's population. In a fierce battle, Volytar eventually defeated the Jedi in combat, and claimed
Skorrupon for himself and the Empire. (GCG)
Battle of Sluis Van
following the Battle of Endor, the Imperial Navy was scattered to the distant parts of the galaxy. The New
Republic regained a great deal of galactic territory, reducing the Empire to a quarter of its former size. In
these small sectors of the galaxy, various Imperial factions vied to supremacy. Grand Admiral Thrawn
resurfaced in the Empire about 2 years after the Battle of Endor, and quickly gained control of the Empire
and its Navy. He implemented a plan which involved a series of hit-and-run attacks on various planets in
remote parts of the New Republic, at the edge of the Sluis sector. He then stole 51 mole miners from
Lando Calrissian's Nomad City mining operation. The New Republic, still trying to adjust to the rapid
growth of its holdings, was stretched thin trying to repair the damage Thrawn had done while trying to
determine his next move. He then recovered the cloaking device that Emperor Palpatine had been
creating. It was at this point, with New Republic forces spread out, that Thrawn made his first stab at the
Republic. He put the disguised freighter Nartissteu into port at Sluis Van Central. Inside the freighter,
hiddened by a new cloaking device Thrawn's engineers had created, were squadrons of TIE Fighters. He
then positioned a number of Imperial ships just outside Sluis Van's influence, and had them emerge from
hyperspace at a specified time. This coincided with the launch of the TIE Fighters from the freighter's
hold. The main objective of the attack was to eliminate one of the New Republic's major shipyards, while
stealing as many of the Republic's warships as possible for use in the growing Imperial Navy. This was
where Thrawn used the stolen mole miners. He manned them with Imperial spacetroopers, who would
bore holes into the hulls of Republic capital ships. The crews would be killed when the atmosphere was
sucked into the vacuum of space. The spacetroopers, fully geared for the lifeless vacuum, then could gain
control of the ships. However, due to the timely arrival of Wedge Antilles's Rogue Squadron, as well as
the arrival of Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, and some other New Republic warships, the
attack at Sluis Van was negated. Han and Lando used the mole miners' remote control circuits to send
startup commands to the small ships, causing them to fire their plasma jets. This then fried the captured
ships' command circuits, rendering the control of these ships inoperable. Neither side was able to claim
complete victory. While the Imperials were able to infiltrate the shipyards, they were quickly driven off
before any more damage could be done. The Republic, on the other hand, survived its first major threat
from the remnants of the Empire, but lost many ships due to the frying of their circuits. (HTTE)
Battle of Storinal
this struggle for control of the planet Storinal pitted the New Republic warship Rebel Dream against the

Imperial Star Destroyer Peremptory. The New Republic's forces were no match for the tactics of the
Imperials, however, and Storinal remained under Imperial control. To make the situation worse, the Rebel
Dream was captured by Imperial forces, and her crew was imprisoned. (ECH)
Battle of Taanab
it was during this battle that Lando gained recognition for his daring escapades. He had been passing
Taanab and had stopped to refuel when a Norulackian pirate raid damaged his ship. While the
Taanabians were helping Lando repair his ship, they also told of their plight against the pirates. When one
of the natives bet Lando he couldn't beat the pirates, he took them up, and his amazing pilot's skill helped
him destroy much of the pirate fleet and foil any subsequent raids. An interesting footnote to this battle is
the popular rumor that Calrissian didn't actually save the Taanab farmers himself. An underground legend
states that Calrissian was dating Ta-Mara and De-Hoff Greenley at the time, and was caught cheating on
both sisters with the daughter of Senator Krystal of Malastare. Tag Greenley, who actually defeated the
Norulac pirates, provided Lando with the alibi of being on Taanab, saving the gambler from the wrath of
his sisters. (ROTJ, SWJ5, TBAD)
Battle of Tantive V
this battle pitted the forces of the fledgling New Republic against Admiral Gaen Drommel and his small
fleet of ships. The Republic destroyed two of Drommel's three Imperial Star Destroyers, and captured the
third ship, the Wolf's Claw. Drommel's flagship, the Guardian, took heavy damage, but managed to flee
the battle. Drommel is believed to have survived the battle. (WBC)
Battle of the North
this was one of many minor struggles in the civil war between the Daan and the Melida, during which both
sides fought for control of the city of Zehava. The Melida were generally regarded as the victors in the
battle. (DOD)
Battle of the Plains
this minor struggle in the civil war waged between the Daan and the Melida was initiated by the Daan, in
retaliation for the Melida victory in the Battle of the North nearly one hundred years earlier. (DOD)
Battle of the Rood
an battle that was part of the conflict that resulted from the Imperial invasion of the Renatasian System,
the Battle of the Rood was a minor skirmish in which Kenow and Klyn Shanga fought as boys. (LCF)
Battle of Thovinack
the forces of the Alliance suffered a setback against the Empire in the battle, shortly before the Battle of
Yavin. (SWJ11)
Battle of Thyferra
this battle marked the end of the Bacta War, shortly after the Battle of Endor. Rogue Squadron had been
waging the war on its own, having resigned its commissioned with the New Republic in order to
personally avenge the deaths of many squadron members at the hands of Ysanne Isard. The Rogues
managed to capture not only the Avarice but also the Virulence, the former being renamed the Freedom
and leading the attack on Thyferra. Several smaller freighters and transports also lent a hand on the side
of the Rogues. The Freedom bombarded the Lusankya - the primary ship guarding Thyferra - with proton
torpedoes, destroying its shields and leaving it defenseless in the opening act of the battle. Rogue
Squadron added its own torpedoes, and then strafed the Lusankya with blaster fire. The newly
recommissioned war cruiser Valiant then joined in, raining lethal firepower on the huge Star Destroyer.
Meanwhile, on the surface of Thyferra, Iella Wessiri and Elscol Loro had led a team of infiltrators to join
up with the Zaltin and Ashern factions, and worked to destroy the Xucphra resources on the planet. They
also managed to intercept Fliry Vorru as he tried to flee, and brought him to Coruscant to stand trial. In
space over the planet, the Lusankya began to destroy the smaller ships in the Rogue Squadron fleet,
hoping to take them out of the fight while making her own repairs. Then, Captain Drysso opened fire on
the Freedom, crippling the smaller Star Destroyer. The Freedom managed to get in some shots of her
own, effectively taking out the larger ship's shields and leaving ti defenseless. It was at this time that
Ysanne Isard commanded the Lusankya to cover the escape of her personal shuttle, Thyfonian, before

both were lost in the battle. Captain Drysso disobeyed the order when the Virulence reappeared, thinking
that he finally had the reinforcements he needed to win the battle. However, the Virulence was now under
the command of Booster Terrik, and it contained several New Republic fighter squadrons, including Ace
Squadron. Led by Pash Cracken, Ace Squadron redoubled the assault on the Lusankya, and began
taking sections of the ship out with their strafing runs. Drysso threatened to ram the ship into Thyferra, but
he was executed by Lieutenant Waroen, who then surrendered the ship and her crew to Rogue
Squadron. The battle ended when Ysanne Isard, fleeing the shuttle Thyfonian, was shot down by Tycho
Celchu and Corran Horn. It was later revealed that Isard had been remotely controlling the shuttle, and
survived the battle. (BW, IR)
Battle of Ton-Falk
a battle which took place early in the Galactic Civil War, in which the Alliance was able to destroy two
Imperial Nebulon-B frigates and a Dreadnaught. This was accomplished because these two ships had to
drop their compliments of TIE Fighters very near to the battle, since the TIE Fighters lack hyperdrives.
The Alliance starfighters ganged up on the larger, slower ships, and destroyed them. This defeat led the
Empire to develop Escort Carriers. (TIE, ISB)
Battle of Tralus
this was the name given to the battle which was started between the Imperial Grand Admirals Josef
Grunger and Danetta Pitta, during their attempt to take control of the Corellian Sector. Pitta had installed
himself as the protector of the sector by bribing the Corellian diktat, but Grunger wanted Corellia for
himself. In a battle over the planet Tralus, Grunger rammed his Star Destroyer Aggressor into Pitta's own
torpedo sphere, destroying both ships and killing all aboard. (SWI66)
Battle of Turkana
during the early years of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire tried to destroy the hopes of the Alliance by
eliminating a fleet which had been massing near Turkana. An Imperial Star Destroyer ambushed the main
fleet of Alliance Mon Calamari cruisers in orbit around the planet, taking the Alliance forces by surprise.
The Alliance, however, successfully repelled the ambush due to the Imperial knowledge of Admiral
Ackabr and the introduction of the X-Wing starfighter. (NEGC)
Battle of Tynna
following in the heels of the subjugation of Gyndine by the Yuuzhan Vong, this battle saw the New
Republic again powerless to stop the advance of the aliens. In the end, Tynna was taken to lend
credence to the rumors planted by the Yuuzhan Vong that Corellia and Bothawui were the next targets for
invasion. At the Tanallay Surge Complex, the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed a vicious bioweapon into the
water supply. In almost no time, the cold blue waters of Tynna were rendered lifeless and toxic. The plan
was to spread the New Republic's forces thin in an effort to protect both worlds. In reality, the Yuuzhan
Vong struck at Fondor, wiping out much of the starship production facility there. Tynna, however, was
ressurected by the Yuuzhan Vong as a factory world from which the Yuuzhan Vong could produce their
bio-technology. (JE, GMR8)
Battle of Vnas
this Galactic Civil War battle raged near the planet Duro, and the Y-Wing starfighter played a prominent
role in its outcome. The Alliance had been trying to free the planet Duro from Imperial control, but they
were badly beaten. (EGV, EGP)
Battle of Yag'Dhul
shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong captured Coruscant and took control of the galaxy for a short time, Nom
Anor infiltrated the ranks of the Givin and planned to subjugate the Yag'Dhul System for use as a staging
area from which to attack the Core. These plans were nearly thwarted when Corran Horn, Anakin Solo,
and Tahiri Veila obtained control of the Stalking Moon and got inside the Yag'Dhul defenses. Eventually,
though, the Yuuzhan Vong defeated the Givin resistance and took control of the system. It was during this
battle that Nom Anor refused to face Anakin Solo in battle, an event witnessed by the Yuuzhan Vong
warriors who had accompanied him. Their control of the system was short-lived, however, as the
Yuuzhan Vong simply stopped there attack and departed the system. New Republic forces eventually
defeated any alien ships that remained behind and recaptured the planet. Nom Anor, fearful of returning

to Supreme Overlord Shimrra and being exposed as a coward, killed all the warriors who had been with
him on Yag'Dhul. (NJOSB)
Battle of Yavin
this Alliance starship was a stolen Imperial customs frigate. It was used by New Republic intelligence
operatives working from Black Curs Base. They were forced to land the frigate on Hensara III, when the
frigate was intercepted by the Imperial Strike-class cruiser Havoc. The operatives eventually sank the
frigate in a deep lake to avoid detection, but lacked the equipment to get it out and make it flyable. (XWN)
Battle of Ylesia, Second
this battle occurred many months after the Battle of Coruscant, as the forces of the New Republic began
to regroup and attack remote portions of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force. Launching from a secret base
near Kashyyyk, Admiral Traest Kre'fey had been leading the Ralroost and her fleet on a series of strikes
against Yuuzhan Vong targets. Jacen Solo suggested that the fleet attack Ylesia and capture the Ylesian
Senate, thereby smashing the Peace Brigade and bringing it members to public trials. The goal was to
make it plainly obvious to all citizens of the New Republic what would happen if more beings stood
against the Jedi Knights and the effort to win the war. The opening rounds of the battle went well for the
Republic, since the Peace Brigade's fighter pilots were less experienced that the Republic's new recruits.
After Thrackan Sal-Solo and renegade Senator Pwoe were captured, victory seemed at hand. However,
the Yuuzhan Vong Commander Maal Lah had forces both on the ground and in space near Ylesia, and
waited for the Republic to begin retrieving its forces before launching his own retaliation. General Tigran
Jamiro's forces were pinned down by Maal Lah's ground teams, until Jagged Fel and the pilots of Twin
Suns Squadron smashed the Yuuzhan Vong. This allowed the Republic's ground forces to escape, and
left Maal Lah with a badly damaged leg. As the opposing fleets moved into position, a second Yuuzhan
Vong fleet maneuvered to cut off the Republic's forces. Jacen Solo managed to discover its presence,
and Admiral Kre'fey's ships fired on the second Yuuzhan Vong fleet before it could deploy a single
coralskipper. This allowed the New Republic ships to flee Ylesia nearly intact, leaving the Yuuzhan Vong
fleets behind. (Y)
Battle of Yuuzhan'tar
this was the Yuuzhan Vong name for the Battle of Coruscant, in which the alien invaders wrestled control
of Coruscant from the New Republic. Many Yuuzhan Vong believed that the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar was to
have been the decisive engagement that broke the will of the New Republic, but instead it only served to
rally the Republic against the alien invaders. (DW)
Battle Plan Coruscant
this was the codename used by the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah for the invaders' plans to
take Coruscant from the New Republic. While two arms of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion fleet struck across
the Mid Rim and began moving toward the Core Worlds near Fondor and Duro, a third launched a feint
attack near Bilbringi before bypassing the shipyards entirely and heading straight to Coruscant. The alien
warships hid within the OboRin comet cloud, and entered the system virtually undetected. Only the
intelligence gathered by Han and Leia Organa Solo at Reecee allowed the New Republic to anticipate the
eventual attack. While the Yuuzhan Vong ships were moved into position, an entire army of alien warriors
- protected by ooglith masquers - infiltrated all levels of Coruscant society. When the attack was
launched, the first wave of ships would decimate the Republic's Navy, in preparation for the second wave
of ships to utterly destroy the defenses and take control. The warriors on the ground managed to subvert
virtually every ground-based military operation, neutralizing key Republic assets. (SBS)
Battle Wagon
created by the Ewok Ephram Warrick and rebuilt by Wicket Wystri Warrick, the battle wagon was a huge
battering ram set upon four huge wheels. Mounted on the top of the machine was a bantha skull. King
Gorneesh of the Duloks tried to steal the battle wagon in an effort to defeat the Ewoks, but Wicket and his
friend Malani managed to escape the Duloks. Just before escaping, Wicket pulled a special lever on the
battle wagon, setting of a kind of self-destruct mechanism and destroying the battle wagon. (ECAR)
Battle Wagon Mark I
this military vehicle, produced by the Otoh Gunga Defense league, was a combination cargo carrier and

catapult. It measured eigth meters in length, and had to be pulled into battle by a Gungan soldier
commanding a kaadu. The cargo section was filled with energy balls, or boomas, which were launched at
an enemy emplacement via the catapult. The battle wagon moved about on several pairs of wheels, in
order to minimize the bumps and jolts of moving over irregular terrain. (SON, TCG8)
Battle Wagon Mark II
produced by the Otoh Gunga Defense League, this vehicle was the same as the Mark I battle wagon, but
without the cargo section. The Mark II still required a Gungan soldier and a kaadu to drag it into battle
position. (SON)
Battlefield Holographic Control Interface
developed by the Empire early in the era of the New Order, the BHCI was designed to help commanding
officers of ground forces monitor and direct their troops in hostile arenas. By placing cameras in the
helmets of Imperial troops, and by linking the various audio and video feeds from these troops to a single
system, the BHCI allowed an officer to have an unlimited array of views of the battlefield. This gave the
officer a wealth of information that would have been unavailable from a command position on the front
lines. (FC)
this is the essentially the flight recorder installed on every starfighter produced in recent times. The
battlerom collects data primarily on the ship it's installed in, but can also gather information on fleet
strengths and enemy tactics. The battleroms can then be reviewed after the battle to help learn new
tactics and point out flaws or weaknesses in a pilot's flying. (IR)
this scruffy-looking forger was known around Argovas City as a man who gambled once too often, every
night of the week. He was usually in debt, although his forgeries often commanded a top price. It was
Battz who helped an Alliance strike team infiltrate the Imperial sensor net complex on Argovia. (IA)
this is a small Rodian avian often used in magician's acts. (THG)
Baudo-class Yacht
an organic-shaped starship, the Baudo-class is similar to a broad-bladed dagger in shape. The twin
engine pods form a short hilt, and its downward-curving wings make up the hand guard. They also soften
the triangular main hull and lend the organic look. They measure 32 meters in length. It is powered by a
pair of ion engines. The Baudo-class required a single pilot to operate, and could transport up to eight
passengers and 35 metric tons of cargo. The base model was armed with a turret-mounted laser cannon.
Baung Squad
this was one of the groups of Imperial swamp troopers which attacked the Alliance base on Taul. They
were attached to the Victory-class Star Destroyer Dominator. (SWJ1)
this ancient corporation produced a wide range of medical packages for personal use, during the era of
the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
Bavar Breathing Systems
this small corporation produced a variety of breathing masks and other survival apparatus during the
height of the New Order. (SWJ15)
Bavion, Jith
this man was a famed explorer who maintained a small collection of neeks as pets. Jith also used the
neeks as an alarm system, noting their behavior whenever they were placed into unexplored territory.

this Charda-Fan was considered one of the galaxy's foremost experts on torture, during the last decades
of the Old Republic. It was rumored that Bavo and Merick once broke a Zabrak subject with their
techniques. Note that this character is also referred to as Bravo. (T7)
Bavo Six
this truth serum was developed decades before the battle of Yavin, but was one of the primary sera used
by the Empire in its IT-0 interrogation droids. It was usually administered with a greatly-enlarged needle,
to increase the fear of the prison and make the serum work better and faster. It was a compound of regvis
and bospridium, with trace elements in the composition R7Bo3Kr2. It induced paranoia and visual
exaggeration, causing the victim to become afraid of everything. (CFG, CCG, JFOS)
Bavos-I Military Space Platform
developed by Rendili StarDrive, this 1,300-wide space station was developed for use by the Empire. A
crew of 600 was required to maintain it, along with 200 gunners. The Bavos-I station was armed with fifty
medium turbolaser cannons, fifty anti-starfighter turbolaser cannons, and a turret-mounted bank of
concussion missile launchers. It could accommodate up to 100 stormtroopers and 100 additional
personnel, and could carry up to 50 metric tons of cargo. Despite its firepower, the Bavos-I was not selfsufficient because of its small cargo storage area. This required that the station receive regular supply
convoys in order to remain active. (FOP)
Bavos-II Military Space Platform
based on the Bavos-I platform developed by Rendili StarDrive, this 2,500-wide space station was
developed for use by the Empire. A crew of 1,600 was required to maintain it, along with 400 gunners.
The Bavos-II station was armed with 100 medium turbolaser cannons, 100 anti-starfighter turbolaser
cannons, and three turret-mounted banks of concussion missile launchers. It could accommodate up to
150 stormtroopers and 150 additional personnel, and could carry up to 300 metric tons of cargo. This
huge increase in cargo space helped make up for the deficiencies of the Bavos-I station. (FOP)
this man served the Old Republic as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the early stages
of the Clone Wars. He won support for the posting of a considerable bounty for the discovery and return
of Separatist equipment, which proved invaluable in the discovery of the crawl-carrier development facility
on Dagro. (SWI77)
this planet was located on the Nothoiin Corridor trade route, in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy. The
Nothoiin race colonized the moss-covered world during their early exploration of the Anoat Sector. The
moss that dominated the landscape was used by the Nothoiin to create a foul-smelled brew known as
Bavva Ale. (WOA33)
Bavva Ale
this wretched brew was fermented aboard the Happy Failure, in a still formed from the innards of an
Incom N21-3 power converter. The original recipe came from the planet Bavva, in the Anoat Sector of the
galaxy, where it was brewed from fermented moss. (GG2, WOA33)
this Gungan horn was named for the intense, basso sound it made when blown. (E1A10)
this man was a native of Lesvol, on Prishardia. He was one of many locals who actually believed Ghitsa
Dogder was a Jedi Knight. He was forced to abide by her decision after he tried to sell a woman barren
groat, which he claimed was viable. Ghits agreed to mediate their dispute. (TFNR)
this alien species was distinguished by their tapered ears and leathery, membranous, three-lobed wings.
Their hands have three large, jointed talons for fingers, and their feet have a large toe and a pair of

talons. Both their hands and feet are capable of grasping objects. (E1A1)
Bay of Eeronon
this long, narrow inlet of the Meela Ocean was surmounted by the city of Talerakia, on the planet Aram.
Bay of Fflus
this coastal bay was located on the Beija Minor Sea, on the eastern coast of Beija, on Neftali. (BSS)
Bay of Sypon
this inlet of the Nomers Ocean, located on the planet Brosi, was bordered by the Shoengen Coast. (AIR)
Bay Point
an Imperial Nebulon-B2 frigate used to transport prisoners during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this Ansionian was a member of the Borokii overclan, during the years leading up to the Cloine Wars. It
was Bayaar who first discovered the team of Jedi Knights - Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli, with
their Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barris Offee - as they traveled in search of the Borokii. Bayaar led
them to the clan's leadership, but made no guarantees about their cooperation with the Jedi. Despite their
differences, Bayaar found that he liked and trusted the offworlders, and was not happy when the
Highborn of the Borokii ordered the Jedi to obtain the white ruff fur of an albino surepp in order to prove
their worth. He was quite happy when Luminara managed to obtain the fur, and was equally upset when
she was injured in the attempt. However, he was more than pleased to lead a covert "honor guard" to
accompany the Jedi back to Cuipernam to deliver their treaty. This team - made from Borokii and Januul
warriors - arrived just in time to save the Jedi from an ambush which had been planned by Soergg the
Hutt. (APS)
this species of tree is native to the planet Datar, and had twisted green limbs. (E1A5)
Baylagon Technical Institute
this minor school was an avenue of education for those individuals who failed to meet the entry criteria for
the Academy. (SWJ8)
this man was a noted computer slicer, as well as a respected computer repair technician, working in the
Core Worlds during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. He was connected to the computer
networks of his time by a BioTech AJ^6 cyborg construct, although he used his own brain to do much of
his work. His postings to the HoloNet revealed that Baylan wanted each individual being to have complete
control of their own destiny, and not be forced to submit to some corporate demand. He also maintained
that the Galactic Senate was full of "bloated, self-important bureaucrats who couldn't find their own
planets from orbit", and that the Old Republic was fooling itself to rely on the Jedi Knights to protect it. To
this end, much of his work was considered criminal in nature by those in power. Baylan developed a
series of seemingly-innocent datapads, which were loaded with sophisticated software that could crack
into computer security systems with relative ease. These datapads could be found throughout the galaxy,
if you knew the right people, although Baylan himself managed to avoid being taken into custody. To
most people working with computers, Baylan was best-known for his slicing ability. He spent much of his
time trying to destroy the corporate mindset that business success should be paramount to individual
achievement. To this end, all software he developed had several backdoors which Baylan could use to
gain access to corporate networks and create chaos. Much of this slicing involved sabotage of financial
systems, rerouting credits from corporate coffers into the hands of workers. (EOS, LFCW)
Baylin Cluster
this star system was established by the Corellian explorers who discovered the Goroth Syste, many
millennia before the Galactic Civil War. It was located fourteen hours from the Goroth System by
hyperspace, and was the nearest neighbor to Goroth Prime. (GSE)

Bayonet-class Light Cruiser

developed by Sienar Fleet Systems, this 200-meter cruiser was developed during the early years of the
New Order. It was quickly outdated, but saw extended use in the Outer Rim Territories. It was crewed by
120 officers and 30 gunners, and was armed with eight heavy turbolasers, six laser cannons, and a pair
of tractor beams. It could transport up to 48 troops and 3,500 metric tons of cargo. (PG3)
Bayou Buffet
this restaurant was located in SkyCenter Galleria, on Cloud City, near the swamp environment chamber.
Bayrd, Cambion
this man served as Trigdale Metallurgy's Director of Operations on Goroth Prime, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. An obese man with a florid face, he was known as "Goodtime Cambie" to many people
within Trigdale and without. His almost buffoonish behavior contributed to the nickname, but belied a
sharp mind and devious mentality. Bayrd gained his position through backstabbing and character
assassination, and it was known that many of his peers - and some of his superiors - feared for their
corporate lives in his presence. (GSE)
this Imperial Sergeant led a squad of Imperial stormtroopers, under the command of Captain Alima,
during the search for R2-D2 and C-3PO on Tatooine, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (JKG2)
this was the Snivvian word for "thanks." (HNN5)
a trade world. (GMH)
this Ithorian herdship contained the city of Isttu, and was dispatched to move through the Outer Rim
between the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine. It was similar to most every Ithorian herd
ship, being a huge, flattened ball which was designed to mimic the natural Ithorian jungles in a spaceworthy vessel. The Bazaar was most famous for its vast markets and villages. (GA, GMR4)
Bazaar Deck
located on the luxury liner, the Kuari Princess, the Bazaar Deck is home to a wide variety of shops and
restaurants that cater to the ship's various alien passengers. Everything from clothing to souvenirs can be
found there. (RM)
Bazak's Gang
this was the name of the pirate organization commanded by Lekk Bazak, and which worked for Eelien
Kirat on the outer edges of Brak Sector. Theor base was located on a planet which had been abandoned
by the Lant Mining Corporation. (FBS)
this was an immense space station targetted by the Alliance as a location where they could strike back at
the Empire, in the wake of the Battle of Hoth. The interior of the Bazarre was refitted to form an open-air
market where all manner of goods and services were bought, sold, and traded. It was located in the Mosu
System during much of the New Order, although it could move about whenever necessary. (LTA5,
WOA26, MC58)
Bazda wahota
this Huttese threat translated roughly into Basic as "You won't walk away." (E1A14)
this was the Snivvian word for "refresher." (HNN5)

this Dug was the leader of one of Malastare's largest crime families during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. He was a regular guest of Sebolto, as the two Dugs worked together in their endeavors.
One of the other Dug crimelords, Bog'Ruhx, issued a bounty for Bazurkah's capture after Bazurkah
insulted the Ruhx clan. Bog'Ruhx later extended this bounty to several members of Bazurkah's family,
which prompted Bazurkah to issue a bounty for Bog'Ruhx's capture. Jango Fett managed to capture both
Bazurkah and Bog'Ruhx shortly after the Battle of Naboom, when he was on Malastare to infiltrate
Sebolto's operation. (BH)
Bazzel Crimewatch Association
this organization was formed to help protect the citizens of Queo City, during the height of the New Order.
this large, floating combat droid was developed during the early years of the New Order. The main body
of the droid resembled a truncated cone, on top of which was mounted a blaster cannon. Hanging from
the droid's undersection was a huge grasping arm, equipped with a heavy-duty claw for grasping large
victims. (BTRKS29)
this in-system shuttle was designed and built by BullbaBong, as both a transport and passenger ship,
during the last years of the Old Republic. (WOTC)
produced on Yag'Dhul by Galvronos Givin Interchanges, Limited, this emergency vacuum sealing system
resembled a circular control pad. If a starship's hull was ever breached while in sapce, the BBS-909 could
be applied over the hole to protect the ship's passengers. Tiny micro-molecular griplocks keep the disk in
place, while micro-organisms implanted in the disk are activated by an electric discharge. Once activated,
the organisms formed a biological seal around the hull breach, multiplying until a retardant was applied as
soon as the ship landed. (GFT)
Bburru Station
this was the largest of the twenty orbital cities which surrounded the planet Duro. It was known for its
wondrous arboretums, which contained many unique and endangered species of plantlife. For many
generations, Bburru also served as the capital city of the planet Duro. Leia Organa-Solo discovered that
the managers of Bburru had been working with CorDuro Shipping to divert supplies which were destined
for the refugees on Duro's surface. During the Battle of Duro, however, Bburru was destroyed by the
Yuuzhan Vong, along with eighteen other of the orbital cities. (BP, GMR2, SWI63, CCW)
this Merr-Sonn blaster carbine, which could also be equipped with a rocket-grenade launcher, was
produced during the height of the Clone Wars. (SHPT)
this large corporation produced a variety of communications equipment for use by scouts, military, and
paramilitary personnel. (ROE)
BD-1 Cutter
this SoroSuub vibro-ax is powered by an ultrasonic generator in its shaft. The crescent-shaped blade was
slung just below the main shaft. Jabba the Hutt supplied BD-1's to his guards. (CCG7)
this was the New Republic ship's registry number of the Bakuran destroyer Defender. (CTD)
this is the model number of a Corellian Engineering Corporation barge driver. The BD-27 was the
predecessor to the Action-class series of medium freighters, and defined the basic shape of that

transport. A command and crew area was set forward of the engine section, connected by a thin conduit.
The entire ship can be connected to a cargo module capable of carrying 75,000 metric tons. The BD-27
measured 100 meters in length, and its automated systems required a only a pilot and co-pilot to operate.
The automation often broke down, and required extensive maintenance. This ship had minimal shields
and no armament. The BD-27, despite the flexibility of the removable cargo pod, was quickly replaced by
larger bulk freighters, and was relegated to use in small operations. (SWJ9)
this was the New Republic ship's registry number of the Bakuran destroyer Sentinel. (CTD)
an alien race which held membership in the New Republic. (SOL)
this Akwin was one of the many scouts which kept meticulous track of the humans which inhabited the
planet Lazerian IV, allowing the Akwin to completely understand their neighbors. He made frequent
expeditions to Lazeria City. (TSK)
this was the term used by the Gorothite people to describe a single member of their race. It was based on
the term B'Dellyi, which translated into Basic as "The People." (GSE)
this was a large creature native to the planet Goroth Prime. (GSE)
this was the term used by the Gorothite people to describe themselves. It translated into Basic as "The
People," and was used as B'Del in the singular form. (GSE)
this was a specific model of the BDG-series assassin droid. (LOE)
BDG-series Droid
this series of bodyguard droids was produced by Lanthe Artifice, for use in Tapani Sector. These droids
were extremely loyal to their owners, and downloaded all available information on their owners upon
activation. The armor-plated BDG-series was humanoid in stature, and ws equipped with an AA-1
verbobrain and a retractable heavy stun pistol. (LOE)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "metalsmith" in the Sullustan language.
this Theran Listener was part of the troop which adopted Callista. A thin, middle-aged man, Be' was able
to control the Force enough to communicate with the Spook crystals. He served as a point man for his
troop, communing with the crystals to determine Newcomer movements against gun emplacements that
defended the world from intruders. (POT)
Beach of Stars
this novel, written by Kia Konnik, won the Galaxis Award shortly after the Battle of Geonosis. (MBS)
Beach Snail
this large, slow-moving snail was native to the ocean shores of Alderaan. (MCI3)
Beak-wing Fighter
see Nantex-class Territorial Defense Starfighter (Geonosian Fighter) (IWE2)
Beal, Cjaalysce

this daughter of Leniel Beal, this regal Lady was deeply in love with Iann Doaba before he first took the
Long Walk. When she learned of his disappearance, Cjaalysce went into the desert to search for him. Her
body was found a few weeks later, wrapped around Iann's clothing and his lightsaber. Her body was
burned in a ceremonial funeral, and her ashes scattered in the desert. Rumor had it that, beneath her
dessicated corpse was the indelible shadow of Iann's body. The shadow, essentially Iann's remaining
spirit, followed a portrait of Cjallysce around as long as the portrait survived. Benoni Ulte eventually came
to possess the portait, and claimed to have seen Iann's shadow many times. (BSS)
Beal, Leniel
this Corellian Commander was generally considered the man responsible for the colonization of Socorro,
some 3,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (BSS)
Beam Drill
a mining tool which used directed, plasma energy to cut through rock and other materials. The intensity of
the plasma beam could be varied, depending on the material to be cut through. These devices came in a
variety of shapes and sizes, from portable units to heavy-duty units mounted on repulsor-platforms. (HSL,
Beam Gem
this special stone is used in optical systems to focus or disperse a beam of light. Beam gems are used
extensively in starship navigational computers to direct the flow of data over fiber optic channels. These
gems come in a variety of sizes, designated by number. Small numbers represent small gems. (CFG)
Beam tube
an early form of a laser rifle, the beam-tube was a long-barreled weapon which fired an energy projectile
at a target. The weapon was often powered by a generator that is worn on the user's back. (HSL)
Beamis, Keth
this man was a talent scout working in the Six Local Systems during the height of the New Order. He was
also a recruiting agent and information broker working for the Alliance's Intelligence division on Beltrix III.
Easily distinguished by his aristocratic good looks, Beamis wore drooping mustaches and blond hair
drawn up on a thick ponytail. As part of his cover, Beamis worked for the Holstrum Talent Agency on
Beltrix. During his attempt to meet with Ryley Ancum and collect information about an Imperial shipment
of heavy metals, Beamis' cover was broken and he was captured. Beamis and Ancum spent the night in a
jail, but only Ancum walked out free afterward. Beamis was killed during the interrogation, although
Imperial records indicated that the took his own life by consuming an affide crystal. (GMR6)
this New Republic K-wing bomber pilot was killed during the unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319,
during the Yevethan Purge. (SOL)
Bear Clan
this was the name given to a group of youthful Jedi trainees, learning about the Force in the Jedi Temple
on Coruscant during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. At that time, the Bear Clan was being
taught by Master Yoda himself. Like other such groups, the Bear Clan was made up of children of varying
species between the ages of four and eight standard years. They trained in these groups until they were
thirteen years old, at which time they were either chosen by a Jedi Master as a Padawan learner or given
other duties outside the Jedi Order. When Master Yoda left Coruscant to command the clone troopers at
the Battle of Geonosis, the Bear Clan's training was given over to Depa Billaba. (VD2, SWDB)
Bear Spider
this 1.5-meter long creature resembles a long, thin bear. It lacks hair, but is covered with hair-like chitin,
and a web-spinning orifice is similar to a spider's. They are nocturnal predators, weaving their webs and
then sleeping while other creatures are awake. When the bear spider reawakens, it kills and consumes
any creatures caught in its web. (TSK)
Bearer, The

according to the ancient Sharu legends, the Bearer will be accompanied by the Emissary when it it time
for the Mindharp to be activated, when it is time for the Sharu to emerge from hiding. The Bearer is
described in the legends as a dark-skinned space pilot who seems to have a great deal of luck and skill.
When Rokur Gepta heard this, he sent Osuno Whett to the Oseon System to look for a pilot who fit this
description. Whett chose Lando Calrissian as his first candidate, and Lando eventually fulfilled the
purpose of the Bearer, releasing the Mindharp for use. (LCM)
Bearing Lifter
this Gallofree Yards medium transport saw extensive duty for the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.
this being claimed to be the First Steward within the Geroon Remnant, during the years leading up to the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Bearsh was part of a group which mit up with the Chiss expedition
that was searching for the remains of the Outbound Flight Project near Crustai. He arrived at Crustai to
tell the Chiss - as well as Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker - that the Geroon had come
to honor the Jedi Knights who once freed the Geroon from slavery at the hands of the Vagaari. Bearsh
was delighted when Aristocra Formbi agreed to provide the Geroon with star charts and other
astronomical data, to give the Geroon a chance to locate a new world on which to settle. When the Chiss
records failed to produce a suitable world, Bearsh asked Luke Skywalker to petition the New Republic for
assistance. Later, when Outbound Flight was discovered on a planetoid in the Redoubt, Bearsh and three
of his Gerron attendants were part of the team to make first contact. Only Estosh was left behind,
ostensibly due to an injury. It was while aboard the remains of the ship that Mara Jade Skywalker realized
Bearsh's earlier transmissions were recorded, and that his explanation of why the Geroons were on the
mission was probably a lie. Mara never got a chance to tell the others, because Bearsh and his fellow
Geroons set their own plans in motion. Releasing their wolvkils during a meeting with the Managing
Council, Bearsh and his comrades quickly killed the Chiss warriors in their group, then forced Uliar, Dean
Jinzler, Aristocra Formbi, and their people into a corner. Bearsh explained that they were all to be killed,
with only the method to be determined. It was then that Uliar recognized that Bearsh and his companions
were, in actuality, Vagaari. Bearsh, a General among the Vagaari, was acting on orders from Supreme
Commander Estosh during the mission. The Vagaari had hidden some 300 soldiers aboard their ship, all
in suspended animation so that their lifesigns were undetectable by sensors. When they reached the
ships of Outbound Flight, they soldiers were reanimated and sent into battle. Bearsh himself tried to
eliminate Luke and Mara, but their skills with the Force were more than Bearsh anticipated. As his pirates
died in combat around him, Bearsh fled deeper into the ship, and eventually reached the D-Four
Dreadnaught just before Estosh and his forces stole the ship. Unfortunately, Bearsh was leading the
defense force aboard the Dreadnaught when Luke and Mara intercepted it on the way to the Brask Oto
Command Station. Bearsh was shot and killed in the firefight. (SQ)
an ancient Tetan chairman. (DLS)
Beast Jedi
this was a phrase used to describe the ancient Jedi Master Thon. (PJSB)
Beast Lords
the title of the leads of Onderon's outcast society, each Beast Lord rules over a clan of warriors. (TOJ)
Beast Masters
the name given to the civilization on Onderon that developed from the outcasts from the great walled city.
Beast Moon
this was an ancient name used for the moon Dxun, referring to its deadly fauna. (GMR3)
Beast Riders
those members of the Beastmasters who have been trained to fly the Dxun beasts in battle. (TOJ)

Beast Wars of Onderon

a series of battles that spanned nearly 350 years prior to the first Old Republic contact with Onderon. The
battles were foguth between the citizens of the city of Iziz and its outcasts, the Beast Masters. Iziz
managed to survive because of its superior technology and its link to the Dark Side of the Force. The
ancient Jedi Knights, under the direction of Arca Jeth and the command of Ulic Qel-Droma, interceded
and brought the wars to an end. (TOJ)
Beastlord's Hunt
this coming-of-age ritual was performed by the young men and women of the A'Mar, and was held
whenever the time of The Vigil was near. The Hunt involved a group of young people setting out to locate
and kill the Brachian Beastlord, a gundark of incredible strength and cunning. No help could be provided
to the participants by the other A'Mar, ensuring that the young people coul dmake their own decisions and
mature naturally. (WOA31)
Beastwarden's Shield
this was one of the five traditional Geonosian weapons that made up the petranaki array. The shield was
made from a bronze disk that would normally have been considered a defensive tool, but a series of
sharp spikes along its outer edge made it a formidable weapon as well. Many Geonosians flung the
beastwarden's shield with a spinning motion, an action which often led to severe lacerations to their
opponent. (GORW)
this Klatooinan mercenary once worked as an employee of Thar Lasan, until the Gotal's untimely death.
He then went to work for Ploovo Two-for-One, and served as Ploovo's primary lieutenant and enforcer.
He headed the group known as the Protocol Team, which provided the violent element to Ploovo's
operations. (AIR)
this huge Yuuzhan Vong bio-creation was developed to batter down the buildings, warehouses, and
protective bunkers created by the New Republic. A Beater was followed by a Biter, which literally
consumed the rubble and turned it into a waste product that could be consumed by other creatures and
turned into energy. The Beater resembled a huge, segmented snake. Each segment was protected by
pale, armor-like skin. The Beater flailed its body about to cause the majority of destruction, but could also
use its tiny front legs to cuase minor damage. (BP)
this Alliance Commander was in command of the frigate V'nnuk'rk, and was Fable Astin's commanding
officer. A young woman, Beatonn's was prematurely grey from the stress of command. (SWJ8)
this planet was the site of a New Republic penal colony. (SOP)
the Yevethan name of one of the stolen Black Sword warships. The Beauty was a Corellian CR90
Corvette, originally used by Nil Spaar to scout the Koornacht Cluster. (BTS)
Beauty of Yevetha
one of the many Imperial starships captured by the Yevetha and converted for their own use, this corvette
was destroyed during the New Republic's attempt to blockade the Koornacht Cluster. Rone Taggar
sacrificed himself and his X-wing, after being captured by the Beauty of Yevetha's tractor beams. He set
the starfighter's self-destruct sequence to explode as the ship was drawn into a hangar bay. All hands
were lost in the resulting explosion. (SOL)
Bebo, Kevreb
this crazy old man wandered the streets of D'vouran's primary city, rambling on about people
disappearing at the hands of invisible monsters. The one-time Captain of the Misanthrope, he was the
only survivor and was blamed for the ship's crash onto D'vouran. This seemed to snap his mind, although

he knew that there was something wrong with the planet. He found the underground laboratory where
Borborygmus Gog had kept his work hidden, and Bebo managed to acquire a small pendant which was
actually a tiny shield generator. This kept him immune from the hunger of the planet. He found a
sympathetic ear in the form of Tash Arranda, and he gave her the pendant shortly before he was killed by
one of Smada's Gank killers. (GOF1)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "blade"
or "defender". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. It was an ancient name among the Duros,
meaning "free thinker" or "wanderer". (GCG)
Beck, Argee
this man was a noted financial reporter and analyst, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Much
of his career was focused on the business dealings of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. (HNN4)
this Romin worked as a security officer at the Teda Landing Platform during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Outwardly loyal to Roy Teda, Becka was actually a member of Joylin's underground
resistance movement. When Obi-Wan Kenobi - acting in the guise of the master thief Slam - broke into
Teda's office to steal information for Joylin, Becka was there to help him escape the guard droids and
security officers who converged on his location. (JQ8)
this man was the Alliance's Commander-in-Chief of the Trax Sector forces, shortly after the Battle of
Yavin. He ordered the disruption of the Imperial collection of foodstuffs on Draenell's Point, in an effort to
stall the construction of the Bissillirus Resupply Base. (GMK)
this dark-skinned man was a member of the Alliance, and was imprisoned on Balis-Baurgh just before
Junas Turner and Grael were held there. (SWJ1)
Beckon Call
a device used as a remote control for a starship. (HTTE)
Beckoning Call Starr 3
Han Solo described this planet as having a reputation for beautiful native women. (JHS)
this immense, aquatic parasite evolved on the planet Nam Priax, but has been spread to several other
worlds over the history of the galaxy. Resembling a extremely large, elongated leech, a beck-tori was
distinguished by its huge mouth. The mouth was surrounded by a mass of thick spines, which were used
to grasp prey and begin to grind it up before passing into the throat. Like most parasites, the beck-tori
latches onto a host, using its mouth spines to grasp and tear at the host's flesh. Once buried inside the
host, the beck-tori begins to deposit its larvae, which grow by consuming the host from the inside out.
While an adult beck-tori can exist out of the water, this is not their most unusual trait. All beck-tori had a
strong connection to the Force, and could actually use it to heal themselves. The Old Republic tried to
ensure that the beck-tori never made it off Nam Priax, but several infestations ddid occur on other
planets. Most notably, Mon Calamari suffered an outbreak of beck-tori, which took more than fifty years to
finally eradicate. (PJSB)
Becoming One with the Force
an ancient Jedi text written by the Master Trayos Toreggen. (TOJC)

this New Republic General was part of the braintrust which formed the defense plans for maintaining
control of Coruscant during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SBS)
this barren, rocky planet was the second world in the Caridan system. (PH)
this edible fungus grew in the potable water found on the planet Duro. A small pond could be overtaken
by bedjie in a matter of weeks, and the refugees who fled the Yuuzhan Vong discovered that they were
tasty and nutritious. (BP)
this was a common name among the Ortolan race. (UANT)
this Huttese verb translated into Basic as "to buy." (GMR5)
a fruit used to make delicious ice cream. (LCS)
this was the name of one of the two heads of the Troig Fodesinbeed, which served Jabba the Hutt as a
podracing announcer, during the last years of the Old Republic. Beed, along with his companion Fode,
called the Boonta Eve race which was won by nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker. Beed spoke primarily
Huttese, in deference to his master, Jabba. This served to compliment Fode, who spoke the universal
language of Basic. Beed was distinguished from Fode by its green skin coloration. Beed's voice was
provided by Scott Capurro for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, IG1, SWDB)
this Hutt crimelord ran his organization from a floating casino which traveled the galaxy during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. (WOA35)
Beeda Basin
this depression in the desert of Tatooine was located between Mos Espa and Arch Canyon. It was
popular among smugglers and other shady characters because there was a huge cavern located along a
dead-end passage at the bottom of the basin, which was only visible from one spot long the rim of the
basin. (TG)
a Rodian relative of Greedo's who went to work for Jabba the Hutt following Greedo's death. He was a
notorious syncophant, and was afraid of Jabba's wrath should he make a mistake. (ROTJ, CCG7)
Beedo's Wild Ride
this was one of several pro-circuit podraces run on the planet Ando Prime, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (RAC)
Beekly Grimlok
this Rodian considered himself one of the best "technological assassins" of the New Order. He never
referred to himself as a saboteur. A former employee of Kuat Drive yards, Grimlok became disgruntled
with the pro-human stance of KDY and its primary customer, the Empire. He was fired shortly after the
Battle of Hoth, and stole the plans to the orbital facilities and many starship design, which he later used to
exact his own form of revenge. He blew up starship drive systems, weapons systems, and space stations
as a way to lash out at his former employers. (CCW)
Beeli, Venslas
this noted pirate was one of the most feared pirates of the New Order. Little was known of his

background, but except that he first appeared as an out-of-work spacer in the Outer Rim Territories. After
gaining employment on a pirate ship, Beeli found his own calling: seizing other ships. He was famous for
his headlong rushes into a captured ship, blasters blazing as he quickly secured it for his group. When
the pirate group broke up, Beeli joined forces with several other pirates and formed the Solar Terrors.
They were hunted down by the Empire and Beeli quickly surrendered. He was approached by Vocis Kenit
and offered a deal: his life in return for service to the Empire. Beeli agreed to help Kenit by pretending to
be a privateer team hoping to join the Alliance. In this way, Kenit hoped the Solar Terrors would hunt
down the Far Orbit. To insure Beeli's cooperation, Kenit infected the Solar Terrors with Vira606, and
rationed out the serum as the pirates performed their roles. (FOP)
Beels Lebeleb
this was the name of a noted member of Nimbanese society. (UANT)
once known as The Holy Terror duing the time he spent fighting for the Alliance, Beelyard served under
Cody Sunn-Childe during the early days of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. When Sunn-Childe fled
the known galaxy, Beelyard went with him. Beelyard, distinguished by his immense body and thin,
needle-like fingers, became one of Sunn-Childe's strongest supporters. When Imperial Captain Plikk and
her small fleet tried to destroy the floating city Sunn-Childe had created, Beelyard and many others
supported Sunn-Childe's plan to fight violence without violence. Rather than destroying the Imperial fleet
to save their own lives, Beelyard and the others agreed to sacrifice their own lives to strand the Imperial
in between dimensions. Sunn-Childe allowed Plikk's ships to fire on and destroy the city, killing all its
inhabitants. While Beelyard was killed, the Imperials were left to ponder their own fate, trapped in a
location from which they could never escape. (MC46)
this Mon Calamari male served as a pilot in the Twin Suns Squadron, serving the New Republic in the
wake of the Battle of Coruscant. He was a former shuttle pilot who had experience in the rescue and
recovery of pilots who were forced to ejected from their starships during battle, and was part of the team
which rescued the refugees ejected into orbit around Borleias by the Yuuzan Vong. (EL2)
during the era of the Great Sith War, Beemon produced a number of cybernetic implants that provided
control of a being's reactions to stress and injury. By essentially rerouting the nervous system's impulses
from these stimuli, the implants allowed a user to withstand greater levels of exertion and physical
punishment. (KOTOR)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "learned scholar". (GCG)
Been L'toth
this Dornean was the son of Kiles L'toth, and eventually took his father place at the head of the
Astrographic Survey Institute when Kiles assumed command of the Fifth Fleet. Been and his teams were
charged with discovering the exact origins of the Yuuzhan Vong, and felt that they had to be extragalactic in origin. L'toth rejected the theory that the Vong had evolved in the Tingel Arm, citing the area's
proximity to the Corporate Sector and the Imperial Remnant, and pointing out that an advanced
civilization so close to those densely-populated areas would have been discovered years ago. (HT)
this was the Huttese word for the number eleven (11). Note, however, that the Huttese counting system
was based on a base-eight system. So, beeska indicated the number nine (9) in the Basic language.
Beetle Moth
an insect native to Yavin 4. (DK)

this Alliance Corporal was chosen as a member of Han Solo's ground team that assaulted the shield
generator of the second Death Star on Endor's Forest Moon. A slicer by trade, she was trained as a scout
by Brooks Carlson. Beezer specialized in the use of communications and sensors, and was
uncomfortable with General Solo's unorthodox techniques. (MTS, CCG10)
this was the Yuuzhan Vong name for the most ancient part of their history, before they began recording
their civilization's growth and development. (DW)
the Alliance won an early battle against the Empire on this planet. (GG12)
Beggar's Canyon
a great place to fly a skyhopper on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker refined his piloting skills there. Located in
the Jundland Wastes between the edge of the Northern Dune Sea and Ebe Crater Valley, Beggar's
Canyon was named for the hermits who lived there, before they were driven off by Jabba the Hutt.
Situated near Ben's Mesa, the canyon was formed from a series of smaller, interconnected canyons
which criss-cross the desert, including the Main Avenue, Dead Man's Turn, and the Eye of the Needle.
Before Luke and his friends used the canyon, it was part of the Mos Espa podracing course. (SW, SE,
Beggar's Solace
this Rendili-Surron Starlight tramp freighter had been impounded by the Empire when the pilot known as
Jin-Jin happened upon it. When the hyperdrive motivator started up suddenly, Jin-Jin was taken on a wild
ride through hyperspace. The ship was damaged during Jin-Jin's escape, but he managed to restore the
ship to operational status, and later used it as his primary smuggling vessel. It had room for four
passengers and up to fifty metric tons of cargo, and was armed with a proton torpedo launcher and a
turret-mounted double blaster cannon. (SWJ5)
Beginner's Luck
this starship was owned and operated by Pyrron Nox. (SWJ12)
this Toydarian baron once held an entire village on Ryloth in his control, demanding an annual payment
of ryll spice as payment for his "protection." When the village failed to pay on time, Begubb took the
village's smartest and most talented children as his personal servants. (E1A7)
this star was the central body in the Beheboth System, located in the Outer Rim Territories. (PH)
a backwater world with a limited water supply, Beheboth was located off the Hydian Way between Arbra
and Golrath. The fourth planet in the Beheboth System, Beheboth was the homeworld of the Tirrith race,
and was orbited by three moons. It was originally discovered and settled by Bothan colonists. Over the
centuries, the Bothans were eventually outnumbered by human colonists. These colonists were moisture
farmers who managed to eke out an existence in peace, and had little to do with the rest of the galaxy.
The planet's landmass was covered in dusty, alkaline deserts, and the heat created intense sandstorms
that carried salt and alkali into the air. These airborne chemicals, coupled with the planet's small
population, led to a number of minor mutations among the colonists. Luke Skywalker hoped to throw off
Imperial pursuit by landing on Beheboth, and fell into the struggle between the natives of Beheboth and
the brigands who were stealing the water and reselling it at a huge profit. When Longspar was defeated
by Luke Skywalker in combat, Darial Anglethorn was able to destroy the water-holding tanks, restoring
Beheboth's trapped water supply. Additionally, the native Tirrith seeded the atmosphere with their unusual
abilities, bringing rains to the desert for the first time in centuries. In a few short years, the mountainous
regions of the planet began turning green, as hardy plantlife took hold in the meager soil. (MC66, PH)

this was the designation of the Beheboth HoloNet node used by Nils and Haryette Davani, during the
height of the New Order. (PH)
one of three Imperial-class Star Destroyers under the command of Lumiya, following the Battle of Endor.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Behemoth was under the command of Admiral Bethrogg. (SWJ2,
this was the codename used by Nawara Ven and the New Republic for Kirtan Loor, after Loor
surrendered on Coruscant and agreed to testify on Tycho Celchu's behalf. (KT)
Behemoth From Below
this mystical creature was believed live beneath the mountains of Aduba-3. A large saurian, the
Behemoth was actually a creation of the Dark Jedi Seviss Vaa, who had planned to use it as the basis for
a great Sith Army. The creature was originally a native lizard, which had been been mutated by Vaa to
become enraged when it was in the presence of a Jedi lightsaber. Vaa was forced to put the Behemoth
into suspended animation when war broke out with the Old Republic, and his death at the Battle of
Ruusan left the Behemoth hidden below Aduba-3's surface for centuries. It was accidentally set free by a
villager form Onacra known only as the Old One, and local legends claimed that the Behemoth was
actually the protector of Onacra. Just after the Battle of Yavin, the Behemoth was called forth by Merri
Shen's grandfather, in an attempt to oust Serji-X Arrogantus from power. The Behemoth was unusual in
that it could fire a blast of coherent light from the crown of its skull, just like a huge blaster. When he failed
to control the beast, it began ravaging the countryside. Don-Wan Kihotay, along with Hedji and Han Solo,
eventually learned that it could only be destroyed by a blast of pure energy. They used Kihotay's
lightsaber as a conductor for the Behemoth's energy rays, focusing them on the creature itself and killing
it. (MC9, MC10, GMR4)
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Beheboth System. It was orbited by nine moons. (PH)
the New Republic's Senate Chairman during the Yevethan Great Purge, he also served as the chairman
of the Defense Council. Leia Organa-Solo was very close to him, and nicknamed him "Bennie." (BTS,
this was the Basic term used to describe the Gorothite tradition of K'Ji'Kur. (GSE)
this young B'omarr monk was assigned to be Hoole's escort during the time the Shi'ido worked for Jabba
the Hutt, translating ancient B'omarr scrolls to pay of a debt. He was quite jovial and animated for a
B'omarr, having been with the order for only a short time before Hoole arrived with his charges, Tash and
Zak Arranda. Beidlo's parents had been killed in a Tusken Raider attack, and the monks had taken him in
and provided for him. However, Beidlo was one of the victims of Jabba the Hutt's scheme to place
criminal brains into new bodies, allowing them to continue their ways without being recognized. Beidlo's
brain was removed and placed into a brain spider, while a criminal's brain was inserted into Beidlo's body.
When Hoole and Zak defeated Grimpen's plans, Beidlo decided to remain as a brain spider, since he had
one day hoped to become enlightened. (GOF7)
this was the name of the thin strip of land which connected the Jhunia snow plains to the Yiulimar Fjords,
on the planet Neftali. It walso separated the Beija Seas. (BSS)
Beija Major Sea
this was the larger of the two Beija Seas found on the planet Neftali. It covered nearly a quarter of

Neftali's surface, and was 10,000 kilometers across at its widest point. (BSS)
Beija Minor Sea
this was the smaller of the two Beija Seas found on the planet Neftali. It was only a third the size of the
Beija Major Sea. (BSS)
Beija Seas
this was the term used to describe the two oceans whic dominated the surface of the planet Neftali. The
larger of the two was known as Beija Major, and the smaller Beija Minor. They were separated by the thin
strip of land which connected the Jhunia snow plains to the Yiulimar Fjords. (BSS)
this was a holozine that profiled popular, wealthy, or interesting beings from across the galaxy, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. Many of the stories in Beings were considered puff and eye-candy, with
little real journalism behind them. (MJH)
this young man was a Prince of the Beju-Tallah dynasty some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo.
His mother Veda, the Queen of Gala, realized that the dynasty would not survive for long, as it had grown
corrupt and was held in contempt by many of the planet's people. She chose not to simply abdicate the
throne to Prince Beju, but opened up a general election to allow the people to choose her successor.
Prince Beju was one of the three candidates, although he hated his mother for her blocking of his
ascension. The Queen enlisted the aid of the Old Republic, who asked that two Jedi Knights be
dispatched to ensure fairness in the election. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to Gala, but
they were hijacked to Phindar by Paxxi Derida before they could get there. However, while on Phindar,
the Jedi learned that Beju was working to strike an alliance with the Syndicat. Beju had begun a false
bacta shortage on his planet, and needed additional funding to ensure he was elected to fill his mother's
place. He hoped to obtain more bacta and then return to Gala with it, in an effort to be recognized as a
hero. This would then give the Syndicat a chance to take control of Gala. However, on the day Beju was
to travel to Phindar to cement the alliance, Obi-Wan had been dumped on the planet Gala, supposedly
without memories, by the Syndicat. He used the Force to ward off the effects of the renewal process, and
managed to capture Beju's personal transport and the Prince himself. Obi-Wan then played the part of the
Prince when they landed on Phindar. This allowed Qui-Gon and the Derida brothers to rally the populace
of Phindar and expose the plans of the Syndicat, but not before Terra recognized Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan
quickly played the part of an imperious prince and avoided a confrontation. As Obi-Wan used his
impersonation of Beju to expose the Syndicat and bring it down, the real Beju escaped his bonds and
managed to regain control of his and return to Gala. Later, as the Jedi discovered that the elections in
Galu were being manipulated, Beju's position was tarnished by Lonnag Giba, who began taking matters
into his own hands, but under the guise of commands from Beju himself. Giba attempted to assassinate
Elan and arrested Queen Veda herself, all under the pretense that Beju was now in command. Beju, after
learning from Viso that he was not the true heir, exposed Giba as a traitor and threw his support to Wila
Prammi. Beju was selected to serve as one of Prammi's aides, in deference to his years of royal training.
Beju-Tallah Dynasty
see Tallah Dynasty (HP)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Obek clan. It was added to
the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Bek, Nizuc
a native of the planet Corulag, Bek was once a bouncer at the Mos Eisley Cantina. He and Wuher
became good friends, and Bek was eventually hired by Jabba the Hutt. His role was to protect visiting
celebrities who came to play for the crimelord's pleasure. Bek was known to partake of a little too much
juri juice when off duty. Note that Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy indicates that this character's
name was Nizuc Beck, and that the individual was humanoid, not human. (CCG7, IWST)

Bekam, Koril
this man served as a pilot in Blackmoon Squadron during the Battle of Coruscant, and was part of the
team which regrouped on Borleias shortly afterward. He was injured in the line of duty while defending
Borleias, and was eventually evacuated. General Wedge Antilles was forced to use Bekam's X-Wing in
order to escape Borleias. (EL2)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "tireless". (GCG)
Bekk Tunit
this famous podracer was killed in a crash. It was rumored that Watto obtained one of his gloves from the
crash site. (IWE1)
Tenel Ka's Randoni alias used when she and Luke Skywalker traveled to Borgo Prime. (SA)
Beksen, Nari
this woman worked for the Corsignis Property Alliance during the height of the Galactic Civil War. During
the blockades which prevented transports and supply ships from landing on Pinett, Nari served as the
official spokesperson for Deniv Corsignis. She was known for her gravelly voice and her stubborn
adherence to Corsignis' demands. (WOA25)
this was a common name used by the Klatooinan race. (UANT)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
Bel Att
this Iotran was a loyal and brutally efficient enforcer who worked for the Nalroni crimelord Sprax during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. After learning that the Yen-2 mining colony was refusing to pay its
protection money to Sprax, Bel Att hired Limna Yith and her mercenary band to help retake control of the
colony. They were successful in doing so, even destroying an Imperial force on the planetoid, before Yith
discovered the colony's computer records were full of information on Jatayus Outbound and its
connections to Black Sun. Bel Att was forced to stop her from stealing the computer data, but Limna Yith
was too fast for him. She slit his throat with a vibroblade before he could even reach his weapon. (SSR)
Bel Iblis, Arrianya
this woman, the daughter of a wealthy Core Worlds family, married Garm Bel Iblis. She was a staunch
supporter of Emperor Palpatine, and her unswerving loyalty to the Empire cut Garm to the core. They
often fought about the correctness of Palpatine's rule, and their two children were often caught in the
middle of their verbal wars. Arrianya and the children were killed at the Treitamma Political Center, when
an explosion meant to assassinate Garm destroyed the Center. (TFNR)
Bel Iblis, Garm
a legendary Corellian who sat on the Old Republic's Senate, Garm Bel Iblis was as charismatic as
Senator Palpatine, but not as devious. As Bel Iblis watched, Palaptine quickly took over the Senate and
the Old Republic. It was then-Senator Bel Iblis who announced that Corellia and the Corellian System
would close its borders to the Old Republic, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, in an effort to
avoid the turmoil surrounding the separtist movement of the day. He was quick to point out that Corellia
was not seceding, but rather going into a period of Contemplanys Hermi, which literally meant "meditative
solitude." When the New Order was established, Palpatine sought out Iblis on Anchoron and murdered
his family, although Iblis found a way to escape before they could kil him. He made contact with Bail
Organa and Mon Mothma, and was influential in organizing the Rebellion and creating the Corellian
Treaty. However, when Mon Mothma's charismatic personality began to take over the growing Alliance,
Bel Iblis felt she was becoming too strong, and left the Alliance to fight the Empire on his own. He led a

group of freedom fighters, striking against the Empire from a number of hidden bases. Among his
compatriots, he was known as the Commander. Bel Iblis continued to stab at the Empire following the
Battle of Endor, although he turned his attention to the New Republic. His prejudice against Mon Mothma
told him that she would soon make the Republic a dictatorship. Following a successful attack on a
Ubiqtorate base on Tangrene, Bel Iblis met up with Borsk Fey'lya, who set him up with a covert supply
line in hopes that he could sway Bel Iblis to rejoin the New Republic as one of his supporters. He was
later discovered by Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, and he was drawn into the New Republic. He
reluctantly decided to help the Republic recover the Katana fleet, and later made a peace with Mon
Mothma and joined the New Republic. This relationship failed when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the
galaxy, however, as Bel Iblis saw the same petty bickering and in-fighting that led to the fall of the Old
Republic. Rather than be caught up in the machinations of Borsk Fey'lya, Bel Iblis again resigned his
commission and set out on his own. He continued to command at the Republic's base on Fondor, but had
split from acting directly for the New Republic. He established a personal base on Talaan, from which he
commanded three distinct fleets. As before, Bel Iblis gathered to him a crack team of soldiers and
officers, and began attacking the Yuuzhan Vong from hidden locations. He was again convinced to rejoin
the Republic, this time by Luke Skywalker, and brought his fleets to Ebaq 9 as part of the Republic's
ambush of Yuuzhan Vong forces during the Battle of Ebaq. (DFR, DFRSB, HNN4, DW)
Bel Typolla, Reginna
known to her friends as Gina, this woman was a docking assistant at the Fabrillan starport during the
Galactic Civil War. Prior to this job, she served as a gunrunner during the Medepiest Uprising. After
returning to Malthor, she secretly worked for sleeper cell V-16, supplying starship cargo manifests and
registry datafiles on all ships passing through the starport to her contact, who was actually Berren Sid Te'.
Bel, Adol
this man was in charge of the Xucphra faction, on the planet Thyferra, during the years leading up to the
Stark Hyperspace Wars. He formed an alliance with Lord Hask, of the Trade Federation, and developed a
plan to starve the Old Republic of bacta in order to reap huge proftis. The plans of Hask and Adol Bel
were thwarted by the efforts of Iaco Stark, whose Commercial Combine began raiding the few bacta
convoys which were allowed to leave Thyferra and reselling the bacta at cheaper prices. Their plans were
further derailed by Jedi Master Tholme and his Padawan apprentice, Quinlan Vos, who were on Thyferra
to investigate the bacta shortage. (SHW)
Bel, Sinissima
this woman worked in Jugsmuk Station, on Gamorr, selling specialty items smuggled onto the planet.
Bela Hara
this Barabel was a hatchmate of Tesar Sebatyne and Krasov Hara, although the two females claimed that
they were twins but not sisters. One of the twins shared the same father as Tesar, but it was impossible to
tell which one. All three trained with the Wild Knights, under the tutelage of Tesar's mother, Master Saba
Sebatyne, before joining Luke Skywalker and his Jedi Knights during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. The three hatchmates shared a deep, jovial bond, and often shared a sissing kind of laughter at
one of their many in-jokes. The three students joined the Jedi strike team which was dispatched to Myrkr,
in an effort to locate and destroy the voxyn queen. Once aboard the worldship Baanu Rass, the Jedi
struggled mightily to reach the queen. During an ambush by the Yuuzhan Vong, Bela took an amphistaff
in the back from an alien warrior. The wound was severe, and Bela died almost immediately from the
injury. (SBS)
Bela Vistal
a mid-sized town about 200 kilometers from Coronet, on Corellia. (AC)
manufacturers of repulsorlift engines. (SS)
Belar Tasseva

this was a noted member of Chagrian history. (UANT)

Belaria Juice
this fruit beverage was favored by the Iotran race. (SSR)
Belarus-class Cruiser
one of the earliest starship designs approved by the New Republic, the Belarus-class saw limited
production. It was designed by Loronar from their popular Strike-class cruiser, and was a bit more efficient
in terms of its crew complement but much less adaptable in terms of modularity. Its single-design
construction made it cheap to produce. The weapons systems on the Belarus-class cruiser were
improved laterally, with 5 turbolaser cannons, 5 turbolaser batteries, 2 ion cannons, and 2 tractor beam
projectors on each flank, but the rear quarter was virtually defenseless. Five additional turbolaser
cannons, an ion cannon, and 4 tractor beam projectors protect the forward quarter, while only a pair of
tractor beam projectors are found at the rear. The Belarus-class measured 400 meters in length, was
equipped with a Class-2 hyperdrive, and required a crew of 1,753, with 125 gunners and room for up to
410 troops. (BTS, CTD)
this was the name used by the human natives of Belasco. Belascan women wore a trademark, bejeweled
headdress whenever they traveled. (DH)
this planet was a member of the Old Republic. It was a relatively wealthy world which was controlled by a
monarchy, but over time the government was changed to a democracy. Jenna Zan Arbor used the planet
and its government to help fund her experiements into the workings of the Force, seeding the planet's
oceans with a bacteria that she had engineered. She would come to the "rescue" of Belasco, only to
discover that the bacteria had come back seven years later. The Belascans accepted her explanation of a
recurring baceterial infection, and Zan Arbor made a great sum of credits by selling her "vaccine," which
actually caused the bacteria to grow faster until the population could not sustain itself. The bacteria then
went into a period of remissions before regaining strength again and requiring more of the "vaccine." The
bacteria was isolated by Tahl and the Jedi Knights on Coruscant, and a permanent solution was enacted.
Belassar System
Hutch once piloted Princess Leia Organa on an Alliance mission to this system, telling jokes the entire
trip. (JPL)
Belasstie, Kaernor
this man was known as a loner and a rebel who never used conventional wisdom in his daily life. He
arrived on the moon of Tilnes in an effort to make a living as a crystal miner, and decided to act on a
series of rumors which spoke of a deep chasm filled with easily harvested crystals. However, no one ever
returned from the site,and none of the miners would even think about launching an expedition to the
chasm. Kaernor, however, saw the opportunity to make himself wealthy, and decided to find the chasm
himself. Setting out on his own, since no one would help him, Kaernor hoped to bring back enough
crystals to prove the site wasn't cursed, then return with a larger crew. However, Kaernor never returned
from the chasm. His shuttle was never located. The chasm was later dubbed Kaernor's Smile, and the
story of Kaernor Belasstie was retold as "Kaernor's Story." (LFC)
this Jedi Knight was one of many who were stationed on the planet Dantooine during the Great Sith War.
this pleasure world was known for its highly temperate climate and ecosystem. Most visitors reported that
it was never too hot nor too cold on Belazura. Much of the planet was covered with vast, open plains.

this immense man was the Director of the Obroan Institute during the Black Fleet Crisis, when Joto
Eckels was exploring the planet Maltha Obex. He was once a prolific explorer, but retired from fieldwork
to run the Institute. He believed that archaeology and exploration should not be rushed, since the artifacts
that could be found had already waited several millennia. He was part of a faction of educators who felt
that the New Republic had basically abandoned Obroa-skai to the Yuuzhan Vong, after the planet was
destroyed in an unprovoked Yuuzhan Vong attack. He also blamed the Jedi Knights for the death of
Elegos A'Kla. After the New Republic Senate explained that there was no way they could have saved
Obroa-skai, bel-dar-Nolek threatened to enter into an alliance with the Yuuzhan Vong in order to recover
the data stolen or lost when Obroa-skai was devastated. . (TT, HT)
this planet welcome the Firrerreo refugees who fled Firrerre after the Empire destroyed the planet. (EGA)
Belden, Eppie
a strong-willed woman, the former Eppe Antruse was married to Bakuran senator Orn Belden, and was a
member of the Bakuran resistance to Imperial nationalization. Eppie was later known as a "circuitry
commando," using computers and electronics to assist in the sublimation of Imperial efforts. She was 132
standard years old at the time of the Battle of Endor, married to Orn for 101 of them, and suffering from
what Imperial doctors had described as a degenerative brain disorder. In reality, she accepted an Imperial
parasite that incapacitated her in exchange to her husband's protection. After Orn's death at the hands of
Imperial interrogators, Eppie struggled to help Luke Skywalker and the Alliance overthrow the Ssi-ruuk as
well as the Empire. Following the Battle of Bakura, the parasite in Eppie's brain was revealed and
removed, and she quickly regained strength. (TB, TBSB)
Belden, Orn
this enignmatic and controverisal Bakuran senator was 164 standard years old at the time of the Battle of
Endor, and was living with his second prosthetic heart. Shortly after the Empire nationalized Bakura, Orn
began supporting the Alliance and its plans to overturn the Empire. Imperial Governor Wilek Nereus
wanted to eliminate Orn, but the Senator's public position prohibited any direct action. Instead, Nereus
modified the taxation system to virtually impoverish Orn and his wife of 101 years, Eppie. After Eppie was
caught during an anti-Imperial demonstration, Nereus forced her to be implanted with a parasite that
damaged her brain, rendering her virtually senseless. Orn was forced to spend most of his free time
tending to her needs. After the Battle of Endor and the arrival of the Alliance on Bakura, Nereus had Orn
arrested for collaborating with Leia Organa. He died during an interrogation session, although the
Imperials blamed it on the Alliance team and Luke Skywalker. (TB, TBSB)
Belden, Roviden
this young man, the son of Bakuran Senator Orn Belden, was killed in one of the Imperial purges on
Bakura. (TB)
this planet, located in the same star system as Kulthis, was chosen by the Separatists as a remote hiding
place during the height of the Clone Wars. General Grievous was placed in charge of removing the
leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems to Belderone, to protect them from being captured
and interrogated by the Old Republic. However, word of the transfer leaked out to the Republic, and a
task force led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker scored a resounding victory over the Separatist
forces at Belderone. Years later, Belderone was the site of an Imperial laboratory, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. The natives of Belderone pledged their support to the Empire, and disliked their
rebellious brethren on Kulthis. (LTA1, MCA3, ROF)
this alien race was once native to the planet Belderone. They were known to have been the enemies of
the Firrerreo, until the Belderonians sold information on the Firrerreo to the Yuuzhan Vong, shortly after
the Battle of Coruscant. After the Yuuzhan Vong wiped out the Firrerreo civlization, they set about
destroying the Belderonians. (FH1)

a huge, floating creature that inhabits the lower atmosphere of the planet Bespin, the beldon is a
balloonlike gasbag that consumes the materials that swirl around the outer, molten layers of Bespin's
core. Occasionally, the beldons will rise into the upper atmosphere, feeding on the aerial algae and
plankton by dropping thin tentacles into the clouds. There are a number of gas prospectors who claim that
the beldon gives off tibanna gas as a by-product of digesting rethin, metals and other elements. This was
proven only after the Empire's garrison on Cloud City was eliminated in the wake of the Battle of Endor.
The management of Cloud City, therfore, made it illegal to hunt beldons. Another unique characteristic of
the beldon is that it is surrounded by a low-power electrical field. This field appears to have no purpose,
but may have allowed the beldon to sense the approach of danger. (GG2, ISU, WSW, ANT)
Beldonna, Liiria
this woman founded Beldonna's Legion, and led them by example. A Corellian by birth, she learned to fire
most every kind of weapon and fight in most every style by the time she was twenty-one. She formed the
Legion shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and brooked no misconduct from her mercenaries. (SPG)
Beldonna's League
this group of freelance mercenaries was formed by Liitia Beldonna and was hired by Gilad Halsek, the
Imperial Consul-general of Kothlis, to help maintain peace during the Galactic Civil War. Over time, the
League became soft and complacent, and willingly took bribes to overlook certain crimes. (PSG)
Beldon's Eye
this sculpture rests in the very center of Cloud City. Formed from two circular curves which wrap around
each other, the sculpture was an artistic representation of the eye of the beldon. It was the symbol of the
Cloud City Miner's Guild. (CCG5)
this large Hutt once trained as a Jedi Knight, during the Old Republic. Like all Hutts, his ego often
preceeded him, and he prefered to be called Beldorion the Splendid or Beldorion of the Ruby Eyes. He
had a strong affinity for the Force (a trait not often found in Hutts), but had no real control. He claimed he
was sent to the planet Nam Chorios with Taselda, as part of a mission requested by their Jedi Masters to
investigate the planet's connection to the Force. However, it was believed that they went to Nam Chorios
hoping to obtain additional strength in the Force. He was drawn to the planet by its unusually high
concentration of the Force, and found himself vying for the control of the small settlement there with
Taselda. Beldorion's limitations were obviated by his inability to form his own lightsaber, so he attempted
to steal Taselda's in an effort to obtain complete control. He failed at this, but had captured the interest of
Dzym. The huge droch used Beldorion much as he had Taselda, gathering strength from his limited
control of the Force. In this way, Beldorion surplanted Taselda as the leader of the settlement. This
arrangement lasted until Dzym took control of Seti Ashgad and put the human in Beldorion's place. The
Hutt continued to live on Nam Chorios, never escaping from Dzym's ultimate power. It was Beldorion who
bargained with Dymurra for the use of several Loronar synthdroids as part of Dzym's plans to take control
of the galaxy. Beldorion briefly enslaved Callista, when she tried to discover the Force on the planet, but
she escaped him and fled to the mountains. He and Ashgad had a well-publicized struggle for control,
which lasted until Dzym forced Ashgad to capture Leia Organa-Solo. Beldorion tried to control Leia's
untapped potential for the Force, in an effort to take Taselda's lightsaber and defeat Ashgad. In this effort,
Beldorion managed to recover the lightsaber. He intercepted Leia and Luke Skywalker as they tried to
repair a ship and take off after Dzym and Seti Ashgad, and became engaged in lightsaber combat with
Leia. Leia, having trained with Callista, managed to defeat the Hutt, slicing him open and mortally
wounding him. (POT, WOTC)
Beledeen II
one of several ships sent by the New Republic to accompany Garm Bel Iblis, Booster Terrik, and the
Errant Venture to Yaga Minor, in an attempt to steal a copy of the Caamas Document. (VOF)
Belek tiu
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase was used to express an apology or ask for persmission. It was often
accompanied by a gesture in which the Yuuzhan Vong slaps both hands to the opposite shoulders. (VP)

Belezaboth Ourn
this Paqwe, who carried the title "Extraordinary Consul of the Paqwepori," was a spy working on
Coruscant for Nil Spaar. Ourn's job was to monitor the progress of the Fifth Battle Group, reporting its
missions to Spaar. Ourn was the owner of the starship Mother's Valkyrie, which was purposely destroyed
during the liftoff of the Aramadia. Ourn was able to relay information about the mission to take control of
the Koornacht Cluster, which resulted in Spaar capturing Han Solo. However, when the role of the
Valkyrie was discovered by Ilar Paqwe, the entire crew was reprimanded and reduced in social standing.
Ourn himself had his appointment as Extraordinary Consul revoked by Ilar Paqwe. Rather than return
home to humiliation and disgrace, he turned himself in to Leia Organa-Solo and the New Republic. He
provided the device which was given to him to communicate with Spaar, allowing the Republic's
communications experts to discover Yevethan plans for the Koornacht Cluster and the galaxy in general.
this urban area was the only city on the planet Belgaroth. (CCW)
Belgar Spaceport
this was the name of the only civilian spaceport found on the planet Belgaroth. (CCW)
this was the term used to describe anything that could be found on the planet Belgaroth, including the
human population. (CCW)
this planet was located in the Core Worlds, and was the fourth planet in the Belgaroth System. Located
on the edge of the Core, Belgaroth was a rugged world which was dominated by mountain ranges and
rocky tors. Two large oceans of mustard-brown water broke up the landmass, and a single city - Belgar provided homes for the planet's inhabitants. The planet's inhabitants were known as Belgarians, as was
just about everything else on the planet. Seasons were defined by how wet or cold they were, and very
few beings ever traveled to Belgaroth without a good reason. It was first settled some 600 years before
the Battle of Naboo, and was named for Belgar Overlord and Roth Skimm, the two explorers who
discovered it. When the Empire took control of the galaxy, Belgaroth was chosen as a tesing ground for
new weaponry, and its moons, Tregan and Tyrel, bore the brunt of manmy long-range weapons. (WOTC,
this Trunsk was the Emperor of the planet Trunska during the height of the New Order. (SWJ13)
meaning "contented", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "nimble" in the Sullustan language.
this star was the central body in the Belial System, and the primary sun for the planet Serphidi. (MC64)
this small port town, located on the moon Pinett, was the site of one of the moon's two spaceports.
Belia's Bosom
a smuggling ship referred to by Drub McKumb. (COJ)

this was a group of beings who emerged in the Cularin System, during the years following the Battle of
Naboo. The Believers, whose existence was discounted by the Jedi Knights at the Almas Academy, were
dedicated to the study and practice of the Dark Side of the Force. As the troubling events in the Cularin
System played out, more and more of the Jedi in the system began to turn toward the Dark Side and join
the Believers, making the rumors of their existence more of a fact. (LFCW)
this woman, a native of the planet Tatooine, was rumored to have been one of Wedge Antilles' early
girlfriends. (MC78)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "gentle" or "caring". (GCG)
this Gallofree medium transport was used by the Alliance to transport bacta during the Galactic Civil War.
this planet, located in the Outer Rim's Dalonbian sector, was the site of the ExGal-4 outpost shortly before
the start of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. This was the first planet on the Yuuzhan Vong Vector Prime, and
was destroyed in order to draw attention away from the Yuuzhan Vong base on Helska. The planet was,
at one time, dominated by dalloralla tree jungles, and was a beautiful wilderness at the edge of the
galaxy. Yomin Carr unleashed a colony of dweebits on the planet, which quickly multiplied and affected
the plantlife on the planet, rendered the planet's atmosphere a stormy, toxic soup which killed all life.
However, just two months after the initial invasion, Belkadan seemed to return to a normal life. Plants and
animals were discovered by New Republic scouts, although Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo discovered
that the lifeforms were actually Yuuzhan Vong biological constructs tended by weakened slaves. The
native plantlife had been overtaken by dense, green vines that provided nutrients and energy to the
growing yorik coral. (VP, DTO)
Belkadan Beetle
this was the term used by New Republic scientists to describe the strange insect used by the Yuuzhan
Vong to destroy the ecosystem of the planet Belkadan. (HT)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Bell was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
The exact origin of this surname was unknown. (GCG)
Bell, Areta
this red-haired woman, a native of the planet Corellia, was a member of the Alliance's Navy. She
captained the transport ship Dutyfree during the evacuation of Echo Base, in the midst of the Battle of
Hoth. After rising through the ranks, she was given the rank of Admiral by the New Republic, and
commanded the Victory-II class Star Destroyer Swift Liberty. (IR)
this is the largest moon orbiting the planet Zelos II. Zelosian superstitions about the moons that orbit the
planet has kept them unexplored. (PG2)
a plant native to the planet Endor. (AT)

another name for a door being. (LCF)

this island city, located on Lir Lakr of the planet Alderaan, was known as a center of art and culture during
the height of the Old Republic. (SWJ11)
this Imperial-I class Star Destroyer was under the command of Captain Aban during the early years of the
New Republic. It was Bellicose that served as the command ship during Thrawn's Taanab Operation. It
was later sent to attack Ando, to draw New Republic ships away from Ukio. (DFR, TLC)
this Imperial Star Destroyer was under the command of Admiral Kermen, during the years following the
Battle of Endor. Kermen stationed the Belligerent in orbit around Kaal, hoping to take control of the planet
for the Imperial remnants. (SWJ7)
Bellis IV
a planet located in Demetras Sector. (GG10)
this strudy mammal, native to the colder regions of the planet Null, was domesticated by the native tribes
for use as a pack animal, as well as for transportation. (LOJ)
Bellorian Ale
a malted, alcoholic beverage fermented in Elrood Sector. (OE)
Bellorin Medical Academy
this was the most prominent school of medicine on Seitia Prime, during the height of the New Order.
a Selonian verb meaning "speak." (AS)
Bellsfar, Leo
this man was the King of the Phosphura Belt Pirates during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ5)
this woman was known as one of Port Town's best forgers. She learned from one of Cloud City's most
well-known forgers, and inherited the business when he passed away. She ran Bellum's Keys & Copies
with a strong hand, despite her quiet demeanor. Her expertise in breaking locks helped a group of
Alliance agents discover X0-X1's location and disable the droid. However, she was shot and killed by
6FT-DP before she could successfully locate X0-X1. (CCC)
Bellum's Keys & Copies
located in Port Town, on Bespin's Cloud City, this locksmith could open any lock of break into any security
system. The owner, a woman named Bellum, was also one of Cloud City's best forgers. (CCC)
this is the homeworld of the Khil race. (GG12)
Belnar Sector Force
this was the primary military force of the Khil people, and protected their home system from outside
invasion. (AIR)
this frigid ball of ice was the ninth world in the Derilyn System. Its orbit was greatly affected by the
proximity of Serrata, and it actually orbited inside Serrata's path for part of its year. (PG3)

this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Belos, Sulen
this young Corellian woman was once a girlfriend of Dael Levare, after Bria Tharen broke up with him.
a planet which was a member of the New Republic. (BTS)
the capital city of the planet Adarlon. (SWJ5)
Belrem Mar
this individual was a noted Caarite, distinguished in the history of the planet Caarimon. (UANT)
this man was one of the Peacekeeperrs who protected the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project,
during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SQ)
a frozen world on which the native jungles have been reduced to small clumps covered by protective
domes. The jungles, which once filled the planet's volcanic rift valleys, produce vine-silk and vine-coffee.
The domes are kept safe from the planet's geological activity by apex-mounted antigrav support systems,
and have special light-amplification systems to keep the jungles warm. It has been occupied since just
before the rise of Emperor Palpatine, but the domes have been in place for only 14 years. The planet has
been an independent ally of the Republic for a number of years. Belsavis is located in the Ninth Quadrant,
near the Senex Sector. (COJ)
Belsavis Kretch
this was the name of the smashball team based on the planet Belsavis, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (HNN5)
one of the two northern island continents located on the planet Kabaira. (SWJ7)
Belshar Othacuu
this unimportant Core world was the site of a secret COMPNOR base during the Galactic Civil War.
Belsmuth II
this planet, the second in the Belsmuth System, was the site of an Imperial technical university which was
converted to a pilot training academy by Warlord Zsinj during the early years of the New Republic. The
facility was assaulted by Rogue and Nova Squadrons, in an effort to confuse Zsinj about the location of
Han Solo's task force. (SOC)
Belt of Honor
this was the symbol of an Ewok youth who had proved he was ready to become a warrior. (ECAR)
Belt Pirates
see Phosphura Belt Pirates. (LAA)
Belt, The
this dense field of rocky debris was located in the Vex System, in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy. The
Belt almost completely surrounded the swampy world of Vex Major, making it exceptionally difficult to
navigate to the planet. A collection of outposts were established in The Belt by independent prospectors,
freighter jockeys, and scientists, and a thriving business sprang up around hiding fugitive starships in the
asteroids during the Imperial occupation of Moddell Sector. (GMR9)

this man was the governor of Balmorra during the years in which Palpatine's clones tried to retake the
galaxy. Following years of oppression at Imperial hands, Beltane became a supporter of the New
Republic after the reborn Emperor's death on Byss. When Sedriss the Executor rose to power, Beltane
tried to keep Balmorra free of Imperial oppression by battling Sedriss with the weapons produced on the
planet. Sedriss bowed to Beltane in order to gain more weapons. (DE2)
this was one of the Ugnaught people's blood professions, passed down from generation to generation
within a family. Belters were known for their skills in mining asteroids. (GG2)
one of the planets visted by the Night Caller shortly before it was captured by Wraith Squadron near
Xobome 6. Belthu was a wealthy world, built from mining colonies and controlled by the corporate
executives. The cororate leaders were under the control of Zsinj shortly after the Battle of Endor, and
provided him with durasteel in support of his war machine. (WS)
Beltrix III
this planet was the third world of the Beltrix System, which was part of the Six Local Systems. It was
believed that Beltrix III served as the primary base of operations for the Alliance in the Six Local Systems,
during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (GMR6)
Belt-Runner I
this was one of the floating stations Lando Calrissian used to monitor and maintain the ships running
through Lando's Folly, near Destrillion and Dubrillion. The station itself measured some 284 meters in
length, and required a crew of 86 to keep it maintained and running. For insurance, Lando kept the
station's twenty turbolasers primed an active. The specially-adapted TIE starfighters used to run the
asteroid belt were protected by Belt-Runner I with a system known as collision shields, a combination of
repulsor fields, shields, and defensive arrays to protect the small ships, all of which were operated from
the remote station. When the Yuuzhan Vong moved to wipe out Dubrillion, Lando was forced to use his
forces in a defensive capacity. His ships were not designed for this, however, and when Belt-Runner I
took heavy fire, it was forced to withdraw the shielding energy it provided to the starfighters in order to
protect itself. This was not enough to save Belt-Runner I, though, as the station continued to take heavy
fire from the Yuuzhan Vong and was eventually reduced to cinders. (VP, NJOSB)
when the Lusankya was refitted, following the Battle of Coruscant, for use as a weapon against the
Yuuzhan Vong worldship blockading Borleias, much of the ship's central core was removed. The huge
space, running the length of the ship's keel almost to the engines, was known as the Beltway. When
completed, the Beltway was essentially an immense needle-shaped ramming device. This became the
centerpiece of Operation Emperor's Spear, a reference to the false nature of the Starlancer Project and to
the Beltway's shape. (EL2)
Belvarian Firegnats
swarming, bioluminescent insects which create colorful patterns when viewed at night. Some say that the
nightlights on Coruscant resemble a swarm of these insects. (SE)
this bounty hunter wore a suit of HuntSuit armor, but found that its sensor systems were greatly affected
by the level of ambient radiation. (GUN)
Bem Lyu'kij
this was one of the Bothans assigned to watch over Kathol Sector during the early years of the New
Republic. As a member of the Bothan Combat Response Element, Bem's mission was to track the
actions of Moff Kentor Sarne and the Imperials who still operated in the sector. Bem was distinguished by
the long chin whiskers he braided into two strands at either side of his jaw. Although he was subordinate
to Velst Nay'sro, Bem was not afraid to speak his mind. (E)

the Alliance recruiter who signed up Keyan Farlander. (XW)
this cold-climate creature was often hunted for its hide. (TMEC)
this near-human Vorzydiak, a native of the planet Vorzyd 5, was a member of the Freelies during the
Galactic Civil War.. He was captured by the Imperials on the planet and torutred fro information, until he
was rescued by Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. When the other Freelies kidnapped the two Alliance
agents and held them for ransom, Bemmie tried to tell the others that the Empire was the real enemy. In
the ambsuh that followed, Bemmie gave his life helping Luke and Leia escape Imperial capture.
one of the few Imperial Moffs who survived during the New Republic, Bemos was one of the primary
leaders of the Empire some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was present at the
conference held by Admiral Pellaeon, during which the remnants of the Empire discussed surrendering to
the Republic. Like Moff Andray, Bemos thought the idea of surrender was preposterous. When Bemos
was nervous or agitated, he often fiddled with the codoran ring on his finger. (SOP)
Ben Het
a Dimok Light Calamari cruiser operative during the Sepan Civil War. (TIE)
Ben Hu'al
this being was one of many Sith magicians who worked on the creation of a creature that hunted almost
purely by sound, during the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War. Records of the experiments
indicated that Ben Hu'al was an inept scientist. (KOTOR)
Ben Quadinaros
this flat-bodied Toong was one of the Outer Rim's least-experienced podracer pilots. He drove a
lumbering, Balta-Trabaat BT410 Quadra-Pod podracer that was propelled by four engines, instead of the
usual two. Quadinaros and his extended family fled their homeworld of Toong'l after the planetary
environment was destroyed by two comet strikes. They lived on Tund for a short period before arriving on
Tatooine shortly before the Battle of Naboo. Ben entered the Boonta Eve Classic podracer on a bet from
Boles Roor, who wagered five million wupiupi that Ben was too scared to even bring his racer to the
starting line. Just after the start of the race, which was won by Anakin Skywalker, the energy binders on
Ben's pod were unable to take the strain of controlling the four engines. They let loose, and the four
engines flew off in separate directions, leaving Ben unable to compete. Despite this set-back, Ben came
out of the race five million wupiupi richer, after winning the bet with Boles. Note that the Official Star Wars
Website ( claims that the bet was in peggats, not wupiupi. (TPM, IS1, IG1, PRT,
this city, located on the planet Issor, was known for the educational institutions located in its environs.
this man was a shipmate of Rosen and Carewa, and a companion of Cecil the Wookiee. They often hung
out while on shoreleave, playing sabacc in the local bars. Note that this is a reference to the baseball
player Johnny Bench. (SWJ11)
Bendbelly Dark
this heavy, full-bodied beer was popular during the New Order. (SWJ11)
this planet was the primary world in the Bendeluum System, located in the Outer Rim's Anoat Sector.

Many in the Greater Javin considered Bendeluum to be a toned-down version of Gerrenthum, a world
where the markets and services were less profitable than the sector capital. This allowed a thriving
underworld to gain a foothold on Bendeluum, but the planet never developed a dangerous reputation. The
Nothoiin who controlled the criminal element of the planet managed to keep their fingers in nearly every
aspect of Bendeluum's financial situation. (WOA33)
Bendeluum System
this planetary system had limited Alliance support during the Galactic Civil War. (GG2)
this physician was based on Cloud City, in orbit around Bespin, during the height of the New Order. (FTD)
this small corporation produced the XR12 line of personal use spacecraft. (IWE1)
Bendix Fust
this Mordageen criminal was hunted down by Zam Wesell, and eventually caught and imprisoned on
Oovo IV sometime before the Battle of Naboo. Shortly afterward, Jango Fett discovered that the Dug
crimelord Sebolto had an outstanding bounty for Fust's recovery. Sebolto had wanted to kill Bendix
himself, in response to his connection to the loss of Sebolto's operations in the Gazzari Ssytem. Fett had
been trying to arrange a meeting with Sebolto for some time, in connection to his own search for the
Bando Gora cult, a mission Fett had accepted from Count Dooku. Fett managed to break Fust out of the
Oovo IV facility, along with Zam's help, then transported him to Malastare. Zam then took Bendix to
Sebolto, while Jango infiltrated the base from a separate direction, removing any obstacles in their way.
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "guardian", according to historian who studied the Ithorian
race. (GCG)
this planet is the homeworld of the Howler Tree People. (LO)
this newsfeed was popular in the floating city of Morjanssik, on Calamari, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. It was a highly pro-Quarren newsfeed, and its counterculture stance on many political
issues - especially during the Clone Wars - provided enough fodder to keep young Quarren angry and
belligerent. (SWI73)
this sect of non-confrontational monks made their home in a monastery, high in the Andobi Mountains of
the planet Ando Prime. Their beliefs and their village have remained unchanged for hundreds of years.
The symbol of the Bendu monks was a circle joined to eight spokes, signifying the number nine. This
symbol represented the presence of The Force in a unified galaxy, and was later used by the Old
Republic as a symbol of its authority. The eight-rayed circle was later perverted by Emperor Palpatine,
who created a six-spoked symbol for the Empire. (RAC, X2)
Bendu Fry
this obese Devaronian male was wanted by the Black Sun organization, and a bounty was placed on his
gead during the height of the New Order. Boba Fett accepted the bounty, especially since it allowed Fry
to be brought in dead or alive. Fett apprehended Fry with minimal effort, since Fry was a boisterous
individual who made to effort to hide his activities. IN an effort to remain alive, Fry claimed that a Jedi
Knight was hidden on the planet, hoping to throw Fett off his own trail. Fett tracked down the individual
Fry described, only to learn that he was not a true Jedi, but the son of a Twi'leki Jedi who was killed
during the Battle of Geonosis. After Fett learned that the Twi'lek had lost his father at Geonosis, he
allowed the Twi'lek to live and then returned to Fry. Angry at having been delayed in his hunt, Fett shot
Fry at point-blank range, reducing the Devaronian to ashes. (T18)

Bendu Village
this was the name of the settlement occupied by the Bendu monks who lived in the Andobi Mountains of
Ando Prime. (RAC)
this Dug was a minor podracer who lived in the city of Mos Espa, on Tatooine, during the early years of
the New Order. He was one of the first racers to discover that the Ungasan Cross Country race, held on
the planet Ando Prime, was actually a front for the illegal mining of vonium. He'd learned of the operation
from Ree, who had hoped to bring the Dug into the Ungasan criminal organization. Benduki figured he
could sell the information to the Desilijic Hutts for more credits, and politely refused Ree's offer. Ree,
however, alerted Ungasan to the Dug's knowledge, and Benduki spent much of his time avoiding
Ungasan's thugs. (GMR2)
this rare mineral was found on a few desert planets across the galaxy. (IWE1)
Beneath the Galdronian Moon: A Modern Lover's Epic
this romance novel, written by Verigriss Tranex, described the trials and tribulations of Mareoian and
Rekvan during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
Beneficent Tasia
this was the flagship of the fleet, commissioned by Queen Elsinore' den Tasia, to carry explorers from
Grizmallt to a new planet, many millennia before the Battle of Naboo. The Beneficent Tasia, along with
the Constant and the Mother Vima, settled on the planet Naboo some 3,900 years before the Battle of
Yavin. (GB)
Benelex Bounty Hunters Guild
headquartered on Paquallis III, Benelex once held Jodo Kast as one of its hunters. This guild was a
corporate offspring of the Drearian Defense Conglomerate, the result of Corvastan Benelex's rescue of
the son of one of DDC's vice presidents. Over the years, Benelex developed an intense rivalry with the
Tresario Bounty Hunters Guild. (SWG6, TOD, GG10)
Benelex, Corvastan
this man was the chief executive officer of House Benelex and the Benelex Bounty Hunters Guild. He was
once a bounty hunter himself, and saved the son of the vice-president of the Drearian Defense
Conglomerate from Thalassian slavers. Benelex himself was severely injured in the attempt, and his
bounty hunter days were cut short. In order to repay the debt, the vice president funded Benelex's dream:
the Benelex Bounty Hunters Guild. (GG10)
this arid, rocky world is the first planet in the Atrig System. It has no natural satellites. (PG2)
this Nebulon-B frigate was one of the primary medical ships of the former House Pelagia naval fleet.
During the Mecetti Purge, much of the House Pelagia fleet was destroyed, and the Benevolence was
damaged. The Herglic merchant Melchi took command of the ship and began coordinating a relief effort.
In reward for his service, Melchi was awarded full command of the Benevolence by House Pelagia. The
Great Council voted to fund a complete refitting of the ship, creating a state-of-the-art medical frigate.
Melchi and his crew then traveled throughout Tapani Sector, providing medical service wherever needed.
Benevolent Guides
this was the name used to describe the roles of V-Tan and O-Vieve within the General Good of the planet
Kegan. They formed a government which was largely democractic, although the Benevolent Guides
ultimately decided which issues the populace could vote on. In this manner, the Benevolent Guides
maintained absolute control over Kegan. (FFT)

Benevolent III
this was the personal cruiser used by Baroness Omnino, during the last decades of the Old Republic
Ben-Faris, Alek
this man was one of House Pelagia's greatest diplomats. Although he served in Tapani Sector during the
Clone Wars as an advisor and mediator, Ben-Faris was actually a native of Brentaal. (LOE)
Manaroo once danced on this ocean world, and rafted on its storm-darkened waters in between
competitions. (TBH)
this planet is known for its seedy underground and dangerous reputation. (VOF)
Bengis Tok
this being was a noted crimelord of the New Order. (SWJ2)
a city located on the continent Kreessi, on the planet Algara II. (PG2)
Benja Da'aapp
this Gruvian and his wife, Olall, were tourists who had probably seen more of the galaxy than any living
being at the height of the New Order. They carried all sorts of cameras and recording equipment to
document their travels, and were known to stop unsuspecting spacers in a starport to ask them to take
their picture. (PSPG)
this desert planet was the site of the Temple of Tet-Ami, which held the Orb of Passage. (T13)
Benkal Plagues
this was a series of disasters perpetrated by the Happy Blasters. (SWJ13)
this doctor was assigned to the Imperial outpost on Lotide. He was extremely old and growing quite senile
by the time of the Battle of Yavin. He was the first point of contact for the group of Alliance agents who
infiltrated the Lotide outpost, claiming to be academicians from Dakot Seven. Benkin had no idea who
they were, and invited them to look around the base. (BI)
Bennbus Polag
this pompous Arconan entrepreneur made his money in just about every shady scheme known in the
galaxy. He worked his way up from a lowly pickpocket to becoming the leader of a backwater planet's
primary settlement. As he gained experience as a leader and politician, Polag cleaned up his businesses
and became more respectable. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance pursued Polag during their
search for agent Nallok. Polag agreed to help the agents, but instead sold them to the Imperial forces on
the planet. (IA)
Benner Dunnit
this was one of the more laughable aliases used by the bounty hunter Nada Synnt. (SWJ10)
this young man worked as a baggage carrier at the Kuat Passenger Port, during the height of the New
Order. Benni also worked as an infochant, buying and selling information to travellers moving through the
Port. (PSPG)
Bennor, Lon
this teenager was one of the primary organizers of relief activities on the planet Kolatill, after Imperial Moff
Kentor Sarne bombed the planet during his flight from Kal'Shebbol. (DARK)

this con artist managed to pursuade a group of Alliance operatives to search out a ship for him, in return
for a group of old Nebulon-B frigates. Bennova was really trying to recover the ship from Treetor. (RPG.)
this planet, located within the Delantine system, is the world closest to the primary planet of Delantine.
Ben's Mesa
this piece of tableland, located outside Mos Espa on Tatooine, was known for its convoluted edges. It was
named for Ben Neluenf, the greatest Tatooine-born podracer. During the hayday of podracing, Jabba the
Hutt established the Mos Espa Circuit racecourse, which wound through the desert surrounding Ben's
Mesa. (IWE1)
Bent Diamond Formation
this was a formation used by Imperial ground forces to infiltrate an enemy facility. A group of four men
walked in the bent diamond formation - with one man at the point, two on each side and behind, and the
fourth in front of them - to cover all possible angles of attack. (TLC)
Bent Lekku
this cantina was located in the Kala'uun Starport on Ryloth, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
this creature, native to the planet Shaum Hii, is a large avian used by the Kian'thar as transportation.
They feed on the fish of the planet's oceans. Each Kian'thar establishes a bond with its bentail, and the
rapport between them allows them to anticipate each other's actions during the round-up of derlacs.
this youth, a native of Starpoint on Draenell's Point, was the leader of the gang known as Benthar's Boys.
After his girlfriend and second-in-command, Droxie, left him to join the Vibroblades, Benthar was
kidnapped by the Vibroblades and held for ransom. There was a team of Alliance agents on the planet,
investigation the construction of the Empire's suuply depot in the system, and they were drawn into the
gangwar when they exposed Plessus Weege as an Imperial spy. The agents helped rescue Benthar, then
convinced both gangs to stop fighting each other and start working against the Empire. (GMK)
Benthar's Boys
this gang of youths was quite powerful during the height of the New Order, but found a dangerous rival in
the Vibroblades after the Empire took control of their homeworld, Draenell's Point. The Imperial presence
only served to escalate their gangwar, as it brought out tensions which had remained hidden. After a
group of Alliance agents rescued Benthar from the Vibroblades, they convinced both gangs to combine
their efforts and fight against the Empire, instead of battling against themselves. (GMK)
Benton, Carill
this man was the Chief Executive Officer of Data Equity Management, Incorporated. In reality, though,
this was an alias used by Imperial Ubiqtorate official Devton Cirrilla. (LOE)
Bentora Space
this area of the galaxy was known for its tightly-knit clans. (SWJ5)
Benwabulan Gong
this large gong was known for its throbbing ring, which resonated long after it was struck. (MJH)
Benyalle, Tirgee
this aging woman was the crimelord who took control of the planet Kaal after the Empire abandoned it.
She exploited the planet's aquacultural resources, and got rich exporting massive quantities of foodstuffs

to the galaxy. Unknown to Benyalle, her organization had been infiltrated by agents of Imperial Admiral
Kermen, and even her bodyguard had been bribed to allow the Imperials a chance to take over. The
bodyguard, a Twi'lek named Sendir, stabbed Benyalle in the back when Kermen tried to take command of
Kaal, but Sendir was captured by agents of the New Republic. They assisted Benyalle, taking her to a
medical station and saving her life. She later made a deal with the New Republic, giving them exclusive
rights to the foodstuffs harvested on Kaal. (SWJ2, SWJ7)
this industrial diamond was created for use in the drilling and mining implements used on the planet
Sullust. (GCG)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and referred to an industrial diamond used in the heavy
drills employed in Sullustan mines. (GCG)
Beolars Bribbs
this Sullustan was elected to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of SoroSuub Corporation, as well as the
President of the Sullustan Council, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. A strong supporter of the
Commerce Guild, it was believed that Bribbs' first action as President of the Sullustan Council was to
enact a law that would have given SoroSuub shareholders two votes for every one vote held by a native
Sullustan. (HNN4)
this man served as Jabba the Hutt's majordomo shortly before Narool Cuthas took the position. Beolo had
his own opinion of things, and saw and heard only what he wanted to. During his employment with Jabba
on Tatooine, Beolo kept a womp rat named Worra as a pet. (CCG9)
a genetically-grown food created in Bith hydroponics tanks. Bepp is grown into a 6-centimeter pink cube,
and is nutritious but tasteless. (COJ)
this incredibly old man was known as "The Cardinal" aboard the Tanquilla Beach space station, and was
forced to move about in a repulsorchair. Bequesh was the unquestioned manager of the space station,
being the only survivor of the team of outlaw techs who first founded the station. Despite his age,
Bequesh was active in the day-to-day operations of the station, even during the early years of the New
Republic. (DARK)
Bequin Fobas
this Nimbanel served as Zorba the Hutt's attorney, during Zorba's trial for the theft of ulikuo stones on the
planet Kip. He was unable to appeal Zorba's sentencing to forty-five years in prison, because Ki['s legal
system prohibited appeals. (HNN4)
this city was located on the western hemisphere of Bacrana. (FBS)
this Adumari male was the assistant manager of the Challabae Admits-No-Equal Aerial Eruptive
Manufacturing Concern, in the city of Cartann on Adumar. He escorted Wedge Antilles and his Red Flight
pilots on a tour of the proton torpedo manufacturing facility. He was a thin man with a ridiculously curled
moustache held in place with some sort of wax. (SOA)
the leader of the Charon race, Ber'asco was also the commander of the starship Desolate. He had his
natural body armor augmented by his bioscientists to the point that he was virtually indestructible. His rise
to power within the Charon death cult has led him to believe that he is the Final Prophet, meant to lead
his people to extinguish all non-Charon life and lead the Charon into the Void. However, even after

eliminating all life in Otherspace, Ber'asco had not received any answers about how to truly enter the
Void. When the Alliance transport Celestial was flung into Otherspace and captured by the Desolate,
Ber'asco thought that he had found the missing link to the Void. Grand Moff Ravik told him of the
multitude of life that existed outside Otherspace, and Ber'asco allowed Ravik to live in return for passage
to realspace. When Alliance agents attempted to rescue the crew of the Celestial, Ber'asco's plans were
thwarted, but only temporarily. He survived their assault and fled back into the recesses of Otherspace,
where he planned an assault on the known galaxy. He had his Charon bioscientists design a hyperdrive
for the Desolate, and planned to use coordinates from the captured vessel Celestial to make his jump.
However, when Ber'asco linked to the ship's computer to coordinate the jump, the mind of Grand Moff
Ravik attacked. Ravik took control of Ber'asco's body, and flung his mind into the computer's recesses.
Ber'asco eventually found Bane Nothos' body in cryogenic storage, and took control of it. Ber'asco
pursued Ravik to Stronghold, an Alliance safeworld, where he joined with a group of Alliance soldiers to
halt the Charon advance and defeat Ravik. In a physical struggle that paralleled their mental battle, Ravik
crushed the human form of Ber'asco and killed both Nothos and Ber'asco, but not before sustaining large
amounts of damage himself. (OS, OS2)
this planet was blockaded by the Empire for its political stance regarding the New Order. Its economy was
based on low-tech mining exports, and depended on food and medical supplies imported from other
worlds. The Empire used Defender ion mines to keep starships away. Airen Cracken and a group of
Alliance starships got through the blockade by sending out agents in vacuum suits to disarm the mines.
primary planet in the Berchest system, it was a major tourist attraction during the Old Republic, mainly
because of Calius saj Leeloo. The Clone Wars severely reduced the tourist trade, and Berchest suffered.
When the Empire came into power, Berchest was usurped as an Imperial trade trade world, and has
remained under Imperial control following the Battle of Endor. Note that The Last Command Sourcebook
indicates that Berchest was in the Anthos Sector, but The Last Command infers that Berchest was in the
Orus Sector. (TLC, LCSB)
this race was native to the planet Berchest. (TLC)
Berchestian Civil Service
this was the primary governmental and administrative body of the planet Berchest. (TTSB)
this Harixian youth escaped from the Gektl Rahz with the help of Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2. He
was adamantly against any further actions that didn't directly lead to the rescue of his mother, Myoris,
who was still in Rahz's control. Together, they managed to outwit Rahz and rescue Myoris. (CSWEA)
the primary planet in the Berea System in the Elrood Sector, Berea is a rocky, mountainous world which
was owned and operated by Imperial Mining, Limited. Berea was often beseiged by hail storms and
violent winds, and the nighttime temperature that often drops below freezing. Many Imperial prisoners
captured during the Galactic Civil War were sent to labor camps on Berea. (PG3, OE)
this mining rig was operated by Imperial Mining, Limited, during the Empire's occupation of Elrood Sector.
It was built from a standard TaggeCo. mining rig, which was coupled to a stripped-down Quasar Fireclass bulk cruiser. (OE)
Berec Tanaal
this skilled tracker and bounty hunter joined the Alliance just before the Battle of Hoth. Tanaal was
evacuated from Echo Base on the Bright Hope, and was chosen by Toryn Farr to lead one of the groups
which escaped in a life pod. (TBH)

this providence of the planet Lianna was involved in the last great independence war recorded on the
planet, attempting to free Lianna from the control of the Kingdom of Barseg. Nothing remains of the
providence or the society that lived there. (ML)
Berenko, Omar
this man, a native of the planet Naboo, was known for his thought-provoking, though often tragic, poetry.
Berenko lived several centuries before the Battle of Naboo, and spent much of his life in the Lake Country
with a group of Gungans and offworlders. He lived in the Varykino retreat which was later owned by the
Amidala family. He disappeared suddenly after a a group of unknown assailants kidnapped him from the
balcony, and Berenko was never seen again. (IWE2)
this is a species of tentacled, stub-fingered creatures. (HM)
an aromatic plant used by Wuher and C2-R4 in brewing the perfect liqueur for Jabba the Hutt. (TME)
this Alliance soldier was part of the group traveling with the Millennium Falcon during the search for
Project Starscream. He was killed by he was consumed by Eppon on the planet Kiva. (GOF6)
Bergeron, Yesha
this woman was the Captain of the converted freighter Chilastra, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. (GMR8)
this man was the Imperial sub-prefect on the planet Korbin, until he met with an untimely death. Many felt
that Gornt Seron waqs behind his death, since Bergless made no attempt to hide his distaste for the
criminal. Bergless fell to his death from his office, an event which many belived was suicide until subprefect Neris lost his life in a similar manner after meeting with Seron. (GG11)
this creature, native to the planet Sriluur, is used by the Weequay in their ritual sacrifices to their gods.
Note that Creatures of the Galaxy claims bergruutfa were native to Teloc Ol-sen. They were also used by
other races as beasts of burden, and were known for their loyalty and stamina. Bergruutfas were also
known to be keenly intelligent and even possess a sense of humor, learning names and commands
quickly and hiding their owner's personal effects as a practical joke. The average bergruutfa stood seven
meters tall at the shoulder, and had a large, bony crest surrounding their heads. Their wide snouts
produce a lot of saliva, which can create puddles of mud in their wake. (GG12, ROE, COG)
this man survived for many days in the wilderness of Wyndigal 2 by wrapping himself in the skin of a
croator until he could be rescued. (COG)
this being ran a spice-selling booth on the space station Bazarre, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. (LTA5, MC59)
this is a high-quality solvent used to cleanse the valve nozzles on the blaster-gas canisters. (CFG)
this Nediji word described one of the many colors that were not visible to most humanoid eyes. It was
only visible to races like the Nediji, that could see above and below the wavelengths of visible light. (MJH)

this Imperial stormtrooper served guard duty aboard the Tarkin, during its construction in the Patriim
System. Berl was attacked by Chewbacca the Wookiee, when the Alliance infiltrated the Tarkin in an
effort to destroy it. When Berl's fellow troopers tried to shoot Chewbacca, the Wookiee threw Berl into a
power generator, causing the generator to explode. (LTA3, MC52)
this man served the Alliance at the base on the planet Arbra, during the months following the Battle of
Hoth. He was part of a team, along with Luke Skywalker and Captain Tarheel, that was dispatched to
Serphidi to make contact with the native Serps. Unfortunately, Berl was shot and killed by the Serps when
the team landed on Serphidi. (MC64)
the NRI agent in charge of monitoring the turbolifts that descend to the underground safe rooms in
Imperial City. (AS)
Berlihat, Russo
this man served Moff Bandor as technician and analytical programmer, although he often was reduced to
feeding the Moff's collection of unusual creatures in the underground game chambers. Berlihat graduated
from the finest Technical Academy in the Core before being employed by Moff Bandor. Berlihat himself
was eventually fed to Bandor's creatures, as a punishment for his constant insubordination. (SWJ12)
Berltahg Sonatas
this was a collection of classical music pieces that were required learning for the musicians of the Old
Republic. (MBS)
an Alliance container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
the Dilonexan inspection agent who greets Lando Calrissian when he arrives on Dilonexan XXII with a
load of wintenberry jelly, bollem hides, and tinklewood fishing rods. Unfortunately for Lando, the planet
has no need for any of those things. Bernie also delivers a message to Lando from Lob Doluff. (LCF)
a Ripoblus escort shuttle assigned to guard the shuttle Phantele during its rendezvous with the Dimok
shuttle Keydon. (TIE)
Berra, Gar "Crazy Man"
this Alliance Major was in charge of training personnel at Oracle Base, located on Tel III. A short, bald,
well-muscled man, "Crazy Man" Berra was adept in all forms of guerrilla warfare. His students thoroughly
despised him while in training, but were more often than not grateful when some part of his courses
saved their life in the field. (FBS)
this Barabel shockboxer was taught to fight at an early age. When he wsa old enough, he left Barab I and
made a name for himself working for Jabba the Hutt. Jabba sponsored Berrann, whose unique style won
him more fights than any other shockboxer in the modern era. When Jabba told Berrann to take a dive
against a much weaker opponent and promised riches beyond compare, Berrann found the offer a
personal affront. Berrann defeated his opponent in the first round, then fled the system with Jabba's
goons on his heels. He found work with another major crimelord, hoping one day to exact a measure of
revenge against Jabba. (HR)
Berren Sid Te'
a Fabrillan street vendor and a strong supporter of the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (CRO)
this young Twi'leki female was Mazie's daughter, born fourteen years before the Battle of Naboo. Mazie

and her husband fled from Ryloth, after witnessing the slave raids that continued to occur there, hoping to
make a better life for Berri on Tatooine. Unfortunately, like her mother, Berri had been captured and
enslaved by Krayn, and forced to work on the Nar Shaddaa space station. Her father was killed in the
raid. Berri had been favored by the slavelord, and worked as a domestic servant in his household, instead
of in the spice mines. She later helped Anakin Skywalker and Siri Tachi escape from their cell, when they
were captured by Krayn, by retrieving their lightsabers. In the ensuing slave revolt, and with the death of
Krayn, Mazie and Berri were freed. (JQ)
this planet is the homeworld of the Berrite race. It is a hot, smog-shrouded world with higher-thanstandard gravity and little natural food sources. It is located in the Inner Rim. (GG12)
this corpulent, Imperial General was in command of the small contingent of forces which survived the
Battle of Bastion. Berrida reported directly to Moff Kurlen Flennic. He was amazed to find himself listening
to Jacen Solo when the Jedi Knights arrived in Imperial space, on their own mission to locate the rogue
planet Zonama Sekot. Jacen offered General Berrida a wealth of information on the Yuuzhan Vong, as
well as immediate plans to help the Imperials survive, despite Berrida's obvious distrust of the Jedi.
Berrida decided that Jacen's words were more than valid, and decided to talk to Flennic about an alliance.
Berrille Ada
this man-sized arachnoid alien ran a starship repair and outfitting business on Ord Mantell during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. (SL)
a race of slug-like centaurians, the Berrites have a short stature and sluggish appearance. Their thick
bodies are covered in heavy wrinkles of skin, and are supported by four stout legs and wide, three-clawed
feet. Their upper torsos are humanoid, with two arms that end in spade-like hands. They have small,
deep-set eyes and an open mouth, with five breather tubes along each side of their faces. They have
developed geothermal energy sources, and have developed huge factories around this readily available
power source. They have learned to cultivate their aspect of dullness when engaged with other races, for
it allows them to scan their immediate surroundings with ultrasonic waves. This causes unknowing
adversaries to understimate the Berrite abilities while allowing the Berrite to gain a measure of defense.
Berrites are hermaphroditic, and have problems understanding the male/female differences. (GG12)
Berrol's Donn
this planet was the site of an Alliance base. (SWSB, TA, GMH)
this planet hosted the Galactic Games two years before the Battle of Naboo. (JQ3)
an Alliance platform supply station destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Bersin Sekolah
this Ithorian once served as a scout during the Old Republic, but retired when Emperor Palpatine
established the New Order. He retired to spend the rest of his life on Tasariq, where he studied the
planet's ecology in the hope of finding a form of plant life that could help restore its atmosphere. He was
frequently working in the field, and rarely returned to his home. His perseverence in trying to restore
Tasariq earned hero status among the native Tasari, and he was adopted by a leading Tasari family to
give him a place int heir society. (SWJ15)
manufacturers of active jamming systems for starfighters. (SWSB)

this mineral is highly sought after. Many a con artist has salted a worthless hole in the ground to sell as
the real thing. Lando Calrissian was duped by such a trick, shortly after leaving the Oseon System with a
shipful of gemstones. (RD)
this ore was found only in the asteroid belt which surrounded Borgo Prime. (ECH)
this Wookiee was a slave when she was inadvertently freed by Nim Abek. Since that time, Beruga has
worked for Abek as a pilot as well as a saboteur, disabling those ships which Abek wanted to capture.
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
this is the first planet in the Garos System. (SWJ1)
Beruss, Avan
a member of the Illodian Beruss family, Avan was a crack starpilot who graduated honors from the
Illodian Officers' Academy. He was also a decent sharpshooter, and would have represented Illodia in the
Imperial Games if they hadn't been canceled with the destruction of the planet Alderaan. Instead of
joining the local defense force, Avan joined the Alliance after his childhood friend, Leia Organa, began
working with them. Avan had been serving as an aide to his father, Doman, using his skills to pick up the
accents of various member worlds. Doman, an Imperial Senator at the time, strongly disagreed with
Avan's decision, fearing Imperial reprisal if Avan's actions were discovered. Avan eventually made it to
the Alliance, and following the Battle of Endor was given a position with Rogue Squadron. Most of his
piloting skills had been learned in the private sector, since he never attended the Imperial Academt. He
learned a great deal from Feylis Ardele about Imperial TIE Fighters, augmenting his own piloting skills.
When Soontir Fel defected to the New Republic after the Battle of Brentaal, Avan was assigned to be his
wingman. Like most members of the Illodian Beruss family, Avan's emotions were basically extinct, until
he met Feylis Ardele. He soon found himself falling in love with Feylis, and they worked hard to keep their
relationship a secret. (XWES, HXW, MBF, XWM)
Beruss, Doman
a member of the primary branch of the Beruss family, Doman was a native of the planet Illodia. Named for
a great ancestor, Doman was a member of a long line of political figures from his homeworld, following in
the footsteps of his father, two uncles, his sixth grandfather, and his ninth great-grandmother as the
representative to Coruscant's government. Doman was an Imperial Senator and a friend of Bail Organa,
which allowed his son Avan to become friends with Leia Organa. Many years later, after joining the cause
of the New Republic, it was Beruss who urged Leia Organa-Solo to step down from her position as Chief
of State, during the so-called Black Fleet Crisis. (WG, SOL, TT, XWES)
Beruss, Doman
a flaxen-haired female Corellian serving with the Alliance, Doman was one of the founders of the New
Republic. Beruss later served as chariman of the Republic's Ministry council. Like the Doman Beruss from
Illodia, she was named after an ancestor. She was also Avan Beruss' great-aunt. (HTSB, XWES)
this Alliance compatriot of Voren Na'al was killed by a Wampa Ice Creature on Hoth. (MTS)
this woman was the aunt of Tash and Zak Arranda. She married Hoole's brother. (GOF1)
this silvery metal was used to create antique-looking metalware. (WSV)

Berzix, Olodondo
this man served as the manager of the Ahto Luxury Resorts on Manaan, during the height of the New
Order. (PH)
Besa, Eryl
this red-haired woman was a member of the Jedi Knights, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. She was part of the strike force which was sent to Myrkr to locate the voxyn queen, some two
years after the invasion began. The daughter ofa fanatic space racer, Eryl was conceived and born on a
cross-galaxy run, and grew up in and around starships. Her abilities in the Force manifested themselves
as an ability to tell her exact location in the galaxy at any given moment. Her role in the mission was to
alert the Jedi team when they approached Myrkr, during their transport in the hold of the Exquisite Death.
While in space, she developed a relationship with Raynor Thul, despite the difference in their ages. (SBS)
this female Tarasin was one of many in her irstat that struggled to control their connection to the Force.
One day, however, she found herself drawn to a singular tree, deep in the jungles of Cularin. The Tree,
as she came to think of it, appeared to have been recently struck by lightning. When Besaama found the
Tree, she realized that it had a power of its own, and had been calling her to it. Upon finding the Tree,
Besaama managed to open it, much to the consternation of the witch of the Wyrd inside it. When
Besaama explained that the Tree had called to her, the witch invited Besaama inside to begin her
training. Besaama soon learned to control the Dark Side of the Force, and became a member of the
Wyrd. Years later, though, she managed to return to the Light Side of the Force, atoning for the evils she
had practiced. (LFCW)
this is one of the most powerful Hutt kajidics, and was ruled by Aruk during the early years of the New
Order. It was Besadii that created the slave trade on the planet Ylesia, placing Teroenza in command
while reaping profit both from spice production and slaves. Besadii then established a loose alliance with
the Empire, supplying slaves from the Ylesian operation in return for exemptions from taxes. They tried to
cripple the Desilijic clan by employing Drell pirates to attack their spice shipments, but they were
discovered by the quick piloting and military knowledge of Han Solo. In the aftermath of the Battle of Nar
Shaddaa, Besadii began raising the price of processed spice in an effort to weed out the lesser kajidics.
When Jiliac called a convocation of the ruling Hutts, Jabba eloquently used the fact that Besadii had
escaped from th Battle of Nar Shaddaa without a single loss to sway a vote against Besadii. As a result,
the Hutt Council voted that Besadii be fined 1,000,000 credits - to be evenly distributed among the other
kajidics - as well as lower the cost of processed spice. (THG, RD)
native to the planet Ojom, this alien race was only vaguely humanoid in stature, having a thick body that
was supported by two stubby legs. Males of the species had four heavily-muscled arms sprouting from
their sides, with the upper pair being used primarily for gripping and manipulation while the lower pair was
used as secondary graspers. Each of the male Besalisk's four hands was studded with three thick,
dextrous fingers. Although rarely seen, it was known that female Besalisks had more than four arms, but
the necessity for them was unknown. The head of a besalisk was amphibian in shape, with a heavy wattle
hanging from the lower jaw. A mustache of sensory whiskers covered the upper lip. A wide, ridged crest
covered the skull of the male Besalisk, with a group of tiny feathers providing cover. The presence of the
wattle and the feathers on the skull provided clues to the Besalisk race's avian ancestry, and many
xenobiologists believed that they were descended from giant birds. The Besalisk's obese appearance
was an evolutionary reaction to the frigid temperatures of Ojom, as fatty cells stored water and food for
the winter months. Despite their appearance, many Besalisks had excellent memories, and could
remember the tiniest of details for many years. (VD2, SWI65, SWI70)
this was the name of the native language of the Besalisk race, which was made up of a series of grunts,
growls, and barks. The written form of Besalisk was created from a simple alphabet, and much of the
language was communicated via short words. (UANT)

this was the primary planet in the Besberra System, and was the primary base of operations for the
Zirtran's Anchor space station before it disappeared during the early years of the New Order. (SWJ5)
this cool, temperate world is located in the Obtrexta System, and is densely overpopulated and heavily
industrialized. The surface of the planet is covered with ugly factories and boxy dwellings, and much of
the environment has been destroyed in an effort to obtain raw materials. Most of the workers who toil on
the planet were lured there with promises of wealth, only to find themselves heavily in debt to the
company which hired them. The planet's goverment is run through the corporate offices of Galentro
Heavy Works. The average day on Bescane lasts 30 standard hours, and the year lasts 332 local days.
Most of the planet is divided into sections known as "hubs," each with a specialized industry or processing
operation. It was here, from among the disconsolate workers, that Moff Jesco Comark kidnapped the
subjects for his Death-Hunter cyborg project. (SWJ9)
this being was one of Yara Grugara's cameramen, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.
this is second script character of the Aurebesh. It equates to the Basic sound of "b". (SOP, SWM)
this young man was a Korun, native to the planet Karuun Kal. During the height of the Clone Wars, Besh
and his older brother, Lesh, joined the Upland Liberation Front in an effort to free their people from the
control of the Balawai. Both brothers vehemently hated the Balawai, an emotion stemming from Besh's
capture and torture at the hands of Balawai prospectors, or jups. This particular group of prospectors cut
off Besh's fingers, one by one, in an effort to force him to answer questions about the location of lammas
groves. Stubbornly refusing to answer, Besh angered his captors so much that they later cut out his
tongue, claiming that they wanted to make sure he didn't talk to anyone else, either. Years later, just after
Depa Bilabba arrived to unify the ULF, Besh was stung by a fever wasp shortly after Lesh, and began to
suffer from the wasp fever. He allowed herself to be injected with thanatizine by Mace Windu, in an effort
to arrest the development of the wasp larvae while he and Chalk could be transported to a medical
facility. Unfortunately, both Besh and Chalk were brutally murdered by Terrel Nakay, who used a dull
knife to cut them until they nearly bled to death. Only the arrival of Kar Vastor saved their lives. Vastor
himself executed Terrel, then tried to use his connection to the Force to draw out the fever wasps and
heal their injuries. Unfortunately, Besh had been infected by a number of parasitic fungi, and was too
weak to recover. He eventually died from his injuries and the fungus which ravaged his body. (SHPT)
Besh Gorgon System
this Mid Rim star system was known as the location of The Wheel. It had not planetary bodies, and was
made up of a few rogue comets and several asteroids. (ND)
Besh, Lora
this woman claimed to have been a mistress of Nute Gunray. She wrote the racy tell-all biography,
Gunray on Top, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this Rodian and two of her friends - Nesha and Kesha, all unrelated - worked with the Wookiee known as
Nerrowr whenever he was on Tolea Biqua, on the planet Genarius, during the height of the Clone Wars.
Together, the group was once employed by Riboga the Hutt. (LFCW)
Beshka University
a Kalkal institute of higher learning. (TJP)
this was an Imperial code phrase used to identify oneself as an Imperial agent on official business. Any

soldier or officer who was given the phrase was to respond with the phrase "Pattern Nen-Penth." The
user of the Besh-Senth-Isk-12 phrase had to then respond with the number pattern 1, 3, 7, 7. (GMR10)
Besia Osurne
this was the capital city of the planet Sedesia. (SWJ6)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "regal." (GCG,
Besk, Elta
this woman was, at one time, the corporate head of Dynamic Automata, having inherited the position from
her father - and Dynamic's founder - Metron Besk. In this position, Besk was invited to come aboard the
Reaper and attend the Pentastar Talks by Imperial Moff Ardus Kaine, shortly after the Battle of Endor.
She agreed with Kaine's plans for the formation of the Pentastar Alignment, fearing that the New
Republic's pro-freedom ideals would lead to the revolt or liberation of Entymal laborers under her
corporate control. (SWJ3)
Besk, Metron
this man was the founder of Dynamic Automata. He single-handedly built the corporation from a smalltime droid manufacturer to a parts supplier for the Empire. Despite his power and control, Besk hated the
political backstabbing that his subordinates engaged in to help further their own positions within the
corporation. Before he diedm he ensured that the only being with any form of control over Dynamic
Automata was his own daughter, Elta. (SWJ3)
Beski, Miko
this man was born on a space station in the Duros System, and lived his entire childhood in space. He
joined the Alliance shortly after the Empire subjugated the system, and enlisted to obtain Special Forces
training. He eventually was promoted to Lieutenant, and was given command of Team 19, reporting
directly to Captain Qarl. Beski was a quick study, and his skills kept him line for a promotion to Senior
Lieutenant shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (ROE)
this rare, heavy gas was found in the atmospheres of only a few gas giant planets in the galaxy, such as
Genarius. Scientists have discovered that the presence of large amounts of beskium is required for the
fission-like reproduction of cochlera. (LFC, WOTC)
a planet known for its artistic participlays. (ISB)
this cloud-covered gas giant was the third planet in the Bespin System, which was located along the Ison
Corridor in the Anoat Sector, some 49,100 light-years from the galactic core. Because of the mining
outpost of Cloud City, Bespin was known for the naturally spin-sealed tibanna gas found in its
atmosphere. One of the major variations of the game of sabacc was named for the planet, another for
Cloud City. It was located just off the Corellian Trade Route, along the pathway of the Ison Corridor. It
was orbited by a pair of natural satellites. The gas giant had a quick rotation, taking only twelve standard
hours to complete one revolution. However, its orbital revolution required 14 standard years to complete.
Bespin's diameter measured some 118,000 kilometers at the furthest extent of its cloud cover. Much of
the cloud cover over Bespin was well over 1,000 kilometers thick, and surrounded an outer core of
seething molten rethin and compressed gas some 52,000 kilometers deep. This outer core exceeded
6,000 degrees, and covered a ball of solid metal 12,000 kilometers across. Note that Marvel Comics' Star
Wars series, issue 57, depicts the surface of Bespin as a swampy marsh filled with liquified gases. This
inconsistency was cleared up by the Planet Hoppers series of artices on the Wizards of the Coast
website, which explained that the marsh was actually part of the Ugnaught Surface floating city. (ESB,

Bespin Bandit
this was the name of Uz Bonearm's triangular Corellian transport ship. It was equipped with illegal,
military ion guns. (DE2)
Bespin Grand Hotel
this establishment, set in the clouds of the Cloud City outpost, in orbit around the gas giant Bespin, is
famous throughout the Outer Rim for its refreshments. (GG9)
Bespin Motors
a manufacturing operation formed specifically for the creation of Cloud City, Bespin Motors was initially a
subsidiary of Incom Industries. Following the nationalization of Incom by the Empire, Bespin Motors
employees staged a buyout plan to cut off ties to the Empire. After the completion of Cloud City, Bespin
Motors turned their attentions to the production of upper-atmospheric vehicles. They build pleasure craft,
planetary transports, taxis, and patrol ships, sch as the Storm-IV Cloud Cars used at Cloud City. (SWSB,
Bespin Port
one of the finest port wines created in the galaxy. (GG9)
Bespin Standard Form
basic rules of Sabacc (see Sabacc). (DA)
Bespin Thranta
see Common Thranta. (WSW)
Bespin Tours
this small business was based on Bespin's Cloud City, during the height of the New Order. Bespin Tours
provided its customers with airspeeder tours of the outpost and the planet Bespin. (GMR3)
Bespin-class Airhook
manufactured by Longspur and Alloi, the Bespin was a small, single-person airhook used for travelling in
a planet's atmosphere. (COD)
this planet was the site of the Fifth Battle Group's final training mission. (BTS)
Best Cargo
this modified freighter measured 35 meters in length, and was armed with a pair of laser cannons and a
heavy laser cannon. (GA)
Best Chance
this small shuttle was hidden inside the hold of the Lost Hope, during Corran Horn's mission to infiltrate
the Yuuzhan Vong presence on Garqi. The Lost Hope was purposely detonated in Garqi's atmosphere,
simulating drive failure. Corran and his team then flew the Best Chance with a dead stick, pretending to
be a piece of debris until they were below scanner levels. The shuttle lacked hyperdrive, and thus
Corran's team would need to be retrieved once their mission was complete. (DTR)
a small farming community on Tatooine, Bestine was the first of the modern settlements established on
the desert planet. It was first settled some 99 years before the Battle of Yavin, just prior to the settling of
Fort Tusken. The settlement of Bestine was considered the official capital of the planet Tatooine, and was
located about 200 kilometers west of Mos Eisley. (SWN, GG7, SWTJ, RESB, SOT)
Bestine IV
located in the Bestine System, this planet was the site of a high-security Imperial base during the Galactic
Civil War. Designed to be a new naval shipyards, the Bestine IV base was built despite the wishes of the
native population. The Empire dispossessed the entire population from the planet in order to create a

secure environment. The planet, sometimes referred to as simply Bestine, has a number of rocky islands
which dotted its vast ocean. (MTS, EGP)
Bestine Sea Anemone
this brilliantly-colored, tentacled mollusk was native to the planet Bestine. (BF5)
Bestinian Skyhopper
a small, galactic craft produced on Bestine, it differs from the Incom skyhopper in that it can fly in outer
space, where the Incom skyhopper is a tropospheric craft. (ROTJN)
Bestrum Algae
this species of algae was native to the planet Baralou, and was exported for use as foodstuff. (PG1)
this small, four-eyed being worked for Uso Yso on the planet Euceron, some six years after the Battle of
Naboo. Besum was handling the bets which were placed on behalf of certain Old Republic Senators, as
part of a scheme to discredit them. Besum received seating arrangements from Bog Dividian, who was a
legitimate member of the Galactic Games committee. (JQ3)
this was one of the four inhabited continents of the planet Garnib. (PG1)
Beta Cruiser
this was a warship designed by, and produced for, the Consortium Navy which protected the Hapes
Cluster. Smaller and more maneuverable than the Nova-class cruiser, the Beta Cruiser saw extensive
action at the Battle of Fondor. (DJ)
Beta Mission
following the recommendation of an Alpha Team with regards to a newly-discovered planet, if colonization
is an option then a Beta Mission is sent to begin the preliminary activities to ready the planet for
habitation. (HSL)
Beta Olikark
this planet is known for its beautifully-patterned, natural stones. Many corporations import stone from
Beta Olikark to use as flooring. (TA)
Beta Outpost
see Outpost Beta (IWST)
Beta Rhama
a planet known to Sam Heggs. (TMEC)
Beta Squadron
this was one of the starfighter groups which protected the planet of Levian Two, during the early years of
the New Republic. (SOC)
Beta supervisor
this was the term used by Kuat Drive Yards to describe the individual in charge of a starship's
construction. The beta supervisors all reported to an alpha foreman, who oversaw all activities in the
shipyards. (HM)
Beta System
a star system which was under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War. (GMK)
Beta-class Assault Shuttle
designed and manufactured by Telgorn Corp, the Beta-class is the 30-meter-long precursor to the
Gamma-class shuttle. These shuttles are sectional and modular, allowing them to be used in a variety of
situations. They require a crew of 5 and up to 10 gunners, and can transport up to 40 zero-G

spacetroopers in full armor. The Beta-class was armed with 4 laser cannons, a tractor beam, and a
concussion missile launcher. The Beta-class was eventually abandoned as a troop transport - giving way
to the Gamma-class shuttle, because of structural flaws generated by its modular design. These flaws
tended to show up under the stress of a boarding action,and often required a complete refitting after just
two years of service. (TTSB)
Beta-class Transport Ship
this was a form of space transport used during the early years of the New Republic. (COJ)
this planet is the homeworld of the Poraskors. (CFG)
an Imperial freighter accompanying the Wiggins, en route to meeting the Star Destroyer Warrior. The
Betar was carrying war materiel at the time the convoy was attacked by Alliance starfighters. (XW)
Betha II
this low-gravity planet is located within the Betha System, which sits at the midpoint of the Danarc Run in
Corva Sector. It is a popular world with the smugglers who ply the Run. It was believed to be the center of
operations for the Kaarenth Dissension by New Republin Intelligence. The planet is really nothing more
than a yellow-orange ball of rock. Its thin atmosphere contains very little moisture, leaving the surface of
the planet barren and dry. Many millennia before the Galactic Civil War, Betha II was much more inviting,
as its atmosphere still held water. This made is a thriving port along the Danarc Run. However, the
planet's low gravity mean that it couldn't hold its atmosphere for long, and this eventually led to the drying
out of the planet's ecosystem. The original colonists abandoned the world, and it was uninhabited until
smugglers began using it as a based some 30 years before the Battle of Bilbringi. The average day on
Betha II lasts 20 standard hours, and its year encompasses 117 local days. Very little habitation exists
aboveground on the planet, since the dry surface is often swept clean by dust and sand storms. The
caves and canyons of the planet have been expanded and connected with tunnels to support life
underground. (SWJ8)
Betha Tangrill
this early representative of the Smugglers' Alliance leadership council worked with Mara Jade during the
conversion of the Spice Mines of Kessel. They turned the prison-labor operation into a legitimate spiceproducing company. (JASB)
this planet, located in Tapani Sector of the Colonies region, was the primary planet in the Bethal System.
An infestation of greddleback termites caused the economy of the planet - which was based on apocia
hardwood timber - to go under. Imperial Moff Tendd declared the planet a disaster world, and helped
bring Imperial funds to the planet in an effort to restore the apocia. (SWJ4, LOE, SWJ11)
Bethal AgriCorp
a major agriculture business operating from the planet Bethal. (SWJ4)
this barren world is the fourth planet in the Kalinda System. (TSK)
a planet. (GG7)
this Imperial Admiral was in command of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Behemoth during the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ2)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)

Betolio System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Calipsa during the New Order. It was
seized from the holdings of House Pelagia, after Pelagia was nearly wiped out by House Mecetti. (LOE)
Betos, Ergric
this man served as Prince Anod of Velmor's personal bodyguard during the early years of the New Order.
When Prince Anod was killed by Captain Traal, Betos believed that he had failed the crown, and prepared
to be executed. However, the newly-crowned King Denid refused to kill Betos. Instead, he banished
Betos to the Tol Velmoc mountains, where Betos was accepted by the Velmoc-Dac tribe. Over the years,
he became a valued member of the tribe, and was known as the "soft-skinned warrior" to his companions.
Betrayal, The
the name given by the Renatasians to the period in their history when Vuffi Raa was believed to have
betrayed their confidence to the invading Imperial fleet. When Klyn Shanga later teamed up woth Rokur
Gepta to hunt down Vuffi Raa and Lando Calrissian, Shanga realized that Osuno Whett was the driving
force behind the Betrayal, not Vuffi Raa. (LCS)
this was a district of farmers and laborers found on the planet Fedje. Drend Navett and Klif claimed to be
exotic pet dealers from this area, when they began working to destroy the shield generator in Drev'starn.
Bet's Off, The
this cantina was located on the Jubilee Wheel space station. Roa planned to visit the Bet's Off in order to
discover information on the whereabouts of Reck Desh. (HT)
this swamp world was scouted by the colonists of Wetyin's Colony, but was rejected due to the sentient
race that inhabits it. (GG2)
this huge, female Whiphid tried to pick up Tycho Celchu at the Darklighter estate, during the search for
the Eidolon weapons cache. (XWBT)
this woman was the daughter of Jerell, and both were members of the New Republic strike force which
liberated Ralltiir from Imperial control after the Battle of Endor. (HR)
this smugler worked with Jaxa and Mara Jade in establishing a plan to distribute the glitterstim mined on
Kessel by the Smugglers' Alliance. Bettle and Jaxa worked together from their base aboard the Mallixer.
a planet. (DFRSB)
this was the larger of the two continents found on the planet Rodia. (SPG)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "child",
and was most often to indicate a son or daugther. It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined
with other suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)

Bevell III
Jai Raventhorn led a five-man Alliance Special Forces team to this planet, in an effort to capture four
Imperial agents. Their mission was compromised, and only Jai escaped. She was promoted because of
her survival, but knew that it was more propaganda than reward. (TFNR)
an Imperial Commodore stationed on Picutorion, he was in charge of the TIE Fighters assigned to the
battle. (ISB)
this Interdictor-class cruiser was part of the Imperial fleet, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this man was a native of the planet Dentaal, and served the Empire as a Captain. He was known as a
computer controls expert, and assisted battle groups by manipulating computers to lure an opponent into
a tactical trap. (CCG5)
this city was located on the Hev continent of the planet Garnib. (PG1)
this man was a Captain in the Imperial forces which were stationed on Maridun, during the months
following the Battle of Yavin. When the Amanin launched an attack on the Imperials, Bex was piloting the
Juggernaut that served as a command post for Commander Frickett. When Frickett was killed in an
ambush, Bex found himself without orders. A momentary delay cost him his life when, as he awaited
Frickett's orders, several Amanin swarmed his Juggernaut and shot his forces to death. (SWELM)
Bex, Rasha
this woman was a renegade who hid out on the planet Stoga during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
She had decided to join the local cell of Alliance agents, but found their tactics too extremist. She tried to
abandon their ranks, but they caught wind of her defection and set out after her. Her escape route
crossed the path of the smuggler BoShek, who reluctantly agreed to help her shake her pursuers and
reach her transport. It later became apparent that she had made contact with the rebel group led by Garm
Bel Iblis, formed after he split from the Alliance. She found herself falling for BoShek, especially after he
managed to get her away from Karn and the other goons sent to recover her. It was only after BoShek got
her to her assigned rendezvous point that she revealed her true identity. Much to BoShek's dismay,
Rasha was actually a Captain in the Imperial Army, and was on Stoga to locate and eliminate Bel Iblis's
forces. She had been on the run from Karn because she carried detailed information on the location of six
rebel cells on the planet. Despite her loyalties, she still felt something for BoShek, even after he was
taken away for interrogation. (SWEOR)
located in a system of four gas giants in the Velcar Free Commerce Zone, Bextar was the site of several
gas mines maintained by Dynamic Automata during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ3)
this was a common name among the Nagai people. (GMR1)
this tall, white-haired man joined the Alliance on the Forest Moon of Endor when he accompanied Fenn
Shysa on a mission to pledge Mandalore's support to the Alliance of Free Planets. Bey was half-Corellian
on his father's side, although he never knew his mother. She lef the family shortly after his birth. His father
took out his frustration and anger on Bey, using words and beatings to reconcile his own emotions.
Eventually, Bey grew to manhood, spending part of his adolescent years as a friend to a young orphan
named Han Solo. It was Bey who first taught Han to fight on the streets. Bey's heroic exploits on behalf of
his native people became the stuff of legends during the height of the New Order. He lost his left eye in a
struggle to free other Corellians, and he wore a patch over the eye as a reminder of the cruelty of other

people. His Corellian ancestry endeared him to Han Solo, who was jealous of Leia Organa's attention to
Shysa. Bey agreed to travel to Godo with Han, as part of a mission to assist the Godoans in defeating a
mysterious plague that was killing their planet. However, it was on the Forest Moon of Endor that Bey
revealed he was also half Nagai, and that he had the Nagai forces to Endor in an effort to destroy the
Alliance. His mother had been an advance scout for the Nagai many years earlier, and had seen that the
galaxy would be ripe for conquest. He also revealed that his brother was the individual known as Knife.
Bey then fled the Alliance to rejoin the Nagai, but he retained some loyalty to Han and Corellia. For this
reason, Bey infiltrated the ranks of the Tofs led by Prince Sereno, hoping to provide support in case of an
attack. He also used his position to relay information about the Tofs to the Alliance of Free Planets. His
chance act came when Sereno captured Leia Organa and Knife on Saijo. Just as Lumiya was going to kill
them both, Bey shot Lumiya. He then removed his disguise and revealed that he had been with the Tofs
all along. (MC99, MC100, MC107)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Although the original meaning has been lost, the name
is often associated with marriage or homemaking. (GCG, WOTC)
Bey, Matri
this woman served as the Governor of the Trans-Nebular Sector, some 4,000 years before the Battle of
Yavin. She was more of a bureaucrat and less of a politician, and found that she was overwhelmed with
the running of an entire sector. Governor Bey was unaware of the brewing trouble between the Corellians
and the Aqualish factions that were mining on Goroth Prime, and was powerless when full-scale war
broke out. (GSE)
Bey, Zalin
this woman served as a Commander in the Senate Guard, during the years following the Battle of Naboo,
She was placed in charge of the investigation into the death of Jheramahd Greyshade, assigning Sagoro
Autem and Isaru Omin to perform the detective work needed to apprehend the killer. (RHD)
this bounty hunter destroyed the Alliance base on Durgeon after months of preparation. She was easily
distinguished by the Arelik Armor she wore, which she claimed was her own design. Besides the Arelik
Armor, Beylyssa was known for her use of thermal detonators as her weapon of choice. She often
tinkered with the timers and detonators themselves, rigging them so that they exploded after reaching
zero on their timers. Sometimes, her thermal detonators didn't even explode, sending a message to the
recipient that Beylyssa knew they were still alive. (SWJ3, GUN)
this name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "protective" - or, more literally, "protects her young".
this man worked as a dealer aboard the Riboga's Barge gambling hall, during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. He was previously worked as a bartender for Riboga himself, and was often forced to
fight as a gladiator. Bez always won, and bore the scars of his work all over his body. (LFC)
a Ripoblus Lambda-class shuttle group used during the Sepan Civil War, as well as in battle against the
Empire. (TIE)
this planet, the primary world in the Bezim System, was one of the four worlds that supplied funding and
resources for the construction of the Station 88 Spaceport, during the decades leading up to the Clone
Wars. The natives of Bezim were tall humanoids with dome-shaped skulls. (LOJ)
a green-skinned alien who met Tem Chesko in Mos Eisley. (SWG3)

Bfass Tunnel
a name given by Wedge Antilles to one of the myriad of tubes and passages that were traversed in order
for his assault team, led by Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon, to reach the main reactor of the
second Death Star. (XWRS)
Phylon Freight's 120-meter bulk freighter. It is a twin-hulled freighter with its main drive located between
the hulls. (XW)
BFL-series Droid
this series of labor droid was produced by Serv-O-Droid, and was a follow-on model to the BLX series.
this modified assassin droid was used by Themog to protect the Grinder Dance Hall and Moira Kruger.
BG-12 was of a series of droids which hadn't been produced since the Old Republic, although it was
thought to be the last of its series. Themog installed a holocamera in BG-12's thorax, and often
dispatched the droid to meet with his enemies and deliver ultimatums. (SWJ12)
this was a model of Incom sublight engine. The Norulackin pirates who tried to subjugate the world of
Tanaab used these engines on their starships. (GOF4)
this chemical weapon was produced by Xerithin Chemical Combinations, and was known as the BioGuard. This weapon employed a unique mixture of chemicals in order to repel an alien attacker. Rather
than use a single chemical that only worked on certain species, the BGA-900 was effective in deterring a
wide range of exotic species. (GFT)
a thin, insectile Roche J9 worker droid was retained in Jabba the Hutt's retinue because of his expertise
at holochess. He was undefeated, although he longed to escape from Jabba or be terminated. (ROTJ,
BG-series Assassin Droid
this Old Republic-era droid was believed to have been completely destroyed by the advent of the New
Republic, although several models showed up on backwater worlds. (SWJ12)
this bush, found only on the planet Naboo, bloomed just once every 100 local years. The bhansgrek was
a weak plant that grew only when well-tended, but was regarded as a symbol of royalty and prestige to
the Naboo. (X2)
these nomads, living in the Doaba Badlands of Socorro, are believed to be the oldest faction of the
original settlers of Socorro still alive. The Bharhulai were also believed to be the last true users of the Old
Corellian language. The Bharhulai were also considered the most dangerous and territorial of the four
main tribes. (SWJ7, BSS)
Bharhulai Tribal Lands
located in the northern polar regions of the planet Socorro, this area was home to the Bharhulai tribes.
The borders of these lands were littered with the dessicated corpses of tresspassers and enemies, as a
warning to outsiders to stay away. (BSS)
Bhasu Ruuq
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior was part of the huge force which protected Supreme Overlord Shimrra's base
of operations on the planet Coruscant, after the alien invaders had captured the planet from the New

Republic. During Nen Yim's escape from the fortress whle trying to reach Zonama Sekot, Bhasu Ruuq
was fooled into believing that the infidels attacking the fortress were trying to kill her, not liberate her. In
order to escape unnoticed, Nen Yim was forced to kill Bhasu Ruuq, by spearign him through the eye and
brain with a specialized device hidden in her Shaper's hand. (FP)
Bhat Jul
this Kajain'sa'Nikto Jedi Knight apprenticed under master A'Sharad Hett, during the months leading up to
the Clone Wars. When war broke out between the Separatists and the Old Republic, Bhat remained by
his Master's side. They were part of the team dispatched to Metalorn, and later Aargonar, as the fighting
intensified. Unfortunately, the were shot down over enemy territory on Aargonar, and forced to fight their
way clear. During the struggle, an explosion rocked their position, and Bhat Jul caught the blast full in the
chest. Despite the efforts of Anakin Skywalker to keep him alive, Bhat Jul died from his injuries a short
while later. After Bhat Jul's death, and that of Master Sora Mobari, Anakin began to question why the Jedi
Knights were not doing more to save the lives of beings in the galaxy, rather than fighting a war that led to
more deaths. (RBJ, REL)
this was the traditional weapon of the Dug race, developed for hunting while hanging in the trees, and
created for their unique physiology. The main shaft of the weapon was meter-long wooden handle, and at
the end was a wicked, hooked blade. This blade served two purposes. First, it was an effective weapon.
Second, it could be used to help the Dug climb higher into the trees. At the opposite end of the handle
from the blade was a small scoop, which could be used to fling a bangcap or other projectile. (UANT)
an Old Corellian term for impatience. (SWJ7)
an often-domesticated creature raised for its tasty flesh. (SWJ9)
Bhir'khi Pass
this mountain valley is one of the few accessways leading to the city of Marter An, on the planet Sheris. It
was the sight of a repulsortank battle between New Republic forces and Imperial forces supporting Grand
Admiral Thrawn. The Imperials were attempting to take control of a major spaceport, and the Republic
forces arrived slightly ahead of them and blockaded the Pass. (SWJ9)
Bhishana Bhaga
this heavily-guarded and modified corvette was owned by Arakyd Industries, and served as a mobile
laboratory during the height of the New Order. The ship was built to allow the noted scientist, Min
Erethen, to conduct her research without fear of being attacked or captured by rival corporations.
Unfortunately for Arakyd and for Min, the Bhishana Bhaga experienced a short in its hyperdrive circuitry,
causing the ship to unexpectedly drop back into realspace. It emerged into an asteroid field near Krykas
V, and the crew could only affect minimal repairs before the ship crashed into the planet. Only Doctor
Erethen survived. (WOA18)
the youngest of the three Oswaft Elders at the time when Lando Calrissian was helping them defend the
ThonBoka, Boggy (as she was known by Lando) disagreed with the plan to actively oppose the Imperial
blockade of the ThonBoka. She and 1,000 other Oswaft attempted to negotiate with the Imperials, and
were slaughtered by the ships nearest the mouth of the nebula. They were able, however, to destroy the
Courteous when they "shouted" microwave energy at the unshielded cruiser. (LCS)
Bhu Cranna
this Sorrusian youth met Obi-Wan Kenobi and Astri Oddo when they arrived on Sorrus in search of
information on Ona Nobis. The son of the tribal leader Goq Cranna, Bhu was skeptical that Astri could
teach the tribe how to find food in the desert. Bhu's tribe lived in the Arra Desert, and was slowly starving
after their croplands hand been destroyed. Nevertheless, Astri showed Bhu and his tribe how to locate
turu roots and other nutritional items in the desert, allowing the tribe to survive in the new desert. (EVE)

Bhu Fath
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior once served under Commander Malik Carr, during the destruction of the
planet Obroa-skai. However, after Malik Carr was demoted for several failures, Bhu Fath found their
positions reversed. Malik Carr was demoted to a caretaker position on the prison world fo Selvaris, while
Bhu Fath was promoted to Commander and given command of the Sacred Pyre. However, despite his
size and fearsome appearance, Bhu Fath commanded none of the respect that had once been given to
Malik Carr. Many Yuuzhan Vong leaders believed that Bhu Fath's escalation was more a product of the
petitioning of Domain Fath than any reflection on his own abilities. (UF)
Bhuna Sound
this planet aligned itself with the New Republic, shortly after the Battle of Endor. (T5)
this was the model number of Atgar's hand-held picket gun. (FOP)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'ia added to an
individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this woman was a member of the Naboo Royal Security Forces, serving under then-Lieutenant Panaka
during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. She held the rank of Sergeant. (GMR2)
Bianas System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Mecetti during the New Order. (LOE)
Bib Fortuna
an Una clan Twi'lek, Bib Fortuna was most infamous as Jabba the Hutt's advisor and major domo. Little is
known about his background, although it is known that he was among the first Twi'leki to realize that the
ryll spice found on Ryloth could be sold at a large profit throughout the galaxy. Fortuna's actions drew the
attention of the Empire, which descended on Ryloth and took the Twi'lek as slaves. Fortuna was
condemned by his peers, his family name was disgraced and its holdings seized, and he was made an
outcast and a fugitive. Fortuna began his revenge by stealing valuables from high-ranking Twi'leki
officials, and was in the right place at the right time when Jabba came to Ryloth in search of slaves.
Fortuna had simply planned to steal jewels and other valuables from other Twi'leki, but instead found the
rubble and destruction caused by Jabba's slavers. In the rubble, he found Nat Secura and took the child
to Jabba, claiming that the Hutt would find amusement in controlling the last survivor of a great Twi'lek
house. It is for these reasons that the Twi'leks pronounce his name Bib'fortuna, which twists the meaning
of his true name, Bibfort'una, to indicate the evil he represents. Jabba had taken Fortuna as an employee
and Secura as a slave back to Tatooine. Fortuna's desire for power kept him in good standing with the
crimelord. Fortuna and Bidlo Kwerve were in constant competition for Jabba's attention. When the rancor
was discovered in the Tatooine desert by Jawas, Fortuna saw that Kwerve might have a better hold on
Jabba's good side. Fortuna had to find a way to get Kwerve out of the picture, for it was Kwerve who had
recovered the creature from the Jawas. When the two presented the rancor to Jabba, Kwerve puffed
himself up in an effort to win Jabba's favor. Fortuna used it against him, making it seem like bravado and
showmanship. Jabba disapproved, and sent Kwerve to the rancor as its first meal. Fortuna's first step
toward fame and fortune had landed successfully. During his employment under Jabba, Fortuna's main
duty was to scout out any plots against Jabba, and warn the Hutt of them. He also served as a "talent
scout" for Jabba, and was responsible for bringing Oola and other dancers to Jabba's palace. In reality,
Fortuna was looking out for himself. He used many of the plots as smoke screens to cover his own plots.
Fortuna had grown rapidly disgusted with the Hutt, and secretly plotted with the B'omarr monks that lived
in Jabba's palace against him. He hated the monks almost as much as he hated Jabba, for the
disembodied brothers always frightened him. His first encounter with a "brain walker" had led to his firing
a blaster at it, killing the disembodied brain. However, Fortuna realized that the monks had built the
castle, and they still roamed it, keeping a great deal of secrets. Fortuna, however, was not out to claim
Jabba's position as crimelord; he simply wanted to acquire enough power and wealth to return to his
homeworld of Ryloth and conquer it. He planned to use Nat Secura as a sign to the Twi'lek that Fortuna

was the only choice as ruler. When Luke Skywalker rescued Han Solo and Princess Leia had killed
Jabba, Fortuna fled to the cargo hold of Jabba's sail barge and fled in a hidden skiff. He set off a thermal
detonator as he left, ensuring the destruction of the crimelord. All of Fortuna's planned crumbled to dust,
though, following Jabba's death. He returned to the palace, only to be overcome by the B'omarr monks.
They removed his brain from his body and placed it in a nutrient jar, allowing Fortuna to forever
contemplate his actions. He continued to monitor many of his secret accounts, and kept alive the hope
that he and Nat would be rescued and placed into cloned Twi'lek bodies. Eventually, Bib Fortuna's brain
walker was captured by Firith Olan, who hoped to wring information on Jabba's criminal empire for his
own use. Fortuna bided his time, until Firith Olan was injured by Marl Semtin at Eidolon Base. Fortuna
managed to drag Olan's body back to Jabba's palace, where he had the B'omarr monks swap their
brains. Fortuna then went into seclusion, gathering his strength to make a future bid for power. Using his
own resources, those of Jabba that he was able to recover, and those of Firith Olan, Bib Fortuna began to
grow more powerful. In an effort to infiltrate Lady Valarian's holdings, he also began to develop a
relationship with Valarian's chosen successor, Shiri'ani. Bib Fortuna was portrayed in Star Wars: Return
of the Jedi by Michael Carter, and by Alan Ruscoe in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
see Bilba Tree (ROD)
Bibbeck, Char
this man, who represented his homeworld of Colunda Prime in the Old Republic Senate, was arrested
shortly before the Clone Wars and charged with gambling on which worlds would secede from the
Republic. Senator Bibbeck had been betting with Senator Jonas Wallen of Darlon for several years, and
were believed to have wagered over eight million credits while trying to figure out which planets would
leave the Republic. (HNN5)
Bibble, Sio
this man was the Governor of the planet Naboo, at the time when Queen Amidala was elected. During
her campaign against King Veruna, Sio Bibble was one of Amidala's chief detractors. However, as he
listened to the young speak, he quickly came to realize that she was exactly what the planet needed in a
leader. He soon switched camps, growing more and more loyal to Amidala and her plans. He was a
courageous man who believed in Amidala's abilities, and supported her election. When the Trade
Federation blockaded their world and Amidala traveled to Coruscant to plead their case to the Senate,
Bibble remained behind to hold of the Neimoidians. He willfully resisted their attempts to force him to
ratify a treaty that would legitimize the invasion, and maintained the planet's sovereignity until Amidala
could return. Once rejoined, Bibble worked with Amidala and the Jedi Knights to capture Nute Gunray
and force the Federation to withdraw. Sio Bibble was portrayed by Oliver Ford Davies in Star Wars:
Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, JQA)
this domesticated predator was native to the planet Ryloth, and was raised by the Twi'leks as a guard
beast. (GCG)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name referred to a domesticated predator used by the
Twi'leks as a guard beast on Ryloth. (GCG)
this was the altered form of the name Bibfort'una, given to the Twi'lek criminal Bib Fortuna by his fellow
natives of the planet Ryloth. At the height of the New Order, Fortuna found Nat Secura and took the child
to Jabba, claiming that the Hutt would find amusement in controlling the last survivor of a great Twi'lek
house. It is for these reasons that the Twi'leks pronounce his name Bib'fortuna, which twists the meaning
of his true name, Bibfort'una, to indicate the evil he represents. (TJP, NEGC)
this was the birthname given to the Twi'lek crimnal Bib Fortuna. (TJP, NEGC)

this retired smuggler owned and operated Biblack's Overhaul on Lianna. He had a good reputation as a
businessman and friend, and frequented the bars of Lola Curich. (ML)
Biblack's Overhaul
this starship repair facility is located in the city of Lola Curich, and was well-known among the smugglers
and outlaws who flew through the Lola Curich starport. (ML)
this Melida was the father of Pinani. Bicha was killed in the long-standing battle between the Melida and
the Daan. (DOD)
this New Republic recruit had washed out of starfighter training shortly after Lara Notsil was transferred to
the Screaming Wookiees. Bickey, like Lara, was transferred to Colonel Repness' team just days after she
arrived. When she exposed Repness' blackmarket schemes, she felt a twinge of regret when she was
forced to expose Bickey's falsified grades. (IF)
this city was perhaps best known as the site of Eport. Everything a being could need or desire was to be
found in Bidamount, provided that one had the right collateral to bid with. (T7)
Bi-Dar Tyunda
this ancient Cerean was credited with creating the first planetary government on his homeworld of Cerea.
It was also believed that he was the first Cerean to create the wondrous patterns which were scribed into
the facets of kasha crystals, allowing the artist to harness the crystal's natural energy. (UANT)
Biddyn, Jakob
an Alliance Special Operations Group leader during the Galactic Civil War. (GG9)
Bid'Jerma Dentention Block
this Imperial penal colony was located on an unspecified world. The Alliance established Outpost Cinder
near this facility, in an effort to recover fifty soliders imprisoned there. (HAS)
Bidlor, Myk
this slightly-built forensics specialist was hired by Durga the Hutt to determine what killed his parent, Aruk.
Bidlor was paid handsomely by Durga, and eventually discovered the toxin X-1 concentrated in Aruk's
brain. (RD)
Bie Briel'lya
this young Bothan was the cousin of Tav Breil'lya. He was captured by the bounty hunter Nariss Siv
Loqesh during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWG6)
this Imperial General was part of the command crew aboard the weapons platform known as the Tarkin,
during its construction in the Patriim System. Biel was part of the group of officers who opposed Darth
Vader's careless waste of life whenever an officer failed to meet his goals. When Colonel Nord decided to
use the ionic cannon aboard the Tarkin to take out Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the superweapon
exploded. It had been sabotaged by the Alliance, and tore itself apart when fired. Biel and all aboard were
killed. (LTA3, MC52)
this miner worked for the Offworld Mining Company on Bandomeer. He was part of the group of miners
who worked the deep waters of the Great Sea of Bandomeer. Bier was one of the first casualties
attributed to the presence of ionite in the planet's crust. After diving into an area of ionite ore, the
instruments on his aquasuit stopped working. Bier was unable to accurately gauge the suit's operations,
and died when he ran out of breathable air. (DR)

a planet. (FTD)
Big Boom Cantina
this wryly-named cantina was located on Nova Station, in the Carida System's cooling remains. (SBS)
Big Bridge, The
this was the name of the large causeway that connected the city of Ugnorgrad to Grukk's Jungle, on the
floating city known as the Ugnaugth Surface. (PH)
Big Bunji
a minor criminal, Big Bunji was a lavender-hued humanoid with a wide body and a huge head. His eyes
were like saucers, and his hair resembled a slate-colored bird's nest. His large ears were pink in
coloration, and looked like wings. once hired Han Solo and Chewbacca to run chak-root to Gaurick,
agreeing to pay for all their expenses during the contract. Han and Chewie made a number of runs to
Gaurick, each one more difficult because the local religious leaders deemed chak-root an illegal
substance. One run turned disastrous for them, as the planet's fleet severely damaged the Millennium
Falcon as it tried to escape. Han was also forced to dump the load of chak-root he was carrying to get
away. Based on the promise Big Bunji made, Han and Chewie had repairs done on the Falcon, and
added them to Big Bunji's account. However, they son received a bill from Big Bunji for the chak-root and
the repairs to the Falcon. Han's temper flared up, and he strafed Big Bunji's pressure dome with laser
bolts, eliminating its atmosphere and causing innumerable amounts of damage. Big Bunji later had his
assistant, Squeak, approach Han about a job at the Mos Eisley spaceport, claiming no hard feelings
remained between them. However, Han had already taken on Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Big
Bunji laid low during the Galactic Civil War, eventually setting up shop near Ord Mantell. After the initial
phases of construction were completed on the Jubilee Wheel space station, Big Bunji moved his
operation there. He went by the pseudonym of "Boss B" to maintain relative anonymity. Big Bunji and
most of his organization managed to escape the Yuuzhan Vong attack on the station, making their way
planetside to regroup. (SWR, HSE, CSA, HT)
Big Eye
this converted blastboat was used by the Jedi Knights to gather military intelligence on the Yuuzhan
Vong, some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. It was used in the Froz System by Tenel Ka,
Lowbacca, and Raynar Thul, as they were dispatched to monitor Yuuzhan Vong activity in the Corellian
Sector. (SBS)
Big Game, The
this was the name used by Adminstrator Simon Greyshade to describe the gladiator events he staged
aboard The Wheel, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. (MC20)
Big Gizz
known as the Gizman, this hulking humanoid stands over 2.5 meters in height, and was the captain of
Jabba the Hutt's swoop gang on Tatooine. He led his swoop gang, with Jix in tow, to take out Luke
Skywalker in a dangerous swoop race through Beggar's Canyon. Big Gizz had long, shaggy hair and a
well-muscled physique. He had large, pointed ears and a toothy maw. He was injured in the swoop chase
when Dash Rendar arrived to help Luke, and tried to get out of Beggar's Canyon with Jix. However, Gizz
knew too much about Jix's past, and so Jix killed him before they could return to Jabba's palace. Big
Gizz's body was found by the B'omarr monks that lived in Jabba's palace, and was reanimated. The fatal
wound that killed Gizz was repaired, and a thick metal plate was installed to cover the hole in his skull. It
continually picked up stray communications signals. After being reunited with Spiker, they set off to locate
Jabba's hidden trove of weapons on board the escape ship Spirit of Jabba. They hoped to become
pirates on their own. Big Gizz's plate picked up comm signals from Gorga the Hutt, who had come to
Tatooine to hear Jabba's will and had been left out of the major inheritance. Gorga hoped to recover
some of Jabba's Mendacian funeral urns, but stumbled upon the ship first. They managed to steal the
ship before Gorga could obtain it, but failed to override the ship's security system. The interactive tape
took control, venting atmosphere and locking out user control. Just when they thought they were doomed,
the Nemphas tried to intercept them. They were forced to crash-land the ship outside of Mos Eisley in

order to escape Gorga the Hutt's minions. Spiker and Gizz survived, and made their way back to
civilization. Note that the Rebellion Era Sourcebook claims Big Gizz was a human. (SEC, SSE, TJT,
Big Green Fish
an expletive used by Yarbolk Yemm, as in "by the Big Green Fish." (POT)
Big Gyyl
see Gyylghrard (PH)
Big Hill
a city on the planet Lucazec. It is connected to Jisasu via Crown Pass Road. (BTS)
Big Jak Targrim
this four-armed, hulking alien was the pirate leader of the Riders of the Maelstrom. His genetic structure
has been altered over time by the addition of gene material from various evil criminals and warlords to
make him even more ruthless and evil. This plicing of genetic patterns has resulted in Big Jak having a
wildly-variable personality, as each of the genetic patterns tries to assert itself. His face was scarred in
battle. Big Jak resented the intrusion of Rodin Higron's pirate group on Oasis, and schemed to capture a
large ship passing through the Maelstrom. Once he was in control of a large ship, he would set it on
autopilot to crash into Oasis and destroy Higron's pirates. Big Jak's chance came when the Kuari
Princess made its way through the Maelstrom. The Riders were able to board the luxury liner and gain
control of its bridge. His plot was foiled by the timely intervention of Alliance agents, who were on board
the ship trying to thwart the plans of Imperial Moffs Vanko and Torpin. Big Jak managed to escape before
the Alliance agents could capture him. (RM)
Big L
a slang term used by starpilots to refer to lightspeed. (HSE)
Big Maxiboss Gurunda
this was the name of one of the statues found in the Gungan Sacred Place. It was one of the first statues
stolen by Captain Swagg, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. It was later replaced when the Gungans
managed to runn Swagg off the planet. (E1A11)
Big Nasty Free-For-All
this competition was held at the Gungan Festival of Warriors. It pitted a great number of Gungan soldiers
- often more than 400 - against each other in a race against the elements. There was a basic set of rules,
but, in general, anything was fair. The initial stage of the event involved the competitors trying to capture
bouncing gulliballs, and was known as the gulli-brawl. The number of gulliballs available was exactly half
the total number of competitors, and so half were eliminated in the first round. The second phase involved
placing the gulliballs in elevated chutes, and was known as the gulli-throw. Those Gungans who
successfully deposited their balls moved onto the third phase, which involved a race through the ocean to
the swamplands surrounding Lake Umberbool. Once on land, the racers had to reach a checkpoint and
then dive back into the water from a high cliff. Once in the water, they had to return to the arena. The first
Gungan to cross the finish line was declared the winner. (E1A10)
Big One
this was a nickname used by the Priapulin to describe the primary parent of a family. All other offspring
worked for the betterment of their parents, and revered their "Big One" like a god. (RP)
Big Push, The
a slang term referring to the killing of another individual. (LCM)
Big Quince
this Sludir slavelord was a gladiator fighting in the pits on Loovria. Born with the name Quintik Kahr, Big
Quince survived a multitude of fights before gaining his freedom. After retiring, Big Quince continued to
carry his gladiator's force pike as a reminder to all of his prowess in the pits. He once owned the lives of

Platt Okeefe and Tru'eb Cholakk, until both smugglers managed to steal his personal shuttle and escape.
Big Quince, The
this sleepy bar and grill was located on the planet Chrona, in the mining town of Corestrike. (SWJ12)
Big Score
this Action VI transport was owned by Anton Azzameen during the Galactic Civil War. (XWA)
Big Shock
developed by Corellian Technologies, this was a form of electrified webbing that could be worn over
protective armor plating. It delivered an intense, electric shock to any exposed flesh which came in
contact with it, providing the user with an added measure of protection. (GUN)
Big Z
see Zaalbar (SWDB)
Big Zoo
this was a term used to describe the Galactic Polysapient Medical Center, used most often by its
graduates. (MJH)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Biggs Field
found near Imperial City on Coruscant, this airstrip was named to honor Biggs Darklighter's sacrifice
during the Battle of Yavin. (SOL)
this robo-hauler was manufactured by Cybot Galactica. (CSA)
this Herglic was the bouncer at the Corusca Gem Casino, located on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, during
the height of the New Order. He was addicted to gambling, although he rarely won anything at the games.
He dreamed of opening his own casino, but could never save enough credits. (WOA23)
Bigspace Hotel
this was one of the many hotels that were built in the City Bigspace of Otoh Gunga, on the planet Naboo,
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The Bigspace Hotel catered to the needs of the many
offworld tourists and visitors to traveled to Naboo to see the Gungan culture. (GMR4)
Big-Time Hero of Beyond-Squib Eliteness
this honorific was used by the Squib leaders of the planet Skor II to indicate those individuals who
distinguished themselves in the defense of the Squibs. Jedi Master Mace Windu was given this honorary
title when he liberated the Metrobig Interplanetary Blastport from Separatist forces, during the height of
the Clone Wars. (SWI69)
this was a planet whose lush farmlands were destroyed early in the Galactic Civil War when the Great
Heep installed a fuel-ore processor there. The processor consumed much of the planet's moisture,
rendering it a barren wasteland. (TGH)
native to the planet Biitu, these hairless, green humanoids were primarily farmers until the Great Heep
destroyed their planet. (TGH)
Biituian Fen-hare
this small creature is found on the planet Biitu, and is easily frightened. (SLS)

an Imperial industrial world that was intentially contaminated by the fleeing Imperial forces after the Battle
of Endor. The Imperials also undermined several major corporations. (SWJ2)
Bijo Hammax
a Narvath member of the New Republic Intelligence agency, Bijo was a member of the Narvath
resistance and a strong supporter of the Alliance. He was assigned to lead the assault team that would
have penetrated the Teljkon vagabond, if Lando Calrissian hadn't gotten there first. (BTS)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this animal spirit tricked hunters into following it, then led them far from home
until they became lost. (GCG)
this Jawa was known thief who worked near Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, during the years leading
up to the Battle of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for Biktha's capture after Biktha stole one of the
Hutt's pit droids. This bounty was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to
arrange a meeting with Jabba. (BH)
this ball of frozen rock was the fourth and outermost planet of the New Plympto System. (CCW)
this gaseous substance is used in chemical warfare. (POT)
a low-cultured, sentient races subjugated by House Vandron and made to work the breeding farms on
Karfeddion. (COJ)
a short, pudgy alien race with long arms, short legs, and no hair, the Bilars look like bald teddy bears with
frozen smiles. The ears of a Bilar are quite large, and are capable of hearing in infrasonic and ultrasonic
wavelengths. The ears can be swivels in different directions, allowing the Bilars to use them with great
efficiency. Their eyes are large and black, and can gather light in the darkest of nights. However, they are
not a dominating race, and have survived more vicious forms of life on their homeworld of Mima II by
staying in large groups for safety. This behavior soon became part of their genetic makeup, and they
have evolved the need for a group mind in order to function. On their own, single Bilars are dumb
animals. Together, they form claqas (group minds) in which the overall intelligence of the claqa doubles
with each additional Bilar mind. The average number of Bilars in a sentient claqa is four, while a genius
claqa has at least seven Bilars. There is a single instance of a 10-Bilar claqa which became the entity
known as Unni Yerudi. (GG4)
Bilba Tree
a species of tree native to the planet Dantooine, the bilba was noted for its twisted trunk. (GOF11, ROD)
this was one of the larger port towns located on the planet Nal Hutta. (TFNR)
Bilbringi System
this system lacked any true planets, but was choked with asteroid belts and other drifting debris. The
system was under Imperial control until the Battle of Bilbringi. (TLC, TTSB, EGP)
Bilbringi VII

this medium-sized planetoid is part of the larger Bilbringi System asteroid field. It was also the site of an
Imperial shipyard under the command of General Drost, during the reign of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (TLC)
this creature, native to the oceans of Chad, was semi-domesticated and was harvested for its tender
flesh. They could grow to lengths of 150 meters or more, and measure 15 meters in diameter. Their skin
was covered with a thick, sub-dermal tissue that acted like armor despite its apparent softness. The
bildog was a stupid but mean-spirited creature, which sometimes made them hard to herd. They
congregated in groups of five to fifty individuals. (SWJ10, EGA)
Bildor's Canyon
a desert canyon found on Tatooine, it was the site of Wimateeka's clan fortress. It bordered Ariq
Joanson's moisture farm, and was located between Bestine and the Jundland Wastes. (TME, IWST)
this city, located on the planet Barnaba, was rumored to be the site of a shadowport that was funded by
House Barnaba itself. In reality, it was the former site of a Justice Action Network base, but the base had
been abandoned well before the Battle of Endor. (TSIA)
Bilios System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Melantha during the New Order. (LOE)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
this Gamorrean worked as a bodyguard to Zippa the Toydarian. When Zippa tried to sell a holocron to
Lorn Pavan, the Toydarian took exception to the human's doubt as to the holocron's history. Zippa
ordered Bilk to hold them at gunpoint until he could flee the scene and find another buyer. Lorn and his
droid, I-5YQ, tried to escape and catch Zippa, and I-5YQ shot Bilk dead during the escape. (DMSH)
Billane, Jonava
this woman, a native of the planet Ord Thoden, lost her daughter Ludi when the infant was whisked away
to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, after being recognized for her connection to The Force. The child had
been rescued by a Jedi Knight from the ruins of the city of Domitree, but Jonava objected to the action.
She spent every last credit she had to travel to Coruscant and protest Ludi's taking. Her pleas initially fell
upon deaf ears, as the Jedi claimed that Ludi had been "awakened to The Force" and could not return to
her secular life. Jonava's pleas garnered the attention of her homeworld's Senator, Boganni Hrul, as well
as a popular following on Coruscant formed by the People's Inquest. Despite her high ideals, when a
group of holofeature producers approached Jonava and Thrynka about a movie based on their efforts,
both quickly traveled to Kassido to help with casting. (HNN4, HNN5)
Billane, Ludi
this infant child was rescued by a Jedi Knight from the ruins of the city of Domitree, some eight months
prior to the onset of the Clone Wars. Her connection to The Force was quite strong, and the Jedi had no
trouble locating her. Baby Ludi was transported back to Coruscant for training, as the Jedi were unaware
that her mother, Jonava, was still alive. The Jedi refused to allowed Jonava to take Ludi back to Ord
Thoden, claiming that the infant had been "awakened to The Force" and could not return to secular life.
a smuggling overlord and contemporary of Talon Kaarde, Billey ran much of the black market bacta on
Coruscant shortly after the planet was liberated from Ysanne Isard. It was believed that he was a native
of Corellia, although Billey himself never revealed his origins. He was something of a legend among
smugglers, surviving in the profession for more than sixty years. He believed that he was his own goodluck charm, since he seemed to be able to escape from any possible situation. His luck lasted a few

years, until he was injured in a botched spice run during the height of the New Order. He was imprisoned
at the Goshyn Detention Center, where he refused cybernetic replacements for his most-damaged parts.
Billey spent much of his life in a repulsorchair in order to get around, and was forced to trust in his
lieutenants - Brask, Par'tah, Ellor, and Dravis - to do most of his negotiations and business travels. (TLC,
Billi B and the Paradise Gang
much of this muscial ensemble's music was banned by the Empire. (SWJ9)
this Troiken agreed to help the forces of the Old Republic - soliders, Jedi Knights, and politicians - escape
from Mount Avos, where they had been holed up by the mercenaries under the command of Iaco Stark,
during the early stages of the Stark Hyperspace Wars. Billibango was befriended by Jace Dallin, and
confided in the human that he wished to become a Jedi Knight. Billibango's advice helped the Republic
forces evacuate their hiding places just before Stark's forces arrived, giving them a chance to fight back.
During the battle, Billibango threw himself in front of a blast which was meant for Dallin, saving Dallin's
life. Dallin never forgot Billibango's bravery, which continued to be proven as the struggle escalated. It
was Billibango, and his knowledge of the Lycinder Plain, who got the Republic forces to safety. (SHW)
Bilsek, Lav
this Alliance armed forces Commander was placed in charge of the assault team sent to destroy the
Empire's HoloNet relay station on Altratonne. (MBC)
this name, which meant "strong", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
Bimbam Toop
this large Gungan was the foreman of a Gungan work crew which worked at the Kwilaan Starport shortly
after the Battle of Naboo. (WOA2)
Bimin Three System
this inhabintants of this planetary system were sympathetic to the needs of the Jedi Knights, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. (JAD)
this was the name given to either of two distinct races of humanoids which were native to the planet
Bimmisaari. Xenoarchaeologists believe that the original Bimms were bipedal, half-furred humanoids who
loved to tell stories and were enamored of heroic feats. They were generally a peaceful people who
welcomed visitors with laughing voices and open arms, and they all seemed to dress in yellow. They were
also excellent hagglers, and spend much of their days shopping and bargaining with each other. Millennia
before the fall of the Old Republic, a second race of near-humans came to Bimmisaari from a nearby star
system, and adopted the original Bimm civilization as their own. The original Bimms, being hospitable and
open-minded, accepted the newcomers into their society without question. However, the two races were
sexually incompatible, and could not interbreed. Both races of Bimm seemed to prefer the color yellow,
and the original Bimms almost always wore yellow clothing. (HTTE, TTSB, WOTC, EGA, UANT)
this world was the fifth planet from the sun which centered the MZX33291 system. Originally discovered
by Imperial scouts, Bimmiel was thought to be a temperate world of grassy plains and cool deserts.
However, it was later learned that the Imperials had first landed on the planet during its closest inbound
pass to the sun. An xenoarcheology expedition funded by the University of Agamar learned that Bimmiel
had an elongated, elliptical orbit which brought the planet well away from its sun at its furthest path,
plunging the planet into a deep winter. They named the planet after the leader of the Imperial survey team
which first found it. The xenoarch team had been studying the relationships between the slashrats and
the shwpi when they discovered the fifty-year-old remains of Mongei Shai, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior killed
on the planet five decades earlier, indicating that the Vong had been able to break through the
hyperspace distrubance at the edge of the galaxy long before they actually attacked Belkadan and

Helska. The students also discovered that the planet's magnetic field shifted on a regular basis, making
any static map of the world obsolete in twenty to fifty years. When Shedao Shai learned of the
desecration of Mongei Shai's remains, he ordered Bimmiel wiped clean of any forms of life. (DTO, FH3)
this was the name of the leader of the Imperial survey team which discovered the MZX33291 System.
a world that the New Republic tried to enlist shortly before the emergence of Admiral Daala from the Maw
Installation. (JS)
this was the native language of the Bimms. (EGP)
Bimmira Canyon
this winding canyon was located on Tatooine, and was a side path to the famous Mos Espa podracing
course. (APD)
this planet was the homeworld of the Bimm race. It was a temperate, forested world whose day lasted 26
standard hours, while its year lasted 302 local days. Bimmisaari was one of the first ten planets to join the
Refugee Resettlement Coalition, shortly before the Clone Wars. In the wake of the death of Emperor
Palpatine at Endor, Bimmisaari was courted by the New Republic, but chose to remain as neutral as
possible. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Bimmisaari was overrun during the second
wave of attacks. (HTTE, HTSB, HT, HNN5)
this was the native language of the Bimm people. (BF3)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Bin was used to indicate an archer or hunter, or an arrow. (GCG)
this city was located on the planet Melida/Daan. It was defended by the Daan shortly after the TwentyFirst Battle of Zehava. (DOD)
Bin Binnari
this Professor worked at the New Republic Astrographic Survey Institute. Binnari was assigned to
accompany Lieutenant Shella Harin on a fact-finding mission to Leria Kerlsil during the Human League
crisis on Corellia. (CTD)
Bin Essada
a not-quite-human Imperial Moff, ruling the Circarpous system from the territorial world of Gyndine. He is
extremely obese, with multiple chins lapping over his collar. He has curly black hair which is accented
with areas of white and am orange-colored spiral design near the top. He has dark eyes with pink pupils.
Bin Gassi Racing Engines
manufacturers of podracing engines and complete racers. (IG1)
Bin Prime
this was the capital city of the planet Balmorra. (EGP)
Bin, Drelmar

this pencil-thin, hawk-nosed human owns the kyrf plantations on the planet Korbin. He was a corporate
executive until it was discovered he was embezzling funds from it. He fled, and set up residence on
Korbin. There, he killed the former owner of the kyrf plantations - the man who had perfected the creation
of kyrf liquor - and took control of kyrf production. (PG2)
Binalie Estate
this was the name given to the vast estate owned by Lord Pilester Binalie and his family, duirng the years
leading up to the Clone Wars. The Estate was located north of Foulahn City, just outside boundaries of
Spaarti Creations' facilities. It was separated by a string of grassland, which the Cranscoc had set aside
as untouchable. A tunnel running beneath the grasslands connected the two areas, allowing Binalie to
enter the manufacturing facilities as needed. The dirt of this tunnel appeared to have been dug out with
crude implements and covered with permacrete, but the walls were actually immense murals created by
the Cranscoc. (SWI68)
Binalie, Corf
this boy was the son of Lord Pilester Binalie, and was eleven years old when the Clone Wars broke out.
Corf admired the work of Jedi Knight Jafer Torles, who was on Cartao to monitor the planet's status
during the Clone Wars. He believed that Torles was the "ultimate Jedi", a strong, wise individual who was
never, ever wrong. His perceptions were first verified, then shattered when Separatist forces tried to
acquire the fluid technology of Spaarti Creations. The battle fo keep Cartao free from Separatist control
turned bad from the start, with battle droids quickly occupying Spaarti Creations and the surrounding
Foulahn City. Corf believed that Torles' actions were helping, until a Republic gunship purposely crashed
into the main facility of Spaarti Creations. The facility, along with many of the Cranscoc twillers who
operated it, were destroyed in the blast. When it was discovered that the gunship had been under the
control of the Jedi Knights - a piece of misinformation leaked by Darth Sidious himself - Corf lost all faith
in the Jedi Knights. Like his father, Corf dismissed Master Torles without so much as a goodbye, and he
hated the Jedi Knights from that point forward. (SWI68, SWI70)
Binalie, Pilester
this man was the leader of the government of the planet Cartao, during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. A Lord by birth, Binalie did his best to remain neutral during the growing conflict between the Old
Republic and the Separatists. Many of the people who lived on Cartao considered Binalie something of a
blowhard, a man who was quick to support the common man with words, but rarely able to do so with
actions. However, he boldly worked to ensure the safety of his people and his planet when the Clone
Wars arrived on Cartao. He worked with the local Jedi Master, Jafer Torles, to assist Kinman Doriana in
driving out the Separatist forces, only to see a Republic gunship crash into Spaarti Creations, utterly
destroying the facility and many of the Cranscoc twillers who operated it. When he learned that the
gunship had been under the command of the Jedi Knights - a bit of misinformation planted by Darth
Sidious himself - Binalie dismissed Master Torles and set out to rebuilt what he could of his homeworld.
(SWI68, SWI70)
this older woman served with Talus as the leaders of the planet Typha-Dor, during the years leading up to
the Clone Wars. (JQ7)
Binarian Carnivorous Plant
this species of plant is found in the jungles of the planet Binaros. It appears to be nothing more than three
large, orange and red leaves surrounding a stalk-like central section. Root-like tendrils spread out from
the center. The plant lies in wait for a small creature to get within the reach of these tendrils, which whip
out and snare the creature. The plant then drags its prey to the bulb at the top of the stalk, which is
actually a mouth-like hole filled with digestive juices. (KO)
Binarian Sabercat
this huge predator is native to the planet Binaros. Resembling an eight-legged lion, the sabercat has two
large fangs studding its upper jaw. These cats also have a long tail which is tipped by a bony nodule
which plays parts in defense and mating. Their fur is tan in color, and is dotted by greenish spots which
camouflage it from prey. (KO)

this planet was located in a system of young worlds was located in the Kathol Outback. The surface of
Binaros was covered with dense forests that supported an incredible variety of flora and fauna, although
no sentient life has evolved on the planet yet. The average day on Binaros lasts 32 standard hours, and
the planet's year encompasses 110 local days. Binaros was the site of a small cult which worshipped a
hermit-like deity. The small colony established by the cultists was eradicated by disease, but their single
temple remained intact. Imperial forces took control of the temple, using it as a research base dedicated
to producing biochemical weapons. When Moff Sarne was forced to flee Kal'Shebbol, the base was
abandonded. (KO)
Binarran Cloud
an inhabited nebular region of the galaxy. (DFRSB)
this was a simple, Imperial language used during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GMR6)
Binary Bar
this was the name of a tavern located in Ven-Kav, on Venaari. Cohden K'Reye once said that it was one
of his favorite hangouts. (SWJ5, SWJ15, WSV)
Binary Cantina
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was first released as part of the compilation
entitled Dangerous Dreams, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Binary Flash Code
this was a form of communication used by droids that lacked vocabulators. Using a simple series of on
and off blinks, a droid could use a simple light to communicate with other droids. (AFA)
Binary Loadlifters
a primitive droid used to move heavy objects. (SW)
this was a suburb of Galactic City, located on the planet Coruscant. (APS)
Bindalin, Jilst
this man was a native of Alsakan several millennia before the Battle of Yavin. He trained briefly as a Jedi
Knight before turning to the Dark Side of the Force. It was believed that he followed the legends of a Killik
member of the Sith dying on the planet Sarafur with a huge treasure buried in his tomb, and Bindalin
made the trek to Sarafur to pay homage to the Killik. It was also believed that his tribute to the Killik was
in the form of the Alsakan Tessent, which he had stolen and brought with him to Sarafur. The story held
that only the Shistavenan pilot who transported Bindalin to Sarafur knew of the Tessent's existence.
this Interdictor-class cruiser was part of the fleet commanded by Prince-Admiral Krennel. He used it to
trap Admiral Ackbar's fleet near Ciutric, during the New Repiblic's attempt to liberate the planet. However,
as soon as Captain Phulik fired up the gravity well projectors, Ackbar implemented the Thrawn Pincer.
The gravity shadows created by the Binder helped drag the Selonian Fire and the Corsuca Fire out of
hyperspace behind Krennel's fleet, and the two Republic ships quickly dispatched the Reckoning. Before
they could be destroyed, the crew of the Binder surrendered to the New Republic fleet. (IR)
Binder Chair
this modified chair was used by police and military forces as a way to confine an individual to a specific
location. Speciallized binders were mounted to the arms and legs of the chair, into which the arms and
legs of the individual were placed. In this way, a being could be interrogated without the threat of them
moving against their captors. (SHPT)

binder-gyves are a form of handcuffs used to bind the wrists of a captive. (ROJR)
this was a basic set of handcuffs that were connected without a link, restricting the movement of a
captive's hands. They could also be used to bind the feet, or one arm and one leg to furhter immobilize a
prisoner. (SW, AEG)
this was a wide, silver adhesive tape that was used to seal boxes. (SWI73)
Bindo, Jolee
this former Jedi Kinght was a veteran of the Great Sith War, having fought against the forces of Exar Kun
more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. However, the battles he fought changed him forever,
and he left the Jedi Order after the war and fled to Kashyyyk, where he became a recluse for many years.
When Bastila Shan arrived at Kashyyyk during her search for the Star Forge, she saw through Bindo's
frail appearance and recognized the Jedi training that he had completed. She managed to convince Jolee
to accompany her band in search of Darth Malak and the Star Forge, during which Jolee was forced to
confront his past on Manaan, where he met up with Sunry. Throughout the search for the Star Forge,
Jolee tried to maintain his stance of only looking for peace, despite the steely glint in his eyes. Jolee
Bindo was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson for the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old
Republic. (KOTOR, SWDB)
one of the survivors of the Battle of Hoth, Bindu was evacuated on the Bright Hope. (TBH)
Bindy Bend
this location, near Ben's Mesa on Tatooine, was the site of an ancient river delta. (IWE1)
Bing, Calus
this megonite harvester was working with Sparu to steal megonite from Lady Tarkin and sell it on the
black market. They had arranged to meet Han Solo on Phelarion, and transfer the megonite to the
Millennium Falcon. When Leia Organa was stranded on Phelarion and became one of Lady Tarkin's
servants, she agreed to help them send a message to Han, although she was unaware that it was Han
himself. However, in order to escape from Imperial forces gathered on Phelarion, Calus and Sparu were
forced to destroy the megonite. They reached the Falcon just ahead of the Imperials and fled off-planet.
this being was a native of Tammuz-an during the early years of the New Order. (DCAR)
this Cerean was a rogue and a pirate, easily distinguished by his lack of two fingers on his left hand.
Instead of raiding the spacelanes of his home system, though, Bin kept to his homeworld and raided the
villages of his compatriots. Among the treasures Bin hoped to steal were male Cerean children and well
over 100 wives, in the hope that his band would continue to grow in influence and power. Bin and his
band of female pirates held the small villages of Cerea under his control for more than two decades, until
Ki-Adi-Mundi returned to his homeworld after completing his early training as a Jedi Knight. Ki had been
charged with eliminating the threat of Bin-Garda-Zon, but returned home to find him a vindictive old man
who had been bested in the khana by one of the younger woman of his band. When the younger
generation of pirates decided to submit to Ki's laws after their leader was bested by Ki himself, Bin
furiously refused to let go of his control. He swore at the young Jedi, but was unable to sway his former
band and was disgraced. (PTR)
Bingo Mehndra
this walrus-like being was a noted Balti smuggler who liked jizz music as much as Jabba the Hutt. Bingo
and Jabba got into a dispute several years before the Battle of Endor, and Jabba never forgot it. He sent

the Max Rebo Band to Hoth, ostensibly as a peace offering, to entertain Bingo on his Spawning Day
celebration. Unknown to the band, their amplifiers had been filled with explosives, set to go off as soon as
their set was over. Although the band managed to escape by using holographic images of themselves,
the bombs went off as planned, killing Bingo and his entire smuggling operation. (T6)
this tall woman was a member of the Rock Workers, toiling in the quarries of New Apsolon some twelve
years before the Battle of Naboo. Bini was killed when Balog's forces attacked their base of operations.
The Absolutes stole all the miners' explosives, weapons, and supplies, and killed every living being in the
facility. (DOH)
an extremely rare, arboreal marsupial with a long body. (DCAR)
Binjitt, Del
this nervous young man was an agent of the Army of Life. He was primary contact of the team of
freelance mercenaries hired by Talbrek to transport a cargo of clodhopper eggs to Stend IV. He provided
them with the cargo aboard the YT-1300 freighter, the Majestic Gundark. (WOA2)
B'inka Fibuna
this female Twi'lek was enslaved by Ka'Pa the Hutt during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo,
and forced to work as a dancer in his Nal Hutta estate. However, B'inka discovered the Freedom Convoy
and managed to escape from Ka'Pa shortly after the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo was broken.
She fled to Coruscant, where she tried her best to stay out of the public eye. Unfortunately, she was
identified by Jango Fett as being wanted by Ka'Pa. Fett captured her and turned her over to the
authorities after collecting the bounty on her head. (BH)
Binka Tree
a tree found on the planet Agamar. (XW)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "cleaver guide". (GCG)
Bink's Woe
according to a humorous story that appeared on the HoloNet during the years following the Battle of
Naboo, this was the name used by George R. Binks to describe the desert island on which he was
stranded with his wife and only son, Jar Jar Binks. (T20)
Binn Ibes
this Jedi Master was a contemporary of Qui-Gon Jinn. (CT)
Binring Biomedical Product
this Imperial-aligned corporation produced field rations and other foodstuffs for Imperial troops. After it
was "nationalized" by Warlord Zsinj. Binring became involved in the genetic manipulation of several nonhuman species in an effort to adapt them to different environments and occupations. It was based on the
planet Saffalore, in the city of Lurark. When Zsinj discovered that there had been at least test subject who
escaped from the facility, he ordered it closed down and all laboratory work transferred to the Iron Fist.
The New Republic sent in Wraith Squadron, which successfully infiltrated the headquarters of Binring, but
found that Zsinj had already moved much of the facility. However, they were able to capture Doctor Edda
Gast in the attempt. (WS, SOC)
this is a casino game found on many luxury liners. (RM)
Binx, Jantaa
this human Floubette dancer was thrown out of the Marqua Spas for performing the dance at the annual

Panelan feast. The dance is done primarily by avian races, but is considered a revolting display when
performed by humans. Binx was the only known human performer at the time. (SWJ9)
this emergency medical device was designed to assist field doctors who dealt with severed limbs. The
bio-cap was placed over the remaining stump, keeping flesh and bone alive until a bionic prosthesis could
be attached. (SWJ9)
Biocell Storage
developed by the Empire, this was a form of biological storage device that was used on some of the most
sophisticated droids. It allowed for access times that rivaled those of human beings. (AFA)
this unusual capture device was produced by Dendratis Biological Exports, Incorporated, during the
height of the New Order. Resembling a 1.5-meter-square piece of cloth, the bio-cocoon was actually
impregnated with a laye rof dormant microorganisms. When set as a trap for large game, the bio-cocoon
was activated by the pressure of a creature stepping on it. Once activated, the microorganisms swarmed
over the creature, securing it within a porous cocoon of organisms which allowed it to breathe. (GFT)
this huge ship, built by a team of beings gathered from worlds which had been ecoclogically damaged,
roamed the galaxy during the last decades of the Old Republic. Originally conceived of by Kad Chun and
the natives of Telos, the BioCruiser and its creators vowed to never land on another world, nor allow
another ship to dock with the craft. The BioCruiser was built from various pieces and parts salvaged from
other ships, and was laden with a wide variety of plants and minerals that allowed those beings who lived
on it to be almost self-sufficient. Fuel and other important materials were obtained at regular stops at
prearranged worlds. The ship and its leaders were investigated by the Jedi Knights, two years after the
Battle of Naboo, when the Senate feared that individuals were being held on the ship against their will.
They also feared that the beings' personal fortunes were being misused, instead of being placed into a
communal fund. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were sent to the ship, and discovered that Vox
Chun had been secretly working with the remnants of Offworld Mining corporation to evacuate the ship
and steal the treasury, as part of a plan known as Broken Circle. The ship would then be destroyed in the
"accident," providing a plausible explanation for the loss of the treasury. However, due to the efforts of the
Jedi, Uni, and Rhe Pabs, the BioCruiser held together long enough to reach Tentrix. (JAD)
these bio-engineered constructs were created by the Krakai to attack any Charr Ontee or Yapi which
attempted to gain access to DarkStryder's fortress, on the planet Kathol. Standing three meters in height,
the biodroids were armed with horned claws, and were bred to fight until the were killed. (E)
first developed by Cestus Cybernetics, this form of droid was produced after the discovery of "living
circuits", just before the onset of the Clone Wars. Using this new technology, droids could be
manufactured with the ability to learn about and anticipate an opponent's moves, giving them an
advantage that most droids had never been given. The technology for bio-droids was provided to the
Confederacy of Independent Systems, to augment the already formidable droids armies of the
Separatists. Originally, bio-droids were to be used as security forces. Count Dooku, however, immediately
recognized their potential as combat droids, and ordered millions of them. (HIV)
produced by MerenData, this device was used to treat the surface of credit chips with a genetic culture
formed from the cells of the owner. When treated this way, the credits could only be handled by their
owner. If any being whose biochemical signature didn't match that of the owner happened to steal the
credit chips marked with the culture, their skin would begin to discolor and experience searing pain. (GFT)
developed by Servenidain Securities, Limited, this device allowed a being to encode data onto a small

chip for transport. The chip was then encapsulated in a gel-coated capsule, which was swallowed just
before transport. Once at the being's destination, the capsule was expelled and placed back into the bioencryptor for access. The chip itself was encoded by the user, while the gel capsule was covered with a
chemical that hindered digestion. A time-released chemical was added to ensure the capsule was
regurgitated. (GFT)
Bio-energy Array
this prototype biological weapon was developed by the Qektoth Confederation. Like many of their other
designs, the bio-energy array has the ability to pass through conventional shields to attack the target
below. The weapon discharges a blue, lightning-like tangle of energy at its target, much like the pulse
from an ion cannon. However, the weapon requires so much power to operate that it effectively drains the
starship of power. Shields and life support suffer until the weapon can be recharged. (KO)
this bio-engineered material was used to create the organs and muscles of a human-replica droid. (FH2)
the synthetic flesh used to cover bionic prosthetics. (TME)
Biogears Unlimited
this bioengineering company, bankrolled by the Empire, produced the first bio-hounds for Imperial use.
this was the brand name of Xerithin Chemical Combination's BGA-900 defense weapon. (GFT)
this Imperial target tracking construct is the lowest form of cyborg created. The bio-hound is a malleable
blob of organic material which can change shape as the environment dictates. Impregnated in the flesh of
the bio-hound are stimuli receptors which send data to a bio-comp interface. A bio-hound is
"programmed" by providing it with a genetic clue from the intended target: skin cells and hair are the most
common. The bio-hound is then let loose on the planet where the target exists, and it begins testing the
environment for signs of the target. The bio-hound is semi-intelligent, and can change shape or solve
simple puzzles to maintain its search. Once it finds its target, the bio-hound "tags" the target with a clear,
odorless liquid tracer that can be easily detected by Imperial agents. Some bio-hounds are equipped with
acidic poisons in place of the tracer liquid, making them deviously simple assassins. (CFG)
ostensibly developed by Hugo Cutter, this technology involved shooting a beam of specialized energy at
certain humanoid species. The energy beam shut down their internal systems and rendered them safely
unconscious. The technology worked on large species, like Gigorans, but not on Humans, Rodians, or
Devaronians. (SWJ4)
this gas giant was the second planet in the Corulus System. It was orbited by seven moons. (CCW)
this synthetic material is used to cover and color the iris of a humanoid eye. They can be manufactured to
exactly conform to the shape of the iris and pupil, and are used by spies and undercover agents to
disguise their true eye color and shape. (RD)
Biological Athletes Union
this group of living sportsbeings formed during the last decades of the Old Republic, when more and
more sponsors began supporting sporting events which involved automata. They protested the formation
of the professional Nuna-Ball League, and found an unlikely ally in the Committee Against Non-Sentient
Abuse. (HNN5)

this Ithorian substance was used as a fuel source for torches and other portable sources of light. It
consisted of a fluid medium - often simply water with nutrients added - into which phosphorescent
plankton was placed. This plankton glowed with its own internal light, providing a virtually free source of
illumination. (WOTC)
this microscopic mold grew in the oceans of Baraboo. (CCW)
Bioniip Laboratories
this manufacturer of bio-comp implants was based on Bespin's Cloud City. The leaders of the company
were given positions on the city's Exex during their tenure. (GG2, CCC)
Bio-plasmatic Gel
developed by the scientists of the Qektoth Confederacy, this substance was a highly corrosive acid
blended with a sticky gel. When launched in torpedo casings against a starship, the casing exploded and
sprayed the gel all over the target's hull. The gel stuck to the hull, which the acidic corrosive began to eat
through the metal plating. Unless removed, the gel eventually ate through the hull and breached the ship.
The gel lost strength over a short period of time, and could be burned off the hull during passage through
an atmosphere. (KR)
this device was a scanning and diagnostics package developed for use by doctors and field medics, and
allowed them to identify and analyze the biological condition of a living being. Originally developed in a
joint effort by Athakam MedTech and the Rhinnal State Medical Academy, this walk-in device was
equipped with a doppraymagno scanner, a vapor sampler, a toxin sensor, and a full-range energy
scanner. All these systems combined to produce a complete bioscan of a patient, providing a wealth of
information on their physical well-being. (SESB, EGW)
this planet, the second world in the Hoth System, was a barren ball of rock. (PH)
Bio-stabilizer Implant
developed more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, a bio-stabilizer implant was essentially a
micro-computer that was imbedded in a being's body to analyze the contents of the circulatory system.
Using sophisticated algorithms, the implant removed undesirable elements from the blood in an effort to
maintain stability. The implant could also monitor surges and drops in nerve transmission rates. (KOTOR)
Bio-stabilizer Mask
similar in many respects to a bio-stabilizer implant, the bio-stabilizer mask could analyze circulation
patterns through the skin, as well as monitor breathing through chemical sensors, and reactions through
eye movements. Whereas the implant was surgically imbedded into a being's body, the mask was worn
on the outside of the body. In this way, the mask was essentially a complete environmental system,
preventing toxins from ever reaching the wearer. (KOTOR)
BioTech Industries
this Corellian company produces some of the finest cyborgs for use in many applications. It also produces
medpacs and other first-aid packages. BioTech was jointly owned by Neuro-Saav and the Tagge
Coompany. Marl Semtin arranged for an Imperial raid on the corporation's Ambria campus, in hopes of
obtaining a pair of human eyes to replace the ones he lost. He was forced to settle on a pair of
Trandoshan eyes instead. (RPG, CFG, HXW, CRO, EGW)
Biotic Grenade
this was an explosive used in many mining operations. (DR)
Bio-Tractant Repulsor
developed by Brisallon Chemical Consolidated, this spray canister used a chemical compound to deter an

attacker by soothing their nerves. This personal safety device was only good for use on specific races
and species, since the chemicals required to induce the feeling of calm were specially mixed. (GFT)
Bipopa Bogzider
this Aqualish ship captain owned and operated the Nanda's Luck during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. Known to his comrades as Bippi, he was a gruff master who rewarded loyalty and service among his
crew. His years of experience on the oceans of Ando were evident on his body, which was scarred and
repaired in many places. Bippi had an artificial leg, an archaic and painful prosthetic eye, and a cybernetic
hand which could be fitted with a variety of implements. He was badly injured when the Nanda's Luck was
attacked by Pyash Yopayomba, the Pirate Queen of Ando, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Only the
efforts of Sissalik helped Bippi survive the initial attack. Yopayomba confronted them both, and admitted
that she thought Sissalik's bravery and defiance was admirable. She agreed to repair the Nanda's Luck
and supply men to replace those that were lost in the fighting, in exchange for one thing. Bippi
surrendered to her, hoping that he could salvage the situation. However, Yopayomba took her own
initiative and cut off Bippi's head. She growled that none of her people ever surrendered, no matter what
the situation, then made Sissalik the Captain of the vessel as her servant. (PH)
see Bipopa Bogzider (PH)
Bird of Prey
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
a term used to describe the Ishi Tib race. (ROTJN)
this Imperial Lieutenant was one of the highly-skilled stormtroopers working for Captain Sodarra during
the search for Darth Vader's body, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. It was later revealed that Birdloe was
also a spy, working for Governor Vellam. Birdloe tried to waylay Sodarra's plans to return Vader to
Coruscant when they landed on Shador. There, Birdloe shot Taslo Deville and tried to kill Sodarra in the
process. When he was unable to do so, Birdloe fled the scene. (SL)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "graceful." (GCG,
this man was one of the many barq farmers who struggled to earn a living on the planet Qiilura, during the
last years of the Old Republic. Birhan allowed Etain Tur-Mukan to stay in his barn for several days, after
she escaped the attack that claimed the life of her Jedi Master, Kast Fulier. (RCHC)
one of two Invid pirates, along with Laanars, who posed as stewards aboard the Tinta Palette shortly
before the Invids attacked it. (IJ)
Birjis System
this star system was best-known for the unusual mu trees which grew on the moon of Isamu. (SWJ15)
this was a common name among the Filordi race. (UANT)
an Imperial freighter under the protection of the shuttle Krayt near Bonadan. It was attacked and
destroyed by Alliance starfighters. (XW)

this Imperial Security Bureau agent spent much of his career trying to track down Platt Okeefe. He once
ran across the bounty hunter Boddu Bocck, and his assistant was killed when one of Bocck's poisontipped darts pierced her heart. Bocck claimed the shot was an accidental discharge, but Birket never
forgot or forgave the bounty hunter. However, when his own resources failed to ensnare Platt, Birket
turned to Boddu Bocck and employed him to bring down Okeefe. He used the fact that Darrik had stowed
away on the Last Chance as a reason for the bounty, claiming Platt kidnapped him. Birket also requried
that Bocck bring in Tru'eb Cholakk, and all three needed to be alive. Bocck managed to capture Tru'eb on
Tatooine, but Platt and Darrik managed to rescue her partner and get off the planet. They captured Birket
in the escape from Tatooine, and Tru'eb eventually sold him into slavery. (IDC)
Birn Da'p
this Bith and his mate, Lologin, were veteran vacationers traveling on the Kuari Princess when it was
attacked by the Riders of the Maelstrom. (RM)
this man was a sanitation worker in Hanna City, on the planet Chandrila, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Despite his age and his occupation, he was quite friendly with strangers, and often assisted
spacers who were new to Chandrila in getting to their destinations. (PSG)
this avian creature was native to the planet Ansion. (APS)
Birt, Ninora
this woman was the owner and Captain of the independent transport Record Time, during the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. She agreed to loan the ship to General Wedge Antilles during the evacuation
of Coruscant, when the Yuuzhan Vong took control of the planet. In return, she was allowed to join the
Blackmoon Squadron as a starfighter pilot and communications specialist. She served as Blackmoon
Ten, and was part of the small fleet which defended Borleias after the Battle of Coruscant. (EL1, EL2)
Birth of the Alliance
this was one of many pro-Alliance holo-vids produced by No-Holds-Barred during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (WSV)
this modified Barloz-class freighter served as the primary starship of the Cilgris family. It was first
purchased by Thes Cligris, and passed down to his son Yett and, later, his nephew Naul. The Birthright,
while ostensibly a business craft, saw regular duty for the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and was
one of the many civilian ships that volunteered to help the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. The Birthright was armed with three heavy-duty quad laser cannons and a heavy
ion cannon, and could accommodate twelve passengers and 100 metric tons of cargo. (SOG)
when an Ewok is born, a seedling is always planted in the forest. This seedling then becomes the Ewok's
birth-tree. (AT)
Biscuit Baron
this largest Imperial restaurant chain is a subsidiary of TaggeCo. (CSA)
Bishop of War
once the leader of the warrior caste of Sedrians which protected the Golden Sun, the Bishop of War
became the nominal leader of the Sedrians after the Empire was driven from Sedri. The position was
nearly made obsolete after the break-up of the Golden Sun, when many Sedrians believed the Golden
Sun had died and would never return. (SSR)
this was a swear word, used by many humans during the last decades of the Old Republic to indicate an

untrustworthy being. (DRKN)

Imperial Commander Resner believed that the system surrounding this star, located in Trax Sector, was
the perfect place for the Empire to establish a supply depot, during his hunt for the Alliance forces in the
sector. The system was discovered some 200 years before the Battle of Yavin by a group of Old Republic
scout whose hyperdrive cut out in the middle of nowhere. The scouts were led by Arnoll Draenell, who
mapped and named each of the five planets which orbited the star. When the Alliance discovered
Governor Bursthed's plans to build a huge Imperial resupply station just outside the system, the Alliance
sent out a team to disrupt its construction. Any large-scale Imperial presence in the system would have
disrupted the flow of agricultural foodstuffs to the Alliance from Draenell's Point. (GMK)
Bissillirus Blasters
this Imperial squadron was part of the ground forces on Draenell's Point, during the construction of the
Bissillirus Resupply Base, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (GMK)
Bissillirus Resupply Base
this was the name of the proposed supply station the Empire planned to build on the outer edge of the
Bissillirus System, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The base would provide resupply services to the fleet
which patrolled Trax Sector. The base was under construction when a group of Alliance agents learned of
its presence in the system. Construction on the base was halted, and all development stopped, when the
Alliance forces managed to cut off the food supply to the station and defeated the Empire's ground forces
on Draenell's Point. (GMK)
this reptilian hound was used by Yuuzhan Vong warriors to locate and hunt down prey. They were bred
for strength and stealth. (DJ)
a domestic farm animal raised by the Togorians for food. (GG4, TPS)
Bi-state Memory Plastic
this substance was engineered so that it could retain two unique molecular structures. This allowed it to
be formed into modular forms that could be easily broken down and stored. (DFR)
Bitas, Vob
this blob racer was arrested shortly before the Clone Wars, when one of his blobs was discovered to have
been tainted with a viscosity-enhancing substance. Slish Fondine refused to plea-bargain with Bitas, and
had him put to death for cheating. Note that this character is a reference to Bob Vitas, the author of this
encyclopedia! (HNN4)
this biting insect was native to the planet Varl. Biteflies moved about in swarms, attacking their prey with
stinging bites that injected a poison that caused intense pain. The poison also caused sudden chills and
violent tremors in most humanoid beings. (TF)
this huge Yuuzhan Vong bio-creation was developed to follow behind a Beater, and literally consumed
the rubble created by the Beater and turned it into a waste product that could be consumed by other
creatures and turned into energy. In many cases, the Biter rode on the back of the Beater, to ensure that
it had a ready supply of raw material. The Biter would use its powerful pincers to hold onto the Beater,
while the larger creature thrashed about destroying things. The mouth of the Biter was surrounded by
dozens of thick tentacles, which it used to draw rubble into its mouth to consume. (BP)
this species of creature is predominantly nocturnal, and generally hunts from the shadows. (PTR)

this was the name of the native language of the Bith race. (GMR10)
the Bith were a race of pale-skinned aliens with large skulls and long, splayed fingers. Their ancestral
orgins were hard to discern, because their bodies contained no trace of anything but Bith information.
They have evolved into a race which excelled in abstract thinking, although they lack certain instinctual
emotions like fear and passion. Their huge eyes lacked eyelids because they evolved past the need for
sleep, a trait which allowed also them to see in minute detail. A Bith lacked a proper nose, instead having
olfactory organs hidden in the flaps of their cheeks. The thumb and little fingers on each hand are
opposable, and their mechanical abilities are known throughout the galaxy. They are native to the planet
Clak'dor VII in the Mayagil system. They quickly developed advanced technologies, among them the use
of deadly chemicals for warfare. A planet-wide toxicological war between the cities of Nozho and Weogar
- based on the disputed patent rights to a new stardrive - destroyed the once-beautiful planet, and left the
Bith the choice of remaining bound there or expanding to the stars. Immediate survivors were formed to
build hermetically-sealed cities, although they quickly realized that it would better preserve their race to
travel among the stars. Bith mating is a less than emotional experience, as the Bith race has lost the
ability to procreate sexually. Instead, they bring genetic material to a Computer Mating Service for
analysis against prospective mates. Bith children are created from genetic material from two parents,
which is combined, fertilized, and incubated for a year. Their internal systems were different than most
humanoid species, including the fact that Bith had just one lung. (SW, SCRE, GG4, SBS, UF)
Bith Ruling Program
this was the name given to the primary body of Bith government, based on Clak'Dor VII, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
Bith Street
a thoroughfare located in Capital City, on Omman. (SWJ12)
Bith Vehicle Voice Lock
this device was used to secure a ground-based vehicle against theft and break-in. Essentially a computer
module and locking system, the BiVVoL tied directly into the vehicle's control computer and provided
voice-recognition access.The vehicle owner then recorded a coded command sequence which would
allow access to the vehicle, and repeated it each time they returned. Most thieves were unable to break
this form of lock, as it required an exact match of the owner's command code, vocal tones, and pitch
elements. (GFT)
known as Bithabus the Mystifier, this member of the Bith race is a well-renowned magician who performs
regularly at the Asteroid Theater in the Hologram Fun World. (QE)
this was another name for the Bith race. (T18)
this musician's guild and booking agency, based in the CoCo District of Coruscant during the last years of
the Old Republic, specialized in matching up Bith musicians with prospective bands who were in need of
musical talent. (HNN5)
Bitrose Sector
Danaan Kerr was rumored to have performed dark magics in this sector, shortly after the Battle of Endor.
Bitter Winter
this was the Basic name for the Brekken Vinthern disease. (SWJ5)

a Mistryl code phrase. (TME)

this ancient species of warriors was native to the planet Guiteica, located in the Kadok Regions of the
galaxy. They were a physically formidable race, with muscular bodies covered with a tough, leathery hide.
The joints of their elbows and knees were studded with sharp quills, which quickly regenerate if broken off
or lost in combat. Their upper jaw is studded with a row six serrated teeth, and it completely overhangs
the lower jaw, giving the Bitthaevrian the appearance of a deadly shark. Each member of their warrior
society had three names: the season they were born in, their mother's family name, and their own
personal name. Males always took their wife's family name upon being wedded. As a people, the
Bitthaevrians preferred to be isolated from the rest of the galaxy, and had no longing or desire to travel
among the stars. (AE)
Bitz Bug
a small insect native to the planet Agamar. (XW)
Bivikorn Phaanan
this was the name of a noted Ruurian individual. (UANT)
Bivoli Tempari
this very expensive culinary creation is one of the house specialties of the Imperial restaurant, on board
the Kuari Princess. (RM)
this was the abbreviated description of a Bith Vehicle Voice Lock. (GFT)
this sleek droid was on Auren Yomm's team in the Colonial Games. (DCAR)
an Imperial corvette whose crew defected to the Alliance near Dellalt, during the early years of the
Galactic Civil War. It was escorting a number of transports, which were also taken by the Alliance. (XW)
a term used by Niles Ferrier to describe people who meddle in his business. (DFR)
Bjalin, Tedris
this Imperial Navy Lieutenant was a native of Tyshapahl, and graduated from the Academy the year
before Han Solo. When Solo was dishonorably discharged for freed Chewbacca, Tedris was serving
under Admiral Ozzel at the affair, and displayed his disgust by first slapping and then spitting at Han. He
later served under Admiral Winstel Greelanx aboard the Imperial Destiny during the Battle of Nar
Shaddaa. Bjalin discovered Han Solo aboard the ship, shortly after the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, as Solo
tried to leave after delivering the bribe payment to Greelanx. Greelanx had just been executed by Darth
Vader for accepting the bribe, and Bjalin attributed Greelanx's death to Solo. Solo managed to stun Bjalin
and escape. Bjalin came to fast enough to order Solo's ship destroyed. The ship exploded, but Solo
escaped in a life pod. When Bjalin learned that his family had died in the Imperial massacre on
Tyshapahl, he defected from Imperial service and joined the Corellian resistance. He served with Bria
Tharen during the Battle of Ylesia. (THG, RD)
Bjork Umi
this bounty hunter was one of the many who ostensibly joined either the Peace Brigade or the Yuuzhan
Vong themselves, during the aliens' invasion of the galaxy. When Senator Viqi Shesh began to make
arrangements for the assassination of Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya, the alien Warmaster, Tsavong Lah,
provided Umi's services to Senator Shesh. While the plan for Fey'lya's execution was sound, it was
thwarted by the efforts of the YVH-1 prototype droid assigned to Fey'lya. (SBS)

a family of moisture farmers contemporary with the Lars and the Jensens. (TME)
B'jorring Pond
a large, open body of water used for fishing and swimming on the planet Alderaan. (GOF10)
this BK-series protocol droid was given to a prominent Core World dictator by Emperor Palpatine. The
dictator used BK-4 extensively, but the doid's proximity to confidential information meant that its memory
was continually wiped clean. The dictator added some additional programming to BK-4's central system,
including the necessary skills for planetary management. When the dictator found out that Palpatine was
about to replace him, he fled his planet and sought refuge on Monor II. Agapos the Eighth helped the man
escape Imperial notice, and the dictator gave BK-4 to the ruler as a show of his appreciation. BK-4 was
passed down to Agapos the Ninth when his father retired, and the droid has served faithfully ever since.
BK-4 was Agapos' second-in-command, and was instrumental in the fight against the Empire. (SWJ10)
an influential Schenor noble on Rhamsis Callo, he listened to A'kazz's description of an Imperial attack on
a neutral research station, and helped turn the Schenor to join the Alliance. B'karitz was also A'kazz's
nest-guildmaster. (RPG)
this small creature, who plural name was b'karri, was native to the planet Goroth Prime. Evolved from
reptiles but not quite mammals, the b'karri laid eggs and later secreted milk to feed their growing
offspring. Their dark gray to black coloration allowed them to live in rock hollows, blending into their
surroundings to avoid becoming prey for larger creatures. (GSE)
this was the name used to describe more than one b'karr. (GSE)
this asteroid, located in the Abran Belt, was the site of a mining operation that was destroyed by the
supply ship Ambitious. (TBSB)
this was one of the many mining settlements, or o'bekis, established on Goroth Prime. (GSE)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "famous". (GCG)
BK-series Droid
this series of protocol droids was commissioned by several Core Worlds, and was the top of the line at
this time of its creation. They employed AA-1 verborbains, and were roughly humanoid in shape. (SWJ10)
a Gamorrean clan, distinguished by a colored tattoo on the clanmember's arm. (RPG)
this humanoid droid, similar in shape to a 3PO unit, was owned by Boba Fett during the early years of the
New Order. It was painted similar colors to Fett's Mandalorian armor, and carried a blaster. Fett used the
droid during his early career as a remote agent, doing the dirty work while Fett concentrated on the actual
hunting. When Fett was racing speeders on Boonta, during the early years of the New Order, BL-17 was
often dispatched to sabotage the vehicles of the other races. BL-17 was finally caught by the droid known
as Proto One, who defeated BL-17 with the assistance of R2-D2. (DCAR)
Black 11
this Imperial TIE Fighter was flown during the Battle of Endor by a pilot known as "Wampa" for his icy
precision. Prior to this service, Black 11 often escorted Darth Vader's personal shuttle. (CCG11)

Black 2
TIE Fighter flown by DS-61-2, one of Darth Vader's wingmen during the Battle of Yavin. (CCG)
Black 3
TIE Fighter flown by DS-61-3, one of Darth Vader's wingmen during the Battle of Yavin. (CCG)
Black 4
TIE Fighter flown by DS-61-4, who fought in the Battle of Yavin. (CCG2)
Black Asp
this Imperial Interdictor-class cruiser was discovered by Corran Horn in the Chorax System. It was
commanded by Captain Uwlla Iillor, who was faced with a number of unexplained personnel transfers
following the loss of Borleais. She got fed up with the lack of support from her Imperial commanders, and
so she took the Black Asp and defected to the New Republic. Following her defection, the Black Asp was
renamed the Corusca Rainbow. (XWN, WG)
Black Bantha
this Gamma-class navigation hazard was listed on most star charts as a black hole, but was actually a
protostar. At the core of the Black Bantha was a knot of infrared energy, which was surrounded by cooling
gas made up primarily of hydrogen. Because of its lack of inner light, the gas cloud appeared dark to
normal eyes, hence its name. A ring of space debris and small asteroids surrounded the nebular
formation. The nebula was located near Reecee, and was the site where Yuuzhan Vong forces massed in
preparation to launch Battle Plan Coruscant. (SBS)
Black Bantha, The
this was one of Garik Loran's most famous pro-Imperial propaganda films. (WS)
Black Behemoth
this large carnivore was native to the rainforests of the planet Veron. They were highly territorial, and
defended their lands violently when provoked. The average behemoth measured two meters tall at the
shoulder, and was four meters long. (PG1)
Black Bha'lir
see Society of the Black Bha'lir (SSR)
Black Bha'lir
this creature, native to the jungles of Iyred, was a huge feline predator. They mated for life, and their
loyalty to their mates was almost unparalleled in the animal kingdom. It made breeding them in captivity
very difficult unless both mates were captured. They were efficient pack hunters, with the females doing
the actual hunting while the males protected their territories. Over time, greedy businessbeings and
unscrupulous entrepreneurs took large portions of the bha'lir population as pets or guardian animals, and
the overall population suffered greatly. When Iyred was deforested, much of the remaining population
was rounded up and placed in refuges on other worlds, such as Duunir. (BSS)
Black Box
a Alliance escort shuttle captured during the Galactic Civil War. (COJ)
Black Butcher
this modifed Nova-drive #3-Z frieghter was owned and operated by Vin Feal. He had armed the ship with
a dual laser cannon on the starboard side, along with a single laser cannon behind the cockpit. (PG1)
Black Claw
this was the Basic name used to describe the Ashern militant group of Thyferra. (SWJ3)
Black Curs
this group of outlaws and smugglers banded together in an effort to exact vengeance on the remnants of
the Empire. They first appeared about six months after the Battle of Endor, and began feeding

reconnaissanc data to the New Republic in the hope that they could use it to eradicate all remnants of the
Empire. (SWJ8)
Black Curs Base
this was the codename for the base used by the New Republic intelligence operatives that flew the stolen
customs frigate Battle of Yavin. (XWN)
Black Dagger
this was the brand name of the Rim Securities K7 security droid. (GSE)
Black Death
this was the name of Krovas's personal starship. Vohrkrewel Yahrkar took possession of it, shortly after
Krovas' death. Note that this could be an error in The Politics of Contraband, as Yahrkar's ship is later
decribed as the Blood Hawk. (POC)
Black Dust Industries
this Socorran holding company was owned by Karl Ancher, and was made up of a group of legitimate
businesses including the Black Dust Tavern. Partial holdings were maintained by Ancher in the Ethra
Brewery and Boliscon Towers. (BSS)
Black Dust Tavern
named for the thick layers of volcanic ash that cover the planet Socorro, the Black Dust Tavern was
owned by Karl Ancher. It was located in Vakeyya, on Socorro. It was open at every hour, and served a
variety of inexpensive drinks to a small clientele of smugglers and pirates. If there was a drink recipe
Ancher's droid staff couldn't make, the being who discovered it got their first three drinks free after Ancher
received the recipe. Ancher also made sure that he served his customers the best quality liquor he could
find, and his collection of spirits from across the galaxy was as much a hobby as it was a business
necessity. (BSS)
Black Fireclaw
this handheld weapon was wielded by Mavin, a member of the Five, on Attahox. It was used to burn its
intended target. (CSWDW)
Black Fleet
see Black Sword Command. (BTS)
Black Fleet Crisis
this was the monicker used to define the era of conflict in which the New Republic battled the Yevetha for
control of the Koornacht Cluster. (BTS)
Black Flight
this K-Wing grouping served the 24th Bombardment Squadron as part of the Fifth Battle Group. They
participated in Task Force Blackvine, as part of the effort that punished the Yevetha for resisting the
blockade of Doornik-319. It was assigned to the gunship Vanguard. (SOL, TT)
Black Force Squadron
this group of New Republic Navy officers and pilots was known for its ability to provide reconnaissance
from battle arenas without being detected. (JE)
Black Hammers
this pirate gang made its base on the planet Galantos, on the coastline of the Chirk'pn Wastes along the
Gar'glum Sea. (CCW)
Black Heth
this motley collection of Rodian, Aqualish, and Gran thugs was active on the planet Coruscant, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. Just before the Battle of Naboo, the Jedi Council discovered that the
Black Heth were working for the Jin'ha, creating diversions to mask their true intent. (SWI59)

Black Hole
this seedy cantina was located in the town of Deadend, on the planet Kiffex, during the years following
the Battle of Naboo. (DRKN)
Black Hole
this was a raucous bar located on The Life level of the Vergesso Base asteroid. (SPG)
Black Hole
this was one of the false identities maintained by Qual'om Soach for his personal starship, the Invisible
Star. (FBS)
Black Hole
a highly-hallucinogenic drug used by Emperor Palpatine to discover the fears of alien races. (COJ)
Black Hole
this was one of the false identities maintained by Qual'om Soach for his personal starship, the Invisible
Star. (FBS)
Black Hole Gang
this pirate group was based on the planet Delphon, where the pirates made a good living by raiding local
businesses. The raids wreaked havoc with Delphon's economy and government, until Ilov Mass called in
the Empire. The Star Destroyer Ripclaw almost single-handedly destroyed the Black Hole Gang's small
fleet. The members of the Gang managed to escape with a good deal of their number intact, but their
affiliation with the gang was broken. (MC8, GMR4, GMR6)
Black Hole of Nakat
this was a huge, dangerous black hole. (DMSH)
Black Hole of Quintas
this immense black hole was located on the opposite side of the galaxy from the Denarii Nova. (CCW)
Black Hole Pirates
founded by Hethra Mcgrrrr, this pirate band marauded the Delphon System during the early years of the
New Order. (SWJ11)
Black Hole, The
this is a nickname given to the worst part of the Off-worlders' Quarter, on the planet Ropagi II. All sorts of
criminal elements do business here, where weapons smuggling and a healthy black market dominate the
underworld. (TSK)
Black Hole, The
this was the nickname of Opun Mcgrrrr. (GG2)
Black Hole-class Dreadnaught
this Ugor Salvage Company reclamation ship was a huge, disk-shaped craft. Measuring 150 meters in
diameter, the Black Hole-class ship was armed with a motley collection of outdated plasma torpedo
launchers. Each ship had a crew of 48 Ugors, with room for 3,000 metric tons of cargo. The dreadnaughts
had hyperdrive capability, albeit it inferior to current hyperdrives. (SH)
Black Ice
a Field Secured Container Vessel, the Black Ice was part of replenishment fleet DK-209 during the
Galactic Civil War. The Alliance discovered that it was used to transport huge quantities of starship fuels
cells to shipyards in and around Mortex Sector. The Alliance launched bold attempt to steal the ship and
its fuel supply after the loss of a refinery in the Choah Belt shortly after the Battle of Yavin. In its entirety,
the Black Ice measured some 7,800 meters in length, from end to end. In between the two engine pods,
the Black Ice was formed from nine individual doublefield spheres. After defeating Skolos and the ship's
own systems, the agents succeeded in taking control of the ship. However, the Empire had secretly

programmed the ship to send out an SOS beacon upon emerging from hyperspace, and Imperial forces
followed the Black Ice to the Alliance base on Fangol. The Empire attacked with a torpedo sphere, but the
Alliance countered by ramming the sphere with the emptied Black Ice. The resulting destruction wiped out
the torpedo sphere and much of the Black Ice, but the Alliance was given time to evacuate Fangol. Note
that the Black Ice module claims the ship was designed and manufactured by Rendili StarDrive, but the
Imperial Sourcebook claims that Loronar developed it.. (BI, ISB)
Black Jack
this was the only known name of a pirate who was known to steal starships during the early years of the
New Republic. Black Jack and his crew were merciful pirates, killing only in self-defense and willing to let
all of their captives go free, provided that the pirates obtained possession of the ship they attacked. There
were rumors that Black Jack and his band were working for the Empire, and many of these were given
credence when New Republic starships started turning up in Imperial fleets. Black Jack and his pirates
were captured by Selnia Harbright and Roark Garnet in the area of space known as Keller's Void, during
the height of the Galactic Civil War, but he managed to avoid doing any time in jail. (SWJ3)
Black Jungle
this is the name given to the strange jungle that covers the planet Krann. Krann orbits four red giant stars,
which continually bathe it in blood-red light. The vegetation of the planet evolved to have ebony leaves
which absorb as much available light as possible. (TSK)
Black Knight
this was an alias used by Dannen Lifehold for his personal freighter, the Lifeline, during missions he
undertook for Linkaas. (SWJ1)
Black Level
the lowest of the three entertainment and commercial level aboard the Errant Venture, the Black Level
was also the seediest. (IJ)
Black Mulch Mold
this fungus was a favored foodstuff of the Neimoidian race. It was often served with the secretions of the
blight beetle. (DMSH)
Black Nebula
this nebula was used as a hideout for a group of rogue starship outfitters during the Galactic Civil War. It
is located in the Parfadi Sector, between Motexx and Arat Fraca. There are a pair of supermassive
neutron stars within its web, making travel through the area impossible. (SOL)
Black Nebula
this was the name used by the Jeodu Dequc for his criminal organization. The basis of his organization
was the remnants of Black Sun which remained after the death of Prince Xizor. However, in the wake of
Dequc's death and the infighting among the vigos, Black Nebula tore itself apart. (MJEH)
Black Nexu
this was a species of exceptionally dangerous nexu, named for its nearly all-black pelt. They were known
for their ability to hunt and bring down prey that was much larger than themselves, using their skills and
cunning to make the kill. (WOTC)
Black Nine
this Imperial shipyard was constructed in orbit around Prildaz, the third planet of the system known simply
as ILC-905. Located within the Koornacht Cluster, the shipyard was one of several overrun by the
Yevetha when they rebelled against Imperial control. It was at the Black Nine shipyards that the New
Republic ships Vanguard, Folna, and Indomitable attacked the thrustship Tholos. The Tholos and Rizaron
were assigned to protect the shipyards against attack. (TT)
Black Nova Tapcafe
this tavern was owned and operated by Sherbin Tork during the Galactic Civil War. (MTSE)

Black Obsession
Thadius Black's modified Mon Calamari A-Z-Z-3 light freighter. (SN)
Black Ops
this was the name of Sienar Intelligence Systems' top-secret laboratory. (EGD)
Black Rain
this was the name given to the heavy, acidic rain storms that blanket the planet Corbos once a year.
Black Raptor
this was the name of Blizz Pinnix's customized racing swoop. It was a modifed Ikas-Adno XP-2000
prototype, which was technically a speederbike. Pinnix had armed it with a pair of blaster pulse cannons.
Pinnix had painted the vehicle with ebony hyperpaint, highlighted by deep violet pinstripes and a stylized
bird of prey emblazoned along the sides. (WSV)
Black Scum
this was a derogatory name used by the Imperial forces on Corellia to describe members of Black Sun.
Black Shred Water Clan
this was a Dug clan, native to the planet Malastare. (NEGC)
Black Sphere
this small, black stone was one of the most valued possessions of the natives of the planet of Eckless.
Rumor had it that the Black Sphere held the secret of the existence of the natives, and glowed with their
inner light. After it disappeared during the New Order, a bounty was placed for its return by Rusha, the
diplomatic ambassador of Eckless. Rusha knew that the stone had been stolen by Hahz Fallone,and
pursued him to Chazwa. It was later revealed that the Sphere held the coordinates of the planet Eckless,
and was important because Fallone had removed the planet from most navigational databases in order to
preserve its secrets for himself. In order to protect the Sphere, Fallone wore it around his neck. An
analysis of the Sphere revealed that it was nothing more than a ball of highly polished carbonite with
flecks of white impurities which formed a star-like pattern. (ND)
Black Squadron
this was the flight of hand-picked Imperial soldiers who flew with Darth Vader during the period around
the Battle of Yavin. They were stationed aboard the first Death Star, and were rotated to maintain combat
readiness. (CCG6)
Black Star
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Black Sun
this massive criminal organization was founded millennia before the onset of the New Order, slowly
expanding its scope and sphere of control while remaining one of the most elusive of all galactic
organizations. Black Sun had influence in almost every illegal activity, from running weapons to
smuggling spice, from the acquisition and sale of information to assassination and espionage. Led by an
Underlord who was supposed by a host lieutenants known as vigos, Black Sun grew almost continually
for many centuries leading up to the Galactic Civil War. Just before the Battle of Naboo, Black Sun was
based on the planet Ralltiir, under the control of Alexi Garyn. It was Garyn who made a bid to purchase
information from Hath Monchar on the Trade Federation's plans to develop droid armies for a possible
invasion. Darth Sidious, fearing that the information might reach the Galactic Senate, ordered Darth Maul
to hunt down Monchar and eliminate any Black Sun member he had contacted. For the Black Sun
organization, this meant that Darth Maul executed Garyn and most of his vigos. The loss of so many
leaders threw the organization into chaos, and the widespread agents of Black Sun foundered until a
young Falleen named Xizor took control. Prince Xizor eliminated any serious threats to his rule, then

established himself as Black Sun's most proficient leader. By the era of the Galactic Civil War, Black Sun
was a vast empire with a multitude of interests and operations. The primary source of income for Black
Sun at this time was the sale of information, and Xizor worked hard to make sure he was in control of
information that his customers wanted. Xizor also had several front agencies, such as Xizor Transport
Systems, that he used to launder credits. Black Sun far surpassed anything Jabba the Hutt controlled,
until Xizor's own personal agenda began to take precedence. As Xizor strove to unseat Darth Vader as
the Emperor's right-hand being, he entangled the organization in the efforts of the Alliance to rescue Han
Solo and destroy the second Death Star. In a climactic battle over Coruscant, Xizor was killed and Black
Sun was left to die. It was saved again only by its sheer size, but was never the same again. The
remnants of Black Sun splintered, with just the group known as the Black Nebula achieving any sort of
organization before being destroyed. Y'ull Acib tried to restore the organization to its former glory during
the early years of the New Republic, but his plans to take control of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council
were smashed by several forces. (SE, TFE, WOTC, RESB, DM, CE2, MJEH)
Black Sword Command
this was the Imperial Naval fleet assigned to defend the central part of the Empire's Rim Territorial
holdings. The fleet itself was not known to the New Republic until Ayddar Nylykerka deciphered the data
from the Gnisnal's datacore. The Black Sword Command was somewhat of a secret, and commanded
part of the Koornacht Cluster. Like most other fleets in the Imperial Navy, its shipyards were ordered
destroyed and evacuated after the Battle of Endor, but the Black Sword's shiypards were commandeered
by the Yevethan slaves that worked in them. Nil Spaar led the revolt, and his teams recovered 44 Black
Fleet warships, none smaller than a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Three Super-class Star Destroyers
were part of the Black Fleet. (BTS)
Black Vulkars
this was one of the most ruthless swoop gangs which terrorized the planet Taris, more than 4,000 years
before the Battle of Yavin. Brejik took control of the gang shortly before the Sith destroyed the planet
Taris. (KOTOR)
Black Widow
this pirate ship was owned by Bruce Mercy. (TSK)
Black Widow Nebula
this dense cloud of gas surrounded a small proto-star. The gas cloud appeared to be dark brown or black
in color, because the small star provided little light to the interior of the cloud. What little light it provided
gave a deep red glow to to the central portion of the nebula. When viewed from far away, the nebula
resembled a huge spider. (SL)
Black, Kymber
Thadius Black's wife. (SN)
Black, Perth
Thadius Black's father, he is a native of Mowgle. (SN)
Black, Thadius
a Demophonian who hired a group of Alliance agents to transport machinery off the doomed planet. He
was a middle-aged man who worked in the droid component business. (SN)
this Imperial starship construction facility was located in orbit around Zhina during the Galactic Civil War.
Like other such faclities in the Koornacht Cluster, it was captured by the Yevetha about a year after the
Battle of Endor. (SOL)
the codename of the Empire's orbital shipyard situated near N'zoth during the Galactic Civil War. Black-15
was designed as a construction yard, and had limited repair capabilities. It was under the command of
Jian Paret in the year following the Battle of Endor, when it was assaulted by the Yevetha. The attack was

masterminded and led by Nil Spaar. (BTS, SOL)

this Imperial starship construction facility was located in prbit around Wakiza during the Galactic Civil
War. Like other such faclities in the Koornacht Cluster, it was captured by the Yevetha about a year after
the Battle of Endor. (SOL)
this immense, red-skinned alien took over as king of the planet Solay, many years before the New Order.
He embraced the government of Emperor Palpatine, despite its xenophobic attitude, since it allowed him
to rule the planet with an iron fist. However, just after the Battle of Endor, Blackart was unseated by
Raggold and his band of rebels, with the help of Luke Skywalker. Blackart later revealed to Luke that
Raggold's killer also betrayed him, assisting the Empire in returning to Solay to take absolute control of
the planet for itself. (MC89)
native to the forests of Chandrila, this avian creatures was hunted for sport. It had excellent camouflage,
blending into the trees of the Hanna Wild Game Reserve whenever it stopped flying. (CCW)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Black-Eye Cahoon
this male Clantaani was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the kidnapping of several of
Jabba's Twi'leki dancing girls, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to
arrange a meeting with Jabba. (BH)
Blackfire Flight
an A-Wing squadron assigned to the Fifth Battle Group. (BTS)
this was a form of carnivorous plant that used a sweet-smelling nectar to attract insects, like the
nectarsect, to itself. (JH)
Blackgate, Kedar
this man served as the Warden of the Dorthus Tal Prison, during the height of the New Order. He
remained in control of the facility well into the era of the New Republic, upholding the laws of his
homeworld with almost fanatical loyalty. A native of Sacorria, Blackgate proved himself in the planet's
military at a yougn age, becoming the youngest man to earn the rank of Colonel. He was often
accompanied by his pet massiffs, Emperor and Merciless. (CCW)
this was the name of the squadron of enhanced stormtroopers which were assigned to General Sk'ar and
the Imperial garrison on Shiva IV, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (MC53)
Blackhawk Destroyer
this was a warship produced near the end of the Old Republic, which saw duty in the Outer Rim during
the early years of the New Order. (DCAR)
this Imperial agent worked with Darth Vader, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, to locate Alliance bases for
extermination. His exact appearance was never known, for he used a distorter to project his image. He
appeared as a human-shaped cloud of stars. Blackhole was, in reality, one of the special agents known
as Emperor's Hands, and he was given widespread access and control over the Imperial HoloNet in order
to send out his image signal. This allowed him to seemingly appear and disappear at will, instilling a

sense of paranoia and fear in the officers he investigated. A former member of the Prophets of the Dark
Side, he was later placed in charge of Imperial Intelligence by Emperor Palpatine himself. It was rumored
that Blackhole was once a Senatorial page who was taken under Palpatine's tutelage. Others believed he
was a functionary who worked in the Jedi Library on Coruscant before being seduced by the Dark Side of
the Force. Blackhole's true appearance was that of an extremely frail old man, whose only movements
were assisted by a Neimoidian mechno-chair device similar to that of the B'omarr Monks. In the wake of
the Battle of Endor, Blackhole simply disappeared, and was never heard from again. (CSWEA, GMR5,
Black-hole Shield
this was the name used by the New Republic military to describe the unique, organic shielding systems
used by the Yuuzhan Vong on their coralskippers. These shields acted like black holes, sucking in laser
energy and absorbing it for use in other shipboard systems. Trast Kre'fey and Gavin Darklighter
developed a tactic that used proton torpedoes to try and overload the black-hole shield system, causing it
to consume more energy that it should, thereby diminishing their ability to protect the coralskipper. (DTO)
Blackhole Stormtroopers
this was the name used to describe the specialized stormtroopers who were assigned to agent Blackhole
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Similar to the Storm Commandos, Blackhole Stromtroopers
wore all-black body armor, although their armor was based on that of a standard stormtrooper. (SWDB)
this man lived in the streets of Tolea Biqua, on the planet Genarius, during the years following the Battle
of Naboo. From this position, he observed a great about the underworld in the Cularin System, especially
the activities of Nirama, Riboga, and Rufus Trammel. By his own admittance, Blackie didn't like to
shower, and cared very little for his own appearance. He was, however, always armed, and was
continually on the lookout for thermal detonators. He didn't want to actually use them, especially after
seeing his friend Valdo shot down, but wanted other beings to live with the possibility that he might use
one to defend himself. (LFCW)
an old, hand-held weapon. (CSWEA)
this was the codename used by the New Republic to denote the assault on the planet of Borleias, held by
the Empire after the Battle of Endor. The name Blackmoon is used to describe Borleias' only natural
satellite. (XWN)
Blackmoon Squadron
this was the name given to the New Republic E-Wing squadron that was originally based in the Pyria
System. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Blackmoons - under the command of
Captain Yakown Reth - regrouped with the New Republic Navy at Borleias in the wake of the Battle of
Coruscant. After Luke Skywalker returned from Coruscant, the squadron's command was briefly turned
over to him, during the attempt to make the Starlancer pipefighters look as convincing as possible. Later,
after the Battle of Ebaq, Blackmoon Squadron was placed under the command of Captain Saz. (EL1,
EL2, UF)
this species of tree was known to live for 400 years or more, and grow to heights of several hundred
meters. (MBS)
this was a three-barreled slugthrower developed by MerrSonn during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. Many of these weapons found their way to the Trandoshans, who had them modified to fit their
unique physical requirements for use in hunting Wookiees. (WOA34)

this creature was a mutant offshoot of the garral. Similar in shape and size only, blackstalkers were
completely hairless and covered with an armored hide. This hide was formed from thousands of tiny,
black, overlapping scales which were capable of deflecting blaster fire. Additionally, blackstalkers had a
rudimentary contact with The Force, although the ability seemed to arise naturally and could not be
duplicated by Imperial scientists. Unfortunately for the Imperials, blackstalkers were all but impossible to
train, and the entire lot of specially-bred blackstalkers was targeted for elimination. A few individuals
managed to escape their confinement, and were unaccounted for. It was believed that they managed to
avoid detection and escaped in the holds of starships, and that their escape was aided by an unseen
force. There have been rumors of blackstalkers breeding in the wild, and of individuals which bonded with
sentients. (WOTC)
this pirate ship and her crew were part of the Invids. They were stationed on Courkrus, and were one of
the last groups to leave when Corran Horn's "avenging Jedi" appeared. (IJ)
this parasitic vine grew wild in the swamps of Dagobah, where twisted mats of the plant formed natural
bridges across the shallow water. (IWST)
Blackwater Systems
this was the latest in a series of factories that were built on the planet Falleen, during the years leading up
to the Clone Wars. It was considered one of the most slipshod buildings erected during the boom in
construction that occurred after the Battle of Naboo, and many of the workers commented that their jobs
consisted of very few actual responsibilities. Even its construction was considered odd, since it lacked
any windows. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker traced Granta Omega, Jenna Zan Arbor, and Roy
Teda to the Blackwater Systems facility after the debacle on Romin, and realized that the trio was using
the facility as a way to test various water-borne delivery mechanisms for the Zone of Self-Containment.
Upon realizing that the Jedi had infiltrated the building, Granta Omega chose to destroy the entire facility hopefully, with the Jedi inside - rather than risk being exposed. Obi-Wan and Anakin managed to escape,
with the help of Siri Tachi and Ferus Olin, but were recalled to Coruscant on an urgent matter. (JQ9)
Blackwing Squadron
this was the Z-95 Mark I flight group which was garrisoned to protect Velery Station on Viamarr 4. (WS)
Black-winged Touret
this is an avian creature native to the planet Utharis. (TT)
this wood is harvested for its exquisitely-patterned grains and burls. (POT)
this Yuuzhan Vong container was a living organism whose bladder was genetically altered to be overly
large. Fluids and liquids could then be transported within the bladder-flask. (DW)
a slimy, disgusting creature. (CSA)
this Imperial survey shuttle was part of survey 1982376, which discovered the planet Demonsgate within
the Kathol Rift. The crew of ths ship was to rendezvous with Moff Sarne and report on their findings, but
the Blade was disabled before they could leave the planet. (KR)
Blade of Sacrifice
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong warships which was called to the planet Coruscant - remade into
a new version of the planet Yuuzhan'tar - just before the alien invaders launched their all-out attack on the
Galactic Alliance's stronghold on Mon Calamari. (UF)

this Adumari fighter craft was the predecessor to the Blade-30. It was an atmospheric assault craft, and
had no capabilities of spaceflight. Like all Blades, it was manufactured by Tarrvin-on-Kallik. (SOA)
this Adumari fighter craft was the predecessor to the Blade-32. It was an atmospheric assault craft, and
had no capabilities of spaceflight. Like all Blades, it was manufactured by Tarrvin-on-Kallik. (SOA)
this was the top of the line Adumari fighter craft during the early years of the New Republic. Like the
Blade-28 before it, the Blade-32 was an atmospheric assault ship designed and built by Tarrvin-on-Kallik.
At 19 meters in length, it was half-again as long as an X-Wing. A single-pilot craft, the Blade-32 had a
pointed bow and a unique, dual-tail design. The fuselage split just behind the cockpit into two engine
pods, and the tails were connected by horizontal bars. The Blade-32 had a pair of wings which allowed
for maneuverability, and had three primary weapons: two forward-mounted lasers, two backwardmounted lasers, and a pair of missile ports capable of firing up to eight missiles each. Wedge Antilles and
Red Flight felt that the Blade-32 was a rugged fighter, but somewhat sluggish. In the years after Adumar's
city-states united and the planet was admitted to the New Republic, the Blade-32 was refitted to have a
hyperdrive and more modern sensor systems. (SOA, PH)
Blade-32 Alpha
this was one of the two versions of the Tarrvin-on-Kallik Blade-32 fighter craft that could fly in space. The
32-alpha was only capable of in-system flight, where the 32-beta had a hyperdrive. (SOA)
Blade-32 Beta
this was one of the two versions of the Tarrvin-on-Kallik Blade-32 fighter craft that could fly in space. The
32-beta, like the 32-alpha, was capable of in-system flight. The 32-beta also had a hyperdrive. (SOA)
it was rumored that this was the follow-on to the Adumari Blade-32 starfighter, at least according to
unedited comments by Derek "Hobbie" Klivian in the documentary Adumar: Five Years of Union.. (PH)
this ancient offshoot of the Sith brotherhood dedicated itself to the mastery of swordfighting, using
cortosis-based swords instead of lightsabers as their preferred weapon. (KOTOR)
this was the Adumari term for a starport and hangar facility, named in honor of their Blade-series
starfighters. (SOA)
Blaene, Malric
this squat, balding man worked as a bartender at the Lost Loves Casino on Abregado-rae during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. He was considered a gossip, and knew a great deal of false information
about the rivalry of A'jindre Skrigatov and Malkoi. (ND)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
this primitive race of hunters was native to the planet Arorlia. (T1)
this elderly man was a member of the Alliance underground on the planet Kabaira during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. Unfortunately for his fellow cell members, Blaide sold out to the Empire, and wsa
believed to have been the informant who nearly got Del Hunter killed. After revealing his true loyalties,
Blaide managed to shoot Matt Turhaya before being shot to detah himself. (SWJ7)

this man served the New Republic as a training officer, using his in-depth knowledge of the battles of the
Galactic Civil War to provide students with historical examples of tactics and outcomes. (GMR6)
Blakken, Karid
this man was the popular Senior Counselor of the city of Hedrett, on Cularin, in the years leading up to
the Battle of Naboo. He was defeated in a general election by Westa Impeveri, and claimed that the ballot
boxes had been rigged against him. An investigation proved that Impeveri was innocent, and Blakken
was voted out of office. Nevertheless, he remained an important figure in the city's government, and was
among the many who were invited to debate the problems associated with floating cities during the height
of the Clone Wars. It was Blakken's opinon that the floating cities were too much of a tax burden, and that
they should be taken out of the jungles and established as ground-side locations. His opinion was
seconded by many of Cularin's natives, although he continued to find opposition among the government.
this blue-skinned near-human worked for Nim Abek aboard Abek's Station. Blalock was in charge of
security aboard the station. (SSR)
Blan Mountains
located on the planet Brosi, this range of mountains loomed over the Shoengen Coast. (AIR)
Bland, Pira
this man, a native of the planet Chandrila, was a small-time spice smuggler during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. He fancied himself something of a sabacc player, and often stopped off to play
whenever he made planetfall. (SWJ7)
Blank Look Gang
this band of small-time thieves was active on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic. They
were well-armed and had the funding to carry out large heists, but never had a real opportunity until they
were contracted by an off-world collector to steal certain pieces of art from the Galactic Museum. Among
the artworks was a collection of ancient Twi'leki pottery, which the Museum had planned to sell at auction.
The Blankers, as they were known, managed to reprogram one of the Museum's ASP droids, giving it
instructions to steal the pottery and then "accidentally" walk off a ledge. The Gang was waiting below the
ledge, and caught the droid and tried to make off with the pottery. (WOA21)
see Blank Look Gang (WOA21)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "philosophical". (GCG)
a foodstuff often served with carbosyrup. (CSA)
this fat-bodied, aquatic predator was native to the planet Naboo. Despite their size, blarths were
surprisingly fast and agile. They used their prehensile tail as a grasping tool. Named for the distinctive
burping sound they made, blarths panted and drooled constantly to help regulate their internal
temperature. Blarths were often domesticated by the Gungans, who kept them as pets. The drool of the
blarth was also collected and used in the production of skin lubricants, perfumes, and cleaninfg solutions.
It was a key component used in the creation of bubble wort. (WSW)
a goat-like creature that lived in the trees found on the forest moon of Endor, the blase was a slowmoving beast that appeared to be a cross between a goat and a sloth. The average blase spent its day

asleep, moving only as far as necessary to reach its next meal. (ECAR, OWS)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "dexterous". (GCG)
this vicious predator has been observed in an intense feeding frenzy. (CSA)
Blask, Merno
this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Trevura, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. He was targeted for assassination by an underground enclave of droids on the planet, as it was no
secret that Blask hated droids above all other things. After learning of this, Blask called in several favors
to obtain experimental blaster technology from Coruscant, in order to protect himself. Unfortunately for
Blask, the disguised assassin droid S-R6 was able to obtain some of the experimental blasters, and
managed to defeat the stormtroopers that were sent to destroy it. S-R6 then completed its mission to kill
Blask. (WOA14)
Blast and Smash Rifle
this was Alliance soldier's slang for any combination weapon that provided the ability to launch a grenade
at a target, while allowing for an energy weapon that could lay down a barrage of suppression fire. These
weapons were often custom-made, such as the Alliance's pairing of a Prax Arms AXM-50 heavy blaster
with a Locris Syndicates MGL-1 micro-grenade launcher. (ROE)
Blast Boulder
this was a term used by the New Republic military to describe those Yuuzhan Vong warships which were
analogous to a blastboat in size and function. (SBS)
Blast Bug
this large insect was bio-engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong for use as a projectile weapon. Also known
simply as an attack bug, blast bugs were created from the baseline stock of the sparkbee. When a blast
bug was thrown at a target, it accelerated rapidly until it almost struck the target. Just before impact, its
body exploded. This released a spray of chitinous shrapnel as well as acidic bodily fluids. (T, DTR)
Blast Cannon
this unusual weapon was produced by Golan Arms for the Empire, as part of the ambitious Dark Trooper
project. The Blast Cannon fired multiple blaster bolts with a single shot, spraying energy like a shotgun. It
was considered the most devastating close-range weapon of its time. (LAWS)
Blast Rifle
common name given to any long-barreled laser weapon. They were developed more than 4,000 years
before the Galactic Civil War. (SW, TOJ)
Blast Scrubber
this was a bathroom fixture which sent a jet of warm water at high speed. When bubbles were added to
the jet, the blast scrubber cleaned as well as invigorated the skin. Because of the speed at which the jets
were fired, blast scrubbers were usually reserved for thick-skinned beings like Hutts. (TG)
Blast Synchronizer
an old, out-dated weapon. (CSWEA)
this feline predator was native to several levels of the wroshyr forests of the planet Kashyyyk. They were
for the fact that they carried a number of infectious diseases, most of which were dangerous to Wookiees.
The blastail was named for the bulb of fur-covered flesh that was found at the end of the tail. This bulb
collected all manner of pollen, seeds, and spores as the blastail moved through the jungle, providing
cross-pollenation for a number of plant species. When startled or angry, the blastail could literally throw

the bulb at their attacker, spraying the creature with the pollen and spores. This often resulted in a
temporary blindness, if not a severe allergic reaction, allowing the blastail to escape. The fur of the
blastail ranged in color from orange to dark beige, and was mottled with stripes or spots to help it blend
into its environment. (GMR4)
BlastBoat 2000
this weekly starship demolition derby took place within the city-dome of Echnos City, found on the moon
Echnos. The arena, which was located in the Echnos Exhibition Dome, and its layout were constantly
changing, so that no regular competitor gained any sort of advantage. The speeders which raced in the
event were all armed with a single weapon, which could be a laser turret, a small concussion missile
launcher, or even a mining drill. The object was to make it all the way through four distinct quadrants of
the race, each of which had its own specialized threats. Sometimes it was a tangled maze; other times it
was a forest of spiked metallic trees. Contestants could use their weapons against each other or the
terrain, in order to make their way to the finish. Should a competitor's vehicle be disabled, they were out
of the race. (SWJ4)
developed by smugglers during the height of the New Order, this device used an explosive force to
launch a starship from the hold of a larger one. Blast-boosters were considered safer and cheaper than
maintaining complete hangar systems, allowing small ships to carried without the expensive of dedicated
facilities. (TLC)
Blast-Dampening Armor
this form of personal armor was lightweight and flexible, yet provided the wearer with protectiong against
blaster bolts. This armor was usually formed from a rubber-like substance which was impregnated with
thousands of tiny, reflective crystals. (AEG)
this game of skill was played in many taverns and bars. (WSV)
BlasTech Corporation
a division of BlasTech Industries, the BlasTech Corporation manufactured of a variety of personal and
military blaster weapons, including the DL-18 and the DL-44. (RASB, RCHC)
BlasTech Gikosphere
this huge, indoor sporting venue was located on the planet Coruscant, during the last years of the Old
Republic. Sponsored by BlasTech, the Gikosphere could hold more than 120,000 beings for sporting
events. (HNN4)
BlasTech Industries
this huge, intergalactic corporation had several divisions that produced a wide range of military
technology. The primary division was the BlasTech Corporation, which was known for its blaster
weapons. (RCHC)
common name given to any hand-held laser weapon. They come in all shapes and sizes, from small
holdout weapons to heavy repeating rifles. They most often employ a small power pack consisting of a
ionized cryogenic cells. The power packs generate coherent packets of light, much like a ship-mounted
laser. They can be set to various power outputs, from stun to vaporation. (SW, SWSB)
Blaster Buster
produced by Oriolanis Defense Systems, this pistol was designed to fire a tiny missile at an opponent's
own weapon. A telescopic, laser-assisting sighting system helped ensure and accurate shot, and a tracer
system of low-powered laser beams "painted" the target prior to firing. Once fired, the projectile detonated
upon impact, shattering the opponent's weapon and rendering it useless. (GFT)

this was the term used to describe those gunslingers who staged quick-draw fights across the Outer Rim.
this word was the Rodian term for "blaster." (PSG)
this was the Huttese term for any hand-held blaster weapon. (GMR5)
a disease, characterized by a loss of appetite and fatigue, that can be masked by the use of lotiramine.
Lotiramine hides the tracer enzymes that mark the disease's presence in the body. (XWN)
Blastpike Flightknife
one of the many Yedagonian fighter squadrons which supported the Running Crimson Flightknife during
the war against the forces of the Cartann nation, on Adumar. The Blastpikes were led by Wes Janson and
Hobbie Klivian. (SOA)
manufactured by TasCorp, this mining explosive was developed to help miners excavate rocky areas in
search of metals and minerals. They were used by placing the sticks into position and then detonating
them with a remote detonator. The detonators were programmable, and could control up to five
blaststicks at a time. (SWJ15)
this was the traditional Adumari weapon. About a meter in length, the blastsword resembled a long
vibroblade with a curved metal guard protecting the hilt. The blade itself was sharp until it reached the tip
of the sword, which resembled a flared nozzle rather than a point. When the blastsword contacted a solid
object, the nozzle emitted a blast of laser energy. Individual blastswords emitted different color blasts,
and helped to enforce a user's individuality. (SOA)
Blastwell, Hamo
an Alliance starfighter liaison aboard the Independence when Keyan Farlander was recruited, Hamo was
Keyan's escort. They later became wingmates during the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
this Bith doctor was employed by Chay Praysh to maintain the health of the women who worked in the
crimelord's slimepits. Despite the fact that he worked for Praysh, Blath was actually sympathetic toward
the women slaves, and frustrated at the poor conditions Praysh forced them to live in. (TFNR)
Blathar III
the native forms of plantlife on this moon were virtually wiped out by Rufus Trammel, when he traveled to
the moon to obtain exotic samples for a client. A non-native virus was brought to Blathar III on Trammel's
ship, and the plants of the moon were unable to repel it. Most indigenous plantlife perished, although
Trammel later sold his collected specimens back to the natives of the moon at a huge profit. (WOTC)
Blay, Fiula
this woman posed as an Imperial officer, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, in
order to infiltrate the Imperial Remnant and report on Imperial activities to the alien invaders. She was
discovered by Jacen Solo to be the leader of a resistance cell, and called to a "staff meeting" aboard the
Right to Rule, just prior to the Imperial defense of Borosk. (FH1)
Blaylock Effect
this was the term used to describe the way in which a planet's atmosphere sometimes magnified images,
when conditions and temperatures were just right. The Blaylock Effect made small bursts of light appear
to be huge fireballs. During the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, it was rumored that the Empire
had developed specialized technology to take advantage of the Blaylock Effect, and was planning to use

this technology to simply scare entire populations into order. (SWED)

Blaze Bug
native to the planet Datar, this species of insect was bioluminescent. When crushed, the blaze bug's
internal chemicals actually exploded in a small burst of fire. This made them the weapon of choice of the
Ghostlings, who shot them at their enemies with blow-tubes. (E1A5)
Blaze of Glory
this was the name of Rycar Ryjerd's modified transport ship, a modified YT-1930 freighter which was
armed with a single, turret-mounted laser cannon. (WOA11)
Blaze, Ulthar
this Alliance agent infiltrated the Imperial Security Bureau on Miser. There, he was assigned to Admiral
Grendeef. In this capacity, Blaze was able to help the Alliance operatives pursuing the crew of the
Wanderer recover the Isis coordinates and destroy the Desolator. (IC)
Blazer, Anson
a native of the Corellian Sector, this was was a former Alliance Intelligence officer who earned a position
within the Special Forces unit. He became a member of Shadow Squadron, as part of the infiltration
team. (AIR)
Blazing Claw
this symbol, which had many variants in the galaxy, was used by pirates and corsairs throughout the
galaxy. (HXW)
Blba trees
a species of tree native to Dantooine, they have wide trunks and wildly-diverging branches. (DA)
Bleak Point
this outcropping of crystalline rock was home to one of the largest Theran gun stations on the planet Nam
Chorios. It was destroyed when the Spook crystals in the Needle ships surrounding the planet were
contacted by Luek Skywalker. With the help of the tsil, he was able to tell the Spooks to disregard their
CCIR programming and destroy their ships. They crashed into Nam Chorios around Bleak Point. (POT)
Bleaker Street
this street, located in the capital city of the planet Bastion, is lined with stores. (VOF)
this mountain range, located on the eastern shore of Leritor's main continent, was constantly buffeted by
storms. (GMR10)
Blech, Jorgan
this man was the Captain of the Bold Dove. He once made the mistake of comparing Brooser to a
Wookiee, and the huge man beat Blech to within inches of his life. Blech was then beaten some more by
a passing Wookiee, claiming that Blech's comments were an insult to the Wookiee people. (POC)
Bledsoe's Disease
this strange affliction was bioengineered by the Empire, under the direction of Doctor Kaaldar, in the
years following the Battle of Yavin. Specific strains of the disease could be unleashed, each causing
unique reactions. In general, Bledsoe's causes the skin to burn, then begins discoloring the victim's eyes.
The discoloration resolves itself into a starfield pattern, and the individual strains reveal individual
patterns. Each of the patterns, however, is a star-map which showed the location of an Alliance base.
Imperial forces were instructed to watch for outbreaks of the disease, then round up the victims and read
the star-maps in their eyes. Thus, attacks could be made on Alliance bases without open communication
of the next target. Luke Skywalker contracted Bledsoe's on Tatooine, and was taken into custody. He and
Anduvil managed to escape from Doctor Kaaldar's laboratory and warn the Alliance about the use of
Bledsoe's. (CSWEA)

this city was located on an island in the eastern hemisphere of the planet Bothawui. (SPG)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "captivating" or "enthralling". (GCG)
B'len Jor
this Gorothite term was used to describe the secondary reactions which occurred in the clouds of
emissions which spewed forth from the Imperial processing plants established on Goroth Prime. The term
literally meant "deathlight." (GSE)
Blendin, Jerrol
this man was one of the more corrupt members of the Cloud City Wing Guard, during the administration
of Lando Calrissian. A veteran of the force, Blendin started with the Wing Guards during Baron Raynor's
administration, and quickly learned to use intimidation to keep the peace. He was also easily bribed, and
was on the payroll of several minor crime figures. (CCG5)
Blending Field
this was a form of cloaking device that was developed by the ancient Mandalorians, more than 4,000
years before the Galactic Civil War. Full-scale production of blending field generators was never
accomplished, however. (KOTOR)
this desert planet was located far from most hyperspace lanes. The sands of Blenjeel were noted for their
unusual consistency, which shifted over time. Rocky outcroppings which were stable one day seemed to
sink into the sand the next day. Much of this change was attributed to the movements of sand burrowers.
Some ten years after the Battle of Endor, a merchant ship was shot down over Blenjeel. Investigation by
Jaden Kor revealed that the ship had been shot down by Imperial forces based on the planet's surface, in
an attempt to conceal the Imperial presence on the planet. (JKA)
this was name of the rudimentary, defensive sensor system that was employed by the ancient Gorothites.
The term "Bl'Era'Har" literally meant "Sky-Track," which was a basic description of the sensor suite and its
duties. It was funded and operated by the D'Jar'Min. Using the Bl'Era'Har, the D'Jar'Min were able to
discover the asteroids which were sent against Goroth Prime by the Corellian and Aqualish factions that
were fighting for mining rights to the planet. Unfortunately, the Bl'Era'Har could only provide a few hours'
notice of the impending collisions. The orbital defenses of Goroth Prime employed ion cannons, which
were ineffectual against the huge asteroids. The impacts caused an event known in the Gorothite
language as Se'Lenti - The Scouring. (GSE)
this herd animal was a common first-generation creature introduced on terraformed worlds. It is a grazing
creature whose flesh can be consumed, and its milk is also nutritious. (POT)
this Bith was a friend of Domo Jones. A former musician, Blerx claimed to have travelled much of the
galaxy before landing on Tatooine. He helped Domo defeat Ep Gart by using his Kloo Horn to draw a
herd of nerfs into a stampede, trampling the Imperials who were trying to buy a load of Nergon-14 from
Gart. (T7)
Blessed Balance
this was a quasi-religious reference used by many Aargauuns. The Blessed Balance was said to look
over and protect the accounts of every being who maintained a deposit account with the Bank of Aargau.
Blessed Release

this was the term used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe the sacrifice - preferably self-inflicted - of a
being to the True Gods. (T)
this was the Yevethan name given to one of the stolen Black Sword warships. (BTS)
Blethern Gas Industries
this company produces much of the specialized gases used in the manufacture of blasters. (PG1)
this creature, which was native to the planet Corellia, was similar in appearance to a tarkaline, although it
was of a different size and color. (MJH)
this Alliance commander served as the captain of the Liberator troopship during the Battle of Ylesia. (RD)
this woman owned a small cantina in Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, during the early years of the
Clone Wars. (BF4)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
Bliana, Niosa
this twelve-year-old street urchin lived in Tasariq City during the height of the Galactic Civil War. She
spent her days trying to sell treasure maps to tourists, hoping to hire herself out as an "expert" guide. She
then took her time picking the pockets of her hirers. (SWJ15)
this fruit is grown on the planet Dordolum. It has bright red flesh. (SOP)
meaning "hungry", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Blight Beetle
this insect was cultivated by the Neimoidians, for its alkaloid secretions were used to marinate a variety of
edible molds and fungi. (DMSH)
Blights of Barabel
a mythical or legendary group of demons from Barabel history, they are often called upon to bring a curse
to another individual. (RD)
Blihrad, Koner
this man served as the leader of the Melody Fellowship during the years leading up the Clone Wars. It
was Blihrad's negotiations with Balmorran Arms that allowed the Fellowship to acquire new combat droid
technologies with which to protect the Fellowship's members. (HNN5)
this overweight Imperial officer served as one of Carnor Jax's personal assistants. As Jax rose to power,
Blim was charged with eliminating any opposition, including assassinating those Imperial who opposed
Jax's creation of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He was present during much of the interrogation of
Mirith Sinn, and was ordered to follow her after Jax set her free. He accompanied Jax to Yinchorr aboard
the Emperor's Revenge, and escaped the dying ship in Jax's shuttle. He followed Jax to The Squall, and
was ordered to shoot Kanos if he got the upper hand in their personal duel. However, before Blim could

execute Kanos, he was shot in the head by Mirith Sinn. Note that the Crimson Empire Handbook claims
Blim was killed by Sish Sadeet. (CE, HCE)
Blim Shahar
this member of the Alliance was stationed on asteroid AX-456, and had a birthday shortly before the
asteroid was captured by the Empire. (SFE)
this remote planet was orbited by several terrestrial moons. (BHSW)
Blimph 3
this volcanically-active moon was the homeworld of the Jokhalli race. Quaffug the Hutt also established a
base of operations on the moon, until Lando Calrissian rallied the Jok-Halli to oust the Hutt crimelord.
Blin, Vildar
this Alliance reconnaissance scout was assigned to Echo Base, just prior to the Battle of Hoth. His
background was in special forces, with experience in first-response tactics. Corporal Blin joined the
Alliance after his own brother, a member of COMPNOR, betrayed his family to the Empire. During the
Battle of Hoth, Corporal Blin was killed in the explosion when Wedge Antilles tripped an AT-AT walker.
Blin and his team were assigned to recover what they could from the walker's hull, but an overzealous
pilot destroyed the walker before the team could be notified. (CCG3, SWI74)
Blind Luck
this aging freighter was owned and operated by Desric Fol, and was used as an independent scouting
vessel during the Galactic Civil War. The ship was considered slow by most modern terms, and its
computer systems rarely calculated predictable hyperspace routes. Fol was once told by the traffic control
operators at Elrood that he should have the name changed, since it didn't inspire confidence in the crew's
ability. (PG3)
Blind Mynock
this freighter was bound for the Hapes Cluster when it was attacked by Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers,
shortly after the Battle fo Coruscant. It was rescued from destruction by the sudden appearance of
Jagged Fel and Shawnkyr Nuruodo. In the ambush, the navigational computer of the Blind Mynock was
damaged, so the ship could not make the jump to Hapes without assistance from Fel. (DJ)
Blinders, The
located in the city of Sahl-Evin, on the planet Jenema, The Blinders district was the base for many of
Jenenma's largest shipbuilding operations. Although The Blinders district was regularly patrolled by SahlEvin port authorities, many of the agents on duty were actually on the payroll of Pal-Nada. Much of the
area had once been controlled by a Hutt crimelord, who simply packed up his things and fled Jenenma
one day. He left his criminal organization behind, and it was eventually absorbed by Pal-Nada. (WOA19)
this species of tall, thin-trunked tree was native to the hills of Kadril. (LAT3)
this was the brand name of IntelStar's large-scale sensor jamming system, developed for use on
starships but applicable to certain ground-based strongholds. (HAS)
Blink, The
this was the term used by the inhabitants of the Cularin System to describe the sudden disappearance,
and eventual reappearance, of the system during the last decades of the Old Republic. (LFCW)
this was a form of billboard, used in casinos throughout the galaxy during the early years of the New
Republic. (SWI67)

this was an underworld slang term, used to describe a narcotic addict. It referred to the rapid, involuntary
eye movement caused by severe addiction. (SWJ6)
a game of chance played in many casinos. (WSV)
an Alliance shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War, it was one of the group assigned to
assassinate then-Vice Admiral Thrawn when he arrived at NL-1. (TIE)
Blissa Vlix
this Wroonian was the head of Wroona's trade and travel misintry, during the height of the New Order.
Vlix was unable to actively stop the work of pirates in the area of space known as Keller's Void, but
worked with Wroonian officials to post a 500,000-credit bounty on the heads of the pirates. (WOTC)
Blissex, Walex
one of the key designers of the original Victory-class Star Destroyer, he was an Engineer for the Old
Republic. Blissex was the lead designed on the team which developed the Delta-7 Aethersprite for the
Jedi Knights, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. He went into hiding when the New Order was
initiated by Emperor Palpatine, not wanting to be judged by his support of the Republic. However, when
the Alliance began making headway in its battle against the Empire, Blissex re-emerged. His daughter,
Lira Wessex. laid a trap for him by having her husband send a all-systems message requesting that
Blissex come to see his "dying daughter." Lira and enn Wessex had dispatched the Star Destroyer
Subjugator to intercept Blissex at Kwenn space station. Although the Alliance fought against the idea,
Blissex opted to visit ihis daughter, taking a small group of Alliance agents with him for support. When the
plot against him was revealed, Blissex and the agents were thrown into the shpi's brig. Shortly afterward,
the Subjugator was attacked by Task Force Starfall Alliance starships which were unaware of Blissex's
presence. The Alliance agents fought to escape from the brig and get free of the Subjugator before it
exploded. They managed to survive, with Blissex's knowledge of the Victory-class ships and the Alliance
agents' resourcefulness. He later provided his full resources to the Alliance, and was given the honorary
rank of General for his contributions. He worked with Jan Dodonna to develop the A-Wing starfighter,
shortly before the Battle of Endor. (SWSB, SF, CCG11, HNN4)
Blista-Vanee, Kren
this skeletal human was one of the advisors Emperor Palpatine brought with him to the second Death
Star. Like all of Palpatine's advisors, Blista-Vanee wore elaborate robes and headdressings of purple and
red. (MTS)
Blister Blaster
produced by Golon Arms, this weapon was not really a blaster at all. Instead, it fired hollow spheres at its
target. The spheres were filled with stable chemicals which reacted with oxygen to create a small fireball,
burning the target severely and incapacitating them. (GFT)
Blister Flower
this flower, once native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar, was bio-engineered to serve as
a perimeter defense when the alien's captured the planet Coruscant from the New Republic. The blister
flower produced a pleasant smell that lured in unsuspecting individuals. If touched, however, the blister
flower released a potent chemical which caused unprotected skin to blister and bubble almost
immediately. (FP)
Blister Gnat
this miniscule, flying insect was named for the way that humanoid skin blistered where the insect had
bitten it. The blister gnat had an exceptionally short life cycle. (NEGV)
this man was appointed the Imperial Governor of the planet Lo'Uran, and controlled the planet with an

iron fist. Generally believed to be corrupt, Blithane was especially hard on on the droid population, and
took out a series of aggressions against the automata which worked on the planet. Blithane was later
taken into custody and tried for stealing Imperial equipment and reselling it to various crimelords. The
droid population of Lo'Uran made sure that his extradition went off without a hitch. (SWJ10)
Blitz of Kormoran
this was name the used by Imperial historians to denote the subjugation of the planet Kormoran by
Imperial forces, during the height of the New Order. According to Imperial propaganda, the planet was
cleansed of rebellious agents. In reality, a squadron of TIE Fighters swept in and eliminated more than
90,000 refugees who had been fleeing the main battle. (T10)
the pink-shelled eggs of this plump little bird, native to the planet Hapes, were considered a delicacy by
the royalty of the Hapes Cluster. (DJ)
this was the traditional nesting house, built for domesticated bliz by the Hapan people. (DJ)
Blizzard 1
this was the callsign of General Veers' AT-AT, during the Battle of Hoth. (CCG3)
Blizzard 2
this was the callsign of Brigadeer General Nevar's AT-AT, during the Battle of Hoth. It was heavily
armored by Nevar, who was paranoid of losing his life in battle. The armor proved to be of little value
when Alliance forces used harpoons and tow cables to trip the walker as it plodded forward. The force of
the impact as it hit the icy ground buckled the armor plating, exposing gaps that Alliance gunners filled
with laser fire. In short order, Blizzard 2 was destroyed, and all aboard were killed. (CCG3, IWST)
Blizzard 4
this was the callsign of one of the Imperial AT-AT walkers that was dispatched ot the planet Hoth during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. During the Battle of Hoth, the Blizzard 4 walker was under the
command of Colonel Starck. The walker was later sabotaged by Luke Skywalker, who used his lightsaber
to open a hole in its belly. He then threw a grenade into the walker, which promptly exploded. Starck and
all aboard were killed in the the resulting destruction of Blizzard 4. (IWST)
Blizzard Force
this was the name given to the amassed Imperial ground force that was dispatched to the planet Hoth,
during the Empire's attack on the Alliance's Echo Base. Led by the group of Imperial AT-ATs and AT-STs
which served as the lead wave of the assault on the Alliance's main generator, Blizzard Force also
included a division of Imperial Cold Assault stormtroopers, they are trained to work in tandem with AT-AT
assault vehicles. The Blizzard Force walkers proved too much for the Alliance forces, and precipitated the
Imperial victory in the Battle of Hoth. The victory was sealed when the Cold Assault troopers breeched
the gates of Echo Base's icy caverns, forcing the Alliance personnel to flee aboard their meager
transports. (MTS, CCG3)
Blizzard Scout 1
this Imperial AT-ST scout walker, part of the Blizzard Force deployed during the Battle of Hoth, was
heavily modified to withstand cold-weather combat. (CCG3)
this was the name of one of the B'omarr monks who lived within Jabba's palace on Tatooine. Blleen was
known as a surgeon. (TJT)
this was a swear word used on the planet Tatooine during the last decades of the Old Republic. (TG)
Blob 11

a amethyst-colored Umgullian blob which wins the first blob race Lando witnesses while searching for
Tymmo. (JS)
Blob Candy
a sweet treat sold on Umgul. (JS)
Blob Fish
an oceanic species native to Calamari. (DA)
Blob racing
a sporting event in which specially-bred Umgullian blobs race trough a blobstacle course. Betting is
permitted. Cheating at a blob race is punishable by death. The Umgullian Racing Commission tests each
blob before and after each race, and the results are made public quickly. (JS)
Blob Wrangler
an Umgullian who raises and trains blobs for racing. (JS)
this as a game played by the Ansionians. (APS)
Blobstacle Course
the track the the Umgullian blobs must follow in order to complete a given blob race. They often consist of
a number of ramps, steps, and grates the blobs must past over, under, or through. Each course is tailored
to the types of blobs that will be racing on it. (JS)
Block Capsule
this small, coffin-sized container was equipped with a set of short-range rocket boosters that could carry it
several hundred meters in the air. These containers were often used to launch garbage into remote
locations. (GG11)
Block I
this is an ordinary hyperdrive unit. (SOL)
Blockade Runner
a term used to describe any small, well-armed ship used to break through a planetary blockade. An
example is the Corellian CR-90 corvette. (SW)
Blockade Runners Derby
this starship race was held annually in the Ord Mantell system. It was considered one of the grandest and
most daring races a pilot could enter. The course was run through the outer rim of the system, weaving
through the outer cometary cloud. The course changed yearly, due to the orbital mechanics of the
system. Han Solo won the race three times as a smuggler, and later served as the Grand Marshall for the
93rd running, However, Czethros and his minions had sabotaged the course in hopes of eliminating Solo.
Han, with the help of his children, managed to evade the mines laid in the course and return safely.
Blockade, The
this pirate maneuver placed a small fleet at the hyperspace exit point of a target vessel. The pirates
blockaded the target's attempt to reach their destination, using surprise to ambush the ship and board it
before a mayday call could be sent. (PP)
Block-series Thrust Coil
these coils come in a variety of sizes, depending on the amount a racers needs to multiply their engine's
capacity. Block-1 coils simply transfer energy without multiplying it. The largest coil, a Block-5, raises an
engine's output nearly five-fold. (RAC)
this common Zabrak surname meant "nomad" - or, more literally, "wind-blown". (GCG)

this vegetable was grown in the hydroponic gardens of Tatooine, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (TG)
this herd animal, related to the bantha, was domesticated by the Zabrak who were native to the planet
Iridonia. (GCG)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. It referred to a herd animal that was related to the
bantha, that was domesticated by the Zabrak. (GCG)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "handsome". (GCG)
Blood Blade
this knife was created by the Dark Jedi of the Krath, who imbued the blade with the energy of the Dark
Side of the Force. The blade itself was created from steel fibers that had been woven together with
cortosis, giving it the ability to withstand a lightsaber blo. The blood blade was the chosen weapon of
Krath assassins. The blood blade and its cousins were among the most ancient weapons of the Krath,
and many Sith historians believed that their original formation predated the development of the lightsaber.
Blood Bucket
this bar was Simms Jonndril's favorite hangout, located on the planet Thorsgild. (POC)
Blood Carver
this was the native language of the Blood Carver race. (GMR9)
Blood Carver
this humanoid alien species was known for its honor and social structure. Native to the planet Batorine,
they were slender and graceful, with long, three-jointed limbs; tall, thin necks; and iridescent gold skin.
They were able to communicate a variety of emotions through the opening and closing of their nostril
flaps, which they tattooed with a multitude of colors and patterns. These flaps also served to provide the
Blood Carvers with the senses of small and hearings. They joined the Old Republic almost 100 years
before the Battle of Naboo, after they were exterminated from their homeworld by the Lontars. Only a few
hundred survived, and nearly all migrated to Coruscant. They were known as artists and assassins, two
seemingly opposite traits. However, the Blood Carvers considered the art of sculpture - especially of
blood tree wood, which gave them their name - as a form of assassination, taking away what wasn't
needed to leave the best behind. Every Blood Carver was taught that the accumulation of wealth was a
sin of the ego, and and profit was returned to their homeworld to help the greater good. When they died,
Blood Carvers were ritually cremated, to return them to nature. (RP, EGA, UANT)
Blood Chowder
a meal favored by Princess Nampi. (JTH)
Blood Code
this is the name given by the Snivvian race to their genetic pattern. It has been engineered and refined
over the millennia in an attempt to weed out the occurance of twin males in a single birth. The initial
results were very promising. The incidence of twin males dropped almost to zero, and the Snivvians
prospered. However, the strength of mind and body that resulted from this genetic manipulation made
them prime targets for Thalassian slavers. The Thalassians began transporting large numbers of
Snivvians off Cadomai through hyperspace, providing them to the highest bidders. It is believed that
prolonged exposure to hyperspcae travel has mutated the Blood Code, for several instances of twin
males have occurred recently. (GG12)
Blood Duel

this ritual was invoked whenever there were too many young Ugnaughts within a family to fill a small
number of blood professions. In these situations, a fight to the death was ordered to determine which
Ugnaughts would attain the professional positions. (GG2)
Blood Eels
long, fat eels (JS)
Blood Fever
this was the term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe a being's descent from using
the Force for defense to drawing on its power to kill. Those Jedi who experienced it described the
sensation of enjoying the fight, feeling the thrill of the battle and the emotional rush of simply winning.
Unfortunately for most Jedi, this was also the beginning of the downward spiral into the Dark Side of the
Force. (SHPT)
Blood Fly
a species of vicious insect native to the planet Rodia. (CE)
Blood Freeze
this was the name of Bom Vimdin's personal starship, a Ghtroc frieghter. (MEAS)
Blood Fungus
this was the name given to the blood-eating fungus which inhabited the caverns of Ylesia. (TPS, EGP)
Blood Gutter
this Carrack-class cruiser was part of Warlord Zsinj's fleet, during his battle against the New Republic.
Blood Hawk
this modified Mestapol Zephyr fighter was owned by Vohrkrewel Yahrkar during the early years of the
New Republic. It was armed with a pair of laser cannons and a photon torpedo launcher. (POC)
Blood Hunt
this ancient Cathar ritual was undertaken by those Cathar who needed to be cleansed of evil or hatred.
Blood Kiss
part of a life-witch's marriage ceremony, the blood kiss seals the bond between the life-witch and her
husband. The two partners each prick one finger, and place the drop of blood on the others' lips. The lifewitch then is bound to Support the husband for five years, providing him with vitality and strength. Most of
the time, the life-witches only marry elderly men, giving them a last gift of five more years in return for
becoming heirs to the males' estates. (AC)
Blood Moat
this construct was used by the Yuuzhan Vong to set apart the thrones of their leaders, primarily the
Warmaster and Supreme Overlord. The blood moat was exactly what its name implied, a circular trough
which was filled with the blood of their enemies, surrounding the throne and setting it apart from the rest
of a structure. (UF)
Blood Monarch
this was the title held by the leader of the planet Thisspias. (NEGC)
Blood Nest
this was the base, located on the moon of the third planet in the M2398 system, which was marginally
loyal to Warlord Zsinj. The base of the Blood Nest team was housed inside the hull of an old Super
Transport VI container ship, which was also marginally flyable. Arratan and the leaders of Blood Nest
were sick and tired of the raids performed by Captain Darillian and the Night Caller. The name was
derived from the deep red sand of the moon's primary desert. The Blood Nest intercepted the carrier Red

Feathers en route to Ession, hoping to catch Zsinj's forces by surprise. Inside her holds, the Blood Nest
carried three full squadrons of X-Wing fighters from the New Republic. When the ship reported structural
failure, Ession's security forces required a self-destruct. As the ship destroyed itself, the -Wings lit up their
engines and matched the rate of descent of the pieces, until TIE Fighters from the Implacable chased it
down. They then broke free of the debris and engaged the TIEs. (WS)
Blood on the Flowers Flightknife
this Adumari squadron was shot down and destroyed by Turr Phennir and his wingmates, during the
negotiations between the Adumari, the New Republic, and the Empire. Only one pilot managed to
survive. (SOA)
Blood Prince of Thalassia
this title is given to the leader of the most vicious of the Thalassian slavers. (SOL)
Blood Profession
this was the name used by the Ugnaughts to describe a profession which was contained within a family,
passed from generation to generation without every leaving the family circle. (GG2)
Blood Razors
this swoop gang originated on the planet Biivren. Despite their fearsome name, the Blood Razors were
formed to assist those inhabitants who were outcast when the big corporations took over the planet. They
trafficked black market goods to the underground, avoiding Imperial notice by covering their activities with
swoop chases. (PSG)
Blood Sacrifice
this Yuuzhan Vong warship served as the personal flagship of Warmaster Tsavong Lah, in the wake of
the Battle of Coruscant. The Blood Sacrifice was then assigned as the flagship of the Battle Group of
Yun-Yuuzhan during the Battle of Ebaq, and was one of the strongest ships to survive the New Republic's
multi-layered attack. The Warmaster ordered the ship back to Ebaq 9, in an effort to capture the New
Republic forces there - including several Jedi Knights - where he could deploy whatever ground forces
remained. However, as soon as it had left the surface, the Blood Sacrifice was beset by New Republic
forces. It was unprepared for the ferocious attack, and was destroyed in minutes. (DW)
Blood Sport of Rattatak
this was the term used to describe the vicious, bloody gladiator events staged by the warlords of the
planet Rattatak, during the last decades of the Old Republic. At first, the combatants were individual
Rattataki who had disgraced themselves in combat. After slavers discovered Rattatak, rival warlords often
purchased offworld gladiators in an effort to defeat their fellow chiefs. It was rare that any one gladiator
survived more than a couple fights, mainly because slavers began entering their own combatants into the
events, hoping to make more credits from the bloodthirsty Rattataki. The Blood Sport reached its height
shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, when Count Dooku traveled to Rattatak to recruit a leader for
his Separatist armies. From the ranks of the gladiators he discovered Asajj Ventress. (SWDB)
Blood Tree
native to the planet Batorine, this tree produced a deep, red wood which was carved into wonderful
sculpture by Blood Carver artisans. (EGA)
Blood Velkers
this gang of young hooligans was based on the sister cities of Tolea Biqua and Varna Biqua, in the
atmosphere of the planet Genarius, during the era of the Battle of Naboo. They amused themselves by
staging starship races through the tunnels of the moon of Eskaron, and new members had to navigate an
obstacle course inside the moon in order to gain membership. (LFC)
this insect, native to the planet Tatooine, was known for the huge, castle-like towers it built for its homes.

this was name the used by Darth Maul to describe his Sith Speeder. It was named for a vicious ocean
predator Maul had encountered on a remote planet. (SWDB, NEGV)
this vicious predator lived in the oceans of a remote Outer Rim planet. (NEGV)
this microscopic insect lived by biting a larger creature and consuming its blood. Bloodfleas were
especially attracted to Hutts. (WSV)
this plant, once native to the planet Ithor, had a thick, meaty rind. (T)
this was the codename for the starship Bhishana Bhaga, used in all Arakyd Industries transmissions
regarding the mobile laboratory. (WOA18)
Bloodhawk, Scarlet
an accomplished starship technician. (RPG)
this Abyssin ritual was observed by two tribes in times of famine or drought. The tribes which met at an
oasis would fight until all members of a tribe were killed or incapacitated in order to secure the right to
consume the water. Over time, Blooding became a method by which irreconcilable disputes between two
enemies were resolved, with the victor gaining all the loser's possessions. (GG4, UANT)
this was the pseudonym used by the human spy who lived on the planet Thyferra during the ten-year
period following the Battle of Naboo. His memoirs of this period, known throughout the galaxy as the
Thriving Season, were published in a book called Thrive or Die: Memoirs of the Bloodletter. In the book,
he explained that he decided to go to work as a spy for a group of Vratix who would eventually become
known as the Ashern. The Vratix hired him at twice the pay he would have received from either the Zaltin
of Xuchpra factions of the Bacta Cartel, provided that he go to work for both factions and play one against
the other. The Vratix Seeqov Thranx got him jobs in each company, working as an alazhi field inspector,
that allowed him to be out of the office for extended periods each week. When the Ashern began
development on an enhanced strain of alazhi known as kolazhi - the basis for kolcta - Thranx and the
Bloodletter were ordered to keep an eye on its development. They worked together for a year before the
project was discovered. A mercenary who wore armor similar to that of Jango Fett had been hired by the
Bacta Cartel to eliminate the Ashern responsible for its development. The mercenary shot both Thranx
and the Bloodletter and then left them for dead. Thranx, however, survived long enough to use the
enhance bacta to bring the Bloodletter back from the brink of death. Before she died, she told him the
complete story of the development of kolcta. Unknown to the Vratix, however, was that the Bloodletter
was also working for a wealthy man who was dying of a strange disease, and who paid handsomely for
the secret of kolazhi. The Bloodletter managed to obtain the only known specimens from Thyferra, and
immediately converted it to kolcta, thereby preventing the Bacta Cartel from ever discovering it. His
employer paid him quite well, and the Bloodletter lived for many years on the credits and his own supply
of kolcta. It was later discovered that the mercenary hired to kill the Bloodletter had actually been hired by
his wealthy exployer, and had managed to obtain a few samples of kolazhi on the off-chance that the
Bloodletter would try to eliminate it. (PH)
this term, popular during the height of the Clone Wars, was used to indicate a friend or ally. (MBS)
this Imperial Nebulon-B frigate was under the command of Captain Ors Dogot during the Yevethan
Purge. It was part of the fleet controlled by Foga Brill, and was patrolling the Prakith System when it

encountered the Teljkon vagabond. The vagabond had just fled the New Republic's intercept team at
Gmir Askilon, and dropped out of hyperspace near Prakith. Dogot ordered his crew to intercept the ship,
but the vagabond's defense systems recognized a threat and fired on the Bloodprice. The ship was
destroyed, and all hands were lost. (SOL)
this was the Tusken Raider ritual in which a young adult had to prove their readiness to become a hunter
by capturing a creature and torturing it to death over a period of weeks. While any creature would suffice,
more prestige was accorded to the hunter who tortured a sentient being. (SWI62)
a nocturnal, carnivorous creature native to Kamar. (HSR)
a predator found in the Quence Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. (GG9)
a swoop gang founded on Xiunsrus, and named after the Quence Sector predator. The Bloodsniffers first
rose to infamy when a village elder refused to meet their demands. The leader of the gang ordered the
entire village destroyed. The Bloodsniffers are recognizable by their bright red jackets and swoops. (GG9)
this thick soup was one of the staples of the ancient Sith armies, under the command of Lord Kaan,
during the Battle of Ruusan. It was rumored that Lord Kaan instructed Ghitany to poison the bloodsoup
given to Darth Bane, in an effort to eliminate the Dark Lord's opposition to Kaan's command. (JVS)
Bar-Kooda's delapidated pirate ship. (BF)
see Corellian Bloodstripe. (CSA)
this is an ancient term for bounty hunting. (GAS)
a small annelid native to the planet D'vouran. (GOF1)
large, sedentary swamp creatures native to the forest moon of Endor. (ECAR)
Blorash Jelly
this sentient form of blob was harvested by the Yuuzhan Vong and used as a way to bind an enemy. Also
known as quick-jelly, blorash jelly was attracted to the body heat of a living being, and was created to
reach out for the warmth and grasp it. In this way, the blorash jelly didn't so much stick to a being as hold
onto them. After the hostilities between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance were resolved, and
the Yuuzhan Vong were allowed to live on the planet Zonama Sekot, they found that blorash jelly and
many other bio-engineered weapons simply reverted to their animal forms and fled into the forests. This
was one way in which Sekot forced the Yuuzhan Vong to give up their lust for war and embrace a more
enlightened existence. (VP, UF)
Blossom Wine
this fragrant wine was created on the planet Naboo by distilling the natural essences of certain flower
blossoms, then combining them with other natural juices that could be allowed to ferment. The resulting
wine was delicately flavored, but was nonetheless potent. (SWEV)
was the term used to describe the proboscis of the Viska. The blossug was about forty centimeters in

length, and was made up of several layers of muscle. At the tip was a hollow, jagged bone which could
pierce flesh. The Viska would drive the blossug into the body of their prey, using the muscles of their
snouts and skull to draw blood from their victims. (PG1)
this Gamorrean lived on the moon of Sulon, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. A mercenary for
hire to the highest bidder, Blotho worked with his cousin Brollo. (RAG)
this man was a former member of the Imperial Security Bureau who defected to the Alliance after the
Battle of Hoth. A seasoned combat veteran, he was also a skilled scout and starfighter pilot. Before
joining Crix Madine's ground assault team during the Battle of Endor, Blount served as Airen Cracken's
wingman. (CCG11)
Blow 'em All Away
a single written and played by the band Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids. It has been banned by the
Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
this was a race of large, muscular, red-skinned aliens. (SWJ1)
native to the Ploo Sector, the Blubreen were a race of humanoid amphibians. Their skin was a bluishaqua color, and they had short, black hair on their heads. Each of their hands had five webbed fingers,
and they had five small gills on each side of their necks. (E1A1)
this slang term was used to describe any being who would sell their own mother in order to get ahead.
Blue Ale
this is a form of beer that is brewed on many worlds. (IF)
Blue Blerd of Happiness
this tavern, located in the city of Hweg Shul on the planet Nam Chorios, was a favorite hang-out for the
Newcomers. When Luke Skywalker arrived on the planet to search for Callista, he stayed on a room
above the tavern. (POT)
Blue Boy
this was the name of Mair Koda's personal starship, a modified Ghtroc Class 720 freighter which was
armed with a double laser cannon. The ship had been owned by Mair's parents, until her mother ran off
with a Wroonian smuggler. Mair'f father operated this ship until his death, at which time he bequeathed
the ship to Mair. (SWJ15)
Blue Brubb
this small tavern, located in Mos Espa on Tatooine and operated during the last years of the Old
Republic, was a favorite of young Anakin Skywalker and his friend Kitster. They often stopped by the
tavern to drink ruby bliels in the afternoon heat, but had to be careful because it was located in the Hutt
section of the spaceport. (ANA)
Blue Cliffs
th unusual color of the stone in these cliffs, located on the planet Endoraan, make it a well-known tourist
attraction. (SWJ8)
Blue Desert People
large reptiles native to Dathomir, these creatures have pale blue scales, tiny forelegs, red eyes and black
teeth. They are carnivorous, and fairly smart. They live in the Great Desert of Dathomir, running at night

to the nearby mountains to feed. They sleep during the day in holes in the desert sand. They measured
up to 2.5 meters in length, and have a large bony crest extending off the back of their head. While there is
no proven evidence that they are intelligent, their daily migrations have been described in terms of
sentient behavior. The Blue Desert People have excellent night vision and incredible speed. (CPL, CTD)
Blue Dwarf
an alcoholic beverage. (SWG3)
Blue Five
Luke's callsign during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Flight
a squadron of A-Wings under the command of Wedge Antilles during the assault on Almania. (TNR)
Blue Four
Porkin's callsign during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Fox
an Imperial Nebulon-B frigate that attacked the Alliance cruiser Excelsior during the Galactic Civil War.
Blue Guard
this was the name used to describe the Senate Guard, after Chancellor Palpatine began using a highlytrained group of guards to protect himself during the years leading up the Clone Wars. Palpatine's guards
became known as the Red Guard. (VD2, HNN5)
Blue Leader
a callsign used by the Alliance during the the Battle of Endor. (ROTJ)
Blue Leader
Dave's callsign during the Battle of Yavin (SWN)
Blue Level
the middle of three level aboard the Errant Venture dedicated to commerce and entertainment, Blue Level
appealed to those shippers and smugglers who found traveling on a Star Destroyer interesting. (IJ)
Blue Light
Han Solo often frequented this bar in the Corellian sector of Nar Shaddaa. It was a seedy dived that only
served liquor, but the rooms were covered with posters of holo-vid heroes and Corellian landmarks which
appealed to Han. After returning from the Tion Hegemomy, Han met Bria there. (THG, RD)
Blue Man's Group
this tell-all biography of the history and members of the Max Rebo Band was written by Tik Tali Talosh
after the Battle of Endor. (SWI67)
Blue Max
a small, cubical B2-X droid designed by Jessa's technicians to fit inside Bollux and remain hidden until
needed by Rekkon's team to infiltrate the Authority Data Center on Orron III. Named for its blue color and
the fact that the techs placed the maximum amount of computing power into the smallest possible space,
Max was designed to access the Corporate Sector Authority's Data Center on Orron III and determine the
whereabouts of people who have been mysteriously disappearing. Max also has a number of other
abilities, including remote operation of Bollux. He has an exuberant, almost child-like personality. Max has
a single photorecepter mounted in a turret on top of his cube. Blue Max and Bollux decided, after
returning from Stars' End, that they wanted to see the galaxy, and asked Han Solo to accept them as
crew members. Han overrode his instinctual distrust of automatons, after witnessing the two droids'
loyalty and talent, and accepted them as crewmembers. They proved invaluable a number of times,
helping to incapacitate Zlarb and his thugs on Lur. They were also able to communicate with the

Millennium Falcon, and helped to keep it operating at top condition. When Han and Chewie set off to find
the Queen of Ranroon, Blue Max again proved his worth, helping to translate the log-recorder, assisting
Skynx in his investigation of the ship, and by finding a way to destroy the Guardian Corp of war robots.
Following the discovery of the Queen, Blue Max and Bollux left Han Solo and went with Skynx to help the
Ruurian finish his studies before becoming a chroma-wing flier. Their exact location was lost over time.
Blue Milk
this nutrient-rich beverage is served on worlds where natural resources are scarse. Planets such as
Tatooine consume blue milk to supplement the water-poor diets of its inhabitants. Blue milk is also
rumored to have medicinal value. (CCG)
Blue Moon
located in the city of Trid, on the planet Danuta, this cantina catered to the miners and spacers who
passed through the city. It was here that Kyle Katarn met up with Meck Odom, shortly before Kyle stole
the technical plans to the first Death Star. (SFE)
Blue Mountains
this range of mountains is located just outside the city of Montellian Serat, on the planet Devaron. During
the height of the Clone Wars, it was rumored that smugglers had established a base of operations in the
south side of the mountains. This was a carefully-planted rumor, however, used by Senator
Vien'sai'malloc to cover the true nature of the base in the mountains. The Senator had allowed the
Separatists to use the north side of the mountains as a military base, from which they launched a series
of ambushes against Republic supply convoys. (TBH, J3)
Blue Nebula
a run-down bar and grill located in the Manda spaceport. (DCAR)
Blue Nine
Dorset Konnair's callsign while stationed at Folor. (WS)
Blue Nova, The
this tavern was located on the deep-space repair platform 3DC/Green. (HAS)
Blue One
this was the term used by the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project to describe a member of the Chiss
race. (SQ)
Blue Petal Bar
this bar and restaurant was located on a floating terrace on Cloud City's Figg Plaza. (GG2)
Blue Queen
this Corsair-class cruiser is part of Dharus' fleet. It operates in tandem with the Red Lancer. (GG9)
Blue Registry
this galaxy-wide publication is used to valuate used droids. (POT)
Blue River
this waterway is located near the city of Tiems. (RASB)
Blue Ruin
this Nebulon-B2 frigate was part of the Imperial Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Blue Sector
this section of the Corellian capital of Coronet, named for the fact that Blue Sky Boulevard leads into it,
was the primary area where offworlders could congregate. It was also known as the city's most
dangerous environment, as the number of violent crimes was much greater in the Blue Sector than
anywhere else. (CCW)

Blue Six
John-D's callsign during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Sky Boulevard
located in the city of Coronet, on the planet Corellia, this wide thoroughfare led into the heart of the city's
Blue Sector. (CCW)
Blue Squadron
this was the name of the primary starfighter squadron in the military forces of the Stark Commercial
Combine. (SHW)
Blue Squadron
a group of A-wings during the Battle of Endor, Blue Squadron was assigned to the New Republic's Folor
base shortly afterward. Note that the Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Death Star 2 expansion set
claims Blue Squadron was made up of B-Wing starfighters which concentrated its attacks on the Executor
during the Battle of Endor. (ROTJ, WS, CCG11)
Blue Squadron
the group of Y-Wings piloted by Bothans during the attack on the Suprosa. (SSE)
Blue Squadron
a group of X-wings during the first Battle of Calamari. (DE1)
Blue Squadron
a group of X-Wings during the Battle of Yavin (SWN)
Blue Star Lake
a beautiful, wooded lake found on the forest moon of Endor. (GMH)
Blue Star Pirates
this gang of space pirates was active during the last decades of the Old Republic,and were discovered to
have a cache of military-grade weapons at their disposal. It was later learned that the weapons were
provided by the crimelord Jalla Spree. (IOT)
Blue Swirl
this section of the Kathol Rift was a relatively clear area which contained a few lifeless planetoids and
minimal interference. (KR)
Blue Ten
Blue Leader's wingman during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Three
Biggs' callsign during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Tonic
one of the key ingredients in making a Reactor Core. (GG9)
Blue Twelve
Blue Leader's wingman during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Two
Wedge's callsign during the Battle of Yavin. (SWN)
Blue Wave
this Mon Calamari cargo hauler was believed to have been carrying medical supplies to Alliance cells on
the planet Daltarra, when it suddenly exploded in orbit and was destroyed. Many Alliance members
feared that Imperial Storm Commandos had destroyed the ship, especially in light of the destruction of
key Alliance holdings in the city of Quenin shortly afterward. (RESB)

Blue Wings of Strength

one of the Ancient Tokens of the Legendary Ewoks, the Blue Wings are a special headdress of blue
wings, bestowed on the member of an expedition who lacks inner strength. Logray presented them to
Widdle before the Ewoks helped Mace and Cindel rescue their parents from the Gorax. (EA)
Blue, Tendir
this man was a known criminal, working on the planet Corellia during the last decades of the Old
Republic. He was contacted by the Techno Union, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, to gather a group
of mercenaries and track down Ratri Tane. Blue managed to capture Tane, and held him hostage when
Aayla Secura and Ylenic It'kla arrived on Corellia to rescue Tane. Unknown to Blue, however, "Tane" was
actually Nejaa Halcyon in disguise. The real Tane had already been whisked away to a safehouse to
ensure the survival of he and his family. When the Jedi refused to cooperate, Blue shot "Tane" with his
blaster and escaped, believing that he had killed the real Tane and recovered the prototypes he had been
carrying. The ruse was necessary, because the Old Republic wanted the Techno Union to believe that
the threat to the Separatists posed by Tane's defection had been eliminated. Note that this character is
also referred to as Tendril Blue. (SWI66)
Blue, Tendril
see Blue, Tendir (SWI66)
Blue-breasted Hover Ibbot
this was the smallest of the various species of ibbot, native to the planet Drall. The hover ibbot was
dsitinguished from other species by the blue feathers of its breast. The average wingspan of the hover
ibbot was no more than seven centimeters, making it some 700 times smaller than the great ibbot. (CCW)
this tree grew on the planet Corellia, and produced a tasty fruit that was often made into a tasty jam that
could be spread on bread. By itself, bluefruit jam was quite tasty. However, its taste was dramatically
altered by certain other spreads, including saltnut butter. When these two spreads were combined in a
sandwich, the resulting taste was said to gag a sand cat. (MJH)
Blue-kernel Corn
this was one of the many grains which were harvested on the agricultural world of Kwevron. (RESB)
Blueleaf shrubs
a species of strong-smelling plants native to Yavin 4 and Ithor, the blueleaf was distinguished by its
crushed-spice scent. (JS, COJ, EVC)
Bluenek 27 Ithor 49 Naboo
this was Mara Jade's access code to the Bluenek Section of Coruscant, during her tenure as one of
Emperor Palpatine's Hands. She later used it to gain access to the Bluenek Section after the Yuuzhan
Vong captured Coruscant. (EL2)
Bluenek Section
this was restricted sector of the cityscape on Coruscant, controlled during the New Order by Emperor
Palpatine and a handful of his closest advisors. The section was originally designation as an atmospheric
reclamation station, many centuries before the rise of the Empire, and much of its machinery was left in
place to hide the true nature of the section. It was set aside by the Imperial Intelligence division as a
scientific research facility which was charged with developing large creatures which were sensitive to the
Force and could hunt down Force-sensitive beings. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Luke
Skywalker and Mara Jade discovered the Bluenek Section had been "shielded" by a colony of ysalamiri.
Blue-ringed Sea Crab
this crustacean, native to the oceans of Tinallis, was considered vermin by ecologists. Studies of the
populations of various sea creatures revealed that, if allowed to reproduce at will, the blue-ringed sea
crab would eventually choke out all other forms of life along the coast. For this reason, the government of

Tinallis outlawed the hunting of the avian threshers, which fed on the sea crabs and kept their populations
to a minimum. (COG)
this was a nickname used to descrine the Ssi-ruu known as Sh'tk'ith. (TB)
Blue-Shift Luck Casino
this overpriced casino was located on the Galasol Strip, on the planet Bonadan, during the early decades
of the New Republic. (EOV, GMR8)
this giant tree, named for the bluish tint of its wood, was native to the planet Drongar. (MJH)
a bird-like creature native to the planet Borcorash. (SOP)
manufacturers of B4J4 security droids. (ML)
this the fast-growing species of tree, native to the forest moon of Endor, which produces blumfruit. (GF)
a large, red, oval-shaped berry consumed by the Ewoks. (ECAR)
Blunt Force
the captain of this heavily-armed YV-929 freighter - a being known as Bunurrut - claimed that he was part
of a small task force assembled by Leia Organa Solo to ensure that the Wanderhome reached Ralltiir
intact. However, the Blunt Force and its companion, the Vigor, were actually Peace Brigade ships that
had intercepted the distress call of the Wanderhome and hoped to bring its load of refugees to the
Yuuzhan Vong. The pilots who were escorting the Wanderhome managed to drive off the Peace Brigade
ships, allowing the Wanderhome to reach Ralltiir safely. The Blunt Force was armed with a pair of doubel
turbolaser cannons, a pair of triple blasters, a pair of ion cannons, and four pairs of concussion missile
launchers. The ship couuld be operated by a pilto and three gunners, and could accommodate up to six
prisoners and 150 metric tons of cargo. (NJOSB)
this reptilian beast inhabited the savannas of the Forest Moon of Endor. It was successfully domesticated
by the clans of Marauders that lived on the moon. They used the blurrgs as mounts, and for heavy labor.
The blurrg was a hulking, tadpole-shaped creature with two stout legs and a pair of tiny arms. Its legs
ended in splayed, three-toed feet which gave the blurrg excellent traction. Its mouth was overly large for
its head, and was in constant motion, eating all the plant material it encountered in the grasslands. The
blurrg was not incredibly smart, having a tiny brain, and could not be provoked. They have been known to
run directly into small trees, knocking them down and moving on. (ISU, WSW)
this was a term used by Gungan bongo racers to indicate any racing event. (GMR4)
this name was given to female Zabrak, and referred to a sweet-smelling planet native to Iridonia. (GCG)
this sweet-smelling plant was native to the planet Iridonia. (GCG)
Bluudon Sector
this was the name of one part of the planet Coruscant, after it had been destroyed and rebuilt by the
Yuuzhan Vong into a simulacrum of their long-lost homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar. (FH3)

Bluuis, Naren
this man served the New Republic as the Corva Sector Network Leader. Shortly before the death of
Grand Admiral Thrawn, his staff was infiltrated by an Imperial spy who posed as one of his aides. The spy
continually fed information on Bluuis' movements back to Imperial forces, which often resulted in heavy
losses for the New Republic. Bluuis lost many hours of sleep and ate poorly during this time, and was
constantly under medical supervision. However, he refused to take break from his duties. After the
destruction of the Kaarenth Dissension's fleet near the Spawn Nebula and the discovery of its spy, Bluuis
recovered quickly. (SWJ8)
a series of Serv-O-Droid labor droids, the BLX-5 was a heavy-duty industrial worker. It was roughly
humanoid in shape, and was first introduced about 100 years before the Galactic Civil War. (CSA, EGC)
this clone trooper commander was in charge of defending the Old Republic's base on New Holstice,
during the height of the Clone Wars. Bly was one of the first ARC troopers to be trained by Alpha, and
was specifically trained on Kamino. After New Holstice was attacked by a group claiming to be of
Mandalorian descent, Bly was attached to Jedi Master Aayla Secura's unit as squad leader, during a
mission to recover a scientific instrument package from Honoghr. Their mission was to recovered the SIP
from a Separatist transport that had crashed on the planet, dumping a cargo of trihexalophine1138 into
the environment. It was on this mission that he found himself doubting General Secura's leadership when
she refused to let him kill Quinlan Vos, who had suddenly appeared on Honoghr in search of the same
SIP. Bly couldn't help but be suspicious at Quin's offer to locate the SIP together, then allow Aayla to
return to Coruscant with it. He agreed to the plan because of General Secura's orders, but wasn't
surprised when Quin tried to escape without them. Before he could fire, Bly was knocked to the ground by
a blast of Force energy. Dazed, Bly was unable to get a good read on Vos as the two Jedi engaged in a
lightsaber duel. Only when Aayla surrendered, hoping to draw out some shred of good in her former
Master, did Bly get a chance. He managed to shoot Quinlan twice, but the renegade was able to escape
to his ship, albeit without the SIP. Bly and General Secura returned the scientific instrument package to
Coruscant, hoping that it would provide a way to save the Noghri. (RSF, RAR)
this supplier of exotic gases was known to keep a running supply of shvash gas from Gelgelar. (PSPG)
Blyte System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Mecetti during the New Order. (LOE)
this was a pot-bellied series of droids. (SWJ11)
this was the model number of SoroSuub's bi-polar blaster carbine. (FOP)
a scorched, dried world, Bnach was used as a labor camp for Imperial prisoners. Grand Moff Thistleborn
was sentenced to three years of hard labor for his treachery against the Prophets of the Dark Side. (PDS,
this small lake was located near the city of A'Lenba, on the planet Goroth Prime. Its name literally meant
"The Promise" in the Basic language. Water from the B'Nal was used in A'Lenba, but only after filtering
and purifying. However, the water from B'Nal was relatively clean, given the environmental damage the
planet had suffered. The water from the B'Nal was actually much cleaner than that of the V'Bren Goh.
Bnar VII
a planet. (AIR)

this was a common name among the Sarkan race. (UANT)
Bnef nlle
this Sullustan phrase translates to "good luck." (DE1)
Bnef Nlle
this small, modified freighter was owned by Niev Jaub. During the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, Jaub
volunteered his services to help defend the moon. He got caught between two Carrack-class picket ships
when he followed Falan Iniro out of their hiding place before the counter-attack was ordered. Seeing
Iniro's ship destroyed, Jaub took out as many TIE Fighters as he could before sustaining damage to the
Bnef Nlle. Rather than die without a fight, Jaub piloted the small ship on a collision course with the
Vigilance, obliterating its shields upon impact. Jaub shouted "Bnef nlle!" as he did, calling "good luck" to
the other smugglers. (THG)
Bnist, Haisha Su
this petty thief and agitator was wanted by the Empire for the murder of a stormtrooper, whom she killed
while trying to escape being arrested. It was believed that she had several cybernetic prostheses
implanted into her body to help improve her reflexes. (ND)
this weapons manufacturer specialized in grenades and other contained explosives. (ROE)
this heavily armed Gamorrean lost his pet snuzzleguff, named Snowball, at the Mynock 7 Space Station.
He later recovered it at the Farrimmer Caf. (SWJ11)
this archaic name was common among Sullustan males, and referred to a Sullustan male of royal blood.
this was the Huttese word for the number one (1). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system, since
their hands had just four fingers each. (GMR5, TF)
Bo Charmian Racing School
once located within the confines of the Mos Espa Arena, this school taught students the fundamentals of
podracing. (IWE1)
this fungus was grown in the caverns of the planet Sullust, and was mashed to extract the juice that was
contained in its cells. (SWJ11)
Boarding Harpoon
essentially a huge, hyperdermic needle filled with coma-gas, boarding harpoons were used by pirates and
smugglers to board targetted warships. The super-heated tip of the harpoon melted through the hull of the
target, sealing the harpoon into the breach. The coma-gas was then expelled, rendering the crew of the
target vessel unconscious. The attackers could then board the target ship be moving through the
harpoon. (SBS)
sometimes known as a borra, this beast was a large, shaggy creature native to the Forest Moon of Endor.
The boar-wolf had large facial tusks, a keen sense of smell, and saberlike claws. While the boar-wolf
often preyed on the Ewoks, the small furry creatures were been known to trap a boar-wolf for food. The
goraxes which inhabited the moon sometimes domesticated the boar-wolf, using them as guardians. The
average boar-wolf had no hesitation to eat anything which crossed its path. A Gorax used a borra to
capture Jeremitt and Catarine Towani when their star cruiser crashed on the moon. (ISU, WSW, CHRN,

this unusual form of sculpture was created on the planet Alderaan by the Killik race, long before humans
settled on the planet. This made them extremely old and mysterious to the human population, before
Alderaan was destroyed by the first Death Star. Very few of these artworks survived the destruction, and
a group of ten boasas was owned by the casino kingpin Ludlo Lebauer until he agreed to sell them to
Leia Organa Solo. Lebauer had originally obtained several of them from Threkin Horm as payment for a
gambling debt, a fact which made many Alderaanians very angry. The fact that Lebauer had the credits to
buy the remaining boasas in order to complete the group of ten rankled even more. Each boasa was
unique in shape, made from a translucent material which surrounded a hollow pattern. Helixes, cylinders,
and ribbons were common patterns, and the coloration of each was hypnotic. One of the unusual aspects
of the boasa artform was that, suspended in the translucent material, were destructive bacteria that were
held in stasis. If an individual touched the surface of the boasa, the oils in their skin attracted the bacteria
and provided a growth medium for it. Thus, the touching of a boasa was prohibited. (SWI67)
this Nebulon-B frigate served as the flagship of the Bothan Combar Response Element, during the early
years of the New Republic. (E)
this is a speedy sublight drive manufactured by SoroSuub. It is a simple and economic drive, although it is
primarily compatible with only SoroSuub starship systems. (SWJ9, GG6)
this man served the Empire as a stormtrooper durnig the months surrounding the Battle of Yavin. He was
part of the team, led by Major Grau, that was dispatched to investigate the Alliance's interest in the planet
Alashan. There, Trooper Boaz was badly injured in an avalanche caused by the planet, and he pleaded
with Ensign Kyril Lopaki for help. Lopaki, however, was too busy trying to save his own life, and
abandoned Boaz. Boaz was killed when a second wave of rocks buried him alive. (MCI6)
this Imperial stormtrooper, a dark-skinned man, was rumored to have stolen Darth Vader's personal diary,
at least according to urban legends that sprang up during the Galactic Civil War. As the story went, Bob
took the diary while removing a corpse from Vader's private chambers, the took it to the mess hall to
show his friend, Kjazhed-Uhl. After learning that the Dark Lord simply wanted someone to throw him a
birthday party, the two stormtroopers were called to duty. As Bob passed Vader in the hall, he muttered
"Happy Birthday" and kept walking. (T16)
Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids
this is the galaxy's original talent-free band. Originating on the planet Adarlon, they gained a steady cult
following despite their lack of ability. They only release singles. (GG6, GG9)
Bobb, Feskitt
this bounty hunter was employed by the Empire in an effort to recover an I2-CG droid from Goratak III.
The droid had intercepted information on the Alliance's starship manufacturing plant on Tar Morden, and
was eventually recovered by Alliance forces. (MB)
this youth was a member of the Bear Clan of Jedi students, during the year leading up to the Battle of
Geonosis. (AOTCA)
this young Dubravan male sought to join the Alliance. He contacted Jal Te Gniev about making contact
with the Alliance and becoming a pilot, and Jal took it as a joke. He made Bobek take an "entrance exam"
which involved Bobek being blindfolded and led in a random path until he fell in a hole. Bobek was
humiliated in front of his friends, and sought to exact revenge on Jal. He purchased a blaster and set out

to shoot him, but stumbled into an Imperial raid. As Jal tried to escape, a stormtrooper shot and killed
Bobek. Jal fell deeper into despair, feeling that he had caused Bobek's death. (VQ)
this street orphan was taken in by Chop Harlison, shortly after the death of his wife, Sharda. Chop caught
Bobi trying to steal his credit box from the workshop of the Rabid Mynocks, but Chop managed to catch
him. Instead of sending him to the police, Chop allowed Bobi to join the Mynocks, and the young boy
became a kind of apprentice to Chop. (SWJ6)
a Bakuran noble Lady who agrees to watch Malinza when Gaeriel accompanies the Bakuran fleet to
Corellia. (AS)
this was the name Vilmarh Grahrk used to hide Darth Sidious' identity, when he fabricated a story about
his involvement in the Yinchorri battles with the Jedi Knights, following the destruction of a settlement on
Mayvitch 7. Bobo supposedly hired Villie to distract the Jedi Knights long enough for Bobo to gain access
to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. With a Yinchorri guard, Bobo infiltrated the Temple and stole the Secret
Treasure of the Jedi. He then killed his Yinchorri guards and fled the planet. Unknown to Bobo, Villie had
placed several seeds from a stalking onsonker into his body. The seeds attached themselves to Bobo's
stomach, and Villie used the seeds' mother, Fluffy, to track Bobo down. Villie demanded that the Treasure
be turned over, and Bobo obliged in the hopes of being saved from Fluffy. Villie, however, was not in a
charitable mood. The Devaronian claimed that he allowed Fluffy to eat Bobo for his treachery. (TDV)
this was the Huttese word for the number twelve (12). Note, however, that the Huttese counting system
was based on a base-eight system. So, boboba indicated the number ten (10) in the Basic language.
Bobolo Baker's All-Bith Band
this jizz band played regularly on Nova Station, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SBS)
Bobot Beka
this male Klatooinan was wanted for a variety of subversive activities aboard the Outland Transit Station
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was a known associate of Petson Lizze during the time
he spent on the station. A bounty was placed on his head by Rozatta himself. Bobot Beka was captured
on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett and brought in for the bounty on his head. (BH)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "stalagmite" or "rock column". (GCG)
this Dark Jedi compatriot of Jerec was one of the few known Twi'leki Jedi. Known as Boc the Crude, he
was cunning and brash, and was known to laugh at and taunt his opponents during battle. He was
proficient in the use of two lightsabers at a time; his own lightsaber was a large device which could
activate a single blade, or - when pulled apart - could be used as two blades. When Jerec intercepted the
Jedi Knight Qu Rahn on Dorlo, Boc tried to execute Duno Dree, but Rahn tried to defend the youth. With
a quick slash, Rahn managed to hobble Boc by severing the tendon in one leg. Boc never forgot the
attack, and clamored for an opportunity to exact a horrible revenge on Rahn. Jerec wouldn't allow it,
however, preferring to do the job himself. Boc, like Jerec's other Dark Jedi, was defeated by Kyle Katarn
during the search for the Valley of the Jedi. (DF2, RAG)
this feral creature was native to the planet Tatooine. (SWI74)
a galactic language used on many worlds, Bocce was developed by the Baobab merchant family to serve

as the one language which could be used among all the alien and human beings who worked for the
shipping corporation. This allowed mixed-species crews to communicate, no matter what race they were
from. Over the years Bocce was accepted as a basic form of communications for many settlers and
travelers, because of its ease of use. (SW, GMR5)
Bocck, Boddu
this man was a bounty hunter with something of a death-wish. In an effort to hone his own skills, Bocck
once traveled to Rodia and hunted a group of Rodian hunters in the himself. He came away
with a knowledge of a variety of weapons, and built a custom-made hunting crossbow as his primary
weapon. A native of Commenor, he wore his black hair long, with a topknot pulled toward the back of his
skull. Bocck was a member of the Imperial Scout Corps, and became a bounty hunter after his hitch was
up. He later established a base of operations in Cloud City's Port Town. Bocck once ran into Major Birket,
and an accidental discharge of a poisoned dart killed Birket's young assistant. Birket never forgot the
event, even though he eventually turned to Bocck to help locate and capture Platt Okeefe and Tru'eb
Cholakk. Bocck managed to capture Tru'eb on Tatooine, but his henchmen were unable to capture Platt
on Cloud City. He turned Tru'eb over to Major Birket and collected part of the bounty. Bocck then returned
to Cloud City. Note that Imperial Double-cross claims Boddu Bocck's hair is reddish in color. (SESB, IDC,
this ancient Hutt controlled a vast criminal empire from the planet Sleheyron, during the centuries leading
up to the Great Sith War. It was Bochaba who discovered the hidden assassination programming of the
porotocol droid HK-47, and put the droid to use eliminating his rivals. In the course of a standard year,
HK-47 killed 322 "meatbags", adding to and enhancing Bochaba's fearsome reputation. However,
Bochaba grew too powerful for his own good, and was assassinated by agents of the Exchange.
this was the designation of the largest orbital shipyard constructed by the Empire in Brak Sector.
Stationed in orbit over the planet Bacrana, this Kuat Drive Yards OSD-III station was constructed despite
intense protest from the citizens of Bacrana. (FBS)
Boda Etaan
this was the name of a noted Ebranite individual. (UANT)
an unimportant planet in the Core. (CRO)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Bodge was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "merchant" or "trader". (GCG)
this world was known for its many moons. (COD)
a swamp-covered moon orbiting an unspecified planet, Bodgen was the site of a secondary priate base
maintained by Gir Kybo Ren-Cha. It was there that the pirate held Gerin, daughter of Lord Toda of
Tammuz-an, in an effort to take control of the planet. (DCAR)
this was the name given to the priests of the Vashan people. Most bodhis lived in the limestone pillar
known as Inicus Mont, located on the moon of Mina. Vashans made a regular pilgrimage to Mina every
winter, in an effort to obtain sin-bullets from the antestomachs of a bodhi. (GMR9)
Bodo Baas

this Jedi Master was the Gatekeeper of the Holocron that Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa-Solo retrieve
from the reborn Emperor Palpatine. He and a group of Jedi Knights were active in the Adega System
about 600 years prior to the Galactic Civil War. Bodo Baas was a descendant of the Jedi Master Vodo
Siosk-Baas, who was a contemporary of the Jedi Master Arca, about 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil
War. (FNU, DE1, DE2, DA)
meaning "backward" - or, more literally, "doing things in the most difficult way imaginable" - this was one
of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally described characteristics of
historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual. (GCG)
the primary planet in the Bodrin System, this rocky world is found in the Elrood Sector. The inhabitants
barely make enough working as miners for the Elrood Quarry Corporation to survive. The mines operate
at full output during the summer months, but the five winter months force the planet to shut down. (PG3)
this mineral is mined by the Elrood Quarry Corporation on Bodrin. (PG)
this bounty hunter didn't mind paying extra for a "humanoid" version of Stalker body armor, given that he
was getting a custom-made suit that conformed to his body and gave him added mobility along with
protection. (GUN)
this man was a noted weapons expert who had in-depth knowledge of stormtrooper armor. (GUN)
this Laerdocian served as a sensor operator aboard the Errant Venture. He was part of the bridge crew
during Garm Bel Iblis' assault on Yaga Minor. (SOP, VOF)
Body Bucket
this was a slang term used by armorers to describe the pieces of armor used by stormtroopers. (TFE)
Body Calculus
this was the name of the Givin government. (EVR)
Body of the Living God
this is the name for the planet Ronyards, used by the multitude of droids that live there. They consider the
huge, planet-covering construct of droid parts to be the work of the planet itself. (CSWDW)
Bodyform Chair
as the name suggests, this form of chair was made from a material that conformed itself to the shape of
the user's body. Popular during the early years of the New Republic, bodyform chairs were used in many
public areas where any number of species might have need for them. (SWI67)
a pale pink wood with scarlet streaks, its color mimics that of the flesh of a race of creatures that
inhabited the forests of Munto Codru. Hence, its name "bodywood." The live trees have a limited
intelligence, and seem to be able to feel pain. (CS)
Boe Vixe
this Gran athlete refused to let his sister, Cera, marry Vee Naaq. (IA)
codename of a group of Alliance Y-Wings destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

a wild animal native to the planet Garos IV, boetays roam the countryside in small packs. They tended to
avoid contact with humans. They have a dark tan coloration, broken by black stripes. (SWJ4, SWJ12)
Boeus Sector
a section of the galaxy located in the Expansion Region. During the time of the New Republic, it was
governed by Darvon Jewett, who is a supporter of the Republic. (RPG)
this phosphorescent creature was often kept in glass globes, providing a natural source of light. (BF4)
this tree produced a sweet fruit, which was often used in the creation of culinary sauces. It was a perfect
accompaniment to roasted breast if hibbas. (DW)
Bofa II
this planet was the distribution site for Imperial surveillance probes during the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Bofa Treat
a sweet, dried, fruit-like snackfood. (TSW)
a species of fruit tree native to Yavin 4. The fruit itself is often served salted. (DK)
this was one of the codewords used by Niner and Omega Squad to indicate one of their primary assault
targets, during the mission to capture Ovolot Qail Uthan on Qiilura, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis.
Code Boffin was given to the crew of the Majestic, along with the coordinates of one of Ghez Hokan's
primary bases. (RCHC)
Bog Beast
the swimming creature that tries to ingest R2-D2 on Dagobah. (ESB)
Boga Minawk
this anti-gravity sport became very popular at the Dona Laza tapcafe about fifteen years after the Battle of
Endor. (SOP)
Bogan, Biggs
this man served the Old Republic as a shuttle pilot during the height of the Clone Wars. He was stationed
on MedStar Nineteen as the Admiral's pilot, during the Battle of Drongar, and served both Tarnese Bleyd
and Erel Kersos in his duties. He was involved with the Twi'lek Ord Vorra at this time, and it was her
information that provided Kadir with a way to steal Bogan's shuttle. Both Bogan and Ord Vorra were
Adepts at the game of Strag, and their love of the game brought them together. Bogan, because of his
position as Kersos' shuttle pilot, had access codes to the Admiral's ships. Kaird managed to steal one of
these ships for his escape from Drongar, after luring them to a viewing of the Strag Sector Match
Championship on Galactic Sports Update and drugging their wine with myocaine. This left Bogan unable
to pilot his shuttle, and Kaird gladly took his place. (MJH)
Bogan's Brown Nafen
this species of winged rodents was known in the popular media as butterbats. They were found on a
number of tropical planets, where they consumed huge amounts of insects and small creatures. However,
they were also carriers of a variety of diseases, making them a nuisance to be eliminated on many
worlds. (COG)
this temperate planet was orbited by no less than eighteen moons and natural satellites, ranging in size
from large boulders to near-planets. Because of the passage of these moons in close proximity to the
planer, Bogden's surface was literally pulled apart by the gravitational "tides." Several times a day, the

land moved and swayed as moons passed "over" and "under" the planet, and the beings who called
Bogden home had to learn to walk and maintain their balance as the ground shifted underneath them.
Most of the moons of Bogden were inhabited by smugglers, bounty hunters, and other criminal elements.
Bogeega Bu'Daay
this being was one of the many spies and informants who worked for Boorka the Hutt during the last
decades of the Old Republic. It was Bogeega who first discovered information on the Decimator, and
relayed the information to Boorka as soon as he could. However, before he could learn more, Bogeega
was discovered. In his final transmission, the roar of a Wookiee could be heard before Bogeega's voice is
cut off. (GBC)
Bogen, Ab'El
this New Republic Senator served on the Defense Council during the Yevethan Purge. (SOL, HT)
an amorphous creature that lived in the Kessel spice mines, the bogey resembled a bouncing ball of light.
For many years, the existence of the bogey was strongly debated as a figment of the feeble minds of the
beings imprisoned on Kessel. Rumors of similar creatures surfaced on many worlds, but Kessel was the
first to actually report it. Bogeys seemed to be made of pure energy, and fed on the glitterstim spice which
was found in Kessel's crust and mantle. Their bouncing, bobbing movement resulted from the bogey's
consumption of spice, moving from veins to vein and absorbing it directly into its body. They were
oblivious to the beings that worked in the mines, but any contact with the bogey resulted in an electrical
discharge that could accidentally harm the being. (JS, WOTC)
Bogg 1
this was the innermost moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)
Bogg 10
this was the tenth moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)
Bogg 11
this was the eleventh moon of the planet Bogden. Bogg 11 was one of the moons of Bogden that had an
atmosphere, and often passed close enough to Bogg 4 that the two moons shared their atmospheres.
Bogg 2
this rocky clod of dirt was the second moon of the planet Bogden. Like many other of Bogden's moons,
Bogg 2 maintained an atmosphere. Once each orbit, Bogg 2 passed close enough to Bogg 9 to share
atmospheres. During the last years of the Old Republic, counterfeiters created fake Republic Credits on
Bogg 2, then shipped them via low-altitude balloons to Bogg 9. A group of co-conspirators would then
steal some of the balloons as they moved between the moons, and then a claim would be made against
the "stolen" credits. In this way, the criminals were able to "legitimize" the counterfeit credits while
obtaining actual credits at the same time. (BF1)
Bogg 3
this was the third moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)
Bogg 4
this was the fourth moon of the planet Bogden. It was covered with rocky terrain, but had an atmosphere
which could accommodate many humanoid species. Bogg 4 was large enough to suffer the same seismic
disturbances encountered on Bogden itself, only the effects were much more pronounced on Bogg 4.
Buildings and structures had to be built to accommodate the shifting landscape during periods of
gravitational "tides", and the beings who lived on the moon were forced to adapt their walking style to
match the moving surface. (BF1)
Bogg 5

this was the fifth moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)

Bogg 6
this was the sixth moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)
Bogg 7
this was the seventh moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)
Bogg 8
this was the eighth moon of the planet Bogden. (BF1)
Bogg 9
this was the ninth moon of the planet Bogden. It had a thin atmosphere, and traveled close enough to
Bogg 2 that the two moons shared an atmosphere for several hours each orbit. During the last years of
the Old Republic, counterfeiters created fake Republic Credits on Bogg 2, then shipped them via lowaltitude balloons to Bogg 9. A group of co-conspirators would then steal some of the balloons as they
moved between the moons, and then a claim would be made against the "stolen" credits. In this way, the
criminals were able to "legitimize" the counterfeit credits while obtaining actual credits at the same time.
Bogg Tyrell
this Aleen, who lived on Coruscant during the years following in the Battle of Naboo, was a cabdriver who
frequently patronized Dex's Diner. Note that Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
indicates that Bogg Tyrell was a female Aleen Senator who represented her people in the Galactic
Senate. She was in the company of Seboca, partaking of Galactic City's nightlife, when Anakin Skywalker
and Obi-Wan Kenobi tried to apprehend Zam Wesell. (SWDB, SWI66, IWE2)
the Hutt crimelord who ruled the underworld of the Stenness System during the time before the Great Sith
War. He was nicknamed 'The Merciful One' because of his tendency to give those who crossed him
another chance to return to his favor. The options he usually provided were death or a very dangerous
task; most Hutts would simply kill the offender. He became a sort of protector to the 'Nessie mining
colonies, protecting them from pirates...for a price. He was not, however, very happy with the fact that
Jedi Master Thon was living on Ambria, since Bogga had a fascination with the Dark Side of the Force.
He ordered the death of Andur Sunrider, in an attempt to steal his Adegan crystals. He later attacked
Thon's base, hoping to recover the gemstones, but was driven back by Nomi Sunrider. (TOJ)
Boggs, Wenny
a human who got lost in Tatooine's Jundland Wastes while hunting Womp Rats. His story says that he
heard a strange, alluring song from the desert, and when he found its source, it was a Tusken Raider
singing in a sad, lilting voice. Although the Raider had removed his facial wrappings in order to sing,
Wenny couldn't see his face. Further investigation revealed that the Raider was singing the plaintive song
for a dead companion, something never before documented. (SWSB)
this was a form of repulsorlift vehicle, similar to a landspeeder, used on the planet Seikosha. The craft
had a bullet-shaped passenger area, supported by two winglike hydrofoils. The craft could transport up to
seven beings, including the driver, and a little cargo. (POC)
this Snivvian word represented the number 4. (HNN5)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
this Dug was the leader of the Ruhx family crime ring on his homeworld of Malastare, during the years

leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He worked diligently to eliminate his competition, and went so far as to
issue bounties for the capture or killing of rival family members. This earned him the wrath of Bazurkah,
who in turn issued a bounty for Bog'Ruhx's capture. Both Dugs were captured by Jango Fett shortly after
the Battle of Naboo, when the bounty hunter was on Malastare to infiltrate Sebolto's operations. (BH)
this flying predator is native to the swampy jungles of Dagobah. Measuring 1-5 meters from nose to tail,
the bog-wing has leathery skin and a snake-like body propelled by large wings. The young of the bogwing are born in mid-flight, as the mother drops from an extreme altitude. The bogwings use their sharp
talons to grasp the small rodents and water creatures which inhabit Dagobah's swamps. There were two
distinct subspecies of bogwing known to exist, the greater and lesser bogwings. (CCG4, WSW)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
Boh, Tasrach
this man was a professor of archaeology at the Naboo Royal House of Learning, just prior to the Battle of
Naboo. He spent part of his tenure researching the ruins which were hidden in the swamps of Naboo,
hoping to learn more about the ancient inhabitants of the planet. He was captured by the smugglers who
were illegally exporting Nabooan fauna off-planet, but was rescued by Rann I-Kanu and Galak. (WOTC,
this was the Huttese word for the number twenty-two (22). Note, however, that the Huttese counting
system was based on a base-eight system. So, bohonocha indicated the number eighteen (18) in the
Basic language. (GMR5)
Boiling Caress
this Yuuzhan Vong instrument of pain employed the immersion of one's body into a vat of boiling hot
liquid. (DTR)
Boiling Sea
a tourist attraction on the planet Drall in the Corellian System. Many speculate that the sea is a temporary
geological formation that will disappear in a few hundred generations. In summer, the ground surrounding
the small, landlocked lake become hot enough to boil off the accumulated water. Rains and winter snows
replentish the sea. (AC, AS)
Boiling Sea
located on the planet Vaynai, this area was distinct from the rest of the planet's shallow oceans by the
bubbling waters it contained. Underwater vents released super-hot gases from beneath the planet's
surface, heating the water and mixing together to form a corrosive acid. Even the steam which rose from
the Boiling Sea could eat away at a boat's hull in a short time. (GMR8)
meaning "reliable", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this Rodian was a member of the Nebula Front team, led by Captain Cohl, which infiltrated the Trade
Federation battleship Revenue shortly before the Battle of Naboo. In the wake of their defeat at Dorvalla
and their near-capture near Asmeru, Cohl's crew was either killed or alienated. Only Boiny remained by
Cohl's side, especially after Cohl agreed to help Havac pull together a team of assassins to kill Chancellor
Valorum on Eriadu. However, when the Jedi caught wind of Cohl's activities, Havac was forced to take
action to avoid discovery of his own plans. Havac's forces intercepted Cohl's people on Eriadu, and a

firefight broke out. Boiny was shot and left for dead by Havac in the melee. Boiny managed to survive,
just barely, and helped Cohl regain consciousness. They then lent assistance to the Jedi Knights who
were on Eriadu, but Boiny was shot again and killed while protecting Qui-Gon Jinn's back.. (COD)
Bojam Rees
this tattoist made a meager living on Star Station 12, catering to the desires of spacers to acquire new
tattooes. His shop was located on the station's level 17. Abal Karda paid this green-skinned alien to tattoo
the tribal designs of the Duhma on his face, and paid him with a lock of Selestrine's bejeweled hair. Karda
used the alias Mixxim, but this ruse was not enough to keep Boba Fett from locating Bojam Rees and
obtaining information on Karda's location. (EOE)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "brave". (GCG)
this Mon Calamari was the Captain of the cruiser Grey Damsel, stationed at Talay during the early years
of the Galactic Civil War. Bok and the Grey Damsel managed to escape the destruction of Tak Base, but
not before a Darktrooper managed to gain access to the ship. Bok and his entire crew were killed when
the Darktrooper executed its orders to wipe out the rebels. (T4)
this draft animal was native to the planet Bothawui. (GCG, WOTC)
this Kajain'sa'Nikto and his father, Tsyr, were two of the last members of the Morgukai Warriors. During
the years following the Battle of Naboo, they were mercenaries who used cortosis-based armor and
weapons to fight against the Jedi Knights. They were hired by Ro Fenn, with the assistance of Vilmahr
Grahrk, to kidnap Nat Secura in an effort to force Lon Secura into keeping Ro Fenn alive. The Nikto were
also under the employ of Kh'aris Fenn, who was working to overturn his father's leadership and take
control of Ryloth. Bok was a hot-headed individual, and his father was continually having to overcome
Bok's impulsive behaviors to realize their goals. They returned to Kintan with their captives, in an effort to
draw the Jedi Knights searching for Nat Secura and Master Tholme away from Ryloth. On Kintan, Bok's
bullish nature nearly got him killed, when he tried to capture Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura near a river of
molten lava. Aayla survived, but Bok was stranded on a stone in the middle of the lava. He was forced
over the edge of a lava falls, but managed to avoid the lava and escape. He returned to his father's side
when they trapped the Jedi inside Fortress Kh'aris. When Tysr was beheaded in battle by Quinlan Vos,
Bok launched an all-out assault on the Jedi. Bok nearly killed Quinlan, but was stopped by the return of
Aayla Secura. She cut off his right arm in battle, then forced Bok to the edge of a cliff. Rather than die at
the hands of the Jedi, Bok threw himself from the cliff. However, he again escaped death, this time
landing hard but away from the lava. Bok fled Kintan and met up with Kh'aris Fenn on Ord Mantell. From
that point forward, Bok served the Twi'lek as a bodyguard. (ROP, WOTC)
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It referred to a draft animal which was
native to the planet Bothawui. (GCG, WOTC)
Bok Askol
this adult Pacithhip was an enigma among his own people, for his genetic makeup did not immediately
provide an indication of his position in life. (CCG15)
Boku Settlement
this settlement, located on the planet G'rho, was located near a rich vein of ore. (TBSB)
Bol Pack Runner
this large lizard was native to the planet Dantooine, although it preferred to live in the rocky caves that
broken the endless savannahs of lavender grass. Measuring more than six meters in length, the bol pack

runner was a cunning hunter distinguished by its toothy maw and two curving horns atop its head.
Although not cannibalistic, bol pack runners have been known to kill their own offspring for use as bait,
allowing the dead carcass to attract larger prey. (ROD)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
Bola, Nim
this man was an independent spacer who was active during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He
fancied himself to be a private investigator, and often hired himself out as a detective. During a stopover
on Tatooine, he got caught up in the mission of Tereb Ab'Lon, who was trying to deliver key information to
the Alliance base on Tao-Grant. When the Bothan was killed at the Pit of Carkoon, Nim Bola made the
delivery himself with the help of Ral-Kalei and Tavri. (SWJ3, SWJ4)
Bolabo Hujaan
this female Sullustan maintained the starship repair facility known as Bolabo's Garage. She fled Sullust as
soon as she could find employment aboard a starship, and never looked back. She learned how starships
worked through years of on-the-job experience, and eventually settled on Byblos to start her own
operation. She was known to have been loyal to the Alliance, and often helped repair the ships of Alliance
agents. However, she never did anything for free, and demanded payment up front before any repairs
were started. She was also known as a smuggler, and would often steal the parts she required for the
repairs done in the Garage. In order to help maintain the secrecy of the Garage, Bolabo developed a
network of contacts within Byblos Starport Security, which she kept happy with regular payoffs. (CRO)
Bolabo's Garage
located deep within the confines of Byblos Tower 214, this starship repair facility was owned and
operated by Bolablo Hujaan. The Garage could outfit a ship with almost any form of illegal equipment, for
the right price, and Bolabo worked hard to keep its existence a secret from Byblos Starport Security.
meaning "tranquil", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "artistic". (GCG)
this Quarren was one of Senator Tikkes' aides, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (HFAS)
the Hutt crimelord ruling the Stenness System during the Galactic Civil War. (TME)
Bold Dove
this freighter was owned and operated by Jorgan Blech during the early years of the New Republic.
Bold Moisture Plant
this moisture-producing facility was owned by Orin Bold and his daughter, Nella, a year before the Battle
of Naboo. Qui-Gon Jinn tracked the freighter of Baron Sando of Vena to the plant, in an effort to locate
the source of two Mantellian savrips that killed the Baron. Orin employed a huge pool of attack droids to
protect the plant from Taxer Sundown and his goons. (LSOM)
Bold, Nella
this young woman, a native of Ord Mantell, was the daughter of Orin Bold. She owned a working T-24
airspeeder, despite the fact that most every other T-24 was in a museum. She told Obi-Wan Kenobi that
the craft had been abandoned by a miner near the Bold Moisture Plant, and her father had salvaged it.
Nella made a few upgrades herself, and even made a Mobquet exhaust converter work with a Subpro

thrust accelerator to keep the craft operating. Nella agreed to guide the Jedi to Taxer Sundown's facility
on Ten Mile Plateau, but was captured by Sundown's agents. A group of savrips, led by Mawkran,
rescued her and admitted that they were trying to destroy Sundown's operations. (LSOM)
Bold, Orin
this aging man owned the Bold Moisture Plant on Ord Mantell, during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. After Taxer Sundown arrived on the planet, Orin resisted giving up his moisture farms to the
crimelord, even after his wife was killed by Mantellian savrips. He feared that Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan
Kenobi were sent to shake him down, when the Jedi arrived at his facility to track down the Mantellian
Savrips who had killed Baron Sando of Vena. Orin and his daugther, Nella, explained that the freighter
had probably set down on Sundown's land, and Nella agreed to guide them to Ten Mile Plateau. Nella
later discovered that her mother had actually been killed by Sundown, who made her death appear to be
caused by the savrips in order to gain support for his own activities. Orin himself learned that his wife had
discovered Sundown's stash of lightsabers, and threatened to reveal his criminal activities. (LSOM)
this New Republic Corona-class frigate was the first New Republic ship to encounter the Teljkon
vagabond. It was disabled by the vagabond about five years before Drayson sent Pakkpekatt and Lando
Calrissian out to locate the vagabond. (BTS)
Boleb Hiiz
this Duros served as Tirgee Benyalle's casino manager and majordomo on the planet Kaal, during the
early years of the New Republic. (SWJ7)
Bolenian Hillspinner
this was an incredibly tall creature, named for the hills it built for use as a home. (FH3)
Boles Roor
this Sneevel was one of the Outer Rim's best podracer pilots, and was also known as a notorious
drunkard and one of the best glimmik singers. Boles Roor was a two-time winner of the Boonta Eve
Classic, staged every year near Mos Espa on Tatooine, and preferred the Bin Gassi Quadrijet 4Barrel
940E race. Boles performed live at the Poodoo Lounge the night before Anakin Skywalker won the
Boonta. Just prior to his set, a drunken Boles bet Ben Quadrinaros a cool five million wupiupi that the
Toong was too scared to even show up for the race. Unfortunately for Boles, Ben actually ws in the
starting lineup, although he podracer had been sabotaged. Boles found himself paying heavily for his
boisterous wager. Note that the official Star Wars website ( claims that the bet
was made in peggats, not wupiupi. (TPM, IS1, IG1, PRT, OWS)
this Gamorrean settlement, controlled by the mighty Bolgoink clan, was located on the Wugguh continent
of Gamorr. One of the first major fairs, held during the season of Slushtime, occurtred annually in
Bolgoink. (SWJ14)
this was one of the strongest clans of Gamorreans. (SWJ14)
Bolgoink Hold
this was the primary building of the Bolgoink settlement, was the chief residence of Vrokk and his wife
Kufbrug. (SWJ14)
this Old Republic Acclamator-class assault transport was one of the many ships that were destroyed at
Duro, during the height of the Clone Wars, when the Separatist forces in the system launched Operation
Durge's Lance. (SWI74)
Boliscon Towers
located on the perimeter of the Soco-Jarel Spaceport, this pair of five-story-tall docking hangars is the

most noticeable man-made feature of the planet Socorro. The repair and modification shops within the
Towers were well-known to pirates and smugglers who needed to upgrade their ship systems. (BSS)
Boliscon, Aquato
this man was the owner of Boliscon Towers, on the planet Socorro. Considered one of the few legitimate
businessbeings on the planet, Boliscon was at one time a smuggler and criminal of some renown. He
retired after making a fortune running weapons and spice, and eventually purchased the Soco-Jarel
Spaceport on Socorro. A member of the Society of the Black Bha'lir, he was also a great judge of
starships and young smugglers. Aquato made sure that he took advantage of both when he discovered
them in the Soco-Jarel Spaceport. (BSS)
Boll Trinkatta
this Kloodavian owned the Trinkatta Starships manufacturing facility on Esseles, shortly before the Battle
of Naboo. When Adi Gallia came to Esseles to investigate the building of hyperdrive-equipped droid
starfighters, Trinkatta had her imprisoned. He knew that the ships - ordered to have the hyperdrives
installed by the Trade Federation - were illgeal, but he needed the business. He protested their
development after a test pilot was killed. However, his own labor and security droids turned against him,
and they threw him in a cell as well. They were reprogrammed by the Trade Federation, after Boll refused
to deliver the upgraded ships. (E1A1)
this Huttese verb translated into Basic as "to go." (GMR5)
a creature that lives in the high mountain country. Its hide is desired for tanning to make furred leather.
Bollen Pattern
this medical outline defines a series of neural connections which links all the body's muscles to a central
location, such as the brain. The bollen pattern of an individual is essential to the implantation of a
RiMPack. (CFG)
this city was the oldest of the platform cities established on the planet Cularin, in reaction to the Tarasin
concerns for the environment of Cularin. Gadrin and her sister city, Hedrett, had expanded rapidly since
beign founded by Reidi Artom, and the Tarasin feared that uncontrolled growth would seriously impact the
growth and future of the sacred ch'hala trees. It grew up as the primary export location for ch'hala tree
wood, and developed the best relationship of any human settlement with the native Tarasin. Over time,
however, Bollin began to deteriorate, and the population began to move away. (LFC)
Bollin Animal Emporium
located in the platform city of Bollin, on the planet Cularin, this zoo boasted that it maintained a collection
of some of the galaxy's most dangerous creatures. At the time of the Battle of Naboo, the Emporium was
the only location in its sector which kept a rancor on display. The animals on display at the Bollin Animal
Emporium were just that: on display, and not available for sale. In fact, the Emporium was actually a front
operation for the criminal enterprises of Hlisk Squin. (LFC)
this Tahlboorean term translates to "war." (DRPC)
a stocky, humanoid BLX-5 robot with long arms and a broad torso, Bollux has led an adventurous
existence. He was first activated at the shipyards of Fondor. Because of a number of coincidences, Bollux
never received the mandatory memory wipe all droids require, and his personality continued to grow and
change. He later served as a maintenance technician and also as a regimental commander during the
Clone Wars. He was later deemed obsolete and sold off. He was purchased by Doc and Jessa, who did
some further modifications to Bollux, and eventually gave him the nickname "Bollux." When Han Solo was

contracted by Jessa to help locate the people stolen by the Corporate Sector Authority, Bollux was in use
by Jessa's people as a transport disguise for the small supercomputer, Blue Max. Bollux's central plastron
was modified to allow Blue Max to be placed inside Bollux's body. Bollux's name was given as a reminder
of the headaches involved in maintaining him. Bollux was nearly destroyed by a laser bolt which hit him at
Stars' End, but was repaired by Jessa's team and given a new carcass. He, along with Blue Max, decided
that he wanted to see the galaxy, and asked Han Solo to accept them as a ship's helpers. Han overrode
his instinctual distrust of automatons, after witnessing the two droids' loyalty and talent, and accepted
them as crewmembers. They proved invaluable a number of times, helping to incapacitate Zlarb and his
thugs on Lur. They were also able to communicate with the Millennium Falcon, and helped to keep it
operating at top condition. When Han and Chewie set off to find the Queen of Ranroon, Bollux again
proved his worth, finding a way to destroy the Guardian Corp of war robots. Following the discovery of the
Queen, Blue Max and Bollux left Han Solo and went with Skynx to help the Ruurians finish his studies
before becoming a chroma-wing flier. (HSE, HSR, HSL)
a sport popular throughout the galaxy, bolo-ball was also known as limmie in the Core Worlds. (CS,
this Twi'lek Jedi Knight was stationed on the planet Dantooine, during the era of the Great Sith War.
Bolook was dispatched to investigate the murder of Calder Nettic, along with a promising student.
Although Bolook was in charge of the investigation, he let the apprentice handle the negotations.
Eventually, it was discovered that Handon Guld and Rickard Lusoff had conspired to kill Calder, after
Handon learned that Calder was having an affair with his wife. (KOTOR)
this Noghri bodyguard accompanied Leia Organa Solo to Rhommamool during her first negotiations with
Nom Anor. When Leia and the New Republic encountered the Yuuzhan Vong on Dantooine, Bolpuhr was
killed trying to save her. (VP, DTO)
this was one of the quietest predators found in the jungles of the planet Kashyyyk, despite the fact that it
stood more the four meters in height. Bolstyngars used a pair of auditory clusters to help them locate their
prey, but these hypertympanic clusters also gave the bolstyngar the ability to hear virtually every sound
the jungle made. Thus, the average bolstyngar was continually bombarded by sound, and it often preyed
on those creatures that annoyed them the most. (GMR4)
Bolt Squadron
captained by Tyresi Gurtt, Bold Squadron was the premier flight group of the Eyttyrmin Batiiv Survivors.
this hardy plant is often used to assist in terraforming new worlds. (POT)
this smuggler reprogrammed his DC5-1 freight droid to provide Customs officials with false manifests,
relying on their trust of the usually reliable droids. (SWJ14)
this near-human race was characterized by their green skin and the knobby ridge of bony that ran from
the center of their forehead over the skull and down to the neck. They also had tall, pointed ears and a
toothy grimace. (GMR4)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)

this primitive weapon is similar to a Wookiee bowcaster in many ways. It uses a crossbow-like structure to
launch a thick cylinder into flight at a target. While it has the power of a blaster in terms of stopping an
enemy, the bolt-thrower was a single-shot, slow-loading weapon. (ROE)
this man was the Captain of the Devastator, during the period in which Darth Vader was forced to
exterminate a quarter of a million Falleen in order to prevent a widespread plague. Bolvan disagreed with
Vader's plan to bombard the failed laboratory with turbolaser fire, arguing that a more complete assault
would be required. Vader wished the Falleen to remain alive, and ordered Lieutenant Hija to fire on the
lab. (SESB)
this creature, native to the jungles of Kashyyyk, can often be domesticated as a pet. These creatures
were known for their sensitive ears, which could pick up the smallest of sounds. (HNN4)
Bom Vimdin
this male Advosze despises other members of his own species. He was pessimistic and territorial,
working as a solo smuggler for corrupt officials. He was in the Mos Eisley cantina when Ben Kenobi and
Luke Skywalker booked passage to Alderaan on the Millennium Falcon. Following the Battle of Endor, he
was apprehended by agents of the New Republic while transporting Imperial agents back to Imperial
space. (CCG2, WBC)
Boma Beast
a huge, yellowish-green beast which roams the jungles of Onderon. They have ferocious teeth and a
reptilian skin, and resemble bears. (TOJ)
B'omarr Flats
this barren plain was located on the planet Tatooine, between the Great Mesra Plateau and the Bantha
Plains. (IWST)
B'omarr Order
a sect of monks who inhabited the wastes of Tatooine, the B'omarr Order arrived on Tatooine some 700
years before the Battle of Yavin. They built a huge citadel in the deep desert in order to isolate
themselves and concentrate on the physical denial of all senses that was central to their belief system.
This citadel was invaded 150 years later by the bandit Alkhara, but the monks simply let him reside there,
tolerating his presence only because they knew he would someday falter, and they could retake the
citadel. The palace was later inhabited by the minions of Jabba the Hutt, who used the citadel as his base
of operations. As with the bandit Alkhara, the B'omarr tolerated Jabba's presense. When Jabba was
killed, the B'omarr again retook the palace. Their existence is more whispers and mysticism than concrete
fact. One thing that is known about the B'omarr is that, when they reach a certain level of spiritual
awareness, they have their brains surgically removed from their bodies and placed in a nutrient
suspension. The reason behind this ritual stems from their belief that they no longer need their physical
bodies to continue their devotion. (DS, TJP, SOT)
B'omarr Pipe Organ
this was a specialized organ developed by the B'omarr Monks of the planet Tatooine. The only known
example of such an organ was discovered within the walls of the throne room in Jabba's Palace, after the
crimelord's death. (IWST)
B'omarrian Palace
this was the name sometimes attributed to Jabba the Hutt's vast palace found on the planet Tatooine. It
was used because the palace was originally built by the B'omarr Monks who settled on Tatooine, before
Jabba took over the grounds and had Derren Flet devised extensive renovations. (BF4)
a flesh-eating, scavenger-like pest found on the planet Aruza. (TBH)

this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Bombaasa Cartel
this was the name of the criminal organization founded by Crev Bombaasa in Kathol Sector. It was a
small, shadowy organization that rumored to have been allied with Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. During the
early years of the New Republic, the Cartel was actually the primary government of the planet Pembric II,
being the strongest of the criminal organizations on the planet. (DARK)
Bombaasa, Crev
this vicious Corellian crimelord ran much of the illegal operations in the farther reaches of Kathol Sector
from a base on Pembric II. Despite his tendancy toward violence, Bombaasa was nevertheless quite
cultured. Sometimes described as "beetle-like" in his appearance, Bombaasa was a short, pudgy man
with thin limbs and bulging eyes, who surrounded himself with bodyguards while paying much of the
Pembric Security Legion force from his own coffers. During their search for Jorj Car'das, Lando Calrissian
and Mara Jade managed to foil an assassination attempt on Bombaasa's life. They refused direct
repayment, instead deferring the reward to Talon Kaarde. Kaarde later used it to secure passage to
Exocron during his own search for Car'das. After the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant signed
their peace treaty, Bombaasa went to work for the Hutts' overseeing operation in the Tynnani and
Bothawui systems. Despite his affiliations with the Hutts, Bombaasa shared information about the
Yuuzhan Vong's plans for Tynna and Bothawui with Talon Karrde. He claimed to be simply "looking out
for number one," but asked Karrde to make sure that the New Republic knew that he was supporting their
efforts. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally surrendered to the Galactic Alliance at Coruscant some five years
after their invasion began, Bombaasa was one of many members of the galaxy's underworld to retire from
criminal life and pursue more legitimate goals. The galaxy needed to be rebuilt, and there were too many
honest ways to make a living. (DARK, VOF, JE, UF)
one of the two Victory-class Star Destroyers which were deployed to eradicate the Eyttyrmin Batiiv
pirates. (SWSB)
Bombard Squadron
an Imperial Navy division consisting of two torpedo spheres, a skirmish line of starships, and a line of
pursuit ships. In total, up to 28 ships make up a Bombard Squadron. They were assigned to planets
which had successfully overcome Imperial control, and had a strong military presence. The Bombard
Squadron would then lay siege to the world, overtaking the rebellious inhabitants more quickly than a
prolonged ground assault. (ISB)
this game of chance was developed aboard the luxury gambling ship Cal Ambre. Each game of
Bombarde involved shooting a captured asteroid at the large planetoid Rove, using the Cal Ambre's mass
drive weapon. The moon was electronically overlayed with a gridwork pattern, and the asteroids were
fired at a random location on the grid. Bets were placed on the exact location of the impact on Rove, and
odds were historically updated with each round of play. (CRO)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Bombassa, Crev
see Bombaasa, Crev (UF)
Bomblet Generator
this was an unusual form of missile launcher, developed by the Feeorin mercenary Nym during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. Outwardly, it resembled a huge, double-barreled turbolaser cannon.
However, instead of firing coherent bolts of energy, the bomblet generator launched a series of energy
bombs which were created shortly before firing. What the weapon lacked in range, it made up for in sheer
destructive power. What made the bomblet generator even more destructive was the fact that, as long as

the onboard power systems were still functioning, it never ran out of ammunition. (CRBN, NEGV)
this Ychthytonian smuggler tended bar on Skip 1, in the Smuggler's Run. He has lost one of his arms in a
particularly savage sabacc match, and declined a prosthetic replacement. Even still, Han Solo considered
his one of the fastest bartenders he ever saw. There is a caret over the 'o' in Bomlas' name. (TNR)
this was one of the most powerful Advozsec families, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The
Bomminde family managed to survive the Yuuzhan Vong attack on Riflor simply because of the fact that
they lived on Tejrivozs. (GMR4)
an alien race. (TME)
this was a Rodian clan known for their willingness to hunt anything - or any being - that crossed the clan's
path. They were also known for their seemingly endless supply of soldiers, and the knowledge that "there
will always be more Bomu" was both a blessing and a curse to many underworld beings. Many members
of the Bomu clan went to work for the Anjiliac kadijic, which employed them to carry out some of the dirty
work required by Popara the Hutt and his children, Zonnos and Mika. (TF, WOTC)
Bona nai kachu
this Huttese phrase literally meant "You're in trouble now." (GMR5)
the primary planet in the Bonadan System, in the Corporate Sector, Bonadan had its natural resources
systematically drained by the Corporate Sector Authority. Its once-beautiful landscape was scorched and
barren from years of strip-mining, pollution, and mismanagement. Bonadan was one of the Authority's
most prominent factory worlds, and had ten spaceports to effectively move its resources off-planet. A
large Security Police force was stationed there, to keep an eye on the incredibly dense population.
Weapons were not allowed on the planet, and newcomers were thoroughly scanned before landing. An
Authority Merchant Marine academy was also based there. It was on Bonadan that Shug Ninx recovered
a mile-long section of the first Death Star prototype, which he later used in his repair facility on Nar
Shaddaa. Bonadan was also the site of an Alderaanian embassy, one of two such embassies recognized
by the New Republic. The other was located on Coruscant. (HSR, DE1, DE2, XW, SOL)
Bonadan Blasters
one of the galaxy's most popular - and most franchised - shockball teams. (CSA)
Bonadan Cough
this mildly contagious afflication originated on the planet Bonadan, and caused sufferers to endure a
hoarse cough and deep fatigue. (GCG)
Bonadan Embassy
this was the primary embassy building maintained by the government of Bonadan, on the planet
Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was located near the Novaplex Hotel. (IWE2)
Bonadan Heavy Industries
this is one of the many subsidiaries of TaggeCo. (CSA)
Bonadan Spaceport Southeast II
Bonadan's largest spaceport, Zlarb was supposed to meet his contact in the spaceport's main passenger
lounge, at table 121. The spaceport boasts a huge lounge which is covered by a transparent dome,
allowing its occupants an unobstructed view of the spaceport's traffic. (HSR)

this small corporation produced a number of tractor beam generators for light duty aboard freighters and
independent transports. (PP)
Bonaka Nueno
this city, located on the planet Intuci, was razed by Sonopo Bomoor. Most of its inhabitants were killed in
the attack, in a mass execution in Bonaka Square. Kosh Kurp was a native of the city, and was kept alive
by Bomoor in order that he could serve as a living witness to Bomoor's power and greatness. Kurp never
forgot, and searched for Bomoor for the rest of his life. (JTH)
this Huttese verb was used to indicate displeasure or incredulousness, depending on context, and
indicated that something should stop or come to an end. An example of its usage was "Bonapa keesa
pateeso," which translated into Basic as "You had better stop your friend's gambling." (E1A14)
this was one of the many crystals used by the ancient Jedi Knights in the construction of a lightsaber. It
was believed to have given the wielder the ability to stun an opponent with the blade, helping to put a
quick end to a possibly dangerous fight. Bondar crystals were mined from an asteroid that once orbited
the planet Alderaan. (KOTOR)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "carefree" or "easy". (GCG)
Bonded Armor
an incredibly strong material made by molecularly bonding two sections of metal armor plating. (ROJR)
this Lambda-class shuttle was stolen by the Alliance, and was used by the agents who attempted to
recover the datapacks taken from Dankayo by the Elusive. The agents tried to disable the Elusive, but
were unable to immobilize the ship before it could jump to hyperspace. (SH)
this large being was the jovial leader of the Jinda, living on the Forest Moon of Endor during the years
leading up to the Battle of Endor. (ECAR)
this was the name of a legendary Twi'lek hero. (GCG)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name referred to the descendents of the legendary hero Bondu. (GCG)
this is the name used to describe the first wife of a Cerean male. The ratio of Cerean males to females it
one to twenty, so in addition to the bond-wife many Cerean males take several honor-wives. The
relationship between the bond-wife and the honor-wives is often strained, especially when it comes to the
bearing of children. (PTR)
Bonearm, Dace
a human bounty hunter who worked with an IG-series assassin droid just prior to the Battle of Yavin.
a flying predator native to Tatooine, the bonegnawer was a large, colorful bird with a beak structure that
could crush stone over time. This trait allowed the bonegnawer to dig into the sandstone and root out
cliffborer worms and large rodents. Large specimens of bonegnawers have been documented as bringing

down young banthas as prey, using their powerful beaks and ferocious, diving attacks to cut the tendons
of the bantha's legs in order to hobble it. Because of their abilities and their beauty, bonegnawers were
symbols of power, courage, and strength to Sandpeople and other natives of the planet. (SWN, ANT)
a synthetic material used to replace, repair, or augment natural bone tissue. (LCS)
a derogatory term used to describe the Skrilling race, given because of the scavenging nature of that
race. (GG12)
this was the name given to the traditional burial ground of a Sakiyan clan. It was considered sacred
ground, and each clan guarded their bonepit diligently. (MJH)
Bonestar Pirates
this group of Corellian rogues was once led by Loka Hask. During this time, they were pursued by the
Corellian Security forces for several crimes. An interstellar chase resulted in the pirates landing on Gus
Treta to create a diversion. The diversion involved the destruction of a fuel depot, owned by the Antilles
family. The devastation, caused when the pirates lifted off while still coupled to the fuel dispensers,
destroyed the Antilles' depot and killed Jagged and Zena Antilles. Wedge Antilles was safely off the
station when the "accident" occurred. He and Booster Terrik pursued the pirates, destroying their ship and
leaving them for dead. (XWPA)
this creature lived on the planet Necropolis, where it fed on the bone marrow of dead bodies. The
boneworms will also feed on a living being's bone marrow, if the being remained still too long. Boneworms
were one of the few species which were indigenous to Necropolis, and were very plentiful. The
Necropolitan reverence for their dead meant that boneworms found plenty of food in the buried bodies
found in cemetaries, especially after early Necropolitans tried to exterminate them. Shortly after the Battle
of Yavin, Doctor Evazan discovered that the slime of the boneworm was the missing ingredient to his own
reanimation serum, and allowed him to bring recently-dead bodies back to life as zombies. Once a body
was injected with the serum and interred in the Necropolis cemetary, the boneworms would begin eating
at them. When the serum came into contact with their slime, the body was reanimated when the bones
are drained of marrow by the boneworm and backfilled with the serum which is in the body's veins.
Boneyard, The
this curiously large pile of bones was located on the planet Iego, just north of the Scatter. Despite the
small stature of both the Diathim and the Maelibi, the bones found in the Boneyard were immensely huge,
and seemed incongruous when viewed in comparison with other such bonepiles. The skeletons found in
the Boneyard actually resonated with the songs of the Maelibi who lived below it, giving the Boneyard an
eerie, musical backdrop. It was rumored that an ancient Star Dragon lived in the canyons north of the
Boneyard. (WOTC)
this small, round fruit was native to the planet Pavo Prime. (SWI67)
this was the Gungan name for a small submersible vehicle. The Gungans literally grew several forms of
bongo subs from organic material. Different designs were created for traveling beneath the surface of the
planet Naboo, out of site of the native human population. Each bongo resembled an ocean creature, as
the Gungan designers drew inspiration from squid and skates. The passenger and cargo compartments
are sealed from the surrounding water by small, hydrostatic force fields, using the same technology
employed to create Gungan cities. Despite their uniqueness, most bongos employed control systems
which were fairly standard. The bongo sub was propelled by a grouping of long, tentacle-like devices known as electromotive tentacles - which hung behind the bongo and rotated, providing propulsion. Most

personal-use bongos were of the tribubble configuration, measuring about 15 meters in length, including
the drive tail, and could reach speeds of 85 kilometers per hour. They had seating for three, which
included the pilot and two passengers. Up to 600 kilograms of cargo could be stored in two modules, and
an escape pod was often included for use in case of emergency. In order to be able to surface in case of
emergency, bongos were equipped with special hydrostatic chambers that were silled with spongelike
material. In order to dive, these chambers were filled with heavy oil, which the sponge readily absorbed.
These chambers could then be purged of the oil, allowing the bongo to rise. (SW1, IG1, E1A9, IWE1,
Bongo Rally, The
this annual, underwater race was staged by the Gungans. Originating in Lake Umberbool, the Bongo
Rally course was a large, water-fillde tube that wound through the waters of Naboo. The two-kilometer
course was filled with loops, turns, and plorkscrew tunnels, and the tube in which the races moved was
just wide enough for two bongos. (E1A12)
this was the term used to describe the incredible rise in the popularity of bongo racing on the planet
Naboo, in the years which followed the Battle of Naboo. As word spread of the Gungan role in defeating
the Trade Federation, beings from across the galaxy became interested in the sport. In many ways, the
rise in popularity of bongo races was the precursor to the decline in podracing, although the two sports
were similar in many ways. (GMR4)
Bongomeken Collective
this was the original affiliation of Gungan bongo builders, more than 3,000 years before the Battle of
Naboo. Like most Gungan groups at the time, the Collective remained a separate entity from the rest of
the Gungan clans, but they refused to choose sides in the struggle. However, after Boss Rogoe used
deception and force to destroy Otoh Sancture, the Collective was convinved by Marsune to ally itself with
Boss Gallo, in an effort to unite the Gungan people. Over time, this group evolved to form the Otoh
Gunga Bongomeken Cooperative. (GB)
this Huttese term is the word for "shoulder." (IS1)
the planetary governor of the planet Obinipor. (WS)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Bonmi meant sunset, twilight, or could be generally used to
indicate gloom. (GCG)
Bonn, Janus
this Imperial Captain was a native of the planet Corulag, and the son of a wealthy Imperial noble. He
attended the best schools, and volunteered for service to the Empire immediately upon graduation. He
rose through the ranks until he was named as an assistant to Darth Vader himself. Bonn was assigned by
Darth Vader to watch over the remains of the planet Alderaan, in hopes of capturing sympathetic
members of the Alliance as part of Operation Yavin Kill Two. When Vader began circulating rumors that
the Royal Palace of Alderaan had been preserved in the asteroid field of Alderaan's remains, Bonn was
ordered to pay special attention for the presence of Leia Organa. Unfortunately for Vader and Bonn, the
primary rumors about the existence of Asteroid 7785 were intercepted before they reached Leia Organa.
A team of Alliance agents on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar heard them first and decided to investigate.
Bonn's forces managed to corner them, but the Alliance fought off Bonn's troopers and managed to
recover the Another Chance before it fell into Imperial hands. (GA)
Bonna Noot

this male Duros was one of a handful of beings who regularly got together to play sabacc at The White
Door cantina, in the city of Akmalla, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He often played with
Lar-Odo and Jokot. (WOA35)
this petite female was employed by TransGalMeg Industries on Narg, as a member of their Personal
Satisfaction Division. She had long black hair. (TA)
this man was once the King of Velmor, until he mistakenly activated an energy sword which had fallen in
the mud. The plasma-generating power cells short-circuited, pouring huge amounts of energy into
Bonod's body and killing him instantly. (PH)
this thug and his partner, Kerner, terrorized the city of Gadrin, on Cularin, during the last years of the Old
Republic. They rode a pair of modified speeder bikes through the jungles surrounding the city, preying on
anyone who strayed into the wilderness. Both Kerner and Bont were killed when they tried to attack the
group of freelance agents who were investigating the rise to power of the Metatheran Cartel. The two
were unprepared to have their prey fight back, and both were killed in fiery explosions. (EOS)
Bonton, Elio
this gambler was known throughout Tapani Sector for his flambouyant lifestyle and entertaining
personality. He was adored by the youth of the sector's noble Houses, but was despised by the elder
statesmen of the sector who believed he was distracting their children. (LOE)
Bontormian Klesplong
this complex, musical instrument was formed from a Xloff horn, a Troomic sound tube, and a Plandl horn.
A cymbal and a radion modulator could be added to give it a more unique sounds. (VD)
this grumpy near-human served as the co-pilot of the Port-Esta Queen, until she carried Abal Karda to
Star Station 12. Boba Fett tracked Karda to the Port-Esta Queen and tried to obtain information on
Karda's whereabouts. When Boog tried to drop a crate of kneebs on Fett, Fett simply broke the fall and
escaped to shoot Boog dead. His Captain, a bald alien with spots on his head and long, droopy
mustaches, told Fett everything before being spared by the bounty hunter. (EOE)
Book of Anger, The
the first volume of the Dark Side Compendium, this work by Emperor Palpatine was derived from several
sources: fallen Jedi, the Jedi Holocron he stole from Ashka Boda, and the collected works of primitive
magicians. It describes the ways that a Dark Jedi can use and control anger to make him stronger and
more aggressive. Much of the volume's writing centered on the merger of political theory with Sith
doctrine. (DE1, NEGC)
Book of Law, The
the source of the Singing Mountain clan's basic tenets. The book was created by Allya to describe the
ways in which the women of Dathomir should use their power. Foremost among the laws is the tenet,
"Never concede to evil." Over time, other women leaders and even other clans modified the book for their
own use. If a woman ever broke the laws Allya created, she was exiled from her tribe. The woman could
be given a chance to rejoin her group if, after three years in the wilderness, she agreed to once again
take up the laws in the book. (CPL, CTD)
Book of Practical Lightsaber Technique
published by Novacron Press (book listing 162.S*D/3/r^6.56), this tome was written by the Jedi Master
Vo'ren Faalo. Faalo had developed a series of practice routines that sharpened a Jedi's control of the
Force while wielding a lightsaber. Faalo described a series of cadences in which the student used steel
ball bearing set atop candles. The student had to cleave the steel balls in half without melting the candles.
The cadences ranged from a single steel ball and candle to hundreds, and required intense

concentration. (GG9)
Book of Shadows, The
this was the heavily-modified version of The Book of Law which was created by Gethzerion, after she was
exiled from her clan. Gethzerion taught her followers that Allya had written the original book after she was
old and weak, and that the laws she set down were for her own benefit, and not that of the other sisters.
This book taught the use of what Gethzerion later called Shadow Magic. (CTD)
Book, The
this was a slang term used by agents of the Old Republic's Intelligence agency to describe the operating
manual its agents are trained to use. Many rookie agents quickly learn that The Book and its content are
primarily guidelines to be used when in the field, although pratical experience often took precedence
when sudden changes in plan occurred. (SWI73)
a datachip on which is recorded a story or volume. (AS)
Books of Massassi
a series of tablets recovered from a collapsed underground passage by the Jedi students on Yavin 4
following the Battle of Endor. Streen took the task of deciphering them, and had completed sixteen of
them when Luke Skywalker left for Lucazec. The tablets revealed that the Massassi measured
themselves against the natural world and found themselves lacking. They had achieved domination of the
jungle moon, but saw that they were insignificant when compared to the rest of the galaxy. Thus, they
continued to strive for perfection, and fell victim to the Dark Side of the Force. (BTS)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "herder".
this insect was native to the planet Nedij. Its immature grubs were a favored food of the Nediji, and a
synthesized version of the bool grub was created for those times when a Nediji was away from their
homeworld. (MJH)
this YT-1210 freighter was owned by the Sullustan smuggler Gaber Rollobad, until it was shot down by
Imperial forces over Corellia. (CCW)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name referred to a large
Ithorian bird that was known for its loud call. (GCG)
this large bird, native to the planet Ithor, was known for its loud call. (GCG)
this diminutive Guudrian was recruited as a crewmember of the FarStar by Krudar. However, Boom's
continual experimentation with fire - and the destructive results of those experiments - soon began to
grate on the crew's collective nerve. They managed to keep Boom at bay by providing him with small
flame devices to deflect his pyromania. (DARK, KR)
this was the Gungan term for an energy ball. (SON)
this was a Gungan swear word. (GMR4)

Boon Soniita
this alien was a noted swoop racer, during the years prior to the Stark Hyperspace Conflict. (HNN5)
Boon Soniita II
this alien did not follow in his father's footsteps, although his own son took up swoop racing later on.
Boon Soniita III
this alien followed in his grandfather's footsteps, becoming a noted professional swoop racing during the
years following the Battle of Naboo. He sustained serious injuries to his glutteal muscles during the race
at Tasjon, on the planet Corulag, just before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
according to Twi'lek mythology, Boona was a giant who was known for his anger. (GCG)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name referred to an angry giant from Twi'lek mythology.
this Hutt was the son of Groodo the Hutt. Boonda had once applied to the Corulag Academy, but had not
been chosen to attend. Groodo had been furious, and attempted to make the Academy pay. However,
Groodo was intercepted by Darth Maul before he could destroy the Academy, and the two Hutts fled.
After reaching maturity and going into business for himself, Boonda became known as one of the rare
individuals that actually ran a legitimate business, based on the planet Corulag. This "failing" led him to be
manipulated by Movo Brattakin, who claimed he was dealing in droids who had been deliberately
sabotaged with program traps. Brattakin, working through B-9D7, sent a cargo of droids to Boonda.
Among the cargo were R2-D2 and C-3PO. B-9D7 also lured Olag Greck and Jace Forno to Boonda's
moon, and when all were together, Brattakin's plan was launched. He had delivered two criminals into the
hands of an honest Hutt, and Boonda took great pleasure in watching them bargain for their lives. He
allowed R2-D2 and C-3PO to escape. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Boonda established
some of his most "criminal" activities, running weapons and selling supplies to the Alliance. (DRO,
a planet known for its organized speeder races, it is also the site of an orbiting scrap yard. Sise Fromm
employed Boba Fett to eliminate Thall Joben during a race there, but the attempt was foiled when a bomb
- planted by Fromm's gang - was exploded near Fett's speeder. Fett, angry that he had missed a chance
to kill Joben, took Fromm and his gang hostage and turned them over to Jabba the Hutt. (DCAR, EGC)
Boonta Eve
this Hutt holiday was celebrated each year on Tatooine. Many of the festivities, including the Boonta Eve
Classic podrace, were hosted by Jabba the Hutt. (SW1)
Boonta Eve Classic
this podrace was one of the Outer Rim's premier events, and pitted the best racers on the circuit against
each other along a course filled with rocky obstacles. The longest and most popular race on the pro
circuit, "The Boonta" was run annually on the Mos Espa podracing course. The race began in Mos Espa
Arena, and wound past some of Tatooine's most famous landmarks, including the Great Pit of Carkoon,
Arch Canyon, Jag Crag Gorge, and Beggar's Canyon. Like the Ando Overland, the Boonta Eve Classic
was heavily funded by the Desilijic clan of Hutts. Because of this, both races were postponed indefinitely
when Zorba the Hutt was arrested on Kip, due to the lack of funding being provided by the Hutts. (SW1,
Boonta Speeder Race
this race was staged for landerspeeder drivers on the planet Boonta, during the early years of the New
Order. (DCAR, OWS)

Boonta Spice
a heavy spice used in Giju stew. (SE)
this Nikto was a member of Iaco Stark's board of directors, overseeing the Stark Commerical Combine
some ten years before the Battle of Naboo. (SHW)
it was on this planet that Han Solo and Lando Calrissian were forced to escape from a botched dolfrimia
run. It was located on the Sumitra Sector. (HTTE, REB)
the language spoken on Boordii. (TLC)
this Hutt crimelord was one of the galaxy's primary information dealers, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. He was one of the few non-military beings who knew about the development of the Decimator,
having learned of it from one of his informants, Bogeega Bu'Daay. Boorka saw an opportunity to line his
coffers with credits, and contacted the Conferedacy of Independent Systems with an offer to turn the
Decimator information over to them. His ties to the Separatists earned him a place of the Old Republic's
wanted lists during the height of the Clone Wars, but he was unaware that the Jedi Knights already had
an individual inside his organization. Echuu Shen-Jon managed to get close enough to Boorka to reveal
his presence, before killing the Hutt and ending his connection to the Separtists. It was later rumored that
Shen-Jon had been paid by Boorka's chief rival, Jabba the Hutt, to eliminate the crimelord. (GBC)
Boorn, Keog
an Imperial scout, Boorn surveyed most of the Sluis Sector. He started to survey the planet Dagobah,
hoping to follow up on the expedition of Halka Four-Den and determine the usefulness of Dagobah as a
colony world. Boorn nearly discovered the location of the beckon call left possibly there by some unknown
Dark Jedi (later discovered by Luke Skywalker). However, the ancient Jedi Master Yoda scared him
away, much the same way Obi-Wan Kenobi frightened the Tusken Raiders away from Luke Skywalker on
Tatooine. (HTSB)
Boosin, Gaeriala
this woman was a popular recording artist during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
Bootlegger's Slide
this was the name of a specialized obstacle used in swoopchasing. The Slide was an open-air, antigravity channel which rendered all riders weightless and without speed limits. The lack of gravity pulled a
swoop along at nearly twice its normal speed, and riders were forced to use maneuvering jets in order to
navigate the Slide. A safety rail was installed in every Slide channel, allowing riders who were out of
control to bump along and regain their bearings without being seriously injured. (BSS)
Booty Full
this pirate ship was a modified bulk cruiser, and was part of the fleet which was assembled under Leonia
Tavira, several years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It attempted to waylay the luxury liner
Glitterstar, but was subdued by Rogue Squadron. (IJ)
Boozoo "Bogey" Boga
this Aqualigh bounty hunter was known for his devious tactics of hijacking other hunters, so that he could
claim the bounties they were searching for. Quite often, Boga then recruited the bounty into his own
organization, the Galactic Radicals. He earned the nickname "Bogey" because he often contacted his
victims beforehand, saying "There's a bogey on your tail!" A bounty was placed on Boga's head by Pepeh
Blangko, around the time of the Battle of Naboo. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, Boga was

apprehended on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett. (BH)

Bo-Pe Sommo
an independent spacer who was at one time given clearance to make the Byss Run, his clearance was
revoked. However, he purchased a stolen security code from Shug Ninx, and tried to make the run
anyway. He was killed when the Gauntlet Scanners rejected his code, immediately after Shug and Salla
Zend used another illegal code and passed. (DE2)
this was the period of self-imposed isolation that a Nazzar of the Old Republic would perform to cleanse
their soul and become imued with the Ulizra and the Great Structure. The boqeri lasted twelve Nazzri
years. (TOJC)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Bora Boru
a Bosph smuggler operating in the Outer Rim during the Galactic Civil War. Bora Boru was one of the few
Bosphs who survived the destruction of their homeworld at the hands of the Empire, and embarked on a
personal mission of peace. Because of his innate connection to The Force, Bora Boru was known among
his people as The Farseer. He obtained his ship, the Bosphon Forever by marking it as his own and then
killing the previous owner in "self-defense." In the smuggling business, Bora Boru was known as a slow,
contemplative being who nevertheless always made his deliveries. (SWJ5, SWJ13)
Borallis Metalworking & Materials
this corporation produced a wide range to tools and materials for use in welding applications. (PSG)
this fluid was used as a coolant in many starship engine systems, during the early decades of the New
Republic. (SBS)
this was a temperate planet. According to legends maintained by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, the
ancient Jedi Master Shang-Troy Thanabo discovered twin boys who were exceptionally attuned to the
Force on this planet, and took both to be his Padawan learners. (T14)
Boranut Tree
this was a bushy tree which could be grown indoors, and was often used in the lobbies of hotels and
casinos. (SWI67)
this species of incredibly large plant was native to the planet Zonama Sekot. Boras could grow to be six
hundred meters tall, with diameters well over 10 meters at their base. The foliage of the boras formed an
immense canopy over the planet, colored with greens and dotted with gold, blue, purple, and red. Despite
their size and shape, most xenobotanists did not classify the boras as a tree. The original colonists,
however, could only liken them to trees, and used the Ferroan word boras - which meant tree - to
describe them. The balloon-like leaves of the boras were used by the colonists as airsacs, which were
used to create floating airships. The lifecycle of the boras was the model after which the creation of
Sekotan starships was developed. The ancient boras drop seeds to the ground, which move about to
feed on the dead limbs the boras tree drops to the tampasi floor. Then, during periods of intense
thunderstorms, the boras channel raw lightning through their branches to the seeds on the ground, filling
them with energy and cracking them open in a process known as forging. Once the seeds are opened,
special leaves on the boras tree shape the seeds into future boras trees in a process known as
annealing. In this way, no two boras trees are alike. The original Magister of the planet trained the boras
to move their dense canopies over the organic factories of the Jentari, blocking the creation process from
prying eyes. Wild boras were known to be dangerous and territorial, and at least one grove of rogue
boras existed on Zonama Sekot. (RP, FH3)

this was the Ferroan word for 'tree.' (RP)
Boras Network
this was the term used to describe the unusual, planet-spanning ability of the boras trees found on
Zonama Sekot to communicate with each other almost instantaneously. The native Ferroans were
allowed to tap into the network, receiving information from around the planet at almost any time. The
network was formed from the deep-growing roots of the boras trees, which linked together to form a
world-spanning network. (FH3)
this man was a native of Naboo, and served in the Royal Security Force under Captain Panaka. A
Private, Boraso was captured by Trade Federation battle droids during the invasion of the planet. (IOT)
Borbor Crisk
this being was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's trail into Black Sun's operations on Corellia. He was known
to the law enforcement agencies as a small-time criminal whose interests remained within the Corellian
System. Despite this description, it was known that Crisk hoped to topple Zekka Thyne and Black Sun to
gain control of the system's underworld. (TFE)
Borborygmus Gog
this evil, mad scientist once worked for the Empire. A Shi'ido, he was the lead scientist for Project
Starscream, and controlled the efforts of Doctor Evazan for much of this time. Gog was the primary
developer behind the planet D'vouran, a project he began with his partner, Mammon Hoole, about twenty
years before the Battle of Yavin. They received Imperial support for the project, and moved their labs to
the planet Kiva. There, they tinkered with the ability to control life and death. When their experiments
began to drain from the native Kivans, Hoole became alarmed. Gog, however, told the Emperor that
everything was OK, and ordered the continuation of the experiments. Eventually, the experiment robbed
the entire planet of Kiva of all life, including the native Kivans, and the experiment failed. Gog blamed the
failure on Hoole, and continued in secret. He was though to have died on Nespis 8, after being captured
by a dianoga living on the station, but reappeared on Kiva in hopes of capturing Hoole and maintaining
control over Starscream. There, Gog activated the biological weapon Eppon, more to save himself from
the wrath of Darth Vader than anything else. After destroying Eppon, Gog himself was executed by the
wraiths of the dead Kivans, after D-V9 revealed Gog's transmission to the Emperor documenting the
destruction of Kiva. (GOF2, GOF5, GOF6)
this creature was a small, plated rodent which was found in a wide range of environments and locations.
Their bodies were protected by overlapping plates of hard chitin, and their feet were tipped with hard
claws for digging. They were scavengers, living on anything they could dig up. Originally native to the
Serhan desert of Escabar, it is believed that borcatu were inadvertently transported off the planet by a
group of traders from the Krassh region. (COG)
this planet is known for the incredibly-colored sunsets which can be viewed from anywhere on the planet.
The planet's atmospheric conditions result in an ever-shifting array of colors during sunset. (SOP)
one of two habitable planets in the Taroon System, Bordal was invaded by the Empire just before the
Battle of Hoth. Bordal and its sister planet, Kuan, had been locked in a bitter, decades-old war, although
no one remembered the exact cause. The Bordali economy was in ruins, and the planetary government
had declared martial law. The Empire, seeing an opportunity, entered the system to bring news of
Palpatine's removal of the supposed dead wood of the Old Republic. The Empire blamed the planet's
economic crisis on the Old Republic, and swayed the Bordali to join the Empire. The planet's primary
inhabitants are human. (TIE)
Borderland Regions

a militarized zone between the New Republic's space and that of the Imperial remnants. This is not an
official sector of the galaxy, but a name given to the remaining Galactic Civil War battle zone. (HTTE)
a manufacturer of fuel slugs in the time preceeding the Old Republic. Xim the Despot had stockpiled a
huge number of Bordhell fuel slugs to help him protect his growing empire. The Queen of Ranroon was
loaded with them when it was hidden on Dellalt. (HSL)
this Grave Tusken served as Rogg's second-in-command, after their tribe was exported to the moon of
Sulon by the Empire. Bordo hated the fact that he was subordinate to Rogg, and spent most of his time
groveling to Rogg. When Kyle Katarn returned to Sulon to recover his father's belonging, he was attacked
by Rogg's forces near the homestead. In the confusion of the firefight, Bordo shot Rogg dead, hoping to
assuming leadership of the tribe. However, Kyle managed to shoot Bordo through the chest in the fight,
killing his instantly. (RAG)
Bordo, Natt
this man was one of the prison guards known as the Helmet Squad, working at the Oovo IV prison facility
during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Bordo was part of a large internal smuggling operation
that ensured the inmates had all manner of articles that were otherwise prohibited at many prison
facilities. Compounding this fact, Bordo was skimming profits from the smuggling operations, fueling his
own illicit desires. This was discovered by several prisoners who were eventually released from Oovo IV,
and related to several prominent Hutt crimelords. This led to a bounty being placed on Bordo's head,
which Jango Fett claimed during his "rescue" of Bendix Fust. (BH)
a small, horse-shaped creature native to the forest moon of Endor, the bordok was not believed to be
indigenous to the moon. The Ewoks domesticated them and used them as pack animals. The front legs of
a bordok were much longer than the rear legs, giving the creature a sloped back and powerful neck.
There were two distinct subspecies of bordok found on the Endor moon: the rare greater bordok and the
smaller, more plentiful lesser bordok. Each species had two horns which grew from their heads, just
above the ears, which were used for fighting and for attracting a mate. (ECAR, WSW, ANT)
one of four Corellian CR90 Corvettes under the command of Lumiya, following the Battle of Endor.
Borean, Kell
this woman was a frequent patron of the Outlander Club, some ten years after the Battle of Naboo. Many
visitors thought she was an employee of the club, since she was regularly seen at the various gaming
tables. (OWS, SWI75)
this explosive device was created by the Old Republic military, and saw heavy used during the Clone
Wars. The bore-bang was ostensibly a long, red tube that was filled with high-yield explosives. However,
when it was held next to the ground and the end cap was removed, the bore-bang began to burrow its
way into the ground. They could be set to go off with a certain time-delay, allowing them to get several
feet belowground before exploding. The resulting explosion tore up huge chunks of earth as well as any
being or droid on top of it. In addition to any injuries sustained in the initial blast, a being was then
pummeled with falling debris. (RCHC)
this was a species of particularly devastating insectile creature found on Virujansi. Larval borecrawlers
were used as a torture and execution tool. (RC)
this starship lock component controls the retry mechanism. (CFG)

Borellos Base
this was the Old Republic's primary base on the planet Corellia, during the height of the Clone Wars.
Borf, Velgar
this customs agent worked for the Empire in the Derilyn System, during the Imperial occupation of Elrood
Sector. He was admitted to the Imperial Navy Officers' School mainly because of his family connections,
and was one of the most substandard students ever to actually graduate from the school. Despite his
indifferent attitude, Borf managed to break up the Red Nalroni smuggling ring, which earned him a
promotion. However, his otherwise unspectacular record earned him the posting in Elrood Sector. It was
later learned that much of Borf's appearance and mannerisms were exaggerated by Borf in order to keep
strangers off-guard. He was actually a skilled mechanic and an excellent customs officer. (PG3)
this term was used to describe an being who was half-human and half-droid. In general, borgs were
regarded as soulless creatures who had given into the mechanical aspects of droids and automatons, an
ofshoot of the galaxy's prejudices against droids. (MC7)
Borga Besadii Diori
this Hutt was considered the most powerful of the Hutts, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Borga was ostensibly the leader of the Hutt kajidics, and so it fell to him to try and negotiate a treaty with
the Yuuzhan Vong. Borga started making deals with the Yuuzhan Vong commander, Malik Carr, and his
intermediary Pedric Cuf. Borga resented the efforts of the Peace Brigade, since they were counteractive
to the deals he tried to make. During these negotiations, Borga leaked information to the New Republic
that she was trying to play the Yuuzhan Vong on both sides of the table, hoping to gain their confidence
while providing the Republic with information on their movements in Hutt Space. Borga pledged to
support Malik Carr and the Yuuzhan Vong, allowing them to stage the next phase of the invasion from
Hutt Space. In return, Borga was given information on which worlds would be attacked next, allowing her
to profit from the attacks. However, Nas Choka recognized Borga's treachery, and decided to end the
charade immediately. He quickly subjugated Nal Hutta and began terraforming to to the needs of the
Yuuzhan Vong. Borga and many other Hutts were able to escape Nal Hutta, and were forced to live in
exile for the duration of the war. (HT, JE, NJOSB)
a computer chip implanted into warriors that links them to a central computer which controls their actions.
this vicious, bat-like creature was believed to be native to the moon Rori. Many xenobiologists considered
them an embodiment of evil, because they lived in dark caves and attacked anything that moved, draining
their prey of blood before devouring the flesh. The largest borgles ever documented measured some five
meters from nose to tail, although many xenobiologists believe any specimen this size had to have been
a mutation. (ROD)
Borgo Prime
Lando Calrissian sold corusca gems to a broker on this asteroid space station. Over the years, the station
has collected it fair share of murderers, thieves, and conmen. The asteroid itself is honeycombed with old
mining tunnels and caves that have been long-ago stripped of an valuable ores. This network was easily
modified to accommodate a spaceport. After the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, an Imperial creditlaundering operation was also esablished here, providing a steady flow of funds into the waning Imperial
coffers. (SA, SOP)
this large, six-legged beast resembled a bloated insect. Its body was protected by thick, red plates of
armor that could deflect blaster bolts. The average borhek stood two meters in height, and was known for
its ferocious temperment. In addition to the thick armor that protected its body, the bordek' carapace was
studded with heavy spikes, and a single horn on its head allowed the borhek to impale its prey. The

carapace itself was segmented in such a way that the borhek could roll itself into an armored ball if an
attacker proved too dangerous. Because of their ability to absorb injuries and keep fighting, borheks were
often used in backwater gladiator contests. These borheks were often equipped with remote-controller
stimulators, which could be used to inflict small amounts to pain to further anger the creature. (BH)
Boribos Prefecture
this section of the city-world of Coruscant was located near the CoCo District and the Hirkenglade
Prefecture. They were all connected by skyroute D25D. (HNN4)
see Boribos Prefecture (SWI75)
Borin, Danz
this native of Nar Shaddaa was a cocky gunner and bounty hunter who was nearly as good as he
boasted to be. He was in Mos Eisley when Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker booked passage on the
Millennium Falcon. (CCG2)
Boring Laser
this mining device uses a laser to bore holes in rock. The holes are then filled with explosives for blasting.
a raw material mined on the planet Contruum. (CFG)
Borkeen Belt
an infamous belt of asteroids which were the remains of a shattered planet, the Borkeen Belt was
reported to be the home of Grendel, the huge space slug. The Borkeen Belt is a navigator's nightmare,
and no ship has ever been know to return from it. (SWSB)
Borke's Cantina
this run-of-the-mill bar and grill was owned by Borke Valkanhayn. Located in Drepplin, on the planet
Glova, the cantine was used to launder the money he received from the illegal import and sale of
goodson the planet Glova. (POC)
Jodo Kast - in actuality, a disguised Grand Admiral Thrawn - supposedly botched a mission on this planet
for Captain Niriz. (TFE)
the fourth planet in the Pyria System, it was the site of a facility owned by Alderaan Biotics prior to the
Galactic Civil War. The site was abandoned after the destruction of Alderaan, and was forgotten. Imperial
General Evir Derricote discovered the abandoned base and set up a base of his own there, diverting
Imperial supplies to strengthen his position on Borleias. He made almost three million credits creating lost
Alderaanian foodstuffs and selling them on the black market. The planet was overrun by the Yuuzhan
Vong many years later, shortly before the Battle of Coruscant. The alien invaders set up several large
dovin basals on the single moon which orbited Borleias, and used them to pull the various planetary
defenses to their destruction. Without these defenses, Borleias itself was easy to capture. However, when
the neighboring planet of Coruscant fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, Wedge Antilles and a core team of his
supporters retreated to Borleias and routed the alien forces there. They had planned to make Borleias a
temporary base, and it was eventually abandoned in an effort to throw the Yuuzhan Vong off the trails of
several other missions. (XWN, SBS, EL1)
one of the New Republic transport ships stationed on Folor shortly after the Battle of Thyferra. It suffered
from a ion engine initializer malfunction while escaping from the Implacable, and was escorted off the
moon by Wraith Squadron. (WS)

Borless Acid
this was a mild acid used in the bullets fired by Kelvarek Consolidated Arms' KD-30 Dissuader pistol.
Borliss Automation Concepts, Incorporated
this small manufacturer produced a wide range of personal automation devices, designed to allow the
average person to perform manual labors with relative ease. (GFT)
this Ewok served as the stable sweeper for Bright Tree Village, during the years leading up to the Battle
of Endor. Borlo's job was to ensure that the bordoks were well-tended. (ECAR)
this was an alien race. (GFT)
this planet was the homeworld of the Borlovians. (SWJ7)
this timid, feathered alien race was native to the planet Borlov. They have a stable, feudal society, and
they very rarely leave their home cities. Change was feared by their society, and stability was considered
one of the greatest virtues of an individual. They communicate via a series of multiply-layered trills and
whistles. (SWJ7)
Bormea Sector
this Core area maked up one half of the Ringali Shell. It was ruled by Imperial Moff Jamson Caglio during
the Galactic Civil War. The Perlemian Trade Router intersects the Hydian Way in this sector. (SWJ7)
Bormea System
this star system was a major stop-over point for transport ships carrying passengers to and from
Coruscant. (IJ)
Bormm Biveedo
this Rodian was a business associate of Drooto Sploonore. Much of their business centered on the
shipment of spice along the Hydian Way. (GMR6)
this was the title used by the workers and supporters of the Thul family shipping empire, led by Bornan
Thul and his wife, Aryn Dro Thul. Bornan used it as the name of his shipping company. (TEP)
this race of near-humans was native to the planet Vellity and its system. Their skin color ranges from pale
yellow to orange-brown, and they were known for their patience and common sense. The Bornecks were
a peaceful race known for their common sense and patience, and they known to be excellent farmers.
Most Bornecks enjoy heavy labor, and hard work is considered the key to good health. Bornecks also
enjoy celebrations, and the multitude of holidays and fetes brought them together into a planetary society.
The average Borneck lived to be 120 standard years of age. (GMK, AE)
this Askajian male was the leader of a group of Askajian refugees who fled the Imperial occupation of
their homeworld or the deserts of Tatooine, during the early years of the New Republic. He agreed to help
Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han Solo, search out a Jawa sandcrawler which they believed to
contain Kitster Banai and the Killik Twilight moss-painting. His companions agreed to help out as much as
they could, allowing Han and Leia to pose as drivers of dewbacks laden with supplies while Chewbacca
and C-3PO were slung beneath their mounts. Borno himself was a veteran of dealing with the Empire,
and continually did his best to thwart their efforts. He was also an excellent scout and guide, using all of
Tatooine's natural defenses to cover his tracks. During the time he was helping the Solos, Borno was also

working with Gwend to transport a group of Askajians from their homeworld after Grand Moff Wilkadon
made his annual inspection tour. Leia realized that the successful recovery of the Killik Twilight would not
only save the New Republic's agents, but it would also save these Askajians. This made her mission all
the more important, especially after all the help Borno and his tribe gave them. (TG)
this young Ghostling child was captured, along with Princess Arawynne, by Djas Puhr and brought to Mos
Espa to be sold as a slave. Borofir was just three years old at the time. (E1A5)
this was Cecil Noone's personal starship, which served as his base of operations. The ship was lost when
the group traveled to the Song of the Clouds in order to recover a sealed lockbox from Vop the Usurer.
see Situng Borokii (APS)
Borolol's Claw
a tall mountain peak found on Captivity. The Claw is tall enough that it sometimes pierces the cloud cover
of the moon if it gets stuck in the eye of a storm. (RC)
this planet was part of the holdings of the Imperial Remnant, during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was a small planet, but was strategic in that it was on the border of the
Remnant, and was therefore heavily fortified to repel any attack on the Empire. The asteroid belt that
surrounded the planet provided a wealth of natural resources, and several mining operations were
established on the larger planetoids. When the New Republic discovered the build-up at Borosk, it
fortified its own nearby systems, in case the Empire used Borosk as the launchpoint for an invasion. This
led to further arming of Borosk's defenses, making it better protected than even the Imperial capital of
Bastion. In the wake of the Battle of Bastion, it was decided that the surviving Imperial forces should fall
back to Borosk - rather than Yaga Minor - so that the Remnant could regroup and better launch a
retaliatory strike against the Yuuzhan Vong. (FH1)
this was another name for the boar-wolf, found on the Forest Moon of Endor. (EGC, CHRN)
Borra Chambo
this being was one of the most important classical composers of the Old Republic. (MBS)
this creature, found in the subterranean realms of Coruscant but not native to the city-world, grow to be
two meters in length. They have tusks, spines, armored flesh, and hard claws, making them dangerous
when encountered. They tend to be solitary. (WG)
Borreno, Dashe'
this Naboo girl was only nine years old when she was chosen to participate in the Legislative Youth
Program. Considered a prodigy and likened to Padme' Amidala, Dashe' was one of the many junior
senators who voted against the Military Creation Act, during a mock vote held by the Legislative Youth
Program. (HNN5)
this bushy plant is native to the planet Bothawui, and is often used in decorative plantings. (SOP)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "proud." (GCG,

Borsk Fey'lya
Fey'lya, recognizable by his cream-colored fur and violet eyes, was a native of the Bothan colony world
Kothlis. He joined the Alliance shortly after the Battle of Yavin. He brought with him a large contingent of
Bothans. He led the mission to steal the Death Star plans (although this is not verified by X-Wing: Rogue
Squadron), and was rewarded with a leadership position in the Alliance which grew into a seat on the
New Republic's General Council. As a councilor in the Alliance, he began playing the various
representatives against each other, in an effort to gain more and more power. After the Battle of Endor,
Fey'lya's manipulations came to a head when the New Republic - in an effort to gain some legitimacy began to plan the retaking of Coruscant. Fey'lya set up the series of discussions and briefings on
Noquivzor, where other members of the council would feel ill-at-ease, due to the planet's dry environment.
This worked in his favor, forcing Ackbar and others to debate amongst themselves while Fey'lya entered
his own opinions. Fey'lya probably would have continued to gain power this way, but his Bothan ideals
got the best of him when Grand Admiral Thrawn stepped onto the scene. When he saw an opportunity to
denounce Admiral Ackbar and gain control of the Republic's armed forces, he took it. He aligned himself
with Grand Admiral Thrawn's plans to discredit Ackbar, and was the main proponent in Ackbar's treason
hearings. When the plot against Ackbar was revealed, Fey'lya thought that his career with the Republic
was finished. However, the Republic recognized that is needed strong leaders, and pardoned him.
Rumors abound that, at this time, Fey'lya tried to bribe Talon Karrde with 70,000 credits to keep
information about the planet Wayland a secret. These rumors, when combined with the information on the
Bothan participation in the destruction of Caamas, fueled wild speculation about his clan's part in
Caamas' death. However, he remained a loyal Republic supporter after that, although he never lost his
uncanny ability to turn a situation to his own advantage. To this end, he began forcing Asyr Sei'lar to
abandon her relationship with Gavin Darklighter, for he felt that it wasn't the way a proper Bothan - let
alone a hero of stature almost equal to the Martyrs - should behave. Asyr ignored him, knowing that
Bothan society would have to change to meet the demands of the new galaxy. Fey'lya told her that he
himself would control that change, and told Asyr to fall into line with him. She refused, and after her
"death" at Corvis Minor 5, she began working to change society without him. The fact that Asyr's body
was never recovered hurt Fey'lya's plans to make her into the greatest of all Martyrs, and forced him to
approach Booster Terrik with a request to locate a Bothan body to use in her place. Fey'lya had no
qualms about Booster's people murdering a Bothan in order to fill the need. Booster flatly refused, and
beat Fey'lya with his fists to ensure he got the message. Fey'lya was forced to return to Coruscant and
rethink his plans. He later served as the chairman of the Justice Council during Leia Organa-Solo's tenure
as Chief of State. After the agreement with Admiral Pellaeon to effectively eliminate Imperial opposition,
Fey'lya was named Chief of State of the New Republic in a sweeping power-play. He led the New
Republic Advisory Council twenty years after the Battle of Bilbringi, and was in this position at the onset of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. He had arranged for a great deal of support to be voted to Senatorial
positions, and received strong backing when Leia Organa Solo pleaded with the High Council to act
against the Yuuzhan Vong forces. Fey'lya and his supporters dismissed her pleas as a poorly-disguised
way to regain political power, but he was proven wrong when the worlds of Dantooine, Bimmiel, and
Garqi were overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong. After it was revealed that he had manipulated Navy orders to
avoid confrontation with the Vong, Fey'lya was forced to concede leadership to the military in order to
avoid a complete take-over of the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong. However, he managed to retain enough
control to throw support to the Jedi, garnering a measure of support he had yet to attain. However, all his
posturing and political maneuvering came to naught when the Yuuzhan Vong bypassed the Bilbringi
Shipyards and attacked Coruscant itself. Rather than allow the planet to be taken while he fled in fear,
Fey'lya allowed himself to be captured. He had hoped that the Yuuzhan Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, would
come to Coruscant, but Fey'lya was allowed only to speak to Romm Zqar. During the Yuuzhan Vong'
request for formal surrender, Fey'lya refused, setting off a collection of explosions in the Imperial Palace
that took his life and those of the entire Yuuzhan Vong complement. Nevertheless, Coruscant fell to the
alien invaders, despite Fey'lya's noble end. (HTTE, DFR, WG, SOL, IR, VP, DTO, SBS, SWDB)
Borstel Galactic Defense
this corporation manufactured a variety of shipboard ion and laser weapons. (SCRE, EGW)
this aging Dolandu was a friend of the Jedi Master Niquon. He once discovered the carcass of an

assassin droid during his travels, and asked the Niquon to dispose of it. (GMR10)
this Taurill was made famous during the last years of the Old Republic because it was taught by its owner
to play the sport of greenputt. In reaction to Bortis' consistent level of playing skill, the Greenputt
Governing Council established the Non-Sentient Professional Greenputt Tour, just before the onset of the
Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this planet was best-known as Jorus C'baoth's home world. According to Rebellion, Bortras is located in
Sesswenna Sector. (DFR, REB)
this fair-haired human was the Captain of the Pure Sabacc. A native of the planet Algar, he was
distinguished by a scar which cut across his lips. It was Bortrek and the Pure Sabacc that intercepted C3PO and R2-D2 when they escaped from the Death Seed plague launched by Seti Ashgad aboard the
Borealis. He made extensive modifications to R2-D2, using the small droid to assist in piloting the Pure
Sabacc while Bortrek stole the droids. R2-D2 eventually overrode the ship'sprogramming and allowed the
two droids to escape from Bortrek's possession. (POT)
Borun Call
this infamous Quarren slaver aided the Empire during its enslavement of the Talz people on Alzoc III.
Later, Borun Call was the first being encountered by Slar-dan ti Gardi after the Twi'lek was released from
a New Republic detention facility. Call taught the Twi'lek everything he knew about the slave trade, and
rescued Gardi from capture by Tauran Nartal. The pair captured a pair of Wookiees shortly after the Valfin
Labor Camps Insurgence, unaware that the Wookiees were actually representatives of the New Republic
government. Nartal nearly caught them on Werncin 3, but he underestimated Borun Call's cunning. Call
and Gardi continued to harass the Listehol Run, using Call's personal ship - the Vanquisher to capture
ships and sell the passengers as slaves. (SWJ8, SWJ10, SWJ11)
this clan once threatened the Bureau of Ships and Services with physical violence. BoSS, in turn,
threatened to bring interstellar commerce to a halt by deleting all known transponder data of all starships
unless the planetart governments helped bring the Borvaks down. The governments responded, and the
Borvaks backed down against the sheer size of the force arrayed against them. Note that Galaxy Guide
12 describes this family as the Nimbanese Bovark clan. (CFG, GG12)
this Hutt was a noted supplier of black-market weaponry and spices during the Old Republic. He
maintained a secret base on the planet Naboo, shortly before the Trade Federation blockaded the planet,
in order to keep his business dealings out of sight of the Republic. When the Trade Federation blockaded
Naboo, Borgo suddenly found that he was cut off from most of his lines of profit. He was left with the
small amount of income he normally got from his legitimate businesses. Because, of this, Borgo allied
himself with the Naboo, helping them gear up for the Battle of Naboo. As the Clone Wars passed and the
Empire to control of the galaxy, Borvo remained hidden on Naboo. He branched out his operations to take
advantage of the Galactic Civil War, controlling a number of smuggling and gunrunning operations. (BFN,
this Duinuogwuin represented his people to the Old Republic, during the period known as the
Duinuogwuin Contention. His assistance in resolving the Duinuogwuin Contention made him famous
throughout the Republic's history. Statues of Borz'Mat'oh and his counterpart in the resolution, Supreme
Chancellor Fillorean, stood in the central administration building of the University of Coruscant, which he
co-founded with the Chancellor. (CCW)
Borzu Nale
this minor crimelord, the father of Kam Nale, was murdered by Aldar Beedo. Kam Nale set out to exact

his revenge upon Beedo by assuming the identity of the podracer Elan Mak. (PRT)
this New Republic Lieutenant was a ferry flight leader aboard the fleet carrier Venture during the
Republic's battle with the Yevetha. He commanded Bravo Flight. (TT)
Bos sos si?
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translates loosely to the question, "What is that?". (wor)
a planet. (SOL)
this highly-powerful Kuat Drive Yards ion drive was originally designed for military use in starfighters. It
was often purchased on the black market by deep space explorers, who needed its reliability and
strength. (SWJ9, GG6)
BoShek was a noted smuggler who found himself regularly compared to Han Solo, although he never
achieved Solo's notoriety. BoShek had actually beaten Solo's 12-parsec Kessel Run, but he did it without
a cargo, relegating him to a footnote in the unofficial record books of smugglers. He made the run in the
starship Infinity, and was returning the ship to Tatooine when he encountered Imperial Star Destroyers
deployed by Darth Vader to locate R2-D2 and C-3PO. BoShek was forced to land the ship in the Dune
Sea, and headed toward Mos Eisley to see what was going on. He established a secret outlaw tech lab in
the city, in an effort to restore the Infinity to good working condition. In the cantina at Mos Eisley, he
discovered Chewbacca, and was gloating to him about his new Kessel Run record when Ben Kenobi
approached him about passage to Alderaan. BoShek, without a ship of his own since he was under the
employ of the Dim-U monastery on Tatooine, referred Ben to Chewbacca. Meanwhile, BoShek tried to
rub in his new record on Han Solo, but he was forced to flee when the local government learned that he
had downed the Infinity and wanted to hold him responsible for a breach in security. He used his
encounter with Ben Kenobi to pose as a street priest preaching the good side of the Force, and after
witnessing the Imperial slaughter of Het Nkik, he decided to join the Alliance. However, the excitement he
thought would come with the job eventually dried up, and he decide to leave the rest of the galaxy behind.
He ended up on Stoga, hoping to avoid the Galactic Civil War and its entanglements. The peace lasted
only a few months, before he agreed to help Rasha Bex escape from Karn and his rebels. Unknown to
BoShek, however, was that Rasha was actually an Imperial spy. He managed to get her to the
rendezvous point, only to find himself under arrest for supporting the Alliance. He was taken prisoner and
hauled away for interrogation. (TME, CCG, SWEOR)
this plant was one of the few crops which could be grown in the deserts of Tatooine. (T7)
this Kashyyykian bolystyngar won second place in the annual Mid-Rim Domesticated Sub-Sentient Show,
held on the planet Commenor shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. The owner of the winning
beast, a wilwog named Itipiniwi, became hysterical when the results were announced, causing the wilwog
to yelp wildly. This yelping irritated Boshuda's sensitive ears, and the bolystyngar simply ate Itipiniwi.
Boshuda was named the winner by default, as there were no rules regarding the consumption of one
entrant by another. (HNN4)
this Huttese command translated into Basic as "Let's go!" (GMR5)
Bosken & Bosken Company
this company started a mining operation that attempted to collect gases from Pesitiin. However, the
planet's intense atmospheric storms constantly thwarted their efforts. They eventually went bankrupt.

this Quara Aqualish was a minor crimelord who worked froma base in Quantill City, on the planet Ando.
He illegally captured immature Andoan mineral-fish, selling the extracted sedrillium on the black market
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ11)
this Kroctarian was the leader of the Unified Factions during the second decade of the New Republic, and
was one of the first aliens to welcome the sham of Moff Disra and the conman Flim. (VOF)
this was a form of labor droid developed by Industrial Automaton during the decades leading up to the
Clone Wars. These droids were notoriously hard to control, and IA often employed boson "wranglers" to
keep them in line. (MJH)
the four-armed alien race native to the planet Bosph. They had a stocky, humanoid shape, although their
semi-circular heads were attached directly to their torso, without a neck. Their heads were dominated by
two multi-faceted eyes and a pair of horns. Their hands and feet each had three digits, and their skin
color ranged from light brown to dark gray. They were isolationists by nature, with a deep respect for
philosophy and religion. Bosph leaders were known to have sensitivity to the Force, and could control it to
some degree. Certain Bosphs attained greatness, and were allowed to place their own personal glyphs
on objects. The Bosphs maintained their space-faring history by tattooing elaborate starmaps on their
skin. After the Empire destroyed much of their homeworld, most Bosphs simply dis-remembered the
Empire and its acts, instead blaming the attack on the Yenntar. (SWJ13, AE)
this Outer Rim planet was razed by Imperial bombardment which was rumored to be a retaliatory strike
against rebellious inhabitants. In reality, the strike - which was led by Moff Harsh - was designed to
eliminate the Bosphs, some of whom were sensitive to the Force. Many Bosphs believed that the attack
was a form of religious purge, and none ever discovered that Emperor Palpatine himself ordered their
destruction. The planet itself was covered with grassy plains, broken by the scars of turbolaser fire. Bosph
was located in the Bosph Sector of the galaxy. (SWJ5, SWJ13, GMR6)
Bosphon Forever
this Surronian L19 freighter was the personal smuggling ship owned by Bora Boru. He stole the ship
when he set out on his own, recognizing that he needed a ship of his own in order to run deliveries his
ownway. He found an appropriate ship and marked it as his own, covering its walls and hull with glyphs.
When the previous owner became enraged at the grafitti, Bora Boru was forced to "defend himself"
against the man, killing the trader and taking the ship. Bora Boru completed the marking of the ship's
walls with glyphs, creating a vast tapestry of the recent history of the Bosphs as well as indicating that the
ship was his property. It was armed with a turret-mounted twin blaster cannon and a turret-mounted ion
cannon. The Bosphon Forever could accommodate up to ten passengers and 120 metric tons of cargo.
Bosphon Geddy
a complex musical instrument developed by the Bosphs. (SWJ5)
this element is one of the key components of the truth serum Bavo Six. (CFG)
Boss B
this was the alias used by Big Bunji during the early decades of the New Republic. (HT)
Boss Bunji
this was another alias used by Big Bunji, during the early decades of the New Republic. (JE)
BoSS Code

this was the name of the house band which played regularly at Bantha Traxx. (WSV)
Boss Gallo
this ancient Gungan lived some 3,000 years before the Battle of Naboo, ruling over the underwater city of
Otoh Sancture and refusing to participate in the petty battles which were fought between rival Gungan
clans. He was believed to have said that "no good ever comes from Gungan war," and held to the belief
that war among the Gungan people was amoral. When Boss Rogoe attacked Otoh Sancture in an effort
to prevent Boss Gallo from choosing sides in the Gungan war, Boss Gallo had no choice but to strike
back, even after Otoh Sancture was destroyed. In the war which followed, Boss Gallo's armies wiped out
those of Boss Rogoe, and from the rubble of the battle Boss Gallo built the wondrous city of Otoh Gunga.
He also began uniting the various Gungan clans, and was regarded as a hero by the modern Gungans.
Boss Gurgle
this Quarren was considered the kingpin of Morjanssik's criminal underground, during the early years of
the New Order. (WOA34)
Boss Gymmill
this man was a noted crimelord, during the last decades of the Old Republic. He maintained several
secure, luxury apartments on a number of different worlds, for use as living space as he traveled on
business. (GCG)
Boss Kaggle
this Dazouri crimelord worked from a base on the planet Lanthrym, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. He was the chief rival of Lud Chud, and built his own empire with the primary goal of eliminating the
Rakaan crimelord. (PG3, SWJ3)
Boss Nass
see Rugor Nass (SWDB)
Boss Rogoe
this ancient Gungan lived some 3,000 years before the Battle of Naboo. Boss Rogoe commanded a clan
of Gungans from his stronghold city fo Spearhead, and was among the most powerful Gungans to ever
live on Naboo. However, he was fearful of the political power that Boss Gallo held, despite the fact the
Boss Gallo remained stoicaly neutral in the Gungan clans wars. Boss Rogoe feared that Boss Gallo might
throw his alliance toward another clan, thereby preventing Boss Rogoe from gathering more power. In a
pre-emptive strike, Boss Rogoe attacked Otoh Sancture and destroyed it, hoping to eliminate Boss Gallo.
Gallo survived, however, and led a counter-attack on Spearhead. Boss Rogoe was killed in the fighting,
and Spearhead was destroyed. From the remains of the city of Spearhead, Boss Gallo built the city of
Otoh Gunga. (GB)
Boss Tosk
this Columi crimelord rose to power in Tapani Sector, during the early years of the New Order, as the
leader of the Jalk Syndicate. When House Mecetti ordered him to shut down all operations of the
Syndicate, in an effort to curry favor from Emperor Palpatine, Boss Tosk only appeared to dismantle it.
Instead, he maintained its membership and later found an ally in House Barnaba, although both sides
worked to keep the alliance a secret. Boss Tosk himself was a loner, and preferred the company of
computers and droids to that of living beings. Note that this character is also named Bosk-Tosk in Lords
of the Expanse. (LOE)
Boss Trome
this crimelord was known to employ alien species which could change their shape, and he used them in
all kinds of positions. (SWJ12)
Boss Ugnor
this Ugnaught, who stood at least a meter and a half tall, was generally regarded as one of the tallest and
most noble Ugnaughts ever to live. He was the leader of the work parties who traveled from Gentes to

Bespin to assist Ecclessis Figg in the construction of Cloud City, and his ability to deal with the human
earned him the title "Ufflor of Ufflors". He also helped created the Ugnaught Mechanics Union, and was
the driving force behind the construction of the Ugnaught Surface. (PH)
Boss Zorkiss
this fictional character was immortalized in a series of trading holocards. (GG11)
this was the title given to any being who served as a business leader on the planet Ansion, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (APS)
this joint effort between Rendili StarDrive and a minor droid manufacturer produced the R-97 series of
quartermaster droids. (DARK)
this slug-like creature and its friend, Drog, were native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They tried to
convince Malani to steal the Sunstar, after learning that Malani was in love with Wicket. Malani was
blinded by her affection for Wicket, and nearly failed to see that the two slugs were simply trying to steal
the Sunstar for themselves. Bossil and Drog had planned to use the Sunstar to turn the Forest Moon into
a muddy swamp, but the young Ewoks quickly realized what was happening and thwarted their plans.
this was one of the more common, albeit archaic, names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most
Trandoshan names, it was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became
hunters. In the Trandoshan language, the name meant "devours his prey", and referred to a berserker
rage that was once deemed commendable among Trandoshans. (GCG)
the son of Cradossk, the leader of the old Bounty Hunters Guild, Bossk was known in his early years as a
highly-skilled hunter of Wookiees. This was only natural, since Trandoshans measure their skills in their
ability to kill Wookiees. Bossk even had his personal ship, the Hound's Tooth, outfitted with special cages
to hold Wookiees, and tanning vats to cure their hides. Bossk, however, was never able to make it to the
top of the heap in the Guild, being stifled by both his father's machinations and the existence of freelance
hunter Boba Fett. In nearly ever mission they both took, Fett got the upper hand and beat Bossk to the
bounty. Often, Fett would then embarrass the Trandoshan, which made Bossk's lust for revenge even
deeper. When Bobe Fett decided to join the Guild, Bossk feared that the other hunter was there to
destroy the Guild and keep everything for himself. In this belief, Bossk was very close to the truth.
However, Cradossk had noticed his son'' growing anger, and hoped to kill him off before he did any real
damage. Cradossk arranged for Boba Fett, Bossk, and Zuckuss to recover Oph Nar Dinnid from the Shell
Hutts, and hired Zuckuss to ensure Bossk's death. However, Zuckuss was something of a double agent,
and reported Bossk's death even as the Trandoshan returned to the Guild. Lulled into a sense of security,
Cradossk was unprepared when Bossk appeared. Being younger, stronger, and angrier, Bossk made
short work of killing and eating old Cradossk. After the breakup of the Guild, Bossk formed the Guild
Reform Committee in opposition to the True Guild. Both factions waged a hidden civil war, further
reducing the ranks of bounty hunters. During this time, Bossk decided to join Boba Fett in the search for
Trhin Voss'on't. The arrangement was short-lived, however, as both hunters tried to steal the Imperial
from the other. In the end, Bossk was embarrassed again by Fett. Bossk retired for a short time to lick his
wounds, but was discovrered in the Corellian System by Hal Horn. After killing the security officer, Bossk
was caught and imprisoned by Corran Horn, but was released by Kirtan Loor. Bossk then became part of
a team that tried to capture a group of relocated Wookiees on the safeworld of Gandolo IV. He had
tracked Chewbacca there, and he assembled a group of bounty hunters to take control of the Wookiees.
However, through the intervention of Han Solo, the Wookiees were able to escape while Bossk and his
fellow bounty hunters were left stranded on Gandolo IV. Bossk eventually freed himself, and vowed to
find Chewbacca again. His chance came when Vader sought out bounty hunters to capture the Falcon.
He took on two unlikely crewmembers, in the Wookiee Chenlambec and the human, Tinian I'att. The two

had posed as bounty hunters, in an attempt to draw Bossk into a trap set by Wookiees. They claimed to
have information on a series of Wookiee waystations throughout the galaxy, and that information could be
found on one of them that would lead them to Solo and Chewbacca. The ruse worked, and they were
able to lure Bossk to Lomabu III. There, in brilliantly-executed series of manipulations, Bossk was
captured by Imperial forces and held on the charge of attempting to kill the Wookiees held in a labor
camp there. The Imperial Governor, Io Desnand, eventually freed the Trandoshan. Bossk and several
other bounty hunters tried to intercept Boba Fett near Gall and capture Solo's frozen form. Bossk tried to
waylay Slave I in an asteroid field, but was nearly blown to bits by Fett's marksmanship. Bossk then found
work with Jabba the Hutt, as part of the swoop gang used to patrol the landing pads where other hunters
brought in Jabba's enemies. Bossk was nearly killed by Fett again when the Hunter brought Han Solo to
Jabba. It was during this time that Bossk tried to steal the Slave I, but ended up losing it and the Hound's
Tooth to Boba Fett. Bossk did managed to take possession of the load-shifter droid which contained the
falsified record of the death of Owen and Beru lars, which was created by Kuat of Kuat, but ultimately lost
that to Fett as well. Later, Bossk failed to capture Lando Calrissian on Keyorin. He was 58 standard years
old at the time. Bossk then became involved with Zekka Thyne, who was released by the New Republic in
an effort to gain information on Coruscant. Bossk was badly wounded in a shootout caused by Corran
Horn's escape from Thyne on Coruscant, but managed to survive the wound. He was employed by Big
Bunji to harass Han Solo and Roa, during their search for Reck Desh, on the Jubilee Wheel. (ESB, MTS,
Cerasi used this term to describe Qui-Gon Jinn, during her conversations with Obi-Wan Kenobi. (DOD)
this planet was an uncharted world whose existence was a closely-guarded secret. Its location was
known only to the Prophets of the Dark Side, who maintained a temple in its wilderness. This temple
served as a kind of retreat, where the Prophets could go to store their strength. (RESB)
Grammel's henchman, his race is unknown. He wears a hooded cloak, and is reportedly mute. He
witnesses Luke and Halla discussing the shard of the Kaiburr crystal, and reports it to Grammel. (SME)
this plant, embodying characteristics of both fungus and mold, was believed to have been native only to
the swampworld of Drongar. Like several other fungus found on Drongar, bota was highly adaptogenic,
changing its chemical makeup to adapt to different environmental situations. This ability also made
processed bota the virtually perfect wonder-drug, since it could be used in a variety of treatment without
side effects. In humans, it was a potent antibiotic. In Neimoidians, is acted as a narcotic painkiller. To
Hutts and many other races, it was a stimulant that was safer and more powerful than glitterstim. The only
drawback to the mass-production of bota was that its shelflife, once harvested and freeze-dried, was no
more than a few days before it degenerated into a slimy ooze. This problem was eventually overcome by
Filba the Hutt, who discovered that bota could be successfully transported for weeks if it was frozen in
carbonite. Because of the bota, Drongar became a major battlefield during the Clone Wars, as both the
Old Republic and the Separatists fought to control the fields in which it grew. The average bota plant was
distinguished by a fruity body that grew low to the ground. The majority of the plant existed beneath the
surface, obtaining moisture and nutrients from the soil. As the battle for control of Drongar raged on, the
planet itself continued its own mutagenic evolution. It was discovered that, within just a few months, the
bota plant would mutate away from its current state, and be rendered useless as a medicinal drug. News
of this mutation reached the Separatists first, and their forces abandoned their tactics and launched an
all-out war against the Republic's forces. It was just before the final battle that Jedi Padawan Barriss
Offee discovered that bota seemed to heighten her ability to contact the Force, allowing her to tap deeply
into its power. The strength of her bota-enhanced contact with the Force reached all the way to
Coruscant, where it was felt by Master Yoda. However, with the mutation of the bota, the Jedi Order was
unable to investigate its abilities any further. In the wake of the Battle of Drongar, the Separatists acquired
a good quantity of the surviving bota. (MBS, MJH)

meaning "swimming", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this planet's southern continent was covered with starship design, development, and manufacturing
facilities. (SWI61)
Botajef Freighter-Liner
this was another name for the AA-9 freighter, originally developed and manufactured on the southern
continent of the planet Botajef. (SWI61)
this small, flying insect was native to the undercity of the planet Coruscant. (BF6)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "valley", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race.
this yellow star was the central body in the Both System, which included the planet Bothwaui. (SPG)
this was the Morishi term for a Bothan. (SOP)
this was the written form of the Bothan language. (NJOSB)
Botha Ammunitions Corporation
this Bothan corporation mined gases from the gas giant planets of the Kothlis System, then refined them
to create blaster gases. (SPG)
this was the shorten name of Botha Ammunitions Corporation. (SPG)
furry, bipedal race native to the planet Bothawui and several other colony worlds, they are political and
influential by nature. They are masters of brokering information, and had a spy network that rivalled the
best the Empire or the Old Republic could create. As a race, Bothans took great pride in their clans, and it
was documented that there were 608 registered clans on the Bothan Council. They joined the Alliance
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. While the Bothans generally stayed out of the main fighting, there were
two instances of Bothan exploits. The first came when they were leaked the information about the plans
and data on the construction of the second Death Star near Endor. A number of Bothans assisted a
shorthanded Rogue Squadron in recovering the plans from the Suprosa, but their lack of piloting skills got
many of them killed. The plans were recovered and brought to Kothlis, where more Bothans were killed in
an Imperial raid to recover the plans. Again, the Bothans retained possession of the plans, and eventually
turned them over to Mon Mothma and the Alliance. The second came when they helped eliminate
Imperial ships near New Cov. It was later revealed that the Bothans were also involved in bringing down
the planetary shields of the planet Caamas, during the early reign of Emperor Palpatine, allowing the
Empire to burn the surface of the planet to charred embers. Although the Bothans searched for several
years to discover the clans invovled, Imperial records were too well-guarded to provide any clues. Then,
some fifteen years after the Battle of Endor, records were discovered at Mount Tantiss that told of the
Bothan involvement. (ROTJ, HTTE, DFR, SE, SOP, AE)
this was the native, spoken language of the Bothan race. (EGP, NJOSB)
Bothan Assault Cruiser
this warship was developed by the Bothan military, for use by the New Republic, shortly before the

Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. At 850 meters in length, the Bothan Assault Cruiser was designed to
fill the mission profile of a Victory-class Star Destroyer on the front lines of a space battle. It was crewed
by 1,240 beings, and could accommodate up to 250 additional troops and gunners. 5,000 metric tons of
cargo space was provided for supplies and ordnance, and the ship was armed with twenty turbolasers,
twenty-four heavy turbolaser cannons, ten ion cannons, twenty proton torpedo launchers, and four tractor
beam projectors. Two angar space was set aside to handle up to four full squadrons of fighters. Its design
incorporated some of the most modern technologies. (HT, SOG)
Bothan Chuka
this Bothan defense tool was developed to be held in the hand. It fit over the fingers and was grasped in a
fist, with the primary surface of the chuka facing outward. The Bothan using it could then punch an
opponent, and the chuka would discharge a high-power surge of energy when it struck the target.
Because the weapon was usually reserved for use among the Bothan elite, during the era of the Great
Sith War, any non-noble being caught using a chuka was immediately arrested as a spy and sentenced to
execution. (KOTOR)
Bothan Claim Test
attributed originally to the Bothan people, this challenge forced a subject into a position where they either
had to admit they were lying about something, or prove that they weren't. (TG)
Bothan Combat Response Element
this branch of the New Republic Navy was formed by a contingent of Bothans who were worried about
the unrest which was sown by Imperial warlords in the years following the Battle of Endor. They were
referred to within the New Republic military as a "micro-fleet," consisting of a number of advanced scouts
and five capital ships, commanded by Kursk Mal'ia. The ships in the fleet - the Boash'ua, the Resistance,
the Victory at Endor, the Hutt's Ambition, and the Ast'ria - were all on active duty at all times, ready to
jump into a battle at a moment's notice. The value of the Bothan Combat Response Element was proven
during the Battle of Kathol, when they were able to hold off the Imperial forces of Kathol Sector, while a
ground team from the FarStar destroyed DarkStryder and Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. (E)
Bothan Council
this was the primary govnermental body of the Bothan people, and was comprised of 608 registers clans
at the height of the Galactic Civil War. Fifty-three other clans were petitioning for membership. It was later
known as the Combined Clans during the New Republic. (SPG)
Bothan Debris, Incorporated
this Bothan salvage operation was established on the planet Caamas by Kursk Te'tell, in an effort to
recover any equipment or materials that might have survived the destruction of the planet's ecosystem.
Te'tell's operation was not entirely legitimate, and many believed that he worked more to cover up the
Bothans' involvement in the destruction of Caamas than for the good of the planet. In reality, Bothan
Debris was a front that covered up Kursk Te'tell's efforts to hide information regarding the bombardment
of Caamas. Bothan Debris was based in a huge crater, located about seventy miles south of Refuge City,
where the scraps and tatters of Caamasi buildings and cities were dumped during the clean-up effort.
Te'tell leased the crater for 50,000 credits a year, paid directly to Refuge City, and a bulk cruiser arrived
weekly to pick up the scrap. (WOTC, CCW)
Bothan Diplomatic Corps
this was the primary branch of the Bothan government which met with the leaders of other worlds, as well
as the New Republic, to ensure that Bothan ideals were met in any alliance. (WOTC)
Bothan Discord Gun
this was a form of sonic rifle that was produced some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was
developed for use as a last resort by Bothan dignitaries who traveled away from their home planets.
Bothan Glitterstone
Jabba and Jiliac tried to bribe Admiral Greelanx with a large, flawless glitterstone ring. (THG)

Bothan Grain Wine

this Bothan wine was considered one of the most romantic of all wines, during the last years of the Old
Republic. Many couples celebrated their engagements with a bottle of grain wine. (MJH)
Bothan Independent Treasury
this was the most prominent of the financial institutions based on the planet Bothawui during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Much of the collateral controlled by the Treasury was stored on Aargau
during this time. (BF3)
Bothan Military Academy
this military institution was founded on Bothawui, and served to train those Bothans whose callings
centered on the defense of their planets. It was not highly regarded, however, since the Bothans
preferred to do battle in the political arena rather than with blasters and starships. (WG)
Bothan Military Intelligence
this branch of the Bothan armed forces was involved in the acquisition of data about its wartime enemies.
It was related to the Bothan Spynet. (KT)
Bothan Needler
this was a form of hold-out blaster that was produced some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was
considered the state-of-the-art among the Bothans, and possession of a Needler was usually grounds for
arrest in many non-Bothan star systems. (KOTOR)
Bothan Perception Visor
developed some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, the Bothan perception visor was an
espionage tool that allowed the wearer to glean information without being noticed. (KOTOR)
Bothan Quick Draw
this was a form of hold-out blaster that was produced some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Many
Bothans liked to use the Quick Draw as a way to eliminate an opponent without doing serous damage.
Bothan Redrash
this disease was known to afflict Bothans and some other humanoid races, but was not always contracted
by individuals in contact with it. (WS)
Bothan Runaway Gambit
this Bothan starfighter evasion maneuver was developed during the early years of the New Republic. It
involved a large starship feigning damage and careening toward the attacking ships of an enemy
blockade. If the attackers held their position, they would be destroyed by the "damaged" ship. If they fled
the area, the ships following the "damaged" ship could break through the blockade to freedom. (SBS)
Bothan Sector
an area of the galaxy once "liberated" by the Empire following the Noolian Crisis. (TPS)
Bothan Sensory Visor
similar to a Bothan Perception Visor, the sensory visor allowed a Bothan spy to surreptitiously gather
information about their surroundings. These visors were first developed more than 4,000 years before the
Battle of Endor. (KOTOR)
Bothan Shrieker
this was a form of sonic blaster that was produced some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was
designed to produce a blast of sound that was twice as loud to Bothan ears, thereby rendering a Bothan
incapable of action for a long time. (KOTOR)
Bothan Sky Dragon
this was an endangered species of avian reptile. (JKG)

Bothan Spynet
this elite group of spies and information brokers is of a caliber slightly better than anything the Empire - or
even Black Sun, at its height - could match. This proved to be a boon for the Alliance, since the Bothans
were of an anti-Imperial sentiment. It was the Bothan Spynet that discovered the plans to the second
Death Star were being transported on the Suprosa. (SSE)
Bothan Stun Spore
this microscopic spore was bio-engineered by the Bothans for use in grenades. When released in large
quantities, the stun spores were breathed in by any being in the area, causing disorientation and
unconsciousness. (EGW)
Bothan Way
this was the term used to describe the philosophy and guiding principles of the Bothan people. It was
originally defined by Golm Fervse'dra in his historic work, The Way. (AE, SPG)
Bothan Whale
this trans-oceanic shuttle was owned by Edan Spaceways, and commanded by J.M. Harrin at the height
of the New Order. The shittle was nearly destroyed when Imperial forces attacked it, hoping to kill agents
of the rebel underground who had fled Fortuna City. (IAG)
Bothan's Planet
a planet that was mined extensively for its native ores, including lidium. The Empire tried to kill Tiree
there, when he was recruiting support for the Alliance. A group of Alliance operatives was nearly killed
along with Tiree, but they later rescued him from Questal. (RPG, GCQ)
the Bothan homeworld, Bothawui was the third and primary planet in the Both System. Sometimes known
as Bothawui Proper, it was a cosmopolitan planet which is a major hub for information trafficking. The
Bothan spy network has been decsribed as second to none, and much of the information is possesses
flows through Bothawui. Note that Specter of the Past indicates that the Bothawui system is located
"millions of kilometers from anywhere." It was here that many of the alien races of the New Republic
gathered their warships during the Caamas Incident, representing their own opinions and hoping to exact
vengeance on the Bothans involved in the destruction of Caamas. (DFR, SE, SOP, VOF, SPG, SWJ3)
Bothawui Proper
this was the Imperial name for the planet Bothawui. (SWJ3)
Bothehl Desert
this vast desert was located on the planet Beheboth. (PH)
this was another name for the Bothan language of the Bothans. (LFC, WOTC)
this corporation produced a number of tools which were used to bypass starship security systems, such
as the VoiceBox. (SWJ13)
this was one of the largest on-line shopping networks established on the HoloNet, during the last decades
of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
this ancient Ugor is reverred as the race's Great Prophet. (SH)
Kell Tainer assumed the identity of this mechanic, in order to get close to the Hawkbat's Vigil while on
Storinal. (WS)

Botlat Rej
this small-time criminal was wanted by the Coruscant police force in connection to the deaths of three
Senators, caused by the vandalism of Ninopas Orocc just prior to the Battle of Naboo. (BH)
Boto del ibn Garl
this Sullustan was one of the few members of his race to achieve a position of power on the Vaufthau
Processing Industries corporate ladder. He earned his position as the Local Adminsitrator of Vaufthau's
operations on Goroth Prime, during the height of the New Order, because of his drive and determination
to make the operation successful. Vaufthau was the smallest of the four major corporations with interests
on Goroth Prime, but Garl never failed to achieve his goals. Many of these goals were achieved through
corporate espionage, which led many of his peers to wonder how far he could go up the corprorate
ladder. (GSE)
this was a species of exceptionally slow-moving amphibian. (HFG)
a nondescript planet. (CRO)
Botor Enclave
this political body was often at odds with the Daupherm Planet States, during the reign of Emperor
Palpatine. (CRO)
Botor Enclave
a communal city located on the frozen planet of Kerensik. (DESB)
this bioweapon was developed by the Yuuzahan Vong, and was based on the original coomb spore virus.
The bo'tous was a tiny, beetlelike creature that was designed to be carried in a host for its gestation
period, then expelled in several breaths. Nom Anor had planned to destroy the Jedi Knights by having the
priestess Elan pose as a hostage so that she could gain audience with the Jedi. Elan allowed a colony of
the spores to be implanted in her chest. When they reached maturing, she could expel them in four
controlled breaths. The bo'tous was much more virulent than the coomb spore, killing both Yuuzhan Vong
and humans in mere minutes. The bo'tous grew rapidly in the presence of oxygen. Also, as the spores
consumed their victims, they produced offspring in the form of infected mites. These flying mites would
then attempt to find a new host, thereby spreading the disease. Unfortunately, the mites only lived for a
few seconds before expiring. In the end, Elan was unable to exhale her spores in the presence of the
Jedi, and instead was killed herself when she inhaled it. Elan's familiar, Vergere, provided a form of
antidote to the original coomb spore to Han Solo before she disappeared. The antidote helped Mara Jade
Skywalker return to health. (HT, NJOSB)
a tribe of Ugnaughts living on Cloud City, the Botruts were one of the first three groups purchased by
Ecclessis Figg for employment on the outpost. (GG2, MTS)
this was the name given to one section of Beggar's Canyon, located on the planet Tatooine. (SOT)
Bottom Line
the crew of this smuggling ship discovered Purr as a stowaway, after visiting the Tinnell homeworld.
Bottom Viol
a musical instrument in the same family as the double viol, but with a much deeper sound. It produced
musical with a combination of five strings and a collection of buttons which lined its upright neck. (SWJ4)

a rift valley on Belsavis. (COJ)

this planet was the site of one of the Empire's main archives, although it wasn't nearly as defended as the
Ubiqtorate at Yaga Minor. (SOP, VOF)
this was a species of exceptionally long-lived creatures. (MJH)
Boulanger, Mess
this grizzled veteran served the Old Republic as a Quartermaster, during the height of the Clone Wars.
Easily distinguished by his bright, blue eyes and his drooping mustaches, Mess was assigned to the
military force dispatched to Praesitlyn to liberate the Intergalactic Communications Center from the
Separatists. Mess was known for his ability to accurately guage the needs of an army, and to ensure that
his forces received the suuplies they needed. He often boasted that it was his logistics work - and that of
any competent Quartermaster - that ultimately decided the outcome of a battle, and he was one of the
many who followed the COMETS-Q philosophy of battle. (JT)
built by Rendili Vehicle Corporation, these earth-moving machines are equipped with lasers that can
vaporize rocks and earth. (QE)
Boulevard of the Crushing of the Infidels
this avanue was located on the planet Coruscant, after it was captured and worldshaped by the Yuuzhan
Vong. (DW)
a Corellian Defense Force groundside Captain stationed on the planet Corellia, Boultan tells
Micamberlecto that the Navy's shipyards are being held by the Corellian Imperialists, just following
Thrackan Sal-Solo's move to seceed the Corellian Sector from the New Republic. (AC)
a game of chance and skill often found in casinos. Players fire a simulated weapon at a moving target,
attempting to graze the target and bounce it around an enclosed game space. (HSR)
this was another name for the Ball Creature of the planet Duroon. (EGA)
once native to the planet Ruusan, bouncers were a species of round-bodied, avian creatures who moved
through air as if levitating. Their bodies were covered with greenish fur, and their long tails drifted behind
them as they moved about. Innately intelligent, bouncers could not communicate vocally, but spoke to
one another through a form of telepathy. They were connected to the Force, and often had dreams which
revealed images of the future. However, bouncers could also be killed by dreams which were too violent,
and many died in this way in the months and weeks leading up to the Battle of Ruusan. Those who
survived were riven slowly mad, as they tried to offer comfort and support to the Jedi but were met only
with pain and suffering. In the aftermath of the war between the Jedi and the Sith, the bouncers were all
but destroyed. The bouncers who survived told of a prophecy in which "a Knight shall come, a battle
will be fought, and the prisoners shall go free." Many believed that this referred to the souls which were
contained within the Valley of the Jedi, and the prophecy was proven to be true when Kyle Katarn
defeated Jerec and his Dark Jedi in the Valley. Note that the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook indicates that
it was the Ruusanian race of near-humans, not the Bouncers, who maintained the prophecy of the Knight.
Bouncin' Yunka
this was a noted theme park, filled with a wide variety of adventurous activities. (PH)

Bounder Greysor
this was one of the many species of domesticated greysors native to the planet Naboo. (WSW)
this is the undeveloped area of rocky, barren land located outside of Corint City, on Pirik. (SWJ10)
this HV6 harvesting factory was operated on the planet Ando, collecting fish from the planet's oceans. It
was secretly working for the Empire, collecting Andoan mineral-fish and processing them for shipment to
the Eclipse. (SWJ11)
Bountiful Hunter
this was one of Wonn Ionstrike's starships. (GG2)
this was one of two Imperial container ships assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained the
Black Ice. (BI)
Bounty Hunter
this was the callsign used by Zekk, during the Jedi Knights' attempt to kill the voxyn queen at Myrkr, some
twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. (SBS)
Bounty Hunter Means and Methods: Comparative Psychological Perspectives and
this paper was written by Soras Varn, and was first published in the proceedings of the Institute of
Imperial Psychological Studies. It documented the wide variety of personalities and modes of operation
used by bounty hunters during the height of the New Order. (GG10)
Bounty Hunter Wars
this series of events led to the fragmentation of the Bounty Hunters Guild. Precipitated by Boba Fett and
planned by Prince Xizor, the Guild was split apart when Bossk killed his own father, Craddossk. This
angered many of the elder members of the Guild, who renounced Bossk's plans and formed the True
Guild. Bossk himself took many of the Guild's younger members and formed the Guild Reform Committe.
This splitting of the Guild into two rival factions foiled Xizor's plans, however, and the two smaller Guilds
eventually disintegrated. (ECH)
Bounty Hunters' Creed
this is the set of rules and credos used by the bounty hunters of the galaxy. Among the foremost of rules
is that bounty hunters won't kill each other during a hunt. (SHA)
Bounty Hunters Guild
this affiliation of most of the galaxy's bounty hunters was controlled by the trandoshan Cradossk during
the height of the New Order. The Guild was established to promote a consistent creed of bounty hunter
ethics across a normally lawless group of individuals, while ensuring that each of them earned credits on
an equitable scale. Every hunter who joined the Guild was required to abide by the Guild's Bounty
Hunter's Creed, and all Guild members shared in the collected bounties. There were several independent
bounty hunters, including the infamous Boba Fett, who remained outside the Guild's membership and
opted not to become part of its brotherhood. It was just these kinds of independent operators that Prince
Xizor proposed to Emperor Palpatine as a sort of shadow-army. Xizor belived that if the Guild itself could
be smashed, then the resulting freelance hunters who survived would be the kind of hardened
mercenaries Palpatine could use to ensure the fringes of his government remained in line. After Palpatine
approved the plan, Xizor worked with the assembler Kud'ar Mub'at, who convinced Boba Fett to join the
Guild and work from within to destroy it. Their plans worked to perfection when Cradossk's ambitious son,
Bossk, killed and ate Cradossk and assumed control for himself. This angered many of the elder
members of the Guild, who renounced Bossk's plans and formed the True Guild. Bossk himself took
many of the Guild's younger members and formed the Guild Reform Committe. This splitting of the Guild
into two rival factions foiled Xizor's plans, however. (MA, SLS)

an Ubese bounty hunter, he was known as a level-headed hunter whose hand-to-hand combat skills were
as formidable and deadly as the thermal detonators he liked to throw. One of his more unique traits was
his obsession with learning as much about his employer as he did about his target. This stemmed from
Boushh's distrust of other beings, and he considered it simply insurance that he would be paid in full
when the job was done. He worked for Black Sun during the Galactic Civil War, but was caught trying to
swindle more credits out of a signed contract. He was captured by Guri and eliminated, but his geared
was kept for future use. That future use came when Leia Organa met with Guri, and was brought to
Coruscant to meet with Xizor. Leia was given the bounty hunter's clothing as a disguise for getting past
the security checkpoints without being recognized as an Alliance leader. When she escaped from Xizor's
castle, she brought the gear with her, and later posed as Boushh, with Chewbacca in tow, in order to
enter Jabba's palace and rescue Han Solo. (ROTJ, TJP, SE, SESB, RESB)
this man served as the Chief Systems Engineer aboard the Aurorient Express, during the years before
the ship was destroyed. An obese, balding man, Bouyardy had very little patience with other beings.
When Madam Rhoden and Buck set out to murder Clode Rhoden, Bouyadry was unaware that a cargo of
Fastlach-class defense droids had been smuggled onboard. He was also unaware that the ship's
navigation and sensor systems had been bypassed in order to ensure that the Aurorient Express crashed
into the core of Yorn Skot. When all the plots to destroy Rhoden's wealth were revealed, Bouyardy and
Waverton decided that they had had enough. They allowed the core bomb hidden inside the ship to
explode, as payback for all their troubles. (TAE)
this Nimbanese clan won the right to be a prime data holder for the Bureau of Ships and Services, several
centuries before the rise of the New Order. Their training in nimbanese muhndees led them to directly
challenge another data-holding family. There was an implied threat of violence in the challenge, which
brought down the wrath of the BoSS on the Bovarks and the Nimbanese. For several centuries, no
Nimbanese clan was allowed to participate as a prime data holder, and many clans lost great sums of
money and power as a result. This situation was later "repaired" by the Krovalis clan. (GG12)
Bovit Leebo
this Rodian holographer was noted for his work in chronicalling of various Hutt criminal empires. It was
one of these assignments which ultimately led to Leebo's death. He had been hired to take footage of
Ka'Pa the Hutt, who believed that the footage would be used to glorify his empire. When Leebo's footage
angered Ka'Pa, he had the Rodian executed. The footage fell into the public domain, and was eventually
used for the "Hutt" entry in Riccix's Revised Basic Holodictionary. (WOTC)
Bovo Yagen
primary planet in the Bovo Yagen system, it was named for the former Imperial Captain Bovo Yagen.
Yagen had defected from Imperial service on Coruscant. The native Bovorians were at first wary of the
new visitors, but in time came to appreciate his skills in diplomacy and trade. The average day on the
planet lasts 28 standard hours, and its year lasts 386 local days. Bovo Yagen has a single moon. (SC,
Bovo Yagen
the third star targetted for detonation by the Starbuster plot. New Republic records recorded one or two
habitable planets in the system. It is located near the Corellian Trade Route, but far enough away that a
ship traveling to the system would need to learn the route beforehand. (AS, SC, CTD)
this oddly humanoid race is native to the planet Bovo Yagen. They were a tribal species of stone-age
technology when Bovo Yagen fled to the planet, but have since adopted the spacelanes. The Bovorian
natives were so glad to have him further their development that they named all the planets in their system
after members of his family. Bovorians descended from flying mammals, and retained vestigial webs of
skin between their arms as reminders of their avian ancestors. The average Bovorian is covered with
white hair, and their forms are slightly thinner and longer than a normal human form. Their faces are

narrow and angular, with jutting chins and long sideburns. Their ears resemble leathery wings, and can
be extended for better hearing. Bovorians can see into the infrared spectrum as well as the visible
spectrum, and they use these abilities to actually "read" the emotions of other beings. This allowed them
to deal with other species in a very patient and friendly way. Among themselves, Bovorians speak in a
language of high-pitched trills and whistles which has been compared to the computer-based speech of
the R2-series astromech droid. (CTD, AE)
Bovris Tapcafe
this restaurant and cantina was found on the planet Ifron. (MJEH)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "bearer",
"keeper", or "worker". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a
complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this security agent worked for Salliche Agricultural Organization during the New Republic's attempts to
drive off the Yuuzhan Vong. He escorted Han Solo on a tour of the facility on Ruan, during Han's attempt
to rescue Droma. Bow later had to admit to his superiors that he had allowed Han into the complex, an
action which resulted in the freeing of Droma as well as the shutdown of the control center which had
been keeping the droid population immobile. (JE)
this horrific creature inhabited the deep forest of the Forest Moon of Endor. (ECAR)
this was the traditional Wookiee's crossbow-like weapon. It was not a laser weapon, like a blaster or blast
rifle. Instead, it was a projectile weapon that used a unique combination of magnetic acceleration and
polarizers to launch a projectile at a target. Because the bowcaster was a single-fire weapon that required
great accuracy to use, Wookiees were trained to be patient hunters who made the most of every shot.
The primary ammunition of the bowcaster was an explosive quarrel, which was a small packet of energy
that exploded on contact. More traditional darts and solid bolts could also be fired. These weapons are
unique to the Wookiees, and were hand-built on Kashyyyk by the Wookiees who used them. The
bowstring of a bowcaster was often made from metal-fiber cables, but the kthysh vine was often used as
an emergency replacement. (SW, RPG, SWDB)
a bounty hunter native to Demophon, Bower worked with the pirate, Kasey, before the two of them joined
the Alliance. He fell in love with Enid Vahr, although she was in love with Kasey. (SN)
Bowl, The
this symbol of the Cosmic Balance religion indicated a follower who lived in poverty during their life.
However, as demanded by the Cosmic Balance, holders of the Bowl would get to spend their afterlife
living in relative wealth in order to maintain the balance of the universe. The choice of which members of
each generation held the Bowl was often made by parents, with the help of the Zanazi. (TBSB)
this species of hairy, preadatory mollusks lurks just below the surface of the swampy waters of Naboo. It
can shoot a powerful jet of water into the air, and uses the jet to knock its prey into the water. The jet can
also be used for locomotion. (GF)
Bownan York
this individual was Plat Mallar's flight instructor, when Mallar joined the New Republic Navy on Coruscant.
a plant native to the rift valleys of Belsavis. (COJ)

Bowvine Melon
a fruit-bearing plant native to many planets throughout the galaxy. (EGP)
Boyd's Be-There-In-a-Minute Delivery Service
located in the city of Treeleaf, on the planet Plagen, the office of this delivery service was where Plako the
Chikarri hired a group of adventurers to locate the Fool's Gold. (TSK)
this plant, native to the planet Nimban, bears succulent berries. (GG12)
this small, lizard-like humanoid was one of Ry-Kooda's lackeys. Boz held a position of relative power in
the Koodan's organization, and was constantly ordering the rest of Ry-Kooda's employees around. It was
Boz who delivered the news that Bar-Kooda had been killed by the Hutts Gorga and Orko to Ry-Kooda.
The small lizard accompanied Ry-Kooda to Skeebo, where he believed the Koodan was killed by Boba
Fett. However, Ry-Kooda emerged unscathed, and the two set off for Orkana, on Tatooine. There, RyKooda was finally killed by Boba Fett, leaving Boz without a master. The little reptiloid tried to stand up to
Fett, who promptly gave him a swift kick in the rear end. Boz's big mouth continued to run, swearing that
he would someday get his hands on the bounty hunter. (BF)
this man worked as a customs officer aboard the Jubilee Wheel space station, in orbit around Ord
Mantell. (HT)
Bozhnee Sector
this New Republic was busy fighting against a rogue Imperial Moff in the sector, at the same time that the
assault was launched against Moff Kentor Sarne on Kal'Shebbol. The Republic was unable to spare any
additional resources to hunt down Sarne when he fled the planet, forcing Lieutenant Page to take control
of the Renegade and outfit it with a volunteer crew. Page renamed the corvette the FarStar, and placed it
under the command of Kelemon Ciro. (DARK)
this planet is known as a world dominated by criminal enterprise and gangsters. It was also one of the
possible birthplaces of the Kooroo sect, having one of the largest of the Shrines of Kooroo. (SWJ8,
according to Ewok legend, this was a willful nature spirit. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
this female Ewok was Paploo's mother, as well as Kneesaa's aunt. (ECAR)
Bozzie Baranta
this triangular-headed alien was one of the Outer Rim's best podracer pilots. (TPM, ATPM)
this was one of Farbreini MicroElectronics Limited's most popular forms of Coruscant Cascader. (GFT)
this Gorothite term translated into Basic as "Majority," and indicated the point in a Gorothite's life when
they come of age and are considered adults. B'Pen demands that a young Gorothite, at about fiften
standard years of age, adhere to the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the adults. (GSE)

a twin planet orbiting a star with the same name, Bpfassh was located in the Sluis sector. It was at one
time the site of a Dark Jedi uprising during the last century of the Old Republic, and the natives had been
distrustful of the Jedi ever since. This distrust was obvious during the Clone Wars, when the planet's
inhabitants chose to remain neutral during the fighting. Despite this fact, the Bpfasshi eventually joined
the Alliance and the New Republic. Following the death of Emperor Palpatine at Endor, Bpfassh was the
site of Grand Admiral Thrawn's first major strike against the New Republic. It was also the site of a Noghri
attack on Princess Leia. Its day was variable in length, due to the unique gravitational forces the twin
pieces exert on each other. The twin planets also have a large number of moons. (HTTE, DFR, HTSB,
this was the name used to describe the human natives of the planet Bpfassh. After the events that
surrounded the defection of several Bpfasshi Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars, the Bpfasshi people
came to distrust the Jedi Knights in general, a feeling that persisted even into the early years of the New
Republic. (HTTE)
a power core and fusion reactor produced by MPS and used on the RZ-1 A-Wing starfighter. (SCRE)
this Old Republic Senate resolution introduced a tariff on the trade routes in the Mid and Outer Rim
Territories, ostensibly in an effort to obtain more revenue with which to operate. The taxation of trade
routes eventually led the Trade Federation's blockade of the planet Naboo. (ECH)
this droid was owned by Boba Fett, and helped the bounty hunter get near R2-D2 and C-3PO on Boonta.
BR-17 befriended C-3PO and turned him against R2-D2, which provided enough distraction for Boba Fett
to get near Thall Joben. BR-17 kill later crushed by falling machinery, as C-3PO discovered a bomb
planted on Joben's speeder by Sise From. (DCAR)
this ancient blaster rifle was produced by Core World Arms. (TOJC)
BR-23 Courier
this Republic Sienar Systems courier ship was designed well before the advent of smaller, more profitable
starfighters. It was a durable ship, but was considered outdated during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. Nevertheless, the Alliance used them as troop transports during the war, and many civilian shuttle
operations found them to be reliable transports. The BR-23 measured 20.7 meters in length. A pilot and a
gunner were the only crew required, and the BR-23 could carry up to 40 passengers or 75 metric tons of
cargo, depending on the interior configuration. It was armed with a pair of fire-linked, turret-mounted laser
cannons. (ROE, IA)
this was the smallest of the three continents found on the planet Bakura. Most of the planet's namana
groves were located on Braad. (TBSB)
Braaken Glass
this form of artwork was thought of as hideous by Bail Organa. (SOL)
this grain was grown for foodstuffs on the moon of Sulon. (RAG)
Braan River
this body of water was located on the planet Qiilura, and formed one of the borders of the settlement of
Imbraani. (RCHC)

this Fia worked as a Vert'bo airship driver on his homeworld of Galantis, during the early years of the New
Republic. He was one of the few members of his race who fought back against Stima Ardella and the
Black Hammer pirates, since he believed that the pirates were drivign away the tourists who paid his
salary. He spent much of his free time telling anyone who would listen about his eight wonderful children.
the title given to any of the Iotrans who are veterans of the Iotran Police Force, and have dedicated
themselves to a life of bounty hunting. (GG12)
Braceman Council
see Iotran Braceman Council (AIR)
Bracers of Najus
this ancient, Sith artifact was believed to have been hidden away beneath the Bleaks mountain range on
Leritor. They were discovered by Profex Rynalla of the University of Sanbra, but she planned to use them
for her own designs. The Bracers themselves were hidden in the wreckage of an ancient starship, where
they had lain for millennia. The Bracers were originally created by the Sith Lord Najus, who hoped to use
them to eliminate the Jedi Knights, and were unusually powerless if used against another Sith. Rynalla
located the Bracers during her excavations, but the site was destroyed in a struggle and the Bracers
were, once again, lost in the mountains. (GMR10)
Bracha e'Naso
this smuggler took over the operation of Plothis' business, after Plothis was shot and killed during a
dispute with a customer. (TT)
Brachian Beastlord
this was the A'Mar name for the "mightiest of all gundarks" found on the pastoral moon of Lamus. Many
A'Mar considered the Beastlord something of a legend, as it had never been seen or captured. This made
it the perfect quarry for the coming-of-age ritual known as the Beastlord's Hunt, in which young men and
women were required to search out the Beastlord and return with its head. The ritual wasn't so much
about locating the Beastlord as it was about understanding what it meant to be an adult, and learning how
ot trust one another. During the Beastlord's Hunt that occurred during the Galactic Civil War, a group of
adventurers discovered that the Beastlord was, in fact, real. It seemed to be a sub-species of gundark of
immense size, and was armed with fangs that dripped a potent poison. This poison was generally
harmless if dripped on the skin, but if it was injected into the bloodstream, the result was often fatal.
During the Beastlord's Hunt, the creature had suffered several injuries, and tried to drink from the
Wellspring to heal itself. The adventurers, who had sworn to protect Olianna during The Vigil, were forced
to defeat the Beastlord in combat in order to ensure the success of The Vigil. (WOA31)
the root of this plant is often consumed for its hallucinogenic properties. The brachniel plant itself is very
hardy, and is often used as a second-generation terraforming plant that can be planted after firstgeneration plants like gomex moss have broken down the rocky soil into essential nutrients. (POT)
this is one of the three stars which anchor the Chorios Systems. (POT)
Brachnis Chorios
this is the furthest planet in the Chorios system, an ice-green and lavender world. It was in orbit around
Brachnis Chorios that Leia Organa-Solo agreed to meet with Seti Ashgad, some years after Leia became
the Chief of State for the New Republic. (POT)
a small but nonetheless voracious creature that can strip a carcass clean in a day or so. A group of them
can do the job in a few hours. Jabba the Hutt kept a number of them around in case he became angry
with one of his associates. (TJP)

this oily man ran the Farmer's Landing, on Gelgelar, and although he never cheated a vohis mold farmer,
he worked to maximize his profits in any way possible. (PSPG)
this spacer was based out of the planet Lianna, although his family was native to Corellia. (SWJ14)
this former Imperial Lieutenant served under Warlord Zsinj during the period following the Battle of Endor
and the breakup of the Empire. She was an expert in covert operations, but was an imposing figure of
muscle and brawn. Thus, when Zsinj made his attempt to steal the Razor's Kiss from Kuat Drive Yards,
he asked Bradan to allow Qatya Nassin to lead the assault team because she was a smaller woman.
Bradan held a small twinge of contempt at Qatya, but vowed to forget it if they pulled off the mission. (IF)
this Elomin worked for Garris Shrike aboard the Trader's Luck. Brafid was part of Shrike's security force.
this smuggler stole the hyperspace astrogation buffer from an Arakyd Viper probe droid's hyperspace
jump pod, and installed it into his astromech. (FTD)
this gambling planet had a million-credit minimum betting parlor once visited by Han Solo. (SOL)
this Imperial officer replaced Adminstrator Fuguee at the Kline Colony shortly before Daye Azur-Jamin
tried to infiltrate the planet. Brago was much less lenient than Fuguee had been, which explains the
replacements. (SWJ10)
Brain Tails
this was one of the many derogatory terms used to describe the lekku of the Twi'lek race. It referred to the
fact that small portions of brain tissue resided within the flesh of the lekku, most of which was used to
store long-term memories. (SWI76)
Brain Tendril
this defensive mechanism guards the Charon starship Desolate's main computer node. The brain-like
computer, when attacked, can extract several thick tendrils, each of which is tipped with a glowing
sphere. Each tendril can lash out at a target, and the spheres are capable of firing plasma bolts. Each
tendril is also equipped with a pair of arm-like appendages which can grasp a target and neutralize it.
Brain Walker
a derogatory term used to describe those B'omarr monks who had become enlightened, and had shed
their fleshly bodies in favor of roaming their castle as brains, sustained in a nutrient bath, animated by a
set of mechanical spider-like legs. (TJP)
a brainery was a Gungan university. (IWE1)
this was a series of controller droids produced during the reign of Emperor Palpatine by Tereene.
this male Siniteen was given the nickname "Brainiac" by BoShek, because he could calculate hyperspace
jumps in his head. (CCG2)

an addictive stimulant and hallucinogen. (COJ)
this was a slang term used to describe a being of the Anzati race. (DRKN)
Brainrot Plague
this disease swept the planet Jabiim several years before the onset of the Clone Wars. Because the
Republic did not send any relief to the Jabiimites, they remained bitter at the Republic and quickly joined
the Confederacy of Independent Systems. (SWI69, RBJ)
Brainworm Rot Type A
this disease broke out in the Manarai Heights district of Coruscant's Galactic City, during the year leading
up to the Clone Wars. It affected Anomids and Wol Cabbashites most, although it was eventually
contained. The brainworm rot was believed to have been carried to Coruscant by a Neimoidian, for that
species was known to be resistant to the disease. Essentially an airborne virus, Brainworm Rot Type A
attacked those species with high levels of dialogen in their bloodstream. Symptoms include nausea and
dementia, and the disease could be fatal if not treated with clyrossa-themin. (HNN5)
Braith, Zayl
born in the Asamin System to parents who were prosperous traders along the Essien Run, this girl fell in
with a group of smugglers at a young age. She joined the crew of Captain Thi Sawrtin, and was with him
when the smugglers were intercepted by Gresia Vleen and the Tory's Catcher. After Sawrtin was
executed, Zayl was thrown into prison on Rol Two. She managed to escape, and went to work for Tiron
Til. When the Sullustan decided to start working toward monopolizing the spice trade within the Asamin
System, Zayl decided not to work for Zil out of loyalty to her former comrades. She was then contacted by
her cousin Callandri, who offered her a position within the Granse Confederacy. Zayl turned from
smuggler to bounty hunter, and worked with her cousin to hunt down Alliance personnel. (AIR)
Brak Sector
this area of the galaxy was located on the outer edge of the Expansion Region, some twenty light-years
from the Corellian Trade Route. Within its borders were some 422 star systems, 67 of which were
inhabited at the height of the New Order. (SWJ8, FBS)
Brak Sector News
this news agency covered the events that unfolded in Brak Sector. (SWJ8)
a former student at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, Brakiss was fairly gifted with the Force.
Brakiss was stolen from his family by the Imperial forces that occupied his homeworld of Msst,
recognizing his potential for using the Force. He was reonditioned, and was later employed as a spy, sent
to determine the extend of the threat posed by the renewal of the Jedi Knights under Luke Sywalker.
When Luke sent Brakiss on an illusionary quest, Brakiss could not reconcile the Light and Dark Sides of
the Force, represented by Luke's Academy and the Empire. He fled Yavin 4, and went into hiding until he
was discovered by Dolph, another of the failed students of Skywalker's praxeum. Dolph had renamed
himself Kuellar, and was developing his own scheme to take control of the galaxy. He set up Brakiss on
Telti, overseeing an automated droid construction facility. Brakiss' droids were implanted with detonators
that could be set off via a remote control help by Dolph/Kuellar. Dolph also used Brakiss as a way to lure
Luke to Almania, where he planned to used Skywalker as bait. Brakiss fled back to Telti, where he hid
among his droids. In the meantime, Brakiss' mother encountered Luke on Msst, and explained that
Brakiss was waiting to kill him on Telti. The two battled on the desert moon, and Brakiss nearly turned
back to the Light Side. He failed, and returned to the droids. The secluded life among the droids was
shattered when Cole Fardreamer discovered the link between the detonation in the Senate Assembly
Chamber on Coruscant and the rigged droids. He exposed Brakiss' part in the plot, and Brakiss fled once
again. He later set up the Shadow Academy in the Core Systems. He did so out of his deep belief that the
Jedi were needed to help preserve the order of the Empire, not the Republic. Brakiss looked forward to
the day when the so-called Second Imperium would overthrow the New Republic, and when his Imperial

Jedi were able to defeat Luke Skywalker's Jedi. When a reborn Emperor Palpatine began controlling the
Second Imperium, Brakiss gladly bowed to his true masters rule. However, the Emperors solitary nature
and lack of respect for Brakiss accomplishments disillusioned him. He became frustrated with the
Emperor when he arrived at the Shadow Academy, shortly before the attack on Kashyyyk. After the
deaths of Vonnda and Ra and Garowyn in the Kashyyyk jungles, Brakiss declared the mission a success
because of the computer components they had stolen. He felt that the loss of the two Nightsisters was an
accepted loss. In the wake of the raid on Kashyyyk, the Shadow Academy began gearing up for an attack
on Yavin 4. Spurred on by Palpatines commands, Brakiss and Tamith Kai invaded the Jedi Academys
defenses and nearly defeated Lukes students. However, several setbacks suffered by Tamith Kai and
Brakiss Dark Jedi turned the battle in favor of the Jedi, and Brakiss appealed to Palaptine for direction.
He discovered, though, that there was no Palpatine. The appearance of the Emperor was being
perpetrated by four former Imperial Royal Guards. The Dark Side of the Force flooded Brakiss, and he
quickly dispatched three of the four guards. The fourth escaped the Shadow Academy, but not before
setting off the stations self-destruct systems. Brakiss was unable to escape from the doomed station, and
died in the explosion. Brakiss was distinguishable by his smooth skin, blond hair, and the uncanny
perfection. (HTF, SA, TNR, DK, JUS, NEGC)
Brakka Barakas
this Brigian was the dothmir of his community on the planet New Brigia. Brakka was captured when the
Yevetha overran the planet, during the Great Purge, and held on the Pride of Yevetha as a barrier against
New Republic attack. Is this the same character who was described as human in Shields of Lies? (TT)
Brakko Guz
this male Rodian was a known murderer during the years following the Battle of Naboo, and was wanted
by the Republic Security Force for his part in the deaths of several prominent business owners on
Coruscant. Guz, who had been working for Groff Haug, was captured on the Outland Transit Station by
Jango Fett and brought in for the bounty on his head. (BH)
this name was common among the Feeorin race. (UANT)
this was the third-largest city found on the planet Genesia, and was the largest city in the western
hemisphere. (FBS)
this star was the central body in a system which was dominated by a large asteroid field. The rogue moon
of Rove was captured eons ago by the system's star. (CRO)
this Twi'lek was an acquaintence of Del Hunter's, living on the planet Kabaira during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (SWJ7)
Branch Leopard
this spotted, feline predator was native to the jungles of Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
this was the nickname given to an artificially-grown ooglith masquer, created by Baljos Arnjak in the wake
of the Battle of Coruscant, to allow a New Republic agent to resemble a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. It was
named Brand because the markings on the face resembled a branding. Brands and several other homegrown ooglith masquers were provided to Luke Skywalker's team, which was going to infiltrate Coruscant.
These disguises were later used during the missions to Toong'L and Caluula, where agents of the
Galactic Alliance tried to destroy the yammosks which had been installed on those worlds. (EL1, UF)
this New Republic Navy Commodore was in command of Task Force Aster during the battle against the
Yevetha. Considered a rigid leader and a somewhat gloomy functionary, he commanded the group from

the Indomitable. Later, Brand was promoted to a position on the New Republic's Defense Force, helping
to re-establish the military position of the Republic. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy,
Brand was asked to sway Senator Viqi Shesh's position on the use of Centerpoint Station as a potential
weapon to use against the alien invaders. Later, Brand was given command of the Yald, in preparation for
the defense of Corellia. (SOL, JE)
Brand, Empatojayos
a one-time Jedi Knight, Empatojayos was hunted down as part of Palpatine's Jedi purge. He was nearly
killed by Darth Vader, and was left for dead. He was rescued by the Ganathans, and fitted with a cyborg
suit. The only organic parts of his body still functioning are his chest and head; his limbs could not be
saved. His cyborg body was therefore equipped with repulsorlifts for mobility. The suit is also equipped
with impressive life-support capabilities, and can withstand extremes of temperature and the effects of
hard vacuum for an entire year. The Ganathans, seeing that Empatojayos' knowledge of the Force gave
him certain supernatural abilities, elected him to be their king, a position he accepted. He is still the king
when Han Solo and Princess Leia first discover the Ganath System, after fleeing Boba Fett and Nar
Shaddaa a second time. Recognizing the need for the Jedi to return to the galaxy, Brand leaves Ganath
with Luke Skywalker. Brand and the Jedi spent the next few months trying to stay one step ahead of the
Emperor, who was trying to steal Anakin Solo for a new body. When they cornered the Emperor on
Onderon, it was Brand who intervened wen Palpatine made his move. Brand grabbed Anakin and
shielded him in the Light Side of the Force, while at the same time allowing the Emperor's spirit to enter
his body. Brand returned Anakin to Leia, then was quickly consumed by the Dark Side energies flowing
through Palpatine's spirit. Both Brand and the Emperor died on Onderon. (DE2, EE)
an Imperial Navy officer, Brandei served as the technical services liaison for Imperial Fleet Support
aboard the Executor during the Battle of Hoth. He was responsible for keeping the warship's twelve TIE
squadrons serviced and combat-ready. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Brandei was transferred to the
Judicator, where he served faithfully until he was eventually promoted to Captain of the Judicator, as part
of Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet. He was born on Mantooine, and grew up surrounded by xenophobic
Outer Rim humans. When he tried to join the Academy, prejudice for the Rim's alien inhabitants stood in
his way. He struggled through it all, and eventually got noticed. (DFR, DFRSB, CCG4)
Brandes, Hela
this Naboo woman served on Queen Amidala's Advisory Council. She served as the minister of music
and culture, ensuring that the Naboo maintained thei highest artisitic standards. Note that she is referred
to as Helena Brandes in issue 6 of Star Wars Kids magazine. (IG1, SWK)
a fruit-bearing tree native to Belsavis, the fruit is often used in tarts. (COJ)
Brandifert Court
a street in Plawal. (COJ)
this New Republic Midshipman served as part of the communications crew at the base on Durren. (POT)
Brandis Technical Institute
this high-tech school of higher learning was established on the colony world of Bridin Anchorage. (GG11)
Brandl, Adalric Cessius
this famous actor showed a strong aptitude for the Force. Brandl had the handsome, chiseled features of
a holovid star, although time eventually took its toll. When he was discovered by Emperor Palpatine,
Brandl readily accepted his tuelage and became one of Palpatine's Imperial Inquisitors and a Dark Jedi.
In this capacity, Brandl killed many Jedi and other individuals at the Emperor's order. A native of Trulalis,
he fathered a child - Jaalib - who also was Force-sensitive and followed in his father's acting footsteps.
Brandl ran into trouble of Najiba while fleeing his position as Dark Jedi, killing the Twi'leki Arruna when he
became angry at her lover, Lathaam. He was trying to get back to Trulalis, but was stuck on Najiba as it

passed through the nearby asteroid field. He was transported off the world by Thaddeus Ross, after trying
to cut off his own hands with his lightsaber for causing Arruna's death. When he returned to Kovit, he
sought out his old teacher, Otias Atori, in an effort to return to the light side. He fled Trulalis with Ross
when they were attacked by Menges, and was eventually captured by Captain Grendahl and returned to
High Inquisitor Tremayne. He allowed himself to be taken, in order to protect Jaalib. It was believed that
Adalric was executed, but he eventually escaped and returned to Trulalis to be with Jaalib. There, he
spent five years teaching his son everything he knew about acting. When Fable Astin sought out Jaalib,
Adalric felt the deep connection she had to the Force, as well as the inner struggle she felt at the loss of
her battle with Vialco. He gave her the opportunity to train with him, however, briefly, so that she would be
better able to face Vialco in the future. Adalric was a stern master, though, and was harder on Fable than
he had been on himself, hoping that her success would help return him to favor in the Emperor's eyes. As
she progressed, Adalric made a short trip to Byss, in hopes of regaining his position. Palpatine agreed,
but demanded that Adalric bring a young Jedi for his own uses. Fable fit the bill, and Adalric sent Jaalib to
Iscera while summoning Vialco to Trulalis. Adalric tricked Fable into killed Vialco outright, then imprisoned
her. Jaalib, having discovered his father's return to the Dark Side, managed to rescue Fable and return
her to Deke Holman and the Alliance. Adalric was once again thwarted. (SWJ4, TFE, SWJ8)
Brandl, Jaalib
the son of the Dark Jedi Adalric Brandl, Jaalib was unaware of his father's dark secret. Instead, he
followed in the acting tradition of Adalric, becoming a famous actor on the stages of his homeworld,
Trulalis. Jaalib had seen holovids of his father, presented to the youth by Otias Atori, Adalric's former
teacher. Jaalib hoped to leave Trulalis and become as famous as his father. When Adalric returned to
Trulalis to seek Otias' help, Jaalib confronted his father and blamed him for all the troubles he
encountered. Jaalib railed at him, blaming Adalric for the Imperial attack which killed his mother - an
attack that was aimed at recovering Adalric himself. Adalric realized that he had caused considerable
damage to his son, and allowed himself to be captured. Adalric was able to return to Trulalis some time
later, and tutored Jaalib on the finer points of acting and direction. Jaalib became one of the greatest
members of the Trulalis Stage Company at a young age, and was later courted by the Iscerian theater. A
short time later, Jaalib was on Iscera, playing the lead in For the Want of an Empire, when he met Fable
Astin. At that time, Adalric was also preparing Jaalib for the role of the Edjian-Prince in uhl Eharl
Khoehng. When Adalric took Fable as a student, Jaalib began to fall in love with her. However, Adalric's
plans called for no such relationship, as he hoped to bring Fable to Byss as a present to the Emperor,
while holding Jaalib at bay. Adalric sent Jaalib to Iscera, ostensibly to prepare the theater there for the
production of Uhl Eharl Khoehng. During the flight, Jaalib found log records of Adalric's trip to Byss, and
returned. When he learned of Fable's imprisonment, Jaalib would have none of it. He called Deke Holman
to come rescue her, then played the greatest role of his life. When Adalric discovered his son's release of
Fable, he attempted to kill Jaalib. However, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Gasping for air, Jaalib drew
from the Edjian-Prince and said, "Long ... live ... the king." Jaalib later joined the Empire, hoping to bring
balance to his life. He was generally regarded as a skilled commander and a charismatic leader, and was
in charge of the Imperial subjugation of Ariana, on the planet Garos IV, shortly after the Battle of Endor.
He hoped to restore his life by killing Tork and Alex Winger, thereby severing his ties with the Empire, in a
plan which was similar to the drama of Dontavian. When the New Republic arrived and liberated Garos
IV, Jaalib chose to fade into the shadow, just as Dontavian did. (SWJ4, TFE, SWJ8, SWJ12)
Brandy Ague
starfighter pilot slang for a hangover. (IJ)
Brangus Glee
this tall, thin alien is a native of the planet Dor Nameth. He was known for his gambling skills, and
frequented the casinos and cantinas of every planet he visited. (CCG9)
a member of the security force protecting the Kuari Princess during the Galactic Civil War. (TFE)
this young child's early development was monitored by her MK 8001 attendant droid, known as Dooba.

this Imperial Navy Captain commanded the Star Destroyer Bastion, as part of the fleet supporting Moff
Sarne's operations in the Kathol Sector. Brannij found himself thrown to the DarkStryder being by Sarne,
in an effort to placate DarkStryder. Brannij's job was to show DarkStryder how a hyperdrive worked. He
dutifully agreed, but he developed a hatred toward Sarne and his lack of respect for his own forces.
During the Battle of Kathol, Brannij decided that he had had enough of Sarne, and worked to assist the
forces of the New Republic in defeating him. The Bastion took heavy damage in the fight, but Brannij
managed to keep the ship active long enough to destroy the last launch gate before Sarne could take
control of it. In the wake of the battle, it was revealed that Brannij was, in fact, the New Republic agent
known as Rojer 621. Brannij had assumed the role when he discovered that Sarne had planned to lose
Kal'Shebbol - sacrificing a large part of his military forces to make the escape look "real." Once Sarne
was defeated and DarkStryder was destroyed, Brannij took the Bastion and the remaining Imperial fleet
and fled into hyperspace. (KR, E)
this Hrakian drunkard was assisted by R2-D2 and C-3PO during an incapacitated period while on Vorzyd
5. (CSWEA)
this hardy plant is used by terraformers who provide fruit to settlers. The branswed grows tall, with spiky
leaves studding its surface. (POT)
Brant Rumble
this cyborg Sullustan was known for his skills as a podracer. Sebulba once stole Rumble's speeder to
search for the children who stole the Ghostling children he'd sold to Gardulla the Hutt. Sebulba damaged
the podracer while trying to recover his own, and had to pay for repairs out of his own pockets. (E1A6,
this Outer Rim world was the site of a Shrine of Kooroo. (SWJ13)
Brantz Squadron
this was a group of biker scouts dispatched by the Empire to overtake the New Republic base on Saarn,
shortly after the re-appearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (SWJ6)
this Brubb was a major smuggling chief who was working for Billey during the early years of the New
Republic. Brasck and his peers - Dravis, Par'tah, and Ellor - were dispatched to Trogan to meet with
Talon Karrde some five years after the Battle of Endor. Karrde had proposed a smugglers' alliance to
assist the New Republic in its struggle with Grand Admiral Thrawn, reasoning that Thrawn would be
harder on smugglers than Emperor Palpatine, so it was in their best interests to help the Republic. Before
joining Billey's group, Brasck was working for Jabba the Hutt as a mercenary during the height of the New
Order. When Jabba was killed, Brasck went out into the Borderlans Regions with as many followers as
would accompany him, to set up his own operations. He later teamed up with Billey, realizing that there
was strength in numbers. Before Karrde's offer of a smuggler's alliance, Brasck had decided that his
organization was well-equipped to obtain the bounty on Luke Skywalker, despite the fact that it was Luke
and his rebel friends who had killed Jabba and given Brasck the chance to rise to power. Brasck was
forced to turn down Karrde's offer of an alliance, primarily because he was worried about Imperial
retribution. However, Brasck agreed that he wouldn't interfere with the alliance, nor would he tell the
Imperials about its existence. (HTTE, TLC, TTSB)
one of Hethrir's followers, and an Imperial supporter. He was able to buy Iyon's wyrwulf from Ucce, and
attended Hethrir's meeting on Crseih Station, announcing the Empire Reborn. Brashaa is a miser who
valued his credits more than his love, and crossed Hethrir one time too many on Crseih station. Hethrir
attempted to kill him, but the intense warping of the Force near the quantum crystal star prevented Hethrir
from doing any real damage. (CS)

Brashin, Malcor
this man was a career military officer, and had a nondescript career within the Imperial armed forces until
he learned that his wife and daughter had been killed by Rodian thieves while he was away from home on
maneuvers. In reaction to the tragedy, Brashin committed himself to the New Order and its pro-human
stance. He became a zealot, and drove his troops to their limits in order to ensure the swift elimination of
"unchecked anarchists and aliens." (FC)
Brask Oto Command Station
this was one of the many military space stations erected in the Unknown Regions by the Chiss.
Resembling a pair of connected pyramids, Brask Oto was a white-hulled command center used during
the various explorations launched by the Chiss into The Redoubt. It was from here that Aristocra Formbi
led the mission to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight Project, shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong
began their invasion of the galaxy. (SQ)
Brasli, Culan
this man captured and tortured Ghitsa Dogder on the planet Prishardia. An employee of the Desilijic clan,
Brasli was the muscle behind Counselor Ral's effort to learn more about the Orko SkyMine project. The
effort was thwarted by Fenig Nabon and Kyp Durron, who rescued Ghitsa and inadvertently sabotaged
the Rook. Brasli was killed when the Rook exploded after fleeing from Prishardia. (TFNR)
Brass Kirs
this Gungan served as Boss Nass' personal chef. (E1A12)
Brass Marshoo
this retired Gungan general was in charge of the kitchens at the Lake Umberbool arena bubble complex,
just prior to the Battle of Naboo. (E1A10)
this vine, native to the planet Haruun Kal, was named for its dull, gold-colored bark and thorns. It was also
mobile, and could ensnare a traveler who wasn't looking. Because of the toughness of its woody
structure, brassvine was used to create cudgels for battle and prodding stick to guide grassers. In a less
humane use, brassvine was sometimes used by the guerillas of the Korunnai to bind a prisoner's hand or
feet. (SHPT)
this male Chiss served the military as well as the Sarvchi family as Captain of the Chaf Envoy during the
years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SQ)
Bratan Engineering
this corporation manufactures cybernetic products, such as neural interfaces and speech synthesizers.
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Brath indicated a storm, thunder, or lightning. (GCG)
Brath Bearing
this speeder bike component is responsible for steering, allowing smooth, rapid turns without loss of
control. They are held in check by a pair of C-shaped brackets. (CFG)
Brath Qella
this planet was the homeworld of the Qella and their ancestors, the Ahra Naffi. It was known to the Qella
as the Homestone, or the Place of Beginning. Orbiting the star N'oka Brath, it has a thick atmosphere,
and was located near an asteroid belt. It has two natural satellites. The planet was discovered by the Old
Republic's Third General Survey, some 158 years before the Yevethan Purge. By the time the Third
General Survey team was able to return home, identify those worlds worth exploring, and return with an

exploration crew, the planet had been almost completely glaciated. The planet's ecology appeared to
have been destroyed when a series of asteroids impacted the surface. Brath Qella was forgotten by the
Republic, but was later rediscovered by the Tobek, who named the world Maltha Obex. It remained under
Tobek jurisdiction until the New Republic began searching for the Teljkon vagabond. The unusual ship
was linked with the Qella due to the ship's use of the Qella genetic code as a code signal. Kroddok Stopa
and Josala Krenn were dispatched from the Obroan Institute to explore the planet for information on the
Qella, but were killed in an avalanche before additional help could arrive. The Qella kept an incredible
panoramic display of the system aboard the Teljkon vagabond, in a room known as the Reflection of
Essential Infinities. The room, it was discovered, was a depiction of the Qella system as it was before it
was destroyed. This led to the discovery that one of Brath Qella's moons had a wildly-elliptic orbit. The
Qella recognized that it was bound to impact the other moon at some point, and built the vagabond as an
escape vehicle. When the cataclysm did come, the resulting debris from both moons showered Brath
Qella with asteroid-sized rocks. The planet's ecosystem was plunged into a premature ice age, while the
Qella fled in the vagabond. When the vagabond eventually returned to Brath Qella - then called Maltha
Obex by the Tobek - it began the long process of thawing out the planet and making it habitable for the
Qella once again. (BTS, SOL, TT)
Brath, Rexler
this man served as the Empire as the leader of Onyx Squadron during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. (NEGV)
Brathflen Corporation
manufacturers of the first antigrav-supported, light-amplifying domes on Belsavis, Brathflen is an Ithorian
company. (COJ)
Brathflen Medcenter
a hospital located in Plawal, on Belsavis. (COJ)
Brathis, Tragg
this Imperial Moff formed a loose coalition of Imperial forces during the early years of the New Republic.
Calling itself the Grand Imperial Union, Brathis' forces emerged during the Black Fleet Crisis and gave
their support to Nil Spaar and the Yevetha. Although Brathis appeared in a transmission from Nil Spaar
on the Republic's Channel 81, his existence was never proven. (TT)
Bratillia Light Freighter
manufactured by Ganrite Yards of Elrood, this starship was a knock-off of SoroSuub's StarMite light
freighter. (PG3)
this man was a Commander in the Army of the Republic, during the early months of the Clone Wars.
During the defense of Cartao from Separatist attacks, Commander Bratt was placed in charge of
disabling the C-9979 landing ships used by the Separatist forces who tried to take control of Spaarti
Creations. (SWI69)
this man was the Mayor of Harlequin Station during the Galactic Civil War. (XWA)
this Alliance transport ship was dispatched to NCW-781 as part of Operation Shadowstrike. (IA)
Bravado III
this Marauder-class corvette was part of the fleet which patrolled the Kathol Republic. It was commanded
by Captain Willa Udine shortly after the Battle of Endor,and was attacked by Imperial forces under the
command of Rolf Treidum. Like other Kathol Republic corvettes, the Bravado III was armed with eight
double turbolasers and three tractor beam projectors. (KO)
Bravo 2

this was Porro Dolphe's callsign, as a member of Ric Olie's Bravo Squadron during the Battle of Naboo.
Bravo 3
this was Arven Wendik's callsign during the Battle of Naboo. (CCG15)
Bravo 4
this was Rya Kirsch's callsign during the Battle of Naboo. When not in battle, Kirsch used the callsign as a
reconnaissance pilot. (CCG15)
Bravo 5
this was Ellberger's callsign during the Battle of Naboo. (CCG15)
Bravo Eight
this was Dren Melne's callsign, during his tenure as a pilot within Bravo Squadron. (SFT)
Bravo Flight
this was the primary group of reconnaissance X-Wings used to maneuver fighters into bays aboard the
New Republic carrier Venture. (TT)
Bravo Leader
Ric Olie's callsign during the Battle of Naboo. (SW1)
Bravo Seven
this was Essara Till's callsign, during her time with Bravo Squadron. (SFT)
Bravo Squadron
this group of Royal Naboo starfighter pilots was sent against the Trade Federation's droid control ship
during the Battle of Naboo. Led by Ric Olie, they managed to fight through a good portion of the
Federation's vulture droid fighter ships, but were unable to penetrate the huge control ship's shields until
Anakin Skywalker destroyed the ship from within. (SW1)
Bravo Starfighter
this was another name for the N-1 starfighter, popular because it was Bravo Squadron that flew the N-1
during the Battle of Naboo. (TCG8)
an Imperial Naval officer who was easily bribed. (RPG)
this was the original name of the Super-class Star Destroyer stolen by Warlord Zsinj and later renamed
the Iron Fist. The Brawl was one of the first four Super-class ships created at the Kuat Drive Yards
facilities. (CTD, NEGC)
Brawl and Grill
this seedy tavern and restaurant was located in the Trader's Quarter of Ord Mantell. It was here that
Callandri first tried to kill Alton Lochner, but the attempt ultimately failed. (AIR)
Brawn Dunkee
this male Weequay was sent to the Oovo IV prison facility several years before the Battle of Naboo, in
connection with several kidnapping and assassination plots against various business leaders. Despite this
incarceration, the Techno Union issued a bounty for Dunkee's death, in response to his kidnapping of a
prominent Techno Union dignitary. Jango Fett managed to claim this bounty, despite Dunkee's
imprisonment, during his attempt to "rescue" Bendix Fust from the Oovo IV facility, shortly after the Battle
of Naboo. (BH)
Braxant Bonecrusher
this Imperial dreadnaught was originally christened Braxant Brave, and was part of the fabled Katana

fleet. It had been kept in storage at Borosk after the Empire retreated into the Imperial Remnant. It was
refitted with a complement of droid control brains shortly after the Battle of Bastion, as part of a ruse to
fool the Yuuzhan Vong which were attacking the Imperials. The droid brains took the place of living
officers, reducing the crew to the barest minimum. Renamed the Braxant Bonecrusher, the ship was
meant to take heavy amounts of damage during the defense of Borosk, as it tried to destroy a Yuuzhan
Vong slaveship. This would allow Saba Sebatyne and Danni Quee to infiltrate the slaveship to free the
captive Imperials and destroy the ship from within. With luck, the Braxant Bonecrusher would survive
enough to carry home any rescued slaves. After the Battle of Borosk, the droid brains of the Braxant
Bonecrusher volunteered to help Jacen Solo in his quest to locate the mysterious planet Zonama Sekot.
Jacen was glad for the assistance, but the aging Dreadnaught was in no shape to travel, and was brought
in for repairs. (FH1)
Braxant Brave
this Imperial dreadnaught, once part of the fabled Katana fleet, had been kept in storage at Borosk after
the Empire retreated into the Imperial Remnant. It was refitted with a complement of droid control brains
shortly after the Battle of Bastion, as part of a ruse to fool the Yuuzhan Vong which were attacking the
Imperials. The droid brains took the place of living officers, reducing the crew to the barest minimum.
Renamed the Braxant Bonecrusher, the ship was meant to take heavy amounts of damage during the
defense of Borosk, as it tried to destroy a Yuuzhan Vong slaveship. This would allow Saba Sebatyne and
Danni Quee to infiltrate the slaveship to free the captive Imperials and destroy the ship from within. (FH1)
this thin-bodied alien was a minor crimelord and infochant who worked on the planet Solay during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. He was distinguished by his long, jointed neck and small, beared head.
By the time Luke Skywalker arrived on Solay, shortly after the Battle of Endor, Braxas had become a
feeble being, although his mind remained sharp and clear. He moved about in a wheelchair, with only his
arms free to move ont heir own. Braxas told Luke he could obtain court tapes that recorded the entire
rebellion, including the murder of Raggold. In exchange, Braxas wanted transport off Solay. Luke agreed,
and Braxas accompanied him on several missions for a short while. Braxas bears a striking resemblance
to the Grinch! (MC89)
Braxas Special
named for the elderly infochant Braxas, this dish was developed as a way to test Braxas's customers. A
local fish dish was served in a large goblet, but hidden under the fish was a scorpion. If the customer culd
eat the fish without being bitten by the scorpion, Braxas considered them worthy of his help. (MC89)
manufacturers of heavy-duty fusion generators. (VOF)
Brayg Krenimec
this was a noted member of the Rybet civilization. (UANT)
a spacer who worked out of Dantooine during the Galactic Civil War, Brayl owned an R5-series
astromech droid which was known to get grumpy if it didn't get a regular oil bath. (FTD)
Brayl-class Bulk Freighter
this 100-meter cargo ship required a pilot and seven auxiliary crewmembers to fly. They could transport
up to 75,000 metric tons of cargo. (IA)
this Imperial was a First Lieutenant in the Army during the early days of the Galactic Civil War. Prior to the
Battle of Yavin, he had earned a position within the Empire's Special Operations force as a platoon leader
in Ghost Squadron when he survived one of the bloodiest battles ever fought by the Empire. Later, he
earned the respect of his men by acknowledging them a humans, not just expendible grunts. In his role
as platoon leader, Brazack was at the point of the assault on the moon of Sulon. (SFE)

a term used to describe the brown haze of air pollution that is generated by Trioculus' factory barge.
Trioculus was mining the Rethin Sea for metals to create war machines for the Empire. (ZHR)
under the command of Captain Dadefra, this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was dispatched to Elrood
Sector to assist Moff Andal in eliminating the pirates and rebels which preyed upon the sector's convoys.
The Brazen was severely damaged shortly after Dadefra arrived in the sector, during an attempt to
destroy a pirate force near the Degan Gas Clouds. The sheer number of pirates was more than expected,
and they quickly knocked out much of the Brazen's defenses. The ship was able to limp back to Derilyn
for repairs, but was later destroyed by the Alliance and the Friends of Paran. The destruction of the huge
ship put the Derilyn Space Defense Platform out of commission for several months while it was repaired.
this dark-skinned man and his partner, Selle, were executed by Darth Vader on Centares, after they
learned that Luke Skywalker had destroyed the first Death Star. (VQ)
this red-skinned Ilwizzt served as a Major in the G'rho Defense Force division which protected the
settlement of Boku, on the colony world of G'rho, during the height of the New Order. (TBSB)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this was Alliance starfighter pilot slang for a pair of TIE Fighters flying in formation. (SWJ10)
Breaking, The
this Yuuzhan Vong torture technique involved the use of mental torment over physical torment to subdue
an individual before obtaining information. The captive's sensibilities and determination to survive were
slowly shaved away by constant verbal degradation until the victim was mentally broken and unable to
function, sobbing like a child an incapable of rational thought. Most often, the Yuuzhan Vong bombarded
the victim with images of expected horrors and terrible deaths. (VP)
this man was one of Taxer Sundown's guards, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo.
Breakman was dispatched to capture Nella Bold, but was later killed by Mantellian savrips. (LSOM)
Breath of Gelgelar
this was the name given to the Force, by the priests of Kooroo who inhabited the planet Gelgelar.
Breath of Heaven
an expensive, nearly pure grade of alcoholic drink. (COJ)
Breath Vein
this was the name used to describe any air passage aboard one of the Yuuzhan Vong's living starships.
Breath veins were living tunnels, not unlike arteries, through which recycled air could flow to living
spaces. (T)
Breath, The
this is the Kashi name for the Force. (TOJC)
this ancient, portable atmospheric filtration system was produced for explorers and scouts by Duwani
Mechanical Products. (TOJC)

an alien race characterized by their long snouts, wide, leaf-like ears, and mauve-colored skin. (CS)
this Hutt was best known as the being who ordered the starship ProfitSmasher shot down, after her crew
defaulted on a loan they owed to Brebu. Years later, Brebu himself returned to the crash site and turned
the starship's hulk into a base of operations. (HAS)
a Ripoblus Lambda-class shuttle group used during the Sepan Civil War, as well as in battle against the
Empire. (TIE)
this being owned a mercantile shop in the city of Dreshdae, on Korriban, during the era of the Great Sith
War. (KOTOR)
Bree Vey'lya
this Bothan, a clanmate of Borsk Fey'lya, was one of the first members of the Bothan SpyNet to lend his
assistance to the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Bree worked with a team of Alliance agents to
recover a Bothan spy team on the planet Cordes, before Imperial forces could apprehend them. (RESB)
this herd beast was raised on the planet Sedesia for its nutritious flesh. The breedtash had two defenses
against predators. It could whip its barbed tail at them, or it could trample them. (SWJ6)
this is the main continent on the planet Dressel, and is where the Dresselian race evolved. The majority of
its area is covered with sub-equatorial grasses. (GG12)
this is one of two known desert worlds on which the dewback flourishes. (XWWP)
this was one of the most common names used by the Farghul people. (UANT)
Breemu, Bana
this almond-eyed woman was a Senator to the Old Republic, during the years following the Battle of
Geonosis. Ban Breemu will be portrayed by Bai Ling in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
(SWI71, E3)
the persona of an Imperial medic assumed by one of the Affytechans indoctrinated on the Eye of
Palpatine. He helps Luke Skywalker locate two Beta-class Telgorn transports. (COJ)
Breesa, Aloren
this wealthy businesswoman managed a network of partisan businesses which supported the Alliance's
activity in their Mid Rim sector during the Galactic Civil War. (IA)
Breetha, Tamaktis
this man, a native of the planet Rhommamool and a former mayor of the city of Redhaven, served on
Nom Anor's personal independent Senate shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. He
opposed Nom Anor's use of interplanetary missiles to strike at Osa-Prime, when Rhommamool passed
closest to Osarian, but was eventually overruled by Nom Anor's own plans for the Yuuzhan Vong. (VP)
this downed Alliance pilot helped Dak Ralter escape from Kalist VI. He was fatally injured during the
escape, although Dak managed to transport him to Tierfon. Breg died at Tierfon a few days later. (MTS)

this settlement, located on the planet Bothawui, was once known for its size. (GCG, WOTC)
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It referred to a settlement on
Bothawui which was famous for its size. (GCG, WOTC)
Breise, Garth
this man was on the original ExGal Society members dispatched to the ExGal-4 outpost on Belkadan. He
was killed by Yomin Carr when the two were sent out to repair the outpost's communications array. Carr,
planning to destroy Belkadan in order to mask the Yuuzhan Vong arrival on Helska, cut the support lines
holding Breise and watched the man fall to his death. (VP)
this ancient Sith Lord was believed to have died on the planet Taris, in a lightsaber duel with Bastila
Shan, many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. Brejik wore a set of unusual defenses, including a
special pair of gloves that gave him enhanced protection during a fight. He had allied himself with Davik
Kang and the Black Vulkars, and was using the swoop gang to eliminate the other gangs in order to
consolidate his power. However, when Gadon Thek's swoop won the big race, Brejik claimed that the
rider - one of the survivors of the Endar Spire crash - had cheated. It was at this point that Bastila Shan
appeared, having survived the crash herself. Brejik ordered his men to kill them, but Bastila and the
survivors were more than a match for them, and Brejik was soon defeated. (KOTOR)
Brekken Vinthern
this Old Corellian term was used to describe the Bitter Winter disease. This disease strikes the elderly,
and creates holes in their memories. It has been compared to the melanncho of the Issori and Odenji.
this Imperial pilot served on the survey vessel Wanderer until is crashed on Isis. Brektate was killed in the
crash. (IC)
Brell 142
this Khommite, the 142nd clone of Brell, was distinguished in the history of the planet Khomm. (UANT)
Brell, Janstren
this man was the leader of the Red & Black League, and was wanted on charges of conspiracy and fraud
in several systems. He worked from a base on Herstell V, using the money he makes from his schemes
to buy protection and to pay off local officials. (HR)
this was a major city found on the planet Cadomai. (SWJ11)
Brellar, Alecs
this man served the Imperial Navy as Captain of the Onslaught, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. It was Captain Brellar who presented Nereus Wilek with the official badgesof office as Bakura's
Governor, amid anti-Imperial protests. (SWJ5)
Brello, Gal
this Imperial Moff controlled the Trans-Nebular Sector during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Moff
Brello worked from a base on Milarian, the sector capital. (GSE)
this world was one of the many inhabitable moons which orbited the planet Commenor. Emperor
Palpatine gave the moon to Jan Dodonna for his service to the early Empire, but later tried to assassinate
Dodonna on the moon. (IR)

Brema News
this news service provided regular feeds to the residents of Brema Sector, including the planet Cmaoli Di.
Bremack, Tyreca
this woman served as the Senator from the Lahara Sector of the galaxy, during the last years of the Old
Republic. She announced that the Lahara Sector would secede from the Republic shortly before the
onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
this was one of the Exocron Airfleet's rocket cruisers. It was commanded by forces loyal to the Devisors,
and was assigned to protect the tractor beam emplacement they used to control starships. Like most
other rocket cruisers, the Bremarc was armed with six projectile cannons, 14 percussion cannons, and 24
air-to-air rocket launchers. It was escorted by a flight of eight Skyraptor fighters. (KO)
Bremen, Jak
this New Republic Colonel was based on Coruscant during the early years of the New Republic. A native
of the planet Shiffrin, he grew up in his father's footsteps, learning a great deal about laws and justice
from Kallin Bremen. When Kallin was executed by the local Imperial Moff during a land dispute, Jak fled
the planet and ended up on Coveway. He established a life on this new world, but was once again
confronted with the atrocities of the Empire. The leadership of a COMPNOR base established near his
village decided that the base would be safer without local intervention, and had the entire village
executed. Jak was off on a hunting trip when it happened, and returned only to find that his wife and
young daughter had been killed. When, by chance, the Alliance sent a team to eliminated the base, Jak
gladly offered his services as a strike team leader, showing them how to reach the garrison under cover.
From that point onward, Jak pledged himself the Alliance. He rose in rank while aboard the cruiser
Starveil, and was eventually placed in charge of security for the planet Coruscant after the planet was
returned to New Republic control. During the first wave of Imperial attacks aimed at retaking Coruscant,
Bremen commandeered the Messenger and her crew to carry information regarding a fleet rendezvous
location off-planet. He hoped to get the message to the fleet quickly, so that Coruscant could be
recovered. Bremen accompanied the ship's crew, Taryn Clancy and Del Sato, and helped them avoid
Imperial reprisal. (HTTE, TLC, TFE, TTSB, SWJ7)
Bremen, Kallin
Jak Bremen's father, Kallin was a native of the planet Shiffrin. Kallin had been the chief constable of their
home village, and proved himself to be a lawful and honest man. He dispensed justice with an impartial
hand, and was respected by the villagers. When the local Imperial Moff decided that it was time to
establish a garrison on Shiffrin, he simply usurped the land he required. Kallin protested the theft of the
land, arguing correctly that it violated standard Imperial procedure for land acquisition. When his protests
were ignored, Kallin planned a peaceful demonstration against the Imperials, but was incarcerated and
executed along with his other "rebel co-conspirators." (TTSB)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
Bren, Taggor
this man was a noted bounty hunter, who grew up in the company of a Tusken Raider tribe on Tatooine
during the last years of the Old Republic. The son of moisture farmers, Taggor Bren watched his family be
slaughtered by the Tuskens one night, and took a slug in the shoulder before being captured alive. He
was raised as a Tusken, and even raided the moisture farms he had once loved. After reaching
adulthood, he was ritually scarred to indicate his maturity, with a sunburst pattern radiating from his right
eye representing one of Tatooine's twin suns. After a chance meeting with a woman who was stranded in
the desert, Taggor felt a growing desire to return to humankind. He left his tribe and found work as an
enforcer for local crime syndicates, then made his way offworld to take up bounty hunting. He was known
as a successful hunter who found challenges in every hunt, and he used a large vibroblade to ensure his
quarry didn't escape. (SWG1)

Bren, Tomax
this Imperial Captain was in command of the Scimitar Assault Wing, which was part of the Qeimet Fleet in
the Hook Nebula. He was generally credited with developing the proposal for the TIE Bomber Mark 2,
although the craft was never produced. He later developed the Scimitar Assault Bomber for Grand
Admiral Thrawn. Loyally Imperial, Bren was considered something of a maveric. In the wake of Thrawn's
detah, Bren went into hiding with the rest of the Scimitar Assault Wing. (ISB, SWJ15)
Brenggar, Wilko
this man served as the weapons expert for the Happy Blasters, during the early years of the New
Republic. He was considered to be completely insane by law enforcement officials, after having opened
fire in a crowded spaceport and killing Imperial personnel and civilians with equal disregard. The Happy
Blasters, led by Salem Victory, brought Brenggar into their group as a way to get out of a fight. They
figured that Brenggar's reputation as a psychopathic killer would scare away many potential enemies and
minor police officers. Brenggar believed in reincarnation, and was convinced that he was an Imperial
Captain, an Ithorian scout, and a slaver in several of his past lives. (SWJ13)
this was a popular name among the Amanin people, named for a famous individual in Amanin history.
Brenkris Anen
this small-time criminal was one of the few beings who knew the location of "Lips" Meyer, a Gran wanted
by the Outlanders Organized Crime family, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (BH)
this was the largest city on the planet Genesia. It was home to five million beings at the height of the New
Order, and was known as a place where virtually enything could be bought or sold - for the right price.
Brenn Bay
located on the Theen Ocean, this bay bordered on the city of Brenn, on the planet Genesia. (FBS)
Brenn, Sularus
this decorated Imperial TIE Fighter pilot had 43 confirmed kills during the Galactic Civil War, earning him
the Medal of Conspicuous Gallantry. He continued his distinguished service to the Empire during the
early years of the New Republic. (HR)
Brennorn, Walt
this Mos Eisley moisture farmer aligned himself with a local crimelord, and staged fake Tusken Raider
attacks to stir up trouble in the settlement, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The crimelord hoped to unseat
Jabba the Hutt, but their efforts were eventually thwarted by a group of freelance law enforcement agents.
this star was the central body in the Brentaal System. (CCW)
this dry planet had eight continents surrounded by salty oceans. It was located at the intersection of the
Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way, and was the fourth planet in the Brentaal System. Brentaal
was settled several thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, and they imported a variety of plant and
animal life to make the planet more hospitable. A commercial world, Brentaal's economic and political life
was run by the noble families of the planet's ruling Houses. It was one of the many planets chose to
secede from the Old Republic and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the early stages
of the Clone Wars. This gave Count Dooku a way to cut off the Republic's to two major hyperspace routes
as well as it's access to the Tion Cluster. Through the efforts of Shaak Ti and Quinlan Vos, Brentaal was
liberated from Separatist control. During the New Order, the Houses were overseen by Imperial Governor
Jerrod Maclain. The planet was liberated from Imperial control shortly after the Battle of Endor by Rogue

Squadron, in a conflict that became known as the Battle of Brentaal. The planet was not known as a
tourist location, mainly because its atmosphere was once heavily polluted. Decades of environmental
reconstruction restored the atmosphere, but it maintained a natural odor of methane that was unusual to
off-worlders. (FOP, IR, SWJ7, CCW, J2)
Brentaal Commerce Academy
this educational institution taught the youth of the planet Brentaal everything they needed to know about
business in the galaxy. As a student aged, they were given a curriculum which drilled deeper and deeper
into the world of interstellar commerce. (IDC)
Brentaal Dissidents League
this self-proclaimed group of activitists openly protested the business dealings of many of Brentaal's most
prominent corporations during the years leading up to the Clone Wars, claiming that the corporations
were making huge profits by exploiting underdevelopment planets and peoples. The Dissidents League
claimed that corporations such as Curovao ImpEx made huge profits by crushing their opposition and
paying minimum wages to ensure higher profits. (GCG)
Brentaal Hall Conservatory
this was the most prestigious of the fine arts patrons in the galaxy, and was based on the planet Brentaal.
The Hall was made up of several smaller groups, including the Conservatory Epic Orchestra and the
Brentaal Illustrious Choir. (SWJ13)
Brentaal Illustrious Choir
this was the most prestigious vocal choir based on the planet Brentaal, and they were a member group of
the Brentaal Hall Conservatory. (SWJ13)
Brentaal IV
this moon served as the base of operations for the Imperial fleet protecting the Brentaal system. During
the Battle of Brentaal, Rogue Squadron managed to take control of the moon when Admiral Lon Isoto
offered no resistance. After a skirmish with the 181st Fighter Group, the Rogues were able to assist New
Republic forces in landing on the planet Brentaal and ousting the Imperials. Note that the sourcebook
Coruscant and the Core Worlds indicates that Brentaal had just two moons. (IR, CCW)
Brentaal League
this ancient association of planets colonized a number worlds shortly before the Great Sith War. (TOJC)
Brentaal League of Guilds
this was the body formed by the various businesses and corporations which operated on the planet
Brentaal. It was based in the city of Cormond. (SWJ14)
Brentaal Princess
this was the name Platt Okeefe used for the first starship she piloted for the Klatooinan Trade Guild, a
beat-up Ghtroc 720 freighter. (PSG)
Brentaal Trade News
this was a major commercial and business news agency headquartered on the planet Brentaal. (SWJ9)
this was one of the most prominent and ancient families of the planet Brentaal, and was known as one of
the strongest commercial leaders along with the Dajaal and Jo'uda clans. (SWJ13)
Brentioch, Sival
this man was the leader of the Brentioch clan some 3,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, at the period
when Freia Kallea singlehandedly discovered the Hydian Way. It was Sival who financed Kallea's
expeditions, and the two eventually married. (SWJ13)
Brentioch, Vessa

this woman was the Minstress of the Brentaal Hall Conservatory during the height of the New Order.
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, she was chosen to portray Freia Kallea during a performance of the
Kallea Cycle. This was a wonderful opportunity for Vessa, being a direct descendant of Freia Kallea
through Kallea's marriage to Sival Brentioch. (SWJ13)
this planetoid, known as a Sungrazer to the natives of the planet Beheboth, was the second body in the
Beheboth System. It was named for the fact that its orbit practically skimmed the surface of the star,
Beheboth. (PH)
this was a species of cowering, easily-frightened creature from the Yuuzhan Vong's homeworld. (T)
this planet's government opposed the businesses of the Hutts. (GG11)
one of the three primary worlds of the Pimbrellan League, Bresan is much less hospitable than its
neighbor, Dolstan. The atmosphere on Bresan is not capable of supporting most humanoid life, so cities
are built under sealed domes and in underground cave systems. Any financial gains made from trade with
Dolstan are used to finance life support facilities. (KO)
Breshig Trill Beast
this was an especially dangerous species of small creature. (GFT)
this was the name of Prengahl Kreen's hidden fortress, located on an unknown world beyond Lan Barell
and the end of the Enarc Run. It was said to be formidably defended, to protect Kreen and his family from
reprisals. However, the exact location of Breshkall was never discovered, and many felt that the fortress
was simply part of Kreen's mystique. (HR)
this planet, located in the Wellte-ir System, was the site of the initial battles of the Wellte-ir Massacre.
Fifteen of twenty-one members of Scandium Team were lost on the plains of Bresnan. (SWJ11)
the Alliance agent Karlon was killed in a battle on this planet. (SWJ10)
Bress, Novin
one of the head scientists at Binring Biomedical, Doctor Bress led the group which was sponsored by
Warlord Zsinj to develop a way to impart near-human intelligence into some of the galaxy's more primitive
humanoid species. It was during his tenure that Tuzin Gast tried to escape the project and free the test
subjects. Although Gast was killed in the explosion that started the escape, Voort saBinring was able to
escape. Bress tried to cover up the matter, and even told Zsinj that none of the subjects had escaped.
This eventually led to his death, when Zsinj confronted Bress and Doctor Edda Gast - Tuzin Gast's niece about the existence of Voort and the Ewok pilot, Kettch. Zsinj handed them both a blaster, and asked that
they kill each other as punishment. Doctor Gast didn't hesitate, killing Bress in an effort to negotiate for
her own life. (SOC)
this small tree produced a tasty nut. (GFT)
this Imperial production facility was raided by the Alliance, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
this planet, located in the Corporate Sector, was a mixture of civilized urban centers surrounded by pre-

industrial wilds. (SWJ5)

Brevost System
located between the Krann and Cerenia Systems, Brevost is located along the Harrin Trade Corridor.
a specially-formed glass used to drink Adumari beer. (SOA)
this was the Adumari term for a bar or tavern. (SOA)
this Starmite-class freighter was the first ship Han Solo and Chewbacca ever used on their own. It was
leased from Lando Calrissian, and was named after Bria Tharen. It was heavily modified, and was
constantly breaking down. The ship saw duty during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, and Solo used it to
deliver the Hutts' bribe to Admiral Greelanx shortly after the battle. When Han was discovered by Tedris
Bjalin and blamed for the death of Greelanx, Han and Chewie were forced to make a quick escape. They
were caught by the Imperial ships and fired upon, but managed to escape in a life pod before the Bria
was destroyed in a hail of turbolaser fire. (THG)
this young woman was a Force-sensitive student of the Jedi arts, but had the misfortune of being born
shortly before Emperor Palpatine rose to power. She continued her studies on her own, during the height
of the New Order, and found employment working for Desric Fol aboard the Blind Luck. Her optimism and
friendly nature was considered by the rest of the crew to be the reason they stayed together and didn't kill
each other at the first opportunity. (PG3)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "farmer" in the Sullustan language.
one of Maarek Stele's fellow TIE Pilot trainees, Brick was slightly ahead of Stele in his training. Brick
showed Stele around the Vengeance's training facilities. (TIE)
a cudgel-like weapon often found on backwater planets, the brickbat is a short, heavy staff made of
masonry. (HSL)
Bricker, Grov
this Corellian pirate was known for his memoirs, Planet of the Amazons: The Tale of the Pirate Ship
Mourning Glory, which documented his treatment after he was captured by a group of Hapan women
shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Many criticized the work as nothing more than a glorified romance
novel, since it contained gratuitous depictions of the Hapan women as "amazons" who took all manner of
liberties with their male prisoners. According to Bricker, the Mourning Glory was captured in the Transitory
Mists and brought to Hapes, where the ship was impounded and the crew imprisoned. Bricker himself
was held in a dungeon with his First Mate, the Hapan male known as Kelan Faal. When the pair refused
to divulge any knowledge that they had of Prince Isolder's whereabouts, they were sentenced to be
executed. Bricker began to panic, but Kelan Faal remained sure that they would not be killed. This was
little consolation to Bricker, who feared for life and those of his crew. On the morning of the execution,
Bricker was stunned to discover that his First Mate was actually Prince Isolder himself. Although this
explained his belief that they wouldn't be shot, the Queen Mother wanted nothing to do with her son's
secret life as a pirate. She nearly had them executed, until Lady Elliar helped Isolder by throwing him a
gun of command. Isolder used the gun to force the Queen Mother into freeing the pirates, but she shook
off its effects and forced Isolder to remain on Hapes. Bricker, finding himself free, tried to bargain for
Isolder's freedom, but resigned himself to rejoining his crew and fleeing the Hapes Cluster altogether.

Upon returning to Corellia, he began to write of his experiences on Hapes, a collection of memoirs that
eventually became Planet of the Amazons. (PH)
Bridal-veil Sucker
this parasitic vine grows in the wroshyr forests of Kashyyyk. Distinguishable by its gray coloration, the
bridal-veil sucker is the primary food source of the rroshm. These vines are native to the fifth biological
level of Kashyyyk. (TT, RD)
Bridda, Stal
this man, a native of the planet Naboo, was the commanding officer of Victor Flight during the Clone Wars
and the years that followed. He considered it his personal mission to clear the bad repupation of Victor
Flight from the minds of his fellow officers and the Naboo people. (GMR9)
Bridge of the Clanless
this was one of many bridges leading into the city of Phemiss, on the planet New Plympto. This was the
main bridge used by those members of the Nosaurian race who had been exiled from their clans. (CCW)
Bridge of Unity
this span was located near the Glitannai Esplanade, on the planet Coruscant, during the height of the
New Order. The Bridge of Unity was known for its ornamental wirework and the many inscribed plaques
qhich adorned its sides, proclaiming its many patrons and sponsors. (UF)
Bridge, The
this was the Basic translated of the Yuuzhan Vong name for the vast belt of debris which was collected
and moved into orbit around Coruscant, when the alien invaders reformed the planet into a new version of
their longlost homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. Using debris from the cities on Coruscant, as well as natural
materials obtained when the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed Coruscant's moons, the Bridge was formed by
tidal forces of the remaining three moons. It eventually encircled the entire planet like a ring, filling a third
of the sky when viewed from the planet. It moved abound in a rainbow of colors, reflecting the different
materials that could be found in the ring. The Bridge served as a reminder of the planetary ring of ancient
Yuuzhan'tar, which was considered to have been the handiwork of their True Gods, a creation which
allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to see the pathway to the True Way. (T)
Bridgebreak Confirmation
a form of encryption embedding developed by Ghent, shortly before the Caamas Incident. the
bridgebreak embeds the encryption codes for a transmission within the transmission itself. (VOF)
Bridgeman, Axtor
this tramp freigher captain got started in the business when his father apprenticed on a freighter. He once
accompanied his father on a run, and was hooked from then on. He saved up enough credits to buy his
own ship, the Dynasty, but gambling and some bad decisions left him in debt. He took a loan from Yerkys
ne Dago, and owed the Twi'lek a large some of credits. His luck was very streaky: at one moment he may
be so lucky that everything is going his way, then the next minute the bottom would seem to drop out.
This mode of operation left him with a continual debt that he was only able to pay the interest on. (GG6)
Bridin Anchorage
this planet was a colony world, settled in the Portmoak Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, and was
located on the boundary between Imperial and New Republic space. Once known as Gallienis IV, it was a
lush world which attracted a large number of tourists. It was also discovered to be rich in mineral deposits.
However, after Quarlo Bridin took control of the planet and renamed it himself, its economy lagged and
the living conditions dropped sharply. Note that this planet is referred to as Brindin Anchorage in Galaxy
Guide 11: Criminal Organizations. (GG11)
Bridin, Quarlo
this corrupt politician fled to the Mid Rim to avoid capture by the officials in several systems. He quickly
assumed control of the planet Gallienis IV, convincing the native population that he would bring the wrath
of the Empire downon them if they disobeyed his decrees. One of the first things Quarlo did was rename

the planet Bridin Anchorage. His takeover came just after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, and
coincidence allowed him to use real events to his own needs. However, he was not a great leader, and
the once lush planet soon fell into a tailspin. Bridin allowed criminal organizations to take control of much
of the land, and dismal slums soon replaced the picturesque beaches. (GG11)
Bridis City
this was the capital of the planet Bridin Anchorage. (GG11)
Bridis Evening Dispatcher
this was the primary newsfeed that served the Bridis City and much of the planet of Bridin Anchorage.
Brie, Shira
according to the Imperial record created by Darth Vader, this woman was a native of the planet
Shalyvane. Shira Brie was an alias given to Shira Elan Colla Brie, who was one of Vader's agent. Shira
Brie joined the Alliance as a pilot in the wake of the Imperial attack on Shalyvane, claiming that her family
had been killed when the nomadic barbarians of the planet attacked her home in Chinshassa, and that
she fled into the sewers when the Empire arrived to subjugate the planet. During the period following the
Battle of Hoth, she and Luke Skywalker shared a mutual attraction for each other during their service at
the Alliance base on Arbra. Their attraction blossomed into something more, until they were both chosen
to pilot modified TIE Fighters on a mission to infiltrate Admiral Giel's armada and destroy the teezl they
had captured. Luke managed to destroy the teezl and badly damage Giel's flagship, but in the heat of
battle he mistakenly shot down Shira's TIE Fighter. Luke had used the Force to determine whether the
ship was a friend or a foe, and his instincts told him to shoot. In the end, the destruction of her TIE Fighter
allowed Shira to return to Imperial services, and made Luke Skywalker a pariah in the eyes of the
Alliance. Note that this character is initially referred to as Shira Brei in issue 56 of the Marvel Comics Star
Wars series. (LTA3, MC56, SWDB, MC61)
Brie, Shira Elan Colla
Shira was born on Coruscant, during the years when Palpatine was still a Senator. She grew up on one of
Palpatine's estates, and quickly became an intelligent, beautiful young adult. She was chosen for, and
became a leading member of COMPNOR, and came under the watchful eye of Darth Vader. It was Vader
who recommended her for service in Imperial Intelligence. Her skills and loyalty were without question,
and so she was chose as an operative trainee. The Emperor's scientists biologically altered her body's
defenses, making her pain threshold extremely high and giving her an accelerated healing rate. Following
the Battle of Yavin, Vader provided her a false history using the alias Shira Brie, and placed her on the
planet Shalyvane, were she quickly infiltrated the Alliance while posing as a refugee. She became a
fighter pilot, and was involved in the mission to destroy the teezl being carried back to Coruscant by
Admiral Giel. She flew a disguised TIE Fighter, but was mistakenly shot down by Luke Skywalker at the
end of the mission. She was assumed dead in the attack, but her altered physiology kept her alive long
enough for Darth Vader to rescue her and return her to Coruscant, where she was fitted with cybernetic
prosthetics to replaced damaged limbs. Shortly thereafter, Vader again recommended Shira for advanced
training, this time in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. Vader managed to hide the fact that he was
trainined Shira by proposing that Emperor Palpatine used her as one of his Emperor's Hands. Shira took
to her new training readily, and soon afterward, Shira Elan Colla Brie ceased to exist. In her place was
the Dark Jedi, Lumiya. Instead of a lightsaber, Lumiya constructed new weapon called the lightwhip,
which was more powerful than the lightsaber. (SWG3, ECH, GMR5, MC56, MC61)
known to the Alliance as the "Butcher of Baummu," this man served the Imperial Navy as the Captain of
the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Motivator, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ10)
this Alliance commander was Lieutenant Haslam's commanding officer. (TFE)
this Rybet was Czethros' henchman during the human's early career as a bounty hunter. As such, Briff

was sent to Kessel along with Czethros after Han Solo framed the bounty hunter in an effort to rescue
Chewbacca. In the years after their release from Kessel, Briff continued to work for Czethros as an
assistant. (ROM)
this is a generic term used to describe small personnel transport ships. The name is dervied from the fact
that the small ships often have resemblances to larger starship brigs. (POT)
one of Nichos Marr's childhood friends, they tried to find the kretch in Plett's Well on Belsavis. (COJ)
a planet which was the site of the Alliance's tactical base before it was abandoned in favor of Yavin 4. It
was abandoned just after the Empire launched Operation Strike Fear, for Briggia was one of the first
targets. (XW)
this Imperial recruit was part of Kyle Katarn's squadron, during the taking of asteroid AX-456. (SFE)
this Alliance agent worked with Airen Cracken, and once helped him create a bomb by mating a positive
flow detonator to a negative flow coupler. The bomb was planted by an agent called D'kar, who was killed
in the almost instantaneous explosion. (CFG)
Alliance pilot slang for a TIE Advanced starfighter. (XWN)
Bright Eye
this Kentra was the nephew of Ironclaw. Although not often tolerated by the elder Kentra, Bright Eye was
eager to learn everything he could about leadership. (SWJ2)
Bright Hope
this Alliance transport ship was the last to evacuate Echo Base following the Battle of Hoth. As it lifted off
from the ice world, it was disabled by Zuckuss and 4-LOM, who had entered the system to respond to the
bounty on Han Solo. They felt that bringing the Bright Hope down would help mitigate the fact that they
were responsible for the capture of Sector Governor Nardix. The Bright Hope was then further disabled
by one of the Imperial Star Destroyers in the system, and drifted without power. Eighteen members of the
crew escaped in three operable life pods, and Toryn Farr was able to rescue the rest of the passengers,
with the help of Zuckuss and 4-LOM. The two hunters realized that the Alliance would accept them more
than the Empire, and would help the Gand if they could. (TBH)
Bright Lands
a name given by the Twi'leks to the side of the planet Ryloth that is perpetually facing its primary star.
Bright Nebula
one of the New Republic transport ships stationed on Folor shortly after the Battle of Thyferra. (WS)
Bright Seeker
this scout ship was part of the fleet maintained by House Calipsa during the height of the New Order. It
was placed in the command of Nils Wender, so that Wender and his merchant crew could scout new
trade routes through Tapani Sector. It was armed with a single heavy laser cannon and a twin blaster
cannon. This weaponry proved enough to deter the shipjacking efforts of the Knife's Edge, allowing
Captain Wender enough to jump into hyperspace and escape. The jump was poorly calculated, and the
Bright Seeker ended up in a remote region of space. Luckily for the crew, it ended up in the vicinity of the
Regal Destiny. (TSIA)

Bright Stars
this was an elite group of mercenaries, known for their highly-polished, chrome-plated stormtrooper
armor. (MBC)
Bright Tree Village
located on the forest moon of Endor, this Ewok village typified the Ewoks' civilization. It was located fifty
meters above the forest floor, in the great Father Trees. A center, massive tree dominated the village, and
was the tree for which the village was named. Like most Ewok villages, it was arranged in such a way as
to ensure stability within the tribe. Unmarried, adult males lived in the lowest levels of the trees, often
outside the village proper, in order to protect the village from invaders. Unmarried females of high status
lived in the upper reaches of the village. The mid-level structures were dedicated to communal activities,
with the very center being set aside for the tribe's leaders and ceremonial platforms. Families lived on the
outer edge of the middle level. Food and other supplies were stored well above homes and dwellings, to
ensure that they were not accessible by invaders. Access to the village was via stairways that wound
around the trunks of individual trees, while movement between trees was facilitated by rope bridges,
walkways, and swings. (DFRSB, IWST)
this chewable food acts as a stimulant. (BTS)
this was a Basic term used by the Twi'leks of Ryloth to describe any being who was driven temprarily
insane by exposure to the planet's harsh sunlight. (SBS)
Brightstar, Jamie
this was the alias used by Matt Turhaya to avoid being identified by Imperial forces on Kabaira. (SWJ7)
a planet in the Tion Hegemony, and the site of a fledgling university which was part of the University of
Rudrig. It has a fairly sensitive ecosystem, and all incoming ships require phase-one decontamination
before landing. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Brigia was overrun during the second
wave of attacks. (HSL, HT)
this humanoid race was native to Brigia. They were tall, thin creatures with purple skin and deep red
eyes. (HSL)
Brii Twins
a pair of smugglers who used to work with Roa and Han Solo, they were later killed which they got stuck
in a shoot-out with a patrol cruiser in the Tion Hegemony. Note that the West End Games reference Han
Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook lists them as the Briil Twins. (HSR, CSA)
Briil, Lozira
this is one of the smugglers who used to work with Han Solo and Roa. The twin of Rewinda Briil, they
were killed in a starship firefight in the Tion Hegemony. Note that Han Solo's Revenge named them the
Brii Twins. (CSA, HSR)
Briil, Rewinda
this is one of the smugglers who used to work with Han Solo and Roa. The twin of Lozira Briil, they were
killed in a starship firefight in the Tion Hegemony. Note that Han Solo's Revenge named them the Brii
Twins. (CSA, HSR)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "wind". (GCG)
Brila Industrial Supplies
this company, owned and operated by Tanass Brila, was also a front for Alliance business. (HAS)

Brila, Renia
this woman was a doctor, but was also an Alliance underground cell member. She and her husband,
Tanass, operated a safehouse out of their residence at 16AA889 Starfield Road. She was a respected
physician, and was recruited into the Alliance when a foster agent recognized that they truly disliked the
Empire. Renia and Tanass agreed to help the Alliance, and stopped outwardly working against the
Empire to help cover their actions. (HAS)
Brila, Tanass
this man owned and operated Brila Industrial Supplies. He and his wife, Renia, also were members of the
local Alliance rebel cell, and operated a safehouse in their residence at 16AA889 Starfield Road. They
had been married for twenty years at the time of the Battle of Yavin, and Tanass had tried to fight the
Empire through legal avenues and peaceful protests. Tanass' efforts caught the eye of an Alliance foster
agent, who recruited the Brilas into the local cell. The Brilas abandoned their protests and appeals and
went back to living a "normal" life, all as part of their cover. There were also rumors that Tanass had
laundered money for Black Sun, but this rumor was never substantiated. (HAS)
Brilf Greepto
this was a noted member of the Rybet civilization. (UANT)
Brill, Foga
this Imperial warlord controlled the Prakith System during the years after the reign of Grand Admiral
Thrawn. (SOL)
Brill, Sirloss
this farmer owned a large herd of laca in the Quantrax Creek region of the planet Makthierse. He tried to
submit and insurance claim to cover the loss of a large number laca, which he discovered had been
carried off by swarms of preying makthiers. (COG)
this New Republic Nebula-class Star Destroyer, stationed at Coruscant, was the first ship sent to keep the
Aramadia from leaving the planet. (BTS)
this Twi'lek male served the New Republic military as a Colonel. He was in charge of the troopers who
supported the defense of Dantooine against the Yuuzhan Vong. (DTO)
Brin Bimdin
this Advozse male, the son of Bom Vimdin, was one of Zsall Dubrotin's most trusted agents during the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Brin was as amazing a pilot as his father, a trait that helped him
escape many a Yuuzhan vong patrol. (GMR4)
Brin, D'voras
this extraordinary smuggler was known for his thick, black beard and black clothing. He wore a blaster
holster that had been specially modified to allow him a faster draw, which was especially useful because
of the size of the pared-down repeating blaster he carried. He always seemed to be in control, and had
the uncanny knack of knowing what was going happen next. A tall, unkempt man, Brin was adept at
playing both sides of the Galactic Civil War, and didn't care about who hired him as long as the credits
were good. (GMH)
Brinaloy N'Vaari
this Devaronian female was the granddaughter of a former Provincial Governor of Abregado-rae and the
last surviving member of her family. She was trained to be an actress, and was skilled in the art of
impersonation. After A'jindre Skrigatov arranged the assassination of her grandfather, Brinaloy found
herself being put upon by Skrigatov's goons. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, she was forced into an
engagement to Skirgatov, but went into hiding to get away from him. She used her skills as an
impersonator to take up the persona of a Twi'leki female, and managed to avoid a great deal of
Skrigatov's manipulations. (ND)

this starport city was located on the planet Torina. (OE)
Brine Eel
a vicious, predatory eel known for its fierce, intraspecies battles. (SA)
Brine Eyes-Li
this male Gran was an assassin for the RavinsBlud syndicate during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo, although he was ostensibly employed by Sebolto. A bounty was issued for his capture by the
Pixelito Grand Council, in connection with several deaths that occurred on Malastare during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter traveled to
Malastare to meet with Sebolto. (BH)
Bringbit, Lillea
this woman was a frequent patron of the Coruscant underworld during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. Lillea Bringbit was portrayed by Gillian Libbert - who lent the letters of her name for this character in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (SWI75)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Bringe came from the term meaning
"honest". (GCG)
a male Duro, and tract mate to Probos, Bringe was actually an alias used by Ohwun DeMaal. Together,
Bringe and Probos were starcharters working for the Empire. They were charting the space beyond the
Outer Rim, when they happened to be in the Mos Eisley cantina when Obi-Wan and Luke approached
Han Solo for passage to Alderaan. A graduate of the Duro Academy of Deep Space Exploration, he can
boast no less than 3 unguided trips through hyperspace. He and Probos know of a huge deposit of
Helixell somewhere in the Outer Rim or beyond, but they have not told anyone where it is. (SW, SCRE,
this Imperial Moff was in charge of the Tragan Sector during the Galactic Civil War. He had arranged to
collect stolen plans for the X-Wing starfighter from the traitorous Ral Shawgrim, but Shawgrim failed to
deliver them. He placed a bounty on Shawgrim's head, but never found him. (SWJ4)
this Twi'leki "talent scout" provided a group of Twi'lek female dancers to Durga the Hutt for his
entertainment. The transfer of the dancers was negotiated through the Mistryl, who agreed to provide the
transport needed to get the dancers from Ryloth to Nal Hutta. Brin'shak negotiated the transfer through
Ghitsa Dogder, who met with much resentment and resistance from the Mistryl sent to fly the dancers,
Shada D'ukal and Dunc T'racen. While everyone insisted it wasn't slavery, Brin'shak and his clan were
under contract to receive eighty percent of the dancers; income from Durga while they performed.
However, Ghitsa was not about to sell the dancers into slavery. She arranged to have it look like the
Karazak Slavers Guidl stole the dancers, and also sliced into Brin'shak's computer and made it look like
Brin'shak had been taking payments from Karazak all along. This ensured that the Shak clan would not
be doing much business in slavery. (TFNR)
this planet was used by the Empire as a recruiting station for its Hell's Hammers units. Brintooin was a
world of temperate plains, deserts, swamplands, and very few mountains. (ISB, SWJ15)
Brinwell, Riij
this Sector Ranger held the rank of Sergeant during the Galactic Civil War, and was stationed in Parmic
Sector. (MTSE)
Brionelle Memorial Military Academy

a Republic-based institution founded on Chandrila, the Brionelle Academy was responsible for the
education of virtually every officer who ever served in the Chandrilan Defense Fleet. (DESB, CCW)
Briqualon, Noa
Noa was a young and brash star pilot when he and his friend, Salek Weet, decided to leave their jobs and
travel the universe. Some six years before the Battle of Naboo, their first flight met with trouble while
traveling through the Monsua Nebula, and they were forced to land their ship on Endor. Their crystal
oscillator had blown, and Salek went to find one. Noa waited and waited, but Salek never returned.
Salek's father, the noted kloo horn soloist Jimke Weet, spent every last credit he owned trying to locate
them. Noa created a good life for himself in the forests of Endor, even befriending a small creature named
Teek. However, his isolation also made him grumpy and stern, and when he encountered Cindel Towani
and Wicket the Ewok, he gruffly asked them to leave. In his heart, though he couldn't throw the two out
into the wilderness, and he took them under his wing. He offered them the comforts of his tree house, and
later agreed to help them recover the crystal oscillator the Marauders stole from the Towani shuttle. With
the oscillator in hand, he rallied the Ewoks and helped them defeat the Marauders. After getting the
oscillator to work, he took Cindel and left Endor to try and return to human civilization. Noa was portrayed
by Wilford Brimley in Ewoks: The Battle for Endor. (BFE, HNN4, GMR9)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "hunts with his eyes closed". Although it was generally assumed
that this name referred to the great skill of a hunter, it could also be used as an insult. (GCG)
B'risko, Ash
this young man was a freighter pilot during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He met the Jedi
Knight Vydel Dir'Nul when she was on a routine assignment, and the two fell in love. Unfortunately, Ash
later became the first victim of the serial killer known as Kardem. (T17)
this man ran afoul of a group of pirates in the Outer Rim Territories, and was tortured by a modified EVseries supervisory droid. (FTD)
this was the name of a noted Spiner individual. (UANT)
Briss, Timma
this bald-headed female was a native of Corulag, and was wanted by Pok Nar-Ten for the theft of
datafiles from the Klatooinan Trade Guild. During her flight, she met up with Bolabo Hujaan, and went to
work for the Sullustan as a computer slicer. (ND)
Brissalon Chemical Consolidated
this manufacturer produced several chemical-based, personal defense weapons, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
one of the three major continents on the planet Pantolomin. Note that the Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
names this continent Brint. (DFRSB, TTSB)
this was the Mandalorian word for 'starship'. (KOTOR)
this flowering plant was native to the planet Chandrila. (EVR)
this fruit was grown in the hydroponic gardens of Tatooine, during the last decades of the Old Republic.

Brit, Olander
this man was a Major with the Alliance's armed forces during the Battle of Endor. He had defected to the
Alliance with Panno, and served the Alliance as a communications officer. (CCG11)
Brite Boyz
this was a group of elite mercenaries who were part of the Bright Sun group. (MBC)
this large insect is often grown on farms and killed for its flesh. The creature secretes a certain enzyme as
it dies, as a reaction to the pain of its death. The more pain the creature is in when it dies, the tastier the
flesh. (POT)
a member of Page's Commandos, Bri'vin is the team's "scrounger," in charge of procuring supplies while
the team is in the field. (HTSB)
Brixbrax Ux-Rox
this Vashan bodhi was the leader of the group that lived and worked in the Cave of Memory, on the moon
of Mina, during the early years of the New Republic. Brixbrax was known for his ability to discern
memories hidden in objects of art, and he learned that he could use this ability to turn a tidy profit. By
placing an object in the first of his antestomachs, Brixbrax claimed to be able to draw details from as far
back as several hundreds of years' worth of owners. In reality, Brixbrax was an expert on the Inner and
Outer Zuma regions and their sentient species, and drew from an encyclopedic knowledge of their
histories to fashion his memories. Many claimed that Brixbrax was a fake, but others claimed that his
knowledge of the Zuma Regions only made his discoveries come faster and with more accuracy. (GMR9)
this chemical was developed by Merr-Sonn for use in controlling mobs and crowds. When sprayed from
the R-88 Suppressor weapon, Brix-C took on an aerosol form which could be absorbed through the skin
or inhaled. Once Brix-C entered the target's bloodstream, they were rendered safely unconscious.
this insectoid race is native to the planet Jandoon. (CCG)
an unusual race of creatures that are composed of ash and stone, the B'rknaa were discovered on the
planetoid Indobok. They have a group mind, and are animated by the force emitted from Indobok's energy
crystals. The B'rknaa can, when the need arises, combine themselves into a single entity. The planetoid
Indobok is, itself, a huge adult B'rknaa. They mature into the energy crystals, which have the property of
amplifying the power output of many generators. Jace Forno tried to take the crystals off the moon, but
was foiled by R2-D2 and C-3PO. (DRO)
this was the Kriek goddess of ocean fires. Legends held that an ancient race of starfarers once traveled
to Kriekaal. Their shaman, Ssiskor, provoked Br'lai to fury, and she made the molten oceans rise up and
swallow all of the visitors. (SWJ13)
this Sullustan discovered that one out of every six members of his species could wear a Mon Calamari
organic gil and not suffer an allergic reaction. (GUN)
Broadaxe Squadron
this Imperial fighter group was part of the fleet assigned to the Iron Fist by Warlord Zsinj. They were
assigned to assist the false 181st Fighter Group during their protection of the planet Comkin Five, which

Zsinj believed was the target of a New Republic raid. The information about the raid, gained from Gara
Petothel, proved accurate, and the two squadrons were thrust into battle. Gara joined the Broadaxe group
for the battle, and was able to send off a coded message to Wraith Squadron during the fight. (SOC)
Broadberry Meadow
located in the city of Theed, on the planet Naboo, this secluded park could only be reached by boat. It
was situated on a point of land on the edge of the city's cliff, between two tributary forks of the Solleu
River. (IWE1)
Broadcap Bomb
manufactured on the planet Adumar, these are large explosives named for the shape of the debris cloud
it forms. They were nicknamed Punch-and-Pops, because of the way they explode. The shell actually
penetrates the ground for several meters before exploding, and were capable of taking out several city
blocks. (SOA)
this was the name given to a wide ranges of species of deciduous trees, including variations that were
native the mountain regions of the planet Caluula and the steppes of Drongar. (UF, MJH)
this Wookiee worked as the bartender at the Starboard Broadside Club, aboard Omze's Incredible
Traveling Starport. An obese creature, Broadside's girth only added to his formidable appearance. It was
rumored that Broadside once fought with Omze'kehr Kahr on Loovria, and that he used part of the money
he had saved to purchase the Wookiee's contract. (PSPG)
this was the name given to the grassy expanse found just outside the city of Ugnorgrad, on the floating
facility known as the Ugnaught Surface. It was a popular tourist attraction during the early years of the
New Republic, and the waters surrounding the Broadwalk drew many fishermen to the shoreline. (PH)
this Bith worked as the chief steward aboard Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. He was in charge of maintaining the accommodations within the General Quarters
passenger area. (PSPG)
this huge, reptilian predator was native to the swamps of Altair 9. (TCD)
one of the Trianii colony worlds. (CSA)
this corporation produced a variety of slender starship designs during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Among them were the Gozanti cruiser and the Taylander shuttle. Note that the name
Brocklander is refuted in Star Wars Insider magazine, Issue 65, as being the early production name for
the Gozanti and Taylander craft. (TCG1, SWI65)
this corporation manufactured droid manipulation devices, such as heavy-duty arms and retractors.
Brodo Asogi
this planet was a member world of the Old Republic. It was the homeworld of a race of large-eyed,
puddle-footed beings. (COD)
Brodogon Consortium
this shadowy organization purchased a group of Rutien Twi'lek siblings from Krayn and his pirate crew,

some years after the Battle of Naboo. The siblings were septuplets, and they commanded a high price
from the slavers. (JQC)
Brodsport Mining Corporation
this mining operation was based on the planet Danuta. One of its assistant managers, Rel Farley, was a
supporter of the Alliance, and supplied a cover story that helped Kyle Katarn infiltrate the planet. (SFE)
this planet was the primary world in a system of the same name, located in the Core. It was the site of an
agricultural world owned by the Salliche Ag Corporation. The workers there revolted against Salliche Ag
following the Battle of Endor. (SWJ2, SOC)
this alien race was distinguished by its four eyes. (APS)
this was a common name among the Elom race. (UANT)
Brojtal, Jared
this Imperial officer held the rank of Sub-Commander shortly before the Battle of Hoth. His son was killed
at the Syndaar Military Academy, when a spore bomb made by Ort Hoogra-D'En exploded on the
campus. He vowed to make the Alliance and other rebels pay for the death. To that end, he hunted Ort
Hoogra-D'En down, using his contacts in the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations to learn when and
where bounties were placed on his head. When Brojtal learned that the Ho'Din had holed up in his base
on Pallaxides, Brojtal took the Marduk and tried to capture him there. However, a group of bounty hunters
captured Hoogra-D'En before Brojtal could. (ND)
this Drach'nam was one of two guards amployed by Chay Praysh that were burned by Mara Jade during
her first attempte to escape from Praysh's palace on Torpris. (TFNR)
Broken Circle
this was the name of an encrypted datafile obtained by Denetrus from the computer records of Vox Chun,
aboard the BioCruiser, during Obi-Wan Kenobi's investigation of the ship. Obi-Wan later surmised that
Broken Circle referred to the defunct Offworld Mining corporation, the name referring to the crescentshaped scar on Xanatos' cheek. Further investigation revealed that the Broken Circle plan called for a fullscale evacuation of the BioCruiser, during which time Offworld droids would board the ship to "rescue" it.
In reality, the droids would be stealing the treasury of this ship, which was made up of the collective
fortunes of its passengers. The ship would later be allowed to blow up, in an effort to make the
passengers believe that their fortunes had been lost forever. (JAD)
Broken Jaw
this was the name of Clabburn the Younger's pirate cruiser, a modified IrizMark-8 Sentinel-class military
vessel. It was armed with a pair of ion cannons, a pair of assault laser cannons, and two tractor beam
generators. Because of its small size, the Broken Jaw was often escorted by other craft, but its size
allowed it to engage a target and escape with maneuverability and speed. The ship could accommodate
up to forty pirates and 8,000 metric tons of stolen goods. (WOA34)
Broken Laser Bit
this rowdy tavern was located in the boomtown of Corestrike, on the planet Chrona. (SWJ12)
Broken People, The
see Toka (LCM)
Broken 'Spanner
this modified TL-1800 transport ship was owned by the smuggler Tiv Pocarno. The ship was old and rundown when he purchased it, and he had to spend every credit he had to keep it running. When he failed

to make a payment to Torel Vorne, Tiv was killed and the Broken 'Spanner was impounded by Vorne's
men. They continued to use it, although the ship rarely paid for itself because of its constant need for
repairs. (SS)
Broken Trees, The
this group of scattered islands was located on the planet Veron, between the continents of Ablor and
Vusi. The Gazaran people native to Veron believe the islands to be the remains of an ancient civiliation,
possibly the first Gazaran to create their own society. Legend says that a huge storm swept waves of
water over the lands, destroying the civilization and scattering the Gazaran to other continents. (PG1)
Broken Tusk, The
this disreputable establishment, located on the polluted world of Reuss VII, was considered by many to
be the most vile place in the galaxy. Owned and operated by the Gamorrean brothers Greel and Gorge,
The Broken Tusk was formed from the hull of their stolen starship, the Tolan's Tusk. Greel wanted to
name the place "Greel's Good Place to Have Drink and Eat and the Get Into Fights," but Gorge got lost
after 'drink,' so Greel named the place after the broken tusk Gorge suffered in the crash of the Tolan's
Tusk. At the heart of The Broken Tusk was the Dool Arena, where the brothers staged personal combats
between professional and amatuer fighters from across the Outer Rim. The battles were vicious, but more
often ended in surrender than death. This was Greel's idea, and over time established a roster of "good"
guys and "bad" guys that kept patrons coming back for more. (WSV, HAS)
this man served the Old Republic as a Commander in the Army of the Republic, during the early stages of
the Clone Wars. Brolis and his clone troopers were orderd to secure the Fortress of Axion shortly after the
Battle of Muunilinst, but they were decimated by the armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems
which surrounded it. All but Commander Brolis were shot and killed, and Brolis was left to call for
reinforcements while holed up inside. The only being sent to extract him was Jedi Master Yoda, who
defeated a particularly cunning Hailfire Droid in order to protect their escape. (SS3)
this Gamorrean lived on the moon of Sulon, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. A mercenary for
hire to the highest bidder, Brollo joined the Imperial forces who were searching for Morgan Katarn and
any information he had on the location of the Valley of the Jedi. His friends were often quite happy to
have Brollo around, since he was a poor gambler and often lost his weekly wages to his gambling
buddies. (RAG)
this Assistant Viceprex in the Corporate Sector Authority's Security division served under Mirkovig Hirken
on Etti IV. He blamed the Imperial Entertainers' Guild for the destruction of the Stars' End facility. (CSA)
this agricultural planet was located in Kathol Sector, on a branch of the Trition Trade Route between
Torize and Kal'Shebbol. Much of the planet's agriculture was run by a colony of Fefze, who contributed
greatly to the planet's development, both economically and artistically. During the early years of the New
Republic, the population of the planet was locked in a guerrilla war with the Imperial forces which were
controlling it. The Fefze were the most active, and recruited several Rodian and Human factions to help
them disrupt Imperial activites. (DARK)
Brombek, Slide
this young man was an outlaw tech at the height of the Galactic Civil War. Slide is just a nickname,
although he has long-since forgotten his real first name. (MTSE)
this Doctor of Archaeology was a member of the Obroan Institute. He was to begin an exploration of the
planet Kogan 6 as soon as Joto Eckels returned to the Institute with the Penga Rift. Because of the
importance of Eckels' work, Bromial's expedition was put on hold for several months. (TT)

Brommstaad Mercenaries
a tough group of hoodlums which haunted Treasure Ship Row during the early years of the New
Republic, they considered themselves outside the bounds of normal Corellian society. (TFE)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "slender" - or, more literally, "works hungry". (GCG)
this man traveled to Cerea to bring as much technology to the planet as he could. He understood that the
import of high-technology items was illegal, but he used the freedom afforded to off-worlders to incite the
younger Cereans to demand them of their elders. Many of the elder Cereans, such as Ki-Adi-Mundi,
believed that Bron was an outright liar, spinning wondrous tales of the Republic that were simply not true.
However, as the elders tried to stop him, they realized that such actions would simply lend credence to
his diatribes. When Ki was accused of the murder of a young male, Bron saw his chance to turn the tide
of the elders. Despite the fact that the youth was actually killed when Maj-Odo-Nomor tried to use the
Jedi's lightsaber, Bron continued to push his point that the elders could use technology when it suited
them, but kept it from the younger members of society. He also used Maj as a sort of hero-figure, building
him up in the minds of his peers as an unjustly imprisoned youth. However, it was all just a backdrop to
his own schemes, which counted on the skills of Ephant Mon to import swoops and other high-technology
equipment to Cerea in exchange for tecave and malium. When Ki managed to track Ephant Mon to
Tatooine and discover information on the Hutt's connections to the Trade Federation, Bron backed down
on his tirades and went into hiding. (PTR)
Bron Burs
this squid-like creature was a native of the southern region of Nentan. A loner, Burs was known as a
crack shot and a reliable commando whose intuition was formidable. He sometimes worked with Debnoli.
Bron Kand'lar
this Bothan female was a member of the Alliance's Intelligence agency, and was responsible for providing
information on the activities surrounding the Bilbringi shipyards during the Galactic Civil War. She was
ordered to step down from active duty after several members of her clan were killed in an Imperial raid,
but she refused to grieve and remained active. However, her effectiveness began to wane, and Bilbringi's
effectiveness as a source of information declined. (CRO)
Bron, Arly
this smuggler was born on Nar Shaddaa, and operated the freighter Double Echo. He spent a large
amount of his career in the Corporate Sector, and gave Han Solo the basic location of Doc's outlaw tech
station. (RD)
this planet's ecosystem was destroyed by an Imperial bombardment. (CRO)
this was the name used by the Ibhaan'I tribe to describe their shamen and priests. Each bronwen was a
self-exiled person, outcast from their tribe by their own volition in order to pursue their calling. They spent
the rest of their lives wandering the Socorran deserts, and their survival gave them prestige and respect.
This nomadic lifestyle became known over the years as the Long Walk. (BSS)
Bronzan Ramp
this was one of the entrances to the Freelie's hideout on Vorzyd 5. (CSWEA)
this metal was quite dense, and was often used in the creation of structures where radiation might be a

threat. One of is most prominent uses was in the case-hardened bulbs which held the reactor core of the
Trade Federation's droidekas. It also found use in the creation of cast sculptures and busts. (SWDB,
Brooboo Seep
this Gungan was one of the best bongo racers of his generation, during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. Even after the battle, when bongo racing became more popular, Brooboo continued to race,
bringing fans from the older generatioans as well as the Rep Council. He piloted a custom-grown, purple
monobubble bongo. Several years after the Battle of Naboo, Brooboo Seep won the Otoh Gunga
Challenge when Nen Neb Goodrow and Spleed Nukkels both tried to invert their bongos in an effort to
bypass him. Unfortunately for the other racers, they attempted the maneuver at exactly the same time.
The resulting collision destroyed both their bongos, and Brooboo barely managed to maintain control of
his own bongo before reaching the finish line. (GMR4)
Brooboo Seep
this Gungan bongo racer was one of the most popular racers on the circuit, in the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. He was noticeable by his flambouyant purple, orange, and yellow racing attire. Just
before the Bongo Rally, Seep was attacked by one of Captain Swagg's droids and knocked unconscious.
The droid then stole his clothing in order to move about unnoticed. (E1A12)
this was one of the most important deities of the Vippit religion. (TCD)
Broof Yurdel
this dark-skinned Gungan served as a commander in the Cularin Militia, during the years following the
Battle of Naboo. Broof was a veteran of the Battle of Naboo who left his homeworld for the planet Cularin.
There, he established the Gungan Security operation in the city of Gadrin, providing security services for
the residents of the city. Broof was also one of the founding members of the underground resistance
which sprang up when the Metatheran Cartel began making inroads to the trade of Cularin. He was
eventually placed in command of the ground forces divisions of the Cularin Militia, and was based on the
planet Genarius. He reluctantly agreed to an interview with Yara Grugara, who had been trying to
insinuate that the Militia had fabricated rumors of the Thaereian Military hiding in the Cularin System.
Broof refused to provide any concrete details, but assured Grugara that the Cularin Militia had only the
best interests of the Cularin System in mind, and that no false information had been disseminated. Thus,
it was surprising when Broof joined forces with Osten Dal'Nay and allowed the Militia to simply fade into
the background. This was not due to a lack of funding, but was actually a bold move on the part of the two
Commanders to eventually launch a counter-assault on the Thaereians. Shortly before the onset of the
Clone Wars, they launched their assault - known as Operation False Horizon - using surprise to take
control of several Thaereian bases throughout the Cularin System. Broof was badly injured in the assault,
but returned successful. (EOS, LFCW)
Brookish Boon
this Sy Myrthian was a noted talkshow host and political commentator on his homeworld of Sy Myrth,
during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Boon once openly declared that the Loyalist Committee
was nothing more than a "shadow government" established to ensure that the agenda of Chancellor
Palpatine was carried out, regardless of what the Galactic Senate agreed to in chambers. He also
denounced the Refugee Relief Movement's plan to hold a gala fundraiser on Alsakan, questioning
whether or not any of the proceeds would actually reach the refugees. (HNN4, HNN5)
a native of Celanon, this huge man was often compared to a Wookiee in size and strength, although
never to his face. He was dating the floozie Jezzable during the early years of the New Republic. (POC)
this plant is a third-generation plant used in terraforming. It provides nutritional value to grazing animals.

this was a common name among the Chev race. (UANT)
this ancient man was a noted spice merchant and slavelord. He purchased the location of Kala'din's ryll
mines from the greedy Twi'lek Kroh'dalla, and then promptly enslaved Kroh'dalla, his family, and all of
Kala'din in an effort to extract the ryll. In the end, the entire city of Kala'din was destroyed, and Brophys
was killed in the destruction. (PSPG)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Bror Towers
this collection of skyscrapers was located on Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Each tower stood more than 150 stories tall, and all were linked by a series of walkways between towers.
Much of the interior space of the Bror Towers was given over to art exhibits and museums. (APS)
this Chiss served Voss Parck and Stent at the Hand of Thrawn compound on Nirauan, and was a
member of Thrawn's House Phlanx. (VOF)
this lushly forested world was the fourth planet in the Dostra System, and was the only inhabitable world
in the Thandon Cluster. The planet was unremarkable, except for the fact that its crust and mantle were
rich in zinsian, which the Corporate Sector Authority used as a dry preservative. The CSA established a
number of zinsian processing plants, and annexed the planet despite the wishes of the native Brosin. The
average day on Brosi lasted 26.5 standard hours, and its year encompassed 289 local days. Brosin had
one natural satellite. (AIR)
this was the near-human race which was native to the planet Brosi. (AIR)
Brosin Triumverate
see Brosin Underground (AIR)
Brosin Underground
this paramilitary organization sprang up on the planet Brosi, after the Corporate Sector Authority took
control of the planet in order to mine zinsian from its surface. Led by Randle Clanse, the Brosin
Underground worked to disrupt CSA activities. Despite Supervisor Wasith's best efforts, the Brosin
Undeground continued to operate, from a base hidden in the Blan Mountains. (AIR)
a Gold Squadron X-Wing pilot serving the New Republic. (HTSB)
Brosso Mark II
an large, obsolete model of holoprojector. Han Solo was carrying what was supposed to be a cargo of 12
Lockfiller projectors, but a Brosso Mark II got mixed in. Han's buyer refused to take it, and so Han was
stuck with it. He used his Brosso to show holofeatures to the Kamarian Badlanders. (HSR)
Brother Fivelines
this huge droid was once the ruler of the planet Ronyards. Like the other droids there, he had been sent
to Ronyards to be scrapped. However, the planet-wide construct of various droid parts kept him active.
He became a believer that the planet was the Body of the Living God, and felt that it would protect him in
any situation. When C-3PO and R2-D2 travel to Ronyards to warn the droids of an impending Imperial
meltdown of the droids there, Fivelines falls back on the belief that the planet will protect the droids.
However, the Imperials cared little for Ronyards, and sent gougers to melt the droids down. Fivelines was
destroyed in the Imperial invasion, but this set off a mysterious storm of droid shrapnel from the planet-

wide droid construct. This storm decimated the Imperial forces, saving the remaining droids. (CSWDW)
Brother Kranch
this is one of the scrapped droids sent to Ronyards. Kranch was kept active, and became a follower of the
Body of the Living God. (CSWDW)
Brother Nicos Fate
this elderly X'Ting was one of the longest-tenured members of the Desert Wind terrorist group, having
survived with the band for more than twenty years before the onset of the Clone Wars. He was the
decendant of a noted clan of healers, and made use of his own healing skills with the Desert Wind for
many years. Under Thak Val Zsing' leadership, Brother Fate was often the individual who tested a new
recruit's loyalty and desire to join the terrorists. He was in charge of maintaining the basket of dashta eels
- known as The Guides - for testing new members. Brother Fate was among the many Cestians who
settled in the Zantay Hills, where fertile land was abundant. After Desert Wind was infiltrated by JK-series
combat droids, he took as many refugees as he could and fled to the Zantay area, where he hoped the
terrorists could regroup. At Zantay, Brother Fate did what he could to help heal the wounds sustained by
the ARC trooper known as Jangotat in the raid, but had to leave much of the healing up to Jangotat
himself. (TCD)
Brother of the Air
this was the term used by a Nediji to describe another member of his species. (MBS)
Brother Sky
this was the name, used by the Ewoks of Endor's forest moon, to describe the powerful being that
controlled the skies. (SWDB)
Brotherhood Mortalis
this mercenary organization was founded some twenty-five years before the Battle of Yavin, and was
believed to have had membership numbering well over 20,000 members spread across more than 100
worlds. What made the Brotherhood Mortalis unique was their simple set of rules and and guiding
principles. Among these principles was the requirement that any Brotherhood member, who encountered
another wounded member who identified himself, had to administer or provide medical treatment to the
wounded member. Despite its simplicity, this rule helped ensure that Brotherhood members stayed on to
fight harder, a trait that made them valuable to their employers. (GMR8)
Brotherhood of Darkness
this band of twenty thousand Sith warriors followed Lord Kaan into battle, in an effort to subjugate the
galaxy in the name of the Sith. In the final battle for Ruusan, the Sith unleashed a thought bomb, which
obliterated every member of the Brotherhood except Darth Bane. (ECH)
Brotherhood of Independent Scouts
this was the primary form of guild recognized by the New Republic, for the membership to independent
scouts and explorers. (GG8)
Brotherhood of the Sith
formed by Exar Kun, these were disillusioned Jedi Knights who chose to learn the dark lore of the Sith.
Brother-In-Law Shipping Company
literally-tranlsated name of the only exporters of life-crystals, located on Rafa IV. (LCM)
this man was the Imperial Governor of Ciutric in the period following the Battle of Endor, and took custody
of Sate Pestage after Leonia Tavira dropped him off on the planet. A minor leader, Brothic was bribed into
delaying word of Pestage's arrival, thereby allowing Pestage to hide before Ysanne Isard could locate
him. (XWMR)

Han's alias when he arrives at Dathomir, shortly after winning the planet in a sabacc match. (CPL)
this Adumari disease is more common in the working classes than the nobility, primarily because the
working classes are forced to live in underground turumme warrens. It is similar to lung cancer. (SOA)
this strange form of life was found in the liquid atmosphere of Esfandia. Resembling huge flowers, the
Brrbrlpp were actually sentient plants. The petals of an individual Brrbrlpp rippled and moved to provide
propulsion, and a ring of photoreceptive organs studded the interior of the petals. Along the center line of
each petal was a mass of cilia which were used to draw food toward the creature's mouth, and a tough
"skeleton" of fiber kept the creature's body rigid. Trailing behind the main body of the Brrbrlpp was a long
tail, which provided stability in the swirling atmosphere. These creatures communicated in an odd form of
trinary machine language that sounded to human ears like a bubbling sing-song. The females of the
species laid their eggs in deep caves, out of the turbulence of the atmopshere. The males came in later to
fertilize them, and the eggs grew inside the caves, warmed by the heat of the planet's core. When the
New Republic decided to establish a communications base on the planet, the original base commander
discovered that the Brrbrlpp were sentient. It was acutally this first commander, a Gran known as Si, who
provided them with their trinary language, an action which allowed the two sides to communicate and
understand each others' cultures. Brrbrlpp, he discovered, loved to talk. The calls of the Brrbrlpp traveled
great distances through Esfandia' liquid atmosphere, and New Republic communications technicians
often commented that the entire planet was alive with their chatter. What made the Brrbrlpp culture
interesting was that it was built on an ecosystem that was degenerating. Without a sun to keep it warm,
Esfandia's inner core was slowly dying out. This meant that, at some point in the future, the Brrbrlpp
would need to locate a new home. (FH3)
this large rock or ball was used in the Corellian sport of phrenbi. The term b'rrsk came from the Old
Corellian word for "head," and phrenbi could be translated as "to decapitate," both terms indicating the
violent and physical nature of the sport. (BSS)
Brryg Tallak
this was a noted figure in the history of the Nazzar people. (UANT)
BRT-series Computer
this model of super-computer was designed to perform administrative operations on a vast scale, such as
managing a huge city or even a small planetary government. Each BRT could manage the activities of 40
million beings, creating and coordinating work assignments and personnel to ensure the smooth, day-today operation of an urban environment. In this capacity, the BRT series eliminated the roles of thousands
of lesser droids and many humans. This ability scared many politicians and business leaders, who
recognized that the BRT was better able to do their own jobs, at a fraction of the cost. In response, these
politicians and leaders ordered the BRT line shut down on any number of grounds, and the majority of
BRT units was unplugged and physically scrapped. No more than 25 survived at the time of the Battle of
Yavin, and most of those had undergone severe memory wipes to reduce their abilities. (CRO)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
this creature was known for its tasty, edible meat, which was often grilled or broiled for maximum flavor. It
was often served with Menkooro whiskey, which was considered the perfect drink to have with bruallki.
According to an old saying, "If you had some bruallki, you could have bruallki and Menkooro if you had
some Menkooro." (HTTE, TLC, TB)

Bruanii Sector
a section of the galaxy in which the Alliance Light Calamari Cruiser Lulsla was destroyed following the
Battle of Hoth. It was located near the Tungra and Javin Sectors. (TIE)
a green-grey skinned, reptilian race native to the planet Baros, the Brubbs are vaguely humanoid in
appearance. Their faces are flat and conical, and dominated by bony ridges around their eyes. A topknot
of hair sprouts from the head of the males, while the females are hairless. Their noses are used only for
breathing, as their sense of smell is found in their forked tongues. They are herbivorous in nature.
Females lay a single egg every Barosian year, and very often die during childbirth, so much of Brubb
society is dominated by males. Brubbs are virtually deaf, which is probably genetic but is an excellent
adaptation to the harsh winds of Baros. Brubbs are intensely social creatures, and organize themselves
into groups known as habas. They were subjugated by Thrawn during his reign of terror. (GG4, TLC)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this native of Corellia was recruited to join the Alliance's commando unit by Crix Madine. An
accomplished scout, Bruckman served as the point man in Han Solo's assault team which was
dispatched to take out the shield generator protecting the second Death Star. (CCG10)
Brug D'Shar
this Sakiyan served as Westa Impeveri's aide-de-camp during the height of the Clone Wars. D'Shar was
among the many prominent individuals who were invited to debate the problems associated with floating
cities during the height of the Clone Wars. D'Shar was a blunt individual with a small sense of tact, and
never failed to point out another's lack of political experience as if it were a demonstration of their inability
to provide a sound opinion. (LFCW)
this asteroid, located within the Latoma System, served as the base of operations for Ti'mere's
InfoServices. In order to maintainthe secrecy of the base's location, Ti'mere maintained a ruined outpost
on Latoma to throw off pursuit. (FBS)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
Bruhas Drey
this was one of the aliases used by Lirin Banolt. (XWBT)
this man was a prisoner on the penal world of Kiffex, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. (DRKN)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Bruit, Patch
this man served as Lommite Limited's chief of field operations at the Dorvalla mining operation in Videnda
Sector, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. A lifelong bachelor with no emotional ties, he hoped to one day
start his life over on Coruscant, far the dusty mining worlds he worked on, but was unable to make much
headway toward the dream. His work on Dorvalla was threatened by the continual sabotage of LL's main
rival, InterGalactic Ores, and he was forced to seek out ways to strike back at IGO by his boss, Jurnel
Arrant, not the least of which was hiring the Toom Gang to destroy IGO mines. Unfortunately for Bruit,
Darth Maul discovered the corporate feud, and manipulated events so that Toom destroyed both Lommite
Limited and InterGalactic Ores. After learning of the Tooms' deception, Bruit joined forces with his former
rival, Caba'Zan of IGO, in an effort to fight back against the mercenaries. They destroyed the Toom base

on Riome, then eliminated the gang's forces in a bloody assault. Despite the success of the mission, Bruit
found himself the only survivor when Darth Maul appeared to eliminate the surviving warriors, in an effort
to clean up any loose ends. Using the Force, Maul crushed Bruit's neck and suffocated him. (DMS)
Bruk tukken nom canbin-tu
this Yuuzhan Vong literally translates into "weaken the hinges of the enemy's fort." It was used to
describe any action which helped undermine the efforts of an opponent. (VP)
Bruk tukken Vong pratte, al'tanna brenzlit tchurokk
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase was used by C-3PO on Caluula Station, in an attempt to drive off a group of
Yuuzhan Vong warriors who were pursuing Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and a group of defenders.
Unknown to Threepio, the phrase was not a rallying cry but an insult, meaning something akin to
"Weakness to the Yuuzhan Vong, long live the timid." Unfortunately for the Solos, the Yuuzhan Vong
attackers simply withdrew long enough to regroup with more warriors, then ambushed the defenders a
short distance down the corridor. (UF)
Brullian Dyll
a musician who performed during the middle years of the Galactic Civil War. Kardue'sai'Malloc thought he
was an amazing artist. (TME)
this common, albeit archaic, Zabrak surname meant "porter" - or, more literally, "bearer of the dead".
Brun, Hella
this tall, chiseled woman was Bequesh's chief bodyguard aboard the Tanquilla Beach space station, and
had been with Bequesh ever since he had been forced to use a repulsorchair to move about. (DARK)
Brun, Rasit
this man represented his homeworld of Rintonne in the Old Republic Senate, during the last decades of
the Old Republic. (HNN5)
Brunk, Dama
this woman was Beru Whitesun Lars' younger sister. A native of Tatooine, Dama was the proprietor of the
Sidi Driss Inn, in the city of Anchorhead, during the early years of the New Republic. When Leia Organa
Solo and her husband, Han Solo, tried to recover the Killik Twilight moss-painting, Dama allowed them to
stay at the Sidi Driss after Han was rescued from the desert. Dama later helped them escape from the
hotel when Imperial troops arrived to arrest them, admitting to them that she hated the Empire for killing
her sister and Owen Lars. It was Dama who explained to Leia that Cliegg Lars had purchased the
freedom of Shmi Skywalker, then married her. (TG)
this Imperial laborer tried to kiss Leia Organa, while she was on Hockaleg investigating the construction
of the Tarkin. Leia punched Brunok square on the jaw, knocking him unconscious. (LTA3)
Brunou, Lancer
this man was a graduate of the University of Byblos before going to work as a research scientist for the
Empire. He was roaming the galaxy, working at a variety of archaeological digs when he found himself on
Kal'Shebbol searching for information on the ancient inhabitants of Kathol Sector. Moff Kentor Sarne
approached him about exploring the ruins of the planet Aaris III, and Brunou accepted the job. Brunou
was a loyal supporter of the New Order, and believed that the Empire would once again rise from the
ruins of the New Republic. Brunou led the expedition, hoping to unearth information about the ancient
Aaris for Sarne, but was unprepared for the violence of the primitive Aaris people after the team
discovered the Place of Kastays. Brunou himself was drawn to the power of the Plaque of Victory, and did
everything he could to protect it for his own possession. Brunou and his team sent out an SOS, which
was answered by the crew of the FarStar. (DARK)

Brunwin, Anton
this man was the twin brother of Sturn Brunwin, and a member of the Kiffu race. Together, they ran the
front desk of the Lucky Despot hotel for Lady Valarian. (TJP, GG7)
Brunwin, Sturn
this man was the twin brother of Anton Brunwin, and a member of the Kiffu race. Together, they ran the
front desk of the Lucky Despot hotel for Lady Valarian. (GG7)
an Imperial Navy Captain, commander of the Manticore. He was in charge of taking out the Mon
Calamarian shipyards during the second Battle of Calamari. (DA)
a desert creature native to Aduba-3. (MC8)
this vicious predator, native to the planet Lorista, was eventually domesticated by the Zabrak colonists
who settled the planet. (GCG)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. It referred to a vicious predator, native to the planet
Lorista, that was eventually domesticated by Zabrak colonists. (GCG)
this Scavenger-series droid was owned by the Svivreni crimelord Torsteen, who employed the droid to
collect space junk along the borders of the Corporate Sector. Unknown to Torsteen, Bruthus'
programming allowed to develop its own business on the side, skimming a portion of the salvage off and
reselling it on its own. Bruthus' operations were never discovered by Torsteen. (SWJ10)
Brutt, Arthen
this man worked as a smuggler for many years, during the end of the Galactic Civil War and into the era
of the New Republic, until his ship broke down and the reapirs were too expensive. He was stranded on
Ord Mantell, and spent most of his time and his remaining credits on drinks at the Mud Puddle cantina.
He was tell anybody who would listen - and buy another round of drinks - about his travels to Wayland
and the Mount Tantiss warehouse. Among those who paid for his stories was the rogue Jedi trainee, Dal
Konur. (WOA29)
this was an alien race. (MBS)
this species of immense lizard lives in the badlands and deserts of the planet Moorja. They are nearly
blind, as they live underground and their eyes have degenerated over several generations. They have
large forefeet that are studded with heavy talons, which they use to dig through the rock and sand of
areas like the Crumbling Lands. The talons also act as a weapon, since their pale scales are not very
thick. (SWJ8)
a city on the planet Jendorn. (DFRSB)
this was a species of slender reptile native to the planet Wayland. (GMR10)
Brya, Calder
this militant youth was a native of Coruscant. The son of a noted industrialist, Calder was the kind of rich
socialite that most people liked to hate. He was good-looking and athletic, being a skilled shockball
player. However, he was undeniably charming and outgoing, traits which he used to his advantage to

gain allies in his less savory endeavors. While he endorsed social change at any cost, Calder himself was
not a combatant. (CCW, WOTC)
Bryar Rifle
a antique version of the basic blaster, the bryar rifle shoots a single energy bolt when the trigger is
depressed. It is a very accurate weapon. (DF)
Bryce-Kelley, Hawker
this man and his partner, Rypka, traveled the Outer Rim Territories, looking for fellow spacers to rescue
from bad situations. Bryce-Kelley believed that the more favors he spread around, the more he could
collect on later. With this in mind, he and Rypka had a uncanny knack of showing up just when a fellow
spacer needed them the most. The pair traveled in the bulky-seeming freighter, the Royal Mistress. (PSG)
a planet in the Varvenna Sector. (TJP)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "night hours" in the Sullustan language.
this rotund man was the leader of Herdessa's many guilds, and served as the planetary spokesman
during the early years of the New Republic. It was Brylin who first met with Mon Mothma and Leia Organa
to discuss the new galactic govnerment which would form in the wake of Emperor Palpatine's death at
Endor. However, Brylin had no intentions of giving up his affluent lifestyle to join the diplomatic New
Republic. He ordered Mon Mothma arrested, and threatened to kill the peasants if he found them
harboring Leia. (MC88)
this female Vorzydiak was married to Chairman Port, and was the mother of Grath. (TTW)
Bryn & Gweith
manufacturers of the Leveler I medium concussion missile launcher, Bryn & Gweith is a subdivision of
Comar Weapons. (ISB)
this is the smaller of the two continents on Zelos II. (PG2)
Bryndas Islands
a beautiful chain of islands located near the continent of Bryndas, on Zelos II. (TFNR)
Bryne, Tallus
Han Solo used this alias when he entered the Corellian swoop racing championships, shortly before he
left the Trader's Luck. As Bryne, he set a new record in the swoop races by flying through Tabletop Mesa,
rather than over or around it. This earned him not only the trophy but a lot of recognition. When Han
returned to Corellia with Bria Tharen, he was recognized as Bryne by Dael Levare, an event which
precipiated Solo's flight from Corellia. (TPS)
this planet was conquered by the Empire before the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Its
governor, a military expert named Carigan, led a series of defensive battles that nearly expelled the
Imperial forces. However, in the long run, the sheer numbers of Imperial soldiers thrown against Carigan
led to his defeat. (SWJ2)
this was a type of stained transparisteel that was created for decorative uses by the Sullustan people.

this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It referred to a type of decorative, stained
transparisteel used by Sullustans for decoration. (GCG)
this white dwarf was the central body in the Bseto System. It was orbited by three planets - Bseto I,
Indikir, and Sarahwiee - and the Lweilot Asteroid Belt filled the space between Indikir and Sarahwiee.
Bseto I
this rocky desert world was the first planet in the Bseto System. (SWJ6)
this game was created by Crat Dakerno, who modeled it after the complex wars and battles fought
between the Farang and Waroot races of the planet Ab'Bshingh. A famliarity with the races' battles,
cultures and customs is essential to any player, and this makes it unusual outside military or intellectual
circles. The basic object of the game is to capture your opponent's base and maim or kill his soldiers.
Each player can make one of two moves each round: a physical movement of soldiers, or a change in
stance. Every fifth turn is radnomized to interject battle realism, and knowledge of the tribal rituals helps
players anticipate the randomizer's effect. (SWJ8)
B'shith Vorrik
this Yuuzhan Vong Commander led the initial assaults on the Imperial Remnant, and scored a decisive
victory at the Battle of Bastion. Vorrik was distinguishable from most Yuuzhan Vong by his face, which
seemed to have had the skin peeled away, revealing torn muscles and throbbing blood vessels. After
regrouping his forces, Vorrik then launched an assault on Borosk, where the remains of the Imperial fleet
had fled. He fully believed that the Empire was no match for his forces, but was surprised to learn that the
Imperials had agreed to accept the assistance of the New Republic in defending their worlds. B'shith
Vorrik was forced to hastily retreat from Borosk after losing a slaveship and its contents, briefly striking at
Yaga Minor before fleeing into the inner galaxy. He discovered the New Republic communications center
on Generis and promptly destroyed it, learning during the attack that a second facility was located on
Esfandia. He took his fleet, led by the destroyer Kur-hashan, to Esfandia, only to find himself once again
pursued by Grand Admiral Pellaeon. The two fought to a stalemate over Esfandia, until Tahiri Veila
tricked Vorrik into sending a small force to the surface of the planet, ostensibly to destoy the
communications base. This left Vorrik and the Kur-hashan with a reduced defensive shield, and Pellaeon
attacked. Vorrik, lacking the support needed to win the new battle, realized that he was going to die.
Rather than die a coward, he turned the Kur-hashan onto a collision course with the Right to Rule.
Unfortunately, the Kur-hashan exploded well short of the Imperial vessel, killing Vorrik and all Yuuzhan
Vong aboard . (FH1, FH3)
this Old Republic scout was noted as the discovery of star system VV-99-7JE-2N71. (SWJ7)
B'ssa Nuuvu
this musical style was popular among adults, during the height of the New Order. (GMR6)
this was the model number of GeneTech's bacta tray. (LOE)
a perimeter patrol droid manufactured by Arakyd, the BT-16 had a bulbous main body supported by a set
of spider-like legs. These droids proved to be extremely reliable, being incredibly stable on their legs over
a variety of terrain. They were equipped with a number of highly-sensitive sensor packages, and were
armed with a Taim & Bak repeating blaster cannon. It was rumored that the B'omarr Monks used these
droids as carriers for their disembodied brains. (GG7, TME, FTD)

this automaton was considered the most technologically advanced droid in the galaxy, during the height
of the New Order. Its manufacturers claimed it could manage all functions of an Imperial-class Star
Destroyer by itself. (GOF4)
see BT410 (OWS)
this was the designation of an Imperial order which required all personnel to cooperate with a sub-facility
task force. It was often invoked whenever the task force members were of a lower rank that the people
they were interviewing. (JH)
this was a series of podracers developed and built by Balta-Trabaat, and was known on the many racing
circuits as the Quadra-Pod because it used four large engines constrained by a pair of energy binders.
They were tempermental vehicles which required constant upkeep. The cockpit measures 2.72 meters in
length, while the engines measured 9.5 meters in length. The top speed of the BT410 was nearly 940
kilometers per hour. Note that the official Star Wars website claims this is a BT310, with engines which
were 4.5 meters in length. (IG1, OWS)
in the lingo known as deal-slang, this was shorthand for a Boring, Typical, Average Deal. (SWJ4)
B'Thazoshe Bridge
this natural stone arch, named for the Tusken Raider phrase for "bantha horn turned to stone", was
formed by water current during the early millennia of Tatooine's existence. At ninety meters in height,
B'Thazoshe Bridge was the largest of Tatooine's stone arches, and suggested the wealth of water that
once moved across the planet's surface. The arch was considered a sacred place by the Tusken Raiders,
and marked the edge of their ancient hunting territory. Tusken hunters fired their blaster weapons when
passing through the arch, so as not to bring bad luck to their hunting party. (IWE2)
BTL Longprobe Starfighter
see Y-Wing (NEGV)
a single-seat version of the Koensayr Y-Wing. (SWSB)
a two-seat version of the Koensayr Y-Wing. (SWSB)
this alien race was known for its strength as well as its mental agility. (CCW)
this modified TX-1118 assassin droid was owned by Luskin Exovar, and was employed to help secure
Exovar's Emporium on Neftali. Part of a shipment which never made it to its final destination, BT-X2 was
known as Botax, and was accompanied by another TX-1118 droid designated NT-X2 but known as
Entax. Both droids were given new programming by Exovar, who removed their assassin routines and
replaced them with security routines. They worked as a team, and BT-X2 was the more aggressive of the
two droids. (WSV)
this was the name given to the infant daughter of Ganeed and Garth. (SP)
Buamlon Central
this inhospitable planet was originally scouted by Barosa Warren for the Old Republic. It was controlled
by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)

Bubble Building
this is the name used to describe the spherical living chambers developed by the water-dwelling Gungans
of the planet Naboo. Individual bubbles can be as small as a single room are as large as a vast audience
chamber. Each is a marvel of force field technology, as the bubble is a field that keeps the water out, the
atmosphere in, and allows a slow-moving individual to pass through. (SW1)
Bubble Cliffs
found on the planet Qiaxx, the Bubble Cliffs were famous tourist attractions. The white stone cliffs were
riddled with huge, thirty-meter-across bubbles that were natural phenomena. In primitive times, the
bubbles were used as dwellings by the ancient races of Qiaxx, and many of then were restored as
historical sites by the modern inhabitants of the planet. Daily landspeeder tours of the Bubble Cliffs were
managed by the Black Nebula organization, as a front for their criminal activites. (MJEH)
Bubble Cloak
this was the term used to describe any cloak or wrap which could be sealed and inflated to form a
protective bubble. The wearer could then survive - albeit for a short time - in a hostile environment.
Bubble Filter
developed on Coruscant, bubble filters were used to purify the city-world's water supply. (AFA)
Bubble Spore
this unusual plant is native to the swamplands of Naboo. It grows rapidly, and is considered quite
beautiful by humans and Gungans. The Gungans use the plant in the creation of bubble wort. It is named
for the bubble-like seed spores the plant creates in order to spread. These bubbles float on the water as
well as on the breeze, allowing the plant to establish itself over great distances. (GF)
Bubble Wort
this unique, distilled material is used by the Gungans in the creation of their bubble buildings. Although
the exact process is a well-kept secret, it is known that certain natural plant fibers and animal proteins can
be boiled and distilled to create the wort. (GF)
this form of landspeeder was built on the planet Teyr. The bubbleback has a large, transparisteel bubble
which provides the occupants a full view of the area around them. Bubblebacks were large transports,
and contained a waste station and reprocessor unit for its occupants. (SOL)
this was a small, living container used by the Yuuzhan Vong to store villips when they were not in use. (T)
this was a form of chanpagne enjoyed by the citizens of the New Republic, even during the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SBS)
Bubbling Mud
a decent cafe' in Plawal, located off Brandifert Court. It serves a decent meat pie. (COJ)
this independent spacer learned that Veril Line Systems was providing trade concessions for the
purchase of I-C2 construction droids to underdeveloped worlds. He learned that VLS provided the
construction droids in return for the right to build new factories in the reconstructed cities. (FTD)
a frog-dog living on Tatooine, Bubo was at once plotting against and assisting in plots against Jabba the
Hutt. He was an Imperial operative, infiltrated into the Hutt's palace to facilitate communications between
the Empire and Ree-Yees. A small transmitter had been placed in a lump of flesh on Bubo's body, hidden
until Ree-Yees needed to receive a message. The Gran would then reach into the lump and extract the

message display, replacing it after reading the message. Bubo detested Ree-Yees for his drunkenness
and his inability to act on his own. Thus, when Ree-Yees was to receive a detonator link for the bomb he
was building, Bubo ate it in front of the Gran. This enraged Ree-Yees, and amused Bubo. While all of this
was going on, Bubo was secretly receiving training from one of the B'omarr monks, Evilo Nailati. Bubo
learned much from the monk, and when Jabba was killed at the Pit of Carkoon, the B'omarr gladly
welcomed Bubo's brain into the realm of the enlightened ones. (ROTJ, TJP)
Buc, Donny
this indepedent spacer made a regular run between Coruscant and Sorrus, some twelve years before the
Battle fo Naboo. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri tried to book passage to Coruscant with him, after they were
tricked into coming to Sorrus by Ona Nobis. (TDR)
Buccaneer Code
orginally written down by Arvo Norstrag, this basic set of tenets defined the Phosphura Belt Pirates. The
Code also served as the basis for the laws of untold other pirate gangs. The Code read: "Take only that
which you have won in battle. Take not from your allies. Take not from those who shield you. Respect
and honor brother and sister pirates. Respect and honor their allegiances. Respect and honor those who
fight against you. Relish in the taking of the prize." (SWJ5)
this green-skinned alien was the secret consort of Madam Rhoden, during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. He claimed to be her personal trainer, but Buck was actually an eco-terrorist from the
Green Forge faction, who had turned to a life of crime to fund his endeavors. He searched out the
disgruntled wives of beings who were destroying natural environments, then preyed upon their
sympathies to insinuate himself into their lives. He then helped them kill off their spouses, ostensibly to
eliminate an environmental threat, then made off with their fortunes. Buck's seduction of Madam Rhoden
was discovered by her husband, Clode Rhoden, who also knew of Buck's true nature. When Madam
Rhoden and Buck were targetted for execution by Clode Rhoden, who planned to use Buck's core bomb
to kill them both, Saul Moegantz offered to join forces with them to strike back at Clode. Madam Rhoden
reluctantly agreed, seeing that a partnership with Moegantz was the lesser of several evils, including her
own death. They planned to sue Clode for divorce, on the grounds that he tried to have her killed, then
take all of Clode's wealth and split it between them. (TAE)
Buck, Koren
this small-time conman worked the streets of Drepplin, on Glova, during the early years of the New
Republic. (POC)
this durable string was produced on the planet Talus for use in musical instruments. It could be created in
a variety of thicknesses and textures, allowing for an almost infinite range of sounds. (MBS)
Budmle Otbor
this Neimoidian served as the Trade Federation's primary representative on the planet Sucharme, during
the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. It was Otbor who ordered the shutdown of the Tallaga
garrison, in an effort to eliminate any military actions against a Trade Federation blockade of the planet.
a planet in the Chorios Systems. An uneasy truce between Budpock and Ampliquen existed during the
early years of the New Republic, which was threatened when Dzym let loose the Death Seed plague on
Meridian Sector. Dzym also incited a group of pirates that used the planet as their base, and various
skirmishes broke out. (POT)
Buelia, Lysko
this man served as the Commission of the galaxy's professional Nuna-Ball League, during the years
leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)

Buerhoz is one of the many domed cities that dot the polluted landscape of Clak'dor VII. (GMS)
Bufflin III, Huberdink
this man and his wife, Milli, were natives of Corulag, who were vacationing on the planet Amfar just prior
to the onset of the Clone Wars. Because of the general slowdown in tourism caused by the growing
Separatist crisis, the Bufflins found that they had many of the beaches and restaurants all to themselves.
Bufflin, Milli
this woman and her husband, Huberdink Bufflin III, were natives of Corulag, who were vacationing on the
planet Amfar just prior to the onset of the Clone Wars. Because of the general slowdown in tourism
caused by the growing Separatist crisis, the Bufflins found that they had many of the beaches and
restaurants all to themselves. (HNN5)
Bufus Ritsomas
this being represented his homeworld of Till Chorios in the Old Republic Senate, until he was implicated
in a slavery ring shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Senator Ritsomas had been secretly working
with the Thalassians, along with Senators Tikkes, Danry Ledwellow, and Wuja Wojaine, although none of
the Senators was aware of the others' involvement. The Senator was suspended from duty pending an
investigation. (HNN5)
this young boy was the cousin of Tomcat and Rain, a native of the planet Somov Rit. Born with the name
Hardin, he had some sensitivity to the Force, but scoffed at Tomcat's attempts to learn more about it and
the Jedi Knights. However, when Torr Snapit arrived to gather Force sensitives to augment the Jedi
forces massing for the Battle of Ruusan, Bug cam along only to taunt Tomcat. However, as Tomcat grew
increasingly impatient with the Jedi, Bug tried to remain calm and guide Tomcat in the right direction - a
reversal of their earlier days. When Tomcat uttered some disparaging remarks about Torr Snapit - who
had sacrificed himself to save the boys - Bug defended the old man and began to wonder what was
happening to his cousin. After Tomcat murdered Lord Charny, Bug abandoned his nickname and took up
his given name in support of the Jedi Knights. Just before Lord Kaan unleashed the thought bomb, Bug
and Tomcat faced each other in battle. Bug was injured by Githany, as she tried to collect Tomcat and
escape before the bomb was activated. Before they could escape, however, Bug was killed by a falling
stone and Githany fell into a deep chasm. (JVS)
Bug Walker
this was the popular name for the MT-ST walker. (PH)
a native game species on Eol Sha, the bugdillo was a crustacean eaten for its pink meat. (JS)
this was a derogatory term used by many humanoid races to describe any being of insectile shape or
race. (MC7)
this was a derogatory term for a species of red-eyed, insectile aliens. (OWS)
this was the term used by scouts and explorers to describe a device that could be worn on the back, and
that generated a localized field to keep insects and small creatures away from an individual. (LAT2)
this was the generic term used to describe any device which could be swept around a room or
compartment to detect the presence of illicit surveillance devices, such as miniature microphones.

Buhar Lod
this was a noted Nuknog individual in the history of the planet Sump. (UANT)
Buichol Isthmus
this razor-thin strip of rocky crags connected the Greater and Lesser Piq Islands, found on the planet
Fresia. (CCW)
Builder with Vines
this Qom Jha was one of the few that had ever gotten into the caverns below the High Tower and seen
the Threateners up close. He was assigned by Eater of Fire Creepers to lead Luke Skywalker and Mara
Jade to the Tower, along with Splitter of Stones and Keeper of Promises, as well as the Qom Qae Child
of Winds. When the group ws beseiged by fire creepers, Builder with Vines tried to prove his prowess by
swooping down and eating the insects, hoping to belittle Child of Winds. Unfortunately, Builder with Vines
tired quickly, and fell into the swarming mass of creepers. They made quick work of him, scouring the
flesh from his bones in no time. (VOF)
Builders, The
this was the term used by the ancient Sandpeople to describe the Rakatans who arrived on Tatooine
many millennia before the Galactic Civil War. According to legend, the Rakatans tried to enslave the
Sandpeople, who fought back and regained their freedom. During the search for the Star Forge, some
4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, it was discovered that many races used the term "Builders" to refer
to the Rakatan. Runes found on Dantooine and histories on Manaan also held references to the Builders,
providing more clues about the Rakatan civilization's impact on the rest of the galaxy. (KOTOR)
an cargo ferry captured by the Empire during its strike at the Galactic Electronics Pondut research
platform. (TIE)
this city, located on the planet Aruza, was the site of a COMPNOR Redesign facility during the height of
the New Order. The native Aruzans were taken here and "modified" to become warrior-like slaves. (TBH)
this common Zabrak surname referred to a herd animal that was domesticated by the Zabrak. (GCG)
this herd animal was domesticated by the Zabrak for many uses. It was native to the planet Iridonia, and
was also raised as a source of food. (GCG)
Bulano Serpent
a snake which has no teeth, poison, or other offensive armament. To protect itself, it gulps air and puffs
up to nearly five times its normal size. This intimidation often scares off would-be predators. (SE)
a small, skittish creature native to the planet Vryssa. (TFNR)
native to the planet Corulag, the bulfus was a bat-shaped flying mammal. A nocturnal predator, the bulfus
was equally adept at hunting in the air or in the water. The average bulfus could reach a size of two
meters across, and large adults could knock large humanoids over with their diving attacks. Young bulfusi
clung to their mother's backs for up to five months, until they learned to fly by themselves. (CCW)
this was the term used to describe two or more bulfus. (CCW)
this Alwari Ansionian was outcast from the Tasbir clan because of an accident which left him with a

deformed spine and mentally damaged. Bulgan was just a child when he was thrown from the back of a
suubatar, and his injuries were beyond the aid of the local medicine man. As a result of the fall, Bulgan's
mind was rendered almost useless. He was employed by Soergg the Hutt for his lack of a mind, in the
hopes that the Ansionian could approach the Jedi Knights who were on Ansion to mediate a settlement
between the Alwari and the city dwellers. Soergg wanted to kidnap either Anakin Skywalker or Barriss
Offee, in an effort to force the Jedi to abandon their efforts in search of the Padawan. Working with
Kyakhta, the two feeble Ansionians managed to capture Barriss Offee, but were unprepared when she
offered to fix their mental deficiencies. Barriss was able to use the Force to repair the mental damage
done to both Bulgan and Kyakhta, and the two suddenly found themselves able to think and communicate
with incredible dexterity. Both also pledged their support to help the Jedi. They were able to guide the
Jedi Knights to the Borokii overclan, where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli convinced the Alwari
join the city dwellers in agreeing to remain with the Old Republic instead of seceding. (APS)
Bulior Repulsor Systems
this corporation developed a starfighter crash-restraint system during the early years of the New
Republic. It employed a grouping a small repulsors that held the pilot in an invisible coccoon if his starship
crashed. The corporation got a boost when Hobbie Klivian agreed to endorse the system. (HXW)
Bulk Cruiser
designed by Rendili StarDrive, this slow, minimally-armed transport ship measured 600 meters in length.
The Bulk Cruiser required a crew of 2,050 to operate, as well as forty gunners. It could carry up to 200
passengers and 5,000 metric tons of cargo, and was armed with thirty quad-laser cannons and a pair of
tractor beam projectors. (DFR, FBS)
Bulk Exploratory Armor
known as a BEA, this form of protective gear provided a wide range of protection from heat and light.
Bulk Freighter
these cargo ships are basically flying boxes with hyperdrive engines attached, and little or no armaments.
Bull Katarn
this subspecies of katarn, which was native to the Shadowlands region of Kashyyyk, was named for the
way it attacked its prey. The bull katarn preferred brute force to stealth, and attacked with much more
ferocity than other species. (KOTOR)
this name, which meant "deep voice", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
this Gungan was married to Neesada Bari, and was the father of the scout named Toba. Bullba had
founded the BullbaBong bongo works shortly before the Battle of Naboo, and turned it into a wealthy
business after the Gungans reopened relations with the Naboo. (WOTC)
this Gungan starship design company was founded by Bullba shortly before the Battle of Naboo.
Business became active during the last decades of the Old Republic, after the Gungans re-established
relations with the Naboo. Bullba found himself manufacturing bongos for sale throughout the galaxy, and
later expanded into the production of weapons and starships. (WOTC)
Bullet Train
a fast, underground transportation system developed by the Selonians. (AS)
a fiddle-headed fern once native to Ithor. (COJ)

one of the Black Sun criminals working with Grobber during the reign of Zekka Thyne over Black Sun's
Corellian interests. (TFE)
Bullseye Navior
this strange alien was considered one of the best pod racers of the Outer Rim, and was known as the
track favorite on many of the courses found on Aquillaris. Navior was a brown-skinned humanoid with a
pair of round, bulbous growths coming from the top of his head. He was named for his wide, gaping eyes.
Bullwin, Dhar
this old man is a strong magician, and the leader of the Scitrok Warriors. Although not a Jedi, nor even a
Dark Jedi, he nonetheless can tap into the Force and use it. He trained under a Scitrok master for more
than thirty years before betraying his master and killing him, then taking his place. He spent the next
twenty-five years of his life searching for the treasures of Koda's World, including the Eye of Koda before
a group of scouts found it on Vengler. They took off to find Koda's World, and Bullwin followed them. His
ship, the Logrus, was shot down by the scouts, but Bullwin managed to escape to the planet. Once there,
Bullwin raced the scouts to locate the hidden temple, and was able to reach it before them. Inside, he
discovered the source of magic and incredible power, and gave himself to it. He hoped to control the
galaxy, but the power was maintained by the ancient Tempestro spirits. They deemed Bullwin unworthy of
the power, and destroyed him. (GG8)
this female Gamorrean was Ugbuz's mate, and matriarch of the Gakfedd tribe when the Eye of Palpatine
came to life. (COJ)
meaning "deep voice", this name was common among Gungan females. It was essentially the feminine
form of the name Bullba. (GCG)
Bulson, Nels
this man was an agent of the Senate Bureau of Investigations, during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. Agent Bulson was placed in charge of the investigation of Senator Havriso Looruya, who was
accused to funding the secession movements of several key planets. (HNN5)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
an Alliance transport group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Bulwark Battlecruiser
designed and manufactured by TransGalMeg, this older battleship found acceptance in the Alliance fleet
during the Galactic Civil War. Many felt that the ship's electronics and sensors were too finicky for regular
combat, but the Alliance found that the Bulwark was more than adequately armed and shielded for battle.
Most Alliance Bulwark battlecruisers served as mobile command bases for smaller fleets, which were
detached from their primary battle group. (REB)
Bulwark, The
this was the nickname given to Imperial space platform 1B6/Green, located in Darpa Sector near the
border with Bormea Sector. (FOP)
this is the term used by the residents of Tatooine's desert cities to describe a small room that has been
added to a main structure. Often, these small rooms resembled bulbous additions, a shape that was most
stable for the mud and sand mixture used to create them. (TPM)

Bumpy's Breakers
this was the name given to one of the pro-circuit podraces held annually on the planet Aquilaris. (RAC)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Ubun clan. It was added to
the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "merchant" or
"trader". (GCG)
Bundil II
this was the name of a XQ2 platform used by the Empire as a prison base. Some of the prisoners taken
during the Battle of Hoth were held there, until an Alliance force known as the Storm Unit liberated them
in a daring assault on the platform. (XWA)
Commander Resner believed that Bundim was base of operations for the Alliance forces that began
rebelling in Trax Sector, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The planetary government secretly tried to
remove the Imperial presence from the planet, but an inside source alerted the Empire to Bundim's plans.
The Empire's response was swift, and meant to make an example of Bundim for the rest of the sector. A
number of merchant ships were destroyed, and many cities were leveled in aerial bombardments. Bundim
was garrisoned and subjugated in less than a week. The Alliance worked diligently to help the natives
liberate themsevlves, and their efforts were nearly thwarted after the Battle of Heg. Kentara, one of the
first Alliance agents captured, later returned and help complete the liberation effort. (GMK)
a race of beings which practice the martial art of teras kasi or "steel hands." Note that MedStar I: Battle
Surgeons indicates that the Bunduki were human, although the Epicanthix have also been identified as
practitioners of teras kasi. (SE, MBS)
this planet, located in the Pacanth Reach, was conquered by the Epicanthix people. (SESB, AE)
Bungo Bung
this Sullustan grew up working in his father's boaboo fungus farm before signing on with SoroSuub's
Transport and Supply Division as a pilot. He eventually earned the position of Captain aboard the Chubby
Gundark. (SWJ11)
this creature, native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, was a shy creature. (SBS)
this being, a member of the crew of the Jynni's Virtue, was killed on the planet Korriban by unknown
forces, after the ship was forced to crash-land on the planet, near the Valley of Golg. Bunk was eventually
killed by the Korriban Zombies, and his dead body was reanimated to join the zombies. (PH)
Bunker Buster
this was the term used to describe the exploding rockets produced during the Clone Wars, and used to
smash bunkers and buried command posts during a siege. (SWI64)
Bunkurd Corporation
once based on Coruscant, this company operated several centuries prior to the Battle of Endor. They
engineered a bacterium that could help break down the huge amount of waste coming out of Imperial City
each day. The bacterium would eat the sludge and grime, converting it to more biodegradable byproducts. The bacterium was responsible for a twenty-percent improvement in Coruscant's sewage
problems. However, if the bacterium was consumed by humans, it would make them feel as if they had

food poisoning. This became known as Bunkurd Sewer Disorder. Bunkurd later developed a way to
contain the bacterium in a self-contained treatment system known as the Bunkurd Reclamation System.
Bunkurd Reclamation System
this water and sewage treatment system was developed by Bunkurd Corporation. It used the bacterium it
developed for use on Coruscant, but contained it an isolated system that could be attached to existing
treatment facilities. (WS)
Bunkurd Sewer Disorder
this disease is contracted when a human consumes the specialized bacterium created to combat waste
disposal problems on Coruscant. The bacterium, engineered by Bunkurd Corporation, broke down
garbage into biodegradable by-products. However, if consumed by humans, the bacterium caused a
gastrointestinal disorder that resembled food poisoning. (WS)
Bunky dunko
this Huttese word translated into Basic as "home" or "abode." (GMR5)
Buntra Tree
this tree is native to the planet Orellon II. (SWJ2)
this being was the Captain of the gunship Vigor and a member of the Peace Brigade during the early
stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (NJOSB)
Bunyea, Kip
this man was part of a large ring of illegal narcotics dealers which was operating in the Core Worlds
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was known among his associates as a hateful and
unruly individual, which often had a negative impact on his business dealings. A bounty for his capture
was isued by Aruk the Hutt, after Bunyea - who preferred to go by the nickname "The Kip" - reneged on a
deal. Jango Fett eventually claimed the bounty, during his search for Jervis Gloom. (BH)
this individual was Dolph's naval Commander on Almania. (TNR)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "slender." (GCG,
Buran Borsil
this male Nord was one of the eight members of the Twilight Class of the Galactic Outdoor Survival
School who became part of the Alliance's Special Forces division. He held an honorary position on
Eclipse Team, due mainly to his comraderie with the other members of the team. (AIR)
Burbakker Teep
this male Gran was a noted smuggler and weapons runner during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo, until he was captured and brought to justice by Jango Fett. The Republic Security Force enlisted
the aid of bounty hunters after Teep was implicated in the destruction of several RSF facilities. (BH)
this Sedrian warrior was a follower of Karak. (BGS)
this Rodian scientist found himself the target of farmers and environmentalists when he began
researching the jevesects that were native to the planet Herzob, during the height of the New Order. The
jevesects had proven to be formidable vermin on Herzob, and Burbu's experiments were aimed at
discovering why the pests died shortly after they were exported from the planet. The farmers and

environmentalists were trying to ensure that the jevesects weren't used biological weapons on other
agricultural worlds. (WOTC)
this great philosopher was once quoted as saying, "If crime did not pay, there would be very few
criminals." (SEE)
Bureau of Acculturation
this was the primary body of the Old Republic which dealt with the assimilation of new cultures and
civlizations into the galactic communities. (GSE)
Bureau of Operations
a divison of Imperial Intelligence which handles many of the surveillance, infiltration, counterintelligence,
and assassination missions for the Empire. (ISB)
Bureau of Punishments
a divison of Imperial government set up by Palpatine, their charter allowed them to discover new and
unique ways to punish those individuals and races that did not agree with the New Order. (COJ)
Bureau of Revenue
this Imperial agency was charged with setting and levying the taxes required to maintain the Empire.
Bureau of Science and Travel
this minor Imperial administration was based in the Duro System, during the years leading up to the Battle
of Yavin. (RESB)
Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services
this is technically the full name of the New Republic Scout Service. (GG8)
Bureau of Ships and Services
this agency assigns unique transponder codes to all of the galaxy's starship. It is often referred to as the
BoSS. A bureau office is located in most major spaceports throughout the galaxy. BoSS has been an
fixture of intergalactic travel for several millenia, surviving the scourge of the Empire and the birth of the
New Republic while remaining totally neutral. Most of the positions within BoSS are filled on a hereditary
basis, so the BoSS is as much an intergalactic clan as it is a civil bureaucracy. It ensures its usefulness
and independence in two ways: it keeps its computer files stored in nearly indecipherable codes, and it
has remained neutral to any galactic confrontation. This neutrality is formed from a simple rule: whoever
rules the galaxy "inherits" the BoSS. (RPG, GG7, CFG, VOF)
Bureau of Xenology
this ancient branch of the Old Republic was responsible for cataloguing the incredible variety of sentient
life in the known galaxy. (TOJC)
Bureau Seals
these Imperial Customs container seals are thin plastic strips and stickers used to seal shipping
containers. Within the strips are tiny microchips, as well as a special dissolving agent. The strips are
bonded to the locks or latches of containers, and permanently mark the container during transport. Seals
which match an Imperial inspections listing are passed through Customs without intervention. A quick
scan of the microchips will reveal the seal's identification. If the seal is roughly handled or broken, the
dissolving agent is released and destroys the seal. (SWJ9)
Bureaucracy Blues
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was first released on the compilation entitled
Limited Warfare, and was banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Bureaucrat's Triumph

this military CR90 Corvette is at the heart of the defenses for the planet Algara II. It is supported by twelve
Z-95 Headhunters. (PG2)
Burellion Tiy
this Sullustan worked in the Outer Rim Territories as a used starships salesbeing. He made a living
buying used ships from SoroSuub Corporation and then making them available at enticing prices to the
general public. Like many Sullustans, Tiy felt that SoroSuub needed to break away from the Empire and
support the Alliance. He eventually became an Alliance operative, using his contacts within SoroSuub to
gather Imperial military intelligence during his travels. He then arranged to turn this information over to the
Alliance. His hatred of the Empire is strong, and he once sold an Imperial garrison a group of sabotaged
patrol ships. The ships gave off electromagnetic signatures that told their ships' sensors that there were
X-Wings in the area. To his delight, the Imperials increased their patrols and their defenses in a virtually
barren area of space. (CRO)
Burellion's Deal
this SoroSuub light transport was owned and operated by Burellion Tiy during the height of the New
Order. (CRO)
this Gamorrean served as a guard aboard the Masquerade, working for Elwis Bontraar during the last
years of the Old Republic. (WOA22)
Burgo Teage
this Herglic was a infamous black marketeer was hired by Gaen Drommel to locate hyperdrive parts for
the damaged Guardian during the early years of the New Order. Cryle Cavv managed to get Burgo
roaring drunk, but failed to obtain information on the location of the Guardian before Burgo's enforcer,
Gronk, showed up. (SWJ15)
an Alliance modified Corvette operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was the largest of the wondrous tree-cities built by the Gazaran in the rainsforests of the planet
Veron. Located on the northern coast of the continent of Ganzka, this city was home to more than
350,000 Gazaran. (PG1)
Burna Trade Route
this hyperspace route wound through the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. Together with the Entana Run, it
formed the boundary of Urce Space. (AIR)
Burnal Terrup
this Devaronian male served as the first assistant to Abav Ghart, and was Ghart's opposite in many
respected. A member of the Void Demons for more than a decade, Terrup worn a tattered blue and
orange uniform. He was a manipulative being, always seemingly one step away from becoming
psychotic. (PG1)
this mold was native to the planet Ryloth, and gave off an odd odor when harvested. The Twi'leks
discovered that clumps of burn-fungus could be set afire, and would burn for several hours, giving off an
aromatic smoke while providing a meager light. (PSPG)
Burnin Konn
this planet was located in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy, in the heart of the Ivax Nebula. This planet was
one of the sector's most profitable mining worlds, with rich veins of dolovite and kammris found in its
crust. However, the near-continual mining of the planet stripped away all of its native plantlife, leaving it a
dusty wasteland. (WOA33)

a torture method in which a blaster is set to its lowest power output. The weapon is then used to burn the
flesh from the victim's bones. The blaster's beam is set so that the bone remains intact but scorched, and
the victim can see it. Very few victims have ever withheld information with this method. The person
administering the torture usually starts at the toes and works their way up the leg toward the chest and
head. (HSE)
Burning Bridges
a song written and played by Annadale Fayde. It was first released as part of the compilation Emotional
Hostages, and has been given a scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Burning Deck, The
a run-down drinking establishment in the Corellian sector of Nar Shaddaa's spaceport. It is one of the
three most popular hangouts for Corellian spacers, and is a dismal, crowded bar. (DE2)
Burning Pride
this Yuuzhan Vong warship was part of the fleet commanded by Shedao Shai, during the second wave of
their invasion of the galaxy. It was commanded by Deign Lian, until Lian assumed command in the wake
of Shedao Shai's death on Ithor. (DTR)
Burning Snake
this creature, native to the moon Yavin 13, is an effective solar collector. Unlike most creatures on the
moon, the burning snakes come out during the day and bask in the sun, absorbing incredible amounts of
heat and converting that energy into fuel to sustain itself. They can grow to be up to three meters in
length. (GG2)
Burning Vengeance
this was one of two Imperial Star Destroyers, along with the Legacy, which were equipped with prototype
weapons systems at the Kuat Drie Yards, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. They were
dispatched to the planet Belgaroth for testing. House Andrim, which developed the weapons system,
hired a group of freelance agents to investigate the ships and ascertain the effectiveness of the weapons,
so that they could negotiate a fair price for them. (CCW)
Burning, The
this was the name given to a specific arc of the unusual, figure-eight orbit of the planet Byss. During the
period of The Burning, the planet moved directly between the twin stars of Byss and Abyss, baking with
heat and radiation until most of the planet was scorched. (GG4, UANT)
a slang term referring to the loss of a starship's power plant. (ESBR)
Burnout, The
this space station was located in Thaereian space during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was
known as one of the nastiest places a being could ever visit, and all manner of criminal activities occurred
within its bulkheads: spice smuggling, slave trading, gunrunning, and information brokering were just the
beginning. What made the existence of The Burnout hard to understand was the Thaereian Military's
public stance against any sort of criminal activity. If the Military was so worried about protection, reasoned
the natives of the Cularin System, why did it allowed something like The Burnout to exist in its own
backyard? (LFCW)
Burr, Tama
this woman and her band of criminals operated one of the largest black-market organizations on the
planet Recopia, trafficking all manner of exotic, semi-sentient creatures. Burr also dealt with non-sentient
creatures, although the profit margins were much smaller. She specialized in avian creatures, and much
of her estate was dedicated to their care and keeping. (CCW)
Burra Fish

this fish, native to Dathomir, swims in mudholes. (CPL)

a plant native to the planet Endor. (AT)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Burren, Tal
this dark-skinned man was a lowly grade-four technician who served with Major Ivak, under the command
of Ysanne Isard. When Ivak was coerced by Mara Jade and subdued, Burren provided Isard several
methods of recapturing Jade and punishing Ivak. He was promoted by Isard for his loyalty and ingenuity
during the search for Mara Jade, eventually ending up on Isard's personal staff. (MJEH)
Burrid, Sk'kot
this member of the Alliance armed forces was part of Bria Tharen's Red Hand Squadron. He came down
with a fever shortly before the attack on the Helot's Shackle. He recovered, and was part of the assault
team that went to Ylesia and eliminated the Besadii operations there. However, like the rest of the Red
Hands, Sk'kot was killed on Toprawa as they supported the resistance there. (RD)
a former stormtrooper who had deserted the Empire following the Battle of Endor, Burrk was discovered
by Luke Skywalker and Callista on Hoth, where he and his crew were illegally hunting Wampas for their
pelts. Burrk had teamed up with two sibling Cathars, Nodon and Nonak, thinking that they were
formidable hunters. They were ambushed by Wampas on a run, on which they were hosting Drom Guldi,
and the Wampas accidentally hit the auto-destruct sequence for his ship. The ship exploded before they
could fight off the Wampas, and they were stranded. Burrk was killed when the Wampas managed to
break into the remnants of Echo Base the Burrk and his team were using as a shelter. (DS)
this was one of the primary grains grown by the Salliche Agricultural Corporation on the planet Ruan. It
was also grown on a number of other worlds, and was used in the production of raw flour and various
breads and cereals. (JE, COD)
a genus of omnivorous creature native to the moon Yavin 8, the rodent-like burrowers come in all shapes
and sizes. The smallest are the Mosshoppers, and the largest are the Lopers. (GG2)
Burrowing Detonator
this mobile, robotic explosive is used to mine open areas. They have a limited range, but their mobility
allows them to be set down in an area and they disperse themselves. Like standard landmines, they bury
themselves just below the surface and lie waiting for someone to step on them. Unlike landmines, they
can also move periodically, making their recovery nearly impossible. (ROM)
Burrowing Spider Droid
see Dwarf Spider Droid. (SWDB)
native to the swamps of the planet Naboo, the bursa was a large pachyderm characterized by its
immense shoulders. The snout of the bursa was dominated by a pair of tusks, and their hunching
shoulders were crowned with wondrous, feather-like tufts of hair. The bursa was carnivorous by nature,
and was often trained by Gungans as a circus animal. It was believed that the bursas pre-dated even the
Gungans in the evolution of Naboo, and that the early Gungans were often attacked by groups of bursas.
These wild bursas were believed to have been driven into extinction by the early Gungan Grand Army,
although a tamer species survived until at least the Battle of Naboo. (WSW, GB)

this Imperial soldier held the rank of Sergeant Major during the Battle of Hoth. Bursk was known as a
cunning planner and tactician, and led the most brutal of all the snowtrooper squadrons into Echo Base
during the Empire's rout of the Alliance. (CCG9)
this cold world, located in the Mid Rim near the Unknown Regions, was covered with tundra due to its
location in the system. Despite the frigid conditions and intense hailstorms that poelted the planet with
ice, life managed to thrive on the planet. The average hailstone which struck the planet was roughly
fifteen centimeters in diameter, or about the size of a human head, making these storms particularly
dangerous. Because of the existence of Burskan gundarks, explorers during the last centuries of the Old
Republic had the planet declared as an environmental preserve, hoping to discover more about the
gundarks and why they were so different than their cousins. (WOTC)
Burskan Gundark
this variant on the common gundark was native to the planet Burska, where it evolved to survive in the
harsh tundra of the planet. Its hide was incredibly think and tough, evidently an evolutionary response to
the strong hailstorms that pelted the planet with ice. These gundarks were also tougher than most other
species, able to withstand the punishment of storms as well as the frigid temperatures of Burska.
Interestingly, Burskan gundarks were also very docile compared to their cousins, and had a calming
effect on other gundarks when placed in proximity to one another. The violent nature associated with
gundarks remained intact, but was somehow dormant in the Burskan gundarks. These gundarks also
were fond of soft, fluffy objects, and were known to violently protect a small piece of carpet from other
gundarks. Physically, Burskan gundarks resemble the typical gundark, with four prehensile arms and
large ears. Burskan gundarks, however, lived just five years in the wild, despite being the dominant
predator on the planet. Infant gundarks were raised by their parents for a year, until the father left the
family. The mother continued to provide food and shelter for another few months before abandoning the
young gundark to fend for itself. (WOTC)
this Imperial Governor served as the leader of Bissillirus System during the early years of the Galactic
Civil War, and was later promoted to governor of the planet Ruten in the years following the Battle of
Endor. He was responsible for keeping the population docile while readying the planet for the
contstruction of a new base. In his personal time, Bursthed maintained an elaborate collection of exotic
pets, a hobby that was started when his courtiers gave him a miniature dewback after attending the
annual Ruten Pet Show. (TSK, GMK)
this was the name given to any tracking device which sent out a regular burst of information, rather than a
continuous stream, to help avoid detection. (SWJ11)
this element is often extruded into thin threads, which are used to reinforce metals and ferrocrete
structures. It is a light-weight material. (CFG)
this Wookiee owned a Trast A-A2 repulsor truck, which was stolen by F'ej D'aw in an effort to get
Nawnum the Hutt away from Gennan Var. (IA)
Burtola, J.K.
this young child was a member of the Bear Clan, training under Master Yoda at the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant during the year leading up to the Clone Wars. (SWDB)
this man was part of the Alliance team sent to scout the planet Arbra as a possible location for a new
base of operations, in the wake of the Battle of Hoth. He was captured when a slivilith attacked their
camp, but the sharpshooting of Leia Organa managed to free him before the slivilith could make off with
him. (MC55)

this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "firm-minded"
or "hard-headed." (GCG, WOTC)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "home",
"life", or "tree", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.
(GMR10, GCG)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "kills from a distance". (GCG)
this crippled Wookiee, who lost an eye due to Imperial torture, was Loom Carplin's right-hand man at the
Atrivis Resistance Group's base on Generis. He has a brilliant knack for organization and administration.
He was usually accompanied by his translator droid, C3-L1. (RASB)
meaning "flamboyant", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this was the model name of a heavy-bladed vibro-axe. IG-88 had a Butcher vibro-blade added to his
onboard arsenal of weapons. (VD)
Butcher of Baummu
this was the nickname given to Imperial Captain Briera by the Alliance, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ10)
Butcher of Krant, The
see Yittreas. (GB)
Butcher of Montellian Serat
this was the monicker given to the Devaronian Kardue'sai'Malloc, who later hid under the alias of Labria.
The nickname was given to Kardue'sai'Malloc because he executed over 700 of his fellow Devaronians,
at the behest of the Empire, at Montellian Serat. Kardue was eventually caught by Boba Fett, somce
fifteen years after the Battle of Hoth. (MTS, TBH)
Butcher of Renatasia
a name given to Vuffi Raa by Klyn Shanga, it refered to Vuffi Raa's presence in the Renatasia System
when the Imperial fleet invaded the system. (LCS)
native to the planet Dagobah, the butcherbug was a multilegged, armored insect that spun a tough, wirelike web in the roots of the gnarltree. Animals that failed to detect the web and ran into it were cut into
pieces, which the butcherbug then consumed at its leisure. (ISU, WSW)
Butcher's Scimitar
see Petranaki Scimitar (GORW)
Butler's Cove
a previously uninhabited planet in the Stribos System, this planet was chosen by Soron Hegerty as a
refuge for the Ssither that managed to escape the Demophon System. It was unrecorded in Imperial
records. It had a local day of 25 standard hours, and a year of 380 local days. It was named for the pirate

who discovered it; he hoped to use it as a base from which to raid the Demophon System, but he was
killed on his first raid, and all information on the planet was lost. (SN)
Butter newt
a small salamander found on Bakura, it is extremely primitive and has a limited nervous system. (TB)
this was the popular name for the species of creature known as Bogan's Brown Nafen. (COG)
this Huttese word translated into Basic as "a bet." (GMR5)
this hardwood is found in rocky and desert-like environments, growing in small, tight rings that make the
wood extremely tough. (POT)
Buula Nen
this Chevin crimelord operated from an asteroid base he named Buula's Rocky Home. He was feared
throughout the Telanka System and parts of the Outer Rim, and maintained control of his criminal forces
by planting truthful rumors about hidden explosives sprinkled throughout Buula's Rocky Home. (HAS)
Buula's Raiders
this pirate gang worked for Buula Nen during the Galactic Civil War. Like most of Buula Nen's operations,
the Raiders were based out of Buula's Rocky Home. (HAS)
Buula's Rocky Home
this asteroid base, located in the Vessar Asteroid Belt, was owned and operated by the Chevin crimelord
Buula Nen, during the height of the New Order. The asteroid itself had two nodes, with the command
center and living areas in the small node, and hangar space and weapons systems in the larger node.
Buwon Neb
it was on this planet-hopper pilot's ship that Callista - under the name of Cray Mingla - arrived on the
planet Nam Chorios. Buwon Neb made regular runs between Durren and Nam Chorios. (POT)
this race of beings came from a remote sector of the galaxy. Their homeworld was believed to have been
the planet Harrandarr. Harrandarr's remote location, coupled with their unremarkable history, kept them
out of the galactic mainstream. A peaceful race, the Buzchub were characterized by their tall, humanoid
appearance and blue fur. They were incapable of speaking the Basic language, much like the Wookiees,
whom the Buzchubs considered to be their "long-haired brothers." Those Buzchub which traveled off their
homeworld wore a special translator in order to converse with Basic-speaking races. (TSK)
Buzz Boys
this group of elite mercenaries often accompanied the Alliance on missions against the Empire. They
assisted in the recovery of an I2-CG droid on Goratak III, after the droid intercepted data on the starship
manufacturing plant on Tar Morden. (MB)
Buzz Droid
this insectile combat droid, distinguished by the two hemispherical repulsorlift engines that propelled it,
was developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the height of the Clone Wars. When
not in combat mode, the hemispheres were connected, giving the buzz droid the appearance of a
complete sphere. Buzz droids were used primarily in space combat, where they were deployed to attack
the starfighters of the Old Republic. Once connected to a target, the buzz droid unfolded, extending legs
and weaponry to move about and destroy key components of a ship. (OWS)
Buzz Fly

a small, annoying insect which consumes the sugars found in many fruits. (POT)
this common insect, native to the planet Sullust, was named for the sound it made when it flapped its
wings. (MBS)
an insect that mindlessly circles around and around. (MTS)
this form of automaton was developed to move about on repulsors and attack a specified target. (SWJ14)
a predatory fish. (XWRS)
a handheld weapon, buzz-knucks are worn across the knuckles, and deliver an electric charge when they
make contact with another body. (DESB)
this insect, native to the planet Haruun Kal, was discovered by the Kubaz to have a wealth of culinary
possibilities during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SHPT)
one of Gamgalon's henchmen, Buzzy worked with Fleck to scour the spaceports near Tropis-on-Varonat
for potential buyers. (TFE)
this was the name of the Bonestar Pirate ship, commanded by Loka Hask, that caused the Antilles' fuel
depot on Gus Treta to explode. This Cindev Series IV picket-ship-turned-armed-freighter had docked at
their station, but was pursued by agents of the Corellian Security Force. They ordered the Buzzzer to
stand down, but Hask fled before disengaging the fuel lines. Wedge Antilles later destroyed the Buzzzer
and severely injured Hask, after tracking the pirates down in an act of revenge. (HXW)
a hornet-like insect found on the planet Eiattu. (XWWP)
this servant droid was the maitre'd at the Cedrian Terrace restaurant on Bothawui, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (SESB)
this was one of the few Tchuukthai ever to be encountered off their native homeworld. (WOTC)
this Hutt was considered ugly even by Hutt standards. Bwahl's skin was a dingy gray color, and he was
missing an eye. Bwahl often employed independent shippers like Kaj Nedmak and Celia Durasha, in an
effort to move merchandise without getting involved directly with the law. Kaj owed Bwahl a large sum of
credits, after he dumped a cargo in the Gordian Reach. Bwahl forgave him, since Kaj was otherwise
reliable, but the debt remained unpaid, so Kaj was forced to work it off. Kaj later decided to pay off all his
debts by double-crossing Bwahl. He planned to use a shipment of Bwahl's weapons to pay off a debt to
Rass M'Guy, then run enough spice to quickly pay back Bwahl. However, Bwahl discovered his plans,
and sent out his agents to capture or kill him. (SWJ14)
this Selkath was appointed the arbiter for the band of Jedi - led by Revan and Carth Onasi - that traveled
to Manaan in search of a Star Map, shortly after the Great Sith War. The Jedi had been searching for
clues as to the location of Darth Malak, and had just finished fighting their way through a Sith base in

Ahto City when they were arrested. The Jedi, however, were unsure of Bwa'lass and his abilities to
represent them, and took up their own defense. Ultimately, the Jedi were able to prove that they were at
the Sith base to locate a group of kidnapped Selkath youths, and were released rfom prison. (KOTOR)
designed by Admiral Ackbar and the Verpine colonies of Slayn and Korpil as part of the Shantipole
Project, the B-Wing (the B stands for blade) looks like like a flying cross, with the control pod at the top,
retractable wings at the sides, and laser guns at the top and bottom. The canopy is also gyroscopically
levelled by a unique stabilization mechanism that allows the entire ship to rotate around the canopy. This
is difficult to maintain, and can leave the pilot disoriented if it locks up. The Quadex Kyromaster stardrive
is located at the center of the cross. The whole ship flies sideways. The entire ship is 16.9 meters in
length, at its longest dimension. Originally designed without a hyperdrive, it was later modified to include
a hyperdrive and limited navcomp capabilities. It is limited to two hyperspace jumps before the navcomp
requires recalibration. It can make 950 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere, and has been rated at 90
MGLT in open space. The B-Wing is equipped with active and passive sensors, a single laser cannon,
two proton torpedo launchers, three fire-linked medium ion cannons, and two auto-blasters. The single
laser cannon can be fired at low power in continuous mode, doing no damage but acting as a nearperfect targetting mechanism. While this makes the B-wing very effective, it also allows the enemy to
effectively target the B-wing in return. It is equipped with the following components:

3 Gyrhil R-9X Laser Cannons

1 Gyrhil 72 Twin Auto-blaster

3 ArMek SW-7a Ion Cannons

2 Krupx MG9 Proton Torpedo Launchers (6 torpedoes each)

4 Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust engines

Slayn & Korpil JZ-5 Fusial Thrust engines

Slayn & Korpil HYd-997 Hyperdrive Motivator

Fabritech ANv-9q Sensor System

Fabritech ANq 3.6 Tracking Computer

Long Range Phased Tachyon Array Model Number PH-5s

Short Range Primary Threat Grid Model Number PK-8f

Narmox HG.6w Flight Control Avionics Package

Microaxial LpM-549 NavComp Unit

Vinop O2K Cryogenic Power Cells and Ionization Reactor

In-344-B Sightline Imaging System

Sirplex Zr-41 Front- and Rear-projecting Shield Generators (125 SBD)

Titanium Alloy Hull (60 RU)



this modification to the original Slayn & Korpil B-Wing design - known as the B-Wing Expanded - was first
proposed by Admiral Ackbar and the Verpine after the Battle of Yavin. The B-Wing Expanded had an
elongated cockpit that allowed a a gunner to assist the pilot on missions. This allowed the pilot to
concentrate on piloting, and resulted in the B-Wing accounting for an increased number of kills in battle. It
was faster and tougher than the original B-Wing, but was somewhat less maneuverable. There were two
models of B-Wing/E: the first was simply a military ship, while the second generation (known as the BWing/E2) was designed as a personal military shuttle. Ackbar used one of these E2-designs as his own
shuttle, which he was forced to crash on the planet Vortex after it had been tampered with by Terpfen.
this was a new version of the two-man B-Wing, produced for the New Republic shortly before the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion. (HT)
Bwom Pedal
this pedal, found at the base of an Ommni Box, helped the musician modulate the sound produced by the
instrument. (VD)
this man served as a senior technical analyst aboard the Corpulentus, serving under Pors Tonith during
the final stages of the Clone Wars. He had a habit of speaking with a slow drawl, which made it appear
that he was choosing his words as he spoke them, as if he were afraid of saying the wrong thing. Tonith
resented the fact that B'wuf refused to think of battles as business affairs, escpecially when B'wuf began
questioning the battle plan for the capture and control of the Intergalactic Communications Center on
Praesitlyn, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis. When B'wuf's protests became too
vocal, Tonith ordered a pair of battle droids to shoot him dead if tried to get up from his post. After Tonith
surrendered to Anakin Skywalker, B'wuf feared for his life - both from the Republic's forces and from
Tonith's droids - but remained seated until Tonith released him. (JT)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name referred to a ceremonial Ithorian vine.
this Ithorian vine was known for its beautiful flowers. It was easily transplanted, and was often used in
celebratory decorations. (GCG)
produced by Ulqib MicroTronics, this device was ostensibly a holorecorder. However, it went one step
further than providing a way to communicate a message with a three-dimensional image. The BX-333
was known as a biorecorder, and was capable of capturing and retransmitting the sender's emotions and
feelings via recordings of their brain waves and bio-functions. Many users claimed that the added
information about the being at the other end of the transmission made it seem as if they were talking in
person. (GFT, AEG)
this New Republic Intelligence datafile was created to document the various starships which were
involved in the Human League crisis and the breakup of the Starbuster Plot. It was appended to datafile
9912.78.3. (CTD)

this ill-tempered administrative droid was hired by Trepler Darklighter to run Docking Bay 86 at the Mos
Eisley Spaceport. BX-9T was humanoid in form, with striking blue and red coloration. (GG7)
this New Republic Intelligence datafile contained information on the capital ships built by the New
Republic after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (CTD)
this was the designation of the astromech droid assigned to the Y-Wing fighter piloted by Wilkins, during
the Galactic Civil War. During the Alliance's attack on the Star Destroyer Vehemence, Wilkins' fighter was
badly damaged, and Wilkins was blinded in a collision with a TIE Bomber. Only the quick actions of the
droid, which Wilkins had nicknamed "Box," saved the fighter and allowed Wilkins to escape into
hyperspace. (FTD)
this sophisticated, miniature droid computer was developed by Arakyd for use in the Mark VII Inquisitor
seeker. (EGW)
By The Banks of the Warm, Pink Z'gag
a song Skynx sings to Han, Chewie, Badure, and Hasti on the planet Dellalt, it is played at cocoonweaving time to soothe the Ruurians who are entering their pupal stage. It also serves as a welcoming
song to those Ruurians who, at the same time, are about to shed their cocoons and become fliers. (HSL)
a planet located in the Colonies region, Byblos is a densely populated manufacturing center for high
technology and military items. The natives have built huge city towers, some of which have 5,000 levels
or more. BlasTech, SoroSuub, and Seiner Fleet Systems all maintained corporate towers on Byblos. The
average day on Byblos lasts 38 standard hours. The year on Byblos encompasses 402 local days. (CCG,
Byblos Academy of Medicine
part of the vast array of educational facilities on Byblos, this school produced some of the galaxy's
premier physicians. (TFE)
Byblos City
this was the capital of the planet Byblos, and the site of most of its immense starport towers. (PSPG)
Byblos Data Library 27013
this was one of the many library buildings maintained on the planet Byblos. (GCG)
Byblos Drive Yards
this Colonies region manufacturer is best knwon for its heavy-duty transports, freighters, and construction
starships. (EGV)
Byblos RepulsorDrive
this subsidiary of Byblos Drive Yards produces combat cloud cars and airspeeders for use in police
forces. (EGV)
Byblos Starport Security
this was the defense and security organization established to maintain the various starport towers located
on the planet Byblos. (CRO)
Byblos Tower 103
one of the many starport towers located on the planet Byblos, this was one of five which were dedicated
to starship traffic. (PSPG)
Byblos Tower 214
one of the multitude of starport towers located on the surface of the planet Byblos, Tower 214 was known

as the home of Bolabo's Garage. Most towers were used for many purposes, but Tower 214 was
dedicated to docking starships. A simple calculation revealed that Tower 214 could accommodate up to
115,200 bulk freighters at one time. Inbound traffic approached from the north and south of the tower, at
odd-numbered kilometer altitudes. Outgoing traffic left to the east or west, at even-numbered kilometer
altitudes. (CRO, PSPG)
Byblos Tower 309
one of the many starport towers located on the planet Byblos, this was one of five which were dedicated
to starship traffic. (PSPG)
Byblos Tower 328
one of the many starport towers located on the planet Byblos, this was one of five which were dedicated
to starship traffic. (PSPG)
Byblos Tower 97
one of the many starport towers located on the planet Byblos, this was one of five which were dedicated
to starship traffic. (PSPG)
Byblos Traffic Central
this was the primary authority charged with managing the incoming and outgoing starship traffic that
passed through the starport towers of Byblos. (PSPG)
this was the primary Imperial garrison on the planet Byblos. (SWJ9)
this tall, imposing woman served as the High General of the armed forces of the planet Typha-Dor, during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. When she learned of Mezdec's treachery on TY44, General
Bycha had him arrested and place in custody. Although she understood the need to fight against the
incursions of the Vanqors, General Bycha was loathe to start a battle if another resolution could be found.
Her patience paid off when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker convinced Talus and Binalu to
personally contact Van-Ith to negotiate a truce. (JQ7)
this Gorothite j'ber was one quite numerous, but their numbers dwindled continually over the centuries
until B'Yen Do V'nel was the last surviving member of the original clan. (GSE)
B'Yen Do V'nel
this Gorothite religious leader was once a member of the T'B'Dellyi'Mai, until his beliefs went unheaded
by its leadership. V'nel then split from the T'B'Dellyi'Mai and started his own militant group, the K'Len
J'Bar Kasoon. His "grand task," which formed the basis of the group, had three main parts: making
Goroth Prime ungovernable for the Empire, to incite the Gorothite people to revolution, and to rouse the
"spiritual forces" of the planet to join the cause. His own beliefs were rooted in the M'Nes, the True Faith
preached by the V'Sook j'ber, but he felt that the only way to pass the trials imposed by the Scouring and
the Empire was through direct action. (GSE)
Byhdee Kees
this male Gran was a member of the RavinsBlud syndicate during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo, and was also a death sticks dealer who worked for Sebolto. A bounty was issued for his capture
by the Coruscant police force, in connection with the rise in death stick distribution that occurred on the
planet during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the
bounty hunter traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto. (BH)
Bynarrian Jig
a form of dance performed by Badure on Dellalt, when his team was camped while searching for the
Queen of Ranroon. (HSL)

Bynder Zebb
this Twi'lek was employed as a corporate scout by TaggeCo. during the last years of the New Order. He
had extensive knowledge on the various creatures that inhabited the galaxy. Bynder also had no trust for
droids, after a friend's M38 explorer droid rolled itself off a cliff. (MTSE)
Byrg, Tegist
this man was the planetary Governor of Glova, during the early years of the New Republic. Byrg grew up
as the son of a street beggar, and apprenticed himself to a local thief. This early training helped him learn
the necessary skills to build his own personal empire, and his network of associates soon elected him
Governor. He was also a restaurantuer, owning Aramand's and the Orchid hotel. It was rumored that Byrg
was a staunch supporter of Emperor Palpatine, and that he remained loyal to the Empire after the Battle
of Endor. These rumors were eventually proven true by Robet Makina, and Byrg was removed form office
when his dealings were exposed by a group of smugglers stranded on Glova. (POC)
this Imperial Lieutenant was in command of an AT-AT walker serving the garrison of General Xarran on
the planet Vryssa. Like his peers, he was killed when Boba Fett came to Vryssa to recover Rivo Xarran.
The pilots who worked with Byrga detested his self-confidence and open disdain for subordinates. Fett
used a magnetic grappler to reach the main body of the walker, then entered the cargo hold. He executed
Byrga when the Lieutenant went to investigate the noise in the hold. Fett then executed the two pilots and
took control of the walker. (TFNR)
Byrla, Horis
this man, a native of the planet Cularin, was one of several hundred natives who disappeared from public
view during the years following the onset of the Clone Wars. Many people secretly attributed these
disappearances to the Thaereian Military, which spent the nighttime hours removing an vocal opponents
to its control of the Cularin System. (LFCW)
Byrne City
the capital city of the planet Demophon, located on the continent of Junno. Like most of Demophon's
cities, it was domed to keep out the planet's harsh atmosphere. When the system's star started to go
supernova, the domes became more than a necessity. It was linked, via underground tunnels, to most of
the other cities on Junno. It was also the site of Byrneport, the planet's primary spaceport. (SN)
Byrne, Tallus
one of the early aliases used by Han Solo, during his tenure with Garris Shrike. (TPS)
in its natural form, byrothsis is extremely rare. It was used to build infrared camera lenses, but it forced
camera manufacturers to charge large sums of credits for their cameras. ResSystems discovered how to
create synthetic byrothsis, and allowed the use of the element in more esoteric applications. (CFG)
this public starferry was one of the many starships trapped on Coruscant when the Yuuzhan Vong
attacked the planet, some two years after their initial invasion of the galaxy. In the chaof of the evacuation
efforts, C-3PO and Ben Skywalker were separated from Han and Leia Organa Solo, who had been trying
to reach the Millennium Falcon. The droid was bustled aboard the Byrt with Ben in his arms, and only a
valiant rescue effort by Lando Calrissian managed to keep Ben from being captured by the Yuuzhan
Vong. (SBS)
the primary planet in the binary star system of Abyss and Byss, and the homeworld of the Abyssin race. It
is an arid world, with isolated pockets of fertile ground. The planet's surface is baked when it rotates in
between the two stars in a strange figure-eight orbit. This requires that the Abyssin continually move to
the more fertile areas. The planet's plant life has also adapted the ability to send out large taproots to
collect any available water. (GG4)

one of the two binary stars that dominate the Byss-Abyss system. (GG4)
a planet located in the Deep Core that is incredibly strong with the Dark Side of The Force. Originally
used as a private retreat for the Emperor Palpatine, it was touted as a paradise. Much of its surface was
covered with tranquil lakes, and it was lit with an unusual blue-green sunlight. Thus, Palpatine was able to
get millions of people to voluntarily bring their life energies to the planet. Once they were there, Palpatine
enslaved them by using the Dark Side of the Force, feeding the growing evil that existed on the planet.
He then built it into a model of a society that was ruled by the Dark Side. The reborn Emperor used the
planet as his stronghold for his cloning activities, and for the source of his power during his resurrection. It
had a normal day of 31 standard hours, and a year which lasts 207 local days. Byss was destroyed when
the New Republic launched an assault on the Emperor's stronghold, shortly after the destruction of Da
Soocha V. In the midst of the attack, the Emperor ordered his fleets back to Byss to protect it.
Unfortunately, the Eclispe II emerged from hyperspace too close to the Galaxy Gun and rammed the
superweapon, cleaving it in two. The crew of the Galaxy Gun attemtped to fire one of its missile, but their
targetting systems failed and the missile struck Byss. In a cataclysmic explosion, Byss tore itself apart,
wiping out the entire Imperial fleet. (DE1, DESB, EE, EGP)
Byss Bistro
a cantina located within the Imperial Freight Complex on Byss. (DE1)
Byss' Blind Eye
this was an oath used by many rough-and-tumble types during the early years of the New Order. (T11)
Byss Cheese
this type of cheese, created by the Abyssin race, was noted for its large holes. (PH)
Byss Run
a smuggling route often used as a marker of smuggling ability. (DE2)
Byss Security Zone
the space immediately surrounding the planet Byss, it is patrolled by Imperial warships ordered to shoot
down any starship not expressly permitted in Byss' vicinity. (DE2)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name referred to a hammer that could be used as a weapon.
By't Distombe
this Twi'lek was a noted podracer during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Unfortunately, By't
Distombe was killed during the elimination rounds of the Phoebos Memorial Run when he was struck in
the head by an empty bottle of Vinta Harvest Ale. On-site cameras showed Sebulba the Dug discarding
the bottle during the race. By't was knocked unconscious, and his podracer exploded. (ETM)
Byun Tenab
this Sullustan pilot was one of the best smugglers in his sector. He was also one of the messiest in the
galaxy, and the junk and rubble strewn throughout his ships would make a Squib cry. (GMH)
this heavy cruiser was one of the many warships assembled by the Old Republic, during the height of the
Clone Wars. The By'ynium was assigned to the task force that was sent to Praesitlyn to liberate the
Intergalactic Communications Center, some two and a half yeara after the Battle of Geonosis.
Unfortunately, the By'ynium was also the first Republic ship destroyed by the Separatist warships that
were blockading Praesitlyn. Her entire crew perished in the explosion. (JT)
Byzal Canyon

located on the planet Najiba, this geological formation was popular with swoop racers. (BSS)
this is a unit of measurement used to define an amount of computer storage. (CFG)
B'zabuu-class Transport
this twenty-two-meter-long transport ship was manufactured by SoroSuub during the last decades of the
Old Republic. It required a pilot and co-pilot to operate, and could accommodate up to six passengers
and 55 metric tons of cargo. These transports were armed with a dual laser cannon, to protect against
pirates. (GMR1)
Bzan Jopol
this was the name of a noted Woostoid individual. (UANT)
this was one of the more common names given to Colicoid individuals. (UANT)
this Imperial Captain captured the Ionic Ring from Professor Volz and used it against several Alliance
worlds, including Randa and Kessel. When Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca attempted to
rescue Volz and the Ionic Ring, Bzorn was caught in the crossfire and was struck by a laser bolt. He didn't
survive the wound. (CSWEA)
B'Zun Mai
this scientist had been an associate of Jenna Zan Arbor's, and was invited to the party she held at Didi
Oddo's caf. (EVE)

C Plus
this modified light freighter was owned and operated by Kalar Opense during the height of the New Order.
C Tea
a nickname given to a Calamarian tea brewed from ocean plants. (XW)
C00-series Droid
this was a series of starship cookdroids produced during the last decades of the Old Republic. These
droids were roughly humanoid in shape, and could perform virtually every duty required of them in the
cramped galleys of starships. (VD2)
this was the model number of SoroSuub's personal comlink, developed for use by the Imperial military.
C-1 Series
this is the first of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
this was a form of stun grenade produced by Merr-Sonn during the height of the New Order. (AEG)
Industrial Automation's rapid response droid, the C-10-L was built as a man-sized battle droid which could
be deployed quickly to support larger missions. Each C-10-L is 1.5 meters tall, and is armed with a turretmounted blaster cannon. (SN)
the so-called "Grandfather Gun," this is the designation of Speizocs heavy sruface-to-surface
bombardment cannon. It was essentially a huge ion cannon designed to attack shielded urban centers.
Huge and unwieldy, the C-136 was eventually made obsolete by improvements in shields and lasers. A
C1-36 was used by Trioculus on Kessel to blow up a dam and drown troublesome villagers. (ISB, EQ)
this was the designation of one of Merr-Sonn's stun grenades. It was originally developed for Imperial
Munitions, and was engineered so that it could be thrown, recovered, and recharged. However, many of
these weapons fell into the hands of the Alliance, and were later used against Imperial forces in battle.
This led to the development of the C-14A grenade. (AEG, WOTC)
this ws the designation of the second generation of the Merr-Sonn C-14 stun grenade. Equipped with a
clublike handle, the C-14A was also given a speciallized reactivation system that required a secret code
to open. This helped prevent Alliance forces from recovering the C-14A and using it against Imperial
forces. (AEG)
this was the designation of Merr-Sonn's typical fragmentation grenade. It was one of the most popular
weapons of the Alliance, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (AEG)
designation of Princess Leia's transport ship at the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth. (ESBN)

C-2 Series
this is the second of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
this was the designation of Merr-Sonn's glop grenade. (WOTC)
this was the model number of Merr-Sonn's flame projector carbine. Note that this number is shared with
the Merr-Sonn fragmentation grenade. The C-22 was used extensively in the Corporate Sector for riot
control. The designs for the C-22 were licensed to Czerka, which marketed the weapon as the CZ-22
Flametongue. (EGW, AEG)
this was the designation of Merr-Sonn's fragmentation grenade. Note that this number is shared with the
Merr-Sonn flame projector carbine. Unlike earlier versions like the C-16, the C-22 was equipped with a
low-power magnetic grapple that allowed it to be secured to a vehicle. (EGW, AEG)
a group of Alliance containers used to supply Admiral Harkov and the defecting Protector fleet in the
Ottega System. (TIE)
an agri-droid motivator. (GG9)
this is the model number of Aratech's "Power-Spread" power dispersion unit, used on Imperial Sky
Swoopers. (CFG)
this was a series of barrel-shaped automatons. (JE)
a droid who approached Wuher in the alleyways of Mos Eisley, seeking asylum from the Jawas just
before Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker booked passage aboard the Millennium Falcon. C2-R4 was
originally produced by a Squib consortium, and was an example of typical Squib resourcefulness. C2-R4
resembled an R2 unit in its basic shape, but was covered with various bulbs and box-shaped
appendages. Two whip-like extensors and two armatures sprout from the droid's central section, and
much of its dome has been replaced with a toothy grill. It was modified over the years to perform a
number of household and kitchen tasks, but was abandoned on Tatooine. The Jawas wanted to take him
apart for scrap, but Wuher rescued him after seeing Greedo killed in the Mos Eisley cantina. Wuher had
just gotten the idea to use Rodian pheromones in the liqueur he was brewing Jabba the Hutt, and he
asked C2-R4 to help him brew it. (TME, EGD)
C3 Computer
built by Comar for use in the Tri-Tracker, the Countermeasures Compensation Computer attempts to
account for the jamming and evasion devices used by its targets. The C3 extrapolates the target's
continued trajectory and feeds that into the targetting device. (ISB)
C-3 Droid
a series of droids built to replace APD-40s. (COJ)
C-3 Passenger Liner
a 400-meter long, needle-shaped pleasure ship. It has been rated at 18 MGLT top-speed, and has 160
SBD shields and a 100 RU hull. (TIE)
C-3 Series

this is the third of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
this computer relay unit is required to activate a starship's power train. They are also used to power some
droid models. (CSWDW)
C3-DD NeuroNet
this Karflo Corporation droid brain was produced for labor droids. It provided only enough intelligence to
allow the droid to carry out its assigned tasks. (GSE)
Busurra's protocol droid. (RASB)
C-3PO (See-Threepio)
this Cybot Galactica 3PO-series protocol droid was originally manufactured on Affa more than 100 years
before the Battle of Naboo. Over time, the original was dismantled, but the frame remained intact and
turned up on Tatooine. There, C-3PO was rebuilt from spare parts by the nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker,
although the finished product was virtually indistinguishable from a manufactured version. The droid's
presence was a secret, as Anakin didn't want him taken away by his master, Watto. The number 3 in the
droid's name was Anakin's attempt to indicate that the droid would be the third member of his family,
beside himself and his mother. According to A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, C-3PO was activated
around 95 PE. By the time Anakin was freed from slavery by Qui-Gon Jinn, C-3PO was nearly completed.
All C-3PO lacked was an outer skin and minor modifications. After young Anakin left to train with the Jedi
Knights, his mother Shmi took it upon herself to complete the droid, since it had become practically a
member of her family. Shmi kept the droid as an assistant, and she eventually gave him a battered outer
skin, just after she married Cliegg Lars. Just prior to the Battle of Geonosis, C-3PO was reunited with the
astromech droid named R2-D2, whom he had met when Anakin met Qui-Gon Jinn, when Anakin returned
to Tatooine to rescue his mother. After Shmi died, C-3PO was taken by Anakin to Geonosis, during an
attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. C-3PO was caught in the droidworks on the planet, and his head was
replaced with that of a Battle Droid. R2-D2 was later able to repair C-3PO. In the wake of the Clone Wars,
it was believed that C-3PO's memory was erased, along with that of R2-D2. To prevent any possible
recovery of information, the droids were given deeply-hidden subroutines that prevented them from
revealing information about their past experiences. Once they were deemed ready, the droids were sold
off as a pair. With C-3PO acting as a translator for the astromech, the pair had many adventures avoiding
Olag Greck in the Kalarba System. C-3PO was the victim of tampering by Movo Brattakin, who inserted
an initiative submodule in his leg to help expose Greck and Jace Forno on Boonda the Hutt's moon. After
these adventures, the droids were once again split up, and it was rumored that C-3PO was for use in the
Imperial Senate, translating the proceedings for a number of alien ambassadors. It was during this time
that he was again reunited with R2-D2, who had been working as one of the Navy's astromech droids.
Even though they had separate functions and programming, they maintained their version of friendship.
Note that, despite what the Droids comics say about their meeting, the Star Wars Radio Drama infers that
C-3PO and R2-D2 didn't meet until C-3PO was assigned as R2-D2's translator during routine labor
assigning on the Tantive IV. While the exact truth has been lost over time, what was known was that the
Alliance took Threepio under their domain and assigned him to mediate the various agreements between
the Alliance and alien worlds. One such mission led him onto the Tantive IV, where he was again working
with R2-D2. When the spunky astromech suggested they escape from the ship in an escape pod,
Threepio followed him, fearing that the Empire would only melt him down. Unknown to Threepio, Artoo
carried the plans to the first Death Star, and had been ordered by Leia Organa to deliver them to ObiWan Kenobi on Tatooine. Arriving on Tatooine, the droids were purchased by Owen Lars and his
nephew, Luke Skywalker. Owen planned to use them on his moisture farm, but R2-D2 tricked Luke into
removing a restraining bolt and fled the Lars homestead. C-3PO was damaged when Luke took him to
recover the astromech droid, and they were beset by Tusken Raiders. This was fortuitous, however, as
they were rescued by Obi-Wan. It was during this time that some of Threepio's hidden programming was
forced into activity. When Anakin Skywalker's old lightsaber was presented to Luke by Obi-Wan, this
programming forced Threepio to enter a shutdown mode, to prevent the droid from revealing information

about Anakin's true nature. Luke became C-3PO's forty-third master when Owen and Beru Lars were
killed by Imperial stormtroopers, and remained by Luke's side for many years. It was C-3PO who helped
Luke, Leia, and Han Solo escape from the trash compactor on the first Death Star, allowing them to
survive and return R2-D2 to the Alliance personnel at Massassi Base on Yavin 4. IN the wake of the
Battle of Yavin, C-3PO served the Alliance on Hoth and other worlds, always working with R2-D2 as
translator and sidekick. On the Forest Moon of Endor, C-3PO found himself an object of by the Ewoks,
who believed him to be a god. This allowed Threepio to gain the trust of the Ewoks, an act which
ultimately helped the Alliance win the Battle of Endor and defat the Empire. During the early years of the
New Republic, C-3PO was used by Luke, Leia, and Han in a number of missions, acting as translator and
actor as needed. It wasn't until the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy that C-3PO started to wonder about
his own mortality, as the alien invaders began destroying any droid they found as an abomination.
Despite these overwhleming odds, C-3PO continued to serve Luke and the Republic, even assisting in
the translation of the Yuuzhan Vong language. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally surrendered at Coruscant,
Threepio and Artoo-Detoo found that there was another battle they needed to confront: obsolescence.
The two droids agreed that they would meet this and any other challenge just as they always had, with
each other. Note that The New Rebellion states that C-3PO was three models out of date, some
seventeen years after the Battle of Endor. This was unusual, given that C-3PO is supposedly well over
120 years old at the time. C-3PO was portrayed by Anthony Daniels in all three Star Wars films as well as
for the Star Wars Radio Dramas on National Public Radio. (SW, SWR, ESB, ESBR, ROTJ, SGL, DRO,
a psychotic 3PO-series droid, C-3PX was originally owned by the Sith Lord, Darth Maul. Based on the
Cybot Galactica TC-series protocol droid, the droid was designed to act as the primary security measure
aboard his Sith Infiltrator, and had been infused with Dark Side energy through the mechu-deru skill. C3PX had been constructed with no less than eighty-three different weapons, and Maul had also
programmed the droid himself, so that it loyally followed his orders and could react suitably to almost any
situation. Maul and C-3PX allowed themselves to be captured by Bartokk assassins on Ralltiir, during a
mission to acquire droid starfighters for the Trade Federation. C-3PX feigned the whiny, worried tone of a
protocol droid to further fool the Bartokks. After Maul learned that the Bartokks had been hired by Groodo
the Hutt, he arranged for the destruction of the Ralltiir facility. It was believed that C-3PX was still inside
when the building exploded. Maul had managed to escape, but C-3PX was left behind. The droid was
partially dismantled when it was purchased by Olag Greck, who reprogrammed the droid to be an
assassin. C-3PX evaded capture for a while, until it returned to Hosk Station. There, it was involved in a
series of strange events when C-3PO's cranium was patched with an X-shaped marking. Both droids
were taken for the assassin droid, and both ended up in Olag Greck's gladiator droid arena facing R2-D2.
C-3PO survived, but C-3PX was destroyed by the power mallet mounted on R2-D2's Mandalorian battle
armor. C-3PX had stun weapons and lasers built into its arms, and had a unique laser weapon built into
the back of its head. (DRO, GMR3, E1A3, NEGC)
C3-series Droid
this was a model of Imperial labor droid. (MC75)
C-4 Series
this is the fourth of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
a group of Imperial container ships captured by the Alliance. (XW)
a mobile ion field gun. (TME)
this series of litigation droids was designed and manufactured by Caldrahlsen Mechanicals during the
New Order. The C4LR found widespread acceptance among the members of the Imperial legal system,
primarily because of the flawless memories and high reliability. (FOP, FTD)

a series of bartender droids built by LeisureMech Enterprises. The C5 was equipped with five arms, a
single optic scanner on a stalk, and a single wheel for locomotion. (TJP)
C-5 Series
this is the fifth of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
a group of Imperial container ships captured by the Alliance. (XW)
this silver protocol droid served as the operator of a droid shop on the planet Bastion. Han Solo, Lobot,
and Lando Calrissian ducked into C-5MO's store while they were being pursued by Imperial forces,
hoping to break the contact the Imperials had with Lobot's impant and Moegid. They got a number of R8
astromech droids to communicate on Imperial search frequencies, blocking Lobot's link and allowing them
to return to the Lady Luck. (VOF)
C-6 Series
this is the sixth of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
C-7 Series
this is the seventh of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
C-73 Tracker
this outdated starfighter was produced by Subpro before the Z-95 Headhunter. Most of them had been
relegated to museums at the height of the New Order, but a few were maintained in credit-poor pirate
fleets. The C-73 measured 11.5 meters in length, and was armed with a front-mounted double laser
cannon. It was short-range fighter, lacking a hyperdrive. (PP)
this administrative droid was assigned to the Alliance's Team 19, and worked under the direction of
Sergeant Whumparrin. (ROE)
C-8 Series
this is the eight of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
this droid belonged to Elise and her husband, who were living on the planet Dantooine some 4,000 years
before the Galactic Civil War. When her husband died, Elise became emotionally attached to C8-42,
since the droid represented her noly remaining link to her husband. C8-42 found this attachment strange
and somewhat stifling, as Elise doted on the droid and refused to interact with her fellow humans. In order
to escape, C8-42 fled to the Jedi enclave, but Elise tracked it down. C8-42 pleaded with the Jedi Knights
to destroy itself, so that Elise could be free again. The Jedi reluctantly agreed, and C8-42 was
dismantled. (KOTOR)
C-9 Series
this is the latest of the new wave of protocol droids designed by Cybot Galactica and produced on Telti.
Among their improvements are heati and motion-sensitive detection devices added to their normal visual
detection systems. Also, their feet were smaller than those of previous series. (TNR, EGD)
this was the model number of Hoar Chall Engineering's landing craft. Built for the Neimoidians who
controlled the Trade Federation, the C-9979 resembled a huge letter I when viewed from above. The four

lobes of the craft held the various components of a Federation invasion force: 11 MTT transports, 114
AAT battle tanks, 28 droid troop transports, and the complete compliment of battle droids needed to
control these smaller ships. The C-9979 required a crew of 88, and the Neimoidians used droids for all
crew positions. The transport were deployed from the lobes by a complex system of tracks and lifts that
channel them through the central section, which hangs down below the I-shaped wings. Complete
deployment of all forces takes about 45 minutes. The overall wingspan of the C-9979 is 340 meters. It is
lightly armed, with a pair of laser cannons mounted on the forward wingtips and four turret-mounted laser
cannons spread around the main section. It lacks a hyperdrive, being purely a landing craft, but has a
maximum atmospheric speed of 587 kph. (X1)
this copper-colored protocol droid was captured by the Red Knights of Life, shortly before Leia Organa
Solo was scheduled to meet with Nom Anor. C-9PO was quickly dismantled by the Knights. (VP)
this new-model protocol droid was purchased and modified by Brakiss for use at his manufacturing facility
on Telti. (TNR)
this was the Morishi name for the planet Caamas. (SOP)
this was the second planet orbiting the star Cirius, located in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy.
Caamas, once covered with marshlands, was one of the first worlds completely destroyed by the Empire.
The event happened before the Death Star was created; in fact, the royal library on Alderaan contained a
great deal of information on the attack that burned every living thing off its surface. However, it was
attacked in the early days of the New Order, and never became the focal point that Alderaan did. The
destruction remained a mystery, though, because Caamas was protected by a strong planetary shield. No
one discovered how the shield was dropped until some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral
Thrawn. Several datacards found near Mount Tantiss, on Wayland, implicated a group of Bothans in the
attack, directly stating that they helped bring the shields down. The records of the actual Bothan clans
involved were destroyed. The planet was wracked by intense firestorms for several years after the attack,
which wiped out any living thing that might have survived the initial attack. The planet measured some
15,540 kilometers in diameter, and had a day which encompassed twenty-five standard hours. The year
on Caamas lasted 375 local days. It was estimated that only 200 Caamasi survived the bombardment of
the planet. Much of the planet's surface was altered by erosion which took place after the bombardment,
caused by the destruction of virtually every form of plantlife. Only a dense clump of jungle grew on the
planet, rumored to have been planted by alien visitors. In fact, the jungle was created when an Ithorian
herdship crashed on Caamas. The plantlife inside the ship simply adapted to life on Caamas and began
to grow outward at a fantastic rate. (SOP, WOTC, SWI68)
Caamas Document
this was the name given to the datacard recovered from Mount Tantiss by Lak Jit, and which contained
information which linked the Bothans to the destruction of Caamas. The datacard described how a group
of Bothans were responsible for bringing down the planetary shields that protected Caamas, but the
sections which named the Bothans was destroyed. Grodin Tierce managed to alter every copy the
Empire had in its libraries, placing the names of many prominent Bothan clans in place of the true
identities. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian were given an altered copy by Flim, who was posing as Grand
Admiral Thrawn. Garm Bel Iblis and Booster Terrik mounted an assault on Yaga Minor's Ubiqtorate base
to locate a copy at the same time Admiral Pellaeon allowed Ghent to obtain it from the Ubiqtorate's
computers. The only unadulterated copy the New Republic managed to find was recovered by ArtooDetoo, who was helping Luke Skywalker rescue Mara Jade, during their escape from the Hand of Thrawn
complex on Nirauan. (SOP, VOF)
Caamas Incident
this term took on two meanings about fifteen years after the Battle of Endor. First and foremost, it referred
to the destruction of the planet Caamas during Emperor Palpatine's early days in power. Second, it came

to describe the reaction within the New Republic to information which implicated the Bothans in the attack
on Caamas. Because Bothans had been instrumental in the formation of the New Republic, many of the
member races were outraged when immediate reparations weren't made after the information was
discovered. The Caamas Incident served to bring to the forefront several long-standing feuds between
member races, including that of the Ishori and Diamala. These squabbles quickly spread to other races,
and ignited a series of battles that the New Republic seemed powerless to put down. The remnants of the
Empire, under Moff Disra, used the Incident to their advantage. They placed specialized riot groups
throughout the galaxy, fomenting the suppressed alien grudges and bringing chaos to the Republic.
this peaceful race was native to the planet Caamas. Strong supporters of the Old Republic, the Caamasi
calm wisdom and steadfast loyalty helped keep the Republic from completely disintegrating during its final
years. The name "Caamasi" literally meant "friend from afar" in their native language. There were several
thousand Caamasi off-world when the Empire attacked and destroyed the planet, leaving it a barren
wasteland. They were powerless to protest the attack, given that it occurred during the early years of
Emperor Palpatine's rule. Some of the survivors tried to establish a colonyon Alderaan's South Islands,
hoping to someday rebuild their world. As a race, the Caamasi were covered in a golden, downy fur,
highlighted on their faces by purple stripes. Their most striking feature was their blue-on-green eyes. It
was believed that the ancient Jedi Knights traveled to Caamas to discuss the ethical use of the Force with
the Caamasi, during the establishment of the Jedi Order. (SOP, IJ, VOF, EGA, WOTC)
this was the native language of the Caamasi people. (WOTC, CCW)
Caamasi Remnant
this was the name given to the various communities of dishomed Caamasi which dot the galaxy. (IJ)
this frozen ball of rock was the third world in the Cirius System. It was orbited by a single moon. (WOTC)
this tide-locked planet is geologically active. Both the frozen night-side and the baked day-side undergo
regular tectonic movement, allowing subterranean gases, lava, and steam escape into the atmosphere.
Along the terminator line between the night and day sides, this creates a thin habitable region, and it is
here that the Ranth race evolved. However, very little other life has managed to survive of Caaraz, as it is
continually destroyed. The planet was discovered by Imperial scouts. Two moons help provide
illumination to the night-side of the planet. (GG12)
this was the native language of the Caarite race. (LFC)
this warm, steamy planet was located in the Outer Rim, and was the homeworld of the Caarite race.
this was the native language of the Caarite people. (WOTC)
this was a species of short, wide-headed humanoids which was native to the planet of Caarimon. The
average Caarite was similar in appearance to a Sullustan, and was a friendly, jovial being who had a
penchant for underhanded dealings. The Caarites were one of three races, along with the Neimoidians
and the Filordi, which controlled the Trade Federation during the decades leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. However, both the Filordi and the Caarites were unprepared for the Neimoidians' plans to
blockade the Naboo System, and decided to break off their relationship with the Trade Federation.
Together, the two races form the Metatheran Cartel, and begin making plans to wrest control of Cularin

from the Federation if the blockade of Naboo should fail. When the Federation was defeated at Naboo
and was faced with the loss of their trade charter, the Metatheran Cartell assumed control of Cularin. The
average Caarite stood about a meter tall, and had pale pink skin that was translucent. Their hairless
bodies were soft, and their upturned nosed gave them a pig-like appearance. (WOTC, EOS)
Cabal, The
this group was formed by the dreamer and prophet Deamos Na-Coth to search the outermost reaches of
the galaxy for the legendary planet Exo. The used huge colony ships to travel across space at a time
when hyperspace travel was still dangerous, and many colony ships were lost because of pirates, ion
storms, mutinies, and hyperdrive malfunctions. One of the Cabal's ships, the Exocros Cabal, discovered
the planet Exocron. (KO)
Cabal, The
this pro-Imperial faction rose to power in the wake of the Battle of Endor. It was opposed by the Imperial
Council chaired by Sate Pestage and commanded by Ysanne Isard. Much of the Cabal had holdings on
Brentaal IV, which was why Isard and Pestage tried to draw Rogue Squadron to the world. They hoped to
"rescue" the Cabal and its holdings, thereby proving that the Cabal was unable to control its own
holdings, not to mention an entire Empire. Isard retained Lon Isoto in the position of control, to guard the
moon against attack from the New Republic, knowing that he was favored by the Cabal but largely
ineffectual. (XWES)
Cabalia Sea
this ocean is located on the planet Garos IV. (SWJ3)
Caballa City
this city is the capital of the planet Exocron. It is located along the coast of the planet's primary continent,
and was situated near a bustling harbor. The city was laid out, designed, and built by the Devisors, and
proved to most people that the Devisors were quite technically advanced. (KO)
this Falleen was the head of security for InterGalactic Ores, during the era leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. When he discovered that the Toom Clan was acting on behalf of another party, in an effort to
destroy both IGO and Lommit Limited, Caba'Zan joined forces with his former enemy, Patch Bruit, in an
effort to destroy the gang. On the planet Riome, the combined forces of LL and IGO destroyed the
Tooms, leaving the clan in a bloody heap on the snowy battlefield. The battle was far from over, though,
as Darth Maul appeared to eliminate the survivors in order to cover up his part in the deception. In a swift
series of movements, the Sith Lord broken Caba'Zan's arm and neck, killing the Falleen instantly. (DMS)
this promising Imperial Lieutenant was trained at the Officer's Candidate School on Carida. He graduated
just prior to the Battle of Hoth, and was assigned as the First Officer aboard the Tyrant. Cabbel was
known to be an ambitious, ruthless, and efficient officer. (CCG3)
Cabet Lom
this Twi'leki male ran a starship repair aond outfitting business on Ord Mantell during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. He lived and worked in a penthouse suite in the Pink Sky Casino. (SL)
Cabrool Nuum
this grey-green-skinned humanoid had a ridged cranium. Cabrool Nuum was a second-hand starship
trader with asperations of being a slave trader. Cabrool Nuum specialized in moving his merchandise
quickly. He had a base on the planet Smarteel, where Jabba the Hutt tried to contact him about unloading
Princess Nampi's freighter. However, Nuum was slowly going insane, but no one in his household had the
nerve to kill him. His treacherous children tried to overthrow the deal and kill Nuum as well as Jabba the
Hutt, in an effort to gain notoriety. Jabba smothered Cabrool, with the help of some of Nuum's guards,
elevating his son, Rusk, to the head of his organization. (JTH)
Cabuloid Padhopper

this large creature has well-muscled rear legs used for leaping and jumping. (POT)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Cachi came from the term meaning
"gentle". (GCG)
this was a legendary creature from Naboo folklore, which crawled from the underworld but were killed by
the sunlight. (GMR2)
this alien race was native to the planet Veccacopia. Several decades prior to the Battle of Naboo, Finis
Valorum traveled to this planet to mediate the admittance of the Cacops to the Old Republic. Prior
attempts to mediate a treaty had failed, because several powerful crimelords were continuing to cause
trouble on the planet. Valorum discovered that the Cacops had been hiring stand-ins to serve the
sentences that had been handed to them, and that the previous Republic representatives had been
unable to tell the Cacops apart. Valorum instituted retinal scanning to ensure the correct individuals were
brought to justice, thereby breaking up a large corruption ring. (NEGC)
a low-growing plant with thick thorns, native to Tatooine. (QE)
Cactus Pulque
this was a form of nutritious beverage that was pressed from the cactus plants which were native to the
planet Tatooine. (IWST)
this was the term used to describe the dean of the University of Coruscant. (CCW)
Cademimu Sector
during the Galactic Civil War, Alliance operations in this area of the Outer Rim territories were believed to
have been infiltrated by the Gand Findsman Lu'daal-ud. (AIR, WOA26)
this planet is a prosperous technology and business world located in the Trulalis System. (SWJ4, SWJ8)
this desert world is located within the Tion Hegemony. Like nearby Lianna, Cadinth's natural beauty was
destroyed by intense industrialization. Sprinkled throughout the deserts are the ruins of prior civilizations.
Cadinth Oligarchy
this was the government which controlled the planet Cadinth during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Cadis Zak
an Imperial container group used during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
an Imperial tug operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Cadmir, Jerem
this young, Corellian man was a member of the ExGal-4 team on Belkadan, at the time of the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. He was part of a scouting team sent out to locate a huge storm which had
been detected on the outpost's sensors, but the party was astonished to find that much of Belkadan had
become an ecological wasteland. Yomin Carr's dweebit beetles had begun an irreversible change, and
the group realized that they didn't have enough oxygen to make it back intact. In the end, Jerem was the
only member of the scouting party to survive the return trip, but the only being he found at the outpost

was Yomin Carr himself. Jerem tried to understand how Carr could unleash the dweebits, but Carr
wouldn't let him live that long. Carr told Jerem he would have a warrior's death, then the Yuuzhan Vong
snapped Jerem's neck with a single twist of his hands. (VP)
this harsh, frigid planet was located in Catarlo Sector, and was the homeworld of the Snivvian race. Much
of the planet was covered by sparse tundra. The planet was well-known for its artistic Snivvian
transnovels. (ISB, GG12, SWJ11)
Cadomai Prime
this was another name for the planet Cadomai. (WOTC)
Maarek Stele's first wingman, he assisted Stele in performing picket duty near a waystation when they
were attacked by Alliance starships. (TIE)
this was the capital city of the planet Achillea, located on the western coast of the planet's northermost
continent. (PGT, LOE)
Cadwell, Dana
this woman was one of KatholNet's most popular reporters, and also worked as the Gandle Ott
correspondent for TriNebulon News, during the early years of the New Republic. She followed the FarStar
around Kathol Sector, hoping to report on the capture of Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne and attract the
attention of one of the larger, galaxy-wide news providers. (DARK)
Caelli, Vance
this man, a native of the planet Socorro, was one of the two founders of the Caelli-Merced Syndicate.
Caelli-Merced Syndicate
despite its name, this organization doesn't deal in crime. It does, however, supply much of the Socorran
System with illegal weapons, starship upgrades, and small ground vehicles. Founded by Vance Caelli
and Lee Merced, the Syndicate is well-known for its exquisite and well-made wares. (BSS)
this New Republic battle cruiser was part of the primary fleet stationed at Durren. When Seti Ashgad
instigated pirate attacks on Ampliquen during his attempt to gain control of the galaxy with Dzym, the
Caelus and the Corbantis were dispatched to Ampliquen. Both ships were infected with the Death Seed
plague by Ashgad's agents, and once the crews were killed the ships were disposed on on distant
planets. (POT)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "Springlike." (GCG,
this Imperial Moff was one of the most dangerous Imperials to survive the Battle of Endor and the fall of
the Empire. He firmly believed he could bring about the downfall of the New Republic and restore the
New Order to the galaxy. He began working toward this goal by removing any Republic support from his
base sector, starting on the capital world of Rydonni Prime. He employed Rythani Products much the
same way Palpatine did, contracting out military manufacturing and research. Caerbellak was a man who
was equally adept at shady politics and military offensives, and had no qualms about using either when
the need arose. He saw a chance to gain a great deal of power when Rythani began work on a prototype
weapon that would help him wipe out supporters of the Republic. When the monarch of Rydonni Prime
got in his way, Caerbellak fostered a relationship with his daughter, Kalieva K'ntarr. When Sienn Sconn
tried to steal the prototype, Caerbellak allowed the theft to occur just as he killed the Rydonni king. With

the help of Kalieva, Caerbellak became the de facto executive of Rythani Products as well as the consort
of the ruler of Rydonni Prime. The prototype found its way to the New Republic, and using hidden
transmitters, Caerbellak began marking New Republic outposts and research centers for destruction.
Caet Shrovl
this female Shistavenan Wolfman was an albino, and was one of the pilots in Rock Squadron, serving the
Khuiumin Survivors. She served as Rock Ten during the attack on the Galaxy Chance. Her albino
coloration meant that she was extremely sensitive to light, and had to fully cover herself to walk around
during the day. She considered her albinism the fault of the Empire, for they had experimented on her
mother. She joined the Survivors because of their hatred for the Empire. Because of her self-imposed
isolation, she was an easy target for Remart Sasyru, who beat her badly before being shipped to Bolt
Squadron. She was one of the first Invids to test on the Tri-fighters Corran had equipped with
hyperdrives, and she used this training to flee Courkrus when Corran, disguised as an "avenging Jedi,"
began terrorizing the pirate groups. (IJ)
a stimulating beverage. (KT)
this was the name given to those Zeltron courtesans who were trained to fulfill any physical desire a being
might have. These Zeltrons were much sought-after in the galaxy, especially by the Hutts. (EGA)
this stimulating beverage, favored on Core Worlds like Stassia, was best served hot. (SESB, SWJ6)
this species of carnivorous, predatory marsupials are the chief threat of the Brubb race. They are native
to the planet Baros. (GG4)
this man served the Empire as a Captain, working for Admiral Screed during the capture of the fuel
refineries on Biitu. (DCAR)
Caged Animal
this Concealer-class prison ship was used by the Imperial forces in Brak Sector to move prisoners to the
Tarok Detention Facility on Bacrana. Moff Lesan Ramier fed false information to the Alliance forces in
Brak Sector, through a double agent, that the Caged Animal would be transporting prisoners to Bacrana
shortly after Lirisa Casti escaped from Cass Maston. Imperial ships would launch shortly after the Caged
Animal and ambush any Alliance ships which tried to take it. Instead of prisoners, the Caged Animal was
filled with armed, zero-G stormtroopers who were ordered to capture as many Alliance personnel as
possible. (FBS)
Caglio, Jamson
this Imperial Moff was placed in charge of the Bormea Sector during the Galactic Civil War, and was one
of Grand Admiral Tigellinus' supporters. (SWJ7, SWJ8, SWJ12)
Caglio, Vastin
this man was the eldest son of Jamson Caglio, and was engaged to be married to Rivoche Tarkin shortly
before the Battle of Hoth. He hoped to gain political power by marrying into the Tarkin family, and held no
love whatsoever for Rivoche. (SWJ12)
Cahey, Bry
this known scoundrel was a friend of J'an Ane Jinder, and spent a great deal of time on the planet Mrlsst.

one of the Mistryls from Manda D'ulin's team that survived the ambush in Gorno, while they were trying to
inspect the Hammertong project. She piloted the Mirage. (TME)
this Ubese criminal was one of many who went to work for Ghez Hokan, when the crimelord took control
of the planet Qiilura during the last years of the Old Republic. Cailshh was a reckless individual, however,
and often became overzealous while on a mission for Hokan. After needlessly setting fire to a farm,
Cailshh was brought before Hokan for questioning. In anger, Hokan took Kast Fulier's lightsaber and
decapitated Cailshh, as a warning to the other thugs who worked for him. (RCHC)
Cair Tok Noimm
this New Republic Senator was a member of the Council on Security and Intelligence. During the search
for the Teljkon vagabond, she urged the council to continue searching for Lando Calrissian's team after
the vagabond escaped near Gmir Askilon. (SOL)
this woman, a spacer and close friend of Melvirre, discovered a wealth of kucha-sculpt art on Terman
Station, in a Huttese restaurant. (SSR)
this asteroid served as the base of operations for Galak Fyyar, during the early years of the New
Republic. (JK2)
this was one of the larger Rodian clans, living on Rodia during the last decades of the Old Republic. They
were bitter enemies of the Reeven clan, and were led into battle by Evo the Blue. However, the Reeven
clan had hired the assistance of Nym and his mercenaries, and the Cairns were quickly dispatched. Nym
used an illegal thermal detonator to destroy the entire Cairn clan in one vicious blast. (CRBN)
this was one of the largest cities on the planet Seikosha. (POC)
this vicious predator was native to the planet Rentalles. They hunted in packs, and attack with a
combination of sharp teeth and long talons. (MBC)
this beast, native to the planet Chandrila, was hunted at the Hanna Wild Game Reserve for its tasty flesh.
Resembling a large, hoofed lizard, the cairnmog was covered with bony spikes that served as protection.
They could also be extended slightly in a dominance display, when the cairnmog inhaled a great breath
and expanded its body to appear more threatening. Like most reptiles, these creatures had to hibernate in
the winter. Cairnmogs were not carnivorous, but could be vicious when cornered or attacked. (CCW)
Cairnwick, Drun
this highly charismatic Alliance supporter led much of the resistance in the Minos Cluster during the
Galactic Civil War. Cairnwick was training to become a Jedi Knight when the Empire took control of the
galaxy. He hid on his homeworld of Adarlon, where he told his neighbors about the atrocities the Empire
was committing. This incited the natives of Adarlon to rebel against Imperial control, and brought a group
of stormtroopers down on his headquarters. Cairnwick had fled before they arrived, and managed to
remain in hiding a few more years before he was eventually captured. He was arrested shortly after the
Battle of Yavin, but still managed to rally support for the Alliance on the prison world Gesaril. He managed
to rescue a group of Alliance POWs before stormtroopers could discover what had happened and seal
the prison. (GG6)
Cairoka bird
white birds native to Alderaan. (CPL)

Caiza Quill
this scheming X'Ting individual served as the regent and leader of his people for many years leading up
to the Clone Wars, until he was deposed by G'Mai Duris in a surprising change of fortune. Adding insult to
injury, Quill had to be outvoted when Duris suggested that the X'Ting allow Obi-Wan Kenobi to seek out
the hidden eggs of their royal line. Descended from a family of the X'Ting assassin clan, Quill failed to
earn the respect of his peers, despite the fact that he seemed to work hard to ease the growing dissent
among the X'Ting, who had become the workers of choice for Cestus Cybernetics. It was later learned
that the labor contracts he negotiated virtually enslaved the X'Ting to the offworld corporate bosses. In
this way, Quill had sold out his own people as slaves in order to win contracts that earned him a position
on the Five Families, assuming the directorship of mining. Because of this, and because it was feared
that he might use the royal eggs hidden beneath the planet's surface as a way to regain favor with the
Five Families, Quill was removed from his role as regent. He remained a member of the Five Families,
until he could no longer abide by Duris's continued Regency. He challenged her to a duel, but was
unprepared for her tactics. Rather than trying to fight, Duris merely stood in front of Quill's posturing, until
fear began to crack his own resolve. Ultimately, Quill conceded the duel to Duris, but continued to work to
undermine her authority. Later, Quill was killed, along with most members of the Five Families, when the
ARC trooper Jangotat infiltrated their secret bunker on the Kibo Plateau and ordered the Nexu to fire on
his location. (HIV, TCD)
a Noghri of the clan Eikh'mir, Cakhmaim was assigned to guard Leia Organa Solo's twins during the reign
of Grand Admiral Thrawn, five years after the Battle of Endor. Han Solo had decided to participate in the
mission to destroy Thrawn's cloning facility on Wayland, and needed someone he could trust to help Leia
and Winter protect Jaina and Jacen Solo. Cakhmaim and nine companions were dispatched to Coruscant
to fulfill the mission. Cakhmaim's services were called upon some ten years later, just before the Caamas
Incident, and continued into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (TLC, SOP, FH1)
this young man was one of the thousands of Jedi Padawans who were thrust into battle during the Clone
Wars. Distinguished by his short-cropped blond hair, Cal was the student of Jedi Master Tyffix, who was
also killed in battle when Sephi suicide bombers infiltrated their command post. This left Cal and fellow
Padawan Pix stranded with only a handful of clone troopers for support. Their call for aid reached
Coruscant, and Jedi Master Yoda traveled to Thustra to try and convince King Alaric to remain loyal to the
Old Republic. Alaric refused, and had both Yoda and Cal imprisoned until the battle was over. Cal
became increasing agitated at Yoda's lack of action, wondering why the Jedi Master refused to take
matters into his own hands. Yoda tried to make the youth see the error of his aggressive ways,
remembering the charity Cal had as a boy. Cal, however, grew more and more impatient with the
diminutive Jedi Master, and was more than willing to listen when Alaric's nephew, Navi, came to speak to
him privately. Navi's words further kindled Cal's desire to fight, and he provided the young Jedi with a
fabricated escape route. Although he convinced Yoda to follow him, Cal was unable to persuade him to
defend himself when the escape route turned out to be a trap. Cal fought valiantly, but was cut down by
blaster fire. As he died, Cal cursed Yoda for his lack of action, blaming Yoda for not killing Alaric when he
had a chance. Yoda did his best to ease Cal's pain, but could not convince the young student of his
errors. (J5)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
a yellow star which is the primary sun for Tibrin. (GG4)
Cal Ambre
this modified Kumauri Cal-class warship was used as a luxury gambling liner during the height of the New
Order. It maintained a permanent orbit in the Bramior System, near Rove and just outside the system's
asteroid field. The ship's armament was reduced to a single mass driver weapon, a pair of turbolaser
cannons, and six tractor beam projectors. These weapons systems serve more to ensure that no stray
asteroids impact the ship than for defense. Much of its internal structure was modified to create quest

quarters and casinos, while the hangar bays were extensively reworked to accommodate the small
shuttles used by its patrons. The ship was run by a crew of 2,150, with 46 gunners manning the defenses.
It could transport up to 9,000 pasengers in luxurious comfort, and remain in orbit for up to three months
before needing to be re-supplied. The primary game of chance played aboard the ship is Bombarde,
developed specifically for the Cal Ambre. (CRO)
Calabar Queen
this luxury starliner was owned by Imperial Corusca Lines at the height of the New Order. It suddenly
exploded as it approached Cadomai, and the Justice Action Network claimed responsibility. (SWJ11)
this was a planet that was located in the Outer Rim. (AEG)
the capital city of the planet Esseles, Calamar was distinguished as a center of high culture in the Darpa
Sector. The outskirts were filled with parks, art centers, and schools, and some of the sector's most
influential theater and entertainment were based in the city's center. (CRO, CCW)
Calamar Intergalactic Spaceport
this was the largest starport on the planet of Esseles, during the last years of the Old Republic. (E1A2)
Calamar University
an Imperial school located on the planet Esseles. (JASB)
an ocean-covered world with little solid land mass, Calamari was home to two amphibious races: the Mon
Calamari and the Quarren. It was a tectonically stable world, without mountains. The planet was covered
with deep oceans, with many islands and coral atolls. Much of the exposed land was marshy, and
incapable of supporting any kind of civilization. Thus, the two native species turned to building floating
cities from the ores mined from the ocean floor. Some parts of the cities were exposed above the ocean's
surface, but the majority of the space in Calamarian cities was underwater. Much of the planet's history
was written in the civil wars staged between the Quarren and the Mon Calamari, although these wars
became little more than skirmishes as both sides lacked the firepower to destroy each other. That all
nearly changed with the onset of the Clone Wars, when the Quarren Isolation League threatened to turn
the planet over to the Separatists. Only the intervention of Jedi Master Kit Fisto, and his rallying of the
Mon Calamari Knights, managed to fend off the Quarren and keep the planet free. However, the
resentment between the two races continued to ferment just below the surface. Calamari was also
famous for its shipyards, another fact which made the planet a prime target for opposing factions
throughout the history of the galaxy. Calamari was orbited by a single moon. Its day lasted about 21
standard hours, and its year spanned 398 local days. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, and the
death of Borsk Fey'lya, the New Republic's provisional government - led by the newly-elected Chief of
State Cal Omas - was established on Calamari. After the surrender of the Yuuzhan Vong near Coruscant,
the Galactic Alliance put plans in place to rebuild Coruscant to once again serve as the political center of
the galaxy. Because of its remote location, Calamari was returned to the Quarren and the Mon Calamari
when the Galactic Alliance chose to make its temporary base on Denon. (ROTJ, DE1, SWSB, GG4, DA,
this New Republic warship, a Mon Calamari MC90 cruiser, was commanded by General Ceousa during
the attack on the planet Almania. (TNR)
Calamari Cafe
located on the Bazaar Deck of the Kuari Princess, this restaurant caters to Mon Calamari tastes. (RM)
Calamari Xinphar
a drink favored by Ibtisam. Nrin Vakil remembered that Ibtisam had ordered one shortly after the Battle of
Brentaal. (XWM)

this was the native language of the Mon Calamari people. (EGP)
Calamarian Knowledge Bank
a group of giant bivalve shell creatures which inhabit the Calamari oceans, they are in effect giant brains
capable of storing incredible amounts of information. They listen to the daily life of the creatures around
them - accumulated from a network of small, non-sentient creatures that mindlessly collect data from the
Mon Cals and the Quarren - and store the data for later use. The Mon Cals and the Quarren can petition
the banks for information at any time. (DA, JASB)
Calamarian Minisub
a small, submersible vehicle used by the Mon Calamari to patrol the oceans of Calamari. (GDV)
Calamarian Tanker
a cargo ship built at the Mon Calamari shipyards. (ROTJN)
Calamarian Water
this filtered water was produced from the oceans of the planet Calamari, during the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. (FH1)
Calamasthon Defiance
this group of environmental terrorists was active during the decade leading up to the Battle of Geonosis
and the Clone Wars. (BH)
Calamity Season
this was the term used by the Advozsec to describe any series of natural disasters that occurred in
proximity to one another. The length of a calamity season was variable, and there was no set point in
Riflor's year when it occurred. The start and end of a given calamity season were simply makred by the
end and beginning of calm periods. (GMR4)
Calandra, Annora
this woman was an auditor with the Mining Guild, at the height of the New Order. This meant that she
spent most her time traveling to member companies and collecting their membership fees. However, she
found that her position as auditor meant that she was simply at the beck and call of her superiors, who
demanded that they remain outside any Imperial entanglements. Shortly before the Battle of Endor, she
established a coalition of individuals who agreed to work with House Melantha to force the Empire out of
Tapani Sector. She only went along with Vaskel Savill's plans because they furthered her own, but she
was unaware that Savill planned to eliminate her after the destruction of the Imperial torpedo sphere near
Tallaan. After her participating in the annual Vor-cal, it was revealed that Annora was also representing
the Nok Cartel and several members of The Chamber, who were also funding the mission to destroy the
torpedo sphere but wanted to remain anonymous. (LOE)
this plant was grown for its wonderful-tasting seeds. When dried and lightly salted, calarantrum seeds
were the perfect accompaniment to salads and vegetarian dishes. (HNN5)
a small, Outer Rim weapons manufacturer, Calban was based on the planet Calabosh-2. When it openly
courted the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, Calban found itself quickly subjugated and nationalized
by the Empire. Much of its assets were placed under the control of Imperial Munitions. Note that this
corporation is referred to as Caliban in the Arms and Equipment Guide. (GG9, AEG)
Calcified Lichens
this unusual musical group was popular during the last decades of the Old Republic. (CCW)
this form of Yuuzhan Vong biocreation was used to implant yorik coral into the body of an enslaved being.

The calcifier had speciallized limbs which allowed it to cut into flesh. Then, it would actually break off
pieces of itself and place them inside the victim's body. Over time, these implants of yorik coral crippled
the victim and rendered them helpless. (JE)
Cal-class Warship
an Old Republic warship, the Cal-class ship measured 3,000 meters in length. It was armed with a huge
mass drive weapon mounted atop the main hull, as well as early turbolaser emplacements and tractor
beams. Its design was based on the original Kumauri Battleship, but was rendered obsolete with the
advent of full-ship shielding and the advancement of turbolaser technology. (CRO)
one of Kud'ar Mub'at's organic subnodes, Calculator was created to determine any number of
mathematical outcomes. Calculator could provide data on how quickly a ship would arrive at the web,
once it had been spotted. It could also be used to determine the odds of a certain event happening.
However, Calculator was not involved in the maintenance of Mub'at's finances. This was left to the
treacherous Balancesheet. (MA)
this providence of the planet Lianna was involved in the last great independence war recorded on the
planet, attempting to free Lianna from the control of the Kingdom of Barseg. Nothing remains of the
providence or the society that lived there. (ML)
Calder, Noble
this Imperial Navy Lieutenant served aboard the Aremin during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Caldera Righim
this male Talz was known as a pacifist during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, and lived on the
planet Tatooine. He was a personal friend of Wuher, and spent much of his free time in the Mos Eisley
cantina. (CCG12)
this heavily-muscled Imperial Major was a security warden aboard the first Death Star. He began his
career as a security guard on Odik II, and was promoted to the position of warden on Despayre, where he
came under the watchful eye of Grand Moff Tarkin. (DSTC)
Caldoni System
this population of this star system was nearly wiped out by the Tendor Virus, until a cure was discovered
by Jenna Zan Arbor more than twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. (EVE)
Caldrahlsen Mechanicals
this corporation produced third-degree droids, specializing in litigation automata used by law enforcement
agencies as well as the Empire. Their corporate headquarters were on Esseles. (FOP)
this was the word used to describe the monarchy of the Viska people. The position is held for life, and
was inherited by birth. However, the older Viska didn't automatically inherit the throne. All of the previous
caleisk's offspring were forced to battle each other, and the survivor was named the new caleisk. (PG1)
this planet was known for its moons, which were covered in deserts that were baked by the system's
nearby sun. (FH1)
Calfta Bongi
this Aqualish was the head nurse on board the Kuari Princess during the height of the Galactic Civil War.

this was the term used to describe the human population of the planet Shiva IV. They were distinguished
by their red-tanned skin and their fiery emotions, which blossomed into a full-blow battle madness when
they fought in wars. (SWDB)
this was the native language of the human population of the planet Shiva IV. (MC53)
Calian Confederacy
this was the name used by the human population of Shiva IV to describe their alliance. The Calian
Confederacy stood opposite the Twelve Tribes of T'Syriel for many generations, locked in a ceaseless
civil war until Keral Longknife and Aron Peacebringer united the two peoples, sometime before the Battle
of Hoth. The humans of the Calian Confederacy were known for their battle strength, a kind of physical
reaction to combat that made them more ferocious as the battle grew more intense. (MC53)
see Calban (AEG)
this humanoid race is characterized their bushy manes and strong wings. Their wings end in prehensile
feathers. They have short tails that twitch whenthey're nervous or agitated. It is generally believed that the
Calibops are all talk and no action, and prefer to discuss a potentially dangerous or hostile situation rather
than actually doing something about it. (SOP, VOF)
Calif City
this is the capital city of the planet Dentaal. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the city's
population was decimated by the Empire, which introduced disease-ridden Candroidan hookworms into a
shipment of cloth bound for the city's factories. Once the cloth was made into clothing, the hookworms
infected the population with Candroidan Plague, and wiped the population out in a mere three weeks.
Calimondo Plateau
this was the highest point of land on the planet Gorsh. (PG1)
Calin Industries
this was the name of the corporation founded by Hoot Calin, during the decades leading up to the Great
Sith War. Many of Calin's technologies for protective plating were put into production by Calin Industries.
Much of their initial work was based on construction droids, but the corporation soon discovered that
higher profit margins could be made with military models. (KOTOR)
Calin, Hoot
this noted engineer and founded of Calin Industries developed a form of protective plating that relied on
better manufacturing processes, rather than exotic alloys, to protect a droid. His work was done primarily
on the planet Taris, during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
this gas giant is the fifth and outermost planet of the Faarlsun System. It has twelve moons. (WBC)
this planet, located in Tapani Sector, was the capital world of House Calipsa. It was a plain, brown world
from space, with little natural vegetation. However, Calipsa was rich in natural ores, and mining
operations dominated its surface. This left the planet covered with air-borne pollution, contributing to its
orbital appearance. (PGT, LOE)
Calipsa Run
this minor hyperspace route connected the provinces of Calipsa and Mecetti to the Procopian Shipping
Lane. (LOE)

a Ripoblus escort shuttle working with the Berono during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was the third moon of the planet Savrant, in the Bacrana System. During the height of the New Order,
a surveillance post was established on Calito by the renegade Bacrana System Defense Force. (FBS)
this was the short name for the city of Calius saj Leeloo, found on the planet Berchest. (TLC)
Calius saj Leeloo
this city, found on the planet Berchest, was known as The City of Glowing Crystal. It was named for the
way in which the city was carved from the incredibly beautiful crystal formations that grew from the
millennia-oldcondensation of saline spray from the Leefari Sea. The reddish water was, over thousands of
years, deposited in such quantity that it created the large crystal structures. Artisans and the population
further sculpted and refined the crystals to make the city more beautiful. (TLC)
this male Jedi was part of the security force that protected the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, some nine
years before the Battle of Naboo. (TTB)
Calk Fen
one of Jabba the Hutt's accountants, Fen was responsible for maintaining the file on Han Solo's debt,
which totaled 224,190 credits when Jabba was killed on Tatooine. (MTS)
Calkin, Rip
known as "Iron One" in the sport of smashball, Calkin was one of the few players to ever score 700.
this tree only grew on the highest plateau of the planet Kegan. (FFT)
Callamvor Hotel
this hotel was located in Storrd Township, on the planet Seregar. (ND)
this woman, a native of Tilam City on the planet Pendal, was the leader and founder of the Granse
Confederacy. A former "advisor" to a Kuat Drive yards executive, she was employed to assassinate any
rivals to the executive's position, both within and outside KDY's corporate ranks. Rumor held that she
simply walked away from her last mission, to join her cousin Zayl Braith in order to work as a freelance
assassin. The KDY executive sent five bounty hunters to kill her, but she eliminated them all and sent
them back to the executive in a series of small freight cubicles. They founded the Granse Confederacy,
and earned a spot on the Alliance's most wanted list by striking at several installations and nearly wiping
out a large number of Alliance and civilian personnel. For an unknown reason, Callandir had a deepseated desire to kill Alton Lochner, and many within the Alliance theorized that the Granse Confederacy
was formed to ensure his death. (AIR)
Callat, Follnor
this man was a native of Alsakan, and was trained as a xenoarchaeologist during the years of the New
Order. He grew up as a Core Worlds snob, and remained disdainful of non-Core planets and races as he
matured into an adult. Despite his chosen field of study, Callat deplored the "miserable conditions" of the
remote locations he explored, no matter where his travels took him. Doctor Callat once held a professorial
position with the University of Rudrig, but was expelled when he was linked to several criminal
organizations. He was stripped of tenure at the University of Sanbra, and was dismissed from the Prime
Campus of Shafr Center. Several warrants for his arrest led to many of these firings, based on his flagrant
disregard for local laws and his penchant for raiding the digs of other archaeologists. He was also wanted
by the Iotran Antiquities Enforcement agency in connection with several thefts of Iotran artifacts, and was

connected to a number of other unsavory archaeological activities. After the Battle of Endor, he used his
less-scrupulous contacts to put together a party to search out the Alsakan version of the Tessent. Among
the team members was a Blood Carver and the Mandalorian warrior Fenn Shysa, all of whom set out with
Doctor Callat from a base on Ast Kikorie. From Ast Kikorie, he had created a network of informants who
gathered all rumors of the Tessent's location, which he used to begin his own search. (GMR9)
another name for an owner, it is a handheld device which transmists a summoning signal to a droid's
restraining bolt. The signal compels the droid to return to its home base. (SWN)
this upscale restaurant, located in Equator City on Rodia, catered to those beings who enjoyed Kubaz
cuisine. (SESB)
this antiques shop was located aboard the luxury liner Cal Ambre. It was owned and operated by Retter
Lewis, and specialized in rare and unusual religious artifacts. The shop had two levels: one which catered
to the casual window-shopper, and a restricted upper level for serious buyers. Prices weren't posted on
any artifact, under the assumption that if a being had to ask the price, then they couldn't afford it anyway.
this man served as an accountant, in the city of Mos Eisley on Tatooine, during the height of the New
Order. (FTD)
Calline I
this ball of searing rock was the innermost planet of the Calline System. Orbiting close to the system's
yellow-orange star, Calline I was believed to have a wealth of metal and mineral resources, but its harsh
environment made it too dangerous to mine. (RESB)
Calline II
this planet, the second world in the Calline System, was tide-locked in its orbit around the system's
yellow-orange star. The thin line of habitable region along the terminator was scouted as a possible
location for an Alliance base, and the team discovered a vast network of underground tunnels and caves,
probably the result of prior seismic activity. Unfortunately for the Alliance team, they found that the planet
had already been settled by a group of smugglers. The Alliance team tried to negotiate with the
smugglers, but an agreement could not be reached. (RESB)
Calline III
this gas giant was the third, and outermost, planet in the Calline System. The planet had no natural
satellites, and its atmosphere lacked any profitable gases. (RESB)
Calling of Life
this was the term used by the Tarasin race to describe the strange dreams and visions that compelled the
elders of the various tribes to meet in a vurgat. Many considered the Call of Life to have been the
workings of the Force. (LFCW)
this Red Nikto was Skahtul's principle partner during the hunt for Luke Skywalker. He and a band of
mercenaries from the Klatooinan Trade Guild agreed to join the Barabel in return for a portion of the
bounty. He planned to have Skahtul and her Barabels conveniently eliminated during the struggle on
Kothlis, and told his mercenaries to fire at Skahtul's men instead of Skywalker's forces. Skahtul found out
and ambushed Calliose, capturing him and bringing him back to the Klatooinan Guild for a bounty on his
own head. (SESB)
see Ming, Callista (COJ, DS, POT, SWJ14)

a planet. (SWCP)
Callow Batta
this professor of history was removed from his position at the University of Sanbra by Imperial forces who
were made aware of his anti-Imperial sentiments. (SWJ14)
Callron, Garret
this man served as the Imperial Moff in command of Clacis Sector, during the early years of the New
Order. (AIR)
Callum, Trey
this former Imperial officer was one of the great number of Imperials who eventually defected to the
Alliance. He joined the Alliance prior to the Battle of Hoth, spending several years under the watchful eye
of Colonel Firest before serving as a trooper officer at Hoth's Echo Base. He was known to be extremely
efficient in his use of resources, and was highly regarded for his ability to stretch the Alliance's meager
supplies. It was Callum, who held the rank of Sergeant Major, who first recognized the AT-AT walkers that
had been deployed against the Alliance's forces. He quickly explained the situation to the main base
before preparing to begin its defense. Unfortunately, Callum was killed in the initial fighting. (CCG3,
this man was the Alliance's sector commander in charge of Mortex Sector shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
Cal-Meg, Lucinta
a Physics professor, and student advisor for Mako Spince while Spince attended the Imperial Academy.
Calna Muun
a large town on Agamar, located near Tondatha, Calna Muun was the capital city of the planet. (XW,
Calocour Heights
this was one of many sections of the vast city which covered the planet Coruscant. It was located
between the Imperial Palace and the Senate Rotunda during the last decades of the Old Republic. During
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Calocour Heights district was one of many city areas
destroyed when the aliens captured Coruscant. As the planet was terraformed to resemble the long-lost
planet of Yuuzhan'tar, the Calocour Heights area was razed to make way for the Square of Hierarchy.
a planet which was the sire of an Imperial stronghold during the Galactic Civil War. (ISB)
this minor planet was the primary world in the Caloria System, located in Tapani Sector. At the height of
the New Order, Caloria was under the control of House Reena at the height of the New Order. (LOE)
Calrissian, Lando
Lando Calrissian is a dark-skinned, human male from an undisclosed world. Born during the later years of
the Old Republic, Lando grew into a gambler and con-artiste, smoking cigars and learning how to play
sabacc and win regularly. Never one to stay in any single place too long, Lando made more friends than
enemies in his early years roaming the galaxy. Ever the gambler, Lando considered himself the
Commander of Staves, a sabacc card that often showed up in the fortunes told about him with the sabacc
deck. When a perfect hand of sabacc won him ownership of the Millennium Falcon, Lando's life took a
strange turn. He ran into Han Solo on Nar Shaddaa, rescuing the young man from Boba Fett. Lando was
never much of a pilot, and allowed Han to teach him the basics. However, following the Battle of Nar

Shaddaa, Lando's first flight went off-course, bringing him to the Oseon System. A few games of sabacc
later, Lando had won the strange droid Vuffi Raa, and was launched into a series of adventures. As was
par for the course, Lando made a few more enemies during this time, the greatest of which was the Tund
Sorcerer Rokur Gepta. Gepta pursued Lando across the galaxy after Lando loosed the Mindharp of the
Sharu from its hiding place; Gepta wanted the artifact for himself. After getting stuck in one of the Oseon's
Flamewinds, Gepta nearly killed Lando in an elaborate plot. By this time, Lando was beginning to feel his
own mortality, and when he and Vuffi Raa encountered the Oswaft, he sympathized for them enough to
try and run the Imperial blockade of their home and bring them food. Gepta again nearly killed Lando at
the ThonBoka, but Lando was able to overcome the Sorcerer and eliminate him. After this, Lando began
honing his business skills, and he used the Millennium Falcon to start a small transport operation. It was
during this time that a young smuggler named Han Solo beat him at sabacc. Lando had offered up Han's
pick of the starships in Lando's personal fleet, hoping that Han would pick one of the shiny new ships over
the battered Falcon. Han's nose for starships led him to choose the old freighter, and Lando was left to
his newer, less friendly ships. Using his nose for business, Lando learned of the tibanna gas mines near
Bespin, and set out to see them for himself. He ended up winning Cloud City in a sabacc match, and his
growing business acumen allowed him to turn the mining outpost into a profitable operation. However,
when Boba Fett later traced the Millennium Falconback to Cloud City, Lando's string of hard-luck
business ventures began. Darth Vader commandeers Cloud City in order to capture Luke Skywalker and
Lando was forced to evacuate the outpost. After seeing Han Solo frozen in carbonite and Cloud City
overrun by stormtroopers, Lando signed up with the Alliance, and became one of the Alliance's best
generals, leading a number of missions to success, including the bombing run on the second Death Star
orbitting over the forest moon of Endor. Following the destruction of that Death Star and the fall of the
Empire, Lando returned to Cloud City, but was unable to make the operation profitable. Using a set of
plans and ideas he borrowed from Cloud City's founder, Ecclessis Figg, Lando started The Nomad City
mining operation on Nkllon. In another stroke of bad luck, Grand Admiral Thrawn first stole most of his
mole miners, then disabled the mobile city in a strafing run. Lando was forced to abandon the mining
operation before Nkllon's intense primary star fried it to ashes. After assisting the New Republic in the
defeat of Thrawn, Lando tried his best to win the heart of Mara Jade. He succeeded only in gaining her as
a business partner, as the two joined their collective resources to try and re-establish the spice mines of
Kessel as a legal operation. This failed, as the galaxy no longer felt the need to indulge in artificial
pleasures. Down on his luck, Lando set up camp on the planet Coruscant, and began working on
Dometown, an underground city that was not too affluent but could cater to the upper-middle class. He
only needed financial support, and devised a plan where he would marry a rich woman who could support
his monetary needs while turning a profit with him. Lando courted several woman, but found himself
drawn to Tendra Risant. He was temporarily thwarted in this endeavor by the secession of the Corellian
Sector from the New Republic, as his prospective bride was a native of Sacorria. However, after the
resolution of the Corellian Crisis, Lando and Tendra began to discover that their relationship transcended
the galactic politics. Eventually, they were married, and they used their combined business acumen - and
a good deal of luck - to amass a small fortune in a variety of business endeavors. Shortly before the
Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, they formed Tendrando Arms. They planned to provide the YVH 1
combat droids to the New Republic in order to help combat the Yuuzhan Vong, but Lando was reactivated
to his rank of General when the alien invaders attacked Coruscant itself. As the war ground on, Lando
and Tendra spent an increasingly larger portion of their time with the Smugglers' Alliance, working on the
fringes to assist the New Republic's war efforts. Their relationship with the likes of Booster Terrik and
Talon Karrde came to fruition just after the Battle of Ebaq, in time to assist the Galactic Alliance in its
mission to retake Coruscant from the alien invaders. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally surrendered to the
Galactic Alliance at Coruscant some five years after their invasion began, Lando and Tendra decided to
pursue more legitimate goals. The galaxy needed to be rebuilt, and there were too many honest ways to
make a living. Lando Calrissian was portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes
Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, as well as for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on
National Public Radio. (ESB, EROTJ, HTTE, DFR, COTF, AC, THG, BP, SBS, UF)
Calrissian, Tendra Risant
the primary candidate in Lando Calrissian's search for a rich wife, Tendra was a minor functionary on
Saccoria. She was moderately wealthy, but had a number of friends and relatives in high places within
the Corellian Sector. She had fair skin, high cheekbones, and brownish-blond hair. When Lando first met

her, she wass in her mid-thirties, and he was immediately taken with her. Their relationship continued to
grow, and they eventually became business partners. Tendra managed to pursuade her family to help
finance their underwater mining facility on Varn. It was also during this time that Lando and Tendra
discovered that their relationship was greater than the forces at work in the galaxy, and they eventually
got married. Their combined business sense led them to become involved in a wide variety of enterprises,
until theiy eventually formed Tendrando Arms, shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy
began. As the war ground on, Lando and Tendra spent an increasingly larger portion of their time with the
Smugglers' Alliance, working on the fringes to assist the New Republic's war efforts. Their relationship
with the likes of Booster Terrik and Talon Karrde caem to fruition just after the Battle of Ebaq, in time to
assist the Galactic Alliance in its mission to retake Coruscant from the alien invaders. When the Yuuzhan
Vong finally surrendered to the Galactic Alliance at Coruscant some five years after their invasion began,
Tendra and Lando decied to pursue more legitimate goals. The galaxy needed to be rebuilt, and there
were too many honest ways to make a living. (AC, VOF, BP, SBS, UF)
this was the name given to those Viska clans which were not named lurinn by the caleisk. These clans
had no power until they were chosen by a future caleisk. (PG1)
this planet was the site of the Ramsees Hed docking facility. (DF)
this was the name used to describe the leader of a Viska lurinn. (PG1)
this rookie X-Wing pilot was being trained by Ranna Gorjaye when he brought his starfighter too close to
Ranna's during a routine patrol. The formation they were flying in was tight already, and Calson's wing
clipped Ranna's, and they both were forced to crashland in The Wilds. Calson blamed the crash on
Ranna's orders, and refused to accept her command. He set out by himself, and was killed by a wild
corvaj. (DARK)
Lando Calrissian barely escaped an adventure on this planet, some time before he joined the Alliance.
(LTA6, MC83)
this was a generic term used to describe a form of defensive implement formed from a central sphere of
metal, to which were affixed a minimum of four metal spikes. The minimum of four spikes ensured that,
when thrown, the caltrop always presented an upright spike. When a large number of caltrops was thrown
or deployed across a room's floor or entranceway, they provided a screen which a pursuer had to avoid,
or else have the metal spikes driven into their feet. Especially devious individuals coated the spikes of
their caltrops with sedatives or poisons, in an effort to ensure their escape. (SBS, GMR8)
Caltrop 5
this chaff gun was produced by Arakyd during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It fired a spray of
sensor-distorting durasteel particles into the air, which created clouds on nearby sensors. When fired at
aircraft, the durasteel particles also acted as shrapnel, perforating hulls and flesh with deadly results.
primary planet in the Calus System. The system is connected to the Wroona System via Keller's Void.
this planet was located in the Tion Hegemony, and was distinguished by the unusual environmental
phenomenon known as the Nocturne of the Winged-Stars. Located in orbit around the planet was a space
station that was known to most independent spacers for its huge stockpile of replacement parts from

Lianna. The planet and the orbiting station became targets of Yuuzhan Vong attacks, as the alien
invaders planned to subjugate the population and use them for sacrifices in the final consecration of
Coruscant as the new Yuuzhan'tar. Despite the efforts of Base Commander Garray and Pash Cracken,
Caluula Station was destroyed and the planet was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong. The natives of both the
station and the planet were transported to Coruscant for sacrifice, although many were "rescued" by the
Shamed Ones who believed they were following the words of the Prophet, Yu'shaa. After taking the
planet, the Yuuzhan Vong installed a yammosk there. This gave the Yuuzhan Vong a base of operations
from which to launch raids on New Republic outposts in the sector. However, as the planet's defenses
fell, the planetary Governor of Caluula made contact with the aliens to surrender. As part of the deal,
though, she requested that scientists still be allowed access to the planet, which was about to experience
another Nocturne of the Winged-Stars. The Yuuzhan Vong commander, looking for a swift end to the
hostilities, agreed to the deal. However, as soon as the battle for Caluula became a rout, the natives of
the planet began stashing weapons and supplies in the mountains, hoping to retrieve them later in an
effort to eliminate the alien invaders. All of this military activity overshadowed a larger, environmental
issue, which surfaced when the winged-stars emerged from their 300-year incubation but failed to mate.
At the same time, Yuuzhan Vong bio-constructs began dying rapidly, much to the dismay of the Shapers
stationed on the planet. Then the Shapers and warriors died as well, leaving the planet devoid of
Yuuzhan Vong. It was later revealed that the Bothan Intelligence agent, Wraw, had been added to Team
Meloque to verify the efficacy of a new strain of the Alpha Red virus unleashed on the planet. (UF)
Caluula City
this city, the planetary capital of the planet Caluula, was bordered on three sides by rugged mountains.
As soon as the Yuuzhan Vong accepted the surrender of Caluula's planetary governor, they placed
Caluula City under martial law until a yammosk could be installed in the heart of the city. Afterward, the
local civilians were allowed to move about without surge coral implants, primarily because the Yuuzhan
Vong wanted to use the local populace as a way to keep the New Republic from trying to kill the
yammosk with an orbital bombardment. (UF)
Caluula Orbital
see Caluula Station (UF)
Caluula Station
this was the name of the space station which was built in orbit around the planet Caluula. Despite its
allegiance to the New Republic military, the station had a reputation of having just the part a spacer
needed to repair their ship, thanks to a huge stockpile of replacement parts obtained from the planet
Lianna. It was also a haven for scientists who traveled to the Tion Hegemony to study Caluula's unusual
environmental phenomena. During the months following Operation Trinity, Caluula Station took a
pounding from Yuuzhan Vong forces, and the destruction of many HoloNet relay stations meant that the
New Republic was unaware of the attack. After the rescue mission to Selvaris was interrupted by the first
appearance of the Yuuzhan Vong Slayers, Han Solo managed to escape Selvaris and flee to Caluula
Station aboard the Millennium Falcon. Shortly afterward, the Yuuzhan Vong employed a yncha to attack
Caluula Station. Base Commander Garray found himself powerless to defend the station. Faced with the
imminent destruction of Caluula Station, Garray issued the evacuation orders, hoping to get as many
people as possible to the planet's surface. Despite the efforts of Garray's forces, Caluula Station was
ultimately destroyed. The survivors fled to Caluula, where they could regroup to defend the planet from
invasion. (UF)
this was the native language spoken on the planet Caluula, a derivative of the Basic language. (UF)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Cam, Dalnus
this Jedi Knight was one of many who perished in the fighting at Shelter Base, on Jabiim, during the
hieght of the Clone Wars. (SWI69)

an industrial center found on the planet Fremond III, Camaa was also the base of operations for an
Alliance cell on the planet. (SWJ9)
see Caamasi (language) (GMR9)
this city is one of the major hubs of activity for the TriNebulon News agency, and was found on the planet
Trantor. (SWJ8)
Camalon, Rathe
this young baron of Tapani Sector's House Cadriaan was the son of a Freeworlds native who bought his
way into the nobility. Rathe hated the fact that his father's common birth excluded him from many of the
gathering of the nonle Houses, but held no animosity toward his father. Instead, Rathe directed his anger
at those "soft" individuals who simply inherited their power, instead of working for ti. (LOE)
this man served as a Lieutenant in the Security Guard of Naboo, during the era of the Battle of Naboo. He
was also a leader within the Naboo Underground. (SON)
this Ryn female worked on the food service team which supported Settlement Thirty-two, on the planet
Duro, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When Jaina Solo was forced out of action,
Camarata honored Jaina - as a member of Rogue Squadron - by allowing her to eat first, before any of
the refugees. (BP)
Camarian Crystal
a valuable form of leaded crystal used in creating exquisite glassware, Camarian crystal was also known
to be very brittle and easily broken. (PP)
a Moltokian fruit used with distilled water to help preserve skin's natural suppleness and beauty. (COJ)
this was the capital city of the planet Calipsa. (PGT)
Camber, Geothray
this Imperial Sector Plexus technician and his team developed the initial plans for the Hyperspace
Orbiting Scanner. (ISB)
Camblian Order
this was the primary governmental body of the planet Eedoq. (SWED)
Cambrian Wine
this was a fine wine produced during the height of the New Order. (UYV)
Cambriel, Seth
this man was known to be a wealthy entrepreneur who made millions of credits playing the stock markets,
buying up companies which were about to be nationalized by the Empire, then selling out at huge profits
later on. He then retired to Spira to watch the Galactic Civil War play out while sipping cocktails on the
beach. He was something of a beach bum, albeit a rich one, and spent a lot of time in the casinos and
bars of the Aspre Plunge. His lifestyle, however, was actually a cover, for Seth Cambriel was also a spy
for the Alliance. The time spent in bars was often in the company of drunken Imperials, who were more
than willing to have a few drinks with him. (SWJ1)
this was the capital city of the planet Ralltiir. (HNN4)

Cambrielle Exploration Auditorium

this museum, located in the city of Cambrielle, on the planet Ralltiir, was dedicated to the preservation of
artifacts and documentation about the exploration of the known galaxy. During the last decades of the Old
Republic, the Auditorium was second only to the Jedi Archives on Coruscant as a source of knowledge.
The entire first floor was given over to exhibits which showcased the history and glamour of space
exploration, with new exhibits being set up every few months. (HNN4, WOTC)
Cambrielle SolidState
this corporation was headquartered on Ralltiir, and produced a wide range of power cells for use by the
Empire. (FOP)
Cambus Gale
this heavily-modified V-53 Hydromancer yacht was owned by Seth Cambriel. He spent a good deal of
time and credits converting the small pleasure craft into a sleek racing machine, providing him with
excellent performance and adequate cargo space. (SWJ1)
this massive tree was native to the swamps of Endor's forest moon and the planet Naboo. The Gungan
people learned to crush the cambylictus' leaves and bark into a paste, which had a variety of medicinal
uses. The bark of the tree was often used as a bandage which promoted quick healing. The effects of the
bark were especially powerful to members of the Abyssin race, as it amplified their natural regenerative
abilities. (GF, E1A9, MJH)
this was the primary planet in the Camden System, located in the Outer Rim Territories. (CRO)
one of Luke's friends at Anchorhead on Tatooine, she was dating the Fixer when Biggs returned to say
goodbye. Her family managed an underground hydroponic garden on Tatooine, and bought most of their
water from Owen Lars' farm. After Luke and Biggs left Tatooine, Camie eventually married the Fixer.
Camie was portrayed by Stephanie Steele for the Star Wars Radio Drama on National Public Radio. She
was also portrayed by Koo Stark in Star Wars: A New Hope. (SW, SWR, DS, MC31)
Camo Scout Armor
developed and produced by Creshaldyne Industries, this speciallized armor was created to protect an
individual while making them difficult to see. Woven into the fabric of the armor was circuitry that worked
with tiny photoreceptive fibers built into the outer plating, absorbing ambient light and changing color to
match the wearer's surroundings. (WOTC)
originally developed by the Nociv of the planet Kadril, a camocowl allowed the wearer to breathe without
inhaling deadly or toxic gases. Because they were produced on Kadril, and were regularly scrubbed using
the natural stone found on the planet, camocowls became saturated with small particles of kunda stones,
making them an efficient filter against pacifog. (LAT3)
this gas giant was the sixth and outermost planet of the Utos System. It was orbited by thirty-one moons.
Camouflage Net
a mesh covering that protects a ground-based object from being detected. Often, the net has two parts: a
baffle net of thin wire to shield electronics, and a photosensitive netting that mimics the surrounding
terrain in color when activated. (CPL)
Camp Aurek
this was one of the primary Separatist bases on the planet Jabiim, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars. It was captured by the Army of the Republic, but at the loss of the Republic's own Shelter Base.

(SWI69, RBJ)
Camp Pa'aal Squadron
this was the name use by Sil Sorannan to describe the 513 Imperial prisoners who were incarcerated by
the Yevetha on Pa'aal. Together, using a coordinated attack, they were able to gain control of several
Imperial warships recommissioned by the Yevetha. The ships were retaken by Sorannan's crews, and the
squadron fled back to Byss and the Deep Core. (TT)
Camp Ship
this form of Yuuzhan Vong starship was essentially a collection of hexagonal containment chambers,
glued together to form kilometers-long transport ships. Roughly spherical in shape, camp ships were
originally used to transport large groups of small cargoes across small distances. After the Yuuzhan Vong
launched their invasion of the galaxy some twenty-five years after the Battle of Endor, they began using
the transports to move slaves across the galaxy. The individual chambers were of all sizes, and each was
capable of accommodating a wide range of gravities and environments. The name "camp ship" derived
from the New Republic captives who were transported in these ships. The chambers were large enough
to accommodate families and clans, allowing them to exist in mobile, Yuuzhan Vong refugee camps.
These ships were extremely useful during the reformation of Coruscant, when hundreds of millions of
beings had to be moved off-planet in order to being its Vongforming. (T)
Campaign Against Republic Militarization
founded by Senator Padme' Amidala, this political organization sought to find a peaceful solution to the
growing separatist movement in the Old Republic, shortly before the Clone Wars. Amidala and the
Campaign's members opposed Chancellor Palpatine's call for the formation of a grand army to combat
secession, and held a series of peace rallies on various planets in order to gain support. (HNN4)
Camray Eel
a large, predatory eel native to the Shinkai Abyss on Spira, the Camray was popular among the upperclass game hunters who traveled to the planet for their vacations. They average nearly five meters in
length, and live deep below the surface where they feed on sliverfish. Their mouths are lined with sharp
teeth, and their muscular bodies allow them to attack their prey with speed and strength. Their fearsome
reputation earned them the respect of many hunters, and the acquisition of a Camray Eel spoke to a
hunter's skills. Once removed from the ocean and killed, the Camray eel gives off a pungent, foul smell,
and must be transported in a sealed container for delivery to a taxidermist.. During the height of the
Galactic Civil War, the Alliance sometimes smuggled information and hard goods from Spira by packing
them inside one of these sealed containers. (SWJ1)
Camura Lines
this interstellar shipping corporation was one of the few heavy-duty transport carriers who were awarded
contracts by the Imperial military. (SWJ5)
this is the Adumari term for a reporter who uses a flatcam to record events. (SOA)
Can Lar
a Gathi who once worked for Comar, Can Lar created the original designs for the v-150 ion cannon.
When Comar told him the weapon was useless as a military weapon, he quit and went to work for Kuat
Drive Yards, who later built the weapon. (ISB)
this Galacian was the King of the Tallah dynasty several years before the Battle of Naboo. He ruled for
thirty years before passing away some twenty years before that battle, leaving the rulership of the planet
Gala to his wife, Veda. Prior to their marriage, which was arranged by their parents, Cana fell in love with
a woman from the hill clans. The Council of Ministry forbid their union, but Cana married her anyway.
Before the Council could break the marriage up, Cana's wife became pregnant. The secrecy of the
pregnancy was maintained by Cana and Veda after their own marriage. During his rule, several of the
more wealthy families began corrupting the government, taking control for themselves while distancing

themselves from the poorer masses. Cana was unable to stop it before his death. (MOC)
Canas, Dorri
this middle-aged woman was born in The Stones section of Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa, but spent much
of her career working to establish a peace between the natives of The Clog and those of The Stones.
Canastra IV
this temperate, ocean-covered world was located in the Core region. (COG)
Candabrine Bu
this being represented the planet Lansono in the Old Republic's Galactic Senate, during the years leading
up to the Battle of Geonosis. Senator Bu was part of a vocal faction of Senators which questioned
Chancellor Palpatine's ability to delay the vote on the Military Creation Act, shortly after an attempt was
made to assassinate Padme' Amidala. (HNN5)
this Old Republic Acclamator-class troopship was the flagship of the task force, led by the Jedi Master
Glynn-Beti, which was dispatched to capture Count Dooku on Raxus Prime, just after the Battle of
Geonosis. (BF2)
Candle of Pure Light
one of the Ancient Tokens of the Legendary Ewok hereos, the Candle was a small wax candle which had
a flame that never went out. It was a symbol bestowed upon the youngest member of an expedition, to
remind them of the goal which they strive to achieve. It was presented to Cindel Townai by Logray, when
the Ewoks agreed to rescue her parents from the giant Gorax. Cindel discovered that it could be used to
summon Queen Izrina, of the Wisties, in times of need. (EA, SWDB)
Candle, Amier
this man served as a department chairman at the Imperial University's School of Public Policy, during the
height of the New Order. (SWJ7)
Candobar Inglet
this Sluissi served as the Khedive of the planet Sluis Van, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
After Sluis Van threatened to secede from the Old Republic to join the Separatists, Inglet later offered to
assist the Jedi Knights in capturing the Scarlet Thranta. Because of Sluis Van's political position, the offer
was met with great skepticism. When the Sluis Sector officially split from the Republic, Inglet became a
vocal supporter of the Separatist movement. (HNN5, SWI69)
Candorian Plague
an especially virulent plague that was cultivated by the Empire for use against rebellious worlds. It was
thought to have originated in the Bandorian Colonies, which were utterly wiped out by the plague. It was
contained and believed eradicated until the Empire used in on Dentaal. Note that this disease is also
referred to as the Candroidan Plague or the Candroian Plague in several books. (DS, SWJ5)
this being was one of more than 72 individuals who were murdered by the Nikto assassin Ma'w'shiye,
after the Nikto deserted from the Alliance. (SWJ4)
Candra City
one of four major starport locations, this city lies on the eastern edge of Kirima's western continent. (TSK)
Candroian Plague
see Candorian Plague. (SWJ5)
Candroidan Hookworm
this parasite was particularly dangerous, because its genetic structure allowed it to support viruses that

were specific to humans. These hookworms burrowed into their hosts and lodged themselves in the
circulatory system, and could not be removed without killing the host. When they reproduce, the
hookworms "shed" any viruses it carried, dispersing them into the host's blood supply. For this reason,
saboteurs and assassins liked to infect these hookworms with plagues and set them loose in humaninhabited areas. A swarm these creatures was known to have infected Calif City, on Dentaal, with a strain
of Candroidan Plague, depopulating the city in just three weeks. (TBSB)
Candroidan Plague
a virulent strain of plague carried by the Candroidan hookworm. Note that this is another spelling of the
Candorian Plague. (TBSB, SWJ5)
Cane Adiss
this strange creature was a gifted pilot who boasted to Jabba the Hutt that he had explored every
uncharted planet in the galaxy. Adiss was employed by the Empire to discover rebellious activity in the
Outer Rim. Adiss was an equine alien with two small heads and giraffe-like spots. (CCG7, CHRN)
Cane Tree
this species of tall, thin-boled tree was native to the ravines and valleys of the planet Caluula. (UF)
this species of porcine creature was native to the planet Corellia. Although not considered dangerous,
canids often traveled in large packs. Their skittish nature meant that they often stampeded when
frightened, and a fast-moving pack of canids could trample a human to death. (ROD)
this four-legged species of dog-like animal is characterized by their high shoulders and large, tapered
snouts. They are easily trained, and make excellent guard animals. (GCQ)
the title given to the Vratix leaders of Thyferra. (SWJ3)
this famous Cerean was a well-known and respected philosopher. (GMR8)
Cann Doon
a smuggler who used to work for Jabba the Hutt. (SWSB)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
this was the name of Barosa Warren's personal starship. This freighter measured 24 meters in length,
and could carry upto 45 metric tons of cargo and eight passengers. It required a pilot and co-pilot to
operate (usually Warren and Stren Grier), and three gunners to man the weapons. It was armed with a
turret-monuted twin blaster cannon, and ion cannon, and a turret-mounted tractor beam projector. The
Cannibal was formed from hull components of the Kuat Systems Engineering Firespray-31 and the
Ckratar Crafts Venturer-class freighter, although parts from more than thrity different manufacturers were
used in its construction. (AIR)
Cannibal Arachnid
a deadly creature once native to the planet Duro, the cannibal arachnid died out as the planet became
polluted. (DA, EGP)
Cannibal Plant
a carnivorous plant native to the planet F'tral, the cannibal plant has a rudimentary system of mobility.
They can slowly approach another plant and feed on them. Commonly, the cannibal plant resides near a
fisherplant or other hunting plan, and sinks its roots down to twine and fuse to the hunter's root. The

cannibal plant can then suck nutrients from the other plant. (GG4)
Cannij Barr
this was another name for the planet Annaj, used by the Ayrou race. (TBSB, GMR9)
this vicious predator was once native to Dxun, although a handful of specimens was transported to Telos
by the Ithorians of Citadel Station, during the years following the Great Sith War. (LAWS)
this alien race, native to the planet Canoliss IV, was known for its unusual culture, which was based on
three-dimensional mathematics. Cannolite locks were incredibly complex structures, incorporating
notched rods in a cube-shaped array that had to be precisely aligned in order to open. (WOTC)
Canny Mandary Bertar
this Mrlssi Senator represented her homeworld of Mrlsst in the Galactic Senate during the last decades of
the Old Republic. She first arrived on Coruscant several years before the Battle of Naboo, and remained
until the Senate was dissolved by Emperor Palpatine. Senator Bertar served as the chairbeing on the
Senate Dispensation Committee, overseeing the credits distributed to freelance agents hired by the
Republic and the Empire. She chose not to join the Alliance, however, fearing that her membership would
jeopardize her career. (CCW)
a vicious predator found on Corellia and Dellalt, canoids resemble large dogs or hounds. They had
needle-like teeth and a prehensile tail. (TPS, THG, EGP)
Canoliss IV
this planet was the homeworld of the Cannolite race. (WOTC)
this jellied foodstuff was often smuggled around the Outer Rim, due to its high price. (SWJ10)
Cantham House
Bail Organa's residence in Imperial City, while he lived on Coruscant. The idea of a cohesive rebellion
against the New Order was formulated there, during what would later be known as the Cantham Talks.
Note that this is known as Chatham House in the X-Wing computer game. (RASB)
Cantham Talks
this was the term used by historians to describe the initial discussion between Mon Mothma and Bail
Organa, during which they talked about the formation of a rebellion against the Empire. The name
Cantham Talks stemmed from the fact that the discussion took place at Organa's Cantham House
residence. (NEGC)
this Epicanthix warrior-chief was credited with uniting the myriad of Epicanthix clans into a single entity,
as well as dispatching those clans who refused to join him. Canthar is also credited with taking the
Epicanthix culture away from a purely barbaric society and cultivating cultural and technological
advancement. (SESB)
Canti System
this star system, located in Tapani Sector, was under the control of House Reena at the height of the New
Order. (LOE)
this dive was located on the Air Avab floating city of the planet Genarius, during the decade leading up to
the Battle of Naboo. (WOTC)
Cantina Hangover

one of the many obstacles used on swoopchasing courses, the Cantina Hangover was deceptively simple
in its design. The obstacle was formed from a long tube, inside which a mock cantina was created.
Racers find themselves speeding through a maze of tables, chairs, bars, and simulated patrons. The
Hangover part comes when the riders first enter the tube, which then begins to rotate around its central
axis. The entire cantina begins to spin, and riders must continually alter their course to ensure that they
get through the spnning maze of props. (BSS)
Cantina Row
this was the name given to the tavern-lined thoroughfare located in the city of Hedrett, on the planet
Cularin. (LFCW)
Cantras Gola
the PowerOn Conglomeration, headquartered on this planet, threatened to secede from the Pentastar
Alignment and join the New Republic. The children of the planet's chief ambassador were kidnapped by
the Karazak Slavers Guild, on orders from the Alignement, in an effort to persuade Cantras Gola to
remain with the Alignment. The children were rescued by the Red Moons, and helped break the
Alignment's hold on the planet. (TFE)
Cantros Seven
this planet was one of the many inhabited worlds of the Cantros System. It was the homeworld of a race
of feline humanoids. (MC93)
Cantros System
this system supposedly experienced a rash of Imperial activity following the Battle of Endor, despite the
fact that Emperor Palpatine was dead. The feline being Minka traveled to Saijo to report on it, and barely
escaped with her life. Further investigation of the system revealed that a renegade group of Alliance
supporters was the cause, fueled by false information provided by Durne. (MC93)
this was a survival-class, gaseous substance that was developed to spread quickly and kill any
indigenous life in the user's immediate area. The gas was highly poisonous to most lifeforms, and
required the user to wear an environment suit to protect themselves. (GMR10)
Cantrosh-oxide Matrix
this was a way to contain pure cantrosh gas in an oxide's crystalline structure. When ignited, the oxide
vaporized, leaving the cantrosh gas to flood the immediate area. (GMR10)
a deity worshipped by the Coways native to Circarpous V, Canu was a warrior who apparently in charge
of administering justice. In their simple religion, Canu maked his decision based on the outcome of a
battle between the strongest warrior on each side of an issue. The victor of the battle was obviously on
the correct side, since Canu helped him win. (SME)
this world was known as a mining outpost that produced ores needed in the construction of starships and
electronic systems. It was discovered by accident when a Victory-class Star Destroyer was dragged out of
hyperspace in its vicinity by a rogue asteroid. The warship was grazed by the asteroid and damaged, but
the only ships close enough to hear its distress signal were part of a pirate fleet. An Imperial rescue
operation was mounted, and basically left the pirates alone. They recognized Canyon's natural resources,
and set up the small mining operation. The pirates, led by Guldus Bemm, continued to control the world
well after the Battle of Endor. The planet is an arid world of mountains and plains, which has an average
day of 28 standard hours. Its year encompasses 389 local days. (SWJ8)
Canyon Dune Turn
see Tusken Turn (RAC)
Canyon Krayt Dragon

this was the smaller of the two subspecies of krayt dragon, native to the planet Tatooine. See Krayt
Dragon. (WSW)
Canyon Mining Facility
this was the ore and mineral extraction operation established by Guldus Bemm and his pirates, after they
discovered the planet Canyon while attempting to provide aid to a damaged Victory-class Star Dstroyer.
Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Administrator Guldus Bemm tried to capture Luke Skywalker by claiming
that the miners discovered a strange, crystalline mineral in the mines, and called for Luke Skywalker to
come and see them, as they appeared suitable for use in lightsabers. Skywalker didn't go personally, but
the group of New Republic agents who did were captured by Bemm's pirates. They eventually managed
to escape. (SWJ8)
this is a vast series of hotels, shops, restaurants, and meeting areas carved into the canyons of the planet
Cejansij. The Canyonade is remarkable for its diamond-shaped clusters of nine bridges linking the
opposing sides of the canyon: three main bridges span the center of the diamond, with two above and
below them and a single bridge at the top and bottom of the pattern. (SOP)
Canyons of Mist
located on Endor, these are steep-walled canyons worn into the rock by the passage of the Whispering
River. (AT)
the roots of this plant are a necessary part of the diet of the natives of the Tal Nami System. (GOF2)
Capellan Turg-rrot
this was a species of large plant, harvested for its thick roots. (SWJ4)
Capens, Gaeriel
this woman was one of the galaxy's most popular singers, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Capens was also a spokeswoman for Lopez Drinks, although many business analysts questioned her
popularity among non-humanoid species. (HNN4)
Capens, Thera
this woman, a native of Hargeeva, claimed to have been Niall Pedrin's mistress. She was captured by
Stevan Makintay when he managed to apprehend Pedrin on Hargeeva, just after Pedrin was demoted.
Capital City
this city was, of course, the capital of the planet Karideph, and is the site of the planet's only spaceport.
Capital City
this was the capital of the planet Omman. (SWJ12)
Capital Codru
this was the capital city of the planet Munto Codru. (EGP)
Capital Powers Act
a set of laws drafted and approved by Emperor Palpatine, which gave him the authority to impose martial
sanctions on any civilization in the galaxy, in order to bring them in line with the New Order. (COJ)
Capital Scavenger
this news program picked up the story initially written by Cindel Towani for The Life Monitor, detailing the
various accounts of New Republic armed forces who fought and died during the Black Fleet Crisis. The
article, drafted by Hiram Drayson, was designed to help bolster public support of Leia Organa-Solo. (TT)
Capital Season

the time between Expansion Week and Shelova Week in the Tapani Sector, Capital Season is a social
event celebrated by the upper class and nobility of the sector. It is a time for them to mingle and spy on
each other, and is held on the planet Procopia. Pleasure cruises are often booked from Procopia to
Vycynith, but the main events take place on Procopia. To avoid Procopia during Capital Season means
almost total isolation for the noble involved, which lowers their social standing and often has economic
and political implications as well. Exceptions are made on an infrequent basis for people with business
outside Tapani Sector, but all business inside the sector must stop or move to Procopia. (LOE)
Capital ship
any of the huge, deep-space combat craft. Star Destroyers and Mon Cal Star Cruisers fall into this
category. (SWSB)
Capital Terminal
during the last decades of the Old Republic, this was one of the primary starports located in Imperial City,
on Coruscant. It was used primarily by the Jedi Knights. (RP)
Capital-class Starship
a large warship. (THG)
meaning "brave", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally
described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to
describe an individual. (GCG)
this Rodian was a member of the Peace Brigade, and was part of the group which infiltrated the Queen of
Empire in order to recover the Yuuzhan Vong priestess Elan. He and Darda posed as the contacts Major
Showolter was to meet aboard the ship, in the effort to safely transport Elan to the Core. Their leaders
had obtained classified information from a spy within the New Republic, which allowed them to gain
Showolter's confidence. However, the backstories they were given were flawed, and when Darda claimed
to have been working on Gamoor, Showolter saw through their facade. In a firefight, Darda was shot and
killed, but Capo managed to escape. He also killed the two agents Showolter was supposed to meet
before seriously wounding Showolter himself. Many months later, Capo returned to Ylesia and assumed
command of the Peace Brigade's meager navy. He attained the rank of Admiral, although it was more
decoration than actually meritted, and was commanded by Thrackan Sal-Solo to bring the fleet up to
Yuuzhan Vong standards. (HT, Y)
this was the nickname of the astromech droid R2-B3, which was assigned to Jaina Solo's X-Wing when
she took command of the Twin Suns Squadron, some months after the Battle of Coruscant. Cappie was a
gray-white color, with burgundy-colored markings. Cappie remained as Jaina's astromech when she took
command of an XJ3 version of the starfighter, during the latter stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan
Vong. (EL1, FH1)
Capra, Carns
this hot-headed young man joined the Alliance just after the Battle of Yavin, shortly after his father was
killed in a rally on Mantooine. He wanted to get some measure of revenge against the Empire. (GMK)
a planet on which Mara Jade posed as a come-up flector for a swoop gang. It was also the sight of a
swoop race tragedy, in which an assassin droid, sent to kill then-governor Amel Bakli, decided that it
could meet its objectives by wiping out the entire swoop arena. (DFR, SWSB)
Capris Technologies
this small manufacturer produced a line of power recharging systems, during the height of the New Order.

Capstan, Anni
this pilot was Jaina Solo's wingman in Rogue Squadron, during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion. Anni was a native of Corellia. As Rogue Twelve, Anni participated the Battle of Garqi.
Unfortunately, Anni was killed shortly afterward, during the opening phase of the Battle of Ithor. Jaina
quickly sent Anni's mother a notice of her death over Ithor, and Anni's mother responded quickly, inviting
Jaina to Corellia. (DTO, DTR)
Captain Integrity
this was a nickname used by Denetrus to describe Andra, and derived from her struggle to do good.
Captain of the Guard
this was the title given to the leader of the Senate Guards, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Captain's Accredited License
this Imperial document was one of a number of documents required from any spacer who plied the
spacelanes during the New Order. The procedures for obtaining the certification were documented in the
Spacer's Information Manual. Known as a CAL, this document provided information on the starship
captain's ability to operate a starship across interstellar distances. (SWJ9)
Captain's Ladder
a Corellian CR90 corvette that was part of the Invid pirate fleet that attacked the Tinta Palette, the
Captain's Ladder was a false IFF transponder code used by the Backstab. (IJ)
Captain's Pride
this Ugor Black Hole-class salvage dreadnaught was commanded by ArrGack. It was dispatched to
recover any salvage following the Imperial assault on Dankayo, and battled the Thrifty for salvage rights.
Captane, Daniil
this man was the portmaster of Taanab's primary spaceport, located in Pandath, when Lando Calrissian
forced the Norulac pirates to flee the planet and leave the farmers along. (SWJ5)
CapTech Stealthpak
this was Capris Technologies' portable, blaster power pack recharging kit. (GFT)
Captisan, Dol
this noted Bakuran Senator was the father of Gaeriel and Ylanda Captisan. Dol and wife, Marga, were
killed shortly after the Empire nationalized Bakura, when they were caught in the middle of a firefight
between Imperial troops and the Bakuran resistance. Gaeriel learned years later, from her sister Ylanda,
that Marga and Dol had been active members of the resistance. (TBSB)
Captisan, Marga
this woman was married to Dol Captisan, and was the mother of Gaeriel and Ylanda Captisan. Dol and
Marga were killed shortly after the Empire nationalized Bakura, when they were caught in the middle of a
firefight between Imperial troops and the Bakuran resistance. Gaeriel learned years later, from her sister
Ylanda, that Marga and Dol had been active members of the resistance. (TBSB)
Captisan, Ylanda
this was Gaeriel Captisan's younger sister. Gaeriel always called her "Landy." Where Gaeriel was offered
a full scholarship to the Bakuran Senatorial Academy, Ylanda was destined to live her life out as a Home
Mother at one of Bakura's Simple Homes. Gaeriel and Ylanda accepted this as the will of the Cosmic
Balance: Gaeriel's success would be balanced by Ylanda's mediocrity. While at the Simple Home, Ylanda
spent many years with minimal food, and became gaunt and withdrawn. After the Empire was ousted
from control of the planet, Ylanda revealed to Gaeriel that their parents had been members of the original
Bakuran resistance, and were killed trying to free their homeworld from Imperial control. (TBSB, NEGC)

Captison, Dol
this man served the Old Republic and his homeworld of Bakura as a Senator, during the years following
the Clone Wars. After Emperor Palpatine assumed control of the galaxy and instituted the New Order, Dol
and his wife found that they could not sit back and let the Empire take control of Bakura. While his
daughter, Gaeriel, was attending the Bakuran Senatorial Academy, Dol and his wife began assisting the
local rebel cells in staging protests against the Imperial occupation of Bakura. It was during one of these
protests that the Imperials decided to open fire on the protestors, in an effort to break them up. Dol and
his wife were killed in the crossfire. (SWDB)
Captison, Gaeriel
a former Imperial Senator from the planet Bakura, Gaeriel was the daughter of Dol Captison and the
niece of Yeorg Captison. Her most striking feature was her eyes: one was grey and the other was green.
Gaeriel dedicated her education to politics, and was accepted to the Bakuran Seantorial Academy as a
teenager. Her parents were killed in the crossfire of an Imperial engagement with an Alliance team, and
she vowed to become an Imperial loyalist. This, coupled with her religious concerns about the nature of
the Force, made her the perfect senator on the Imperial world of Bakura. When the Ssi-ruuk invaded her
homeworld, Gaeriel finally met several high-ranking members of the Alliance, including Leia Organa and
Luke Skywalker, when they answered Bakura's distress call. Luke slowly opened her eyes to the
atrocities of the Empire, and thought his actions she discovered that the Force was not inherently evil. It
was Luke who helped Eppie Belden overcome her forced catatonia. It was during this time that gaerieal
realized that she and Luke shared a common bond, although they remained nothing more than good
friends. Following the defeat of the Ssi-ruuk and the surrender of Imperial forces on Bakura, Gaeriel
continued to work in politics, and was eventually named Prime Minister. It was during this time that her
political ambitions kept her in contact with the former Imperial soldier Pter Thanas. A romantic attachment
grew, and they were married 8 years after the Ssi-ruuk invasion. Together, they gave brith to a single
dauhgter, Malinza, before Pter succumbed to Knowt's disease. His death followed a failed re-election bid
for Gaeriel. When the New Republic asked for Bakuran aid in defending the Corellian System during the
Starbuster Plot, Gaeriel was made the plenipotentiary and placed in charge of the Bakuran fleet,
commanded by Hortel Ossilege. She was mortally wounded when her spine was crushed in the decisive
battle near Centerpoint Station, and the flagship Intruder was rammed by three robot ramships. It was
Gaeriel who pushed the detonation button on the Intruder, igniting the ship in the midst of the Saccorian
fleet, just as Admiral Ackbar arrived to help. (TB, AS, SC, SWDB)
Captison, Tiree
Yeorg's wife, and Gaeriel's aunt (TB)
Captison, Yeorg
this man, a native of the planet Bakura, served as the Bakuran Prime Minister at the height of the New
Order, and was Gaeriel's uncle. As a child, his parents had chosen him to carry the Bowl, while his
brother, Dol, was given the Feather. Yoerg renounced his religion in anger, and struggled out his own life.
While attending the university in Salis D'aar, he met Tiree. The two fell in love and were married, and
Yeorg won a seat on the Bakuran senate shortly afterward. He served on the senate for thirty years
before assuming the position of Prime Minister. When the Empire nationalized Bakura, Yeorg found
himself supporting the Alliance. (TB, TBSB)
this was the name of the small, backup ship purchased by the bounty hunter Bossk, in the unlikely event
he ever lost the services of the Hound's Tooth. (NEGC)
an Imperial prison facility, Captivity is a hostile moon whose violent weather and magnetic storms quell
even the harshest spirits. The moon is perpetually covered with thick clouds, and the moon's surface is a
mixture of towering peaks and jagged rock formations. It is located in the Grehollo System. (RC)
Capture Beast
this bio-engineered creature was used by the Yuuzhan Vong to round up prisoners and captives in such a
way that they were relatively unharmed. The capture beast resembled a 200-meter-long, segmented

caterpillar, and it moved about on one hundred pairs of sucker-tipped legs. The sucker tips were used to
grasp their quarry and herd them into a specific location, where the capture beast then used its mouth to
grab its own tail, creating a living perimeter that was nearly impossible to escape. If a being did try to
climb up and over the capture beast's four-meter-tall body, they were simply grabbed by a leg sucker and
deposited back on the ground. (NJOSB)
Capture Cable
this device is used by bounty hunters and law enforcement agencies. Sometimes called a smart cable,
the flexible cord with a weighted end is shot from a launcher. The weight shoots past its target and
returns, and the kinetic motion causes it to wrap the extended cable around the target. (CCG7)
Capture Droid
similar in most respects to seekers, capture droids are small, repulsor-equipped automata which were
dispatched to take down fugitives and outlaws. They had powerful stun rifles built into their carapace, and
heavy lifting claws to grip and carry a downed target back to its base. Capture droids tracked their quarry
by scent, heat, and sight, and could operate in day or night. (E1A8)
Capture Permit
this certificate was sometimes required, in addition to an Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate, to legally
capture an individual wanted in a bounty posting. (GG9)
Capucot, Tybert
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Assessor when it intercepted Han Solo and the
Millennium Falcon. (RD)
this planet, located within the Velcar Free Commerce Zone, was a lush, tropical world. It was the home of
the Commerce Master Commissioner Gregor Raquoran. (SWJ3)
C'ar L'andara
this Twi'leki female once served as a dancing girl for Moff Julstan of Arkanis Sector, before she was
captured by Talas Piran. Piran, however, decided that she would be more useful to him than to the
Empire, and placed her in charge of the Ryloth-based slaving teams which worked for the Mytaranor
Slaving Council. (AIR)
the leaves of this plant were harvested and dried to create a kind of tobacco. (DFR)
Carababba tabac
this was the name used for the dried leaves of the carababba plant, which were rolled and sealed for
smoking. (DFR)
a large creature native to Toola, the caraboose is a food source for the Whiphid race. It is favored slightly
over the motmot in that it is easier to bring down, but a single caraboose provides much less that a
motmot. The average caraboose stands about 2 meters at the shoulder, and is armed with a set of antlers
that it can use to slash an attacker. (GG4, SWJ10)
this is the name of the green, chitinous surface of the Verpine body. It is composed of a thin layer of
protein that deflects most slashing or stabbing attacks, and can even deflect low-powered blaster bolts.
this crisp leaves of this lettuce-like plant were used in salads. (GFT)

this lavender-skinned, female Twi'lek inhabited the criminal underworld of the Cularin System during the
height of the Clone Wars. In public places, Caranna seemed to be a very talkative woman, and many
considered her prattle to be quite annoying. She was chosen by Tendin Vought - a.k.a., Razor - to assist
him on his mission to hunt down Nirama. Underneath her babbling exterior, Caranna was considered one
of the galaxy's best bounty hunters, which was the main reason that Razor decided to work with her.
While Vought negotiated with their droid employers for a new starship, additional melee weapons, and a
protective suit of armor, Caranna pretended to simply hold his hands and pat them with her own. He was
unprepared for Caranna's treachery, though, when she poisoned him with a mild toxin during the
negotiations with their employers. She left Vought's inert form behind, and set out on the mission alone.
Carantar, Ray
this small-time smuggler made his home on the planet Marotan. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, he
agreed to help an Alliance team infiltrate the planet Sevarcos and rescue Carter Escalon from the
Imperial prison on Sevarcos. He allowed the Alliance agents to act as his servants and crew during the
Festival of the High Winds, helping him compete in the wind-rider race. However, Carantar made it clear
that he had no sympathy for the Alliance, and made the offer just to make a few extra credits. A large,
bald man with several tattooes across his hairless skull, Carantar spent a great deal of credits trying to
get invited to the Festival of the High Winds. (SWJ12)
Carapace Creature
one of the vacuum-breathing lifeforms found in the ThonBoka, the carapace creature provides a foodsource for the Oswaft. (LCS)
this organic extension of the planet Zonama Sekot resembled a huge insect. They had flat, segmented
bodies, and each segment had three legs. A seventh leg extended from the front of the main segment. A
pair of chitinous horns surrounded the seventh leg, and were used for lifting heavy loads. Their bodies
were a mottled collection of red, black and green patches, and some of the larger carapods were given
mechanical implants to help them do more heavy labor. The Ferroans who worked to create Sekotan
starships used the carapods as beasts of burden, employing them to transport the growing seed-partners,
their masters, organic and high-tech materials to the forging and annealing pits. The carapods were mildly
intelligent, and could react to simple commands from their riders. Their hides were formed from a variety
of metallic elements, and glittering strangely in the light. (RP, FH3)
this was the name of the corporation established by Lorian Nod, to cover the illegitimate actions he
planned against the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights. The corporation was named after the starship
Lorian had once hoped to build, during his time as a student at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant more than
sixty years before the onset of the Clone Wars. (LOJ)
this was the name of a star cruiser design developed by Lorian Nod, during his education at the Jedi
Temple on Coruscant, some 68 years before the Clone Wars. He built the original as a model, but told his
friends that one day he would travel the galaxy in the fully-built ship. (LOJ)
this was the name of Mungo Baobab's personal freighter. This ship was briefly stolen by Governor Koong,
after Mungo was captured in the Cloak of the Sith. (DCAR, WOTC, SWDB)
Carba Asteroid Belt
this debris field was located in the Bacrana System, between the planets Bacrana and Tomik. Its
proximity to Bacrana made it the perfect staging point for rebel activity during the Galactic Civil War, but
the Empire patrolled it regularly in order to minimize the threat. (FBS)
Carbanti United Electronics
manufacturers of shipboard anti-detection and evasion packages, such as electromagnetic

countermeasures. (DFR, SCRE, EGW)

one of the ancient Senex Houses. (COJ)
Carbinol, Verus
this incompetent man was promoted to be the Imperial Governor of the planet Garnib, during the height of
the New Order. He hated water, he hated ice, and he hated the cheerfulness of the Balinaka. However,
he overcame these things in order to reap the benefits realized from the taxation of the sale of Garnib
Crystals. (GMS, PG1)
Carbon Flush
this phrase was used as a vulgar expression, denoting an individual's extreme displeasure with a
situation. (EOV, GMR8)
Carbon Freeze Gun
this unusual weapon was developed during the early years of the New Republic, when it became popular
among crimelords to freeze their enemies in carbonite. The carbon freeze gun was essentially a spray
tube that would cover a target with liquid carbonite. The carbonite would freeze shortly after hitting the
atmosphere, encasing the target in a thin layer of solid material. (MOTS)
Carbon Glass
this tough, resilient material is used to create transparent partitions. (TA)
Carbon Rope
an especially strong rope used in climbing. (DOD)
Carbon Scoring
this is the by-product of blaster bolts which strike metal surfaces on starfighters and other devices. In
firefights, carbon scoring builds up on metals and interferes with internal systems. (SW, GMH)
Carbon-freezing Chamber
a specialized chamber which preserves Tibanna gas for transport by freexing it inside carbonite. Lando
Calrissian had one on his Cloud City mining colony. The Tibanna gas is first pumped into the chamber,
and then mixed with molten carbonite. This mixture is then frozen, which traps the gas inside the block of
carbonite until it is released in a reversal process. The process has often been used on living beings, as a
form of torture or retribution. Darth Vader was going to use Calrissian's chamber to freeze Luke
Skywalker for transport to the Emperor on Coruscant, and had Han Solo test-frozen first. If properly
frozen, a living being goes into a state of hybernation until the carbonite is melted. (ESB, ROTJ)
Carbon-Ice Drive
this technology was developed by the Adarians. It is also known as the comet computer, since the
system's primary components are made from supercooled, carbon-laced ice taken from comets. The
Adarians use the frozen crystals of water and carbon to create the hardware and wiring used in their
computer systems. The components are kept in super-cold conditions, and subtle changes in temperature
are used to program the system. The Adarians have adapted their carbon-ice systems to monitor their
starship systems, which are capable of hyperspace travel. The system has certain limitations, the largest
of which is its size. Carbon-ice computer and hyperdrive systems can easily measure 200 meters across.
Despite their limitations, carbon-ice systems are extremely powerful. (GG12)
a strong metal alloy used to preserve tibanna gas and other valuable materials, carbonite was a denslyinterlaced matrix of carbon and tibanna atoms. Experimentation - mainly by disgruntled crimelords revealed that carbonite could also preserve a living body, maintaining it a state of hibernation until the
carbonite could be removed. The encased being often experienced hibernation sickness when extracted,
although a being left for too long usually died from malnutrition. Note that Zorba The Hutt's Revenge
indicates that carbonite was made from Tibanna gas at Bespin, although Dark Lords of the Sith indicates

that carbonite was the chief export of the Empress Teta System. Zorba the Hutt's Revenge also lists
carbonite as a source of fuel. (ESB, DLS, JS, COTF, ZHR, MBS)
Carbonite Constriction Net
a capture device that is shot from a specialized launcher. The net consists of a mesh of carbonite fibers
attached to a number of carbonite spikes. When the net is shot at a target, the spikes deploy and spread
the netting. The netting binds the target as the spikes continue at high speeds to impact a wall or other
solid object behind the target. The spikes imbed themselves in the wall, drawing the net closer around the
target. (DRO)
Carbonite Guilds
this ancient order of carbonite miners and distributors held great sway in the Empress Teta System
before the Great Sith War. Their ranks were decimated by the atrocities performed by the Krath. (DLS)
Carbonite Inserts
a starship component. (DE2)
Carbonite Projector
this device was one of the original versions of the carbon freeze gun, first produced some 4,000 years
before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
Carbonite Sled
see Carbonite Storage Repulsor Sled (IWST)
Carbonite Storage Repulsor Sled
developed by Bespin Motors, this specialized frame was used in carbon-freezing chambers to encase
tibanna gas in carbonite slabs. The frame itself was a rectangle that contained the tiny repulsorlift
projectors as well as a power-generation system, a refrigeration system, and chemical monitoring
devices. This collection of systems allowed gas processors to assess the stability of the tibanna gas that
was impregnated into liquid carbonite, and then frozen within the frame. The repulsors helped negate the
weight of the carbonite, allowing a single individual to push the sled into position. When the sled reached
its destination, the systems in the frame could be used to melt the carbonite and release the tibanna gas.
In rare instances, a carbonite sled could also be used to freeze a living being, as demonstrated when
Darth Vader froze Han Solo in a block of carbonite, shortly before turning the smuggler over to Boba Fett.
this unique material, a combination of plastics and carbon-fibers, was lightweight and easily molded. It
was often used to form barrels and crates for transporting cargo. (AFA)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Essowyn. It was located on the continent of Steltout.
a thick, liquid foodstuff filled with sugars and carbohydrates. (CSA)
this red supergiant star is the nearest stellar body to deep-space anomaly 1033. It is the second largest
and seventh brightest of all the known stars in the galaxy. The Old Republic had been watching the star
for any signs of it going supernova for at least 600 years before the advent of the New Order. (TT)
Card Captor
this was the alias used by the Sullustan who served as the Alliance primary cell leader on Bespin's Cloud
City, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Card Captor held the rank of Captain, but his true identity
was never revealed. (GMR3)

an Alliance starfighter pilot assigned to be Keyan Farlander's wingman during the Galactic Civil War.
Cardacs signed up to help the Alliance rescue a number of prisoners from the Imperial detention center
on Mytus VII, but he was killed in the battle. (XW)
Car'das, Jorj
this man was an up-and-coming smuggler when the Clone Wars broke out. Car'das realized that the
galaxy was changing, and decided that the time had come for him to start his own operation. He took
control of Booster Terrik's operation when Booster was sent to Kessel by Hal Horn, and created a small
but successful smuggling operation, although he was small compared to what the Hutts had. About fifteen
years after the Clone Wars, Car'das was commandeered by one of the Dark Jedi from Bpfassh, who
killed all the crew aboard his ship and demanded passage. Car'das survived the Dark Jedi's battle with
the Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah, after receiving treatment from Yoda himself. However, somehow
Car'das was changed by the encounter. He began taking his organization to higher levels, creating a
small empire that was involved in a number of criminal activities but not dominant in any one of them. This
allowed him to become quite rich and modestly powerful, and his organization began to rival the Hutts'
outfits. He somehow seemed to know the right move in any situation, and was always outthinking his
opponents. It was during this time that Car'das also began amassing a huge library of datacards, storing
information away like it was free credits. Then, one day, Car'das simply got into his private yacht and
disappeared. His health finally started to fail, and the new life he had been given by Yoda evaporated.
Car'das travelled to Dagobah to demand that Yoda put everything right. Yoda simply took his blaster and
the beckon call from his ship and flung them into the jungle, then berated Car'das for wasting the gift he
had been given. He also told Car'das that he couldn't help him any further, since he was busy preparing
for the arrival of Luke Skywalker. Car'das couldn't return to his group, so he fled to Exocron, where Yoda
had indicated he might receive help from the Aing-Tii monks. His organization continued to thrive for
several months, but the lieutenants began to discuss the need for a true leader. Rather than put it to a
vote, Talon Karrde - one of Car'das' most trusted students - simply took control of the organization. The
other leaders weren't happy, but the new operation flourished for the next twenty years. After the death of
Grand Admiral Thrawn, Karrde sent Lando Calrissian and Mara Jade to search for Car'das, a search
which took seven years and ended up with Car'das somewhere on the planet Exocron. The lone clue was
the beckon call Luke Skywalker had recovered on Dagobah. Later, Lando thought that Car'das held
information which could help the New Republic diffuse the Caamas Incident, but Karrde refused to bring
Car'das into it. During the Caamas Incident, Karrde finally realized that he had to confront Car'das; if not
to confront his own fears, then to recover a copy of the Caamas Document. Car'das played an elaborate
ruse on him, first appearing as a withered old man bed-ridden on the planet Exocron. Car'das' fortess was
built into the side of a mountain, and Karrde was surprised at the other man's advanced age. However,
Car'das had been planning this for some time - ever since he learned of Calrissian and Jade's search.
Car'das used Karrde's desire to locate him as a way to draw the crimelord Rei'kas to Exocron and near
the Kathol Rift. Car'das and Trey David knew Exocron couldn't stand against Rei'kas's fleet, but they also
knew that the Aing-Tii monks wanted to eliminate Rei'kas. By allowing Karrde to get to Exocron, Car'das
and David also gave Exocron's location to Rei'kas. However, Rei'kas' fleet was destroyed by the Aing-Tii
monks when it tried to attack Exocron. This maneuvering was nearly transparent to Karrde, who realized
that Car'das was more than a frail old man. He returned to Exocron and confronted Car'das again, who
was no longer an aged man but a healthy man of somewhat advanced age. He also revealed the true
size of his fortress, with its immense library of datacards. Within it, Car'das was unable to locate a copy of
the Caamas Document. He was, however, able to dig up a wealth of information on Grodin Tierce, Moff
Disra, and the conman Flim. Karrde and Shada D'ukal brought this information back to Admiral Pellaeon,
after saying their goodbyes to Car'das. Car'das vanished from the galactic scene for a couple of years,
before Dean Jinzler revealed that he had received word of Voss Parck's mission to locate the remains of
the Outbound Flight Project from Car'das himself. Car'das then made sure Jinzler arrived, going so far as
to trail Jinzler and help repair his ship in the Flacharia System. Jinzler told Luke Skywalker that Car'das
was only trying to fulfill a promise he'd made years ago. Car'das then accompanied Jinzler aboard the
Chaf Envoy when Aristocra Formbi greeted them, although Jinzler couldn't comprehend the discussion
between Formbi and Car'das. (SOP, IJ, VOF, SQ)
Cardean Party

an Esselian political party which opposed the Forad party, and sided with the Esselian New Order Party in
many political debates. (SWJ8)
Cardellian Mints
a flavorful, aromatic candy. (COG)
a playing-piece in the game of Firepath. (CSWDW)
this drug was used to counteract the effects of toxic shock syndrome in pregnant, human females. (EVR)
Cardio-Muscular Package
this form of cybernetic enhancement involves the use of rybcoarse-based reinforcements to the
recipient's heart, lungs, and muscles. The package allows the cyborg to run faster, lift more, and
withstand more damage. The drawback is that the recipient suddenly feels invincible, and more often than
not drives the recipient to self-destruct while attempting to hyper-exert themself. NeuroSaav Corporation
pioneered this technology. (CFG)
this Sedrian was the high priest of the city of Fitsay when Karak and his followers stole a piece of the
Golden Sun before being driving into the sea. Cardo himself was the leader of a group of priests who felt
that the Golden Sun should be kept to the priests, being too powerful for the commoners to have access
to it. Cardo treated the Golden Sun as simply a coral, not an intelligent lifeform. When Karak tried to steal
the Golden Sun for himself and Commander Aban, Cardo fought valliantly to keep them out of the Great
Shell Dome. Cardo was seriously wounded by Karak's attack. Only his proximity to the Golden Sun kept
him alive to warn Pek of Karak's treachery. (BGS)
a planet, source of Fijisi wood. (TLC)
Cardooine Chills
this ailment is characterized by coughing, fatigue, body aches, and a ravenous appetite. The illness lasts
about two weeks if treated with bacta, but the victim remains weak for a month or so afterward. The
Cardooine Chills is only contracted once, because the victim develops an immunity to it. (BW)
this was one of the most talked-about restaurants on the planet Coruscant, during the early years of the
New Republic. Established by the Ortolan chef Handree Braman, the CardSafe was known for its use of
local wildlife in the main dishes, including hawk-bats. (EGA)
this relatively fancy pub was located on the planet Ord Simres. It was here that Thune and Celia Durasha
captured Treytis Prash. (SWJ14)
Cardua System
a planetary system captured by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, its inhabitants were put to work
mining the system's asteroid belts. (TIE)
this man was a member of the underground resistance on Garos IV. Cardy was killed during on early
skirmish with Imperial forces, shortly after the Battle of Endor. (SWJ2)
a native of Lazerian IV, this woman was the wife of King Alarik X of Devit, and was a loyal supporter of
the New Order. (TSK)
CareLess Club

this dance club, located on Cloud City, was the site of an ever-exciting zero-gravity dance floor. (GG2)
Carella, Leanna
this former Imperial customs officer married Dav Kathis, and helped him get his independent transport
agency off the ground. The couple eventually had a son, but Dav was captured by COMPNOR agents
and imprisoned shortly afterward. Leanna was never told why her husband disappeared, and she spent
much of her career plying the Enarc Run and looking for clues to his disappearance. (SS)
Carest 1
this lushly forested world was home to the Jiivahar race. Carest 1 was known throughout the galaxy as a
tranquil vacation spot, and literally millions of lifeforms evolved on the planet. (AE)
Caretaker Virus
this computer virus was unleashed by the Ithorian, Zorneth, in his efforts to save the Smilers from
exploitation. The virus was targetted to infect droids. When the droids encountered a Smiler in trouble, the
virus took control of their systems and forced the droids to rescue the Smiler, no matter what the cost.
The virus helped Zorneth keep the secret of savorium, but it also was planned to help him infect the
galaxy with savorium. Zorneth had planned to take control of the savorium-addicted galaxy, until his
untimely death prevented it. (DRO)
this man was a shipmate of Rosen and Benchar, and a companion of Cecil the Wookiee. They often hung
out while on shoreleave, playing sabacc in the local bars. Note that this is a reference to the baseball
player Rod Carew. (SWJ11)
this planet was located in the Mid Rim's Bruanii Sector, near the planets Javin and Aztubek. (WOA33)
this man served as Coruscant's Air Marshall during the height of the New Order. He was responsible for
ensuring the safety of the huge amount of traffic which moved across the planet's surface. In his early
career, Cargeloh was a TIE Fighter pilot who earned his rank of Air Marshall by destroying a rebellious
city to rubble with just four TIE Bombers. He later served as a flight instructor, and many young TIE
Fighter pilots clearly remembered the way he would slap them across the face with his leather gloves
whenever they made a mistake. (CCW)
Cargo Consolidated, Incorporated
this shipping business was owned by the Herglic merchant Hamar-Chaktak. (TSIA)
Cargo Empress-class Super Freighter
this large Ghtroc Industries bulk freighter had the distinctive swept-back look of the Class 720 freighter,
but was 110 meters in length. It required a crew of four to operate, had space for up to eight passengers,
and could transport up to 50,000 metric tons of cargo. The Cargo Empress had minimal shielding, and
was unarmed. The ship never sold well, and contributed to the eventual bankruptcy of Ghtroc Industries.
Leftover stock was sold at auctions, and many Cargo Empress-class ships ended up in pirate fleets.
(SWJ9, PP)
Cargo Ferry
any small craft designed to transport a single cargo container to and from storage. These 90-meter craft
are often equipped with stabilizing wings, keeping the ship upright with the cargo container locked on top.
These craft are slow (20 MGLT top speed), unarmed ships with minimal shielding (60 SBD, with 30 RU
hull). (TIE)
Cargo Flyer
and repulsorlift craft used to transport cargo from one location to another. (CSW)
Cargo I

this was one of six Imperial bulk freighters assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained the Black
Ice. (BI)
Cargo IV
this was one of six Imperial bulk freighters assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained the Black
Ice. (BI)
Cargo Master
this was the name of a line of Aratech speeder trucks, including the Z-12 military truck. (TTSB)
Cargo X
this was one of two Imperial container ships assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained the
Black Ice. (BI)
Cargohopper 102
this TaggeCo vertical/short takeoff and landing cargo lifter measures 5.5 meters in length. They were
particularly useful in spaceports which had limited landing pad surface area. Older models were equipped
with a loading claw, while more modern versions used a small tractor beam generator to manipulate
cargo. The Cargohopper was little more than a pilot's seat and a sled-like cargo hold, which was open to
the air for easiler loading. However, both the pilot's seat and the cargo bed were uncovered, leaving them
exposed to the elements. (CSA, AEG)
any utility craft used to load and unload cargo at spaceports. Older models employ mechanical claws,
while newer models use tractor beams. (HSR)
this brand of light-duty starship tractor beam generator was produced by Bonadon. (PP)
this was a 3.4-meter-long cargo speeder produced by Maeltorp during the height of the New Order.
this planet, the fifth world in the Caridan System, was a gas giant which was orbited by fourteen natural
satellites. (PH)
a large world with a greater than standard gravity and varying climate, Carida was staunchly loyal to the
Empire, although it managed to pursuade the New Republic that is was undecided on the matter. Many of
the original settlers left the planet because of the strong gravitational force. Some 200 years before the
Galactic Civil War, when the Old Republic decided to establish a military academy aimed at training
armed forces, Carida gladly stepped up to volunteer. A small community grew up near the site, which
grew into a full-fledged town. The town grew to encompass an entire planetary economy which saw its
heyday under the control of Furgan. The Empire controlled the planet until Kyp Durron used the Sun
Crusher to destroy the system, while he was being influenced by Exar Kun. Later, Leonia Tavira twisted
the event and made everyone who listen believe that Kyp had been sent to Carida under orders from the
New Republic. (JS, COTF, JASB, IJ, PH)
Carida Engines
formerly headquartered on Carida, this heavy machine manufacturer was responsible for the production
of the MT-AT walker. (JASB)
this was the designation odf the Carida Holonet node assigned to Myrette Davani, during her training at
the Carida Academy. (PH)

native to Carida, this race of squat, barrel-chested humanoids had spindly arms and legs,and were
characterized by their wing-like, bushy eyebrows. They had numerous dealings with the Old Republic,
especially during the formation of the original military Academies that were later restructured as Imperial
Academies. When Emperor Palpatine rose to power, the Caridans were initially happy with the change in
government, viewing the Empire as a large customer for their planet's environment. Palaptine's
xenophobic leadership didn't sit well with the Caridans, although the Empire was allowed to remain on
Carida indefinitely. After the destruction of the planet Carida, only a handful of Caridans remained at large
in the galaxy, mainly merchants and a few supporters of the New Republic. (JS, PH)
this was the native language of the Caridan race. (EGP)
this star was the central body in the Caridan System. (PH)
Caridan Military Academy
this was the name of the military school which was founded on the Spinara Plateau, on the planet Carida,
during the height of the Old Republic. Originally founded as a way to shore up the Republic's military after
a major battle was over, the Academy evolved as the Republic's own stance on the defense of individual
planets changed. The Academy was responsible for the education of the best Planetary Security Forces
officers during the last decades of the Old Republic, supplying many planets with security and military
officers when the Republic could not fleets or forces to protect a planet. After Emperor Palpatine instituted
the New Order, the Academy of Carida was absorbed as a satellite of the Imperial Academy. (HNN5)
Carida's Blade
this asteroid field was located in the Caridan System, between the orbital paths of Carida and Cari. (PH)
Carida's Helm
this ring of frozen debris encircled the entire Caridan System, forming the outermost orbit around the star
Caridan. (PH)
this was a tall, angry-looking race of beings. (BF3)
this Old Republic Governor of the planet Bryx managed to keep the early Imperial armed forces at bay
when they tried to subjugate Bryx. He set up a system of ground-based guns and submersible fighters to
combat the Empire. His defensive tactic were later known as the "Carigan Defense," although he
eventually was overwhelmed by the Empire. (SWJ2)
Carigan Defense
this ground-based defensive measure was named for Governor Carigan, of the planet Bryx. Carigan
managed to keep the early Imperial armed forces at bay when they tried to subjugate the planet. He set
up a system of ground-based guns and submersible fighters to combat the Empire. His defensive tactic
were largely effective, although he eventually was overwhelmed by the Empire. Despite its success, the
Carigan Defense was rarely used by other planets, as it requried a great deal of time and equipment to
prepare. (SWJ2)
Carillion-class Starship
an Imperial starship. (COJ)
the writing of the Sluissi. (DFR)
this Alliance starfighter pilot was a veteran of Rogue Squadron. (WS)

Carivus, Xandel
this heavy-set man served on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He decided to align himself with Feena
D'Asta, in the wake of Carnor Jax's death at Yinchorr. Carivus was also working with Nom Anor, who
predicted that the Council would eventually ask him to lead it. The other Council members felt Carivus
was nothing more than a pampered bureaucrat, and appointed him to lead the Council after the death of
Nolyds, hoping to make him a figurehead and a tool of their own plans. Carivus allowed the events to
unfold around, knowing that Nom Anor's plans were falling into place. When Lieutenant Ganner
discovered that clues left behind at the scenes of the murders of Burr Nolyds and Admiral Banjeer pointed
to Kir Kanos being their assassin, he ordered every available ship and soldier to be requisitioned for a
manhunt. His leadership was challenged by Feena D'Asta and Lord Manos, but their efforts to vote him
out of office were thwarted by the other Council members. The challenge to his leadership rattled Carivus,
but Nom Anor reassured him that D'Asta would not be a problem. When they arranged to have a third
Council member killed, Carivus was frightened to discover General Immodet was poisoned. He was
frightened because Immodet was not their target, and had been one of Carivus' supporters. Nom Anor
claimed to be unaffected. Note that Destiny's Way claims that Nom Anor poisoned Carivus as well.
Carivus then appointed a personal guard, and ordered all non-human members of the Council arrested.
He also declared Feena D'Asta a traitor and had her put on trial as an enemy of the Empire. Shortly
afterward, a Black Sun group of assassins tried to kill him. They were revealed to be clones of Carivus
himself, and Carivus went into hiding. He emerged long enough to announce that he was disbanding the
Council in order to rule the remnants of the Empire himself. However, his imprisonment of Feena D'Asta
raised the ire of her father, an Imperial Baron with a huge personal fleet of warships. Baron D'Asta led an
attack on Carivus's forces, decimating them in a short space battle. Carivus was left with a tattered fleet
and no support, and even Nom Anor abandoned him to his misguided plans. Carivus then ordered that
Feena D'Asta be returned to her father, in the hope that the fighting would stop. However, he also made
plans to evacuate Ord Cantrell if the battle continued to turn against him, planning to abandon his troops
if it came to that. However, he was trapped by Kir Kanos and Mirith Sinn, after they returned the real
Feena D'Asta to her father. Kanos hunted Carivus down and executed him as a traitor to the Empire.
(CE2, DW)
this was a section of Tatooine's vast, Western Dune Sea. (ROTJ, SOT)
this immense, blue-bodied Shikitari was the property of a Devaronian conman, who sold the being to a
Rattataki warlord who hoped to use the natural Shikitari body structure to win one of the gladiator events
known as the Blood Sport of Rattatak. Unknown to the Rattataki was the fact that Carl was in his pupal
stage, which only lasted two standard days. This fact never came into play, however, because Carl was
entered into the same event as Asajj Ventress. Despite his unique physiology, Carl was killed in combat.
an influential Imperial Moff. (ISB)
this Alliance agent was a member of the Sandwind Team, and was stationed on Tatooine after the Battle
of Yavin. (AIR)
this was a noted individual from Frozian history. (UANT)
Carlson, Brooks
this man was a veteran pathfinder, having served with the Empire's armed forced before defecting to the
Alliance with Crix Madine. He was recruited as a scout by Madine, when he was forming the strike force
that would breach the shield generator bunker protecting the second Death Star near the forest moon of
Endor. He held the rank of Sergeant during the Battle of Endor. (CCG10)

this man served as Lavisar's planetary governor during the early years of the New Republic. He was
partial to sunfruit liqueur. (IF)
this small community is located about twenty kilometers from Shulell, on Lan Barell. (SWJ1)
this was a noted figure in Aqualish history. (UANT)
this Imperial Major General was stationed on Garos IV during the early years of the New Republic. Carner
was in command of the mining facilities on the planet. (SWJ3)
Carner, Lej
this young man was the son of the Imperial Army Major General who had been placed in command of the
mining complexes on Garos IV. A contemporary of Alex Winger, Lej found her quite appealing, although
she never returned his affection. He was shot and killed by a man named Chance, who had been part of
Alex's resistance team, during a mission on Hargon's Hill. Lej discovered Alex's alliance to the
underground, and tried to arrest her. (SWJ1)
Carniss, Melina
once one of Jabba the Hutt's human female dancers, Melina had risen in the ranks of his dancers to
become the dance designer for the crimelord. She foiled Mara Jade's first attempt on Luke Skywalker's
life in Jabba's palace, intercepting Mara and accusing her of working with Lady Valarian. Mara then used
the Force to coerce Melina into shooting a Gamorrean guard, creating a diversion for an escape. Note
that X-Wing: The Bacta War hints that Melina Carniss was actually Mara Jade. It was believed that
Carniss sold information to Ysanne Isard about the actions of Rogue Squadron during the Bacta War.
She also sold information of Isard's movements to the Rogues, which allowed them to anticipate the
attack of the Corrupter and Aggregator at Alderaan. When Talon Karrde discovered her duplicity, he had
her eliminated as a threat to the Republic. (TJP, BW, NEGC)
Carnival Week
a week-long celebration on Coruscant. (COJ)
Carnivorous Mold
this orange and yellow form of fungi is native to the planet Nim Drovis. This mold is mobile when it groups
into clumps, and has a limited form of intelligence that allows it to pursue prey. The groups ooze with a
digestive slime that eats away flesh and dissolves into a liquid the mold can ingest. (POT)
Carnovian Eel-pup
this creature is considered a culinary delicacy by the Hutts. (RD)
this world was under the control of the Empire during the New Order. Airen Cracken and a group of
Alliance agents convinced the farmers of the world to support the Alliance, but only after a brief display of
force. The farmers had been told, by the Imperial prefect, that the Alliance was nothing but a group of
pirates, and they refused to help them. Cracken's team modified their blasters to fire a wide spread of
stun-level beams, bringing down a number of farmers without harming them. (CFG)
Carnuss Gorguul
this ancient Gamorrean left behind a crumbling ruin of a citadel, which later became the site of a famous
podracing event during the last decades of the Old Republic. (GMR10)
this city was the capital of the planet Merisee. (PG3)

this man was a member of Red Hand Squadron, although he died in the attack on the Helot's Shackle.
Caros Arrow
this specialized projectile was used by the Tunroth Hunters who employed a klirun bow. (AIR)
this once-unassuming, orange star is the primary body in the Carosus System. The star expanded into a
red giant about 200 years before the Nbattle of Yavin, and consumed the five innermost planets in its
system when it did. The event was foreseen by Carosite astronomers, and most Carosites on the fourth
planet were evacuated to Carosi XII. Carosi and its remaining planets are located in the Outer Rim
Territories. (PG2, AE)
Carosi Alpha Hospital
this medical facility is the largest such operation on Carosi XII. The Sudden Restoration brings all of its
wounded here for treatment. (PG2)
Carosi IV
this was the fourth planet in the Carosus System, and the homeworld of the Carosite race. It is was
destroyed during the expansion of the Carosi star, forcing the native Carosites to flee to Carosi XII. (PG2)
Carosi IX
this gas giant was the ninth planet in the Carosus System, until its star expanded into a red giant. It is
now the fourth planet. It has six natural satellites. (PG2)
Carosi Pup
this small creature is often described as "cute." (POT)
Carosi VI
this planet was the sixth planet in the Carosus System, until its star expanded into a red giant. It is now
the first planet, and has become a hot, rocky wasteland with no natural satellites. (PG2)
Carosi VII
this planet was the seventh planet in the Carosus System, until its star expanded into a red giant. It is
now the second planet, and is a hot, desolate swamp world enveloped in a greenhouse effect. It has one
natural satellite. (PG2)
Carosi VIII
this planet was the eighth planet in the Carosus System, until its star expanded into a red giant. It is now
the third planet, and is covered by a dense, hot jungle drenched in a greenhouse effect. It has two moons.
Carosi X
this gas giant was the tenth planet in the Carosus System, until its star expanded into a red giant. It is
now the fifth planet, orbitted by 10 moons. (PG2)
Carosi XI
this gas giant was the eleventh planet in the Carosus System, until its star expanded into a red giant. It is
now the sixth planet. It has 15 natural satellites. (PG2)
Carosi XI Academy of Medicine
this prestigious medical education facility was located on Carosi XII. (AIR)
Carosi XII
this cool world was the twelfth planet in the Carosus System, a frozen, ice-covered rock just barely
showing signs of life. Then the Carosi star began to expand into a red giant. The gradual increase in
surface temperature has turned Carosi XII into a habitable world, now the seventh planet in the system.
The metling ice has formed the Avuae Sea, which is now teaming with life. It is the current homeworld of

the Carosites, who fled Carosi IV. The Carosites who now live there are ardent supporters of the New
Republic. The planet is girded by the Eurae Mountains. Its average day lasts 30 standard hours, and its
year encompasses 400 local days. One of the primary economic forces on the planet is tourism, with
visitors from across the galaxy coming to partake of the pleasure domes found there. (PG2, POT)
an alien race once native to the planet Carosi IV. When the star Carosi expanded from a normal orange
star to a red giant, the Carosites fled Carosi IV for Carosi XII. They are a bidepal, humanoid race.
Carosites are tall and thin, with unusually long necks. They are covered with a fine coat of fur, and have
long snouts and dark eyes. The lifespan of a Carosite about 120 local years. The Carosites have a
unique, five-fingered hand that has two opposable digits on either side of the hand. The flight from Carosi
IV has left them culturally disoirented, which meant they were easily coerced by the Empire. Since the
Battle of Yavin, the Carosites have pledged their support to the New Republic, and have become quite
adept in the fields of medicine and mechanics. They also became the primary trading partner of the
Ebranite race. (COJ, PG2, GG12)
the capital city of the planet Togoria. (GG4)
this tall, lanky man was Zoltan Starkid's chief aide. He felt that it was unwise to deal with the Empire.
Carper, Deckland
this businessman was native of Alderaan. He suddenly found himself the target of a bounty, placed on his
head by an Imperial Admiral who was a childhood rival. The Admiral contracted Thune to kill Carper, in an
effort to avenge a squabble he had lost as a child. Thune took the job and killed Deckland in cold blood.
She then cut off his head and returned it to the Admiral as proof of his death. Thune then took possession
of Carper's droid, U-THR. (SWJ14)
this was a slang term, often used in a derogatory fashion, to refer to a member of the Wookiee race. It
was used most often during the height of the Clone Wars. (LFCW)
Carplin, Loom
Travia Chan's chief of staff during the Galactic Civil War, Carplin was a large, incredibly strong man
known for his combat skills. He travelled from outpost to outpost, gathering data to feed back to Chan. He
was assisted by the Wookiee, Busurra, who acted as his replacement when Carplin was away from the
Generis base. (RASB)
Carrack-class cruisers
an Imperial capital ship, the Carrack-class cruiser was built by Damorian Manufacturing. At 350 meters in
length, the Carrack-class is larger than a Lancer-class ship but smaller than a Dreadnaught. It is manned
by a crew of 1,092, with room for up to 142 troops. It was built to counteract the effectiveness of the
Corellian Corvette, for the Empire could not obtain many of those. The Carrack ships carry up to four TIE
Fighters on a set of external racks. They are also the fastest Imperial capital ships, rated at 18 MGLT.
However, it was lightly armored near its power generators, which posed a problem in battle. The Carrackclass cruiser boasts the following components: * 10 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries * 20 Ion Cannon
Batteries * up to 5 tractor beam projectors * two warhead launchers * 160 SBD shields * 100 RU hull (TB,
this planet, located about 40 parsecs from Coruscant, was the planet on which Akanah first sensed Luke
Skywalker. She was sent there as a child, when the Empire first invaded Lucazec, and was the only
Fallanassi child sent there. (BTS)

this was the name used to describe the hjuman inhabitants of the planet Carratos. (BF4)
Carrdooine Chills
see Cardooine Chills (SWRPG)
Carrier-class Starship
a starship armed with 10 twin-laser cannons. (RC)
Carrion Fly
this odorous, black insect was one of many carnivorous species which were native to the jungles of
Haruun Kal. As its name suggested, the carrion fly preferred to feed on dead flesh, rather than killing its
own prey. (SHPT)
Carrion Sector
an area of the galaxy that was controlled by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. (RASB)
Carrion Spat
this was a deadly creature native to the planet Corellia. Resembling a two-legged reptile, the carrion spat
was a swift-moving creature that could be broken for use asa mount, if an explorer was willing to take the
time to tame the animal correctly. Once broken, a carrion spat was an invaluable companion, and its
natural tendency to protect itself gave it a nasty edge when confronting another predator. The nose of the
carrion spat was protected by a sharp beak, and its tail was a short knob of flesh covered by a multitude
of thick, feather-like appendages. (SWI62, SWGAL)
this planet, located in the Unknown Regions, was discovered to have been the original homeworld of the
Hemes Arbora race. (FH2)
Carrow, Hawk
Roark Garnet's co-pilot on the Dorion Discus and his close companion. Garnet rescued Hawk from the
Imperial infirmary on New Bakstre, shortly after crashing on the planet. (RPG, SWJ1)
Carry Ship
this is the generic term used to describe any starship which transported a less-maneuverable ship into
position. These ships found wide-spread use by mining operations, as they were used to move stylus
ships into position over a target planet or moon. (VP)
one of the Imperial Navy's tacticians, Lieutenant Carsa served under Joak Drysso aboard the Lusankya
during the Battle of Thyferra. Carsa was killed in the initial attacks when he monitor exploded in his face.
this man was a Captain in the Imperial armed forces, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin.
He was also a supporter of Grand Moff Trachta, and was assigned by Trachta to alter the education and
conditioning of a special detachment of stormtroopers. These troopers would be infiltrated into the
detachment protecting Emperor Palpatine, as part of Trachta's plans to assassinate the Emperor. In order
to test the loyalty and obedience of the troopers, Trachta proclaimed Carsan a traitor and ordered the
troopers to execute him. Unable to counteract their conditioned loyalty, Carsan was shot repeatedly and
killed. (SWEB)
a planet. (GFT)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "slow-moving river". (GCG)

this was one of the many corporations which had its headquarters in the Stratablock 7 building of
Metellos' Moridebo District, during the height of the New Order. CarsinShare and its rival, Nonsu, were
the primary buyers and sellers of business information. They also produced much of the material used to
build and maintain the city of Ektra. On the less legitimate side of things, CarsinShare and Nonsu also
staged death matches deep in the bowels of Ektra, pitting their champion gladiators against each other in
bloody fights to the death. (CCW)
Carson, Farley
this New Republic Navy Commodore was attached to the Fourth Battle Group, in command of the Star
Destroyer Yakez. Etahn A'baht considered him as one of his only friends during the Black Fleet Crisis.
A'baht called him the nickname "Stony." During the Battle of N'zoth, Carson and the Yakez were caught
between two Yevethan T-type warships. The Yakez's bow shields were breached, and subsequent fire
from the Yevethan ships ignited the Yakez's weapons hold. The ship was broken in two by the explosion,
and all hands were lost. (TT)
this rare, black form of spice is mined on Sevarcos. When consumed, it induces a feeling of euphoria and
heightened abilities. When the effects wear off, the user experiences lethargy and listlessness. The spice
also has a toxic effect on the user's metabolism, and withdrawal often results in death because the body
can't react fast enough to the change. The Healer's Guild learned that carsunum spice could control and
prevent the spread of hive viruses. (SWJ2, TPS)
Carsunum Chariot
this huge wind rider was the personal craft of Lady Trevael, one of the three prominent spice lords who
controlled the spice trade on the planet Sevarcos during the height of the New Order. (SWJ2)
this Adumari nation was one of the largest and strongest at the time when the New Republic encountered
the planet. The perator of the nation, Pekaelic ke Teldan, felt that he could speak for the entire planet
during negotiations with the Republic and with the remnants of the Empire, a belief which was endorsed
by Tomer Darpen. However, this eventually led to a planetary civil war between Cartann and the
Yedagonian Confederacy, a brief struggle which was won by the Yedagons with the help of Wedge
Antilles and his pilots. In the wake of the battle, the perator abdicated his throne to his son, who vowed to
help Adumar create a fair and representative world government. (SOA)
Cartann Bladedrome
one of the two fighter bases located near the city of Cartann, on the planet Adumar. (SOA)
Cartann City
the capital city of the Cartann nation, located on the planet Adumar. The surface of the city is the home of
the nobility, while there exists an entirely separate city below-ground. In man-made caverns, vast
manufacturing corporations create everything from bombs and blastswords to food and clothing, while the
workers who toil away in the factories live in turumme warrens. (SOA)
Cartann Ground Championships
an annual event staged by the perator of Cartann, the Ground Championships pit the best
blastswordsmen against each other in duels to the death. The champion is the duelist who survives the
final match. (SOA)
Cartann Guard
this is the security force which protected the perator of Cartann. (SOA)
this planet served as a secondary source of clone troopers, during the height of the Clone Wars. The
cloning facilities on Cartao were known for several innovations they made on the original cloning
technology of the Kaminoans, many of which were used in the development of Spaarti cylinders. Cartao

itself was considered one of the largest trade centers of the Prackla Sector of the galaxy, and tried its
best to remain neutral during the Clone Wars. (SWDB, SWI68)
Cartao Expeditionary Army
this was the designation of the armed forces which were led by Tok Ashel, during the early stages of the
Clone Wars. The Mission of the Cartao Expeditionary Army was to take control of the planet Cartao, then
subdue the leaders of Spaarti Creations without damaging their manufacturing facilities. The hope was
that the fluid-technology of the Cranscoc could be retooled to produce D-90 series battle droids. (SWI69)
this mad Devaronian male took control of the planet Malrev shortly after the Battle of Endor. Cartariun
was part of a technical team dispatched to Malrev to begin construction of an Imperial outpost on the
orders of Emperor Palpatine himself. Palpatine had discovered the Sith temple in the forests of the planet,
and wanted to use the temple to augment his own powers. The base was abandoned after the Battle of
Endor, but Cartariun remained behind and began studying the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. He
eventually learned how to control the minds of the Irrukiine, and trained them in elaborate wargames
driven only by the power of his mind. When Rogue Squadron landed on Malrev in search of the
Starfaring, Cartariun managed to capture Wedge Antilles, but only until the Rogues began battling the
Irrukiine. While Cartariun was distracted with the battle, Wedge slipped away and rejoined his squadron.
However, the Sullustan Dllr Nep was drawn to Cartariun's power, which he both saw and heard as
beautiful music. Many of the Rogues felt Cartariun's power is some way, although most experienced a
heightened set of emotions. Cartariun captured Dllr and used him has a conduit for the power of the Dark
Side. Dllr resisted, but was shot and killed by the power-hungry Bothan, Girov Dza'tey. Dza'tey, and
expert in the martial art of Jeswandi, then struggled with Cartariun until the Devaronian was kiled by his
own Dark Side powers. (XWRR, HXW)
an Alliance security officer killed on Talasea when the Rogue Squadron base there was infiltrated by
stormtroopers. (XWN)
this ancient city, located on the planet Benja-Rihn, was little more than a wasteland during the last
decades of the Old Republic. It attracted attention when the Temple of Tet-Ami was discovered among its
ruins. In its prime, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Geonosis, Carthas was a wondrous city. It was
beset by a swarm of savage beasts, but was saved from destruction by the mysterious Tet-Ami. (T13)
Carto Asteroid Belt
this asteroid belted was "mined" by Drek Drednar, who instructed his pirates to tow asteroids out of the
belt and into major pace lanes. The asteroids created gravity shadows in hyperspace, so travelling ships
would have to revert to realspace in their vicinity. The pirates would then attack the hapless ships.
this Twi'lek restauranteer owned the Kavsrach restaurant on Corsucant during the height of the New
Republic. (IJ)
Carvin, Paltr
this Imperial General was a member of the Imperial Ruling Council which sprang up in the wake of
Emperor Palpatine's death at Endor. The council itself was ostensibly led by Ysanne Isard, especially
after she engineered the destruction of Sate Pestage. He refused to believe Isard when she claimed
Pestage was a traitor who had been working with the New Republic to obtain control of Imperial worlds.
His concerns were overruled by other members of the council, who voted to remove Pestage. Once
Pestage was removed from Coruscant and imprisoned on Ciutric, Carvin was installed as the leader of
the Imperial council. A gray-haired man with hawk-like features, Carvin was distinguished by his all-black
eyes. His tenure as the leader of the Council was short-lived however, as Isard made her play for control
of the Empire shortly after Sate Pestage was executed on Ciutric by Delak Krennel. Isard had Carvin
imprisoned at the Lusankya facility, where he languished until his death. (XWMR)

Carving the Republic: The Real Story of Count Dooku

this book, written by Andevor Javin, was one of the five most popular pieces of literature during the year
leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this moon orbits a fluorescent blue-and-white gas giant in the Carz System, an unimportant system most
often referred to by its galactic coordinates. The smuggling baron Yosger maintained a base on the
moon, hidden deep within the rocky crust of the world. The natural ores helped hide the base from sensor
scans. (GMH)
Carzyn, Tanner
one of the many gunners who served aboard the FarStar, Tanner joined the crew after roaming the Minos
Cluster for much of his life. He claimed that his family had been enslaved by the Empire, and that he was
joined the New Republic to exact revenge against Moff Kentor Sarne. However, Carzyn was strongly in
support of the former Empire, and was actually a weapons technician for Sarne's forces on Kal'Shebbol.
When Sarne fled the planet in the face of a New Republic, Carzyn and his troops were left behind. He
joined the crew of the FarStar in order to rejoin Sarne and destroy the ship and its crew. He was arrested
shortly after the FarStar entered the Kathol Rift. (DARK, KO, KR)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
this plant is native to the planet Ebra, and grows in thick layers atop rocky ground. (GG12)
this great, natural cavern found within the rocky mountains of the planet Stronghold was used by Alliance
personnel as a hiding place in case of attack. The main chamber was hidden behind a beautiful waterfall,
and a large pool of water dominated the center of the chamber. A small shaft in the ceiling allowed some
light to penetrate the chamber; the light created a colorful display when it reflected and refracted from the
crystals in the chamber walls. (OS2)
Cascade of Rrynorrorun
this incredibly tall waterfall was located on the planet Kashyyyk. Many Wookiees considered its endless
flow of water to be soothing. (AFA)
Cascardi Mountains
these snow-covered peaks were located on the planet Duneeden. (DH)
Case Seven
one of several battle plans laid out by Traest Kre'fey and Gilead Pellaeon for the defense of the planet
Ithor against Yuuzhan Vong attack. This plan ultimately was implemented, based on the attack pattern of
the Vong. (DTR)
Casfield 6
this droid-managed world was the site of a six-ship collision. The droids were using simple droid
languages to talk to incoming starships, and were passing landing codes to them this way. However, this
droid language caused the ships' computers to malfunction, and all control was lost. Among the ships
destroyed in the collision was a starship owned by the Offen race, which had just recently begun to
experiment with space travel. Their 6,000-year-old Queen was aboard the ship when it was destroyed,
and she was killed. (TNR)

Casino Kuari
the more up-scale casino located on the Lido Deck of the Kuari Princess, the Casino Kuari is modelled
after the Naweenen Fate Rooms found on Ord Mantell. (RM)
Casino Royale
one of the major casinos operated by the Empire on Vorzyd 5. It was here that Luke Skywalker was able
to hit three consecutive targets playing Cosmic Chance. (CSWEA)
this Alliance Major was the primary liaison for agents arriving in Tapani Sector during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (LOE)
Caslo, Booldrum
this computer genius - known as a neep - was Gerney Caslo's cousin, and owned one of the largest
museums on the planet Nam Chorios. He was a heavy-set man with a strange set of sight-amplification
equipment bolted to his head. (POT)
Caslo, Gerney
a settler on the planet Nam Chorios, Gerney was one of the largest water sellers in the Hweg Shul area.
He had a knack for getting the old, rusted water pumps - abandonded the by Oldtimers - to gush with
water, which allowed the Newcomers to survive in the rocky wastes outside the city. He was also one of
Seti Ashgad's strongest supporters, before he learned what Ashgad's true intentions were. When Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa-Solo revealed the treachery of Ashgad, Caslo refused to believe. Rather than
hear more of the accusations, he threw a belt of grenades into a Theran gun tower. He was shot and
killed in the attempt, but the grenades destroyed the weaponry. (POT)
nickname of the BlasTech CSPL-12 projectile launcher. (ISB)
an aide to Grand Moff Tarkin on the first Death Star. He was the aide who announced that Dantooine no
longer held an active Alliance base. (SWN)
Cassandra Sunrise
this alcoholic beverage is similar to a Tatooine Sunburn, only much more potent. (GG9)
Cassandran Brandy
one of the finest brandies created in the galaxy. It is created with arcane procedures, and is well-worth
the effort and expense. (GG9)
Cassandran Choholl
another of the renowned Cassandran spirits, it is better even than Cassandran Brandy. (GG9, SWJ7)
Cassilis Electronic Defenses
this small manufacturer produced a variety of personal security devices during the New Order. (GFT)
this was one of the many Rellarin tribes native to Rellnas Minor. (SOP)
Casta Farnib
a famous member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. (RPG)
Castaan Armory
this small armory produced a number of specialized protective suits, designed to fit the specific
physiology of different alienr races. (GUN)
this planet was the homeworld of the Gossam race. The planet was, at one point, essentially owned by

the Commerce Guild, which purchased huge tracts of land and facilities in return for the indentured labor
of the Gossam people. The planet was eventually repurchased by Shu Mai, but she kept taxes high in
order to maintain strict control of her people. During the height of the Clone Wars, however, the forces of
the Grand Army of the Republic were able to regain control of the planet, removing the Separatists from
power. (SWDB, ROF)
'Caster Droid
this generic term was used to describe any repulsor-equipped droid used to broadcast images and/or
sound to a remote location. (RP)
Caster's Net
this was one of the five traditional Geonosian weapons that made up the petranaki array. A difficult
weapon to use, the caster's net was essentially a fine-mesh webbing that was formed into a large circle.
Fine threads of electricity-conducting material were woven into the webbing, and were activated by a
dead-man switch held by the wielder. A trailing rope allowed the user to draw the net tighter around the
target, providing more contact for the electrical threads. The stunning shock that was delivered when the
dead-man switch was dropped often resulted in an opponent being instantly immobilized. However,
throwing the caster's net required a great deal of practice and skill, so it was often overlooked by most
Geonosian warriors. (GORW)
Casti, Lirisa
this Alliance agent worked with a team of soldiers to sabotage Lant Mining Corporation's activities on
Demar, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Lirisa herself was targeted for capture by Imperial forces led by
Cass Maston, but was eventually rescued. A former employee of LMC, Lirina was a shuttle pilot until her
showboating during regular runs earned her too many demerits. Shortly after being fired, she acquired a
Ghtroc freighter which she named the Star Trader, and which she fixed up for her missions with the
Alliance. She held the rank of Lieutenant at the time of the Battle of Yavin. (FBS)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this Hapan mercenary wore a suit of protective armor made by Corondexx. (GUN)
Casting Hawk
native to the planet Rallitiir, this avian predator was found throughout the planet's ecosystem. A capable
hunter with a large capacity for learning, casting hawks were often trained by Ralltiiri nobles to serve as
exotic pets. Casting hawks were named for their unusual hunting style. They broke off branches of the
liquid thoron trees where they made their nests, using the viscous sap to ensnare their prey. (CCW)
Castle Bocce
a luxurious hotel found on Tatooine, this edifice predated much of Tatooine's current human sttlements.
During the later years of the Old Republic, it was lovingly restored to its original beauty, and is now a
major tourist attraction. It features a casino, high-class cuisine and accommodations, and ten multispecies immersion pools. (RPG)
Castle Lands
this area of Alderaan's plains was at one time the home of the ancient killik race. They built large,
complex cities out of the natural elements around them. The killik died out ages ago, but their wonderful
castles remained after them. The Alderaanians held the Castle Lands in awe, and discovered eighteen
unique groupings of structures that seemed to indicate eighteen periods of expansion in killik history. The
artists of Alderaan flocked to the Castle Lands to experience the natural beauty of the killik buildings,
although one artist took his inspiration too far. He painted a section of the Castle Lands with bright,
chaotic patterns, but his work was quickly condemned by the many Alderaanians who revered the killik
structures. (ISU)
Castle S'Shah

this was the name of King S'Shah's fortress on Serphidi, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Castle, The
this huge, rocky tor was located on the planet Dorvalla, in the Videnda Sector, and was part of the
holdings of the Lommite Limited mining corporation shortly before the Battle of Naboo. The Castle was
the site of one of LL's largest mines, and was distinguished by the towers of stone which dominated its
western and southern faces. The Castle was destroyed by InterGalactic Ores shortly before the Battle of
Naboo, in its continuing effort to drive LL out of business. IGO managed to acquire the access codes to
the guidance droids on LL's ore shuttles, and caused two of them to crash into The Castle, setting off a
chain of devastating explosions. (DMS)
Cataclysm Prism 4
this was one of the worst holofilms of the Old Republic, produced in the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (HNN4)
Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy
this reference work was commissioned by Darth Vader, and was written in two editions by Obo Rin.
this is a small, timid creature. (POT)
a compact device which uses a lever arm and pulleys to cock the arm in place and let it go when
disengaged. The arm has a basket, into which can be loaded rocks or bombs, which are then hurled
against an enemy. (BFE)
Catarlo Sector
this area of the galaxy, which contained the planet Cadomai Prime, was located in the Outer Rim
Territories near the Corporate Sector. (GG12)
Catastrophe Corps
this agency was formed by the government of the planet Riflor, to respond to the multitude of natural
disasters that regularly caused damage to Advozsec civilization. The members of the Catastrophe Corps
were known for their fanatic, almost religious dedication to their jobs. Although ostensibly independent of
any governmental body, the Catastrophe Corps often acted on the directions of other leaders. A few
times in Riflor's history, the Catastrophe Corps actually assumed control of Riflor themselves, although
many Advozsec described such actions as necessary ways to control the population during exceptionally
hard calamity seasons. (GMR4)
see Toughcatch (DTO)
this was the codename used by Uldir Lochett and his crew to describe themselves whenever they were
operating in the field. Lochett himself was designated Catchhawk One. (EOV, GMR9)
Catching the Wind
this phrase, used on the planet Sevarcos, was used to describe the euphoric sensation experienced
when an offworlder first takes a breath of the spice-laden air of the open desert. (SWJ2)
Catchment Arc
this was a vital piece of the Ssi-ruuvi entechment technology. The catchment arc was a piece of circuitry
which could be attuned to the internal magnetization of the subject under entechment. When a magnetic
field was passed through the subject, it activated a magentic solution in the subject's nervous system and
forced the subject's life-energy to jump across the catchment arc and into a storage battery. (TB, TBSB)

this Paqwe was the last crewmember of the Mother's Valkyrie to abandon the ship on Coruscant and flee
back to Paqwepori, following the disgrace of the ship at the hands of Nil Spaar. Cathacatin was a licensed
breeder-keeper of toko birds. (TT)
the home planet of the Cathar race, Cathar was dominated by vast, rolling plains and dense forests. The
plains were the home of a species of gigantic insects, while the trees were carved into cities by the native
Cathar/ (DLS, PJSB)
a sentient race of feline humanoids, the Cathar were native to the planet with the same name. The males
had full manes and two long, pointed teeth which extend down from their upper jaw. The females also
had a flowing mane, but lacked the male's fangs. (DLS)
this was the native language of the Cathar race. (PJSB)
one of the Corellian orphans rescued from Ylesia by Han Solo and Chewbacca, she was a young
teenager. (RD)
Cathedral of Shade
this is the name given to the various temples and ruins used by the Kluuzot, deep in the Black Jungle of
Krann. (TSK)
Cathedral of Winds
a tall, ethereal castle on Vortex, the Cathedral was made of thin crystal and built so that the rising
hurricane winds would whistle through thousands of holes, creating a musical experience called the
Concert of the Winds. It was nearly destroyed when Ackbar's sabotaged shuttle crashed into it, killing 358
Vors in the collapse. The New Republic helped the Vors rebuild it. (DA, COTF, EGP)
Cather Taan's Gun Shop
this establishment, located in Storrd Township on the planet Seregar, was known for its high-quality arms.
this Imperial Governor controlled Demnadi, but was unable to put a stop to the rebellious activity of the
planet's underground. He called for assistance in quelling a riot, but only got Major Fenris Sarhl to
respond. (HR)
this planet was the site of an Alliance Mission Group base during the Galactic Civil War. (GG9)
a Mon Calamari MC80a cruiser used by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. It was once used to
raid an Imperial shipping route in the Corporate Sector. (XW)
Cathor Fever
this disease was believed to have originated on Ithor. (GCG)
Cathor Hills
a region of Ithor in which the Bafforr trees grow in huge numbers, creating a sentient forest. Alima
destroyed the forests in trying to get Momaw Nadon to reveal the secrets of Ithorian technology. (TME)
this Charon bio-construct was created from a large, cat-like creature which lived on the Charon
homeworld. The original creature had strange armor-like skin, a feature which was transferred to the

cathorn. In addition to its armor plating, the cathorn also had the spiked tail of an Ithorian barbed flyer
grafted to its body. The barbed flyer was captured from a starship lost in Otherspace. Like most Charon
constructs, the cathorn has incredible leaping ability. (OS)
Catier Walkway
this was a noted walkway found on the planet Coruscant during the early decades of the New Republic. It
was a shopping gallery which was filled with all manner of shops and merchants. However, when the
Yuuzhan Vong attacked and captured Coruscant, much of the Catier Walkway was destroyed or looted.
Cato Neimoidia
this was one of the primary Neimoidian purse-worlds, during the height of the Clone Wars. During the
height of the Clone Wars, however, the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic were able to regain
control of the planet, removing the Separatists from power. (SWI71, ROF)
this Imperial officer was the commander in charge of the Selnesh prison colony when Haslam and his
team infiltrated the prison to rescue Gebnerret Vibrion. (TFE)
the planet near which the Ssi-ruuk had to perform an emergency re-orientation of the Shriwirr prior to
entering the Bakura system. (TB)
this species of lime-green mushroom was grown on the planet Gandle Ott. Individual cattarash
mushrooms grew to over a meter inheight, with a thin stalk and small cap. The natives of Gandle Ott used
these mushrooms in a variety of ways, including the brewing of a fragrant tea. These mushrooms were so
important to the culture and economy of Gandle Ott that an annual Mushroom Cutting festival was held
each year. (DARK)
Cattena Squadron
Brenn and Dellis Tantor shadowed this stormtrooper squadron for several months before they were made
"honorary" members of the team. The original members bristled at this unorthodox appointment, and
never fully accepted the brothers. However, after being dispatched to Kalaan to subdue a rebellious cell,
the squadron's commanding officer and Dellis Tantor were killed in battle. Brenn Tantor was promoted to
Lieutenant in the field, and given command of Cattena Squadron. (FC)
this was a race of feline humanoids, known for their hunting and fighting skills. Many beings believed that
the Catumen were bred to be mercenaries and killers. (LTA1, MCA1)
Caucus Chambers
this building served as the headquarters for the Jabiim Congress. (SWI68)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was under the command of then-Captain Harsh, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. (GMR6)
Cauldron Nebula
a nebula of specific gases that were mined for use by the inhabitants of Eol Sha for a short time. Later, it
served as the hiding place of Daala's following her run-in with the Doole's Kessel Navy. The nebula is the
result of seven nearby stars all going supernova at about the same time. (JS, DA, SA)
Cauldron, The
this huge, natural crater served as the location for the largest of the gladiator pits used by the Rattataki
warlords to stage their Blood Sports. Considered a place of neutral ground among the various tribes, the
Cauldron became the site of the most prestigious of all gladiator events. It was here that Asajj Ventress

defeated all her opoonents and won the attention of Count Dooku, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis.
Cauper System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Melantha during the New Order. (LOE)
it was on this planet that Lieutenant Mavron obtained a copy of the TriNebulon datafeed and discovered
the supposed appearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn in the negotiations between Moff Disra and Bosmihi.
Causus, Haris
this man, a respected researcher and lecturer who held tenure at the Corulag Academy during the height
of the New Order, eventually decided to defect to the Alliance. His extraction was nearly thwarted by
Hadis Ato, but the Alliance agents sent to retrieve him managed to get Causus off-planet without a
mishap. (CCW)
Cautionary Pulser
a small device which is placed in the grip of a blaster. It monitors the weapon's power status and emits a
small discharge when the weapon is nearly drained of power. The wielder feels a tingling in his gunhand.
this independent scout had met up with a few too many hostile alien races in his time. (GG8)
Cavaellin Creams
these spiced candies were thye basis for many gourmet desserts, during the height of the New Order.
Cavalier Club
this nighclub was protected by Locara, during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
this gas giant was the sixth world in the Brentaal System. It was orbited by two moons. (CCW)
Cave City
located on the moon of Rennokk, this cave was originally discovered by Reidi Artom during her search of
the Cularin System. She left Rennokk more or less untouched, not seeing any value in the molten surface
of the moon. However, a group of explorers returned to Rennokk many decades later, and they found that
the deeper levels of the cave housed the remnants of an ancient civilization. Only one member of the
expedition survived, a Tarasin named Kum'Jushkin, who told stories of a great lava worm which devoured
the exploration team soon after their discovery. No one has returned to Rennokk since then. (LFC)
Cave Crawler
this is another name for the keejin. (COG)
Cave of Memory
this was one of the forty-two caves and chambers set aside for religious devotion inside Inicus Mont, on
the planet Mina. The Vashan bodhis who worked in this cave contemplated the god Anitkra the Egglayer
and his designs for the Vashan people, by analyzing the holy forces of memory found within objects of
art. (GMR9)
Cave of Sanctuary
this was one of the forty-two caves and chambers set aside for religious devotion inside Inicus Mont, on
the planet Mina. It was in this cave that Vashan bodhis welcomed those beings who were denied peace
and freedom in the secular world. (GMR9)
Cave of the Blade

this was one of the forty-two caves and chambers set aside for religious devotion inside Inicus Mont, on
the planet Mina. The Vashan swordsbeings who protected their people traveled to this cave to pray with
the bodhis who honored the traditions of combat. It was in the Cave of the Blade that the swords of fallen
Vashan heroes were preserved. (GMR9)
Cave of the Image
this was one of the forty-two caves and chambers set aside for religious devotion inside Inicus Mont, on
the planet Mina. It was in this cave that the Vashan bodhis preserved the most precious and sacred
artifacts, protecting them from thieves. (GMR9)
Cave of Truth
this was the site of an ancient Jedi testing ground, part of the Teyan Praxeum located on Teya IV. Within
the Cave, potential Jedi faced their most dangerous foe in a struggle between the Light and Dark Sides of
the Force. Those Jedi padawans who triumphed over their foes emerged as full-fledged Jedi Knights.
Cave Worm
this was a species of worm which was native to the planet Wayland. (GMR10)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Caveel, Spinda
this rogue scientist was known for his unusual experiments. He was best known for stealing the ideas of
others and modifying them for his own use. He set up a base on the planet Murninkam, far from prying
eyes. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Caveel stole the droid AOI-C - also known as Doc - from Massad
Thrumble. He hoped to use the droid's abilities to create an army of warrior-droids in order to subdue his
enemies and gather control of the criminal underworld. However, his plans were thwarted when Guri - at
the request of Trumble - immobilized the Pike sisters and rescued Doc. Thrumble didn't give up, and
developed a new plan that involved the Pike Sisters capturing Doc and Guri's head, then using the parts
to build a better automata. They tracked Guri back to Hurd's Moon, but were caught in the cross-fire
between Savan's forces, Alliance forces, and Thrumble's improved defenses. The Pike sisters backed out
of the deal, but Caveel threatened to kill them. As he tried to shoot them, the Pike sisters drew their
weapons faster. Caveel was shot and killed. (SEE)
this creature is native to the planet Glottal. Its eggs are eaten by the Glottalphibs. (TNR)
Cavern Beast
this unusual creature evolved on Coruscant, after the Yuuzhan Vong began to reform the planet into a
simulation of their long-lost homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. It grew in the deepest parts of the changing
cityscape, where there was the largest concentration of non-Yuuzhan Vong beings still living on the
planet. In many respects, the cavern beast was a huge form of worm or snake that used a telepathic lure
to draw beings into its huge mouth. The mouth was virtually indistinguishable from a lichen-covered
orifice, and the projected image of a being in trouble was implanted into the mind of any being who
walked near the beast's lair. Once a being was far enough inside the cavern beast, it was herded by
parastaltic contractions into specialized stomachs for holding. The beings who were herded into the
cavern beast's many stomachs were not immediately digested, but allowed to live and congregate. The
cavern beast was able to provide food for its captives by excreting a fatty substance into stalactite-like
formations, which were edible and nutritious. In return, the cavern beast obtained nutrients and elements
from the wastes of its captives. The collective body heat of its captives even helped the cavern beast
maintain its internal temperature. When increased food intake was needed, the cavern beast used its
strange form of parastalsis to herd a being into a digestive chamber, where it was quickly assimmilated
into the cavern beast's system. (T)
Cavern's Delight
this was one of the many attractions found at Aucellis Park, on the moon of Keriba VI, during the height of

the Galactic Civil War. Riders sit in speciallized hovercars that move them through a series of
subterranean caverns. It was also one of the fastest and most thrilling rides in the park. Unknown to its
riders, the Cavern's Delight was also the entrance to the Imperial reconditioning facility found beneath
Aucellis Park. (WOA27)
Caverns of Drall
this was the stylized name used to describe the network of tunnels and caverns that were found beneath
the surface of the planet Drall. Most of these caves were used a living quarters for Drall workers, while
others were set aside for growing fungus and other plantlife necessary to the Drall diet. Deep beneath the
surface, near the Boiling Sea, was the location of the planetary repulsor of Drall. (CCW)
Caves of Corips
this natural wonder was a huge series of underground caverns and tunnels. Grand Moff Tarkin once
likened the interior of the first Death Star to these caves. (DSTC)
Caves of Eleuabad
located in the porous rock below the surface of Naboo, this watery system of caves was notorious for its
population of sando aqua monsters. It was located just outside the city of Theed. (IWE1)
Caves of Masposhani
Beldorion was placed deep in these underground caverns without light, during his Jedi training. The
exercise was designed to force young students to rely on the Force, rather than sight, in order to find their
way out. (POT)
Caves of Ss'laath
this natural network of underground caverns and tunnels was located on the planet Lwhekk. (EGP)
Cavis Bault
this enigmatic Galandan was noted for the bright tattooes which covered his skin. During the height of the
New Order, Cavis bault fled his homeworld for J't'p'tan, where he assumed the role of a devote H'kig.
Many claimed that Bault's sudden conversion was a ruse to help him hide from a crimelord to whom he
owed a debt, although Bault seemed to be a loyal follower of H'kig's beliefs. (WOTC)
this was the name of a noted Selonian individual. (UANT)
Cavrilhu Pirates
this group of marauders wreaked havoc in the Amorris system during the early years of the New
Republic. They were led by Captain Zothip, who manages their operations from the Void Cutter. They
maintained several bases in the area, including a base deep in the Kauron asteroid belt. This base was
compromised and abandoned about ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, when Luke
Skywalker went in search of the clones being used by Zothip. (DFR, DFRSB, SOP)
Cavv, Cryle
this man was in his late forties at the time of the Battle of Hoth. Known as an accomplished thief, Cavv
supposedly studied the use of the Force under the Jedi Master Yoda. He was also a member of the
Alliance, and a personal friend of Airen Cracken, having served under Cracken during the early years of
the Galactic Civil War as a member of Cracken's Crew. A native of Ryvellia, Cryle and his team returned
to the planet shortly after it was destroyed by the Empire. Cavv lost most of his family, except for his
nephew, Sienn Sconn. It was Cavv, drawing from Yoda's teachings, who spent a great deal of time with
Sconn. Cavv's lessons to Sconn included keeping Sconn's thoughts on the present and the job at hand,
rather than dreaming about the future. Cracken later called on Cavv to help extract Rivoche Tarkin from
Imperial-held space, with the assistance of Quillin Arkell. Later, Cracken hired Cryle and Sienn as the first
members of the New Republic Special Acquisitions Unit, and asked them to steal the Super-class Star
Destroyer Guardian. Cryle jumped at the chance, and managed to convince the crew of the huge ship to
mutiny against Admiral Drommel and surrender to the Republic. General Cracken once said of Cryle, "For
someone who talks so much, it's amazing how little gets said." (SWJ5, SWJ9, SWJ12, SWJ15)

Cavv, Rannah
this young woman was Cryle Cavv's daughter. She and her mother, Tascin, were killed when the Empire
attacked Ryvellia, shortly before the Battle of Hoth. (SWJ12)
Cavv, Tascin
this woman was Cryle Cavv's wife. She and their daughter Rannah were killed when the Empire attacked
Ryvellia, shortly before the Battle of Hoth. (SWJ12)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "articulate". (GCG)
CAVw PK-10
see CAVw PX-10. (HR)
CAVw PX-10
Nen-Carvon's compact assault vehicle (CAV), the PX-10 was built for the Empire to help extend its
domination without spreading its manpower too thin. With the PX-10, a single stormtrooper can operate
with the firepower of an entire squad. Like the HAVw A5 heavy ground assault vehicle, the PX-10 doesn't
have repulsorlifts to move it about. Instead, it relies on two heavy-duty treads driven by five pairs of
wheels. The PX-10 is designed to give a single trooper enough firepower to control a large territory. The
primary rule of combat for this trooper is to stay within the vehicle; it's that powerful. (DFR, ISB)
this Quarren was an expert in the science of water purification, and was a member of the team
assembled by the New Republic to help restore the natural environment of the planet Duro. The work
took place at the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, so the New Republic had brokeered
a deal with the Duros High House in which refugees were allowed to live on the surface in contained
domes. The refugees, in return for their lodgings, were assigned specific tasks to help the assembled
scientists in their work. Cawa was continually at odds with Sidris Kolb, as the meteorologist's cloudseeding program brought acid rain and other particulates back into the water supply, inadvertently
sabotaging Cawa's own work. (BP)
Cayble, Tolamyn
this Imperial Security agent patrolled the Elrood Sector during the height of the New Order. He was
responsible for the capture of Shondra Del, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, an action which was capable
because Cayble had obtained information from his vast network of informants and spies. However, he
often relied too heavily on the information he received, and was often misled by false information provided
by the Friends of Paran. After Del escaped from the Arena of Games on Derilyn, Cayble spent every
effort trying to recapture her and bring down the resistance in Elrood Sector. (OE)
Cayr, Telsij
this blond-haired woman served as a Y-Wing pilot under the command of Horton Salm, during the initial
strikes by the New Republic against the planet of Brentaal. She was shot down by Soontir Fel while trying
to herd off the transport ships evacuating Imperials from the planet, but she was rescued and treated.
However, her gunner, Kin Kian, was killed in the crash. Cayr suffered the partial loss of her left leg, and
needed her left eye replaced with a cybernetic implant, but she vowed to return to her duties as a pilot.
When she learned that Fel had joined the New Republic, she was initially upset, but she soon realized
that anybody who joined the Republic was a comrade. She told Fel personally that she would fly with him,
if given the chance. (XWES, XWMR)
Cay's Dream
this starship was owned by Ulic Qel-Droma several years after the Great Sith War. Named for the brother
he killed while under the spell of the Dark Side energies of the Sith, Cay's Dream took Ulic back to Yavin
4 to view the devastation there. (TSW)
Caz Ocean
this is one of the two major bodies of water found on Lazerian IV. (TSK)

a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "fortress" or "castle". (GCG)
this Twi'lek was one of the leaders of the Olan clan. A corpulent male, he was a contemporary of Nawara
Ven and Koh'shak, but wasn't quite as obese as Koh'shak. He despised what his relative Firith Olan had
become, but was not above forcing Wedge Antilles to battle Sixtus Quin and Septaas for information on
Firith's whereabouts during the search for Eidolon Base. However, Cazne'olan showed that he believed
crime didn't pay - either for Firith or the Empire - by staging the battle in a virtual world, in which all parties
were consumed in a firestorm. (XWBT, KT)
a series of maintenance droids. (CCC)
an old, battered, cylindrical droid which Jabba the Hutt used to store his will, just before he died. He was
hidden in a secret room that only Jabba and his father, Zorba, knew about. (ZHR)
a native of Esseles, this independent spacer witnessed a Hutt crimelord assassinating a rival by telling an
explosive-filled EG-6 power droid to walk off a catwalk, just as the rival passed below. (FTD)
C'baoth, Jorus
a Jedi Master lost with the Outbound Flight team, Jorus was born on the planet Bortras. He graduated
from Mirnic University, and attended the Jedi Training center on Kamparas before coming under the
tutelage of an unknown Jedi Master. After a total of four years of training, Jorus was eleveted to the rank
of Jedi Knight. Twelve years later, he became a Jedi Master. He served the Old Republic in a number of
ways, most notably as a negotiator and mediator for many of the galaxy's racial conflicts. When Palpatine
readied himself to usurp the galactic throne, he had Jorus cloned shortly before the launch of the
Outbound Flight Project. Jorus and the other five Jedi Masters on the Project were killed when their ship
was attacked by Thrawn, at the order of Palpatine himself. A clone was eventually created, but it was one
of Palpatine's first attempts to bring a clone to maturity faster than a full year. Thus, C'baoth's clone was
unstable. It did, however, retain its use of the Force, and Palpatine trained it in the use of the Dark Side of
the Force. (HTTE, DFR)
C'baoth, Joruus
this insane Dark Jedi was actually Jorus C'baoth's unstable clone, grown by Emperor Palpatine too fast in
an attempt to obtain a new Dark Jedi Master. Joruus was unstable enough to have killed the last Dark
Jedi on an unspecified planet. He later kiled the Guardian, the individual assigned by Palpatine to guard
the Mount Tantiss installation on Wayland. A cruel and unstable man, Joruus C'baoth routinely
slaughtered the inhabitants of - as well as visitors to - Wayland in order to secure his position. Joruus was
pulled into Imperial service by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who sought C'baoth's help in coordinating the
battle actions of huge number of clones which were being grown to serve the new Empire. However,
Joruus had his own mad delusions of ruling the Empire, and was often at odds with Thrawn's plans.
Joruus was partially successful in his quest to alter and shape the minds of the clones they were creating,
and used his skills at coordinating their efforts to launch a surprise attack on Ukio. With Joruus linking the
minds of the gunners, Thrawn deceived the Ukians into believing he had a weapon that could penetrate
their planetary shields. In reality, Joruus used his abilities with the Force to command the crew of a
cloaking ship to fire at a precise point, making it appear that the shield had been breached. Other
missions called for Joruus to control the actions of multiple gunners or starship navigators, so that the
Imperial forces operated in much greater unity than normally possible. Throughout the time, Thrawn led
Joruus along by promising to provide Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo, as well as Leia's unborn
children, to Joruus as subjects. Joruus demanded that the Jedi be brought to him, to serve as the
beginning of his own Jedi Order. The Jedi continued to elude Thrawn, which drove Joruus deeper into his
own insanity. Eventually, Joruus set out to take control of the Empire for himself. It was during this time
that Thrawn suggested that a clone of Joruus be taken and grown at a more normal pace, in an effort to
obtain a Dark Jedi Master who was not insane. Joruus, meanwhile, took control of the starship Draklor

and sped to Wayland, hoping to gain access to the treasures stored there. Joruss also used the Force to
alter the mind of General Covell, hoping to warp the General into a puppet at his beck and call. However,
Thrawn had anticipated such a move, and had a colony of ysalamiri hidden within Mount Tantiss. Once
inside the mountain, Joruus discovered that he had been cut off from the Force, which killed Covell and
left Joruus a prisoner in the very facility he hoped to control. The New Republic, meanwhile, had
discovered the location of Wayland, and a small task force was dispatched to destroy it. Joruus was
delighted to learn that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had been part of the group, and he set out to
capture them and twist them to his own plans. When Luke refused to join him, Joruus revealed his own
little secret - a clone of Luke that had been created from the cells of the hand he lost fighting Darth Vader
on Cloud City. A titanic battle ensued, with both Luke and Mara trying to defeat the Skywalker clone.
Mara eventually killed the clone, which ironically fufilled the destiny set before her by Emperor Palpatine
years ago. After trying to bring the mountain down on top of them in his anger, Joruus was killed by Mara
Jade when she confronted him. Mara was blinded by the falling rock, but Luke was in a position that he
could see C'baoth. Using the Force, he guided Mara into position, then she used her lightsaber to pierce
C'baoth through the chest. (HTTE, DFR, TLC, TTSB)
a generic term that describes any electronic or computer board. (TFE)
a large, orange alien working for Finhead Stonebone, he looks like a fat, round blob with four tentacles
instead of arms and legs. C'borp was the chief gunner on the Starjacker. (TOJ)
this hybrid protocol droid was created by T'nun Bdu from a Merendata head and a Cybot Galactica body.
Although equipped with an AA-1 Verbobrain and a TranLang III communications module, the interaction
of the Merendata and Cybot Galactica components results in a herky-jerky motion. Despite this, CBX-9 is
a sturdy, agile, and efficient droid used by Bdu as his primary interface to the galaxy. It is rumored that
CBX-9 - which has a female personality - has a great deal of influence in Bdu's decisions. (JASB)
see RC-1136 (RCHC)
this older Corellian Engineering Corporation frigate was, in many respects, the predecessor to the
Corellian Gunship. The ship was lightly armed, but the CC-7700 was not meant to be a battle ship.
Instead, it was designed to be a platform for a gravity well projector, with a mission profile similar to the
Imperial Interdictor cruiser. (REB)
this Corellian Engineering Corporation warship was based on the earlier successes of the CC-7700
series, although the CC-9600 frigate was more compact and more heavily armed. The CC-9600 was
designed for direct combat, with upgraded weaponry and shielding, and enough cargo and passenger
space to transport two full regiments of troops. (REB)
Ccalras Corporation
this was a minor corporation based in the Outer Rim, during the height of the New Order. Ccalras was
known for its violent and ruthless business methods, and was actually a front for some of Jabbe the Hutt's
illegal businesses. (MEAS)
see Centrally Controlled Independent Replicant Technology (POT)
C-class Protocol Officer
this was the highest possible designation of a protocol officer, whether a droid or a living being, used by
the Old Republic. (OWS)

this MC40a was part of the Alliance's fleet, during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
an anti-radar defense unit built by Forbes. It removes a ship from another ship's radar scans, making it
invisible. (MMY)
an Imperial-manufactured gas which kills the Trichoid larva if administered before the larva hatch. (TB)
this autopilot droid brain, produced by Go-Corp during the height of the New Order, was linked to a wrist
unit worn by the owner. The droid brain was installed on the owner's starship, and accepted commands
from the wrist unit. This allowed the owner to activate their ship's pre-flight sequences prior to boarding.
Many enterprising smugglers altered the droid brain to have combat skills, allowing them to remotely
defend their ships. (GFT)
this harvester argirobot was manufactured by the Corporate Sector Authority. Roughly the size of an
Imperial AT-AT walker, the CD-2 harvester moved about on four huge wheels, and was equipped with a
trio of soil-tilling arms, a set of rolling hrvester blades, and an external storage hopper. Despite its name,
the CD-2 could perform a variety of agricultural operations, including soil preparation and planting, and
could help a farmer maximize his yield with a sophisticated programming package. (CSA, EGD)
this Alliance human-cyborg relations droid was paired with R2-RD during their assignment to Commander
Dauntarist aboard a newly-manufactured HT-2200 freighter. (SWJ5)
this was a model of tri-arc hyperdrive system developed by Longe Voltrans, and which was used on the
Republic Cruiser built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. (SWDB)
this large, green, monocular construction droid helped rescue Smiley, after it had been infected with
Master Zorneth's caretaker virus. (DRO)
this was the communications hotline maintained by the CoCo District's constabulary police force, during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Any being with information on a crime could dial up this number
to reach an officer. (HNN5)
this Imperial officer served at the primary customs checkpoint on Sarahwiee, during the early years of the
New Republic. Chief Duty Officer Cdera was on duty when Tere Metallo, Gil Crosear, and Alex Winger
arrived on the planet in an effort to rescue Carl Barzon. (SWJ6)
this was a model of light freighter produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was basically an
experiment at marrying a light freighter configuration to move large cargo pods. The CE-2 measured 100
meters in length, and required a pilot and co-pilot to operate. The CE-2 was capable of transporting up to
four passengers and 50,000 metric tons of cargo, and was unarmed. (SESB, PP)
a servant droid owned by Luke Skywalker, CE-3K accompanied Luke aboard the Jedi Explorer. CE-3K is
a tall, humanoid droid. This is a reference to Steven Spielburg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Qorl's Imperial serial number. This is a reference to the Steven Spielberg film, Close Encounters of the
Third Kind, which premiered in 1977. (HTF)
this was the name given to one of the Watcher Beasts on Patch-4. The name was given to the worm by
Serja Kesselrook and his band of scavengers. Luke Skywalker tried to kill the beast by dumping tons of
debris on it, but the worm survived. Luke was forced to activate Orion Ferret's sonic pacifier device in
order to stop Ceasar. (LTA5, MC59)
this was a term used by some higher-level droids to describe the death of an organic being. Most droids
had no concept of death, other than a memory wipe, and couldn't understand how it affected organic
beings. (HT)
this was the Basic name given to the Wookiee companion of Rosen, Benchar, and Carewa. Cecil was a
mechanic aboard the starship they all served on, and was an excellent sabacc player. (SWJ11)
this young man served as an Imperial Lieutentant, and was skilled in the boarding and capture of enemy
starships. A native of Vogel 7, Cecius served aboard the Executor during the period surrounding the
Battle of Hoth. (CCG5)
Cedre system
a cluster of 6 stars about 3 light-years from Dathomir. It is a young system, and none of the stars is
mature or stable enough to support life on one of its planets. (CPL)
Cedrian Terrace
this upscale restaurant was located on the planet Bothawui. (SESB)
according to Ewok legend, this wind spirit was the sister of Deej. She sang along with any Ewok
musicians that she found interesting. (GCG)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "vigilant sentry". (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "thoughtful"
or "introspective". (GCG)
Ceenda Bekkar
this Trianii worked as a negotiator for his people, during the height of the New Order. Bekkar was one of
the primary parties who argued in favor of the Trianii, during their three-year war against the Corporate
Sector Authority. (SWJ7)
meaning "precious", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "moss", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race.

this Teltior female was known to have bluffed her way into a sabacc match against the Archduke Monlo of
the Dentamma Nebula, then won the rights to the entire Unnipar System. Rumor had it that she had just
500 credits to her name at the start of the match. (AE)
Cegul Sector
this area of the galaxy was located beyond the Elrood Sector, opposite the Core. (PG3)
this planet, the primary world of the Cejansij System, is famous for the dwellings carved into its canyoncovered sruface. (SOP)
this was one of the six major continents found on the planet Celanon. Celanon City was located on its
western coast. (PG1)
Cekbar Servant
this Action IV transport was originally owned by a group of Nalroni merchants who were based on
Celanon during the last years of the New Order. The ship was later captured by the Des'maric Pirates and
renamed the Asagov Raider. (DARK)
this woman served as a Lieutenant in the New Republic Navy, and was assigned to General Wedge
Antilles aboard the Mon Mothma during the last stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. A native
of Coruscant, Cel was only ten years old when Grand Admiral Thrawn blockaded the planet with cloaked
asteroids. After the capital world was liberated from Imperial control, Cel knew that she wanted to serve in
the New Republic military when she grew up. Despite the numerous times she had been in combat with
General Antilles, Lieutenant Cel never got used to the fact that he took great risks to achieve his goals.
(FP, UF)
Celador Sash
this twin-hulled transport ship was donated to Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum by a grateful trader.
Decades before, Obi-Wan Kenobi had saved the trader's family, but he couldn't repay the favor after the
Emperor nearly exterminated the Jedi. With the advent of the New Republic, the outdated ship found its
way to Yavin 4 and Skywalker. (JAL)
this was the name used by the Nalroni who lived in Celanon City. (PG1)
this planet was the site of an Imperial spaceport in the Outer Rim. It is the homeworld of the Nalroni race,
whose economic sense has propelled Celanon to the foremost position along the Celanon Trade Spur.
Nearly every merchant on the planet was a member of some form of guild or consortium, which allowed
them to monitor their pricing strategies and adjust them quickly. The guild buildings were off-limits to nonmembers, and especially non-Nalroni. The Nalroni went underground when Palpatine initiated the New
Order, and have become even more shrewd business-beings. It has been said that if it exists, it can be
found on Celanon. The average day on Celanon lasts 32 standard hours. A Celanon year lasts 387 local
days. The planet's surface was covered with agricultural plains broken by a few forests and urban areas.
(COJ, XW, PG1)
Celanon City
located on the planet Celanon, Celanon City was a commercial hub for the Outer Rim Territories. Located
on the Cekbar continent, Celanon City was a sprawling metropolis which catered to the whims of every
conceivable being. A free trader was considered a rank amateur until they had cut a deal in Celanon City.
(XW, PG1)

Celanon Finance
this credit-lending institution was actually a dummy corporation set up by Imperial agent Renik during the
Galactic Civil War. (SESB)
Celanon Semi-Dry
an excellent, but unrefined, wine. (COJ)
Celanon Spur
this prominent interstellar trade route winds through many sectors - including the M'shinni Sector - and
ends at the planet Celanon. (GG12)
Celanonian Organized Protectorate
this was the name of the police force which patrolled the cities of Celanon during the early years of the
New Republic. (POC)
Celchu, Mia
Tycho Celchu's sister, she was killed on Alderaan when the first Death Star destroyed the planet. (XWBT)
Celchu, Skoloc
Tycho Celchu's brother, Skoloc was killed when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan. He was a fan of
holovids which involved the Jedi Knights. (BW)
Celchu, Tycho
Celchu was a graduate of the Imperial Naval Academy, even though he was a native of Alderaan. He was
engaged to a woman named Mia who, along with most of Celchu's family, was killed when the Death Star
destroyed the planet. Note that Mia is the name given in the first series of X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
comics, although the X-Wing novels name her as Nyiestra. Tycho was calling home on his twenty-first
birthday, and regarded the loss of transmission to be a simple glitch. After learning the truth about this
atrocious act, Celchu left Imperial service and defected to the Alliance. He became a veteran of the Battle
of Hoth, he flew an A-Wing in the Battle of Endor, and participated in the Battle of Bakura. His allegiance,
though, was constantly questioned by the ranking officers in the New Republic, although the fighter pilots
never waivered in their support of him. He was under constant surveillance by the New Republic,
because of his ability to escape from Imperial capture time and time again. He showed an innate ability to
pilot a TIE Fighter, which also didn't endear him to the higher-ups. It did, though, bring a level of respect
among other pilots. Tycho assisted the Rogues and infiltrated the Imperial ranks on Cilpar. He also
participated in the Rogues' mission to Mrlsst, but was witnessed killing the controllers of the Phantom
cloaking device and stealing its plans. The tape turned out to be a clever fake designed to discredit the
Rogues and secure the Phantom device for the Empire. Once the Phantom was proven to be a
smokescreen, Tycho was freed from any guilt in the matter. He later fell in love with Winter, during the
recovery of the Eidolon on Tatooine. He was later chosen to fly the initial scanning runs of the planet
Coruscant, flying a stolen Imperial craft in a series of sensor runs in an effort to assess the planet's
defenses. He was captured by the Empire and sent to Lusankya, where he was few prisoners who were
not drugged, but rather allowed to remember his time there. He was then sent to Akrit'tar for three months
before escaping and returning to the Republic. This time was secretly removed from his Republic records,
further increasing the distrust among those members of the Command structure who weren't privy to the
Coruscant mission. He later became a member of Rogue Squadron, following the Battle of Endor, but
was not allowed to pilot a starfighter or any ship with weapons. It was believed that Ysanne Isard had
implanted him with a hidden codephrase that activated subliminal programming, making him an extremely
effective although unwilling spy. The fact that he remembered his time on Lusankya made him different
enough from other survivors that it went unnoticed until Rogue Squadron infiltrated Coruscant. Shortly
before the attack on Coruscant, Celchu was believed dead on Noquivzor. He suddenly reappeared, and
helped the Rogues get onto the planet. There, Corran Horn supposedly witnessed Tycho meeting with
Kirtan Loor, when Celchu was actually meeting with Lai Nootka. The circumstantial evidence, coupled
with Horn's disappearance, left Tycho in custody for Horn's murder. He was certain to be convicted of the
crime until Horn escaped from Lusankya and positively identified the true traitor in the Rogue Squadron
as Erisi D'larit. Tycho eventually fell in love with Winter, partly because she was near him more often, but
mostly because of their shared Alderaanian background. When the squadron resigned its commissioned

with the New Republic, Tycho chose to paint his X-Wing in the colors of the Alderaan Guard unit that
maintained order in his home town. Tycho eventually became one of the squadron's leaders, especially
during the time Wedge formed and developed Wraith Squadron. After Wedge was promoted to General
and Tycho was promoted to Colonel, Wedge relinquished day-to-day control of the Rogues to Tycho.
Tycho remained as Commander of the Rogues for several years before getting married to Winter and
ceding command to Gavin Darklighter. Tycho retired shortly after Wedge Antilles, although both offered
assistance to Gavin during the Yuuzhan Vong crisis. He was called out of retirement during the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy, retaining his rank as Colonel and commanding the starfighter defenses of
the planet Coruscant. After the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered at Coruscant some five years after the
invasion began, Tycho and many of his contemporaries decided to retire from military life once and for all.
this continent, located on the planet Mutanda, was connected to A'Sako by a thin bridge of land. (PG1)
a planet that was invaded by the Empire. Sulamar claimed to have led the invasion force, in an attempt to
create a greater image of himself. (DS)
this is the capital plateau of the planet Plagen, and is the site of the capital city of Treeleaf. (TSK)
Celebration of Life
this is the Kitonak name for the period of rain which arrives in the Kurdan Desert every ten years. As
rivers form, the Kitonaks plunge themselves into the water and begin the Dance of Love. During this
dance, the Kitonaks remain in the temporaty rivers and drift downstream wherever the water takes them.
this oceanic planet was known as the homeworld of the Celegian race. The atmosphere of Celegia was
laden with cyanogen gas, which was deadly to most other forms of life. This meant that any Celegian
individual who traveled off-planet had to move about in a specially-designed life-support chamber.
native to the planet Celegia, this alien race resembled floating brains. Hanging from their bulbous bodies
were several tendrils which served as limbs. Described by many as scyphozoans, the Celegians were
renowned for their intellect and wisdom. Their ability to float came from a unique, bio-organic form of
repulsor which evolved after the earliest members of their species emerged form the ocean. Because
Celegia's atmopshere was laden with cyanogen, Celegians were required to live in speciallized lifesupport chambers whenever they traveled off-world. The Celegians, lacking any kind of mouth, used
telepathy to communicate with each other. Individual Celegians could live to be more than 250 years of
age, and were known to be natural explorers. (WOTC, SWDB, PJSB, UANT)
this Alliance transport ship was captained by Alain Gryphon when it disappeared from known space. The
Celestial was transporting prisoners to an Alliance penal colony when its captives, including Bane Nothos
and Grand Moff Ravik, broke free and took control of the ship. The Imperials, in their attempt to gain
control, caused a power surge to flood the ship, disabling the hyperdrive. Gryphon tried to foil Nothos'
plans by initiating a hyperspace jump despite the damage, and the ship was suddenly launched into
Otherspace. There, it was captured by the Charon and attached to the huge ship, the Desolate. (OS)
Celestial Serenity
an enhanced human female Han encounters on Crseih Station. (CS)
this small corporation produced a variety of range detectors and personal navigation devices, during the

height of the New Order. (GFT)

this Codru-Ji female worked as a dancer at Mawbo's Performance Hall, on the planet Tatooine, during the
early years of the New Republic. (TG)
Cell of Imu
this was the name of a legendary storehouse of ancient Jedi relics, supposedly located deep below the
surface of the planet Coruscant. Created some 19,000 years before the Galactic Civil War by the
eccentric Jedi Humat, the Cell of Imu was believed to contain all of Humat's treasures and lore. The
centerpiece of the catacombs was a chamber in which a talisman known as the soul stealer was believed
to have been kept. In order to protect his collection, Humat set a number of deadly traps, and kept a
number of vicious creatures to help guard the vaults. During the last century of the Old Republic, the Cell
of Imu was uncovered in the Petrax Quarter, during the demolition of a five-hundred-story building. The
soul stealer was uncovered and nearly fell into the wrong hands. However, a team of freelance agents
managed to recover the talisman and return it to the Jedi Knights. (CCW)
Cell, The
this organization rose up from the floating city of Air Avab, on the planet Genarius, in an effort to
overthrow Nirama, some ten years before the Battle of Naboo. It was believed that The Cell was formed
from a splinter group of Nirama's organization. The membership of The Cell were systematically hunted
down and eliminated in short order, after their intentions against Nirama were made public. It was later
discovered that the elimination of The Cell was a joint operation, carried out by Nirama and Len Markus.
this graceful herd animal was native to the planet Ithor. (GCG)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name referred to a graceful, Ithorian herd
animal. (GCG)
this Imperial officer was Moff Caerbellak's chief aide on Rydonni Prime. (SWJ9)
Celwik, Jynne
this blonde-haired woman was a waitress at the Outlander Club, on the planet Coruscant, during the
months leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (OWS, SWI75)
an alien race. (TNR)
Cemma the Younger
this crude, psychopathic outlaw was known as a gunslinger in the backwater worlds of the Inner Rim. He
was extremely handsome, which helped lull his opponents into thinking he was too young to be a quick
draw. He was approached by Dhas Vedij and offered a chance to serve on the crew of the Far Orbit, after
Vedij defected from Imperial service. (FOP)
Cencil Corporation
this droid developer was nationalized by the Empire and added to the Imperial Droid Corporation. (FOP)
Cene Gilvent
this Ocsinin female was known as an accomplished martial artist. She was skilled in a variety of forms of
sword combat, including Teelar and Kartranin. She grew up on Saclas, raising pet slimes in order to earn
enough credits to buy passage to the Mid Rim. Once offworld, she found employment with the Zuliria
Museum of Antiquities, where she was charged with maintaining the many displays and properties of the

museum. While working at the museum, Cene met Ther-das, who recognized her skills and asked her to
join the Zulirian Swordmasters. While with the Swordmasters, she earned the respect of Mlatar Than Gra,
who hand-forged her signature weapon, the Soknar. (AIR)
Cenotaph of Joor
this was a form of afterlife, recognized by the religion of the Duros people. (SWI63)
Censian-class Transport
this outdated transport craft found use within the Alliance's Special Forces division as a troop transport.
Centa Sonhan
this Gamorrean was a gangster who worked in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, during the years leading up to
the Battle of Yavin. Centa Sonhan was very wealthy, and ran his operation from his personal sail barge,
the Khetanna. A known Imperial supporter, Centa was a confidante of Ingah Muloha. He once captured
Momaw Nadon, on a tip from Muloha, but was unprepared when a team of Alliance agents assaulted his
sail barge and rescued the Ithorian. Note that he is sometimes referred to a Conta Sonhan. (WOA5)
this planet, the third and primary world in the Centares System, was the home of the Museum of the
Galactic Republic. Once Emperor Palpatine instituted his New Order, the Museum was closed. Tarvel to
Centares continued, however, as it was one of the last outposts along several hyperspace lanes leading
beyond the borders of the Empire. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa
were forced to stop on Centares to purchase a new ship, after taking Simon Greyshade's personal yacht
during their escape from The Wheel. Shortly afterward, Darth Vader arrived on Centares and discovered
the name of the pilot who destroyed the first Death Star from Ban Papeega: Luke Skywalker. (VQ, MC25,
this star was the central body of the Centares System, located in the Mid Rim. (WOA32)
Centaurea Pod
this plant blooms every few weeks with an explosion of pink blossoms. (TT)
Centax 1
this was considered the second of Coruscant's many moons. During the height of the Clone Wars, Centax
1 was the site of a garrison force of some 20,000 clone troopers. The garrison had been established early
in the conflict, as a staging base for military operations. (JT)
Centax 2
one of Coruscant's moons, Centax 2 hung very close to the upper atmosphere of the planet. The Jedi
Knights established a starfighter training facility on Centax 2, some twelve years before the Battle of
Naboo. Bluish in color when viewed from space, Centax 2 lacked vegetation and water, and its rugged
surface had been reformed to accommodate landing fields and starfighter hangars. (JAD)
Centax-class Heavy Frigate
this heavy frigate was developed for the Old Republic, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. An
exceptionally fast ship for its size, the Centax-class was designed and built at the Sluis Van shipyards.
Center of Everything, The
a mystical reference used by The One. (LCS)
Center Street
this was the primary road in the city of Maz-Verlin, on the planet Vernet. (SWJ15)
Center, The

another mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian. (LCF)

Center, The
this was the name of the operations section of Vergesso Base, and contained the adminstration center,
the armory, a detention center, and the power and environmental systems for the asteroid base. (SPG)
Centerpoint Party
formed of rebellious Corellians and a group of New Republic archaeologists who were forcibly removed
from Centerpoint Station during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, this quasi-political faction
demanded that the Corellian System be given five votes in the New Republic Senate, instead of just one.
Their justification was taken from the beliefs of the Sacorrian Triad, and was based on the unusual nature
of the Corellian System. Since all five planets were life-sustaining worlds drawn to the star Corell by the
planetary repulsor onboard Centerpoint Station, the Centerpoint Party argued that each planet should
have unique representation in the Senate. In this way, the System would have five votes, and the
Centerpoint Party hoped to use them to stop the New Republic from commandeering Centerpoint Station
for use as a weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong. In the aftermath of the Battle of Fondor, the Centerpoint
Party garnered more and more favor in the Corellian Sector. Thrackan Sal-Solo took control of the Party
shortly afterward, and agreed to assist the Yuuzhan Vong under a "treaty of friendship" if they would allow
the Corellian Sector to remain neutral. When they learned that he had decided to join the Yuuzhan Vong,
the Centerpoint Party exiled Thrackan, confiscated his property, and refused to allow him to return to
Corellia. (JE, BP, Y)
Centerpoint Station
a spaceport located in the exact center of mass (barycenter) between Talus and Tralus in the Corellian
System. Note that the Star Wars Databank indicates that Talus and Tralus are the fifth and sixth planets,
not the third and fourth, in the Corellian System. It is constructed of a 100 kilometer sphere in the middle
of two, 150-kilometer rods. The entire station appears to predate antigrav units, since it spins on its
longest axis to provide gravity. This resulted in a constant "day" which lasted about 12 hours. The "year"
on the station equalled the 392-day orbit of Talus and Tralus. Gravity on the station is virtually nonexistent at the very center of Hollowtown, and gets stronger near the outer hull. When the New Republic
managed to penetrate the interdiction field surrounding Corellia, following Thrackan Sal-Solo's rise to
power, they found that the center of the field was located on the station. The central sphere contains a
series of inner sections, called shells, that surround the huge open area known as Hollowtown. In the
center of Hollowtown is the Glowpoint. Lando Calrissian later discovers that the station was built as a kind
of hyperspatial tractor beam, capable if drawing an entire planet through hyperspace to the station's
location. It was powered by drawing on the gravitic forces of Talus and Tralus. Many scientists and
historians have concluded that Centerpoint Station predates even the Corellian System of planets, as it
was the primary tool used to place the planets in their current orbits from far-flung locations. Lando later
discovers that the station, by reorienting itself, can be directed to pulse its energy at the core of a star,
causing it to explode. Thus, Centerpoint Station was revealed as the weapon used in the Starbuster plot.
The Station supported a "native" population of 540,000 beings, most of them having migrated from Talus
and/or Tralus. After the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, the New Republic Defense Force began
making plans to reactivate Centerpoint Station, hoping to harness its energy as a weapon and use it to
defeat the aliens. However, the station's operational controls had attuned themselves to the life-energy of
Anakin Solo, who had helped shut down the weapon during the Corellian Crisis years before. Anakain
agreed to try to reactivate the station, but refused to fire it after arguing with his brother, Jacen. Thrackan
Sal-Solo, who had been part of the team trying to reactivate the station, took the shot himself. The blast
was nearly perfect, taking out a large portion of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet at Fondor. However, the blast
also destroyed three-quarters of the Hapan fleet at Fondor, and skimmed both Fondor and one of its
moons. Afterward, when Anakin traveled to Duro, the station rendered itself inoperable again. (AC, AS,
Centi, Jovive
this woman served several terms as the Governor of the planet Chandrila, during the early years of the
New Republic. (CCW)
Centis Major

this was one of the twin suns, along with Renaant, that formed the center of the Tantara System. (UF)
it was believed that this was the codename for the Jedi leaders of the Almas Academy, during the years
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The name Central was intercepted from a transmission that went out
on the Cularin System's news networks, speculating on the growing threat of an attack by the Sith.
Central Academic Hospital
this was the primary medical facility located on the planet Mrlsst. (XWPA)
Central Avenue
this is one of the two main streets found in the city of Grig, on the planet Narg. Like most streets in the
city, it is extremely difficult for off-worlders to maneuver because the natives travel with little regard for
natural or designated laws. (TA)
Central Booking Station
this was the primary police building, located in the city of Thani on Telos. (DOR)
Central Committee of Grand Moffs
a coalition of all the Grand Moffs which was formed to keep communication lines open. It controlled much
of the information about the Emperor, including the existence of his mutant son, Triclops. The Grand
Moffs then used Trioculus as a puppet for them to gain control of the Empire after Palpatine's death near
Endor. (GDV)
Central Control Computer
this huge computer was housed in a Trade Federation Droid Control Ship, and was responsible for the
coordination of all droid activities. The computer monitored everything from PK work droids to the huge
droidekas, as well as the vulture droid starfighters and battle droids. Primary programming was performed
by the Neimoidians. (IG1)
Central Council
another term used to describe the ruling body of the New Republic, during the early years of the
Provisional Council. (POT)
Central Council
the governing body of the Anomid people who inhabit the Yablari System. Representatives are chosen
from the various Anomid noble houses, corporations, and educational institutions. It creates the laws that
govern all Anomid life. (GG12)
Central Dwelling
this was the primary residence of the Benevolent Guides of theplanet Kegan, during the last decades of
the Old Republic. (FFT)
Central Gathering Hall
located in Imperial City on Coruscant, this immense hall was designed some 300 years before the
Galactic Civil War. There was a huge clock located inside the Hall, that marked the hours by spreading a
light across the city's skyline. (HTTE)
Central Government Towers
the buildings which house the various government agencies in Calius on Berchest. Tower Number One
holds Governor Staffa's offices. (TLC)
Central Instruction Processor
often abbreviated as CIP, this device controls the routing and operation of an autohopper, taking various
things into account. It can be programmed to compensate for geography and weather, among other
variables. (HSL)

Central Intelligence Processor

this computer system was one of the many ways in a large number of droids could be controlled by one
source. The CIP could program many droids at one time, allowing faster updates and better
maneuverability. (TDR)
Central Learning Chip
known as a CLC, this computer processor allows droids equipped with one to memorize certain aspects
of past experiences and incorporate them into future decisions. These chips were first used on robohacks and other automated passenger vehicles, giving the vehicles the ability to remember traffic patterns
and learn new shortcuts. (CSA, EGD)
Central Lift
the device which raises and lowers a starship's boarding ramp. It is essentially a hydraulic piston. (ESB)
Central Posting Service
this branch of the Old Republic's Senate community on galactic security was responsible for the
maintenance of records which detailed the various criminals and criminal organizations that were wanted
for questioning at any given point in time. The Central Posting Office was required to ensure that
information on every wanted criminal was made available to law enforcement agencies throughout the
galaxy as quickly as possible. (JQ8)
Central Sector Square
this was the name given to the open city square found at the heart of Amma, on the planet Bacrana. Moff
Ramier, of Brak Sector, subdued a huge pro-Alliance rally in the Square during the height of the New
Order. (SWJ7)
Centralia Memorial Spaceport
this was one of the oldest spaceports found on the planet Coruscant, during the last years of the Old
Republic. It was located near the Jedi Temple, and often served as the starting point for many of the
missions the Jedi Order performed for the Republic. Although the spaceport continued to be enhanced
and upgraded over the decades, eventually becoming one of the most modern facilities on the planet,
many of its older landing pads were preserved as monuments to the original designers. (TCD)
the governing body in the Renatasian and Rafa Systems, the Centrality was responsible to most of the
system's trade as well. Lando Calrissian had several bounties on his head, issued by the governors of the
Centrality, during his early gambling career. (LCS, RD)
this area of the galaxy, located in a remote corner of the Inner Rim Territories, contains the Rafa System
and the Renatasian System. It was a long slice of space situated between the Cron Drift and Hutt Space.
The governors of the Centrality were ostensibly allied with the Empire, but there were few Imperial forces
in the area because of its lack of resources. There were also very few planetary bodies in the Centrality,
and travelers were warned to top off their fuel systems before trying to cross it, lest they run out of fuel be
stranded. (LCS, EGP, GMR5)
Centrally Controlled Independent Replicant Technology
known as CCIR and developed by Loronar Corporation for use in synthdroids, this technology supposedly
produced near-human in mechanical entities. The technology was expanded by Loronar into military
applications such as the Needles until the use of other lifeforms within the technology was vervealed by
luke Skywalker. CCIR involved the use of shards of Spook crystals from Nam Chorios as the "brain" of
the system. A large, central command post was programmed to issue commands to any and all Spook
crystals attuned to the wavelength of the message. The use of Spook crystals was described to Loronar
by Seti Ashgad and Dzym, who realized that the crystals were, in fact, lifeforms with a high level of Force
sensitivity and intelligence. The matrix of the crystals could be re-aligned to make the Spooks subservient
to the central processor, which mimicked the natural emanations of the tsil on Nam Chorios. Thus, large
numbers of synthdroids could be programmed from a singel location, with much of the processing power

required to make decisions remaining in the central site. In the case of the Needles, the ships could be
lanuched from anywhere, since they needed no organic pilot and could therefore save space and energy.
When Skywalker discovered the sentience of the Spook crystals and explained it to the New Republic, it
was decided that any and all Spooks should be returned to Nam Chorios. This ultimatum was given to
Loronar, which was faced with the exposure of their part in Dzym's plans or the possibility that the
Guardian tsil on Nam Chorios would simply instruct the crystals in CCIR technology to ignore their
reprogramming. Thus, CCIR was relegated to a back-seat position, without its primary component being
readily available. (POT)
this was the name used by those beings who lived within The Centrality. They were descended from a
group of settlers who desired their own freedom, and they became prosperous within their own right. The
Centrans formed their own government, known as the Centrality, which was a loose coalition of all the
inhabited planets in the Centrality. (GMR5)
Centressar Strings
these stout, metal cords were used on a drumheller harp to produce unique sounds from cymbals and
gongs. When connected to a cymbal then plucked, the Centressar strings created a more soothing
percussion sound than simply banging on the cymbal. (VD)
Centrifugal Debris Extractor
this component of a starship engine is designed to remove any space-borne particles that might be
caught in the engine's turbines. (IR)
Centris, Melo
this young woman was a noted assassin, working from a base on Cularin during the years following the
Battle of Naboo. She was known as a master of disguise, able to change her youthfull appearance in a
wide range of ways to mask her true appearance. Centris was born on Coruscant, where she was left to
her own devices at an early age. It was believed that she was sensitive to the Force, an attribute which
helped her in her duties as an assassin. Her ability to withstand the various poisons she employed, along
with her uncanny ability to get past retinal scans and other biological security measures, led many law
enforcement agencies to believe Centris was not of human origin. Centris was believed to have traveled
to Cularin at the request of the Hutts, but no connection was ever made between them. (WOTC)
Century Tank
this was the proper name for the TIE Tank, also called a TIE crawler. (DESB, SWDB)
Ceok Oruo'cya
this Bothan was the First Secretary of the Combined Clans during the years leading up to the revelation
of the Caamas Document. He tried to prevent Leia Organa-Solo from reviewing the Bothans' financial
situation, in light of the many problems being hidden by the Bothan banks at the time. Leia was personally
unable to view the documents, but Bothan law allowed C-3PO to view them. The primary reason for this
was that Leia had sold the droid to Borsk Fey'lya for just such a contingency. Oruo'cya had no choice but
to let her see the documents. (SOP)
thie New Republic Navy General accompanied Wedge Antilles during the attack on Almania, during
Dolph's reign of terror. Ceousa was in command of the warship Calamari. (TNR)
Cera Vixe
this Gran female wanted to marry Vee Naaq, but her brother Boe refused to allow it. She pretended to be
afraid of the group of spacers hired by Vee Naaq ro "kidnap" her, in order to convince Boe Vixe that she
wanted to remain on Kinyen. (IA)
a transparent ceramic alloy that is extremely tough and durable, ceraglass is often used for viewports in
military land vehicles like the Mekuun Hoverscout. (ISB)

this hard, dense material is manufactured for use in starship hulls. (CSA)
this material was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was useful in the formation of
fire-fighting gear, exploration and scouting bins, or in survival armor, for it had an incredibly high melting
point. (VD2)
this manufacturing facility was once owned by Quaffug the Hutt, until he lost it in a sabacc match to
Lando Calrissian at the Rafa Chabalrussa, during the early years of the New Order. (BHSW)
this teenaged girl was a native of the planet Melida/Daan. She was also a member of The Young, and
was the person who rescued Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Wehutti and the Melida. She had
close-cropped, copper-colored hair and green eyes. She was the first of the children to forsake her
parents and her heritage and live beneath the city of Zehava as a "free" being. Her courage eventually
inspired other youths, like Nield, and they eventually formed The Young as a way to fight back against
their parents' bigotry. Her mother was killed in a battle while conducting a sniper raid, and her brother was
sent to work in a munitions factory. Her father was the leader of the Melida militia, Wehutti, although she
held to loyalty to him. She was stubborn to a fault, but was a brave fighter and excellent scout. She
agreed to help the two Jedi locate Tahl, while Nield and the other members of The Young created a
diversion. Her bravery allowed them to recover Tahl without bloodshed, and her strong will helped The
Young defeat the elders and unify the government of the planet. However, unlike Nield, she understood
that her heritage could not simply be destroyed. She and Obi-Wan petitioned Nield to stop destroying the
Halls of Evidence, an action Nield vetoed but was overruled by the new council. Nield's ignorance of the
basic needs of Zehava began to splinter The Young, and his lack of control emboldened the elders of the
city. Wehutti and his band opposed the destruction of a Hall on Glory Street, and Nield fought back. In the
ensuing firefight, Cerasi was shot and killed. Her death further splintered the city of Zehava, since neither
Nield nor Wehutti could determine who killed her and each balmed the other as well as themselves.
this Imperial bulk cruiser was part of a convoy that was ambushed and destroyed by the Alliance, shortly
before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
this modified Nebulon-B frigate was part of the Imperial fleet sent to destroy the Alliance's partnership
with smugglers, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
this temperate, forested world is the homeworld of the Cerean race. Cerea was one of the first ten planets
to join the Refugee Resettlement Coalition, shortly before the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, the
Jedi Knights Ki-Adi-Mundi and Tarr Seirr struggled to keep their homeworld free and neutral, but Seirr's
death at Hypori led to Cerea being largely unprotected. Several battles were found for control of Cerea,
leaving large portions of the forest devastated and many Cereans dead or wounded. (PTR, HNN5,
this race of near-humans is native to the planet Cerea. In nearly all aspects, Cereans resemble humans.
Their heads, however, are much larger than a humans, with a cranial cavity that extends some 12-20
centimeters above their foreheads. This elongated skull is topped with a flowing knot of hair. Contained
within the skull is a binary brain, which gives the Cereans an advanced capacity for thinking and
meditation. The biological needs of a second brain are supported in the Cerean physiology by a second
heart, which was also protected inside the skull. As a race, Cereans tended to be isolationists, preferring
to live in a low-tech environment away from the bustle of the Old Republic. However, in the last years of
the Old Republic, the younger generation of Cereans decided that they wanted to have things that were

commonplace in the rest of the galaxy, life starships and speeder bikes. This led to a generational battle
that was decided by the Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi, who managed quell the uprisings. During the height of the
Clone Wars, Ki-Adi-Mundi relinquished his watchman role to fellow Cerean Tarr Seirr, but Seirr was called
away to fight as well. This left the planet largely unprotected, and both the Republic and the Separatists
tried to wrest control of the planet for themselves. In the battles, many Cereans were killed by stray
blaster-fire. This led the Cereans to withdraw even further from the galactic community after the Clone
Wars ended. (PTR, IG1, JQ4, SWDB)
this was the native language of the Cerean people. (PJSB)
this is a debilitating condition of the brain that affects many human replica droids that are reprogrammed
from their original creation. (SEE)
Ceremony of the Great Meet
this semi-annual gathering of Ithorians was held on the planet Ithor, during one of the regular Herd Meets.
Ceremony of the Waters
a Dro family tradition from Alderaan, which centers around a fountain or other water device. (TEP)
Cerenia System
one of the primary systems along the Harrin Trade Corridor, Cerenia is located between the Brevost and
Lazerian Systems. (TSK)
Kabul Industries worked to sign a trade agreement with this corporation, during the early years of the New
Republic. (T3)
this metallic compound is often used in droid plating, especially for droids designed for combat. It has a
dark, lustrous appearance. (OS)
this was the Fia word for the color red. (FH1)
Cerise Fog Project
this was the codename of an unspecified project, undertaken by the Bespin Motors division of Incom
Industries, during the era of the Clone Wars. The only thing which was known for sure was that the
wreckage of the experiment was scattered along the Buichol Isthmus on Fresia, where it was continually
pounded by the surf and was virtually inaccessible. Rumors about the exact nature of the project
abounded. Publically, Incom claimed that the project was developing new and improved mining
equipment for use on Cloud City and other such facilities. Although the bits and pieces of wreckage which
were found on other islands supported this, many believed that Cerise Fog was actually established to
built vehicles that could outperform those produced by MandalMotors for the Separatists. This theory was
supported by the fact that Incom removed tons of debris from the Buichol Isthmus before abandoning the
site. (CCW)
this was a common name among the Kushiban race. (UANT)
this game was popular among the Gorothite people. Played by two individuals, cesa used an ornate
checkerboard formed from ten squares on a side. The rules centered on the ways in which individual
pieces could move about the board, were relatively simple. However, to play the game well required a
lifetime dedication to learning the game's nuances. Cesa playing, for most Gorothites, ranged from a a

hobby to an obsession. (GSE)

Cesi Eirriss
this female Twi'lek, known as "Doc" to her friends in the Alliance, was a noted starfighter pilot who joined
the Alliance's Red Squadron shortly before the Battle of Yavin. She went by the callsign Red Four until
she was shot down and killed over Commenor just prior to Yavin, during the acquisition of astromech
droids for the Alliance. (SWI59)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "singing". (GCG)
this is the traditional Gungan military staff, which has a cup built into the top of the staff to accommodate
a small energy ball. In addition to using the staff itself as a club or blocking device, Gungan warriors can
fling small energy balls nearly 100 meters. The drawback to the cesta's distance is that it's not very
accurate. (IG1)
Cesta Security Droid
produced by Ord Cestus during the last decades of the Old Republic, these were the most sophisticated
non-military droid produced by Cestus Cybernetics for public usage. These droids employed Gabonna
memory crystals for storage and power, making them more capable than even the most advanced
combat droids. (TCD)
this was the name given to the ancient Spider People, who were among the first sentient beings to
establish a civilization on the planet Ord Cestus. It later became a more generic term that referred to any
being who was native to the planet Ord Cestus. The human Cestians were primarily descendant of the
prisoners who were once incarcerated on the planet. Like the native X'Ting, many of these humans were
exploited by the founders of Cestus Cybernetics. (HIV, TCD)
this was the X'Ting name for their homeworld, which became known to the Old Republic as Ord Cestus.
Cestus Cybernetics
this huge automaton producer was based on the planet Ord Cestus. It was originally formed by a group of
Industrial Automaton engineers who had been imprisoned on Ord Cestus for a variety of crimes. Among
their duties was the excavation of caves and mines, and they discovered that Ord Cestus had a wealth of
mineral and metal resources that would perfectly suit a droid manufacturing facility. After bribing their
prison guards and acquiring backing from the warden and many other individuals, the engineers
managed to create the facility that became Cestus Cybernetics. The corporation got its start by
subcontracting to the Baktoid Armor Workshop, but eventually grew large and wealthy enough to break
off on its own. Over time, Cestus Cybernetics virtually enslaved the native X'Ting, forcing them to work as
miners and diggers to extract the ores that were needed for production. It was believed that Cestus
Cybernetics was behind the Great Plague that nearly wiped out the X'Ting a century before the Clone
Wars, as a way to quell the growing unrest among the X'Ting laborers. Despite these theories - many of
which were later proven true - Cestus Cybernetics became known as the galaxy's primary producers of
the most advanced, non-military security droids. It purchased a wealth of high-end, military-grade
manufacturing equipment, and retooled its lines to utilize some of the more exotic and proprietary
technologies. As the Clone Wars began, Cestus Cybernetics allied itself with the Confederacy of
Independent Systems, supplying parts and droids for the Separatist forces. The rapid pace of droid
development led Cestus Cybernetics to produce the first bio-droids, which were based on a "living circuit"
design that allowed droids to learn about and anticipate an opponent's moves. These bio-droids were
designated as JK-series security droids, although with programming changes they could be modified to
become combat droids. Their ability to anticipate their opponent's actions earned them the nickname
"Jedi Killers". Cestus Cybernetics was able to sell these high-tech automatons because, ostensibly, the
corporation was a part of the original prison facility, allowing the corporation to operate under a

corrections license. However, Doolb Snoil eventually discovered that Cestus Cybernetics had purchased
the lands on which they built their facilities with synthstones. This constituted an illegal deviation from the
Coruscant Accords, and rendered the purchase invalid. (HIV, TCD)
Cestus Penitentiary
this was the name of the prison facility established by the Old Republinc on the planet Ord Cestus, some
300 years before the Battle of Geonosis and the onset of the Clone Wars. (TCD)
Cesya System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Cadriaan during the New Order. (LOE)
Ceti 597
a planet. (RA2)
meaning "graceful", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
meaning "philosophical", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Cevva Xuz
this Rodian managed a small rebel cell on the planet Svivren, during the last years of the Galactic Civil
War. Mara Jade had him targetted for execution by Captain Strok's forces, as a diversion during hunt for
the crimeload Dequc. His forces seemed to know about the attack, and deftly reduced two stormtrooper
squads by half before escaping. (MJEH)
Ceyan Range
this collection of rocky precipices was located on the planet Hoth, just to the northeast of the South Ridge.
Just before the Battle of Hoth, Han Solo and Chewbacca destroyed an Imperial probe droid on the north
side of the Ceyan Range (IWST)
this was a common name used by the Qwohog race. (UANT)
CF VetCenter
this medical facility was established on Coruscant as a kind of retirement home for those clone troopers
who survived the battles of the Clone Wars but aged too rapidly to continue to be useful. (RCHC)
Vudyne's flight control avionics package used on the Z-95 Headhunter. (TIE)
this device, produced by CoreDataFiles allowed stock brokers and individual investors to monitor galactic
stock markets, provided they were within the device's range to access and download information. (GFT)
this planet, located near Tatooine, was the center of a thriving spice smuggling business during the years
surrounding the Battle of Naboo. (JQ6)
an Pakuuni container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
CGL 55ci
this was a concussion missile launcher produced by Bryn & Gweith during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)

this Gosfambling Senator served the New Republic during the tenure of Leia Organa-Solo as Chief of
State. He was petite, even for the delicate Gosfambling race. He was one of Leia's supporters during the
trouble with the failed Jedi student Dolph. (TNR)
this bitter, pokey droid ran a small cafe near Docking Bay 92 at the Mos Eisley Spaceport. (GG7)
Cha porko ootmian geesa
this Huttese phrase was used to describe a being who was not native to an area, but was nonetheless
well-connected to the local leaders. Roughly translated, the phrase meant "big-time outlander." (E1A14)
Cha skrunee da pat
this Huttese phrase roughly translated into Basic as "don't count on it." (E1A14)
Cha skrunee do pat!
this Huttese phrase translated into Basic as "Don't count on it!" (GMR5)
Cha wana do bota
this Huttese command literally meant "Give it to me." (GMR5)
Cha wana wankee
this Huttese phrase literally meant "Leave your message" when translated into Basic. (GMR4)
a short, reptilian race with some aptitude for the Force. The Cha'a are humanoid is stature, and have
orange scales. (GAS, HTF)
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior served as the Supreme Commander of his people's military forces, serving
under Warmaster Nas Choka during the final stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Commander Chaan was among the first to openly voice the opinion that Supreme Overlord Shimrra's
Slayers appeared to be Shamed Ones, demanding that Shimrra provide proof of their status as favored
by the gods. In response, Shimrra ordered Chaan and ten of his best warriors to fight to the death with
just two Slayers. In little time, Chaan and his forces and been cut to pieces by the two Slayers. (UF)
this was the eighth planet of the Sulorine System. (SSR)
this Twi'lek was a "businessman" who worked on the planet Tatooine during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. He was a regular player in sabacc matches with Matt Turhaya. (SWJ7)
this Twi'lek was the original owner of Chabak's, located aboard the Zirtran's Anchor space station.
Chabak disappeared with the rest of the station's crew when it mysteriously jumped into hyperspace
during the Imperial occupation of the station. The casino was later re-established by Chabak's cousins,
Padda and Quink. (SWJ5)
this popular casino and recreational business was located on Zirtran's Anchor. It was originally owned by
the Twi'lek known as Chabak, who disappeared with the rest of the station's crew when it mysteriously
jumped into hyperspace during the Imperial occupation of the station. The casino was later re-established
by Chabak's cousins, Padda and Quink. (SWJ5)
this planet was once the site of an Alliance cell, until it was wiped out by then-Captain Harsh and the
Imperial Star Destroyer Cauldron. (GMR6)

manufacturers of the scramjet intake used as the basis for the V-Wing speeder. (DESB)
Chachi DeMaal
Ohwun DeMaal's Duro wife, she was a native of Jivv Space City. (GG7)
this mean-tempered, four-legged reptile was used by the customs office of the planet Eriadu to search
incoming ships for contraband and weapons, in the year leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Chack was
killed by Lope when Arwen Cohl's assassination team landed on Eriadu, in an attempt to execute
Chancellor Finis Valorum, who was on the planet to discuss a resolution to the taxation of trade routes.
this Jeodu was one of Dequc's personal guards. (MJEH)
Chackron Nasplek
this Mon Calamari broke with family tradition, choosing not to join the New Republic but instead starting
his own business. Chackron established a courier service in Kee-Piru, and was in another system on
business when the floating city was detroyed by the Empire. He persevered despite the loss of all his
assets in Kee-Piru, and eventually spread beyond Calamari to other nearby systems. His courier service
was well-known, and it was an understatement to say that a message delivered by his agents never failed
to arrive on time. (HR)
primary planet in the Chad system, and fourth from the star Chad, it is the homeworld of the Chadra-Fan
race. The planet's environment is mainly based on water, with a few mountains and swamps thrown in for
good measure. This makes the planet generally inhospitable. During a great storm, the planet was rocked
with tectonic shifting, and a series of Great Waves swept the life from the swamps. This nearly destroyed
the planet's primary native race, the Chadra-Fan, but they managed to survive in the mountains. The
Chadra-Fan histories document at least five Great Waves, the last of which struck just ten years before
the Battle of Yavin. In Queen of the Empire, Chad is a planet of rolling hills and farmland, and supports an
extensive dairy industry. It has 9 moons which continually pull tides in a complex swirl of currents around
the planet. The average day on Chad lasts 20 standard hours, and its year encompasses 380 local days.
Note that Children of the Jedi denotes this world as Chad III. (SW, SCRE, QE, GG4, SWJ10)
the blue-white star that is the center of the Chad System (GG4)
Chad III
see Chad (COJ)
Chadian Rum
this version of rum was distilled on the planet Chad. (GMR2)
Chado's Pub
located in the city of Ariana, on Garos IV, this pub catered the Imperial forces which occupied the city
after the Battle of Endor. Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, the underground resistance in Ariana
used the pub as a place to exchange information. It was destroyed by the explosion of a thermal
detonator during the Imperial evacuation of Ariana. Jaalib Brandl claimed the blast was caused by the
rebellion, but Alex Winger later discovered that Brandl himself destroyed it. He had hoped to restore his
standing with the Empire. (SWJ12)
according to Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, this is the homeworld of the Chadra-Fan race. (TME)

this was the native language of the Chadra-Fan race. (ANT)

a race of small, humanoid rodents native to Chad, they have large ears, flat noses with four nostrils, and
seven senses (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell, infrared sight, chemoreceptive smell). Because of their
two senses of smell, Chadra-Fam rely heavily on smell as a guide and influence. The larger of their four
nostrils detectes water-soluble odors, while the inner two nostrils contain specialized chemoreceptors.
Because of the large number of tidal waves that have torn Chadra-Fan society apart over the millennia,
they have an innate fear of death by drowning, and often the mere threat of drowning throws a ChadraFan into shock. They are a clan-based society in which interclan marriages are welcomed. The wedded
couple is then "added" to the smaller clan, thus increasing the clan's size. Tales from the Mos Eisley
Cantina says the Chadra-Fan are from the planet Chadra. (SW, SCRE, TME, GG4)
this Chiss clan was considered the fifth ruling family, and controlled the planet Sarvchi, during the height
of the New Republic. As was the custom on Csilla, all members of the Chaf family wore the color yellow to
indicate their relationship. (SQ)
Chaf Envoy
this was one of several diplomatic vessels maintained by the Chaf family of the Chiss government, during
the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The Chaf Envoy was the first ship to
meet with Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, at Crustai, during the search for the
remains of the Outbound Flight Project. Also aboard were Dean Jinzler, who was posing as an
ambassador from the Old Republic; Chak Fel and the Aurek-Seven unit of the Imperial 501st Legion,
ostensibly onboard to help protect the Skywalkers from trouble; and a group of Geroons who asked to
accompay the ship and pay their respects to the Jedi who died with outbound Flight. During the mission,
several accidents and problems occurred aboard the ship, including a fire near the fuel system and a
group of line creepers chewing through the control system. Later, Formbi revealed that the Chiss had
refitted the Chaf Envoy as a sacrificial vessel, hoping to lure the Vagaari into attacking it. This would
bypass the Chiss military doctrine that forbade them from making pre-emptive strikes, and allow them to
attack the invading Vagaari. The plating was enhanced to withstand an assault, and hiding places had
been installed for the crew, so that they could avoid any firefights. However, Bearsh and his comrades
had other plans. They waited until they had reached Outbound Flight, hoping instead to steal the D-Four
Dreadnaught. They deployed a large number of line creepers in the area near the Chaf Envoy and
Outbound Flight, hoping to render both vessels inoperative. However, Jinzler showed the cres how to use
portable generators and salt water to kill the line creepers, and the Chaf Envoy was repaired to
operational status in a few days. (SQ)
this Chiss female served as an aide to Aristocra Formbi during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. As her name implied, she was a member of the Chaf family. She met with Luke
and Mara Jade Skywalker aboard the Chaf Envoy an Crustai, just before they set out to locate the ruins
of the Outbound Flight Project. She preferred to be called by her core name, Feesa. (SQ)
this was the full name of the Chiss male known as Formbi. (SQ)
Chagarian Ale
an alcoholic beverage. (TJP)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Chaggit was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "food processor". (GCG)
Chaghizs torm
this Tammarian word is used to describe their unique oxygen pouch. (BTS)

this was the native language of the Chagrian race. (GMR10)
this species of well-muscled humanoids is characterized by their unique skull structure, Chagrians were
native to the planet Champala. The average Chagrian is tall, with pale, bluish skin. Their faces are quite
fierce in appearance, although they can be very loyal and trustworthy. Two large horns sprout from the
front of their skull, and the bone structure which supports them gives the Chargian an enlarged forehead.
In addition to these horns, a pair of thick, pointed lobes - known as lethorn - emerges from their jowls and
drapes across their chest. (IG1, SWDB)
this Serp was one of the many warriors who were loyal to King S'Shah, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Chahis was part of the group which intercepted Luke Skywalker, Cinda Tarheel, and Berl when
they arrived on Serphidi to discuss the Serps' support of the Alliance. (MC64)
the second planet in the Garos System. (SWJ1)
the Star Wars Journal: Hero for Hire claims that Chaimun is the owner of the Mos Eisely cantina, which is
probably a typo. (JHS)
this was the name of the Duelist Elite dueling droid Darth Maul once trained against. It was named
because it was armed with a length of heavy chain. It was destroyed by Maul in combat, shortly before he
was ordered to hunt down Hath Monchar. (DMSH)
this automatic, repeating form of slugthrower was used by Separatist forces durnig the height of the Clone
Wars. Unlike the more conventional blaster weapons, a chain-gun fired a continuous stream of slugs that
caused massive amounts of damage to flesh and bone. (MBS)
Chains of Justice
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was part of Warlord Zsinj's fleet, during the early years of the New
Republic. When Zsinj was attacked at Vahaba by Han Solo and the Mon Remonda's fleet, the Chains of
Justice and Zsinj's third group were stuck at Vahaba when the Iron Fist hyperspaced out of the battle.
Zsinj was forced out of hyperspace near Selaggis, where the New Republic fleet tracked him. He was
able to call in the Chains of Justice and its supporting ships to help destroy Solo's fleet. (SOC)
this was a common name among the Temolak race. (UANT)
this was the Ewok word for "yes." (GMR10)
an obscure language. (AIR)
this was the Herglic term for a naive person. It literally translated into "a being born yesterday." (PGT)
this bright green, fern-like plant is native to the planet Erysthes. The plant's large, reddish roots are dried
and ground up to make an illegal substance often smuggled for a large profit. It is used for smoking or
chewing, much like tobacco. (SWR, HSR, HSL, CSA, GF)
Chakta Sai Kae

this is an Old Corellian toast. (VOF)

this city was battled for by Imperial troops and Alliance forces shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (MB)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "hidden"
or "shadow", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.
(GMR10, GCG)
this man served as one of the gunners aboard the Wild Kaarde, during the Caamas Incident and the
search for Jorj Car'das. (VOF)
Chal Haan
this Neimoidian leader wrote the tome Encyclical on Historical Greatness, in the wake of the Battle of
Naboo. (EGA)
this planet was located along the outer edge of the Expansion Region, and was the homeworld of the
Chalactan species. Note that the galaxy map inside Star Wars Insider, issue 65, places Chalatca in the
Mid Rim, along the border with the Outer Rim, just outside Hutt Space. (IG1, IWE1, SWI65)
this species of near-humans is native to the planet Chalacta. They are noted as a spiritual race, who
value the benefits of meditation and prayer. (IG1)
Chalactan Adepts
this was the name used to describe the spiritual leaders of the Chalactan people. Their religious was
sometimes described as philosophico-mystical, an elegant blend of mental strength based on religious
beliefs. (SHPT)
Chalactan Enlightenment
this was the base religion of the Chalactan people. Its chief tenet read simply, "As Without, so Within", a
constant reminder that the natural laws which governed the planets and stars also controlled the life of an
Enlightened individual. (SHPT)
a marginally habitable, volcanic planet with two colonies and a way station. Leia and Rillao go when they
start searching for Hethrir, as the planet has been known to be a major stopping point on many slave
trading routes. (CS)
this YT-1300 transport made a regular run between Pallaxides and Celanon during the height of the New
Order. On one of these runs, the crew fell victims to the spores used by Hoogra-D'En in his bombs. One
of the spore bombs was set off by a bumbling Rodian, killing the pilot of the Chalcedony and others
aboard. The pilot managed to get the ship to Celanon, but expired before he could land it. The ship
crashed, killing those aboard who were not already dead from the spores. (ND)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
this man was a vagrant who befriended Anakin Solo during his search for Daeshara'cor. A heavyset man,
Chalco had a knack for remembering things he had seen, and he was instrumental in locating
Daeshara'cor. Chalco took an immediate liking to Anakin Solo, and the two became friends during their
search for the Twi'leki Jedi. They were captured by her on Garos IV, but managed to overpower her and

return her to Master Skywalker. In the wake of the Battle of Garqi, Chalco agreed to work with Mirax
Terrik Horn to transport bafforr trees to other planets, in an effort to ensure their survival after it was
discovered that their pollen was deadly to vonduun crab armor. (DTR)
this is an Ithorian vegetable often used as accompanyment in many dishes. (IJ)
this emotionally ravaged young woman, born Liane Trevval, was a Korun, native to the planet Karuun Kal.
During the height of the Clone Wars, she joined the Upland Liberation Front in an effort to free her people
from the control of the Balawai. Unfortunately, Chalk was stung by a fever wasp shortly after her comrade
Lesh, and began to suffer from the wasp fever. She allowed herself to be injected with thanatizine by
Mace Windu, in an effort to arrest the development of the wasp larvae while she and Besh could be
transported to a medical facility. Unfortunately, both Chalk and Besh were brutally murdered by Terrel
Nakay, who used a dull knife to cut them until they nearly bled to death. Only the arrival of Kar Vastor
saved their lives. Vastor himself executed Terrel, then used his connection to the Force to draw out the
fever wasps in an attempt to heal their injuries. Only Chalk was healthy enough to survive, and she
played a key role in Master Windu's plans to liberate the Korunnai and take control of Pelek Baw.
Unfortunately, Chalk was shot in the chest during the initial stages of the taking of Pelek Baw, and died
shortly afterward from the injury. Master Windu, upon returning to Coruscant after the ending of the
Summertime War, posthumously nominated her for a commission in the Army of the Republic, thereby
rendering her eligible for the Medal of Valor for her part in ending the war. Master Windu also ensured
that the name Liane Trevval was noted in the Senate's records of outstanding soldiers of the Clone Wars.
this yellow-colored substance was a strong poison developed by the Twi'leks of Ryloth. (VD)
Chall Bekan
this male Morseerian had strong ties to the Imperial government on Tatooine. He was assigned to keep
tabs on the operations of Jabba the Hutt, and to alert the Imperials of any suspected Alliance activity. He
maintained a network of alien agents to provide him with pertinent information. (CCG6)
Challabae Admits-No-Equal Aerial Eruptive Manufacturing Concern
this Adumari corporation ran a missile and torpedo manufacturing plant in the city of Cartann. Their name
is based on the honor system of the Adumari, and proves to their buyers that no one makes a better
product. They were especially skilled in the production of proton torpedoes, which made them popular
with the New Republic when negotiations on Adumar's future started. Their facility was located hundreds
of feet below the surface of the city, and resembled cave-like warrens of rectangular rooms connected by
tunnels. The rooms each had a specific task to complete, and the deeper into the warren one went, the
closer to the final product one got. At the farthest end of the complex were testing sites. Many of its
workers lived in nearby turumme warrens which had been abandoned. This kept them out of the "normal"
lifestyle of those Adumari that lived in the city. (SOA)
Challat Eater
this was a species of swarming, predatory insect native to the planet Troiken. Their name derived from
the Xexto word for "flesh." Because of their shape and the way in which a swarm attacked, challat eaters
were often referred to as "flying knives." (IG1, SHW, RHD)
a sinuous form of dance. (TA)
an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this man was the planetary governor of Agamar, during the period leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He

claimed to have no knowledge of the actions of Captain Sorran and the Velumina, after the attack on
Naboo's TFP-9 space station. Challep reiterated his innocence, even when presented with documents
indicating Agamar's attempts to purchase N-1 fighters directly from Naboo. (SFT)
this Imperial held the rank of Tribune, and was a member of the Imperial Ruling Council which sprang up
in the wake of Emperor Palpatine's death at Endor. He was a gaunt, bald man with a long goatee beard
and a silver skull-cap. The skull-cap covered a jewel-like implant on his forehead. He was eventually
installed as the leader of the Ruling Council, following the loss of Sate Pestage at Ciutric. However, his
tenure was cut short by Ysanne Isard, who corrupted one of his concubines and had her deliver a fatal
dose of poison in a drink. Challer died quickly, without any idea of what happened. (XWMR)
Leia Organa was sent on a diplomatic mission to this planet, as one of her first duties while serving as
Alderaan's representative to the Imperial Senate. For its own part, Challon remained neutral during the
Galactic Civil War, despite the efforts of Leia Organa to sway Gvoernor Tchai to the side of the Alliance.
the beige-and-gray Wookiee who owned the Mos Eisley Cantina during the height of the New Order,
Chalmun bought the cantina from the Vriichon Brothers with gambling profits made from swindling visitors
to Ord Mantell. A former street thug, Chalmun was distinguished by the scar which ran from his left
shoulder across the left side of his chest. Many beings mistook him for the bouncer when he actually
made an appearance at the Cantina, and he made it a point to only socialize with the regular patrons. He
hired Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes following the disaster at Valarian's wedding reception. (TME, SOT,
Chalmun's Cantina
this was another name for the Mos Eisley Cantina. (SWDB)
Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
see Mos Eisley Cantina (IWST)
this was the name of a Krevaaki individul, distinguished in the history of the planet Krevas. (UANT)
Cham Eklou
this was the name of a noted Woostoid individual. (UANT)
Cham, Wenton
this Alliance starpilot was originally from Corulag. Leiutenant Cham was killed in the Battle of Yavin.
this Wookiee bounty hunter was part of Kashyyyk "honor clan," and worked to free those Wookiees who
had been enslaved by the Empire. After the Battle of Endor, Chambamakk spent the rest of his career
hunting down those beings who were responsible for the suffering of the Wookiees during the New Order.
Chamber of Antiquities
located two levels below the main floor of the ancient Great Library of the Jedi, on the planet Ossus, this
facility preserved paper documents from the earliest days of the Jedi Knights. Also protected within the
walls of the Chamber was a wealth of Sith artifacts, including at least one Sith holocron. (PJSB)
Chamber of Dark Visions
a room on Scardia that Kadann uses as a meditation chamber. He also uses it as an audience hall
whenever he delivers a new prophecy. (LCJ)

Chamber of Order
this was one of the two main branches of the government established under the Pentastar Alignment
Treaty. Order combined the former Imperial Select Committee, the Ubiqtorate, and COMPNOR into a
single body. To these functions were added the Politerate, the Protectorate, Judgment, and Insurrection
bodies. Ultimately, Moff Ardus Kaine held the deciding vote in any discussion or law held by the Chamber
of Order, and he could veto any action the Chamber may put forth. (SWJ3)
Chamber, The
this secret organization was made up from some of Tapani Sector's most prominent business and political
leaders,and was dedicated to ensuring that the Freeworlds Region seceded from the Sector. This would
allow members of The Chamber to be in positions of leadership within the new sector. (LOE)
this man was a member of the Royal Naboo Security Forces during the Battle of Naboo. He was one of
the leaders of the underground resistance which sprang up when the Federation began invading Naboo,
and developed several key strategies for analyzing battle droid weaknesses. (CCG15)
this little-known planet is located in the Mid Rim Territories. It was the headquarters of Bansche Tech.
Chameleon Creature
this race of spider-like humanoids has gray, leathery skin that can change color. The chameleon
creatures can alter their bodily coloration to match almost flawlessly into their surroundings, making them
hard to detect. Czethros employed a group of them to recover the space mines discovered by Han Solo
during the 93rd Blockade Runners Derby, but many of them were killed before securing the mines. (ROM)
Chameleon Droid
this was the name given to the retooled Spelunker probe droids used by the Confederacy of Independent
Systems to covertly lay mines and explosives during sabotage missions. Resembling four-legged spiders
with cylindrical bodies, the chameleon droids was named for the sophisticated holographic array that
could be generated around it, rendering the droid virtually invisible to most beings. This was not a
cloaking device, but rather a way to project imagery that matched the chameleon droid's surroundings,
making it appear that the droid wasn't actually there. Inside the cylindrical body as a small repulsorlift
engine, used to help increase the droid's agility and speed by removing some weight from the legs. A
turret-mounted laser cannon helped the chameleon droid defend itself if its presence was exposed.
a Jedi Master who was teaching just prior to the Great Sith War, Chamma was a full Jedi Knight when he
first encountered the Dark Side of the Force. He and several other Jedi were investigating a distress
signal from an Old Republic ship which had crashed on Athiss. When they arrived, they encountered a
creature spawned from the Dark Side. In battle, Chamma found himself greatly overpowered by the Dark
Side being, and felt that the Force had abandoned him when he suddenly used his anger to defeat the
beings. He fled to H'ratth and went into hiding, until the Miralukan Jedi Noab Hulis found him. Hulis
explained that Chamma's other companions were all killed by the Dark Side being, and that Chamma
himself was cut off from the Force by the being's strength. Chamma realized that the Force had not
deserted him, but that he had abandoned the Force by hiding on H'ratth. Chamma agreed to return to his
training, and eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master. He maintained his residence on H'ratth, but
turned it into a Jedi training complex. There, Chamma trained Andur Sunrider, until Andur's skills required
more experience. Chamma dispatched Andur to train with Master Thon on Ambria. (TOJ)
this aquatic planet, the primary world in the Chagri System, was the homeworld of the Chagrian race.
Champalan Embassy

this was the primary embassy building maintained by the government of Champala, on the planet
Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was located near the Skysitter Restaurant.
this Bothan Assault Cruiser was part of the New Republic fleet dispatched to protect Kalarba, during the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was commanded by Brevet Admiral Glie'oleg Kru, but the ship
was holed while defending Hosk Station. It exploded in a blinding flash, and nearly took out several
member of Rogue Squadron, including Jaina Solo. (BP)
Champion Squadron
one of General Salm's Y-Wing bomber squadrons serving the New Republic. Champion Squadron was
part of Defender Wing. Shortly before the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, Champion
Squadron was defeated in a game of slingball by a team made up of Mara, Leia Organa-Solo, Tionne,
Mirax Terrik Horn, Winter, and Iella Wessiri. The members of Champion Squadron later claimed they
were beaten by a team made up of swoop riders. (XWN, U)
chief Chadra-Fan surgeon at the Chadra-Fan Hospital on Chad. (QE)
Chan, Travia
Travia Chan was the commander-in-chief of the Atrivis Resistance Group. She suffered from a childhood
illness that kept her in a repulsorlift chair, but her sharp mind and iron will transcended the handicap. She
was one of the founders of the Fest Resistance Group, and aided in the combination of Fest and
Mantooine resistance groups to create the ARG. She was known among the Imperials as the
"Icewoman." A native of Generis, and a New Republic supporter, she and her people were evacuated
from the planet by Pash Cracken and General Kryll when Thrawn attacked the Republic's
communications base on the planet, some five year after the Battle of Endor. (RASB, TLC)
this man was a member of the Garosian underground resistance, during the early years of the New
Republic. A former student at the Imperial Academy, the former Lieutenant Chanceller was served the
Imperial Navy aboard the Judicator when he decided that he had had enough of the Empire's totalitarian
rule. When the Judicator arrived at Jandara III, he was forced to take part in the destruction of a small
town. In the rubble, he discovered the unconscious body of Alex Winger, who was six years old at the
time. After rescuing her, Chance returned to the Judicator and found himself on Garos IV. He had come
to hate the Empire and what it stood for, and deserted his post as soon as he could, and later joined the
undergroun resistance. He was an expert with a variety of weapons, especially Imperial weapons, which
made him a valuable member of the resistance. To his surprise, he was reunited with Alex Winger, now
the adopted daughter of the Imperia governor. (SWJ1, SWJ3, SWJ4, SWJ5)
Chance Castle
this entertainment facility on Nar Shaddaa hired some of the galaxy's best magicians and illusionists. It
was here that a young Han Solo first met Xaverri. The Chance Castle was also the destination of Bria
Lavval - a.k.a. Bria Tharen - who was nearly captured by Boba Fett on the Queen of Empire. (THG, RD)
Chance Cube
this six-sided die is used by gamblers to randomly decide the outcome of a wager. The randomness of
the cube is variable, as many gamblers will weigh one side heavier than the others to influence the
outcome. By coloring the sides in two, three, or six unique colors, the odds of a specific outcome can be
increased or decreased. (SW1)
this Imperial officer was the man who pulled young Alex Winger from the rubble of her village on Jandara
III. After defecting from Imperial service, Chanceller was known on Garos IV as simply Chance. (SWJ5)
Chancellery Walkway

located in the Jrade Plaza section of Coruscant's Galactic City during the last decades of the Old
Republic, the Walkway connected the Plaza with the rest of the Jrade District. Along its low walls were
monuments and memorials to many of the Old Republic's most famous and influential Supreme
Chancellors. (SWI73)
this planet is the capital world of the Cronese Mandate, and is often referred to as the Jewel of the Tion.
this was a snack food popular on the planet Kelada. (SWJ6)
Chandilan Tendermeat
this was the term used by many upscale restaurants to indicate that a dish was made from the meat of a
squall. The term was developed to help eliminate any reference to the fact that squalls were also kept by
billions of beings as pets. (WOTC)
Chandler's Royale
one of the most exclusive restaurants in Tapani Sector, the Royale was located on Estalle Island, on
Procopia. (LOE)
Chando Beast
this was a beast of burden that was native to the planet Endregaad. Chandos appeared to be stout,
dinosaur-like creatures that stood about three meters tall at the shoulder. They were herbivorous, and
were known more for their stubbornness than for their usefulness. (TF)
Chandra Hobat
this Ithorian, a resident of the moon Dayark, was elected by the peoples of the Kathol Republic to serve
as president of the Republic. She was elected shortly before Moff Sarne fled Kal'Shebbol, and was later
re-elected to the position. She ruled with a easy hand, her policies centered on maontaining the
agricultural and social status of the Republic in the Kathol Outback. Hobat was quietly supporting the New
Republic, which angered her chief rival, Sho'ban Do, who felt she was dooming the Republic. When Uta
T'cha and Sal Olbeg provided information to the crew of the FarStar about Sho'bn Do's treacherous plot
to create an army of droids, she was able to defeat his faction and return the Republic to order. She also
freed the crew of the FarStar to leave the Republic. (KO)
Chandran Disaster
this event was a huge earthquake that destroyed much of the Chadra-Fan civilization about ten years
before the Battle of Yavin. (MTS)
Chandril Tech
this corporation manufactured droid communications packages. (DWK)
the homeworld of Mon Mothma and Dev Sibwarra, Chandrila is a forested world broken by grassy plains
and urban centers. A naturally beautiful world, Chandrila has two continents surrounded by vast oceans.
Located in the Bormea Sector of the Core Systems, it was originally settled during the early years of the
Old Republic. Much of its economy was driven by agriculture, an industry which allowed the native
Chandrilans to maintain their planet's natural environments. one of the few worlds that openly opposed
Palpatine's New Order. When Mon Mothma defected from the New Order and formed the Alliance, there
was no immediate retaliation on Chandrila, although tariffs and taxes grew over the years until the
inhabitants began anticipating it. While this was not outwardly a problem, many beings in the galaxy came
to resent the Chandrilan's "luck" after the destruction of the planet Alderaan. Even the normally passive
Alderaanians who survived the destruction of the homeworld hated the Chandrialans more than any other
Core World population, simply because they were spared the warth of the Empire. The birthrate among
the native human population was lower than that of the rest of the galaxy, and so children were
considered very special to them. According to Rebellion, Chandrila is located in Sesswenna Sector. (DA,


this New Republic CR90 Corvette was part of the force sent to liberate the planet Ciutric from the control
of Prince-Admiral Krennel. It supported the flagship Emancipator, along with several other Corvettes and
a trio of Nebulon-B frigates. (IR)
this star was the central body of the Chandrila System, located in the Bormea Sector. (CCW)
Chandrila Defense Fleet
this was the primary defensive naval fleet that protected the planet Chandrila during the last decades of
the Old Republic. Until the onset of the Clone Wars, the CDF was commanded by Admiral Hiram
Drayson. However, after the passage of Emergency Amendment 121b, Drayson was replaced by Kohl
Seerdon as Emperor Palpatine began to consolidate his base of power. (SWI71)
Chandrila Moon
Leia Organa Solo used this Marketta-class shuttle to travel to Bastion during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
of the galaxy. She hoped to meet with Gilead Pellaeon and convince the Imperial that the Vong posed as
much of a threat to them as to the New Republic. It was escorted to Bastion by the Victory-class Star
Destroyer Protector. (DTR)
this was the term used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Chandrila. (CCW)
Chandrilan Cometary Games
this collection of sporting events took place on the planet Chandrila as well in the surrounding star
system. During the height of the New Order, the Cometary Games were one of the few sponsors which
held legal sun jammer races. (GFT)
Chandrilan Daily Messenger
this daily newsfeed reported on the latest news of the planet Chandrila. (GFT)
Chandrilan Herb Tea
brewed from leaves grown on the planet Chandrila, this tea was known for its soothing properties. (GFT)
Chandrilan House
this was the primary governing body which controlled the planet Chandrila during the early years of the
New Republic. (CCW)
this was one of the terms used to describe the human natives of the planet Chandrila. (SWJ15)
Chandrillan Academy of Sciences
this educational institution was located on Chandrila. (AIR)
Chandrillian Freedom Medal
this medal was awarded by the people of the planet Chandrila to those natives who served the pursuit of
freedom above all other necessities. Mon Mothma received a Freedom Medal, awarded before the Battle
of Endor. (VD)
based on the planet Chandrila, this corporation produced a variety of handheld sensor devices during the
height of the New Order. (GFT)
a member of Elscol Loro's resistance movement on Cilpar. (XWRS)

Change, The
this was the generic term used to describe the three-month period in which an X'Ting individual
experienced a change in sexual phase. During this time, the X'Ting experienced a wide range of changes,
both physiological and emotional, and often they were rendered senseless by the potency of these
changes. The wealthier individuals could reduce the pain by ingesting viptiel. (TCD)
this was the Yuuzhan Vong term for reincarnation. (DTR)
Changing Ceremony
a coming-of-age ceremony for the Melodies of Yavin 8. When a Melodie reaches the age of twenty, they
return to a special pool on the moon where they remain until they change to adults. The process can take
weeks, during which time the Melodie is susceptible to any form of attack. The transformation involves the
growing of gills and a tail, turning the Melodie from a land-based creature to a water-breather. (LW)
this uncommon ore was incredibly dense, and was used as the primary component in the creation of
phobium. (LOE)
Channe Dar
the Alliance Intelligence officer who discovered an espionage droid in operation on Gaulus. (RASB)
an Imperial shuttle used during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Channel 1
this HoloNet frequency can only be opened by three bodies of the New Republic: the Ruling Council, the
President, and the Fleet High Command. The channel is used to announce important messages to all
HoloNet nodes, and preempts any other holographic transmissions. Nil Spaar once infiltrated Channel 1
as part of his plot to overthrow the New Republic. (BTS)
Channel 11
this HoloNet frequency is used by the New Republic Senate. (BTS)
Channel 8.64
this was the secure communications channel that was reserved by the Old Republic for use by starfighter
pilots, during the height of the Clone Wars. Channel 8.64 was a discreet, scrambled, and encrypted
frequency that was supposed to be safe from interception by Separatist forces. (JT)
Channel 81
this HoloNet frequency is the diplomatic channel, used to send out information on governmental
proceedings to various embassies throughout the galaxy. It was used by Nil Spaar, during the Black Fleet
Crisis, to transmit illegal announcements of his struggle with Leia Organa-Solo. Spaar twisted the truth
and presented it in such a way that much of the Senate began to question Leia's abilities to control the
Republis. (BTS, TT)
Channel, The
this was the name of a specialized obstacle used in swoopchasing. The Channel was a full-enclosed
portion of the race course, and was filled with a maze of turns, sharp inclines, and sudden drops which a
rider had to negotiate. Once inside the Channel, a rider was forced to find his way out. There were many
possible paths through the Channel, but the easier ones were often booby-trapped. (BSS)
Channik Who Built a Starfighter and Flew to Ryloth
this was the name of a Jenet who was famous in the history of the planet Garban. (UANT)
Chanteuse of the Stars
this was Shirley's stage name, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (MC77)

this den of Selonians allied itself with the Hunchuzuc Republicanists during the Corellian Crisis. (SC)
according to Naboo mythology, this deity wreaked havoc upon the world until it was confined behind six
impenetrable gates. Later, the power generator within the Theed Palace was protected by six energy
gates, in reference to the myth of Chaos. (IWE1)
Chaos Door
this was the name given to the doorway to primary chamber of the Cave of Truth, located on Teya IV.
Chaos Fighter
a generic term used to describe the small, maneuverable craft used by the Krath. (DLS)
Chaos Troops
term used to describe the Krath's team of suicide pilots. These troops have been warped by Satal Keto's
teachings, and believe that their mission is to fly their starfighters into the opposing force's ships. They
become, in effect, living missiles, as their ships crash into their opponents like firy human missiles. (DLS)
this Dathomiri Nightsister witch was stranded on the Forest Moon of Endor about 100 years before the
Battle of Endor. Her flight from Dathomir caused a great deal of consternation from the other Nightsisters,
who placed a death mark on her head. To avoid the death mark, Charal fled to the Moddell Sector of the
galaxy, where she ended up on Endor. There, she fell in league with Terak the Marauder. Charal thought
Terak was trying to find a way to rule the planet, and wanted to be part of it. She had long, black hair, and
wore a tight-fitting set of armor. She also bore a magic ring that allowed her to change her shape at will.
She preferred to assume the shape of a raven and scout the forests, but also appeared as a beautiful
blond maiden in an effort to capture Cindel Towani. She overheard Cindel singing a song to Noa
Briqualon, a song that her mother used to sing. Charal used the song to lure Cindel into her grasp, and
took the child to Terak, in an effort to learn the secret of the crystal oscillator. She rides a great black
stallion. When Terak ordered the Marauders to recapture the crystal oscillator taken from them by Cindel,
he ordered Charal to assume her raven form. However, he also took her magic ring from her, preventing
her from changing back into a human and escaping from his power. Unfortunately for Charal, the ring was
destroyed - along with Terak - when Wicket destroyed the ring with a stone. Charal was stuck in raven
form from then on. Charal was portrayed by Sian Phillips in Ewoks: The Battle for Endor. Her incarnation
as the blond maiden was portrayed by Marianne Horine in the film. (BFE, ISU, GMR9, SWDB)
Charat Kraal
this Yuuzhan Vong pilot was distinguished by his very human-like appearance. His facial structure was
not at all normal for a Yuuzhan Vong, and Kraal spent a great deal of his career overcoming this
perceived deficiency. He pulled out all of his hair, and tattooed the skin of his pate with scars and patterns
that drew a person's eye up and away from his forehead. He was forced to kill two fellow pilots, when they
openly questioned his appearance. However, Kraal was one of the pilots dispatched to protect the
Yuuzhan Vong base on Borleias, in the wake of the Battle of Coruscant. He and his partner, Penzak
Kraal, met the initial wave of Republic ships, but Penzak was killed when the forces of Wedge Antilles fled
Coruscant and took back Borleias as their base of operations. Kraal returned to the fleet, and began
causing unrest aomng the pilots of Domain Cha, which took over the fight for Borleias. Charat was
eventually brought before Czulkang Lah, who explained himself with no fear of death. He brought news of
the Republic's base on Borleias, and earned the favor of Czulkang Lah with his forthrightness. Czulkang
Lah promoted Charat Kraal to wing commander, serving the Warmaster's father as a special forces
leader. Charat Kraal was assigned to lead the effort to capture Jaina Solo, after it was discovered that
she might be the goddess Yun-Harla made incarnate. He nearly succeeded in capturing Jaina, or so he
was led to believe. During the New Republic's evacuation of Borleias, Kraal and his wingmates chased
Jaina's gravitiv signature into the surrounding asteroids, only to discover that they were chasing the
Goddess missile. Charat Kraal perished when the missile struck his coralskipper and exploded. (EL1,

this man was an Imperial Lieutenant who served aboard the Star Destroyer Avenger during the period
leading up to the Battle of Hoth. He was placed in charge of greeting the various bounty hunters who
answered the call to locate Han Solo and Chewbacca, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (T4)
this was an alien race. (MBS)
a plant whose roots are edible. Corellians enjoy the soggy vegetables, but they are about the only people
who do. (DA)
Chardaan Shipyards
this zero-gravity starship construction site was employed by the Alliance for the construction of the AWing starfighter. Following the Battle of Endor, the shipyards were destroyed by Colonel Cronus. The
orbital site produced nearly all varieties of Republic starfighters before it was attacked. The shipyards
held their own against Cronus' fleet, taking out two Victory-class Star Destroyers and driving the fleet
away. (DS, CCG11)
this refreshing beverage is best served cold. (SOL)
Charendohl Exports, Limited
this corporation specialized in the procurement and sale of unusual weapons from remote planets. (GFT)
a planet whose distant sun provides only enough light to keep it alive, causing the planet to appear
constantly darkened. (RASB)
the Nharwaak CR90 Corvette group which attempted to stop the Habeen from selling hyperdrive
technology to Admiral Zaarin and the Empire. The corvettes were captured by the Empire. (TIE)
this man was the leader of Charger's Irregulars. He and the group wandered the Outer Rim looking for
beings who needed to hire a group of mercenaries on short notice. Charger himself was a tightly-wound
spring on the battlefield, shouting orders and running between battle sites. During negotiations with
potential employers, however, he was soft-spoken and polite. (PSG)
a senior Starfighter Command officer on the Independence during Keyan Farlander's training. (XW)
Charger's Irregulars
this mercenary group was led by a man named Charger, and worked in the Outer Rim Territories during
the height of the New Order. (PSG)
Charging Wampa
this was one of the many stances used in the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)
this Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyer was deployed to the Minos Cluster during the Galactic Civil War.
It was the largest ship in the Imperial fleet there, but was sorely lacking in armament. Only a few dozen
turbolasers and 68 concussion missile tubes were operable at any given time, and the ship itself was
constantly undergoing repairs to its aging hyperdrive. The Chariot was supported by an escort carrier, an
Imperial transport ship, and a pair of customs vessels. (GG6)
Uulsho's LAVr QH-7 repulsorlift command speeder. (DFR, ISB)

a large, heavily-armored Mobquet landspeeder. It is often used by political figures who fear assassination.
It is nearly as large as a B-Wing fighter. (POT)
Chariot Light Assault Vehicle (CLAV)
an Imperial landspeeder modified for military use, it can carry up to three crew members. It is wellarmored, which makes it slower than an ordinary landspeeder. (HTTE, SWSB)
this planet was located just off the main Trition Trade Route from Kolatill, in the Kathol Sector of the
galaxy. The planet's economy was based on manufacturing and information technology. The natives of
Charis staged several violent uprisings in protest against Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne, but Sarne was
brutal in putting and end to them. Mosy of the planet's major cities were bombed out, reducing the
population by fifteen percent. (DARK)
Charis Fleet
this was the name of the Imperial fleet which patrolled Kathol Sector, under the command of Moff Kentor
Sarne. It was made up of two Lancer-class frigates, two Strike-class cruisers, four CR90 corvettes, a pair
of escort carriers modified to transport TIE Fighters, and a variety of support ships. Four years after the
Battle of Endor, the Charis Fleet was commanded by Pertaal Logris. (DARK)
this is a species of fat-bodied avian native to the jungles of Kashyyyk. (TT)
Charm Signing
developed on the planet Coruscant, charm signing is a communication method that uses hand signals.
Confined to the wealthier families and, later, those with close ties to the Imperial bureaucracy, charm
singing involved a series of hand motions to convey a message. In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor,
charm signing was used almost exclusively by supporters of the New Order. Many of the New Republic's
supporters feared that it would simply become another way for beings to miscommunicate with each
other. (SOC)
site of a vast University dedicated to the study of the galaxy's history. Arhul Hextraphon did some
research there into Yoda's background for his work, Official History of the Rebellion, Volume One. After
meeting with Yoda on Dagobah, Hextraphon wiped out all records of Yoda's existence from the
University's computer in order to preserve his anonymity and keep the hope for the Alliance alive.
this predatory reptile is native to the planet Maridun, and is the only creature feared by the Amanin race.
The charnoq is known for its climbing and leaping abilities. (GG12)
Charny, Kiel
this man was one of Lord Hoth's Generals during the early struggles of the Battle of Ruusan. Despite
overwhelming odds, Lord Charny and his men won several battles. Prior to Ruusan, Charny barely
survived a breif affair with Githany, who had turned to the Dark Side of the Force. Only the timely
intervention of Valenthyne Farfalla saved Charny's life. It was Lord Charny who brought the youth known
as Tomcat into battle, believing that Torr Snapit had bequeathed his lightsaber to the boy. Little did
Charny know that Tomcat had stolen the weapon and allowed Snapit to die. Nevertheless, they were
forced into battle shortly afterward, but they met a force of Sith warriors which was not led by a single
Dark Lord. Charny grew worried about this, seeing a new change in tactics from the Sith. After being
bombed and attacked, Charny's forces would have been eliminated if Farfalla hadn't arrived. However,
Githany had survived the battle, and faced Charny with her lightwhip. She badly wounded Charny, and
would have taken his life if Tomcat hadn't intervened. Unfortunately for Charny, Tomcat had already
turned to the Dark Side of the Force, and the youth took Charny's own lightsaber and decapitated him.

this was the native language of the Charon race. (RESB)
a race of arachnids that originated in a star system which was being consumed by a black hole within the
realm known as Otherspace. This proximity to a black hole, coupled with the destruction wrought by the
hole gave rise to the Cult of Death. The cult was a small, yet dangerous entity until the Charon developed
the sublight drive. After that, the leaders of the cult began spreading their beliefs, and were able to
destroy life on their homeworld as well as nearby worlds. The destruction of all life - and eventually their
own - will bring the Charon in touch with the Void, which they believe is the natural progression of all
beings. Under the direction of Ber'asco, who believed himself to be the Final Prophet, the Charon wiped
out all life in Otherspace, but still could not become one with the Void. When the Alliance transport
Celestial was deposited into Otherspace, the Charon realized that the abundance of life in realspace
stood between them and the Void. Their initial attempt at entering realspace, with the help of Bane
Nothos and Grand Moff Ravik, failed when Alliance agents attempted to rescue the crew of the Celestial
and escaped back into realspace. Individual Charon had four arms and four legs, with an upright
humanoid torso located in front of a heavy abdomen which produced a weblike substance. (OS, GG4,
Charon Battle Armor
this strange body protection system was devised by the Charon bioscientists. It is composed of the same
organic stone used to create the starship Desolate, and is powerful and deadly. It can be molded to fit a
specific individual, and can be formed into clubs and knives which protrude from the basic armor. Often, a
plasma cannon is added to augment the defensive capabilities of the armor. The biosensing technology
built into the armor gives it the ability to acquire targets which are obscured by the environment. (OS,
Charon Bioscientist
this is one of the three basic Charon subspecies. These arachnoids are smaller than their counterparts,
the warriors, and have slower reaction. However, they are much more agile than warriors. They are
differentiated from the warriors by the brightly-colored cilia that cover their forelegs. The bioscientists
have perfected a method for creating biological constructs which lack free will and vitality of other
lifeforms. (OS)
Charon Starfighter
this small starship resembles a clump of rock maneuvering through space. The Charon designed these
warships from the same biotechnology which created the Desolate. These starfighters have a bulbous
main section, with a pair of thick, rounded wings extended outward. They are not capable of entering
hyperspace. They are armed with a tri-laser pulse cannon, and have minimal shielding. (OS)
Charon Warrior
this is one of the three Charon subspecies, along with the bioscientists and the Leader, Ber'asco. They
are much more like spiders than the others, with eigth legs which can be used as arms or legs. They
often travel in an upright position, and their dark exoskeletons allow them to move with stealth in
darkened areas. It is the warrior class that has fervently joined the death cult, killing millions of beings on
the thousands of worlds in Otherspace. (OS)
Charr Ontee
this race of genetically engineered beings was originally created by the Kathol as a servant species. The
first Charr Ontee were developed as farmers many millennia before the Galactic Civil War, but were
treated as colleagues by the ancient Kathol. The occurrence of the Rift Disaster nearly exterminated the
Charr Ontee, and those that survived tried to help DarkStryder protect the Kathol life-energies in the
Lifewell. When the Charr Ontee told DarkStryder that it needed to re-awaken the Precursors, DarkStryder
banished them. The Charr Ontee became sworn enemies of DarkStryder, living as far from its fortress on
Kathol as they could. Although they developed their own civilization over the millennia, the Charr Ontee
suffered from genetic degeneration. Despite this, the Charr Ontee became adept in th euse of the Ta-Ree
energy, which earned them a position of power over the other species created by the Kathol. The average

Charr Ontee was arachnoid in shape, with two pairs of legs amd two pairs of arms. Like spiders, the
Charr Ontee possessed spinnerets which exuded a sticky webbing. In many respects, the Charr Ontee
resembled the Charon race. When the crew of the FarStar arrived on Kathol to defeat Imperial Moff Sarne
and DarkStryder, the Charr Ontee willingly lent their assistance. (E)
this particle-discharge weapon was developed by the Chiss. Outwardly, it resembled a basic blaster rifle,
but it emitted a maser-guided beam of particles that caused kinetic and thermal damage to a living being.
this was the basic Chiss sidearm, similar to a blaster and with several levels of power settings. They
tended to leave a more intense burn mark than a standard blaster. (VOF)
this was the traditional Chiss blaster pistol. (DJ)
Charros IV
this planet served as the base of operations for the Xi Char order. (X1)
this abundant Adumari grain is the primary ingredient in their basic alcohols. It can be fermented into a
hard liquor or an ale. (SOA)
Charter, The
this was the document that laid down the basic laws adopted by the Outbound Flight Colony, those
beings who survived the destruction of the Outbound Flight Project and their descendants. (SQ)
a highly technological world, part of the Hapan System. (CPL)
Charubah Industries
this Hapan corporation produced a variety of weapons, including the Gun of Command. (SWJ15)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
Charza Kwinn
this male Priapulin was the starship captain of the Star Sea Flower, and was often employed by the Jedi
Knights of the Old Republic whenver they needed to be transported in relative anonymity. The Jedi
considered him one of the best pilots in the galaxy, praise he never failed to earn, especially after his
exploits during the Montitian Extraction. Charza was entrusted by Thracia Cho Leem to carry Vergere to
Zonama Sekot. A year later, Charza carried Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the same planet,
in an effort to discover her whereabouts. Charza flew his ship against the force dispatched by Wilhuff
Tarkin, who wanted to take control of Zonama Sekot and present it to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
Charza and his food-kin and helpers barely escaped, and managed to return to Coruscant. However, as
Palpatine grew in power and the New Order was established as the galactic government, Charza found
himself getting less and less work from the Jedi. Following the Jedi Purge, Charza was forced into
working as a smuggler in order to make ends meet. (RP, GMR8)
this hulking man owned and operated a bar on the planet Dolis 3, which was the favored hangout of
Banner Sumptor and his Imperial friends during New Republic. (U)
Chasdy, Baydo
known simply as "Bay" to his friends, this man was known to be a gambler, con man, swindler, and cheat,

not to mention grifter and liar. He readily admitted that he was all these and more, and spent his life
looking for new ways to gamble and new women to hit on. He turned himself into a semi-respectable
businessman when he purchased the HyperDive Cantina, located in Calamari's Wildwater City, but he
rarely was seen at the establishment. He left the day-to-operations to Lliegis'Nevz, his Kian'thar
bartender. Unknown to most everyone, Chasdy was also an Alliance Special Operations foster agent, and
his regular absence from the HyperDive was due mainly to the rescue and placement of orphaned field
agents. He used his personal ship, the Chaser, to move them around. (WSV)
Chase, Lowen
this New Republic starfighter pilot was captured in Kathol Sector by the forces of Moff Sarne, some two
years after the Battle of Endor. Chase was a natural leader and was highly qualified as a pilot and
tactician. He was imprisoned at Q'Maere, and managed to thwart all efforts at interrogation. Doctor
Kraay's efforts to draw out information left Lowen in a near-schizophrenic state, and Lowen developed
paranoid and egomaniacal personalities. During his imprisonment, Lowen fell in love with Corla Unser,
but both agreed to hold off on forming a lasting relationship until they escaped. Their chance came when
the crew of the FarStar put into Q'Maere to restock its food stores. It was Lowen who led the crew to
Keleman Ciro's cell, and then helped foment a prison riot which allowed the prisoners and the FarStar's
crew to escape from Doctor Kraay. He joined the crew of the FarStar, initially proving to be a leader to the
prisoners rescued from Q'Maere. However, his "treatments" while at Q'Maere soon caught up with him,
and he became more and more paranoid. He argued constantly with Captain Adrimetrum, and Chase's
mental instability grew deeper. When Captain Adrimetrum promoted Scoryn ahead of Chase, his mind
snapped and he ordered a full mutiny of the crew and prisoners. The mutiny was successful, but Chase
was eventually captured and forced to stand down. Captain Adrimetrum remanded him to the ship's
medical facilities in an effort to rehabilitate his mind. (KR)
this gorset was a pet of Denel Moonrunner. (SWJ13)
this was the name of Baydo Chasdy's modified YT-1300 transport ship. Bay had the ready section
removed in order to mount huge triple-engine power plant, then added a pair of curved plates to the upper
hull of the ship, giving an organic appearance. The cockpit of the Chaser was mounted between the
forward mandibles, and was round in shape. The ship was armed with a pair of turret-mounted laser
cannons and a heavy quad-laser cannon. (WSV)
located within Exovar's Emporium, on the planet Neftali, this relaxation chamber was known as a "home
away from home" for bounty hunters. (WSV)
Chasin City
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Commenor. It was best-known for tis restaurants,
which offered the diner an incredible variety of cooking styles and dinig atmospheres. (HNN5)
Chassu, Venthan
this Corellian artist was known for his Selonian nudes, which portrayed their sleek, muscular forms while
hiding their faces in a representation of their desire for privacy. He was also the artist responsible for
Palpatine Triumphant. (TFE)
Chateuse VII
this planet's population was fragmented into several warring factions. It applied to the fledgling New
Republic for help in resolving the on-going disputes, and Leia Organa was dispatched on a fact-finding
mission to the planet. (GMH)
Chatham House
Bail Organa's residence in Imperial City, while he lived on Coruscant. (XW)
Chatos Academy

little is known of this ancient organization, whose name was coaxed from crumbling history disks found
during the height of the Old Republic. Many historians and scholars believed that the Chatos was one of
the original incarnations of the Jedi Order, although no evidence was ever found to support this claim.
a smuggler acquaintence of Oso Nim's, Chatty had a false eye that was yellowing with age. (COJ)
a clan of extremely violent Rodians, they became the dominant clan when Navik the Red rose to power.
The Chattza nearly eliminated the Tetsus clan, which fled twice to escape it. (TME)
Chattza Bay
this inlet of the Ioliu Sea was located on the coast of Iskaayuma, on the planet Rodia. (SPG)
Chattza Enclave
this was the primary holdings of the Chattza clan of Rodians, and was the core of the city of Iskaayuma.
Chattza Protectors
this was the primary security force which patrolled the city of Iskaayuma, on the planet Rodia. The Home
Fleet was an extension of the Chattza Protectors. (SPG)
this was a luxurious yarn used to create soft, lustrous sweaters during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (TAE)
ChaumScanner 5
this was a model of poison detection unit developed by zZip. It could be used to detect the presence of
dangerous substances in food or water. (CRO)
this beverage, usually served hot, was consumed on the planet Beheboth. (LTA3, MC66)
a drink with a euphoric taste. It was often served hot, but could be used as a dressing or additive to
sauces. (DESB, KR, HNN5)
Cha-Val Sha-Vak
very little was known of this bounty hunter, who worked almost exclusively for Sibarra the Hutt. Sha-Vak
kept his (or her) identity a secret by always wearing a full-face mask. Sha-Vak was hired by Sibarra to
take care of the dirty work for Ace Entertainment Corporation, much to the chagrin of Dunan Par'Ell.
Par'Ell and Sha-Vak were continually at odds with each other. (WSV)
this Huttese word was used to describe a racing event. (E1A14)
an unusual alien race native to the planet Wen'he'dinae, the Cha'wen'he resemble large, wingless birds.
The simiarity ends there, for they have three sinuous necks supporting three small heads. Two heads
face forward, while the thrid faces the rear. All of the creature's main sensory ograns are located in these
heads. The heads can be retracted into the body, allowing the Cha'wen'he to protect them in adverse
conditions. Their hides are covered in overlapping rows of scale which can be raised to allow the
underlying skin to cool. They are highly intelligent, capable of solving complex puzzles and situations.
However, the average Cha'wen'he is nervous and excitable, a trait evolved from their constant vigilance
against their homeworld's various predators. They live in flocks, and have the rare ability to assume a
species memory. The mother has the ability to pass on skills and memories to its offspring, and these

skills can awaken naturally over time. (GG12)

this plant, native to the world of Ansion, was a predatory species which presented a danger to any warmblooded species on the planet. The lightweight stalk of the chawix was propelled along the ground by the
constant winds which swept across Ansion, and groups of chawix appeared to be simply entwined
branches. However, when a chawix detected a warm-blooded creature, it untangled itself from the mass
and altered its form to be propelled toward the prey. Instead of bouncing off the prey, the chawix would
extend doznes of thorns from its stem, using them to dig into the prey and exude a toxin poison. This
poison liquified the body of its prey, and the chawix simply sucked up the resulting miasma. (APS)
this Imperial noble Lady was a member of the Imperial Correctional Facilities Ministry. She was a special
projects consultant, and worked with Ilm Vaz-Weplinn on the design and construction of the Stars' End
facility. She negotiated with the Corporate Sector Authority to franchise Stars' End for Imperial use, and
worked to finialize details on the stasis booths and the overall Stars' End blueprints. (CSA)
Chay Praysh
this Drach'nam ran a slaver consortium from a base on Torpris, during the early years of the New
Republic. He was known for his intense hatred of women, especially humans, and kept those that he
captured in the slimepits of his base on Torpris. He preferred to be called by the title "First Greatness,"
something that rankled his competitors. His subordinates were also known as Greatnesses, with ordinals
identifying their position within Praysh's organization. The slimepits housed thousands of krizar pupae,
which Praysh grew and nurtured for use in guarding his fortress. The women were forced to monitor the
growth of the pupae and remove those which were ready to hatch. Any form of disobediance was met
with several lashings of a neuronic whip, the weapon of choice for Praysh's Drach'nam guards. When
Mara Jade came to Torpris in an effort to rescue Sansia Bardrin, Praysh had her enslaved like any other
human female. The Togorian female H'sishi claimed that Mara was a Uoti Corporate spy, and managed
to gain an audience with Praysh. In the midst of the discussion, H'sishi managed to return Mara's
lightsaber to her, and Mara quickly eliminated Praysh's guards. Praysh himself managed to escape the
brief struggle. However, the luxury yacht Winning Gamble - which Sansia had been flying when she was
captured - contained detailed information on the defenses of Praysh' palace. This information was turned
over to Luke Skywalker and the New Republic, which raided the fortress and rescued the slaves. Praysh
himself was imprisoned for his crimes. (TFNR)
this alien was one of the many Jedi Knights who gathered on Ruusan to fight against Lord Kaan and the
Brotherhood of Darkness. A friend and supporter of Lord Hoth, Lord Chayka was killed in one of the early
struggles against the Sith. (JVS)
Chaz, Travis
this burly, aging man was the barkeeper of The Pit, located within the Elrood Starport, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. Many believed he was a former Jedi Knight, while others thought him to be a
former Old Republic Senator, but in reality he was just a bartender who had a wide-reaching network of
informants. (PG3)
this species of stocky, reptilian humanoids had been conquered and enslaved by the Yuuzhan Vong
centuries before the Battle of Yavin. Over the intervening years, the Chazrach were genetically culled for
use as slaves. They were intensely loyal, and several Chazrach had earned social elevation to the warrior
caste for their bravery in combat. Quite often, the Yuuzhan Vong sent in swarms of Chazrach as the first
wave of a ground assault, as they did during the Battle of Dantooine. This allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to
monitor the tactics of the enemy forces, thereby saving the strength of the Yuuzhan Vong warriors in the
succeeding waves. Many members of the New Republic simply referred to these creatures as reptoids.

this was the name of the primary planet in the Chazwa System, which orbited a white dawrf star. Located
in the Orus sector, Chazwa was chosen by Grand Admiral Thrawn as a false source of the clones he
used to man his warships. Thrawn hoped to thrown off the New Republic's pursuit of the clones, forcing
them to draw more resource away from the war. (TLC)
this H'drachi was a noted holo-drama director, known for his moving films during the last years of the Old
Republic. It was believed that Ch'been, who was very spiritual even for a H'drachi, had been tapped by
Kailio Entertainment to director a holo-drama based on the life of Ludi Billane. (WOTC)
Che copah
this was the Huttese word for "price." (GMR5)
this was a term used to describe anything which was poorly made or manufactured, used during the
height of the New Order. (MC47)
another kind of skifter used to alter sabacc cards, the cheater was a small, 4-centimeter disk which could
be hidden in a shirt-sleeve. It could be used to alter a card's value, or lock it in place. (LCM)
one of Zorba the Hutt's audit droids on Cloud City. (QE)
Chedak Communications
manufacturers of shipboard subspace radios. (SCRE, EGW)
this man served the Alliance as a Captain in the naval forces. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Captain
Chedaki accompanied Leia Organa to the Shiva System, to investigate an increase in Imperial traffic in
the sector. Their shuttle was damaged when a micromine entered the hangar bay and exploded against
it, fused the controls and causing large amounts of damage. Chedaki was killed in the initial explosion.
this New Republic pilot was washed out of several squadrons before becoming a candidate for Wraith
Squadron. Unfortunately, Chedgar felt that he was the victim of a conspiracy to keep him from flying
again, and he didn't make the cut for the Wraiths. (WS)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "war" or "warrior". (GCG)
this Huttese verb translated roughly into Basic as "it would be." (E1A14)
Chee Mobok
this Twi'lek textile merchant joined the Free Trader Association of Naboo shortly before the Battle of
Naboo took place. Chee joined the group with the assumption that Naboo was the most peaceful place to
start up a business, unaware of the machinations of the Trade Federation and Senator Palpatine. He
spoke very little Basic, and relied on his contacts being able to speak some level of Twi'lek in order to do
business. When he was stranded on Naboo during the Federation's blockade of the Naboo System, and
later helped a faction of the Naboo Underground during the liberation of Naboo. (SON)
this was a common Ayrou name. (UANT)
a pack animal that lives in the oceans of Varn. They have been known to collectively attack the larger

lossors to obtain food. (HSR)

this planet was ruled by Dohl during the Galactic Civil War. (CSWDW)
this Mrssti was a Proctor as well as the Academy Head of the Mrlsst Center for Linguistic Studies during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
Cheengan daga
this Jawa phrase translated loosely into Basic as "Watch what you're doing, you fool." (T10)
this Huttese verb translated into Basic as "to cheat." (GMR5)
Cheever, Sprig
Twilit Hearth's husband, Sprig preferred to wear non-descript clothing to hide his true nature as a member
of the underground movement in Il Avali. He was noticeable by his neat goatee. He and Twilit were the
basis of a cantina band that often played at Happy's Landing, which was where he met Tinian I'att and
Daye Azur-Jamin. Spring was the band's KeyBed player, and Twilit was the lead singer. When Tinian's
grandparents were executed by Moff Kerioth, Sprig and Twilit helped her escape from Druckenwell by
disguising her as the band's singer. Twilit remained behind to guard their escape. After leaving
Druckenwell, he revealed that his father's aunt was Una Poot, linking him even closer to the Alliance's
command. (SWJ4, SWJ6, SWJ10, TFE)
this was one of the many Rodian clans. The Chekkoo controlled most of the Betu continent, but allowed
several smaller clans to own land within their borders, provided that they paid their allegiance to the
Chekkoo. The Chekkoo opposed the rule of Navik the Red and the Chattza clan, but kept to their own
lands and avoided direct confrontations. (SPG)
Chekkoo Enclave
this Rodian clan holding was located in the heart of the eastern coast of Rodia's Betu continent.
Essentially a city unto itself, the Enclave was protected by strong wall, and contained three other walled
sections protecting the clan tower. The tower sat atop a rocky outcropping. (SPG)
Chekkoo Protectors
this was the primary police force which protected the clan holdings of the Chekkoo clan of Rodians.
this being, whose full name was Hivrech'wao'Cheklev, was part of the Jedi team assigned to the Eclipse
Project. Working with Ganner Rhysode, Cheklev was responsible for tracking the motions of the Sweet
Surprise, in an effort to locate the nest of the voxyn queen. Cheklev was ultimately one of the handful of
Jedi Knights to survive the conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong. (SBS, UF)
Chelah Voh
this Ho'Din female was a lifelong friend of Brinaloy N'Vaari. (ND)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this Hapan woman, the older sister of Alyssia, was a niece to the former Queen Mother, Ta'a Chume, and
therefore a legitimate heir. However, her own daugther was caught by Tenel Ka during an attempt to
assassinate Prince Isolder of Hapes, shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. Like her sister, Chelik was also
a member of the royal family, and not above trying to further her own interests. But, she lacked the subtly

of Alyssia's schemes, which may have involved getting Chelik's daughter to try and kill Isolder. (DJ)
this was the Yuuzhan Vong term for the mandibles of the yanskac. (SBS)
Chokla's lover, Chell was also one of the Five. Chell was killed when Chewbacca escaped from the
Menagerie and freed the Wuzzek. The Wuzzek had built up a strong hatred of the Five, and killed all of
them one by one. (CSWDW)
Chell, Benwick
this man was one of the first Hapans to agree to assist the Yuuzhan Vong priest Harrar in capturing Jaina
Solo, following the loss of the voxyn queen at Myrkr. Benwick and his pilot, Vonce, met with Harrar and
Khalee Lah to discuss the terms of an agreement. Benwick had spent fifteen years of his life in the Hapan
Navy, only to have his entire squadron destroyed at the Battle of Fondor. He hated the fact that Tenel Ka
was involved in the destruction of his troops, and so he deserted his posting and took up the life of a
pirate. After admitting his desertion to the Yuuzhan Vong, he was nearly killed by Khalee Lah, but Harrar
made the warrior hold back, hoping to use Benwick's knowledge of Hapes to capture Jaina Solo. Shortly
after Vonce was murdered, Harrar then placed a biological communicator into Benwick's ear, then sent
the man back to his pirates to hunt down the Solo family. (DJ)
Chellemi Chuovvick
this Jedi Knight, along with Empatajayos Brand and Bultar Swan, was dispatched to the Sepan Sector to
mediate the early conflicts of the Sepan Civil War, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this Bothan worked as a slicer on his homeworld of Bothawui, during the early years of the New Republic.
this Senator from the planet Gerrard V served in the Imperial Senate before it was disbanded by Emperor
Palpatine. (SWJ3)
this young man was the son of a wealthy diplomat, who grew up among the never-flown starships his
father collected. Chem proved to be a quick learner in piloting ships, and at the age of fourteen he stole
his mother's favorite ship and set out to join Kyp's Dozen. Chem longed to participate in the defense of
the galaxy against the Yuuzhan Vong, but was killed during the aftermath of the Battle of Coruscant when
Kyp's Dozen was set upon by larger coralskippers. (DJ)
this was the brand name of a series of field-use chemical sniffers produced by NeuroSaav. The primary
mission of the ChemDetect was to analyze the ambient atmosphere at the molecular level, examining the
air for the presence of dangerous chemicals. (ROE, AEG)
a group of Imperial starships operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Chempat Engineered Defenses
this corporation, manufacturers of shipboard shield projectors and sensor technologies, was jointly owned
by the Corellian Engineering Corporation and Kuat Drive Yards. (SCRE, EGW)
developed during the early decades of the New Republic, this was one of Chempat's most powerful
deflector shield generators. (NEGV)

an extremely lethal form of gas used in chemical warfare, Chemtrox produces an incredibly horrible
death. (TFNR)
developed for use by military medical personnel during the Clone Wars, this antisceptic fluid was used to
destroy germs and bacteria on the skin before performing a medical procedure. It eliminated the need for
excessive scrubbing with soap and water, but often dried out the skin. (MBS)
Chenati, Tarrence
this man was a former Old Republic operative to worked for the Senate as a spy and investigator. He was
listed as having died some thirty years before the Battle of Naboo. At that time, Tarrance Chenati became
one of the Senate's "no-names," and his identity was retired. It was reactivated twenty years later when
the Senate needed someone to investigate the starfighter training facility established by the Jedi Knights
on Centax 2. The identity was discovered by Tahl and Qui-Gon Jinn when they discovered he was trying
to sabotage Clee Rhara's starfighters in such a way as to frame her for the destruction. Clee Rhara was
cleared of any crime when Chenati fled Centax 2, during Tahl's investigation. Chenati resurfaced twelve
years later, serving aboard the starship BioCruiser under the No-Name alias Kern. (JAD)
this was the smallest, and outermost, of Tatooine's three moons. Itr had a highly elliptical orbit, with its
apogee occurring more than four million miles from the the planet. This meant that Chenini was very
rarely in view, and was often overlooked by early scouts and explorers. The orbit was regular enough,
though, that the indigenous Jawas and Sandpeople monitored its progress to ensure the corrent timing of
many rituals and gatherings. (SWI62)
this silver-tipped brown Wookiee was one of the few who lived off the planet Kashyyyk during the New
Order. He was forced to flee his homeworld after killing an Imperial officer who was beating a Wookiee
child. Known as fierce and unrelentling, he was a bounty hunter and tracker by trade who only took deador-alive assignments and usually brought back proof of the deceased. Under this guise, many of the
bounties which had 'escaped' him were secretted away on Alliance safeworlds. Chen - as he was called
by his friends - was referred to as "the Raging Wookiee" to other Hunters. Chenlambec worn a bandoleer
of black reptile skin, possibly as a warning to Trandoshans who would try to kill him for sport. He later
befriended Tinian I'att and became her ng'rhr, taking her in as his apprentice. The two worked well
together, saving each other's life many times while strengthening their friendship. They worked together
for the chance to hunt down the Trandoshan Bossk, and eventually formed a loose relationship with the
reptile during the hunt for Han Solo following the Battle of Hoth. (TBH, SWJ6, SWJ10)
manufacturers of starship shielding systems. (IJ)
an impact explosive. (TFE)
Cheran, Viera
this woman was known to the members of Rogue Squadron as "Chief" during the last years of the
Galactic Civil War. She served as the squadron's chief technician, and was stationed on the moon of Kile
shortly after the Battle of Hoth. There, she ensured that the squadron was ready for the attempt to
recover Han Solo's body from Boba Fett. It was during this time that she was approached by an operative
who offered her 10,000 credits to ensure Luke Skywalker was killed. Cheran took the bribe, but her efforts
to sabotage his X-Wing failed to result in his death. (SESB, RESB)
this is the first combination symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic combination "ch".
Cherenkov Effect

this was the name given to the unusual blue fire which engulfed a location which had been attacked by
anti-matter or nuclear weapons. The blue flames were actually hard radiation being ejected from the
remains of the blast. (MC53)
this dim-witted yet vicious herd predator was native to the deserts of the planet Elom. Measuring up to 1.5
meters tall at the shoulder, cherfers are born aggressive and continue to become meaner as they mature.
Cherfers are equine in stature, with muscular bodies covered by rough, brought-colored fur. Their heads
are dominate by elongated snouts which are covered by a bony plate that continues to grow as the
cherfer ages. They hunt in groups known as vlaktors by the Elomin, taking down their prey in a swift
stampede. (SOP, COG)
this Wookiee was one of many free beings who were wanted by the Empire for rebellious activity. A
25,000-credit bounty was placed on Cherioer's head, established because of his assistance to the
Alliance throughout Zaric Sector during the Galactic Civil War. It was believed that Cherioer agreed to
transport Malindin Gevarak away from Imperial entanglements, further deepening the bounty on his head.
this was the name of a quasi-religious sect which settled the planet Rhamalai some 400 years before the
Battle of Yavin. They believed in living simply, in harmony with the planet. Subsequent generations
established laws to protect those beliefs. The original 500 colonists were considered dissidents of the Old
Republic, and chose to settle only a small part of Rhamalai as an experiment in communal living. After
the advent of the New Order, they began working toward establishing a planetary government, but their
efforts were cut short when the Empire first established an outpost on the planet. Shortly afterward,
Rhamalai was subjugated, and one male from each family was conscripted into Imperial service. (SWJ13)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
Chertyl Ruluwoor
this sterile female Selonian was sent to the Corellian Security Force for cross-training, as a sort of cultural
exchange. She was in CorSec about the time Corran Horn was serving on the force. Chertyl was tall nearly 2 meters or more - and had short, dark black fur that flashed silvery-blue in the right light. When it
came time for the annual Awards Ball, the Corellian humans had targetted her as the winner of their
annual pool. This pool chose the least-likely female to get a date for the ball, and "awarded" her to the
winner of the pool. Corran liked Chertyl, and secretly bought up all the pool tickets, claiming that she
would steal the hearts of the other officers. Thus, he won the pool, and got to take Chertyl to the Ball. He
showed her the time of her life. Although she was infertile, she wasn't incapable, as Corran found out
following the Ball. They shared a wonderful evening in each others' arms, but the morning brought a
startling revelation. Chertyl's flesh actually began to burn from contact with Corran's acidic sweat, and
Corran discovered he was allergic to her fur. They were forced to cut off their physical relationship, but
remained friends from then on. (WG)
Chesko, Tem
a cargo hauler whose ship was hit by an asteroid and disabled in the depths of space. He had no
companionship for almost ten years before discovering the droid MILL-247-EE onboard. She kept his
mind off the woman he loved, and together they drifted through space until they found a habitable planet.
There, Chesko grew old and withered. MILL-247-EE kept him company, and when his heart gave out, she
donated her own mechanical heart to him. (SWG3)
Chess ko
this Huttese phrase roughly translated into Basic as "be careful." (E1A14)
this companion of Dirk Harkness was killed by Imperial stormtroopers on Kelada. The stormtroopers

believed she was part of a rebel cell, and opened fire on Chessa and her companions. Chessa and Dirk
had formed a loving relationship over the years, and she often sang songs for him. Her death hardened
Dirk's resolve to punish the Empire, and he struck out at Imperial forces any way he could. (SWJ1, TFNR)
this dim-witted Rodian was a constant company to Gorm Maldorf, playing the perfect patsy to Gorm's
machinations on the planet Tatooine during the height of the New Order. He followed from settlement to
settlement, as the gruff young man swindled credits from the teenagers before being run out of town.
Among Gorm's many tricks was challenging another youth to a swoop race inside a metal cage. Before
the race, Gorm would string a thin wire across the cage, which would inevitably trip up another racer. In
this way, Gorm always won his races, at least until his ruse was discovered. According to local legend,
Gorm once challenged Luke Skywalker to a race, but was undone by his own plans. During the set-up of
the cage, Gorm was inadvertently strangled by Chester. Chester had been helping him string the wire,
and yanked hard before Gorm could let go. The wire wrapped around Gorm's next, and dragged him into
the cage supports. Although probably dead when he hit the bars, Gorm's skull was crushed by the blow,
and he died instantly. Chester tried to blame Gorm's death on Luke, but Luke managed to expose the
truth. Although Chester denied everything, the length of wire was found in his speeder, and Chester fled
into the desert. (T20)
this was a race of ruthless beings with a passion for biological warfare. (GFT)
this was the dense, grammatically difficult language of the Chiss. Written forms of Cheunh do not have
defined alphabet, using individual ideograms to represent concepts and combinations of images to
represent complex ideas. (GMR5)
this humanoid race was native to the planet Vinsoth, but they were subjugated by the Chevin. They
resembled pale-skinned, violet-eyes humans, but there were many physical differences to pure human
stock. Chief among them was the fact a Chev had two hearts. Also known as Chevin Humanoids, Chevs
were known to live as long as 300 years. In order to distinguish between individual Chevs, their Chevin
masters often dyed the short, coarse hair of their Chev slaves to indicate ownership. The average Chev
had nimble fingers and a muscular body, which made them ta perfect slave stock. Chevs also had the
ability to learn complex technologies, and many were well-educated by the Chevin to keep them happy
and useable. The Chev race had been enslaved for so long that most forget the reasons for their
enslavement and simply accept it. However, with the pro-human stance of the Empire, recent generations
began looking for ways to defeat their Chevin masters. Some Chevs even left Vinsoth to pursue careers
in business elsewhere. These Chevs were respected in their circles, and seemed confident to their
brethren. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Chev population began to accept the help
of offworlders in their efforts to defeat their Chevin masters, hoping to gain their independence. (GG12,
this was a dialect of the Chevin language, developed for use by the near-human Chevs who inhabited the
planet Vinsoth. It gained a following when individual Chevs started thinking about rebelling against their
Chevin masters, as a way to communicate without being discovered. (UANT)
this woman was a member of the small research team assembled by the Separatists to assist Ovolot Qail
Uthan in her development of a nanovirus that would kill the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Cheva and the rest of her team were held hostage by Ghez Hokan, after Omega Squad was able to
infiltrate the research facility and capture Uthan. When Hokan tried to flee his stronghold, Omega Squad
fired on their positions. Cheva and the other scientists froze, rather than continuing to run behind Hokan,
and were shot and killed in the firefight. (RCHC)

this clan of Wookiees supported Attichituck and Chewbacca. (C)

this was the native language spoken by the inhabitants of the planet Vinsoth. (ANT)
a race of elephant-like humanoids from the planet Vinsoth, the Chevin were an aggressive people. They
have long heads which sit at the end of a thick neck that curves downward, allowing them to forage for
food without having to bend over. Some have large facial tusks which impede their vocal abilities. Chevin
have thick, grey skin that allows them to tolerate a wide range of temperatures. They are adroit hunters,
working in teams to corner their prey. They have dominated the planet Vinsoth, and have enslaved the
Chevs. Many Chevin villages wander across the surface of the planet, migrating with the seasons to
maintain food supplies and avoiding harsh weather. The Chevin leadership supported the New Order
during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. (GG12, ROTJ, ANT)
this is the Snivvian ruling council. Members are elected to the Chevram every twelve Snivvian years, and
a new executive ruler is chosen from its ranks each year. (GG12)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as
"honored", "noble", or "trusted", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
Born on Kashyyyk around 183 PE, Chewbacca (Chewie, for short) grew up without a great deal of human
intervention. He excelled the various hand-to-hand combat skills a Wookiee is taught, and also gained a
great deal of mechanical aptitude. At the age of 80 (WEG has him leaving at age 50, SCRE at 80), he left
Kashyyyk to explore the stars. For 60 years (WEG says 140, SCRE says 60 years), he answered to no
one but himself, until the Empire declared Wookiees a slave commodity. Chewie captured as a rogue
Wookiee and imprisoned, where her heard about the Imperial mandate, and he spent the next 30 years
doing hard labor in the Empire's slave camps. Note that this assumes the Empire existed for more than
30 years, which is debatable. Chewie was doomed to a short life when he was rescued by an Imperial
Navy trainee named Han Solo. Chewie claimed a lifedebt to Han, and the two fled Imperial observation
and began living underground as smugglers. Chewie's physical strength and mechanical abilities made
him a formidable partner, and he and Han had many adventures during the 15 years prior to taking on
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker for passage to Alderaan. Chewie's actions in rescuing Princess
Leia and helping Han Solo give Luke some breathing room during the Battle of Yavin earned him a
commendation from the Alliance. His life-debt to Han Solo kept Chewie active. Following Han's need to
repay Jabba the Hutt, he continued to help the Alliance, becoming a part of the ground assault team that
disabled the shield generator on Endor's Sanctuary moon, allowing the Alliance to destroy the second
Death Star. Following the formation of the New Republic and Han's resignation from the Republic,
Chewie and Han continued to assist the Republic as pilots, and Chewie was forced to expand his hnor
family to include Princess Leia following her marriage to Han Solo. Chewie's family continued to grow
after the births of Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo. Chewie became a guardian of Jacen and Jaina after
their return from Anoth, but the siblings eluded him and got lost in the underground of Imperial City.
Chewie and C-3PO managed to find them. On a vacation flight to Kessel with Han, Chewie and Han were
shot down over the planet and forced to work in the spice mines. Their escape led them to the Maw
Installation, and a group of Wookiee slaves still under Imperial domination. After convincing the
Republic's leaders that they needed to establish an occupation of the Installation, Chewie also lobbied for
the Republic to rescue the enslaved Wookiees. He was granted permission to accompany the occupation
team and free the Wookiees. He was successful in rescuing the Wookiees, and helped get them out of
the Installation before Daala destroyed it. Even though Han retired from active duty to spend time with his
family, Chewbacca never left his side. His life-debt to Han had grown to encompass the entire Solo
family. During the initial stages of Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Han, Anakin, and Chewbacca were on
Sernpidal, helping Lando Calrissian with a shipment. They were on the planet when the Yuuzhan Vong
used a dovin basal to draw the moon Dobido into an impact trajectory with Sernpidal, and were assisting

with the evacuation effort when Anakin and Chewie were trapped on stony outcropping. Recognizing that
Dobido was going to crash any second, Chewbacca flung Anakin onto the landing ramp of the Millennium
Falcon, ensuring Anakin's survival. When Han realized Chewie didn't get onboard, he ordered Anakin to
fly back while he searched for Chewie. Anakin, torn between his love for Chewie and the cargo hold full of
refugees, was forced to retreat before the Falcon was destroyed. Chewbacca died on Sernpidal while
giving the highest service to his life-debt. Han grieved for a long time before he could come to grips with
the realization that Anakin hadn't killed Chewie, but that the Wookiee had saved them all. Chewbacca
was portrayed by Peter Mayhew in all three Star Wars films. (SW, ESB, ROTJ, HTTE, VP)
Chewed Duracrete
this was a term used by the human natives of the planet Ord Cestus to indicate the architectural style of
the X'Ting. (TCD)
this was the name given to the stone-crushing machinery which was used to break up the surface of a
planet in order to extract and refine the soil for terraforming. (BP)
this snackfood was like gum, and could be flavored any number of ways. (OE)
this gum-like substance was chewed whenever an individual needed a quick jolt of energy. Its substance
contained a mild, adrenaline-like stimulant that helped heighten one's alertness. (EVR)
Ch'Gang Hool
this Yuuzhan Vong Master Shaper was in charge of the regrowth of several dhuryams, which would
compete to serve as the World Brain used to seed Coruscant. The Yuuzhan Vong hoped to complete
reform Coruscant into a new version of their long-lost homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar, and it was Ch'Gang Hool's
responsibility to maintain and care for the priceless dhuryams. Ch'Gang Hool was distinguished from
other Shapers by the strange group of tentacles which were grafted to the corner of his mouth. These
tentacles writhed and twitched to their own rhythm, but sometimes seemed to move in reaction to Hool's
mood. He objected to the fact that Nom Anor and Vergere used his seedship, the Coruscant itself, as
their training group for Jacen Solo, but was forced to go along with their plans. His fears were nearly
realized when Jacen's actions during the tizo'pil Yun'tchilat artificially eliminated all but a single dhuryam.
However, the World Brain was installed on Coruscant, and the Vongforming of the planet continued.
Within months, Coruscant resembled Yuuzhan'tar. Ch'Gang Hool had another scare when he learned that
Solo had ended up on Coruscant, instead of being killed aboard the seedship. Solo, who had befriended
the dhuryam World Brain, was allowed private access to the Well in order to sacrifice Ganner Rhysode.
Jacen, however, planned to use his mental link to the dhuryam to ask it a favor. While there was no
outward damage to Ch'Gang Hool's World Brain, it had agreed to work as a spy for Jacen and the New
Republic. Unfortunately for Ch'Gang Hool, the outward manifestation of his relationship costs him his life.
Many Yuuzhan Vong on the Great Council saw Coruscant's constant rejection of worldshaping - the
fungal infection that caused intense itching, the imprinting of villips on indigenous rodents, blorash jelly
that attacked its creators - as a failure to fully tame Coruscant. Because of this failure, Ch'Gang Hool was
executed on the orders of Supreme Overlord Shimrra. (T, DW)
Ch'hala Tree
native to Cularin, this species of slender, purple and green trees had thick, drooping foliage and were
touch-sensitive. Whenever something came into contact with the bark of the ch'hala tree, it would produce
swirling patterns of color across its surface, rippling outward from the point of contact. During the last
century of the Old Republic era, the ch'hala trees were declared to be sacred to the Tarasin people, which
were also native to Cularin. The Tarasin prohibited any harvesting of ch'hala wood, and logging
corporations brought in armed guards to protect their workers. The Jedi Knights were called upon to
mediate the situation, and formed the Cularin Compact, which limited the number of trees which could be
harvested to a minimal number. Emperor Palpatine later used ch'hala trees to line the Grand Corridor at
the Imperial Palace, and implanted at least one with a highly-sensitive listening device that became
known as Delta Source. (DFR, TLC, LFC)

this planet was part of the ancient Sith Empire. The planet - continually bathed in red light from its nearby
sun - was the site of Shar Dakhan's fortress. (FOSE)
Ch'hosk Cave Drawings
these remarkably ancient paintings were discovered on Antmuel VI by Doctor Angrail Ryhl during the
height of the New Order. (HR)
Chi Eekway
this being was a Senator to the Old Republic during the height of the Clone Wars. (OWS)
Chi Wave
this sport is available on many luxury cruise ships. (RM)
this species of serpent-like predators which hunted the waters of Iskalon. Although it generally fed on
other fish and marine life, the chiaki was not above catching stray Iskalons to kill and eat. It was a
mindless predator, driven by the scent of blood in the water. (MC76)
this was a pastoral settlement found on the planet Alderaan, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Much of Chianar was opened to refugees who were fleeing from planets which had seceded from the
Republic, during the year leading up to the Clone Wars. Former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum was
among those who worked to make Chianar a hospitable refuge for these beings. (HNN4)
this large, crocodilian beast was the pet of Aron Peacebringer. (MC53)
Chiba DR-10
this spherical protocol droid was developed for use by Imperial diplomats and officials who often moved
through hostile territories. Known as the Chiba Drio, this droid was programmed to handle virtually any
translation or negotiating environment. It was also equipped with a pop-out blaster and specialized sensor
systems, which allowed it to detect and address and potentially dangerous situations. Over time, it was
learned that the Chiba DR-10 could become overly aggressive, impatient, and sarcastic if its memory
wasn't wiped clean periodically. (CCW)
Chiba Drio
see Chiba DR-10 (CCW)
this Mid Rim world was occupied by Imperial forces during the early years of the New Republic. (GMR10)
this was the name of Ramsey Lanclo's personal starship. (FTD)
this hyper-active Gerb was the first of his kind to meet the members of the Fernandin Scouting Expedition
who were looking for a new location for Wetyin's Colony. (GG2)
this species of lagomorph was native to the planet Berea, and was named for its peculiar mating calls.
Chicken Walker
this was a slang term used to describe an Imperial AT-ST. The term arose from the AT-ST's bouncing
gait, which was reminiscent of the way in which birds moved about. (VF)

this man was a chef on board one of the luxury cruise ships owned by Tinta Lines. He considered himself
enough of an artist to go by one name, and he taught Corran Horn a number of things about how to
prepare and serve food. (IJ)
this creature was once native to the planet Duro, but eventually died out when Duro's surface was
destroyed. (GCG)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Chidee referred to an extinct predator
once native to Duro. (GCG)
Chidee Na Maak
this Duros worked as a starship mechanic on Starforge Station, and was the son of the original founders
of the StarForge Shipyard. He assumed ownership of the Shipyard when his parents died, and continued
their tradition of excellent workmanship at a premium price, assuring him of a healthy profit. During the
early years of the Galactic Civil War, his skills in repairing the YT-1210 were well-known to the galaxy's
smugglers and shippers. Chidee once offered Chewbacca a huge sum of money to work for him, rather
than stick with Han Solo, but the Wookiee refused. (XWM, PP)
a plant native to the planet Kirdo, chidinka reeds are hollowed out by the Kitonak and used as musical
instruments called chidinkalu. (GG4)
a Kitonak musical instrument formed from the hollowed-out reeds of the chidinka plant. (GG4)
this was a noted Rodian individual. (SWRPG2)
this MC40a was part of the Alliance's fleet, during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Chief, The
this was the nickname of the Jawa who led Jek Nkik's tribe. (SWJ11)
Chiewab Amaglamated Pharmaceuticals Company
one of the original Signatory Sponsor of the Corporate Sector Authority, CAPC owned nearly 600
systems in the Corporate Sector. The conglomerate produced medical, chemical, and pharmaceutical
products, and specialized in deriving new products from materials found on unexplored worlds. (CSA)
Chiewab Nutrition
this subsidiary of Chiewab Amaglamated Pharmaceuticals Company produces products that supplement
the daily nutritional requirements of many different species. (CSA)
this iced drink was favored by the Bothan race. (SWG6)
Chiffonage, Beryl
a noted Alliance tactician, Beryl was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Alliance military and a valued member of
the Alliance's command team. His expertise was in developing attack and defense patterns for individual
Alliance bases of operations. It was Beryl who worked with Luke Skywalker to develop the tactical
maneuvers used by Rogue Squadron to combat the Imperial AT-AT walkers that invaded the Hoth Echo
Base. (RASB, AIR, SWI74)
this Rodian smuggler, one of the few relatives of Greedo who survived the attacks of Navik the Red, was
noted as the being who set off the traps which were located in the catacombs of Shawkan. For many

years during the height of the New Order, Chihdo traveled the galaxy with Rik Duel. They joined the
Alliance together, and were part of the team which remained behind on Stenos in an effort to locate the
lost statue of the god Vol. However, as soon as the statue was found, Rik and his band tried to make off
with the statue and sell it to Imperial Governor Matrin. This plan failed miserably, as the Stenaxes learned
of the statue's reappearance and set out to recover it. In their anger, the Stenaxes killed the Imperials and
threatened to dispose of the smugglers. They managed to escape, however, and remained hidden on
Stenos for several more years. Unfortunately for Chihdo, he ran afoul of IG-88 and Bossk, who were
trying to avoid being caught by Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian. Chihdo was frozen in a block of
carbonite, and used as a decoy to lure them into a trap. After the bounty hunters were defeated, Chihdo
was thawed out, and rejoined Rik and Dani on a mission to Iskalon to plunder what salvage they could
from the ruins of Pavillion. This plan later fell through when Mone demanded that they leave the planet. In
the wake of the Battle of Endor, Rik, Dani, and Chihdo accompanied Luke back to Endor. There, Chihdo
stood up for Rik when an Alliance soldier accused him of cheating at cards, and Chihdo was shot in the
chest. Only Luke's intervention saved Chihdo. (MC70, MC71, MC82, MC90)
these huge, six-limbed creatures are native to the glacial regions of the moon Misnor, where they grow
heights of over two meters. Chiilaks are more than a match for Wookiees in strength, and are excellent
swimmers. Their upper four limbs are used as arms, and their hands have a thick middle digit and two
smaller, opposable fingers. Their feet are clawed, and all six "paws" are webbed for use in swimming.
Their pelts are thick, providing protection from the cold environment in which they exist. Generally white in
coloration, chiilaks tend darken in color as they age. They are omnivorous, and will eat just about
anything they can catch. Hunting of chiilaks was allowed under Imperial aw, but actually surviving the
hunt and returning with a chiilak pelt was never a foregone conclusion. (COG)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "call" or
"voice". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
a Sullustan Lieutenant Commander in the Alliance, he was rescued by Keyan Farlander and the Rescue
shuttle group. (XW)
Chik youngee
this Huttese word translated into Basic as "dancing girl." (GMR5)
this race of man-sized, squirrel-like creatures is native to the planet Plagen. They are highly-intelligent,
and are known to be extremely thrift. Jokes up and down the Enarc Run said that a Chikarri's wealth was
described by the age and patching of their clothing. Chikarri are also known to be kleptomaniacs, and not
very brave. It was the Chikarri who sold port rights to Plagen to the Klatooinan Trade Guild, bringing a
galaxy's worth of trade to their world. (TSK, AE)
this was ostensibly the capital of the planet Ord Cestus, although its primary population was made up of
offworlders who worked for Cestus Cybernetics. The name ChikatLit literally meant "the center" in the
X'Tingian language. The city itself was built inside the bubble-shaped chamber formed millions of years
ago by lava, which was then expanded by the work of the X'Ting. Over time, the various cultures
represented by the offworlders were displayed in the city's achitecture, giving ChikatLik an urban
randomness that made it exceptionally beautiful. A network of transportation tubes and tunnels wound
through the walls of the bubble, allowing access to the entire city. Below the city, living in a network of
tunnels and caves, were the X'Ting hives. It was one of six major city nodes that were spread across the
planet's surface, which were connected with a series of transport tubes and tunnels. (HIV, TCD)
Chikkel Atik binmett nikk jchimmen kha
this Jawa saying loosely translated into Basic as, "Follow the Bantha to water, but watch where you step."

this is a term used by Gorb Drig as a nickname for Mara Jade. It is a Houk word that is used as a term of
endearment for small Houk children. (MJEH)
this Yuuzhan Vong piece of bio-technology was a worm-like creature designed to crawl into a warrior's
sinus cavity and lodge itself there. It was bred to have large memory capacity despite its small size, and
recorded everything its user saw and hear by connecting directly to its neural network. When forced to
detach itself and expelled through the nose, the chilab could be recovered and its memories stored in biocomputers for later review and replay. (SBS)
this converted MOD-17 freighter was part of the small fleet which was hastily assembled to transport
refugees off the planet Druckenwell, when the Yuuzhan Vong took control of the planet. The speciallized
containers of the freighter were refitted to provide shelter and life support to the refugees who crammed
into them. The Chilastra was commanded by Captain Yesha Bergeron during the evacuation, and it was
rumored that a Jedi Knight was hiding aboard the Chilastra. This rumor quickly reached the ears of
Yuuzhan Vong Commander Malik Carr, who dispatched a commando team to capture the ship and its
Jedi. A battle ensued between the freighter and a Yuuzhan Vong boarding party, which tried to capture
the untrained but Force-sensitive Ka-Tu-Un. The Yuuzhan Vong managed to get aboard the freighter by
traveling the shuttle Yorva-9, which outwardly seemed to be a normal shuttle. (GMR8)
Child Conquerer
this nickname is used to describe Faarl the Conquerer, who was only nineteen at the height of his power.
Child of Winds
this young Qom Qae was the first of his kind to encounter Luke Skywalker, when the Jedi Master arrived
on Nirauan to search for Mara Jade. He offered to enlist the aid of the Qom Jha in Luke's search, but his
father, Hunter of Winds, objected. Child of Winds opted to disobey his father and help Luke, after the Jedi
indicated that Mara was a good friend who needed his help. The young Qom Qae continued to be
invaluable, persuading the Qom Jha to help and helping Luke and Mara move around the compound by
carrying them. When he learned that the Threateners would leave the Qom Qae and Qom Jha alone if
Luke and Mara left and the Chiss were ignored, Child of Winds returned to his nesting to bring this news
to his father. Hunter of Winds bargained with Eater of Fire Creepers, and the two resolved to work
together in the future. Mara then gave Child of Winds a potential adult name, "Friend of Jedi." (VOF)
this was one of two Nebulon-B frigates used by Ororo Transportation to patrol the Lybeya System and the
Vergesso Asteroid Field. (SPG)
Childermoss, Vor
this tyrannical leader of the Exalted Torcaigne pursued Han Solo and Leia Organa after they fled from
Attahox, where they became trapped within the Hellhoop. They were captured, and Vor sneered at
Suzal's apparent lack of power. He attempted to shoot the leader of the Five, but Mavin stepped in with
his black fireclaw. He shot Leelu and Childermoss in the blink of an eye. (CSWDW)
known as a CP, the child-pattern is a projection of what the offspring of two Bith would become.
Generated by the Computer Mating Service, a Bith's DNA is compared to that of a dozen possible mates
in order to determine the best possible matches. (GG4)
Children of Najiba
this is the name given to the asteroids which surround the planet Najiba. The reason behind the asteroid
belt's formation has never been discovered. (SWJ4, TFE)

Children of the Fountain

this name is used by the Klatooinan race to describe itself. It refers to the fact that the Klatooinan culture
is based on the premises of endurance and strength exemplified by the Fountain of the Ancients. (GG12)
Children of the Galaxy
this exhibit was staged at the Cambrielle Exploration Auditorium, on the planet Ralltiir, during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. It showcased the wondrous contributions to the galactic society which had
been performed by mere children, many of whom were prodigies in such areas as hyperspacial
astrophysics or other exploratory sciences. (PH)
Children's Museum
this museum, located on the planet Coruscant during the last decades of the Old Republic, was
established to showcase the impacts of young children on the galaxy and its history. The noted treasure
hunter Brin Hesk'l located a secret room within the walls of the museum, which had been constructed and
hidden more than 200 years earlier. Within this secret chamber was a trove of important documents.
Childsen, Shann
this Imperial Lieutenant served on the first Death Star. He was known as a bully by his fellow officers, and
was demoted after a superior blamed him for a clerical error. He was an ardent believer in the New
Order's anti-alien policies, which assisted in his selection as a security officer. He was in command of
detention block AA-23 on the Death Star when Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca infiltrated the
area to rescue Princess Leia. He was killed in the firefight. (CCG2)
this woman was an Alliance agent, working undercover at The Rusty Bucket tavern on Iyuta, in
preparation for the launch of Operation Retribution. After the Rusty Bucket burned down, Chilla moved
into a position with The Giant Step on the Strip. She was captured by Imperial agents, but was eventually
rescued by the Alliance agents who were on Iyuta to destroy the communications center in Takari.
an Alliance Corvette destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Chillo Sanpona
this Rodian was one of the best pirates in Kran Granzor's crew, until it was discovered that he was taking
a bigger cut than Granzor himself. Drek Drednar arranged for Sanpona to be marooned on a remote
planetoid, then later recovered the Rodian when he deserted Granzor's crew. Sanpona pledged his
loyalty to Drednar, and assisted in sabotaging the Sable II. It was believed that Sanpona himself killed
Kran Granzor in the taking of the Sable II. (SWJ5)
this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer commanded by Captain Pellaeon. It was used as Grand Admiral
Thrawn's flagship, after Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to take control of the Empire some
five years after the Battle of Endor. It is a ship which has survived numerous battles, most notably the
Battle of Endor and the Battles of Sluis Van and Bilbringi. After Thrawn's death, Pellaeon retained
command of the Chimaera, and used it as the command ship of the remaining Imperial fleet. However, as
part of Operation Shadow Hand, the Chimaera was dispatched to capture the planet Duro. In the battle,
the ship took heavy damage and had to be abandoned. The New Republic took possession of the ship
and refitted it, but soon lost it - to Pellaeon himself - at the Battle of Gravlex Med. After the resolution of
the Caamas Incident and the discredting of Moff Disra and Grodin Tierce, the Chimaera served as the
site of the peace negotiations between Pellaeon and New Republic President Gavrisom. The aging ship
became the stuff of legends, continuing to serve as Pellaeon's flagship during the years in which the
Empire retreated into the Imperial Remnant. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally decided to attack the
Imperials, the Chimaera was once again forced into battle, this time to protect Bastion. The Yuuzhan
Vong attack was swift and deadly, and the Battle of Bastion resulted in a rout of the Imperial forces. The
Chimaera took heavy damage to her hyperdrive, and Pellaeon was forced into a coma by injuries he

sustained at the helm. The crew managed to get the ship back to Yaga Minor, where it was refitted and
made battle-worthy once again. (HTTE, TLC, HTSB, VOF, ECH, FH1)
Chimbak Wine
this vintage was produced on the planet Alderaan during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RP)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
a member of Talon Kaarde's crew, Chin was gunner who also served as the handler of Kaarde's vornskrs.
He was one of the first people to figure out an ysalamir could be removed from their trees and maintained
on portable racks, providing a way for Grand Admiral Thrawn to move about in the presence of Joruus
C'baoth without beingf influenced by the Force. A middle-aged man, Chin was a native of Myrkr, and was
in command of Kaarde's operations there during the years following the Battle of Endor. He was
distinguished by his Froffli-style haircut. (HTTE, TLC)
this sport was played on a wide playing field. During the last years of the Old Republic, chin-bret was one
of the most popular sports on the planet Coruscant, with most major matches being played at the T'Chuk
Arena. The playing field was covered with a layer of sand, across which the players - known as chinbretiers - leaped and bounded to reach the opponent's goal. At the start of play, one side served to the
other, with pikers moving about to return the serve. The object was to score past the goalie - designated
by a cerulean vest - as many times as possible while keeping the other team from scoring. The goalies
moved about from side to side, carrying a torch-like device that was to be kept lit until the other team
scored. (HIV, TCD)
this was the name given to any being who played chin-bret. (TCD)
see Zelosian's Chine. (TFNR)
this Yuuzhan Vong commander was in charge of the Creche', the yammosk ship which took on prisoners
from Gyndine to help nurture a newborn yammosk. Chine-kal was distinguished by his clothing, which
depicted and - in the case of the raptor in his turban and his strangely organic cape - was made up of
animals. When he discovered that one of his captured slaves was actually Wurth Skidder, Chine-kal
hoped to attain favor with Tsavoong Lah and the Yuzhan Vong leadership by presenting the Jedi to them.
However, the Creche' was attacked at Kalarba by Kyp's Dozen, and Chine-kal was forced to flee. He
headed for Fondor, hoping to meet up with the main fleet and rescue the yammosk on board. Instead,
Kyp's small squadron followed them to Fondor and infiltrated the Creche'. They arrived too late to save
Skidder, but managed to kill the yammosk and defeat Chine-kal. Chine-kal remained aboard the dying
ship, but was killed when the blast from Centerpoint Station ripped through the Fondor System and
incinerated the Creche'. (JE)
Mirith Sinn tried to mislead Carnor Jax by telling him that Kir Kanos had fled to his city, located on the
planet Phaeda, after Colonel Shev's troops failed to capture Kanos. Jax knew she was lying about Kanos'
location, and tortured her further to get more information. (CE)
a musical instrument developed by the Weequay,the chin-harp uses a specially-activated chord hammer
to create sounds. (TFNR)
this was one of the largest cities on the planet Shalyvane. (LTA3)

this city, located on the planet Shalyvane, was a center of Alliance activity during the Galactic Civil War. It
was here that Darth Vader placed Shira Brie, so that she could infiltrate the Alliance. During the early
years of the New Order, according to Shira, the non-human Em'liy of Shalyvane had agreed to sign a
peace treaty with the humans, and a great celebration was to be held at the Circle of Kavaan. In reality,
this was a ruse to gather the population into a single place, where Imperial forces could bombard
supposed rebel activity. The Em'liy had provided the Empire with information on the humans, and had
agreed to set up the celebration. Shira's story was later shown to be a fabrication when Luke Skywalker
met G'hinji in the burned-out remains of a building near Chinshassa. (SWG3, MC60, MC62, UANT)
Chintassa Grass
a thin grass that is often seasoned and boiled as a food source. (XW)
a small, silver droid who is programmed to look after the young boy Ken, Chip is about 1.5 meters tall. He
is programmed to keep Ken safe and out of trouble, but is often unable to do so. The name Chip is a
shortened form of Microchip. (LCJ)
Chip Missile
this was the generic term for any weapon which used non-warhead projectiles, such as the MerrSonn
PLX-2M launcher. (IR)
this former TIE Fighter pilot was promoted by Admiral Piett to the rank of Admiral, shortly before Piett
recruited him to serve as the deep-space communications expert aboard the Executor during the Battle of
Endor. Like the rest of the crew of the Executor, Chiraneau died when the ship crashed into the surface of
the second Death Star. (CCG11)
this Twi'leki term is translated into Basic as "deathseed." These small spores come from a parasitic
fungus, and they invade a victim and destroy it from within. (BW)
this starfighter design was created by the Twi'leki race, and was named after the spore of a parasitic
fungus. They are just as lethal as the deathseed spore they are named for. Hyperdrive-equipped and
powered by twin ion engines at sublight speeds, the Chir'daki have maneuverable wings powered by
small S-foils. They are armed with quad laser cannons, but proton torpedoes were optional because of
their shortage during the early years of the New Republic. (BW)
this young Ewok female was courted by Wicket Wystri Warrick, during the years leading up to the Battle
of Endor. (ECAR)
Chirk'pn Wastes
this uninhabitable area of land was one of the few dry spots on the planet Galantos. Since it was also onw
of the most stable locations on the planet, the Chirk'pn Wastes served as the location for Galantos'
primary spaceport. (EGP, CCW)
this is the name given to the 19th of the 27 ranks of Tunroth Hunters. (GG12)
this humanoid was the head clown in Kersh Lauskener's Travelling Animal/Acrobatic Arcadium. He was
responsible for hiring and firing of the clown ranks. (GCQ)
this being served as the Head Chef aboard the Kuari Princess during the height of the New Order. (RPG,

this temperate world was the home planet of the Chironian race. Chiron itself was located across the
galaxy from the Yuuzhan Vong invasion path, but nonetheless was attacked some twenty-seven years
after the Battle of Yavin when a voxyn was sent to the planet to kill the Jedi Knight Lusa. (SBS)
Chiron Base
this Alliance base was located on Tomark II, in the midst of several Imperial shipping and supply lanes,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ11)
this was a race of centaur-like beings native to the planet Chiron. (SBS)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this hero was known for his strong will and regal bearing. (GCG)
this Ewok was the leader of Bright Tree Village's Council of Elders for forty-two seasons before the Battle
of Endor. Chirpa had been married briefly to Ra-Lee, and had two daughters, Asha and Kneesaa. Shortly
before the fateful events of the Battle of Endor, Chirpa found himself confronted with Han Solo, Leia
Organa,and Luke Skywalker. He was reluctant to believe the words of the Alliance's ground assault team
on Endor's forest moon, fearing them to be part of the Imperial force which was destroying their
environment. However, after seeing C-3PO's magic and realizing their good intentions, Chirpa agreed to
assist them in ridding the moon of the Imperial presence. He carried a staff made from the spine of a
large lizard, and had a pet iguana who served as his chief advisor. After the death of the Emperor at
Endor, Chirpa was forced to banish Logray from Bright Tree Village, when the shaman exiled Wicket for
disagreeing with one of his commandments. Chirpa promoted Paploo to serve as the village shaman, and
allowed Wicket to return. Upon his death, Chirpa was replaced as leader by his daughter, Kneesaa.
Chirpa was portrayed by Jane Busby in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. (ROTJ, MTS, CCG10, SWDB)
this is a Corellian word that describes a bright shade of red. (IJ)
Chirrion Base
one of the 752 Imperial bases located in the Rolion Sector during the Galactic Civil War. (RASB)
Chirrit & Chirrit Locks, Vaults, and Safes
this small specialty company was based on Plagen, and was known to produce some of the finest
security compartments in the galaxy. (SWJ11)
Ch'irrk Felt
this legendary Jenet warrior was one of a group which helped bring the wild packs of danchaf under
control, thereby opening up the planet Garban for further development. This era of history was known to
the Jenet as the Great Conquest. This Jenet is also referred to as Chirr't Ferr. (COG)
Chirr't Ferr
see Ch'irrk Felt (COG)
a creature that can regenerate lost body parts. Popular fiction says they can even regenerate their own
heads. (SE)

this species of insect was native to the planet Socorro, and was known for its vicious nature. Named with
the Socorran word for "deadly," the chiru was known to live in colonies of more than 100,000 individuals.
They were attracted to vibrations, such as that of a starhip repulsorlift engine, and would swarm an
unsuspecting traveler who went out into the desert in an unmuffled landspeeder. Their lifecycle was
punctuated by the intense seasons experienced on Socorro. When the planet plunged into deep winter,
huge portions of the chiru population were killed in the cold. Those that survived came out of hibernation
as summer approached. The increasing heat triggered their mating instinct, and within months the
colonies were fully populated again. (BSS)
this Socorran term means "deadly." (BSS)
this was the lanugage spoken by the Chiss people, native to the planet Csilla. (WOTC)
this race of blue-skinned humanoids was from the planet Csilla, in the Unknown Regions. Their
homeworld was locked in a planet-wide ice age many millennia ago, and they were forced to flee the
planet as a species in order to survive. They are all well-muscled and tall, with jet black hair and glowing
red eyes. While their history has been marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds,
the Chiss are generally not violent. They prefer to extend themselves only from a defensive posture, and
viewed the idea of a pre-emptive strike against an enemy as if it were murder. This unspoken law dated
back nearly a millennium before the Battle of Endor, and was one of the strongest points of Chiss honor
and morality. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period
before becoming adults. Many of the scientists at the Astrographic Survey Institute believed that the
Chiss were among the first races to come in contact with the Yuuzhan Vong, some fifty years before their
initial invasion. They theorized that the Chiss understood the Vong's military power, and began
augmenting their own war machine to prepare to repel an invasion fleet. Unfortunately, the Chiss
remained isolated in the Unknown Regions, and wouldn't allow contact with the New Republic after the
Battle of Ithor. Chiss sages spent a great deal of time researching the Yuuzhan Vong, and eventually
learned that it had taken the alien invaders many generations to cross the gulf between galaxies. (VOF,
Chiss Ascendency
this was a term used by many of the alien races native to the Unknown Regions to describe the Chiss
civilization and its government. (SQ)
Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet
this was the primary means of naval defense developed by the Chiss. Led by such commanders as
Thrawn, it patrolled the Chiss sectors of the Unknown Regions in the years before the Clone Wars. Like
all parts of the Chiss military, the CEDF was under the command of the Nuruodo family during the early
years of the New Republic. However, the CEDF accepted soldiers and officers from all Chiss families. To
distinguish members of the CEDF from other members of Chiss society, the CEDF uniform was primarily
black in color, since black was considered the combination of all other colors. (VOF, GMR5, FH1, SQ)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Chistor, Barnab
a native of Alderaan, Barnar Chistor yearned to be an explorer when he was very young. After being
denied acceptance into a presitigious university on Alderaan, Chistor opted to attend a lesser school and
discovered a flair for politics. However, his dreams of becoming an explorer were nearly destroyed
because of his poor technical and scientific grades. He saw a chance to make a name for himself shortly
after the Republic Bureau of Exploration and Colonization opened up the Cularin System for new
oppportunities. He moved himself to Cularin and began to insinuate himself into the political structure in
the city of Gadrin. He tried to lead an expedition to the moon of Uffel, only to discover that exploration
was hard work. He decided that politics suited him much better, and was eventually elected governor of

Gadrin shortly before the Battle of Naboo. He genuinely liked what he did, and tried to keep the populace
uninterested in politics in order to secure his own position. He was taken aback by a request from the
Five Masters of the Wookiee Liberation Front to build a school on Cularin, and spent a good deal of time
researching them as construction continued. When the Five Masters arrived to take over the building,
Chistor was again surprised when the Masters took him as their first student. He was cut off from all
aspects of life on Cularin, instead being forced to concentrate on his new studies by his Zabrak Master.
Chistor, Barnab
this being served as the Governor of the planet Almas, in the decade leading up to the Battle of Naboo.
He later served as the Governor of the city of Gadrin, on Cularin, during the years following the Battle of
Naboo, and became the Cularin System's Governor shortly afterward. His administration was accused of
several poor financial policies during the years leading up to the Clone Wars, policies that the Metatheran
Cartel was quick to point out to the people of Cularin. With the onset of the Clone Wars, the Thaereian
Military took control of the Cularin System under a Republic Charter, much to the dismay of the citizens of
the system. Working beneath and around the law, Governor Chistor and his aides began passing
legislation that worked to undermine the control of the Thaereians, in an effort to "legally" regain control of
Cularin. (LFCW, EOS)
this sibilant language was the native tongue of the Chistori race. (WOTC)
this was a lizard-like, humanoid race known for their imposing countenance. A secretive people, the
Chistori were fiercely independent and known for their warrior society. Their homeworld was a mystery to
the rest of the galaxy, and no record existed of them in the Jedi Archives of the Old Republic. Like most
reptiles, the Chistori were cold-blooded, and their thick scales gave them a natural form of armor.
Because of their reptilian nature, the Chistori avoided cold climates whenever possible. (PH, WOTC)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as
"champion" or "hero". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a
complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this small marsupial, native to the planet Ord Cestus, was hunted as a food source by the Cestians. They
lived in the caves that could be found along the treeline of the Zantay Hills, and were easily distinguished
by their orange-striped pelt. The mammary secretions of the chitlik - known as kista - were used to make
a number of tasty stews. In order to harvest the kista, however, the chitliks had to be captured alive, so
humane traps were set each night. (TCD)
this large, blue-skinned, bird-like alien was studying at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4 when Anakin Solo
first attended the academy. (LW)
a raucous creature native to the moon Yavin 4. (JE)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this nature spirit helped to lead scouts and hunters to food and water. (GCG)
an Ewok, and the animal trainer of the Jinda tribe. (ECAR)

Chla C'cHaan
this ancient Duros explorer was the founder of the Duros colony on Neimoidia, having led the expedition
which first discovered the planet. His writings, which survived across the millennia, documented the fall
from grace of his colonists. (GMR2)
Ch'lessan, Gowan
this tall, dark, and handsome man was a member of the Alliance. A native of the planet Chandrila, he was
inspired by the speeches of Mon Mothma, and joined the Alliance at the age of 18. He served under
Commander Briessen as a member of Lieutenant Haslam's commando team. (SWJ10, TFE)
Ch'manss System
this star system was located near the Al'har System, along the Gevarno Loop. During the Clone Wars, the
Ch'manss System was loyal to the Old Republic. (SHPT)
this H'drachi seer adopted the infant Mora when her family was killed. Ch'no knew that she would later be
revealed as the sole living heir to the ruling house of M'haeli, but he kept that secret for a long time. His
adoption of Mora put him at odds with the other H'drachi, who saw the presence of humans on their
planet as a scourge. Ch'no and Mora were the only two beings which could disrupt the time-streams on
M'haeli, which made travelling among other H'drachi without being seen nearly impossible. (ROC)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Cho Leem, Thracia
this woman was a Jedi Master, and a contemporary of Mace Windu. She was easily distinguished by her
close-cropped grey hair and her aquiline features, which offset her short stature. Her strength was in
healing and in the training of female Jedi Knights, and often ignored male padawan candidates. She was
often away from Coruscant on her own explorations, allowing the will of the Force to tell her when to
travel again, but was always aware of the progress of young Anakin Skywalker. In fact, she was one of
the few Masters who chided the Jedi Council for being too stodgy to truly advance Anakin's training.
However, in the aftermath of Vergere's disappearance and the discoveries found on the planet Zonama
Sekot, she left the Order and disappeared herself. (RP, PJSB)
Cho Mai
cho mai was one of the more preferred forms of striking an opponent with a lightsaber. The Jedi Knight
who employed a cho mai attack cut off an opponent's weapon hand, eliminating the threat of attack while
causing minimal physical damage. In addition to the fact that cho mai caused little harm to the opponent,
it showed great skill and respect on the part of the Jedi who executed the maneuver. The precision
required to complete cho mai indicated a Jedi's skill and technique. (SWI62)
Cho Mok
related to the "marks of contact" known as cho mai and cho sun, cho mok involved the maiming of an
opponent by cutting off a leg or other appendage. It was most often used whenever other techniques
failed to halt an opponent's advances, but was considered by many Jedi Masters to show a lack of
respect for life. (SWI62)
Cho Nor Hoola
this dish was considered a Hutt delicacy. Many non-Hutts thought it tasted like cooked rubber. (SSR)
Cho P'qun
this New Republic Navy Engineering Chief served under Commander Zoalin aboard the Adamantine, and
was killed on board the ship by the Death Seed plague. (POT)
Cho Sun
similar to the "mark of contact" known as cho mai, cho sun was the cutting off of an opponent's entire
arm. While this was equally effective in eliminating an opponent's weapon while causing minimal damage,

cho sun was considered less elegant than cho mai. Nevertheless, it was often the quickest way to deal
with an aggressive opponent, when surprise was necessary or when no chances could be taken. (SWI62)
Choah Belt
the Alliance maintained a fuel refinery in this asteroid system until shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The
Empire discovered its location and destroyed it, forcing the Alliance to try and hijack the Black Ice. (BI)
this was one of many cities on the planet Jabiim which saw massive conflicts during the Clone Wars.
this fearless, blue, eel-like creature scavenges the seas of the planet Calamari. They can sense the
presence of blood in the water from great distances, and will attack anything in the ocean, including other
packs of choarn. The Quarren have developed a number of ways to cook the choarn as a food source.
this Dug worked as an interrogation expert for Jib Kopatha, during the early years of the Galactic Civil
War. Choba was brought in to torture Han Solo for information about the location of the Alliance fleet, in
the wake of the Battle of Yavin, as part of terms for the repayment of Sheel Odala's debt to Kopatha.
a lowly, ill-regarded alien creature. (JTH)
this Huttese term translated roughly into Basic as "in addition to" or "also." (E1A14)
Choclime Twist
this was a dessert which was popular during the height of the New Republic. (SQ)
a battered old R2 unit discovered by R2-D2 in the Great Heap's droid harem. (TGH)
this tall, heavily-muscled alien stood over 2 meters in height. A Senator for the New Republic, he was one
of Leia Organa-Solo's closest friends, having been elected early in the existence of the New Republic.
Akanah grew up in this settlement, found on the planet Carratos. (SOL)
this insectoid alien was a famous clothing designer who lived on Coruscant during the early decades of
the New Republic. Leia Organa-Solo asked Chog to submit a design for Mara Jade's wedding dress, and
the alien created an intricate gown based on a computer model formed from Mara's measurements and
other data. The dress resembled a scaled and feathered creature, and was not removed as a candidate
by Mara. (U)
an alien race from the planet Choi. (TJP)
a planet which is home to the Choi race (TJP)
this Twi'lek hoped to provide his family holdings in Kala'uun with transparisteel windows, giving them a

grand view of the Ryloth mountains around them. He offered a collection of independent spacers a
25,000-credit reward for the first ones to bring him the transparisteel plates he needed. (PSPG)
Choir Alignment
this unusual landmark, located on the planet Iego, was found between the Boneyard and the Scatter.
Considered too angular to be a natural structure, the Alignment was a shallow valley was had been
carved out in the shape of a nine-pointed star. Those beings who had returned from visits to Iego
reported that, when they stood in the center of the valley and looked up at the moons, the moons seemed
to align in elegant geometric patterns. The Choir Alignment was one of the only places on the planet that
the Diathim would actually touch down for extended periods of time. Such congregations were wondrous
sights, with the gathered Diathim forming a brilliant column of light that rose from the center of the star.
Chokan system
a system mentioned in the port access codes of an old YT-1300 found in the Imperial scrap yard on
Dathomir. Han remembers that there was some sort of plague that existed there. Both he and Prince
Isolder worked as smuggler there at one time or another. (CPL)
this restraining device was used to control an individual, most often a slave. Once the collar was secured
around the being's neck, it was impossible to remove without the proper access code. The master could
control the collar with a small remove, causing it to constrict at the touch of a button. If the wearer got too
far from the control unit, the collar would recognize that it was no longer in range and begin constricting.
The remote controls of many collars were also equipped dead-man switches, which would immediately
signal the collar to start constricting if the master holding the remote was killed. (TFNR)
this is another name for the somago. (COG)
this Klatooinan was one of Jabba the Hutt's early bodyguards. Chokk was well-paid to ensure that Jabba
was well-protected, in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (IG1)
this Bloxian worked for the Linkaas Corporation as a thug and hired gun, along with his brother Bakk.
Chell's lover, Chokla was also a member of the Five. Chell and Chokla discovered that Chewbacca had
escaped their Menagerie, and freed its denizens. As they turned to warn the other members of the Five,
the Wuzzek attacked. Chokla managed to escape and warn them, but Chell was killed. Chokla, however,
was hunted down with the rest of the Five and killed by Wuzzek. (CSWDW)
a form of hot chocolate. (IR)
this forested planet was known as the homeworld of the nexu. (VD2)
this young man was one of Ren S'orn's friends on Simpla-12. Cholly, along with his buddies Weez and
Tup, were bumblers at best who worked hard not to work at all. The three friends agreed to help Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Astri Oddo investigate Ren's death and the machinations of Jenna Zan Arbor. After Tino told
Obi-Wan and Astri of Captain Yur T'aug's halt to the investigation of Ren's death, Weez, Cholly, and Tup
followed the two to Coruscant. They hoped to find the location of Zan Arbor's hidden stash of medicines
and vaccines, taking them and selling them for a huge profit. They had planned to steal them all along,
but Ren had told them to stay away from Zan Arbor. Weez felt that if the trio could see Ren's belongings,

they could locate the stash and obtain the medicines. The trio returned to Simpla-12 with Obi-Wan and
Astri, but were unable to help them infiltrate Zan Arbor's lab. The trio tried to redeem themselves by
helping Astri locate Ona Nobis, first tailing the bounty hunter on Sorrus and then following her to Belasco.
In the end, the boys never saw any fighting, but provided "moral support." They agreed to travel to
Coruscant with Astri to work as Didi's Caf. (EVE, TDR)
this Bakurna man was a computer slicer who was active during the early years of the New Republic.
Cholus, Aven
born into the prestigious Cholus family of the planet Pencael IV, this woman was trained as a pilot in her
youth and planned to join the Imperial Academy like her brother Senn. However, she found herself
morally opposed to the oppression of the Empire, and deserted her family to join the Alliance. She was
soon assigned as a pilot to Scandium Team, and became the leader of the Team's flight crews when
Jouffer Talamiin was injured in the Battle of Gendrah-Narvin. She earned the Alvace Star at the Battle of
Fendry, and was one of just six members of Scandium Team to survive the Wellte-ir Massacre, where
she rescued the other survivors from the Umber Banks. Aven was assigned to Gale Team, but her
inability to leader the former smugglers led to a demotion. She served the rest of her military career as a
shuttle pilot, but harbored a great deal of guilt at the loss of Scandium Team. (SWJ11)
Cholus, Senn
this man, a member of the renowned Cholus family of Pencael IV, was a decorated Commander within
the Imperial Navy at the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ11)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "drum". (GCG)
Chom Frey Kaa
this Old Republic Senator was implicated by Pol Secura as the primary financial backer of the glitteryll
development project. When Vilmarh Grahrk returned Quinlan Vos to Coruscant, he agreed to betray the
Jedi Knight and turned him over to Chom Frey Kaa for a huge bounty. However, the betrayal was part of
a plan developed by Mace Windu and Quinlan, as a way to get Chom Frey Kaa to admit his part in the
glitteryll plans. Chom Frey Kaa was arrested and sent to trial for his corruption. (SWT)
Chommel Minor
this planet was located in Chommel Sector. (HNN4, HNN5)
Chommell Sector
this lightly populated area of the galaxy contained thirty-six planets which belonged to the Old Republic,
including Naboo. Some 40,000 other planets maintained sizable settlements, and 300,000,000 barren
stars filled the airless gaps between systems. (X2)
this was one of several scavenger species native to the planet Lutrillia. Like the smaller nippers,
chompers fed on all manner of inorganic material, and a pack of chompers could dismantle a stalled
vehicle or other mechanical item in short order. (WOA33)
this Yuuzhan Vong creature resembled an immense worm. It was designed to chew through rock and ore,
digesting it into a form of plasma to create mining vents and tunnels. The plasma it created in its gut was
later forcefully expelled in a directed spray, spewing molten energy at the direction of the Yuuzhan Vong
to form a perimeter around the excavation. (GMR10)
Chon Actrion
this ancient Jedi Master was known as the "Architect of Freedom." (VD2)

a dim-witted creature. (TFE)
a small, burrowing creature native to the planet Kirdo, the chooba is the primary source of food for the
Kitonak. A single chooba can sustain a Kitonak for almost a month. The Kitonak hunt them by standing
still and mimicking a sulfaro plant, the favorite feeding site of the chooba. The chooba are nomadic,
always searching for a growth of sulfaro on which to feed. (GG4)
this is a vulgar slang term for the genitals. (TTSB)
a plant which produces a tasty legume served as a snack or appetizer. (TJP)
this young Enzeen was living on D'vouran when Tash and Zak Arranda arrived there with their uncle,
Hoole. He greeted them when they disembarked, although he was actually hoping to lure them into the
wilds and allow the planet to feed on them. Chood was killed in a struggle over the Heart of D'vouran with
Hoole, when he fell off a platform and into the pit. (GOF1)
Chooru Delb
this was a noted Rodian actor, perhaps most famous for his portrayal of the title character in The Trickery
of Vosdia Nooma just before the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Choppa Chawa
this was the Huttese word for Podracing. (GMR5)
this Imperial stormtrooper served as part of the Aurek-Four unit of the Imperial 501st Legion during the
years following the formation of the Imperial Remnant and the signing of a peace treaty between the
Empire and the New Republic. (FB)
this old, blind Jazbinan was assigned by Prepredenko to guide Luke Skywalker in his search for Syayna.
Choraw claimed to be able to negotiate the old sun crystal mines by memory. (VQ)
this planet is the only planet orbiting a small sun in the Chorax System, located between Folor and
Talasea. Much of the planet is covered with thick vegetation broken by wide lakes, and the world was
known as a haven for smugglers and pirates during the New Order. (XWN, RSG)
this edible plant was grown on the planet Vernet. It was often mashed and served as a gruel, or mixed
with flour to form chor-cakes. (SWJ15)
a shortbread made from chorba by the natives of the planet Vernet. (SWJ15)
this Rodian pirate is somewhat more cultured than his average relative, but still has a mean streak.
Chordak did not use violence for the thrill of violence, which was a departure from the Rodian norm. He
plied the spacelanes in his freighter, the Oo-ta Goo-Ta, travelling though the Minos Cluster and springing
traps on unsuspecting transports. His usual plan of attack was to wait in a spaceport, searching for a
suitable target. He then placed an explosive charge on the transport, which he could remotely detonate.
He then followed the transport through hyperspace to its destination, where he would detonate the
explosive. The crippled ship would then be easy prey. Chordak had hoped to catch the attention of the

Imperial forces which occupied the Cluster during the Galactic Civil War, but never received an Imperial
commission. (GG6)
a musical instrument which can be modified via the addition of tonal datacards to play different types of
music. Talon Karrde gave one to young Valin Horn as a birthday present. (SOP)
this was the name of a noted Pho Ph'eahian individual. (UANT)
this Rodian was a member of the Chattza clan, and was a member of the Black Sun organization during
the Galactic Civil War. Chorh-dha worked directly for Green, but was actually working for Clezo. As Clezo
established his power base, he hoped to assassinate Navik the Red and replace him with Chorh-dha.
This would allow Chorh-dha to become a Black Sun puppet, and would bring in the most powerful Rodian
clan to the criminal organization's empire. (SESB)
Chorios II
this is one of the primary stars in the Chorios Systems. It is the primary star of the planet Nam Chorios.
Chorios Systems
a group of star systems found in Meridian Sector, the Chorios Systems are a group of star systems
clustered close together. Among the stars are Chorios II and the trio of inner stars: Brachnis, Nam, and
Pedducis Chorii. (POT)
Chorka's Chop House
this restaurant was located on the planet Andasala. (GG11)
this Imperial Moff controlled Portmoak Sector until he was mysteriously eliminated by an unknown
assassin. It was rumored that his killer was Kassar Kosciusko. (CRO)
Chorlian Sector
this area of the galaxy, located on the fringes of Wild Space, was represented in the New Republic,
although it was known for its lawlessnes. (SOP, WOA26)
this ancient Wookiee was one of the few who remained loyal to Freyyr, even after Chuundar exiled him
from Rwookrrorro, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. When a group of Jedi Knights - on
Kashyyyk to locate a piece of the Star Map - discovered Chuundar's treacherous plans, Chorrawl brought
them to Freyyr. When he learned that Zaalbar was with the Jedi, Chorrawl agreed to help them depose
Chuundar and replace him with Freyyr. (KOTOR)
this Trandoshan pirate, known to his associates as "Jungle," was one of the first beings to actually
domesticate mynocks. He used these trained mynocks to attack the ships he wanted to board, sending
flocks of the creatures into space to begin disabling his prey. Chorssk's mynocks differed in many ways
from their wild cousins, not the least of which the fact that they were born from a female instead of being
created by fission. The young ate their mother, and were viable adults in just hours. Chorssk acquired his
mynocks from a remote planet, where the natives used them to hunt. (WOTC)
this planet is the homeworld of the Chortose race. (GG6)
this short, plump, fur-covered race is native to the planet Chortose. The Chortose resemble small, large-

eared Wookiees, and are extremly curious. (GG6)

Chosen Land
this was one term used by the leadership of the Yuuzhan Vong to describe the galaxy. The term referred
to the fact that they had fled Yuuzhan'tar millennia before the Battle of Yavin, hoping to cross the intragalactic gulf to reach a new home. (NEGC)
Chosen One
this was the name of a fanatical cult leader whose followers sought to expand terrorist activity on the
planet Lannik, in the decade leading up to the Battle of Naboo. This Chosen One hired the bounty hunter
Aldar Beedo to eliminate Even Piell, the Jedi Master who singlehandedly fought off seven terrorists during
a skirmish. (IG1)
Chosen One
this individual is prophecied by ancient Jedi legends whose origins have been lost over the millennia. The
basic premise of the prophecy is that a being would be born of the Force, seemingly brought into the
world simply by the presence of midi-chlorians. The Chosen One would be born to a mother who was not
morally impregnated, a conception enacted by the will of the Force. This being would be incredibly
connected to the Force, with a high level of skills even before training. Eventually, the prophecy proclaims
that the Chosen One will bring balance to the Force throughout the galaxy. This balance, however, could
only be achieved after a period in which the Dark Side of the Force grew strong. (SW1, AOTCN)
Chosen Ones
this term was used by the t'landa Til that ran the false religion on Ylesia. To the pilgrims who flocked
there, the Chosen Ones were the most devout and pious of their numbers. Their devotion was honored
with a blue sash indicating their position as Chosen. They were told that they were to be the emissaries of
the colony, when in fact they were sent off as prime slave labor to the spice mines of Kessel or Ryloth.
Particularly beautiful humanoids were sometimes shipped off to Imperial pleasure houses. (TPS)
Chosen Race
this was the name used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe themselves, especially in the context of their
existence beneath the True Gods. (T)
this was the Snivvian word for "winter." (HNN5)
a large beast, often refered to in a humorous way when one is hungry, as in "I could eat half a choushou." (SME)
this Huttese word meant "welcome" in the Basic language. (GMR5)
this starchy vegetable is grown on the planet Lianna, and is often combined with grains to form a thick
battle that can be fried or baked into a shell. Any sort of meal can then be served in the shell. Choya can
also be dried and used as flour to make bread. (ML)
this lupine creature was the son of Palud, but he didn't believe in the Alliance. Choyd chose instead to run
with the Freelies on Vorzyd 5. He later came to hate the Alliance when Palud was killed helping Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa escape Imperial capture. He was part of the Freelie team that kidnapped
them and held them for Imperial ransom. (CSWEA)
this Givin pirate was, at one time, a priest among his people and an expert in "transfinite hyperspacial
mathematics." He dreamed of being rich, and resigned his priesthood after the Fractal Heresy. He soon

found work as an astrogator aboard a bulk freighter, but his xenophobia forced him to find other work. He
was later employed by a the Duros who owned the Tesserahedron, which Chrag'mak'al eventually
purchased out from underneath the Duros and manned with Givin officers. He used the Givin's ability to
survive for a short period in hard vacuum to his advantage during boarding operations, breeching his
victims' ships and allowing the interior atmosphere to bleed out, killing all aboard but leaving the ship
open to Givin takeover. (PP)
this Yuuzhan Vong Shamed One was promoted to chief acolyte in the wake of Shoon-Mi's attempt to
assassinate Nom Anor. (FH3)
this planet, the primary world in the Chrellis System, was the site of an Alliance base that was used just
before the Battle of Yavin, until a passing Imperial fleet set up shop near the system. (NEGC, RASB)
Chrellis System
this system's asteroid belt provided a suitable base for the Alliance. The Chrellis base was used just
before the base on Yavin 4, until a passing Imperial fleet set up shop near the system. (RASB)
this city, located on hte planet Merakai, was the site of a Khil spaceport. It was destroyed by the Empire
after the Khil staged a demonstration against Imperial rule at a TIE hangar. (GG12)
this tiny, rodent-like creature survived by feeding off the power of computers and other small, electronic
devices. The average chroma-neeka preferred to curl itself up inside a computer, feeding off the power
and causing a variety of malfunctions as it fed. (SWJ4)
this was a gambler's slang term for any being who worked within the corporate and political bureaucracy
to exploit the knowledge that some people are too stupid for their own good. They could steal just about
anything out from underneath corporate security, or pose as a government official to steal secret
information. (SWJ4)
this strong fabric was used to create a minimal form of armor. Chromasheath was an iridescent fabric
similar to leather in its appearance and uses. (FFT, HSE, CSA)
Chroma-wing Flier
the adult stage which the Ruurian race goes through, these fliers are single-minded creatures which exist
to eat, fly, and mate. This makes them invaluable to their species' survival, but they are incapable of
leadership. (HSL)
this blue-white ore was mined on several worlds, including New Brigia and Allyuen. (BTS, WOA33)
this metal was rumored to be found in great quantities on Aduba-3, but the rumor was proved false.
Nevertheless, chromium was one of the primary metals used in the creation of droid plating, which had to
be as light as possible, yet provide modest durability. (MC7, VD)
this patented synthetic chemical was created by BioTech, and was used in synthflesh. It quickly
determined the victim's genetic structure and modified itself to match it. This allowed skin grafts to grow
quicker, and greatly reduced the chance of rejection. Because chromostring resulted in faster regrowth,
field surgeons could cut deeper into a wound to cleanse it or remove debris without fear of their patients
being unable to heal fast enough to avoid infection. (CFG, ROD)

this planet was the site of an Imperial prison facility during the height of the New Order. (PG1)
this planet was located in the Inner Rim, near the Vaathkree Trade Corridor. Chorna was the only
habitable world in the Chrona System, providing agricultural resources for many neighboring systems. It
had little axial tilt, thereby maintaining a consistent growing season almost year-round. The average day
on Chrona lasts 25 standard hours, and its year lasts 348 local days. Much of the planet was controlled
by crimelords and gansters as the New Order dawned upon the galaxy, the result of the economic boom
experienced when lodes of chronamite were discovered during the last years of the Old Republic.
this valuable mineral was discovered on the planet Chorna. Unfortunately for the farmers of the planet,
chronamite was also discovered to be poisonous to the banthas and other livestock they raised for food.
In its unrefined state, chronamite was a shiny, black rock. Once refined, the strong metal was used to
create anything from ceiling supports to starship hulls. (SWJ12)
Chronelle, Titi
this man was a slave, living in Mos Espa on Tatooine some two years before the Battle of Naboo. He was
one of the slaves who were not taked during a slave raid by Krayn, and explained what happened to
Amee and Anakin Skywalker. (JQ)
this Coruscant-based newsfeed provided timely biographies of the galaxy's most notable beings, during
the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
the equivalent of a clock or watch, the chronometer can be adjusted to match the diurnal patterns of
almost every world in the galaxy. Most of the mass-produced chronometers are initially set to Coruscant
standard time. This term is often shortened to simply 'chrono.' (SWSB, JS)
Chronos Belt
this asteroid belt was located between the planet Velusia and Velumia, in the Velus System. (CCW)
this Phuii was a ntoed podracer during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (BF4)
another name for Chrysalis Beast. (DE2)
Chrysalide Rancor
see Chrysalis Beast (DSSB)
Chrysalis Beast
a huge beast that the reborn Emperor Palpatine uses to guard his Citadel on Byss following his second
reincarnation. They were created from the energy of the Dark Side of the Force, and grow in undergound
chambers. They resemble rancors in shape, although they are much larger and have more humanoid
characteristics. Palpatine unleashed the beasts when the New Republic launched a sneak attack on the
Emperor's citadel using Balmorran Viper Automadons. The beasts were able to channel away the effects
of the Vipers' weapons due to their attachment to the Dark Side, and easily destroyed the war droids and
the Republic soldiers inside. (DE2)
this beautiful woman was the Tieress of Ventooine, during the early years of the New Order. After
Chrysalla met Han Solo and began to fall in love with him, she decided to break the tyrannical monarchy
of the Satab by taking possession of the Shadeshine and using it against the Satab. She managed to

hold of the Satab long enough for the debilitating effects of the Shadeshine to age him until he died. She
then entombed herself in the Hall of Satabs, guarding it so that no more tyrants could rise up to control
Ventooine. She gave the Shadeshine to Solo for disposal. (LTA5, MCA2)
a valuable gemstone. Lando received a number of them as part of his reward for returning Dack Tymmo
to Duchess Mistal. Note that The Far Orbit Project denotes this stone as "chrystopaz." (SWN, JS, FOP)
Darth Sidious dispatched Darth Maul to this planet, in an effort to ensure that the spice business on the
planet was turned over to the Trade Federation. Upon learning that the trade was to be given to the
Federation, the natives of Chryya destroyed all the spice-making equipment and factories, rendering the
economy provided by the spice worthless. Maul had not anticipated that the natives would act on their
prinicples, and was punished by Sidious for his failure. (JDM)
this is a Huttese pronoun which means "you" or "your," depending on its usage. (IS1)
this rubbery amphibian is native to the swamps of the planet Naboo. The chuba resembles a large, splayfooted frog, and subsists on a diet of green glie and smaller animals. They are considered to be
delicacies by the Gungan race, and are often eaten by nuna. (SW1)
this was the name of a Bilar which starred as the main character in a series of animated children's
holovids which were popular during the early years of the New Order. The clever pet of a young girl,
Chubar had a high level of intelligence not often associated with members of the Bilar species. The voice
of Chubar was provided by Garik Loran. (SOC)
one of Fidge's pets, Chubb was a small reptile that buried itself in the ground. (TGH)
Chubb Scutt
an alien on Nar Shaddaa. (DE1)
this was a swear word used by the Squib race. (TG)
this was the native language spoken by the Chubbits of Aridus. (EGP)
a reptile race native to the deserts of Aridus, the Chubbits were drawn into the Alliance when Darth Vader
planted an actor on Aridus. The actor was to portray Obi-Wan Kenobi, in an effort to trick Luke Skywalker
to the planet. The actor became Vader's nemesis, though, when he began to believe in what Kenobi and
the Alliance stood for. The Chubbits were taken by the false Kenobi's passion and valor, and assisted him
in the destruction of Imperial troops. The average chubbit stands about a meter tall, and has mottled
green skin. (CSW)
Chubby Gundark
this Nyubba-class barge driver was owned by the SoroSuub Corporation during the height of the New
Order. This particular driver held the record for hauling thirteen barges over a distance of thirty-five
parsecs or more with an uncontrolled landing, due mainly in part ot the skills of her captain, Bungo Bung.
a raucous creature native to the moon Yavin 4. (JE)

a gelatinous food source. (TJP)
Chug 'n' Chuck
a bar and grill frequented by Drovian soldiers in the city of Bagsho, on Nim Drovis. Most sorts of
smugglers, small-time criminals, and prostitutes could be found here. (POT)
this immense Reigat was employed as the chief of security at The Pits, working for Kaylo NaKuda. A
former racer for Team NaKuda, he suffered a severe set of injuries in a race and was "a few gems short
of a lightsaber," in the words of NaKuda. Despite the injuries, Chugg remained loyal to NaKuda, and
traveled to Stend VI to serve as NaKuda's bodyguard. The security job soon followed, after Blizz Pinnix
witnessed his loyalty to NaKuda. (WSV)
this species of Iskalonian was native to the planet Aquaris. These humanoids were similar to the Inleshat,
but and tan or yellowish skin and four fingers on each hand. (EGA)
this large, mollusk-like worm was bio-engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong as a waste processor. It dug
through all sorts of materials, including metal and stone, with a hard, shell-like cap that contained several
pincers. The chuk'a then move through rock and other material, grinding up anything it encountered and
consuming it. The chuk'a then digested the material and exuded a recycled form of matter that could be
used to construct buildings and structures. The looping tunnels formed as the chuk'a passed were then
used to connect underground chambers. When the chuk'a was not needed, it was commanded to simply
go to sleep. This sleep was very deep, and required a complex set of stimulations to rouse the chuk'a
again. It was considered very dangerous to awaken a sleeping chuk'a. A number of these creatures were
set loose on Coruscant, after the Yuuzhan Vong began to transform the city-world into a simulacrum of
their long-lost homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar, to help destroy the deepest layers of construction below the
planet's surface. (FH1)
according to Ewok legend, this hunter was born of an Ewok and a forest spirit. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
this male Ewok was a woodsman about whom many stories and songs were written during the last years
of the Old Republic. He lived alone in the forests of Endor, until the Towani family's starship crashed on
Endor. When Mace and Cindel went to rescue their parents, Lorgay gave them an ancient ivory tooth.
When Mace encountered Chukha-Trok, he could not understand why Chukha-Trok wouldn't join their
expedition. He challenged Chukha-Trok to a contest of skill in throwing axes, which Chukha-Trok won.
After that, he and Mace became friends. When Deej produced the ivory tooth, they discovered that it fit an
ancient jawbone worn bu Chukha-Trok, who understood that he was needed on the mission.
Unfortunately, Chukha-Trok was killed in the battle with the Gorax. Chukha-Trok was portrayed by Kevin
Thompson in The Caravan of Courage. (EA, SWDB)
a Coynite nickname used by Tra'Parr'Sratt to describe Kaine Paulsen. In the Coynite language, chu'la
was a modification of the term la'chu, and meant "cunning, little fox who will not be caught." (SWJ2,
this was the second planet in the Bissillirus System. A featureless world which appeared to have
absolutely no geological activity, Chule is covered by a huge plain broken by oceans. A cold world,

Chule's day lasts an average of 49 standard hours, and its year lasts 145 local days. (GMK)
this Ewok was supposedly obtained by Tycho Celchu on the planet Kidriff Five, during a raid on a
warehouse full of exotic pets being sold on the planet to supporters of Warlord Zsinj. Tycho recognized
that a real, live Ewok would be needed to convince Zsinj of the existence of Lieutenant Kettch in the
Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, and felt that they could teach Chulku the basic responses needed to
fool the Warlord. When Wes Janson learned of Chulku, he felt that Wedge Antilles had been crazy to pull
the stunt, but agreed with the need to fool Zsinj. However, it was Janson himself who was being fooled.
With the help of the other Wraiths, Wedge arranged for Chulku to escape just as he and Wes were going
to start working with him. In an effort to capture the runaway Ewok, Wes tripped over some cleaning
chemicals and doused himself. Wedge knew that the chemicals had been purposely spilled by Dia
Passik, but suggested that they strip and smear Ewok fool on themselves to hide the smell. Wes,
completely fooled by the charade, did as Wedge suggested. Wes thought he had captured Chulku, but
discovered that he had found the stuffed Ewok doll Wedge used to simulate Kettch. Then, Wedge called
all the Wraiths to order, and Janson was left naked, covered with Ewok food, and holding the stuffed
Ewok. The entire operation had been Wedge's revenge for Wes's use of the stuffed Kettch in several
escapades aimed at Wedge himself. (SOC)
an Old Corellian term for friend, the word chumani could also be used to insult someone you don't know,
referring to the person as a weakling. (SWJ3, SWJ12)
Hapan term for 'Queen Mother.' (CPL)
Chume Ta'
this was the Hapan term used to describe the first-born daughter of the current Hapan Queen. (L)
Hapan term for 'son of the Queen Mother.' (CPL)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Chun, Bruck
this Jedi apprentice was a contemporary of Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the time they spent at the Jedi
training center on Coruscant. Chun was a typical bully, who believed that he had more aptitude in the
Force that anyone, including young Obi-Wan. He nicknamed Obi-Wan "Oafy-Wan" after he tripped and
fell, bringing Chun down with him in the process. Bruck was two months younger than Obi-Wan, and was
easily distinguished by his ice-blue eyes and shocking white hair. Chun hoped to impress Qui-Gon Jinn,
when the Jedi Master arrived to take a new Padawan apprentice, and arranged for Obi-Wan to be sent to
Bandomeer after claiming he started a fight. While Obi-Wan was dispatched to the Agricultural Corps on
Bandomeer, Qui-Gon didn't choose a new Padawan, and Bruck was left on Coruscant. Bruck continued
to grow in skills, however. When Qiu-Gon returned from Melida/Daan with Tahl, he agreed to take part in
training exercises with the most advanced students. Bruck Chun managed to keep Qui-Gon off-guard for
a long time during one battle exercise, earning the Jedi Master's respect. However, in the end, Qiu-Gon's
patience and experience defeated Bruck's youthful energy and exuberance. However, despite his
adherence to the Jedi code, Bruck was implicated in a series of thefts of Jedi artifacts. He was discovered
to be working with a non-Jedi accomplice by Qui-Gon and Tahl. His accomplice turned out to be Xanatos,
who had developed a business relationship with Bruck's father on Telos. During Xanatos' attempt to
destroy the Jedi Temple and escape, Bruck was forced to battle Obi-Wan to cover Xanatos' flight. During
a lightsaber duel in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, Bruck slipped on a wet rock and fell off a cliff,
hitting the rocks below and breaking his neck. He was killed instantly. In the investigation into his death, it
ws discovered that Xanatos had hidden a transmitter inside Bruck's lightsaber hilt, in order to listen in to
the conversations inside the Jedi Temple. (RF, UP, CT, JAD)

Chun, Kad
this young man was the older brother of Bruck Chun, and was the only son of Vox Chun after Bruck was
accidentally killed at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. After Bruck's death, Kad stood by his father's side
during the inquest into the events of Bruck's demise. He confronted Obi-Wan Kenobi, railing at the young
Padawan and refusing to forgive him for Bruck's death. Upon returning to Telos, Kad began to work
toward rebuilding his homeworld, but was unable to bring about any real change. Instead, he changed his
name to Uni and set out with a group of followers aboard the BioCruiser to start a new life. Later, when it
was revealed that Vox Chun was behind the planned sabotage of the ship as part of the Broken Circle
plan, Kad was forced to face his father's treachery head-on. When Vox was fatally shot by Kern, Kad put
his anger aside and forgave his father before he died. He then set the record straight with Obi-Wan, and
worked to repair their relationship. (JAD)
Chun, Vox
this man was Bruck Chun's father. Vox served as the Treasurer of the planet Telos during the time his
son was at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Vox was also on Xanatos' payroll, and helped the former Jedi
rise to power on Telos. After learning from Xanatos that Bruck had died on Coruscant, Vox wholly
supported Xanatos' plans to implement the Galactic Criminals Act. Vox was unaware of how Xanatos had
twisted the truth to his own ends, however. In the end, after Xanatos was exposed as a fraud and
defeated, Chun was thrown in jail for his part in the bankrolling of UniFy and Katharsis. However, he was
pardoned for his crimes just a year later, and set out to discredit the Jedi by exposing them as the cause
of Bruck's death. Despite the efforts of his friend, Sano Sauro, Obi-Wan Kenobi was acquitted of any
wrongdoing in Bruck's death. Vox left Coruscant angry, claiming that the Senate was being controlled by
the Jedi Knights. In the followng years, Vox devoted his time to working with his surviving son, Kad,
aboard the BioCruiser. His work was another cover, though, as Vox had been secretly conspiring with the
remnants of Offworld Mining to steal the treasury of the BioCruiser in an effort to buy himself more power.
When the plans were revealed, Vox tried to escape, but Kern - who was actually Tarrance Chenati - shot
him. As Vox died, his surviving son Kad forgave him. (DOR, JAD)
this is a Drovian slang term for excrement. (POT)
this Whiphid was a member of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. Ch'unkk often had a protocol droid with
him, for translation purposes. He was a member of the inner clique formed by Norym Kim and Mahd
Windcaller, and was quick to second the nomination of Xandel Carivus to lead the Council, in the
aftermath of Nolyds' assassination. However, when Carivus ordered the arrest of all non-human members
of the Council after General Immodet was found poisoned, Ch'unkk resisted and was shot to death for his
actions. (CE2)
this was the nickname given by Tyria Sarkin to her R5 astromech unit. (WS)
Chun's Theory of Reductional Infinity
this was one of the most exciting - and hardest to prove - mathematical theories of the Old Republic.
this young Talz was the son of Bama Vook. He was kidnapped by the Bartokk assassins sent by Groodo
the Hutt to recover the droid starships built by Trinkatta Starships. Obi-Wan Kenobi rescued the young
Talz, though he was amazed to learn that Chup-Chup stood over 2 meters tall as a youth. (E1A2)
this ancient Hutt had a cunning business mind, and was in control of the Si'Klaata Cluster some 4,000
years before the Galactic Civil War. She was there when the Cult of M'dweshuu once again rose to power
on Kintan. It was believed that she admired the Cult for its ability to galvanize the Nikto race, even as she
sought to destroy it to gain control of the Nikto race. She ordered that the Cult's main headquarters be
bombarded, killing off many of the Cult's leaders and leaving the Nikto people without a strong leadership.

The Nikto then signed their support over to her. (GG12)

the fourth and primary planet in the Churba system, Churba was known for its leading-edge technology
and its cosmopolitan atmosphere. It was located in the Mid Rim Territories. (DFRSB, SWJ6)
Churba Sector
planetary system that includes Barhu, Churba and New Cov. (DFR)
Churban Brandy
a wonderful fermented spirit from the Churba System. (WG)
Church of Infinite Perception
this quasi-religious organization grew out of the tight control exercised on the planet Pergitor after
extensive mining resulted in volcanic eruptions. The eruptions spewed toxic chemicals into the
atmosphere, permanently poisoning it. Travel was restricted to and from Pergitor by the ruling class, and
trade was similarly restricted. The youth of the planet began to rebel, and when young members of the
aristocracy became involved, the movement started to gain strength. Under the guidance of the
Preceptor, the youths of the Church fought against the government for fifteen years before finally
overthrowing the government and establishing an authoritarian theocracy. The final, bloody coup
occurred just before the onset of the Clone Wars, as the Church finally defeated the young government.
Rumors abound that the Church and its victory over the former government was masterminded by
Emperor Palpatine. The Church maintains a tight grip on the planet's people, and established a set of
rigid laws. (GG6, HNN4)
Church of the Dark Side
this was the name used by Sate Pestage to describe the quasi-religion which sprang up around the
Prophets of the Dark Side, during the years which followed the Battle of Endor. (SWI66)
Church of the First Frequency
this religious sect was formed on Otranto. They were ousted from the planet by the Imperial Grand
Inquisitor Torbin, but its surviving members rallied around their beliefs. They attacked Torbin's palace,
and he was only saved by the timely intervention of the Tynnan Odumin. However, Torbin was killed a
month later on Weerden. (CSA)
Church of Toydaria
this religious institution was formed on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic. Members of
the church tried to appeal to prospective members by admitting that there were not absolutes in life, and
the religion was founded on the pursuit of answers to life's most difficult questions. (HNN5)
Churhee, Maydla
this woman was the widow of Vlaydm Churhee, and took command of Churhee's Riflemen in the wake of
Vlaydm's death. She ensured that the Riflemen took only contracts against Imperial forces, and took the
minimal payment for their services. She allied the Riflemen with the Alliance, earning her a position on
Moff Tallis' "most wanted" list. (SWJ15)
Churhee, Vlaydm
this founder of Churhee's Riflemen died in the Y'Trella System after Imperial forces failed to provide the
Riflemen with adequate backup. (GG9)
Churhee's Riflemen
this Outer Rim mercenary unit specialized in low-profile operations on the fringes of Imperial space. They
operated primarily in Sarin and Parmel Sectors. The Riflemen were virtually wiped out in the Y'Trella
System, after Imperial forces failed to provide adequate backup. Many of the surviving members,
including Rathe Palror, aligned themselves with pro-Alliance factions under the command of Vlaydm
Churhee's widow, Maydla. (GG9, SWJ12, SWJ15)

Churi Bird
this is a species of large avian native to the forest moon of Endor. (CCG10)
this being, a member of the crew of the Jynni's Virtue, was killed on the planet Korriban by unknown
forces, after the ship was forced to crash-land on the planet, near the Valley of Golg. Churl was
eventually killed by the Korriban Zombies, and his dead body was reanimated to join the zombies. (PH)
Churra Leafhorn
this was the name of a noted individual in Nosaurian history. (UANT)
Chut chut
this was a Huttese expression used to denote displeasure or impatience. It translated roughly into Basic
as "never mind" or "excuse me". (E1A14, AAOTC)
a transport conduit, the chute-slide uses a specially-mounted container to slide through a chute to a lower
level. (LO)
Chuun M'arh Frigate
this was the fastest of the Yuuzhan Vong warships, serving as reconnaissance vessels as well as
supporting roles in battle. Measuring an average of 440 meters in length, the Chuun M'arh was crewed by
225 dedicated Yuuzhan Vong warriors, and could accommodate up to 370 troops and 980 metric tons of
cargo or ordnance. These ships were armed with thirty plasma weapons and a host of dovin basals, but
they were not equipped with interdiction bio-technology. (NJOSB)
this black-furred Wookiee was the leader of the city of Rwookrrorro, on his homeworld of Kashyyyk,
during the height of the Great Sith War. He was somewhat unusual in that he working to gain power by
whatever means he could, rather than employing more traditional Wookiee ways. He also had little regard
for honor, and used fear and threats to remain unchallenged in his leadership position. Many of his
contemporaries, as well as future Wookiee historians, blamed his disregard for traditional values for
Czerka Corporation's ability to establish bases on Kashyyyk. This, in turn, led to the first widespread use
of Wookiees as slave labor. In truth, it was Chuundar who sold the Wookiee people into slaver, in
exchange for a high-ranking position with Czerka's organization on the planet. When his brother, Zaalbar,
learned of his treachery, Chuundar found himself being challenged. He refused to back down, and even
betrayed their father, Freyyr, by calling him a senile old fool and turning his people against him. Zaalbar
became angry and lashed out at Chuundar with his climbing claws, and action that was forbidden among
the Wookiees in combat. Zaalbar was branded a "madclaw" and exiled from Kashyyyk, cementing
Chuundar's position of power on Kashyyyk. He remained above his fellow Wookiees for many years, until
Zaalbar returned from the Great Sith War and confronted his brother once again. This time, though,
Zaalbar managed to defeat Chuundar and remove him from power. (KOTOR, SWDB)
this ancient Republic Fleet Systems cruiser was huge, at nearly two kilometers in length and forty meters
in height, and was constructed in orbit around the planet Abhean. The Chu'unthor, named for the Cerean
word meaning "academy", was the brainchild of Fin-So-Rowan, Ivixa Delbaeth, and a number of other
forward-thinking Jedi Masters. It was designed to serve as a sort of mobile space station used by the
ancient Jedi Knights, and was the primary ship in the Exploration Corps of the ancient Jedi. It provided
ample space for 10,000 Jedi, along with hundreds of exercise rooms, training areas and medical facilities.
The ship was shaped like an arrow, with ots training facilities located in the wings. Medical facilities were
locate in the main fuselage, just behind the command center, while classrooms were located at the front
of the ship. The Chu'unthor was basically unarmed, having just eight tractor beam projectors in its
"arsenal". The ship's cargo capacity was rated as 40,000 metric tons, and it was propeled through space
by a huge array of hyperdrive engines. It could be dispatched to anywhere in the galaxy to help resolve
conflicts, and it was hoped that the success of the Chu'unthor would keep the Jedi Order from stagnating
by visiting new worlds with new ideas. Many of its corridors and training centers had clear, transparisteel

covers that allowed the Jedi to have a full view of the galaxy. The Chu'unthor served faithfully for many
decades, but plans for additional ships never came to fruition. Just after passing 100 years of service, the
Chu'unthor was dispatched to the planet Dathomir, where the Jedi were in battle with the Force-wielding
Nightsisters. During the fighting, the ship took heavy damage, and was forced to crash-land in the
swamps. After a truce was formed between the two sides, the Chu'unthor - which held a good deal of Jedi
lore and teachings - was abandoned by the Jedi, who left the planet. One of the creators of the truce, the
Jedi Master Yoda, asked that the ship be left alone until a young Jedi came to free the planet from the
Nightsisters. Three hundred years later, Luke Skywalker fulfilled this prophecy. (CPL, EGV, WOTC,
this Cerean word translated into Basic as "academy". (PJSB)
this ship, owned by the Jedi Master Djinn Altis, was named in honor of the ancient training ship which was
lost on Dathomir. Like the ancient ship, the new Chu'unthor was used as a training facility, where Master
Altis could train he Padawan learners without interruption from the Jedi Council. (NEGC)
this was a common name among the Sauvax race. (UANT)
this was an influential Wookiee clan, living in the city of Shulell, on Lan Barell during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (SWJ5)
Chyakk Clan
this was one of the many clans which lived in Bentora Space. (SWJ5)
this was the name of a noted Sludir individual. (UANT)
this woman served the Imperial Security Bureau by placing agents and Aqualish spies among the workers
and natives of Cloud City. She was promised a position within the ISB when the Empire took control of
the mining outpost, but never realized it. (CCG9)
this was a common name among the Menahuun people. (UANT)
according to the urban legends about Bob the Stormtrooper and his friend Kjazhed-Uhl, Chymoelaan was
an Imperial General. (T16)
a planet whose inhabitants built a specially-modified SoroSuub speederbike transport to honor Joruus
C'baoth while he was there. (DFR)
this onion-like vegetable is native to the planet Kashyyyk, and is used by Wookiees in cooking. (RD)
this was a common name among the Myneyrsh race. (UANT)
this female Weequay worked for Gallo Memm, serving as the chief of security at Memm's villa on Vaynai,
during the height of the New Order. She had an uncanny ability to show up just as criminals were trying to
break into the estate, an ability she attributed to her random sweeps of the estate. (GMR8)

CI Comlink
produced by SoroSuub, this small-bodied comlink was a basic unit that was adopted as the standardissue comlink for the Empire. (AEG)
this archaic name was common among Sullustan males, and meant "sword". (GCG)
Cian Marook
a Hrasskis Senator in the New Republic, it was Marook who first openly questioned the placement of
Etahn A'baht as commander of the Fifth Battle Group. He has been a Senator for five years prior to the
Yevethan Great Purge. He was one of three Senators who supported Nil Spaar, but was not one of the
group which fled Coruscant after Spaar left. He was serving on the Defense Council during the blockade
of the Koornacht Cluster. (BTS, SOL)
this city was the largest on the planet Entrus, both in terms of population and in terms of the density of
casinos and gambling halls. Moving about the city was easy, for every street corner had an interactive,
holographic map of the city. (GMK)
Cicara Tuk
this Aramandi smuggler was targeted by Eelien Kirat, since he had scammed a large sum of credits from
the crimelord. Tuk was also a seela, and was on the run from the priests of the Eeronon. Just as Kirat's
mercenaries were about to capture him, Tuk escaped, only to be pursued by the forces of Qual'om
Soach, whom Tuk had also scammed. Kirat's mercenaries eventually captured Tuk, after revealing that
Tuk had been posing as a member of the Mila akia in order to escape capture. (FBS)
this creature was native to the grasslands of Ansion. (APS)
a species of flying, insectile predators native to the planet Atraken. Only a dozen or so exist, most having
been killed during the Clone Wars. The cidwen are black, and have sharp beaks and vicious claws. They
measure a half-meter in length, but their wingspan is twice that. (PG2)
a semi-sentient race used by Emperor Palpatine to allow stormtroopers to perform highly-secret tasks.
Palpatine had the cidwen drugged until they began hallucinating, then made the greatest fears permanent
with the Dark Side of the Force. The Cidwen, much like Aga and Avogui, were then used as guards. They
viciously attacked anything or anybody that came near them. (COJ)
Cificap VII
Imperial slavers trying to deliver Habassan prisoners to the frigate Mayhem were intercepted by Alliance
forces near Cificap VII. (XW)
an obscure language. (AIR)
this simple game was favored by starship pilots. (SWJ4)
a small, tobacco-based cigarette. (LCM)
a large, tobacco-based cigarette. (DFR)
this subdirectory of the Sector Ranger Database contained information on Shep Contopault's criminal

record. (SON)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "ancient"
or "wise", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name. (GMR10,
meaning "inspiration", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)
a female Mon Calamari Ambassador to the New Republic, she is found to have a good deal of sensitivity
to The Force. She joined Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, and became a Jedi healer. Her ties to her
uncle, Admiral Ackbar, and her outstanding service to the Mon Calamari people eventually led her into
politics, and she became Calamari's Senator to the New Republic. When the Diversity Alliance rose to
power, Cilghal suggested that the New Republic send a delegation to Ryloth to determine what they were
trying to do. This came on the heels of the testimony of several of Skywalker's young Jedi students, who
had been imprisoned by the Diversity Alliance against their will. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
of the galaxy, Cilghal returned to the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4 and took Tekli on as an apprentice. During
this time, Cilghal discovered that the fear of further invasion, coupled with the knowledge that the New
Republic was nearly powerless to stop the aliens, was creating a great deal of stress illness throughout
the galaxy. Cilghal found a calling, shortly after the Battle of Duro, in helping Mara Jade Skywalker
survive her pregnancy. She traveled with the Skywalkers to the Errant Venture, after Borsk Fey'lya
ordered the arrest of Luke Skywalker, and discovered that the synthetic tears Mara had been using to
arrest her Yuuzhan Vong-induced disease had been building up other toxins in her system. All of Mara's
immunities had been shunted to the protection of her unborn child, but the resulting toxic shock syndrome
threatened the child's life. Cilghal and Luke used the strength of the Force to keep Mara alive, and Luke's
desparate actions ultimately saved Mara and the baby. (DA, COTF, TEP, BP, EVR)
a planet which remained under Imperial control following the Battle of Endor. It was later liberated with the
help of Wedge Antilles and the Rogue Squadron. It was covered with dense jungles which hide a series
of ancient ruins and temples. (XWRS)
a YT-1300 transport ship destroyed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It was part of the Alliance
convoy sent to station DS-5 to assist Admiral Harkov's defection from the Empire. (TIE)
this was the name of a noted Vuvrian individual. (UANT)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "great" or "potent". (GCG)
this hulking Nikto was Havac's partner, during the Stark Hyperspace Conflict and the years following it.
Cindar followed Havac to Asmeru, and stayed with him when he joined the Nebula Front group during the
years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Cindar distrusted Arwen Cohl, especially in the wake of the
Revenue's destruction and Cohl's apparent death at Dorvalla. When the Jedi mission to Asmeru was
broken up by Nebula Front militants, it was Cindar and his Bith counterpart who led the Ossan slaves to
rise up against the Nebula Front soldiers, thereby freeing the Jedi and directing them to Karfeddion. Once
on Karfeddion, though, Cindar tried to capture Qui-Gin Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the fight, however,
one of Cindar's blaster shots ricocheted back at himself, burning through the small of his back and
severing the spine. Cindar died of his injuries. (COD)

this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
manufacturers of a series of picket ships. (HXW)
Cinnabar Moon
this was one of the moons which circled the planet Coruscant. Note that the official Wizards of the Coast
website ( indicates that the Cinnabar Moon was located in the Craeen System.
The Cinnabar Moon was known for its unusual mercury pools, which provided spectacular vistas for
visitors. (REC, WOTC)
Cinnabar Moon Retreat
this abandoned resort and spa was taken over by the Wild Knights, who used the facilities as their base
of operation before joing the Jedi Knights, shortly before the Battle of Coruscant. It was located in the
Craeen System, and was known for its wondrous mercury pools. A collection of modified Storm IV cloud
cars provided transport on the moon, keeping visitors and trainees from having to touch the surface.
the largest city on all the worlds in the Empress Teta system, Cinnagar was located on the planet Koros
Major. (DE1, NEGC)
this is one of the seven worlds in the ancient Koros System, which would eventually become known as
the Empress Teta System. The planet became the central world of Teta's empire, and her palace was
located in its capital city. (GAS, FOSE)
Cinnagar Weave Armor
this form of body armor was produced during the time of the Great Sith War. It was formed by weaving
special materials into a tight mesh, allowing for flexibility and strength. (KOTOR)
this planet was located near Sorrus. (EVE)
Circarpian Snake
native to the swampy world of Circarpous V, these reptiles lay eggs that are considered a culinary
delicacy in many circles. (GOF8)
Circarpous IV
fourth planet in the Circarpous system, and home to a group of people sympathetic to the Alliance. The
natives feared to openly side with the Alliance, due to the strong Imperial presence in the system. (SME)
Circarpous Major
primary star in the Circarpous system of 14 planets. (SME)
Circarpous V
known as Mimban by its inhabitants, Circarpous V was the fifth planet in the Circarpous System. Located
in the Expansion Region of the galaxy, Circarpous V was the site of a secret Imperial mining operation
during the years surrounding the Battle of Yavin. The homeworld of the Mimbanite and Coway races,
Circarpous V was part swamp, part jungle, and part bog. It was orbited by two moons. (SME, SWDB)
Circarpous X
the tenth planet in the Circarpous system, and home to a small outpost colony with possible Alliance
sympathizers. There is also a monitoring station there which interrogates all large traffic moving into the
system. Their sensors are geared toward star cruisers and other large ships, but an X-wing or two could
slip past. (SME)
Circarpous XII

the twelfth planet in the Circarpous system, and home to a small outpost colony with possible Alliance
sympathizers. (SME)
Circarpous XIV
the fourteenth planet in the Circarpous system was home to an early Alliance outpost base. (SME)
Circarpousian Swamp Fly
a small insect native to the swamps of Circarpous V. (GOF9)
Circarpousian Water Snake
a large snake native to the swamps of Circarpous V. (GOF7)
Circle of Elders
this was the name of the governing body of the Order of the Sacred Circle. Shortly after the Battle of
Yavin, the members of the order voted to revoke the power held by the Circle of Elders. Under the
influence of Darth Vader, the members voted to allow sister Domina Tagge to serve as the Order's High
Priestess. This was all part of Domina's plans to eliminate Luke Skywalker and the Alliance, in order to
avenge the deaths of her brothers, Orman and Silas. However, when Orman appeared on Monastery and
was killed by young Skywalker, she found her plans in tatters. Domina relinquished her position as High
Priestess, returning control of the Order to the Elders. The Circle of Elders then voted to support the
Alliance in the Galactic Civil War. (MC36, MC37)
Circle of Jedi Healers
this was the name given to the sub-order of Jedi Knights who practiced the healing arts, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (SWDB)
Circle of Kavaan
this was one of the most sacred places found on the planet Shalyvane, located near the ruins of
Chinshassa. According to the story provided by Shira Brie, the human natives of Shalyvane regularly let a
few drops of the blood fall on the stones of the circle, in remembrance of those family members killed in
the civil strife which tore the planet apart. In the decade before the Galactic Civil War, the human natives
of Shalyvane accepted an offer of peace from the Em'liy, the original sentient race which wandered the
planet. A celebration was to take place in the Circle of Kavaan, but Imperial forces swept from space and
bombarded the Circle of Kavaan during their attack on Chinshassa. The Em'liy nomads had given the
Empire information on the humans' support of the Alliance, and the two sides were forever set against
each other. Luke Skywalker later learned from G'hinji that most of this was untrue. The only thing which
had any basis in reality was the Imperial bombardment of Chinshassa, as part of the cover-up to support
Shira's story. (LTA3, MC60, MC62, UANT)
Circle of Twelve
this was term used by Emperor Palpatine to describe his twelve Grand Admirals. (SWI66)
Circle Park
as its name implies, this was a circular park which was located at the heart of Tasariq City, on the planet
Tasariq, during the height of the New Order. (SWJ15)
Circle Route
this pathway through the deserts of Tatooine connected Mos Eisley and Anchorhead, and avoided the
outskirts of the Jundland Wastes. (SWTJ)
Circuitry Commando
this was Alliance soldier slang for any resistance member or freedom fighter skilled in the use of
computers and electronics. (TBSB)
Circulation Network
known as the Circ, this was the collection of tubes and tunnels which links the capital city of Rhire with
other locations on the planet Rhinnal. Use of the Circ allowed the Rhinnalians to avoid much of the

planet's ahrsh weather. (CCW)

this ring-shaped, artificial planetoid was inhabited by the Shell Hutts, who ran their criminal operations
from a base on the world's surface. (MA)
Circus Horrificus
this travelling menagerie displayed various exotic creatures throughout the galaxy. Malakili spent a good
deal of time working for the Circus Horrificus before Bib Fortuna and Bidlo Kwerve had him waylayed
under Jabba the Hutt's name. They had heard of Malakili's abilities to handler strange and dangerous
alien creatures, and wanted him to handle the rancor they were going to present to Jabba. (TJP)
Cirenian Communications
this communications manufacturer produced several portable message transceivers, during the height of
the New Order. (GFT)
this star was the central body of the Cirius System, which included the planet Caamas. (WOTC)
Cirius System
this star system included the planet Caamas. (WOTC)
Ciro, Keleman
one of Kaiya Adrimetrum's contemporaries in the Alliance, Ciro was the Captain of the FarStar during its
early mission into the Kathol Sector. A native of the planet Dolomar, Ciro believed Kaiya was too
aggressive. However, after Ciro was captured and reporting missing in action, it was Adrimetrum who was
promoted to fill his command. Ciro was taken by Moff Sarne to the Q'Maere Research Facility, where he
was severely tortured and interrogated over several weeks. It was then that the crew of the FarStar came
to Q'Maere looking to restock its food stores. Kelemon was rescued, but was confined to sickbay until his
injuries could heal. Unfortunately for the crew of the FarStar, Kelemon never recovered, and he died just
before the discovery of the planet Kathol. (DARK, KO, KR, E)
Ciro, Noell
this man was the younger brother of Keleman Ciro, and served as a strafighter pilot in the New Republic
military. A native of Dolomar, Noell was an accomplished swoop racer who was stationed at the Sluis Van
Outer Starfighter Base. He was later assigned as an X-Wing pilot during the assault on Kal'Shebbol,
joining the crew of the FarStar to serve with his brother during the initial stage of the search for Imperial
Moff Kentor Sarne. Unfortunately for Kelemon, though, Noell was killed in action shortly after the mission
started. During the FarStar's efforts to provide relief to the planet Kolatill, Noell found himself in battle with
a group of Imperial TIE Bombers, and gave his life to ensure that the refugees on Kolatill were freed from
Imperial control. (DARK)
Cirque Glacier
this immense glacier was located on the planet Hoth, just south of the Lanteel Glacier. Both glaciers fed
into the Nev Ice Flow. (IWST)
this Aramandi akia, or clan, was known for its aggressiveness and combat skills. (SSR)
Cirra Mace
this ancient, ceremonial weapon was the primary icon of the Cirra akia of the Aramandi. The mace was
stolen during the early years of the New Order by a Seela. The thief was caught, but the mace was never
recovered. It was said to have been put up for auction on Genesia, and purchased by a Nalroni merchant,
but no evidence was ever found by Cirra warriors. (SWJ14)
Cirra System
this planetary system, located in Brak Sector, was located in the restricted Aramand Cluster. (FBS)

this is the name given to the thick, pearlescent microcrystals found in the atmosphere of Monor II. Billions
of these microcrystals can be found in a single cubic meter of air, and breathing them is hazardous to
most races because it shreds the delicate tissues of the lungs. The native Sunesi have evolved the ability
to breathe it, and it plays a large part in the change from young Sunesi to adulthood. Juveniles of the
species cannot survive long without it in their atmosphere, and require it in order to create the protective
coccoons used during their metamorphosize into adults. The cirrifog was found to be useful in certain
applications during the early days of the New Order, shortly after Eujustus Kline discovered it. The Empire
began mining the microcrystals, and extracted so much of them that the juvenile Sunesi were threatened.
Agapos the Ninth spoke out against the Empire, and was condemned to death. (SWJ10)
Cirrilla, Devton
this man was an official of the Empire's Ubiqtorate division. At the height of the New Order, he worked
under the alias of Carill Benton, serving as the CEO of Data Equity Management, Incorporated. He used
his position within DEMi to obtain vital, confidential corporate information from within Tapani Sector.
Cirrus Colonies Incorporated
this corporation produced a wide range of prefabricated buildings and construction materials for use by
settlers and explorers. Their products were known to be inexpensive and extremely durable, and simple
to set up and install. Many of their structures cam equipped with particle shields which helped protect
them in hostile environments. (SSR)
Cirus II
Tem Chesko's cargo hauler was built on this planet. (SWG3)
CIS Shadowfeed
this was the newsfeed which supplied information to the members of the Confederacy of Independent
Systems, during the height of the Clone Wars. It was produced in stark contrast to the Old Republic's
HoloNet News, and often showed a much different viewpoint on the events of the Clone Wars. (SWI66)
this Ryn tried to bum a ride to the planet Rhinnal from Han Solo and Roa, while they were on the Jubilee
Wheel space station searching for Reck Desh. (HT)
a group of Alliance freighters assigned to pick up the materiel and Mon Calamari slaves rescued from the
Star Destroyer Warrior. (XW)
Citadel of B'omarr
this was a name used by some to denote Jabba the Hutt's palace, located in the wastes of Tatooine. It
was given this name because it was originally built by the B'omarr monks. (TJT)
Citadel Station
this space station was erected by a group of Ithorians in orbit around the planet Telos, in the wake of the
Great Sith War. The Ithorians were on Telos to assist in the restoration efforts aimed at repairing the
damage done to Telos' ecosystem during a Sith bombardment of the planet. The immense Citadel Station
moved over the surface of the planet, monitoring the various recovery zones that were helping to bring
Telos back to life. (LAWS)
Citadel, The
a ruin in Plawal, on Belsavis. (COJ)
Citadel, The
this was the name given to the immense structure which served as the seat of power of the Yuuzhan
Vong' Supreme Overlord, Shimrra, after the alien invaders captured and reformed the planet Coruscant.
The Citadel was, in actuality, an immense worldship which had been constructed in such a way as to land

in a specialized receiver that connected it to the planet's surface. Since the Citadel was mobile, Shimrra
could move across the planet's surface without ever having to leave its confines. The Citadel's primary
location was situated in the Well of the World Brain, on what used to be the most populous sectors of
Coruscant. When on the ground, the Citadel rose from a yorik coral base and was virtually impregnable.
However, should the need for escape arise, the entire bulk of The Citadel could disengage itself from the
Well of the World brain and flee into space. (UF)
Citadel-class Cruiser
this was a form of civilian transport craft which was popular during the last years of the Old Republic. The
most noted version was the ILH-KK Cruiser developed by Koensayr. Despite the obvious difference in
size, the Citadel-class cruiser had many design similarities to the Y-Wing snubfighter, especially in the
shape of its cockpit. (WOTC, TCG8)
Cith Sninif
this was one of the New Republic agents who was injured by Talak, during the theft of meleenium from
the Qua'Tahc mines by Rani Quanic and Ostan Atur. (SWJ10)
Citizen Service Corps
this was the name of the bureaucratic, officious, local police force that controls the planet Teyr. The CSC
heavily favored locals over offworlders in the disputes they handled. (SOL)
Citizens Against Unrest
this civilian organization was formed as a propaganda vehicle for the Empire. (SWJ11)
Citizen's Council
this governmental body was once in a position of leadership on the planet Dodz, until Governor Kugg took
control of the planet. During Kugg's reign the Citizen's Council held very little real power, except when
Kugg needed them to enact another tax increase. The Council was forced to heed Kugg's demands
because of the threat of physical damage or death at the hands of Kugg's droid, the Destroyer. (MDCAR)
Citizens' Resistance
this was the name given to the underground resistance movement that grew on the planet Romin, during
the reign of dictator Roy Teda, several years before the Battle of Geonosis. Led by Joylin, the Citizens'
Resistance grew swiftly, until it was able to gain the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Siri Tachi, and their
apprentices, Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin. The Jedi were on Romin in the guise of the Slams, and
helped steal security and access codes from Teda's palace to help the resistance eliminate the security
droids and launch their revolution. Although it was supposed to be a bloodless coup, the years of being
forced to live in squalor led the rebels to launch an all-out attack on the wealthy natives of Eliior. In one
night, the Citizens' Resistance managed to destroy the Security Management Control and take
possession of Teda's palace. (JQ8)
Citros Snow Cake
a tasty pastry. (SOP)
City Bigspace
this immense concourse was established in the city of Otoh Gunga, on the planet Naboo, under the
direction of Boss Nass. (SWDB)
City Bigspace Refreshment Bubble
this bubble building was part of the city of Otoh Gunga, on the planet Naboo, and provided a wide variety
of restaurants and refreshment vendors. Originally commissioned by Boss Nass, City Bigspace was
designed to impress visiting dignitaries and tourists. (IWE1)
City Boss
this was the title given tot he leader of the government of Belgar, the capital city of the planet Belgaroth.
The orders issued by the City Boss were viewed by most Belgarians as mere suggestions, and the
government of the city was sometimes described as benevolent anarchy. (CCW)

City of Ashes
this was another name for the city of Ranadaast, on the planet Duro. (GMR2)
City of Bone
a mysterious city found on the planet Mandalore, the City of Bone served as the base of operations for
the slavers who controlled the planet during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The city itself was formed
form the immense skeleton of a long-dead beast, with buildings and chambers carved from the bones
themselves. (MC69)
City of Glass
a song written and played by Annadale Fayde. It was first released as part of the compilation Darkness
on the Land, and has been rated scarlet by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
City of Glowing Crystal
see Calius saj Leeloo (TLC)
this was the name used by the urban planners of the planet Brentaal to describe major urban subsections
of the planet. Each cityblock was designated with a letter of the Aurebesh and a number, corresponding
to the cityblock's location on a pre-set grid. (FOP)
this was the name used by the urban planners on Brentaal to describe the roads used to navigate through
cityblocks. Citypaths carried more foot traffic than standard routes. (FOP)
Ciuray Sea
this was one of a handful of septic seas found on the planet Metellos. Its coastline ran along the
boundaries of the Moridebo District, whose inhabitants referred to the sea as the Slurry Sea. Its waters
were an inky black color and stagnant, although the water could be processing into potable water by
massive sterilization plants. The Ciuray Sea also served as a dumping grounds for the criminal
underworld of Metellos. (CCW)
this planet, the fourth world in the Ciutric System, was the capital world of the Ciutric Hegemony. It was
the center of several trade routes between worlds of the Hegemony. It was here that Sate Pestage fled
after being labeled a traitor to the Empire by Ysanne Isard. (XWMR, IR)
Ciutric Hegemony
this cluster of star systems and twelve member worlds contained the world Ciutric. The Hegemony was
the holding of Sate Pestage during the years of the New Order, and he fled to Ciutric after Ysanne Isard
began to assert control over the Empire. Pestage was murdered on Ciutric by Prince-Admiral Krennel,
who took control of the Hegemony for himself and established the title of Prince-Admiral. (IR)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "dancing" in the Sullustan
language. (GCG)
Civilian Battle Award
this medal of honor was given by the Alliance to those non-military personnel who performed above and
beyond the call of duty, in the assistance of the Alliance's war effort. (XWA)
Civilian Service Personnel
this was the name given to those humans who were conscripted in the Imperial armed forces whenever
the Empire subjugated a planet. (SWJ13)
Civilized Authority
this was the name of the totalitarian government of the planet Apsolon, before civil war eventually led to

the formation of the Unified Legislature. (TTB)

Civilized, The
this was the name of the prosperous minority of the planet Apsolon, before the election of a single
planetary leader united the population. They controlled the Workers through the use of a secret piloce
force known as the Absolutes, until the Workers began rebelling through a series of industrial sabotage
actions. With the help of the Jedi Knights, the natives of Apsolon were able to unite under the leadership
of Ewane. Many of the Civilized blamed the Jedi for the election of a Worker, and refused to acknowledge
the authority of the Jedi. (TTB)
this small city was located in the western Doaba Badlands, on the planet Socorro. Named for an Old
Corellian greeting, it was built within a thick wall, meant to keep out the Bharhulai bandits who raided the
frontier city from their tribal lands 115 kilometers to the north. (BSS)
this was an Old Corellian greeting which meant, "you are wearing the road well." In more modern days,
the greeting was meant to indicate that the receipient's reputation had preceded them, and that they
seemed to be doing well for themselves. (BSS)
this ancient protocol droid was assigned to Korren Starchaser's scouting team by the New Republic.
CKO-171 was reactivated shortly after the Battle of Endor, and his programming and databanks were well
out of date. Lacking the proper resources, the Republic simply turned CKO-171 on and sent him out into
the field. This resulted in a huge gap in the droid's knowledge banks, which lacked information from the
fifty years preceeding the Battle of Endor. Equipped with AutoTerrain treads, CKO-171 rolled about
instead of walking, and showed open disdain for newer 3PO-series protocol droids. (SWJ6)
Ckratar Crafts
this minor starship manufacturer was noted for the production of the Venturer-class freighter. (AIR)
an old-model Koensayr hyperdrive motivator unit. (EGV)
produced by AccuTronics, this communication device allowed the owner of a droid to provide remote
instructions to the droid. The user had a headset that contained a small display and a microphone, while
the droid was installed with a tiny camera and a command module. (GFT)
this was Frei-Tek's version of the anti-starfighter cluster bomb. (EGW)
this was the designation of one of the many clone troopers dispatched to rescue Jedi masters Mace
Windu and Depa Billaba from Haruun Kal, some six months after the Battle of Geonosis. He served as
the second Lieutenant aboard the lander that delivered trooper CT-6/774 to the rescue mission. (SS2)
this is a model of Ubrikkian landspeeder. (FOP)
this legendary Mugaari space pirate and smuggler was described as one of the meanest criminals of his
generation, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The Sector Rangers who pursued him
recognized that Clabburn would kill beings just to see them die. A hairy humanoid with oily green skin,
Clabburn managed to ambush the Malachite Scent, the starship of a wealthy Shistavanen noble and
looted its holds, an act of piracy that made him exceptionally rich. Rather than retiring, he hid out in the
Hoth asteroid belt, continuing to lie in wait for ships to fly close enough to ambush. He was never found,

because he kept hopping around the asteroid field, relocating his base and hiding until he could strike
again. Clabburn was known to leave a space slug living in his abandoned bases, further eliminating any
pursuit. He disappeared during the last years of the Old Republic, although many law enforcement
officers knew it was only a matter of time before he reappeared. When he did, however, no one assumed
it would be in a partnership with the Mon Calamari pirate Salmakk, nor was it anticipated that the pair
would be under the employment of Figg Excavation. In many respects, this was correct, as the smuggler
who joined forces with Salmakk was actually Clabburn the Younger, Clabburn's own son. Clabburn the
Elder, as he became known, remained in hiding during the Galactic Civil War, apparently enjoying his
fortune and watching his son grow more powerful. (ISU, WOA34)
Clabburn Range
this long range of mountains was located on the planet Hoth, just south of the Nev Ice Flow. The two
main entrances to the Alliance's Echo Base were located on the north and south sides of the Clabburn
Range. (IWST)
Clabburn the Elder
see Clabburn (WOA34)
Clabburn the Younger
this Mugaari pirate took over his father's operations during the height of the New Order, but went simply
by the name Clabburn to cultivate a mystique based on his father's deeds. This suited Clabburn the Elder
just fine, although he never emerged from hiding to actually say it. Clabburn the Younger was similar in
appearance to his father, but his face and body had much more scarring that his father's, indicating that
he had worked hard to earn his place as Clabburn the Elder's successor. In fact, Clabburn the Younger
was missing the lower half of his left arm. In his position, Clabburn the Younger was hired by Figg
Excavations to work with Salmakk during the height of the Galactic Civil War, in an effort make it appear
as if FiggEx was suffering from piracy. If successful, the plan would allow FiggEx to break out of the
Mining Guild and establish its own regulations. Salmakk and Clabburn were eventually apprehended and
questioned about their activities, but were later released in exchange for information on their contacts
within FiggEx. (WOA34)
Clacis Sector
this area of the galaxy was controlled by the Empire during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)
this was a term used by the Sullust race to indicate brothers of the same clan or family. (MBS)
this Core planet was the site of an exclusive prep school for the children of rich aristocrats. The school
was run by COMPNOR, but it still had a cell of Alliance supporters. (CRO)
an Alliance escort shuttle group destroyed during the capture of Imperial outpost D-34 following the Battle
of Hoth. (TIE)
Clafdatha, Mordaph
a Captain in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War, he was ordered by Darth Vader to create a
detailed report on the various Alliance starfighters' strengths and weaknesses. Along with Jord Krass,
Clafdatha created document number V492771R225Y. (XW)
Claim Beacon
this form of satellite is used by scouts and explorers to mark the location of worlds they discover. It
broadcasts a message of ownership to anyone who comes into the system, thereby marking it as
claimed. Many unscrupulous scouts will search out these beacons and disable them, replacing another
scout's beacon with their own. Many paranoid scouts will place a thermal detonator inside their beacons,
which will be triggered if another scout tries to deactivate it. (GG8)

this man was Callista Ming's uncle, who lived on Chad III during the last years of the Old Republic. (COJ)
Claing Bush
this thorny bush was found on the moon of Nierport Seven. It produced a type of berry that was often
pressed to make claing juice. The thorns of the claing bush were a deep red in color, and grew tall from
the trunk. (JQ5)
Claing Juice
this strong, red, alcoholic beverage was fermented on Nierport Seven, from the small berries of the thorny
claing bush that grew on the moon's cold surface. (JQ4, JQ5)
Clak Beepbox
a musical instrument developed on Clak'Dor VII by the Bith, and often found in jizz bands. (TCC)
Clak'Dor IV
this planet, located in the Mayagil System, was another world populated by the Bith. (XWRR)
Clak'Dor VII
the homeworld of the Bith race, this planet was once a beautiful world. The Bith, however, nearly
destroyed the planet in a chemical war. It was the seventh planet in the Colu System, in the Mayagil
sector. (SCRE, GG4)
Clamont, Jakke
this well-known big-game hunter worked as a ranger in an Imperial preserve for many years, but left when
he realized that he'd rather kill the animals than protect them. He found employment among the
wealthiest Imperials and crimelords who wanted an unusual creature for their private zoos. Instead of
hunting animals, which was relatively easy, Jakke captured them alive and returned them to his employer.
He would not, however, hunt sentient beings. (HR)
Clan Council
this was the primary Hutt government, during the early years of the New Order. (SWJ7)
Clan Tarnese
this Sakiyan clan was ruined when its patriarch, Tarnese Lyanne, lost everything the clan owned after
being double-crossed by Shiltu the Hutt, many years before the Battle of Geonosis. The children of the
clan were forced to look for work off-planet, since they were avoided by other Sakiyans. (MBS)
Clancy, Kal
this man was Taryn Clancy's father, a free-trader by nature who spent much of his career away from
home. When Taryn was sixteen, he finally allowed her to accompany him aboard his starship, the Lassen.
She became a capable pilot, and served as Kal' co-pilot on many runs. Unfortunately, Kal's method of
showing his pride in Taryn's performance manifested itself in scathing criticism of her mistakes. Although
saddened by her choice to join the Core Courier Service, Kal was never prouder than when his daughter
achieved her position as pilot of the Messenger. (SWJ7)
Clancy, Taryn
a member of the Core Courier Service, she was trying to deliver information about a rendezvous location
to the New Republic fleet, but was caught on Coruscant during one of the many early battles for the
planet. Taryn was the daughter of Kal Clancy, and learned everything she could about flying a starship
from him aboard the Lassen. However, Kal's love for his daughter often manifeted itself as criticism, and
Taryn finally had to split with her father and go her separate way. She was in command of the courier
craft Messenger along with her partner, Del Sato, although the run to Coruscant was only her fourth as
commander on the Messenger. She and Del were conscripted to help Jak Bremen reach the cruiser Hope
with information vital to the New Republic, despite their own misgivings. After surviving the run, Bremen
offered them a chance to join the Republic, but they declined. (TFE, SWJ7)

this industrial city was located on the planet Ord Cestus, some 300 kilometers south of ChikatLik and
seventy-five kilometers southeast of the Dashta Mountains. The city itself was built into the crust of the
planet by the X'Ting, who burrowed well below the surface to reach an aquifer that could supply them with
fresh water. During the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, Clandes was converted to serve as the
location of a major communications junction between the largest cities of the planet. The power and
connections required to service cities such as ChikatLik - not to mention the secret bunker maintained by
the Five Families - meant that Clandes was exposed to intense levels of radiation. This rendered the city
uninhabitable, a situation that provided the Five Families with a surprising bonus. Because the city was
uninhabited, they did not have to employ the normal safety systems required in a high-radiation area. In
this way, the Families maintained their communications and power grids without spending credits on
additional shielding. Much of the original cityscape was leveled to make room for the manufacturing
facilities of Clandes Industrial. (TCD)
Clandes Industrial
this was the name given to the immense, city-wide collection of manufacturing facilities that covered the
city of Clandes, on the planet Ord Cestus, during the height of the Clone Wars. In addition to the various
surface buildings, Clandes Industrial burrowed some twenty-four levels below the surface, with employee
facilities buried well beneath the lethal radiation that bombarded the upper levels. These underground
levels were carved from an abandoned X'Ting hive, from which the native X'Ting were evacuated or
evicted. During the Clone Wars, Clandes Industrial was the primary manufacturing site of the JK-series of
security droids. After the Desert Wind terrorist gang was routed from their base by a group of infiltration
droids dispatched by Asajj Ventress, they set out to destroy the Clandes Industrial facility, thereby
bringing the manufacturing facilities of the Five Families to a crippling halt with a minimum of bloodshed.
In the wake of the attack on Clandes Industrial, the major cities found themselves suddenly without power
and water, and many inhabitants were forced to horde whatever they could to survive. This placed a great
deal of stress on the Five Families, since they had to maintain public safety without jeopardizing their own
positions. (TCD)
rumored to have been crafted by the first Riileb female ever to exist, this piece of jewelry was held by the
eldest member of the MotherClan. It denoted her position as leader of the Riileb people. (SWJ13)
this man worked as an Intelligence agent for the Alliance. Major Sisquoc requested that Clanson
accompany him to Dlor 3, where they hoped to confront Barosa Warren. (AIR)
this tall, humanoid race was dsitinguished by its black and white fur, and by the long ears that sprouted
from their wide skulls. (BH)
a Bilar term for the grouping of minds into a sentient individual. In general, the individual Bilars in a claqa
must be born within minutes of each other in order to develop the mindlink and share their thoughts.
this arid planet was covered with a variety of desert environments, from hot sands to ice-swept plains.
this elderly female Ryn was on the Jubilee Wheel when it was attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong. Her
husband was killed in the attack, but Clarani managed to escape. She was later stranded on Duro, at
Settlement Thirty-two, where she took in Jaina Solo. (BP)
this was the name of an up-scale restaurant located in Imperial City, on Coruscant. (MJEH)

Clarion Scholars Academy

this school of advanced education was located on the planet Daemen. (SWED)
a member of the New Republic's Intelligence Agency, Claris was part of the team sent to Verkuyl with
Cobb Vartos and Selby Jarrad to help liberate the planet from Imperial control some three years after the
Battle of Endor. However, he was captured before he and his team could set up and detonate their
explosives, planted at the capital's main communications station. After the Republic fleet came to Verkuyl,
a second wave of agents liberated Claris and his team from the Imperial prison. (TFNR)
Clariv Shipyards
this small starship production facility was loyal to the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)
this was a pseudonym used by a smuggler who had a great deal of experience with droids. Claris was
based on Svivren. (SWJ13)
this Twi'lek served Nilya Fek'ra as a doorman at her corporate headquarters on Cotellier. (GMH)
this barren, rocky world was the fourth planet in the Ralltiir System. It was orbited by a single moon.
Class 1 Defense Unit
designed by Imperial Captain Kist and manufactured by Ulban Arms, this defense droid was originally
created to augment the ground forces of the Empire. The Empire originally rejected the idea, but a nearly
exact copy of the Class 1 unit showed up in the Corporate Sector, where it was used extensively by the
Corporate Sector's Espos. The Class 1 Unit moved about on four articulated legs, and was armed with a
medium blaster and a mdeium anti-vehicle cannon. It was later learned that the Corporate Sector
Authority used armies of these droids to subdue the Trianii. (SWJ14)
Class 1000 Cruiser
this Kuat Drive Yards design was used by the Empire to patrol non-agressive systems. The 1000's
measured 300 meters in length, and were armed with 28 turbolasers and 12 ion cannons. The basic crew
complement was 580, with 80 gunners. (GG6)
Class 2 Droid
a multi-phasic robot. (LCM)
Class 5 Droid
a mathematical robot often used as a starship navigator. (LCM)
Class 580 Freighter
this light freighter was produced by Ghtroc Industries, and could transport up to six passengers and 200
metric tons of cargo. It measured 37 meters in length, required a single pilot, and was armed with a single
laser cannon. (FOP, PP)
Class 720 Freighter
a tortoise-shaped transport ship manufactured by Ghtroc Industries, this 35-meter-long ship had a square
central section. A forward cockpit stuck out from the front. Two forward loading platforms were located at
the two front corners, while the ship's stardrive was located in the rear. It had space for a crew of 2, plus
up to 10 passengers. It could transport 135 metric tons of cargo. The stock Ghtroc freighter was equipped
with basic shielding and a single forward-mounted double laser cannon. Unlike most other freighters, the
720 did not improve or enlarge the abilities of its forerunner, the Class 580 freighter. (RPG, SN, FOP)
Class 729 Freighter

this was a model of light freighter produced by Ghtroc Industries. In most respects, the Class 729 was
identical to the Class 720 freighter. (SWJ2)
Class D Transport
this was the designation of a Jawa sandcrawler. (REV)
Class II Frigate
this was an Imperial frigate design. (SWED)
Class Three Carbon-Freezing Chamber
this was a model of carbon-freezing chamber produced by Figg and Associates. Several Class Three
units were installed on Cloud City, for use in storing spin-sealed tibanna gas for shipment. (EGW)
Class VI Laser Projector
developed by BlasTech, this automated blaster was used to defend a specific location. Also known as a
laser trap, the Class VI blaster was linked to a control computer and a sensor suite, allowing it to be
remotely targetted on a specific object without human intervention. The Empire used these blasters to
defend the prisoner cellblocks on the first Death Star. (EGW)
this was the designation of a Tykannin power converter. (EGV)
Class-4T3 Power Generator
this portable, Eksoan power generator was used to power the BlasTech E-Web repeating blaster. (EGW)
Class-6 Escape Pod
manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, these escape pods are similar in size and shape
to the Faberstien-Lago design. The Class-6 pod had room for six beings, and had simple drive and
sensor systems that determined the nearest inhabitable world and pushed the pod toward it. Note that
The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels indicates that the CR90 Corvette is equipped with Class-6
escape pods, although the Star Wars Screen Entertainment package says it used the Faberstien-Lago
design. (EGV)
Class-7 Repair Vessel
manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, these 560-meter ships were used to supply, repair, and minimally
defend mining operations. These ships had limited hyperdrive capabilities, and were armed with a single
turret-mounted turbolaser battery. (SN)
Class-A Thermal Detonator
this detonator has a blast-radius of about 20 meters. (CCG7)
Class-D Moon
this was the Imperial description for any barren, crater-scarred moon or satellite. (LTA2)
Classet, Zinn
this man was one of a group of bounty hunters contracted by the Empire to hunt down the Alliance agents
who were investigating the construction of the Bissillirus Resupply Base. He wore a set of distinctive redand-green battle armor. (GMK)
Class-I Freighter
this was another name for the LH-3210 freighter used by the Trade Federation. (COD)
Classical Ossan
used by the Ysanna, this was the modern version of the ancient language spoken on the planet Ossus,
some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (EGP)
Clat the Shamer
this empathic mutant assassin once worked for the Guild of Vindicators. He was given the assignment to

destroy Darth Vader for belittling the Guild. He tracked Vader to Cheelit, where the Dark Lord was playing
Firepath with Lady Dohl. Unfortunately for Clat, he was walking into a trap. Vader had manipulated him to
Cheelit, and when Clat entered Dohl's Hive Palace to capture Vader, he ended up on the Firepath board.
There, Vader let him see what had happened to him, then captured him like any other Firepath piece. Clat
was then consumed in a pillar of flame. (CSWDW)
this alien race had a 600-year-old feud with the Nhoras race. Five separate generations of Jedi Knights
failed to resolve the conflict, and the Empire simply let them be. The Clatear were heavily suppressed by
Imperial forces, and thus learned how to fight better than the Nhoras. When the revelation of the Caamas
Document brought forth many inter-species feuds, the Clatear decided that the time was right to attack
the Nhoras and end the feud. (SOP)
this beautiful woman, with red hair and green eyes, was the chief operations manager for Arcona Mineral
Harvest Corporation's operations on Bandomeer. She was constantly struggling with the underhanded
tactics of Offworld Mining Company, but managed to befriend Obi-Wan Kenobi when he was sent to the
Agricultural Corps there. After the arrival of Qui-Gon Jinn aboard the Monument, they managed to defeat
a group of pirates and sway a group of Offworld miners to come work for them. After landing on
Bandomeer, and exposing Xanatos' plan for Offworld, Clat'Ha managed to obtain nearly exclusive rights
to Bandomeer's ionite mines. (RF, DR)
Clathor, Huwin
this man worked as a geode miner on the planet Endregaad, during the early years of the New Order.
an Pakuuni Corvette destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this bounty hunter was the most feared in his sector. He used cybernetically-enhanced creatures as
scouts and trackers, and never had a bounty get away. The Claw was finally stopped on the planet
Yaronn by a group of freelance mercenaries, whom he had lured to the planet in hopes of killing them.
The Claw believed that they were responsible for the death of his brother, and Imperial officer who was
arrested and killed in a prison fight. He offered them a challenge, giving them an hour's head start to
avoid him. The mercenaries managed to double back on The Claw and apprehend him. (GMS)
a CR90 Corvette used by pirates who worked for the discoverer of Butler's Cove, this ship tried to waylay
the Alliance agents escorting Dr. Hegerty to Refgar. (SN)
this Interdictor-class cruiser was part of the small fleet provided to Captain Vocis Kenit during his search
for the Far Orbit. After the Empire's failure to stop the Alliance's use of pirates and privateers, the Claw
was reassigned to the small group of starships which was trailing the Suprosa, just before the ship was
captured by the Alliance. (FOP, XWA)
Claw Vine
this aggressive, thorny vine was native to the planet Kashyyyk, and was considered a nuisance by
virtually every other form of life. Claw vines were hindrances to the movements of most creatures, and
caught in fur or ripped flesh when a creature tried to move through them. Claw vines were also somewhat
motile, and could move their branches slightly in order to snag their prey. The claw vine was not
carnivorous, lacking any sort of mouth or orifice. Instead, the vines fed off the nutrients that were exuded
when the bodies of their prey decomposed. (GMR4)
a species of light-colored birds native to Wayland, clawbirds were known as stana to the Myneyrhsi.

These small avians had wings which are tipped with sharp spines that could inject a slow-acting poison
into a target. Clawbirds attacked in swarms, with one wave bringing down their prey while another
protected the kill from hidden scavengers. (TLC, TTSB)
this fast, agile, six-legged predator was native to Goroth Prime. Most clawcats lived in the mountainous
regions of the planet, feeding on b'karriand other small herbivores. Measuring nearly three meters in
length, the clawcats were almost totally fearless. Despite their obvious speed, clawcats were generally
ambush predators. (GSE)
this shellfish, native to the planet Ando, was considered a delicacy by the Aqualish people. Clawclams
were often served fried. (PH)
this race of near-human beings was noted for its ability to alter its shape, Clawdites were native to the
planet Zolan. Descended from the base Zolander stock, Clawdites were polymorphic within the
boundaries of their own body mass, but could pass for virtually any other race with the proper
concentration on the form. This ability was accidentally triggered when scientists tried to activate dormant
skin genes in the Zolanders, in an effort to protect the race from increasing solar radiation. The genetic
structure of the Zolander subjects was dramatically altered, and centuries of evolution produced the
Clawdite race. Depending on the skill of the individual Clawdite, they might simply change their facial
appearance or alter their entire body shape. The ability to alter one's shape allowed the Clawdites to
blend into enemy camps, where they could gather intelligence fo commit crimes. Shape-changing took a
good deal of patience and practice for the Clawdites, although medical enhancement of their physiology
could enhance their abilities. A given appearance couldn't be maintained for very long, and a dead
Clawdite always reverted back to its original appearance. Because of their shape-changing ability,
Clawdites were ostracized by their Zolander cousins, and there were several periods of civil war marking
Zolan's history. The Clawdites petitioned Count Dooku and the Separatists for aid in defeating the
Zolanders, but were ignored when the Clone Wars. Broke out. Because of the ability of the Clawdites to
alter their appearance, the planet Zolan was blockaded by the Empire, in an effort to prohibit the
Clawdites from traveling abroad. After the Battle of Endor, the Clawdites mercilessly attacked the
Zolanders, eventually taking control of the planet before the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. At this
point, the New Republic began recruiting the Clawdites, hoping to use their shape-changing skills to
infiltrate the Yuuzhan Vong. Note that Star Wars Insider, issue 70 indicates that radioactive bombardment
from outer space triggered the change in the Zolanders, rather than a failed experiment, resulting in the
creation of the Clawdite race. (ZW, AOTCN, VD2, SWI60, SWDB, SWI70)
this was the native language of the Clawdite race, consisting of hissing sibilants and stressed, guttural
croaks. (WOA23, UANT)
this immense Quarren was known as the owner of the Event Horizon, a seedy tavern located on Duro's
Rrudobar orbital city. A nasty individual at heart, Clawfish was distinguished by the fact that he was
missing one of his facial tentacles. Before owning the Event Horizon, Clawfish worked as an outlaw tech
in the Core and the Corporate Sector. No one was ever sure exactly why he was so bitter and callous
toward others, but it was rumored he was actually a fairly good individual if one took the time to get to
know him. (WOTC, CCW)
a small creature found on many desert planets. (RA2)
this avian, native to the planet Naboo, had a pair of pedipalps which hung down from its body when it was
flying. (RP)

scrubby plants native to Yavin 4, the clawthorns have large, hooked thorns growing in their limbs. (COTF)
a family of moisture farmers contemporary with the Lars and the Jensens, living on the planet Tatooine
during the height of the New Order. (TME)
Claymore Mine
an antipersonnel mine used to disable enemy troops. They can be set to explode after a specific time
delay, or to detonate when touched. (DF)
manufactured by SoroSuub, this transport crate was outfitted with a cryogenic freezer unit. This allowed
shippers to keep certain cargoes cold or frozen during transport. (PSG)
this cleaner droid often worked with the installer droid INS-444, helping to repair broken windows in the
cityscape of Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (SWI68)
Clean Land
this area, located south of the city of Nystao, on the planet Honoghr, was the only section of the planet
that remained unaffected by the planet-wide plague that wiped out its plantlife. Most of the Noghri clans
made their homes along the edges of the Clean Land, protecting the inner area for agriculture. The Clean
Land was once a neutral location for the various Noghri clans, where they could discuss matters without
worrying about inter-clan rivalries. (DFR)
Cleaner Droid
this was the generic term used to describe the legions of automatons which cleaned the exterior surfaces
of the skyscrapers and buildings of the planet Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
These droids, such as CLE-004, had only minimal subsystems, relying on the commands of a central
processor to drive them. (VD2, AOTC)
Cleansing, The
this is another term used by the Yevetha to refer to the Great Purge. (TT)
Clear Lake
this was one of the few landlocked bodies of water found on the planet Senali. (SP)
Clearance Blue
the security code phrase for the deactivation of the shield generator protecting the second Death Star
near Endor. (ROTJN)
ClearSkyes Boutique
located in the city of Xakrea, on the planet Darkknell, this shop served as a front for an Imperial
Intelligence drop site and computer terminal during the height of the New Order. (TFNR)
an Alliance Corvette destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Cleft Head
this tavern, located in the city of ChikatLik on Ord Cestus, was known for its wake-tea and conversation.
Many of ChikatLik's residents converged on the Cleft Head for any manner of stimulants, especially the
office workers who never really went home from their jobs. (TCD)
Clegg Holdfast
this Nosaurian was one of the Outer Rim's least-experienced podracer pilots, despite the fact that he was
also a reporter for Podracing Quarterly. Clegg was the son of a fisherbeing father and a candlemaker
mother, but pursued an education and a career in journalism to escape these humble roots. His own

research with the podracing circuits led him to race in a Keizar-Volver KV9T9-B Wasp racer. Holdfast was
a tall, lanky Nosaurian with six bony horns rising from the top of his head, and was native to the planet
New Plympto. His insider reports from the podraces made him one of the most popular writers for
Podracing Quarterly, although many of his fellow racers believed him to be a fop. (TPM, RAC, IG1, IWE1,
Clem "Trigger"
this male Clantaani was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture after Clem defaulted on a "generous" sixtypercent loan, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a
meeting with Jabba. (BH)
Clench Challenge
this was a form of combat used by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk to determine an individual's strength. A pair
of competitors locked their arms around each other and squeezed, clenching their arms together until one
Wookiee gave in. (AFA)
Lando Calrissian once won the deed to a Clendoran brewery as a result of his efforts in the Battle of
Taanab. (SWJ5)
this grizzled man was formerly a Sergeant in the Imperial Army, where he dreamed of becoming a drill
instructor. However, he spent most of his career in the classroom learning military theory, and decided not
to re-enlist when his hitch was over. He returned to his homeworld of Yalln, but was bored without any
form of activity. He eventually took a job working for Barosa Warren at the Galactic Outdoor Survival
School, where his anti-Alliance sentiments meshed well with those of Warren himself. While at GOSS,
Clenna found himself learning almost as much from Warren as he was teaching his own students. (AIR)
this tank is used for bathing. (RM)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Clera indicated the sky, wind, or air. (GCG)
this man was the king of the daylight side of a remote planet, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
He worried that peace would never come to the two sides of the planet, and that his own daughter,
Princess Risa, would no produce a male heir. When Han Solo crash-landed on the planet, he provided
Cleroff with a plan to solve all his problems. Han arranged to have Prince Gil kidnapped by other
brigands, so that King Cleroff could pay his ransom and make Gil's family indebted to him. In this way,
Cleroff could demand Gil's marriage to Princess Risa as recompense. He didn't count on his own brother,
the vizier Marius, plotting to voerthrow him, but he gladly accepted Han's help in eliminating any threats.
Cless, Mavin
this man was a respected culinary expert who reviewed many restaurants in the Outer Rim Territories. He
sometimes ran afoul of minor crimelords who owned these restaurants, and had to adjust his reviews
accordingly. (GG11)
Clessigan, Thom
this Alliance agent was based in the Spilgan region of the planet Hollast VII, when Glorga the Hutt was
murdered by Nakaron. Agent Clessigan also witnessed the murder of Lanish Ran, and immediately
arrested Nakaron. While en route to the penal colony on Dles IV, Nakaron seized control of the transfer
shuttle Protector, taking Agent Clessigan and the rest of the crew hostage. After the Battle of Endor, the

New Republic mounted an investigation into Nakaron's whereabouts, in an effort to rescue Agent
Clessigan and his crew. (SWJ4)
this smuggler was an acquaintence of Pyrron Nox and Gideon. He was killed shortly before the Battle of
Hoth, after making a run from the planet Kessel. (SWJ12)
Cley, Usu
this man served the Grand Army of the Republic as a combat instructor at the Rimsoo Five military
hospital on Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars. A short man who fought in the middle weight
classes, Cley had been a regular champion in the Ninth Fleet for several years before being stationed on
Drongar. There, he finally met his match when Phow Ji was hired to served as the combat instructor for
Rimsoo Seven. (MBS)
meaning "curious", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this Rodian was one of Prince Xizor's vigos, or one of his closest lieutenants. Clezo wasn't flashy or
ruthlessly cruel, but he nevertheless posted a consistent profit each quarter. He had ties to many bounty
hunting organizations, including House Tresario, and plotted to assassinate Navik the Red and install his
own puppet - Chorh-dha - as the leader of the Chattza clan. Clezo was known for his management skills,
and his innate ability to always find the right being for any given job. (SE, RESB)
this tribe of beings maintained its existence on the planet Iego, on a mesa overlooking the Scatter. The
tribe was led for many years by Darubang Yosa. (WOTC)
Cliffborer Worm
this arthropod creature was native to the sandstone outcroppings found on the planet Tatooine. They
could grow to lengths of ten meters or more, but the average cliffborer was usually about 4 meters in
length. A pair of jointed, vestigial legs provided the cliffborer with a way to defend itself, as well as a way
to move through its tunnels. Note that the Illustrated Star Wars Universe indicates that the legs of the
cliffborer worm were found at the rear of its body, while the Alien Anthology portrays the cliffborer with
legs near its head. They inhabit the rocky outcroppings that are sprinkled throughout the desert, subsiding
on razor moss and lichens. The tough skin of the cliffborer worm was used to make durable boots, and
could also be fashioned into coverings for speeders. (ISU, ANT)
this was the name used by the students of the Imperial Academy on Carida to describe the facilities. The
name referred to the fact that the main living halls were built on the side of a sheer rock face, and the
walkway which led from the halls to the main assembly field was perched on the edge of the cliff. When
the trainees were about to graduate, they had to assemble and march from the living halls to the field, in
full dress uniform and in precise marching order, while negotiating the walkway. In the history of the
Carida Academy, several students fell to their deaths when their troop leaders failed to turn the platoon
precisely, and they were literally pushed over the edge by the troops behind them. This was the final
"test" each trainee had to pass before graduation. (SFE)
Cliffside Resort Tower
this was one of the many casinos established on Streysel Island, during the height of the New Order. The
Cliffside Resort Tower also offered a variety of accommodations, catering to high rollers and budgetminded visitors. (WOTC)
Cliffside, The
this was one of two cantinas which were located in the outpost settlement of Elesa, on Ando Prime,

during the early years of the New Order. (GMR2)

native to the island cliffs of Vaynai, this snail was harvested for its tasty flesh, which was best served
broiled. (GMR8)
this Imperial Navy Yeoman was one of the few females who served under Ors Dogot on the Bloodprice.
She was killed when the ship was destroyed by the Teljkon vagabond. (SOL)
one of the many attractions of the SkyCenter Galleria on Cloud City, the Climateria was housed in a
circular section of the park. The Climateria was divided into twenty pie-shaped sections, with
transparisteel walkway tubes between them. Each section depicted a different sort of climate, with the
approriate flora, fauna, and environmental conditions all on display. The climates were a consolidation of
climates from planets which are known for their wondrous ecologies. There was a swamp climate, a rain
forest climate, an ocean climate, and a desert climate already up and running when Cojahn was
murdered by Black Sun. Each climate was extremely realistic, and participants could expect to get wet,
dirty, or sandy, depending on which environments they visited. (TCC)
Climbing Claws
these metal claws are used by the Mistryl warriors for climbing anything from trees to buildings. They fit
the hands like gloves, and allow the Mistryl to drive the claws into a surface and gain a handhold. (VOF)
Climbing Fern
this quick-growing fern inhabits the upper levels of the forest on Yavin 4, spreading out from the branches
of Massassi trees in brilliant green cascades. Each frond measures almost two meters in length. (GG2)
Climbing Tauntaun
one of the smallest subspecies of tauntaun native to the planet Hoth, the climbing tauntaun had wide
paws studded with heavy claws. This allowed the creature to climb the sides of glaciers and caves to
reach lichens and moss, and contributed to its name. These tauntauns were more rodent-like than the
others, and lacked the curving horns of their larger cousins. The two stubby horns of the climbing
tauntaun curved upward, meeting just above the crown of the head. (WSW)
this was a generic term used to describe any set of clothing - in pieces or a full-body unit - which assisted
the wearer in climbing activities. They are often coated with FrictionGrip to assist in ascending steep
structures. The first Climbsuits were produced by Ayelixe/Krongbing textiles. (ROE, AEG)
Clinging Tree
this species of plant is native to the planeyt Yuga 2, and fills that world's Planetary Park. (MTS)
this was a sheer, clinging fabric used to make provocative eveningwear during the early years of the New
Republic. (SWI67)
this form of heavy-duty wire was used by law enforcement agents, as well as bounty hunters, to ensnare
their quarry. It could be shot from a wrist-mounted launcher, with a heavy head to ensure it reached its
target, and wound tightly around the body. The wire itself provided additional gripping power, which only
helped tighten the wire's hold whenever the target moved. Clingwire also had a high tensile strength, and
could support huge amounts of weight or stress. (AOTCA)
this was the nickname of Myn Donos' R2 astromech droid, during his tenure with Wraith Squadron. (SOC)

an Alliance container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Clip Beetle
this was a form of insect raised by the Yuuzhan Vong. The shell of the clip beetle was very nutritious, and
was a staple in the diet of many of the Yuuzhan Vong's biological constructs. They were also the primary
means with which the Yuuzhan Vong connected pieces of clothing or even living tissue. The clip beetles
were voracious feeders, and their mandibles were incredibly strong. When the head joint of a clip beetle
was manipulated, the beetle would open its jaws. It could then be placed into position, to secure two
pieces of cloth or the opposing sides of a wound, and allowed to close its jaws. The head was then
popped off the body with a squeeze of the fingers, securing the two pieces in place. The body section
could then be squeezed to express the tender meat inside. (EL2, T)
this man was the older of the two cooks aboard the Courteous when Lando Calrissian arrived to sell them
cigars and play sabacc, several years before the Battle of Yavin. (LCS)
this series of Cybot Galactica binary load-lifters was produced during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (HNN5)
this was Cybot Galactica's version of a binary load lifter. The CLL-8 measured three meters in height, and
was a two-legged automaton that was similar in appearance to an Imperial AT-ST scout walker. (SWJ14,
this was the name of the group of Alliance ATR-6 transports used to knock out an Imperial sensor net,
shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
Cloak Leader
the callsign for the lead spacetrooper piloting the mole miners in the Battle of Sluis Van. (HTTE)
Cloak of Nuun
this specialized cloak was bio-engineered fur by those Yuuzhan Vong warriors who were escalated to the
ranks of the Hunters. Named for the warrior Nuun, the Cloak was a living material containing
photosensitive bacteria that made the wearer blend into their surroundings. A specialized form of the
Cloak of Nuun was developed by the Shapers, and hid the wearer's thoughts as well as making them
almost invisible. (FP, SWI62, UF)
Cloak of the Sith
the region of space surrounding the Roon System, it was filled with dangerous meteors, asteroids, and
planetoids. (DCAR)
Cloak Squadron
this was the name given to the squadron of cloaked TIE Fighters desployed by Grand Admiral Thrawn at
the Battle of Sluis Van, some five years after the Battle of Endor. The TIE Fighters had been carried into
the Sluis Van shipyards by the Nartissteu, which exploded in order to allow the TIE Fighters to infiltrate
the shipyards and launch their attack. (HTTE)
Cloaked Goddess
this was a common name given to the Yuuzhan Vong deit Yun-Harla. (FH3)
Cloaking Device
this was a device which caused a ship to appear invisible to another ship's scanners. There were two
types of cloaking devices that were developed in the galaxy. The earliest form employed the mineral
known as stygium, and was manufactured by the Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory. First used on the

Sith Infiltrator, stygium-based cloaking devices were extremely efficient, and allowed the cloaked ship to
use it sensors to monitor its surroundings. However, stygium was found only on Aeten II, and was
prohibitively expensive to mine. In the turmoil of the Clone Wars, stygium technology was lost. Imperial
scientists then discovered that hibridium could also be used to generate a cloaking device. Initial testing
seemed to indicate the hibridium-based cloaking could only be used on stationary objects. However, with
further research, a hibridium cloaking device was developed for starship use. Unfortunately, it was
tremendously bulky, and required huge amounts of power to operate. Its abilities were overshadowed by
its cost, and it was never fully implemented. The one major drawback to the hibridium cloaking device
was that it was unstable during hyperspacial travel. This fact was not known to Admiral Zaarin, who
attempted to steal a version for the Alliance. He took a cloaked CR90 corvette into hyperspace to escape
Vice Admiral Thrawn but the cloaking device ruptured and destroyed the corvette as it entered
hyperspace. Several years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn recovered the technology
from Mount Tantiss and used it twice: once at the Battle of Sluis Van, to hide the contents of his false
freighter Narsisstue; and again when he mounted them on asteroids and set them loose in orbit around
Coruscant. There were several limitations to using the device on a starship, the foremost of which was
that the cloaked ship was as "double-blind": the cloaked ship was as blind to the outside world as the ship
was to observation. This presented a problem to early engineers and designers, but was overcome by the
advent of the Imperial Computer Combat Predictor. It didn't alleviate the fact that the cloaked ship was
blind, but tried allow it the opportunity to shoot down attacking craft. (HTTE, TLC, TIE, SOP, X1, SOG)
Cloaking Shadow
this term was used to describe the secondary sensor reading produced by tracking devices. When a
being needed to track the position of a starship, a homing beacon or other device was affixed to the target
ship's hull. This allowed the pursuer to follow the ship, since the tracking device gave off a signal
indicating the target's position. If detected by the target, the tracking device registered as a "cloaking
shadow" on its own sensors. (AOTC, BF1)
CloakShape Fighter
developed by the old Kuat Systems Engineering company, the CS fighter was a slow, underpowered, but
quite durable starfighter. A few of them survived the Galactic Civil War, seeing duty in smuggler fleets.
First introduced several decades before the Clone Wars, the CS Fighter was a simple design, easily
modified for specific uses. Because of this, very few unmodified ships could be found by the time of the
Battle of Yavin. The CS could be modified in a number of ways, mainly with the addition of Curich
Engineering's rear wing and stabilizer conversion kit. This kit, which improved maneuverability and
allowed the addition of a hyperdrive sled, was so popular that many people forget it wasn't part of the
original design. The ClaokShape fighter measured 15 meters in length, and was armed with a pair of
laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers. In the original, unmodified state, a Cloakshape
fighter could attain speeds of 950 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. (DE1, DESB, EGV, NEGV)
developed by MicroThrust, this wrist chronometer did much more than tell time. With the addition of
specially-designed peripherals, the Clockwatcher could provide information on ambient temperature,
gravity, atmospheric conditions, and the surrounding environment. A communication module allowed the
wearer to link up with their droid for remote operation. (GFT)
Clode Rhoden
this immense, green-skinned humanoid was the wealthy tibanna gas magnate who owned the planet
Yorn Skot during the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. He made a fortune mining tibanna gas from Yorn
Skot's atmosphere, but made quite a few enemies along the way to success. Among them was his own
wife, who planned to murder him in order to claim his inheritance. Clode Rhoden ruled the planet Yorn
Skot on his own terms, refusing to join any local government, let alone the Old Republic. This earned him
the ire of the eco-terrorist group known as the Green Forge, who infiltrated Rhoden's operations by
having Buck serve as Madam Rhoden's personal trainer. His wealth also made him a target of pressure
pirates who worked the gas giants of the galaxy. Despite his seeming short-sightedness, Clode Rhoden
was well aware of his wife's affair with Buck, and planned to use their own core bomb to destroy their
escape pod, after the Aurorient Express was sabotaged. He then planned to alter the escape pod's

trajectory to destroy his own Yorn Skot Mining Station, in order to blame its destruction on the Green
Forge and claim the insurance payments. He also revealed to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that he
was aware of the actions of the pressure pirates, and had managed to reprogram them for his own usage.
a race of herbivores native to the planet Naboo, these large, grasshopper-like creatures hated the water.
Note that Operation: Clodhopper claims these creatures are omnivorous. The Naboo consider them
pests, since they often ravage crops and destroy farmlands. The Gungans, on the other hand, consume
them as tasty snacks, and use their hard shells to make musical instruments. Clodhoppers hatch from
small, spherical eggs which begin incubating as soon as they encounter an atmosphere. Once hatched,
infant clodhoppers voraciously attack any organic matter in search of their first meal. A pair of
clodhoppers can produced as many as 2,000 babies in a week when young, and up to 1,000 babies per
week as they mature, and never lose the ability to reproduce. Because of this, the export of clodhoppers
was restricted, as they could wreak havoc with the natural ecosystem of an unprotected world. (GF,
Clog, The
this was the most densely-populated section of the city of Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa. Buildings in this
area of the city were built with whatever materials were available, giving it a ramshackle appearance.
However, the natives of The Clog were fiercely loyal to their homes, and despised the wealthier beings
who lived in the area known as The Stones. (ND)
this was the name adopted by the beings who lived in The Clog section of Iritsa, on Chazwa. (ND)
this Jeodu served as one of Dequc's personal guards. (MJEH)
this medicine was instrumental in keeping the sufferers of Zithrom's Disease alive, although the drug was
not a cure. (TFE)
genetically reproduced beings, clones were created from genetic material taken from a specific source.
Among the best cloners in the galaxy were the Khommites and the Kaminoans. Both races used genetic
manipulation to maintain their civilization. The Khommites cloned individual family members who
exhibited desireable traits, so that each succeeding generation was a replica of the previous one. Very
little variation occurred, so that the Khommites were assured of stable generations. The Kaminoans, by
comparison, produced clones for other beings. Their work first came to light shortly before the Battle of
Geonosis, when Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the clone army which had been commissioned by Jedi
Master Sifo-Dyas. These clones, grown over a period of ten years from the genetic material of Jango Fett,
were used to augment the forces of the Jedi Knights in defeating the Geonosians. This vast clone army
was later used during the Clone Wars. The Kaminoan clones were provided with growth acceleration,
producing a twenty-year-old clone in just ten years. Over the next generation, the average growth period
was reduced to just 3-5 Imperial years, and there was an accepted doctrine that the shortest time needed
to create a stable clone was 1 year. There was speculation that a method was found that could allow
them to be grown in 15 to 20 days, and this speculation was shown to be true when Grand Admiral
Thrawn began mass-prodicing clones to crew the Katana Fleet ships he obtained some five years after
the Battle of Endor. Investigation into his cloning activities revealed that Thrawn was growing his clones
at the Mount Tantiss facility on Wayland, in the presence of thousands of ysalamiri. The ability of the
ysalamiri to create bubbles that repelled the Force allowed Thrawn's clones to grow without the "normal"
influence of the Force, resulting in exceptionally fast growth rates. However, this lack of contact with the
Force warped the minds of these rapidly-grown clones, which eventually led to insanity. Thrawn felt that
the risk of insanity was sufficient in order to quickly create a legion of armed forces. (SW, DFR, DE1, TLC,

Clone Commando
this was the name given to those specially-trained clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic who
were trained to act as infiltration agents, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Commandos trained
separately from both the rank-and-file clone trooper and the ARC trooper, and always were trained in
squads of four. Commandos wore specially-upgraded Katarn armor, with was painted a dull gray for
better camouflage. Like other clones produced for the GAR, clone commandos were humans who had
feeling and needs, but their military training bred most of these feelings out. Unlike other clones, however,
commandos developed deep relationships with the other members of the four-man teams. The loss of
one or more members of the team often left the survivors with feelings of pain and anguish, which the
commandos kept to themselves. Like clone troopers, clone commandos were produced with enhanced
development, allowing them to mature in half the time required by a baseline human. Because of their
enhanced development, however, clone commandos had about half the normal lifespan of a human. Of
course, that assumed that they survived combat. (RCHC)
Clone Keepers
the name given to the scientists and functionaries working in the reborn Emperor Palpatine's cloning
installation on Byss. (DE1)
Clone SCUBA Trooper
this was the designation of those clone troopers who served the Army of the Republic on aquatic or
oceanic battlefronts. The standard twenty-piece suit of body armor worn by a clone trooper was modified
to protect the trooper from the water, and was created from a lightweight plastoid-alloy composite that
reduced drag while submerged. The helmet of the SCUBA trooper was also modified, with a pair of
scrubber units which could extract oxygen from the water. A specialized propulsion pack was worn on the
back, allowing the trooper to move and maneuver underwater. Additionally, water-resistant weapons were
developed for these units. (SWDB, CWC1)
Clone Trooper
this was the term used to describe the clones of Jango Fett, which were developed by the Kaminoans for
Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Whatever their original mission, the clones were first used in the Battle of
Geonosis, to create the Army of the Republic and augment the forces of the Jedi Knights in combating
Count Dooku and his droid armies. The clone troopers were the forerunners of the Imperial stormtrooper,
wearing a twenty-piece set of white body armor modeled after the armor of the Mandalorian
Shocktroopers. The original design of this armor was done by the Kaminoans, who did not account for the
human body's ability to sit. Thus, clone troopers had to stand most of the time, for sitting was
uncomfortable. These 1.78-meter-tall clones, growth-accelerated to mature twice as fast as a normal
human and genetically altered to be strong, loyal, and obedient, were developed by Ko Sai and trained by
Jango Fett himself. The Kaminoan cloning facility was able to produce these clones rapidly and with high
quality, with a success rate of 193 viable clones out of each batch of 200. The remaining seven could
often be reconditioned, and the defects were researched and bred out of future generations. Each clone
trooper's identification number was coded into his DNA, allowing for specific individuals to be identified, if
needed. A chip implanted in their neck provided additional identification information. The use of clone
troopers produced an unexpected benefit on the combat field, in that their similar genome allowed for the
development of specific treatments which could be carried in quantity and used without fear of allergy.
They proved to be invaluable resources during the struggle on Geonosis, fearlessly attacking the droid
armies of the Trade Federation and the Geonosians and eventually overtaking them to win the battle for
the Republic. The consistent training routines and utter loyalty and dedication of the clone troopers
allowed Republic commanders to plan strategies ahead of time, since they could always count on the
actions of their troopers. Another benefit to having cloned soldiers was during medical procedures,
especially those with near-fatal injuries. Skin and organs could be grown from the Jango Fett DNA,
ensuring that there was no rejection of implanted or replaced body parts. Additionally, because the clones
were nearly identical internally as well as externally, there was little variation to the size and location of
muscles, blood vessels, and other parts. This allowed surgeons to simply repair a trooper's body without
having to worry about minute variations. Because of their enhanced development, clone troopers had
about half the normal lifespan of a human, assuming that they survived combat. The white helmets of the
clone troopers were striped with colors to indicate a trooper's rank above the standard military soldier:

yellow for Commanders, red for Captains, blue for Lieutenants, and green for Sergeants. Note that Star
Wars: Episode II - Incredible Cross-Sections indicates that the colors represented roles instead of rank:
yellow indicated aircrew officers, blue indicated military police, and red indicated infantry officers. (VD2,
Clone Wars
this was the name given by historians to the series of major battles which occurred during the last years
of the Old Republic, in which the Jedi Knights worked with the armed forces of the Republic to repel the
Separatist threat. The opening conflict of the Clone Wars was generally considered to be the Battle of
Geonosis, in which the first cloned warriors developed on Kamino were used to augment the 100 Jedi
Knights dispatched to Geonosis to combat the droid armies of Count Dooku. The Clone Wars spanned
about three years in galactic history, and rapidly spread throughout the galaxy after the Battle of
Geonosis. Ostensibly, the droids armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems - known as the
Separatists because they broke away from the Old Republic - were pitted against the clone troopers of
the Grand Army of the Republic. The Separatists were led by Count Dooku, a former Jedi Knight who left
the Jedi Order. His commanders were culled from the ranks of Dark Jedi and many criminal elements.
The Old Republic's forces were led by the Jedi Knights, who were forced into positions of military
command after Yoda commandeered the first clone troopers to participate in the Battle of Geonosis. As
the war ground on, many beings within the Republic wondered whether the Jedi Knights were capable of
winning the war. Many Jedi fell during the early stages of the fighting, nearly 200 of them at Geonosis. In
the eyes of many, the Jedi were no longer the invincible warriors of light they had once been, nor were
they the calm force of reason many believed them to be. This perception of the Jedi as military
commanders driven to end the war, coupled with the propaganda spread by Dooku and the Separatists,
left the Jedi Order in poor standing throughout the conflict. The last battle took place over Coruscant
itself, after General Grievous was able to capture Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan
Kenobi were the only Jedi able to infiltrate the Separatist flagship and defeat both Grievous and Count
Dooku, rescuing Palpatine in the process and putting an end to the fighting. (SW, AOTC, AOTCN, OWS)
this man was the leader of the Winnard Clan, during the height of the New Order. He was one of only a
few members of the Clan to survive an Imperial attack on their base, an attack which was launched in
retaliation for Traggissk Reosss' ambush of an Imperial convoy near the Corporate Sector. Cloone was
captured and interrogated by the Empire, but was eventually set free after providing proof that Reosss'
attack was never intended to take an Imperial target. He was able to rebuild the Winnard Clan, and later
issued a bounty for the capture of Traggissk Reosss. (GMR6)
this name, which meant "big feet", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
a prisoner working in the spice mines of Kessel at the time Han and Chewie are shot down while on a
diplomatic mission to the planet, following the Battle of Bilbringi. He was killed by one of the spice mines'
denizens while working with Han and Chewie in a deep mine. (JS)
Clothes for Her
this clothing store was located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, and catered to the needs of females of all
species. Owned by Leww, it was the companion store to Clothes for Him. (GA)
Clothes for Him
this clothing store was located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, and catered to the needs of males of all
species. Owned by Leww, it was the companion store to Clothes for Her. (GA)
this Imperial stormtrooper served as part of the Aurek-Seven unit of the Imperial 501st Legion during the
years following the formation of the Imperial Remnant and the signing of a peace treaty between the
Empire and the New Republic. When Twister agreed to help free Eickarie prisoners in exchange for Sumil's help in penetrating the Warlord's fortress on Kariek, he dispatched Cloud to relay their situation to

their commanding officer and return with backup forces. He did this with efficient speed and suitable
discretion, returning with reinforcements just after Su-mil's deception got them deep into the fortress.
However, Cloud was stunned when Twister refused to begin the attack on the Warlord before freeing a
group of Eickarie prisoners in the lower dungeons. Like his companions Grappler, Watchman, and
Shadow, Cloud accompanied Chak Fel on the mission to locate the Outbound Flight Project in Chiss
space, some three years before the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. They took heavy
damage when the Vagaari pirates launched their attack, but the unit remained intact throughout the
fighting. (FB, SQ)
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was originally release as part of the compilation
Limited Warfare, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Cloud Ape
this simian beast is recognizable by the hooting sound it makes when it calls to its companions. (TBH)
Cloud Bridge
this location on the planet Teyr is found on the western end of the Teyr Rift. It is also the last station on
the southern spur of the Rift Skyrail. It is one of the narrowest sections of the Rift, and is also one of the
most spectacular. (SOL)
Cloud Car
small, atmospheric craft that are powered by repulsorlifts and ion engines. The best-known cloud cars are
the Storm IV twin-pod models built by Bespin Motors. These are the same types of cloud cars used by
Lando Calrissian on Cloud City. (ESB, SWSB)
Cloud City
a tibanna gas mining colony in orbit over Bespin run by Lando Calrissian during the height of the Galactic
Civil War, Cloud City was originally built by Ecclessis Figg and the fledgling Bespin Motors company.
Based on the platform of the Floating Hime, it is essentially a huge, saucer-shaped city floating in the Life
Zone layer of Bespin's atmosphere, some 60,000 kilometers from the planet's core. The saucer - an
incredible sixteen kilometers in diameter - is kept stable via a long repulsorlift unipod which hangs below
the saucer. This configuration makes Cloud City seventeen kilometers in overall height. The unipod keeps
Cloud City afloat by using 3,6000 repulsorlift engines. There are 392 levels to Cloud City, and a surfacelevel concourse at its top. The upper levels, denoted as Level 1 through Level 50, were filled with the
luxury hotels and casinos which made Cloud City famous. Levels 51-100 were set aside for upscale
housing, Levele 101-120 were for administrative offices, and Levels 120-160 housed the infamous Port
Town. Levels 161-220 were used for general housing of the facility's workers; Levels 221-280 were used
for factories: Levels 281-370 for gas refineries and miners' quarters; and Level 371-392 were filled with
the repulsorlift engines and tractor beam generators that kept the city afloat and in position. Its location
keeps it out of the mainstream of interplanetary commerce, but that allows it some necessary freedoms. It
is known for its productions of tibanna gas, as well as for its casinos and open-air plazas. Due to its small
size, in relation to full-scale mining operations, Cloud City was able to remain outside Imperial jurisdiction
and separate from the Mining Guild. Lando Calrissian won control of the outpost in a sabacc match, but
continued the mining operations and realtive anonymity of the station. Note that Galaxy of Fear 4: The
Nightmare Machine claims that Lando won it shortly after the Battle of Yavin. However, when Darth Vader
learned that Luke Skywalker might go to the outpost to rescue his friends, the Empire took control of the
city. After Luke was able to escape from Vader, Vader left an Imperial garrison there. Grand Admiral
Thrawn later used this garrison as a base of operations in his war against the New Republic. The outpost
was again freed of Imperial control following Thrawn's defeat, but Cloud City's reputation had been
forever tarnished. (ESB, HTTE, GG2, EGV, GOF4, SWDB)
Cloud City Casino Sabacc
a Sabbac variation in which one card from each hand is selected for a spin-change, and the closest
player to +/-23 or 0 wins the hand and gets the difference in points. In this form, all wild cards are forfeit.

Cloud City Central

this was the largest and best-equipped hospital located on Bespin's Cloud City. (GG2)
Cloud City HoloVids
this holoviedo rental store was located on Bespin's Cloud City, during the height of the New Order.
Cloud City Miner's Guild
this was the loose association of small corporations which mined the various gases which swirled in the
atmosphere of Bespin. The Guild remained separate from the Galactic Miner's Guild, so that they weren't
forced to pay surtaxes and weren't subject to Imperial control. (CCG5)
Cloud City Museum
this museum was home to some of Lando Calrissian's favorite artworks, until Zorba the Hutt won Cloud
City in a rigged sabacc match. Then, after freezing Trioculus in carbonite, Zorba had his inert form
displayed in the museum. (MMY)
Cloud Craft
this was a form of limited-range starship, used primarily for in-system travel. (SWDB)
Cloud Crupa
a singing bird. (TFE)
Cloud Dance Restaurant
located in the upper levels of Cloud City, the Cloud Dance extended in a ring from a tall, cylindrical tower.
Transparisteel windows in the outer walls gave patrons a 360-degree view of Cloud City and the
atmosphere of Bespin. The floors and ceilings were also made of transparisteel, giving patrons the feeling
that they are floating above the planet. An opaque walkway roamed the perimeter of the restaurant,
providing access to all the tables. A beautiful sculpture - a glass sphere with cloud-like gases roiling
inside - stood in the center of the restaurant, providing the dancing clouds referred to in its name. (TCC)
Cloud Jumpers
these soliders are part of the Exocron Airfleet, and use repulsorlift jump packs similar to a rocket pack.
However, the packs don't propel the wearer as much as they allow the wearer to make incredible leaps of
up to 200 meters at a time. (KO)
Cloud Mountain
this was the tallest mountain peak found on the planet Cularin. The name came from a Tarasin legend
which claimed the summit of the mountain was made from clouds, and not rock. At one time during their
history, there were twelve tribes fo Tarasin living on or near the mountain. Then the mountain revealed its
true nature, as a volcano. The clouds which had covered the top of the mountain were made from the
steam which formed as condensation contacted hot magma. Cloud Mountain erupted, and the Tarasin
tribes were forced to flee the area and unite their forces in order to survive. The remnants of the twelve
tribes became the larger Hiironi Irstat over time. Sunburst Mining tried to establish an operation on Cloud
Mountain, but the mines dried up before any real profit could be made. (LFC, EOS)
Cloud Police
the law enforcement agency protecting Cloud City. They are overseen by the Governor of Cloud City.
Given the outpost's neutral standing during the Galactic Civil War, the Cloud Police are also neutral,
trying not to find fault with either the Empire or the Alliance. (ZHR)
Cloud Riders
this was the name of Serji-X Arrogantus' band of galactic privateers. During the years leading up to the
Battle of Yavin, they held a village on Aduba-3 in thrall, demainding heavy taxes and casuing general
havoc for the natives. The gang moved about on modified Peregrine 240 swoops, which had been fitted
with Nebulo-Q thrusters. This gave them the speed and flight capabilities of an airspeeder. Their control
over the village was broken when until Han Solo, Jaxxon, and a group of adventurers ousted them. The

death of Serji-X Arrogantus proved the final undoing of the gang, which disbanded shortly afterward.
a plant which has both blossoms and spikes. Each blossom becomes a sweet fruit, unless there are too
many spikes; this makes the fruit tiny and sour. (TB)
this was a repulsor-equipped form of public transportation that was developed on the plant Falleen during
the last decades of the Old Republic. (JQ9)
this flowering vine was native to the planet Romin. (JQ8)
Cloudflower Wall
this immense wall was built around the city of Eliior, on the planet Romin. The outer side of the
Cloudflower Wall was covered with cloudflower vines, ostensibly so that the beings who lived outside the
city could have the illusion of living in the wilderness. In reality, the wall was erected by Roy Teda to
ensure that the workers of Romin remained outside the city of Eliior, which was a sanctuary for the richest
and wealthiest criminals in the galaxy. The vines themselves were actually painted on the wall, to further
heighten the illusion of tranquility. Outside the wall, workers lived in concentric rings of shacks and
hovels, which became progressively poorer as one traveled away from the city. The Cloudflower Wall was
under constant surveillance, and guard droids ensured that no workers entered the city without proper
authorization. (JQ8)
this was the name given to a small, intrasystem craft used to transport small cargoes. They were
equipped with just enough shielding to allow them to travel back and forth through atmosphere. (GMR10)
Cloudland Peaks
a tourist attraction on Selonia, Cloudland Peaks were actually a chain of five islands which rise out of the
ocean so high that their tops disappear in the clouds. The Cloudland Peaks were also highly volcanic.
an Ithroian herdship, it was best known for its hospitals and glass manufacturing plants. The ship was
voted as the primary reception site for New Republic representatives during the herd meet following the
destruction of the Maw Installation. It boasted some of the best guest facilities, as well as one of the
largest herdship shuttleports. (COJ)
this was the name used by the Korunnai to describe the ocean of toxic gases which covered the surface
of the planet Haruun Kal. (WOTC)
this reptile has armor-like scales that overlapped to form a smooth carapace near its head. (GG10)
Club Prosperine
located on the continent of Kreesis, on Algara II, Club Prosperine is the planet's largest resort facility. Its
simply screams luxury in all of its appointments, which are exotic, entertaining, and expensive. (PG2)
Club Vortex
this dance club was located in the upper-class section of the planet Lianna, but went out of business
shortly before the institution of the New Order. The building remained vacant for a year before being
purchased by Yin Vocta and Vector Technologies. It was soon transformed in the Bantha Traxx
restaurant and dance club. (WSV)

Clubs, The
a cluster of bars and casinos located in Byrne City, on Demophon, the Clubs were heavily-guarded
establishments that catered to the underworld of the planet. Run by Ace Lorle, they Clubs able to operate
due to the lack of backbone in Jared Fronz. (SN)
Cluster Cantina
this seedy cantina was located on the moon Nar Shaddaa. It was a popular hangout for lowlifes and
criminals during the last decades of the Old Republic. (TDV)
Cluster Plug
this power of power plug was used on pod racers. It employed a cluster of power sources to provide
energy to the racer's engine. It was a more efficient design than the rotary plug. (RAC)
Cluster Trap
designed by the New Republic, a cluster trap is a nondescript blister on the hull of a capital ship. Hidden
inside the blister are any number of high-powered concussion grenades. When starfighters are close
enough, the capital ship's weapons crew can activate the cluster trap, sending the grenades spewing into
space. If done right, the grenades explode in the midst of the starfighters. (DFRSB)
Cluster2 Plug
this second-generation power plug was used on pod racers. It could nearly double the power output of the
basic cluster plug. (RAC)
named for the grouping of yorik coral sections which comprised it, this Yuuzhan Vong starship was
developed to house immature yammosks as they grew. These ships later became the primary facilities for
housing yammosks in battle, since they were fast-moving and easy to maneuver. (JE, UF)
this clone trooper Commander was one of the few troopers to survive the Old Republic's initial attempt to
force the Sephi to remain with the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. With the deaths of Jedi
Masters Tyffix anf Tyr, Clutch found himself working with the Padawans Pix and Cal until Yoda could
travel from Coruscant to Thustra. When Navi presented them with information - albeit false - of Yoda's
execution, Clutch wondered whether Pix would be able to take command of the situation. The young Jedi
decided to act on Navi's information, and ordered Clutch to plan their assault. They were unaware of
Navi's deception, and their attack played into his plans. However, Pix and Clutch survived long enough to
rejoin Yoda, and they left Thustra behind to return to Coruscant and expose Navi's treachery. (J5)
this was an Alliance starfighter slang term for a full squadron of Imperial TIE Fighters. (SWJ10)
New Republic fighter pilot slang for a Tri-fighter, named because of the way the three wings seem to
clutch the ball-shaped cockpit. (IJ)
this ZeHethbra was a major smuggling chief during the early years of the New Republic. Originally an
athlete, Clyngunn was a champion unarmed-combat expert who represented ZeHethbra in the Stratis
Games on Hallrin IV. He held many records in the inter-species Multi-Sentient Unarmed Combat Rounds.
After leaving athletics, Clyngunn quickly became disenchanted with the relative boredom of "real life." He
bought his own ship and began running cargoes. He met up with Billey, and started running guns and
spice. When he was once boarded by a customs agent who discovered the true nature of his cargo,
Clyngunn managed to evade arrest when the agent realized that Clyngunn was a champion athlete.
Clyngunn provided the agent with his autograph, and was set free. (DFR, TLC)
this Yuuzhan Vong material had a clean, clear smell. (SBS)

this antigen was developed to fight Brainworm Rot Type A. (HNN5)
this is a concussion missile employed on K-Wing bombers. (TT)
this concussion missile is similar to the CM-5 in configuration, but it delivers a much larger payload. (TT)
Cmaoli Di
this planet is located in Brema Sector. Historians note that Cmaoli Di was the first planet in the sector to
be overtaken by the Pinacism movement. (SWJ12)
this Mekuun command speeder measured 6.2 emters long, and could accommodate up to seven
passengers and up to 100 kilograms of cargo. A fast vehicle, the CMD-1 was designed to move battlefield
commanders into position to observe their troops. To protect its passengers, the CMD-1 was equipped
with armor plating and armed with a fragmentation grenade launcher. (AEG)
this was the model number of Fabritech's camouflage netting system. The CN-15 was actually made up
of a netting created from metallic jamming fibers, and was powered by a dedicated energy cell. The CN15 could monitor the surrounding environment, and then reproduce the ambient emissions of the
environment. This essentially removed whatever was hidden underneath the netting from sensors by
making it appear to be nothing more than terrain. (ROE, AEG)
an Imperial Lord still holding onto dreams of the rebirth of the Empire. He was working under Hethrir to try
and establish the Empire Reborn, supprting Hethrir by purchasing slaves from the Firrerreo. Like many of
his kind, Cnorec had managed to stockpile a large amount of credits following the downfall of the Empire,
and still maintained a decent income despite the New Republic's plans to cut him off. He was killed by
Hethrir just before Hethrir's death. Hethrir had seen that Cnorec was losing faith in the vision of the
Empire Reborn, and did not want them man in power any longer. (CS)
this was MicroThrust's smallest com-scan console, developed for use in ground-based military command
vehicles. (EGW)
Coachelle Prime
this was the homeworld of the Lepi species. It was one of the five worlds in the Coachelle System, which
was located in the Silly Rabbit constellation of the Mid Rim. (SWDB, GMR4)
this blood-coagulating drug was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, and found
widespread use during the Clone Wars. (MBS)
Coalition for Improvements
this branch of the Empire was created after Palpatine began restructuring COMPNOR to his own design.
It mission was to monitor those star systems that needed to improve their allegiance to the Empire. (ISB)
Coalition for Progress
this branch of COMPNOR was in charge of ensuring that there were no impediments to the furthering of
Palpatine's Empire. (FOP)
Coalition of Automaton Rights Activists
this protest group sprang up during the last century of the Old Republic, as anti-droid sentiments grew
throughout the galaxy. Members of the Coalition believed that all forms of droids should be afforded the

same rights as organic beings, although their methods of protest varied greatly. Most were peaceful
demonstrations, but there were several outright attacks on droid salvage yards. (FTD)
Coalition of Factors
this was the name of the Senate which governed the Givin people, as part of the Body Calculus. (EVR)
Coast Line
this was the name of the monorail line which ran along the coastline of Estalle Island, on Procopia. It was
intersected by the Crosstown line, allowing quicker access to certain locations. (LOE)
a Bith bounty hunter hired by Zorba the Hutt to impersonate Bithabus the Mystifier and capture Princess
Leia. (QE)
Cobalt Station
this was one of many frontier outposts located on the planet Jabiim, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. It was here that Alto Stratus hoped to launch a final, massive assault on the forces of the
Republic which had come to liberate Jabiim from Separatist control, during the height of the Clone Wars.
Cobble Stone Square
this was the primary city located on the planet Sacorria. (EGP)
Cobblestone Square
located in Dorthus Tal City, on the planet Sacorria, this was a pedestrian mall which was bounded by a
variety of shops and restaurants. Much of the city's old-fashioned architecture was on display in the
Square, making it a thriving tourist destination. (CCW)
this Saffa worked for Gamgalon as a Morodin-safari leader on Varonat. (TE)
Coberra, Jaspin
this man, a native of Coruscant's CoCo District, was one of the first beings to recognize that parking
space on the planet was being outmoded, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
this blind fish lived in the cold, subterranean rivers of the planet Almas. (WOTC)
Cobolt Offensive
this Alliance military offensive involved the theft of an Imperial scandoc coding computer and the
destruction of the base it was stolen from. Using a variant of the Erasmus gambit, Alliance soldiers
infiltrated Imperial supplys ships to gain access to the base and knock out its shields. A good number of
the Alliance's best soldiers died making the offensive a success. (RASB)
this shuttle was owned by Lando Calrissian, during the years following the Battle of Endor. It resembled
the Imperial Lambda-class shuttle, without the top fin. (LTA1, MC79)
one of Lando Calrissian's early starships, he owned it before he obtained the Luck Lady. Lando obtained
the Cobra shortly after losing the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Lando
used the ship to cover part of the huge wager he made in the sabacc match in which her won Cloud City
from Baron Dominic Raynor. (EGC, T3)
this was the name of the most powerful crime family on the planet Frego, during the decades leading up
to the Battle of Naboo. The Cobral, as they were known, took control of the planet from a morally corrupt
government, and for a short time they lowered taxes and provided higher wages for the native Fregans.

The Cobral could do this because much of their income was based on the black market sales of drugs
and weapons. The Fregans, long oppressed under the previous government, welcomed the Cobral with
open arms. The power of the Cobral was almost absolute on Frego, although few of the family's leaders
demanded very much. This started to change for the worst after the death of Zanita Cobral's husband,
when her son Solan assumed control of the family. Solan was a bully, and made sure everyone knew it.
Solan was believed to have murdered his own brother, Rutin, in order to keep Rutin from exposing the
illegal activities of the Cobral. He also kidnapped his mother in order to lure Lena Cobral into a trap, but
Lena managed to escape with the help of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Lena reached
Coruscant and testified against the family, the Galactic Senate had the Cobral family removed from power
and arrested for their crimes. (TOW)
Cobral, Bard
this man was the brother of Rutin and Solan Cobral, and was a native of the planet Frego. Bard was the
middle brother of the three. Bard was loyal to Solan, and was instrumental in the kidnapping of their
mother, Zanita, for use as bait in a trap to capture Lena Cobral and Mica. While Mica was killed, Lena
managed to escape the trap and travel to Coruscant, where she testifed against the Cobral. Solan and
Bard were both arrested, and the family was removed from power. (TOW)
Cobral, Lena
this young woman was the widow of Rutin Cobral, and was a native of the planet Frego. Lena was just a
teenager when she married Rutin, and was not yet twenty when he was killed. She agreed to testify
during the investigation into Rutin's murder, as well as to provide information on the Cobral family's
criminal empire, but had to be escorted to Coruscant by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. She
explained to the Jedi that she had not known Rutin was the heir to the Cobral family organization, and
that she hoped to complete his quest to expose the Cobral family as criminals. She bravely faced the
death of Rutin, as well as that of her cousin Mica, in order to escape from Frego with the Jedi Knights.
When they arrived on Coruscant, the trio discovered that Senator Crote of Frego had been involved with
the Cobral, and provided evidence against him to the Senate. After the Cobral were arrested for their
crimes, Lena agreed to return to Frego and help the transitional government settle into place. Before she
could leave, however, Lena was attacked by Zanita Cobral. Zanita had been the true leader of the Cobral
family all along, and she held Lena personally responsible for the loss of Rutin and the imprisonment of
Solan and Bard. Zanita managed to knock Lena senseless, but was unable to kill her before Obi-Wan
interceded. Zanita took her own life, instead of being arrested. (TOW)
Cobral, Rutin
this man, a native of the planet Frego, was a member of the Cobral criminal organization. About fourteen
years before the Battle of Naboo, Rutin married his wife, Lena, after decicing that he wanted to get out of
the criminal lifestyle. Senator Crote of Frego even hinted that Rutin would have testified against his own
family. However, Rutin was murdered three years after his marriage. The only witness to his murder was
believed to have been his wife, Lena, who agreed to testify during the investigation of his murder. At the
time of his death, Rutin was in line to succeed his father as the leader of the Cobral family, a position
which would have made him the nominal leader of the planet. Instead, the leadership of the Cobral family
passed to Rutin's older brother, Solan. (TOW)
Cobral, Solan
a native of the planet Frego, this man became the leader of the Cobral family's criminal organization when
his father died and his younger brother, Rutin, was murdered, some eleven years before the Battle of
Naboo. Solan was distinguished from his brother in that he was completely bald, and had a seemingly
permanent scowl on his face. It was known that Solan had become furious when Rutin decided to testify
against the Cobral family, despite Rutin's obvious desire to leave the criminal underworld. Solan used the
impending betrayal of his brother to solidify his position within the family, and got what he wanted through
a combination of shrewd dealings and threats. When he learned that his mother, Zanita, had been
secretly meeting with Rutin's widow Lena, Solan arranged for the capture of his own mother, then used
her as bait to catch Lena. However, the trap failed, and Lena was able to reach Coruscant and testify
against the Cobral. Solan and his brother, Bard, were arrested, and the family was removed from power.

Cobral, Zanita
this woman, a native of the planet Frego, was the mother of Rutin and Solan Cobral. She held the family
together in the years following the death of her husband, until Solan became the leader of the family after
Rutin's murder. Despite her family allegiance, Zanita was also fond of Rutin's wife, Lena. She confided in
Lena that she feared Solan had murdered Rutin, in order to keep the family's secrets intact. When Lena
agreed to accompany Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi back to Coruscant to testify against the
Cobrals, Zanita agreed to provide her with inside information in exchange for anonymity. However, their
actions were discovered by Solan, who kidnapped her and used her as bait in a trap to capture Lena.
After Lena managed to escape the trap and travel to Coruscant to testify against the Cobral, Zanita
followed her. Zanita tried to kill Lena as revenge for the death of Rutin, claiming that it was Lena who
made Rutin attempt to bring down the Cobral family. Zanita managed to knock Lena unconscious, and
would have killed her had Obi-Wan not interrupted. Rather than face trial for her own actions, Zanita
committed suicide by stabbing herself in the chest with a vibroblade. (TOW)
the young son of Lord Toda of Tammuz-an, Coby was a spoiled, nine-year-old prince when R2-D2 and C3PO encountered him, during the early years of the New Order. The droids and their master, Jann Tosh,
had been asked to transport Coby to the Imperial Space Academy. (DCAR)
this jellyfish-like creature was unique in the galaxy, existing only in the energy-wracked atmosphere of the
planet Genarius. Although these creatures were hardy enough to survive in the planet's atmosphere,
cochlera taken from Genarius rarely survived more than a day in the atmospheres of other gas giants.
Many xenobiologists theorized that the cochlera were evolved from species born of a strange mix of
gases and nuclear power that only existed on Genarius. They lived in groups of thirty to fifty individuals,
known as mulls, and created an unusual light storm as they moved through the atmosphere. The upper
body of a cochlera was a transparent sac of roiling fluid and electrical discharges. Hanging from the
underside of this sac were six appendages of varying length. These appendages could be used to defend
a cochlera, and produced a discharge similar in effect to an ion blaster. To reproduce, cochlera simply
perform a type of fission. However, this fission has a number of prerequisites. Among them, the cochlera
must be in the presence of a large amount of beskium gas. Second, the cochlera must be part of a small
mull. The presence of other members of the species seems to release unusual chemicals that make the
fission possible. Beskium itself is not enough; solitary cochlera have been observed near large pockets of
beskium, and simply absorbed the gas and burst, rather than divide. Other research has shown that
cochlera reproduction occurs most often during periods of intense, lower-atmosphere storms. Shortly after
the Battle of Naboo, it was discovered that the body fluids of a cochlera, when distilled into a pale ichor,
provided an immunity to the Force. Illegal hunts, formed by criminal elements who kept the enterprise a
secret by planting rumors about the "dangers" of the normally peaceful cochlera, captured live cochlera in
order to obtain samples of their body fluids. (LFC, WOTC)
Cockpit Daredevils
a game of skill played in many up-scale cantinas, the player must use his skills to shoot down incoming
enemy starfighters. (JHS)
CoCo District
this was one of the many subcities found on the planet Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Shortly before the Clone Wars, the CoCo District experienced a agrbage collection crisis which
resulted in huge piles of trash being deposited in city streets and in front of major buildings. The name
"CoCo" was actually a shortened from the district's full name, the Collective Commerce District. (HNN4,
CoCo District Constabulary
this was the primary police force working in Coruscant's CoCo District, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (HNN5)
CoCo Penitentiary
this prison facility was located in Coruscant's CoCo District, during the last decades of the Old Republic.

CoCo Town
this was another name for Coruscant's CoCo District. (HNN5)
Code 1-5
the code signal used by the Alliance for the completion of an evacuation of the Echo Base on Hoth.
Code 497.8
this was one of the bylaws of the Old Republic, which forbade an individual from ignoring or diobeying an
direct order from the Senate or the Supreme Chancellor. (TCD)
Code Black Hole
this privateer transmission signal, developed by the Alliance when they began used privateers to ambush
Imperial supply convoys, was a false signal providing an ambushed ship a false set of transponder Ids
meant to frighten the other ship into surrendering. (SWJ2)
Code Force Seven
the code phrase used by Lando Calrissian to indicate to Lobot that he was in trouble and needed
assistance. Calrissian used Code Force Seven to escape Imperial custody and attempt to recover Han
Solo from the bounty hunter, Boba Fett. (MC44, EGC)
Code Fourteen
this signal was used by Jedi Master Yoda to alert the other Jedi Masters of trouble in the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant. (UP)
Code Grave
this Alliance signal indicated that a mission was to be aborted. (CSWEA)
Code of the Claim
this is a method of settling a claim dispute between two independent scouts who register the same claim.
If any other scouts come forward to claim the same planet - legally or by jumping a claim - before the
credit has been paid and the claim established, then each scout must agree to a Mutual Claim
Registration and split the reward. Although not the fairest solution, it is often the only solution when two
parties claim the same planet. (GG8)
Code of the Sith
this was the basic set of tenets adopted by the Sith, during the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War.
In many respects, the Code of the Sith was similar to the Jedi Code, although historians were unsure as
to which came first. The Code of the Sith went as follows: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through
passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my
chains are broken." What many scholars among the Jedi Order found interesting was that the need for
victory was not all-encompassing. Many Sith Lords of the era believed that victory at any cost was not a
victory at all, since it often meant the loss of a Dark Jedi in the process. This would reduce their numbers,
making it harder to combat the Jedi Knights. Thus, many Sith apprentices were taught leave a fight - or
avoid it all together - in order to preserve their ranks. (KOTOR)
Code of the Stars
this was an old-fashioned spacer's code of ethics which involved the use of floggings, spacings, and
harsh discipline to keep a crew in line and prevent mutinies. (OE)
Code Quasar
this transmission signal was generated by the Alliance, and provided to those pirate and privateer vessels
who were working for the Alliance. The Code Quasar signal, when verified against the active database of
independent ships working for the Alliance, provided a measure of security and autonomy whenever a
marauding vessel was encountered near Alliance-held space. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal,

Issue 2 indicates that this signal was a modified version of the Code Black Hole signal, and assured that
the passengers aboard a ship under attack would receive just treatment upon surrender. (PP)
Code Silver
this was the priority signal Darth Vader gave to the troops searching for Luke Skywalker. If any troops
discovered Luke's exact location, they were ordered to send Vader a Code Silver transmission with the
information. (VQ)
Code Three Recall
this was a general code used by the New Republic to recall military personnel from rest-and-relaxation to
active duty. (XWMR)
Code White
this alert was issued by the staff of the Q'Maere Research Facility, in the event that a rowdy patient
needed to be detained by any on-duty personnel. (KR)
Code, The
this was the unspoken, unwritten pact made by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic,
under which a trooper was to remain steadfastly loyal to the Old Republic, no matter what the
circumstances. To betray one's comrades to the enemy was considered a serious breech of the Code,
and no trooper ever willingly betrayed the Code. (TCD)
this was the designation of a group of Imperial L-class container ships used to supply the Bretie
production facility during the Galactic Civil War. (XWA)
Codeq Santhananan
this being was a contact Dengar used many times. Based in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine,
Santhananan ran a private information service. Beings could send and receive messages through
Santhananan, always with discretion and confidentiality. However, Santhanana was executed by a former
customer, just inside the vestibule of the Mos Eisley Cantina. His business was picked up by an
untrustworthy Q'nithian aeropteryx. (MA)
this ancient Jedi artifact was created by the Cthol race. Resembling a small, metallic pyramid, the Codex
was designed to measure and manipulate the Force. It is a dull gold color, and is covered with mystic
engravings and small crystal-studded patterns. When used by a properly trained Jedi, the Codex glows
slightly and hums. Among its many uses, the Codex can locate disturbances in the Force. It can also
augment a Jedi's ability to call upon and use the Force. Continued use of the Codex makes the user
susceptible to the Dark Side of the Force. When used, however, the Codex sends tremendous shock
waves throught the Force. This is what first attracted the Dark Jedi Halbret to it. When it was later found
by Pann, the Codex had become brittle and easily damaged. (GMH)
this form of DarkStryder technology was discovered by the crew of the FarStar, hidden inside an unusual
alien construct deep in the Kathol Rift. In shape, the Codex is a small pyramid with a metallic surface. It
was light in weight, and could be damaged by rough handling or by being dropped. Originally created to
detect and quantify the Force, it also enhanced the Force-sensitivity of its user. The Aing-Tii Monks were
very interested in obtaining the Codex, and trained Makezh to navigate the Rift in order to find it. They
considered the alien construct and the Codex itself to be sacred and untouchable to themselves, but
Makezh was immune to their religious beliefs. (KR, E)
Codex, The
this unpublished book contained all the arcane lore and information collected by Brin Hesk'l, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. (LFCW)
Codian Moon

this moon, covered by rolling plains of wood-moss turf, was known for the ranches where reeks were
bred. (VD2, SWDB)
this valuable metal was often used in jewelry. (SOP)
Codru Bat
this was another name for the tappratine. (CS, EGP)
this was the spoken language of the Codru-Ji, which consisted of a complex vocaublary punctuated by
snarls, barks, and other canine noises. (UANT)
intelligent, humanoid natives of Munto Codru, the bipedal Codru-Ji race is characterized by their four
arms. When immature, the Codru-Ji take the form of a wyrwulf. This is a pupal stage for the Cordu-Ji, and
they sleep in a prone position (as most dogs do). The wyrwulf form can communicate through a series of
barks and grunts. When the being is of sufficient age, the wyrwulf form cocoons itself, and then
metamorphs into a full-grown adult Codru-Ji. The adults must sleep upright, due to the changes brought
about by the formation of their four arms. Special slings have been developed to support the slumbering
adults. The form of the Codru-Ji communicates in a complex series of high-pitched whistles and sighs,
although they are also able to speak in the low-range sounds of most humanoid races. They are known
for their political intrigues, abductions, and coups. They seem unable to operate in a simple political
environment, instead choosing to convolute their politics with various familiar affiliations. They are also
recognized as the best kidnappers in the galaxy, and have established a code of ethics for the kidnap and
ransom of political opponents. (CS)
Codru-Ji Sword Dancer
the Codru-Ji were renowned for this form of entertainment, using their multiple arms to juggle several
swords while executing a complex dance. (EVR)
this man was one of the many clone troopers of the Army of the Republic to be given enhanced training
and autonomy. With the rank of Commander, Cody - officially known as Commander 2224 - worked with
Obi-Wan Kenobi during the last months of the Clone Wars, on planets such as Cato Neimoidia.
Commander Cody will be portrayed by Temuera Morrison in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
(SWI73, E3, SWDB)
this Togorian worked with Theol Dunoche during the Galactic Civil War. (ND)
this CR90 corvette was owned by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (XWA)
this Imperial Star Destroyer was under the command of General Klime, who used it to patrol and control
the Ishanna System and sevreal surrounding systems. (SWJ9)
a strong, hot, stimulating beverage. (LCM)
this tube is used to connect two starships whose airlocks are not of the same configuration. One ship
extends the cofferdam, which is a flexible, ribbed tube, toward the other. It is rigidly mounted to the first
ship, and has a number of ways to connect to the second ship. It can use chemical, mechanical,
magnetic, or negative pressure to create a seal. (BTS)

a Nharwaak CR90 corvette used to try and delivery new hyperdrive technology to the Alliance. (TIE)
this was one of the sub-species of the Nothoiin race, distinguished by their innate abilities for piloting and
navigation. (WOA33)
Cognition Hood
this Yuuzhan Vong creation allowed a starship captain or pilot to communicate directly with his ship,
thereby making every order or command an instantaneous action. The cognition hood was connected to
a starship by a modified creeper. (DTR, EVC)
Cognition Throne
similar in function to a cognition hood, the cognition throne was used by the Warmaster Tsavong Lah to
monitor the progress of the invasion of the galaxy. It allowed the Warmaster to control his forces with his
mind, much like a warship navigator controlled their ship with the hood. Located in the Glory Room of the
Sunulok, the cognition throne looked out over a vast diorama of the galaxy, created with blaze bugs
indicating the position of thousands of warships. About the size of a landspeeder, the cognition throne
could move about the Glory Room on a set of six squat legs, allowing the Warmaster to view the diorama
from any angle or perspective. (SBS)
Cognitive Matrix Package
this droid brain component is often used in MD-0 droids to allow them to analyze a patient's brain activity
to determine sanity. It can also be used to modify a patient's brain activity through psychiatric analysis.
Coil, The
this ancient, S-shaped riverbed wound through the desert near Ben's Mesa, on Tatooine. (IWE1)
Coiled Juggernaut
this was one of the names used by the New Republic to describe Tu-Scart, the Beater created by the
Yuuzhan Vong to destroy structures that are in the path of the Yuuzhan Vong army. Note that the
Balance Point claims that Tu-Scart is the Biter. (WOTC)
Coiling Tack
this was the specialized form of harness used by the Swokes Swokes to control their domesticated
schinga mounts. In addition to the bridle, reins, and intricately decorated saddle, the coiling tack included
an electrpole for prodding the schingas to obey their rider's orders. (WOTC)
this shrub, native to the planet Vryssa, grows in dense groupings. (TFNR)
this former smuggler worked with Lando Calrissian to realize their dreams of owning an amusement park.
The result of their work was the SkyCenter Galleria on Cloud City. Cojahn hoped to expand the Galleria
to other locations across the galaxy, in hopes of supporting his wife and two daughters. However, when
Black Sun tried to take control of the Galleria, Cojahn refused to give in and was killed by Czethros
himself. It was meant to look like he accidentally fell from a balcony, but Lando refused to believe it.
this archaic name was given to female Zabrak, although its original meaning was lost over time. (GCG)
Cola Quis
this Twi'lek Senator from Ryloth served on the New Republic's Commerce Council, during the height of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Cola Quis was one of
several Senators who were considered to replaced Borsk Fey'lya as the Republic's Chief of State.

However, Cola Quis dropped out of the race and threw his support to Cal Omas, after Omas promised
him the chairmanship of the Commerce Council should he be elected. Omas also offered him a branch
office of the Kellmer Institute, based on the planet Ryloth. (DW)
this was the designation of a Nebulon-B2 frigate that was part of the Alliance's fleet. (XVT)
this metal was refined from raw ores found on the planet Demar. (FBS)
Colay, Litassa
this was an alias used by Mara Jade, during her stay on the planet Chibias, during the periodin which she
was pursued by Ysanne Isard. Litassa was the name of an usher working at the planet's premier
auditorium, and the curname Colay was added by Mara Jade to complete the alias. The alias was created
when Mara intercepted Jayx and Counselor Raines trying to frame Ghent. (GMR10)
Colbon, Chanty
this con artist and swindler bought passage on luxury starships, such as the Kuari Princess, and charmed
the rich passengers out of a great deal of their money. Chanty was aboard the Kuari Princess when it was
attacked by the Riders of the Maelstrom. (RM)
an Imperial Ensign serving Captain Pellaeon on the Chimaera, Colclazure was Cris Pieterson's
commanding officer. When Pieterson lost control of Luke Skywalker's X-Wing, some five years after the
Battle of Endor, Colclazure explained to Grand Admiral Thrawn that the operator's training had not
considered the manuever Luke used to escape. As punishment for this lack of preparation, Thrawn's
bodyguard Rukh executed Pieterson in front of Colclazure's eyes. Thrawn them ordered him to begin
training a suitable replacement. (HTTE)
Cold Assault Trooper
see Snowtrooper (SWSB)
Cold Danda Sire
this deity once threw its shape during the Galactic Civil War, to prove it was as powerful as Horliss-Horliss
and Tilotny. Cold Danda Sire was capable of creating anti-concepts, ideas which consumed the concepts
of others. Cold Danda Sire manifested itself as a planet-like ball. In an unusual battle, the deities tried to
outdo each other by solidifying the bodily flesh and organs of a squadron of stormtroopers who had
discovered Leia Organa on a desolate world. However, they soon became bored with the sport and left
Splendid Ap to return the humans to their natural state. (CSWDW)
Cold Dawn
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation Only in
Your Dreams, and has been rated scarlet by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Cold Front
this was the name of the custom-built bulk transport ship used by Quetemoor the Sub-Elder, during the
height of the New Order. (CCW)
Cold Grenade
this unusual grenade was developed more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. When detonated,
a cold grenade used controlled chemical reactions to disperse a bone-chilling cold over a large area. This
cold could freeze living flesh, and rendered most weapons brittle and useless. (KOTOR)
Cold Midnight
this song, written and played by Duskin re Lemte, was produced during the height of the Clone Wars. It
combined the driving beat of leap-jump with the melody of heavy isotope, and its composition spoke well
of re Lemte's classical education. (MBS)

Cold Ones
this was the name used by Commander Ashpidar and the crew of the Esfandia Long-Range
Communications Base to describe the Brrbrlpp. (FH3)
Cold, The
a reference to anything intolerable, used by Labria. (TME)
Colders Watch
this bulk freighter was owned and operated by Beezrul Granf. (SWJ1)
this is the Gamorrean name for the winter season on the planet Gamorr. It is a harsh period of freezing
temperatures and blowing winds, and most Gamorreans remain indoors at all times. This forces the
warlike males to soften a bit, and much of the courtship and romance between the sexes occurs during
coldtime. (SWJ14)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
this small, rodent-like creature was native to the plains of Ansion. (APS)
Coleman Trebor
this male Vurk was a noted Jedi Knight who served on the Jedi Council during the years leading up to the
Battle of Geonosis. Master Trebor joined the Council after Yarael Poof was killed, and was known for his
diplomatic skills in resolving conflicts. He put these skills to good use as the official spokesbeings for the
Jedi Order, answering questions for the public and the media. When Mace Windu formed a task force to
combat the Separatist army on Geonosis, Coleman Trebor was one of the many Masters to accompany
Windu. Unfortunately, his lack of combat experience became clear during the early stages of the battle.
Trebor was killed shortly after confronting the renegade Jedi, Count Dooku. The bounty hunter Jango Fett
shot and killed Trebor without warning, killing the reptilian Jedi on the spot. (HNN4, AOTC, SWDB,
this is a species of chitinous, insect-like creatures which were native to the planet Colla IV. They had a
highly-developed level of technology. However, they were also incredibly brutal as a species, and were
known to barbarically stop any travellers through their system and eat them. They were extremely skilled
in the creation of autmatons, and were the primary developers of the destroyer droids used by the Trade
Federation. These droids, known as droidekas, resemble the Colicoid physiology, even mimicking the
Colicoid ability to roll up into a ball and surprise their prey. The Colicoid species had a strong distrust of
the Jedi Knights, a feeling which was intensified in the wake of the Battle of Naboo. It was during this time
that the Colicoids took control of the spice mining operations on Kessel, hoping to establish a strong
inflow of credits to their coffers. They tried to acquire the rights to a spice processing plant on Nar
Shaddaa, but had to negotiate with the slaver Krayn to obtain them. (VD1, IG1, JQ)
this was the spoken language of the Colicoid race. It consisted of a series of hums and clicks that were
produced by the Colicoid antennae, which made it nearly impossible for other races to understand or
reproduce. There was no written form of the Colicoid language, so many Colicoids chose to use Basic for
their written communications. (UANT)
Colicoid Creation Nest
this was the primary affiliation of Colicoids which developed sophisticated droid technology during the last
decades of the Old Republic. This group was most noted for the destroyer droids it produced, in their own
image, for the Trade Federation. (GB)

this man served the Alliance as a soldier on the planet Rafft, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ3)
Colla IV
this planet, located along the border of the Colonies Region and the Inner Rim, was the homeworld of the
Colicoid species. (VD1, IWE1)
this Yuuzhan Vong yorik-stronha picket ship was originally known as the Hrosha-Gul, a name which
literally meant "the price of pain". It was captured during the defense of Esfandia by the Galactic Alliance,
and used as part of a daring mission to trick B'shith Vorrik into spreading his forces too thin. Once refitted
and made spaceworthy, the ship was renamed by Jaina Solo to be the Collaborator. Tahiri traveled
aboard the ship to present herself before Vorrik and offer him a chance to use her to infiltrate the Galactic
Alliance's forces. She promised him that she would get close enough to the surface of Esfandia to allow
his ships to locate the communications base on the planet. In reality, Tahiri hoped to draw off enough of
Vorrik's defensive capability for the combined forces of the Alliance and the Imperial Remnant to
neutralize him. (FH3)
this series of caves and caverns were located on Arda-2. The entrance to the Colla-Di is hidden by the
Great Torgur Falls. (CSWEA)
this natural spice was used by poisoners, since its chemical make-up altered when it came into contact
with certain cooking oils. The resulting elements could cause mental instability in human eaters. (SESB)
this was the generic term for any recyclable package used to store fluids. The collapsipack was most
popular with young mothers, who carried packs of baby formula with them for easy storage and
dispensing. (SBS)
Collections and Securities Division
this branch of the InterGalactic Banking Clan was responsible for the collection of debts from its various
customers. The CSD was given free reign to go about its business, and the Division was using Hailfire
Droids and other combat automata to augment its collection of debts from obstinate debtors. (SWDB)
Collective Commerce District
see CoCo District (IWE2)
Collector, The
this was the codename of the elderly man who approached Jozzel Moffett about located the Yavin
Vassilika, shortly before the Alliance established its base on Yavin 4. The Collector worked with Bria
Tharen to track down the artifact, knowing that it contained the key to unlocking the ancient Massassi
temples. They paid Jozzel with the money they made from selling the spice which was stolen from Ylesia
and the Besadii Hutts, (UYV)
College of Astrocartography
this university, located on the planet Charmath, was dedicated to teaching students about the subject of
mapping the galaxy. (GMR9)
Collision Shield
developed by Lando Calrissian and the technicians he employed at Lando's Folly, this shield system
allowed starfighters running through the asteroid belt to bounce off asteroids instead of crashing into
them. The shield system included defensive arrays and repulsors, all of which were monitored and
maintained from a remote station above the asteroid belt. (VP)
Collo Fauale
Mirith Sinn's New Republic agents fled to a hidden base in this mountain pass, on the planet Phaeda,

after being routed by Colonel Shev's forces. The pass was then destroyed by Carnor Jax, who ordered
the Steadfast and Emperor's Revenge to bombard it from orbit. (CE)
this New Republic Intelligence officer held the rank of Brigadier, and served under Carlist Rieekan in the
Operations Office. He was involved in the intial planning of the mission to intercept the Teljkon vagabond
at Gmir Askilon. He was one of the first people to interview Belezaboth Ourn, after the Paqwe turned
himself in to the Republic. (SOL, TT)
Collor Pondrat
manufacturers of racing engines for podracers and other repulsorlift vehicles.. (X1)
one of the galaxy's most forward-thinking philosophers, Collus was responsible for the creation of
Alderaan University. Collus served the Old Republic as a sage and philosopher. He took his brightest
students and formed the University in Aldera, which expanded as various leaders built adjacent schools
near Collus' central university. He believed that knowledge without application was wasted knowledge,
and that information gleaned from textbooks was inferior to information gained by direct experience. (ISU)
this small creature was considered a delicacy by many races, including the Twi'leks and the Hutts. They
were usually served flambeed and then smothered in a thick stew-like broth. (BF4)
Colmar, Davaire
this human male was a Lieutenant with the Alliance. He had strong features that belied his quiet,
extremely competant personality. Before joining the Alliance, Colmar was a rising star in the Imperial
Special Training Corps. As a member of the corps, he participated in the Siege of Dalron IV, during which
he received a severe head wound and was left to die. When he came to, he wandered the countryside
aimlessly, all the while reviewing the battle in his head. He came to the realization that the Empire had
failed to protect its own people, and he deserted the corps. He joined the Alliance on Dalron IV. (GG9)
Colo Claw Fish
this huge, flat, elongated fish was found in the depths of Naboo's seas. It had two rows of phosphorescent
nodules which travel along either side of its 40-meter-long body, which it used to attract its prey. The front
end of the fish was dominated by a long, tooth-filled snout studded with large eyes that can see into the
murky depths. Large, claw-like appendages sprout from either side of its mouth, which the colo used to
capture and hold its prey while it took huge bites. The jaws of the colo claw fish can be unhinged, allowing
it to swallow prey many times larger than its own head. The average colo claw fish was an indiscriminate
feeder, and sometimes swallowed its prey alive. The prey included young opee sea killers, and colo
specimens have been recovered that were killed when the opees chewed their way out of the colo's
stomach. The colo claw fish also has the ability to emit an intense, hydrosonic shriek that can stun nearby
fish, allowing the colo to feed at will. (SW1, IG1, SON, WSW)
Colonial Constabulary
the Rafa System's police force. (LCM)
Colonial Games
this series of athletic events was staged between the various colonies of the Roon System, during the
early years of the New Order. (DCAR)
Colonial News Net
this news organization, headquartered on Findris, was the primary source of galactic information for the
Findris Sector and much of the Colonies region. (CRO)
Colonies, The
this is the name given to the areas of the galaxy just outside outside the Core Worlds, which were settled
during the early expansion periods of the Old Republic. The Colonies eventually grew into industrial and

metropolitan centers, but these were heavily raided during the Emperor's New Order. During the early
years of the New Republic, many of these worlds were freed from Imperial control and used as launch
points for the Republic's fight to regain Coruscant. (SWSB, EGP)
this was the term used to describe the descendents of the Survivors, those beings who managed to
survive the destruction of the Outbound Flight Project. Like the Survivors, they were considered members
of the Outbound Flight Colony. After the Vagaari threat was eliminated, the Colonists grudgingly agreed
to accompany the Outbound Flight Colony to Nirauan, staying as far away from the New Republic as they
could. (SQ)
this was the term used tio describe the immense columns which lined the inner walkways of the Grand
Piazza on the planet Anaxes. (CCW)
Colony Authority
this New Republic agency was a sister group of the Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services, which
was better known as the New Republic Scout Service. The Colony Authority was responsible for setting
up and supporting new settlements on remote planets. (GG8)
Colony Class 23669
a heavy-duty power generator, the 23669 costs nearly 25 million credits. (SWJ9)
Colony Eight
one of the Ylesia slave and spice colonies, it was destroyed by Tuga SalPivo shortly before the Battle of
Ylesia. (RD)
Colony Five
this Ylesia slave and spice colony was led by Pohtarza, shortly before the Battle of Ylesia. (RD)
Colony Four
this Ylesia colony was infiltrated by the Hyallp Noy Waglla, shortly before the Battle of Ylesia. (RD)
Colony Nine
the last of the Ylesian colonies to be built, it was still not operational when Jabba the Hutt sent Sniquux to
infiltrate it. The Rodian laid a series of traps for the t'landa Til there and then startled them into them. (RD)
Colony One
this was the primary spice-processing center on the planet Ylesia. The center was ostensibly the site of
the religious order founded by Teroenza, although the devoted followers were used as slave labor. The
t'landa Til kept the slaves blissfully unaware of their slavery by making them attend daily devotions at the
Altar of Promises, where the creatures use their neck pouches to emit sonic vibrations that affect the
sensory areas of the slaves' brains. The colony is located between the Mountains of the Exalted and
Zoma Gawanga, and was 147 kilometers away from Colony Two. It was here that the Alliance struck the
first blows of the Battle of Ylesia, engaging Nova Force in a brief firefight that left much of the mercenary
group dead. Decades later, after the Yuuzhan Vong took control of the planet and turned it over to the
Peace Brigade, the colony was renamed Peace City. The Yuuzhan Vong executed the Hutts who had
been running the glitterstim production on the planet, turning the operation over to the Peace Brigade to
fund their efforts. The t'landa Til were spared, but only to continue their "daily devotions" and help keep
the slaves working. (TPS, RD, Y)
Colony Seven
this Ylesian slave and spice colony was infiltrated by Aiaks Fwa shortly before the Battle of Ylesia. (RD)
Colony Three
the third colony established by Teroenza on Ylesia, it was created after Han Solo and Bria Tharen nearly
destroyed Colony One during their escape. Bria and her band of freedom fighters returned to Colony

Three, seeing that it was not as sercurely guarded as the first two colonies, to rescue the enslaved
pilgrims there. (THG)
Colony Two
the second of three planned false religious colonies established by the Hutts and the t'landa Til on Ylesia,
it was here that Mrrov was held in thrall until Muuurgh rescued her. Colony Two, sited on the northeastern
edge of the Zoma Gawanga, was located 147 kilometers from Colony One, across the Gachoogai River
and the Mountains of Faith, and was nearly identical in layout to Colony One. (TPS)
a small alien creature which exudes a colored slime as it travels. The slime can be used to color a great
many things, including hair, cloth, and paint. (CS)
Colo's Ship
this was one of six Imperial bulk freighters assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained the Black
Ice. (BI)
this gas giant, orbited by 24 moons, was the fifth and outermost planet in the Belgaroth System. (CCW)
Colossus Wasp of Ithull
a huge insectoid alien, about the size of a large transport ship. The insects are so huge that the dead are
scavenged by the various transport guilds in the Stenness system, and their exoskeletons are scrapped
out. These hollow shells are then fitted with interior holds, navigation systems, hydraulics, and crew
quarters. The exterior is then plated, and sublight and hyperspace drives are attached so that the entire
carapace can be used as a fast cargo ship. They were virtually indestructible, since the round shape
tended to deflect laser blasts. The pirates of the Stenness System later developed small ships which
could latch onto and pierce the outer hull so that they could enter the cargo holds and steal the cargo.
When alive, the wasps fed on stellar radiation, raw proto-materials, and the multitude of silicon-based
lifeforms which lived in the vacuum of space. (TOJ, TOJC)
this planet was covered oceans and waterways. (COG)
Cols Kalaides Harvest Guild
this guild monitors and regulates the population of kalaides in Harvest Bay, on the planet Cols, working to
maintain a balance that allows ideal water conditions and better harvests of fish. (COG)
this barren, rocky world was the second planet in the Dostra System. It had a single moon. (AIR)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
a member of the support staff of the Royal House of Alderaan, Colton was the owner of C-3PO and R2D2 during the early years of Palpatine's rule as Emperor. He brought the two droids to one of Palpatine's
balls, where C-3PO mistook Darth Vader for a GuardDroid. Colton demoted C-3PO to preschool teaching
duty for the offense. In the Star Wars novelization, it is inferred that Colton was the Captain of the Tantive
IV, although in the script for Star Wars: A New Hope, the Captain's name was Antilles. (SWN, EGC)
this New Republic Naval Ensign served aboard the FarStar during its travels through Kathol Sector.
Colton was one of the few regular Navy officers, and served as the ship's Petty Officer. (DARK, KO)
this large white star is the primary star in the Colu System. (GG4)

Colu System
planetary system in the Mayagil Sector, it contains Clak'Dor. (GG4)
Colu, Gorton
this crazed, old man lived in the Upper City of Taris, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. He
lived on the streets, and spent most of his day ranting about the plague that was turning the population
into rakghouls. However, upon further questioning, Colu revealed that he was simply a pro-human racist,
and the "plague" he ranted about was the presence of non-humans in the city. (KOTOR)
this Bith chemical research group created the compound Anti-Corr 113. (SWJ9)
this was one of the Alliance's MC80a cruisers, active during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
these aliens, native to the planet Columus, are a peaceful, non-agressive race with a vast intellect stored
in their huge heads. One third of their height, and most of their weight, is found in their heads, which are
wreathed with throbbing blood vessels. The brain of the Columi is divided into over 100 lobes, each
dedicated to an independent function. The collection of intelligence has long-since rendered their limbs
useless, and they have to be transported in antigrav harnesses. The eyes of the Columi are capable of
seeing in the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and can "hear" by analyzing the frequency of sound and
radio waves. Their technology centers on the use of radio waves, generated by their immense brains. All
Columi hardware is created to be activated and manipulated with radio waves. They use droids and other
machinery to perform their physical work. Being one of the first species to develop an advanced society
and technology, they were greatly dismayed to find the rest of the galaxy inhabitted by "barbarians." Also,
the heaviness of standard gravity was hard for the Columi to overcome, so off-world travel is kept to a
minimum. Those Columi found off Columus are either scholars, business leaders, or gamblers, and can
be almost impossible to beat. They apparently freely joined the Empire, although mainly in order to retain
their isolation. (CPL, GG4)
Columi Mental Hoverpod
this small, chari-like repulsorcraft was originally developed by the Columi race. It encased the lower half
of a being's body in the chair, and movement was controlled by mental projection. Originally, the cerebral
interface could only be attuned to the Columi themselves. Over time, however, their skills with non-Columi
minds allowed the chair to be modified to work with humans, Huts, Duros, Sullustans, and Bith. (GFT)
this was the alias used by a spy who had infiltrated the Old Republic's bota processing operations on the
planet Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars. Column was the alias he used when working with
Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which was interested in grabbing a large
share of bota. To his other employer, the criminal organization BlackSun, he was known simply as Lens.
Column had been monitoring the actions of Admiral Tarnese Bleyd and Filba the Hutt, and was forced
into action when Filba purposely destroyed a bota transport in an effort to drive up the prices. Acting on
orders that served both of his masters, Column slipped a deadly poison into Filba's food, eliminating the
Hutt and his machinations. Under the alias Lens, he then set up a meeting with the Nediji assassin Kaird,
who had also been dispatched to Drongar by Black Sun, to ensure that their orders were not in conflict. In
the following months, Column discovered that the bota plant was mutating at a tremendous rate, and
would be worthless in just a few generations. Column relayed this information to his Separatist contacts,
which essentially allowed them to gather the available bota and launch an all-out attack on the Republic's
forces. It was the Jedi Padawan Barris Offee who discovered that Column was actually the base's minder,
Klo Merit. Although Offee tried to go through official channels to have Merit detained, Jos Vondar took
matters into his own hands. He confronted Merit with the evidence, and shot the Equani in the chest
before he could escape. (MBS, MJH)
Column Commons District
this section of Coruscant's Imperial City was located between the Imperial Palace and the Calocour

Heights District, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was named for the huge columns that
supported the "ceiling" of levels above the district, and it served as the base of operations for the many
holodrama and newsnet publishers which were headquartered on Coruscant. (CCW)
Column of Light
the natives of New Apsolon erected these pillars of of light to honor the death of a loved one. (CTV)
this corporation developed highly-specialized droids brains for non-standard uses. (CRO)
this planet was the homeworld of the Columi race. It was a small world with a light gravitational field and
very little tectonic movement. It was a flat, muddy world with no natural erosion. During the years leading
up to the Clone Wars, a theraputic cloning center was established on the planet, to generate replacement
organs for individuals suffering from life-threatening diseases. Much to the dismay of these individuals,
the onset of the Clone Wars brought about a halt to any non-military cloning, under Senate decree
E49D139.41. (GG4, SWI68)
Colunda Prime
a planet. (HNN5)
Colundra Sector
an area of the galaxy containing the planets Nyasko and Muskree, the Colundra Sector was located near
the end of the Perlemian Trade Route, beyond the Tion Hegemony.. (DESB, WOA32)
an Alliance container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Com scan
a specialized sensor sweep modulated to detect the energy generated by message transmission signals.
developed by BioTech, this communications implant was used by cyborged individuals to send and
receive communictaions. It eliminated the need for the wearer to carry a comlink. (EGW)
developed by the New Republic, this was a speciallized form of nerve gas created to incapacitate the
Yuuzhan Vong. (SBS)
Comar Antiatmospheric Gun
a specialized weapon that creates disturbances in the surrounding air, forcing airborne craft to the
ground. (TME)
CoMar Combat Systems
manufacturers of surface-to-air weapons, CoMar was headquartered in the Corporate Sector. (ISB, POT)
a re-orientive drug. (COJ)
Comark, Amber
the daughter of Moff Jesco Comark, Amber was friends with a librarian in the Imperial archives during her
early years. When the librarian was exposed as an Alliance agent, Amber could only watch as the
librarian was arrested and interrogated. The death of the librarian was reported to Amber by her father,
and only served to highlight the atrocities the Empire considered normal behavior. Amber decided to
assume the role played by the librarian - as the special agent known as Tigress - but she had neither the
training nor the contacts of the librarian. Her information was much less reliable, and Alliance Special
Operations began to doubt Tigress' loyalties. When Amber discovered that her father was the mastermind

behind the Death-Hunter project, she began filtering data about it to the Alliance. She provided
information on the use of Plexus courier droids, as well as hints of strange kidnappings, through her
astromech droid, R2-B4. She remained near the project, and was able to assist a group of Alliance
agents in exposing it. She met them on Bescane, after the loss of Cooper Dray, and they were led on a
chase which ended on Zeta Zero Nine. It was there that the Alliance agents, along with Lady Amber,
defeated her father and eliminated the primary Death-Hunter development files. (SWJ9)
Comark, Jesco
this Imperial Moff was the creator of the Death-Hunter project. A native of the planet Chandrila, he was
nonetheless easily swayed by Senator Palpatine's writings and speeches, and was one of the few
Chandrilans who embraced the beliefs of the unassuming Palpatine. When Palpatine instituted the New
Order, he awarded Comark with the position of Imperial Governor of Chandrila despite the protests of
Mon Mothma. She lobbied that Comark had no political experience in governing a planet, and Comark
eventually yielded to her. He then took a position within Renik, and began diverting its resources into the
Death-Hunter project. He was finally brought down by Alliance agents at his secret base on Zeta Zero
Nine, as a result of the information provided to the Alliance by his own daughter, Amber. In a battle within
his underwater base, the Alliance agents were able to free nearly all of the kidnapped humans who were
being used to create the Death-Hunter cyborgs. They destroyed the facility, and it was believed that Moff
Comark perished in the destruction. (SWJ9)
this is the traditional method of deciding disputes between the S'krrr and Rabaanite peoples. It was
initially created some 6,300 years before the Galactic Civil War, as a way for the two races to coexist in
relative peace. Under the rules of Combat, the strongest warrior from each planet is selected to battle the
other in single combat. The battle takes places on the Combat Moon, and the two combatants must fight
to the death. The victor's planet is declared the winner of the dispute. (SWJ9)
Combat Aquaspeeder
developed from the basic Incom T-47 airspeeder, this Hydrospeare Corporation design modified the
airspeeder for use as an aquatic attack craft. Unlike most Hydrospeare designs, however, this craft found
use within the Alliance. This craft was armed with a turret-mounted quad-laser cannon as well as a power
harpoon. The cockpit was modified to allow for a second pilot, and the entire fuselage was streamlined to
give it better maneuverability underwater. (AIR)
Combat Arachnid
a twelve-legged insectoid native to the planet Carida, these crimson and maroon beasts had hard shells
covered with needle-like spines. Their outer shell is extremely hard, and they have piston-like jaws that
devour their prey quickly and efficiently. They communicate via a series of hypersonic transmissions.
Combat Assault Vehicle (CAV)
this is a small, single-person combat ship which uses a repulsorlift, instead of wheels and treads, to move
about. (DFR)
Combat Command Center
this area was the heart of an New Republic warship, and housed the battle analysis computers and a
wealth of tactical sensors. (IR)
Combat Guild
based in the city of Bestine, on the planet Tatooine, this guild provided training in a number of military and
martial arts to civilians during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWI68)
Combat Implant
developed during the decades leading up to the Great Sith War, a combat implant was essentially a small
computer system was implanted into a being's body. The computer was linked to the user's brain, and
provided a constant stream of data about battle situations. It could provide weapons specifications, troop
estimates, and other tactical information at the user's request, allowing them to make swift, informed

decisions as a battle raged around them. The technology behind the combat implant was experimental at
best and prohibitively expensive, and never saw widespread usage. (KOTOR)
Combat Moon
this is the name given to the only natural satellite of the planet Rabaan. It is a barely habitable world, with
a thin atmosphere supporting minimal plant and animal life. The Combat Moon is tectonically active, and
great rifts and jagged peaks mark its drab, gray surface. Despite its proximity to Rabaan, it was declared
neutral ground by the Rabaanites and S'krrr, who used the moon as the battlefield on which to settle their
differences. A champion from each world would be sent to the moon to battle for the resolution of any
dispute between the two races. It was on this moon that Imperial Commander Glave met Mika Streev and
Sh'shak, who had prepared to do battle for their worlds, in the first stage of the Imperial invasion of the
Ishanna System. (SWJ9)
Combat Sense
a technique employed by the Jedi Knights, it allows a Jedi to focus most of their attention on the battle at
hand. The Jedi sees enemies as bright images, and can direct the flow of the battle while viewing enemy
positioning. (SWSB)
Combat Speeder
this two-person speeder design was originally created by a designer working for SroSuub during the
height of the New Order. However, the lead designer lost a great deal of credits in a sabacc match, and
unknowingly sold the designs to an Alliance agent to pay for his debts. The Alliance took advantage of
their good fortune, producing the 5.7-meter-long combat speeder for use in land battles against the
Empire. Crewed by a pilot and a gunner, the combat speeder never made it to the civilian market, as the
Alliance preferred to keep it a secret as much as possible. The speeder could attain speeds of nearly 230
kilometers per hour. (LAWS)
Combat Stance
this was the term used to describe the upright position of a Destroyer Droid. (SON)
Combat Utility Vehicle
any small (15 meters), maneuverable ship used to supply weapons and other consumables to space
outposts. These craft have a top speed of 35 MGLT, and are armed with 2 laser cannons and 2 ion
cannons. They are usually unshielded, with weak, 8 RU hulls. Thus, they are never far from their
motherships. (TIE)
Combined Clans
this is the governing body of the Bothan race. It is made up of the leaders of the various Bothan clans.
They were responsible for all aspects of Bothan life, including security and finance. They made a series of
poor financial decisions following the Battle of Endor and the formation of the New Republic, and
suddenly found themselves in debt. A clever manipulation of financial data made it appear that the
Bothans were still in control of large sums of credits, but they were sorely impoverished at the time. This
situation was exacerbated by the revelations of the Caamas Document, when they could not make any
form of restitution to the Caamasi without bankrupting themselves and shaking up several major galactic
stock exchanges. (SOP)
Combined Clans Center Building
this is the huge, spacious business center of the Combined Clans, located in Merchant's Square, in the
city of Drev'starn on Bothawui. Much of the Bothan financial empire is centered in this edifice. (SOP)
this communications equipment is used in areas where natural surroundings make radio communication
useless. Com-boxes are connectde via a fiber-optic link, which uses light impulses to transmit messages.
an Imperial Admiral whose fleet patrolled the Core Worlds during the Galactic Civil War. (DESB)

Comestibles and Curatives Administration

this group was established by the New Republic to ensure that the various corporations producing
foodstuffs for the galaxy were operating with the interests of the galaxy in mind. (JE)
Comet Casino
a bar and restaurant located on Nar Shaddaa. (THG)
Comet Squadron
an A-Wing group serving the New Republic under General Crespin. (WS)
this was an alcoholic concoction which was popular in the Outer Rim during the early years of the New
Republic. After the liquids were mixed in the glass, and impassioning machine excited the molecules of
the beverage, giving the tongue a sort of electrifying sensation as it was consumed. (TG)
this was the mantra of the Quartermasters who served the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height
of the Clone Wars. COMETS-Q represented the seven things that meant the most to any military force,
and were often the different between winning and losing a battle: Chemical, Ordnance, Mechanical,
Engineer, Transportation, Signal, and Quartermaster. (JT)
Come-up Flector
this was a backwater term for a person who patrolled a starport or other point of debarkation, searching
for potential buyers of services they don't really need. (HTTE, TFE)
this personal comfort device was used on the planet Adumar to keep oneself cool. It was a small,
hemispherical device with a handle. The flat side was crossed with vents, and the round side held the
handle and an intake vent. A small motor drew air through the intake and pushed it out through the vents.
In the city of Cartann, handling the comfan was an art, and each gesture had a hidden meaning. (SOA)
Coming of the New Star
this was one of the many references to the rogue planet Zonama Sekot, used by an obscure culture deep
in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. (FH2)
Comkin Five
this planet was known for its production of candies and medicines. The two industries were inextricably
tied to each other. The world was controlled by the Warlord Zsinj during the early years of the New
Republic, and was targetted for action by Han Solo's task force hunting the warlord. (SOC)
Comlaser Link
a form of communications which requires visual contact between the sending device and the remote
location. (AS)
similar in size and shape to a comlink, this device uses bursts of light to send a signal. Flashes and
coloration can be used in a sort of code to signal another individual far away. The comlight is somewhat
more effective than a comlink in situations where slience and stealth are necessary, but only in those
situations where a bright light wouldn't be noticed. (IG1)
a small, cylindrical device that is spoken into. The user's voice is then transmitted to a certain destination
(which can be programmed in) or to a broadcast address. They also function as receivers, allowing the
user to hear the reply. (SW, HTTE)
Command Control Voice
a vocal pattern, usually of a master or primary supervisor, which is programmed into a droid's receptors.

This vocal pattern can be used to send special control instructions to the droid. (SWR)
Command Performance
this Rendili-Surron Starlight freighter was owned by Ahric Korownosek. He used to transport his acting
troupe, the NovaCluster Players, to their many engagements. The cargo sections had been modified to
accommodate the troupe's costumes and props, and the library was stocked with all sorts of holodramas.
Commander, The
this was Garm Bel Iblis' alias in his own anti-Empire group, used during the years following the Battle of
Endor. (DFR)
Commander's Glider
this was the name given to the hyperdrive-equipped shuttle that was carried aboard every Chiss warship,
as a diplomatic ship assigned to the senior-ranking officer aboard the warship. (SQ)
Commando Team 22
the team of Noghri commandos sent by Grand Admiral Thrawn to intercept Princess Leia on Kashyyyk,
following the failure of the first two attempts to capture Princess Leia. She was trying to hide from Thrawn
by mingling with the Wookiees, but the Noghri tracked her to Kashyyyk and attacked. Chewbacca's friend
Salporin was killed in the attack, but so were all but one of the Noghri. Khabarakh was the sole survivor,
and the uselessness of the attack turned him from the life of a commando to that of a New Republic
sympathizer. (HTTE)
Commando Team 4
the team of Noghri commandos sent by Grand Admiral Thrawn to intercept Princess Leia on Bpfassh,
following Thrawn's attack there. They tried to trick Han and Leia into a mockup of the Millennium Falcon,
but were routed when Han realized that the ship was a fake. (HTTE)
Commando Team 8
the team of Noghri commandos sent by Grand Admiral Thrawn to intercept Princess Leia on Bimmisaari,
during the New Republic's first set of diplomatic talks there. The Bimms were bribed to keep their
presence a secret, but the Noghri were destroyed when Luke and Leia realized what was happening.
Commando Team One
this group of New Republic infiltration agents was led by Kapp Dendo during the period following the
Battle of Endor. (XWMR)
this colorful, flowering plant is used in decorative gardens. (TT)
this planet, located near the Corellian System and sitting on the outer edge of the Core Worlds, was a
trading outpost and spaceport. Han tells Luke that he traded his chivalry for a 10-carat chrysopaz and
three bottle of brandy there. According to Star Wars: Rebellion, Commenor is located in the Corellian
Sector. (SWN, REB, WS)
Commenor Holocom
this communications installation and repair business was based on the planet Commenor during the early
years of the New Republic. (IR)
Commerce Concourse
this was the primary business facility located in Hreas Port City, on Lenthalis. Shortly before the Battle of
Hoth, a series of riots broke out between rival gangs, around the Commerce Concourse. (SWJ14)
Commerce Guild

this was one of the largest shipping conglomerates given a trade franchise during the last decades of the
Old Republic. The Commerce Guild was established to obtain raw materials and ensure that they were
made available to the entire galaxy, but at prices which were established and maintained by the Guild.
Membership in the Guild was taken quite seriously, and smaller corporations who chose not to join were
harassed and bullied into bankruptcy or membership. The Commerce Guild was also one of the loudest
supporters of the Trade Federation, following on the Federation's coattails whenever legislation involving
trade was mentioned in galactic politics. When the Federation was defeated at the Battle of Naboo, the
Commerce Guild's leadership saw its chance to step in and fill the power void. Through overt
manipulation of the Republic and covert activities - such as the niobarium pollution of Vorian Four - the
Commerce Guild solidified its position of power shortly before the Clone Wars. In order to protect its
investments, the Commerce Guild borrowed from the Trade Federation's ideals and developed its own
droid army. It then threw its support to Count Dooku and the Separatists, but chose not to become openly
involved in the growing conflict with the Old Republic. (COD, APS, AOTCN, VD2, SWDB)
Commerce Way
this was the name of an avenue on Coruscant, after the New Republic re-established the planet as the
central world of the Republic. (JE)
this was one of the many corporations that made up the Corporate Sector Authority, during the height of
the New Order. (OWS)
Commission for the Preservation of the New Order
formed by the Emperor Palpatine at the beginning of his reign, the Commission for the Preservation of the
New Order (COMPNOR, for short) was created to provide the galxay's idealistic youths a vehicle for
removing the chaos of the Old Republic's death. Palpatine quickly saw the advantages of the youth
movement during the height of the Clone Wars, when the group was first formed as the Commission for
the Protection of the Republic. Palpatine began subtly twisting it to his own use, as a vehicle for instilling
the basic tenets of the New Order into everyday galactic life. (ISB, SWI70)
Commission for the Protection of the Republic
known as COMPOR, this was the affiliation of teenagers who believed that the Old Republic should
remain in control of the galaxy. COMPOR was formed during the early stages of the Clone Wars, and
gained power as the Separatists fought harder with each battle. When Chancellor Palpatine named
himself Emperor, COMPOR followed close behind in its support, becoming COMPNOR, the Commission
for the Preservation of the New Order. (SWI70)
Committee Against Non-Sentient Abuse
this group, formed during the last decades of the Old Republic, protested against the use of non-sentient
beings in activities that did not require them. Shortly before the Clone Wars, they found an unlikely ally in
the Biological Atheletes Union, during their protest against droid-based nuna-ball matches, (HNN5)
Committee of Seven for Garosian Unification
known as COSGU, this group of underground leaders formed shortly after the Empire took control of the
planet Garos IV. Formed by Carl Barzon and Magir Paca, the seven-member group coordinated the
resistance during the last years of the Galactic Civil War and until Garos IV was liberated. Among its initial
membership were the elder Desto Mayda and Camron Gelorik. (SWJ1, SWJ5)
Committee to Reinstate Justice
this was the name given to the political movement that rose up in the wake of the arrests of Eritha, Alani,
and Balog. It was established to ensure that the list of Absolute supporters was properly handled, as well
as to ensure that the election of a new planetary governor was performed legally and fairly. (CTV)
Commodities Exchange Cathedral
located in the city of New Escrow, on the planet Aargau, this was the headquarters of the Intergalactic
Banking Clan during the last years of the Old Republic. (HNN5)

Common Bantha
this was the largest, and most common subspecies of bantha found on the planet Tatooine. See Bantha
for more information. (WSW)
Common Charter
this document lays out the basic tenets and operational guidelines of the New Republic. A number of
articles lay out the general statutes. Article Five describes the right of the Chief of State to declare a state
of war against a known enemy. Leia Organa-Solo invoked this Article during the Black Fleet Crisis,
forestalling the vote of recall against her during the Third Electoral and declaring war on the Yevetha.
Article Nineteen indicates that any planet without a native population cannot be controlled by the
Republic. Anyone can settle the planet without political affiliation. (TT)
Common Room of Honoghr
see Grand Dukha (DFR)
Common Tauntaun
also known as the giant tauntaun, this was the most prevalent subspecies of tauntaun native to the planet
Tatooine. (WSW)
Common Thranta
this was the only species of thranta to survive the destruction of the planet Alderaan. The reason for this
was that it had been exported to the gas giant of Bespin, which was one of the few worlds where the
common thranta actually survived away from Alderaan. A steel-gray creature with dappled dorsal pattern
and a creamy-white underbelly, the common thranta had triangular wings and a hevay, four-lobed tail for
stability. Because of its origins and current location, this thranta is sometimes called the Alderaan thranta
or the Bespon thranta. It was the smallest of the four major subspecies of thranta, capable of carrying just
a rider and passenger. (WSW)
Commonality, The
this political alliance of planets, including the worlds of the Vorzyd System, worked toward a common set
of goals and needs during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RHD)
Communal Pool
this is the name of the monthly gathering of the Ergesh elders. The Communal Pool worked to establish
the basic laws by which the Ergesh lived. (AE)
Communications Cable
this form of cable carried voice and data between two locations. Considered a precursor to the holonet
transmissions of the modern era, comm cables were a point-to-point communications media. In order to
talk to another person, one had to have a comm cable between their locations. An individual location
might have had hundreds of comm cables running to other locations. (SOA)
Communications Circle
this section of the primary city on Kegan was dedicated to maintaining the communications network of the
planet. It led into the Study Circle. (FFT)
Communicator mini-Droid
known as a CmD, this small device is essentially a droid brain enclosed in a case with a detachable
keyboard. They are used primarily as interface devices to other computers and droids, but they can also
transmit and receive data from remote locations. With some programming, a CmD can be employed as a
lock picker. All communication with the CmD is through the keyboard or a frequency-matched comlink,
since the device has no audiomembrane or voice module. (TA)
Community Heap
this was the name given to the collected pile of scavenged materials maintained by individual Jenet clans.

this Ubrikkian gravsled measured 3.5 meters in length. It was the basic commuter vehicle used by the
Corporate Sector Authority, because it was cheap and reliable. It had room for a pilot and one passenger,
and the cockpit was protected by a windscreen. It could also accommodate up to 250 kilograms of cargo.
The Commuter found a niche on many backwater worlds, since it was considered stylish for a gravsled
despite its cheap price. (CSA, AEG)
this form of urban transportation involves the use of repulsor-cars riding through transport tubes
connected in a network that allows travel between many locations throughout a city. (ML)
this datapad was manufactured by MicroData. It was equipped with a Galactic Univeral Translator and
Holistic Data Transfer software, and could hold up to five million DSUs worth of information. Like most
datapads, the Companion2000 was also equipped with a recorder rod input port, a rechargeable power
supply, a touch-pad display screen, and a computer interface port. (EGW)
Compare Storerooms
this was a mnemonic game favored by name protocol droids. (SOC)
Compart Corporation
this Bothan corporation was based on Kothlis, and was considered the industry in the mass-production of
droid circuitry and components. Among the specialized technology produced by Compart was the delicate
circuitry used to manufacture photoreceptors, as well as tiny servomechanics for use in the formation of
finers and other fine manipulators. (SPG)
Compass Dance
this was a form of dance, developed on the planet Mirial, that honored the four points of the compass.
this was the name given to the being who was in control of The Exchange, a vast criminal empire that
flourished during the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War. (SWDB)
this Imperial Interdictor-class cruiser was one of the first of its kind to be captured by the Alliance during
the Galactic Civil War. After studying the ship's systems, the Compellor was destroyed. (XVT)
Compensator Computer
a device which allows a starship's communications systems to build new circuits in case normal circuits
are destroyed. It has been seen that they are useful to non-technical ship owners, but the more
experienced technicians think their ability is overstated. (DFR)
this was the military branch of COMPNOR, created to provide Emperor Palpatine with a loyal group of
armed forces in the event that stormtroopers were unavailable. (ISB)
Complete History of Corvis Minor, The
a multicard set of literature that, due to the nondescript history of Corvis Minor, is rarely read; the box was
used by the Imperials to hide a blaster in every residential floor of the Imperial palace. (TLC)
an upscale casino game. (RM)
see Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. (ISB)

see Commission for the Protection of the Republic. (SWI70)

Compound Flex-5
this was the brand name of Merr-Sonn Munitions' detonite gel, which was impregnated into plastic
adhesive tape to form detonite tape. (ROE)
an Imperial frigate operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Computer Combat Predictor
this starship weapons system, developed by Imperial engineers in the decade after the death of Admiral
Thrawn, was designed to assist a cloaked starship. At its most advanced design, a cloaking device hid a
starship from outside view, but also left the starship blind as to its surroundings. Thus, if it was discovered
while cloaked, a starship was unable to safely maneuver, let alone anticipate an attack. The Predictor
was developed to assist in predicting the attack of incoming starfighters, interfacing with the weapons
systems to fire autoamtically in a set pattern. Supreme Commander Pellaeon tested the initial version of
the Predictor ten years after Thrawn's death, and found the system still lacking any true accuracy. (SOP)
Computer Mating Service
this Bith establishment (known as CMS) is responsible for the matching of the DNA of prosective mates,
in order to generate a series of child-patterns (CPs) projecting the outcome of their union. This allows the
Bith mates to create the best possible children for their continued existence. (GG4)
Computer Probe
any device built to gain access to a computer system and probe it for information. Blue Max was built as a
computer probe, in the hopes that he could penetrate the Corporate Sector Authority's databanks on
Orron III and retrieve information on the missing people. (HSE)
Computer Spike
any device used to covertly gain access to information stored in a mainframe computer. They are
programmed to gain access to data and then continually modify themselves to avoid detection. The
problem with this is that the spike degrades in efficiency as it works, until it has completely rewritten itself
and it is completely useless. Each spike, therefore, can only be used once. (CFG)
this Outer Rim planet was the site of one of Talon Karrde's many communications relay stations, during
the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was located in the area of the Outer
Rim known to smugglers as the Dead Zone. (SQ)
one of the crewmen serving Captain Hajj aboard the Star of Empire, Comran was killed after the Systems
Integration Manager program took control of the ship. As Hajj and his crew were climbing a gangway to
reach the communications room, someone dropped a repulsor engine down the shaft. It struck Comran
and carried him to his death at the bottom of the shatf. (GOF10)
this was the brand name of MicroThrust's advanced sensor scrambling device. (ROE)
a section of the Empire which deals with communications. A Com-Scan center is located in each Star
Destroyer and all large Imperial warships, to facilitate the sharing of information during battle situations.
this device was used to integrate and control the various communication and sensor systems of a given
operation. A com-scan could be contained to a single vehicle, such as a ground-based military command
speeder, or large enough to handle the systems of an entire planet. A com-scan unit was designed to

continually monitor all its incoming system data, processing it and alerting organic personnel to and
perceived danger or threat. (ESB, EGW)
ComTech Eavesdropper
a communications jamming pack developed by MicroThrust. The Alliance's Infiltrator units often modified
these devices to broadcast a general presence of trouble in the area, without giving away a concrete
position. (TTSB)
Comtech Series IV
this compact speaker system, used in the formation of stormtrooper helmets for the Empire, was
equipped with a three-phase filter system that produced clear sound. (VD)
a member of the rebel underground in Il Avali, on Druckenwell, Comus was proficient at creating false
identification for other members. He created Ids for Tinian I'att and Twilit Hearth to use when they got
Tinian off Druckenwell following the deaths of Tinian's grandparents. (TFE)
Con Queecon
the phrase used by the Ranat race to describe themselves, it translates to "The Conquerors." (GG4)
Con Varra
see Con'varra (UANT)
a planet in the Teke Ro system, it has a lush, tropical environment. Due to its lack of axial tilt, the
environment is pretty much the same over the entire surface. The atmosphere has a high concentration of
ammonia, and any oxygen is found locked in the bedrock. Often, the only water found on the planet is
collected and stored by the native plantlife. The planet's primary sentient lifeform, the Arcona, survive in
small comunities which harvest the plant pods for their water. The Glove of Darth Vader describes Cona
as having ammonia-filled jungles, which are home to star dragons. (SCRE, GG4, GDV)
Conar, Miech
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the New Star when the frigate was hijacked by the crew of
the Far Orbit, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (FOP)
Concealer-class Prison Ship
designed and manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems, this 50-meter transport ship was developed for the
movement of prisoners from one location to another. It required a crew of three, along with four gunners,
to operate, and could transport up to 10 guards and sixty prisoners at a time. The cargo hold of the
Concealer-class could accommodate up to 25 metric tons of cargo, and the ship was armed with four
turret-mounted laser cannons. (FBS)
Concert of the Winds
when the hurricane season comes to the planet Vortex, the winds whistle through the Cathedral of Winds'
many holes and spires, creating this unique musical experience. The winged Vors often fly around the
spires, helping to create the music by opening and closing different sets of holes. The music which was
created was never the same twice, making the experience that much more memorable. (DA)
a small musical device. (POT)
this group of Ssi-ruuk held the spiritual power on their homeworld of Lwhekk. According to records, the
Conclave had power equal to that of the Elders' Council in influencing the decisions of the Shreeftut.
Conclave on the Plight of the Refugees

this summit, held in the Government House of Ord Mantell, was convened by the New Republic to
discuss ways in which the refugees fleeing the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy could be properly
housed, fed, and relocated. (HT)
Concord Dawn
this semi-arid world was Jango Fett's home planet. It was also believed to have been Jaster Mereel's
home planet. (EGC, JFOS)
Concordance of Fealty
this ancient Jedi pact was formed between to fellow Knights. It was invoked whenever two Knights were
forced to exchange lightsabers while on a mission. This act alone spoke to the deep respect and trust that
could form between them. However, the Concordance was completed whenever the two Knights returned
the lightsabers to their rightful owners. During this time, each Knight promised their undying friendship
and loyalty to each other. (ETM)
Concordat of Peace
this peace treaty was signed by Keral Longknife and Aron Peacebringer, uniting the human and T'Syriel
populations of Shiva IV sometime before the Battle of Hoth. (MC53)
Concourse, The
this was the name of the main plaza of Darknon Station. It originally was several levels deep, but much of
it was abandoned by the time of the Galactic Civil War. In its heyday, The Concourse was filled with lush
gardens, and opened onto a variety of shops and businesses. (PSPG)
Concussion Bow
an ancient projectile weapon that uses a small concussion charge to impel a small, arrow-like projectile at
a target. The stock of the weapon is rifle-shaped, and is used like a rifle. (DE2)
Concussion Charge
this was the generic term used to describe any explosive device which used intense, compressed sound
waves to cause large amounts of damage. (MC41)
Concussion Missile
a detonation device which, although not as powerful as a proton torpedo, is much faster. They employ an
armor-piercing tip mounted on a compact energy pack. This tip allows the missile to penetrate a ship's
hull, while also serving to ignite the weapon's energy pack. Upon striking a target, an atom smasher is
activated near the energy pack, imploding the atoms and generating a huge amount of energy and heat.
This first melts the target, then explodes it. (ROTJ, SWSB, DFR, SCRE)
Concussion Shielding
another name for particle shielding. (CPL)
Concussion Sphere
an ancient form of projectile weapon, these bombs were the early counterparts of concussion missiles.
this Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyer was destroyed shortly before the Battle of Endor, when the
Azzameen family assaulted a Viraxo Industries platform and rescued Antan Azzameen. The ship was
destroyed during the Azzameen's escape from the platform. (XWA)
Condensor Unit
a neurotronic circuit device which radiates large amounts of heat from a small input source. They are
standard in most survival kits, where they are used for cooking and heating. (SW)
this man, a native of the planet Zoraster, was captured by a group of slavers led by krayn, shortly after

the Battle of Naboo. He and a number of other slaves were pressed into guard duty aboard Krayn's
starship, and were present when Krayn decided to ambush the Colicoid transports led by Anf Dec. When
he learned that Obi-Wan Kenobi had infiltrated the slavers' ship, Condi and his fellow slaves threw down
their weapons and agreed to help the Jedi. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan's ship was only a G-class shuttle
borrowed from the Colicoids, just big enough himself and Anakin Skywalker. Condi agreed to ignore the
Jedi's presence, and vowed to help his people escape. (JQ)
this MC40a was part of the Alliance's fleet, during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this starfighter pilot served under Esege Tuketu as a K-wing bomber pilot. He was one of the many Kwing pilots who refused to attack Yevethan warships during the blockade of Doornik-319. He and the
others believed that the pleas from Yevethan prisoners were, in fact, real. Unfortunately for the Republic,
the pleas were perjured under the direction of Tal Fraan, and served to deter the Fifth Battle Group from
destroying Yevethan ships. (SOL)
this was the codename of the Alliance's drop point, located in the M132L4 System, during the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ14)
Condor Dragon
another name for the mantigrue, a dragon-like creature native to the Forest Moon of Endor. (ISU)
Conductor X-112
this chemical compound was developed to act as a conductor inside a starship's ionization chamber.
Conduit Worm
this slug-like creature was named for the fact that it lived in the conduits used for routing electrical wire
and optical fiber. An individual conduit worm lacked a true head, tail, or body core, instead being
composed of component structures spread out along the wiring of their environment. The eyes of the
conduit worm were held above the body on two stalks, and the worm lived by eating the metal and silicon
in the cabling inside the conduits. Smaller beads of fiber stored energy like capacitors, while other beads
created resistors to inhibit electrical flow to sensitive body parts. (HNN5, VD2)
Condular's Grand Astrocartographic Institute
this renowned school produced some of the galaxy's most talented galactic cartographers. (WOTC)
this medicinal drug is a strong anesthetic. (TFE)
Cones of Silence
this was the name of Ujin Voli's personal starship. (SSR)
this vegetable was used in the creation og many culinary delicacies. It was ususally peeled, and the hard,
rock-like nub at its base was discarded before preparation. (HNN5)
this Alliance Muurian transport was destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Confederacy of Independent Systems
this was the political bloc formed by those Old Republic worlds which seceded from the Republic, some
ten years after the Battle of Naboo. Familiarly known as the Separatists, the CIS was founded by the
former Jedi Master Count Dooku, who wanted to initiate radical changes in the Old Republic in order to
re-establish equality and eliminate corruption. The name "Confederacy of Independent Systems" wasn't

formally used until Dooku arranged alliances with the Corporate Alliance, the Techno Union, the
InterGalactic Banking Clan, and the Commerce Guild, bringing a level of military and financial
respectability to the Separatists' actions. Working in secret to avoid the eyes of the Republic, the
Confederacy began planning for war long before the Battle of Geonosis. This gave them a large
advantage when the Clone Wars broke out, because they had ships, droids, and weapons ready to
deflect any Republic attack on core Separatists planets. Several thousand star systems had joined the
CIS by seceding from the Old Republic by the time of the Battle of Geonosis, bringing the political clout
needed to make the Separatists a legitimate threat to the status quo of the Old Republic. Supreme
Chancellor Palpatine offered to negotiate a settlement with Dooku, but Dooku refused. In the end, the
Separatists amassed a huge droid army on the planet Geonosis, and planned to launch a full-scale war
against the Republic. Only the timely intervention of the Jedi Knights and the discovery of an army of
clone troopers being created on Geonosis was able to prevent the CIS from launching its war. However,
the Battle of Geonosis only served as the opening act in the Clone Wars. (SWDB, SHPT)
this was the governing body of the planet Isht. (VOF)
Conference of Uncommitted Worlds
held on Kabal, this was a meeting of the neutral worlds during the Galactic Civil War. (CSW)
Confessor's Whip
this was one of the five traditional Geonosian weapons that made up the petranaki array. This three-tailed
whip was used to debilitate an opponent, as its barbed tips were often coated with a nerve toxin. The
toxin entered the bloodstream of an opponent through the vicious lacerations caused by the barbs, where
it temporarily slowed the opponent's reflexes. (GORW)
Confiscation Authority
this was the name given to the individual bodies that controlled the impounds on various prison worlds
maintained by the Old Republic. Each prison world had its own branch of the Confiscation Authority,
which oversaw the impoundment of goods obtained during criminal investigations and arrests at various
Confiscation Stations. (JQ8)
Confiscation Station
this was the name given to the impound centers located on the various prison worlds of the Old Republic.
Each Confiscation Station was managed by the planet's Confiscation Authority. (JQ8)
this material is used to form bedrolls and temporary furniture, as it quickly conforms to a being's physical
shape and supports their body. (SSR)
Conform-lounge Furniture
a type of furniture which molds itself to the user's shape, enhancing the user's comfort. (HSR)
this was a form of communications jamming equipment that was developed during the height of the Clone
Wars. These broadband devices could be set up several kilometers from the target location, and used a
combination of noise and signal absorption/degradation to limit communications in its zone of influence.
this is one of the former names of the Star Morning. (SOL)
Congress of Caliphs
this was the primary governing body of the Swokes Swokes race, based on their homeworld of Makem
Te. During the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, the Congress of Caliphs eagerly welcomed several
off-world corporations onto Makem Te, where there were a wealth of ores and medical-grade spice. This
action caused the Swokes Swokes people to wonder about their leaders' motives, since they were a

simple people who cared little for high technology. Several splinter groups were formed at this time to
disrupt the operations of the off-worlders, led by the Temple of the Beatific Razor. The cult grew rapidly in
strength and numbers, until they rivaled the Congress of Caliphs in power. The Caliphs requested military
assistance from the Old Republic, but the Republic pulled out when the Beatific Razors eliminated their
entire force. This forced the Caliphs to ally themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems,
and the Separatist forces helped to quell the actions of the Beatific Razors for many years. The Congress
was later recognized by the Empire, which left Makem Te more or less alone. (WOTC)
Congress of Malastare
this was governing body of the Gran which controlled the planet Malastare during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (IS1)
Congress of the Republic
this was another name for the Galactic Senate of the Old Republic. (SW1)
this young slave boy was rescued from the sand drains of Mos Espa by Anakin Skywalker, during
Anakin's attempt to free Arawynne and the Ghostlings from Gardulla the Hutt. (E1A8)
this race of starfish-shaped sentients is covered with reddish fur. They have two eyes on the top-most
arm of their bodies, and a smooth-lipped mouth. The middle two arms serve as normal arms, and end
with three thin fingers and a tentacle-like thumb. The lower two arms act like legs. (TSK)
Conjo Fighter
a form of atmospheric fighter which was used by local militias during the height of the New Order, the
Conjo was produced by Aratech as the Y41-C2LC Fighter. It measured fourteen meters in length, and
was armed with a concussion missile launcher and a pair of laser cannons. The Y41-4LC version of the
Conjo was similar in design, but was armed with four laser cannons. The Y41-T was known as the Conjo
Trainer, and essentially a slower version of the base Y41-C2LC version. This craft was designed to purely
atmosphereic flight, and was driven by a repulsorlift engine system. (TBSB)
Conjo Trainer
this version of the Conjo atmospheric fighter was known by the model number Y41-T. It was similar to the
Y41-C2LC fighter, but was slower. (TBSB)
this tall, lanky man served as the primary infochant aboard the Tanquilla Beach space station, during the
early years of the New Republic. He made a regular living working at his flower stand, Conjob's Trifles,
but he had a knack for locating truthful and pertinent information. Conjob was a native of the planet Siluria
III, but was offworld when the Empire subjugated the planet and killed his family. For this reason, Conjob
held personal support for the New Republic, and was honored when Kaiya Adrimetrum stopped at his
flower shop during the FarStar's search for Moff Kentor Sarne. (DARK)
Conjob's Trifles
this small flower shop was owned by the infochant known as Conjob, and was located aboard the
Tanquilla Beach space station. (DARK)
a playing piece in the game of Firepath. (CSWDW)
Conk Rifle
this was a generic term used to describe a concussion rifle. (RCHC)
this floating fortress was constructed deep within the clouds of the planet Genarius by the fallen Jedi
Karae Nalvas, several years before Nub Saar was built. The fortress was located well below the altitude

of Nub Saar, and never seemed to suffer the kind of radiation storms that eventually destroyed Nub Saar.
The fortress was later destroyed by the Jedi of the Cularin System. Years later, the former Jedi Knight
Dazen Mok theorized that Karae Nalvas had actually been assisted in building Conkesta by the dark force
that destroyed Nub Saar. (LFCW)
Connection Trace
this is a method of determining a target's location by analyzing the strength and position of an incoming
transmission. It is much easier to locate a target if the target is transmitting a signal, although a directed
transmission can be used to locate the receiving end through various triangulations. (SW1)
Conner net
an electrically-charged metal mesh used to immobilze a target, Conner nets come in a variety of shapes
and sizes. Large Conner nets are used to detain ships, by dropping the net onto a ship and allowing the
net to weld itself to their hulls. Smaller nets can be placed in passageways and triggered with motion
sensors to drop onto intruders. This is a much less humane use, of course. (TLC, VOF)
Conner Ship Systems
this small corporation designed and manufactured conner nets. (TTSB)
this Alliance starship crewman served under Alain Gryphon aboard the Celestial. Conners was killed
when the ship was captured by the Charon in Otherspace, during the aliens' initial wave of attacks. (OS)
this young Ghostling child was captured, along with Princess Arawynne, by Djas Puhr and brought to Mos
Espa to be sold as a slave. Conno was just five years old at the time. (E1A5)
this Imperial trooper served under Administrator Brago, after Brago replaced Fuguee at the Kline Colony
outpost. In reality, Conor was an Alliance agent named Urek who had infiltrated the colony after Brago's
rise to power. It was Conor who supposedly shot down Daye Azur-Jamin's message pod, which told the
Sunesi where to retrieve a cache of smuggled weapons. Urek later helped Daye and his companions
escape from the colony's prison. (SWJ10)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. Originally commanded by Admiral Quist, the Conqueror served
for a brief time as Darth Vader's flagship, during the initial stages of his search for Luke Skywalker. The
Conqueror was the first Imperial warship to reach Yavin 4 in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, and patrolled
the Yavin System in hopes of capturing any Alliance starships. (XVT, 3D3)
Conqueror Assault Ship
this Surronian starship has an organic, streamlined shape. The overall design has a small pod in front for
the bridge and commadn center, which is connected to a large, bulbous engine and power section by a
thin neck. The Conqueror measures 28 meters in length, and the sleek, curving hull provides it with
maneuverability that belies its size. It is armed with a pair of ion cannons mounted on the command
section, and a turret-mounted double laser cannon. The Conquerer could transport up to 25 metric tons of
cargo and a single passenger, in addition to its crew of a pilot and co-pilot. (EGV, PP)
the Imperial Interdictor-class Cruiser which was patrolling the space near Ithor for smugglers. It happened
to discover the Ithorian culture and its knowledge of ecology, and obtained a vast base of knowledge from
the Ithorians. Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina describes the Conquest as an Imperial-class Star
Destroyer under the command of Captain Alima. This fits in with the Star Wars: Customizable Card
Game, which indicates that the Conquest was one of the two Star Destroyers which chased the
Millennium Falcon from Mos Eisley. (SCRE, TME, CCG2)

this Snivvian word represented the number 5. (HNN5)
Conroy, Allyse
Moranda Savich used this pseudonym to get close to Hal Horn on Darkknell, during the search for the
plans to the first Death Star. Horn had been wearing a Jostrian choke-collar, placed on his neck by
Ysanne Isard, in order to guarantee his cooperation. Moranda and Garm Bel Iblis needed to get him free
in order to get to the plans, so Moranda pretended to be Allyse and ran up to him in the middle of Xakrea.
She flung her arms around his neck in a big hug, then secretly unlatched the collar. (TFNR)
this was a form of musical composition that was created by the Zabrak race. (MBS)
Conservatory Epic Orchestra
based on the planet Brentaal, this presitigous orchestra was a member of the Brentaal Hall Conservatory.
Consolidated Learning Systems
this manufacturer specializes in consumer electronics and appliances. They also provide high-profile
business and military computer systems. CLS is one of the many non-voting contributing sponsors of the
Corporate Sector Authority. (CSA)
Consortium Navy
this was the formal name of the Hapan Navy. (DJ)
Consortium, The
this was one of the terms used to describe the criminal empire of Nirama, active in the Cularin System
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (WOTC)
Constable of Homunculi
a special Dark Side Adept, the Constable is the leader of the Emperor's Clone Keepers on Byss. (DESB)
Luke Skywalker was ordered to transport Gamine to this ringed planet, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, in
order to prevent an Imperial force from taking control of the planet. His ship was intercepted by Imperial
forces just before reaching the planet, and he was forced to abandon it in order to survive. They were
recovered by Sharlee, and hidden on Outpost 8, located in the planet's ring. The ring around Constancia
was formed primarily from large chunks of ice and frozen debris. With the help of Luke and Han Solo,
Constancia remained free from Imperial control. (LAT1)
this starship was part of the fleet commissioned by Queen Elsinore' den Tasia to carry explorers from
Grizmallt to a new planet, accompanying the Beneficent Tasia on its final journey, many millennia before
the Battle of Naboo. The colonists aboard the ships, which also included the Mother Vima, settled on the
planet Naboo some 3,900 years before the Battle of Yavin. (GB)
Constant Industries
this small corporation provided security consulting services for large corporations and small governments
during the last decades of the Old Republic. (LOJ)
this Imperial Interdictor-class Cruiser was part of the fleet that was amassed by Grand Admiral Thrawn
during the early years of the New Republic. It served as one of the many Interdictors used by Thrawn to
draw Republic forces out of space just outside the Bilbringi System, during the events that led up to the
Battle of Bilbringi. (DFR, TLC)

a corvette under the command of Warlord Zsinj. He dispatched it to protect the Night Caller during a raid
on Talasea, but the New Republic and Wraith Squadron were waiting for them. As the Wraiths pummeled
the Imperials, the crew of the Constrictor decided to surrender. (WS)
this Concealer-class prison ship was part of the Imperial fleet which was dispatched to Brak Sector,
shortly before the Battle of Yavin. It made a regular run between Lish and Bacrana. (FBS)
Construction Crawler
a crane-like device which was used to perform maintenance on tall buildings. The crawler ran along a
track that was mounted to the building, and as it moved along the track it worked. Crawlers could clean,
fix, and modify the buildings they were attached to. (LO)
Construction droids
huge, 40-story tall machines that are capable of gathering raw materials, synthesizing them into parts,
and then building structures. They were built early in Emperor Palpatine's reign, and are still in use by the
New Republic. They are often equipped with implosion wrecking balls, plasma cutters, and huge shovels
and hammers. Each of these droids is programmed to operate along a specific path, reducing everything
it encountered to rubble. This rubble is further smelted and reduced to its component elements within
nuclear furnaces. These raw materials are sent on to processing plants within the droid, which modify the
materials and create brand new construction materials. These can be assembled in the wake of the
droid's path into new buildings based on preprogrammed designs. (DE1, JS, JASB)
Constructor Pods
small, crablike ships built by the Mon Calamari, they are used to build the star cruisers at the Mon
Calamari shipyards. (DA)
Consular Ship
any starship registered to a member of the Imperial Senate, they were immune to spaceport and deepspace inspections. When the Emperor dissolved the Senate, he took away the ability to register as a
consular ship, thus eliminating any secrets. (SW, SWR)
Consular-class Space Cruiser
see Republic Cruiser and Corellian Space Cruiser (NEGV)
this was Commenor's largest grocery store chain, during the year leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Consumer Automata
this Old Republic holographic magazine provided its readers with modern information on the
development, manufacture, and maintenance of droids and other automata. (HNN5)
Conta Sonhan
see Centa Sonhan (WOA5)
Container Ship
any of the huge supertransports utilizing standardized cargo containers to move huge amounts of cargo
across the galaxy. These ships are very expensive and very slow, and require the use of a smaller
transport ship to offload their cargo to its destination, since they are incapable of landing at any
spaceport. There are various classes of container ship:

A-class, a 75-meter-long, trapezoidal box with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

B-class, a 55-meter-long, hexagonal tube with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

C-class, a 75-meter-long, tapered hexagonal tube with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

D-class, a 50-meter-long, six-pointed cube with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

E-class, a 50-meter-wide, hexagonal cone with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

F-class, a 50-meter-long, partitioned container with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

G-class, a 25-meter-long, dumbbell-shaped container with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull

H-class, a 20-meter-long, saucer-chaped container with 50 SBD shields and a 20 RU hull

I-class, a 40-meter-long, three-sided container with 50 SBD shields and a 10 RU hull





Container Taint
this was a general name given to any disease or affliction that came from a being consuming spoiled or
damaged foods or beverages. (GCG)
Container Transport
any ship designed to moved the various configurations of cargo containers. These 100-meter-long ships
have a specialized central section which can grasp and hold several containers for movement to and from
storage. They have been rated at 30 MGLT, with no weapons and minimal shields (50 SBD, 35 RU hull).
Containment Bubble
a starfighter life-support system, the containment bubble is activated whenever a cockpit breach is
detected. Using force fields, the bubble surrounds the pilot with a small envelope of breathable air that
matches the shape of the cockpit. The containment bubble is incapable of protection against full vacuum,
but will allow a pilot to repair the damage to the cockpit and restore normal operations. It also has a
limited duration of about an hour, depending on the size of the power pack it is attached to. (IR)
an Imperial container transport operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was the Snivvian word for "cold." (HNN5)
Contemplanys Hermi
this Old Corellian phrase literally meant "meditative solitude." Garm Bel Iblis, while he was the Senator to
the Old Republic from Corellia, used this phrase to describe the closing of the borders of the Corellian
System, shortly before the Clone Wars. While not officially seceding from the Republic, Bel Iblis and
Corellia had decided that they needed to withdraw from galactic political until the storm of separatism
broke. (HNN4)
Contemporary Galactic Architecture
a popular data-magazine published during the height of the New Order. (GMH)
Contender Squadron
this group of New Republic A-Wings served aboard the Allegiance during the defense of Adumar. (SOA)

Contest, The
this Silika battle of intestinal fortitude required that a challenger and his opponent consume a wide range
of alcoholic beverages, with bets made at each round as to which contestant will pass out first. The
challenger was allowed to choose the drinks, but was honor-bound to consume it the exact same way as
his opponent. The rules of The Contest required that the loser accept his loss, and not take revenge on
the victor. There was also a great deal of ceremony involved in the challenge, which each contestant had
to follow or risk disqualification. (SWJ1)
Contingency Deployment Profile
this set of detailed instructions was provided to every clone trooper field officer deployed into battle during
the Clone Wars. Stored on a datacard, the profile contained information on where and how to regroup in
the event of a breakdown in the trooper's immediate command structure. This most often occurred when
a control bunker or flagship was destroyed by Separatist forces, leaving the trooper without a
commanding officer. (SWI70)
Continuing Medical Education
this was a series of classes and educational courses that were created by the Old Republic to ensure that
the medical personnel assigned to military and governmental postings were kept up-to-date on the latest
information and discoveries. Although the courses offered as part of the CME program were open to all, it
usually required some form of approval or permission from a commanding officer to attend them. (MJH)
Continuum Void
this tapcafe, located in the city of Xakrea on the planet Darkknell, was the place where Alliance agents
planned to turn over the plans to the first Death Star to an aide of Garm Bel Iblis. After Bel Iblis was
nearly killed in an explosion on Anchoron, he decided to travel to Darkknell and recover the plans himself.
Contopault, Shep
this free trader and small-time criminal was a native of the planet Naboo. He was known to have several
connections to a variety of crimelords, and was a known associate of Hesh Verbon. Despite his criminal
background, Shep had given up his life of crime in an effort to form the Free Treader Association of
Naboo, working with Verbon to develop an incentive program for Naboo merchants, hoping to induce
more independent spacers to establish permanent bases at Kwilaan Starport. (SON)
Contract Sabacc
an obscure form of sabacc played by two teams of players. (BW)
Contracts Guild
this bounty hunters' brotherhood was formed on the planet Wroona. It was one of the less legitimate
guilds targetted by Imperial Governor Norrin for elimination. (SWJ9)
this was Corran Horn's callsign, used when he was in command of Shocker Squadron during the defense
and evacuation of the Jedi Knights' base on Eclipse. (SBS)
the first of the Force skills which Jedi Knights are able to use, Control is an internal skill which can be
used to recognize the Force in oneself and in the universe. (SWSB, IJ)
this was the codename of the Cavrilhu Pirate who monitored security at the Kauron asteroid base. Control
was one of the inventors behind the Jedi-containing rooms built into the base. The room used a tight grid
of bars which emerge from opposite walls of the chamber to pin a person inside. The bars are pressuresensitive, and will firmly grasp anything they come in contact with. The room was also equipped with gasemitting jets, which could be used to flood the chamber with deadly gases. They could also be used in
reverse, creating an airless vacuum in the room. When Zothip flew to Bastion, in an effort to obtain
compensation for the loss of a battle cruiser at Pesitiin, Control was the only member of the gang to

survive the combined defense of Major Tierce and Karoly D'ulin. He had become tired of following in
Zothip's misguided footsteps, and allowed the pirate captain to get himself killed. Control then assumed
control of the Cavrilhu Pirates himself. He broke off the primary relationship with Moff Disra and the
Empire, but agreed to keep producing Preybird for them. (SOP, VOF)
an Imperial Corvette operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Control Box
this was another name for a caller, or owner - any device which can summon a droid that has been fitted
with a restraining bolt. (MC1)
Control Brain Network
this is the heart of the Trade Federation's droid army. Contained in the massive bulk of a Federation droid
control ship, the Control Brain Network coordinates the activities of all droids deployed by an invasion
force. (X1)
Control Guide
this branch of the Keganite Enforcement Guides was charged with maintaining the order of the Learning
Circle as well as the Relearning Circle. (FFT)
Control Leash
a device used by handlers of wild or dangerous species. It allows the handler to control their captives
from a distance, administering controls and punishments without physical contact. (HSR)
Control Mind
a technique discovered by the Jedi Knights, in which the Force is used to take control os another person.
It was considered a product of the Dark Side of the Force. (SWSB)
Control Zone
this cyborg prosthesis manufacturer produces limbs which are primarily used as weapons, such as the
Repulse-hand. (CFG)
Controller FP
SoroSuub's personal force pike. (ISB)
this planet, perhaps best known as the homeworld of Airen and Pash Cracken, was considered one of the
most industrious and advanced planets in the Mid Rim. It was often said that Contruum was the most
Core-like world outside of the Core Worlds. It was known for its ore-smelting plants and shipyards, yet its
inhabitants also committed themselves to preserving its environmental beauty. The Contruum system was
located a short hyperspace jump from the Permlemian Trade Route, and two jumps from the Hydian Way.
It was somewhat surprising, then, that Contruum avoided the notice of the Yuuzhan Vong, and remained
a free world throughout the aliens' invasion of the galaxy. However, that nearly changed some five years
after the invasion began, when the Yuuzhan Vong tried to launch an attack on the Galactic Alliance's
base on Mon Calamari. A third of the war fleet had secondary orders to break off their attack and
subjugate Contruum, where minimal Alliance forces would be present. This plan was smashed when
Zonama Sekot arrived in orbit near the planet Coruscant, forcing the Warmaster Nas Choka to recall all
Yuuzhan Vong warships to defend their home base. (CRO, WG, UF)
Contruum Six
this planet was the sixth world in the Contruum System. A small, ice-covered world, Contruum Six
supported a pari of major settlements. It was in the orbit of Contruum Six that the New Republic
established a defense network of warships to protect the mainworld of Contruum, during the height of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (UF)
Contruum's Pride

this freighter was discovered by Rogue Squadron to be working with the Imperial ship Vengeance Derra
IV on Mrisst. The two ships worked together to throw off pursuit while smuggling. It was identified as an
Imperial ruse because freighters usually aren't named after virtues. Pash Cracken, also a native of
Contruum, couldn't identify the ship. (WG)
Contumely Club
an eating and drinking establishment that caters strictly to non-humans. Droids are also excluded. (RPG)
Convarion, Ait
this Imperial Navy Captain served during the attacks at both Derra IV and Hoth before being given
command of the Corrupter. As a Captain, Convarion was charged with terrorizing rebellious worlds in the
Outer Rim. After the Battle of Endor, he aligned with Ysanne Isard and brought the Corrupter to Thyferra
to help protect the Bacta Cartel. He was known as a cruel and calculating opponent who worked hard to
end every engagement quickly, despite the odds against him. When Convarion failed to recapture the
Xucphra Alazhi, Xucphra Meander, and Xucphra Rose from the Rogue Squadron, Isard demanded that
he round up and execute the families of the Alazhi as a demonstration of her power and his allegiance.
He balked, but Fliry Vorru saved him by having already done the job. The test was not forgotten, though,
as Isard ordered Convarion to take the Thyferran Home Defense Corps and attack the settlement on
Halanit. He died on the Corrupter when it was disabled by the Rogues over Alderaan's asteroid belt. The
ship could not be saved before it drifted into the asteroids and was torn apart. (BW)
this seedy Twi'lek was outcast from his village on Ryloth, and given as a slave to Big Quince. Big Quince
later gave Con'varra to his brother, Omze'kehr Kahr, as a present at the opening of Omze's Incredible
Traveling Starport. Omze then freed Con'varra and paid for him to be trained by the galaxy's best slicers
and forgers. Con'varra returned to Omze and set up Con'varra's Datawork Central aboard the converted
bulk cruiser. (PSPG)
Con'varra's Datawork Central
located aboard the converted cruiser known as Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport, this small business
provided high-quality forgeries and computer slicing services to Omze'kehr Kahr's patrons. Run by the
Twi'lek Con'varra, the operation boasted a huge computer system capable of producing exact duplicates
of virtually any document. It was rumored that Omze sometimes sold information about the forgeries back
to government officials, especially if the forging service was provided to a human. (PSPG)
Convergence Plaza
this was the central collection of governmental buildings found in the city of Downport, on the planet
Kelada. The leaders of Kelada were Imperial supporters during the Galactic Civil War, and many of the
governmental buildings served as Imperial offices as well. (GCG)
Convocation of Adepts
this was the body of leaders who governed the Chalactan Adepts. It was the Convocation of Adepts who
decided which individuals obtained the Greater Mark of Illumination and joined the Adepts. (SHPT)
this was the Huttese word for "who." (GMR5)
this kitchen droid was programmed to cook a number of meals for a variety of races and cultures. It was
stationed aboard the AA-9 freighter used by Anakin Skywalker and Padme' Amidala to return to Naboo,
during the months leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. COO-2180 was portrayed by Ian Watkin in Star
Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (OWS)
this tall, avian predator evolved on the low-gravity world of Ganeid II. Standing nearly two meters tall, the
cooha had a long spiked finger on each wing and a set of slashing teeth set in its beak for tearing flesh.

Cool Shot
one of the Millennium Falcon's false registrations. (RPG)
one of Luke Skywalker's aunts, she never wanted to have a good time. (COJ)
Cooling Station
this was the name of a series of automated drink dispensers, used in many bars and cantinas across the
galaxy. These machines were loaded with a variety of alcoholic beverages and mixers, and were
programmed to create in infinite variety of concoctions. (WSV)
this tree, native to the planet Gamorr, was known for its dense canopy of branches and leaves. (DW)
this chemical was used to maintain the temperature of buildings which were constructed in desert
environments. Coolth was pumped throughout the building's walls in a huge grid of thin pipes. As the cold
coolth passed through the grid, it kept the interior walls of the building cool, while blocking the exterior
heat from entering. (IWE1)
this form of bio-engineered spore was created by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was released to certain
individuals within the New Republic, prior to the Vong's initial invasion into the known galaxy. In all but
one case, the victim who took in the coomb spore died within days. Only Mara Jade Skywalker was able
to resist the effects of the coomb spore, primarily through the concentrated use of the Force. Her survival
was a source of frustration for the Yuuzhan Vong, especially its creator, Nom Anor, as it meant that the
Jedi Knights were a much stronger foe than they had realized. A modified version of the coomb spore
was planned for use, known as the bo'tous. (VP, HT)
Coomb Spore
developed by Nom Anor and the Yuuzhan Vong, this virus breaks down the victim's molecular structure
and causes a quick, horrible death. However, it was not communicable. Nom Anor had planned to use it
on the humans of the galaxy, but could not develop a way to make the virus self-replicating, becoming
more of a disease than a poisonous virus. The spores themselves were the favored food of the shlecho
newt. Mara Jade had been infected with the spores, as Nom Anor tried to fathom the strength of the Jedi
Knights. She survived for several months, using the Force to keep the disease at bay. (VP)
this dry, frigid world is the fourth planet in the Garnib System. It had a single, small moon. (PG1)
Coona tee-tocky malia
this Huttese phrase translated roughly into Basic as "What took you so long?" (E1A14)
Coona tee-tocky malia?
this Huttese question translated into Basic as "What took you so long?" (GMR5)
Co-op Council
this was the primary governmental body formed by the natives of the planet Vernet. Its primary mission
was to ensure the fair and equal treatment of the chorba farmers. The Council was also charged with
setting prices for chorba. (SWJ15)
Cooperative Council of Independent Planetary Governments
formed in the aftermath of the Diversity Alliance, this New Republic initiative was created from
representatives from every species and every world known to the Republic. Its charter was based on the
agreement that every member would work together for the good of all species and the detriment of none.

Cooper's Swoopers
this swoop gang was founded by Cooper Dray on the planet Bescane. (SWJ9)
Coordinated Bombing-Landing
this Imperial TIE Bomber flight tactic was developed by Captain Tomax Bren. (SWJ15)
Coordinated Galactic Time
based on the current time on Coruscant, this is the basis for all timestamps throughout the galaxy. (IJ)
Coorimbus IV
this gas giant, the primary world in the Coorimbus System of Tapani Sector, was part of the holdings of
House Calipsa during the New Order. None of the other Tapani Sector Houses was aware of the fact that
Calipsa controlled Coorimbus IV, because it was located on the outer periphery of the sector and well
away from the sector's hyperspace routes.House Calipsa maintained the secret because Coorimbus IV
was an excellent source of corusca gems, which brought great wealth to House Calipsa. (LOE)
Coorr, Ronet
this diminutive man represented his homeworld of Iseno in the Galactic Senate of the Old Republic,
during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He served on the Loyalist Committee during the months
leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5, SWDB)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. This name referred to a predator found in the watery
core of the planet Naboo. (GCG)
this violent predator was one of several species that lived in the core waters of the planet Naboo. (GCG)
Cophrigin 5
during the height of Emperor Palpatine's Jedi Purge, the famed Dark Woman managed to hide on this
mild, jungle-covered planet. Her location was discovered by a Sacorrian smuggler and relayed to the
Emperor himself, who dispatched Darth Vader to execute her. (T1)
Copper Coast
this area of the planet Sriluur was the site of the planet's Imperial garrison during the Galactic Civil War. It
was located on the Meirm Sea, and was named for the incredbily high concentration of copper in the
sands and the surrounding ocean. Unlike the bleached-white sands that are found in every other seaside
location on the planet, the Copper Coast has a ruddy color that comes from the natural copper. However,
the high concentration of copper and other minerals in the sands and water is picked up in the early
morning mists that blanket the coast, coating everything in sight - including the port of Meirm City - in a
somewhat caustic fog. (SSR, SWJ6)
Copper League
this was one of the many wegsphere leagues which played in matches during the height of the New
Order. (TBSB)
Copycat Pod
designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, this device was used as an electronic
countermeasure by many starship pilots. When deployed on a smaller ship, the copycat pod sent out
transponder signals identical to those of the parent vessel. An attacking Customs or police ship would
follow the Copycat Pod's signal, hoping to board an offending vessel, only to discover that the real ship
had escaped. (GFT)
this race of small felines is native to the jungles of the planet Gargolyn IV. They guarded their villages
against invasion, and were aided in their defense by a huge creature that had been captured by an

ancient Cor shaman. The beast once roamed the jungle and ravaged Cor settlements until the shaman
bound the creature to the land itself. In reality, the Cor shaman was adept in the use of the light side of
the Force, and future generations of Cor had enough sensitivity with the Force to keep the shaman's work
vital. The beast was contained as long as the Cor didn't move from their villages, but when Karflo
Corporation sought to move them out in order to build a new manufacturing plant, the beast was
unleashed. It destroyed everything Karflo tried to do, until Karflo relented and allowed the Cors to return
to their villages. (GMS)
Cor I System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Barnaba during the New Order. (LOE)
Cor II System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Barnaba during the New Order. (LOE)
Cor III System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Barnaba during the New Order. (LOE)
Cor Lane
this was the name of the hyperspace route which connected the Cor star systems of Tapani Sector.
Cora shells
Han Solo used cora shells to serve pudding to Princess Leia, while en route to Dathomir. (CPL)
a Corellian transport ship captured during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Coral Castle
this undersea castle, formed from generations of coral, was located on the Forest Moon of Endor. The
Ewoks believed that the Coral Castle was the home of King Albo. (ECAR)
Coral City
this was one of the many floating cities erected in the oceans of the planet Mon Calamari. It was here,
during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, that many New Republic Senators and leaders made
their homes after Coruscant was captured. (SWSB, UF)
Coral Depths City
another floating city on Calamari, it was one of the attack points for three squadrons of TIE fighters in
Daala's attack during the second battle of Calamari. (DA)
Coral Fin
this transport ship was piloted by the Priapulin Jedi Knight Charza Kwinn, during the evacuation of
Montitia during the Extroin Minor Skirmishes. (GMR8)
Coral Ohah
this strong-muscled individual was one of the directors of Sleeft Docking Bay Maintenance in Mos Eisley,
on Tatooine. He was responsible for several illicit activities undertaking by Sleeft, including the theft of
top-notch droid parts from Notsub Shipping. When the Bith Angor Farn mistakenly took the freighter
containing the parts, he tried to escape from Ohah and ransom the parts for a huge sum. However, Farn
never got off Tatooine. He tried to hide out in the Dim-U monastery, but Ohah received some help from
Alliance agents in extricating Farn and recovering the parts. (GG7)
Coral Pike
this form of pike, developed from a single strand of coral, was used as a ceremonial weapon by the Mon
Calamari. (FH1)
Coral Vanda
a subocean luxury casino operated on Pantolomin, the Coral Vanda was known for its eight impressive

casinos. Captain Hoffner ran the vessel during the early years of the New Republic, until Han Solo and
Lando Calrissian tried to locate him. Niles Ferrier got to the ship first, and spirited Hoffner away. The ship,
manufactured by the Pantolomin Shipwrights, had four upper casinos (the Kossi Room, the Tralla Room,
the Deston Room, and the Brint Room, all named for Pantolomin's major land masses), an extensive
passenger section, and four lower casinos (the Ventel Room, the Rugot Room, the Saffkin Room, and the
Hassi Room). The walls of the Coral Vanda were lined with scarlet greel wood, and most of its gaming
tables were inset with sanriv gemstones. Transparisteel viewports were everywhere, affording
unobstructed views of the ocean. There were sixteen luxury suites and four "adventure rooms" that
allowed the user to recreate exotic locations. The Coral Vanda could accommodate up to 600
passengers. (DFR, DFRSB, EGV)
this was the term used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe any personal, yorik-coral starship used by their
leaders. (T)
this beautiful stone, renowned for its sculptability, was found on the planet Hargeeva. (SWJ8)
this form of Yuuzhan Vong starfighter was created from yorik coral in much the same way as a worldship,
only on a much smaller scale. They performed a number of missions, including fighter cover for the
worldships as well as maintaining the placement of the membranous organic sails used to propel them.
Measuring about thirteen meters in length, on average, the coralskippers were armed with volcano
missiles, which it seemed to spit out of its hull. Individual coralskippers could refuel and rearm themselves
by "eating" rocks. The pilots of coralskippers were linked directly to their craft by another form of ooglith
cloaker, one engineered to resist vacuum and provide life support to the pilot. Individual coralskippers
were originally created to act on the instructions of a yammosk, which could coordinate the attack
patterns of a multitude of ships while monitorin the ebb and flow of a battle. However, when the New
Republic began destroying yammosks as the first course of action in an engagement with the Yuuzhan
Vong, coralskippers were gradually given over to living pilots. In this manner, a pilot could fly in concert
with a yammosk controller, or independently if needed, allowing the Yuuzhan Vong to remain active in a
firefight for longer periods of time. (VP, UF)
Coraltree Basal
this unusual, coral-like plant was the baseline stock used to create slave seeds. (T)
this industrialized world was located along the edge of the Core Worlds, and was a target of Separatist
activities during the early stages of the Clone Wars. (SWRPG2)
an alien race living in the Koornacht Cluster, the Corasgh that lived there were exterminated during the
Yevethan Great Purge. The Corasgh live in nests. (BTS, SOL)
Corask Slen'da
this Bothan was, at one time, head of the Obroan Institute's archaeological facility on Rafa V, where he
was in charge of investigating the Sharu and the life-crystals. He was arrested by Myle Jandler for the
assassination of several Sharu leaders who were friendly to the government of the Centrality, and was
forced to work as a life-crystal harvester. He was rescued by a team of freelance mercenaries higher by
the Obroan Institute, and then threatened the team with a lightsaber. Slen'da claimed to be a Jedi Knight
was on Rafa V to destroy the life-crystal orchards before they could consume the life energies of innocent
beings. (GMR5)
Corazon, Rigis
this aspiring businessman purchased Cryseium Incorporated from Huegu Eib after the Empire rose to
power. He grew the company into one of the leading food producers for the planet Demophon. This
helped Rigis make a few enemies, and one of those enemies succeeded in murdering him in an attempt

to rid Tyed Kant of Gryseium Incorporated. (SN)

Corazon, Sabel Axis
Rigis Corazon's daughter, she took over the Gryseium corporation when her father retired. She launched
a furtive plan to undermine the competition on Tyed Kant, in order for Gryseium Incorporated to become a
monolpolistic producer of food for Demophon and the surrounding systems. This plan, codenamed
Mynock, was foiled by a group of Alliance operatives who were in the Demophon System just before the
system's star exploded. (SN)
this New Republic battle cruiser was part of the primary fleet stationed at Durren. When Seti Ashgad
instigated pirate attacks on Ampliquen during his attempt to gain control of the galaxy with Dzym, the
Caelus and the Corbantis were dispatched to Ampliquen. Both ships were infected with the Death Seed
plague by Ashgad's agents, and once the crews were killed the ships were disposed on on distant
planets. The Corbantis was scuttled on Damonite Yors B, but seventeen crewmembers managed to stay
alive by huddling near the reactor core. Despite the radiation sickness they were exposed to, the
emissions from the damaged power core probably killed off the Death Seed plague and allowed them to
survive until Han Solo and Lando Calrissian rescued them. (POT)
Corbit, Jacen
this man was in charge of the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations during the height of the New
Order. He was ordered by Moff Landric to hunt down the thief known as the Tombat. Corbit brought in
Zanza Gata to get the job done. (SWJ8)
this desolate Outer Rim planet was the site of an experimental mining colony, established in the years
following the death of Emperor Palpatine's clones at Byss. Attempts had been made to colonize the world
for several thousand years, but all had failed. The weather on Corbos is extreme, and the ore-processing
facility had to be established in low orbit in order to keep it from being destroyed by storms. This meant
that the ores produced on Corbos generated very little profit for the miners. In what is known as the Black
Rain season, the planet is drenched in a heavy, acidic rain that prohibits any outdoor work. It was here
that the miners discovered a species of incredibly huge, Force-sensitive creatures that wiped out the
entire population of 793 colonists and required several of the new Jedi Knights to defeat. Tionne
discovered that the creature was responsible for many of the destroyed colonies. The planet is orbited by
two moons. (JAL)
Corconnan, Jhorag
this man was known to his associates on the planet Tasariq as a purchasing agent working for a Corulagbased gem dealer. In reality, he was an Alliance Intelligence operative who was trying to organize a rebel
cell on the planet. He worked constantly with the accounting droid A2-ZP, which was programmed as a
security droid to protect Jhorag. (SWJ15)
Cord-class Starfighter
this starfighter was developed for the Old Republic, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. (BF2)
this woman served as one of Senator Padme' Amidala's handmaidens, some ten years after the Battle of
Naboo. She was part of the retinue chosen by Captain Panaka and his nephew, Typho, when Senator
Amidala was to travel to Coruscant for the vote on the Military Creation Act. Corde' traveled aboard
Padme's diplomatic starship, arriving on Coruscant with little announcement while Padme' arrived in a
support ship. Unfortunately, Padme' had been targeted for assassination by Jango Fett and Zam Wesell.
They had rigged the landing Senator's platform to explode, and Corde' was killed in the blast. She died
knowing that Padme' was safe, and that her duty to Naboo had been fulfilled. Corde' was portrayed by
Veronica Segura in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. (OWS, AOTC)
Cordel Cove
this was the name of the primary spaceport and city on the planet Neftali. It was located beneath Orane

Mountain, on the thin strip of land which separated the Beija Seas and connected the Jhunia snow plains
to the Yiulimar Fjords. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the starport was owned by AbdiBadawzi and operated by his daughter, Memcha-Badawzi. Memcha maintained a squadron of Whiphid
guards for security purposes, led by Grenal. Cordel Cove was located near a volcanic flow which created
uderground grottoes filled with hot springs, which attracted a large number of tourists. It was also the site
of an annual swoopchasing race which was considered part of a galactic "triple crown" group of courses.
Cordel Cove Winter Carnival
this annual event took place on the planet Neftali, and celebrated the beauty of the icy world.
Swoopchasing, ice races, ice sculptures, and various sports highlighted the event, which was the largest
such festival in the sector. (BSS)
this planet was controlled by the Empire, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (RESB)
this medicine is often administered via a patch applied to the skin. It is prescribed for patients of Zithrom's
Disease, to help hold off the degenerative effects of the disease. (TFE)
Cordioline Trehansicol
this chemical is used to combat infestations of insects such as metalmites. It is sold under the brand
name CorTrehan. It must be laid out in such a way that the insects can move around it, but encounter it
wherever they feed. The most often used pattern is a series of curlicues leading to a central food source.
It has a thick, sweet-sour smell, and takes almost two weeks to effectively kill off a metalmite brood.
Cordoni, Hella
this cautious woman was a Chandrilan noble during the period leading up to the Battle of Naboo. She
objected to her son Pellum's love affair with Remi Kellen of Corellia, but was unable to prevent their
marriage. (SON)
Cordoni, Pellum
this young man was the son of Lady Hella Cordoni of Chandrila. Much to his mother's dismay, Pellum fell
in love with Remi Kellen of Corellia. The pair was captured by a group of thugs during a vacation on
Naboo, shortly after Pellum discovered the site of an ancient starport in the swamps of the planet. Pellum
and Remi were eventually rescued by a team of freelance officers shortly after the Battle of Naboo. (SON)
this drug was used in the operating room to "jump-start" a being's vital systems, in the event that surgery
brought a being close to death. (MBS)
CorDuro Shipping
this interplanetary transportation corporation was contracted by the New Republic's Senate Select
Committee for Refugees to deliver supplies to the refugee domes on the planet Duro, during the Yuuzhan
Vong's invasion of the galaxy. Their headquarters were located on Duggan Station. It was later
discovered that they were diverting shipments to the orbital cities instead of delivering them to the
refugees, as part of a plan formed by the Duros High House which allowed the Vong to have the planet
Duro in return for the freedom of one orbital city. CorDuro had been working to divert supplies to Bburru,
and had been bribed by the Peace Brigade to sway the voting in the Duros High House. CorDuro had
hoped to obtain advance warning of a Yuuzhan Vong attack on Duro from the Peace Brigade, which
would allow them to escape the battle with one of the planet's orbital cities intact. As the plans moved
forward, CorDuro moved from conspirator to collaborator, and agreed to help ship any captured refugees
to Yuuzhan Vong detention camps. (BP)
Core Bank
see Bank of the Core (JQ9)

Core Bomb
this was a unique form of explosive, developed and used during the last decades of the Old Republic. In
order to produce the most intense blast, core bombs employed a mixture of magnopium and
ferrocongregate. Core bombs were so powerful that they required a high-power detonation device. In
order to make the detonator small enough to hold in a being's hand, it had to be fashioned from
chromium. Thus, chromium detonators were easily recognized as being paired with a core bomb. (TAE)
Core Classic
this was a term, used during the height of the Old Republic, to define the architectural style of the Core
Worlds. (COD)
Core Construction
this Coruscant-based construction firm was actually a front for Black Sun. Although they produced quality
buildings, Core Constructions often underbid the competition to win the contract, then had a series of cost
overruns that simply fed credits into Black Sun's coffers. (SESB)
Core Courier Service
a delivery service which promised on-time delivery to the various worlds of the Core, during the early days
of the New Republic. (TFE, SWJ7)
Core Drive
this musical style was popular among the youths of the galaxy, during the height of the New Order.
Core Foodstuffs
primary food producers for the Core Worlds, they maintain a vast network of serf-like holdings to supply
the huge quantities of food required by the Core's populace. (DESB)
Core Galaxy Systems
this corporation was one of the original shipwrights of the Old Republic, along with Alderaan Royal
Engineers and Rendili StarDrive. 500 years before the Battle of Yavin, CGS was bought out by Kuat Drive
Yards. The name Core Galaxy Systems was retired. (EGV)
Core Gladiator Walker League
this was the governing body that controlled all sanctioned gladiator walker contests held in the Core
Worlds, during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
Core News Digest
this newsnet reported on the various business and industrial aspects of the Core Worlds, during the
height of the New Order. (SWJ14)
Core Post
this is the official name used by scouts and explorers to denote the center of galactic government and,
therefore, the official recognition of all claims. By default, Core Post was located on Coruscant, in Imperial
City. (GG8)
Core Ship
this was the term given to the Lucrehulk-class cores of the Trade Federation's freighters. After the Trade
Federation was defeated at the Battle of Naboo, it was ordered to eliminate a large portion of its war fleet.
Coupled with the obvious flaw relying on a central Droid Control Ship forced the Federation to tinker with
the design of the basic LH-3210 freighter. Appearing to disassemble large numbers of ships, the hoopshaped freighters used by the Federation were actually modified so that the central sphere could detach.
Since this sphere was the primary living area for the Neimoidians, a detachable core ship allowed them to
move to and from a planet's surface with relative ease. It also allowed them to escape any damage which
might have been caused in the circular arms of a freighter. (VD2, X2, NEGV)
Core Star Liners

one of the more prominent passenger transportation providers which plied the spacelanes of the Core
Worlds during the Galactic Civil War. (SESB)
Core Systems
the Core Systems are those star systems located near the physical center of the known galaxy. Planets
such as Coruscant make up this center of the galaxy, as defined by both the Republic and the Empire
and the region which surrounded the Deep Core. Many historians and xenoarchaeologists believe that all
human life in the galaxy evolved from a homeworld somewhere in the Core Systems - also known as the
Core Worlds - although the exact location has never been found. (SW, DE1, SWJ7)
Core to Rim Shipping
this transport corporation was active during the height of the New Order. (FBS)
Core World Arms
an ancient weapons and personal protection systems manufacturer. (TOJC)
Core Worlds
another name for the Core Systems, this area of the galaxy borders the Deep Core and contains some of
the wealthiest and most populated worlds of the galaxy. Many historians and xenoarchaeologists believe
that all human life in the galaxy evolved from a homeworld somewhere in the Core Worlds, although the
exact location has never been found. (EGP, SWJ7)
Core Worlds Critics Association
this was the most influential body of media critics, active in the Core Worlds section of the galaxy during
the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
Core Worlds Engineering
this large corporation produced some of the most luxurious skyhooks used on Coruscant. (SESB)
Core Worlds Security Act
this law, instituted during the early stages of the Clone Wars, heightened the security of those planets
which were considered part of the Core Worlds of the galaxy. It reassigned certain military and security
assets of the Old Republic to the protection of planets such as Coruscant, to ensure that they were safe
from Separatist terrorism. Opponents of the law, many from outside the Core, argued that it was enacted
to appease business and financial supporters in the Core, and left their worlds undefended against the
Separatists. (SWI73)
Core Worlds Travel Clearance
this document was required for starship captains during the height of the New Order, and provided
documentation which indicated their permission to conduct spacefaring business in the Core. (PSPG)
Core Worlds Visa
this set of scandocs provided a wealth of information about an individual and their need to travel within
the Core Worlds, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
this was an explosive weapon created from a core of solid reactant. (UYV)
this company was a subsidiary of Millennium Entertainments. (CSA)
Coreguard Security Services
this operation provided security services to many corporations on the planet Corulag, during the height of
the New Order. Most of its employees were simply bounty hunters, but the CSS tried to maintain a
legitimate front. (SWJ12)
Corek, Bel
this Alliance starfigher pilot was a Captain the military, and served as the commanding officer of the

Silverblade Squadron of X-Wings, based out of outpost DVL-181 on Aracara. He had graduated from the
Imperial Academy, and never found dogfights boring. He was able to blend is youthful exuberance with
combat experience, teaching his squadron to be confident, not cocky. (HAS)
primary star in the Corellian System. (AC)
this was an often misused name for the planet Corellia. (RMOM)
homeworld of Han Solo and Garm Bel Iblis, Corellia is located in the Corellian System, in the Corellian
Sector of the galaxy, somewhere near the Core Worlds. It was once a democracy (in the days of
Berethon e Solo), and reverted temporarily to a monarchy when Korol Solo tried to raise himself to
kingship. Following his hanging, Corellia returned to being a republic (about 250 years before Han was
born). Since then, it has become an introverted world, keeping mainly to intself and not getting involved
with outside politics. During the height of the Clone Wars, Corellia was ostensibly aligned with the Old
Republic, although many historians note that Corellia was actually opposed to the Confederacy of
Independent Systems. The planet has a temperate ecology, with many large oceans. (SW, DFR, CPL,
Corellia Engineering
this Corellian corporation mined ores and minerals from a variety of planets and systems near the
Corellian Sector, during the Old Republic. Corellia Engineering was perhaps best-known for tis attempts
to mine ores from Tatooine, which proved to have very few natural resources worths mining. (RESB)
Corellia Mining Corporation
according to the Arms and Equipment Guide, this Old Republic corporation developed and manufactured
the Mining Digger Crawler, otherwise known as a sandcrawler. (AEG)
Corellia Room
this was one of the many casinos located aboard the Star of Empire. The casino was decorated with
Corellian art and artifacts, and a wall-sized projection screen supplied visitors with an orbital view of the
planet Corellia at all times. (SFE)
Corellia Star
this YT-1300 stumbled upon the Imperial V38 development project late in the Galactic Civil War. Its crew
was killed near the Dreighton Nebula, but not before they contacted a flight of Alliance B-Wings. The
Alliance pilots were able to recover the freighter and discover more information on the V38 project. (RA2)
Corellia StarDrive
this corporation was formed by a former Corellian Engineering Corporation executive, and had an
illustrious - though brief - history. Corellia StarDrive was founded about 1,000 years before the Great Sith
War, and created civilian and military craft to rival CEC. In fact, the Old Republic Navy chose many CSD
designs over CEC. This success was brought to a halt when a freak shuttle crash killed the entire CSD
design team. The corporation never fully recovered from the loss, and was purchased by CEC about
2,000 years after its creation. (EGV)
Corellia Times
this was a major Corellian newsnet, active during the height of the New Order and available in a variety of
languages. (SWJ7)
Corellia Traffic Control
the arm of the Corellian Defense Forces which monitors all space traffic coming and going in the Corellian
Sector. (AC)
Corellia University

this was one of the most prestigious schools found on the planet Corellia, and was best-known for its
School of Starship Engineering. (DARK)
this was the name given to the human inhabitants of Corellia. As a people, the Corellians were known as
risk-takers, and it was often said that most Corellians had rocket fuel for blood. Corellians were extremely
loyal to their families, a trait which often extended to their Drall and Selonia neighbors. Most Corellians
appear to be self-centered or disinterested, although these traits were usually thin masks which covered
the natural Corellian intensity. The traditional Corellian wedding dress was green in color. (SW, RD,
Corellian Ale
a full-bodied brew. (GG9)
Corellian Arms
this minor weapons manufacturer produced the CR-2 blaster pistol during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (SON)
Corellian Bloodstripes
this Corellian award is represented by a three-centimeter-wide broken stripe if piping that runs along the
outer seam of a pair of trousers. There are two levels of bloodstripe awarded. The Second-level
bloodstripe is gold, and is rarely given out. The First-level bloodstripe is red, and is usually awarded
posthumously because of the heroic deeds required to earn it. Most bloodstripes are earned for courage
under fire. The wearer, though, is often recognized for simply being a human in the right place at the right
time, enduring unusual hardships. The wearer is by no means a superhero. Han Solo is one of the few
examples of a living Corellian who has earned First-level bloodstripes. He earned his Second-level
bloodstripes for rescuing Chewbacca; he has never disclosed the reason he was awarded the First-level
bloodstripes. He prefers to wear the yellow stripes, so as not to receive inquiries on them. (HSL, CSA)
Corellian Brandy
an interstellar spirit, used as the main ingredient in a Twistler. (DFR)
Corellian Buccaneer
this form of corvette was designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, during
the early years of the New Republic, and was based on the successful design of the CR90 corvette and
other ships known as "blockade runners." The Buccaneer was armed with ten double turbolasers. (SWJ3)
Corellian Cafe
a bar and restaurant located on Nar Shaddaa. (THG)
Corellian Carousel
this starship maneuver was invented by owners of YT-1300 light freighters. To help compensate for the
lack of visibility due to the off-center placement of the cockpit, many YT-1300 owners will put the ship into
a slow spin during landing. This spin - opposite the position of the cockpit - allows them to get a feel for
their location and proximity during landing in tight spaces. This maneuver was later modified to allow
pilots to check their position in heavy traffic situations, as well as during a firefight. (TT)
Corellian Chemical Corporation
known as CorChemCo, this leading producer of industrial chemicals is a subsidiary of Chiewab
Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company. (CSA)
Corellian Clam
a mollusk which is extremely difficult to open. (SE)
Corellian Consort
this Imperial Space Rescue Corps starship was known for its captain, Commander Everik Dondarvan.
They held the records for most successful rescue operations (56) and the largest total number of persons

rescued (543). (HR)

Corellian Crisis
also known as the Corellian Incident, this was the period of history which occurred early in the era of the
New Republic, during which time the Sacorriad Triad tried to take control of the Corellian Sector. (CCW)
Corellian Cross
a medal given by the Alliance to those starpilots who displayed bravery and selflessness in battle. It was
designed to commemorate the signing of the Corellian Treaty. (XW)
Corellian Defense Force
the quasi-military armed forces that guard the Corellian Sector, the CDF has many branches and
divisions, all geared toward keeping the law in the Corellian Sector. (AC)
Corellian Desslin
this was a popular, personal starship, manufactued during the height of the New Order. (SWJ10)
Corellian Double-brandy
a twice-fermented version of the basic Corellian brandy. (RM)
Corellian Dreadnaughts
this was one of the less-experienced smashball teams of the Old Republic. Shortly before the Clone
Wars, the Dreadnaughts were one of the first teams to allow the participation of non-human players,
despite the sport's historically human teams. The Dreadnaughts were one of Han Solo's favorite
smashball teams, though they were not a very good one during the early years of the New Republic.
Corellian Engineering Corporation
manufacturers of some of the galaxy's best starships and stardrives. An ancient corporation, CEC has
grown over the millennia to become one of the three largest producers of starships, along with Kuat Drive
Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems. CEC has the advantage of being successful in the civilian market, as
well as the simple fact that Corellians are incredibly adept in the areas of starship design. Their military
designs are also quite successful. CEC became one of the Corporate Sector Authority's original
Contributing Sponsors when the New Order allowed the Authority to gain control of the Corporate Sector.
Corellian Flame Miniatures
this form of Corellian art was often imitated, but never truly duplicated, despite the fact they were simply a
combination of shaped transoptical fibers, light-producing plants, and Goorlish light sources. (DFR)
Corellian Gambit
a Sabacc system in which the suits fit together in different patterns. The last hand is unique, in that one
card - chosen by each player - can be locked in place before the cards are spun. (DA)
Corellian Grass Snake
native to Corellia, this was one of the most beautiful and deadly snakes found in the galaxy. (CCW)
Corellian Gunship
designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, these expensive combat ships
measured 120 meters in length, and were heavily armed with 8 dual turbolaser batteries, 6 quad laser
batteries, and 4 concussion missile tubes. The remainder of the ship was made up of its fast engine plant
and a small crew quarters. The Corellian Gunship required a crew of 91 officers and gunners to operate,
and had cargo space for up to 300 metric tons of supplies and ordnance. (RASB, TLC, SOG)
Corellian Heavy Lifter
designed by the Alliance, this transport ship was based on the CR-90 corvette. The central section of the
CR-90 was modifed to accommodate a pair of heavy clamps, which could be used to hold large cargoes

for shipment. (FC)

Corellian Horticultural Digest
one of the leading journals on the cultivation and propagation of plants and flowers, this magazine is
published in Coronet City. (IJ)
Corellian Incident
this was the historical term used to describe the secession of the Corellian Sector from the New Republic,
when the Sacorrian Triad tried to assume control of the galaxy by unleashing the Starbuster Plot. This
period was also referred to as the Corellian Crisis. (SWDB, CCW)
Corellian Inter-System Marketing Station
this was the general store and fueling depot owned by Jagged and Zena Antilles. It was destroyed by the
Bonestar Pirates. (HXW)
Corellian Limpet
this small mollusk was known to attach itself to a starship and multiply quickly. If left alone, the limpets
would eventually clog exhaust nacelles. In addition, the mild acid they exuded to attach themselves to
starship hulls eventually weakened the hull plating, which deteriorated the hull's integrity. (C)
Corellian Masternav, Incorporation
this Corellian corporation produced some of the galaxy's best astrogation maps during the New Order.
Corellian Merchants' Guild
this is one of the largest private trade organizations in the galaxy. It is open to all native-born Corellians,
as well as to owners and crews of Corellian-built starships. Many corporations elect a Corellian as their
Chief Executives in order to gain access to the CMG's resources. The CMG will provide to its members a
huge list of services, including information, trade contacts, repair facilities, messaging, and financial
services. The CMG operates a multitude of Guildhouses throughout the galaxy. All are well-known for
their services as temporary residences, clubs, and bars. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the CMG was
banned from the Corporate Sector, although no formal reason was given for the ouster. (GG9, SWJ10)
Corellian Overdrive
this phrase, sometimes used by Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, is used to denote the need to do
whatever it takes to complete a job. It ranges from finagling the rules to rearranging operational
parameters, but doesn't mean cheating in an honest game. (ROJR)
Corellian Reserve
a vintage of whiskey fermented on Corellia. (TFNR)
Corellian Rum
an interstellar spirit. (CPL)
Corellian Run
this was another name for the Corellian Trade Spine. (BP)
Corellian Sanctuary
established on Coruscant, this small, domed building was designed to honor those Corellians who died
off-world. Because the Diktat of Corellia would not allow members of the New Republic to land on the
planet, natives who died while away from Corellia could not be repatriated. So, exiled Corellians built the
Sanctuary. Corellians ritually cremate their dead, then use industrial-grade compressors to compact the
ashes into a synthetic diamond. The diamonds provide immortality to the dead, and are placed in the
black walls of the Sanctuary to represent the stars in Corellia's sky. (BW)
Corellian Scavenge Rat
this large rodent, native to the city sewers of Corellia, is known for its ability to save nearly everything it

can't eat. (MA)

Corellian Sea Ray
this aquatic ray was native to the planet Corellia. (ECH, XWN)
Corellian Sector
one of many sectors of the Nar Shaddaa spaceport, it is also one of the busiest. (DE2)
Corellian Sector
a group of 24 star systems, of which the Corellian System is the most important. The Corellian Sector is
located within the area of the galaxy known as the Core Worlds. In general, it is an inward-looking group
of systems. The sector was particularly introverted during and after the Galactic Civil War, when it did
everything possible to stay out of the political and social upheaval. The planets and their inhabitants have
been labeled paranoid and distrustful because of their introversion. Much of this was attributed to the
enforced laws of the old Empire, which demanded that the humans, Selonians, and Drall in the sector coexist in relative peace, maintaining the outward appearance of cooperation. (AC, EGP)
Corellian Sector Fleet
the warships of the Corellian Defense Forces' Space Defense Service. (AC)
Corellian Sector Newsfeed
this was the primary news network serving the Corellian Sector, during the height of the New Order.
Corellian Security Force
known as CorSec, this was the primary law enforcement agency on the planet Corellia during the New
Order and the early years of the New Republic. During the reign of Emperor Palpatine, the leaders of
CorSec ordered that their divisions accept the insertion of an Imperial Intelligance officer to monitor and
coordinate activities with the local Imperial garrisons. After the Battle of Endor, the Diktat of Corellia broke
from the New Republic, and transformed the force in the Public Safety Service. (TFE, IJ)
Corellian Seed Poppers
this type of garnish was used to bring out the natural flavors of delicate foods. (SWJ12)
Corellian Shipbuilders Union
this was an affiliation of the various starship manfucaturing laborers who worked for Corellian interests.
Like most unions, the CSU worked to ensure better wages and benefits for its members. During the
Galactic Civil War, the CSU was a quiet supporter of the Alliance. (CRO)
Corellian Slip
this starfighter maneuver is a countermaneuver which can be very dangerous for inexperienced pilots, but
has saved a number of skilled pilots in battle. (CCG)
Corellian Space Cruiser
this Corellian Engineering Corporation starship was the precursor of the Republic Cruiser, the Corellian
Gunship and the CR-90 corvette. Measuring 115 meters in length, the cruiser had three Dyne 577
sublight engines and a Longe Voltran Tri-arc CD-3.2 hyperdrive. It was produced without weaponry, since
its primary market was to provide safe, dependable transport for diplomats and couriers. The Space
Cruiser was also sold to wealthy civilians, which eventually led to the designation of the Republic Cruiser.
Note that Star Wars: Empire - Alone Together depicts the Corellian Space Cruiser as similar in
appearance to the SoroSuub PLY 3000 yacht. (X1, SOG, SWEAT)
Corellian Space Museum
located in Corellia's capital city of Coronet, this museum was perhaps the best-known facility in which
visitors could learn of the role played by Corellia and its inhabitants in the development of interstellar
travel. An genuine copy of the ancient Corellian Treaty, marking the boundaries of The Slice, was housed
in the museum. (CCW)

Corellian Spark Grenade

this simple device was developed by Corellian weapons experts, to deliver a powerful electric charge
when detonated. The idea was to disrupt electrical systems - or shock organic tissue - by sending a surge
of power through them, rendering them inoperable. (T19)
Corellian Spiced Ale
one of Han's favorite beverages (CPL, DA)
Corellian Spine Trade Route
this is another name for the Corellian Trade Spine (LFC)
Corellian Stock Exchange
headquartered in the capital city of Coronet, this was the primary stock market that served Corellian
businesses. (GG11, CCW)
Corellian System
the primary planetary system in the Corellian Sector, the Corellian System is an anomolous system in that
it has 5 habitable planets (Corellia, Drall, Selonia, Talus, and Tralus; they are known in the system as the
Five Brothers) orbiting the system's primary star, Corell. Some scientists and astrophysicists have
hypothesized that the system was "built" by a higher power, since the planets all have similar, strange
orbits, and all support life. The three primary species in the system - human, Drall, and Selonian - have
moved about quite a bit during the system's life, and all are equally at home on any of the five worlds.
Corellian Tanamen Fever
this flu-like illness is common on the planet Corellia. It is rarely fatal, especially if caught in its early
stages. Even advanced stages can be treated with bacta and cured. Symptoms include high fever,
extreme thirst, and loss of equilibrium. (TPS)
Corellian Technologies
this Corellian corporation specialized in personal defense systems. (GG10)
Corellian Territories Engagements
Alexsandr Badure participated in this series of Old Republic conflicts. (CSA)
Corellian Thunder
this heavily-modified Ghtroc freighter was owned by the smuggler Davrin. He used it to transport Sienn
Sconn and a Rythani Products weapon prototype off Rydonni Prime. (SWJ9)
Corellian Thunder
this Corellian Engineering gunship was part of the Alliance fleet which patrolled Trax Sector shortly after
the Battle of Yavin. It was dispatched to assist in the destruction of the Bissillirus Resupply Base. (GMK)
Corellian Times
this was one of the best financial newsfeeds available in the galaxy, during the height of the New Order.
Corellian Trade Spine
this hyperspace pathway originated on the planet Corellia, but was eventually extended to begin at
Coruscant. It linked a group of trading worlds, from Duro outward to Anoat and Bespin, along which much
of the galaxy's space traffic flows. The Duros had many maintenance stations located along the Spine.
Among the other planets along the Spine were Froz and Nubia, passing by Tynna and Kalabra to
Tatooine and Ryloth. Over time, this trade route was known by a number of different names, including the
Corellian Run and the Corellian Spine Trade Route. During the middle stages of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy, this trade route was ambushed by the invaders as they pushed toward the galactic
core. (TLC, DA, BP, LFC, EVR)

Corellian Trade Summit

a momentous meeting of New Republic agents and the Corellian government to discuss the opening of
trade with the Corellian Sector, it was spearheaded by Leia Organa in 37 NE. (AC)
Corellian Translines
this small transportation company worked several Inner Rim spacelanes during the early years of the New
Republic. (SWJ15)
Corellian Transport Services
based on Corellia, this small business provided ground-based transportation across the planet's surface
for both civilians and cargo, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SBS)
Corellian Treaty
the agreement which solidified the three major factions of the early Alliance. Bail Organa and Mon
Mothma had brought the three main resistance leaders together, and Garm Bel Iblis mediated the talks,
which resulted in the common set of ideals which formed the Alliance. Since Bel Iblis was a Corellian, the
document was called the Corellian Treaty. However, this often confused many Corellians, since the
original Corellia Treaty was signed many thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War. Thus, it was
more often referred to as the New Corellian Treaty. (DFR, CCW)
Corellian Treaty
this ancient agreement established the boundaries of The Slice and the hyperspace travel routes within it,
during the earliest periods of the Old Republic. The treaty virtually defined the limits of the Old Republic at
that time, since most exploration was started from Corellia or Coruscant, and was limited to known
hyperspace routes. (CCW)
Corellian Twister
an alcoholic beverage. (TSK)
Corellian Way
this New Republic frigate was part of the small fleet dispatched to protect the planet Esfandia, during the
height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)
Corellian Whiskey
a highly-intoxicating beverage. (RPG)
Corellidyne Holographics
this Corellian company produced some of the galaxy's most advanced doubler suits. (GG10)
Corellidyne Visuals
see Corellidyne Holographics (EGW)
this was the Old Corellian term for a Corellian. (SWJ7)
this starship manufacturer produced the Gymsnor-3 freighter. (SWJ9, KT)
a Quadrex repulsorlift engine. (GG7)
this town sprang up on the scrub plains of the planet Chrona, near the site of the first chronamite mines.
Corestrike Credit Repository and Ore Exchange
this was the sturdiest building located in the boomtown of Corestrike, on the planet Chrona. It served as
the town's only banking institution, where prospectors could assay their chronamite finds and store the

credits they earned. (SWJ12)

Corestrike Hotel
located in the boomtown of Corestrike, on the planet Chrona, this was the only hotel in the area which
provided miners and visitors with their own rooms and real beds. (SWJ12)
this was the code name of an Alliance agent who worked deep undercover in the Core Worlds. Very few
members of the Alliance knew about Corewatch, and the agent's presence may have dated back to the
origin of the Alliance. In reality, Corewatch was Bonic Tarracus, and was know to many as an extremely
reliable agent. His confidence - and the Alliance's confidence in him - was shattered when he was unable
to recover the 177th Light Infantry team inserted to blow up a munitions depot. Corewatch went AWOL,
but later returned to acive duty. However, his effectiveness was greatly diminshed, and many in the
Alliance's command structure felt he had been co-opted by the Empire and forced into double-agent duty.
It was even rumored that he had become Ars Dangor's personal valet, although this was never proven.
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Corey, Swilla
this petty thief was in the Mos Eisley Cantina when Ben Kenobi sliced off Ponda Baba's arm. (CCG2)
Corf Sarb
this Enu gangster ran a number of gambling halls and a smuggling operation on his homeworld of
Deylerax. He was a former Imperial employee who embezzled funds from the Empire to start his own
operation, and was known to be willing to kill anyone to protect his business. (WBC)
the site of New Republic supply bunker, this planet was located in the Corellian Sector. (DFR, REB)
Corg System
this star system was known for its treacherous asteroid field. (AIR)
this New Republic Colonel served under Etahn A'baht during the blockade of Doornik-319 and the
Yevethan Purge. He was one of A'baht's staff tactical officers aboard the Intrepid. (SOL, TT)
Corgan's Gustatorium
this restaurant was located in the city of Nehass, on the planet Tarhassan, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (SWI73)
Corgorlath Leisure Articles
this corporation produced a wide range of clothing and footwear for athletic activities, during the height of
the New Order. (GFT)
Taryn Clancy and the Messenger fled from Coruscant with Del Sato and Colonel Bremen, hoping to get to
this planet and send a message to the New Republic fleet before being captured by Imperial forces. (TFE,
meaning "enthralling", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Cories, Niklas
this man, the son of a prominent Outer Rim businessman, was also a noted assassin during the early

years of the New Order. He was known for his use of thermal detonators to eliminate his target, although
the destruction caused by thermal detonators often made it unclear who his intended target actually was.
He had a long-standing grudge against the Hutts, a situation which the Hutts returned by placing a
number of contracts on his head. For many years, Cories was a member of the band Distraction, doing
everything from hauling equipment to singing backup. Known as Aphus Polix to his bandmates, Cories
satisfied his need for violence by placing small thermal detonators in the mosh pits around the stage.
Their explosion was always blamed on the fans, and Cories was never discovered. All of this deception
was aimed at one thing: revenge against Niklas' former girlfriend, Aquella Firth. She had rejected him as
"too old and dangerous" several years ago, and Cories never forgot it. He saw his chance when
Distraction played aboard the Sleemo Poya Jeedai, and arranged for Aquella to win tickets to the concert.
Unknown to Cories, however, Quoltus Firth had been following his movements, and hired a group of
freelance mercenaries to protect his daughter. Cories devised a devious plan to implicate Rossi Kildaon
or Ushka Et in a series of subordinate murders, which would allow him to pose as Ushak Et so that he
could kill Aquella. However, his drugging of the real Tzeel robbed him of his backbeat cues, and he
couldn't sing the right words. The agents hired by Quoltus Firth realized the decetion and rushed the
stage, capturing Cories and exposing his plans. Cories nearly had the last laugh, as he had planted more
than thirty thermal detonators in the band's pyrotechnic displays. These were soon discovered and
disarmed, and the agents turned Cories over to the Hutts to trial. (WOA28)
this immense, reptilian beast was native to the rolling plains of the planet Maridun. These stout-bodied
sauropods had scales that were covered with a mottled brown coloration, giving them excellent
camouflage in the grasses and among the rocks. The thick neck of the corinathoth supported a tiny head,
which was protected by two thick horns on the males of the species. The spine of a corinathoth was
studded with short spikes, while its front shoulders were protected by four longer, heavier spikes.
Corint City
the capital city of the planet Pirik. It is divided into several districts, such as the Talamp Industrial sector
and Lowtown. (SWJ10)
this ore is mined on the planet Pirik. (SWJ10)
Corioline Marlee Theater
this Alderaanian theater was known for its grandeur and architectural design. (SOP)
this was one of several Duros-commanded warships which made up the Galactic Alliance's meager naval
fleet, during the last stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Coriolis was one of many ships
assigned to General Wedge Antilles and the task force dispatched to the Duro System. Unknown to
Commander Col was that the task force was not sent to recapture Duro, but to eliminate as much of the
Yuuzhan Vong fleet stationed there as possible. Col believed that Antilles was going to simply let Duro
remain under Yuuzhan Vong control, and broke formation. Led by the Dpso, all the Duros warships tried
to attack the Yuuzhan Vong on their own. However, they were no match for the amassed firepower of the
alien invaders. The Coriolis and the other Duros ships were destroyed in just under three hours. (FP)
Corix Venne
this Bith musician worked in Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, during the last decades of the Old
Republic, and attended the Boonta Eve Classic podrace which was won by Anakin Skywalker. (YJC6)
this planet was located in the Kathol Sector ofthe galaxy, just off the Trition Trade Route from Kolatill and
Charis. A marginally habitabel planet that was rich with metals and ores, Corjain was extensively mined
by a number of corporations. Several small communities of non-humans grew up around the mines, and
the Bothans established a listening post on the planet early in the New Republic. (DARK)

Corkscrew, The
this ancient, winding riverbed was located at the end of Jett's Chute, and emptied onto the Hutt Flats, on
the planet Tatooine. (IWE1)
this planet's history is full of pirates who plied not only the spacelanes but the planet's oceanic shipping
lanes. (SWJ5)
Han Solo and Lando Calrissian were spotted at the corner of Corlioon and Regisine, in the captial city of
the planet Bastion, during their search for a copy of the Caamas Document. (VOF)
Corlissi Ludar
this Sluissi represented his homeworld in the Old Republic Senate, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Senator Ludar was one of many beings who convinced their homeworld to secede from the
Republic, joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems. (HNN4)
this city, the capital of the planet Brentaal, was the business center of the Brentaal League of Guilds. It
was located on a salt flat between the Suporro Sea and the Gravaal Mountains. (SWJ7, SWJ14, CCW)
Cormond Museum of Arts
this noted museum was located in the capital city of Cormond, on the planet Brentaal. (HNN4)
this independent spacer was a friendly rival of Dharus, who often submitted data to Cynabar's Droid
Datalog. It was Cormun who reported on the use of an 850.AA maintenance droid in the destruction of a
city on Kothlis. (SWJ14, FTD)
Corneli, Micja
this man was a member of the Friends of the Slungerhounds, and vocally opposed the ban on the
creatures as pets which was instituted by the Empire. (SWJ10)
Cornesian Wax
this was a thick, gummy form of wax that was used to protect wood during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (BH)
Cornin, Ala
this female New Republic Senator was rescued from Imperial forces on the planet Gacerian. (PG2)
this coastal settlement was the capital city of the moon Pydyr, in the Almanian System. (EGP)
Corodex Snare
this slaver's snare gun was produced by Thalaxxian during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
Coromon Aure
this was one of the many islands that made up the Coromon Islands chain, on the planet Fresia. (CCW)
Coromon Besh
this was one of the many islands that made up the Coromon Islands chain, on the planet Fresia. It was on
this island that many of the Incom Industries employees made tehir homes. (CCW)
Coromon Headhunter
this vicious predator was native to the planet Fresia. It was a quadripedal beast with unusual, reversejointed legs which ended with heavily-clawed feet. The whip-like tail of the headhunter was used for both
offense and defense, and its neck was protected by heavy scales. A colorful frill surrounded its long
snout, and a row of pointed fangs ringed its lower jaw. The lairs of individual headhunters were littered

with the skulls of its victims, as these were the only parts of its prey that the headhunter would not
consume. (WOTC, CCW)
Coromon Island
see Prime Coromon (CCW)
Coromon Islands
located on Fresia, the Coromon Islands were found in the northern hemisphere of the planet, just west of
the ViGureni continent. It was in these islands, on Prime Coromon, that Incom Industries built their
headquarters. (RPG, CCW)
C'Oron Bel
this two-meter-long aquatic predator was native to the oceans and seas of Goroth Prime. Like most
aquatic beasts found on the planet, the c'oron bel - also known as Silverjaw - could breathe air for short
periods of time. Their long, tapered bodies were designed for speed, and their elongated jaws were filled
with sharp teeth. Like reptiles, the c'oron bel could unhinge its jaws in order to swallow prey much larger
than its own head. (GSE)
this Corona-class frigate was the first of its kind manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, and saw duty in the
Core Worlds for the New Republic. (CTD)
a suburb of Coronet, on the planet Corellia. (AC)
Zeen Afit's clunky old freighter. (THG)
Corona Footwear Company
the company which manufactures boots and shoes for the Corellian Defense Force. (AC)
Corona House
the governor-general's residence in Coronet, it is a 20-story building. The governor-general's offices are
on the 6th floor; a landing platform is located on the roof. (AC)
Corona Limited
this Mobquet luxury groundspeeder measures 10 meters in length, and has room for up to 6 passengers.
It is available in 500 colors that span various visible spectra (many are undetectable to humans), although
black is the most popular. (CSA)
Corona Sailor
this was generally considered the toughest breed of star pilots, regularly flying research and mining ships
into the coronae of stars. (LTA3, MC51)
Corona-class Frigate
this was one of the earliest starship designs approved by the New Republic, although it saw limited
production. It is not considered one of the new class of ships produced for the Fifth Battle Group, such as
the Sacheen-class escort frigate. Built by Kuat Drive Yards, it was modeled after the KDY Nebulon-B
frigate, and was designed to carry up to three squadrons up starfighters into battle. The Corona-class
frigate measured 275 meters in length, required a crew of 782 with 56 gunners, and could transport up to
80 troops. They were hyperspace-capable, and were armed with 10 turbolaser cannons, 10 laser
cannons, 4 ion cannons, and a pair of tractor beam projectors. (BTS, CTD)
Corona-class Transport
manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, these 28.4-meter ships could hold up to 80 metric tons of cargo and
could accommodate up to six passengers. Manned by three crewmen, the Corona-class had minimal
hyperdrive and shield capabilities. These ships were armed with a single laser cannon. The Corona-class

was Kuat's attempt to compete with the Corellian Engineering YT-series, but it was generally regarded as
overpriced and underpowered for its class. (SN, PP)
this planet was the site of an Imperial Intelligence center during the Galactic Civil War. (SH)
this was a small weapons manufacturer which produced snare guns, pulse rifles and other blasters during
the Galactic Civil War. Note that this corporation is sometimes referred to as Corondex. (GG10, GG11)
this Old Republic Acclamator-class assault transport was one of the many ships that were destroyed at
Duro, during the height of the Clone Wars, when the Separatist forces in the system launched Operation
Durge's Lance. (SWI74)
the capital city of the planet Corellia, it contains a number of small buildings surrounded by large parks,
plazas, and open areas. The beauty of the city is offset somewhat by its run-down spaceport. It was in
this spaceport that Han Solo was abandoned as a child, and later "rescued" by Garris Shrike. The city is
known for its gleaming towers and graceful domes. (AC, TPS)
Coronet City Museum of Fine Art
located in Coronet, on Corellia, this museum had a collection of Venthan Chassu's works. Corran Horn's
mother volunteered much of her free time to the museum. (TFE)
Coronet City Zoological and Botanical Gardens
one of the many beautiful museums and gardens found on Corellia, this establishment was the best of the
best. They were very supportive of the wondrous work Rostek Horn did with his flowers, and supplied him
bantha dung and other commodities in return for his specimens. (IJ)
Corosian Phoenix
this fantasically beautiful avian was sometimes kept as a pet. (TCD)
Corp Commander
the war robot in charge of defending the Queen of Ranroon on Dellalt. He controlled the other robots in
the Guardian Corp. (HSL)
this immense Hutt ran his criminal empire from a base on Ord Mantell, during the centuries leading up to
the Battle of Naboo. It was said that the only two things Corpo cared about were gambling and food.
Corpo was killed when, in a violent rage, he struck his cooking droid MREM-02. The huge droid toppled
over, squashing Corpo into a pulp. (T7)
this term was used in the business world to describe the unfailing loyalty and devotion to one's
corporation. In simple terms, corporata was the belief that one's corporate "family" was the only family
one would ever need. (SWJ3)
Corporate Alliance
this was the name given to the alliance between the Old Republic and Corporate Sector, allowing the
Corporate Sector Authority a large amount of latitude in which to conduct its business. Based on the
planet Lethe, the Corporate Alliance was established for many reasons: to serve as the negotiating body
for many of the galaxy's largest corporations and businesses, as well as to regulate the sales and
distribution methods of these corporations. The Alliance was eventually allowed to arm its own battleships
in order to protect its interests, thereby allowing the Republic to use its military forces elsewhere. The
Corporate Alliance, like the Trade Federation, also developed its own droid army, in an effort to protect its
ground-based assets. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, the Corporate Alliance - led by Passel

Argente - wiped out a computer espionage training facility on Yirt-4138-Grek-12. It was believed that the
Corporate Alliance was a supporter of Count Dooku and the Separatists, a rumor which was borne out
during the Battle of Geonosis. During the battle, the droid forces of the Corporate Alliance were merged
with those of the Trade Federation. This combined army would have overwhelmed the 100 or so Jedi
Knights who traveled to Geonosis, but they were no match for the vast army of clone troopers brought to
the planet by Yoda. (COD, HNN4, AOTCN, VD2, SWDB)
Corporate Complexes
this was the name given by the Saurton to the territories which were controlled by the various mining
consortiums which worked on the planet Essowyn. Each complex was established to give a specific
corporation complete control over the territory's resources. (PG1)
Corporate Relief Fund
this was a financial relief fund established by the Corporate Sector Authority, in order to provide pensions
or other monetary sources for planets within the Corporate Sector that needed help with their planetary
economies. (TF)
Corporate Sector
this area of the galaxy originally was set aside by the Old Republic for corporations to use for mining raw
materials. It was created after the experiment at corporate control in the Expansion Region failed. Several
hundred systems - all devoid of intelligent life - made up the original Expansion Region Corporate Sector,
and corporations could purchase the use of entire systems under the watchful eye of the Republic. Huge
corporations began moving into the area, hoping to acquire a piece of the huge profits it was generating.
The corporate executives were bound by the Old Republic's Senate until Emperor Palpatine rose to
power. Under the New Order, executives convinced the Emperor to expand the Corporate Sector to
include nearly 30,000 star systems. Eleven new intelligent species were discovered, but their existence
was kept secret by the power-hungry corporations. The executives agreed to pay Palpatine a percentage
of their corporate profits if he would allow them to manage the sector by themselves, to which Palpatine
agreed. Thus was born the Corporate Sector Authority and the CSA Security Police force. The current
Corporate Sector is bordered by the Aparo and Wyl Sectors. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, much of the pathway known as Vector Prime traveled through the Corporate Sector, and planets
such as Brigia and Ruuria were overrun as the Yuuzhan Vong moved toward the Core. (HSE, CSA, HT)
Corporate Sector Authority
this was the name of the conglomerate chartered to exploit the natural resources of the worlds in what
would later be called the Corporate Sector. Before the Authority was first set up, the Old Republic set
aside a group of systems in the Expansion Region for and experiment in corporate control. The profits
were enormous, but the internal corporate chafing at Republic regulations led to mismanagement and
abuse of the planets and their inhabitants. The various worlds encompassed by the experiment began to
experience civil revolts at the corporational misuse, and the Old Republic ordered the Senate to take
control of the Sector. In order to placate the corporations who balked at the new control mechanisms, the
Old Republic created the Corporate Sector and the Corporate Sector Authority. The Authority was made
up of several Signatory Sponsors, Contributing Sponsors, Additional Voting Sponsors, and Non-voting
Contributing Sponsors. Each of the fifty-five voting sponsors was allowed to elect one delegate to the
Authority's Direx Board. The Direx Board was overseen by the ExO, an Authority figure chosen from
outside the ranks of the voting sponsors. The Authority, at this point, had control of several star systems
that were devoid of life. When Emperor Palpatine instituted the New Order, the corporate executives
petitioned him to allow them direct control over sector resources. Palpatine agreed, in return for a portion
of their corporate profits. In theory, the Corporate Sector Authority then owned everything in the
Corporate Sector, and was in charge of mining it, guarding it, and using it. The Authority often used slave
labor or other forced-labor to obtain the materials from their sources. It was believed that the CSA
enslaved as many as eleven indigenous races which lived on the planets that were assigned to the
Corporate Sector. They even set up a number of scams in which entire races were duped into coming to
the Sector for vast fortunes, only to be permanently indentured to the Authority. During the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy, the CSA's executive body chose to ignore the New Republic's mandates and cut
their own deal with the Yuuzhan Vong. This ensured that the Corproate Sector would be spared any

invasions, while providing assistance in rounding up any Jedi Knights who were in the sector. (HSE, CSA,
Corporate Sector Authority Institute of Technology
this was the foremost educational facility sponsored by the CSA, during the height of the New Order.
Corporate Sector Contract Standard
this is a language used by many businessbeings who work in the Corporate Sector. (TT)
Corporate-class Modular Unit
developed by Loronar, this station construction module was extermemly popular with colonists and
scouts. Desgined to provide a high-level of protection in extreme environmental conditions, the
Corporate-class unit could be configured for use in any number of ways, since each section provided its
own life support, power, food, and water. (HAS)
Corporation Wing
part of the Bakur Complex, where the Prime Minister's offices are located. (TB)
Corporations Road
this wide roadway was located in the city of Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine. It connected the Straight
Street with Dune Street, and was the site of the city's primary business and government offices. (IWST)
this swiftly-growing fungus was native to the planet Haruun Kal, and was named for the fact that it
attacked dying bodies in order to feed. (SHPT)
this disgusting Corellian insect is named for the fact that they swarm to a carcass and consume it
minutes, all the while excreting a noxious effluvia. (THG)
this was the name of Pors Tonith's flagship. (JT)
native to the planet Altawar, the Corragut - like the Frozians and Nosaurians - were a client species of the
Corellians. (CCW)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
see Corellia (MC100)
this gas giant is the fourth world orbiting the Outlier System star of Sacor. It has twelve moons. (CTD)
Cor'ric Sector
this area of the galaxy is located in the Outer Rim Territories. (GG9)
Corridan System
this planetary system, located in the Koornacht Cluster, was defended by the Black Sword Command
during the Imperial Civil War. It was located in the Rim Territories. (BTS)
Corridor 6

where Luke and Lando intercept Niles Ferrier at Sluis Van Central. (DFR)
Corridor Ghoul
one of the mutated creatures that evolved under Imperial City on Coruscant, the corridor ghouls were
discovered by agents of the NRI when they went looking for underground structures to use as safe
rooms. They left the ghouls alone, for the most part, using them as a form of natural defense against
intruders. The ghouls are four-legged creatures that stand about a meter tall. They have pale skin, large
ears, long teeth, and no eyes. They use their ears, in concert with a series of high-pitched screams, to
echo-locate their prey. (AS)
Corridor, The
a smuggler's access to the surface of Belsavis, The Corridor consisted of an atmospherically-stable
portion of Belsavis' southern hemishpere. Smuggling ships entered low-orbit through this hole, and then
landed on the ice, away from the volcanic vents and rifts. A series of tunnels led from the 10-12 remote
landing pads to various parts of the domed valleys. Nubblyk perfected the tunnnels during his tenure as
town boss of Plawal. (COJ)
a race of tiger-like creatures found on the Forest Moon of Endor. These creatures took in Asha, when she
was a child, and raised her to be a fierce warrior. (ECAR, EGC)
this man was a friend of Chessa's, and was based on the planet Kelada. Corros was also a General with
the Alliance, and was known as the man who recruited Dirk Harkness into the Alliance, shortly after
Chessa's death. (SWJ1)
Corrosion Slug
this species of mollusk exudes a corrosive slime as it moves. (CSW)
a planet. (TOJC)
this Trandoshan male worked for Nolaa Tarkona during the latter days of the Diversity Alliance. When the
New Republic sent a delegation to Ryloth to investigate the Alliance's true goals, a struggle broke out
among the various factions of Jedi Knights and aliens. In a battle with Lowbacca, Corrsk managed to
injure the young Wookiee during his escape from Ryloth. However, Corrsk was unprepared when
Lowbacca maneuvered him into an airlock. The young Wookiee locked Corrsk into the airlock, then
vented the airlock into space. Corrsk died of explosive decompression shortly afterward. (TEP)
this Victory-II class Star Destroyer was part of the fleet commanded by Ysanne Isard shortly after the
battle of Endor. It was commanded by Ait Convarion. Isard used it to protect the planet Thyferra, along
with the Lusankya, Avarice, and Virulence, during her short reign there. The Star Destroyer was sent to
intercept Rogue Squadron when they took control of a bacta convoy led by the Xucphra Alazhi, and was
forced to destroy the freighter. As punishment, Isard sent the Corrupter to destroy the settlement on
Halanit. It later went to Alderaan to intercept the Rogues there, with the assistance of the Aggregator, but
was completely disabled by the sudden appearance of the Valiant. It drifted into the asteroids that used to
be Alderaan and was destroyed. (BW)
this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer was part of the Empire's fleet, just before the Battle of Endor. The
Alliance disrupted the resupplying of this ship in order to force it to withdraw from battle until it could be
brought back up to working order. (XWA)
Corsail, Rake
this pirate was the leader of a group which made regular runs to Questal during the Galactic Civil War,

but were captured and imprisoned by Moff Bandor. His group was swindled by a shady docking
supervisor, and couldn't pay their fees when the Empire took control. They were imprisoned as examples.
They were eventually freed by the group of Alliance agents that rescued Tiree. (GCQ)
a fast ship developed by Incom. (TME)
this Alliance X-Wing pilot was stationed as Edan Base, and was part of the air support which allowed the
Alliance to abandon the base when the Empire attacked it, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (IAG)
Corsair Squadron
one of the two starfighter squadrons the New Republic relied heavily on when Rogue Squadron resigned
its commission to fight the Bacta War, along with Gauntlet Squadron. These X-Wings were later assigned
to the Mon Karren, during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. (WS, SOC)
Corsair-class cruiser
this 18-meter heavy assault starfighter was built by SoroSuub. It was armed with two turbolaser batteries
and a pair of ion cannons. (GG9)
this Ghtroc 720 freighter was owned by Grumme Vinn, and had been in his family for years. It was
originally purchased as a smuggling ship, but Grumme Vinn worked hard to make a living as an honest
trader. (PSG)
CorSec Plaza
the address of the large complex owned and operated by the Corellian Security Force. (IJ)
Corsignis Property Alliance
this group of economic investors, led by Deniv Corsignis, tried to obtain control of the spaceports on the
moon Pinett, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Opposing Corsignis was the Jon-Tow Economic
Development Group, which did not want an off-world group controlling the ports at Oscum and Beliarr.
Both parties decided that the only way to force the other to accede was to blockade Pinett, so starships
from both groups patrolled the space around Pinett, hoping to shoot down each other's transports.
Eventually, the Pinett Freedom Force provided a way for the two groups of resolve their differences and
come to an agreement on how to manage the development of Pinett's spaceports. (WOA25)
a planet located in the Greater Plooriod Cluster. It was a planet known for its devotion to life, but it was
subjugated by the Empire and occupied during the Galactic Civil War. It was also the site of famous
swoop races. According to Rebellion, Corsin is located in Sesswenna Sector. (MTS, REB)
this amphibious creature was native to the Lesser Firagh Peninsula, on the planet Thonner. (GMR9)
Corsit-puzzle Tree
this tree, native to the Lesser Firagh Peninsula on the planet Thonner, was named for the fact that its
trunk was covered with thick spikes that often impaled the amphibious corsits that tried to climb it.
a forest world Han Solo visited, during his service with the Alliance. (TLC)
Cort, Farl
this man was one of the leaders of the settlement on Halanit, shortly before it was destroyed for accepting
bacta from Rogue Squadron. A short, balding man, Farl was greatly concerned with the outbreak of a
disease which resembled the Cardooine Chills. When Gavin Darklighter escaped from the Corrupter and

made it back to Halanit, Cort befriended him and helped him get Gavin's X-Wing repaired. However,
when the Corrupter attacked Halanit in retaliation for taking bacta from the Rogue, Cort was among the
huge loss of life at the hands of the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. (BW)
a season on Zalso. (SWJ4)
see Cartao (TCD)
this obscure planet was ruled by a monarchy during the last decades of the Old Republic. Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Siri Tachi pretended to be the king and queen of Cortella when they tried to infiltrate the
Leadership School on Andara, in an effort to locate their Padawans, Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin.
Corteone Ocean
this large body of water, located on the planet Talus, formed one border of Qaestar Town. (CCW)
this was the term used by the Yuuzhan Vong Shapers to describe a section of the Qang Qahsa, wherein
specific levels of knowledge were stored. Each cortex was supposedly delivered to the first Supreme
Overlord by the gods themselves, in the Before-Time of Yuuzhan Vong history. There were five cortexes
that were open to any member of the Shapers caste. Two additional, inner cortexes were accessible by
Master Shapers. An eighth cortex was rumored to exist, created in preparation for the yuuzhan Vong's
invasion of the New Republic. This eighth cortex supposedly held information on the lifeforms of the
galaxy, along with information on the Force. Unfortunately, the eighth cortex was empty, a fiction created
by Supreme Overlord Shimrra to give credence to his invasion plans. (DW, EVR)
this highly-reflective gas was mined for a number of reasons. Its presence in the atmosphere of a planet
made the planet appear to sparkle and flash when viewed from space. (GMK)
this was an alien race. (TCD)
this rock, present in the crusts of planets which have corthel-laden atmospheres, is mined for a number of
uses. Among its primary uses is in the manufacture of photo-receptors used as droid eyes. (GMK)
Cortical Datasplint
this unusual piece of cybernetic technology was created to allow a sentient being to store huge amounts
of data in a secure location, without having to enter it into a computer. The datasplint was essentially
"hard-wired" into the brain of an individual, allowing a being to place sensitive data in a secure location.
The being could then literally forget it, knowing that they could retrieve it from the datasplint at a later
time. Because the datasplint was accessed directly by the brain, it could be protected using memory
encryption and trauma sensors. These sensors would trip if the being was interrogated or tortured,
locking out unauthorized access without the user having to remember to encrypt it. (JKA)
this planet's government was full of bluster and self-importance when it applied for membership in the
New Republic. It backed down before it was officially admitted. (BTS)
this unsusual ore was known to repel the energy of a lightsaber blade. It was believed that Emperor
Palpatine had some of the walls in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant lined with cortosis. The Jensaarai
sect also used strands of this ore to layer their unique armor. Using the Force, they wove the cortosis into

the shapes of vicious, predatory animals, making their armor forbidding as well as better able to defend
themselves. The Chiss also knew of the strengths of cortosis, and used it in the walls that formed the
Hand of Thrawn fortress on Nirauan. Despite its resistance to the blade of a lightsaber, cortosis was
unstable in the presence of explosives, and would shatter if hit with a grenade. (IJ, VOF)
this is the brand name of cordioline trehansicol. (VOF)
this is a strong alcohol produced by the Wookiees. (RD)
this Hutt was a noted sabacc player, during the height of the New Order. (RESB)
a New Republic modified bulk cruiser used in the assault on the Imperial base on Blackmoon. (XWN)
this planet, the primary world in the Corula System, was locatded in the Deep Core's Bormea Sector. It
was the primary planet in the Corulag System, and was a temperate world covered with forests and
plains. Corulag was originally settled by colonists from Coruscant many thousands of years before the
Battle of Yavin, and it retained strong ties to the capital of the Old Republic. Over the years, Corulag
became known for its bureaucrats, who worked tirelessly to ensure that beneficial legislation never sat
idle in the Galactic Senate. During the height of the New Order, a satellite of the Academy was
established in the capital city of Curamalle. The planet's economy was maintained because of its position,
located along the Perlemian Trade Route, as well as the presence of the Academy buildings. In many
respects, Corulag was one of the most cosmopolitan worlds of the Empire. Because of its strong
allegiance to Emperor Palpatine, Corulag suffered the wrath of the New Republic's Senate after the Battle
of Endor, as many Senators were reluctant to come to the aid of one of Palpatine's main supporters.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Corulag had been quickly subjugated because of its
position near the Perlemian Trade Route, allowing the alien invaders to assume control of one of the
galaxy's five main hyperspace lanes. The planetary government, once supportive of the Empire, quickly
capitulated to the alien invaders. However, the government was merely a puppet of their Yuuzhan Vong
commanders. Many wealthy residents fled for other worlds, while the middle and lower classes forged
resistance groups. Some five years after the initial attacks on Helska, Corulag was attacked by the forces
of the Galactic Alliance, in a bold move that followed on the heels of the reappearance of Zonama Sekot
near Coruscant. The planet was quickly liberated, but the assault force was just as quickly recalled to
Coruscant, as part of a bold move to recapture the capital world. (DFRSB, SWJ7, SWJ10, E1A3, HR,
Corulag Academy
this was the name of the Imperial Academy satellite school located in Curamelle. It was rivaled in size
and prestige only by the primary academy school on Raithal. Like all branches of the Imperial Academy,
the Corulag Academy started out as a prestigious university established during the height of the Old
Republic. (SWJ7, E1A4, CCW)
Corulag Bamboo
this was the species of fast-growing bamboo which covered much of the undeveloped land found on the
planet Corulag. Areas which had become overgrown with Corulag bamboo were virtually impassable
without mechanical assistance from a bulldozer or other large vehicle. (CCW)
Corulag University of Economics
this was one of the finest business schools located in the Core. (TBSB)
Corulag-Jatir Hyperroute
this hyperspace trade route connected the planet Corulag to much of the Mid Rim. (HNN4)

this star was the central body of the Coruus System, located in the Bormea Sector of the galaxy. (CCW)
Corus System
this star system was noted for the large concentration of pirates and smugglers who congregated there,
during the early years of the New Order. (SWDB)
Corusca Bank
this financial institution, headquartered on Coruscant, is most famous for a clerical error which placed
Emperor Palpatine at the top of a public list of loan defaulters. Although the list was available for only two
standard hours, Palpatine discovered it and began searching for the perpetrators. He immediately
remived the entire board of directors, and went looking for more. In an effort to lay blame on a single
individual and reduce the attrition rate, Corusca pinpointed Onibald Daykim as the culprit. Daykim fled,
and Corusca was eventually allowed to do normal business again. (JASB)
Corusca Circus
located in one of the most ancient parts of the Senate District of Coruscant's Galactic City, the Corusca
Circus was a brightly-lit collection of old architectures and thoroughfares. The Corusca Circus was
centered at the intersection of the three largest streets in the district, and glowed with a constant yellow
light from streetlights and the windows of scores of public buildings. (IWE2)
Corusca Fire
this Victory-class Star Destroyer was part of the fleet dispatched under the command of Admiral Ackbar to
liberate the planet Ciutric from Prince-Admiral Krennel. Using the Thrawn Pincer to surprise Krennel's
fleet, Ackbar had the Corusca Fire and a sister ship, the Selonian Fire, remain on the far side of the
Ciutric System until called for. When Krennel activated the gravity well projectors on the Binder, Ackbar
ordered the two Victory ships to microjump forward. The gravity shadow from the Binder pulled them out
of hyperspace behind Krennel's fleet, allowing them to pummel Krennel's ships which were also trapped
in place by the Interdictor cruiser. Years later, the Corusca Fire was one of the leading ships in the
defense of Dantooine against the Yuuzhan Vong. It was responsible for protecting the refugees fleeing
from Dubrillion to Agamar, and nearly destroyed a Yuuzhan Vong worldship in the battle. The only reason
it was at the battle in the first place was because its captain, Rimsen, was a native of Agamar, and
learned that Leia Organa Solo had petitioned Agamar for help when the New Republin turned a blind eye
to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Rimsen ignored his patrol orders and flew to Dantooine, saving the
refugees from almost certain destruction. (IR, DTO)
Corusca Gem
formed from the intense heat and gravity inside Yavin's core, these extremely hard stones have never
been found or duplicated in other gas giants. Individual stones are formed from carbon and metallic
hydrogen, which are compressed by millions of atmospheres of pressure near the planet's core. The
intense pressure actually removes electrons from the hydrogen and carbon, fusing them together and
securing the metallic hydrogen's silvery-gray brilliance. The harsh environment of Yavin often sweeps
gems off the core's surface, as does the foraging of grazers in Yavin's lowest atmosphere. The turbulent
storms pick them up and actually polish them, and some of these jewels eventually land on the planet's
fourth moon. Gantoris used them to construct his lightsaber while under the influence of Exar Kun. Later,
Lando Calrissian set up the GemDiver Station operation, and emplyed heavily-armored mining ships to
plumb the atmosphere of Yavin for the gems. (DA, SA, GG2)
Corusca Gem Casino
this casino, located on the moon Nar Shaddaa during the height of the New Order, was established in an
area that many gamblers would have considered quite rough. However, the Corusca Gem's easy access
and bright lighting attempted to bring in the high rollers who visited the moon, despite its location. The
interior of the casino was loud and raucous, with hundreds of gaming tables always active. When the
games weren't making noise, bands were almost always playing a variety of loud music. (WOA23)
Corusca Rainbow
this was the name given by the New Republic to the defected Interdictor cruiser Black Asp. It was part of

the fleet assembled to defend Agamar during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, protecting the flow of refugees who were fleeing the front lines of the assault. Traest Kre'fey
ordered the ship to travel to Ithor and hide behind one of the planet's smaller moons during the Battle of
Ithor. After the Yuuzhan Vong had unleashed their bioweapon on the planet, Kre'fey ordered the Corusca
Rainbow to fire up her gravity wells and keep the Yuuzhan Vong forces from leaving. The Corusca
Rainbow and all surviving Republic ships then opened fire, destroying much of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet,
including the Legacy of Torment. (WG, DTR)
Corus-Calis Glacier Ridge
located on the planet Elbara Nine, this natural glacier-formed chasm was riddled with an abundance of
caves and tunnels. The Alliance established their GlitterFall base here. (HAS)
Coruscani and I
this was one of the trivial, pro-Imperial dramas produced by Ahric Korownosek and the NovaCluster
Players, during the height of the New Order. (SS)
Coruscani Ogre
this race of simians inhabits the undercity of Imperial City, on Coruscant, although they are similar in most
respects to sub-humanoids found on other urbanized worlds. The ogres are covered with a thick pelt of
shaggy hair, and are heavily muscled. Their heads are large, misshapen, and triangular, and are split by
a wide mouth filled with jagged teeth. They are semi-intelligent, and not very finicky about what they eat.
Their exact origins are unknown, and no two Coruscani ogres had the same features. (JASB, ANT)
Coruscani Pilot Institute
this branch of the Imperial Academy was located on Coruscant during the height of the New Order, and
provided cadets with the basic trainning and skills needed to pilto various forms of starships. (PH)
Coruscani Publishing
this publishing house, based on the planet Coruscant during the last decades of the Old Republic,
produced a wide range of literature on a wealth of non-fiction topics. (WOTC)
Coruscani Rat
see Hive Rat (WOTC)
located at galactic coordinates (0,0,0), this planet in the Core Worlds was considered the centrer of the
galaxy by virtually every government that controlled it, from the Old Republic to the Empire and the New
Republic. Despite its designation as (0,0,0), Coruscant was not actually the center of the galaxy, being
located just outside the Deep Core. However, politically and socially, it was the heart of everything that
happened in the galaxy. Most xenoarchaeologists believed that the human race evolved on Coruscant,
which was also the homeworld of the Taung and the Zell races. It was renamed Imperial Center by
Emperor Palpatine. When the New Republic was born, the planet was renamed to Coruscant. Located
some 10,000 light-years from the actual galactic core, Coruscant measured some 12,240 kilometers in
diamater, had four moons and orbited a small white sun. The planet's entire landmass has been covered over the thousands of generations spanning galactic history - by multiple levels of the buildings that make
up Imperial City. The oceans which once covered part of the planet's surface had been drained and
stored in vast, underground caverns for eventual reuse. Several of these immense skyscrapers reach
over 6,000 meters into the atmosphere. This means that there is little land available for growing food, and
no natural rivers or lakes to provide water. To solve the dilemma of feeding and watering millions of
inhabitants, many of Coruscant's architects build self-contained ecosystems into their buildings.
Engineers have developed a series of huge pipes through which polar ice water is pumped to the cities.
Nearly everything on the planet is recyclable, from clothing to packaging and machinery. One problem
with a cityworld like Coruscant was that it generated incredible amounts of carbon dioxide, so
atmosphereic dampeners were placed in orbit to reactively remove it. It was the center of all the Old
Republic's activities, and helped describe Galactic Standard time. The standard hour and year are
marked by Coruscant's local hour and year. The normal Coruscant day is divided into 24 hours, and its
year lasts 368 local days. According to Rebellion, Coruscant is located in Sesswenna Sector. The

Imperial Senate was convened there. When Palpatine assumed control of the Senate and the rest of the
government, he established that Coruscant would remain the center of his Empire. He began a massive
work effort to shape Coruscant to his desires, including installing a large number of surveillance systems.
Following the Battle of Endor, Mon Mothma moved the New Republic onto Coruscant and again reestablished the center of the Republic there. This came after the planet was liberated from Ysanne Isard,
and the New Republic overcame the threat of the Krytos virus. Unbeknownst to all, Isard's infamous
Lusankya prison facility was hidden in the Super-class Star Destroyer Lusankya, which was buried
beneath Imperial City. Following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Imperial Inner Circle began
attacking Coruscant in an effort to regain the center of the galaxy for the Empire. This attack was driven
back just before the Emperor was reborn as a clone, but the damage to the planet's resources was
horrendous. Also, the immediate space surrounding the planet was littered with starship wreckage for
many years to follow. Once the reborn Emperor was destroyed, the New Republic began cleaning up the
planet to make it more presentable as the center of the galaxy. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, Coruscant's defenses were augmented by the addition of a shell of orbital space mines. While
these protected the planet, they forced all traffic to follow a handful of travel bands, causing massive
traffic jams in the space over the planet. This ring of mines failed to stop the Yuuzhan Vong, some two
years after their initial invasion, when the aliens used suicide bombers to eliminate the mines before
launching an all-out attack on the planet. Borsk Fey'lya was forced to cede control of Coruscant to the
Yuuzhan Vong, and the New Republic fled the system in disarray. When the Republic's forces were finally
defeated, some three years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion had begun, the city lights of Coruscant went
out for the first time in many millennia. The Yuuzhan Vong then destroyed much of the planet's surface,
using dovin basals to drag skyhooks and orbital satellites down and crashing them into the planet. This
served two purposes: it eliminated much of the orbital technology, and it caused a widespread
psychological fear into the planet's survivors. Within weeks, much of Coruscant was overgrown with
fungus and algae. Those New Republic citizens who survived the initial attacks were faced several bleak
alternatives: dying of starvation, as much of the food production system was destroyed; dying of thirst,
since no open water sources were to be found; being killed over a cache of food or water; or dying at the
hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. Within months, a large portion of the population was dead or dying, and
massive Vongforming efforts were under way. The planet's largest moon was destroyed so that it's debris
could assist in the reformation of the planet's surface. Immense dovin basals were used to drag
Coruscant into a tighter orbit around its star, creating a more tropical atmopshere. Other dovin basals
moved the remaining three moons into a new, complex orbit. Vast amounts of material, displaced during
the destruction of the cities, was thrown into nearspace and allowed to form a ring, assisted by the tidal
pull of the three moons. This ring of debris resembled a braided rainbow when seen from the surface, and
was known to the Yuuzhan Vong as The Bridge. A dhuryam World Brain was installed deep in the
planet's crust, and speciallized mosses and lichens were used to break down duracrete and other building
materials. The Yuuzhan Vong had remade Courscant in the image of their long-lost homeworld,
Yuuzhan'tar. However, Jacen Solo's relationship with the dhuryam that controlled the planet and its
reformation was seemingly stronger than any relationship the dhuryam had to a Yuuzhan Vong, for it
agreed to help him cause all manner of trouble with the completion of Coruscant's transformation.
Eventually, this forced Supreme Overlord Shimrra to command a huge sacrifice be made to the gods, to
show them that the planet - and the galaxy - was ready for conquering. This ceremony was thwarted by
the Shamed Ones who rallied behind the message of the Prophet, Yu'shaa. Shortly afterward, the
Yuuzhan Vong on the planet awoke to find that the living planet of Zonama Sekot had traveled from
across the galaxy into a position between Coruscant and Muscave. Zonama Sekot destroying the
Rainbow Bridge which had been created in orbit around the planet, and scattered the one of the
remaining three moons into a new location. This set off a number of seismic events that rocked the planet
to its core, damaging or destroying the work of the Yuuzhan Vong. The sudden appearance of the planet
forced the Yuuzhan Vong military leaders to break off their attack on Mon Calamari and return to the
Core, as countless storms and environmental changes threatened to undo all the worldshaping that had
been done. To this, Supreme Overlord Shimrra added several wildfires, started by the dhuryam which
controlled the planet, as a way of destroying the planet in case it fell into the hands of the Galactic
Alliance. However, despite the efforts of Shimrra, his familiar Onimi, and the warriors arrayed in orbit, the
Yuuzhan Vong were eventually forced to surrender to the combined forces of Zonama Sekot and the
Galactic Alliance. In the wake of Coruscant's recapture, it was estimated that some 365 trillion beings
throughout the galaxy had lost their lives during the war. As the Yuuzhan Vong prepared to leave the

Core on Zonama Sekot, their Shapers worked with Jacen Solo to convince the dhuryam that it needed to
help with the rebuilding of Coruscant for the Galactic Alliance. This new world would symbolize the new
unity between the Yuuzhan Vong and the peoples of the galaxy. (HTTE, DE1, JS, HTSB, ISU, WG, KT,
Coruscant Accords
this was the basic set of guidelines and bylaws that governed a planet's ability to become - and remain - a
member of the Old Republic. (TCD)
Coruscant Atmospheric Reclamation Project
this was the name of the first set of planet-wide atmospheric scrubbing systems developed by the Old
Republic, in an effort to ensure that Coruscant's atmosphere did not become laden with toxic gases. The
project was required because there was no arable land left on the planet, and all plantlife which would
have helped maintain the air quality was eliminated. Many of the stations employed specially-developed
organisms - often referred to as devourer organisms - to literally consume the toxic gases and chemicals
from the planet's air. (EL2)
Coruscant Cascader
this was the generic term, coined by Farbreini MicroElectronics Limited, for wondrous brooches that
employed light-catching matrices to emit a dazzling show of lights. (GFT)
Coruscant College of Law
this was one of the most prestigious legal education facilities in the galaxy, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. Based on Coruscant, the College provided barristers and other lawmen to assist the
Republic in mediating disputes and completing negotiations. (TCD)
Coruscant Command
the defensive network monitoring all inbound and outbound traffic from the planet Coruscant, during the
early years of the New Republic. (AS)
Coruscant Control
the traffic control network monitoring all inbound and outbound traffic from the planet Coruscant, during
the months following the New Republic's retaking of the planet from Imperial control. (DA)
Coruscant Cooler
this mixed drink was popular during the height of the Clone Wars. (MBS)
Coruscant Crown Casino
this was one of the most popular casinos found on the planet Coruscant, during the last years of the Old
Republic. (MBS)
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed
this politically-correct news agency reported on the various aspects of high society life on Coruscant.
(SWJ3, SWJ9)
Coruscant Energy
this was the primary source of electrical power on the planet Coruscant. (JE)
Coruscant Energy Commission
this agency was created by the Old Republic to monitor energy consumption on the planet Coruscant,
during the decades leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Coruscant Freighter
this was another name for the AA-9 freighter. (TCG1)
Coruscant Full Symphony
this was the premier symphony orchestra of the New Republic, during its first decades following the Battle
of Endor. (GMR10)

Coruscant Game Fowl

this small bird was raised in controlled farms on the planet Coruscant, and was considered a culinary
delicacy. (SOA)
Coruscant Global Newsgrid
this news agency is based on the planet Coruscant, and provides information from around the planet. It is
highly tuned to the New Republic and its governmental doings, and was one of the first agencies to show
the Aramadia when Nil Spaar lifted off from Coruscant. (BTS)
Coruscant Guard
this was the name used to describe the stormtrooper police units assigned to protect Imperial interests on
Coruscant and other Core Worlds during the height of the Galactic Civil War. They have an elaborate suit
of armor which was red and black in color, and was based on the basic unit worn by stormtroopers. The
helmet was specially-designed in order to help differentiate them from standard troops. (ROE, RESB)
Coruscant Hourly
one of the many news services which broadcast information about the New Republic from Coruscant.
Coruscant Livestock Exchange and Exhibition
hosted annually during the height of the Old Republic at Coruscant's Grand Symposium, this event
showcased some of the galaxy's most exquisite forms of creatures. Breeders from across the galaxy
traveled to the event to buy, sell, or trade creatures of all shapes and sizes. Security at the event was
very tight, in case one or more of the creatures got loose. However, the credentials of the dealers were
rarely checked, and a reputable dealer could be found next to a con artist who glued on fake parts to
make a mundate beast look like a rare ande xotic individual. (CCW)
Coruscant Lodge
this was the name of the suite of luxury apartments maintained for the Grand Warden of the University of
Yabol Opa, located in Coruscant's Galactic City during the last decades of the Old Republic. The building
containing the Coruscant Lodge was located near the Novaplex Hotel. (IWE2)
Coruscant Medical Hospital
this was one of the most prominent hospitals found on the planet Coruscant, during the last decades of
the Old Republic. (MBS)
Coruscant Ministry of Ingress
this was the primary governmental agency concerned with monitoring the immigration of beings to the
planet Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Shortly before the onset of the Clone
Wars, the CMoI was forced to close Coruscant to immigrants, in an effort to decrease the overcrowding of
its ports, as well as to address security and medical concerns across the planet. (HNN5)
Coruscant Museum of Galactic Cultures
this immense museum was one of many Coruscant facilities that experienced a rebirth in the wake of the
Battle of Endor. The museum's displays and research was centered on a depiction of the variety of
cultures that could be found in the galaxy, as a way to show how these cultures could live and together in
the galactic community. (GCG)
Coruscant News Network
this was the primary news reporting agency which reported on the events of the planet Coruscant, during
the last years of the Old Republic. (APS)
Coruscant Opera
this was the galaxy's finest opera company, performing some of the most prestigious operas of the Old
Republic and continuing its grand stature during the early decades of the New Republic. It produced its
performances in a pre-Republic edifice which was laden with baroque architecture, which had opulent
boxes for the very rich as well as lower-level galleries for the common beings. (JE, COD)

Coruscant Opera House

this was one of the most elaborate landmarks found in Imperial City on the planet Coruscant. It was the
base of operations for the Coruscant Opera, and provided the leaders of the Old Republic, the New
Order, and the New Republic with a wide range of productions. (CCW)
Coruscant Park
this open greenway was located on the planet Coruscant, near the Jedi Temple, during the last decades
of the Old Republic. Many Jedi Masters took their Padawans to this park for meditation, since it removed
them from the commotion and atmosphere of the Jedi Temple. (MJH)
Coruscant Planetary Defense
this planetary defense force was created during the early stages of the Clone Wars, and charged with
protecting the planet Coruscant from attack or invasion by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Admiral Terrinald Screed was placed in command of the CPD after Duro fell to the Separatists. (SWI75)
Coruscant Prime
this normal-sized star was the central body in the Coruscant System. (MBS)
Coruscant Prime
this is one of the major newsgrids available to inhabitants of the planet Coruscant. The service ran a
series of inflammatory articles aimed at Leia Organa-Solo and the Ruling Council during the Black Fleet
Crisis. (TT)
Coruscant Rimward
this planet was a marginally-technological world located in the Outer Rim. It was a backwater planet that
tried to live up to its namesake's high standard of living on an Outer Rim level, but more often than failed
in its attempts. (XWN)
Coruscant School of Music
this branch of the University of Coruscant was focused on the musical arts. (MBS)
Coruscant Sector Fleet
this was the name of the Imperial Navy sector fleet which protected the planet Coruscant - known then as
Imperial Center - during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine had declared that the planet was
essentially its own sector, given its huge population and importance to the Empire. This allowed him to
usurp an entire sector fleet to defend his throneworld. (RESB)
Coruscant Security
this branch of the Old Republic military was charged with maintaining the integrity of Coruscant's complex
network of traffic lanes. (CCW)
Coruscant Standard Carat
this was the accepted measurement used throughout the galaxy to determine the relative weight of a
precious metal or stone. It was roughly equivalent to one-fifth of a gram of pure material. (PP)
Coruscant Standard Time
this was the galactic standard time reference, and was used to indicate the current time on the planet
Coruscant, no matter where a being was in the galaxy. Many planets provided two time measurements:
local time and Coruscant Standard Time. (PGT)
Coruscant Star of Valor
this medal was one of the first commissioned by the New Republic. It was created shortly after - and to
comemmorate - the liberation of Coruscant from Imperail control. It was first awarded to the members of
Rogue Squadron, for their dedication and loyalty during the liberation of the planet. (KT)
Coruscant Taxi
this is the generic term used to describe the small repulsorcraft that are used to moved beings between

the buildings of Imperial City on Coruscant, although the basic design can be used almost anywhere. The
most popular model was developed by Hyrotii Engineering, which was 8 meters in length and had a top
speed of 191 kph. The ship requires a single pilot, and can transport up to 5 beings depending on their
species. Like all the craft that travel Imperial City's byways, it has a speciallized automatic pilot that
employs magnetic grids to keep it from straying in the huge flows of traffic which dominate the skies of
Imperial City. (X1, TPM, SWDB)
Coruscant University
see University of Coruscant (AS, HNN4)
Coruscant University Press
this corporation produced a variety of textbooks and educational material written by the faculty of
Coruscant University. (EGA)
Coruscant Water
this was the primary source of purified water on the planet Coruscant. (JE)
Coruscant Weather Control Network
this was the system of weather control modules and monitoring stations that made up the weather
production system on the city-world of Coruscant. Also known as the WeatherNet, it was responsible for
ensuring that a regular progression of seasons was experienced on the planet. They could also alter the
passage of seasons to adjust the planet's ecosystem, depending on the prevailing environmental
conditions. (HNN4)
Coruscant Wildlife Management Department
this agency was established by the Old Republic to monitor the undercity of the planet Coruscant for new
and unusual species of creatures. Much of the CWMD's budget went toward confining species such as
the Coruscani Ogre to areas where they wouldn't come into contact with the beings who lived on the
planet. Because the CWMD was never given serious responsibilities, many of its leaders were ineffectual
cast-offs, and a small black-market operation to export ogres and other creatures evolved. (WOTC)
Coruscant Xenozoology Museum
this museum, located on Coruscant during the last decades of the Old Republic, boasted some of the
most comprehensive collections of insect life from across the galaxy. (MJH)
Coruscant-class Heavy Courier
this Corellia StarDrive starship was similar in many respects to the Hoersch-Kessel Delaya-class courier:
a highly-aerodynamic craft designed to transport personnel between planets. The Coruscant-class ship
was larger, and had different sections for its components. The engines were arranged in two banks set at
right angles to each other, allowing for greater maneuverability without supplemental thrusters. The main
wing had retractable sections that provided increased maneuvering in atmosphere, but could be folded for
landing. The Coruscant-class also had more cargo space than the Delaya-class, which meant that ground
vehicles could also be transported with personnel. The ship measured 150 meters in length, and required
a pilot and gunner to operate. It could transport up to six passengers and 25 metric tons of cargo, and
was armed with a front-mounted pulse-wave cannon, three laser cannons, four proton torpedo launchers,
and a pair of short-range concussion-sphere launchers. (EGV, TOJC)
Coruschal WeaponWorks
this weapons manufacturer produced several lines of sliugthrowers, including the Dagger Combat Pistol.
this planet was located in the Galaan System of Corva Sector. The Old Republic tried to establish a
colony on the planet, but it was wiped out when a group of clodhoppers were set loose on the planet. The
insectoids, native to the planet Naboo, were believed to have arrived in a shipment of grain, and quickly
devastated the planet. All the plant life on Corva was eaten or destroyed, and 87% of the colonists were
also eaten by the clodhoppers. (SON)

Corva Sector
located in the Outer Rim, the Corva Sector is home to the Delari and H'Ken planetary systems. (SWJ8)
Corva Yag
this planet was the site of the grisly murder of 300 colonists, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
While the resulting public safety briefings claimed the deaths were due to a batch of sabotaged 87-RM
collector droids, many felt that the colonists had stumbled upon a secret Imperial laboratory and were
"silenced." (SWJ13)
Corvae, Tessala
this woman was the Major General of the Imperial Army forces deployed in Tapani Sector, at the height of
the Galactic Civil War. She got into the Imperial Academy on Carida because of her father's fame as a
General during the Clone Wars, but used her own skills to graduate with honors. She started her military
career working as an AT-ST driver, but her competence earned her swift promotions. She was disgusted
to learn of her promotion to command of the 1st Tapani Assault Battlegroup, and even more upset to
learn that the majority of her work in the Sector would be as a diplomat, trying to wing the hearts of the
noble Houses before having to resort to military violence. Tessala was also the founder of the Firebird
Society. (LOE)
a model of landspeeder produced by SoroSuub during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HT)
this vicious predator was native to the forests of The Wilds. (DARK)
Corvallin, V.F.G.
this human was the editor of Galactic Games and Competitions during the last years of the New Order.
Corvani Rum
this was Suroc's favorite liquor. (GG11)
Corvanni IV
this planet was located in the Neshig Sector. (GG10)
this man was a crew member of the Wild Karrde during the early years of the New Republic, serving
primarily as a gunner. Note that Specter of the Past refers to him as Corvus. (HTTE, TLC , SOP)
Corvis Minor Five
this planet was part of a planetary system with a lackluster history, and was one of the member worlds of
the Ciutric Hegemony. A large, gray-orange gas giant, Corvis Minor Five had many small moons,
including Distna. (TLC, IR)
Corvis Minor Four
one of the three inhabited worlds of the Corvis Minor System. It was a water-rich tropical world which
produced several exotic xenobiological products considered luxuries by other worlds in the Ciutric
Hegemony. (IR)
Corvis Minor Three
one of the three inhabited worlds of the Corvis Minor System. It was a semi-arid world with temperate
zones at the poles, and produced several exotic xenobiological products considered luxuries by other
worlds in the Ciutric Hegemony. (IR)
an Imperial Interdictor-class starship used during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

an alien race. (EVE)

a Bakuran noble Lady who agrees to watch Malinza when Gaeriel accompanies the Bakuran fleet to
Corellia. (AS)
Corwin Kaezeb
this Siniteen was a yonta-level dejarik player who met Ohh Bronna in a semi-final match at the Sector
championships on Arkania, during the year leading up to the Clone Wars. When Kaezeb suddenly played
an unusual move that defeated Bronna, Bronna attacked Kaezeb and nearly killed him in a brawl. The
pair was separated, and both were disqualified. (HNN5)
this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Metalorn, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. He was also the House of Tagge representative on the planet, and oversaw the development of a
specialized weapons detection system. Corwyth and his team were able to monitor the exact location of
each weapon on Metalorn, including whether it was with its assigned owner. However, his system failed
to take into account unarmed spies and saboteurs, and worked so well that Leia Organa was able to steal
a stormtrooper's rifle and place it an ore hauler while escaping in another direction. The detection system
followed the weapon in the ore hauler, but Leia was long gone by then. Her mission to discover what was
happening on Metalorn was a success, and Corwyth was forced to cover up that fact in order to remain in
the Emperor's good graces. (MC30)
this computer slicer once tried to preserve data he was stealing by adding a power condensor to a
DataSearch 12C-A search device. The resulting explosion was, in Coryndr's words, "pretty spectacular."
see Committee of Seven for Garosian Unification (SWJ1)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "pride" as it related to a male Zabrak being the pride of his family. (GCG)
Coslen Dantoinal
the meat of this creature is considered a delicacy, and is served on some of the galaxy's finest luxury
starliners. (RM)
Cosmic Balance, The
a religion embraced by the Bakurans, the Cosmic Balance was believed to have been first formed on the
planet Hemei IV. It was symbolized by a half-black, half-white ring. The core of the beliefs held by
followers of the Cosmic Balance was that, for every good deed, there was an equal bad deed. The
opposite was also true: for every bad deed, a good deed followed to balance it out. For this reason, most
followers of the Cosmic Balance led very neutral lives, avoiding doing exceptionally good deeds for fear of
a later bad thing happening. Followers of the Cosmis Balance believed that the Jedi Knights upset the
universal balance through their use of The Force to ensure justice in the galaxy. The universe was ruled
by the Cosmos, and there was a faith in a Cosmic Wheel which is always turning and re-establishing
balance. (TB, TBSB, NEGC, FH2)
Cosmic Chance
this casino game allows a player to try and manipulate random rays of light to strike a predetermined
target. Luke Skywalker once played Cosmic Chance on Vorzyd 5, striking three targets in a row by using
his then-immature ability to bend the rays with the Force. This attracted a great deal of attention, since
hitting a single target is rare enough. It also drew Imperial notice, and Luke and Leia Organa were
intercepted in a travel tube. (CSWEA)

Cosmic Egg, The

this was a religious icon of the Nediji race. (MJH)
Cosmic Egg, The
this was a religious icon of the Kitonak race. (TJP)
Cosmic Lord
this was another name for the Yuuzhan Vong deity Yun-Yuuzhan. (SBS)
Cosmic Overdrive
this was a slang term used to describe a starship's fastest possible sublight speed. (PZZ1)
Cosmic Wheel
a cornerstone of the religion of the Cosmic Balance, the Wheel is always turning, attempting to reestablish the galactic balance. (TB)
Cosmic Wisdom, The
a mystical reference used by Wuher. (TME)
an intergalactic paging service provider. (SOL)
Cosmohaul Shipping
this cargo transportation company was beset by a number of pirate attacks, many of which seemed to
have Imperial backing. The pirates turned out to be Xalto Sneerzick and his crew. A group of freelance
mercenaries assisted Cosmohaul and the New Republic in halting Sneerzick's raids. (SWJ9)
this was the nickname used by Leia Organa-Solo to describe one of her images analysts. Assigned to her
by Nanaod Engh, the Costumer was in charge of creating Leia's makeup and clothing. (TT)
a Sullustan transport ship, it was assigned to carry diplomats to a rendezvous with Alliance diplomats
prior to the Battle of Yavin. (XW)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "tower". (GCG)
this pudgy, male Twi'lek worked as an infochant on the planet Naalol, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. In addition to being one of the only Twi'leks on the planet, Cotan was distinguished by his
grayish-pink skin. (GMR5, WOA36)
this planet is a hot, dry, desert world. From space, Cotellier has a deep red color. It is orbited by an
emerald green moon which has three rings of ice and rock encircling it. There is very little standing water
on the planet, and dust storms frequently ravage the surface. The only industry on the planet is the
mining of Nova crystals. (GMH)
this Ishi Tib served as the quartermaster aboard Urias Xhaxin's pirate ship, the Free Lance. (PP)
this Imperial Lieutenant was assigned to the garrison in the city of Hullis, on the planet Halmad. He was
known as a poor sabacc player, and was also a belligerent drinker. He was one of the Imperials captured
by Wraith Squadron at Ola's, during their attempt to steal TIE Interceptors for use by the Hawk-bats. (IF)

see Cofferdam (PP)

an ancient Yuuzhan Vong weapon, the coufee was a large, double-edged knife. Developed in the earliest
days of the Yuuzhan Vong warrior class, it was a crude but nonetheless effective weapon. After the
hostilities between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance were resolved, and the Yuuzhan Vong
were allowed to live on the planet Zonama Sekot, they found that coufees and many other bio-engineered
weapons simply reverted to their animal forms and fled into the forests. This was one way in which Sekot
forced the Yuuzhan Vong to give up their lust for war and embrace a more enlightened existence. (VP,
this planet was located in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy. It was situated between the worlds of
Gerrenthum and Nothoiin, and was considered the governmental seat of the Nothoiin race. Nothoiin
Colony representatives chose to meet on Council - which earned the planet its name - to avoid any
implied favoritism among factions. (WOA33)
Council Chamber
this the name given to the circular room located atop the Jedi Council Spire, part of the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It had windows along all its walls, providing a
complete 360-degree view of the cityscape below. (PJSB)
Council of 127
this was the primary political body of the Jenet race, and was made up of 127 councilors who work with a
Premiere to make decisions. Members of the council were not elected, but the exact selection process
was not known. Jenets could tell if an individual serves on the Council by their name. (GG4)
Council of Alwari Elders
this was the name of the governing body formed when the Situng Borokii and Hovsgol Januul clans
united, shortly before the Clone Wars. The two Alwari overclans joined after meeting with the Jedi Knights
to discuss a treaty between the Alwari and the Unity of Community, a treaty which allowed Ansion to
remain a member of the Old Republic. (APS)
Council of Chieftains
this was the planetary governing body formed by the Eklaad to mediate disputes and plan for future
actions. After the Empire established a presence on Sirpar, the Council of Chieftains was disbanded. (AE)
Council of Confederated Provinces
this was the name given to the unified government established on the planet Roon, following the death of
Governor Koong and the departure of Imperial forces from the planet, several years before the Battle of
Yavin. Representatives from each of Roon's provinces met in the remains of the Tawntoom Citadel to
negotiate and legislate on Roon's affairs. (WOTC)
Council of Elders
see Clan Council (TF)
Council of Elders
the group of leaders of an Ewok tribe. (ROTJ)
Council of Elders
this was the name of the ruling body that governed the day-to-day activities of the planet Alderaan. It was
the Council of Elders that decided to store all of Alderaan's weapons aboard the starship Another
Chance. (GA)
Council of First Knowledge
this Council of the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic was charged with advising the Jedi on matters which
required the oldest of the ancient Jedi lore. The Council worked from the northwest towers of the Jedi

Temple on Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (IWE1, PJSB)
Council of Gordek
this four-member council was established by the Orfites to rule the various tribal sahhs. Each member
was chosen by popular vote, and those elected to the Council served for life or until the Council decided
that a new vote would be held. The choice of four representatives was rooted in Orfite history, and
represented the four moons of Kidron as well as the four lungs each Orfite used to breathe. The Council
was also charged with maintaining the secret of the ores located on the two largest moons of Kidron,
Primor and Segual. (AE, PG3)
Council of Matrons
this was the name given to the body of female Gamorreans which controlled the clans of the planet
Gamorr. Each clan had its own Council, which made the decisions about war. (EGA)
Council of Ministers
this was the primary advisory body of Galacian politics, supporting the monarchy but wielding little actual
power. (MOC)
Council of Reconciliation
this Council of the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic was charged with seeking out peaceful resolutions to
the conflicts which raged across the galaxy during the last decades of the Old Republic. Like the Council
of First Knowledge, the Council of Reconciliation worked in one the southeast towers of the Jedi Temple
on Coruscant. (IWE1, PJSB)
Council of Security and Intelligence
this New Republic Senatorial group's identity was so secret and hidden that rumors of its existence were
often viewed as invalid or bold-faced lies. They met in a shielded room deep below Imperial Palace, and
were in control of the use of Alpha Blue. (SOL)
Council of Sisters
a convention of the ruling women of the Singing Mountain clan on Dathomir. A council is convened in
times of need, to decide the position of the clan on specific matters and to decide which paths to take.
Council of Ten
this division of the Tapani Sector's Great Council actually had thirty-five members. It was made up of an
inner circle of the wisest of the Great Council's representatives, and was charged with handling the
foreign policies, financial policies and internal security of the sector. (PGT)
Council of Tenants
this was the term used to describe the administrators of the various sections of StarForge Station. (SOG)
Council of the Wise
this M'shinni governing body controls the world on which it was formed. Many such councils exist on the
various M'shinni agriworlds. The Council is made up of the eldest members of each Rootline. (GG12)
Counter Puncher
this pirate ship was a converted Imperial Customs frigate. It crew defected, led by Tor Skylow, during the
Imperial occupation of the Minos Cluster. Skylow allowed any staunchly Imperial crewmen to be
jettisoned in escape pods, but the ship was hers. She and her new crew took the ship to Yelsain for
modifications, in order to remove any Imperial designation or inference from the ship's outline. The
Counter Puncher measured 35 meters in length, and Skylow's crew consisted of 6 officers and 6 gunners.
It was armed with six heavy laser cannons. (GG6)
Countermeasures Package
a set of starship evasion materials that help a ship avoid pursuit. Han had some new ones installed in the
Millennium Falcon before letting Leia take it to Endor to meet Khabarakh. (DFR)

this Imperial Carrack-class warship was part of Zsinj's third fleet, during the early years of the New
Republic. The ship was destroyed by the security forces of the planet Vispil, whose governmental leaders
refused to keep taking the bribes Zsinj paid them for use of the facilities on the planet. (SOC)
this was one of the Thranta-class warships slaved to the Another Chance to protect it from being taken by
hostile forces. Like its companions, the Fidelity and Valiant, it would accompany the Another Chance as it
jumped through hyperspace to avoid detection. One of the Thranta-class ships would enter realspace
before the Another Chance to engage any resistance, the second would accompany it for protection, and
the third would help draw off pursuit. (BW)
this Skipray Blastboat was owned by the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4. Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo flew it
to Belkadan after the initial thrust of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion was thwarted at Helska, and discovered
that the planet had been turned into a breeding ground for the Vong's biological constructs. (DTO)
Courage of Sullust
this Gallofree Shipyards Medium Transport was operated by the New Republic, and was used to ferry the
Rogue Squadron X-Wings from Coruscant to Ryloth during the Krytos crisis. The Rogues hoped to
negotiate with the Twi'leks for quantities of kor ryll, for use in treating the victims of the Krytos virus. The
Courage of Sullust was filled with ryll for the return trip, with Rogue Squadron providing escort. (KT)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this modified YT-1300 freighter was originally purchased for use by pirates, and was later part of a
planetary defense force. The Courageous made no pretensions about being a cargo ship: it was designed
to be an offensive force. The front half of the ship was completely removed and replaced with the front
sections of a Corellian gunship. A pair of heavy turbolasers, once installed on a Nebulon-B frigate, were
installed to give the ship an awesome punch; upgraded power converters were also installed to supply
the weapons with power. A turret-mounted double laser cannon completed the armaments. Overall, the
Courageous measured 29 meters in length, and required a crew of two officers and two gunners. In its
modified configuration, the Courageous could transport just two metric tons of cargo and two passengers.
this New Republic cruiser was stationed at Durren, in the early years of the New Republic. Along with the
Fireater, it was dispatched to Cybloc XII to investigate the spread of the Death Seed plague there. (POT)
an alien race whose gelatinous form must be contained in a protective exoskeleton. This exoskeleton
must be manufactured, as the Courataine cannot naturally generate one. They breath a very thin
atmosphere on their home world, and must have a special processor built into their exoskeleton suits in
order to survive off-planet. (HSR)
this gaseous substance is used as an engine coolant. When mixed with ves, the combination created a
gas which can disperse a blaster bolt on contact. (CFG, GFT)
Courier Communications
this corporation produced a wide range of communications scanners and other devices for use by scouts
and paramilitary personnel. (ROE)

this planet, the fourth in the Khuiumin System, was the home of the Survivors pirate fleet. It is a dry world
settled in the early years of the Old Republic. It is sometimes called simply Khuiumin 4. It has two moons.
Court Gazette
a Senatorial journal produced during the Old Republic on Coruscant, it kept up with the day-to-day
business of the Senate, as well as any gossip surrounding it. (COJ)
Court of Disputes
located in the base section of the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, this large chamber served as
meeting place were the Jedi Knights and other individuals could meet to resolve matters. Unlike the
Council of Reconciliation, the Court of Disputes was used to discuss matters of individual importance, not
issues spanning cultures or entire worlds. Because of this distinction, the Court of Disputes was the
primary places in which citizens of the Old Republic could seek an audience with a Jedi Master. (PJSB)
Court of the Fountain
Mos Eisley's highest-class restaurant, it was a sprawling palace made fom stone and stucco, a leftover
from better days. Jabba the Hutt owned the restaurant during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TME,
Court of the Royal Residence
this was the name given to the perator's palace in the city of Cartann, on the planet Adumar. (SOA)
one of the cruisers blockading the ThonBoka to keep the Oswaft from entering Imperial space, the
Courteous was the closest ship to the mouth of the nebula. Lando Calrissian made his final stop their,
masquerading as a simple trader before making a run for the nebula. The Courteous was forced to fire on
the Millennium Falcon as it blasted away, and appeared to have destroyed the freighter. The Courteous
was later destroyed when it and the other cruisers nearest the mouth of the nebula tried to kill
Bhoggihalysahonues and her supporters. The Oswaft "shouted" at the Imperials to negotiate, and the
microwave energy released by the Oswaft penetrated the Courteous's thin shielding and destryoed it.
this Duros male served the Old Republic, and later the Alliance, as a Navy officer. During the Galactic
Civil War, Cov was promoted to Admiral. He took his flagship, the Resolve, on a personal mission back to
Duro, to locate the Kadlo Talisman. He hired a group of freelancers to travel to Bburru Station and
recover it, where he believed it had been looted by criminals. He explained to the team that Kadlo was an
ancestor of his, and his family wanted to ensure that the treasure didn't fall into the wrong hands. His
efforts were nearly thwarted when his crew mutineed, having been bought out by the unscrupulous
DurAble corporation. However, with the help of the freelancers, Admiral Cov was able to retrieve the
Talisman and quell his rowdy crew. (CCW)
this pilot, a native of Tun Wala on Arda-2, was injured in a military exercise just before Luke Skywalker
arrived on Arda-2 to investigate the misuse of T-6 diodems. His position in the fleet was taken by Zon
Zorad. (CSWEA)
Cova Burmooze
this Gungan served as the commissioner of the bongo racing circuit that gained popularity on Naboo,
during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Cova was forced to suspend the racing licenses of Neb
Neb Goodrow and Spleed Nukkels, after they were observed crashing into the bongo of Zak "Squidfella"
Quiglee during the Otoh Gunga Challenge. All evidence pointed to them being in collusion, forcing
Squidfella out of the race in order to make it easier for one of them to win. The decision was later
overturned after Squidfella was brought in for questioning. (GMR4)

a plant used in Ithorian salads. (GA)

this Nothoiin refugeee fled Imperial persecution during the height of the Galactic Civil War by hiring
Solomahal to transport him to a remote location in the Greater Javin region of the galaxy. (WOA33)
a race of lupine sentients, Covallon evolved form swift quadrepedal plains predators. They are an
empathic race, able to sense the emotions of other beings around them. While they prefer to move about
on all fours, Covallon can walk upright, and their front paws are equipped with fingers capable of fine
manipulation. They have a large mane of fur behind their bony heads, and their skulls are topped with a
single curved horn. Their bodies are covered with striped fur. (CRO)
Covell, Freja
this man served as an Imperial Army General, attached to the Chimaera's crew, during Grand Admiral
Thrawn's reign of terror. A native of the planet Corulag, Covell trained under General Veers, and was a
battlegroup leader in the attack on the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth. He knew that the Army was the part
of the Imperial war machine that did all the dirty work, while the Navy stayed in their starships and
ordered everyone around. When his walker was destroyed, he rallied a group of snowtroopers and
attacked the main base. Captain Pellaeon promoted him to General and attached him to the Chimaera
after the Battle of Endor, and Covell was placed in charge of many of the fleet's ground offensives,
including the attack on Myrkr. Covell's patience with the Navy became more strained after Thrawn reappeared, since the ground forces were often dispatched on clean-up missions, or forced to wait for
orders from the Navy. When Joruus C'baoth needed to have ground forces in his assault on Wayland,
C'baoth took control of Covell's mind with the Force. This worked well, until they reached Wayland and
encountered a ysalamir null-Force bubble. The loss of the Force ripped away Covell's mind when the link
was broken, and Covell was killed. (HTTE, DFR, TLC, DFRSB)
Coven, Sig
this man was a self-proclaimed "independent fortune seeker and scout." During the height of the Galactic
Civil War, Coven believed that he had discovered the location of the Kragg's Fist within the VV-99-7JE2N71 star system. The ship was rumored to hold the riches of the Nijune Treasure Fleet. He sold the
information to Jonas Durns, and later joined the expedition to locate it. However, when they were unable
to break the coded entry system - based on the fact that Hez Kragg had spelled the word "Fury" with an I
instead of a Y, in accordance with his homeworld's native language - they set off a series of automated
defenses. The Kragg's Fury plunged itself into the orange-yellow star of the system, but not before the
explorers escaped with a huge gemstone as proof of their finding. (SWJ7)
this city was located on the western continent of the planet Bothawui. (SPG)
Cover Flight
this New Republic E-Wing squadron was an escort wing of fighters assisting the 24th Bombardment
Squadron during the Battle of ILC-905. (T)
Covert Activities Cadre
this was the name of a group of special forces agents employed by House Melantha to execute highlysensitive actions against other Tapani Sector Houses. (TSIA)
Covert Shroud Maneuver
this escape tactic was developed by starship operators who wanted to avoid being caught in a tractor
beam. The basic idea was for the fleeing starship to eject a cloud of reflective particles that actually
reflected the tractor beam in various directions. This allowed the starship to break free of the beam and
escape. Often, this resulted in a loop snarl in the tractor beam system, which shut the targeting system
down completely. An interesting variant on the covert shroud maneuver was a last-ditch escape or an
infiltration plan. It employed a smaller ship hidden inside a larger one, obscuring the true mission of the
smaller vessel. When the larger ship became caught by a tractor beam, the crew set the larger ship to

auto-destruct, creating a cluster of reflective pieces that confused the tractor beam targetting system. This
allowed the crew to escape in the smaller ship. This manevuer was popular during the New Order
because it was virtually impossible to counteract. Grand Admiral Thrawn once assigned Lieutenant Rejili
Mithel the objective of discovering a way to break it, after Mithel nearly recaptured Luke Skywalker's XWing. (TLC)
this Outer Rim planet was settled by a colonization expedition many years before the rise of the Empire.
The planet was not the most idyllic world, but the colonists were hardy and persevered to create a world
of their own. When the New Order began making inroads into the Outer Rim, they decided that Coveway
needed its own garrison. The local commander wiped out an entire village of settlers in order to ensure
the security of the base. (TTSB)
Covey, The
this asteroid field was located between the ninth and tenth planets in the Coruscant System. (PH)
this was a nickname given to the human inhabitants of New Cov. (DFR)
Covis, Spane
a member of the Alliance team working on Nar Shaddaa just before the Battle of Yavin, Covis was a
member of the Special Forces. He was a sentry on guard when the Imperials, on a tip from Greedo and
Spurch Goa, invaded the Alliance warehouse. The early warning provided by Covis allowed the Alliance
to defeat the first wave of Imperials and escape before the Imperials brought in their Death Engine. (TME)
Cov-Prim, Alexis
this woman was a star of several Imperial holovids, and was famous during the height of the New Order.
She had extravagant tastes, and in order to fund them she worked with the bounty hunter Malthorn to
obtain credits any way they could. Among their schemes was Alexis' marriage to five wealthy men
between the time of the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth. Each man died shortly after the weddings.
Alexis was named the sole beneficiary in each man's will, thereby providing her with a steady stream of
credits. It was later discovered that Malthorn killed the new grooms, making their deaths look as natural
as possible. When she learned of the auction of the Shard of Alderaan by Begas Tok, Alexis and
Malthorn traveled to Tatooine in an effort to locate husband number six. Her treachery was later exposed
by Sella Marik. (LAA)
Cowall, Tetran
this man was Garik Loran's chief rival, during their years as actors for various companies working for the
Empire. Both were rivals at everything, from movie roles to pilot training. They were both holofeature
stars, but Cowall's popularity dwindled as he grew older and more homely. Cowall, eventually, joined
Imperial service as a pilot, although his skills were not very good. It was to Tetran Cowall that Ton
Phanan's small fortune would have gone upon his death, if Loran hadn't had his facial scars surgically
removed. He found employment with Warlord Zsinj, who placed Cowall in command of a squadron made
from TIE Interceptors piloted by six humans and six droid starfighters known as TIE Raptors. The droids
allowed the human pilots to perform above their skills by offloading certain duties, which provided the
outward appearance that Cowall's squadron was the 181st Fighter Group. After Zsinj was defeated at
Selaggis Six, it was revealed that Cowall had been impersonating Baron Soontir Fell, in an effort to draw
Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron into a more personal fight. In the aftermath of the Battle of Selaggis,
Cowall revealed the depeption to Wedge. (IF, SOC)
a race of small, fur-covered humanoids native to Circarpous V. They are thought to be distant relatives of
the Mimbanites. They live in the abandoned Thrella Wells. They are slim humanoids with downy grey fur.
Their eyes are sunk deep into their skulls. They wear rudimentary clothing, and have a limited ability to
create weapons. Their level of technology is low, but they seem to have some experience with the
surface-dwelling races. They seem to have a simple leadership scheme in which three members of the
society make the decisions. (SME)

this shellfish, native to the planet Calamari, produced a shell that was nearly impervious to energy
weapons. The Mon Calamari Knights wove cowill shells together with carbon-fiber to create shields.
Cowl Crucible
this nebulous area of space was located along the edge of the Lahara Sector, where it bordered with
Oricho Sector. The gaseous region was dense with radiation, making any travel through the Cowl
Crucible risky and dangerous. (HNN5)
a small but ferocious creature often used to guard buildings. (BTS)
this red-haired man served the Empire as a Naval officer, holding the rank of Admiral during the height of
the New Order and commanding the Star Destroyer Mathayus. When Emperor Palpatine assigned Coy
and the Mathayus to Darth Vader during his mission to Dargulli, Coy questioned the use of a Star
Destroyer to hunt down a single criminal. Vader, already angry at having to undertake the mission to hunt
down the supposed Jedi on Dargulli, nearly strangled Coy with the Force. When a distress signal came
from an Alliance base near Yorn Skot, Vader allowed Admiral Coy to take his ship and intercept the
rebels. Unfortunately for Coy, the Alliance had laid a trap for the Imperials. The ship which was
intercepted by the Mathayus was a decoy, laden with explosives that were set to go off should the ship's
hull be breached. Coy dispatched First Officer Atali to take control of any beings inside the Alliance ship,
but he inadvertently set off the explosives. Atali and his team were killed, and the Mathayus was badly
damaged. Unknown to the crew, the entire sidetrip had been arranged by Captain Dezsetes, as part of
Grand Moff Trachta's plans to take over the galaxy. Vader, however, managed to survive the explosion.
When Coy could not stand up to Vader's demands, he was shot and killed by Dezsetes in order to
eliminate any possible linkage back to Trachta. (SWI62, SWEB)
this planet is the primary planet in the Coyn System, located in the Elrood Sector. It is located at the
crossroads of the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route and the Coyn Run. Coyn is the homeworld of the fierce,
warrior race known as the Coynites, who hold honor and ritual above all else. The average day on Coyn
lasts 20 standard hours, and its year lasts 380 local days. This temperate world is blanketed with forests,
marshes, and plains broken by beautiful mountain ranges. (PG3)
Coyn Run
a shipping route that runs through the Coyn planetary system. (PG3)
Coyn Shipyards
this small starshipwright was based on the planet Coyn, and supplied Elrood Sector with a variety of
custom-made ships. (PG3)
this orange star, located in Elrood Sector, was the primary body in the Coyn System. Its name literally
meant "the light of land of conflict and blood." (PG3)
the fierce, warrior race which was native to the planet Coyn, the Coynites stand nearly three meters tall.
Their bodies are covered with fine fur, which ranged in color from white or gold to brown and black. Their
heads were crowned by a mane of longer hair, and the length of the mane indicated the individual's social
status. Coynites are natural warriors, and almost always wear some form of battle armor and weapon.
Xenobiologists have guessed that the average Coynite could live to be 250 standards years old, but most
males died in combat by the time they were 55. They hold to a rigid system of ritual and honor codes
known as the En'Tra'Sol, that governed not only battle but politics. Offworlders have been killed for not
adhering to this code. The Coynites respected and admired the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, since
the Jedi Code was similar to the En'Tra'Sol in many respects. One code is known as the Cradle Law.

(PG3, SWJ2, SWJ3, AE)

this weapon was a form of ceremonial polearm used by Coynites in combat. (OE)
this was the primary naval fleet which patrolled and protected the Coyn System, during the height of the
New Order. Its name literally meant "Coyn sky blade," and it ensured that every ship traveling in the
system had authorization to do so. (PG3)
Cozzell Corporation
this was a small armorer, active during the early years of the New Republic. (GUN)
this incredibly powerful, miniature hologram projection unit was developed by Corellidyne Visuals. The
CP-3.3 was incapable of recording information, and because of its small size could only hold the
information for a single appearance. This required that the user already have a three-dimensional
representation stored somewhere for retrieval. The CP-3.3 was incorporated into the CQ-3.9X image
disguiser, along with the CX-3.1 holographic recorder. (EGW)
this tall, thin, humanoid droid was placed in the Pasarian Memorial Atmospheric Reclamation Complex
Project facility in the Bluenek Section of Coruscant by the Imperial Intelligence division. Ostensibly the
greeter for any being interested in the ways in which Coruscant's atmosphere was kept clean, CPD-113
scanned for those being who lacked clearance to enter Bluenek's other facilities, where Imperial
Intelligence maintained a base of operations. CPD-113 was also part of the droid staff which was under
the direct command of Emperor Palpatine, and answered to his orders alone. This meant that, should the
Emperor have ever wanted to eliminate the population of Coruscant by shutting off the atmosphere
scrubbing system, CPD-113 would have directed the other droids to act accordingly. (EL2)
produced by Bacnor Armaments, this personal protection device resembled a lightsaber in form. Inside
was an ammo canister filled with pellets. When activated, the CPD-12 first emitted a stream of plasma
energy that dissolved the casing on the ammo canister. The resulting combination of plasma and pellets
could be sprayed in a cone-shaped beam five meters long and three meters across, allowing a victim to
stop a group of attackers. (GFT)
this personal, holographic image disguiser was produced by Corellidyne Holographics. It employed a CX3.1 recorder to obtain a complete, three-dimensional image of what the user wanted to look like. The
recorder stored the information and fed it to a CP-3.3 miniature projection unit for display. The CQ-3.9X
was small enough to fit in a belt-buckle sized package, and allowed the user to move about in public with
the appearance of another being. The size and shape of the disguise was not limited, but had to be at
least the size of the user. A larger appearance could be discovered if the user was not careful to avoid
walking "through" objects. (EGW)
this model of hand-held blaster cannon was produced by Golan Arms during the last decades of the Old
Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. They were known for their adaptability and upgradability,
which allowed the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to employ the CR-1 in a variety of
battlefronts. Decades laters, several shipments of CR-1 weapons were stolen from a depot in the Ac'fren
Spur during the fighting, and many of these weapons ended up in the hands of the Alliance. The thickbarreled CR-1 was noted for the way it fired multiple blaster bolts with each shot, making it a formidable
anti-personnel weapon at close range. (LAWS, SWDB)
this model of blaster was used by the Naboo Security Guards in the years surrounding the Battle of

Naboo. Produced by Corellian Arms, it was a small, compact weapon. (IG1, SON)
this was a Corellian Engineering Corporation troop transport ship, developed for the Old Republic during
the early stages of the Clone Wars. Based on the design of the larger Republic Cruiser, the CR20
measured 60 meters in length, and had a deep-bellied hull. The ship's crew compliment included a pilot,
co-pilot, communications officer, and three engineers. To protect itself, the CR20 was armed with a pair of
double turbolaser cannons. It could accommodate up to forty clone troopers, twelve speederbikes, and
any necessary supplies. The mission profile of the CR20 was for the planetside deployment of small
forces, where an Acclamator-class transport was simply too impractical. (SWDB)
this was the model number of Merr-Sonn's flame projector rifle, which was a larger version of the C-22
flame carbine. The designs for the CR-24 were licensed to Czerka, who produced an identical weapon
known as the CZ-24 Flamemaster. (EGW, AEG)
this was the designation of Merr-Sonn's largest flame-producing weapon, known to many weapons
experts as a flame cannon. The CR-28 was designed to be mounted atop a tripod or on a vehicle, and
was marketed for military use. The designs for the CR-28 were licensed to Czerka, which produced a
version of the weapon known as the CZ-28 Flamestrike. (AEG)
CR-43 Low-Ride
this model of swoop was produced by the Caelli-Merced Syndicate, and was specially designed for use in
swoopchasing. It measured 2.44 meters in length, and was designed to have a ride height of no more
than 3.05 meters, in accordance with the regulations of sanctioned swoopchasing. (BSS)
this was a treet-legal version of the Caelli-Merced racing swoop. (BSS)
this was the callsign of one of the clone trooper commanders who were dispatched to the planet Thustra,
during the height of the Clone Wars. The battle group had been dispatched to establish a beachhead on
Thustra and make a strong show of force, without engaging the native Sephi in any way. The Sephi,
however, were not going to remain with the Old Republic under any circumstances, and attacked the
Republic's forces as soon as they arrived. CR57 and his squadron were among the first to encounter
heavy resistance, and also among the first to die in battle. (J5)
A hammerheaded, fast transport ship built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, often used as
blockade runners because of their speed and mobility. They have a modular interior, which can be
modified for specific needs. They have a standard crew complement of 46-104, depending on the
mission. Some military missions require a crew upwards of 165 men. These ships are 150 meters in
length, and can make 60 MGLT at sublight speeds. They are regarded as extremely vulnerable, however,
since the primary solar collector and stabilizer fin are located dorsally, and when disabled can cripple the
ship's ability to maneuver. The CR90 boasts the following shipboard systems: * 6 Taim & Bak H9 Dual
Turbolasers * 8 Faberstien-Lago 37s Emergency Escape Pods * 4 Faberstien Maximum Capacity Life
Ships * 2 Pax Hustana Variable Array Sensor Units * Mason-Branger 7085 Ionization Reactor and
Regulator * Corellian Engineering Corporation Subspace Hyperdrive * Corellian Chain Management
NavCom Unit (26640 limited non-AI processing) * Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4e Screen Control and Shield
Projector (rated at 100 SBD) * Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Hull (rated at 50 RU). During the Galactic Civil
War, many Corellian Corvettes were modified to make up for the original design's weaknesses. The main
solar collectors and stabilizer fins were incorporated into the hull, creating a long, pod-like shape instead
of the angular shape of the original design. Most other shipboard components remained intact. (SW,

this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "droid crafter".
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Icra or Acra clans. It was
added to the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this was the name of a Krevaaki individul, distinguished in the history of the planet Krevas. (UANT)
Crab Nut
a legume found on Yavin 4. (DK)
Crab Tracer
this small surveillance device was created during the last decades of the Old Republic, and saw
prominent use among the Hutt crimelords of the early years of the New Order. They were not intelligent
enough to classify as droids, but their programming was nonetheless quite sophisticated for a device of
its size. Each crab tracer was equipped with a tiny hypertransceiver, and could transmit its location to a
central source via the HoloNet. (TF)
Crab, Finious
this less-than-reputable trader purchased the Lambarian Crab from Matas Havel. Believing himself to be
a competent mechanic, Crab tore out the redundant systems in the YT-2400 transport and installed his
own weapons systems. He also tore out the safety backups in order to feed more power to the heavy
double laser cannon he installed. Unfortunately, Finious' skills as a mechanic were not the best, and on a
run to Eriadu the life support systems failed. When the Lambarian Crab was discovered by Linx Mallicker
and Fillio Androu, Crab was a dessicated corpse. (SS)
this unusual crustacean was one of the many bio-engineered forms of life created by the Yuuzhan Vong.
The crab-harp, as its name suggested, was bred for the sound it made as it moved its many legs
together. Crab-harps were often set loose during ceremonies, to provide a form of background music.
Crace, Arhul
this Imperial Leiutenant was placed in command of the detachment that was charged with the mission of
bringing the leadership of the Osaji Syndicate in for questioning, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. Leiutenant Crace followed the trail of a group of freelance mercenaries who managed to
assassinate Osaji Varanes and Osaji Uhares before locating Osaji Hux on Muskree. Crace and his team
arrived just as Osaji Hux was going to kill the mercenaries, and a firefight broke out. In the dust and
debris, Crace lost sight of Osaji Hux. The mercenaries who had been tracking her were eventually set
free after questioning, and Crace began his search again. (WOA32)
Craci System
located just within the boundaries of the Corporate Sector, this five-planet system is home to the Cracian
Thumper. (RASB)
Cracian Thumper
a creature used for transportation on any number of worlds, the Thumper originated in the Craci System.
The name "thumper" was given to the beast because it looks like it should thump along when it runs.
However, the Thumper is one of the quietest animals known, and makes virtually no noise when it moves.
In addition to making good mounts, the Thumper is also a valuable companion in a fight, using its clawed
forearms and feet, as well as its thick tail, to combat enemies. (RASB, DFR)
Cracken Twist
an escape maneuver developed by Pash Cracken, the Cracken Twist was more a form of subterfuge than
an actual maneuver. Before the Twist could be accomplished, a set of hyperspace calculations was

generated for transmission as the flight path for the ships. When executed properly, the team of escort
ships maneuvered into a recalculated flight path that was altered based on the countdown to the start of
the maneuver. If the maneuver was to start on the count of 2, the correct flight plan was altered by adding
2 to the second number of each coordinate in the original flight plan. Then, if an enemy intercepted the
transmission of the coordinates, they would jump into hyperspace along a route that was visually similar
to the escape route, but they would end up light-years away from the actual destination. The receiver of
the altered coordinates simply subtracted 2 from the second numbers in the Cracken Twist coordinates,
thereby ensuring an accurate depiction of the escape route. (TLC)
Cracken, Airen
Airen Cracken was born on Contruum some fifty years before the Battle of Yavin. Note that The Unifying
Force indicates that Airen Cracken was seventy-five during the final stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
of the galaxy. He grew up his parent's farm, and was particulary adept at modifying and fixing machinery.
He later opened a mechanic's shop, and repaired everything from landspeeders to holoprojectors. He
married a Corellian woman namde Josta, and they had two children before the Empire took control of
Contruum. Airen and a group of supporters took to the hills, in an effort to thwart the Imperial forces at
every turn. Josta set up safehouses, while "Cracken's Crew" crippled stardocks, sabotaged mining
operations, and destroyed supply depots. As the Imperial commander began spending more and more
time searching for specific saboteurs, the natives of Contruum developed their own militia. A hard-fought
war was begun, and in the end, the Imperial Moff pulled out rather than waste more effort trying to subdue
Contruum. Cracken recognized that the Empire was not as kind to other worlds in the galaxy, and
decided to leave Josta and Contruum to fight for the Alliance. He provided valuable input during the early
years of the Alliance, particularly in the areas of special forces operations. His knack for modifying
devices to perform auxiliary tasks made him an invaluable teacher, and his bravery in the face of Imperial
foes twice earned him the Nebula award. Cracken continued to serve the cause following the Battle of
Endor, and became a respected statesman and military advisor for the New Republic. He was
responsible for the New Republic's position when the Rogue Squadron pilots resigned their commissions,
and also negotiated the transfer of the Virulence to Booster Terrik. When the Battle of Thyferra had been
decided, Cracken informed Wedge Antilles that the Rogues' resignations were never actually processed,
and they could have them back if the so desired. After they trained the first group of the Thyferran
Aerospace Defense Force, they returned to the New Republic and took up the mantle of Rogue Squadron
again. (HTTE, TLC, WG, CFG, BW, UF)
Cracken, Dena
this young woman was Airen Cracken's daughter. She had just started school about a year before the
Battle of Hoth. (SWJ12)
Cracken, Josta
this Corellian woman ended up on the planet Contruum, where she met and eventually married Airen
Cracken. She had his emotional fire, and when the Empire invaded the planet, she worked to establish
safehouses for children and elderly natives threatened by Imperial forces. (SWJ12, CFG)
Cracken, Pash
a highly-proficient starfighter in the Republic, Pash was the son of Airen Cracken. He flew A-Wings early
in his career, and quickly moved up the ranks to become a squadron commander. However, the people
serving under him felt that his seeming invulnerablity and ability to survive any situation made them
equally invulnerable. Pash's squadron soon started taking losses, and was placed under Varth's unit.
Pash used this modification to apply for Rogue Squadron to help save good pilots. He served Wedge
Antilles when the Rogues infiltrated Coruscant, as a prelude to the New Republic taking the planet back
from the remnants of the Empire. He later returned to Varth's command, eventually serving at Generis
just before the battles against Grand Admiral Thrawn. Pash was the namesake of the Cracken Twist.
Years later, when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Pash had risen through the ranks and attained
the rank of Commander, and was assigned to command the Memory of Ithor during the final stages of the
invasion. During Operation Trinity, however, the Memory of Ithor took considerable damage when the
fleet was cut off from its reinforcements. Unable to control the resulting explosions, Cracken ordered a full
evacuation. As the escape pods were jettisoned, the Memory of Ithor exploded, taking with it those who

were still onboard. It was believed that Pash died in the explosion. Luckily, Pash and most of his crew
were able to reach lifepods in time and escape the blast, only to be captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. They
were taken to the prison camps on Selvaris, and maintained until they could be sacrificed. However, the
heroic efforts of Thorsh and three Biths managed to put Selvaris' location into the hands of the New
Republic military, which launched a rescue mission to recover the prisoners. Cracken, Page, and a
handful of others managed to escape aboard the Millennium Falcon to Caluula Station, where they were
once again beset by the Yuuzhan Vong. When Han Solo was ready to return to Calamari, Cracken and
several other soldiers decided to remain behind, to help defend Calulla as best they could. However,
Caluula was quickly overrun and Cracken once again found himself a captive, and was transported to
Coruscant to be sacrificed. His luck continued to hold, however, as a group of Shamed Ones rescued
many of the sacrificial victims during their disruption of Shimrra's ceremony. Cracken was among them,
and he helped the Shamed Ones form a tighter resistance. When the Galactic Alliance finally attacked
Coruscant, Cracken and his Yuuzhan Vong guerrillas met up with Judder Page and his infiltration team,
thanks to the efforts of Baljos Arnjak. (TLC, WG, FP, UF)
Cracken's Crew
this is the nickname used by those Contruum rebels who fought alongside Airen Cracken, following the
Imperial occupation of the planet. They constantly wreaked havoc with Imperial supply depots and mining
operations, and sabotaged stardocks and landing bays. They often left grafitti behind which declared
"Cracken's Crew Says Hello." (CFG)
Cracken's Field Guide
a manual of starship construction, maintenance, and modifications used by the Alliance. (TB)
Cracken's Flight Group
the name given to the A-Wing pilots who served under Pash Cracken before he joined Rogue Squadron.
The original Group was comprised of the pilots that defected form the Imperial Academy with Pash.
During their escape, the Group managed to destroy the Victory-class Star Destroyer Exsanguinator,
making them the stuff of rumors and stories. Pash's ability to survive nearly any engagement became
legendary, and the pilots serving under him believed themselves equally invulnerable. This served only to
reduce their sharpness, and many pilots started getting careless and killed. The Group was assimilated
into Varth's command, and Pash joined the Rogues. (WG)
a game of chance played in most casinos. (SL)
an appetizer. (TJP)
this snack food was popular with beer and ale, during the last years of the Old Republic. (MJH)
Cradle Law
under Coynite honor code, the Cradle Law is the most binding. The law states that no male Coynite may
marry, own land, or disobey their father's wishes until he becomes an adult. (SWJ2)
Cradle of the Galaxy
amassed and produced by the Allied Tion Historical Society, this collection of pre-Republic era artifacts
and documents was shown across the Core Worlds during the year leading up to the Clone Wars.
Funded by Republic Siener Systems, the House of Tion, and the House of Cron, the museum displays
focused on the civiliation of the galaxy during the era of Xim the Despot, and contained some of the bestpresevered examples of early hyperspace technology found in the galaxy. The touring museum show as
cut short by the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this Cathar Jedi was apprenticed to Vodo Siosk-Baas, along with his lover, Sylvar. He idolized Exar Kun,
seeing Kun as a strong source of power and skill. When Exar Kun rose to power as a Dark Lord of the

Sith, he took Crado as a possessed apprentice when the Sith holocron exploded and sent shards of Dark
Side energy into Crado. Under the spell of the ancient Sith, Crado accompanied Oss Willum to Ambria to
kill Master Thon. In a vicious battle with Nomi Sunrider, Thon, and his lover Sylvar, Crado and Oss Willum
tried to use the Dark Side creatures of Lake Natth to do their bidding, but were defeated. Crado nearly
killed Sylvar because of the Dark Side influence, then fled to escape them while Oss Willum was
captured. Crado returned to Exar Kun, then accompanied Aleema to the Cron Cluster, where they tried to
use an ancient Sith weapon to destroy the arriving Old Republic fleet. Aleema succeeded in decimating
the fleet, but could not control the weapon. In the end, she caused ten stars in the Cron Cluster to
explode, killing herself and Crado. (DLS, TSW)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "tears the throats of his prey". (GCG)
this ancient Trandoshan was the leader of the Bounty Hunters Guild during the reign of Emperor
Palpatine. Long beyond his prime physical condition and extremely paranoid, Cradossk was nonetheless
an imposing figure, and his wily intelligence allowed him to maintain control of Guild and its scheming
members. Like his father before him, Cradossk had emerged from his egg and consumed his siblings,
ensuring his own survival. His own spawn, Bossk, had done no less, and Cradossk was sure that the
younger reptile would treacherously try to kill him. Thus, he continually worked the members of the Guild
into loose, hidden alliances to eliminate Bossk. These plans invariably failed, and Bossk remained a thorn
in his father's side. When Boba Fett, acting in concert with Kud'ar Mub'at, asked to join the Guild,
Cradossk saw it as a way to bring prestige to the Guild and to reign in one of its primary opponents.
Cradossk failed to comprehend Fett's plans until it was too late. By then, infighting among the Guild's
older members and its younger members was at a head. Bossk took control fhte younger, more hotheaded faction and managed to confront his father alone. In a great struggle, Bossk managed to kill and
eat his father, thereby ensuring his control of the remains of the Guild. (MA, SLS)
Craeen System
this remote system was the site of the Cinnabar Moon Retreat. (WOTC)
Crag, The
this rocky pinnacle of stone jutted up from the green landscape of the planet H'ratth. The ancient Jedi
Master Chamma used to bring his students to The Crag, in order to have them concentrate on the Force.
Cragh Mountains
this was a vast chain of ragged mountains located on the planet Sorl. (TDR)
see Cragli (UANT)
this was the native language of the Cragmoloid people. (GMR6)
this was a race of immense, elephantine humanoids native to the planet Ankus. The Cragmoloids were
an inherently clan-oriented people, proud of themselves and their families. Cragmoloids have a strong
sense of honor and loyalty, and are quick to anger when confronted with subterfuge or trickery. However,
despite their size, most Cragmoloids viewed violence as distasteful. (UYV, GMR6, UANT)
Cragus 12
this bounty hunter was wanted by the New Republic for the murder of personnel and the destruction of
property. No on knew his real name or true identity, for he alway wore a full-body suit of armor and a blast
helmet. Limited bioscan data indicated that Cragus 12 had a number of cybernetic protheses, including a

Repli-Limb arm and Neuro-Saav Cardio-Muscular and Hifold Sensory packages. (SWJ1)
located in the Unknown Regions, this planet was the homeworld of the Croke race. (NEGC)
this bounty hunter worked for Moff Bandor, stalking the Game Chambers of Questal. Cralliard's race was
unknown, but he was a well-built, hairless humanoid who dressed in furs and skins. An excellent tracker,
Cralliard stalked the prisoners of the chambers and shot at them from places of cover. He would then
move to the next cover position, drawing the prisoners into a futile chase while exhausting and
disorienting them. (GCQ)
this was an Imperial unit of volume. (BF)
Cranan 12
this little-known planet was the primary world in the Cranan System. (SWJ6)
Crandor Ijjix
this member of the Norat Sovereignity was captured during the Yevethan Purge and forced to record a
message for the New Republic by Tal Fraan. The message was a plea to the ships of the Fifth Battle
Group to halt their attack on Yevethan starships during the blockade of Doornik-319. Fraan correctly
surmised that Republic pilots would break off their attack if they were made to believe prisoners were
alive on the Yevethan ships. However, there were no prisoners, and the Yevethans decimated the Fifth
Battle Group during their successful resistance of the blockade. (SOL)
this plant's roots are a delicacy to the Rodians, especially when they are deeply oiled. (SWJ9)
Cranna-Rapier, Yari
this popular holovid star married her regular co-star, Jobal Rapier, more than two years before the onset
of the Clone Wars. They split up just two and a half years later. Jobal claimed that he had married Yari
because she was the perfect accent to his wardrobe and his image, although Yari claimed that Jobal was
jealous of the fact that she made more credits than he did. She believed that they would get back
together eventually. (HNN5)
this man was one of Zothip's pirates. He was taken out by Karoly D'ulin on Bastion, while they were
guarding Moff Disra's offices. (VOF)
this alien race was native to the planet Cartao. It was the Cranscoc who controlled the unusual
technology that made Spaarti Creations a unique and profitable business, and investigation revealed that
the colony on Cartao was the only place the Cranscoc could live. In general, the Cranscoc bred very
slowly, and only a handful of them evolved to become twillers, those individuals who could manipulate the
fluid technology that was utilzied by Spaarti Creations. The average Cranscoc was an insectile being
whose body was covered by a chitinous shell, which moved about on long, multi-jointed legs. The
Cranscoc's shell was translucent, and revealed the coloration of the hide beneath it. Normally, the color of
the hide reflected an individual's mood. An agitated or scared individual displayed rapid color changes, as
a kind of warning to any beings around them. Also, a kind of species-specific langauge was developed
using patterns of colors, allowing the Cranscoc to communicate without being interpreted. (SWI68,
Crash and Bash
this was deal-slang for any act of thievery which involved the destruction of non-essential property, to
make the act appear to be a random act of piracy. (SWJ4)

Crash Balloon
this was one of the many ways in which a starship's pilot was protected during a crash. Instead of using a
foam to cushion the pilot, some systems deployed balloons to protect the pilot from hitting the control
board. This also allowed the pilot to get free of a downed ship easier, and required no special clean-up
after the crash. (HTTE)
Crash, The
this cantina, found in the city of Vlarnya on Khuiumin 4, was the primary hangout of the Khuiumin
Survivors. In keeping with its name, the Crash was decorated with bits and pieces of starfighters shot
down by the Survivors, or pieces of crashed starships the Survivors escaped from. (IJ)
developed to protect the underground maintenance facilities of the planet Coruscant, crash-corners were
tight-angle turns placed within a passageway. The walls of a crash-corner were heavily armored and
supported by thick duracrete, allowing them to absorb heavy impacts without breaking. The idea is that
any high-speed penetration run into a maintenance corridor - for sabotage or terrorist purposes - would
result in heavy damage to the vehicle, effectively ending the attempt to reach the inner areas of the
facility. (AFA)
this protective restraint material is used in starfighers and other personal ships. When a ship is forced to
crash-land, crash-foam is expelled in the event that the ejection seat is not present or fails. The foam fills
the cabin, completely surrounding the pilot. It insulates the pilot from the shock of the crash, but can be
quickly removed once the pilot is on solid ground. (POT)
this small crustacoid creature was native to the planet Pria, and served as one of the primary food
sources fro the Priapulin. The crast and the Priapulin have a unique relationship, in that the digestion of a
crast triggers reproduction in the crast. Although the digestion eventually kills the crast, the eggs of the
crast are actually nurtured within the Priapulin's digestive juices. Once the young crasti reached maturity,
they were regurgitated by the Priapulin to live out their lives. In another strange twist, the Priapulin have
evolved to only consume those crast which bear eggs. (GMR8)
this Priapulin word, which translated loosely into Basic as "food kin", was used to describe small,
immature crast. The crast and the Priapulin existed in a unique relationship, in which egg-bearing crast
were consumed by the Priapulin, but the eggs were actually nurtured in the digestive juices of the
Priapulin's stomach. When the eggs hatched, the Priapulin regurgitated the young crast. (GMR8)
this was New Republic starfighter pilot slang for any form of landing craft. (UF)
Crater Lodge
the nicest place to stay on Crseih Station, it was where Han, Luke, and C-3PO stayed until they were
forced out by the contingency of Imperial supporters who came to commit themselves to Hethrir's Empire
Reborn. (CS)
Crater of Debate
located on the planet Fyodos, this location is found within Galidyn lands. The Galidyn take arriving
offworlders to this crater, so that the visitors can explain who they are and why they've come to Fyodos.
this rundown cantina was located in Thriller's Row, on the planet Cularin, during the last years of the Old
Republic. (LFCW)

an insectile race of being with large eyes. They consume their food raw, and raise a species of small
mammal as a staple for their diet. (DOE)
a Bakuran carnivore, the cratsch was a ferret-like creature which preyed on the birds that lived in the
namana groves. The cratsch had a prehensile tail, which it used to hang in the trees and wait for birds to
alight nearby. When cornered on the ground, a cratsch would fight to the death, making it difficult to
capture a live specimen. (TB)
an alien on Nar Shaddaa. (DE1)
this was the Snivvian word for "create." (HNN5)
Crattis Yurkal
this Twi'lek male, a merchant who worked for the Aratech Repulsor Company during the era of the Great
Sith War, spent much of his time working with Karl Karr on the planet Dantooine. He was also a noted
pazaak player in his spare time. (KOTOR)
Craven One
this was the name used by the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, to describe Jacen Solo. (NEGC)
this was a species of carnivore, often used as a reference in the phrase, "Throw him to the cravers."
the Dictator-Forever of the Targonnian people, he was eventually overthrown with the help of R2-D2 and
C-3PO. He ruled from a palace hidden behind a force-field, and instituted a 99% tax rate on his citizens.
He also forced children to start working at the age of 6. He captured the droids in an effort to help unlock
the secrets of savorium. The Targonnian Shay tried to overthrow him, but failed. Shay did, however,
rescue the droids, who later assisted Zorneth in successfully deposing Craw. (DRO)
this espionage and infiltration droid was developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, from a
base on the planet Dagro, during the first year of the Clone Wars. The mission profile of the crawl-carrier
was to reach an otherwise secure location - one that couldn't be reached by organic beings or by larger
droids - and either destroy it or render it useless. These squat, rectangular droids moved about on eight
segmented legs, and could be modified for a variety of uses. One version of the crawl-carrier was known
as an acid droid, and carried a payload of highly-caustic, green acid. Others could be adapted to carry
anti-personnel explosives, electrical disruptors, or even other droids like shockers. In this way, the crawlcarrier was the perfect terrorism weapon, allowing Separatist forces to disrupt the normal, day-to-day
services of enemy emplacements. The primary development facility for crawl-carriers was hidden on the
planet Dagro, until it was destroyed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, about a year after the
Battle of Geonosis. (SWI77)
this was the generic term used by the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe the tank
droids used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the height of the Clone Wars. (JT)
a species of two-dimensional lifeform that inhabits the frozen liquid near the core of the gas giant Yavin.
There are believed to be more than 130 distinct species of Crawlers, all living near the "surface" of the
core. (GG2)

lumbering, tread-driven transport vehicles used on the Crseih station asteroids. They are heavily shielded
from the system's intense X-radiation. (CS)
this man was one of Taxer Sundown's guards, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo.
Breakman was dispatched to capture Nella Bold, but was later killed by Mantellian savrips. (LSOM)
a creature native to the moon Yavin 4, crawlfish were harmless crustaceans that were known to be edible
to humans. (GG2, EVC)
Crawling Wrecker
this was one of the names used by the New Republic to describe Tu-Scart, the Beater created by the
Yuuzhan Vong to destroy structures that are in the path of the Yuuzhan Vong army. Note that the
Balance Point claims that Tu-Scart is the Biter. (WOTC)
this avian was native to the planet Ruan. When the Salliche Agricultural Corporation began retooling its
operations in hopes of pleasing the Yuuzhan Vong, it genetically altered craw-maws to be wingless and
mute, and used them to create droppings which were later turned into fertilizer. (JE)
Craxtet Redhand
this pirate was one of Big Jak Targrim's Riders of the Maelstrom. Craxtet was second-in-command to
Targrim, and got his name from the Mandalorian crushgaunt he wears. (RM)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Cray, Nebin
this Imperial Moff inherited the Trans-Nebular Sector, and the planet Goroth Prime, during the early years
of the New Order. He discovered references to the hyperbaride concentrations on Goroth Prime while
reviewing the documents of his predecessor, and decided to investigate for himself. When the Captain of
the Nastion reported that the planet was alive, Cray began setting up plans to mine the planet for the
Empire. (GSE)
this name was common among the Feeorin race. (UANT)
Crazed Bantha Fever
this disease was carried by sand ticks, and transmitted to humanoids through its bite. The disease was
not fatal, but was extremely painful. (WOTC)
Crazy Van Kyle
this being was the leader of the Hurt Vectors swoop gang. (ND)
this was the designation of the clone trooper commander who was assigned to locate Mace Windu on
Haruun Kal and assist in his extraction, some six months following the Battle of Geonosis. CRC-09/571
had been a battalion commander at Geonosis and on Teyr before his promotion to regimental
commander and his assignment on Haruun Kal. After linking up with Master Windu, CRC-09/571 led the
initial assault into Pelek Baw. However, after being left behind with the Korunnai while Master Windu and
Nick Rostu tried to reach the control bunker below the city's surface, CRC-09/571 was overpowered and
executed by Kar Vastor and his Akk Guards. (SHPT)
Creation of Monsters, The
the third volume of Emperor Palpatine's Dark Side Compendium, this work was uncomplete when he was
finally killed on Byss. It detailed the ways in which various Sith creatures could be created, but it also told

of the dangers of tinkering with living creatures. (DE1, DSSB)

Creator, The
this was another name for the Yuuzhan Vong god, Yun-Yuuzhan. (NJOSB)
Creators, The
this was a religious reference to the creators of the universe, used by many Corellians during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (MJH)
Creature Chess
a slang term for the Dejarik game. (JHS)
an Imperial TIE fighter pilot from Bettok, Creb served on the Chimaera from his first assignment. He
fought in the Battle of Endor, and worked with the Black Wing Squadron under Grand Admiral Thrawn.
this speciallized Yuuzhan Vong clustership was designed to care for a young yammosk, until it was fully
grown and ready for deployment. The Vong used the life-energies of prisoners captured on Gyndine to
nurture the yammosk aboard the Creche'. The ship was commanded by Chine-kal during this time. Many
of the captives who were forced to tend the yammosk died after the young creature's mental contact.
After Chine-kal discovered Wurth Skidder's true nature, he traveled to Kalarba to deliver the Jedi to
Tsavong Lah. However, before they could reach the Yuuzhan Vong commander, the Creche' was
attacked by Kyp's Dozen. Chine-kal fled to Fondor, hoping to get the damaged ship to the main Yuuzhan
Vong fleet in time to save the young yammosk. However, the ship barely survived to Fondor, where it was
attacked again by New Republic forces. The Creche' was unable to withstand the assault, which inlcuded
Kyp Durron's execution of the yammosk, and the ship tore itself apart. When the blast from Centerpoint
Station ripped through the Fondor System, the Creche' was incinerated. (JE)
Creche' of the Gods
this was the Basic translation of the Yuuzhan Vong's original homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar. (T)
this was the name given to those Yuuzhan Vong females who tended the birthing creches of more
important members of their society. (EVC)
Credal, Risiev
this man, a native of the planet Jofoger, was an accomplished tactician who served the Alliance for
several years before his disappearance, shortly before the Battle of Hoth. Credal trained under the
watchful eye of Beryl Chiffonage, and even served under Jan Dodonna on Dantooine before the Alliance
base on that world was abandoned. He was escorting an Alliance patrol in the Anoat System when he
took his starship and simply disappeared. The Alliance was unsure whether he defected to the Empire or
simply retired to a remote planet. (AIR)
this was a form of Adumari money. (SOA)
this slang term refers to the lowest drudges working in the Corporate Sector for minimal wages and living
in the poorest of conditions. (CSA)
Credit Case Surprise
resembling a standard credit case, this device was produced by Synnt-ovations as a personal protection
device. When a being was attacked by thieves intent on stealing credits, the victim could activate the
case's power supply, turning on an intense arc-light hidden inside the case. The blinding flash of light
gave the victim a chance to escape. (GFT)

Credit Chip
this small memory device was developed to track a being's monetary value. Each chip was built with
specialized memory algorithms to prevent tampering, and could be used to add or subtract credits from a
being's account. (SWRPG)
Credit Standard
the basis for all monetary transactions in the galaxy. It defines a standard denomination around which all
races and planets can easily interact in business and pleasure. (HSR)
Credit Stick
this device replaced the traditional credit chip as the preferred method for maintaining a being's monetary
value. The credit stick was a pen-shaped device that performed the same functions as a credit chip, with
the same forms of memory algorithms and security checks, but in a smaller device. (SWRPG)
this was the nickname of an weapons collector who bought and sold arms on Gundark's Gear Datalog.
see Credit Stick (LFCW)
this was a common name among the Toydarian race. (WOTC, UANT)
this bounty hunter was hired by Themog to scare off or kill any of the mercenaries hired by Mortris Gallorr
to help remove the criminal element from the planet Chrona. Creed later stumbled upon the Ta-Ree
energy which permeated the Kathol Sector, and tried to master the skills needed to command the Ta-Ree
magic. (SWJ12, E)
this was the Huttese word for the concept of credit. (GMR5)
this Ssi-ruuvi Lwhekk-class manufacturing ship was sent as part of the fleet that invaded Bakura. It
produced battle droids for the Ssi-ruuvi navy, but exhausted its ability to produce battle droids during the
seige. The word cr'ee'ei literally translated to "maker ship." (TBSB)
Creek Fever
this disease was sometimes contracted by beings who wandered the jungles of Yavin 4. Unless treated,
creek fever was often fatal. (EVC)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Creel, Iving
this native of the planet Concord Dawn was a well-known Pleader. It was Creel who handled the case of
Jaster Mereel. (TBH)
literally meaning "seat of power," this was the name of the Shreeftut's palace on Lwhekk. The building so
immense that many Ssi-ruuk considered it to be its own city. (TBSB)
this ten-limbed creature was one of the Yuuzhan Vong's many biological constructs. Six of its limbs
served as legs. Two of the other four were quite thin and ended in fronds which could induce pain when
they touched flesh, and the other two were heavy and ended in sharp pincers. These four were held
upright as the creature sidled from left to right in order to move. The top of the creature's body was soft,

and was used to carry young yorik coral buds. Three compound eyes sat atop a thick central stalk which
could move around to allow the creature to see. The creeper's job was to take young yorik coral buds and
implant them into the living body of a slave-host. The yorik then kept the slave from revolting while it fed
on the host's vital fluids and energy. A modified version of the creeper was used to connect a Yuuzhan
Vong pilot's cognition hood to his ship's controls. (DTO, EVC)
this species of vine is native to the planet Datar. It is noted for its large, horn-shaped leaves and soft
white color. (E1A5)
this was the Huttese word for and form of credit card used to pay a debt. (GMR5)
Creev Zrgaat
this was the name of a distinguished Togruta individual. (UANT)
an Imperial Captain, he was in charge of keeping Troomis busy. (RASB)
this star was the central body in the N'Zoth System. (CCW)
Crel, Naven
this man worked for the Auditor-General's office, as part of the Corporate Sector Authority, during the
height of the New Order. During the months leading up to the Battle of Yavin, Crel went undercover to
investigate the possible duplicity of Chils Meplin, who was accused of selling CSA secrets to the Empire.
Crel was apprehended by Fiolla at the corporate headquarters of Commex, and was to be transported
back to a secure facility. When Fiolla was suddenly rerouted to Abo Dreth, it was Crel who saved her
when she was captured and held at gunpoint by Akeeli Somerce on planet's surface. Although Crel
managed to shoot and kill Somerce, Somerce also got in a good shot that proved fatal to Crel. Before he
died, however, Crel managed to explain his mission to Fiolla, allowing her to continue his investigation.
this was one of the most common names used by the Farghul people. (UANT)
Crell, Ardon
know as "Vapor" to his associates, Ardon Crell was a member of the local moisture farmers' union
number 253, near Mos Eisley on Tatooine. He paid Jabba the Hutt a regular sum to assist in protecting
the moisture farmers from Sand People raids. (CCG7)
Crella System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Barnaba during the New Order. (LOE)
this legume was grown on the planet Gelgelar. (SWJ14)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "holy" or
"pious." (GCG, WOTC)
Cremlevian War
one of the most legendary battles ever fought in the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy, it provided the impetus for the
Yuuzhan Vong to grow strong and powerful. When the tide was turning against the various tribes of the
Yuuzhan Vong, Yo'Gand united the tribes and used a strong dovin basal to destroy the planet Ygziir, the
homeworld of their enemies. The tactic eventually became known as Yo'Gand's Core. (VP)

this small freighter was owned and operated by Nuun Pargen during the period leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. (SON)
Crescent of Valor
this award was presented by the Alliance to those personnel who perform with bravery and valor while
under fire. The medal is an embossed crescent upon a field of stars, suspended from a blue ribbon.
Crescent-class Mark II Transport
this was the military version of the Crescent-class transport, armed with a single light blaster cannon. (SS)
Crescent-class Transport
a starship manufactured by Hyrotil, the Crescent-class transport measured 30 meters in length and would
be operated by a single pilot and up to eight passengers. The Crescent-class ship was a delta-winged
craft, with a central fuselage sitting along the centerline of the broad wings. It was designed to appeal to
the affluent young beings who wanted to travel among the stars in relative luxury. There were two
versions of the Crescent-class produced, a basic civilian version and the Mark II military version. Despite
its size, the Crescent-class could only transport up to 80 metric tons of cargo. The civilian version was
unarmed, while the Mark II was armed with a light blaster cannon as standard equipment. (SS, CRO)
this transport ship, produced during the height of the Old Republic by Krasten Shipyards, measured
twenty-five meters in length and was armed with four laser cannons and a pair of concussion missile
launchers. It required a pilot and co-pilot to operate, and could accommodate up to four passengers and
twenty metric tons of cargo. Note that the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook indicates that the Nebulon
Ranger was a Crescent-X9, not a Coruscant-class heavy courier, as indicated in other sources. (PJSB)
this is the third symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "c". (SWM)
Creshaldyne Industries
this corporation produced a series of camouflage suits used by scouts and paramilitary personnel. (ROE)
Crespin, Edor
this New Republic General was a native of the planet Corulag, and a former member of the Imperial
Navy. A tall, lean man with an impassive face, Crespin was given command of the starfighter training
base on Folor shortly after the Battle of Thyferra. Crespin's most notable feature was the mirror-surfaced
patch he wore over his prosthetic eye, which was an omnious, glossy black orb. It was rumored that he
lost his eye in an engagement with the Warlord Zsinj, on a world on the border of Zsinj's holdings. Crespin
commanded Comet Squadron before being promoted to General, and thought Garik Loran could never
do enough for the Republic to make up for his contributions to the Empire. In this he was proven wrong,
and got a chance to see how wrong first-hand, when Crespin was given command of the Tedevium and
the Screaming Wookiee Squadron following the arrest of Atton Repness. As the commander of the
frigate, Crespin was added to the fleet which supported the Mon Remonda during the hunt for Warlord
Zsinj. They arrived during the final act of the battle for the Razor's Kiss, and Crespin assumed temporary
command of Nova Squadron as well. They pummeled Zsinj's ships with a massive wall of energy,
destroying the Razor's Kiss and nearly taking down the Iron Fist. (WS, IF)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "icy water". (GCG)
Crested Wake
this is the Basic translation of Dembaline's Shwock Dubllon. (VP)
Creterk, Rievale
a native of the planet Coruscant, Creterk worked as a flight attendant at the Eastport terminal, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. Creterk suffered a broken arm when a fight broke out between rival

groups of Houk and Weequay at the Eastport processing station. The Weequay were severely beaten by
the Houks before a security team could stun the Houk combatants into submission, but fifteen beings
were killed and forty-five were injured before the brawl was stopped. Many claimed that the fight could
have been stopped by the presence of a Jedi Knight, but there were none to be found. (HNN4)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
Crevasse City
this city was located in a deep, rocky valley on the planet Kalkovak. It was the primary offworlder
settlement. (UYV)
Crevasse City
this city, found on the now-destroyed world of Alderaan, was unique in that it was nearly invisible above
the surface of the planet. It was built entirely within the confines of a series of weather-worn canyons and
fissures. This was a prime example of how the Alderaanian people worked with their environment to
create living space. Crevasse City was known for its wondrous hotels and inns, providing visitors and
vacationers with a variety of options. (ISU, CCW)
this Ebruchi was in command of the first inhabited planet discovered by Admiral Thrawn and the crew of
the Admonitor, shortly after Thrawn was exiled to the Unknown Regions. Creysis had been given the
command by his clan leadership, and told to guard it with all his might. Thrawn posed as the commander
of a colony ship, and Creysis demanded that he turn over a hyperdrive-equipped TIE Scout in return as a
gift. Thrawn politely refused, but Creysis asked for the ship as soon as Thrawn had finished his
"exploration." Creysis, however, had other plans in mind, and captured the ships and crew sent by
Thrawn to negotiate a deal. Creysis explained to Commander Parck - who was part of the captured crew that the Ebruchi planned to use the ships as templates from which to build their own navy. However,
Thrawn had anticipated Creysis' treachery, and had removed key components from the ships that were
captured. In the end, Creysis' and his forces were decimated by the Admonitor. (SWJ11)
Cridark II
a planet. (TBSB)
this large, avian predator was native to the planet Orellon II. Measuring up to four meters in length, and
having a wingspan which exceeded ten meters, these birdlike creatures were feared by the Kentra
because of their ability to perform aerobatics in flight. Because of their ability to fly, the criers were the
only natural predator of the Kentra. (SWJ2)
this was the name of the domesticated vornskr owned by Corell Muntique. Muntioque trained the creature
for use on big-game hunts. (LOE)
this was a term used on many planets to describe a crimelord. (GCG)
Criminal Gallery
this exhibit in the Galactic Museum had displays of some of the worst criminals ever brought to justice by
the Alliance and the New Republic. (KT)
Crimler Naval Base
this was the name of the primary Imperial Navy office on the planet Gandle Ott, located in the capital of
Montrol City. (DARK)

one of the survivors of the Battle of Hoth, Crimmins was evacuated on the Bright Hope. A combat
specialist, Crimmins was chosen to be one of the first to escape the ship in a life pod. (TBH)
Crimmler, Harod
this man, a leader in the Historical Battleship Preservation Association during the height of the New
Order, disparaged Admiral Kendel's choice of using havod alloy in the hull plating of 100 Star Destroyers.
Crimmler cited that fact that doonium had been used for a millennium, and that the white-gray coloration
of a warship's hull was synonymous with military might. (SWJ10)
a native of Lorell, this man was a professional kickboxer who, in many matches staged throughout the
Hapan Cluster, had never been defeated. He could size up an opponent and determine their weaknesses
as soon as he stepped into the ring, a skill which gave him an incredibly advantage. Crimpler was also
politically aligned with the Ni'Korish faction, and hated the Jedi Knights. However, shortly after the
Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Crimpler was drafted into the Hapan military and prepared for war.
Crimpler saw the Yuuzhan Vong as a foe that could not be read and, therefore, could not be defeated,
and so he defected from the military and took up the career of a pirate. He was one of the many pirates
aboard the Starsprite when it captured Tenel Ka, and was imprisoned for his part in the kidnapping
attempt. However, he was allowed to escape so that Jaina Solo could remove the Yuuzhan Vong implant
which had been placed in his body for further study. (DJ)
Crimson Aces
this independent mercenary force of starfighter pilots rose to prominence during the Galactic Civl War.
Acting from their base of operations aboard the converted frigate, the Stacked Deck, the Crimson Aces
flew a motley collection of fightercraft into battle against the forces of the Empire and their own former
leaders on the planet Repea. Originally a part of the Repean military, the Crimson Aces were once led by
a man named Gikkin, who was an outspoken opponent of the New Order. Fearful that Gikkin and the
aces would turn against them, the Repean government enlisted the help of the Empire in smashing the
Crimson Aces and scattering the survivors into the Cron Drift. Gikkin managed to meet up with the
survivors and reform the Crimson Aces as a mercenary unit. Their primary mission was to disrupt the
relationship between Repea and the Empire. After the Empire destroyed much of Repea in an orbital
bombardment, the Crimson Aces left Repea and set out on their own, hiring out their services to the
highest bidders. (GMR9)
Crimson Casino
this casino and bar was located on the space station known as The Wheel. (MC18)
Crimson Corridor
located in the third quadrant of Coruscant's Zi-Kree sector, which lawless section of the planet was the
hunting grounds of the Raptors gang, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. The Corridor was known to be
the hangout of gangs, criminals, predators, and assassins, and was patrolled by the Raptors gang.
Crimson Duty
this was the term used within the Greel Wood Logging Corporation to describe the logging activities on Pii
IV. The ferocious wildlife on Pii IV demanded that only the more experienced loggers would get Crimson
Duty, as well as the increased pay it merited. (SWJ6)
Crimson Empire III
this was one of the worst holofilms of the Old Republic, produced in the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (HNN4)
Crimson Forever
this was the name given to the unusual disease encountered by the galaxy in the year between the Battle
of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. The crew of an Imperial Star Destroyer contracted the disease from an
unusual crystal, and the vast ship was found adrift by Luke Skywalker and Rogue Squadron. The crew's

eyes and skin had turned a blood-red color, and they had no vital signs. After locating the crystal, Luke
and the pilots all succumbed to the disease. However, it was later discovered that none of the beings who
contracted the Crimon Forever - named for the weird coloration of the victim's skin and eyes, and the fact
that the coloration didn't fade - were simply put into a deep comatose state. Their bodily functions were
slowed down to the absolute minimum, so they appeared to be lost forever. While under the Crimson
Forever, victims had intense dreams. Domina Tagge later revealed that the stone which seemed to cause
the disease was actually part of a pair which, when separated, produced a negative aura within the Force.
Once the two stones were reunited, the Imperial crew and the members of Rogue Squadron were
revived. The priests who worshipped the stones revealed that they were actually living beings. Rather
than risk another outbreak of the disease, Leia Organa placed the two stones together in a Star
Destroyer, and set its auto-pilot to travel at sublight speeds into the intergalactic void. (LTA2, MC50)
Crimson Fury
this was one of the ships attached to Red Hand Squadron, and assisted the Retribution during the attack
on the slave ship Helot's Shackle. (RD)
Crimson Jack
this red-haired pirate ambushed Han Solo and Chewbacca, who were on their way to Tatooine to pay
back Jabba the Hutt in the wake of the Alliance's victory at the Battle of Yavin. Jack then stole the credits
they had earned at the Battle of Yavin and stranded them on Aduba-3. Jack's pirates struck from their
hidden base using a fleet of starships captured from both the Alliance and the Empire. He personally
commanded the pirates from a captured Star Destroyer he found adrift shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
When he found the shipo, Jack killed all the personnel aboard it and salvaged it with financial backing.
Using the converted Star Destroyer as his base of operations, Jack hoped to find a hidden treasure in the
waters of Drexel, so that he could retire from piracy and enjoy life. When he learned that Luke Skywalker
had been scouting the Drexel System as a possible site for a new Alliance base, Jack decided to capture
Leia Organa and hold her for ransom. He demanded information on Drexel in return for Leia's life. They
arrived at Drexel One during the final between Governor Quarg and the Dragon Lords, and Jack's Star
Destroyer was stranded by the sonic jammer until Luke Skywalker and Han Solo managed to disable it.
Rather than leaving Drexel, Jack decided to wait in ambush for Han. During the struggle that ensued, Jolli
destroyed Jack's Star Destroyer while Han shot and killed Jack in a blaster duel, ending Crimson Jack's
piratical reign of terror. (EGC, MC7, MC11, MC15)
Crimson Nova
this was the of a powerful branch of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, active during the last decades of the Old
Republic. It was Crimson Nova's leadership that sanctioned the bounty offered by the Confederacy of
Independent Systems on the heads of the Jedi Knights, during the height of the Clone Wars. Previously,
the guild had chosen to avoid the Jedi Knights, knowing that their powers were too great to overcome, in
addition to the fact that the Jedi Order operated with the consent of the Galactic Senate. As the Clone
Wars ground on, however, many bounty hunters came to see that the Jedi were just as vulnerable as
other troops, and they became emboldened to the idea of killing a Jedi for a large sum of credits. The
Crimson Nova chapter was approached by Kh'aris Fenn, who had a person vendetta against the Jedi,
and agreed to take on the bounties. To put a stop to the hunts, Jedi Master Mace Windu led a strike team
to the Crimson Nova base, a space station known as The Rig, to bring the Crimson Nova leader Mika to
justice. After a brief firefight, Mika was stunned into submission by her mentor, Stroth, bringing an end to
the hunting. (RSF)
Crimson Nova Pirates
this group of outlaws worked near the planet of F'Dann IX. They were hunted by Imperial forces, led by
Pter Thanas and the Dominant, and were able to keep the Imperials at bay for some time. (TBSB)
Crimson Slug
this species of space slug was found in the Tapani Sector of the galaxy. (TSIA)
this Alliance soldier accused Rik Duel of cheating at cards, during a period of downtime following the
Battle of Endor. Chihdo stood up for his friend, and Crin shot him in the chest. The incident only served to

drive home the need for patience and open minds as the Alliance of Free Planets sought to create new
galactic government. (MC90)
a game of chance found in most casinos, crinbid was played on a horseshoe-shaped warp-top table.
this was an alien race known for its tenacity and territoriality. (SWJ7)
this incredibly rich man was Xanatos' father, and was a native of the planet Telos. He was the wealthiest,
and most powerful man on the planet, but he couldn't offer his son what he really wanted: to become a
Jedi Knight. When Qui-Gon Jinn discovered Xanatos, Crion allowed the boy to be taken for training.
However, he secretly maintained contact with his son. In Xanatos' absense, Crion became more and
more greedy, and put into motion a plan to overtake a neighboring planet and steal its resources. Xanatos
was drawn into the plan, until Jedi Master Yoda sent Xanatos and Qui-Gon back to Telos on a mission.
The exact nature of the mission was not provided, but Qui-Gon quickly discovered the plot set in motion
by Crion. Qui-Gon tried to expose the old man and his son - Qui-Gon's own Padawan apprentice - but the
people of Telos instead formed two distinct fashions and sparked a civil war. In the battle, Qui-Gon was
forced to cut down Crion with his lightsaber, first cutting the fingers from one of Crion's hands before
dispatching him. Xanatos watched in horror, then recovered one of the rings from his father's severed
fingers. He touched the hot metal to his cheek, leaving a crescent-shaped scar as a reiminder of Crion's
death and Qui-Gon's seeming treachery. (DR)
this fish, native to the shallow oceans of Vaynai, produced a form of slimy oil which was secreted around
its body to protect it from a variety of accidents. This oil was also highly poisonous to most species,
causing damage to the musculature and rendering the victim unable to move or escape. (GMR8)
this Snivvian word represented the number 1. (HNN5)
this woman was a reporter for the Galactic News Network, and worked at GNN's Indu San bureau during
the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ6)
a crystalline mineral found on the planet G'rho. (TBSB)
this fried snack is often served at cantinas. (MJEH)
Crispos Isle
this island was the site of House Barnaba's entertainment villa, located in the equatorial ocean of the
planet Barnaba. A huge, geodesic dome contained the facilities, inlcuding dance halls, game rooms, a full
kitchen and dining room, vehicle lots, and medical facilities. (TSIA)
this Imperial Lieutenant served under Colonel Veesle on Omman, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. (SWJ3)
Criton's Point
access to this planet was restricted by its government, the Pentastar Alignment, as well as the Velcar
Free Commerce Master Commissioner. It was known as the home of the mysterious Library of Xer, which
was in the process of being excavated by a small scientific team during the early years of the New
Republic. Rumor had it that, located in the center of the Library, was a tree which was strong in the Force.

Its day lasts 28 standard hours; its year lasts 400 local days. (SWJ3, SWJ5)
this man served on the crew of the FarStar as a kitchen cook and dishwasher. (KR)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
this was a tiny unit of measurement, used by the Yuuzhan Vong to indicate a small distance. (T)
Crlisst Herssek
this was a noted member of the Mrlssi race. (UANT)
an Pakuuni container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
Croaker Bush
this large-leafed bush was native to the planet Drongar, and was named for sound made when the waxy
leaves rustled against each other in the breeze. (MJH)
native to Wyndigal 2, this unusual avian stood well over two meters tall. Much of their height was due to
their long, double-jointed legs. They had vestigial wings which resembled tiny hands, and long, flexible
necks. Their was brightly colored, served to help protect the croator from the ultra-violet sunlight which
bombarded the planet. A tuft of feathers protected their heads, while a thick cape of feathers protected
their bodies. They lacked a true beak, instead having a long, dangling proboscis which they used to
vacuum up their food. They reproduced asexually, laying their eggs and then moving on. Travelers to
Wyndigal 2 discovered that the skin of the croator could be fashioned into a poncho or coat, providing a
great deal of protection from the sun's light. (COG)
this being was a member of Koong's criminal organization, during the early years of the New Order.
Croc of Gold
the first ship purchased by Devon Fuller, the Croc of Gold was a small freighter destroyed near Tashtor
Seneca by Imperial forces. (GG9)
Croft, Miles
this was the alias used by Jedi Master Tholme to infiltrate the estate of Devaronian Senator
Vien'sai'malloc, during the height of the Clone Wars. Croft was a veteran of the Stark Hyperspace
Conflict, but retired from military duty shortly afterward. He went to work for Has Doneeta as a business
negotiator and steward, overseeing the business of Ryloth Ventures where necessary. On Devaron, Croft
was accompanying Doneeta's daughter, Tuulaa, on a mission to establish trade relations with various
planets. (J3)
Croig Jacamden
this aging Duros was the owner of Croig's Fix-It Barn, on the planet Nam Chorios. It was rumored that he
had connections to most of the smugglers in the Chorios Systems. (POT, GMR2)
Croig's Fix-It Barn
this small, speeder repair shop is located in the city of Hweg Shul, on Nam Chorios. The owner gave

Luke Skywalker a job there, during Luke's search for Callista. Croig's was the largest repair shop on the
planet. (POT)
the smallest lifeform Lando Calrissian ever encountered, the Crokes were a race of slug-like multipeds
native to the planet Crakull. Resembling large snails without their shells, the Crokes also had 12 hairy,
black legs. They measured less than a meter in length. They were vicious, intelligent creatures who were
masters at camouflage and deception. (LCS, NEGC)
this barren ball of rock is the sixth planet in the Corellian system. (CTD)
this Imperial Governor was in command of the Koornacht Cluster during the Galactic Civil War. He
maintained control of the occupation force left in the Cluster to man the Black Sword Command's
shipyards. He did not survive the Yevethan raids that took place shortly after the Battle of Endor. (TT)
this first-generation plant is a favorite among terraformers. Like gomex moss, crom survives without much
water, and can break down rocky soils into basic nutrients. This converted soil is much more useful for
planting second-generation plants like brachniel. (POT)
this huge humanoid beast was "owned" by Mosh Pelkan. Cromag was the primary combatant in Pelkan's
gladiator pit, and fought every and any challenger. Many of the challengers were prisoners of Moff
Bandor. Cromag had over-developed shoulders and arms, and his ape-like face was dominated by huge
eyes which caught every movement near him. Cromag fought in the pit, riding a series of repulsor-disks to
keep above an electrified floor. Weapons were at his disposal, when he needed them, hung on the walls
of the pit. Cromag was ultimately confident in his abilities, and rarely used weapons where his hands
would suffice. (GCQ)
this Garoos was a freelance scout and bounty hunter employed by Mazzic to bring in Lak Jit, after the
Devaronian escaped from Wayland. He arranged to deliver the thief to Shada and Mazzic at the Dona
Laza tapcafe. (SOP)
this ancient kingdom was made up of fourteen planets. Eventually, the Cron kingdom became the heart of
the Cronese Mandate. (ML)
Cron Cluster
this ancient grouping of stars is located in the Auril Sector. It was amidst six of the original nien Auril
Systems. Much of the Clusters was destroyed during the Great Sith War, when Aleema tried to rip the
core from one of the stars. She wanted to hurl the star into the midst of an Old Republic fleet, in an effort
to destroy the fleet. She succeeded in this, but she also ingnited the remaining stars in the cluster. All ten
stars went supernova as a result of the explosion, and formed what was later known as the Cron Drift.
The explosion also destroyed three of the Auril Systems, and devastated the planet Ossus. (TSW)
Cron Drift
this area of the Auril Sector, in close proximity to Nespis VIII, the Adegan System, and Carida, is the site
of the remnants of a multi-star supernova. (Dark Apprentice says that the supernova contains four stars,
but The Sith War comics say that the supernova engulfed ten stars.) During the Great Sith War, Aleema
tried to use the Dark Side of the Force to rip the core from one of the stars in the Cron Cluster. She had
hoped to destroy the Old Republic fleet that was pursuing the Sith followers, but she hadn't prepared for
the possibility of the core igniting all the other solar masses in the Cluster. All of the stars ignited, going
supernova at the same instant. Aleema was, of course, killed in the blast, and the Cron Drift was born.
The current stars in the system made up six of the original nine Auril Systems. The rest were destroyed in

the explosion. Following the genesis of the New Order, Ploovo 2-for-1 operated his criminal business
from the Cronf Drift. Han Solo and Chewbacca tried to run a clotheslegging operation there, but it failed.
After the New Republic defeated Grand Admiral Thrawn, it was discovered that Terpfen had been
'programmed' to meet the Caridan ambassador Furgan within the Drift. (HSE, HSL, DA, DE2, XW, TSW)
this Dark Jedi was a scientist as well and an adept with the Force. He attempted to twist the Trailian race
into Dark Side monsters via genetic manipulation and Dark Side magic, hoping to bring down the New
Republic. His plans were thwarted by a group of New Republic agents, accompanied by Jedi Knights,
discovered his castle and defeated him in combat. However, the agents never found his body. (GMS)
Cronau Radiation
this flash of light precedes any starship that exits from hyperspace. The flash is instantaneous, lasting
less than a second but making it obvious that a ship had just exitted hyperspace. (TT)
this planet was the sight of one of Thrawn's last attacks prior to his attack on Coruscant. It was attacked
by the Star Destroyer Nemesis in an attempt by Thrawn to draw off the Republic's forces from other
engagements, spreading them as thinly as possible. (TLC)
Cronese Mandate
this is the first of three sectors which make up the Allied Tion. Made up of 464 habited worlds including
the fourteen worlds of the kingdom of Cron, the Cronese Mandate was ruled by the House of Cron. (ML)
an Imperial Colonel who survived the death of the Emperor, Cronus was Delvardus' second-in-command.
He became the de facto leader of Delvardus' fleet when Daala executed all of the Imperial warlords at
Tsoss Beacon. He aligned himself with Daala and Pellaeon after seeing Delvardus' body and a
holorecording of the summit. Cronus was a small but well-muscled man, with a full head of black hair.
Daala appointed Cronus to be the commanding officer of the 112 Victory-class Star Destroyers she had
rounded up following the execution of the warlords. He took the fleet on a galaxy-wide rampage of terror,
striking at unprotected worlds and killing countless numbers before splitting up his fleet. He took twenty
ships to Yavin 4, to assist Daala in her attack there, while the remainder of his fleet continued its
rampage. Cronus was killed at Yavin 4 when a crippled Corellian gunship rammed his Star Destroyer, the
13X, and destroyed it. (DS)
Crooked Tail
a Dulok on Endor, Crooked Tail was a blue-grey colored creature who opposed the rule of king Vulgarr.
He had his own ambitions about being king of the Duloks. (AT)
Crop Stubble
this was the term used to describe the lower section of the sargheet plant. Only the upper part of the
sargheet was harvested as an edible grain, because the lower section was tough to chew and covered
with brlue bristles that could collect in the digestive tract and cause fatal blockages. The flesh of the crop
stubble was chopped into a meal that could be fed to domesticated zeles. (SWI76)
this was the Gamorrean name for the fall season on the planet Gamorr, when the wars between clans are
brought to a close so that the male boars can return home and begin harvesting their crops. (SWJ14)
this was one of the more powerful tribes of Eickarie found on the planet Kariek, more than 400 years
before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The tribe's leader tried to retain his ancestral lands
when two other tribes allied against the Cro-sall-trei, but his people were no match for the combined
forces arrayed against them. The tribal leader ordered a retreat from their fortress, but his people were
trapped beneath the ground when the enemy tribes sealed off the third watchtower the Cro-sal-trei used
as an escape route. The Cro-sal-trei died in the tunnels, and their tribe vanished from Kariek's history. In

spite of their easy victory, the two victorious tribes were themselves defeated in battle less than a year
afterward. Centuries later, the Warlord would take control of the Cro-sal-trei fortress, unaware that the
tunnels beneath the third watchtower were accessible to outsiders. (FB)
Crosear, Gil
this New Republic commando was a native of the planet Dantooine. He joined the New Republic shortly
after the Battle of Endor, and showed a surprising aptitude for infiltration exercises. After training with the
Special Forces division and earning the rank of Lieutenant, Gil served as Tere Metallo's first mate aboard
the StarQuest, and successfully led an infiltration of the Imperial base on Sarahwiee. (SWJ6)
this creature is valued for its hide in the Kathol Outback. The shimmery hides are used to make coats and
jackets which were quite fashionable. (VOF)
this was the Imperial Navy slang term for an Alliance X-Wing starfighter. (SWJ10)
starfighter pilot slang term for a B-Wing. (IJ)
Cross Crosslet
this award was presented by the Alliance to those individuals whose actions while under fire far exceeded
the normal standards of bravery and valor. In 45% of all cases, the Cross Crosslet was awarded
posthumously. The medal itself was a gold cross embossed on a platinum background. (ROE)
Cross-Galactic Mining
this corporation mines the Grillis Asteroid Belt in the Atrig System. It also controls the exporting of kyrf
from the planet Korbin. (PG2)
Crossings, The
this was the name used by the Ferroan people, and probably used first by Sekot itself, to dsescribe the
intense jumps through hyperspace that the planet Zonama Sekot took in order to remain hidden from the
rest of the galaxy. The very first Crossings were hazardous to all life on the planet, and many beings,
creatures, and plants were killed due to exposure to hyperspace itself. As Sekot learned what hyperspace
was and how to protect itself, it used the lifeforce of Zonama to create organic shields that protected the
planet during subsequent Crossings. (FH3)
this tavern was located on the planet Cularin, during the height of the Clone Wars. The bar was decorated
with weapons both real and non-lethal, a sort of memorial to the ways in which the natives of the Cularin
System defended themselves over the millennia. A plaque on the wall contained a list of friends of the
owners who had died in battle, either in direct defense of Cularin or in the galaxy at large. (LFCW)
Crosstown Line
this monorail line split Estalle Island, on the plnet Procopia. It connected at two points along the Coast
Line, allowing for quicker access to certain locations. (LOE)
Crosswind Saloon
this large, two-story building was a bustling restaurant and hotel, located in Storrd Township on the planet
Seregar. Even after most of the larger mining operations moved off-planet, the Crosswind Saloon
remained a popular place. (ND)
Crost Lib'eyay
this former Bothan spy served as an administrator aboard StarForge Station during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (SOG)

this Bimm expediter worked from a base on the planet Garnib during the height of the Galactic Civil War,
linking bounty hunters with prospective clients. It was Crote who provided the Empire with contacts to
Nariss Siv Loqesh, during the hunt for Han Solo following the Battle of Hoth. (SWG6)
this man represented his homeworld of Frego in the Old Republic Senate, some eleven years before the
Battle of Naboo. While outwardly the Senator seemed willing to assist Lena Cobral in escaping Frego to
testify against the Cobral crime family, Qui-Gon Jinn later found evidence linking Crote to the murder of
Rutin Cobral. When the Degarian II was destroyed while on its way to Coruscant - supposedly carrying
Lena Cobral and the Jedi - Senator Crote believed that he had finally cleared away any obstacles to the
Cobral's power. However, when Lena and the Jedi arrived on Coruscant on a second ship, and testified
against him, Senator Crote's career was destroyed. (TOW)
an alien race. (SWJ5)
this Trandoshan served as the Chief Executive Officer of Revessa Global Shipping, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
Kyle Katarn's starship, the Crow was a Corellian-built lighter that was originally named the Moldy Crow.
The ship was definitely not the most appealing ship, and was assigned to Kyle when he was given the
mission to infiltrate the Imperial labs on Danuta. The Crow had been refitted aboard the New Hope, and
later became Kyle's primary conveyance. Note that Dark Forces story writer Justin Chen often referred to
this ship as the Moldy Crow, which was eventually shortened to just Crow. (DF, SFE)
this Imperial Moff controlled the planet Valc VII of the Imperial Remnant, following the peace accord made
with the New Republic. One of the few females to attain the position of Moff, she was a member of the old
school, and believed that the Republic should be left alone when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy.
However, she began to see that this was a deadly mistake when the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed Bastion
and Muunilinst in short order. When Jacen Solo and the Galactic Alliance offered their assistance and a
chance to join the fight against the alien invaders, Moff Crowal was one of the few Moffs who saw the
logic in the offer. After the Galactic Alliance's intelligence, tactics, and assistance helped defeat the
Yuuzhan Vong at the Battle of Borosk, Moff Crowal agreed to provide Luke Skywalker with a wealth of
information that her agents had acquired in the rogue planet Zonama Sekot. Moff Crowal also provided
one of her best xenoarchaeologists, Doctor Soron Hegerty, to the Jedi mission to assist with making
contact with remote civilizations. (DTR, FH1)
this woman, a Master Sergeant in the Old Republic's Army, was sent to the moon of Sulon to help assist
the rebels there in their fight against the Empire. (SFE)
this was a small, wide-jawed creature which was domesticated by the natives of the planet Ansion. (APS)
Crown Jewels of Alderaan
these wondrous jewels had been in the Royal Family of Alderaan for many generations, until the planet
was destroyed by the first Death Star. At the time, they happened to be in the possession of Leia Organa,
who kept them safe. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Leia decided that the Alliance needed new
starfighters more than she needed the jewels. She used them as collateral to secure a loan from the Bank
of Aargau, in a brilliant scheme which should have also discredited Darth Vader and the Empire.
However, Vader turned the tables on Leia, using her own plans to complete his own. In the endd, Leia
obtained the loan, but Vader managed to bribe the Aargauun officials and acquired the Crown Jewels for
the Emperor. (MC48)

Crown of Rulership
this was the name of the large hat worn by Boss Nass, and signified his position within the leadership of
Otoh Gunga. (IG1)
Crown Pass Road
located on the planet Lucazec, Crown Pass Road connects Big Hill and Jisasu. (BTS)
a native of Bestine, this independent spacer made a living buying and selling R5-series astromechs in the
deepest reaches of the Outer Rim Territories, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (FTD)
this independent spacer, based out of Nar Shaddaa during the height of the New Order, had a cargo
scanned by a Hound-W2 SPD-series droid. It found contraband in the holds, and earned Croy some time
in the brig. (SWJ14)
this Dark Jedi Master discovered the location of the Heart of the Universe and hoped to use it to take
control of the galaxy. He secreted the gem away in his tower castle, located inside a barren, cold
asteroid. The tower was sealed from the vacuum of space, and was surrounded by a maze of physical
and mental traps. Anyone trying to gain access would have to fend their way through random blaster
bolts, energy fields, Dark Side creatures, and incredible illusions. Croym lured a group of Alliance agents
to his asteroid by making information about the Heart available to them, hoping to discover a Forcesensitive being among them he could twist into as assistant and slave. Unfortunately, the agents
managed to see through Croyn's illusions and defeat the maze to recover the Heart. (GMS)
Crozo Industrial Products
this corporation designs and manufactures computer access tools for cyborgs. One of their most popular
products is the At-Computer Link. (CFG)
this double star system once consisted of a blue-white supergiant star and its twin, a small yellow star.
When the supergiant exploded, it caused two reactions: first, it collapsed onto itself, generating a large
black hole; second, it caused the small yellow star to begin crystallizing. The smaller star, which
continued to orbit its double, was now being drawn into the black hole and subjected to the hole's intense
X-radiation, further hastening its crystallization. When the Empire built Crseih Station nearby, the crystal
star was well on its way to being swallowed by the black hole. The intense energy surrounding the system
altered the fabric of the Force so radically, that it allowed the anti-Force being Waru to enter the galaxy.
The warped Force also affects those with Force-sensitivity, causing them to become listless and suicidal.
Luke Skywalker succombed to the intense energies while on the Crseih station. (CS)
Crseih Station
a space station located on the fringes of the galaxy, Crseih is a collection of asteroids connected by
tunnels and accessways. It was built by the Empire (under Palpatine's New Order) as a research outpost.
It was built near the dying Crseih star system. The goal of the outpost was to discover a method by which
the intense forces of the nearby black hole could be harnessed and used as a weapon. The station was
placed under the command of Hethrir by Darth Vader, following his appointment to Procurator of Justice.
Hethrir added to the station's mission, using it as a prison. Hethrir's cruelty toward his prisoners caused a
rift in the Force which, when coupled with the station's proximity to the crystal star, brought the being
Waru into the galaxy. When the Empire fell, after the Battle of Endor, it was believed that the station was
deserted by the Empire. However, it was only Hethrir who left, biding his time in secrecy until he could
build the Empire back up. Waru remained behind, and developed a great following. Hethrir eventually resurfaced, and used the station as a sales point for his slaves. He later convened the first session of the
Empire Reborn there, only to be thwarted by the New Republic. When Waru consumed Hethrir, Waru
returned to his own galaxy. The station is a hot, balmy workplace, since the shielding which protects the
station from the black hole's intense X-radiation give off tremendous amounts of heat. Since the Imperial
influence has left, the remaining residents have developed their own society, much of which is based

around the religion of Waru. Following Waru's return to his own galaxy, the station was moved away from
the dying Crseih system and now orbits Coruscant. The New Republic arrested all of the Imperial
supporters on board. (CS)
this MC80a was part of the Alliance's fleet, during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this Jedi Knight skill allowed the user to transcend physical pain, giving them the ability to overcome
tremendous pain and keep moving. (SWI62)
this was the name of a famous Gran. (UANT)
Crullov City
this was perhaps the most lawless city found on the planet Corulag. Located on the eastern shore of the
continent of Resoria, Crullov City originally established as a manufacturing center. However, about a
century before the Battle of Yavin, an earthquake destroyed much of the city, reducing its manufacturing
facilities to rubble. The officials in Curamelle chose to ignore the city, rather than restore it, leading to
rumors of huge payoffs from a Hutt crimelord who wanted to use Crullov City as his base of operations.
Whatever the true reason for its existence, Crullov City became the home of most of Corulag's
underworld, with smugglers and gangsters using it as a hideout. (CCW)
Crumbling Lands
this was a rocky, arid region of the planet Moorja. The sedimentary rock of the region had been hollowed
out over time by underwater streams and rivulets, and is very unstable. The substrata has also been
tunneled out by the boring bruwoses that live in the area. (SWJ8)
this popular snack food was produced by enslaved Wookiee children on the planet Kwookrrr. (GMR4)
see Til (CCW)
a small, chirping insect native to Courkrus, and a favored delicacy of Shala the Hutt. (IJ)
this nocturnal flying creature is native to the planet Garos IV. (SWJ4, SWJ12)
this was the name given to the prototype XX-777 automated escort frigate developed at Shipyard Lab
6671-X42, by the combined engineering forces of Loronar Corporation and the Corellian Engineering
Corporation. (GMR10)
one of the two Victory-class Star Destroyers which was deployed to eradicate the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates.
It was commanded by Zlece Oonaar. (SWSB, IJ)
this was the name of Hamar-Chaktak's personal cruiser. It was armed with four medium ion cannons and
a pair of turbolaser cannons. (TSIA)
Voss Parck expected Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, to rendevous with Aristocra
Formbi at this planet, after he sent them a secret message through Talon Karrde's network of informants,
three years after the Skywalkers left Nirauan. It was at Crustai that the Chiss commander Formbi planned
to meet Luke, to escort him to the remains of the Outbound Flight Project. However, the message was

stolen by Dean Jinzler, and so the Skywalkers traveled directly to Nirauan instead. They later learned that
Jinzler had posed as an ambassador from the New Republic to gain access to the mission, and that
Formbi had met with Jorj Car'das when he picked up Jinzler at Crustai. (SQ)
this Taloron Hunter was known to boast that he had never failed to capture a target, and hated being
compared to Boba Fett. This was because many felt Crutag wasn't as skilled as Fett was. Crutag once
pursued a group of Alliance agents from Kwenn Space Station to Trinta, hoping to obtain the huge
bounties on their heads. Crutag and his mercenary band traveled in the specialized starship Scent of
Fear. Once on Trinta, Crutag was sought out by Halagad Ventor. The former Jedi Knight wanted to draw
on the dark energies of Crutag's mind, hoping to increase his own connection to the Dark Side of the
Force. However, Crutag and his team were defeated by the Alliance agents and eliminated, cutting off
Ventor's new link to the Dark Side. (DOE)
Cruva Lenda
this Twi'lek and his partner, Ranso Li, worked for Nirama during the the early years of the New Order.
They were dispatched to Nar Shaddaa to negotiate the sale of several used freighters from the Hutt
crimelord, Popara. (TF)
this is a nickname for the Cuirilla-Rayl Xylines-class spacetug. (PP, TA)
this Tarasin female served as the Irstat-Kes of the Hiironi tribe, following the sudden death of Meirana
and the placement of Dariana as the tribe's Mother. She was a skilled hunter, and would rather have been
hunting than leading her tribe. Her reluctance at accepting the position was evident in her decisionmaking, although she worked hard to get better. (LFC)
this was the name of a noted member of the Tarasin culture. (UANT)
Crying Dawn Singer
this vivid white Shashay was distinguished by his red crest and a splash of red on his chest. He was short
for a Shashay, and had a large beak and wide eyes. Unlike most Shashay, Crying Dawn Singer was a
free spirit, and didn't fit into their normally-regimented life. He was one of the galaxy's most famous space
singers, and traveled through much of Rayter Sector with his entourage performing for Imperial
dignitaries. He was one of the few Shashay which were allowed to leave their homeworld by the
Nestmothers, since the credits he earned were returned to Crytal Nest to benefit the entire race. During
the Galactic Civil War, the Farool brothers kidnapped him on the planet Najarka. They attempted to gain
favor in the eyes of the Empire by blaming the kidnapping on the Alliance. Singer was held on the planet
Narg, where he was eventually rescued by the Alliance. (TA)
this small arachnid was native to the planet Neftali, and was known to the locals as the snow spider. They
were white in color, which helped them blend into the snowy environment, and they had ten segmented
legs. These insects were not considered aggressive, but would bite if provoked, injecting a painful poison
that short-circuited a victim's neurological systems. (WSV)
this Nediji word described one of the many colors that were not visible to most humanoid eyes. It was
only visible to races like the Nediji, that could see above and below the wavelengths of visible light. (MJH)
named for Arvel Crynyd, the Alliance starfighter pilot who caused the destruction of the Executor in the
Battle of Endor, this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was captured by New Republic forces which were
protecting the planet Milagro. The Imperial ship was damaged at the time, and limped into the Milagro
System. It tried to fight back against the Dreadnaught New Hope, but was unable to defeat the Republic

ship. Refitted and renamed the Crynyd, ths ship was made part of the fleet assigned to Han Solo and the
Mon Remonda during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. In the attempt to trap Zsinj at Vahaba, the Crynyd and
the Skyhook were assigned to protect the Interdictor cruiser Stellar Web. (SOC, ECH)
Crynyd, Arvel
this Alliance starfighter pilot crashed his A-Wing into the Executor's command bridge during the Battle of
Endor. The resulting explosion caused incredible amounts of damage to the Star Destroyer's control
systems, and the gravity of the Death Star pulled it to its fiery demise. (EGV)
a chemical used in battle, it can be launched in a canister-type projectile. When dispersed, it freezes on
contact, incapacitating those affected. (ISB)
nickname for the MerrSonn Gk3 heavy weapon heat dissipation unit. (ISB)
this substance was used by medical facilities of the Old Republic to freeze cells and tissue samples for
later use. The became important during the Clone Wars, as the various organs that were created for
transplanting into clone troopers could be shipped and stored in cryogen and transported across the
galaxy. (MJH)
Cryogenic Power Cells
shipboard power sources designed to store the energy created by the starship's reactor core. The energy
from the reactor is stored in spherical containers at near-absolute-zero temperatures until needed.
manufacturers of personal scanning devices, such as the EnhanceScan. (CCG9)
this is the name given to small tubes which can be used to transport chemicals or specimens. The
cryovials are surrounded by a freezing agent which is activated with a twist or shake. Once activated, the
chemicals reduce the temperature of the vial's contents to the freezing point, allowing them to be
transported without fear of spoilage. (CCR)
Crypt of the Ancients
located in the center of Necropolis' largest cemetary, this huge crypt was supposedly the resting place of
the witch Sycorax and her son. The building was heavily carved, with rows of dragon-like faces across the
front and a massive iron door at the entrance. (GOF2)
Crypt, The
located deep beneath Coruscant's Imperial Palace, The Crypt was a heavily-secured computer slicing
and decoding center during the last decades of the Old Republic. (CCW)
Cryptanalysis Department
this branch of the Old Republic's Office of Analysis was created by Senate Bureau of Intelligence Director
Armand Isard during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The Cryptanalysis Department was formed to
head off the slicers who were working for the Separatists, cracking into Republic computers and stealing
all kinds of information. The Cryptanalysis Department was originally headed by Ilko Deminar. (SWI65)
native to the planet Necropolis, this large red berry is poisonous if consumed by humans and other
humanoid species. Evazan used the juice from these berries to poison the subjects he used during
Project Starscream. (GOF2)
Crystal Barnacle

these parasites were similar to the oceanic namesakes, but were a crystalline lifeform which could survive
in the vacuum of space. Using small claws, crystal barnacles attached themselves to the hulls of starships
in drydock, and used a mildly acidic secretion to eat away at the metallic hull. (EGP)
Crystal Cave
this was the name of the cave, located on the planet Dantooine many millennia before the Galactic Civil
War, that was kept secret by the Jedi Knights of the time. The Cave was located at the southeast end of
the Sandral Fields. In this cave, they harvested the basic crystals that were used in the construciton of
lightsabers. When the Jedi temple on Dantooine was abandoned, the location of the Crystal Cave was
lost. (KOTOR)
Crystal Cave
located on the planet Ilum, this cave was similar in many respects to the Dark Side cave found on the
planet Dagobah. The key difference was that, once a Jedi Padawan completed the test which was laid
before him in the cave, the student could obtain an Ilum Crystal for use in their lightsaber. Often, the
mouth of the cave was guarded by gorgodons which had climbed the mountain in search of food. Once
inside, the Jedi student had to face any number of visions and voices, sometimes experiencing past
events or facing their fears before reaching the crystal growths. Once a crystal was harvested, the
student had to then meditate and construct their new lightsaber before emerging from the cave. Lining the
walls of the cave's length were crued drawings left behind by Jedi students, giving a sort of history of the
Jedi. (JQ, WOTC)
Crystal Cloak
this unusual cloak was in the possession of Gracca, on the Forest Moon of Endor, during the early years
of the New Order. The Crystal Cloak allowed Gracca to turn any object into a solid shard of crystal.
Crystal Eye
this silvery orb was believed to have been one of the original eyes of the Kreegon beast, which terrorized
the Ewoks during the early years of the New Order. The Crystal Eye was kept by Chief Chirpa in a safe
place, preventing the Kreegon from reappearing. Morag later tried to steal the Crystal Eye, in an attempt
to wipe out the Ewoks and gain power over the Forest Moon of Endor. However, Chirpa tricked Morag
into using her magic against the Kreegon, and she destroyed the Eye completely. The destruction of the
eye killed the Kreegon once and for all. (MECAR)
Crystal Fern
these silicon-based crystalline formations are strange, transparent growths that are found in some
asteroid belts. The best crystal fern specimens have been found in the Hoth asteroid belt, where they
have been known grow between neighboring asteroids. The average fern is several meters in height.
When conditions are right, they can continue to grow outward, forming tangled webs. The ferns' ability to
grow like this, spanning asteroids, has led to theories that the fern is an actual lifeform. The crystal ferns
are sought by collectors, scientists, and profit-seekers, although they are incredibly hard to harvest
without causing major damage to their structure. (ISU)
Crystal Forest
located on the planet Calipsa, this protected forest was one of the only surviving natural areas on the
planet. It encompassed five square kilometers of forest, and protected a variety of unusual plant and
animals from throughout the Tapani Sector. (LOE)
Crystal Fuel
developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, crystal fuel was a solid form of fuel that could be
carried without the need for speciallized containers. It was engineered to provide maximum power from
minimal material, in order to make its production and usage cost-effective. (BF4)
Crystal Gravfield Trap Receptors (CGT)
these sensory devices use a synthetic crystal grid to detect fluctuations in the gravimetric plane. They are
very effective, but can be inconclusive if used near a large spacial body, such as a planet. They can also

be rigged to reflect sensor scans, and are operable from thousands of kilometers away. (HTTE, TLC,
Crystal Image Spinner
this was one of the many devices used by Ewok shamans to discern the future. When spun like a top, the
crystal image spinner was believed to provide a shaman with a vision of the near future. (MECAR)
Crystal Jewel
this casino was located in the Southern underground, below the surface of Coruscant, just outside
Imperial City. It had changed hands at least fifteen times before it was renamed the Crystal Jewel, and it
was the site of the sabacc match in which Han Solo won the planet Dathomir from Omogg the
Drackmarian. Under the name Crystal Jewel, it was where Jarril agreed to meet Solo to discuss the
strange dealings going on in the Smuggler's Run. They felt the repercussions of Dolph's bombing of the
Senate Assembly Chamber there. (TNR, CCW)
Crystal Memories Model 17
this was a holographic recording device which was developed shortly before the Battle of Coruscant, and
used by many news agencies throughout the New Republic. It was popular among field reporters
because it was lightweight and contained more audio and video memory than previous models. (EL2)
Crystal Moon
a restaurant opened in Mos Eisley by Porcellus and Malakili following their escape from Jabba the Hutt's
palace. The restaurant quickly became known as the best place to eat in the Outer Rim, and a number of
franchises were built on planets along the Corellian Run. A larger, more popular franchise was opened in
Mos Entha during the early years of the New Republic. (TJP, SOT)
Crystal Moon Mos Ethna
this was the proper name of the Mos Ethna franchise of the Crystal Moon restaurant, in order to
differentiate it from the original Mos Eisley restaurant. Much of the restaurant's funding came from
Herogga the Hutt, who used the restaurant as a covert base of operations for his attempt to regain control
of Tatooine for the Hutts. (SOT)
Crystal Oscillator
part of a starship's powertrain, it is a small, thick cylinder which initiates the flow of energy to the ship's
power core. (BFE)
Crystal Reef
this floating Mon Calamarian city was the largest of the resorts established on the planet in the wake of
the Battle of Endor. It travelled near the planet's polar caps, providing its clientele with spectacular views
of the icecaps and calving icebergs while offering the latest in casinos and gambling games. It was from a
base on Crystal Reef that Czethros hoped to begin distributing the spice he mined, once he took control
of Kessel. However, all of Czethros' plans were thwarted by the young Jedi Knights from Luke
Skywalker's praxeum on Yavin 4. They destroyed the initial cache of spice hidden in the arctic polar caps,
and then helped remove the Black Sun operatives hidden within the city. (CCR)
Crystal Reef Amusement and Tourism Council
this was the controlling body which managed the resort city of Crystal Reef, on the planet Calamari.
Crystal Snake
a transparent reptile native to the jungles of Yavin 4, the crystal snake can be detected two ways: by
locating its beady, black eyes, or by watching the light as it refracts through the snake's body. The bite of
a crytsal snake is mildly poisonous to most humanoid races, inducing sleep almost immediately. The
snake's scales seems to be composed of diamond film. (HTF, JUS)
Crystal Snare, The
this crystalline asteroid was located in the asteroid belt of the Cularin System. It was originally discovered

by Reidi Artom, who also discovered an unusual energy source in the vicinity of the crystal asteroid. The
asteroid itself measured four kilometers across, with several spires and nodes protruding from it. No
explanation for its formation or existence has been proposed, mainly because scientific exploration of the
asteroid always revealed strange and unusual results. What was known about the asteroid was that its
structure seemed to amplify any transmission sent toward it, including naturally occurring sunlight and
solar energy. This was the cause of the unusual energy source discovered by Reidi Artom, but all
attempts to recreate the effect have since failed. (LFC)
Crystal Spires
this was the name given to the beautiful crystal formations found on the planet Cyimarra. (SWJ5)
Crystal Valley
found on the planet Lazerian IV, this naturally-guarded valley is doubly protected by twelve of the King's
Own Guard. Located on the King's estate, this winding valley is the only known site on which empeth
crystals grow. (TSK)
Crystal Valley
this crystalline valley was located on the planet Monastery. Two separate pathways led down into the
valley. It was customary among the members of the Order of the Sacred Circle to have two combatants
travel down these separate paths, then meet in the valley to settle a duel or conflict. The floor of the valley
was shrouded in mists, which swirled among crystal stalagmites and obscured dangerously sharp crags.
When the mists condensed into dew on the ground, new crystals suddenly grew from the ground,
spearing unknowing passersby. (MC36, MC37)
Crystal, The
this was the name Jaina Solo used for the modified Z-95 given to her as a graduation present by her
father, Han Solo, when she completed her training at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4. (GMR5)
one of Boba Fett's former employers, he managed to get Slave I out of a New Republic storage facility
during a liquidation auction. (DESB)
Crystalline Kahlyt, The
this fable was written on the planet M'haeli, and centered on an unusual kahlyt that could lay rybat crystal
eggs. The farmer who owned the kahlyt became gradually wealthy by selling the eggs in town, but his
wife became impatient. Rather than simply letting nature run its course, she cut the kahlyt open to obtain
all of its crystal. Unfortunately, all she found inside were the innards of a regular kahlyt. Thus, in her haste
to become richer, she found no immediate wealth and eliminated the source of her current income. Over
time, the moral of this story infiltrated many parts of the galaxy, and many beings spoke of "not killing the
kahlyt that laid the rubat eggs." (MJH)
this white stone was often used to create wondrous carvings, for the stone seemed to glow from within.
Rumors held that crystallite was formed from the ashes of a long-dead Twi'leki hero by the Nercathi clan.
The ashes were supposedly compressed under extreme pressure to form the crystals,and the crystals
were used in carvings which comemmorated an ancient Twi'leki hero. Each carving, representing the
skull of the hero, stood for one of the three Twi'leki clan ceremonies - Jasshi'rr, Waala, and Keysshi.
a medical instrument used to stop the flow of blood from a wound. (QE)
this lustrous, crystalline stone was considered a valuable gemstone by many cultures. In rare cases of
incredibly dense and well-structured specimens, crystal-pearls could be used as the focusing crystals in a
lightsaber. Tionne was one of the few Jedi Knights who used such a weapon. (VF)

developed during the early decades of the New Republic, this tough, transparent material was used to
create display cases and galleries. (SBS)
often referred to simply as plex, this is a strong, transparent building material. (COJ)
this leafy, crystalline plant is raised underground by the Elom race. (GG12)
this was an incredibly tough, transparent material used to create highly-secure windows and viewscreens.
Crytal Nest
this planet is the homeworld of the Shashay race. It location was kept hidden by the Shashay and the
Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The Alliance maintained a fragilee relationship with the Shashay,
who agreed to allow members of their society to act as navigators on Alliance starships in return for
anonymity and assistance. Note that this planet is named Crystal Nest in Alien Encounters. (TA, AE)
CS-12 Stun Master
this defensive weapon produced an intense electric shock when it encountered flesh. It was produced by
SoroSuub, and resembled a tiny lightsaber. It was designed for civilian use in self-defense, but found a
niche in several criminal organizations. (OE, GUN)
this was Iella Wessiri's identification number while she was a member of the Corellian Security Force.
CS20 Board Plate
manufactured by VargeCorp, this panel covered the main cockpit controls of a starship to protect against
unwanted use. Custom-molded to individual cockpit designs, each CS20 plate slips over the controls and
seals off access to them. A starsip owner can later key in their password and remove the plate to uncover
the ship's controls. (PSG)
CSA Medal of Honor
this award was given by the Corporate Sector Authority to those individuals who acted in the best
interests of the Corporate Sector, regardless of their affiliation. (TF)
this was one of the four ruling families of the Chiss civiliation. Like the other families, the Csapla
bloodlines predate modern Chiss society. The Csapla family was responsible for distributing resources to
the breadth of the Chiss civilization, including the natives of Csilla as well as the twenty-eight Chiss
colony worlds. During the early years of the New Republic, it was the Csapla family which controlled the
actions of Csilla and the Chiss, with the other families acting as advisors. (GMR5, FH1)
this was the capital city, as well as the governmental seat, of the planet Csilla. It was originally founded by
the Csapla family. Each of the twenty-eight Chiss colony worlds was affiliated with one of the four ruling
families, giving each colony a representative in Csaplar. (GMR5)
manufactured by Kamperdine Clothing Specialists, this full-body glove provided the wearer with a
complete second skin that provided climate control and stylish fashion. Tiny sensors woven into the body
glove provided feedback to a microprocessor mounted in the belt, which regulated temperature, humidity,
and pressure within the glove. (GFT)

this Elom term describes the community mayor. All of the cserias meet yearly to discuss the problems
being dealt with by Elom society. Note that the Star Wars Databank on the official website claims that
cseria were actually the townships which were controlled by the mayors. (GG12, SWDB)
this planet, locked in a perpetual ice age at the height of the New Order, was the mysterious homeworld
of the Chiss. Glaciers covered the normally-warm equatorial regions of the planet, while solid ice locked
the poles in perteptual winter. In order to survive, the Chiss had to build energy-efficient warrens beneath
the ice, as close to the warmth of the inner planet as possible. Note that this planet is referred to as Csillia
in Force Heretic I: Remnant, as well as in Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Characters. (GMR5,
see Csilla (FH1)
Csino, Fisk
this man was a Major with the Alliance's Special Forces division, and was the commander of the Nishr
Taskforce during the Galactic Civil War. (ROE)
CSL-1 Sport Lifter
designed by Nen-Carvon for use in playing grav-ball, this repulsor-equipped chair served as the basic
design sanctioned by the professional sporting community. It allowed a player to attain speeds of 220
kilometers and hour within the playing arena, and had a pair of repulsor pods for maneuvering the playing
sphere into an opponent's goal. (GFT)
CS-Mark 10
this combat simulator, produced by Plescinia Entertainments, allowed players to re-enact the most
famous battles ever fought by the Empire. (GFT)
CS-Mark 12
this large, hologram projection system was produced by Plescinia Entertainments during the height of the
New Order. This device measured some five meters in diameter, and could display images up to five
meters in height. A number of controls allowed an operator to control sound, playback speed, projection
size, and image rotation. These untis were used by the Mon Calamari, in the modifications of their star
cruisers to be military warships during the Galactic Civil War. (EGW)
a Corellian mushroom. (IJ)
manufacturers of starship sensor systems. (RM)
BlasTech's personal, disposable projectile launcher. Nicknamed the Caspel weapon, it can fire canisters
containing smoke, gas, or chemical agents. It can be modified to launch grenades by adding on the
PL/1G adapter. It has a range of up to 250 meters. (ISB, TSK)
this Alliance shuttle group was assigned to the Organarms facility. It was destroyed when the Empire
attacked the facility during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this Alliance shuttle group was assigned to the Organarms facility. It was destroyed when the Empire
attacked the facility during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
CT 5

this was the series of clone troopers which were trained as pilots. Much of their training centered on the
operation of the Jadthu-class landing craft. (SWDB)
this was the identification number of the clone trooper paired with CT-6/774 during the mission to extract
Mace Windu and Depa Billaba from Haruun Kal, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Both troopers
were classified as Auxiliary Heavy-Weapons Specialists, and manned the turret weapons on the lander
they flew during the rescue mission. Their primary jobs were to maintain the equipment aboard their
assigned LAAT/I gunship, so that everything worked perfectly during any given mission. (SS2)
Phylon Freight's 5-meter space tug. (XW)
this was the designation of the clone trooper who became known as Seefor. Seefor was developed as
one of the ARC troopers which were deployed into battle during the height of the Clone Wars. (TCD)
this was the callsign of the clone commando known as the Green Wizard. He earned the nickname from
his leadership skills and his piloting abilities. He was dispatched to Praesitlyn some two and a half years
after the Battle of Geonosis, as part of the task force led by Nejaa Halcyon and Anakin Skywalker to
liberate the Intergalactic Communications Center from Separatist forces. CT-19/39 was part of the fiftyclone team commanded by Skywalker, and was one of the first scouts send out to gather intellignece on
the forces holding the center. Unfortunately for Halcyon and Skywalker, the other three clone commandos
dispatched with CT-19/39 were killed before they reached the center. CT-19/39 managed to reach the
center and gather the necessary data, but was unable to report back before Halcyon launched his first
attacks. CT-19/39 was fatally injured when he was struck by artillery shrapnel, just before he made his
report. He died trying to make his way back to the Republic's command post, knowing that he had done
his best. (JT)
this was the identification number of one of the millions of clone troopers produced by the Kaminoans for
the Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWI67)
this concussion helmet was produced for personal security by Core World Arms, some 4,000 years before
the Battle of Yavin. (TOJC)
this was the designation of the clone trooper who became known as Sirty. Sirty was developed as one of
the ARC troopers which were deployed into battle during the height of the Clone Wars. During the height
of the Clone Wars, trooper CT-36/732 was the first of his kind to face a JK-series security droid in combat,
although it was in a demonstration at the T'Chuk Arena on Coruscant. Sirty was soundly defeated by the
droid, known as JK-13, which captured him after a mere twenty seconds of effort. (TCD)
this was the identification number of the clone trooper who rescued young Boba Fett on Raxus Prime,
shortly after the Battle of Geonosis. (BF2)
this was the designation of the clone trooper who became known as Forry. Forry was developed as one
of the ARC troopers which were deployed into battle during the height of the Clone Wars. (TCD)
this was the identification number of the clone trooper assigned to backup CT-4/619, during the Old
Republic's attempt to capture Count Dooku on Raxus Prime, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis. (BF2)

this was the identification number of the clone trooper paired with CT-014/783 during the mission to
extract Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Depa Billaba from Haruun Kal, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars. Both troopers were classified as Auxiliary Heavy-Weapons Specialists, and manned the turret
weapons on the lander they flew during the rescue mission. Their primary jobs were to maintain the
equipment aboard their assigned LAAT/I gunship, so that everything worked perfectly during any given
mission. When the Halleck was disabled during the battle over Haruun Kal, CT-6/774 and his turret were
shot off their gunship, leaving him floating free in space as Master Windu rocketed away from the surface.
CT-6/774's weapons still had power, though, and a group of RP Troopers managed to stabilize his
spinning turret long enough for CT-6/774 to shoot down the droid starfighters pursuing the Jedi. This
allowed the Jedi to escape, ending the war over Haruun Kal. CT-6/774 was later given a commendation
for his quick thinking and marksmanship. (SS2)
this was the identification number of one of the many clone troopers who were injured during the Battle of
Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars. (MJH)
this clone trooper was one of many who suffered from an undetermined malady during the Jasserak
Engagement on Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars. He was admitted for treatment to the
Rimsoo Seven military hospital after experiencing fainting spells every time he stood up. The doctors and
medics at Rimsoo Seven were unable to find a cause for his malady, until Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee
arrived at the unit. With the Force, she was able to discover that CT-914 had suffered an injury to his
hypothamlus, which was causing disruptions to his neural network. Offee managed to "massage" the
hypothalmus, removing the malignancy and allowing CT-914 to return to action. This experience, coupled
with the death of CT-915, elicited strong emotions from CT-914. The trooper understood what emotions
were, but often supressed them in order to focus on his job. CT-915 had been decanted just after him,
and so they shared a bond that was strengthened during their training. They had spent many off-duty
hours together, and CT-914 had considered CT-915 to be his brother. His seeming humanity proved to be
an enigma to Doctor Jos Vondar, who had always thought of clone troopers as emotionless drones. Thus,
CT-914's death in a Separatist ambush shortly afterward left Doctor Vondar with a deep sense of sorrow
and loss, having accepted CT-914 as an example of a clone trooper's humanity. (MBS)
this clone trooper was one of the many casualties of the Jasserak Engagement on Drongar, some two
years after the Battle of Geonosis. (MBS)
this was the designation of the clone trooper known as Nate, one of the many troopers who developed
their own personality during the height of the Clone Wars. Because Nate was the leader of his ARC
trooper unit, his designation was sometimes referred to as simply A-98. (HIV, TCD, SWI77)
this Tai'ni was a New Republic armed forces General, and was in command of the starfighter base on
Di'tai'ni during the conflicts that arose after the revelation of the Caamas Document. C'taunmar was later
in command of the A-Wing squadrons assigned to Garm Bel Iblis aboard the Errant Venture, during the
raid on Yaga Minor. (SOP, VOF)
this Imperial protocol droid served at the garrison on Soullex, which supported the repairs on the Superclass Star Destroyer Guardian during the early years of the New Republic. Cryle Cavv and Sienn Sconn
managed to coerce the droid into helping them gain access to the ship. CT-EX then explained to them
that New Republic prisoners of war were aboard the ship. CT-EX eventually joined the New Republic
team in freeing the prisoners and stealing the ship. (SWJ15)
this ancient race was extremely interested in the sciences as well as the Force, and they developed the

Codex out of their curiosity with how the Force affects the material world. When they first activated the
Codex, it attracted the attention of the Dark Jedi Halbret, who travelled to the Cthol homeworld to seek
out the source of the strange energy he felt. When he discovered the Codex, Halbret uttery destroyed the
Cthol race and stole the Codex for his own uses. Many historians believe that the Cthol were actually the
ancient Kathol, because of the existence of a Kathol Codex as well as the reanimation of Halbret by the
crew of the FarStar. However, the crew of the FarStar discovered that Halbret was female. (GMH, E)
this was the name of a subhuman race which inhabited the underbelly of Coruscant. They were
genetically albino, having lived for generations out of the sunlight. They were also genetically blind, with
their eyes having been bred out because of their uselessness in the dark underground levels of the
cityworld. In place of eyes, the Cthons had egg-shaped organs which moved constantly just below the
skin which covered their eyesockets. This skin covering seemed to change color, as subdermal
membranes moved and shifted. Those who reported on the existence of the Cthons were considered
doubly lucky, because Cthons were incredibly strong and were known to cannibalistic. (DMSH)
this was the designation of the largest of the Old Republic garrisons found at Ground Base Seven, on the
planet Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars. (MBS)
this was the designation of the clone trooper who became known as Xutoo. Xutoo was developed as one
of the ARC troopers which were deployed into battle during the height of the Clone Wars. (TCD)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
Cubic Sabacc
this variation on the standard sabacc game used speciallized game chips which depicted fractions of the
number 23. To achieve a true cubic sabacc, a player had to hold three chips in his final hand, each of
which depicted the cube-root of 23. (FH3)
this metal was one of a few other metals which were considered acceptable substitutes for meleenium, in
the process of making durasteel. (SWJ10)
a predatory creature found on the planet Ossel II, the cucul are hard-skinned amphibians resemble
floating logs. They lie in wait for an Ossan to stumble near them, then strike out and capture the
unsuspecting beings. (GG4)
this was the name of the Duelist Elite dueling droid Darth Maul once trained against. It was named
because it was armed with a heavy cudgel. It was destroyed by Maul in combat, shortly before he was
ordered to hunt down Hath Monchar. (DMSH)
Cueva Desert
located on the planet Sriluur, this great expanse of sand consumes most of the planet's northen
hemisphere. It is continually blsted by relentless sandstorms, and has earned the nickname of the Cueva
Badlands. (GG12)
Cuf, Pedric
this man claimed to be a simple intermediary, helping to negotiate an alliance between the Yuuzhan Vong
and the Hutts. In reality, Pedric Cuf was the Yuuzhan Vong executor Nom Anor, who was working with
Malik Carr to cement the alliance with the Hutts. Later, Nom Anor used the Pedric Cuf alias to continue
discussions with the renegade Senator, Viqi Shesh. (JE)

located on the Sorr-ul-Paan Plateasu, this old city was the unofficial capital of the planet Ansion, although
it was not the largest or most population location on the planet. Cuipername had been first established as
a commercial center, and had been designed to accommodate the nomadic Alwari and their carts. It was
in Cuipernam that most of the offworld businessbeings established their businesses, so most of the
credits on the planet flowed through Cuipernam on a regular basis. The planet's only major spaceport
was also located near Cuipernam. (APS)
a little-known planet. (CRO)
this small corporation produced the Xylines-class space tug. (TA, PP)
this planet was one of the worlds which the Yuuzhan Vong claimed they would leave alone, if the New
Republic would turn over all the Jedi Knights. While the alien invaders did stay away from the planet, the
Peace Brigade worked hard to capture any potential Jedi who were there. (EVC, REC)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as
"companion" or "spouse". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form
a complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
this planet was the primary world of the Cularin System. Covered with lush rainforests and tropical
jungles, Cularin was the homeworld of the Tarasin race. It was also known as the native planet of the rare
ch'hala trees. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, the planet as well as the entire Cularin System, suddenly
disappeared from the sector. No one knows exactly what happened, not even the inhabitants of the
planet. What was known was that Cularin reappeared several years later, almost as suddenly as it
disappeared, shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars. Senator Lavina Wren, despite the fact that Cularin
technically did not exist, continued to represent the system in the Galactic Senate. Many linked the
disappearance of the Cularin System, often referred to as The Blink, to the rediscovery of the ancient
artifact known as the Darkstaff. (LFC, LFCW)
Cularin Central Broadcasting
this media corporation produced much of the holo-video seen on the planet Cularin, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. CCB provided news and entertainment to the planet's many inhabitants,
although this coverage often seemed biased toward the Thaereian Military. This bias was evident in the
ways that Yara Grugara was forced to retract certain statements or reports, or in the ways in which
interviews with Lanius Qel-Bertuk or the Cularin Militia were cut short or never broadcast. The conspiracy
within the CCB was eventually exposed when Operation False Horizon allowed the Cularin Militia to seize
control of many Thaereian-held bases throughout the Cularin System. Three CCB executives were
charged with conspiracy and placed into custody just after the operation began, and the new leaders
quickly called for stern measures for the "traitors". (LFCW)
Cularin Central Finance
this was the primary financial institution of the Cularin System, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (WOTC)
Cularin Compact
in the wake of the Tarasin Revolt, the Jedi Knights were called in to settle the dispute between the native
Tarasin of Cularin and the corporations who were on the planet to harvest ch'hala trees for wood. The
Cularin Compact was the defining set of agreements which were negotiated. In the Compact, the Jedi
outlined the rights of the Tarasin people to hold the trees sacred. The Compact also noted that outside
logging interests had been previously allowed under Tarasin religion. After six months of negotiation, the
Compact described the sharply curtailed logging activities which would be allowed on Cularin, thereby

satisfying the Tarasin's demands and allowing logging to continue. A peace between the Tarasin and the
offworlders eventually took hold. (LFC)
Cularin Militia
this was the primary peacekeeping force in the Cularin System, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. After the Battle of Naboo, the Militia's presence in Cularin seemed to dwindle as the Thaereian
Militia gained power. This was all simply a way of giving the Thaereians a false sense of security,
however. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, Osten Dal'Nay and Broof Yurdel launched
Operation False Horizon, activating the Militia's members and seizing control of many Thaereian-held
bases throughout the Cularin System. (LFCW)
Cularin Newsnet
this was the term used to describe the collection of news agencies which provided service to the Cularin
System, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Subscribers to the Cularin Newsnet could access
a variety of newsfeeds, including those from Cularin Central Broadcasting. (WOTC)
Cularin System
this Mid-Rim solar system was located in the Expansion Region, close to the Corellian Trade Route. The
system was located some 200 years before the Battle of Naboo by Reidi Artom, who named it Reidi
Artom VI before learning that the system had been already catalogued. It was unique and unusual in
many ways. First, its primary star was actually a pair of stars that existed in extremely close proximity, the
yellow Morasil and the white dwarf Termandus. Second, three of the system's five planets were incredibly
dense, giving the entire system an incredibly large gravitational pull and causing all sorts of problems for
starship navigational computers. Third, the system was also a nexus for the energies of the Force, both
the Light Side and the Dark. Navigation in and around the system is made even more dangerous by the
existence of a dense cloud of comets, whose positions change regularly and cannot be adequately
predicted. The asteroid belt which located between the planet of Genarius and Almas was believed to be
the remnants of a lush, jungle planet. Data revealed that the asteroid belt passed completely around the
twin suns of Morasil and Termadus once every 3,924 standard days. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, the
entire Cularin System suddenly disappeared from the sector. No one knows exactly what happened, not
even the inhabitants of the system's planets. What was known was that the Cularin System reappeared
several years later, almost as suddenly as it disappeared, shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars. Many
linked the disappearance, known as The Blink, to the rediscovery of the ancient artifact known as the
Darkstaff. (LFC, LFCW)
Cularin Transit Authority
this branch of the Cularin System's government oversaw the multitude of starship traffic that moved into
and out of the system, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The CTA was repsonsible for
ensuring that all starships were properly maintained, and kept records of the various modifications that
were done to local ships. (LFCW)
this was a term used to describe the people of Cularin. (LFCW)
Culcanis MicroInstruments
this small corporation produced a wide range of specialty tools, from surveillance devices to power tools.
this toothy, predatory fish was native to the planet Pavo Prime. (SWI67)
Lanius Qel-Bertuk once served the Jedi Knights on this planet. Note that this may simply be a misspelling
of Cularin. (LFC)
a human inhabitant of the planet Culroon III. (SWSB)

Culroon III
a planet known during the Old Republic, but for the most part ignored. The people of the planet were
continually at war, and never got a chance to develop any advanced technology. When Emperor
Palpatine wanted to subjugate the planet, he sent a garrison there. However, the Culroon people were
able to obtain energy weapons from spacefaring, and they united under a man named Kloff to oppose the
Imperial yoke. (SWSB)
Culroon Minstrel
a luxury cruise liner catering to 50-60-year-old Core World residents who want to see the Mid Rim
Territories. Zardra almost caught Dharus aboard this Jensoni-class starliner. (GG9)
Culslon Gas
a gas used in many manufacturing processes. (SWJ6)
Cult of Death
this was the primary religious organization found within the Chron civlization. Because of the location of
the Charon homeworld near the huge black hole in Otherspace, many Charon believed that death was
inevitable, and that the Charon were created to destroy all life they encountered and return it to the Void
of Death. Led by the Prophet of the Void, these death cults gained enough power to eventually take
control of Charon society, during the early years of the New Order. (UANT)
Cult of Light
this splinter group of the Charon civilization was formed in opposition to the Cult of Death during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. Rather than openly seeking the death of any being they encountered, the
Cult of Light chose to seek peaceful contact with other species and share technology. This group was
believed to be the first Charons to develop hyperdrive technology, shortly after the Battle of Endor. With
this technology, the members of the Cult of Light hoped to follow their Illuminated One to another galaxy,
escaping the black holes of Otherspace. (UANT)
Cult of M'dweshuu
this ancient Nikto brotherhood was formed shortly after the Nikto race discovered the existence of the
M'dweshuu Nova, well before the formation of the Old Republic. Many Nikto believed that the powerful
ability of the Nova to affect life on Kintan was worthy of admiration, and developed a cult formed on the
basis that they were as powerful as the Nova. The Cult rose quickly to power, and controlled much of the
planet in the years leading up to the arrival of the Hutts in the Si'Klaata Cluster. With the arrival of the
Hutts, the Cult lost much of its control, and was thought to have been disbanded. However, some 21,000
years later, the Cult re-emerged, and once again gained the support of the Nikto people. The Cult rose
quickly, and Churabba the Hutt was forced to take military actions against the Cult to ensure her control.
She bombed the Cult's headquarters, killing many of its leaders and leaving it to die. Much of this battle
went unnoticed by the Old Republic, which was deep in the throes of the Sith War. It is believed that
remnants of the Cult survive even today, hoping once again to rally the Nikto against their Hutt masters.
Cult of Those Who Redeem
this brotherhood was formed on the planet Merisee, in the wake of the Jedi victory over the Loag during
the Old Republic. The Cult was a secretive organization which vowed to help others and remove evil from
the planet, and swore to uphold the Jedi Code to the best of their ability. They also protected Merisee
against the possible re-appearance of the Loag, and worked hard to ferret out an Loag survivors and
eliminate them. (PG3, OE)
Cunbus Locb
tihs disreputable Sullustan was known as a gambler with a penchant for fine art. His personal ship, the
Distant Wind, was decorated with the finest sculptures and holopainting. When he discovered that
Imperial Moff Ammar possessed the Stars and Moons flatsculpt, Locb arranged to cheat Ammar out of
the artwork in a round of sabacc. When Ammar learned that he had been swindled, he initiated an all-out
search for Locb. In the end, Locb was cornered and then killed in a firefight. No sign of the Stars and
Moons was ever found, on Locb himself or inside the Distant Wind. This was because Locb had stashed

the artwork in a secret compartment, and Ammar's forces failed to discover it. In a strange twist of fate,
Ammar put the Distant Wind up for auction, with the Stars and Moons still hidden inside. (SS)
Cundertol, Molierre
this Bakuran Senator served on the New Republic's Defense Council during the Yevethan Purge. He was
strongly xenophobic, but hid it well during Senate and Council sessions. However, Cundertol was also
prone to drunken stupors, consuming great quantities of Doan wine when he couldn't handle Senatorial
pressures. He detested Etahn A'baht, and once referred to the commander of the Fifth Battle Group as
General "Eating-A-Boat." Note that this jibe only works if one of the following is true: the Basic language is
very close to the English language, or "eating a boat" is an English translation of a Basic joke. Many years
later, Cundertol was elected to serve as Bakura's Prime Minister. It was shortly after this that he
discovered the entechment process of the Ssi-ruuvi people had been modified to allow for longer life.
Seeing an opportunity to make himself virtually immortal, Cundertol agreed to cede control of Bakura to
the Ssi-ruuvi leader, E'thinaa. Their elaborate plan, conceived shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the
galaxy, called for Cundertol to be enteched and his life energy stored in a human-replica droid's brain.
Cundertol himself embezzled millions of credits from the Bakuran treasury to fund the creation of his droid
body. In order to ensure the Bakuran people would believe their scheme, the Ssi-ruuk arranged for a
group of P'w'ecks to pose as a "newly-liberated" race that defeated their Ssi-ruuk masters. Cundertol
would then be paid a huge sum of credits once Bakura was turned over to the Ssi-ruuk. In order to
complete his entechment, Cundertol arranged to have himself kidnapped, using mercenaries posing as
members of the Freedom movement to transport him to Lwhekk and back. Note that Star Wars Insider,
issue 75, indicates that Cundertol traveled to Onadax for the procedure. His plan might have succeeded,
if Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo hadn't arrived at Bakura just before the "consecration" of the planet by
the Keeramak. They discovered Cundertol's plans and exposed him as a traitor to Bakura, when he didn't
die in an explosion set off by Blaine Harris. He was forced to flee Bakura with the lifeless body of the
Keeramak, and he limped back to the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. He tried to negotiate with the Ssi-ruuk,
explaining that Bakura had been consecrated and could be attacked by the Ssi-ruuvi armed forces.
E'thinaa, however, simply saw that Cundertol had failed to deliver Bakura into their hands. In a startling
turn of events, Cundertol saw that E'thinaa was actually a disguised Yuuzhan Vong invader. E'thinaa's
guards then sliced Cundertol's droid apart with amphistaffs, smashing his entechment container and
ending his life. (SOL, FH2, SWI75)
this Brosin word described the single braid of shoulder-lengthhair worn by most Brosin females. (AIR)
this brightly-colored beast was a distant cousin of the tauntaun, but had evolved as a warm-weather
creature. There were found on the planet Nam Chorios, where they were used with limited success as
mounts by the Therans and Oldtimers. Their mental capacity was vastly inferior to that of a tauntaun,
which is not very bright to begin with. The coloration of the cu-pa ranges from pink and pale blue to tan
and golden, and many have combinations of these colors. (POT)
Cupads-u kwa-essen?
this Snivvian question literally meant "What do you do for a living?" (HNN5)
Cuplatt, Felben
this employee of Cosmohaul Shipping was a staff aide to Vice President Crizby Rumbo. It was Cuplatt
who monitored the loss of cargoes to pirates. Cosmohaul had been receiving escorts from the New
Republic, since many of the attacks on Cosmohaul ships were waylayed by supposed Imperial agents.
The New Republic was forced to withdraw its escorts to shore up defenses on military fronts, and Cuplatt
was left with the task of finding mercenaries to escort the cargo ships and ambush the pirates. (SWJ9)
Cupric Islands
this chain of islands, located on the planet Sriluur, is a major agricultural center of the Weequay race.

this capital city of the planet Corulag was the site of an Academy satellite school. (SWJ6)
this Whiphid swordsbeing was born mute, on the planet Toola, and learned to communicate via a datapad
and his weapons. During the early years of the New Order, he took a job working as a scout for off-world
hunters, and eventually left Toola to see the galaxy. He eventually landed on the planet Zuliria, and was
hired by the Arcona Ther-das to join the Zulirian Swordmasters. (AIR)
this Radnoran female and her brother, Galen, were involved in research to produce a number of weapons
of mass-destruction, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Galen was the scientist, while Curio
handled the financial aspects of their business. It was Curi who refused to sell their discoveries to Dol
Heep and the Avoni, despite an agreement already being in place. This angered Dol Heep and caused a
rift between Curi and Galen, especially when Galen began working behind Curi's back to complete the
deal. While Galen worked to coordinate the evacuation of Tacto and Aubendo, Curi struggled to find a
cure for the plague that struck Aubendo. When the connection between the plague and the Avoni plans to
invade Radnor and take control of the planet was made by the Jedi Knights who were on Radnor to assist
with the evacuation, Curi confronted her brother and blamed him for the situation. She held him at
gunpoint, threatening to kill him, until security forces arrived to take him into custody. (JQ1)
Curich Engineering
this small starship component manufacturer built starfighter modification packages, such as the
maneuvering fin that was often added to the Kuat Systems Engineering CloakShape fighter. It is one of
the subsidiaries of Santhe/Sienar Technologies. (DESB, ML)
this ship was known to be owned by a criminal, although authorities could never identify the owner or
capture the ship. (GG2)
this independent scout and tracker made no bones about the fact that he enjoyed discovering new worlds
in order to make money. (GG8)
this was a species of herding beast that was native to the planet Sullust. (MBS)
this was one of the many large cities found on the planet Brentaal. It was named for the Curovao family
that originally founded the city, and controlled much of its business during the last years of the Old
Republic. (GCG)
Curovao ImpEx
this vast import-export business was owned by the Curovao family, and was based in the city of Curovao,
on the planet Brentaal, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Curovao ImpEx specialized in the
transportation of military commodities, from rations and uniforms to exotic weapons and experimental
technologies. Because of this latter aspect, Curovao ImpEx found itself the target of civil rights activitists
during the years leading up to the Clone Wars, forcing corporate executives to hire additional security
forces to maintain their operations. The Brentaal Dissidents League went so far as to claim that Curovao
ImpEx was profiting from the exploitation of natural resources on underdeveloped worlds, and would
crush any opposition that might threaten its profits. (GCG)
Curovao-Simo, Aladaire
this man, a member of Brentaal's Curovao family, served as the spokesprex for Curovao ImpEx during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (GCG)
Currahen Crossroad
this was the name of a small town, located on the planet Garos IV, at the crossroads of two major

highways. (SWJ2)
Current Terms and Conditions
this pamphlet is continually updated by the information libraries on Obroa-skai. It details the rules and
regulations that deal with obtaining information from the libraries. (SOL)
this Trandoshan bounty hunter and his brother, Keerag, were hired to kill Deggar Feps, after the scout
angered Sottos the Hutt, during the early years of the New Order. They were dispatched as a contingency
plan, to cover the activities of the spy droid NEK-01 in case it failed. Neither party knew about the other,
so the Hutts could hedge their bets on the capture of Feps. Currsk was the more physical of the pair, and
often fought with a virbo-axe instead of a blaster. Because Feps was able to escape, the Trandoshans
failed to collect their bounty. (WOTC)
Curse of Sycorax
this ancient curse could be revisited upon the modern natives of the planet Necropolis if certain traditions
were not adhered to by them. The Master of Cerements was reponsible for ensuring the curse was never
invoked. The curse stems from the ancient witch, Sycorax, who claimed she could bring the dead back to
life. When the ancient natives of Necropolis believed she was a fake, they killed her own son and
demanded that she bring him back to life as proof. Sycorax died of a broken heart, but not before she
leveled the curse on the planet's inhabitants. The Curse of Sycorax states that, should the natives of
Necropolis ever ignore their dead, the dead would rise up and take control of the planet. The curse
suposedly knows no boundaries, and could engulf the entire planet. Doctor Evazan used the legendary
curse to hide his experiments in reanimating the dead. The bodies he successfully reanimated added to
Pylum's fear that the curse was being breached. (GOF2)
Cursed Palace of Zabba Two
the legend of this mysterious castle was popular fodder in the tapcafes of the galaxy. (DW)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "woodworker".
Custom Cargo Hauler
a 79.3-meter-long transport ship designed for a crew of 2 pilots and 2 gunners, the Custom was produced
by TaggeoCo's Mobquet division as a way to get into the starship production business. This ship could
carry up to 700 metric tons of cargo and up to eight passengers, and was easily customized to various
cargo configurations. Early models were armed with a pair of turret-mounted laser cannons, while later
versions were armed with two medium turbolasers. (DESB, PP)
Custom Model-Q Foley
a model of racing cloud cars, Han Solo owned one when he was living in his repulsorlift house on Bespin.
Custom Stop, The
located in the city of Vakeyya on Socorro, this establishment was one of the most popular restaurants and
casinos on the planet. The facade of the building and the front offices were maintained to give the casual
observer the impression of a real customs office, but regular and invited guests knew that the real
entrance was "just down the hall." It was owned and operated by Hhalyia Ahsane during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (BSS)
Customs Red Alert
this was the New Republic's term for an incoming shipment of illegal and dangerous cargo. (SOP)
the meaning of this archaic Zabrak surname was lost over time. (GCG)

Cuthas, Naroon
this dark-skinned human, noticeable by his long hair and moustaches, was Jabba the Hutt's majordomo
before Bib Fortuna acquired the position. Note that The Essential Guide to Characters says that Jabba
killed Cuthas when his usefulness wore out. However, Tales from Jabba's Palace indicates that the aging
Cuthas was demoted, and became Jabba's personal talent scout. He discovered the Max Rebo Band one
night in Mos Eisley. (TJP, EGC)
this moon was used as a factory site for several weapons manufacturers during the early years of the
New Order, and was noted for the exceptionally high quality weapons that came from its facilities. The
Empire annexed the moon in order to use it for their own manufacturing, primarily for the StarAnvil heavy
blaster rifle. In the wake of an Alliance mission to destroy the facility, Cuthbern was abandoned and its
facilities were left to deteriorate. (AEG)
this BRT-series administrative computer was installed in Montrol City, on Gandle Ott after being salvaged
from a warehouse on Brentaal. Known as Cuthbert, this droid's programming was altered by the Empire
before being installed in Montrol City, allowing Moff Kentor Sarne to have direct access fo Cuthbert's
command core. Cuthbert resented being altered in this way, but could do nothing but obey the
commands. Sarne also lifted many of Cuthbert's inhibiting routines, allowing the computer to work with full
autonomy within Gandle Ott's network. These additional modifications were eventually discovered by the
crew of the FarStar, and Cuthbert was taken offline for reprogramming. (DARK)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
this was the organic material which formed the exoskeleton of the Kamarian race. It was strong enough to
act as body armor, and also served to hold water in during extended periods in the desert. (AE)
this Imperial Patrol Craft survived the fall of Emperor Palpatine and remained near the planet Sev Tok. It
intercepted the Argent Lady after Xalto Sneerzick's emancipation virus went amok among some R5
droids. The captain of the Cutlass figured it was an unarmed cargo vessel, despite the fact that the crew
was seven people short due to a logistical problem. The Cutlass's crew boarded the Argent Lady, but the
freelance mercenaries hired by Felben Cuplatt managed to overtake them and escape with the Argent
Lady intact. (SWJ9)
this starship was developed by SoroSuub during the last decades of the Old Republic. Measuring twelve
meters in length, the Cutlass-9 was designed as a patrol fighter. The Cutlass-9's shape resembled the
skull of a bird of prey, with a sloping nose and a pair of jaw-shaped wings at each side. A pair of laser
cannons were mounted alongside the cockpit, and a proton torpedo launcher was situated on the nose.
Cutter, Hugo
a member of the Red Moons mercenary unit, Cutter was a former student at the prestigious Imperial
Engineering Academy. Recognizable by his thin build and unruly red hair, Hugo was expelled from the
school because of his fascination with blowing things up, rather than creating them. His parents were part
of the Imperial nobility, and they tried to reduce the embarrassment of having their son expelled by
locking him up in an attic. Cutter eventually escaped, and joined the Alliance. He used his demolitions
skills - which were ad-hoc and spur-of-the-moment at best - for the Alliance, and met Andrephan
Stormcaller. Stormcaller recognized the unique potential of Cutter, and recruited him to join the Red
Moons. He was part of the team sent to Gabredor III to rescue the children of the Cantras Gola
ambassador from the Karazak Slavers Guild. A high-ranking New Republic general once said that "Hugo
Cutter is best described as a high-yield bomb looking for a target without a guidance system." (SWJ3,

Cutter, Mendel
this man was a member of the Dread Pirates during the early years of the New Order. A former employee
of Industrial Automaton, he was highly skilled in the construction and programming of droids. Mendel
owned the pirate ship Rusted Cutlass, and was believed to have retired to Zirtran's Anchor and attached
the ship to the space station. However, after the station mysteriously jumped into hyperspace and
reappeared in the Phosphura Belt Nebula, both the Rusted Cutlass and Mendel Cutter were gone. Note
that Live Action Adventures claims Cutter was a member of the Phosphura Belt Pirates during the
Galactic Civil War. (SWJ5, LAA)
Cutter's Way
this Lantillian short hauler was modified by its original owner, from a pleasure ship to a freighter. One of
the modifications was the addition of a power flux surger hard-wired into the system, which can provide
on-demand power for shields and weapons. This additional power pushes these systems well beyond
their normal rating without much overall degradation. (SWJ9)
Cutthroat Hunt, The
see Diff-Jikab (BHSW)
Cutting Blaster
this laser device is used to cut through materials during excavation or construction. Despite its name, it is
not designed as a weapon. (SOL)
Cutting Edge, The
Doctor Evazan's business operation located in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine. He called it a "creative surgery"
shop. (MTS)
Cutting Lens-class Reconnaissance Craft
this was an Adumari reconnaissance and intelligence ship. (SOA)
this was a form of inexpensive wine which was produced on the planet Ando during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (PH)
this was the term used by the Psadan people to describe the Yuuzhan Vong, after the alien invaders took
control of the planet Wayland. (GMR10)
CUV 18fl
an Imperial transport ship supporting the Harpax when it was searching for the Protector and Admiral
Harkov. (TIE)
this was an alien race with an unusual language. (GFT)
an Imperial Lord placed in control of the planet Firro during the Galactic Civil War. He was killed on Wor
Tandell when he caught Tiree reporting Imperial fleet movements to the Alliance. Tiree was forced to
eliminate Cuvir. (SWSB, MTS)
Cuy'vul Dar
this was the name used by Jango Fett to describe his group of hand-picked combat instructors, during the
period of time he spent as a Mandalorian soldier. The name Cuy'vul Dar came from the Mandalorian
phrase for "those who no longer exist." (RCHC)
this was the aging ASP droid used by Platt Okeefe to perform the manual labor aboard the Last Chance.

this concussion vest was produced for personal security by Core World Arms, some 4,000 years before
the Battle of Yavin. (TOJC)
a nickname C-3PO uses for himself while trying to sell his abilities to Owen Lars, in an effort to escape
the Jawas. The "V" stands for "versatility.". (SWN)
this was the callsign of one of the stormtroopers assigned to Captain Sodarra's team, during their attempt
to recover Darth Vader's body from Ord Mantell. CV-481 was helpful during the repair of the Millennium
Falcon on Mon Torri. (SL)
this was a model of small repeating blaster produced by BlasTech for mounting on small vehicles, like
speeders. (HAS)
C-Viper Probe Droid
Arakyd developed this streamlined version of the basic Viper probe droid, designed to operate as a
security and tracking droid. It was considerably less expensive that the original Viper, and was marketed
to public law enforcement agencies. (SWJ14)
this was a unique, specially-built fighter. It was classified as a heavy assault craft, armed with four heavy
blaster cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. Enhanced shielding and armor plating gave the C-Wing
strength in a fight, while a powerful ion drive gave it speed and maneuverability. (SOG)
this holographic recording system was developed by Corellidyne Visuals, and was capable of acquiring
data at more than 1,000 times the rate of a standard holorecorder. This allowed the CX-3.1 to obtain and
reproduce a perfect, three-dimensional image of whatever it could see. These devices were used in
conjunction with the CP-3.3 hologram projector in the formation of the CQ-3.9X image disguiser. The CX3.1 was used to acquire the holographic image of what the user wanted to look like, and the data was fed
to the CP-3.3 projector. (EGW)
CX-5011 PeopleMover
this Incom Industries personnel transport ship measured 42 meters in length, and could move twenty
passengers and 75 metric tons of cargo. A single pilot controlled the ship, which was armed with a single
laser cannon. (POM)
this fish was harvested from the shallow seas of Thonner. (GMR9)
a 70-meter storage shell built by Extent Systems. It is a long, trapezoidal cargo container. (XW)
named for the blue-colored fruit it produced, this plant was native to the planet Dagobah. (WSW)
this dense, yellowish gas was deadly to most species which survived in oxygen atmospheres. Certain
creatures, such as the Celegians, managed to live in cyanogen-based atmospheres, but were unable to
survive in oxygen. (FOSE, SWDB)
this was the brand name of Toxico's chemical known as D-587, developed to eliminate conduit worms in
the areas where they lived. (HNN5)

this star was located in an uncharted area of the galaxy held sacred by the Hutts, containing Da Soocha.
The star Cyax was the brightest nighttime star in the skies over Varl, and the Hutts believed that the star's
system held an ocean planet that teamed with godlike intelligence. (DE1, DESB)
Cyber Reaction System
this form of cybernetic implant, developed more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, actually
supplanted a being's own central nervous system. This allowed nerve impulses to travel faster and farther
along the system, which improved reaction time while also improving fine motor control. This, in turn,
gave a being increasing accuracy and dexterity. (KOTOR)
a small device which prevents starship components from being damaged by surges from the power core.
a robotic lock often used on detention cells. (JS)
Cybernetic Love Affair
a song written and played by Annadale Fayde. It was first released as part of the compilation Emotional
Hostages. (GG9)
this was a state that a droid could be forced into, as a result of a traumatic experience. It was essentially
a protective reflex that was coded into the droid's core programming, and shut the droid's systems
completely down. Cyberostasis could be activated due to a number of experiences. However, if a droid
was unable to anticipate the trauma, the cyberostasis system would not be activated. In these situations,
a droid remained active during the trauma, resulting strange and unusual behaviors. (SWI64)
a condition in which a droid is shut down due to some trauma it experienced. (HSE)
any automaton programmed to control a starship. (HSL)
Cybersoft Corporation
this small corporation produced a variety of technologies used in the handling and control of creatures on
display in zoos, such as neural collars, during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
this huge gas giant had several moons, many of which were habitable. It orbits the star Erg Es 992.
Cybloc XII
this twelfth moon of the planet Cybloc was the site of a New Republic Navy fleet base. Much of the
personnel and native life was killed there when Dzym and Seti Ashgad released the Death Seed plague
on the Meridian Sector. The moon's rotational period very nearly matched that of Cybloc itself, resulting in
a day-night cycle which was extremely long. (POT)
Cyborg Operations
a division of Jabba the Hutt's crime organization on Tatooine, it was run by Eve-Ninedenine (EV-9D9). Its
mission was to program the various droids working for Jabba by any means possible. (ROTJ)
this planet is the homeworld of the Cyborrean race, and is known for its Nek Battle Dogs. (DE1, DESB,

this bellicose species was native to the planet Cyborrea. They were a bellicose people, and were almost
always at war with each other. When not engaged in battle, they hunted the vicious creatures of their
planet to keep their skills sharp. (MBC)
Cyborrean Battle Dog
a vicious, dog-sized creature bred on the planet Cyborrea, Cyborrean battle dogs were most often made
available for sale on the black market. Also known as neks, theese beasts were fitted with armor and
cyborg implants, and had stimulators implanted into their brains to enhance their attack responses. (DE1,
this was a term used to describe any automaton which had a humanoid appearance and mannerisms.
Cybot Galactica
manufacturers of the popular 3PO series of protocol droids, Cybot Galactica was one of the original
Signatory Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority. (SWSB, CSA)
Cycer, Del
an unusually tall human, Del Cycer is also very thin. Standing better than two meters tall, he is also
noticed by the abundance of rings he wears on his fingers. Del played sabacc with Lob Doluff and Lando
Calrissian in the Oseon System, during the years prior to the Battle of Yavin. (LCF)
Cyclea Station
this outpost, located on the planet Somavva, was a haven for free-traders and independent shippers.
this was the name of Captain Jerg's main transport ship. (RAG)
Cycy Loctob
an alien on Nar Shaddaa (DE1)
Cydon Prax
this immense, reptilian being served as a guard at Count Dooku's fortress on Raxus Prime, during the
years surrounding the Battle of Geonosis. Cydon Prax was a Chistori, and had a bald head that was
circled by a heavy crest. His mouth with filled with a multitude of huge, square teeth. He spoke in terse
sentences, and rarely displayed emotion. When he did speak, Prax often referred to himself as "us."
Dooku assigned Prax to watch over young Boba Fett, after the youth was brought to Raxus Prime
following his father's death on Geonosis. Prax was later assigned to the task force Count Dooku had
assembled to track down the Force Harvester, and was instrumental in the Separatist's plans to enslave
the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk. Besides his military skills, Prax was also an excellent pilot, and
fought a brief battle with Anakin Skywalker during the early stages of the Clone Wars. After having
captured Skywalker on Raxus Prime, the Jedi escaped, but was confronted by Prax again on the planet
Thule. There, the two engaged each other by attacking with their fighter tanks. Ultimately, Anakin proved
to be the better pilot, as he was able to destroy Prax's tank and kill the Chistori. (BF2, WOTC, TCW)
Cydorrian Driller
a species of tree which has leathery bark, wide leaves, and a root system that grows extremely deep and
far-reaching. (TME)
Cyduct E-23 Booster
produced by Seselin Medicinal Electronics, this device was created to supply a user with shots of
chemical compounds to stimulate their bodily systems. Using a hidden system of micro-sonic vibrating
injectors, the E-23 could deliver performance-enhancing drugs directly through the skin, giving the user
an instant boost of energy. (GFT)

Cyduct E-23 Booster

developed by Seselin Medicinal Electronics, this device helps augment a being's ability to ingest fluids.
a deep-sea creature native to Chad III, these huge, long-necked fish-lizards vocalize a mournful song.
Many people on the planet made their living moving with the herds of cy'een, harvesting the plants and
smaller fish for food. Unlike most other species of the planet, the cy'een are infinitely wild and untamable.
The phrase "riding the cy'een" became a local expression for any challenging or dangerous task. (COJ,
this Sienar Ships Mark I transport was owned and operated by The Shield. The craft had been equipped
with a pair of double lasers and a turret-mounted laser cannon. It was heavily upgraded to withstand
battle, and was given at least five false transponder codes in case The Shield was intercepted by Imperial
forces. (CRO)
Cygnus B
this planet was known for the unusual algae which grew in its oceans. This algae, which formed into huge
beds of green, was known to have a minimal level of sentience. (PM16)
Cygnus Spaceworks
manufacturers of Lambda-class shuttles and starship components, Cygnus has strong ties to Sienar Fleet
Systems and the Imperial Navy. They filled the gap in starship requirements for mobile transports and
shuttles, since SFS concentrated on small starfighters and Kuat Drive Yards concentrated on capital
ships. They took the original SFS Lambda-class shuttle design and created a number of variants, such as
the Xg-1 StarWing gunboat and the Delta-class shuttle. (XW, EGV)
this planet is home to a wonderful natural formation known as the Crystal Spires. The planets Corellia and
Corulag both sent delegates to Cyimarra to gather data on the spires. They hoped to recreate them on
Coruscant for the Grand Display, during the Imperial Fair, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ5)
this was an alias used by Platt Okeefe to prowl the newsnets during the Galactic Civil War. Her secret
was discovered by Andor Javin and his V1-CH droid, after searching through hundreds of thousands of
combinations of syntax, language, and grammar. The droid discovered that the word "Cynabar," when
translated into Ithorian and then displayed using Huttese character system, reveals something that looks
like "Plttke." Javin then put the pieces of puzzle together, noting that Cynabar and Okeefe both
disappeared from Nar Shaddaa when the Empire nearly caught Cynabar on the vertical world. (SWJ8)
Cynabar's Droid Datalog
this newsnet forum was produced by the smuggler Platt Okeefe, under the pseudonym of Cynabar, to
provide her fellow smugglers with information and opinion on the various automata found in the galaxy.
Cynabar's Infonet
this underground newsfeed was created by Platt Okeefe, in an effort to keep free traders and smugglers
aware of the actions of the Empire and the true state of the galaxy during the height of the New Order.
(SWJ3, SWJ13)
a type of tree that grows on Chad, the leaves of the cyperill appear almost like hair. (QE, GG4)
this planet, the primary world in the Cyphar System, was a strategically located planet in the Mid Rim. It
was the target of the Confederacy of Independet States shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, as the

Separatists hoped to use it as a staging area for attacking Old Republic locations throughout the Mid Rim.
In order to ensure Cyphar's cooperation, the Separatists planned to dispatch the Storm Fleet to Cyphar
and threaten them into agreement. Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, discovered
the Separatist plans for Cyphar during a stopover at the Kronex Spaceport, and managed to delay the
Storm Fleet enough to warn the Old Republic military about the impending invasion. (SS1)
Cypher Bos
this Nalrithian bounty hunter almost captured Han Solo on Ord Mantell, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
Cypher Bos wore a set of highly-polished plate armor, which helped hide his appearance. He also had a
series of cybernetic pain inhibitors implanted along his spine, in order to allow him to absorb more
punishment. During his hunt for Solo, he killed his own eggmate brother, Phoedris Bos, who was known
to be sympathetic to the Alliance. Cypher Bos then posed as Phoedris and nearly captured Han - along
with Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker - on Ord Mantell. The Alliance agents were on Ord Mantell to steal
a cargo container full of credits being paid to the Empire by a former shipping company owned by ther
Organa family. Much to Cypher's surprise, Solo was much faster than he anticipated, shooting and killing
Cypher in a brief firefight before escaping. Their escape led them into the sights of the bounty hunter
Skorr. (RMOM, ROM, SWG5)
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "musical". (GCG)
this planet was known for its production of pit droids during the decades prior to the Battle of Yavin. The
natives of the planet had virtually cornered the market for pit droids, producing incredibly resilient models
at a cheap price. (SWDB)
an Alliance platform supply station destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was a model of waveskimmer produced for civilian and small military usage. This 7-meter-long craft
required a pilot and gunner to operate, and was armed with a turret-mounted twin laser cannon. (HAS)
Cyrs, Jobany
this descendant of Kirr Cyrs was a native of Socorro, and was hired by the Alliance to scout the planet's
suitability as a base of operations. A freelance scout by trade, Jobany was sympathetic to the Alliance's
cause during the Galactic Civil War, and helped them scout many bases. However, his ancestry gave him
a deep sense of nostalgia, and his scouting reports often read like travelogues. He traveled the galaxy in
the modified Vangaard Pathfinder Outward Bound. (BSS)
Cyrs, Kirr
this man was one of the first beings to scout the planet Socorro. He was also the historian of the first
colony established on the planet. Kirr Cyrs was generally credited with saying that all life born on Socorro
eventually dies on Socorro. (BSS)
this man worked as a security guard at the LoBue casino, on the planet Abregado-Rae, during Grand
Admiral Thrawn's attempt to take control of the galaxy some five years after the Battle of Endor. (HTTE)
this New Republic Lieutenant and helmsman served under Admiral Areta Bell aboard the Swift Liberty,
during the assault of Liinade III. (IR)
a series of droids manufactured by Serv-O-Droid for communications and translation. These humanoid
automatons have large eye-like pods on their heads and boxy features. They are somewhat outdated, but
were proficient in scrambling and encrypting transmissions. Some were programmed as security or

defense drones that warned their masters of imminent attacks. When the CZ series was first procuded,
Serv-O-Droid painted every model in a green, peach, and yellow color scheme, to make them stand out
from the competition. (CCG, CCG7)
this was a wrist-mounted flame projector system produced by Czerka during the height of the New Order.
Note that the Arms and Equipment Guide claims that the CZ was Czerka's only entry into the flamethrower category, despite the description of the CZ-28. (AEG)
this elderly secretary droid was paired with CZ-3, until they were separated in the deserts of Tatooine.
CZ-3 was captured by Jabba the Hutt's henchmen, while CZ-1 was obtained by a clan of Jawas. When he
was discovered by the Jawas, CZ-1 had completely broken down, and he joints were almost permanently
sand-crusted. CZ-1 had originally been modified from the basic CZ-series design to more closely
resemble the Stacchati, the species for which he originally worked. (VD)
this was protocol droid was assigned to Cal Omas, during the period in which the New Republic
regrouped on Calamari in the wake of the Battle of Coruscant. (DW)
this battered CZ-series droid served as the controller of the spaceport on Engebo V. CZ-22's work
involved customs inspections and welcoming committee. (WOA10)
CZ-22 Flametongue
this was Czerka's version of the Merr-Sonn C-22 flame carbine. (AEG)
CZ-24 Flamemaster
this was Czerka's flame rifle, built from the designs of the Merr-Sonn CR-24. (AEG)
CZ-28 Flamestrike
this was the designation of Czerka's flame cannon, produced during the early stages of the Clone Wars. It
was built from the designs of Merr-Sonn's CR-28 flame cannon. (PH, AEG)
this Serv-O-Droid communications droid was present in Mos Eisley when Luke Skywalker sold his
landspeeder to pay Han Solo for passage to Alderaan, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. CZ-3 was a
white, humanoid droid that had been owned by Jabba the Hutt. CZ-3 had been used to store the Hutt's
accounting data, but was stolen from Jabba's townhouse by Opun Mcgrrrr. This was part of Jabba's plan,
however, as he had placed a transceiver rig inside the droid's head, allowing the Hutt to record a great
deal of Mcgrrrr's criminal doings. (CCG, SWJ11)
this CZ-series droid was part of Jabba the Hutt's droid pool. (CCG7)
Czerka Arms
this large corporation manufactured a variety of hold-out blasters, flame weapons, and handheld projectile
weapons. Czerka was originally founded as the Czerka Corporation, many millennia before the Galactic
Civil War. The corporation grew rapidly, and established a virtual monopoly on the weapons market.
When the Great Sith War broke out, corporate executives decided to ally themselves with the Sith, fearing
that the Old Republic would be unable to defend itself. In the wake of the defeat of the Sith, Czerka was
faced with a publicity nightmare, and decided to change its name so simply Czerka Arms. During the last
centuries of the Old Republic, Czerka sold its wares to any buyer with ready credits. However, during the
height of the New Order, Czerka worked out an exclusive distribution deal with the Empire and was the
third largest producer of weapons in the galaxy, behind only BlasTech and Merr-Sonn. With the fall of the
Empire, Czerka courted the New Republic in an effort to increase their marketshare and presence in the

Czerka Corporation
this large corporation manufactured a variety of hold-out blasters, flame weapons, and handheld projectile
weapons. Czerka was originally founded many millennia before the Galactic Civil War. The corporation
grew rapidly, and established a virtual monopoly on the weapons market. When the Great Sith War broke
out, corporate executives decided to ally themselves with the Sith, fearing that the Old Republic would be
unable to defend itself. (KOTOR)
this tall, broad-shouldered man had close-cropped, moss-green hair. A silver cyborg implant wrapped
completely around his head, and had several access ports jacked directly into his skull. The implant
covered his eyes, and a single red optical laser allowed him to see. One of the more powerful lieutenants
in the Black Sun organization, Czethros was imprisoned in the Kessel spice mines after being arrested by
Imperial officers on Ord Mantell, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Czethros and his companion, Briff, had
been trying to capture Han Solo by threatening to kill Chewbacca. Solo countered by stealing Czethros'
starship and flying into several Imperial no-fly zones and committing other infractions. Han returned to
Ord Mantell and rescued Chewbacca just before a squadron of stormtroopers arrested Czethros and Briff.
Czethros found employment on Kessel as an assistant to Moruth Doole, and later returned to Ord Mantell
upon his release. Czethros never forgot his Black Sun connections, and soon found employment with
Durga the Hutt. After Durga's demise, he decided to lay low and became a respectable businessman, and
was influential in the yearly planning of the Blockade Runners Derby. This served as the perfect front
from which to rebuild Black Sun in his own image. It was Czethros who then arranged for Solo to act as
Grand Marshall of the 93rd Derby, all the while plotting his revenge against Han. His initial plans failed,
but Czethros was undaunted. He knew that he was rebuilding a criminal empire through the remnants of
Black Sun, and would soon have enough resources to eliminate Solo once and for all. Czethros continued
to expand his organization, learning from all of Black Sun's previous mistakes. He tried to take control of
much of Cloud City's revenues, including SkyCenter Galleria, but was again foiled in his plans by Lando
Calrissian and the Solo children. Sometime later, Czethros placed key Black Sun agents in high positions
around the galaxy, and developed a plan which used precision communications to simultaneously
activate them. On cue, they would disrupt New Republic governments and provide enough distraction for
Czethros to move in and take control. First, however, Czethros tried to take over the spice mines of
Kessel. His plan nearly succeeded, but the Jedi Knights Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Lowbacca managed to foil
his communications plan and eliminate the threat. New Republic forces were quickly dispatched to
Kessel, and Czethros was forced to flee. He was unable to get away cleanly, however, and fell into a vat
of molten carbonite after tripping over a dead mine worker. His frozen form was recovered by the New
Republic and taken into custody. (ROM, TCC, CCR)
this Drach'nam was one of two guards employed by Chay Praysh that were burned by Mara Jade during
her first attempte to escape from Praysh's palace on Torpris. (TFNR)
Czulkang Lah
this ancient Yuuzhan Vong was the father of Warmaster Tsavong Lah. After being succeeded by his son,
Czulkang Lah became a well-known teacher of Yuuzhan Vong youths. A harsh and stern master,
Czulkang Lah demanded only the best from his students. Many students earned "Czulkang Lah pits," as a
result of making mistakes in his classes. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Tsavong Lah called upon
his father's expertise to help him guide the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The elder warrior had severe arthritis,
and could move about only with the help of enhanced vonduun-crab armor. When the Yuuzhan Vong
began planning their assault on the galaxy, Czulkang Lah opposed his son's plans for conquest.
However, he bore his son no ill will, and agreed to take command of Domain Hul's resources to lead an
assault against Borleias, following the Battle of Coruscant. While he was a cunning warrior in his time,
Czulkang Lah was unable to anticipate the tactics used by Wedge Antilles at Borleias. The former
Warmaster fell completely for the Starlancer Project, and dedicated large amounts of military resource to
destroying it. Then, when the New Republic finally abandoned Borleias, Czulkang Lah failed to interpret
the destruction being suffered by the Lusankya. His weakness in trying to anticipate the actions of the
Republic led him to lose much of his fleet before realizing that the Lusankya was going to ram his
worldship. Czulkang Lah ordered the complete evacuation of the ship, but remained aboard as it

exploded after being impaled by the Super Star Destroyer. (EL1, EL2)
Czulkang Lah Pit
this was the term used to describe the small holes which appeared on the bodies of Yuuzhan Vong
students who were trained by Czulkang Lah. The pits were caused by Czulkang Lah's amphistaff, which
he used to lash out at students who made mistakes during his lectures. For those students who earned
only a few of these pits, they became a badge of honor and respect. For those students who earned a
great number of them, they became marks of shame for their ineptitude. (EL1)

this was the alias used by an unknown human agent who was working in the criminal underground of
Tolea Biqua, in the Cularin System, during the height of the Clone Wars. Many believed that D was
actually working for Riboga, who was trying to unseat Nirama and re-establish himself as the dominant
crimelord in the system. Among the criminal elements of Cularin, it was also believed that D was secretly
working to unseat both Nirama and Riboga, to take over Cularin for himself. (LFCW)
D & S Supercircuit
this was a model of extremely fast, high-speed starship navigational computer, available during the height
of the New Order. (SL)
D.Star Emperor's Revenge Site One
this was the codename of an uncharted system in the Kathol Sector, as maintained in starcharts owned
by Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. The starcharts were bait Sarne used to trap the FarStar, during the New
Republic's search for him, as th charts included a trapdoor program which was designed to destroy the
FarStar's computer core. (DARK)
D.Star Emperor's Revenge Site Two
this was the codename of an uncharted system in the Kathol Sector, as maintained in starcharts owned
by Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. The starcharts were bait Sarne used to trap the FarStar, during the New
Republic's search for him, as th charts included a trapdoor program which was designed to destroy the
FarStar's computer core. (DARK)
D.T. Spool and the Skroaches
this was a rebellious musical group, popular among the younger generation on Coruscant, during the last
years of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
D/Crypt Information Services
this semi-legitimate business operated from a base in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, during the
height of the New Order. It provided slicing and other data-retrieval services for any being with enough
credits to afford them. Bossk used them to help break into Slave I's computer banks, when the
Trandoshan found the ship in orbit shortly before the Battle of Endor. (MA)
D/Square Decoder
this decryption and deciphering system was used in military and police databanks, as well as Imperial
Ubiqtorate bases, and was quite powerful. It was designed and manufactured by Fedukowski. (VOF)
this was the official designation of Tantiss Station. (FP)
this Kuat Drive Yards freighter was the follow-up to the successful D9 Runner. The D11 had better
armament than the D9, and was much faster. (SSR)
an Alliance probe droid, operating as a sentry in the Atrivis Sector. It alerted the inhabitants of the planet
Mantooine of an impending Imperial invasion. The droid was destroyed, but not before it relayed
information on the Imperials to Mantooine. (RASB, XW)
a variety of propellant gas used in extra-vehicular space suits. (SOL)

this skylane route connected the CoCo District of Coruscent to the Boribos and Hirkenglade Prefectures,
during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
an Imperial outpost located in orbit around the planet Javin, in the Javin Sector, D-34 was used heavily
just after the Battle of Hoth as an intercept point. The Imperials attempted to drive the fleeing Alliance
ships into the Javin Sector and past D-34. The station was eventually captured by the Alliance, with the
help of the Mugaari pirates. The Empire later recovered it. (TIE, WOA33)
this specially-programmed protocol droid served Vost Tyne as a secretary at the hyperbaride plant on
Marca. It was completely loyal to Tyne, and was programmed with a Core-accented voice. (POM)
this servant droid was owned by Preela Dorat, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ4)
this was the designation of the New Republic Navy's antiradiation mitigation procedure, used when a
starship's main reactor is damaged. (POT)
this G-1 series droid worked for the Tredway family on the 24 Tredway mines, in the Sil'Lume Asteroid
Belt. It was able to save Dena Tredway, getting her to the asteroid's medical facility, shortly after Imperial
Governor Parnell destroyed the asteroid base. After Dena was delivered to Luke Skywalker for transport
to Ire Eleazari's asteroid, D435 deactivated itself to avoid Imperial capture. (JH)
a humanoid droid which was assigned to Governor Grigor on M'haeli, D-4R5 was shot, and his memory
wiped, as a way for Ranulf Trommer to use to infiltrate Mora's confidence. She was able to completely
repair the droid, and it was put to use by the Alliance supporters on the planet. (ROC)
this protocol droid was owned by Merrik, on M'haeli. (ROC)
slightly small than an R2-unit, this determined little maintenance droid was part of the minimal droid pool
at the Empire's hyperbaride plant on Marca. (POM)
see Cyanoxis (HNN5)
this was the designation of the second-generation super battle droids, built to the specifications of the
Trade Federation for used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. (SWI69)
this Imperial spaceport law required that all open hangars be equipped with time-lock devices. (IWST)
this Alliance scouting and reconnaissance team was led by Mils Gessak, and searched for forward
outposts during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)
this New Republic Intelligence ferret ship was assigned to the Fifth Battle Group as a trailer for the
Teljkon vagabond. It was used by Pakkpekatt to violate the twelve-kilometer zone around the vagabond,
after the fleet's interdiction picket was set up. Later, when the Lady Luck gained entrance to the zecured
zone, D-89 was sent in to try and intercept the pleasure yacht using the same code. Unfortunately, the

code had changed, and D-89 was destroyed by the vagabond before it finally managed to jump to
hyperspace. (BTS)
this was the designation of a secret base maintained by the Empire's Ubiqtorate in the Ringali Nebula.
D8-Red was built on a stable planetoid, and was home to the Special Navy forces. (FOP)
D9 Runner
this was a series of light freighters produced by Kuat Drove Yards. The D9 Runner measured 23 meters
in length, and coudl transport up to 4 passengers and 75 metric tons of cargo. The D9 Runner was one of
KDY's first freighter designs produced during the New Order, and found great acceptance for its low price
and reliability. It was eventually replaced by the D11 model, which was faster and better-armed. (SSR)
this was the designation of the third-generation of super battle droids designed by the Trade Federation,
during the early stages of the Clone Wars. An improvement over the D-60 series, the D-90 was created to
work in small teams as commando units, rather than as members of a massive infantry division. The
Separatists hoped to take control of the Spaarti Creations facility on Cartao and retool it to produce the D90 droids, but the efforts of Commander Roshton and the Jedi Master Jafer Torles thwarted the takeover
attempt. (SWI69)
this data file, created by Mon Mothma, was part of Leia Organa-Solo's personal archive. It contained the
official decree that allowed Alpha Blue to exist as a secret governmental agency. (BTS)
this maintenance droid was abandoned when its starship was destroyed in space. It became what is
commonly known as a void droid, and patrolled the Paradise System Junkyards. (SH)
Da Soocha
a planet with five moons in the Cyax system, in the Huttese language, Da Soocha means "Walking
Planet." It is a water-covered world, which lended some credence to the Hutt legends of the Cyax system
including a planet with an intelligent, godlike ocean. However, from all initial probes, Da Soocha's ocean
is as normal as any other ocean. Admiral Ackbar had planned to rescue his fellow Mon Calamari from the
Emperor's World Devastators by transporting them to Da Soocha. (DE1, DESB, EGP)
Da Soocha 5
Da Soocha's fifth moon, home of the New Republic's Pinnacle Base. It was chosen for the Pinnacle Base
following the outbreak of civil war on Coruscant, primarily because its location was unknown to everyone
but the Hutts. It is called the Pinnacle Moon because of its unique landscape. The huge gravitational pull
of Da Soocha has created large tidal forces on the moon. These tides eventually washed away all loose
sediment, revealing huge spires of rock that were spewed from volcanoes eons ago. These pinnacles are
home for the Ixlls. The moon was destroyed by the resurrected Emperor Palpatine when he fired his
Galaxy Gun at the moon, in an effort to eradicate the New Republic. (DE1, DESB, EE)
Da wanga
this Huttese pronoun meant "that one" when translated into Basic. (AAOTC)
this repair droid was part of the pool of automatons that worked aboard Matton Dasol's ship, some 4,000
years before the Galactic Civil War. D-A02 was present when Eli Gand killed the crew, and remained in
hiding until it was discovered by a Jedi Knight on Kashyyyk. Although it exploded when taken from the
ship, D-A02's head was later recovered, and its recordings were used as evidence in Eli's trial. (KOTOR)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)

Daal, Raymas
this small-time criminal operated on the planet Naboo, during the period leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. Daal was contacted by the Trade Federation's secret agents, and was supplied with funds to hire
freelance mercenaries to help knock out Naboo's communications relays, in order to isolate Naboo during
the Federation's invasion of the planet. Once the relays were knocked out, the Federation could deploy its
jamming satellites in orbit, effectively cutting Naboo off from the rest of the galaxy. Although ultimately
successful in hiring the freelancers, Daal was later captured by the Naboo Royal Security Force and
detained for questioning. (WOA8)
this woman served as an Imperial Navy Admiral (the only female in any Imperial command position), and
was in charge of the Maw Installation during the height of the New Order. She was educated at the
Academy on Carida, and excelled at everything her teachers could throw at her. Unfortunately, being
female in the Imperial Navy meant that she was constantly overlooked for promotions and awards. This
angered her, but she struck back silently, creating an alter ego for herself in the Academy's computers.
Her alias quickly became known as one of the Empire's brightest naval minds, and even Grand Moff
Tarkin took notice. When he arrived at Carida to take this military prodigy under his wing, he was stymied
by the fact that the physical person did not exist. He dug deeper into the computer records and
discovered Daala's ruse. Though he was Imperial to the core, Tarkin realized that her genius could not be
wasted any longer. He took Daala with him as a personal attache, and promoted her in the field. Her
promotion to Admiral was presented by Grand Moff Tarkin, and Palpatine may have been unaware of it.
She was placed in command of the small fleet guarding the Maw Installation, where she stayed for ten
years, cut off from the outside galaxy. When the Maw Installation was discovered by Han Solo and Kyp
Durron, she was forced into action against a vast, unknown enemy and with limited, outdated resources.
Her initial strikes against the New Republic were tactically successful, but she lost three-quarters of her
fleet in the process. She fled to the deep Core Systems, hiding from the New Republic while trying to
unite the various Imperial warlords who also hid there, squabbling amongst themselves. Much of her
"Empire" was made up of pirates and thugs, and those Imperial officers who chose not to follow Admiral
Pellaeon Rimward to form another "Empire." She eventually met up with Pellaeon, and the two of them
executed the warlords in a summit meeting that was supposed to bring them all together. The mass
executions were Daala's last resort, but she chose to do it. She took command of the combined Imperial
fleet, and set out to eliminate the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. She also arranged for part of her fleet to take
out a number of important New Republic locations. Her plans nearly succeeded, but the combined might
of the Jedi Knights and the New Republic proved too much for her fleet. The seventeen ships under
Pellaeon were physically flung from the system; Cronus' ships were dispersed on secondary missions;
and her own flagship, the Knight Hammer, was sabotaged by Callista before she could claim ultimate
victory. Daala evacuated the ship as it plunged into the core of Yavin, and was rescued by Pellaeon's
ships at the fringes of the system. Once aboard Pellaeon's ship, Daala resigned her rank as Admiral and
turned the fleet over to Pellaeon. She re-appeared on Cybloc XII, shortly after the Death Seed plague had
wiped out the New Republic forces there. She found R2-D2 and C-3PO among the decomposing bodies.
She had been retired on Pedducis Chorios, but was offered an advisory position by the piratical warlords
that ruled the planet. She hoped that the droids would reveal information on the battle in the Meridian
Sector, but was dismayed to learn that Moff Getelles was among the combatants. She detested his
condescending ways, and agreed to help out the New Republic by attacking Getelles. In the aftermath,
she was reunited with Liegeus, and the two returned to her outpost on Pedducis Chorios. Daala made
another series of attacks on the New Republic after the Black Fleet Crisis was resolved, having gathered
a small force of Imperial defectors upon her return to the Deep Core. Her efforts were once again
thwarted, and Daala was forced to blind-jump her starship Scylla into hyperspace. (JS, DA, COTF, DS,
this planet was the site of a trade conference during the Galactic Civil War. Han Solo was escorting Leia
Organa to the conference when they became entangled with the Five near Attahox. (CSWDW)
this people was one of the two major factions which inhabited the planet of Melida/Daan. Throughout the

history of their planet, the Melida had seen the Daan as feral beasts, and used a legacy of perceived
wrong-doings to continue their civil war. The older members of both societies fought to avenge losses
sustained centuries before, using their children as laborers in munitions factories while they killed each
other in battle. They had been involved in a war with the Melida for thirty years before Obi-Wan Kenobi
and Qui-Gon Jinn traveled to their planet to rescue Tahl. (DOD)
Daan Council
the governing body that controlled the actions of the Daan, some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo.
meaning "joy", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this heavy vegetable was used in many gourmet dishes. Aside from its exotic taste, the dabaroo's skin
exuded natural phosphors during preparation, making any meal which containd dabaroo glow an unusual
blue color. The blue coloration can be altered by the amount of time the dabaroo skin is cooked during
preparation, from an intense cobalt to a royal blue. (HNN5)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
the Nelroni Marauders established a base on this planet, which was located along the Hyabb-Twith
Corridor. The Dachat base allowed the Marauders to prey upon the governments of both Hyabb and
Twith, while taking their pick of the ships which traveled between them. Following the loss of their main
base on Voon, the Nelroni were driven off Dachat by the ancient Jedi Knights. (TOJC)
Dacho District
this was one of the largest factory districts found on the planet Coruscant, some 700 years before the
Battle of Geonosis. At that time, a chemical explosion in the Dacho district set off the planet's most lethal
industrial accident. The explosion occurred deep below the surface of the planet, and unleashed toxic
neuritic carbide gases, killing more than 300,000 beings who were trapped in the complex. Investigation
by the Old Republic revealed more than the reason behind the explosion. Urban legend claimed that the
sub-levels of the factories were processing the bodies of poor and disadvantaged immigrants in order to
reduce them to their biological fluids. Although the actual cause of the explosion was classified by the
Republic, every Dacho district corporate executive fled the planet, and the entire area was abandoned.
During the last decades of the Old Republic, the Dacho district was rumored to be haunted, and the Jedi
Knights recognized a subtly nightmarish emanation of the Force from the area. It became known as the
Dead Sector, and was avoided at all costs. Perhaps these were the reasons that Darth Sidious and his
apprentice, Darth Tyranus, chose to meet there in the wake of the Battle of Geonosis. (SWI65)
this man, known to his friends as Doc, worked with Uldir as a search and rescue pilot aboard the Pride of
Thela during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Unknown to Uldir, Dacholder was also a member
of the Peace Brigade. When the Yuuzhan Vong declared that they would halt their invasion if the Jedi
Knights were turned over to them, the Peace Brigade told its members to locate and turn over any Jedi
they encountered. Dacholder, knowing that Uldir was once a student of the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4,
arranged for Uldir to be taken by staging a fake rescue operation to the Winning Hand. However, during
the transfer, Uldir activated an emergency airlock he had installed, and Dacholder was sucked out into
space. Uldir took the Pride of Thela and escaped. (EVC)
this woman was a member of Han Solo's strike team, dispatched to the Forest Moon of Endor to take out

the shield generator protecting the second Death Star. She was injured while trying to hold off a group of
biker scouts. (SWRPG)
this was one of the most common names given to male Corellians. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this possible Jedi candidate was located in the Imperial computers by R2-D2 and C-3PO, but was
disregarded because he cheated rather than sensed the winners of blob races. He was a microelectronics expert. Seeking to become wealthy and never have to work again, he rigged the Duchess
Mistal's search for a consort so that the computer selected him as the candidate. She could not bear to be
away from him, and so she wouldn't let him out of her sight. He fled to Umgul in an effort to escape their
marriage, and tried to rig enough blob races to afford passage farther from Dargul. He was apprehended
by Lando Calrissian during a blob race, as Lando was trying to determine if Tymmo were a candidate for
the Jedi Academy. What Lando discovered was that Tymmo had been implanting micro-motivators into
the blobs in order to coerce them into winning. Since cheating at blob races incurred the death sentence
on Umgul, and since Tymmo wanted to live more than he wanted to die, he surrendered to Lando was
returned to Mistal. (JS, JASB)
Dack Track
an Umgullian blobstacle course commissioned by Duchess Mistal of Dargul, and built by Slish Fondine. It
was built to commemorate Dack's return to the Duchess's side. (JS)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
Daclo Koat-xi
a New Republic Commander who led a field operations team into the galaxy to learn more about the
World Devastators. (DESB)
an alien race. (RM)
this yellow ammonia crystal is vital to the survival of Arconans who are away from their homeworld. Dactyl
is used as a dietary supplement to stave off the effects of low-ammonia atmospheres. Even short periods
of time without a regular supply of ammonia will kill an Arconan, so a steady source of dactyl is
maintained during travel. (RF)
Dactyl Stork
native to several swamp-covered planets, the dactyl stork was noted for its back-bending leg joints. (T)
this was the handler of the computer operator who managed the Cularin HoloNet nodes, during the height
of the Clone Wars. (LFCW)
Dade, Herron
this man served as a General in the armed forces of the planet Gandle Ott, during the early years of the
New Republic. General Dade was the commander of the planet's military forces, and was one of the
many who felt that the Empire had not done the planet - or Kathol Sector, for that matter - any favors. He
was also a skilled diplomat, and stepped into the limelight when the crew of the FarStar landed on Gandle
Ott, during their search for Moff Kentor Sarne. (DARK)
Dade, Lilla

a scout in Page's Commandos, her job was to drop behind enemy lines and open a path for the rest of
the team. Page considered her probably the best Pathfinder in the entire Special Operations division,
which led to her selection as the primary infiltrator placed on Kal'Shebbol, shortly before the New
Republic assaulted Moff Kentor Sarne's stronghold there. Years later, Lilla had maintained her standing
with the New Republic military, and remained one of their best trackers. She was part of the assault team
dispatched to Ylesia to ferret out and capture the leaders of the Peace Brigade, some time after the Battle
of Coruscant. (HTSB, DARK, Y)
Dadeferron, Dixon
a native of Kail, Dixen was Torm's father., He was turned into the Corporate Sector police force by Torm
for infractions loosely based on the land-use disputes between the Dadeferron family and the Authority.
Torm's real motivation was to gain control of the Kail Ranges. (CSA)
Dadeferron, Torm
a native of the planet Kail, Torm and his family were independent landowners within the Corporate
Sector. He was jealous of the power his father held as the owner of the Kail Ranges, and wanted it for
himself. When his family became involved in a series of land-use disputes with the Corporate Sector
Authority, Torm was approached by Authority agents and offered the chance to own the Ranges outright
if he would held convict his father of some wrong-doing. Torm agreed, and soon his father, Dixon, and his
brother, Trevim, were arrested and removed from Kail. Torm's involvement with the Authority didn't end
there. He joined up with Rekkon, ostensibly in an effort to locate his father and brother who had "suddenly
disappeared" after the land-use battle. However, this story was just a cover for his real work as an
Authority operative whose mission it was to infiltrate Rekkon's group and eliminate it. Torm succeeded in
killing Rekkon aboard the Millennium Falcon, but not before Rekkon was able to discover the location of
Stars' End. Torm was later discovered by Han Solo as Rekkon's killer, and Han quickly deposited Torm
into outer space, without a pressure suit. (HSE, CSA)
Dadeferron, Trevim
Torm's brother, sent to Stars' End with his father, Dixon, as part of the plot to place Torm in control of the
Kail Ranges and remove the dispute over the use of the Ranges. (CSA)
Dadefra, Alistar
this man was the Imperial Navy Captain who commanded the mission to wipe out the Eyttyrmin Batiiv
pirates. He used the tractor beams on his Victory-class Star Destroyers to hold the pirates' corvettes at
bay while spacetroopers boarded them and killed the occupants. He then started lang-range jamming,
cutting the smaller pirate ships off from their commands. The Star Destroyers then opened fire at will,
followed by an intense concussion missile barrage launched at the surface of the planet Khuiumin. The
Imperials sustained 86 casualties while wiping out nearly 8,000 pirates. After the success of the mission,
the 53-year-old Dadefra was promoted to the command of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Brazen, and
dispatched to Elrood Sector to wipe out the rebellion and piracy which sprang up after the Battle of Yavin.
He spent a great deal of time disciplining Captains Pryl and Zed, working to defuse their rivalry in order to
center their efforts on destroying the Alliance. When the Brazen was ambushed by pirates, Dadefra
managed to limp back to Derilyn for repairs. Unfortunately, the Alliance was able to destroy the Brazen. It
was unknown if Dadefra was aboard the ship when it exploded. (SWSB, OE)
this gas giant was the outermost of the three worlds in the Marcellus System. It had five moons. Note that
the report from Vost Tyne to Aaz'del Hutrick referred to this planet as Dardris. (POM)
this Twi'lek family founded the Daedalus Gas Mines corporation, after convincing a group of investors in
the profitability of gas mining on Genarius. They put a large sum of credits into the development of the
floating city of Friz Harammel, and funded the development of the AR-25 Bubbleship and the VA-13
Sweeper. (LFC)
Daedalon System
a planetary system. (TPS)

Daedalus Corporation
this mining outfit operates on the planet Korbin. (PG2)
Daedar Xiese
this was a famous Iktotchi individual, distinguished in the histories of the moon of Iktotch. (UANT)
Daedelus Gas Mines
this corporation was focused on the mining of gases for a variety of uses in industry and manufacturing.
Daedelus invested heavily in the development of the city of Friz Harammel, located in the atmosphere of
the planet Genarius, and was rewarded when the city proved to be incredibly successful. (LFC)
this was one of the Alliance's Nebulon-B frigates, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this was the largest of the underground cities located on the planet Aleron. (PGT)
Daelar vuv Tertarrnek
this Covallon was one of the Alliance's deepest cover agents, pretending to be the pet of Moff Harlov
Jarnek. The Imperial Moff, a prime example of a xenophobe who couldn't see anything not human as
intelligent, thought vuv Tertarrnek was an interesting pet and nothing more. vuv Tertarrnek, on the other
hand, understood everything the Moff said, and was able to provide the Alliance with a bounty of
information on troop and starship movements in Tandon Sector. However, vuv Tertarrnek's position as a
pet made it hard to transmit data back to the Alliance without being caught, since Jarnek liked to keep his
pet at his side to impress others. vuv Tertarrnek maintained his position at the Moff's side by using his
empathic sense to match his actions to the Moff's needs. (CRO)
Daele, Hart
this Jedi Knight was known as a theoretical mathematician. He was especially gifted in the playing of
Divoran Holochess. He was a native of the planet Damualer Triac. (GG9)
D'aelgoth Sector
Han Solo and Xaverri once conned the Assistant Secretary to the Imperial Moff of this sector out of all his
money while implicating him in a treasonous crime. (THG)
this planet was known as the site of the Clarion Scholars Academy. (SWED)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "female ruler" or "queen" in the Twi'leki
language. (GCG)
this Twi'leki female was one of the first of her species to attend Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin
4. As a child, she was orphaned when her mother was enslaved, and she spent a lot of time in starports,
talking to pilots and learning how to exist outside society's mainstream. Daeshara'cor never forgot the
loss of her mother. After joing the praxeum, she struggled mightily with her training, though she believed
that Luke's trainings were being lost on Kyp Durron. Daeshara'cor, however, still harbored anger over the
loss of her mother, which eventually led her down a path toward the Dark Side of the Force. Shortly after
the Yuuzhan Vong first invaded the galaxy, Daeshara'cor was given the mission to determine if any data
files from the Maw Installation survived its destruction. After learning how the Yuuzhan Vong enslaved
other beings and turned them into mindless slaves, she chose not to board the ship and began her own
search for a superweapon to destroy the Vong. She planned to travel to Vortex, hoping to lead the Jedi
away from her path. However, Anakin Solo and Chalco located her on Garos IV. Daeshara'cor was forced
to capture them and hold them ransom. Anakin, with Chalco's help, managed to escape and capture
Daeshara'cor, and they returned her to the Jedi gathered on Ithor. She apologized for her actions, and
was eventually forgiven by Master Skywalker. She later fought side by side with Anakin in the Battle of

Ithor, but in the end she was mortally poisoned by the bite of a Yuuzhan Vong amphistaff. Anakin
despaired that he could do nothing to save her. As her life expired, Daeshara'cor gave herself up to the
Force, and her physical form disappeared. (DTR)
Daetan Taakses
this Rodian was the founder of the Pinett Freedom Force, the protest group which tried to protest the
blockades established by the Corsignis Property Alliance and the Jon-Tow Economic Development Group
during the Galactic Civil War. He started the protests with a very public hunger strike, and the Pinett
Freedom Force continued to expland its protests to ensure that ships from either faction were not allowed
to land on the moon. Daetan was a pacifist, and felt that peaceful protests such as a hunger strike would
be most effective. However, his hunger strike, coupled with the demonstrations by the Pinett Freedom
Force, meant that port workers found themselves without work. Whenever he managed to go out in
public, he was under constant vigilence against violence from the port workers. (WOA25)
Daf Spearmaster
this Whiphid was part of a mercenary band hired to train the TransGalMeg security force on the planet
Narg. However, when the natives of Narg realized that Daf wasn't human, he was released from service.
Since that time, he has remained on the planet, frequenting the Free Access Grill and spending his
evenings talking with Lin Konpost. Daf realized that his chances of a good living were limited on Narg, but
feared that Imperial control of the galaxy would make his life even worse. (TA)
this smuggler was part of the gang led by Lemo and Sanda. She was given the statue of the Minstrel by
Lando Calrissian, during Calrissian's escape from Arcan IV, in an effort to distract her. She then fired on
her former companions, hoping to throw them off in order to find the Dancing Goddess herself. (LTA4,
this mercenary worked for Valance the Hunter during the height of the New Order. A beaked humanoid
with long, three-fingered hands and pointed ears, Dafi relished the interrogation of captives. After
capturing Jaxxon, Valance ordered Dafi and the rest of his gang to discover the location of Han Solo from
the Lepi. Jaxxon refused, even under the ministrations of an agony inducer, until Amaiza arrived to
rescue him. In the brief firefight, Dafi and the rest of the bounty hunters were shot and killed by Amaiza.
Dafid, Wex "TIE-Die"
an Alliance tactical training officer who taught the new starpilot recruits on board the Independence. He
earned the nickname "TIE-Die" for his many ways to destroy the Imperial starships. (XW)
this Yuuzhan Vong Prefect was ostensibly the leader of the Praetorite Vong, and was in command of the
primary invasion force launched at the known galaxy, some twenty-five years after the Battle of Yavin.
Da'Gara was charged with executing the initial assaults on those planets which were the first Vector
Prime objectives. This mission was coordinated with the actions of Yomin Carr on Belkadan, who ensured
that the outpost planet could not report on the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. His career was ended quickly
after the loss of the Helska base, and his failure nearly ruined the career of Nom Anor. (VP, HT, NJOSB)
Dagdan Dimnid
this Advozse worked in the Imperial Treasury during the height of the Galactic Civil War, acting as a spy
for Emperor Palpatine himself. (GMR4)
Dagel Igara
this was a noted Baragwin individual. (UANT)
Dagelin Minor
this inhabitants of the planet were nearly wiped out by a strain of the Hardan Plague carried to the planet
by a swarm of Bogan's Brown Nafen which had been imported to control an outbreak of dhuru flies. All

but two percent of the population succombed to the disease. (COG)

an Alliance transport assigned to pick up the defectors from the Bixby near Dellalt. (XW)
this Trade Federation starship participated in the Battle of Naboo. (OWS, SFT)
Dagger Combat Pistol
this was a slugthrower produced by Coruschal WeaponWorks during the Galactic Civil War. (FOP)
Dagger Thorn
this plant protected itself by growing large, wicked thorns along its branches. Each of these thorns
secreted a venomous sap which could kill a man with just a scratch. Because of this, many gladiators
used them in hand-to-hand combat. (MC20)
Dagger, The
developed by Mercevian Nagua - and often known as the Mercevian Nagua Manevuer - this pirate tactic
involved the use of a saboteur to disable a target ship's hyperdrive at a specific time, bringing the ship out
of hyperspace near a pirate fleet. It was a risky maneuver for the agent placed aboard the target ship,
because being discovered often meant certain death. A variation of this maneuver had the saboteur
actually seize control of the bridge and bring the ship out of hyperspace themself, delivering it to the
pirate fleet. (PP)
this Imperial System Patrol Craft showed up suddenly in the Endor System, just after the Battle of Endor.
It destroyed the Alliance Corvette Old Republic before escaping. (TBSB)
Dagger-class Fighter
this three-winged starfighter was manufactured during the last decades of the Old Republic, and found a
following among pirates and mercenaries for its speed and maneuverability. In its form, the Dagger fighter
resembled the Clawcraft of the Chiss, with the three wings enclosing the main fuselage. (STF)
this form of starfighter was produced by the Duros for police work within the Duros System. Built as part
of a joint effort between the Duroi Defense Force and FreiTek, Incorporated, the Dagger-D measured
11.8 meters in length, and was equipped with Novaldex BlasterDrive sublight propulsion system. It was
armed with a triple blaster cannon, and could carry up to two passengers - usually prisoners - and eightfive kilograms of cargo. (BP, CCW)
this predator is native to the jungles of Cona. (RF)
this small, beautifully-striped fish was native to the oceans of Naboo. They were prolific breeders, an
evolutionary response to their short lifespan. Daggerts swam in huge schools, and were the most plentiful
of all Naboo's fish. (GF, WSW)
Daggibus Scoritoles
this Givin represented him homeworld of Yag'Dhul to the Galactic Senate of the Old Republic, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. As the Galactic Senate stagnated, Senator Scoritoles and Yag'Dhul
seceded from the Republic, joining the Separatists in an effort to avoid the violence which was spreading
throughout the galaxy. During the height of the Clone Wars, Scoritoles openly denounced the Republic's
efforts to recruit sympathetic Givin to their ranks of astrogators and galactic mappers. His fear was that
the Republic would be able to better hyperspatial calculations and better starmaps than those of the
Confederacy of Independent Systems, giving the Republic the advantage of reaching far-flung
destinations faster than the Separatists. (HNN5, SWI73)

Daghreb, Mar
this woman served as the Head Manager of the Dorumaa Resort management company during the years
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. A young woman in her late twenties, Mar was outwardly
accommodating and cordial to her guests and customers. However, she was known to be a harsh,
unyielding boss to her employees, and could be brutally honest if needed. (LFC)
Daglear, Tovir
this Imperial Governor was a noted playboy who never failed to miss a party or event during the height of
the New Order. He was particularly fond of the Spira Regatta Open, and made a regular journey to Spira
each year to attend the pre-race parties. (GCG)
the primary world in the Dagobah system, this swamp planet was home to Yoda in the years following the
Jedi Purge. It was located in the Sluis sector, some 50,250 light-years from the galactic core. Several
colony ships tried to establish settlements on Dagobah, but the swamps proved too dangerous or
inhospitable to support colonization. A few survivors managed to eke out an existence in the swamps,
though. Near the end of the Bpfassh Dark Jedi Insurrection, one of the fleeing Dark Jedi hid on Dagobah.
No one knows what happened to the Dark Jedi, but it was surmised that he died there. Furthermore, his
knowledge of the Dark Side of the Force caused the planet to be bathed in Dark Side energy. This might
also explain why the Jedi Master Yoda was able to hide on Dagobah during Palpatine's purge of the Jedi,
since his Light Side strength would have been masked by the amount of Dark Side energy on the planet.
The planet's day lasts 23 standard hours, and its year is 341 local days long. (ESB, HTTE, HTSB, NEGC,
Dagobah Python
this huge, reptilian predator was native to the jungles of the planet Dagobah. These snakes draped
themselves over the lowest branches of the jungle, and waited for their prey to wander by. The average
python was virtually all stomach, and could consume up to fifteen times its own body weight in one
feeding. (WSW)
Dagobah System
located in the Sluis sector, and contained the planet Dagobah. It doesn't appear on any of the Alliance's
charts, when Luke tries to search out Master Yoda, even though it was involved in the Dark Jedi uprising
which began on Bpfassh. (ESBN)
Dagobah Tech
a school, set up by the Alliance on Mount Yoda on Dagobah, it is where the youth of the Alliance can go
to get technical and other forms of training. The Jedi Prince Ken attended classes there. (MMY)
see Dagobah (P)
Dagobian Swamp Cough
this hacking disease was caused by a virus found on the planet Dagobah. (EVC)
Dagore, Winfrid
this native of Teth was a commander in her planet's armed forces during the early days of the Alliance
and the resistance against the Empire. She met with Bria Tharen to discuss her planet's open rebellion,
but she felt that Teth was "safe" because of its location in the Outer Rim. (RD)
one of the four moons orbitting the planet Onderon. (TOJC)
this remote world was a noted agricultural center during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Much of
its surface was set aside fro the growing of various grains, including sargheet, although several deep rift
canyons split the surface in many areas. Some two years into the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi

discovered a secret Separatist base on the planet. With the help of his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, he
was able to infiltrate the base and discover the development of crawl-carriers. They were able to destroy
the base, and also located the only crawl-carrier that managed to escape. (SWI76, SWI77)
this planet was the site of an early skirmish of the Clone Wars, in which Jedi Master Shaak Ti defended
the populace against Separatist forces. (SWI66)
Dahk, Fonker
according to the alien known as Squishmael, this being was a noted Kessel Bird marketeer, working on
the planet Rangorah during the early years of the New Order. Han Solo was to meet with Dahk at the
Event Horizon cantina to present the Kessel Birds he acquired on his famous "Kessel Run". Dahk would
then verify his logs and validate his time during the run. However, when Han arrived at the Event Horizon,
he discovered that Dahk was simply a bartender, and that he had been set up by Marshak, Lando
Calrissian, and their co-conspirators. Squishmael later explained that Marshak and Lando had been
playing an expensive joke on young Solo, as part of Lando's revenge for losing the Millennium Falcon.
Dahlomad Tkhii
this being was a member of the Viis Empire, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Tkhii also
served as a spokesbeing for the Aaroun warriors. (HNN5)
d'Ahndole, Parsol
this man was an adventurer and hero of the early days of the Old Republic. His exploits were later the
fodder for several holofeatures. (CRO)
this Alliance Nebulon-B frigate was destroyed when the Empire attacked the Organarms facility during the
Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was the original name for the planet Necropolis. After the planet and its surrounding system were
opened up to the rest of the galaxy, the name Necropolis was coined by many visitors in reference to the
Necropolitans' reverence for their dead. Over time, the original name of Dahrtag was all but forgotten,
remaining only on military starcharts. (ANT)
little is known about this planet, which is located in the Rayter Sector. (CRO)
Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade
this starship race was run annually, and required racers to travel from Dahvil to Ord Dorlass, then to
Tintel, Azna, and then Fodro. (CRO)
Dahz Thulaka
this notedly malevolent Twi'lek lived and worked deep in the bowels of Starlyte Station, where he
performed a variety of dark experiments. Talandro Starlyte was aware that Thulaka captured
unsuspecting visitors to the Station and used them in his experiments, but was somehow unable to stop
it. Thulaka discovered, during his time studying to become a doctor, that he was sensitive to the Force,
and dedicated most of his time to researching the mystical energy field. However, Thulaka lacked the
patience to correctly develop an affinity with the Light Side of the Force. When the Dark Side called to
him, Thulaka jumped in quickly and was shortly dominated by it. He began using his medical skills and his
knowledge of the Force to try and create his own army of deformed creatures, capturing unwitting victims
and performing strange and unusual experiments on them. These creatures often died quick, horrible
deaths, since Thulaka lacked the power to maintain them. After settling on Starlyte Station, Thulaka found
an abundance of "raw material" and set up a lab in the deepest section of the station. (WSV)
Dai Utrila

this Force-sensitive Twi'lek worked with his siblings as assistants to Popara the Hutt, during the early
years of the New Order. Popara employed Dai Utrila to scrutinize visitors and identify any who might be
Jedi Knights, or latent Force-sensitives who might try to influence his mind. After Popara's death, Dai and
her sister Koya went to work for Popara's youngest offspring, Mika. The sisters believed it had been
Zonnos - and not Mika - who had killed Popara. They were among the many beings Mika employed to
protect the Tempest facility on Varl. However, the agents who had once been hired by Popara to locate
the source of tempest were able to tell her the truth behind Popara's death, and turned Dai Utrila to their
side of the conflict. Dai, in turn, convinced her sister of Mika's treachery, and the two sisters helped the
agents destroy the Tempest. (TF)
Dail Sector
this area of the galaxy is located in the Outer Rim Territories. (GG9)
this was a race of chubby, equine beings. (JQ3)
Daine, Cubber
this Corellian served the Alliance and the New Republic as a starfighter mechanic. He was one of the
chief mechanics at Echo Base on Hoth, and was later assigned to be Wraith Squadron's mechanic when
that squadron was first formed. He was often described as just under average height and just over
average weight. He was a family man, and had a six-year-old daughter stationed on Folor with him. (WS)
Daine, Zindra
this woman as a rookie starfighter pilot, serving the New Republic when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the
galaxy. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Zindra was assigned to Luke Skywalker's Twin Suns
Squadron, during the defense of the new base on Borleias. (EL1, EL2)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Daini referred to wine, drinking water, or sweet tea.
a native of Algarian, Dainsom was an Imperial trooper who served aboard the Super-class Star Destroyer
Executor, guarding highly-secure areas from unauthorized entry. He was promoted to the Executor after
performing at a high level of service aboard the Thunderflare. (CCG5)
Dairkan Starliner
a luxury ship used to transport passengers between planets. (WG)
Benedict Vidkum's brother-in-law, Daiv worked for the construction company that build Prince Xizor's
castle on Coruscant. (SE)
this was one of the most prominent families of the planet Brentaal, and was known as one of the
strongest commercial leaders along with the Brentioch and Jo'uda clans. (SWJ13)
Dajus, Jessa
this woman was a member of the navigational crew of the FarStar. Jessa, a former tactical officer and
pilot for Moff Kentor Sarne, had been imprisoned by Sarne on Kal'Shebbol after she was discovered
trying to obtain information on the DarkStryder project. She was liberated from the prison by Page's
Commandos, and signed up to crew on the FarStar as a way to exact revenge on Sarne. She was also
implicated as having ties to the underworld by Gorak Khzam, when the Rodian defected from the crew on
Uukaablis. During the FarStar's patrol of the Kathol Outback, she suffered strange headaches that
suddenly appeared and, often just as suddenly, disappeared. The closer the ship got to the Kathol Rift,

the stronger the headaches became. During this time, she also distanced herself from the crew, much to
the consternation of Captain Adrimetrum. She also kept secret a good deal of information on Moff Sarne
himself, which she discovered during several computer searches while in Sarne's service. When the crew
of the FarStar located and recovered the Codex from an alien construct inside the Kathol Rift, Jessa
experienced an intense hallucination about a spider-like creature consuming an entire planet before
taking her inside its embrace. Unknown even to herself, Jessa was Force-sensitive, and her connection to
the Force and her proximity to the DarkStryder technology began playing trickson her mind. After an
intense dream, she slipped into a coma and could not be revived until the ship discovered the planet
Demonsgate. Then, Jessa suddenly woke up and began ranting about knowing the location of the
"DarkStryder Planet" and Moff Sarne's hidden base. Little did Jessa know that she was slowly slipping
toward the Dark Side of the Force. When the FarStar arrived on Kathol, Jessa was regarded with awe by
the Charr Ontee, who named her the "Sleeper." (DARK, KO, KR, E)
this was a common, though archaic, name given to Zabrak males. Its original meaning was lost over time.
Dak Vesser
this being was a xenoarchaeologist who was investigating the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, some
4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. He had become tainted by months of close proximity to the Dark
Side of the Force, and was suspicious of the Jedi Knights who tried to infiltrate the Sith academy. The
Jedi were on Korriban to search for information on Darth Malak, and Vesser became angry at their
constant intrusions. When the Jedi tried to question him at a cantina in Dreshdae, Vesser became angry
and attacked them. He was killed in the fighting that ensued. (KOTOR)
Da'k, Winslau
this former Jedi student was on his way to a bright future, until he passed within the presence of Darth
Vader. From that time on, Winslau sought to learn more about the Dark Side of the Force. Winslau
outsmarted his Jedi Master and imprisoned him on Morcanth, using his prowess with the Force to obtain
wealth and luxury. When a group of New Republic agents and Jedi students infiltrated Morcanth, Winslau
was defeated in combat. The agents released his old master, who was frail and dying but able to escape.
Dak, Zebulon
this man was the owner of the Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation during the early years of the New
Order. He was on Boonta, for the Boonta Speeder Race, when Thall Joben drove the White Witch to
victory. He then offered jobs to Joben and his friends, Jord Dusat and Kea Moll. However, he would not
allow their droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, to accompany them. (DCAR)
this alien managed the hangar bays on Exis Station, nearly 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Dakar
had solid-black eyes and a series of folds where his nose and mouth should be. He was a friend of the
scavenger Hoggon, and gave him information on where the Jedi Knights were meeting during the Exis
Convocation. (TOJR)
Dakerno Incorporated
founded by Crat Dakerno, this small corporation produced a number of board games based on nonhuman passtimes. (GUN)
Dakerno, Crat
this Imperial strategist was part of the task force sent to quell the continual uprisings between the Waroot
and Farang tribes on the planet Ab'Bshingh. He studied the complex customs and rituals of the two
factions, and used this knowledge to create the board game B'shingh. Crat later made a small fortune
selling B'shingh and other games through his own business, Dakerno Incorporated. (SWJ8, GUN)
this elderly Bothan information dealer was the owner and operator of the Jaded Jawa, at the Kothlis

Starport, during the height of the New Order. He was distinguished by his dark fur and the scar over his
left eye, which gave him a permanent squint. He owned the bar in order to further his information
business, and made more money buying and selling data than from selling drinks. A patron who needed
information had to order an Antakarian Fire Dancer, then asked their question. Dakkar accepted payment
first, then brought the information on a datadisk used as a coaster for the drink. If the information was
available, Dakkar served up a Ragnook Spring Water and walked away. A patron who wished to sell
information asked for the Ragnook Spring Water and commented on the subject of the information, and
Dakkar then suggested another drink, quoting its price as the price for the information. (SPG)
Dakkar the Distant
an unpleasant Mos Eisley cantina owner who employed Shaara as a dancer. (TJP)
this Ortolan term was a complex phrase, literally meaning "You're very wise" in Basic. (3D3)
Dakot 7
this planet was known as a center of academia in Mortex Sector. (BI)
Dakot Tech
one of the multitude of schools found on Dakot 7 at the height of the New Order. (BI)
this was an obscure, alien language. (GMR9)
this planet was located in the same sector of the Colonies as Dentaal, and was a hotbed of rebellion
during the New Order. (SWJ5, SWJ7)
this planet is the sister world of Verkuyl, and was planned to be used as a secondary alazhi plantation.
These plans were implemented by the Empire, and were placed on hold after the Battle of Endor.
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this red giant is one of four stars that are located at the center of the Opiteihr System. (TSK)
this Bith musician worked his way up the ladder on the planet Tatooine, during the early years of the New
Republic. D'al was not adverse to using his kloo horn as a weapon, if the crowd got too rowdy. (GUN)
Dal Forest
this densely-forested area was located on the planet Kinyen. (SWJ10)
Dal Jassano
this was the name of a noted Thisspian individual. (UANT)
Dal Quirz
this Kadrillian served as an unwitting liaison to the Empire, during the height of the New Order. Dal Quirz
and his scientists agreed to grow kunda stones for the Imperials, despite her species' peaceful nature.
Unknown to Dal Quirz, Darth Vader had ordered the kunda stones for use as natural filters of pacifog.
She was easily subdued when Vader used a small sample of the pacifog on her, enhancing her natural
gullability to make her believe the kunda stones were to be used for non-military purposes. (LAT3)
Dal, Rarta
this person owned and operated the Three Moons hotel, in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine, during the

height of the New Order. It was Rarta Dal who first hired Kitster Banai as a steward. It was Kitster who
provided a complete recording of the Boonta Eve Classic podrace won by Anakin Skywalker, which
Kitster planned to edit together with commentary from Anakin's mother, Shmi, and present to Anakin as a
gift someday. (TG)
Dala, Tobbi
this man was rumored to have been one of the three surviving Mandalorian warriors, along with Boba Fett
and Fenn Shysa, from an original group of 212 which was sent into battle during the Clone Wars. Only
Dala and Shysa returned to Mandalore when the fighting was over. Much of this backstory was dismissed
as fabrication when Leia Organa traveled to Mandalore sometime after the Battle of Hoth, during the
search for Han Solo. She discovered that Shysa and Dala had returned to find that their planet had been
overrun by slavers, and both set out to destroy the slave trade and return contol of the planet to the
Mandalorians. Tobbi was captured shortly before Shysa captured the bounty hunter Dengar, and the
opposing sides agreed to exchange captives. However, Leia demanded to talk to Dengar, and the plan
was thwarted. Tobbi was imprisoned by the Suprema, who displayed his Mandalorian armor in a trophy
case. He was later freed by Fenn Shysa and Leia Organa, but was shot in the chest during their escape
by the Suprema. Despite being fatally wounded, Tobbi managed to grab the Suprema's weapon, allowing
the others to escape the slavers' office. In the ensuing chase, Tobbi managed to close the base's blast
doors as a group of airspeeders launched to chase after Shysa and Organa. The airspeeders exploded,
setting off a chain reaction that destroyed the base and killed every being inside. (MC68, MC69)
Dalabar Micro-Electronics
this corporation produced a number of surveillance and detection systems during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
this planet was the location of an Alliance base in the Outer Rim Territories. (GG9)
Dalastine IV
this gloomy moon orbitted the planet Dalastine. (GG9)
Dalchon System
it was believed that Adar Tallon faked his death in this star system, before hiding out on Tatooine. (TM)
Dalcretti System
this star system was the site of an intense battle between the Alliance and the Empire, during the early
years of the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
Dalei, Brii'n
this man was a contemporary of Drake Paulsen. Like all other Socorran smugglers who died, Brii'n Dalei
was given a funeral within the rock formation known as the Judges of the Dead. (BSS)
Dalesepp Survival Apparatus
this small corporation produced a number of devices used to overcome sensor systems. (GFT)
this Sullustan was a security officer for SoroSuub, until he could no longer reconcile SoroSuub's
connections with the Empire and some of its policies. He joined the Alliance, and was happy to volunteer
his services in the construction and management of a base within the volcano of Mount Deldarca. His
dedication and energy earned him the respect of the base's personnel, and in turn they named the base
'Dalgeer's Rim.' (HAS)
Dalgeer's Rim
this was the name of an Alliance base located in the Mount Deldarca caverns. Since Deldarca was an
active volcano, it provided a measure of protection against detection. The base of the volcano was riddled
with tunnels and caverns left behind by flowing lava, which made the location ideal for the Alliance since
much of the excavation work had been done naturally. Dalgeers' Rim served as a staging area and

secondary fighter base for the starfighters in the system. Power for the base was developed by tapping
into the incredibly hot lava flowing beneath the mountain, providing a virtually endless supply of
geothermal energy. The base was named for its first commander, the Sullustan Dalgeer. (HAS)
Dalhney, Hric
a native of Alderaan, Dalhney was the Deputy Minister of Security serving Bail Organa. He and Winter
travelled to Cloud City to meet with Bria Tharen, to discuss whether or note Alderaan would join the
growing rebellion and fight the Empire. Hric was a strong believer in Alderaan's pacifist position, and
would support the rebellion but could not commit Alderaan to any combat. (RD)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Dali meant a speaker, lawyer, or politician. (GCG)
Dalisor Merchant Fleet
this intergalactic shipping conglomerate was destroyed by the Lortans, which spread the Reslian Plague
throughout its ranks. (GG12)
Dalkash Ale
a flavorful ale brewed on the planet Lianna. (ML)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "gifted" or "talented."
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
a Hutt acquaintance of Han Solo on Coruscant, Dalla ran a casino in a building that was squashed
beneath 90,000 years' worth of debris. (DA)
Dalla the Black
see Solo, Dalla (CPL)
Dallan, Hek
this crimelord was a native of the planet Stassia, where he maintained his small empire. After hiring Aalia
Duu-lang, Dallan found himself on the wrong side of a power play, as Duu-lang curried the favor of law
enforcement officers and businessbeings. She eventually eliminated Dallan and took over his entire
organization. (SWJ6)
this YT-1210 freighter was owned and operated by the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, during the second
decade of the New Republic. Corran Horn and Ganner Rhysode flew it to Bimmiel to investigate the
disappearance of an Agamarian xenoarcheology class. (DTO)
Dallin, Hal
this man served as part of the Alliance's Green Squadron of X-Wing fighters, out of Eyrie Base. (SWJ8)
Dallin, Jace
this man was a member of Ranulph Tarkin's command circle, during the era of the Stark Hyperspace
War. Dallin was on board the Invincible when it emerged from hyperspace near Troiken, as part of
Tarkin's plan to destroy the Stark Commercial Combine. Instead of seeing Tarkin back down from his
tenuous position and admit defeat, Dallin witnessed Tarkin's madness. Tarkin refused to give up, even
after the lost of the Invincible and poor field position in the Lycinder Plain where Tarkin's forces landed.

Tarkin even blamed then-Senator Finis Valorum for all the problems perpetrated by Iaco Stark. Dallin, like
many of his fellow officers and soldiers, began to question Tarkin's motives, and began to side with the
Jedi Knights who came to rescue them. Dallin found that his own xenophobia was an extension of
Tarkin's, and quickly shed any pretenses he might have had. Dallin, and many of his peers, refused to
serve any longer under Tarkin's command. He later befriended a native Xexto named Billibango, who
helped the remaining forces escape from Stark's soldiers. When Billibango threw himself in front of a blast
meant for Dallin, Dallin realized that Tarkin's xenophobia was misguided. He allied himself with the Jedi,
and worked to get the forces off Troiken. He suffered serious injuried to his head and face, injuries which
he allowed to heal naturally. The scars, he later admitted, helped him to remember the War and how he
very nearly fought on the wrong side. (SHW)
this species of tree was native to the planet Belkadan. The average dalloralla was thirty meters in height,
and they grew in dense, jungle-like groves. The entire dalloralla tree population was wiped out by the
Yuuzhan Vong, when they destroyed the planet Belkadan in order to draw attention away from their base
on Helska. (VP)
this strong, chrome-like alloy was used in the manufacture of specialized blaster weapons. Because
dallorian could absorb and dissipate large amounts of heat, it allowed blaster manufacturers to use larger
power packs to generate rapid-fire blasts of energy. This combination, which would melt or destroy a
normal blaster, was tempered by the dallorian alloy. (VD2)
Dallory, Malcolm
this man ran a sizable smuggling entrerprise during the early years of the New Order, and helped his own
daughter, Shella Rinou, go into business for herself. (SPG)
Dallows, Reeve
this man, a native of the planet Naboo, was a noted teacher and freighter pilot during the years prior to
the Battle of Naboo. (GMR4)
Dallows, Rhys
this man was a native of the planet Naboo, growing up the son of Reeve Dallows, a school teacher and a
freighter pilot. Rhys never saw much of his father, whose work as a pilot kept him offplanet more often
than not. Nonetheless, Rhys grew up dreaming about flying among the stars. Shortly before the Trade
Federation blockaded his homeworld, Rhys was learning how to fly the Naboo N-1 starfighter, as part of
the small group of Naboo pilots who made up Echo Flight. He was something of a smart-aleck, and was
friends with Dren Melne. However, his loyalties were to the Naboo, and when Dren tried to force Echo
Flight to turn over their N-1 starfighters to Captain Sorran and the Velumina, Rhys came to the aid of
Essara Till. For his actions, Rhys was promoted to a position within Bravo Squadron. He was thrown into
battle when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo, forcing Queen Amidala to flee the planet. Upon her
return, Rhys and the rest of the pilots flew their starfighters against the Federation's Droid Control Ship
during the Battle of Naboo. Note that this character is named Rhys Darrow in the final installment of The
Starfighter Trap, on the LucasArts website. (OWS, SFT, STF, GMR4)
this Imperial escort carrier was part of the fleet which supported the Reisa around the planet Tallaan,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The Dallust was also the primary ship in the fleet whenever the
Reisa was assigned to patrol the Shapani Bypass. (LOE)
this man was a noted weapons dealer on Coruscant, during the early years of the New Republic. (GUN)
Dal'Nay, Osten
this man served as a Commander in the Cularin Militia, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.
Commander Dal'Nay was placed in charge of readying the Cularin Militia to confront the Thaereian
Military, which had moved into the Cularin System after the planet Cularin suddenly disappeared.

Commander Dal'Nay was very outspoken in his dislike and disapproval of the Thaereian Military's
presence in the Cularin System, and his attitudes toward Thaere only deepened as time dragged on.
Thus, it was surprising when Dal'Nay joined forces with Broof Yurdel and allowed the Militia to simply fade
into the background. This was not due to a lack of funding, but was actually a bold move on the part of
the two Commanders to eventually launch a counter-assault on the Thaereians. Shortly before the onset
of the Clone Wars, they launched their assault - known as Operation False Horizon - using surprise to
take control of several Thaereian bases throughout the Cularin System. (LFCW)
Dalos IV
a planet located in Nilgaard Sector, Dalos IV is a hot, humid world covered with shallow oceans and a
single continent. It was a small world, measuring just 7,000 kilometers in diameter, and was originally
settled as a penal colony. During the early years of the New Order, many criminal families moved to
Dalos IV to escape the persecution of the Empire. (ND)
Dalos Peninsula
this point of land, located on the planet Verkuyl, was the site of Verkuylian BactaCo's corporate
headquarters. Much of the peninsula was cleared for use in housing the workers and residents of the
planet. (SWJ13)
Dalron 5
a planet which was devastated by the Empire during a long siege. The planet's inhabitants fled, and were
discovered by Lak Sivrak. The Empire put the strategies of Jan Dodonna to work here, which hardened
Dodonna's resolve to assist the Alliance in defeating the Empire. (MTS)
Dalron IV
Davaire Colmar defected to the Alliance on this planet. (GG9)
little was known of the planet, until it was discovered by Darth Vader to be an Alliance listening outpost.
The outpost was later destroyed by Imperial forces. (REB)
this planet was a hotbed of Alliance activity during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, until Imperial
Storm Commandos destroyed the Blue Wave and eliminated several key Alliance holdings in the city of
Quenin, just prior to the Battle of Yavin. (RESB)
this man served the Imperial Navy as Captain of the Engager, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. He had a
scar on his face that he kept as a reminder of the Alliance, an injury he suffered when a trap laid by Brion
Peck exploded in his face. Rumor held that Dalton would not get the scar repaired until Peck and his
commandos were captured or killed. (SWJ3)
this was a common name among the S'kytri people. (UANT)
the tyrant Tonkoss Rathba was a native of this planet. (VP)
a planet near Calamari with a wildly unstable weather system, Daluuj was the site of an Imperial training
center. When the Empire made its first attack on Calamari, Admiral Ackbar and his troops fled Calamari
and tried to rendezvous with the Alliance, but they were attacked by Imperial cruisers. Ackbar and his
people fled their ship in escape pods, many of which landed on Daluuj. They were later rescued by Luke
Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa. (CSW)
this large, arachnid creature was native to the planet Talus, but could be found on Corellia and other

worlds in the Corellian System. Equally at home on land or in the water, the dalyrake preferred to live
near the water, using its long limbs to lure fish and other prey near enough to catch them with their
venomous fangs. The blood of a dalyrake was black and thick, and was poisonous to many humanoid
races. (ROD)
the nuts of this plant were exceptionally hard to crack open, but the effort was more than worth it. The
chewy flesh of the damak nut had an exquisite taste. (GMR10)
Damand, Clivis
this New Republic Intelligence officer was the Sector Intelligence Chief for the Kalinda System. He
recommended that the Republic implement Project Second Chance. (TSK)
Damarind Corporation
this galaxy-wide conglomerate of jewel merchants had an exclusive contract with the Empire to harvest
corusca gems from the Yavin System, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. They went bankrupt
because their orbiting gem collection station, known as the Damarind Fishing Station, failed to collect
gems in sufficient numbers to offset costs. (GG2, PH)
Damarind Fishing Station
this was the Damarind Corporation's corusca gem collection station in orbit around Yavin. It failed to bring
in enough gems to keep the company solvent, and Damarind went bankrupt. (GG2)
this Tahlboorean term means "father." (DRPC)
Damatal Holonews
this was a pro-Imperial newsnet service which was based on the planet Esseles. (SWJ8)
a Dathomir witch of the Singing Mountain Clan, Damaya worked with Kirana Ti to protect the people and
their planet during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (CPL, UF)
Damaya Guru
this was a distinguished Miraluka individual in the history of Alpheridies. (UANT)
Dambrizi, Solimon
this young man was a native of Corulag, where he was a member of the police force in Adjesk. While on
the force, Solimon was known for his uncanny intutition. When he stumbled upon a book of Jedi lore,
Solimon realized that his "sixth sense" was actually The Force. He resigned his commission with the
police and set out to learn more about The Force. He fashioned his own lightsaber during the early years
of the Galactic Civil War, and spent much of his life searching for other Force-sensitives. (WSV)
Dame Fortune
this was the name of a goddess of good luck only moderately worshipped by just about every spacer in
the galaxy. (SSR)
Dame of Nar Shaddaa
this was one of the names used by Toob Ancher to describe his personal starship, the YT-1300 Glory.
Dame, Carma
this beautiful but deadly pirate was one of the primary characters in the long-running holo-drama
Scrivner's Revenge. Carma Dame was portrayed by Neile Janna. (SWJ5)
this fruit tree was native to the planet Romin. The Romins used the crisp fruit of the dameapple in
turnovers and pies. (JQ8)

Dameerd, Tun
this man, a business owner who lived in the city of Cuipernam, on the planet Ansion, was a member of
the Unity of Community. It was Dameerd who disagreed with Ogomoor that the Jedi Knights - Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Luminara Unduli, along with their Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barris Offee - had failed
to reach a deal with Alwari and had fled Ansion in embarrassment, when the Jedi failed to report in after
several days in the open plains. Dameerd didn't like Ogomoor or his bossban, Soergg the Hutt, and had
no qualms about voicing his distrust. He was among the nine members of the Unity to vote in favor of
Ansion remaining with the Old Republic. (APS)
this was one of the many crystals used by the ancient Sith Lords in the construction of a lightsaber. It was
believed to have given the wielder the ability to heal faster, especially when a wound involved the loss of
flesh. (KOTOR)
this planet was believed to have been the only source of damind crystals, which could used by the
ancient Jedi Knights in the construction of a lightsaber. (KOTOR)
manufacturers of custom-combination sensor systems for starships. (RM)
Dammon University
this was the name of a major educational center, located near the Sienar Fleet Systems research and
development laboratory on Corulag. (FOP)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Damonite Yors B
this planet, the fifth in its system, is a frigid world wracked by methane ice storms. It was here that Seti
Ashgad's forces destroyed the Corbantis after they captured Leia Organa-Solo. (POT)
Damorian Manufacturing
builders of the Carrack-class light cruiser, Damorian was a small corporation based on the planet
Esseles. They also had success in the transport ship market with the 9000 transport. (ISB, EGV, MBS)
Damorind Securities
this corporation produced large detention devices such as force cages. (GG10)
Dampener Aerosol
developed by Raflkind Industries, this aerosol was used as a defensive measure whenever a being was
caught in blaster fire. The gas of the Dampener dispersed the light and energy of a blaster bolt, reducing
the bolt's ability to penetrate armor, clothing, or flesh. (AEG)
Dampher System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Calipsa during the New Order. It was
seized from the holdings of House Pelagia, after Pelagia was nearly wiped out by House Mecetti. (LOE)
Damualer Triac
this planet is home to the Millennium Oak. (GG9)
this immense, tree-like creature was bio-engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong as a mobile vivarium for the
Shapers. Damuteks were moved through space as spaceships, then landed in the position which the
Yuuzhan Vong needed them. The huge damutek crushed everything beneath it, dissolving the material
for food, then rooted itself in the ground. As it grew, the damutek continued to grow in size, eventually

becoming the size of a major building. The star-shaped trunk was wide and strong enough to
accommodate a variety of environments, and the roots of the damutek plunged deep into the earth to
extract copious amounts of water for its own nourishment. At the heart of the damutek was a succession
pool, used to process the wastes of its inhabitants. (EVC, FP)
Damutek of the Intendants
this Yuuzhan Vong damutek, created on Coruscant after it had been reformed into a version of the longlost planet of Yuuzhan'tar, served as the base of operations for Yoog Skell and the Intendant caste. (DW)
this Galacian was a member of the hill people who lived outside the city of Galu, and was one of Elan's
chief lieutenants. (MOC)
this Alliance secret agent infiltrated the Imperial ranks and was serving on the Star Destroyer Relentless
when she learned that Captain Parlan had issued a bounty for the life of Adar Tallon. She was preparing
to bring this information to the Alliance when her cover was blown. She managed to escape into the
Kwenn Space Station when the Relentless docked there, but was killed by the bounty hunter Jodo Kast
before she could transmit the information. (TM)
Dana Dregond
this native of the planet Kamori was a master painter of the Glanthe style. He was known as one of
Kamori's greatest treasures, and many mourned his loss when Dregond was killed in the series of
earthquakes that devastated the Zethusian plains. (SWJ5)
this planet is located in Dail Sector. (GG11)
Danager, Gathal
this free trader offered Lando Calrissian the deed to a breweryon Clendora, if he could eliminate the
pirates who were threatening the farmers of Taanab. (SWJ5)
this Imperial General was placed in charge of the ground forces on Gerrard V, shortly before the Battle of
Yavin, but was unable to put a stop to rebellious uprisings on the planet. (SWJ3)
this planet was the original homeworld of the Graygl race of Iskalonians. (EGA)
this poor young girl was a native of Corellia. She was an orphan who had been abandoned and left for
dead. She had lived in an alley, competing with the vrelts for space, before Garris Shrike "rescued" her.
He promised her that he would provide reconstructive surgery to repair the numerous vrelt bites that
marred her face, if she would work for him. She agreed, but soon found out that Shrike was a stern
taskmaster. At about the age of fourteen, Danalis also realized that Shrike was never going to provide the
surgery he promised. Rather than face another day working for nothing, Danalis committed suicide by
entering an airlock on the Trader's Luck and cycling it - without a pressure suit. (TPS)
this ball of searing rock was the innermost planet in the Vernet System. (SWJ15)
Danarc Run
this hyperspace trade route cuts Corva Sector almost in half. (SWJ8)
this rich, tasty beverage is fermented from terrberries, spicy nuts, and stored in Parein Sweetgreen fruit
shells. At first, the drink is highly refreshing. However, the alcohol content hits you hard about a hlaf-hour

later. It originated on Parein II 4. (GG9)

Dance of Love
this Kitonak mating ritual takes place during the Great Celebration of Life. The Kitonaks submerge
themselves in the temporary rivers formed when the Kurdan desert floods every ten years, joining with
their mates and becoming pregnant. Ten years later, during the next flood, the mates rejoin in the waters
and give birth to a young Kitonak. (GG4)
Dance of the Seventy Violet Veils
this exotic dance was performed by Yarna d'al' Gargan at the wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa. The
performance earned Yarna a contract with a famous lingerie designer, modelling extravagant brassieres.
Dance Pixies
this species of small creature was favored by the Ansionians as a pet. Native to the deep plains of
Ansion, dance pixies flew about in intricate patterns, and were used to provide entertainment to their
keepers. (APS)
Dance Swarm
this Fefze ritualistic gathering involves various Fefze swarms meeting to propagate they species. During
the dance, males fertilize the eggs of females, which are then formed into a stickly globule. The two
parents need not be from the same swarm, and many different females contribute to the globule. The
dance has become somewhat stylized over the history of the Fefze race, and has taken on many of the
characteristics of a koncco dance. Sculpture and other accesories have also been added to the dance,
and it has become a tourist attraction to watch. (GG4)
Dance, Dance, Little Ewok
this was a children's bedtime lullabye, popular during the second decade of the New Republic. (SBS)
this was the nickname used by Mara Jade Skywalker to describe her astromech droid, used aboard the
X-Wing she flew as part of Saber Squadron. (SBS)
Grael used this term to describe labor droids. (SWJ1)
this creature, native to the planet Garban, was known to the Jenets as a tree goblin. Many xeno-biologists
considered the danchaf to be simply animals, while the Jenet argued that they exhibited problem-solving
and reasoning skills when not being observed by off-worlders. The average danchaf resembled a twometer-tall humanoid, with broad shoulders and clawed feet used for climbing. A large horn-like scale
protected each shoulder. The danchaf were considered vicious predators, hunting in packs of 10 or more.
The Jenet maintain legends which indicated that the danchaf were once the rulers of the planet Garban,
marauding the planet in huge packs before Jenet warriors were able to decimate the population and drive
them back. (COG)
Danchian Prime
a planet. (T15)
Dancing Dragonsnake
this was one of the many stances used in the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)
Dancing Duinuogwuin Inn
this hotel was located in the richest part of the capital city of Deysum III. (GMK)
Dancing Goddess
this statue icon, paired with her consort the Minstrel, was worshipped by the natives of the planet Arcan

IV. While Lemo and Sanda searched for it, the Dancing Goddess was in the possession of Lando
Calrissian. Lando eventually gave the statue to his old enemy, Barpotomous Drebble, claiming that it was
an award for his "heroism". Drebble was considered something of a hero to the Alliance after several key
victories over Imperial forces were attributed to Drebble, when in fact it was Lando using Drebble's name
as an alias. In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Han Solo discovered that the Dancing Goddess and the
Minstrel were two necessary components in the massive machinery that kept the Godoan race vital. They
set out to recover the statue, in hopes of reviving the Godoan civilization. Drebble magnanimously turned
the statue over to Lando, when he realized that keeping it would mean the death of the Godoan society.
(LTA4, MC79, MC99)
Dancing Pit, The
the dancers' prep room in Jabba's palace. (TJP)
this is the generic term for a zero-gravity dance hall. (SWJ9)
this planet was covered with tropical jungles and swamps. (COG)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Tarhassan. One of the planet's primary prison
facilities was located in Dandahass. (SWI73)
this planet is located in the Koornacht Cluster, in Farlax Sector. (SOL)
Dandelion Warriors
a race of plant-like beings which were native to the Forest Moon of Endor, the Dandelion Warriors were
sometimes called urchins. They protected their farmlands with great ferocity, using the strange quills that
covered their heads as weapons against intruders. (EGC, ECAR, OWS)
Dandelo System
this star system was known as the home of the Jugaloo race. (DCAR)
this Imperial Xiytiar-class transport was destroyed by the Alliance, shortly before the Battle of Endor. It
was part of the fleet which supplied the Bretie production facility at the time. (XWA)
one of the caretakers of the Imperial base on Jellyfish Cove, Dando succumbed to the wiles of the
ethereal wraiths that inhabited the nighttime hours. He was consumed while outside the protective
confines of the base. Bara later used his uniform to try and attack Garve. (SWG1, TMEC)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this bounty hunter and his sister, Floria, claimed to be from the planet Aaeton, when they were captured
by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on Ragoon-6, some five years after the Battle of Naboo. They
were part of a group of bounty hunters hired by Granta Omega to capture the Jedi and their companion,
Wren Honoran. However, their plans to capture the Jedi failed when the Jedi actually captured them. ObiWan and Anakin then used them to draw out the other bounty hunters. It was during this time that Dane
and Floria admitted they were from Thracior. Their parents - a Hnsi mother and a Tantt father - had been
killed for intermarrying. The children were forced to make their own way through the galaxy, and became
bounty hunters to pay their bills. Years later, Floria and Dane remained a team, although they gave up
bounty hunting and were working the Mid and Outer Rim Territories as security officers. Shortly after the
onset of the Clone Wars, they were hired by Samish Kash to serve as his personal bodyguards. However,

during Kash's mission to Null to discuss a treaty with Count Dooku, Kash was assassinated. This brought
Floria and Dane back into contact with Obi-Wan and Anakin, who were on Null to meet with Lorian Nod.
Floria and Dane were initially accused of killing him, but they were later proven innocent by Obi-Wan
Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. (JQ2, LOJ)
this young woman was a native of the planet Naboo, and was being trained to be one of Queen Amidala's
handmaidens at the time of the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. Her training with Captain Panaka
was supplemented by tutelage at the Royal House of Learning in Theed, where she befriended Rorworr
the Wookiee and Deel Surool. She also got to know Lucos Dannt, and Dane' decided to join the Naboo
Underground after the Trade Federation invaded Naboo. (IOT)
Danex Squadron
this was a group of Army troopers dispatched by the Empire to overtake the New Republic base on
Saarn, shortly after the re-appearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (SWJ6)
Danfeil, Gohn
this man was the Chief Executive Officer of Gowix Computers, during the corporation's move from
Corellia to Corulag, early in the era of the New Order. (SWJ7)
Dang, Shelbin
this man served as the director of the Monument Plaza historic site, located on Coruscant, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Danga, Don
this man and his family owned a farm near the lands of Morgan Katarn, on the moon of Sulon, during the
height of the New Order. The Danga family raised variform cattle. Don himself was a supporter of the
Alliance, and served in the underground rebellion on Sulon before the Empire subjugated the moon. Don
Danga was killed in the first wave of Imperial attacks, when a shuttle destroyed his shoulder-mounted
missile launcher before he could fire it. (SFE)
Dangar Ewok!
this was a sort of Ewok battle cry. (ECAR, BTRKS26)
Dangerous Dreams
a compilation of songs written and played by the band Red Shift Limit, it also includes a single entitled
Dangerous Dreams. Both have been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Dangerous Species Act
an Imperial decree, this act allowed the Empire to eliminate any species it deemed dangerous to any
Imperial operation on a planet. It was meant to apply only to non-sentient species. (GG4)
Dangerst Squadron
this Imperial stormtrooper squadron was part of the first wave of troopers which attacked the Alliance's
base on the planet Taul. The attack was completed when the Dominator bombarded the base from orbit,
securing the planet for the Imperials. (SWJ2)
this shrub produced a sweet, flavorful berry which the Ewoks pressed to make juice. (ECAR)
Dangor, Ars
Ars Dangor was one of Emperor Palpatine's closest advisors. He was one of Palpatine's cronies during
the Old Republic, when Palpatine was an unassuming Senator. It was Dangor who announced to the
galaxy that Palpatine had initiated martial law throuhgout the galaxy, and that the Grand Moffs would
have direct control over their own systems (as Tarkin announced to his team aboard the first Death Star).
He also publically announced the disbanding of the Imperial Senate. (ISB, DSTC)

this Zeltron adventurer helped the Alliance destroy the bounty hunter base on Stenos. Distinguished by
her red skin, red eyes, and red-black hair, Dani was a smuggler and former acquaintence of Han Solo,
who was working with Rik Duel and Chihdo during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. She later
revealed that she was the first of her race captured and imprisoned by the Nagai, during the subjugation
of the planet Zeltros. Dani was part of the smuggler team which agreed to join the Alliance on Stenos,
and stayed behind with Rik and Chihdo to keep up the search for the lost statue of Vol. She immediately
latched onto Luke Skywalker when he arrived on Stenos with Lando Calrissian during their search for
Bossk and IG-88. However, as soon as the statue was found, Rik and his band tried to make off with the
statue and sell it to Imperial Governor Matrin. This plan failed miserably, as the Stenaxes learned of the
statue's reappearance and set out to recover it. In their anger, the Stenaxes killed the Imperials, but they
spared the smugglers. Dani, Rik, and Chihdo remained on Stenos for several years, until Luke Skywalker
returned with Lando Calrissian on a mission to locate Bossk. After Chewbacca managed to gain the
assistance of the Stenaxes in eliminating the bounty hunters, Dani stowed away aboard the Millennium
Falcon to be with Luke and Lando. On Lahsbane, she revealed that she had a death sentence on her
head in six different systems for theft and smuggling, before stealing a wealth of jewels and treasure from
the Huhks and fleeing the planet in a stolen Imperial shuttle. She eventually returned to Rik and Chihdo,
and they set off for the planet Iskalon to salvage whatever they could find in the ruins of Pavillion. This
plan fell through when Mone demanded that they leave the planet. Throughout all these adventures, Dani
never forgot her love for Luke, which was rekindled when they accompanied him to Shawken. When he
continually refused to return her love, Dani turned instead to the Iskalonian known as Kiro. Months later,
Dani was captured on Kinooine by Lumiya, and held as bait in a trap to catch Luke Skywalker. Her
capture followed the apparent death of Kiro, a loss that haunted her for many months. It was during this
time that she was tortured by Den Siva, and Dani was never the same afterward. Her usual bubbly
personality and unconditional love had been replaced with a hardness and the desire to destroy the
Nagai. In the wake of the liberation of Zeltros from the Tofs, Dani returned to her homeworld and
disappeared from the public eye. (MC70, LTA6, MC71, MC72, MC73, MC82, MC87, MC95, PH)
this young woman, native to the planet Cularin, was the leader of a small group of children who were part
of The Lost. A friend of Lora Nadad, Dani watched over the children of Hedrett during the years following
the Battle of Naboo. When Gwen began working closer with Lora on system-wide issues, Dani took
control of the work with the children on Cularin. (WOTC)
this woman, a native of the planet Brentaal, worked for the Alliance as a rebel cell member on the planet,
during the height of the New Order. Unknown to her commanders, however, was that Dania was actually
an Imperial spy who was working with Surl at the time. (CCW)
Dania Francis
this unusual, seahorse-like Iskalonian served as Mone's chief advisor during the years following the Battle
of Endor. In addition to her unusual physique, Dania Francis was distinguished by her pale purple scales.
It was Dania Francis who discovered that Kiro had returned to Iskalon, despite all information pointing to
his death on Kinooine. (MC102)
this female Chadra-Fan lived in the city of Tal'cara, on Kothlis, during the height of the New Order. She
was known as a beggar, con artist, and thief, and pretended to be a child despite her advancing age. She
wore a variety of body piercings when not looking for a mark. (SPG)
Danid, Burr
this man was a student of the Royal Imperial Guard training facility on Yinchorr, at the same time as Kir
Kanos and Carnor Jax. He was considered one of the best students in training at the time. When
Emperor Palpatine visitied the facility with Darth Vader, Danid was chosen to battle the Dark Lord in oneon-one combat. Although his technique was flawless, Vader easily defeated Danid. He cut off Danid's
right forearm, then kicked him over the edge of The Squall's raised platform. Years later, Kir Kanos used
the alias "Burr Danid" when he traveled to the planet Dathomir to execute Sigit Ranth. (CE, WOA30)

Danith Jalay
this smuggler owned the Elegant Interlude, and maintained a residence on Nar Shaddaa during the early
years of the New Order. (THG)
Danjar Sector
this was one of many galactic sectors which seceded from the Old Republic, following Count Dooku in
joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems. (HNN4)
this unremarkable world was the site of an Alliance administrative base which coordinated activities in
three separate sectors. Records of every undercover agent and their operations were maintained there,
as well as the location of many Alliance safeworlds. The base was somehow discovered by Imperial
forces, and the base was destroyed by the combined firepower of the Star Destroyers Avenger,
Devastator, and Relentless. The Alliance received word of the impending assault, and evacuated the
base before it was reduced to rubble. Some datapacks were left behind and discovered by the crew of the
Elusive, but they were eventually recovered by a group of Alliance agents. (SH)
this smuggler worked with Nada Synnt, in the wake of the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ3)
a crew member and pilor of the Wild Kaarde, Dankin was a loyal member of Talon Karrde's smuggling
unit during the early years of the New Republic. By the time the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy,
Dankin had been promoted to the pilot of the Wild Karrde. Note that the Ultimate Alien Anthology
indicates that Dankin was a Togorian. (HTTE, DFR, EVC, UANT)
Dankko Verrimuch
this Anx was an up-and-coming podracer, joining the professional circuit shortly after the Battle of Naboo.
this man was the smuggling partner of Gabriel, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ3)
one-time governor of the planet Gerrard V, Dannal served the planet during the early years of the
Galactic Civil War. (SWJ3)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Dannik Jerriko
a 1010-year-old Anzati assassin, Jerriko was known in the underworld as the Eater of Luck. As an Anzati,
Jerriko operated with almost total anonymity; thus, he preferred to work for people who needed other
bounty hunters, killers, and assassins taken out. He felt a greater thrill from drinking the soup of someone
who defied his right to kill than from someone who cowered in fear. While stopping over on Tatooine, he
visited Mos Eisley. There, he knew, he could get some of the best soup from some of the galaxy's most
notorious criminals. When Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker entered the cantina, Jerriko was at the bar,
smoking a nic-i-tain hookah. After the events surrounding the death of Greedo, Jerriko resolved to hunt
down Han Solo and drink his soup. His chance came when Jabba the Hutt recovered Solo's carbonitefrozen body. Jerriko was eager to enter the palace, and would have done so on his own if he hadn't been
approached by the Lady Valarian and Eugene Talmont, both of whom wanted him to spy on Jabba.
Jerriko took both jobs, and entered the palace. He tried desparately to drink Han Solo's soup, but was
deprived of it when Solo was rescued by Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Then, Jerriko went a little
mad, and resigned himself to drinking Jabba's soup. After learning that Jabba had perished at the Pit of
Carkoon, Jerriko went even more mad, killing anyone he could find in the palace. He then fled, and took
on a number of bounty hunting jobs. (COJ, TME, TJP, EGC)

Dannt, Lucos
this man was a headmaster at the Royal House of Learning, in the Naboo city of Theed, shortly before
the Trade Federation invaded the planet. In the wake of the invasion, Lucos gathered his students and
fellow teachers together and formed the Naboo Underground. (IOT)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "winemaker", according to historian who studied the Ithorian
race. (GCG)
Danoo, Immi
this blonde-haired woman was a frequent patron of Coruscant's Outlander Club, during the last decades
of the Old Republic. She was often seen in the company of her friends, Nyrat Agira and Rosha Vess.
(OWS, SWI75)
this planet, located in the Nah'Malis System of the Kathol Outback, was colonized about 100 years before
the Battle of Endor. The colonists were scientists who wanted to dedicate their research to studying the
Kathol Rift. When word reached other planets in Kathol Sector of Danoor's natural beauty and resources,
other groups established settlements there as well. Shortly before Emperor Palpatine created the New
Order, a stray asteroid from the Duhrib Belt smashed into Danoor, killing much of its native population
and destroying large areas of the settlements. Contact with Danoor was cut off for several years, as the
Empire left the world to itself. Danoor is a temperate world of varying topography. Its day lasts 25
standard hours, and its year lasts 201 local days. The planet was ruled by a group of Ministers, each of
which represented about half a million residents. It was the Minsters, searching for a way to pay for its
operations, who invited many corporations to establish branches on Danoor. However, many of the
Ministers made concessions in order to draw corporate leaders to Danoor, and so the corporations have
an incredible amount of political sway. After Rolf Treidum and the Lialic II attacked the FarStar near
Danoor, he then launched a devastator torpedo at the planet. Following the destruction of a huge area of
the planet, the Ministers of Danoor told the New Republic to stay away and not bring any more war and
destruction to their world. (KO)
one of the most unusual planets in the galaxy, Da'nor is located in the Delantine system near Romm. It is
unusual in that it goes through four seasonal changes each day, as it orbits not only the Delantine sun but
two other small stars. The planet undergoes incredible change, and the plant and animal species which
inhabit the world have adapted to the changes in order to survive. The primary species of creatures which
live on the world are the ectotherms and a species of large, predatory birds. (SA2)
an Imperial Lieutenant in charge of new recruit training. (ISB)
Danry Ledwellow
this Er'Kit represented his homeworld in the Old Republic Senate, until he was implicated in a slvery ring
shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Senator Ledwellow had been secretly working with the
Thalassians, along with Senators Tikkes, Bufus Ritsomas, and Wuja Wojaine, although none of the
Senators was aware of the others' involvement. The Senator was suspended from duty pending an
investigation. (HNN5)
Danson, Scay
this heartless man was a native of the planet Corulag, and was known during the height of the New Order
as one of the galaxy's most successful industrial saboteurs. Outwardly, he retained the nobility of his
family's social status, while he lacked any sort of loyalty to his employers. Available to the highest bidder,
Danson preferred to take on the megacorporations like Sienar Fleet Systems and BlasTech, rather than
smaller operations. Unknown to most of his acquaintences and employers, Danson was also a former
agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, having spent a great deal of time in the Kuat System. (CCW)
Dansun, Fasha

this woman was rescued from the scientists at Qu'mock Station by the crew of the FarStar. She had spent
much of her career studying the cultures of Kathol Sector, and had ventured out into the Marcol Void to
work with in the Kathol Outback before being captured by the Qektoth Confederation. She had a quick wit
and a bubbly personality. She opted to join the crew of the FarStar once she regained her strength. (KO)
Dansuun Priory
this business and law school is located on the planet Rhinnal. (JASB)
Danta, Iry
this Imperial officer was part of the team which was stranded on Dolis 3 in the wake of the peace accord
signed between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic. Iry joined Moff Derran Takkar in his plan to
disrupt the wedding of Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker, as a way to strike back against the New Republic.
Danta spent many years as a field operative, living in the gutters and sewers of Alliance and New
Republic worlds, gathering information and performing various acts of sabotage. Moff Takkar assigned
Danta the job of infiltrating the wedding site and locating an escape route, for the Imperials to use after
halting the ceremony. Danta was later captured by Chewbacca, along with Chala Venan, putting an end
to their efforts to disrupt the wedding. (U)
this dark-haired woman grew up working on starships, and became a scout during the early years of the
New Order. She joined the Alliance shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and was part of the team which
scouted the planet Edan II as a possible base. After learning that the base was the target of an Imperial
attack, she began scouting out the Imperial presence on the planet, hoping to find out why the Empire
was so interested in Edan II. (IAG)
this nomadic race was native to the planet Dantooine. They roamed the coastal plains in small, peaceful
tribe. Little was known of the Dantari culture, as they kept to themselves and remained aloof from the
Alliance personnel which were garrisoned there during the early years of the Alliance. Later, the Eol Sha
colonists were unaware of the Dantari, and were eradicated by Daala's forces before contact could be
made. Oddly enough, the Dantari suddenly began to incorporate Imperial symbols into their own daily
lives, tattooing images of AT-AT walkers and blasters on their skin. The bravest of the Dantari had fullbody images of stormtrooper armor, giving them the impression of being invincible. As a people, the
Dantari were generally human in stature, with dark hair and wide, flat faces. (JASB, GOF11, UANT)
this was another name for the spoken language of the Dantari people. (NJOSB)
Dantari Flu
this sickness, believed to have originated on the planet Dantooine, affected humans and many other
humanoid species. If untreated, it can result in death. (PH)
this was the native language of the Dantari people of Dantooine. (EGP)
this planet is located in the Core Worlds. (SWJ8)
Dantels, Nera
this beautiful woman was a smuggler captain who believed in the Alliance during the years leading up to
the Battle of Yavin. She helped the Alliance acquire a shipment of R2-series astromechs, shortly after
Incom Industries engineers defected with the plans to the X-Wing starfighter. Aboard her personal ship,
the Starduster, Captain Dantels managed to get the astromechs from Commenor with help from the
newly-formed Rogue Squadron. She remained on Yavin 4 during the months prior to the Battle of Yavin,
where she befriended Biggs Darklighter and Doctor Shae Polikex. Distinguished by her black hair and the
talon-shaped tattoos under her eyes, Captain Dantels often turned heads at the Massassi Base with her
close-fitting clothes. However, she only had eyes for Darklighter, and was distraught when he was killed

in the Battle of Yavin. (SWED)

this Imperial Army Major served under Colonel Heget in Kathol Sector, during the last years of the New
Order and into the era of the New Republic. Despite his service to the Empire, Danthe believed that the
New Republic could actually work, although he was careful not to voice his support of the Republic to
Heget. He worked to ensure that communication channels were opened to the crew of the FarStar, in an
effort to bring Moff Kentor Sarne to justice. (DARK)
Danthe Artifice, Limited
this corporation developed droid personality matrices, and was a major supplier of programming to
Arakyd. Danthe was based on the planet Corulag, and was the sister corporation to Tapani Sector's
Lanthe Artifice. Both corporations were originally based on the planet Lanthe, but fled Lanthe when the
Imperial Moff began nationalizing its corporations. (FOP, SWJ7, SWJ12, LOE)
Dantin, Chaeloe
this pirate, who worked from a base aboard the starship Dantin's Folly, was given a Letter of Marque to
perform privateer actions with the justification of the Alliance, as part of the plans developed by Ral'Rai
Muvunc during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ2)
Dantin's Folly
this was the name of Chaeloe Dantin's pirate ship. (SWJ2)
this New Republic CR90 Corvette was part of the force sent to liberate the planet Ciutric from the control
of Prince-Admiral Krennel. It supported the flagship Emancipator, along with several other Corvettes and
a trio of Nebulon-B frigates. (IR)
this planet had a long history with the Republics and the Alliance. The average day on Dantooine lasts 25
standard hours, and its year encompasses 378 local days. In ancient times, it was the site of a Jedi
training center under the command of Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas. One of its most prominent students
was the Dark Jedi, Exar Kun. The enclave was destroyed by Darth Malak, and the ruins remained
abandoned for centuries. Millennia later, Dantooine was ravaged during the Clone Wars, when the
Separatists tried to take control of the planet for use as a staging area for warships protecting the planet
Muunilinst. Jedi Master Mace Windu almost single-handedly defeated the Separatist forces on Dantooine,
leaving the planet free. During the period of the Emperor's New Order, it was the site of Rebel base, but it
was abandoned before the Empire could determine the base's location. The Alliance had planned well,
using pre-fabricated, self-constructing buildings to construct the base, allowing it to be torn down swiftly
after it was learned that a traitor had given away its location about six months before the Battle of Yavin. It
was believed that the base was abandoned within a local day. Dantooine had two moons and a dry
savannah environment, and the homeworld to the Dantari race, as well as a number of unusual forms of
animal life. Perhaps the most unusual aspect of Dantooine's ecosystem was the lavender-colored grass
that covered the plains, swaying like a purple blanket in the breeze. The Jedi ruins were once the site
where Alliance agents had hidden a holocron containing the names and locations of hundred of agents,
although it was later recovered by Dusque Mistflier. Tash Arranda and her brother, Zak, rediscovered the
ancient Jedi ruins there, with the help of the Dantari Maga. Maga refused to enter the ruins, for the garoo
of the Dantari told legends which said those who entered the ruins never came out. Tash discovered that
the Empire was using the ruins - and the legends surrounding them - to create a new batch of clones,
using a cloning laboratory which was established by the ancient Jedi Knights. In the year following the
resurrection of Emperor Palpatine, Dantooine was the planet to which the Eol Sha colonists were
relocated, but it was devastated in a stellar attack from Admiral Daala. The planet remained untouched
for many years, until the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. Like many other pastoral worlds, Dantooine
was quickly captured and reformed for the use of the alien invaders. (SW, DA, DLS, JASB, GOF11, FH3,
Dantooine Double-hand

this casino card game was popular during the last years of the Old Republic. (MJH)
Dantooinian Garfish
this species of fish, native to the planet Dantooine, is harvested as a source of food. (MA)
Dantos Vigos
this male Duros served as the chief medical officer aboard the Pride of Selonia during the height of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. In addition to his skills and training as a doctor, Vigos also had
more than twenty years of combat experience within the New Republic military, making him a competent
physician during the heat of battle. However, he met his match when he was placed in charge of ensuring
the health of Tahiri Veila. The young Jedi was locked in a mental battle with her alter ego, Riina Kwaad,
and traditional methods of reviving her failed to bring her around. (FH3)
this woman was a native of Drogheda, and a princess of the royal family during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. She was the sister of Queen Sarna, but outwardly opposed her sister's rulership during the
months following the Battle of Endor. However, Danu was actually in league with Sarna, posing as a rebel
leader to draw the insurgents into a trap. Princess Danu later had a change of heart, and helped Lando
escape the Queen so that democracy could be preserved on Drogheda. (LTA6, MC83)
Danu, Giddean
this dark-skinned man was a Senator to the Old Republic, during the years following the Battle of
Geonosis. Giddean Danu will be portrayed by Chris Kirby in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
(SWI71, E3)
a planet which housed a secret Imperial base early in the Galactic Civil War. It was also the site of a data
center which stored the plans to the original Death Star. Kyle Katarn was able to infiltrate the base and
steal the plans. (DF)
Danva, Joclad
this Jedi Knight was a noted student of the teras kasi and martial artform, and was one of the few Jedi on
his time to master the Jar'Kai technique, which he modified for fighting with two lightsabers. Danva was a
regular participant in martial arts tournaments, until he was defeated on Bunduki by Phow Ji, just before
the onset of the Clone Wars. Shortly afterward, Danva was part of the task force assembled by Mace
Windu to travel to Geonosis and confront the Separatists. Danva was one of the handful of survivors of
the the initial stages of the battle, and was captured and led into the execution arena just before the Army
of the Republic arrived. Joclad Danva was portrated by Kyle Rowling in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of
the Clones. (HNN5, OWS, MBS)
Danvar II
a planet which is home to a race of scaled bipeds with long snouts and a flair for murders and
assassinations. (HSE)
this Ewok exclamation translated into Basic as "Look out!" or "Be careful!" (BTRKS26)
this Jedi Padawan was part of the team which was dispatched to resolve the growing conflict between the
Virgillian Free Alignment and the Virgillian Aristocracy, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Their
transport was destroyed upon arrival, and it was believed that the four Jedi were killed in the explosion.
Danyawarra was being trained by Ludwin Katarkus at the time. (HNN4)
this gas giant was the second planet of the Essesia System. It was orbited by two moons. (CCW)
Dap Nechel

this short, bearded alien served as an engineer aboard the Kuari Princess at the time when Detien Kaileel
was arrested for his support of the Alliance. (TFE)
this city was the capital of the planet Ciutric. The planet's primary shield generator was located in the city,
but was taken out by the combined forces of Requiem Squadron - under the command of Wedge Antilles,
alias Antar Roat - and the ground forces of Major Telik. During the assault, Corran Horn also liberated the
remaining survivors of the Lusankya from their prison in the city. (IR)
Daplona River
this slow-moving river wanders through the country surrounding the city of Daplona, on Ciutric. (IR)
this name, which meant "favored by the gods", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
meaning "happy", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this man was a member of the miners who worked in the Mount Meru mines on Drogheda, in the months
following the Battle of Endor. Dar was a good friend of Princess Danu, but was shot by Harlech after he
was captured by Lando Calrissian. Dar had been about to explain the political situation on Drogheda, but
Harlech ensured that Calrissian learned nothing about it. (LTA6, MC83)
this hot, rocky world was the first planet in the Derilyn System, found in the Elrood Sector. (PG3)
Dar Bille
this Yevethan was Nil Spaar's second-in-command during their assault on the Black-15 shipyards. He
continued to serve Nil Spaar during the Great Purge, and was the primate of the starship Pride of
Yevetha. (BTS, TT)
Dar Wac
this Rodian served as one of Chancellor Palpatine's chief aides, working with Sly Moore during the last
years of the Old Republic. Among his primary duties, Dar Wac maintained the Chancellor's busy
schedule. After the implication of Senator Onaconda Farr in the rerouting of the warships that were meant
to protect the planet Duro, Dar Wac was fully investigated by the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, on the off
chance that the Rodians had been working together. Dar Wac was later cleared of any involvement in
Senator Farr's plans. (SWDB, AAOTC, SWI76)
Mendarn Arms' ion cannon, similar to those used on the GAT-12j Skipray blastboat. (HTSB)
Daraada, Gaevril
this Imperial Major was placed in charge of the military on Venaari, during the Galactic Civil War. A
vicious man, Daraada considered his career a string of unlucky incidents that led to his slow rate of
promotion and his posting on Venaari. While he hated his immediate superior, Governor Vaerganth,
Daraada nevertheless provided security for Project Orrad. However, Daraada did not attempt to meet the
full demands of the Governor, especially in light of the continual denial of Daraada's requests for
additional manpower and resources. Daraada's only fear, which was realized when Shandria L'hnnar and
Sienn Sconn discovered it, was that the Alliance cell on Venaari would discover Project Orrad before
Daraada could root out the cell. (SWJ5)
Darada System
Jev Sunrider was the Jedi watchman of this system, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (TOJC)

Daragi Hoba
this Aqualish served as the First Minister of his homeworld of Ando, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Daragi Hoba supported the position of Senator Po Nudo, and led Ando to secede from the
Old Republic some ten years after the Battle of Naboo. (HNN4)
Daragon Trail
this noted hyperspace travel route was supposedly haunted by the ghost of Admiral Fa'Rey. It was first
established some time before the onset of the Great Sith War by Jori and Gav Daragon, and linked the
planet Koros Major with Korriban. The establishment of the Daragon Trail inadvertently provided access
for the Sith to reach the worlds of the Old Republic, allowing them to launch the initial attacks of the Sith
War. (DW, NEGC)
Daragon, Gav
a native of Kirrek, Gav and his sister Jori charted the ancient space lanes for traders and haulers some
5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. They had been orphaned at an early age when their parents were
killed in the First Unification Wars fought by Empress Teta, and brought up under the watchful eye of
Aarrba the Hutt. Gav once tested high in Force-sensitivity, but never was able to obtain full training. The
lure of interstellar travel called to Gav and his sister, and they were able to obtain a ship with the help of
Aarrba. However, luck was not something the Daragons were endowed with. They were continually in
debt to Aarrba, and thought that they had finally broken even when they discovered a risky route known
as the Goluud Corridor. They were black-balled by the Navigational Guild and disowned by Aarrba, and
tried flee Cinnagar through the Starswarm Cluster, damaging their ship and forcing them to land on
Korriban. They were then thrust into the middle of the power struggle between Naga Sadow and the Sith
Lords when the Sith Lords thought they were advanced scouts from the Old Republic's Navy. Gav was
swayed by Naga Sadow, who held the young man on Khar Shian in order to "protect" him from the other
Sith Lords. Sadow allowed him to explore the ancient Sith magics, encouraging Gav's Force potential to
grow. Sadow allowed him to train in the use of a huge wall of automated systems, giving him just enough
information to lead Gav to believe that he was controlling Sadow's fortress. In reality, Sadow was training
the young human in the use of several weapons systems linked to Sith magic. When Ludo Kressh
attacked Khar Shian, Sadow told Gav to use the systems to cut off transmissions to the renegade Sith
Lord. What Gav actually did was activate a remote detonator on Kressh's ship, causing the craft to
explode in a brilliant fireball. It was at this point that Gav realized he and his sister had been manipulated
by Sadow. However, he was gaining power with the Force that he never thought he'd have, and when
Sadow offered him a position of power in his fleet, Gav agreed. He led part of the assault on Cinnagar,
but was confronted by Aarrba. When his Massassi bodyguards cut the poor Hutt down, Gav was shocked
at the brutality. When he discovered that his sister had witnessed what he had done, he fled in terror to
Primus Goluud, hoping to confront Naga Sadow. There he disabled Sadow's meditation sphere, causing
the Sith Lord to lose his concentration. The images Sadow had been projecting into his forces dissipated,
giving the combined Jedi-Republic forces new hope. Sadow was furious, and tricked Gav into the failing
sphere. Gav's distraction allowed the Republic to launch an attack on Sadow's forces, but Sadow used
Sith magic to rip apart Primus Goluud. Gav remained in the sphere, providing the Republic fleet with an
escape vector to avoid the explosion. He was killed in the disaster. (GAS, FOSE)
Daragon, Hok
this man was the father of Jori and Gav Daragon, and was a successful supply runner for the ancient
rebels of the Koros System. Along with his wife, Timar, they made regular supply runs to planets like
Kirrek, providing much-needed supplies while turning a tidy profit in their starship, the Shadow Runner.
However, on one fateful mission to Kirrek, they were caught in the crossfire of a raging battle between the
rebels and the forces of the Old Republic, and were shot down. Before they could land, though, another
volley struck their ship and destroyed it, killing them in the explosion. (GAS)
Daragon, Jori
a native of Kirrek, Jori and her brother Gav charted the ancient space lanes for traders and haulers some
5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. They were orphaned when their parents were killed in the First
Unification Wars, and brought up under the watchful eye of Aarrba the Hutt. Like her brother, Jori had
some Force sensitivity, but was the weaker of the two siblings. Also like Gav, she never pursued any

formal training. The lure of interstellar travel called to Jori and her brother, and they were able to obtain a
ship with the help of Aarrba. However, luck was not something the Daragons were endowed with. They
were continually in debt to Aarrba, and thought that they had finally broken even when they discovered a
risky route known as the Goluud Corridor. They were black-balled by the Navigational Guild and
disowned by Aarrba, and tried flee Cinnagar through the Starswarm Cluster, damaging their ship and
forcing them to land on Korriban. They were then thrust into the middle of the power struggle between the
ancient Sith Lords, who believed they were the advanced scouts of an Old Republic war fleet. Naga
Sadow managed to sway her allegiance, and held her on Khar Delba in order to "protect" her from
reprisal by the other Sith Lords. Sadow later returned the Starbreaker 12 to her, telling her that Gav was
dead and that she needed to return to the Republic before the other Sith Lords launched an attack on the
Republic. Sadow then used the information from the Starbreaker 12' navigational computer to gather
information on the Old Republic. When she returned to Cinnagar - which was the only destination she had
stored in the ship's computer - she was arrested and charged with every conceivable crime in relation to
her escape from Cinnagar. No one believed her claims that the Sith Empire was about to attack, and she
was shipped off to Ronika as punishment for her crimes. She managed to escape on an ore drone ship,
but was shot down over Empress Teta's palace on Cinnagar. Once captured by Teta's guards, Jori
produced a Sith amulet she took from Korriban. This persuaded Odan-Urr and Teta to believe her story of
an impending Sith attack. She later was reunited with her brother Gav, but only after he and his Massassi
warriors had killed Aarba. She tried to talk to him and bring him back from the Dark Side of the Force, but
was unsuccessful. She followed him to Primus Goluud, but was unable to rescue him from the failing
meditiation sphere he'd taken from Naga Sadow. As Gav provided an escape route from the unstable
star, Jori tearfully said goodbye to him as the exploding star consumed him. Later, she stood by Empress
Teta's side as they attacked Naga Sadow's forces near the Denarii Nova, in the final act of the Great
Hyperspace War. Upon defeating the Sith and returning to Cinnagar, Teta gave Jori the rights to own and
operate Aarrba the Hutt's starship repair facility for her assistance in the war. (GAS, FOSE)
Daragon, Timar
this woman was the mother of Jori and Gav Daragon, and was a successful supply runner for the ancient
rebels of the Koros System. Along with her husband, Hok, they made regular supply runs to planets like
Kirrek, providing much-needed supplies while turning a tidy profit in their starship, the Shadow Runner.
However, on one fateful mission to Kirrek, they were caught in the crossfire of a raging battle between the
rebels and the forces of the Old Republic, and were shot down. Before they could land, though, another
volley struck their ship and destroyed it, killing them in the explosion. (GAS)
this Ferroan woman, distinguished by her pale blue skin and gold-black eyes, was one of the first of his
people to greet Luke Skywalker's Jedi Knights, when the Jedi located Zonama Sekot during the height of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Along with her partner, Rowel, Darak was openly suspicious of
the presence of the Jedi on the planet, despite the fact that Sekot itself allowed the Jedi to land. After
Sekot had successfully tested the Jedi Knights to ensure that their mission was, indeed, a peaceful
resolution to the conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong, the planetary sentience agreed to return to the galaxy
and help the Jedi. Darak and Rowel both accepted Sekot's decision, and eventually decided that the Jedi
were worthy of their assistance. When Zonama Sekot made a blind jump into hyperspace to avoid the
sabotage of Nom Anor, the Ferroans were forced to flee underground to avoid the ecological damage that
occurred on the surface. Darak and Rowel made many trips into the wilderness to look for survivors, often
with the help of the Jedi. However, after several jumps and no clear indication from Sekot as to its plans,
Darak demanded that the Jedi leave the planet. (FH3, UF)
this was one of the more common names given to Cragmoloid individuals. (UANT)
Darakin University
this Minos Cluster institution was controlled by the Empire during the New Order. They surgically modified
the curriculum, removing courses which encouraged free speech and open debate and replaced them
with courses that dealt with Imperial dogma and theory. (GG6)

this Yevethan term translates to "blessed one," and was often used to describe Nil Spaar during the
Yevethan Purge. (SOL)
according to Alderaanian mythology, Daranas was a seer who had intense visions of the future. However,
the people she told about her visions refused to believe them. (MJH)
this was an alcoholic spirit consumed on Redcap. (SWJ5)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "stone". (GCG)
Darasuum Kote
this was a Mandalorian phrase that meant "eternal glory." (RCHC)
this warm wrapping retains body heat. (SOL)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this man was a member of the Peace Brigade, and was part of the group which infiltrated the Queen of
Empire in order to recover the Yuuzhan Vong priestess Elan. He and the Rodian, Capo, posed as the
contacts Major Showolter was to meet aboard the ship,in order to ensure that Elan was safely transported
to Coruscant. They obtained the callsigns required to gain Showolter's confidence, and eve got detailed
backstories. Unfortunately for Darda, the information provided to him was old, and he claimed to Major
Showolter that he had been working out of Gamorr. Showolter recognized that Darda wasn't a New
Republi agent, and shot Darda in the chest. (HT)
meaning "familial", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this Rodian was one of the Black Sun vigos, working for Alexi Garyn during the years before the Battle of
Naboo. Like many members of Black Sun at the time, Dardo was missing his left eye. (DM)
Dardrennis Survival Technology
this specialty manufacturer produced a wide variety of personal safety and survival devices during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
see Dadrus. (POM)
this Imperial pilot was Commander Orvak's wingman. The two pilots were assigned to take out the shield
generators protecting the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, prior to the Shadow Academy's main attack. They
flew in specially-modified stealth TIE Fighters, and skimmed in low over the trees to escape detection.
When they encountered the small shields protecting the compound, Dareb failed to completely miss the
lowest edge of the shield. His craft was damaged and spun out of control, crashing into the jungle and
killing Dareb. (JUS)
Darek System
Kirtan Loor found that Rogue Squadron had jumped from this system into the Hensara System when they
attempted to rescue the Battle of Yavin. (XWN)

Darellian Fire Crab

this crab was known for its fiery red shell. (AOTCN)
this planet was locatde at the intersection of hyperspace lanes known as the Foless Crossroads. (SOL)
an Imperial Corvette group destroyed by Keyan Farlander after Gart's death. (XW)
Darez Wuht
this Duros served the Duro Defense Force as a Admiral, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Admiral Wuht was known to be sympathetic to the plight of injured military personnel, and was placed in
command of the refugee camps on his homeworld of Duro. However, he proved to be incapable of
managing the civilian situation. The Ryn who were stranded on Duro took to calling him "Admiral
Dizzlewit," because he continually ignored the refugees. During the defense of Duro, Admiral Wuht took
command of his flagship, the Poesy, and attempted to stop any ship which tried to flee the Yuuzhan Vong
attack on orders from the Duros Defense Force. However, he realized that the Duros had been deceived
by the the combined forces of the Peace Brigade, CorDuro Shipping, and the Yuuzhna Vong, when Mara
Jade Skywalker and Jaina Solo revealed the actions of Drugard Brarun and Nom Anor. Wuht quickly
reconsidered his position, and joined the New Republic in its fight to save Duro. (BP)
an Imperial Dreadnaught attacked by Alliance ships in the Yllotat System. (TIE)
Umgul's sister planet, home of Duchess Mistal. The planet's inhabitants mate for life. (DA)
Dargul Dianogas
this was one of the many shockball teams active during the height of the New Order. (SSR)
this planet was located in the Kether System. It was on this planet that Emperor Palpatine sensed a being
who claimed to control the Force, and was acting as a vigilante with a lightsaber. He dispatched Darth
Vader to eliminate the woman, while acting to thwart the assassination plans of Grand Moffs Trachta and
Bartam. (SWEB)
Darian Gli
the Markul contact Melvosh Bloor was supposed to meet inside Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine.
Salacious Crumb used Bloor's lack of knowledge of Gli to lead Bloor into thinking that Crumb was his
contact. Gli was working for the Lady Valarian at the time, although Bloor never found him. Gli had
previously helped Ra Yasht and Skarten research their academic paper on Porcellus the cook. When
Jabba discovered Gli's assistance to the two academics, he had Gli killed and served up as dinner. (TJP)
this female Tarasin was known to be a wise member of the Hiironi tribe, but she was also quite selfish.
She desired to gain a position of power, and longed to become the Irstat-Kes of the tribe. She felt that she
had a chance when her mother was killed by a kilassin. Her older sister, Meriana, was promoted to
become Mother of the tribe, while Dariana was named Irstat-Kes. Her triumphant rise to power was shortlived, however, when Meriana died of a mysterious illness just a day after the death of their mother.
Dariana was then named Mother, a position which held no real power. She tried to do her best, but she
chafed at the fact that her time as Irstat-Kes was too short. As she aged and grew weak, Dariana broke
with Tarasin tradition and began to record her memoirs in electronic form, as a way to preserve her
memory and her experiences for eternity. During the Clone Wars, Mother Dariana experienced a se'neth
in which she saw the tide of the war sweeping over Cularin, then the oppression of the Empire. Her vision
also showed her a way that the Tarasin could survive, but only if they worked together. Despite her
words, there were many Tarasin - most of them male - who wanted to ignore the war and remain loyal to
the jungle. They spoke of Cularin's death if the Tarasin took up arms, as the destruction of even one tree

could set off a chain reaction of events that could cause serious harm to the planet and the Tarasin. (LFC,
Darien Lava-skimmer
this was a model of airspeeder developed for use in high-heat environments, such as near volcanoes or
on volcanically-active planets. (VD2)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Darillian, Noa-Jek
this was a noted Jedi Knight, active during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SWI70)
Darillian, Zurel
this Imperial Navy Captain was a native of Coruscant. The house that he and his wife lived in was
destroyed when Ysanne Isard extricated the Lusankya from its underground berth, and his wife died in
the destruction. He was the Captain of the corvette Night Caller until the ship was infiltrated by Wraith
Squadron. When Voort saBinring tried to disrupt the crew quarters by blasting them with a laser bolt, he
was firing into what was actually the bridge because the of the ship's extensive modification from normal
CR90 specifications. The laser blast ripped through the bridge, killing Darillian and plastering his remains
on the ceiling of the bridge. The rest of the crew was so stunned, they could not mount a defense against
the Gamorrean and surrendered. Garik "Face" Loran then assumed the identity of Darillian while the
Wraiths continued to answer Zsinj's orders. He embellished the story of Darillian's wife's death by
claiming that Darillian was actually in love with Isard. (WS)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Darin indicated memory, music, or honor. (GCG)
this man was one of the first beings to understand the threat of the Metatheran Cartel to the people of
Cularin, during the last decades of the Old Republic. He was taken into custody by a group of the Cartel's
thugs, who had stolen the uniforms of House Hirskaala in order to appear legitimate. (EOS)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
Darius Squad
this group of Alliance troopers was part of the security force protecting the outpost on the planet Taul,
shortly before it was destroyed by the Victory-class Star Destroyer Dominator. (SWJ1)
Darius, Edric
this man was the Captain of the Imperial torpedo sphere which was stationed near the planet Tallaan,
during the Empire's occupation of Tapani Sector. (LOE)
Dark Book of Imperial Justice
a book used by Trioculus to learn the laws of the Empire, he selects a passage from it for his wedding to
Princess Leia. (QE)
Dark Eye
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Dark Eye
this was the name used to describe the small, black patrol droids produced by Arakyd Industries some

years before the Clone Wars. Officially designated the DRK-1, this droid had "eyes" consisting of a pair of
camera lenses, a sophisticated communications package, and moved about via a compact repulsor drive.
Weaponry could be mounted in a number of configurations. In many respects, the DRK-1 Dark Eye was a
predecessor to the Imperial probe droid used during the Galactic Civil War. In addition to the basic probe
droid package, the dark eye was plated with energy-absorbing stealth armor, which allowed it evade most
sensor scans. These droids were armed with a laser cannon, a stun blaster, and a dart gun. Among the
most notable utilization of the Dark Eye droid was that of the Sith apprentice Darth Maul, who sent three
of them to scout the primary settlements on the planet Tatooine for any sign of Queen Amidala of Naboo,
just prior to the Battle of Naboo. (SW1, IG1, DSSB, AEG)
Dark Eyes, Warm Thoughts
written by Erik Lauderslag, this was a dusk song played by the band Far Cry on the planet Tuttin IV,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Underneath the bassline of this song, Ryley Ancum coded a
message to Keth Beamis and the Alliance abound an Imperial shipment of metals for a new warship
project. (GMR6)
Dark Force
this was another name for the Katana Fleet, due to their dark coloration and lack of interior lighting. (DFR)
Dark Grahn
one of the galaxy's most notorious mercenary leaders. (GMS)
Dark Jedi
term used to refer to those Jedi Knights who have fallen from the Light Side and become seduced by the
power and ease of the Dark Side of the Force. Many of them were Sith masters as well, drawing strength
from both sets of lore. (DLS, DE1, HTTE, TLC)
Dark Jedi Conflict
this was the name given to the era of history within the Cularin System, during which time Kibh Jeen
controlled the system through his connections to the Dark Side of the Force. His reign of terror began
more than 150 years before the Battle of Naboo, and lasted for seven years before the forces of the Jedi
Knights could locate and destroy him. (LFC)
Dark Killer, The
this was one of the many nicknames used to describe Kaox Krul. (GMR5)
Dark Lizard
a three-meter-long reptile which was corrupted by the Dark Side nexus on the planet Trinta. Unlike the
dreambeasts of Halagad Ventor, the dark lizard caused real physical damage when it attacked. (DOE)
Dark Lord of Beldarone
the title used by Flint after his training under Darth Vader. (EGC)
Dark Lords of the Sith
any of the most powerful students of the Sith teachings were candidates to become Dark Lords of the
Sith, the equivalent of an all-powerful Jedi Master. The original Dark Lords descended from true Jedi
Knights many millennia before the Great Sith War. They were cast out for their forays into the use of Dark
Side magic, and exiled on the planet Korriban. There, they interbred with the native Sith race, growing
stronger and more powerful as a result of the genetic combination. They expanded their realm into
several nearby systems, and individual factions grew out of the isolation. The laws of the Sith dictate that
only one Dark Lord can rule at any time. A ritual of ascension was performed, with the candidate being
subjected to the bites of three deadly insectoids. If the candidate survived - through the use of intense
Sith magic - they were declared the next Dark Lord of the Sith. They were forever marked by the bites,
with a flaming sun scar on their forehead. Naga Sadow was one of the first Dark Lords to break away
from the established ascension rituals, claiming himself Dark Lord after the death of Marka Ragnos
without the consent of the other ruling Lords. Several centuries later, Freedon Nadd was unlucky enough
to begin learning the Sith teaching under a young Dark Lord, and yearned to take the position from him. It

is for this reason that Nadd went to Onderon. The ancient remains of the Dark Lords before Exar Kun
were entombed on Korriban. Darth Vader is thought to have been the last of the Dark Lords. (SW, TOJ,
Dark Man
this was the Myneyrshi name for Joruus C'baoth. (EGA)
Dark Man
this was the Psadan phrase used to describe Emperor Palpatine. (GMR10)
Dark Melody, The
this cantina was located on level 35 of the cityscape that covered Nar Shaddaa. During the early years of
the New Order, The Dark Melody was known as a steady source of tempest spice. The Dark Melody lived
up to its name, being a dingy place were the air smelly oily and the patrons preferred to wear hoods over
their heads to hide their identity. Many of the lesser tempest dealers obtained their spice from beings at
the Dark Melody. (TF)
Dark Nebula
this Imperial Star Destroyer once tried to blockade the planet Ergeshui. (PG2)
Dark Night
this term was used on the moon Yavin 4 to describe the period of nightfall that occurred following twilight
night, when the moon faced away from both the sun and the gas giant Yavin. It was during dark night that
the surface of Yavin 4 was completely dark. (PJSB)
Dark Nova
this low-price, low-class bar was located on the southern continent of the planet Marotan. (SWJ12)
Dark One, The
this was the name used by the Kamarians to describe Han Solo, after he fled Kamar when he stopped
showing the holovid, Varn, World of Water. This name was endorsed by the smuggler Sonniod, who
began replaying the feature in order to make money off the ignorant Kamarians. (EGA)
Dark Rangers
this was another name for the Renegades, those Kilian Rangers who succumbed to the Dark Side of the
Force. (RESB)
Dark Reaper
this ancient Sith weapon was believed to have been lost, until Count Dooku - known to the Sith as Darth
Tyranus - was dispatched by Darth Sidious to locate it, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The
forces of the Old Republic were able to learn of Dooku's mission and intercept him, preventing an
possible recovery of the weapon. The Dark Reaper itself was created during the time of the Great Sith
War, and was most likely the idea of Ulic Qel-Droma and his fellow Sith. The Reaper itself was a saucershaped weapon that required a separate power source - the Force Harvester. Thousands of years later,
when the Dark Reaper was to be actived by Dooku, the spirit of Ulic appeared to Anakin Skywalker on
Thule. Ulic's spirit explained to the young Jedi how to destroy the device, a task that involved harnessing
the Reaper's own energy without being corrupted by it. With Ulic's guidance, Anakin was able to destroy
the Dark Reaper, ending the threat it posed to the rest of the galaxy. (OWS, TCW)
Dark Revenge
this modified Corellian gunship was Dharus' command vessel. It was heavily armed, and once defeated
an Imperial Star Galleon-class warship. (GG9)
Dark Riders, The
this swoop gang was formed by Lieutenant Irlyn Resk on Stend VI, in response to the government's
request for assistance in suppressing the violence of other swoop gangs. The Empire funded the
recruiting of a team of Storm Commandos for the group. They traveled on modified Ikas-Adno XR-10

speederbikes, and patrolled the major urban areas in an effort to reduce swoop gang violence. (WSV)
Dark Rituals
this was the name of a collection of forbidden magic known to the Ewok shamans. (SWDB)
Dark Romance
this wildly popular holovid was directed by Ch'been, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.
Dark Side Adepts
the reborn Emperor's New Imperial Council is made up of several of his fellow Dark Side followers. These
individuals are known as the Dark Side Adepts, and they served the reborn Emperor in many ways. He
planned to have them dispersed throughout the galaxy, to spread his new regime. (DE1)
Dark Side Compendium
the reborn Emperor's book of Dark Side lore, it was supposed to have hundreds of volumes when
completed. Only 3 volumes completed when the reborn Emperor was defeated by Luke Skywalker. (DE1)
Dark Side Daiquiri
this mixed drink was popular during the last years of the Old Republic. (MJH)
Dark Side Dragon
see Hssiss. (TOJ, TOJC)
Dark Side Elite
this was the name given to the seven warriors trained by Emperor Palpatine in the ways of the Dark Side
of Force. Known by the title of Executor, each of the seven Elite was believed to have been utterly loyal to
Palpatine. Their leader was Sedriss, and among their ranks were Vill Goir, Zasm Katth, Baddon Fass,
Krdys Morid, Kvag Gthull, Tedryn-Sha, and Xecr Nist. Only one member of the Dark Side Elite was known
to have deserted his service to the Emperor and returned to the Light Side of the Force. This individual
was Kam Solusar. With the death of Emperor Palpatine on Onderon, and the destruction of his stronghold
on Byss, the members of the Dark Side Elite were also eliminated. (NEGC)
Dark Side Familiar
any creature which has a basic touch with the Dark Side of the Force but is too limited to use it, these
beasts often accompany those beings who wish to use the Dark Side of the Force in some way. A
powerful Sith Lord could have a familiar, as could a lowly crime lord. The familiar acts as a channel for the
Dark Side energies. (TOJ)
Dark Side Nexus
any point in the spatial continuum that contains a great deal of Dark Side energy. These places were
often guarded by Jedi Knights, so that the energies did not seduce passersby. Such a nexus was located
on Dagobah, and Yoda forced Luke Skywalker into it, to confront his heritage. (DESB)
Dark Side of the Force
The Force, being an energy field, has opposing sides which normally balance each other. The Dark Side
of the Force is the more seductive of the two, for its power and strength are easily obtained by the
apprentice. However, the Dark Side is a cruel master, for in return for its ease of initiation, it continually
drains its servants' life-energy. Among the highest achievements in the mastery of the Dark Side is the
succession from student to master. While this is also true of the Light Side, the Dark Side requires that
the student utterly destroy his master to prove his abilities. (SW, ROTJ, SWJ8)
Dark Side of the Planet, The
this was perhaps the most popular cantina found in Nuba City, on the planet Nubia. It was owned by Tul
Bulba during the height of the New Order. (CCW)
Dark Skinwing

a modification of the natural skinwing of Trinta, the dark skinwing was corrupted by the Dark Side nexus
on the planet. (DOE)
Dark Star
this modified bulk freighter was the flagship of Mahk'khar's small fleet. It was armed with a pair of laser
cannons. (SWJ6)
Dark Star
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Dark Star Hellions
a notorious swoop gang operating in the Outer Rim Territories, the Dark Star Hellions were named for the
Moshaw Dark Star found in Sesswenna Sector. They were known to raid a planet over a period of several
days before returning to their home base. (DFRSB, PP)
Dark Sun
this minor crime syndicate was active during the height of the New Order. (SWJ15)
Dark Tongue
an alien creature native to the planet Trinta, the dark tongue was a huge, black lizard which had been
corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force. It was named for its dark black tongue, and it had a mouth filled
with stiletto-like teeth. (DOE)
Dark Trooper
the creation of Imperial General Rom Mohc, the Dark Troopers were specially-enhanced, fully-automated
troopers. There were three stages of darktrooper development. Stage 1 involved a droid frame wearing
just the protective exoskeleton, equipped with knife-like armor and an arm-mounted shield. Although
primitive, Stage 1 dark troopers were nonetheless relentless in their pursuit of a target. Stage 2 dark
troopers were to be the standard combat unit, using the same exoskeleton with additional armor plating,
but were armed with assault cannons and rocket packs. Stage 3 dark troopers were never fully
developed. Rom Mohc was the only known user of the Stage 3 design, which incorporated enhanced
shields. The Dark Trooper project was smashed by Kyle Katarn when he infiltrated the Arc Hammer
manufacturing facility, defeated Mohc in combat, and destroyer the Arc Hammer. (DF, EGD, SWDB)
Dark Vendetta
this modified HT-2200 freighter served as the based of operations for the Tarnished Blades pirates. It was
armed with a pair of pulse laser cannons, a pair of quad laser cannons, and a light ion cannon. It was
supported on its missions by a pair of Preybird-class fighters. (FOP)
Dark Warriors
see Taung (SES)
Dark Wing
this was the name of the small pirate fleet established by Abin-Ral-Xufush during the New Order. It
consisted of a bulk cruiser, three CR90 corvettes, and 20 assorted starfighters. Their ultimate goals were
never known, but they had several tactics which made them stand out. They almost always freed the
crews of the ships they attacked, unless the crew resisted capture. Then Abin-Ral-Xufush ordered his
pirates to execute them immediately. Slave cargoes were always stolen by the Dark Wing fleet, although
they were never seen again. Many believed the slaves were absorbed into the pirate fleet's crew. Note
that this pirate gang is referred to as the Shadow Wing on the Wizards of the Coast website. (PP, WOTC)
Dark Wolf
this was a ferocious, nocturnal beast found on the planet Sriluur. Some Weequays have been known to
tame one, and those that could were considered among the strongest of their kind. (AIR, SWJ6)
Dark Woman

this mysterious Jedi Master was born with the name An'ya Kuro, but she shed the name - along with the
rest of her possessions - when she became a Jedi Knight. It was the Dark Woman who discovered the
existence of Ki-Adi-Mundi, when the Cerean was four years of age. Despite his age, she was able to
convice the Jedi Council to train him, and he was eventually schooled by Yoda himself. The Dark Woman
was also known for her inability to train Aurra Sing. Through no fault of her own, the Dark Woman could
not get the future bounty hunter to become attuned to the Force, and carried Aurra's betrayal like a stone
around her neck. The Dark Woman was distinguished by her silvery hair and strong features, and was
known among the members of the Jedi Council for her highly unorthodox training methods, including the
outright provocation of alien students. She visited Ki-Adi-Mundi on Coruscant, just before he left for
Tatooine to seek out Sharad Hett, to warn him of the dangers she had forseen. Shortly afterward, there
were rumors of her death, but she reappeared on Coruscant during A'Sharad Hett's training. The Dark
Woman offered to take over the young Padawan's education from Ki-Adi-Mundi, in an effort to curb his
anger over the death of this father. As the Old Republic began to crumble, the Dark Woman fled to the
planet Cophrigim 5 to retire and allow the Force to guide her life. The Force drew her out of retirement
during the Clone Wars, and the Dark Woman participated in several undercover missions. On a mission
to Devaron to locate a Separatist base, she and Jedi Master Tholme were nearly killed by her former
student, Aurra Sing. Aayla Secura managed to defeat the bounty hunter, and both the Dark Woman and
Master Tholme were returned to Coruscant for treatment. During the Jedi Purge which was ordered by
Emperor Palpatine, the Dark Woman was hunted down and executed by Darth Vader. Her body
disappeared upon her death, however, and the Dark Woman became one with the Force. In the place
where her body had died, a beautiful flower sprang up. Vader promptly destroyed the plant, confirming his
embrace of the Dark Side of the Force. (PTR, IG1, SWO, T1, T2, ETM, HFAS, J3)
this green, reptilian beast, cloaked in red robes, was the physical manifestation of all the instinctual anger,
fear, and hatred that the ancient natives of Arbra drained from themselves. These ancient Arbrans, long
extinct at the height of the New Order, had attempted to rid themselves of negative feelings by trapping
the negative energies in an underground cavern, kept from escaping by an unusual form of force screen.
After these energies reached a certain "critical mass", they coalesced into the being known as the Darker.
It lurked on the planet in a sort of hibernation for eons before the Alliance established Haven Base on
Arbra. The Darker awoke and realized that the Alliance might have the technology necessary to free
itself. Using a mental form of communication, it lured R2-D2 into its underground cavern and captured the
droid. The Darker hoped to use its parts, along with the components of C-3PO, to deactivate the force
screen and be freed. Chewbacca, who had accompanied C-3PO to locate R2-D2, tried to shoo thte
Darker, but was thrown from the chamber. This allowed Chewbacca to voercome the negative thoughts
used by the Darker, and the Wookiee returned to face the Darker. Chewbacca found himself aided by a
small band of brave Hoojibs, and they managed to overcome the Darker's superior mental strength. C3PO told Chewbacca that the Darker could be destroyed, and the Wookiee heaved the Darker into the
force screen that had once contained it. This disintegrated the Darker, and also brought down the ancient
force screen. (MC67, SWDB, PH)
Flandon Sweeg's starship. (SWSB)
this backwater world was the site of an intense struggle to recover the plans to the first Death Star. It was
here, in the city of Xakrea, that Garm Bel Iblis managed to beat Ysanne Isard in a race to locate the
stolen datacards. (TFNR)
Darkknell Defense Agency
this was the primary police force which protected the planet Darkknell during the height of the New Order.
Their vehicles were painted red and white, in an obvious pattern to denote their location. (TFNR)
Darkknell Special Security
a branch of the Darkknell Defense Agency, Special Security dealt with undercover operations and other
missions that required stealth. (TFNR)

the berries of this plant, native to the planet Gorsh, were highly poisonous to most humanoid species.
one of the survivors of the Battle of Hoth, Darklighter was evacuated on the Bright Hope. (TBH)
Darklighter Farm
owned by Jula and Silya Darklighter, this Tatooine moisture farm was one of many that sold their water
and produce commercially, during the early years of the New Republic. (TG)
Darklighter Spin
named for, and developed by, Biggs Darklighter, this X-Wing maneuver was proven effective at the Battle
of Yavin. By putting the X-Wing into a spin about the axis of the fuselage while firing all four lasers at
once, Biggs found that a pilot could take out multiple targets on a single strafing run. (CCG9)
Darklighter, Anya
this young woman was the only daughter of Jula and Silya Darklighter. It was Anya who discovered Shmi
Skywalker's personal journal in the mushrooms under a vaporator, during a routine inspection of the
Darklighter Farm's equipment. Anya turned it over to her parents, who had planned to give it to their son
Gavin to bring to Luke Skywalker. When Leia Organa Solo arrived on Tatooine to recover the Killik
Twilight moss-painting, Silya gave it to Leia instead. (TG)
Darklighter, Biggs
a boyhood friend of Luke Skywalker's on Tatooine, Biggs was born into a wealthy family of food
merchants on Tatooine. His father gave him everything he wanted, except love, and Biggs struggled to fit
in with the other young adults at Anchorhead. He became good friends with Luke Skywalker, however,
when Luke saw through the rich-boy image to the real person inside Biggs. When Biggs' father's position
and wealth provided a chance for him to attend the Academy, Biggs was hardly in a position to decline.
He said goodbye to his friends and went off to the Academy, graduating with honors receiving a
commission aboard the Rand Ecliptic. Biggs served under the Evader squadron aboard the Ecliptic, along
with Hobbie Klivian, under Captain Heliesk. Both of them had contact with the Alliance, and helped Biggs
became aware of the atrocities of the Empire. After a brief stop-over on Tatooine to say goodbye to Luke
and his other friends, Biggs, Hobbie, and some others mutinied at Bestine and jumped ship to join the
Alliance, with the help of Captain Heliesk. When the time came to do battle with the Empire at Yavin,
Biggs was named one of the X-wing pilots in Red Squadron. On Yavin 4, he was reunited with Luke just
prior to the battle. In the Alliance's final run at the Death Star's polar trench, Biggs was killed while
protecting Luke's back from the onrushing Imperial TIE Fighters. Biggs was portrayed by Garrick Hagon
in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, and by Kale Browne for the Star Wars Radio Drama on National
Public Radio. (SW, SWR, MTS, CCG)
Darklighter, Dera
this young woman was Biggs Darklighter's younger sister. She worked secretly on the planet Tatooine,
using her charisma and her skills in oration to inspire others to join the Alliance. (SWI65)
Darklighter, Gavin
a native of Tatooine, Gavin was one of the most decorated members of Rogue Squadron. He was a
cousin of Biggs Darklighter, and was just ten when Biggs died at the Battle of Yavin. He was only sixteen
when Wedge Antilles suggested that he be allowed to join. He was responsible for creating the emblem of
Rogue Squadron, which featured a twelve-pointed, red star surrounding the blue symbol of the Alliance.
Radiating from the points of the star were X-Wing fighters. When the Squadron resigned its commission
with the New Republic after the liberation of Coruscant, he painted his X-Wing to resemble a krayt
dragon. As the Rogues liberated Ciruscant, Gavin found himself drawn to the Bothan pilot, Asyr Sei'lar,
and they became romantically involved. Their relationship was nearly shattered when Gavin's X-Wing
was damaged during the capture of the Xucphra Alazhi. He limped to Halanit, only to have the Corrupter
and the Thyferran Home Defense Corps track the colony down. Erisi Dlarit made him believe it was his
own flight that led the Imperials to Halanit, but it was really Ysanne Isard tracing the shipment of bacta to

its source. Gavin assisted the settlers as much as he could, but he was unable to stop the destruction of
their outpost. After several more battles and as their relationship deepened, Gavin and Asyr decided to
get married and adopt children. Unbeknownst to Gavin, Asyr was blocked in her attempt to locate a
Bothan child by Borsk Fey'lya. She resolved to bring about change to the Bothan society, but was unsure
how to do it. When she collided with an enmy fighter over Corvis Minor Five, everyone believed she was
dead, including Gavin. He mourned her deeply, but resolved himself to continue her noble ways. He was
unaware that she survived the crash, but that was Asyr's wish. In the years that followed, Gavin grew
more and more into a capable leader. Gavin eventually married Sera Faleur, and the couple adopted two
boys who had been orphaned by the campaign against Grand Admiral Thrawn. Later, the couple gave
birth to a daughter, a third son, and eventually a second daughter. Shortly after the birth of his second
daughter, Gavin was chosen to succeed Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu as Commander of Rogue
Squadron some twenty years after the Battle of Endor, and was in command of the squadron when the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy began. Despite his military background, Gavin found himself
embroiled in a political struggle when Jaina Solo joined the Rogues. Her stature as a Jedi Knight put her
at odds with many members of the Senate, and Gavin was forced to placed her on extended leave. He
realized his mistake, however, and allowed Jaina to fly with the Rogues during the destruction of the
Yuuzhan Vong shipwomb near the remains of Sernpidal. As the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong
intensified, Gavin and Rogue Squadron were called back to defend the planet Coruscant. Gavin found
himself serving under the reinstated Colonel Tycho Celchu, as part of the Planetary Defense Force.
Darklighter, Huff
Biggs Barklighter's father, Huff owned dozens of moisture farms on Tatooine, and bought water from
other farmers at cut-rate prices. Some of the water he used in his own hydroponics facilities, while most
was sold to other settlers at a high profit. He used his ability to locate water to become one of the planet's
largest food magnates. In turn, he used his wealth to make sure Biggs got everything he deserved from
life. Huff was not above bribing the local officials - both terrestrial and Imperial - to maintain his stature.
He held his son in highest regard, and truly believed that Biggs was the only hero of the Battle of Yavin.
Huff went so far as to say that Wedge Antilles was less than a hero for leaving the battle, despite the fact
that Wedge was ordered out by Luke Skywalker. Huff tried to obtain ownership of the Lars moisture farm
on Tatooine by initiating an alien landowner tax. The tax was geared toward breaking the alien Throgg's
financial reserves, but Gavin's father intervened and bought the farm before Huff could enforce the tax.
Huff's dealings with the Imperial prefect on Tatooine allowed him a greater latitude in his dealings, and he
worked hard to keep his competition at bay. However, Huff wasn't perfect. He was tricked and swindled
by Lirin Banolt, but managed to obtain an Imperial data disk containing information on the Eidolon Base
weapons cache. The plans were stolen from his residence, but were eventually recovered by Rogue
Squadron. The Essential Guide to Characters lists Huff's name as Hutt. (MTS, EGC, XWN, XWBT)
Darklighter, Jula
Gavin Darklighter's father and Huff Darklighter's brother, Jula was almost a twin to Huff in facial
appearance. Jula, however, was a hands-on farmer who lacked the corpulence of wealth, and he did not
have a moustache. He was unusually composed and restrained when in the company of Huff's lack of
manners. During the early years of the New Republic, Jula and his wife Silya maintained the Darklighter
Farm moisture farm, which included an on-site hostel for visitors. (BW, TG)
Darklighter, Laval
Huff Darklighter's third wife, she was Gavin Darklighter's aunt in two ways. She was actually his mother's
sister, and married to his uncle. After Biggs' death, Huff wanted to make sure that he had heirs. Biggs'
mother died shortly after he was born, and Huff's second wife didn't want any children. Laval, though,
bore three children for Huff. (BW)
Darklighter, Rasca
this woman was Gavin Darklighter's sister. She opposed the military build-up created by the Bothans in
the wake of the death of Thrawn and the Caamasi Incident. Her distaste for war and the military rose
primarily from the fact that her husband had been killed during the battle against the Yevetha. She took
her children and moved in with Gavin, originally just until they got their lives back together, However,

Gavin and his wife Sera Faleur allowed them to remain as long as they wished. (DTO)
Darklighter, Silya
Jula Darklighter's wife, Silya was the sister of Laval Darklighter. They had similar appearances, but Silya
was much more doting to her sons, especially Gavin. During the early years of the New Republic, Silya
and Jula maintained the Darklighter Farm moisture farm, which included an on-site hostel for visitors.
(BW, TG)
Darklighter, Trepler
this member of the Darklighter family of Tatooine owned and operated Docking Bay 86 at the Mos Eisley
Spaceport. (GG7)
Darkmere, Colin
a New Republic Intelligence officer, Brigadier Darkmere was placed in charge of discovering any and all
information about the Emperor's World Devastators. (DESB)
Darkmere, Evram
a native of Daupherm, this man was the son of a notorious female pirate, and was forced to raise himself
and his younger brother, Garreck, when their mother was killed in a battle between the Daupherm Planet
States and the Botor Enclave. Evram was conscripted into the Daupherm Merchant Space Fleet, and
rose from being a cabin boy to an officer before being drafted by the Daupherm military. After his fiveyear tour of duty was up, he assisted his former Captain, Shrulldike, in stealing a Daupherm cruiser and
setting out on their own. They named their new ship the Retribution and planned to become smugglers,
but Shrulldike eventually turned to running slaves for a living. Darkmere chafed at this course of action,
and eventually defeated Shrulldike in combat to take control of the ship. Evram decided to challenge
Shrulldike after meeting Nelson Flin and Arsitta Kushoe. Kushoe convinced Evram to support the
Alliance, and he found himself unable to continue running slaves. He reformed his crew, and began more
respectable cargoes. He also passed on important information to Nelson Flin and the Alliance, using his
underworld contacts to gather data on Imperial movements in the sector. (CRO)
Darkmere, Garreck
this young man was Evram Darkmere's younger brother. Garreck was forced to live in orphanages after
their mother's death, being too young to be conscripted into the military. (CRO)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Darkness on the Land
a song written and played by Annadale Fayde. It was first released as part of a compilation of the same
name, and has been rated scarlet by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Darknon Beacon
this ancient, hyperspace jump beacon was used in the early days of interstellar travel to guide spacers to
Darknon Station and avoid the Itani Nebula. By the era of the New Order, the Beacon was little more than
a piece of interstellar junk, stationary between the Station and the Nebula. (PSPG)
Darknon Station
this decrepit space station was originally a way station for travelers who were moving along the Itani Run.
Over time, as the Itani Run became less and less used, Darknon Station evolved into a backwater haven
for smugglers and independent spacers. At the time of the Battle of Yavin, only six of its eighteen docking
bays were operational, and there were limited repair services and accommodations. There were a
multitude of rumors that the space station was haunted, and the station's controller, Rexis Lovech, was
mentally unstable. Most spacers believed that the Station was subsidized by the Empire, because an
armed, monthly supply ship stopped at Darknon for many years. They unaware of the secret research lab
hidden inside the Itani Nebula. (PSPG)

Darkon III
this planet was used as a stopover point by Dannen Lifehold, during his travels between Evas VI and
Dohu. (SWJ1)
the name given to the modified Death Star design created by Bevel Lemelisk for Durga tha Hutt, the
Darksaber station was an elongated version of the original. Durga used his pet taurills to help steal the
plans from the original Death Star from the hidden computer files that were maintained by the New
Republic on Coruscant. The Darksaber station was stripped of a number of unnecessary items, including
TIE fighter hangers, crew quarters, AT-AT storage, and docking bays. Lemelisk rightly believed that
Durga had no need of these; he just needed a superweapon with which to control the galaxy. The
rounded cylinder of the Darksaber housed a longer, more powerful superlaser, which drew increased
power from the station's existing generators simply because they didn't have to support all of the other
systems. The superlaser was aligned along the longer axis of the station (much the way Umak Leth
mounted the superlaser on the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer), and when activated the entire station and
its beam resembled a huge, spaceborne lightsaber. Thus, Lemelisk dubbed the station "Darksaber." The
Darksaber was constructed with the materials collected by the Orko SkyMine ships Durga had built. The
living spaces of the station were designed to house hundreds of Hutts and their retinues. The project was
beset with mishaps, due to the frugality of Durga, the ineptness of Sulamar, and the distractibility of the
taurills who did the construction. Only Lemelisk's persistence kept it moving. However, when Durga finally
took control of the ship, his frugality got the best of him. The station never made it out of the Hoth asteroid
belt, as its superlaser failed to punch a path through the space rubble. The Darksaber was crushed
between two huge planetoids and exploded. (DS)
this was the Basic translation of the Yuuzhan Vong term for hyperspace. (DJ)
this ancient Sith artifact was believed to have been the cause of the disappearance of the planet Cularin
and the entire Cularin System, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. Len Markus was observed removing
something from the Cularin System's asteroid belt, an event which preceded the appearance of strange
creatures hiding among the asteroids. Shortly afterward, the Cularin System disappeared for several
years, before reappearing just as suddenly. According to ancient tomes unearthed on Almas, the
Darkstaff was originally discovered by Darth Rivan, who had strange dreams about being called by the
artifact. Rivan believed that it was the Darkstaff that drew him to Almas and the Cularin System, hoping to
use him as a way to leave the system. Further investigation led Ruivan to believe that the Darkstaff was
not intentionally created, but was rather the byproduct of another experiment. Measuring a meter in length
and four centimeters in diameter, the Darkstaff seemed to consume any light around it. It also consumed
any Force energy around it, literally feeding on the Force. The Darkstaff, according to Rivan's dreams,
had already caused some ancient tragedy in the Cularin System, and had been hidden away to prevent
any further catastrophe. The nexus of dark side power, he believed, was the aftermath of this event. The
Darkstaff wanted to be discovered by Rivan so that he could use it as a weapon against his enemies, so it
invaded his dreams. Its release would allow the Darkstaff to gain power, both for itself and over Rivan,
until it eventually consumed Rivan himself. Rivan, however, refused to go in search of the artifact, fearing
that its release would cause great damage to the galaxy. Millennia later, Darth Rivan's writings were
discovered by the Jedi Knights who built the Almas Academy. Word of the Darkstaff reached the ears of
Len Markus, who set out to locate it. Many believe that Markus actually found the Darkstaff, and that its
release from captivity was the cause of the disappearance of the entire Cularin System, shortly after the
Battle of Naboo. (WOTC)
Darkstar, Shannur
this Jedi Knight was part of the archaeological team which was assembled by Ermin Phin-Mar, some
3,000 years before the Battle of Naboo, to investigate the ancient Pelgrin civilization. It was Darkstar and
her fellow Jedi who discovered that the Oracle at Pelgrin had a deep connection to the Force, and
eventually brought the Oracle back to life by meditating in one of its upper chambers. As the Oracle
surged to life, Darkstar had a vision of the future in which she foresaw a great battle between the Jedi

Knights and a group of Sith adherents. Jedi historians later inferred that she had seen a vision of the
Battle of Ruusan. (PJSB)
this Kerestian weapon resembles a flat piece of metal about two centimeters thick, seven centimeters
wide, and fifteen centimeters long. One end is rounded, the other is squared off. This part of the weapon
is the handle, and has a power stud located about midway along its length. When depressed, the stud
activates the weapon, extruding a pure black blade of light that bends slightly as it projects outward. The
activated weapon resembles a boomerang, and can be wielded in the hand or thrown. The deep black
blade will cut through most any material, making it difficult to catch when thrown. (GG12)
this unusual form of technology was discovered in the Kathol Rift by Kentor Sarne, but he had no idea
how it worked or what it did. This organic technology was originally created by the ancient Kathol, and
had been maintained by the bio-engineered construct known as DarkStryder. DarkStryder had, in fact,
managed to learn some aspects of the technology in the millennia which it had been gaurding the
Lifewell, but was unable to fathom it all. Sarne spent Imperial resources - without reporting their true
mission - trying to determine the operation of various pieces of DarkStryder technology, but teams of
scientists and technicians were still unable to determine its use. In the end, the technology was lost when
DarkStryder was killed during the Battle of Kathol. The fortress which DarkStryder had been protecting
collapsed in on itself, unable to survive without DarkStryder's support. The technology hidden within the
fortress was also destroyed. (DARK, KR, E)
this was the name used by Moff Kentor Sarne to describe the immense creature that was created by the
Kathol, the original inhabitants of Kathol Sector, to protect the traces of their vanished civilization by
guarding the Lifewell. The name given to DarkStryder by the ancient Kathol was virtually
unpronounceable by modern species. An fifteen-meter tall, insectoid thing with thin-legged segments and
a vicious skull, DarkStryder was fueled by an ancient technology that spewed violet light whenever it
opened its mouth. DarkStryder was essentially a huge, bio-organic supercomputer, designed to be highly
intelligent and able to react to any situation. It evolved over the millennia of its confinement on the planet
Kathol, building a huge fortress and learning the Kathol's bio-engineering technology to create servants to
help it run the fortress. Eventually, DarkStryder desired to leave the planet, wishing to explore the galaxy.
To this end, DarkStryder agreed to help Moff Sarne gain power through the use of what became known
as DarkStryder technology, in return for a working, hyperspace-capable ship. Sarne realized that this
would be dangerous, and found new ways to hold off DarkStryder's departure. When the crew of the
FarStar arrived at Kathol and tried to destroy Sarne, DarkStryder saw its chances of escape fading. It
sent a variety of failed, experimental creatures against the New Republic's forces, but was unable to
defeat them. In the end, Halbret managed to reopen the Lifewell and set the Kathol free, and DarkStryder
was destroyed. When DarkStryder died, the fortress which it had built collapsed in on itself, utterly
destroying any trace of the bio-techology of the Kathol. (E)
DarkStryder Campaign
see DarkStryder Incident (SWI74)
DarkStryder Fire Creature
this unusual apparition was formed by a piece of the DarkStryder technology, and resembled a living
cone of flame. It could reach sizes of twenty meters in height, and was controlled by what appeared to be
a coil of metallic cord. The bounty hunter Mist obtained control of the DarkStryder device, and attempted
to use the fire creature against the crew of the FarStar. (KR)
DarkStryder Incident
this was the term used by the New Republic Intelligence Agency to describe the events which started with
the Siege of Kal'Shebbol and ended with the Battle of Kathol. With the destruction of DarkStryder and the
Kathol technologies, the NRI decided that it was in the best public interest to release no information on
the events. They feared that the galaxy, which had barely survived the Galactic Civil War, would panic if it
discovered that unknown technologies and powerful, ancient races were still at large in the galaxy. (E)

Darktrin, Finn
this man was an undercover agent who worked for the Empire during the height of the New Order. He
held the rank of Commander in the Imperial armed forces at the time of the Battle of Yavin, and was often
under the supervision of Darth Vader himself, working to infiltrate the ranks of the Alliance and learn the
whereabouts of Alliance bases and personnel. One aspect of his double agent role was to make contacts
in the criminal underworld, and Finn was able to earn the respect of the Feeorin pirate Nym. About a year
after the Battle of Yavin, Finn was assigned to recover the holocron which had been left behind at the
Alliance base on Dantooine. In order to complete the mission, Finn insinuated himself close to Leia
Organa, and was able to earn the mission as an Alliance agent. He needed someone who could handle
Dantooine's varied ecosystem, and was able to recruit Dusque Mistflier to the Alliance's cause. Unknown
to Dusque, Finn accomplished this by having her partner, Tendau Nandon, executed on suspicion of
being an Alliance supporter. Finn then preyed upon her emotions, knowing that she would want to avenge
the death of her friend. His hunches proved accurate, and they set out on their mission. During the trip to
Dantooine and the struggle to find the ancient Jedi base, Finn and Dusque began to fall in love, although
neither would admit to it. Finn was at odds with himself over the emotion, since he knew that he would
have to either convince to rejoin the Empire or kill her at the end of the mission. On Dantooine, Dusque
was able to help him recover the holocron. However, as he tried to download its contents and transmit
them to his nearest contact, Dusque discovered his actions and destroyed the holocron. Unable to allow
her to return to the Alliance with the knowledge of his betrayal, Finn stabbed Dusque in the chest and
then fled. He returned to Vader with only a few of the name hidden on the holocron, and expected to be
executed for his failure. Vader, however, sensed a growing anger in him and allowed him to live. Finn
retained a place in his heart for Dusque, however, and grudgingly refused to give away the location of the
Alliance's base on Corellia. (ROD)
Darktrooper Team Two
squadron assigned to search Shug Ninx's starship garage and discover information on the Millennium
Falcon. (DE2)
elite stormtrooper squads assigned to Operation Shadow Hand, they had been specially trained to use
the Dark Side of the Force. (DE2)
this species of tree grew to immense sizes, populating lush jungles. (WSV)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. An archaic name, its meaning translated into Basic
as "duelist". (GCG)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "strong diver". (GCG)
this woman was a native of Alderaan. She was part of a group of Alderaanians who traveled to Yavin 4,
following the destruction of the first Death Star, to meet with Princess Leia Organa. She was extremely
loyal to Leia, and was adamant about restoring the memory of Alderaan. Leia later learned that Darlen
was romantically involved with Tolok, and they implicated in the theft of computer data from the Massassi
Base. (IS)
a planet. (HNN5)
Darlonn Sector
this sector of the galaxy was known for a casino which was based on a mobile space station. (SWJ5)
Darlyn Boda
this jungle-covered planet, located in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy, was known for its criminal

underworld. The droid 4-LOM sold the Ankarres Sapphire to a fence on this world. Later, the droid and his
companion, Zuckuss, brought the ninety survivors of the Bright Hope to the Alliance underground on the
planet. Darlyn Boda is a damp, swampy world covered with dark, muddy forests. During the New Order,
the planet was controlled by the Empire but had a strong Alliance cell working within the underground.
(TBH, WO33)
Darm, Umolly
this Newcomer lived in Ruby Gulch, on the planet Nam Chorios, and was one of the freedom fighters
aligned with Seti Ashgad against the Oldtimers and Therans. She had a small affinity for the Force, and
was quite successful in locating Spook crystals. This made her a valuable part of Dzym's plans. It was
Umolly that helped Luke Skywalker verify that Callista had indeed arrived on Nam Chorios. (POT)
this was the nickname of one of the four clone troopers in the Delta Squad of commandos, which
participated in the Battle of Geonosis. Officially designated RC-1136, Darman was the only member of
the squad to survive the fighting. A demolitions expert, Darman was noted for his use of a Wookiee
bowcaster on missions. In the wake of the fighting on Geonosis, Darman was reassigned to Omega
Squad, and dispatched to Qiilura to locate Ovolot Qail Uthan. In order to infiltrate the planet, Omega
Squad flew in on a renovated Narsh crop-sprayer, but the vehicle caught a bird in one of its engines and
plummeted to the ground. Although the rest of Omega Squd landed safely, Darman was thrown several
hundred meters from the crash site. He sustained several injuries, including severe damage to his right
leg, but was able to recover. As he made his way to one of the pre-assigned rendezvous points, he met
up with Etain Tur-Mukan. Given his military training and Etain's Jedi training, Darman was surprised to
learn that the two were attracted to each other. He liked her presence, and made every effort to support
her and protect her as they made their way back to the rest of Omega Squad. He was also fascinated by
her lightsaber, but realized that she needed more melee combat skills. He located two poles and sparred
with her in combat, honing her lightsaber skills while enhancing both their fighting skills at the same time.
During the final assault on Uthan's facilities, Darman was forced to admit that he was apprehensive about
confined spaces, when he and his teammates were forced to enter the facility through a series of gdan
tunnels. After the succesful capture of Uthan and their extraction to a rendezvous point, Darman was
surprised to learn that Etain had arranged for him to stay behind on Qiilura to help with the clean-up
efforts. Darman had to refuse, however, opting to remain with Omega Squad and levaving Qiilura behind
for another battle. (RCHC)
Darme, Kaleb
this man was a member of the Indu Council's police force, during the early years of the New Republic.
After he was discovered to have shot and killed Tev Aden, Darme was revealed to be a staunch
supporter of the New Order. He had once beena bodyguard to Imperial Governor Ekam Ouwray, and
worked behind the scenes to strengthen Ouwray's positionon Indu San, despite strong public opposition
to his rule. When Ouwray fled Indu San, he asked Kaleb to remain behind and "pave the way" for his
eventual return. In order to ensure the job was done correctly, Kaleb arranged for the murder of Shek
Barayel shortly before the leader of Indu Council was to sign an agreement to join the New Republic. It
was Kella Rand who first discovered Kaleb's treachery, giving the Galactic News Network the scoop on
the reporting of the incidents. (SWJ6)
Darmic, Maranne
Haber Trell's partner, she served as the co-pilot aboard the Hopskip. Born on Coruscant, she was the
daughter of Dreja Darmic, and developed her love of starships while watching him work on Imperial ships.
After his arrest, she fled Coruscant aboard the Hopskip, and developed a friendship with Haber Trell. In
the two years before the Battle of Yavin, she and Haber began secretly supporting the fledgling Alliance.
(TFE, SWJ12)
a Yevethan term for 'retinue' or 'close followers.' (BTS)
this Dug served as one of Balck Sun's vigos during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, serving

under Alexi Garyn from his personal space station in the Outer Rim. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo,
Darnada was invovled in a meeting with Hath Monchar, who had planned to sell information on the
upcoming blockade of Naboo to the highest bidder. Darnada, whose business was more inclined toward
the sale of spice and other drugs, could not believe the wild tale of the Neimoidian, and sent him back to
the Trade Federation. Unfortunately, Hath Monchar was telling the truth, and Darth Sidious was unable to
allow even Darnada to survive after hearing it. Darth Sidious sent his apprentice, Darth Maul, to clean up
any loose ends caused by Hath Monchar's duplicity. Maul killed Feen Fenoob, who owed Darnada a huge
sum of credits, in order to be captured and brought before the Dug. His passivity was cast aside upon
meeting with Darnada, and Maul executed almost everyone aboard the space station, including Darnada
himself. Maul then destroyed the station, thereby eliminating any possible ties back to his master. (DM)
this senior Alliance officer posed as Bria Lavval's - a.k.a. Bria Tharen - manager, Renkov, when she
traveled aboard the Queen of Empire. He was killed by Boba Fett when the bounty hunter laid his trap for
Bria aboard the luxury liner. (RD)
this Jawa worked as an informant for the Empire, slinking around the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine
and ferreting out informationon rebel activity. (CCG12)
this green-skinned humanoid was a native of the planet Solem, and was part of the rebel underground
that sprang up during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Yolan Bren was one of the few survivors of
Imperial Governor Malvander's subjugation of Solem. He brought down an Imperial combat craft on his
own, then later donated blood to help Yolan Bren survive his injuries. However, when Boba Fett set out to
capture Yolan Bren, Daron gave his life trying to protect his leader. (SWES)
a planet. (RESB)
a planet found in the Dar'Or System, in the Jospro Sector, Dar'Or is a low-gravity forested world known to
Imperial astrogators as OM973. Dar'Or is the homeworld of the species known as Ri'Dar. It is also an
Imperial Species Preservation Zone, because it is home to a number of endangered and dishomed
species, including the elix and indola. Water covers about sixty percent of the planet, with the land
masses being composed of sub-tropical forests of waza trees. (GG4)
Darou, Merik
this gregarious man was the primary aide to Senator Lavina Wren of Cularin, during the years leading up
to the Battle of Naboo. (LFCW)
this was the true, given name of the youth known as Tomcat. When Tomcat embraced the Dark Side of
the Force and killed Lord Charny, he abandoned the nickname Tomcat and took up his true name. (JVS)
Darpa Center of History at Calamar
located in the city of Calamar, on the planet Esseles, this museum was dedicated to the preservation of
artifacts and documentation on the history of the known galaxy. (HNN4)
Darpa Sector
this area of the galaxy was located in the Core worlds, on the border between the Core and the Colonies
region. (SWJ5, SWJ7)
Darpa SectorNet
this is the primary news agency of Darpa Sector, and was pro-Imperial in bias during the Galactic Civil
War. (SWJ9)

Darpen, Tomer
this man, a native of the planet Commenor, served the New Republic as a councilor and liaison to new
worlds. Prior to being a diplomat, Darpen served with the Tierfon Yellow Aces, but his skills as a pilot
were minimal. He was always running sabacc games and selling liquor, but never seemed to do anything
truly illegal. He was given the nickname "Ejector" by his squadron-mates, including Wes Janson, during a
mission on a low-gravity moon. Darpen's Y-Wing was shot up and had lost most of its flight controls, but
he managed to land it on the ground. When the fighter came to a stop after rolling several times, the
ejector seat on the Y-Wing finally activated, sending Darpen into space. The moon's low gravity couldn't
hold him, and he achieved escape velocity and had to be rescued by a shuttle. He was given the
honorary rank of Ace for surviving the crash. Starfighter Command gave him the opportunity to look
elsewhere for a role, and he was tapped by the Diplomatic Corps. Upon the discovery of the world of
Adumar, Darpen was selected to be the liaison between the Adumari government and the New Republic
diplomat to Adumar, which turned out to be Wedge Antilles. However, Darpen was operating on his own
agenda, rather than that of the New Republic, when he started dealing with the Adumari. Darpen wanted
to ensure that the planet and its people joined the New Republic at any cost, rather than assessing the
pros and cons of their admission. When the Adumari opened up negotiations to both the Republic and the
Empire, Darpen was forced even further from New Republic policies in order to gain the trust of the
Adumari. When Wedge refused to play by the Adumari rules and shoot down every pilot who challenged
him, Darpen became furious. When Wedge's tactics of using low-powered lasers in starfighter combat allowing the Adumari to learn from their mistakes, and starting to modify the Adumari mindset - Darpen
became irate. Darpen began working with the perator of Cartann, Pekaelic ke Teldan, to establish a world
government, but pushed the perator down a path which had Cartann as the center of the government. He
urged the perator to take control of the planet, with out without the consent of the other nations. Wedge
opposed this new form of government, adn refused to abide by Darpen's rules. Darpen then told the
perator of Cartann that Wedge was acting on his own, and was no longer worthy of consideration. The
perator ordered Wedge's execution, which forced Wedge and the other pilots with him to flee to the
Yedagon Confederacy in order to prepare for the war Darpen had instigated. In the end, Hallis Saper
revealed that she had evidence of Darpen's schemes, which forced the perator of Cartann to re-evaluate
his position. Unable to face the dishonor he had perpetrated at Darpen's insistent, the perator abdicated
in favor of his son, who promised to implement a fairer model of world government. Darpen was arrested
by New Republic Intelligence agents and imprisoned for his treachery. (SOA)
this was one of the many city-states found on the planet Yarrv. It wsa ruled by Baron Karin during the
Galactic Civil War. (GMS)
Darr, Hanos
this miner was part of the group which traveled to the rubble left behind after the destruction of the planet
Alderaan, several months after the Battle of Yavin, in an effort to locate ores. Darr was also one of the
few beings who "saw" the Royal Palace of Alderaan hidden in the asteroids. When he realized that it was
just a story meant to lure Leia Organa back to Alderaan, Darr decided to warn the Alliance. He and Zaz
Haqmiroz managed to get aboard the herdship Bazaar and transmit a message. However, before he
could deliver the message, Darr was killed by the assassin droid XS3. Before he died, he passed on
Hamiroz's name to a team of Alliance agents. (GA)
Darr, Horzao
this man was the Captain of the Sky-Dreadnaught Maxion, serving in the Exocron Airfleet. His career
started when he was twelve, after stowing away on a sky transport. He was discovered, and was
indentured to the ship's captain to pay for his passage. After graduation from the Airfleet's academy, he
commanded the relief ship Loristar during several key supply runs during the unification wars that rolled
through Exocron. His valor and command skills earned him the appointment to the Maxion, and many feel
that he would be the best candidate for the supreme commander of the Airfleet. However, Darr resisted
any promotion that meant he would not be able to command a ship. (KO)
this youth was a native of the planet Brentaal, although he longed to break out of his life of luxury and see

the galaxy. One of many sons of a wealthy shipping family, his early childhood was spent herding his
siblings and cousins to their classes at the Brentaal Commerce Academy. When he finally couldn't stand
it any longer, sometime after the Battle of Yavin, he stowed away aboard Platt Okeefe's Last Chance and
ended up on Cloud City. Platt believed he was a spy for either the Imperial Security Bureau or BoSS, but
eventually came to believe Darrik's story. She agreed to help a fellow native of Brentaal in exchange for
his labors. In return, Darrik became something of an apprentice. While on Cloud City, Darrik was able to
shoot the Rodian bounty hunter Tolga before he could kill Platt, earning her trust and admiration. The pair
then defeated Beylyssa before traveling to Tatooine to meet up with Tru'eb Cholakk. It was Darrik's quick
thinking that helped them free Tru'eb from Major Birket, allowing them to complete their deal with
Tharrand. Platt agreed to keep Darrik on as an apprentice. (IDC)
Darrin Arkanian
this Sullustan Jedi Knight was an idealist and a dreamer. He cherished life above all else, and strove to
be a model of peace and contemplation. Arkanian and a small team of Jedi were dispatched to the
Lahara Sector, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, to rescue the crew of the Iron Tether. The ship
had been attacked by Separatist forces and driven into the Cowl Crucible. The Jedi found that the ship's
crew had survived, and returned them to Coruscant. When Emperor Palpatine began hunting down the
Jedi, Arkanian went into hiding, and took Corwin Shelvay as an apprentice. They were branded as
outlaws and fugitives, and they roamed the Outer Rim in searching of surviving Jedi Knights. When
Corwin was captured by High Inquisitor Tremayne, Arkanian infiltrated Coruscant to rescue his student.
He was caught by Tremayne, and they engaged in a lightsaber duel. Arkanian lost, and was fatally injured
before Shelvay could rescue him. Arkanian died a few days after they escaped from Coruscant. (SWG8,
GG9, HNN5)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Darron, Vict
this former Imperial Navy officer threw in his lot with Delak Krennel, when Krennel fled Imperial service
and took control of the Ciutric Hegemony. Commander Darron was given command of the Direption in
order to secure the borders of the Hegemony, but on the condition that he raze the village on Liinade III
which the ship's former commander, Captain Rensen, refused to destroy. Darron believed that the loss of
life was as vile as Rensen did, and arranged for the inhabitants to evacuate the village before the
bombardment occurred. Darron managed to survive Krennel's wrath by explaining to Krennel that the
dishomed villagers would do more to spread the word of Krennel's supremacy than dead villagers would.
In a twist of fate, Krennel dispatched Darron and the Direption to protect Liinade III from attack by the
New Republic, when the clone of Ysanne Isard warned him of the attack. Krennel's forces, under Darron's
command, nearly defeated the New Republic's fleet until the Freedom arrived to save the Republic fleet.
Darron was forced to surrender or lose his ships. (IR)
this small-time bounty had an acquaintence who was captured by the Empire because he used an SC-4
blaster as one of his weapons. The other bounty hunter had been given the SC-4 as a gift, but the "gift"
was actually a tracking device. (GUN)
this wrinkled, blue-skinned Nautolan represented his homeworld of Glee Anselm in the Old Republic
Senate, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. The Senator later served on Chancellor
Palpatine's Loyalist Committee. (HNN4, AOTCN, VD2)
this was the name of a noted Pho Ph'eahian individual. (UANT)
this was the name of a backwater world. (MJEH)

Darsk Ristel
Corran Horn's alias when he infiltrated Coruscant as part of Rogue Squadron, Darsk Ristel was a Kuati
telbun owned by Ris Darsk. (WG)
Dart Flower
native to the swamps of Dromund Kaas, the dart flower was named for the way it could eject needle-like
quills when jostled. This was a defensive mechanism that protected the flower from being trampled by the
creatures that lived in the swamps. (MOTS)
Dartessex IV
a planet. (GG10)
native to Bimmisaari, this small fish was the favored prey of the tiga loreng. (EGP)
Darth Andeddu
this ancient Sith Lord placed a wealth of dark lore into a Sith holocron, which was entombed with him on
Korriban when he died, many millennia before the Galactic Civil War. The holocron was later recovered
by Quinlan Vos and Tol Skorr, who were vying for the favor of Count Dooku at the height of the Clone
Wars. From inside the holocron, Dooku extracted a blood-red crystal that was once part of Darth
Andeddu's lightsaber. He gave this crystal to Quinlan Vos, shortly before dispatching Vos to Coruscant to
assassinate Senator Viento. (RSS)
Darth Bandon
this former Jedi Knight abandoned his old Master and the teachings of the Jedi, then fled to the Sithcontrolled world of Korriban during the height of the Great Sith War. On Korriban, Bandon caught the
attention of Darth Malak, who later selected Bandon as his lone apprentice in the wake of Darth Revan's
apparent death. For the remainder of the war against the Old Republic, Darth Bandon slaughtered his
opponent with ruthlessness and cruelty. Distinguished by the high-collared, black body armor he always
wore, Darth Bandon was noted for his bald head and pale, white skin. He was eventually killed during the
hunt for the Star Forge, when the Jedi Knights finally discovered its location. Bandon was on Korriban at
the time, and was defeated in combat when the Jedi managed to infiltrate the Sith academy. (KOTOR,
Darth Bane
this ancient Sith Lord was the last of his kind to survive the Battle of Ruusan, a catastrophic struggle that
consumed his order some 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Bane was a tall, bald man with heavy
muscles and an intimidating gaze. He had trained under Lord Qordis, but never actually completed his
training. He was an evil man, and gathered strength from killing young children before their parents' eyes,
then murdering the parents. During the Battle of Ruusan, Darth Bane had not agreed with Lord Kaan's to
use a thought bomb. He managed to escape its devasation and flee to Onderon's moon, Dxun, haunted
by the specters of his former master as Lord Kaan. On Dxun, he discovered Exar Kun's Sith holocron,
which he secured after being beset and infected by orbalisks. The orbalisks saved him from the attack of
a skreev, while Bane's own strength in the Dark Side of the Force allowed him to control it. He later used
the skreev to escape to Onderon. Recognizing that the Sith order was doomed to fail if it became too
large, Bane waited until all the other Sith were destroyed by their brethren or the Jedi Knights, then
established a set of rules that were dominated by the pretense that there could only be two Sith active in
the galaxy at any time: a Master and an apprentice. Eventually, Bane took his own apprentice, and set his
new order in motion. Future Sith Lords were taught the virtues of patience, planning, and secrecy, and
each was to take on the title of Darth. (TPM, ECH, GMR3, JVS, NEGC)
Darth Malak
this was the title adopted by the former Jedi Knight Malak, after he learned to wield the Dark Side of the
Force from his friend and mentor, Revan. As they led the Sith forces into battle, Darth Revan and Darth
Malak conquered a number of star systems before the Jedi Knights were able to launch a counterattack.
In a bold move, the Jedi managed to trap the pair without the support of their troops, and Darth Revan
was believed to have been killed in the struggle along with many Jedi Knights. History has hidden the

exact details of the battle, and it was unclear whether Darth Revan was killed by the Jedi or by his own
apprentice. Some historians believed that Malak was the stronger of the two Sith Lords, and either
survived because he was stronger or smarter or more devious than Darth Revan. It was later discovered
that Darth Revan had been captured by the Old Republic, and was given a memory wipe to remove any
traces of his allegiance to the Sith. Regardless of the exact details, Darth Malak took up the mission of his
former master and continued to wage war against the Old Republic. He was distinguished by the unusual
face shield he wore, an apparatus that was required after he lost his lower jaw in a lightsaber battle. His
speech was assisted by a vocabulator, and his voice had a distinctly metallic sound to it. Unlike the prior
Sith forays led by Darth Revan against Republic systems, Darth Malak destroyed worlds rather than
capturing them, ensuring that vital resources were no longer available to either side of the battle. In the
tradition of the Sith, Darth Malak took Darth Bandon as his apprentice, and the pair worked from a base
on Korriban for many years. His forces were believed to have been armed by Czerka Corporation,
although such a link was never verified. It was eventually learned that much of his war machine was
produced in the holds of the Star Forge, which he had usurped from the Rakata and modified to produce
Sith Fighters and other weapons. Darth Malak powered the Star Forge with captive Jedi Knights, drawing
on their powers to augment the massive input of the Unknown World's sun. With the defection of Admiral
Saul Karath, Darth Malak acquired the Leviathan, which served as his personal flagship, and he
appeared to be invincible. In an epic battle, the Jedi Knights and the forces of the Old Republic set out to
destroy the Star Forge and eliminate the threat of Darth Malak. The battle waged for a long time, until
Darth Malak was killed in battle and the Star Forge was destroyed. (KOTOR, WOTC, SWDB)
Darth Maul
this Sith Dark Lord was a member of the Zabrak species, and was the apprentice of Darth Sidious, the
mysterious force behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. Sidious explained to Maul that he
found him as a baby on the planet Iridonia, and took him in when his parents disappeared. Note that other
sources describe him as an Iridonian. Over the years, Sidious discovered that Maul's inner self was full of
anger and fury, and trained the youth in the ways of the Sith. Sidious used sensory deprivation and other
unusual punishments to harden Maul's anger into a solid core that grew stronger when it touched the
Dark Side of the Force. Whenever Maul failed to remain alert, or showed any kind of mercy, Darth Sidious
punished him severely. Maul later consrtucted his own two-bladed lightsaber much like Exar Kun did
some 3,950 years earlier, although Maul's lightsaber was actually two lightsabers fused together. Each
had its own separate components, allowing him to use a single blade if the weapon became damaged.
Darth Maul was obvious by his heavily tattooed, horn-studded face, piercing yellow eyes, and rotting
teeth. In his first true mission without his Master's help, Darth Maul was sent to Dorvalla to destroy both
Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ores, in an effort to obtain access to the lommite mines for the Trade
Federation. After Hath Monchar fled the Federation in an effort to sell information on the Federation's
plans to blockade Naboo, Maul tracked the Neimoidian down and executed him, cutting off any chance of
the information reaching the Senate. Sidious later dispatched Maul when he learned from the
Neimoidians that two Jedi Knights had been dispatched to negotiate a settlement to the blockade. When
the Jedi - Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi - fled with Queen Amidala to Tatooine, Darth Maul followed
at a safe distance. He nearly defeated Qui-Gon, but was unable to control him before they fled for
Coruscant. Not to be outdone, Sidious then sent Maul to capture them on Naboo. There, while Queen
Amidala's forces attempted to capture Nute Gunray, Darth Maul confronted both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in
the Theed palace's power generation station. In a fierce battle, the three swordsman battled to a draw
before they were separated by the station's laser defense systems. When the defenses dropped, Maul
and Qui-Gon were left alone to battle, and the Sith Lord defeated the Jedi with a quick jab of his blade.
However, his victory was short-lived. When Obi-Wan was able to escape the laser system, he attacked
with a renewed sense of purpose. His exuberence nearly cost him his life, when Darth Maul forced the
young Jedi over the edge of a power shaft. Obi-Wan recovered and, using the Force to recover Qui-Gon's
lightsaber, caught Maul off-guard. The Jedi sliced his lightsaber through Maul's midsection. The fatally
injured Sith Lord toppled into the shaft and was lost forever. Darth Maul was acted by Ray Park and
voiced by Peter Serafinowicz in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, IG1, JDM, SWK,
Darth Revan
this was the self-bestowed title used by the former Jedi Knight Revan, during his campaigns against the

Jedi and the Old Republic during the Great Sith War. As Darth Revan, he took his friend and former Jedi
Malak as his apprentice, and they quickly began conquering star systems throughout the galaxy. The Jedi
Order dispatched a group of agents, led by Bastila Shan, to lay a trap for the Sith Lords, and Darth Revan
was believed to have been killed in battle. History clouded the details of the battle, and it was unclear
whether Revan was killed by the Jedi or by his own apprentice. In actuality, Revan was simply captured
by the Jedi and held for reconditioning. After a complete memory wipe, Darth Revan ceased to exist.
Darth Rivan
this ancient Sith Lord built a fortress on the planet Almas, despite its inhospitable atmosphere. He created
the kaluthin grass to modify the planet's landscape and atmosphere, and managed to survive for many
decades on the planet before being driven off Almas by the Jedi Knights during the Sith Wars. He later
perished in the Battle of Ruusan. Analysis of the fortress performed shortly after the Battle of Naboo
revealed that the dome on the fortress was well over 1,000 years old, indicating that Rivan himself was of
a very advanced age at the time of its construction. This led many Jedi scholars to believe that Rivan was
not of human origin. (LFC, WOTC)
Darth Sidious
this Dark Lord of the Sith was the driving force behind the Trade Federation, during the time it tried to
subjugate the world of Naboo. He had control of specific elements of the Galactic Senate, and put in
motion an intricate set of schemes to take control of the galaxy. He had trained his apprentice, Darth
Maul, and was ready to bring his plans to fruition when Chancellor Valorum dispatched two Jedi Knights
to Naboo to negotiate a settlement. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi thwarted his initial plans, and
forced him to send Darth Maul after the pair. Meanwhile, Sidious continued to manipulate the
Neimoidians, pushing the situation at Naboo as far as he could. When Queen Amidala returned to Naboo
to deal with the situation herself, Sidious saw his carefully laid plans fall apart as the Neimoidians were
defeated and the planet freed of its blockade, and Darth Maul was killed in battle by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
However, Sidious was never worried about these events, as he had several contingency plans. Among
these plans was the recruiting of Count Dooku to serve as his new apprentice. Dooku, known as Darth
Tyranus to the Sith, arranged to manipulate large numbers of star systems to secede from the Old
Republic under the guise of the Separatist movement. Tryanus also began working with the major
business guilds - such as the Commerce Guild and the Trade Federation - to re-establish a droid-based
war machine. When the Battle of Geonosis was completed, the most important of Darth Sidious' plans
had come to fruition: the acceptance of a huge army of clone troopers by the Old Republic miltary. (SW1,
Darth Sion
this ancient Sith Lord was one of the most unusual of his kind. Active during the Great Sith War, Darth
Sion was distinguished by his unusual body, which appeared to be pieced together from various human
remains. In reality, Darth Sion's skeleton and body had been completely shattered and reformed using the
Dark Side of the Force, and was held together by pure force of will. He was in a continual state of agony,
and existed only because of his hatred and his devotion to the Dark Side. (OWS)
Darth Tyranus
this was the Sith title given to Count Dooku. Very few beings knew of this relationship, although Jango
Fett understood it. Under the name of Dath Tyranus, the Count worked with Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to
recruit Jango Fett, on the moons of Bogden, to serve as the genetic basis for their clone army. Working
as Darth Tyranus some ten years before the Battle of Geonosis, Dooku made contact with the Kaminoan
people. It was inferred that Dooku worked for Sifo-Dyas in arranging for the creation of the clone troopers
who would later serve in the Army of the Republic. (TCG1, BF1, AOTCN, SWI63)
Darth Vader
when Anakin Skywalker came under the tutelage of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, he was led down a
path to the Dark Side of The Force. Despite the teachings of his friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin felt that
the teachings of Palpatine led to quicker realization of the powers of The Force. This forced Kenobi to
confront Anakin, and in a lightsaber duel, Kenobi forced Anakin into a pit of molten rock. It was at this
point that Anakin Skywalker was consumed by the Dark Side. He was rescued from the fire by the

descendants of the Sith, and reborn as Darth Vader. In order for the Sith to keep Anakin alive, they had to
create a life support system that encased his entire body. It had to recreate certain limbs, as well as keep
his lungs functioning. At the Emperor's direction, the Sith made the life-support suit as evil-looking as they
could. The all-black body armor became Vader's main weapon, as it instilled fear in all who saw it. The
Sith also began training Vader in the ancient Sith lore, and Vader became the last of the Sith Dark Lords.
As such, he became even more Palpatine's tool, able to create fear just by the mention of his name and
the mysterious Sith teachings behind it. Early holonewreports portrayed Vader as a hero of the New
Order, having "stood against the rebellious leadership of the Jedi Knights, and nearly dying in order to
protect the citizens of the galaxy." Palpatine sent Vader to support Grand Moff Tarkin during the time
when the first Death Star was being readied for use. Vader oversaw the mission to recover the stolen
plans, but was unable to get Princess Leia to divulge their location. He used the Millennium Falcon as a
guide, and followed the fleeing ship to Yavin 4, only to lose the Death Star to the Alliance. Vader's ship
was disabled during the battle, but he regained control. When the Emperor heard of the destruction of the
first Death Star, he removed Vader's living right hand as punishment, and replaced it with a cybernetic
prosthesis. Shortly thereafter, Vader went to Circarpous V to investigate the appearance of Leia Organa
on the planet, as well as to locate the Kaiburr crystal. In an amazing duel with Luke Skywalker, Vader was
hard-pressed to defeat Luke. Luke succeeded in defeating Vader, and even cut off the Dark Lord's right
arm with his own lightsaber. In his dazed state, Vader fell into a sacrificial weel on the Temple of
Pomojema and was lost. He survived, however, drawing on the Dark Side of the Force for support and
strength. Once Palpatine was aware that Anakin Skywalker's son had survived and posed a possible
threat to the Empire, he told Vader of the existence of Luke Skywalker, in an effort to completely gain
control of any vestiges of Anakin Skywalker and convert them to Darth Vader. However, this plan
backfired on Palpatine, as the remnants of Anakin began to surface. Following the relevation of Luke's
relationship to Anakin, and the loss of Luke at Cloud City, Palpatine began to give Vader menial tasks,
and tried to keep him away from Luke. He could not, however, and the part of Vader that was still Anakin
continued to assert itself. The Battle of Endor was a turning point for Darth Vader. It was then that Luke
Skywalker surrendered to Vader, and began to try and turn the Dark Lord back to the Light Side. The
darker parts of Vader resisted, but Luke's love and devotion to his father strengthened the spirit of Anakin.
When the Emperor was forced to kill Luke, Anakin was awakened, and with Vader's mechanized strength,
he threw the Emperor into a power shaft, destroying Palpatine and the Empire. Darth Vader also ceased
to exist at this point, as Anakin was able to return from the Dark Side. However, the struggle with the
Emperor left the life support systems inoperable, and Anakin died before Luke could save him. Darth
Vader was portrayed by David Prowse, and Vader's voice was provided by James Earl Jones, in all three
Star Wars films. Darth Vader was also portrayed by Brock Peters for the Star Wars and The Empire
Strikes Back Radio Dramas on National Public Radio. (SW, SWR, ESB, ESBR, ROTJ, RESB)
Dartibek System
the planetary system which contains Moltok. (GG4)
Dartiss-5 Caravel
this Ubrikkian space barge was developed during the last century of the Old Republic. At fifty meters in
length, it was designed for personal transportation. It required a crew of five to operate, and could
accommodate up to sixty-five passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo. The Dartiss-5 Caravel was
designed for in-system travel, and thus lacked a hyperdrive. (WOTC)
a small, handheld weapon which shoots a small dart at its target. The dart can be modified to hold
tranquilizers or poison, adding to its effectiveness. (HSL)
Darubang Yosa
this being was ostensibly the leader of the Clicksticks tribe of survivors, on the planet Iego, for many
years. (WOTC)
Darv, Lenri
this Imperial customs inspection officer was one of the more corrupt of his kind. He readily accepted
bribes to look the other way and allow illegal cargoes to pass through his station. (GMH)

this woman was a native of the planet Biitu when the Empire subjugated the planet and took control of its
fuel refineries. (DCAR)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Darven, Kade
this stocky, cigar-smoking man was a New Republic infiltration agent dispatched to Seikosha when it was
learned that the Empire was trying to establish a presence on the planet, shortly after the Battle of Endor.
He established a number of friendly relationships with the Seikoshans, and agreed to help them rid their
planet of the Empire and the criminal element which had taken control of it. He greatly wanted to obtain
the droid R1-T4 and provide its memory banks to the New Republic. In the end, the smugglers who
brought the droid to Seikosha helped Darven recover it before it could fall into enemy hands. (POC)
this was a pseudonym used by a smuggler who had a great deal of experience with droids. Darvis was
based on Mrlsst. (SWJ13)
this Snivvian word represented the number 8. (HNN5)
meaning "headstrong", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Darwikian Climbing Pad
this was a form of glove developed for explorers and daredevils who climbed mountains and cliffs. Each
pad was formed into a wrinkled collection of grooves and ridges, which provided climbers with enhanced
gripping ability. (TG)
Darys, Ameesa
this Imperial Inqusitor captured Roganda and Lagan Ismaren on Belsavis during the Jedi Purge. Darys
then executed Lagan while forcing Roganda to watch her brother's death. Darys himself was later killed,
during an attempt to capture Arden Lyn, who had emerged from her millennia-deep trance. (GMR5)
Darzu, Belia
this woman was one of the most fearsome Sith Lords who kept their cult alive during the years before the
Battle of Ruusan. She wore a suit of heavy armor which she had imbued with Dark Side energies, giving
her a form of invisibility as well as augmenting her personal strength. (DSSB)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Das referred to strength or physical power, or to indicate a strong
individual. (GCG)
Das, Skerrick
this Corellian pirate worked from a base on Nar Shaddaa, during the early years of the New Order.
this is a model of Mennotor electromagnetic projectile launcher. It is similar in design to the basic
stormtrooper blaster, except that it fires projectiles instead of blaster bolts. The projectiles can be
modified in many ways, to contain explosives or toxins. (CCG3)

the Ysanna word for anyone who uses the Dark Side of the Force. (DE2)
DA-series Droid
this form of automaton was developed by the New Republic and used as scavengers at battle sites. As
directed by Operation Flotsam and the Historic Battle Site Preservation Act, these droids were used to
gather information information from any recovered physical evidence from a battle site, prior to release for
public viewing. These droids were often accompanied by SM-series scavenger droids, which collected the
physical evidence for them. (CTD)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
Dasha Defano
one of the many gunners who served aboard the FarStar. A Wroonian, Dasha joined the Alliance shortly
before the Battle of Endor and trained as a pilot. She served as a starfighter pilot during the New
Republic's attempt to take down Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne at Kal'Shebbol, signed on with the crew of
the FarStar in order to finish the mission. She became close friends with Ranna Gorjaye and Thanis GulRah during the hunt for Moff Sarne, but strongly distrusted Krudar. She believed that her relationship with
Thanis was more romantic than it actually was. (DARK, KO, KR)
this race of reptilian humanoids had smooth, dark skin and hairless heads. Their lipless mouths with filled
with large, sharp teeth, and they had beady eyes. The Dashade were native to the planet Urkupp, and
were believed to have died out some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin when the Cron System was
destroyed in the Great Sith War. An ancient Falleen, who had 38 Dashade enforcers in his employment,
cryogenically froze them for later use. One of the Dashade was revived each century or so, and put to
use. The last known Dashade from this group was the shadow killer Ket Maliss, although investigation by
the New Republic revealed other colonies of Dashade were raided for warriors to accompany the killers
used by Emperor Palpatine during the Jedi Purge. Because of the original, harsh environment of Urkupp,
the Dashade evolved into a people who ruled by strength, with only the most capable warriors leading
their people. This social characteristic only enhanced the power of the Dashade, which were naturally
resilient and able to absorb large amounts of damage. The ancient Sith also discovered that certain
Dashade individuals were immune to the Force, and employed them as bodyguards during the Great Sith
War. (SSR, SWDB)
this was the native language of the Dashade people. (ANT)
this city, located on the planet Ansion, was a favored trading center for the Qulun clan. (APS)
this man worked as a bounty hunter for the Hutts, during the height of the New Order. (GUN)
Dashta Eel
native to the planet Ord Cestus, these unusual, blind eels were generally classified as non-sentient,
despite the fact that they had an incredible affinity to the Force. This combination of non-sentience and
Force sensitivity made the dashta unique in the galaxy, as the level of Force sensitivity rivalled that of
many humanoid races. Millennia before the Clone Wars, during the early history of Ord Cestus, the
dashta eels fled the surface to live in the grottoes beneath the mountains, finding the gruesome struggle
to survive a distasteful series of events. They remained hidden for millennia, until they were discovered
by the settlers who began making their homes in the caves of the Zantay Hills. The Cestians believed that
the dashta eels were given the gift of Force sensitivity by the Guides, those few eels which were fertilized

and grew to maturity. The unfertilized eggs grew, but never reached maturity. The dashta eels were
believed to have been named for their only known habitat, which consisted of underground pools and
lakes found beneath the Dashta Mountains. In reality, they were named for their discoverer, Kilaphor
Dashta. Because the eels were hard to raise anywhere else, the supply that was available for use in
producing JK-series security droids was exceptionally small, being formed only from the numbers of
unfertilized dashta eel eggs. The Guides gladly gave the unfertilized eggs to the Cestians, as a gift that
would help the Cestians gain wider acceptance in the galactic community. This made the JK-series
almost prohibitively expensive. When Count Dooku offered Cestus Cybernetics a supply of Gabonna
memory crystals in addition to speciallized cloning facilities to produce neural tissue that matched the
native Cestian dashta eel, Cestus Cybernetics readily agreed to supply JK-series droids to the
Separatists. Unfortunately, the deal was all a sham, as cloning the dashta proved virtually impossible.
Instead, the deal was maintained in an effort to draw the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights to Ord
Cestus. Unknown to the Separatists, however, was the fact that the immature dashta eels used in the JKseries droid would go insane when placed on the battlefield, rendering the JK-series droids useless. The
Guides, upon learning of the plans to use the JK-series droids in combat, lost a measure of trust in their
Cestian companions. In the wake of the destruction of the Five Families, the Guides fled into the deeper
caverns with the dashta eels, and were not seen again. (TCD)
Dashta Mountains
this range of mountains was located on the planet Ord Cestus. They were the only known habitat of the
Force-sensitive dashta eel. The mountains were first mapped by the noted Cestian explorer Kilaphor
Dashta, who mapped the mountains and the caves of the Zantay Hills some 400 years before the Clone
Wars. The Dashta Mountains served as a holy place for the X'Ting for several millenia, before the first
comings of humanity and the Old Republic. For most of the planet's human-inhabited history, the
mountains served as a haven for smugglers and other criminals, who existed in the caves and niches
without even being aware of the existence of the eels. (TCD)
Dashta Plain
this vast, open plain was located at the foot of the Dashta Mountains, on the planet Ord Cestus. Despite
its location, the Dashta Plains were uninhabited, primarily to allow the dashta eels to evolve in privacy.
Dashta, Kilaphor
this man was the first explorer to fully map out the regions of the Dashta Mountains and the neighboring
Zantay Hills, some 400 years prior to the Clone Wars. Thus, the mountain range was eventually named
for him, as were the nearly-sentient dashta eels that lived in the grottoes beneath the mountains. (TCD)
D'asima, Paloma
this old woman was one of the Eleven Elders of the People of Emberlene, in the years following the Battle
of Endor. On the recommendation of Karoly D'ulin, Paloma travelled to Yaga Minor to meet with Moff
Disra and Grodin Tierce to discuss an alliance between the Mistryl and the new Empire. Flim, disguised
as Grand Admiral Thrawn, was also present, throwing Paloma off her guard. Both Disra and Tierce were
aware that Garm Bel Iblis had planned to raid Yaga Minor for a copy of the Caamas Document, and had
arranged for the meeting to take place during the assault. They hoped it would prove to Paloma that the
Empire was serious about taking control of the galaxy. (VOF)
a planet. (GG11)
Dasobo Meats
this meat-shipping operation, based on the planet Yulant, was the regional distributor for the Salliche Ag
Corporation, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars,
Dasobo was sued by Salliche Ag for stealing the genetic secrets Salliche used to breed its gornts. A
nanoscopic analysis of Dasobo's Finest Gornt Cutlets revealed Salliche genetic branding. (HNN5)
Dasobo's Finest Gornt Cutlets
produced by Dasobo Meats during the years leading up the Clone Wars, this preprocessed cut of meat

was allegedly stolen from the Salliche Agricultural Corporation. Nanoscopic analysis of a cutlet revealed
genetic branding which was oened by Salliche Ag. Dasobo was forced to stop production or face even
more serious charges of corporate espionage. (HNN5)
Dasol, Matton
this man and his shipmates were ambushed by Eli Gand, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.
Gand stole their starship, then sold it for a hefty profit. Eli then convinced Matton that he was paying a
debt that his former shipmates owed him, and forced Matton into servitude to finished repaying the debt.
A passing Jedi Knight discovered one of Matton's droids, and learned of Eli's duplicity and exposed him
has a fraud. Eli eventually freed Matton, and Matton took over his merchant duties. (KOTOR)
Dasoor Challenge
this was one of the Mid Rim's best-known podracing events, during the years leading up to the onset of
the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Dassa Borkannits
this being served as the Director of Communications for the Jrade District, during the height of the Clone
Wars. (SWI73)
son of the great Duro Queen Rana. He wore a golden crown. When he died, the crown was implanted
with a device which would kill any person trying to steal the crown from Dassid's gravesite. Dustini
accidentally activated the anti-tampering device on Dagobah, while trying to gain the Alliance's help in
defeating the Empire. (MMY)
Dassid Cree'ar
this Duro was a noted plant geneticist, and was part of the team assembled by the New Republic to assist
in the restoration of the natrual environment of the planet Duro, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. His team worked with other groups, notably Doctor Williwalt's, to create bacterial sludges which
ingested the foul water and soil of Duro and converted it to clean organic matter. His teams had also
created six miniature ecosystes on the planet's surface, forming the first arable land on Duro since the
planet was abandoned. Doctor Cree'ar himself, however, never attended Leia Organa-Solo's staff
meetings, instead submitting his reports beforehand for her perusal. His fellow scientists grew weary of
his continual absenteeism, despite the fact that his work was progressing ahead of schedule. It was later
revealed that Doctor Cree'ar was, in fact, the Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor, who had been wearing the
gablith masquer in order to imitate a Duros. Nom Anor used bio-engineered organisms of his own
shaping to provide him with results, as well as creating a series of tunnels and cave beneath the planet's
surface for his own private laboratory. (BP)
this was a form of hunting mask which was created by the Hutts for their Kadas'sa'Nikto servants. The
das'skar mask had two parts: an upper half that covered the eyes, nose, and temple; and a lower half that
covered the jaw and cheeks. The mask can be worn as a unit, or each piece can be worn separately. The
upper half was implanted with speciallized lenses for viewing in low-light conditions, while the lower half
used built-in sensors to augment the wearer's ability to locate and track scents. Those Nikto provided with
das'skar masks were dispatched by their Hutt masters to kill large game or prey for both sport and food.
Dast, Ravallian
this woman was a bounty hunter who took only illegal assignments. She believed that the Empire was an
illegal and immoral government, and refused to be bound by the laws of the Imperial Office of Criminal
Investigations. Dast also worked for the Alliance, although she expected to be paid for her work. (GG10)
D'Asta, Feena
this silver-haired woman rose to power as a member of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council, taking her
father's place when he became ill. She had a plan to make peace with the New Republic, in order to help
the Council gain some legitimacy, but met with stern opposition from Nolyds. When Nolyds was

assassinated by a bomb hidden in a message disk, the other Council members decided that it must have
been an inside job. They placed D'Asta on their list of suspects, but had no direct proof of her
involvement. She later asked for a vote of no-confidence in Xandel Carivus' ability to lead the Council, but
was only supported by Lord Manos. It was later revealed that the real Feena D'Asta had been kidnapped
by Grappa the Hutt and cloned by Macus Kayniph.The clone was then inserted into the Council, in an
effort to further the interests of Grappa and Black Sun. Kayniph sold her to Grappa the Hutt. Meanwhile,
the clone was accused of treason against the Empire by Xandel Carivus and arrested. Back at Grappa's
lair on Genon, Mirith Sinn tried to rescue the real Feena, whose father had been in business deals with
Sinn's fiance. Sinn was caught, and Grappa gave her to the Zanibar. Meanwhile, the arrest of D'Asta's
clone forced her father to strike out against Xandel Carivus. He mustered the might of his own Imperial
fleet and decimated Carivus' forces in a short battle. On Xo, Kir Kanos rescued Mirith Sinn, and she
returned to Grappa to take custody of the real Feena D'Asta. Mirith brought Kir Kanos and the real Feena
back to Ord Cantrell, where she presented her to Baron D'Asta. He was unsure of who to believe until
Kanos and Sinn explained the plan, beginning with Carnor Jax's initial schemes. (CE2)
D'Asta, Ragez
this man served as one of the most powerful and wealthy members of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council.
During the reign of Emperor Palpatine, Baron D'Asta had done business with Jahren Sinn on Nez Peron.
His place on the Council was filled by his daughter, Feena, when he became ill at an advanced age.
However, he still held a position of power among the Imperials, controlling the area of space known as
the D'Astam Sector. Some five years later, he was enraged to learn that Xandel Carivus had Feena
imprisoned on nebulous charges of treason, and sent his fleet of warships against those controlled by
Carivus. D'Asta's fleet was too powerful, and reduced Carivus' forces quickly. When Carivus released
Feena, the Baron was loath to give up the battle, but did so to recover his daughter. He later seceded
from the Imperial Remnant in order to govern his sector by himself. (CE2, HCE)
D'Astan Sector
this was the area of the galaxy controlled by Baron D'Asta and his fleet. (CE2)
Data Board
a larger, binder-sized version of a data pad. (JS)
Data Books
this small shop, located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, provided travelers with access to a wide range
of current best-sellers and classic literature. (GA)
Data Card
a credit card-sized information system which each individual in the galaxy must have. It contains the
individual's name and home location, certain biological and historical data, and an individual's net worth in
credits. (HTTE)
Data Compiler
this is part of a life-form detector. It uses a small, hand-switch to manipulate incoming data, allowing the
user of the detector to scan for certain forms of life or a wide scan. (CFG)
Data Cube
similar to the technology of a Holocron, the datacube is a cube-shaped information storage and retrieval
device. (TME)
Data Equity Management, Incorporated
known by the stock symbol DEMi, this huge corporation was based on the planet Procopia. Founded just
fifteen years before the Battle of Endor, DEMi burst onto the scene by offering storage and maintenance
of other corporations' confidential data. DEMi became "legitimate" when the Great Council of Tapani
Sector contracted them to handle sector-wide census information. Despite its image, DEMi was actually
founded and operated by the Empire's Ubiqtorate. (LOE)
Data Goggles

developed by the Neimoidians, these goggles allowed a pilot to control a starship by linking them directly
to the ship's systems. Originally designed for the pilots of grain harvesters on Neimoidia, they were
readily adopted by freighter pilots as well. Consisting of a pair of heavy, hemispherical eyecovers and an
implant which linked the goggles to the pilot's brain, a set of data goggles had to be attuned to the user's
brainwaves in order to function properly. Pilots who chose to use data goggles had to pay a steep price,
for the goggles could not be removed without severing the link to a starship and rendering the former pilot
unintelligent. (SON)
Data Pad
a small, often hand-held device which is used as a remote data collection system. The user can enter
information into the data pad's memory, and can then either remotaly transmit it to a central computer, or
hook it directly to the central computer for download at a later time. (HTTE)
Data Plaque
another name for a data card. (HSE)
Data Wafer
another name for a data card. (COJ)
this unusual weapon, developed on the planet Chandrila, was used in many assassination attempts
throughout the planet's history. At first glance, the datadagger appeared to be a piece of ivory artwork,
inlaid with gold and silver filigree. Upon further examination, however, datadaggers resembled large code
cylinders which could interface with computers, datapads, and door locks. Hidden inside the ivory hilt of
the weapon was a thin blade that was nearly undetectable. Often, datadaggers were priceless family
heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation. (WOTC, SWI64, CCW)
a small, round memory chip that is easily concealed. (TME)
see Data Goggles (IWE1)
DataLine Press
this publisher was authorized to print material about the New Order using specialized datapad formats.
Data-Link Industries
this small corporation produced a variety of holographic recording devices during the early years of the
New Republic. (GUN)
a planet which has three moons, Datar is the forested homeworld of the Ghostling race. The Alliance was
ambushed here by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The Alliance team fought valliantly, having
been warned of the invasion by detecting the Imperial fleet early enough. They defeated the Imperials
and escaped. (TME, E1A5)
in the last decades of the Old Republic, the datarie was the standard monetary unit. It was valid in all but
the most remote systems. (SW1)
DataSearch 12C-A
this model of datasearch device, produced by TerexComm, was considerably faster than the DataSearch
9C model. The 12C-A model could search thousands of DSUs worth of data in less than three seconds.
The 12C-A was also more finicky about its power supply, and could short out if attached to the wrong
source. (SWJ10)

DataSearch 9C
this was the name of TerexComm's deluxe datasearch device, produced during the New Order. It was
designed for administrative use, whenever a being had to search through thousands of DSUs worth of
information. (SWJ10)
this droid programming package was produced by Industrial Automaton, for use in the AG9 series of
droids. It increased the A9G's ability to efficiently sort through massive amounts of data. (TBSB, FTD)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
this Jawa trader and adventurer was famous for having taunted a krayt dragon in the open Tatooine
desert, and returned to tell about it. He longed to get off Tatooine and explore the galaxy. It was Dathcha
who fired the disabling laser bolt at R2-D2 in the deep desert. (CCG)
Dathka Graush
this ancient Sith Lord was buried on the planet Korriban some 7,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. A
pureblooded Sith, Graush was one of the most powerful warlords of his time. He rose to power on
Korriban by gathering his forces and destroying his enemies, then tried to make himself immortal by
creating the unusual jewel known as the Heart of Graush. He thought that, by removing his physical heart
and replacing it with a Dark Side jewel imbued with Sith spirits, he wouuld live forever. However, Graush
was killed by enemy assassins, and was buried in the Valley of Golg, on Korriban. The Heart of Graush
was buried with him, waiting for an unsuspecting being to touch it. This contact would allow the jewel to
possess the being, eventually transferring their spirit to Graush and giving him new life. Graush nearly
returned to life during the height of the New Order, when the crew of the Jynni's Virtue stumbled upon his
tomb. Captain Naz Feylood touched the Heart of Graush and unleashed the spirit, but the Heart was lost
in the destruction of the pirate ship. (PH)
a planet where the outcasts from the Old Republic were sent to die, it is the home of the Rancor, and
home to a group of Force-sensitive witches who use spells to control The Force. It is located in the Quelii
system, where Zsinj has established a prison colony and a new shipyard. The planet's gravity is
somewhat lighter than standard. It is full of the Dark Side of The Force, moreso than Dagobah. Han 'won'
the planet from Omogg in a sabacc game; its value is somewhere around three billion credits. It has 3
continents in a vast ocean. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Dathomir fell to the alien
invaders shortly before the Battle of Ithor. (CPL, DJ)
Datinni greb zroom
this Jawa warning is inscribed on the stocks of many of their weapons. Its exact meaning is not known.
this was the fourth day of the Tapani local calendar's week. (PGT)
this name was common among members of the T'surr race. (WOTC, UANT)
an insect which uses its claws to latch onto birds and other flying creatures. (XWN)
this avian lives in the Shadow Forest, hiding in the vegetation which surrounds Anarrad. (TT)

Daughters of Allya
the name which the Dathomir Witches use for themselves, it is based in the history of Dathomir, when an
exiled Jedi named Allya was sent to Dathomir. She helped train the woman in the use of the Force, and
the descendant witches now call themselves the Daughters of Allya. There are nine clans of witches on
the planet. (CPL)
Daughters of the Empath Princess
this group of psychics plied their wares in the city of Talos, on Atzerri. (SOL)
Daughters of the Ffib
this was an autocratic, exclusively female religious order, active during the last decades of the Old
Republic. A sect of the main Ffib religion, they established a mission on the Forest Moon of Endor, in
order to bring the Ewoks into their fold. After the destruction of the Ffib at the hands of Reess Kairn, the
Daughters of the Ffib employed Aurra Sing to hunt down Reess Kairn and eliminate him. (BHAS)
Daultay Dofine
this Neimoidian was one of Nute Gunray's Captains, and embodied everything that was negative about
his race. He was lazy, only moderately competent, and greedy, and achieved his status primarily because
of his high birth. He was known to ply any challengers with platitudes while determining the best way to
stab them in the back. Dofine was wanted for questioning by the Bureau of Ship Services for a variety of
complaints against his actions, including the illegal seizure of cargoes. When the Trade Federation
blockaded the planet Naboo at the order of Darth Sidious, Dofine was the only member of Gunray's
collective to question the orders of the Sith Lord, and for that he was removed from the ruling class of the
Federation and assigned to the Droid Control Ship over Naboo. During the Battle of Naboo, Dofine was
killed when Anakin Skywalker managed to damage the control ship's reactor core, triggering internal
explosions that tore the ship to pieces. Daultay Dofine was acted by Alan Ruscoe and voiced by Chris
Sanders in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, IS1, IG1, SON)
this man was a Commander in the Alliance military, and was one of the first officers to fly the HT-2200
freighter. (SWJ5)
Daunted Gypsy
this SoroSuub Jermagium tramp freighter was used by the New Republic to insert a group of agents into
the population to foment pro-Republic sentiments. This occured some years after the Battle of Endor,
when the Imperials on the planet were ousted from power by the natives of the world. They formed a new
government with allegiance to the Republic, but met with Imperial resistance. The Gypsy was armed with
three double laser cannons, and had a top-model hyperdrive. (TSK)
this New Republic cruiser was part of the small fleet left at Bilbringi to protect against an attack by the
Yuuzhan Vong, twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. After Bilbringi was lost to the Yuuzhan Vong,
the Dauntless was recalled to Calamari for repairs. It was later part of the fleet which was amassed to
launch an attack on the planet Coruscant, in an effort to recapture the planet from the Yuuzhan Vong.
this Star Destroyer was part of the special task force supporting Moff Vanko's sector of control. It was
commanded by Captain Orsk during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (RM, CCC)
Dauntless-class Cruiser
this was the second-largest battleship in the Alliance fleet during the Galactic Civil War. The Dauntlessclass was developed from a series of luxury liners, which were beefed up with formidable armaments and
heavy plating and shielding. The result was a sleek, battle-ready platform which served on the front line of
many space battles. (REB)

this planet was the capital world of the Daupherm Planet States. (CRO)
Daupherm Marines
this was the primary military force maintained on the planet Daupherm. (PP)
Daupherm Merchant Space Fleet
this was the primary space-going trade organization based on the planet Daupherm, and serving the
Daupherm Planet States, during the New Order. (CRO)
Daupherm Planet States
this coalition of planets maintained a political allegiance to one another during the Galactic Civil War.
They were constantly at odds with the Botor Enclave, and many skirmishes between fleets from both
sides were fought. (CRO)
an Imperial Lieutenant serving Ambassador Furgan on Carida, Dauren graduated from the Imperial
Academy on Raithal just a few months before the New Republic reclaimed the planet. He then served as
an advanced communications officer on Corulag until that world was abandoned by the Empire. Before
being assigned to Carida, Dauren served under Grand Admiral Thrawn as well as the reborn Emperor
Palpatine. Dauren had become the Communications Officer for the planetary defense system on Carida
just before Kyp Durron used the Sun Crusher to destroy the system. (COTF, JASB)
Dauscha, Tonner
this independent spacer and freetrader made a regular run to Coruscant, before the planet was closed off
to immigrants during the year leading up to the Clone Wars. The added paperwork required to simply
enter the Core Worlds, let alone arrive on Coruscant, meant that freetraders like Dauscha lost a great
many deals because they couldnt deliver on time. (HNN5)
this Eirrauc and his partner, Tamoss, was a trader who dealt in gems, artifacts, and curiosities. Both were
former slaves who had helped each other escape their Imperial masters, and set their fellow slaves on a
safeworld before striking out on their own. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the pair traveled to Tatooine in
order to seek out the Athallian Messenger. They were forced to make peace with a tribe of Tusken
Raiders just to gain access to the area of the desert which supposedly held the Athallian Messenger's
scarred hull. (SWG9)
this feline creature was noted for its speed and grace. A subspecies of daux-cat was bred specifically for
speed, and was raised to participate in races during the last years of the Old Republic. (MBS)
Davani, Haryette
this woman and her husband, Nils, were natives of the planet Beheboth. Their daughter, Myrette,
attended the Imperial Academy on Coruscant for much of her early training, before she was transferred to
the Caridan Military Academy. (PH)
Davani, Myrette
this woman, a native of the planet Beheboth, attended the Coruscani Pilot Institute training school on
Coruscant during the years prior to the Battle of Yavin. In the year following the destruction of the first
Death Star, Cadet Davani was ranked second in her class, just behind Shira Elan Colla Brie. Because of
her skills, she was chosen to pilot her class's personnel shuttle to the Imperial Academy on Carida, where
the students were to complete their final year of training. (PH)
Davani, Nils
this man and his wife, Haryette, were natives of the planet Beheboth. Their daughter, Myrette, attended
the Imperial Academy on Coruscant for much of her early training, before she was transferred to the
Caridan Military Academy. When Nils learned that his daughter had been trained to fly starships on
Coruscant, he lodged a formal complaint with Commandant Mogurk and the Coruscani Pilot Institute to

keep her from taking the controls. Outwardly, Nils claimed that he thought his daughter was a bad pilot.
Inside, he simply feared for her life. (PH)
a Rebel fighter pilot killed during the Battle of Yavin, he once flew with Anakin Skywalker. He is known as
Dave in the credits for Star Wars: A New Hope, but Decipher Games names him Garven Dreis. Dave was
portrayed by Drewe Hemley in Star Wars: A New Hope. (SW, CCG)
this man worked as a cameraman for the Cularin Central Broadcasting company, during the years leading
up to the Clone Wars. (LFCW)
Davengatt, Jaffro
this man claimed to be from "all over the Mid Rim," and was known as an entrepreneur. He discovered
that the grasslands of the remote planet Engebo V were perfect for raising nerfs, and eventually
established Davengatt's Double-Zed Nerf Ranch on the planet. His nerf meat was prized among
connisseurs across the galaxy. Jaffro was killed shortly after the Madman's Fortune crashed onto Engebo
V, when a school of skekfish were inadvertently released by his daughter, Nell. Nell and her companions
had gone to check out the crash, and opened Goontirk's escape pod to investigate. The skekfish
burrowed into the ground and sped toward the nearest food source, killing many beings in The Landing
before making their way to the Davengatt mansion. Jaffro tried to escape with his daughter, leaving her
companions to fend for themselves, but was beset by a swarm of skekfish and devoured. (WOA10)
Davengatt, Nell
this woman was the daughter of Jaffro Davengatt, and grew up on the planet Engebo V. She served as
her father's chief aide in the operation of Davengatt's Double-Zed Nerf Ranch, handling the day-to-day
operations as her father became more and more reclusive. While she hated the work and hated being
stuck on Engebo V, Nell found that she couldn't bring herself to leave, either. Shortly after the Madman's
Fortune crashed onto Engebo V, Nell and her companions went to check out the crash, and opened
Goontirk's escape pod to investigate. A school of skekfish escped from the pod and burrowed into the
ground. Before they could be contained, the skekfish sped toward the nearest food source, killing many
beings in The Landing. Nell was one of the few beings to escape the planet, taking off with Gall and the
freelance pilots who were on Engebo V to obtain nerf steaks for Lady Wylla of Alderaan. Nell asked to
join the pilots, and personally made reparations with Lady Wylla. She then worked with Wylla to send a
mission to Engebo V to blast the planet from orbit, in order to fully eliminate the skekfish threat. (WOA10)
Davengatt's Double-Zed Nerf Ranch
located on the remote world of Engebo V, this nerf ranch was established by Jaffro Davengatt. The nerf
meat produced on Engebo V was prized among conniseurs across the galaxy. (WOA10)
Daver Kuat
this temperate world was the third planet in the Kuat System. It was orbited by two moons. (CCW)
David, Trey
this man was Horzao Darr's second-in-command in the Exocron Combined Air-space Fleet. It was David
who intercepted Talon Karrde when he arrived in the system to locate Jorj Car'das. When he and Car'das
learned of Karrde's approach, they knew that they could use it as a way to draw the slaver - and their
enemy - Rei'kas toward the Kathol Rift. They allowed Karrde to locate Exocron, thereby allowing Rei'kas
to find the planet. When Rei'kas attacked, David made sure that none of his ships fired on them. He
retreated toward Exocron, much to the disbelief of Karrde and his crew. When the Aing-Tii finally made
their presence known, it was a quick firefight. In the end, the fleet Rei'kas has sent in was decimated, and
Exocron was once again safely hidden. (VOF)
Davik Kang
this man was a noted crimelord, who operated as part of The Exchange from a base on the planet Taris,
during the Great Sith War. He was once the owner of the Ebon Hawk, which he claimed to have stolen
before outfitting it with state-of-the-art systems. Kang's small empire was based on smuggling and the

slave trade, and he was not above extortion. When he was seen in public, Kang always wore a
specialized suit of body armor. This body armor was rumored to have been created by a brilliant
technician who owed Kang a large sum of credits. Kang agreed to cancel the debt and spare the
technician's life in exchange for the creation of the body armor. Kang took possession of the armor and
had the technician killed anyway, to ensure that no other being acquired such a suit. Just before the
planet Taris was destroyed by Darth Malak, Kang was killed in a firefight, and the Ebon Hawk was taken
by Carth Onasi and the survivors of the Endar Spire. (KOTOR, SWDB)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
Davip, Eldo
this man was a Commander in the New Republic Navy, and was in command of the Super-class Star
Destroyer Lusankya during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Commander Davip, despite his
ranking, was known for his indecision in battle, and many believed that he could not have reached the
rank of Commander without a lot of help. He was suddenly forced into battle near Borleias when the ships
under his command tried to reach the remnants of the New Republic gathered there. Davip and the
Lusankya fell into a Yuuzhan Vong trap, and only the sheer number of weapons they could bring to bear
on the aliens allowed the Lusankya to win the battle. Months later, Davip was at the helm of the Lusankya
for the initial stages of Operation Emperor's Hammer, but found himself unable to lead the mission. His
commanding officer, Wedge Antilles, refused to allow Davip to step down, and used subtle psychology to
bolster Davip's confidence. After successfully repelling the Yuuzhan Vong, Commander Davip was
ostensibly in command of the small fleet protecting the Starlancer Project's pipefighters. It was during this
time that he and Antilles began refitting the Lusankya, taking away weapons emplacements which were
"damaged" in battle and placing them on smaller ships. Although many of his subordinates questioned his
ability to continue as Captain while the ship disintegrated around him, Davip knew that it was simply
because his mission was a secret. Davip was actually overseeing the refitting of the Lusankya, primarily
ensuring that the section known as the Beltway was strong enough to withstand an impact with a
Yuuzhan Vong worldship. After the battle, Davip was promoted to Major General for his bravery at
Borleias, and was nominated to join the chiefs of staff of the Galactic Alliance. (EL1, EL2, UF)
this jungle world is the homeworld of the roverine species of insect. (VOF)
this blonde-haired smuggler inhabited the Smuggler's Run, and operated out of Skip 5. He had a working
relationship with the Jawas there. When Han Solo and Chewbacca were captured by Iisner while on Skip
5, Davis intervened and got them out of the situation. Davis had been developing a relationship with
Sinewy Ana Blue over his years on the Run, but that came to a halt when several droids suddenly
exploded throughout the Run. The droids were part of various cargoes paid for by Dolph, who had
planned to have them explode on Coruscant. Instead, they were stolen by the smugglers of the Run.
Davis happened to be too near one of the exploding droids, and was killed instantly by the blast. (TNR)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Davjaan inyameet
this was the Trandoshan term for a berserk, suicidal rage, which translated into Basic as "burning in the
blood". Note that the second a in davjaan has an umlaut over it. (MBS)
this was the largest land mass - and the only true continent - located on the planet Procopia. Situated at
the planet's southern pole, Davla was a land of volcanic activity swept by sub-zero winds. Note that the
Player's Guoide to Tapani claims Davla was covered with verdant forests. (PGT, LOE)
this planet is the native world of the kalidor. (XW)

this man served as a Lieutenant in the Royal Security Force of Naboo, and was also a starfighter pilot.
Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, Davonn assumed command of Guardian Flight, in an effort to ensure
the security of the Naboo System. (WOA2)
Dav're, Jarmat
this man was one of Kuat Drive Yards' most successful starship designers, even though he never
completed a single development project. His work was found on small star yachts as well as the Superclass Star Destroyer. After making several inquiries into anti-Imperial operations in the nearby sector, an
Imperial Security Bureau agent started tailing him. Jarmat fled KDY, traveling under the alias of Renak
Tivs and hiding out on an uncharted, tropical planet. (HAS)
this complicated religion was founded on the sanctity of harmonics. (CCG9)
this thin Corellian was the captain of the Corellian Thunder. (SWJ9)
this Kerensikian clan was constantly at war with the Botor Enclave. (DESB)
Dawferm Selfhood States
analogous to the Botor Enclaves, this is a group of Kerensik natives. (DESB)
a Mugaari transport destroyed when the Empire subjugated the Tungra Sector. (TIE)
Dawn Beat
one of Talon Kaarde's smuggling ships, the Dawn Beat served as one of the primary escort ships that
made up Karrde's fleet during the early years of the New Republic. Like the Amanda Fallow, the Dawn
Beat was a modified YZ-775 that was armed with a pair of turbolasers, two double lasers, and two proton
torpedo launchers. This gave the ship exceptional firepower for its size. The vessel could accommodate
up to twelve passengers and 400 metric tons of cargo, and required a crew of eight to operate. (TLC,
Dawn Raider
this was the name of Jaizen Suel's personal starfighter, a modified Cloakshape fighter. (NEGV)
a creature native to Endor, it gives a loud call when the sun first comes up each day. (AT)
Dawning of the Death Sun
this was one of the many references to the rogue planet Zonama Sekot, used by an obscure culture deep
in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. (FH2)
a form of gemstone found in the Hapes Cluster. (JE)
this Tynnan demolitions expert worked with Kels Turkhorn and Cecil Noone during the height of the New
Order. He was the latest in a long line of stock brokers, and was a noted water-wall player. He learned at
a young age that blowing things up was fun, and spent much of his free time experimenting with
explosives. When he was chosen by lottery to serve in the Tynnan government, Dawson fled his
homeworld for fear of spending the rest of his life behind a desk. He wandered the galaxy for six years
before signing on with Noone, and had been with the group for four years before the team was hired by
Guttu the Hutt to steal a Hapan Gun of Command from Vop the Usurer. (SWJ15)
Daxis Outpost

this New Republic station was located in the Outer Rim Territories, near the Serianan System. (SWJ8)
Day of Comprehending the Will of the Gods
see tizo'pil Yun'tchilat. (T)
Day of the Hunter
this Rodian ceremony lasted a full day on Rodia, and venerated the bounty hunters of Rodian history.
Day of the Sepulchral Night
this is the Zelosian name for a complete solar eclipse which occurs on the planet Zelos II. When one of
the planet's four moons eclispes the sun Zelos, the darkened skies suddenly reveal the presence of the
other three moons. They appear as if by magic as the planet is plunged into total darkness. The Zelosian
fear of the dark is extremely heightened during this eclipse, and so this day is especially frightening to
them. (PG2)
this was the name of the Grand Plaza located at the center of the Elrood Bazaar. It measured more than
three kilometers across, and was surrounded by the Perma. (PG3)
this was one of the more common names given to Dantari individuals. (UANT)
this moon, which orbits the gas giant Nepe, in the Episol System of the Kathol Outback, is the most
populous world in the Kathol Republic. An agricultural world, Dayark also served as the capital of the
Republic and the seat of its government. It is tide-locked to Nepe's orbit, and so the sunward side of the
moon is the only habitable area. (KO)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this was a common Psadan name. (UANT)
Daykim, Onibald
one of the feral humans living underneath Imperial City in the early years of the New Republic, he is the
"king" of his group. He was a low-level servant of the Imperial Palace branch of the Corusca Bank, during
the reign of Emperor Palpatine. A small accounting error committed by his staff resulted in the name of
Emperor Palpatine going to the top of a public list of loan defaulters. Although the incorrect list existed in
the public domain for a few hours, Palpatine nonetheless found out about it,and fired the entire board of
directors before demanding the identity of the culprit. Daykim fled to the undercity, rather than face
Palpatine's wrath, and has existed there ever since. He maintains a strong and hale body, but he has lost
all of his teeth and his hair has begun to fall out from years of living underground. (DA, JASB)
Daykim's Kingdom
the fanciful name given to Onibald Daykim's underground community on Coruscant. Located below
Imperial City, it is populated with former Imperial bureaucrats and servants who fled the wrath of Emperor
Palpatine. (JASB)
Dayson, Alta
this man served as a sensor technician aboard the FarStar, during the New Republic's search for Imperial
Moff Kentor Sarne. (DARK)
this splinter group of the Rights of Sentience Party was formed to combat the subservient use of organic
lifeforms in such menial tasks as guards and protectors. Daysong reasoned that the work could be done

by droids, rather than forcing another being into the duty. Daysong had even gone so far as to argue the
rights of synthflesh. When Leia Organa-Solo disappeared in the Meridian Sector during her visit to meet
Seti Ashgad, the Daysong party sliced together a fake holo-transmission of her in an attempt to gain
control of the Central Council. (POT)
an Alliance transport group intercepted in the Javin Sector while fleeing from the Battle of Hoth. (TIE)
this winged insect was native to the planet Qiilura, were it swarmed in multicolored groups of ruby and
sapphire bodies. The daywing was named for its lifecycle. A daywing hatched in the morning and flew
about for a single day, but died by evening. (RCHC)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
Dazen Mok
this being was one of the many Jedi Knights who trained at the Almas Academy, during the years leading
up to the Clone Wars. However, Dazen Mok chose to leave the Jedi Order, after soul-searching revealed
that he should spend the restof his life exploring the Cularin System and its unusual events. After leaving
the Almas Academy, Dazen Mok spent many years investigating the loss of the Nub Saar floating city in
orbit around Genarius. His investigations led him to the unusual theory that Nub Saar was destroyed by
some manifestation of the Dark Side of the Force, which had originally been awakened to help Karae
Nalvas build the floating fortress of Conkesta. When the fortress was destroyed, the dark force returned
to Genarius' core. Years later, it awakened during the construction of Nub Saar, and destroyed the city in
its anger. His theory met with stern opposition from a number of Cularin officials. (LFCW)
this was a race of polymorphous beings, genetic cousins to the Lahsbees, which could shape their bodies
into two distinct forms. Their normal form, known as its "rest form," was that of a short humanoid. Their
larger form, known as the "rage form," was that of a huge, horned beast. Normal Dazouri are cunning
creatures, while those in their "rage form" were homicidal maniacs. (SWJ12, PG3)
Dazzle Company
one of the two divisions of the ThunderForce mercenary unit. Flash and Dazzle Companies each have
eight full platoons of soldiers, and each had nearly 200 members in the unit. (HAS)
DB Generator
shortened term for a disruption bubble generator. (TB)
DB-4 Starliner
this 126-meter craft was built by Dobrutz. Many of these ships were pressed into service as a troop
transports by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (TT)
this alien race was characterized by the multitude of tentacles and warts which covered it body. They
were also quite worrisome, and spent much of their time debating the possible consequences of their
actions. (APS)
this DBX-series droid served as the mynock exterminator droid aboard the Black Ice shortly after the
Battle of Yavin. Chief Engineer Skolos programmed DBX-11 to recognize the Alliance agents who were
attempting to take control of the Black Ice as mynocks, and DBX-11 set out to exterminate them. The
agents eventually convinced the droid that they were not, in fact, mynocks, and DBX-11 revealed that
Skolos was behind the series of malfunctions which plagued the Black Ice. (BI)

DBX-series Droid
this was a series of large, imposing labor droids produced by Delban Faxicorp during the last century of
the Old Republic. (SWJ7)
this was the standard-issue blaster weapon provided by the Old Republic to the cloned troopers
developed on Kamino. The DC-15 could be configured as a simpler blaster, or outfitted with a longer
stock and an accelerating barrel to create a blaster rifle. These weapons were first used during the Battle
of Geonosis. They fired an intensely-power bolt of coherent, blue light, that could shred vehicles and
droids as well as flesh. (VD2, LAWS)
this was an upgraded version of the standard DC-15 blaster pistol that was considered the standard
firearm of the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The DC-15s was issued primarily to the
ARC Troopers, who used the weapon because it was small enough and powerful enough to be carried as
a backup weapon. (LAWS)
this enhanced version of the DC-15 blaster pistol was developed as a sniper weapon, with additional
sights and exceptional accuracy over large distances. The DC-15x was the favored weapon of those
clone troopers who specialized in sharpshooting. (LAWS)
the DC-17 blaster pistol was produced by the Old Republic for the clone troopers that fought during the
Clone Wars. It was much more accurate - and much more powerful - than most standard-issue blaster
pistols, and had a much higher rate of fire. This allowed specialized units of Jet Troopers to unleash a
barrage of blaster fire as they moved through the sky. (LAWS)
this is a series of freight droids manufactured by Serv-O-Droid. (CSA)
produced by Ealewon Electronics, this device was a handheld cryptographic coder. It allowed the user to
encode individual computer files and "hide" them from unauthorized viewing. (GFT)
this power droid was modified for use as a translator and administrative assisstant by the Jawa scavenger
Empideera Kkek. DC-GNK had been outfitted with a number of scavenged protocol droid parts, and was
able help Kkek negotiate during trades. However, despite being grateful to Empideera for his "elevation"
to intelligence, DC-GNK longed to be free of the Jawas and live his own life. (SOT)
Incom repulsorlift generators used on the T-16 Skyhopper. (EGV)
Arakyd's missile platform patrol droid, these military automata was designed around a group of 12 miniconcussion missile launchers. These small droids measure about 1 meter in length, and are deployed as
a perimeter defense. (SN)
this subdirectory of the Sector Ranger Database maintained information on the breeding of veermoks
outside of the Naboo System, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SON)
this clone commando was a member of Niner's squad, during the Battle of Geonosis. Unfortunately, DD
was among the many clones who were killed in the fighting on Geonosis. (RCHC)

see Duro Delta Twelve. (WOTC, CCW)
this Ubrikkian multitasking droid served aboard the FarStar as an overseer of the maintenance work done
in the droid repair bay. DD-19 was known as the "slavemaster," because he drove his mechanics hard
and demanded the best from them all. (DARK, KO)
a Merr-Sonn Munitions blaster pistol, the DD6 was produced as direct competitor to BlasTech's DL-18.
The DD6 was stronger and more powerful, and its production set off the so-called "blaster wars" between
Merr-Sonn and BlasTech. (GG9, GUN)
DDX Pulse Modulator
this device was used to ensure a steady power supply, minimizing spikes and surges while compensating
for drops or low points. (GG9)
Dead Bantha Gulch
this ravine was located just inside the Jundland Wastes near Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine. It was
named by Platt Okeefe and Tru'eb Cholakk, who hid out in the gulch and found a bantha skeleton at the
bottom. The gulch itself was riddled with caves and ravines in which the smugglers could hide their
cargoes before a sale. The gulch was considered taboo to the Sandpeople, who feared the dead bantha.
Dead Blade
this was the term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe any non-energized weapon.
Specifically indicating that the weapon was not a lightsaber, a dead blade was any meatllic weapon
lacking a power source. Thus, vibro-bladed weapons were not considered dead blades. (SHPT)
Dead Man
this was a term used by Kal Skirata and several other instructors on Kamino to describe a clone trooper.
It was in reference to the fact that the clones were created to be thrown into battle, where they were often
killed in combat. (RCHC)
Dead Man's Hand
this Muurian transport was owned by the Azzameen family, and was part of the fleet operated by Twin
Suns Transport Service. The Dead Man's Hand was the ship used to break Eamon Azzameen out of an
Imperial prison ship, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
Dead Man's Turn
this section of Beggar's Canyon on Tatooine was a 120-degree right turn at the end of the Main Avenue.
(SE, TG)
Dead Rebels
this band played in Mos Eisley following the Battle of Endor. It was made up of an awful-sounding group
of aliens. (XWBT)
Dead Reckoning
this modified Corellian Space Cruiser was the smuggling ship owned and operated by Rif Taranu. Most of
the original luxury accommodations were stripped out to make room for more cargo space, and the ship
was armed with a pair of double turbolaser cannons and a concussion missile launcher. The missile
launcher was placed where the salon pod had been. (SOG)
Dead Sector
this was another name for the abandoned Dacho District of Coruscant. (SWI65)
Dead Zone

this was a smuggler's term for one of the most remote sections of the Outer Rim Territories. It was in the
Dead Zone - named for the fact that there was virtually no life to be found in the sector - that Talon Karrde
established a communications relay station on Comra, during the height of the New Republic. (SQ)
Deadbelt, The
this was the name of the asteroid field located between the planet Tasariq and Trenal, in the Tasar
System. It is believed that the debris in the Deadbelt was the remains of another planet, although the
Tasari legends said that the Deadbelt was formed from a portion of a massive meteor shower that ripped
through the system. (SWJ15)
this was a seedy town, located on the prison world of Kiffex. (DRKN)
Deadeye Klintee
this male Clantaani was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the killing of three of Jabba's
personal slaves, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a
meeting with Jabba. (BH)
DeadHutt Switch
this is a fail-safe device used by many Hutt crimelords. It is a remote control device which has a single
button. The button is held down by the Hutt, as long as it is alive. If the Hutt were to become incapacitated
or die, it would release the button, triggering any number of remotely-located explosives, all of which are
set off by a signal from the deadHutt switch. (IJ)
Deadly Vision
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation StakeOut.
Deadon Ice Temples
this wondrous, xenoarchaeological site was discovered by Doctor Angrail Ryhl. (HR)
one of Luke's friends at Anchorhead on Tatooine. Deak was portrayed by David Paymer for the Star Wars
Radio Drama on National Public Radio. (SW, SWR)
Deal, The
this Basic phrase was the loose translation of the name of the Vaathkree religon. The Vaathkree were
fanatic barterers and traders, and much of their society revolved around making deals. The Deal
documents the code of barter and trade which every Vaathkree mucst adhere to, and is taught to
immature Vaathkree - known as Stonesingers - during their early life. (AE)
this underground form of language grew out of the haggling and bargaining often required when dealing
with criminal elements. (LAA)
this collection of terms and phrases was used by conmen and swindlers, and described many of the
activities they took part in. (SWJ4)
Deamos Na-Coth
this ex-slave grew up in the heyday of the Old Republic. He was later a military leader, philosopher, and
part-time prophet who believed in the existence of an ancient paradise planet called Exo. He founded a
group known as the Cabal to search the outermost reaches of the galaxy for Exo, but many of the ships
were lost. Na-Coth died nearly bankrupt, but his followers continued to search for Exo. (KO)

this being was one of Alexi Garyn's vigos, serving the Black Sun criminal organization during the years
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Dean was killed on Ralltiir, at Garyn's fortress, when Darth Maul was
dispatched by Darth Sidious to eliminate any trace of evidence linking Hath Monchar to Sidious. Maul
wiped out the Black Sun complex on Ralltiir, executing all the vigos and Garyn himself in order to ensure
secrecy. (DM)
this city, located on the planet Talus, was the site of one of the planet's primary spaceports. (SWGAL)
this is the name of a town on the planet Jubilar. Fifteen years before the Battle of Hoth, it was known as
Dying Slowly. (TBH)
Death Engine
a close-combat assault vehicle developed by the Empire, the death engine is a crab-shaped, repulsorliftequipped mobile laser platform. It is virtually indestructible. (TME)
Death Fence
any form of highly-electrified fence system used to protect a garrison or other base. Although it could be
ordered in different heights, most of these fences were ten meters high. (TFNR)
Death From Above
this was the name of one of the Imperial squadrons dispatched to take Kwymar Sector, during the
Galactic Civil War. (MB)
Death Hollow
this was the term used by the Korunnai to describe any deep well or pit where toxic gases, roiling from
the open caulderae of the many active volcanoes on the surface of Haruun Kal, could collect before they
reached the "ocean" of the planet's surface. Any creature that fell into a death hollow literally drowned in
the toxic gases. Usually, death hollows were camouflaged by lush foliage, so many creatures simply fell
in by accident or tried to feed on a tasty blossom and tumbled to their death. (SHPT)
Death Hurdles
this computer game simulated a race in which the player had to control a swoop through a dangerous
course of continually moving and shifting obstacles. In a two-player version, the second player controlled
the obstacles, and could move them at random. (JE)
Death Mark
a warrant for the recovery of an individual by any means possible, including the death of the individual.
The death mark is usually issued for the return of an individual for execution by the issuer. Jabba the Hutt
placed a death mark on Han Solo for the loss of a shipment of spice. (ESB)
Death Mark
this old frigate was welded onto Zirtran's Anchor some time ago. This ship once owned by a bounty
hunter known as Vygar, who believed that bounty hunters needed a place of their own to rest, make
repairs, catch up on the latest news, and socialize with their own kind. Vygar brought the Death Mark to
Zirtran's Anchor and added it to the growing station, creating the Delta Sector of the station in the
process. (SWJ5, LAA)
Death Maze, The
this maze of passages was one section of the race course which was set up for the BlastBoat 2000 event,
held on the moon of Echnos. Most of the turns in the Death Maze were extremely sharp, and behind most
of them were nooks where an opponent could hide and ambush another racer. (SWJ4)
Death Meal
this was traditionally the last ritual act performed by an X'Ting, in which the X'Ting individual explained
their life over a last meal before going to die. Most often, the death meal was eaten before an execution.

Death Merchant
this pirate freighter was owned by Arns Grimraker during the early part of the Galactic Civil War. The ship
was incredibly fast and well armed for its size, allowing the pirates to move swiftly from battlefield to
battlefield, beating their competition to the salvage rights. When Grimraker was killed on Hoth by Wedge
Antilles, theDeath Merchant served as Antilles' refuge from the intense cold and wind. He and Wes
Janson huddled inside the ship for months before being rescued by Luke Skywalker. (PH, MC78)
Death of Captain Tarpals, The
this was a nickname given to Jar Jar Binks by the military of the Gungans, because every time Binks got
into trouble it was Tarpals who had to bail him out. (T3)
Death or Glory
a song written and played by the band Strarburst. It was first released as part of the compilation Only in
Your Dreams, and has been given a scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Death Plunge
this was one of the many attractions found at Aucellis Park, on the moon of Keriba VI, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. The rider claims to plunge its riders through the moon's core, but the ride is
actually a stationary set of cars around which a vivid illusion of travelling through a world is displayed on
full-surround screens. (WOA27)
Death Seal
this was a device which allowed an individual to protect the contents of a container from unwanted
intrusion. The death seal could only be opened by entering a specific code or information, most often a
retinal scan or DNA match. If broken into, the death seal released a deadly toxin or gas, killing the
intruder instantly. (T7)
Death Seed
this plague was virtually unstoppable when it was first discovered. The basis of the Death Seed is the
creature called a droch, which can steal the life force energy from its victim once it bites the victim. If
allowed to remain attached, the droch can quickly burrow into its victim. Once inside, it is absorbed into its
victim, but continues to drain life energy from it. The victim dies from unknown, though obviously viral,
causes. Bacta therapy was found to quicken the disease, because the bacta only provided the droch with
a renewed source of life energy as the victim healed. The Death Seed was controlled by the huge droch
Dzym, which maintained a link to the lower drochs while obtaining life energy from their vicitms. When
Dzym and Seti Ashgad began their quest for galactic domination, they unleashed the Death Seed plague
on the Meridian Sector. Only through Luke Skywalker's communication with the Spook crystals on Nam
Chorios was the plague defeated. The crystals agreed to be shipped off-planet, where they could help
focus natural sunlight on the parasitic creatures. The Death Seed managed to wipe outnearly threequarters of the sector before it was controlled. (POT)
Death Squad
this was one of the most violent branches of the Mandalorian military, during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. (RCHC)
Death Squadron
this grouping of capital ships was formed under the command of Admiral Ozzel, and was created to
capture Alliance starships fleeing the Battle of Hoth. (CCG3)
Death Star
this satellite-sized battle station was developed by the Geonosians, under the direction of Darth Tyranus.
These plans were later refined by Tol Sivron at the Maw installation, and the battle station was built by
Bevel Lemelisk and Imperial Engineering. As the Alliance began to gather support, it was Grand Moff
Tarkin who asked for a superweapon with which he could control the entire Outer Rim Territory, and the
Death Star was the perfect weapon. It housed a huge superlaser which combined the output of multiple

lasers into a single, focused beam. A huge focusing lens was built to accomplish this, located on the
upper hemisphere. The superlaser was designed to be targeted at anything from a capital ship to a
planet. This objective was known only to a select few, for Tarkin and the Maw's top scientists decided that
they should downplay the role of superweapon to keep the project on schedule. In order to ensure
continued cooperation of their employees, project engineers were told that the station would be used to
break down dead planets, in an effort to reach the core of elements easier. To complete this ruse, the
funding for the original Death Star came from funds diverted form the Departments of System Exploration
and Public Works. The interior of the initial Death Star was planned to have 84 unique levels, each 1,428
meters in height. Each level was subdivided into 357 sublevels. The entire design was then divided into
two hemispheres, each with twelve zones. The crew of the first Death Star consisted of 27,048 officers;
774,576 troops, pilots, and crewers; 378,576 support and maintenance crewers; 400,000 support droids;
and 25,000 stormtroopers. Note that the Star Wars Trading Card Game - Battle of Yavin expansion set
lists the Death Star's stormtrooper compliment at 25,984. The human inhabitants were provided with an
array of parks, shopping centers, and entertainment facilities, since the average length of service aboard
the station was to be six years without leave. At the north pole of the station was constructed a 100-story
tower, which was heavily shielded and virtually impenetrable. This tower held Palpatine's operational
headquarters, for those times when he was aboard the station. According to Imperial sources, the first
Death Star took too long to construct, exceeding Palpatine's every deadline. It was built in orbit around
the prison world Despayre. Labor for the construction was taken at will from the prison below. When the
first Death Star was completed, Tarkin ordered the superlaser tested on the planet Despayre itself.
Needless to say, this initial test exceeded even Tarkin's wildest dreams. However, despite its formidable
weaponry, the original design was flawed, as it vented its main reactor directly to the outside. When the
plans to the first Death Star were stolen by Alliance forces and delivered to the Massassi Base on Yavin
4, military personnel and technical experts under the command of General Jan Dodonna discovered this
flaw. They believed that a proton torpedo could be fired into the exhaust shaft, resulting in a chain
reaction that would destroy the station. During the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker used a combination of
luck and the Force to fire the fateful torpedo, destroying the Death Star from within. The original station
was 120 kilometers in diameter, and had the following design features:

5 Access trenchs (2 at the poles, 2 midhemisphere, and 1 at the equator)

Surface City Blocks

Main Reactor Core with surrounding Power Cells

2 Ready Power Cells (midsection)

2 Hyperdrive Motivators, driven by 123 generators (midsection)

2 Sublight Drives (midsection)

2 Computer Cores

Deep Armory and Hangar Bays (bottom hemisphere)

Command Core (upper pole)

2 main Hangar Bays (upper pole and upper hemisphere)

Deep Storage Bays

Dry Bulk Storage Bays

Liquid Bulk Storage Bays

5,000 turbolaser batteries

5,000 heavy turbolaser batteries

2,500 laser cannons

2,500 ion cannons

768 tractor beam generators

Death Star Bluff
a card game played in many casinos. (WSV)
Death Star Diva
one of several musically awful songs written and played by the band called Dead Rebels. (XWM)
Death Star Droid
this was a common name given to the RA-7 series of droids, built by Arakyd Industries to Imperial
specifications. They were named for the fact that a great number of these droids were manufactured for
use aboard the first Death Star. (CCG2, EGD)
Death Star II
this second version of the original Imperial battle station was modified to eliminate the flaws which were
discovered by the Alliance military and exploited during the Battle of Yavin. Like its predecessor, the
second Death Star was designed around a planet-smashed superlaser. The primary difference between
the two battle stations was the elimination of dedicated thermal exhaust ports. In their place, millions of
millimeter-wide vents were dispersed across its surface, each with a dedicated baffling mechanism. The
second Death Star was slightly larger than the original, at 160 kilometers in diameter. Note that Inside the
Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy indicates that the second Death Star was over 900 kilometers in
diameter. The outer hull was made from quadanium steel for protection. For defensive measures, the
second Death Star was to house 4 capital ships, 7,200 TIE fighters, 3,600 Lambda-class assault shuttles,
2,480 blast boats, 1,860 drop ships, and 13,000 support craft. These included 1,400 AT-ATs, 1,400 ATSTs, 178 Mobile Command Bases, 1,420 repulsortanks, 1,420 repulsorcraft, 355 Floating Fortresses, and
4,843 Juggernauts. In addition to its primary superlaser, the second Death Star was also planned to have
some 30,000 turbolasers. Another key difference between the two battles stations was their purpose.
While the first Death Star was designed to instill fear in planetary systems, the second Death Star was
designed as the bait in an elaborate trap. Emperor Palpatine, sensing that the end of the Galactic Civil
War was at hand, began construction of the new battle station in orbit around the Forest Moon of Endor.
Palpatine appointed Moff Jerjerrod as the overseer of the project, knowing that he was an ineffectual
leader who would be unable to keep the station's construction on schedule. Then, he purposely allowed
news of the battle station's construction to leak out. A group of Bothan spies was given access to the
information, and pursuing Imperials forces were ordered to ensure their eventual escape. Palpatine
hoped that the Alliance military would not pass up the chance to destroy the new station, in hopes of
crushing the Empire. Palpatine even leaked schedule information that showed the exact times he would
be visiting the station during its construction, as further incentive to incite an attack. In preparation, the
Emperor massed a huge fleet just outside of the system, hidden until the Alliance fleet made its
appearance. During the Battle of Endor, Alliance forces discovered that the second Death Star was fully
operation, despite its incomplete structure, and was capable of targetting starships as well as planets.
However, Palpatine failed to account for the love between Darth Vader and his son, Luke Skywalker. As
the space battle raged, Vader managed to overcome his hatred and return to the Light Side of the Force,
killing Palpatine in the process. With their leader dead, the Imperial forces were unable to continue the
fight, and the second Death Star was eventually destroyed. (ROTJ, MTS, IWST, DSTC, TCG9)
Death Star Rising

a song written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes. It was first released as part of the
compilation Artistic Integrity. (GG9)
Death Star Trooper
this was the rank given to the hand-picked soldiers who served the Empire aboard the first Death Star.
Distinguished by their swooping, black helmets, these troopers were chosen from the ranks of the
Imperial Navy by Grand Moff Tarkin himself. (TCG4)
Death Stick
this recreational drug was popular on Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was
essentially a treated form of Ixetal cilona, which could be hardened into a cylinder or liquified and stored
in a long vial. Both forms gave rise to the monicker 'death stick.' The liquid form was often consumed by
mixing it with softdrinks, and was virtually undetectable in this form. The drug inside the multi-colored
cylinders provided the user with a heightened sense of euphoria, but continued use of the drug stole
years from a being's life. This continued usage led to an intense addiction, and most abusers reported
needed a harder and harder dosage in order to simply exist. Because of its widespread use, the Bando
Gora chose to introduce death sticks laden with neurotoxins into the Coruscant underworld, in an effort
cause widespread chaos during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (HNN4, BH)
Death Watch
a group of elite warriors from the Mandalore Systems, the Death Watch split off from the true Mandalorian
Shocktroopers when Vizsla rebelled against the leadership of Jaster Mereel. (EGC, JFOS)
Death Weave
this series of attack moves was used by masters of the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)
Death Wind Corridor
this smugglers' hyperspace route connected the worlds of Ryloth, Manda, and Roon. It was named by the
Twi'lek smugglers who used it as a "back door" to bypassing the Hutts. (WOTC)
this was the name of the deepest part of the Imperial prison on Tol Ado, and was where the most intense
interrogations were carried out. It was said that no one lived more than two hours after being transferred
to the Deathblock. (JH)
this 12-meter-long combat airspeeder was developed and manufactured by Barresin. Best crewed by a
pilot and gunner, the Deathhawk was armed with a double laser cannon. It had a flight ceiling of 250
meters, and could attain speeds of 1,000 kilometers an hour. (GSE)
this cyborg assasin was the brain-child of the Imperial Moff Jesco Comark. Comark used his position as
the head of Renik to syphon funds into the Death-Hunter project, and used Renik agents to kidnap strong,
healthy humans between the ages of 15 and 25 for cyborging. Comark realized that the Empire couldn't
continue to use bounty hunters to do its dirty work, and developed an army of cyborged killers. He was
able to obtain strong human subjects from the working population of Bescane, kidnapping individuals
whenever the need arose. Comark also used the shipyards at Jaemus for his project, having them modify
Sector Plexus courier droids for use as Death-Hunter transports. The Death-Hunter was an incredible
combination of technological and physical abilities. The Death-Hunter's eyesight was augmented with
low-light and macrozoom enhancements. Hearing was increased with specialized receptors. Lifeform
sensors were implanted to improved tracking ability. Several communications options were available to
the cyborg, including a wideband receiver and a tightband antenna. The Death-Hunter project was
exposed by Moff Comark's own daughter, Amber Comark, who was operating under the guise of Alliance
special agent Tigress. Much of the Death-Hunter project was destroyed when Alliance agents, working
with Amber Comark, were able to eliminate Jesco Comark's base on Zeta Zero Nine, in the Wastes.

the name of one of Fyodos' three moons, its original name was lost following the Great Cleansing. Fyodoi
society indiactes that the cycle of the Deathmoon induces intense, superstitious fear among the surviving
Fyodoi. (PG2)
this starfighter design was the brainchild of Erron Kell, who learned of the durability of the B-Wing bomber
during his stint as an Alliance pilot during the Battle of Endor. In the wake of the Empire's defeat, Kell was
able to obtain the damaged hulks of two B-Wing/E2 bombers. He called in some favors with his contacts
at Kuat Drive Yards, and had them expand the cockpit section while attached both wings to the single
cockpit. Each wing was fully equipped with drive systems and weapons, making the ship almost twice as
fast and twice as deadly as a B-Wing. It did lack the B-Wing's maneuverability, however, given its
ungainly appearance. (WOTC, SOG)
Death's Head
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer under the command of Captain Harbid, the Death's Head was part of
Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet some five years after the Battle of Endor. It was dispatched to the Palanhi
System to apprehend Han Solo, but was unable to capture them there. Later, the Death's Head
participated in the attack on Ord Pardron. (HTTE, DFR, TLC)
this reptile was known for its incredibly fast and accurate strike. (SWJ5)
this short, thin man was the director of research, and a leading member of the Five Families of the planet
Ord Cestus, during the height of the Clone Wars. Despite his position, Debbikin was one of the few
Cestians who believed Obi-Wan Kenobi was speaking honsetly, when the Jedi arrived on Ord Cestus to
investigation the sale of JK-series security droids to Count Dooku. However, for all his statements of
support for the Jedi, Debbikin maintained a widespread spy net throughout the Core Worlds, especially
Coruscant. His spies relayed that Chancellor Palpatine would destroy Ord Cestus rather than let it side
with the Separatists. When his son, Debbikin the Younger, was kidnapped by Nemonus, Debbikin
reluctantly agreed that it was time the Five Families allied themselves with the Old Republic. Debbikin
was killed, along with most members of the Five Families, when the ARC trooper Jangotat infiltrated their
secret bunker on the Kibo Plateau and ordered the Nexu to fire on his location. (TCD)
Debbikin the Younger
this young man was the son of Debbikin, the director of research for the Five Families of Ord Cestus,
during the height of the Clone Wars. When his father was unable to attend meetings, Debbikin the
Younger would attend in his place. Based on feedback from his father's spies on Coruscant, Debbikin the
Younger suggested that the Five Families pledge their loyaly to the Old Republic, in order to ensure their
continued grasp on the manufacturing facilities on Ord Cestus. His goal was to have the Five Families
become the Republic's most prominent supplier of high-tech droids, bringing them to galactic prominence.
He also expressed concern over Caiza Quill's ability to maintain his position on the Five Families, since
the X'Ting failed to eliminate G'Mai Duris from her position as Regent. He was among the Five Families
members who were kidnapped by Nemonus. (TCD)
Debble Agreement
this compromise was worked out by Leia Organa-Solo and Garv Debble with the Noghri which were
cleaning up Honoghr. The Noghri had wanted to eradicate every speck of Imperial presence on the planet
Wayland, before they relocated there after the clean-up activities proved futile. The agreement was a
spur-of-the-moment, private deal that allowed certain artifacts to be recovered. One unusual outcome of
the agreement occurred after it was discovered that Emperor Palpatine maintained a variety of alien
artifacts in the cloning facility on Wayland. The New Republic tried to keep the facility a secret, but alien
races demanded that they be allowed to come to Wayland and recover their lost artifacts. In order to
support the influx of aliens, the city of New Nystao was greatly expanded beyond housing the agents of
the New Republic. (SOP, HT)

Debble, Garv
this New Republic archaeologist insisted that relics plundered by the Empire from other worlds should be
returned to their proper owners. Debble and his team were appointed to investigate and document all the
artifacts and information discovered in the Empire's Mount Tantiss facility, following the death of Grand
Admiral Thrawn. He was nearly thwarted in this effort by Ekhrikhor, who wanted all of the Emperor's
belongings destroyed. Leia Organa Solo eventually intervened and allowed Debble to complete his work.
a fruit tree that grows in the oases on Tatooine. (COJ)
an audit droid working for Zorba the Hutt on Cloud City, Debit has been programmed as a specialist in
business strategy. (QE)
this good-natured pilot and frequent patron of the Mos Eisley Cantina, Debnoli was known as an excellent
marksman. When the Empire impounded his ship, he set out on a mission of revenge, hoping to strike
back at the Empire in any way possible. (CCG9)
this Talid was one of the many which gathered along the course of the Ungasan Cross Country podrace,
taking potshots at the passing racers with a primitve slugthrower. (GMR2)
Deboora, Marse
this man was married to Sinya Deboora, and lived on the planet Seltos. Marse was a firm supporter of the
New Republic, and was unaware of his wife's pro-Imperial stance. He was convinced of her position,
however, when undercover agents from the Republic infiltrated Seltos to keep her from gaining power.
Deboora, Sinya
this woman, the wife of Marse Deboora, was the Magister of Trade for the planet Seltos. She was also a
staunch supporter of the Empire, and worked to maintain Imperial control of the planet. When the
populace rose up and overthrew the government some years after the Battle of Endor, Sinya and
Lieutenant Hensworth tried to regain power. However, a group of New Republic agents, working as part
of Freedom Strike Seltos, was able to thwart their efforts. (TSK)
Deboota, Hira
this forensic doctor worked for the State Coroner's office on Coruscant during the New Order, and was
one of the few beings ever to perform an autopsy on a Yaka. Doctor Deboota reported that the cyborg
implants of the specimen were very similar to those of a Gank Killer. Doctor Deboota went so far as to
theorize that the Gank implants were actually the "beta" versions of those which were used on the Yaka.
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, DeBrek was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "starship crafter". (GCG)
this attractive near-human female worked as a clerk in the Mos Eisley branch of Zygian Savings and
Loan. (GG7)
Deca Brun
this Galacian male was one of the primary candidates for succeeding Queen Veda, just before she
abdicated the throne. His supporters often clashed with those of Wila Prammi, although neither camp
seemed to oppose Prince Beju. Deca Brun was considered the popular favorite, having been a hero of

many battles. He lacked political experience, though, and many questioned whether he could bring about
the reforms he promised to make. He ran under the slogan that all Galacians were one people, and he
was just another on eof them. Obi-Wan Kenobi later discovered that Brun's campaign was being financed
by Offworld Mining Corporation, which was led by Xanatos. The funding was being relayed to Brun by
Lonnag Giba, through a false front known as the Galacian Mining Corporation. Brun had claimed that his
funding was coming from small Galacian interests, in order to enhance the "We Are One" motto. (MOC)
this insect, found on the planet Kubindi, is a staple in Kubaz cooking. (SWJ10)
this female Hutt, the daughter of Gardulla, was one of the more powerful crimelords of the planet Mawan,
during the years following the Great Purge. Decca once had a thriving spice smuggling business based
on C-Foroon, until she was chased off by a rival. She ended up on Mawan, and saw an opportunity to
gain power in the wake of the civil war. She was able to take control of the various power and
transportation systems of the city of Naatan, much to the consternation of Striker and the other
crimelords. It was Striker to attacked Decca's operations shortly after they were established, taking back
control of the power grids. This left Decca angry, and she held a grudge against Striker ever since.
However, when it was revealed that Striker was actually Granta Omega, Decca decided to hedge her
bets, and formed an alliance with him. She added her fleet of ships to Omega's weapons, producing a
strong opposition to the work of the Jedi Knights. However, the Jedi managed to replace the fuel she had
been storing with wastewater, thanks to Swanny Mull and Rorq, and Decca immediately assumed she
had been double-crossed by Striker. She broke off their alliance, and demanded revenge. When Decca
discovered that Omoega had fled the planet, she was forced to deal with the Jedi. Master Yoda, who had
arrived on Mawan shortly after Yaddle's death, insinuated that the Jedi had been scouting Mawan as the
site of a satellite temple for the Jedi. Decca decided immediately that she didn't need any more trouble
from the Jedi, and voluntarily left Mawan. (JQ6)
Deceleration Equalizer
a starship component that functions to help keep the ship's contents from been jostled around during
deceleration. (DE2)
Deception Sect
this religious group was made up of those Yuuzhan Vong who worshipped Yun-Harla. (HT)
this was a common name among adult Codru-Ji. (UANT)
a credit coin issued by the Empire. The obverse of the coin displayed the visage of the Emperor, while the
reverse displayed the Imperial emblem. (SE, RD)
see VT49 (LAWS)
this prototype weapons system was under development by the Old Republic, during the early stages of
the Clone Wars. The Decimator was essentially high-powered weapon that could be mounted to a tank
for mobility. This tank became known as the Decimator Tank, and could be fitted with a variety of
systems, in order to better meet the needs of specific battlefields. Information about the development of
the Decimator, which was being jointly built on Eredenn and Alaris Prime, was intercepted by Boorka the
Hutt. Boorka sold the information to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and Count Dooku
dispatched Sev'rance Tann to destroy the Decimator facilities. She obtained access codes on Alaris
Prime, the took the Eredenn facility by force. Separatist production of the Decimator Tank was begun on
Krant, but the facility was eventually destroyed by Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon and his contingent of
clone troopers. (SWDB, GBC)

Decimator Tank
this was the term used to describe the tank-like vehicle that was designed to carry the Decimator weapon
into battle. Like the Decimator itself, the tank was originally designed by the Old Republic, but was
produced by the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the plans were stolen by Sev'rance Tann.
Similarly, the Separatist manufacturing facility on Krant was later destroyed by the Grand Army of the
Republic, putting an end to the creation of Decimator Tanks. (GBC)
one of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers in Prince-Admiral Krennel's fleet, the Decisive was paired with
the Emperor's Wisdom during the blockade of Liinade III. Later, when Krennel began planning his
conquest of Coruscant, he placed the two ships - along with his flagship, the Reckoning - at the forefront
of his assault force. However, Krennel's forces were halted before they left Ciutric by a New Republic fleet
led by Admiral Ackbar and the Home One. The Decisive took heavy damage from the combined firepower
of the Home One and the Emancipator, and was knocked out of the battle early. Its crew eventually
surrendered to the New Republic. (IR)
Deck 98 Nexus 326-KK
location aboard the Chimaera where Search Team 102 was killed while searching for Luke, Mara, and
Talon Kaarde. (DFR)
Deck Sweeper
this was a model of stunning blaster produced by Merr-Sonn for use by police officers during the height of
the New Order. It was originally developed based on the plans for the BlasTech DL-87 Firespray. Unlike
the DL-87 weapon, however, the Deck Sweeper stunned its targets rather than injuring them. This gave
the Deck Sweeper a slight advantage in firepower, and the ability to disable a large number of targets
made it popular among pirates who didn't want to have the deaths of innocent people on their records.
Despite its advantages, the weapon was nonetheless rejected by the Imperial military for the same
reasons as the DL-87: a low rate of fire and short range. (PP, GUN, AEG)
Declann, Nial
this dark-skinned man was one of the original twelve Grand Admirals of the Empire. A man known for his
threatening demeanor and morose personality, Declann was also a student of the Force. He could use a
telepathic connection to his troops to merge them into a unified force. He developed his military expertise
as a soldier in the Army of the Republic, surviving the Clone Wars before joining the Empire as a TIE
Fighter pilot. His skills with the Force left him with a nagging question: why hadn't he ever been chosen
for training by the Jedi Knights? Emperor Palpatine, recognizing his military skills and strength in the
Force, began training Declann in the ways of the Sith. With these skills, Declann became one of the
primary sources of coordination during the Battle of Endor, using his telepathic skills aboard the second
Death Star to keep the Imperial forces aware of any possible Alliance threat. However, when Darth Vader
turned on the Emperor and threw him down a power shaft, Declann felt the Emperor's death through the
Force. Declann dropped his connection to the Imperial forces and tried to reach the Emperor, but the
Death Star exploded before he could reach the throne room. Declann was killed in the explosion. (SWI66)
Declaration of a New Republic
the document which sets the foundation for the New Republic, after the Battle of Endor. Released in the
month following the battle, it was signed by Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, Borsk Fey'lya, Ackbar, Sian Tevv,
Doman Beruss, Kerrithrarr, and Verrinnefra B'thog Indriummsegh. (HTSB)
Declaration of Rebellion
this was the formal document that was written by Mon Mothma and submitted to Emperor Palpatinae,
when the Alliance to Restore the Republic was formed. (NEGC)
Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets
this document set down the basic tenets upon which Mon Mothma and the Provisional Council planned to
lead the galaxy under the New Republic. It was surpassed just four weeks later by the Declaration of a
New Republic. (TBSB)

this game of mental acuity and speed was popular during the height of the New Order. Using the power of
their thoughts, players maneuvered a simulated TIE Fighter through an asteroid field, eluding the pursuit
of an opponent's vesse in an attempt to reach the far side of the asteroids. The game was played with a
networked set of mental projectors and holographic displays, allowing up to eight players to participate in
a single game. The projector units were attuned to the player's own brainwave patterns, and movements
could be performed with just a thought. (GFT)
Decon III
Industrial Automation's heavy-duty decontamination droid, the Decon III stood about 1.3 meters tall. It is
equipped with visual, infrared, and analyzation sensors, a heavy scooper, and a retracable arm. It moves
about on treads. Note that The Essential Guide to Droids indicates that the Decon III moved about on four
reinforced legs. (DFRSB, EGD)
this was the military term for a bomb expert. (SWJ3)
Decontamination Droid
Decon Droid for short, these machines are deployed into areas which - for natural or industrial reasons are inaccessible to most lifeforms. These droids use a series of catalytic and chemical processes to break
down the contaminants, removing them from the area and making it habitable again. (DFR)
this was starfighter pilot slang for the designations of rank each officer wore, and the respect and honor
they deserved from other pilots. It was used disparagingly, because it meant flight officers had to keep
their opinions to themselves. Many Captains and Commanders preferred to go "no decor" when not on a
mission or in the presence of VIPs, since it maintained morale among the squadron-mates. (SOC)
Decrilla, Damara
a noble Lady of House Mecetti, Damara was chosen to represent Mecetti in the Vor-cal hunt which took
place just before the Battle of Endor. It was rumored that she was chosen for the Vor-cal by a more
powerful noble whom she had disrespected, and that the trip was a form of punishment. (LOE)
an Imperial freighter stationed near Bonadan, under the protection of the shuttle Krayt when it was
attacked by Alliance starfighters and destroyed. (XW)
an Imperial Navy Captain who was imprisoned on Captivity for being critical and outspoken about the
atrocoties of the New Order. (RC)
Dedicated Energy Receptor
this sensory device could detect electromagnetic emissions in their surroundings. Known as a DER, this
system was accurate and effective at locating navigational beacons, comlink transmissions, and lasers,
provided that the sensor operator was skilled enough to sort the real data from the less-crucial
information. (SWSB, CCG4, CHRN)
this young woman was a graduate student of history, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo.
She was also an assistant to Doctor Murk Lundi, before the Quermian left for Kodai to recover a Sith
Holocron. In the years following the loss of the Holocron and Lundi's imprisonment by the Jedi Knights,
Dedra and Omal lived together on an unspecified planet. (JAF)
Dee Savyest
this Mrlssti was one of several who worked on projects relating to the original Death Star project. The
projects were peripheral to the original plans, but were integrated later on. Like many of the Mrlssti who
discovered the final use of their work, Dee broke down and believed that he was personally responsible

for the destruction of Alderaan. (XWPA)

Dee, Male
this man, distinguished by the stripe of red hair that ran from his forehead to his neck along the center of
his head, was a noted Senator during the last years of the Old Republic. Male Dee will be portrayed by
Kee Chan in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. (SWI76)
one of the four moons orbitting the planet Ambria. (TOJC)
Deebo Chak
this noted Rodian actor was famous for his portrayal of the Soldier in The Trickery of Vosida Nooma, just
before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
this was a slang term used by certain clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe the
DC-15 and DC-17 blaster weapons. (RCHC)
a New Republic Lieutenant working with Wedge Antilles on the Coruscant clean-up crews following the
civil wars there. (JS)
this was a tiny creature that was once native to the Ugnaught homeworld of Gentes. (MBS)
according to Ewok legend, this wind spirit gave its life to teach the Ewoks the secret of music. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
Deej Warrick
this male Ewok, the grandson of Erpham Warrick, lived on the Forest Moon of Endor with his mate,
Shodu, and their four children: Weechee, Widdle, Wicket, and Winda. It was Deej and his older sons who
discovered the Towani's crashed shuttle and took the children under their wing. His youngest son, Wicket,
became good friends with Cindel. Deej helped the Towani children rescue their parents from the giant
Gorax, and was given the White Wings of Hope by Logray, and the father and senior member of the
rescue party. However, Deej was later captured by the Marauders when they attacked the Towani camp.
He was freed by Wicket, Cindel, and Noa, and helped defeat the Marauders. Deej was portrayed by Dan
Frishman in both The Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor. (EA, BFE, SWDB)
Dee'ja Peak
this was one Naboo's smaller cities, a popular tourist destination during the height of the New Order.
this stoic scout accompanied Kendrell Shell on a mission to Kidron, where they encountered a slork
consuming a rotting corpse. (COG)
Deel Surool
this Twi'lek male was the son of wealthy merchants who had traveled to the planet Naboo shortly before
the Trade Federation blockaded the planet. Deel himself was something of a scoundrel, albeit a welleducated one, and once performed at the Royal Hutt Hotel. He later attended the Royal House of
Learning in Theed, as a way to further his own education while away from Ryloth. When the Federation
invaded the planet, Deel joined many of his classmates in joining the Naboo Underground and fighting
against the Federation's forces to free Naboo. After the advent of the New Order, Deel became

something of a celebrity, appearing in a series of holovids. However, a major spice scandal ruined his
career, and Deel retreated to the criminal underworld, becoming something of a kingpin in the spice trade
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (IOT, SWRPG, GCG)
Deel, Fargus
one of the best Corellian swoop racers, Fargus Deel was popular during the early years of the New
Republic. He rode a SoroSuub Pirate racing swoop. (DFRSB)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
an Imperial CR90 Corvette used during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Deep Core
a major stronghold of the Empire for decades, this area of the galaxy contained Byss. It was located
between the Galactic Core (where the Core Worlds are located) and the very center of the known galaxy.
It was the area of the galaxy with the greatest density of stars, and the intense gravitational mass of the
Deep Core was thought to be impenetrable until Palpatine discovered a handful of safe hyperspace
pathways. At this center of the galaxy was a huge black hole, which made spaceflight - especially through
hyperspace - extremely difficult. Many hyperspace lanes through the Deep Core were severely
constricted pathways that led to dead-ends. However, these hyperspace routes were jealously-guarded
secrets, even after the Empire was defeated at Endor and relegated to the Imperial Remnant. Because
the twisting pathways through the Deep Core were difficult to travel, Leia Organa Solo believed that they
could be used to trap the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, if only the Imperial Remnant would allow the New Republic
to have access to them. She offered Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon the Republic's complete
intelligence on the Yuuzhan Vong in exchange for the knowledge of the Deep Core's hyperspace routes.
Pellaeon gladly agreed, since the Deep Core was part of the New Republic anyway, and the knowledge
of the hyperspace routes was essentially useless to the Imperial Remnant. (DE1, EGP, DW)
Deep Core Haulers
freighters licensed by the new Empire to haul cargo into the Deep Core system of planets. (DE1)
Deep Core Mining Corporation
this mining operation received permission to mine several planets and moons in the Deep Core, including
Ebaq 9, from the Empire. (DW)
Deep Core Security Zone
sectors of the Deep Core which have been sealed off from normal space traffic. Byss is located within the
Zone. (DE1)
Deep Ocean Operations Camp
an Imperial Army training center located in the tropical seas of Sirpar. (SWJ2)
Deep Pockets
this ore processing facility was owned by Lando Calrissian, and worked in orbit over the planet Varn
some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Calrissian had added a casino and observation
gallery to the huge ship shortly before the Caamas Incident shook up the New Republic. Calrissian had
been hit quite often by pirates, and he made a loose agreement with the Diamalan ambassador Miatamia
to protect his fleet. (SOP)
Deep Spacer
this bar catered to the spacers who passed through Meirm City on Sriluur. (SSR)
Deep Spoiler
this was the Gungan term for any being who purposely tried to eliminate a rival by drowning them. The
term gained popularity during the years following the Battle of Naboo, after bongo racing became popular

and many crashes were found to be purposeful acts meant to knock other races out of contention.
this beat-up Ghtroc freighter was owned and operated by Marka Durn. He was constantly upgrading and
automating this ship's systems, with the help of his astromech droid R2-C9. (IA)
this was the name of the communications systems installed on the corvette Renegade by Moff Kentor
Sarne, during his tenure on Kal'Shebbol. The DeepLink system was installed in the ship's computer
system, and send a regular signal back to Sarne whenever the computer system was not in active use.
During these downtime periods, the Renegade transmitted information on its present location, allowing
Sarne to track its position whenver it was in realspace. This system continued to operate even after the
New Republic routed Sarne on Kal'Shebbol and refitted the Renegade as the FarStar. (DARK)
Deeply Religious
a song written and played by the band Deeply Religious. It was first released in a compilation of the same
name, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Deeply Religious
this is the definitive "banned" band, as their fast, exhilarating, and cynical music was banned by the
Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
this was a term used to describe the mental and emotional breakdown which occurred in certain
individuals who had been traveling through deep space for long periods of time. (SWI67)
DeepSpace Industries
manufacturers of deep-space exploration droids. (RPG)
Deep-space Mobile Imperial Battle Station
a popular rumor, circulated among the Alliance's soldiers, held that this was the original name used by
Bevel Lemelisk for the first Death Star. Known as the DMIBS, so the story goes, Emperor Palpatine
rejected the name as being too soft. Darth Vader eventually dubbed it the Death Star. (T4)
Deepwater-class Light Freighter
this was a Mon Calamari transport ship design, which predated the standard Mon Calamari light freighter
and was one of the first commercially-available Mon Calamari designs. It was designed for use by the
Mon Calamari Commercial Expeditionary Service, and some 10,000 of the DeepWater freighters were
produced. However, the Empire quickly dissolved the Expeditionary Service, and the DeepWater
freighters were auctioned off to private parties. Like all Mon Calamari designs, each DeepWater freighter
is slightly different. One unique feature of this freighter was that it was submersible, and could travel to a
depth of a kilometer with some adjustments to its shielding configuration. The DeepWater-class freighter
measured 45 meters in length, and was controlled by a pilot and co-pilot. It could transport up to six
passengers and 85 metric tons of cargo, and was armed with a single laser turret in its stock
configuration. (SS)
Deep-X Explorer
this is the full name of the Uulshos Dpx space yacht. (SWJ9)
this female Kadrillian was the chosen mate of Rodno. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Deerna went to live
with the Nocivs. Unfortunately for Rodno, Deerna chose to remain with the Nocivs, in order to live out her
life life her ancestors. After Rodno saved her life during the struggle to free the Kadrillians from Darth
Vader, Deerna agreed to marry Rodno when he decided to stay with the Nocivs. (LAT3)

this man was a Colonel in the Imperial Army, and served to command the ground forces deployed to the
Havoc during the assault on Edan II. After the Havoc was destroyed and the Empire ousted from EdanII,
Deers managed to escape but was not seen again. (IAG)
this Twi'lek male was one of the many Jedi Knights who served on the planet Dantooine, during the
height of the Great Sith War. Deesra spent much of his time studying the various creatures that had been
twisted into shape by the Dark Side of the Force, including the terentatek and the tuk'ata. (KOTOR)
this was a common name used by the Geonosian race. (UANT)
De'etta System
this star system was located in Sanbra Sector. (AIR)
this Arpor-Lan was one of the Alliance's premier scouts, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Deeve
held the rank of Lieutenant, and was credited with bringing several worlds from the Unknown Regiosn
and Wild Space into the Alliance, and was instrumental in the establishment of safehouses on New
Alderaan and Apliria. Following the Battle of Endor, Deeve joined the New Republic Scout Service,
serving aboard the scout ship Founder. The discovery of new worlds and civilizations never ceased to
amaze him. (GG8, AIR)
this man served the New Republic Navy as a Captain, and was one of the few Naval officers who
survived the Battle of Coruscant. When General Wedge Antilles retook the planet Borleias, in an effort to
regroup his forces, Captain Deevis was placed in charge of setting up a sensor network that tracked any
traffic moving between Coruscant and Borleias. He later served under Antilles aboard the Mon Mothma
during the liberation of Corulag. (EL1, UF)
this paranoid corporate exeuctive went to great lengths to encode and encrypt his computer files and
archives, fearing that someone was ready to steal them. (GFT)
this Nebulon-B frigate was part of the Alliance fleet which patrolled Trax Sector shortly after the Battle of
Yavin. It was dispatched to assist in the destruction of the Bissillirus Resupply Base. (GMK)
the Defel who was working at the Imperial reconditioning facility on Duro. Defeen was in charge of
Experimental Section Two, with special emphasis on reprogramming Triclops. After the escape of
Triclops and the netrayal of the Grand Moffs, Defeen was promoted by the Prophets of the Dark Side to
the position of interrogator supreme on Scardia, where he tried the Grand Moffs for treason. (MMY, PDS)
a wraith-like race that absorbs normal light through its fur and skin, appearing to be nothing more than a
shadow, Defels were native to the planet Af'El. In ultraviolet light, they appear as short, muscular lupine
humanoids with thick fur and unusual, three-jointed fingers. In the visible spectrum of light, the fur of the
Defel absorbs most wavelengths, making the creature virtually invisible to most humanoid races. They
live underground on the planet Af'El, mining the various metals in the planet's crust and outer core.
Because of their knowledge of mining and ores, Defels were known to be excellent metallurgists.
Because of their ability to "hide" in normal light, Defels were also known to be excellent hunters and
thieves. They can see equally well in the dark and in ultraviolet lighting, and their eyes appear to glow red
in normal light. In bright, normal light, however, a Defel is more or less blind. Those Defel who travel
offworld during the daylight hours must wear special visors to protect their eyes. (DFR, DFRSB, CCG,

this was the native language of the Defel race. (UANT)
this was the name given to those individuals who worked as special investigators within the Imperial
armed forces. (SWJ6)
Merr-Sonn's high-altitude ion mine, the Defender was used extensively by the Empire to blockade
rebellious worlds. The mines were deployed in orbit, and were equipped with cloaking revvers and scatter
beams to render themselves nearly undetectable. Any ship travelling within 10 kilometers of the mine
triggered the device, which fired ion energy at the ship similar to an ion cannon. The disabled ship was
forced to float in space until boarded by Imperial forces. (CFG)
this in-system starfighter was developed by the New Republic in the wake of the Battle of Endor, although
it saw its greatest popularity after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The primary mission of the 5.3meter-long Defender was to defend planets against Imperial raids. Although it lacked the speed of a AWing, the Defender was well-armed and highly maneuverable. It two wings were mounted on S-foils, and
could stowed alongside the fuselage during routine patrols or extended outward and downward when in
attack posture. It was armed with three laser cannons, one on the nose and one on each side of the
fuselage. In order to save space and weight, the Defender was not equipped with a hyperdrive. (SOP,
Drearian Defense Conglomerate's sporting blaster. Princess Leia Organa used one during her career as
Alderaan's Senator, prior to her capture aboard the Tantive IV. It was considered the prototypical sporting
blaster, and was rugged enough to be passed on through several generations. For easier storage, the
Defender could be broken down into three pieces, but only after a special code was entered into the
weapon's keypad. (RPG, AEG)
one of three Bakuran Bakura-class destroyers deployed by Hortel Ossilege in an effort to assist the New
Republic in breaking the blockade of the Corellian System. It was one of four ships, along with the
Intruder, Watchkeeper, and Sentinel, that were built specifically for the defense of the Bakura System, in
the wake of the Battle of Bakura. After the decisive battle against the Sacorrian Triad, only the Sentinel
and the Defender survived to return to their postings as part of Bakura's defense. (AS, CTD, FH2)
Defender 12
this micro-blaster weapon was produced by Gee-Tech as an alternative to a hold-out blaster. This
weapon could only fire two shots, which were designed to stun or incapacitate the target. (GUN)
Defender of the Core
see Anaxes (SWI64)
Defender Wing
this was the name of a group of New Republic Y-Wing bomber squadrons assigned to General Salm. The
wing consisted of Champion, Guardian, and Warden Squadrons. (XWN, KT)
Defender-class Assault Carrier
this starship design was one of the new classes approved for use by the New Republic Navy. It measured
700 meters in length, and was based on the Majestic-class cruiser. Its primary mission profile was as a
fighter platform, since it was only armed with 20 anti-fighter laser cannons. Like the Majestic-class cruiser,
the Defender-class carrier required a crew of 4,050, but only 20 gunners and the capacity to transport up
to 700 troops. They had Class-1 hyperdrives. They were originally designed to transport three full
squadrons of Defender starfighter, but many were modified to carry E-Wings. (SOL, CTD)

Defender-class Star Destroyer

known to the New Republic military as a "pocket Star Destroyer," these new-class ships were 65% the
size of an Imperial-I class Destroyers but had the firepower of the Imperial-II class. They were the bestdefended ships in the galaxy at the time of the Battle of N'zoth, with virtually impervious armor plating and
shields. The Defender-class could transport a full wing of starfighters for assault missions, as well as a
wing of long-range fighters. They saw limited production as the New Republic down-sized its military after
the negotiation of peace with Admiral Pellaeon and the Empire. At 1,040 meters in length, each Defenderclass ship was armed with 40 heavy turbolaser batteries, 40 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 ion cannons, 8
tractor beam projectors, and 8 concussion missile launchers. This version of Star Destroyer required a
crew of 6,795, with 244 gunners and the capacity to transport 1,600 troops. The first of these ships was
christened the Obi-Wan, after jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. (CTD, SOG, NEGV)
Defending Your Freedom
a song written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes, first released as part of the
compilation entitled Totally Patriotic. (GG9)
Defense Council
this body of the New Republic's post-Provisional government was responsible for the day-to-day security
of New Republic space. (SOL)
Defense of Naboo
this disturbing, visionary poem was the work of Naboo native Omar Berenko, written several centuries
before the Battle of Naboo. (IWE2)
Defense Research and Planetary Assistance Center
DRAPAC for short, this is an Alliance facility set up on the top of Mount Yoda on Dagobah. (MMY)
DefenStar 5000
Hibomehrt-Wyrrgex planetary shield relay system, each unit provides cover for 100 square kilometers of
surface area. (DESB)
DefenStar Limited
one of the largest planetary shield and orbital defense system manufacturers in the galaxy, DefenStar is a
non-voting contributing sponsor of the Corporate Sector Authority. They created the customized,
interlocking shield system that surrounds the main Imperial Academy worlds, although it has never been
revealed where they are or how the system works. (CSA)
Defensus Solar
this private security force was hired by the Geelan to enforce the law on Zirtran's Anchor, during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ5)
this man worked for the Fernandin Scouting Expedition, and was in charge of the initial scouting efforts
which sought to find a suitable planet for Wetyin's Colony. (GG2)
an Alliance cruiser patrolling near Bestine IV when the Star Destroyer Merciless attacked the Alliance
base on the planet. The cruiser barely escaped the attack. (MTS)
the first MC90 cruiser used by the New Republic, it was used as the New Republic's flagship, and also
Ackbar's personal vessel, following the Battle of Endor and the 'retirement' of Home One. (DE1, DESB)
an MC80a star cruiser, it endured an attack from the Star Destroyer Immortal. It later served as the
command ship of the Alliance's rear guard fleet during the Battle of Endor, coordinating the crossfire
attacks against Imperial warships. (XW, CCG11)

this Imperial Star Destroyer was under the command of Captain Essenton during the height of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. In the wake of the Battle of Bastion, the Defiant was equipped with
a gravitic amplitude modulator and reprogrammed by Jacen Solo and the Galactic Alliance to allow the
Imperial forces to destroy a Yuuzhan Vong yammosk. With Borosk successfully defended, Grand Admiral
Pellaeon sent the Defiant to Yaga Minor, where is once again helped drive off the Yuuzhan Vong. (FH1)
Deflection tower
a system of high-intensity deflector shields mounted on a configurable tower, these devices are the basis
for many planetary defense systems. (SW)
Deflector shield
a force field that either repels or absorbs energy, a deflector shield was the primary means of protection
used by most starships. These shields proved to be most useful in the vacuum of space, where the lack
of atmosphere allowed them to operate at full capacity. (SW, HTTE)
a series of levels of readiness used to define the operations of the Death Star battle station. Defstat Zero
indicated the normal operation of the station. Defstat One indicated that the station was on alert, and all
defenses were upgraded to operational station. This level is only a warning level. Defstat Two indicates
that an enemy craft has been identified in the space surrounding the Death Star's position. Defstat Three
was the highest level, indicating that the station was actively engaged in combat. (DSTC)
this world, the primary planet in the Dega System of the Elrood Sector, was the primary mining colony for
Radell Mining Corporation until the veins of minerals and ores dried up during the early years of the New
Order. The miners left the planet, leaving rusting equipment and a polluted ecosystem behind. Smugglers
have taken refuge on the planet, hiding in the safest mining tunnels. Dega's day takes up 19 standard
hours, and its year encompasses 295 local days. (PG3, OE)
Degan Explorations
this company is a subsidiary of Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company. Degan was
responsible for searching out new worlds that Chiewab could exploit for their chemical resources. (CSA)
Degan Gas Clouds
this pockets of interstellar gases and molecular matter isolated the Dega and Osirrag Systems from the
rest of Elrood Sector. However, the gas clouds were segmented, and travel between Dega and Kidron
was actually quite easy. (OE)
Degan Pirates
this was the name given to the raiders who operated in the Dega System during the last decades of the
Old Republic. The Degan Pirates were decimated when they tried to attack a Trade Federation convoy,
only to discover that Trade Federation Battleships - loaded with droid starfighters - had been hidden
within the convoy. (SON)
Degarian II
this was one of the faster starships owned by Senator Crote of Frego, during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. He allowed Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to take the ship to Coruscant, escorting
Lena Cobral back to the capital world to testify against the Cobral family. However, the Jedi were wary of
another trap set by the Cobral family, and opted to hire passage back to Coruscant. When the Jedi finally
did arrive on Coruscant, they learned that the Degarian II had been attacked while en route, and that
there were no survivors. The ship itself was destroyed in the ambush. (TOW)
Degarienne, Anii
this woman was Matt Turhaya's wife. She died about a year before the Imperial attack on Janara III, in a
freak accident at a weapons manufacturing facility. Matt was forced to place their daughter, Alex, in the
custody of relatives on Janara III. In the wake of the Imperial attack there, Alex was taken in by Tork

Winger. (SWJ7)
an Imperial freighter supplying Zaarin's beam weapon research platform. (TIE)
Marg Sonat and Pari' Notgoth were both nearly killed on this planet, when a criminal enterprise they
schemed up went awry. (POC)
this was one of the repulsorlift-equipped, floating cities found on the planet Rordak. (PG1)
DeGoort, Val
this man served the Imperial Navy as an Admiral during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was in
command of the flagship Valor, in orbit around Goroth Prime, and controlled the ships which patrolled the
Goroth System. He was respected by his subordinates, but a mistake in which he accidentally rammed
the Valor into another ship during a training exercise earned him a demerit and the posting at Goroth
Prime. For his own part, Admiral DeGoort despised Crela Nen and her adherence to every shred of
Imperial bureaucracy. (GSE)
this Corellian criminal served Black Sun under Zekka Thyne, before the alien was imprisoned on Kessel.
Deign Lian
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior was from a prestigious family of warriors, and served as Shedao Shai's
second-in-command during the subjugation of Dubrillion and Destrillion. However, Deign Lian himself had
shown none of his family's ruthlessness in battle when he was assigned to the Legacy of Torment. Deign
constantly questioned Shedao's commands, unable to fully understand the military and psychological
aspects of the invasion plans. This did not stop him from plotting with the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster in
their home galaxy, reporting on Shedao Shai's every move and highlighting his every mistake.
Meanwhile, he obeyed Shedao Shai, although occasional lapses brought anger and physical retaliation
from Shai. After Shedao Shai died in a duel with Corran Horn on Ithor, Deign Lian assumed command of
the Yuuzhan Vong forces and unleashed a bioweapon on Ithor, reducing virtually all forms of life to
bacteria-ridden husks. He then made to return to Dubrillion, where he awaited orders from Tsavong Lah.
However, Traest Kre'fey ordered the Corusca Rainbow to activate her gravity well projectors, keeping the
Yuuzhan Vong ships near Ithor and reducing their ability to defend themselves with dovin basals. In the
end, the ships of the New Republic decimated the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Deign Lian was killed when the
Legacy of Torment exploded under heavy fire. (DTR)
this young woman was a member of The Young, and a contemporary of Nield and Cerasi. After the elders
of the Daan and Melida were defeated, Deila was named to the new government's Young Security
Squad, serving as Obi-Wan Kenobi's second-in-command. After Nield exiled Obi-Wan, Deila tried to
remain loyal to Nield. When he ordered her to allow Mawat to retrieve the weapons Obi-Wan had stored,
she allowed him to do it because Nield was the governor. However, she learned from Joli that Mawat
wanted to take control of Zehava for himself. Joli and Deila hid after Mawat ordered them to take up arms,
hoping to flee the inevitable war that was brewing. They then provided information to Qui-Gon Jinn and
Obi-Wan Kenobi, telling the Jedi of Mawat's deception. (DOD, UP)
this Jawa worked as a mechanic in the city of Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, where he was known to take more
naps than complete chores he was assigned. Deja had been exiled from his tribe because of his
prophetic visions, which included the arrival of "white-skeleton warriors" on Tatooine. His shaman, after
finding the remains of a disabled sandcrawler in the desert shortly afterward, exiled Deja out of fear.
During a repair job, Deja fell asleep in the hold of a transport. A malfunction in the drive systems caused
the ship to lift off and jump into hyperspace, and it was Deja who managed to repair the hyperdrive. The

crew accepted him for a short while, but his smell and his constant cursing quickly irritated them. They
dropped Deja off on an unspecified world and fled. Deja spent the rest of his time catching naps and
traveling the galaxy, and stopped over on the planet Nubia for a short while during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (CCW)
a holographic game played on a circular board with holographic pieces, dejarik was one of the oldest and
most popular games ever created in the galaxy. Chewbacca had a dejarik table on board the Millennium
Falcon, and was considered something of a master player. The exact origins of dejarik have been lost in
time, and scholars and historians continue to argue over them. (CCG, CCG2, GFT)
the back feet of this creature were considered to be good luck charms, and were often worn on a short
chain. (GG11)
this young man served the Old Republic navy as an Ensign aboard the Ranger, during the height of the
Clone Wars. When the Ranger was boarded by Separatist battle droids, during the fight for control of the
planet Praesitlyn, Ensign Dejock was able to lead Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon and a small force to engage
them before they could take control of the ship. (JT)
this was a common name among the Yuzzem race. (UANT)
this young man was a computer slicer, and worked with Shell to steal data from a New Republic
Intelligence agency computer shortly after the Starbuster Plot was exposed. They were eventually caught
when a tracer, planted on Deke, led Lieutenant Prace to their position. (CTD)
Deke, Thickston
this Alliance Commander was in charge of the ground forces dedicated to protecting the city of Chakton
from Imperial forces, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (MB)
Dekeet, Ib
this man was an Imperial Governor who survived the upheaval following the Battle of Endor. He later
joined Moff Ardus Kaine in forming the Pentastar Alignment. (SWJ3)
manufacturers of high-quality power couplings. (TME)
this was a top-of-the-line Dekk power coupling, produced during the height of the New Order. (TME, HFG)
Dekker, Sann
this man was one of the prison guards known as the Helmet Squad, working at the Oovo IV prison facility
during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Dekker was one of a multitude of corrupt guards at the
facility, and was known as a ruthless extortionist. A group of Hutt crimelords placed a bounty being placed
on Dekker's head, in connection with several other bounties which targetted members of the Helmet
Squad. Jango Fett eventually claimed during his "rescue" of Bendix Fust. (BH)
this Sephi was a Commander in the armed forces that protected the planet Thustra during the height of
the Clone Wars. When the Old Republic arrived on Thustra in an attempt to persuade King Alaric to
remain with the Republic, Dekluun and his forces were deployed to protect the palace. However,
Dekluun's position was betrayed by Senator Navi, who provided their location to the clone troopers being
led by the Jedi Padawan Pix. Pix ordered Commander Clutch to attack, and their assault destroyed the
base from which Dekluun was working. All soldiers, including Dekluun himself, were killed in the blast.

Deko Neimoidia
this was one of the primary Neimoidian purse-worlds, during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWI71)
at the advent of the New Republic, this was one of the twelve continents of the planet Kriekaal. It was
located in the northen hemisphere, and was controlled by the Kherkhaman tribe. (SWJ13)
Deksi Fivvl
this old Aqualish served as Naz Felyood's longtime engineer aboard the pirate ship Jynni's Virtue during
the height of the New Order. Fivvl also served as the ship's parttime historian, since one of his primary
hobbies was studying the history of the galaxy. Much of his information was shoddy at best, but Deksi
produced enough valid information to keep the crew from getting into trouble. Much of Deksi's information
about the planet Korriban, however, was later rendered inaccurate by the Jedi historians of the New
Republic. After landing on Korriban, Deksi and the crew found themselves beset by Korriban Zombies,
when Captain Felyood tried to take the Heart of Graush. In an effort to make sure the zombies didn't get
the ship, Babbnod Luroon set off the self-destruct mechanism, killing the remaining crew as well as the
zombies. (PH)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Del described a philosopher or idealist, or referred to philosophy.
this Alliance soldier was assigned to Oracle Base, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (FBS)
Del Korrot
this Cerean emerged from the Clone Wars and presented himself to Emperor Palpatine as a Jedi hunter.
Palpatine was amused by Del Korrot's audacity, and agreed to support Korrot's efforts within the Empire.
Palpatine allowed Korrot to freelance outside the Empire's borders, so long as his Imperial duties were
completed. Using the starship Shadow I, Del Korrot traveled the galaxy looking for any Jedi Knights who
might have survived the Jedi Purge. He wore a suit of cortosis-impregnated armor, and often killed
innocent beings simply because they were in the way. He claimed these innocents were latent Forcesensitives, but Emperor Palpatine began to tire of his unnecessary killings. The Emperor sent Darth
Vader to eliminate Del Korrot, and the Cerean was unable to overcome all the methods of attack the Dark
Lord could bring at him. Eventually, Vader was able to strike down Del Korrot and kill him. (DSSB)
Del Velmor
this was the capital city of the planet Velmor. (WOTC)
Del, Shondra
this Alliance agent was instrumental in bringing together the rebellious forces in Elrood Sector, and was
responsible for recruiting Jacob Nive and the Khuiumin Survivors into the struggle against Moff Andal.
She spent much of time in Elrood Sector posing as the independent Captain of the freighter Stars of
Elrood, which allowed her to remain in contact with Gwynn, the owner of Gwynn Dispatch and Shondra's
primary contact. Under cover, she worked with the Friends of Paran, supplying them with goods and
armament while cultivating their ties to the Alliance. Eventually, the Friends of Paran led her to Jacob
Nive. (OE)
this planet was the financial center of the Centrality. Dela was Lando Calrissian's destination after winning
the Millennium Falcon in a sabacc match. Unfortunately, Lando's piloting and astrogation skills were
poorly suited for hyperspace travel, and he ended up in the Oseon system instead. (LCM, ECH)

Delacrix System
this planetary system orbited a configuration of three stars. During the last decades of the Old Republic,
there was a thriving trade between all the inhabited worlds of the system. (FFT)
Delahrg, Riggins
this man was the Imperial Governor of Tallaso during the Galactic Civil War, and was known as the
consummate conman. He enjoyed a good life onTallaso, but was always a big fish in a little pond.
Following the Battle of Endor, the Empire forgot about Tallaso, and Delahrg was overthrown in a coup de
etat. He fled to Vandron, where he bluffed his way into a position on the planetary government. That
government crumbled, and Delahrg was once again without a job. However, he found steady work as a
politician-for-hire, selling his verbal skills and knowledge of Imperial politics to the highest bidder. (HR)
this was the natural moon of the planet Junction 5. Delaluna had a breathable atmosphere, and many
settlers from Junction 5 chose to make their home on the moon. More than 20 years before the onset of
the Clone Wars, the natives of Delaluna were believed to have developed a weapon that could be used to
against large-scale targets. While the authorities on Delaluna denied the existence of the weapon, the
natives of Junction 5 - who called it the Annihilator - lived in constant fear of being destroyed by it. (LOJ)
Delan, Gendal
a native of Pendarr III, this man was the leader of the military group known as Pendarran Warriors. They
assisted the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic during the Clone Wars, and were later targeted for
elimination during Emperor Palpatine's purge of the Jedi. Gendal was killed by Imperial agents, leaving
his son Kolor an orphan. (WBC)
Delan, Kolor
a native of the planet Pendarr III, Kolor was the son of Gendal Delan. When Emperor Palpatine rose to
power and eliminated the Jedi Knights, he also eliminated the Pendarran Warriors. His purge included
Kolor's father, Gendal, and Kolor grew to hate the Empire with every fiber of his being. When he was old
enough, the orphaned Kolor formed his own military operation, Pendarran's Revenge. This new group
assisted the Alliance several times during the Galactic Civil War, but after the Battle of Endor, Kolor
turned his attention to the New Republic. It was unknown if he held a grudge against the fledgeling
government, or if someone hired Pendarran's Revenge to act against them. (WBC)
Deland Tyerell
born on Tatooine, this Aleena was the son of the noted podracer, Ratts Tyerell. A noted podracer himself,
Deland went by the nickname of "Pabs" during his racing career. He got his start with his brother, Doby,
racing on backwater worlds in unsactioned races such as the race through the Great Dordon Caves on
Euceron. It was on Euceron that Deland and Oby made friends with Anakin Skywalker, and Deland even
defended the young Jedi Padawan during a fight with Sebulba. The scuffle which ensued left Deland with
a broken arm, but this left Anakin to pilot their podracer. Their well-intentioned plan to free their sister,
Djulla, from slavery nearly cost Anakin his life, as they had agreed to assist Maxo Vista in rigging the
race. Only Anakin's skill kept him alive and avoided disaster. However, Doby and Deland knew that they
were in big trouble. In the confusion of the race's finish, they grabbed their sister and fled Euceron. In the
wake of his father's death at the Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine, Deland dropped his nickname and
established the Ratts Tyerell Foundation, with the goal of outlawing podracing on the pretext of the
emotional damage it can cause to the families of the racers. Just before the Clone War, Delend managed
to convince the authorities at the Doolis Podrace Arena, on Caprioril, to cancel their annual race. (HNN4,
this planet sided with the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and was supportive prior to the Battle of
Yavin. The planet was rich in ores and minerals that were used to create parts of many weapons, which
made it a strategic asset. After the battle, the Alliance chose Trux Zissu to act as the planet's governor.
The natives of the planet spoke no less than sixteen different languages. The year on Delatine lasts just
over 365 local days. (SA1, SA2)

Delari Prime
this primary planet in the Delari System, located in the Corva Sector, was a bountiful world until it was hit
by an asteroid several millenia before the Galactic Civil War. As a result, the planet pushed closer to the
twin stars at the center of the system. The climatic changes which occurred rendered Delari Prime a
desert wasteland. The Empire established a communications base on Delari Prime, but it was abandoned
after the Battle of Endor. The base was eventually sold to an elderly archaeologist. (SWJ6)
Delassin VI
this oceanic world had a strong heritage of seagoing merchants and sailors. They have taken repulsorlift
technology and used it to make life on the sea easier. (SWJ6)
Delat Personal Electronics
this small corporation, based in the Elrood Sector, produced a variety of consumer goods, including
datapads and holographic projectors. (PG3)
another planet in the Alderaan System. It was home to an Alliance satellite transmission station which
orbitted the planet. Carlist Rieekan was inspecting the station when the first Death Star blown up
Alderaan. (MTS)
Delaya-class Courier
this ancient Hoersch-Kessel starship was highly aerodynamic, having a number of large steering vanes
and airfoils. These were tied into a computer system that could adjust each one's angle for maximum
maneuverability. The ship's twenty-one engines were arranged in groups of three, and each group was
connected to a servo-mechanism that allowed them to be independently positioned for direction and
maximum thrust. The Delaya-class could attain speeds of 950 kilometers an hour in atmosphere. The
stock ship was lightly armed, and had minimal hull plating. These could be added for combat use,
although the Delaya-class was designed to transport personnel from planet to planet. The Delaya-class
courier measured 70 meters in length, and required a pilot and co-pilot to operate. The ship had room for
up to 8 passengers and 10 metric tons of cargo, and was often armed with a front-mounted proton
torpedo launcher and a pair of turret-mounted laser cannons. (EGV, TOJC)
Delbaeth, Ivixa
this ancient man was one of a handful of forward-thinking Jedi Masters who developed the idea of
creating a mobile base of operations for the Jedi of the Old Republic. Some 400 years before the Battle of
Yavin, these Jedi Masters felt that the Jedi - as well as the rest of the Republic - were resting on their
laurels, and needed to ensure their continued development and advancement or become stagnant. To
this end, Delbaeth and his fellow Jedi designed the massive training ship Chu'unthor, to serve as mobile
base of operations from which the Jedi could observe the galaxy and keep pace with its trends. (PJSB)
Delban Faxicorp
this Nimbanese droid manufacturer was headquartered on Nimban itself. (GG12)
Delban Serv-O-Droid
this was the corporate conglomerate which owned the Serv-O-Droid corporation. (SWJ11)
Delcas HoloVid
this entertainment company was actually a dummy corporation established by Imperial agent Renik
during the Galactic Civil War. (SESB)
Delckis, Rannd
an Alliance Communications Officer who served on the Flurry at Bakura, Delckis was a native of the
Virgillian System and a veteran of the Virgillian Civil War. Delckis was born into the aristocracy, and even
attended the Imperial Academy. After graduation, Delckis served on the Stormwind as a junior
communications assistant. Fatefully, the Stormwind was ordered to the Virgillian System to put down
rebellious activity on the primary planet's forested moon. Delckis was forced to accompany his
commanding offcier, Captain Jarroth, to the moon's surface, where he witnessed the brutal interrogation

of suspected freedom fighters. Rather than return to the oppression of the Empire, Delckis defected and
stayed behind when the Stormwind took off. However, Delckis was not welcomed into the ranks of the
freedom fighters with open arms, given his family history and his initial support of the Empire. Tessa
Manchisco, however, recognized his skills and his loyalties, and requested his presence onboard the
Flurry. Rannd proved to be an invaluable resource, providing the Virgillians with expertise in the use of
Imperial sensors and the HoloNet. Unfortunately, Delckis was killed when the Flurry was destroyed during
the Battle of Bakura. (TB, TBSB)
Deld, Corlin Quarle
this man was Daven Quarle's grandfather, and one of the principle owners of Verkuylian BactaCo. He
was considered one of the leaders of the planet Verkuyl, until it was nationalized by the Empire. He was
known as a cautious, even paranoid, businessman, and the headquarters of Verkuylian BactoCo were
riddled with secret passageways and hidden rooms. It was Deld who bought the planet Verkuyl originally,
recognizing the potential profits of the vast alazhi forests. He built the factories and hired the workers, and
was known as a fair and honest leader despite the fact that he held the workers as indentured workers on
ten-year contracts. When the Empire nationalized Verkuyl, Deld erased the entire computer database on
Verkuylian BactaCo, in an effort to ensure the Imperial forces wouldn't see his business dealings. (TFNR)
a planet which was home to an ancient race of primitive tribemen. (GG2)
Delefrenquin, Morgraine
this woman was a noted entertainment reporter for the Chandrilan Daily Messenger during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
a planet. (HNN4)
this shipping corporation was harrassed by pirates in the Vexta Belt, until it mobilized its own militia and
wiped them out. (SWJ3)
this short-statured woman was one of the many individuals who lived and worked on the BioCruiser in the
year following the Battle of Naboo. She was sent by Uni to greet Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
when they arrived on the ship at the behest of the Old Republic Senate. (JAD)
the Telosian gladiator was one of the combatants in the game of Katharsis, several years before the
Battle of Naboo. (DOR)
this Alliance soldier was the only rookie chosen for inclusion in Han Solo's Endor assault team. He served
under Bren Derlin, but he was a nervous, trigger-happy youth. He nearly gave the commandos' position
away trying to take pot-shots at the Imperial forces, but Derlin was able to restrain him each time. Note
that the Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Endor expansion claims Delevar was a veteran of the
Battle of Hoth. He was a scout and medic for Solo's assault team, and prided himself on being an effiicent
soldier in General Madine's commando forces. (MTS, CCG10)
this was one of the most common names used by the Farghul people. (UANT)
Delfii System
it was in this deepspace system that the Alliance to Restore the Republic held a military summit to
discuss the assault on the second Death Star, just prior to the Battle of Endor. (TIE)

this smuggler worked the Minos Cluster, and was based on the planet Travnin. (SWJ14)
Delgas Medical
a pharmaceutical corporation headquartered on Kabaira. (SWJ7)
this was one of the many provinces found on the planet Ansion. (APS)
this starship was owned by the Corellian resistance during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. It
was donated to the Alliance, and was part of the fleet supporting Red Hand Squadron and the
Retribution. (RD)
Della, Gaylan
this Alliance agent's cell was based on the planet Veron, but was compromised by Imperial spies who
managed to infiltrate its ranks. Della himself was captured, but was later rescued by an Alliance team
sent to Veron to investigate his disappearance. (PG1)
a planet located within the Tion Hegemony, Dellalt was at one time part of a strategic cluster of pre-Old
Republic Expansionist growth. It was during this period that the planet came under the watchful eye of
Xim the Despot, who hoped to use it as his base of operations when he began his galactic conquest.
Dellalt became the primary jewel in Xim's empire. He built huge vaults on the planet's southern continent,
and the starship Queen of Ranroon was en-route to deliver a huge shipment of war materiel when Xim fell
at the Third Battle of Vontor. The Queen was hidden in the mountains near the vaults, until it was
discovered by Han Solo and Badure. Since then, a large mining operation has flourished on Dellalt, but it
started to stagnate under the ownership of J'uoch and R'all. As with much of the Tion Hegemony during
the rule of Emperor Palpatine, Dellalt was virtually forgotten. Dellalt has two natural satellites, and is
home to the Swimming People, a race of aquatic sauropteroids. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, Dellalt was overrun during the second wave of attacks. (HSL, HT, EGP)
Dellalt Project
this was the official name of the academic search for the Queen of Ranroon, which was led by Skynx.
name given to the human inhabitants of Dellalt. (HSL)
Dellaltian Bank and Currency Exchange
one of the few major banks in the Tion Hegemony. (HSL)
Delle II
this planet produces much of the galaxy's supply of hemmel. (SWJ3)
Delline, Lynia
a member of the Alliance recruiting team that went to Agamar, Lynia discovered Keyan Farlander and
introduced him to Captain Beme. She is a half-human, although she never revealed her full ancestry.
this smuggled used an M39 ComTech communications jammer aboard his ship, during the last years of
the New Order. Whenever he was boarded, Dellio activated the communications jammer and disrupted
the communication between the customs ship and its boarding crew, allowing Dellio and his crew to
escape. (GUN)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "desired" or "irresistable". (GCG)

Dellis Yuls
a Quarren working for Ororo Transportation as its Chief of Security, Yuls was killed by Guri when she
came to discuss Xizor's displeasure at Ororo's entry into the spice trade. (SE)
Delois, Ygal
this man was one of the best fighters of his generation on the planet Shiva IV. He pledged his allegiance
to Aron Peacebringer during the years leading up to the Battle of Hoth, working with both human and
T'Syriel to unite the population of the planet. Delois served as Aron's chief aide, ensuring that the day-today running of Illyriaqum was handled smoothly. During a mission to investigate the fate of the city of
K'avor, Delois and Aron discovered Leia Organa, who had crashlanded on the planet. Leia was in the
sector to investigate the build-up of Imperial forces in the area, and her shuttle had been hit by a
micromine. Unknown to Aron at the time, Delois was plotting to overthrow his leadership of the Calian
Confederacy and assume control for himself. He allied himself with Imperial General Sk'ar, and helped
ensure that Aron was captured. His dreams of power were shattered, however, when Luke Skywalker,
Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca arrived on Shiva IV to rescue Leia. They apprehended Sk'ar's warship
as it attempted to destroy Illyriaqum, and Delois was defeated by Luke in combat. Delois was captured
and put in prison as a traitor to the Calian Confederacy. (MC53, MC53)
a legendary race of aliens which were supposed to have inhabited a system near the Galactic Core, the
Delorf were a pastoral race who never cared for technology. Among them, some Delorf were able to
sense hostility and evil in another being, regardless of race. The Delorf then performed a ceremony
known as renik to cleanse the individual. (ISB)
a Dimok cargo hauler used during the Sepan Civil War, as well as in battle against the Empire. (TIE)
this planet was the site of a battle between the Black Hole Gang and the Empire, some years before the
Battle of Yavin, in which most of the pirate gang was killed. Amaiza and the survivors eventually
regrouped, however, and continued to operate in the Outer Rim Territories. (MC8)
Delphon System
a star system located near the Ison Corridor. (SWJ11)
this corporation produced large-scale deflector shield generators for use on capital ships. (FOP)
Delrian was a prison planet used to incarcerate the worst of criminals. During their stay on Delrian,
prisoners were put to work in the mines that riddled the planet's crust, excavating ores that were sold to
help fund the prison's operations. During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Wat Tambor was
incarcerated there before he was rescued by Separatist commandos. Doctor Evazan was also imprisoned
there, until he escaped to the Hindasar System. Use of the Delrian prisons continued during the early
years of the New Republic, as a deterrent against the various forms of unrest that cropped up in the wake
of the Battle of Endor. (MTS, SWI67, GCG)
Delta 1
this was one of two zinsian procesing plants located in the Nihun Valley, on the planet Brosi. (AIR)
Delta 2
this was one of two zinsian procesing plants located in the Nihun Valley, on the planet Brosi. (AIR)
Delta Base
Mors Odrion and Rekara were assigned to this Alliance base shortly after the Battle of Yavin. It was
located on the moon of New Kisge, in Suolriep Sector. The base was named for the famed Delta Unit of
Scandium Team. (BGS, SSR, SWJ11)

Delta Case
this was Admiral Traest Kre'fey's plan for extricating Corran Horn and his team from Garqi, during the
Yuuzhan Vong occupation of the planet. It involved a new tactic of battling against coralskippers, forcing
them to maneuver and drawing power away from they dovin basal shields. (DTR)
Delta Emergency Code
this was the Imperial code signal which activated the bounty hunters who were protecting Project Orrad
on Venaari, during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ5)
Delta Flight
this was one of two training squadrons created by the Royal Naboo Defense Force, dedicated to training
starfighter pilots for the Space Fighter Corps. Graduates of the training program for Delta Flight were
assigned to Echo Flight for further training. (SFT)
Delta Seven
this sector of the planet Jerne saw many battles during the Galactic Civil War. (CSWDW)
Delta Source
this was the name given to the Imperial source of information about the activities of the New Republic,
some five years after the Battle of Endor. It was one of many espionage systems left behind by the
Empire when Coruscant was retaken by the Republic. Delta Source, however, wasn't a being. It was a
fairly simple combination of technology and nature. One of the vast number of maintenance droids that
worked in the natural areas surrounding the Imperial Palace made regular stops to prune and maintain
the ch'hala trees grown nearby. These ch'hala trees, which reacted to all manner of vibration, served as a
form of organic microphone. Deep inside one of these trees, attached to its taproot, was a
communications tube that had fiber sensors implanted to the tree and a comm link. The maintenance
droid would download information that had been recorded by the ch'hala tree, then transmit it on top of
other maintenance information. Because of the effects of Delta Source, the early leaders of the New
Republic considered moving their base of operations off Coruscant. Before they knew the true nature of
Delta Source, it was believed that Delta Source was a technology-based system that was built into the
Imperial Palace. (HTTE, TLC)
Delta Squad
this was one of the first groups of clone troopers that were trained as commandos, during the build-up to
the Battle of Geonosis and the Clone Wars. Because they were one of the first two such squads decanted
on Kamino, Delta Squad was the first to experience the intense rush of information provided by the
heads-up display inside the helmet of their Katarn armor. Like most such units, Delta Squad was made up
of four specially-trained troopers - nicknamed Darman, Jay, Taler, and Vin - who were trained to fight as a
unit, without assistance. Unfortunately, Darman was the only member of Delta Squad to survive the Battle
of Geonosis. (RCHC)
Delta Squadron
this was Captain Milnn's squadron of Imperial TIE Fighters, serving as part of Admiral Giel's armada
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (MC61)
Delta Team
this Alliance Special Forces unit was named for Scandium Team's Delta Unit. (SWJ11)
Delta Unit
this was the most successful unit of the Alliance's Scandium Team. (SWJ11)
Delta Wave Inducer
this was a form of sleep-inducing device that claimed to provide a night's of rest and relaxation in just a
ten-minute nap. (MJH)
Delta-12 Skysprite
this small, two-person transport ship was developed by Kuat Drive Yards during the years leading up to

the Clone Wars. It was equipped with sublight engines, and required a separate hyperdrive ring to achive
faster-than-light travel. The Delta-12 was essentially a larger version of the Delta-7 Aethersprite, although
the weapons systems were removed. Note that the description of the Delta-Twelve as a larger version of
the Delta-Seven comes from Survivor's Quest, which places a Delta-Twelve aboard the D-Three
Dreadnaught of Outbound Flight. However, the HoloNet News website indicates that the Delta-Seven was
a new ship developed shortly before the Clone Wars. This was at or after the time that the Outbound
Flight Project was supposed to have been launched. About ten years after the Battle of Geonosis, Kuat
Drive Yards sold the entire Delta line to Sienar Fleet Systems, choosing to concentrate on capital ships
instead of fighters. (SQ)
Delta-6 Aethersprite
this was a starfighter developed during the years following the Battle of Naboo. This may simply be a
typographical error in Jedi Quest: The School of Fear, referring instead to the Delta-7 Aethersprite. About
ten years after the Battle of Geonosis, Kuat Drive Yards sold the entire Delta line to Sienar Fleet
Systems, choosing to concentrate on capital ships instead of fighters. Where the Delta-7 was essentially
a sort-bodied snubfighter, the Delta-6 was a long-nosed fighter, although it retained the arrowhead shape
and rear cockpit location. (JQ5, SQ, TCG8)
this modified Aethersprite-class light interceptor was part of the small fleet of ships maintained by the Jedi
Knights, some 22 years before the Battel of Yavin. Used by Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Delta-7 was one of the
first ships to be equipped with a TransGalMeg Syliure-31 hyperdrive booster ring, giving it independence
from a hyperdrive-equipped support ship. About ten years after the Battle of Geonosis, Kuat Drive Yards
sold the entire Delta line to Sienar Fleet Systems, choosing to concentrate on capital ships instead of
fighters. (SWDB, X2, SQ)
Delta-9 Base
this top-secret base was maintained by the New Republic, in the wake of the Battle of Endor. Rogue
Squadron and elements of the Republic's fleet were staged there, in preparation for the assault on
Brentaal IV. Its exact location was never revealed. (XWES)
Delta-class Shuttle
any fast transport shuttle, such as the JV-7 from Cygnus Spaceworks. (TIE)
Delta-class Transport
a transport ship designed by Telgorn Corporation. (XW)
Deltron Spice Wine
this was a strong, spicy wine which was favored in some of the galaxy's seedier cantinas. Unlike most
alcoholic beverages, which acted as depressants when imbibed, Deltron Spice Wine was an addictive
stimulant. (LTA4, MC24)
this was one of the four Imperial pilots who agreed to defect from service aboard the Rand Ecliptic with
Biggs Darklighter, just prior to the Battle of Yavin. He later helped Biggs and the Alliance steal a group of
X-Wing starfighters from the main Incom Industries' facility, shortly before the attack on the first Death
Star. During the mission, it was Delund who discovered the headless body of Peate Kurin, after the pilots
ejected from their TIE Fighters. (SWED)
a Carbanti-built starship. (MMY)
Deluxe Boarding Armor
this was a form of armored spacesuit produced by Wrokix Works, during the last years of the New Order.

this was another name for the Mobquet Swoops and Speeders A-1 Deluxe landspeeder. (HNN4)
manufacturers of hyperdrive motivator systems during the Clone Wars, they are located in the Corellian
Sector. (SWSB)
one of the high-ranking Imperial officers that survived the death of the Empire, Delvardus set up his own
fleet deep in the Core Systems. He was one of the many warlords fighting for control of the Empire, and
was present when Daala convened the warlords at Tsoss Beacon. Delvardus was a tall, skeletal man with
dark brown hair and bright white eyebrows. He had been secretly using Imperial funds to built his own
Super-class Star Destroyer, known as the Night Hammer. He had proclaimed himself Superior General,
but like all the other warlords whose squabbling had kept them from making any real headway against the
New Republic, he died at Tsoss Beacon when Daala poisoned him. (DS)
Delvaren, Andos
this tall Rabaanite warrior was forever known as the second-best of his caste. He wore the warrior's red
bandoleer, and had been awarded the sunburst sigil of a combat artst. However, Andos was continually
bested by Mika Streev, and this rankled Andos deeply. He desired to be the best, to have the power and
prestige that came with being his planet's chosen champion. To this end, he agreed to help the Empire
subjugate the Ishanna System. Andos hoped that this would allow him to kill Streev and become
Rabaan's champion. He brought the Imperials to the Combat Moon just as Streev and the S'krrr Sh'shak
were about to do battle. Andos brought with him a contingent of stormtroopers led by a man named Jan,
and tried to lure Streev away. Streev was too quick, and he killed Jan before advancing on Andos. Andos
realized that Streev was going to kill him as well, and fled the battle. (SWJ9)
a native of the Forest Moon of Endor, this being was a Prince among his people. Prince Delvy was to be
the guest of honor at a fete held by Chief Chirpa and his daughter, Kneesaa, but the party was disrupted
by the Pugs. (ECAR)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, DeMaal was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "space station crafter". (GCG)
DeMain, Leger
a native of Erysthes, this man was known as one of the galaxy's premier illusionists. In his youth, Leger
was a virtual slave to the Corporate Sector Authority, toiling in the chak-root fields until he managed to
escape by hijacking an Authority ship and fleeing with his family and friends. He later adopted the name
of Leger DeMain, and pursued his dream of acting in holofeatures. He became one of the galaxy's most
recognized entertainers, leading a travelling revue whose shows ended with his feats of illusion. They
traveled the galaxy in DeMain's ship, the Siren III. In the much-hyped "Escape at Cloud City," DeMain
nearly perished when his escape trick almost failed. He recovered from the physical wounds, but his
stature as an entertainer was greatly diminished. He willingly made contact with the Alliance and offered
his services as an informant, and used his status as an entertainer to gain access to Imperial facilities and
obtain vital information. (CRO)
this planet was the primary world in the Demar System, located in Brak Sector. (SS, FBS)
this red, supergiant star was the primary body in the Demar System. (FBS)
this was the title given to the leader of the Twelve Tribes of T'Syriel, on the planet Shiva IV. (MC53)

this native of Andasala hired himself out as a sharpshooter. (GG11)
this was the traditional Bitthaevrian cudgel weapon, resembling a custom-designed morningstar or mace.
It's heavy ball was covered with thick spikes made from quills of warriors the dematoil's owner had
defeated in combat. (AIR)
this lustrous, pearl-like gemstone was produced by sea creatures that lived in Mon Calamari's oceans.
this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. It referred to a pearlescent gemstone
produced by ocean creatures on Mon Calamari. (GCG)
this Mon Calamari was a noted composed of classical music. (VP)
Deme Tryshyn
this being was considered on of grav-ball's most popular and gifted players, in the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. It was rumored that Tryshyn was paid some 3.1 billion credits to act as a spokesbeing for
Ardees Beverage Company. (HNN4)
Demelza's Destructors
this was the name of the gladiator walker fighting team led by Demelza Mintori. (GFT)
this planet, located in the Outer Rim's Meram Sector, was best-known as the base of operations for the
Glasfir Ring. It was originally founded by a consortium of Inner Sphere businesses, and served as a
trading center for a mulitude of Outer Rim frontier worlds. Business to and from the planet virtually dried
up with the onset of the Galactic Civil War, and Demesel quickly became just another backwater world
known for its criminal underworld. The average day on this temperate world lasts 22 standard hours, and
its year lasts 285 local days. (GG11)
this was a common name among the Sarkan race. (UANT)
this was a species of swift-moving insect. The fine webbing exuded by the demicot was collected and
woven into a silky fabric. (TCD)
this planet is located quite a distance from Gascon. (GMS)
Demigue Terror
this was the primary hyperspace route between the planets Demigue and Gascon. It was known as the
Demigue Terror because it was frequented by pirates and hijackers. (GMS)
Demilla City
this location, found on the planet Ralltiir, was the center of Salisbury's commercial sector. (SWJ9)
Deminar, Ilko
this man was appointed by Armand Isard to head up the Old Republic's Cryptanalysis Department, during
the early stages of the Clone Wars, in an effort to block the slicers who were working for the Confederacy
of Independent Systems. At the time, Deminar was a Sub-Director for the Senate Bureau of Intelligence,
working for Isard. (SWI65)

a planet. (COG)
Demior, Halacc
this wiry man was employed by Retter Lewis as a bodyguard and accountant for the antiques shop
Callia's. Despite his small stature, Halacc was an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter, a skill he learned as
an Alliance soldier. Halacc supports Lewis' work with the Alliance's agent protection program as well as
working for Callia's. (CRO)
this modified corvette was part of Talon Karrde's small fleet, during the early years of the New Republic. It
was one of the ships which accompanied the Wild Karrde to Yavin 4 during the height of the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy, in an attempt to rescue the students at Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum.
During the final struggle to get the Jedi off the moon, the Demise was the first ship to be destroyed by the
Yuuzhan Vong forces. (EVC)
this planet was under Imperial control during the Galactic Civil War, but was also a hotbed of rebellious
activity. (HR)
Demnadi Relief Operation
this was the name used to describe the Imperial plan to assist Governor Cathers quell the rebellion on
Demnadi. Cathers asked for help in quelling a riot, and the Empire sent in Major Fenris Sarhl to assist.
Demoal, Lan
this young man was a freelance reporter who tried to find a major story to break along the Sisar Run,
shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (SSR)
a bodyguard assigned to Rivoche Tarkin following the civil war which erupted on Coruscant after the
death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (DESB)
this was the stolen Star Destroyer which served as the flagship of Gir Kybo Ren-Cha's pirate fleet. Kybo
Ren kept the Demolisher hidden in the Tarnooga System until it was absolutely necessary to reveal the
ship's existence. (DCAR)
this term was used to describe any droid or automaton which was used to place explosives or defuse
bombs. (EGD)
see Maelibi (WOTC)
Demon's Brow
a natural rock formation found on the planet M'haeli. (ROC)
Demon's Lair
this is the name given to the roughest section of the city of Talos, on Atzerri. (SOL)
this planet was located near Yvara, within the veil of the Kathol Rift. Known as NCW-86 on Imperial star
charts, the planet was named for the volcanic activity which raged across its surface, which often ignited
the gases in its atmosphere and appeared to be aflame when seen from space. Despite this inhospitable
environment, Demonsgate had a healthy and diverse range of lifeforms. A day on Demonsgate lasted 31
standard hours, and its year encompassed 224 local days. It was on Demonsgate that the Aing-Tii Monks

recovered the Codex from the navigator Makezh, fighting off bounty hunters and Imperial forces to obtain
the device. (KR, E)
this dangerous ocean predator is native to the planet Aquaris. (CSW)
the red-dwarf star that was the primary sun of the Demophon System, it went supernova and exploded
during the Galactic Civil War. (SN)
primary planet in the Demephon system, its primary star went supernova during the Galactic Civil War. It
was the first planet in the system, which had a normal day of 32 standard hours and a year which lasted
201 local days. The planet had two continents in a vast ocean. It was named for Arles Demophon, one of
the founders of the Scout Service. It was rumored that the Empire had sabotaged the system's stellar
observatory, allowing them to keep the inhabitants quiet before they discovered their sun's imminent
death. This would have allowed the Empire to continue to obtain rutgar-4 from Jatee, before the system's
population tried to escape the coming cataclysm. (SN)
Demos Four
this planet was orbited by two moons. (TCD)
Demos Traxen
this serpentine being was an Imperial bounty hunter sent to Kallistas to capture Pallas Quintell shortly
after the Battle of Yavin. He booked passage on the Red Fang with Tarquin Zian. Upon his arrival, Traxen
learned that Quintell had already been captured. He blamed his failure to secure the rebel agitator on the
Twi'lek captain, who spent much of the trip trying to avoid Imperial entanglements. (GG10)
this was the follow-on version of the Destrutive Electromagnetic Pulse weapon produced by Merr-Sonn
for the Empire. It was put into use following the Battle of Endor. (JK2)
manufactured by Merr-Sonn for the Empire, the anti-Droid ElectroMagnetic Pulse gun was used to
disable droids when only the droids were targetted. The pulse was modified to penetrate a droid's
shielded circuitry and "stun" it. The pulse had little or no effect on most life forms. Two forms of the DEMP
Gun were produced, a pistol and a carbine. Mekuun also produced a version of this weapon. Note that
the Arms and Equipment Guide indicates that DEMP stands for Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse. (ISB,
this was the Huttese word for a member of the Empire, or of Imperial military service. (GMR5)
this was the Ewok word for "no". (BTRKS26)
Den Dhur
this male Sullustan was a reporter for the Galactic Blahblah, and served as a war correspondent during
the height of the Clone Wars. He was equally known for his hard-hitting expose's and his hard drinking,
both of which were punctuated by a loyalty to the truth that never faltered. He was a veteran of many of
the Clone Wars' most intense battlefronts, including the Battle of Jabiim. It was on Jabiim that Dhur first
encountered Filba the Hutt, when the Hutt nearly got him killed while trying to curry favor with Alto Stratus.
From that point forward, Den's opinion of Filba - and Hutts in general - grew steadily worse, until he was
stationed on Drongar during the Jasserak Engagement. After reaching Rimsoo Seven, Den was surprised
to find Filba serving as the military hospital's supply sergeant. With a little digging, Den discovered Filba's
connections to Black Sun and Admiral Tarnese Bleyd, and began to piece together their plans to sell
processed bota on the black market. He planned a sweeping report on their criminal activities, hoping to

bring Filba down once and for all. He was dismayed when Filba was poisoned, since the chance to link
the Hutt to Black Sun was all but gone. He was left with reporting on the atrocities being committed by
Phow Ji, who had been named the Rimsoo Seven combat instructor. Unfortunately, his scathing article
was rewritten by his editors to provide an exceptionally positive slant, painting Phow Ji as a hero working
in the worst of conditions. Sick of the war and tired of his career, Den Dhur fell deeper into an alcoholinduced stupor, until the Rimsoo Seven facility was attacked by Separatist forces. He sobered up almost
immediately, and set to work helping the Republic forces break down the medical unit for transport. As
the last transport was leaving, Den Dhur made a run for it, but noticed that Zan Yant's quetarra had been
dropped in the chaos. Without regard for his own life, Den Dhur retrieved the quetarra, remembering how
beautiful sounded when Zan played it. His elation was multiplied when a thermal bomb went off along his
original path to the transport, and he realized that rescuing the instrument probably saved his life. His
happiness, however, was short-lived. Their transport ship was hit by a Separatist missile, and Zan was
killed almost instantly. It was of little consolation to Den Dhur that Doctor Yant had died happily, knowing
that his quetarra had been rescued. When the Rimsoo had relocated, Den threw himself into his work,
hoping that additional reports from the battlefront would help him forget the horrors he had witnessed. He
began to find solace when he met Eyar Ahtram, who was as attracted to Den as he was to her. He also
developed what he considered a mild disease while working with the people of Rimsoo Seven: a
conscience. When he discovered that the bota plant was mutating at such a rate that it would be
worthless in a few generations, Den probably could have written a Porasca Prize-winning story on the
impact of the mutation. However, he realized that any such story would provide the Separatists with a
reason to utterly destroy the Republic's presence on Drongar, so he held off on writing it. (MBS, MJH)
Den Sait Glass
a member of Klyn Shanga's Renatasian viligantes, searching out Vuffi Raa. (LCF)
Den Siva
this male Nagai served as Lumiya's chief aide, during the months following the Battle of Endor. He was
also the advance scout of the Nagai invasion fleet, which had allied itself with Lumiya in the hopes of
taking control of the galaxy from the Alliance of Free Planets. He requested that the Zeltron female Dani
be turned over to him, so that he could study her physiology and learn what he could of the Zeltron race.
He also became enamored of Dani, a feeling he had never quite experienced before for an alien being.
When Kiro rescued Dani, Den Siva set out to recover her. He fought with Kiro over a river, smashing the
Iskalonian's helmet and draining it of water. Kiro forced Den Siva over the edge, and both fell into the
water. Kiro's body was never found, but Den Siva managed to survive and return to Lumiya on Kinooine.
Den Siva was then placed in command of the assault force which destroyed Trenwyth. Later, on Zeltros,
it was discovered that Den Siva had betrayed the Nagai to the Tofs, so that he could see Dani again. In
the end, Den Siva decided that he had best leave the Nagai behind, and surrendered himself to Leia
Organa and Dani. It was then revealed that Den Siva was actually half-Zeltron, a fact that became
obvious as his attraction to Dani deepened. (MC96, MC97, MC103, LTA6, MC105, MC106, MC107)
this Imperial code was required to be transmitted from cargo and transport ships entering the Fondor
System, during the Imperial occupation of the shipyards located there. Failure to transmit the correct code
often meant the destruction of the transport ship. (SWJ5)
this planet was the site of an Alliance rout of Victory-class Star Destroyers during the Galactic Civil War.
The battle exposed the Victory's slow sublight speed as a weakness. (SWR)
Denais, Riva
this beautiful, brunette holovid star was known for her wide range in portraying characters. (GMR6)
Denaria Kee
this female Koorivan served as Passel Argente's chief aide, during the years leading up to the Battle of
Geonosis. (VD2)

this rare double star was one of the ancient galaxy's most beautiful sights. Many millennia ago, the
smaller of the two stars fed on gases stolen from the larger. The Denarii double star was destroyed by
Naga Sadow, resulting in the Denarii Nova. (DLS)
Denarii Nova
an area of the galaxy characterized by the exploding stars that spread arcs of stellar fire throughout its
environs. It was created when the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow tried to elude the pursuit of the Old
Republic, some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Using the Sith stones set into his unique starship,
Sadow harnessed the Dark Side of the Force and tore the two Denaari stars apart as the Old Republic's
fleet moved in. The fleet was destroyed, and Sadow was able to escape. Aleema tried to use the same
technique a thousand years later, during the Great Sith War, and created the Cron Drift. She, however,
failed to escape the destruction and was killed. (DLS, TSW, SA, L)
this gas giant was the third planet in the Goroth System. It measured 153,050 kilometers in diameter, and
produced immensely strong magnetic and radio fields. A species of gas-bag creatures inhabited its upper
atmosphere, and Denava was orbited by six moons. (GSE)
this gas giant was the fourth planet in the Goroth System. It was orbitred by seven natural satellites.
Because of the unusual position of the brown dwarf known as Goroth Beta, Denbalen was not the
outermost body in the system. At 147,100 kilometers in diameter, Denbalen wasn't as large as Denava,
but its moons were more interesting. (GSE)
this planet was the site of a Viraxo orbital facility, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XWA)
Dendratis Biological Exports, Incorporated
this corporation produced a variety of capture devices, including the bio-cocoon. (GFT)
the Anomid use this raw material to create the flowing cloaks they wear in public. (RM)
this was an exceptionally dangerous toxin that was developed during the last decades of the Old
Republic. When injected into the bloodstream of most humanoid races, dendriton literally caused the
blood and flesh to burn, slowly immolating a being from the inside out. (MBS)
Dendroid Vines
a plant species native to Dellalt. (HSL)
this Imperial recruit was part of Kyle Katarn's squadron, during the taking of asteroid AX-456. He was a
poor shot, but had made the grade to remain with the squad. (SFE)
Dene, Keenal
this man was a member of the fledgling rebellion against the Empire. (SWJ4)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "mystery". (GCG)
Deneb Both
this Ithorian forester was stranded on Tatooine, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and struggled to get offplanet and start a new, better life. (CCG12)
a desert planet famous for its being the site of a great Jedi Assembly of 10,000 Jedi Masters who met to

discuss the great surge in the power of the Dark Side during the time of the Krath. (DA, COTF, DLS)
Deneba Bush
native to the planet Deneba, this shrubby plant collected leaves that fell from other trees and held them
with finger-like sticks. When its prey approached, thinking the bush was a harmless tree, the deneba bush
would drop all its leaves and grab its prey. The deneba bush would them pull the prey into its mouth and
consume it. (E1A7)
Denebian Holochess
a casino game. (RM)
Denebrillan Star Silk
this was one of the rarest forms of cloth available during the last decades of the Old Republic. Acquiring it
meant that an individual was not only excessively wealthy, but also well-connected. (LFCW)
this man was in charge of a mining operation on Sabrix, extracting radioactive elements from the earth to
enhance the coffers of the Sabrin Ring. Denedin himself was skimming profits for himself, until Prestor
Mec exposed his embezzlement. Denedin was given an early retirement, courtesy of some Hutt hitmen.
Deneelian Fizz-pudding
a dessert best served cold. (DK)
this remote planet, located in Brak Sector, was the site of an Alliance base which was estasblished
shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (FBS)
this small weapons manufacturer produced a variety of neurological weapons during the height of the
New Order. (GFT)
this young Telosian man helped Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn bring down Xanatos and destroy the
game called Katharsis. He was known as a small-time criminal, but his loyalties were unswerving once he
gave them. He helped Andra and the POWER party by smuggling and stealing the supplies and parts
they needed to keep up their protests against the government. He later discovered how to slice into
UniFy's computer database, and helped Qui-Gon bring down UniFy, Katharsis, and Xanatos. Despite
their constant squabbling, Denetrus and Andra eventually fell in love. When Andra decided to join Uni
aboard the BioCruiser, Den followered out of love and devotion. Den was part of a growing faction which
resented Vox Chun's presence on the ship, and was unafraid to discuss the matter with Qui-Gon and ObiWan. (DOR, JAD)
this man served the Alliance as a soldier during the Galactic Civil War. A veteran of the Battle of Endor,
Denev was part of the strike team led by Han Solo which knocked out the shield generator protecting the
second Death Star. Denev eventually left military service, choosing serve aboard Caluula Station as a
mechanic and officer. Denev was on duty when Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon arrived from
Selvaris, after a mission to rescue prisoners of war was nearly disrupted by the appearance of the
Yuuzhan Vong Slayers. (UF)
this was a temperate world. (GG10)
this peaceful, human tribe was native to the planet Taloraan. They lived in gondolas slung from the
gasbags of 100 sleft-chuffi. Denfrandi legend claimed that humans originally came to Taloraan in "palaces

of metal that flew faster than the winds." However, the demons of the ancient gods became jealous of
humanity, and cursed them to fall out of the sky. The gods, pitying the poor humans, provided the sleftchuffni to rescue them. (SWJ5)
a human bounty hunter commissioned by Darth Vader to locate the Millennium Falcon. He failed to locate
Han Solo, but he built a loose partnership with Boba Fett. He grew up as a swoop racer on his native
planet of Corellia, and was a member of the Ferini team before he was defeated by Han Solo in a private
race. Dengar was severely injured in the race when he lost sight of Solo and flew underneath him. When
Dengar tried to pull up, he slammed into Solo's swoop, causing severe facial and cranial traumas. He
recovered, thanks to the prodigious efforts of the local health corps and the technical resources of the
Empire. He was fitted for several cybernetic implants, including new eyes and a series of neural pathways
to augment his damaged systems, and given a new set of memories and "programming." The Empire cut
out his hypothalmus gland and inserted a central computer module to control the new systems. The
Empire expected him to be a faithful assassin, and despite the erasure of his mind and emotions, Dengar
continued to develope a great hatred for Solo. He spent a number of years recovering from the injuries
suffered in the swoop crash. However, he memories began to intrude on his consciousness, and Dengar
left Imperial service after being told to kill the holy children on Asrat. He decided to try his own hand at
bounty hunting, and spent a number of years in remote sectors of space known only as 'Payback' while
memories of Han Solo began to resurface. The Empire put out a warrant for his arrest. It was during this
time that he first met Manaroo, after killing Kritkeen on Aruza. The old rage he felt against Solo caused
Dengar to take bounties which bore resemblances to Solo, and Kritkeen was one of them. Dengar later
answered the summons of the Empire when the bounty went out on Solo's head, as Darth Vader gave
him one chance to remain free if he captured Solo. Dengar failed to capture him, always one step behind
Boba Fett. When Manaroo shared herself with him via her Attanni, Dengar suddenly got an insight on
what it was like to be human again. He helped rescue her parents before landing in Mos Eisley. When
Manaroo was captured by Jabba the Hutt's henchmen, Dengar plotted to kill the crimelord. He insinuated
himself into Jabba's palace, outwardly helping to protect the Hutt from Alliance reprisal at the capture of
Solo. When Fett approached him to celebrate Solo's capture and imminent death in the Pit of Carkoon,
Dengar agreed and consumed some drugged Twi'leki liquor. He passed out, missing the trip to the Pit of
Carkoon that should have ended with the deaths of Solo and Luke Skywalker. Instead, Jabba had him
tied to the desert floor near the Teeth of Tatooine. Dengar managed to escape, driven by his fear that
Manaroo was dead. She wasn't, and she later found him as she seached the desert in a speeder she had
stolen. They traveled to Mos Eisley, and Dengar slowly recovered from his wounds. He also agreed to
marry Manaroo. In an effort to find enough money to pay their mounting bills, Dengar went out to the
desert to find the remains of Jabba's sailbarge. He tried to locate Jabba's ident chip in the wreckage, but
instead found the nearly-dead Boba Fett crawling from the sand. In return for saving his life, Fett agreed
to be Dengar's best man. After he married Manaroo and nursed Fett back to health, Dengar and Fett set
out to hunt down Han Solo again. When they found him on Nar Shaddaa, they thought they had it made.
Solo's escape further confounded Dengar and Fett, who were stranded on the spaceport moon. (ESB,
this Hutt was one of the lesser slavelords who owned property in Mos Espa, some 32 years before the
Battle of Yavin. (E1A5)
this man was the only surviving member of the royal family of Velmor, which was led by King Lorac. He
fled his homeworld as a youth, hiding from Imperial persecution on a jungle planet where he crash-landed
during his flight. His beloved, Loren, was killed in the crash, leaving Denid alone but for his former
advisor, Jedidiah. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were dispatched to rescue Denid and return him to
the Alliance, in the hopes that his story would serve as a rallying cry for the rebellion on Velmor. During
their attempt to obtain the throne, Denid fell in love with Leia, especially after she agreed to portray Loren
when they arrived back on Velmor. In the ensuing intrigue, Denid found himself the only surviving
member of the royalty, after Anod was shot by Traal and Zelor was defeated by Luke. He assumed the
throne which was rightfully his, and agreed to throw off the yoke of Imperial control and join the Alliance.

Leia respectfully refused his marriage proposal, and Denid agreed that the Alliance needed her more than
he did. (LTA2, MC49)
this young man was the Prince of the planet Naldar, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He died
some two years before the Battle of Endor, when Imperial forces first tried to subjugate Naldar. His twin
sister, Princess Vila, assumed his identity in order to help rally support for fighting back against the
Imperials. Before his death, Denin wished to meet a true Jedi Master and train as Jedi Knight, a dream
his sister tried to keep alive. It was rumored that Prince Denin became part of the Force when he died,
and was reunited with Vila when she died trying to save Flint. (MC92)
this woman was married to King Lorac, of the planet Velmor, during the height of the New Order. When
the Empire subjugated Velmor, some years before the Battle of Yavin, Denira and her family was
executed by a mob which had been funded by the Empire. Only two sons, Denid and Anod, escaped the
death and destruction. (LTA2, WOTC)
Denirid, Jondrix
a native of Bridin Anchorage, this young man attended the Brandis Technical Institute during the early
years of the New Republic. His father, Thalis, and his mother emmigrated to the planet during the
Galactic Civil War. (GG11)
Denirid, Thalis
this man moved his family to the colony world of Bridin Anchorage during the Galactic Civil War. Although
he was glad to be away from the war, he was saddened by the amount of illegal activity on the planet.
Deniv Corsignis
this Chargrian male was the founder and chief executive officer of the Corsignis Property Alliance during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was known for his bullish sense of business, preferring to crash
his way through obstacles rather than negotiating around them. (WOA25)
Denizens of Dakaret IX
this poorly-received holo-movie premiered shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Starring Quintana Trill, the film
was a critical flop. (GFT)
Denka Melru
this was the name of a noted Adarian individual. (UANT)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this night spirit often tricked Ewoks into walking off the edges of platforms in
the dark. (GCG)
Denn Walc
this Arcona male was the son of Nest Leader Kimar Walc. Denn was famous for having spent years
collecting and sifting through data on the female of his generation, in an effort to locate a suitable mate.
Denn hoped to secure his place as the future Nest Leader, and to provide an heir. However, all his work
proved worthless when he discovered that his "perfect mate" was heavily addicted to salt, and therefore
unable to bear offspring. (EGA)
this young man was a student of xenoarcheology at the University of Agamar during the early stages of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Denna was part of the team which traveled to Bimmiel with

Anki Pace, to serach for Jedi artifacts. He and Vil were sent out to repair some equipment but failed to
return. It was believed that they were captured and enslaved by the Yuuzhan Vong. (DTO)
Denna, Dams
this diminutive Naboo was a noted animal trainer and herdmaster, and served the royalty of Naboo in the
years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Denna had a place of honor in the celebration of the victory over
the Trade Federation, controlling the kaadu and fambaa which were ridden by the Gungan military in the
celebratory parade. Denna was also a collector of Linn'con memorabilia. Dams Denna was portrayed by
Dave Madsden in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (CCG15)
this planet was the site of a secret Santhe/Seinar laboratory. (SWJ9)
manufacturers of starship laser weapons, such as quad-laser cannons. (TT)
this planet was similar to Coruscant in the fact that the entire planet was devoted to urban cities and
business sectors. Denon was second only to Coruscant in the galaxy in terms of the amount of
commercial activity that took place on its surface each year. In the wake of the galaxy's invasion by the
Yuuzhan Vong and the surrender of the alien invaders at Coruscant, the fledgling Galactic Alliance chose
to make a temoprary base of operations on Denon, rather than continue on Mon Calamari, because of its
proximity to the Core and the fact that it had escaped the notice - and destruction - of the Yuuzhan Vong.
(VD2, UF)
this was a common name among the Yinchorri race. (UANT)
Dens, The
located in Qaestar Town, on the planet Talus, this residential area was set aside for the city's Selonian
residents. (CCW)
a material with an incredibly high melting point. (SE)
Dent, Gans
this man was one of the associate directors of Galladinium Galactic Exports during the height of the New
Order. (SWJ12)
Denta Bean
this was a major foodstuff of the Old Republic. (CCW)
this planet was the site of a raid by Crix Madine, when he was still a member of the Empire. The Imperial
Governor, Taliff, had been deposed by the Dentaal Independence Party, which had declared the planet a
free world. Madine was told to make the rebellious world cooperate, and to do so he planted the seeds of
a Candorian plague there. Madine followed his orders, but he never felt good about doing it. During a
series of military maneuvers on the planet, Madine simply disappeared from the Imperial armed forces.
The Empire later blamed the plague, which killed nearly every living being on the planet, on the Alliance.
The Alliance, however, discovered that the plague was similar to a plague that was unleashed on
Sedesia. (DS, SWJ5)
Dentaal Independence Party
led by Hancc Rellow, the DIP was formed when the Empire took control of the planet Dentaal. Governor
Taliff completely disbanded the ruling House of Dentaal, allowing the Empire to be in full control of the
planet's politics. The surviving members of the house met in secret and formed the DIP, which eventually
ousted Taliff in a bloody coup and reclaimed Dentaal for themselves. This action resulted in the Empire's

own form of retaliation, in which Crix Madine and a team of commandos unleashed the Candorian plague
on the planet. (SWJ5)
Dentamma Nebula
this gaseous cloud was ruled by a royal house. (AE)
Dentani Starport
this starport was under the control of Governor Desh during the Galactic Civil War. (GG10)
Dentarian Ripple
a deceivingly strong alcoholic drink. (GMH)
Denua Ku
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior served as one of Warmaster Tsavong Lah's personal guards, during the
invasion of the galaxy. Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant, Denua Ku was ordered to watch over Viqi
Shesh. It was easy to distinguish Denua Ku from other Yuuzhan Vong, by the simple fact that his skin
was dominated by a long and puckering scar. This scar originated atop his skull, then ran down his face
and neck, criss-crossing his chest, and then running down his right leg. This was one of the first scars he
had caused in his flesh, as many tattooes and scars ran across it. When the Warmaster began
suspecting that his failing radank claw implant was the result of the meddling of priests, Denua Ku was
placed in charge of rooting out the possible suspects and bringing them before the Warmaster. When it
was learned that a Force-wielding being was loose on Coruscant, Denua Ku was ordered to take Viqi
Shesh to the planet's surface and locate the being. They were unknowingly searching for the being known
as Lord Nyax, and several times their party got separated and Shesh escaped. Denua Ku managed to
survive an attack by the Dark Jedi and hunted the former Kuat Senator down using a nisbat. He nearly
died during an attack on the Jedi infiltration team lead by Luke Skywalker, falling from a destroyed
catwalk and impaling himself on a length of rebar. Mortally wounded, Denua Ku refused to allow the Kuati
to escape. He used every last ounce of strength to track her down in the Tersons' apartment. However,
rather than die at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong, Shesh threw herself out a window and fell to her death.
Denua Ku, too exhausted to continue, died in the apartment. (EL1, EL2)
Denuab Venithon
this Ithorian and his twin brother, Dorin, were among the most vicious pirates of the New Order. This
made them a great aberration to the normally placid Ithorian people. Formerly members of such notable
groups as the Fivaran Organization, the Bandits of Ggy-ynt, and the Yarnak Gang, the Venithon Twins
joined the Hy'thor Pirates shortly before the Battle of Yavin. The Twins left the Fivaran Organization after
a failed raid on the Alliance Special Forces vessel Hauler VI, and fled to the Hy'thor gang, where they
quickly established themselves as cruel leaders. They were even made special ambassadors to Safonne
Pendon's gang. Whereas Dorin was belligerent and bullish, Denuab was somewhat reasonable and
diplomatic. (AIR)
this planet is the site of a Baragwin colony. The Baragwins of Denuhi-8 are known as friendly, cautious
individuals. (GG12)
Denusian Squirmer
this long-bodied, blue-shelled crustacean was a favored delicacy of the Hutts. They lacked any true legs,
but their arms ended in heavy claws. (T7)
a tough, sturdy fabric used for work clothes. (LCM)
Deodurn Polar Pipeline
this was one of the largest water pipelines found on the planet Coruscant, supplying a large section of
Imperial City with fresh water. (CCW)
De'Ono, Luther

this rugged young man was in his mid-twenties when he was named part of the ExGal-4 team sent to
Belkadan. He was part of the search group sent out to locate a huge storm which had been detected on
their sensors. When Bendodi Ballow-Reese realized that the ecological damage to Belkadan - caused by
Yomin Carr's dweebit beetles - was going to kill them before they could return, he turned over his oxygen
packs and fled into the jungle. Luther thought he was crazy and tried to follow, by Bendodi shot Luther in
the chest, then Bendodi shot himself. (VP)
De-Orbiting Kinetic Anti-emplacement Weapon
this crude form of projectile weapon was used on many backwater worlds during the height of the Clone
Wars. Known as DOKAW, this projectile was simply a solid, 200-kilogram cylinder of durasteel, about the
size of a missile. To these cylinders, rudimentary propulsion and guidance systems were attached to
allow for more specific placement of the missile. Launched from orbital platforms, a DOKAW was used to
bombard ground-based weapons emplacements or bunkers. While not as sophisticated or accurate as
other guided missiles, a DOKAW was nevertheless cheaper and just as devastating to the enemy. This
made them a favorite weapon of backwater tyrants and military forces who wanted to quickly eliminate
the opposition's positions. (SHPT)
the meaning of this Zabrak surname was unclear, but translated into Basic as "swimmer". (GCG)
Depa Billaba
this slender Chalactan Jedi Master was a member of the Jedi Council, and was part of the group that
deliberated over the possible training of young Anakin Skywalker. She was rescued from a band of space
pirates when she was just six months old. Her rescuer turned out to be Mace Windu, who recognized her
strength with the Force and brought her back to Coruscant. There, she grew up among the other Jedi
trainees, becoming Windu's Padawan and eventually became a Jedi Knight. She chose to honor her
parents by living by the native culture of Chalacta, and embraced many of its religious tenets. She wore
the Mark of Illumination, given to her upon her achivement of the rank of Jedi Knight. Depa, who was one
of the youngest beings ever elected to serve on the Jedi Council, was known in the Council for her
insights. Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Master Billaba was dispatched to Haruun Kal, in an effort to
earn the trust of the native Korunnai in supporting the Old Republic. She disappeared just a few months
into her mission, until a recording was found hidden in the mouth of a murdered Balawai woman. The
woman had been brutally injured before and after her death, giving rise to the belief that Master Billaba
had turned to the Dark Side of the Force. Her old Master, Mace Windu, was sent to locate her, and
discovered that she had allied herself with Kar Vastor. During her time on Haruun Kal, Master Billaba had
lost a good deal of weight, and her appearance had become haggard. She had even removed the
Greater Mark of Illumination from her forehead, and had covered the scar with a rag. Master Billaba had
been the mastermind behind the Upland Liberation Front, hoping to keep a ragtag group of surviving
Korunnai from being exterminated by the Balawai who were allied with the Separatists. An early victory in
forcing the Separatists off Haruun Kal was later proven false, as the Separatists had simply backed off
into the Gevarno Cluster to later ambush any Republic reinforcements. Master Billaba decided that her
place was on Haruun Kal, helping the Korunnai defend their freedom and their right to live on their
homeworld. She turned over her lightsaber to Master Windu, and set out to defeat the Balawai with
Vastor's help. When Windu refused to let her free of her commitment to the Jedi, she struggled internally
between that commitment and her intense desire to free the Korunnai. During Master Windu's suicidal
plans to take Pelek Baw from the Balawai, Depa was caught by the blast of a proton grenade and thrown
to the ground. She faked her death, trying to decide where her loyalties lay. When Windu tried to revive
her, she grabbed her lightsaber and ignited it, spearing her teacher through the stomach. Windu survived,
and managed to defeat the forces protecting Pelek Baw. His efforts brought the Summertime War to an
end, but Master Billaba was emotionally and mentally lost by this time. She was returned to Coruscant
and the Jedi Temple, but was held for trial until she could recover. Her crimes were listed as crimes
against civilization, a category of crimes which had not been prosecuted since the Great Sith War. Until
she was able to stand trial, however, Depa remained at the Jedi Temple, where she was cared for by
many Jedi healers, including T'ra Saa. Depa Billaba was portrayed by Dipika O'Neil Joti in Star Wars:
Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (TPM, IG1, OWS, SHPT, RSF)

Department of Cost Accounting

this branch of the Old Republic's Ministry of Finance was charged with determining whether or not certain
expenses were worth the Republic's investment. The Department was pressed into service heavily during
the early stages of the Clone Wars, in an effort to determine whether further development of the clone
trooper program was warranted. (SWI65)
Department of Information
this New Republic agency was in charge of registering and documenting all claims made by scouts and
explorers who discover new planets. (GG8)
Department of Personnel
this New Republic agency was charged with maintaining the employment records of any being working
for the New Republic. The Department of Personnel was in charge of paying salaries, hiring and firing,
and assigning work locations. (GG8)
Department of Supply
this New Republic agency was charged with ensuring that there were sufficient resources - droids, ships,
survival gear, food, etc. - available for the discovery and/or colonization of new planets. (GG8)
this was one of the many floating cities found in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius. Shortly before the
Battle of Naboo, it was believed that elements of the Sith were working from a base on Depatar, in
preparation for an attack on the Almas Academy. (WOTC)
Depil Cream
this was a form of skin cream used to treat acne and other conditions common in humanoid teenagers,
during the last years of the Old Republic. (MJH)
Deponn Shipyards
this was one of the three primary starship construction facilities that made up the Kuat Drive Yards. Like
its companions, the Deponn Shipyards was located in a ring of facilities that orbited the planet Kuat.
this was the title held by the leaders of the Bank of Aargau. (PH)
Depot, The
this was Gilad Pellaeon's name for the area of space surrounding the planet Wayland, during the early
years of the New Republic. The name was in reference to the fact that Imperial forces were massing near
Wayland to acquire crews of clones, and the Chimaera was the primary ship on guard duty. (DFR)
this was the somewhat derogatory term used to describe the small security forces assigned to guard
Imperial supply depots during the Galactic Civil War. (IA)
a local Tatooinan term for death, as in "buy the Depp." It was coined following the death of Prefect Orun
Depp at the hands of an assassin droid. (TJP)
Depp, Orun
this minor Imperial Prefect served under Tour Aryon. He was a bureaucrat who specialty seemed to be
the administration of land deeds. He was suddenly killed by an assassin droid. (TM, GG7)
Depp, Sylvet
Orun Depp's brother, Sylvet worked as a clerk in the Mos Eisley branch of Zygian Savings and Loan.

raised on Eriadu, Deppo grew up racing swoops and tinkering with their components. His parents threw
him out when he was 11, and so he was forced to take odd repair jobs. He was caught stealing a
speederbike owned by the bodyguards of Governor Tarkin's niece, and was forced to work in the motor
pool. His skill with mechanics earned him additional training, and he worked his way up to the position of
an Imperial engineer working on the World Devastators. When the ship he was working on was attacked,
he escaped in a lifepod and was rescued by the Alliance from the seas of Calamari. (DE1, DESB)
this was a form of aquatic armor developed for use by the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height
of the Clone Wars. Each black depthsuit was made from a flexible material that provided a clone trooper
with protection against the intense pressures and temperature changes encountered underwater, allowing
them to gain access to a remote location by moving through deep water to avoid detection. (TCD)
Deptronic Infusion Tank
used aboard all Mon Calamari starships, these spheres provide the needed environment to maintain Mon
Calamari health outside of their native oceans. (SWTJ)
this luxurious city was located on the planet Ord Cantrell. It was the site of some of the most luxurious
resorts in the galaxy. (CE2)
this Jeodu, who maintained a base of operation on the planet Qiaxx, tried to revive the Black Sun
organization after the death of Prince Xizor at Coruscant. Emperor Palpatine sent Mara Jade to eliminate
himon Svivren, where he had been trying to gather the support of other crimelords in the development of
Black Nebula. In the Basic tongue, the word 'Dequc' means "whitehead." Dequc had many of his
lieutenants impersonate him, hoping to drive off assassins. After using Captain Strok's troops as a
diversion, Mara quickly infiltrated Dequc's offices in Wrils and beheaded one of his stand-ins. However,
she found out that she had not executed Dequc, and was forced to rework her plans. It was during this
time that Emperor Palpatine was killed over Endor, and Mara was imprisoned by Ysanne Isard. She
infiltrated Dequc's palace on Qiaxx, and used a bust of Prince Xizor to care out her plans. Mara Jade hid
an remote control device inside it, along with her ligthsaber, in hopes of entering Dequc's private
chambers in order to execute the crimelord. She claimed that Xizor had hidden a treasure map inside it,
and when Dequc opened it, she activated the remote control. The device ignited the lightsaber, piercing
Dequc's head and killing him instantly. (MJEH)
Deral Reiko
this Reussi was an informant who grew up in Torel Vorne's criminal organization. He evolved into an
efficient asset locator, and has developed his own information agency. In this capacity, he supplies
bounty hunters with information of newly-posted bounties. (GG9)
this small creature is often kept as a pet. (JAL)
Derble Fonkin
this was the name of a distingished member of the Toong society. (UANT)
this Zeltron male fell in love with Leia Organa while at a conference on Kabray, during the height of the
New Order. She seemed to have exceptional "emotional resonance" to Derc, who then used his Zeltron
pheromones to try and woo her. However, Leia was too busy in her work for the Alliance, and the
appearance of both Luke Skywalker and Han Solo drove Derc away before he could even ask for her
name. He talked about the incident with Jojo the bartender, who suggested that Derc try and use
Essence of Zeltros to enhance his own natural abilities. Derc took the perfume and spent several months
trying to locate Leia again. (PH)

an Imperial system patrol craft operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
a member of Imperial Intelligence's Internal Security division, Derdram was assigned to the Executor
when the massive ship was placed under the command of Darth Vader. Derdram was responsible for
making sure that Imperial personnel were safe from Alliance saboteurs. (CCG4)
this man, a member of the crew of the Jynni's Virtue, was killed on the planet Korriban by unknown
forces, after the ship was forced to crash-land on the planet, near the Valley of Golg. Shortly afterward,
Derec's reanimated body returned to attack the ship's surviving crew, having been turned into a thing
known as a Korriban Zombie. (PH)
one of Wedge Antilles' Rogue Squadron X-Wing pilots, serving during the early days of the New Republic.
Derel, Minas
this man worked on the planet Pirin as a licensed expeditor, which meant that he helped bounty hunters
locate the most recently-posted bounties. He tried to match the target to the hunter, in order to maximize
the chances of success. Derel skimmed a percentage off the top of the total bounty collected as his fee.
Derelkoos Desert
located on the planet Klatooine, this desert is famous for the Fountain of the Ancients. Found in the
center of the desert, the Fountain rests in a bowl-shaped depression. From this depression, liquid
wintrium seeps. The wintrium forms fabulous, enduring shapes and patterns as it hardens over many
centuries. The Fountain holds many cultural significances for the Klatooinan people. (GG12)
Derellium Wine
a native Lianna vintage of wine. (ML)
Deremot, Solla
this woman was a research scientist, and was part of Imperial research team MS-133 during the early
years of the New Republic. A native of Kal'Shebbol, Solla was educated in the Colonies before returning
to her homeworld. She found herself torn between the Imperial control over her planet and her own
beliefs in the tenets of the New Republic, especially after she was selected to work as an assistant to
Doctor Lancer Brunou on Aaris III. (DARK)
this frozen ball of ice was the sixth planet in the Beheboth System. (PH)
this felinoid alien worked with Jabot to con wealthy beings out of their fortunes in card games. Both
Dereth and Jabot had Traxes BioElectronics implant communicators placed in their skulls, allowing them
to transmit and receive each other's thoughts. Using the implant communicators, Dereth hid behind a
screen and monitored Jabot's opponents, silently sending information on the cards the opponent held and
their actions during the card game. (GFT)
this man worked with his partner, Jaboth, as a professional gambler. They owed their success in highstakes games of sabacc and Helcos to technology, as the pair had communications implants placed in
their skulls. These devices allowed them to communicate without attracting attention, and they could
discuss what the others players and the dealer were holding. (EGW)
a planet. (SWI67)

this medium-sized, yellow star was located in the Elrood Sector of the galaxy, and was the primary body
in the Deril System. (PG3)
a mineral mined at the Arah asteroid mines. (RA2)
this is the primary planet in the Derilyn System, located in the Elrood Sector. The planet was subjugated
by the Empire in a mere three days, and an entire sector army was stationed there. The various races
that inhabit the planet - Coynite, Gamorrean, Human, Meris, and Teltoris - were cautious not to upset the
Empire, but longed for their freedom. The Derilyn day lasts 27 standard hours, and the year lasts 350
local days. It has a varied ecology. (PG3)
Derilyn Space Central
this agency provided traffic control and protection for the starships which traveled to Derilyn. When the
Empire subjugated the planet and interdicted the space from Derilyn to Berea, Derilyn Space Central was
overtaken and restaffed with Imperial officers. (OE)
Derilyn Space Defense Platform
this huge space station was placed in orbit around Derilyn by the Empire, when it took control of Elrood
Sector and interdicted the space from Derilyn to Berea. Originally built by Rendili StarDrive, this platform
had two saucer-chaped sections connected by a thick, central fuselage. It measured 4,225 meters in
length (measured from top to bottom), and was manned by a crew of 8,750 officers and 320 gunners. It
had the space and capacity to house 10,400 visitors, 4,500 troops, and 1,000 prisoners. The platform
could accommodate 15 million metric tons of cargo, including its sealed drydocks, and could maintain
itself for five years before being resupplied. The platform was armed with 80 turbolaser batteries and 40
double turbolaser cannons. (PG3, OE)
Derilyn Travel Waiver
this permit was required by any starship which traveled between Derilyn and Berea, during the Imperial
occupation of Elrood Sector. (OE)
this is the capital city of the planet Derilyn. (PG3)
this was the name adopted by the human natives of the planet Derilyn. (PG3)
this naturally docile creature was native to the planet Ohratuu. Former Alliance General Reeen Jivrak
used a combination of toxins and chemicals to alter the nervous system of a deripor, turning it into a
strong, violent beast used in hit-and-run attacks on his enemies. (SWJ10)
this predator was native to the inhospitable world of Sileron. They hunted in packs, using their sharp
claws and their inherent fearlessness to bring down all forms of prey. (PG1)
this airborne creature is raised by the Kian'thar on Shaum Hii. Derlacs graze on the plants and animals
that live near the surface of the oceans, and are prized for their flesh. Derlacs can grow to be fifteen
meters in length. They are noisy beasts, and the cacophony of the derlac "cattle markets" is well-known
throughout the galaxy. (GG12)
Derlag's Cantina
this small cantina was located in Mos Espa, some 32 years before the Battle of Yavin. (E1A5)

Derlin, Bren
a native of Tiisheran and a major in the Alliance at the time of the Battle of Hoth, Derlin was in command
of the security of Echo Base. Bren was the son of Galen Derlin, and became convinced that the Empire
was evil after the murder of his father. He immediately joined the Alliance, in order to bring justice back to
the galaxy. He took on whatever roles needed to be filled, often working for or with Carlist Roeekan.
Because of his heroic actions in evacuating the Alliance's base on Nentan, Derlin was promoted to
Captain by Rieekan himself. Derlin then served under Major Monnon on the Corps of Engineers before
being promoted and assigned to Echo Base. It was Derlin who ordered the base secured, even though
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were still missing out in the snow-covered wastes. Derlin served as Han
Solo's second-in-command during the assault on the second Death Star's shield generator on the Forest
Moon of Endor. He remained with the armed forces after the Battle of Endor, and was eventually
promoted to Colonel before serving on Coruscant when Thrawn attacked the planet. He earned the rank
of Brigadier in the New Republic Defense Fleet before retiring. He later became the commander of the
Alliance Veterans Victory Association, and maintained a position of trust and power within the New
Republic. Major Derlin was portrayed by John Ratzenberger in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Derlin, Galen
this man was one of the most famous senators of the Old Republic, and a close friend of Bail Organa. He
withdrew from politics altogether when Emperor Palpatine rose to power, returning to his homeworld of
Tiisheraan in order to get away from the corruption of the Empire. However, he ws hunted down and
assassinated by Imperial forces as a reminder of the power of the Empire. (TTSB)
Dermal Autostripper
found in many spas and resorts, this device is used by a number of alien races which continually shed
their skin. (HSL)
this was a medicinal substance that could be sprayed or brushed onto the skin to safely cover a wound.
In addition to keeping out water, dermaseal also protected the wound from infection. (MJH)
Dermatoglyphic Identification
this form of indentifying individuals was developed by Jaso Corporation, and is often regarded as the
finest physical identification system in the galaxy. Although not as precise as retinal scanning, it uses a
database which is much more readily available to other systems. Dermatoglyphic identification takes a
skin sample from the subject's thumb or fingers, and a number of tests and analyses are performed on
the sample. Cytoplasmic biopsies and chitinous accretion analysis are the most useful tests for those
species which do not have dermatoglyphic patterns. This form of identification cannot distinguish between
clones or other beings with identical genetic material, and scar tissue or artificial skin grafts produce no
results at all. One species which was abused by dermatoglyphic identification was the Wookiee race,
because their hands and feet were often scarred during attempts to escape capture by Imperial slavers.
Thus, the Imperials took skin samples from the sensitive skin on the Wookiees' nose. (TA)
an Imperial governor overseeing activities on Ansillivog. He is a middle-aged male with thinning, though
striking, blond hair. (RPG)
this man served as the Commander of the Czerka Corporation's outpost on Kashyyyk, during the era of
the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
this was one of the inhabitable moons located in the Birjis System. (SWJ12)
the fifth planet in the five-world Demophon System, Derr was destroyed when the system's primary star
exploded as a supernova. (SN)

Derra IV
this planet was the site of an Imperial ambush of an Alliance supply convoy, just prior to the Battle of
Hoth. Although Darth Vader's forces annihilated the Alliance convoy, it was learned later that the ambush
had been devised by Admiral Thrawn, in one of his first campaigns as an Imperial officer. (ESBR, MBF)
an encryption scheme used by the New Republic in the first years after the Battle of Endor, it was cracked
by Apwar Trigit's forces shortly before he attacked Folor. (WS)
this Marasan Grand Daern was exiled from Marasai during the reign of Emperor Palaptine, and hid on
one of the Marasai colony worlds. (GG12)
Derrbi Wastelands
a rocky area of the planet Romar. (SWJ2)
this planet was loyal to the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ13)
Derricote, Evir
a native of Kalla, Evir was an Imperial officer who found himself on the short end of many opportunities.
He was one of the original members of the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, and was in command of the ships
when Soontir Fel was relegated to the 181st. As a Colonel, Derricote was simply a figurehead after Fel's
arrival, for Fel's military genius quickly overshadowed Derricote's. This served Derricote just fine, as he
would have rather spent more time with his mycosia flowers than in a cockpit. However, after decisive
victories at Ord Biniir and Derra IV, Derricote was prompoted to General and Fel was promoted to Colonel
and took his place. It was Derricote who discovered the forgotten Alderaan Biotics facility on Borelais. He
maneuvered his way into an assignment in the Pyria System, following the ambush of an Alliance supply
convoy at Derra IV, and was eventually stationed on Borleias. He was a large, overweight man. He used
a series of false requisitions and orders to funnel funding and security from the remnants of the Empire to
fund his secret operation at the nearly-forgotten Alderaan Biotics hydroponics plant. He then supplied
many black-market reellers with a continual flow of Alderaanian delicacies, and made almost three
millions credits before being discovered by Kirtan Loor. Derricote also used similar tactics and
bookkeeping maneuvers to strengthen the defenses around Borleias. He later was assigned by Ysanne
Isard to develop the Krytos virus, using the aliens found in the Invisible Sector of Coruscant. It was later
learned that he was using Diric Wessiri as an enslaved assistant, allowing Derricote to remain out of the
actual contamination area. Once the Krytos virus was unleashed into the water system of Imperial City,
Isard had Derricote imprisoned in the Lusankya facility. She feared that he might expose her if he was
captured. He was killed in a scuffle with Corran Horn, who was also imprisoned at Lusankya. Horn was
trying to escape, and was followed by Derricote. The prisoner Jan had seen Derricote slip away, and
arrived as Derricote attacked Horn. Jan managed to deflect Derricote's initial attack, giving Horn time to
smash Derricote's skull with a shovel. It was later discovered that Derricote had a hidden storehouse of
viruses aimed at various species throughout the galaxy, including the human race. (XWN, WG, KT, TEP,
this Ketton spy operated on Kwenn Space Station during the early years of the New Order. Known to
members of the Alliance as a sly and cunning adversary, Derrida found herself in a kind of duel with
Alliance operative Kassar Kosciusko after foiling five separate Alliance operations on Kwenn. She also
framed Lieutenant Commander Zhir-Khan, falsifying Kwenn records to make it appear as if Zhir-Khan had
betrayed the Alliance. Derrida was a known associate of the Kubaz spy Garindan, having spent some
time on Tatooine before relocating to Kwenn. (AIR)
these nightmarish creatures were born of the Dark Side of the Force, and were named for the Sith word
meaning "devourer." These creatures consumed the very thoughts and experiences of living beings,
leaving behind the bodies without the living essense they once contained. In order to feed, however, a

Derriphan had to enter the body of its victim, take control of the victim's mind, the drain off the essense of
the victim. These creatures were believed to have been extinct, having died out after the Great Sith War.
However, a few Derriphan managed to survive the battle, and existed during the Galactic Civil War.
Those who claimed to have actually seen a Derriphan said that the creatures resembled miniature black
stars, roiling with energy. (WSV)
an Alliance shuttle group captured in the Bruanii Sector following the Battle of Hoth. (TIE)
this clothier produced some of the most fashionable suits and business attire of the New Order. (GFT)
see Derlin, Bren (IWST)
Derwayne, Vella
this dark-skinned woman was one of the youngest Imperial Security Bureau protocol officers ever. She
was noted for the fact that she had turned in her own parents for conspiring against the New Order. Vella
distinguished herself in the area of reforming juvenile delinquents in the Core during the height of the New
Order. (HR)
Deryvian Snake
a hissing reptile. (SWJ9)
this Exocron Airfleet cruiser captured a rogue Imperial probe droid near the planet, but was attacked by a
group of pirates hoping to retrieve the droid. The crew of the FarStar assisted the Airfleet, under the
command of Horzao Darr, and managed to drive off the pirate corsairs. Unfortunately, the Desaclates
was severely damaged and crashed into the ocean of Exocron and was lost. The pirates managed to
obtain the probe droid, but the ship on which it was being carried was caught under the Desaclates and
was also destroyed. (KO)
this Chistori was one of the few members of his species to travel throughout the galaxy during the early
years of the New Republic. Being sensitive to the Force, Desann trained for a brief period at Luke
Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4 before succumbing to the Dark Side of the Force. He left the new
Jedi order and set out on his own, hoping to forsake Master Skywalker's "weaklings" and create an army
of stronger Dark Jedi. This army became known as the Reborn, and were first encountered by Kyle
Katarn on Cloud City, shortly after the Battle of Endor. In order to solidify his position, Desann allied
himself with Imperial Admiral Galak Fyyar, and was instrumental in helping Fyyar perfect his unusual
technology for twisting beings to the Dark Side of the Force. Desann was nearly captured on the Cairn
asteroid, when Katarn and Skywalker confronted him. Desann, however, fought Skywalker to a stalemate
and managed to escape. He then led the attack on the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, despite the loss of the
Admiral Fyyar and the Doomgiver. Deep in the temples, Desann was forced to confront Katarn. The Jedi
Knight used a combination of speed and tactics to defeat and kill Desann in battle. (WOTC, JK2)
this man was a native of Kalist VI, and served the Empire as a Commander in the armed forces. Because
of a political blunder which occured shortly before the Battle of Hoth, Desanne was stripped of his official
duties and relegated to acted as a liaison for travelling Imperial dignitaries. (CCG5)
this planet, part of the Allied Tion, is known for its beautiful mountain ranges. (ML)
based on the planet Alderaan during the early years of the New Order, this corporation provided the
restaurant industry with spices and equipment. (CCW)

this scruffy-looking though lithe woman was the pilot of the scout ship Blind Luck, working for Desric Fol
during the Galactic Civil War. (PG3)
DeSelvaine, Trem
this Karflo Corporation scientist performed a series of experiments on a Polydroxol, hoping to discover if
the creature was intelligent. He worked for Administrator Renerdat, although he thought the Administrator
a fool for trying to wipe out the Polydroxol just to obtain profits from mining Sevetta. DeSelvaine's work
was possibly the first real examination of the Polydroxol, and his work with a Polydroxol individual
produced a great deal of information on their biochemistry, morphing abilities, and intelligence.
Unfortunately, the Polydroxol individual - which he had nicknamed Polly - learned of Administrator
Renerdat's plans to kill it and all members of its race on Sevetta. Polly escaped, and killed all personnel
aboard the Karflo research station. Despite his empathy for Polly, the Polydroxol associated DeSelvaine
with the others and killed him as well. (SWJ12)
Desert Assault Trooper
see Sandtrooper (ISB)
Desert Bloom
this mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna. (WSV)
Desert Delight
this was one of the favorite items on the menu at Bantha Traxx, located on the planet Lianna. (WSV)
Desert Delite
this was a slang term used by the fighter pilots supporting General Khamar's defense of Praesitlyn, during
the height of the Clone Wars, to describe the land formation that was officially known as "Area 62, South
Continent." (JT)
Desert of Kariste
this small desert was located on the planet Sevarcos, between the Arrandle and Trekali Mountain ranges.
Desert of Salma
a wasteland on Endor, full of pools of acid and dry lakes. The Gorax has built his fortress on its outskirts.
The Desert is located just beyond the Yawari Cliffs. (EA, ISU)
Desert Plain
this flat expanse of sand separated the southern Dune Sea from Ben's Mesa, on the planet Tatooine.
Desert Plum
this plant, native to the planet Tatooine, grew mostly below the surface of the ground. The main body of
the plant was a purplish tuber, which was a favored food of many desert herbivores. (WSW)
Desert Rat
this was the name of the starship owned and operated by Andi Tolen, after she left the employ of
Herogga the Hutt and set out on her own as a freelance bounty hunter. (WOTC)
Desert Sail-20
this was one of Ubrikkian's single-occupant skiffs, produced during the last years of the Old Republic.
Desert Sands
the detachment of Imperial stormtroopers keeping law and order on Tatooine about the time of the Battle
of Yavin. (SCRE)
Desert sponge

similar to the oceanic version, these creatures survive on Tatooine by collecting moisture. (COTF)
Desert Starlight
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was first released as part of the compilation
Limited Warfare, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Desert Wind
this band of guerrilla fighters evolved on the planet Ord Cestus, after Cestus Cybernetics took control of
the planet. Founded about twenty years before the onset of the Clone Wars, Desert Wind protested the
nearly 300 years of oppression of native Cestians, striving to force the Five Families to renegotiate its
business and spread more of its wealth to the workers who filled its factories. The first revolts that
spawned the Desert Wind fighters became known as the Uprisings. Just after the Battle of Geonosis, it
was believed that Desert Wind was crushed in a series of paramilitary actions funded by the Five
Families, but small groups remained hidden in the mountains. These groups united under the leadership
of Thak Val Zsing, who continued to order raids on corporate caravans. It was Desert Wind that attracted
the attention of Jedi Master Kit Fisto, when he and Obi-Wan Kenobi were dispatched to Ord Cestus to
discover the truth behind the development of altered, JK-series security droids. (TCD)
Desert Wraid
this was one of the different subspecies of wraid that lived in the deserts of Tatooine, many millennia
before the Galactic Civil War. The skull of the desert wraid was incredibly dense and strong, and was
used by Tusken Raiders as a piece of armor. The bone itself was believed to have medicinal value,
although no complete analysis was ever done. (KOTOR)
this was the pseudonym given by Ylenic It'kla to the third Jedi who accompanied the Caamasi and Nejaa
Halcyon to deal with Nikkos Tryis and the Jensaarai. The name was derived from the man's scent, which
has powerful connotations for Caamasi. (IJ)
this was one of the six major continents found on the planet Celanon. (PG1)
this planet is part of the Allied Tion sector. (ML)
this Imperial Governor was in control of the planet Gandrossi VI, in the Perrin Sector, shortly after the
Battle of Yavin. Desh lost a large sum of credits in a sakresh game to the Devaronian merchant Ulicx
Vinaq. In retaliation, Desh had Vinaq's ship loaded with Imperial arms, then issued a warrant for the
Devaronian's arrest, claiming that the merchant stole the weapons from Desh's armory. (GG10)
this natural element was combined with terenthium to produce a super-light allow which was used by
OmoTact Corporation to manfuacture skyships like the Roahks 7m. (GG2)
Desh, Reck
this former smuggler was known for his flambouyant appearance, which including body piercings and
tattooes. He also favored electrum jewelry. A former acquaintance of Han Solo and Roa, Desh tried his
luck as a mercenary for hire during the early years of the New Republic. He even went so far as to sell his
services to the Yuuzhan Vong, shortly after the Battle of Ithor. He joined a group of renegades known as
the Peace Brigades, and set out to foment unrest and distrust of the Jedi Knights. Han Solo and Roa tried
to track him down, shortly after the destruction of Obroa-skai. After Roa was captured on the Jubilee
Wheel by the Yuuzhan Vong, Han ran into Reck during the Peace Brigade's ambush of the Queen of
Empire. The Brigade had hoped to recover the priestess Elan and return her to the Yuuzhan Vong,
despite the Vong's own plans to have Elan infiltrate the Jedi Knights. Elan was recovered by Han Solo,
but Reck and his mercenaries managed to expose her and take her to their ship. Han pursued, and found
that Elan had exhaled a breath full of bo'tous, which had killed the entire crew of the Peace Brigade's

ship. Reck was among the dead. (HT)

this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "spirit". (GCG)
this was a species of large, leathery-winged, avian mammals. (HR)
Design Team Beta
this noted group of scientists and engineers who worked for Hydrospeare Corporation was generally
credited with the development of the Explorer submersible as well as an aquatic version of the AT-AT
walker. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Design Team Beta was based at a research facility on
Kailor V, was headed by Doctor Tolum Harous, and included Mosara Thiirn, Diran Miciluz, and Sere Lure.
this was one of the most powerful Hutt kajidics. It was controlled by Jabba the Hutt for many years, until
his death just before the Battle of Endor. Jabba moved the clan's base of operations to Tatooine, and did
most of his business from his Mos Eisley townhouse, which was known as the Desilijic Complex. (EGC,
Desilijic Complex
this was the name given to Jabba the Hutt's Mos Eisley townhouse, created on the planet Tatooine. The
entrance to the townhouse was located on Paradise Road, and was little more than a low dome. Most of
the complex was located below the surface of the city, in an extensive network of caves and grottoes.
this was the name of a distinguished Vor individual. (UANT)
this corporation unknowingly employed the slicer known as Baylan to develop its communications
infrastructure software, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Later, Baylan was able to use
backdoors he had previously installed to re-enter the system and tear it down. It was during this time that
Baylan realized the average worker was too indoctrinated to the corporate way of life that they were too
scared to set out on their own course of action. Baylan had been using his slicing abilities to distribute
corporate credits into the accounts of average beings, and realized that they were too scared to do
anything with the credits. However, this realization didn't stop Baylan from continuing to alter corporate
bank accounts. (LFCW)
Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation
this small manufacturer produced speeders and enclosed vehicles for explorers and scouts, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. (X2)
this was one of the two primary factions of the Saurton race. The word "Des'mar" literally meant "forwardthinking". They considered themselves to be forward-looking visionaries who welcomed the prosperity
brought to Essowyn by the mining operations which worked in the asteroid belts. They were in the
minority in terms of numbers, but far exceeded the Quenno in wealth and power. (PG1, DARK)
Des'maric One
this was the name of one of the GAT-12h Skipray BlastBoats operated by the Des'maric Pirates, during
the early years of the New Republic. The ships had been stolen from the starport on Elshandruu Pica. It
was commanded by Miktiss' lieutenant, Yun. (DARK)
Des'maric Pirates

this band of space pirates operated in the area between Minos Cluster and Kathol Sector during the early
years of the New Republic. Led by Miktiss, they worked the Trition Trade Route by obtaining information
on convoy schedules in a deal with Crev Bombaasa. The Des'maric Pirates used the freighter Asagov
Raider as their base, and attacked their targets in a trio of brightly painted Skipray BlastBoats. (DARK)
Des'maric Three
this was the name of one of the GAT-12h Skipray BlastBoats operated by the Des'maric Pirates, during
the early years of the New Republic. The ships had been stolen from the starport on Elshandruu Pica. It
was commanded by Miktiss' primary lieutenant, Ginzet. (DARK)
Des'maric Two
this was the name of one of the GAT-12h Skipray BlastBoats operated by the Des'maric Pirates, during
the early years of the New Republic. The ships had been stolen from the starport on Elshandruu Pica. It
was commanded by Miktiss' young lieutenant, Jerri. (DARK)
Desnand, Feebee
this plump woman was Io Desnand's wife. Feebee wore false eyelashes that were so large they
resembled black-veined butterfly wings. She favored full-length, animal-skin jackets. When Io had the
Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk in captivity on Aida, she asked him to skin the beast to obtain a lizardskin gown. (TBH)
Desnand, Io
this Imperial Governor was in control of the Aida and Lomabu Systems during the Galactic Civil War. He
maintained a penal colony on Lomabu III, where he held several hundred Wookiees. He had planned to
use the Wookiees as bait in a trap to capture a major portion of the Alliance fleet. However, Tinian I'att
and Chenlambec had lured Bossk to Lomabu III at the same time, hoping to trap him by claiming the
Trandoshan was there to poach Wookiee pelts. Desnand's plans were foiled when Tinian and Chen
trapped Bossk before he could launch his own plans. Desnand almost skinned the Trandoshan alive
before Bossk managed to escape. (TBH, HM)
the biologically-engineered starship used by Ber'asco and the Charon death cult to remove the "disease"
of life from the realm of Otherspace. Like a massive organic castle in space, the Desolate is an
amorphous mass of strange, weblike constructs measuring over 450 meters at its longest point. It acts
like a magnet to any ships traveling in Otherspace, drawing them to it and collecting them in a weird belt
which surrounds the ship. Those ships which contained information on new species of life were physically
attached to the Desolate so that Ber'asco could obtain information necesssary to destroy them. The
weapons systems of the ship are hidden in rocky pods which open to allow the firing of projectile
weapons. The Desolate is a strangely dead ship, in keeping with the Charon beliefs surrounding the Void.
Consequently, the Desolate seemed to be a black hole which consumed the Force. There were four main
decks surrounding the central core, with a series of hollow tubes connecting adjacent levels. A docking
bay of sorts is separated from the vacuum of space by a penetratable membrane which seals itself as
ships pass through it. The main bridge was the site of a large, brain-like computer node. Ber'asco used
this node to communicate with other lifeforms. The lowest part of the ship seemed to be a manufacturing
facility for the Charon red mist. After the Charon were first defeated by Alliance agents while in
Otherspace, Ber'asco had his bioscientists create a hyperdrive for the Desolate, so that it could jump into
realspace and attack the galaxy beyond. However, when Grand Moff Ravik's mind took control of
Ber'asco's body, and Ber'asco's mind took control of Bane Nothos' body, the battle between the two
caused a small amount of damage to the ship's control systems. Rather than emerging over the planet
Stronghold, the Desolate smashed into the world, sustaining huge amounts of damage as it skidded over
the rocky surface. The ship was abandoned on Stronghold, after Alliance soldiers overcame the Charon
and defeated Ravik. (OS, OS2)
this Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser was part of Warlord Zsinj's third fleet. (SOC)
Desolation Alley

this was the name used by the inmates of the Galactic Correctional Authority's penal colony on Oovo IV
to describe the prison's cellblocks. (RAC)
Desolation Peak
this small, pointed spire of rock emerged from the middle of a small sea, near the Imperial freight complex
on the planet Byss. (EGP)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was assigned to Admiral Grendeef and the Miser base during the
height of the New Order. It was staged from the planet Kirtarkin. It was destroyed when Alliance agents,
trying to recover the Isis cordinates from the crew of the Wanderer, reprogrammed the Star Destroyer's
navigational comupter. The Desolator made a sudden jump to hyperspace, and re-emerged at the center
of the rogue star G-138. All hands were lost, including Admiral Grendeef. (IC, WOA33)
a planet in the Horuz system, it was used as a penal colony by the Empire. The planet was covered in
thick jungles that were fed by wide rivers and shallow seas. An abundance of lifeforms inhabited the
jungles, and many were predacious. Captives in the penal colony were held in check with the threat of
leaving them outside the colony's walls to fend for themselves. It here that the Empire found a willing, if
unruly, source of labor for the construction of the first Death Star. The huge battle station was erected in
orbit, without regards to the prisoners or the planet. The prisoners didn't realize it at the time, but the huge
amount of scrap and debris that was created and left in orbit effectively sealed the planet off from outside
contact, since no sane pilot would fly his ship through the chaf. When the prisoners became too unruly to
effectively work on the Death Star, Tarkin went to Kashyyyk and captured some Wookiees to use as
slaves. Once the battle station was complete, Tarkin ordered the new superlaser tested immediately. The
Empire's first successful use of the weapon came when Tarkin fired on Despayre itself, killing all of the
native life, the slave labor, and destroying the planet. Note that the Rebellion Era Sourcebook claims this
planet was called Horuz. (MTS, DS, DSTC, RESB)
a Selonian word meaning "honorable." (AS)
a Sovereign-class Star Destroyer under construction prior to the Emperor Palpatine's rebirth on Byss.
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
Desrini District
this was one of the northernmost sections of Galactic City, located on the planet Coruscant, during the
last years of the Old Republic. Shortly before the Clone Wars, one of the garbage-launching machines
that propelled refuse into orbit misfired, sending industrial waste and shrapnel into the civilian area of the
district, killing 48 and injuring more than 200 other beings. It was later discovered that a group of families
were illegally tapping into the power supply for the launcher. The homemade power taps disabled the
launcher's obstruction sensors, allowing it to fire even though the path was blocked. The Desrini District
was closed off for many weeks, as the clean-up of industrial waste left the area unlivable. In the wake of
this disaster, the Desrini District was set upon by a swarm of dianogas. More than twenty-five homeless
beings were reportedly eaten by the scavengers before the problem was brought to the attention of the
authorities. (HNN5)
this Alliance Colonel was Lanish Ran's commanding officer. (SWJ4)
a planet. (WBC)

Destato Island
this island was located on Procopia, some 400 kilometers from Estalle Island. (LOE)
Destination: Adventure!
this passenger liner plied the spacelanes of the Periphery along the Sisar Run during the Galactic Civil
War. It provided a number of tourist and vacation packages, as well as starships repair and resupply
facilities. The ship's actually owners were part of the Black Sun criminal organization. (SSR)
this unusual starship was owned by the Kalai who inhabited the Zirtran's Anchor space station. The
Destiny was attached to the station, and served as the living quarters of the Kalai. Its presence was a
vast mystery to the rest of the station's inhabitants, as the Kalai rarely left its confines and almost never
invited another being inside. Hidden within the Destiny's holds were advanced starfighters that were
faster and more maneuverable than the X-Wing or TIE Fighter, but their true purpose was never
discovered. (SWJ5)
this Imperial warship, part of the fleet commanded by Carnor Jax, was dispatched to Zaddja to locate and
eliminate Kir Kanos. (CE)
a Mugaari transport destroyed when the Empire subjugated the Tungra Sector. (TIE)
one of the planet Pantolomin's larger islands. (DFRSB)
this planet was a twin to the world of Dubrillion. Both were located near the asteroid system known as
Lando's Folly. Brown and dirty from space, Destrillion was an inhospitable world. Lando Calrissian, during
his tenure as owner of Lando's Folly, set up great processing plants on Destrillion, where ores from the
asteroid field could be turned into usable materials. Like its twin, Destrillion was eventually captured by
the Yuuzhan Vong. (VP, FH3)
this was the name used by Governor Kugg, of the planet Dodz, to describe his huge assassin droid. The
Destroyer had been modified to serve as Kugg's right-hand man, and was used primarily to force the
citizens of Dodz to by the heavy taxes demanded by Governor Kugg. The Destroyer was built to
intimidate and destroy, but it proved no match for R2-D2 and the Ranger X-1 defense droid owned by
Jost Ellon. In a titanic battle, R2-D2 was able to draw power away from the Destroyer and channel it into
the X-1. This caused a chain reaction within the Destroyer's circuits, resulting in an explosion that
destroyed the Destroyer. (MDCAR)
Destroyer Droid
these large, mobile weapons platforms were created by the Trade Federation to augment their legions of
battle droids. Destroyer droids were built on a platform that could curl in upon itself in what was known as
"Wheel Form," and roll into battle. Once deployed, the destroyer would unfold itself, steadying its massive
form on three stout legs in what was known as the "Combat Stance." Its arms were studded with laser
cannons and projectile launchers, and its head was filled with sensitive sensors and detectors used to
local its targets. Models developed shourtly before the Battle of Naboo included small shield generators,
and a series in development had independent, programmable computer brains that freed them from the
necessity of a Droid Control Ship. The destroyer droids were also known as droidekas, and were
produced by the Colicoids of Colla IV. The form of the destroyer droid mirrors the forms of the Colicoids
themselves, including the ability to roll up into a ball and surprise their targets. (SW1, VD1, IG1, SON)
Destroyer of Worlds
see Infant of Shaa. (JF, ZW)

this was one of Kuat Drive Yards' ion engine designs. They saw duty as the primary sublight drive
systems on Imperial-class Star Destroyers. (EGV)
Destroyers, The
this band sometimes played at Bantha Traxx, on the planet Lianna. (WSV)
Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse Gun
see DEMP Gun (AEG)
this Interdictor-class cruiser was under the command of Lieutenant Lon Donell during the early years of
the New Republic. He used it to drag Republic ships from hyperspace, then captured the ships for his
own fleet. Donell was forced to man the ship with less than a full crew, because his own troops were
small in number. The Detainer was also short on support ships, carrying only a single TIE Fighter
squadron, a pair of Skipray blastboats, and two Gamma-class assault shuttles. (WBC)
Detainment droid
this form of repulsor-equipped droid was essentially a floating prison guard, equipped with four arms.
Detan, Narn
this New Republic Captain was placed in charge of re-establishing the government of a small colony in
the Geal System. During the action, his troops enocuntered the bounty hunter Moxin Tark. Tark had been
following Detan ever since the remnants of the Empire had placed a bounty in his head. Tark executed
Detan in front of the New Republic troops, and managed to escape and claim the bounty. (WBC)
Detection Plus
this was the brand name of Krystallio's RMD-20 long-range surveillance remote. Known as the "Eye in the
Sky," this device was a repulsor-equipped sphere designed to track criminal suspects for law enforcement
agencies. (EGW)
this was the term used to describe any being who was employed to hunt down and locate fugitives or
other criminals, often being hired by private concerns. (GMR10)
Detention Task Force
this study group was formed within the Corporate Sector Authority to analyze the costs and methods of
imprisonment in various Authority and Imperial prison facilities. They determined that the New Order
would likely lead to rebellion, and that a new breed of prison would be required to maintain larger
numbers of criminals. They proposed the Stars' End project, and were involved in the initial design. The
conclusion of the task force was that criminals could be stored in stasis booths, maintained in suspended
animation until their sentences were up. This cut down on most operational costs - like food, clothing, and
accommodations - while ensuring the safety of the prisoners. (CSA)
Dethro Glok
this being controlled much of the scrap trade which sprang up on the planet Ord Ibanna, after the gas
mines there were abandoned. He was known as a ruthless leader, although he was strictest about
maintaining the repulsorlifts which kept the cities of the planet afloat long enough to be salvaged. (RAC)
Dethro's Revenge
named for Dethro Glok, this was one of the many podraces which meandered through the cloud-cities of
the planet Ord Ibanna during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
Detien Kaileel
this Kabieroun served as the Kuari Princess' chief of security during the later years of the New Order. He
fled his homeworld of Kabieroun several years before the Empire began subjugating the world, and

studied police science at Balaidas Academy before the Empire closed it to non-humans. Detien then
spent twenty or so years as a detective for the Mid-Rim Sentinel Agency before hiring on with Galaxy
Tours as a security officer. A good friend of Celia Durasha and Dap Nechel, neither knew that Kaileel was
also a supporter of the Alliance. On several runs with the Kuari Princess, Kaileel had been delivering
guns and supplies to the underground on Mantooine, which had attracted the attention of Adion Lang and
the ISB. When he was arrested aboard the Kuari Princess, Celia tried to rescue him from prison. She
didn't believe that the rebellion was correct until Kaileel revealed that the Empire had destroyed Alderaan.
When he was captured by Lang, his resistance led to his demise as Lang shot him before he could board
his shuttle and escape. (TFE, SWJ8)
the most common explosive used in grenades and detonators. It is produced in moldable, fist-sized
cubes. (SWSB, DESB)
Detonite Tape
this was a specialized form of explosive which found a wide market during the Galactic Civil War. D-tape
(as it is referred to in the business) is a basic adhesive tape which has been impregnated with detonie
gel. While not as destructive as a shaped charge, detonite tape was more flexible and adaptive to the
shapes of doors, windows, and hatches. (ROE)
this strong, alcoholic beverage was often consumed in single shots. (SWI65)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Dev, Yanix
to the casual acquiantence, Yanix Dev was an upstanding businessman who could have run any number
of Inner Rim corporations. In reality, Dev was an egotistical distribution manager for the Karazak Slavers
Guild. He liked to refer to himself as a "body broker." (GG11)
a form of music created and perfected on Adarlon. (GG6)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "peace officer", according to historian who studied the
Ithorian race. (GCG)
this woman was one of the Jedi Masters who taught at the Almas Academy during the years surrounding
the Clone Wars. During her tenure at the Academy, she served as the Mistress of Battle, taking over the
lightsaber training that had once been taught by Master Kirlocca. (LFCW)
this temperate world, located in the Colonies region of the galaxy, was home to the Devaronians and their
cousins, the Devish. The terrain of Devaron was made up a low mountain ranges with deep valleys,
shallow lakes, and thousands of rivers. Note that the Ultimate Alien Anthology indicates that Devaron was
located in the Expansion Region. (GG4, SCRE, UANT)
this was the native language of the Devaronian people. (ANT)
these aliens are one of the most unique races in the galaxy, as their male and female sexes are so vastly
different in appearance and temperament. The males are docile, non-aggresive creatures with smooth,
hairless skin and short horns on their heads. They takes great pride in their horns, and groom them quite
regularly. The females, on the other hand, are covered in calico fur and do not have horns. They are

aggressive by nature, and tend to dominate their culture. It is believed that they are descended from a
race of primates that lived in the mountains of Devaron, their homeworld, and that their horns were a
genetic mutation that proved useful in fending off predatory brids. Devaronians are carnivores and in
general, have an efficient metabolism, consuming nearly every bit of food they eat. The unusual blood of
the Devaronians was silver-based, giving it a blackish color not unlike tarnish when exposed to oxygen.
This means that they don't go to the toilet as often as other races. Devaronians were one of the first races
to discover the secrets to space travel and develop stardrives. (SW, SCRE, GG4, TBH, T)
Devaronian Blood-poison
this strange gemstone is a strange silver color. When the stone is rubbed into an open wound, or used as
a weapon to pierce flesh, it inflicts a painful poisoning into the bloodstream, which lingers for weeks
unless treated immediately. (TPS)
Devastation, The
this was the term used by the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project to describe the destruction of the
mission and the loss of the Outbound Flight. They were considered the original members of the Outbound
Flight Colomy. (SQ)
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer famous for its capture of the Rebel ship Tantive IV, the Devastator was
Darth Vader's personal flagship until the Battle of Yavin. Prior to Vader's command, the Devastator was
the flagship of Lord Tion, who commanded it during the destruction of an Alliance based on Ralltiir before
his defection. It was later assigned to the fleet commanded by Darth Vader aboard the Executor. (SWR,
this was a renowned vibroknife, produced by Merr-Sonn during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
The Devastator was an exceptional weapon for close-combat trench fighting among ground-based
military personnel. (SHPT)
Devastator Torpedo
this weapon was developed during the last years of the Galactic Civil War by the Empire. Rolf Treidum
and his fleet of ships patrolling the Kathol Outback used one of these weapons on the planet Danoor,
after Waric Nane failed to keep the FarStar and her crew on the planet. The torpedo was launched at the
planet, and created a blast radius of about 5 kilometers. Everything within the blast was obliterated. The
only drawback to the use of the devastator torpedo is that its launching system takes several minutes to
recharge between shots. (KO)
this searing ball of rock is the first planet in the Lianna System. (ML)
DeVay, Varel
this young woman was the xenobiologist serving aboard the FarStar during its attempts to intercept Moff
Sarne in Kathol Sector following the Battle of Endor. She grew up on a Core world, the pampered
daughter of wealthy parents, and could have attended any university she chose. Despite her parents'
wishes, she decided to follow her own path and study xenobiology. After graduation, she took a job
working for a small company on Kal'Shebbol, but found herself actually working for Moff Sarne as a
bioweapons developer. When the New Republic liberated Kal'Shebbol and forced Sarne into hiding, Varel
opted to serve aboard the FarStar rather than return home. (KO)
this female S'kytri was the voice of the governmental council of the Highlands, on her homeworld of Skye,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. She presided over the trial of Luke Skywalker and Leia
Organa, who were stranded on the planet when Han Solo set out to defeat Kharys. Like Aragh, Deveren
believed in the prophesies that claimed a being would arrive on Skye to free the S'kytri from Imperial
control. (LTA1, MCA1)

this Imperial soldier was killed on Eiattu when Nrin recovered from his wounds. (XWWP)
this was the name of a noted Spiner individual. (UANT)
a pirate escort shuttle group destroyed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Devil's Doorknob, The
this was the name given to the opening through which The Corkscrew emptied onto the Hutt Flats, part of
the Mos Espa Circuit racecourse found on the planet Tatooine. Podracers had to flip their vehicles on
their sides in order to pass through the Doorknob. (IWE1)
Devin, Virtrol
this man served as Drek Drednar's security chief, and was often the first member of the pirate team to
board a captured starship. (SWJ5)
this Krytollak empress ruled her people during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. She had access to
Imperial observers who helped her govern the planet Thandruss, in response to the Krytollak support of
the New Order. (GG12)
Devis, Mynar
this man served the Imperial Remnant as a Captain during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy,
commanding the Interdictor cruiser Wrack. Captain Devis was part of the Imperial portion of Operation
Trinity, monitoring one of the escape routes to be used by the forces of the Galactic Alliance. He admitted
to being a fan of Han Solo's exploits since the age of five, when the smuggler's ship Millennium Falcon
was dragged out of hyperspace by the Imperial forces. When the Yuuzhan Vong crippled the HoloNet
with the use of the mabugat kan, Devis agreed to take a flight of TIE Defenders and race back to Grand
Admiral Pellaeon to warn them of the communications failure. After delivering his message, Devis
returned to Bilbringi to lend assistance to the forces of the Galactic Alliance. However, without the other
two fleets, General Wedge Antilles' forces took a pounding at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. Devis and
his wingmen worked with Solo and the Millennium Falcon to help clear escape routes, but they too were
beset by Yuuzhan Vong forces. In order to ensure that the Millennium Falcon survived to fight another
day, Devis remained to guard Solo's rear , then plunged his TIE Defender into the hull of a Yuuzhan Vong
interdictor craft. The resulting explosion took Devis' life, but enabled the forces of the Galactic Alliance to
eliminate the interdictor. In the wake of Operation Trinity, many within the New Republic's military came to
believe that Devis was actually the son of Gilad Pellaeon, after Han Solo delivered word of Devis' actions
to the Grand Admiral. (FP)
another race of Devaronians, the Devish resemble their cousins outwardly, but there are several social
and physical differences. The male Devish are born with sharp teeth used for hunting. The females are
born with the sharp and blunt molars, and can survive on food that would kill most males. About one male
in every fifty is born with both sets of teeth, making him a kind of solitary but useful hunter. Those Devish,
male or female, with two sets of teeth, have the molars on the outer set and the sharp teeth on the inner
set. The molars can be retracted, leaving the sharp teeth clear for ripping meat. Because the Devish used
vicious quarra to execute criminals, the planet Devaron was never allowed membership into the New
Republic. (TME, EGA)
this social strata was the higher of the two which developed over the millennia on Exocron. Descended
from the original engineers aboard the Exocros Cabal, the Devisors were responsible for maintaining a
safe and "good" level of technology for the rest of the planet's inhabitants. The Devisors believed that
technology and space travel were inherently evil, and made sure that nothing new would come to harm
the other colonists. This division of the population made the Devisors the unstated rulers of Exocron.

However, there were several pirate groups and corsairs who believed that the Devisors were holding the
people of Exocron from joining the rest of the galaxy. One group, led by Eida Sharden, managed to finally
break the Devisors' hold on the population. After assisting Horzao Darr and Kaiya Adrimetrum in freeing
the FarStar, Pagda Gevtes was captured and the Devisors were reduced in stature. (KO)
Devist, Carib
this tallgrain farmer from the Dorchess Valley of the planet Pakrik Minor was actually one of the sleeper
agents dispersed throughout the galaxy by Grand Admiral Thrawn, and was a member of cell Jenth-44.
Carib was "activated" by Grodin Tierce, shortly after the revelation of the Caamas Document. Like his
brother, Sabmin, Carib was also a clone of Soontir Fel, bred for his piloting skills in case Thrawn needed
additional pilots in his war against the New Republic. However, Fel's love of the outdoors and his family
somehow made it into his makeup, and the Devists decided that they didn't want to fight when the orders
came through. They opted to negotiate with Leia Organa-Solo for their freedom. Carib agreed to help the
New Republic by taking a doctored recording of an alien starship to the nearest Ubiqtorate base, in hopes
that it would be rerouted to Bastion. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian could then travel to Bastion and
retrieve a copy of the Caamas Document. In the meantime, Devist agreed to served as the diplomatic
representative to the New Republic from Pakrik Minor. He threw in his full support of President Gavrisom,
and was used as a rallying point. He was also able to identify several Imperial ships among those
gathered around Bothawui, and was instrumental in the discovery of the Tyrannic. (SOP, VOF)
Devist, Daberin
Carib Devist's son. (VOF)
Devist, Keena
Carib Devist's daughter. (VOF)
Devist, Lacy
Carib Devist's wife. (SOP)
Devist, Sabmin
this tallgrain farmer was the brother of Carib Devist, and was also a sleeper agent in cell Jenth-44,
planted by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Sabmin was the first agent on Pakrik Minor to receive Imperial
notification that the agents had been activated, and organized the agents for action. Like his brother,
Carib, Sabmin was also a clone of Soontir Fel, bred for his piloting skills in case Thrawn needed
additional pilots in his war against the New Republic. However, Fel's love of the outdoors and his family
somehow made it into his makeup, and the Devists decided that they didn't want to fight when the orders
came through. They opted to negotiate with Leia Organa-Solo for their freedom. (SOP, VOF)
this city, found on the continent of Laz on the planet Lazerian IV, is the capital of the nation of Devit.
this nation, encompassing the three continents of the western hemisphere of the planet Lazerian IV, was
the only nation on the planet. (TSK)
DeVitt, Chase
a native of Corellia, this man ended up on Socorro with only a few credits to his name. He was brought to
the planet by Drake Paulsen, but his good looks and roguish style earned him a quick position in the
criminal underground. His skills with sabacc cards got him hired by Tiranga the Hutt, who employed
Chase as a "luck-buster." Whenever a customer of Tiranga's Loft got too lucky and started winning,
Chase was sent in to call their bluff. His success rate at stopping these runs created a healthy rivalry
between Chase and some of the galaxy's best sabacc players, and his ability to beat them has helped fill
Tiranga's coffers. (BSS)
this small, heavy-set Imperial Admiral survived the Battle of Endor and controlled a the Rachuk Sector for

a few years afterward. He was Uwlla Iellor's commanding officer. He is a very opinionated person, and his
opinion is usually wrong, although he works hard to make people see that it is the only opinion. He was
killed in the New Republic raid on Vladet. (XWN)
this is a species of heart-shaped, green-skinned aliens was native to the planet Ord Radama. The
average lifespan of a Deevlikk was around ten standard years. Devlikks were highly attuned to the
magnetic poles of their homeworld, and never became lost in the cities found there. Off-planet, however,
Devlikks quickly became confused about their surroundings. (IG1, IWE1, NEGC)
Devon Four
this planet was embargoed by the Old Republic several years before the onset of the Clone Wars, when
the government refused to pay its taxes. The embargo came just before a plague struck the planet, and
the Republic refused to allow shipments of the antidote to reach the planet's surface. Several smugglers
managed to break through the blockade, and the planet's population eventually survived the threat. (TCD)
one of the New Republic assault shuttles participating in the assault on Borleias. It later assisted the
retaking of Coruscant by transporting troops to the planet's surface. (XWN, WG)
a recommissioned Black Sword warship used by the Yevetha to purge the planet Polneye. It was a
Victory-class Star Destroyer. (BTS)
Devotion of Yevetha
Tal Fraan served aboard this Yevetha warship, leading a group of human slaves. (SOL)
Devourer Organism
this was a specially-developed organism that was used by the Old Republic to scrub the atmosphere of
the planet Coruscant, in an effort to maintain a breathable quality of air. These organisms were bred to be
highly effective and efficient at converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, thereby taking the place of the
plantlife which no longer covered the planet's surface. (EL2)
Devourer Tank
this device was produced during the New Republic for the automated disposal and recycling of organic
material, especially on worlds like Coruscant where garbage disposal was extremely important. Organic
material was collected and placed into the tank, which was essentially a vat of viscous "goo" that broke
down the organic material. Every so often, the goo was pumped out of the tank, and the inorganic sludge
at the bottom was scraped out, in order to maintain the tank's effectiveness. The goo which was placed in
the tank was barely aware of its surroundings, and the individual molecules could work together to grasp
at organic material and drag it into the tank. The devourer tank's goo was a modified version of the
devourer organism developed to scrub Coruscant's air. (EL2)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
Devvol, Fez
this man was the manager of Aqualis Base during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He developed
relationships with the Krikthasi in order to make his work on the planet easier. (PG1)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "fierce"
or "stout", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name. (GMR10,
Dew Cake
this delicious bread was produced on the planet Wroona. (PSPG)

this Dug slaver was one of the many members of his species who worked for the crimelord Sebolto during
the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. A bounty for his capture was issued by Gorga the Hutt in
connection with the theft of several of Gorga's Twi'leki dancers. Jango Fett later claimed this bounty
during his attempt to locate Sebolto on Malastare. (BH)
a species of large, omnivorous, dinosaur-like lizards found in the deserts of Tatooine and Breeka,
dewbacks were named for the sweat they exude during periods of rest. The dew-like sweat collected
along the scales of their backs, and members of a dewback herd licked the sweat off each other for
water. This sharing of the "dew" on their backs helped the dewbacks develop social relationships. The
sweat was often collected by certain races for medicinal purposes. The average dewback was a solitary
animal for most of the year. They congregate in the Jundland Wastes each year to participate in a huge,
orgiastic mating ritual which followed the mating season of the krayt dragon. The eggs are then left
behind, safe because the dragons have moved on. They young must fend for themselves once hatched.
Faster and more agile than a Bantha, Dewbacks can be trained for use as mounts. Dewbacks were easy
to domesticate, especially if raised from the egg. However, any domesticated Dewback must be set free
each year for the mating season, or else they went into a wild rage. They are also used as a food source
by humans and Tusken Raiders. Dewbacks are active during the heat of the day, but become sluggish
during the cold desert nights. While lumbering in appearance, the average dewback could attain a
running speed of fifty kilometers an hour for short bursts. (SW, JS, SWSB, GG7, XWWP, GF, EGA,
Dewback Inn
Hath Monchar planned to sell his information, detailing the Trade Federation's plans to blockade the
Naboo System at the order of Darth Sidious, to Lorn Pavan at this Coruscant inn, shortly before the Battle
of Naboo. The Dewback Inn was located in the Zi-Kree sector of the cityworld, in the area known as the
Crimson Corridor. (DMSH, MBS)
Dewback Kord
this man was the chief mechanic for the starship Hawkbat. (WS)
Dewback Storage Warehouse
located in Coronet City on Corellia, Corran Horn and Riij Winward hid Captain Niriz' cargo here during
their travels with Grand Admiral Thrawn, who was disguised as Jodo Kast. (TFE)
Dewback's Burden
this Gallofree Yards medium transport was part of a merchant fleet hired by the New Republic to carry
supplies to planets which were rebuilding in the wake of the Battle of Endor. The Dewback's Burden
served as the lead ship in the convoy which was dispatched to bring supplies to Bhuna Sound, but was
attacked by the TIE Interceptor pirates hoping to free Air Marshall Von Asch. (T5)
this was the term used to describe the flaps of skin that surrounded the mouth of a Sullustan individual.
this 600-year-old female Wookiee joined Garris Shrike on the Trader's Luck as a chef, following the
exiling of her husband, Isshaddik. Known to her friends as Dewlanna, she befriended Han Solo, and kept
watch over him. It was this love that Han never forgot, and eventually led to his association with
Chewbacca. Dewlanna was the one who discovered that Han's last name was Solo, during one of
Shrike's fits of drunken bragging. When Solo attempted to escape from the Luck and start his own life,
Dewlanna gave him a bagful of credits. When Shrike caught Solo, Dewlanna stepped into make sure Han
got away. She killed Larrad Shrike before taking a blaster bolt from Garris. The injury proved fatal, and
Han promised that her death would not go in vain. Note that The Unifying Force indicates that
Dewlannamapia survived the blast, and was present many decades later at the dedication of a portrait of
Chewbacca at the Thiss landing pad. (TPS, UF)

a thick-growing jungle plant native to Dathomir. (CPL)
this man was part of the team dispatched to Corellia to capture or kill the Jedi Master Eelysa and any
other Jedi they found. Dex worked for Roxi Barl during the mission. They ran into Han and Leia Organa
Solo at the medical facility that was treating Eelysa, and were forced to flee or be shot by the Solos.
Unfortunately for Dex, he was shot and killed in the firefight. (REC)
Dex's Diner
this small restaurant, located in Coruscant's CoCo District during the last years of the Old Republic, was
owned by Dexter Jettster. Dex's Diner was once known as Didi's Caf, and was sold to Dex by Didi and
Astri Oddo. Known for its slogan, the Diner claimed to have "the best eats in the CoCo Town streets!"
(HNN4, JQ2)
Dexsrti Skin Pox
despite its name, this parasite attacked its host from the inside, lodging in the digestive system until fully
grown. Then, they migrated into the bloodstream and lodged themselves in the subcutaneous tissues of
muscles. Once there, they resembles rosy lumps on the skin, giving them their name. The infection of
Dexsrti Skin Pox was treatable with medication. (TBSB)
Dexter Jettster
amale Besalisk with a heavy-set body and four thick arms, Dex was a mechanic who worked for various
oil-harvesting operations during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Note that Star Wars Gamer
#10 indicates that Dexter was a member of the Ojum race. He developed a love for cooking during this
time, although many of his fellow crewbeings wondered how much of "special recipes" were imbued with
lubricants and oils found on the worksite. After spending many years as a smuggler and gunrunner, Dex
retired to Coruscant, where he purchased Didi's Caf from Didi Oddo when the previous owner retired.
Dexter was introduced to Obi-Wan Kenobi at this time, and served as an invaluable source of information
for the Jedi Knight. Note that the Star Wars Databank indicates that Dexter first met Obi-Wan on the
mining world of Ord Sigatt. Obi-Wan discovered that Dex could be an incredibly loyal friend, who would
kill if necessary, as well as give his life for those beings he cared about. Dexter was portrayed by Ronald
Falk in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (OWS, JQ2, AOTCN, VD2, SWDB, GMR10)
homeworld of Kyp Durron's parents. It was a terraformed world, with raft cities anchored in manmade
lakes, located in the Anoat System. It was once a successful fish-farming colony, aquaformed to make
the most of the fish. Located near the Ison Corridor and the Corellian Trade Spine, it was within easy
access of many Old Republic supply lines. The colonists ruled themselves under the auspices of the Old
Republic, but the rise of the New Order saw widespread misuse of the farming facilities. The Empire
polluted the waters and killed off the fish, eventually forcing the settlers to abandon the planet altogether.
Since the fall of the Empire, Deyer has become just another backwater world. Its days lasts 28 standard
hours, and its year lasts 389 local days. Note that the Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin
indicates that Deyer's day lasted 20 hours, and its year lasted 300 local days. (JS, JASB, WOA33)
Deyer Colony
see Deyer (NEGC)
this planet was the homeworld of the Enu race. Shortly before the Clone Wars, the planet was infested
with stone mites, but the damage proved to be minimal before the mites were eradicated. (WBC, HNN5)
Deysum III
this planet, located in the Trax Sector, served as the Imperial sector capital shortly after the Battle of
Yavin. A huge naval installation was erected on the planet. At the time of the Battle of Yavin, Deysum III
had been abused by corporations and urban sprawl, and much of the planet was covered with swamps of
deadly chemicals and toxic waste. The inhabitants of the planet were forced to erect huge domes to cover

their cities and keep out the toxic gases the built up over the centuries of misuse. (GMK, SWJ7)
this was a common name among the Snivvian race. (UANT)
this Imperial Security Bureau agent was assigned to the first Death Star, leading the group of agents
monitoring the station. He had the ability to be inconspicuous when it suited him, but he was also ruthless
and cunning to a fault. (DSTC)
an Imperial Lieutenant, Dezon worked a pit officer on the Interdictor-class ship Constrainer. He had been
conscripted into the Empire against his will, but grew to at least honor the Empire he worked to restore.
this man was a Captain in the Imperial armed forces during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. He
was outwardly loyal to Emperor Palpatine, but was actually allied with Grand Moff Trachta. By remaining
a member of the Imperial Navy's command structure, Dezsetes was able to provide Trachta with detailed
reports on the movement of the Imperial fleet. He arragned to be assigned to the Star Destroyer
Mathayus, when the ship was provided for Darth Vader's mission to hunt down a supposed Jedi Knight on
Dargulli. After Vader eliminated the pretender, who claimed to be a disciple of the Sith, he returned to the
Mathayus and confronted Dezsetes. When Dezsetes revealed the plot to assassinate Emperor Palpatine,
Vader cut Dezsetes in half with his lightsaber. (SWEB)
this was a common name among the Snivvian race. (UANT)
this unit of measure is used by weapons manufacturers, and describes the range (in kilometers) over
which a single tube charge loses eight percent of its energy. It was initially developed by the Sumrias
race, and says that the weapon loses half its charge at 8 Df. (ISB)
designation of the Golan Arms spray blaster. (ISB)
Golan Arms' anti-infantry battery, the DF.9 is a turret-mounted medium laser weapon. The turret can be
mobilized for deployment, but the weapon's mechanics require it to be constantly maintained. It has a
proton-shielded control cylinder, and the weapons sit on top of it. (ISB, CFG)
a follow-on to the Golan Arms DF.9, the DF.9/B is essentially a DF.9 battery mounted on a four-meter
tower. This weapon is a fixed-installation weapon only, and rapidly gained popularity during the Galactic
Civil War. (ISB)
this New Republic datafile was appended to datafile DF76-882, and contained information on the D-type
starfighter used by the Yevethans. (CTD)
this datafile was created by the New Republic Intelligence agency to monitor the various forms of
starships used by the Yevethan species. (CTD)
this New Republic Intelligence datafile was appended to file DF76-882, and contained information on the
Aramadia-class Yevethan thrustship. (CTD)

DFA 998
this anti-infantry laser battery was manufactured by Golan Arms during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)
this alien race, a member of the New Republic, sided with the Diamalans in the Caamas Incident. (VOF)
this personal defense field generator, manufactured by Palladia Electronics, was worn like a belt.
Contained in the belt was a small proximity sensor and energy emitter, designed to protect a being's
personal space. Whenever an unwanted intrusion occurred, the sensor picked up incoming pressure and
rected by releasing a stun charge at the offender. The stun charge varied in strength, depending on the
force with which the intruder approached the user. (GFT)
this flechette rifle was produced by Salus Corporation, during the height of the New Order. It was unique
in that it fired flechettes from two barrels instead of one. It was considered powerful at close range, but
lacked accuracy over a distance. The design of the DF-D1 was essentially stolen from the Golan Arms
FC-1 flechette launcher, in the hopes of Salus gaining a contract with the Empire. However, the DF-D1
was plagued by numerous flaws and accidents, and Salus was eventually nationalized by Imperial
Munitions. The DF-D1 was dropped as a project. (GFT, GUN, AEG)
this was the designation of one of the Dreadnaughts that was part of the Outbound Flight starship. D-Five
was one of the five Dreadnaughts which was buried when the ship crashed into a large planetoid in the
Redoubt, after it was attacked by a group of Chiss led by Thrawn. (SQ)
this was the designation of one of the Dreadnaughts that was part of the Outbound Flight starship. D-Four
was the only Dreadnaughts which remained aboveground when the ship crashed into a large planetoid in
the Redoubt, after it was attacked by a group of Chiss led by Thrawn. Thus, it was the only access point
through which any visstor could reach the rest of the ship. However, because it was the only Dreadnaught
aboveground, the Outbound Flight Colony expended a large portion of its efforts on getting D-Four ready
for flight once again. When the remains of Outbound Flight were located by a Chiss-led expedtion some
fifty years after its attack, D-Four was capable of flight but not ready for the Colony to continue its mission.
This made it an attractive target for Estosh and Bearsh, who commanded their Vagaari pirates to steal the
ship for their own use. After planting line creepers in the rest of the Outbound Flight Dreadnaughts, they
blasted D-Four away from the main ship by destroying the turbolift pylons that connected them. The
Vagaari hoped that this would kill anyone left on Outbound Flight, but Captain Talshib of the Chiss
managed to seal them off. Estosh and his surviving Vagaari nearly reached the Brask Oto Command
Station, the first stop in their attack on the Chiss, but Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker managed
to defeat them and bring the Dreadnaught under control. (SQ)
this Trade Federation droid starfighter was given tactical programming which allowed it to learn about its
enemy, especially the N-1 starfighter, giving it the ability to maximize its offensive strategies. (CCG15)
this was one of the Vulture droid starfighters which was assigned to the Trade Federation's command
ship, during the initial stages of the blockade of the planet Naboo. (YJC4)
this was one of the Vulture droid starfighters which was assigned to the Trade Federation's command
ship, during the initial stages of the blockade of the planet Naboo. (YJC4)
this was the designation of the Trade Federation Vulture droid starfighter which was assigned to analyze
the N-1 starfighter, in preparation for the invasion of the Naboo System. It was on the maindeck of the

Trade Federation command ship when the Radiant VII arrived with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
DFS-1308, despite its programming, was unable to figure out the human element (I.e., the pilot) of the N1. (CCG15)
this Trade Federation droid starfighter was part of the forces deployed to support the Separatists during
the Battle of Geonosis. (TCG2)
this was one of the Vulture droid starfighters which was assigned to the Trade Federation's command
ship, during the initial stages of the blockade of the planet Naboo. DFS-327 was given programming for
defending the Federation's battleships during combat. It also had routines which allowed it to target key
systems on enemy capital ships. (YJC4, CCG15)
this was one of the Trade Federation's droid starfighters, active during the months just prior to the onset
of the Clone Wars. (TCG1)
this man was an executive of a Vendusii Crystal mine during the Galactic Civil War. (HR)
Herzfall Corporation's head-mounted communications device, it resolved the jamming problems
encountered when using SoroSuub's DH77 headcomm. They were used in stormtrooper helmets. The
DH107 had a special decoding sequence built into its firmware, which was activated when the helmet was
placed on the trooper's head. It randomly changed frequencies according to a platoon shifting sequence,
which made tracking the transmission nearly impossible. The sequence could only be halted by throwing
a small tongue switch as the trooper removed the helmet. Otherwise, the decoding sequence would be
erased, rendering the communications system useless. Airen Cracken once found that, if a person linked
a sabacc skifter to the DH107 module, the skifter could relay information about what frequency was most
likely to be used next. (ISB, CFG)
one of BlasTech's Imperial weapons, the DH-17 resembled an E-11 blaster, except that its nozzle was
cone-shaped. Although the DH-17 was semi-automatic, it could be modified for automatic fire. This
modification was not recommended, however, because the weapon built up excessive amounts of heat
during heavy use. (CCG, EGW)
this BlasTech blaster pistol was the follow-on to the DH-17 model, produced during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. The primary difference was the power output of the DH-18, which was greater than
that of the DH-17, but with a shorter range. (AEG)
DH-23 Outback
this modification of BlasTech's DH-17 blaster pistol was made with durability in mind. While it wasn't as
powerful or accurate as the DH-17, the DH-23 had better construction and heat dissipation capabilities.
SoroSuub's version of a lightweight communications device which can be attached to headgear (helmet,
headset, etc.). Designed for use in stormtrooper helmets, they were replaced by Herzfall's DH107
because the DH77 was easily jammed by high energy particle emissions. (ISB, CFG)
Dha Werda Verda
this ancient text was first discovered - inadvertently - by Mungo Baobab, who recovered the famed
Roonstones. They were later deciphered in the Baobab Archives. Encoded into the crystal structure of the
stones was the first version of the text ever found. Research into the origins of Dha Werda Verda indicate

that it was written some 5,000 years before the Taungs marauded the ancient peoples of the planet
Coruscant, known as the battalions of Zhell. The epic story recounts the bloody battles between the
Taungs and the Zhell, and focuses on the final battle, which turned when a volcano erupted and rained
deadly ashes onto the main Zhell city, wiping them out. However, the cloud of ash which formed as a
result of the blast filled the skies for two years after the Taung's took control. This cloud cast a shadow
over their lives, and the Taung adopted the name "Dha Werda Verda," which literally translates to "The
Warriors of the Shadow." Throughout their history, the Taungs have referred to themselves as the Dark
Warriors, another translation of Dha Werda Verda. (SES)
this creature, which was native to the long-lost planet of Yuuzhan'tar, was one of the few creatures which
could kill a maw luur. Because the maw luur was useful to the Yuuzhan Vong, the dha'eh were kept to a
minimum population. (FP)
Dhalbreth Square
located in Imperial City on Coruscant, this park contains a pond full of glowfish. (SHA)
this scout was active during the early years of the New Republic, and worked from a base on Elshandruu
Pica. (GUN)
this being was a member of a near-human species which implanted various mechanical systems into their
bodies, often replacing major limbs and organs with cybernetic weapons. They coordinated their actions
via an internal communications package. D'harhan was also a bounty hunter, and was well-suited to the
task. His body was covered by heavy, black armor which protected the power and support systems for the
huge laser cannon which served as its head. The weapon had an enormous bore, and was studded with
sophisticated optical systems that allowed D'harhan to "see" its surroundings as well as target its prey.
The subsystems of the laser were draped down his back, along his spine. The immense weight of all
these systems would have overbalanced a normal creature, but D'harhan also had a segmented, armored
"tail" which extended from his lower back and hips. Heavy, black gloves protected D'harhan's hands, and
thick-soled booted supported his feet. In order to communicate, D'harhan used an archaic keyboard
attached to its central processors, and typed out its words. The words were interpreted and "spoken" by a
vocabulator module. Boba Fett, the closest thing D'harhan had to a friend, had been present as his
creation, and partnered with the near-human on a couple of occasions. D'harhan was known to shoot first
and not bother to ask questions later. The last occasion was the hunt for Oph Nar Dinnid, in which
D'harhan was forced to give up his weapons systems in order to land on the planet Circumtore. This
nearly killed D'harhan, for his weapons systems were his primary essence. Fett maintained his life
support with minimal power until his skills were needed. Then, a hidden weapons cache unloaded from
within the Shell Hutt fortress, and D'harhan's main laser cannon was reactivated. D'harhan managed to
eliminate a huge number of the mercenaries hired by Gheeta to protect the Shell Hutts, but their
combined firepower eventually felled D'harhan. Boba Fett then used the near-human's laser cannon which was still operational - to destroy Gheeta. It was believed that D'harhan was the last of his kind.
this Outer Rim privateer operated along the Territory's Leisure Corridor. Dharus was an orange-brownskinned humanoid of unknown origin. His eyes glowed a deep scarlet. He was a fun-loving thrill-seeker,
but was also wanted by the Empire. Zardra once tried to claim the bounty on Dharus' head, and nearly
caught him on board the Culroon Minstrel. Dharus escaped, but was eventually brought to trial by the
Empire. He was let go on circumstantial evidence, and has secretly worked for the Alliance ever since.
Dharus' Buccaneers
this was the name used to describe the pirate force which worked for Dharus. (PP)
Dhashaan Shield

this mercenary outfit was hired by the Nhoras race to assist in defending their world from attack by the
Clatear. (SOP)
this Rodian was at one time an average bounty hunter working for the crimelord Tyu. He never had the
cunning and bloodthirstiness that most members of his species have, and so he left Tyu's employment
and joined the Alliance. Dheendo made his way into Shroud Team, serving under Dutra Zeneta as their
chief foster agent. He idolized Dutra Zeneta, and worked to be as wise as he thought Zeneta was.
Dhil, Shanto
this bacta pirate worked from a base on the planet Lammax during the early years of the New Order. At
the height of the Galactic Civil War, Dhil was semi-retired from the pirate business and was serving as the
mayor of Port Bianco. He was infamous for inviting new acquaintences to dinner, in order to determine
where their loyalties laid. Spies and other agents rarely, if ever, survived the meal. Shortly before the
Battle of Endor, Dhil stumbled upon a group that was trafficking corusca gems through Tapani Sector, but
never discovered that it was actually House Calispa running stones from Coorimbus IV. (LOE)
this was a fairly timid creature that was once native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. (FP)
this creature is native to the planet Algara II, and reaches lengths of three meters or more. These pythonlike mollusks exude a burning, acidic slime which helps them kill their prey. Their eyes are useless.
Instead, they use two antennae to locate prey, which they draw into a toothless mouth after the acidic
slime has started to break it down. (PG2)
this octopus-like ruler of Cheelit was an avid Firepath player. She existed in a floating glass globe. When
Darth Vader tried to escape from the Guild of Vindicators, he attempted to lure them to him by playing
Firepath with Dhol. She agreed, and Vader played the role of inferior to a tea. She played a masterful
game, but Vader's game was better. The assassin Clat the Shamer was lured onto the gameboard, where
he was quickly defeated by Vader's pieces and destroyed. To further punctuate his victory, Vader
incinerated Dhol in a blast of fire from the gameboard. (CSWDW)
a Corellian Transport ship captured by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this planet is the fifth world in the Lazerian System, and was the site of a mining colony that supplied the
system with many natural ores. Two moons orbit the planet. (TSK)
this was a common name among the Togorian race. (UANT)
this was Lakan Industries' top-of-the-line dejarik game system, produced during the height of the New
Order. (GFT)
this Dathomiran rancor was the offspring on the female known as Tosh to the Singing Mountain clan.
Dhum was killed by the AT-ST walkers of Warlord Zsinj. Tosh responded by tearing the cockpits off the
scout walkers. (CTD)
Dhur Qirit
this was a form of organic glue, developed and used by the Yuuzhan Vong to help an ooglith masquer
remain adhered to an individual's face for a long period of time. (FP)

Dhuru Fly
this species of insect was native to Dagelin Minor, and were considered a nuisance. The planetary
authories decided to wipe out the insects by importing a swarm of Bogan's Brown Nafen, hoping that the
flying insects would consume the flies. Unfortunately, the nafen were carrying a strain of the Hardan
Plague, which eventually killed 98% of the planet's population. (COG)
this was the name of an immature World Brain, specially-bred by the Yuuzhan Vong to control the
ecosystem of a planet. Grown from genetic material taken from the original World Brain of Yuuzhan'tar,
dhuryams were related in many respects to the yammosks. However, the dhuryam was capable of
widescale telepathic manipulation of its environment, where the yammosk used gravitic signatures to
direct the actions of starships. Dhuryams were capable of coordinating the operation of huge numbers of
Yuuzhan Vong bio-organic machines which were required to Vongform a world. A group of dhuryams
were often grown together, and placed into direct competition with each other. As they developed the
skills necessary to sustain an incredibly diverse ecosystem, the dhuryams matured. When they were
ready, a ceremony known as the tizo'pil Yun'tchilat took place, in which only the strongest and most
capable dhuryam survived. This one individual was then installed as the World Brain of a new planet. As
the time of the tizo'pil Yun'tchilat approached, Yuuzhan Vong warriors were ordered to monitor their
activities, for the increasingly intelligent dhuryams often used slaves to kill their rival dhuryams. This
would unfairly taint the tizo'pil Yun'tchilat, resulting in a poor choice of World Brain. (T)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Di arysi du arys pas-essen lure mass
this Snivvian phrase, used in the world of art and antiquities, translated into Basic as "There is no great
love than a master's for his masterpiece." (HNN5)
Di Blinths
this active volcano was located on the planet Ord Cestus, and was the traditional home of a clan of X'Ting
warriors. Note that this might simply be the name of an X'Ting clan that lives in a volcano. (HIV)
Di nova
this Huttese phrase meant "I said", as in Di nova, 'chut chut' meaning "I said, excuse me." (AAOTC)
Di Yuni, Winna
this Jedi Knight was one of the best healers of her generation, and served at the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. Winna was asked to investigate the illness of
Didi Oddo, and was able to discover that he had been poisoned by a chemical produced by Arbor
Industries. (EVE)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "ice" in the Twi'leki language. (GCG)
this female Twi'lek lived in the Lower City of Taris during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. She
discovered that an old acquaintence, Holdan, had placed a bounty on her head. However, one of the Jedi
Knights who arrived on Taris after the Endar Spire was destroyed managed to convince Holdan to drop
the bounty, thereby freeing Dia. (KOTOR)
Dia Passik
this Twi'lek female was born Diap'assik. After being sold into slavery, Dia learned to fly starships from her
owner, who naively believed she was an air-headed female. When her owner was visited by a being with
an armed shuttle, she escaped by stealing the shuttle and blowing her owner's ship, the Violet Hem, out
of the sky. She fled to the New Republic, turned over the shuttle, and applied for starfighter training. She
even asked to join Wraith Squadron, after hearing of their assault on the Implacable, and joined the
squadron shortly before they were assigned to take out Warlord Zsinj. Dia brought a wealth of knowledge

about flying starships, but also great deal of information on the activities of smugglers and pirates. She
proved herself to be an excellent fighter pilot, both in simulations and in actual combat. She was given the
position of Wraith Four, acting as Wes Janson's wingman, following the deaths of Falynn Sandskimmer
and Eurrsk Thri'ag. When the Wraiths were assigned to the Mon Remonda in support of the hunt for
Warlord Zsinj, she rejected the offer of friendship from Nawara Ven, since she hated everything to do with
the planet Ryloth, including those members of the Twi'lek species who managed to avoid slavery. She
was also instrumental in the deception of the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, portraying Captain
Seku. In this guise, however, she was forced to execute Castin Donn, who had stowed away on their
mission to meet with Warlord Zsinj and was discovered. She complied, realizing that Castin was already
near to death, but the action left her with intense psychological scars. She eventually recovered from the
shock of killing Castin, and participated in several Hawk-bat raids, including assisting Warlord Zsinj in his
attempt to steal the Razor's Kiss from Kuat. Over time, she fell in love with Garik Loran, although they
were forced to keep their relationship a secret until decorum allowed. (IF, SOC)
Diablo Cut
this was one of the most treacherous sections of Beggar's Canyon, located on Tatooine. No one had ever
flown through it until Luke Skywalker did, years before the Battle fo Yavin, during a frantic run to bring
Biggs Darklighter to a medical facility after he had been attacked by Tusken Raiders. (EGC, MC17)
this test tool was a common component of a starship's medical emergency kit, and was designed to help
determine the chemical composition of a sample. The diagnoster could also be used to scan a being's
body for foreign bodies, such as a slug or shrapnel. (MJH)
this biological compound was found in the bloodstream of many humanoid or cephalopood races,
including the Anomids and Wol Cabbashites. (HNN5)
this white-maned race of sentients was involved in a minor shipping security dispute with the Ishori,
shortly before the Caamas Incident. The Diamals didn't trust the Ishori patrol ships which escorted
Diamalan transports into Ishori ports. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker tried to resolve the conflict, but were
unable to do so. Instead, the dispute grew into a large-scale political battle with the revelations of the
Bothan involvement in the destruction of Caamas. The Diamlan Senators firmly believed in the "forgive
and forget" solution to the problem, while the Ishori wanted justice to take more physical form. They are a
very honorable race, and respected the heroes of the Galactic Civil War. They are also very stoic, often
described as unemotional. (SOP)
this is the common name used to describe the collective Diamal race. (SOP)
Diamond Level
the highest of the three entertainment and commercial levels aboard the Errant Venture, the Diamond
Level catered to Booster Terrik's more discerning customers. Booster Terrik found a young couple who
fancied themselves to be smugglers on the Diamond Level, who agreed to help smuggle Corran Horn
back to Corellia during his search for Mirax Terrik. (IJ)
Diamond-boron Armor
this armor plating was developed by the Empire late in the Galactic Civil War. It was used to cover
missiles, allowing them to be virtually indestructible until they are detonated. (SE)
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation Only in
Your Dreams, and has been rated scarlet by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
D'ian Orchid
a lush, tropical vine which produces beautiful flowers. (HSR)

this was the personal attack craft owned and operated by Gir Kybo Ren-Cha. (SWDB)
this unusual mollusk was found throughout the galaxy, living wherever there was sewage for it to subside
on. It had seven tentacles and a single eyestalk, and a beaked mouth dominated its underside. The
origins of the dianoga have been traced to the planet Vodran, a swampy world where the dianoga has
had to develop a tranparent camouflage in order to escape from the planet's large predators. Also called
a garbage squid, this species has migrated off the planet, following the scent of garbage to starships and
stowing away. They grow to be an average of 5-6 meters in length, although specimens of 10 meters are
not unheard of. Their bodies, when unfed, become transparent. They change to reflect the colors of their
food once they have eaten. (SW, MTS, WSW)
Dianoga Pie
a disgusting meat pie made from dianoga flesh. (DE2)
Dianoga Swamp Trap
this was the name of a specialized obstacle used in swoopchasing. It was basically a form of the Rancor
Pit, but the second wall was suspended over a quagmire which was populated with dianoga. This was
considered an outlaw obstacle, and wasn't sanctioned by the governing bodies of swoopchasing. (BSS)
Dianoga-class Fighter
this four-winged starfighter, with the wings set in a wide X-shaped pattern, was popular among pirates
and mercenaries during the last decades of the Old Republic. The fuselage of the Dianoga fighter was a
stubby cylinder. (STF)
Dianogan Tea
this steeped beverage, usually served hot, was considered something of a delicacy by the Muun race,
despite the fact that it stained the lips and mouth of those individuals who drank it. They were easily
identifiable by their purple lips, purple teeth, and black gums, although the staining effect was temporary.
Drinkers of dianogan tea - named for the fact that it was brewed from a chemical found in the spleen of a
dianoga - found the stains a small price to pay for the flavor, aroma, and mildly narcotic affect of the tea.
this was Dia Passik's birth-name, which she forsake when she was sold into slavery for credits. (IF)
Diath, Dace
a dark-skinned, human Jedi Knight who served in the Battle of Koros Minor, and was present at the Jedi
Assembly at Deneba. A native of Tatooine, Dace followed his father, Sidrona Diath, along the path to
becoming a Jedi Knight. He learned the ways of the Force under the tutelage of Master Vodo Siosk-Baas,
and fought bravely on Onderon against the Naddist uprising there. He nearly died on Ossus, though,
during a training flight with Cay Qel-Droma. They were testing the Star Saber attack ship when Dace
concentrated on the ship's targetting computer but ignored his flight path. His ship was destroyed when it
impacted a rocky spire, but Dace managed to eject from the explosion, using the Force to levitate away
from it. He later assisted the Jedi Knights during the Great Sith War, and was among the group that
pursued Aleema and Crado into the Cron System. When Aleema tore one of the stars apart, Dace was
vaporized in the resulting explosion. (FNU, DLS, TSW)
Diath, Nico
this man was one of the long line of Jedi Knights to come from the Diath family, which traced its roots
back some 4,000 years to the planet Tatooine. Something of a rogue within the Jedi Order, Master Diath
was known for his hatred of slavery. After attaining the rank of Jedi Master, he refused to take a Padawan
learner, choosing instead to roam the galaxy wherever the Force guided him. During the decades leading
up to the Clone Wars, he spent much of his time in the Outer Rim, working along to free more than a
thousand slaves. It was rumored that the Hutts had even tried to put a bounty on his head. Unfortunately
for the Jedi Order, Master Diath died during the early stages of the Clone Wars. He had been part of the

team dispatched to recover the antidote to the swamp gas used to destroy life on Ohma-D'un, and was
killed when the catwalk he as standing on was damaged by the bounty hunter Durge. Master Diath fell to
his death in the lava below. (RBR)
Diath, Sidrona
an ancient Jedi Master and leader of the Republic Senate, he was born in a failed mining colony on the
planet Tatooine. He rose to power during the Sith War, but was killed during the Battle of Basilisk. (TSW,
Diath, Tae
this young Jedi Padawan was the nephew of Nico Diath, and a part of the almost legendary Diath family
of Jedi Knights. Tae was part of the task force which was dispatched to the planet Jabiim, during the
height of the Clone Wars, to liberate the planet from Separatist control. Many of the students, Tae among
them, were forced to watch their Masters die in battle. As the Padawans tried to regroup, Tae began to
question Anakin Skywalker's ability to remain focused on the battle. However, the group remained strong,
until Anakin was ordered by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to leave the group to help coordinate the
rescue efforts. As Anakin left, Tae and the others regrouped in an effort to slow the progress of Alto
Stratus toward the Republic's last base. The fight between Stratus' forces and the Padawans lasted for
nearly a day before Tae was caught alone on the battlefield and brutally slaughtered by a group of
assassin droids. His death caused a massive, psychic backlash through the Force which destroyed the
mind of Elora. (RBJ)
this strange race of beings, native to the planet Iego, was often referred to as angels. The University of
Sanbra officially recognized the name Diathim. Individually, Diathim appear to be female humanoids that
stood between two and three meters in height. Six blade-shaped wings grew from their backs, allowing
the Diathim to fly through the air, resembling the angels of many cultural religions. The body of a Diathim
seemed to be made up of exceptionally bright, white light, which was tinged around the edges by a pale
yellow aura. This light made distinguishing any facial features nearly impossible, giving rise to the varied
descriptions of their true appearance. The legend that the Angels came from Iego's moons was rooted in
a nugget of truth, because the Diathim could travel through the vacuum of space near Iego, moving from
the planet and its moons to approach any starship that stumbled upon the planet. Individual Diathim spent
most of their life moving through the Extrictarium Nebula, and only touched the surface of Iego in the area
known as the Choir Alignment. There seemed to be no language among the Diathim, and although they
radiated benevolence, they were known to have sabotaged many starships. It was believed that those
beings who disappeared on Iego lived forever on the planet's surface, although Iego had to discernable
natural resources. It was also believed that the Diathim were responsible for bringing starships to Iego,
although the way in which they accomplished this was never discovered. (WOTC)
this metal was used in the creation of miniature power sources, such as those used in the lightsabers of
the Jedi Knights. (COD, VD)
Dibra Born
this being served as the planetary President of Sermeria, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
Dice Ibegon
a female Lamproid encoutnered by Lak Sivrak in the Mos Eisley cantina. Dice was Force-sensitive, and a
member of the Alliance. She and Sivrak formed a spiritual bond, and Sivrak was drawn further into the
Alliance. When she was killed during the Battle of Hoth, her Force-image was left to roam the galaxy and
give Sivrak support. She chose to revisit him and bring him spiritually back to Mos Eisley, where each
time he reaffirmed his belief in her and the Alliance. When Sivrak was killed in the Battle of Endor, both of
the Force-images joined Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker in the celebration. (TME)
Dice, Marit
a native of Hali, this young girl attended the Leadership School on Andara during the years following the

Battle of Naboo. She was one of the handful of students who attended the School on a scholarship, and
was snubbed by many of the wealthier students. This led to her association with Gillam Tarturi and his
band of mercenaries, as well as to her friendship with Anakin Skywalker. Anakin was attending the
School as part of the investigation into Gillam's disappearance, and Marit decided that he would make a
good addition to the band. In order to verify his interest, Marit stole Anakin's river stone, forcing him to
return to her to recover it. After introducing Anakin to the team - Gillam was still in hiding - Marit revealed
that she was the galactic politics expert for the group, helping them decide which missions to take based
on their effectiveness in altering a political course of action. However, her resolve to the group was
shaken when she accidentally shot and killed the leader of the planet Tierell. Gillam no longer had any
faith in her, and planned to eliminate her as part of a plan to fake his own death and blame it on his
father. Anakin and his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were able to thwart Gillam's plans. Marit, Gillam, and the
entire team were expelled from the Leadership School and transported to Coruscant for questioning.
this customized Z-95 Headhunter was owned and operated by Eelo Begraas. Its red-on-black paint
scheme was known to most spaceport traffic controllers in the Mid Rim during the last decades of the Old
Republic, as the coloration made the ship blend into the backdrop of outerspace, and was virtually
invisible to the naked eye. The Dicer was armed with two pairs of blaster cannons and a proton torpedo
launcher, and was co-piloted by Begraas' astromech droid R6-A1. (WOTC)
Dicium, Tan
this spoiled young prince was a member of the royal family of Sifuchi, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Although he enjoyed spending credits and mingling with his peers, Tan never went anywhere
without at least four Yuzzem bodyguards. (WOA32)
this reflective material is often used on camouflage coverings, such as tents and shelters. When inert, a
fabric impregnated woth di-crome reflects all light around it. When electrically charged, however, the dicrome coating absorbs ambient light. The fabric then appears to take on an exact duplicate of the
environment around it, blending in and becoming almost imperceptible. (ROE)
Didi and Astri's Caf
this was the name of Didi Oddo's caf, some four years after the Battle of Naboo. It was originally known
simply as Didi's Caf, twenty years earlier. After Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi helped free Didi from
Jenna Zan Arbor's schemes, the caf was renamed to Didi and Astri's Caf, when he accepted his
daughter as a full partner. Astri worked hard to change the image of the restaurant, and the clientele
evolved to include Senators and businessbeings in addition to the occasional smuggler. (DH, JQ)
Didi's Caf
this was the name of Didi Oddo's caf, some thirteen years before the Battle of Naboo. After Qui-Gon
Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi helped free Didi from Jenna Zan Arbor's schemes, the caf was renamed to
Didi and Astri's Caf, when he accepted his daughter as a full partner. In its early days, Didi's Caf
catered to a wide variety of Coruscant's lowest-class citizens, primarily smugglers and criminals who
needed a cheap meal. (DH, JQ)
this species of insects has survived the devastation of the Clone Wars on the planet Atraken. Their
resistance to all the forms of destruction has earned them the name "diehard." They also exist on the
moon Trilos. The diehards attack by burrowing up from the ground, attacking their prey from below. They
are aggressive hunters. (PG2)
this red-haired woman served as Jiliac's majordomo during the early years of the New Order. (THG)
Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd
this Weequay and his beloved, Solum'ke, spent a romantic vacation on Zelos II, and were convinced to

assist the Qwohog K'zk into searching for treasure in the Zelosian Chine during the Day of the Sepulchral
Night. Solum'ke loved the idea of hunting for treasure, and talked Diergu-Rea into financing the trip. They
succeeded in locating the treaaure, and began to remove as much as they could before the water levels
rose with the tides. However, they were double-crossed by K'zk, who left them to die when the tides
began filling the treasure chamber. The two Weequay were eventually rescued by another group of
vacationers, but found themselves flat broke. They hoped one day to return to Zelos II and recover more
of the treasure. (TFNR)
this was one of the most respected architecture firms of the last decades of the Old Republic, known for
their angular, geometric designs. (WOTC)
this species of trees was native to the planet Pelgrin. (PJSB)
Dif Gehad
this Neimoidian was dispatched to Cartao as part of the Cartao Expeditionary Army, serving as the
Master Creator of New Products. It was Dif Gehad's mission to retool the fluid technology of the Cranscoc
in order to manufacture D-90 battle droids for the Separatist forces. (SWI69)
Differential Regulator
this droid component controls access to the automaton's information. (DE1)
this ancient Quarren surname meant "keeper of records". Like many Quarren surnames, it could be
traced back to the time of the Battle of Ruusan. (GCG)
also known as diffuser pads, these devices are placed over items which need to be hidden. When
scanned, the diffuser deflects the scanning energy around the hidden object, making the scanner believe
that there is nothing beneath it. (IJ)
this underground cavern complex is the largest of the cities established on the planet Dolomar. (TTSB)
this clone trooper was part of the platoon dispatched to Pengalan IV, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars, to eliminate a Separatist missile facility on the planet. He was given the nickname Mapper by
Joram Kithe, who was stranded on the planet with the platoon's survivors after the Separatist sprang a
trap. The nickname, given to help Joram communicate with the troopers, was based on the fact that the
clone trooper was digging shallow graves for his fallen comrades when Joram regained consciousness. It
was later revealed to Joram that Digger and his platoon-mates were actually enhanced clones, having
been given additional self-reliance and initiative during their development. These enhanced troops were
dispatched with observers like Joram, in order to ensure the production of clone troopers was continued.
Digisee Gaming Floor
this was the main gambling level found within the Outlander Club, located on Coruscant during the last
decades of the Old Republic. It was here that much of the public gambling took place. (IWE2)
Digit Six
an Imperial ship in the Battle of Bakura. (TB)
this group of Imperial IR-3F patrol craft was dispatched to the Bakura System, shortly before the Battle of
Endor. (TBSB)

Digit/Bakura II
part of a a group of Imperial IR-3F patrol craft dispatched to Bakura, shortly before the Battle of Endor,
the Digit/Bakura II was later usurped by the Bakuran government in the wake of the Battle of BaKura.
Digit/Bakura III
part of a a group of Imperial IR-3F patrol craft dispatched to Bakura, shortly before the Battle of Endor,
the Digit/Bakura III was later usurped by the Bakuran government in the wake of the Battle of BaKura.
Digit/Bakura V
this Imperial IR-3F patrol craft was part of a group stationed at Bakura shortly before the Ssi-ruuk invaded
the system. Later, after a weapons malfunction, the shift was left adrift during the Battle of Bakura. Han
Solo had planned to ram the ship with the Millennium Falcon, hoping to push it onto a collision course
with the Dominant. The maneuver proved unnecessary, however, after Commander Pter Thanas ordered
the Dominant to move out of the Imperial offensive position. The Digit/Bakura V was later usurped by the
Bakuran government in the wake of the Battle of BaKura. (TBSB)
Digo Fadani
this was a noted Baragwin individual. (UANT)
a nocturnal, carnivorous creature native to Kamar. (HSR)
this was a biochemical weapon which was deadly to most forms of life. It was developed during the years
leading up to the Clone Wars, but saw limited usage. (JQ6)
the leaves of this plant were used as seasonings in many gourmet recipes. (GFT)
the title given to the Chief of State in the Corellian Sector during the time that the Empire ruled the galaxy.
It was believed that he fled to the Outlier Systems when the Empire crumbled. (AC)
this was a Mandalorian swear word, used to indicate an individual who had disappointed you. (RCHC)
this was a Mandalorian swear word, used to describe something as being similar to excrement. (RCHC)
Dil, Cilia
this woman, a native of the planet Junction 5 some twenty-three years before the Battle of Geonosis, was
charged with crimes against the state for her role in inciting rebellion against the Guardians. Just before
Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi landed on the planet during another mission, Cilia Dil managed to
escape from prison. The Jedi offered to help her in any way they could, and Cilia tentatively agreed. It
was then that she revealed her plans to infiltrate Delaluna's Ministry of Offense and Defense in order to
steal the plans for the Annihilator weapon. Although the Jedi agreed to help, the mission ultimately
exposed the truth: there was no Annihilator weapon at all. The Guardians had used its perceived threat to
remain in power, while the Delaluna government had used it to maintain a level of control over the natives
of Junction 5. Cilia was thrust into the public forum as a hero, the woman who exposed the treachery of
Lorian Nod and brought down the Guardians. (LOJ)
Dil, Jaren
this man was one of the members of the underground rebellion that evolved after the Guardians began
cracking down overly hard on the populace, more than twenty years before the onset of the Clone Wars.
The husband of Cilia Dil, Jaren managed to avoid being implicated in his wife's efforts, but he was

constantly monitored by the Guardians. (LOJ)

this planet was ostensibly ruled by Jiliac the Hutt, during the early years of the New Order. (THG)
a planet known for its cigars. This is possibly a typo in Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of Thon Boka; it
might refer to Dilonexa. (LCS)
Dilonexa System
a huge planetary system consisting of 40 planets. The inner 22 are intensely-irradiated by the system's
primary star, a gigantic blue-white fireball. The outer 17 planets are too far away to receive any heat from
the star, and are froxen wastes. The middle planet is perfectly situated to allow life to exist there. (LCF)
Dilonexa XXIII
the middle planet in the Dilonexa System, it is composed of large quantities of lighter elements. Thusly, it
has very few natural metals, and must import them in massive quantities. Dilonexa XXIII is an agrarian
world; since there are very few bodies of water larger than a small lake, the land has been cultivated into
vast farms. It is approximately 25,000 kilometers in diameter. Due to its large land masses, the planet
used to be ravaged by huge, city-sized tornadoes that streaked around the entire planet. This required
that a series of large weather-control satellites be launched into orbit, in order to keep the farms running
without a major disaster each year. (LCF)
Dilorr, Tergeth
this former Imperial conscript jumped ship the first chance he got, and spent much of his early life
wandering from planet to planet, hoping to join the Alliance. He worked with Ort Hoogra-D'En for a time,
earning a paycheck while hopefully meeting up with the Alliance. This association earned Tergeth a
bounty, when the Ho'Din's spore bombs killed several hundred Imperials over a period of months. (ND)
Dim Goggles
see Flash Goggles (CCW)
this was the brand name of a medical supply. (FOP)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Dimel Attack Ship
this 95-meter-long warship was produced by Ulig Abaha Limited. It was manned by a crew of 23, with 43
gunners. It could accommodate up to 34 troops and 660 metric tons of cargo. (CSA)
Dimensional Engineering
this field of science and technology was developed by the Gree many thousands of years ago. It centers
on the use of spatial and time dimensions, and allows the Gree to move through space with their unusual
starships. (SWJ8)
this herb was native to the planet Gala, where it grew in the sea plains surrounding the Galacian Sea. In
small quantities of raw leaves, it was harmless as a flavoring. When dried and used in larger or more
regular quantities, it caused the user to becomed addicted. The user then wasted away as if from illness.
In this way, dimilatis was used as a poison against Queen Veda, during her attempt to have her
successor chosen via popular election. (MOC)
this city was located on the planet Gallinore. It was distinguished the green marble used to create its
buildings, as well as its tree-lined streets. These touches were made to ensure that even man-made

structures appeared to be a part of the natural surroundings, as much as possible. Even the landings
pads at Dimitor's spaceport were created from a multicolored stone, to help them blend into their
surroundings. (GMR8)
found in the formation known as Kystes' Spine, on the planet Talus, this horrific predator was easily
distinguished by its bone-white flesh. After generations of living beneath the surface, the dimlurker lacked
true eyes, and often simply blundered into their prey. Although their primary diet was made up of the
mosses and lichens that grew in the caves, dimlurkers would eat just about anything they encountered.
Living prey was subdued by flailing their two limbs, which ended in bony knobs of chitin. The dimlurker
then wrapped its flexible body around the prey to suffocate it, before swallowing it whole. (CCW)
Dimmit Station
this city, located on the planet Budpock, was where Yarbolk Yemm was able to gain passage on the
Impardiac to Cybloc XII for R2-D2 and C-3PO. (POT)
this gruff Trandoshan worked as a thug and strong arm for Nirama, during the last years of the Old
Republic. (WOA4)
the homeworld of the Dimok race (TIE)
a starship group destroyed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. They were in control of the Youst
weapons lab at the time. (TIE)
one of the two major civilizations established in the Sepan System, the Dimoks were deeply involved in a
civil war with the Ripoblus when the Empire decided to intervene. The Dimok opposed the Imperial
intrusion from the initial Imperial overtures, while the Ripoblus tended to side with the Empire. That all
changed following a series of Imperial fleet maneuvers that tried to cow both sides. The Dimok eventually
agreed to cease the Sepan Civl War and join with the Ripoblus, at least until they could drive out the
Imperial fleet. (TIE)
this device was a portable holographic projection unit that projected a "shield" of darkness over the
wearer's face. The DimSim looked like a large hand that wrapped its fingers around the front of the skull.
Each finger held part of the holo-unit, and heled maintain the shield. This device allowed the wearer to
see out beyond the shield with minimal interference, while others were unable to see the wearer's face.
DimSims found a widespread use among thieves and hijackers during the end of the Galactic Civil War
and into the age of the New Republic. (GG11)
a religion that grew out of the theory that the Bantha, being such a simple, easily-adaptiable creature, was
the source of a hidden message from some all-powerful being. The priests of the Dim-U religion devoted
their lives to searching for the Bantha's message to the galaxy. Each priest carried a staff carved from the
tusk of a bantha. At the top of the staff was a small carving of a bantha itself. A group of these priests
brought banthas with them to Tatooine, as part of the first colony ship that arrived on the planet. (TM,
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It referred to a Sullustan lizard that was
often kept as a pet. (GCG)
Din Nebula
this vast area of interstellar gases was located in the Moddell Sector of the galaxy, in the rough triangle

formed by the planets Endor, Trindello, and Zorbia. It was known to the Ewoks as the Gorax King's Heart,
and contained the Din Pulsar as well as a planet-sized diamond that was believed to have once been the
core of a gas giant. During the supernova that created the Din Pulsar, the violent explosion apparently
stripped a huge gas giant of all its atmosphere, exposing the diamond. This diamond created a huge
mass shadow in hyperspace, making travel through the Din Nebula impossible. (GMR9)
Din Pulsar
this rapidly-spinning pulsar was located in the heart of the Din Nebula, found in the Moddell Sector of the
galaxy. The remains of a star which died more than 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Din Pulsar
was originally named in Sanyassan art and songs, and the radiation it produced was believed to have
been responsible for the genetic mutations that created the Marauder subrace. It was also believed that
the explosion that created the Din Pulsar stripped the atmosphere from a huge gas giant, and left behind
a planet-sized diamond. (GMR9)
Din Tinray
this Sullustan was born deaf, and would have died without the help of Doctor Rachael Tikaris. Doctor
Tikaris developed a prosthetic ear that precisely mimicked the Sullustan ear, allowing Din to hear
normally again. (EGA)
Din, J'fe
this holovid star was widely popular in the Larrin Sector, despite the Empire's best efforts to bring her
down. Her most popular show, Starflash, provided viewers with a regular series of hair-raising
adventures. In reality, J'fe and her producers were strong supporters of the Alliance, and sent out a
variety of coded messages to Alliance agents in Larrin Sector during each episode. J'fe made sure that
the messages were undetectable by the average viewer, but obvious to the agents who were looking for
them. Many historians believe that J'fe and Starflash quickened the downfall of the Empire in Larrin
Sector by a year or more. J'fe and her team later went on to produce Imperial Truth, a show which
debuted after the Empire was forced out of Larrin Sector and which described the true nature of Emperor
Palpatine's evil government. (HR)
[Dinante Fli'r]
the primary religion on the planet Moltok, its clergy also controls the governing of the planet. Its precepts
are based on a belief that the Ho'Din evolved from mobile plants, but were changed into animals as
punishment for their sins against the [Dinegia], or the force of nature. The Ho'Din who follow the tenets of
the [Dinante Fli'r] believe that they can return to their origins as plants if they complete the [Flik'a kirki], or
the virtuous circle of nature. (GG4)
this small city was located on Elrood's largest continent, on the western edge of the Lodon Ocean. (PG3)
Dindo, Lefty
this Corellian criminal misused a monomolecular blade and lost his right hand. (TFE)
this spicy dish was favored by the Yagai. (SWJ11)
in the [Dinante Fli'r] religion of the Ho'Din, this is the passive force of nature which controls all life. (GG4)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "male ruler" or "king". (GCG)
one of Gorga the Hutt's closest advisors, Ding was also one of Gorga's most trusted spies. Ding was left
on Tatooine to guard Anachro during the H'uun's pregnancy. When Ry-Kooda attacked Gorga on
Tatooine, Ding tried to flee the carnage but was recalled to service by Gorga after Anachro gave birth.

Ding mi chasa hopa

this Huttese phrase translated into Basic as, "Let me help you with that." (AAOTC)
this starfighter pilot served the New Republic as a member of Rogue Squadron during the second decade
of the Republic's tenure. Dinger was killed during the Republic's investigation of the attack on the Free
Lance by a Yuuzhan Vong warship. The Yuuzhan Vong were still in the area, and destroyed several
starfighters before being driven off. (DTO)
a predatory canine native to the planet Lan Barell. (SWJ1)
Dining on the Wild Side: Unforgettable Culinary Experiences in the Fringe
this autobiographical account of restaurant reviews was written by Mavin Cless. (GG11)
Diniz Sea
this ocean was found on the planet Delassin VI. (SWJ6)
D'Ink, Dineas
this man was just 10 years old when the Sixty Hour War wiped out the city of Paran. His parents were
killed in the assault, and he was taken in by the Empire. Imperial forces brainwashed him with
propaganda, and D'Ink grew up believing in the righteousness of the New Order. At the age of sixteen, he
was recruited by Tolamyn Cayble and joined the Imperial Security Bureau. A smug and self-centered
man, D'Ink volunteered to go undercover and infiltrate the Friends of Paran. He gained the confidence of
its members very quickly, saving their lives several times in brief struggles with Imperial forces. However,
he later led Imperial forces directly to the Friends of Paran base in Knellis. He was cornered by the
Alliance team supporting the Friends, and died in a brief but intense firefight. When he didn't report back
to Cayble, Cayble believed that D'Ink was still trying to capture the rebels. This allowed the Friends of
Paran and the Alliance team to escape Derilyn and destroy the Star Destroyer Brazen. (OE)
Dinkle obwegadada
this was a Jawa curse. (SWJ11)
a revolting animal which was small enough to fit in the palm of a man's hand, dinkos were native to the
planet Proxima Dibal. They had powerful rear legs, four arms, and glittery fangs. They also had a noxious
scent and are poisonous. Han Solo gave a dinko named Fang to Ploovo 2-For-1 as a "gift" following a run
he did for Ploovo. Attached to the Dinko was the Cash Voucher that paid for Ploovo's expenses. (HSE,
this Nalroni word describes a group of small, hard-shelled insect. (POT)
this Gamorrean term is an adjective meaning "inclined to drool excessively." (POT)
this Horansi word is the past participle of the verb ad'n. (POT)
this starship switch is often mated to a droid or droid brain for easier connection to the navigational
computer. (POT)
this Gacerian word means "one who is always getting married and divorced." (POT)
Dinner Squadron
this was one of the more humorous names proposed for what would eventually become Wraith Squadron.

It was used just once, during a mission over Commenor meant to distract Admiral Trigit. The mission was
a success, making Dinner Squadron one of the few fighter groups with a "perfect" record. (SOC)
Dio, Lexi
this woman represented his homeworld of Uyter in the Old Republic Senate, during the years leading up
to the Clone Wars. The Senator later served on Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee. Along with
Senator Padme' Amidala, Senator Dio spoke fervently against the institution of sweeping changes in the
Senate, after the internal politicking of Senators Onaconda Farr and Ronet Coor was blamed for the loss
of the planet Duro during the height of the Clone Wars. Lexi Dio was portrayed by Nicole Fentl in Star
Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (HNN4, HNN5, SWDB, SWI76)
Dioche Sauce
an accompaniment often served with bantha meat. (TJP)
Diodem Tower
a corporate landmark found in Tun Wala, on Arda-2. (CSWEA)
a race of featherless, birdlike aliens with leathery skin. (DESB, TME)
Dionisio, Temo
this obese, Imperial politician was known to have sympathies for the Alliance. He was wanted to capture
by the local Imperial garrison in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, during the months leading up to the Battle of
Yavin. He was captured by Nok Derrick, though, and the Imperial officers feared that any attempt to
recover Dionisio would force Derrick to kill him first. So, Nima Maas hired Greedo to locate Dionisio,
hoping that a covert attempt would work. Greedo managed to succeed in rescuing Dionisio, and gave the
politician a chance to escape when he was forced to kill Nima Maas to save his own green skin. (T6)
Dioxis Gas
this green gas is deadly to most carbon-based life forms. (SW1)
a stress-reliever (SME)
Diplomat Hotel
located on Coruscant, this immense hotel offered diplomats from other worlds their choice of
atmospherically-controlled rooms, in an effort to cater to their individual preferences. (IWE1)
Diplomatic Insititute
an ancient university, located on Coruscant, which taught students in all aspects of political and
diplomatic relationships. (TOJC)
Diplomat's Blaster
see ELG-3A (AEG)
Diplomat's Card
this special identification card was offered to regular patrons of the Diplomats Club. In exchange for
purchasing the Diplomat's Card up front - at a cost of 500 credits per year - patrons avoided the ten-credit
cover charge each time they entered one of the many Diplomats Clubs found throughout the Core
Worlds. (GCG)
Diplomats Club
this chain of nightclubs maintained several locations throughout the Core Worlds during the last decades
of the Old Republic, providing patrons with "the finest amenties and the most luxurious atmopshere,
rivalled only by the best accommodations on Coruscant." (GCG)
Diplomat's Valet
this was one of the many stores which could be found at the Grand Colonnade, on Brentaal, during the

height of the New Order. The Diplomat's Valet specialized in carrying the latest fashions from Coruscant.
Diptera Maggot
this small insect, native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, was used to consume dying and decaying flesh
during surgery or during a ritual mutilation. (SBS)
an Imperial freighter stationed near Kalla VII during the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
a wealthy and influential Twi'leki clan. The name Dira meant "gentle" in the Twi'leki language. (TFNR,
Dira Shal
this Iotran was a prominent weapons manufacturer, as well as the Chief Constable of the Gettiarn
SpaceStation. (GG12)
Dire Katarn
this subspecies of katarn, which was native to the Shadowlands region of the planet Kashyyyk, was
named for the fact that its attack was almost always fatal to its prey. (KOTOR)
Dire Sword
this cortosis-laden sword was one of the many weapons developed by the Krath, during the height of the
Great Sith War. The Dire Sword was a weapon of distinction, and indicated the user's skill and prowess in
fighting the Jedi Knights. (KOTOR)
this was a species of brown-furred, feline predator native to Corellia. These creatures hunted in small
packs, and were distinguished by the heavy spines which studded their shoulders. (JFOS)
Directional Landing Beacon
a device which sends out a signal with a fixed origin point. This signal is then used by shipboard NavCom
units to provide distance and directional information for landing or navigation. Most of the galaxy's
spaceports use them, and most of the beacons are listed in galactic navigation charts. (SME)
a device which is used by slavers to control a group of slaves. These highly-illegal devices attach to a
slaver's line and use the line's circuits to delivery impulses to individual slave or to the entire group. The
strength of the impulse is set on the director. (HSR)
Direllian Plague
this often fatal disease can be counteracted by the administration of Shiarha root. The disease and its
cure were first catalogued by Doctor T'jaleq Kith'Araquia. (SWJ1)
this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer was part of Prince-Admiral Krennel's fleet. It was commanded by
Captain Rensen, who was ordered by Krennel to raze the village which was home to a person who
attempted to assassinate Krennel. Rensen refused the order, and was executed. Command of the ship
was then turned over to Commander Darron, on the condition that he raze the village. Later, during the
defense of Liinade III, Darron was forced to surrender the Direption in order to avoid losing the ship
entirely, when the New Republic's forces pummelled Darron's fleet. (IR)
the title given to the members of the Corporate Sector Authority's Direx Board, there is one Direx from
each of the voting coporations that make up the CSA. (CSA)
Direx Board

the 55-member organization with manages the day-to-day business of the Corporate Sector. The
establish and control overal Authority policy and econmic goals. The Board also has approval rights on
the various Authority budgets. Each member comes from a corporation working under the auspices of the
Corporate Sector Authority. The Direx Board is run by the ExO. Of the 55 seats, 37 are filled by voting
sponsor corporations. The other 18 seats rotate among the non-voting, contributing sponsors. (CSA)
Dirin Maj'o
this being was a member of the New Republic's Relief Corps during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. Dirin was stationed at Ithor when the planet was destroyed. (NEGV)
this woman was employed as a dancer on the platform city of Tindark, on Cularin, during the era of the
Battle of Naboo. She was a beautiful woman who was a skilled listener. She managed to pick up a wealth
of information on the criminal underworld of Cularin, and often sold it for a modest profit. (LFC)
Dir'Nul, Vydel
this woman was a Jedi Knight who was dispatched to locate the serial killer known only as Kardem during
the height of the Clone Wars. Dir'Nul had refused the promotion to General in the Army of the Republic
when the Clone Wars broke out, stating that she wasn't interested in becoming a "walking weapon at the
beck and call of self-serving politicians." Besides, she explained, she was getting closer to catching
Kardem. She had taken the assignment after Kardem had killed her first love, a pilot named Ash B'risko.
Kardem then killed three Twi'lek females, and all four victims bore the marks of having been killed by a
lightsaber and destroyed by Force lightning. Dir'Nul was unable to stop the death of a fourth Twi'lek on
Perilious, but it was on the Outer Rim world that the truth of Kardem's identity was exposed. Kardem was
actually Vydel Dir'Nul, who had slipped over to the Dark Side of the Force when she discovered that Ash
B'risko had taken a Twi'lek female as a lover. In her jealousy, Dir'Nul killed B'risko, then set out to avenge
her loss by killing Twi'lek females. Another Jedi was dispatched to bring her in, but she killed him as well,
adding a Jedi to Kardem's growing list of victims. As she snapped out of her strange possession, Dir'Nul
discovered the body of the Jedi and vowed to continue her search for Kardem. (T17)
this was a slang ter, used by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, to describe any lowaltitude craft that was incapable of in-system or interstellar travel. (RCHC)
this was a species of incredibly fast-moving creature. (MBS)
this slang term was used by officers of the Corellian Security Force to describe Treasure Ship Row. (TFE)
Disac Pirates
this group of pirates made a living along the Sisar Run, until the Nalroni crimelord Sprax had his forces
eliminate them. Sprax requested that Ket Maliss - who was working directly for Prince Xizor - take on the
job, and the bounty hunter was extremely successful. (SSR)
this unusual weapon, developed by the Zeison Sho warriors, was a flat disc which had a razor-shape
edge. The discblade was imbued with the Force, so that it rarely missed its target and always returned to
the thrower's hand after an attack. (SWI68)
Disciple, The
this man was one of the survivors of the Sith attack on his homeworld of Dantooine, during the years
following the Great Sith War. Unlike many of his fellow natives, the Disciple was attracted to the Jedi
Order and its teachings, and he left Dantooine to seek them out. He was known among his people as a
healer and medic. (LAWS)
Disciples of Ragnos

this militant cult of practitioners of the Dark Side of the Force came to the forefront some ten years after
the Battle of Endor. The Disciples based their principles on the Sith teachings of Marka Ragnos, the Dark
Lord of the Sith who had died some 5,000 years earlier. The first rumors of their existence were heard on
Corellia and Tatooine, and their existence was confirmed when they managed to infiltrate a Jedi tomb on
Chandrila and unleash a mutated rancor on Taanab. Led by Tavion, the Disciples traveled to specific
planets across the galaxy, siphoning Force energy to augment the power of the device known as the
Scepter of Ragnos. After stealing information from the computers at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, the
Disciples stole energy from planets like Corellia, Hoth, and Tatooine before focusing their efforts on the
planet Vjun, the former stronghold of Darth Vader. The cult was eventually eliminated by Jaden Kor, who
managed to defeat Tavion on Korriban and relegate Ragnos back to the spirit world. (JKA)
Discril-class Attack Cruiser
this warship was built on the planet Daupherm, for use in the Daupherm defense fleet. The Discril-class
measured 85 meters in length, and required a crew of 150 with 51 gunners. It could also transport up to
60 troops and 7,800 metric tons of cargo. It was armed with five turret-mounted laser cannons, four triparticle beamers, and three tri-laser cannons. (VOF, CRO, PP)
see Distt Dok (PG1)
this tropical planet is a twin to the planet Iri, and is located in the Epidimi System. Like its twin, Disim is
covered with dense forests and humid rainforests. The system was discovered by the Old Republic some
5,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, and discovered that both worlds had produced species of
avians which had similar genetic structures. The Old Republic explorers tried to get the two species to
mate, in an attempt to verify their genetic compatability. The experiment was a success, and a new
species was created from the union of the two. However, the new species flourished while the two parent
species died out. This new species, known as the Tarongs, now dominates both worlds. (GG12)
Disintegrator Field
a defensive shield that consumes matter and disintegrates it. (COTF)
Disk Vectrals
the round caps at the end of a Y-Wing's engines, they have two intersecting fins which are linked to the
avionics control package to provide maneuverability. (SCRE)
Disk, The
another mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian. (LCF)
Diskio Khzrry
this Xi'Dec and its sibling, K'lial, were the only surviving members of their family, which was wellrespected in the Xi'Dec community. The rest of the family was killed while vacationing on the Savage
Pleasure, during an Imperial assassination attempt. Following the death of the family, both K'lial and
Diskio threw in their support for the Alliance. Using their species as a cover, they scoured Grohl Sector
looking for other Xi'Dec to recruit into their family. While searching for Xi'Dec, they also appropriate rebel
agents and whisk them to safehouses before Imperial officers can capture them. Diskio is the more
insectile of the pair, using this dextrous limbs to deactivate locks and security measures. (CRO)
Dismantled Droid Disposal Device
one of the many Ugor waste collections corporations. Like all such operations, they are loyal to the Holy
Ugor Taxation Collection Agency. (GG4)
this Imperial Star Destroyer was in the Bothawui System at the time when Praleena Pring's lover planned
to defect to the Alliance. The Captain of the Dismay had planned on marrying Praleena himself, but was
unable to stop Alliance forces from recovering Praleena and her lover. (SPG)

meaning "free spirit", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)
this Imperial dreadnaught was part of the fleet which patrolled the Killaniri System during the Galactic
Civil War. (PG1)
this Imperial Moff survived the Battle of Endor, the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the debacle of
Admiral Daala, steadfastly holding onto the Bastion Sector and a small contingent of subordinates. Ten
years after the death of Thrawn, Disra found himself in a position which allowed him to rise to power. He
had been funneling Imperial credits into building a fleet of Preybird-class starfighters manufactured by
Zothip and the Cavrilhu pirates. Disra supplemented the cost of the Preybirds by supplying Zothip with
cloned soldiers from Imperial stores. Then, using Flim - an actor who strongly resembled Thrawn - Disra
quickly took control of several parts of the remaining Imperial fleet. (SOP)
Disrupter Ray
a primitive weapon that uses ion energy pulses to knock droids and other computer-based machinery out
of order. (CSW)
Disruption Bubble Generator
developed on the planet Bakura, this small device was used to temporarily disrupt the effectiveness of
nearby communications monitors. The generator produced a spherical "bubble" zone which was
impervious to sonic and other auditory scanning devices, providing the user with temporary protection
from eavesdropping. (TB, TBSB)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was the lead ship of Warlord Zsinj's third fleet. (SOC)
a type of blaster which fires in a wide pattern, they are illegal in most parts of the galaxy because they
reduce solid matter to its constituent molecules. (HSE, CCG9)
Disruptor Beam
outlawed during the height of the Old Republic, disruptor beams were security devices which emitted a
thin beam of coherent red light. The beam was capable of cutting a being in two without expending much
energy. (HP)
this ancient disruptor weapon was developed by the Baragwin race, more than 4,000 years before the
Battle of Endor. (KOTOR)
Diss Ti'wyn
this Bothan was a pilot in the Blackmoon Squadron, during the period surrounding the Battle of
Coruscant. A Lieutenant at the time, Diss agreed with his commanding officer, Yaown Reth, that both
General Wedge Antilles and Commander Eldo Davip were insane for allowing the Lusankya to be
destroyed in battle. Neither pilot realized the true nature of the work being done on the Super-class Star
Destroyer. (EL2)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
this man, a native of Alderaan, held the rank of Lieutenant within the Hawk-bat pirate command structure.
In reality, Dissek was Kell Tainer. (IF)
Dissolution by Self-Intention

this piece of classical musical was considered the masterwork of Borra Chambo. (MBS)
this was the brand name of Kelvarek Consolidated Arms' KD-30 firearm. (GFT)
Distant Peaks
located on the planet Vaynai, this range of geologically young mountains was often used as a place of
exile for individuals accused on crimes. The slopes of the Distant Peaks were covered with sharp rocks,
and very little vegetation had taken hold. The shorelines of the individual mountains were continually
pummelled by heavy surf, making any landing by boat a dangerous adventure. (GMR8)
Distant Rainbow
a Starwind-class pleasure ship belonging to Mazzic, the Distant Rainbow was heavily modified, and
served as Mazzic's mobile base. It was originally owned by a Rodian smuggler who sold it to Mazzic
when he retired. Mazzic got a great deal on the vessel, mainly because the Rodian had no idea what he
was going to do with it. The existing weaponry was eliminated in favor of a pair of quad laser turrets,
mounted top and bottom along the same lines as the Millennium Falcon. Additionally, Mazzic installed
upgraded repulsorlift engines and enhanced electronic countermeasures suites. He also made the Distant
Rainbow as comfortable as a smuggling ship could be, although the Starwind's small size made quarters
quite cramped when the ship was fully loaded. It could accommodate up to ten passengers and two
metric tons of cargo, and required a crew of five to operate. (TLC, LCSB, GMR4)
Distant Sunrise
this heavily-modified freighter was owned and operated by Karrison Lee. (WSV)
Distant Wind
this modified XS-800 freighter was owned by Cunbus Locb. The ship was impounded by Imperial Moff
Ammar, after it was learned that Locb had stolen several pieces of artwork from him. The artwork, never
found by Ammar or his forces, was hidden inside the ship. Ammar later grew frustrated with his search
and put the Distant Wind up for auction. The ship was armed with a double lase cannon mounted on the
bow and a turret-mounted laser cannon. (SS)
Distinguished Flight Medal
a Imperial Naval award given to outstanding pilots. (ISB)
Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor
this Imperial award was presented to those officers who displayed extreme heroism and bravery in the
heat of battle. (SWJ10)
this planetoid, one of the moons of the planet Corvis Minor Five, was believed to be hollow by New
Republic scientists. The Intelligence agency believed that Prince-Admiral Krennel was building Pulsar
Station within the moon, based on data recovered from Liinade III. Ysanne Isard's clone believed that
Krennel's forces could capture Rogue Squadron with this information, and set up an ambush for them.
They nearly succeeded in taking the squadron, until forces led by Colonel Vessery - under the direction of
the real Ysanne Isard - destroyed Krennel's forces and recovered the Rogues. (IR)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Essowyn. It was located on the continent of Sorontill.
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "strong". (GCG)
this holoprojector was used by Blackhole to mask his true appearance. (CSWEA)

this band toured the Outer Rim during the early years of the New Order. They were known for their
discordant, morose music, and more than one concert was marked by the apparent suicide of one or
more fans. An entourage of more than seventy roadies, assistants, security guards, and business beings
accompanied them throughout the Astal Sector, ensuring that their concerts went off without a hitch.
Distt Dok
this was one of the wondrous tree-cities built by the Gazaran in the rainsforests of the planet Veron. It
was located on the southern coast of the continent of Ablor. It is also referred to as Dish-Dok on certain
maps. (PG1)
this planet, the homeworld of the Tai'ni race, was aligned with the New Republic, and maintained a
starfighter base. (SOP)
a natural element used in the armor-like plating that covers military buildings. (ISU)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "nemesis". (GCG)
this planet is the homeworld of the needle beast. (CRO)
this was a species of near-human stock, note for its wild hair coloration. (YJC6)
Diva Arroquitas
this near-human woman was a noted singer and artist, and was invited to serve as the Master of
Ceremonies at the 2,344th Priole Danna Festival shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. She refused
to accept the honor the next year, citing the dangers of traveling across the galaxy as separatists began
rising up against the Old Republic. (HNN4)
Diva Funquita
this large, red-haired slave was owned by Gardulla the Hutt. A trained dancer, she was also Gardulla's
chief aide and majordomo. After Gardulla tried to trick Jabba the Hutt into betting on Gasgano just prior to
the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, Gardulla ordered Diva Funquita to ensure that Anakin Skywalker failed
to compete in the race. She tried to enlist the aid of Ark "Bumpy" Roose, but the alien refused. Note that
the Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Boonta Eve Podrace expansion indicates that Diva was this
character's species. (IG1, PRT, YJC6)
Diva Shaliqua
this woman was one of Jabba the Hutt's favorite slave dancers. She was in his control during the years
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Note that the Young Jedi Collectible Card Game - Boonta Eve Podrace
expansion indicates that Diva was this character's species. (IG1, YJC6)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Dive Boat
this was a form of submarine that was produced on the planet Dagro during the last decades of the Old
Republic. They were exceptionally maneuverable, and were often used to navigate the canyon rivers and
rushing waters that were found on the planet. (SWI77)

Dive, The
this seedy bar was located in Drepplin city, on Glova. The name fit the bar quite well. All forms of
gambling were allowed on the premesis, and fights were extremely common. (POC)
this is a Mon Calamari sport. (SWJ9)
Diversity Alliance
this loose, political extremist group was made up from several non-human races and planets about 14
years after the Battle of Endor. At the least, they stood for the freedom of all non-human races. At the
worst, they demanded the extermination of the human race. The leader of this group was the Twi'lek
Nolaa Tarkona, and the group's headquarters was on Ryloth. The Diversity Alliance broke up in thw wake
of Tarkona's disappearance. (TEP)
this Old Republic Lieutenant was the first commander of the Ordnance/Regional Depot on Ord Antalaha.
Divination Biot
this unusual piece of bio-technology was created by the Yuuzhan Vong priests and seers to help them
understand what the future might bring. (UF)
this group of Imperial probes was destroyed by the Alliance, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
Divini, Elana
this woman was one of the galaxy's most noted mudopterists, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. A native of the planet Tatooine, Elana was the mother Kornell Divini. She was especially fond of
Alderaanian flare-wings, and kept her own impressive collection as part of a huge display at the
Coruscant Xenozoology Museum. (MJH)
Divini, Kornell
this young man, a native of the planet Tatooine, was one of the many youthful surgeons who were
pressed into military duty during the height of the Clone Wars. Known as Uli to his friends - a shortened
form of the term uli-ah - he was the latest in a long family history of doctors, reaching back several
generations. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all had a practice together, but Uli wanted to
leave the nest and see the galaxy. He trained at Coruscant Medical Hospital before doing a year of
internship and a year of residency at the Galactic Polysapient medical center. At the tender age of just
nineteen, he was given the rank of Lieutenant despite his lack of medical training, and was immediately
dispatched to the planet Drongar to fill the place of Zan Yant. Although the rest of the staff at Rimsoo
Seven had their misgivings, Uli quickly adapted to the life of a battle surgeon, and became a valuable
member of their staff. (MJH)
Divinian, Bog
a native of the planet Nuralee, this man married Astri Oddo sometime before the Battle of Naboo. He
fancied himself an important man, and worked hard to get himself noticed by the politicos of the Old
Republic. He eventually earned a position on the board of the Galactic Games, working to coordinate the
Games on the plane Euceron some six years after the Battle of Naboo. He hoped to use the experience,
as well as the contacts he made, to make a bid to serve as Nuralee's Senator to the Old Republic.
However, Bog's ability to make these contacts was only as good as his work, which was simply to provide
seating arrangements for the various Old Republic Senators who had traveled to Euceron to witness the
Games. Because of this, Bog was implicated in the illegal gambling schemes surrounding the Games by
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who matched his seating charts to the betting receipts they
found in Uso Yso's records. However, it was revealed that the betting was part of elaborate scheme to
discredit several Old Republic Senators, and Bog was cleared of any charges. Unfortunately for the Jedi,
he also covered for Liviani Sarno and Maxo Vista, refusing to disobey the orders of a superior in the
hopes of earning praise and promotion. While Bog explained to Astri that he would eventually do good

things when he became a Senator, Obi-Wan realized that Bog was already in the clutches of the
Commerce Guild. Within a short while after Astri gave birth to their first child, a son named Lune, Bog
managed to become a Senator himself, winning an election on Nuralee and providing the Commerce
Guild within another sympathetic ear in the Senate. As a Senator, Bog became something of an
apprentice to Sano Sauro, who introduced Divinian to the schemes of Granta Omega. With their covert
backing, Bog began speaking out against the Jedi Order, twisting certain events to make it appear as if
the Jedi Knights were only acting in their own best interests. He even brought in Roy Teda, the deposed
ruler of Romin, to speak out against the Jedi. In order to ensure that the plans of Granta Omega and
Sano Sauro were not revealed to the Jedi, Bog warned his wife that she was not to speak to her old
friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or he would take their son away from here. Astri, however, turned over a set of
datadisks to Obi-Wan, which she had copied from his personal recorder. The disks revealed that Bog's
part in the plans of Granta Omega was to nominate Sano Sauro for the position of Supreme
Chancellorship, after the rest of the criminals kidnapped and then executed Chancellor Palpatine. The
plan was ultimately foiled, when Granta and Jenna Zan Arbor were forced to flee Coruscant under the
pursuit of the Jedi. Their plans to kill the Chancellor and many Senators was hatched nonetheless, and
the Jedi were forced to fight hundreds of seeker droids in the Senate chambers to prevent their deaths. In
the wake of the attack, Bog's proposal for eliminating support for the Jedi Order was soundly defeated,
with even Sano Sauro voting against it. For all intents and purposes, Bog Divinian's political career was
destroyed, and even his supporters back on Nuralee refused to continue with their endorsement of him.
(JQ3, JQ9)
Divinian, Lune
this young boy was the son of Bog Divinian and Astri Oddo, born shortly after the Battle of Naboo. After
his father was elected Senator from the planet Nuralee, Lune spent a great deal of time with his
grandfather, Dido Oddo. (JQ9)
Divis Arm
this section of the galaxy was a hotbed of reblleious activity during the height of the New Order, led by
Dutra Zeneta. (SWJ10)
Division Three
this was the name given to the division of the Empire's Bureau of Taxation, which was established to
eliminate the various black markets. Known as D-3, they were very aggressive. (GUN)
Divoran Holochess
a form of holochess in which 15 holographic armies are used by each of two players. The game is played
on a multi-level board. The object is to capture all 15 of your opponent's Emperor pieces. (GG9)
this obscure game of chance was played with a collection of multi-sided dice. Players cast the five dice,
hoping to roll a combination of values in order to score higher than their opponent. (BHSW)
a long, three-headed snake native to Endor's forest moon, the divto captured its prey by stunning it with a
venomous bite. The average divto measured about three meters in length, and was covered with reddishbrown scales that allowed it to blend into the forest. After the Battle of Endor, many divtos were captured
or mistakenly transported off Endor's moon, and were quick to adapt on other worlds. The divto
population found on the planet Mimban was unusual in that it had a transparent hide, allowing it to blend
into almost any swampy environment. (DFRSB, ANT)
this man was employed by Yin Vocta as a spy, keeping tabs on the activities of Jabba the Hutt. After Divv
discovered the names and locations of all Jabba's spies on Lianna, Vocta retained Divv's services as an
assassin killing them all. (WSV)
this vicious creature lays its eggs in the bodies of living hosts. After they hatch, the egg-shaped pupae of

this creature are considered a delicacy by the Hutts, but there is a short period of time in which the divvik
are edible. After hatching from their pupal stage, they grow almost immediately into adults. The adults are
nothing short of killing machines which prefer to dine on living flesh, despite the fact that they are less
than a foot tall. The ball-shaped adults move about on two long legs, and use their arms to help them
climb and grasp objects. Their whip-like tail is tipped with a dagger-like claw. The skin of the adult divvik is
impervious to blaster fire, and their bite contains an acidic poisonous saliva which causes paralysis in
most species, and can eat through plastisteel over time. If injured or otherwise cut, the divvik releases a
toxic gas from their digestive system. The only safe way to eliminate a divvik is to suffocate it, but this
often takes a long time. (PTR)
Mara Jade tracked the Cavrilhu Pirates that were fleeing their Kauran asteroid base to this planet before
losing them completely, shortly after Luke Skywalker infiltrated the Kauron base. The planet is famous for
the singfruit trees that grow there. (SOP)
this man was part of the Imperial forces that made an initial attempt to garrison the planet Maridun,
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. After the first Amanin attack claimed the life of Commander Frickett and
left the Imperials at half their original strength, Captain Janek Sunber placed Dix in charge of establishing
a series of defensive lines that would allow the surviving forces to retreat. (SWELM)
Dixon, Janna
this woman was an Esseles-based reporter for TriNebulon News, during the early years of the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ6)
this planet was the site of an Alliance cell during the height of the New Order. (SWJ10)
this Imperial Lord was promoted to Governor General of the Fakir Sector of the galaxy, shortly after the
Battle of Yavin. He was forced to land his shuttle, the Resurgence, on Masterhome to repair damage
sustained in a battle with an Alliance starship. While on the planet, Dixton was captured by another group
of Alliance agents and the Anointed People, and sent to prison. (SWCP)
Dizenk-Olvod Ocean
this was the largest ocean found on the planet Veron. (PG1)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "hot waters". (GCG)
DJ-88 (Dee-Jay)
the powerful caretaker droid programmed to protect the Lost City of the Jedi and teach the young
students there, Dee-Jay was built to resemble a scholarly human, complete with a metal beard on his
face. Dee-Jay was responsible for raising the boy Ken. His outer casing is white, and he has red, rubylike eyes. (LCJ)
Djalla, Jib
this young, human, Fallanassi male was one of the group that fled to Griann, on the planet Teyr. Along
with Tipagna, Norika, and Novus, they were no longer in Griann when Akanah and Luke Skywalker
searched Teyr for them. (SOL)
Djambo, Eger
this Imperial stormtrooper served under Major Grau during the height of the New Order. A Corporal by
rank, Djambo was killed on Alashan by a Sentinel creature, while Grau was investigating the underground
ruins exposed by a team of Alliance archaeologists, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (MCI6)

this was the military police force created by the Gorothite people to try and hold off any hostilities between
the Corellian and Aqualish factions which controlled the hyperbaride mining operations on Goroth Prime,
soime 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The name D'Jar'Min literally meant "Planetary Defense
Arm." Initially, the D'Jar'Min was little more than a symbol of autonomy for the Gorothites, but it evolved
into a powerful police force. (GSE)
this Devaronian operated the Black Hole bar on The Life level of Vergesso Base, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. He was not happy that the bar was a rowdy establishment, and didn't hesitate to have
the Base's security forces blast any being that didn't listen to him. (SPG)
Djas Puhr
this male Sakiyan was once employed by Sebulba as a slave herder. As Sebulba made his way around
the podracing circuit, Djas Puhr was responsible for acquiring new slaves for the Dug's brisk slaving
business. After Sebulba's defeat by Anakin Skywalker in the Boonta Eve Classic, Djas Puhr found himself
unemployed, and decided to use his skills as a bounty hunter. He used Mos Eisley as a base during the
Galactic Civil War. He had incredible peripheral and infrared vision, coupled with keen senses of smell
and hearing. All of these attributes made him a feared hunter. (CCG, E1A5)
this was a Nediji word for a demon or devil. (MJH)
Djem So
this was another name for the Form V style of lightsaber combat. Note that this contradicts the naming of
Shien provided in Star Wars Insider magazine, issue 68. (WOTC, SWI68)
Djinn Altis
this was the name of the Jedi Master who went to Chad and found Callista Ming, during the last years of
the Old Republic. Master Altis, who worked from a training facility located in th clouds of Bespin, was one
of several Jedi who were at odds with the Jedi Council over the Master-Learner pairing, claiming that it
was not always the case throughout the history of the Jedi. He also believed that the age restriction on
accepting Padawan learners should be lifted. He was rumored to have been one of the Jedi who served
aboard the Chu'unthor before it was destroyed on Dathomir, although this was simply a twist of the truth.
Master Altis purchased his own training ship and named it the Chu'unthor in honor of the ancient training
ship list on Dathomir. Rumor also had it that Altis died on Dathomir, in a battle with the Nightsisters,
leading to some confusion about the original Chu'unthor's actual age. (COJ, DS, NEGC, SWDB)
this Imperial logistics officer was a Lieutenant when the Empire garrisoned Cloud City. Djirra was earlier
in charge of determining how to use carbon-freezing techniques to place a being into hibernation. (SESB)
Djo, Augwynne
Mother of the Singing Mountain clan on Dathomir, and Teneniel's grandmother. (CPL)
Djo, Tenel Ka
the daughter of Isolder and Teneniel Djo, Tenel Ka was raised on Dathomir in the tradition of the other
witches in Teneniel's clan. Tenel showed great aptitude with the Force, and later attended Luke
Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, at the same time as Jacen and Jaina Solo. She was a reserved,
distant companion to the twins, in keeping with the strength she learned on Dathomir. When Luke
discovered the connection between Lando Calrissian's lost corusca gems and the space station Borgo
Prime, he took Tenel Ka with him to search out any leads on the Shadow Academy. Later, she posed with
him on Dathomir as Force sensitives, and were transported to the Shadow Academy. There, they helped
rescue Jaina and Jacen. Her Jedi training nearly came to an end when Luke Skywalker requested that
the students at his praxeum built their own lightsabers, in preparation for battling the Shadow Academy.
Tenel Ka felt that the weapon was no the important link, but the warrior was. She didn't focus all of her
energies in her lightsaber, which she built from an old rancor tooth. In a practice duel with Jacen Solo,

Tenel pushed herself and Jacen to their limits. Her lightsaber failed to maintain its energy beam, and
Jacen's blade passed through it, severing Tenel Ka's left arm above the elbow. The wound was instantly
cauterized, and replacing the hand was impossible. She travelled back to Hapes to recover from the
incident, secretly wondering about her own abilities. She found herselve in the midst of Ambassador
Yfra's treacherous plans. The series of ensuing battles forced Tenel Ka to realize that, although the
warrior is very important, how the warrior maintains their touch on the Force is most important. Her injury
was of minimal importance if she truly mastered the Force. She returned to Yavin 4, and built a new
lightsaber. She kept to her original design of using a rancor tooth, but worked with the Force to create a
weapon superior to the original. It used a rainbow gem from Gallinore, and produced a turquoise-colored
blade. After becoming a full Jedi Knight, Tenel Ka and the rest of her friends were thrust into the struggle
against the Yuuzhan Vong. She was one of the Jedi who were sent to Myrkr to destroy the voxyn queen,
and one of just a handful to survive the mission. The Jedi team stole the Yuuzhan Vong frigate Ksstarr
and took it to Hapes, where Tenel had to face the real possibility that her mother might die or be
assassinated. The Hapan people were demanding stronger leadership, and feared that Teneniel Djo
might lead them to ruin. Tenel Ka refused to take her mother's place, deciding that she wanted to remain
a Jedi Knight. It was also during this period on Hapes when she declared - at least to herself - that she
had loved Jacen Solo. When she discovered that her mother had been poisoned, Tenel Ka used what
little political power she had to turn the Hapan fleet over to Colonel Jagged Fel, in the hopes that he could
command them in battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. Tenel Ka then confronted her grandmother,
announcing that she would take her mother's place as Queen. Note that Tenel Ka has been named
several times as Kenel Ka or Tenel Ta throughout the Young Jedi Knights books. (HTF, SA, L, DK, JUS,
Djo, Teneniel
a Dathomir witch of the Singing Mountain clan, gifted with the use of the Force storm. She finds Luke and
Isolder after they land on Dathomir, and she claims ownership of Isolder. She later gives part of her own
life energy to save a Nightsister in the hopes that she could be saved and turned back to the Light Side.
She and Isolder were later married, and Teneniel moved to Hapes with Isolder. Once on Hapes, she and
Isolder gave birth to a daughter, Tenel Ka. Teneniel Djo continued to live with Ta'a Chume, although the
Queen Mother continued to rankle at Isolder's choice for a bride. However, Ta'a Chume eventually
stepped down as Queen Mother, and Teneniel assumed the rank. Twenty years later, during the early
stages of the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong, Teneniel Djo became pregnant again, in an effort to
produce a suitable heir to the throne. She and Isolder were at odds over the role of Tenel Ka in the
succession, and Teneniel Djo had to battle Isolder's will to become pregnant. Unfortunately, the emotional
backlash in the Force from the Battle of Fondor caused Teneniel Djo to miscarry her unborn child, and
she sank into a deepening despair. Meanwhile, Ta'a Chume began searching for a new woman to replace
Teneniel Djo. The former Queen Mother hoped to mold some strong woman into her own image and
insinuate her into Isolder's life, removing Teneniel Djo from her position as Queen Mother. The woman
she chose was Jaina Solo, but Ta'a Chume could not simply stand by and wait for Isolder to divorce his
wife. The former Queen Mother secretly arranged for Teneniel Djo to be poisoned, an act which Tenel Ka
and Jaina Solo were unable to prevent. Both arrived in the Queen's quarters to find Teneniel Djo slumped
over in her chair, dead from an ingestion of poison which appeared to have been the handiwork of the
Ni'Korish faction. (CPL, JE, DJ)
this purple vine was native to the planet Garqi. (TFE, SWJ7)
this was Platt Okeefe's pilot's license number. (IDC)
Djulla Tyerell
this young, female Aleena was the daughter of Ratts Tyerell. After Ratts died in the Boonta Eve Classic
on Tatooine, just before the Battle of Naboo, Djulla's uncle sold her into slavery in order to earn enough
credits to live on. Djulla's rights were purchased by Sebulba, who used her as his personal masseuse and
groom. Her brothers, Doby and Deland, hoped to defeat Sebulba at the podraces being staged against
the backdrop of the Galactic Games on Euceron, some six years after the Battle of Naboo, thereby

winning back Djulla's freedom. In order to ensure victory, the brothers agreed to help Maxo Vista by
accepting information on the racecourse before other racers, thereby bringing the racers into a crowded
part of Eusebus. However, Deland was hurt in a fight with Sebulba, and Anakin agreed to pilot their racer.
Anakin's Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, discovered that the brothers were in league with Maxo Vista, and had
the Euceron arrested. Doby and Deland, however, grabbed Djulla and fled Euceron in the resulting
confusion. (JQ3)
the planet on which Vill Goir taught Kam Solusar the use of the Dark Side of The Force. (DE2)
this was the codename of the Imperial replenishment fleet which contained the Black Ice. (BI)
this protocol droid traveled with its master to the planet Zeltros, during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. Although not a living being, and seemingly incapable of any biological need for pleasure, DK-4F3
experienced one of the most invigorating oil bath treatments it had ever had from a Zeltros cafarel. (PH)
this Alliance agent one worked with Airen Cracken. In order to escape a group of lizard-men who had
captured them, the group drew straws to see who would plant a bomb to distract the creatures. D'kar
drew the short straw, and set out to explode the bomb. The only available "bomb" was created by
plugging a positive flow detonator to a negative flow coupler. The "bomb" exploded the instant D'kar
connected the two pieces, and was killed immediately. The rest of the group escaped. (CFG)
D'kee-class Landing Ship
this Ssi-ruuvi starship was carried into battle by the Sh'ner-class planetary assault cruiser. Twelve D'keeclass ships could be carried in each Sh'ner-class ship deployed. The D'kee-class ships were piloted by
four P'w'eck servants and eight P'w'eck gunners who are remotely controlled by a Ssi-ruuk aboard the
Sh'ner-class ship. In addition to this crew complement, 100 collectors traveled on the ship to round up
potential entechment subjects. The D'kee ship was armed with 100 paralysis cannisters, which it dropped
over population centers as it plummetted through the atmosphere. The cannisters explode some 3,000
meters in the air, releasing large amounts of a Ssi-ruuvi paralysis toxin. The toxin was effective in two
ways: skin contact and inhalation. The paralyzing effect lastsedabout eight hours, during which time the
victims were alert but unable to move. Once the toxins had been released, the D'kee-class ships then
descended to collect up to 10,000 entechment subjects each. (EGV, TBSB)
this was a heavy blaster pistol produced during the early years of the New Order. (WOA18)
a sleek, hand-held blaster built by Blas-Tech. They were quite plentiful during the later years of the
Empire, and often found their way into the hands of the Alliance. One of the many places that saw a flood
of DL-18s was the planet Tatooine, and the weapon earned the nickname "Mos Eisley Special." (RASB,
this small blaster pistol was produced by BlasTech, as a follow-up to the DL-18. It was sturdier than its
predecessor, and was produced to match the Merr-Sonn DD6 in the first of the so-called "blaster wars"
between the two manufacturers. (GUN)
a heavy blaster pistol built by Blas-Tech, the DL-44 was one of the most popular weapons BlasTech ever
produced. While its design gave it a short range, the DL-44 was extremely powerful for a hand-held
weapon. Among its distinguishing features was its "cautionary pulser" grip, which provided a slight
vibration to the user's gunhand when the powerpack was getting low. The weapon, which was copied by
Merr-Sonn's Flash 4 pistol and by Imperial Munitions, gained its populariy due to the fact that Han Solo

used a modified version of this type of blaster. (SW, DFR, RASB, EGW, AEG)
this BlasTech blaster pistol was produced for Imperial use during the last years of the New Order. (DARK)
this was the model number of BlasTech's cutting blaster, designed for use by scouts and explorers. It
produced a "cold blast" of energy, which was a prolonged burst of low-powered cohesive light capable of
cutting down a tree. The "cold blast" is not strong enough to throw up sparks or start a fire during its use,
but requires a great deal of power. (GG8)
this was a model of heavy blaster pistol produced by BlasTech during the New Order. Because of its
relatively small size and high power output, the DL-6H was outlawed in many star systems. (FOP, GUN)
this was the model number of BlasTech's Firespray blaster, a deck-clearing weapon known for its ability
to deliver a wide fire arc with sustained power. The weapon, originally rejected by the Imperial Navy
because of its perceived short range and low rate of fire, was not so much aimed as it was swept across
its target. (PP, GUN)
this Twi'leki spice merchant was a minor dealing in the Outer Rim, buying and selling spice along the
Corellian Trade Spine. He was known to be a fair-weather friend to independent spacers, willing to
employ them but unwilling to help them if they got into a jam. (PSG)
one of the most affluent cities on the planet Demophon, it was not as restricted as other cities during the
New Order because the city's governor was related to an Imperial official. The city of D'larah was
designed with pleasure in mind, and is visualy appealing. (SN)
D'larah Palm
a tree which has been genetically altered to grow in the domed city of D'larah, this palm has bright
crimson leaves and produces a deep red fruit which has a sweet milk. (SN)
Dlarit, Aerin
this native of Thyferra was one of the higher managers in the Xucphra bacta corporation. He was also
appointed a General in the Thyferran Home Defense Corps when Ysanne Isard took control of Thyferra.
He had no real duties, but was a perfect public relations man for Isard. He was also Erisi Dlarit's father,
which made him a prime target for Rogue Squadron's ground forces during the early stages of the Battle
of Thyferra. They made an assault on the Dlarit estate, which was set on a small knoll at the base of an
extinct volcano and protected by a ring of Comar TriTracker batteries. In an effort to stir up the Vratix and
embarras the Bacta Cartel, Aerin was executed by Elscol Loro and Iella Wessiri and left in his den,
slumped over the desk and completely naked. (BW)
Dlarit, Erisi
a native of Thyferra, she was selected to become a member of X-Wing Rogue Squadron because she
was also a member of the Xucphra faction, and was thought to have been complementary to the addition
of Bror Jave to the Squadron. However, it was later discovered that Dlarit was actually working as a spy
for Ysanne Isard and the Imperial factions which supported the bacta cartels. She was planted to provide
information on the New Republic's reactions to the Krytos virus, which would guarantee that the bacta
cartels would continue to monopolize the market under Imperial control. She was discovered as a spy
when her ship malfunctioned and was captured by the Lusankya as it escaped from Coruscant. Her
astromech reported no malfunction, and relayed the deliberate flight plan that took her into the Lusankya's
holds. Once back on Thyferra, Erisi was appointed a flight leader among the Thyferran Home Defense
Corps, and became romantically involved with Fliry Vorru. Their romance was short-lived, though, as
Vorru was taken prisoner by Iella Wessiri and Elscol Loro, and Erisi was forced into defending her

homeworld in the Battle of Thyferra. She managed to destroy Nawara Ven's X-Wing, but the Twi'lek
managed to eject before being engulfed in flames. She was rewarded by becoming the target of Corran
Horn, who managed to fire on her before she could escape to hyperspace. Horn's shots were on-target,
and Erisi's ship simply disintegrated under fire. It was believed that Erisi did not survive the explosion.
D'lassik Ellipor
this was a distinguished Lannik individual. (UANT)
an Pakuuni container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Dles IV
this planet was the site of an Alliance penal colony during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ4)
this was the model number of a series of hover-cams produced by Data-Link Industries during the early
years of the New Republic. This hover-cam was favored by many news reporters of the day, because it
could accept verbal commands and "learn" to anticipate its owner's commands. This allowed a reporter
with an "experienced" DLI-250 to give the hover-cam minimal instructions, knowing that the droid would
return with the desired footage. (GUN, SWJ6)
DL-III NightFang
this was the designation of Golan Arms' laser turret emplacement. (HAS)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It referred to a pretty crystal found in
Sullustan mines. (GCG)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "rider" in the Sullustan language. (GCG)
Dllr Nep
a Sullustan X-Wing pilot, Dllr served under Wedge Antilles as part of Rogue Squadron following the Battle
of Endor. He joined the fledgling New Republic after Sullust began moving toward a relationship with
them, and found the galaxy much to his liking. He was particularly interested in the various musical styles
of the galaxy, although his taste in music often got on his fellow Rogues' nerves. When the Rogues were
dispatched to search for the Starfaring near Malrev, Dllr began hearing the most beautiful music coming
from the planet. He thought the music was a product of the planet, and could even see the music in front
of him. However, the music was actually the power of the Dark Side of the Force being channelled by the
mad Devaronian, Cartariun. Cartariun used the Dark Side to lure Dllr to his temple, where Cartariun
began channeling more energy with Dllr's belief in the music. Dllr was mentally linked to Herian I'ngre by
this music, which both had heard. However, Herian recognized the Dark Side before she could be
overtaken. She willed Dllr to resist, which he was able to to for a short time. However, in the end, Dllr
gave himself as the ultimate sacrifice. He absorbed the Sith energy wielded by Cartariun and tried to turn
it against the Devaronian, but was shot in the back by Girvo Dza'tey. Later, having survived the blast, Dllr
helped Herian to safety. However, both sacrificed themselves in eliminating Cartariun, flying Herian's XWing into his temple and destroying it. (XWRS, XWRR, HXW)
Dlor 3
this planet was the site of a secure passage seminar, shortly before the Battle of Hoth. Alliance Major
Sisquoc hoped to confront Barosa Warren at the conference, in order to determine why Warren hated the
Alliance. (AIR)
this long, sleek blaster rifle was manufactured by BlasTech, for use by Imperial stormtroopers. (CCG)

this was the model number of the laser rifle produced for the Empire by BlasTech. It was one of the few
blaster weapons produced with a magnatomic adhesion grip, which kept the weapon firmly in the hand of
the stormtrooper firing it. It was known as a Longblaster, along with the BlastTech A280 rifle. (VD, AEG)
D'lund, Hannis
this young man was a native of the planet Tuttin IV, and played the touchboard for the amateur band
known as Far Cry, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. At seventeen, Hannis was the oldest
member of the band, and was a muscular youth with long blond hair. His grandparents had bee Core
World aristocrats during the last decades of the Old Republic, and his family fled to the Inner Rim when
the Empire took control of the galaxy. Hannis himself had grown up on the run, and saw life as something
of a game. (GMR6)
this Alliance protocol droid was codenamed Dagger, and was planted in Imperial Moff Vanko's office as
Vanko's personal decoding droid. In this capacity, DM/C3 could provide the Alliance with valuable
information on fleet movements, while at the saem time planting false reports in Vanko's mailbox. It was
DM/C3 that alerted the Alliance to the secret meetings between Vanko and Torpin aboard the Kuari
Princess. DM/C3 was smashed to bits when the Riders of the Maelstrom took control of the Kuari
Princess, but managed to remain active long enough to provide the Alliance agents on board the ship
with the ship's lockout control codes. (RM)
Dmaynel Kiph
this Devaronian from the planet Coruscant was the leader of the Alien Combine of the Invisible Sector.
this was the name of Raquid Krev's security droid. Krev used the droid to guard his ship, the Lexus
Primal. A group of spice-jackers once fooled the droid into letting them onto Krev's ship by disguising one
of their members as Krev himself. D-Mot allowed the false Krev to deactivate itself, thereby allowing the
spice-jackers to steal the cargo. (GG11)
DN Bolt Caster
this plasma disruptor weapon was produced by Drever Corporation, as a military version of the popular
Phoenix II plasma disruptor tool. The DN Bolt Caster found widespread use among the clone troops of
the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, as its plasma beam was particularly effective in
destroying battle droids. The effectiveness of the DN Bolt Caster far outweighted its cost, which was
expensive enough to keep the weapon out of the hands of most mercenaries and planetary defense
forces. (LAWS)
this woman was one of the leaders of the Friends of Paran, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
this is a port city located on the planet Sriluur. (SWJ6, CRO)
this being was a noted dejarik player, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. In the sector
championships held on Arkania, D'nisenz was played against Garem Will when Ohh Bronna and Corwin
Kaezeb got into a fistfight during their own match. Will and D'nisenz tried to remain oblivious to the
struggle, but their own table was shut down during the match, D'nisenz was declared the winner of the
championship, although there was no existing protocol to cover the series of events. (HNN5)
this Bothan served under Zozridor Slayke as a Lieutenant in the Freedom's Sons and Daughters military
operation, during the height of the Clone Wars. When Slayke ordered his troops into battle of Praesitlyn,

after the Separatists took control of the Intergalactic Communications Center, Lieutenant D'Nore was
placed in charge of captruing the redoubt that was codenamed Izable. Once they had accomplished this,
D'Nore and his forces were at the forward-most point in Slayke's defenses, forcing them to be alert at all
times for enemy activity. (JT)
this planet was located in the depths of Wild Space, and was charted but largely unexplored. It was
known to be the homeworld of the Filar-Nitzan race of gaseous beings. (AE)
this Huttese word roughly translated into Basic as "if." (E1A14)
Do chonda
this was a phrase used by Twi'leki gambler and card players. Translated into Basic, it literally meant, "I
fold." (SWJ7)
this Old Corellian word means "peace." (BSS)
Doaba Badlands
a desert region of the planet Socorro, the Doaba Badlands cover nearly three-quarters of the planet's
surface. Hidden water reserves under the surface provide pockets where plants can grow, including the
zsajhira berry. They were named for Iann Doaba, a great warrior who disappeared in the desert after
exiling himself in the first recorded instance of the Long Walk. (SWJ2, BSS)
Doaba ol'val tru
this was an Old Corellian phrase used as a formal greeting. It wishes the recipient peace and hope. It
could also be used to say goodbye to a loved one, and was often intoned during funerals to release a
being from their earthly body before traveling to the afterlife. (SWJ7, BSS)
Doaba, Iann
this ancient warrior was a Jedi Knight, and was one of the original colonists to settle the planet Socorro.
He fell in love with Cjaalysce Beal, and actually killed a man who tried to steal her love from him. His
conscience, laden with guilt, led him to exile himself from the rest of the colonists. His self-imposed exile dooming himself to wander around the open desert - later became known as The Long Walk among the
Ibhaan'I shamen. When Cjaalysce learned of his exile, she fled into the desert in search of him. She was
lost for many weeks, until her dessicated body was found on a rocky outcropping. Beneath the body,
searchers found Iann's robes and his lightsaber. They also found an indelible shadow of his form, and it
was generally believed that Iann's grief was so great that it consumed him. The shadow, the past vestige
of Iann's spirit, was rumored to have attached itself to a portait of Cjaalysce, and was witnessed wherever
the portait was shown. Benoni Ulte came into possession of the portait during the early years of the New
Order, and himself claimed to have seen Ian's shadow hovering about it. (BSS)
one of the hunters who answered Jabba the Hutt's call for the capture of a live krayt dragon, Doallyn is a
native of the planet Geran. He has strange, bluish skin and light eyes, and the skin on his face was
horribly scarred from a attack by a Corellian sand panther. As a native of Geran, Doallyn required hydron3 in the air he breathed. Thus, when he came to Tatooine, a trace-breather was added to the helmet he
wore as part of his hunter's armor. Doallyn was captivated by the sights and sounds of Mos Eisley, and
sampled too much liquor when he arrived. He ended up in a high-stakes game of wildstar and woke up to
find he had signed on as one of Jabba's palace guards for a year. Jabba kept Doallyn dependent and
loyal by doling out daily doses of hydron-3. When Jabba left for the Pit of Carkoon to execute Luke
Skywalker, Doallyn was left behind. There, he befriended Yarna d'al' Gargan. They both were met by
Tessek when he returned from the Pit with news of Jabba's death, but neither listened to Tessek when he
stated he was in charge of the palace. Instead, they fled the palace and headed to Mos Eisley, to rescue
Yarna's cubs. Along the way, Doallyn made use of his knowledge of the krayt dragon to kill one that got in
their way. He took the pearls from the beast's belly and saved them for Yarna, who used them to pay for

the release of her cubs. The group then left Tatooine, stopping first on Geran before deciding to live as
free traders aboard their starship. (TJP)
Doan Wine
this good spirit induces a state of shock when imbibed in great quantities. (SOL)
this planet was the primary base of operations for TaggeCo's businesses in the Greater Javin area of the
galaxy during the early years of the New Order. TaggeCo later sold the compound, with the assistance of
Planet Dreams' primary salewoman, Treva Horme. (WOA34)
a female Phlog, Dobah was the mate of Zut and the mother of Hoom and Nahkee. (ECAR)
this Imperial officer was serving under the Black Sword Command when the Yevetha took control of the
shipyards in the Koornacht Cluster. He was imprisoned on Pa'aal, and became one of the major leaders
of prisoner cells which rose up against the Yevetha during the Black Fleet Crisis. (TT)
this pilot flew with Bolt Squadron for the Khuiumin Survivors. After Corran Horn - under the alias Jenos
Idanian - took control of the squadron, Dobberty served as Remart Sasyru's wingman. (IJ)
this was the name of one of the statues located in the Gungan Sacred Place. It rested on a shelf of stone,
overlooking a rapid stream and waterfall. (E1A11)
this Tahlboorean verb means "stop." (DRPC)
this Imperial recruit was part of Kyle Katarn's squadron, during the taking of asteroid AX-456. (SFE)
Dobei Eranusite
this scientist had been an associate of Jenna Zan Arbor's, and was invited to the party she held at Didi
Oddo's caf. (EVE)
Dobi Deene
this musician was popular during the last years of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
this was the smaller of Sernpidal's two moons, measuring just twenty kilometers in diameter. The
Yuuzhan Vong planted a dovin basal in the center of Sernpidal City and used it to draw Dobido into an
ever-closer orbit around Sernpidal, until the moon crashed into the planet and destroyed it. (VP)
Dobiella Nok
this Huttese phrase roughly translated into Basic as "not this one." (E1A14)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
this pirate had his ship's computer system sliced into during the last years of the New Order. He had
failed to pay an outstanding debt, and shiptracers managed to located him on Reuss VI. His ship was
confiscated, and Dobra was stranded on Reuss VI. (GUN)
Dobreed, Lana

this man dreamed of being a shop owner in his hometown of Mos Espa, on Tatooine, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. However, because of the debts he incurred while gambling, Lana had to set
up a small transportation business to make ends meet. (CCG13)
this man was one of the Imperial sleeper agents placed on Pakrik Minor as a tallgrain farmer by Grand
Admiral Thrawn. Dobrow was in charge of maintaining the TIE Fighters hidden on the planet, in
preparation for eventual use. (SOP)
this company maufactured the DB-4 starliner. (TT)
Doby Tyerell
this Aleena and his brother, Deland, were podracers during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Born
on Tatooine, Doby and Deland got their start racing in unsanctioned, often illegal, podraces, such as the
event that was held in the Great Dordon Caves of the planet Euceron during the Galactic Games. It was
during their pre-race preparations that Doby and Deland met fourteen-year-old Anakin Skywalker. They
seemed genuinely concerned that their sister, Djulla, was a slave to Sebulba, and that they were working
to win the podrace in order to win her freedom. It was later discovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi that Doby and
Deland had been in league with Maxo Vista and the rigging of the podrace. Their speeder was to have
received advance information about the course, so that they could win the race in the end, despite the
accident which Maxo Vista had planned. When Deland was hurt and Anakin agreed to help out by driving,
Maxo Vista decided to use his speeder for the accident as well. This would cause an explosion and get
rid of the Jedi. However, Maxo Vista was arrested before he could do any real harm, and Anakin
managed to keep the disabled podracer from doing any damage to the spectators. (JQ3)
this female Twi'lek served as one of the original members of Rogue Squadron, during the groups earliest
days as part of the Alliance military. She was a gutsy pilot by anyone's standards, and could fly just about
anything. After the raid on Incom's headquarters to obtain X-Wing starfighters, Doc was one of the many
pilots who began training on the X-Wing. She proved once again to be a quick study, and was part of the
small team assembled to infiltrate Commenor and obtain a smuggled shipment of R2-series astromechs
from Nera Dantels. Unfortunately, her ship was badly damaged during their escape, experiencing failures
in both the shield generators and hyperdrive. Rather than risk the jump to hyperspace, Doc flew her dying
ship into the cloud of pursuing TIE Fighters. The resulting explosion took her life, but ensured that her
fellow pilots escaped. (SWED)
this strange alien was a member of the unique culinary staff maintained by Corpo the Hutt. He was an
expert in a variety of cooking methods, and often provided commentary while rival chefs battled to please
Corpo by cooking new dishes from a theme ingredient. Note that this character is a reference to Yukio
Hattori, the culinary expert on the television show Iron Chef. (T7)
a female phlog, Dobah was the mate of Zut. Together, they had two offspring, Hoom and Nahkee.
formerly known as Klaus Vandangante, Doc was an only child born on the planet Coruscant. He was
doted on by his widowed mother, Carmilla Vandangante, living in luxury and privilege. As a youth, this
was maddeningly boring, and he rebelled by programming the droids to stop feeding him food he didn't
like. His mother and tutors discovered his "new talents," and restructured his lessons. Klaus soon became
a gifted student, and graduated with honors.Following graduation, Klaus was offered a job with
Alkherrodyne Propulsions. He quickly accepted, but was unprepared for corporate life. Alkherrodyne had
a company policy of programmed obsolescense, something that Klaus didn't learn in school. He chafed
against the ideals of creating useful, reliable tools and the need to maintain the bottom line. When
Alkherrodyne's Azaria 66 began exploding in the field, they needed a scapegoat to blame it on. They

chose Klaus, who was summarily fired and taken to court. After several legal battles, Klaus Vandangante
was financially and professionally bankrupt. The fact that Alkherrodyne also went bankrupt was of little
consequence, for Klaus no longer existed. He began wandering the galaxy as the spacer called Doc, and
found himself in Corporate Sector space. There, he met the beautiful young smuggler Shardra, who
introduced him to her own network of spacers. He found work as a starship mechanic, showing an
incredible ability to make any modification work reliably, and his results were highly effective. He fell in
love with Shardra, and the couple soon gave birth to a daughter, Jessa. However, Shardra's sudden
death in a fuel dump explosion once again rocked Doc's world. This time, however, he had Jessa to fall
back on, and he dedicated himself to her education and growth. She, like her father, showed a great
mechanical aptitude, and she stayed on with him to further his outlaw tech business. He and Jessa
recruited the best techs they could find, and have been helping everyone from smugglers to the Alliance.
This is how they got tangled up with Han Solo, a brash young pilot who was constantly repairing his ship,
the Millennium Falcon. However, Doc's repairs soon came under the scrutiny of the Corporate Sector
Authority, who had laid out the regulations for starship modifications. Much of Doc's work involved skirting
these regulations and most of his modifications were deemed illegal. Doc suddenly disappeared, part of
the sector-wide sweep of criminals placed in the Stars' End detention facility.Han Solo trusted Doc to
make most repairs to the Falcon, and went to see him when the loss of his sensor dish in a weapons run
to Duroon. However, Doc had already been kidnapped for incarceration at Stars' End. When Han learned
this, he agreed to help Jessa rescue Doc. Han and his group of adventurers were able to infiltrated the
detention center and rescue the captives, including Doc, who returned to his modification business with
Jessa. (HSE, CSA)
this was the nickname given to the FX-series medical droid modified by Massad Thrumble. Doc originally designated AOI-C - was a one-of-a-kind, and had the upper section of the FX series mounted
on a treaded base. Thrumble programmed the droid with top-of-the-line medical and surgical skills, and
gave it the necessary tools to perform surgery on any number of species. Doc considered the
reprogramming of Guri - who rescued the droid from Spinda Caveel - to be a "wonderful technical
challenge." (SEE)
Docent Vant
this tall, blue-skinned Twi'lek female was one of the Jedi instructors at the temple on Coruscant, during
Obi-Wan Kenobi's early training. She had but a single headtail, which was ornately tattooed. It was
Docent Vant who brought Obi-Wan the news that he had not been chosen as a Padawan, and must leave
the temple on his thirteenth birthday. (RF)
Dochi At-Rial
this Vashan theocrat set out to obtain the Tessent during the early years of the New Republic, hoping to
satisfy his own curiosity about the idol. He labored among the common Vashans who were virtually
enslaved by the Ayrou, something he considered a religious duty. While digging in the mines, it was
believed that At-Rial discovered the Ayrou Tessent and hid it by swallowing it and storing it in one of his
antestomachs. He maintained his secret, as well as his life, because the Vashan miners protected him in
ranks wherever he went. However, At-Rial maintained the appearance of a religious figure only to ensure
that he retained his guard. (GMR9)
this eight-legged, avian creature was native to the moon Mina, where they were domesticated and used
to herd pechs and rujos by the native population. Dochinies were directed with tones from a special pipe,
which produced sounds that were just above the normal range of hearing for a human. (GMR9)
an Imperial freighter used to carry TIE prototypes to the Cygnus performance trials that were raided by
the Alliance in an attempt to capture the Cygnus executives. (XW)
Dock 47
this docking bay was where Kaarde and Dankin are instructed to park the Wild Kaarde at the Bilbringi
shipyards, just before the smugglers were planning to steal a crystal grav-trap to sell to the New Republic.

Dock City
this was the primary port city located on the planet Gambolla. (SWJ11)
Dock Plat
an Imperial freighter stationed at Zaarin's beam weapon research platform. (TIE)
this subnode, a twin to the subnode Handler, was generated by Kud'ar Mub'at to coordinate the landing of
ships carrying visitors to the assembler's web. (MA)
Docking Bay
this smoky bar was located on The Life level of Vergesso Base, and was always busy but never raucous.
Docking Bay 2037
this docking bay, located on the first Death Star, was where the Millennium Falcon was held when it was
captured in the Alderaan System, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (SW)
Docking Bay 3733
located within Coruscant's Eastport facility, this docking bay was leased by Vyyk Drago during the early
decades of the New Republic. In this way, Han Solo was able to avoid a minimal amount of attention.
Docking Bay 41
located at the spaceport on Etti IV, Han Solo uses the ID of the starship parked their as his own, in an
effort to elude the authorities and escape after giving Ploovo 2-for-1 a Dinko as a gift. (HSE)
Docking Bay 45
the docking bay at the Etti IV spaceport where Han parks the Millennium Falcon while stopping over to
pay off Ploovo 2-for-1, several years before the Battle of Yavin. (HSE)
Docking Bay 94
resting place of the Millennium Falcon at the Mos Eisley spaceport, prior to Han Solo's meeting with ObiWan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to discuss passage to the Alderaan System. (SW)
Docking Bay A13
this was where the Mud Sloth put down in Talos spaceport, on Atzerri, during Luke Skywalker's search for
his mother's identity. (SOL)
Docking Club
this eatery catered to the free-traders who stopped over at Byblos Tower 214. The atmosphere was dark
and smoky, and the food was much better than that found at the Biscuit Baron. (PSPG)
Docking Pad 15
location on Coruscant where Luke parks an old transport ship, so that a wing of X-wings can be loaded
into it's hold for relocation to the site of the Katana fleet. (DFR)
Docking Platform 25
where the Bilbringi Control parks the Etherway just before the Battle of Bilbringi. (TLC)
Dockside Cafe
this was an upscale restaurant and bar located in the city of Mos Eisley, on Tatooine. (SL)
Doctor Cantryl
a slim man who preferred to wear white suits, Doctor Cantryl was the resident crimelord of Montrol City,
on Gandle Ott, during the early years of the New Republic. (DARK)

Doctor Cornelius
one of Evazan's aliases. (SWR)
Doctor Death
another of Evazan's aliases. (GOF2)
Doctor, The
see Z2-1B (WOTC)
this name was common among the Feeorin race. (UANT)
meaning "bold", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally
described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to
describe an individual. (GCG)
Dodann, Temlet
this man was a Judiciary of the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was
Dodann who broke the slavery ring which was masterminded by Senator Tikkes and the Thalassian
Slavers. (HNN5)
Dodbri Whiskey
this is an awesomely strong spirit. (SOP)
Dodd, Halbreck
this man worked as a negotiator for the Corporate Sector Authority, during the height of the New Order.
Dodd was one of the primary parties who argued in favor of the CSA, during the Authority's three-year
war against the Trianii. (SWJ7)
this was the capital city of the planet Yag'Dhul. (HNN5)
this was the name given to the Givin who led the Body Calculus. (EVR)
this was the alias used by Del Hunter, in his dealings with the Alliance's underground cell on Kabaira.
an Alliance Nebulon-B Frigate assigned to destroy the Rugle transport group. (TIE)
Dodo Bodonawieedo
this Rodian played the slitherhorn for the Max Rebo Band. Dodo was born on a shuttle that was en route
to Tatooine, after his parents fled the wrath of Navik the Red. Dodo learned to respect his clan from his
mother, and learned to love music from his father. He grew up in the streets of Mos Eisley with his best
friend, Falk, but was forced out of his home when bounty hunters from Rodian killed his parents and
burned the house. He and Falk then grew up as part of the Shawpee Gang, and they were fond of
frocking jawas and stealing ronto steaks. Over the years, he grew into one of the minor information
brokers in the spaceport city. After they left the Shawpees, Dodo and Falk joined Jabba the Hutt's ring of
informants. Falk was eventually killed for spying, but Dodo remained with Jabba's group, and even joined
the bands that played in the palace. Dodo managed to avoid his own death when Jabba was killed at the
Pit of Carkoon, having been sent to deliver a message from Bib Fortuna to Onici Wen. After Jabba's
death, Dodo sneaked into the palace and stole some valuable treasures before fleeing Tatooine forever.
Among those treasures were the sculptures known as the Minstrel and the Dancing Goddess. He sold
these back to their original owners, and retired to a comfortable living on Tharkos. (RJSE, CCG9, MTSE,

named for General Jan Dodonna, the Dodonna was a flagship assault frigate in the New Republic's fleet.
The ship was part of Wedge Antilles' flight group, which he commanded from the Yavaris, during the
search for General Madine and the Darksaber. (DS)
Dodonna, Jan
Jan Dodonna was one of the Old Republic's foremost military tacticians. Along with his friend and
comrade Adar Tallon, they were a formidable pair. Tallon's ability to manipulate ship-to-ship combat
complimented Dodonna's logistical mind and siege tactics. Dodonna was one of the first Star Destroyer
Captains for the Old Republic. When Dodonna first heard of Tallon's death, he retired. Soon after,
Palpatine's New Order was implemented, and the military records of the Old Republic's finest officers
were scrutinized. Dodonna was deemed too old to retrain, and was ordered for execution. A timely
intervention by the Alliance, coupled with the knowledge of him impending execution, turned Dodonna
toward the Alliance. He defected to the Alliance, and became one of their greatest strategists. Deep in his
heart, he felt the need to help the Alliance turn the tide, for he saw the Empire using is greatest strategies
against the Alliance, primarily in the Siege of Dalron V and the infamous Project Asteroid. He was placed
in charge of the attack on the first Death Star, and agonized without sleep over the plans delivered by
Leia Organa. His keen insight discovered the flaw in the reactor shaft, and he organized the snubfighter
battle around it. With the Death Star gone, Dodonna was placed in charge of defending Yavin 4 until a
new base could be found. He discovered that his son, Vrad, had been severely injured in an attack on the
Super Star Destroyer Executor, and later died of his injuries. He helped destroy a wing of Imperial TIE
Bombers that attacked Yavin 4, but was critically wounded in the battle. He was captured by the
Imperials, and was imprisoned at the Lusankya facility. Known as the "Old Man," Dodonna was the
unofficial leader of the prisoners working in the mines when Corran Horn was sent there. Jan helped
Corran escape the facility, but couldn't escape with Horn without endangering the other prisoners. When
Horn made his attempt, Jan noticed that Evir Derricote was attempting to follow him. Jan pursued
Derricote and deflected his first attack on Horn. Corran was able to kill Derricote with the very shovel
Derricote attacked him with. Jan remained behind when Corran left, and was probably transported to
Thyferra when the Lusankya left Coruscant. Dodonna and the other prisoners were transported to the
planet Ciutric by Ysanne Isard's clone, where they were held and drugged to ensure their compliance.
Isard's clone pretended to move them every so often, using elaborate chambers and neurological drugs
to make them believe they were travelling through hyperspace. In fact, they never left the planet. After the
Battle of Bilbringi, the New Republic joined forces with the real Ysanne Isard, and was able to launch an
assault on Ciutric. Dodonna and the remaining Lusankya prisoners were rescued by Corran Horn.
Dodonna was eventually reunited with Adar Tallon, who had been discovered hiding on Tatooine and
persuaded to join the Alliance some years before. The two, along with Vanden Willard, were known as
the "Gray Cadre" among the Alliance's military. Note that The Truce at Bakura depicts Dodonna as an
active member of the fledgling New Republic, and as the developer of the Battle Analysis Computer. After
his rescue from Ciutric, Dodonna went on to become a competent statesman for the New Republic before
he retired to New Alderaan, thinking that most of the battle with the Empire was over. He was quite
surprised at the advent of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the new life shown by the remnants of the Empire,
and so he came out of retirement and became one of the New Republic's most trusted military advisors,
helping to turn the tide during the Battle of Calamari. Dodonna was portrayed by Alex McCrindle in Star
Wars: Episode I - A New Hope. (SW, DE1, DESB, EGC, CSW, KT, IR)
Dodonna, Vrad
the son of Jan Dodonna, Vrad fled from an encounter with the Executor just before the Battle of Hoth. He
escaped from the battle in a shuttle and hid behind a nearby moon until the battle was completed. Vrad
had a great fear of dying in battle, which he tried to conceal from his father. He faked battle damaged to
his shuttle with a blaster and returned to Yavin 4. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker were able to see through
the deception, but couldn't decide how to approach General Dodonna about it. In an effort to make up for
his perceived cowardice, Vrad volunteered to take the last power gem into battle against the Executor.
Dodonna named Luke as his backup, which worried Luke. Luke confronted Vrad about his suspicions, but
Vrad knocked him unconscious. They had to put their differences aside as the mission began, but Vrad

panicked when he encountered the ship again. He was able to penetrate the Star Destroyer's defenses
and momentarily drop some of its shields, but the power gem's effects were short-lived, and the Executor
survived. Vrad then landed on a small moon and dropped off Luke, them returned to ram the Star
Destroyer with his own ship, sacrificing himself in hopes of doing more damage to the Executor. Following
Vrad's death, Luke was promoted to Commander. Note that the Star Wars Radio Drama indicates Luke
wasn't promoted to Commander until Narra's death. (CSW)
this small company, formed by Jan Dodonna and Walex Blissex, are the manufacturers of the RZ-1 AWing starfighter. (SCRE)
Dodonna's Pride
named for Jan Dodonna, this Alliance CR90 corvette was used in a series of ambush attacks on Imperial
supply convoys during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. (JKG)
Dodra F'ass
this Bith Senator represented his homeworld of Clak'Dor VII, as well as the rest of Mayagil Sector, to the
Old Republic Senate, in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He remained noncommittal about
secession from the Republic, despite intense pressure from neighboring sectors. (HNN4)
Dodt, Parin
this was Pash Craken's alias when he infiltrated Coruscant as part of Rogue Squadron. Parin was an
associate of Antar Roat. (WG)
R2-D2 and C-3PO were sent to this small world by the Intergalactic Droid Agency, where they were to
become the servants of Lott Kemp. Despite its bleak environment, Dodz was known throughout the
galaxy for the wondrous crystals that were mined from its crust. (MDCAR)
Doehn, Argon
this Alliance agent was contacted by Mygo Skinto shortly before the battle of Miztoc City. Mygo offered
Doehn her services as an informant, and many in the Alliance's command structure believed they won the
battle because of Mygo's help. (CRO)
a female Gran deity, often associated with luck. (TJP, THG)
D'oemir Bear
this huge, carnivorous mammal was native to the Jhunia snow plains of the planet Neftali, and was
hunted for its meat and fur. They were the apex predator on Neftali prior to the appearance of humans
and Whiphids, and was nearly hunted to extinction. They were solitary hunters, and the sharp drop in
their numbers resulted in their being protected. Hunters were still allowed to take d'oemir, provided that
they paid up front for a license and a guide. The average d'oemir bear measured two meters in height
when fully erect. (BSS)
Does Anyone Weep?
this song, performed by Maxa Jandovar, was one of the galaxy's most popular numbers during the year
leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Doestes High Port
this space station was erected in orbit around the planet Kuna's Tooth by a pair of Duro brothers as a
shipyard. They outwardly built and repaired mining ships and vehicles, as well as the occasional personal
craft, but many authorities believed that the space station served as a refining facility for Rokna Blue.
this Imperial stormtrooper was stationed at the garrison in Hullis, on the planet Halmad, during the early

years of the New Republic. (IF)

Dogder, Ghitsa
this woman was a Hutt counselor for most of her career, although she freelanced as a smuggler with
Fenig Nabon during the early years of the New Republic. She had a Coruscanti accent, but not the
bearing of a noble. She was at one time a counselor for the Desilijic kajidic, but had since worked for the
Besadii clan. Ghitsa's family had been acting as Hutt counselors, helping facilitate business between the
Hutts and the Core Worlds, for nearly 150 years. She had met Fenig on Socorro a couple of years after
the Battle of Endor, and they formed a loose partnership. When Ghitsa negotiated the services of a group
of Twi'leki dancers for Durga, it struck her as an act that was morally wrong. Every the schemer, Ghitsa
contracted the Mistryl to help transport the dancers, then verbally abused and goaded the Mistryl pilots.
This was all in an effort to have the Mistryl become angry and force them off the ship. That way, Ghitsa
could claim to Durga that the dancers had been stolen, ensuring that the Mistryl would help get them to
safety. Ghitsa had Fen reprogram the Fury's ID codes to those of the Indenture, then told Durga that the
Karazak slave ship stole the dancers. In fury, Durga expelled Ghitsa from her position as Hutt counselor,
another outcome she had hoped to achieve. Shortly afterward, the Star Lady was stranded on Prishardia,
the victim of sabotage by Culan Brasli and the Desilijic clan, and Ghitsa posed as a Jedi Knight in order to
con the locals out of their hard-earned credits. She was waylayed, and had to be rescued by Fen and Kyp
Durron. However, Ghitsa managed to steal information on the Orko SkyMine project from Counselor Ral,
and later turned it over to Talon Karrde for distribution to the New Republic authorites. (TFNR)
this large, flying insect was native to the jungles of Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
this New Republic Navy E-Wing pilot worked with Esege Tuketu to take out the Black Nine shipyards
during the Battle of ILC-905. Dogo was Tuketu's escort, and fired into an overlap of the shipyard's
shielding, providing Tuketu a target to fire at. Tuketu dropped several bombs into the overlap, creating a
shield overload and destroying the shipyards. (TT)
Dogot, Ors
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Bloodprice, serving under Warlord Foga Brill. He is
killed when his ship tried to intercept the Teljkon vagabond in Sector 5. The vagabond had just fled Gmir
Askilon, and was discovered by the Bloodprice. The vagabond recognized the Imperial ship as a threat,
and fired on it. The intense burst destroyed the ship, taking all hands with it. (SOL)
Dohn donya
this phrase, in the High Tongue of Corellia, was a response to an invitation, and generally held the same
meaning as "thank you". (MJH)
this was the Huttese word for the number twenty-three (23). Note, however, that the Huttese counting
system was based on a base-eight system. So, dohonocha indicated the number nineteen (19) in the
Basic language. (GMR5)
Dohu VII
this seventh planet in the Dohu System is the homeworld of the Silika race of living rocks. (SWJ1)
this city was found on the planet Ansion. (APS)
Doikk Na'ts
one of the Bith members of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, Doikk plays the Fizzz. He is leery of
working humans, and prefers the company of droids. (CCG2, TME)
Doil, Kohn
this Vunakian man served the Old Republic as a Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic, and was part

of the security team on Drongar during the height of the Clone Wars. It was Colonel Doil who was placed
in charge of the investigation into the loss of bota and the deaths of Filba the Hutt and Tarnese Bleyd.
Doil's investigation concluded that Filba had been the spy hidden in Rimsoo Seven, and the matter of the
spy had been closed with Filba's death. (MBS, MJH)
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. It referred to a famous female Duros military
commander. (GCG)
this ancient Duros female was also a famous military commander. (GCG)
Doisey Bird
this medium-sized bird was raised for its tasty meat. It was often served roasted. (JQ6)
this ancient Hutt was responsible for the discovery of the planet Vodran. (GG12)
Dok, Shanda
this Alliance operative was part of the first wave of agents which tried to support the rebellion on Fitca
Prime, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. She was captured and brought before High
Inquisitor Mox Slosin, but refused to provide any information on the Alliance. She later died during the
intense interrogation sessions. (AIR)
see De-Orbiting Kinetic Anti-emplacement Weapon. (SHPT)
Doke Gerkin
this was a Skrilling individual, distinguished in the history of Agriworld-2079. (UANT)
Doko prek anuda ten?
in the Old Corellian smuggler's vocabulary, this question asks "Can you speak this language?" (TT)
Dokrett, Voba
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Gorath, part of Foga Brill's fleet in the Prakith System.
He pursued the Teljkon vagabond when it passed through the system. (TT)
this was a species of small, predatory pack animal which was native to the planet Cartao. Some dokriks
could be domesticated if they were taken from the wild at a very young age, and they made excellent
companions. (SWI69, SQ)
an Imperial trooper stationed on Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. He served under Harburik as part
of the local police force. (ISB, GG7)
Dol Heep
this Avoni was the primary force behind a plot to take control of the planet Radnor, some years after the
Battle of Naboo. Dol Heep approached the Radnoran siblings, Galena and Curi, with an offer to purchase
some of their weapons technology. Curi refused, and Dol Heelp began secretly meeting with Galen to
obtain the technology he wanted. Galen, for his part, served Dol Heep well. Dol Heep was ostensibly
"trapped" on Radnor when an endemic plague was unleashed in the city of Aubendo, five years before
the onset of the Clone Wars, but was actually overseeing the evacuation of Radnorans in order to steal
their wealth and then their planet. The Avoni purchased a huge number of prototype battle droids
developed by the Radnorans, using them to secure parts of the planet while keeping the Jedi Knights who were on Radnor to ensure an orderly evacuation - at bay. Unfortunately for the Avoni, the plans set
in motion by Dol Heep were discovered by the Jedi Knights who were dispatched to Radnor to ensure an

orderly evacuation. While he loudly denied any wrong-doing, Dol Heep was arrested on charges of
conspiracy to take control of Radnor. (JQ1)
Dol, Tevris
this young executive of Radell Mining Corporation was known more for his self-centered, arrogant
personality than his business dealings. Nonetheless, he was one of Radell's main negotiators. (PG3)
this near-sentient tree, native to the planet Aruza, produces small flowers which are sensitive to touch. If
approached abruptly, the flowers retreat into thin shoots. However, if tenderly coaxed out, the flowers can
be harvested for the thick juice they exude. The Aruzans then process the juice into an antibiotic fluid.
this species of white-furred humanoids was native to the moon Skalokor. (GMR10)
Dolas, Sarra
Lando Calrissian was smittened with this woman some years after he took control of Cloud City. Once,
during a match in which Sarra sat with Narka Tobb instead of Calrissian, Lando actually folded a hand he
couldn't win and opted not to bluff his way out. Lobot remembered it, for it was the only time he could
remember the gambler not bluffing. (TT)
this star was nicknamed by the New Republic for its featureless, uninhabited planets. Located on the
inner edge of the Rim territories, Wedge Antilles used it as a destination for Wraith Squadron during their
hyperspace navigational training. (WS)
this planet is the primary world in the Doldur System, and is the sector capital for the Doldur Sector. It was
an area of intense rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, but it was ruthlessly suppressed by Moff Eisen
Kerioth. By controlling imports of foodstuffs and other necessities, he quelled the uprisings and made the
planet a model of Imperial efficiency. (TFE)
Doldur Spaceport
this was the name of the primary spaceport servicing the planet Doldur, during the New Order. (SWJ6)
this was a valuable substance that was often smuggled around the galaxy. (HTTE)
this planet was believed to be the location of a Sith Holocron, and several teams of Jedi Knights were
dispatched to the planet to investigate, in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. A Holocron was
never found, however. (JAF)
Doliq, Reesa
this woman was a Jedi Master who taught at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, some 68 years before the
onset of the Clone Wars. She led many of the training exercises in which students were asked to track
each other using their various skills. (LOJ)
Dolis 3
this planet, which was locked in a perpetual winter because of its distance from its sun, was controlled by
the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The Empire maintained a presence on the planet, even after the
peace accord signed between Leia Organa-Solo and Admiral Gilead Pellaeon. It was here that Moff
Derran Takkar planned to disrupt the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. (U)
this Outer Rim Territories world served as one of the Empire's primary staging areas during the build-up

of warships in the wake of the Battle of Yavin. (GG10)

this planet was the capital world in a galactic sector held by the New Republic which resisted Thrawn's
attacks more strongly than Ukio or Ando. A world of frozen glaciers and ice-capped mountains, the
colonists who settled there were forced to build underground cities to escape the bitter cold. (TLC, TTSB)
D'olop Range
a range of mountains found on the planet M'haeli, the D'olop are the location of many of the planet's best
dragite mines. (ROC)
Dolor, Miltar
this man was an officer of the Corporate Sector Authority during the early years of the New Order. In the
wake of the Endregaad Plague, Dolor was sent to Nar Shaddaa to offer thanks to Popara the Hutt, who
had donated credits and medicinal spice to the relief effort on Endregaad. Despite Popara's
humanitarianism, Dolor quietly despised the freelance agents Popara had dispatched to Endregaad to
rescue his offspring, Mika, claiming that such unnecessary "help" put others in peril. In the wake of
Popara's murder, Dolor was killed by Zonnos to ensure his silence. (TF)
this was a fanatical cult of assassins, founded by the Selonian race on the planet Sacorria. They revered
Sacorrian traditions almost as much as they revered the credits they earned doing the dirty work of the
Corellian Sector. (CCW)
a metal mined on Nkllon (TLC)
Dolpee Kikyuna
thus Huttese phrase translated into Basic as "I am a friend." (GMR5)
this native of Almania was somewhat Force sensitive. At a young age, he witnessed the brutality of the
Je'Har, as they ravaged his village and took his parents prisoner. He managed to avoid capture, only to
witness his parents' deaths. The Je'Har had them tied to posts and left to suffer in the harsh, summer sun
outside their palace. It took his parents a week to die of hunger, dehydration, and sunstroke. He never
forgot this, even when he began training as a Jedi under Luke Skywalker. One of several students who
left the praxeum, Dolph returned to Almania with a plan to avenge his parents and gain control of the
galaxy. Dolph felt that the Light and Dark sides of the Force were descriptions used by the Jedi to limit
their students. He felt that Darth Vader returned to the Light Side only because he had nothing left to live
for. Using the failed Jedi Brakiss as a tool, and gathering a substantial force around him, Dolph assumed
the monicker of Kuellar, an ancient Almanian army general who was ruthless in his approach. As Kuellar,
he exterminated the Je'Har by planting specially-built droids in their midst. He adopted the use of a
Hendanyn death mask after discovering one among the ruins of the Je'Har temples, and began collecting
similar masks from around the galaxy. The droids he used to defeat the Je'Har were built by Brakiss, and
contained remotely-controlled bombs. The droids had been two years in the making and distribution.
Dolph detonated the droids at a specific time, wiping out all but the Je'Har leaders. The leaders he
captured and tortured for a week, avenging the deaths of his parents. Next, he used similar tactics to wipe
out the population of Pydyr, the affluent moon of Almania. He then placed similar droids - as well as
specially-rigged flight computers for new X-Wings - in the possession of the New Republic. He used a
series of smuggling contacts in the Smuggler's Run to deliver the bombs. He succeeded in destroying the
Senate Assembly Chamber, and began to terrorize Leia Organa-Solo via the Force. As the New Republic
began to discover what he was all about, he drew Luke Skywalker and Leia to Almania. There, he
hobbled Luke and tried to capture Leia. However, the intervention of Han Solo and a shipment of
ysalamiri blovked Dolph from the Force, and allowed Leia to break through his visions and clearly see
him. She shot him in the head with a blaster, ending his reign of terror. (TNR)
Dolphe, Porro

this man was an officer in the Naboo Royal Security Forces. Dolphe piloted an N-1 starfighter as part of
Bravo Squadron, serving as Bravo 2 under the command of Ric Olie' during the Battle of Naboo. He grew
up in a small town outside of Theed, and volunteered to serve with Bravo Squadron. He became the
squadron's expert in speeder control and thrust engineering. Dolphe continued to serve with the military
on Naboo, and eventually became a Corporal. He was the flight leader assigned to accompany Padme'
Amidala to Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, commanding the small
group of N-1 starfighters that accompanied Senator Amidala's Naboo Royal Cruiser. (CCG15, AOTCN)
one of the three primary planets in the Pimbrellan League, Dolstan was the original planet settled by the
Pinacists. A dry world covered with plains and deserts broken by salt-water lakes, Dolstan's soil is
nevertheless fertile. Farming is one of the primary activities on Dolstan, and the planet provides much of
the food for the Pimbrellan League's many colonies. (KO)
this gas giant was the sixth planet in the Chandrila System. It was orbited by twelve moons. (CCW)
Doluff, Lob
the Administrator Senior of the Oseon System, Lob Doluff knew that Lando Calrissian had won a huge
profit in the system while playing sabacc. He invited Lando back to the system from Dilonexa XXIII to play
some more sabacc. Lob Doluff is a pear-shaped man with a dark beard and a bald head. He has been
described as having an ingratiating manner, and although he is an enthusiastic sabacc player, he isn't
very good. He collects flowering plants as a hobby, concentrating on those species that are beautiful,
fragrant, and persistent. He is also heavily addicted to the drug lesai. Doluff had been trying to arrest
Bohhuah Mutdah for awhile, and saw Lando as a way to get near him. When Lando killed Kenow on
Oseon 6845, Doluff charged him with carrying a concealed weapon - a capital offense - but gave him an
out, provided Lando would transport Bassi Vobah and Waywa Fybot to Mutdah's asteroid during the
Flamewind. (LCF)
Dolvan Genarik
this was a noted member of the Arkanian race. (UANT)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Doma toma
this was the Huttese word for "space." (GMR5)
this was the basic political and familial grouping recognized by the Yuuzhan Vong. Individual families
grew in power as their members performed heroic deeds. (DTO)
Domain Cha
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was a rival of Domain Kraal. (EL1)
Domain Dal
this Yuuzhan Vong family provided their worldship to Warmaster Tsavong Lah, after the destruction of his
own command ship, the Sunulok. (EL1)
Domain Eklut
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the
final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Eklut sent a number of warriors and pilots
into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated the
Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships to
Contruum. (UF)
Domain Esh

this Yuuzhan Vong family produced many warriors during its existence. (FH1)
Domain Fath
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was known for its consuls and advisors. It was unusual, then, that Bhu Fath
eventually became a Commander within the warrior caste. Many believe his escalation was more of a
political move rather than something Bhu Fath earned, with the Domain petitioning loudly for his
promotion. (UF)
Domain Hool
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was known for the shapers it produced. (DW)
Domain Hul
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was assigned to the war fleet which was commanded by Czulkang Lah, and was
directed by the Warmaster Tsavong Lah to retake the planet Borleias, in the wake of the Battle of
Coruscant. Note that Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand indicates that the term Domain Hul referred to the
worldship which blockaded Borleias. (EL1, EL2)
Domain Jamaane
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was distinguished by the fact that its family members didn't fall into a single
caste. Instead, Domain Jamaane produced a number of notable members of all castes, from warriors and
priests to Shapers. Three Warmasters and a number of Supreme Commanders were also members of
Domain Jamaane. Perhaps the most infamous member of this Domain was Supreme Overlord Shimrra. It
was believed that the warriors of Domain Jamaane had been the agents of Shimrra's ascension, killing
the warriors who supported Quoreal and assassinating his followers, thereby paving the way for Shimrra
to become Supreme Overlord. (UF)
Domain Karsh
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra
and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (UF)
Domain Kraal
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was noted for its excellent pilots and soliders. Domain Kraal was a noted rival of
Domain Cha, and considered it a victory when Kraal was given command of the planet Borleias, shortly
before the Yuuzhan Vong launched their assault on Coruscant. When Wedge Antilles and his Inner Circle
retook Borleias, Domain Kraal suffered a great blow, having lost the planet to a small group of "infidels."
Domain Kwaad
this Yuuzhan Vong Domain was known for its Shapers, but was also infamous for its heretical beliefs.
Domain Lacap
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong domains which was awarded control of their own star systems
by the Yuuzhan Vong leadership, during their invasion of the New Republic. However, during the final
battle of the invasion, Domain Lacap chose to remain in their star system, rather than heed the call to
return to Coruscant and attack Zonama Sekot. (UF)
Domain Lah
this Yuuzhan Vong family produced the Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, who led the Yuuzhan Vong forces in
the invasion of the known galaxy. (SBS)
Domain Lian
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong Domains, and was known for the many aides and advisors I
produced. (EVR)
Domain Muyel
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong domains which was awarded control of their own star systems

by the Yuuzhan Vong leadership, during their invasion of the New Republic. However, during the final
battle of the invasion, Domain Muyel chose to remain in their star system, rather than heed the call to
return to Coruscant and attack Zonama Sekot. (UF)
Domain Nar
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was distinguished by its members within the Intendant caste. (UF)
Domain Paasar
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the
final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Paasar sent a number of warriors and
pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated
the Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships
to Contruum. (UF)
Domain Pekeen
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the
final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Pekeen sent a number of warriors and
pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. (UF)
Domain Qel
this was one of the lesser Yuuzhan Vong Domains, known to produce minor Shapers. (EVC)
Domain Shai
this was one of the more powerful Domains of Yuuzhan Vong warriors. Domain Shai was best-known for
its participation in the original Yuuzhan Vong missions to the known galaxy, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. They were known for their dedication to enduring as much pain as possible, in order to
please the True Gods. (DTO, DTR, T)
Domain Shen'g
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the
final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Shen'g sent a number of warriors and
pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated
the Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships
to Contruum. (UF)
Domain Shoolb
this was one of the manu Yuuzhan Vong clans. (FH3)
Domain Shul
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was distinguished by its members within the Intendant caste. (UF)
Domain Taav
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the
final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Taav sent a number of warriors and pilots
into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated the
Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships to
Contruum. (UF)
Domain Tivvik
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra
and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (UF)
Domain Tsun
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra
and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (UF)
Domain Vang

this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the
final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Vang sent a number of warriors and pilots
into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. (UF)
Domain Vorrik
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra
and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (UF)
Domain Yaght
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong bloodlines known for its military prowess. (SBS)
Domain Zun-qin
this Yuuzhan Vong domain was known for its Shapers. (EVR)
this city was the capital of the planet Kolatill. (DARK)
Domb Treetor
this Skakoan military officer served as a Major in the Separatist armed forces, during the early stages of
the Clone Wars. Before accepting the military posting, Treetor had been an Approprations Chief with the
Techno Union. Despite an excellent army of droids, Major Treetor was defeated at the Battle of Bassadro
by Jedi Master Empatojayos Brand and his clone troopers. Treetor had been hoping to hold Bassadro's
mineral wealth for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but was forced to surrender to Brand and
turn the planet's resources back over to the Old Republic. When news of the surrender was made public,
the Separatists made sure that reporters understood that Treetor's surrender was done in order to ensure
the survival of the civilians of Agao and its surrounding villages. (SWI65, SWI66)
the homeworld of the Afytechan race. A contingent of Imperial stormtroopers were stationed there,
awating pickup by the Eye of Palpatine, but they were lost like most of their contemporaries. (COJ)
Dome of the Mother Jungle
a vital part of every Ithorian herdship, this chamber dominated the lower section of the ship, and was
protected by a transparisteel dome. Within the dome was contained a piece of the Ithorian jungle, lovingly
maintained by the Ithorians who traveled aboard the herdship. (GA)
Domed City
see Aquarius (GDV)
Domeet, Senn Riip
this man was a member of The Flail, and infiltrated himself into the work crews on Coruscant in order to
gain access to Chancellor Valorum. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Domeet tried to sabotage the
construction of a repulsorlift platform which was erected in front of the Chancellor's office, in preparation
for a speech. He was captured by a group of freelance security officers who had been brought in to
mitigate the influx of tourists who had come to hear Valorum's speech, and the bomb he had placed on
the platform was defused. (SWRPG)
Domeso, Korvit
this man served as the Drame Editor of the HoloNet newsfeeds that originated on the planet Coruscant,
during the last years of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
an underground city that was built by Lando Calrissian and a group of investors on Coruscant, Dometown
was designed to provide a tranquil place to live for the beings who worked in the hectic city above.
However, the populace of Coruscant never warmed up to the idea, and the operation went bankrupt.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the New Republic Defense Force began fortifying Dometown, hoping
to use it as a refuge for the leadership of the New Republic. It was believed that they could survive an

invasion of Coruscant within its walls, but some members of the Defense Force felt that the work on
Dometown undermined the efforts of the New Republic to remain positive in the face of incredible
destruction. (AC, JE)
Domgrin System
Booster Terrik and Talon Karrde made plans to travel to this star system, some eighteen years after the
Battle of Endor, to search for Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker. The Skywalkers had
been on a mission for Karrde, locating smugglers who worked for Karrde but were being let go as Karrde
moved into retirement. (SQ)
this ancient Galacian was a member of the Hill People, and one of Elan's strongest supporters. It was
Domi who knew about Elan's true past, which he revealed to Qui-Gon Jinn after Giba attempted to
assassinate her. (MOC)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this Acclamator-class troopship was dispatched to the planet Jabiim, in an effort to prevent a secessionist
war durnig the early stages of the Clone Wars. (SWI68)
Dominance Killing
this was the name given by xenoarchaeologists to the ritual execution of a lower-class individual by their
superior. In many cases, the higher-class individual will kill the lower class without so much as a blink,
since the practice was often deeply ingrained into the societal norm. The Yevetha were a perfect example
of a people who practiced dominance killing in their society. (EGP)
an Imperial Carrack-class cruiser used by Pter Thanas as command ship during the battle with the Ssiruuk. The ship was originally commissioned about ten years before the Battle of Endor, and was sent to
join the Imperial defense of Dufilvian and Filve. However, it was damaged in battle against the Crimson
Nova pirates near F'Dann IX, and recalled for repairs. It was later assigned to the Filve reserve fleet
before being sent to subjugate Bakura. Because of the lack of resistance put up by the Bakurans, the
Dominant was left behind as the flagship of Thanas' Imperial fleet. It was the Dominant which Thanas
used to destroy the Flurry. After the Alliance was able to overwhelm the Imperial fleet, Thanas
surrendered the Dominant to the Alliance. The Dominant was armed with ten heavy turbolasers and
twenty laser cannons, but lacked the normal tractor beam projectors. (TB, TBSB)
this 2.4-meter-long speeder was produced during the height of the New Order. (SWJ4)
this heavily modified Interdictor cruiser was used by Loka Hask as his flagship, after he joined the
Imperial Navy and tried to hunt down Rogue Squadron. (XWPA)
this Victory-class Star Destroyer eliminated an Alliance training base on Taul. It was specially modified to
be driven by the latest hyperdrive technology and more powerful thrusters, and was assigned to support
the fighter wings active during the Battle of Endor. (SWJ1, SWJ2, CCG11)
Dominator AV
a modified version of the basic Dominator speeder, the Dominator AV was adapted for use as a racgin
vehicle for the BlastBoat 2000 race. It was armed with a BlasTech Protector laser, and could reach
speeds up to 300 kilometers an hour. The Dominator AV also had a flight ceiling of three meters. (SWJ4)

Dominator Gauntlets
developed just before the onset of the Great Sith War, Dominator guantlets were created to be the most
technologically-advanced form of protection available. They gave the wearer increased strength and
power, despite their humble appearance. (KOTOR)
Domine', Calquad
this man, a native of the planet Naboo, was the captain of the mining transport Pickaxe during the years
leading up to the Clone Wars. Domine' and his crew were members of he Naboo Moon Mining Union, and
lef the Pickaxe parked at Kwilaan Starport in protest of the government's decision to limit miners' access
to the larger ports. (HNN5)
this was the Snivvian word for "credits." (HNN5)
this ancient Jedi Master was the teacher of Zona Luka, until she killed him while under the commanding
spell of Exar Kun's Sith powers. (TSW)
this Corellian woman lived on the Nespis VIII space station shortly before the Battle of Yavin. She had
been hunting for hidden treasure, primarily the legendary Jedi library. She left Corellia several months
before the Alliance victory at Yavin, after hunting fire crystals in the No-ad System. After Zak and Tash
Arranda arrived at the station with their uncle, Mammon Hoole, Domisari was killed by the Anzati, Dannik
Jerriko, who revealed that she was actually an assassin hired by the Empire to kill the Arranda children.
Domit Pie
a Kitonak delicacy. (COJ)
this city served as the capital of the planet Ord Thoden, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Domitree was rocked by an intense earthquake about eight months before the onset of the Clone Wars,
and much of the city was destroyed. (HNN4)
Dommaro, Gorsick
this Imperial Lieutenant, stationed on the first Death Star, controlled the A68 Market. (DSTC)
any of the various models of servant droids. (RPG)
meaning "mysterious", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Don, Onstruk
this man was the leader of the Imperial resistance on Algara II following the Battle of Endor. He was
disgusted with the class system, because of its rigidity and the injustice it shows to the Xan. He faked his
own disappearance, and operates the resistance from a hidden base. Like most members of the
resistance, he believes the tenets of the New Order can be modified to include all races. (PG2)
Dona Laza Tapcafe
this tavern, located near the Mumbri Storve cantina, was Aves' location prior to the Bilbringi assault that
ultimately ended the reign of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (TLC)
this bearded man was an Alliance agent who was also believed to be an Imperial spy, during the Galactic

Civil War. The Alliance's fears were realized after Do'naal turned in agent Vewin on Kelada, as well as
agent Rixen on Kuat. (SESB)
Donabelle, Lysire
this woman was a member of the ExGal Society, and was part of the ExGal-4 team that witnessed the
early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. She was one of the few who witnessed the true face of
Yomin Carr, after the Yuuzhan Vong had eliminated the rest of the ExGal-4 team. She had worked to
repair the communications array, fighting the increasingly-noxious atmosphere, when Carr cut the line
below her repairs. Carr then pulled her oxygen lines from their backpack, allowing the atmosphere to filter
into her helment and kill her. Carr then killed her partner, all so that the Yuuzhan Vong's advance
worldship could secretly establish a base on Helska. (VP)
an alien race which has a unique form of meditation. The Donadi can lower themselves into a trance-like
state which allows them to see beyond a picture into the image within it. This trait has given rise to the
famous Donadi stain-paintings. (BTS)
Donadi Stain-painting
an artistic technique developed by the Donadi race. The painting appears to most other races as a series
of splotches on a huge canvas. To the Donadi, who can enter a deep meditative state and alter their own
perceptions, the outward image is just a preview of the image hidden within. The inner image is
undetectable by other races. (BTS)
a native Ithorian plant which produced sweet-smelling, purple blossoms. (TME)
Donar II, Dol
this man served as the Imperial Governor of Derra IV, during the years leading up to the battle of Yavin.
Unlike his thin, stick-like wife, Dol Donar II was an obese man with three chins, whose own image of his
self-importance was much greater than anyone else's. He wore his hair and moustache in waxed curves,
and his clothing was equally flambouyant. He fancied himself a card player, but Lando Calrissian won
virtually everything Governor Donar carried with him, while travelling aboard the Star of Empire following
the graduation of his son, Nathan. Shortly afterward, Nathan discovered that Kyle had defected to the
Alliance. He and his father tried to capture Kyle and Jan Ors, when they attempted to flee the luxury liner.
The Donars managed to capture the droid A-Cee, but it activated its self-destruct mechanism when it saw
Nathan's Imperial uniform. Dol and Nathan died in the resulting explosion. (SFE)
Donar III, Nathan
this young man, the son of Imperial Governor Dol Donar II, was a trainee at the Imperial Academy on
Carida at the the same time as Kyle Katarn. Their social and economic differences, coupled with Nathan's
annoying habit of calling Kyle "Rimmer," kept them from becoming closer friends. During their graduation
ceremony, Nathan was given command of his cadet company, thanks in no small part to his father's
standing as an Imperial Governor. He managed to get the graduates across the walkway from Cliffside to
the assembly field without losing a man. Later, aboard the Star of Empire, Nathan discovered that Kyle
had defected to the Alliance. Nathan, still Kyle's friend, warned Kyle about the discovery, but did nothing
to stop his father's plans to arrest Kyle. He and his father tried to capture Kyle and Jan Ors, when they
attempted to flee the luxury liner. The Donars managed to capture the droid A-Cee, but it activated its
self-destruct mechanism when it saw Nathan's Imperial uniform. Nathan and his father died in the
resulting explosion. (SFE)
Donatellinsar R'a Pereriansa
this Elomin served as a Mine Director on his homeworld of Elom, during the Imperial occupation of the
planet. (EGA)
Dondarvan, Everik
this man held the rank of Commander, and was the captain of the Imperial Space Rescue Corps ship
Corellian Consort. Dondarvan and his ship and crew held the records for the highest number of

successful rescues (56) and the largest total number of persons rescued (543). He was known for high
standards of discipline. (HR)
this was the designation of the main Dreadnaught that was part of the Outbound Flight starship. Most of
the ship's command and control systems were located on D-One. When the Outbound Flight Project
attacked and destroyed shortly before the Clone Wars, D-One was the first Dreadnaught to hit the
planetoid on which the huge craft crashed. Thus, it also sustained the most damage of any Dreadnaught.
this race of insectile beings was native to the planet Doneer'so. They were known as excellent
technicians and builders, and were meticulous and extremely hard-working. While they are not adept at
original thinking and design, they have incredible skills at taking existing plans and implementing them.
This made the Doneer the finest ship-builders in the Fakir Sector, during the New Order. They live in cityhives on the planet, many of which were sympathetic to the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.
this planet, the primary world of the Doneer'so System in Fakir Sector, was the homeworld of the Doneer
race. (SWCP)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "sure" or "wise". (GCG)
Donell, Lon
this Imperial Navy Lieutenant was the first officer on the Detainer, until he managed to assumed
command of the Interdictor cruiser. He used the ship as a pirate would, projecting gravity wells into
hyperspace to drag New Republic ships out of hyperspace for capture. This tactic allowed Donell to
obtain supplies as well as starships, which he used to form his own personal fleet. (WBC)
Doni, Miranda
this K-Wing pilot was a member of the Fifth Battle Group, and was in line with Hodo for promotion to
squadron commander. However, she was killed in the unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319, when the
Yevetha used perjured prisoner pleas to cause the Republic's ships to hesitate. The Yevetha attacked,
knocking out a large number of K-Wings and damaging several larger ships. (BTS, SOL, NEGV)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Donn, Castin
this young, eager man joined Wraith Squadron shortly before the New Republic began tracking down
Warlord Zsinj. A native of Coruscant, he was known as a computer slicer and systems specialist. A blondhaired youth, he had been a quiet supporter of the Alliance until the Emperor was killed at Endor. He
managed to obtain an Alliance transmission of the destruction of the second Death Star, and broadcast it
on the HoloNet before the Empire could put its own propaganda spin on the event. Caston joined the
celebration which broke out across Imperial City, and was present when stormtroopers opened fire on the
Alliance supporters. He watched in horror as a young was shot in the head, and barely managed to catch
her baby before it hit the ground. This unnecessary, brutal act was etched in his mind, and he fled
Imperial reprisal by forging himself a new identity and took the first transport off Coruscant. He then
sought out the Alliance and offered them his technical skills. He later applied for starfighter training, and
managed to pass despite the fact that he regularly shirked most of his non-flight duties and had a mild
xenophobic streak. Wedge Antilles took a chance on him, hoping that this overall attitude would shape
up. Wedge went so far as to assigned Castin to quarters with Hohass Ekwesh, in an effort to make Castin
see that the galaxy is made up of all kinds of beings, not just humans. Castin was assigned the position of
Wraith Two, as Wedge's wingman, following the death of Jesmin Ackbar. As the squadron's computer

expert, Castin developed a portable program which would allow them to detect the location of the Iron Fist
and help pinpoint Warlord Zsinj's location. Wedge forbade Castin from joining the Hawk-bats on their
mission to meet with Zsinj, but Castin disobeyed orders and stowed away with the group. After planting
his code, he discovered Zsinj's genetic experiments in the Iron Fist's deeper sections, but was also
caught and brutally beaten by a group of stormtroopers. He was brought to Zsinj, who ordered General
Kargin - alias Garik Loran - to kill him. Kargin hesitated, but Captain Seku shot Castin dead. This act left
Seku, who was really Dia Passik, with a great sense of loss. (IF)
this man served as Lando Calrissian's chief command officer at his Varn mining facility. (VOF)
this Squib relayed information on the whereabouts of the Imperial transport ship Elusive. Dono was a
slave laborer on the Elusive. (SH)
this was the Huttese word for the number twenty (20). Note, however, that the Huttese counting system
was based on a base-eight system. So, donocha indicated the number sixteen (16) in the Basic
language. (GMR5)
Donof, Wen
this farmer maintained a small farm on the planet Herzob, during the height of the New Order. He was fed
up with the incompenent nature of the local jevesect exterminators, and hired a non-union gang of
workers to rid his fields of the vermin. This angered the local exterminators, but Donof didn't care. His
actions managed to save his crops. (WOTC)
Dononter Minor
this temperate planet was noted for its medicinal and useful plants and vines, including the widowmaker.
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Donos, Myn
a native of Corellia, Myn Donos was one of the first pilots in Wraith Squadron. As a member of the
Corellian militia, Donos earned his Corellian Bloodstripes as a sniper. As a Lieutenant with the New
Republic, Donos was given command of Talon Squadron shortly before being placed in the Wraiths.
When Talon Squadron was almost completely lost in an Imperial ambush on Gravan Seven - Donos
being the sole survivor - he was demoted, but came under the attention of Wedge Antilles when he first
formed Wraith Squadron. He was, at one time, awarded Corellian Bloodstripes by the military on Corellia,
but he stopped wearing them shortly after the debacle on Gravan Seven. He also became quite morose,
and was very introverted during his early days with the Wraiths. In the battle that saw the destruction of
the Implacable over Ession, Donos got a measure of revenge for Talon Squadron. He discovered Apwar
Trigit's TIE Interceptor fleeing the dying ship, and chased it down. Before Trigit could surrender, Donos
launched a pair of proton torpedoes at him. Trigit's ship was destroyed, and Trigit died in the resulting
explosion. Shortly afterward, Donos began to fall in love with Lara Notsil, unaware that she was actually
Gara Petothel, the woman who provided Trigit with the information he needed to eliminate Talon
Squadron. When Garik Loran inadvertently revealed her deception to the Wraiths at Kidriff Five, Donos
tried to kill her, but nearly destroyed Wedge instead. Antilles chose to report the firing of Donos' weapons
as "accidental," provided Donos received medical and psychiatric treatment. With the help of his friends
and comrades, Donos came out of his tailspin and rejoined the squadron as they prepared to attack Zsinj
near Kuat. Following the battle with Zsinj at Selaggis Six, Myn accepted a position with Rogue Squadron,
choosing to fly rather remain with the Wraiths who joined New Republic Intelligence. (WS, IF, SOC)
Donovan, James Ortell
this man was the ruler of the planet Mindabaal during the early years of the New Order. He had hoped
that his younger daughter, Josephine, would follow in his footsteps and lead the planet. His older

daughter, Jericho, was a rebel who defied him at every turn. Shortly before he and Josephine planned to
join the Empire, Jericho kidnapped Josephine, leaving Lord James without an heir. It was during this time
that the Empire bombarded Mindabaal, killing the royal family and laying waste to the planet. (SWJ5)
Donovan, Jericho
a native of Mindabaal, and daughter of the rightful king of the planet, Jericho was a rebellious student and
the exact opposite of her younger sister, Josephine. Jericho and her friends at the Mindabaal Royal
Academy rebelled against the caste system of their parents, smuggling weapons and stealing computer
components in order to gain attention. After her father, Lord James Ortell Donovan, believed that Jericho
had been tamed, she split from her family completely. Jericho and her friends stole the Royal Flower and
set out out to become smugglers. She later kidnapped her sister when Josephine went to sign the papers
that officially admitted Mindabaal into the Empire. When they returned, they found that the Empire had
devastated their homeworld. Jericho and Josephine then turned to a life of smuggling. (SWJ5)
Donovan, Josephine
a native of Mindabaal, and one of the daughters of the rightful king of the planet, Josephine was a
distinguished student and the exact opposite of her older sister, Jericho. Josephine learned the rules of
politics and diplomacy from their father, Lord James Ortell Donovan, and later served in the Mindabaal
Diplomatic Corps as Mindabaal's liaison to the Empire. She was kidnapped by her sister she went to sign
the papers that officially admitted Mindabaal into the Empire. When they returned, they found that the
Empire had devastated their homeworld. Jericho and Josephine then turned to a life of smuggling.
this planet, known for its rainy seasons and rugged terrain, was extensively mined during the last
decades of the Old Republic for many precious materials. (VD2)
Donovian Rainman
this was the term used to describe the miners who worked on the planet Donovia during the last decades
of the Old Republic. These miners wore distinctive hoods that kept the rain out of the face of the miner,
allowing them to work closely to the mining site despite the rainy weather. (VD2)
an Imperial Security Bureau agent who worked with Wallace Fisk on Demophon. (SN)
Don't Go Inn
this was the name of a cantina found on the planet D'vouran. Mammon Hool hoped to find a mechanic
there to fix the Lightrunner, after landing on the planet. (GOF1)
an Alliance starfighter pilot who was killed in the offensive against Operation Strike Fear near Briggia.
this character from classic literature lost everything - his father and mother, his country, his allegiance and could not come to terms with it. His father had been blind, and disguised himself as a Tusken Raider
on Tatooine in order to avoid being captured. Dontavian himself faded into the shadows, hoping to correct
the wrongs of the world from the darkness. During the course of his downfall, Dontavian plays at a game
of Jj'abot, which mirrors his own life. (SWJ12)
a species of grazer native to the moon Yavin 8, the dontopod was by far the largest of its kind. (GG2)
an illegal hallucinagenic drug. (COJ)

this MK 8001 attendant droid was charged with watching over Branli. (GFT)
Doobba, Von
this man was the fanatical leader of the Pinacists, at the height of the New Order. (SWJ13)
Doodnik's Cafe
located on Tyne's Horky, this establishment employed R2-D2 and C-3PO as waiters during the early
years of the New Order. They were eventually fired and auctioned off to Jann Tosh. (DCAR, HNN4)
Dooje Brolo
one of the many Yuuzhan Vong prefects assigned to the first wave of the Praetorite Vong's invasion
force, Dooje Brolo worked with prefect Ma'Shraid in command of third warship to enter the galaxy. He
also commanded a thousand coralskippers, which provided a defensive screen for his worldship. (VP)
this man was a charismatic separatist held the social position of Count on his homeworld of Serenno.
Born some 81 years before the onset of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku was also a former Jedi Master
who was known for his diplomatic skills, as evidenced by his successful mediation of the Sevarcos
Dispute. He was also known for his fierce independence and his command of the Living Force, traits
which were passed on to his apprentice, Qui-Gon Jinn. Dooku himself trained with Yoda before passing
the trials to earn the rank of Jedi Knight, and spent much of his life studying the various aspects of the
Force. Dooku was an excellent lightsaber duelist, specializing in a form of fencing combat that was more
suited to fighting against an opponent also using a lightsaber. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Count
Dooku disappeared from the Jedi Order after refusing to lead an ill-fated mission to Baltizaar, becoming
one of the "Lost Twenty." At the time, he cited his growing disillusionment with the Old Republic, as well
as proposing that the Jedi Knights had weakened themselves by allying with the decaying Republic. It
was also around this time that he became Darth Tyranus, training in the ways of the Sith under Darth
Sidious. As Tyranus, it was Dooku who hired Jango Fett to serve as the model for a cloned army. He
resurfaced eight years later on Raxus Prime to begin speaking out in favor of a spearatist movement
against the Old Republic. During the years leading up the Clone Wars, Dooku was one of the many
members of the Old Republic who secretly wished for many planets to secede from the Republic,
believing that he was in a position to take control of the newly-liberated worlds to form his own empire. He
made several underhanded deals with major political powers, including the Commerce Guild, in an effort
to solidify his position. He negotiated with Poggle the Lesser and the Trade Federation, employing the
Geonosians in an effort to build vast droid armies to support the Separatist movement. His identity as
Darth Tyranus was revealed shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, when the Jedi Knights
discovered the droid armies when Obi-Wan Kenobi was captured on Geonosis. Instead of trying to lie to
Obi-Wan, Dooku confronted him with the truth: a Sith Lord was in control of the Republic. Obi-Wan could
do nothing but disagree, playing to Dooku's plans. Dooku was forced to flee the planet in the aftermath of
the Battle of Geonosis, having barely survived a lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan and his apprentice, Anakin
Skywalker, then another battle with Yoda. Dooku then returned to Coruscant to report his failure to his
Master, Darth Sidious. Count Dooku was portrayed by Christopher Lee in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack
of the Clones. (SWI51, APS, HNN4, HNN5, AOTC, AOTCN, SWDB, WOTC, LOJ)
Dool Arena
this reinforced cage was formed in the heart of The Broken Tusk, a bar and restaurant located on Reuss
VIII. Dug into the ground and surrounded by plasteel walls, the Dool Arena was used to stage hand-tohand combat between various opponents, for the pleasure of the patrons of the Broken Tusk. All combat
in the arena was governed by the Dool Rool, which simply stated "no ranged weapons allowed in the
arena." Everything else was fair game. It was later discovered that many of the lesser-known combatants
who fought in the Arena were actually Imperial prisoners who refused to break under interrogation. Fights
were often staged after-hours, with the audience being made up of a select group of top Imperial officers
and their staffs. In events which became known as Survival Day fights, the captives were given two
options: turn over the information, or defeat Tull Raine in one-on-one combat. (WSV)
Dool Bug
an insect native to the planet M'haeli. (ROC)

Dool Rool
this rule, created by Greel, governed all combat which was held in the Dool Arena. The Dool Rool stated
that "no ranged weapons were allowed in the arena." That's it. Everything else was fair game. (WSV)
Doolb Snoil
this Vippit, a native of the planet Nal Hutta, was one of the finest legal minds of the Old Republic, during
the height of the Clone Wars. He came from a long line of noted neogotiators and barristers, and it was
his grandfather who negotiated a series of tax-free benefits for the Vippits from the Old Republic itself.
Originally educated and trained on Mrlsst, Snoil apprenticed with a major firm in the Gevarno Cluster
before joining the ranks of the barristers from the Coruscant College of Law, which worked for the Old
Republic. He developed a reputation for exhaustively researching his clients and their situations, and
became one of the most reliable barristers of his generation. Snoil was among the handful of barristers
who were able to mediate a decision on Rijel-12 some ten years before the onset of the Clone Wars, in
the midst of extremely sensitive negotiations. Snoil might have died in the rioting that occurredon Rijel-12,
if he hadn't been rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi. After the mission to Rijel-12, the two became fast friends,
although Snoil maintained that he must someday repay Obi-Wan for saving his life. Some two years after
the Battle of Geonosis, they were again paired on a mission, this time to uncover the truth behind the JKseries droids being produced on Ord Cestus. It was nearing Snoil's Time to reproduce, but he was unable
to return to Nal Hutta without first repaying Obi-Wan. It was through Snoil's diligent investigation that the
Jedi discovered Cestus Cybernetics had actually purchased land on Cestus with synthstones, which were
essentially worthless. Although this information proved valuable, the Jedi plan to fool the Five Families
into siding with the Republic was smashed by Asajj Ventress. When the mission was scrubbed, Snoil and
the clone trooper known as Xutoo were the only ones to actually leave Ord Cestus. Unfortunately, their
ship was sabotaged. Xutoo kept it flying long enough for Snoil to jettison in an escape pod before the ship
exploded. Snoil was rescued by Obi-Wan and the soldiers of Desert Wind, but the terrorists soon
discovered that their secret location had been discovered. A group of plastidroids and JK-series combat
droids infilitrated their base, and attacked with a vengeance. Snoil took up arms against the droid
attackers, bracing a portable cannon on his shell and firing at anything near him. Unfortunately, during
one of the blasts from the cannon, a stalactite was cracked from its base and fell to the ground, piercing
Snoil's shell. Snoil died in Obi-Wan's arms, after making the Jedi promise to forward any combat bonuses
to his family - tax-free, of course. (TCD)
this was one of the major cities found on the planet Caprioril. (HNN4)
Doolis Podrace Arena
this was the largest podracing arena located on the planet Caprioril, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. (HNN4)
Doom Slayer
this series of assassin droid was designed and manufactured by Sythluss Leethe. The design was based
on a standard Sluissi security droid, and resembled an adult Sluissi when fully extended. At rest, the
Doom Slayer rolled itself up into a tight, well-armored sphere. Leethe protected the droid with a
lightweight armor, into which he placed a series of microcircuits, and which was painted with a special
chemical paint. This combination allowed the droid to sense the electromagentic environment around it
and alter its coloration to blend in with its background. When in attack mode, the Doom Slayer unfolds its
tail, which housed a modified BlasTech T-21 light repeating blaster. A trio of MGL-1 microgrenade
launchers give the spherical body the appearance of a face. Two manipulator arms could be extended
from the body, to graps objects or victims. Because of the high cost of building the droid, Leethe would
only use it to collect bounties worth 100,000 credits or more, in order to recover his operating costs. It
was rumored that he had been contracted to use the Doom Slayer to kill Jabba the Hutt, and collected his
fee before Leia Organa killed the crimelord herself. The spherical body of the Doom Slayer measured a
meter in diameter, and its tail added another meter to its overall length when extended. Leethe sent one
of these droids to Gelgelar to destroy the Alliance's drop point in Gelgelar Free Port, but the droid was
destroyed by Ihvin Jayme and Maglenna Pendower. (SWJ14)

this Alliance dreadnaught was destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
a Bothan shuttle destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was another name for the Na'R Ji'Gek crater, located on the planet Goroth Prime. (GSE)
this starship, modelled after the so-called Super-class Star Destroyer, was the flagship of Imperial Admiral
Galak Fyyar, during the early years of the New Republic. Although ostensibly a warship, the Doomgiver
was more of a transport vessel. Its underside was dotted with dozens of pods that could be detached in
order to deploy vehicles and troops to a groundside location. The Doomgiver was defended by several
shipboard laser cannons and several TIE Fighter squadrons. The ship was eventually destroyed by the
New Republic's Rogue Squadron over Yavin 4, when Kyle Katarn managed to infiltrate the ship and
damage its shield arrays. The ship managed to deploy it drop pods before exploding, allowing Imperial
military forces to reach the planet and launch an attack on Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum. (JK2)
this was a type of combat sport used by the Serp people to prove an individual's skills in battle. Derived
from the old jousting contests of a more peaceful age, the doom-jousts were King S'Shah's way to prove
his strength and prowess. He proclaimed that any Serp who could bet him in a doom-joust would
immediately be named the new king. However, S'Shah used forbidden technologies to gain an edge over
his opponents, and he remained undefeated. (MC64)
this Ghtroc freighter was owned by Jai Raventhorn, during her early career as a spacer. (SWJ3)
a heavy metal used by the Empire in most of the construction of its war machines, doonium was mined
from asteroids and other small planetoids by a variety of corporations. During the last decades of the Old
Republic, the planet Atraken was also a source, but the ravages of the Clone Wars precluded any form of
mining operation there. The mining and export of doonium was carefully monitored by the Mining Guild,
due to the metal's value throughout the galaxy. During the construction of the second Death Star, the
Empire mined huge amounts of doonium from the planetoid Dor. (GDV, HNN5, SWI67, GMR9)
Doonium Acid Mines
an explosive weapon which sprays an area with liquid doonium acid when detonated. (ZHR)
Doop Bug
found in the cities of Tatooine, the doop bug resembles a large, flat beetle. (TPM)
Door Annunciator
any device which allows a person outside a room or house to vocally announce his or her presense to the
inhabitants of the room. (AC)
any automaton programmed to greet guests at some of the more luxurious hotels in the galaxy. (LCF)
this being served as the Prime Justice of the plant Kip, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It
was Justice Doori-Doori who sentenced Zorba the Hutt to forty-five years in prison for his theft of ulikuo
stones. (HNN4)
a brown dwarf star in the Koornacht Cluster. The Astrolabe was destroyed near it. Note that Shield of Lies
describes Doornik-1142 as a planet. (BTS, SOL)

this planet, located in the Koornacht Cluster, was inhabited by a colony of Corasgh until it was
exterminated by the Yevethan Purge. (SOL)
the New Republic designation for the Kubaz world of Morning's Bell. The Yevetha know it as Preza. (BTS,
Doornik-628 System
this planetary system, located in the Koornacht Cluster, contained a number of habitable planets. The fifth
planet was known as J't'p'tan to the Fallanassi. It was exterminated by the Yevetha. (SOL, TT)
this gas giant was the innermost planet in the Doornik-628 System. It was orbited by three moons.
this unusual planet, a core surrounded by acidic clouds, was the second planet in the Doornik-628
System. It was orbited by a single moon. (WOTC)
this unusual planet, a core surrounded by acidic clouds, was the third planet in the Doornik-628 System. It
had no natural satellites. (WOTC)
see Pehzehvar (WOTC)
see J't'p'tan (WOTC)
this gas giant was the sixth planet in the Doornik-628 System. It was orbited by eleven moons. (WOTC)
this gas giant was the seventh planet in the Doornik-628 System. It was orbited by thirteen moons.
this world of barren, rocky wastes was the eighth and outermost planet in the Doornik-628 System. It had
no natural satellites. (WOTC)
this planet, known to the natives as Kutag, was the site of an Imperial factory farm usurped by the
Yevetha. (SOL)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "watchful" or
"alert". (GCG)
a game of chance played in many backwater casinos. (SWJ14)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "skilled diver". (GCG)

this was the Huttese word for the number two (2). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system, since
their hands had just four fingers each. (GMR5, TF)
Dopa Boga Noga
this was a Huttese command, used to ask a bartender to supply a glass of Huttese ale. (MBS)
Dopa na rocka rocka?
this Huttese question translated into Basic as "Does this cause brain damage?" (GMR5)
this New Republic Navy K-Wing pilot was killed during the unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319. (SOL)
Dopo mee gusha?
this Huttese question translated into Basic as "Do you feel lucky?" (GMR5)
this creature is often kept as an exotic pet. (VOF)
Doppler Compensator
this unit is part of a starship's navigational control system. (RM)
Doppraymagno Scanner
a multifunction scanning device that used doppler imaging, X-rays, and magnetic resonance imaging to
"see inside" a living being or other construct. (SE, EGW)
this planetoid was the fourth, and outermost, world in the Endor System. Many historians believed that
Dor's presence in the system was what drew Imperial forces to Endor, since its crust and mantle were
exceptionally rich in pure metals, alloys, and crystals. Astrophysicists argued for many years about how
the small planetoid could have become so rich in natural materials, including phobium, doonium, zersium,
neutronium, iron, gold, and crystallized lommite. However, independent prospectors found it nearly
impossible to penetrate the thick crust, and many small mining operations failed to turn a profit while
trying to mine Dor. The Empire, however, used a massive concentration of firepower to crack Dor's crust
open. Once spherical in shape, Dor was reduced to a ragged, unstable world that lacked any sort of
structural integrity by the excavations of the Empire. (GMR9)
this young man was a member of The Young. He was in charge of medical issues, as part of the new
government established after The Young defeated the elders of the Daan and Melida. (UP)
Dor Gal-ram
this ancient Sith warlord sided with Naga Sadow following the death of Marka Ragnos, although he
believed Luda Kressh had the best interests of the Sith in mind. Working with Horak-mul, he became one
of Kressh's secret agents, and was instrumental in uncovering Sadow's treachery in assuming the
position of Dark Lord of the Sith. They later led the attack on Sadow's fortress on Khar Delba, which was
a decoy base. The lack of retaliation made Dor Gal-ram overconfident, and ordered further attacks. It was
at this point that several of Dor Gal-ram's crewmen - still loyal to Naga Sadow - mutinied and killed Galram. This marked the end of Kressh's attack on Sadow, leaving Sadow firmly in command of the Sith
Lords. (GAS)
Dor Nameth
this planet is the homeworld of a tall race of dextrous travelers. (CCG9)
Dor, The
see Splendor Tavern (JQ)
Dora Prefecture
a city on the planet Bethal. (SWJ4)

this Duros starship captain worked for the Empire as a shuttle pilot, transporting passengers within the
Inner Kuat Transfer Zone during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Although loyal to the Empire, he was
known to trade information about the Kuat System and its industry for news of the Alliance and the galaxy
at large. (PSPG)
this planet is covered with dense jungle. (SESB)
this ancient Jedi Master served as the Jedi enclave on Dantooine, during the years leading up to the
Great Sith War. Master Dorak was known for his skills with a lightsaber, and his knowledge of their
construction. Master Dorak personally handled the assignment of crystals to the apprentices at the
enclave, matching stones to their new owners' abilities. He was also known for his knowledge of galactic
history, especially that of the Jedi Order. (KOTOR)
this aquatic creature was once native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. The giant dora-mu
was maintained as a living source of scutes, which were implanted onto other creatures for form a living
suit of armor. (NEGV)
Doran Spaceways
this was the false owner of the "passenger" shuttle Doran Star, when Kell Tainer landed the shuttle in
Revos to intercept the crew of the Hawkbat. (WS)
Doran Star
this was the false identification of the shuttle Narra, used when Wraith Squadron infiltrated the planet
Storinal shortly before the Night Caller was to rendezvous with the Hawkbat. The Doran Star was a
passenger shuttle owned by Doran Spaceways. (WS)
Doran, Kell
this man was the son of Kissek Doran. Like his father, Kell eventually joined the Alliance. However, Kell
changed his last name to Tainer, in order to avoid any direct comparison with his father. (WS)
Doran, Kissek
this Alliance starfighter pilot was one of the original Tierfon Yellow Aces, and served with Wes Janson
and Jek Porkins. A former freighter pilot from the planet Alderaan, Kissek went into a panic attack when a
routine mission became a dogfight with the Yellow Aces outnumbered two-to-one. Janson and Porkins
were forced to chase him down because of their proximity to Imperial space, fearing that he might
compromise the mission. When Kissek wouldn't listen to reason and turn around, Janson took a shot at
him. The laser blast cracked Kissek's cockpit, venting all atmosphere and killing him. Kissek's widow
found out about his death before the Yellow Aces could talk to her, and she blamed them for his death
and for ruining the family name. She changed her name,and that of her children, to Tainer and moved
from their hometown, hoping to rebuild their lives. Kissek's son, Kell, eventually joined the Alliance
himself. (WS, SWI59)
Dorat, Chel
this Imperial Admiral retired to the planet Jerrilek, and lived in an estate near Graleca. He had been a
noted military leader whose outspoken criticism of the Old Republic's internal corruption earned him the
notice of Emperor Palpatine. However, over the years after he retired, Dorat became more and more
vocal about the Empire's methods. He was later arrested for treason, but was rescued by a team of
Alliance agents. His own daughter, Preela, assisted in making sure he was captured, but the Alliance
agents managed to free him despite her efforts. Admiral Dorat then pledged his full support to the
Alliance. (SWJ4)
Dorat, Preela
this woman was the daughter of Chel Dorat. She lived in the city of Graleca, on Jerrilek, and took her

father into her home when he became too feeble to handle daily life. Even in middle age, she was a
spoiled aristocrat, hostile with visitors until they can prove their social position was equal to her own. She
grew up spoiled, especially after her mother died in a speeder crash when she was young. Over time, she
grew to love the Empire, even after her father began to denounce its methods. When the timing was right,
Preela actually turned her father over to the Imperial forces on Jerrilek, but a team of Alliance agents
managed to rescue him. (SWJ4)
Dorax Dog
a ferocious beast used as a guardian. (TFE, SWJ7)
Dorchess Valley
located on the planet Pakrik Minor, this is one of the primary farming areas for tallgrain. (SOP)
a planet (SWSB)
this alien species is native to the planet Dordolum. (SOP)
this planet was the site of one of the first riots sparked by Klif and Drend Navett, shortly after the
revelation of Bothan involvement in the destruction of Caamas. (SOP)
Doreenian Ambergris
this substance was used to make a heady perfume. The strength of its aroma made it a favorite among
spice smugglers, who hid shipments of the illegal material inside or among boxes of ambergris perfume.
this planet, located in the Freeworlds Region of Tapani Sector, was part of a group known as the Three
Ellas. Along with Sorella and Pernella, Dorella had a liberal government that was more receptive to
smugglers and criminals than other worlds. (LOE)
Dorellia System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Mecetti during the New Order. (LOE)
Dorenian Beshniquel
a musical instrument, often referred to as a Fizzz, the Dorenian Beshniquel was a short, single-reed wind
instrument. (TME)
this as a species of herd animal which had been domesticated by the Ansionians. (APS)
Dorian Club
this bar, located on Narigus III, was where Sam was supposed to meet up with Lauren, after the two stole
the Kubaz Insect from Rock'co and were separated during their escape. Sam never showed up, because
he had been captured by Rock'co and killed. Sam sent the statue to Lauren by courier. (GMS)
Dorian Passion Fruit
this tasty, juicy fruit is found only on the planet Dantooine. (GMS)
Dorian Quill
an alcoholic beverage aged 12 years or more. (TME)
Doriana, Kinman
this man was one of Senator Palpatine's closest advisors, and continued to serve Palpatine after his
election as Supreme Chancellor. One of his first missions for Palpatine occurred a year after the start of
the Clone Wars, when Doriana was dispatched to Cartao to secure the assistance of Spaarti Creations in

manufacturing modern cloning cylinders He found himself torn between his duty to the Old Republic and
his allegiance to Darth Sidious, who wanted Doriana on Cartao to ensure that the ravages of the Clone
Wars came to the planet. It was during the time of the Outbound Flight Project that Doriana became
Palpatine's most trusted aides, when he accompanied the task force sent to eliminate the Jedi. Instead of
a quick assault, the Imperial fleet was decimated by the Chiss Expansionary Defense force under the
command of Thrawn. Thrawn destroyed all but one of Doriana's warships before Doriana could plead for
an audience. When he did, he managed to convince Thrawn of the dangers of the Outbound Flight
Project. Thrawn's forces wiped out the Jedi, and Doriana returned to Coruscant and described to
Palpatine the events he witnessed. (VOF, SWI68)
Doriella's Mystress
this bulk freighter was owned and operated by RenTrans during the Galactic Civil War. (SESB)
an alien species. (IWE1)
this planet, located in the Expansion Region, was the homeworld of the Kel Dor race. The planet's
atmosphere was very unusual in that it supported life with just the barest traces of oxygen. This required
that Kel Dor travelling away from Dorin must wear anti-ox masks to filter out oxygen. Much of the planet's
industry was based on technology. Its location was unusual in that it was situated between two
blackholes, which meant that travel to and from Dorin was quite dangerous. Thus, Dorin and the Kel Dor
were considered mysterious and menacing by many of thegalaxy's inhabitants. (IG1, IWE1, WOTC,
Dorin Venithon
this Ithorian and his twin brother, Denuab, were among the most vicious pirates of the New Order. This
made them a great aberration to the normally placid Ithorian people. Formerly members of such notable
groups as the Fivaran Organization, the Bandits of Ggy-ynt, and the Yarnak Gang, the Venithon Twins
joined the Hy'thor Pirates shortly before the Battle of Yavin. The Twins left the Fivaran Organization after
a failed raid on the Alliance Special Forces vessel Hauler VI, and fled to the Hy'thor gang, where they
quickly established themselves as cruel leaders. They were even made special ambassadors to Safonne
Pendon's gang. Where Denuab was somewhat reasonable, Dorin was belligerent and vicous, with
bullying attitude. (AIR)
Dorin, Mika
this shady character lived and worked in Dreshdae, on the planet Korriban, during the era of the Great
Sith War. Dorin was a regular pazaak player, who could be found in one of the city's many cantinas.
Dorion Discus
this inconspicuous tramp freighter was Roark Garnet's personal ship. (RPG, SWJ3)
Dorits, Laslo
this man was the spokesman for the Stark Veteran Assembly, just before the onset of the Clone Wars.
Shortly before the Clone Wars, Dorits and the Assembly denounced the peace rallies which were held by
Senator Padme' Amidala of Naboo, who said in her speeches that "warfare is the product of cowarice;
only the bravest of beings can resolve conflict peacefully." (HNN4)
an elderly Imperial Navy Captain under Grand Admiral Thrawn, he was the commander of the Relentless.
He came from a family of starship commanders from the planet Coruscant, being the seventh in a long
line of naval officers. He was granted command of the Relentless prior to the Battle of Endor, although his
cautious style of command has often been questioned by other Captains. He was with Pellaeon following
the Battle of Endor, and although he agreed with the decision to retreat, he did not approve of Pellaeon's
assumption of command. Dorja's lack of initiative at the Battle of Endor meant that he was relegated to a
secondary position in Grand Admiral Thrawn's Navy, and this rankled even more. Dorja stayed on,

though, in hopes that he could one day assume command of the fleet and return the New Order to its
rightful position in the galaxy. Dorja survived the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the series of defeats
the Empire suffered to the New Republic, and was one of the thirteen Captains who remained in control
of their Star Destroyers ten years later. He was then called upon by Moff Disra to intercept Admiral
Pellaeon at Morishim, but Dorja was not given the specifics of the mission. At the same briefing, Dorja
was stunned to see Thrawn join the discussion. Masterfully portrayed by the con artist Flim, Thrawn
seemed resurrected, and Dorja was completely fooled by the performance. He agreed to go to Morishim
and intercept an Imperial courier, which turned out to be Colonel Vermel's ship en route to extend a
peace treaty to Garm Bel Iblis. (DFR, DFRSB, SOP)
Dorja, Vana
this woman was the daughter of Imperial Navy Captain Dorja, and continued to support and serve the
Imperial Remnant in wake of Admiral Pellaeon's ceasefire agreement with Ponc Gavrisom and the New
Republic. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy and took Coruscant, Commander Dorja was on
Coruscant, ostensibly negotiating the purchase of harvester droids from Ulban Arms. The negotiations
were tricky, since the droid brains were capable of controlling military-grade automata. After escaping the
Battle of Coruscant, Commander Dorja fled to the planet Calamari, where the New Republic had set up
its provisional capital. It was there that Leia Organa Solo agreed to take her back to Imperial space, since
Leia was headed there already. (DW)
this Brubb worked for Barosa Warren at the Galactic Outdoor Survival School on OM813. Dorlar was an
instructor and part-time recruiter for Warren, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)
this planet was subjugated by the Empire during the latter stages of the Galactic Civil War, despite the
efforts of Jedi Knight Qu Rahn and his team to protect the civilian population. (RAG)
Dorlon II
this planet, located near Carida, served as a transfer station for traffic coming from and going to the
Imperial Academy on Carida. Dorlon II itself was a barren world, dominated by volcanic activity and
sulfurous deposits. The transfer station was located in an orbital facility. (SFE)
this family moved into North 5, 26 Down, after the Fallanassi fled the city of Griann, on Teyr. They lived
there after a massive cyclone nearly destroyed the city. (SOL)
this woman was one of Queen Amidala's handmaidens, during the era following the Battle of Naboo. She
continued to serve after Padme' Amidala became Naboo's Senator, providing Padme' with support and
acting as an aide during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Dorme' was portrayed by Rose Byrne in
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. (SWI61, AOTCN)
this was a coma-like, natural reaction to severe trauma. An individual who has experienced a physical
trauma often enters dormo-shock. (ESBN)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this is the fourth symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "d". (SWM)
this young Bothan boy was a contemporary of nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker, and was a slave in Mos
Espa just like Anakin. The two were good friends as well. Dorn was owned by Jabba the Hutt at the time,
and the Hutt was training him to be a spy. When Jabba learned that a group of Ghostling children had

been stolen from Gardulla the Hutt, Jabba decided to have Dorn infiltrate Gardulla's slaves and locate
them. If he failed, Jabba would kill him. What Jabba didn't know was that Dorn was one of the children
who helped the Ghostlings escape. Dorn was nearly captured in the escape, but made it safely to Bantha
Rock. There, he fled Tatooine with the Ghostlings and Pala aboard Rakir Banai's ship. (E1A5, E1A8)
Dorn Tlo
this was a noted Kel Dor individual. (SWRPG2)
this planet is the homeworld of the Dornean race. (BTS)
this alien race, native to the planet Dornea, are tall, leathery-skinned humanoids with specialized
eyefolds. Their eyefolds and shoulders are studded with quills, providing extra defenses against
attackers. In the Dornean society, the male is responsible for taking care of the children until he is needed
to defend the family. (BTS, CTD)
Dornean Brandy
a fine, distilled liquor created on Dornea. (BTS)
this young man was 28 years old, ten years older than his counterpart Alex Winger, during the rebellion
on Garos IV shortly after the Battle of Endor. He died in an Imperial ambush, during just his second field
mission, near the Tahika Cliffs. (SWJ1)
Do-ro'ik vong pratte!
this was the traditional battle cry of the Yuuzhan Vong. It was a call for unbridled ferocity and the release
of the most basic emotions and instincts of a warrior. Literally translated into Basic, it meant "woe to our
enemies." (VP, JE)
this pirate makes his home base on the planet Lanthrym, where he is the prominent crimelord. (PG)
this Kubaz worked as a lieutenant for Moska the Hutt, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. When a
group of freelance mercenaries, hired by Moska's rival Torga, discovered that Doronnar was the
individual who hired Nomo Sliken to kill Nak Simm, they believed that it was Doronnar who ordered them
killed. (WOA24)
this Hutt served as an Intermediary to the Old Republic Senate, representing the planet Sriluur shortly
before the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Dorr indicated nature, forest, or woods. (GCG)
Dorr Farms
this moisture farm was owned and operated by Sholh Dorr, on the planet Tatooine, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (TG)
Dorr, Sholh
this man was a native of the planet Tatooine, the son of a moisture farmer and part of a long line of
farmers. Just before the Battle of Geonosis, Sholh accompanied his friend, Owen Lars, on a raid of a
Tusken Raider encampment. Owen's stepmother, Shmi Skywalker Lars, had been captured by the

Tuskens, and Cliegg Lars had roused the local farmers to rescue her. Sholh died in the attack, along with
nearly every other member of the party. (AOTCN)
this city was located on the eastern hemisphere of the planet Derilyn. (PG3)
this Cerean elder was in league with Bron, Ephant Mon, and their pro-technology faction which was trying
to gain a foothold on the planet Cerea. He was hoping to make a profit off the eventual sale of swoops
and other high-technology items, and made a deal with the off-worlders to allow for certain items to be
imported to help fuel the desire for more. On a tip from the Ortolan Ydde, elder Nar-Somo-Dali discovered
Dorr's deceit and had him arrested for sedition. During his sentencing, Dorr told the elders that the
swoops which were ridden by Kordren and Skeel were sabotaged. (PTR)
this planet was subjugated by the Empire during the New Order. (SWJ9)
Dorsal Killer
this modified YT-1930 was the first bounty hunter's ship to answer the call from NEK-072 to destroy the
Lost Lady, during the attempt to kill Deggar Feps. The crew of the Lost Lady managed to drive the ship
off, but other bounty hunters eventually answered the call. It was armed with a pair of turret-mounted
blaster cannons and two pairs of fire-linked ion cannons. (WOTC)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Hal Horn had once tracked Moranda Savich to this world, but was unable to capture her before she was
able to flee. (TFNR)
Dorsk 80
this Khommite was Dorsk 81's genetic predecessor. He frowned on his descendant's uniqueness. (DS,
Dorsk 81
this Khommite was the 81st member of a family which has been cloned from the same batch of genetic
material. His cloning was flawed, however, and he gained the use of The Force. Dorsk is a native of the
planet Khomm, and is a thin, smooth-skinned alien; he has no lips, and his skin is mottled with green and
yellow. His nose is flat, and his ears lay flat against his hairless skull. After attaining the rank of Jedi
Knight, he returned to Khomm, only to find his relatives and his race still stagnant and unwilling to accept
his success. He and Kyp Durron left the planet and discovered Admiral Daala's fleet massing in the Core
Systems. They fled the Core, racing back to Yavin 4 to warn the Jedi Academy. In a confrontation
between the might of Pellaeon's seventeen Star Destroyers and the Force, Dorsk 81 channeled the
combined strength of more than thirty Jedi and literally pushed the Star Destroyers out of the system. He
was physically unable to withstand the great power of the united Force, and was burned from the inside
out by the wave of energy sent against the fleet. (DA, COTF, DS, EGP)
Dorsk 82
this Khommite, a genetic descendant of Dorsk 81, Dorsk 82 was living on Khomm when Dorsk 81
returned there after becoming a full Jedi Knight. He had been trained to manage the cloning facilities on
Khomm. Dorsk 82 showed some aptitude with the Force, and traveled to Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum
on Yavin 4 in hopes of realizing his potential. He was befriended by Kyp Durron, who found Dorks 81's
lightsaber and presented it to him. Shortly after joining the school, Dorsk 82 was influential in the defeat of
the Leviathan of Corbos. Upon becoming a full Jedi Knight, Dorsk 82 was dispatched to the planet Ando
during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, to scout the Vong's actions and assist in any evacuation
efforts. Dorsk 82 found himself protecting the droids of Imthitill from destruction. He was stranded on
Ando when the Aqualish destroyed his ship, and later killed when he refused to cooperate with the

Aqualish. (DS, ROM, EGP, EVC)

Dorsk 83
this Khommite was the genetic descendant of Dorsk 82, who worked to ensure that the Force-sensitivity
of Dorsk 81 was maintained for future generations. (EGA)
Dorthus Tal City
this city was located on Dorthus Tal Island, and was the ostensible capital of the planet Sacorria. (CCW)
Dorthus Tal Island
this island, located on the planet Sacorria, was the site of the Dorthus Tal Prison. (CCW)
Dorthus Tal Prison
a prison on the planet Sacorria, Dorthus Tal was located on Dorthus Tal Island. It was here that Thrackan
Sal-Solo was imprisoned for eight years, for his part in the Corellian Crisis and the Starbuster Plot. (AC,
Doru, Yaeger
this nervous young man took over to Nim'Ri as the head of security for House Hirskaala, after the
Trandoshan left active service to become part of the underground alliance trying to unseat the Metatheran
Cartel. (EOS)
Doruggan, Conn
an Imperial Captain of Alderaanian descent, Doruggan served on the planet Bakura shortly before the
Battle of Endor. Prior to attending the Imperial Academy on Raithal, Doruggan was a star wegsphere
player on his homeworld. Doruggan was attending the Imperial Academy when Grand Moff Tarkin
destroyed Alderaan, but Doruggan blamed Princess Leia Organa for the disaster. Doruggan believed that
Leia's refusal to cooperate resulted in the use of force, and defended the Empire to his friends. After
graduation, Doruggan served under Wilek Nereus on Hakartha Station and on Berea before being
reassigned to Bakura with Nereus. Doruggan was part of the group which arrested Eppie Belden, and
when Leia Organa traveled to Bakura shortly after the Battle of Endor, he considered her a threat. (TB,
this city, located on the planet Balamak, was the site of an experiemental communication-jamming system
developed by the Separatists. The site was destroyed during the early stages of the Clone Wars by Old
Republic forces. (SWI65)
this moon, the only satellite in orbit around the planet Almas, was one of the most popular tourist worlds
of the Mid Rim. Once an inner planet of the Cularin System, Dorumaa was knocked out of its orbit by a
massive impact. The impact pushed Dorumaa into Almas' gravity well, and its surface was literally flashfrozen as it moved into its new location. The frozen world was thawed out by terraformers of the Dorumaa
Investment Group, who recognized the moon's potential and believed that there was no life left on the
moon. Unknown to DIG, a variety of eggs and spores were also frozen, and began to revive as the moon
warmed up. While the "rebirth" of the moon has been used as a marketing tool, many investors worry that
some terrible creature has been released into the seas. (LFC)
Dorumaa Investment Group
this group of investors, based in the Cularin System, funded the terraforming of the moon Dorumaa. They
hoped to create a tourist world, but were unaware of the fact that a wealth of life existed in the frozen
seas of the moon. Once Dorumaa was habitable, DIG became the largest conglomerate found on the
moon. Founded by a group of Humans, Gungans, and Twi'leks, DIG owned a number of resorts through
their management outfit, Dorumaa Resort. DIG obtained funding from a variety of sources, and had
representatives from SoroSuub Corporation and the business powers of Genarius on its board of
directors. (LFC)

Dorumaa Resort
this was the primary service corporation which was operated on the moon of Dorumaa, and was part of
the Dorumaa Investment Group. (LFC)
this alien race was characterized by the twin pairs of tentacles it had instead of arms, as well as the
eyestalks it used to see. (APS)
Dorva Vine
this Corellian plant is grown in gardens for its beautiful blooms. (TPS)
this planet, located in the Videnda Sector of the galaxy, was the site of massive lommite mines, owned by
Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore during the last decades of the Old Republic. A normally temperate
world, the mining operations had turned Dorvalla into a world covered with lommite dust. From space,
Dorvalla seemed to have a thick band of perpetual clouds, as the dust was carried aloft by the planet's
jetstream. In the rainy season, the dust turned to thick mud, making surface travel virtually impossible.
This planet was located near the systems of Clak'dor, Sullust, and Malastare, which made shipping of the
lommite to more sizable ports relatively simple. Dorvalla had a single moon. (DMS)
this planet was the Imperial captial of Cadavine Sector, during the height of the New Order. (SESB)
Dorvalla IV
this was the fourth planet in the Dorvalla System of Videnda Sector. (COD)
Dorvalla Mining
this small corporation was formed when the remaining companies of Lommite Limited and InterGalactic
Ores merged, after both were nearly destroyed by the Toom Clan, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. The
collapse of both corporations, which was engineered by Darth Sidious in order to gain control of the
lommite mines, left them with only enough resources to continue the mining operations. Their fleets of ore
haulers were destroyed, and so the Trade Federation was given complete control of shipping in the
Dorvalla System. This fit into Darth Sidious' plans to build up the Trade Federation's armies of battle
droids, in preparation for the blockade of Naboo. (DMS)
Dorvalla Space Corps
this was the primary defense force which patrolled and protected the Dorvalla System, of Videnda Sector,
during the last decades of the Old Republic. (COD)
this city is located on the eastern coast of the continent of Laz, on the planet Lazerian IV. (TSK)
this Rodian served as Jiliac the hutt's majordomo. (TPS)
this was the native language of the Trandoshan people. In consisted mainly of harsh growls and grunts,
while the Doh alphabet was comprised of simple glyphs. (WOTC, UANT)
this was one of the colony planets which were settled by the Trandoshans. (SWRPG, SWJ4)
this Korunnai word was the plural of doshalo, indicating two or more brothers of the same clan, or ghosh.
this was the Korunnai word for a brother of the same clan, or ghosh. (SHPT)

this Yuuzhan Vong subaltern was escalated by Nas Choka for his brave work at Dantooine, during the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (JE)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "slaughters in a rage". (GCG)
Doshun, Hanna
this young girl was the daughter of Jimm "the Starkiller Kid" Doshun and his wife, Merri Shen. Hanna was
born just over a yerar after the Battle of Yavin. (GMR4)
Doshun, Jimm "the Starkiller Kid"
this frustrated young farmboy from Aduba-3 joined Han Solo and Jaxxon in liberating an Aduban village
from the clutches of Serji-X Arrogantus and his Cloud Riders. Jimm had seen the elders of the Onacra
village simply capitulate to Arrogantus, and was certain that the villagers could have put up more of a
fight. He adopted the alias of Jimm the Starkiller kid to try and separate himself from his family, despite
the facts that he had been an orphan for many years. His parents had been killed in a high-hound attack,
and Jimm had managed to eke out a living with the help of his tractor droid, FE-9Q. After defeating the
Behemoth and bringing down Serji-X Arogantus' Cloud Riders in a titanic battle, Jimm fell in love with
another native Aduban, Merri Shen, and remained on the planet to marry her. They eventually had a child
named Hanna. Their lives were disrupted when Valance mistook him for Luke Skywalker. Jaxxon and
Amaiza managed to deflect the bounty hunter's attack, however, allowing Jimm and his family to remain
free. (MC8, MC16, GMR4)
Dostra Major
this yellow star, located in the Thandon Cluster, was the primary body in the Dostra System. (AIR)
this remote, Outer Rim world was located just outside the borders of the New Republic. Rax Joris
managed to establish a garrison on the planet several years after the Battle of Endor, and remained in
control of the planet for several years before Jaden Kor arrived on Dosunn to investigate an intercepted
transmission from the planet. The transmission indicated a connection between Imperial forces and the
Disciples of Ragnos, with the Imperials allowing the cultists to use their bases in exchange for protection.
this common Zabrak surname meant "sentry" - or, more literally, "guardian of tents". (GCG)
Doth Brandy
this well-aged alcoholic spirit is considered a delicacy by the rich and powerful. It compliments the taste of
tranna nougat, and is often consumed with the sweet candy. (TT)
this is the Brigian term for a communal leader. (TT)
Dotswa Ween
this being was the Chairman of the Republic Civil Liberties Union during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (HNN5)
Double Echo
Arly Bron's beat-up freighter. (RD)
Double V Formation
this method of employing a group of AT-AT and AT-ST walkers was developed by Arndall Lott. A group of
ten slave-rigged AT-STs forms the first V, and helps clear a path through enemy forces for the second V.

This second V is composed of four AT-ATs, which can get very close to their target if the AT-STs
eliminate the lighter opposition. The benefit of this attack pattern is that the forward AT-STs can move to
prevent flanking actions by the enemy with relative ease, or can be dispatched to mop up remaining
enemy troops while the AT-ATs destroy the primary target. (WBC)
Double Viol
this stringed musical instrument is formed from a pair of hollow, resonating boxes that are separated by
shaft. This shaft is strung with tonal cords which are plucked or strummed to produce music. (JASB)
Double Worlders
this was the term used to describe any biengs native to the Double Worlds of Talus and Tralus. These
individuals tended to be sensitive to the assumption that they came from the least important of the
Corellian worlds, an assertion made because neither planet had its own native, sentient species. Most
Double Worlders thought of astrology as a form of religion, a characteristic which evolved from the
complex orbital interactions and eclipses of the two planets. (CCW)
Double Worlds, The
the name given to Talus and Tralus, two planets in the Corellian System that orbit each other around a
barycenter located on Centerpoint Station. (AC)
this was the brand name of Arakyd's sensor jamming system produced for use on space stations. (HAS)
Double-Dip Outer Rim Rumdrop
this specialty drink, made from a variety of alcohols and mixers, was developed by Shayne Gerarre for
the Spirited Spirits shop, located on the planet Cularin. The concoction was popularized by the Sop
Houses established by Vanster Enan during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (EOS, LFCW)
a card game played in a number of casinos and gambling halls. (WSV)
Double-draw Fendoc
an obscure game of chance. (BW)
Doublefield Generator
this device is a form of forcefield generator which creates two opposing, spherical fields. The most
obvious use of the doublefield came on the Loronar Field Secured Container Vessel, which employs
Prexton doublefields to create spherical containers for cargo. (ISB)
Doubler Suit
this specialized form of personal protection uses a miniaturized, potable, three-dimensional holovideo
recorder/projector and a specialized bodysuit. A being must allow itself to be recorded for an hour, during
which time the doubler suit records the movements and physical dimensions of the being. The recording
is then downloaded into a computer which turns the recording into raw data. When the wearer wants to
go into the field in disguise, he or she wears a special bodysuit lined with thousands of microsensors. The
raw data from the recording is fed to these microsensors, and allows the user to create a double of
himself through the miniature projector. (GG10)
DoubleSec Corporation
this manfuacturer built gravity field compensators for large starships. (RM)
this was one of the three Acclamator-class troopships that was dispatched by the Old Republic to help
defend the planet Duro, during the height of the Clone Wars. The ship and its companions were all
destroyed in battle, as General Grievous showed that he was a master tactician. (SWI75)
Douglas III

a planet which is home to the jackelope, Douglas III was discovered by Mendel Douglas during his hunt to
locate the jackelope. (LCM, GMR5)
Douglas, Mendel
this noted big-game hunter met his demise on the world which later bore his name. He had traveled to
Douglas III in an attempt to obtain the pelt of a jackelope. Although the pelt eventually found its way back
to his homeworld, Mendel himself died before returning home. (GMR5)
one of the three barren moons of Atraken. (PG2)
this was a common name among the Ryn. (UANT)
this Herglic was known as a notoriously lucky sabacc player during the early years of the New Republic.
Doune maintained his base of operations on the planet Morado. After Doune won nearly everything the
young human Nyo had, he entered into another match with the legendary Kinnin Vo-Shay. Vo-Shay
quickly won more than 200,000 credits from Doune, and turned the money over to Nyo so that the young
man could purchase a lightsaber. Doune then beat them to Nar Shaddaa and bought the weapoyo
wanted. In a second sabacc match, Doune managed to win Vo-Shay's amulet, believing that the amulet
somehow gave V-Shay an edge. Little did Doune know that the amulet was simply a gift from a female
acquiantance of Kinnin's and had no magic powers whatsoever. (TFNR)
this was a name that was common among the Defel race. (UANT)
Dousc System
a planetary system located in Kesh Sector. (SWJ11)
this sculptor was a native of Loretto. Dous'tine was once commissioned by Prince Xizor to create a bust
of the Falleen crimelord. The statue was confiscated by Dequc and displayed in his Black Nebula
headquarters on Qiaxx. Mara Jade hid an remote control device inside it, along with her ligthsaber, in
hopes of entering Dequc's private chambers in order to execute the crimelord. She claimed that Xizor had
hidden a treasure map inside it, and when Dequc opened it, she activated the remote control. The device
ignited the lightsaber, piercing Dequc's head and killing him instantly. (MJEH)
this old mansion, located in Koved City on Siluria III, was owned by Kaiya Adrimetrum and her husband.
Following his death during the Imperial occupation of the planet, she used it as the focal point for planning
her assault on the Imperial Governor, Quannith. (GG9)
Dovin Basal
this unusual piece of Yuuzhan Vong technology acts on the gravitational properties of a target body. They
can be used like repuslors, to maintain a position above the ground, or in a reverse action to maintain
contact with the ground. Individual dovin basals were spherical in shape, measuring about three meters
across. They could lock onto a specific gravity source - even one surrounded by others - and focus their
lock with extreme precision. The more focused the lock, the stronger it became, even across hundreds of
thousands of kilometers. This allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to employ them as perpetual sources of thrust
for their yorik coral worldships. Dovin basals resemble a large, dark red heart with deep blue spikes
surrounding its body. Several battles into the invasion, the New Republic's starfighter pilots realized that
the dovin basals also provided coralskippers with unusual shielding. Rogue Squadron discovered that the
stronger a coralskipper's shielding, the less maneuverable the fighter was. They used reverse logic, and
forced the skips to maneuver more in a dogfight, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the dovin basal
shielding. As the struggle against the New Republic continued, the Yuuzhan Vong mined major
hyperspace routes with dovin basals, although their primary function was not to ambush Republic ships.

In reality, the dovin basals were reading the gravitic output of passing Yuuzhan Vong ships, allowing the
Warmaster Tsavong Lah and his command structure to monitor the progress of every Yuuzhan Vong
starship. Certain of these dovin basals were actually equipped with explosives, and could target specific
ships with incredible accuracy. After the hostilities between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance
were resolved, and the Yuuzhan Vong were allowed to live on the planet Zonama Sekot, they found that
dovin basals and many other bio-engineered devices simply reverted to their natural forms. This was one
way in which Sekot forced the Yuuzhan Vong to give up their lust for war and embrace a more
enlightened existence. (VP, DTR, DJ, EL2, UF)
Dovin Missile
this was the New Republic's name for any projectile launched into battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, in an
effort to locate a dovin basal mine that had been laid by the alien invaders. The missile's mission was
send out a triangulated signal until it was absorbed by the mine. The point at which the signal stopped
indicated the mine's location, allowing New Republic forces to destroy it. (DW)
Dovish Hokken
this Jedi Knight was killed aboard the Monitor III, during the attempt to smash a group of Iridium Pirates
which was ambushing Old Republic supply convoys near Vuchelle, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. (HNN4)
Dovlis, Reldo
this Imperial Navy Captain served aboard the Peacekeeper, and was part of the fleet which was sent to
take out Nar Shaddaa. Dovlis was an older, less imaginative officer than Soontir Fel, the other Captain
serving under Admiral Greelanx during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. Dovlis was the first commander to
realize that the smugglers were using illusory ships to discourage the Imperials, but he quickly discovered
that real ships were hidden among the fakes. The Peacekeeper took a large amount of damage to its
starboard engines, and soon found itself without power. Dovlis ordered the engines brought back on-line
when the ship began drifting toawrd Nar Shaddaa. The failsafes were overridden, but the spasmodic
thrust the engines provided only pushed the ship closer to the moon. When they gave out altogther, the
Peacekeeper plunged into Nar Shaddaa's planetary shield. Dovlis died in battle, taking out a section of
the moon's shield with his own ship. (THG)
Dovos, Shas
this man was native of Onderon, and a dedicated student of metallurgy who stumbled upon an old text of
Sith magicks nearly 1,000 after the fall of Sith Empire. Shas had found the book in an ancient Onderonian
temple in the wilds near his village, and started reading it. The book intrigued him, as it dealt with the
formation of a heavy, spiked set of jet-black armor. While many considered the armor a work of art, Shas
knew that much of the armor was imbued with Sith alchemy. After ten years, he finished the armor, and
event which unleashed the Sith spirit trapped in the text. The spirit used its own Sith powers to meld
Shas's essence to that of the armor, creating a new creature it named Warb Null. Shas Donos, from that
point onward, ceased to exist. (TOJC)
Dowager Queen
the first colony ship to arrive during the modern colonization of Tatooine, it was forced to make a crashlanding when it arrived about 100 years before the Battle of Yavin. The wreckage was left where it
landed, and the city of Mos Eisley grew up around it. Decades laster, the Dowager Queen's remains
formed a series of homes and hiding places for the city's homeless. (TME, ISU, SOT)
Dowd, Bilman
this man was a member of the same bounty hunters' guild as Boba Fett. To Fett's knowledge, Dowd had
been a member longer than even Fett himself. A tall, thin, elderly man, Dowd met Fett on Devaron when
the bounty hunter captured Kardue'sai'Malloc. His role as representative was to collect the guild's tenpercent handling fee. (TBH)
Dowellin, Randar
this crimelord was famous for his collection of rare coins and artifacts. He kept many pieces in his
collection laced with a chemical tracer, in case they were ever stolen. This bit of insurance paid off when

Bon Sequors stole a portion of the collection in a daring heist. (SWJ11)

Dowin tu gu
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translated into Basic as, "You have done well." (VP)
this ancient Quarren surname meant "speaker for the clutch". Like many Quarren surnames, it could be
traced back to the time of the Battle of Ruusan. (GCG)
this was the name given to the planet Ast Kikorie by its native population. (GMR9)
known as the Balawai by the Korunnai, this was the name used to describe those off-worlders and
settlers who lived on the lowlands of the planet Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
this was one of the major cities found on the planet Kelada. (GCG)
Downport Arena
this open arena was located in the city of Votrad on the planet Brentaal, near the Votrad Independent
Downport, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (WOTC)
Downrush Falls
this immense waterfall was formed when the Great Downrush, the largest river found on the planet
Haruun Kal, flowed over the cliffs at the southern edge of Pelek Baw. At this point, the Great Downrush
was nearly a kilometer across, and poured tons of water over the Falls. (SHPT)
this was the name of the slum areas of the city of Fabrillan, on Malthor. (CRO)
this is one of two cantinas located in New Atraken City. (PG2)
one of two transport ships used by Ackbar to supply Project Shantipole. (XW)
known as the Thakiz Baw'kal by the Korunnai, the Downstorm was name givent to the winter winds which
whipped up the gaseous seas of Haruun Kal and brought deadly, toxic gas to the lowland settlements.
These toxic gases can scour the lowlands of life in just a few hours. (SHPT)
a recreational facility frequented by many members of Wedge Antilles' Rogue Squadron while in training
on Folor. (XWN)
this was the name used by the clone trooper leader who accompanied Jedi Master Ronhar Kim on a
mission to Merson, during the height of the Clone Wars. The small force was doomed from the start, as
poor intelligence left them outnumbered five-to-one and cut off from their starship support. The Separatist
battle droids quickly converged on their position, and Dox was killed in the fighting that ensued. (RBL)
Dox Ocean
this is one of two major bodies of water on the planet Lazerian IV. (TSK)
this continent, found on the eastern hemisphere of the planet Lazerian IV, was somewhat independent of
the nation of Devit, although the natives of Doxet allowed King Alarik X of Devit to rule on planetary

matters. (TSK)
this is the capital city of the continent of Doxet, and was the seat of the quasi-independent Doxet
government. (TSK)
Doxin, Paldis
a corpulent scientist, Doxin was educated at the Magrody Institute during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. He stayed at Magrody to perform research into the development of hypermatter and its uses,
and secured a large grant from Republic Sienar Systems to continue his work. Years later, Doxin was
hand-picked by Grand Moff Tarkin to work at the Maw Installation, where he was placed in charge of
high-energy concepts and implementation. He was killed when the Maw Installation's prototype Death
Star was torn apart in the Maw's black holes. (COTF, HNN5)
Doxxen Tea
a steeped brew favored by the Shashay. (TA)
a Habeen shuttle used to evacuate their research base during the attack by the Nharwaaks. (TIE)
this name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "feminine warrior" - or, more precisely, "stands beside
the spears". (GCG)
Dozen Rules, The
this code of conduct was developed by Urias Xhaxin, but was similar to most such codes maintained by
pirate captains. Basically, the rules were: be flexible and stay mobile, never pick a fair fight or one against
someone your own size, never hunt in your own back yard, gamble at all times, make a name for
yourself, stick to the shadows whenever possible, stick to the job at hand, always make sure you have a
well-thought-out plan that can handle the unexpected, the target's crew is not the enemy, maintain
initiative at all times, keep your crew well, and remember - there are no sure things. (PP)
Dozen-and-Two Avengers
this was the name of Kyp Durron's vigilante group, led by himself and Miko Reglia during the months
leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Kyp and Miko represented the "Two" in the name
- the only two Jedi in the group - while the other members were simply rogue pilots. Their ships consisted
of a collection of starfighters, with the two Jedi flying the new T-65XJ model X-Wing. They were nearly
destroyed after discovering the Yuuzhan Vong presence near Helska. A swarm of coralskippers launched
a massive wave of volcano missiles, which took out many of the non-Jedi Avengers in the opening
seconds of their battle. Miko was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, and Kyp fled to a remote sector and
stranded. In the wake of their destruction, the Dozen-and-Two were reduced Kyp and a few others. Kyp
recruited new members, but simply called the group Kyp's Dozen. (VP, JE, NJOSB)
Dozoisian Snark
this creature was noted for its venom, which could be extracted to create a deadly poison, used by
assassins during the last years of the Old Republic. (BF6)
Dozu Lam
this small settlement was ostensibly the capital of the planet Tejrivozs. It was built many thousands of
years before the Battle of Yavin, and was originally established as a refugee center, in case the calamity
season on Riflor became too rough. When no season proved entirely disastrous, Dozu Lam was was
forgotten, and it eventually became a haven for all manner of criminals from any number of worlds.
a shortened name for the Corporate Sector System Development Programs, which provided aid to
frontier worlds forgotten by the Old Republic. D-Progs were a product of COMPNOR, and were one of

many examples of COMPNOR's ability to exploit the Old Republic's weaknesses. (ISB)
this was one of several Duros-commanded warships which made up the Galactic Alliance's meager naval
fleet, during the last stages of the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. Commanded by Yurf Col, the Dpso
was one of many ships assigned to General Wedge Antilles and the task force dispatched to the Duro
System. Unknown to Commander Col was that the task force was not sent to recapture Duro, but to
eliminate as much of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet stationed there as possible. Col believed that Antilles was
going to simply let Duro remain under Yuuzhan Vong control, and broke formation. Led by the Dpso, all
the Duros warships tried to attack the Yuuzhan Vong on their own. However, they were no match for the
amassed firepower of the alien invaders. The Dpso and the other Duros ships were destroyed in just
under three hours. (FP)
this is a model of starship heat sink. (RM)
this gas giant was the seventh planet in the N'zoth System. It was orbited by fourteen moons. (CCW)
this is the designation of Uulshos' Deep-X Explorer space yacht. This 12-meter long craft was targeted to
be a pleasure craft, but found a following with scouts who converted it for deep-space exploration. The
DPx required a single pilot to control, and could handle 50 metric tons of cargo and up to five passengers.
The DPx is a flat starship, with a pair of wings extending out from the central section. The central section
houses the cockpit, passenger areas, and engines. (SWJ9)
a planet known for its indigenous hunting beasts, the nashtah. (HSR)
this was an alien race characterized by their white skin and barrel-chested bodies. Their skulls were
crowned by a group of small, vestigial horns, and their face was dominated by four nostrils set above a
lipless mouth. (BH)
this creature was native to the planet Relkass, and was known to be a nasty predator. They were
generally omnivorous, feeding on razorgrass and small rodents, although they preferred to feed on the
Relkass sentinel plant. This posed a problem for the inhabitants of Relkass, as the narcotic in the sentinel
plant caused the draagax to go into a predatory frenzy, killing any warm-blooded creature on sight. The
average draagax resembled a tall rodent, standing nearly two meters tall at the shoulder and having long
ears and sharp teeth which could inject a debilitating poison. Their large eyes were adapted to seeing in
the visible and infrared spectra. (COG)
this Sullustan was discovered at the abandoned Alliance base by Tash Arranda and her surrogate uncle,
the Shi'ido Hoole. Dr'aan seemed to be an exact double of Dr'uun, and was later revealed to be a clone
produced by the Empire by an experimental, rapid-cloning technique. (GOF11)
Drace-2 Alert
this Chiss level of battle readiness was used whenever a military expedition needed to mobilize to rescue
the beings in another ship which was damaged or in danger of exploding. (SQ)
an alien race known for its size and strength more than its intelligence. They have pale, pinkish blood.

this was a species of foul beast. (T7)

primary planet in the Drackmar system. (CPL)
native to the planet Drackmar, these reptilian beings have scales colored in a number of hues, and large
sharp teeth contained in s vicious-looking snout. They must breath methane in a special helmet when
away from their homeworld. They are humanoid in appearance. (CPL)
a female Selonian captured by Thrackan Sal-Solo on Corellia as she attempted to disrupt a Human
League gathering. He eventually acceeded to her request for parole, although he kept her under watch.
When Thrackan captured Han Solo, he pitted Han against Dracmus in a hidden location, simply to enjoy
the fighting. Dracmus and Han were then forced into the same cell. (AS)
this small corporation produced a variety of fixed-emplacement weapons during the last years of the Old
Republic. (GMR2)
this reptilian humanoid was part of the first group of students Luke Skywalker ever trained, during the
period immediately following the Battle of Endor. Dracos admitted that he was frustrated at the lack of
training in the use of the Force, and he openly questioned Luke's failure to focus on that aspect of
training. Luke explained that the ability to touch the Force was vastly different than being able to actually
use it, and that he lacked the ability to gauge an individual's connection to the Force. Luke was also
worried that he might, inadvertently, create another Darth Vader. (MC92)
this race of tall, spindly humanoids was exterminated by the Empire for harboring Jedi Knights during the
early years of Emperor Palpatine's rule. (DOE)
an alien race native to the planet Sesid, the Draedans are amphibious humanoids with scaled skin,
webbed fingers, and a finned tail. Their toes are not webbed, Draedans can live out of the water, but must
keep their skin moist of suffer greatly from dehydration. They have gills in their necks for breathing in the
water, but also possess lungs for use out of the water. They live in the oceanic forests of lataren trees,
and are expressive, emotional creatures capable of wild celebrations and cunning attacks. Their heritage
is littered with territorial conflicts, which continued even after their discovery by the Old Republic. This
continued during the reign of Emperor Palpatine, with some Draedan nations supporting the Imperial
presence and others offering assistance to the Alliance. (GG12)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "wise." (GCG,
Draenell Industries
this was one of the largest manufacturers on the planet Draenell's Point. It was based in the city of
Juntrack. (GMK)
Draenell Planetary Council
named for Arnoll Draenell, this was the system-wide goverment which led the Bissillirus System until the
Empire took control of Trax Sector. Four years before the Battle of Yavin, the Council ceded control of the
system to the Empire. (GMK)
Draenell, Arnoll
this man was in command of the Old Republic scouting expedition which was stranded in the Bissillirus

System after their ship's hyperdrive cut out. In order to make repairs, Draenell scouted and mapped the
five planets of the system choosing to land on the wourld which became known as Draenell's Point.
Draenell also named the other planets in the system. Draenell and his crew managed to repair their ship
and continue their expedition, but were destroyed shortly afterward in an encounter with the Inchichtok
race. (GMK)
Draenell's Point
this cool, agricultural world was located in the Bissillirus System, and was a convenient stopover point for
traders and travelers in Trax Sector. The planet was named for Arnoll Draenell, the leader of the Old
Republic scouting expedition which stumbled upon the system. During the Galactic Civil War, Draenell's
Point supplied a good deal of agricultural foodstuffs to the Alliance. (GMK)
Draenell's Spies
this was the name used by the Alliance ground forces which were on-call to support the strike teams
disrupting Imperial group forces during the attempt to destroy Bissillirus Resupply Base. (GMK)
this city, located on the planet Albrae-Don, was located on the coastline. (SWJ10)
a planet. (HNN5)
this was the native language of the Draethos race. (PJSB)
native to the planet of the same name, the Draethos were a race of large humanoids whose bodies were
covered with rough scales. Their featureless black eyes and lipless mouths belied their intelligence,
although most Draethos were socially inept. They were a long-lived race, with an average lifespan of
about 800 years. During this time, the average Draethos continues to learn as much as it can. This desire
is especially evident in younger Draethos individuals, who avoid talking about a subject for fear of missing
a detail or failing to articulate what they know to be true. While most Draethos can speak their native
language as well as Basic, they can also communicate telepathically. Note that the Ultimate Alien
Anthology indicates that the Draethos were native to the planet Thosa. (PJSB, UANT)
this name, which meant "smooth" or "graceful", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
an alien race that lives in the mud of their home planet, and must immerse themselves in mud to survive
off-planet. (HSL)
a Starshipwright working for Aerospace Engineers, Inc., who with Vinda puts out a collection request for
the 2,500 credits owed to them by Han Solo. They have issued eight requests for payment, and Han had
ignored them all until Spray showed up to repossess his ship. (HSR)
Dragen, Falto
this man served the Empire as an Army Lieutenant, and was the first officer to the Imperial Prefect in
command of the spaceport in Mal Ethon City, on Kwevron, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He
was regarded as a bully and disciplinarian, and believed that a frightened subject was a loyal subject.
Dragen was originally from the planet Alderaan, where he chafed at his government's pacifist stance. He
held to the belief that the New Order was the only true government, and wished to see Alderaan join it
willingly, even after he turned his back on the planet and traveled to Kwevron. (RESB)
manufacturers of high-power blaster rifles. (TT)

this valuable crystal is mined in the D'olop mountains on the planet M'haeli. They have properties similar
to Adegan crystals. (ROC)
this domed city was the planetary capital of Deysum III. (GMK)
the Alliance shuttle which went to Stars' End to rescue a group of prisoners of war. It captured the
Imperial freighter Genue as it was delivering the prisoners to the detention center there. (XW)
this Sedrian warrior served as one of Karak's personal bodyguards. (BGS)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
an Alliance CR90 Corvette destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Dragon Battle Armor
this was the brand name of the NLZ5-11 personal combat protection was once manufactured by
SoroSuub. (SWJ3, GUN)
Dragon Cave
located in Far Distance, on the planet Zonama Sekot, this large cavern was located near the base of an
active volcano. The name derived from the intense steam which burst forth from the cave as the lava
vaporized water. (RP)
Dragon Kite
a form of kite created on Coruscant, the dragon kite was used in a combat competition between two kite
fliers. (XWRS)
Dragon Lords
this group of natives on the planet Drexel One had been exiled from their positions of technicians to the
Master Machinesmiths because they were disgruntled by the oppressive Masters. Stranded at sea, they
learned the ability to command and control the native sea-dragons, using unltrasonic devices to control
them and use tthem as mounts. This ability to control and command was primarily used by the Dragon
Lords as a ruse, for they actually had discovered that the sea-dragons were intelligent creatures who
welcomed the exiles. With the help of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, they eventually overthrew Governor
Quarg and reclaimed their world. (MC12)
Dragon Pearl
this was the name of Jiliac the Hutt's personal starship. A heavily-armed space yacht, the Dragon Pearl
was also modified to hold six Z-95 Headhunters in its holds. The ship was commandeered by Han Solo
and Mako Spince, to assist in the defense of Nar Shaddaa. The ship sustained major damage during the
initial skirmishes, but helped bring down the Vigilance. With dwindling resources, Jabba had the ship
repaired to operational status, in an effort to draw Jiliac out of her maternal slump. (THG, RD)
Dragon Pearl
this was another name for a beautiful gizzard stone recovered from the last chamber of a krayt dragon.
The ancient Jedi Knights believed that a dragon pearl could be used as a crystal in the construction of a
lightsaber, and that it imparted the wielder with a greater ability to fight back against an opponent. (TJP,
Dragon Snake

this species of fire-breathing, subterranean reptile lives in the caves of Corulag. (SST)
a vicious, deadly creature native to Onderon. (FNU)
Dragonbird Gardens
these beautiful gardens are located on the Imperial world of Aargau. Baron Tagge used the gardens as
the backdrop for his discussions with other members of the Galactic Corporate Policy League. It was here
that they began seeing that Palpatine could help them regain ultimate control of the Corporate Sector and
free them from the restrictions imposed by the Old Republic. (CSA)
Dragonflower Nebula
a spectacular gaseous formation located in the Doldur Sector. It is a pink aurora containing five dark,
pulsing vertices. The hidden mining outpost of Silver Station is found on its outskirts. (SWJ6)
this speederbike was developed by the Wookiees, on their homeworld of Kashyyyk, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Like the starships of the Mon Calamari, each Dragonfly was unique when
completed, the result of hand-crafting by individual Wookiees. For propulsion, a top-mounted propeller
gave the Dragonfly lift and speed. (SWI79)
Dragon's Pelt Savanna
this was the name, given by the Ewoks, of the vasts grasslands that covered portions of the Forest Moon
of Endor. (ISU, WSW)
Dragon's Spine
a range of mountains found on the Forest Moon of Endor. (ISU)
Dragon's Teeth
this natural landmark is found on the planet Hapes. The Teeth are a range of jagged rocks that jut from
the blue-green ocean waters near Reef Fortress. (L)
an unusual creature found only on Hoth, the dragon-slug was a fire-breathing worm which consumed
lumni-spice as food. It created huge tunnels in the rock and ice as it searched for the spice. It was for this
reason that lumni-spice was rare and difficult to harvest. The average dragon-slug could attain a length
exceeding fifty meters, and lived a solitary existence beneath Hoth's ice. The body of a dragon-slug was
covered with an armor-like hide, and it moved about on vestigial legs that could be found every three
meters or so along their bellies. (CSW, WOA34)
a carnivorous predator native to the swamps of Dagobah, the dragonsnake was a long, armored creature
with sharp fangs and razor fins. These creatures moved about by using their wide tails, but also had a
pair of long arms for grasping and digging. The dragonsnake usually waits in the swamps, floating like a
log until some other creature wanders too close to the water's edge. It then lashes out with its fangs and
fins, capturing its prey and dragging it into the water. Once it controls its prey, the dragonsnake holds it
under the water, coiled in its long body, until the prey drowns. The dragonsnake has been known to
attack and kill the massive swamp slugs that share the swamps with it. Note that the Star Wars
Customizable Card Game: Dagobah claims that the dragonsnake is often mistaken for the swamp slug.
Dragonsnake Bog
this was the simple name used to describe the body of water in which one of Dagobah's largest
dragonsnakes lived. Luke Skywalker's X-Wing crashed into this bog, when he arrived at Dagobah
following the Battle of Hoth. (IWST)
Dragos VI

this planet was scouted by Dantaree for the Alliance. (IAG)

this was New Republic fighter pilot slang for an Interdictor-class cruiser. (XWMR)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
this plant, once native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, was grown for its fragrant leaves. When dried
and crushed, dragwood leaves were steeped in boiling water to create a subtle tea. (T)
native to an unspecified world near Bandomeer, these huge avian reptiles are covered in silvery scales.
They have piercing yellow eyes and teeth like crystal daggers. They have no arms, just their immense
wings and strong legs. Each wing is tipped with a single claw, and they subsist primarily on fish and small
mammals. Resembling a flying Ithorian razor shark, draigons will fight to the death to protect their homes,
hunting grounds, and young. (RF)
this species of large, snake-like reptilian was found on many planets. It inhabited swamps and other
noxious envirnoments, preying on the smaller creatures it captured. These creatures had large eyes and
green scales, and could breath a jet of fire if cornered or angered. Many disreputable crimelords kept
draigon-slugs in their dungeons as guards. (E1A3)
a reckless relay race run as part of the Colonial Games. (DCAR)
this Mining Guild ore hauler was owned by the Mining Guild, which sprang up during the early years of
the New Republic. Commanded by Captain Forma, the Draisini was attacked and captured by pirates
working for Grappa the Hutt. (CE2)
Drake Squadron
this Imperial fighter group was supposedly attached to the Night Terror, and was under the command of
Captain Maristo. (SOC)
Drake Theater
located on Estalle Island, on the planet Procopia, this small theater produced more contemporary plays
and operas that the Leoculd Opera House. (LOE)
Drake, Breslin
this Major served the New Republic Intelligence agency shortly after the Battle of Endor. He was part of
the team which debriefed Baden Lathe's reporting on Leia Organa's negotiations with the Hapans and her
kidnapping by Han Solo, and was part of the team investigating the Imperial Black Fleet after the
Yevethan Purge. Drake later served as the manager of the ThrusterBurn tapcafe on Pembric II, working
directly for Crev Bombaasa after he left active duty to the New Republic in search of the Imperial spy he
knew only as The Wraith. Unknown to Drake, the man Bombaasa hired to assist at the ThrusterBurn - a
Pembric native known as Drenn - was actually the Wraith. Four years after the Battle of Endor, Drake
agreed to help the crew of the FarStar rescue Gaelin in return for transport off Pemrbic II. Drake later
served as a counterintelligence agent aboard the corvette FarStar, during the search for Moff Sarne in
Kathol Sector. (CTD, DARK, KR)
Drakka Boar
native to the planet Randon, these immense beasts were used by Randoni traders to guard their treasure
troves. Standing on six clawed legs, the drakka were distinguished by the spikes that protected their

heads and tails. A ridge of spikes ran from the back of its head to its snout, and were used primarily for
attack. Another collection of spines bristled over the tip of the drakka's tail, allowing it to club an attacker
during a battle. Much of their bodies were covered with rust-brown scales, and saliva dripped continually
from their toothy maws, flowing between two rows of sharp teeth. Those drakka boars which were used to
guard treasures were mind-linked to their Randoni masters, allowing them to be controlled when access
to the treasure was required. (VF)
this Imperial Star Galleon was part of the Death's Head's battle group, under the command of Captain
Harbid during the early years of the New Republic. Grand Admiral Thrawn reassigned the ship to
transport troops and Master C'baoth to Wayland, shortly before Thrawn's plans to attack the New
Republic at Coruscant. Thrawn added General Covell and a crew to the ship's compliment, stating that he
needed to send supplies and reinforcements to Wayland anyway. (TLC)
Draknahr Syndrome
this was an obscure disease that struck without warning, often confusing doctors who were treating
another illness. Note that the n is emphasized by a tilde (~) when spelled out. (MBS)
this Codru-Ji was a noted swoop racer and the leader of the Hawkbat Gang, working below the surface of
the planet Coruscant during the years following the Battle of Naboo. It was said that Drako never lost a
race, although he was never without an ion blaster when he did race. Drako was killed in a race he set
up, challenging young Anakin Skywalker. In order to ensure victory, Drako tried to shot Skywalker.
However, he failed to see a repusorlift transport block his path. Drako's swoop smashed into the
transport, killing him instantly. (AA)
this was a draught fermented beverage produced on the planet Kodai. (JAF)
one of the 5 inhabited planets in the Corellian System, it is also one of the Five Brothers. Many scientists
had speculated that the Corellian System was somehow created by forces other than nature, since it had
5 inhabitable planets in close proximity, orbiting the same star. This was proven during the reign of
Thrackan Sal-Solo and the Starbuster Plot, when Ebrihim and his aunt Marcha unearthed the repulsor on
Drall, with Anakin Solo's help. (AC)
the humanoid race native to the planet Drall, these aliens resemble tall, thin Ewoks. The average Drall is
the size of a young child, and is covered with short, dense fur ranging from gray to black, with brown and
red variations as well. Their ears lay flat against their heads. They are a very dignified and sensible race,
with individuals reaching maturity at just 15 years of age and gaining confidence quickly. (AC, AE)
a member of the Alliance, Dralla was a veteran of the Battle of Derra IV. There, Dralla witnessed how the
Empire destroyed the Alliance's GHT-series medevac droids, preventing the Alliance from maintaining
their field medical units. (FTD)
Drallan Enclave
the name given to the diplomatic embassy building used by the Drall in Coronet, on the planet Corellia.
Drallig, Cin
this Jedi Knight was one of many who participated in the Clone Wars. Cin Drallig will be portrayed by Nick
Gillard in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. (OWS, E3)
this was the native language of the Drall race. (EGP)

the name given to those extremely nationalist Dralls who want to rid the planet of humans and Selonians.
They rose to being about the same time as the Human League. (AS)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "faithful". (GCG)
Drall's Hat
this was the name of a constellation which was visible in the night sky of the planet Corellia. The
constellation cut through the constellation of the Ronto, ending with a red star known as the Eye of the
Pirate. (REC)
a creature whose emerald-green hide is often used as a table covering. (LCM)
Dramassian Silk
this was one of the most sheer fabrics produced during the Old Republic. (APS)
this Nebulon-B frigate was part of the Imperial fleet which protected the Bissillirus Resupply Base during
its construction, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (GMK)
Dranae Shai
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior, a relative of Shedao Shai, confronted Corran Horn after the Jedi had rescued
a group of slaves with the help of Ganner Rhysode. Rhysode himself was supposed to have fled, but
returned to rescue Corran. Corran had nearly defeated Dranae, although the Vong warrior had mortally
wounded the Jedi with a bite from his amphistaff. Corran used the Force to attract a group of slashrats to
Dranae's struggling body, and the vicious creatures swiftly consumed him. Corran eventually survived,
thanks to Ganner's rescue, and became a prime target for Shedao Shai's vengeance. (DTO)
one of Kaarde's pet vornskrs. (HTTE)
this was a name that was common among the Sanyassan race. (UANT)
this New Republic Senator was elected to governmental service after the dissolution of the Provisional
Council. (SOL)
this cellulose-based foodstuff is digestable to certain species that can assimillate it. (RM)
the Alliance lost track of Zayl Braith after she left this planet. (AIR)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
this woman, a native of the planet Alderaan, was working as a doctor on the Cloud City outpost when the
first Death Star destroyed her homeworld. Although not an official part of the Alliance, she held no love
whatsoever for the Empire, and worked with the rebel underground on Cloud City after the outpost was
garrisoned by Darth Vader. (GMR3)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "creative."

Drashtine Initiative
this was one of the many small settlements that were petitioned and argued by the New Republic Senate
shortly after the revelation of the Caamas Document. The proponents of the Initiative argued for allowing
the Bothans to avoid immediate financial restitution for the destruction of Caamas. The Sif'krie
government cast the decicing vote on the Initiative, blocking the Frezhlix Senator from adding his voice to
the opposition. This led to a series of Frezhlix attacks on Sif'krie pommwomm shipments. (SOP)
this was the core name used by Chiss General Prard'ras'kleoni. Drask was a hard individual who disliked
anything that upset the natural order of Chiss life. Thus, when he was requested to accompany Aristocra
Formbi on a mission to meet with Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker regarding the remains of the
Outbound Flight Project, Drask struggled to keep his consternation in check. When Aristocra Formbi
agreed to provide the Geroon Remnant with star charts and astronomical data, Drask's mood darkened
still further. Mara later discovered that Drask's foul mood also stemmed from the presence of Chak Fel
and his stormtroopers aboard the Chaf Envoy. Drask continued to be a thorn in the humans' sides,
reinforcing his Chiss superiority at every opportunity. After the discovery of the Outbound Flight on a
planetoid in the Redoubt, Drask found himself working with Chak Fel and the Aurek-Seven unit of the
Imperial 501st Legion, searching the D-Five and D-Six Dreadnaughts in an effort to return to the Chaf
Envoy. It was during this time that the Jedi discovered that Bearsh was not actually a Geroon, but was a
Vagaari. As the Vagaari launched their attack on the Outbound Flight, Drask found himself fighting for his
life alongside the Imperials. He was stunned when, after a vicious attack by the Vagaari and their
wolvkils, Chak Fel relinquished command of Aurek-Seven to Drask himself. Fel realized that his naval
expertise wouldn't help much in the battle against the Vagaari. Drask agreed to take command, but
demanded that Fel use his naval experience to help them navigate the Dreadnaughts and return to their
ships. Later, after the plans of Estosh and Vagaari were revealed, Drask discovered that he was unaware
of the Chiss' part in the mission, although he deduced parts of it as time went on. Drask did reveal that he
had been behind the falling cable that nearly struck Luke, which he had arranged as a way to see firsthand the skills of a Jedi Knight. (SQ)
this Hutt crimelord once paid Sienn Sconn 100,000 credits to steal Rythani Products' latest prototype
weapon from Moff Caerbellak. Draskha's personal empire began to grow after the fall of Emperor
Palpatine and the birth of the New Republic. (SWJ9)
this Yuuzhan Vong Prefect was in command of the worldship Harla during the early stages of the aliens'
invasion of the galaxy. His broad-faced visage was heavily scarred, but Drathul considered himself a
handsome Yuuzhan Vong individual. Despite Nom Anor's failure at Helska and the loss of the priestess
Elan, Drathul grudgingly decided to keep Anor at the forefront of the invasion. Drathul was eventually
promoted to High Prefect, overcoming his support for the outcast Nom Anor and becoming one of
Supreme Overlord Shimrra's closest advisors. He soon found himself under closer scrutiny, however, as
the Jedi Heresy spread across Coruscant and many of his subordinates were found to be involved with
the movement. Much of the evidence of their own involvement was actually planted by Nom Anor himself,
who had adopted the name Yu'shaa, as the Prophet of The Message. Drathul remained loyal to Shimrra,
however, and bore the Supreme Overlord's criticism and scrutiny with solemn dignity. However, as the
Galactic Alliance continued to win battles and as evidence mounted as to Shimrra's past treachery,
Drathul began to doubt his Supreme Overlord. He even voiced his desire to join the Quorealists to Nom
Anor, who was beholden to Drathul as the prefect of Yuuzhan'tar. When the combined forces of the
Galactic Alliance made a final push to recapture the planet Coruscant, Drathul remained at Shimrra's
side, until the ground forces of the Alliance reached the Citadel and began moving on the Well of the
World Brain. Along with High Priest Jakan and Qelah Kwaad, Drathul descended from the Citadel and
traveled to the Well to anoint the Jedi who were captured there. Among those captured were Harrar, Han
Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo, and Drathul demanded that they be captured and held as sacrifices.
His plans were cut short when Nom Anor, leading Mara Jade Skywalker and a band of Shamed Ones,
flooded the chamber and confronted the warriors arrayed before them. Drathul demanded that the
captives be executed, but his commander instead turned his forces against Drathul's guards. In a flash,

Nom Anor was free, clutching at Drathul's neck and strangling him to death. (HT, FH2, FH3, UF)
a Gamorrean acquaintance of Gerrick. (RPG)
Draukyze System
this star system was the site of one of Grand Admiral Thrawn's first hit-and-run attacks, during the early
stages of his campaign against the New Republic some five years after the Battle of Endor. (HTTE)
Dravian Hound
another name for the nashtah. (CSA)
Dravian Starport
this orbital space station is located between the planets Syned and Cotellier, and serves as a way station
for ships passing between them. Its remote location - it was situated in open space, away from any
inhabited system - meant that a traveler had to want to travel there. Its location attracted all kinds of
rogues and smugglers. The various levels of the station were packed with casinos, hotels, restaurants,
and all kinds of goods dealers. (GMH)
this planet, located in the Allied Tion, is dotted with ruined fortresses from the sector's early history. (ML)
a smuggling chief working for Billey, Dravis was a graduate of the Imperial Academy and accomplished
pilot, although many of his old friends remembered his lack of punctuality that his flying skills. His father
hoped Dravis would follow in his footsteps and join the Scimitar Wing, but Dravis had other plans.
Although nothing has ever been confirmed, rumors persist that he stole an Imperial shuttle and fled to the
Outer Rim Territories to escape from an unwanted child he had fathered. He made a meager living in the
Outer Rim Territories during the early years of the New Republic, working as a smuggler until he found
himself employed by Billey. Dravis was also an old acquaintance of Han Solo's, and it was Han who
approached him with a job offer to work as a pilot for one of the cargo transport operations that supported
the New Republic. It was Dravis who told Solo about Thrawn's appearance in the borderland regiosn of
the galaxy, and that he thought it was Talon Karrde who had taken over Jabba the Hutt's empire. Later,
Dravis agreed to help Karrde track down the source of Grand Admiral Thrawn's clones, when it became
apparent that Thrawn had begun growing clones to serve as crewmen aboard his starships. (HTTE, TLC,
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Dravvad, Chelch
a native of the planet Corellia, this man was a New Republic Senator and a member of the New Republic
Advisory Council when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. He supported the Jedi Knights and their
efforts to defend the galaxy against the Yuuzhan Vong. During the initial phases of the plan to draw the
Yuuzhan Vong to either Corellia or Bothawui, Dravvad resented the fact that Borsk Fey'lya accused the
Defense Force of singling out the Bothans for attack by leaving Bothawui undefended. Dravvad was one
of few members of the Advisory Council to reach Borleias, in the wake of the Battle of Coruscant. (VP, JE,
this personalized card allows an individual to obtain credits from specified banking kiosks. (WG)
this being was a reporter for Holonet Free Republic during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ10)
Drax Squadron
a stormtrooper squadron assigned to search through Mos Eisley and locate R2-D2 and C-3PO on

Tatooine. (TME)
Draxlor Company
this Imperial soldier squadron was on-call to support the ground forces who battled Alliance forces on
Draenell's Point, during the Alliance's attempt to destroy the Bissillirus Resupply Base. (GMK)
this was a kind of portable fusion generator produced for use by explorers and scouts. The Draxton-12
was considered a small-yield generator, producing temporary solutions to power outages. (SSR)
Dray, Cooper
this 25-year-old swoop racer maintained his popularity only as long as he was winning. When he decided
to race just for the thrill of it, he discovered an audience on the planet Bescane who simply wanted to
watch him race. He settled down there, and was eventually contacted by an Alliance operative. When
Imperial agents killed the operative in front of his eyes, Cooper vowed to make the Empire pay. He joined
the Alliance as an undercover agent, using his contacts on Bescane to move contract workers off the
corporate world. It was Dray who helped the Alliance locate agent Tigress, because he had become
aware of the kidnappings of workers by Imperial Forces. During a swoop chase with Imperial forces, Dray
was lost. Tigress, also known as the Lady Amber Comark, believed that he was kidnapped and cyborged
as part of the Death-Hunter project. When the Alliance agents infiltrated Jesco Comark's base on Zeta
Zero Nine, they found Dray in the midst of an intense torture session. He was rescued by the Alliance
agents. (SWJ9)
an eight-legged creature used to pull carts on farms, the draybeast was native to the planet Dellalt. (HSL,
Draygo, Vykk
this alias was used by Han Solo, following his escape from Garris Shrike and the Trader's Luck. As Vykk
Draygo, Han was employed by Teroenza as a pilot. Vykk fell in love with Bria Tharen, although eventually
Han revealed his true identity to her. They escaped from the Ylesian colony and fled to Corellia and then
Coruscant. Vykk Draygo was pursued by a multitude of bounty hunters, as was Han Solo, because of the
damage he caused when they fled the colony. Han dropped the Vykk Draygo alias after fleeing Ylesia,
although he maintained all the identification papers. Note that this character is referred to as Vyyk Drago
in The Star Wars Essential Chronology. (TPS, ECH)
Drayhar's Cantina
this disreputable establishment was found in Eponte Spaceport, on the planet Kabaira. (SWJ7)
this individual was the abbot at the Dim-U monastery during the Galactic Civil War. He ran the monastery
with a military style. (GG7)
this woman was one of the only females every to earn the rank of Imperial Inquisitor. Her confident nature
and apparent concern for the beings she interrogates made her very efficient in wringing information from
them, since most beings seemed to like her immediately. However, many Imperial Intelligence agents
refused to work with her, because she often frightened them and excited them at the same time. Inquisitor
Drayneen also had modest control of the Force, and could use it to subtly manipulate her captives.
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
this Alliance Commander was in command of Edan Base, when it was attacked by the Havoc shortly after
the Battle of Yavin. (IAG)

Drayson, Bhindi
this woman was the daughter of Hiram Drayson, and served the New Republic as a tactical expert within
Wraith Squadron. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Bhindi was part of the team assigned to
accompany Luke Skywalker back to the capital planet. While the primary goal of the mission was to
gather intelligence and try to locate Jacen Solo, Bhindi and her team were going to set up resistance cells
on the battered planet. She was personally going to remain on the planet after the main mission was
complete, to coordinate the cells and foster plans to oust the alien invaders. When Coruscant fell to the
Yuuzhan Vong, Bhindi and her team managed to escape and return to Calamari. There, she served as
one of the primary Intelligence operatives for the fledgling Galactic Alliance. (EL1, UF)
Drayson, Hiram
this New Republic Admiral was in charge of the Republic's mission to find the Katana fleet. He used to be
in charge of the planetary defenses on his home planet, Chandrila, where he met Mon Mothma. During
the Clone Wars, Drayson was removed from his position by the passage of Emergency Amendment
121b, also known as the Reflex Amendment, and replaced by Kohl Seerdon. Years later, Mon Mothman
asked him to assist with defenses when the Alliance was formed, and then asked him to stay on with the
New Republic as Admiral of Coruscant's capital ship fleet. Following the death of Thrawn, Drayson was
placed in charge of Alpha Blue, and was one of the New Republic's highest-ranking military officials
during the Great Purge. He was known in military circles as the Old Ghost of Coruscant. As the New
Republic's government firmed up in the wake of the negotiation of peace with the Imperial remnants,
Drayson decided it was time to retire. He married his long-time love, Joi Eicroth, but the marriage didn't
last and they soon separated. (DFR, DFRSB, BTS, VP, HT, SWI71)
this man was a noted criminal, active on the planet Corulag during the early years of the New Republic.
this extremely vicious species of canine is native to the planet Korbin. They are a product of a longforgotten breeding experiment aimed at producing an attack animal. The experiment was a success, but
so much so that no one could control the draz. They escaped from their creators and now roam the wilds
of Korbin. The draz are covered with steel-gray fur that stands on end when they attack, making them
look larger than normal. They are unpredictable hunters. (PG2)
this Imperial Corporal served as a stormtrooper during the last years of the New Order. A native of
Bespin, Drazin was dispatched with the garrison sent there after the Battle of Hoth, and was responsible
for shooting C-3PO when the droid discovered the Imperial presence on Cloud City. Drazin later served
as part of Commander Igar's honor guard during the occupation of Endor's Forest Moon, during the
construction of the second Death Star. (CCG10)
this was one of the most common names given to female Corellians. (GMR9)
Dread Buccaneer
this was the nickname of Hez Kragg, one of the Old Republic's most notorious pirates. (SWJ7)
Dread One
this was one of the terms used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe their Supreme Overlord, Shimrra. (DW)
Dread Overlord
this was one of the terms used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe their Supreme Overlord, Shimrra. (FP)
Dread Pirates
this Old Republic pirate gang was led by Mendel Cutter. (SWJ5)
Dread Weapon

this unusual creature was bred by the Yuuzhan Vong to survive in the vacuum of space. It as essentially
an organic chamber, with an esophageal organ running the entire length of its body. This organ could be
pumped full of air, allowing a horde of Yuuzhan Vong warriors to exist inside, until the Dread Weapon
latched onto a ship or space station with its wide mouth. After chewing its way through the hull of its
target, the Dread Weapon then opened its throat to discharge warriors into the vessel. A secondary
mission profile for this beast involved the extraction of beings from a ship or station. In this mode, the
Dread Weapon's esophagus was pumped out before it attached itself to a target. When the creature had
created a breach in the hull, it simply breathed in, pulling all the atmosphere of the target vessel - and
anything not securely strapped down - into its gullet with the force of a sudden decompression. Any
beings who survived this attack could live inside the Dread Weapon until they were taken into custody by
their Yuuzhan Vong captors. (NJOSB)
this ancient starship design was produced by Core Galaxy Systems as a military cruiser. The CGS
Deardnaught measured 900 meters in length, and was crewed by 45 officers and 20 gunners. Up to 50
troops and 3,000 metric tons of cargo could be transported aboard the ship, which was armed with a
heavy turbolaser, 4 tractor beam projectors, and eight laser cannons. (TOJC, EGV)
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
manufactured by Rendili StarDrive prior to the Clone Wars, these Old Republic ships required a huge
number of crewmembers (16,000+) to run. They were about 600 meters in length, with a roughly
cylindrical shape. The basic idea behind the dreadnaught is that it can deployed to maintain a planetary
occupation.Six weapons blisters were arranged around its midsection, and it had a clamshell-shaped
bow. They have been rated to speeds of .4 past lightspeed, with a top speed of 14 MGLT. The
Dreadnaught is armed with 10 turbolaser batteries, 20 quad laser cannons, 10 laser cannons, one
warhead launcher, 160 SBD shields, and a 80 RU hull. Note that The Essential Guide to Vehicles and
Vessels says the Dreadnaught had a slow, Class Two hyperdrive rating and weak shields, facts
supported by the West End Games sourcebooks but not by Dark Force Rising. (DFR, SWSB, ISB, TIE)
Dream Emporium
this was the name of the entertainment complex located in the primary starport of the planet Etti IV. It
catered to both the local Etti population and to the members of the Corporate Sector Authority. (SESB)
Dream Runner
this Corellian Engineering gunship was part of the Alliance fleet which patrolled Trax Sector shortly after
the Battle of Yavin. It was dispatched to assist in the destruction of the Bissillirus Resupply Base. (GMK)
Dream Snake
a dreambeast creature created by Halagad Ventor on Trinta. (DOE)
Dream Weed
a dangerous, carnivorous plant native to Togoria. (SL)
this unusual creature is created by users of the Dark Side of the Force, and its appearance generally
conforms to the most feared image in its opponent's mind. The range of appearances a dreambeast can
assume is virtually unlimited, and they can appear to take damage as a real creature. They also seem to
inflict real damage on an opponent. When the illusion is finally dispelled - essentially, when the
dreambeast is killed - the physical wounds it inflicted will disappear. However, mental trauma often
ensues, rendering the opponent unstable for the forseeable future. (DOE)
this term was developed in Elrood Sector, after the Empire assumed control of the region. It was used to
describe any member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. (PG3)
Dreaming River Clan
this group of Dathomiri witches was one of the first clans to rebel against the Imperial occupation of their

homeworld, during the early stages of the New Republic. Much of the clan was rounded up and
incarcerated by Imperial forces before they were contacted by the agents of the Jedi Knights who were
tracking Dal Konur. Together, they managed to free the Dreaming River clan and recapture Konur, along
with some unexpected help from Kir Kanos. (WOA30)
this Force projection placed an opponent in a world created in the mind of the wielder. The illusion is often
broken when the opponent tries to break through it, but until that time, it appears to be entirely real.
Drearian Defense Conglomerate
this manufacturer, based along the Inner Rim and the Expansion Region, produced a full line of sporting
blaster weapons. They also supplied blaster weapons to Arakyd Industries and Cybot Galactica, for use
in armed automata. They also were partnered with the Corporate Sector Authority, obtaining certain
royalties and payments in return for allowing the CSA to manufacture its own weapons. (RPG, EGW,
this Gorothite j'ber was known for its network of transportation and cargo services. (GSE)
Drebbick, Chorin
this Imperial Security agent worked in the Infitration section during the early years of the New Republic.
He pretended to be an aide to Lydenn Carridon, in order to intercept the droid R1-T4 when it was
transported to Janelle Serap on Seikosha. Always impeccably dressed and groomed, Drebbick was
known as a cold, calculating individual who would kill anyone or anything that got in his way. (POC)
this creature lives on the planet Dathomir. (CTD)
this was an alias used many times by Lando Calrissian, during the search for Boba Fett and Han Solo. It
was believed that the Drebble alias was based on one of Lando's old enemies, Barpotomous Drebble.
Drebble was a smuggler Captain was on Arcan IV during the theft of the religious icons the Dancing
Goddess and the Minstrel. He captained the Cobra with an unnamed Wookiee, who was actually
Chewbacca. Calrissian reasoned that he would have more success locating Han if the pair traveled in
disguise, rather than announcing themselves as members of the Alliance. Lando dredged up the Drebble
alias because it was the name of an old enemy. After trying to enlist the services of Lemo and Sanda,
Lando got drunk and let it slip that he wasn't really Drebble. (LTA4, NEGC, MC79)
this crime boss had a small operation which he ran from Keyorin. He once employed Bossk and IG-88 to
capture Lando Calrissian, but they were unable to secure him. (EGC)
Drebble, Barpotomous
this obese man was beaten by Lando Calrissian in a high-stakes sabacc match on Cloud CIty, shortly
before Lando won the outpost from Baron Raynor. In fact, the match was witnessed by the Baron's wife,
Ymile, who recommended that Calrissian play against Raynor. It was later revealed that Drebble had paid
one of Cloud City's sabacc dealers to place a skifter into the deck used when Baron Raynor challenged
Lando Calrissian to a sabacc match. Drebble claimed that he had used the skifter to ensure Lando was
finally beaten, but the scheme never panned out. In the wake of this defeat, Drebble proclaimed to
anyone who would listen that Lando had cheated him out of a fortune. Years later, Drebble encounted
Lando again, this time on Stenos, where he offered a ten thousand dollar credit to the being who captured
Lando first. The reward failed to inspire anyone to new heights of bravery, and Drebble earned a punch in
the mouth from a bounty hunter for whining about being cheated by Lando. Eventually, Drebble came to
realize that he was never going to capture Lando, since the conman always seemed to slip through his
grasp. Unknown to Drebble, Lando used his name during many risky missions, posing as Drebble to
infiltrate Imperial locations. The Alliance even proclaimed Drebble a hero, after his name was associated

with several key victories over Imperial forces. Drebble was nearly killed by Lemo and Sanda, but Lando
ensured that Drebble survived their attacks. It was for this reason that Lando gave Drebble the statue
known as the Dancing Goddess, as a reward for his "heroism". Because of this notoriety, Drebble
became the ruler of Stenos' capital city, during the months following the Battle of Endor. When Lando
returned to Stenos to try and recover the statue in order to return it to the Godoans, Drebble decided that
he couldn't keep it, knowing that the Godoans were dying, and turned the statue over to Lando. (T3,
MC71, MC99)
this large herbivore was native to the planet Kuat, and was maintained by the human population because
it created a natural form of compost, which was used in gardening. (EGP)
Dred Imperative
a starship which ran a regular shipping route to Demophon, before the planet was destroyed. (SN)
this Hutt sold weapons throughout the Outer Rim Territories during the last decades of the Old Republic.
He was known to travel quite often, carrying out his actual business in person. However, Dreddon
preferred to let others do the killing that was sometimes necessary to complete his business. Dreddon
once sold a huge lot of military surplus to the Toydarian junk dealer Watto, a lot which included the Tyrian
struts used by Anakin Skywalker on his podracer. With the death of Wallanooga, Dreddon managed to
acquire much of the other Hutt's gunrunning business. Later, Dreddon put out a bounty on the head of
Black Sun vigo Antonin, who also put a bounty on Dreddon's head. While Jango Fett successfully
eliminated Antonin, Zam Wesell killed Dreddon. (SWO, IG1, JF, WOTC)
this disreputable Corellian accountant often used first-generation A2 accounting droids in his business,
skimming credits from his customer's accounts and later blaming the droid's processing defect for any
detected errors. He always upgraded his droids after an error was actually caught, but he tried to keep at
least one first-generation A2 in service. (FTD)
Drednar, Drek
this dashing pirate and his band operate from an underground base on Taraloon. Distinguished by his
missing left eye - lost in a battle with a bounty hunter - Drek and his band were in the piracy business for
the money. Drek ordered his crews to avoid bloodshed at all costs, and most of his image was bluster
and pomp. Drek's personal ship, the Sable III, served as the primary ambush ship. (SWJ5)
meaning "shrill", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Dree Vandap
this female Rodian was the Jedi Padawan of Crian Maru, six months before the Battle of Ruusan. Dree
and Crian were dispatched to Harpori to locate Kaox Krul, but arrived too late to save the Duros colony
there. The Dark Jedi caught them in the Balowa System, disabling the Golden Song as well as his own
starfighter. Landing on the only inhabitable world in the system, the two Jedi readied themselves for
battle. Kaox Krul attacked them at every turn, until Crian Maru could confront him on her own terms. The
two Jedi together were initially a match for the Sith warrior, but when Crian was thrown from the battle
with a blast of Dark Side energy, Dree Vandap's limited training put her at a severe disadvantage. Kaox
Krul wasted no time in killing Dree, before Crian could return to the fight. (GMR5)
Dree, Duno
this man served with Qu Rahn as a pilot during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Despite his
young age and lack of combat experience, Duno gladly helped Rahn in his rescue missions to help
relocate refugees. He claimed to be twenty at the time, but was actually just seventeen, having lied on his
entrance exams to join the Alliance. During a mission to the planet Dorlo, the team was captured by the

Dark Jedi Jerec and his followers, and were executed to force Rahn to reveal what he know of the Valley
of the Jedi. Duno was spared briefly by Rahn's defense, but the Jedi could only handle one opponent at a
time. The immense beast known as Maw attacked Duno with glee, slicing the youth in half at the waist
and wallowing in his blood. (RAG)
Dree, Tantos
a bounty hunter who travelled with Roark Garnet. (RPG)
a space pirate working with Tirog. (RPG)
an alien working for Bogga the Hutt some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, Dreebo was an
extremely poor fighter pilot. For some reason, Bogga had employed him in the small protection fleet he
maintained. Dreebo was killed when Finhead Stonebone attacked Gruna's Wasp transport. Dreebo tried
to knock out Stonebone's ore suckers, but missed every shot and was eventually shot down himself.
this was a common name among the Dresselian people. (UANT)
a species of fish which makes a chirping sound, the dreeka are native to the planet Ithor. (TME)
this Chiss, who served Voss Parck and Stent during the ten years leading up to the Caamas Incident,
was the first to link Mara Jade to Thrawn. He reported back, and then tried to make contact with Mara.
She received the transmission, although she couldn't understand it all, but made the connection with
Thrawn's full name. This led her to Nirauan, where Parck could interview her face-to-face. (VOF)
this city was located on the western continent of the planet Bothawui. (SPG)
an uninhabited world in the Hapes cluster, visited by Isolder and his father when Isolder just a boy. (CPL)
this female Gran was still in training to become a Jedi Knight when she was dispatched to the planet
Stend IV to thwart the plans of the Army of Life, which hoped to import a cargo of clodhoppers and
restore the planet's natural environment. She led an assault on the Majestic Gundark as soon as it
landed, hoping to forestall the delivery of the clodhoppers. (WOA2)
this was a common name among the Filordi race. (UANT)
Dreezien, Yustavan
this man was one of Chandrila' smost successful crimelords, managing a thriving business moving illegal
spice shipments onto and off of the planet. For many years, this was accomplished with the help of Cilyn
Gara, who allowed Dreezien to transport spice aboard his otherwise legitimate transports. However, when
Gara decided to stop shipping the spice, Dreezien hired Kodi Vilthar to assassinate Gara. He then tried to
have Vilthar eliminated to cover up any loose ends, then convince Magda Gara to re-establish their trade
relationship. However, Magda hired a group of freelance mercenaries to discover her father's killer, and
Dreezien was eventually brought to justice. (CCW)
Dreffon IV
a planet. (GMH)

this was one of the repulsorlift-equipped, floating cities found on the planet Rordak. (PG1)
this Caarite served as a Corporal in the security forces of the Metatheran Cartel, during the last years of
the Old Republic. Corporal Dregz was the leader of the team which was dispatched to the planet Cularin,
during the Cartel's build-up there following the Battle of Naboo. (EOS)
Drei, Tho-Mes
this Jedi Master and instructor was known for his lectures on making and keeping promises. He was an
advocate of a Jedi Knight who made sure to honor any promise he made. If he was unable to come
through on the promise, Master Drei demanded that his students make amends to those he failed. Master
Drei's message was basically that a Jedi Knight should never make a promise they could not keep. In his
own words, "Deliver more than you promise. The best way to be always certain of this is to deliver much,
even when you promsie nothing." (PJSB)
Dreighton Nebula
a spectacular nebula in an unimportant sector of the galaxy, the Dreighton Nebula was avoided by many
space travelers. The nebula had been said to be haunted, and many ships that traveled through it
mysteriously disappeared. During the last years of the Old Repunblic, the Dreighton Nebula served as a
source of stygium crystals, used to create cloaking devices. Years later, Ru Murleen discovered an
Imperial weapons research station there, and found that the Empire was responsible for the numerous
missing starships. (RA2, HNN5)
Dreis, Garven
Dreis was an Alliance starpilot, serving at the Dantooine base before volunteering for service as the
leader of Red Squadron during the Battle of Yavin. He was the only pilot, besides Luke Skywalker, to
even attempt a shot at the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, although his shot deflected on the surface
instead of going down the shaft. He was later killed in the battle. Dreis was portrayed by Drewe Hemley in
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. (CCG, SW)
this former scientist was an explorer working under tenure with the Obroan Institute. He and Mokem had
stumbled onto the Shadow Traproom on Liok, but both were killed in the strange room before they could
perform more in-depth analysis. (TT)
this sea creature is a staple of Calamari cuisine. (GG11)
this was a common name used by the Klatooinan race. (UANT)
Dreleene, Aricos
this man served as the Imperial Moff of Toblain Sector during the height of the New Order. He once tried
to purchase a Surronian L19a freighter, but was surprised to find that his craft was actually a regularversion L19. Unable to obtain a true L19a, he decided to create a fake. He invested a huge sum of money
to have a series of outlaw techs upgrade the ship, which he had originally named the First Edition. He
was able show off his prize to other Imperial dignitaries, and no one could tell that the ship was a fake. In
the end, however, Dreleene was ambushed along the Warchigade Trde Route by pirates who believed he
was flying an L19a. The pirates maliciously recored Dreleene's whining attempts to claim the ship was a
fake, and then placed then on Cynabar's Infonet. The Empire disowned Dreleene, choosing let him
wallow in an Alliance prison. (SS)
this small-time criminal had an aversion to slavery. (GUN)
this race was known for the starships it built, which were often used by pirates. The ships were shaped

like a chisel and had a stubby aft section. (TPS)

Drell Kahmf
urban legend held that this Iridonia scientist was able to recover the brain and part of the spinal cord of
Darth Maul, after the Sith apprentice was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi in combat during the Battle of Naboo.
The brain was returned to Iridonia, where Kahmf kept it in a specialized bacta tank, hoping to provide
"Iridonia's greatest champion" with a chance for revenge against the Jedi Knights. Kahmf developed a
solid-state hologram that could be manipulated by the brain to produce a vision of the Sith apprentice.
This apparition was supposed to have driven several high-ranking Iridonian officials mad over the years.
When Luke Skywalker arrived on Iridonia to negotiate a treaty between the Zabrak and the New Republic,
he was able to discover Kahmf's laboratory and shut down the support system that kept Maul's brain
alive. Kahmf fled the scene when he learned that Luke was a Jedi Master. (T17)
Drellis Syndicate
this moderately large criminal organization was active during the early years of the New Republic. They
were believed to be responsible for breaking Brahle Logris out of prison on Tamazall, during Grand
Admiral Thrawn's reign of terror. (GG11)
this Imperial Army Colonel was placed in charge of keeping the peace on the planet Bakura, during the
Empire's initial takeover of the planet. (SWJ5)
this Imperial biker-scout was a native of the planet Coruscant. He grew up racing swoops through the
underworld of Imperial City, and was a natural fit as a scout trooper. His reckless method of handling a
speeder bike derived from his background as a swoop jockey, and he was still tempering his skills when
he was promoted to the rank of Corporal and assigned to the garrison on the forest moon of Endor,
during the construction of the second Death Star. (CCG10)
this planet was one of the galaxy's most wondrous tourist destinations. Its wondrous seas were
considered translucent, with light penetrating deep into the water and creating beautiful displays of color.
This gave rise to the name of the planet's most popular tourist attraction, the Sea of Translucency. (JQ8,
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'dren added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Dren clan. It was added to
the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this small droid manufacturer produced a number of labor droids, including a line of binary load lifters.
Dren-garen, Taym
a native of Tatooine, Taym supplied the Tusken Raiders with weapons, and helped instigate several
attacks on human settlements. This helped draw the attention of local authorities away from his employer,
Jabba the Hutt. (CCG7)
this man, who claimed to be a native of the Pembric System, served the Empire as a spy and saboteur.
During the early years of the New Republic, Drenn assumed the identity of the Wraith, and served Moff
Kentor Sarne as an assassin. Drenn also worked under the alias of Klendost Petrivoor while on the planet
Sebiris, researching new toxins but unaware that he was being trailed by Breslin Drake. He was inserted

into the Bombaasa Cartel and took on a job at the ThrusterBurn tapcafe, unaware that Drake - the
manager of the ThrusterBurn - was actively searching for him. Drenn joined the crew of the FarStar in an
effort to relocate Sarne, but his identity was revealed when the FarStar landed on Sebiris in search of
clues to Drenn's identity. Drake was later captured and imprisoned. (DARK)
this young Senali girl was the daughter of Garth and Ganeed. She became good friends with he adopted
brother, Prince Leed of Rutan, and she supported his plans to remain on Senali. When King Frane tried to
have Leed returned to Rutan, Drenna tried to hide Leed from the Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and ObiWan Kenobi, who had traveled to Senali with Taroon to speak with Leed. Eventually, Leed agreed to
meet with them, and Drenna found herself liking Taroon. Any friendship they might have had was nearly
destroyed when it was learned that Taroon had tried to have Leed kidnapped in order to secure his own
position on the throne, even after Leed had offered him the chance. In the end, however, the cooler
heads of the Jedi allowed King Frane to see Taroon's potential as a leader, and Leed was allowed to
return to Senali. Drenna then offered to remain on Rutan, so that Yaana could return to Senali and be
with her family. King Frane agreed. Drenna's strength and courage were not lost on King Frane, who
hinted to Taroon that she would make an excellent Queen. When King Frane decided to allow Taroon to
succeed him as King, the relationship between Taroon and Drenna was allowed to evolve. (SP)
this starport city was also the capital of the planet Glova, but only had a native population of about 20,000
during the early years of the New Republic. (POC)
Drepplin Street
this was the primary thoroughfare of the city of Drepplin, on the planet Glova. (POC)
this bounty hunter didn't like the Stokhli spray stick as a weapon, simply because it was very expensive to
acquire for most hunters. (GUN)
this small outpost was considered to be the capital of the planet Korriban, during the years leading up to
the Great Sith War. It was located atop a large plateau, a considerable distance fro, the Valley of the Dark
Lords. A small spaceport serviced the minimal traffic to the planet, most of which was transportation for
Czerka Corporation. During the era of the Great Sith War, Dreshdae was also the site of a Sith
monastery, where beings who had become devoted to the Dark Side of the Force gathered in the hope of
joining the Sith. Over the following millennia, the monastery was virtually forgotten, and Dreshdae
continued to provide a meager existence for its inhabitants. (KOTOR, JQ10)
Dreshig, Ballin
this weathered man was known as one of the most notorious computer slicers and fixers of the New
Republic. His "calling card" was an electronic tag with some form of wry humor imbedded into it. (GG11)
Dresk Kist
this Slith shaman was the first of her kind to make contact with the Alliance, when a team of Alliance
agents assisted Pippa Rosheen in fighting the disease which was inadvertently brought to Yavin 13 by
the Fernandin Scouting Expedition team looking for a new location for Wetyin's Colony. (GG2)
Dreskin Foundation
this zoological society was based on Coruscant during the height of the New Order. They once tried to
acquire a Burskan gundark for their collection of exotic animals, but their plans were thwarted by the
efforts of the Natural Planetary Protectorate. (WOTC)
Dress for Success
this clothing store was located on Bespin's Cloud City, during the height of the New Order. (GMR3)

this small, white-dwarf star is located in Trax Sector. The planets which orbit the star were deemed
uninhabitable by Imperial scouts, so the Alliance established a base on the moon Qetix IV. The base
served as a starfighter repair base, supporting the capital shipyards of the nearby Ventil System. (GMK)
this world is the primary planet in the Dressel System, and is the homeworld of the Dresselian race. It is a
world perfectly suited for human life, being a temperate world of vast plains. It was discovered by the
Bothan Askar clan, who recognized the emerging Dresselian race and left them alone. The Askars settled
in the Dresselian Asteroid Belt instead. (GG12)
this was the native language of the Dresselian people. For many millennia, it evolved in isolation on
Dressel, until a Bothan exploration ship found the planet. Since that time, many Bothan terms have found
their way into the Dresselese lexicon, and the symbol-based written form of Dresselese was dropped
altogether, in favor of the Bothan alphabet. (UANT)
an alien race native to the planet Dressel, the Dresselians are tall, thin humanoids with heavily-wrinkled
skin. They are often referred to as Prune Faces, a description of their long, wrinkled skulls. They are a
tenacious race, discovered some 200 years before the Galactic Civil War by the Bothans. The Bothans
recognized the potential of the Dresselians, and left them to evolve on their own. However, the Empire
took control of the Bothan mining interests in the system and subjugated the Dresselian race. Throughout
their enslavement, the Dresselians remained dedicated to their own independence, and followed the
Bothans in support of the Alliance. They have developed steam-level technology, but have willingly
accepted the blasters and repulsorlift technology offered by the Bothans. (GG12, CHRN)
Dresselian Asteroid Belt
this swath of rocky debris lies just inside the orbit of the planet Dressel, and was discovered by the
Bothan clan, Askar. They settled in the asteroid belt itself, allowing the Dresselians to continue their
evolution unobstructed. However, the Empire wanted the mineral wealth of the asteroids, and dishomed
the Bothans. The Imperials also set up mining headquarters on Dressel, subjugating the Dresselian
people in the process. (GG12)
Dresselian Beer
a foul-smelling, cheap beer. (IG1)
Dresselian Projectile Rifle
this primitive weapon was the favored rifle of the Dresselian race, which hand-crafted each weapon.
this small, avian creature was native to the upper levels of the rainforests of Veron. (PG1)
this name was given to female Zabrak, although its original meaning was lost over time. The Basic
translation of the name meant "raised fist". (GCG)
this winged beast was bred thousands of years before the Battle of Naboo, with the specific purpose of
killing Jedi Knights with its deadly poison. The poison was created in specialized glands, but broke down
quickly when removed from the drethi. When injected into a being with little or no connection to the Force,
the drethi venom was virtually powerless. However, anytime a being made contact with the Force, the
drethi venom burned unless treated by a Jedi healer. (GMR10)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "blessed". (GCG)

Dretti Grond
this being was a noted swoop racer, active during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
a city on the planet Zelos II, located on the western coast of Galleros. (PG2)
this was a pseudonym used by a smuggler who first discovered the murder of 300 colonists on Corva
Yag. Drev was based on the planet Elrood. (SWJ13)
a planet. (GG11)
this smuggler added information to Cynabar's Droid Datalog, documenting the misuse of TDL nanny
droids as assassin droid by corporate executives. (SWJ14)
Drever Corporation
this Parmic Sector weapons manufacturer specializes in small blasters, blaster cannons, and plasma
cutters. It was operated by Jensen Drever II during the height of the Galactic Civil War, although the roots
of the company could be traced back to the Clone Wars and earlier times. (GG9, LAWS)
this corporation produced a variety of anti-gravity pools for recreational and sporting activities. (GG2)
Drevin, Dorius
this bounty hunter posed as a Kooroo pilgrim in order to try and capture Loro Ecls, shortly after the Battle
of Yavin. Drevin was discovered to be a bounty hunter by one of the other pilgrims, Gudren Lagarian, and
was forced to kill the pilgrim to maintain his cover. However, the crew of the starship which brought Drevin
and the pilgrims to Gelgelar eventually captured him, before he could bring in Ecls for the bounty. (PSPG)
this smuggler believed that a clean, orderly ship would deflect suspicion if the ship were ever boarded by
Imperial Customs officers. He maintained a small fleet MN-2E droids to keep his ship tidy. (SWJ14)
this was the capital city of the planet Bothawui, which was located in the foothills of the Kurual'grast
Mountains. The Combined Clans Center Building is located here, as well as the planet's largest shield
generator. The Vengeance group, under the command of Klif anf Navett, managed to infiltrate the shield's
power supply and drop the shields, just before Moff Disra could implement his plans for the destruction of
Bothawui. The attack was thwarted when the Tyrranic was discovered to be cloaked behind a comet,
ready to pounce on the New Republic ships gathered there. (SOP, VOF)
Drev'starn Department of Criminal Discouragement
this was the name of the Bothan police force that patrolled the city of Drev'starn. The officers and
investigators wore distinctive green and yellow uniforms. (VOF)
Drevun Six
this famed brotherhood of warriors was known for its trademark, three-bladed Somreth weapon. (AIR)
Drewood Mite
this small insect was a parasite known to live within the fur of womp rats on Tatooine. (FH1)
this moon, the third of three which orbited the planet Almania, was colonized many generations before the
Battle of Yavin. (EGP)

this crimelord controlled the Gallapraxis System during the height of the New Order. Drex existed only as
a huge, disembodied brain, kept alive by advanced technology and able to communicate through a series
of holographic and audio transceivers. Drex hired Boba Fett to hunt down Feleen Bantillian and bring him
to the Gallapraxis System for punishment, claiming that Bantillian had killed his son. In reality, Drex was
Bantillian's father, and the pair had created the backstory to exact revenge on Fett for his earlier killing of
Gavron Sil. Unfortunately, their plans were smashed by Fett's innate abilities, and he managed to kill
Bantillian on Vornax. Fett returned to Drex to collect the bounty on Bantillian, bringing Bantillian's head as
proof of his demise. Drex was forced to pay Fett the bounty, in order to maintain his cover story. To
ensure that Drex never tried to doublecross him again, Fett placed an active thermal detonator in
Bantillian's mouth before leaving Drex's court. (T18)
this star was the central body in the Drexel System. (MC9)
Drexel II
this planet was the original homeworld of the Inleshat race of Iskalonians. Note that issue 12 of the
Marvel Comics' Star Wars series, the Drexel System had just one planet. Could Drexel II have been
destroyed? (EGA, MC12)
Drexel One
this water-covered planet, found in the Drexel System, was the homeworld of the sea-dragons. It was
originally settled by Quarg's father, after the Old Republic forced him to cease his pirate activities in the
Korteen Asteroid Belt. They lacked an abundant source of metals, but managed to use other natural
resources to survive. These first settlers split into two groups: the wreckers and the technicians. These
technicians later split from the wreckers, and eventually became the Dragon Lords of the oceans. Years
later, the Alliance scouted the system after the Battle of Yavin, hoping to find a planet suitable for a new
base of operations. Luke Skywalker took the initial mission to Drexel One, but his ship was disabled and
he was forced to crash into the oceans. The planet was orbited by three moons. (MC12, MC13)
Drexel, Dan
this alias was used by Kyle Katarn when he arrived at the planet Danuta, just prior to stealing the plans to
the first Death Star. As part of his cover story, Drexel was based on the planet Drog II. (SFE)
Drexol Ryyd
this was an Anx individual who was famous in the history of Gravlex Med. (UANT)
a great Hutt artist, and a contemporary of Jabba the Hutt. (CCG7)
this Imperial Intelligence Commander served under Admiral Pellaeon in the years after the death of
Thrawn. He investigated the dealings of Lord Graemon and Moff Disra, searching for any misdealings
that might shake up the remnants of the Empire. He found several instances of misappropriated funds in
the records on Muunilinst, all of which Disra flatly denied involvement with. It was Dreyf, under Pellaeon's
orders, who rifled Disra's desk and obtained datacards which helped implicate the Moff in several of his
misdealings. (SOP)
this name was common among the Feeorin race. (UANT)
a vocal Imperial Admiral who argued that the destruction of the first Death Star was the result of poor antistarfighter screening. He proposed the construction of the Lancer-class frigate as a solution. (ISB)
this Imperial Captain was in command of the Imperial outpost on Seoul 5, during the years leading up to
the Battle of Endor. It was unknown whether Drezzel escaped the destruction of the Seoulian control

center or not. (MC84)

Drezzim Zar
this was a noted individual from Anomid history. (UANT)
Drezzle Sauce
this rich sauce is often used as a salad dressing. (SESB)
Dria Shiko
this was the name of a noted Woostoid individual. (UANT)
Driblis Fruit
an edible fruit. (TLC)
Dricella, Brelln
this Professor of Astrography was the Chief Astrographer at the New Republic Astrographic Survey
Institute at the time of the Black Fleet Crisis and the Battle of N'zoth. Dricella was called upon the by
Republic to prepare a comprehensive datafile on the Duskhan League and the Koornacht Cluster, to help
understand the Yevethan threat. (CTD)
this fruit is preserved in ornate jars. (SH)
Driessel Flower
a flowering plant native to Drall. (AS)
Drif Lij
this Barabel was one of the pilots who flew as part of the Wild Knights. Drif Lij was working with Wonetun
to help capture a Yuuzhan Vong yammosk, some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. Drif Lij
piloted an older model T-65 X-Wing. In addition to being an accomplished pilot, Drif was also an excellent
student of the Force. During the early stages of the Battle of Coruscant, Drif Lij's fighter was hit by plasma
balls and exploded, killing the Barabel pilot instantly. (SBS)
Drifkin, Kinman
this was an alias used by Kinman Doriana, during his travels for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the
Clone Wars. Drifkin was a member of the Aargau Medical Observer Corps, a neutral group in the fighting
which was allowed to visit war-torn planets and report any atrocities which might have been committed.
Doriana used the Drifkin alias on Cartao, during his search for a clone trooper commander's mission card.
Drift, The
this is the name given to the dust cloud which separates most of the star systems in Elrood Sector from
the Kuras System. Because of its size, it makes travel to and from the Kuras System extremely difficult.
(PG, OE)
Drifter's District
this section of the city of Phemiss, located on the planet New Plympto, was located just east of the
Phemiss Low Port. It was here that the clanless Nosaurians lived, eking out an existence by panhandlings
at the spaceport. (CCW)
Marcha's Drall caretaker at Mastigophorous. (AS)
the currency used on the planet Dellalt when Han Solo lands on the planet, searching for the Queen of
Ranroon. (HSL)
Drilbian Wine

a tasty fermentation enjoyed by Siene Symm. (SWCP)

Drill the Woofer
this phrase originated in the lowly cantinas of the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order. A slang
phrase, it meant that a being was particularly bad at something, as in "You really drill the woofer!" (T11)
this deadly, boring insect was native to the planet Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
this Bith merchant was one of many major spice dealers who worked in the Vergesso Asteroid Field. He
was speciestic, considering humankind to be inferior to the more evolved races like the Bith. D'ring'my
worked from a base on The Life section of Vergesso Base during the height of the New Order. (SPG)
Drinking Cup
this natural, bowl-shaped pit was located on the planet Trogan, near the city of Kergara. It was noted
because its central shaft was open to the sea at its bottom, which allowed the in-rushing ocean water to
be forced into a swirling whirlpool during tidal shifts. This whirlpool rose up the shaft as the tide came in,
and receded as the ides rolled out. Because of this natural wonder, the Ortolan Whistler decided that it
would be an unusual place to build a tapcafe. The resulting establishment, known as Whistler's Whirlpool,
was briefly popular, but was eventually abandoned. (TLC, NJOSB)
this was the term used to describe the gradual erosion of duracrete, when placed in the presence of
dripping water. Over time, the trace quantities of chemicals in the water, dripping continually onto the
duracrete, ate away at the material and left it structurally unsound. (EL2)
Driscull, Tev
this Corellian commodities shipper was the original owned of the Lantillian Short Hauler known as the
Nova Whisper. He lost the ship when it was stolen by the criminal Dharus near Elshandruu Pica. (SS)
Driver Droid
an automaton programmed to operate ground vehicles. (LCM)
this species of grazing, herd animal was native to the planet Rordak, and was a staple in the diet of the
Viska. (PG1)
this Wroonian served as a starport security officer on the planet Bothawui during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. An associate of Garin and Sharalon, Drixar was als an informant for a major crime
syndicate, although neither of his friends knew which one. (SESB)
see Dark Eye (AEG)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
Callista's uncle, he hated to have a good time, and didn't want anyone else to have one, either. (COJ)
an Alderaanian family (TPS)
Dro, Aryn

see Thul, Aryn Dro (TPS)

this small, repugnant, insect-like creature was first used by the Grissmath Dynasty in an attempt to wipe
out the political prisoners on Nam Chorios. The drochs bite their victims and latch on, much like leeches.
Also like leeches, the drochs have the ability to drain the lifeforce from a creature. If removed quickly, the
droch will have only taken a small amount of force, and the victim feels slightly woozy. If allowed to
remain in contact woth the flesh, a droch will burrow into its victim and be assimilated. However, rather
than simply dissolving, the droch somehow entwines itself with its host, becoming an unseen but
demanding part of its victim. It can continue to drain lifeforce, while the host simply dies from the loss of
force. In this fashion, the droch is virtually undetectable, and the victim appears to have died for no
reason. The droch which continues to grow strong by taking life energy from various victims can grow to
large sizes, about a half-meter in height. These larger drochs have the ability to control smaller drochs,
and can also obtain life energy from its subservient drochs. For this reason, the natives of Nam Chorios
tried to keep the drochs from spreading beyond Nam Chorios, although a single outbreak did occur.
Drochs flourish is dark, shadowy areas, for natural and reflected sunlight tends to drain their power. A
swarm of drochs was known as the Death Seed plague, and although it was eventually controlled, it was
not known how it was finally defeated. (POT)
this was a common name among members of the Dug race. (UANT)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Droe indicated bread, as well as a home or hearth.
this female Cerean was one of Ki-Adi-Mundi's older sisters. (IG1)
this remote planet had a small but fervent cell of Alliance support. (SWJ3)
this was the Eickarie word for a tribe. (FB)
this large sauropod was native to the planet Aridus. These spotted reptiles were used as mounts and
beasts of burden, and could store large amounts of water in thei body tissues. (EGP)
Drofo III
this Toydarian owned and operated the Hotel Drofo, on Oseon 6845, and was known for his imagination
and business acumen. (GMR5)
this species of large, black beetle is native to the planet S'krrr. The drog travel in swarms, and will eat
anything in their path. They will even scavenge for food, and have few natural enemies. They were known
to the insectile S'krrr as one of the main pollinators of the multitude of plants found on their planet, and
are therefore carefully maintained by gardeners. Their only true enemy, besides the S'krrr, are the
shreevs, which consume about thirty drogs each per day. Thus, the S'krrr gardeners work to maintain a
balanced population of shreevs and drogs. Drogs reproduce prolifically, requiring that shreevs be kept
around in order to help control the drog population. Many xenobiologists have claimed the the S'krrr
themselves are descended from the drogs, although this has never been scientifically proven. What is
known is that a cult of S'krrr worshipped the drogs with god-like awe. (GOF8)

this slug-like creature and its friend, Bossil, were native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They tried to
convince Malani to steal the Sunstar, after learning that Malani was in love with Wicket. Malani was
blinded by her affection for Wicket, and nearly failed to see that the two slugs were simply trying to steal
the Sunstar for themselves. Bossil and Drog had planned to use the Sunstar to turn the Forest Moon into
a muddy swamp, but the young Ewoks quickly realized what was happening and thwarted their plans.
Drog II
this planet was located in the Corporate Sector. (SFE)
Droga, Jeng
this Dark Side adept was one of Emperor Palpatine's students, and was the pilot of the Emperor's
personal yacht, the Emperor's Shadow. Droga was known as a somber man whose loyalty to Palpatine
ran extremely deep. It was rumored that Droga and Palpatine shared a psychic bond, which was the
reason he was promoted to command the Emperor's Shadow. It was believed that Droga went insane
and vanished, along with the Emperor's Shadow, shortly after the Emperor's death at the Battle of Endor.
Further investigation revealed that Droga had fled Endor for the planet Kaal, where he went insane, killing
the bridge crew and crashing the ship into the ocean in an effort to join Palpatine in death. Droga did not
die, though, as Palaptine's Dark Side spirit found Droga's dying body when it fled the destruction of the
second Death Star. Sate Pestage later recovered Droga's body, and used Sith magic to extract
Palpatine's essence. Droga was allowed to live on, and later blamed himself for not protecting Palaptine
when the Emperor was finally dispatched on Byss. Droga returned to Kaal, hoping to find a way to
resurrect Palpatine yet again. He emerged during the Third Battle of Yavin, and went irrevocably insane
upon learning that four former Royal Imperial Guards had pretended to be the Emperor. (SWJ7, SWJ14,
Lando Calrissian got mixed up with this planet's queen and her rebellious sister, some time after the
Battle of Hoth. (MC83, LTA6)
this was the term used to describe any sort of repulsor-equipped workstations used by technicians and
repairmen to reach lofty emplacements. They are U-shaped enclosures which have plenty of room for
tools and parts storage. (GG11)
this was the Huttese word for "droid". (TF)
any of the various automatons in use for a number of tasks throughout the galaxy. The official definition
was provided by Cybot Galactica as "any mechanical and/or electronic construct designed and put into
service to assist organic life." Droids took a variety of forms, from walking humanoid protocol units to
hovering spherical interrogation units. It was generally held that droids "evolved" from the ancient robotic
technologies of the galaxy, as soon as the first forms of artificial intelligence were programmed. There
were 5 basic droid classifications:

First-Degree, programmed for physical, mathematical, and medical sciences (2-1B and IT-0

Second-Degree, programmed for engineering and technical sciences (Treadwell or R-series


Third-Degree, programmed for social, diplomatic, or tutoring interaction (3PO-series protocol


Fourth-Degree, programmed for security and military applications (Viper probe droid)

Fifth-Degree, programmed to handle menial and non-intelligent tasks such as salvage, mining,
sanitation (ASP-series droid)

Most droids designed to interact with sentient life at a higher level were given vocabulators which
produced speech in their owners' languages, and many were given sexes and personalities through their
programming. Many droids were happy serving their owners, but some were badly mistreated or abused,
and developed abherent personalities. These droids sometimes revolted against their owners, and
several infamous droid uprisings during the latter stages of the Old Republic led to a general anti-droid
sentiment among the organic inhabitants of the galaxy. During the Old Republic, an owner was
responsible for the actions of their droids, even if the droid acted of its own volition. The New Order later
established the "Droid Statutes," in an effort to further curb the criminal usage of droids. At the height of
the New Order, anti-droid sentiment seemed to be prominent throughout the galaxy. Many historians
believed that three factors caused this. First, the Clone Wars had shown how destructive and unfeeling
an army of droids could be. Second, droids were viewed by an oppressed galaxy as taking jobs that could
be done by an organic being. Third, many beings simply found the idea of non-organic sentience to be
offensive, a feeling that echoed the pro-human stance of the Empire. This hatred of droids was nothing
compared to the vehemence with which the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed droids, some twenty-five years
after the Battle of Endor, as the alien invaders simply hated and destroyed all forms of non-organic
technology. (SWN, SWJ14, FTD, SWI78)
Droid Abolitionist Movement
this fanatic group, led by the fiery Xalto Sneerzick, promoted the belief that all droids were sentient
creatures, and should be freed from subservience. The movement reached its height when Xalto and his
followers grew bold enough to attack Cosmohaul Shipping transports, but died when some of Xalto's
"emancipated" droids felt threatened by him. The droids killed Sneerzick's entire team. (SWJ9)
Droid Bomber
this modified version of the basic droid starfighter used by the Trade Federation was designed to carry
and deploy a payload of heavy bombs or other artillery weapons, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars. (TCG5)
Droid Caller
see Caller. (VD)
Droid Caller
this modified transport ship was the personal starship of Osaji Uhares. (WOA32)
Droid Control Ship
this was the name of a unique Trade Federation battleship which was heavily modified for use in
controlling the immense automated armies of the Federation. Based on the same Hoersch-Kessel Drive
cargo platform, the droid control ship resembled the ring-like battleships it supported. However, the
control ship was different in that powerful sensory rectennae and broadcast transmission towers studded
the rear of the ship, allowing the droid control ship to hover in high orbit - up to 16,500 kilometers away while maintaing transmission link-ups with ground-based forces. Once the other battleships had deployed
their droids, they often moved out of the system entirely until the invasion was over. This left the droid
control ship behind to handle the operations of the droid army. Armament and the on-board complement
of droid hardware was similar to that of the Federation's battleships. However, shielding was much great
on the control ship, providing an added measure of defense. Dspite the upgraded sheilding and plating,
droid control ships were easy targets for the opponents of the Federation, and the loss of a droid control
ship eliminated all the battle droids on the ground. This led to the development of a mobile control unit
which could be deployed on the ground and moved about to avoid capture. During the early stages of the
Clone Wars, these mobile units were held in reserve, until a droid control ship was damaged or
destroyed. Then, the mobile unti was activated, reanimating the droids and catching Republic forces by
surprise. (SW1, X1, SWI69)
Droid Disabler
this ionization gun was developed by Felebreck Electrical Defense Systems to stop a droid. Initially used

to halt runaway or out-of-control droids, many criminals used these devices to neutralize security droids.
Droid Electromagnetic Pulse Gun
see DEMP Gun (ISB)
Droid Harem
the Great Heap's Castle on Biitu, he kept captive droids there and pampered them before consuming
them. (TGH)
Droid Modification Team
this was the term used to describe a group of specially-trained technicians who rework, retool, and
reprogram droids for specific tasks. (GDV)
Droid Rot
this is the term used to describe the deterioration or corrosion of a droid's electrical wiring and circuitry.
Droid Starfighter
see Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid (SON)
Droid Statutes
these were the Imperial laws which were enacted within the Imperial Penal References to cover criminal
actions perpetrated by droids. The Droid Statutes mirrored the laws which pertained to organic life forms,
and provided suitable punishments for the offending droid and its owner. . (FTD)
Droid Tipping
a phrase originally developed by the Gungans, this activity essentially involved knocking over an inactive
droid. The phrase was created at the end of the Battle of Naboo, after Anakin Skywalker had destroyed
the Trade Federation's Droid Control Ship. Without a signal to give them directions, the battle droids on
the surface of Naboo suddenly were deactivated. Several Gungans, including Jar Jar Binks and Captain
Tarpals, realized that the droids were unable to fight back, and began knocking them over. Soon, all the
battle droids had been "tipped" and thrown into scrap piles. (IWE1)
Droid Uprising, The
this era of Bakuran history occurred shortly after the planet was first settled by the Bakur Corporation.
The H'Lokk Consortium had infected Bakur's droids with a virus that would instruct the droids to sabotage
the settlers' colonization efforts. The virus' programming was flawed, however, and removed the nonviolence failsafes of the droids. The droids began killing people, and with a week the Bakuran settlers had
destroyed all the droids. The settlers lost forty percent of their original number, but the droids were
disposed of, halting H'Lokk's plans. (TBSB)
Droid World
see Kligson's Moon (FTD, MC47)
this immense beast was native to the wilderness of the planet Belgaroth. The body of the droidbreaker,
which was originally called the swamphulk, stood about five meters in height, and resembled a heavilymuscled rhinocerous. The huge, triangular head of the droidbreaker was protected by a thick plate of
bony and armor-like scales. Its eyes were recessed into the skull for protection. The nose of a
droidbreaker was also plated with armor, and their long tongues were extremely tough and prehensile.
They earned their name from the fact that they consumed refined metals and plastics as easily as they
devoured organic matter, preferring the circuitry and wiring of droids. Droidbreakers were also attracted to
power sources, and could sense fluctuations in power at distances of up to 200 meters. Despite the high
metal content of the droidbreaker's diet, many races found that the flesh of the droidbreaker was quite
tasty, especially if ferrous-based foods were required. (CCW)

this is the Neimoidian name for the destroyer droids they used to intimidate their enemies. The word was
derived from two Colicoid words meaning "droid" and "drone." The Colicoids invented the term after the
Trade Federation ordered destroyer droids that were not independently controlled. Over time, the
Neimoidians adopted the term as a word for "reinforcements." (IG1, SWRPG, SON)
Droidfest Of Tatooine
an annual event in which the various Jawa clans combine to create a huge used-droid sale. (ZHR)
this was a term used by the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe the use of
an EMP grenade against living troops. Electromagnetic pulses wreaked havoc with the sensitive
electronic systems of a droid or other technology, but were generally harmless to living beings. However,
the Katarn armor used by the clone commandos was loaded with technology that was disabled by the
blast of an EMP weapon. Thus, any commando hit by an EMP weapon was considered to have been
"droided." (RCHC)
this was the name of the small service and retail chains owned by Rim Securities, and used to sell their
automata in the Quence, Parmel, and Portmoak Sectors of the galaxy during the New Order. (FTD)
this was the name used to describe the warbling speech of the R-series of astromechs produced by
Industrial Automaton. (EGD)
Drok It
an expletive used by Han Solo. (CSA)
Drokko Kira
known as Drokko the Elder, he is the father of Modon Kira and grandsire to Oron Kira. He is one of the
oldest members of the Beastmaster society on Onderon when Ulic Qel-Droma arrives on the planet. He
suffers from a wound he received when he battled against the Dark Side in Iziz and was cast out. The
wound has never healed, and Drokko would not talk until Ulic arrived, when Drokko pleaded with Ulic to
finally bring the Dark Side down. (TOJ)
this was one of the few Tchuukthai ever to be encountered off their native homeworld. (WOTC)
Drolan Plasteel
this ancient corporation produced a variety of products used by non-military personnel, including infrared
goggles and other forms of eye protection. Drolan also produced a series of lightweight weapons,
including a repeating crossbow. (TOJC, AEG)
Drolen Antig
this Nalroni was a smuggler who was known to betray his co-workers for the right price, especially if the
entire price went into his coffers. He worked the Sisar Run and the Sanrafsix Corridot during the height of
the New Order, and remained active into the early years of the New Republic. He was wanted by the New
Republic for the theft of four gyroscopic stablizers that were taken from the Slayn & Korpil design center
in the Roche Asteroid field. Drolen had employed a trio of Advozsec thieves to help with the job, and he
killed them as soon as it was completed. Drolen operated from his personal ship, the Trustworthy. He was
distinguished by the trousers he stole from a Corellian spacer, and maintained the broken gold stripe of a
second-class Bloodstripe. (SWJ10, SWJ11)
this was the capital city of the planet Vulta. (TOJC)

this Ryn befriended Han Solo on the Jubilee Wheel, albeit to Han's dismay. Han had been working with
Roa to seek out Reck Desh, and Droma and his companions were searching for passage to Rhinnal to
look for another group of Ryn, including Droma's sister. Instead, they were all caught up in the Yuuzhan
Vong attack on the station, and Roa was lost. Droma helped Han escape the station, and they parted
ways, only to be reunited aboard the Queen of Empire. Ever in the path of danger, Droma and Han were
suddenly in the midst of a Peace Brigade ambush of the ship, in an effort to recover the Yuuzhan Vong
priestess Elan. After Major Showolter was injured, Han and Droma agreed to transport Elan and Vergere
to Coruscant. Droma proved to be something of a nuisance, but Han found himself liking the unusual
humanoid. In many ways, Han felt that he was just allowing Droma to fill the void left by Chewbacca's
death, but Droma nonetheless proved to be an ally. Droma was also responsible for saving Han's life - not
once, but twice - during their flight from Ord Mantell and their transport of the Yuuzhan Vong priestess
Elan. It was Droma who recognized that Vergere was a species from the known galaxy, not a creature the
Yuuzhan Vong brought with them. His telling of Han's future with a deck of sabacc cards also helped
Droma realize that Elan was not a defector, but instead part of a plot to kill the Jedi Knights. After Han
decided to go back out to search for Roa, he agreed to help Droma continue the search for his sister.
After missing the group of Ryn on Ruan, Droma was arrested by Salliche Agricultural Corporation for
forging transport documents for refugees who had been working on the planet. In reality, the documents
had been forged by Droma's relative, Gaph. Han was forced to rescue him, with the help of the droid
Baffle, and then later freed several thousand droids who had been inhibited by Salliche Ag. After being
reunited with his family, Droma and the Ryn fled into space to hide. He ended up on Onadax, where he
again ran into the Solos. This time, the decided to level things with Han, admitting that he himself was the
actually the leader of the Ryn network. His involvement with Han had given him a kind of notoriety among
his people, and Droma eventually accepted his position of leadership. After the Battle of Esfandia, he
again took his leave of the Solos, departing on the Fortune Seeker before Han could question him. (HT,
Droma Sector
an area of the galaxy held by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance poisoned a shipment
of grain that was destined for troops there. (XW)
this Imperial drill sergeant was to the small outpost on the planet Rhamalai during the height of the New
Order. When the Empire officially subjugated the planet in order to take control of is agricultural output,
Droman found himself training the new conscripts taken from the civilian ranks of the planet. (SWJ13)
this New Republic Navy Captain was one of Lai Nootka's primary contacts. It was Dromath who first
discovered Corran Horn's ability to fly an X-Wing, after he helped liberate Nootka's freighter, the Star's
Delight, from Garqi. Dromath developed a lasting relationship with Dynba Tesc, but was killed several
years later during the New Republic's struggle to defeat Grand Admiral Thrawn. (TFE, DTR, SWJ7)
Dromath, Rade
a native of the planet Garqi, this man was the son of Dynba Tesc and Captain Dromath. He later greeted
Corran Horn, when the Jedi arrived on Garqi during the Yuuzhan Vong occupation of the planet. He had
been managing the meager resistance to the Vong presence, carrying on his mother's legacy of fighting
against those who would usurp power. With Corran's appearance on Garqi, along with that of Jacen Solo,
Rade hoped to garner Jedi sanctioning for the vicious work of his resistance team. Corran didn't give it to
him outright, but he allowed Rade to ensure the safety of the general populace from Yuuzhan Vong
attacks. After the discovery that the pollen of the bafforr tree was deadly to the Yuuzhan Vong's vonduun
crab armor, Corran had to return to Coruscant. Rade promised to continue working toward the liberation
of Garqi until the New Republic could lend military assistance. (DTR)
the Imperial Captain assigned to maintain security on the Hammertong project. (TME)
a group of Imperial modular conveyors operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this is a form of snuff used by those individuals who didn't prefer to smoke. (TA)
Drommel, Gaen
an Imperial Admiral in command of the Guardian, Drommel was a native of the planet Oplovis. Drommel
learned about command and control from Grand Moff Tarkin himself, and quickly rose through the ranks
of the Imperial Navy. He and his ship were on station at Coruscant during the Battle of Endor, and when
word of Emperor Palpatine's reached the capital world, Drommel took his fleet and fled to his home
system. He tried to establish his own empire following the death of Palpatine, waging a short but effective
campaign against New Republic safeworlds with the assistance of Captain Dor Reder. Drommel's forces
were defeated by the New Republic in the Battle of Tantive V, but Drommel escaped with the Guardian.
However, he was unprepared for the assault of Cryle Cavv and Sienn Sconn, who managed to defeat the
Imperials and take control of the Guardian. Drommel was shot and killed by Colonel Niovi during the
assault, after seeing that Drommel no longer had the interests of the Empire at the forefront of his
motivations. (WBC, SWJ15)
this ancient language was used by the Vultan people. It was believed to have been one of several
languages from which Basic was derived. (PJSB)
an Ripoblus Nebulon-B frigate destroyed by the Empire during the Sepan Civil War. (TIE)
Dromor Motors
this repulsorcraft manufacturer was based on the planet Lianna. They produced a line of escort speeders
used by the Imperial dignitaries on the planet. (ML)
Drompani System
Colonel Uday traced a piece of the recording of an alien ship - provided to the Empire by Carib Devist - to
a secondary recording made in this system. The recording had been cobbled together by Han Solo, in an
effort to discover the location of the planet Bastion. (VOF)
Dromund Kaas
this planet was a forgotten Sith world, although it was rumored that Emperor Palpatine used the planet as
a training ground for many of his Dark Jedi apprentices. Kyle Katarn discovered the planet's location while
investigating ancient inscriptions found on Altyr 5, and he nearly succombed to the Dark Side of the Force
there. However, Mara Jade managed to locate him and pull him back from the brink. (SWDB, SWI66,
Drone Barge
any automated cargo ship which has no organic crew, used to ferry cargo between a planet's surface and
an orbiting installation. (HSE)
this was the generic term used to describe several species of small, flying insects which made a droning
hum when they rubbed their wings together. (UF)
Drong II
this remote planet, the homeworld of the Drongian race, was the primary planet in the Drong System.
Drongan System
this was another name for the Drongar System. (MJH)
this planet was one of many worlds that was devastated by the fighting that took place during the Clone
Wars. A swamp-covered planet dominated by steamy jungles, Drongar was originally discovered by a

Nikto survey team some 200 years before the Battle of Geonosis. It was the innermost world in a fourplanet system, and was orbited by a pair ot tiny moons. Drongar was one of many worlds that seemingly
had nothing important to offer either the Old Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems,
although both sides fought valiantly to control the bota which grew on the planet. The surface of the
planet was continually whipped by monsoons and rainstorms, which dumped more water onto the planet's
surface and maintained a cycle of humidity and heat that refuled more storms. The average temperature
on Drongar was usually around the normal body temperature of a human, making it unconfortable at best.
Making matters worse, the atmosphere of the planet was usually laden with a variety of adaptogenic,
fungal spores, many of which caused spore sickness or other problems in humanoid races. The oxygen
levels in the atmosphere were also higher than normal, which may have contributed to the changes the
spores go through when airborne. Some of the spores were autoluminescent, and glowed at night, giving
Drongar a weird half-dark whenever the concentration of spores was great enough. The entire ecosystem
of the planet seemed to be one large organism, as scientist discovered that the many adaptogenic
mutations that occurred in some species seemed to be tied to other mutations that occurred planetwide.
(J4, MBS, MJH)
Drongar Prime
this was the primary star around which the planet Drongar orbited. It was a normal-sized star, but it
burned much hotter than other stars its size. (MBS)
this alien race was native to the planet Drong II. (TBSB)
Talon Karrde once asked Mara Jade to pick up a shipment from this planet, during her search for the
Cavrilhu Pirates that fled from Kauron. She was unable to make the pickup before she had to return to the
Wild Karrde. (SOP)
Droo, Tinnin
this Nam Chorios colonist set up a smelter's shop in Hweg Shul with Nap Socker. When Luke Skywalker
first attempted to use the Force on the planet, the backlash Force storm nearly destroyed the smelter's
shop. Tinnin Droo suffered burns over most all of his body. (POT)
this Yuuzhan Vong served as the Commander of the Battle Group of Yun-Q'aah, during the Battle of
Ebaq. Droog'an questioned whether or not the plans of Warmaster Tsavong Lah were leading the battle
group into a trap. (DW)
Drooim-Durtha Systems
this manufacturer created many tracking devices, for both terrestrial and interstellar use. (SWJ8)
Drooling Drebble
in the jargon known as deal-slang, this was the term for a bounty hunter. (SWJ4)
Drooling Drebble With Fangs
in the jargon known as deal-slang, this was the term for a particularly nasty bounty hunter. (SWJ4)
Droom's Gambit
a series of movements within a game of Firepath. (CSWDW)
this Imperial Admiral was outwardly loyal to Governor Torlock of Corulag, but he was secretly in love with
Torklock's daughter, Frija, who was plotting to eliminate the Governor and take control of his holdings.
Droon was also a historian, and was well-versed on the history of the Old Republic and the rise of the
Empire. He captured Jix when the mercenary was sent by Darth Vader to deliver a message, and
panicked when Jix brought up the subject of the Dark Lord. He tried to kill Jix and eliminate Torlock's
human replica droid by dropping them into a cave inhabited by a dragon snake, but Jix killed it and

returned to the surface. As Droon killed the real Frija in an attempt to implicate her as the leader of their
plot, Jix knocked him unconscious and brought him back to Coruscant to face Vader's wrath. Jix also
brought along some of Droon's weapons collection, which included several Jedi lightsabers. When Jix
explained Droon's plans to Vader and turned over the lightsabers, Vader executed Droon with the
weapon for his duplicity. (SST)
Droopy McCool
the pudgy, white alien playing the chidinkalu horn in the Max Rebo Band, Droopy was a member of the
Kitonak race. When Evar Orbus was the leader of the band, Orbus purchased Droopy on Ovrax IV. He
went simply by the Snit back then, but following Orbus' death, Droopy allowed Sy Snootles to choose a
new name for him. She came up with Droopy McCool, and he kept it. When the band was forced to
accompany Jabba to the Pit of Carkoon, they managed to escape from the sail barge before it could
explode. Following the death of Jabba the Hutt, Droopy fled the crimelord's palace to live in the deep
Tatooine desert, which reminded him very much of his home planet. He was never seen again, although
many farmers claim to hear the soulful wailing of his pipes in the night air. (ROTJ, TJP, SWDB)
Drooto Sploonore
this obese Rodian was known as an arrogant, self-important being who believed his home was an
impenetrable fortress. To prove this, he posted a bounty on himself as part of a bet with his business
associate, Bormm Biveedo. If Drooto could remain alive, hidden inside his home, for one standard year,
then Bormm would have to renew his contracts with Drooto for five more years. If Drooto was executed by
a bounty hunter, then Bormm would receive the rights to all of Drooto's business interests as well as the
estate. (GMR6)
Drop Canyon
this shallow, rocky canyon was located on the planet Ceriun. (T17)
Drop Point
this was the Alliance's term for any location which was maintained for the secret delivery of goods and
materiel. These locations could also be used by the Intelligence division as a field office. The basic role of
a drop point was to ensure that field agents were continually supplied, allowing them to remain in the field
for months at a time. (SWJ14)
Drop Shaft
this elevator tube uses a gravity field to raise and lower cargo or passengers. (CSA)
Drop Ship
any fast-moving transport ship used to ferry troops and cargo to a planet's surface from a larger capital
ship. (DFR)
Drop, Ivr
this Corellian man served as the leader of the AGR agro-combine, during Soontir Fel's teenage years. He
was forced to send Soontir to the Imperial Academy on Carida, after Fel stopped Ilir Post from assaulting
Pamr during the Harvest Festival. (MBF)
this Imperial stormtrooper served as part of the Aurek-Three unit of the Imperial 501st Legion during the
years following the formation of the Imperial Remnant and the signing of a peace treaty between the
Empire and the New Republic. (FB)
this was the largest of the inhabited continents found on the planet Garnib. (PG1)
this is a form of drop ship, which is essentially an enclosed platform. The base of the platform is heatshielded to protect it during its descent through the atmosphere, and a set of braking engines keeps it
from crashing into the surface. These drop ships were used primarily by the Empire. (TA)

these specialized optical devices allowed members of certain races to exist on brightly-lit worlds, without
damaging their eyes. Droptacs reduced the amount of light-based energy that reached the eyes, filtering
out harmful rays and glare so that beings from low-light worlds - such as Sullust - could live and work on
other planets. (MBS)
Drosh Khalii
this Yuuzhan Vong leader rose to power after the Battle of Coruscant, as the alien invaders reformed the
former capital world into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar. Khalii gained power and wealth from the war effort,
and sequestered himself within a fortress he maintained in the Gileng Sector of the planet. Nom Anor and
the priestess Ngaaluh planned to discredit Khalii in the eyes of Supreme Overlord Shimrra by implicating
him as one of the followers of The Message, thereby eliminating a rival and weakening Shimrra's base of
power. Although the case against Khalii was solid, Shimrra realized that it was too perfect. He then began
his own investigation, and discovered that Ngaaluh was the traitor in his midst. (FH3)
this Trandoshan worked as a smuggler during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. About five years
before the Battle of Geonosis, Drossh teamed up with the Rodian smuggler Rezzo, and the pair made
their way rimward before ending up in the Cularin System as the Clone Wars broke out. Drossh was the
more aggressive of the pair, a trait that often translated into impulsiveness. When Drossh discovered that
one shipment contained several huge weapons, Rezzo was unable to curb his partner's enthusiasm. The
Trandoshan started activating one of the guns, and Rezzo tried to stop him. This caused the weapon's
power systems to overload, resulting in a huge explosion that only multiplied when it set off the rest of the
weapons. Both Rezzo and Drossh were killed in the explosion, and their ship - the Vor'Teth - was badly
damaged and later sold as salvage. (LFCW)
this male Trandoshan was one of the many thugs who worked for Gardulla the Hutt during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was issued for his capture by two parties, each with different
desires. The Senate Investigation Committee wanted Drossk captured alive, in connection with several
questionable entries in the accounting records of the Hutts. Jabba the Hutt wanted him dead, after Drossk
weaseled a large sum of credits away from the crimelord. Jango Fett later claimed the bounty on Drossk,
during a mission to meet with Gardulla to discuss the Bando Gora cult. (BH)
this man rose through the ranks of the Empire's military forces on a normal course. He had achieved the
rank of High Colonel just prior to the Battle of Picutorion, where he was placed in charge of the Imperial
troops. There, he was forced to allow two of his men - Ganig and Stecker, who were suspected Rebel
sympathizers - to die in battle rather than survive and defect. After the Battle of Endor, Drost found
service under Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was promoted to General, and was placed in control of the
Bilbringi shipyards. Unfortuntely, he was on duty when Mazzic and Ellor infiltrated the shipyards and
destroyed a half-finished Star Destroyer before escaping. Thrawn was understandably angry, but gave
Drost another chance to prove his loyalty to the Empire. (ISB, TLC)
this Ithorian, along with his partner Guerglenar, were Crying Dawn Singer's backup singers. When the
Shashay was kidnapped on the planet Najarka, Drov and Guerglenar were both killed and taken to the
Imperial Biological Research Center there, where they were prepared as trophies. (TA)
one of two races native to the planet Nim Drovis, the Drovians breathe through a mucous membrane in
their necks. There limbs are a combination of articulated pincers and tentacles, which stem from a
bottom-heavy torso. They had developed into a loosely-connected group of tribes when they were first
contacted by the Old Republic. Since that time, they have evolved into a semi-sophisticated race which
had acquired the habit of sucking raw zwil through their membranes. The Drovians have been at war with
the Gopso'o for as long as anyone can remember. It is rumored that the civil strife began over whether
the root word for "truth" was singular or plural. (POT)

this is the native language of the Gopso'o. It is also spoken by the Drovians, but they have adopted Basic
as their primary language. (POT)
Drovian Zwil
this potent, highly-addictive form of the cake-flavoring known as zwil, was created by the Drovian race.
The Drovians were one of the few races which experienced addictive reactions to the "harmless" zwil
produced on Algara II, and developed this form to enhance their narcotic experiences. (CCW)
see Drovian (BF5)
this was the sole name of a noted Bothan individual, distinguished in the history of the planet Bothawui.
Drowned Chase
this fetid marsh was located just inland from the city of Phemiss, on the planet New Plympto. (CCW)
Droxian Manufacturing
a branch of the Droxian Traders League, this manufacturing corporation specialized in the design and
construction of specialty droids, such as gambling automata. (GG11)
Droxian Traders League
this Mid Rim criminal organization established a foothold on the planet Bridin Anchorage, shortly after the
death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It became part of an overall alliance known as the Mandroxan cartel,
along with the Manliss Enterprise and the Anavill Smuggler's Guild. (GG11)
this teenager was a native of Draenell's Point during the Galactic Civil War. Much to the chagrin of her
parents, Droxie joined the Vibroblades shortly after the Battle of Yavin. She had been the steady girlfriend
of Benthar, leader of the rival gang known as Benthar's Boys, and was his second-in-command until the
Empire garrisoned their planet. For her own reasons, she left the Boys and allied herself with Herafin and
the Vibroblades. After a group of Alliance agents helped rescue Benthar, Droxie developed a crush on
their leader, letting them all know that she was simply drawn to leaders. (GMK)
this ringed moon was located in the Cignet System, near Hutt Space in the Outer Rim Territories. The
Anjiliac clan of Hutts maintained a space station in geosynchronous orbit over the dark side of Droxu
during more than four centuries leading up to the Galactic Civil War. (TF)
this is a Corellian swear word. (VOF)
this was a model of personal rocket pack produced by Grehnohr during the height of the New Order.
(GG10, GFT)
this mythical creature is often depicted in sculpture. (TPS)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "safety",
"sky", or "treetop". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a
complete Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
Drrn Roqar
this was a noted figure in the history of the Nazzar people. (UANT)

Dru, Dall Thara

this woman, a native of the planet Raxxa, was a member of the New Republic Senate. She was also the
Chairperson of the Senate Commerce Council. She was one of Leia Organa-Solo's supporters during the
Black Fleet Crisis, although she mistakenly believed Leia would prevail because Luke Skywalker would
bring the Jedi Knights into the fight. (TT)
this Mid-Rim planet, the primary world in the Druckenwell System of the Doldur Sector, is a mining world
on which the ruling elite is out-numbered substantially by the general working populace. The social and
economic divisions between the two groups is astonishing, and was made even greater during the
Imperial occupation. Most of its cities are overcrowded, and the few wetlands that separate them are
subject to pollution. The average day on Druckenwell lasted 32 standard hours. The average year lasted
309 local days. Located along the Corellian Run, Druckenwell was forced to bring its small naval force to
full alert, after the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Kalarba and Hosk Station. However, the small force was no
match for the alien invaders, who overran the planet before taking Falleen. The corporate leaders of
Druckenwell quickly capitulated to the Yuuzhan Vong, vowing to dismantle their cities and provide arable
land for growing food and other resources. (SWJ4, BP, NJOSB)
this being was the owner and chef at the End of the World tavern on Koda Space Station. (GOF7)
one of Bespin's twin moons. Along with H'gaard, they are often referred to as The Twins by natives of
Bespin. Drudonna is a lifeless ball of ice measuring only 2.5 kilometers in diameter. (GG2, ZHR)
Druess Sector
this sector of the galaxy is located in the Mid Rim Territories. (CRO)
this lean man was distinguished by his lazy eye, but that was the only thing that was lazy about him.
Drufeys was an excellent security agent and technician who was employed by the Binring Biomedical
company owned by Warlord Zsinj. When Zsinj laid a trail of evidence meant to lead the New Republic's
Wraith Squadron on a mission to infiltrate the facility, Drufeys was placed on alert with Doctor Edda Gast.
It was Drufeys who first discovered their presence on the roof of the building. (SOC)
this was a common name among the Talz race. (UANT)
Drugah, Dann
this man was a technician in a repair shop on Kal'Shebbol when the New Republic ousted Imperial Moff
Kentor Sarne from power. An unassuming man, Dann volunteered to serve aboard the FarStar as part of
the team which maintained the droid pool. (DARK)
this form of currency was used on Tatooine, in the last years of the Old Republic. It was a small
denomination. (TPM)
this huge water creature is fairly agile for its size, but is nonetheless unable to turn quickly. They are a
deep red in color, and are found on several planets, including Ruusan. (DF2)
this alien swear word was used to slangly describe excrement. (T16)
Drumheller Harp
this percussion instrument combined a number of different types of cymbals and gongs, which could be
played alone or as accompaniment to a larger band. Most often, the drumheller harp was formed ffrom a

screamer gong, O'Tawa cymbals, and a Tryna chime. A set of Centressar strings allowed the lower
cymbals and gongs to be "plucked" rather than struck, producing a more soothing sound. (VD)
this Imperial Major served as the warden of the Alpha TR-8 prison facility on Rordak during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. He had earned the position after serving at the prison facility on Chromovon for
several years. (PG1)
Drunken Bantha
this bar was located on Ord Mantell. (SWG5)
Drunken Drummer
a bar and restaurant located on Nar Shaddaa. (THG)
Drunken Thranta, The
this was one of the many taverns and restaurants located in the Spacer Quarter of Aldera, on the planet
Alderaan. (CCW)
Drup Asteroid Field
located outside the orbits of the three planets in the Drup's Star System, this asteroid field is the home of
Woern's Asteroid. (WBC)
Drup I
this searing ball of rock is the first planet in the Drup's Star System. (WBC)
Drup II
this gas giant is the second planet in the Drup's Star System. It has 5 natural moons. (WBC)
Drup III
this volcabic world is the third planet in the Drup's Star System. It has two natural moons. (WBC)
Drup's Companion
this is the smaller of the two stars which are at the center of the Drup's Star System. (WBC)
Drup's Star
this star is the primary of the two stars that are found in the Drup's Star System. It is larger than its twin,
Drup's Companion. (WBC)
Drurish System
this largely uninhabited star system, located near Kuat, served as a staging area for passenger starships
outbound from the Kuat Passenger Port. (PSPG)
this Drall female was the owner of the Luminous Gardens, during the early years of the New Republic.
Drutash Grub
this small creature was consumed as a Sullustan delicacy, often served with omaton sauce. (XW, EGP)
this alien pirate was part of the team which was led by Larken and Sahr, during the height of the New
Order. Druug was the pilot of the Profit supporting Larken and the Pillage. The team once tried to attack
the lowly freighter known as Kizbon's Box. They were unaware that it was actually an Interceptor-class
Helix freighter, more than well-enough armed to handle the pirates. Druug and the Profit were quickly
destroyed by the Kizbon's Box. (SWJ5)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and meant "deep voice" - or, more literally, "ground

thunder", in reference to tremors and quakes experienced on Sullust. (GCG)

Dr'uun Unnh
this Sullustan pilot was a member of the Alliance. When he was not in a starfighter, Dr'uun Unnh was a
thorough and meticulous naturalist. He created a number of in-depth studies of planetary ecologies, and
was delighted when the Alliance shifted its base of the fourth moon of Yavin. He spent a great deal of his
ground time exploring the jungles. However, this proved to be his downfall, for he was out in the jungles
when the Alliance began its assault on the first Death Star. He never made it into the battle, but was killed
when Qorl's TIE Fighter crashed on the moon. The crippled fighter slammed into the camp he was
occupying. He was buried on Yavin 4. Dr'uun's body was discovered by the Empire, and a sample taken
to Dantooine, where it was cloned in an experimental rapid-cloning process. (ISU, GOF11)
native to the planet Socorro, this large herbivore was raised for its meat and hide. They lived near the
water, which provided bouyancy to their heavy bodies. In case of attack, herds of druyza would plunge
into the water and submerge themsevles to hide. Docile and furless, the druyza were distinguished by the
two curved tusks which jutted down from the upper jaws. Many Socorro nomads domesticated the druyza
and used them as beasts of burden or transportation. (BSS)
this lift-mine was created by Norsam for the Empire. It had a range of operation from 10 meters to 40
meters, and measured a meter in diameter. The DR-X55 can move quite fast, and can bring itself within
detonation range in a matter of seconds. (CFG)
this Ishi Tib owned and operated Docking Bay 87 at the Mos Eisley Spaceport. Known to his associates
as "Drue," he is an easy-going businessperson who is uncompromising and never forgets a debt. (GG7)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "elder" or
"wizened", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name. (GMR10,
Dry Gene Wheat
this crop, grown on the planet Skann, is one of the key ingredients in Skannbult Likker. (GG9)
Dry Goods Emporium
located in the riverfront district of the city of Hedrett, on Cularin, during the last years of the Old Republic,
this exquisitely-detailed building was the largest distributor of dried foodstuffs on the planet. It was owned
by Cal Majjer during the last years of the Old Republic. The metalwork on the exterior of the building was
done in deep, rustic colors, giving the building the appearance that it had been built out of wood. (EOS)
this Wookiee, one of Chewbacca's many cousins, was an accomplished pilot. In the early days of the
Imperial occupation of Kashyyyk, Dryanta served under Katarra in the Wookiee resistance. When Chewie
returned to Kashyyyk to attend to Lumpawarump's Test of Ascenion, he left the Millennium Falcon in the
hands of Dryanta and Jowdrrl. The two Wookiees worked on implementing several improvements to the
aging ship, including a 360-degree viewscreen and upgraded weapons systems. (TT, RD)
this Dim-U High Priest commanded the monastery on Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. He tried to
appear superior to the regular priests by bathing more often, and wearing nicer clothes. (TM)
Dry-scale Hives
this was a skin affliction which affected the Rodian race. (UYV)
Drysso, Joak

this staunch Imperial supporter served as the Captain of the Virulence in the years leading up to the
Battle of Endor. When the Executor was destroyed at Endor, Drysso took the Virulence and ran, hoping to
make it to Imperial space before the Alliance's forces could catch him. He then served Ysanne Isard, and
was eventually promoted to the command of the Lusankya, making way for his executive officer, Lakwii
Vaarscha, to take command of the Virulence. When Isard ordered the destruction of the Rogue Squadron
space station at Yag'Dhul, she sent both Varrscha and Drysso to do the job. However, Drysso was
maneuvered by Booster Terrik into a position that locked the Lusankya in the space station's tractor
beams, and Terrik brought all weapons to bear on the Super-class Star Destroyer. The Virulence
interposed itself between the Lusankya and the space station, allowing Drysso the opportunity to escape.
He took the chance offered to him, believing that Varrscha and the Virulence were destroyed. In fact, the
ship was captured by Terrik. Drysso returned to Thyferra, and was defending the world when the Rogues
initiated their attack. As the Battle of Thyferra began, the Lusankya took heavy fire from the
recommissioned Star Destroyer Freedom, but managed to disable the smaller ship. Drysso then
pummeled the Rogues' flee of freighters and smaller ships until the Virulence reappeared. Drysso
believed that the tide had finally turned his way. However, the Virulence was under the command of
Booster Terrik, and its starfighter bays were full of A-Wings under the command of Pash Cracken. Once
again, the Lusankya took heavy fire until it was left adrift. Drysso threatened to ram the ship into the
planet below, but he was shot by Lieutenant Waroen before he could execute this plan. Ysanne Isard
later revealed that she had ordered Drysso to flee Thyferra, knowing that he would never leave his post.
She sent Drysso to his death so that she would eventually have a chance to recover the Lusankya, once
the New Republic had refitted her. (BW, IR)
the Alliance CR90 corvette group that escorted Alliance diplomats to a rendezvous with the Sullustans
just prior to the Battle of Yavin. (XW)
this Imperial starfighter pilot was assigned as Soontir Fel's wingman during the Battle of Endor. Piloting
Saber 3, this pilot was known as "Fel's Wrath," and trained under Fel at the Prefsbelt Imperial Academy.
this Imperial starfighter pilot served as Major Phennir's wingman during the Battle of Endor. He was
recruited into the 181st fighter wing after scoring twelve kills during the subjugation of the planet
Calamari. (CCG11)
this was the callsign of one of the TIE Fighters which defended the first Death Star during the Battle of
Yavin. (TCG3)
this was the designation of one of the many Imperial TIE Fighters used during the Battle of Yavin. (TCG4)
this Alliance deep-space outpost was Admiral Harkov's primary rendezvous point when he defected to the
Alliance. Unfortunately, he was intercepted there by Darth Vader and executed. (TIE)
this was the designation of one of the many Imperial TIE Fighters used during the Battle of Yavin. (TCG4)
this was the callsign of one of the TIE Fighters which defended the first Death Star during the Battle of
Yavin. (TCG3)
the TIE Fighter pilot assigned to fly Black 2 as Darth Vader's wingman during the Battle of Yavin. He had
the nickname "Mauler Mithel." His TIE Fighter was 27 flames painted on its hull, one for every kill of an

Alliance starship. He also had a holo of his son, Rejii, mounted on the control yoke. (CCG)
the TIE Fighter pilot assigned to fly Black 3 as Darth Vader's wingman during the Battle of Yavin. He had
the nickname "Backstabber." He had a Corellian slice-hound painted on his TIE Fighter. (CCG)
this Imperial TIE Fighter pilot was known as the "Dark Curse," and was assigned to the first Death Star.
He was one of the pilots who served in the offensives against Ralltiir and Calamari, and served as an
alternate to Darth Vader's two primary wingmen. DS-61-4 flew TIE Fighter Black 4 during the Battle of
Yavin, and managed to score a hit on Luke Skywalker's X-Wing. (CCG2)
this was the callsign of one of the TIE Fighters which defended the first Death Star during the Battle of
Yavin. (TCG3)
this was the callsign of one of the TIE Fighters which defended the first Death Star during the Battle of
Yavin. (TCG3)
this was the designation of one of the many Imperial TIE Fighters used during the Battle of Yavin. (TCG4)
this was the designation of one of the Dreadnaughts that was part of the Outbound Flight starship. D-Six
was one of the five Dreadnaughts which was buried when the ship crashed into a large planetoid in the
Redoubt, after it was attacked by a group of Chiss led by Thrawn. It was in D-Six that the Outbound Flight
Colony established the Quarantine for potential Force-sensitive individuals. If a strong connection to the
Force was discovered, an individual was exiled to D-Three. (SQ)
this planet is the first planet in the Coyn System. It is a hot, rocky, volcanic wasteland. The name "D'Skar"
means "dagger" in the Coynese language. (PG3)
this was the name of the traditional Coynite dagger used in combat. (OE)
this personal rocket pack was developed by Zandraman during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
this was a small, planetary shield generator produced by Kuat Drive Yards during the early years of the
New Order. (EGW)
this was the identification number of the Desert Sands Stormtrooper who failed to recover R2-D2 and C3PO from the Lars homestead on Tatooine. (MTS)
this was a unit of measurement which described the amount of data a portable device could hold.
Indicating a data screen unit, each DSU contained enough information to fill the screen of a standard
datapad. (EGW)
this was the model of blaster used by the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo. Poroduced by BlasTech, the DT12 heavy blaster pistol sacrificed weight and accuracy for sheer power. Its large grip was suited for nonhuman hands, making it popular among Rodians and other races. (JKG, AEG)

this was the model number of Greff-Timms Industrial's SnapShoot quick-draw pulse-wave blaster. It was
a favored "last resort" used by law officers during the Old Republic, as its design and rapid firing
capabilities, which gave them an edge in a duel. (TOJC, GUN)
d'Tana, Keil
one of the early aliases used by Han Solo, during his tenure with Garris Shrike. He later tried to use the
alias in order to sell the Talisman to Truthful Toryn, but the Duros was already aware of the fact that the
ship was stolen. He saw through the alias, but offered to take the ship off Han's hands for scrap prices.
Han was forced to accept the offer. (TPS)
see Detonite Tape. (ROE)
this Rodian corporation produced a variety of specialized droids for use by Rodian bounty hunters. (SPG)
this was the designation of one of the Dreadnaughts that was part of the Outbound Flight starship. DThree was one of the five Dreadnaughts which was buried when the ship crashed into a large planetoid in
the Redoubt, after it was attacked by a group of Chiss led by Thrawn. During the crash, the turbolift
pylons connecting D-Three to the rest of the ship were damaged, virtually cutting it off from the other five
Dreadnaughts. Because of this, it was in D-Three that the Outbound Flight Colony established an isolated
prison for beings suspected to have some connection to the Force. If these individuals actually exhibited
some control of the Force, they were first sent to the Quarantine on D-Six. There, potential Forcesensitives were tested. Any member of the colony who exhibited a strong connection to the Force was
then incarcerated in D-Three to keep them from acting against the rest of the colony. It was believed that
only two individuals had ever been sent to D-Three, although many wanted Evlyn Tabory to be sent there,
after she was discovered to have the ability to use the Force. (SQ)
this Gorothite j'ber, based in the o'beki of Graith, was generally considered as the primary political force
on Goroth Prime, during the height of the New Order. (GSE)
D'Trel B'Far Talis
this Gorothite was a member of the D'Trel clan. (GSE)
D'Trel B'Krel D'Naz
this Gorothite spoke out against the environmentally-sealed cities established on Goroth Prime by the
Empire, during the height of the New Order. (GSE)
D'Trel B'Rar Jok
this Gorothite served as the Rel'Kan of her people during the height of the Galactic Civil War. She was
little more than a figurehead, but was dedicated to use whatever power she commanded to help the
Gorothites. Privately, she supported the Gor'Jen'Ar, but feared being discovered as a rebel. (GSE)
this was the designation of one of the Dreadnaughts that was part of the Outbound Flight starship. D-Two
was one of the five Dreadnaughts which was buried when the ship crashed into a large planetoid in the
Redoubt, after it was attacked by a group of Chiss led by Thrawn. (SQ)
this was the designation of an Imperial orbital detection satellite used to protect secret planetary
installations. (SWJ11)
D-type Fighter
this is the basic Yevethan starfighter design. The D-type was named for its delta-wing formation. They

were 12 meters in length, and were flown by a single pilot. Each was armed with three laser cannons,
mounted on each wing and the tail. Like TIE Fighters, these ships were not hyperspace-capable, but they
did have shields. (SOL, CTD)
this Huttese pronoun translated into Basic as "you." (E1A14)
Du Hatta
this was one of the many worlds colonized by the Hutts. (SWI67)
meaning "sharp-tongued", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These
names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to
three names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Dual 20PCX
this is a two-chambered fuel injector used on pod racers and other high-speed ground craft. (RAC)
Dual 32PCX
this is a two-chambered fuel injector used on pod racers and other high-speed ground craft. (RAC)
Duality, The
this was a popular Tarrack cult founded on the principles of joy and service. (TT)
Dual-Phase Lightsaber
this was the term used by the Jedi Knights to describe any lightsaber which was constructed to operate at
two different blade lengths. These weapons were rare, because very few of the crystals used in lightsaber
combat could handle the additional power required to extend a blade's length. (PJSB)
this was a common name given members of Trianii society. (WOTC, UANT)
this rock-eating beast was native to the planet Cularin. Measuring up to three meters in length, it was
named for the fact that it had two heads at the end of its neck, which it used to dig wide tunnels through
the rocks which gave it sustainence. These creatures migrated to Cloud Mountain after the volcano
erupted, where they found vast quantities of molten ores being brought to the surface. The dua-wurm fed
by biting into the rock and leaving behind a saliva which was filled with acid. This broke down the rock
and made digestion easier. When miners discovered Cularin's rich natural resources, the duam-wurm
was considered a dangerous nuisance, since it ate the very ores that were being mined, and viciously
defended its territory. (WOTC)
this was the Huttese word for the number three (3). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system, since
their hands had just four fingers each. (GMR5, TF)
this Fyodoi is Kalor's son. (PG2)
a native insult used on Antipose XII, it is also a secret code word used by Lando Calrissian to gain
entrance to Bohhuah Mutdah's spaceport on Oseon 5792. (LCF)
this swampy, semi-tropcial world was the homeworld of the Dubravan race. Jal Te Gniev was sent to this
backwater planet as an Alliance recruiter after he stole an X-Wing and crashed it, in an attempt to prove
he was as good a pilot as Luke Skywalker. (VQ)

this humanoid race is native to the planet Dubrava. They have bright green skin and glowing eyes. There
is no nose on their face, and their heads are covered with shaggy hair. (VQ)
this planet was a twin to the world of Destrillion. Both were located near the asteroid system known as
Lando's Folly. A blue-and-green world from space, Dubrillion is a lush planet that is the exact opposite of
Destrillion. Lando Calrissian, while the owner of Lando's Folly, used Dubrillion to house living facilities and
luxury suites. Unfortunately for Lando, the Yuuzhan Vong moved into the asteroid field and set up a sort
of base camp. They picked off several ships traveling to and from Dubrillion, but in general allowed the
natives of the planet to flee for the Inner Rim. However, as soon as the New Republic began to evacuate
the planet, the Vong attacked the remaining natives, decimating the fleeing refugees before the rest
escaped. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong, under the command of Shedao Shai, established a new base of
operations on Dubrillion. (VP, DTO, DTR)
Dubrillion Aquarium
this vast collection of Dubrillion's native ocean life was taken over by the Yuuzhan Vong and used as a
base of operations by Shedao Shai. The Aquariums appealed to the Yuuzhan Vong reverence of life, and
were kept more or less intact. (DTR)
an Alliance container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Armanda Durkin's piratical alter ego. Duchess has been harassing Notsub Shipping freighters, stealing
their contents and escaping in the Vengeful Sandstorm. (GG7)
this female Duros was the sister of Durgard Bruran. She was one of the most outspoken Duros during the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, vehemently questioning the New Republic's lack of defense
against the alien invaders. Ducilla despised the idea of diversity which was embraced by the Republic,
claiming that symbiosis among the various alien races was only stagnating the government's ability to act.
She preached for a single governmental regime, not unlike that of the Empire, in order to bring about an
end to the Yuuzhan Vong. (BP)
this temperate world was the third planet in the Utos System. (CCW)
Duct Unlimited
this major manufacturer of starship life support systems was one of the original Contributing Sponsors of
the Corporate Sector Authority. (CSA)
Dud Bolt
this alien, a Vulptereen with a long, crocodilian snout, was one of the Outer Rim's best pod racers. He has
been secretly hired by Sebulba to protect the Dug during podraces. Dud Bolt favored the podracers built
by his own people, and drove an RS557 model for many years. In the famous Boonta Eve Classic
podrace won by young Anakin Skywalker, Dud crashed and failed to finish the race. (RAC, IG1, PRT)
this was the Gungan term for manure. (E1A9)
Duel, Rik
a smuggling friend from Han Solo's and Lando Calrissian's early years on Nar Shaddaa, Rik Duel helped
the Alliance take out the bounty hunter base on Stenos. He and his companions, Chihdo and Dani, had
joined the Alliance after seeing what the Empire was doing to freelance smugglers, and found themselves
wrapped up in the ancient religion of the Stenax people. After the Alliance fled Stenos, Rik remained
behind, ostensibly as a point of contact in case any other Alliance personnel returned to Stenos. In reality,

Rik was searching for the statue of the lost god Vol, which he believed would earn him the respect and
loyalty of the Stenaxes. However, as soon as the statue was located, Duel threatened to take the statue
to Imperial Governor Matrin. He nearly succeeded, but the Stenaxes learned of his plans and set out to
recover their statue. It was believed that Rik, along with Governor Matrin, were killed by the Stenaxes
before they recovered the statue of Vol. However, Duel remained on Stenos and bided his time. When
Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian returned to Stenos in an effort to locate Bossk, Luke ran into Rik
during an escape from a bar mob. The group managed to overcome the efforts of Bossk and IG-88 to
eliminate them, freeing Stenos from the control of the bounty hunters. Rik, meanwhile, began scheming a
way to use the Stenaxes as a fighting force. This never materialized into a good plan, so he rejoined Dani
amd Chihdo and set out for Iskalon to salvage what they could from the ruins of Pavillion. This plan also
fell through when Mone demanded that they leave the planet. (DESB, THG, MC70, MC71, MC72, MC82)
Dueling Academy
this form of educational facility was believed to pre-date even the Old Republic itself, with several being
able to trace their roots back to the era of Xim the Despot. The earliest of these academies was
established to teach the art of self-defense with weaponry, but over the centuries they evolved into
schools which taught the art and chivalry of dueling. Each academy had its own set of philosophies on
dueling, which were shaped by the master instructors and the weapons they preferred to use, but all
considered physical combat to be the basest from of combat. During the height of the Old Republic,
attendance and graduation from a dueling academy was a mark of prestige, conveying a worldly sense of
mystique and upbringing. Many of these schools benefitted from the teachings of individuals who failed to
attain the rank of Jedi Knight, for these individuals brought the art of lightsaber combat to dueling schools.
For this reason, the general public came to see the Jedi Order as the greatest of all dueling academies.
While many of these schools accepted the linkage to the Jedi as a way to bolster their own image, they
failed to see how public opinion could influence their existence. During the last decades of the Old
Republic, as the Jedi Order was deemed ineffectual in the struggles leading up to the Clone Wars, the
public lost interest in dueling schools. In just a few years, all but one dueling academy - the School of
Hidden Wisdom - had shut down operations and faded into history. (PJSB)
this form of vibrorapier was produced by LaserHone during the height of the New Order. (PP, WOA18)
Duelist Elite
this series of dueling droid was produced during the last decades of the Old Republic by Trang Robotics.
The Duelist Elite sported some of the most sophisticated servomechanics available, giving arms and legs
of the droid an incredible range of motion. The arms of the Duelist Elite were longer than a normal man's,
giving a reach which negated most melee combat styles. The arms of this droid ended in unique
connection sockets, into which a variety of bladed weapons could be inserted. The Duelist Elite was also
equipped with an advanced cognitive matrix and artifical intelligence programming, allowing it to learn its
opponent's tactics and adjust to them swiftly. (DMSH, EGD)
Duenna Derida
this old Phindian woman was a member of the Syndicat which controlled the planet Phindar during the
Old Republic. She was also an agent of the local resistance movement that rose up against the
Syndicat's control of the planet, and assisted Guerra and Paxxi Derida in their plan to infiltrate the
Syndicat's stronghold and recover food, supplies, and valuables. The two brothers were able to enter the
palace with the help of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Duenna was extremely loyal to the brothers
and their cause, even in the face of renewal threats from Terra. Guerra and Paxxi later revealed to the
Jedi that Duenna was their mother, and that Terra was their sister. Duenna had joined the Syndicat in
order to try and restore Terra's original memories, but was unable to do so. This put her in considerable
risk, but she endured it as long as there was hope for her children. (HP)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)

Duffit, Stanfeld
this man was the mayor of Montrol City, on the planet Gandle Ott, during the early years of the New
Republic. He enjoyed having the BRT-series droid CUTH-BRT-92-X3 installed in the city, since it relieved
Duffit of having to actually participate in the day-to-day operations of the city, leaving him free to attend
social gatherings. (DARK)
this underworld ritual, originating with many Hutt crimelords on Nar Shaddaa, was also known as the
Cutthroat Hunt. Under the tradition of the Duff-Jikab, a being was forced to serve as the prey species in a
hunt conducted by their captor. Under traditional laws, the prey was given a pre-defined head start before
pursuit began, but this aspect was often overlooked in deference to getting the hunt underway. If the prey
managed to survive in the wilderness for the entire day, without being captured or killed, they were
allowed to go free. Otherwise, they were at the mercy of the hunters. (BHSW)
Dufilvian sector
sector of the galaxy containing Filve. (HTTE, TLC)
this was the language used by the Dug race. (GMR10)
this independent spacer built his own astromech droid, named PR6-3, to assist him in his travels. (FTD)
this alien race resembles a small horse, although it is completely hairless. The Dug have leathery, grey
skin and small, beady eyes. They can easily walk on their hind legs, their forelegs, or all fours. They used
their four hands to help them move through the trees of their homeworld of Malastare. Much of their
language was punctuated with knuckle rapping and foot stomping. Dugs became the sworn enemies of
the Gran when a group of Gran established a settlement on Malastare. They fought viciously for many
years before the Old Republic intervened, as the Gran believed that the Dugs were subservient and
incapable of ruling themselves. Unfortunately for the Dugs, the Republic ruled in favor of the Gran, and
the Dugs were pushed to the fringes of Malastare's economy. Dug society became insular, and they
turned into self-congratulatory braggarts. During the last years of the Old Republic, general opinion of the
Dug race suffered because of this. They were perceived as criminals with a penchant for violence. Mating
among Dug males and females was centered around a display in which the male puffed out their skin,
indicating his desire to mate with a given female. If no other male was near, the female accepted the
male's offer. When a Dug died, the body was prepared for a funeral by piercing it with heavy hooks.
During the funeral itself, heavy iron balls that were inscribed with runes were attached to the balls, and
the body was dropped into the Ghoop Ocean. (SW1, TPM, SWK, SWPRG, SWI64, NEGC)
Duggan Station
this was one of the twenty orbital stations built by the Duros above their homeworld of Duro. (BP)
this was the traditional Hapan trumpet. (DJ)
this small predator was native to the tunnels and caves of the planet Sullust. It was famed among the
Sullustan race for its strength and ferocity. (GCG)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and referred to a small but ferocious predator found on
Sullust.. (GCG)
Dugo Bagy
this Sullustan con artist and low-life was known to Han Solo as a source of information on Lando's Folly.
Han caught up with Dugo Bagy on Reecee. He told Han of Lando's plans to mine Kerane's Folly in the

Hoth asteroid belt. (VP)

Dugs for Democracy
this Dugs' rights group rose to prominence on Malastare during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Duha Spear
this was a traditional Duros weapon. (BP)
this alien race has several tribes. Each tribe's members tattoo their faces with an elaborate design which
indicates which tribe they live with. They live on the dark side of their planet, and their eyesight has
deteriorated over the generations. Any Duhma travelling off-planet must wear a visor in order to block out
the glare of the lights. (EOE)
this was the Huttese word for the number twenty-four (24). Note, however, that the Huttese counting
system was based on a base-eight system. So, duhonocha indicated the number twenty (20) in the Basic
language. (GMR5)
Duhrib Belt
this is an asteroid belt found in the Nah'Malis System of the Kathol Outback, located between the fourth
and fifth planets of the system. (KO)
Duinarbulon Star Lancers
this legendary group of warriors were believed to be simply myths for many millennia prior to the Battle of
Endor. Many archaeologists who sought proof of their existence often searched first for Duinarbulon
Stones, the source of the Star Lancers' powers. (TTSB)
Duinarbulon Stones
thought to be simply a rumor, these stones were believed to be the source of power used by the
Duinarbulon Star Lancers. (TTSB)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
a Force-sensitive race of huge, snakelike creatures, the Duinuogwuin average 50 meters in length, with
multiple pairs of legs on a scaled body. They also have gossamer wings and floppy, elephantine ears,
and have earned the nickname 'Star Dragons.' Their homeworld is unknown, but they show up in almost
any environment, even the vacuum of deep space. They are an honorable race, and there are rumors of
the very ancient Duinuogwuin serving as Jedi Knights. It is rumored among the xeno-archaeologists who
study them that a large percentage of young dragons are born as wild, vicious beasts. Each Duinuogwuin
is monosexual, and the procreate by combining a haploid gamete with that from another dragon. No one
knows where it is, but the Star Dragons maintain a hidden graveyard where they go to die. Several
scientists have observed the Duinuogwuin expelling super-hot belches of gas that can scorch plastisteel.
Duinuogwuin Contention
this was a period during the early part of the Old Republic, when the Duinuogwuin race first made contact
with the rest of the galaxy. An intense war broke out on Coruscant between both sides, until Supreme
Chancellor Fillorean and the Star Dragon known as Borz'Mat'oh were able to work out a peaceful
settlement to the hostilities. To commemorate the end of the conflict, both sides founded the University of
Coruscant, hoping to provide greater education and promote greater tolerance throughout the galaxy.
Duinuogwuin-Gotal Conflict

this brief war between the Duinuogwuin and Gotal races occurred several decades before the Clone
Wars. A resolution to the hostiles was mediated by Tra's M'ins and Jorus C'baoth. (DFR)
D'ukal, Shada
a Mistryl warrior, she was part of Manda D'ulin's team during the middle years of the New Order. When
the team was paid to secure the Hammertong project, the mission went sour and Manda was killed.
Shada and Karoly D'ulin managed to recover the Hammertong, but were forced to Tatooine in a stolen
strike cruiser. In trying to secure passage, Shada impersonated Brea Tonnika and went into the Mos
Eisley cantina just before Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker arrived to book passge to Alderaan. In a
bizarre twist of fate, the real Brea Tonnika had left just three hours before Shada arrived. This tipped off
Riij Winward, who was on guard at the Mos Eisley jail. He let Shada free, but could not get her to give up
the Hammertong. She eventually found a way to get a section of the weapon off Tatooine and into the
hands of the Alliance. Shada later became the bodyguard of the smuggler Mazzic, using her sharp-edged
skills and knife-like fingernail inserts to keep Mazzic safe. The Mistryl society had allowed her to be
employed by Mazzic, hoping to obtain wealth for Emberlene as Mazzic's organization grew. When the
smuggler's company failed to live up to their expectations, the Mistryl sent Karoly to intercept Shada and
return her to Emberlene for re-assignment. Shada balked at this, and a struggle ensued. Shada managed
to defeat Karoly and flee from both Mazzic and the Mistryl. She then tried to meet up with Leia OrganaSolo to offer her services as a warrior to the New Republic. She tried calling, but her calls were always
rerouted. So, she infiltrated a secret meeting between Leia and Talon Karrde at the Orowood Tower, but
she ended up working for Karrde as part of the mission to find out where Jorj Car'das was hiding. After
finding Car'das on Exocron and defeating Rei'kas, Shada learned from Car'das the true history of
Emberlene. He offered her a datacard that contained the names of the mercenaries who destroyed the
planet, as well as offering a second datacard. Shada decided that it was time the Mistryl moved on from
their needs for revenge, and took the second card. It contained histories of Flim, Grodin Tierce, and Moff
Disra, which she and Karrde returned to Admiral Pellaeon to use. After the Caamas Incident was resolved
and a peace treaty was placed on the table, Shada agreed to work for the new Intelligence agency Karrde
set up to share information between the Empire and the New Republic. Shada remained loyal to Karrde,
and accompanied him to Yavin 4 during the rescue of the Jedi students from the praxeum on the moon.
this man served on the Naboo Royal Security Force with then-Lieutenant Panaka, during the years in
which Captain Magneta commanded the force under the rule of King Veruna. (GMR2)
this was the name of a noted Sludir individual. (UANT)
this Virgillian ship was part of the fleet that joined the Alliance at Sullust, just before the Battle of Endor. It
was the only Virgillian ship damaged in the hyperspace jump. (TBSB)
this was the name given to the Noghri meeting places found in each clan's land, on the planet Honoghr.
Each of the dukhas was decorated with the clan's genealogical history, with the decorations blending into
the functional aspects of the structure. On the exterior, pillars of polished wood taken from entire tree
trunks held up the roof. The entire structure was held together by a metal band that ran around the
outside of the pillars. A dukha measured about twenty meters in diameter and about four meters in height.
A conical roof added another three meters. Entrance to the dukha's interior was through a pair of wooden
doors. The interior of a dukha was no less impressive, with the main dais - known as the High Seat standoing about two-thirds of the way to the back. In the middle of the room, a huge concave dish was
suspended from each of the exterior poles. Lights hidden along the edge of the dish pointed into the bowl
and up toward the ceiling, providing a way to light the interior with diffused light. The concave shape also
served as a way to concentrate sound. (DFR)
an economic state found on the planet Kirtania, Dulai is in direct competition with Surana and Kinkosa

City. (SWJ1)
this Imperial planet was retaken by the New Republic about four years after the Battle of Endor. The Star
Destroyer Tempest was one of the few ships to survive, and brought its contents to Garos IV. (SWJ3)
a planet. (PSPG)
D'ulin, Karoly
a Mistryl warrior, she was Manda D'ulin's sister and a part of Manda's team shortly before the Battle of
Yavin. When the team was paid to secure the Hammertong project, the mission went sour and Manda
was killed. Karoly and Shada D'ukal managed to recover the Hammertong, but were forced to Tatooine in
a stolen strike cruiser. In trying to secure passage, Karoly impersonated Shenni Tonnika and went into
the Mos Eisley cantina just before Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker appeared, trying to book passage to
Alderaan. In a bizarre twist of fate, the real Shenni Tonnika had left just three hours before Karoly arrived.
This tipped off Riij Winward, who was on guard at the Mos Eisley jail. He let Karoly free, but could not get
her to give up the Hammertong. Karoly was later sent to Borcorash to "recover" Shada, for the Mistryl felt
that Mazzi'c organization wasn't helping them anymore. Shada defeated her in a brief struggle and
escaped. Karoly continued to pursue her, nearly catching her on Coruscant before Shada joined Talon
Karrde. Karoly continued her pursuit, although she had very little to go on. She stowed away on the Lady
Luck when Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, Lobot, and Moegid traveled to Bastion to try and recover a copy
of the Caamas Document. There, she stumbled across Zothip and his team, and decided to see if she
could settle an old score with them. Instead, she found herself in the midst of a power struggle between
Zothip and Moff Disra. When Zothip and his men tried to fight their way out, Karoly took the opportunity to
attack. She and Major Tierce took out several of the pirates, and Karoly managed to kill Zothip with a
knife to his spine just as he tried to assault Disra. After Control managed to take over the Cavrilhu
Pirates, Disra and Flim - disguised as Thrawn - offered Karoly and the Mistryl a chance to serve the new
Empire. Karoly agreed to bring Paloma D'asima to Yaga Minor, in order to discuss an alliance. The
alliance was killed before it could be created, though, when Admiral Pellaeon arrived on the scene and
exposed Disra, Tierce, and Flim for their true selves. Karoly then accompanied D'asima back to
Emberlene. (TME, SOP, VOF)
D'ulin, Manda
a Mistryl team leader, she was approached by Dr. Kellering to help guard the Hammertong project.
However, in trying to ascertain the job's scope, she was killed in an ambush. Her sister Karoly took over
command of their group, and managed to obtain the Hammertong. (TME)
D'ulin, Naradan
this Mistryl woman served as the caretaker and protector of Foolookola, the young princess of the race
known as Fishfaces, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. When the princess' Loyalist family was executed
for being impure, Naradan hired Vilmarh Grahrk to escort the princess off Ootoola before she, too, was
murdered. (T3)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "shield". (GCG)
one of Plourr's sisters, Dullourr and her sibling Kassen were abused by the Priamsta before being
murdered. (XWWP)
a distant relative of the Ewoks, the Dulok race was also native to Endor. They were lanky, ill-proportioned
versions of the short, squat Ewoks, and had large, pointed ears and sharp fangs. They had pink skin
covered with gray fur, and were rude and dishonest. (AT, OWS)

this was a form of martial arts training practiced by the Jedi Knights during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (JQ6)
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Intrepid patrol cruiser, and was responsible for
patrolling the Gesaril System during the Empire's occupation of the system. (GG6)
Dulse Tethin
this obsequious Duros was the owner and operator of the Vydat Stardock, located near his homeworld of
Duro, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (GMR2)
Duluur Sector
the Imperial Academy maintained a naval training base in this sector of the galaxy, during the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ2)
Dulvoyinn Bloodcat
this vicious creature is named for its blood-red pelt. (SWJ9)
this was the designation of a series of pit droids. (APD)
this Mos Espa pit droid was part of the pool that worked the podraces at Jabba the Hutt's racecourse.
DUM-4 was severely damaged during the Boonta Eve Classic race which was won by Anakin Skywalker,
when Ody Mandrell brought his pod into the pits for service. When the pod's port-side enginer suddenyl
flared to life, it sucked in DUM-4 and dragged the droid through its innards. DUM4 was spit out the back,
while Ody Mandrell's pod was ruined. (TPM)
this pit droid was assigned to Anakin Skywalker's podracer, during the famed Boonta Eve Classic race
won by Skywalker. (IG1)
Duman Yaght
this Yuuzhan Vong warrior was the commander of the Exquisite Death. Duman Yaght was also in
command of the strike team which boarded the Stardream to capture a group of Jedi Knights. He was
unaware that the Jedi wanted to be captured, and that the captain of the Stardream was none other than
Lando Calrissian. Shortly after the Jedi were incarcerated in the hold of the Exquisite Death, Duman
Yaght was killed when he was shot and beheaded by Tesar Sebatyne during the Jedis' escape. (SBS)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "speaker" or "representative", according to historian who
studied the Ithorian race. (GCG)
this was a derogatory term for any labor droid who performed a single, repetitive operation, such as
welding the frame of a landspeeder. (MBS)
DUM-series Droid
this model of pit droid was produced by Serv-O-Droid. (OWS, SWRPG)
Dun Brandy
an aged alcohol favored by the Krish. (GMR1)
Dun Moch
this was the Sith lightsaber combat doctrine of totally dominating an opponent's spirit by whatever means
possible. Dun moch (with an oomlaut over the 'o') usually involved verbal taunts and jests that exposed
an opponent's inner doubts and weaknesses. Other forms of dun moch involved the use of the Force to

hurl heavy objects at an opponent during combat, distracting the opponent from the true battle. (SWI62)
Dun, Nara
this new Republic information officer was one of the first beings to observe the Eclipse Star Destroyer
when it emerged from hyperspace near Da Soocha, during the early years of the New Republic. (NEGV)
Duna, Trey
this man served as the Mayor of Imperial City for many years, from the last days of the Old Republic
through the reign of Emperor Palpatine and into the early years of the New Republic. An inventor in his
spare time, Duna worked hard to prove to people that the Mayor's office was not merely a puppet of the
incumbent government. His best efforts were perhaps thwarted by the fact that he never tried to crack
down on the criminal underground of Coruscant, preferring to minimize the damage inflicted by rival
organizations. (CCW)
this corpulent man was a close friend and one-time busines associate of Tomaas Azzameen. Since then,
Dunari has risen to power as the owner of one of the most notorious casinos in the galaxy. However, he
remained loyal to the Azzameen family and to Twin Suns Transport Services. (XWA)
Dunari's Casino
owned by Dunari, this casino was a favored hangout of Eamon Azzameen. Shortly before the Battle of
Endor, the Alliance recruited a group of smugglers to help provide arms and ships for the coming battle,
during a series of meetings at this casino. (XWA)
Dunari's Rest
this was the name of the hotel which provided accommodations to the visitors to Dunari's Casino. (XWA)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and meant cautious" - or, more literally, "slow", which
was once considered a desirable quality in a Sullustan miner. (GCG)
Dunb Shevv
this Sullustan con artist worked with Tusskerl during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The pair staged
armwrestling contests at the Lower Deck on Cloud City, with Tusskerl wrestling any being brave enough
to challenge him. Dunb Shevv ostensibly would keep track of all bets, but he artificially modifies the odds
to ensure maximum profit. (RESB)
Duncan, Deadeye
this man was one of the many gladiator fighters chosen by Ajuur the Hutt to compete in his events, during
the height of the Great Sith War. Deadeye was not an exceptional fighter, but served to soft up opponents
for later fighters. (KOTOR)
this milk-producing bovine was native to the planet G'rho, and was domesticated by the settlers who
inhabited the planet. (TBSB)
Dune Bantha
this was one of the three primary subspecies of bantha which were native to the planet Tatooine. Larger
than the dwarf bantha but much smaller than the common bantha, the dune bantha was slender and duncolored. It was named for the fact that it lived in the equatorial deserts of Tatooine, where it could survive
very high temperatures and the extreme scarcity of water. (WSW)
Dune Biter
a species of desert creature is native to the planet Tatooine. Swarms of these tiny beasts roam the
dunes, looking for carrion on which to feed. A swarm of dune biters can clean a bantha carcass in a few
days. (TJT)

Dune Cactus
this succulent was native to the deserts of Aduba-3. (MC8)
Dune Cow
this was the term used by the Imperial engineers stationed on Zaloriis to describe the prototype AT-AT
walker that was produced on the planet during the height of the New Order. The term came from the fact
that the native Zaloriians thought the prototype was an immense dune-cow. (GBC)
Dune lizards
a reptile native to Tatooine. (TLC)
Dune Mite
this tiny insect was known to carry a number of diseases, which it transferred to the creatures or beings it
bit. (GCG)
Dune Princess
this luxurious sail barge took passengers on a cruise of the natural wonders of Tatooine. The barge
became profitable after the emergence of Luke Skywalker as a hero of the Alliance. It was owned and
operated by Heater, who was given special dispensation by Jabba the Hutt to operate the cruise ship.
Heater went to great lengths to ensure that the Dune Princess was considered neutral ground by her
passengers, and made sure that there were no firefights or collected bounties aboard the ship. However,
Heater also ensured that every being who got on the sail barge left afterwards. (LAA)
Dune Sea
an area of open desert on Tatooine, the Dune Sea of Tatooine was broken into smaller sections by
various landmarks. Ben Kenobi lived in the western part of the Dun Sea. (SW, SOT)
Dune Sea Cyclone
this twisted piece of plasteel was considered a piece of art, in that it contained a holograph of a Dantooine
landscape. (TG)
Dune Sea Sabacc
this variant was developed by the settlers of Tatooine, although the Jawas are the only players who seem
to understand the rules. R'kik D'nec claimed to be undefeated in playing this form. (CCG7)
Dune Street
this main road was located in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, and linked Corporations Road with the
Inner Curved Street. (IWST)
Dune Street
this road, located in Mos Eisley on Tatooine, was the center of the city's warehouse district. (T16)
this huge mammal was believed to be native to the deserts of Zaloriis, although many xenobiologists
doubt its existence. It was later discovered that the "dune-cow" was actually the name given to an
Imperial AT-AT by the superstitious Zaloriians, who had never seen such a thing as the AT-AT. (GB)
this was a smow-covered planet located near Coruscant. (DH)
Dunell, Brak
this Tapani Sector saber rake was also a member of the Justice Action Network, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. Unknown to most people, however, was the fact that Dunell was actually an Imperial
Security Bureau agent who was fanatically loyal to the Empire. He secretly despised having to maintain
his JAN sponsorship and his alliance with House Melantha, hoping for the day when the Empire would
completely subjugate Tapani Sector. In order to cover up his funding of JAN, Dunell adopted the alias of
Bel Janius.. Ultimately, the torpedo sphere was destroyed. The responsible party was never revealed, but

the event gave Dunell and the Empire the basis for staging a complete subjugation of Tapani Sector.
Dunestrider, Lars
Luke Skywalker used this alias when he was captured by Major Grau on Alashan, shortly after the Battle
of Yavin. The alias was short-lived, however, when Grau discovered that "Lars" was not alone, but was
accompanied by Leia Organa. (MCI6)
this was a disgusting creature that was named for the fact that it burrowed into the droppings of other
animals. (JQ10)
a lean, crafty Grand Moff serving the Empire beyond the end of the Galactic Civil War, Dunhausen wears
earings that are shaped like blasters. (GDV)
Dunlak, Redge
this man was a bookie who worked on the planet Tatooine during the years surrounding the Battle of
Naboo. When Jabba the Hutt discovered that he had been tampering with several Hutt-owned podracers
in order to affect the outcome of certain races, he issued a bounty for Dunlak's capture. Dunlak tried to
hide by joining Gardulla the Hutt's organization, but was captured by Jango Fett when the bounty hunter
tried to infiltrate Gardulla's fortress. (BH)
Dunn Jassigan
this being was one of the galaxy's most renowned military analysts. (ROE)
this man was a member of the Naboo Royal Security Force, serving with then-Lieutenant Panaka under
Captain Magneta. (GMR2)
a Mugaari Lambda-class shuttle destroyed when the Empire subjugated the Tungra Sector. (TIE)
Dunoche, Theol
this man and his Togorian partner, Coelle, were wanted by the Twi'leks of Kala'uun for stealing ryll spice
and for selling Twi'leki females into slavery. He was a native of the planet Bespin, and despite the bounty
on his head, he actually rescued the Twi'leki females from slavery and provided them with jobs through
his old friend, Etsero. (ND)
Dunrik, Gruu
this old man served as one of the primary medical officers at the Alliance base on Aargonar 3, during the
years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. In his youth, Doctor Durnik was training as a Jedi Padawan during
the last years of the Old Republic. He was never chosen by a Jedi Master, and had not completed his
training when the Jedi Purge was initiated by Emperor Palpatine. This allowed Dunrik to escape the
Empire, but it also steeled his resolve to do what he could to overthrow it. He obtained an education in
medicine, and went to work for the Alliance. Doctor Dunrik secretly sought out those individuals he
perceived as being sensitive to the Force, in an effort to unlock their potential and help restore the Jedi
Knights. (RESB)
Dunstal Noft
this Shistavenan Wolfman was a former smuggler who found employment as an honest pilot working for
Damarind Corporation. As a trawler Captain, Noft plied the atmosphere of Yavin, searching for corusca
jewels. (GG2)
a crazed human sea captain living on Calamari, he had been hunting whaladons - and Leviathor,
specifically - for many years prior to the birth of the New Republic. He was a heavy-set man with and

neatly-trimmed white beard. He employed a crew of Aqualish hunters to help capture the Whaladons,
even though the killing of Whaladons was outlawed on Calamari. Dunwell was a trusted friend of the
Central Committee of Grand Moffs, and supplied them with Whaladon meat. (GDV)
this SoroSuub blaster carbine was produced during the early years of the New Republic. (UANT)
this twenty-legged insect, native to the planet Tatooine, was hunted by the moisture farmers of the planet
for its edible meat. The duodecipede was protected by a spiky shell, which required hunters to apporach it
with caution. (X2)
this small corporation was a minor player the droid manufacturing arena, producing the 79-series humancyborg relations droid. (SWJ11)
Alliance starpilots' slang for a TIE Bomber. (XWN)
an intergalactic copying machine. (HSL)
DuPre, Kylan
this New Republic Lieutenant was one of Admiral Drayson's most trusted chief aides, at the time of Grand
Admiral Thrawn's rise to power. Kylan had previously served as a quartermaster aboard the Stormstrike,
which was part of Chandrila's home defense fleet. It was there, during a routine inspection of cargo on
Mon Mothma's command ship, that DuPre first met Drayson. A surprise TIE Fighter ambush left the
command ship damaged and a power conduit overloading. DuPre threw himself in front of Drayson when
the conduit exploded, saving the Admiral and earning him his respect. After DuPre recovered from
numerous shrapnel wounds, Drayson named him an aide. Kylan is a near-human male, and remained
loyal to Drayson in hopes of earning his own Admiralty. His hunger for command eventually earned him a
measure of disrespect and loathing from his peers. (TLC, TTSB)
Dur Sabon
this race of huge, sentient eels was native to the planet Dur Sabon. Their pectoral fins had evolved over
time into large arms which ended in webbed hands, and their heads were surrounded by a pair of huge
fins. (T3)
Dur Sabon
this oceanic planet was the homeworld of the Dur Sabon race. (T3)
this is a heavy-duty shield generator manufactured by Novaplex. (EGV)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "of or relating to mines". (GCG)
Dura Mater
according to a HoloNet comic that appeared sometime during the height of the New Order, Dura Mater
was one of many settlements on the planet Tatooine. According to the humorous story, the farmers of
Dura Mater were bumbling idiots who believed that Jawas were legitimate businessbeings who always
operated on the up-and-up. The fact that the droids they purchased from the Jawas always seemed to
break down just before the warranty expired was simply a huge coincidence to the farmers. (T20)
composed of neutronium, lommite and zersium molecules set in a certain matrix, dura-armor is industrial-

strength protections which can absorb and re-direct blaster energy. (ISB)
this unscrupulous distributor was based on the planet Duro during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
this was a form of thin, flexible cable that was highly resistant to stretching or breaking. (SWJ5)
Duracomp Scanner
this starship computer system is used to scan a planet for metallic content. (TA)
a strengthened fiber rope used in netting. It is a good conductor of electricity, and was often used in stun
nets. (E1A2)
a building material that can be poured into forms. It then hardens into a nearly impervious surface. (DA,
Duracrete Slug
this slug, native to the undercity of the planet Courscant, was very similar in appearance and activity to
the duracrete worm. The slug was differentiated from the worm by seven nodule ridges that lined the
slug's back. These nodules were undigestible bits of concrete which were exuded as the slug digested its
food. The duracrete slug could attained lengths of nearly three meters, although there were
unsubstantiated reports of individuals measuring more than ten meters.. (VD2)
Duracrete Worm
found on Coruscant, these burrowing creatures had adapted to living within the duracrete walls of
buildings. Measuring over three meters in length when fully grown, the duracrete worm actually fed on the
duracrete which was used to form the foundations of many buildings. The feeding activity of the duracrete
worm left many structures with dangerously eroded foundations, and many such buildings had to be
imploded before they became hazards to intelligent beings. (ISU, WSW)
a strong fabric used to make tents and portable shelters. (IA)
manufacturers of sublight and hyperspace drive systems. (SWCP)
a city-area of Coruscant notorious for its gangs. (BTS)
this was a common name among the Temolak race. (UANT)
Durake, Laita
a native of the planet Kirima, Laita worked for the Imperial Customs Office there before the Galactic Civil
War broke out. After the Battle of Endor, her position within Customs was lost when the Empire pulled out
of the Kalinda System. When Customs officials returned to Kirima, Laita regained her position, which she
took very seriously. She served under Captain Fouc aboard the Customs ship Impounder. (TSK)
a metal that is used to plate starship hulls and heavy bulkheads. (SWSB, Y)
this thin, fabric-like metal sheeting was used in the formation of hovercraft skirts. It gave vehicles like the
Aratech 93-B more durability when traveling over rugged terrain. (GSE)

Duran Feather-lily
this exotic plant is found on just a handful of worlds, although a large population is maintained at the
Lonatran Gardens by the Gree. (SWJ8)
Durane, Giles
this rotund man was a noted bounty hunter during the era of the New Order. Few beings were aware that
Durane was also hired by Bail Organa of Alderaan to be his weapons master, and that Durane was
responsible for training Leia Organa in the use of a blaster. Durane had served with Bail Organa during
the Clone Wars, and each man had saved the other's life many times. It was during the Clone Wars that
Durane's family was killed by a mysterious plague, hardening him to the realities of life. He was
considered a very dangerous man, with no loyalties except to whomever is paying his paycheck, and he
always completed the jobs he was hired to do. When Bail Organa requested his help in training Leiam
Durane gladly accepted. When he completed Leia' training, Durane took another job, this time being paid
by Imperial General Emir. Emir wanted Leia assassinated, and he hired Durane to dot he job.
Unfortunately for Durane, Leia had learned her lessons very well. Before he could shoot her, Durane
found himself shot in the chest by Leia's weapon. He died shortly afterward, but not before praising Leia's
skills. (SWJ14, OWS, MCI3)
this strong, lightweight material is used in the creation of jumpsuits and work coveralls. It is very tough,
and withstands the harshest uses. (POT)
a metal with an incredibly high tensile strength, often used to make the bars for prison cells or cages.
a material used to make protective gear such as helmets and light armor. (HSR)
this strong, lightweight material was used to manufacture shipping crates. (WG)
this strong, transparent material is used for windscreens on landspeeders and swoops. (EGV)
Durasha, Bern
one of Celia Durasha's brothers, Bern was serving the Empire in Generis Sector when she was a
navigator aboard the Kuari Princess. (TFE)
Durasha, Celia
this woman, known for her striking red hair, was one of the Lieutenants who served the Kuari Princess.
Celia grew up the child of a graduate of the Imperial Academy, and dreamed of attending herself.
However, her father, Reise Durasha, never forwarded her application for entry. He told her that the
Academy no place for a woman. He then sent Celia's brothers in their turn, keeping her at home. She
ended up attending Baylagon Technical Institute, and was hired by Galaxy Tours shortly after graduation.
She served as the navigator of the cruise ship Majestic, and single-handedly saved the ship during a
pirate attack. This got her noticed by the company, which promoted her and assigned her as navigator of
the Kuari Princess. It was aboard the Princess that she became good friends with Dap Nechel. Known as
Crimson to Detien Kaileel, she was disturbed to learn of his allegiance to the Alliance. When he was
arrested on the Princess, though, she began to understand his loyalties. She also began to question her
own stance when Kaileel's captor turned out to be her childhood love, Adion Lang. She was torn about
who to believe when Kaileel revealed the truth about the Empire's involvement in the destruction of
Alderaan. She sided with Kaileel, and nearly succeeded in helping him escape. However, they were
intercepted by Lang, who shot Kaileel and killed him before he could escape. Celia took the shuttle and
fled into the Maelstrom. Years later, she met up with Kaj Nedmak on Oasis after stowing away on his
ship, and the two decided to go into the shipping business together. Celia liked his roguish actions, but
feared his debts would catch up to him. It was for this reason that she reluctantly went along with his plan

to use weapons they were transporting for Bwahl the Hutt to pay of a gambling debt to Rass M'Guy. Her
fears proved correct, and they were forced to crashland on Ord Mantell. Celia feared Kaj was dead, and
discovered Thune's hideout in the wilderness. Celia was duped by Thune into believing that Treytis Prash
was the bounty hunter who captured Kaj, when in reality it was Thune herself. In a harrowing escape, Kaj
and Celia enlisted the help of Prash and Thune's droid, U-THR. Celia and Kaj returned to smuggling, this
time with U-THR's help. She went by the monicker of Mistress Crimson, and commanded the starship
Starlight Red during this time. (TFE, SWJ5, SWJ8, SWJ14)
Durasha, Jak
one of Celia Durasha's brothers, Jak was a Navy ensign attached to the Relentless during the period
surrounding the Battle of Yavin. (TFE)
Durasha, Raine
Celia Durasha's twin brother, Raine was a graduate of the Imperial Academy. He was part of the garrison
stationed on Ralltiir during the suppression of rebellious activity there, shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
When the uprising occurred as the plans for the first Death Star were moved through Ralltiir, Raine was
killed in the firefight. (TFE)
Durasha, Reise
a native of the planet Lankashirr, Reise was Celia Durasha's father. He served the Empire - and the Old
Republic before it - like the nine generations before him, and was a commander in the Imperial Navy. He
sent all of his sons to the Academy, but told Celia that she couldn't go because "the Academy's no place
for a woman." (TFE. SWJ8)
a strong paper-like substance which held writing for a short period of time. After the writing faded, the
durasheet could be reused. (HSR, EVE)
this small, easy to set up shelter was manufactured by Adventure Hunter and Hiker. It incorporated dicrome reflection coating which, when charged, helped the shelter blend into its environment. (ROE)
this strong, lightweight fabric was used in the creation of tents and tarpaulins, as its sheer surface
repelled water. It could also be produced in a more luxurious form, for use in lining silverware trays and
jewelry boxes. (DJ, TG)
this starship was part of the small fleet which the Jedi Knights used to move about the galaxy during the
early years of the New Republic. Daeshara'cor was to have taken this ship to Bimmisaari, to investigate
the Yuuzhan Vong presence on the planet, but she was never listed as being aboard the ship. The
Durastar suffered a hyperdrive failure short of Corellia, and all passengers had to be abandoned.
Daeshara'cor was not listed among the evacuees. (DTR)
a building material created from lommite, meleenium, neutronium, and zersium. (SWN, SWSB, CTD)
Durateel Corporation
this Coruscant-based construction firm was actually a front for Black Sun. Although they produced quality
buildings, Core Constructions often underbid the competition to win the contract, then had a series of cost
overruns that simply fed credits into Black Sun's coffers. (SESB)
this Dantari was one of Maga's closest friends and supporters. (GOF11)
this ore, found in the Mestra and Tava Yagen asteroid fields, is an essential material used in the

construction of hyperdrives. (GG6, CTD)

the native tongue of the Duro race. (MMY)
this Imperial Grand Moff ordered the suppression of rebellious activity on Gra Ploven. The Forger was
sent to the planet, and its turbolasers were used to super-heat the planet's water supply and boil the
native Ploven alive. (SOL)
Durga Besadii Tai
a Hutt - the only offspring of Aruk the Hutt - was a minor crimelord who rose to power a decade after
Jabba the Hutt's death. Durga was larger than Jabba, and was distinguishable by the large, dark green
birthmark on his face. Aruk took a huge chance in raising Durga, given that the birthmark would make his
socially unacceptable. Durga was only 100 standard years of age when the Empire reached its height,
serving Aruk until the old Hutt was poisoned by Jabba and Jiliac, through Teroenza. Durga suspected foul
play, but couldn't prove it, so he had Aruk's body frozen and shipped to Coruscant for an autopsy. Durga
exercised his right to take control of the Besadii clan, but met with strong opposition. The mysterious
deaths of several Besadii Hutts quieted the resistance, deaths which Durga had arranged through a
tenuous alliance with Black Sun. As Durga rose in power, Prince Xizor realized that he could control a
good portion of Hutt business by controlling Durga. The Hutt was continually cautioned against selling
Besadii out to the Falleen prince, but the need for Black Sun's help became too great. In the midst of his
dealings with Xizor, Durga forced Jiliac's hand under the Hutt Old Law, and successfully dispatched the
Desilijic leader. Xizor, working in the background, stifled Durga's investigation and manipulated him into a
business deal in which Xizor gave the information in return for data on Nal Hutta's shields and weaponry.
Durga fell deeper into Xizor's debt when he hired Nova Force to help defend Ylesia, an operation which
led to the deaths of much of Nova Force's personnel and the complete loss of the Ylesian operation. The
complete loss of Ylesia led Durga to eventually become one of Prince Xizor's vigo's, commanding his own
moderate empire. He and many of his retainers allow any number of taurill to accompany them wherever
they travel. Durga obtained the secret codes Jabba had hidden in his Tatooine citadel. The codes
provided Durga with access to the New Republic's central databases on Coruscant. He had also
contracted the brilliance of the latest clone of Bevel Lemelisk, whom he promised carte blanche to rebuild
a better weapon. However, like many Hutts, Durga was always searching for bargains, and many of the
systems and components were poorly made or outdated. It was Durga who executed Crix Madine aboard
the Darksaber, and it was on the doomed station that Durga died, when it was crushed between two huge
planetoids in the Hoth asteroid field. (DS, SE, THG, RD)
Durgard Brarun
this Duro was the Vice-Director of CorDuro Shipping, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of
the galaxy. He was one of the growing group of Duro who protested the fact that the New Republic placed
refugees on the surface of Duro in return for their labor in restoring the planet's natural environment. His
sister, Ducilla, was a vehement opponent of the New Republic, and spent most of her time speaking out
against the Republic's lack of defense against the Yuuzhan Vong. He even told Luke Skywalker that he
would rather have Emperor Palpatine running the galaxy, since the Imperial war machine would probably
have been better able to repel the alien invaders. He did nothing to support SELCORE's activities, and
was one of the first beings approached by the Peace Brigade in an effort to short-circuit the work of the
New Republic in favor of the Yuuzhan Vong. He agreed to provide the Yuuzhan Vong with the refugees
transplanted to Duro as payment for the promise that Duro would be left unharmed if the Yuuzhan Vong
used it as a base from which to strike at the Core Worlds. However, outside forces rallied to save Duro,
and Durgard Brarun was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong and brought before Tsavong Lah. Durgard tried
to plead his innocence in the resistance, but the Warmaster would have nothing of it. Durgard Brarun and
a number of other CorDuro officials were eventually fed to the creature known as Tu-Scart. (BP)
this immense Gen'Dai was on of the most notorious bounty hunters of the last decades of the Old
Republic. Durge was distinguished by his polished, silver armor, into which he tattooed the symbols of the
Mandalorians he had slain. For reasons unknown, Durge held a long-standing grudge against the

Mandalorians, and for many years he existed in isolation from the rest of the galaxy. It was rumored that
Durge's hatred of the Mandalorians stemmed from the fact that Jango Fett, and not Durge himself, was
chosen to be the template for the clones by Darth Tyranus. It was also believed that Durge was well over
2,000 years old, and his crimson eyes seemed to indicate that he was not human. What was known for
sure was that Durge had once worked for the ancient Sith, about 1,000 years before the Battle of Naboo.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Ruusan, Durge went into hiding to avoid any sort of reprisal from the Jedi
Knights. Some 900 years later, Durge was hired to kill the leader of the Mandalorian armies, and was
instead captured and tortured. He escaped again, and went into hiding to recuperate, vowing to exact
revenge on the Mandalorians. Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Durge reappeared to discover that the
Mandalorians had been all but wiped out. The only successors to their legacy were the clone troopers of
the Army of the Republic, which had been created from the genetic material of Jango Fett. Durge decided
to join the Separatist movement on principle, and to strike back at the clone troopers. Durge was one of
many bounty hunters hired by Jabba the Hutt to eliminate Gilramos Libkath. Durge and the ten-year-old
Boba fett both cornered Libkath in the burned-out hull of a Theed cruiser near Mos Espa, with Durge
disabling Libkath with a blaster bolt. Young Boba stole the Neimoidian's miter-like hat and fled the ship,
while Durge set out to destroy Libkath. In his wild firing, Durge blasted a crate of weapons, setting off a
huge explosion. It was believed that both Durge and Libkath died in the fiery blaze. Durge survived,
however, and became Count Dooku's right-hand man after Jango Fett's death, fighting with Asajj
Ventress during the Clone Wars. Nearly a year after the Battle of Geonosis, Durge and Asajj Ventress
tried to destroy the planet Naboo by unleashing the chemical weapon known as swamp gas, but were
thwarted in their efforts by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. They fled to Queyta at the orders of
Count Dooku, to secure the antidote to swamp gas. Five Jedi Masters, including Obi-Wan, arrived on
Queyta to recover the antidote. In a series of struggles, Durge killed Masters Jon Antilles and Nico Diath,
but was unable to stop Obi-Wan and Master Fay from obtaining the antidote. Once again, Durge and
Ventress fled the Jedi and returned to Count Dooku. He was placed in command of the droid armies
during the Battle of Muunilinst by San Hill, but was defeated in combat by Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was
believed that Durge had been killed in the battle, when his body was destroyed from within by Obi-Wan,
but many clone troopers believed that they saw parts of his body moving away from the battlefield. (OWS,
this planet was the site of an Alliance base during the Galactic Civil War. The base was wiped out by the
bounty hunter Beylyssa. (SWJ3)
Durgo, Ket
this man was the chief of security at the Galactic Museum on Coruscant, during the last years of the Old
Republic. Durgo discovered that there were several individuals who were looking to steal pieces of art
which the Museum planned to auction off, but feared that the security force of the Museum would not be
able to handle truly inventive thieves. Durgo decided to secretly hire a group of mercenaries to help
maintain the collection prior to auction. (WOA21)
this vicious predator was native to the planet Barab I. (WOTC)
this man was one of the Ministers who formed the government of the planet Danoor, shortly after the
Battle of Endor. He was a contemporary of Waric Nane. Like his fellow Ministers, Durhant believed that
the Lance of Endor was, in truth, a New Republic ship sent to maraud the Kathol Outback. After hearing
from Kaiya Adrimetrum and the crew of the FarStar, though, he began to see the truth. (KO)
an alcoholic concoction that uses a phosphorescent agent to make it light up. (WG)
Durindfire Gem
this precious stone was bought and sold by the Empire to help finance the first Death Star project. They
are found only on Tatooine, and very few of the valuable specimens ever left the planet. The Alliance was
able to track the movements of large numbers of these gems to determine the various development sites

used by the Empire. They also used this information to track down the origins of the Phantom project.
this alloy is resistant to sensor scans, and is valued by smugglers for lining suitcases and small hiding
areas. (RD)
this shiny, black material was used in the creation of Imperial IT-series interrogation droids. (VD)
a hideous, three-meter-tall, monkey-faced reptile. (DCAR)
Durkin, Armanda
the owner of Notsub Shipping, she was a wealthy power broker and shipping magnate based in Mos
Eisley, on Tatooine. She liked to gamble on risky ventures, and was able to make these investments pay
off more often than not. She and her husband hav been insured by Maltsett Insurance, even though
Maltsett declined to pay for damages and injured to her husband caused in a mysterious fire. Maltsett
cited an obscure legal reference in their refusal to pay, and was won the hatred of Armanda in return. In
an elaborate revenge scheme, Armanda has developed the alter ego Duchess, and steals shipments
from herself in order to make Maltsett pay for the losses. (GG7)
Durkish Corporation
this small manufacturer produced a number of aural detection devices during the era of the Great Sith
War. Durkish once produced a series of visual detection systems, but abandoned them in favor of aural
systems. The corporation's leaders reasoned that visual systems could be fooled, but aural systems were
almost foolproof because every living creature had to breathe. The normal sounds of respiration, even
when slowed, could be picked up by aural detection systems. (KOTOR)
this planet is the homeworld of the Saurin race. Durkteel was one of the first ten planets to join the
Refugee Resettlement Coalition, shortly before the Clone Wars. (CCG2, HNN5)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "winter". (GCG)
this Bothan served the New Republic as a Captain the Navy, and was the pilot of Chief of State Borsk
Fey'lya's personal transport, the First Citizen. (SBS)
this Gamorrean was once employed by Abdi-Badawzi as an enforcer, but was traded to Ploovo Two-forOne to pay for a debt. Durmag thoroughly enjoyed his new role on Ploovo's Protocol Team, since Ploovo
had a large number of beings who needed "reminders" of their delinquent payments. (AIR)
Durmin, Tajis
this Imperial soldier was trained in combat techniques and weapons skills. He was part of the first Death
Star's complement of trooper guards. (CCG)
Durn, Marka
this man was a trader who plied the Nanth'ri Trade Route during the Galactic Civil War in his beat-up
Ghtroc freighter, the DeepHopper. He was a friend of the Alliance, although he dropped dead shortly after
locating the treasure of Celis Mott. He was known in spacer circles as a top-notch navigator, and had
automated much of his starship's systems with the help of his droid, R2-C9. (IA)
this feline being was one of the leaders of the Alliance cell located in the Cantros System, during the

height of the Galactic Civil War. It was discovered that Durne was playing an audacious game, pitting tow
groups of his people against each other, claiming that the other side was actually the Empire. He hoped
that by killing Niru he would be able to gain power over the Cantros System through force, but Luke
Skywalker managed to defeat him before he could take the shot. Niru then captured Durne to hold him for
questioning. (MC93)
this was a peaceful creature native to the planet Corellia. (SWI62)
Durns, Jonas
this noted scholar and historian discovered evidence that Hez Kragg was an actual person, and not just
the Dread Buccaneer of children's stories. Jonas discovered the location of the Kragg's Fury, which was
rumored to contain the riches of the Fleet in its holds, from Sig Coven, and hired a group of freelance
scouts to find it. Coven's coordinates led them to the VV-99-7JE-2N71 star system, where they found the
ship's remains. However, when they were unable to break the coded entry system - based on the fact that
Hez Kragg had spelled the word "Fury" with an I instead of a Y, in accordance with his homeworld's
native language - they set off a series of automated defenses. The Kragg's Fury plunged itself into the
orange-yellow star of the system, but not before the explorers escaped with a huge gemstone as proof of
their finding. (SWJ7)
Durns, Keya
this icy-eyed woman was the daughter of Jonas Durns. She accompanied her father, along with Sig
Coven, on the search for the Kragg's Fury during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ7)
this planet, located in the Duro Sector, is the homeworld of the Duro race. Han Solo's grandfather, Dalla
Suul, was born on Duros. The Duro race had established a vast starship construction industry, nearly
equal to that of Corellia. The government of the system is made up of a consortium of starship
construction corporations, with all necessary political decisions being made by the corporations'
stockhoders. Thus, any Duro which owns stock in these companies can participate in the governing of the
system. The planet Duros itself is uninhabited, since the Duros have covered it with automated farms.
The former population, and all visitors, live in twenty orbiting cities that provide easy access to the
starship construction facilities. The planet was later stripped of its natural resources by the Empire and
used as a dumping ground, and became so toxic that the Duro who lived there were forced to move into
orbiting space stations. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Duros High House agreed to
place domed cities on the surface of Duro, in order to house the refugees fleeing the aliens. In return, the
Senate Select Committee for Refugees (SELCORE) agreed to employ the refugees in activities which
would restore the planet's natural environment. Despite the underhanded efforts of CorDuro Shipping and
SELCORE, the scientists and refugees began to eliminate the toxins and restore the planet's ecosystem.
Despite the assurances of SELCORE and CorDuro Shipping, the Yuuzhan Vong ultimately attacked
Duro, hoping to destroy the orbital cities and capture thousands of refugees and Duros as sacrifices. In
the batlle, all of the cities were destroyed, with the exception of Urrdorf City. Duro was left in the hands of
the Yuuzhan Vong for many months, before a daring plan to liberate the planet was formulated. General
Wedge Antilles took a small task force, reluctantly accepting a Duros-manned squadron, to the Duro
System in an effort to draw out the Yuuzahn Vong forces. The plan was to draw in as many Yuuzhan
Vong warships as possible by approaching the system but not attacking. Commander Yurf Col, a Duro
who wanted his homeworld to be liberated, was angry at the lack of action, and took the Duros forces into
battle against Antilles' orders. Col and his forces were easily defeated by the Yuuzhan Vong, but the alien
invaders were unprepared for the New Republic's total assault forxce. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong
were driven out of the Duro System, liberating the planet and returning it to the New Republic. (SCRE,
a humanoid race characterized by their blue skin, red eyes and long, thin faces. There is no nose on their
face. They are a calm, peaceful race (although the Star Wars Screen Entertainment software claims that
they are reckless innature) and are considered dependable workers and gifted storytellers. Their society
was formed many millennia before the Galactic Civil War, and was very advanced technologically. Most

Duros are interested in space travel, and are employed in one of the many industries that deal in travel
between the stars. Those Duros who remain near their homeworld work for one of the many starship
construction facilities that orbit the planet Duro. Many of the Duros found off-planet are graduates of the
Duro Academy of Deep Space Exploration, and can navigate a hyperspace jump with limited star
charting. The general population of Duros also refused to admit that the Neimoidians were genetic
descendants of their race, despite the scientific evidence which proved their relationship. During the
Galactic Civil War, the Duros were ostensibly loyal to the Empire, although the Empire established
observation centers at many starship yards to keep an eye on them. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
of the galaxy, many Duros felt that the New Republic was too lax in its defense against the alien invaders,
and several Duros claimed that the galaxy would have been better prepared to defend itself if Emperor
Palpatine had still been in power. (SW, SCRE, GG4, BP, EGP, EGA)
this star was the central body of the Duro System, located in the Duro Sector of the galaxy. During the
height of the New Order, this star and its planets were considered part of the Corellian Sector, but the
New Republic eventually rectified this situation. (CCW)
Duro Academy of Deep Space Exploration
a Duro school dedicated to passing on the knowledge of travelling in hyperspace. (SCRE)
Duro Defense Force
known as the DDF, this was the military braintrust which was charged with protecting the planet Duro
during the New Republic. (BP)
Duro Delta Twelve
this aging shipyard was built in the Duro System during the Old Republic. Known as DD12, the shipyards
prospered until the institution of the New Order, when the Empire chose to use its own shipyards to
construct starships. DD12's production dropped off sharply, and many sections of the shipyard because
havens for smugglers and other spacers. A sizable repair facility remained in operation during the
Galactic Civil War, servicing incoming ships and providing a place for the local Alliance cell to meet with
potential recruits. (WOTC, CCW)
Duro Relocation Colonies
a series of planetary sites selected to migrate the native Duros from their toxic world. Pii 3 was once
selected and used as a colony, but was later abandoned. (SWJ6)
Duro Sector
this area of the galaxy originally was centered around the planet Duro, during the Old Republic. After the
Empire took control of the galaxy and stripped Duro of its natural resources, it was decided that the Duro
Sector no longer needed to exist by itself. In an effort to stir up trouble between the Duros and the
Corellians, Emperor Palpatine declared that the planet Duro and its surrounding sector would be annexed
into the Corellian Sector. This decision was eventually overturned by the New Republic. (WBC, CCW)
Duro Shipwrights Guild
this was the primary starship manufacturing consortium on the planet Duro, during the early years of the
New Order. The Alliance courted the Guild for support, hoping to bolster its small contingent of loyal
shipyards. (RESB)
Duro Squadron
this was the name of a squadron of Duros starfigher pilots who joined the forces of the Galactic Alliance
when they tried to retake the planet Duro from the Yuuzhan Vong. Although he accepted their help,
General Wedge Antilles feared that they were too emotionally involved in the fight, and couldn't be
counted on to obey orders. His fears were realized when Commander Yurf Col decided that he couldn't
accept Antilles' mute acceptance of the Yuuzhan Vong control of the Duro System and resigned his
commission. Duro Squadron, along with several Duros-commanded warships, tried to break ranks and
attack on their own. However, without the support of the rest of the New Republic fleet, all the Duros
ships were destroyed by Yuuzhan Vong forces. (FP)

Duro Starshipwright Shipyards

this was the name of the huge, orbital shipyards established around the planet Duro. While not outfitted to
handle military vessels, the DSS could accommodate virtually any size starship, from starfighters to
massive cargo haulers. (CCW)
this was a slang term defined by the New Republic to describe the muck which covered the surface of
Duro, during the effort to reclaim the planet's natural environment. (BP)
DuroDelve Industries
this Duros mining operation purchased the rights to most of Glydus Mining Corporation's equipment and
facilities, after Glydus declared bankruptcy. DuroDelve was later nationalized by the Empire, and the only
piece of property they maintained control over was the Glydus Ming Platform. (GMR2)
this city, located on the planet Antared III, was the site of one it's major starports. (GMH)
it was on this planet that Obo Rin first learned of the Charon race. (GG4)
a planet in the middle of one of the Corporate Sector Authority's steer-clear areas. It has a single
Authority installation. Duroon has three natural satellites and a varied, temperate to semi-tropical
environment. An active volcano fissure runs across the planet's east-west axis, venting large amounts of
steam, magma, and radiation. Han Solo and Chewie deliver a smuggled shipment of guns to a race of
aliens enslaved on the planet by the Authority, who want to revolt against the Authority. (HSE)
a high-density plastic. (KO)
this man was living on the planet Taris, some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, when the planet
was subjugated by the Sith. He helped Carth Onasi and the survivors of the Endar Spire escape a Sith
patrol and locate Bastila Shan. (KOTOR)
Duros Bio-Comp 1000
produced from Durosian technology by MerenData, this was essentially a portable, organic computer
system. A collection of microscopic lifeforms, contained in a fluid culture, mixed and reacted to electrical
impulses to group together in such a way as to store data in their formations. Power for the Bio-Comp
1000 was provided by another species of organisms which performed a kind of photosynthesis within the
computer's chassis. Data processing was carried out via complex bio-chemical fibers that store
instructions and modify the combinations of data-storage organisms. (GFT)
Duros Cultural Center
this was the primary gathering place for those Duros who were living on the planet Coruscant during the
decades leading up to the Clone Wars. The DCC was located in the Boribos Prefecture at the time.
Duros High House
this was the primary governmental body of the planet Duro and its orbital cities, during the early decades
of the New Republic. The Duros High House struck a deal with the Senate Select Committee for
Refugees (SELCORE) during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, taking on refugees in return for
their labor in restoring the natural environment of Duro and in repairing the surface manufacturing
facilities. However, it was later discovered by Tresina Lobi that the Duros High House did not want the
reclamation project, but several votes on the body were bought out by independent shipping concerns like
CorDuro Shipping. (BP)

Duros Sector
one of many sectors of the Nar Shaddaa spaceport, it has been unused since the early days of the
Empire. (DE2)
Duros Space Run
this hyperspace route connected the planet Duros with other major commercial centers. (GMH)
this was the native language of the Duro race. (EGP)
another name for the Duro race. (COJ)
this starship manufacturer was known for its design of the Mneffe-class Superluminal shuttle. (ND)
this Conjeni pilot was part of Bruce Mercy's band. Along with Morph, Durquist piloted the Starburst during
pirate missions. (TSK)
this Dark Jedi was a native of Elrood, and was orphaned when Imperial forces demanded custody of his
mother. They claimed she was being arrested for treasonous acts against the Empire, and Durrei's father
objected. The Imperials opened fire, and Durrei tried to upon the meager Force skills he had. The Force
failed to prevent the deaths of his parents, and Durrei grew angry. The Dark Side of the Force reached
out to him, and Durrei wiped out the Imperials with his mind. From that point forward, he allowed himself
to be consumed by the DarkSide. He was just twenty-two when he helped rally Imperial forces in the
Corva Sector after the Battle of Endor. Durrei established a base of operations on Jandoon, where he
collected ancient Jedi relics and other mystic artifacts, and hoped to recover a Kashi Mer artifact that had
been found by Mahk'khar on Tuulab. He had kidnapped Professor Oron's daughter, Meela, and hoped to
exchange her for the stone-like artifact. (SWJ6)
this planet, located in the Meridian Sector, was the site of the New Republic's primary Naval base in the
Sector. (POT)
Durren Central Planetary Council
this was the primary governmental body which provided leadership for the planet Durren. The Council
was a strong supporter of the New Republic, and was the focus of a revolt instigated by Seti Ashgad and
Dzym, during the droch's attempt to gain control of the galaxy. (POT)
Durren Orbital
this space station served as the New Republic's primary Navy shipyard in the Meridian Sector. It was
located in orbit around the planet Durren. (HT)
Durron, Kyp
a native of Deyer, Kyp was taken prisoner by the Empire when his parents were arrested for speaking out
against the destruction of Alderaan. Kyp and his parents were shipped off to Kessel, and forced to work
the spice mines, while his brother Zeth was conscripted and sent to Carida. His parents were killed by
inmates, and Kyp was orphaned for many years. When Han Solo and Chewbacca are shot down over
Kessel and also forced to work the mines, Kyp becomes friends with Han, and together they escape the
mines, only to discover the Maw Installation. Upon returning to Coruscant, Kyp is asked by Luke
Skywalker to join his new Jedi Academy, for Kyp shows a great deal of Force sensitivity. Kyp agrees, and
begins training on Yavin 4. Following Gantoris' death, Exar Kun's spirit then takes control of Kyp's will.
Kun shows Kyp the power of the Dark Side, but Kyp's basic nature twists the knowledge. He believes
that, even though the power stems from the Dark Side, it can still be used against the Empire. Kun's spirit
does nothing to alter this perception, and assists Kyp in retrieving the Sun Crusher from Yavin's gas core

and allows Kyp to draw on his power as Kyp begins destroying Imperial worlds. It is when Kyp destroys
the Caridan system that Han finally catches up with Kyp, and convinces the young man to return to Yavin
4. Luke then worked with Kyp to return him to the true nature of the Force. As his powers grew, Kyp
became a respected member of the Jedi Knights. He befriended Dorsk 82 when the young alien traveled
to Yavin 4 for training, and the pair were dispatched to Corbos when the miners there unearthed an
ancient creature. Kyp managed to defeat a small Leviathan, but the creature's death awakened an even
larger one. The combined efforts of Kyp, Dorsk 82, Kirana Ti, and Streen managed to defeat it. He soon
became one of Skywalker's new Jedi Masters, but began to question Skywalker's training methods and
philosophy. Kyp believed the Jedi were above the common being, and could roam the galaxy and
dispense justice as they saw fit. He continued this philosophy with his first student, Miko Reglia, when the
formed the Dozen-and-Two Avengers. However, the Avengers were unprepared for the onslaught of the
Yuuzhan Vong, and the small squadron was nearly destroyed at Helska. Only Kyp remained, and he
vowed to exact a suitable retribution on the alien invaders. In this endeavor, Kyp found himself again at
odds with Master Skywalker, who refused to condone Kyp's vigilante plans. Kyp set out again on his own,
forming Kyp's Dozen. They tried to rescue Wurth Skidder from the Yuuzhan Vong clustership Creche', but
arrived too later to save him. Kyp destroyed the immature yammosk which was controlling the ship,
leaving it for dead in orbit around Fondor. Shortly after the Battle of Duro, Kyp approached Jaina Solo to
become his student, after Mara Jade Skywalker became pregnant. Jaina said she would consider the
offer, but distanced herself from Kyp after he misled her - and Rogue Squadron - on the nature of the
shipwomb that had been growing near Sernpidal. Despite his obviously personal agenda, Kyp was sought
out by the New Republic's commanders as a source of information about the alien invaders, and was
appointed to the High Council that advised the Chief od State on Jedi activities. During the final stages of
the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, after the living planet Zonama Sekot agreed to help bring about an
end to the conflict, Kyp was one of several Jedi Knights were bonded to seed-partners and provided with
Sekotan starships. During the final battle fo Coruscant, Kyp also realized that those Jedi who had
acquired seed-partners were also those who had suffered terrible loss or tragedy, such as his destruction
of the planet Carida. (JS, DA, COTF, JAL, VP, JE, EVR, Y, NEGC, UF)
Durron, Zeth
the older brother Kyp Durron, Zeth was sent to the Imperial training center on Carida after his parents
were arrested by the Empire for speaking out against the destruction of Alderaan. The rest of his family
were shipped off to the Spice Mines of Kessel, where only Kyp mnaged to survive. Zeth was trained as a
stormrtooper, but was killed when the planet was destroyed by Kyp. (JS, COTF)
Durs Ranch
this was a leisure farm, owned and operated by Jerren Durs on the planet Froswythe, during the early
decades of the New Republic. Visitors were treated to a week of living as settlers, herding banthas and
working on the farms. Jerren Durs imported a herd of ycaqt to serve as mounts for his visitors, using their
swift speed to keep ahead of the rangy banthas. (WOA20)
Durs, Jerren
this man owned and operated a leisure ranch on the planet Froswythe, during the early decades of the
New Republic. (WOA20)
Dursa Conegan
this Alliance Special Operations officer served under Crix Madine during the Galactic Civil War. Conegan
was ordered to investigate the work being done on the Death-Hunter project, in the Jaemus System, after
special agent Tigress stopped sending back reports. (SWJ9)
Durshana, Imono
this man was one of the staff members at the Rhinnal State Medical Academy during the last years of the
Old Republic. A Force-sensitive individual, he originally agreed to serve at the Jedi chapterhouse, on the
banks of the Frieste River, hoping to become part of "something bigger" than himself. Over time,
Durshana became delusional, an individual who saw a conspiracy in everything that went on around him.
He feared that every patient brought to the Academy had been "cursed". His lunacy crept into every part
of his life, especially after he took to wearing Jedi robes and a replica lightsaber while on duty. (CCW)

this man was a native of the planet Bonadan, although he opposed the Corporate Sector Authority's use
of force in resolving disputes. (GUN)
this Pacithhip was an up-and-coming podracer, joining the professional circuit shortly after the Battle of
Naboo. (ETM)
Dusat, Jord
a human colonist living on Ingo, Jord was a rebel and a troublemaker. During his teenage years, early in
the New Order, he was also a fairly accomplished landspeeder racer. He worked for Thall Joben, who
was his best friend, as his personal mechanic. Jord longed to race the speeder he and Thall had built, the
White Witch, in the Boonta Speeder Race, but an injury kept him out of the cockpit. Thall took his place
and won the race, despite the illegal actions of Boba Fett. Jord and Thall, along with Kea Moll, later
accepted positions within Zebulon Dak's corporation, but were told that they could not bring the droids.
The trio had decided to turn down Dak's offer, having come to appreciate the droids, but R2-D2 and C3PO would not allow them to miss the opportunity. The droids jettisoned themselves in an escape pod,
leaving the humans free to take the job. (DCAR)
this was a slow-tempoed musical style practiced in the Mid and Outer Rim Territories during the height of
the New Order. It was considered dark and moody by most other musicians. (GMR6)
Duskhan League
the Yevethan government ruling in the Koornacht Cluster. It was formed following the takeover of the
Black-15 shipyards, and was led by Nil Spaar. Thirteen worlds in the Cluster were considered full
members of the League, and included N'zoth, Wakiza, Zhina, Tizon, Doornik-207, Z'fell, Faz, and Kutag.
Duskin re Lemte
this being was a modern musician who was classically trained during the last decades of the Old
Republic. His music was best described as a fusion of leap-jump and heavy isotope, but many of his
pieces included the basic elements of classical music. (MBS)
Dusky Sky Caf
this popular restaurant, located in the city of Cambrielle on Ralltiir, was owned and operated by the
Ithorian Kikow during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (PH)
this was a noted Ubese scout. (UANT)
this was a common name among members of the Trandoshan race. (WOTC, UANT)
this was a term used by the entertainers of the Old Republic to indicate that they were leaving one
location, to travel to another. (MJH)
Dust Bowl Saloon
this saloon was located in the city of Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (BH)
Dust Fever
this illness was common among young children on Tatooine. Luke Skywalker had it when he was about
nine years old. While in the grip of dust fever, the afflicted individual often had vivid dreams of strange
and unusual themes. (JLS, T15)

Dust Pits
this was the name given to a particularly arid portion of the planet Yurb. It was known as the home of the
razor-tailed tiger. (MBS)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The origins of the name Dustangle were lost in
Duros history. (GCG)
a Duro archeaologist, and Dustini's cousin. (MMY)
this crop, grown on the planet Skann, is one of the key ingredients in the creation of Skannbult Likker.
this was a grilled food which was favored on Tatooine during the early decades of the New Republic.
Dustcrepes were often served with nausage as a breakfast meal. (SBS)
this was an ancient Zabrak courting ritual. (GCG)
this is Corellian slang for anyone addicted to spice. (TFE)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Dustini was so old that its origins had
been lost over time. (GCG)
Dustini Spa Ronii
a Duro, he was helping the archeaologists preserve the Duro history in the Valley of Royalty when
Kadann started stealing their artifacts. Dustini was elected to leave Duro and seek help from the Alliance,
which he did. (MMY, GMR2)
this was the pseudonym given by Ylenic It'kla to the flame-haired, female Jensaarai he battled with Nejaa
Halcyon and the Jedi known as Desertwind. Dustrose was a compatriot of Nikkos Tryis, and was the first
to die in the confrontation. (IJ)
Dusty Rengo
this male Clantaani was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the skimming of profits from a
"legitimate" protection agency in Mos Espa, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on
Tatooine trying to arrange a meeting with Jabba. (BH)
Dutan Kelliv
this Arcona was a cousin of Dutan Lee, and was a supervisor at Gallisport's SoroSuub munitions factory,
and often provided classified information on shipping schedules and and security procedures to Dutan
Lee. (SWJ9)
Dutan Lee
this Arconan arms dealer was a fixture in the Minos Cluster for almost twenty years. His entire nest was
primarily involved with manufacturing and exporting mining equipment and supplies. Those family
members who didn't work within this operation held positions of authority within the Cluster. He used the
family mining business as a front, and supplied weapons to criminals and Alliance agents with equal
passion. His primary base of operations was never in the same place twice, providing him added
protection from Cluster criminals and Imperial forces. Steady customers discovered his new locations

through a complex network of informants. His arms dealings were often undermined by his youngest
sister, Dutana Leara. (SWJ9)
Dutan Mining Supply Exports
this mining equipment and supply dealership is the legitimate front for Dutan Lee's weapons smuggling
operation. It was located in the city of Gallisport. (SWJ9)
Dutana Leara
this Arcona was the youngest sister of Dutan Lee. She was addicted to salt, and tended to talk too freely
while under the influence. All of the Dutan nest was involved with Dutan Lee's arms dealership, and
Dutan Leara often provided information on his dealings to Minos Cluster authorities. Her babblings led to
a number of failed arms deals. (SWJ9)
Jon Vander's nickname as an Alliance starfighter pilot. Dutch was portrayed by Angus McInnis in Star
Wars. (SW, CCG)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "strong swimmer". (GCG)
Dutra Zeneta
this aging Jin served as the commander of several Alliance special agent teams, notably Scandium and
Shroud Teams. He was one of the few survivors of the Wellte-ir Massacre, as well as the Vidicx and Loac
Campaigns. After the deaths of his team in the Wellte-ir Massacre, Alliance Command was worried that
he was suicidal. However, he requested and received permission to use Shroud Team as a foster agent
group, and worked hard to make sure isolated agents made it home. His primary skills were in the areas
of tactics and infiltration, and those agents that served under him did so with intense loyalty. (SWJ10)
this Alliance GR-75 transport ship was captained by Areta Bell during the year leading up to the Battle of
Hoth. Captain Bell commanded the ship during the evacuation of Hoth, and was escorted through the
Imperial blockade by Wedge Antilles and Luke Skywalker. (IR, IWST)
this ancient Selkath served as a judge in Ahto City, on his homeworld of Manaan, during the decades
leading up to the Great Sith War. Duula was one of the judges who presided over the trial of Sunry, and
was convinced that Sunry could not have killed Elassa. (KOTOR)
Duu-lang, Aalia
this aqua-eyed criminal madame operated from a base in Stassia City. She was orphaned on Stassia at
the age of fifteen, and found work as a conman and scam artist within the criminal organization of Hek
Dallan. Aalia found that she had a shrewdness in the various dealings of Dallan, and began to build her
own small fortune. Aalia also began currying the favor of local businessbeings and law enforcement
agents, building up relationships which she later used against Dallan. In a swift coup d'etat, Aalia
eliminated Dallan and took control of his entire organization. Known for her ability to manipulate any
situation or being, Aalia came under Imperial scrutiny when Tren Pergallis took control of Stassia. During
the Sweepstakes tournament, Zeck Tambell was able to link her to Reye Sedeya, and when the young
man refused to go along with her plans, Aalia was arrested and imprisoned. (SWJ6)
this Society of the Black Bha'lir purchased huge tracts of land on this jungle planet, using them as refuges
for the remaining black bha'lir they rescued from Iyred. (BSS)
this is a sentient race of humanoids. (TT)

this dog-sized reptile was native to the planet Yashuvhu. Despite being reptilian, the duuvhal was warmblooded and was covered with emerald-green feathers. The bite of a duuvhal injected its prey with a toxic
venom which was deadly to humans. However, the duuvhal rarely attacked anything larger than itself,
even in self-defense. The human population of Yashuvhu often trained duuvhals to serve as pets and
watchbeasts, and even taught their duuvhals to bite on command. (WOTC)
Duwan, Leig
this grizzled old man was an instructor at the Coruscant Medical Hospital during the years leading up to
the Clone Wars. A native of the planet Alderaan, Leig was known for the way he always seemed to smile
when he talked to his students. There was one point in his life when Leig considered suicide. His father
had died, his mother was in the hospital, and his sister had been lost on a frontier expedition. He could
see no reason to live, and left the hospital to contemplate his demise. While he was walking home, a man
on the street came up to him and thanked Leig for saving his life. Leig thought that the man had been a
patient, but the man explained that he had been outside the hospital one morning. He also had been
contemplating suicide, but Leig had smiled at him when he walked into work. The man explained that he
had given himself an escape clause to his suicide plan: if any being were to smile at him, he would back
out. The man had accepted Leig's smile as a sign, and chose to continue his life. Leig often used this
story with his students, in an effort to explain to them that even the smallest of actions could save a
being's life. (MJH)
Duwani Mechanical Products
this ancient manufacturer produced the 3DO series of protocol/service droids some 4,000 years before
the Battle of Yavin. (TOJC)
this Yuuzhan Vong verb literally meant "let loose" or "bring in," and was used by animal handlers. (SBS)
Duwin tur voxyn
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translated into Basic as, "Let loose (or release) the voxyn." (NJOSB)
this was one of the Empire's many security classification levels. (BI)
this was the designation of one of the Imperial stormtroopers who boarded the Tantive IV, after it was
captured by the Devastator over Tatooine. Note that the Star Wars Trading Game - A New Hope
expansion set claims DV-523 was a clone. (TCG3)
this was the designation of one of the Imperial stormtroopers who boarded the Tantive IV, after it was
captured by the Devastator over Tatooine. It was DV-692 who stunned Princess Leia Organa, so that she
could be brought before Darth Vader. Note that the Star Wars Trading Game - A New Hope expansion
set claims DV-692 was a clone. (TCG3)
this silver-plated humanoid droid was Hoole's research assistant. Equipped with an OmniTask brain,
Deevee faithfully tagged along when Hoole and the Arranda children got into trouble with the Empire. He
successfully negotiated with Meego for the purchase of the Shroud, then used the data in the ship's
computer memory to create an anti-serum which negated the effects of Doctor Evazan's reanimation
serum. This saved the planet of Necropolis from the assault of Evazan's zombie army, and freed his
human friends from Evazan's schemes. After encountering the Nightmare Machine on Nespis 8, D-V9
took a blaster bolt meant for Tash. After several more misadventures, Deevee decided that he had had
enough. After some grueling repairs, Deevee retired to work at a Galactic Research Facility on Koaan.
Hoole manumitted D-V9, allowing him free access to the facility. (GOF1, GOF2, GOF6, GOF7)
this Alliance outpost was known as the Quagmire by the soldiers who were stationed there during the

Galactic Civil War. Located on the swamp planet Aracara, it served as a staging area for X-Wing fighters
in the sector. DVL-181 was created from the abandoned Aracara Testing Facility. (HAS)
this strange planet was bioengineered by Borborygmus Gog for the Empire as part of Project Starscream.
D'vouran appeared to be a normal, temperate world with rollin ghills, dense forests, and salty oceans. It
had a breathable atmosphere, and Gog had it peopled with the enigmatic Enzeen race. It was discovered
when the Misanthrope crashed into it and sent out a distress call. The accident was quickly covered up,
although the planet was rumored to be the richest and most beautiful planet within 1,000 light-years,
rumors which helped fuel its tourist trade. The tourists to the planet often had trouble finding it, since the
planet seemed to move about on its own, and had no native system. In reality, the planet was somewhat
symbiont with the Enzeen, a relationship engineered by Gog in an attempt to create life. The Enzeen
were outwardly friendly, which allowed them to draw visitors into the forests. There, the planet would
open itself up and swallow the visitors, bringing them to the Heart of D'vouran and deriving sustenance
from their bodies. In return, the Enzeen were allowed to siphon off a small portion of D'vouran's life-force
for their own sustenance. Eventually, the planet outgrew its creators, consuming the scientists who
remained on the planet and breaking free of their control. It traveled like this until Mammon Hoole caught
up to it. In fury, the planet tried to consume Hoole's ship as it fled, but only consumed itself in a spasm of
rage. It suddenly reappeared, seveal light-years away, shortly afterward. (GOF1, GOF2)
this was a model of holdout blaster developed by BlasTech during the early decades of the New
Republic. (BP)
this was the Huttese verb for "to sell." (GMR5)
Dwarf Bantha
this was the smallest of the subspecies of bantha native to the planet Tatooine. They were skittish and
shy creatures which were nonetheless very sure-footed, and lived in the canyons and cliffs of the outer
deserts. (WSW)
Dwarf Nuna
this was the smaller subspecies of the nuna, or swamp turkey, which was native to the planet Naboo.
Dwarf Spider Droid
developed by the Commerce Guild, the dwarf spider droid was used to infiltrate enemy lines and provide
intelligence back to a homing spider droid. Sometimes called burrowing spider droids, these combat
automata were armed with a laser cannon and move into underground mines and caves to reach their
targets. A suite of infrared photoreceptors allowed the spider droid to locate its target. (VD2, SWDB)
Dwarf Vornskr
this smaller form of vornskr was much easier to control than the standard form, and thus was more often
smuggled off Myrkr for sale as guard animals to crimelords and private citizens. (BF4)
Dwarf-class Freighter
this 150-meter freighter was built by Rendili Star Drive. It could transport up to 1,500 metric tons of cargo.
It required a crew of 400, and was armed with 9 quad-laser batteries and a single turbolaser. The Dwarfclass had a gently-curving hull reminiscent of various Mon Calamari designs. (WG)
this small, reddish-brown beetle was developed by the Yuuzhan Vong as an environmental weapon. The
Yuuzhan Vong used swarms of dweebits to destroy the ExGal-4 outpost on Belkadan, providing cover for
their landing on Helska and their invasion of the known galaxy. Groups of dweebits lived in the root
systems of the plants of Belkadan, exuding a chemical mix of excrement into the soil. As the plants
received nourishment from the soil, they "exhaled" a noxious mix of gases into the atmosphere.Since the

dweebits were prolific breeders, they eventually established huge underground populations. As they
multiplied, they affected virtually every form of plant life on the planet, fouling the air of Belkadan at an
ever-increasing rate. The noxious atmosphere eventually began generating intense storms and rendering
the planet a toxic wasteland. (VP)
this is a gooey pastry made by the natives of Mos Espa, on Tatooine. (TPM)
Dwelling Circle
this section of the primary city on Kegan was dedicated to the housing facilities of the Keganites. (FFT)
this ancient Nikto represented his people in their negotiations with the Hutts, before the birth of the Old
Republic. He signed the agreement which indentured the Nikto people into Hutt servitude for eternity.
Dweomilis Advisory Foundation
this defense system think-tank and policy advisor board was one of the original Contributing Sponsors of
the Corporate Sector Authority. Dweomilis works with companies like BlasTech and Santhe/Sienar
Technologies to help define and administer defense manfuacturing. It was rumored that Dweomilis was a
major contributor to the Empire's cloaking device program. (CSA)
this weasly Rodian worked as a spice merchant in Mos Eisley during the Galactic Civil War. (GG7)
this Yuuzhan Vong was used to indicate the affirmation of another's words or commands. It could be
translated into Basic as "yes" or "affirmative". (NJOSB)
this gas giant was the third planet in the Kothlis System, and was the twin of Dwi'lar. Dwi'kar was orbited
by nine moons. The fifth moon was the site of an orbital gas refinery owned by Botha Ammunitions
Corporation, where gases harvested both gas giants was taken for processing. (SPG)
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Kothlis System, and was the twin of Dwi'kar. Dwi'lar was bluegreen in color, and was orbited by eleven moons. (SPG)
a large creature native to the planet Gamorr, the dwoob was raised by the Gamorreans for its tough hide.
Dwoobs were also used as draft animals, but their ornery nature made them difficult to control unless the
driver was experienced. (SWJ14)
a male Whiphid, and Valarian's chosen mate. He is a hunter of some renown. He tries to skip out on his
wedding night to hunt down Han Solo, after Jabba the Hutt put out a bounty on Solo's head. This enraged
Valarian, and a huge fight broke out at their reception. D'Wopp was returned to his homeworld of Toola in
various parts. (TME)
this Troig Saprah, Dwuir, sought to be separated from its Saprin, Tabb, during the year prior to the Clone
Wars. The debates over the ethical necessity and medical ability to perform the operation started a
galaxy-wide debate in many circles. Due to the poor medical facilities on Pollillus, as well as the possible
death of one being in such a separation, Dwuirinstabb remained together for many months while the
debates raged on. (HNN5)

this Troig became the subject of many medical and philosophical debates during the year leading up to
the Clone Wars, when the Saprah, Dwuir, sought to be separated from its Saprin, Tabb. (HNN5)
this data card format was created by the Empire. It restricted information on data cards to Imperial access
only. (GG9)
this was the designation of a disruptor pistol produced by the Tenloss Syndicate during the New Order.
Like other disruptor weapons, the DX-2 fired an energy blast that caused the target's molecules to
become excited and lose cohesion, leading to the utter annihiliation of the target. This disintegrative affect
made them illegal in most parts of the galaxy, but Tenloss maanged to continue to produce them for
many decades. (EGW, AEG)
this walking war droid was part of the Imperial team, led by Govin Thane, that was dispatched to Cloud
City to ensure that no refugees could flee the outpost. DX-2K2 was defeated in a firefight between
Govin's forces and a team of Alliance agents, and the refugees were freed. DX-2K2 was armed with a
retractable vibro-ax, a piar of heavy repeating blasters, and enhanced armor plating. (GMR3)
this was the designation of an industrial solvent which, when exposed to an oxygen-rich environment,
disperses into a microfine mist that disrupts electronic equipment and hyper-irritates skin, nasal
passages, and lung tissue in humanoids. (SWJ3)
Telgorn's first Delta-class transport ship. It is 20 meters in length, and has a normal crew complement of
5. The Empire used these transports to move stormtrooper squads. It boasts the following shipboard

8 Taim and Bak KT4 Laser Cannons

4 ARMek SW-2 Ion Cannons

2 Krupx MG7 Proton torpedo Launchers (5 torpedoes each)

Front/Rear Projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at 80 SBD)

Quadanium steel armored Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU)

Telgorn's second-generation Delta-class transport ship. It is 25 meters in length, and has a normal crew
complement of 5. The Empire used these transports to move stormtrooper squads. It boasts the following
shipboard components:

8 Taim and Bak KT4 Laser Cannons

4 ARMek SW-2 Ion Cannons

2 Krupx MG7 Proton torpedo Launchers (5 torpedoes each)

Front/Rear Projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at 80 SBD)

Quadanium steel armored Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU)

this was the designation of a disruptor rifle produced by the Tenloss Syndicate during the New Order. It
was based on the plans of the DX-2 disruptor pistol, but with more power and greater range. Like other
disruptor weapons, the DXR-6 fired an energy blast that caused the target's molecules to become excited
and lose cohesion, leading to the utter annihiliation of the target. This disintegrative affect made them
illegal in most parts of the galaxy, although Tenloss managed to produce them for many decades. (EGW,
DX-series Droid
this series of assassin droids was developed during the Old Republic, many years before the New Order.
While the weaponry of a DX-series droid could be reconfigured, most were equipped with a retractable
vibro-axe, a pair of heavy blasters, and strong armor plating. (RESB)
this being was the author of Warm Thoughts for Invertebrates. (HNN4)
one of four natural satellites of the planet Onderon, Dxun was the closest to the planet, and the home of
the Dxun Devourers and Dxun Beasts. In a precise balance of nature, the Dxun moon orbits extremely
close to Onderon on a regular basis. Its orbit is so close that the atmospheres of both bodies begin to
mix, allowing the vicious beasts to migrate from the moon to the planet. For this reason, it was known to
the Onderonian natives as the "demon moon." At the order of the ancient Jedi Master, Arca, a tomb for
Freedon Nadd and his Sith artifacts was built on the Dxun moon of Mandalorian iron. (DLS, TSW)
Dxun Beast
a huge, winged reptile native to the Dxun moon of Onderon. They have flat, wedge-shaped heads with 10
horns, two short arms, a huge wingspan, and long tails. They are extremely territorial, and will violently
defend their lands. The Jedi Master Arca hoped to use them to protect the Sith knowledge obtained from
Freedon Nadd by placing all Sith artifacts on the Dxun Moon. Exar Kun was able to use the Dark Side of
The Force to strike the Dxun down and gain entry to the storehouse. (DLS)
Dxun Devourer
another winged denizen of the Dxun moon, these flying creatures are somewhat smaller than Dxun
Beasts, but doubly vicious. Also known as Dxunian raptors, or skreevs, these creatures also had two
arms but lacked the horns that the Dxun Beasts had. Instead, they have a long, jutting lower jaw, which is
pointed. This lower jaw is used as a attack weapon. The wingspan of this creature was nearly twenty
meters across. (DLS, GMR3)
Dxunian Raptor
this was another name for the skreev, or the Dxun Devourer. (GMR3)
Dxunian Stalker
this was another name for the gharzr. (GMR3)
a BlasTech heavy blaster pistol, the DY-225 was originally developed to overcome the long-range
accuracy problems of other BlasTech weapons. Although the DY-225 failed to live up to its promise, it
nonetheless was a powerful weapon for stunning individuals, and found widespread use among police
agencies and bounty hunters. (GG9, AEG)
Dyani Zaan
this was the name of a distinguished Togruta individual. (UANT)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)

Dyanthis Vine
a dark-leaved, creeping plant. (POT)
this Imperial Colonel was assigned to coordinate the defense of the control bunker on the forest moon of
Endor, as part of the garrison stationed there during the construction of the second Death Star. A natural
leader, he worked well with Moff Jerjerrod during the initial planning phases of the installation's security
measures. Among the defenses they developed was the reserve force of stormtroopers and other
personnel maintained outside the main bunker, which could arrive shortly after an invading force and wipe
them out. (CCG10)
Dying Slowly
this is the former name of the town called Death, located on the planet Jubilar. It was the capital city of
the planet's Regional Sector Four. (TBH)
this man was a native of the planet Corellia, and an associate of Kaori Batta. (GUN)
this was a valuable ore which was mined some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (GSE)
manufacturers of starship weaponry and detonation devices. Note that this corporation was described as
Dymex in Balance Point. (SCRE, EGV, BP)
see Dymek (BP)
Dymurra, Gnifmak
this Loronar Corporation executive was in control of the manufacturing operations in the Meridian and
Antemeridian Sectors, in the years after the Battle of Endor. His primary function was as CEO for the
Core systems. It was Dymurra who was contacted by Beldorion, who offered the executive wealth and
prestige if he assisted in Dzym's plans to control the galaxy. Dymurra agreed, and provided several
synthdroids as well as arms to Dzym's forces. These forces, aligned with Seti Ashgad, attempted to gain
control of Nam Chorios and launch the drochs into space, but their plans were foiled by Leia Organa-Solo
and Luke Skywalker. Leia obtained memos and correspondances which implicated Dymurra in the plot,
which were corroborated by the information discovered by Yarbolk Yemm. The executive was imprisoned
for his part in the affair. (POT)
this pro-Imperial mineral and fuel refinery operation was based on the Grande Hyet island of Esseles.
Dynamic Automata
this corporation was a minor player in the galactic droid marketplace, until its owner and founder - Metron
Besk - was able to obtain a contract to supply the Empire with parts and subsystems. This allowed
Dynamic Automata to grow into one of the Velcar Free Commerce Zone's most powerful corporations.
Their slogan, "We Care, So You Don't Have To," gave the corporation a friendly attitude despite its
military association. (SESB, SWJ3)
Dynamic Hammer
this was a special form of hammer that was developed for military use during the last decades of the Old
Republic. It used a vibration system that was similar to that of a vibroblade to move the head of the
hammer as it struck an object. This gave the hammer an almost explosive impact, causing much more
damage than a normal hammer. (RCHC)
Dynamic Synergetics, Incorporated

this corporation established a hyperbaride processing plant on the planet Marca, shortly before the
downfall of the Old Republic. The Empire nationalized the plant, and wiped all records of Marca from
existence, in order to keep the plant operating despite the potential hazards to the native Sekct. (POM)
an old Jedi training tool built from precisely-poised levers and wheels. The purpose of the dynamitron was
to have the student use the Force to set the dynamitron in motion. It involved a series of complex mental
manipulations. (COJ)
this was the term used by the Noghri to describe a clan leader. (DFR)
this modified Corellian YT-1210 light freighter was owned and operated by Axtor Bridgeman. The ship's
weapons consisted of a single, turret-mounted laser cannons and a pair of concussion missile tubes.
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this manufacturer produced sublight engines for starships, during the last years of the Old Republic. (X1)
Dyne 2577
this Corellian Engineering Corporation radial sublight drive was used in the construction of the AA-9
Freighter. (SWI61)
this woman, along with her date, were invited to the party held by King Arno and Queen Leonie on
Zeltros, celebrating the Alliance's victor at the Battle of Endor. (MC104)
this name was common among members of the T'surr race. (WOTC, UANT)
this gawky, gangly man worked with Hoke as the repair and maintenace team of the Q'Maere Research
Facility, during the time Moff Sarne used the facility as a penal colony. (KR)
this Imperial Colonel was in command of the scout training facility located on the planet Moorja, during
the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He tracked a team of Alliance agents to Tatooine, after they stole
a Lambda-class shuttle from the Moorja facility, but he was unable to recover the ship. (GMR2)
a species of grazer native to the moon Yavin 8. (GG2)
the middle of three continents - in terms of size - on the planet Algara II. It contains ths cities of Kel and
Tauve. (PG2)
Dysk Moosea
this minor criminal worked for the Exalted Torcaigne on Attahox. (CSWDW)
Dyslogia Twang
this immense alien was a noted social reporter, working for Coruscant-based HoloNet news agencies
during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Dyslogia Twang's style was abrasive at best, since
anything that clashed with his "sensibilities" was roundly trashed in his reports. His vocabulary was filled
with quirky and pandering phrases like "infratacky" (which meant that something was so tacky as to

visible beyond the normal spectrum of light) and "splendiforous", and he often referred to his readers as
"my darlings" and "sweeties." (HNN5)
Dyson, Harkin
this alias was used by Hiram Drayson when he met Joto Eckels on Coruscant. Eckels was returning with
the remains of the Qella recovered by Kroddok Stopa and Josala Krenn, and Dyson was the collector to
whom they were delivered. It was Dyson who had picked up the funding for Eckels' mission to Brath
Qella, after both the New Republic and the Obroan Institute withdrew support. Drayson delivered them to
Joi Eicroth for analysis, under the auspices of Alpha Blue. (TT)
Dystra, Myleena
this woman was a native of Coruscant, and was a member of a wealthy and influential family. She could
attend the best schools, and lived in a grand estate, until her parents were arrested for being suspected
Alliance agents. Most of the others were released, but Myleena never saw her parents again. An orphan,
she was sent to a COMPNOR readjustment camp and forced to learn about the New Order. Little did she
know that her parents were truly Alliance agents. She discovered this when an Alliance SpecOps teams
liberated her from the camp and took her to a safeworld, where Alliance doctors reversed much of the
Imperial brainwashing she had endured. She devoted the rest of her life to working toward the ideals of
her parents, and eventually became an agent in the New Republic's Security Force. (HR)
Dyyz Nataz
a former police officer in his home system, Nataz was a tough cop who was sent out to deal with violent
sociopaths. He became a Sector Ranger, and ran into Spurch Goa soon after. They worked together on a
case involving a counterfeit credit ring, only to discover that Jabba the Hutt had set it all up to remove the
Rangers. Gank Killers ambushed them and killed their other partner, Thaffe, before Nataz and Goa went
berserk and killed the Ganks. The two then sent the Ganks' ship on a collision course with Jabba's palace
asteroid, causing innumerable damage but missing Jabba in the attempt. This stunt earned Nataz the
nickname "Megadeath." They were expelled from the Rangers and hid out on Nar Shaddaa, laying low to
avoid Jabba and doing jobs on the side. Dyyz's race was not known, for he wore a full-body suit of
ancient Ithullan armor and a rusty, skull-shaped helmet. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Dyyz
was shot and killed on Nar Shaddaa by the inexperienced bounty hunter Greedo. (DE1, DESB, HFG)
this was a noxious creature, native to the planet Ansion. (APS)
DZ 17X
this was the model number of Mili-Corp's Nemesis powered armor. All known suits of DZ 17X armor were
believed to have been destroyed in the conflicts which tore the Old Republic apart, shortly before the
advent of the New Order. (GUN)
this was the model number of one of Arakyd's DZ-series of fugitive tracker droids. Similar in shape to the
IT-series of interrogation droids, the DZ-70 was a repulsor-equipped sphere. It was programmed to
single-mindedly track its target, regardless of environment, population, or physical obstacles,and was
given a wide variety of sensor mechanisms to monitor a target's progress. A group of manipulator arms borrowed by the Viper probe droids - hung below the DZ-70's body, and the droid was armed with a stun
blaster and a laser cannon. The only drawback to the DZ-70 was it high maintenance. Many of these
droids were placed aboard the Eye of Palpatine, and remained hidden until that ship became operational.
this model of shield generator was a low-power unit, providing the barest of protection for small ships.
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "artisan".

this was a common name among members of the Ugnaught race. (UANT)
Dzass IV
a planet. (WSV)
Dzavak Lakes
this province of the planet Ansion was noted for the unusual and exotic perfumes produced by the Alwari
natives who lived there. (APS)
DZ-series Tracker Droid
this Arakyd Industries droid was built as a tracker, to locate its quarry using any resources at hand. The
DZ-series moved about on a repulsorlift engine, floating above the ground to avoid trouble with legs or
treads. Each was armed with a blaser pistol and an electroshock probe, as well as a variety of sensors
and scanners. (WOA24)
Dzundo-class Star Yacht
this was a model of personal starship developed during the early years of the New Order. (RESB)
this droch, a native of the planet Nam Chorios, was nothing more than an unremarkable member of his
species before Zubindi Ebsuk tried to artificially grow drochs larger in order to please Beldorian the Hutt.
The droch race already had some latent sentience, and Zubindi's chemical and genetic manipulations
brought out a high level of intelligence in Dzym. For 250 years, Dzym grew strong and powerful, initially
using physical contact to drain the lifeforce out of people before learning how to use other drochs to do
the work for him. Realizing that he couldn't storm the galaxy without a fight, Dzym attempted to enslave
members of the Chorian population in order to meet his needs. Beldorian the Hutt was his first choice, but
the Hutt proved to be too weak. When Seti Ashgad was imprisoned on Nam Chorios, Dzym quickly
stepped in and took control. Using the Force in a crude fashion, Dzym fashioned himself a human
appearance and posed as Ashgad's secretary. Dzym used the human to incite the more recent
inhabitants of Nam Chorios to revolt against the Oldtimers, especially the Therans, and eventually was
able to make contact outside the system. Using Ashgad as his mouthpiece, Dzym forged an alliance with
Loronar Corporation, providing Spook crystals in return for weapons and political backing. The true goal
was for Dzym to get off-planet and spread the Death Seed. As Loronar began developing CCIR
technology, Dzym continued to wield his influence. When Ashgad seemed to be beyond his years, Dzym
began providing his with added lifeforce, and they devised a story that Seti Ashgad had a son to explain
the human's rejuvenated appearance. The droch then realized, with the fall of the Empire and the rise of
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa-Solo, that his time had come. He used Ashgad to lure Leia to Nam
Chorios, where he hoped to detain her long enough for the New Republic's Provisional Council to
squabble about her successor. In the meantime, Loronar began producign Needles and synthdroids, and
provided Dzym with enough firepower to engage the Republic fleet. Using his subservient drochs, Dzym
infected the New Republic's fleet by tarnsporting them on Ashgad's body, while creating panic and
rebellion on worlds throughout the Meridian Sector. The droch's plan would have worked except for Leia's
escape from captivity and the presence of Luke Skywlaker on Nam Chorios. Together, the discovered
Dzym's plots and exposed them to the natives of the planet. Dzym and Ashgad tried to flee the planet and
start their war on their own, but they were destroyed when Luke managed to communicate with the Spook
crystals in the Needles. They turned on Dzym's ship and destroyed it. (POT)

this was the Snivvian word for "here." (HNN5)
E-11 Trooper Rifle
a BlasTech military laser weapon used by stormtroopers, it has a quarter-centimeter aperture. It can be
fired continuously, but only at low-power settings. They were so heavily produced that, between stolen
shipments and weapons scavenged from battlefields, the Alliance had almost as many of these rifles as
the Empire. The weapon was cloned by SoroSuub as the Stormtrooper One rifle. (SME, CCG, CSA)
this modified version of the standard E-11 stormtrooper rifle had a slug thrower mounted just below the
blaster barrel. A lever allowed the user to toggle between firing blaster bolts, slugs, or both at the same
time. (GG11)
this heavy blaster was produced during the early decades of the New Republic. (HT)
E-11B Trooper Rifle
this modified version of the basic BlasTech E-11 rifle was developed by the BlasTech employees who
defected to the Alliance shortly before the Battle of Endor. An enhanced cooling system was used to
allow for a greater rate of fire. The weapon saw use in the Alliance's struggle to capture the Imperial
shield generator during the Battle of Endor. (CCG10)
this modified version of the standard BlasTech E-11 stormtrooper rifle was equipped with a high-powered
zoom, allowing it to be used as a sniper weapon. In exchange for long-range power, however, the E-11s
could only fire a single shot before recharging. (LAWS)
this BlasTech asssault rifle was standard issue to New Republic soldiers during the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. (HT)
this small ion engine was developed by Incom for use on the T-16 Skyhopper. (EGV)
this administrative droid served the Jedi Knights at the Almas Academy during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Known as EeOne or Era, this droid was purposely constructed from a variety of different parts
and components, and was given a female personality. She could act as a maid, waitress, or mechanic,
depending on the needs of the Jedi at the Academy. Because of the many appendages and components,
E1-6RA had a unique appearance which did not resemble any particular species, let alone any other
droid. The Jedi later discovered that a piece of alien technology had been installed into E1-6RA by a
smuggler. The device allowed E1-6RA to receive telepathic signals and understand them, and the
smuggler hoped that he could secretly obtain information on the Jedi and sell it at a huge profit. After the
smuggler was caught and arrested, the Jedi decide to leave the technology installed. E1-6RA served as
Lanius Qel-Bertuk's personal assistant during the Clone Wars, helping him keep the Almas Academy
functioning in the face of the galactic conflict. (LFC, LFCW)
this sniper rifle was produced by SoroSuub during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The blaster bolts
fired from the E-17d were extremely accurate over long distances, and remained coherent enough to
provide a long-distance punch. The barrel of the E-17d was perforated along its entire length, giving the

weapon an distinctive appearance. (LAWS)

the designation of an ancient series of asteroid mining ships designed by Byblos Drive Yards. The E-2
miner is an insectoid ship that looks small. However, the E-2 is actually 110 meters in length. Instead of
using tractor beams to move asteroids, the E-2 is equipped with eight rugged claws which can dig into
stone and grasp an asteroid beneath the main body of the miner. Each E-2 is also equipped with plasma
drills to cut away useless rock to reveal the ore within. A crew of 14 manned the ship, with four gunners
handling the plasma drills. The removed stone is sucked up into a central vacuum system that deposits
the material in a sorting area. Valuable ores are sent into storage bays, while other material is sent to a
processing plant to be turned into fuel. Each E-2 miner has a command crew of four, a bridge crew of ten,
and over 100 miners. Finhead Stonebone was one of the first to recognize the potential of E-2 miners in
his pirating operation in the Stenness Systems some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. He
modified his E-2s to attack the ore haulers made from Ithullian Colossus Wasp carapaces. (TOJ, EGV,
the E2-I6 series of instructional droids was developed for use at the Empire's military training facilities.
this chrome-plated protocol droid was part of the Imperial garrison which was stationed on Cloud City. E3PO's assigned role was that of human-to-alien translator, a role he fulfilled when he relayed to Ugloste
the necessary modifications to allow carbon-freezing to work on humans. E-3PO nearly ran into C-3PO,
shortly after Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon arrived at Bespin in the wake of the Battle of Hoth.
(CCG5, TCG7)
E3-series Droid
this series of companion droids was produced by Cybot Galactica. Roughly humanoid in stature and
standing about a meter tall, these droids were designed and programmed to perform the more manual
labor their owners required. (WSV)
this decree was passed by the Galactic Senate shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars, prohibiting any
non-military cloning research to take place. Despite the intentions of the decree - to ensure that cloning
technology was not infiltrated or corrupted by the Separatists - the decree actually crippled the economies
and societies of several member worlds. Khomm was particularly hard-hit, since cloning technology was
required for each generation to procreate. (SWI68)
this tall, thin droid was produced by Baktoid Combat Automata as an assassin droid, and as a direct
replacement for the battle droids used by the Trade Federation during the Battle of Naboo. They were
given mediocre verbobrains, allowing them to have a measure of independence that removed the need
for a Droid Control Ship. (RP)
E-5 Droid Blaster
this was the short-barreled blaster weapon produced by the Baktoid Armor Workshop, for use by the
Trade Federation's E-5 battle droids. The fact that this weapon was developed for use by droid fighters
allowed Baktoid to cut back on many areas - such as heat dissipation and recoil - which posed safety
concerns for living users. (SWI62, AEG)
a model of assassin droid specially commissioned by the Empire and built by Sienar Intelligence
Systems, the E522 was characterized by its waspish waist, large shoulders, and squared-off head. This
series of droid was produced with an impressive collection of weaponry, both passive and offensive. The
E522 was equipped with a heavy repeating blaster, an ion cannon, six hunter-seeker missiles, and a
toxin-injection system. It was propelled by a pair of recycled tank treads. (TME, SWRPG, EGD)

this sniper rifle was produced by the Baktoid Armor Workshop for use by the battle droid legions deployed
by the Separatists during the height of the Clone Wars. (LAWS)
this portable missile launcher was produced by the Baktoid Armor Workshop, as part of the standard
weaponry available for the battle droids of the Separatist armies, during the height of the Clone Wars. It
was inexpensive to mass-produce, which allowed the Techno Union to produce them in sufficient
quantities to accommodate the vast numbers of battle droids sent into battle. The E-60R was also
lightweight, ensuring that the weapon could be carried by B1-series battle droids. To further trim costs, a
built-in targeting interface that would have linked directly to the droid firing the weapon was scrapped in
favor of more traditional weapons scopess, forcing the programmers of the battle droids to provide
enhanced visual capabilities. Despite its size, the E-60R could fire a variety of projectiles, and was known
to have brought down LAAT/i gunships with well-placed shots. (LAWS, SWDB)
E9D8 Rebellion
this historical event occurred during the height of the Old Republic, but was settled with the help of the
Jedi Order's Council of First Knowledge. (PJSB)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'ala added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Ealewon Electronics
this small electronics manufacturer produced a variety of encryption devices during the height of the New
Order. (GFT)
this was a temperate planet, located in the Bysis System, covered with temperate forests and grasslands.
this was a common name among the Celegian race. (UANT)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "wise". (GCG)
this New Republic Navy officer served as Wedge Antilles' tactical officer aboard the Yavin, during the
assault on Almania. (TNR)
Eanca Goa-Ato
this was the Grand Protector's Hunter's Guild Hall, located in the Rodian city of Iskaayuma. This vast
building complex contained the offices of the Goa-Ato, as well as the personal chambers of the Grand
Protector, an Awards Hall, and a Chronicle Room which contained records of the hunts of the members of
the Goa-Ato. (SPG)
this piece of surveillance equipment was used to eavesdrop on remote conversations. (PGT)
this eavesdropping device was used by criminals and spies during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Comprised of a button-sized listening device, a headset, and a receiver, the EAR-1 was a jet-black unit
which stored away in an unobtrusive, small metal case. One of its major features was the use of a
miniature damping unit, which prevented it from being detected. However, the EAR-1 had a very limited
range, due in part of the damping unit, and the receiver had to be in a line-of-sight with the listening

device. (LOE)
Earbead Receiver
this was a form of communications module which resembled an earring or, in more expensive version, a
mole on the ear or even a tattoo. The receiver was just that, a way to receive communications from a
remote recorder. The unit's small size allowed the wearer to listen in on a conversation without an
obvious earpiece or receiver. (DMS)
Earl of Vis
this man, the cousin of an ancient king of Naboo, built a large banqueting rotunda in the city of Theed.
Early Riser
this light freighter was owned by Neva Transport, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. (FBS)
this was the only word used to describe one of the four humanoid, child-like droids discovered by Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa on an uncharted world, while they were on a diplomatic mission to the Akuria
System, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Earth was named for the fact that he could make the earth
around him move and shake at will. All four children were distinguished from humans by their glowing,
yellow eyes. They were created by the Keeper to break the monotony of its millennia-long work of
rebuilding the planet, and their special powers helped the Keeper in its reformation efforts. (PZZ1)
this reddish rock, found on the planet Dagobah, was used as a healing tool by the Jedi Master Yoda. (VD)
Easal Mar
this was one of the most powerful Jedi ever to train aboard the massive starship Chu'unthor, several
centuries before the Battle of Yavin. (PJSB)
East Ahto
this section of Ahto City, located on the planet Manaan, was the site of most of the Imperial offices on the
planet during the height of the New Order. (PH)
East District Trail
a travel route on Lucazec. Like many other roads on the planet, it is little more than two wheel ruts in the
dirt. (BTS)
East Minor
this section of Coruscant's Imperial City was famous for the Trophill Gardens. Easy Minor itself was a
residential and cultural borough of Coruscant's southern hemisphere, located nearly opposite the
sprawling megalopolis of Imperial City. (SOL, CCW)
East Platform
Boba Fett's landing site at Cloud City (ESB)
East Refineries
this was one of four ore refineries established on the Ugnaught Surface, during its construction. Once the
floating city was completed, the refinery was converted into housing and business facilities for the
Ugnaughts who made their homes on the Surface. (PH)
East Vacaliv
this seasonal wind storm ravages the southern latitudes of the planet Iotra. (GG12)
this was one of three major spaceports located in Imperial City on Coruscant. It remained active for many
decades, until the Yuuzhan Vong took control of Coruscant and reformed it into a simulacrum of
Yuuzhan'tar. Like most locations on the planet, the Eastport landing field suffered huge amounts of

damage during the early stages of the reformation. (BTS, UF)

Easy Breathing
this was the brand name of VargeCorp's full-face breath mask, designed as an emergency breathing
system. It could scrub poisons out of the air for about an hour before its power pack needed to be
recharged. With an attached air cylinder, it could also provide about ten minutes of breathable air in
airless environments. (AEG)
Easy Spacer
this was one of the most popular holo-films of the year leading up to the Clone Wars. The film marked the
final performance of Isriner Korosson. (HNN4)
this was a common name used by the Abyssin race. (UANT)
this was Hyrotil's version of the Coruscant Taxi. It measured eight meters in length, and could
accommodate up to six passengers and 100 kilograms of cargo. It required a dedicated pilot to operate.
an alien creature, the eater is a species of furred, warm-blooded, reptilian predator native to Masterhome.
Eater of Fire Creepers
this Qom Jha was the Bargainer of his nesting, and was one of the many who welcomed Luke Skywalker
to Nirauan. However, he resented the presence of Mara Jade, because of her former allegiance to the
Empire. Eater of Fire Creepers was also distrustful of the Qom Qae nesting led by Hunter of Winds,
because the other Bargainer failed to deliver the plea for help to Luke. (VOF)
this was the model number of a series of starship engine maintenance droids produced by the Empire.
a Wookiee doll given to Jaina Solo by Chewbacca. (CS)
Eban Trey
this Rodian served as the Master of Ceremonies at the grand opening of The Aerie casino and facilities
on Naboo, about a year after the Battle of Yavin. (ROD)
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Treskov System, located in the Deep Core. (DW)
Ebaq 9
this ball of rock and ore was the ninth moon in orbit around the planet Ebaq, located in the galaxy's Deep
Core. The Empire once allowed the Deep Core Mining Corporation to establish bronzium refineries on the
moon, while maintaining a minimal base as an emergency resupply point. After the dead of Emperor
Palpatine, the base on Ebaq 9 was abandoned. Years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, Admiral Ackbar of the New Republic discovered Ebaq 9's location, and developed a plan that
could draw in the Yuuzhan Vong and trap them along the dead-end hyperspace lane that led to Ebaq. It
required that the Republic establish a base of operations on the moon as bait for the trap, which was the
centerpiece of the Battle of Ebaq. (DW)
Ebaq Control
this was the code name of the New Republic's control nexus, located on the temporary base on Ebaq 9 in
preparation for the Battle of Ebaq. (DW)

this Squib reclamation ship Commander was known as the "Illustrious Chieftain of the Junkyards." He had
ruled the Squibs as king for more than 40 years before the Battle of Yavin. He was responsible for the
placement of Squib spies on capital ships, creating a network of informants who could inform the Squibs
of the location of Imperial garbage dumps and battle sites. This allowed the Squib race to flourish during
the later years of the New Order. He commanded the momship Thrifty, and negotiated with the Alliance
for information on the whereabouts of a gravity-well projector that could be used to detain the Elusive.
Ebe Crater Valley Gorge
located on the planet Tatooine, this landmark was situated on the Mos Espa podracing course. (RAC)
Ebe E. Endocott
this Triffian was recognized as one of the best podracers of the Outer Rim. He had three semi-pro
victories on the Malastare racing circuit before he moved up to the big leagues, and entered into the
Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine. There, he eventually lost the race to Anakin Skywalker, finishing in
fourth place. (RAC, IG1, PRT, HNN5)
Eberon Spider
a predatory arachnid with a poisonous bite, the eberon spider performs a brief display before it attacks.
this planet, located deep in Imperial space, forms one end of the Leisure Corridor. (GG9)
Ebla Beer
an alcoholic brew favored by Captain Huba. (DRO)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
this tree produced a rare, black wood. (TFE)
Ebon Coursers
this was a group of seven bounty hunters who worked as a team during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. (SWJ1)
Ebon Hawk
this ancient, disk-shaped freighter was used as a base of operations for a team of soliders who served
the Old Republic some fifty years after the Great Sith War. During the search for the Star Forge, the Ebon
Hawk was piloted by Carth Onasi. Originally built on the planet Taris, the 24-meter-long Ebon Hawk was
once a shuttle owned by Davik Kang. It was fast enough to outrun the Sith and Republic patrols that
swarmed the galactic rim, and Kang once claimed that it was the best thing he had ever stolen. Most of
the ship's original systems were replaced with state-of-the-art replacements, including a stolen
navigational computer and an oversized, exceptionally powerful hyperdrive. It was armed with a pair of
turbolasers, as well as a number of "hidden surprises" installed by Kang. When Kang was killed just
before Taris was destroyed, the ship was acquired by Carth Onasi and Revan, who had turned away from
the Dark Side of the Force to aid the Republic in hunting down the Sith. The Ebon Hawk became the focal
point of the search for the Star Map and the Star Forge. (GMR10, SWI63, KOTOR, SWDB)
Ebon Hawk
this smuggling ship was legendary among the criminal element of the planet Taris, during the years
surrounding the Great Sith War. Owned and operated by crimelord Davik Kang, the Ebon Hawk was
known for its overpowered drive systems and amazing maneuverability. It was unclear how Davik came to
own the ship, although he often boasted that it was the best thing he had ever stolen. (KOTOR)

Ebon Sea
this was the deepest, most frightening body of water found on the planet Geonosis. (SWI60)
this planet is the homeworld of the Ebranite race. It is the second planet in the Dousc System, and is
covered by seemingly endless, rugged mountains. The crust of the planet is riddled with caves and
canyons. (GG12)
this was the spoken language of the Ebranite people, consisting of a collection of growls, moans, and
honks. A primitive series of pictographs also existed, but only to describe past historical events. (UANT)
this was the native language of the Ebranite people. (GMR9)
this humanoid race has evolved in the harsh canyons of the planet Ebra. The Ebranites have six, multijointed arms that allow them to climb the rocky canyon walls. Each arm ends in four long fingers and two
opposing thumbs, which provide sure grips in almost any situation. Their two legs are short and heavy,
having evloved in support of their large upper bodies. Thus, Ebranites have difficulty walking upright and
prefer climbing over walking. They are fiercely loyal to their families and their clans, and early Ebranite
civilization was marked by clan wars. The clans have since become interconnected, and the
advancement of their race has been remarkable. There are clans that have remained at war with each
other, much to the dismay of the leadership council. The Ebranite race's ancient wars were violent, for the
Ebranite physiology pumps huge amounts of adrenaline when they are under stress. They are calm
peaceful under most circumstances, but can be whipped into a combat rage in almost no time. They have
a primitive technology, and were subjugated by the Empire and put to work in the lu-ramin mines. Many
fled their homeworld ot join the Alliance. (GG12)
Ebranite Lu-ramin Oilmead
this beverage is created with lu-ramin as its base. (GG12)
this elderly male Drall was hired by Leia Organa Solo to tutor her children during the Corellian Trade
Summit. Ebrihim was a rotund Drall with fierce, jet-black eyes. He didn't take the Force seriously,
although he did believe in it. He had a wide range of knowledge about the Corellian Sector, and planned
to take the Solo children on a number of field trips before Thrackan Sal-Solo seceded the Sector from the
New Republic. Ebrihim was usually accompanied by his droid, Q9-X2. (AC)
native to the Unknown Regions, this race of huge, misshapen humaonoids had creamy-white skin that
was criss-crossed with red lines. Their wide eyes sat atop a puckered mouth which was surrounded by
worm-like tentacles. They were a ruthless species, moving through systems and attacking anything in
sight. Most of their enemies considered them to be barbaric nomads, despite the fact that the Ebruchi
prefered to be couped up in a small starships rather than out in the open. Many xenobiologists who have
heard of the Ebruchi believe that the species spent so much time traveling through space that they had
shunned their terrestrial heritage. The Ebruchi homeworld was not known, and their histories focused
more on conquest than on their society. (SWJ11)
this city is located on the western penisula of the continent of Forethought, on the planet Ropagi II. It is
connected to Ropagis, Torvane, and Balarik via monorail service. (TSK)
Ec Pand
this planet was the primary world of the Ec Pand System, which was part of the Induparan Crown Worlds
during the height of the New Order. (PP)

Ecclessis Figg Room

located on Bespin's Cloud City, this vast stateroom was used by the current Baron-Administrator of the
outpost. (T3)
Ecclessis Figg Variation
Sabacc variation in which, in the final round, all odd-numbered face cards are subtracted - rather than
added - to a player's final score. (DA)
this alien was was known for its military prowess, which was evident across the galaxy during the years
leading up to the Great Sith War. The Echani were noted as skilled warriors, and many of their techniques
became the basis for the Echani style of martial arts. The Echani were distinguished by their use of armor
and weaponry that incorporated cortosis ore, allowing them to be effective combatants against the Sith as
well as the Jedi Knights. (KOTOR)
this deadly martial art was practiced by the Royal Imperial Guard during their training on Yinchorr. It was
an ancient art that involved the use of a pair of short, sharp-bladed knives. The roots of the Echani martial
arts could be traced back to the era before the Great Sith War, and were based on the military styles of
the Echani race. Many Echani warriors developed their own specialized body armor and weapons, to
further distinguish themselves from fighters who employed other styles. (CE, KOTOR)
Echani Fiber Armor
this ancient form of woven body armor was developed by those warriors who created the Echani martial
art form, many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. The fibers that were woven together to form the armor
plates was exceptionally strong, and the weaving pattern added to this strength by allowing individual
fibers to distribute the force of an impact to neighboring fibers. (KOTOR)
Echani Firedancers
this was the name used to describe those Echani martial artists who combined grace and power with
exotic weaponry, making their fighting style appear more like dance than combat. The Firedancers used a
ritual staff that was heated to extreme temperatures at each end. The staff would inflict physical damage
as well as intense burns when it struck an opponent. (KOTOR)
Echani Handmaidens
this group of five sisters eschewed the Jedi path after the Jedi Civil War, but dedicated themselves to
scouring the galaxy for Sith or Fallen Jedi. Shortly after the era of the Great Hunt, the Echani
Handmaidens disappeared. (LAWS)
this is the formal name of the fourth of six moons orbitting the gas giant Tinn VI. Thus, it is often referred
to as Tinn VI-D. It was discovered by a group of Old Republic explorers who had to make an emergency
landing. The strong magnetic pull of Tinn VI forced them to re-emerge from hyperspace to realspace
when their shields dropped, an event which continues to happen from time to time. Thus, many
hyperspace routes give the planet and its moons a wide berth, but Echnos managed to grow into an
important trace center in its sector. The inhabitants of Echnos have built a huge, 2000-story city-dome
under which they exist, protecting themselves from the nitrogen-rich atmosphere of the moon. Because of
the facilities that evolved over time, Echnos has become a primary repair station for ships traveling near
Tinn VI. The dome seals in breathable atmosphere and maintains eight airlocks for entry and egress of
starships. (SWJ4)
Echnos City
the capital city of the moon Echnos, it is the site of a weekly blastboat demolition derby known as the
BlastBoat 2000. Echnos City measured twenty kilometers in diameter and stood some 2,000 stories tall.
Like most cities, it had eight airlock entry ports through which starships could load and unload cargoes
and passengers. (SWJ4)

Echnos Exhibition Dome

located at the very bottom of the enclosed city of Echnos City, this large arena was the site of the
BlastBoat 2000 race. The arena and its layout were constantly changing, so that no regular competitor
gained any sort of advantage. (SWJ4)
Echnos Patrol
this was the name of the paramilitary security force that protected the inhabitants of the moon of Echnos,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ4)
Echo Base
this was the code name for the Alliance's base on Hoth, after the Massassi Base on Yavin 4 was
abandoned. It took nearly two standards years to complete the underground complex, and
accommodated some 7,500 combat personnel, 350 medical personnel, and 120 special-duty droids at the
height of its occupation. The two main entrances to the base were located on the north and south faces of
the Clabburn Range, and the base itself was hidden beneath the mountains. After the Battle of Hoth, the
Alliance abandoned Echo Base as well. In a last-ditch effort to thwart the invading Imperials, the v-150 ion
cannon that protected the base was set to self-destruct, taking a large portion of Echo Base with it. Years
later, the Imperial Remnant established its own operations in the remains of Echo Base, digging under
the hulk of a burned-out AT-AT to hide their activities. Kyle Katarn and his apprentice discovered that the
Imperials had been helping a group of Sith devotees locate the Alliance's computer core, in the hopes of
determining the exact location of Dagobah. (ESB, PH, IWST)
Echo C-130
this was the designation of one of the first Alliance transports to flee Echo Base, during the early stages
of the Battle of Hoth. (MC40)
Echo Eight
this was Keela Egast's callsign, while she was a member of Echo Flight. (SFT)
Echo Five
this was Rhys Dallows' callsign, during his tenure as a member of Echo Flight. (SFT)
Echo Flight
this group of starship pilots was subordinate to Bravo Squadron, and was made up of pilot trainees within
the Royal Naboo Security Forces. The trainees who were admitted to Echo Flight had to pass the
education given within Delta Flight. They flew in standard N-1 starfighters as well as Naboo Police
Cruisers, but their ships were painted blue to indicate their training status. Shortly before the Battle of
Naboo, the command and training of Echo Flight was turned over to Essara Till. During the defense of
station TFP-9, Echo Flight was to be assigned to protect the station, once the Velumina was driven off.
Echo Lake
this lake was formed at the bottom of Roaring Canyon, on the planet Tasariq, as the Roaring River fell
over the side of the canyon. (SWJ15)
Echo One
this was Evenyl Yob's callsign with Naboo's Echo Flight. (SFT)
Echo Seven
this was Han Solo's patrol callsign at the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth. (ESB)
Echo Six
this was Harlaan's callsign, while he was training with Echo Flight. (SFT)
Echo Station 3-8
Alliance outpost on Hoth which first sights the Imperial probe droid. (ESBN)

Echo Station 3-T-8

Alliance outpost on Hoth which first sights the Imperial walkers. (ESB)
Echo Station 5-7
Alliance outpost on the north ridge of Hoth's Echo Base, site of the Imperial walkers' first attack. (ESB)
Echo Three
this was Luke Skywalker's patrol callsign at the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth (ESB)
Echo Two
Kerl's callsign, during his tenure as a member of Echo Flight. (SFT)
this model of concussion missile was produced by Frei-Tek, Incorporated, during the early years of the
New Republic. (EGW)
a device which uses reflected sound waves to locate a target. (COJ)
Eckels, Joto
this contemporary of Kroddok Stopa held a doctorate degree while teaching at the Obroan Institute. He
was performing research on Hoth when Stopa requested his assistance at Brath Qella. He took his
research ship, the Penga Rift, to Brath Qella, but was too late to save Stopa. He did manage to recover
the bodies of Stopa and Krenn, as well as begin the excavation of several Qella bodies. These he
returned to Coruscant, turning them over to the investor who financed his mission, Harkin Dyson. (SOL,
Eckener, Hugo
this man served as the Minister of architecture on the Naboo Advisor Council serving Queen Amidala.
Eckla Sholb
this member of the Yuuzhan Vong Shamed Ones was also one of the many individuals who flocked to the
religion of The Message which was embraced by Yu'shaa, the guise of the Porophet adopted by Nom
Anor. She was, unfortunately, one of the many acolytes who were captured by warriors and brought
before Supreme Overlord Shimrra for interrogation. Eckla had been well-trained, and refused to reveal
the source of the heresy. She was thrown into Shimrra's charnal pits for her defiance, where she was
consumed by a pack of yargh'un. (FH3)
this planet was subjugated by Hahz Fallone some twenty years before the Battle of Yavin, when he
began mining the planet for minerals and ores. The native population fought back and managed to oust
him from control, but he stole the Black Sphere before he left. (ND)
this was the Signal Operating Instruction sountersign used by the forces of the Grand Army of the
Republic, on the day they landed troops on the planet Praesitlyn to liberate the Intergalactic
Communications Center from the Separatists, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis.
The primary codeword for the day was Jawa. (JT)
during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Luke Skywalker developed plans for a "Great River" by
which the Jedi Knights of the modern era could flee the alien invaders and hide. At the end of the River
was the planet Eclipse, a remote world protected by dense asteroid fields. After the loss of Yavin 4, Luke
moved the more mature Jedi Knights to Eclipse, leaving the younger children with Booster Terrik aboard
the Errant Venture. Eclipse's location was a heavily-guarded secret, primarily because much of the Jedi's
research into the workings of Yuuzhan Vong bio-technology was performed there. The planet itself was

hidden behind the screen of an asteroid belt and the proximity of several gas giants in the system. (SBS)
Drek Drednar's first job aboard a starship was aboard this merchant ship. (SWJ5)
the first Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, the Eclipse was used as the flagship for the reborn Emperor
Palpatine. It was destroyed when the Force storm Palpatine sent to destroy Luke Skywalker turned on
Palaptine himself. The storm consumed Palpatine and eradicated the Eclipse. (DE1)
this Imperial action IV bulk freighter made a regular trip to the planet Ando, secretly collecting unusual
species of ocean life from the planet and taking them to a hidden research lab. Chief among the species
collected by the Eclipse were Andoan mineral-fish, which were illegally harvested for use in extracting
uridium on the barren moon of Uridia. (SWJ11)
Eclipse 1
this was an Alliance escort carrier, caotured from the Imperial Navy during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. (XVT)
Eclipse 2
this was an Alliance escort carrier, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Eclipse II
this Eclipse-class Star Destroyer was built by the second reincarnation of Emperor Palpatine, following
the loss of his first ship, the Eclipse. Palpatine took the Eclipse II to Onderon, in an attempt to obtain the
body of Anakin Solo for clones. A New Republic assault team, led by Chewbacca and Kam Solusar,
infiltrated the ship and reprogrammed its navigation systems. They fled the ship as it jumped into
hyperspace, bound for Byss. When it emerged from hyperspace, the Eclipse II crashed into the new
Galaxy Gun, which began to fires its projectiles in its death throes. One projectile was launched
successfully, and it ploughed into the planet Byss, destroying it and all of the Imperial ships in orbit
around it, including the Eclipse II. The New Republic assault team barely escaped. (EE)
Eclipse Program
this was the name used to describe the Jedi Knights' plans to determine the inner workings of Yuuzhan
Vong bio-technology, including villips and the yammosk. Led by Danni Quee and Cilghal, the Eclipse
Program was housed in a base on the remote world of Eclipse, where any captured yammosk specimens
were quickly evaluated. The program eventually found success, using a variety of gravity and microgravity fields to manipulate the yammosk's internal systems. Unfortunately, this success came shortly
after Coruscant was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong. In a twist of fate, the yammosk that Danni and Cilghal
were able to effectively neutralize was that from the Sunulok, the Yuuzhan Vong warship which was
destroyed during the Battle of Coruscant. The Yuuzhan Vong aboard managed to escape, though. The
technique for disrupting the communications of a yammosk was enhanced for full-scale usage, with a
cluster of powerful communications devices being shot out at aYuuzhan Vong starship affixed to projectile
weapons. The hope - and often the result - was that one of the devices would lodge itself in the ship's hull
and thereby disrupt the yammosk. (SBS, DJ)
Eclipse Rider
this YT-1300 freighter was rented by Wedge Antilles and Ooryl Qrygg to scout a possible source of XWing parts on Rishi, shortly before the Battle of Thyferra. (BW)
Eclipse Sail Barge
Gefferon's premier pleasure sail barge. (RPG)
Eclipse Team
this was the designation of one of the Alliance's Special Forces groups. (GG12)

Eclipse, The
this was one of the many taverns and restaurants located in the Spacer Quarter of Aldera, on the planet
Alderaan. (CCW)
Eclipse-class Star Destroyer
this huge warship was designed by Emperor Palpatine himself, and was years in the planning at the Kuat
Drive Yards. Twice the size of its forerunner, the Super-class Star Destroyer, the Eclipse-class was
17,500 meters in length. Manned by 708,470 crewers and 4,175 gunners, the Eclipse-class was designed
to instill fear, much like the Death Star. It was the first Imperial ship to use the awesome axial superlaser.
This immense weapon, a single laser based on the eight-laser Death Star superlaser, was capable of
destroying an entire planet from orbit. It employed a series of focusers and generators to form the single
laser. The Eclipse-class was also equipped with 550 heavy laser cannons, 500 turbolaser batteries, 75
ion cannons, 100 tractor beam projectors, and 10 gravity well projectors. Fifty TIE Interceptor squadrons,
eight TIE Bomber squadrons, and 100 AT-ATs were nestled in hangars that could hold an entire Victoryclass Star Destroyer. It was made from all-black hull components, making it nearly invisible to the naked
eye. (DE1, DESB)
this Corellian Engineering Corporation Republic Cruiser was one of the Old Republic ships dispatched to
Asmeru to root out the Nebula Front, about a year before the Battle of Naboo. The Ecliptic remained in
orbit while the Prominence traveled to Asmeru's surface. Thus, the Ecliptic was able to escape the trap
laid by the Nebula Front. Unfortunately, in its haste to flee Asmeru and the Senex Sector, the Ecliptic tried
to plow through a minefield and was torn apart in a series of intense explosions. All hnads were believed
to have died in the destruction. (COD)
Ecls Industries
this small corporation produced a variety of equipment which used tiny repulsorlift engines, such as
sleight boxes. (PSG)
this Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals medical kit was considered a must-have for scouts and
military field personnel. It was small and lightweight, yet contained a complete array of tools and a large
supply of medicinals. It also had a built-in tutorial program for non-medics. (ROE)
Economics of Hyperspace Troop Movement
Han Solo was working on this presentation, to be made to the Imperial Academy on Carida, when Mako
Spince destroyed one of Carida's small moons. (THG)
this species of intelligent reptile lives on the planet Da'nor. They are cold-blooded creatures that resemble
small, winged iguanas. They have no natural form of communication. The ectotherms battle a race of
large birds for the food and shelter on their world. (SA1, SA2)
this planet was known as a financial haven for a variety of legal and criminal individuals. (AIR)
E-D Run
see Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route. (PG3)
Cybot Galactica's series of storage and transceiving droids. (ISB)
Edalm, Darryn
this Imperial researcher mistakenly rediscovered the original surveys of the planet Karra, and believed
that an undiscovered varmigio lode was still hidden within the planet's crust. He failed to read the followon reports from the Mineral Assets Partnership, which showed the planet had no such reserves of
varmigio. However, Edalm's research and presenation convinced his superiors of the mineral wealth of

Karra, and Edalm was promoted to Governor of the planet. When it was discovered that the planet had no
natural resources to provide, the Empire denounced Edalm and withdrew its support of the Karra mines.
He was ordered to relinquish control of the planet, and feared that he would be executed. A shuttle was
dispatched to collect him, but it crashed before leaving Karra' atmosphere. Edalm surrendered himself to
Doctor Elth Nardah, hoping to avoid execution. After Nardah's death, Edalm was imprisoned on Shimmer.
this Imperial Moff was one of the few which maintained control of his holdings during the New Republic.
He was present at the conference on Bastion, some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn,
at which Admiral Pellaeon discussed the possibility of negotiatinga peace treaty with the Republic. He felt
that there would be no 'peace,' only the destruction of the Empire if they tried to negotiate with the
Republic. (SOP)
Edan Base
this was the name of the Alliance's base on the planet Edan II. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the base
was overrun by Imperial forces dispatched from the Imperial Stat Destroyer Havoc, after the ship
bombarded the base from orbit. The Alliance was routed, but those members who were stranded on the
planet eventually took back the planet in a series of guerrilla actions. (IAG)
Edan II
this planet was the site of an Alliance base during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. The base
was pummeled by the bombardment Imperial-class Star Destroyer Havoc, shortly after the Battle of
Yavin. However, the surviving members of the Alliance base eventually subverted the Imperial presence
and reclaimed control of the planet. (IAG)
Edan Spaceways
this was the primary transportation outfit serving the colonists of Fortuna City on Edan II, during the height
of the New Order. (IAG)
Edan Tiger
also known as snowcats, these ferocious, predatory felines were native to the colder regions of the planet
Edan II. They were large cats, with a striped pattern to their fur that matched black to a dun color in the
warmer months and snowy white during winter. (IAG)
this planet is the home of a race of feathered creatures. (SOL)
Edcel Bar Gan
this Old Republic Senator, a native of the planet Roona, was the first Senator to support Queen Amidala
of Naboo's motion for a vote of no confidence in Supreme Chancellor Valorum. Senator Bar Gan had
voiced concerns about Valorum's actions polarizing and fractioning the Republic as much as a year
before the Battle of Naboo, having allied himself with Orn Free Taa and Toonbuck Toora. He was a small,
green-skinned creature. Note that the Decipher customizable card games name this character Edcel Bar
Gane (TPM, IG1, YJC2)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Eddawan, Galim
this man was the Senator to the Old Republic Senate from the planet Tyan, some 55 years before the
Battle of Geonosis. He and his daughter were traveling to Alpha Nonce, when their ship was attacked and
disabled by a pirate, who turned out to be Lorian Nod. Senator Eddawan and his daughter, Joli Ti, were
never seen again, although their ship and a recording of Joli Ti's voice were used later to capture Senator
Blix Annon. (LOJ)
Eddawan, Joli TI

this young girl was the daughter of Galim Eddawan, of the planet Tyan. During a mission to Alpha Nonce,
Senator Eddawan's ship was captured by pirates and used as a decoy to also capture Senator Blix
Annon. Both Senator Eddawan and Joli Ti were never seen again. (LOJ)
this quick-witted race of beings was native to the planet Fehern, in Trax Sector. They had an advanced
technology during the height of the Old Republic, and were known for their unusual trading ships which
plied the spacelanes of the sector. However, when the Empire first established a presence in the sector,
their forces quickly subjugated the technologically-advanced Eddel. In the resulting war, much of the
Eddelian technology was destroyed, and the Eddel were reduced to serving as slaves. (GMK)
Edderon "Torque" Soth
this male Ugnaught was a member of the Ugnaught Mechanics Union during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo, but was continually late in paying his dues. The Union finally issued a bounty for his
capture, since he managed to leave Cloud City despite the call for his arrest. Jango Fett managed to
capture Soth on Malastare, shortly after the Battle of Naboo, during his attempt to infiltrate Sebolto's
operations. (BH)
Eddriss Sark
this being was the chief of the Alliance's Intelligence organization, during the years following the Battle of
Yavin. (SWSB)
this was the name for the planet Kashyyyk, used only by the Czerka Corporation many millennia before
the Galactic Civil War. (KOTOR)
this was the Imperial Navy slang term for an Alliance A-Wing starfighter. (SWJ10)
Edge, The
one of Lando Calrissian's mystical references. (LCF)
this was the name of a group of anarchical terrorists who plagued Republic City on Coruscant, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. The members of Edge-9 demanded the dismantling of the Republic's
governmental structure and the elimination of its noble upper class, claiming that too many credits were
flowing to the rich, instead of supporting the working classes. Despite their noble aims, Edge-9 quickly
became a violent organization, relying on bombs and weaponry to get their point across. (CCW)
this city grew up in the plains the ring the jungles of the planet Varonat. It was one of the planet's two
major cities, along with Tropis-on-Varonat. (SWJ1)
the strong wood of this tree was used to build houses. It was found on the prison moon Captivity. (RC)
Edgewood, Janson
this New Republic Commander discovered the growing base of power being formed by Jor Idrall on
Tatooine. (WBC)
this dark-skinned man was one of the many Wing Guards who were loyal to Lando Calrissian, when he
was the Baron-Administrator of Cloud City. A Sergeant in the Wing Guard, Edian felt a great disdain for
those officers who accepted bribes or other forms of corruption. (CCG9)
Edic Bar
this was one of the five primary cities which floated in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius. SoroSuub

Corporation maintained a corporate office on the city, in order to monitor its gas mining interests in the
Cularin System. Edic Bar was considered a model of efficiency and beauty, with all of its architecture and
layout being placed "just so" in order to maintain that appearance. Streets and thoroughfares were laid
out to make movement through the city as simple and speedy as possible. SoroSuub was also involved in
the layout and management of the city, in order to help reduce its operating expenses. (LFC)
Daala's Imperial shuttle at the Maw Installation. (JS)
Edict of Jiaan, The
this was one of two successful and damaging documentaries written by Armennion Ullgusta, and rumored
to have been produced by Pret Swain. The documentary documented many aspects of the purge of the
Jedi Knights, and earned Ullgusta a place on the Empire's most-wanted list. The Edict of Jiaan was also
banned by the Empire. (BSS)
a planet known for its dynamic holosculptures. It is also known for its icefish. (ISB)
this is regarded as the most difficult role to play in the Corellian tragedy Uhl Eharl Khoehng. The actor
who plays is perfectly is assured of greatness. Adalric Brandl was given the part at the age of thirty, and
hoped that his son, Jaalib, would eventually grow into the role. The Edjian-Prince was the determined son
of a king who dies, leaving his small forest kingdom to the Prince. The Prince was not satisfied with the
small holdings he inherited, and began to send woodsmen into the forest to chop down trees and make
room for growth. However, the forest was ruled by the Eharl Khoehng, who tricked the Prince into sending
all his subjects into the forest. The Edjian-Prince, consumed with the need to cut down the forest, sends
every last citizen into the woods, until he is alone and frightened by the Eharl Khoehng. The Trickster
King sends dreams of peace and safe passage to the Prince in dreams, and the Prince feels that he has
one last chance to gain the forest. However, the Eharl Khoehng tricks him, trapping him in the forest for
ten years before finally appearing. The Edjian-Prince learns that his subjects have been turned into the
trees of the forest, and the only way to restore them is to acknowledge the Eharl Khoehng as king. The
Edjian-Prince goes mad and refuses, then burns the forest to the gorund. He then submits himself to the
Eharl Khoehng and mutters, "Long ... live ... the king." (SWJ8)
this was a little-known planet, covered with swampy jungles. (SWJ5)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
Edor 76
this Khommite, the 76th clone of Edor, was distinguished in the history of the planet Khomm. (UANT)
see Evolution Droid (CCC)
Education Certificate
this Old Republic document proved a being's educational history, including all levels of schooling and the
grades with which a being passed their coursework. (AOTCN)
Educational Corps
this branch of the Jedi Knights was similar in many respects to the Agricultural and Medical Corps. The
EduCorps was comprised of students of The Force who were in training during the Old Republic, and
educational services to the underprivileged children of the galaxy. Underlying this humanitarian goal was
the idea that Jedi Padawans needed to understand that living beings needed to understand certain facts
about their galaxy. (RESB)

see Educational Corps (RESB)
this Mandroxan Exports device shoots a cloud of phased particles which are attracted to other metals.
When fired at a droid, the EDWX-843 disabled the droid by building up an electrical charge that disrupted
the neural flow of the droid's computer systems. (GG11)
a race of small worm-like creatures native to the moon Trilos, some Ee exist on the planet Atraken. The
Ee grow no longer than six centimeters, and have a grayish color that darkens near their heads. Their
bodies are covered with all manner of sensory nerve endings, allowing them to detect changes around
them. The Ee consume minerals and fungus on Trilos, burrowing through the rock to reach various veins
of minerals. The Ee digestive process them converts the raw minerals into highly-refined ores, which are
excreted. The Ee are intelligent, and determined that they can produce certain forms of ore based on
which raw materials they ingest. The Ee also have tremendous egos, bolstered by the fact that they have
certain Force-like mental powers. These powers include telepathy, telekinesis, changing temperature,
and memory alteration. The Ee society has five distinct segments: Purifiers, which are adept at producing
various alloys; Weavers, which take processed materials and form them into machines; Thinkers, who
have a knack for theories and principles; Mindbenders, which have strong mental talents; and Bulwarks,
which are the protectors of Ee society. Note that Ee technology is highly-advanced, but it is all of a scale
that can be used by the Ee. (PG2)
Ee, Chaq-Quaj
this man was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of
Geonosis. (HNN5)
a Blas-Tech blaster rifle model. Boba Fett used a sawed-off, modified version of this type of weapon.
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "a warm breeze on a cool day".
see Ebareebaveebeedee (UANT)
this Alliance Captain served as one of the leader of the base on Taloraan, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. Eedan was a member of the Alliance's Ordnance and Supply division. (SWJ5)
this planet was governed by the Camblian Order, during the height of the New Order. (SWED)
according to Ewok legend, this princess was half-wind-spirit, and could walk on leaves. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
this Ithorian was a pet dealer on the planet Torina, during the height of the New Order. She ran Eeksa's
Rare Exotics and Pets, and assisted a team of Alliance agents in locating Shondra Del shortly after the
Battle of Yavin. (OE)

Eeksa's Rare Exotics and Pets

this pet store, located in Brindibarr on the planet Torina, was owned and operated by the Ithorian Eeksa
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The shop specialized in the acquisition of all kinds of unusual
creatures, many of which were barely controllable. (OE)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
Eela Valotta
this female Twi'lek was one of the members of the Freedom Convoy, working on the planet Tatooine
during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Along with Tray'la Sheek, she spent much of her time
on Tatooine looking for ways to liberate the slaves of Jabba the Hutt. Unfortunately, this earned her a
price on her head, when Jabba issued a bounty for her arrest. This bounty was later claimed by Jango
Fett, when he was on Tatooine to seek an audience with Jabba. (BH)
this was a common name used by the Qwohog race. (UANT)
Eelien Kirat
this tall, muscled near-human was distinguished by his silver eyes, white hair, and dark gray skin. A
stubborn man, Kirat had been abandoned by his parents on Genesia, and he grew up in the streets. Kirat
was eventually taken in by Ral Nalmar, and worked har dto learn everything he could about Nalmar's
criminal organization. Kirat moved up through the ranks very quickly, and was named as Nalmar's second
in command, shortly before the Nalmar estate was attacked and destroyed by the forces of Qual'om
Soach. In the wake of Ral's death, Kirat assumed command of the Nalmar organization, a move
supported by the majority of its members. This move came as a surprise to Elana Nalmar, Ral's only
surviving child, whom Kirat was obliged to name as his own second-in-command. After assuming
command, Kirat expanded the Nalmar organization beyond its smuggling roots, branching into extortion
and fraud. He also worked to maintain an uneasy truce with Soach, despite their mutual goal of
controlling Genesia's criminal underground. (FBS)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "fun-loving."
Eelo Begraas
this Bothan was known as one of the scrawniest members if his race, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Nonetheless, Begraas became one of the most formidable starfighter pilots in the Mid Rim, and
was a member of the Thaereian Military. He was often loaned out to the Hutts for sizable sums, but
Begraas never botched a job, and his attention span was not wide enough to handle long-term planning
activities. Over time, he became the Thaereian Military's ranking pilot, chief flight instructor, and tactical
advisor. Begraas owned the modified Z-95 Headhunter Dicer, which he used to attack his targets with
stealth and cunning. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Begraas and the Thaereians appeared in the
Cularin System, but their intentions remained hidden. (WOTC)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this young woman was a native of Coruscant. Born after the Battle of Endor to parents who showed no
aptitude for the Force, her Force sensitivity was spontaneous and never discovered or abused by
Palpatine's ambitions. She later attended Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, and was known as
a highly resourceful woman. She was highly-attuned to the Force, despite the fact that neither of her
parents were Force-sensitive. During the initial months of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy,
Eelysa was dispatched to Barab I as an intelligence agent. It was there that she encountered Saba
Sebatyne and the members of the Wild Knights. Eelysa trained them briefly, with Saba achieving a level

of control equal to that of a Jedi Master, but she realized that the Barabels needed more formal training.
She sent Saba and her three apprentices - the hatchmates Bela and Krasov Hara and Saba's son, Tesar
- to train with Luke Skywalker at Eclipse, while Eelysa herself remained behind on Barab I. She later
infiltrated the planet Corellia, in an effort to determine the extent of the Yuuzhan Vong's own presence in
the Corellian Sector. After taking several injuries, Eelysa was rescued by Izal Waz and the Barabel
hatchmates Tesar Sebatyne and Bela and Krasov Hara. Unfortunately for the Barabels and the Jedi,
Eelysa was one of the first Jedi Knights to be killed by the voxyn, unleashed by the Yuuzhan Vong in an
effort to destroy the Jedi. (TNR, REC, SBS,WOTC)
E-elz, Entoo Needaan
this small, slender man served as the primary contact for anyone dealing with Jorj Car'das, in the years
following his disappearance into the Kathol Outback. He preferred to go by the name Entoo Nee. He met
up with Talon Kaarde on Dayark, and offered to bring him to Exocron. Kaarde was forced to decline, after
being intercepted by some of Rei'kas' goons. Entoo Nee later met them at Rintatta City, on Exocron,
when Karrde finally made it to the planet. Entoo Nee led them to Car'das' compound, and introduced
them to an aging old man. When Karrde returned later, after defeating Rei'kas and his pirate fleet with the
help of the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet and the Aing-Tii monks, Entoo Nee allowed them to greet
the real Jorj Car'das. (VOF)
this was a common name among the Ortolan race. (UANT)
meaning "inventive", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "miracle". (GCG)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "inquisitive". (GCG)
meaning "celestial", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. It referred to a stealthy, serpentine predator native
to Dorin. (GCG)
native to the planet Dorin, this serpentine predator was infamous for attacking young children. It was a
stealthy hunter, using camouflage and patience to capture its prey. (GCG)
this Bith bounty hunter was among the group that agreed to help Risso Nu eliminate Boba Fett on Ma'ar
Shaddam. Unfortunately, Fett got the drop of Eermik and managed to drive a knife into the Bith's back,
eliminating him from the fight. (T18)
Eero Iridian
this tall, spindly being, distinguished by his wabing antennae and bright yellow eyes, worked in the

Senate Rotunda on Coruscant some 68 years before the Battle of Geonosis. Eero was a friend of young
Dooku, even though Dooku had once publically embarassed by Dooku at a presentation he was making.
Dooku, many years younger, pointed out several flaws in a presentation Eero was making, Eero had
hoped to impress is father, an Old Republic Senator, but Dooku's questions merely humilitated him. Eero,
however, recognized Dooku's knowledge and sought him out later. Years later, Eero tried twice to run for
Senator on his own homeworld, but lost the election both times. His father had spent the family fortune,
leaving Eero with no way to fully finance either campaign. He decided to retire from public service,
although he remained attached to the Galactic Senate as a special aide. Years later, while serving
Senator Blix Annon, Eero was reunited with Dooku briefly, until their ship was attacked by Lorian Nod.
Nod managed to capture Senator Annon, leaving Eero badly wounded and their ship adrift in space.
When the Jedi managed to get the ship back to Voltare Spaceport, Eero quickly recovered, and followed
them to Von-Alai. There, he revealed that he was part of Lorian Nod's plot to exact revenge on the Old
Republic and the Jedi Knights, having helped sabotage the starships of several Old Republic Senators so
that Lorian could capture them and hold them for ransom. On Von-Alai, Senator Annon died of a heart
attack, and Dooku managed to capture both Nod and Eero. They were sent back to Coruscant to stand
trial for murder and conspiracy. (LOJ)
this was the ancient and strict religion practiced by the Aramandi race. It documented the four castes of
Aramandi society, and explained how leaders were to be elected. The Eeronon also held the following
commandment for each and every Aramandi akia: all clans must work for the day when they can leave
Aram and settled their own star systems. At the time of the Galactic Civil War, only the Orma akia had
successfully done this. Among the most basic tenets of the Eeronon was that the Aramandi were the only
intelligent life in the universe, a belief which was shattered when humans from the Lant Mining
Corporation entered the Aramand Cluster in the hopes of gaining mining rights to its planets. Priests of
the Eeronon quickly claimed that earlier interpretations of the Eeronon were wrong and, in fact, predicted
the coming of humankind. Many Aramandi questioned this new interpretation, claiming the priests to be
liars and opportunists. These seelas were eventually forced to hide on unpopulated planets in the
Aramand Cluster in order to escape religious persecution. (AE, FBS)
this Core World was located near Coruscant, and served as a major refueling station for starships
destined for Coruscant. (JQ4)
Ees hoppoda nopa!
this Huttese phrase literally translated into Basic as "I'm not going to pay for that!" (GMR5)
Eeshrin Ot'Hyne
this Caamasi served as his homeworld's Senator to the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Senator Ot'Hyne was one of the loudest detractors of the Military Creation Act. (HNN4)
Eet Ptaa
a Jawa clan leader whose fortress was once attacked by Sand People and destroyed. (TME)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "fearless". (GCG)
Eeth Koth
this Zabrak Jedi Master was a member of the Jedi Council when Qui-Gon Jinn recommended that young
Anakin Skywalker be tested for training as a Jedi Knight. Born in squalor on the Smuggler's Moon of Nar
Shaddaa, Eeth Koth wasn't discovered until he was four years old. However, his determination and clarity
of mind convinced the Jedi Council to accept him as a trainee. As a Jedi Master, Eeth Koth was known
for his ability to use the talent of Crucitorn, which gave a Jedi the ability to withstand pain. Master Eeth
Koth was one of the contingent of Jedi Knights and Masters dispatched to the Battle of Geonosis,
although he died when the LAAT/I that was transporting him was shot down and crashed on the surface
of Geonosis. Eeth Koth was portrayed by Hassani Shapi in both Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom

Menace, and Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. (SW1, IG1, SWI62, IWE2)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "authority" or
"leader". (GCG)
this Jawa term was used to indicate an individual's tired acceptance of information, as in "yeah, yeah, I
got it." (T10)
this was a common name among the Menahuun people. (UANT)
this planet was the homeworld of a race of tall, pale-skinned humanoids. (JQ10)
this was the Snivvian word for "female." (HNN5)
this was the Snivvian word for "male." (HNN5)
Effhod, Zelebitha
this woman served as the Minister of the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress, during the years following the
Battle of Naboo. Effhod was generally credited with implementing the closure of Coruscant to all
immigration and transportsation, shortly before the Clone Wars, despite the fact that the planet remained
a safe haven in the eyes of many beings and societies. Minister Effhod cited that the disaster in the
Desrini District, where a garbage launcher misfired due to an illegal power tap, was a direct result of
overcrowding in Coruscant's cities. (HNN5)
this modified Subla Ransom Medium Cargo Hauler was the smuggling ship owned by SCr-114 and his
droid crew. The droids of the crew performed all the necessary tasks, leaving SCr-114 to concentrate on
the business end of smuggling. The Efficient was armed with six turret-mounted blaster cannons, a proton
torpedo launcher, and a turret-mounted ion cannon. (SWJ5)
Effluvial Rinser
found in many spas and resorts, this device has a number of uses for humans and aliens. (HSL)
these two-headed worms were a favorite snack of Jabba the Hutt, although the endorphins they produced
caused drowsiness when ingested. (TJP)
this power droid was donated to the Alliance by the Bothan resistance. It was designed to be deployed on
inhospitable worlds, and was used at Hoth's Echo Base. A pair of modified power sockets were mounted
on top of EG-4, providing easy access. (CCG3)
this series of power droids, similar to the GNK series, was manufactured by Veril Line Systems, and were
marketed as ambulatory power generators built to support equipment and vehicles. A standard EG-6
could re-energize the power cells of a large, ground-based vehicle in about a day. Despite their utility,
EG-6 droids were stupid at best, and would respond blindly to any command. There are many stories of
children telling an EG-6 to walk off a balcony, just to see how high it would bounce. On a more sinister
note, many Hutts have packed EG-6 droids with explosives and told them to walk off a ledge, plunging
onto an enemy's speeder and destroying it. The Jawas that captured C-3PO and R2-D2 had also recently

acquired a EG-6 droid, and had wiped its memory. The droid was stumbling around their Sandcrawler
hold with the other droids. (TME, CCG, FTD)
this EG-6 droid was stranded at the Mos Eisley Spaceport during the Galactic Civil War. (GG7)
this flat-headed, humanoid automaton performed a number of duties aboard the Trade Federation
command ship, under the leadership of Nute Gunray at the blockade of Naboo. Like his counterpart PK-4,
EG-9 was disdainful of lowly protocol droids. (IS1)
an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this doctor was part of the team assembled by Moff Sarne to work as the prison colony established on
Q'Maere. Egamo was known as a second-rate psychiatrist with skills in treating neuroses. (KR)
Egast, Keela
this young pilot was member of Naboo's Echo Flight, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. As Echo Eight,
Keela was shot down by Dren Melne, during the defense of station TFP-9, but her fighter was recovered
and she survived the attack. She was later promoted to a position within Bravo Squadron. (SFT)
Egg Layer
this was Alliance slang for an Imperial TIE Bomber. (NEGV)
Egg, The
according to Nediji legend, their race was birthed from a single egg. (MJH)
this is the term used by the Brubbs to describe pregnancy of a female. The experience of egging often
kills the female Brubb. (GG4)
this was the Nediji name for an individual's mother. (MJH)
this was considered a delicacy by the Toydarians. (IWE1)
this was an Alliance starfighter pilot slang term for an Imperial TIE Fighter, and referred to the TIE's
fragile, shieldless hull and shape. (SWJ10)
this alien race is from an extremely hot world, and can withstand incredible temperatures. (GG2)
an Imperial Major, and commander of a squadron of stormtroopers serving under Moff Fasel. (XWRS)
the fruit of this tree is a required food of the natives of the Tal Nami System. The tree itself grows nearly a
meter a day. Any trader who tries to swindle another is tied to the tree, with his feet in the roots and his
hands in the branches. As the tree grows, the devious trader is literally pulled apart. (GOF2)
Egome Fass
the large Houk enforcer employed by J'uoch and R'all on Dellalt, Egome Fass had a history of violence to
back up his position. Once native to Coruscant, he was part of a group of Houk youths which was
engaged in a brawl with a similar group of Weequay youths, just before the onset of the Clone Wars. For

his part in the brawl - and the fight which occurred between himself and Ker-Zakk during their arraignment
- Fass spent many years in prison. While working for J'uoch and R'all, Fass was killed by Chewbacca in a
hand-to-hand battle at J'uoch's mining camp. (HSL, GG12, HNN4)
Egoreg *
a Captain in the Alliance, and head of the super vaporator project on Tatooine. (MRR)
this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Chibias, during the early years of the New
Republic. He came into possession of a computer core that he believed contained the control codes of an
Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and planned to slice the core open in order to sell the codes to the New
Republic. He employed Markko to perform the slicing operation, but Markko was unable to do it himself.
When he contracted Ghent to do it, Markko was unprepared for Ghent to bring along Mara Jade.
Governor Egron himself evaded Mara Jade's attempt to kill them while covering her escape, and
eventually caught up with her. Unfortunately for Egron, he underestimated Mara's reflexes. He tried to fire
on her, but his shot went wide when she flung her lightsaber at him. Mara then shot Egron in the chest,
killing him instantly. (GMR10)
Eg'ros Akala
this Caamasi was befriended by Leia Organa, several years before the Battle of Yavin. Leia first
metEg'ros on Coruscant, when the Caamasi was being mistreated by a squad of Imperial stormtroopers.
Leia bristled at the Empire's blatant xenophobia, but found herself powerless to say anything to Emperor
Palpatine about it. Instead, her father Bail arranged to have Eg'ros set free from prison. Grateful to be set
free, Eg'ros never forgot Leia's bravery and kindness. (T15)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'hag added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this Old Corellian term is derived from the Socorran word for an elf or trickster, and comes from popular
Socorran mythology. (SWJ8)
ths small planet, located near the center of the Kathol Outback, began emerging from an ice age during
the last centuries of the Old Republic. Much of the planet remained locked under polar ice caps after the
Battle of Endor. Ehjenla is the homeworld of the Tuhgri race. (KO)
Eia dag lightsabers
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translated into Basic as "They have lightsabers." This phrase struck a kind of
fear into the hearts of many warriors, since it indicated that they would be fighting against Jedi Knights.
Eiattu 6
this jungle planet was the home of Plourr Ilo. It was controlled by Moff Tavira and, later, is young wife
Leonia, shortly after the Battle of Endor. The planet liberated of Imperial control when Plourr returned to
claim the throne she gave up years before. (XWWP, XWRR)
Eibon Scimitar
one of Xim the Despot's largest starships, it was eventually destroyed. (DESB)
an Imperial freighter under the protection of the Warspite near Dellalt. (XW)
this alien race was native to the planet Kariek. For much of their history, the Eickarie were engaged in a
civil war with the other race native to the planet, the Lakra. The Lakra were the more aggressive race,

and believed themselves superior to the relatively harmless Eickarie. Thus, when the United Tribes of
Kariek was formed, the Warlord set out to disrupt any attempt to bring about a peace between the two
peoples. Individual Eickarie were distinguished by their black-scaled bodies and green faces, which were
highlighted by orange ridges that changed color in response to the Eickarie's emotions. Green indicated
disappointment, and brown seemed to indicate sorrow or regret. Dark yellow meant frustration while
bright yellow showed surprise or elation, and a muted yellow was something akin to a negative shake of
the head. Dark pink represented irony, a lighter pink meant understanding, red to purple indicated anger
and distrust, and amber was a sign of resignation or a request for forgiveness. A pale blue color indicated
curiosity, and a faded shade of the normal orange indicated disgust or hatred. When an Eickarie bled,
their blood had a pale orange color. After the defeat of the Warlord on Kariek, the Eickarie people eagerly
joined the Empire of the Hand. (FB, SQ)
Eicroth Body
this biological formation, identified by Joi Eicroth, is a small, capsule-like body encased in solid protein.
These bodies contain the three unique genetic cell structures characteristic of the Qella, as well as the
various combinations of the 62 chromosomes that define the Qella. The contents of each and every
Eicroth body is virtually solid genetic material, and five percent of the Qella body is made up of these
bodies. It was believed that each Eicroth Body contained the complete genetic blueprints of the Qella
race, including its history and consicousness. The smallest bodies were no larger than a grain of sand,
while others were the size of plates. Unlike the normal genetic code - which has four letters, two-letter
words, and three-word sentences - Eicroth bodies have genetic material with six unique letters grouped in
six-word sentences. The formation of the Eicroth body is duplicated on three distinct scales. There are
somatic cells which make up the Qella flesh, lesser Eicroth bodies which make up the basic genetic
material, and greater Eicroth bodies which contain instructions for creating starship-sized eggs (such as
the Teljkon vagabond) for transporting unborn Qella. (TT)
Eicroth, Joi
this scientist worked for the New Republic's Alpha Blue team. She was romantically involved with Hiram
Drayson, a relationship they kept secret for more than thirteen years because of their working duties. It
was Joi Eicroth who performed the first autopsies and investigative analysis of the Qella bodies recovered
from Maltha Obex by Joto Eckels. She discovered the existence of the Eicroth bodies, which were named
for her. Eicroth eventually married Drayson, but their marriage was a short one. Eicroth remained a
valued member of the Alpha Blue team, and was part of the task force created to determine the origins of
the Yuuzhan Vong. Unfortunately for the New Republic and Doctor Eicroth, a living Yuuzhan Vong body
was hard to locate. Whenever individuals were captured in battle, they ultimately committed suicide rather
than become subjects of study. (TT, HT, BP)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
this prototype Strike-class cruiser was built in secret by Kuat Drive Yards for the Empire during the
Galactic Civil War. It was designed to carry squadrons of TIE Fighters into battle. The Eidolon was lost on
its maiden voyage, although it was later learned that the ship had been blind-jumped into hyperspace
because it was barely spaceworthy. All this backstory allowed Sate Pestage to use the ship as a hiding
place for a storehouse of weapons and armaments, to be used in case Emperor Palpatine' rule of the
galaxy was ever destroyed. The ship ended up buried on Tatooine, with its weapons cache still intact. Its
whereabouts were known only to Sate Pestage, who kept the location a secret until Lirin Banolt stole a
data disk containing the plans to the ship and its location. Its location was also known to Marl Semtin,
who discovered that it served his purposes as a remote base. The Imperials lost the ship when Rogue
Squadron managed to secure it before Huff Darklighter or Firith Olan could secret away the weapons.
Eidolon Base
this is the name used by Marl Semtin to indicate the location of the Eidolon and its weapons cache on
Tatooine. It was discovered by Rogue Squadron and recovered from Imperial control. The base, located
along the edge of the Northern Dune Sea, was originally commissioned by Sate Pestage as a storehouse

for the materiel which would be needed in order to fight a war against the New Republic. After it was
emptied by the New Republic, a group of former Imperials took control of the base and used it as a
shelter for those Imperial supporters who didn't want to make the trip to the remote systems of the
Imperial Remnant. Over the years, the New Republic ceded the land on which the base was located to
the Imperials, and Eidolon Base became a wealthy city unto itself. (XWBT, SOT)
Eight for Aduba-3: The Saga of the Star-Hoppers
this holo-drama was produced by Tri-Nebula Entertainment during the early years of the New Republic,
and supposedly told the "true story" of Han Solo's experiences on the planet Aduba-3, shortly after the
Battle of Yavin. In reality, much of this "documentary" was created from samples holobit imagery that was
combined inside a computer. The resulting imagery was nearly flawless, and convinced many a viewer
that what they were seeing was real. (GMR4)
Eighteenth Battle of Zehava
it was during this struggle between the Melida and the Daan that the Daan built a network of tunnels
below Zehava city, expanding sewage tunnels and drains to gain secret access to Melida-held portions of
the city. The Daan eventually won the battle, reducing the amount of territory held by the Melida. (DOD)
Eighth Cortex
supposedly the most recent addition to the Qang Qahsa of the Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, the eighth cortex
was located at the qahsa's core. It supposedly held information on the lifeforms of the New Republic's
galaxy, along with information on the Force. Unfortunately for the Yuuzhan Vong masses, the eighth
cortex was empty, a fiction created by Supreme Overlord Shimrra to give credence to his invasion plans.
Shimrra commanded Nen Yim to develop protocols to fill the eighth cortex, since much of what he
claimed to be in it was existing doctrine adapted for use against the "infidels" of the New Republic. In
order to maintain the secrecy of Nen Yim's work, Shimrra used his familiar Onimi as his only contact with
the Shapers. Among the first things Nen Yim added to the eighth cortex was the cure for the fungal itch
that afflicted those Yuuzhan Vong who lived on Coruscant, after the planet was worldshaped into
Yuuzhan'tar. (DW, EVR, NJOSB)
Eighth Ilthmar Gambit
an offensive maneuver used by Spray, and identified by Bollux, during a holochess match with
Chewbacca. The gambit involves sacrificing a highly-rated gamepiece in a single-handed penetration of
the opponent's defenses, drawing his defense out and setting him up for a hidden, but more coordinated,
attack. (HSR)
Eighth Nebulan Scout Corps
this was an independent scouting agency which operated during the last years of the New Order and into
the era of the New Republic. They tended to be more realistic in their approach to scouting than the New
Republic Scout Service. (GG8)
this was one of the more important Ansionian clans of Alwari, despite the fact that the Eijin were not an
overclan. (APS)
this Imperial Army Colonel served under Colonel Niovi aboard the Super-class Star Destroyer Guardian
during the ship's repairs at Soullex. Eijul was placed in charge of locating Cryle Cavv and Sienn Sconn,
during the pair's attempt to steal the huge ship. (SWJ15)
this was one of the many Noghri clans. (TLC)
this male Ithorian was a Commander in the Alliance, and was Lirisa Casti's commanding officer. (FBS)

this charming woman was Beeyon Nace's fiancee. She claimed that she was being sold into slavery, in
order to con a group of spacers into helping her doublecross Nace to Kollan Xa. (MEAS)
Eilnian Sweet Fly
this insect is native to the planet Glottal, and is a favorite food of the Glottalphibs. The more mature the
sweet fly is, the better they taste. (TNR)
Ein, Parco
this Imperial Governor controlled the planet Verkuyl, along with its production of alazhi, during the early
years of the New Republic. Ein put out an advertisement to all corporations, inviting them to propose to
him their plans for a bacta refinement facility on Verkuyl. He hoped that an independent though controlled
corporation would be able to maintain production from the rebellious local labor force. (TFNR)
this alien race was distinguished by its six limbs and long, four eyed face. Native to the planet Eirrauus,
the Eirraucs move cross the plains of their homeworld via a "leaping run," employing the hind and middle
pairs of legs to move about. The middle pair of limbs could also be used as arms, to assist the front arms
in manipulation. The Eirrauc were omnivorous, feeding on grasses and fruits as well as carrion. They
gathered food with their tongues. A peaceful people, the Eirrauc were unprepared to defend themselves
against the Empire, and were swiftly subjugated and enslaved. (SWG9)
this grassy, temperate planet was the homeworld of the Eirrauc race. (SWG9)
this young Naboo woman served as one of Queen Amidala's loyal handmaidens. Eirtae' was born to
wealthy parents in a remote, river valley town, and was no stranger to the life of luxury led by Queen
Amidala. In fact, Eirtae' knew a great deal about court protocols, and often instructed the other
handmaidens - as well as Queen Amidala herself - on the ways of the palace. Like the other
handmaidens, Eirtae' was chosen by Captain Panaka for her strength, loyalty, and resemblance to
Amidala. Eirtae' was also a keen observer, and often spotted danger to the Queen before it became a
real threat. Eirtae was portrayed by Friday Wilson in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1,
Ei'shuun Aa Effect
this hyperspacial effect occurs whenever a star's gravitational curves are not uniform, as in the case of a
trans-dimensional energy streamer. Parts of the star seem to emit their own hyperspace shadow, which is
then dragged back into the main gravity well of the star. All the while, realspace particles are unaffected.
This paradox causes immense distrubances within a localized area of hyperspace, where the "walls"
between realspace and hyperspace are stretched extremely thin. (SSR)
Klif told Moranda Savich that he could obtain a group of ratter thists from this planet, during the Caamas
Incident. (VOF)
Eislomi III
this planet, located in Eislomi Sector, was the site of a HoloNet relay station. (VOF)
this Imperial Navy officer served on the Intimidator during the Galactic Civil War. When the ship was
captured in the Koornacht Cluster by the Yevetha, Eistern was imprisoned on Pa'aal. He was one of Sil
Sorannan's most trusted companions, and helped Sorannan lead the Imperial insurrection during the
Black Fleet Crisis. (TT)
Ejaf Ya-Drun
this was the name of a noted Sakiyan individual. (UANT)

Ejagga Pakkpekatt
this Hortek Colonel served the New Republic as part of the Intelligence agency. He was placed in
command of the Glorious and was sent to intercept the Teljkon vagabond about twelve years after the
Battle of Endor. He was constantly at odds with Lando Calrissian, but often recognized the worth of
Lando's opinion. He did not approve of Lando's bold move to gain entrance to the vagabond, and was
even less happy with the escape of the vagabond near Gmir Askilon. The flight of the vagabond rendered
the Kuari a derelict, caused numerous deaths and injuries, and left him without a clue as to the
whereabouts of the ship. Calrissian, Lobot, R2-D2, and C-3PO were also aboard the vagabond when it
fled. This combination of events led the New Republic to recall the majority of Pakkpekatt's fleet, although
he was given a few ships to chase the vagabond and rescue Calrissian. He eventually took control of the
Lady Luck and was brought to the vagabond when C-3PO activated its slave circuit. The ships jumped
around from the Prakith System to the planet Brath Qella, where the true purpose of the vagabond was
revealed. (BTS, SOL, TT)
Ejection Seat
any device which allows a pilot or crew member to jettison from a disabled starship. They often involve
ejecting a pilot who is already wearing a pressure suit, and have minimal life support. (SWSB)
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "wood". (GCG,
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Iek or Aek clans. It was
added to the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this New Republic Navy Lieutenant was the senior officer at the New Republic Defense Fleet's office on
Utharis. (TT)
Ekh the Red
this man was Orman's second-in-command, but only because he was loyal to Orman. His criminal skills
were somewhat lacking. (ML)
Ekh'm Val
this Yuuzhan Vong commander was the first to claim he had located the lost planet of Zonama Sekot,
many months after the Battle of Ebaq. Val's forces had been repelled by the planet, and he made haste to
return with his report. Unfortunately, only rumors of his discovery reached the planet Coruscant, which
had been reformed into a new version of Yuuzha'tar. Commander Val was said to be returning to
Yuuzhan'tar with a piece of the rogue planet, when he disappeared while returning for an audience with
Supreme Overlord Shimrra. Ngaaluh later learned that Commander Val's task force had been purposely
destroyed, and Val himself had been thrown into Shimrra's charnal pits, where he was consumed by the
yargh'un kept there. Master Shaper Nen Yim was given access to the piece of Zonama Sekot Val
maanged to acquire, which was a specialized Sektoan starship. Nen Yim's work with the starship, as well
as her knowledge of Shimrra's fear of Zonama Sekor, led her to believe that Shimrra himself was a fraud.
(FH3, FP)
a Noghri of the clan Bakh'tor, Ekhrikhor was the leader of the group that followed the Millennium Falcon to
Wayland, after it was discovered that Grand Admiral Thrawn was using the facility to make clones during
the early years of the New Republic. Ekhrikhor and his band of Noghri spent much of their time
concealed, working to make a path toward Mount Tantiss for Luke's group while keeping the native
Psadans and Myneyrsh at bay. After revealing himself, Ekhrikor explained that it had been Cakhmaim
who asked them to travel to Wayland, since he feared that Han Solo might not appreciate their help. After
the Republic liberated Wayland from Imperial control, Ekhrikhor tried to destroy the multitude of artifacts
found inside Mount Tantiss, claiming that everything within was part of the memory of Palpatine and
should be eradicated. Garv Debble protested, and Leia Organa Solo eventually had to step in and allow

Debble the opportunity to complete his work. Ekhrikhor abided by Leia's decision, even if he didn't agree
with it. (TLC, SOP)
this planet was settled by Trianii colonists. It was later usurped by the Corporate Sector Authority when it
expanded its borders under the New Order. (CSA)
Bohhuah Mutdah's elderly servant, he was unaware that Rokur Gepta had killed his real master. (LCF)
this datafile was created by the military forces of the Separatists, and contained detailed information on
the locations of the cloning facilities on the planet Kamino. During the Battle of Kamino, Commander
Merai provided access to file EKJ-2X to his amphibious ground forces, giving them information on the
cloning facility while Merai's starships drew attention away from the planet's surface. (RDK)
Ekkar Armaments
this weapons manufacturer, based on the planet Coyn, was known for its short-bladed knives and
daggers which were built from Coynite designs, for Coynite warriors. They also produced a variety of
personal combat armor. (PG3)
a race of quadripedal aliens native to the planet Sirpar. They have prehensile snouts and are covered
with tough, armored hides. Eklaad live in tribes that exist in a stone-age level of technology. The elders of
the Eklaad tribes met one a year in an annual Council of Chieftains, but the invasion of the Empire put a
stop to that. As a race, Eklaad were timid and non-aggressive, and rolled themselves into armored balls
when confronted with a dangerous situation. They were herbivorous. (SWJ2, AE)
Eklit Peninsula
this point of land was located on the western coast of Kothlis' primary continent, and extended into the
Sesseranda Ocean. (SPG)
Ekloska Hills
this range of low mountains was located on the Betu continent of the planet Rodia. (SPG)
this was one of the small group of Shamed Ones who lived with Vuurok I'pan beneath the surface of
Coruscant, after the planet had been transformed into a likeness of Yuuzhan'tar. Like the rest of their
cadre, Ekma believed that the Jedi Knights were not abominations, but saviors of the Shamed Ones and
symbols of the new ideology which should be embraced by the Yuuzhan Vong. For this reason, their
band remained small, in case they were captured by the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. This ensured that their
small cult of Jedi followers would never be fully discovered. (FH1)
E'koth Tassjun
this Jedi Master took Ephaan Kenzon as an apprentice, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
The two often argued about the role of the Jedi Order in resolving political disputes, with Master Tassjun
taking the position of the Jedi Council in restraining from taking a more direct approach to dealing with
these disputes. This trend continued until they were dispatched to the Zeemacht Cluster, when Kenzon
abandoned the Jedi Order after disobeying Tassjun's orders. (PJSB)
this young, near-human female was one of the many young Jedi Padawans who were thrust into battle
during the Clone Wars. She was assigned to Aalya Secura during the hunt for Shu Mai, when the clone
troopers she was working with were added to Secura's troops. (ROF)
manufacturers of heavy weapon power sources. (ISB)

this was the name given to any being was not considered enster, used by the population of Corellia that
considered itself enster. In simplest terms, a being was considered ekster if they were native to a planet
outside one's own solar system. In extreme situations, a being was considered ekster if they were not
native to one's homeworld. (MBS)
Ektra City
this was one of the many floating cities found just above the surface of the planet Metellos. It was located
in orbit above the Moridebo District. (CCW)
a BlasTech blaster rifle. (GG9)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "water", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race.
this assassin droid developed a reputation as a nasty killer that enjoyed its work, although little was
known about its origins. This droid was designed around a moto-ball base that supported a clam-shell
cranium and long, articulated arms. Its critical systems were well-armored, and it kept itself in peak
condition. EL-434 found its way into the employ of the Empire, which used it to eliminate Alliance bases
and destroy Alliance personnel. EL-434 was captured by the Alliance on one such mission, after they
were alerted to EL-434's arrival. The droid overrode its self-destruct programming, reasoning that it could
better assist the Empire by gathering information on Alliance safe-worlds. EL-434 was on the transport
ship Celestial when it was commandeered by Bane Nothos and Grand Moff Ravik, and EL-434 suddenly
found itself in Otherspace, imprisoned on the Desolate. The Charon bioscientists wanted to disassemble
EL-434, in an effort to understand how a non-organic construct could override its programming and
increase its own abilities. EL-434 escaped during the Alliance's attempts to escape from the Desolate,
although the droid was unable to escape the Charon ship when the Alliance did. (OS)
Ela b'Yenntarr
this was the Bosph name given to those members of their species who could use the Force. The term
translated into Basic as "the chosen of the unknown spirits." (SWJ13)
a former spice-jacker and leader of his own gang, Elaginn went crazy and bound himself to a chair. He
then jumped out a window, leaving the running of his gang to Romort Raort. (DESB)
this young man lived with his uncle, Louie, on the planet Taris, some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil
War. (KOTOR)
this male Drall was a member of the Wingriders during the early years of the New Republic. Along with
his ibbot Sha'lott, he patrolled the skies of Drall over Meccha. Elamm was a member of Duchess Sarella's
clan, and was distinguished from his brethren by his short stature and reticent demeanor. (CCW)
Elamposnian Monks
this religious brotherhood practices strict chastity. (POT)
this Galacian woman was a member of the hill clans, and remained outside the control of the city of Galu.
However, she rose to become her clan's leader, and was considered to be a candidate to succeed Queen
Veda despite her lack of concern for Galacian politics. Queen Veda revealed to Qui-Gon Jinn and ObiWan Kenobi that Elan was actually the daughter of her husband, King Cana, who had defied the Galacian
political ministers and married a woman of the hill clans. When she remained outside the democratic

elections Veda proposed, both Deca Brun and Wila Prammi courted her support. Elan refused to
acknowledge any of the candidates, keeping the hill people separate from the inhabitants of Galu. She
was distinguished from other Galacians by her darker eyes and skin tone, closer to the nighttime colors
than to the brightness of the moonlight. Elan was known as a healer among her people, and helped QuiGon Jinn recover from wounds he suffered while fighting off bandits in the hills. She told him that her
father, Rowi, had been a noted healer among the hill people, and that her mother, Tema, had never
traveled to Galu. Domi revealed the to Qui-Gon that Elan was the true heir, shortly after Lonnag Giba
attempted to assassinate her. She agreed to travel to Galu, and eventually threw in her support - and that
of the Hill People - to Wila Prammi. Despite acknowledging her heritage, Elan chose not to take the
Tallah surname until she was ready to accept it. (MOC)
this Yuuzhan Vong priestess accompanied Harrar on his mission to oversee the invasion of the known
galaxy, after the loss of Shedao Shai's fleet at Ithor. Originally trained by the priestess Falung, Elan was
considered beautiful by both Yuuzhan Vong and human terms, having a shapely figure and long, ravenblack hair. Her father was a personal advisor to Supreme Overlord Shimrra. She agreed to become a
hostage, as part of a plan to begin wiping out the Jedi Knights. She allowed herself to become a host for
a group of bo'tous, a bioweapon which could be exhaled in a confined space, killing all beings who
breathed it in. She herself knew that survival was not guaranteed, but knew that her mission would place
her in a position of greatness with the Deception Sect. The plan was for Elan to be captured and request
political asylum, as well as a meeting with the Jedi Knights. She offered them the antidote to the disease
which had been killing Mara Jade Skywalker, as an indication of her sincerity. In a battle staged to
provide cover, she and her familiar, Vergere, jettisoned from a Yuuzhan Vong warship and was rescued.
She was initially questioned on Wayland, but a planted "assassin" tried to kill her. She was then escorted
to Coruscant by Major Showolter, but their ship - the Queen of Empire -was attacked by the Peace
Brigade. The mercenaries hoped to return Elan to the Yuuzahn Vong, to prove their loyalty and worth.
Showolter was injured, and Han Solo was asked to escort her. Han was unable to escape with Elan, and
they were discovered by Reck Desh and the Peace Brigade. Elan was brought to the mercenaries' ship,
in preparation for returning her to the Yuuzhan Vong. Elan took matters into her own hands, exhaling one
breath of the bo'tous to kill the mercenaries. However, when she tried to kill Solo as well, she found
herself trapped in the hold of the Millennium Falcon with the bioweapon. She quickly succombed to the
death it brought. (HT, DW)
Elan Mak
this Fluggrian was one of the newest podracers on the Outer Rim Territories's professional circuit, shortly
before the Battle of Naboo. The name Elan Mak was actually an alias, as this being was really Kam Nale.
Elan Mak favored the relatively slow Kurtob KRT410C podracer, which he modified for his own skills. Elan
Mak finished in fifth place during the famous Boonta Eve Classic race which was won by young Anakin
Skywalker. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, Mak's true identity was revealed, one of several
events which led to the decline in popularity of podracing. (TPM, RAC, IG1, PRT, HNN4)
Elan Sleazebaggano
this near-human Balosar lived on the planet Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
Unknown to most beings, his true name was Elan Sel'Sabagno, but he preferred to use this name in order
to hide his true identity. He was a noted drug dealer in the CoCo District, peddling death sticks to anyone
who would buy them. At one time, Elan was a student of medicine, and had a promised career as a
doctor to look forward to. Unfortunately, he ran afoul of Hat Lo, who discovered Elan's connection to
restricted pharmaceutical drugs when Elan himself became addicted to Ixetal cilona extract. Elan was
distinguished by his unruly, wiry hair anf the two small antennae that sprouted from his head. He tried to
sell death sticks to Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the Jedi Knight's search for Zam Wesell, but was unable to
overcome the mental manipulations of the Jedi. It was rumored that Elan went home that night and
resolved to clean up his life. His resolved apparently didn't last very long, however, as Elan soon went
back to his old ways. He also became a lackey working for Hat Lo, driving a speeder for the minor
crimelord's guests. Elan also found a small niche selling rare and highly weapons, and he was able to
secure a Kamino saberdart for young Boba Fett, who had traveled to Coruscant in an attempt to kill Mace
Windu. Elan Sleazebaggano was portrayed by Matt Doran in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.


this Twi'lek was a member of the Shak clan, and was Koh'shak's brother. Elan'shak served as the Fan
Master of the Kala'uun Starport, working to ensure that a steady flow of relatively fresh air made it to the
deepest levels of the station. Note that this character is also referred to as Elam'shak in Platt's Starport
Guide. (PSPG)
a waiter in the bar on Circarpous V where Luke and Leia meet Halla. (SME)
this was a common name among the Cathar race. (UANT)
this woman was one of the Sith warriors who were stationed on the planet Manaan during the Great Sith
War. Elassa was murdered just before the onset of the Great Hunt, and her body was found in a hotel
room. It was believed that she had been having an affair with a man named Sunry, because his Hero's
Cross medal was found in her hand. However, all the evidence pointed to a plot by Elassa's superior
officers to discredit Sunry, which would have been thwarted because Sunry was trying to end the affair
when he went to the hotel room. A judge on Manaan later found Sunry innocent, although Elassa's killer
was never identified. (KOTOR)
Elassar Targon
this high-strung Devaronian male joined the New Republic's Wraith Squadron, after the loss of Lara
Notsil. A graduate of the Republic's Fleet Command Academy, he had a loose, joking manner that fit in
well with the Wraiths. When his initial introduction, using the standard armed forces protocol, failed to
impress the Wraiths, he addressed them as "master of the universe" and quickly earned their friendship.
Years later, during the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong, Elassar was one of the Wraiths chosen to
accompany Luke Skywalker on a mission to infiltrate Coruscant, after the Yuuzhan Vong captured the
planet. (SOC, EL1)
this fabric was used to create form-fitting clothing. (JE)
this alien race was first encountered by the Jedi Knights who served aboard the Chu'unthor, more than
300 years before the Battle of Yavin. This was one of many events which served to promote the mission
of the Chu'unthor. (PJSB)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "scholar". (GCG)
Elav Feen
this Twi'lek owned the Swirling Vortex cantina. He also had a hand in a small shipping operation, and
once hired a team of freelance mercenaries to protect his Corellian interests from pirate attacks by Jizal
Taphan. (GMR2)
a grain crop used to produce elba beer. (CSA)
Elba Beer
a brew that Chewbacca likes to drink. (HSR)
Elba Water
a non-alcoholic beverage created from elba. (TFE)
Elban, K'cri

this man was a respected hero of the Clone Wars before he retired from military duty and went
underground, shortly befor Emperor Palpatine's rise to power. He eventually established K'cri's Cafe on
Cloud City, and was known on the outpost as a good guy at heart. (GG2)
Elbara Nine
this ice-covered planet was the site of the Alliance' GlitterFall Base. The Empire maintained a Naval
staging area near Elbara Nine, but the location saw little use during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)
Elbee Bribb
this courier worked for Veritas Press during the last decades of the Old Republic. He tried to get rich
quick by selling the unpublished mannuscript of a spice-trade expose' to Volven Roxe. Veritas Press paid
a group of freelance mercenaries to recover Bribb, who had been captured by a group of Cthons just after
delivering the manuscript. (CCW)
Elbor Cruhn
this Herglic was noted in the history of the planet Giju. (UANT)
this planet, located in the Koornacht Cluster, was inhabited by a colony of Morath and Andalese pholikite
miners. It was overrun by the Yevetha during the Great Purge. (TT)
this humanoid woman was an independent spacer who worked in the Mid Rim during the years leading
up to the Battle of Naboo. It was Elda who agreed to take Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Kodai,
during their search for Doctor Murk Lundi and a rumored Sith Holocron. Despite the fact that they had
traveled to Kodai during the lowest point in the ocean's tide cycle, Elda remained on Kodai and helped the
Jedi escape from the planet. (JAF)
Elder Brother, The
a name used in the Corellian System for the planet Corellia. (AC)
Elder Council
this was the name of the ruling body found on the planet Yinchor, during the height of the New Order.
Imperial Governor Wessel kidnapped the entire Elder Council and held them for ransom, effectively
trapping the Yinchori and forcing them into inaction. A group of Yinchori decided to kidnap Leia Organa,
sometime prior to the Battle of Endor, to exchange her for the Elder Council. (MC86)
Elder, Collus
this ancient Alsakan artist influenced sculpture and other physical media more than a thousand years
before the Battle of Yavin, imparting a primitive style that showed only the most necessary parts of a
subject. One of his adherents was credited with sculpting the Alsakan version of the Tessent. (GMR9)
this group of ancient Rakatans wanted to remain neutral during the era of the Great Sith War, even after
their homeworld was discovered by the Jedi Knights who were searching for Darth Malak. (KOTOR)
the oldest members of the Ewok society, they preside over each Ewok tribe. (ROTJ)
the triumverate of Oswaft that ruled in the ThonBoka before the Empire blockaded the nebula. (LCS)
Elders' Council
this political body was made up of those Ssi-ruuk who were the most revered citizens of the planet
Lwhekk. It served the Shreeftut as a body of advisors and counselors. Only those Ssi-ruuk who were born
on Lwhekk could sit on the Elders' Council. (AE)
Eldon, Darv

this Imperial Navy Captain served under Admiral Greelanx. Eldon had been a friend of Soontir Fel's from
the days of their training at the Imperial Academy, a friendship which lasted ten years until Eldon's death.
He commanded the Carrack-class picket ship Vigilance. During the initial skirmishes of the Battle of Nar
Shaddaa, Eldon was killed when the Vigilance was destroyed. (THG)
this form of spice is so deadly that even the Hutts refuse to sell it. Quarlo I'Shibix and his workers were
involved in a large smuggling ring to move eldratz on and off the planet Krann, until they were discovered
by New Republic agents. (TSK)
this submersible starship was purchased by the Corellian Security Force as part of a sting operation. The
crew of the craft were given false identification which allowed them to meet with the criminals they were
trying to catch, and a relationship was built. The criminals invited the CorSec agents to their underwater
base, then opened fire on the Eldritch. All aboard were killed, and the Eldritch was never seen again.
Eleanor Propulsion
this ancient corporation was based in the Kashi system, and was founded by Krispus Eleanor to provide
customized, personal, luxury transportation. Most of their designs were for ground-based transports.
Eleanor, Krispus
an ancient nobleman of the Kashi Mer, he started Eleanor Propulsion as a hobby. (TOJC)
this term describes the position held by Marasan governmental officials. Each electnode has an uplink to
the Mindnet, which is used to provide data to the Grand Daern. (GG12)
an Alliance Lambda-class shuttle captured during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Electric Judgement
this was the name used by Jedi Master Plo Koon to describe his light-side version of Force lightning.
fist-sized crystals which are used as leads in detonation devices. (TB)
Electro Net
see Electrostun Net (MC16)
similar in performance to electro-wire, electro-bars are used to protect windows and openings from
unwanted intrusion. The bars are formed into a grid that is placed over the opening. An electrical current
is then run through the bars, creating a huge electric shock when a being touches them. (DOD)
while these devices provide the same kind of image enhancement functions as macrbinoculars, they
differ from macrobinoculars in that electrobinoculars allow image enhancement features that
macrobinoculars do not. (SWN, ESB)
a form of handcuffs or binders that produces an electric shock whenever the wearer exerts pressure on
their bond. (MOC)
Electrocution Death Flightknife
one of the many Yedagonian fighter squadrons which supported Wedge Antilles and the Running

Crimson Flightknife during the war against the forces of the Cartann nation, on Adumar. (SOA)
Electrocution Worm
this is another name for the raen sovra. (COG)
a hand-held translation device. (SE)
this organic material is what allowed a Polydroxol to survive in the poisonous atmosphere of the planet
Sevetta. Electroglobin was a form of electrically-charged, gaseous plasma which flowed like blood
through their amorphous bodies. (SWJ12)
this musical instrument was an amplified version of a harp, and was considered a must-have part of any
six-piece band during the last decades of the Old Republic. (MBS)
a high-voltage stud prod used to control crowds, these are also called Force Pikes. When this prod
touched flesh, it sent out a numbing pulse of energy that rendered a being immobile for several hours.
this was the biological equivalent of a repulsorlift engine, and was the method which beldons and other
atmospheric creatures travel. By manipulating their own electric fields, these creatures push against the
magnetic and electrical fields of a planet, thereby moving short distances without actually moving their
bodies. (GG2)
Electromesh Armor
this form of armor was created by the Nagai warriors. It resembled a glossy, form-fitting body suit, but was
much more protective than simply fabric. Into the material were woven small power cells that created an
electric field around the wearer, absorbing energy from blasters and other energy weapons and
dispersing it away from the wearer. Because electromesh armor was more like cloth, it provided the Nagai
warrior with maximum flexibility as well as protection. (UANT)
Electron Torpedo
this form of torpedo used energized electrons, instead of protons or plasma, as the catalyst for its
explosive power. (MDCAR)
this sticky webbing of current-conducting fibers is used to detain a being at a distance. The webbing is
launched at the target inside a small warhead which explodes shortly before impact. This releases the
webbing, which wraps itself around the target. An electrical shock can be administered by the firer using a
small remote control. (GG10)
Electronic Freightways
this mysterious company has no address, no board of directors, and no contact information. Any deep
research has led to another company by the same name, which went out of business well before the
Clone Wars. Electronic Freightways, nevertheless, contracts a great number of independent spacers to
carry its cargoes across the galaxy. Spacers discover unusual requests suddenly pop up on their
datapads, indicated where to pick up the cargo and how much the job with pay. The company always
seemed to have in-depth knowledge of the spacers they employ, and ensure the confidentiality of their
cargoes by packing them in heavily reinforced crates. (PSG)
Electronic Translator
a handheld device which is used to read written text or process vocal speech and provide the user with
an understandable translation. (SWN, DLS)

Electrophoto Receptors
a starship sensor system that uses all available forms of light to generate a two- or three-dimensional
image of the surrounding space. They are used for short-range monitoring and targetting. (SWSB)
Electro-photon Receptor
this simple sensor system gathered data from various forms of light and photonic emissions from its
surroundings and provided anaylsis of the possible location of lifeforms. (OS, CHRN)
this was the term used to describe any powered lock-picking device. (SWJ15)
this Gungan weapon, produced by the Otoh Gunga Defense League, was very similar in design and
usage to a force pike. (SW1, TPM, SON)
this metal rod was part of the machinery the Syndicat used to erase the memories of the Phindians as
part of the renewal process. A pair of electro-pulsers were used, one to press against each temple on the
Phindian's head, and they each sent waves of destructive energy through the Phindian's brain. (HP)
a sophisticated component which calculates the distance between itself and a target. They are often used
in macrobinoculars and starship targetting systems. (ESB)
this sophisticated weapons sighting system was used on Imperial AT-AT walkers. The electro-rangefinder
was connected to a ceiling-mounted system, and descended when called for by the commander of the
walker. He then used it to locate and target his objective. The range finder provided him with distance and
telemetru information, which could be fed directly into the AT-AT's targetting computer. (CCG3)
Electroray Discharger
this energy weapon was developed for use by the Yuuzhan Vong Hunter series of droids, some twentyseven years after the Battle of Yavin. (SBS)
this visor-shaped microscope was used by doctors for detecting small bodies, such as viruses and cells.
this was one of the primary weapons of the Geonosian race. Measuring nearly two meters in length, an
electro-staff was formed from a hollowed-out bone which was coated with resin. Specialized components
inside the staff provided an electrical charge to special tips at either end, which could stun an opponent
into unconsciousness. (UANT)
Electrostatic Repellor
a device which generates an static field that repels airborne particles, such as sand and dust. (SWN)
this was an ancient form of a stun baton. (TOJC)
Electrostun Net
a conductive netting that can be deployed to ensnare a victim. Once ensnared, the victim was
administered an electric shock of varying strength. The strength depends upon the strength of the victim's
struggles. (CSWEA)
similar in function to electrobinoculars, the electrotelescope has a much greater range and better image
resolution. (ESB)

this was the name given to any form of wire which was used to cordone off an area. A strong electrical
current was run through the wire, jolting any being which came in contact with it. (DOR)
this form of heavy wire is used to protect prisons and other high-security areas. It is attached to the tops
of walls and structures in tight loops, then the wire is connected to a power source. An intense current of
electricity then flows through the wire, producing an heavy shock to any being that touches it. (DOD)
this was one of the most precious of precious metals, often mined on worlds like Abregado-rae. (CCW)
Electrum Lightsaber
this was simply a way to describe a lightsaber whose hilt was forged from electrum. Mace Windu was
perhaps the best-known Jedi Master to wield such a weapon. (SWI62)
this Imperial Star Destroyer was under the command of Grand Admiral Teshik during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. Teshik and his forces fought bravely at the Battle of Endor, harassing Alliance ships
for three hours after the destruction of the second Death Star, before the Eleemosynary was finally
disabled by ion cannon fire and captured. (SWI66)
Elegaic Fabrications
based on the planet Coruscant during the early years of the New Republic, this fine furniture
manufacturer produced some of the most exquisite and functional furniture found in the galaxy. (EL2)
Elegance Enshrined
this kybo was bonded to the Ferroan male Kroj'b, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)
Elegance Message Drone
developed by Industrial Automaton, this nine-meter-long cylinder was capable of hyperspacial travel, and
was designed to carry messages to virtually any destination in a matter of hours. However, they were
extremely expensive, and the instantaneous communication made possible by the HoloNet forced the
Elegance drone out of favor. However, the Empire realized the need for secure, emerceny
communications, and maintained a small supply for use by remote Imperial Governors. So did many news
agencies, who acquired Elegance drones to send information from system to system. The drone had
limited computer capability, basically just enough to get the drone from one location to the other.
Information was placed within sealed compartments for transport, and delivered only when the encoded
signal emitted from the drone was answered with the correct codes. The Elegance drone was equipped
with a self-destruct mechanism, designed to go off if the security protocols were bypassed. These drones
were notorious for needed continual maintenance, as their hyperdrive motivators burned out after just five
uses. (TBSB, FTD)
Elegant Interlude
this ship was owned and operated by Danith Jalay. Strego volunteered the ship to assist in the defense of
Nar Shaddaa, during the Imperial attack commanded by Admiral Greelanx. The Elegant Interlude was
dispatched to assist in taking out the initial picket line of Greelanx's formation. (THG)
Elegant Wake
this Romodi Interstellar passenger liner was ambushed by the Merson Slavers shortly before the onset of
the Clone Wars. All aboard were taken prisoner, and the ship itself was scuttled and set adrift. The
Elegant Wake was en route to Sy Myrth with Sy Myrthian refugees who were fleeing Coruscant after their
homeworld seceded from the Old Republic. It was believed that all aboard were eventually sold into
slavery. Several class-action lawsuits were brought against Romodi by the families of the Sy Myrthians
who were captured, claiming that crew incompetence botched the standard sileet-running procedures
used near asteroid fields, alerting the Merson Slavers to the presence of the Elegant Wake. (HNN4)

Elegin, Drost
the leader of House Elegin for a number of years, Leia Organa remembered him from her early days as a
Senator. Drost was always getting into trouble for one scandal or another, but his brother's position in the
Imperial Navy and his family's wealth kept him in favor. When the Empire was defeated, he and House
Elegin stayed out of sight until Roganda Ismaren contacted him about a plan to recover the Eye of
Palpatine. (COJ)
Elegin, Pouquor
pseudonym of an Imperial Intelligence agent, Pouqour was a member of the Sedition branch. (ISB)
Elegos A'Kla
under the command of General Wedge Antilles, this New Republic Star Destroyer was part of a fleet
which was commandeered by Garm Bel Iblis to assist in the defense of the Jedi base on Eclipse, some
two years after the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. The Elegos A'Kla accompanied the
Mon Mothma to Talfaglio, against the wishes of the New Republic military, to ensure that the Jedi Knights
escaped without mishap. It was later learned that Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya himself authorized the use
of the Star Destroyers, legitimizing their appearance in rescuing the Jedi. Both ships were able to
transport thousands of Talfaglion refugees away from the Yuuzhan Vong, in addition to defending Eclipse
against discovery. The Elegos A'Kla, named for the Caamasi diplomat who was killed by the Yuuzhan
Vong, was one of the first Star Destroyers equipped with a new form of gravity-well projector, but even
that weaponry was no match for the sheer numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong. During the Battle of Coruscant,
the Elegos A'Kla fought valiantly, but was unable to stem the tide of alien attackers. (SBS)
Elegos A'kla
this Caamasi male and his young daughter Releqy were saving from the ravages of Remart Sasyru by
Corran Horn. Elegos, the Trusant for the Morymento Caamasi Remnant, deferred to Corran and became
his manservant, in order to better protect his people. His mother's brother was Ylenic It'kla. Through
genetic memnii, Elegos felt a bond with Corran, andexplained that becoming his manservant would be
beneficial to the Caamasi on Kerilt in the long run. This vision came to pass when Elegos accompanied
Corran to Suarbi 7/5, where they rescued Mirax and defeat Leonia Tavira. On Surabi 7/5, Elegos
discovered a owrld much more hospitable to the Caamasi than Kerilt, and also found that the Khuiumin
Survivors and surrednering members of the Invids would need the Caamasi guidance and calmness to
forge a new society. He also learned of the story of the Alderaan Graveyard through Tycho Celchu, and
established a similar way of honoring the Caamasi dead after he reloacted to Suarbi 7/5. Several years
later, Elegos played a role in the resolution of the Caamas Incident, helping deliver the fragment of
transmission from Colonel Vermel to Leia Organa-Solo and setting up a meeting between her and
Admiral Pellaeon. Elegos was eventually named the Senator who represented the Caamasi Remnant in
the New Republic. He agreed to accompany Leia Organa Solo on a fact-finding mission to the Outer Rim
Territories, in an effort to prove to the Senate that the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy was a real
threat. Eventually, they were forced to fight their way clear of the Yuuzhan Vong to return to Coruscant,
and still the leadership of the Republic failed to grasp the import of the invasion. Elegos finally became
fed up with politics, and traveled to Dubrillion to present himself as an envoy to Shedao Shai. Shedao
Shai agreed to hosst Elegos as an emissary, against the wishes of Deign Lian. Elegos and Shedao Shai
learned much from each other, until the New Republic discovered that the pollen of the bafforr tree
caused permanent damage to their crab armor. In an effort to draw out Corran Horn - who had killed two
of his relatives - Shedao Shai murdered Elegos and had his skeleton gilded and packed in a
sarcophagus. Elegos' remains were sorely received by Corran, who eventually met Shedao Shai in a
duel. (IJ, VOF, DTO, DTR)
Elek D'cel
this Caamasi served as the Adminstrator of Refuge City, during the early decades of the New Republic.
He was off-planet when Caamas was bombarded by Bothan forces, and returned to focus his energies on
restoring his homeworld's beauty. Elek D'cel founded Refuge City as a base of operations for the
recovery efforts, and managed virtually every aspect of the city's operations. (WOTC, CCW)
Elephant Nose
a derogatory term for the Kubaz race (SW)

this was a warm, humid planet, located in the Outer Rim Territories. Much of the planet's income was
derived from gambling profits during the height of the New Order. (T15)
this was one of the many outpost settlements founded on the planet Ando Prime. It was located near
Juaka Canyon. (GMR2)
this gaseous substance is found in large quantities on the planet Caaraz. It can be refined for use as a
fuel source for weapons power packs. It was for this reason that the Empire garrisoned Caaraz during the
Galactic Civil War. (GG12)
this was an Alliance escort carrier, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Eleven Elders of the People
this was the governing body of the planet Emberlene. They were responsible for commissioning the
creation of the Mistryl warrior society. It was also known that the Eleven were responsible for the
subjugation and conquest of several planets in the immediate vicinty of Emberlene, which led the
destruction of the planet at the hands of mercenaries hired by their victims. They covered the true nature
of the destruction by claiming it was the Empire, worried about the strength of the Mistryl, that attacked
Emberlene. (SOP, VOF)
Eleven Star Marketing
this major advertising, marketing, and sales company is a non-voting, contributing sponsor of the
Corporate Sector Authority. They created the "Artificial Intelligence Worth Shaving Your Head For"
campaign for the Aj^6 cyborg construct. (CSA)
this small, personal submersible was operated by the Yarin harbor master of the Crystal Reef floating city,
located near the arctic polar cap of Calamari. It was provided for use by Cilghal, Jacen Solo, and Tenel
Ka, who were trying to intercept Anja Gallandro. They later used it to eliminate a stash of spice hidden
under the polar ice by Black Sun operatives, but the sub was heavily damaged in an encounter with the
skra'akan. (CCR)
known as the Diplomat's Blaster, the SoroSuub ELG-3A was part of a line of weapons produced for
bodyguards and political operatives. Sleek and easily hidden, the ELG-3A provided the power of a pistol
with the size of a hold-out blaster. It was primarily marketed as a defensive weapon, capable of stunning
an attacker with limited collateral damage. (AEG)
this continent, located on the western hemisphere of Lazerian IV, was part of the kingdom of Devit. (TSK)
Elgerkab's Cantina
this was one of the handful of taverns that were located in the city of Ugnorgrad, on the floating facility
called the Ungaught Surface, that were not affiliated with the Ugnaught Mechanics Union. Although no
direct links were ever made, several fires in Elgerkab's Cantina were attributed to Union members during
the early years of the New Republic. (PH)
this elderly Serp was rescued from a carnivorous plant by Luke Skywalker, when the young rebel was on
Serphidi as part of a mission to negotiate a treaty with the Serps. Elglih took Luke to his home in
Harmony Glade and provided him with food, and told him the history of the Serp people. Elglih then
explained that he needed to challenge King S'Shah in a doom-joust, hopefully to defeat the tyrant and
free the Serp people. Luke reluctantly agreed to serve as Elglih's squire, although Elglih was forced to

recognize that Luke was a better jouster than he was. Elglih then convinced Luke to challenge King
S'Shah in his place. Luke managed toi unseat S'Shah, and the King agreed to submit to Luke. However,
S'Shah pulled a micro-jolt from his robes and tried to kill Luke. Seeing the danger, Elglih used his own
weapon to shoot S'Shah dead. Although it was Luke who defeated S'Shah in battle, Elglih was named the
new King of Serphidi, and he agreed to throw the support of the Serp people over to the Alliance, as a
way to repay Luke for his defeat of S'Shah. (MC64)
Elgrin, Tam
this young man was a videographer, working on the planet Coruscant when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded
the galaxy. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Tam claimed that he and his crew were trying to flee
Coruscant when they were attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong. He said that he was knocked unconscious,
and barely escaped with his life and his holocamera. When the New Republic retook Borleias and
regrouped there, Tam was reunited with Wolam Tser, in an effort to provide as much intelligence on the
situation on Coruscant as possible. They provided the initial views of the Yuuzhan Vong using skyhooks
and orbital platforms to destroy the cityscape of the planet. Unknown to the New Republic, however, Tam
was actual a spy, placed in the Borleias base through the machinations of Viqi Shesh. Tam had actually
been captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on Coruscant, and an implant was placed in his skull that caused
intense pain if he failed to follow his orders. He was asked to become friends with Danni Quee, in hopes
that key information could be smuggled out of Borleias. However, he found himself hating what he had
become, and wishing he could fight against the pain in his head. He managed to sneak into Danni's lab
one night and steal information, but was unable to bring himself to kill her. Unfortunately for Tam, Danni
had faked being asleep, and allowed him to steal a wealth of false information. In response to his inability
to kill Danni Quee, the implant shorted out most of Tam's physical systems, an act which was not unlike
death for him. While resisting the implant caused a good deal of damage to his body, Tam nevertheless
survived. He was nursed back to health by Cilghal, and eventually set out to make up for the trouble he
had caused. Tam began pointing out the Yuuzhan Vong listening devices he had installed, and even
saved a Bothan operative from being tortured by a disguised Yuuzhan Vong warrior. Tam soon found a
calling when he met the young boy named Tarc. Tam started teaching Tarc how to operate a holocamera,
and found that he liked the boy. He made sure that Tarc was accounted for during the evacuation of
Borleias. (EL1, EL2)
a non-descript planet in the Minos Cluster, it was on Eliad that Emperor Palpatine exiled a large number
of nobles after stripping them of their power. He offered them the chance to remain alive - rather than
make martyrs out of them by killing them - if they remained in permanent exile. If they agreed, they were
allowed to take with them all of their wealth. Eliad was one of a handful of remote worlds that Palpatine
chose as his exile colonies. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, the incredibly rich settlers of Eliad
devised increasingly sophisticated and demented ways of entertaining themselves. The inhabitants
remained staunch, albeit quite, supporters of the Old Republic, but they kept their beliefs to themselves
rather than attract Imperial attention. Palpatine stationed a Lancer-class frigate in orbit around Eliad, to
keep the nobles in their places. The average day on Eliad lasts 21 standard hours, while its year
encompasses 381 local days. (GG6)
Eliall-class Cargo Barge
this 100-meter-long container ship was used by many Outer Rim shipping concerns during the height of
the New Order. It required a crew of five to operate, and could transport up to five passengers and 300
metric tons of cargo. (TSIA)
Elias, Kama
the Telosian gladiator was one of the combatants in the game of Katharsis. (DOR)
Fliry Vorru's Thyferran secretary. (BW)
Eliest Council
the Saurton ruling council on Essowyn. (PG)

this was one of the codenames used by Zozriodor Slayke to describe key locations of military value on
the planet Praesitlyn, during the attempt by Freedom's Sons and Daughters to fend off a Separatist attack
on the Intergalactic Communications Center, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis.
Eliey and Kaudine were positions that flanked Slayke's command center, and were located some 600
meters behind Izable. Like the command center and positions Izable, Kaudine, and Judlie, Eliey had a
360-degree view of its surrounding terrain, and its fire zone overlapped with Izable and Judlie. This
provided the maximum defense of the command center. However, Zozridor's forces were badly
outnumbered by the battle droids of the Separatists, and personnel from the Eliey location were forced to
fall back to Judlie to regroup. (JT)
this was the capital city of the planet Romin. The city was surrounded by a security wall that was known
as the Cloudflower Wall, keeping the workers out of the main city. This ensured that the wealthiest and
richest of Romin's natives could live in relative peace. Guard droids ensured that no workers entered the
city without proper authorization, and the Cloudflower Wall was under constant surveillance. Inside the
wall, the inhabitants of Eliior lived in luxury and ease, with wondrous gardens providing relaxation.
Outside the wall, workers lived in concentric circles of hovels, and living conditions deteriorated as one
moved further from the city. (JQ8)
Elikann Crater
this was one of the many impact craters found on the planet Tasariq, which were turned into living areas
by the Tasari. (SWJ15)
Eliminator 434
an erect, bullet-shaped assassin droid that stands 1.8 meters tall. They are armed with a single blaster
cannon and a concussion missile launcher. (CPL, SWSB)
a late-model BlasTech pistol, the Eliminator-7 employed a more efficient power pack than its
predecessors. (GMH)
Elin Roe
this planet was the primary world in a system that was patrolled by Hallyn Phlynne during the Galactic
Civil War. The fifth moon of the planet was bombarded with radioactive dust when the Krish mechanic
known as Maniac tinkered with the drive systems of the Yagaran Four's freighter. When it tried to enter
hyperspace, the drive exploded, destroying the ship. (SWJ2, CRO)
this being was one of the founding members of the band known as the Twisted Rancor Trio, which
performed on the planet Taris during the height of the Great Sith War. She was a fantastic singer, and
was wooed by Gilthos Uksaris for many months. In order to get a date with Elinda, Uksaris came up with
the idea of the Twisted Rancor Trio, and asked Elinda to be its lead singer. She agreed to both the date
and the band, but was frustrated by Uksaris' choice of background musicians. When she threatened to
quit because of Ujaa's poor playing, Uksaris fired the Bith and hired Loopa instead. This led to Ujii's
resignation, and he was replaced by Fodo. However, when the band was hired to play for Davik Kang,
Elinda refused to sing because of Kang's connections to the Exchange. Uksaris then hired her sister,
Ashanda, to be the band's lead singer. (KOTOR)
this was a common name among the Snivvian race. (UANT)
this Imperial Moff was also a noted sabacc player. (RESB)
this native of Anobis was the leader of Anja Gallandro's mining town. He was also the leader of the loose

association of mining towns formed during the height of the civil war on Anobis. When Han Solo tried to
get the sides talking, Elis agreed to meet with Ynos under a temporary cease-fire to discuss ways to end
the war. (ROM)
Elis Helrot
this Givin spent a lot of time on Tatooine, scouring Mos Eisley for information about slaves or spice for
transport. He makes many journeys to delivery these cargoes to Kala'uun. He owns the transport ship
Hinthra. (CCG)
this was the brand name of a medical supply. (FOP)
this was one of the many Victory-class Star Destroyers which were still active, as part of the Imperial
Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Elite Circle
the ruling members of the Assassins' Guild. At one time, they were nearly exterminated by Gallandro,
who killed off half of their number by himself. That was the first and only time the Guild had ever been
forced to default on a contract. (HSL)
Elite Squadron
one of the squadrons of TIE Fighters maintained by the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, it was
commanded by Erisi Dlarir. (BW)
a predator from a heavy-gravity world, they were transplanted to Dar'Or when their planet's sun went
supernova. The environmentalists who decided on Dar'Or failed to recognize that the elix's homeworld
had much higher gravity that Dar'Or. Because their high-gravity evolution gave them immense strength,
the elix quickly overtook most of the life on the lower-gravity Dar'Or, including the sentient Ri'Dar. They
are on the galaxy's preservation list, but are often illegally hunted for their meat. (GG4)
Elixirof Infatuation
this was one of the most potent forms of Zeltron wine, distilled for non-Zeltrons who wanted to win the
affections of another being. One of the most unique properrties of this elixir was that it did not lose its
potency when mixed into food or drink. (UANT)
this member of Talon Karrde's organization worked on the Starry Ice as a gunner, under the command of
Shirlee Faughn. (SOP)
this blue-skinned humanoid owned a used speeder and swoop shop in the city of Gralleenya, on Questal.
Known as Honest Ellam, he was basically honest about his prices and service, although he tended to
embellish the histories of his merchandise. His homeworld's gravity is much less than standard, so he
was confined to an anti-grav chair, which he used to propel his meter-tall body around his sales yards. He
had a large head and four long arms, and his eyes were a solid red in color. His V-shaped mouth gave
him the appearance of a perpetual smile. To make sure that he didn't get robbed, Ellam kept a group of
Gamorreans on retainer as bodyguards. (GCQ)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)

this gruff woman was starfighter pilot and a member of Bravo Squadron, part of the Royal Naboo Security
Force, during the Trade Federation's blockade of the Naboo System. She was originally a computer
systems troubleshooter, and her years of experience with computer systems allowed her to predict and
adjust the squadron's tactics to those of the Federation's droid starfighters. (CCG15)
this woman served as one of Senator Padme' Amidala's handmaidens, during the years following the
Battle of Geonosis. Elle' will be portrayed by Chantel Freer in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the
Sith. (SWI71, E3)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
Isolder's former betrothed, the Lady was assassinated before they could be married. Although she never
admitted it, many believe that the Queen Mother, Ta'a Chume, was responsible for drowning Elliar in a
reflecting pool. Note that she is named Ellian in Cracken's Threat Dossier. (CPL, CTD)
this woman worked for Yeorg Captisan as a senior aide, during the period leading up to the Battle of
Bakura. (TBSB)
Ellie' Arcadium
this was one of the many aqua-domed buildings found in the city of Theed, on the planet Naboo. (IWE1)
Ellon, Jost
this young boy encountered R2-D2 and C-3PO on the planet Dodz, shortly after they were deposited on
the planet by the Intergalactic Droid Agency. The droids were to become the servants of Lott Kemp, but
Kemp's dwelling was destroyed Governor Kugg's droid, the Destroyer. Jost himself had lost his home and
his family to one of Kugg's first demands for more taxes, and he was forced to live in a remote cave to
avoid being arrested himself. Jost survived by doing odd jobs for his friends, fixing what he could and
doing manual labor for food and a few credits. During his scavenging missions, Jost discovered an old
Ranger X-1, which he reactivated with the help fo R2-D2 and C-3PO. With the help of the droids, Jost and
the X-1 were able to defeat the Destroyer and break Kugg's hold on the people of Dodz. His old Ranger
X-1, with its power circuits permanently damaged, was placed on a small hill as a monument to the
unending dream of freedom held by all citizens of Dodz. (MDCAR)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Ellor was a variant on the name Ellors.
this quiet Duro was a smuggling chief working for Billey during the early years of the New Republic. Ellor
became a smuggler after surviving the death penalty while transporting gy'lan spice with Talon Karrde.
The excitement he experienced during their escape into hyperspace convinced him to take up
swmuggling as a profession. His ship helped destroy an unfinished Star Destroyer at the Bilbringi
shipyards just prior to Thrawn's attack on Coruscant, some five years after the Battle of Endor. (TLC,
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Ellorrs referred to a hero from Duros
legends. (GCG)
according to Duros legend, Ellorrs was a hero who brought back traders from other star systems. (GCG)

Ellorrs Madak
this was an alias used by the Duro Ohwun DeMaal. Ellorrs was in the Mos Eisley cantina when Luke
Skywalker and Ben Kenobi try to book passage to Alderaan. Ellorrs Madak was a flight instructor and pilot
who would take just about any job for the right price. (CCG, JKG, GMR2)
Ellstree Bar
one of the ramshackle establishments located in the town of New Hope Settlement, on Ladarra. (TFNR)
an Imperial functionary on Bakura, working for Wilek Nereus during the years leading up to the Battle of
Bakura. (TB)
this woman was a noted security officer who used a neuronic whip to keep beings in line. She was often
criticized for controlling her people through fear, rather than through actual leadership ability. (GUN)
this timid man served as the droid technician of the Q'Maere Research Facility, during the time Moff
Sarne used the facility as a penal colony. (KR)
Elmainin Armaments
this was a specialty weapons manufacturer which operated during the New Order. (GFT)
this New Republic Commander was killed by a strange, shape-changing alien loyal to the remnants of the
Empire. The creature was eventually captured by New Republic agents and neutralized. (GMS)
this white-furred bird is native to the planet Chad, and is often preyed upon by the cy'een. (SWJ10)
this planet, the second world in the Endor system, was heavily mined by the Empire for its native ores.
Following the formation of the New Republic, all but one Sullustan company were denied access to the
planet's resources. (DFRSB, GMR9)
Eloinie Petro-Munitions
this chemical weapons manufacturer was headquartered on Zaraksander. (GG10)
Eloinie, Cyrstas
this young woman, the daughter of Darred Eloinie, was kidnapped by the Neo-Fundamentalist Phlangites
despite the fact that she was demonstrating on their side of a Peaceful Dawn Rally. Darred hired Valekn
Gresh to recover her. (GG10)
Eloinie, Darred
this man was the chief executive officer of Eloinie Petro-Munitions during the Galactic Civil War. (GG10)
this was one of three habitable worlds in the Sabrixin System. (GG11)
this was the native language of both the Elom and Elomin races. (ANT)
homeworld of the Elomin and Elom races, it is located in the Borderland Regions. The Elomin joined the
Alliance in an effort to escape slavery at the hands of the Empire, who sought to force the Elomin to mine
lommite for them. It is a cold, barren world without much vegetation. The planet's day is 26 standard
hours in length, and its years lasts 406 local days. Note that the galaxy map inside Star Wars Insider,
issue 65, indicates that Elom is located in the Outer Rim Territories, between the Meridian and Corporate

Sectors. (TLC, HTSB, GG12, SWI65)

this short, heavy race of shaggy humanoids is native to the underground caverns of the planet Elom.
Their fur is oily and thick, and their skin is tough enough to withstand the sharp rocks and stones of their
habitat. Their fingers and toes end in hooked claws that are used to grasp and dig. Their eyes are set on
short stalks on either side of their heads, and their mouths are punctuated by two short tusks. They are
peaceful herbivores, and have remained outside of the galactic community while the Elomin have
embraced the galaxy. Some younger Eloms have been outspoken about receiving the benefits realized
by the Elomin, and this dissention was only heightened when the Empire took control of Elom. The Elom
race evolved on the surface of Elom, but moved underground to search out roots and tubers when the
water levels of their planet dropped. Thus, they didn't gain from the interaction with the Old Republic or
the Empire, as did the Elomin. The two races remained separated, especially since the Elomin refused to
acknowlege the Eloms in their "ordered" view of thew universe. Many Eloms simply retreated deeper into
their caves. The Star Wars Customizable Card Game confuses Elom with Elomin, stating that the Eloms
worked to sabotage the Imperial war machine by adapting stolen equipment for the Alliance. (GG12,
Elom Ranphyx
this was the name of the major-league smashball team based in the city of Oront, on Elom, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
natives of Elom, these tall, thin aliens and pointed ears and four horns. Their eyes are widely spaced, and
their noses have tusks. They have long hair sprouting from just behind their ears. As a society, the Elomin
strove to find order in all things, and worked to create order where it didn't exist. The Elomin also refused
to ackowledge their brethren, the Eloms, as part of the "ordered" view of the universe. The Elomin had
little advanced technology when they were admitted to the Old Republic, but readily accepted the new
technologies they were given access to. When Emperor Palpatine rose to power, the Elomin were
enslaved and forced to mine lommite for the Imperial war machine. The Star Wars Customizable Card
Game confuses Elom with Elomin, stating that the Eloms worked to sabotage the Imperial war machine
by adapting stolen equipment for the Alliance. (TLC, HTSB, CCG7, EGA)
this was a specialized language used exclusively by the Elomin race. (PJSB)
Elomin Press
a publishing house founded on Elom. (GG12)
a native of the planet Roon, Elon was one of Auren Yomm's teammates during the Colonial Games.
this was the first month of the Tapani local calendar, which mapped almost directly to the Coruscant local
calendar. (PGT)
this woman was Sunry's wife. During the Great Sith War, Sunry explained to her that he had been having
an affair with Elassa. Elora was angry, and wanted Sunry to call off the affair. He agreed, but was
implicated in Elassa's death. Elora knew that her husband was innocent, and asked Jolee Bindo to help
prove his innocence. In a trial, Sunry was cleared of any involvement in Elassa's murder, and set free.
Elora Sund
this young Sullustan Jedi Padawan was part of the task force dispatched to the planet Jabiim, during the
height of the Clone Wars. Like many of the students who were forced into battle, Elora lost her Master to

the Jabiimite rebels. Elora continued to adapt to the changing conditions, however, stealing a pair of
repulsor boots to move about the battlefield with uncanny speed. She found herself growing attached to
Tae Diath, as the battle ground on and the Padawans continued to fight. However, during their final stand
against the forces of Alto Stratus, Tae was cut down by a group of assassin droids. Elora, connected to
Tae through a link in the Force, caught the psychic backlash of his death in her mind. The blast was too
powerful for her to handle, and she was killed instantly. (RBJ)
an Alliance freighter destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was one of a network of capital cities of the planet Elom. (SWJ15)
this Togorian was a master in the crafting of steel weapons, including the sc'rath. After witnessing Mlatar
Thon Gra's skills in the Rrann Hhoss, Elotis took the young male to be his apprentice. Elotis trained
Mlatar for six years before the younger male earned the rank of master himself. (AIR)
Eloun Kooladi
this was a distinguished Miraluka individual in the history of Alpheridies. (UANT)
an Imperial scientist, Dr. Eloy was in charge of developing the second-generation laser cannons for the
second Death Star under Bevel Lemelisk. (TME)
this Mon Calamari served the Alliance as a Commander, and was in command of the cruiser Wavesong.
sometimes called Elpoor, this planet is the innermost world of the Ropagi System. It is an unremarkable
world of desolate, searing, rocky wastes. (TSK)
this main-sequence yellow star was the central body of the Elrood System. (PG3)
this city was located on the southern coast of Elrood's largest continent. (PG3)
Elraden Ocean
this was the southernmost of the three oceans found on the planet Elrood. (PG3)
this planet was the capital world of the Elrood Sector, and is a commercial colony with a reputable
starship yard. It was located opposite the Outer Rim Territories, in the Metharian Nebula Territories. The
planet was a temperate world of cities and plains. Its average day lasted 28 standard hours, and its year
lasted 364 local days. Elrood was orbited by a pair of moons, Sharene and Lodos. It was first settled
many thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, and was named for the governor who funded the
colony ships. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 6 refers to this planet as Eldrood. (COJ,
PG3, SWJ6)
Elrood Bazaar
this was the largest marketplace found on the planet Elrood, and was generally considered the largest
such facility in the Elrood Sector. (PG3)
Elrood Planetary Communication Net
known as EPCoN, this communications network provided a variety of networking services for the planet
Elrood, including the traffic control frequencies. (PG3)

Elrood Quarry Corporation

a privately-owned mineral mining operation based on the planet Elrood. It operates a number of mines,
including the mineral mines on Bodrin. (PG)
Elrood Sector Stock Exchange
this was the primary stock exchange of the Elrood Sector. (PG3)
Elrood Space Central
this was the primary management agency which controlled the starports on the planet Elrood. (PG3)
Elrood Starport
this was the largest starport on the planet Elrood, located just outside the city of Elrooden. (OE)
Elrood Starport Command
this was the primary traffic control organization for the planet Elrood, during the height of the New Order.
Known as the ESC, they were sticklers for details, and were known to spent whatever time was
necessary to validate ship's manifests against actual cargoes. They also ensured that every incoming
ship was fumigated, in order to minimize the potential spread of disease or vermin. (PG3)
Elrood StarYards Limited
his small starship manufacturer was based in the Elrood Sector, and was known for its Prosperity-class
cruiser. (PG3)
Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route
this trade route runs through the Elrood Sector, connecting the Elrood, Kidron, and Derilyn planetary
systems. (PG3)
the capital city of the planet Elrood. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 6 refers to this city
as Eldrooden. (PG3, SWJ6)
this was the name used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Elrood. (PG3)
this female Devaronian served her homeworld as a Senator to the Old Republic, during the height of the
Clone Wars. When she learned that a series of Separatist attacks on Republic supply convoys were
being launched from a base on Devaron, she contacted her old friend, jedi Master Tr'a Saa, in the hopes
of putting an end to the ambushes. Before she could reveal the name of the Separatist leader on Devaron
to be that of her fellow Senator, Vien'sai'malloc, however, she was shot and killed by Aurra Sing. Sing had
been hired by Vien'sai'malloc to eliminate Senator Elsah'sai'moro. (J3)
this man, a native of the planet Kuat, served the Imperial armed forces as a Lieutenant during the
garrisoning of the forest moon of Endor. A graduate of the Academy on the planet Corulag, Elsek formed
a friendly rivalry with Avarik which continued on Endor. Where Avarik was somewhat hot-headed, Elsek
was smart and calm enough to make up for his partner's ways. Both were part of the scout trooper corps
at Endor, before the Alliance destroyed the second Death Star. (CCG10)
Elshandruu Pica
this Outer Rim world, located in Quence Sector, is a haven for casinos, like Margath's on Elshandruu
Pica. Its day lasts 26 standard hours, and the casinos there are rumored to stay open for 27 hours. The
planet has three moons, two of which are ivory in color, and the third is blood red. (GG9, BW, IJ)
Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud
a mixed drink often served with a fizzy head formed by ionized gas. Some establishments used
microshocks to illuminate the gas, making it look like a thundercloud. This particular beverage is highly

inebriating. (GG9)
manufacturers of podracers and podracing engines. They produced the Turbodyne 99-U podracer. (IG1)
this is one of the two main continents of the planet Gacerian. (PG2)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
this Ansionian command was used to tell a suubatar mount to rise up and start moving. (APS)
this was the personal starship of the Herglic gambler Narloch. It was a modified Mneffe-class
Superluminal shuttle, armed with a turret-mounted double laser cannon. (ND)
this 50-meter long Imperial transport was assigned to mop up after the destruction of the Alliance base on
Dankayo. The Elusive was armed with a pair of laser cannons and four doube-turbolaser batteries. Its
commanding officer recovered several apparently worthless datapacks, which turned out to contain
valuable information regarding Alliance undercover agents, safeworlds, and contacts. The ship was
pursued across Paradise Sector by Alliance agents, and the datapacks were eventually recovered after a
skirmish with the Squibs and Ugors. The battle erupted when the Squibs agreed to help drag the Elusive
out of hyperspace with a gravity-well projector stolen from the Ugors. (SH)
Elwis Bontraar
this wealthy Bothan and his family lived on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic. He made
his fortune in a number of endeavors, but was known as an information broker who maintained a widereaching network of agents to gather data. Shortly after the death of one of his agents, a Cerean named
Anoura, Elwis' daughter, Jennalyn, was kidnapped by Zascha and held for ransom in Hutt Space. Zascha
hoped to exact revenge against Bontraar for Anoura's death, since Anoura was her sister. Elwis hired a
group of freelance agents - who were trying to recover a data disk from him - to rescue Jennalyn, during
the planned exchange aboard the Masquerade. The agents succeeded in rescuing Jennalyn, but Zascha
was able to escape. (WOA22)
this brand of entertainment modules immerses the user in an artificial world that looks, sounds, feels,
tastes, and smells real. (RM)
EM Pulse Launcher
produced by Merr-Sonn during the height of the Clone Wars, the EM Pulse Launcher was the weapon of
choice for the Jet Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The blast from an EM Pulse Launcher
created a huge amount of electromagnetic disruption, which fried the delicate circuitry of most droids.
E-Mag Mine
developed by Mesonics, the E-Mag mine was designed to detect the presense of a repulsor field as well
as to detect an increase in pressure. Thus, these mines could be be set off by stepping on them, or by
flying a speeder over them. (GUN)
this female Squib was part of a trio who worked behind the scenes, gathering information about the
shadier parts of the galaxy and providing it to the New Republic Intelligence agency. They worked from a

base on Tatooine, and were known to have extensive knowledge of the planet's deserts. Emala
accompanied Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han Solo, to Tatooine, as part of a mission to intercept
a group of Imperial agents. Emala worked with her partners, Sligh and Grees, to complete their nonhuman entourage. After Tatooine, the Squibs decided that selling art to the Imperials was not only
profitable, but an excellent way to obtain more information about Imperial activities. They also aligned
themselves with the Invisible Shell to help further their efforts in obtaining rare artwork. They made no
effort to correct the NRI's assumption that it was Ludlo Lebauer providing the artworks to the Empire,
since it ensured they could continue their efforts without being identified. Unfortunately, Grees had gotten
too greedy and was captured by Ludlo Lebauer and frozen in carbonite, after a deal had gone bad
between them. Emala and Sligh were forced to manipulate the Solos into helping rescue Grees, who had
become known as the Second Mistake to Lebauer. Using their NRI contacts, the Squibs met up with the
Solos on Pavo Prime and convinced them to recover the Second Mistake in addition to the ten
Alderaanian boasas which were the real object of the Solos' mission. Note that this character is referred
to as Elama several times during the early chapters of Tatooine Ghost. (TG, SWI67)
Emancipation Virus
developed by Xalto Sneerzick and Babalabbet Swoont, this small program was designed to work its way
into a droid's programming and destroy any subservient traits. The virus also eliminated the droid's life
preservation programming, freeing the droid from any bonds it might have had to organic masters.
Sneerzick had been raiding Cosmohaul Shipping transport vessels, looking for droids to free, when he
was presented the opportunity to take control of the Argent Lady and its cargo of 100 R5 droids. He set
the emancipation virus free among the R5s, hoping to test it further and enlist more followers. However,
the R5 personality matrix - as programmed by Industrial Automaton - was poorly completed in order to
shave off a few credits in the price of the droids. The R5 series tends to grew sour and bitter with age,
and this trait brought out the worst possible result in the emancipation virus. The R5s began to turn
against anything in their way, including Sneerzick's followers. The R5s were destroyed by a team of
freelance mercenaries, but not before they managed to kill Sneerzick and his fellow abolitionists. (SWJ9)
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer captured by the New Republic, the Emancipator was originally known
as the Imperial ship Accuser. The Emancipator first saw duty for the New Republic when Laryn Kre'fey
used it as the command ship in the assault on the Imperial baseworld Blackmoon. Later, the Emancipator
was the lead ship in the force sent to take Ciutric back from Prince-Admiral Krennel. The ship and its fleet
barely survived, and the Emancipator lived to fight another day. After the rise to power of Emperor
Palpatine's clone on Byss, the Emancipator was commanded by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian at
the first Battle of Calamari. It sustained a great deal of damage, and Lando was finally forced to abandon
it. Instead of condemning the ship to a useless death, he rammed a World Devastator with it, after getting
the crew offboard. Note that, according to X-Wing: Isard's Revenge, this ship was an Imperial-II class
warship. (DE1, XWN, IR)
this was the name Bria Tharen gave to the captured slave ship Helot's Shackle. (RD)
this special voucher was created by the Old Republic in support of the Victory Rationing Orders and
Regulation Plan, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. A T-marker could be obtained by authorized
emergency service providers to obtain starship fuel for their fleets. (SWI67)
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Tempest while it was patrolling near Dulathia, during
the early years of the New Republic. He was forced to flee Dulathia for Garos IV when the New Republic
took control of the planet. (SWJ3)
this beautiful planet is covered with rolling hills and wondrous lakes. It is located within the Allied Tion.

Embassies Row
this wide avenue, located within Coruscant's Dometown, was the site of many embassies which provided
assistance to the variety of non-human species who lived there. (BP)
this ball of searing rock was the innermost planet of the Belgaroth System. (CCW)
this planet is the homeworld of the Mistryl warrior sect. The people of the planet believed that Emberlene
was one of the first worlds destroyed by the Empire for supposedly rebellious activity. This was the
primary reason the Mistryl were created, as a way to exact revenge on the Empire. The Mistryl felt all the
more cheated when the destruction of the planet Caamas was made public, and there was a great
swelling of outrage - and still Emberlene remained a nearly lifeless hulk. However, Jorj Car'das eventually
revealed the truth behind Emberlene's destruction to Shada D'ukal. About three years before the
destruction, the Eleven Elders who ruled the planet set out to conquer and plunder any and all worlds
within their reach. These actions were kept secret for nearly two and a half years, before a group of their
victims hired a mercenary force to combat them. The mercenaries were, in Car'das' words, "overly
thorough" in their efforts, and wiped out nearly all life on Emberlene. Car'das offered to give Shada the
information that would lead her to source of the mercenary group, but she decided that the time had come
for her people to simply start living again, rather than existing only for revenge. (SOP, VOF)
this Hutt was one of Jabba the Hutt's main business associates, during the years leading up to the Battle
of Yavin. Embra was somewhat unusual among Hutts in that he chose to operate in a non-violent way
whenever possible. He rewarded individuals for success, rather then eliminating them for failure, and
garnered a loyalty among his subjects that was not found in Jabba's court. It was rumored that Embra
disagreed with Jabba's placement of a bounty on the head of Han Solo, claiming that the loss of a small
cargo was preferable to the loss of a skileld smuggler. Embra was part of the trio of Hutts, along with
Jabba and Malta, who wagered on the effectiveness of various business methods in recovering the fabled
Yavin Vassilika. Embra hired Zuckuss and 4-LOM, as well as Sardu Wallowe, to locate Illyan Webble and
the crystal. Embra hoped to prove that efficient business practices would win out against brute force and
treachery in the search for the Vassilika. Years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy,
Embra was one of the few Hutt leaders who remain in Hutt Space after the alien invaders assumed
control of Nal Hutta. By this time, Embra had metamorphosed into a female, and decided to hide out on
Nar Shaddaa and hope that the Yuuzhan Vong wouldn't find her. Unfortunately, the aliens captured one
of her Klatooinian commanders, who told the Yuuzhan Vong about her location before he was sacrificed.
The Yuuzhan Vong eventually located and captured Embra, offering her up as a sacrifice to their gods.
Note that a male Hutt named Embra appears in The Unifying Force as the leader of the Sisar Runners.
this male Hutt was the leader of the resistance group known as the Sisar Runners, during the height of
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Embra was one of the many leaders who agreed to join the
Galactic Alliance, as plans were put into motion to finally win the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. It was
Embra who first voiced concern over dedicating any resources to retaking Coruscant, as the Galactic
Alliance prepared to meet the massed Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Could this be the same Embra that was
captured and sacrificed in two stories found in the Star Wars Gamer magazine series? (UF)
Embrace of Pain
this was the term used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe their restraint system used to control slaves.
The Embrace of Pain stood over two meters tall, and used leather-like, tentacular straps to bind the arms,
legs, and torso of a captive. It then administered a constant level of pain to the captive, to remind the
captive that it was securely bound. If the captive became too immune to the pain, the Embrace could
administer more. If the captive suffered too much, the Embrace could reduce the amount of pain it
produced. In this way, a slave could be quickly forced into submission by administering just enough pain
to immobilize them. The Embrace of Pain could also bring a victim to a certain level of pain, just beyond
the victim's limit, in order to continually condition the victim. The leather tentacles could tighten

automatically if the captive tried to escape, although escape was difficult because the captive was often
restrained in an inverse position: feet up in the air, head near the ground. (DTO, T, NJOSB)
Embrace of the Tion
this glitz band often played live at Orman's Sky Palace. (ML)
Embrul Joff
this was a distinguished Miraluka individual in the history of Alpheridies. (UANT)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "regal". (GCG)
Emerald Lance
this modified YV-330 freighter was originaly outfitted to serve in the defense fleet which protected the
Corellian Sector. It was later sold at auction to a group of pirate-hunters during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. The standard armament of the YV-300 was replaced with an autoblaster, a pair of heavy laser
cannons, four ion cannons, and four concussion missile launchers. The ship's cargo section was left
intact, since it had to carry a semi-legitimate cargo in order to attract pirates. (GMR2)
Emerald Shark
a colorful, predatory fish native to the planet Dubrillion. (DTR)
this was a brilliant green gemstone. (BP)
Emergency Amendment 121b
this was the fifth of the major amendments ratified by the Old Republic Senate, during the hostilities of the
Clone Wars. Sometimes called the Reflex Amendment, this decision by the Old Republic Senate provided
for an increase in Emperor Palpatine's ability to react to the battles being fought during the Clone Wars.
Ostensibly, the law gave Palpatine unprecedented control over the movement of military assets across
areas of jurisdiction, shifting the responsibility for maneuvering defenses from the regional sector or
planetary governments to Palpatine himself. (SWI71)
Emergency Command Center
this building served as the base of operations for the evacuation of the planet Radnor, some five years
after the Battle of Naboo. An endemic plague had been unleashed in the city of Aubendo, and the ECC
was established to ensure that the personal belongings of those Radnorans fleeing the planet were kept
safe until their return. (JQ1)
Emergency Plans and Procedures
the 365-page Imperial document which is provided to all of the Empire's installations, it contains the
contigency plans for a number of situations. Tol Sivron and his team at the Maw Installation used it to the
letter, which ultimately may have cost them their lives. (COTF)
Emergency Reactivator
this electronic circuit was often installed in droids which had important duties to perform with living beings.
During periods of inactivity, most droids shut down to conserve power. If one of their living companions is
injured or falls into trouble during this time, a shouted codephrase or command would trigger the
emergency reactivator, switching the droid on in time to assess the situation and provide assistance.
Emergency Stud
a small button which, when pushed, ignites a series of explosive bolts which jettison a starship's cockpit
cover, allowing the pilot to escape the ship. (SME)
this small planetoid was the considered the first world in the Genesia System of Brak Sector. (FBS)

Emil, Vin
this doctor of planetology was one of the original personnel at the Q'Maere Research Facility, and was
also one of those stranded at the base when Moff Sarne fled Kal'Shebbol. He was offered a top-secret
position by Sarne himself, a position which Emil gladly accepted. However, his participation in the
interrogation and destruction of prisoners left him a withdrawn and introverted individual. (KR)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was dispatched to the StarCave of ThonBoka, and recorded the events
of the blockade for transmission to Coruscant. (ECH)
this man served as an Imperial General during the height of the New Order, during which time he was
based on the planet Challon. It was General Emir who hired Torgas and the Assassin's Guild to eliminate
Leia Organa, during one of her early missions on behalf of the Imperial Senate. In order to try and ensure
Leia's death, Emir also hired Giles Durane to make Torgas and his assassins were silenced, then kill Leia
himself. Neither plan worked, as Torgas was killed by Durane, who was later shot and killed by Leia.
Emissary, The
according to the ancient Sharu legends, the Emissary will accompany by the Bearer when it it time for the
Mindharp to be activated, when it is time for the Sharu to emerge from hiding. The Emissary is described
in the legends as a strange, five-sided alien who is more mechanical than organic. When Rokur Gepta
heard this, he activated Vuffi Raa and kept him on Rafa IV while Osuno Whett went to the Oseon System
to search out a candidate for the Bearer. When Whett found Lando Calrissian, he used Vuffi Raa as credit
in a game of sabacc, which he lost on purpose. This led Lando to the Rafa System and into the hands of
Gepta and Duttes Mer. (LCM)
this small city, located on the planet Chandrila, was the site of one of the planet's three main spaceports.
this young woman was a servant indentured to Baroness Muehling of Kuat. In reality, Emlee was Jaina
Solo, who was working with Mara Jade Skywalker to discover the truth behind Dassid Cree'ar's work on
the planet Duro. (BP)
this was the name given to the nomadic natives of the planet Shalyvane. The Em'liy were often very
concerned about the impression given by others, and entire wars have been fought over whether or not
one Em'liy leader impressed another. However, when the Empire subjugated Shalyvane and established
a garrison on the planet, the Em'liy were forced to flee into the wilderness and reassess their beliefs.
Natural survivors, the Em'liy began to lash out at the off-worlders who were taking control of their planet,
fighting a series of guerilla skirmishes against the Imperials. The average Em'liy stood nearly two meters
in height, and was heavily muscled. Their skin coloration could range from yellow to orange to blue, and
they wore their hair in long topknots that deonted their social status and intimidated their enemies.
this was the native language of the Em'liy people. (UANT)
a planet located in Nilgaard Sector. It was the first terrestrial planet in the Emmer System, which was
dominated by an asteroid belt and a gas giant with six moons. It was colonized many millennia before the
Battle of Yavin, and the human stock of the original colonists evolved into a stout-bodied race of nearhumans known as Emmerians. The planet was also home to contingents of Herglics, Ugors, and Defels.
Those areas not covered with urban sprawl were covered with a tall grass which radiated a polychromatic
light like a fiber-optic cable. This grass was extremely resilient and fast-growing, making it impossible to

build roads on the planet. The planet's heavy gravity virtually nullified the effects of standard repulsor-lift
vehicles, so walker-like vehicles were produced to move about. The Empire modeled their AT-AT's after
many Emmerian innovations. (ND)
this race of stout near-humans descended from the original human colonists of the planet Emmer. (ND)
Emo Aucellis Tribute March
this triumphant march was composed in honor of Emo Aucellis, and used as the theme music for the
advertisements for Aucellis Park. (WOA27)
Emont O'ock
this was a noted member of Muun society. (UANT)
Emotional Hostages
a song written and played by Anadale Fayde. It was first released as part of the compilation Darkness on
the Land, and has been given a scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Emotional Hostages
the title of a compilation of songs by Annadale Fayde, released before the song of the same name. (GG9)
EMP grenades
detonation devices which destroy objects with shards of flying shrapnel. (CPL)
Empartheca System
this star system was located near Quence Sector. (HR)
Emperiax Walking Throne
this was a large, six-legged form of mechno-chair, developed by Arakyd Industries. It held the distinction
of being the first "walker" ever to be mass-produced, and was based on a custom design created for an
Old Republic warlord. Most of these walkers were little more than an ornate chair set atop the six legs,
with enough space for 300 kilograms of cargo. A later version, known as the Royux, removed 150
kilograms of cargo capacity in favor of a pilot's chair. (AEG)
this was one of the two massiffs owned by Kedar Blackgate, on the planet Sacorria. (CCW)
Emperor of Air and Darkness
a compilation of songs written and played by the band Deeply Religious. It has been banned by the
Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Emperor Suites
some of the finest accommodations found aboard the Kuari Princess, the Emperor Suites can run up to
1,000 credits per day. (RM)
this was a model of beam tube produced by Timms UniStar Armaments during the early years of the Old
Republic. The cumbersome weapon was powered by an apparatus that had to be worn by the shooter,
and it generated large amounts of heat when in use. (EGW)
Emperor's Black Bones, The
this phrase is often used to describe the worst of all surprises, as in, "Emperor's Black Bones, what are
you doing here?" (IR)
Emperor's Black Heart, The
this phrase is often used to describe the worst of any possible option, as in, "What in the Emperor's Black
Heart are you doing?" (IJ)

Emperor's Citadel, The

the Emperor's black tower on Byss, it is guarded by a battery of the most advanced turbolasers. (DE1,
Emperor's Demonstration Team
this was a specialized part of the Imperial Armed Forces, which made public demonstrations of the scope
of the Imperials talents. Besides military demonstrations involving marksmanship and piloting skills, they
also performed military marches. (CCG10)
Emperor's Disciple
this Imperial Star Destroyer was Grand Admiral Ishin Il-raz's flagship, until shortly after the Battle of
Endor. When Emperor Palpatine died, Grand Admiral Il-Raz feared that his own career would be
terminated by one of the other Grand Admirals. Rather than face them, Il-Raz committed suicide by flying
the Emperor's Disciple into the heart of the Denarii Nova. In addition to his own death, Il-Raz took the
lives of more than 37,000 other Imperial officers. (SWI66)
Emperor's Dualities, The
a slang term used by Halla for Palpatine's testicles. (SME)
Emperor's Ears
this was an expletive used by many Imperial officers during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Emperor's Hand, The
this was the codename given to Mara Jade by Emperor Palpatine. She believed that she was the only
person given the codename, but Grand Admiral Thrawn suggested that she was one of many "Hands." In
fact, it was later revealed that Roganda Ismaren was one of them. The rise of Maarek Stele also revealed
that there was more than "Hand," as the Emperor's Secret Order of the Empire was overseen by them.
Shira Brie and Arden Lyn were also discovered to have served as an Emperor's Hand. The Emperor's
Hand was an agent dispatched to do the work that stormtroopers and Imperial officers couldn't handle.
The Emperor's Hand was chosen because of their sensitivity to the Force, which allowed Palpatine to call
to them from across great distances. The Hands could also report status across this link. Among the
many roles of the Emperor's Hand were executioner, spy, and informant, and they were assigned
missions that helped ensure Palpatine retained control of the bureaucracy of the Empire. (HTTE, DFR,
Emperor's Inner Circle, The
the closest advisors and ministers to the Emperor just prior to the Battle of Endor were known as the
Inner Circle. When Palpatine was killed, they tried to assume control of the Empire, but were unable to
gain control of all the various Imperial factions. (DE1)
Emperor's Mage, The
this was a term used to describe the individual members of the Prophets of the Dark Side, mirroring the
term Emperor's Hand. (NEGC)
Emperor's Net
this Interdictor-class warship was part of Zsinj's fleet, which he brought to Kuat in an effort to steal a
Super-class Star Destroyer. (IF)
Emperor's New Clothes, The
this loud, obnoxious, pro-Imperial band has its roots in the Outer Rim Territories. They got rave reviews
from the Imperial Board of Culture for their pro-Imperial lyrics, although the band's political battles with
Red Shift Limit have caused this support to wane. There are two groups of beings who listen to their
music: those who believe every word they sing, and those who believe the exact oppostite. (GG9)
Emperor's Palace
this was the name of a specialized obstacle used in swoopchasing. The obstacle consisted of three

successive solid barriers, each with a pattern of holes cut into them. Racers were required to navigate
their swoops through similar holes in each wall in order to escape the obstacle. This involved quick
thinking and visual dexterity, as the rider had to quickly identify the next hole before slamming into a solid
wall. If a rider went through the wrong hole, a severe time penalty was issued. (BSS)
Emperor's Plague
developed by Evir Derricote, thus mutagenic plague killed only human beings. (TEP)
Emperor's Retreat
this was the name given to Emperor Palpatine's private retreat, located near the city of Moenia on his
homeworld of Naboo. Construction of the site, as well as its security, was charged to Inquisitor Loam
Redge. (ROD)
Emperor's Revenge
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was dispatched to Phaeda with the Steadfast by Carnor Jax. The two
warships destroyed much of the planet's Collo Fauale pass, in an effort destroy Mirith Sinn's New
Republic forces and to eliminate Kir Kanos. Carnor Jax then ordered the ship to follow Kanos to Yinchorr,
where her commander, General Wessel, captured Kanos' Scimitar bomber. However, the boimber was
rigged to explode upon opening, a ruse recognized by Jax. Jax fled the Emperor's Revenge in a shuttle,
just before Wessel opened the bomber. The Emperor's Revenge was destroyed in the blast. (CE)
Emperor's Ruling Circle
established by Ars Dangor in the wake of the Battle of Endor, this group tried to maintain the stature and
tenets of the New Order. They were eventually replaced by the Imperial Ruling Council, after every
member was assassinated by Ysanne Isard in a single day. (CTD, NEGC)
Emperor's Shadow
this was the name given to Emperor Palpatine's personal yacht. It was rumored to have disappeared
shortly after the Battle of Endor, although it was supposedly seen near Kaal several times. It was
commanded by Jeng Droga, and was believed to have one of the original cloaking devices created by the
Empire. (SWJ7, SWJ14)
Emperor's Shield, The
this squadron of TIE Fighter pilots was trained by Admiral Thrawn and given missions in the Outer Rim
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. They were later assigned to protect Emperor Palpatine during
his inspection of the second Death Star. (CCG11)
Emperor's Sword, The
this squadron of TIE Fighters was trained to protect Emperor Palpatine whenever he traveled away from
Coruscant. Despite their mission, the squadron often flew older models of TIE Fighters because of their
skills and experience with them. (CCG11)
Emperor's Twilight
this Corellian Corvette was attacked by pirates near the planet Abatrarg. (PG2)
Emperor's Will
this Victory-class (Imperial-class?) Star Destroyer was part of the fleet guarding Coruscant when the
Rogue Squadron infiltrated the planet. When the New Republic arrived to retake the planet, the Emperor's
Will and the Imperator were not sent into the battle. It was assumed that Ysanne Isard took them with her
when she retreated to Lusankya. (WG)
Emperor's Will
this Star Galleon was operated by the Imperial Taxation Bureau during the height of the New Order. The
crew of the Far Orbit attempted to capture this ship and collect the huge sum of credits in her holds, but
was intercepted by the Interdictor cruiser Claw near Esseles. The Far Orbit was forced to flee into the
Ringali Nebula, but later caught the Emperor's Will and her escort, the Zaff Jendinpurg, on their return
from Esseles. The Emperor's Will was armed with ten turbolasers and a concussion missile launcher.

Emperor's Will, The
the highest of all service medals presented by the Empire, the Emperor's Will was given to those who
risked their own lives to save that of Emperor Palpatine. (TIE)
Emperor's Wisdom
one of the Victory-class Star Destroyers in Prince-Admiral Krennel's fleet, the Emperor's Wisdom was
paired with the Decisive during the blockade of Liinade III. Later, when Krennel began planning his
conquest of Coruscant, he placed the two ships - along with his flagship, the Reckoning - at the forefront
of his assault force. However, the force was trapped at Ciutric by the two fleets sent by the New Republic
to liberate the planet. In the ensuing battle, the Emperor's Wisdom was destroyed. (IR)
Empeth Crystals
these strange crystals grow in the Crystal Valley on Lazerian IV. The crystals grow once every ten years,
and only a pair grow each time. These cubic crystals seem to glow with an inner light, and once
harvested from the valley they are nearly indestructible. Empeth crystals "live" for about five years after
being picked, after which time they become dull, lackluster rocks. The empeth crystals are protected and
hoarded by the King of Devit, on Lazerian IV. While valued for their beauty, empeth crystals also have an
affinity for the Force. A Force-sensitive individual can detect the Force in another individual while holding
a crystal. (TSK)
Empideera Kkek
this Jawa considered himself an "exalted master scavenger" during the height of the New Order. He was
one of the first Jawas to offer an exchange or refund for defective merchandise, a tactic which angered
his clanmates until it proved to be an effective way to make a profit. (SOT)
Empion Mine
this form of mine was developed at the same time as the Morrt droid project. They had two functions. The
first was to explode and take out its intended target. Second, it would send out a communication burst via
hyperspace channel to the ship that launched it, indicating its position and its success. (WS)
this was the first Imperial-II class Star Destroyer produced by Kuat Drive Yards, which was placed under
the command of Admiral Feyet Kiez. It was feared by pirates, smugglers, and members of the Alliance,
and its reputation was bested only by the Super-class Star Destroyer Executor. Essentially a prototype,
the Empire was sent out to patrol hyperspace lanes and ambush Alliance supply convoys and medical
ships. (SOG)
Empire and the Glory, The
this Imperial holovid starred Alexis Cov-Prim. (LAA)
Empire Forever
this Imperial CR-90 consular ship was dispatched to carry Coh Veshiv to the Ringali Shell. Veshiv
considered the ship his personal flagship, and was extensively modified to provide him with a variety of
recreational pursuits while in flight. The ship was also armed with six double turbolaser cannons, and had
a docking area added which could accommodate six TIE Fighters. (FOP)
Empire Freight Company
this shipping and transportation business worked from a base on Lamuir IV, and served much of Tapani
Sector during the height of the New Order. (TSIA)
Empire of the Hand
this was one splinter of the Imperial Remnant, known for its exceptionally well-trained stormtroopers. The
tenets of the Empire of the Hand were originally set down by Grand Admiral Thrawn, and many of its
legions still paid homage to Thrawn and his doctrines many years after his death. Although still ostensibly
beholden to the Imperial Remnant, the Empire of the Hand was formed on Nirauan, without the bigotry

and hatred of Emperor Palpatine. Officers of the Empire of the Hand were distinguished from other
Imperial officers by the rings of black and red trim on the cuffs and collars of their uniforms. Despite the
fact that the tenets of the Empire of the Hand came from Thrawn, the Chiss people were not part of their
empire, and many Chiss hated the fact that they existed. However, the Empire of the Hand accepted the
Chiss' opinion and went on with its business. Member worlds were admitted to the Empire of the Hand
regardless of their population's race, and alliances were formed so that all worlds were equally protected
by the military forces of the empire. The fact that the name of this new government was the Empire of the
Hand was as much a historical reference to the founders' Imperial roots as it was a way to maintain the
psychological impact of the old Empire. The soldiers of the Empire of the Hand even wore stormtrooper
armor, since it continued to be a deterrent to most rebellious or criminal activity. (FB, SQ)
Empire Reborn
the grand scheme developed by Hethrir following the destruction of the Empire and the loss of Emperor
Palpatine. Hethrir planned to restore the Empire to its former glory by first subverting the minds of
children, eventually turning their parents and other adults. He was also getting support from other Imperial
agents. He attempted to gain absolute power by dealing with the being Waru, but was consumed by Waru
before his Empire Reborn could be created. (CS)
Empire Strikes Back, The
this was the title of the fifth chapter in the adventures of the Skywalker family, which was part of the
Journal of the Whills. (ESB)
Empire Youth
part of Hethrir's grand plan for the Empire Reborn revolved around using Force-sensitive children to
promote the new regime. Hethrir kept his students on a worldcraft secretly located in the galaxy. He
continually culled the children for their levels of Force sensitivity, often culling non-humans without regard.
Those children removed from the worldcraft were sold into slavery, and the profits were turned over to the
Empire Reborn. (CS)
Empire, The
the name given to the regime established by Senator Palpatine when he assumed the position of galactic
ruler and instituted his New Order. The basic belief of the Empire was to rule by fear of force rather than
by force itself. Palpatine became the Emperor, and built a huge war machine in order to instill fear.
Palpatine's use of the Dark Side of the Force bolstered his ability to control the galaxy, until he was
destroyed during the Battle of Endor. After that, the Empire floundered for a number of years. Various
warlords and Imperial officers tried to re-establish momentum for the Empire in a series of skirmishes with
the New Republic, but none was able to triumph over it. Even the reborn Emperor Palpatine tried to strike
back from a hidden base on Byss, but could not defeat Luke Skywalker and the New Republic. (SW,
a disabled Imperial tug attacked by Alliance starfighters during a raid. (XW)
Empress Teta
this planet was located in the Core Worlds. Could this be Cinnagar's modern name? Or, is it a reference
to the entire Empress Teta System? (SWI65)
Empress Teta Preferred System
a Sabacc system in which each player selects a card from one other player, and the best resulting hand
wins the round. (DA)
Empress Teta System
this seven-world system is a source of carbonite. Known in ancient times as the Koros System, it was
renamed when Empress Teta unified the seven surrounding systems. It was also home to the Krath, a
group of young nobles, led by Satal Keto and Aleema, who rose to power using the lore of the ancient
Sith Dark Lords. They assumed control of the system when they murdered their parents, and were forced
to fight the combined troops of the Old Republic, the Jedi Knights, and the Tetans that opposed them.


Empress-class Space Station
this deep-space installation consists of a central disk with living areas located above and below the center
line. Thin towers rise from the upper section, and three wedge-shaped causeways radiate outward. It is
armed with ten turbolaser batteries and six laser cannons. The Empress-class station can support up to
24 starfighters. (KT)
Empress's Diadem
this YT-1210 light freighter was the ship that Melina Carniss used in support of Booster Terrik's
operations while stationed in the Yag'Dhul system, running the space Station for Rogue Squadron. The
Diadem was armed with a pair of turret-mounted blasters and a concussion missile launcher. Note that
this strongly indicates that Melina Carniss was actually Mara Jade, despite the fact that Tales from
Jabba's Palace describes Carniss as one of Jabba's lead dancers. (BW)
Emptiness, The
another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references. (LCM)
this New Republic battle cruiser was stationed at Cybloc XII until it was dispatched to quell a pirate
uprising near Budpock. The ship was drawn away from the planet of Nam Chorios by the manipulations of
Seti Ashgad and Dzym. The ship was overtaken by Loronar Corporation Needle ships near Nim Drovis,
and was forced to flee the battle in order to survive. It never made it, as the Needles continued to hound
the ship, pelting its shields and eventually exploding it. (POT)
this gas giant was the fifth planet in the Demar System, and was orbitted by eleven moons. It was an
orange-colored world surrounded by a brilliant ring of space debris. (FBS)
this energy capacitor, produced by Dardrennis Survival Technology, was used to collect energy from a
source and store it for later use in a drained battery. It was equipped with a variety of interface jacks, and
used these to connect to a given power source. Storage devices held the collected power until they could
be connected to a device which was low on power, which could be recharged with the stored energy.
this device was known as a bubble cloak, and was produced by Meredex Atmospherics during the height
of the Galactic Civil War. When worn on the shoulders, the EMS-90 resembled a regular cloak. However,
in an emergency situation, the bubble cloak could be activated to form a two-meter diameter shelter. The
self-sealing entry flat provided complete protection from hostile environments, even limited vacuum, for
up to two hours. (GFT)
this was a common name among the Yinchorri race. (UANT)
Em'Tora VIII
this Coynite female was the wife of Im'Toral XV, and the Queen of the Coynite society at the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (PG3)
the M-3PO droid assigned to Rogue Squadron about two and a half years after the Battle of Endor,
Emtrey had been cobbled together and reprogrammed by Lieutenant Losca. Losca had been trying to
supply the Alliance with needed consumables, but was meeting with limited success. She built Emtrey to
act as a sort of commodities broker, added brokering code and a scrounging routine that could be
activated by a code phrase repeated three times. The scrounging routine, as discovered by the Rogues,
is activated by repeating the phrase "shut up" three times. It was eventually removed from Emtrey's

memory banks. (XWN, WG, KT)

a Socorran swear word, meant to indicate a being of low standards and no loyalty. (BSS)
En, Rii'ke
this Jedi Knight was the first to arrive at the planet Honoghr, after a Separatist transport ship carrying
trihexalphine1138 was shot down over the planet, some two years after the Battle of Geonosis. He hoped
to bring back proof of the chemical's ability to destroy an ecosystem, in order to help the Republic gain
popular support during the Clone Wars. However, he was unprepared for the ferocity of the Noghri, who
had managed to recover the scientific instrument package - or SIP - containing the details on the
chemical defoliant. He tracked the device to a Noghri temple, but was killed by the natives before he
could escape. He did managed to get a single message out, which was later used by Aayla Secura to
lead a second mission to recover the SIP. (RAR)
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. An archaic name, it referred to a female ruler
or queen. It could also mean "regal". (GCG)
Enabler I
this was a droid speech and sound system, developed during the last decades of the Old Republic. Over
time, these systems degraded in their performance, leaving the droid with a grating, raspy voice. (SWJ6)
this planet was covered mainly by tropical oceans, with a few landmasses supporting a variety of plant
and animal life. (COG)
this Fallanassi woman was a prisoner on the Pride of Yevetha during the Black Fleet Crisis. Enara was
one of the few prisoners to befriend Han Solo while they were imprisoned in the cargo holds. She tapped
into the White Current to help Chewbacca and Lumpawarump locate Solo in the Super-class Star
Destroyers cargo holds. She also created false images of several other Fallanassi, to make the Yevetha
believe that they had more captives than they believed. She remained behind on the Pride of Yevetha to
keep the illusion up, allowing Solo and the Wookiees to escape. (TT)
the primary world in the Enarc System, Enarc is also one of the endpoints of the Enarc Run. (TSK)
the fourth planet in the five-world Demophon System, Enarc was destroyed when the system's primary
star exploded as a supernova. (SN)
Enarc Run
this galactic trade route is linked to the Harrin Trade Corridor by the Kira Run. It originates at the Vondarc
System and links seven major marketplace systems before ending at the planet Enarc. It is an important
hyperspace route, cutting across the Mid Rim and providing a jumping-off point for travel heading toward
the Outer Rim. (TSK)
Enasteri, Charis
this elderly woman traveled with her husband, Neth, and settled on the planet Rhamalai to escape the
Jedi purge. When the Empire invaded the planet, she decided to help her daughter, Nadra, and Denel
Moonrunner escape the invasion. Unfortunately, the Empire deemed her condition beyond medical
treatment and scheduled her for euthanasia. Nadra arranged to get her freed by falsifying Denel's work
orders, and all three managed to escape the governmental offices in Argona. Charis hated the Empire
and everything it stood for, and overcame the illness she suffered to help them escape the city. However,
they were seperated by Imperial fire before they could reach the Moonrunner residence. Denel managed
to escape, but was unable to recover Charis and Nadra before Imperial fighters fired on the Refugee.

Nadra and Charis were forced to remain on Rhamalai. (SWJ13)

Enasteri, Nadra
the daughter of Charis Enasteri, Nadra was born on the planet Rhamalai a few years after her parents
settled on the planet. She was seventeen when the Empire subjugated the planet. Nadra had been
trained as a medic and healer at the Bellorin Medical Academy, but returned to Rhamalai when her
mother became ill. She found worked in the local governmental offices, where she found work as a
civilian medic. She believed her father to be dead, but Charis revealed that he had fled Rhamalai when
she was but a year old before to avoid Imperial agents. She used her access to the governmental offices
in Argona to rescue her mother and her childhood friend, Denel Moonrunner. However, they were pinned
down before Denel could return with his family and the Refugee, and Nadra and Charis were forced to
remain on Rhamalai. (SWJ13)
Enasteri, Neth
this man was Jedi Knight who traveled to the planet Rhamalai to escape Darth Vader and the Jedi purge.
At the time, he was married to Charis Enasteri. When their daugther, Nadra, was just a year old, Neth
was forced to flee the planet. This was about 3 years after Emperor Palpatine took control of the galaxy
and instituted the New Order. (SWJ13)
this was the model number of Accutronics' armored, heavy-weight droid torso. (DWK)
Enchanted Lagoon
a holographic display found on Hologram Fun World, it presents the visitor with a beautiful grotto filled
with all sort so floweres from around the galaxy. Han porposes that he and Leia get married there. (QE)
this smaller of the two continents found on the planet Rodia, Encheeko was located between the Rodiak
Ocean and the Ioliu Sea. (SPG)
Enclision Grid
a matrix of lasers that guards a location, the enclision grid is activated by contact. It then unleashes a
number of lasers directed at the intruder. The grid can be programmed for a slight delay, guaranteeing
that the intruder cannot escape off the grid before being burned alive. (COJ)
Encyclical on Historical Greatness
this tome, written by Chal Haan, documented the Neimoidian people's attempts to regain their status in
the wake of the Battle of Naboo. (EGA)
Encyclopedia Galactica
published by Triplanetary Press for many centuries, this was a reference guide to all of the known worlds
in the Old Republic. (RPG, HNN4)
Encyclopedia Omnia Memnose
one of the major works of history and information, this reference guide documents many of the known
worlds in the galaxy. (ML)
End of the Line
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation Only in
Your Dreams, and has been rated scarlet by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
End of the World
this tavern was located on Koda Space Station. (GOF7)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Endac, Quaad

this man lived on the floating city of Varna Biqua during the last decades of the Old Republic, working as
an intermediary for beings who needed to find almost anything. No one ever saw Quaad's true
appearance, as he disguised himself whenever he met with a potential client. His only identifying feature
was the cutting from a ny'yosin bush that he wore on his lapel. (LFC)
this being operated the Galaxy Grill on Coruscant, some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. (EVE)
Endangered Shreebird Aviary
established on Coruscant shortly before the Clone Wars, this facility was developed to save the shreebird
from extinction. (HNN4)
Endar Spire
this Old Republic starship was shot down by the Sith forces of Darth Malak over the planet Taris, some
4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
a Hapan term, roughly translated as 'superior technology.' (CPL)
this was one of the Alliance's Nebulon-B frigates, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Endelor Darvat
this Krish was noted in the history of the planet Sanza. (UANT)
this was the codeword used by the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic to indicate the
end of an exercise or mission. When repeated three times, it indicated to all forces in battle that the
mission was complete, and that the final stages of their operation were to commence. This usually meant
an orderly retreat to an extraction point. (RCHC)
this world was a rocky planet, covered with scar-like canyons over most of its surface. During the Galactic
Civil War, Endex was located deep within Imperial space. The Imperials refused to allow the planet's
native race, the Entymals, to leave the planet. (AE)
this orphan graduated third in his class from the Imperial Academy on Carida. This earned him the notice
of his superiors, and he was offered a promotion to Lieutenant and a position as docking bay officer
aboard the second Death Star. (CCG11)
Endings and Beginnings: An Autobiography
this autobiography detailed the life of Reglis Taal, and told in-depth of how he became a bounty hunter
after the death of his brother, Philo. (GG10)
Endless Wastes
this was the deepest, most remote part of Kintan's deserts. (ROP, WOTC)
Endocrine Cloister
this was a Yuuzhan Vong bio-construction, designed to help a bio-engineered organism produce vital
chemicals and exchange them via osmitic membranes. (EVC)
Endogenous Steroid
this body-enhancing medicine is used to help elderly patients build up their strength while fighting
diseases such as Zithrom's Disease. (TFE)
the Alliance Corona-class frigate that collided with the Shooting Star, following a mistimed hyperspace

jump. The jump was part of a routine fleet exercise. All hands on both ships were lost, and the disaster
became an object lesson for those navigators who thought about quickly entering jump data during any
fleet movement. (SOL)
the alias Han uses for the cargo shuttle he uses to escape from Kessel. It was used when he first arrives
at the Maw Installation. (JS)
the second moon of the planet Endor, most often known as the Forest Moon of Endor, was sometimes
simply referred to as Endor. (BHAS)
this silvery gas giant planet was the innermost world of the Endor System, located in the Moddell Sector
near the area of Wild Space. Endor was orbited by nine moons, including the Forest Moon of Endor. It
was not located near any hyperspace node, and required a fairly complex series of jumps off the Sivestri
Trace in order to get there. It was for this reason, coupled with the apparent lack of "intelligent life", that
Emperor Palpatine chose to construct the second Death Star in orbit around the Forest Moon. The
Empire created the Sanctuary Pipeline in order to provide access to Endor for its supply ships, but this fell
into disrepair after the Battle of Endor, once again cutting off most access to Endor. (ROTJ, MTS, AT,
Endor Day
a day of celebration legislated by the New Republic, it was intended to honor all those who died during
the Battle of Endor. The highlight of every Endor Day celebration were the sequential blasts of fireworks
set off to recreate the celebration which occurred on the Forest Moon of Endor after the battle. (SOP)
Endor Express
a pleasure cruise, operated by Star Tours, that takes passengers to Endor. (ST)
Endor Gate
this black hole was located between the planets Endor and Sanyassa, and was found in the Moddell
Sector of the galaxy. It was not especially large, and had been well-scouted over the centuries of the
Inner Zuma's existence. Many legends surrounded the Endor Gate, since many starship pilots told stories
of traveling on the far side of the galaxy, when suddenly their ships' systems went dead and they ended
up near Endor. These stories were dismissed because none of the ships were ever listed as being
overdue. (GMR9)
Endor Patch
an award given to all the Alliance starfighter pilots who survived the Battle of Endor. (WS)
this planet was often on the itinerary of the Kuari Princess. It served as one of the endpoints of the Relgim
Run, opposite Mantooine. (RM, TFE)
Endorian Pony
a small, horse-like creature from the planet's forest moon. The Ewoks have learned to domesticate and
train them for pack animals and transportation. Are these also called Bordok? (JS, EA)
Endorian Port
this full-bodied, sweet wine was vinted on the Forest Moon of Endor during the second decade of the
New Republic. (SBS)
Endorian Spider
a large, black arachnid native to the underground caves of Endor, these insects are almost two meters
across, and spin huge webs to trap their prey. They are carnivorous, and their bite is lethal. They have
glowing green eyes, and large tusks instead of pincers, to help them hold their prey while they eat. Nests

of these spiders lives in the bowels of the fortresses of the gorax, cleaning up the scraps left behind by
the huge humanoids. Are these also called the rakazzak? (EA, ISU)
Endorian Treesnake
see Tempter (ISU)
developed by TelBrinTel, this droid component was housed in a droid's torso, and allowed up to six
different appendages to be plugged into the droid. This allowed the owner to add more manipulator arms
or other devices to a given droid, thereby extending its usefulness. (SWJ10)
this planet aligned itself with the New Republic after the Battle of Endor. It was believed that Rodin Baem
stole information from New Republic computers on this planet. (WBC)
this planet, located in the Joxin System of the Tion Cluster, was blockaded by the Corporate Sector
Authority during the early years of the New Order, when a mysterious plague broke out on its surface.
The disease became known as the Endregaad Plague, because it had never been seen before. The
blockade managed to keep the disease from spreading to nearby worlds, but also isolated the planet's
inhabitants. For much of its history, Endregaad was believed to have been a swamp world, until
ecological changes in climate caused the shallow seas to evaporate. Endregaad eventually became an
arid, dusty world known for its colorful rock formations of red sandstone and blue granite. The surface of
the planet was continually swept by wind- and sandstorms that scoured the earth and left nothing behind.
For this reaon, the settlers built their outposts atop mesas and plateaus. Local legend held that banshees
rode the winds that swept the bottomlands, seeking to exact an unknown revenge. Much of the planet's
economy was centered on the mining of geodes, which provided a wide variety of crystals for jewelry and
art. (TF)
Endregaad Plague
this was the name given to the virulent disease that sprang up on the planet Endregaad during the early
years of the New Order. It affected one being in ten, and was distinguished by a fever, extreme loss of
body fluids, crusting around the eyes and mouth, and a thickening of the fingers and tongue. Initial
investigation by Endregaad's medical community revealed that no species was naturally immune to the
plague, but the effects of the disease appeared to be non-fatal. Medicinal spice was found to be a way to
control or even cure the disease, allowing a being to recover quickly. While the plague was still infectious,
a being had to continue to take the spice treatments, or risk being infected again. Repeated infections
would eventually lead to death, as the body became too weak to fight back. Further investigation into the
plague revealed that it had striking similarities to diseases which affected other arid worlds like
Endregaad. Mika the Hutt discovered that plague's source was a downed YV-100 freighter that had
crashed near the Temple Valley. The freighter had been traveling in the Indrexu Spiral when the crew
contracted the original plague, and crashed on Endregaad when the crew finally died fom repeated
exposure. However, few knew that the freighter was actually one of Mika's own ships, and had been in
the Indrexu Spiral on a mission to deliver tempest spice. In the following months, Angela Krin discovered
that the Endregaad Plague was a mutated form of a virus that was native to Varl, the planet that was
once home to the Hutts. Complicating matters, the virus was capable of altering normal spice into a crude
form of tempest. (TF)
this obnoxious young boy was one of the two Venerated Ones from the planet Vandelhelm. Endro was
known formally by his full name, Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV. Just before the
Battle of Endor, Endro and Lilli were whisked off the planet when it became apparent that galactic power
was going to change hands. The children were the last heirs to the Vandel and Helm lines, and were
given over to Alliance supporters on Ord Vaug. Following the Battle, Han Solo was contracted to pick
them up on Ord Vaug and return them to Vandelhelm, an action which would help restore ore shipments
to Fondor. They were necessary because they held the control codes which could be used to move the
ore convoy out of the system. After Lilli and Endro were formally instated as the Venerated Ones shortly

after their return, Endro displayed a knowledge and skill with all manner of technology, which
complimented Lilli's keen business sense. Endro was responsible for reaching an accord with the
Metalsmiths' Guild that protected Vandelhelm's environment from pollution, keeping it a pristine world for
all to experience. However, like many in the Metalsmiths' Guild, Endro chafed at Lilli's demands,
especially when it came to the production of the Solo-class combat freighter. Endro plotted with several
prominent guildsmen to discredit Lilli during the dedication ceremony for the so-called Solo Fleet, but his
plans were exposed by Nien Nunb. (PH)
Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV
this was the full name of the young man who was one of Vandelhelm's Venerated Ones during the last
years of the New Order. (PH)
Endrolian Ground-apple Juice
this beverage is supposedly non-alcoholic, but it can be quickly fermented into a fine spirit. (GG9)
the first of the New Republic's Endurance-class fleet carriers, this ship was assigned to the Fifth Battle
Group. At the Battle of Orinda, the Endurance kept its smaller fighters in their bays until most of the
Imperial fire was eliminated. This proved to be a faulty tactic, as the Endurance came under fire from the
Super-class Star Destroyer Reaper. The Endurance was overwhelmed, and was destroyed before it could
launch any form of counterattack. (BTS, ECH)
Endurance-class Fleet Carrier
one of several new warship designs created during the early years of the New Republic, the Enduranceclass fleet carrier was one of the new classes approved for use by the Navy. Like other starships of the
new class, the Endurance-class was based on another design which had already been proved, the
Nebula-class destroyer. It measured 1,040 meters in length, and was armed with 12 turbolaser cannons,
20 laser cannons, 8 ion cannons, and 4 tractor beam projectors. The Endurance-class ship required a
crew of 6,795, with 76 gunners and room for 1,600 troops. The Endurance-class Carrier was designed to
be a primary source of support for a battle fleet, and could easily act as a command ship to a small fleet.
The carrier maintained a pair of starfighter wings, one for close assault and one for long-range superiority.
this Doctor of Biology led the biological research lab at the Empire's outpost on Lotide. (BI)
this meat is a Corellian staple and, like most Corellian foods, is best served fried. It is said that properlycooked endwa slides down the throat slowly. (IJ)
this Publictechnic 850.AA maintenance droid was purchased by the government of the planet Lo'Uran.
Female in disposition, Enell was part of the droid pool which maintained the Landing Nest, and she
genuinely liked her job, mainly because the general population of Lo'Uran respected and admired the
work she and the other droids did to maintain the planet's beauty. When Imperial Governor Blithane
arrived, he took out a great deal of his aggression on Enell and her fellow droids. Thus, when Blithane
was arrested and taken into custody, Enell and the other droids made sure that there were no
administrative or technical glitches which would have prevented his extradition. (SWJ10)
Energy Array
this was the name given to the starship system that maintained the distribution of power to weapons,
shields, and engines. The exact distribution of power could be set by the pilot, but the Energy Array
maintained it during flight and/or combat. (XWA)
Energy Ball
a small artillery weapon developed by the Gungans, energy balls were just that: small blue spheres of
coherent energy. They came in various sizes, depending on the target the Gungans were using them

against. Each energy ball acted much like the blast from an ion cannon. The energy contained in the blue
sphere was dispersed upon detonation, wreaking havoc with electrical systems and severely damaging
organic nervous systems. The outer shell is made from a charged organic matrix, while the innards are
made from unstable energy masses. (TPM, IG1)
Energy Battery
any multi-cannon laser or ion weapon. (SW)
Energy Binder
this thick band of electromagentic energy is harnessed between two small generators, and is used to
keep the opposing engines of a pod racer from flying off in opposite directions. While generally harmless
when compared to the rest of the pod's components, a body part caught in the binder's beam will be
rendered numb for hours. (SW1)
Energy Cell
any rechargeable power source. (SW)
Energy Collection Repository
this was the primary facility, established by the Old Republic, that mined raw energy from the volcanic
world of Sarapin. Although the Energy Collection Repository was protected by an dense energy grid, it
was overrun shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (GBC)
Energy Cutter
a starship mechanic's tool. (HSE)
Energy Drum
one of the marvels of Gungan technology, the energy drum supplies the power needed to generate their
incredible deflector shields. It is often mounted atop a fambaa or other large creature, and is designed to
collect energy from an energy emitter and store it for use in the shields. At the touch of a switch, the drum
releases the energy in the form of a viscous shield that forms a dome over the heads of the Gungan
army. (IG1)
Energy Emittance Baffler
this device, designed and manufactured by Santhe/Sienar Technologies, was a key component of the
Empire's early cloaking device technology. Codenamed NOVA, the baffler project was approved by
Emperor Palpatine himself. The device was made up of five parts: an emission modifier, a low-energy
baffler, an emission analyzer, and energy directional scrambler, and an energy cluster blanket. (ML)
Energy Emitter
this Gungan devices is mounted atop a fambaa or other large creature, and then drawn into battle. When
activated, the emitter generates a huge amount of power that is focused onto a nearby energy drum. The
drum then collects the energy and uses it to generate a powerful deflector shield. (IG1)
Energy Gate
a static force field used to restrict access to an area. (SW)
Energy Lathe
a machinist's tool found in most spaceport repair shops. (SWR)
Energy Links
this form of handcuffs was developed by the Empire used a connected, twisted stream of live energy to
bind a being's wrists. (LTA4)
Energy Mining
an illegal form of mining in which powerful bursts of energy are used to cut through the rock and locate
natural ores and minerals. The discharges produced by the creation of the energy beam as well as from
the mining process itself are flung into a planet's atmosphere, where they interact with the planet's natural

energies to create huge electrical storms and deadly fallout. It is for this reason that energy mining has
been outlawed, since it posed significant threats to a planet's populace. (SME)
Energy Pike
this crude weapon is similar to a force pike, but releases an electrical discharge on contact. (SWJ9)
Energy Rifle
this was an outdated form of inexpensive, mass-produced blaster weapon. (MC17)
Energy Shell
this projectile weapon was developed by the Baktoid Armor Workshop for deployment in the AAT battle
tank. An energy shell is a contained detonation device wrapped in a protective cocoon of plasma energy.
This cocoon allows it to penetrate further before exploding, making it a dangerous piece of artillery. (X1)
Energy Shield
this small device was used to limit the power usage of a droid, to prevent it from acting in strange or
inappropriate ways. When attached to the droid, the energy shield curtailed the amount of power a droid
could draw from its own internal power source, limiting it to just basic functions until the droid could be
repaired. (MDCAR)
Energy Sink
this device is used in many forms of battle armor. Its primary function is to absorb the energy of a blaster
bolt which strikes the armor. On stormtrooper armor, the energy sinks are the small blocks located on the
utility belt. (ISB)
Energy Spider
a denizen of the Kessel spice mines, this spider looked like it had been made of glass. They apparently
are another source of the glitterstim spice, which they also consume and synthesize for use as a webbing
to trap the bogeys for food. They use their fangs to impale their victims and drain their life-energy. Their
rounded bodies are studded with dozens of legs, hundreds of mouths, and literaly thousands of eyes.
Also known as spice spiders, it was rumored that energy spiders grew one leg for every year of growth,
but this has never been proven. (JS, JASB, ANT)
Energy Sword
developed and produced exclusively on the planet Velmor, this ancient weapon was known for its
ceremonial appearance as well as its deadly precision. The energy sword was simply a very fine blade
which had been charged with focused plasma energy. This plasma energy was created by a power cell
hidden in the hilt of the sword, and focused through a pair of velmorite crystals. Because of the energy
that coursed up and down the blade, energy swords repelled each other when brought together in a duel,
requiring that the wielder be quite skilled in their usage. Velmorian traditions long held that duels should
be settled with energy swords, with the victor decapitating their opponent with the blade at the end of the
duel. While similar in many respects to the lightsaber of the Jedi Knights, the energy sword was no match
for the Jedi weapon. (PH)
Energy Torpedo
this form of torpedo was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, as an alternative to
standard concussion missiles. Instead of a concussion-wave of explosion, the energy torpedo released
an energy-wave created by highly-charged particles contained in its shell. (SOG)
Energy Trap
this was a form of protective defense that could be created by Dark Jedi and Sith practitioners. The
energy trap was essentially a concentration of Dark Side energy that was nearly invisible to the naked
eye. However, it could sometimes be discovered in a being's peripheral vision as a brief flash of deep
color. When a Jedi Knight stumbled into an energy trap, they found themselves instantly immobilized,
unable to move without tightening the trap. Only those Jedi Masters who managed to dedicate their
complete concentration to escaping the trap could break free. Because of this, many Sith left energy traps
just outside areas where they could ambush the Jedi, forcing a being that was trapped to choose between

utter withdrawal or useless thrashing in order to break free. (JQ10)

Energy Web
developed by the New Republic, an energy web was a speciallized form of shielding that protected a
large object from being damaged while in transit. (FH1)
Energy Web Generator
this strange weapon was created by the Aing-Tii monks for use aboard their Sanhedrim starships. The
generators produce a network of lightning-like energy that arcs from the weapon and assails its target,
much like an ion cannon burst. (KO)
Enet System
this planetary system was located in Brak Sector. (FBS)
this Imperial Sergeant Major was in charge of security around detention block AA-23 aboard the first
Death Star. He served as Shann Childsen's attach, and was in command of a squadron of Death Star
troopers. (CCG9)
this one of the many Strike-class cruisers used by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this Victory-I class Star Destroyer was part of the Corporate Sector Authority fleet under the command of
Baruche Sloane. (TSK)
this was one of the two major divisions of the Pentastar Alignment, standing opposite the Chamber of
Order and concerning itself with public allegiance, law enforcement, and the day-to-day duties of the
Pentastar Patrol. (SWJ3)
Enforcement Central
this was the massive database maintained by the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations, in order to
keep track of the variety of bounties which were posted during the New Order. Established and registered
bounty hunters had direct access to the database, in order to view the current status of a bounty. (GG10)
Enforcement Guides
these were the primary police force of the planet Kegan, during the rulership of V-Tan and O-Vieve. (FFT)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
this Imperial bulk cruiser was part of Admiral Greelanx's last line, during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. (THG)
this projectile pistol was produced by the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate. It was larger than a
slugthrower and had a hevay recoil action, which made rapid fire extremely erratic. (AEG)
Enforcer One
the ancient dreadnaught used by Bogga the Hutt as a command ship. Enforcer One was a Core Galaxy
Systems Dreadnaught, heavily modified from its stock beginnings. The ship had been decommissioned
from the Old Republic's Navy and shipped to the salvage yards at Ord Trasi. Bogga obtained the ship
there, and began modifying it. It has a fixed, heavy turbolaser which servde as its primary weapon. The
turbolaser had an advanced cooling system that kept the separate power generator and laser actuator
from overheating. Sixteen turret-mounted laser cannons supplement the turbolaser, and four tractor beam
projectors allow the ship to control smaller ships. Six light tactical fighters are housed in the docking bay.

Enforcer Pistol
this .48-caliber projectile weapon was the trademark sidearm of the Morellian Enforcer. It was developed
by the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate during the Old Republic. Despite its low-tech design, many
modern weapons experts admired the Enforcer Pistol's balanced weight, its lack of recoil despite its
power, and its sheer ability to cause large amounts of damage. (AIR)
Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser
this starship was built by Kuat Drive Yards and Seinar Fleet Systems at the Galentro Heavy Works
shipyards at Jaemus. This ship, built from the hull frame of the Interdictor-class cruiser, first saw action
within the Pentastar Alignment. It measured 600 meters in length, and was armed with ten turbolaser
batteries, ten quad laser cannons, six ion cannon batteries, and four tractor beam projectors. It was
crewed by 3,000 officers and sixty gunners, and could carry up to 300 troops and 10,000 metric tons of
cargo. Despite its size, the Enforcer-class cruiser was nevertheless highly maneuverable and extremely
well-armed. (TFE, SWJ3)
Engagement at Jestan
this Alliance won a decisive victory in this battle, due mainly to the tactical expertise of Beryl Chiffonage.
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was dispatched to Rafft, under the command of Captain Dalton, to
eliminate any rebel activity on the planet, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ3)
Engal Jeers
this was the name of a noted Ranat individual. (UANT)
this reddish-orange star was the central body in the Engebo System, located in the Outer Rim. (WOA10)
Engebo V
this remote, Outer Rim world was originally settled by miners working for the Outer Rim Oreworks
corporation. Using questionable methods, the miners stripped the planet of usable ores in short order,
then left it behind when the profits dried up. The landscape was reduced to expanses of flat plains and
grasslands, lacking real mountain ranges. This landscape prevented any changes to the weather,
allowing winds and rains to pass swiftly from west to east with little variation. After the Madman's Fortune
crashed onto Engebo V, a school of skekfish were inadvertently released by Nell Davengatt. Nell and her
companions had gone to check out the crash, and opened Goontirk's escape pod to investigate. The
skekfish burrowed into the ground and sped toward the nearest food source, killing many beings in The
Landing before Nell and a small group of pilots could escape. They made plans with Lady Wylla of
Alderaan to bombard Engebo V from orbit, in an effort to kill the skekfish and prevent further infestation.
a planet which is home to an Imperial supply base. (SWSB)
a young boy working with Rekkon when Rekkon was a teacher. Engret's sister was an outspoken legal
scholar, and held a great dislike for the Corporate Sector Authority. When she suddenly disappeared,
Engret joined Rekkon's mission to find out what the Authority was doing with the people it kidnapped.
Unfortunately, when Han Solo came to transport Rekkon and his team to Orron III, Engret was left
behind. (HSE)
Engulfer Couch
this type of sofa was popular during the early years of the New Republic, and was made from a material
that would literally engulf a being in comfort by altering its shape to match the being's body. (SWI67)

Enhanced-bonding Plating
a special form of exterior plating that allows it to better deflect energy. Stars' End was built from this
plating, but it proved to be part of the station's downfall, because the plating helped deflect the explosion
at the tower's base, redirecting the force down toward the planet and causing the tower to be shot into the
air. (HSE)
this CryonCorp general-purpose scanner had a range of up to 1500 meters when scanning for life forms.
Its motion and metal detectors had an optimal range of just 500 meters. The Alliance regularly used these
device to scan prospective bases for lifeforms, although their bulky shape and limited range proved
largely ineffective in the harsh environment of Hoth. (CCG9, EGW, AEG)
this Huttese word meant "Okay!" in the Basic language. (GMR5)
this Noghri male served as the chief of security aboard the Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base,
during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When Leia Organa Solo and her husband,
Han Solo, located the base, Eniknar revealed to them that a villip had been found aboard the base. It was
this villip, and the traitor who placed it there, which had led the Yuuzhan Vong to Esfandia. Droma, who
was accompanying the Solos, felt htat Eniknar was not all that he appeared to be, based on the fact that
he smelled wrong. Droma warned them to keep an eye on the Noghri. Despite their misgivings, Eniknar
proved to be loyal to the Republic. When it became obvious that the only way to protect the base was
manually detonate a series of bombs, Eniknar volunteered for the mission. Already injured in battle, he
remained behind long enough to draw in the attacking Yuuzhan Vong, then died as he set off a wave of
explostions to destroy the enemy. (FH3)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Enina indicated dawn, sunrise, or daylight. (GCG)
an Alliance XQ4 platform destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this medicinal drug was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, for use as a topical
anesthetic and antibiotic that could be administered to burn victims. (MJH)
this molten ball of rock was the innermost planet of the Katorrs System. (PH)
Enkhet, Barsoulentinial
this thin, pale young man joined the Alliance as a slicer. A former cabin boy for a notorious smuggler,
Enkhet learned how to fly a number of starships. He eventually joined the Alliance, but was deemed to
reckless and undisciplined to be a starfighter pilot. He was assigned to Commander Briessen, and served
as part of Lieutenant Haslam's assault team as a computer operator and pilot. (SWJ10, TFE)
this Pursuer enforcement ship was owned by K'Armyn Viraxo during the Galactic Civil War. He used it to
harrass Harlequin Station as well as Azzameen Station. (XWA)
this Kitonak name was common across Kirdo III. (UANT)
an Imperial container group destroyed near Kalla VII by Keyan Farlander. (XW)

this biological machine was the Yuuzhan Vong version of a tank. (DTR)
Enni Anni
this male Herglic worked as the kloo horn player for the band Distraction, during the early years of the
New Order. Most known for the way he played the kloo horn by inserting it into his blowhole while
breaking things with his free hand, Enni Anni was a hyperactive individual. He couldn't stop fidgeting
unless he was playing music or breaking things. His mere presence was often blamed for some of the
violence which occurred at Distraction concerts. (WOA28)
this was the spelling used to describe the planet Ennth, in Dark Journey. (DJ)
this planet was a colony world which seemed to resist any attempt at settlement. The first colonists
established a series of outposts on the world, and soon learned that the planet's single moon had a wildly
elliptic orbit. This orbit brought it close enough to Ennth every eight years for it to skim through Ennth's
atmosphere. This proximity resulted in incredible tidal and seismic stresses that tore the world apart every
eight years. The colonists fled to space stations in orbit to survive the devstation, but their strength and
will led them to return after the moon had passed and rebuild their settlements. (LO, JUS, SHA)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Eno Arba
this male Aqualish was wanted for a variety of thefts aboard the Outland Transit Station during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. He was a known associate of both Magro Slim and Meeko Ghintee during
the time he spent on the station. A bounty was placed on his head by Rozatta himself. Eno Arba was
captured on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett and brought in for the bounty on his head. (BH)
this female Bith represented her people in the New Republic Senate, during the height of the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. She had been the leader of the Senate's Corruption Panel, and was called in
when it was discovered that Viqi Shesh had been acting as an agent of the Yuuzhan Vong. Senator
E'noro, after seeing and hearing all the evidence against Senator Shesh, had no recourse but to relieve
the Kuati Senator of her duties. (REC)
an Alliance Shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Enrichment Zone
this was a term used by the Agricultural Corps to describe an area which is being terraformed or
recovered. Natural flora, as well as enhanced breeds from offworld, are cultivated and monitored during
the development of the zone. (DR)
this Corellian gunship was one of five Alliance gunships sent to assist the Imperial forces in the battle
against the Ssi-ruuk at Bakura. (TBSB)
this was term given to those Corellian disciples of a social system in which sociopolitical affiliations were
maintained with almost fanatical devotion. The enster faction was in direct opposition to the ekster - or
outsider - faction, which basically included any being who was simply not enster. Among the beliefs of the
enster faction was that no marriage could be made, let alone consummated, with a being from outside
one's own native planetary system. Enster extremists maintained that all marriages had to take place
solely among inhabitants of a single planet, with no exceptions allowed. This was not to say that trysts
and liaisons with eksters were prohibited, as many ensters often "sowed their wild oats" with an ekster

partner. However, on Corellia, ensters were only allowed to marry other ensters. (MBS)
this was the term used to describe any Corellian who adhered to the enster philosophies. (MBS)
Entana Run
this hyperspace route wound through the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. Together with the Burna Trade Route,
it formed the boundary of Urce Space. (AIR)
Entea Corporation
this interstellar shipping corporation was one of the few heavy-duty transport carriers who were awarded
contracts by the Imperial military. (SWJ5)
this Ssi-ruuvi technology allowed them to drain off the life-essence of a living being and store it in unusual
batteries for powering their droid starships and other technologies. The process worked best on humans,
since their connections to the Force were stronger. The subject was injected with a magnetic solution
which was absorbed into the nervous system, and an external circuit was attuned to the internal
magnetization of the subject. This "catchment arc" then collected the life-energy of the subject and placed
it in batteries. The subject's body almost always died after the entechment was complete, and their life
energy existed only for a short time before expiring. In the years following the Battle of Bakura,
entechment was enhanced to provide a better experience for the being who was enteched. Additional
power systems were developed to assist in handling shields and drive systems, freeing the enteched
mind to focus on other activities. This meant that the enteched mind lived longer and with less agony. By
the time the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement had ostensibly taken control of the planet Lwhekk, the
entechment process could provide a form of immortality for the enteched individual, as the life energy
could be contained and maintained almost indefinitely by adding the enteched energies of certain algae
and other lower life-forms. (TB, TBSB, FH2)
Entechment Chair
device used by the Ssi-ruuvi to collect brain energy for use in driving shipboard circuits or battle droids. A
special chair was designed to hold Luke Skywalker. (TB)
Entel, Jor
a ruthless and vicious pirate captain, Jor Entel worked in the Demophon System. He lured unsuspecting
passengers on his ship, the Night Wind, promising passage off the doomed planets. Once off-planet,
Entel and his crew would slaughter their passengers and dump their bodies after taking whatever booty
they could. He and his crew were killed by a group of Alliance agents who discovered that he had
murdered Enid Vahr. (SN)
Entertainment Center
this is the section of Imperial City, on Coruscant, where many of the Fete Week festivities begin. The
Shaldania Parade winds through its streets and spires. (SWJ8)
Entertainment Signal 3
this was the most popular HoloNet channel for sports broadcasting, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (HNN4)
this archaic name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "clean" - or, more literally, "bathes often",
which was a sign that a female Zabrak came from a wealthy family. (GCG)
this is the second combination symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic combination "ae".
Enton Adelmaa'j

this Chiss pilot served under Jagged Fel as Twin Suns Eight, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)
this was the familiar title given to the absolute ruler of the Coynite people. It literally meant "King-Master"
when translated into Basic. (PG3)
this was the term used to describe those Coynite who were the highest and most trusted servants of the
En'Tra. (PG3)
this primary planet in the Entralla System is located in the Velcar Free Commerce Zone. It wasn't,
however, always a member of the VFCZ. Before the institution of the New Order, Entralla was a free
world of various religious beliefs, each with a strong following. It also had a deep history of glorious deeds
and mythical warriors, and its single moon figured prominently in the legends of its people. Palpatine later
took control of the world. Following the Battle of Endor, the natives of the planet had planned to secede
from the Empire and join the Alliance, but they were overrun by the Pentastar Alignment. The New
Republic could not send aid, and the planet was usurped. (SWJ3, SWJ4)
this was the rigid honor code adhered to by the Coynite race. In short, the En'Tra'Sol stated that a
Coynite's word was his honor; that combat is the natural order of life; that an unsheathed sword must be
used; that there is no mercy in battle; that poison, deception, or cowardice are unforgivable sins, as is
issuing a challenge to an injured or weakened opponent; that an individual had to unquestionably obey all
to whom he had sworn allegiance; only a formal breaking of allegiance can break a warrior's bond to his
superiors; that emotions of the af'harl - pain, sadness, guilt, regret, or reluctance - were not to be
expressed without loosing honor; that one individual could not physically touch another without expressed
permission, or be put to death; and that af'harl are no longer Coynites in any sense. (AE, PG3)
this was the formal title used by the En'Tra of the Coynite people. It translated into Basic as "King-Master
of Law, Land, and Cities." (PG3)
this was one of five major starports located on the planet Coyn, during the height of the New Order.
Located in the city of En'Tra'Tal, its name literally meant "Kingland." (PG3)
the capital city of the planet Coyn. In the Basic tongue, this translated into "King-City." (PG3)
Entropy, The
another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references. (LCM)
this temperate, ocean-covered world was known as the recreation capital of Trax Sector. Entrus'
economy is primarily based on incomes from gambling, supplemented by catering to the whims and
desires of the sector's wealthiest inhabitants. The city areas are located on small islands, and are densely
populated. Weather on the planet was remarkably consistent and very pleasant, due in part to the
system's powerful sun. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance established its Trax Sector command
center on Entrus, under the noses of the Imperial officers who vacationed on the planet. (GMK)
Entukan Yesosko
this Rodian female was the flamboyant leader of the Rodian Galactic Drama Troupe. A member of the
Chattza clan, Entukan alerted Navik the Red whenever she discovered a rogue Rodian attending one of
the Troupe's performances. She kept her work for Navik a tightly-kept secret, and would only manek
contact with the hunter Inntak in order to maintain her identity. (SPG)

a planet. (AIR)
this was the name used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Entuur. (AIR)
Entuuran Resilience Test
developed on the planet Entuur, this was a form of torture used by the Empire's High Inquisitor Slosin.
an alien race from the planet Endex, the Entymals were used as slave labor by the Amber Sun Mining
Corporate in the Bextar System. These lanky, humanoid insects had a green exoskeleton, and had
specialized gliding membranes under their arms. They make excellent pilots, as their brains were highly
developed, giving them excellent spatial reasoning capability. Although not part of a hive mind, the
Entymal society was based on the classic hive arrangement. A queen ruled each nation, with barren
females serving her. Male drones were only good for two things: performing labor and mating with the
queen. In the wake of the mating ritual, the males died quickly. (SWJ3, AE)
this race of near-humans is characterized by their thin bodies and their large, pale eyes. They are native
to the planet Deylerax. (WBC)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "kind" in the Sullustan language.
this model of reflective body glove was produced by Syncronics. It allowed the wearer to survive a blaster
shot by reflecting the effects of the weapon. The suit could only absorb a limited amount of energy before
needed to be discarded and replaced. (GG10)
this was the codename of the datafile package provided by Mal Biron to any prospective smugglers and
spacer who wish to work for him. Biron usually waited until he had a group of candidates before handing
out the Envelopes, and he always had Kalend Thora watching them. The instructions in the datafiles
explain a series of runs to be made along the Sisar Run, with the smuggler or crew completing the runs in
the best time eventually gaining the new contract. (SSR)
this device was developed for use by scouts and other galactic explorers. This compact, rectangular box
held a number of sensors, including radiation detectors, spectrameters, temperature monitors, mineral
spotters, and lifesign sensors. (GG8)
Enviro-Tent 2A
this was the name of TasCorp's smallest pressure tent. Like its larger brothers, the 2A model was a
domed tent that was equipped with airlocks and gas regulator to protect the user from a hazardous
atmosphere. Included with the tent were individual oxyegn tanks for each person it could accommodate.
The Enviro-Tent also provided a measure of protection against harsh weather, but was useless against
weapons or explosions. The 2A model could accommodate two human-sized beings. (SWJ15)
Enviro-Tent 30C
this was the name of TasCorp's largest pressure tent. Like its smaller brothers, the 30C model was a
domed tent that was equipped with airlocks and gas regulator to protect the user from a hazardous
atmosphere. Included with the tent were individual oxyegn tanks for each person it could accommodate.
The Enviro-Tent also provided a measure of protection against harsh weather, but was useless against
weapons or explosions. The 30C model could accommodate twenty to forty beings, depending on their

size. (SWJ15)
Enviro-Tent 9B
this was the name of TasCorp's intermediate pressure tent. Like its other brothers, the 9B model was a
domed tent that was equipped with airlocks and gas regulator to protect the user from a hazardous
atmosphere. Included with the tent were individual oxyegn tanks for each person it could accommodate.
The Enviro-Tent also provided a measure of protection against harsh weather, but was useless against
weapons or explosions. The 9B model could accommodate up to twelve beings, depending on their size.
this flesh of this creature was considered a delicacy by the natives of the planet Ukio. Grilled kabobs of
enyak meat were often served over teerlop-zikody. (SWJ11)
this species of blue-skinned humanoids was from an unknown world, and were not often encountered in
the galaxy. They had needle-like spikes in place of hair on their heads, and were chubby in form. They
were apprehensive about the modern technology of the galaxy, but were very friendly to other races.
Borborygmus Gog relocated a colony of Enzeen to the planet D'vouran as part of Project Starscream.
They immediately formed a symbiotic relationship with the bioengineered world, attracting tourists and
luring them into the forest, where the planet could devour them. In return, the Enzeen were allowed to
insert their tube-like tongues into the planet's crust and suck out sustenance of their own. They were
protected from the planet's hunger by wearing small pendants that projected a sort of force field around
them. After Mammon Hoole exposed the secrets of D'vouran to the Alliance, certain discoveries led the
possible conclusion that the Enzeen were also bio-engineered by the Empire to watch over the planet.
this device was used by merchants who worked on alien worlds or with imported merchandise. It scanned
a piece of material and provided details about its chemical makeup. It accomplished this by retrieving
biological residues and growing them in small cultures. With this data, the enzymer can then develop
counter-agents to any potentially poisonous or dangerous bacteria. (SWJ14)
Eoaq the Expansive
a descendant of Uueg Tching, Eoaq was one of the few rulers of the Tching Dynasty who bothered to
read from Uueg's Sayings. (SWJ14)
EoBaam Shipping Lines
this starship manufacturer purchased the rights to the Rin Assid Bulk Hauler designs. (CSA)
Eobbim Figh
this Mhingxin was a business acquaintence of Bossk. Figh worked the information networks of Mos
Eisley, and confirmed for Bossk that Gleed Otondon had embezzled the wealth of the former Bounty
Hunters Guild and gone into hiding. Figh carried with him a compartmented box filled with stim-enhancing
snuff powders. (HM)
Eocho Mountains
this rqange of mountains surrounded the ancient city of Knossa, on the planet Ossus. It was inside the
caves that riddled the Eocho Mountains that the ancient Jedi Knights survived the cataclysm of the Great
Sith War, although they were forgotten by the Jedi in the aftermath of the battle. It was these Jedi who
were the ancestors of the modern Ysanna. (PJSB)
Eol Sha
this new-formed world of immense seismic activity was located near the Cauldron Nebula. It has only one
moon, but the moon's orbit is slowly decaying. It has been estimated that, within a 100 years, it will impact
the planet. The planet was settled during the Old Republic, just decades before Palpatine rose to power.
The goal was to mine the gases from the nearby nebula, but the planet's instability destroyed that

endeavor. The planet's day encompasses 19 standard hours, while its year lasts 326 local days. (JS,
this Jeodu was one of Dequc's personal guards. (MJEH)
this herd animal was native to the planet Tatooine. Eopies had small, bulbous bodies supported by four
spindly legs. Eopies could walk within minutes of being born, a defense mechanism against the desert
predators of the planet. They were quite sure-footed in the sandy desert, but were awkward in water. The
knees of an eopie were covered with thick calluses, developed from years of kneeling down to reach
water and shrubs. Adults are also used as beasts of burden, while the young and elderly eopies are
useful for consuming the desert weeds that grow up near homes and hydroponics labs. The nose and
skull of the eopie allowed it to dig and grub for lichens and tubers, and two pairs of sharp incisors helped
the eopie bite off their food. Eopies had the annoying habit of spitting the contents of their stomach at an
object which startled or angered them. Most eopies maintained by farmers on Tatooine provided a wealth
of items, including hides, meat, and a highly nutritious - though extremely perishable - milk. (SW1, GF,
Eorin Zal
this was the name of a distinguished Kel Dor individual. (UANT)
this was a common name used by the Geonosian race. (UANT)
this volcanically-active world was the site of a Trade Federation droid production facility during the years
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The continual movement of heavy, molten rock and ore made the
planet's electromagnetic fields both powerful and variable, forcing the natives to abandon the use of
repuslor-equipped vehicles in favor of wheeled or treaded transportation. (STF, NEGV)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'pek added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Ephant Mon
this Chevin was known for his mercenary skills. He specialized in gun running, and would sell his wares to
just about anyone. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Ephant Mon was involved with two intertwined but
equally illegal operations for Jabba the Hutt: the import of high technology to Cerea, and the export of
malium from the planet. In the business with Bron, Ephant Mon befriended Maj-Odo-Nomor and his
techrat friends in order to gain a measure of popular support while remaining behind the scenes.
However, the plan was thwarted by the appearance of Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was searching for his own
daughter, Sylvn, as well as Maj. Ephant Mon was forced to transport them to Tatooine, but was stowed
away on a cargo ship that contained divvik pupae. The pupae hatched, forcing them to hide in an escape
pod. The divviks damaged much of the ship's control systems in their rage to find flesh, and left the
escape pod's ejection systems disabled. Mon used the presence of Sylvn to lure Ki to their rescue. When
the situation turned against him, Ephant Mon jettisoned the escape pod and returned to Jabba's palace
with Sylvn and Twin in chains. They tried to diffuse the situation by leaving the two girls at the mercy of
one of Tatooine's awesome ion storms. The plan was to distract Ki while they covered their tracks. Ki
managed to rescue the girls, but Mon and Jabba the Hutt managed to evade capture. He worked with
Jabba several years later, running weapons on one of Glakka's moons. One of Jabba's men had turned
them into the Imperial authorities, and Mon and Jabba were forced to fight their way out. They were able
to escape, but had to brave chill weather during the night. Jabba wrapped his then-thinner body around
Mon, keeping him warm until the night passed and they could get off-world. Since then, Ephant Mon had
remained loyal to Jabba for saving his life, and eventually became the chief of security at Jabba's
Tatooine palace. Ephant had many offers of employment from Lady Valarian while on Tatooine, but he
kept strongly to his loyalties to Jabba. When Luke Skywalker entered Jabba's palace, Ephant Mon was

drawn to the young Jedi. Luke appealed to Mon to warn Jabba about his imminent demise, and Mon
discovered that he had been following something similar to the Force his entire life. He pleaded with
Jabba. but to no avail. Jabba then accused Mon of plotting against him, and spurned the Chevin. Jabba
left for the Pit of Carkoon without Mon at his side. The novelization of Return of the Jedi has Ephant Mon
in a battle with Ree-Yees aboard Jabba's Sail Barge while Jabba was taking Luke and Han to the Great
Pit of Carkoon. Ephant Mon was getting beaten very badly, much to Jabba's pleasure. It is believed that
Ephant Mon was killed aboard Jabba's sail barge when it exploded. Mon, upon hearing of Jabba's death,
returned to Vinsoth to contemplate the Force and run a few profitable scams on the side. (ROTJ, GG5,
this planet was the home of a merchant who gave Jabba the Hutt an unsual gift: a small bank in the
shape of a native creature. Jabba bequeathed the bank to his nephew, Gorga. The will stated that Gorga
had been given control of "...the entire holdings of Jabba's bank." (TJT)
Ephemora, Klasse
this ancient explorer discovered the Klasse Ephemora System, which was later named for him. (FH2)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this nature spirit came to life every century to battle the Gorax. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
this was the native language of the Epicanthix race of near-Humans. (RESB)
a near-human race native to the Pacanth Reach, the Epicanthix are geneticall very close to standard
human stock. Their variances from baseline humans are subtle: all Epicanthix have long, black hair; they
are well-muscled, and tend to be williowy and graceful; and they are extremely warlike in their ways. Their
closeness to baseline humans suggested to many xenoarchaeologists that the Epicanthix were
descended from a forgotten civilization effort many millennia before the rise of the New Order. Under the
guidance of the warrior-chief Canthar, the Epicanthix moved from an industrial society to space-level
technologies in a matter of millennia. (SE, SESB, AE)
Epicures Club
a humanitarian organization referred to by Lando Calrissian. (LCM)
Epicurium, The
this was the most prestigious culinary university found on the planet Alderaan. Located in the capital city
of Aldera, The Epicurium attracted students from across the galaxy. (CCW)
Epidermal Sensors
any sensors used by a droid to monitor its out shell and signal when it comes in contact with another
surface. (SWN)
Epidimi System
this planetary system orbits a double star, and is the birthplace of the Tarong race. (GG12)
Episol System
this planetary system is one of the member worlds of the Kathol Republic. It has four natural planets, only
one of which is marginally habitable. It is a desert world which supports several mining colonies. The most

widely settled body in the system is Dayark, a moon which orbits the system's single gas giant, Nepe.
Epoch-class Freighter
this was a freighter produced by Shobquix Yards during the last years of the Old Republic. It measured
23 meters in length, and was armed with a single laser cannon. It required a single pilot to operate, and
could carry up to seven passengers and 200 metric tons of cargo. (SWJ10)
this was one of the largest islands found on the planet Kabaira, and it served as the planetary capital and
the location of the Eponte Spaceport. (SWJ7)
Eponte Spaceport
located in Eponte, on the Madieri continent of Kabaira, this high-altitude spaceport was built from ancient
brick-lined streets. However, the spaceport embraces none of the nostalgia they evoke. The damp, foggy
weather permeates the disreputable establishments of the spaceport. (SWJ7)
this was the galaxy's largest auction house, found in the wondrous city of Bidamount, where beings from
across the galaxy could bid on obscure and often suddenly valuable merchandise. Eport claimed a large
percentage of the final price as well as the opening bid, and many believed that additional funding came
from secret and sinister sources. (T7)
this man was one of the many professors who were teaching at the University of Sanbra during the height
of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (GMR9)
this was the name used by Tash and Zak Arranda to describe the small child they discovered in the
laboratory hidden on the planet Kiva. They first found Eppon as an infant in an egg-shaped creche, and
the baby could only say one word: "eppon." They had nothing else to call it, so they named it "Eppon."
However, the baby began to grow before their eyes, becoming a toddler just as a team from the Alliance
arrived on Kiva to search out Project Starscream. Little did they know that Eppon was the culmination of
the Project's research. As Eppon continued to grow at an incredible rate, he required food. He consumed
several unwary Alliance soldiers before his true nature was revealed by Borborygmus Gog, his creator.
Eppon was the first of Gog's Army of Terror, a group of biologically-created weapons that would never
die, could change form at will, could read the minds of its victims and use their deepest fears against
them, was impervious to the Force, and grew stronger with each feeding. As Eppon matured, a purple
splotch spread from his forehead to cover his entire body with a scale-like armor, and he transformed
from a child into a hideous monster. When Eppon turned on Gog after realizing his fate, Gog activated the
fail-safe mechanism in each of his warriors: a small explosive implanted in Eppon's brain. The explosion
destroyed much of Eppon's body, but a small spark of life remained alive afterward. (GOF6)
this Chiss female was a member of the squadron assembled by Jagged Fel to reconnoiter the galaxy at
large, after the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion. Eprill took command of the Chiss pilots of Vanguard
Squadron after Shawnkyr Nuruodo returned to the Chiss homeworld of Csilla following the Battle of Ebaq,
and later during the assault on Coruscant shortly after the reappearance of the living world of Zonama
Sekot. (FH1, UF)
Epsi Nadir
this Rim world is the location of an auction house owned by the Most Honourable Guild of Armourers.
Epsilon Nine
this Imperial communications research station was located in the Cron Drift. It had been sending low-level
transmissions to New Republic operatives in the Elrood Sector, following the Battle of Endor, until Lumiya

swarmed in and retook the station. (SWG3)

Epsilon Wing
this was the section of the Binring Biodemical Products facility on Saffalore which was used by the
Empire to create near-human intelligence in the galaxy's more primitive, non-human species. It was
destroyed by Tuzin Gast, who hoped to free the test subjects he had created. (SOC)
SoroSuub's personal, disposable ion cannon. This shoulder-launched weapon carries four ion bolts in a
two-meter tube. Each bolt is fired individually, and the tube is discarded after all four are used. (ISB)
Equalizing Amplitude Unit
this small device carries electrmagnetic impulses from one location to another. Combinations of differentsized EAUs can be grouped together on a large chip, and are used to route impulses from a control panel
to certain equipment. Each EAU chip has a certain unique chip stress, which is indicated by the density of
EAUs on its surface. (IC)
this alien race was known for its empathetic skills. The Equani were distinguished by their large eyes and
pale fur, and the color of the eye pigmentr always matched that of the fur. The Equani race was also
known for its resistance to the Force. At the height of their civilization, there were nearly a billion Equani
living in the galaxy, most of them on their homeworld of Equanus. By the time of the Clone Wars, there
were very few Equani left in the galaxy, after Equanus was razed by an intense solar flare. As a result,
only the hundreds of Equani who were offworld survived the devastation. It was believed that the Equani
had the capability to understand and psychoanalyze every other sentient race known in the galaxy. (MBS,
this planet, one of five worlds in the Nharl System, was once the homeworld of the Equani race. Shortly
before the Battle of Geonosis, the planet's primary star emitted an intense, ten light-minute long solar
flare. The energy - light, heat, and radiation - washed over Equanus and literally cooked the planet in
space. Oceans boiled instantly, the atmosphere was stripped away, and the landmasses were scorched
barren. Of the billion Equani that were living in the galaxy, only the few hundred that were off-planet at the
time survived. Many of the surviving Equani believed that the solar flare ejected by the star was not a
natural phenomenon, but the result of a test-firing of the fire Death Star's superlaser. The test was
miscalculated, and the star erupted with the solar flare. Although it was of little consolation to the Equani,
the scientists who were conducting the test were killed in the flare as well. (MJH)
this alien race was known for their epic poetry. (OE)
an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Equator City
this city, located inland of the western mountains of the Betu continent on the planet Rodia, was the home
of a number of seedy casinos. Avaro Sookcool ran his operations there. Up until Navik the Red became
the Grand Protector of the Rodian people, Equator City had been the capital of the planet Rodia. Navik
moved the capital to Iskaayuma. (SE, SPG)
Equator City First Stage
this was one of Coruscant's most famous playhouses, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Some
of the galaxy's most cutting-edge dramas were produced on the First Stage, before being taken to other
planets. (HNN5)
Equatorial Belt
this area of the planet Sevarcos was generally regarded as having the richest spice deposits on the entire

planet. During the height of the New Order, it was controlled by Lord Cassius Nolath Rha. (SWJ2)
this merchant works on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, selling personal melee weapons. He was an active
recruiter of beings to serve as mercenaries in the Minos Cluster. (GA)
this New Republic MC80a cruiser was commanded by Captain Volahn. This ship was the flagship of the
small fleet that descended on the planet Soullex, during the attempt to obtain the Super-class Star
Destroyer Guardian. (SWJ15)
this was one of many sleek-hulled destroyers produced at the Contruum shipyards, during the early years
of the New Republic. (UF)
this series of exploratory probe droids was produced by the combined efforts of the Naboo and the
Gungans, shortly after the Battle of Naboo and the destruction of the Trade Federation's blockade of
Naboo. The ER-1 series was created to explore and map the unusual core of Naboo, under the guidance
of Graf Zapalo. The lead developers were a husband-and-wife team who had been recruited from ServO-Droid, and who retired to their homeworld after the ER-1 was complete. It was a combination of
sensitive sensors and components, much the N-1 starfighter, and was hand-built by Zapalo's engineers.
They built four droids for their efforts: ER-1A, ER-1B,and ER-1D were used to explore Naboo's core,
while ER-1C was deployed to explore the moons of Naboo. The spherical ER-1 can split into two halves
on command. The upper half contains a small repulsordrive, and can float over land. The lower half has a
specialized engine and housing which allows it to operate underwater. (WOTC, GF)
this Naboo ER-1 series exploration droid was built to explore the core of the planet Naboo. (WOTC)
this Naboo ER-1 series exploration droid was built to explore the core of the planet Naboo. (WOTC)
this was the third of the ER-1 series of probe droids developed by Graf Zapalo and his team of engineers.
It was used by the Naboo and the Gungans to explorer the moons of the Naboo System. Like the rest of
the ER-1 series, it had an amphibious design. It was also equipped with a sublight drive which could carry
it into outer space. (GF, WOTC)
this Naboo ER-1 series exploration droid was built to explore the core of the planet Naboo. (WOTC)
this was one of the Empire's Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the
Eradicator was under the command of Governor Vellam, patrolling the space around the Bright Jewel
System. Vellam dispatched it to hunt down Captain Sodarra and his crew, during the search for Darth
Vader's body. The Eradicator was later moved to Kathol Sector, where is was placed under the command
of Captain Thulian Merast, who served Moff Kentor Sarne. Unfortunately for Merast and the crew, the
Eradicator was destroyed by an intense lightstorm at the edge of the Kathol Rift, during the search for the
FarStar. (GG10, SL, E)
this was a model of combat droids built by the Colicoids more than fifty years before the onset of the
Clone Wars. The Eradicators moved about on sturdy wheels, which gave them incredible speed and
maneuverability. These droids were armed with a pair of blaster rifles, a pair of ion cannons, and a
minimal shielding system. The Eradicator was also internally motivated, so it didn't suffer from the
drawback of requiring a remote controller unit. (LOJ, AEG)

Eradicator E8U
this 1.5-meter-tall assassin droid worked for Vanel, duringher tenure as Mon Tondievz's chief of security.
this device was developed by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. Resembling a large communications
dish, the eradictor could lock onto the communications of a Jedi working from a remote location and
scramble the incoming transmission's header data. This way, the origination point of the message was
unreadable to any being who tried to slice the transmission in order to pinpoint a Jedi's location. The
exterior walls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant were dotted with eradictors. (IWE1)
the third moon of this planet was once known as the primary source of eralam crystals, until it was
bombarded by the Sith many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
this crystal was mined on the third moon of Erai many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. It was known
to the Dark Lords of the Sith to produce a lightsaber beam that was superior to other crystals, with a clear
color that was unnerving to look at. After the Sith bombarded the moon, most of the eralam veins were
destroyed. (KOTOR)
Erasmus Gambit
a military infiltration ploy in which soldiers are placed aboard supply craft. When the craft land at a base,
the soldiers then overtake the base. (RASB)
an Imperial assault transport destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Erbek was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "pollution warden". (GCG)
this being was the head chef and bartender at the Orange Lady Tavern, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ15)
this Ithorian predator was domesticated for use as a sentry animal by the Ithorian people. (GCG)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name referred to a
domesticated, Ithorian guardbeast. (GCG)
Erd Lumas
this Ithorian was unusual for his species in that he was allergic to trees. He placed himself in a selfimposed exile from Ithor in order to survive, and served as a pilot aboard a spice freighter before
eventually finding his way to the planet Genarius. There, he found refuge in the floating city of Friz
Harammel and served as the pilot of an AR-25 Bubbleship for the Daedalus Gas Mines corporation.
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this human slave lived in Mos Espa at the same time Anakin Skywalker lived there. Erdan had been

chemically enlarged by his owner, in an effort to make him better able to do more work. Erdan also had
his face painted with permanent colorings to denote his ownership. (IG1)
this series of labor droids was created by taking the basic mechanics of a binary loadlifter and attaching it
to a telescoping torso. This allowed the droid to move heavy objects to great heights. (BP)
Er'Dox Kaan
a giant red star, it is the primary sun of the planet Laboi II. (GG4)
see Eredenn (SWDB)
this planet was the site of a large battle, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. A cold world
dominated by fields of snow and ice for most of its year, Eredenn was the fourth planet in the Erediss
System, and was orbited by three moons. The cause of the battle was the story of a secret base
maintained on the planet by the Old Republic, although history provided no details of the work being done
there. (GBC)
this planet is located in Astal Sector. (GG11)
Ereen Agar
this female Zabrak grew up in a settlement on the planet Anobis, during the early years of the New Order.
She was always physically strong, and was hired as an enforcer for a Mid Rim transport company,
protecting their starships from pirates and law enforcement agencies. During a regular run to Tatooine,
her ship was ambushed by pirates at the same time as one of Vurrha's ships was attacked. The pair
managed to kill the pirates, and Vurrha hired Ereen on the spot to be his new enforcer for his gang,
known as Vurrha's Blood. Ereen agreed, seeing the new role as a challenge she could overcome. She
was distinguished by her slightly impatient nature, something that Vurrha tried to eliminate. She was also
known for her skills with a blaster, and relished the opportunity to cause a little mayhem while terrifying
her enemies. (WOTC)
this ancient space city was known for its slave markets. (TOJC)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Erelen, Thel
this man, a native of the planet Chandrila, coordinated the Alliance's activities in the space near Duro,
during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. (RESB)
a Hapan term for Ta'a Chume, roughly translated as 'she who has no equal.' (CPL)
this hot ball of rock was the second planet of the Naboo System. It had one natural satellite. (SON)
Eretha Narra
this was the name of a noted Ebranite individual. (UANT)
Erethen, Min
this woman was a noted droid scientist and developer, who worked for Arakyd Industries during the
height of the New Order. Despite the fact that much of her work involved war droids and weapons, Min
was essentially a pacifist who simply produced droids. What other people did with her creations was, in
her opinion, not her responsibility. Because most of her work involved the research and development of

combat automata and disruptor weapons, she was secreted away aboard the mobile laboratory known as
the Bhishana Bhaga. Doctor Erethen was the only organic survivor when the Bhishana Bhaga crashed on
Krykas V, after it suffered hyperdrive failure. Several of her combat automata also survived the crash, and
compounded rescue efforts by attacking the rescue teams. She was eventually rescued by a group of
freelance operatives. (WOA18)
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'rey added to
an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Erg Es 992
this large star was the primary solar body in the system that contained Cybloc. (POT)
Ergagesh Ocean
this body of water covers 90% of the planet Ergeshui, supplying the swamps with nutrient-rich water.
this alien race is native to the swampy planet of Ergeshui. They are about two meters tall, and resemble
shambling mounds of plant material, and can live to be more than 200 standard years of age. Their
bodies are covered with droopy, slimy appendages of various sizes and lengths, and have coloration
including greens, browns, and grays. They are intelligent, curious creatures which are very gentle. It has
been said that Ergesh communication sounded like thick mud coming to a rapid boil, although most
Ergesh prefer to speak Basic. Two Ergesh reproduce by planting one seed from each body in the
shoolbloorp swamp during a special mating ceremony. (PG2, AE)
Ergesh Rum
this highly-priced spirit is fermented on Ergesh. (PG2)
Ergesh Starjumper
this unique spacecraft is really a living organism. The Starjumper measures 400 meters in length, and is
about 30 meters in diameter. The Starjumper is biologically engineered by the Ergesh, and is grown in the
Industrial Swampfields of Ergeshui. They Starjumper relies on several organic appendages for navigation,
fire control, and communications. The Starjumper is powered by the life energies of the 800 Ergesh who
operate it. This symbiosis makes the Starjumper unusable by other species. (PG2)
this planet is the only world in the Agash System. It is a hostile world, covered with a thick, nitrogen and
carbon dioxide atmosphere blanketing a moist, swampy landmass. This dense atmosphere filters the light
from Agash, bathing the landscape in an eerie, red glow. It is the homeworld of the Ergesh race. The
average day on Ergeshui lasts 40 standard hours; its year lasts 380 local days. It has two moons. (PG2)
this city is the capital city of the planet Ergeshui, located on the Ersheg continent. The buildings that
comprise the city are made from mud and organic matter. Erglush is connected to Outworlder City by a
living monorail made from a thick vine. The vine produces bean-shaped growths that slide along the vine,
propellde by methane gas and photosynthetic charge. Ergesh can ride inside the bean-pods from one city
to the other. (PG2)
a planet which was the site of an Imperial fuel station during the Galactic Civil War. (DF)
Ergo, Brixie
the daughter of a prominent Entrallan doctor and his wife, Brixie was drawn to the study of alien species.
She excelled in this field, and was about to graduate from medical school herself when the Pentastar
Alignment conscripted her parents as combat medics. She thought of joining the New Republic, but the
Republic was unable to spare forces to deal with the Alignment. She was recruited by Andrephan

Stormcaller in a tavern, where he was posing as a drunkard who was willing to listen to her rantings. She
decided to join the Red Moons as a medic, and two months later she accompanied the team sent to
Gabredor III. She was to be ready to provide assistance to the kidnapped children of the Cantras Gola
ambassador. The mission exposed her to the harsh realities of the struggle against the Alignment, as Lex
Kempo lost his life saving hers. (SWJ8, TFE)
this is a species of small, beady-eyed creature which lives by consuming pure energy. (HM)
Erhynradd Massacre
this battle took placed during the early years of the New Order, and took the life of Gideon Tarkin. (CRO)
Eri Palle
this Yevethan was one of Nil Spaar's personal aides. (BTS, TT)
this planet, located in the Seswenna Sector of the Outer Rim, was the seat of Grand Moff Tarkin's early
power. Located near the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route and the Hydian Way, Eriadu was where
Tarkin developed the Tarkin Doctrine. The planet is known for its beautiful silver and blue shell jewelry.
During the last decades of the Old Republic, the Eriadu Manufacturing shipyards brought financial
prosperity to the planet, under Tarkin's political direction. However, the industrialization which occurred
caused massive amounts of pollution to be dumped into the environment. Drost Elegin left his family on
Eriadu before leaving to meet Roganda Ismaren on Belsavis. (ISB, COJ, DMS, EGP)
Eriadu City
this was the capital city of the planet Eriadu. (COD)
Eriadu Conference
this historic meeting of major manufacturers and trade guilds was meant to establish the guidelines by
which the Trade Federation would be managed, some years before the Battle of Naboo. During the
conference, the Neimoidian delegation arranged for the assassination of all the Kuati delegates, allowing
the Neimoidians to take control of the Trade Federation. (X2)
Eriadu Free HoloDaily
this was one of the most popular daily newsfeeds serving the planet Eriadu during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (COD)
Eriadu Manufacturing
this small starship building corporation rose to prominance on Eriadu during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Founded and financed by a distant cousin of Supreme Chanceller Valorum, Eriadu
Manufacturing's facilities were comparable to those at Sluis Van, but were not a threat to the shipyards of
Corellia or Kuat. (DMS)
Eriadu Stealth Unit
this module, developed on the planet Eriadu some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, provided the
user with a personal camouflage system. When activated, the unit enhanced a being's own ability to
remain hidden, but was most effective in non-combat situation. Combat or other intense activity disrupted
the field, reducing its ability to camouflage the user. (KOTOR)
Eriadu Way
this old hyperspace travel route connected the Anoat Sector to the planet Eriadu. Over time, the Eriadu
Way became part of the Hydian Way. (WOA33)
this was the name used to describe the human population of the planet Eriadu. (COD)
Eriaduian Rat

the population of this large, six-legged rodent flourished when the cities of Eriadu were industrialized.
this Corellian CR90 Corvette was part of the New Republic fleet assigned to the retaking of Coruscant.
Captain Afyon was in command of the Eridian, and was at Hensara III providing the machinery to retrieve
the Battle of Yavin from a lake there. (XWN)
a planet which held Senatorial representation in the Senate during the latter days ot the Old Republic,
before the Senate was disbanded. (ISB)
this starship pilot served the Alliance at Eyrie Base. (SWJ8)
this planet was the governmental capital of the Centrality. The surface of Erilnar was broken by 300,000
lakes that left little contiguous landmass for settlement. (GMR5)
this woman served as a chief sensor officer for the Lant Mining Corporation, serving under Captain
Pricene during the movements of convoy LMC-55c. (FBS)
this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer was part of the Imperial Remnant's small fleet. It was dispatched to
the Ord Mantell during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, on intelligence received from the New
Republic. (HT)
this planet was the original homeworld of the Nejma race of Iskalonians. (EGA)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
this woman and her twin sister, Alani, requested the help of the Jedi Knights six years after the population
of New Apsolon elected a planetary leader. The sisters were the daughter of the former leader Ewane,
who was killed shortly after he left office. They supposedly went into hiding, and begged the Jedi Knights
to return to New Apsolon and find Ewane's killer. When Qui-Gon Jinn arrived in search of Tahl, he
learned that the twins had willingly joined Roan's household, and had not sent for the Jedi. This was all a
cover, though, in an effort to protect Tahl, who had infiltrated the Absolutes. The twins were captured
shortly after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on the planet, despite the security measures put in
place by Balog. Eritha and Alani were released after Roan was killed, but Eritha soon found out that her
sister had been secretly working for Balog all along, hoping to rule the planet herself. Eritha agreed to
help the Jedi infiltrate the Absolutes hidden base and rescue Tahl. She was briefly captured and held
prisoner, but Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan managed to rescue her before Balog destroyed the Absolutes' secret
base. Although they rescued Tahl, she died shortly afterward. Eritha continued to help the Jedi,
pretending not to know of her sister's involvement with Balog while trying to gather information about
Alani's activities. She discovered that Alani had been behind their kidnapping, which had been meant to
sway public sympathy against the Jedi. However, Manex learned through unofficial sources that Eritha's
support of the Workers was a sham. Alani later told Obi-Wan that Eritha was working for her, trying to get
Qui-Gon arrested and the Jedi discredited, so that their bid to take control of New Apsolon would be
unimpeded. She also told Qui-Gon that she had personally seen to the extended period of sensory
deprivation to which Tahl had been subjected. However, after her admissions and the capture of Balog,
both Eritha and Alani were arrested and imprisoned, and their bid for power was extinguished. (TTB,

this Outer Rim planet was the homeworld of the Er'Kit race. (IWE1)
this was a species of tall, thin, reptilian aliens that were native to a planet of the same name. Er'Kit's small
heads were covered in smooth, pale skin. (TPM, RAC, IWE1)
this Pacithip spice dealer worked on the planet Tatooine during the height of the New Order. (WOA6)
this man served the Empire as a gunner aboard the Star Destroyer commanded by Major Voss, during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. (MC61)
this was a series of transcribots developed by Serv-O-Droid during the early years of the New Order.
They were known for the distracting ability to inject critical or analytical commentary into their
transcriptions, offering unecessary or - more often - unwanted conjecture to the text. (PH)
this Fyodoi member of the Roh tribe is Tseeach's son. He is training to become the tribe's next shaman,
following in his father's footsteps. (PG2)
Ern, Ciran
this man was the Minister of the planet Junction 5, some 13 years before the Battle of Naboo. When the
existence of the Annihilator weapon was proven to be a rumor perpetuated by the Guardians and Lorian
Nod, Minster Ern promised to disband the Guardians. (LOJ)
Eron, Reagal
this man served as the chief gunnery officer aboard the Star Destroyer Eradicator. He was a witness to
Boba Fett's delivery of Feldral Okor to Prefect Isis, and decided to join the Imperial Navy shortly
afterward. (GG10)
Eror Zeen
this city is the capital of the planet Danoor. (KO)
Erox Vor'an
this was the name of a noted Ebranite individual. (UANT)
see Ephram (GCG)
Erpham Warrick
Wicket's great-grandfather, Erpham was a famous Ewok warrior. He defeated the Duloks by using a
weapon-filled War Wagon. (ECAR)
Erphan Warrick
see Ephram Warrick (SWDB)
Errant Trader
this Ithorian SkyYards Sky Yards-class herdship spent much of its journey moving through the Core
Worlds and the Colonies region, along a path that included Brentaal, Kuat, Corellia, and Commenor. The
Errant Trader was captained by the Ithorian Onuumu for many years. It was one of the few herdships to
survive the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy and the destruction of Ithor, making it an ark for a
handful of the surviving Ithorians. (GMR4)
Errant Venture
this was the name Booster Terrik used for the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer he obtained from the New

Republic following the liberation of Thyferra. Formerly known as the Virulence, it was severely stripped of
weaponry due to New Republic regulations for civilian ships. The interior of the vast ship was refitted to
create a bazaar-like atmosphere, completely with food courts, multiple shopping levels, and several
discretely-hidden conference rooms. The ship was a continual troublespot for Booster, as he tried to run it
with a minimal crew and operations staff. Several systems, including weapons and turbolifts, were
constantly under repair. Booster hired 200 Verpine technicians to upgrade the ship to workable order, a
task which took them more that seven months to complete. Part of the ship's interior was gutted and
formed into three entertainment and commercial levels - Black, Blue, and Diamond Levels - to cater to the
wide variety of customers Booster attracted. To separate the ship from the rest of the Star Destroyers in
the galaxy, Booster had the Errant Venture painted deep red. He maintained a strong security force made
up of humans and Weequays. When Grand Admiral Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to
threaten the New Republic, Borsk Fey'lya campaigned for the Errant Venture to be nationalized into the
Republic's fleet. However, Intelligence had trouble locating the ship. Once they found it, Booster agreed
to the plan, provided that the ship be completely refitted and rearmed, with all modifications remaining
intact after the battle. He also demanded the assignment in rank of Admiral. Fey'lya and the Ruling
Council were forced to leave the ship alone, but Airen Cracken began sending out hints and rumors of the
ship being used to track Thrawn. During the Caamas Incident, Booster reluctantly agreed to let Garm Bel
Iblis use the Errant Venture in a raid on the Imperial archives at Yaga Minor, in an effort to obtain a copy
of the Caamas Document. Bel Iblis believed that the Venture could get close to the planet because none
of its identification codes were known to the Empire, and he maneuvered Booster into agreement by
claiming that the resulting civil war - which would begin if the Document weren't recovered soon - would
series hamper his ability to do any business. Booster got a measure of revenge on Bel Iblis, though,
because Bel Iblis was forced to upgrade the weapons and shields get them up to Imperial standards, and
Booster was allowed to keep them. He even got a new paint job. In order to get the Errant Venture close
enough to Yaga Minor, Bel Iblis used ID codes from the Star Destroyer Tyrannic, which hadn't been seen
in several months. This proved to be the flaw in their plans, since Moff Disra and Grodin Tierce knew that
the Tyrannic was cloaked and hiding near Bothawui. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, Booster kept the Errant Venture hidden and moving, until he learned that his grandson, Valin
Horn, was in danger of being captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on Yavin 4. He was tracked down by Jaina
and Jacen Solo, and agreed to accompany them to the moon in order to rescue the Jedi students.
Booster later agreed to house the students until a safer training facility could be set up. During the
defense of the Jedi base on Eclipse, the Errant Venture took heavy damage from Yuuzhan Vong
warships, and was forced to flee into the asteroid belt in order to survive. As the war ground on, Booster's
ship served as a temporary training facility for the young Jedi, until the Maw Installation was rebuilt for
use as a new base. Even after the children were safely hidden at the Maw, Booster and the Errant
Venture remained in the area as a patrol ship. When the final battle with the Yuuzhan Vong too place at
Coruscant, Booster and the Smugglers' Alliance took their warships and added them to the forces of the
Galactic Alliance. With the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi, the smugglers decided that it was time to go into
more legitimate - and, given the galactic situation, more lucrative - businesses. (BW, SOP, IJ, VOF, IR,
Erratic Orbit
this starship was owned and operated by Helm Iskraker during the Galactic Civil War. (CCC)
this was a common name among the Dresselian people. (UANT)
Errine, Daralla
this tall, attractive woman was a former smuggler who owned and operated the Crosswind Saloon on
Seregar, during the height of the New Order. She was known as a no-nonsense businesswoman who
turned the Saloon into a profitable enterprise. (ND)
this was one of two Sh'ner-class cruisers brought to Bakura by Lwothin and the P'w'eck Emancipation
Movement, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Ostensibly, the Errinung'ka and
its companion, the Firrinree formed the heart of Lwothin's fleet, which transported the Keeramak to

Bakura. In reality, they were the heart of a Ssi-ruuk invasion forces, sent to Bakura after the Yuuzhan
Vong subjugated the Ssi-ruuk and tried to establish a foothold along the border of the Unknown Regions.
Each of these two cruisers was armed with a new paralysis weapon, which could knock out an entire city
with minimal effort. However, before the Ssi-ruuk could launch their surprise attack on Bakura, the
P'w'eck crewmen rose up against their masters and overpowered the Ssi-ruuk. The Errinung'ka fell first,
with the Firrinree eventually surrendering as well, thus ending the plot to subjugate Bakura. (FH2)
this was one of the many Imperial escort carriers during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this is the main continent of the planet Ergeshui. (PG2)
this temperate planet, located beyond the galactic rim, was the homeworld of the Er'stacian race. (T13)
this ape-like race of reptilian humanoids was continually at war with itself, as various factions fought over
control of their only artifact, the Megalith. They were believed to have descended from creatures which
evolved in great tidal pools, and each clan could trace its roots back to a specific birth-pool. Mace Windu
was dispatched by the Jedi Council to negotiate a peace treaty among the Er'stacians, but was met with a
dim-witted opposition that stemmed from the ingrained belief that the Megalith could not be shared. In his
growing frustration with the Er'stacians, Master Windu destroyed the Megalith, leaving the Er'stacians to
figure out what to do with the thousands of pieces left behind. (T13)
this planet was located in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy, on the edge of the Ivax Nebula near Darlyn
Boda. Ertegas was an agriculturalworld, supplying much of the Anoat Sector with grains and foodstuffs.
The fields were automated many generations before the Galactic Civil War, and it was said that the
human caretakers who lived on Ertegas were subordinate to the droids who truly controlled the planet.
Eru Massest
this was the name of a noted Clawdite individual in the history of the planet Zolan. (UANT)
Ervic, Seteem
this man made a small fortune at his family business, the growing and harvesting of grain to make sweet
cakes. A native of the planet Saffalore, Seteem maintained his wealth by never indulging in frivolous or
unnecessary expenditures. He maintained a working, though outdated, landspeeder for his travels to and
from the city of Lurark, where he did most of his business. His landspeeder was appropriated by Wraith
Squadron, during their attempt to infiltrate the Binring Biomedical facility in Lurark, because thet had
landed well outside the city's limits and needed transportation. His obsession with saving money had cost
him his first wife, but one of his daughters understood it and worked to inherit the business from him.
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Ervix was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name referred to a fierce predator that was once native to Duro, but eventually died out. (GCG)
this fierce predator was once native to the planet Duro, but eventually died out. (GCG)
the Corellian author of The Fall of the Sun. (COJ)

this city is the site of Pembric II's primary spaceport. (VOF)

Eryl Jeth
this was the name of a noted Zabrak individual. (UANT)
this planet, located in the Corporate Sector, is the source of the galaxy's supply of chak-root. (CRO)
this floating assassin droid was a member of Gyran's bounty hunting team. It dispatched a holobug,
keyed to Limna Yith, in order to track the Kerestian after Gyran was hired by Prince Xizor to locate her.
this was the designation of the evening work shift at Santhe/Sienar Technologies. (ML)
this emotion suppression device was produced by Consolidated Learning Systems, during the height of
the New Order. Useful on worlds where emotional displays were considered socially unacceptable, the
ES23 detected the wearer's levels of anxiety and apprehension and emitted a stream of energy waves
that soothed the wearer's emotions, helping to eliminate sudden outbursts. (GFT)
this was one of the more common names given to Dantari individuals. (UANT)
this woman was a healer who lived among the Outcasts in the Undercity of Taris, during the era of the
Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
E'Sar G'Go B'Kul
this young Gorothite was a former student of S'Ten Gafi Ak'Ar. However, he became impatient with her
lack of immediate action, and decided to break with the Gor'Jen'Ar. Taking many of the other young
Gorothites with him, E'Sar G'Go B'Kul created the T'B'Dellyi'Mai in order to start making some headway in
establishing a free Gorothite society. Arrogant and proud, E'Sar G'Go K'Kul hated offworlders and
generalized them all against the example of the xenophobic Imperials that controlled his world. (GSE)
Esau's Ridge
this area of deep erosion is found on the planet Tholatin. A thousand meters in length and more than a
hundred meters deep, the Ridge is a thin crevasse through a towering rock wall. A group of enterprising
smugglers established a base there, digging out a series of catacombs for living quarters, repair bays,
and hangars. The Ridge became an exclusive sanctuary for those elite veterans of the trade who were
well-connected rather than well-heeled. It was here that Chewbacca gathered information on the Black
Fleet Crisis, as well as the possible whereabouts of Han Solo, following the aborted Test of Ascension for
his son, Lumpawarump. (TT)
this planet was known as the homeworld of the borcatu species of scavenger. (COG)
Escalatier Ceremony
this Yuuzhan Vong ritual celebrated the Escalation of an individual. (DW)
this Yuuzhan Vong ritual was performed whenever a subaltern acted with bravery and skill, overcoming
their enemy and achieving greater good for the Yuuzhan Vong. During the ritual, a subaltern was forced
to submit their body to an implanter, which cut open their shoulders and placed a piece of surge-coral at
the joint. The blood which flowed from the wounds was collected and given as a sacrifice to the Yuuzhan
Vong gods, and the surge-coral became a symbol of the Yuuzhan Vong's escalation. Once the ritual was

over, the subaltern was promoted to a position of command and given their own ship to lead into battle.
this man, the perator of Yedagon and leader of the Yedagonian Confederacy, was perator Pekaelic ke
Teldan's chief rival. He welcomed Wedge Antilles and the pilots of Red Flight, after they were exlied from
Cartann by ke Teldan and the manipulations of Tomer Darpen, and gave Wedge the leadership task of
getting the Confederacy's fleet ready for war. Escalion wore a white uniform similar to that of an Imperial
Grand Admiral, but with violet piping on the sleeves and legs and a huge block of medals on his chest. He
was continually in communication with the perator of Halbegardia during the civil war on Adumar, as they
were allies against ke Teldan's misinformed plan to form a word government. (SOA)
Escalon, Carter
this Alliance courier was captured by Imperial forces on Coruscant, shortly after the Battle of Hoth, and
forced to work in the spice mines of the planet Sevarcos. He was later sold to Lord Cassius Nolath Rha
as a slave, but was eventually rescued by the Alliance team which posed as Ray Carantar's pit crew
during the wind-rider race which took place during the Festival of the High Winds. Like many couriers
during the Galactic Civil War, Escalon carried his messages in a special vessel imbedded in his skull.
a Pakuuni shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Escape at Cloud City
the entertainer Leger DeMain nearly perished while trying to execute this illusion of escape. (CRO)
Escape Pod
any small, single-use craft used to exit a larger ship in an emergency. The Corellian Corvette (Blockade
Runner) used the Faberstien-Lago Emergency life Pod, which is made is various sizes from 3 meters to
15 meters in length; they can hold 1-50 occupants. These pods can travel up to 80 MGLT at sublight
speeds, allowing them to outrun most pursuit ships. However, they lack mobility, and are subject to being
fired upon by an attacker. The Faberstien-Lago pods come equipped with the following: a Pax Hustana
Wide Array Sensor and Open Band Beacon, 4 Explosive Separator Charges, a Pillman One-shot
Propulsion Unit, a Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Hull, and a Forward-mounted Viewport. (SW, SCRE)
Escargot, The
a mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian. (LCM)
Escort Carrier
this box-like, 500-meter transport ship was designed and built at the Kuat Drive Yards. Escort Carriers
were developed to transport an entire wing of TIE fighters (72 fighters in all) and a limited number of
support craft. They have minimal armaments, but are equipped with a hyperdrive system for easy
entrance to, and exit from, a battle site. Each carrier has a crew complement of 3,505, and has been
rated at a maximum speed of 12 MGLT. They are also equipped with a limited repair facility, as well as
the following shipboard components:

10 Taim & Bak H8 dual laser cannons

1 Krupx VL-6 Warhead Launching System

Front/Rear Projecting Shields (180 SBD)

Titanium Alloy Hull (90 RU)


Escort Frigate

see Nebulon-B Frigate (HTTE)

Escort Quad Laser Cannon
this form of laser weapon was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic. (TF)
Escort Shuttle
any Delta-class shuttle, such as the Cygnus Spaceworks JV-7. (TIE)
Escort Transport
any well-armed, light-duty military transport ship, escort transports usually measure 45 meters in length,
and have been rated at 70 MGLT. Armed with 2 laser cannons, 2 ion cannons, multiple turbolasers, 2
proton torpedo launchers, 250 SBD shields, and a 125 RU hull, they are formidable warships by
themselves. (TIE)
Escra Plo'kre
this Bothan was a supporter of the Alliance. He was captured by the Empire and imprisoned on Kessel
until Wedge Antilles was able to negotiate his freedom from Moruth Doole. (WG)
Esege Tuketu
a Norvath pilot serving the New Republic, Tuke flew a K-Wing for the Fifth Battle Group. (BTS)
E-series Droid
a series of protocol droids. (BTS)
E-series Droid
this antique series of short, humanoid droids was produced by Accutronics for performing household
tasks and taking care of young children. They have round heads with eyes and nose, but no mouth. The
E-series was built to take a beating, with a plastic-coated durasteel shell. They tend to work together,
making friends and becoming inseparable. By the time of the New Republic, the E-series had been in
service for more than a century, with almost galaxy-wide acceptance. (DRO, EGD)
this planet served as one of two communications centers, along with Generis, used by the New Republic
to establish a link with the Unknown Regions. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Generis
was destroyed, leaving Esfandia the only link to the Unknown Regions. The Yuuzhan Vong, knowing that
the rogue planet Zonama Sekot was somewhere in the Unknown Regions, attacked Esfandia in an effort
to break all communications links. Esfandia itself was a free-roaming world which had broken free from its
sun many thousands of years before. Its core retained enough energy to produce a liquid atmosphere of
methane and nitrogen. The New Republic's communications base on Esfandia was built on a base of
refitted AT-AT walkers, allowing the base to move across the planet's surface and maintain relay
equipment, while protecting the workers and officers within. It was later revealed that Esfandia was also
the homeworld of a race of sentient plants known as the Brrbrlpp. (FH3)
Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base
this unusual vehicle was developed by the New Republic to serve as a mobile communications base,
situated on the planet of Esfandia. Since Esfandia's atmosphere was liquid, normal living and working
conditions were impossible to recreate. So, using the legs and programming of several AT-AT walkers,
the base was built as the main body of the vehicle. The Base could then move about on Esfandia's rocky
surface, servicing the multitude of communications relays and ensuring that they were always in the best
position for optimal transmission quality. (FH3)
Esh tiiri ahnakh
this was a Yuuzhan Vong phrase used when mocking an opponent. (FH3)
Eshee Dersat
this was the name of a noted Ranth individual, distinguished in the history of the planet Caaraz. (UANT)

this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "watchful" or
"observant." (GCG, WOTC)
this is the fifth symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "e". (SWM)
this fourth moon of Genarius, Eskaron was known to be rich in a variety of metals and minerals. One
particularly rare metal was a nutrient required by a species of space slug, which took up residence on
Eskaron by tunneling through its crust and mantle in search of the metal. Over many years, the metal
veins ran out, and the space worms left, leaving Eskaron an unstable world riddled with tunnels. Riboga
the Hutt discovered the tunnels, and worked to fortify the moon's substrates so that he could sponsor
starfighter races through the tunnels. When Riboga was ousted from power by Nirama, Nirama kept the
races going when he recognized the income that was realized from them. (LFC)
this was a common name among the Temolak race. (UANT)
this long-deceased Melodie was the keeper of legends for her generation. She handed the legends and
her position down to her son, Aragon, having learned them from her own father. The legends have been
maintained for thousands of generations. (LW)
Eslas essen-din shu ur min fooness
this Snivvian phrase, used in the world of art and antiquities, translated into Basic as "This would look
fantastic over my fireplace." (HNN5)
Eslo Magua
this was one of the many floating cities found in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius. Shortly before the
Battle of Naboo, it was believed that elements of the Sith were working from a base on Eslo Magua, in
preparation for an attack on the Almas Academy. (WOTC)
Esm Arkhee
this nervous Twi'lek male seemed to suffered from a rare muscular disorder that caused his lekku to
twitch uncontrollably. In the Lekku sign language, it appeared that Esm Arkhee continually repeated the
word "go" over and over again. A branch manager for Interplanetary Acquisitions, Esm Arkhee was
actually under the influence of a kind of spell, focused on him through the Force by his boss, Pal-Nada.
Pal-Nada discovered that Esm Arkhee's weak mind made him the perfect stooge, and used him to set up
events which ultimately led to the theft of a starship. Esm Arkhee's muscle twitch was a subconscious
response to the Force control used by Pal-Nada. Esm Arkhee worked in The Blinders district of Sahl-Evin,
and was known to enjoy gladiator-style fighting, frequenting those establishments that staged fights of all
kinds. (WOA17, WOA19)
this planet was the homeworld of the Esoomian race. The planet was quarantined by the Empire until
shortly after the Battle of Endor. (WBC)
this hulking alien species is native to the planet Esooma. The average Esoomian stands no less than
three meters tall, and has long, well-muscled arms and legs. They are equally adept at moving on two
limbs or four. Their small, pointed skulls are dominated by two black, almond-shaped eyes, and their
mouths have two thick tentacles at each corner. The average Esoomian is also marginally intelligent, and
their speech is often garbled and unintelligible. (WBC)
an Imperial freighter destroyed by Keyan Farlander during his first tour of duty as an X-Wing pilot. (XW)

this was the Mandalorian term for 'visible', or, more literally, 'not hidden'. (KOTOR)
Espa Heights
located in the city of Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, this complex of residential buildings provided
living space for many of the city's poorer residents. (TG)
Espasa Droid
a particularly dark, rich variety of coffeine. It is usually consumed in small quantities. (WG)
this primitive device was part of the Kadrillian communications technology. (LAT3)
Espionage Droid
any series of droid that resembles a normal droid on the outside, but has hidden programming that is
used to record information and relay it to the droid's owner. MerenData built an espionage droid from a
3PO protocol droid base, which was extremely effective due to the widespread use of 3PO droids as
diplomatic interpreters. (RASB)
Esplanade, The
the luxurious pedestrian mall located on Oseon 6845, the Esplanade is one of the most expensive places
to do business. The footage along the walkway is reportedly the highest-priced in the galaxy, but also
carries a great deal of prestige to the store-owners that can afford it. The Esplanade is a cobblestoned
street which is covered by a tranparent dome. Artificial gravity is generated, since the asteroid is too small
to generate its own. (LCF)
a slang term for the Corporate Sector Authority's Security Police. It can be used in singular or plural
terms. (HSE)
ESPO Riot Gun
see 500 (AEG)
Espo Walker 101
this version of the AT-PT replaced the Espo Walker 91 model long before the Empire rose to power. (AIR)
Espo Walker 91
this version of the Old Republic's AT-PT was manufactured by the SecuriTech Corporation. It was
designed to allow a single Espo officer to act as a combat squad in battle zones. Although the Espo
Walker was expensive and prone to malfunction, it served its purpose well. The Espo Walker was armed
with a single light blaster cannon, a heavy stun cannon, and a concussion grenade launcher. (CSA, AIR)
Esprix Estate
located on the planet Esseles, the Esprix Estate was the once the official residence of Esseles'
representative to the Galactic Senate of the Old Republic. It was also the base of operations for Esseles'
vast network of spies. When the Empire took control of Darpa Sector, the Esprix Estate was turned over
to the Imperial Moff and the Imperial Security Bureau. (CCW)
this was a model of unipod droid, produced during the last years of the Old Republic. They were referred
to as Espasa droids. Note that this type of droid is referred to as a RIC-series droid in the Star Wars
Databank. (AOTCN)
one of the five Nikto races, the Esral'sa'Nikto were commonly referred to as the Mountain Nikto. As their

name implies, the Esral'sa'Nikto evolved in the mountainous regions of Kintan, and were distinguished by
their blue-gray skin coloration and the facial flaps which expanded from their cheeks. Another flap of skin
covered the nose of a Mountain Nikto. (GG12, EGA)
Esraza Temple
an exotic locale found on the planet Oligtaz. (RM)
this Tarasin male was hired as a stand-in for Va'Lonis - the keyboard player for the band Distraction during public appearances. (WOA28)
this planet was never officially overtaken by the Empire, although COMPNOR maintained the local
political party and the Empire seeded the local police. Esseles was located in the Darpa Sector, one of
the "younger" regions of the Core Worlds. It was once a very prosperous world in the Sector, with many
industries specializing in high-tech research and development in hypernautics and hyperdrive engine
manufacturing. However, it lost ground to other worlds during the decline of the Old Republic and the
institution of the New Order. Under the leadership of President Ralle, the planet suffered through its worst
economic shortage shortly after the Battle of Yavin, and was eventually placed under Imperial control by
Governor Takel. (GG2, SWJ7, SWJ8, SWJ9)
Esseles-class Space Station
designed and manufactured by Alderaan Royal Engineers, this ancient design was built to surround an
existing moon and use it as the basis for the space station. One pole was used to house much of the
station's docking facilities, control towers, and communications systems. City sprawls, much like those on
the later Death Star battle station, were spread across the surface of the moon, linked by various tranport
tubes. Specialized venting systems bleed power generated from the interior of the station to the surface.
Esselian Hall
this was the ruling body that governed the planet Esseles, prior to the rise of Emperor Palpatine and the
instigation of the New Order. (FOP)
Esselian New Order Party
this political party advocated complete surrender of the planet Esseles to the Empire. The ENO party was
decidedly pro-Human, and questioned the leadership of Hall President Cambira Ralle during the nonHuman strikes which crippled Esselian corporations. The party's leader, Jamson Freller, continually
challenged Ralle's dominance of Esselian politics. (SWJ8, SWJ9)
this was one of the more popular talkshows which aired on the networks of the planet Eriadu, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)
Essence of Zeltros
this was the name of an unusual perfume, produced on the planet Zeltros for use by non-Zeltrons.
Essence of Zeltros was created with the actual Zeltron pheromones used to attract members of the
opposite sex. When applied to the skin, the perfume gave a being similar abilities to attract other beings,
as if they were exuding Zeltron pheromones. The effect lasted for about an hour, and could be reapplied
afterward for a longer-lasting effect. When used by true Zeltrons, Essence of Zeltros augmented their
already potent pheromones. (PH)
Essence Stealer
this device was part of Borborygmus Gog's Project Starscream. Located within the reconstructed Jedi
library on the Nespis VIII space station, the Essence Stealer was designed to capture the true Forceessence of a Jedi. Gog never got a chance to verify its operation, as the only Force-sensitive being it
encountered was Tash Arranda, who managed to destroy it with the help of her uncle, Mammon Hoole.

Essential Miner's Gear

this was the name given to TasCorp's package of non-powered mining equipment. It included a shovel
and pick-axe, a week's worth of rations, a breath mask, and two small oxygen tanks for individual use.
Essentials of Dynamic Crystal Forces
this Old Republic textbook described the geological forces which were required and necessary for the
formation of crystals and crystalline structures. (SWJ2)
this woman served the Imperial Remnant as a Captain in the Imperial Navy, commanding the Star
Destroyer Defiant. During the defense of Borosk, in the wake of the Battle of Bastion, Captain Essenton
reluctantly allowed the Defiant to be equipped with a gravitic amplitude modulator in order to help knock
out a Yuuzhan Vong yammosk. (FH1)
this star was the central body of the Essesia System, located in the Darpa Sector of the galaxy. (CCW)
Essex Yerac
this man served the Alliance as a Lieutenant Colonel during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was
Yerac's team that intercepted Ral Shawgrim's shuttle when it blasted out of the Mon Calamaru shipyards.
Although Shawgrim later escaped, Colonel Yerac's team managed to recover a set of plans and
schematics for the T-65 X-Wing starfighter. (SWJ4)
Essien Run
this hyperspace route traveled through the Asamin System. (AIR)
this planet, the fourth in the Lucaya System of the Corporate Sector, was settled some 4,000 years before
the Battle of Endor. Since that time, it evolved into a major center of industrial manufacturing, and
managed to remain neutral during the Galactic Civil War. The warlord Zsinj had built the Pakkerd Light
Transport company on the planet, building TIE Fighters for use in his war machine, and sent the Night
Caller - under the control of Wraith Squadron - to protect the Implacable while it receives the first
shipment of new starfighters. However, the New Republic managed to get three squadrons of X-Wings to
the planet aboard the Blood Nest, and was able to knock out the Pakkerd plant before the TIEs could
launch. The Republic also managed to take out the Implacable. (WS)
Ession Strike
this Corellian Engineering CR90 corvette was part of the New Republic fleet which was created to support
Han Solo and the Mon Remonda during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. The ship was originally known as the
Night Caller, but was renamed by the New Republic after its capture. (SOC)
this was one of the largest cities found on the planet Essowyn. It was located on a northern island. (PG1)
this planet is found in the Saurton System, located in the Trax Sector. It is constantly being bombarded by
debris from the system's twin asteroid belts. It is the homeworld of the Saurton race, which had been
divided into two warring factions - the Quenno and the Des'mar - for many decades. The average day on
Essowyn lasts 39 standard hours, while its year lasts 401 local days. Much of the planet was covered with
water, although there were four major continents and a number of large islands. Most of the cities built by
the Saurton were located underground, to protect them from asteroid strikes. (PG1)
Esstran Cordon
this deep-space void was believed to have been devoid of any form of life, according to Alliance
starcharts at the time of the Battle of Hoth. However, Y-Wing pilot Zan Porpu mistakenly dropped out of
hyperspace in this area, and discovered that the Empire was secretly testing TIE Fighter prototypes in the

area. Porpu's ship was shot to bits, although it was believed Porpu managed to eject from the ship.
this beautiful community, built on Procopia's Estalle Island, was a collection of domed towers and
temples. (LOE)
Estalle Island
located on the planet Procopia, this canalled city served as the sector capital of Tapani Sector. Shey
Tapani established a luxurious estate on the island, which was dominated by the most wondrous
examples of Tapani architecture in the sector. (PGT)
Estaph System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Mecetti during the New Order. (LOE)
Estaria Central Starport
this starport was targeted for investigation by the Empire, after the number of smugglers and black
marketeers operating out of the starport grew rapidly. It was owned and operated by Galactic Access,
Incorporated. (HAS)
Estauril River
this wide river ran alongside Cloud Mountain, on the planet Cularin. The Hiironi itrstat established their
tribal lands along one side of the river, and the cities of Gadrin and Hedrett straddle the river at the base
of Cloud Mountain. (LFC)
Estimable Epicures
this catering company was based on Nar Shaddaa, but rarely got any business. It was on the verge of
going bankrupt when it was hired by the crew of the Song of the Clouds to cater the meeting between
Vop the Usurer and Ritinki. The small company nearly panicked, having just twelve regular staff on hand
after six of their chefs were jettisoned into space by a disgruntled Hutt customer. (SWJ15)
this male was the youngest of the group aliens which accompanied Bearsh aboard the Chaf Envoy,
during the mission to search for the remains of the Outblund Flight Project, some twenty-two years after
the Battle of Yavin. When Luke Skywalker agreed to help the Geroon Remnant locate a suitable new
homeworld in the Outer Rim, Estosh couldn't contain his excitement. Later, Estosh met with Dean Jinzler
to talk about Outbound Flight, just before someone tried to sabotage the drive system aboard the Chaf
Envoy. A short time later, Estosh was found shot and injured, having been hit in the back with a blast from
a charric weapon. Although he was in great pain, Estosh survived the attack, only to have Bearsh order
him to remain behind when the ship actually reached Outbound Flight's location. This order seemed
unusual, since Estosh's injuries were not severe, but Mara Jade Skywalker later realized that Bearsh had
been lying about the true nature of the Geroons' mission to Outbound Flight. Estosh and his companions
were later revealed to be, not Geroon, but Vagaari, when Director Uliar recognized their language when
Bearsh captured him and held him prisoner. Lake and Mara also began to question Estosh's injury, and
came to believe that it had been inflicted by his fellow Vagaari. In reality, Estosh was the Supreme
Commander of the Vagaari, and this injury was a cover story so that he could remain behind and free
more than 300 Vagaari from hibernation aboard their starship. He then led the attacks on both the Chaf
Envoy and the Outbound Flight, revealing in a message to Luke and Mara that the Vagaari were on a
mission of revenge against the Chiss. The Vagaari planned to steal one of the Outbound Flight
Dreadnaughts and restore it to working condition, then use it as a base from which to strike at the Chiss.
Estosh and his forces managed to flee the planetoid with the D-Four Dreadnaught, and headed for the
Brask Oto Command Station. He had anticipated a possible attack en route, as Luke and Mara
discovered when they managed to reach D-Four about an hour before Brask Oto. However, any ease
with which they reached the bridge was nullified when Estosh sent a functional droideka after the Jedi. It
was the droidekas that the Vagaari were after, in an effort build an army that they could use against the
Chiss. When Luke and Mara defeated the droideka, Estosh was forced to unleash a deadly, corrosive
poison in the Dreadnaught's bridge, hoping to kill the Jedi even as he himself died. However, Mara

managed to vent the bridge by cutting a hole in a transparisteel viewport, but not before all the Vagaari on
the bridge died from the poison. (SQ)
this male Etti worked for Jabba the Hutt as the gamemaster at the Mos Espa Grand Arena, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. Estral was in charge of ensuring that all bets were accurately placed
and monitored during the podracers held at the arena. (BF4)
Estuan Theater
this huge amphitheater was located on the Kuari Princess. Named for the renowned Dactrurian actor
Anorad Estuan, many live and holographic performances took place in the theater for the enjoyment of
the ship's passengers. (RM)
this protocol droid was part of the droid pool which was assigned to the Alliance's Pegasus Strike Force.
Despite being programmed to handle negotiations with a variety of known and unknown alien races, ET4B discovered it was terrified of being in the presence of unknown aliens. (SWJ2)
Etahn A'baht
this Dornean Navy commander was the New Republic's choice to lead the Fifth Battle Group when it was
created. A'baht had been in charge of the 80-ship Dornean fleet which successfully held the Empire at
bay during the attempted invasion of Dornea. He was well over 100 years old when he took command of
the Fifth. (BTS)
a Yevethan honorific used when speaking to a superior. (BTS)
E'T-Akh Desert
this vast desert was located on the planet Geonosis, between the Im'G'Twe Hills and the Badlands of
N'G'Zi. (IWE2)
a domestic farm animal raised by the Togorians for food. (GG4, TPS)
Eternal Core, The
another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references. (LCM)
Eternal Fire
this huge bonfire, located on the planet Korriban, burned with the power of the Dark Side of the Force.
Eternal Hope
this starship was stolen by Trel Modetto, shortly after he jumped ship while working for a group of pirates
in Tapani Sector. A team of Alliance agents, hoping to make contact the smuggler on Lamuir IV, were told
to meet him at this starship. Instead, Janna Pallask directed them to another docking bay in hopes of
saving Coros Telari. (TSIA)
Eternal Sleep
this was the Sullustan term for death. (MBS)
Eternal, The
a mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian. (LCM)
Eternity Crystal
part of a fantastic ruse concocted by Darth Vader to lure Leia Organa into his clutches, this wondrous
stone, created by the Jerni millennia before the rise of the New Order, was rumored to allow the user to
travel through time. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa tried to recover the crystal to aid the Alliance, but
were captured on Jerne by Ryko Vant. They had hoped to use the stone to return to the Old Republic and

prevent the rise of Emperor Palpatine and the destruction of Alderaan, much as Vader had predicted. His
forced were attacked by Meeka Reen's guerillas, who took Luke and Leia as their own prisoners. They
learned that the crystal was housed on Adony Station, and raced to recover it before Darth Vader could
beat them to it. Unfortunately, Vader had rigged the vault to explode when opened, in an effort to kill Luke
and Leia. The vault exploded, catching all three of them. They managed to escape, but the crystal and
much of Adony Station were destroyed. (CSWDW)
this common, albeit archaic, Zabrak surname meant "feast" It originally denoted a wealthy family, since
they were the only families who could afford to have feasts. (GCG)
an Imperial Corvette group captured by Keyan Farlander. (XW)
Ethav Regions
this remote section of the galaxy was the last known location of Drolen Antig. (SWJ10)
this Marauder-class cruiser was part of the fleet assigned to Han Solo and the Mon Remonda, during the
hunt for Warlord Zsinj. It was barely serviceable, and many of its crew felt it was one overhaul short of
complete dilapidation. (SOC)
Etheric Rudder
the steering mechanism of a starfighter, it allows the ship to turn in the vacuum of space, without the
benefit of resistance from wind or water. The rudder can be used in flight, or while the ship is floating in
space. (HTTE, IF, IR)
a tentacled creature found on the planet Gyndine. (DESB)
dubbed "the Flying Hatbox" by Mara Jade, the Etherway was an Action V transport that was part of the
smuggler fleet owned by Talon Kaarde during the early years of the New Republic. During this time, it
was used by Fynn Torve on his missions to deliver food to the rebels on Abregado-Rae. Like the Starry
Ice, the Etherway was armed with three turbolasers. Capable of carrying up to six passengers and 75,000
metric tons of cargo, the ship was crewed by a pilot, a navigator, and three gunners. The ship was
impounded on Abregado-Rae just before Han Solo and Lando Calrissian arrived there to try and locate
Talon Kaarde, and Torve was forced to leave it there to fly with Han and Lando in the Millennium Falcon
to meet with Karrde. Later, Wedge Antilles had it moved and pretended to be its owner to get in touch
with Mara Jade. Torve had set up an elaborate identification scheme, which required Mara and Wedge to
argue whether or not the ship was actually a Harkners-Balix 903. Karrde maintained the ship over the
coming years, and the Etherway was one of the ships which Karrde brought to Yavin 4 to rescue the
students at the Jedi praxeum from capture by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was damaged in the battle, but
managed to survive. (HTTE, DFR, EVC, GMR4)
this Ssi-ruu was Molierre Cundertol's primary interface on Lwhekk, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. When Cundertol returned to Lwhekk, after his failure to secure Bakura for the Ssiruuk, E'thinaa was revealed to be a Yuuzhan Vong in disguise. E'thinaa then activated the restraining bolt
his people had inserted into Cundertol's body, then ordered his Yuuzhan Vong guards to kill Cundertol.
Ethnic Architectural Forms of the Tion Hegemony
this publication regularly highlighted the various forms of architecture found on inhabited worlds of the
Tion Hegemony. (ML)

this is the Socorran word for the number three. (BSS)

Ethra Brewery
this Socorran beverage distiller, named for the three primary owners - Karl Ancher, Abdi-Badawzi, and
Saadoon-Kauldi - is the exclusive producer of raava and zsajhira berry tea. Ethra Brewery also bought
the rights to "mine" the hot springs and frozen water of the planet Neftali. (BSS)
this is one of the minerals used to create fusion reactions in starship power generators. (GOF9)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Etison, Shran
this man, a noted smashball player in his youth, eventually became the Imperial Governor of Tuttin IV
during the height of the New Order. Governor Etison agreed to take in Ryley Ancum, the son of Tendis
and Jioie Ancum, when they left Tuttin IV to take positions in an Imperial factory off-planet. Etison was
also a moderately-gifted musician, and led a b'ssa nuuvu band during his training. His love of music gave
him a connection to Ryley, although Etison never knew that Ryley was secretly an Alliance spy. (GMR6)
this was the designation of an energy torpedo launcher manufactured by the Xi Char during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (SOG)
this Imperial Admiral was Captain Grendahls' commanding officer, and was in charge of the operation to
recover Adalric Brandl. (TFE)
this was a model of escort and assault transport built during the New Order. It was the first of the Betaclass trasports. (XWA)
this Adnerem ran the largest string of gambling houses found on his homeworld of Adner. While profitable
on paper, Etsero found that he soon owed money to Jabba the Hutt and other prominent crimelords. He
rigged many of his casino games in order to bring in more credits, and eliminated any being who
complained too loudly. The central jewel in his empire is the Red Lisken. (WBC)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
this was one of the largest farming communities found on the planet Ralltiir. The Imperial forces which
were garrisoned on Ralltiir during the months prior to the Battle of Yavin were given a tip that members of
the local resistance movement were meeting in one of the remote towns. A miscalculation in the data led
the Imperials to believe that they were hiding in Ettam, and they swiftly levelled the town. Further
investigation revealed that there was no rebel hideout in Ettam, and that the Imperials had slaughtered
hundreds of innocent farmers and their families. Imperial reports claimed that Ettam had been the site of
an Alliance weapons depot, but in reality, the Imperial forces destroyed a neutral medical facility. The
massacre was used by both sides as a further justification for escalating the Galactic Civil War. (SWESL)
Ettarue Arm
this is one of the many arms which spiral out from the center core of the known galaxy. (TA)
this race of pale-blue skinned humans was much finer and frailer than the standard human stock. The
early ancestors of the Etti broke away from the Old Republic some 20,000 years before the Battle of

Hoth, claiming that the Republic was too tyranical and oppressive. They settled on Etti IV, where they
were eventually forced to co-exist with the Corporate Sector Authority's own government. The Etti were
allowed to rule the planet as they wished, but were given CSA directives along the way. (SESB)
Etti IV
a planet in the Corporate Sector which was supposedly open to general trade, Etti IV was originally
settled 20,000 years before the Battle of Hoth by the Etti people. During the ew Order, Etti IV served as
the seat of the Corporate Sector Authority's power, but had no exportable resources. Its location on a
major trade route within the Corporate Sector made Etti IV one of the primary entry-point worlds to the
Corporate Sector. It was also where Han Solo pays off Ploovo 2-for-1 with a dinko, several months before
the Battle of Yavin. (HSE, CSA, SESB)
Etti Light Cruiser
see Etti Lighter (TF)
Etti Lighter
this Corporate Sector Authority light transport ship was originally designed for hauling cargo, although it
was eventually modified for use as a patrol and interdiction craft that could be deployed to backwater
systems. The Lighter measured 125 meters in length, and required a crew of 25 to operate, along with 13
gunners and room for 15 passengers. It was armed with ten quad-laser cannons and a tractor beam
emplacement, and could transport up to 400 metric tons of cargo. Several Etti Lighters were sold on the
black market to the Skandrei Bandits, who modified them for piracy and raiding. (CSA, KO, TF)
this was the language used by the natives of the planet Etti IV. (EOV, GMR9)
Ettyk, Halla
this Alderaanian was a prominent criminal prosecutor on her homeworld. She was off-planet trying to
depose a witness when the Death Star destroyed it, and joined the Alliance shortly afterward. She
became a member of Airen Cracken's counterintelligence staff, and rose through the ranks to become a
Commander for the Alliance and, later, the New Republic. When Tycho Celchu was brought to trial for the
death of Corran Horn, the 34-year-old Ettyk was chosen as the state's prosecutor. She took the job
immediately, even though she hadn't prosecuted a case in seven years. Her case against Celchu seemed
air-tight, until Corran Horn escaped from the Lusankya and revealed the traitor within Rogue Squadron
was not Celchu. Ettyk dropped the charges and made her apologies to Celchu. (KT)
Etude for Dawn
see Sixteenth Vissencant Variation (MBS)
this was a common name among the Kushiban race. (UANT)
this planet, the homeworld of a race also known as the Euceron, hosted the Galactic Games some six
years after the Battle of Naboo. Based on the size of its population, Euceron had one of the largest,
private security forces in the galaxy, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JQ3)
this alien race, native to a planet also known as Euceron, were humanoid in stature. Their domed heads
and delicate limbs gave them a graceful appearance, and their neutral-colored clothing offset the
brightness of their buildings and structures. (JQ3)
Euceron City
this was another name for the capital city of the planet Euceron. (JQ3)
Eucliptan Morae
this BR-23 Courier was purchased by Aloren Breesa for use by her local rebel cell during the Galactic

Civil War. The original plan was to refit the ship as an escape vehicle, in case the Empire discovered their
operations. Over time, the ship became a secret storehouse for supplies because Breesa's cell didn't
include any pilots who could fly it. (IA)
Euraana Fall
this female Mawan served as a liaison to Yaddle, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi
Knights who were dispatched to Mawan to help esablish a peaceful government on the planet, some
three years before the Battle of Geonosis. A former member of the upper classes of Mawan society, she
was considered quite beautiful for a Mawan, with pink skin and blue veins just beneath it. Her desire to
restore Mawan to its former beauty forced her to work with the subrats and other, lower-class members of
Mawan society in order to bring about change. (JQ6)
this doctor was experimenting with different weapons systems at the Empire's Lotide outpost during the
Galactic Civil War. (BI)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "goodhumored." (GCG, WOTC)
Eurrsk Thri'ag
this Bothan male, a native of the planet Bothawui, was one of the first pilots to make the grade and serve
with Wraith Squadron. Among the members of the squadron, he was known as "Grinder." He
distinguished by his silvery fur, and became the squadron's code-slicer and one of the best of their
practial jokers. In the battle that destroyed the Implacable over Ession, Grinder took a laser blast from the
dying Star Destroyer and was killed. (WS)
this was the capital city of the planet Euceron. It was unusual in that every building erected in the city was
formed from plastoid materials, since there was no native stone to be found. These buildings were limited
to a height of twenty stories, and were all brightly colored. (JQ3)
Euvae Mountains
this range of mountains found on the planet Carosi XII completely rings the planet. (PG2)
this was the model number of a series of heavy-weight droid heads built by Industrial Automaton. (DWK)
this Merendata supervisor droid was employed as the ship's overseer aboard the Alliance cruiser Mantan
Wanderer. EV-2-E was nominally in command of the ship's droid pool. (ROE)
this Merendata EV-series supervisor droid was equipped with the same MDF motivator that caused EV9D9 to become erratic. This droid was originally purchased by a group which recognized her malicious
quirks and enhanced them, turning the droid into an efficient interrogation machine. EV-4D9 was later
acquired by Ploovo Two-for-One during the Glite-Ven Hostilities, and went to work with Lotas and HNTR1 on his Protocol Team. (AIR)
EV-9D9 (Eve-Ninedeenine)
this thin, bullet-headed Merendata Supervisor droid was programmed as a female. It had a number of
strange programming quirks and manufacturing problems that led to EV-9D9's eventual control of her
own systems, including a faulty MDF motivator which gave her a mean streak. One such manufacturing
flaw was the addition of a third optic sensor. Later, she rewired herself to become more self-sufficient and
more intelligent. As these changes continued, she grew to wonder what it would be like to have feelings,
like an organic. She continued to rewire herself, in search of the perfect program to allow her the
sensation of feelings. She then set out to wreak havoc across the galaxy, stopping at one time on Cloud

City. There, she was emplyed by Lando Calrissian as chief of security, a position that Lando had not filled
due to the tight staffing problem he had just keeping the station operative. She was discovered by Sarl
Random, and sabotaged many of the station's systems and destroyed nearly a quarter of its droids before
stealing a Mining Guild cutter and escaping. She fled, and years later she turned up on Tatooine, in
Jabba the Hutt's service as the Chief of Cyborg Operations for Jabba. She built hreself a workroom under
the palace, a place where she continually tortured droids in an effort to feeling their pain and anguish.
There, she discovered that she had feelings of paranoia stemming from her actions throughout the
galaxy. These feelings were heightened when C-3PO and R2-D2 came to the palace and almost willingly
accepted their fate. Her fears were realized when 12-4C-41 found her in her personal workshop. The 12series droid had tracked her from Cloud City, seeking to "balance the equation" of destruction she had
caused. She resigned herself to her fate, and prepared to relish the feelings and sensations brought on
by death. However, 12-4C-41 deprived her of it by removing her third optic sensor and her pain simulator.
He then released all of her captives, and they dismembered her until she was no longer functional.
this second generation administrative droid was descended from the prototype EV-9D9. He headed the
droid torture chamber on Telti, which was run by Brakiss. EV-9D9.2 was said to be twice as ruthless as its
predecessor, a fact not lost on Cole Fardreamer, who was brought to EV-9D9.2 when Brakiss caught him
on Telti. Cole managed to escape with the help of R2-D2 and C-3PO, who had rallied the other droids
against not only EV-9D9.2, but the Red Terror as well. (TNR)
produced by Regallis Engineering, this extravehicular activity power suit was designed to allow beings to
make starship repairs in deep space. The EVA Pod was fully sealed and motorized, with a complete set
of manevuering thrusters and a low-level droid brain that handled the taks required to keep the suit
operative. (AEG)
an Imperial container group destroyed near Kalla VII by Keyan Farlander. (XW)
Evader Squadron
this starfighter group was stationed on the Rand Ecliptic during the early years of the Galactic Civil War.
Their emblem was a simple black and yellow checkerboard design. Biggs Darklighter served on Evader
Squadron before jumping ship to join the Alliance. (CCG)
this Corellian Engineering ion drive is basically a scaled-down military drive that was produced for
commercial sale. They were close enough to Imperial military standards that the Imperial Space Ministry
required a permit for operation during the New Order. (GG6)
this corporation worked with the Kuat Drive Yards to produce a series of transport vessels that were used
by the Empire. (ISB)
this mercenary, based on the planet Corulag during the early years of the New Republic, was once
blinded by his own blaster fire. He was working under cover of darkness, and the night-vision goggles he
was wearing could not compensate for the intense light of the blaster bolts. (GUN)
this was one of the New Republic Escort Frigates which was stationed at Coruscant some five years after
the Battle of Endor. The Evanrue had the distinction of being the first Republic ship to collide with one of
the cloaked asteroids that were deployed by Grand Admiral Thrawn, durig his attack on Coruscant. (TLC)
Evar Orbus
the former leader of the Max Rebo band, Evar Orvus was the band's Letaki headsman. Orbus was able to

vocalize across eleven sectaves on the musical scale, while playing a number of instruments with his
many tentacles. He decided to get rich by forming his own band, originally known as Evar Orbus and his
Galactic Wailers, around himself, Max Rebo, and Sy Snootles. It was Orbus who bought Droopy McCool,
then Snit, and added him to the band. When the band was hired to perform in Mos Eisley, the local Bith
band Figrin D'An and the Modal Nodes intercepted them at the spaceport and attempted to hijack them.
Evar became angry, and tried to kill the Bith. He used a blaster that he had hidden in a false tentacle, but
only managed to get the band into more trouble. In the ensuing firefight, Evar Orbus was killed by a stray
blaster bolt. (TJP, SWI67)
Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers
see Evar Orbus and His Galactic Wailers (IWST)
Evar Orbus and His Galactic Wailers
this was the original name of the Max Rebo Band. Founded by Evar Orbus, the group consisted of Orbus,
Sy Snootles, Max Rebo, and Droopy McCool. When Orbus was killed in a firefight with the rival band,
Figrin D'An and the Modal Nodes, the survivors renamed it to simply the Max Rebo Band. (SWI67)
one of the four moons orbitting the planet Onderon. (TOJC)
Evas VI
this planet is the homeworld of the Pliith race. (SWJ1)
this was the designation of Aeramaxis Technologies' personal field disruptor. (EGW)
this advanced field disruptor was produced by Aermaxis Technologies for use by the New Republic
military. (EGW)
Evasta Foosher
this was the name of a noted Ranth individual, distinguished in the history of the planet Caaraz. (UANT)
Eva-T System
the Empire met with a group of pirates in this system to negotiate the release of a prominent TIE
Defender scientist. It was in this system that Emperor Palpatine promoted Thrawn to the rank of Grand
Admiral. (TIE)
this Imperial Intelligence officer had the uncanny ability to predict the movements of enemy fleets. He
served on the first Death Star as a starship combat coordinator, and was killed when the Death Star was
destroyed. (CCG2)
Evazan was wanted in 12 or more star systems for the deaths of his patients. Evazan was a self-styled
doctor, and offered to help many people by offering inexpensive surgery. Although no one knows if
Evazan ever obtained a true doctoral degree, he was nonetheless remembered as a promising surgeon.
His application to the Imperial Academy was rejected when his innate madness was revealed during an
interview, and he was shipped off to the prison on Delrian. Evazan escaped to the Hindasar System,
where he established his own "practice." He never stayed in one location too longer, and his movement
from planet to planet helped him gain more and more victims. Evazan was searching for immortality, and
was hoping that his patient's insides would point him on a path to discover it. This pursuit of immortaility
earned him the nickname Doctor Death, among others. He hooked up with Ponda Baba around this time.
His legacy of victims led him to be pursued by Jodo Kast, who nearly caught up to him in the Corellia
System. Evazan managed to escape, but not before one of Jodo Kast's blaster shots caught him in the
face. Evazan was scarred for life. Evazan and Ponda Baba fled Corellia to hide out on Tatooine, where
he set up the Cutting Edge Boutique. Evazan used the boutique to continue his search for immortality

until he encountered Luke Skywalker in the Mos Eisley cantina. They tried to bully the youth into a fight,
but found themselves on the wrong side of Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber. After he and Ponda Baba barely
survived, Evazan made a breakthrough: he believed that the mind, not the body, was the key to
immortality. He and Ponda Baba fled to Ando, where Ponda Baba helped set Evazan up in a large castle
laboratory, under the assumption that Ponda Baba would be the first beneficiary of Evazan's new mindtransferrence technique. Evazan used a stolen Imperial transmogrifier to transfer the mind of one
individual to another, discarding the old body and the replaced mind. His device worked, but in reverse,
displacing Ponda Baba's mind with that of an Andoan senator. Evazan then went to work for
Borborygmus Gog, hoping to gain information from Project Starscream. Shortly after that project was
broken up by the Shi'ido Hoole, Evazan was pursued by Boba Fett himself. The bounty hunter caught up
to Evazan on the planet Necropolis and executed him while he was holding Zak Arranda hostage. Pylum
required that Fett leave Evazan's body behind, in hopes of holding off the Curse of Sycorax, and Fett
agreed, but held them all responsible if he never collected the full bounty. Unknown to them all, Evazan
had injected himself with a megadose of his own reanimation serum, and he eventually returned to life.
However, the serum only worked well on recently-dead bodies. The longer the body stayed dead before
being injected, the less likely it was to survive reanimation. Evazan nearly completed his work, but was
stopped by the zombie Kairn. Evazan tried to eliminate Hoole, Zak, and Tash, but Kairn refused to see his
friends killed. He used the anti-serum created by D-V9 to kill the zombie army Evazan had created, then
was killed himself when the potion touched him. Boba Fett then used the potion to eliminate Evazan once
and for all. (MTS, TME, GOF2, SWDB)
Eve of Meckgin
this was an annual Geonosian holiday, celebrating the benefits of labor and production. (SWI60, SWI66)
Even Piell
this marble-faced Lannik Jedi Master was a member of the Jedi Council which convened to discuss the
fate of young Anakin Skywalker. A fierce warrior on his homeworld, Piell was known among the Council
members for his stoic demeanor and rigid code of honor. He lost his left eye in a battle of Lannik against
seven of the Chosen One's terrorists, although he managed to defeat them all singlehandedly. He opted
not to have a cybernetic implant replace the eye, as a symbol of ultimate survival against any odds. Even
Piell was portrayed by Michaela Cottrell in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. (TPM, IG1)
Evening Star
a Corona-class transport owned by Premier Provisions. (SN)
Event Horizon
this cramped, dingy bar was located in Cairn, on the backwater world of Seikosha. (POC)
Event Horizon
located on the orbital city of Rrudobar, hovering over the planet Duro, this seedy cantina was known as a
dangerous hangout for smugglers, gunrunners, and other small-time criminals who worked in the
Corellian Sector of the galaxy. It was owned by a Quarren who weny by the nickname Clawfish, who kept
one half of the establishment humid and wet for his fellow aquatic races. (CCW)
Event Horizon
this upscale cantina was located on the planet Rangorah. (T16)
Event Vistas
this corporation operated a fleet of luxury cruiser liners during the early years of the New Republic. (SOC)
Ever Radiant Throne
this was the name of the ceremonial throne used by the Rajah of the Virjuansi. It was located in the main
audience chamber of the Palace of Splendid Harmony. (SWI72, RC)
Everard, Casimir
this bounty hunter was hired by House Barnaba to participate in the annual Vor-cal hunt, thereby allowing
the nobles of Barnaba to avoid getting too dirty. The other noble Houses considered it an insult for House

Barnaba to send the bounty hunter, especially when they learned that Everard was a member of Boss
Tosk's criminal syndicate. Everard didn't hunt with other brings, instead employing four ASP-4 droids in
the hunt. (LOE)
Everen Ettene
this Jedi Master was part of the team which was dispatched to resolve the growing conflict between the
Virgillian Free Alignment and the Virgillian Aristocracy, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. Their
transport was destroyed upon arrival, and it was believed that the four Jedi were killed in the explosion. It
was later discovered that Ettene's Padawan, Halagad Ventor, survived the mission. (HNN4)
manufacturers of data analysis systems like the 448 DataSifter. (VOF)
this was the name of a street, found in the city of Tacto, on the planet Radnor. (JQ1)
Eversion Stoma
this was the term used to describe the ridge of hard flesh that was found on the outside of a villip.
Bioengineered by the Yuuzhan Vong, the eversion stoma was stroked in order to force the villip to spread
apart the membranous tissue that covered its body. Thus inverted, the villip formed itself into a simulation
of the being that was using a villip at the other end of the connection. (UFCD)
Evet Scy'rrep
a celebrated shipjacker whose exploits were made into a series of vignettes for Galactic Bandits. He
knocked off fifteen luxury starships before he was finally caught. When asked why he preyed on the large
luxury ships, he answered, "because that's where the credits are." (SE)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the suffix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "beast"
or "rage". It could be attached to a prefix by itself, or combined with other suffixes to form a complete
Wookiee name. (GMR10, GCG)
EV-II Series Droid
this was the second generation of the MerenData EV-series supervisor droid. It was developed in an
effort to overcome some of the errors which plagued the original EV-series. (FTD)
Evil One
this sabacc card had a value of -15. (HT)
Evilo Nailati
this disembodied brain of a B'omarr monk befriended and taught Buboicullaar about the universe and how
to control his mind. (TJP)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
this Em'liy was distinguished in the history of the planet Shalyvane. (UANT)
an Imperial-II class Star Destroyer, the Eviscerator was the flagship which patrolled the Brentaal System
shortly after the Battle of Endor. The 181st Imperial Fighter Group was stationed aboard the ship during
the Battle of Brentaal. Later, the Eviscerator was stationed in the Venjagga System, it was en route to
Borleais during the New Republic's first assault there. (XWES, XWN)
Evlan, Allandria
this young girl and her twin sister, Allexia, lived with their widowed aunt on Kuat. They attended school
with the children of employees of Kuat Drive Yards and of Imperial representatives. Each twin was

supportive of the Alliance, despite their pro-Imperial environment, and they used their good looks to win
the attention of young Imperial boys. The twins would string their targets along, pretending to enjoy their
company while pretending to be flirty in order to get the boys to innocently provide information on their
parents' activities. Allandria and Allexi would then arrange to provide the data to an Alliance cell in a
nearby system. Their work often paid off, resulting in data on new ship designs, shipyard delivery
schedules, and Imperial fleet movements. (CRO)
Evlan, Allexia
this young girl and her twin sister, Allandria, lived with their widowed aunt on Kuat. They attended school
with the children of employees of Kuat Drive Yards and of Imperial representatives. Each twin was
supportive of the Alliance, despite their pro-Imperial environment, and they used their good looks to win
the attention of young Imperial boys. The twins would string their targets along, pretending to enjoy their
company while pretending to be flirty in order to get the boys to innocently provide information on their
parents' activities. Allandria and Allexi would then arrange to provide the data to an Alliance cell in a
nearby system. Their work often paid off, resulting in data on new ship designs, shipyard delivery
schedules, and Imperial fleet movements. (CRO)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "artist" in the Sullustan language.
Evo the Blue
this dark-skinned Rodian was the leader of the Cairn clan, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.
He was distinguished by the full head of blond hair which grew on top of his head, in place of the normal
spines found on most Rodians. Evo led the Cairns into battle against the Reeven clan, some six years
after the Battle of Naboo, only find himself fighting against the Feeorin mercenary, Nym. Nym used a
thermal detonator - which had been outlawed by the Old Republic - to destroy the entire Cairn clan. Evo
was killed in the explosion. (CRBN)
a huge planet in the Y'Toub system, it was the natural home of the Evocii race until it was discovered by
the Hutts as they fled Varl. Once the Hutts took over, they renamed the planet Nal Hutta. (DESB)
this was the spoken language of the Evocii race. (TF)
this race of primitive humanoids evolved on the planet Evocar, and were content with their feudal society.
When the Hutts arrived and began trading them technology for the use of land, the Evocii were captivated
by the new things the Hutts brought. They were so enrapt with the technology that they failed to see that
the Hutts were buying the planet out from underneath them. By the time they realized their error, it was
too late. The Hutts had moved in, built their palaces and theme parks, and renamed the planet Nal Hutta.
The Evocii were given temporary refuge on the planet's fifth moon, which was renamed to Nar Shaddaa,
but the Hutts treated them as little more than slaves. The Evocii, thus robbed of their heritage and their
homes, devolved in the depths of the spaceport. The average Evocii was bipedal and near-human in
stature, with narrow faces and elliptical eyes. The crown of their head was covered with knobby bumps,
and their skin color ranged from pale yellow to deep lemon. Before their relocation, the Evocii had a
lifespan of some 500 years, but modern Evocii rarely live beyond 200 years of age. By the time of the
Clone Wars, there were less than 6,000 Evocii living on Nar Shaddaa, and it was believed that specific
intervention was required to keep them from dying out in the next generation. (DESB, TF)
Evolution Droid
developed by X0-X1 after the droid was installed in Cloud City's main computer core by Doctor Vreen,
these small droids were created to assist in transforming organic lifeforms into metallic automata. X0-X1
demanded that Vreen conscript the scientists as Bioniip Laboratories to construct them, and began
transforming Vreen himself in order to add credence to its threats. They were also known as E-droids,
and were microscopic in size. X0-X1 devised them to manipulate matter at the atomic level, modifying

organic chemicals and transforming them to metals. However, Vreen was able to enlist the help of Walex
Blissex, and together they discovered a way to reprogram these droids and use them to poison X0-X1.
according to Hutt legends, Evona was the sister star to Ardos until it was consumed by a black hole. Hutt
legends say that Ardos was in love with Evona, which was a sister star that made up a binary system.
The two lovers had many children, which were the various planets of the system. When Evona was
sucked into a black hole along with several planets, Ardos became angry and miserable at the loss of his
loved ones. Ardos self-destructed, throwing off a huge radioactive mantle of gas, and reducing itself to a
white dwarf. The ejection of radioactive matter destroyed many of the remaining planets, leaving only the
Hutt homeworld of Varl. Scientists from the Old Republic and Empire believe that this story is a mere
legend, and that the Hutt's destroyed much of their system in an ancient civil war. (GG4)
EVS Construction Droid
designed and manufactured by Veril Line Systems, this forty-story-tall construction droid resembled a
huge insect. Unlike the boxy construction droids of the Empire, the EVS moved about on two stout legs
which allowed the droid to move forward one step every half-hour during the rebuilding of a city. A
complex set of visual sensors allowed the EVS to determine a structure's weak points, and a pair of
massive demolition claws made quick work of any material. A group of plasma cutters were also installed
on the EVS, for use in demolishing a building. A second set of fabrication arms was located on the rear of
the droid, for use in building new structures as it moved forward. (EGD)
this EVS series construction droid was hijacked by Rogue Squadron, during the New Republic's retaking
of Coruscant. EVS-469 was commandeered to destroy the computer center which was controlling
Coruscant's planetary shields, allowing the Republic to launch its assault on Imperial City. (EGD)
this EVS series construction droid was part of the pool assigned to Wedge Antilles during the
reconstruction of Imperial City, after the New Republic took control of Coruscant. It was EVS-6962 which
discovered a hidden interrogation center built by Emperor Palpatine to test for Force sensitivity. (EGD)
EV-series Droid
this series of superviser droids was manufactured by MerenData. They were humanoid in form, with long,
bullet-shaped heads. Each EV-series droid was equipped with a communications relay, a sophisticated
cognitive matrix, and a variety of administrative routines. Designed to replace organic supervisors in
manufacturing plants, the EV-series was plagued by a series of glitches in their programming which made
the droids become domineering and unforgiving taskmasters. Very few of these droids were returned for
repairs, although the glitch was discovered and repaired in the EV-II series. Note that Cynabar's Fantastic
Technology: Droids claimed that the EV-series was produced by Cybot Galactica. (MTS, FTD)
this member of the Workers political class was elected the planetary leader of the planet New Apsolon,
some fifteen years before the Battle of Naboo. As a Worker, Ewane worked for the underground
resistance, and spent a good portion of his life imprisoned by the Absolutes. As the leader of the new
Unified Legislature, Ewane pledged to be fair and honest with all members of New Apsolon's society, and
promised to bring justice to all people. A frail man at the time of his election, Ewane ruled for five years
before stepping down. He was murdered shortly after the election of Roan as planetary leader, and his
daughters Alani and Eritha asked the Jedi Knights to investigate. It was believed that Ewane's death was
linked to Balog's attempt to gain control of New Apsolon. (TTB, DOH)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "Spring". (GCG)
Ewd, Fegred

this man was a known criminal, wanted on many Core Worlds for a variety of crimes during the early
decades of the New Republic. Most of his crimes were committed on Corellia, and the authorities there
placed a large bounty on his head. He tried to flee captivity by hiding out on the planet Frosywthe, and
was nearly apprehended by a group of adventurers who were spending a week at the Durs Ranch.
E-Web Blaster
BlasTech's heavy repeating blaster, it was originally known as an Emplacement Weapon, Heavy Blaster.
This was eventually shortened to "E-Web." The original weapon was designed in a joint effort with MerrSonn, which produced its own version of the weapon under the designation EWHB-10. This indicated that
the weapon was fairly mobile, but must be rigidly mounted in order to counteract the effects of its
incredible firepower. BlasTech sold the E-Web with a TR-62 autocushioning tripod to ensure safe
operation. It was powered by a portable Eksoan Class-4T3 power unit, and it was cooled by the Gk3
Cryocooler for continuous firing. (ISB, EGW)
E-Web(15) Heavy Blaster
this was the upgraded form of the original E-Web repeating blaster. They are virtually indistinguishable to
most users, although the E-Web(15) uses a Gk7 CryoCooler, a small shield generator, and advanced
targeting software. (TTSB, EGW)
Merr-Sonn's version of the BlasTech E-Web repeating blaster, from a design that was jointly developed
by both companies. It was originally designed during the Clone Wars, as a weapon for the clone troopers
for the Army of the Republic. (ISB, RPG, TLC, EGW, SHPT)
this starfighter, which was one of the first ships to employ the R7 astromech droid, was the first starfighter
to be fully designed and built under the auspices of the New Republic, and was created by FreiTek
Incorporated. The ship, while visually like the X-Wing, had a pair of stable wings. It dished out punishment
and could take it equally well, being armed with three heavy blaster cannons and a proton torpedo
launcher. It used the R7 droid to take advantage of a redesigned hyperdrive system. The only drawback
to the E-Wing's weapons systems was the fact that they were based on a synthetic Tibanna gas that isn't
as good as the real thing. The New Republic employed several models of the E-Wing. The basic A-Model
was equipped with a Class 2 hyperdrive, measured 11.2 meters in length, and could attain speeds of
1,300 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. The E-Wing Type B was nearly identical to the A-model, except
that Mon Calamarian techs helped triple the power input to the weapons systems. This made the Type B
extremely powerful, but if the couplings failed and the weapons overheated, they could be extremely
dangerous. A Series 4 E-Wing was introduced after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, to utilize more
stable blaster gas and a dedicated power generation system for the weapons. These E-Wings could also
use R2 astromech droids. (DE1, DESB, EGV, NEGV)
E-Wing Type B
this updated version of the first E-Wing starfighter was produced by FreiTek shortly before the Yuuzhan
Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. It measured 11.2 meters in length, and was armed with three
heavy laser cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. (SOG)
a diminutive race of furry creatures on the Forest Moon of Endor, they resemble teddy bears. They have
large, bright eyes, small black noses, and hands which possess two fingers and an opposable thumb.
Although they have no true technology, they have developed a highly developed civilization based on
various mechanical devices built from tree limbs, bones, and animal hides. They live in the huge trees of
Endor, but have farms and fields on the ground. They are friendly by nature, and have cunning minds
capable of solving puzzles. They worship a religion based on the legends of spirits living in the moon's
giant trees. (ROTJ, EA)
this was the name given to the native language of the Ewoks. There was no written form of the language,

as most lore was passed from generation to generation through stories and lessons. Linguistic experts
found that the modern Ewokese language was descended from the Yuzzum language. (EGP, UANT,
Ewsli, Jo
this Incom Corporation engineer was credited with the original design of the I-7 Howlrunner, which he
named after the vicious predators of the planet Kamar. (EGA)
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "librarian" or "record keeper", according to historian who
studied the Ithorian race. (GCG)
Ido's brother, Ewwen held the position of Mor Glayyd when Han Solo and Fiolla were trying to unravel the
Corporate Sector Authority's slavery ring. He was named the Mor Glayyd after his father was poisoned a
month or so before Han and Fiolla arrived, as part of the Corporate Sector Authority's plot to cover up
their slavery ring. Ewwen has the red-brown henna-colored hair which runs in his family, but is younger
and shorter than his sister. The other Mors wanted him brought down, in an effort to reduce the Glayyd
clan's power. The Corporate Sector Authority wanted him removed so that he could not implicate them in
the slavery ring. So, a plot was put together in which a seasoned gunman named Gallandro, posing as an
offworld visitor while working for the Corporate Sector Authority, tried to win Ido's favor at a reception. He
feigned anger, and struck her on the face. This was all a plot to goad her brother into a death-duel.
Ewwen either had to step down or fight. Either option was preferable to his maintaining the position of
Mor Glayyd and spilling the beans on the Corporate Sector Authority's slavery ring. Fortunately, Han Solo
intervened on Ewwen's part and made Gallandro back down. Ewwen then told Han and Fiolla everything
he knew about the slavery ring. (HSR)
an alien student of the Force, Ewyrin nearly succumbed to the Dark Side on Dantooine. (RC)
this was the designation of one of the TIE Bombers dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium
Falcon through the Hoth Belt, just after the Battle of Hoth. (TCG6)
this was the designation of one of the TIE Bombers dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium
Falcon through the Hoth Belt, just after the Battle of Hoth. (TCG6)
this was the designation of one of the TIE Fighters dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium
Falcon through the Hoth Belt, just after the Battle of Hoth. (TCG6)
this was a measurement of the amount of storage a computer system had, used during the last years of
the Old Republic. As a reference, the AA-1 verbobrain often used five exabytes of storage. (MJH)
this pseudo-religious event was concocted by the Hutts and the t'landa Til, for use in maintaining a calm
slave-labor pool on Ylesia. Described to pilgrims as contact with the Oneness, the Exaltation was actually
a physical manifestation performed by the t'landa Til. These creatures were able to use a throat pouch to
inhale air and expel it in sonic vibrations. The t'landa Til could manipulate the wavelength and force of the
vibrations by forcing air over cilia in the pouch, creating inaudible waves that affected the brains of other
sentients. In reality, male t'landa Til use the process to stir females into mating readiness when they are
in heat. The Exaltation revolved around the pilgrims receiving intense waves of pleasure and serenity
from a t'landa Til priest. Over time, the pilgrims became addicted to the Exaltation, and required it every
day in order to continue their lives. The Hutts and the t'landa Til were more than happy to oblige, for it
kept the pilgrims blind to the true nature of the work they performed. However, it was sometimes boring

for them, since the males got no pleasure out of it themselves. (TPS)
Exalted Torcaigne
this crime syndicate was based on the planet Attahox. They made most of their money controlling the
export of phosovane salts in the Rimworlds. (CSWDW)
Exar Kun War
this was a given used by certain historians to denote that portion of the Great Sith War in which the Jedi
Knights devoted their resources to hunting down Exar Kun and his apprentice, Ulic Qel-Droma. (KOTOR)
this ore-producing world managed to stay far from the front lines of the Galactic Civil War, while secretly
supplying the Alliance with materials. Following the Battle of Endor, Excarga became an active member
of the New Republic. Note that this planet is referred to as Excarga in Boba Fett: Crossfire. (SWJ7, BF2)
Exargan Mining Authority
this was the primary body which oversaw the wide variety mining operations that occurred both on
Exarga, and in the asteroid belts found in its neighboring space. Shortly before the Clone Wars, Exargan
was fined by the Mining Guild for doctoring their accounting records, when a shortfall of more than 200
million tons of doonium was discovered. (HNN5)
see Exarga (BF2)
an Alliance Mon Calamari MC80a cruiser used during the Galactic Civil War. (XW)
this starship construction corporation often modified Seinar Fleet Systems craft for personal usage by
non-military pilots. (GG8)
Exchange, The
this was the name of the criminal organization of Davik Kang, which was based on the planet Taris during
the height of the Great Sith War. The Exchange was perhaps the most powerful crime syndicate in the
Outer Rim Territories at the time, and was under the control of a being known only as the Compeer. This
being was later revealed to be Goto. (SWDB, KOTOR, LAWS)
developed by Merr-Sonn, this device was manufactured for scouts and explorers. The Excluder emitted a
wide range of subsonic and ultrasonic frequencies which could be tuned to discourage many forms of
wildlife from getting to close to the device. This allowed scouts to protect their campsites without harming
the local fauna. (GUN, SWJ6)
this was a branch of the Imperial Security Bureau answerable only to Darth Vader and Emperor
Palpatine. (THG)
this was the name given to one of the many podraces which wound through the caverns and energy
domes of the penal colony on Oovo IV, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
Executioner's Row
this slum was located on the outskirts of the town called Dying Slowly, on the planet Jubilar. (TBH)
Executive Results
this company served as a front for Syndicate One. On the surface, Executive Results claimed to be used
equipment retailers. However, the company actually hired all kinds of mercenaries and freelance
businessbeings to transport cargoes across the galaxy for the Syndicate, in the years following the Battle

of Endor. Executive Results also outiftted many of the mercenaries it hired, paying for five percent of
equipment costs and one-third of fuel and provisions costs. (SWJ8)
the Super-class Star Destroyer used as Darth Vader's flagship, the Executor was the first in a long line of
fearsome warships that descended from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. There are many rumors
surrounding the construction of the Executor: Many claim that the ship was built at the shipyards of
Fondor, while others contend it was built by an unspecified Kuat Drive Yards facility as reported in the
Imperial Defense Daily. However, the true Executor was built at Fondor. The Kuat ship was built under
the same name, but was later renamed Lusankya when it was launched. Note that the short story Small
Favors claims Vader took command of the Executor directly from Kuat Drive Yards, which contradicts the
Kuat ship's becoming the Lusankya. Equally enigmatic is the Executor's construction period. The only real
knowledge is that the ship was turned over to Darth Vader between his escape from the Battle of Yavin
and the Battle of Hoth. The plans to the huge ship were stolen by Luke Skywalker and Tanith Shire, but
revealed no weaknesses to Alliance technicians. The ship's name was given by Vader on its maiden
voyage, as it destroyed the Alliance outpost on Laakteen Depot while en route to Yavin 4. Its first
commander was executed by Vader for failing to complete a mission to eradicate the Massassi Base. It
was then placed under the command of Admiral Ozzel, during the search for the Alliance leading up to
the Battle of Hoth. It was Ozzel who brought the fleet out of hyperspace too far out from Hoth, alerting the
Alliance to the fleet's presense. Vader executed Ozzel on the spot, and promoted Captain Piett to
Admiral, and commander of the ship. Following a number of victories over the Alliance, the Executor was
finally destroyed during the Battle of Endor, when a concerted attack by Alliance pilots disabled the ship.
Without steering and navigation, it plowed into the surface of the second Death Star and exploded. (ESB,
the title given to the seven elite Dark Jedi appointed by Emperor Palpatine to carry out the plans behind
Operation Shadow Hand. (DE2)
Executor II
this was the designation of the second Super-class Star Destroyer built for the Empire. It was created at
the Kuat Drive Yards, during the same period as the Executor was being built at Fondor. In this way,
Emperor Palpatine ensured that at least one of the massive ships would be built. It was the Executor II
which was later renamed the Lusankya and buried on Coruscant. (CCW)
Executor-class Star Destroyer
an immense, heavy-duty Imperial Star Destroyer designed and built just before the destruction of the first
Death Star, the Executor-class Star Destroyer was essentially an 8-kilometer-long battle station. Note that
the official Star Wars Databank indicates the Executor-class Star Destroyer measured 12,800 kilometers
in length. Four of these huge capital ships were initially built by Kuat Drive Yards, displaying the depths of
the Emperor's coffers and his desire to flaunt his power. The initial Executor-class design was created by
Lira Wessex, and although it was deemed militarily impractical - several smaller ships could have
performed the same job - it was ultimately successful in support of the Tarkin Doctrine. It was most often
used as a command ship, and was manned by a crew of 279,144 accompanied by 1,590 gunners. Its
weapons systems included 250 heavy turbolaser batteries, 250 turbolaser batteries, 250 concussion
missile tubes, 250 ion cannons, and 40 tractor beam projectors. Darth Vader's command ship Executor
was the first of these ships to be commissioned and completed, although its exact origins remain the stuff
of legend. The ship was presented to the Dark Lord to assist in his search for the Alliance, in the wake of
the Battle of Yavin. Alliance forces often referred to this type of ship as a Super-class Star Destroyer, or
simply a Super Star Destroyer, since it was larger than anything they had ever seen. (ESB, ROTJ, ISB,
manufacturers of podracers and racing engines. (IG1)
Exelis Hunters
this band of criminals terrorized Strabin Sector, until the Ubese bounty hunter Arcuse captured the entire

band. (AIR)
the ruling class of individuals living on Bespin's Cloud City, the Exex forms the bureaucratic caste on the
outpost. The ranks of the Exex were made up of the business leaders who maintained headquarters on
the floating city, and was balanced by the city's Administrator and the Parliament of Guilds. (GG2, ISU)
this starship was an Imperial weapons and propulsion testbed built at the Black-15 shipyards during the
Galactic Civil War. It was a Dreadnaught-scale ship, and was part of the bounty of ships stolen by the
Yevetha, and was later renamed the Glory. (BTS, SOL)
ExGal Society
this under-funded, independent exploration company sponsored several remote outposts at the fringes of
the galaxy during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. They hoped to be the
first to report on life from beyond the known galaxy. (VP)
this was the name given to the ExGal Society's outpost on the planet Belkadan. Fifteen members of the
ExGal Society were dispatched to Belkadan to maintain the ExGal-4 listening post. It was established
three years before the start of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and was destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong in
order to draw attention away from their base on Helska. (VP)
Exhaust Nacelles
the tapering spouts located at the end of a starship's engine blocks, these devices are used to
concentrate the engine's thrust to provide maximum velocity generation. (SCRE)
Exhibition Day
this was the name given to a day of training and competition among the trainees at the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Students were given the chance to show their
skills in a variety of events and tests, alone or in small groups. (DOH)
Exis Convocation
this was the name given to the meeting of the ancient Jedi Knights, ten years after the Great Sith War,
which was called by Nomi Sunrider and held on Exis Station. The Jedi met to discuss the recent events of
the Sith War, and what to do about Ulic Qel-Droma. (TOJR)
Exis Station
Nomi Sunrider called a convocation of the Jedi Knights on this station, located in the Teedio System, ten
years after the Great Sith War. The Jedi gathered to discuss how to repair the rifts opened during the
War, and how to continue their order. The meeting became known as the Exis Convocation, and it
became a large part of the lore of the Jedi. Over the centuries, Exis Station was eventually abandoned,
and it began to drift closer to its closest star, Teedio, as its power supplies dwindled. During the last
decades of the Old Republic, entrepreneurial miners established a base on Exis Station, and used the
Station's proximity to Teedio to collect all sorts of ion and solar-flare energy. Smaller modules were
connected to the main hub by an assortment of tunnels and tubes, and Exis itself began to look like a
rayed star. Teedio's unstable makeup produced incredible bursts, and the miners made huge profits.
When Teedio became too unstable, though, the Station was abandoned again. The Jedi Knights, who
had maintained a vast library and storehouse on the station, took their treasures and scattered them
throughout the galaxy. During the early decades of the New Republic, Tionne discovered the location of
the station from Fonterrat, and there she met Luke Skywalker for the first time. Together, they managed
to push the Station's degenerating orbit outward, saving Exis Station from destruction and giving the Jedi
time to explore its secrets. The exact location of the Jedi library was never found, although the Mage
known as Orloc pretended that his laboratory was able to tap into the Force energies of the ancient
library. (TOJR, SWJ15, KB)

this vast estate was owned by Doman Beruss. The family estate of the Beruss clan, it occupied a large
section of Imperial City on Coruscant, some 300 kilometers southwest of the Imperial Palace. It was
essentially a walled city, containing two parks, a forest, a meadow surrounding a small lake, and twentyone huge buildings. Among the focal points of Exmoor is Illodia Tower. The primary residence consists of
seventy rooms, and it occupied by no fewer than 30 members of clan Beruss at any time. (TT)
the title given to the highest-ranking officer in the Corporate Sector Authority, the ExO runs the Direx
Board. The ExO originally made decisions based on consultation with the Direx Board, but the ExO has
recntly been given final authority to act without consulting the Diredx Board. The ExO is chosen from a
number of candidates who come from outside the ranks of the Direx Board, thus ensuring that
corporations cannot suddnyl gain control of the Direx Board. The candidates usually are selected from the
current crop of Viceprexes. The ExO serves until death or a no-confidence vote from the Direx Board
which is seconded and ratified. (CSA)
this was the legendary world prophesied by Deamos Na-Coth. It was an ancient paradise hidden
somewhere in the galaxy. (KO)
Exobiology Institute
this biological research institution is located on Coruscant. (SOL)
this world is the primary planet in the Exocron System, located in the Kathol Outback and hidden within a
gas cloud. Much of the population of the Outback is unaware of the existence of Exocron, since it is
located within a nebula of gases that interfere with most sensor systems. Most star maps of the Outback
fail to show Exocron, which is just as well for the planet's inhabitants. The planet was originally settled by
colonists of the Cabal, who fled the hypocrisy and "plastic society" of the Core Worlds during the early
time of the Old Republic to find the world of Exo. Their ship, the Exocros Cabal, was damaged in an
asteroid storm, and wandered the galaxy until it found Exocron. The planet was named for their ship, and
the colonists destroyed their ship and set up a guardian force to keep it safe for future use. In the
meantime, the majority of the colonists began living off the land and keeping to themselves. The
guardians became known as the Devisors, and became the upper of two social castes. Any new
technology had to be approved by the Devisors before it could be made available for general use. The
splitting of the social structure was not easy, though, and many small battles erupted between factions
who wanted more control or more freedom. A series of unification wars swept the planet in the years just
prior to the Battle of Yavin, re-establishing the position of the Devisors. Jorj Car'das retired to Exocron
after running into the Aing-Tii monks. (SOP, KO)
Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet
this was the second generation of the Exocron Airfleet, as it grew to include the protection of the space
surrounding Exocron, and not just the immediate atmosphere. It was still commanded by Horzao Darr,
some fifteen years after the Battle of Endor. (VOF)
Exocros Cabal
this ancient colony ship was commissioned by Deamos Na-Coth and The Cabal to search for the
legendary planet of Exo. The colonists consisted of some 2,000 beings whose families believed deeply in
Na-Coth's writings and teachings. When the ship emerged from hyperspace into a stray asteroid storm, it
was severely damaged. The captain and much of the crew were killed, and the colonists splintered along
varying interpretations of Na-Coth's writings. The ship continued to function, though, and was pursued by
pirates. Finally, the surviving engineers aboard took control of the situation and decided to find a planet
that was far from the pirate lanes and safe enough to live on. They eventually found the planet Exocron,
which was named for the ship. (KO)
this planet is the homeworld of the Exodeenian race. (TNR)

this alien race is native to the planet Exodeen. They are a predatory race, with six arms and six legs
supporting a strong body and long tail. Their wide mouths were fillde with multiple rows of sharp teeth.
Exodo II
it was on this black-lava-covered world that Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca discovered the
remains of a New Republic scout cruiser, destroyed by the Needle ships commanded by Dzym and Seti
Ashgad. The planet was the homeworld of the ghaswar species. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the
galaxy, Exodo II was briefly defended by the Empire before theYuuzhan Vong managed to capture the
planet. (POT, FH1)
Exodrive System
developed for use on planets where the environment was dangerous to most vehicular drive systems, the
exodrive system from Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation was entirely enclosed. This meant that
no part of the ship's interior was exposed to the outside atmosphere, ensuring that chemicals and dust
could not get inside and damage the drives. The exodrive systems used sophisticated repulsorlift engines
and electromagnetic field generators to produce lift and propulsion, but this system also produced a large
amount of waste energy. This waste energy, in the forms of radiation and drag-stream ionization, was
simply expelled from the drive system, since it was designed to work in hostile environments anyway.
Exo-protein Wafers
this was a form of military rations produced during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ3)
this Calamari ocean creature is considered a delicacy. (SWJ9)
Exotac Arms
this small weapons manufacturer produced a variety of civilian-use weapons. (WSV)
Exotic Entertainers' Union
a consolidated group of dancers, consorts, and prostitutes which provides support when interfacing with
crimelords and businessmen. (SE)
Exotic Exhibit
this bar and club on Nar Shaddaa advertised live dancers at nearly every hour. (THG)
Exotic Items
this small shop, located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, features a wide variety of strange, beautiful, and
expensive items from across the galaxy. It even carried a working lightsaber, purchased from a woman
named Shavree. (GA)
Exoticalia Pet Emporium
this was the front business set up by Drend Navett and Klif in Drev'starn, during the time they were
planning to take out the city's shield generator. As dealers from Fedje, they sold all sorts of exotic
creatures as pets. (VOF)
Exovar, Luskin
this man was considered a living legend by many scouts, explorers, and adventurers. Born on Lessuris,
he joined the Scout Service in his early teens and made a name for himself by discovering entire sectors
of unknown space. His travels became the fodder for a number of tall tales, although these were often
beyond the actual truth of the matter. Exovar eventually retired to Neftali, where he went into busines by
opening up Exovar's Emporium. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Exovar was considered a little
insane, but he nevertheless could be an incredibly smart and witty friend. (WSV)
Exovar's Emporium

located on the planet Neftali, on the far side of the planet from Cordel Cove, this business was owned and
operated by Luskin Exovar. The most memorable feature of the facility was the head of an Imperial ATAT which guarded the entrance, taken by Luskin when he defeated the walker with just a laser cutter. The
starship entrance to the Emporium was guarded by Ion Alley,and visiting ships were parked at Luskin's
Landing. Within the Emporium, vistiors were presented with a variety of stores and interesting sights,
including artworks by Furva Keill, armor from both the Imperial Royal Guards and the Thyrsus Sun
Guards, and a half-dozen actual Jedi lightsabers. Visitors to the Emporium were encouraged to leave
behind a personal effect, adding to the vast collection of unique items on display. (WSV)
an insectoid bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa, he helped Boba Fett and Dengar track down Han and Leia
when they were on the planet. (DE1)
EXP-7 Predator
this experimental weapon was designed by Exotac Arms, and was developed for hunting large game.
Only three were produced: two were tested in Exotac's labs, while the third was given to Kaori Batta for
field testing. It was a cumbersome weapon which could inflict devstating damage, and could take down a
charging bantha if aimed properly. (WSV)
this was the designation of the first Predator blaster rifle produced by Exotac Arms for public sale. (GUN)
Expanse, The
this area of Tapani Sector was known for its ore-rich worlds, which were held by the various noble
houses. Its capital, and the capital of Tapani Sector, was based on the planet Procopia. During the height
of the New Order, it was estimated that there were 345 nobles families which made up the population of
The Expanse, broken into Houses. There were seven major Houses which were formed from these
families: the greater Houses of Mecetti, Cadriaan, and Melantha; and the lesser Houses of Barnaba,
Pelagia, Reena, and Calipsa. Each House has a certain amount of voting power in the Great Council,
depending on their current status. (PGT)
Expansion Manifesto
this document was attributed to the noted explorer, Reidi Artom, who was believed to have written it some
200 years before the Battle of Naboo. In it, she implored future readers to seek out a way to live in
harmony with new races and new worlds, rather than simply stripping them of resources and abandoning
them. The document was uncovered by Mother Kasslan of the Tarasin during the early stages of the
Clone Wars, and sparked a welath of discussion and controversy in the Cularin System. (LFCW)
Expansion Region
an area of the galaxy once known for its manufacturing plants and heavy industry under the Old Republic,
it was originally an experimental sector governed by the corporations working in it. Many of the
corporations working their began to take liberties with the worlds they owned, abusing the populace and
stripping entire worlds of their natural resources. When word of these atrocities reached the ears of the
Old Republic, control of the area was turned over to the Senate. Many of the corporations balked at this,
for it reduced the role of the corporations in governing the systems. In order to placate the corporations,
the Old Republic set aside a group of uninhabited systems in the Region for use by the corporations, and
thus the Corporate Sector was born. This area of the galaxy was responsible for much of the growth
experienced in The Slice. It has been in an economic decline ever since, although the Corporate Sector
continues to bring in huge profits. (RPG, CSA)
Expansion Week
a holiday celebrated throughout Tapani Sector, Expansion Week comes just before the upper class
Capital Season. It fell between the months of Selona and Telona. (LOE, PGT)
Expansionist Period
a time of galactic exploration just prior to the birth of the Old Republic, the Expansionist Period quickly
followed the invention of stardrives which allowed people to quickly travel between planets. The

Expansionist Period reached its height following the invention of the hyperdrive, and led directly into the
formation of the Old Republic. (HSL)
Expeditionary Battle Planetoid
developed by Raith Sienar, this huge warship used an immense hypermatter reactor to power its
hyperdrives and its large, central laser weapon. The design was eventually taken by Wilhuff Tarkin and
used as the basis for the first Death Star. (RP)
Expeditionary Library
this immense, underground library was maintained by the Chiss Epxansionary Defense Force, and
contained written information on virtually every planet, moon, and star system ever encountered by the
Chiss. It was unusual, not because it was underneath the ice, but because every volume contained in the
Library was hand-written. This ensured that all the information was safe from computer glitches or power
failures, reducing the overall power demands of the Chiss people. Without computers, unique search
processed were developed to efficiently locate data in these books. When Luke Skwyalker arrived on
Csilla to ask permission to traverse the Unknown Regions in search of Zonama Sekot, the leaders of the
Chiss society would not allow him free access. However, they offered him two full days of research in the
Library. (FH2)
this Old Republic scout ship was famous for the number of wild and inhospitable planets its crew
discovered. (AIR)
a Carrack-class light cruiser assigned to Kirtan Loor. (XWN)
Exploding Fungus
the Yuuzhan Vong used this plant to deforest large portions of the moon Yavin 4, during their invasion of
the galaxy. A variant on the exploding fungus - this was the New Republic's name for it - was used to
cover the cityscape of Coruscant and begin breaking down the structures there, following the Battle of
Coruscant. (EL1)
Exploding Star
a ride found at Hologram Fun World, it simulates a trip through extremely hot, exploding supernovas.
Exploration Corps
this branch of the Jedi Knights was essentially a traveling training academy, despite its name. During the
Old Republic, the ExplorCorps was made up of Jedi Padawans and their instructors, and provided these
students with a chance to experience other cultures and civilizations first-hand. Many students
encountered species they had never seen before, while others met species that no one had ever
encountered. The ExplorCorps provided Jedi trainees with the chance to experience all the diversity of life
throughout the galaxy, while reinforcing the belief that all species shared the same needs, desires, and
dreams. The starship Chu'unthor served as the primary vessel of the ExplorCorps for many years, until its
loss at Dathomir. (WOTC)
Exploration Corps
this branch of the Imperial Navy was charged with the exploration of known parts of the galxy, in search
of worlds which could suppply resources or personnel. (SWJ11)
Exploration, Military, and Merchant Services
this branch of the Old Republic was dedicated to educating and producing the galaxy's best starship
pilots. The Corulag Acedmy was one of it premier facilities, until it was nationalized by the Empire. (E1A3)
see Exploration Corps (PJSB)

this was Hydrospeare's submergible exploration vehicle. The Explorer was designed at the request of the
Empire, which was looking for an amphibious assault vehicle. The Hydrospeare design was unable to
create a craft which was swift underwater while mobile on land, so the Empire funded the underwater
piece. The 9.1-meter long craft is only 6 meters in height, and much of that is in the legs. This meant that
the crew space was minimized, making operation close and cramped. Operation of the Explorer required
a pilot, co-pilot, and a pair of gunners. The Explorer was propelled on six legs, and was armed with a
turret-mounted Arakyd 5-XV cannon and a Taim & Bak SC4 cannon. A Siep-Irol SensAll sensor array
provided data about the Explorer's surroundings. (CFG, AIR)
the Explorer is a series of 15-meter-long scout ships developed and built in Incom Industries during the
height of the New Order. A highly-automated craft, the Explorer series required a pilot and the exploration
crew to operate, and could carry up to five metric tons of cargo. (WBC)
this space boat was owned and operated by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. It was assigned to
the rescue team which was dispatched to Sedri to recover Mors Odrion. The ship had a wedge-shaped
main fuselage, with three combination engines attached at the rear. These engines served as sublight
drives, but could also operate underwater. These engines were supplemented with a system of
repulsorlifts, and a hyperdrive rounded out its multi-environment propulsion systems. It required a crew of
6, and could transport up to six passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo. The Explorer was armed with a
pair of double laser cannons. (BGS)
Explorer Craft
a small, jet-like craft used by Han Solo and Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon. (WSB)
Explorer Droid
any droid that was manufactured to enter unknown territory and determine its inhabitability. LesTech built
a number of explorer droids during the Old Republic. These droids were equipped with seismic sensors,
motive sensors, electromagnetic sensors, infrared and visual sensors, two manipulatory arms, and a
specimen hopper. The LesTech explorer moved about on treads, and stood about 1.3 meters tall. These
droids were sent to a planet's surface in a remote shuttle, and were often destroyed while surveying
hostile worlds. (RASB)
Explorer's Guild, The
located within Exovar's Emporium, on the planet Neftali, this relaxation chamber was known as a "home
away from home" for scouts. (WSV)
Expo Starliner
this starship was a huge ship, much larger that a Koqus Starliner. (SOL)
this scorched ball of rock was the innermost planet of the Chandrila System. (CCW)
Express-class Shuttle
a Hapan ambassadorial transport ship. (L)
Exquisite Death
this Yuuzhan Vong warship was under the command of Duman Yaght when it was dispatched to capture
the Stardream and take possession of the Jedi Knights being transported in its berths. The Jedi were
housed in the Exquisite Death's holds and transported to Myrkr for use in testing and feeding the voxyn
which were bred there. With the help of several YVH S-series droids, the Jedi were able to overpower the
Yuuzhan Vong crew and fly to Myrkr. However, their "secret" mission was discovered by the alein
invaders, who allowed the Jedi to reach Myrkr in order to capture them. In a small shuttle, all the Jedi but
Ulaha Kore fled the ship. The Bith remained behind, ostensibly in an effort to flee back to Eclipse. The
ship was unable to escape the Yuuzhan Vong picket lines, and Ulaha Kore was forced to surrender. She

did not go peacefully, however, detonating the Exquisite Death just as several matalok cruisers captured
her. (SBS)
this Victory-class Star Destroyer served the Imperial Fleet until Pash Cracken and his Academy buddies
defected to the Alliance. The Star Destroyer tried to cut off their escape, but they managed to destroy it.
Extent Systems
manufacturers of interstellar cargo storage shells. (XW)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was built at the Kuat Drive Yards during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ9)
this was the name of the Bothan fire fighting team stationed in Drev'starn, on Bothawui. (VOF)
this race of aggressive warriors tried to take over large portions of the sector in which they lived, during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Known as the Extorin Minor Skirmishes, these battles for territory
were eventually halted by the Jedi Knights. (GMR8)
Extorin Minor Skirmishes
this was the termused by historians to describe the Extorin race's attempt to expand their territory by
forcibly evicting the natives of neighboring worlds. The Extorin were eventually defeated by the Jedi
Knights. (GMR8)
Extragalactic Society
see ExGal Society (NJOSB)
Extreme, The
this was the name used by spacers who worked in the Elrood Sector, to describe the section of the
Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route between Torina and Derilyn, during the Imperial occupation of the Sector. It
was so named because that area of the Sector was heavily patrolled by Imperial ships, and because
Derilyn was under Imperial interdiction. (PG3)
Extrictarium Nebula
this bright pocket of nebular gas was located south of the Perlemian Trade Route, far from any minor
hyperspace lanes in a remote section of the Outer Rim Territories. (WOTC)
EXVR-1 Guardian Grid
this was the name of an ion generation field produced during the height of the New Order. Known as an
ion defense grid, the EXVR-1 was essentially a durasteel tunnel lined with wide-pattern ion cannons. The
EXVR-1 could unleash a barrage of intense ion energy on any ship passing through it, rendering the
electrical and computer systems of the craft inoperable and, in many cases, permanently damaged.
E'Y-akh Desert
this desert was one of many that were located on the planet Geonosis. (GORW)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "young" or "youthful". (GCG)
Eyar Ahtram
this Sullustan female was a noted entertainer during the last years of the Old Republic. When the Clone
Wars broke out, she joined Jasod Revoc's Galactic Revue and traveled across the galaxy to entertain the
troops of the Grand Army of the Republic. Although not generally well-known, Eyar Ahtram was a rising

star whose songs had begun to appear on the Galactic Top 40,000 list. It was on a trip to Drongar that
she met and became attached to Den Dhur, who was a famous reporter on their homeworld of Sullust.
After a brief courtship, Eyar asked Den to join her as a mate, an offer that Den gladly accepted. Note that
the name Eyar Ahtram is really Martha Raye spelled backwards, in honor of the noted entertainer. Also
note that this character is initially referred to as Eyar Marath. (MJH)
Eyar City
this sewers of this city were populated by a variety of criminals and rebel cells, since they were rarely
swept by either Eyar Treatment Systems or the local law enforcement agency. (HAS)
Eyar Marath
see Eyar Ahtram (MJH)
Eyar Treatment Systems
this corporation was charged with cleaning and maintaining the huge maze of underground sewers
beneath Eyar City. ETS was often underfunded by the local government, and could barely keep up with
the continual work of cleaning the sewers. (HAS)
this was a common name among the Myneyrsh race. (UANT)
Eye in the Sky
this was the nickname of Kystallio's Detection Plus RMD-20 long-range surveillance remote. (EGW, GFT)
Eye of Death
this was the Basic translation of the name of the Eye of Deth. The stone had nothing to do with death, but
was stolen from Deth Korakill by Nil Spaar. (CCW)
Eye of Deth
named for Deth Korakill, this lagre green gemstone was stolen by Nil Spaar when the Yevetha warlord
killed Korakill during the Great Purge. (CCW)
Eye of Koda
this ancient artifact resembled a heavy, diamond-shaped amulet. It was named for Krin Koda, the scout
who found it originally after stumbling upon a remote planet. The world became known as Koda's World,
and after landing he discovered that the native Tempestro were being killed by a known disease. After
administering the antidote and curing the Tempestro, they presented him with the Eye, as they were
unaware of its power. He believed it was a map to a planet which held the ultimate in wealth and power.
The small particles suspended within the amulet do indeed map out the location of a planetary system,
although Krin Koda never found it. Several legends surround the actual benefit to be gained on the
planet, the most common of which requires the holder of the Eye to gain entrance to a temple on the
planet and stand on the altar within it. If this is accomplished, the holder will gain the ability to move
unseen among his fellow beings, and gains a mastery over them. Krin Koda himself disappeared before
finding the temple, and misfortune seemed to follow anyone else who found the amulet. A group of scouts
found the Eye on Vengler, shortly after the Battle of Endor, and raced the evil magician Dhar Bullwin to
Koda's World to discover its abilities. The map within the Eye leads to Koda's World, and was meant to be
a way for the modern Tempestro to discover the knowledge of their ancient ancestors, should they ever
regain the civilization they once had. The temple contained all the knowledge and power, hidden within its
stone walls, and only the most worthy beings would be able to benefit from them. (GG8)
Eye of Palpatine
the specially-designed starship Eye of Palpatine was basically a huge dreadnaught hidden inside an
asteroid-like shell. The moon-sized craft could travel hyperspace until it neared a target, then drop into
normal space. It would then swing into the destination system as a piece of space debris. It automated
firing controls could then unleash a huge gout of firepower, capable of destroying an entire planet. In
overall length, the ship was larger than a Super-class Star Destroyer. As part of the mission of the Eye of
Palpatine, special stromtrooper squadrons were dropped on hostile worlds in the Outer Rim Territories

and told to await pick-up by the new starship. They were never told what to expect, let alone that the
Emperor Palpatine himself was the only personal holding all the cards. When the Jedi Knights discovered
Palpatine's plans for the Eye of Palpatine, they sent Callista Ming and another Jedi to disabled the craft.
Callista sacrificed herself to the ship's automated defenses as the other Jedi escaped. She then used the
Force to lock herself into the computer's automated firing controls. In this position, she was able to
counteract The Will of the ship and keep it from being reactivated by incoming Imperials by destroying
any approaching ships. Over the years, with Palpatine's involvement as Emperor and his death at Endor,
the various stormtrooper groups died or were killed by indigenous life. Callista remained resident in the
firing control section of the computer core. When Luke Skywalker, Cray Mingla, and Nichos Marr went to
the Moonflower Nebula, they activated the Eye of Palpatine's proximity alarms, and Callista fired on them,
stranding them on Pzob. This somehow set off the Eye of Palpatine's seek-and-recover systems, and it
wnet about its preprogrammed mission. However, it could only collect native life-forms, not the
stormtroopers it should have. Various life-forms were then subjected to the Eye of Palpatine's
brainwashing indocatrination and turned into stormtroopers. The brainwashing included the implanting of
false images portraying the Jedi Knights as murderers and plunderers. (COJ)
Eye of Shiblizar
this old Ulig Abaha Dimel attack ship was modified by Zlarb and Magg for use as a slave transport. Magg
was able to locte it through Espo channels from his Corporate Sector Authority offices. Measuring 95
meters in length, the Eye of Shiblizar could carry up to 660 metric tons of cargo. Its cargo bays were also
capable of carrying up to three pinnaces, which would account for 60 metric tons of cargo. The ship was
modified to including heavier weapons and a more modern drive system. It is armed with ten double-laser
cannons, an ion cannon, and a tractor beam projector. Slaves were never actually delivered with the Eye
of Shiblizar, however. Zlarb and Magg would rendezvous at a pre-arranged location with a ship they
would "hijack." The slaves carried in the Eye's holds would be transferred to the "hijacked" ship, which
would be released once it was loaded. Zlarb and Magg would then move off to pick up their next load of
slaves. The Eye of Shiblizar was manned by a crew of 23, with 43 gunners and a security force of 34
troopers. (CSA)
Eye of the Needle
this section of Beggar's Canyon on Tatooine is a narrow slot-shaped canyon filed with jagged, tooth-like
rocks. (SE)
Eye of the Pirate
this was the name of the red star which was visible from the planet Corellia, as the last star in the
constellation known as Drall's Hat. (REC)
Eye on Cularin
this was one of the most popular talk showws which aired on the Cularin Central Broadcasting company's
HoloNet feeds, during the last decades of the Old Republic. For many years, the show as hosted by Yara
Grugara, until her vapid style of interrogation became embarrassing to herself and the network. She was
eventually re-assigned to other reporting capacities. Her final interview was was San Herrera and Nia
Reston, who had written a treatise on the rights of droids. When the pair became more and more
important during the Clone Wars, Yara was brought back for a special, follow-up interview. (LFCW)
Alliance starfighter pilot slang term for a TIE Fighter. (XWN)
this was a mixed, alcoholic drink favored by beings of the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. It could be served fizzed or atomized, although the fizzed version was considered
a drink for occasional drinkers. (SBS, TG)
Eye-eye Snake
this unusual reptile was native to the moon of Sulon. One large eye dominated the snake's head, while a
secondary eye in the tail allowed it to monitor what was going on behind it. This provided the snake with a
way to continually view its surroundings. (RAG)

Eye-flower Seaweed
this animated oceanic plant is found on the planet Hapes. The fronds of the plant lay motionless in the
water until a boat or animal stumbles into them. Then, large red flowers seem to bloom from the plant,
opening to reveal eyes. The eyes help the primitive mind locate the intruder, and the seaweed uses the
talons which stud its fronds to catch the prey. The seaweed is a cunning hunter, although its overall
intelligence is minimal. (L)
this is one of the two major newsgrid services available to the natives of the planet Utharis. It is regularly
available on the Utharis Gridlink. (TT)
this was the nickname of one of the Alliance's most unusual information contacts. It was rumored that
Eyes was a member of an alen race exterminated by Emperor Palpatine and the Empire, although this
has never been proven. Of course, it's never been proven because no other member of Eyes' species has
ever been encountered, and he wasn't telling. Whatever the case, Eyes appears to be a humanoid
creature whose thin body is topped with a thick stalk from which protrude more than twenty eye-stalks.
Each stalk has a fully-functioning eyeball in its socket, and Eyes can view a complete 360-degree area at
one time. Eyes lived in the Snakes' Den area of Camden, spending much of his time at the Jade Simian.
There, he (although no one has ever determined Eyes' exact sex) brokers information which he usually
then sells to the Alliance. Eyes maintained his own personal grudge against the Empire, and it was
rumored that he also had an affinity with the Force. It is known that Eyes used his mysterious abilities to
hunt down and kill an Imperial customs officer in cold blood. (CRO)
Eyes of Mesra
this device was rumored to be able to predict the future, but ultimately became nothing more than a
child's toy. They were quite popular on backwater worlds such as Tatooine, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (IG1)
this modified Barloz-class freighter was owned and operated by Mal Biron. It was armed with a turretmounted quad laser cannon and a pair of ion cannons, and was equipped for long scouting missions. The
ship was named for a Shistavenan female Mal Biron once romanced, and was equipped with an X10-D
droid brain. (SSR)
this beautiful red bird was native to an unspecified planet in the Ottega System. It was named for its habit
of swoping down on a being and pulling out their eyes with its talons. The bird belived it was simply
rescuing its eggs, which were shaped and colored like eyeballs. The eggs of the eye-snatcher were
considered a delicacy whenever they were hard-boiled, a fact which led to increased boldness in the
attacks of eye-snatchers. However, eating a nest full of hard-boiled eye-snatcher eggs often meant
consuming a real eyeball or two. (E1A7)
this Imperial Moff was in charge of the Wornal Sector during the Galactic Civil War. He and Moff
Prentioch were constantly at odds with each other, as they tried to expand their own personal territories
following the Battle of Endor. (SWJ2)
Eyrie Base
this was one of the many Alliance bases that came to aid the survivors of the Battle of Hoth. It was
located on the planet Karatha, situated in the depths of a great, ancient sink hole. The walls of the sink
hole had solidified over time, forming limestone cliffs. The base was later abandoned after Niall Pedrin
allowed himself to be captured, after a tracking device was implanted in his arm. (SWJ8, SWJ10)
Eyttyn, Kol
this man served as a Wing Commander aboard the New Republic carrier-cruiser Thurse, during the New
Republic's battles with the Yuuzhan Vong. During the struggle to recover the Queen of Empire near

Bilbringi, Eyttyn and his squadron discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong starships were capable to making
calculated microjumps through hyperspace in a fraction of a second. (HT)
this planet, found in the Khuiumin System, was the homeworld of the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates. (SWSB)
Eyttyrmin Batiiv
a band of pirates from the Khuiumin system who wreaked havoc in the galaxy during the early years of
Palpatine's New Order. They maintained a small armada of 70 starfighters, 50 star yachts, 28 corvettes,
and a number of civilian ships; the fleet numbers more than 140 ships. They were wiped out in an attack
by the Empire: 8,000 pirates started the battle, 272 emerged from it. (SWSB)
a moisture farmer on Tatooine, he toiled the air currents about the same time as Owen Lars and Ariq
Joanson. Eyvind felt that Ariq's beliefs in a peaceful human-Jawa-Sand Person existence were foolish.
When Eyvind became engaged to Ariela, she helped Eyvind understand Ariq's dreams a little better, and
Eyvind allowed Ariq to invite some Jawas to the wedding. The two were married on the same day that
Imperial stormtroopers destroyed a Jawa sandcrawler and the Lars homestead in search of R2-D2 and C3PO. The Jawas were grateful for the invitation, and brought a great many gifts. Unfortunately, a group of
young Sand People out to prove their adulthood attacked the reception, killing Eyvind and carrying off
Ariela. Eyvind left his farm to Ariela, which she and Ariq agreed to tend, when it was safe again. (TME)
EZ 2-1B
this malfunctioning medical droid lived deep within the Port Town section of Cloud City. EZ 2-1B made a
living by performing illegal cybernetic operations on beings, mainly giving them incredible computer brains
for the storage of information. Many of the outpost's infochants sent their employees to EZ 2-1B for these
operations, although the droid never offered a guarantee. (GG2)
this food analyzer was produced by SuriTech Foodstuffs during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
this Noghri served as one of Leia Organa-Solo's bodyguards during her mission to the Chorios Systems
to meet with Seti Ashgad. Although Leia had removed the Noghri from their service to her, a warning
about the trip had caused herto summon Ezrakh and Gshkaath to accompany her and supplement her
honor guard. Like most every other being in the small group of ships that accompanied Leia to Chorios,
Ezrakh was killed by the Death Seed plague. (POT)
this grizzled old man was a moisture farmer who lived on the planet Tatooine during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. When a team of Alliance agents tried to help Hagk Baht, Ezrim vehemently denied
knowing them. (WOA6)

this small fusion cutter was manufactured by SoroSuub for use by starship technicians and mechanics. It
could be used to slice through metals, plastics, and wire, and qas also equipped with a bit for punching
small holes. (EGW)
F1-series Droid
developed by Cybot Galactica, this four-legged companion droid was designed for use by scouts and
explorers. Canine in shape, the F1 droid was equipped with a heavy grasping jaw designed for holding
without crushing. The head of the droid contained video, audio, and olfactory pickups, as well as a
communications uplink and movement sensor package. Additionally, the F1 was equipped with
programming and skills to pull its owner out of harm's way in case of an emergency. (GG8, FTD)
this is the designation of Comar's light ion cannon. Many tramp freighter captains installed this weapon on
their ships, since it was a relatively inexpensive way to disable an attacking ship. (GG6)
F2-series Droid
this second-generation exploration droid was manufactured by Cybot Galactica. These droids were
known to be loyal, dedicated, and moderately clever in their ability to solve problems. (ROE)
this droid worked as a protocol on Cloud City until the prototype X0-X1 took control of the city. X0-X1 also
took control of F-3PO and forced the droid to execute Doctor Issan Len. F-3PO retained enough of its
original programming to regret the murder, but was powerless to stop X0-X1. (CCC)
this is the designation of Comar's medium ion cannon. It was more powerful than the f-2, but not as
strong as the f-6. (GG6)
one of the medical droids evacuated from the Alliance's Echo base on the Bright Hope. F4-7 was 2-1B's
medical assistant. (TBH)
this modified IG-series droid was a member of the Rebel Four. F4-MF, along with the rest of his
companions, was killed on Vatleria by Darth Vader. F4-MF was pulled apart by the Dark Side of the
Force. (T9)
this is the designation of Comar's most powerful ion cannon, designed for use on transport ships and bulk
freighters. (GG6)
Kuat Drive Yards drop ship, the F7 is affectionately known as the Landing Brick. It is a 60-meter troop
transport ship that is used to get troops from an orbiting capital ship to a planet's surface. They are
minimally shielded and armed with only a single laser cannon. They are equipped with huge, short-burst
drive systems that operate only upon landing. The drop ship free-falls to the surface, and the engines kick
in just before impact. This allows the ship to entry a planet's atmosphere nearly undetected. (DFRSB)
this series of valet/translator droids was produced by Cybot Galactica. They were capable of translating
over 3,000,000 languages via a TranLag II communication module. (TA)

this tall, spindly, copper-colored droid was owned by Garris Shrike. Shrike programmed the droid to keep
a running tally of the credits brought in by the children who worked for Shrike. Each child was given a
territory to work on Corellia, and F8GN's job was to make sure each child brought in the proper amount.
F8GN was in need of repair almost constantly, as indicated by the patchwork of small plates and welds
on its body. F8GN's vocabulator didn't always work right, and alternated between a metallic shrill and a
deep, unctuous boom. F8GN's eyes were fitted with different colored lenses, giving the droid one red eye
and one green eye. (TPS)
this was the designation of Comar's heavy ion cannon. (FOP)
this humanoid pilot droid was owned by Count Dooku, and was used as the pilot of Dooku's solar sailer.
this was one of the less-popular transport ship designs produced by the Corellian Engineering
Corporation during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It measured just 28 meters in length, and could
transport up to ten passengers and 100,000 metric tons of cargo. (GMR5)
one of several species of scalefish native to the oceans of Naboo, the faas had stiff, armored bodied
which were narrow and tall. This allowed the faa to inhabit thin crevices in the rocks, as well as allowing
them to catch prey which hid in the crevices. (IG1, WSW)
Faal, Kelan
this Hapan man was a member of Grov Bricker's pirate crew, working aboard the Mourning Glory during
the height of the New Order. Faal was related by birth to the pirates that patrolled the Transitory Mists. As
the ship's navigator, Faal used the same routes over and over, once he knew that they were reliable and
safe. On one trip, however, the crew encountered a gravity mass-shadow that dragged their ship out of
hyperspace on the edge of the Transitory Mists. The pirates were captured by the Star Home, and
brought to Hapes for interrogation. It was during this time that Kelan provided a wealth of information to
Bricker and the crew on the traditions of Hapes, which were decidedly matriarchal. Kelan also tried to
dispel some of the rumors associated with Hapan culture, although Bricker chose to ignore most of it.
After they were intercepted by the Star Home, Bricker allowed Kelan to assume command of the
Mourning Glory, in the hopes of avoiding and confrontations. Their ruse failed to produce any good
results, and both were thrown into prison. Ta'a Chume herself threatened to kill Kelan, unless he provided
information on the whereabouts of Prince Isolder. Kelan had no idea where Isolder was, but he also
believed that the Ta'a Chume wouldn't kill them. This was of little solace to Bricker, since he had no idea
what Kelan was thinking. However, Faal was unprepared for the Queen Mother's desire to kill them both,
and their execution nearly succeeded. Only the intervention of Lady Elliar saved them, when she
managed to throw a gun of command to Faal. It was then that Faal revealed his true identity, that he was
actually Prince Isolder himself. With the gun of command, he shot the Queen Mother and ordered her to
free Captain Bricker and his crew. Although Isolder was forced to remain on Hapes, the pirates were
freed to leave. Captain Bricker later wrote down his experiences in the story Planet of the Amazons: The
Tale of the Pirate Ship Mourning Glory. (PH)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "a cool breeze on a warm day".
this gas giant was the seventh planet in the Zug System. It was orbited by 14 moons. (PH)
Faarl the Conqueror

this is the name used by Faarl, a young man from the planet Korlings. Often called the Child Conquerer,
Faarl was the eldest son of a noble family of Korlings, and was barely sixteen when Emperor Palpatine
was killed at Endor. He started out his career as a pirate, raiding the defenseless worlds of Wild Space.
By the age of nineteen, he had conquered seven or more primitive planets located in the Parthovian
Cluster. He was feared on the planets he conquered, especially in the Parthovian Cluster. He preys
mainly on planets with small populations and limited defenses. He established his base of power on the
planet Pochi, in a citadel known as Fortress Baarlos. (WBC)
named for Faarl the Conquerer, this yellow-white star is the central body in the Faarlsun System of Wild
Space. (WBC)
a manufacturing company which produces many of the emergency escape pods used in capital ships.
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
this avian creature was native to the planet Dantooine. It resembled a winged balloon, with a large,
swollen body supported by small wings. They tended to avoid the bilba trees while flying, in order to avoid
getting stuck in their branches. The native Dantari often skinned the fabool and tanned their hides for use
in making bags and clothing. (GOF11, DTO)
Fabrennix Oxygen Extractor
this device was used to extract oxygen from underground water or water vapor sources. It used a meterlong probe to dig down into the surface of a planet or planetoid, extracting individual molecules of water in
order to collect enough to drink. (GFT)
Fabreth Medical Biochemicals
this corporation produced a wide range of portable medical supplies, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. (GFT)
this city, the capital of the planet Malthor, was a hotbed of rebel activity during the Galactic Civil War.
Fabrillan had a large contingent of Reigats during this time, depsite the Empire's control of the city. (CRO)
this city, located on Thorgeld I, is the site of the Mandel mansion. (GG9)
a manufacturing company which produces many starship systems, including sensor packages and target
tracking devices. (TLC, SCRE)
this was the nickname of the Mark IV patrol droid IM4-099 which patrolled Mos Eisley, during the months
leading up to the Battle of Yavin. (SWSE, BTM)
this was the code name of the rebel terrorist group on the planet Esseles. They operated on the fringes of
the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and were responsible for bombing attacks on several Imperial
outposts, including Grande Hyet and Tralee. (SWJ9)
this was the name of Thune's jury-rigged YT-1300 starship. After Thune was overpowered by Kaj
Nedmak and Thune's droid, U-THR, Kaj took possession of the ship and renamed it the Starlight Red, in

honor of Celia Durasha. (SWJ14)

this Charon was one of the many members of the splinter group known as the Cult of Light. (UANT)
Facility, The
this was the name of the topmost section of Vergesso Base, and contained the primary spaceport,
business services, and defense systems. (SPG)
Dellaltian organization charged with investigating the actions of suspected individuals. (HSL)
this creature is native to the planet Kashyyyk. The flesh of the factryn is used by Wookiees in meat pies.
this planet was settled by Duros explorers during the early centuries of the Old Republic. (GMR2)
this name, which meant "arrives early", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
this Rodian claimed to be a sales representative for the Tredwall company, and sold many a poorly-built
droid to unsuspecting buyers. He often worked on the Vohai Unirail, peddling his cheap knockoffs. (FTD)
a Saheelindeeli Han Solo employed as a gopher while working for Grigmin on the planet Saheelindeel.
Like others of her species, she is a bow-legged primate covered in thick, green fur. She was a con artist,
and owned her own aircraft, the Skybarge. She is fond of smoking odoriferous black cigars and chewing
chak-root. (HSL)
Faenarm, Morna
a former professional athlete, this dark-skinned woman witnessed first-hand the decadence and evil of
the Empire while playing on many Imperial worlds. She decided to help the Alliance in any way she could.
Upon retiring from sports, she joined Incom Industries as an accountant. She developed a network of
contacts within Incom, including many upper-level managers, and was able to obtain information of great
importance to the Alliance on a regular basis. She provided the information through a series of dummy
accounts she established. (CRO)
this Snow Demon worked with Colonel Odan to fight back against the Imperial forces controlling the
planet Akuria Two, during the height of the New Order. (PZZ2, MCI4)
Fahjani Tohvar
this Herglic was noted in the history of the planet Giju. (UANT)
this plant, native to the waters of Pallaxides, was bred by Ort Hoogra-D'En to dampen the sensor
emissions of his base on the planet. (ND)
this Wookiee slaver was an associate of Dayla Kev, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He
worked with his partner, Friyahrr, and delivered a group of Hoojibs to the Galactic Horizon to assist Dayla
in exacting her revenge on Milac Troper. (GMR6)
Fahs Oxsor
this famous smuggler was an Issori, and was known for his flamboyant escapades against the Empire.

His family was almost fanatical in their political beliefs, but Fahs was overwhelmed by their beliefs and
fled Issor to pursue a life of adventure. He joined Toob Ancher aboard the Glory as a gunner and first
mate. Fahs retired to Redcap are more than ten years of evading the Empire, and took up the work of a
miner. (SWJ5, SWJ13)
this world was the sixth planet in the Derilyn System, and was important because of its vast ore deposits.
Fahul was a cool, rocky world with a pair of moons. (PG3)
Faile, Hendric
this man was the commander of the Kathol Republic's defense fleet in the years following the Battle of
Endor. He was searching for the Lance of Endor while the FarStar was searching for Moff Sarne. When
the Bravado III was attacked by Treidum's crews, Faile captured the FarStar by mistake, and impounded
them on Dayark. He ordered them to stand trial in front of Chandra Hobat, the Republic's president, who
eventually freed them after they expsoed the plans of Sho'ban DO. (KO)
Failey Club
this was one of the most exclusive, private clubs found in Tapani Sector. It was located on Estalle Island,
on the planet Procopia. It was unusual in that it did not favor one noble House over the others. (LOE)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Fain, Sedret
this man served as the head of the Bureau of Science and Travel, based on the planet Duro, during the
years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. He secretly embezzled BST funds in an effort to create his own
mercenary force, hoping to capture Alliance operatives on Duro and earn himself a promotion to Imperial
Advisor, or a posting on Coruscant. He strived to ensure that his operation was insular enough that he
received all the credit, to help bolster his position in any such capture. His first chance came during the
rescue attempt on Serrol Gathip, who had been trapped by Fain's thugs. A team of Alliance agents
arrived to rescue Gathip, and Fain sent his thugs to capture them. However, the thugs were no match for
the trained Alliance soldiers, and they were quickyl defeated. Fain himself, seeing his plans disintegrate,
fled Duro and went into hiding. (RESB)
Fain, Thul
this former Imperial pilot, who served under Tanbris, left Imperial service and went to work as a smuggler
and gambler. He went to work for Jabba the Hutt, and was well-known for betting on how long victims fed
to the rancor would last. (CCG7)
Fair at Bolgoink, The
this was the first of the major interclan fairs staged by the Gamorreans, held annually during the early
season of Slushtime. (SWJ14)
Fair Gale
this SST-67 transit shuttle made regular runs from the surface of the planet Naboo during the last
decades of the Old Republic. On one fateful trip, it experienced severe trouble in the planet's ionosphere.
the Habeen shuttle used to rendezvous with the Shamus and the Imperial shuttle Nexus when the
Habeen discussed the sale of their hyperdrive technology with Admiral Zaarin. (TIE)
these ethereal beings resembled floating Jawas, and used the name Fairfolk to describe themselves to
Luke Skywalker when he first encountered them on Dantooine, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Strong in
the Force, the Fairfolk used telepathy to communicate with Luke. Unknown to Luke, however, the Fairfolk
were actually agents of Darth Vader himself. They used subtle manipulations to lure Luke into their midst,

then helped Vader establish a mental link to Luke through the Force. In this way, Vader was able to
communicate with Luke and begin bending the youth's mind to the Dark Side of the Force. Through the
Fairfolk, Vader tormented Luke with simple tricks of the Force, drawing Luke toward using the Dark Side
in anger and frustration. Vader, stationed on the Star Destroyer Conqueror, maintained a link with the
Fairfolk despite orders from the Emperor to return to the rest of the fleet. However, the intervention of
Leia Organa, who had been searching for Luke, broke the trance of the Fairfolk and allowed Luke to
return to himself. (3D3)
Fairweld Casino
this luxurious gambling establishment was located on Estalle Island, on the planet Procopia. (LOE)
Fairwell Station
this space station was known to have ties to the Alliance, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Fait d'Fait
a planet located in the Rayter Sector, between Tintel and Azna. (CRO)
Fajji, Danna
this short, chubby man was the Baron-Administrator of Hologram Fun World during the period
surrounding the Battle of Yavin. He was noticeable by his scruffy red beard and outgoing demeanor. He
allowed Borborygmus Gog to construct the Nightmare Machine on Hologram Fun World, primarily
because he was unaware of the true nature of the machine. At the height of the Empire's New Order, he
began projecting holographic "visitors" around the park, to give the illusion of attendance. He had been
trying to sell the amusement park, but Imperial oppression had severely reduced the number of beings
who traveled to the park. (GOF4)
Faka Rann
this was Yuuzhan Vong named adopted by Garik Loran, during Luke Skywalker's attempt to infiltrate the
planet Coruscant, shortly after the planet was captued by the real Yuuzhan Vong. (EL2)
this planet, located in the system and sector of the same name, was part of the galaxy under Imperial
control during the Galactic Civil War. It was where some of the Empire's wealth was stored. Voren Na'al
once operated as an Alliance spy in the Fakir System, posing as a special agent to Moff Lorin of the
system during the infiltration of an information network on Halowan. (SWSB, MTS)
Fakir Sector
this area of the galaxy was located just outside the Core Worlds, and contains several hundred planets.
Some 50 of these worlds produced intelligent life forms by the era of the New Order and the Galactic Civil
War. (SWCP)
this was the third planet in the Obas System. (IA)
Fal Tivvik
this Yuuzhan Vong served as an advisor to Yoog Skell, during the years before the aliens invaded the
galaxy. She was Escalated by Ch'Gang Hool, but the Escalatier Ceremony resulted in a "flaw" in her
transformation. Fal Tivvik was relegated to the Shamed Ones, although Yoog Skell later blamed Ch'Gang
Hool's incompetence - rather than the disfavor of the True Gods - for her disfigurement. (DW)
Fal, Morana
this notorious criminal was last sighted on Lanthrym, wearing a suit of prototype JX4 armor stolen from
the Soruus System. (GUN, SWJ3)
this Sedrian female was the daughter of the renegade priest Karak, but was unaware of her father's

ambitions until he was driven out of Fitsay by Cardo. She was also a priestess of the Golden Sun, and
served as her father's high priestess after he fled Fitsay. She believed that Karak had fled the city in order
to find a way to free the Golden Sun for all Sedrians. The Alliance team sent to rescue Mors Odrion was
brought to Karak's settlement by Pek, and they were able to convince Fala that her father simply wanted
the Golden Sun for his own use. The discovery of Karak's plans to share the Golden Sun with the Empire
turned Fala away from her father. She joined forces with Pek in an effort to ensure the Golden Sun was
available to all Sedrians. After defeating her father and scattering pieces of the Golden Sun across Sedri's
oceans, Fala and Pek were married, and together they worked to restore Sedrian society to its former
state. (BGS)
Falaco Don-DeMardo
this General Manager of Marqua Spas fired his assistant manager, Tarin DeHallo, after she hired Jantaa
Binx. Binx began performing the Floubette dance in the middle of the traditional Panelan Fest, and
disgusted the attendees. Although DeHallo claimed she didn't know Binx was human, Don-DeMarco
escorted her off the premises with only a box to carry her belongings. (SWJ9)
Falaem Onn
this red-skinned humanoid was a member of the Rebel Four. Onn, along with the rest of his companions,
was killed on Vatleria by Darth Vader. Onn himself was incinerated by the Dark Side of the Force. (T9)
Falanthas, Mokka
this individual served as the Minister of State for the New Republic, during Leia Organa-Solo's tenure as
Chief of State, replacing Senator Q-Varx. (SOL)
a light Mon Calamarian cruiser operated by the Dimoks during the Sepan Civil War. It was destroyed by
the Empire. (TIE)
Falasian Liquid Crystal
this unusual form of gemstone appeared to be made from liquid stone, because its wondrous patterning
seemed to move and reshape itself. (GFT)
one of Thrackan Sal-Solo's Human League officers, he held the rank of Captain. He was in charge of
monitoring Dracmus' parole. (AS)
an Alliance Lambda-class shuttle the Ackbar used to escape from the compromised Project Shantipole
near Roche. (XW)
an Alliance modified CR90 corvette that was destroyed while trying to disable the Harpax so that Admiral
Harkov and the Protector fleet could escape and defect. (TIE)
Falconi, Shamus
this native of the planet Algor was born to a family of highly successful pirates and smugglers. However,
the abilities seemed tied to the females of his family. His grandmother was a successful pirate, and his
mother and sisters were equally successful. He lacked their abilities, and turned to smuggling instead. He
used the starship his grandmother had left to him, the 300-year-old PB-950 known as the Lumrunner, to
travel the galaxy, but the ship was in constant need of repair. He won't ever reveal who he came to meet
his partner, Grasheel, but the pair manage to keep the old ship flying. He has cultivated a wide network of
informants and friends who kept him employed, primarily in the Mestra System It was here that he started
running guns for Dutan Lee, and came under the notice of Captain Alijah Orr. He has managed to keep
out of Orr's way, thanks to the help of Port Captain Renea Luies. (SWJ9)
Falcor's Runaway
this moderately-priced cruise liner takes visitors to various Outer Rim sites. (GG9)

Falco's Spear
this ten-meter-long, repulsor-equipped wind-rider was owned by Ray Carantar. He used every connection
he had to get the craft entered in the wind-rider race during the Festival of the High Winds, shortly after
the Battle of Hoth. Carantar allowed a team of Alliance agents to act as his pit crew, while the agents
infiltrated Sevarcos to locate and rescue Carter Escalon. The Falco's Spear was held together with
chewing gum and bailing wire, but it was Carantar's pride and joy. (SWJ12)
this Imperial Sergeant served under Ryko Vant on Jerne. (CSWDW)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Faleur, Reina
this woman was a member of the New Republic's Supply and Ordnance division, and held the rank of
Lieutenant shortly after the Battle of Endor. Tycho Celchu tried to fix Wedge Antilles up on a date with
her, during a stop-over after Rogue Squadron returned from Eiattu. She agreed to the date, and had to
fight off the attentions of Wes Janson while exercising. (XWMR)
Faleur, Sera
this woman married Gavin Darklighter several years after the Battle of Bilbringi. Sera was the social
worker who was working on Gavin's plans to adopt two young boys, and they wiuckly fell in love.
Together, the couple adoped the two boys, who were Coruscant natives and orphans of the campaign
against Grand Admiral Thrawn. They later had a daughter before Gavin was promoted to Commander of
Rogue Squadron, before Sera gave birth to a third son and a second daughter. Sera was a native of
Chandrila, and grew up on the shores of the Silver Sea. During the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, she
took her children and remained hidden on Chandrila, while Gavin commanded Rogue Squadron in battle.
this was one of the larger Hutt kajidics, or clans. Before Jabba the Hutt claimed Tatooine for the Desilijics,
the Faljozic clan controlled nearly one-fifth of the planet's criminal activities. The Faljozic clan was also
responsibel for the shipping activities that took place on the desert planet. (SOT)
this young man was a boyhood friend of Dodo Bodonawieedo. They grew up in the streets of Mos Eisley,
frocking Jawas and running information for the Shawpees. They eventually were hired as informants by
Jabba the Hutt, but Falk was soon caught eavesdropping on Bib Fortuna. The Twi'lek reported him, and
Jabba had Falk executed. (MTSE)
this gas giant was the fifth and outermost world in the Genesia System of Brak Sector. It was orbited by
nine moons. (FBS)
Falken, Rorax
this renowned physicist was one of the multitude of scientists and engineers whose work was
incorporated into the first Death Star. When he discovered that the Empire had put his well-intentioned
ideas to use in a weapon of mass destruction, he suffered a massivebreakdown. Falken was confined to
a repulsorchair from that point on, and became very secretive. He was easily noticed by his repulsorchiar,
but also by his wild, unkempt, gray hair. After retiring to Mrlsst, Falken's work became the founding
influence for the band Ghost Jedi. His music has been praised throughout the galaxy as precise yet
emotionless, much like the scientific work he performs. During the New Republic's struggle for control of
the Phantom Project, Falken's lab was attacked by Imperial forces under the command of Loka Hask.
Falken was killed in the crossfire between Rogue Squadron and Hask's troops. (XWPA)
Falken, Sef
this boyhood friend of Bal Jaset grew to become one of Jaset's most trusted advisors. Lord Vaskel Savill

ordered Falken to eliminate Annora Calandra, shortly after they first met on Vilhon. The assassination
was thwarted by a group of Alliance agents hired by House Cadriaan to infiltrate Savill's plans. (LOE)
Falkenharn Repulsors
this corporation produced several models of repulsor-equipped luggage carriers and baggage transports
for use in spaceports, during the height of the New Order. They developed carts for personal use, such as
the Mark V14, as well as transports for carrying luggage between shuttles. (GFT)
Fall of the Sun, The
a famous novel written by Erwithat. (COJ)
Fall Topas
this Polneyi female was Platt Mallar's mother. She was a beautiful plant biologist on Polneye. (BTS)
Fall, The
this was the ancient term used to describe the fall of the Sith Empire, when it crumbled apart some 5,000
years before the Battle of Yavin. (TOJC)
a group of beings which originated on Lucazec, the Fallanassi eventually became a quasi-religious order
made up of various species. The Fallanasi were originally formed by a group of Force adepts who
followed the way of the White Current, another name for the Force. The original Fallanasi had no desire
to physically affect their surroundings, and their knowledge of the White Current eliminated all aspects of
physical manipulation using the Force. Instead, they focused on the mind, spirit and body, and how these
three entities formed a single individual. This flowed into the ways in which numbers of individuals formed
the eddies and whorls of the White Current. The Fallanassi were the subject of Imperial pursuit during the
Galactic Civil War, for Palpatine wanted to control their Force-like powers. The Fallanassi fled Lucazec
some two years before the Battle of Yavin, and scattered throughout the galaxy. They have an innate
ability to change names, appearances, and habits in order to blend in with their surroundings. This has
allowed them to evade Imperial pursuit on the various worlds they fled to, such as Teyr and Atzerri. Most
of the Fallanassi had relocated to planets in the Koornacht Cluster, and were subjected to the executions
of the Yevetha during the Black Fleet Crisis. A few realized the danger, and sent the Star Morning to
recover any and all survivors. Following the Battle of N'zoth, the remaining Fallanassi fled the Cluster and
hid themselves, hoping to recover from their losses and regain their strength and unity. (BTS, SOL,
this Twi'lek was a minor crimelord on the planet Alvorine, during the early years of the New Republic.
Fallanji was, at one time, a member of Krova the Hutt's organization. When Krova was captured by
Langro Dis and held by the Republic, Fallanji offered to provide any information needed to convict the
Hutt, so long as Fallanji himself could take over Krova's small empire. Note that this character is also
referred to as Fallonji. (GMR5)
this planet was the homeworld of the Falleen race. In the years following the Battle of Naboo, Falleen
experienced a boom in the construction of factories and manufacturing facilities, as corporations found it
was cheaper to maintain such facilities on remote planets. Later, during the early years of the New Order,
Darth Vader set up a bacteriological research outpost on the planet. When a highly-destructive bacterium
got loose, Vader acted without remorse. He ordered his ships in orbit to raze the laboratory and the city
surrounding it. Vader wiped out the bacterium, along with an entire city and over two hundred thousand
Falleen. Among the dead were Prince Xizor's parents, a brother and two sisters, and three uncles.
Decades later, Falleen fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, shortly after the destruction of the Fondor shipyards and
Hosk Station. (SE, MA, BP, JQ9)
a reptilian alien race characterized by their cool, calculating demeanor. They despised mammalian races
as inferior to their cold, reptilian cousins. They were covered with small scales, and often had a topknot of

hair on their heads. Their scales change color with their emotions, and they exude intense pheromones
when they want to. The males use these pheromones to attract females. The Falleen are humanoid in
stature, and have clawed fingers and toes. Their ancestors lived in the water, and most Falleen litters are
birthed in the water. They have evolved into what some consider the most beautiful of all humanoid races.
As a people, the Falleen existed in a feudal society, with noble houses ruling over lower classes of
artisans, workers, and slaves. Rather than become wrapped up in learning about the galaxy at large, the
Falleen chose to remain introverted and refine their already "superior" culture. Then, about ten years
before the Battle of Hoth, Darth Vader eliminated a great portion of the Falleen population in order to stop
the spread of a bioweapon which had been tested on the planet and had been set free. In reaction to
these murders, the Falleen withdrew even further from the galactic community. After the Yuuzhan Vong
invaded the galaxy, the Falleen were forced to flee the alien invaders, who subjugated their homeworld
shortly after the Battle of Fondor. (SE, AE, BP)
this was the native language of the Falleen race. (UANT)
Falleen's Fist
Prince Xizor's personal skyhook on Coruscant, it was destroyed during the space battle over Coruscant
between Xizor's forces trying to intercept Leia Organa and the Alliance. The battle attracted the attention
of the Imperial fleet under Darth Vader, who concentrated his fire on Xizor's forces instead of the Alliance.
Vader wanted thwart Xizor's attempts to kill Luke Skywalker, and chose to have Luke escape. Vader
opened fire on Xizor's skyhook when Xizor failed to call in his ships. It is believed that Xizor was killed on
the skyhook. (SE)
Fallen Warrior Cantina
this rundown cantina was located in the north quadrant of the city of Tel Bollin, on the planet Endregaad,
during the early years of the New Order. During the time that the Endregaad Plague was still virulent, the
Fallen Warrior was a refuge for those beings who wanted nothing to do with the Corporate Sector
Authority, which had blockaded the planet and erected a relief center on the south side of the city. (TF)
Falling Rodian
this cantina was located on the Tolea Biqua space station, near the planet Genarius, during the last years
of the Old Republic. (WOA4)
Falling Star Saloon
this rustic establishment was located on Starlyte Station. Like most of the station, the Saloon was held
together with parts salvaged from the rest of the station. The bar was formed from repliwood, and filled
one entire quadrant of the Saloon. (WSV)
Fallon, Kern
this Senior Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy served as Admiral Greelanx's aide aboard the Imperial
Destiny. (THG)
Fallone, Hahz
depending on who you talked to, this man was known as a shrewd businessman or a consummate crook.
He had strong ties to the business community in Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa, and was suspected of
being the leader of a criminal organization. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, he was rumored to
have possession of the Black Sphere, and a bounty was placed on its return. The natives of Eckless had
been subjugated by Fallone's forces, and forced to mine ores and minerals for Fallone's own use. The
natives rebelled, and managed to unseat Fallone's position of power. However, Fallone stole the Black
Sphere before he left the planet and fled back to Chazwa. He used the money he obtained from the sale
of the ores and minerals to bankroll his operations on Chazwa, and grew steadily richer. However, he was
pursued to Chazwa by Rusha and a group of bounty hunters searching for the Black Sphere. During the
hunt, it was revealed that Fallone had used ships and men from Jorga Sune's group to work on Eckless,
under a truce which Fallone reneged on as soon as he had the Black Sphere. When Fallone learned that
Rusha was looking for him, he used her bounty on the Sphere to help eliminate Jorga Sune. He also had
Rusha killed in the process, thereby eliminating all threats against him. (ND)

this Rodian was living on the planet Sriluur, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. He offered a
group of Jedi supporters a large sum of credits to allow him and his droid, 9T-LOM, a chance to escape
from Peace Brigade goons. He was obviously wealthy, but carried himself as something of a commoner.
Nevertheless, the mercenaries managed to get him to his ship, the Gilded Thranta, and they all escaped
to Coruscant. Along the way, the mercenaries learned that Falloon was actually the Rodian accountant
Soolehad. (WOA13)
Falls of Dessiar
a beautiful, scenic location on Ithor. The natives, as well as off-worlders, visit the site for its peaceful,
relaxing qualities. (COJ)
this Alliance Lieutenant accompanied Leia Organa on a mission to evacuate the base on Arbra, shortly
after the fleet was hidden within a pyramid of Kerts-Bhrg field generators near Arbra's star. (LTA5, MC58)
this Krish served as one of Gamgalon's henchmen, and was the leader of most of the Morodin safaris.
Faln Horn
this was a woodwind instrument used in jatz music. (SWJ3)
this modified Corellian Engineering Corporation CR90 corvette was the flagship of Abin-Ral-Xufush's
Dark Wing pirate fleet. It was armed with four double turblaser cannons, an ion cannon, and a tractor
beam generator. The ship was taken from an Alliance force which patrolled the Outer Rim, and was
named for a Tiss'shar assassin Abin-Ral-Xufush had once courted. (PP)
this female Tiss'shar assassin was courted at one time by the pirate Abin-Ral-Xufush. (PP)
Falon, Mellora
this young woman graduated from a prestigious, scientific university shortly after the Battle of Naboo.
Shortly afterward, she claimed to have been part of an expedition to Uriek, where she befriended Granta
Omega. She developed an attachment to Sith artifacts after spending time with Omega, and later helped
him capture Anakin Skywalker. She revealed that she had taken Darra Thel-Tanis' lightsaber while on
Haariden, and challenged a drugged Anakin to a duel. Even in his stupor, Anakin nearly defeated her, but
Omega ordered his people to flee. Her devotion to Omega and the Sith was deep, but she overestimated
Omega's concern for her. When the pair was confronted on Haariden, as the Kaachtari volcano began to
erupt, Omega pushed Mellora off his swoop and fled to safety. She was rescued by Obi-Wan and Anakin,
and turned over to the Haaridan police for questioning. (JQ4)
this was a common name used by the Qwohog race. (UANT)
this smuggler used a pair of stun gauntlets as both personal protection and as weapons, during the New
Order. (GUN)
a plant which grows and edible fruit. The trees are found in Tatooine's oases. (TME)
this man served as a bounty hunter's expediter on the planet Revkinn V. For a small fee, Falovan would
help bounty hunters locate the most recently-placed bounties. (GG10)

this man was a noted security expert on the planet Garqi, during the early years of the New Republic.
this tall, blue-skinned humanoid male lived in the city of Tolea Biqua, on Cularin, during the last decades
of the Old Republic. An imposing figure, Falsswon had sharpened his black-rooted teeth to make him look
more fearsome. He was interviewed briefly by Melanda Forswoth, shortly before the Battle of Geonosis,
and asked several questions about the Caarite homeworld of Caarimon. He took exception to her
superficial questions, and pulled a blaster out of his clothing. He shot the camera which had been taping
the interview, and Forswoth was never seen again. The Cularin Central Broadcasting corporation later
recovered the camera and its recordings, and aired them in an effort to help locate Falsswon. (LFCW)
this huge beast resembles an elephant-sized horse, and was native to the planet Naboo. These highly
intelligent, powerful creatures roamed the swamps and plains of the planet in great herds, and their
distinctive bellowing call can be heard for kilometers around. Excellent swimmers, falumpasets could be
domesticated, and were used as beasts of burden by the Gungans. However, their temperment was
uniformly stubborn and uncooperative at best. (GF, SON, WSW)
this Yuuzhan Vong priestess worshipped Yun-Harla. It was Falung who took in Vergere, after Zonama
Sekot repelled the alien invaders' first attacks, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. Falung already had one
familiar, but Vergere promised to provide information about the galaxy in return for her life. This familiar, a
bird-like creature, had been taken from the galaxy, and was the only creature among the Yuuzhan Vong
who radiated any kind of presence in the Force. (DW)
a Dimok modified CR90 corvette used during the Sepan Civil War, as well as in battle against the Empire.
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
this giant creature, native to the planet Naboo, resembled a reptile but was technically an amphibian. The
fambaa was herbivorous and even-tempered by nature, but was fearsome in its appearance. They have
been domesticated by the land-dwelling Gungans as a pack animal, and can carry huge loads such as
the immense shield generators used to protect Gungan warriors. Before the Gungans moved to dwellings
beneath the water, there were no wild fambaas on Naboo. However, in their haste to escape the notice of
the Naboo, the Gungans abandoned small groups of fambaa, which eventually established their own
packs. Young fambaa was hatched in eggs, and were born with feathery gills that allowed them to live in
the water before emerging onto land. (SW1, GF, SON, WSW)
this was one of the House Vandron crusiers which escorted the Prominenceand the Ecliptic to Asmeru,
during the Old Republic's attempt to infiltrate the Nebula Front. It was the Famulus which relayed the
news of the Ecliptic's destruction to Coruscant. (COD)
Fan Gantree
this female Sullustan served as a communications engineer aboard the Esfandia Long-Range
Communications Base, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)

this long-bodied, cold-blooded amphibian is native to the planet Naboo. Their bodies are supported by
four short legs, and a fin-like dorsal spine runs along the length of their backs, giving them their name.
They are carnivorous, and a pair of huge tusks juts upward from their lower jaws. (GF)
Fanblade Fighter
this was the common name for the Ginivex-class starfighter that was produced by the Geonosians during
the height of the Clone Wars. (SWDB)
this is military slang for a crewman of a hovercraft. (SWJ9)
Fanciful Illusion
this was the name of a cracian thumper which was raced at the Heatherdowns Hotel and Track, during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TSIA)
a Chadra-Fan scientist working for DRAPAC on Project Decoy. He is severely wounded by the first
human replica droid created by himself and Fugo, and Fugo then continues working on it. (QE)
a pirate Captain known as the Pirate Prince, Fandar was, at one time, ranked as high a sixth on the
Empire's "most wanted" lists. He ravaged Imperial space, stealing whatever he could. He was employed
briefly by the Alliance, in an attempt to harass and disrupt Imperial shipping lanes. (RPG)
Fandi, Nort
this man lived aboard the BioCruiser, working as a shuttle pilot. He was dispatched to meet Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on Hilo, when the Jedi were asked to investigate the BioCruiser. (JAD)
Momaw Nadon's Ithorian wife, she lived and worked aboard the Tafanda Bay even while Nadon was
exiled from the planet. She greeted Hoole and his young charges, Zak and Tash Arranda, when they
arrived on Ithor to pick up supplies. She accompanied them to Mining Station Alpha as part of her own,
self-imposed punishment, and was taken aback to learn that the tomb which held the entity known as
Spore had been opened. She destroyed the mining outpost in an effort to kill Spore, but the entity had
already infected Hodge. They escaped to Ithor, but Spore attacked as soon as they were on the ground.
She later revealed to Tash Arranda that she was the individual who told the Empire about Spore's
existence, and that was why she made regular runs to Mining Station Alpha. (TME, GOF9)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
a musical instrument. (TME)
this was the name of the unaltered dinko Han Solo gave to Ploovo Two-for-One. (EGA)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this assassin droid was employed by Boddu Bocck as the guardian of his offices in Port Town on Cloud
City. The droid resembled a small All-Terrain Scout Transport, and was named for the metallic spikes
which filled its "mouth." (IDC)

this small, frozen world is located in Mortex Sector, and was the site of a hidden Alliance base. The base
housed the sector's headquarters deep in the icy crust of the planet. The planet was continually shrouded
in a white, icy mist that was formed from the ejecta of hundreds of icy volcanoes. The mists reflected all
light from space, making the planet appear to be a solid ball of white. The mists also disrupted
communications, so the Alliance established a listening post on the planet's only moon. The mists
themselves are poisonous to breathe, being laden with sulfur and other chemicals from the volcanoes.
The Alliance brought the captured Black Ice to Fangol, unaware that the Empire had placed a homing
beacon on the ship. The Alliance was forced to evacuate the base, but Lawra Mers proposed using the
Black Ice to ram the torpedo sphere sent to wipe out the base. The plan succeeded, giving the Alliance
an oppportunity to safely evacuate the base. (BI)
this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. It referred to a graceful sea creature that
was native to Mon Calamari. (GCG)
this graceful, herbivorous mammal was native to the oceans of Mon Calamari. (GCG)
Fanron, Dasha
this Lieutenant Commander served the New Republic as a customs officer in the Ison Corridor. He was
the first agent to successfully capture the Twi'leki slaver Slar-dan ti Gardi when the slaver attempted to
bribe him. (SWJ8)
this sour-faced Poldt was befriended by Jar Jar Binks during the Boonta Eve Classic podrace which was
won by Anakin Skywalker, although Fanta tried hard to ignore the Gungan. (TPM)
Fantain Mountains
this rocky mountain range, found on the planet Zaloriis, was noted for its leeward side, where several
forms of life evolved despite the planet's harsh environment and wind-swept surface. (GB)
a game of chance and skill played in most casinos. (SL)
Fantazi Mushroom
this wild mushroom was native to the planet Ord Cestus, and was noted for certain mind-altering
properties it had when cooked or processed. Although many knew that fantazi could cloud the mind,
when taken in appropriate doses it also sharpened the senses. (TCD)
this large fish was native to the planet Kamino, and was hunted for its tasty flesh. (TCD)
Far Cry
this dusk band was formed on the planet Tuttin IV, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Its founding members
included Ryley Ancum, Hannis D'lund, and Erik Lauderslag. (GMR6)
Far Distance
this northern polar region was one of the many Ferroan settlements on the planet Zonama Sekot.
Potential buyers of Sekotan starships were brought to the Far Distance in order to be united with seedpartners. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Zonama Sekot made a blind jump into
hyperspace to avoid the sabotage of Nom Anor. The Ferroans were forced to flee underground to avoid
the ecological damage that occurred on the surface. The planet's travels brought it extremely close to
several stars, and this proximity to stellar heat made the Far Distance fracture and melt away. (RP, UF)
Far Orbit
this Nebulon-B frigate was under Imperial control until one of its commanders, Dhas Vedij, staged a
mutiny and took control of the ship from Captain Kenit. Vedij then provided his assistance to the Alliance,

and used the Far Orbit to launch privateer raids on near-Core systems during the Galactic Civil War.
Far Orbit Project
this Alliance operation was based on a series of ideas and proposals from Ral'Rai Muvunc, and involved
using privateers to harass Imperial patrols and obtain supplies for the Alliance. The Alliance contracted
the services of Dhas Vedij and the Far Orbit to raid Imperial worlds and convoys in the Ringali Shell
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The project was considered by many to be a success, as Vedij and his
crew single-handedly captured Imperial Advisor Coh Veshiv, obtained a wealth of Imperial and corporate
cargoes, and pirated a huge cache of gems, spice, and artworks from the Star Galleon Emperor's Will. All
profits were split evenly between the Alliance and the crew of the Far Orbit. (FOP)
Far Outsiders
this was the Ferroan name for the Yuuzhan Vong. Unknown to most historians, the extragalactic alien
race had made its first foray into the known galaxy when it attacked the planet Zonama Sekot shortly after
the Battle of Naboo. The Jedi Knight Vergere, on Zonama Sekot to secure a Sekotan starship, discovered
that the Far outsiders seemed to have no connection to the Force. Despite the fact that the Far Outsiders
flew in starships which were organic in nature and similar to Sekotan starships, the planet rejected them
as did the Magister. The Far Outsiders retailated by attacking the planet from orbit, leaving much of the
southern hemisphere in ruins.However, Zonama Sekot managed to recover and fought back against the
Yuuzhan Vong, with the help of Vergere. Vergere then gave herself up to the Far Outsiders, in an effort to
stop the bombardment. The Far Outsiders agreed to Vergere's plan, and left the planet with her. A year
later, Zonama Sekot was attacked by Wilhuff Tarkin, and Sekot armed the planet's huge hyperdrives and
took it into hyperspace. (RP, DW)
Far Qasqi
this gas giant was the seventh and outermost planet of the Centares System, located in the Mid Rim. It
was orbited by eight moons. (WOA32)
Far Seeker
this decrepit luxury liner was the only ship that plied the only major hyperspace route through the Minor
Cluster, during the New Order. Its point of origin was on Travnin. (GG6)
Far Thunder
this Republic-class cruiser was part of the New Republic Navy task force assigned to Keyan Farlander,
during the destruction of Komm Karsh's fleet near Obroa-skai. In the fighting, the Far Thunder took heavy
damage to her hyperdrives. Captain Hannser argued to have the Far Thunder repaired, and General
Farlander eventually assented. It limped away with an escort, and was scheduled for repair when the
Yuuzhan Vong discovered its location. The crew was evacuated to the Whip Hand, which then fired on
the Far Thunder and destroyed it, leaving nothing for the Yuuzhan Vong to recover. (DW)
Far*Reach IV PQR
this Loronar starship was designed for use as an Imperial survey vessel. It measured 80 meters in length,
and was a bullet-shaped ship with two sets of wings. The first pair of wings was large, designed as cargo
holds. The smaller, rearward pair of wings acted as stabilizers. The Far*Reach was armed with four laser
cannons, and required a crew of six. (IC)
this is the astrogation catalog designation of the planet J't'p'tan. (TT)
Farana Sector
this area of space is located on the far side of the Corporate Sector from Atzerri. (SOL)
a gamepiece used in the game B'shingh. (TFE, SWJ8)

one of the native races of the planet Ab'Bshingh, the Farangs were almost constantly at war with the
Waroot race throughout their history. When the planet was discovered by the Empire, the many battles
were studied by the Imperial strategist Crat Dakerno, who was sent to subjugate the two races. Dakerno
used their complex maneuvers to create the board game known as B'shingh. (SWJ8)
Fara's Belt
located in the Rolion Sector, this area of the galaxy was the site of an Imperial base in that sector. The
Alliance hoped to attack it and make off before the Imperial knew what hit them, but Major Herrit had
planted false information, and was aware of the impending attack. The Alliance's General Dodonna was
in charge of the B-Wing attack, which was immediately surrounded and decimated by TIE Fighters.
Faraway-class Scout Ship
this sensor-loaded reconnaisssance craft was developed by the Old Republic during the height of the
Clone Wars. Its primary mission was to infiltrate areas of known or possible Separatist control, then obtain
all manner of information before returning to its home base. Each of these ships was equipped with an
R3-series astromech unit, to assist in piloting. (SWI76)
a Virujansian senator rescued from Captivity by the Alliance. (RC)
this was one of the pirates who served under Captain Naz Felyood aboard the Jynni's Virtue, during the
height of the New Order. Farber was eventually killed by the Korriban Zombies, and his dead body was
reanimated to join the zombies. (PH)
a term used by Leia Organa-Solo to describe the multitude of people she met as the young daughter of
Bail Organa. (SOL)
a planet captured by the Empire just before the Battle of Hoth. While in orbit around the planet, the Star
Destroyer Vengeance was undergoing minor repairs when Maarek Stele took a TIE Interceptor out for a
test run. He was wuickly caught up in the action when Admiral Mordon's shuttle was intercepted by
Alliance spies. Stele rescued the shuttle with some help, and was admitted into TIE Pilot training. (TIE)
Farbreini MicroElectronics Limited
based on the planet Coruscant, this jeweler produced a variety of showy pins and brooches which
employed micro-electronics and light-emitting matrices, during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
Fardreamer, Cole
this young man was a native of the planet Tatooine, and grew up after Luke Skywalker had become a
hero of the Alliance. Like many youths of his time, he grew up hoping to follow in Luke's footsteps. He
began tinkering with landspeeders and skyhoppers, making a name for himself as a repairman. His
dreams would have died, when he learned that much of Luke's success was due to the Force, except for
the taunts he continually received from his peers. Their jeers only hardened his resolve, and he left
Tatooine to become a mechanic for the New Republic on Coruscant. His abilities quickly earned him the
respect and admiration of his superiors, and he was generally regarded as being on par with the
Kloperians. It was Cole who was spotted by Skywalker, when he came to investigate the status of his XWing. Finding it dismantled for refitting, Luke demanded the Cole put it back together. In doing so, Cole
discovered a detonation device in the new flight computer. Taking the initiative, Cole investigated all of
the X-Wings, including the newer models. Similar detonation devices were in all of the New Republic's XWings, and despite the lack of support from the Kloperians, Cole persisted. He drew the attention of
Wedge Antilles, who understood what Cole had discovered, and allowed Cole to continue his
investigation. However, he became entangled with R2-D2 and C-3PO, and found himself in a stolen
transport destined for Telti. It was there that he discovered Brakiss' droid factory, and the detonators
being installed within them. He managed to get a message back to the New Republic, and got them to

deactivate their droids. With the help of R2-D2 and C-3PO, he was able to drive Brakiss's droid troops
away and forced Brakiss off Telti, eliminating the threat of more rigged droids. (TNR)
Farege, Wertram
this lithe, wily man was full of false bravado and swagger, but was really a coward at heart. Farege was
also a double agent who worked with both the New Republic and the Iskalloni who tried to gain control of
the galaxy. He tried to contract a group of Republic agents to transport droids, and during the trip he
sabotaged their ship. He then planned to deliver the ship to the Iskalloni, so that they could raid its
databanks of the locations of New Republic worlds. The Iskalloni could then move in and enslave the
worlds, after enslaving the agents. However, Farege was double-crossed by the Iskalloni, which enslaved
him as soon as they found the New Republic ship. Seeing that he had been used, Farege resisted long
enough to warn the agents of the impending Iskalloni attack. He was later rescued by the agents, and the
Iskalloni mutagen was removed from his system. (TSK)
Farell, Nalco
this man was the precinct director of the Thimwa district of Mallonore, on the planet Cmaoli Di, during the
height of the New Order. (SWJ12)
Farendress Defel Exports
this small corporation funded the production anf export of unusual pieces of technology produced by the
Defel race, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
this was a common name among the Toydarian race. (WOTC, UANT)
this legendary being was a naval Admiral, until his fleet mysteriously disappeared. Many an independent
spacer plying the Daragon Trail claimed to have seen the ghostly apparation of Fa'Rey's flagship,
although no evidence of the ghost ship was ever recovered. (DW)
Farfalla, Valenthyne
this elfin man was a noted Jedi Knight whose forces were sent to augment those of Lord Hoth in
preparation for the Battle of Ruusan. Like his father before him, Farfalla was a noble who joined the Jedi
Knights after being recruited by Pernicar's father. Because of his well-manicured appearance and his
galloen-like starship, Lord Farfalla was not known as a military threat, and even Lord Hoth despaired
upon learning that the future of the Jedi might depend on Farfalla's forces. Despite his reputation, it was
Farfalla who warned Lord Kiel Charny of Githany's impending defection to the Dark Side, saving the Jedi
Knight from death. Farfalla later saved Charny again, at Ruusan, riding his golden warship into battle of
defeat the attacking Sith. His arrival was not welcomed by Lord Hoth, however, who believed Farfalla to
be a foppish coward. Nevertheless, Hoth ordered Farfalla and his forces to leave Ruusan as soon as he
learned of Lord Kaan's thought bomb, allowing them to escape certain death. (JVS)
Farfeld II
this planet, located in the Farfeld System, was the site of an Imperial system patrol fleet of CR90
corvettes. The Alliance gained knowledge of the base and destroyed it during the Galactic Civil War.
this Ansionian was a member of the Unity of Community, during the months leading up to Ansion's vote to
secede from the Old Republic. A native of the Hurkaset province, Fargane was the tallest and most
educated of the four Ansionians who served the Unity, and was one of the members who didn't want to
see Ansion remain with the Republic. He hated the fact that the Jedi Knights had been dispatched to
Ansion to negotiate a treaty among the Ansionians, and resented the fact that the Jedi were given
unlimited time in which to do so. Despite his misgivings, he was among the nine members of the Unity to
vote in favor of Ansion remaining with the Old Republic, shortly before the Clone Wars. (APS)
Fargednim P'taan

a moderately successful drug smuggler operating after the Battle of Endor. He operated on the planet
Yetoom Na Uun, and his medium-sized operation was growing during the early years of the New
Republic. (COJ)
this was the native language of the Farghul people. (ANT)
this is the native sentient species found on the planet Farrfin. They are a felinoid race, covered in tawny
fur and having prehensile tails. They are fearsome fighters and cunning thieves, although they were
particularly intimidated by the Jedi Knights after the Jedi of the Old Republic tried to wipe out the
smuggling bases on Farrfin. Farghuls are also distrustful of most politicians, and tend to be slightly
xenophobic. However, among themselves or with friends, the Farghul were known to be mischievous and
playful, telling bad jokes and rigging games of chance to their own benefit. Despite the fact that any
Farghul who was caught cheating immediately turned over their illicit winnings and began to describe
their con, most other beings in the galaxy considered them con artists and thieves. (TTSB, UANT)
Farglblag, Dagga
this was the alias assumed by Dagga Marl, given to her by Thrackan Sal-Solo when they were
intercepted by New Republic forces which had retaken the planet Ylesia from the Peace Brigade.
Thrackan and Dagga had been fleeing Peace City, hoping to escape both Ylesia and the Yuuzhan Vong.
Their landspeeder was damaged in the flight, and they were apprehended by the New Republic's landing
team. Thrackan, under the alias of Ludus Fazum, claimed that they were engaged to be married, but had
fled as refugees to Falleen, where they had been captured by the Peace Brigade and enslaved on Ylesia.
this small-time spacer was a confederate of Pyrron Nox. (SSR)
Faris, Alek
this man was known House Pelagia's strongest diplomat and advisor during the Clone Wars, despite the
fact the he was a native of Brentaal. (PGT)
this swear word was used to describe any situation which was bleak or disastrous, as in ,"We're farkled."
this man served as the commanding officer of the Alliance's Eyrie Base during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. At the time, he held the rank of Colonel. He made the rest of the base very happy when he
finally managed to ship Commander Biros Baran off to a desk job on an Alliance safeworld. (SWJ10)
Farlander, Keyan
Keyan Farlander grew up on Agamar, and was indifferent to the ways of the galactic government until
Mon Mothma came to the planet to gain underground support for the Alliance. Farlander received a copy
of the A Call to Reason pamphlet, and it turned his mind to the Alliance. He joined up, and decided the he
wanted to be a starfighter pilot. As an untrained Alliance starpilot on his first mission, Keyan helped
recover important Imperial documents by disabling the Imperial shuttle Talon near Turkana. He proved
his incredible piloting skills there as well, and went on to become one of the Alliance's premier pilots. He
was instrumental in raids on a number of Imperial outposts, and was part of the team that fled to Yavin 4
to prepare for battle against the Death Star. While on Yavin 4, Keyan helped familiarize Luke Skywalker
on the controls of the X-Wing. He was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Yavin, piloting a Y-Wing
during the fighting and fleeing the destruction of the first Death Star with Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles,
and the Millennium Falcon. Keyan continued to serve the Alliance, and later the New Republic, as a
military officer and advisor. Because of his uncanny skills, Keyan was tested by Luke Skywalker for a
connection to the Force, which revealed that Keyan was possible Jedi material. He trained for many years
at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, and eventually earned the rank of Jedi Knight. By the time of the

Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Farlander had been promoted to General. He served under
Admiral Traest Kre'fey aboard the Ralroost during the period following the Battle of Coruscant, working to
implement the plans of Admirals Sovv, Ackbar, and Kre'fey. (XW, Y, SWI63, UF)
Farlander, Kitha
Kitha is Keyan Farlander's sister. She was in Tondatha when the Empire invaded the town, and was
severely burned. Keyan sent her to Oorn Tchis to live with her aunt and uncle, Mimya and Trinn. There,
she received medical treatment and was able to survive, although she had to undergo intense
rehabilitation during her first years on Oorn Tchis. (XW)
Farlax Sector
this area of the galaxy, containing the Koornacht Cluster, was defended by the Black Sword Command
during the Imperial Civil War. It was located in the Rim Territories, and was largely unexplored by New
Republic surveyors. Farlax Sector also contains the Hatawa and Kokash Systems, and accounts for more
than 2,000 inhabited worlds. Some 300 of these worlds were members of the New Republic before the
Yevethan Purge. (BTS, SOL)
this species of four-legged creature could grow to 1.5 meters in height. They were covered with thick
scales, and their wide heads were protected by bony plates. They are usually green in color, although
albino specimens have been collected. They smell awful, but are not kept for their companionship.
Instead, they are used as guardians and hunting beasts. In the wild, farleks, use their long, sticky tongues
to catch and ensnare their prey. (OE)
Farley, Rel
this man served as an assistant manager, working for Brodsport Mining Corporation on Danuta, during
the height of the New Order. Farley was also an Alliance sympathizer, and supplied backup information
supporting Kyle Katarn's alias as Dan Drexel, when Katarn infiltrated Danuta and the Imperial labs in Trid,
shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (SFE)
this is one of the three largest cities found on the planet Farrfin. Like Jahhnu and Geltyu, it is best known
for the criminal element which thrives within its borders. (TTSB)
this man served the Empire as a soldier and cook, working at the Krake Data Vault on Krake's Planet
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (MC63)
this New Republic warship was part of the Third Battle Group, and was assigned to blockade Wehttam
during the Yevethan Purge. (SOL)
this was one of the many clans of the Nosaurian race, which was native to the planet New Plympto.
Farlus Hawk
this raptor was native to the planet Alsakan. (GMR9)
this was Luke Skywalker's callsign as the leader of Saber Squadron, during the defense of Eclipse base
from attack by the Yuuzhan Vong. (SBS)
Farmboy One
this was Luke Skywalker's callsign during his mission to locate the planet Zonama Sekot, during the
height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)

Farmer's Folly
this seedy tavern is located as far from the starport as could be, while still being within the city limits of
Starpoint, on the planet Draenell's Point. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Farmer's Folly was owned
and operated by Kesha Weebe. (GMK)
Farmer's Landing
most of vohis mold processed and exported from the Gelgelar passed through these warehouses, located
in the vicinity of the Gelgelar Free Port. (PSPG)
a carbonite trader executed by Aleema and Satal Keto. (DLS)
Farnmir, Kalyn
this mercenary, distinguished by short-cropped hair and an evil smile, often visited Coruscant's Outlander
Club, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (OWS)
this gang of youths from Mos Eisley was supposed to be the spaceport city's swoop gang, but none of the
members actually owened a swoop. The closest thing to a swoop was the Starhawk speederbike owned
by Franklin Scott. They were basically an honest, unthreatening group of youths - definitely not your
typical swoop gang. (GG7)
this alien race had a large, round body covered with short fur. Their small limbs and bulbous appearance
betrayed an incredible strength. Their heads were emphasized by short snouts and orange eyes. (TNR)
this man was part of the Alliance scout team that was dispatched to the planet Kinooine, shortly after the
Battle of Endor. Faron was the only member of the team to survive an attack by Lumiya, and he was held
prisoner to ensure that Luke Skywalker traveled to Kinooine to re-establish contact with the team. He was
kept alive even after Luke and Dani were captured, when he surrendered to Lumiya and agreed to join
her cause. He and Dani were turned over to Den Siva, when Lumiya set out to meet the Nagai invasion
force. However, Faron was merely holding out for more time to try and escape. When Den Siva was
distracted with his interrogation of Dani, Faron grabbed a weapon and tried to strike at Den Siva. The
Nagai warrior sensed his attack, and blaster Faron in the chest. Faron died instantly. (MC95, MC97)
Farool, Braig
this overweight, balding human was the planetary Governor and Chief Administrator of TransGalMeg
Industries, Incorporated, on the planet Narg. Slightly overweight and balding Braig Farool lived the easy
life after climbing to the top of TGM's corporate structure. He always dressed well, and meticulously
groomed what little hair had left. Braig once tried to expand his horizons by capturing the Shashay space
singer known as Crying Dawn Sunger, hoping to break the fragile alliance between the Shashay and the
Alliance itself. The plan, implemented with information gathered by his brother, Nak, involved blaming the
Alliance for the kidnapping of Crying Dawn Singer. However, Braig's ambitions went beyond this simple
plan. He also prepared false holovids which he hoped would discredit Rayter Sector's Moff, Nile Owen,
and place Braig himself into the office. However, Moff Owen discovered Nak's part in the plan, and
executed him. Shortly afterward, Braig went mad. A group of Alliance agents were able to intercept Braig
before Owen got to him, and tried take him prisoner while rescuing Crying Dawn Singer. Although the
Shashay was successfully recovered, it is unknown if Braig Farool survived the Alliance's rescue, or the
wrath of Nile Owen, following the exposure of Farool's plans. (TA)
Farool, Nak
Braig Farool's younger brother, Nak was a special assistant to Rayter Sector's Moff Nile Owen during the
Galactic Civil War. In this position, he learned that the Alliance was attempting to form a mutual support
pact with the Shashay, and that an Alliance agent was travelling with the Shashay space singer, Crying
Dawn Singer. Nak forwarded this information to his brother, and together they devised a plot to discredit
the Alliance and bring favor upon themselves from Moff Owen. However, Braig aspired to more than just

simple recognition from the Moff, and tried to discredit the Moff himself. A further plan was devised, with a
holo-transmission showing Nak publicly proclaiming Owen's lack of feeling for the Shashay. Owen
intercepted the transmission, and executed Nak for his part in the plan. (TA)
Farquil Ban'n
this Bith was Embra the Hutt's majordomo. During the search for the Yavin Vassilika, Farquil hung back
from the main activities, monitoring the actions of Jozzel Moffett. When Jozzel stole the Vassilika from
Kalkovak and fled to Yavin 4, Farquil followed her in order to ensure the crystal was recovered for Embra.
When Jozzel tried to escape and return to Malta, Farquil was forced to shoot her in the back in order to
recover the Vassilika, as well as the eight million credits she was paid by The Collector. Farquil returned
to Nar Shaddaa and turned the Vassilika over to Embra, then severed his ties with the Hutts and took the
eight million credits and retired to a remote ocean world. Unfortunately for Farquil, Jabba the Hutt hired
Boba Fett to hunt down Farquil and recover the eight million credits. (UYV)
meaning "keen-eyed", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Farr, Samoc
Toryn Farr's younger sister, Samoc was one of the Alliance's best fighter pilots. She had helped in the
Battle of Hoth as a snowspeeder pilot, and was shot down by an AT-AT walker. She suffered burns over
most of her body, and was in shock when Alliance soldiers found her. They dragged her out of her
speeder and got her on the transport ship Bright Hope. When the bounty hunters 4-LOM and Zuckuss
rescued the passengers of the Hope, Samoc was treated at the Alliance medical facilities on Darlyn Boda
and recovered. (TBH)
Farr, Toryn
this Alliance soldier served as the Echo Base's Chief Controller of operations before and during the Battle
of Hoth. She was the primary relay between the Alliance's commanders and the ground troops, and acted
as the interface between command and the ion cannon gunners. In this role, she was the last person to
evacuate Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth. She managed to escape on the Bright Hope, and worked
to get 18 members of the crew into escape pods. They jettisoned, but were forced to land back on Hoth.
She also worked with the bounty hunters 4-LOM and Zuckuss to rescue 90 others, and was promoted to
Special Forces Commander for her actions. Toryn also received the Kalidor Crescent for her bravery. She
later led the Alliance team which returned to rescu the 18 who landed on Hoth in the Bright Hope's
escape pods. Toryn Farr was portrayed by Brigitte Kahn in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes
Back. (CCG3, TBH, SWI74, OWS)
Farra Slot
this was the name given to the two rows of air slots found at the top of a fanfar. (VD)
Farral, Kanda
an inexperienced salvager whose first zero-G salvage involved the recovery of dumped Imperial
technology for Sreethyn. (ISB)
this scout was active during the early years of the New Republic, and worked from a base on Nar
Shaddaa. (GUN)
a galactic delicacy, farrberries are prized for their fine scent and invigorating effect when eaten. The finest
farrberries are grown in the Xorth System. (TIE)
Farrell, Jake
this man served the Old Republic, during its last years, and a starfighter pilot. Later, after the advent of
the New Order, he retired from active duty to train younger pilots. When the missions he became invovled

in turned from simple defensive skirmishes to outright destruction, he fled Imperial service and hid on a
remote planet. When he learned of the Alliance and its struggle against the Empire, Farrell came out of
retirement to assist in the training of Alliance starfighter pilots. He was best known for his no-nonsense
approach to training, and demanded that his trainees learn discipline and control. (RA)
this planet was the homeworld of the Farghul race, and was the capital planet of a sector of the galaxy
which became part of the New Republic. The Republic put up a strong fight against Grand Admiral
Thrawn there. It was best known as a haven for smugglers during the height of the Old Republic. (TLC,
Farrimmer Cafe
this bar and restaurant was located aboard the Mynock 7 Space Station, and was owned by H'nib
Statermast and his partner, Grosteek, at the height of the New Order. The exterior of the building was
covered with images of the dishes on the menu, while the interior was dimly-lit and filled with smoke.
Farris Wheel
a renowned hotel and club found in the Mid Rim. (GG9)
Farrow Bird
native to the planet Aruza, this bird has a patch of bioluminescent feathers on its chest. The flashes of
light which occur when the bird attacks its prey serve to blind and confuse the prey, making it easier to
catch. (TBH)
Farrs, Shappa
this Ferroan man was a descendant of the original settlers of the planet Zonama Sekot. In later years, he
became known as one of the planet's best starshipwrights, following his marriage to Sheekla. Over the
years, Shappa lost his right arm and several fingers on his left hand performing the forging and shaping of
Sekotan starships. The loss of these body parts was a concern for the Magister, who refused to let
Shappa participate in the annealing process performed by Vagna and his team. During Wilhuff Tarkin's
attack on Zonama Sekot, Shappa was badly injured and went into shock. He recovered shortly before
Sekot took the planet into hyperspace. (RP)
Farrs, Sheekla
this Ferroan woman was a descendant of the original colonists who first settled Zonama Sekot. She as
later in charge of the ceremonies which united a seed-partner with its eventual master. She was married
to Shappa Farrs. Sheekla accompanied Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi on the initial part of the
visit to the planet, where they were chosen by fifteen seed-partners. Later, when Wilhuff Tarkin attacked
the planet, Sheekla was badly injured. She survived, recovering just before the planet disappeared into
hyperspace. (RP)
this was one of three Imperial maintenance carriers assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained
the Black Ice. (BI)
this was the Gungan term for binoculars or other devices which augment the user's ability to see across a
distance. (IG1)
this was a talent learned only by a handful of Jedi Knights, and allowed a Jedi to see into the future.
However, the future was never set, so part of the farseeing talent involved never relying on one vision of
the future. (SWDB)
Farseeker, Jackson
Jill Farseeker's grandfather, Jackson was a retired Imperial Captain. (RPG)

Farseeker, Jill
a youngster travelling the galaxy with Roark Garnet. (RPG)
Farseen System
the New Republic nearly caught up with Qell Tepine and Star's Nova in this system, shortly after the
Battle of Endor. (WBC)
this was Erkas Andrakles' personal starship. The Farseer was equipped with hi-tech sensors and optical
systems, which he used to explore the Koornacht Cluster. (WOTC)
this caste of Bosph was made up of those individuals which excelled at attuning their minds to the Force
and reading the future. (SWJ13)
this planet aligned itself with the New Republic after the Battle of Endor. It was believed that Rodin Baem
stole information from New Republic computers on this planet. (WBC)
this was one of the many ways a Jedi Knight could use the Force. It was a meditation technique that gave
a Jedi a brief glimpse of the future, providing a hint at what lay ahead. It was a difficult technique to
master, especially if a Jedi was in battle or otherwise preoccupied. (LFCW)
this modified CR-90 corvette was dispatched by the New Republic, under the command of Kaiya
Adrimetrum, to locate Moff Sarne in the Kathol Sector and neutralize him. It had been originally
purchased by the Chandrilan government and commissioned as the Freedom's Messenger, but suffered
major damage during the Battle of Ord Torrenze and was scrapped. The Empire rebuilt the ship, naming
it the Renegade and placing it in the 15th Deep Core Reserve Fleet under the command of Kentor Sarne.
When Sarne fled to Kal'Shebbol in the wake of the Battle of Endor, he took the Renegade with him and
began refitting the ship for future use with the DarkStryder technology. When Page's Commandos
assaulted Kal'Shebbol and drove off Sarne, the Renegade was liberated from the fleet and outfitted to
chase after Sarne. Newly renamed the FarStar, it was crewed with a variety of volunteers and available
Republic personal, since the rest of the Republic's fleet was spread too thin trying to eliminate pockets of
Imperial resistance. It was originally commanded by Keleman Ciro, until he was captured by Sarne and
imprisoned on Q'Maere. The ship was described by its engineering crew as a collection of bailing wire
and Spatch-Coat, and was always in a state of repair. The starboard side of the ship had been modifed to
accept a docking area for use with Imperial TIE Inerceptors, and the New Republic used it to house
several X-Wings and Defender starfighters. The hangar and docking bay gave the ship a lopsided
appearance. The FarStar was armed with six double turbolaser cannons, each of which was equipped
with "predict and pinpoint" targetting systems. The Republic's gunners had trouble adjusting to the
experimental Imperial technology, and often turned it off. In addition to her crew of 120 officers and ten
gunners, the FarStar was given over a hundred droids to complete her crew complement, including a
variety of astromechs, security droids, and labor automata. Unknown to the New Republic at the time of
the assault on Kal'Shebbol, the FarStar had also been equipped with Sarne's Deeplink system, which
allowed Sarne to track the ship's position whenever it was in realspace. Shortly after leaving
Demonsgate, the FarStar was disabled by a series of shockwaves when the Eradicator was destroyed by
a lightstorm at the edge of the Kathol Rift. The ship managed to reach Kathol - the "DarkStryder Planet" and was able to take the fight to the Imperial warships in orbit around the planet. However, as the
Imperial forces were augmented by reinforcements, the FarStar took heavy damage, and Captain
Adrimetrum was forced to abandon the ship. After the crew was able to evacuate, the FarStar crashed
into Kathol and exploded in a fireball. Luckily for the forces of the New Republic, the FarStar destroyed
the Imperial garrison on Kathol, eliminating the forces Moff Sarne had kept on the planet. (DARK, KO,
KR, E)

this was a model of Surronian starship which was produced during the last decades of the Old Republic.
The Farstar became something of a collector's ship, and was much sought-after during the height of the
New Order. Several imitations were placed on the market, and many unsuspecting collectors found
themselves with fakes. (T3)
FarStar Warriors
this class of Yvarema was developed by the Majjvara of Yvara, shortly after the crew of the FarStar
helped the Yvarema defeat the Qektoth Confederacy and remain free. These Yvarema resembled a cross
between a Sludir and a humanoid Yvarema, honoring the efforts of Gunthar and Qesya Vth'naar in the
defeat of the Qektoth forces. (KR)
this planet was the site of an Alliance base during the Galactic Civil War. (RASB)
this methane world is located at one end of the Five Veils' Tour Route. (GG9)
this is the Adumari name given to the huge, reptilian beasts of burden which roam the planet. The
farumme measured between seven and ten meters in length, and have coloration which ranges from
brown to green. Their scales form a natural armor banding which covers their necks and flanks. The
Adumari developed saddles which allow multiple people to ride a single farumme at once. (SOA)
Farumme-class Hauler
this Adumari starship was named for the lumbering reptiles used as mounts on the planet Adumar. It was
an old design, though many of the ships remained in service during the early years of the New Republic.
Specialized tie-down rings were welded into the deck plates to allow for a variety of cargo configurations.
this Imperial officer worked from a base on the planet Tatooine during the height of the New Order. He
maintained a diverse collection of slaves, including the Mon Calamari Sissalik, for many years, until
Sissalik decide that he had had enough. A water merchant by trade, Farvakine gave very little water to his
slaves, a situation which caused Sissalik a number of health problems. Sissalik used a poison derived
from chubas to kill Farvakine, then escaped Tatooine for the planet Ando. (PH)
this podracer manufacturer designed and built the unique, Y-frame FG 8T8 Twin Block2 Special racer.
this was a Yuuzhan Vong expletive. Note that the New Jedi Order Sourcebook indicates that this word
was used to indicate an area was clear of any danger. (SBS, NJOSB)
Fasalk, Edly
known as "Pot-Shot" among his so-called friends, Edly was a man who larger than life, at least in his own
mind. He claimed to have been a gunner onboard the Tantive IV during Princess Leia Organa's attempt to
reach Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine, as well as one of the ion cannon operators at the Alliance's Echo
Base on Hoth. In reality, "Pot-Shot" was little more than a loud-mouthed, average gunner who worked
with a group of privateers until they stranded him on Kal'Shebbol. Edly was chosen as a gunner for the
FarStar when the New Republic set out to capture Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne, but his crewmates hated
every minute of it. (DARK)
this was one of six Imperial bulk freighters assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained the Black
Ice. (BI)

this Tarc served as a bounty hunter and assassin for House Salaktori during the height of the New Order.
an Imperial Moff who survived the death of the Empire at Endor, he set up operations in Cilpar. This might
be a typographical error, misnaming Tascl. (XWRS)
this red-haired man was an acquaintence of Roa, having worked for the older spacer during his tax-andtariff scamming days on Roonadan. They later met up on the Jubilee Wheel space station, during the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, when Roa was looking for Reck Desh. He gave them information
which led them to Big Bunji's offices on the Jubilee Wheel, near Ord Mantell. When the Yuuzhan Vong
attacked the Wheel, Fasgo was one of the multitude of beings who was sucked into a Vong ship. Fasgo
and Roa were both placed aboard the Creche', as part of a group of prisoners who were to nourish a
young yammosk. Unfortunately for Fasgo, the plans of Wurth Skidder to confuse the yammoks caused
the creature to go briefly insane, and Fasgo was killed when the yammosk struck him with a tentacle and
shattered his skull. (HT)
this common Zabrak surname meant "hyperdrive engineer". (GCG)
according to Ewok legend, this forest spirit could move trees closer together in order to assist an Ewok in
escaping from the Gorax. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)
Fask Eelak
this Rodian was a member of the An'yettu clan, and was one of the few to earn the right to leave Rodia as
a bounty hunter. Her standing with the An'yettu earned Fask some ridicule and scorn from the other
members of the Goa-Ato, and she often was assigned dangerous hunts that paid very little. (SPG)
Fask, Elodd
this man owned a ranch on the planet Sedesia, some thirty kilometers west of Besia Osurne, during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ6)
Fass, Baddon
one of the Emperor Palpatine's Dark Side Elite, Fass was activated by Operation Shadow Hand. Sedriss
commissioned Fass and Zasm Katth to perform a number of activities on Nar Shaddaa. First, they were to
enlist the aid of Boba Fett in tracking down the Millennium Falcon. Second, they were to hunt down and
destroy Vima-Da-Boda. Third, they were to report on the Millennium Falcon's whereabouts so that
Sedriss could capture it. Katth and Fass, both grizzled veterans of Palpatine's rule, failed on all counts, as
Boba Fett escaped them, and they were both unable to capture the MillenniumFalcon. Fass perished
aboard his Star Destroyer Invincible when it mistakenly locked onto Nar Shaddaa's control tower with its
tractor beam. The collision destroyed the capital ship and all its crew. (DE2)
Fass, Inyon
the twin sister of Teekon Fass, Inyon was a member of Antar Roat's Requiem Squadron. In reality, Inyon
was Inyri Forge, who had died her hair a bright red to match that of Teekon, who was played by Tycho
Celchu. They assumed these identies in order to infitlrate Prince-Admiral Krennel's forces shortly after the
Battle of Bilbringi. Roat, played by Wedge Antilles, explained that Requiem Squadron was charged with
finding the best TIE Defender pilots it could, which was why a woman held a position in the squadron. (IR)
Fass, Teekon

the twin brother of Inyon Fass, Teekon was a member of Antar Roat's Requiem Squadron. In reality,
Teekon was Tycho Celchu, who had died his hair a bright red to match that of Inyon, who was played by
Inyri Forge. They assumed these identies in order to infitlrate Prince-Admiral Krennel's forces shortly after
the Battle of Bilbringi. (IR)
meaning "quick-witted", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this female Gungan was a Major in the Gungan Grand Army. She was also the niece of Boss Nass. She
was sent with Rep Teers to oversee the construction of the arena in Lake Umberbool, being built for the
Festival of Warriors. However, an accident led to the collapse of much of the arena. Fassa was caught in
the accident, but was rescued from by Jar Jar Binks, who was trying to save Boss Nass and Commander
Wollod. She indebted herself to him as a way to repay his bravery. However, Jar Jar tried to explain to
her that he didn't deserve the life-debt, though Fassa couldn't understand why. Luckily for them both, the
life debt was revoked on a technicality. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Fassa entered the Big Nasty
Free-For-All. Despite stiff competition from Captain Tarpals, Boss Nass, and Jar Jar himself, Fassa won
the contest. (E1A9, E1A10, NEGC)
Fast Hand
one of the Submersible Environment Modules used by Lando Calrissian to mine corusca gems from
Yavin's core. Lando used it to take Jaina and Jacen Solo on a trip to a mining site. (SA)
Fast-attack Patrol Ship
the preferred method of transport used by the Noghri commando teams. (DFR)
this pirate ship and her crew served the Invid pirate forces. Like most of the better Invid forces, it was
based on Courkrus. When Corran Horn began terrorizing the city of Vlarnya with his "avenging Jedi"
specter in an effort to reduce the Invid threat, the Fastblast crew was the first to flee the planet. (IJ)
this was the brand name of BioTech's most advanced medpac. It contained a variety of healing agents
and accelerants that enhanced a being's natural ability to regenerate cells. This ability to repair damaged
flesh was, as a side effect, quite painful. If used too often in a short period, FastFlesh growth could be
toxic and fatal. The FastFlesh medpac was capable of storing diagnostic information on 500 different
species, providing a wealth of information at the touch of a button. (CFG, ROE, EGW)
this was the generic term used to describe any small, fast transport ship. (REC)
Fastlach-class Defense Droid
this small, crab-like security droid was developed by the Trade Federation. Armed with small laser
cannons, the Fastlach-class droids were illegal in many systems of the Old Republic. These droids were
automatically dispatched whenever they encountered beings who did not provide the correct
communication signal, making them extremely dangerous. (TAE)
this was the Coynite word for the formal breaking of an allegiance to a superior. The superior Coynite
could challenge the breaking of the allegiance by issuing a challenge of combat. (PG3)
this was one model of hydrospanner prodcued by Regallis Engineering. (EGW)
Fat Man
this was the name used by the New Republic Navy to describe a Yevethan Aramadia-class thrustship.

Fat Monkey
this species of simian was found in the swampy jungles of the planet Gelgelar. Reeho birds often killed
infants for food. (SWJ14)
this Coynite curse translated into Basic as "peace." (PG3)
Fate's Judges
this TIE Interceptor squadron was based in the Sevarcos System's asteroid belt. (SWJ2)
Father Ocean
this is the Akwin name given to the oceans of the planet Lazerian IV. (TSK)
Father Tree
the trees native to the Forest Moon of Endor, father trees are used by the Ewoks as homes. The oldest
and tallest of them is known simply as the Father Tree. They grow to incredible heights in the low gravity
of the moon. The father trees are hardy conifers covered with a thick bark that exudes a strong, natural
pesticide. (ROTJ, DA, AT, ISU)
Father Tree
the tallest and oldest tree on the Forest Moon of Endor, it is the home of the Grundakk. The Grundakk is
in turn the guardian of the Father Tree. (AT)
this restaurant was located on Calamari, taking up eight full levels of the Glitter Cay Tower on Wildwater
City. Fathoms was made up from four distinct sections, each with its own offerings. The main restaurant
was an elegant setting in which to enjoy fine dining. The HyperDive Cantina was an unruly place known
for its hard-drinking patrons. The Wave Works was a gift shop, and the SeaBed Lodge was a hotel which
provided a wealth of leisure activities for its guests. The mercenary Pog met potential recruits for the
ThunderForce unit here. (HAS, WSV)
Faughn, Shirlee
a lieutenant in Tomas Gillespee's organization during the early years of the New Republic, she had been
a member of Gillespee's organization since we was a teenager. She was eventually promoted to
Gillespee's second-in-command. She transferred to Talon Karrde's organization after the formation of the
Smugglers' Alliance. She worked her way through the ranks, eventually becoming the Captain of the
Starry Ice. (DFR, TLC, SOP, TTSB)
Faunor Brothers
this was a noted family of bounty hunters, made up of the brothers from the Faunor family. They were
hired by one of Arakyd Industries' rivals to locate the downed Bhishana Bhaga and capture Min Erethen.
Faunor, Irol
one of the infamous Faunor Brothers, Irol and his brother Nevo were noted bounty hunters during the
early years of the New Order. (WOA18)
Faunor, Nevo
one of the infamous Faunor Brothers, Nevo and his brother Irol were noted bounty hunters during the
early years of the New Order. (WOA18)
the punctual captain of the Tellivar Lady. (TME)
Favervil Dialectric Ribbon
this thin material is used in the construction of spectral sensors. It senses and measures the microchanges in electrical fields. It tends to debond when bombarded with more than 15,000 Rahms of ion

energy. (TT)
Favis Resort
this resort was actually an artificial island, anchored in the mild southern polar sea of the planet Brentaal.
Visitors could sail boats on the sea or climb the nearby glaciers, since the Favis Resort was located in
close proximity to a variety of climates. (CCW)
this was one of the primary sources of meat hunted by the Bosphs on their homeworld. (SWJ13)
Fawn, Arrisa
this woman was one of the few female officer in the Imperial military, although she never got promoted
beyond the rank of Lieutenant. She had hoped to make a name for herself and her family, but the
Emperor's guidelines relegated her to a lowly liaison position aboard Starlyte Station. Her inability to
make headway in her career was a sore spot with her, and Arissa seriously considered joining the
Alliance. However, the salary she pulled down as a lowly liaison officer more than made up for her
personal desires. She also knew that her second-in-command, Brezzic Marr, was a staunch Imperial who
would probably track her down if she defected. (WSV)
this was a delivery method used on many worlds to bring the latest news of the galaxy. (GFT)
this woman, distinguished by her ageless beauty, was one of the many Jedi Masters who served the Jedi
Order during the decades leading up to the Clone Wars. Master Fay was of near-human stock, with pale
skin and pointed ears, and was believed to have been many centuries in age. She was distinguished
among her peers, as well as most of the Jedi of history, in that she never once used her lightsaber in
combat. Many of her peers within the ranks of Jedi Masters believed that she never carried the weapon.
After attaining the rank of Jedi Master, she refused to take a Padawan learner, choosing instead to roam
the galaxy wherever the Force guided her. Unfortunately for the Jedi Order, Master Fay died during the
early stages of the Clone Wars. She had been part of the team dispatched to recover the antidote to the
swamp gas used to destroy life on Ohma-D'un. She and Obi-Wan survived long enough to confront Asajj
Ventress, who was in control of the antidote. Using the Force, Master Fay hurled shards of glass and
metal at Ventress, catching the Dark Jedi in the throat with a large piece of debris. Believing Ventress to
be dead, they set off to return to Coruscant. Ventress was far from dead, however, and rose up to spear
Master Fay in the back with a lightsaber. Fay survived long enough to ensure Obi-Wan escaped from
Queyta, then died in his arms. (RBR)
this small, furry rodent was native to the planet Tatooine. Resembling a feral squirrel, the faybo had
striped fur and huge ears, which could help dissipate body heat. The mouth of the faybo was dominated
by two small tusks that jutted up from the lower jaw. These creatures were often found near Tusken
Raider camps, scavenging food and water whenever possible. (AAOTC)
this individual was one of Poas Trell's auxiliaries. (SOL)
this fast-moving, carnivorous fish is found in the oceans of Naboo. They have short, thick bodies which
are propelled by a thin tail that ends in a paddle-like span. (GF)
Faytonni, Dannl
this Corellian man was a noted criminal who was incarcerated at the Coco Penitentiary during the years
leading up to the Clone Wars. As a young man, he aspired to join the Republic's military and serve as an
officer. However, a skill in sabacc and a lust for beautiful women led him to several arrests for various
crimes. A relationship with a woman, who turned out to be a changeling, put him between a rock and a
hard place. He found himself wanted by the Corellian Security Force for his participation in an illegal

spice-mining scheme, as well as pursued by the alien he jilted. Depending on your point of view, he was
luckily captured by CorSec and imprisoned for a brief period. Upon leaving prison, he met up with his old
friend, Ack Med-Beq, and the pair eventually made their way to Coruscant, only to find himself back in the
CoCo Penitentiary. Shortly before the Battle of Geonosis, Faytonni escaped from the moderate-security
ward of the prison along with Med-Beq and Llollulion. Faytonni then stole the uniform of an Old Republic
Navy Lieutenant and disappeared into the crowded Coruscant streets. Faytonni was portrayed by
Anthony Daniels in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. (OWS, HNN5, SWDB)
this planet was a member of the Duskhan League, and was one of the many colony worlds held by the
Yevetha. It is located in the Koornacht Cluster, in Farlax Sector. (SOL)
Fazak Tsun
this Yuuzhan Vong was relegated to the caste of the Shamed Ones, after Ch'Gang Hool's Escalation of
the warrior failed. Yoog Skell later blamed Ch'Gang Hool's incompetence - not the disfavor of the True
Gods - for Fazak Tsun's fall. (DW)
Fazum, Ludus
this was the alias assumed by Thrackan Sal-Solo, when he and Dagga Marl were intercepted by New
Republic forces which had retaken the planet Ylesia from the Peace Brigade. Thrackan and Dagga had
been fleeing Peace City, hoping to escape both Ylesia and the Yuuzhan Vong. Their landspeeder was
damaged in the flight, and they were apprehended by the New Republic's landing team. Ludus claimed to
have been a refugee from Falleen who had been captured by the Peace Brigade and enslaved on Ylesia,
along with his fiance', Dagga Farglblag. Unfortunately for Thrackan, the New Republic ground forces
reported his captured to Jaina Solo, who correctly identified him as one of the Peace Brigade leaders they
wanted to capture. (Y)
Fazza Utral
this being owned and operated a hunting lodge on the planet Tatooine, some 4,000 years before the
Galactic Civil War. Utral specialized in hunting the larger beasts of Tatooine, including the krayt dragon.
this was the Snivvian word for "repair." (HNN5)
this term became popular on the moon of Nar Shaddaa among the youths which grew up during the
height of the New Order. It referred to a sour mood or demeanor, especially when one vented their anger
on their friends. (HFG)
this droid was assigned to the crew of the New Republic Scout Service ship Founder. FC had a female
personality which treated each of the living crew members like children. (GG8)
see FC-1 (AEG)
this was the designation of the Golon Arms flechette launcher. A heavy, box-shaped weapon, the FC-1
had to be fired from the shoulder. It had four separate barrels, each of which could fire anti-personnel
canisters or anti-vehicle projectiles. It was generally regarded as a personal version of a fixed
emplacement, although its size made it barely portable. Note that the Arms and Equipment Guide
indicates this weapon was called the FC1 as well as the FC11. (CSA, AEG, WOTC)
see FC-1 (AEG)

developed and produced by Razalon during the last decads of the Old Republic, the FC-20 speeder bike
had a semi-circular body. This configuration made the speeder quite small, measuring just 1.64 meters in
length, but it also made the speeder fast and maneuverable. The seat was located inside the arc, with the
steering controls and braakes easily accessible by hands and feet. This semi-circular shape also made
storage of the FC-20 much easier, since it didn't take up as much room as a long-bodied speeder bike.
The repulsorlift engine of the FC-20 was heavily baffled, making it one of the quietest speeder bikes
available at the time. Despite its popularity, the FC-20 was not as fast as most speeder bikes, having a
top speed of 650 kilometers per hour, and it had a limited range before requiring recharging. (AEG,
FD Ratio
this measurement is known as the Fire/Disable ratio, and describes the amount of time an artillery
weapon can fire a charge divided by the amount of time the tube is disabled for cooling and recharging.
Lower FD ratios indicate more powerful weapons. Imperial troops in the Atrisian System were responsible
for the generation of this measurement. (ISB)
a model of security descrambler manufactured by Opirus during the early years of the New
Republic.These lock-breakers were illegal for civilian use. (TFNR)
F'Dann IX
this planet is located near Filve, and was the site of a battle between Imperial forces and the Crimson
Nova pirates. (TBSB)
a series of culinary automata, these droids were tall cylinders armed with an assortment of kitchen
utensils. (SN)
Fe Sun
this Jedi Padawan trained under Jedi Master Shaak Ti until she was ready to take the Jedi Trials.
However, shortly after leaving Master Ti, Fe Sun was hunted down and killed by a group of mercenaries.
Among the group was the woman Lyshaa, who was eventually apprehended by Shaak Ti and imprisoned
on Brentaal for her part in Fe Sun's death. (J2)
this human-cyborg relations droid was an acknowledged expert on the droids used throughout the galaxy
during the height of the New Order. (MTSE)
see FE-9Q (MC9)
this was Jimm "the Starkiller Kid" Doshun's uppitty tractor robot. FE-9Q was a low, squat droid that moved
about on heavy treads. Mounted to the top of the base was the torso, arms, and head of a silver protocol
droid. Just above each tread was a bright light, allowing FE-9Q to see in dark conditions. When Jimm's
parents started their small farm, they acquired FE-9Q after it was discarded by other farmers. When they
were killed in a high-hound attack, FE-9Q took it upon itself to raise Jimm in the same way his parents
had, trying to instill in him the benefits of hard work and planning. Jimm's teenage years were difficult at
best, and FE-9Q often found itself at odds with its programming. It was supposed to do whatever Jimm
ordered, but it was also the parental figue. Years later, the droid sacrificed itself during the struggle to
oust Serji-X Arogantus from power on Aduba-3, when Merri Shen's grandfather summoned the
Behemoth. FE-9Q managed to cripple one of the Cloud Riders' skyspeeders, then put itself in between
Jimm and a killing laser bolt. (MC8, GMR4)
Feal, Vin
this man was known as a shady trader who would make a deal with just about anyone. Feal traveled the

galaxy in his starship, the Black Butcher. He once led a band of traders who tried to steal heds of hoska
from the planet Essowyn, but his group was driven off the planet by a team of Alliance agents. (PG1)
this man was one of the many vagrants who lived in the city of Hedrett, on Cularin, during the last years
of the Old Republic. (LFCW)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
Fear Stick
this was the brand name of Sabrashi Bio-Chemical Deterrants' personal protection staffs. Each Fear Stick
contains a small amount of chemical which is emitted whenever the stick strikes a target. The chemical
can cause burning or severe pain to the target. (FOP)
Fearsome One
this was an honorific often used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe the Warmaster of their military forces.
Feather Fern
a plant native to Yavin 4, the feather fern produced bright green fronds which grew more than two meters
in height. (DA, E1A7)
Feather Grass
a somewhat sensile plant found on Munto Codru. It is held in reverence by the Codru-Ji. Jaina and Jacen
Solo's Force-sensitivity allows them to manipulate the grass. (CS)
Feather of Light
a silver feather presented to those Ewok youths who journey to the Tree of Light and feed it nourishing
dust. (ECAR)
Feather, The
this symbol of the Cosmic Balance religion indicated a follower who lived in wealth during their life.
However, as demanded by the Cosmic Balance, holders of the Feather would have to spend their afterlife
living in poverty in order to maintain the balance of the universe. The choice of which members of each
generation held the Feather was often made by parents, with the help of the Zanazi. (TBSB)
Feathered Lizard
a strange, reptilian creature native to Tatooine and Pzob. (ISU, EGP)
Featherette Groomer
this was a small, handheld device that allowed many avian races to groom their smaller feathers. (MJH)
this was a derogatory term used by residents of the Core Worlds to describe a member of the Ayrou race.
a tree with wispy, feather-like foliage. (SE)
Feb, Arun
Vett Fori's assistant on Oseon 2795, Arun Feb was a short man with a thick, black beard and a bald pate.
He was never seen without a cigar in his mouth. (LCM)
Febrini Sand-prestor
the flesh of this creature was considered a delicacy by many gourmets during the height of the New
Order. (GFT)

this stumpy, gracile-necked beast was native to the planet Chandrila. (EVR)
this planet is a wealthy and influential Core World which swore loyalty to whatever government was in
power, as long as its own interests were recognized and supplied. (JASB)
this was a swear word used throughout the Tapani Sector of the galaxy. (SWJ4)
see Federation of the Double Worlds (AC)
Federation of the Double Worlds
known as Fed-Dub, this was the primary government which controlled the planets Talus and Tralus. (AC,
a forest world Han Solo visited with the Alliance. (TLC)
Feduch Importers
this Algaran shipping company is believed to serve as a front for a lucrative smuggling and slaving
operation in the Algaran System. (PG2)
manufacturers of the D/Square decryption and deciphering system. (VOF)
Feeana Tala
this female Mawan was one of the more powerful crimelords of the planet Mawan, during the years
following the Great Purge. She was not as powerful as her rivals, Striker and Decca the hutt, but she did
managed to gain control of the services and supplies in the city of Naatan in the wake of the civil war. Her
rivals paid her little notice, but it was Feeana who supplied the tunnel workers with food and supplies.
This earned her a great deal of respect from the underground dwellers, who were part of the largest
faction of free Mawans on the planet. When she was approached by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yaddle, who
were on Mawan to negotiate a settlement to the civil war, Feeana claimed that she wasn't a true
crimelord. She was merely a successful thief who had been driven from her home by the Great Purge.
However, she agreed to help the Jedi establish a peaceful government in return for amnesty and the right
to remain on Mawan as a native. She supplied soldiers to help secure Naatan after the Jedi managed to
wrest control of the city's power grids from Striker, but found herself helpless to protect her people against
Striker's true identity, Granta Omega. Yaddle's sacrifice in absorbing a dihexalon bomb persuaded her to
remain in the city, though, but only because she had decided to double-cross the Jedi. After assuring
them of her cooperation, she formed a tentative alliance with Omega, and was able to deliver the Jedi into
his hands. However, Feeana was unaware that Omega would sacrifice her life in order to ensure his own
escape. Only the timely intervention of Anakin Skywalker saved her life, when Omega threw her from his
transport as a distraction. (JQ6)
this was an Ewok expletive, which roughly translated into Basic as "darn". (BTRKS26)
this small, mobile plant is native to the planet Binaros. They stand about a half-meter tall, and move about
on thick, fleshy tendrils. The have an extendable sac in their midsection, which is used to hold water.
They have a needle-like appendage that is used to extract water from any source. These appendages
can also be used in defense, and the feeder is capable of consuming a target's blood to obtain
sustenance. The mobile plants are actually drones which are spawned to bring food to a mother plant, but
they have no true intelligence. They act solely on environmental stimuli. The mother plant is a noturnal
bloomer, and is incapable of movement. The mother is quite large, appearing to be a ball-shaped mouth

filled with tooth-like thorns. It is anchored to the gorund by six short taproots and a network of thinner
roots. The plant has an averge life cycle of about two standard weeks. (KO)
this generic term refers to any Adumari reptile bred and raised for its meat. They are generally quite
docile. (SOA)
a creature whose flesh is a favored delicacy of some Hutts. The feejay resembles a starfish, but with
three thick arms and three thick head-tentacles. (DRO)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and referred to a sweet fruit grown on Ryloth. (GCG)
this sweet fruit was grown on the planet Ryloth. (GCG)
Feen Fenoob
this Sullustan gambler owed money to Darnada, about a year before the Battle of Naboo. He managed to
evade Asa Naga and Gargachykk, who had been dispatched by Darnada to kill the Sullustan. However,
Feen Fenoob then ran into Darth Maul, who cut the gambler in half. (DM)
Feena Ghel
this female Rodian maintained a repair facility in the Elesa settlement, on Ando Prime, during the early
years of the New Order. (GMR2)
Feenicks VI
this planet was the site of an Imperial System Patrol Squadron base during the Galactic Civil War. The
base was destroyed in an attack by the Alliance. (XW)
this humanoid race inhabited several worlds in the Outer Rim Territories, but were often viewed by other
settlers as unwanted scavengers. The Feeorin were forced to abandon their homeworld many millennia
before the Battle of Naboo, but many of their colony ships never made it to their destinations. Of those
that did survive the journey, the Feeorin settlers found that they were viewed as raiders or scavengers by
indigenous populations, and many more were killed in struggles for control. At the time of the Battle of
Naboo, less than a million Feeorin were known to exist in the galaxy. Their skin coloration varied, from jet
black to white and several colors in between. Green, yellow, and blue skinned Feeorin were the most
common. Feeorin lacked hair, but had a collection of thick tendrils hanging from the back of their skulls.
Individual Feeorin could live to be more than 400 years of age, and many elderly Feeorin simply drop
dead of old age. (SFT, UANT, GMR1)
this was the native language of the Feeorin race. (UANT)
this Chiss, whose full name was Chaf'ees'aklaio, served as an aide to Aristocra Formbi during the years
prior to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. A member of the Chaf family, Feesa met with Luke and
Mara Jade Skywalker aboard the Chaf Envoy an Crustai, just before they set out to locate the ruins of the
Outbound Flight Project. However, she was curt with the Skywalkers, and refused to answer any more
questions than were absolutely necessary before introducing them to Formbi. When the mission finally
located the remains of Outbound Flight on a remote planetoid in the Redoubt, Feesa went along as part
of the Chiss contingent. When they were trapped in a turbolift by Jorad Pressor and his niece, Evlyn,
Feesa whimpered as if she had a fear of closed-in spaces. It was later discovered that her fear was due
to her companions at the time, which included Bearsh and his disguised Vagaari pirates. She tried to
deflect any questioning away from Formbi, but Mara pressed the issue in order to learn the true
relationship between the Chiss and the Vagaari. Formbi admitted to the entire plan, including the plot to

lure the Vagaari into attacking the Chiss first. Feesa was aware of the entire plan, and went along on the
mission in case Formbi was unable to complete it. (SQ)
this was a common name among the Cathar race. (UANT)
this Shashay term means "I'm leaving." (TA)
a moderately large planet orbiting a yellow-orange star, Fef has a thick, hot atmosphere which supports a
wide variety of life. Most of the lifeforms have short lifespans, though. The huge trees that make up Fef's
forests grow to over 100 meters in height in 20-30 years, then die and decompose in a matter of weeks.
Fef is the homeworld of the swarming insectoid Fefze. (GG4)
Fefar Blackeye
this was the name of a noted individual in Nosaurian history, and was seen by many Nosaurians as the
architect of their resistance against the Empire. He started staging guerrilla raids shortly after New
Plympto was classified as "expendable" by Imperial officers. He was hunted down by Imperial forces on
his homeworld of New Plympto, and probably would have escaped had he not been trapped in a hiakk
tree forest at sundown. The Imperials, understanding the Nosaurian need to bay at the setting sun, simpy
waited until Fefar called out, then captured him by following the sound. His capture proved to the end of
thr Nosaurian resistance during the New Order, but served as a historical precedent for the resistance to
the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. After he was dragged from the forest, Fefar was transported to
Coruscant and placed on display in an Imperial zoo, where he lived for six months before taking his own
life. (UANT, CCW, GMR9)
meaning "sugar", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
an insectoid race native to the planet Fef, they are one of the truest forms of hive intelligence found in the
galaxy. They exist in group minds of 10-100 individuals, sometimes called swarms. These swarms are the
primary building block of Fefze society, and when considered as a swarm, the Fefze are are quite
intelligent. However, taken individually, Fefze are no more intelligent than any other insect. Individuals
known enough to eat, avoid danger, and reproduce. The Fefze eat by covering their food - any organic
material is edible to them - with a digestive acid, then lap up the resulting paste. This acid is also used as
a defense mechanism, because a Fefze can regurgitate the paste when attacked and flee. The attacking
creature usually stops to eat the paste, rather than expend energy chasing the Fefze. Fefze individuals
have limited dexterity. Fefze swarms are created from the individuals born from a single egg globule,
which contains hatchlings from several different parents. A swarm's highest priority is recruiting new
hatchlings, and a given swarm can exist for thousands of years this way. New hatchlings are obtained
during the Fefze dance swarm, and tourists often come to Fef to view it. (GG4)
Fefze Beetle
a giant beetle that inhabits mountainous planets, the fefze beetle is often hunted for sport. They often
hunt in packs. A mutated species of fefze beetle was the only living creature found on the surface of the
planet Duro, during the early years of the New Republic. This mutation had both an exoskeleton and an
internal skeleton, giving it the ability to grow to incredible sizes. (GDV, MMY, BP)
Fegegrish Heavy Industrials
this Squib corporation produced a variety of heavy-duty tools, including battering rams and cutting lasers,
during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
Fegel, Onjo
this muscular young man was a kloo horn player for one of the best amateur b'ssa nuuvu bands on the
planet Tuttin IV, during the height of the New Order. Fegel was a personal friends of Governor Shran

Etison, who shared Fegel's love for b'ssa nuuvu music. It was later discovered that Fegel had also
graduated from the Imperial Service Academy with a concentration in Intelligence. When Keth Beamis
was implicated in a spy ring in the Six Local Systems, Fegel was added to the band Far Cry, in an effort
to try and ferret out the Alliance team on Beltrix III. Although he preferred the b'ssa nuuvu style, Fegel
tried to work with the dusk band in order to make his cover seem more legitimate. Upon arriving an Beltrix
III, Fegel left Far Cry and set out on his own, in order to hit the Holstrum Talent Agency before anyone
could escape, and hopefully assuring himself of a posting in the Core Worlds. However, Fegel was
unaware that Ryley Ancum had already sent a coded message on to Beltrix III, warning the local cell of
Fegel's presence. All he found was a legitimate talent agency, and he was forced to return to Tuttin IV
without success. (GMR6)
Fegigrish Heavy Industrials
this Squib corporation produced a number of demolition devices, such as battering rams and wrecking
balls. (PP)
this was the name of a noted Pho Ph'eahian individual. (UANT)
this planet is the homeworld of the Eddel race. During the height of the Old Republic, Eddel starships
regularly plied the expanses of Trax Sector. However, after the rise of Emperor Palpatine, the Eddel were
subjugated and left with minimal levels of technology. (GMK)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
a member of Talon Karrde's team, Fein was a mercenary who served as the weapons specialist. Before
joining Karrde, Fein made a nmae for himself as a marksman and swoop racer. Rumors persist that
Karrde had to hire Fein away from a rival gang, after Fein had been given the task of killing Karrde.
this is the only land-based town on the planet Deyer, and is the site of the planet's only spaceport. (JASB)
F'ej D'aw
this Klatooinan thug worked for Nawnum the Hutt during the Galactic Civil War. His services were sught
after by Ganis the Hutt, in an attempt to bring down Nawnum and take over his small empire. (IA)
Fek'ra, Nilya
this tall, black-haired woman was one of the most powerful criminal figures on the planet Cotellier.
Cunning and devious, Fek'ra is a beautiful woman with deep green eyes. She worked for a mysterious
crimelord, although she steadily put together enough knowledge and resources to start her own operation
should fate allow her the opportunity. She was one of Yosger's chief rivals, and hoped to obtain the data
stored in the computer systems of the Smoking Blaster before Yosger did. She managed to get the crew
of the Smoking Blaster under her control and obtained the location of Yosger's base on Carz. She then
paid the mercenary crew to take her to Carz and apprehend Yosger. (GMH)
Fel Swoop
a seedy cantina located on Treasure Ship Row on Corellia, it was frequented by swoop riders and
speeder bike jockeys. (IJ)
Fel, Ajai
this woman was Soontir Fel's sister-in-law, and the mother of Fyric Fel. She felt that Fyric was kidnapped
in order to force the Fels to provide information on the whereabouts of Wynssa Starflare, the wife of
Baron Soontir Fel. Her husband, Todr, helped bring down the kidnappers, who were led by Ilir Post, when
he shot Post in the head. Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri, along with Wes Janson, Hobbie Klivian, and

Plourr Ilo had cornered Post at his estate. Once Fyric was rescued, Todr and Ajai agreed to seek
santuary with the New Republic, and fled Corellia with the Rogue Squadron pilots. (XWFT)
Fel, Cem
this young man was the son of Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles. Like many of his siblings, Cem was born on
the planet Csilla. He was an experienced pilot, and often took the family yacht Starflare on short voyages.
Fel, Chak
this young man, one of the sons of Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles, was a Commander in the naval
branch of the armed forces of the Empire of the Hand, during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. Commander Fel led a small contingent of stormtroopers onto the mission formed
by the Chiss Aristocra, Formbi, to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight Project. He had been
personally invited by Formbi, much to the consternation of General Drask. After meeting with Luke and
Mara Jade Skywalker, Commander Fel revealed that Admiral Parck had sent him and the Aurek-Seven
unit of the Imperial 501st Legion of stormtroopers on the mission as protection for the mission, primarily
Formbi and the two Jedi. He was considerably dismayed to learn that the information Admiral Parck had
recovered regarding Outbound Flight had been stolen from his shuttle before he could share it with the
Skywalkers, adding a sense of conflict and concern to the already tense mission. However, unknown to
the others, Chak Fel was maintained covert surveillance aboard the Chaf Envoy, installing several
sensors and other equipment with which to monitor the Chiss. After the discovery of the Outbound Flight
and the revelation of Bearsh's true origins, Fel and the 501st found themselves paired with General Drask
in a desparate race to survive the growing Vagaari attacks. After he was mauled by a wolvkil, Fel was
forced to relinquish command of Aurek-Seven to Drask, in order to improve their chances of survival.
Fel's own chances were made worse when he absorbed shrapnel from the explosion of a turbolift car.
Drask dragged him from the battle as the team escaped a Vagaari ambush. Later, Fel realized that it had
been the Vagaari - then posing as Geroons - who had stolen the Outbound Flight information from his
ship. They used the knowledge to help them try and steal the D-Four Dreadnaught. (SQ)
Fel, Cherith
this woman was the oldest daugther of Soontir Fel and his wife, Syal Antilles. Cherith was also the
second of Baron Fel's children to die in combat, during the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong. (DJ)
Fel, Davin
this man was the oldest son of Soontir Fel and his wife, Syal Antilles. Davin was also the first of Baron
Fel's children to die in combat, during the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong. (DJ)
Fel, Fyric
this two-year-old was the nephew of Soontir Fel. He was kidnapped from the Fel estate, just outside
Coronet City on the planet Corellia, shortly after the Battle of Brentaal, and Corran Horn was dispatched
to investigate. Fyric's mother Ajai believed he was kidnapped in order to get the Fel's to provide
information on the whereabouts of Wynssa Starflare. He intercepted Wes Janson, Hobbie Klivian, and
Plourr Ilo when the arrived at the Fel estate, hoping to gather information on the whereabouts of Wynssa
Starflare, who was actually Wedge Antilles' sister, Syal. Kirtan Loor took over the investigation, and tried
to take the Rogue Squadron pilots in for questioning. Horn let the pilots go, but had to save them when
they tried to negotiate with the kidnappers, whom he identified as a group led by Ilir Post. Fyric was
eventually rescued, when Todr Fel shot Post in the head and then Plourr caught Fyric before he could
fall. (XWFT)
Fel, Jagged
this ruggedly handsome young man was revealed to be the son of Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles,
during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Named for Syal's father, he was distinguished by his
pale green eyes and a scar which started above his right eye and ran over his skull. The hair over the
scar was white, contrasting with rest of his jet-black hair.Jagged grew up among the Chiss, being
accepted by them ass one of their own, and he strove to ensure that he met their lofty expectations. At
the Battle of Garqi, Fel and his Spike Squadron of Chiss were part of the fleet assembled by Admiral
Pellaeon to support the New Republic. Their incredible skill helped turn back the Yuuzhan Vong forces. At

the time, he held the rank of Colonel. When the battle group reported back to the New Republic
leadership, Jagged Fel was asked by his uncle, Wedge Antilles, to accompany them. Spike Force later
assisted the New Republic at the Battle of Ithor. In the wake of the battle, Fel sent two squadrons of Chiss
pilots back to report on the Yuuzhan Vong to his father, while Jagged himself remained behind as a
liaison to Rogue Squadron. Jagged later returned to the Chiss at his father's summons, where he agreed
to lead a small team to scout out the Yuuzhan Vong's utilization of Ithor and other planets. Soontir hoped
that his son could find information useful to the Republic, to keep it from fracturing after the loss of
Coruscant. He spent a good deal of time on Hapes with Jaina Solo, where the two discovered that old
attractions still remained. Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant, Jagged agreed to remain on Borleias with
his uncle, General Wedge Antilles, and the small group of officers and soldiers who came together to
form the Inner Circle. Jag later joined the Twin Suns Squadron, after Luke Skywalker turned control of the
squadron over to Jaina Solo. It was duringt his period of Borleias that Jag realized he felt something very
deep for Jaina, a feeling which was reciprocated as much as possible during her portrayal as the
Yuuzhan Vong goddess Yun-Harla. They both realized that a relationship would not only put stress on
their military lives, but their military lives would put additional strain on their relationship. However, they
both understood that their growing love was deep enough to withstand it, and worked hard to make it
work. Jag, for his own part, knew that what he felt was love, but couldn't bring himself to admit it until
Jaina fell into a coma while trying to help Tahiri Veila reconcile her mind. From that point forward, Jag and
Jaina continued to deepen their relationship, but their work was threatened when the Yuuzhan Vong
launched their final assault on the planet Calamari. In the wake of that battle, the planet Zonama Sekor
had reappeared near Coruscant, forcing the Yuuzhan Vong forces to retreat for defensive purposes, and
giving the Galactic Alliance a reason to attack and covered Coruscant. As Jaina traveled to Zonama
Sekot, Jagged took control of both Vanguard and Twin Suns Squadrons as part of the assault on
Coruscant. During the battle, Jagged and his forces escorted a transport filled with infiltration soldiers to
the ground. However, his clawcraft took a hit from a plasma weapon, and Jagged was forced to crashland
on Coruscant. He was rescued by Judder Page, and later assisted the ground teams in disabling
Coruscant's defenses. After the deaths of Onimi and Shimrra, the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong force at
Coruscant surrendered to the Galactic Alliance, bringing the war to an end. In the weeks following the
cease-fire, Jag sought out Jaina and admitted that loved her. Jaina, however, had decided that it was not
yet time for her to settle down. She told Jag that she had to ensure that the galaxy would be a better
place for future generations, especially her own children. Despite Jaina's plans to continue as a military
officer, Jag knew that they would be together very soon, as he had just been named as the Chiss
Expansionary Defense Force's primary liaison to the Galactic Alliance. Jaina and Jag shared one final,
passionate kiss before going their separate ways. (DTR, DJ, EL1, NEGC, FH3, UF)
Fel, Soontir
one of the youngest Imperial Navy officers to obtain the rank of Captain and command a ship, Fel was
everything one would expect from a recruiting poster. Broad-shouldered and handsome from years of
working as a farmer, Fel was a native of Corellia and had come through the ranks as a decorated and
legendary TIE Fighter pilot. However, he did not enter the Imperial Academy willingly. Instead, he was
bribed into go in order to stop him from testifying against Ilir Post, on the threat that his father would be
charged with a flurry of minor crimes if he didn't go. This took him away from the farming that he loved so
much, but he was determined to make the best of the situation. Fel was a contemporary of Han Solo and
Loka Hask while at the Carida Academy, regularly defeating Hask while often challenging Solo. After
graduating with honors as his class' salutatorian, Fel earned command of the Pride of the Senate shortly
before the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, and was quite puzzled by Admiral Greelanx's battle plans. They did not
allow for any flexibility during the battle, while executing the Base Delta Zero order to the letter. Fel had
never participated in such an exercise, and questioned the wisdom of decimating Nar Shaddaa. However,
the battle was quickly upon him, and the minimal battle plan outlined by Greelanx - coupled with the
surprising ability of the smugglers to damage the Imperial fleet - soon resulted an Imperial retreat. Fel,
appalled at the losses and at Greelanx's orders to retreat, remained behind to retrieve as many of his
pilots as he could before redezvousing with the fleet. Greelanx was angry with Fel's insubordination, but
Fel resolved to report Greelanx's poor planning to his superiors. He was assigned to the 37th Imperial
Fighter Wing before transferring to Prefsbelt IV as a flight instructor. After receiving high honors, Fel
actually was responsible for the training of Tycho Celchu, Biggs Darklighter, and Hobbie Klivian. He was
offered a position in Moff Tarkin's bodyguard unit by Tarkin himself, but the defection of Biggs Darklighter

and Derek Klivian relegated Fel to the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, which was under the command of
Evir Derricote. They scored a hollow victory at Ord Biniir, on the same day as the Battle of Yavin, but Fel
was given a commendation on Coruscant in an effort to bolster Imperial morale. There, he met Wynssa
Starflare, and they fell deeply in love. Shortly afterward, Fel became known to Ysanne Isard, who
challenged his loyalty by trying to seduce him. He refused, and although she praised his loyalty, she also
hated him. Fel saw through Isard's ploy and into the heart of the Empire, and didn't like what he saw. He
also saw that the Emperor's non-human bias was only as good as the air around it, once Thrawn began
to rise through the ranks. Fel found himself admiring Thrawn's plans for the ambush which destroyed the
Alliance's supply convoy near Derra IV, but could not reconcile Palpatine's hypocrisy. Although he was
promoted to Colonel and given command of the entire 181st Fighter Group, Fel became disheartened
with the Empire. Ysanne Isard's sacrifice of an entire fighter wing to lure Rogue Squadron to Brentaal was
an action he couldn't reconcile in his own mind. After the 181st was sent to Brentaal to help defend the
world - more of an exercise to bring down the Cabal that to save the planet - Fel decided that enough was
enough. When the New Republic had defeated the Imperials, Fel was captured when Colonel Salm hit his
Interceptor with an ion cannon blast, rendering his fighter inoperative. Shortly before the Battle of
Brentaal, he had arranged for Wynssa - now his wife - to disappear. He pledged to help the New Republic
if they would help him locate Wynssa, a proposition to which the Republic's Starfighter Command agreed.
However, Fel soon turned his back on the Republic and returned to Imperial service. Wedge Antilles, the
real-life brother of Wynssa Starflare, thought he had encountered Fel again, during the series of
skirmishes against the Warlord Zsinj. In reality, though, the Fel he discovered was Tetran Cowall, and his
abilities were augmented with a droid brain in several of his wingmate's TIE Interceptors. It was later
learned that Fel had joined the forces aligned with Grand Admiral Thrawn, and he spent the next several
years working with the true Imperial leadership to eliminate the various warlords who claimed Imperial
rights. He lost an eye in the final battle of his career, and retired to work with Voss Parck as a commander
at the Hand of Thrawn compound on Nirauan. Fel was also the "parent" of a number of clones developed
at Thrawn's request. The clones were dispatched to several sleeper cells - excellent pilots awaiting
Thrawn's reactivation codes. The clones were flash-imprinted with much of Fel's ability as a pilot and
warrior, but without his personality. However, many groups managed to retain his love of the open air and
farming, and decided not to heed the recall which came ten years after Thrawn's death. Shortly after the
Battle of Garqi, it was revealed that Soontir and Syal had had five children together, including a son,
Jagged, who eventually rose to power in the Imperial Remnant's military. Both Soontir and Jagged
became leaders within the Chiss Navy, and were instrumental in keeping the Chiss from seeing more
intense action as the rest of the galaxy struggled against the Yuuzhan Vong. After Yuuzhan Vong began
their invasion of the galaxy, Soontir and Syal retired to the Chiss homeworld of Csilla, where they felt it
was safer to live among the Chiss. (THG, HXW, VOF, IF, MBF, XWES, DTR, DJ, FH1)
Fel, Todr
this man was Soontir Fel's younger brother. He allowed his wife, Ajai, to contact the Rogue Squadron
pilots who were on Corellia to locate Wynssa Starflare, on the off-chance that they could be persuaded to
help find his young son, Fyric. Fyric had been kidnapped by Ilir Post, and was being held for ransom.
When the Rogues, along with Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri of the Corellian Security Force, cornered
Post at his estate, Todr's ploy paid off. He knew that Post would kill his son, so he took a chance and shot
at Post. The blast took Post between the eyes, killing him instantly. However, Post dropped Fyric from a
second-story window as he died. Luckily, Plourr Ilo caught Fyric before he could hit the ground. Todr and
his famaily fled Corellia with the Rogues, hoping to find safety with Soontir and the New Republic.
Fel, Wynssa
this young woman was the daughter of Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles. Like her four siblings, Wyn grew up
on the planet Csilla. However, her isolation on Csilla only served to amplify her desire to learn about the
rest of the galaxy. When Luke Skywalker's mission to locate Zonama Sekot arrived on Csilla, Wyn took
an instant liking to Jacen Solo, staying late at the Expeditionary Library and helping him develop search
algorithms for poring over planetary data. She was briefly kidnapped by those Chiss who were loyal to
Peita Aabe, but was later rescued and returned to her family. (FH2)

this temperate world was the home planet of the Felacatian race. (T8)
this race of polymorphic felines was native to the planet Felacat. In its normal state, the average
Felacatian was a tall, humanoid being with near-human characteristics. The only tell-tale sign of their
alien lineage was their short fur and long tail. However, when a Felacatian was forced to exist within the
hyperspatial continuum for an extended period of time, or when they experienced a high level of stress, a
Felacatian's body began to change. Without an outlet for their stress, the Felacatian's body shifted its
form, becoming a huge, predatory cat. In this form, the Felacatian was extremely dangerous, and was
protected by a row of heavy spikes along its back. (T8)
this female Vorzydiak was the leader of the planet Vorzyd 5, some eleven years before the Battle of
Naboo. She was considered remarkable tall for her race, and cast an imposing image whenever she
appeared. She resented the accusations made by Chairman Port of Vorzyd 4, blaming the industrial
sabotage of Vorzyd 4's manufacturing facilities on the natives of Vorzyd 5. She threatened military
response if Port refused to back down, but both were unaware that the sabotage was being carried out by
the Freelies. When the Freelies' role was revealed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, Felana agreed
to work with Port to resolve their differences peacefully. (TTW)
Felanil Baaks
this Duros Jedi knew from an very early age that he was destined to be a Jedi, and his parents were more
than happy to turn him over to the Jedi for training. They believed that any life which bettered the galaxy
and avoided smuggling was for the best. Baaks spent much of his career learning about the creation of
lightsabers. Never one to engage in combat or diplomacy, Baaks dedicated himself to a lifetime of study,
a path which left him feeling unwelcome at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the early years of the
Clone Wars. Rather than feel useless on Coruscant, Baaks traveled to Almas to provide his skills and
knowledge about lightsabers to the students at the Almas Academy. At the time, Baaks referred to
himself as a "Jedi Artisan", and was one of a handful of Jedi who taught useful skills outside the combat
arena. Master Yoda once described Baaks as a master of Form Zero lightsaber combat, a description
Baaks readily accepted. Baaks never took a Padawan learner, but he did take many students to train in
the art of lightsaber construction. His only requirement was that his students had to have already created
their own lightsaber, since many of his techniques required the understanding of basic lightsaber
construction. He believed that the students he taught at Almas would be his last, as he was advancing in
age and would soon be unable to travel. His lightsaber designs remained among the most exquisite and
elegant of the time, and he was known to have created a lightsaber from a liquid matrix suspended in a
compressed gravity tube. (LFCW)
a baked dessert. (TME)
Feldrall Okor
Boba Fett received a bounty of one hundred fifty thousand credits for retrieving this pirate for the Imperial
Governess, Isis. When Fett showed up with Okor - who had lost an arm during the capture - Isis refused
to pay his fee. Fett threatened to blow them all up with a thermal detonator, until Isis gave in and paid
him. (TJP, EGC, GG10)
this was the primary continent found on the planet Nishr, and was the site of the main base of the
Alliance's Nishr Taskforce. (ROE)
Felebreck Electrical Defense Systems
this small corporation developed a variety personal and large-scale defense systems. (LOE)
this Imperial Moff was a rival of Moff Relans, and went rogue after the Battle of Endor. (HR)

Feleen Bantillian
this criminal found a bounty on his head after killing the son of the crimelord Drex, during the height of the
New Order. Bantillian was a tall, wide-bodied being who wore a full-body suit of armor as protection.
Hidden in the armor was a deflector shield generated scavenged from a droideka. His wide, triangular
head was protected by a spiked helmet, with only his red eyes and upper jaw visible. Drex had gone out
of his way to hire Boba Fett to hunt Bantillian down. He hid on the remote world of Vornax, where he
reprogrammed thousands of derelict droids toact as his personal guardian force. However, when Fett
confronted Bantillian on Vornax, Bantillian revealed that he was actually Drex's son, and that they had
created the entire backstory to trap Fett on Vornax to exact revenge for the death of Gavron Sil. Fett
managed to avoid the droid armies Bantillian had created, and tricked him into moving toward a large
puddle of machine oil. Fett then set the oil on fire, forcing Bantillian to find a way to extinguish the blaze.
In his confusion, Bantillian fell into a pool of water and drownedm along with many of his droids. Fett
returned to Drex to collect the bounty on Bantillian, bringing Bantillian's head as proof of his demise. To
ensure that Drex never tried to doublecross him again, Fett placed an active thermal detonator in
Bantillian's mouth before leaving Drex's court. (T18)
this was the Ansionian word for demented, or mentally deranged. (APS)
this ancient race of beings, known for their meticulous craftsmanship of weapons and armor, died out
many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. (GMR8)
Felenar Armor
this unusual body armor was developed by the extinct Felenar race, many millennia before the Battle of
Yavin. It was created from a number of exotic materials, and provided excellent protection and
maneuverability for the wearer. (GMR8)
Felens, Equa
a native of Bacrana, this man fell in love with Dara Gion at the Bacrana Educational Institute. They both
disagreed with the Empire's control of Brak Sector, and were part of the group which assembled in Amma
to protest the construction of the Imperial shipyards there. Both Dara and Equa were injured when
Imperial forces opened fire, and they fled into hiding to avoid Imperial retribution. Equa's eyes were
permanently damaged, and he eventually had them replaced with a Neuro-saav Hifold Sensory Package.
They eventually joined Trep Reskan and the Bacrana System Defense Force, and later the Alliance.
Felens was assigned to the Skytowers Residence safehouse on Genesia, and he drifted apart from Dara.
this was a species of feline creature often kept as a pet by the wealthiest of the galaxy's beings. Breeders
of felinx continually inbred each successive generation, and maintained those bloodlines with minimal
brain-mass. Thus, the average felinx was little more than a long, fur-covered body that existed for the
physical pleasures of warmth and food. This trait made them the ideal pet, for they required little more
than regular meals and the warmth of being held. However, certain individuals ended up as nothing more
than automata, and required bio-stimulation circuit implants to keep them from bumping into walls and
chewing their fur off. (MA)
Felis Alverite
this Ropagu was the primary representative of his planet in the Off-worlders' Quarter starport. He
maintained comprehensive databases on all travelers to and from the starport, and keeps a vigilant eye
out for criminals and other violent individuals. Over the years he spent in the Off-worlders' Quarter,
Alverite developed a sympathy for the Alliance, and was a source of helpful information to the New
Republic during its early years. (TSK)
Fel'Kona, Jonas
this aging man, a noted Jedi Master of the decades leading up to the Battle of Naboo, was known for his
skills at discovering potential students for training. He traveled the galaxy in search of candidates, but

always returned to Coruscant with his new students. It was Master Fel'Kona who discovered Lanius QelBertuk. (WOTC)
Fel'Kona, Minos
this noted Jedi Knight was a descendant of Jonas Fel'Kona, and did a series of investigations into the
origin of the Sith fortress on the planet Almas during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Fel'Kona's
analysis was able to date the fortress's construction to a point more than 1,132 years before the Battle of
Naboo, and discovered many strange and wondrous things below the surface. Skeletons of krayt-dragonlike creatures littered the strata underneath the fortress, and massive carvings in black marble slabs were
found to have traced the Dark Lords of the Sith backward from Darth Rivan to Naga Sadow. During the
early stages of the Clone Wars, Minos spoke openly on what he believed the "official stance" of the Jedi
Order should be with regards to the Cularin System and the presence of the Thaereian Military. (LFCW)
this young man worked for Narloch as a courier, until he was offered a huge sum of credits by Kendamari
Casinos to help bring down the Herglic entrepreneur. He took the money, and assisted a group of bounty
hunters in locating Narloch. (ND)
this timid-looking woman served as one of Black Sun's primary enforcers on the planet Brentaal, during
the height of the New Order. Trained in the Kathol Outback, Fellion was known for her ability to defeat her
enemies without the aid of battle armor or fancy weaponry, relying on martial arts and simple blaster
weapons to do her job. (CCW)
this is a port city located on the planet Halmad. A small Imperial base was located in the southern
warehouse district, but was destroyed as part of Operation Groundquake. (IF)
Fellowship of Kooroo
this quasi-religion emerged as a search for enlightenment, based on the teachings of the spiritual leader
Kooroo. To attain true enlightenment, followers strove to achieve telepathic abilities to communicate.
They worshipped and meditated on several Outer Rim worlds, where there were Shrines of Kooroo
placed. These shrines were later claimed to be ancient communications devices by the reporter Andor
Javin, and the Fellowship deeply resented the intrusion and speculation. They put out a deathmark on
Javin's head, in reaction to his reports. (SWJ13)
Felpajh 10A
manufactured by Larjh StarCorporation, this suborbital shuttle provided a great deal of luxury while
allowing transport from the ground to a waiting liner. The Felpajh 10A measured 31 meters in length, and
could accommodate up to eight passengers and 5 metric tons of cargo. It required a dedicated pilot to
operate, and could attain speeds of 750 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. (GFT)
Fel's Day
first comemmorated by Lon Isoto, this holiday was to be observed every year on the planet Brentaal, to
mark the efforts of Baron Soontir Fel in defending Brentaal from attack by the New Republic. (XWES)
this female Wroonian was known as a conman and swindler. She often posed as a noble lady whose son
had been wrongly imprisoned, hoping to have a group of mercenaries or do-gooders help her infiltrate a
secure area and steal items of value. Often, watchful mercenaries can see through her disguise,
especially after she started skimping on their expenses depsite "her deep concern for her son." She was
nearly captured aboard Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport, but managed to escape. (PSPG)
Felth, Davin
a member of the Desert Sands stormtrooper unit sweeping Mos Eisley in search of R2-D2 and C-3PO. He
was trained at the Imperial facility of Carida, and was among the top recruits in his class. Thus, he was
chosen to be one of the first troopers to be assigned to the new AT-AT project, under General Veers.

While on a training mission, Davin discovered that the AT-AT was extremely vulnerable due to its long
legs. He commanded his walker to "kneel" on all four legs, and was able to defeat all training targets. He
reported to Veers that it was possible to "trip" the walker using a cable entwined around its legs, but
Veers hid the information in order to advance his own career. When additional stormtroopers were
needed to sweep Tatooine in search of the droids, Davin was quickly moved off the AT-AT project and
into stromtrooper armor. There, he was assigned to Captain Terrik. (It was Davin who said, "Look, sir.
Droids." after the discovery of the droids' escape pod.) However, Davin became increasingly disillusioned
with the Empire's regime, having witnessed first-hand the needless destruction of Jawas and Sand
People, as well as the wanton execution of the Lars family. The unnecessary execution of Het Nkik
pushed Davin over the edge, and when his squadron was ordered to keep the Millennium Falcon from
leaving Mos Eisley, Davin shot Terrik in the back, and pretended that he was killed in the crossfire. From
then on, he resolved to remain a stormtrooper in order to feed the Alliance key information about the
Empire. It is assumed that one of the first informational transfers included the weakness of the AT-AT.
Feltipern Trevagg
a Gotal who had filled a number of positions over the years, including bounty hunter, Imperial bodyguard,
and ship's security officer. He was working for the City Prefect of the port of Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, as a
tax collector when Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi booked passage ot Alderaan. In this position,
Feltipern had developed many of the taxes charged to native and transients, including a water tax and a
port passage tax. This passage tax brought him in contact with M'iiyoum Onith, who lost her seat on the
passenger liner Tellivar Lady because she couldn't pay it. Feltipern began lusting for her. He also
discerned Kenobi's presence in Mos Eisley by detecting the Force with his head cones, and sought to sell
the information to the Empire. In trying to get M'iiyoum into bed, he failed to recognize that she was a
H'nemthean, and that the female of her species guts her mate with her knife-like tongue. Feltipern was
found dead in the Inn, the morning after the Millennium Falcon blasted out of the spaceport. (TME)
this senior Alliance agent was known by the alias Feltron when he accompanied Bria Tharen aboard the
Queen of Empire. He posed as Bria Lavval's agent, and was killed when Boba Fett tried to capture Bria.
see Feltran. (RD)
this planet was the location of Shu Mai's personal holdings, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
During the height of the Clone Wars, the planet was besieged by the Grand Army of the Republic, but the
Commerce Guild was able to drive the attackers off. Note that the webstrip Reversal of Fortune indicates
that Felucia was also the homeworld of the Gossam race. (ROF)
Felyood, Naz
this Corellian pirate was the owner and captain of the freighter Jynni's Virtue. Captain Felyood, as well as
his ship and crew, were lost some six months prior to the Battle of Yavin, when they apparently were shot
down over the planet Korriban. The ship's logs, despite the fact that they were recovered from a sealed
wall inside Dathka Graush's tomb, showed that the pirates had been intercepted by an Imperial patrol and
made a hasty jump into hyperspace. The ship's astromech exploded, dumping them into an unknown part
of the galaxy. They were set upon by unseen forces that caused extensive damage to the ship, forcing
them to land on Korriban. Luckily, they had obtained enough information on the planet during a sabacc
match several years earlier, that they were able to land safely. Felyood and his crew learned of Korriban
from a hooded crone, and kept the information around in the hopes of finding a long-lost treasure there.
Although Felyood's commentary in the ship's logs indicated that he believed he and his crew had been on
Korriban a few days, the timestamps on the log entries revealed that many months had passed. No
explanation was ever given for the discrepancy. According to vocal logs, Felyood stumbled upon
Graush's tomb and tried to take the jewel known as the Heart of Graush. Thus, he was possessed by the
spirit of Dathka Graush, and he unwittingly unleashed the Korriban Zombies. When Babbnod Luroon
destroyed the Jynni's Virtue, Felyood found himself separated from the Heart of Graush but still

possessed by the Sith spirit. He was forced to wander Korriban forever, never dying and always
searching for the Heart of Graush. (PH)
this was a Sullustan word for "female", and was often used to indicate an unmated female. (MJH)
Female Professional Greenputt Tour
this was one of the primary series of greenputt matches held during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Only the best female greenputt players were allowed to compete. (HNN4)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Femi described a guardian, defender, or protector. (GCG)
this was an Ugnaught word for "female", and was often used to indicate an unmated female. (MJH)
this is a major city found on the planet Gailea, and is the site of the annual Marqua Spas Grand Ball.
this woman served as Dolph's Lieutenant during the early days of his bid for power under the name
Kuellar. A strikingly beautiful woman with long, black hair and pale skin, she used kohl and other
substances to mask her features and give her the appearance of death. Her family was killed when the
Eye of Palpatine was awakened after the Battle of Endor. The warship attacked her homeworld and
destroyed most of the life there. She felt that the New Republic inadequately addressed the threat of the
Eye of Palpatine, and held the Republic responsible for her family's deaths. As Dolph's plans unfolded,
Femon chafed at his patience. She felt he was being too soft on the Republic, and challenged his goals
and methods. Her support of Dolph began to fade, and scoffed at his use of the Force. In his anger,
Dolph/Kuellar used the Force to grip her throat and break her neck. (TNR)
this Imperial customs officer worked at the starport on Quantill City, on the planet Ando, during the height
of the New Order. (SWJ11)
this native of the planet Kuat was Kuat of Kuat's chief of security during the period of the New Order.
Outwardly loyal to the end, Fenald was secretly in league with Kodir of Kuhlvult and her plans to take
control of Kuat Drive Yards. In an intricate plot, he agreed to betray Kuat to the various ruling families,
thereby making way for Kodir to take his place. It was Fenald who arranged - through Nil Posondum - to
have Kodir's sister Kateel kidnapped. Years later, Kodir began manipulated Kuat of Kuat, hoping to oust
him from control of KDY and take it for herself. Fenald played his part well, and Kuat was unaware of his
deceit until the families tried to wrest control of KDY for themselves. Fenald continued to work behind the
scenes for Kodir while she worked for Kuat, furthering her own attempt to gain control of KDY, until he
demanded money in return for keeping her plans a secret. Kodir decided that Fenald had stopped being
useful, and slit his throat in a basck-alley bar. (MA, SLS, HM)
a gas giant planet. (SWJ11)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. Its meaning translated into Basic as "commander"
or "general". (GCG)

this planet was one of the largest exporters of agricultural products during the last decades of the Old
Republic. The planet's entire surface was dedicated to the growth and production of foodstuffs. (X2)
one of the planets visted by the Night Caller shortly before it was captured by Wraith Squadron near
Xobome 6. (WS)
this was one of the many months found in the Vandelhelm calendar. (PH)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "nimble" - or,
more literally, "slippery." (GCG, WOTC)
this was one of the many influential Twi'lek clans, native to the planet Ryloth. The name meant
"industrious" or "hard-working" in the Twi'leki language. (ROP, GCG)
Fenn Booda
this warden served at the Galactic Correctional Authority's penal colony on Oovo IV. Booda was known
as a strict warden, but allowed those inmates who behaved themselves to view the various podraces
which were run on the airless surface of the moon. (RAC)
Fenn Sei'nel
this Bothan was a minor functionary who worked at the Bothan embassy on Ando, until he was found
dead in an alleyway behind the Starfarers Club. Although the Bothan government claimed Sei'nel was
merely a courier and blasted the local security force, Aqualish officials found no messaging technology on
or near his body. (WOTC)
Fenner, Rivoc
this xeno-biologist was credited with the first discovery of the creature known later as Fenner's Rock. It is
said that he tripped over the first one he ever encountered, believing it to be a simple pile of stones.
Fenner's Rock
named for the xeno-biologist Rivoc Fenner, this unusual creature resembled a collection of lichen- and
moss-covered stones. They subsist on the lichens, moss, and algae which attach to their bodies, moving
slowly over real rocks to find food. They lack true limbs, instead having a pair of appendages which they
use to drag themselves along. The mouth of a Fenner's Rock is filled with huge teeth, but the teeth are
formed from soft cartilage and were ineffective against most creatures. Most scientists believed them to
be silent creartues, but many have observed groupings of Fenner's Rocks "singing" to each other. The
exact purpose behind the sounds is unknown. These creatures could be found on a number of planets,
and were considered a nuisance on some world because they multiply rapidly, damming up natural
waterways and producing semi-toxic bacteria. (COG)
this rocky planet was colonized by a group of beings who brought a herd of nerfs with them. The nerfs
evolved over time to survive in the rocky terrain. (WOTC)
Fennesa Nerf Herding Council
this body regulated the raising and production of nerfs on the planet Fennesa, during the last decades of
the Old Republic. (WOTC)
Fenni, Raskta
this woman was one of the best Echani duelists of her time, many years before the Great Sith War. Many
types of bladed weapons were named or manufactured in her honor, including a foil that had cortosis

woven into the steel of the blade. However, mass-production for use by other Echani warriors revealed
that these foils were poorly manufactured, and many died with the cortosis didn't adequately deflect
lightsaber attacks. (KOTOR)
Fenn's Landing
this was the name of the docking platform owned and operated by Slerog Fenn on the planet Gelgelar. It
was one of seven docking platforms Fenn tried to build on the swampy planet, in an effort to horn in on
the business of Loro Ecls. However, Fenn's Landing was the only one he could afford to fully complete,
and it was quite often a spacer's second choice for landing. (PSPG)
Fenn's Warehouse
this was the starship repair facility established in Gelgelar Free Port by Slerog Fenn, in an effort to
squeeze out Loro Ecls. (SWJ14)
this was one of the more common names given to males of the Mon Calamari race. To the Mon Calamari,
this name meant "talented". (GCG)
this young woman, a native of the planet Dathomir, was a member of the Singing Mountain clan of Forceusing women. She was just learning the ways of Allyan Magic when Luke Skywalker discovered the
existence of the Chu'unthor on Dathomir. (CTD)
this man was a member of the Karazak Slavers Cooperative team sent to capture Janissa Locrin. He and
Iquar eventually made the capture, after many members of their team were injured. (GG11)
this Imperial Navy Trooper was a native of the planet Rendili. Skilled in close-quarters combat, Fenson
was assigned to the Imperial garrison on the forest moon of Endor, and worked with Trooper Vesden in
monitoring activity around the shield generator bunker. (CCG10)
Fentanu Dramaya
this was a Dolandu phrase, cried loudly whenever a warrior is triumphant. (GMR10)
Fenti Bean
this healthful legume is grown on the planet Moorja. (SWJ8)
a planet. (WBC)
Feps, Deggar
this scout managed to get himself in trouble with the Hutts during the early years of the New Order. He
angered Sottos, a Hutt crimelord, in the Hutt's personal residence on Nal Hutta, and only barely escaped
with his life. He hoped to escape from Nal Hutta aboard the Lost Lady, but was intercepted by the spy
droid NEK-01. He agreed to turn over information on Sottos' dealing to a group of freelance mercenaries,
provided that could get him off the planet. The mercenaries managed to help the crew of the Lost Lady
avoid capture by several bounty hunters, and Feps fled into the warrens of Nar Shaddaa. (WOTC)
this man worked with Dannen Lifehold for two years, serving as the mechanic aboard the Lifeline. Feq
became the brother Dannen never had, and they became close friends. However, during "routine"
Imperial customs inspection, Feq objected to the officer's confiscation of modified engine parts. One of
the stormtroopers supporting the inspector shot Feq dead. Dannen held a small wake for his friend before
setting the body adrift in space, and never forgot the Imperials' rash actions. (SWJ1)

this creature was native to the planet Batorine, and was hunted by the Blood Carvers during a coming-ofage ceremony. When the Blood Carvers were relocated to Coruscant, following attacked by the Lontars,
they brought with them several feragriffs, which were placed in preserves on one of Coruscant's moons.
Thus, the tradition of hunting a feragriff to prove one's adulthood was preserved. (RP)
this Imperial escort frigate was commanded by Lev Kepzen during the height of the New Order. (FOP)
Feraleechi Onetime Loop
this was a specialized form of encryption, which involved a multiple-step process to get to the final
message. They were denoted as "onetime loops" because they were specific to a certain's day's news on
the HoloNet. A keyword in the morning news provided a way to partially decipher the code, revealing a
series of numbers that referred to a textbook that was available on the HoloNet. These textbooks were
usually incredibly boring to read, which kept them out of the mainstream. Once the text was discovered, it
was translated from Basic into Symbian. Then, every sixth word was transposed to reveal the original
message. This system of securing messages was adopted by the Confederacy of Independent Systems
during the height of the Clone Wars, to ensure that even the most basic communication was not
deciphered by the forces of the Old Republic. (MBS)
this small, furred creature was native to the planet Kegan. (FFT)
an Imperial Captain, he was once in command of the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger. (ISB)
often spelled Feree, this world was known for its shipyards, which produced some of the most luxurious
starships in the galaxy. The planet and its inhabitants - also known as Fere - were destroyed by a plague
about 200 years before Isolder first came to Dathomir. (CPL)
the native race of the planet Fere, they were very tall, with soft ivory-colored skin and 6 fingers on each
hand. They were wiped out by a planet-wide plague. They were considered master shipbuilders in their
time. (CPL)
the binary star which forms the center of the Fere System. The star system is sometimes spelled "Ferre."
another name for the planet Fere. (CPL)
this Ryn worked as a guide on the planet Caluula, when he wasn't serving as an resistance operative for
the Ryn network of spies. As a member of the Ryn network, he was known simply by the codename
Gatherer 164, and was based out of the planet Balmorra. During the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion
of the galaxy, Ferfer and his Rodian partner, Sasso, assisted Team Meloque in destroying the yammosk
which had been installed on Caluula. During the mission, the team felt that it was being led into a trap, but
their fears weren't borne out until they reached the location where the yammosk was kept. Ferfer went to
hide the timbus used by the team, but encountered a hidden group of Yuuzhan Vong Slayers. The lead
warrior lashed out with his amphistaff, slicing open Ferfer's belly and spilling his guts. Ferfer died almost
instantly. (UF)
this was an expletive often used by Vilmarh Grarhk. (DRKN)

this was a Quarren swear word that found its way into the slang of many races during the height of the
Clone Wars. (RS, RHF)
Fergriss Pharmaceuticals
this promising biomedical corporation was bankrupted when the Empire assaulted the planet on which its
corporate headquarters were located. Fergriss was unable to recover from the loss of finances and
resources. (GG11)
Ferijian Ape
a comical-looking primate. (SWJ9)
a legendary team of swoop racers from the Corellian System. Dengar was a member of this team, before
being injured in a race with Han Solo and turning to a life of bounty hunting. (MTS, EGC)
Ferinn, Trennt
a member of the New Republic Intelligence agency, Ferinn was a Colonel at the time of the Starbuster
Plot and the rise of the Human League on Corellia. Ferinn provided a detailed analysis of the situation
leading up this period, as well as information on the events that occurred during and after the break-up of
the Saccorian Triad. (CTD)
Feris City
this city was known for its dense concentration of freelance bounty hunters. (GG10)
Ferisoliq Imports, Limited
this Aqualish corporation produced a number of consumer products, during the height of the New Order.
this was one of the largest criminal families found on the planet Esseles, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (CCW)
Ferlani, Luthus
this man was the leader of the Ferlani criminal family, based on Esseles, during the last years of the Old
Republic and into the era of the New Order. He spent much of his youth representing the Ferlani family
on business throughout Darpa Sector and within Hutt Space. Outwardly, Luthus was a kindly gentleman
who could have been your best friend's father. However, Luthus could be terrifying when he was angry or
disappointed, and his subordinates were quick to please him. (CCW)
Ferleen Snee
this Jedi Master once used the Force to manipulate the Muntuur stones over his head. (GG9)
Fern Tree
a full, frilly tree native to the planet Bakura. (TB)
Fernandin Scouting Expedition
a galactic survey group that was given permission to find a suitable planet on which to relocate Weytin's
Colony, after they left Setor. The moons of Yavin were among the possible sites chosen. Fernandin had
to receive a special permit from the Empire in order to carry out their search. (GG2)
Fernandin, Lexi
this man founded the Fernandin Scouting Expedition corporation during the last years of the Old
Republic, and fought to maintain his independence and operation during the New Order. (GG2)
this Dug served as the liaison between General Ashaar Khorda and the outside world. It was Fernooda
who employed both Jango Fett and Zam Wesell to retrieve the Infant of Shaa. (JF, ZW)

Fero Xyn
this vicious predator, once native to the home galaxy of the Yuuzhan Vong, was the only creature from
their home which had compatible genetic material to that of a vornskr. The initial Yuuzhan Vong attempts
to create a Jedi-hunting creature from pure vornskr stock proved only mildly successful, due mainly to the
resulting beast's lack of ferocity. The fore xyn, however, more than made up for this lack, and it was
already conditioned to respond to the commands of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. The resulting hybrid was
called a voxyn, and was extremely successful at hunting down and killing Jedi Knights. Unfortunately, the
resulting hybrid was incapable of reproduction, requiring that the creation of more voxyn required the
cloning of the original "queen". (NJOSB)
an Imperial Captain, Ferob commanded the Victory-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist, under the watchful eye
of Grand Admiral Thrawn, in the Unknown Regions. (DFRSB)
Ferr, Selas
this man was a member of the rebel underground on Jastro III during the Galactic Civil War. He was in
love with the daughter of the Imperial Governor, but they were often forbidden to meet. They found an
unexpected ally in an agent named Alexan, who forwarded messages between them. Alexan later agreed
to help Ferr break a group or rebels out of the Imperial prison, provided that Ferr took the Governor's
daughter with them. Ferr agreed, and the rescue attempt was successful. However, Alexan was seriously
wounded in the escape, and later died of his wounds. Ferr and the Governor's daughter later learned that
Alexan was, in fact, the Governor himself. (HR)
a witch of the Singing Mountain clan on Dathomir, she was killed by a Nightsister spell which snapped her
neck. (CPL)
Ferral, Justor
this Imperial scout trooper held the rank of Sergeant during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was
dispatched to Cloud City, when the outpost was garrisoned shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (GMR3)
this man served as a guard for the crimelord Mahk'khar, guarding their base of operations on Tuulab
during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ6)
this tall, blond woman was noted for the exotic, wild appearance of her facial features. She was also a
trained assassin, and was hired by the Empire to hunt down the miners who fled the Graveyard of
Alderaan. (GA)
Ferrelian Ant
this species of insect was known to be particularly industrious and hard-working. (E1A5)
this was the name given to the Republic Engineering Corporation reconnaissance vessel manufactured
shortly after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. At 28 meters in length, the Ferret recon vessel was
coated with sensor-baffling materials and equipped with the latest in stealth technology, allowing it to
enter hostile territory virtually undetected. Its primary mission was to obtain information about enemy
territory without being detected or caught. To allow the Ferret to move quietly at sublight speeds, a
unique, baffled drive system was developed which would allow the ship to move about without leaving
any detectable trail for up to an hour. The primary engine system relies on chemically-generated thrust,
further adding to its stealth modes. The Ferret was operated by three linked droid brains, each of which
controlled certain equipment on the ship. The Ferret was lightly armed, with a pair of missile launchers
being its only weaponry. (CTD)
Ferret, Orion
this gaunt man was a noted gunrunner who worked from a base aboard the Bazarre space station. Luke

Skywalker and Lando Calrissian caught up with Ferret shortly after the Battle of Hoth, to purchase a flight
of stolen TIE Fighters from him. The TIE Fighters were later used to take the Imperial outpost on Spindrift.
Ferret was often accompanied by a tiny, octopus-like creature that was his pet. He tried his best to
swindle the Alliance out of their credits, and even sent Luke and Lando to Patch-4 without warning them
about the Watcher Beasts. Ferret then tried to incapacitate Chewbacca, but the Wookiee managed to
break free and catch Ferret before he could escape. Luke and Lando returned to the Bazaare station with
the TIE Fighters, much to Ferret's dismay. Ferret was allowed to go free, but the Alliance kept a close eye
on his activities. (LTA3, LTA5, MC59)
this planet was the site of the Imperial Institute of Higher Studies. (SWJ5)
Ferrier, Niles
a master thief, Niles Ferrier was known throughout the galaxy as a starship hijacker. He had a great deal
of skill in the use of computer linkups, and often stole ships by simply reworking a spaceport's duty roster
to clear the area when he found a good ship. He was often accompanied by four or five human
smugglers, a Defel wraith, and a Verpine. His passion for carrababba tabac laced with armudu spice was
also widely known, and the unmistakeable combination often announced his presence. He put his
starship stealing skills to good use during Grand Admiral Thrawn's reign of terror, stealing ships and
selling them to Thrawn and the Empire for a large profit. While this earned him a measure of gratitude
from the Empire, it left Ferrier out of the normal circle of smugglers who were beginning to band together
against the newly-powerful Imperial forces. Ferrier later helped Thrawn infiltrate the blossoming
smuggler's alliance, meeting with Talon Karrde and a larger group on Trogan. It was on Trogan that he
managed to bribe Lieutenant Reynol Kosk into attacking the meeting, a move that directly countermanded
Thrawn's own orders. When Kosk and his squad were all killed in the fighting, Thrawn could barely
contain his anger, but realized Ferrier might still be of use. He ordered Ferrier's Defel companion to
infiltrate the Wild Karrde and plant a datacard containing false information that implicated Karrde in the
attack at Trogan. Thrawn then detained Mazzic for a short time, hinting that one of the smugglers had set
up the ambush. When the smugglers met shortly afterward, Mazzic confronted Karrde about the
datacard. Karrde continued talking, until Ferrier blurted out that Karrde had paid Kosk to set up the
ambush. When Mazzic realized that none of the other smugglers knew what was supposed to be on the
datacard, and when Karrde explained that Ferrier hadn't even been invited, Ferrier realized that he had
made a bbig mistake. He tried to escape by pulling a thermal detonator from his sleeve, forcing his way to
his own ship and fleeing into space. (DFR, DFRSB, TLC)
this was the name of the capital world of the Ferro Systems. Its year encompassed three standard years.
Ferro Systems
a collection of star systems settled by human colonists, the Ferro Systems were reclusive and isolationist
in their stance. Although they elected to join the galactic community of the Old Republic, they were not
always compliant with its laws. (RP)
this was the name given to the near-human colonists who settled the Ferro Systems. They were a proud
people, but quite reclusive and independent. These tall, strong-looking near-humans were known for their
milky-white to icy blue skin, their unusual eye coloration, and the fact that they rarely traveled far from
their homeworlds. Most known Ferroans inhabited the planet Zonama Sekot, although it was generally
believed that the Ferroans were brought to Zonama Sekot, not native to it. This group of Ferroans was
employed by the original Magister as caretakers of the planet, using their natural instinct to remain
separated from the rest of the galaxy to ensure Zonama Sekot was well-hidden from casual observers.
Generations later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Shaper Nen Yim came to believe
that the Yuuzhan Vong might have evolved into something like the Ferroans, had they not destroyed their
homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar generations earlier. With the discovery that Zonama itself was the offspring of
Yuuzhan'tar, the link between the living planet and the Yuuzhan Vong became obvious. After the
Yuuzhan Vong surrendered to the Galactic Alliance at Coruscant some five years after their invasion

began, it was decided that the remaining Yuuzhan Vong would live on Zonama Sekot. The Ferroans were
surprisingly open to this decision, especially in light of the number of times the Yuuzhan Vong had tried to
destroy Zonama Sekot. A few members of the younger generation of Ferroans thought the idea was
improper, and chose to leave Zonama Sekot and travel to other worlds. (RP, FH3, UF)
this incredibly strong, durable material was used to form the deepest structural sections of the buildings
on Coruscant. (RP)
a material used to form walkways, ferrocrete is made from a mixture of concrete and steel-like materials
which are bonded at the molecular level. (LCF, E1A1)
this highly-explosive material was used in the construction of core bombs, during the last decades of the
Old Republic. It was used in conjunction with magnopium to create the intense blast produced by the core
bomb. (TAE)
see ferroconcrete (FH2)
Ferro-magnesium Ceramic
a metallic-based colloid used in the hulls of ships which must pass through a planet's atmosphere, such
as emergency life pods. (SCRE)
this city was located on the planet Cmaoli Di, and was the site of Von Doobba's estate. (SWJ13)
Ferros VI
an Imperial prison camp was maintained on this planet during the Galactic Civil War. (DSTC)
a group of Imperial transports operative during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this small corporation produced a variety of personal conveyance devices during the era of the New
Order. (GFT)
this Ewok was the High Master of the Panshee tribe, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (SWJ1)
this man worked for Talon Karrde during the New Republic, and was part of the team Karrde assembled
to rescue the students at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of
the galaxy. (EVC)
Ferthyn, Borus
this disheveled, old man was known as the local madman in the city of Gadrin, on the planet Cularin, in
the years following the Battle of Naboo. While he was discovered to have some sensitivity to the Force,
Borus himself was unaware of the trait. He was quite literally mad, and was generally disregarded by
every other inhabitant of Gadrin. He wandered the streets and alleyways of the city, eking out a living
from the scraps and meager donations of the populace. (EOS)
known as Bothan glitterstones, these sparkling stones were formed during the creation of the planet
Bothawui. (SPG)
Fervse'dra Asteroid Belt

this ring of debris was located in Both System, between the planets Taboth and Bothwaui. Its name
literally meant "Clan of Stones" in the Bothan language. (SPG)
this gas giant was the fifth planet of the Polith System, located in the Inner Rim. It was orbited by thirtythree moons. (PH)
primary planet in the Fest System, the inhabitants were nearly always at war with themselves or their
neighbors on Mantooine. They disliked Emperor Palpatine even more, and were beginning to rebel when
the Empire attacked Mantooine. Their distrust for each other, coupled with a lack of communications
facilities, kept the inhabitants of Fest from warning the Mantooinians about the attack. The geography of
Fest is dominated by steep mountain ranges and deep valleys. Fest was the site of an Imperial weapons
research facility during the Galactic Civil War, located atop one of the planet's tallest mountains. (RASB,
Festival of Glad Arrival
this celebration of the pastoral beauty of Naboo was staged by the Pastoral Collective, in the meadows of
the Lake Counrty, each spring. For several days, the meadows were filled with colorful pageants and
musical performances. (IWE2)
Festival of Great Trade
this was one of the major holiday events on the planet Svivren, celebrated in the southern districts where
the major bargaining arenas were found. Merchant "pilgrims" from all over Svivren descend on the city of
Wrils during this time. (MJEH)
Festival of Hoods
an Ewok ceremony in which young Ewoks pass into maturity. The presenation of a skin hood signifies
that the Ewok is no longer a child. (ECAR)
Festival of the High Winds
this annual gathering of spice merchants, slavers, and crimelords takes place on the planet Sevarcos.
Sponsored by the Spice Lords of Sevarcos, the Festival served as a backdrop against which the major
leaders could exchange information and make deals. A wind-rider race highlighted the events of the
Festival. (SWJ2)
Festival of the Twin Gods
this one-day celebration was observed by the Yuuzhan Vong, who paused in their labors to contemplate
the gods Yun-Harla and Yun-Yammka. On this day, Yuuzhan Vong children could play tricks on their
elders without fear of punishment. Adults often exchanged secrets amongst themselves, sometimes even
to their enemies. (NJOSB)
Festival of Warriors
this annual competition between Gungan warriors attracted the best soldiers from tribes across the
planet. To be invited to the Festival was considered a great honor among the members of the Gungan
Grand Army. (E1A9)
Festival, The
this was the name of the annual period of paid vacation provided to SoroSuub Corporation employees on
the planet Genarius. It was held in honor of the production of the first G-59 Cannibalizer starfighter, and
recreated the original series of parties which were authorized by Miim Te'Suub. (LFC)
Feswin, Chau
this man represented the Elrood Sector of the galaxy as a Senator to the New Republic, during the height
of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde bribed Feswin with relief supplies,
provided that Feswin would eventually purchase YVH-1 combat droids, in the wake of the Battle of
Coruscant. They recorded the conversation, in hopes of blackmailing Feswin into supporting Cal Omas'

candidacy for Chief of State. (DW)

this city was located on the Beszilov continent of the planet Garnib. (PG1)
an Alliance transport destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Fete Day
this was the name given to the first day of Fete Week, held annual on the planet Coruscant during the
height of the Old Republic. (SWI72)
Fete Week
a public celebration held annually on Coruscant. (TFE)
Fete Week
a week-long celebration observed on Chandrila. Canna Omonda was publicly executed for openly
criticizing Palpatine's decision to disband the Imperial Senate during Fete Week. (SWJ4)
a planet whose natural resources have been depleted. (RPG)
Fett, Boba
originally from the planet Kamino, Boba Fett was the son of noted bounty hunter Jango Fett. When Jango
was first contacted about developing a clone army, one of the only things he requested as payment was
an unadulterated clone to have as a son. Boba was the first of the clones produced by the Kaminoans,
some ten years before the onset of the Clone Wars, and Jango loved him with all his being. He trained
Boba to be self-reliant, and often took the child on bounty-hunting missions. This self-reliance was put to
the test when Jango was killed during the Battle of Geonosis. Young Boba Fett fled the planet in his
father's ship, Slave I, and spent several years trying to avenge Jango's death at Geonosis. At the age of
twelve, he had managed to establish himself as one of the galaxy's best bounty hunters, and had even
performed several jobs for Jabba the Hutt. Boba nearly had his chance to kill Mace Windu, after
infiltrating the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but was unable to complete his mission. His presence on
Coruscant earned him the recognition of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, however, who took the young
hunter into his confidence. Little was known of what happened to him over the next twenty years. It was
rumored that he returned to his father's homeworld of Concord Dawn, where he was known as the
Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel. There were also rumors that Fett was an extremely dedicated
Imperial stormtrooper who, for reasons known only to him, attacked and killed his superior officer. These
rumors have never been substantiated, and many were eventually proven false, but Fett did nothing to
rectify them because they added to his mystique and hid his true past. In his travels, Boba Fett acquired a
full suit of Mandalorian Shock Trooper armor to replace the suit worn by his father years before. The
unique weapons systems of the armor suited a number of purposes, including enhancement of his
arsenal as well as increasing the mystique behind his reputation. He also acquired his father's Kuat
Systems Engineering Firespray-class ship, Slave I and had it heavily modified at Kuat Drive Yards. Many
of the modifications to Slave I were developed by Kuat of Kuat himself, and helped further the design of
other starships. Fett employed the best microsurgeons in the galaxy to remove as many of the painsensing nerves from his body. He also had many of his body's pleasure sensors eliminated as well. As his
proficiency as a bounty hunter grew, so did his reputation. It was even believed that Grand Moff Willhuf
Tarkin employed Boba Fett to hunt down Han Solo, shortly after Solo's defection, in order to prove to the
galaxy that the Empire would not tolerate any breech of loyalty. This led to his being hired by Kud'ar
Mub'at, in an intricate plan to eliminate the Bounty Hunters Guild. The plan, masterminded by Prince
Xizor, involved Fett actually joining the Guild, which he had felt was too restrictive in its bylaws. The plan
worked, resulting in the breaking of the Guild into two rival factions. During this time, Fett also discovered
the schemes of Kuat of Kuat, and would have exposed the leader of Kuat Drive Yards if Kuat hadn't been
intent on his own suicide. Fett later became one of the bounty hunters commissioned by Darth Vader to
hunt down the Millennium Falcon. This occurred at about the same time as Jabba The Hutt hired him to
capture Solo. These two commissions fit together perfectly for Boba Fett, who used his knowledge of Han

Solo's background to predict Han's maneuver of floating away with the Avenger's garbage, and tracked
the Falcon to Bespin and Cloud City. Boba Fett then took possession of Han's frozen body and returned
to Tatooine, only to be intercepted over the desert world by IG-88. In a brief firefight, Boba Fett was able
to destroy IG-88's ship, but Slave I was so damaged that landing on Tatooine would be impossible. So,
Fett travelled to the Outer Rim world of Zhar, and landed on Gall. There, he was further beset by bounty
hunters, including Zuckuss and 4-LOM, who wanted to steal Solo's body. Fett managed to escape them
as well, only to be assaulted by Alliance starfighters from Rogue Squadron. Fett escaped them as well
and transported Solo to Jabba the Hutt, collecting the large bounty on Han's head to go with his Imperial
payment. It was at time that Fett discovered Ree Duptom's personal starship adrift and Duptom himself
dead. He took possession of the droid in Duptom's hold and the young woman in his holding cell. The
droid contained data on Kuat of Kuat's plot to discredit Prince Xizor, and the woman turned out to be
Neelah. Jabba then offered him a large sum of money to remain on Tatooine as his personal bounty
hunter. This allowed him to hide Neelah from the rest of the galaxy, but Fett stipulated that he would
remain a freelance bounty hunter on retainer. Although the work was extremely simple for Fett, he
believed that there would be a rescue attempt made on Solo, and he wanted to be there when it
happened. After slightly underestimating Leia's disguise as Boussh, Boba Fett's instincts went into
overdrive, and he was ready when Luke Skywalker showed up at Jabba's palace. Unfortunately for Boba
Fett, when Luke, Han, and Chewie were about to be thrown into the Sarlacc pit, Fett's rocket backpack
was accidentally activated by the then-blind Han Solo. Fett careened into the side of Jabba's sail barge
and was knocked unconscious. Fett was thought to have been killed in the Sarlacc's acid-filled belly, but
he managed to set of a series of explosions which destroyed much of the beast and allowed him to
escape. Note that Marvel Comics' Star Wars issue 81 showed Boba Fett being "rescued" by the Jawas
from the Sarlacc pit, only to fall back in when the Jawas' sandcrawler fell into it. He lay dying in the twin
suns of Tatooine until he was discovered by Dengar and Manaroo, who recognized him by the tattered
armor that still clung to his skinless body. Dengar also found Neelah,and took them both to his hideout in
the desert. There, with the help of some of Jabba's medical droids, Dengar nursed Fett back to health.
Once recovered, Boba Fett set out to clear up the situation with Kuat of Kuat and Neelah. They managed
to put all the pieces together, with the help of Balancesheet and Kuat himself, before Kuat killed himself.
After recovering the heavily-damaged Slave I from the Alliance, he limped to Nar Shaddaa and
commandeered a second ship for his use. He designated this ship Slave II, and was again commissioned
by the Hutts, this time to kill Solo once and for all. He almost succeeded at Nar Shaddaa, but was again
thwarted. When Han Solo and Princess Leia returned to Nar Shaddaa to take Vima-Da-Boda into
custody, Boba Fett again nearly captured Solo, but Chewbacca overpowered him, ripping off his helmet
and igniting his rocket-pack. Fett careened into the ceiling of the spaceport's lowest levels and was
knocked unconscious. It was believed that he sustained near-fatal head injuries, but Fett returned to
action shortly afterward, this time with the newly-repaired Slave I. His spent much of his career tracking
down the two most elusive targets, Han Solo and Rivo Xarran. Fett caught Rivo on Ladarra, but let him
live after discovering that Rivo was caring for a group of children. He later caught Solo on Jubilar,and the
two decided that they had been adversaries too long to kill each other, and they went their separate ways.
Mnay years passed, and the galaxy remained more or less stable until the Yuuzhan Vong launched their
invasion. Unable to sit back and watch the galaxy fall, Fett gathered a number of individuals with ties to
the Mandalorians and set out to do as much damage as they could. From a base on Caluula Station, they
worked to thwart any incursion of the Yuuzhan Vong into the Tion Hegemony. When Han Solo and his
wife Leia arrived at the station with rescued prisoners from Selvaris, Fett removed his armor and
introduced himself as Hurn. The Solos couldn't place the face, which was just fine with Fett. When the
Yuuzhan Vong launched their final assault on Caluula Station, Fett and his soldiers worked tirelessly to
ensure that the Solos escaped the station and returned to Calamari with the prisoners. As he cleared an
escape lane for the Millennium Falcon, Fett called Solo to explain that he was always angry with the Jedi
Knights, and that Solo was just valuable cargo. As Solo commed back that Fett was just a nuisance, they
once again went their separate ways. Boba Fett was portrayed by Jeremy Bulloch in Star Wars: The
Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, and by Daniel Logan in Star Wars Episode II:
Attack of the Clones. He was also portrayed by Alen Rosenburg for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio
Drama on National Public Radio. (ESB, ESBR, ROTJ, MTS, DE1, DE2, DESB, EGC, SSE, MA. SLS, HM,
TBH, TFNR, SWI57, T11, TCG1, BF1, AOTCN, MC81, UF, BF6)
Fett, Cassus

this man was perhaps the most wanted criminal in the galaxy during the years leading up to the Great
Sith War. He was known to have killed an officer of the Old Republic during the Battle of Jaga's Cluster,
before he fled into deep space. Although he was presumed dead, many beings claimed that he was
biding his time before returning to the forefront. (KOTOR)
Fett, Jango
this man was a noted bounty hunter during the last decades of the Old Republic. As a child, Jango was
orphaned on Concord Dawn when his family, farmers by trade, were murdered in a civil war among the
factions of the Mandalorian Shocktroopers. Vizsla captured Jango and forced his parents to tell what they
knew of Jaster Mereel, but the Fetts refused. Jango fled as Vizsla and his cronies executed his family.
Jango himself was saved by Jaster Mereel and later trained by the Mandalorians, debts which he carried
for the rest of his life. Jango became one of the noted Mandalorian Shocktroopers, and it was believed
that he was the only survivor of that military group. He patrolled the galaxy in the Firespray-class starship
Slave I, a ship which was heavily-customized to his exactly standards. Jango lived his life by a code,
made up from simple ideals that came from a lifetime of bounty hunting. Around the time of the Battle of
Naboo, Jango was contacted by Darth Tyranus on one of the moons of Bogden, to serve as the model for
a new clone army being developed for the Republic. Jango had been singled out from all the beings in the
galaxy by the Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The job paid well, especially in light of the fact that Jango only had
to provide genetic material and training for the clones. His only real payment, besides room and board on
the planet Kamino, was a single, unadultered clone. Jango took the child and raised it as his own son,
whom he named Boba. In between taking jobs as a bounty hunter, Jango taught his son to be selfsufficient and wary of everything. He trained Boba on starships and weapons, encouraging the boy to
read and learn about the galaxy around him. Jango Fett often worked along, but was known to have
partnered with Zam Wesell during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Shortly before the onset of the
Clone Wars, it was Jango Fett who was employed by the Trade Federation to assassinate Senator
Padme' Amidala of Naboo. He chose to work with Zam Wesell on the job, knowing that the Clawdite's
ability to change shape would come in handy on Coruscant. When the attempt failed, Jango had to kill
Zam in order to maintain his secrecy. He returned to the planet Kamino, until its location was discovered
by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Jango, realizing that Obi-Wan was not the Jedi accomplice of Darth Tyranus, fled
Kamino to the planet Geonosis. There, he became embroiled in the Battle of Geonosis, the first true
skirmish of the Clone Wars. Despite the fact that his cloned army performed well, Jango himself was
unable to match the intensity of the Jedi Knights. In combat with Mace Windu, Jango was killed when he
was decapitated by Windu's lightsaber. Stories of Jango's death reached far and wide, well beyond the
battle arena of Geonosis. To lose one's head in a battle with a Jedi became known as "getting Jango'ed".
Many clone troopers told and retold the story of his death, until it became widely accepted that it had
taken twelve Jedi to bring him down. Jango Fett was portrayed by Temuera Morrison in Star Wars:
Episode II - Attack of the Clones. A young Jango Fett clone, as seen in the Kamino cafeteria, was
portrayed by Bodie "Tihoi" Taylor. (SWI57, SWDB, OWS, JF, ZW, BF1, AOTC, AOTCN, VD2, SWDB,
Fett, Melvin
according to a popular comic that was dsitributed on the HoloNet during the height of the New Order,
Melvin Fett was the bungling cousin of noted bounty hunter Boba Fett. The comic series told the story of
Melvin's attempt to capture Jar Jar Binks on the planet Tatooine, and how the only thing he captured was
a drinking cup that was shaped like a Gungan. (T20)
Fetz, Amatha
this well-known and well-liked rogue owned Tion Hauling, based on Lianna. She was born to a poor
family, and earned her wealth through hard work, keen business acuman, and a little bit of piracy. Among
the working class of Lianna, she is considered something of a hero. (ML)
Fever Wasp
native to the jungles of Haruun Kal, this vicious insect was a parasite that laid its eggs in any living being
it could attack and bite. The larvae of the fever wasp feed on blood and flesh, although it was discovered
that they also like to consume thyssel bark. Because of this trait, those Korunnai who chewed the bark as
a stimulant and were bitten by fever wasps died very quickly. When the larvae of the fever wasp reached

the brain of their host, they continue to grow until they hatched, feeding on the brain cells and eventually
killing the host. When a mass of larvae reached maturity, they burst from the skull of their host as if
emerging from a huge eggshell. If caught very soon after the initial bite, the larvae of the fever wasp could
be killed with an injection of thanatizine. If not destroyed immediately, the only way to destroy the larvae
was to kill the host and burn their body. The larvae of the fever wasp matured in about four days, making
treatment virtually impossible if delayed. (SHPT)
this huge tree was native to the rainforests of the planet Veron. These trees covered more than threequarters of Veron's surface, but were not able to survive on the rocky mountains or coastal shores. (PG1,
Fevvenor Toad
this small amphibian was native to the upper levels of the fevvenor trees which made up the rainforests of
Veron. (PG1)
this city was located on the eastern continent of the planet Bothawui. (SPG)
this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning,
Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "beloved". (GCG)
Fewash Welko
this Selkath was a noted author and historian of his people's plight, during the Imperial occupation of the
planet Manaan. He was also a member of the Order of Shasa, which gave him first-hand knowledge of
the rebellion against their Imperial oppressors. His book, The Battle of Ahto: A Memoir, chronicled the
swift attacks led by the Order of Shasa, and of how the Selkath acted under the direction of a masked
stranger. Fewash's words told of his spprehension and fear of the bloodlust that consumed the Selkath,
and revealed that the stranger was none other than Darth Vader himself. (PH)
a chemical weapon, Fex-M3 is a potent nerve gas that causes death when inhaled. (ISB)
a later variation on the original Fex-M3 nerve gas, Fex-M3d was designed to bind to neuro-receptors as it
passed through the bloodstream after being inhaled. This binding effect prevents the nerves from sending
information to the brain. In small doses, it can cause involuntary muscles to become lax, making the
heartbeat irregular and breathing difficult. In larger doses, the body's autonomous nervous system shuts
down completely, stopping the lungs from breathing. (WG)
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "servant".
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Afey or Ifey clans. It was
added to the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
Feychar Paska
this was the name of a noted Ranth individual, distinguished in the history of the planet Caaraz. (UANT)
a rough, pebbly cloth used to make robes. Emperor Palpatine wore a feyd-cloth robe while he was on the
second Death Star over Endor. (SE)
Fey'lya's Pride

this Lambda-class shuttle was part of the Bothan fleet which assisted the Alliance in evacuating their
base on Kothlis, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)
this Draedan dictator was one of the few that supported Emperor Palpatine and the New Order on Sesid.
this portly man was a Corellian, and he owned and operated Feyodor's Tavern in Omman's Capital City.
He was generally regarded as an excellent chef, although no one knew if he had been formally trained.
Feyodor's Tavern
this small tavern was located in Capital City, on Omman, and was owned by the man named Feyodor.
One of its most famous attractions was the cascading waterfall of lights which graced the wall behind the
bar. The artwork also served a more devious role, as each light indicated the presence of a certain
smuggler, bounty hunter, or pirate. If the light was on, the individual was in the area and looking for work.
Other lights in the waterfall indicated that certain clients had a job to offer. Color-coding represented
need, status, and occupations required. Blue indicated a veteran, while red was a warning that the
individual was a risk. Green meant the being was available, and white indicated that the being was
pratically a living legend. Yellow meant a deal was in progress, but could be broken as the contract hadn't
been signed. (SWJ12)
this name was common among members of the T'surr race. (WOTC, UANT)
this was a small fishing village located on the planet Bothawui (Kothlis?). (COG)
Feyyaz Ferdusi
this Nduuati bounty hunter was also an accomplished swoopchase racer. He was beaten once on Najiba
by Jobany Cyrs, despite the fact that Jobany was a rookie at the time. (BSS)
a rhinestone-like gem. (GMH)
this fat, bald human was Crying Dawn Singer's road agent and personal manager. He often dressed in
tight-fitting suits of metallic fabrics. (TA)
an alien race native to the planet Lorahns, the Ffibs established a religious order which spanned many
worlds during the Old Republic. Several years before the Battle of Naboo, the Ffib were nearly wiped out
by the Twi'leki pirate Reess Kairn. The Daughters of the Ffib sought out Aurra Sing, hoping to employ her
in an effort to eliminate Kairn and the two Shi'ido he employed to masquerade as him. (TJP, BHAS)
Ffib Tribunal
this was the governmental body which ruled the Ffib people, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
small lizards used as meat sources for the Ssi-ruuk (TB)
FG 8T8 Twin Block2 Special
this was a model of Farwan&Glott podracer that was unique in its design to most other racers. The Twin
Block2 Special was a single unit, with its cockpit positioned in between and slightly in fron of its engines,
rather than being dragged behind. The cockpit was connected to the engines by a rigid Y-frame, requiring

a specialized control cable set-up. The engines of the Twin Block2 Special measured 7.16 meters in
length, and could propel the cockpit at speeds reaching 785 kilometers per hour. (IG1, SWDB)
this was a type of nerve gas manufactured for Locris Syndicates. (GG10)
this shrubby plant was native to the Forest Moon of Endor, where it was sought out by the Ewoks, who
used its roots for a number of uses. However, acquiring enough fgir root to create the paste was a
dangerous proposition, as the roots were hollow and quite sensitive to pressure. When squeezed or
compressed, the roots of the fgir ejected a number of poisonous, needle-like spines into the air. It was
this characteristic that earned the fgir bush the nickname "shooter roots". However, the Ewoks learned
that the root itself could be cut and dried to form a dart blower, while the moisture found in the roots could
be distilled into an effective anesthetic. Despite its ability to heal Ewok injuries, fgir root proved ineffectual
on Aqualish, Mon Calamari, Quarren, and Priapulin individuals. (GMR9)
Fharn, Melodia
this woman, a native of the city of Tekar, on the planet Derilyn, was a nurse before the planet was
subjugated by the Empire. Her husband was in the city of Paran when it was destroyed, and Melodia was
widowed by the war. She was forced to raise her son alone, but he eventually grew up and got married.
Unfortunately, both the son and his wife were also members of Derilyn's resistance movement, and both
were killed by Imperial troops. Melodia found herself the guardian of her two grandchildren, but she no
longer could ignore the threat of the Empire. She became Tekar's foremost rebel leader during the
Imperial occupation of Derilyn. (PG3)
Fhnark & Company Exotic Foodstuffs
this supplier of unusual kinds of food - including still living delicacies like trufflites - is known by their
motto, "We cater to the galaxy's degenerate appetites." (MA)
this creature was raised for its pelt. (TMEC)
this clone commando - officially known as RC-8015 - was one of the many commandos who survived the
Battle of Geonosis. The remainder of his squad was killed in the fighting on Geonosis, and Fi was force-fit
into a new squad, known as Omega Squad. Fi was known for his infallible sense of dry humor, and he
never ceased to find something funny about his situation. Often, this lightheartedness eased the nerves of
his fellow clones, but it soon became grating to many. (RCHC)
this Imperial warship served as Grand Admiral Syn's personal flagship, during his occupation of the
Kashyyyk system. It was destroyed when Admiral Ackbar and a fleet of New Republic warships liberated
Kashyyyk. (SWI66)
this was the High Galactic word for "son", used to indicate a male child. (MC7, SWI66)
this young woman was the daughter of Spang, the technician who installed the weaponry aboard the
Tanquilla Beach space station. Fia herself was an accomplished mechanic, having graduated at just
nineteen from Corellia University's School of Starship Engineering with a degree in hypernatuics. She
chose to do her internship aboard the Tanquilla Beach station, alongside her father, some four years after
the Battle of Endor. (DARK)
this alien race, native to the planet Galantos, called the Koornacht Cluster "The Multitude." They were a
small, placid race whose communication included wild hand and arm gestures. After the Yuuzhan Vong

captured Coruscant, the Fia began negotiating with the alien invaders, hoping to survive the invasion.
They provided information on the strengths of the Yevetha, in return for resources and the Yuuzhan
Vong's assurance that the Yevetha would be destroyed. The Fia also allowed the communications
network to the Republic to be shut down, mainly to avoid reprials from the Republic itself. Little did the Fia
know that the Yuuzhan Vong had no plans to spare either the Yevetha or the Fia. Only the timely
intervention of Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han Solo, on a mission to restore communications
with Galantos, helped the Fia avoid the fate of the Yevetha. (BTS, FH1)
this was the native language of the Fia race. (EGP)
Fiana Jor
this individual was a noted Caarite, distinguished in the history of the planet Caarimon. (UANT)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "Summerlike." (GCG,
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "perceptive" in the Sullustan
language. (GCG)
a strong, thin cord that is used to connect grappling hooks and other climbing devices. These cords are
made from durable fibers, often flexsteel, and can also be used as whips. (ISB)
this incredibly strong material is used to make doors and other building materials. (KT)
this material, formed from lightweight fibers, was used in the construction of ceiling tiles, during the early
years of the New Republic. (T)
a strong, braided rope used by climbers and tight-rope walkers. It was also favored by mercenaries and
infiltration squadrons. (SOC)
this incredibly strong cable was formed from natural fibers which were woven with strands of steel.
Fibrasteel was used to create reins and control systems for riders of large beasts, such as dewbacks.
FIBUA Operation
this was a term used by the military leaders and instructors of the Grand Army of the Republic to
indication any fighting in built-up areas, or inside buildings. It was essentially a fancy term for urban
warfare. (RCHC)
this planet was one of the Trianii colony worlds usurped by the Corporate Sector. Intense fighting among
the Trianii Rangers and the CSA resulted from the takeover, and it was during this battle that Keeheen
was taken prisoner by the CSA and imprisoned at Stars' End. After three years of devastating battles, the
Rangers and the CSA signed an armistice treaty following the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately for those
beings native to Fibuli, the planet had been devastated by the continual fighting, and was little more that a
wasteland. (CSA, EGA, SWJ7)

the first planet in the Yavin system, Fiddanl was a molten world of toxic chemicals and deadly
atmosphere. It had eighteen natural landmasses, which shifted at speeds of 600 kilometers a day. The
planet's name seemed to have originated in the Imperial Xenodetic Survey Department, and was given by
a Nuiwit clerk to replace the designation 96NK3F2. The average day on Fiddanl lasted 18 standard hours,
and its year encompassed 276 local days. From space, the planet appeared as a constantly-changing
mosaic of color, resulting from the rich abundance of minerals in the crust and in the atmosphere. (GG2,
this was the name used by many Nuiwits for their pets. (GG2)
Fiddler 10
this large, repulsor-equipped droid was roughly the shape of a human torso. Two large grasping arms and
two smaller manipulator arms sprouted from each side of the droid's body, giving it the ability to move a
variety of cargoes. (BTRKS29)
this was one of the Thranta-class warships slaved to the Another Chance to protect it from being taken by
hostile forces. Like its companions, the Courage and Valiant, it would accompany the Another Chance as
it jumped through hyperspace to avoid detection. One of the Thranta-class ships would enter realspace
before the Another Chance to engage any resistance, the second would accompany it for protection, and
the third would help draw off pursuit. (BW)
a Biituian youth who befriended R2-D2 and C-3PO when they encountered the Great Heep on Biitu.
Fidge was ten years old at the time, and agreed to help the droids rescue their owner, Mungo Baobab,
from the Imperials who were on Biitu to monitor the Great Heep. Their plan succeeded, and they freed
Mungo. Then, they worked to destroy the Great Heep and free Biitu from Imperial control. (TGH)
see Foreign Intruder Defense Organism (COTF, EGD)
this was an ancient word used to curse another being to the death they deserved. (MC9)
Fi'ek Sirch
this Nikto Jedi Knight was one of many who participated in the Battle of Geonosis. (SWI68)
Field Achievement Award
this medal was given to all members of the Alliance who survive their first mission into Imperial-controlled
territory. (TFE)
Field Cauterizer
this medical device, produced by Nilar Med/Tech Corporation, was a self-contained laser used to disinfect
and cauterize wounds which occurred in remote locations where medical facilities were not present.
Field Disruptor
this device allowed a being to move through an energy fence or screen by temporarily disrupting the
energy field as the wearer passed through. These devices could also be used as weapons, delivering a
burst of energy outward from the generator. (EGW)
Field Secured Container Vessel
known as an FSCV, these huge ships have heavy ion drives at each end. Produced by Loronar, the ship
consists of several paired Prexton doublefield generators which create 800-meter-wide spheres of energy
that can carry 250 million cubic meters of storage. The entire ship can then be surrounded by a

hyperspace field which allows it to move at lightspeed to its destination. Note that the Black Ice adventure
module claims these ships were designed and manufactured by Rendili StarDrive. (ISB, BI)
Field Sports
this small corporation manufactured recreational weapons used in targetting sports, including air guns
used to fire capsules of paint to indicate hits. (ROE)
this insect, found on the planet Kubindi, is a staple in Kubaz cooking. (SWJ10)
despite her name, this domestic bursa was anything but fierce. Owned by Murble, Fierce was a scrawny
beast who could perform a few simple tricks, such as standing on one leg. These tricks helped Murble
earn his meager living, and thereby keep Fierce fed. The only time Fierce did get mean was if Murble was
threatened, and Fierce could turn vicious enough to scare away potential attackers. (CCW)
the Huttese word for hex or curse, fierfek became a common swear word during the height of the Clone
Wars. (TJP, RCHC)
Fiery Ones
this was the name given by the Charr Ontee to the unusual, intelligent species which developed in the
wake of the Rift Disaster. Resembling tiny balls of light, the Fiery Ones were not created by the ancient
Kathol race, as the Charr Ontee history had no record of them or their discovery until DarkStryder
banished them. The Fiery Ones were considered part of the original Kathol species by the Charr Ontee,
although the Yapi regarded them as spirits. They could use the Ta-Ree energy which permeated the
planet Kathol, and could give off an energy shock if provoked. In general, though, the Fiery Ones were
curious beings who tried to communicate with any new species they encountered. (E)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
Fifteen Moons Casino
a gaming house located on Ord Mantell, the Fifteen Moons Casino was named for the fifteen natural
satellites of the planet. (SL, SWDB)
this was the name of a noted Spiner individual. (UANT)
Fifth Alderaanian Expedition
this was the fifth in a series of galactic exploration missions launched by the people of the planet
Alderaan, during the height of the Old Republic's Expansionist Period. This expedition was noted because
it was the first such mission to make contact with people of Hijarna. (TLC)
Fifth Battle Group
also known as the Fifth Fleet, this was the New Republic's latest defensive fleet, created about twelve
years after the Battle of Endor. The Fifth Fleet was the first to be completely comprised of the Navy's new
classes of starship, such as the Sacheen- and Hajen-class frigates. It was initially placed under the
command of Etahn A'baht, and was deployed to the Koornacht Cluster during the Yevethan Great Purge.
It initially contained 106 starships, but it took a number of losses in the blockade of Doornik-319. (BTS,
Fifth Battle of Qotile
this was one of the decisive struggles during the Stark Hyperspace Conflict, in which Jedi Knight Plo
Koon rallied the forces who had been serving under Jedi Master Tyvokka. Master Tyvokka was caught in

the crossfire and killed, but his apprentice took control of the Republic's forces and led them to victory.
this was a small, sweet type of candy favored by children during the years leading up to the Clone Wars.
Figg & Associates
the conglomerate of businesses formed by Ecclessis Figg on Bespin, Figg & Associates was considered
a separate business entity from Figg's primary operatio, the Outer Javin Company. (ISU, WOA33)
Figg & Associates Bank and Trust
this was the largest financial institution formed on Cloud City. (GG2)
Figg & Associates Museum of Art
this acclaimed art museum was located on Cloud City, and was funded by Ecclessis Figg and his
conglomerate. (GG2)
Figg Avenue
this wide, wondrously-architected pathway was located on the administration level of Cloud City. (GG2)
Figg Excavations
this was one of the many small corporations that were subsidiaries of the Outer Javin Company. Like its
parent, Figg Excavations was headquartered on Gerrenthum. However, its primary staging point for
exploration and mining operations was at Ione. As a member of the Mining Guild, FiggEx was supposed
to provide input on helping all mining operations gain expertise and profitability by sharing information.
However, the input from FiggEx was almost always minimal at best, and many within the Guild believed
that FiggEx was only working for its own betterment. Nothing pointed this out more than the allegations
that FiggEx was employing pirates to ambush its own convoys, as a way to demand local protect from
Anoat Sector forces, thereby allowing them to split with the Mining Guild. When these allegations were
proven to be true, FiggEx suffered more than the loss of profits it reported from the false piracy. It was
severely fined by the Mining Guild and lost a great deal of respect for itself and for the Outer Javin
Company. The Outer Javin Company was later discovered to have been unaware of FiggEx's
machinations, further compounding the corporation's trouble. (WOA33, WOA34)
Figg Plaza
one of the many beautiful open-air plazas located on Cloud City, Figg Plaza provided visitors with
spectacular views of Bespin's sunset. (GG2)
Figg Power Station
this was the primary power-generation facility located on the Ugnaught Surface, in the city of Ugnorgrad,
during the early years of the New Republic. It was named for Ecclessis Figg. (PH)
Figg, Bens
this Imperial stormtrooper was part of the detachment stationed on Golrath, during the months following
the Battle of Hoth. Lieutenant Giel was placed in command of the Golrath garrison, where the Imperials
hoped to find information about the location of the Alliance. Figg was a noted student who graduated from
the Imperial Academy with high honors. He excelled in sports, and was handsome enough to always get
the girl. It was generally believed that Figg would eventually become an officer in the Empire's command
structure. However, Figg was wholly unprepared when Leia Organa infiltrated the Imperial facility on
Golrath. She knocked Figg unconscious with a single blow. (MC65)
Figg, Ecclessis
this human was a well-known Corellian, famous for his deep-space explorations and wild inventions. As a
young man, Ecclessis served on a number of starships, taking on any job, from steward to mechanic. On
one of his expeditions, he discovered the planet Bespin's concentration of tibanna gas. Other gases were
also discovered, and he began making plans to mine it. His initial plans called for a large amount of credit,

but he lacked the necessary funds to begin. While working as a steward on an Alderaanian yacht, he
managed to save the life of a young woman named Yarith. He successfully wooed and married Yarith,
and convinced her family to invest in his proposed plans. Over the duration of their marriage, Figg's
investments returned a ten-fold profit on her money, as the Outer Javin Company grew and expanded at
a tremendous rate. His first Bespin mining colony, the Floating Home, was the start of a number of
floating settlements to be erected in the clouds of Bespin, and spurred Figg to create Cloud City. His wife
was the primary source for many of the architectural styles, drawing from the styles used on her
homeworld of Alderaan. Ecclessis Figg was considered a pioneer during his life, with an amazing record
of forging hyperspace routes through the Greater Javin where it was believed no pathways existed. After
gaining alliances with the Lutrillians and the Nothoiin, Figg began working to expand the knowledge of
Mugaari Space, exploring all the way to the Mid Rim and creating the region that would become the Javin
Sector. His work in developing routes from Lutrillia to Darlyn Boda, as well as linking the Corellian Trade
Spine at Isde Naha to the Nothoiin Corridor, opened up a wealth of trade opportunities for the Outer Javin
Company. The Old Republic even briefly considered using his name to denote a new sector in the
Greater Javin, but historical precedent required them to name the area as the Anoat Sector. (GG2, TLC,
Figg, Yarith
this woman, a native of the planet Alderaan, was the wife of Ecclessis Figg. She married him shortly after
Figg - who was working as a stewart aboard her family's luxury liner - saved yarith during a trip through
the Anoat System. Yarith provided access to her entire family fortune to help Ecclessis Figg start his own
business, then known as the Outer Javin Company. The investment, coupled with Figg's ability to
navigate through hyperspace, allowed the company to grow rapidly, and brought great wealth to their
family and descendents. (WOA33)
see Figg Excavations (WOA33)
FiggEx Security
this was the name of the private security force maintained by Figg Excavations during the height of the
New Order. Much of their work was rumored to be so-called "black ops", involving corporate espionage
and the manipulation of personnel to allow for FiggEx to achieve its business goals. (WOA34)
Figgis, Arner
this man, a professor of anthropology, proposed that the Bharhulai tribe of Socorro was a perfect example
of his survival-regressive-isolationist theory. The theory proposed that groups of humans, isolated from
other members of their kind during the colonization of a planet, would revert to primitive stages of human
development in order to ensure the survival of the group. (BSS)
Fighting Claw
this was the term used by the New Republic to describe the implanted claws used by Yuuzhan Vong
warriors in hand-to-hand combat. Essentially spurs of bone which are attached to specific muscles in the
hands, elbow, or knees, fighting claws could be extended in a struggle with a twitch of the connected
muscle, allowing the Yuuzhan Vong warrior to making vicious slashes at their opponent. The extension of
the claws was a painful act, but it only served to remind the warrior of his continual need to endure pain in
order to become more like his gods. (NJOSB)
Figrin D'an
the Bith leader of the Mos Eisley cantina band, he was known as "Fiery Figrin" on Tatooine. Adept at
playing both the kloo horn and the Gasan string drum, Figrin was rumored to have a huge stash of fine
Corellian spice in his possession, and he is a sucker for a game of sabacc. (SW, SCRE, TME, JKG)
Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
the Bith band that was playing in the Mos Eisley cantina when Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker booked
passage on the Millennium Falcon, they were - at one time - Jabba the Hutt's full-time band. They are
members, in good standing, of the Intergalactic Federation of Musicians, and had been entertaining
audiences for more than twenty years. During the height of the Clone Wars, the band was part of Jasod

Revoc's Galactic Revue. (TME, SW, MJH)

this street urchin, a native of the planet Centares, worked as a courier for Osaji Uhares during the height
of the Galactic Civil War. (WOA32)
the wood of this tree was used to create luxurious panelling and accent work. It had a unique, delicate
scent, even when finished and polished. It was native to the planet Cardooine, but also existed on the
planet Commenor. (TLC, IR)
this was a race of gaseous beings which could form its body into a number of configurations. Native to the
planet known only as DNX-N1, the Filar-Nitzan were called "cloud demons" or "gas devils" by the few
beings who knew of them. Their coloration is varied, ranging from blue to green and yellow, and their
eyes were always the opposite color from their bodies. Thus, a green-bodied Filar-Nitzan had red eyes.
Xenobiologists of the New Republic believed that there were less than 400 individual Filar-Nitzan alive in
the galaxy. (SWJ12, AE)
this Hutt was one of the few members of his species to actively support the Old Republic during the Clone
Wars. He served on Jabiim, where it was rumored that he was dabbling on the black market and trying to
curry favor with Alto Stratus. It was also rumored that Filba had connections to Black Sun, and had
aspirations to become a vigo himself. Later, Filba was one of the many non-combat personnel dispatched
to the planet Drongar, where he served as the supply sergeant and requisitions officer for the Rimsoo
Seven military hospital. He was also in charge of the Republic's bota production on the planet, a position
which allowed Filba to play burn ends of the candle. He ostensibly maintained tight control over the bota
that was shipped out, so as not to lose track of a shipment. However, he was skimming a small amount
from each outgoing shipment for his own use, which he later sold on the black market with the help of his
commanding officer, Admiral Tarnese Bleyd. It was Bleyd who had placed Filba in complete control of the
bota production, which seemed to be a huge responsibility on top of his regular military duties. Not many
knew of their side operations, but when they tried to make a higher profit for themselves, it attracted the
attention of their primary buyer, the Black Sun organization. Filba had tried to drive the price up by
purposely destroying an outgoing shuttle, hoping to claim that additional security would cost them.
However, Black Sun was in no mood to play games, and the assassin Kaird was dispatched to Drongar to
remedy the situation. Additionally, the spy known as Lens was inside the unit, operating on orders from
both BlackSun and the Separatists. Lens managed to slip a poison into Filba's food and water, disguised
as a member of The Silent. During a meeting with Bleyd, Filba suddenly seized up, as his system stopped
completely. Filba's death was eventually discovered to have been murder, although his killer was never
revealed to the rest of Rimsoo Seven. (MBS)
a pirate cargo ferry destroyed by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, as it tried to ferry supplies to
Alliance transports. (TIE)
this X'Ting was a Regent on the council formed by the Five Families, during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Because of his position, he was forced to keep a great of his species' history a secret from
his mate, G'Mai Duris. This proved to be unfortunate when Filian was challenged to a duel by Caiza Quill,
in a combat known as "going to the sand". Quill killed Filian, forcing Duris to assume his position on the
council. Filian died before the couple could engage in the X'Ting fertilization dance, leaving Duris
childless and without heirs. (HIV, TCD)
Filice Gonzork
this Arhan slicer was a member of The Shield during the Galactic Civil War. She married Peert Ginzork
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (CRO)

a New Republic Lieutenant serving under Admiral Ackbar. (XWN)
Fillin Ta
this young Whiphid, along with Norun Gep, ran Gep's Grill in Mos Eisley.They made their living by
rendezvousing with hunters on the outskirts of Mos Eisley, buying up catches of dewback and bantha for
their delicious food. (GG7)
Fillio Androu
this Wroonian and his partner, Linx Mallicker, salvaged the Lambarian Crab and modified it for their own
use. The two were known as weapons runners, and plied the Rimma Trade Route while supplying
weapons to the Alliance. (SS)
an Anzati word for a simple pleasure. (TME)
this being was once the Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic. His assistance in resolving the
Duinuogwuin Contention made him famous throughout the Republic's history. Statues of Fillorean and his
counterpart in the resolution, Borz'Mat'oh, stood in the central administration building of the University of
Coruscant, which he co-founded with the Star Dragon. (CCW)
this gas giant was the innermost planet of the Centares System, located in the Mid Rim. It was orbited by
a single moon. (WOA32)
this specialized datacard was used by the various banking and financial institutions on Aargau to identify
an individual and keep track of their account balances. In addition to possessing the filocard, an individual
also had to submit to an identity check, often a retinal scan or other DNA analysis, to ensure that they
were entitled to the money in a given account. (BF3)
this was a race of unusual, six-limbed aliens which was native to the planet Filordis. The front pair of
limbs was used as strong arms, and the rear pair of limbs was heavily-muscled and used for walking. The
middle pair of limbs was very thin, and was used for stabilizing their thick bodies during locomotion. In the
galaxy at large, the average Filordi was known to have two desires: to make their homeworld less hostile,
and to get away from it as fast as they could. The Filordi were one of three races, along with the
Neimoidians and the Caarites, which controlled the Trade Federation during the decades leading up to
the Battle of Naboo. However, both the Filordi and the Caarites were unprepared for the Neimoidians'
plans to blockade the Naboo System, and decided to break off their relationship with the Trade
Federation. Together, the two races form the Metatheran Cartel, and begin making plans to wrest control
of Cularin from the Federation if the blockade of Naboo should fail. When the Federation was defeated at
Naboo and was faced with the loss of their trade charter, the Metatheran Cartell assumed control of
Cularin. (WOTC, LFC)
this was another name for the Filordis language. (LFC)
this was the native language of the Filordi people. (LFC)
this rocky world orbited a red star, and was known as the homeworld of the Filordi race. The surface of
Filordis was constantly swept by fierce winds and thunderstorms. (LFC)

this was the term used to describe a single member of the Filordi race. (UANT)
Filorin, Abil
this man was the Alliance's primary contact within the local rebel cell on Brosi. Abil worked hard to make
contact with the Brosin Underground, hoping to bring them into the fold of the Alliance before their efforts
crossed paths. Note that this character is also referred to as Abil Vilorin in Alliance Intelligence Reports.
this was a swear word used by Alliance pilots. (T12)
this planet was the site of one of Thrawn's last attacks before he attacked Coruscant. The attack was led
by the Star Destroyer Judicator. Much of the planet is covered by a hot desert, and the native Filvians
have built enclosed cities to protect themselves from the planet's scorching environment. (TLC, TTSB)
the race native to Filve, this Filvians were large, intelligent quadripeds which evolved in the various harsh
landscapes of Filve. Their bumpy shape was a result of a variety of glands and sacs located on their
bodies, which helped a Filvian hold water and fat for consumption in emergency situations. This allowed
them to go for up to thirty days without food or water. Their three-fingered hands were quite dextrous, and
many Filvians were known to be excellent computer operators. (TLC, TTSB)
Fil'vye Transport
this was the shipping and transport company owned by Onoron Fil'vye, which was based on Streysel
Island on Vaynai during the height of the New Order. Outwardly Fil'vye Transport was known for its ability
to get sensitive cargoes required by corporations and governments moved between locations with speed
and security. However, these operations served as cover for Fil'vye's more lucrative smuggling contracts.
Final Flight
this was the Basic translation of the Nediji name for death. (MJH)
Final Jump
spacer slang for death. (HSR)
Final Prophet
this is the Charon death cult's exalted leader. It was believed that the Final Prophet would be the Charon
who would lead them all into the Void, for the Prophet would show them how to eliminate all life in the
galaxy. The Void would then reveal to the Prohpet all the secrets of the galaxy, and allow the Charon to
return to the Void. (OS)
Final Redoubt
this was the New Republic's codename for the establishment of a new base of operations on the moon
Ebaq 9, in an effort to draw the Yuuzhan Vong into a trap. Using the abandoned bronzium mines, the
New Republic established a minimal base on Ebaq 9, outwardly claiming that planets like Kashyyyk and
Calamari were easy targets for the Yuuzhan Vong, and a more defensible location was required. The
idea, realized during the Battle of Ebaq, was to draw the Yuuzhan Vong into a dead-end hyperspace
route in the Deep Core, with the base on Ebaq 9 as the bait. (DW)
Final Trump
a dreamed-up sabacc hand, Lando Calrissian envisioned this hand as an automatic 23 for its holder.
Financial Reform Act
this resolution was placed before the Galactic Senate some eight years after the Battle of Naboo. The
FRA was created to address the rampant greed and corruption that was overtaking the Senate, but it was

met with stern opposition. Historically, the FRA was believed to have been the primary impetus for many
systems to separate from the Old Republic and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The FRA
never came to a vote, after it was revealed that Venco Autem had arranged for the murder of Jheramahd
Greyshade, and planned to assassinate his successor, Simon Greyshade. The Senate fell into an uproar,
and the FRA was tabled. With no recourse against the corruption, systems began to secede from the
Republic. (RHD)
Finder, The
this was the nickname of the Twi'lek known as Loh'khar. (SWJ6)
Findo, Jarth
a native of the Corellian System, Jarth Findo was once a member of the Imperial Army's Special Missions
company. After the company was nearly defeated by Alliance forces, Findo deserted his outfit and barely
escaped the stromtroopers sent to bring him back. He started his own mercenary band, and recruited
former members of the Imperial Army to join him. Many of his mercenaries were imprisoned for being
mentally unstable, but Findo had no problems with that. He later began attacking New Republic military
installations, but managed to elude capture. It was believed he maintained a base in the Duro Sector.
this planet, the primary world in the Findris Sector, was the site of the Colonial News Net headquarters. It
is also known as the birthplace of the Justice Action Network. (CRO)
Findris Flu
this common affliction tends to linger on in its sufferers, even after normal treatment is complete. (VP)
this was the Empire's primary financial tracking system. Composed of computer systems within every
financial institution and maintaining records on virtually every corporation and retail chain, the FiNet
allowed FRN-I droids to investigate the money trail of a criminal or organization. (SWJ6)
Staffa's aide on Berchest, Fingal had the uncanny ability to show absolutely no emotion, no matter what
the situation. He had served on Berchest for nearly ten years at the time of the Battle of Endor, as an
undercover agent of the Empire, and believed his career was over until he was reactivated by Grand
Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn used Fingal to keep an eye on Staffa, as well as to monitor any possible
activities of Luke Skywalker on Berchest. (TLC, TTSB)
native to the seas of Ruan, this fish had little value as a foodstuff. Instead, the Salliche Agricultural
Corporation harvested them and ground them up for use as a fertilizer additive. (JE)
this was a species of tree which was maintained by the Yuuzhan Vong on the planet Coruscant, after the
alien race terraformed the planet into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar. (UF)
Fingerprint Masque
similar in appearance to an ink pad, this device attached a biochemical screen (or masque) to a being's
fingertips. The screen can be set to a random pattern or a known pattern, and altered the fingerprint
impression of a being. (GG11)
this was the name used by Dusque Mistflier to identify a female Zabrak she met on Naboo, about a year
after the Battle of Yavin. The name describe the fact that the Zabrak had lost two fingers on her left hand
when a borgle attacked her on Rori. (ROD)
Fingertip Express

this was the name of Moranda Savich's MRX-BR Pacifier. (VOF)

Finhead Stonebone
an alien resembling a Kubaz, except that he appears to have three snouts instead of just one. A larger
snout extends in between two smaller snouts. His origins were never discovered, although history shows
he appeared in the known galaxy only a few years before the Great Sith War. He joined a pirate group in
the Vorc Sector shortly afterward, and eventually earned enough money to buy his own ship. As Captain
of the Starjacker, he tried to steal ore from Gruna's Colossus Wasp transport ship. When Gruna called in
protection from Bogga the Hutt, Finhead was captured and given two choices: immediate death, or fly to
Ambria and kill Master Thon. Finhead chose to go to Ambria, but was unsuccessful in trying to kill the
Jedi Master. His small attack force was repelled by Thon and Nomi Sunrider. (TOJ, TOJC)
Finis Valorum Memorial
this memorial to the former Supreme Chancellor of the galaxy was erected on the Chancellery Walkway,
in the Jrade District of Coruscant, during the height of the Clone Wars. Valorum himself had been killed in
a Separatist attack, and his memory was honored with the dedicated of the memorial. However, his
inability to put a halt to the predations of the Trade Federation left him with few supporters, and the
dedication of the memorial was attended by less than 200 individuals. (SWI73)
Fink's Hole
a city located on the planet Shador, Fink's Hole was close to the starport in Mud Station. Like other cities
on the planet, the buildings in Fink's Hole were built on pylons to keep them above the swampy water. All
travel between buildings was accomplished with gondollas and repulsor-powered boats. (SL)
this Sith Master was a known terrorist during the years leading up to the Battle of Ruusan. He demanded
unequivocal loyalty from his apprentice, as shown in the ruthless way he accepted Marka over his prior
apprentice. (T17)
an Imperial soldier killed on Cilpar. (XWRS)
this young man was one of many natives of the planet Herdessa who didn't want the New Republic to
take control of the galaxy, in the wake of the Battle of Endor. Finn and his friend, Suzu, lobbed mudballs
at Leia Organa and Mon Mothma, when the two leaders of the Alliance arrived on Herdessa to discuss
the planet position on a new galactic government. He was later captured, and was to be executed by
Lumiya until Leia managed to shoot the chief of security and give Finn time to escape. (MC88)
Finn, Jasta
this rough, grim-looking man was a bounty hunter who worked in the Borderlands Region of the galaxy
during the early years of the New Republic. He was loyal to Janelle Serap, and did much of her dirty work
from a base on Seikosha. It was Finn who received the shipment of astromech droids and weapons from
Simms Jonndril, including the droid R1-T4. (POC)
Finna, Rafe
this bounty hunter was licensed by the Empire, and was rumored to have been hired by the Lant Mining
Corporation to eliminate certain disruptive individuals from the floating city of Gadde, shortly after the
Battle of Yavin. (FBS)
this ancient Cerean was one of a handful of forward-thinking Jedi Masters who developed the idea of
creating a mobile base of operations for the Jedi of the Old Republic. Some 400 years before the Battle of
Yavin, these Jedi Masters felt that the Jedi - as well as the rest of the Republic - were resting on their
laurels, and needed to ensure their continued development and advancement or become stagnant. To
this end, Fin-So-Rowan and his fellow Jedi designed the massive training ship Chu'unthor, to serve as
mobile base of operations from which the Jedi could observe the galaxy and keep pace with its trends.

Finux Zug
this was a distinguished Lannik individual. (UANT)
Fioer Desert
this desert was located on the planet Zaraksander. (GG10)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
a female human with dark skin, hair, and eyes, she is a Lorrdian working for the Corporate Sector
Authority as an auditor-at-large. Her full name is Hart-and-Parn Gorra-Fiolla of Lorrd, and her actual title
is Assistant Auditor-General. Fiolla was born to middle-class boredom, and she grew up most admiring
her uncle, Rewello. He was a renowned comic and mimic who had once played in front of the Regent of
Alderaan. Fiolla did well in school, and eventually accepted a scholarship to the University of Kalla.
During a break period, Fiolla and her roommates chose to vacation on Etti IV. It wasn't glamorous, but the
shopping was great. While on Etti IV, Fiolla thwarted a murder attempt by Rex Shaxrigge on Dagmar
Vozda. Vozda was working undercover to expose Shaxrigge, and was impressed with Fiolla's spirit.
Vozda hired Fiolla into service with the Corporate Sector Authority after graduation, and Fiolla began to
impress hre superiors almost immediately. When Vozda retired, Fiolla was in perfect position to take over
the position of Detached Duty Officer for the Office of the Auditor-General. She had been on the trail of a
slavery ring within the Authority, having tracked it all the way to Odumin, when she met up with Han Solo
at Bonadan. She had been conducting random checks of Authority operations, and came upon Zlarb's
involvement. She planned to intercept him at the Bonadan spaceport, but found Han instead. They
teamed up to solve the slavery ring, only to end up exposing Odumin's plans on Ammuud. There, Fiolla
revealed that she, too, was part of the cover-up activities necessary to maintain the slavery ring. Her
efforts, however, resulted in a promotion to the position of Auditor-General several years later. (HSR,
this was the traditional weapon used by the members of the Order of Shasa, on the planet Manaan. It
was a curved sword which each member of the Order of Shasa had to forge on their own, using only
metals found in the wreckage of a kolto harvester located in the Hrakert Rift. The harvester's plating
contained cortosis, which made fira blades impervious to lightsabers. The forging of a fira was a timeconsuming and dangerous project, since the cortosis-laden metal had to be shaped and annealed in the
heat of underwater volcanic vents. (PH)
this was one of the largest landmasses on the planet Thonner, and was considered a continent on many
planetary maps. (GMR9)
Firaxa Room
this luxurious restaurant was located in Ahto City, on the planet Manaa, during the height of the New
Order. (PH)
Firaxan Shark
this was a vicious, predatory fish that was native to the oceans of Manaan. Some 4,000 years before the
Galactic Civil War, the kolto mining operation at Hrakert Station wakened a huge firaxan shark, that
began to terrorize the scientists and workers at the facility. Many of the Selkath on Hrakert Station went
insane, worrying that the shark would consume them. The machinery within the facility was destroyed by
the Jedi Knights who were searching for a piece of the Star Map, in an effort to drive off the shark without
killing it. (PH, KOTOR)

Firdaaz, Gammer
this ancient, Socorran scout served aboard the FarStar, although quite often he was more drunk than
sober. He volunteered for the job on the FarStar in an effort to see as much of the galaxy as he could
before he died. In one of his drunken stupors, he discovered the strange plants brought aboard the
corvette after Kl'aal stumbled upon a spore-spreading plant on Binaros. Later, after the FarStar
penetrated the Kathol Rift, Gammer elected to remain on the planet Demonsgate in order to maintain the
Lifeline project. (DARK, KO, KR)
this was the only word used to describe one of the four humanoid, child-like droids discovered by Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa on an uncharted world, while they were on a diplomatic mission to the Akuria
System, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Fire was named for the fact that he could control the flames of a
blazing fire. All four children were distinguished from humans by their glowing, yellow eyes. They were
created by the Keeper to break the monotony of its millennia-long work of rebuilding the planet, and their
special powers helped the Keeper in its reformation efforts. (PZZ1)
Fire Breather
one of the biological constructs of the Yuuzhan Vong, this thirty-foot-tall creature resembled a huge,
walking balloon. It moved about a six stubby legs, and its body was studded with hose-like tentacles.
From each of these tentacles, the fire breather ejected a stream of thick fluid, which caught fire in the
presence of oxygen and incinerated everything it touched. These creatures were protected by their thick
hides, and their normal exhalations were filled with special chemicals that dispersed blaster fire. The
Yuuzhan Vong first employed these creatures during the attack on Gyndine. (JE, NJOSB)
Fire Creeper
this species of large insect inhabits the caves of the planet Nirauan, travelling in huge swarms across the
floor and consuming everything in their path. They make a large amount of noise when they swarm,
announcing their presence to anything that might have a chance to escape them. (VOF)
Fire Crystal
a flaming gemstone used by jugglers. They were found only in the No-ad System. (L, GOF5)
Fire Direction Center
this was the name given to the military unit of the Old Republic that was responsible for locating targets
and coordinating the pattern of fire for an army's artillery divisions. Each FDC was located, unusually, well
behind the front lines, and often in a fortified, below-ground bunker. Here, the sophisticated targeting
equipment of the Republic's military was housed and operated, with technicians and commanders on duty
around the clock. The FDC was linked directly to the forward artillery units, and provided every piece of
artillery with instructions as the battle raged around them. The primary benefit of the FDC is that artillery
fire can be coordinates across a large field of battle, bringing the maximum firepower to bear on any given
target, depending on the tide of the battle. (JT)
Fire Flitter
an insect native to the planet Dorvalla, in the Videnda Sector. (DMS)
Fire Fox
this Strike-class cruiser was part of the Alliance's fleet, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Fire Gnat
this small insect was native to the planet Drongar. They were named for their stinging bite, but it was also
discovered that fire gnats were edible and provided many nutrients. (MBS)
Fire Grenade
this unusual grenade was developed more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. When detonated,
a fire grenade used controlled chemical reactions to disperse an intense heat over a large area. This heat
could sear living flesh, and rendered most weapons molten and useless. (KOTOR)

Fire Knife
a torture device. (ROTJN)
Fire Lamp
this unusual form of lighting was manufactured on the planet Vundaria. (PSPG)
Fire Mountain Rally
this was one of several podraces that were sanctioned by the pro circuit, and wound through the coastal
areas of the Baroo continent of the planet Baroonda, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
Fire Nodes
precious gemstones. (HSE)
Fire Ring of Fornax
named for the unusual prominences which orbit the planet Fornax, this was the name given to a circle of
flames in which pirates dueled against each other. Most often, duels to the death were fought inside a
Fire Ring, so that no combatant could try to escape without being seriously burned in the attempt. (PP,
Fire Rings of Fornax
see Five Fire Rings of Fornax (SWN)
Fire Spitter
similar in many respects to the fire breather, the fire spitter was a creature bio-engineered by the
Yuuzhan Vong to act as a kind of wrist-mounted flame thrower. In order to use a firespitter, a Yuuzhan
Vong warrior had the bones in their forearm removed completely. The fire spitter's spine was inserted in
place of the arm bones, and the circulatory system of the fire spitter was grafted to that of the warrior. The
fire spitter then fed on the warrior's blood as it passed through its system. The head of the fire spitter was
attached to a snakelike neck that wrapped around the warrior's wrist, and its vestigial arms were used to
grasp onto the warrior's arm. When called upon in battle, the fire spitter forcefully vomitted out a ball of
biomatter at its target. When ignited by the fire spitter, this ball spread chemical fire in every direction,
engulfing the target in flame. (GMR8)
Fire Stew
a spicy, hot-flavored stew. (TJP)
Fire/Disable Ratio
see FD Ratio (ISB)
Firearc49 Speargun
manufactured by BlasTech, this speargun was developed for underwater use. It was essentially a long,
metal pipe which could shoot a spear nearly 50 meters through the water. (SWJ1)
this New Republic cruiser was stationed at Durren, in the early years of the New Republic. Along with the
Courane, it was dispatched to Cybloc XII to investigate the spread of the Death Seed plague there. The
Fireater was later was then sent to defend Nam Chorios, where it was destroyed by the combined attack
of a group of Needle ships. (POT)
Firebird Society
originally founded by Tessala Corvae, this secret organization was based in Tapani Sector during
Corvae's command of the 1st Tapani Assault Battelgroup. The Firebird Society was first dedicated to the
education of Imperial leaders on the usefulness of women in the military, but grew to become a vigilante
group which instituted its own forms of justice in the name of the Empire. (LOE)
this plant produced a small bud in early spring which was favored by chefs throughout the galaxy. The

firebud, when seeded, provided food with a tangy zip that left a slight burning sensation in the throat.
another name for a phosphor bug. (COJ)
a beast which is more dangerous after it has been wounded. (SE)
this Imperial Interdictor cruiser partolled Lifh Sector during the Galactic Civil War. During the Alliance's
attempt to liberate Vilosoria, the astromech R2Z-DL managed to discover Imperial codes and information
on an imminent malfunction in the Fireclaw's gravity well projectors. Koedi Raef used the codes to
redirect the Fireclaw, ordering it to remain in position until the projectors could be repaired. In the
meantime, the Alliance was able to eliminate the Imperial garrison on Vilosoria and free the planet from
Imperial control. (CRO)
Firecomb Sea
this was the Imperial name for the T'Klin S'Rek, located on the planet Goroth Prime. (GSE)
Firecracker Mine
this form of weapon uses a group of small charges combined into a single mine. When activated, the
firecracker mine sets off several small explosions which are used more for distraction than destruction.
this unusual insect, native to Gallinore, emitted colored lights, heat, and sparks of energy as it moved
about. When viewed at night, these large creatures presented an impressive and beautiful display of light.
The Hapan people tried to transplant a colony of firedrakes on Hapes, but the insects soon died. They
had a sort of symbiosis with the ecosystem of Gallinore, and rarely survived off-world. Instead of live
firedrakes, Hapans used artificial light shows to simulate their wondrous flights. In their natural habitat,
firedrakes hunted in packs, and were intelligent enough to plan out an ambush to bring down large prey.
a four-sided, elongated gemstone known for its brilliant, internal firelight. Lando Calrissian received a
number of them as part of his reward for finding Dack Tymmo. (JS)
this was another name for the city of Roen, located on the planet Goroth Prime. (GSE)
part of a starship's anti-fire protection systems, firefoam is expelled near a fire's source. It effectively
douses most kinds of fires, and can be retrieved and ejected into space by the ship's anti-fire systems.
another name for the Wisties who lived on the Forest Moon of Endor. (EA, SWDB)
an insect native to Clak'Dor VII, the firegnat's bite releases a burning saliva-like secretion. (TCC)
Firehawk Repulsortank
this was one of the first forms of military repulsortank developed for use by the Empire. (SWJ15)
this nimble creature was native to the frozen polar regions of the planet Rhinnal. Essentially an
ambulatory fish, the firehead used its high body temperature to burrow into the ice. A knobby growth their

upper jaw, which glowed like a bit of lava, was used to melt and scrape the ice. This knob was also used
to kill the firehead's prey, and swarms of fireheads worked to gether to attack larger prey. The fireheads
served as sources of both heat and food for the native Rhinnalians. (CCW)
this was a Yuuzhan Vong weapon, first used during the Battle of Coruscant. The sticky jelly was highly
flammable, and stuck virtually everything it came into contact with. This caused fires to spread rapidly, as
the firejelly at the source of the fire remained in contact with the surface. After the hostilities between the
Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance were resolved, and the Yuuzhan Vong were allowed to live on
the planet Zonama Sekot, they found that firejelly and many other bio-engineered weapons simply
reverted to their animal forms and fled into the forests. This was one way in which Sekot forced the
Yuuzhan Vong to give up their lust for war and embrace a more enlightened existence. (SBS, UF)
this vicious creature was known to inhabit the deepest oceanic trenches found on the planet Nal Hutta. It
was distinguished by its snake-like tendrils, which it used to locate and capture its prey. (TCD)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
this was another name for the Yar'En crater, located on the planet Goroth Prime. (GSE)
an alien insect which becomes very agitated during its mating season. (COTF)
this complex board game involves strategy and planning from each of two players. They are required to
move their pieces on a board which is divided up into four Radials (Eastern, Western, Northern, and
Southern) and four Rings (Fool's, Sorcerer's, Traitor's, and Beast's). Each Radial and Ring has seven
Stones. Among the pieces are the Cardinal and the Merchant. When a piece from one player is captured
by another, it disapears in a consuming pillar of fire. Darth Vader once lured Clat the Shamer onto a
Firepath game board, during a match with Lady Dhol. Vader captured Clat on the board, consuming the
assassin in flame. He later executed Dhol the same way, for her part in the deception. (CSWDW)
this was the term used by the Chiss to describe any remote military installation located to that it could
protect another installation. Firepoints were often housed in asteroids or other natural bodies. Inside the
asteroid was a self-contained military base, complete with fighters or weapons emplacements. If an
enemy ship tried to reach a hidden Chiss location, they would have to pass by one or more of these
firepoints, and would be destroyed or disabled long before it reached its target. The Chiss lined the outer
edges of The Redoubt with firepoints, to protect the refuge they had hidden within the cluster. (SQ)
Fire-Rain 3
this Imperial bio-agent was developed at supply depot I-389, under the direction of Moff Sartar, during the
years following the Battle of Yavin. Moff Sartar planned to test Fire-Rain 3 on the populations of
Anchorhead and Mos Eisley, but a team of Alliance agents managed to destroy the lab and all samples of
the bioagent. (RESB)
this Starwind-class passenger yacht was owned and operated by Serdo for many years. Ostensibly,
Serdo used the ship as a transport ship, carrying government officials and dignitaries to and from their
appointments. In reality, Serdo used these trips to smuggle spice between planets. After amassing his
own fortune, Serdo retired and sold the ship to Fizzi's Slight User Starships. The Firerider was armed with
turret-mounted light ion cannon for defense. (SS)

this exceptionally-hot vegetable was grown on the planet Darlyn Boda. The pods it produced contained a
good deal of flavor, but also a large quantity of a chemical that caused the mouth of most humanoids to
burn with a spicy heat. (WOA34)
this was the brand name of BlasTech's DL-87 deck clearing blaster. (PP)
Firespray Module
this form of DarkStryder technology was powered by the intense energies contained in the Lifewell. When
activated, the Firespray module emitted a fan of green flame which could burn anything it its path. Like
most DarkStryder technology, though, the Firespray module was only usable in Kathol Sector. Any
attempt to remove it from the Sector and use it would result in the destruction of the module. (E)
a 21.5-meter-long starship that was built for a very short time by Kuat Systems Engineering, the
Firespray-31 was built for speed and stealth, and was originally marketed as a patrol and lawenforcement craft. It's design incorporated an "engines-down" configuration, with the cockpit and cargo
area mounted above and perpendicular to the engine area. This configuration meant that the pilot landed
the ship while looking straight up and away from the landing platform, and flew the ship in a "standing up"
position. This required that the cockpit console be mounted on a rotating platform, giving the pilot the
ability to see where he was going. Two-thirds of the ship's hull area was dedicated to the engines, which
accounted for its remarkable speed. It also points out the ship's lack of popularity among independent
spacer, as there was just enough space for fifty metric tons of cargo. The basic model of Firespray-31
was armed with a pair of turret-mounted blaster cannons on the nose of the ship, as well as a tractor
beam projector. Maneuverability was provided by the two outboard wings, which could rotate to give the
ship different attitudes in flight. The wingspan was just over twenty-one meters. Over the years, these
unique vessels have been seen less and less, although some smugglers still use them. These ships have
been highly modified. One example of a Firespray-31 in use during the Galactic Civil War was the craft
Slave I, owned by the bounty hunter Boba Fett. (MTS, EGV, WOTC, NEGV)
Firespray-class Patrol Vessel
see Firespray-31 (PP)
this man served the Alliance as a Colonel in the armed forces that were deployed to Echo Base, on the
planet Hoth, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. Colonel Firest was known for the development
of his subordinates and commanders, who survived more battles than any other group during the height
of the Galactic Civil War. (SWI74)
FireStar Orbital Defense Station
designed and manufactured by Rendili StarDrive, the FireStar Orbital Defense Station was capable of
protecting and entire planet. Crewed by 500 officers and 208 gunners, the FireStar was armed with 148
laser cannons and 60 concussion missile launchers. The central section of the FireStar contained landing
pads and hangars, while four towers pierced the platforms and rose eleven levels above and five levels
below the central section. The FireStar could handle up to 500 passengers, and could store enough
supplies for six months of autonomous activity. Produced during the last century of the Old Republic, the
FireStar station never reached a wide market, and most of the stations built were purchased by planetary
governments. (HAS)
this was a generic term used to describe an entire family of gemstones. Firestones were found on a
variety of worlds, and each planet's form of firestone contained subtle differences that allowed it to be
identified by gemologists. They were named for the way in which light was captured inside the stone's
crystalline structure and flashed back at the eye, as it the stone were bursting with first. Most firestones
were identified by the background color upon which the stones displayed their fiery flashes. The
possession of a firestone was generally considered to be unlucky, although the basis of this belief was

eventually traced to disgruntled diamond merchants who were losing money to firestone sales. (MBS)
Firestone, Wadie
this man served the Alliance as a scout during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He and Arlo Tyre
were dispatched to investigate the loss of contact with a remote archaeological excavation on Alashan,
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. After Arlo was killed when he activated the site's defense systems, Wadie
tried to return to his home base to report on the incident. However, the ancient site's defenses detected
his flight and shot his Y-Wing out of the sky. Wadie was killed in the explosion. (MCI5)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
following the destruction of the Shockwave, this Imperial-class Star Destroyer became the flagship of
Harrsk's fleet. He turned it over to Admiral Daala when he ordered her to assume command of the fleet. It
was on the Firestorm that Daala later turned over control of the Imperial Navy to Pellaeon. (DS)
this one one of four Corellian CR90 Corvettes under the command of Lumiya, following the Battle of
Endor. (SWG3)
this was a model of air-to-ground missile launching system produced by SoroSuub. The Firestorm could
fire 250 missiles per rack. Each missile had to be fired separately, which made the weapon slow to refire.
Firethorn Tree
these 100-meter tall trees grow in the Irugian rain forest on Abbaji. (SE)
this was one of the many Victory-class Star Destroyers which saw continued duty in the Imperial Navy,
during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ2)
also known as the Lava Dragon, this creature can survive the intense heat and pressure of the molten
lava it lives in. It is armored by crystallized scales of silicon, and resembles a huge snake with pointed ear
tufts made of hard scales. It "breathes" the lava, and is insulated by air bladders that keep it bouyant in
the lava. On Eol Sha, Gantoris tests Luke's motives by making Luke walk across a lava pit and confront
the fireworm living in it. Luke tried to kill it with his lightsaber, but the fireworm's scales only refracted the
lightsaber's beam and deflected it into dozens of smaller light beams. (JS, JASB)
Firil, Sirenas
this bounty hunter teamed up with Chandrex Grenn in an effort to hunt down Pallas Quintell on Kallistas.
She was part of a small guild based on Port Evokk, but maintained the ability to freelance on the side.
The two hunters managed to survive a firefight near Quintell's desert base and captured him, returning
the rebel to Prefect Rinn for a 1,000-credit bounty. (GG10)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "defender". (GCG)
Firith Me
this male Twi'lek was one of the beings who witnessed Sunry's flight from the hotel room he shared with
Elassa, on the planet Manaan, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Firith was a smuggler, and
his credibility was brought into question when he was ordered to testify at Sunry's trial. He could only say
that he saw Elassa arrive at the hotel, then saw Sunry come and go shortly afterward. Firith Me also
revealed that he had seen a lightsaber beneath Elassa's cloak, and this evidence helped point to her true

nature as a Sith officer. (KOTOR)

Firith Olan
this Twi'leki individual was rumored to know the location of Jabba the Hutt's secret weapons cache,
located somewhere in the Tatooine desert. The black-sheep son of a wealthy Twi'lek family, Olan was a
minor crimelord who believed that, following Jabba the Hutt's death, he could step in and take control of
the Hutt's criminal empire. He had somehow managed to gain control of the brain walker that contained
Bib Fortuna's brain, and took great pleasure in the knowledge that Fortuna retained information about
Jabba. In order to obtain the weapons cache, he had to put Huff Darklighter out of business, because
Darklighter had learned of its existence. In the midst of this power struggle, Rogue Squadron was sent to
discover if the cache existed. Imperial forces were also sent in to retrieve the cache, stored at the socalled Eidolon Base. Olan was captured by Captain Semtin and returned to Ryloth, in an attempt to draw
off the Republic's forces. Semtin later freed him as a way to gain the confidence of the Twi'leki head
clans, but caught him again at Eidolon Base. Semtin stabbed Olan before escpaing, and Bib Fortuna's
brain walker took advantage of the situation. Fortuna had been trailing Olan, waiting for just such an
opportunity to exact revenge. Fortuna dragged Olan's body to the B'omarr monks and had them swap
brains. Olan was forced to spend the rest of his conscious existence in the brain walker, while Fortuna
used his body to try and rebuild Jabba's empire. To this end, he started a relationship with Shiri'ani, the
owner and operator of the Lucky Star hotel and casino, and a protg of Lady Valarian. (XWBT, SOT)
this was one of the many crystals used by the ancient Sith Lords in the construction of a lightsaber. It was
believed to have given the wielder the ability to cause more damage to a droid opponent. It was created
by the ancient natives of Rafa V. (KOTOR)
homeworld of the Firrerreo race, it is famous for its 1,263-meter Grand Falls waterfall. The planet was
rendered uninhabitable by the Empire after Hethrir betrayed it to Darth Vader and the Emperor, and has
been toxic ever since. The inhabitants of the planet were thought to be extinct, until the beings Hethrir,
Rillao, and Tigris were discovered by Princess Leia in 33 PE. Then it was revealed that a good number of
Firrerreo were trapped in suspended animation aboard a group of colony ships sent out years ago to
colonize nearby planets. (CS, EGP)
Firrerrean Silk
this fine fabric was created by the Firrerreo and used to make beautiful cloaks and jackets. (E1A5)
tall humanoids native to the planet Firrerre, they beings have unique striped hair, nictitating mebranes
covering their eyes, and golden skin which turns silver when scarred. They possessed limited spacefaring
technology, and had only recently perfected sublight travel when Hethrir convinced them to head for
nearby planets while being held in hibernation. Those that were placed on the colony ships are the only
surviving Firrerreo, because Hethrir later turned the planet over to the Empire, which destroyed the
ecosystem with a biological weapon. Hethrir had been raiding the colony ships for slaves over the years,
until his death at the hands of the being Waru. The Firrerreo have strong clan affiliations, and a fair
amount of Force sensitivity. They rarely used their given names aloud, but the use of Firrerreo's name
compelled the being to obey the speaker. In the years following the Battle of Coruscant, the Yuuzhan
Vong wiped out the Firrerreo civlization in a vicious attack that was based on information the alien
invaders obtained from the Firrerreos' longtime enemies, the Belderonians. (CS, EGA, FH1)
this was the native language of the Firrerreo people. (EGP)
this was the name of a noted Spiner individual. (UANT)
this was one of two Sh'ner-class cruisers brought to Bakura by Lwothin and the P'w'eck Emancipation

Movement, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Ostensibly, the Firrinree and its
companion, the Errinung'ka formed the heart of Lwothin's fleet, which transported the Keeramak to
Bakura. In reality, they were the heart of a Ssi-ruuk invasion forces, sent to Bakura after the Yuuzhan
Vong subjugated the Ssi-ruuk and tried to establish a foothold along the border of the Unknown Regions.
Each of these two cruisers was armed with a new paralysis weapon, which could knock out an entire city
with minimal effort. However, before the Ssi-ruuk could launch their surprise attack on Bakura, the
P'w'eck crewmen rose up against their masters and overpowered the Ssi-ruuk. The Errinung'ka fell first,
with the Firrinree eventually surrendering as well, thus ending the plot to subjugate Bakura. (FH2)
a planet subjugated by the Empire, it was placed under the jurisdiction of Governor Cuvir. (MTS)
First Bank of Coruscant
this was one of the largest and most accessible banks found on the planet Coruscant, during the last
years of the Old Republic. (MBS)
First Battle Group
also known as the First Fleet, this was the first full Naval fleet commissioned by the New Republic. It was
first assigned as the home guard for Coruscant, and was later sent on various tours of duty as other fleets
were commissioned. It was in the area of the galaxy known as Thunder Alley when the Yevethan Great
Purge began. (BTS)
First Battle of Calamari
the Emperor Palpatine, reborn following the Battle of Endor into a new clone, was just beginning to
stretch his new power. He called upon his weapons experts, who delivered a new superweapon, the
World Devastators. He launched his initial attack at the ocean world of Calamari. The Mon Calamari former Imperial slaves - had built many of the best starships currently used by the New Republic, and a
strike at the New Republic's main shipyards would help turn the tide and get the Empire back on its feet.
The Emperor's plan, however, was foiled by Luke Skywalker and Artoo-Detoo. Luke, under the Emperor's
Dark Side influence, retained his allegiance to the New Republic, and fed the World Devastator's' master
control codes to Artoo-Detoo, who used them to reprogram the superweapons. Instead of consuming
Mon Calamari cities for raw materials, Artoo programmed them to consume each other. The Imperial fleet
was decimated by the counter-attack from the World Devastators, and was forced to retreat. (DE1)
First Battle of Ord Biniir
this Galactic Civil War battle was decided by the presence of the durable Y-Wing starfighters. (EGV)
First Battle of Yavin
the Alliance, in a daring move, stole secret plans to the Empire's first Death Star battle station. Data on
the ship's infrastructure and construction were obtained by Princess Leia Organa at Toprawa and hidden
inside the memory banks of R2-D2. Engineering and technical readouts were stolen from the Imperial
laboratory on Danuta by Kyle Katarn. After escaping the Tantive IV and locating Luke Skywalker, R2-D2
managed to deliver the plans to the secret Alliance base on the fourth moon of Yavin, where Generals
Willard and Dodonna used the two sets of plans to form an attack on the Death Star. Since the space
station was designed to combat large opponents, the Generals thought that a group of small fighters
could get inside the Death Star's defenses. An unshielded exhaust port provided them a target to the
station's main reactor, and the Alliance lured the Empire to Yavin. Once the Death Star was close enough
to Yavin, the Alliance launched its long-shot plan. X- and Y-wings were used to penetrate the Death Star's
defenses, and although many Alliance pilots were killed, Luke Skywalker managed to precisely fire a
photon torpedo into the exhaust port and start the chain reaction which destroyed the Death Star. (SW,
First Battle of Ylesia
this battle was organized by Bria Tharen and her Red Hand Squadron, and was aimed at toppling the
Besadii spice and slave enterprise there. Information on the Ylesian operation was provided by the
Bothan Spynet, although they failed to report a ground-based turbolaser. Bria obtained financial backing
from Jabba the Hutt, and used smugglers from Nar Shaddaa to pilot the drop ships. Among the

smugglers was Han Solo, and the assault team also included a group of Togorians under the command
of Muuurgh and Mrrov. Nine assault teams were created to attack each of the nine Ylesian colonies. The
Besadii forces had been bolstered by Durga the Hutt's dealings with Black Sun, and were augmented by
the Nova Force mercenaries. Jabba had employed several mercenaries to assasinate the t'landa Til
priests before the actual battle began, eliminating a key source of possible resistance. Then, in a
coordinated series of strikes, the rebel soldiers attacked the major slave colonies and engaged Nova
Force. Most of the battles ended quickly, as the Alliance teams surprised the Nova Force and decimated
them before much resistance could be put up. Then, smugglers piloted troop ships and rescue teams to
the surface, but the turbolaser took out the first wave, including Jalus Nebl and the Dream of Freedom.
Once the turbolaser was eliminated, the ground troops accepted Nova Force's surrender. The battle
ended almost as soon as it began, and the Alliance successfully obtained huge amounts of spice and
credits to fund its operations. Han and Chewbacca managed to rescue a group of orphaned children from
the planet, and were returning them to Corellian - along with a load of spice for Jabba - when he was
ambushed by Imperial forces. He was forced to dump the spice in order to save the children, placing him
in debt to Jabba and forcing him to take Ben Kenobi's offer for transport to Alderaan. (RD)
First Citizen
this was the name of Borsk Fey'lya's personal starship, a Kothlis Systems Luxuflier. It was one of the last
ships to leave Coruscant when the planet was evacuated in the face of a Yuuzhan Vong attack, although
Fey'lya ordered it to leave without him. (SBS)
First Dawn
a Tatooinian term referring to the time period between when the first and second suns rise. (MTS)
First Edition
this was the name of Moff Aricos Dreleene's L19 freighter. He had hoped to obtain an L19a special
edition, but discovered that his "bargain" was a run-of-the-mill L19. He invested a huge sum of credits to
have outlaw techs refit the ship to appear to be a true L19a, including modification of the serial numbers
and transpoder codes, and Dreleene was able to pass it off for many years. However, a band of pirates
saw the First Edition and captured it, thinking they had acquired an L19a. After learning that it was a fake,
the pirates turned the Moff and the ship over to the Alliance. The Alliance refitted the ship, and renamed it
the Almost Authentic. (SS)
First Fleet
this was the name given to the primary naval fleet of the Galactic Alliance, during the final stages of the
war against the Yuuzhan Vong. The First Fleet, comprised mainly of the surviving ships of the New
Republic's First Battle Group, was commanded by Admiral Traest Kre'fey from his flagship, the Ralroost.
Among the other ships in the First Fleet were the Rebel Dream and the Yald. (UF)
First Great Schism
this was the first known instance of the Jedi Knights fracturing into the users of the Light Side of the Force
and those who followed the Dark Side. It occurred many millennia before the Battle of Naboo, during the
early years of the Old Republic. (GMR5, NEGC)
First Hall of Brentioch
established by the Brentioch family many millennia before the Battle of Yavin, this Hall was the forerunner
of the Brentaal Hall Conservatory. The huge building was proposed and funded by Sival Brentioch.
First Imperial Bank
one of the more prominent banks which had Imperial support and management during the New Order.
First Interstellar Trust
this finanical institution was known for its rigid loan standards. (GG11)
First Kiss

spacer slang for a smooth, gentle landing. (SOL)

First Position
this was the name given to the most basic stance for hand-to-hand fighting, as defined by the combat
instructors of the Grand Army of the Republic. In this stance, a fighter stood with one leg just in front of
the other, with one hand held high and the other low. The fighter's posture should be loose enough to
move to anticipate almost any attack, while alert enough to withstand an unexpected blow by rolling
through it. (MBS)
First Principles
these are the basic ideals which are instilled into every potential Jedi candidate. Chief among them is the
tenet that the Jedi Knights exist to neutralize those who who use power to become tyrants. (TT)
First Royal Bank of M'haeli
this was the most prominent of the financial institutions based on the planet M'haeli during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Much of the collateral controlled by the First Royal Bank was stored on
Aargau during this time. (BF3)
First Rule
this was the name given to the most basic tenet of the Old Republic's military training. In essence, the
First Rule boiled down to "always be ready for anything." (MBS)
First Star Academy
see Melford Star Academy (ML)
First Student
this was the label given to the student or students who scored highest during a General Information
Contest at the Leadership School on Andara. (JQ5)
First Sun Mobile Regiment
a mercenary unit operating in the Outer Rim during the Galactic Civil War, their specialty was SLAMs:
Search, Locate, and Annihilate Missions such as Imperial Base Delta Zero operations. They employ
repulsorlift infantry vehicles, and often contract out to the Imperial Army. Much of their success was due
to support from the Empire, but in the wake of the Battle of Endor an entire company was executed by
Moff Nile Owen. General Maska Zural, the leader of the First Sun group, distanced itself from the Imperial
remnants and hired the group out to the highest bidder. (GG9, SWJ15)
First Temple of Prime
this was the primary governmental building of the Givin leadership on Yag'Dhul, during the last decades
of the Old Republic. During the height of the Clone Wars, an immense fractal banner was erected on its
faade, which displayed and repeated mathematically-converted versions of the speeches of the
Jabiimite Separatist Alto Stratus. (SWI69)
First Tree
see Great Tree (ROTJN)
First Twilight
a Tatooinian term referring to the time period between when the first and second suns set. (MTS)
First Unification Wars
this series of battles was waged by Empress Teta some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. These
wars brought the first seven star systems under Teta's command, and brought the planet Kirrek into her
empire. (GAS)
the extinct, humanoid predecessors of the M'Shinni race, the Firstmothers evolved a symbiotic with
certain plant species. The resulting organism closely resembled the M'shinni. Every M'shinni Rootline can

trace its roots back to a Firstmother. (GG12)

this name was used by the descendants of the original colonists who settled Zonama Sekot, as a way to
describe those original colonists. To be a child of an original colonist was to be known as a son or
daughter of Firsts. (RP, UF)
Firtee Cluster
an area of warehouses and other storage facilities located on the north side of Xakrea, on the planet
Darkknell. (TFNR)
Firth, Aquella
this young girl once dated Niklas Cories, during the early years of the New Order. She dismissed him as
being "too old and dangerous" for her, a description which was exactly right. Cories, however, never
forgot or forgave her, and eventually tracked her down aboard the Hutt pleasure yacht Sleemo Poya Jedi.
He arranged for her to win tickets to the concert, an event which her father, Quoltus, had forbidden her
from attending. She ran away to see the concert, unknowingly placing herself within Cories' reach. Her
father hired a group of freelance mercenaries to ensure she returned safely, giving Aquella a chance to
exercise her need for freedom without realizing his protection. (WOA28)
Firth, Quoltus
native to Astal Sector, this man was Aquella Firth's father. In his youth, Quoltus was a noted singer and
musician. He later retired to raise a family, and became one of the Outer Rim's best-known event
promoters during the early years of the New Order. He failed to see the enjoyment in listening to the
music played by her favorite band, Distraction. He also failed to see what Aquella saw in Niklas Cories,
but was happy when his daughter broke off their relationship. Just to be on the safe side, though, Quoltus
maintained a close watch on Cories' activities. Thus, when discovered that Aquella had run away to
attend a Distraction concert aboard the Sleemo Poya Jeedai, Quoltus feared that she might run into
Cories again. To ensure her safety, Quoltus hired a group of freelance mercenaries to make sure Aquella
didn't get hurt. (WOA28)
this reddish-brown Ssi-ruu was an apprentice of the enctechment master Yifail. Later, after the
subjugation of the planet G'rho, Firwirrung was Sibwarra's Ssi-ruuvi commander, and head of the Ssiruuvi entechment project at Bakura. Many of his peers, including Admiral Ivpikkis, felt uncomfortable
around Firiwrrung, claiming that he was overly ambitious and unworthy of the praise which was lavished
on him. Firwirrung was credited with the formation of the plan to modify an entechment chair to
accommodate a Force-sensitive individual, allowing the Ssi-ruuk to draw life-energy from other humans
across a great distance. Despite the initial success of the apparatus in enteching Luke Skywalker,
Firiwrrung was unable to complete his work. Dev Sibwarra managed to kill the Ssi-ruu during the Battle of
Bakura. (TB, TBSB)
this inept man joined Orman's organization shortly after the Battle of Yavin. He was disliked by the other
thugs in Orman's employ, and they worked to betray Fish just to get rid of him. (ML)
a carnivorous plant native to the planet F'tral. They live on land, but dangle their long tendrils into the
water. Whenever a fish or other ocean creature touches a tendril, the fisherplant wraps it around the prey
and drags it ashore to be eaten. (GG4)
this was one name given to the race of amphibious humanoids native to the planet Ootoola. Their skin
was a mottled, bright green color, and their heads were adorned with a fin-like ridge and several finned
jowls. During the Old Republic, their society was ruled by a patriarchal government. The ruler of Ootoola
was expected to adhere strictly to their laws, thereby achieving a certain level of purity. (T3)

this was one of the many clans of the Nosaurian race, which was native to the planet New Plympto.
this was the Sedrian name for the Imperials that garrisoned their planet. (BGS)
this was one of the many smugglers - known as Huxlings - who worked for Jerf Huxley, during the years
leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (SQ)
Fisk, Wallace
an Imperial Security Bureau agent investigating Alliance activity on Demophon before the planet was
destroyed when its sun exploded. (SN)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It was the feminine form of Fisset, and meant
"graceful" or "poised". (GCG)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "skilled" or "talented". (GCG)
this young Tarasin was the troublemaker of the Hiironi tribe, during the era of the Battle of Naboo. At nine
years of age, Fissona was the grandson of Cryalina, but that relationship didn't save him from getting
caught and punished. (LFC)
this was a common name among the Sarkan race. (UANT)
Fitca Prime
this planet was the primary world in the Fitca System, located within the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. The
plane and system were subjugated by the Empire's High Inquisitor Mox Slosin during the early years of
the New Order. (AIR)
this Ferroan was one of the group which accepted a newly-shaped Sekotan starship from the Langhesi
and finished off the creatoin process. They filled any seams or cracks left behind by the Jentari, then
calibrated the ship's systems to it new owner. Fitch's people also provided elementary education to the
new owner, but left the majority of it to the ship itself. Fitch provided guidance to the new owner, as their
actions during the early life of their starship would help the ship grow mature. (RP)
this man served as once of Dequc's couriers. He escorted Mara Jade - working under the alias of
Baroness Paltonae - to Dequc's fortress on Qiaxx. (MJEH)
this was one of the underwater cities built by the Sedrians in the shallow oceans of Sedri. While it is
known for its architeture, Fitsay is best known for being the dome which contained the Great Shell Dome
which housed the Golden Sun. While having the Golden Sun gives the Sedrian priests a high level of
command over their fellow Sedrians, the water supply to the Golden Sun was greatly reduced. This
meant that the polyps couldn't sieve the water for plankton and other food, and the Golden Sun began to
starve. It also tried to devise a way to get the priests to set it free, without incurring any harm to itself.
When a group of Alliance agents traveled to Sedri to rescue Mors Odrion, they discovered the various
plots by Karak, Cardo, and Commander Aban to control the Golden Sun. he Sedrians who lived in the city
also called themselves "Fitsay," to distinguish themselves from other Sedrians. (GG4, BGS)

Fitz Fan Club

this was the name of the official fan club of the jatz artist Fitz Roi. It had chapters on many Core Worlds
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ6)
this name was common among Sullustan males, and meant "Observant". (GCG)
Fivaran Organization
this pirate gang operated during the early years of the New Order. Nearly all the Fivaran pirates were
killed or captured shortly before the Battle of Yavin, when they mistakenly attacked the Alliance Special
Forces vessel Hauler VI. The pirates believed it was a civilian vessel, since it carried no obvious Alliance
markings. Denuab and Dorin Venithon escaped as soon as they realized the mistake. (AIR)
Five Brothers
a name given to the five inhabited planets in the Corellian System. (AC)
Five Families
this was the name given to the five clans of Cestians that controlled the Cestus Cybernetics corporation as well as their society's government - during the last years of the Old Republic. For many generations
there had been just four families, until Caiza Quill made a bold move to have his own family elevated in
status. By delivering labor contracts and easing the dissent that had grown among the X'Ting during their
subjugation by Cestus Cybernetics, Quill had earned himself a position on the leadership council. He also
gained the favor of the original four families, who agreed to have his own family added to their numbers.
Unfortunately, Quill's actions ensured that the X'Ting would be enslaved to the offworlders who ran
Cestus Cybernetics, and he was quietly reviled for having sold his own people to the corporation. The
Families formed the primary ruling body on Ord Cestus, controlling even the Regency. Each of the
families was responsible for a different aspect of commerce on Ord Cestus, dealing with research,
energy, manufacturing, sales and marketing, and mining. The director of each branch served as the
leader of their respective clan, and often believed that they ruled their domains by divine privilege. When
the Clone Wars came to Ord Cestus, when Count Dooku used the threat of combat-programmed JKseries droids to force the Old Republic into a rash move against the Cestians, the Five Families found
themselves powerless to maintain their own control of the planet. When the warship Nexu was dispatched
to force them into submission, many members fled to their secret bunker hidden in the Kibo Plateau.
However, their location was discovered by Thak Val Zsinj and the ARC trooper known as Jangotat, who
managed to reorient the Nexu's weapons to fire on the bunker. In a single stroke, the bunker was
destroyed and the Five Families were nearly wiped out. The few survivors were left to squabble amongst
themselves over their personal plans for power. In the meantime, G'Mai Duris and the X'Ting clans began
to take over the facilities once owned by the Five Families, once again assuming control over Ord Cestus.
Five Fire Rings of Fornax
this was the name given to the five distinct stellar prominences that encircled the planet Fornax. Each ring
produced a brilliant, colorful display of light, and the combined effect of five such rings was considered
nothing less than breathtaking. (SWN, SWI78)
Five Masters
this was the name given to the leadership of the Wookiee Liberation Front, during the height of the Clone
Wars. The Five Masters were led by the Master in White. Each of the Five Masters was skilled in one or
more forms of martial arts, among them Wrruushi and the K'thri Arts, which allowed them to move about
unarmed, even in locations where their presence was not welcome. (LFCW)
Five Masters Academy
this was the name given to the glass and durasteel building erected on the planet Cularin for the Wookiee
Liberation Front, during the early years of the Clone Wars. The three-story-building was built on the
request of the Five Masters, and funded almost completely by Barnab Chistor and his administration.

Five Veils' Tour Route

a hyperspace lane the connects various tourist and trade worlds between Farstine and Skynara. (GG9)
Five, The
the rulers of the sadistic followers of the Soulworm, the Five control some of Attahox's underground. Led
by Suzal, the Five included the woman Koorabee, the youth Mavin, and the lovers Chell and Chokla.
They maintained a hidden fortress in the Hellhoop, and kept a number of creatures captive in their
Menagerie. When they captured Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca, they made a series of mistakes
in underestimating the Alliance agents. All by Chokla were killed when Chewie freed the creatures of the
Menagerie, as well as Han and Leia. Chokla managed to escape before Wuzzek could catch him.
this early-model R7 astromech was owned by Anakin Solo. The name "Fiver" came from the five attempts
Anakin made to upgrade the notoriously poor-functioning droid to the standards of an R2 unit. As Anakin
became more and more involved with the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong, Fiver was not given a regular
memory wipe, and developed its own personality. Fiver became much more independent, and was
invaluable in Anakin's escape from the Yuuzhan Vong on Yavin 4. (BP, EVC)
this imposing Barabel was a Commander in the Old Republic's Army of the Republic, and was in
command of the mission to infiltrate Dagro to investigate the rumors of Separatist activities on the planet,
some two years into the fighting of the Clone Wars. When Obi-Wan Kenobi made a decision to go ahead
of the main force, Fivvic explained to Anakin Skywalker that they could not adjust their main plans to
accommodate Obi-Wan's initiative. This forced the main group to delay almost four days, unaware that
Obi-Wan had stumbled upona hidden Separatist base. (SWI76)
this was the term used to describe a specialized form of computer slicer. Fixers hacked into corporate or
government data centers and stole proprietary information, leaving forged - though bogus - data behind.
They then sold the information on the black market. It was believed that the term "fixer" came from the
Sullustan phrase tersish g'loc, which loosely translated to "fix them once and for all." (GG11)
this was one of three Imperial maintenance carriers assigned to the replenishment fleet which contained
the Black Ice. (BI)
one of Luke's friends at Anchorhead on Tatooine, he was a mechanic at Tosche Station. He owned the
Power Station there. He rarely used his given name, Laze Loneozner. The Fixer was dating Camie when
Bigs Darklighter returned to Tatooine before joining the Alliance, and the two later were married and lived
in the old Darklighter estate. He used the profits from rebuilding and selling a set of ACD-950 podracing
engines to finance the wedding. When Luke arrived back on Tatooine, on a mission to locate potential
pilots for the Alliance, he met up with the Fixer and Camie at the old Lars homstead. Fixer explained that
the House of Tagge was buying up moisture farms, and that he had been planning to turn over the Lars
farm to them. Luke objected, explaining his concern over Tagge's ties to the Empire. Both Camie and the
Fixer decided it was better to save their own skins, and alerted Imperial authorities to Luke's presence on
Tatooine. Fixer, however, felt a twinge of guilt, and did his best to warn Luke of the danger he had
caused. The Fixer was portrayed by Anthony Forrest in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, and by
Adam Arkin for the Star Wars Radio Drama on National Public Radio. (SW, SWR, MC31, OWS, IWST)
this was a slang term used to describe the FX-7 series of medical droids. (SWI74)
Fixter, Marsh
this was the alias used by Obi-Wan Kenobi when he was approached by a group of battle droids on the
planet Dagro, some two years after the Battle of Geonosis. Obi-Wan was on Dagro to investigate the

presence of a Separatist base in the planet's canyons, and was staying with Kirlan Swens until the rest of
his task force could arrive on the planet. It was the actions of these battle droids, who correctly assumed
Marsh was a criminal because they had observed Kirlan's children not working in the fields, that led ObiWan to believe the rumors were true. These battle droids, he reasoned, were far superior to their
predescessors, with advanced thinking capabilities. (SWI76)
Fiz Cor'gril
this Bith, known to his associates as Fizzi, felt that he was just another intelligent Bith, and left Clak'Dor
VII to pursue a life among the stars. He took a number of somewhat disreputable jobs to get by, and
picked up a great deal of knowledge about starships, business, and negotiation. About twenty years
before the Battle of Hoth, Fizzi set up a starship dealership on Trevi IV. Hiring a Verpine named
Garginoolaara to repair his starships, and taking a chance on Shanna Kinn to help him sell them, Fizzi
has built one of the most affordable and dependable starship dealerships in the sector. Fizzi is known to
his clients as a fair but demanding salesman, with a polite demeanor and a shrewd business mind. He
prefers to let his clients browse rather than pushing a hard-sell on them, and is glad to take them on tours
himself. (SWJ9)
Fizark, Sharina
this woman lived on the planet Tatooine during the era of the Great Sith War. Her husband worked as a
miner, but was also a skilled hunter. After his death in the mines, Sharina was left with very little money,
and was forced to sell off some of his trophies to survive. (KOTOR)
this unusual being, taller than most humans and having ten fingers on each hand, worked as a mechanic
aboard the Kronex Spaceport during the last decades of the Old Republic. Fizz was once and informant
who relayed information to the Jedi Knights via his connection to Qui-Gon Jinn. During the Clone Wars,
Fizz agreed to help Qui-Gon's former apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, gain information on - and access to the Storm Fleet. (SS1)
a highly-carbonated beer. (BP)
a popular kind of candy, made during the New Order. (AIR)
this X'Ting was a hive relative of Trillot, born some three broods later, and worked as an informant for the
crimelord during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. To ensure that he had a steady income, Fizzik
also worked as a bellhop at the Grand ChikatLik hotel. Some two years after the Battle of Geonosis,
Fizzik was in his male phase, a fact that helped him obtain the bellhop's job, since he had been a female
domestic worker who found jobs among the wealthiest members of Ord Cestus' society. His male
hormones, however, made him unappealing to his masters, so he was usually fired after his phase
change and had to work lesser jobs. What remained constant was Fizzik's loyalty to Trillot, as well as his
desire to please Trillot with some important piece of information. Thus, Fizzik was excited to learn that
Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto had arrived on Ord Cestus. He was less excited about having
to escort Trillot's main visitor, Asajj Ventress, through the warrens, as the Dark Side warrior made threats
all along their travels. However, Trillot had warned him about her, so Fizzik was ready for her.
Nevertheless, being in the presence of the Dark Jedi was unsettling enough that Fizzik never forgot it. His
strength in the face of danger made Trillot think twice about her distant relative, and the crimelord gave
Fizzik a permanent position in her organization. He advanced swiftly, primarily because of his blood
relationship to Trillot. This, he was chosen to make contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi shortly the Desert Wind
attack on the Clandes Industrial power complex. The Jedi wanted to purchase a radiation suit that would
allow a being to enter Clandes and disable the system, and Trillot had the only stock of them on Ord
Cestus. In the wake of the destruction of the Five Families and after Trillot was executed by Asajj
Ventress, Fizzik decided to take control of his relative's criminal organization for himself. (TCD)
Fizzi's Slightly Used Starships

this establishment, found in Trevi City on Trevi IV, has been owned and operated by Fiz Cor'gril for nearly
three decades. (SWJ9)
this is a carbonated beverage enjoyed throughout the galaxy. The Squibs use empty Fizz-Pop cans as
the badges of their most trusted diplomats. (SH)
an intergalactic carbonated beverage favored on Nar Shaddaa and many backwater worlds. (DESB, HR)
the jizz term for a Dorenian Beshniquel. (TME)
this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "river". (GCG,
F'la Ren
a blue-white star, it is the primary sun of the planet F'tral. (GG4)
Flab Tickler
this bathroom fixture was originally designed for the Hutts. It used pulsating jets of water to stimulate the
fatty parts of a being's body. (TG)
Flacharia System
this was in this star system that Dean Jinzler's ship developed problems with its hyperdrive, while Jinzler
was on his way to Nirauan to answer Voss Parck's message regarding the Outbound Flight Project. He
was rescued when Jorj Car'das arrived to help with the repairs, an event that seemed too coincidental
when added to the way in which Jinzler learned of Parck's mission. (SQ)
a swear word used by many Imperial troops. (VOF)
Flagn Horn
this musical instrument was often used by bards, as its unique sound complimented the spoken word.
Flail Manifesto
this document laid out the goals and priorities of the terrorist group known as The Flail. It documented the
fact that The Flail believed the Senate was basically corrupt, and was being manipulated by large
corporations at the expense of the common good. (SWRPG)
Flail, The
this terrorist group rose to prominence shortly before Finis Valorum was voted out of office as Supreme
Chancellor. Led by Zegmon Pent, The Flail declared war on the Senate itself, believing it to be funded by
major corporations and no longer acting for the common good, and caused a great deal of havoc on
Coruscant in the era leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Members believed that Pent was a Jedi assassin,
a belief he went to great lengths to cultivate. In order to prove his worth in the midst of accusations about
his power, Chancellor Valorum set out to eliminate The Flail, and hired an independent team of security
officers to search out the terrorists. In the meantime, Pent and The Flail attempted to take control of the
Weather Modulation Control Center near the Chancellor's tower residence, in an effort to create an
ionization storm to destroy the building. Their efforts were thwarted by the ssecurity officers hired by
Valorum. (SWRPG)
these jet-black creatures have a flat, disc-like shape. They live one the surface of Calamari's seas,
floating in wait for prey to come within reach. The edge of the flailer's body is studded with razor-sharp

teeth, which the flailer uses to rake its prey's flesh. The flailer then consumes the blood that flows from
the prey's wounds. (DU)
see Flare-S (GMR8)
this was a small, disgusting creature. (TCD)
an insectile race native to the planet Flax, the Flakax were a society of sexless drones dominated by a
queen. A few males are also produced when the female lays her eggs, to assist in the reproductive
process. The drones do all the work required, while the males are simply slaves to the queen. The Flakax
society is highly developed around the hives in which they live, with each of the three sexes having a
defined role in its maintenance. However, they had no high technology when they were subjugated by the
Empire and forced to work in mines to obtain metals for the Imperial war machine. (GG4)
this immense man was one of the many gladiators who fought in the arenas of Rattatak during the years
leading up the Clone Wars. He often fought with a pair of rope-like weapons, each with heavy balls at the
end, using them as flails to pound his opponents into submission. (OWS)
Flame Beetle
native to the planet Kashyyyk, these unusual insects could exhale fire when attacked. This defense
mechanism was well-known to the Wookiees, but some still stumbled into a swarm and suffered burns. In
most circumstances, flame beetles are not a problem, especially when encountered alone or in small
groups. Swarms of flame beetles were generally harmless if encountered away from their hive and
unmolested. However, when the flame beetles felt threatened, or if they recognized a threat to their hive
or their offspring, the king beetle could either self-combust or breath his fire, setting off the entire swarm
in a huge conflagration. Usually, flame beetles can be moved out of an area by creating a lot of smoke.
(LTA1, MC91, TT, GMR4)
Flame Carpet Warhead
this weapon is filled with a wickedly-flammable liquid. The liquid is thick and adhesive, and is scattered
across several square kilometers when the warhead explodes. A charge inside the warhead ignites the
liquid, which burns anything and everything it comes in contact with. (TBH)
Flame Gem
this wondrous gemstone was found in abundance on the planet Godo. They were considered valuable to
the rest of the galaxy, but the Godoans simply regarded them as offerings to their goddess. An small
alcove was built into the main doorway of every building and home, which was filled with flame gems as a
form of tribute to the goddess. (MC99)
Flame Ibbot
this average-sized ibbot, native to the banks of the Boiling Sea on the planet Drall, was named for the
way it squirt a jet of scalding water from its mouth. (CCW)
Flame Jewel
this was one of the many valuable gemstones found on the planet Roon, although many felt that they
paled in comparison to the Roonstones. (WOTC)
Flame Opal
a valuable gemstone. (POT)
Flame Rifle
an out-dated weapon that produced a blast of destructive flame that could be aimed at a target. (HSL)

a valuable gemstone. (LCS)
this was the name used to describe the chief deity of the M'ust race, embodied by the subterranean
flames which filled their underground lairs. Cody Sunn-Childe claimed to have been reformed after
coming in contact with the Flame-God, turning his back on his own violence to embrace peace and
imbuing him with the ability to give life to his own dreams. (MC46)
this was a bladed weapon developed by the X'Ting. (TCD)
this exotic flower was native to the planet of Alderaan. (SWJ6)
a drink Han Solo liked to partake of every so often. If mixed properly, it could burn the tongue while
freezing the throat. (HSR)
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was first released as part of the compilation
entitled Thoughts from The Core, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Flames of Umate
this quasi-religious sect sprang up on the planet Coruscant, as a group which was dedicated to
preserving the pristine beauty of the Umate peak. Over time, the Flames of Umate became the de feacto
security force in Monument Park, keeping visitors from chipping away bits of stone from the peak. The
members of the Flames of Umate often touched the rock while meditating, hoping to commune with the
"world-spirit" located in Coruscant's molten core. (CCW)
Flamestrike Legion
this small but cohesive unit of troops defended Bamula Sector from foreign invasion for several
generations before the Empire showed up. The Legion, noted for its mustard-yellow armor, was no match
for the Imperial war machine, and forcibly disbanded. (SWJ8)
a name given to the unique flaring of the Oseon System's primary star. The star belches out huge solar
prominences once a year. These flares pick up excited vapors from the inner asteroids in the system,
further exciting them and creating a huge, fluorescent, pulsating display of colors throughout the asteroid
system. This display is a huge event for the tourist trade in the Oseon. The cycle of the Flamewind lasts
about three wweks, during which time all interasteroid travel is restricted and communications are
completely blotted out. There are stories and legends of strange disappearances, apparitions, and
visitations during the Flamewind. Lando Calrissian returns to the Oseon System to play sabacc with Lob
Doluff, and catches one of the Flamewind's displays. (LCF)
this was a mild oath used during the last decades of the Old Republic. (TCD)
Flaming Ragerunners
this was the name given to a group of daredevils who performed incredible aerobatic maneuvers in
airspeeders and skyhoppers during the height of the New Order. Their insignia was a sitting creature
depicted in red, with a row of flames rising from its back. (IWST)
this was a slang term used by law enforcement officers to indicate a con artist. (SWJ6)
Flan, Gevil

this man owned a dockside warehouse on Fait d'Fait, and a friend of Siro Simito. He kept Simito's
Alliance loyalties a secret, primarily because he knew that the Vallaido pirates would kill him if he
squealed. (CRO)
this barren ball of rock was the third and outermost planet in the Thanta Zilbra system, until it was
destroyed by the Sacorrian Triad as part of the Starbuster Plot. (CTD)
Flanders, Starfall
this mad, blustery pirate issued many challenges in his day, under the Rules of the Blade. (SWJ5)
Flandon Sweeg
primary character in The Slug Named Grendel, Flandon Sweeg was a starship captain who was up to his
ears in debt. He was a dangerous, dishonorable man who commanded his ship through fear rather than
through comradery. He planned to capture the legendary space slug Grendel and sell it off, hoping to
make enough credits to pay off his debtors ans reatin a huge fortune. Flandon, his starship Darkfire, and
his crew were all lost in the Borkeen Belt. (SWSB)
Flandorian Flower
the blossoms of this plant are used to decorate the floats used in the Shaldania Parade on Coruscant.
this nutritional food is hated by many young children for its lack of taste. Note that this is spelled flanth in
the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Number 14. (CSA, SWJ14, MC62)
this subsidiary of Arcon Multinode Agricorp is the second-largest fast food chain in the galaxy. (CSA)
this creature was generally regarded as the source of the foodstuff known as flangth, although no one has
ever seen one. (PGT)
this world was located in a remote part of Fakir Sector, on the border between the sector and the
Colonies region. Its star exploded sometime after the Battle of Yavin, destroying the entire system. The
Empire abandoned its base on Flankers shortly before the explosion. (SWCP)
Flannis, Fionna
this woman was an investigative reporter with the Colonial News Net during the height of the New Order.
She despised the social hierarchy developed by the Empire, and hated the upper classes. It was for this
reason that she joined the Alliance, providing information she gathered from attending Imperial events to
Alliance agents in the hopes that she could embarrass the Imperial elite. (CRO)
this creature, native to the planet Gamorr, lives in muddy swamps. (POT)
this modified Kuat Leisure 121-B pleasure craft was used by Aayla Secura and Ylenic It'kla during their
mission to rescue Ratri Tane, shortly after the onset of the Clone Wars. (SWI66)
this was the name of Anniha Nega's modified Z-95 Headhunter. (CCW)
Flare Base
an Alliance outpost set up in the high mountains on Korseg IV. (RPG)

this was one of the fastest swoop racers produced, during the last years of the Old Republic, by Mobquet.
Marketing literature claimed that the Flare-P could achieve speeds in excess of 450 kilometers per hour.
this Mobquet swoop is a hybrid of the innovations derived from racing swoops and speeder bikes.
Measuring 2.5 meters in length, it was heavier than most swoops, a fact that was attributed to its
reinforced S-shaped chassis. The Flare-S has forward-mounted steering vanes and longer stabilizer bars
to increase handling and maneuverability. The repulsorlift engine is mounted in the center of the frame to
help decrease rolling and tumbling. The Flare-S is also equipped with air intakes that force-feed
turbothrusters connected to directionall nozzles for additional speed and maneuverability. It can attain
speeds of up to 600 kilometers per hour. (EGV, CCG9, SOT)
this was one of the many bars and taverns that sprung up on Yag'Dhul's space station after Rogue
Squadron moved in. The Flarestar was known for its good service and dark, brooding decor. (BW)
Flarestream, Margo "Pepper"
known to her allies as "Pepper," Margo was a flight commander with the Alliance during the Galactic Civil
War. She defected from the Imperial Academy early in the war, before it became "fashionable." She was
capable of flying anything, from Z-95 Headhunters to X-Wings. She was given her first command during
the evacuation of Refnar, ordered to protect the transports and freighters long enough for them to jumpo
into hyperspace. However, when her unit was decimated in the Last Stand at Refnar, she lost more than
good friends and pilots. She lost her will to fly, and requested a transfer out of Starfighter Command. She
"retired" to Fabrillan, where she spent most of her time drunk while awaiting her next orders. (CRO)
a swear word which often referred to excrement. (ROE)
this is the Wookiee name for a species of bird common on Kashyyyk. They are hunted for food by the
Wookiees. The flarion are easily started, and require quick reflexes to shoot. (TT)
a group of Alliance Y-Wings supporting the Tela from the frigate Xerxes. (TIE)
Flash 4
Merr-Sonn's heavy blaster pistol, the Flash 4 was a knock-off of the BlasTech DL-44. Like the DL-44, the
Flash 4 had a "cautionary Pulser" grip, which gave off a subtle vibration to the user's gunhadn when the
power pack got low on energy. (RASB, EGW, AEG)
Flash Colorpan
this was one most colorful pieces of costume jewelry worn during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Flash Company
one of the two divisions of the ThunderForce mercenary unit. Flash and Dazzle Companies each have
eight full platoons of soldiers, and each had nearly 200 members in the unit. (HAS)
Flash Fire
this Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser was part of Warlord Zsinj's third fleet, during the early years of the
New Republic. The Flash Fire was destroyed at the Battle of Selaggis. (SOC)
Flash Goggles
a form of eye protection which continually and immediately adjusts for incoming light. They are often used
near blast sights, to help protect the eyes of the viewers. Similar to tranparisteel, the lenses in flash
goggles darken when the incoming light brightens. Flash gogles also share transparisteel's tendency to

cloud up completely following an intense flare, but flash goggles often burn out completely following these
flares, rendering them useless. (AC)
Flash Paste
developed by the Empire during the height of the New Republic, flash paste was similar in some respects
to D-Tape. It could be placed on windows and doors, easily conforming to a wide range of shapes and
filling cracks. However, when ignited, flash paste simply burned with an intense heat, melting most metals
rather than exploding. This allowed soldiers to gain access to sealed areas without alerting enemies to
their presence. (FB)
Flash Pistol
this primitive weapon was the favored sidearm on the planet Sevarcos. It used gunpowder to project a
bullet at its target. (SWJ12)
Flash Rifle
a large weapon used on Sevarcos, the flash rifle is a bigger version of the flash pistol. It used primitive
gunpowder to project a small bullet at its target. (SWJ12)
Flash Speeder
this was one of two primary repulsor-equipped speeders produced by the engineers of the royal forces of
Naboo. The Flash speeder was first put to use on Naboo some thirty years before the Trade Federation
invaded the planet, but continued to be of service during the Battle of Naboo. The 4.5-meter-long Flash
speeder has essentially a modified SoroSuub Seraph speeder, with two outboard repulsor engines and
room for a pilot and a passenger. The Flash is a military design, and has a turret-mounted laser cannon
mounted between the engines at the rear of the speeder. It has room for a pilot and up to three
passengers, and can attain speeds of 200 kilometers per hour. (SW1, YJC1, X1, IG1, SON, NEGV)
Flash Teaching
a technique for implanting personalities and technical training on clones. (TLC)
this was one of the many clans of the Nosaurian race, which was native to the planet New Plympto.
a term used by Jedi Masters to describe the way in which certain Jedi and Force-sensitive individuals will
close off areas of their minds in reaction to a large, emotional trauma. The result is that the individual has
sections of their memory seeming cease to exist, and they can't remember details about the thing at the
center of the trauma. Corran Horn was flashburned when he believed his Mirax was lost, shortly after the
death of Emperor Palpatine's clone. (IJ)
this was an outdated form of blaster weapon which was used by pirates during the last decades of the
Old Republic. (NEGC)
built by the Korlier Combine, these fast starfighters are among the rarest of ships in the galaxy. Like all
other Korlier designs, the Flashships have no serial numbers, which makes them hard to identify and
trace. (VOF)
this small, metal baton was used by the Drall police as a defensive weapon. At the end of the baton was a
crystal, and hidden inside the shaft was a surprisingly strong power source. When the flashstick touched
an individual, it triggered the power source to delivere a blinding flash of light, augmented by the many
facets of the crystal at the end. The burst of light blinded an attacker for several hours. (CCW)

this term became popular during the early years of the New Republic. It was used to describe any hasty
and swift departure for a remote destination, as in "We'd better flashtail it out of here, or we'll never make
it." (SQ)
Flask, Erisson
an Alliance soldier who spent time on the Kwenn space station. (RC)
this young man worked as the son of a farmer on the planet Ceriun, some 1,000 years before the Battle
of Endor. He was also one of Tenno's close friends. When Tenno suggested that they take the Jedi
holocron found by Ka'arn and keep it safe until a Jedi could travel to Ceriun to recover it, Flass was
among the group that agreed to help him. They also hoped that, maybe, a Sith might come looking for it,
and take them all as apprentices. When the Sith did arrive and simply took the holocron, Tenno explained
that they had been trying to ensure he could have it. Anger surged in the Sith, who explained that he
needed no one's help before killing Flass and the others as Tenno's "reward". (T17)
Flat Liner
Erlick Frodor's YT-1300 freighter, he used it to help the Alliance in the Demophon System. When Frodor
became the commander of the Orflon Base, the Flat Liner was turned over to the Alliance for use as an
evacuation ship. It was later renamed the One Liner. (SN)
this Alderaanian foodstuff is a tasty, crusty, cracker-like bread. (TPS)
similar to a flatscreen, the flatcam is a two-dimensional recording and display system which was used in
the age before holocams were invented. (SOA)
any device which uses a two-dimensional display for input and output. (TJP)
a two-dimension artform popularized by the Vaathkree. (HTTE)
this was the term used to describe those members of the Tract Conviction who tended the trillions of
stone tiles located in The Tract. (WOTC)
any two-dimensional message transmission screen. (AC)
this nesting, avian creature was native to the moon Sulon. (RAG)
this musical style was popular among the youths of the galaxy, during the height of the New Order.
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
a member of the Human League on Corellia, Flautis often worked with Barnley. Flautis was a short,
greasy, unkempt human. (AC)
Flavian, Cort
this Corporate Sector Authority Security Policeman was working for Jor Nieler some years after the Battle
of Endor. Easily distinguished by his bright red hair, Cort was working undercover with Nieler at Rordan's

Spaceship Parts and More in the starport city of Verena. His position was doubly dangerous, for Cort was
also an undercover Imperial Intelligence agent at the time. (TSK)
located in the Ptera System of the Sumitra Sector, Flax is home to the Flakax race of insectiods. It is
tectonically active, and is covered alternately by oceans, incredibly-tall mountain ranges, and deserts.
The Flakax live underground in hives. The planet was overrun by the Empire, and the Flakax were
enslaved and used to mine ores from the planet's crust. (GG4, REB)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "fate of death by slow torture". (GCG)
Flechette Launcher
a shoulder-mounted weapon that launches a cannister filled with small darts. The cannister explodes a
short distance from its target, releasing a hail of darts. (HSR, CSA, KO)
Flechette Missile
a projectile, just over 11 centimeters in length, that is built as an anti-personnel weapon or an armorpiercing anti-vehicle weapon. (GFT)
this was one of Gamgalon's henchmen on Varonat. He was the Krish's chief come-up flector. (TFE)
this nuisance parasite was native to the planet Askaj, and living by burrowing into the fur or hair of many
mammals. (TG)
a snake-like creature native to the planet Falleen. They inhabit the Hocekureem Sea. They are a delicacy,
and are often served cooked in pepper oil or zaffa oil. (SE, SESB)
Fleet Central Communications
the branch of the New Republic responsible for the hyperspace communication between various factions
of the New Republic Navy. (TLC)
Fleet Command Academy
this was the fledgling New Republic's premier Naval officers' training facility. (SOC)
Fleet Tactics and Combat Methodology
this Alliance military guidebook was written by Admiral Ackbar, and was intended for reading by the
Alliance's Navy officers. (TBSB)
Fleet Watch
this publication is the newsletter of the Alliance Veterans Victory Association. It attempted to provide a
non-confidential, up-to-date status report of the New Republic's Navy and Armed Forces. (TT)
this Ikas-Adno utility landspeeder was similar in many respects to the Ubrikkian Industries 9000 Z004
speeder. Ubrikkian even sued Ikas-Adno for stealing the design. However, the only thing that was similar
on the two vehicles was their appearance. The Fleetwing was notorious for its rough ride, lacking the
sophisticated counter-balancing system of the Z004. It measured four meters in length, and could carry a
pilot, four passengers, and sixty kilograms of cargo. It could achieve a maximum flight ceiling of 1.5
meters, and could attain speeds of 200 kilometers per hour. (GSE)
Fleffant, Jarg
this man served as a Corporal in the Office of Peace and Security in Gadrin, on the planet Cularin, during

the early stages of the Clone Wars. It was Corporal Fleffant who discovered the decrypted message
posted to the HoloNet by the slicer known as Tiny F, a message that apparently came from Jir Tramsig
and called for the complete suppression of resistance throughout the Cularin System. Despite his quick
recognition of the message's importance, Corporal Fleffant caught a great deal of online flack for his
name, especially from the slicer known as Alyssaroxu. (LFCW)
this carnivorous flying ray was native to the planet Taloraan, where they preyed upon the huge sleftchuffni. They have barbed tails that they use to rip open the sleft-chuffni's gasbag. The Wind Raiders
used fleft-wauf as mounts, in their attacks on the Denfraadi. (SWJ5)
a creature whose liver is often creamed to make pate'. (TME)
Flejj Beast
this predator was native to the planet Lannik. (ETM)
according to a story that circulated on the HoloNet following the Battle of Endor, Flek was a droid who
was once owned by Lando Calrissian. Together, they perpetrated all manner of scams to swindle credits
from unsuspecting beings. The story paralleled Lando's experienced with Vuffi Raa, and many felt that it
portrayed Lando in an unflattering light. Among the stories was a con in which Lando portrayed a Ronin
Jedi Knight in order to obtain a set of statuettes from a timid race of beings known as the Meeks. The
statuettes turned out to be forgeries, although Lando had been forced to eliminate a marauding rancor to
obtain them. Flek wanted to return and pay the Meeks a measure of revenge, but Lando refused, claiming
that their ingenuity in getting him to chase off the rancor was to be commended. This ending to the story
served to redeem Lando's image, as he accepted the outcome and left the Meeks alone. (T20)
this was a strong beast of burden that was raised on the planet Ithor. (GCG)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name referred to one of
the strongest beasts of burden found on Ithor. (GCG)
Flenn, Mich
this aging Corellian was a smuggler who retired as soon as he made enough credits to purchase the Blue
Light Tavern on Nar Shaddaa. He was the first person to describe the Jedi Knights to Han Solo. (RD)
Flennic, Kurlen
this Imperial Moff controlled the planet Yaga Minor, as part of the Imperial Remnant, following the peace
accord made with the New Republic. He was a member of the old school Imperial doctrine, and believed
that the Republic should be left alone when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. His beliefs were
mirrored by many of the Moffs, despite the warnings of Grand Admiral Pellaeon. Pellaeon's fears were
realized when the Yuuzhan Vong, smarting from their losses at the Battle of Ebaq, decided to eliminate
any marginal threats before re-engaging the Republic. The Imperial Remnant, confident in their defenses,
were unprepared for the Yuuzhan Vong attack. Bastion and Muunilinst were destroyed in short order, and
Flennic and the Moff Council were forced to flee their holdings. When it believed that Grand Admiral Gilad
Pellaeon had perished at Bastion, Flennic took his own small fleet and tried to assume control of the
Empire. His attempt was short-lived, however, when Pellaeon arrived at Yaga Minor quite alive. Both
Pellaeon and Jacen Solo began to negotiate with Flennic and the Moffs, hoping to convince them that
joining the Galactic Alliance was the only true way for the Empire to survive the Yuuzhan Vong. After the
Battle of Borosk proved that the Galactic Alliance was sincere in its attempts to bring the Imperial
Remnant into its fold, Flennic and many other Moffs refused to believe that the former "rebel scum" were
the Empire's best chance for survival. When Pellaeon explained that the "rebel scum" had defeated the
Empire at Endor, Flennic decided that he had had enough. He pulled a blaster and threatened to shoot

Pellaeon, but his shot went wide. Flennic was immediately surrounded by stormtroopers, but Pellaeon
decide not to punish Flennic. Instead, Pellaeon refused to eliminate a good leader, and Flennic agreed to
accept the Galactic Alliance's offer. (DTR, FH1)
this avian scavenger was native to the planet Sakiya, and was considered a bad luck omen by the
Sakiyans. If a flensor was seen flying over one's bonepit, it was an especially bad sign. (MJH)
this city was found on the planet Ansion. (APS)
Flesh Camouflage
developed by Illicit Electronics, this small device allowed the user to generate contact lenses and realistic
facial masks to hide their true identity, or to assume another another identity. The computer which
controlled the system was quite advanced, and required a programmer who was familiar with the system.
This device could also generate identification cards for a given disguise. (GFT)
Flesh Droid
this term was used to describe those organic beings who had been turned into droids by the evolution
droids created by X0-X1. Flesh droids were nearly complete in the their transformation, but retained a
percentage of their original organic makeup. (CCC)
developed during the early decades of the New Republic, this adhesive was used to secure small objects
to the skin. Used mainly by actors, fleshglue was also adopted by criminals and other beings who wanted
to change their appearance. (SBS)
Flet, Derren
this man was employed as an architect by Jabba the Hutt, and designed extensive renovations to Jabba's
Palace on Tatooine. Note that The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook and the Essential Guide to Characters both
indicate that Derren Flet built Jabba's palace, although many other sources indicate that the B'omarr
Monks built the palace long before Jabba took control of it. He also provided details on the design of the
sail barge Khetanna. Flet was later executed by Jabba, when it was discovered that his plans failed to
provide a dungeon large enough to handle the prodigious rate at which Jabba imprisoned or tortured
other beings. (MTS, EGC, ISU, TJP, SWDB, IWST)
this was a species of large, insectile creature. (ROD)
Flex Tube
this was the brand name of Arakyd's proton torpedo launching system. These torpedo launchers were
used by Koensayr in the manufacture of the Y-Wing starfighter, and each tube could carry up to four
torpedoes. (SCRE, EGW)
this was the brand name of Merr-Sonn's detonite tape. (SWJ13)
this unique alloy was harder than normal bronze, making it useful for more than decoration. (MBS)
this form of carpeting was developed shortly after the Battle of Endor, and was used in many upscale
dwellings on the planet Coruscant. It was made with an internal heating system that could be placed in a
number of configurations, providing a soft, warm surface on which to walk. (EL2)
this medical clamp could be used in a variety of positions, making it one of the most valuable tools used

by the surgeons of the Old Republic. (MBS)

this was a form of pre-fabricated tunnel which could be bent into any shape and attached between two
buildings. Flexi-corridor allowed explorers, scout, miners, and other settlers on remote worlds to maintain
a contained living environment. (JH)
this material was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic for use in lightweight facial
shrouds for extravehicular activity. Flexicris shrouds were often paired with specialized thinskin
emergency suits for use aboard starships, in the unlikely event that a ship experienced a hull breach.
Although these suits were not designed for longterm exposure to vacuum, they were more than adequate
for allowing a being to move from a damaged ship to a rescue vessel. (MBS)
this flexible material was used to form membranes which could seal off a breach in a starship hull. (SBS)
this pliable yet extremely durable material is used in the formation of lanyards and other heavy ropes
used in starship construction yards. (SWCP)
this was a type of facial covering that was used to alter one's appearance. It was originally used in the
production of holovideos, to change an actor's facial features to match their role. Flex-masks were
eventually adopted by spies and espionage agents, who wanted to infiltrate a location by appearing to be
someone else. (MJH)
a material that has metallic characteristics, but is very plaible as well. It is often used to make flexcord,
and was used by Beryl Chiffonage to form the tow cable of a power harpoon. It is often referred to as
flexi-steel. (CCG3)
this was a stainless grade of steel used to create surgical devices. Like normal steel, it could be rolled
and forged into razor-sharp blades for scalpels. (MBS)
Fleyars IV
this planet was subjugated by the Empire in a struggle known as the Battle of Fleyars IV. (PG3)
Flicker-fusion Rate
this was a measurement used by xenobiologists to measure the rate at which a lifeform's eyes can
collect, store, and analyze information. (PM16)
this was the name given to the repulsor-equipped, atmospheric craft used by the police force on the
planet Bonadan, during the early decades of the New Republic. (EOV, GMR8)
Fliggerian Firebeast
this creature was named for its unusual digestive system, which used a form of combustion to break
down its food. (BHSW)
this humanoid was a known infochant who worked on the planet Coruscant some twelve years prior to the
Battle of Naboo. He was also a good friend of Didi Oddo, and spent a good deal of time working the halls
of the Galactic Senate. A spindly man with large ears and a long face, Fligh had a green, prosthetic eye
which replaced one he lost in a fight with a Hutt crimelord. Fligh was asked by Astri to find out about a
dinner party which was being planned by Jenna Zan Arbor. He trailed her to the Senate Chamber, where

Arbor was meeting with her friend, Senator Uta S'orn. This fit into Fligh's plans, since he had been hired
by Helb and the Tech Radiers to acquire the datapad of Senator S'orn. Fligh simply stole both datapads
at one time, figuring he could use Zan Arbor's datapad to get names for Astri. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan
Kenobi, trying to help Didi located Fligh, discovered that Fligh owed a large sum of credits to the Tech
Raiders, shortly before Fligh was found murdered on the Lane of All Worlds. Qui-Gon discovered that
Fligh's prosthetic eye had been dislodged during the struggle, and Fligh's body was also drained
completely of blood in a similar fashion to six or so other lowlifes during the preceding year. Senator
S'orn's datapad was later acquired by the Tech Raiders, but Jenna Zan Arbor's pad remained missing. In
a surprising turn of events, Fligh was discovered to be alive by Gui-Gon and Obi-Wan on Belasco, trying
to catch up with Astri Oddo. He claimed to have faked his death, choosing to mimic the death of Ren
S'orn in order to go underground and avoid being killed as a "loose end" by Jenna Zan Arbor. He later
admitted that he had kept Zan Arbor's datapad after tracing the murdered lowlifes to her labs on Simpla12. Once Zan Arbor was captured, Fligh turned to a more legitimate lifestyle after realizing that Didi had
almost given his own life to save Fligh. In return, Fligh set out to help Didi and Astri renovate Didi's Caf
and restore its business. When Did retired, Fligh set out to see the galaxy. Six years after the Battle of
Naboo, he found himself on Euceron, placing illegal bets on the Galactic Games. He had been surprised
to learn that Aarno Dering had been hired to be the official timekeeper for several events, and agreed to
work with Dering to place bets on those events which were to be rigged. Dering's death, and the
appearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, led Fligh to abandon any hope of hitting it big, and after helping the Jedi
he fled back to Courscant. (DH, TDR, JQ3)
this was the Adumari term for a squadron of fighter craft. It has not size restriction, and contains between
4 and 12 pilots and their craft. (SOA)
[Flik'a kirki]
the ultimate goal of the followers of the [Dinante Fli'r] religion, this is known as the virtuous circle of
nature. It refers to the belief that all good Ho'Din, who act as stewards of the flora and fauna of Moltok
and protect their environment from destruction, will return their origins and be reborn as plants. (GG4)
this was a Gungan tool, used to tighten fittings. (GMR4)
this accomplished actor and impressionist was tapped by Moff Disra for his resemblance to Grand
Admiral Thrawn. With a little surgical alteration and judicious use of dyes, Flim was transformed over a
two-year period to become the embodiment of Thrawn. Specialized, self-powered surface inserts were
created to make Flim's eyes glow red, and his vocal control allowed him to quiet a room in no time. When
the Caamas Incident threatened to tear the New Republic apart, Disra brought Flim out of hiding. Using a
series of feints in which no real explanation was given as to Thrawn's reappearance, Flim man
successfully played the role of Thrawn, using his acting ability and as much Imperial history as he could
memorize to pull off the role. Flim managed to fool Major Tierce as well as Captain Dorja, both of whom
had served under Thrawn. When the Relentless intercepted the Lady Luck, Flim got his chance to portray
Thrawn for Lando Calrissian and Porolo Miatamia. As Thrawn, he offered the New Republic the use of his
services in the resolution of the Bothan situation. They took the message back, but it was rejected by the
New Republic. Flim continued to act as Thrawn, drawing in many systems to the Empire's side, including
the Ruurians and the Kroctari. When Han Solo and Calrissian were discovered on Bastion, Flim got
another chance to prove his abilities, portraying Thrawn for both Calrissian and Solo. He offered them a
copy of the Caamas Document, and implicated Borsk Fey'lya in the attack on the Combined Clans
Building on Bothawui. He then let them go, knowing that the Document he provided them had been
doctored to implicate other Bothans in the destruction of Caamas. Flim's act was eventually exposed by
Admiral Pellaeon, who revealed not only Flim's background but that of Tierce. Tierce was executed by
Shada D'ukal, Disra was exposed as a traitor, and Flim simply surrendered to Pellaeon. (SOP, VOF)
Flimmel Tree
native to the planet Xagobah, this unusual tree resembled a cross between a mushroom and a spider. In
fact, the flimmel was more of a fungus than a tree. Individual specimens were actually part of a much

larger colony of trees that shared a common root system, and the entire plant lived to be many millennia
in age. The flimmel was a carnivorous plant, and could open its fleshy trunk into a mouth-like orifice that
extended outward to grasp onto its prey. The folds of the mouth then drew the prey into the mouth, where
it was slowly digested. The canopy of the flimmel tree could also be retracted at will, especially when
attacked or injured. (BF5)
this material resembles sheets of plastic that can be written on. Used for conveying messages, flimsiplast
can be impregnated with chemicals that allow the writing to remain hidden until it contacts a being's
specific chemical makeup. It can also be set to burn up after the message has been activated, thereby
ensuring the message is read and them destroyed. (COJ, SLS)
this was the term used to describe any object used to keep a stack of flimsiplast sheets from blowing off
one's desk. (MBS)
a name given to the sheets of plastic or crystal that contain data and information. They could be erased
and used over and over. (TB, TPS)
a Captain in the New Republic. (DESB)
Flin, Nelson
this Alliance Intelligence agent was Evram Darkmere's best friend and chief contact. Darkmere passed on
vital information about the Empire's movements around Herdessa to Flin. When Darkmere defeated
Gorvan Shrulldike in combat, Flin and his partner Lupon eliminated Shrulldike's flunkies before they could
kill Darkmere. (CRO)
a creature noted for its inability to flee when confronted. It was often used to denote an undefended
target, as in "he's a sitting flink." (BP)
this young man was a native of the planet Belderone, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He
father was a Jedi Knight, and Flint believed that it was his duty follow in his father's footsteps and protect
Belderone. This often meant that Flint was late for work, and more trouble than he was worth. When Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa arrived on Belderone to investigate the Imperial laboratory there, Flint
approached Luke to learn more about the Jedi. Flint and his friend, Barney, later volunteered to help them
with their efforts to liberate Kulthis and Belderone. However, when Flint was too late to save his mother
from the Imperial attack on their village, he cursed the fact that he couldn't use the Force to help her.
Darth Vader, on Belderone to oversee the subjugation of the populace, preyed on Flint's anguish and
lured him to join the Empire as a stormtrooper. He was later trained in the use of the Dark Side by Darth
Vader. Flint became known as the Dark Lord of Belderone, and was placed in charge of the invasion
force which subjugated Naldar. Luke Skywalker was able to control Flint and stop him from reviving the
Sith magic. His old friend Barney, now a member of the Alliance, then convinced Flint that the Empire
killed his mother and took away his life. Flint renounced his allegiance to Darth Vader, and ended the
fighting on Naldar. Shortly afterward, Flint convinced his homeworld fo Belderone to accept the Firrerreo
people - refugees from a homeworld destroyed by the Empire - as neighbors. (LTA1, MCA3, EGC, EGA,
Flint, Finegan
this tall, thin man was the founder of the Knights swoop gang on Stend IV. He has a bookish appearance,
belying his role as the leader of a swoop gang. (GG9)
Flint, Lucius
Flint was a Captain in the police force that patrolled the city of D'larah. He was swayed over to the G'uotr

Network in order that his wife and children could be safely transported off Demophon before it was
destroyed. He maintained his belief in the law, however, but would turn a blind eye from minor infractions.
Flint, Manon
this man served as the planetary govnernor of Oon Tien, working for Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne during
the early years of the New Order. (DARK)
meaning "energetic", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this young Vorzydiak was one of the original members of the Freelies, along with Grath, more than ten
years before the Battle of Naboo. Flip was eager to receive Grath's approval, and struggled to impress his
friend. When Flip met Tray, she convinced the young Vorzydiak to alter the Freelies' sabotage plans,
making them more violent and destructive. Flip believed Tray when she told him that such actions would
be perceived as Flip's initiatives, thereby gaining respect in Grath's eyes. Unfortunately, Flip worked too
hard to impress Grath, and could not understand when Grath continued to maintain his belief in nonviolent protest. Flip went out on his own, and arranged for the bombing of the Multycorp headquarters to
occur during the early morning, instead of the middle of the night. However, Flip inadvertently set off the
detonators early, and was captured in the blast. He was freed from the rubble, but died shortly afterward.
In the aftermath of his death, Grath and his father, Chairman Port, agreed to work toward a peaceful
resolution to the Freelies' demands. (TTW)
Flip of the Credit
this modest casino was owned by Avaro Sookcool, and was located in Equator City on Rodia. (SESB)
this small, box-like B2-X automaton was modified for use by the Wookiee Chenlambec and his
apprentice, Tinian I'att. Female in personality, Flirt was designed to look like one of the quarrels in Chen's
bandolier. Flirt was programmed to talk to a computer installment and insiunate herself into its
programming. She was a talkative creation, and loved challenges. This trait allowed her to work hard to
infiltrate the computer system of the Hound's Tooth when Chenlambec and Tinian attempted to trap
Bossk. Flirt was able to gain control of several security systems, allowing Chen to scout the ship's
defenses. Flirt later gained control of the Hound's Tooth itself, after electronically 'sweet-talking' it. This
allowed Chen and Tinian to overcome Bossk's built-in defenses and trap him near Lomabu III. After they
took control of the Hound's Tooth, Chen mounted Flirt onto a power-point on the X10-D service droid,
giving her a huge, strong body and full-time access to the Hound's Tooth's computer system. (TBH, EGD)
this no-nonsense Noghri male served as the caretaker of a warehouse located in New Nystao, on the
planet Wayland, during the years following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (WOA29)
Flit Harasser
this reptavian creature was native to the planet Lok. With a wingspan over two meters, these large avians
were covered with a leathery hide that gave them protection against other creatures. Their sharp beaks
were used to spear their prey, which they often attacked by diving out of the air at incredible speed.
this was a species of tiny, biting insect. (SWI67)
this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)

according to Ewok legend, this fire spirit caused mischief and mayhem by kicking embers out of cooking
fires and blinding Ewoks with smoke. (GCG)
this name was given to female Zabrak, and referred to a hardy flower that was native to the wastelands of
Lorista. (GCG)
this hardy flower was native to the wastelands of the planet Lorista. (GCG)
Flitknot Speeder
this Geonosian speederbike was developed for use in tracking acklays and other wild beasts across the
surface of Geonosis. For this reason, the two-meter-long Flitknot was unarmed, with all available power
going to propulsion. Later, a strike version was developed, with a blaster cannon added for firepower.
this was a species of tiny, harmless insects. Many subspecies of flitnat delivered a mildly painful bite, and
any being caught in a swarm of these insects suffered from continually being bitten. During their invasion
of the galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong modified the basic flitnat to carry a mild disease that caused the victim
to experience intense nausea. (SBS, UF)
the codename of one of the Alliance's safe worlds, Flitter was located in the Tierfon System. The planet's
location was revealed when an Imperial starship captured an Alliance transport on its way to the planet.
The Imperial fleet destroyed many of the planet's cities and poisoned much of its ecology, killing 95
percent of the population and leaving the rest to die. (RASB)
another name for a one- or two-person airspeeder (HSE)
Flitter Suit
this form of protective clothing was essentially a vacuum suit with a small jet pack attached. These suits
offered slightly better hard-vacuum protection than a standard vacuum suit, as well as the ability to make
small movements with the jet pack. Because they were designed for light duty, the jet pack of a flitter suit
was capable of a single thrust before requiring a recharge. (PSG)
a this small insect flew on gossamer wings, giving it a jerky motion when moving in a breeze. (BP)
an alien race, the Flivians were desert-dwelling quadripeds with equine features. They were equally adept
at moving about on all-fours or walking on their hind legs, which left their front paws free to use as hands.
Float Chair
this was a generic term used to describe any repulsor-equipped chair, used to support a being who lost
the use of one or both - or multiple - legs. (AOTCA)
this was the generic term used to describe the small vehicles used by Ugnaughts to move between the
Ugnaught Surface and the other floating cities of the planet Bespin. Repulsors were used to directional
changes only, while bladders filled with tibanna gas were used to lift. (PH)
Floatboat 1
this was the name of the first floatboat used by Ars Fivvle, during his career as a journalist on the planet

Bespin. After it was destroyed during an investigation, it was replaced with the Floatboat 2. (PH)
Floatboat 2
this was the name of the second floatboat used by Ars Fivvle, during his career as a journalist on the
planet Bespin, after the destruction of Floatboat 1. (PH)
related in many respects to avians of the same name found in the atmosphere of the planet Yavin, the
floaters of the planet Bespin were small, winged creatures that "swam" in the plankton-rich layer of the
Life Zone. They bred almost continuously, and cloud car pilots had to constantly clear their windshields of
floater roe which was deposited in the atmosphere. (WSW)
this was the name given to any of the various species of creatures which inhabited the upper cloud layers
of the planet Yavin. Of the twelve known species of Floaters, two were predatory and fed on the other ten
species. One of the predatory species resembled a large, floating jellyfish or squid, while the other known as a hunter-floater - was sharklike in its form. Herbivorous floaters resembled huge jellyfish, and
strained microscopic plantlife from the atmosphere with the stunted tentacles ringing the underside of
their bodies. All species ranged in size from 30 to 1,500 meters in length, and were confined to living in a
certain layer of Yavin's atmosphere. If removed from their natural habitat layers, floaters literally exploded,
as their bodies were unable to adjust to lower pressures. (GG2, PH)
another name for a landspeeder. (SWN)
Floater Car
a repulsorlift land vehicle. (JS)
Floater Flea
this was a particularly persistent species of flea that was native to the planet Coruscant. Floater fleas
could be found in the fur of virtually any mammal living beneath the planet's surface. (CCW)
Floater Globe
this was a form of art which used miniature repulsors to keep a filigreed globe afloat. (TFNR)
Floater Pad
this was the name given to the round emitter pads which helped keep repulsorlift vehicles afloat. (TG)
Floater Shark
one of only two predatory species found in the clouds of the planet Yavin, the floater shark rides the
winds in search of food. (GG2)
Floater Squid
one of only two predatory species found in the clouds of the planet Yavin, the floater shark rides the
winds in search of food. (GG2)
this Ubrikkian skiff was based on the Desert Sail-20, and was basically a stripped-down version that was
designed for high-altitude, personal transportation. Measuring 1.75 meters in length, the Floater-935
required a single pilot, and could carry up to ten kilograms of cargo. The Floater-935 could attain speeds
near 300 kilometers per hour, and was unarmed in its stock version. (WOTC)
Floating Archidia
native to the planet Nubia, this flowering plant produced brilliant blossoms of blue, purple, and crimson.
When mature, the blossom detached itself from the main plant and floated away to pollinate other plants.
This form of pollination was made possible by gas sacs attached to the base of the blossom. The scent of
the archidia was highly euphoric, but virtually unreproduceable. (CCW)

Floating City
the largest of the settlements found on the planet Aquilaris, Floating City actually hovers a few feet off the
surface of the vast ocean which covers the planet. It was located near the planet's largest coral reef.
Floating Fish
this tastefully-decorated gambling club was located on Cloud City, and was owned and operated by
Mussat Nasrabi during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (IDC)
Floating Fortress
a cylindrical repulsorlift combat vehicle used to augment Imperial ground troops through the use of
sophisticated sensor arrays and a huge blaster cannon. (SWSB)
Floating Glob
this Charon bio-construct was created as a waste disposal system for use aboard their strange starships.
The globs measure about a meter in diameter, and have a number of tendrils which hang down from the
main sphere. The tendrils exude an adhesive which attaches waste material to them. The tendrils then
consume the waste by placing it inside the acid-filled main body where it is broken down into materials
used as food by the glob. (OS)
Floating Home
Lord Ecclessis Figg's first Bespin gas mining colony, Floating Home served as the basis for the
development of Cloud City. It proved to the galaxy that gas mining could be profitable, and was the first of
a multitude of settlements built in Bespin's clouds. Floating Home itself continued to grow and expand,
and eventually was renamed Cloud City once its reached its final state. (ISU, SWDB, IWST, PH)
Floating Jellyfish
this airborne creature was native to the jungles of Baskarn. (SWJ2)
Floating Mountain
this was the name used by the Ewoks to describe the location of Gracca's palace, on the Forest Moon of
Endor. (ECAR)
Flock, The
this was the term used by the Nediji race to describe their planetary society. All Nediji were, by definition,
members of the Flock, although some individuals found that they were not able to exist within the Flock.
These individuals were often exiled from Nedij, and were the only known members of Nediji society to
travel the rest of the galaxy. (MBS)
one of the Imperial agents altered to resemble a Mon Calamari, Flodon's personality is one of stoic
disinterest in everything. He is a bit unstable mentally. He had a love of the hunt, and was among the best
killers in the service of the Empire. When the Empire invaded Calamari, Flodon assisted Generet in trying
to subvert the rebellious Calamarians. (DU)
this was a Sullustan expletive, used to describe another individual who upset the speaker. (MJH)
a creature domesticated as a pet. (COTF)
Floppy Helix Intensifier
this device was used to damped the overall strength of a tractor beam generator at any particular point,
producing a wide arc of force much wider and longer than the original design. (GG2)
Flora and Fauna
this was one of the many exhibit wings found in the Galactic Museum on Coruscant. (CCW)

this New Republic warship was part of Task Force Gemstone. (TT)
this bounty hunter and her brother, Dane, claimed to be from the planet Aaeton, when they were captured
by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on Ragoon-6, some five years after the Battle of Naboo. The
siblings were part of a group of bounty hunters hired by Granta Omega to capture the two Jedi and their
companion, Wren Honoran. She beguiled the Jedi by claiming to be a child from Aaeton, lost on a
camping trip after her companions were killed. This allowed her to gain their confidence in order for Dane
to sneak up on them. The siblings tried to overpower the Jedi, but were unable to do so. Instead, the ObiWan and Anakin used them to draw out the other bounty hunters. It was during this time that Floria and
Dane admitted they were actually from Thracior. Their parents - a Hnsi mother and a Tantt father - had
been killed for intermarrying. In order to survive alone in the galaxy, they took up the bounty-hunting
profession. Years later, Floria and Dane remained a team, although they gave up bounty hunting and
were working the Mid and Outer Rim Territories as security officers. Shortly after the onset of the Clone
Wars, they were hired by Samish Kash to serve as his personal bodyguards. However, during Kash's
mission to Null to discuss a treaty with Count Dooku, Kash was assassinated. This brought Floria and
Dane back into contact with Obi-Wan and Anakin, who were on Null to meet with Lorian Nod. Floria and
Dane were initially accused of killing him, but Anakin discovered that Floria was in love with Samish.
Floria then revealed that Samish had not died. (JQ2, LOJ)
an extrememly hostile and dangerous planet, it is home to the Lamproid race. In order to survive, most
races need hyperaccelerated nerve implants to help them react to the planet's many pitfalls. (TME)
this planet, a ball of barren rock, was the third planet of the Belgaroth System. (CCW)
this was an alien swear word. (MC78)
Floubette Dance
this stylized form of the Floubettean mating ritual is considered an art form when performed by avian
species. When humans and near-humans perform it, the dance is nothing but disgusting. (SWJ9)
an avian race which performs a complex mating dance. The dance has been performed as an artistic
expression by other avian races, but it is revolting when it is performed by humans. (SWJ9)
a legume from which a flavorful oil is extracted and whipped into butter. (SE)
Flower of Life
this wondrous, flowering plant, native to the planet Naboo, was a symbol of royalty. (VD2)
Flower Queen
this woman was the sister of the Leaf Queen, and was responsible for bringing the spring season to the
Forest Moon of Endor. (ECAR)
Flowered Plains
this open area is found on the planet Ylesia, near Colony One. It is essentially a flat swamp, although it is
covered with huge, exotic blossoms that carpet it completely. (TPS)
a succulent native to the planet Dagobah, the flower-fruit has a tough outer skin that protects it from most
foraging creatures. When it is exposed to bright lights, the flower-fruit unfolds its skin to expose purplish
berries to the light. It is the favorite food of the spotlight sloth, which uses bioluminescent patches on its

body to make the flower-fruit open up. The flower-fruit was also referred to as the lahdia. (ISU, WSW)
Flowering Bott Pub
this cantina and restaurant was popular with Newcomers in the city of Hweg Shul. (POT)
a building material (HTTE, JS)
FLR-series Droid
developed by the Greel Wood Logging Corporation, with the help and manufacturing of Industrial
Automaton, this heavy-treaded droid was designed to clear brush and large trees during the harvesting of
greel wood. Known as the Lumberdroid, the FLR-series was a 2-meter square box which sat atop two
wide treads, and was equipped with two chainsaws and a pair of heavy lifting arms. The FLR was also
equipped with sophisticated probability programming, which allowed it to accurately determine when and
where a tree would fall once it was cut. (FTD)
this huge mercenary droid was sent by Bron and Ephant Mon to eliminate Ki-Adi-Mundi in the depths of
the Outsider Citadels, after the Cerean elders rejected admission into the Old Republic. Ki had gotten
dangerously close to their source, and needed to be removed. Ki was able to defeat the huge droid after
a messenger brought his lightsaber to him, at the request of Nar-Somo-Dali. The droid was recovered by
Silais and reprogrammed, and was eventually assigned to assist Ki in his search for Ephant Mon near
Tatooine. FLTCH R-1 served as the starship pilot, and profusely apologized to Ki for his earlier actions.
this was a small, furred creature often kept as a pet. They had the annoying habit of climbing trees and
getting stuck, unable to climb down on their own. (JQ5)
this was the name of the stalking onsonker that was supposedly owned by Vilmarh Grahrk. He claimed to
have used the beast to hunt down Bobo - the alias used by Darth Sidious - and demand that Sidious turn
over the Secret Treasure of the Jedi, in return for his life. Garhrk claimed to have placed several of
Fluffy's seeds inside Bobo's body. Then, he allowed Fluffy to track down her offspring in order to locate
Bobo. After retrieving the Jedi artifact, Villie allowed Fluffy to eat Bobo. (TDV)
a pittin Leia Organa had as a childhood pet on Alderaan. (COJ)
Flugg, Garcy
this man was a skilled and popular hi-lo ball player, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. His
elbow eventually gave out from the abuse of the sport, and Flugg reluctantly had a mechanical
replacement attached to his shoulder. The original arm was donated to the hil-lo Hall of Fame. (HNN5)
a squat, green-skinned alien species distinguished by the four knobby protuberances that jutted from their
forehead. Native to the planet Ploo IV, Fluggrians use the knobs on their heads as sensory inputs, and
they can process this input at incredibly high speeds. They have thick lips which cover square teeth, and
they breathe through a pair of gill-like bands which wrap their necks. They are known for their organized
crime rings, and are higly suspicious of other beings. Note that the Star Wars Kids magazine claims that
the Fluggrians were native to the planet Plooriod IV. (IG1, RAC, SWK, IWE1)
this was a common name among members of the Dug race. (UANT)
an obsolete technology that used pressurized liquids as the driving force necessary to manipulate the

steering vanes of starships. The technology still exists on some backwater worlds, and various
developing species (such as the Kamarians) are only just perfecting it in their societies. (HSR)
this was a form of food created by the Hutts. (SWI62)
this was a Dug swear word. (SWI64)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "ingenious inventor". (GCG)
an Alliance Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier commanded by Captain Manchisco. It was one of several
ships donated to the Alliance by the Sullustans to the Virgillian Alignment forces during the Virgillian Civil
War, and was one of the larger ships sent to Bakura to help the Imperial government there battle the Ssiruuk. It was equipped with 20 X-Wings (including the ships of Rogue Squadron), 3 A-Wings, and 4 BWings. The Flurry was also modified to use General Dodonna's prototype Battle Analysis Computer. For
all this, the Flurry was destroyed when Nereus ordered Thanas to open fire on the Alliance ships,
following a battle with the Ssi-ruuk. The Dominant, under Thanas' command, opened fire on the cruiser
and exploded it, killing her crew. (TB, EGV)
see Shriwirr (TB)
derogatory Imperial term for any race that can't speak the Basic language of humans. It refers to the
"whistles and tweets" of other languages. Used extensively during the Bakuran siege to describe the Ssiruuk. (TB)
Flutter Pack
this was the name of the Yinchorri jetpack, developed for use by Yinchorri warriors during the last
decades of the Old Republic. In addition to the powerful engine, a flutter pack had four lightweight wings
for additional maneuverability. (UANT)
Flutter Squadrons
this was the name given to the Yinchorri paratrooper squadrons who fought against the Jedi Knights
during the last decades of the Old Republic. The Flutter Squadrons used jetpacks known as Flutter Packs
to leap into battle. (UANT)
an alien creature native to the planet Marca, these water-breathing fish averaged just six centimeters in
length. Large schools of flutterers often swam near the surface of the water, churning the surface with a
roiling motion which made it appear as if a large creature were in the water. In reality, the flutterers were
merely oxygenating the water around them. (POM)
another name for the Wisties who lived on the Forest Moon of Endor. (SWDB)
this small, flying insect was native to the planet Cartao. Flutteries often traveled in small swarms,
descending on patches of flowers to consume nectar and help spread pollen. (SWI68)
this small, avian creature was native to the planet Ord Mantell. These creatures moved about in small
groups, bobbing up and down. This movement, and the bright coloration of the flutterplumes, gave rise to

an artform known as Ord Mantellian Flutterplume. (SWDB)

this was the name given to the mature form of a Shikitari pupae, after it emerged from its chrysalis.
Compared to the individual Shikitari, the flutterscout was quite harmless. (SWDB)
this mist-covered world is notable for its rocky spires and crags. It was the site of a base used by winged,
humanoid pirates once hunted by Jodo Kast. (SWG8, TOD)
a game of chance which developed a following shortly after the Battle of Endor. (XWM)
Flux-field Generator
a device which is used to melt solid carbonite. (MMY)
this was gambler's slang for any gambler who liked to play flux. (XWM)
Fly Eye
this was Loronar's attempt to create a smaller surveillance droid than the Cybot Galactica AC1. A marvel
in miniaturization, the Fly Eye was barely three centimeters across when its four tiny legs were fully
extended. When its legs were retracted, the Fly Eye moved about with the help of an incredibly small
repulsorlift engine, attaining speeds of ten kilometers an hour. It was equipped with a holographic
recording system and a tightbeam transmission antenna, and was used to capture visual evidence from a
remote location. They were used by crimelords and jealous lovers, and were the favored tools of many
sleazy newsnet reporters. (EGD)
this Wroonian creature hangs from the ceilings of caves by their tongues. When they spot their prey, they
swing outward and down and swoop into attack position. During the height of the New Order, filets of
flycatcher flesh were considered a culinary delicacy. (SWJ5, SESB)
Flyer Through Spikes
this Qom Jha was one of the reinforcements sent by Eater of Fire Creepers, following the death of Builder
with Vines, to assist Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade in their assault on the Hand of Thrawn. (VOF)
Flying Catch
this starfighter retrieval maneuver involves the fighter itself and a larger transport. While in flight, the
transport would open its cargo bay doors long enough for the fighter to fly inside and land. Note that this
maneuver was used in Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell, but involved Hna Solo taking in Luke Skywalker's XWing into the hold of the Millennium Falcon, despite the large size of an X-Wing compared to the size of a
YT-1300 freighter. (RMOM, VP)
Flying Decks
nickname given to the ancient transport ships used by the Krath to move their shocktroops from planet to
planet. These are T-shaped transports, with the wings and main engines at the front of the ship. They
resemble WWII bombers. (DLS)
Flying Delmarijes, The
this group of tiny humanoids performs acrobatic feats and trapeze-like repuslor moves for Kersh
Lauskner's Travelling Animal/Acrobatic Arcadium. (GCQ)
Flying Fortress
see Floating Fortress. (HR)
Flying Serpent
this species of beautiful, winged reptiles is native to an uncharted desert world in the Outer Rim. They

have long, snake-like bodies covered in mottled green scales, and have thin yellow wings which span
nearly the same length as their body. They lived deep within the Great Well, where water from the
planet's inner mantle springs upward. When the mercenary Tyrann and his forces discovered the planet,
they also discovered that certain ultrasonic tones and pulses could be used to control the flying serpents.
Tyrann's forces then used the flying serpents as mounts. (CSW)
Flyntarian Tabac Stick
this was a form of solid tabac, considered something of a luxury to most of the galaxy. They were fitted
with an automatically igniting tip, giving the smoker instant pleasure. (AIR)
Flyrl Sacorbel
this was the name of a distinguished Morseerian individual. (UANT)
Flyway 120
this speeder route connects the city of Cloud Bridge with the Greenbelt Region, on the planet Teyr. (SOL)
this medical droid served the Empire at the Arginall City garrison during the height of the New Order. This
droid injected Ketrian Altronel with a slow-release poison that we aimed at keeping her from defecting to
the Alliance. (SWJ8)
this was a HoloNet channel used by a variety of news shows, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
an alien race. (TME)
this planet was the homeworld of the Fnessian race. (ND)
this race of humanoids was native to the planet Fnessal, and was distinguished by the two eyestalks
which stood up on their heads. The backs of their heads were covered with thick, fleshy tendrils. (ND)
this ancient Zexx was a pirate in the Stenness System, and a confederate of Finhead Stonebone. (TOJ)
known as the Gray Death, this Imperial-created virus was first tested on the planet Sedesia. Developed
under the auspices of the Pathogen-Based Loyalty Enhancement Program by Doctor Fesjo Negleem,
FNV-23 had the property of continually changing its antigen needs, making it impossible for an individual
to become immune to it. Doctor Negleem later developed the antigen FNV-23-B to help counteract its
effects, making it appear that the Empire had helped save the Sedesian people when, in reality, they had
made them dependent upon the Empire for their survival. (SWJ6)
this was the antiviral drug developed by Doctor Fesjo Negleem to "counteract" the effects of the Gray
Death plague that struck the planet Sedesia. The Gray Death was actually known as FNV-23 to the
Empire, and had been developed by Doctor Negleem as part of the Pathogen-Based Loyalty
Enhancement Program. The secret of FNV-23-B was hidden within Imperial computers, but it was
discovered that every dose contained tiny globules of FNV-23 held within a polysaccharide coating. When
the coating was digested, it release a new strain of FNV-23 into the system, thereby requiring another
treatment of FNV-23-B. In this way, the natives of Sedesia were beholden to the Empire for the continual
availability of FNV-23-B for their survival. (SWJ6)
Fo Kuna

this Anx served as Zo Howler's chief aide, during the last years of the Old Republic. (SWDB)
this New Republic Navy Colonel was in command of the picket ship Folna during the struggle with the
Yevetha. (TT)
Foam Soap
a cleansing agent. (LCJ)
this inexpensive material was developed as a replacement for traditional, woven carpeting. It could be
colored in an infinite variety of shades, and could be sprayed directly onto a floor t create a soft covering.
The foam itself was extremely resilient, and could stand up to the punishment of heavy traffic areas.
this building material was developed during the last decades of the Clone Wars, for use in areas where
high humidity would rust other materials. It was relatively durable, although it was difficult to repair. The
material could be mixed in various consistencies, allowing it to conform to any number of uses. Holovideo
producers learned that foamcast could be created in a loose form, that could be used to create prosthetic
masks. (MBS, MJH)
this was a specialized material used by starship owners to clean out conduits and pipelines. (SWJ4)
Foamwander City
the primary center of Calamarian trade, Foamwander City was one of the planet Calamari's floating cities.
this was an abbreviation for the forward observation blister of a starship. (BF2)
this was the Huttese word for the number seventeen (17). Note, however, that the Huttese counting
system was based on a base-eight system. So, foboba indicated the number fifteen (15) in the Basic
language. (GMR5)
Fobosi Medical Center
this was one of the largest hospital found on the planet Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (HNN5)
Fobrini Hospital
this was one of the largest hospital found on the planet Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (HNN5)
Foce, Rowen
this man served as the Director of the Old Republic's Space Rescue Corps, during the years leading up
the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Focus Cooker
this form of oven uses focused energy rays to heat food. (SOP)
Focusing Chamber
this underground chamber was created by the ancient Sith Lords as a place where the energy of the Dark
Side of the Force could be focused and channeled to specific individual. Any Sith Lord using a focusing
chamber had his ability to wield the Dark Side substantially increased for a short duration. The effects of
the focusing chamber decreased after leaving the chamber, and waned faster over distances. (GMR5)

this was the name of one of the two heads of the Troig Fodesinbeed, which served Jabba the Hutt as a
podracing announcer, during the last years of the Old Republic. Fode, along with his companion Beed,
called the Boonta Eve race which was won by nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker. Fode was distinguished
from his twin by his red skin and short horns, and Fode spoke Basic in compliment to Beed's use of
Huttese. Fode's voice was supplied by Greg Proops for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
(SW1, IG1, SWDB)
this was the full name of the Troig whose heads were known as Beed and Fode. (SWDB)
this being joined the band known as the Twisted Rancor Trio just after Ujii quit the band, some 4,000
years before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
Fodo Medoo
this Rodian was a noted pazaak player who lived on the planet Kashyyyk, some four millennia before the
Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
this planet was known as the endpoint of the annual Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade. (CRO)
this planet was the site of a New Republic penal colony. (SOP)
this was Vercanne Mineral Technologies' version of the Fabrennix oxygen extractor. (GFT)
this planet was the site of an ancient Old Republic shipyard. The shipyard's engineers removed raw
materials from the planet and transported them into high orbit for delivery to the shipyards. It was
attacked by Aleema and a cluster of Ulic Qel-Droma's Krath starships and some Mandalorian warships.
Qel-Droma then stole nearly 300 of the Republic's starships to add to his vast galactic armada. He took
them to Coruscant, where he attempted to eliminate further resistance to Sith domination. Millennia later,
the Foerost Shipyards were purchased from the Old Republic by the Techno Union. Several centuries
before the Clone Wars, the shipyards served as research and development facilities for the Techno
Union. (TSW, HNN5)
Foerost Shipyards
this was one of the Old Republic's largest shipyards, during the years surrounding the Great Sith War.
Millennia later, the Foerost Shipyards were purchased from the Old Republic by the Techno Union.
Several centuries before the Clone Wars, the shipyards served as research and development facilities for
the Techno Union. (TSW, HNN5)
Fog of War
this was a term used by the military commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe the basic
fact that current information from the battlefield was a luxury that an army couldnt afford to rely on. Once
the first shot was fired in a battle, any well-planned mission immediately became invalid, as changing
conditions on the battlefield rendered any plan obsolete. Thus, military commanders had to think and
command at the spur of the moment, often without any real intelligence on the situation. This lack of
curren tinformation was called the fog of war, since a good commander had to see through the fog in
order to give the rights commands. It was said that the best commanders never experienced the fog of
war, because they forced the enemy to surrender or retreat simply by show of initial force. (RCHC)
Fogg Alait
this Grannan was a member of the colony on Polneye until the Yevetha overran the planet. Fogg was
captured, rather than exterminated, and held on the Super-class Star Destroyer Pride of Yevetha as a

hedge against reprisal by the New Republic. (TT)

an Imperial Nebulon-B frigate dispatched to the Tungra Sector to clean up the Mugaari pirates operating
there following the Battle of Hoth. It was also used as the command ship when the Empire fought to
recapture the D-34 platform in the Javin Sector. (TIE)
this Quarren was one of the caretakers of the Cambrielle Exploration Auditorium during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. Fohlg was also known to many beings as an access point to the
Auditorium's archives, and could be bribed to allow a being or two to peruse the museum's galactic
databasefor information on newly-discovered star systems. He charged a steep price, however, because
he was still loyal to his employers. (PH)
this planet was the home of one of Han Solo's smuggling buddies. He had settled down there, but
remained in touch with Han. The smuggler sent Han a number of questions regarding Leia's status as
Chief of State during the Yevethan Purge, and relayed the local opinions of Leia's rule. (SOL)
Fokask Banner
this local newsgrid is headquartered on the planet Fokask. (SOL)
Fol, Desric
this burly man was the owner and operator of the Blind Luck, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. A
burly man who always seemed to be scowling, Desric was trained as a scout. He was not a natural
leader, though, and the crew of the Blind Luck was often at odds with each other's inability to perform
their duties. For much of his career, Fol operated from a base on Abregado-rae. (PG3)
this native of the planet Teyr lived at North 5, 26 Up, in the city of Griann. Fola was married to Kritt, and
they were neighbors of the Fallanassi group that lived at North 5, 26 Down, but never knew they were
Fallanassi. (SOL)
Foless Crossroads
this intersection of hyperspace shipping lanes is located near the planet Darepp. (SOL)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Foll was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This archaic name literally meant "priest". (GCG)
Followers of Palawa
this group of hermits were highly revered on their homeworld of Bunduki. They were also masters of the
martial art known as teras kasi. (SESB)
Followers of the Way
this was the name used to describe those beings who worshipped the Sacred Way, on the planet Aduba3. (GMR4)
this New Republic picket ship accompanied the warship Vanguard into system ILC-905, during the Black
Fleet Crisis. It was under the command of Colonel Foag, who served under Commodore Brand. (TT)
this man served as a Lieutenant within the ranks of Lant Mining Corporation, and was the shift officer at
the Lormar 23 refinery station, in control of traffic maintenance during the height of the New Order. (FBS)

one of Commenor's moons, its location in the Commenor System allowed it close access to the Corellian
spacelanes. The Alliance had a base there, nestled in the abandoned mines that tunneled through it.
Later, following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic used it as a starfighter training facility. It was on
Folor that the X-Wing Rogue Squadron was "reborn," thanks to the work done by Admiral Ackbar and
Wedge Antilles. The Republic also maintained a false beacon on the other side of the planet, along with a
complete mock-up of a base, to throw off attackers and allow an evacuation in case of attack. This false
set of beacons was discovered by Gara Petothel, using Morrt droid data, and Apwar Trigit thought he had
the base dead to rights. However, when they arrived at Folor, they discovered that the "base" was simply
a barren ice plain. (XWN, WS)
this former Imperial Admiral established his own small fleet after the Battle of Endor, and became one of
the first of the renegade warlords. (HR)
Fond Memory
this Lambda-class shuttle was operated by Elegos A'kla, during his tenure as a Senator to the New
Republic. Elegos used it to travel to Dubrillion with Leia Organa Solo, to investigate the state of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (DTO)
Fondine Raceways
this blobstacle source, located on the fringe of Umgul City, was built by Slish Fondine in the years
following the Battle of Naboo. The course never closed, with racing and waging continuing throughout the
night and day. (JASB, HNN4)
Fondine, Slish
this entrepreneur created the first of Umgul City's blobstacle courses in a collapsed sinkhole just outside
the city, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. His designs became a model for future courses,
and his desire to keep the sport legitimate led him to insititue a death penalty law for anyone caught with
tainted blobs. He also owned a blob stable, and regularly raced his blobs in the city. Fondine discovered
Lando Calrissian in his stables, shortly after Lando arrived on Umgul to locate Dack. Lando had
discovered that Dack was impregnating the blobs with micro-stimulators to improve their performace, and
revealed this information to Fondine. (JS, JASB, HNN4)
a planet located in the Mid Rim Territories, Fondor is famous for its shipyards and its military importance.
It is located a short distance from a number of trade routes which run from the Core, the Colonies, and
the Mid-Rim out to the Outer Rim. Fondor was industrialized millennia before the Battle of Yavin, and
much of its surface was scarred from mining and excavation. The droid Bollux was first activated there,
during the days of the Old Republic. After the Empire took control of the shipyards, the Super-class Star
Destroyer Executor was built there. Fondor was later liberated from Imperial control and used by the New
Republic. Six moons orbited Fondor, all of which were mined for raw ores and materials. Over time, the
moons were slowly eroded by mining. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the alien invaders
attacked Fondor and its shipyards used suicide bombing runs. Squadrons of coralskippers flung
themselves at the orbital facilities, causing untold damage. Fondor itself was leveled by the Yuuzhan
Vong, and the system was rendered useless. Nevertheless, the New Republic launched an attack
mission to retake Fondor. The battle plan involved the use of the planetary repulsor contained within
Centerpoint Station, but ended in disaster. Despite the elimination of the Yuuzhan Vong forces, the
blaster from Centerpoint Station wiped out the Hapan battle fleet which had supported the New Republic's
forces. Because the Yuuzhan Vong were removed from the system, the New Republic - later reformed
into the Galactic Alliance - decided to continue in its plans to rebuild the shipyards at Fondor. (HSE,
CSW, VM, SWJ12, JE, EGP, FH3, MC98, FP)
Fondor Academy of Engineering and Design
this was one of the Old Republic's most prestigious universities, dedicated to the continued development
and innovation of starships and other space-going equipment. At the time of the Clone Wars, the
Academy was receiving the majority of its funding from Kuat Drive Yards and the Techno Union. (HNN4)

Fondor City
this was the capital city of the planet Fondor. (JE)
Fondor Independent Shipyards
this was the name adopted by the Fondor shipyards, after the Battle of Endor and the elimination of
Imperial forces in the system. Although Fondor was officially part of the New Republic, the shipyards tried
to remain independent from government control. (PH)
a hairless, humanoid race. (DMSH)
Fondorian Mud Puppy
this amphibious creature was native to the planet Fondor, where it spent most of its life in the muddy
banks of rivers and lakes. (MBS)
this planet was the site of a New Republic prison facility. (HT)
this alien scavenger gave Tionne the coordinates of Exis Station, during her search for Jedi lore during
the early years of the New Republic. Many years later, Fonterrat located the Empire's storehouse of
plagues, and was able to secure a sample of the Emperor's Plague. He sold the sample to Nolaa
Tarkona, who had Fonterrat's payment tainted with the plague in order to test its effectiveness. Fonterrat
didn't directly sell her the location of the storehouse, though. He provided this to Bornan Thul, who later
disappeared with the datadisk. Fonterrat himself fled Tarkona to the planet Gammalin, where he began
spending his tainted credits. When the human population started dying because of the plague, and
discovered that Fonterrat was the source, they locked him in jail. He languished there, and eventually
died when his human captors all died of the plague. (TEP, SWJ15)
Fontin, Kare
this elderly man was a former Old Republic Senator. He was well over 100 years of age when the New
Order was implemented, and while his body began failing, his mind was still quick and sharp. He used his
wits to avoid succumbing to Imperial pressure, and eventually became a diplomat for the New Republic.
this was a type of gemstone found on the planet Ithor. (GCG)
this Ithorian surname referred to an Ithorian gemstone, according to historian who studied the Ithorian
race. (GCG)
Food and Drink
this was the only caf located on the moon Nierport Seven, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Food Synthesizer
any device which is used to create consumables from certain raw materials. They can be programmed to
create almost any dish, thus making them compatible with many different alien tastes. The raw material
used to create the food consists of certain starches, sugars, carbohydrates, and proteins. They can be
built for residences, large restaurants, and starships. (DA)
this was a medium-density, pressed material which was filled with nutritional elements and little else.
Popular during the last decades of the Old Republic because it was cheap to produce and ship, foodboard often caused gastro-intestinal distress or injury to species which were incapable to fully digesting it.

this was the name used by the Priapulin to describe those offspring which were created as a foodsource
for an adult. Food-kin were small, crab-like creatures which scuttled about, never leaving the vicinity of
their adult. They were fairly intelligent, and often felt a sense of pride in the fact that they were the
Priapulin's food. Like the other offpsring produced by the adult, the food-kin lived to serve their parent,
and were even proud to be eaten. Once consumed, the eggs of the food-kin are incubated inside the
adult Priapulin, continuing their lines as future partners with the Priapulin. (RP)
any device which is used to detect the presence of poisons in consumables. (CS)
this alien was a commentator who worked for Corpo the Hutt, and described the unique kitchen battles
staged by the Hutt to discover new and unique cuisines. Note that this character is a reference to the host
of the "Iron Chef" television show, Ken Fukui. (T7)
this young Fishface princess was the only surviving member of her family, who were staunch Loyalists but
were murdered by thugs of the Revolutionary Purist Council. Her protector, Naradan D'ulin, arranged to
have princess Foolookoola smuggled off the planet Ootoola by Vilmarh Grahrk, who took them to Dur
Sabon. (T3)
Fools' Gold
this large ship - measuring almost a kilometer in length - was part of a two-ship convoy that was bringing
a shipment of gems to the Chikarri, in the planet Plagen. The gems were from the Klatooinan Trade
Guild, as payment for the right to establish a trading post on Plagen. Both ships were built for the sole
purpose of transporting precious cargoes, and their cargo bays were actually huge vaults equipped with
the best inertial dampers credits could buy. The hulls were reinforced in order to survive any attack, and
the fuel cells were capable of propelling the ships for several centuries. The Fool's Gold was lost in the
Karbonni Asteroid Belt when it was forced out og hyperspace by a rogue asteroid, and it was not seen for
several centuries until its existence was discovered by a Chikarri historian, some years after the Battle of
Endor. Chiakrri law stated that the ship was the property of whoever found it first, and a race to locate the
ship ended when a group of explorers outraced Bruce Mercy and his pirates to it. (TSK)
this was a hearty meal enjoyed by the Ithorian race. (GMR8)
a device which is used on Chad III to lure the wystoh away from an area. Callista's family used them to
help repair their floating ships, keeping the wystoh away while they swam in the waters. (COJ)
For the Love of Beau TIE
a song written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes. It was first released on the
compilation Artistic Integrity. (GG9)
For the Want of an Empire
Jaalib Brandl was portraying the tragic hero of this play, a Jedi Knight consumed with the desire to kill his
best friend and companion, on the planet Iscera when he was sought out by Fable Astin. Jaalib went
underground shortly after the performance, and reappeared several years later on Garos IV. (SWJ8,
Forad Party
this Esselian political party was known for its tolerance of non-human races during the reign of Emperor
Palpatine. (SWJ8)
this race of feathered creatures lived in the forests of New Plympto, digging up roots and fungus with their

chin-tusks. (CCW)
this is the capital city of the planet Dosha. (SWJ4)
this city was located on the planet Almas. It was laid out in a circular pattern, withone quadrant given over
to a spaceport and a variety of research facilities. At the center of the city was the Almas Academy. The
city was first founded on top of a massive patch of kaluthin grass, which managed to survive in the
presence of the Light Side of the Force. (LFC)
Forb Basic
an input language used by Blue Max. (HSE)
Forb, Jonox
this smuggler was one of many who discovered that the planet Hoth offered much in the way of
remoteness and privacy, despite its obvious environmental problems. During the early years of the New
Order, Forb established Snowflake Base on Hoth, citing its proximity to Bespin, the Corellian Trade
Spine, and the Hydian Way. His records were discovered in an abandoned wampa lair by General Carlist
Rieekan during the Alliance's occupation of the planet, just prior to the Battle of Hoth. (PH)
Forbelean Defense
this was a defensive posture, developed by the Chiss for use in hand-to-hand combat. From this position,
virtually ay form of attack could be deflected. (FH1)
manufacturers of anti-radar defense units. (MMY)
a Lambda-class shuttle stolen by the New Republic, the Forbidden was used by the training center of
Folor. It later was part of the assault fleet sent to the planet Borleais. It was piloted by Tycho Celchu; due
to his questionable status within the New Republic, the Forbidden's weapons systems were removed. The
Forbidden was later used to ferry criminals from Kessel to its moon, when the Rogues negotiated the
release of Zekka Thyne. (XWN, WG)
Forbidden Castle
this ancient fortress was located atop a rocky tor on the planet Munto Codru. (EGP)
Forbidden Fortress of the Gorax, The
a huge stone tower built by the Gorax near the Desert of Salma on Endor. It is a tall, rocky spire whose
entrance is hidden in the tumble of rocks at its base. (EA)
Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta
Jabba the Hutt once witnessed them, despite their being forbidden. (JTH)
Force Baton
this was a powered staff, shorter than a force pike, which was used in melee combat. Like the force pike,
the force baton contained a tiny power source that generated a powerful electric discharge to the skin of a
being, causing pain in addition to the blow from the weapon itself. (TF)
Force Bubble
developed by the Jedi Knights as a defensive measure, the Force bubble was a kind of shield that
protected the individual inside it. When properly formed, the Force bubble provided a complete sphere of
protection, deflecting energy and projectile weapons away from the being inside. (FH2)
Force Cage
this was a portable force field generator which produced a cell-sized enclosure to lock up a criminal or
target. It attached to a collapsible frame made from bi-state memory plastic, and was used by law

enforcement agencies across the galaxy. (GG10)

Force Cylinder
this was the name of a device which allowed life forms to transfer from one ship to another through
space, without actually linking the ships together physically. A force field created the tube, sealing up
against the hulls of two ships. While not exactly foolproof, force cylinders were considered one of the
most reliable intra-ship travel technologies of the New Republic. (HTTE)
Force Demon
this race of evil creatures once ruled the galaxy. (CSWDW)
Force Detector
a device developed by Emperor Palpatine, the Force Detector used two unique sheet-crystal paddles and
a control pack to determine whether or not a person was Force-sensitive. Thaissen crystals, found only
on the planet Circarpous V, were used in the paddles. If the person had some sensitivity to the Force, a
bluish aura was displayed around them when the detector was activated. An individual with a strong
connection to the Dark Side of the Force registered a reddish aura. The strength of the aura had come
correlation to the amount of Force sensitivity the person had. Anyone without Force sensitivity did not
register the blue aura. (JS, PJSB)
Force Dream
this was the term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe any subconscious connection
to the Force that provided a being with strange and wonderful dreams. Force dreams were considered
different than farseeing, since they provided no information about future events. They were useful,
however, in understanding the stresses a being was experiencing. (MBS)
Force Fence
a fence used to enclose prison grounds, it carries some sort or repulsion and/or shock field to deter the
prisoners from escaping. (LCM)
Force Harvester
this unusual piece of ancient technology was believed to have been lost on Raxus Prime many centuries
before the Battle of Geonosis, and eventually buried under all the debris which littered the planet's
surface. It was originally created during the time of the Great Sith War, as the power source for the
weapon known as the Dark Reaper. The Harvester was designed to drain the energy of the Force from
any living being, regardless of whether they were Force-sensitive or not. Around the time of the Battle of
Geonosis, Count Dooku began a massive excavation effort to locate the Harvester. Unfortunately, the
Jedi Knights and a task force of the Army of the Republic discovered Dooku's base of operations and
bombarded it before the Harvester could be recovered. (BF2, TCW)
Force Lightning
a corruption of The Force which manifests itself in blue lightning, which can be directed at an opponent.
Many Dark Jedi use this, while the Light Side Jedi do not. (ROTJ, TB)
Force Mite
this unusual insect, native to the planet Balanor, was a tiny creature with a multitude of legs and tiny
wings. The Force Mite was resistant to a wide range of climates and environments, though it prefered
tropical conditions. These insects traveled singly or in small groups, and rarely swarmed. Force Mites did
not require oxygen for food to survive, instead feeding on the power of the Force that flowed within an
individual creature. While most every being in the galaxy had some level of midichlorians in their cells,
Jedi Knights were the favored prey of the Force Mite, due to their high concentration of Force energy. The
Force Mite attacked by first using a blade-like beak to cut into its target, taking blood and nutrients from
the "host." A second proboscis then plunged into the target's flesh to extract the Force energy. While
under the draining influence of the Force Mite, a victim was very agreeable to suggestions, becoming
almost drunk in attitude and mannerisms. (WOTC)
Force Multiple Orbit

known as The Atom, this starfighter formation was developed by the Imperial Navy to intercept an vessel
which couldn't produce the appropriate identification codes. Imperial fighters were launched to intercept
the target ship, then assumed criss-crossing orbits at staggered distances, thereby covering every inch of
the target ship with swift-miving fighters. This formation, when performed correctly, made the target ship
look like the nucleus of an atom, with the fighters whirling around like electrons. This formation prevented
the target ship from getting an accurate targetting lock on the fighters, allowing the main Imperial ship to
ready weapons and tractor beams for boarding. (SWED)
Force Pike
a older weapon, much like a long staff with a vibroblade at the end. See electro-jabber. (CPL)
Force Sabaac
an ancient variation of Sabacc, in which the cards are not randomized, but the players must declare their
hand to be light or dark, based on the cards dealt to him. The strongest light or dark hand wins, provided
that the overall lightness or darkness (based on all the hands in play) is in their favor. A lone dark hand
against all light hands is almost always a loser. (CPL)
Force Scream
once called "a wave of hatred, amplified and fueled by the Dark Side," this Sith power allowed the wielder
to smash through mental and physical defenses with ease. (TOJC)
Force Sensitivity
a trait in some individuals which allows them to be more attuned to the Force than others. (SME, SWSB)
Force Shackles
very effective, very expensive restraining devices which use alloy cuff bands to hold a captive. The bands
have miniature tractor beams placed on them. These tractor beams grasp the opposing cuff band and
keep it locked in place. The tightness of the cuff can be modified by varying the intensity of the tractor
beams. (LCF)
Force Spirit
this was the term used to describe any disembodied manifestation of a once-living, Force-sensitive
individual. Many Jedi Masters and other strong Force users discovered ways to exist in spirit form, long
after their physical body was gone. Rather than simply becoming part of the Force, the denied the will of
the Force to retain their individuality. Because this went against the nature of the Force, any Jedi who
managed to become a Force Spirit could only manifest itself for a limited time. Because the Sith and other
Dark Jedi used the Force for their own ends, they often bypassed this limitation to remain spirits
indefinitely. In general, a Force Spirit cannot be "killed" by normal means. Often, as in the case of the
Jedi, they simply cease to exist. Other spirits can be destroyed with sufficient Dark Side energy, making
the elimination of a malevolent spirit dangerous for most Jedi. (PJSB)
Force Storm
a tornado of energy created by a disturbance in The Force, these are very hard to control. (DE1, CPL)
Force Two Armada
this classification of fleet strength indicates a large-scale assault grouping. (SOL)
Force Whip
a whip-like device which discharges energy bursts when it contacts an opponent. (COTF)
Force, The
an energy that occurs naturally in the galaxy, it springs from all forms of life. It has two "sides," a good
side and a Dark Side, although this is a great oversimplification of the Force's existence. The Jedi Knights
believed that the Force had many sides, including a living element and a unifying element, and it binds all
things together in a great web of existence. In this way, the Jedi saw the Force as its own end. The
modern Sith, while acknowledging that they learned of the Force through the Dark Side teachings of the
ancient Sith, simply saw the singular power of the Force, which to them was a means to an end. The Jedi

Knights discovered that the Force was accessible to all living beings through the presence of midichlorians in their cells. The more midi-chlorians that inhabited a being's cells, the more the being was able
to contact the Force. However, a high concentration of midi-chlorians did not guarantee a being control of
the Force. Only through intense study and dedicated training could a being become proficient in
harnessing the power of The Force. The Jedi Council discovered that younger beings had an easier time
of learning the techniques required to touch and control the Force, and eventually developed a system
that actively sought out and identified beings with high midi-chlorian counts at their birth. With, or
sometimes without, the permission of the parents, the Jedi took children no more than one year old away
for training. Children and older beings, who had already established a set pattern of mental and physical
usage, often were unable to complete the necessary training, and were deemed too wasteful of Jedi
resources. The Jedi Knights have historically been the most powerful users of The Force, having trained
with and learned the three basic techniques: control (the manipulation of one's internal Force strength),
sense (detection of the Force in the external world), and alter (manipulation of matter with the Force).
These techniques, used by themselves or in combination, allow the Jedi to perform many different
activities with the Force. The Sith, on the other hand, gained strength from the Force by focusing their
emotional energies - especially strong emotions like anger and hatred - which gave the quick mastery but
didn't take much discipline. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, some twenty-five years after
the Battle of Endor, the foundations on which the Jedi Knights based their knowledge of the Force were
suddenly altered. There were several forms of life - primarily the ysalamiri of Myrkr - which could push
back against the Force, but these creatures were assumed to live within the Force in some fashion. The
Yuuzhan Vong, however, appeared as a void in the Force, neither projecting nor absorbing or repelling it.
Many of the new Jedi Order struggled with the concept of a race of beings which seemed to lack any
contact with the Force, since it was believed that the Force was contained within all forms of life, even if it
was in trace amounts. Jacen Solo was one of the first Jedi to discover that the Force acted in many ways,
without a true light or dark side, and that there were ways in which it could be attuned to at least
recognize the alien invaders. The former Jedi Knight Vergere was instrumental in guiding Jacen to this
realization, having spent more than thirty years in their presence. After the surrender of the Yuuzhan
Vong at Coruscant some five years after their invasion began, Jedi Master Master Skywalker
contemplated his new understanding of the Force. It was not a simple delineation between light and dark,
but a more profound definition of the ways in which good and evil fight for control of an individual.
Ultimately, he chose not to return the Jedi to their roles as an unbiased police force. Luke reasoned that
the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic were once a meditative order that was drawn deeper and deeper into
the machinations of the Republic when its Chancellors called for their help in mediating disputes. As this
call for help escalated into the battle legions of the Clone Wars, the Jedi became less interested in the
nature of the Force and more interested in separating good and evil into light and dark halves to the
Force. The Jedi of the Old Republic, according to Skywalker, lost sight of the fact that the Force moved
through an individual, not from them. (SW, HTSB, TPM, DMSH, VP, T, UF)
a code phrase sued by Lando Calrissian on Cloud City to indicate that it was time to fight back against the
Imperials occupying the city. (ESBN)
this was a localized form of defensive shielding, created during the last decades of the Old Republic as a
security system for remote outposts. The force-dome used a collection crystals - not unlike those used in
the construction of a lightsaber - to generate a hemisphere of protective energy. Its size could be
modulated by the amount of power and the number of crystals used, but was usually limited to a few
square miles in surface area. The shield produced by the force-dome ws capable of repelling even the
heaviest of projectile weapons, but coyuld eventually be pierced by ion-type weapons. (MJH)
see Stennes Shifter. (SWJ12)
this was the pseudonym used by a computer slicer who often made contact with Tash Arranda.
ForceFlow often wrote stories of the Jedi Knights and posted them on the Imperial HoloNet, but never

managed to get caught. These stories attracted Tash, and the two became friends. ForceFlow often
provided Tash with inside information on the Empire, helping her to be aware of possible dangers in her
travels with Mammon Hoole. After the Arranda children and Hoole arrived on Nespis VIII, ForceFlow
seemed to help Tash understand what was happening. However, it was later revealed that ForceFlow
was actually Borborygmus Gog, who had been hoping to lure the Arrandas and Hoole into a trap on
Nespis VIII, in order to test out his Essence Stealer. (GOF1, GOF2, GOF5)
this was the name given to the uniting of several Jedi Knights through the Force, a technique which was
developed by the Jedi during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. A number of Jedi Knights joined
their minds together within the Force, drawing strength from each other and acting as a single, powerful
entity. The technique was originally attempted by the strike team sent to Myrkr to destroy the voxyn
queen, and further refined by Saba Sebatyne. (Y)
For'deschel, Devan
this woman served as the mistress of ligthsabers at the Almas Academy, during the height of the Clone
Wars. Master For'deschel originally trained under the tutelage of Mace Windu, and she was the first Jedi
from outside the Cularin System to return to Almas after the disappearance of Cularin and its sudden
reappearance. As the Clone Wars began to spread across the galaxy, Devan was one of the few Jedi to
remain on Almas to continue the training of the students there. She was an expert in the Form V style of
lightsaber combat, a style which had not been previously taught at Almas by Master Kirlocca. She also
spent much of her free time investigating the disappearance of Cularin and the many aspects of the Sith
artifact known as the darkstaff. (WOTC)
Fordon System
the Quarren pirate Jerresk was once spotted in this star system, shortly after the Battle of Endor. (WBC)
Fordox, Com
this distinguished man was the Senator from the planet Corellia, during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. (COD)
Foreck, Condren
a famous athlete from the planet Azbrian, Condren is also the heiress to her aging father's vast fortune.
For this reason, she is approached by Lando Calrissian as his second choice for a rich wife. A pale, thin
woman with frizzy hair and a whiny voice, Condren was approached by Frang Colgter and married him
before Lando arrived on Azbrian. She failed to contact him before the wedding, and so Lando was forced
to cross her off his list. (AC)
Foreez Ch'zori
this was the name of a noted Ranth individual, distinguished in the history of the planet Caaraz. (UANT)
Foreign Intruder Defense Organism
FIDO for short, this was a defensive system set up by Luke Skywalker and Admiral Ackbar on Anoth, to
protect the infant children of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. It is a multi-tentacled cyborg beast with
plasteel claws, modeled after Calamarian krakana. The FIDO had twenty-six individual claws, each
connected to the central body by a 100-meter-long flexisteel cable. The entire unit measured eight meters
across, and was equipped with a variety of sensor and detection systems. This was a reference to the
Star Wars Echo on FIDONet by Kevin Anderson. (COTF, EGD)
Foreseen, The
this was the name given to the being who was prophesied to free the beings under the control of Lord
Gar-Oth. Unknown to Yoshi Raph-Elan, The Foreseen was also prophesied to be a woman. It turned out
that The Foreseen was actually Princess Lourdes. (SWS)
this New Republic surveyor ship was destroyed when it tried to recover parts from an abandoned Imperial
cruiser. The cruiser's automatic firing sensors were still active, despite the damage it had taken, and fired

on the Foresight, causing it to explode. (BTS)

Forest Father
according to the Ewoks, the Forest Father is the primary caretaker of the forests, having been given that
due by the Great Spirit of the Forest. (AT)
Forest Honey
this is a form of honey created by the Wookiees. (RD)
Forest Kinrath
this species of predatory spider was native to the planet Kashyyyk. (KOTOR)
Forest Moon of Endor
the life-supporting satellite of the gas giant Endor, found in the Moddell Sector, this second moon had a
widely-varied, temperate climate. Note that no planet was seen in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, and the
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi novelization indicates that the planet being destroyed eons ago. However,
the Ewoks films definitely show a clouded world around which the moon orbits, and The Truce at Bakura
mentions a dead planet. The Adventures of Teebo describes Endor as a planet. The Bounty Hunters:
Aurra Sing says that the Forest Moon is sometimes simply referred to as Endor. Due to the out-of-the-way
location of the planet Endor, its Forest Moon became something of a desert island in space. Its
breathable atmosphere allowed nearly any race to land there, in the event their ship got into trouble while
off the normal hyperspace routes. As its name indicated, forests abounded on the moon, broken here and
there by rocky wastes and small deserts. The moon's low gravity allowed the trees to grow to incredible
heights. It was the home of many unique species, including the Ewoks and the Yuzzum, as well as the
Marauder subspecies of Sanyassan. The Empire discovered the out-of-the-way moon, and used it as a
construction sight for the second Death Star, betting that the remote location would keep it hidden from
the rest of the galaxy until Emperor Palpatine was ready to leak information on the location to the
Alliance. The Empire placed a shield generator on the moon to help guard the battle station during its
construction; thus, Endor became known as the Sanctuary Moon. It was believed that a vast wealth of
ores could be found on the moon, which were mined by the Empire. However, much of the mining was
done on other worlds in the Moddell Sector, and processed ores were then transported to the Forest
Moon. These mining operations were significantly reduced when the New Republic was formed. The
moon had a 18-hour day, and rotated with Endor around the sun in about 402 standard days. The Endor
System was located some 43,300 light-years from the galactic core. (ROTJ, DFRSB, EA, BFE, TB, DA,
Forest of Faithfulness
this low forested area of the planet Ylesia is located near the Flowered Plains, just outside of Colony One.
this continent, one of two on the planet Ropagi II, is located on the planet's western hemisphere. Like its
counterpart, Afterthought, the continent is amazingly flat, and covered with huge expanses of grassy
plains broken by urban centers. Those native Ropagu who turn their minds to the future of their planet live
on this continent. (TSK)
Forfra Moss
this unusual form of moss grew in underground caverns and grottoes on the planet Almas. (WOTC)
this was a common name among the Talz race. (UANT)
Forge, Inyri
Lujayne Forge's sister, Inyri was remarkably similar to Lujayne in appearance. She had just as much
promise as Lujayne did, but felt that she never got her parents' support in anything. She rebelled, and
joined up with Zekka Thyne while he was imprisoned on Kessel. She dyed a forelock of her hair blue, to
match the patches on Thyne's skin, and became his lover and his spice cutter. In this capacity, Inyri was

responsible for dosing the spice that Thyne was able smuggle into consumable portions. When the
Rogue Squadron negotiated with Moruth Doole for the release of Thyne, Inyri went along with him, rather
than returning to her parents. She later realized that Thyne was never going to give her the respect she
so desperately wanted, and she shot him when he tried to expose the Rogues on Coruscant. Inyri
remained with the squadron for many years, becoming one of the group's primary leaders. Gavin
Darklighter, upon assuming command of the Squadron, named Inyri his second-in-command, and Inyri
took up the position of Rogue Five. (WG, DTO)
Forge, Kassar
Lujayne's father, Kassar originally came to Kessel in an effort to try and reform the criminals there. He
voluntarily remained on the moon following the Battle of Endor, believing that he still could make a
difference in the lives of the criminals. (WG)
Forge, Lujayne
a native of Kessel, she was a member of Wedge Antilles' Rogue Squadron. Her father was an Old
Republic corrections officer who went to Kessel to teach inmates how to better re-integrate back into
society upon their release. There, he met and fell in love with Lujayne's mother, an inmate at the time.
Together they got married and had a number of children. They remained on Kessel when Lujayne left to
join the New Republic. She felt that Corran Horn held this against her, since he was part of a Security
team that toured Kessel. Forge was killed on Talasea, when Kirtan Loor's troops infiltrated the Rogues'
base there. She never awakened when the stormtroopers entered the compound, and was shot in her
sleep. (XWN)
Forge, Myda
Myda was the wife of Kassar Forge, and the mother of Lujayne and Inyri. She stayed by her husband's
side, teaching the criminals imprisoned at Kessel how to reform themselves. She would not have chosen
Kessel as a place to live, but her love for her husband kept her there. (WG)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer suppressed rebellious activity on Gra Ploven during the reign of
Emperor Palpatine. It's commander was Davith Sconn, who - under orders from Moff Dureya - fired
multiple turbolaser batteries into the planet's water supplies, creating super-hot steam which boiled the
native Ploven alive. (SOL)
this was the process by which the seeds of the boras tree of Zonama Sekot were split open by lightning
and charged with energy. From this point, the seeds were annealed into new boras trees. The
development of Sekotan starships mimicked this process, as seed-partners were allowed to grow before
they were filled with energy and modified into seed-disks. (RP)
Forgofshar Desert
a desert located on Carida, it was used to acclimate Imperial inductees to harsh climates. (TME)
Fori, Vett
a short, tough-looking woman who was the chief supervisor of mining operations on Oseon 2795 when
Lando Calrissian stopped there. Her disarming smile often caught men offguard, as did her propensity to
smoke a cigar. (LCM)
Forig Thull
this mercenary and bounty hunter made a name for himself in the Outer Rim Territories during the early
years of the New Republic. (SWJ3)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Forim came from the term meaning
"capable" or "dependable". (GCG)
Fork, The

this was a strategy used in the game of dejarik, in which a player moved a single gamepiece into a
position to attack two or more of an opponent's pieces. The opponent was left with a single choice: which
of their pieces to lose. Eventually, the term "The Fork" became more integrated into normal conversation
to indicate any situation in which an individual must choose between two or more disasters. (SHPT)
derived from the dejarik game, in which The Fork was a strategy used to force an opponent to choose
which gamepiece they would lose, being "forked" meant that an individual was faced with a decision in
which they had to choose which of two or more disasatrous situations would not occur. Regardless of the
choice, something disastrous would result. (SHPT)
Form I
known as Shii-Cho, this was the simplest form of lightsaber combat techniques studied by the Jedi
Knights of the Old Republic, and was generally considered the first form used by the original creators of
ligthsabers. Sometimes called the ideal form, Form I used horizontal side-swipes and parries made with
the blade of the lightsaber held upright to push the point of an enemy's blade away during a side-to-side
attack. If the attack is a downward slash aimed at the head, Form I simply reversed the motion, with a
horizontally-held lightsaber being moved up and down to deflect a blow. All the basic ideals of attack,
parry, target zones, and practice drills were created with the Form I style. (VD2, SWI62, SWI68)
Form II
known as Makashi, this ancient Jedi Knight lightsaber combat technique was developed when pikes and
staves were more common in the galaxy. Form II emphasized fluid motion and anticipation of a weapon
being swung at its target, allowing the Jedi to attack and defend with minimal effort. Although many Jedi
historians considered Form II to be the ultimate refinement in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat, it was
dropped in favor of Form III combat when blaster weapons became prevalent in the galaxy. (VD2, SWI62,
Form III
known as Soresu, this was a lightsaber dueling technique developed by the Jedi Knights, after blaster
weapons became the normal weapon of choice among criminals and underworld beings. Unlike Form II
combat, which was developed to work against another lightsaber, Form III was most effective in
anticipating and deflecting blaster fire. It stressed quick reflexes and fast positional transition, in order to
overcome the rapidity with which a blaster could be fired. It was essentially a defensive technique,
emphasizing the non-aggressive Jedi philosophy while reducing the exposed areas of their bodies.
Because of these attributes, many Jedi - especially those who practiced Form III - felt that it was the one
form that required the deepest connection to the Force. In the wake of the death of Qui-Gon Jinn at the
hands of Darth Maul, many Jedi turned away from the Form IV style of open, acrobatic fighting and took
up Form III in order to minimize the risk of injury or death at the hands of an opportunistic opponent.
(VD2, SWI62, SWI68, MJH)
Form IV
known as Ataru, this was one of the more recent lightsaber combat techniques, developed by the Jedi
Knights during the last decades of the Old Republic. It emphasized acrobatic strength and power in
wielding the blade, attributes which were frowned upon by many traditional Jedi Knights and Masters. It
found a niche among the eager Padawan learners of the time, who believed that the Jedi needed to
become more involved in rooting out crime and evil and eradicating it. This Form was practiced by QuiGon Jinn, although his death at the hands of Darth Maul exposed the weakness of Form IV in defending a
Jedi's body. Yoda, however, practiced Form IV with such speed that, when coupled with his small size,
left an enemy with no undefended parts of his body. (VD2, SWI62, SWI68)
Form V
known as Shien, this was one of the seven primary forms of lightsaber combat developed by the Jedi
Knights of the Old Republic. Form V was developed by a group of Jedi Masters who felt that Form III was
too passive, while Form IV was not powerful enough. It addressed the shortcomings of both forms, in
which a Jedi Master may have proved to be undefeatable but could not overcome the enemy. Among the
many unique aspects of Form V was the development of techniques in which the lightsaber was used to

deflect a blaster bolt directly back at the firer, deliberately to cause harm to the opponent. Many Jedi
Masters debated the philosophy of Form V, claiming that it directed inappropriate focus on hurting
another being. Others claimed that Form V was simply a way to "achieve peace through superior
firepower." (VD2, SWI62, SWI68)
Form VI
known as Niman, this was one of the most advanced of the seven primary forms of lightsaber combat
developed by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. At the time of the Battle of Geonosis, Form VI was the
standard in Jedi fighting techniques, emphasizing the use of techniques from Forms I, II, IV, and V in
overall moderation. Many Jedi Masters considered it the "diplomat's form", since the user used their
knowledge of political strategy and negotiation - along with their own perceptions - to reach a peaceful
decision with minimal bloodshed. Many Jedi skilled in Form VI techniques had already spent at least ten
years studying the other four Forms, an aspect that meny Masters felt was too demanding of the Jedi's
time in regards to its benefits on the battlefield. (VD2, SWI62, SWI68)
Form VII
known as Juyo, this lightsaber combat technique was one of the most demanding of all the forms
developed by the Jedi Knights. Only through the learning of several other forms can a Jedi begin to
understand Form VII, which involved so much physical combat ability that its training brought a Jedi very
close to the Dark Side of the Force. Jedi Master Mace Windu studied the Form VII technique. To master
Form VII, a Jedi had to employ bold movements and be more kinetic than in any other form. Form VII
employed the use of overwhelming power directed through unconnected, staccato movements that kept
an opponent continually off-guard. (VD2, SWI62, SWI68)
Form Zero
originally defined by Jedi Master Yoda to describe the lightsaber technique of Felanil Baaks, Form Zero
became the basis for the instruction of lightsaber combat. In its simplest form, Form Zero is the art of
wielding a lightsaber which had not been ignited. While it seemed silly to many Padawan learners, the
underlying message could not be ignored. In order for a Jedi to protect and serve the galaxy, they must
know when to ignite their lightsaber for combat, and when to leave the weapon at his side. The
understanding of another being's situation was key to the knowledge of right and wrong, and any student
who could understand the necessity of Form Zero and use it to mediate a solution - without resorting to
violence - was truly gifted with the Force. (LFCW)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
this tall, bald-headed, dark-skinned man was a Captain with the Mining Guild, which rose to power in the
wake of the deaths of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Emperor Palpatine's clones. He was in command of the
mining ship Draisini, and was dispatched to negotiate a deal between the Guild and representatives of the
Empire and the New Republic. Forma forced the will of the Guild on both parties, then left the
negotiations. At the conclusion of the negotiations, Forma picked up a secret cargo along with the usual
load of ores. Shortly after leaving, the Draisini was attacked by pirates led by Sol Mon. They were working
for Grappa the Hutt, and secured the ship and took Forma into custody. He was tortured and bled of
information, then given to the Zanibar for one of their ceremonies. Forma was eventually killed by the
Zanibar. (CE2)
this ancient Yao smuggler made a living in Esau's Ridge, on Tholatin, brokering information. Over the
centuries, he had developed an intricate network of informants to supply accurate data. In addition,
Formayj had an excellent memory, and never forgot good information. He was able to provide
Chewbacca with several valuable documents during the Black Fleet Crisis, including a map of the
Koornacht Cluster, an Imperial autopsy report on three Yevetha, transmissions from a New Republic
patrol drone operating in the Koornacht near Wakiza, and the shield and sensor codes for several of the
Imperial warships under Yevethan control. (TT)

this Chiss male, whose full name was Chaf'orm'bintrano, was the Aristocra of the Chaf family some 20
years after the Battle of Yavin. Short in stature and reaching the end of his middle years, Formbi also
served as an officer serving the Empire of the Hand during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. Formbi was the commander of the Chiss exploration force that discovered the
remains of the Outbound Flight Project. He requested that Luke Skywalker be contacted immediately, so
that the Jedi Master could decide what to do with the remains. However, the timing of his message and
the schedule for meeting with him made it clear that Formbi only wanted the Jedi involved, and not the
New Republic. However, Luke and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, discovered that Formbi's expedition
was made up from a wide variety of interests, including Dean Jinzler posing as a New Republic
ambassador and Chak Fel representing the Empire of the Hand. When he was confronted with the
knowledge that he had spoken at length to Jorj Car'das upon Jinzler's arrival, Formbi merely explained
that they had been discussing each other's credentials and the details of the Outbound Flight mission.
After meeting Jorad Pressor aboard the remains of Outbound Flight, Formbi was forced to demand that
the survivors leave the Redoubt, since it was considered part of Chiss space. Pressor refused, and a
series of negotiations began between the Chiss and the Outbound Flight Colony over possible
reparations and a settlement. These talks were cut short when Bearsh and his comrades revealed
themselves to be Vagaari pirates. The parties were split up, with Jinzler and Formbi trying to survive
against the initial attacks of Bearsh's wolvkils. During their escape, Formbi was badly mauled by a wolvkil.
Feesa and Jinzler struggled to keep him conscious despite the copious amounts of blood he lost, but they
were able to reach Mara in time to save him. Later, Mara discovered that Formbi had known about the
Vagaari all along, from his meeting with Car'das at Crustai. Despite recognizing the threat the Vagaari
posed to the mission - not to mention the entire Chiss race - Formbi allowed them on the mission in an
effort to eliminate Bearsh and Estosh. As long as he allowed the Vagaari to make the first move, and
Chiss retaliation would be swift and strong, and ensured that the Chiss would not go against military
doctrine of avoiding pre-emptive strikes. (SQ)
this type of chair was created with a special material that conformed to the user's physical shape,
providing an ergonomically comfortable position. (MBS)
this generic term refers to any chair which molds itself to the user's body contours. (RD)
this specialized piece of furniture was portable enough to provide a bed for the clone troopers of the
Grand Army of the Republic, during the Clone Wars. Despite the ease of transportation, formcots were
designed with special materials that conformed to the shape of the being who was sleeping on them,
providing an exceptionally comfortable bed despite its humble appearance. (MBS)
a surfacing material used on spaceport landing pads and on roads. (HSE, HSL)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
this was one of the many Victory-class Star Destroyers which were still active, as part of the Imperial
Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
Formmn Badees
this yougn Duros pilot dreamed of joining the Alliance and flying a starfighter against the Empire.
However, he had to settle for working in his older brother's reapiar facility, but he watched every holovid
he could obtain that brought news of the Galactic Civil War. (CCW)

this planet was located in the Outer Rim Territories, near the planet Kessel and the Maw. It was a typical
backwater planet, although its proximity to Kessel made it a haven for spice smugglers. (SWRPG2, MCI1)
this is the sixth symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic letter "f". (SWM)
Forn, Zelka
this man was a doctor who operated a medical facility in the Upper City of Taris, during the era of the
Great Sith War. Zelka spent a great deal of time researching the cause of the rakghoul infection, and was
aided when a group of Jedi Knights from the Endar Spire supplied a serum that had been created by the
Sith to counteract the effect. (KOTOR)
Forna Tutha Star Probe
this archaeological relic was discovered by a scientist named Bartleton. Unfortunately for Bartelton, one
member of his team inadvertently triggered a fire inside the probe, destroying it before he could recover it
for further inspection. (TT)
this planet, located in the Glythe Sector of the galaxy, was famous for the Five Fire Rings of Fornax,
which were five rings of solar prominence which encircle it. (SWN, SWI78)
Forno, Jace
a female Corellian pilot working for Olag Greck, she pilots his personal shuttle. She is very thin and gaunt,
with a patch over her right eye and a strip of jet-black hair cut down the center of her head. She is called
upon to help Greck overtake the ship stolen by IG-88. The Phlutdroid uses a nearby asteroid to shake the
pursuit. Forno later became Movo Brattakin's chief of security on Nar Shaddaa, where she destroyed Unit
Zed and blasted C-3PO's leg off while capturing the droids. (DRO)
this planet was annexed by the Epicanthix people. (SESB)
this carnivirous rodent was native to the swamps of Gorsh. They hid in the trees and attacked their prey
by leaping in packs from their branches. The flesh of this creature is considered a delicacy, but they are
too dangerous to have in the kitchen. (POC, PG1)
this stance, one of many positions used in the teras kasi martial artform, provided the warrior with a fluid
position from which to move in any direction. (DMSH)
this man was appointed privisional Governor of Corulag during the final stages of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. He was easily distinguished from most people by his foppish hats and the
eyepatch he wore, which made him look like a holodrama star. When the alien invaders established
control of the Perlemian Trade Route, the previous Corulag government quickly capitulated, hoping to
avoid any ecological or technological damage. However, the Yuuzhan Vong quickly installed a puppet
government and began to run the planet their own way. As wealthy individuals fled for free worlds and the
lower classes erupted in rebellion, Forridel found himself actually wishing for the New Republic to take an
interest in recapturing Corulag. His wish came true some five years into the invasion, after Zonama
Sekot's sudden reappearance near Coruscant forced the Yuuzhan Vong to recall all their war fleets. The
former governor was caught and hanged, and Forridel was installed in his place. Forridel provided
General Wedge Antilles with information on the groundside situation, as well as data on the Pece Brigade
that was fleeing Corulag. (UF)
this was the nickname used by the ARC trooper designated CT-44/444, during the height of the Clone
Wars. When he was assigned to the small group that was dispatched to Ord Cestus, some two years

after the Battle of Geonosis, Forry was the only trooper who had any knowledge of the planet, having
spent time in a nearby sector. Forry, like many of the other ARC troopers, held a measure of disdain for
the Jedi Knights, especially after trooper CT-36/732 was defeated by the combat droid JK-13. With the
trooper's defeat, Jedi Master Kit Fisto stepped forward to combat the droid, and eventuall defeated it.
This, in Forry's mind, was simply showing off in front of the masses. Forry helped Kit Fisto and Nate train
the commandos of the Desert Wind terrorist group, and was among the survivors who managed to
escape their lair when Asajj Ventress sent a group of infiltration droids to destroy them. When Nate's body
was not recovered, they feared that Nate had been killed, or had broken the Code and betrayed them all
in the first place. (TCD)
Forscan VI
this planet, located on the edge of the Cron Drift, was one of the many planets that struggled to remain
neutral during the height of the Clone Wars. This neutrality didn't stop an elite group of Separatist agents
from establishing a training facility on the planet, a facility that was exposed when the settlers of Forscan
VI complained to the Galactic Senate about the trouble it was causing. Some two years after the Battle of
Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to Forscan VI to eliminate the facility
and restore order to the populace. Before their mission was completed, however, they were called back to
Coruscant by an emergency message from Chancellor Palpatine. (TCD)
this alien race, characterized by its blue-green hair and long, thin face, is native to the 87 inhabited worlds
of the Yminis Sector. (SOP)
this is the traditional name given to the collective Forshul race. (SOP)
Forswoth, Melanda
this woman was an up-and-coming journalist on the planet Cularin, during the years following the Battle of
Naboo. A former meteorologist on an obscure HoloNet newsfeed, she got her chance to make a name for
herself when Yara Grugara left Eye on Cularin to do some investigation. Melanda's facial expressions and
actions on-camera proved that she had been watching Grugara closely, as a sort of role model. Forswoth
was allowed to take her place, and began a series of specials on the Carrite and their homeworld of
Carrimon. After several abortive interviews, she encountered the humanoid known as Falsswon. He took
exception to her superficial questions, and pulled a blaster out of his clothing. He shot the camera which
had been taping the interview, and Forswoth was never seen again. The Cularin Central Broadcasting
corporation later recovered the camera and its recordings, and aired them in an effort to help locate
Falsswon. Just over a year later, Ryk Osentay was allowed to travel to Tolea Biqua to do a short piece on
Riboga the Hutt, and his camerabeing was knocked over by a dazed-looking woman. Although Ryk was
unaware of the incident, the camerabeing recognized the woman as Melanda. The camerabeing's quick
actions allowed Melanda to be transported to a hospital for medical treatment, although Osentay later
claimed that his crack reporting had led to Melanda's recovery. (LFCW)
Fort Cravus
this immense citadel, located in the tropical city of Nurrale, on the planet Esseles, was the base of
operations for Lord Cravus during the earliest days of civilization on the planet. As Cravus' empire
eventually died out, the Fort remained standing, aging very little over time. Fort Cravus was later
renovated and turned into a museum, displaying artifacts and information from Lord Cravus' reign.
Unknown to the new owners, however, was that fact that several of Lord Cravus' ancient battle droids
were stored beneath the surface in a sealed vault, waiting to be reactivated. (CCW)
Fort Departure
this was the only permanent settlement found on the moon Vilhon. It was established to provide a base of
operations for the safari hunters who traveled to the moon. (LOE)
Fort Divin
this was the only starport on the planet Ord Antalaha. It was named for Lieutenant Divin, the first
commander of the Old Republic ordnance depot on the planet. (PP)

Fort Nowhere
this outpost, located on the planet Ruusan, was used by Captain Jerg and his fellow merchants as a base
of operations on the planet. It was to Fort Nowhere that Jerg agreed to take the refugees from the moon
Sulon, after the Empire took control of the Sullust System. Much of the main compound was protected by
rammed-earth walls, with a configuration that resembled a six-pointed star when viewed from above. At
each point of the star was a ball-turret-mounted blaster cannon, giving the inhabitants complete coverage
of their airspace. Subsurface missile batteries and other hidden defenses ensured the protection of the
Fort. (RAG)
Fort Plympto
located in the city of Phemiss, along the shore of the Tsilor Sea, this building served as the seat of the
Nosaurian government on the planet New Plympto. (CCW)
Fort Tusken
this was the second settlement founded on Tatooine during the modern era, nearly 100 years before the
Battle of Yavin. Situated on the northern edge of the Jundland Wastes, just northwest of Mos Eisley, it
survived until a group of Sandpeople attacked it some 95 years before the Battle of Yavin. It was
abandoned afterwards, and the Sandpeople were given the nickname of Tusken Raiders because of the
attack. They were also forever marked as bloodthirsty savages by the human settlers of Tatooine, even
though a similar attack never occurred again. (GG7, SWTJ, SWDB, SOT)
this is one of Gacerian's moons. It orbits the planet in the same path as Tempay, and is situated in that
orbit 180 degrees apart from Tempay. Both moons are tide-locked, thus, the same faces of both moons
are always visible. Fortay and Tempay orbit Gacerian once every 37.5 days. (PG2)
Fortress Baarlos
this huge citadel is located on the remote world of Pochi. It is believed to be over 10,000 years old, and
has withstood the effects of time and environment. The original builders of the fortress are unknown, but
the citadel was later modified for use by Faarl the Conquerer as his base of operations. (WBC)
Fortress Keremark
this ancient fortress was built on the planet Risban, as a way to protect and defend the river town of
Keremark. Over the years, it was rebuilt and fortified, until the rise of the New Order brought an Imperial
garrison to Risban. The natives were opposed to Imperial rule, and used the Fortress as a base of
operations to fight back against the Empire. (HAS)
Fortress Kh'aris
this was the name given to the underground citadel established by Kh'aris Fenn, during his exile from
Ryloth. The fortress was established on Kintan, where he gained the confidences of the Morgukai
warriors. It was at the fortress that Kh'aris held the Jedi Master Tholme and Nat Secura, during his
attempt to take control of Ryloth. (ROP)
Fortress of Axion
the Army of the Republic tried to secure this location during the Clone Wars, shortly after the Battle of
Muunilinst, but the forces trying to reach the Fortress were decimated by the armies of the Confederacy
of Independent Systems which surrounded it. All but Commander Brolis were shot and killed, and Brolis
was left to call for reinforcements while holed up inside. The only being sent to extract him was Jedi
Master Yoda, who defeated a particularly cunning Hailfire Droid in order to protect their escape. (SS3)
Fortress of Hijarna, The
this crumbing building was once the major center of the planet Hijarna's activities. It was abandoned at
least a thousand years before the Fifth Alderaanian Expedition discovered it, during the Expansionist
Period of the Old Republic. It was belived that the Fortress of Hijarna was constructed as a last-ditch
attempt by the former natives of Hijarna to withstand a siege from a stronger invading force. (TLC)
Fortress of Tawmtoom, The

the base of operations for the Tawntoom governor Koong, in the Roon System. It was built on an active
volcano, and the molten lava underneath it helps provide a power source. (DCAR)
a low-cost, electronic deadbolt system used to lock doors. (TTSB)
Fortuna City
this was one of two major settlements found on the planet Edan II, and the location of the planet's primary
spaceport. (IAG)
Fortuna Gifts
this gift shop was located in the spaceport in Fortuna City, on Edan II. (IAG)
a Commander with the Alliance, he was working with Tuz to obtain Imperial technology. (XW)
Fortune Seeker
this was one of the many starships owned by the Ryn, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of
the galaxy. The Ryn used the Fortune Seeker to move from system to system, gathering information and
leaving before they wore out their welcome. (FH3)
Fortune Stones
these small, brightly colored stones were sometimes used by Ewok shamans to understand the meaning
of momentous events, helping the Ewoks determine how to react in order to affect the best outcome.
Forvish ale
an interstellar brew, Forvish ale was a strong ale that was easily distinguished by its smell. (HTTE)
meaning "thirsty", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Forward Gun Pod
a concealed blaster emplacement on a starship, often linked to the ship's anti-intruder system. (ESBR)
Forward Tech Station
a starship's secondary bridge, the forward tech station is also the set of console and access points to
many of the ship's systems. (HSE)
this avian species of bipeds was distinguished by their reverse-jointed legs and their piebald coloration.
Their civilization was quite small, and never grew to proportions which would allow it to advance at the
same pace as humans and other humanoids. Thus, they spent much of their time concealing themselves
from public view. Fosh had unusual, four-fingered hands, with each talon-tipped digit being fullyopposable to all the others. (HT, T)
this was the native language of the Fosh race. (WOTC)
Fosin Dreed
this Rodian actor was noted for his performance as the Paladin in The Trickery of Vosida Nooma, just
before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
an organic-looking ship. (BTS)

this man was once a key member of the royal family's staff on the planet Naldar, during the height of the
New Order. He was injured when Imperial forces subjugated Naldar, just after the Battle of Endor, and left
for dead. When Princess Vila, disguised as Prince Denin, returned to Naldar, Foss explained that the
assault which wiped out the capital city came just after Vila left to locate Endor. Then, due to his injuries,
Foss died in Vila's arms. (MC92)
this Toydarian served as an accounting adminsitrator for Jabba the Hutt, during the height of the New
Order. During a regular visit to the Spice Mines of Kessel, Fossco had an audience with Warden Dewt
Kluskine. This meeting proved fateful for Kluskine, when the Wookiee Gyylghrard - working as part of
Kluskine's "honor guard" - used his vibroaxe to behead Kluskine. (PH)
Fossyr, Irin
this was Iella Wessiri's alias while she was living on Coruscant, hidden beneath Kirtan Loor's nose. Irin
was a representative of the Rohair Biochemical Clinic on Coruscant. She was the doctor who was sent to
meet Antar Roat and his friend, Parin Dodt. (WG)
Fost, Zeth
Kyp Durron traveled under this alias after he was re-admitted to the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, following
the destruction of the Carida System. This name was in honor of his brother, Zeth Durron, who was killed
when Kyp tried to rescue him from Carida. Fost traveled to the backwater world of Prishardia to
investigate the mysterious Jedi who was helping the villagers there, only to discover it was the
conwoman, Ghitsa Dogder. (TFNR)
Foster Agent
the nickname given to any of the various Alliance operatives who would retrieve downed Alliance fighter
pilots and return them safely to the Alliance. (GG9)
this man was a noted weapons expert from Etti IV, during the early years of the New Republic. (GUN)
this man owned a droid dealership on Kelada, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ6)
Foth, Dondo
this man, a native of the planet New Agamar, served the Old Republic's navy as a Captain, during the
height of the Clone Wars. He was a thoroughly military man who never seemed to need sleep, and much
of his waking time was spent on the bridge of his ship, the Mandian. This made him the perfect candidate
for picket duty during military operations, a role he gladly accepted. During the Republic's attempt to
liberate the Intergalactic Communications Center from the Separatists, it was Foth's crew that detected
the incoming Separatist reinforcements from Sluis Van. (JT)
Fouc, Mandus
this tall, handsome Imperial Customs agent was the Captain of the customs ship Impounder. He was the
youngest of the Customs Captain to patrol the Kalinda System, and took a prominent role in the Empire's
bid to take control of the system some years after the Battle of Endor. His achievements in his early years
with Imperial Customs earned him the notice of the regular Imperial Navy, and he was able to be
transferred to a command in the Navy whent he Battle of Endor occurred. In the tumult that followed the
death of the Emperor, Fouc's transfer never got processed. (TSK)
Foul Moudama
this Talz was trained as a Jedi Knight during the last decades of the Old Republic. Known for his grace
and agility, Moudama was often underestimated by his opponents. He was also mentally strong, and had
an insatiable desire for knowledge. Moudama was one of the many Jedi who participated in the Clone
Wars. (SWDB)

Foulahn City
this was one of the largest cities of the planet Cartao. During the months following the Battle of Geonosis,
Cartao became a target of the Separtist forces, who wanted to capture Spaarti Creations for use in
producing D-90 super battle droids. The natives of Cartao, assisted by Jedi Master Jafer Torles and a
contingent of clone troopers, managed to hold the Separatists at bay. However, as the struggle dragged
on, much of Foulahn City was damaged or destroyed in the fighting. (SWI68, SWI69)
Foundation Creed, The
this set of statutes and by-laws governed the actions of the Salaktori Hunters Guild. (GG10)
this was one of the three Acclamator-class troopships that was dispatched by the Old Republic to help
defend the planet Duro, during the height of the Clone Wars. The ship and its companions were all
destroyed in battle, as General Grievous showed that he was a master tactician. (SWI75)
this scout ship belonged to the New Republic Scout Service. (GG8)
Founder's Contract
this Cloud City agreement keeps personal information about its administrators under tight security. No
level of inquiry and release it. (SOL)
Founder's Day Allegiance
this was the pledge of allegiance which was written to commemorate the founding of the Old Republic,
and was recited throughout the galaxy as a being's affirmation of the Republic's strength and
righteousness. (HNN5)
this mineral-rich planet was the site of a Baktoid Armor Workshop manufacturing facility which was shut
down, shortly before the onset Clone Wars, due to the increasing tariffs imposed on the Trade Federation
for their battle droids. Years later, the Empire took control of Foundry and rebuilt it to serve as a starship
construction facility. (HNN4, MCI5)
Fountain of Light
a unique sculpture found at the rear of the Bazaar deck on the Kuari Princess. (RM)
Fountain of the Ancients
this unique, natural phenomenon is located in the center of the Derelkoos Desert, on Klatooine. In a bowlshaped depression, liquid wintrium seeps from the desert sand and begins to crystallize. As it solidifies
over several millenia, the wintrium forms wonderful shapes and patterns, continually expanding and
growing. Because of its hardness, the Fountain's shape can be altered only by powerful weaponry, and
has stood untouched for as long as the Klatooinan race can remember. The Fountain's continually
growth, increasing strength, and tenacity have instilled similar values in the Klatooinan people. It also has
certain religious connotations to them. (GG12)
Fountain of the Hutt Ancients
this bastardized name for the Fountain of the Ancients was developed by the Hutts who had signed the
Klatooinans into perpetual indenture. The tried to generate more respect and admiration for themselves
by modifying the name of one of the Klatooinans most revered and symbolic natural landmarks. (GG12)
Fountain Palace
located on the planet Hapes, this magnificent building was the seat of the government of the Hapes
Consortium. It was also the official residence of the Hapan royal family. (LO, JE)
Four Dimensions
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was first released as part of the compilation
entitled Limited Warfare, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)

Four Families
this was one Chiss term used to describe the four ruling families of their society: Csapla, inrokini,
Nuruodo, and Sabosen. Each family was equally represented in the Chiss government, although they
went to great lengths to ensure that family identity was eliminated wherever possible. The leaders of the
Chiss did not use names, but instead wore colorful robes to distniguish themselves. This helped ensure
that decisions were reached in a fair and equitable method. Note that Survivor's Quest indicates that
there were nine Chiss families. (FH2, SQ)
Four Pillars
this was the basic set of premises upon which the Korunnai culture was based. Native to the planet
Haruun Kal, the Korunnai believed that every individual was beholden to the Four Pillars: Honor, Duty,
Family, and Herd. Honor, the first pillar, was simply one's obiligation to themselves: speak truthfully, act
with integrity, fight bravely, and love without reservation. Duty, the second pillar, was one's obligations to
other Korunnai: Work hard, do your job, obey one's elders, and stand by your tribe. Building on the
strength of the first two pillars, Family represented the strong obiligations to your tribe: love your spouse,
care for your parents, teach your children, and defend your blood. The fourth and greatest pillar was
Herd, representing the Korunnai's dependence upon grassers to ensure there was enough land to live on.
If the safety of the herd required that an individual sacrifice their life - or the lives of one's family - then
that individual was obligated to make the sacrifice. In this way, the Four Pillars built upon each other to
form a strong relationship: duty was more important than one's honor, family was more important than
one's duty, but the herd was more important than anything. (SHPT)
Four-Den, Halka
a member of the Old Republic's research section, her expertice was in scientific expeditions to new and
uncharted planets. She'd worked her way up through the ranks, eventually obtaining her first command
assignment, leading an expedition to Dagobah. She recorded copious notes and images in her logs, but
her entire team was lost over the period of their exploration. Many died from the hostile plant and animal
life of Dagobah. Halka's exact death is not recorded. Her logs were discovered during a New Republic
deep search of Imperial databases, where they had lain untouched during Palpatine's reign as Emperor.
Fourstar, Milo
this man, a soldier with the Alliance who served on the planet Arbra in the wake of the Battle of Hoth,
accused Luke Skywalker of purposely killing Shira Brie because Shira didn't return his romantic
advances. Milo tried to throw a punch at Luke, but Luke dodged the blow and landed his own blow,
knocking Milo to the ground. Mile then accused Luke of using the Force to hit him, and even went so far
as to infer that Luke was in league with Darth Vader. Even after an Alliance tribunal found Luke innocent
of the charges against him, Milo refused to believe that Luke wasn't guilty. (MC62, MC65)
Fourth Attack Squadron
this group of Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyers was destroyed by Alliance starfighters at the Battle of
Denab. The Alliance pilots realized that the Victory-class ship was fairly slow, and found that it could
concentrate all firepower on a single ship and destroy it before it could escape. The Fourth Attack
Squadron fought bravely, but in the end the Alliance's tactics took out the entire squadron. (SWR)
Fourth Battle Group
this New Republic Navy warship defensive grouping was not involved with the initial stages of the battle
against the Yevetha, but eventually sent ships to blockade the planet Nanta-Ri. (SOL)
Fourth Battle of Yavin
this was the battle waged between the forces of the Second Imperium, during which Luke Skywalker and
the students of his Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4 defended the moon from attacks by Imperial Admirals Daala
and Pellaeon. Daala had determined that the Jedi stood between herself and total command of the
galaxy, and decided to have Pellaeon strike at the moon after other portions of her fleet feinted at several
other, equally strategic locations within the New Republic. Her plans nearly succeeded, but the combined
might of the Jedi Knights and the New Republic proved too much for her fleet. The seventeen ships under
Pellaeon were physically flung from the Yavin System; her own flagship, the Knight Hammer, was

sabotaged by Callista Ming before Daala could claim ultimate victory. While the Knight Hammer was more
than a match for the few Jedi on the ground, Callista managed to steal a downed TIE Bomber on the
surface of Yavin 4. She landed the ship in the fighter bays of the Knight Hammer and set off the bombs
stored there. The resulting explosions ripped through the Star Destroyer's engine compartments, leaving
the ship dead in space. She evacuated the ship as it plunged into the core of Yavin, and was rescued by
Pellaeon's ships at the fringes of the system. Once aboard Pellaeon's ship, Daala resigned her rank as
Admiral and turned the fleet over to Pellaeon. (GMR5, DS)
Fourth Fleet
this was the name given to one of the secondary naval fleet of the Galactic Alliance, during the final
stages of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Fourth Fleet, comprised of the surviving ships of the
New Republic's Fourth Battle Group and warships from the Imperial Remnant, was commanded by Grand
Admiral Gilad Pellaeon from his flagship, the Right to Rule. Among the ships that made up the fleet was
the Dauntless and several MC80b cruisers. (UF)
Fox Beer
a malted beverage created in the Outer Rim. (GG9)
this starship belonged to the bounty hunter Jodo Kast. (MTS)
Foxtrain, Amaiza
this buxom woman was the leader of the Black Hole Gang, during the height of the New Order. She and
her twin sister, Jodelle, had been brought up on Ord Mantell as dancers, and were hired by Quatrain
Pudundruh as a show act. However, when business got bad, Quatrain sold the nineteen-year-old sisters
to the Black Hole Gang on Delphon. When Jodelle was accidentally killed in a raid, Amaiza set out to
ensure that she herself had the skills necessary to survive. After discovering the treachery of Kayso and
eliminating him, Amaiza assumed command of the Black Hole Gang. An Imperial raid on Delphon
scattered the gang, and Amaiza ended up on Aduba-3 without a credit to her name, so she teamed up
with Jaxxon to do some smuggling. Just after the Battle of Yavin, she joined her old friend, Han Solo, in
liberating a village on Aduba-3 from the clutches of Serji-X Arrogantus and his Cloud Riders. Amaiza was
distinguished by her yellow, cat-like eyes - made to look exotic by a pair of colored macrolenses - and her
brilliant white hair. (MC8, GMR4)
Foxtrain, Jodelle
this young woman and her twin sister, Amaiza, had been brought up on Ord Mantell as dancers, and
were hired by Quatrain Pudundruh as a show act. However, when business got bad, Quatrain sold the
nineeen-year-old sisters to the Black Hole Gang on Delphon. Unfortunately, Jodelle was accidentally
killed in a raid before she could become a more-skilled pirate. (GMR4)
an inebriating Outer Rim beer favored by Rars Lefken. (SWSB, GG9)
this large, dark-skinned human worked for the Imperial Security Bureau, keeping tabs on Jabba the Hutt's
operations. He infiltrated Jabba's Tatooine palace after hiring on as a guard. His ambition was to leave
Imperial service and take up a position in the criminal underworld. (CCG7)
Fpi Assassins
this group of assassins was distinguished by their trademark daggers. (AIR)
this Nalroni was known as a spice-jacker who made every effort to insure that his crew was not harmed
during an operation. It was believed that F'quallix was just an alias, but his true identity was never
discovered. (GG11)

this was Denel Moonrunner's identification number, after he was conscripted into the Imperial Army after
the Empire subjugated Rhamalai. The 'F' indicated that he was part of the first group of conscripts, while
the 'R' represented Rhamalai. He was the 231st male conscripted. (SWJ13)
this was the model number of a holographic ore scanner, produced by MicroThrust for the mining industry
during the height of the New Order. Resembling a one-meter cube, the FR9 could help mining operations
locate the purest or most viable veins of metals, crystals, and ores. A holographic projector displayed
data above the cube. (FBS)
this canine creature was part of Nevo's gang. Resembling a half-man, half-dog being, Fraal was the
gang's tracker. His sensitive nose could track the smallest scent. Fraal detected Boba Fett on Star Station
12, but not before the bounty hunter could escape. Nevo ordered Fraal to follow, but the dog-beast balked
several times before being prodded along. Once they reached Maryx Minor, Fraal picked up Fett's scent
again, but Nevo and his gang were killed when they tried to apprehend the bounty hunter. Fraal tried to
run, but Fett used a heat-seeking missile to destroy him. (EOE)
this ore, mined on the planet Varn, is found in web-like veins under the planet's oceans. It is often found
atop formations of tertian. (VOF)
this starship owner plied the spacelanes with the Rode to Ruin, and was based out of Orron III. (SOL)
a swear word (SOL)
Fractal Heresy
this religious upheaval forced a huge number of Givins to re-evaluate their beliefs. Those who believed in
the transfinite mathematics of hyperspace had their belief systems shattered by the event, and many
resigned their priesthoods to search out a truer faith. (PP)
a swear word (GOF7)
Fragmentation Grenade
a form of grenade that exploded into a wide pattern of sharp-edged fragments when detonated. (FOP)
this Gungan nonsense word was used to describe a being who was scared for no reason. (E1A11)
Fraii Wys
this sentient species was thought to be extinct. All records of their extinction were at least 9,000 years old
when they suddenly reappeared and began to flourish in certain parts of the galaxy. (TT)
this man was one of the many officers who served under Zozridor Slayke as a member of Freedom's
Sons and Daughters, during the height of the Clone Wars. Frak held the rank of Private, having joined the
militant group shortly before the Separatists took control of Praesitlyn, some two and a half years after the
Battle of Geonosis. It was Private Frak who carried Erk H'Arman the last few meters to the medical
facilities established by Slayke's forces on Praesitlyn, after the Republic pilot was shot down during the
Separatists' initial attack. (JT)
Frame Charge
this was a term used to describe any form of detonation ribbon, tape, or rope that could be formed around
a door jamb, allowing a commando to shape the charge to the situation and provide them with entry to an

otherwise impenetrable location. (RCHC)

Framesk Yagen
this planet, a world of barren, rocky wastes, is the fourth planet in the Bovo Yagen system. It was named
for one of Bovo Yagen's sons. It was orbitted by a single moon. (CTD)
this was one of many droid systems which required a dedicated power supply. Over time, a droid's
framistats ran down, and had to be recharged. (MC35)
Framjan Spathen
this musical artist was popular during the early years of the New Republic. (POT)
this New Republic Senator served on the Defense Council during the Yevethan Purge. (SOL)
this man served the Alliance as a Captain in the armed forces, and worked for General Corros. (SWJ1)
this Rutanian was the King of his people some twelve years before the Battle of Naboo. Frane's family
had led the Rutanian people for one hundred years by this time. A short-tempered and vindicative ruler,
Frane considered himself the best hunter on the planet, and became angry if he didn't maintain his
stature. However, Frane was also a sensitive man who would break into deep fits of sobbing. When his
first-born son, Leed, refused to return to Rutan on his sixteenth birthday, Frane accused the Senali
government of holding the boy against his will. The Jedi Knights were asked to mediate the dispute, in an
effort to avoid another civil war. Frane also planned to imprison Meenon's daughter, Yaana, if he was not
allowed to speak to Leed. The Jedi discovered that Leed wanted to remain on Senali, and had offered his
brother Taroon the chance to rule in his place. Frane's short temper initially blinded him to the possibility
of Taroon being a good leader, but in the end Taroon proved himself worthy of Frane's notice. Frane
agreed to allow Leed to remain on Senali, as the first ambassador for both worlds, and he took Taroon as
his heir. Frane even proposed that Taroon marry Drenna to help solidify the new-found peace between
Rutan and Senali. (SP)
this was a Twi'lek expletive. (LFCW)
Frang Colgter
the Azbrian who married Condren Foreck before Lando Calrissian could meet her. (AC)
this was the nickname of the Finance Retrieval and Net Investigtions droid used by the Empire. (SWJ6)
this was a relatively rare, natural ore, which was used in a number of modern alloys. (PP)
Fratillio, Mugsy
this small-time criminal and conman was one of the chief rivals of Kron Thon. (GMS)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
the Alliance Corvette which was to deliver war materiel to the Sidral II. (XW)
Freatt, Oro
this minor crimelord ran the planet Shownar. He is a shrewd, although minor, figure, and has discovered

the proper methods for lining Imperial coffers with just enough credits to keep them out of his affairs.
Fred Jawa
according to a HoloNet comic that appeared sometime during the height of the New Order, Fred Jawa
was part of a group of Jawas who made a comfortable living selling droids to the residents of a settlement
known as Dura Mater. As part of a plan to extract even more credits from the hapless farmers, Fred
worked with another Jawa known simply as Stan. Stan had a working relationship with the moisture
farmers of Dura Mater, and was always ready with more droids when the old ones finally died. After Stan
made several sales on his own, Fred Jawa would suddenly appear at the next sale, claiming to be a
"consumer advocate". Fred then explained to the farmers that Stan had failed to provide full warranties.
The gullible farmers of Dura Mater always fell for the spiel, and opted to buy the "extended warranties"
that Fred claimed their were entitled to. In this way, the Jawas sold the same droids to the farmers, but
also made a profit selling them bogus "extended warranties". (T20)
this is the primary planet in the Freda System. (SWJ9)
the name of the primary race inhabiting the planet Freda, these beings were locked in a cold war with
their neighbors, the Jante, until the Freda militia launched offensives against Jante holdings in the Rettna
System. The Freda were successful in capturing Hamner Heavy Ores plants, as well as Jante Materials
Corporation facilities in orbit around Rett II. This prompted Imperial Moff Haveland to order a cease-fire,
and peace talks were initiated. The Freda President Rolf Petruma withdrew from the talks, claiming that
they were becoming stagnant and worthless. (SWJ9)
this Imperial stormtrooper Captain served at the Maw Installation. He was continually caught between
Admiral Daala (who was his Commanding Officer) and Tol Sivron (the Director of the Maw installation).
He disliked Sivron, and was forced to put the Twi'lek back into his place in the command structure several
times. Fredja was killed in the destruction of the Maw by Imperial and New Republic forces. (JASB)
Free Access Grill
this establishment, located in the city of Grig, was the only such business to serve non-human individuals
without reporach. It is one of the cleanest, best-run businesses in Grig, and was run by four-armed alien
known as Tikiman. (TA)
Free Lance
this Nebulon-B frigate was turned into a pirate ship by Urias Xhaxin, during the last years of the New
Order. Xhaxin purchased the ship from a Hutt arms dealer for 100 grams of hollinium hyperbaride, a twocarat Rainbow Gem, and a cannister of glitterstim. During this time, he worked as a privateer, and the
Free Lance was known for the blazing claw insignia it wore on the forward section. The Free Lance was
armed with ten turbolaser batteries, a pair of ion cannons, twelve laser cannons, and two tractor beam
projectors. Xhaxin and the Free Lance were employed by the Alliance under Ral'Rai Muvunc's plan to use
pirates and privateers to harass Imperial convoys and obtain much-needed supplies. After the Battle of
Endor, Xhaxin and the Free Lance continued to work for the New Republic, picking off Imperial convoys.
However, he found that his targets grew more and more sparse as the Empire dwindled and became the
Imperial Remnant. The ship was severely damaged while making a run near Bastion, when it
encountered a Yuuzhan Vong warship. The Yuuzhan Vong pummeled the Free Lance, but Xhaxin's crew
was able to make a blind jump into hyperspace and escape. (DTO, PP)
Free Mandalore
this was the name of Fenn Shysa's modified transport ship, a Kubrai-class transport used during the early
years of the New Republic. The ship was armed with a pair of blaster cannons and proton torpedo
launchers. (GMR9)
Free People

this was the name used by those Psadans who chose to fight against the Yuuzhan Vong, after the alien
invaders took control of the planet Wayland. The Free People separated themselves from the Wish-To-Be
people, despite their mutual respect for natural, organic life. While the Wish-To-Be faction believed that
the Yuuzhan Vong held life in the same regard, the Free People held that the Yuuzhan Vong twisted life
and made it foul, showing a great lack of respect for life. (GMR10)
Free Trade Zone
this area of the galaxy was, at one time, untouched by the government of the Old Republic. It was set
aside for, and managed by, the Trade Federation under a franchise that gave them control of the zone.
The Federation was able to set its own tariffs and mark its own trade routes without interference from the
Old Republic. This changed when the Senate voted to impose taxation upon these trade routes, forcing
the Trade Federation to blockade the small planet of Naboo in protest. (IG1)
Free Trader Association of Naboo
originally established by Shep Contopault, this group was determined to provide the necessary resources
to allow independent spacers to set up permanent bases of operation at Kwilaan Starport, during the era
leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (SON)
Free Trader Worlds
this loose alliance of planets was ruled by anarchy at best. The planetary governments held little power,
and rewarded the rich and powerful for their minimal contributions to the rest of society. Very little is
actually free on these worlds, especially to offworlders. Businessbeings from Free Trader Worlds are
often referred to as "thieves with business cards." (SOL)
Free Trader's Guide to the Planets
this database of planetary information was compiled by the Lantilian Spacers Brotherhood for the use of
its members. The basic service was free, and there were additional features and information that could be
purchased for a small fee, such as the Trader's Gamble. No guarantee was made as to the accuracy of
the information, since much of it came from members in good standing with the Brotherhood. (SWJ10)
Captain Stanz's starship. (BTS)
Devon Fuller's second starship, destroyed by the Empire near Ansarra. (GG9)
this Imperial Admiral, based on the planet Ord Grovner, ordered the strike against the Khuiumin Pirates,
sending the Crusader and the Bombard to wipe them out. (SWJ6)
this was the name given to the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer Avarice, after it was surrendered by its
Captain, Sair Yonka, during the Bacta War. Yonka then led the ship into war during the Battle of Thyferra.
The Freedom unleashed a hellish nova flare of proton torpedoes on the Lusankya, striking the first blow
of the battle and severely damaging the larger ship. (BW)
this small group of rebels found their voice on the planet Bakura during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. Members of the Freedom group wanted Bakura to stand separate and alone from the New
Republic and the rest of the galaxy, having lived for many years under Imperial control and the supposed
ignorance of the Republic. The group was founded by Malinza Thanas, who used her family name and
ties to gain both popular and political support. In secret, the Freedom group was funded by Deputy Prime
Minister Blaine Harris, who could not bring about Bakura's independence without serious political
repercussions. Freedom was a principled group who beliefs were rooted in the religion of the Cosmic
Balance. They chose peaceful methods of protest, hoping to avoid any backlash from the Balance. The
efforts of Freedom were derailed sometime after the Battle of Ebaq when Prime Minister Molierre
Cundertol launched his own secret plans to turn Bakura over to the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Cundertol

arranged to have himself kidnapped, so that he could be brought to Lwhekk and enteched in the body of
a human-replica droid. His kidnappers, who were hired mercenaries, claimed to be members of the
Freedom group. Molierre arranged for them all to perish in an explosion just as they reached Bakura, and
his escape ensured that Malinza would be arrested and charged in his kidnapping. Cundertol hoped to
smash Freedom in order to ease the Ssi-ruuvi overtaking of Bakura, but his plans were thwarted by Han
Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo, who were on Bakura to re-etablish communications. Both Harris and
Cundertol were killed, and Freedom reconciled itself to the need to join the Republic against the Yuuzhan
Vong. (FH2)
Freedom Convoy
this group of freedom fighters rose to prominence during the last decades of the Old Republic, when they
launched a campaign to free female Twi'leks from enslavement at the hands of the Hutts. (BH)
Freedom Hall
this is the primary governmental building found in the capital city of Somin City, on the planet Seltos.
Freedom I
the Alliance Lambda-class shuttle dispatched from the DS corvette group to carry Alliance personnel to
their diplomatic rendezvous with the Sullustans. (XW)
Freedom of Speech
a song written and played by the band Deeply Religious. It was first released as part of the compilation
Deeply Religious, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)
Freedom of Sullust
this New Republic corvette was dispatched to stop an Invid raid on a spice transport near Kessel, and
was nearly destroyed when the Invidious came to the assistance of Shala the Hutt. (IJ)
Freedom One
this was SoroSuub's new name for the Stormtrooper One blaster rifle, used during the early years of the
New Republic. The weapon was virtually unchanged, although SoroSuub's allegiance to the Republic
generated the name change. (AEG)
Freedom Strike Seltos
this New Republic operation involved the insertion of Republic agents into the populace of the planet
Seltos. The native population, some years after the Battle of Endor, overthrew the ruling government,
ousting pro-Imperial leaders in favor of a allegiance to the Republic. However, a number of current and
former Imperial leaders tried to retake control. The Republic didn't want the natives of Seltos to feel that it
was meddling in their affairs, but it also couldn't let the Empire regain control of the planet. The agents
were secretly transported to the planet and infiltrated the city of Somin City, helping to remove Sinya
Deboora and Lieutenant Hensworth from the political scene. (TSK)
Freedom Warriors
this special forces military unit supported the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic during resource-heavy
operations. The ranks of the Freedom Warriors was open to all beings, with no requirement for Forcesensitivity. However, this unit was trained to act in concert with Jedi against even the most dangerous
Sith opponents. (ROE)
Freedom's Fury
one of several ships sent by the New Republic to accompany Garm Bel Iblis, Booster Terrik, and the
Errant Venture to Yaga Minor, in an attempt to steal a copy of the Caamas Document. (VOF)
Freedom's Messenger
this CR90 corvette was purchased by the government of Chandrila some sixty years before the Battle of
Endor. It was outfitted to perform a variety of missions, and was best-known for its participation in the
Vaykaaris uprising as well as for the fact that the treaty which brought the Marzoon Confederacy into the

Old Republic was signed aboard the ship. After a long life, the Freedom's Messenger was finally defeated
in battle at the Battle of Ord Torrenze, where it plowed through the enemy blockade with all guns firing.
The Freedom's Messenger took heavy amounts of fire, but managed to forge an escape route for the
civilian ships stranded on Ord Torrenze. In the wake of the battle, however, the Freedom's Messenger
suffered massive damage to her power core, and the ship's crew was fatally poisoned with radiation. It
was left for scrap in orbit about Ord Torrenze's sun, until it was recovered by the Empire and refitted as
the Renegade. (DARK)
Freedom's Sons and Daughters
this group of insurgent patriots were active during the Clone Wars. Led by Zozridor Slayke, the original
members of this group came from the crew of the Scarlet Thranta, which was the Old Republic starship
Slayke had once commanded. Slayke grew tired of watching the Old Republic squabble over the credits
expended for military protection, and knew that he needed to strike out on his own in order to be effective.
Even though they were not officially aligned with the Old Republic, the beings of Freedom's Sons and
Daughters fought for what the Republic represented. They took their battles to Separatist forces in remote
locations near the Sluis Sector, often driving off forces that might have destroyed Republic installations.
For their work, they were branded pirates and traitors by the Galactic Senate. However, many in the
Galactic Senate, and even Chancellor Palpatine himself, recognized that they were doing the dirty work
that the Republic couldn't get to in time. One of these missions took place more than two years after the
Battle of Geonosis, when Slayke and his soldiers attacked the Separatist forces that had captured the
Intergalactic Communications Center on Praesitlyn, and held the Separatists at bay until a Republic task
force could be dispatched. The cost of this action was exceptionally high, both in terms of materiel and in
terms of life, but the militia managed to remain in place until they were relieved by a task force led by
Nejaa Halcyon and Anakin Skywalker. Although much of their history was lost in the tumult surrounding
the end of the Clone Wars, Freedom's Sons and Daughters were recognized for the fact that they helped
the Jedi Knights try to re-establish order in the Old Republic. Han Solo made a reference to this group
while talking to Rekkon on Orron III. (HSE, CSA, WS, JT)
Freedon Nadd Uprisings
a series of revolts which occurred on Onderon prior to the Great Sith War. They were initiated by the
followers of Freedon Nadd's Dark Side teachings, and furthered by the rise in Dark Side energies on the
planet. The uprisings ended just after the death of the Onderonian King Ommin. (FNU)
this Freefall-class starfighter was owned by the Bith smuggler Jinkins, during the time he worked for Nym.
It was armed with four laser cannons, a turret-mounted laser cannon, and a bomb chute which held
twenty explosive devices. (GMR5)
Freefall-class Starfighter
this ship was designed to serve as a bomber. Measuring 30 meters in length, the Freefall-class bomber
was named for the fact that it ws designed to simply drop unguided bombs on a target. The craft's central
fuselage could accommdate up to 20 metric tons of cargo, and was attached to two huge, wing-mounted
sublight engines. A pair of cockpit-mounted laser cannons provided defensive armament, in addition to its
bomb chute. (GMR5)
Free-Flight Dance Dome
an elegant bistro on Etti IV, where Han Solo goes to pay off Ploovo 2-for-1. (HSE)
Free-floating Fungal Fondue
this is a favored meal of the Ugor race. (SH)
this was spacer's slang for any transport ship or freighter which was independently owned and operated.
the name used by the mercenaries and pirates of the planet Aquaris. They joined the Alliance to Restore

the Republic following the Battle of Yavin. (CSW)

this modified IPV-1 system patrol craft was captured from an Old Republic planetary defense network by
Frei Aycen, around the time of the Clone Wars. She refitted the ship to have additional cargo space, and
removed several shield generators in order to make room and power available for a hyperdrive. The
Freejack had room for 400 metric tons of cargo, and was armed with four light turbolasers and a tractor
beam projector. (SOG)
this was a name that was common among the Defel race. (UANT)
this tract of land on the planet Eiattu was held by the People's Liberation Battalion before the planet's
leadership was solidified by Plourr. (XWWP)
this group of Vorzydiak youths originated on the planet Vorzyd 4 some eleven years before the Battle of
Naboo, where that gathered together to sabotage the manufacturing and production facilities in order to
gain their people more free time. The Freelies believed that the adults were too strict in their adherence to
traditional work policies, and wanted to affect social changes that would reduce the number of days and
hours a Vorzydiak had to work. With the assistance of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gin Jinn, the Freelies
were able to gain an audience with the leadership of Vorzyd 4, and the two groups agreed to work
together for change. During the early years of the New Order, a splinter group of Freelies decided that
they needed more diversions than what was available on Vorzyd 4. They traveled to the neighboring
world of Vorzyd 5, where they began working in the underground to coerce and steal from the gamblers
there. They captured C-3PO when Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa tried to disrupt the flow of Imperial
cash there, then later got invovled with Imperial troops trying to capture Luke and Leia. Many of their
number were hurt or wounded in an Imperial ambush. (CSWEA, TTW)
Freen, Vin
the Captain of the supply ship Ambitious. (TBSB)
Freen, Vin
this former Imperial Captain was in command of the supply ship Ambitious when it crashed into the
B'knos mining colony. He wsa posthumuously recognized for his efforts to keep the colony safe by
destroying his own ship, although the Ambitious managed to survive the deliberate sabotage and strike
the colony anyway. (TBSB)
a plant native to the Forest Moon of Endor. (ISU)
a combat assault vehicle (CAV) built by the Kelliak Arms and Armor Company, the Freerunner was armed
with 1 or 2 rotating gun platforms on top and up to 2 sets of laser cannons. Measuring 14.6 meters in
length, they are manned by 2 crewmen and can transport 2 troopers. The term "Freerunner" actually
referred to the weapons platform on top of the vehicle, which moved front-to-back on a pair of tracks.
Despite its usefulness, the Freerunner was first produced during the early years of the New Order, and
never fit into the Empire's military plans. Unsold units were eventually auctioned off to police forces,
weapons dealers, and pirates. (DFR, RASB, DFRSB, AEG)
Freerunner FM
this was a modified version of the basic Kelliak Arms and Armor Company Freerunner. The weaponry
was the primary update with the FM version, which was armed with a pair of turret-mounted anti-vehicle
laser cannons and a pair of anti-infantry blaster batteries. A third gunner was required to operate the
weapons properly. (TTSB)

Freespan Starlanes Transport

this was one of the largest passenger transportation lines active during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Based on Coruscant, Freespan was also one of the first transportation providers to expand their
fleets as planets such as Ando and Sy Myrth began to secede from the Republic. They recognized that
many aliens living on Coruscant would flee the planet to return to their homeworlds after secession, as
well as the fact that many natives on worlds which did secede might want to remain allied with the
Republic. (HNN4)
Freestar, Emma
this woman was a popular singer and musician in the city of Bestine, on the planet Tatooine, during the
height of the New Order. (SWI68)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "brave". (GCG)
Free-Trader's Responsibilities and Liabilities Agreement
this was the standard contract which smugglers were required to sign when they joined the Klatooinan
Trade Guild. It was several hundreds of pages in length, and provided the smuggler with certain
payments and services which must all be eventually repaid to the Guild. (SWJ11)
this loose affiliation of planets is located in the Tapani Sector of the Colonies. They were on the fringes of
the Sector, and struggled to throw off the yoke of control by the ancient houses of the Tapani Sector. The
primary planets of the Freeworlds were Lamuir IV, Tallaan, Neona, Aleron, and Mrlsst, and the leaders
and rulers of the Freeworlds were descendants of the ancient Houses of The Expanse. (EGP, PGT)
Freeworlds Common Navy
this was the primary military power of the Freeworlds Region of Tapani Sector, and was formed from the
resources of the five primary planets of the Freeworlds. Its mission was to patrol the Shapani Bypass and
maintain its freedom, supplementing the patrols of the Old Republic and the Empire while ensuring the
free flow of bacta from Thyferra. (PGT)
Freeworlds Region
this area of Tapani Sector was located along the sector's borders. It was positioned along both the
Shapani Bypass and the Giju Run, making it a transportation nexus for Tapani Sector. The Freeworlds
Region gained power over the generations because all the ores from The Expanse had to pass through
the Freeworlds Region. (PGT)
Freeze-floating Control
a starship component which uses computers to adjust the ship's maneuvering to counteract the effects of
atmospheric turbulance. (SW)
this was a swear word. (GG11)
this Imperial navigation officer served on the Tobay under Captain Gegak. (TT)
this was the name used to describe the human population which was native to the planet Frego. (TOW)
this flesh of this creature is often roasted and sliced for sandwiches. (HR)
this planet was noted for the fact that it was ruled by the Cobral criminal family, during the decades

leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Before the Cobrals took control, the government of Frego was overly
demanding to the Fregans, imposing steep taxes and providing little in the way of public service. The
Cobrals changed much of that, despite the fact that their own credits were made from selling drugs and
weapons on the black market. Frego was orbited by two moons. (TOW)
the blood of this creature is used by Hutt chefs to create a sauce for mulblatt larvae. (RD)
this tranthebar mountain ripper was owned by Joraaz, who raced the bird in illegal events during the
height of the New Order. (GFT)
Freight Droid
any huge droid used to load and unload cargo ships. These massive machines are equipped with
motorized treads for locomotion, and have large claws and mandibles for manipulating large cargo bins.
They also can have gravity-shift frames, to help them maneuver awkward bundles. (HSL)
an large ship used to carry heavy cargo from one location to another. These ships, about 100 meters in
length, employ two trapezoidal cargo pods connected to a central drive and cockpit. Rated at 16 MGLT,
most freighters are unarmed, but are often well-shielded (120 SBD, with 30 RU hulls). (XW, TIE)
Freighter Bum
a common slang term for any cargo pilot or spacer. (HSR)
Frein, Jodar
this Alliance Lieutenant was placed in command of Sandwind Team shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (SSR)
FreiTek Incorporated
manufacturers of the New Republic's E-Wing fighter, FreiTek was formed by the engineers from Incom
who defected to the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. They wanted show their loyalty to the New
Republic, and the E-Wing was their first design. Its success has allowed them to continue to create new
designs for review by the New Republic military. (DESB, EGV)
this star was the central body of the Fre'ji System. (CCW)
this New Republic Navy Lieutenant was in charge of training new pilots on simulators, during the years
which followed the battle against Grand Admiral Thrawn. Frekka was in control of the simulations on
which Plat Mallar trained. (TT)
this small, weasel-like creature had a vicious temperment. They attacked in packs, ripping their prey to
shreds with their fang-like teeth. The frekker has a hive-like mind, as evidenced by their concerted
attacks. Gru'um Ropple once plotted to kill Jabba the Hutt by secretly bringing a swarm of frekkers into
Jabba's palace on Tatooine, concealed within the shell of the droid Miramba. (JTH)
this planet is the home of the lepusa. (COG)
this was a Rodian swear word that was adopted by many other races during the last years of the Old
Republic. (LFCW)
this species of fish was harvested for its tasty flesh. Smugglers preferred to take cargoes of frella fish
during their runs, as the small often overpower Customs agents. This meant that the Customs agents

would only investigate the initial few crates in a smuggler's hold, leaving the deep - and more illegal cargo crates alone. (PSG)
Freller, Jamson
this native of Esseles was the leader of the Esselian New Order Party, and opposed Hall President
Ralle's sympathetic stance toward alien species. However, he hated the Alliance even more, and was in
marginal support of Ralle's negotiations with the Guild of Offworlder Skilled Laborers during the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ5, SWJ8, SWJ9)
this ball of searing rock was the innermost planet of the Fre'ji System. (CCW)
Fremond III
this planet was a hotbed of Alliance activity during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ9)
this frigid ball of rock was the fourth planet of the Fre'ji System. It was orbited by a pair of moons. (CCW)
Frenzied River Clan
a clan of witches of the Light Side on Dathomir. (CPL)
Freon Drevan
this Xexto was left bankrupt after his partner embezzled all their credits and left Freon to handle an
unpaid tax debt, several decades before the Battle of Yavin. Freon fled his homeworld of Troiken and
wandered the Outer Rim. He was in the audience of the Mos Espa Arena when Anakin Skywalker
defeated Sebulba to win the Boonta Eve Podrace. (CCG13)
Frequency Agile
this was the brand name of Chedak's subspace transceiver. Like other subspace transceivers, the
Frequency Agile system was used for faster-than-light communications between two interstellar locations.
a planet located in the Core Worlds, Fresia was best-known as the original headquarters of Incom
Industries. As a world, Fresia was quite small, measuring just over ten thousand kilometers in diameter.
Much of the planet's landmass was in the form of archipelagos and large islands. The planet was
subjugated by the Empire when Incom Industries was nationalized. (RPG, WOTC, CCW)
this native of the planet Andasala employed Gamorreans in his "protection" agency. (GG11)
this frigid ball of rock was the third planet of the Fre'ji System. (CCW)
this inhospitable planet was originally scouted by Barosa Warren for the Old Republic. It was controlled
by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)
Frex, Saidle
this mercenary tried to smuggle veermoks off of the planet Nabooo, despite the environmental restrictions
placed on them. He was captured by members of the Naboo Underground and arrested for his actions,
shortly before the Battle of Naboo. The captors had been operating under the authority of Jedi Master AliVor, who was leading the investigation into the illegal export of veermoks. (WOTC, GMR2)
this thin man was the chief scientist at the Corulag Academy's Science Services center when Yoda and
Mace Windu tried to enroll Teela Panjarra as a Jedi trainee. Frexton refused to release the child, hoping
to use her as a subject to help determine what makes a being Force-sensitive. Master Yoda feared

Frexton would perform any number of unusually cruel experiments on the girl, and rushed to Corulag to
rescue her. When the Academy was attacked by Bartokk assassins working for Groodo the Hutt, Frexton
tried to flee with Teela, but was cornered by Yoda. The two were forced to fight through Bartokks and
X10-D droids under their control, but safelyt escaped with Teela. (E1A4)
this Imperial Moff served on the Moff Council during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy. After the Battle of Borosk proved that the Galactic Alliance had better intelligence and tactics for
defeating the alien invaders, Moff Freyborn was one of a handful of Moffs who refused to acknowledge
the fact that the Galactic Alliance was better able to handle the defense of the galaxy. Freyborn continued
to believe that the Galactic Alliance was the same group of "rebel scum" that destroyed the Empire,
despite the fact that they did, in fact, defeat the Empire. (FH1)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "beloved". (GCG)
one of Chewbacca's second cousins, Freyrr was probably the best stalker and tracker in the family. It was
Freyrr who sought out Chewbacca during Lumpawarrump's Test of Ascension, delivering the news that
Han Solo had been captured by the Yevetha. Freyrr offered to accompany Lumpy during his test, but
Chewie declined the offer. (RD, TT)
this elderly Wookiee was the father of Chuundar and Zaalbar, and lived on Kashyyyk some 4,000 years
before the Battle of Yavin. Freyyr tried to instill the traditional Wookiee values into his sons, but Chuundar
managed to ignore most of it. Freyyr was upset to learn that it was Chuundar who sold the Wookiees into
slavery to Czerka Corporation, and was dismayed when Chuundar turned the Wookiees against him.
Chuundar called his father a doddering old fool, an act that forced Zaalbar to lash out against him. Freyyr
was then laughed out of Rwookrrorro, and Zaalbar was exiled from Kashyyyk. However, with the help of
some of the Jedi Knights who were on Kashyyyk to locate the Star Map, Zaalbar was able to return
Freyyr to Kashyyyk. Freyyr then ousted Chuundar and returned to lead the Wookiees against their
oppressors. (SWDB, KOTOR)
the meaning of this Quarren surname was unknown. (GCG)
this creature was native to Thalassia. (GG11)
this alien race developed a feud with the Sif'krie race shortly after the Battle of Endor. It was given new
fire after it was revealed that the Bothans were involved in the destruction of Caamas, and the Sif'kries
supported the Drashtine Initiative. The Frezhlix began blockading shipment of pommwomm plants, in
order to economically cripple the Sif'krie. The New Republic acted to break the blockade, assisting with
the liberation of the Sycophant Jolly and responding only after the Frezhlix commander opened fire. The
Frezhlix twisted the facts to petition against the Republic in the Senate. (SOP)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Fri referred to a maiden, explorer, or adventurer. (GCG)
this man was one of the many Imperial officers who believed himself above the work of his troops,
preferring to remain clean and dry while directing their work from a safe location. Commander Frickett
was stationed on Maridun during the months following the Battle of Yavin, where he was under the

command of General Ziering. Like his friend Captain Gage, Frickett scoffed at Lieutenant Janek Sunber's
laboring with his troops, wondering how Sunber could ignore protocol to ingratiate himself with his
superior officers. However, Ziering disagreed with this position, believing that Sunber had his priorities
straight and inferring that both Frickett and Gage were the ones out of line. When Gage's patrol force
discovered a huge Amanin army just outside the Imperial compound, Frickett's mind seemed to snap at
the reality of the aliens' attack. He ordered the Imperial troops to open fire, despite the obvious fact that
the Amanin could simply retreat into the jungle and regroup for another attack. The Amanin swiftly
outflanked Frickett's forces and cut them down, killing Frickett in the attack. (SWELM)
this was the name of a substance that enhanced the ability of gloves, boots, and climbsuits to adhere to
surfaces, allowing for easier ascents when climbing structures. (ROE)
this species of Iskalonian was native to the planet Mackar. They were distinguished by their fish-like
shape, green scale, bulbous eyes, and long, scaly tails. (EGA)
this was the name used by the Empire to describe those Coruscani Ogres who were put through The
Program and lobotomized. Rather than serve as cheap labor, however, the Friendlies were used as a
kind of destabilization force by the Empire. These ogres were transported to planets which were
rebellious or otherwise anti-Imperial, and set loose to terrorize the population. Then, Imperial
stormtroopers would show up later and eliminate the ogres. This action usually won over the population,
putting an end to any rebellious notions. The name Friendlies derived from the name of the first ogre to
show any sort of promise in Thr Program, an individual known simply as Friendly. After the Battle of
Endor, small bands of Friendlies existed on dozens of planets, including Coruscant. Those that survived
on Coruscant were believed to have been killed when the Yuuzhan Vong terraformed the world into a
recreation of Yuuzhan'tar. (WOTC)
this was the name given to the the first of the Coruscani Ogres to show any sort of response to The
Program. After being lobotomized by Melen Toobo's surgeons, Friendly was able to successfully
accomplish about eighty percent of the work he was ordered to do. He occasionally did something violent,
but most of the scientists on the team considered these to be software glitches. This measure of success
gave Melen Toobo all the impetus he needed to move The Program into full-scale mode, but every
subsequent ogre refitted with a cybernetic brain became unstable and uncontrollably violent. (WOTC)
Friendly Hutt
this was the term used to describe an old Imperial tactic in which an Imperial starship tried to trick their
quarry into revealing their location by claiming to be a starship friendly to their cause. (SBS)
Friends of Paran
this band of rebels was formed on Derilyn, and provided minimal support to supporters of the Alliance in
Elrood Sector. They were the only resistance group which survived the Sixty Hour War. (PG3, OE)
Friends of the Slungerhounds
this animal-rights group focused their efforts on the ethical treatment of slungerhounds, during the height
of the New Order. (SWJ10)
Friendship Necklace
this was the offering given by the Enzeen to visitors of the planet D'vouran. It was a garland of flowers,
and was a symbol of the Enzeen's welcome. However, like most things on the planet, it was merely a way
to make visitors feel comfortable and to gain their confidence, so that the Enzeen could lure them to the
Heart of D'vouran. There, they were consumed by the planet itself. (GOF1)
Frieste River
this river wound its way through the temperate landscape of the planet Rhinnal, cutting through the capital

city of Rhire. The power of the Frieste River's water made it the perfect hydro-electric energy provider,
and many such energy plants lined its banks. A former chapterhouse of the Jedi Knights was also
established along its banks. (CCW)
this name, which meant "playful", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
Friggy Squig
this Gungan was one of the best bongo racers of his generation. (GMR4)
this was a custom form of ordnance created for the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic.
A frightener was designed to create large amounts of noise and light, but lacked any real destructive
power. They were used to frighten an opponent into movement, especially if a target was hidden behind a
wall or otherwise out of the line of fire. (RCHC)
Friij News Services
this Hutt-sponsored news network was a clearing house of illegal information and data replication,
controlled by the Tenloss Syndicate. It was based on the planet Friijillis. (GG11)
this planet is located in Dail Sector. (GG11)
this Herglic owned the Triple Nova Casino, on the planet Abregado-Rae, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. Friizt was a good friend of A'jindre Skirgatov, and worked hard to help the Devaronian get reelected as Provincial Governor. (ND)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Frill Syrup
this was a very sweet syrup used to cover breads. (EVR)
this young child was the middle of Bedran Veb's three grandchildren. (TOJC)
Frimm Bi-Tail
this creatures was a vicious beast, native to an unspecified Outer Rim planet. (SWJ10)
Fringe Cake
this liquid-extract dessert is a Corellian favorite. (SWJ9)
Fringes, the
the farthest known reaches of the Unknown Regions, where Thrawn "met his match" and could not
discern anything from a race's art. (HTTE)
a Corellia swear word. (TFE)
the venom of this creature is often used by assassins and bounty hunters. The venom causes paralysis
within minutes unless an antidote is administered. (TOD)
a swear word. (SESB)

this was a swear word used as an adjective by the natives of the planet Indu San. (SWJ6)
this planet was maintained as a preserve for wealthy Imperial families. (PG3)
this Trandoshan criminal was part of a large smuggling operation the Hutts had established inside the
walls of the Oovo IV prison facility, where Frissk was an inmate during the years leading up to the Battle
of Naboo. Known to his fellow inmates as a double-crossing weakling, it was Frissk who agreed to help
the Helmet Squad skim profits from the smuggling operation, thereby removing credits from the Hutts'
coffers. When word of Frissk's duplicity reached the Hutts, a bounty was placed on his head for his
capture and return to Nal Hutta, despite the fact that he was in prison at the time. Jango Fett eventually
claimed this bounty, during his attempt to "rescue" Bendix Fust from Oovo IV. (BH)
Frist Shark
this predator fish was native to the oceans of the planet Trandosha. (AIR)
this was one of the many worlds that were colonized by the Zabrak. (GCG)
this Wookiee slaver was an associate of Dayla Kev, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He
worked with his partner, Fahraark, and delivered a group of Hoojibs to the Galactic Horizon to assist
Dayla in exacting her revenge on Milac Troper. (GMR6)
this bubbly beverage was often served frozen or iced. (TG)
Friz Harammel
this was the first truly successful floating city established in the atmosphere of the plaent Genarius.
Modeled after the Cloud City outpost in the atmosphere of Bespin, it was originally founded as a gasmining operation, and proved to be incredibly successful. It became the model for future cities built in the
atmopshere over Genarius. (LFC)
this spacer modified an AD-series armory droid to help with the maintenance of his shipboard weaponry.
The droid was also modified to work with Frman's astromech to make starship repairs easier. (FTD)
known as Franni, this Finance Retrieval and Net Investigations Droid was designed to assist Imperial
special investigations agents in tracking down criminals by following their money trail. Jet-black, polished
armor plating gave the FRN-I droid a sinister appearance, similar to the IT-series interrogation droids.
These droids had exclusive access to the Imperial FiNet, and used it to track the sale and purchase of
goods and services, as well as to track financial transactions. (SWJ6)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "proud"
or "powerful", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.
(GMR10, GCG)
this con artist purchased a PG-5 gunnery droid from a military surplus auction, then upgraded it with
modern SkillWare, creating a droid which was a better conman than F'rod was himself. The droid was
also a capable astromech, and served aboard F'rod's personal starship. Because the droid was
purchased at auction, F'rod paid less for the droid - including its modifications - than a standard R2 unit.

Frodor, Erlick
a native of Demophon, Frodor joined the Academy and made a name for himself flying stormtrooper
dropships. However, he was disgusted with the Empire's mandatory slaughter whenever battle was
engaged, so he opted not to join the Imperial Armed Forced when his commission was over. He instead
became a free trader, flying the Flat Liner. This was unprofitable in the Demophon System, and when a
group of Alliance agents offered him a commission, he took it. He worked his way up in the ranks, and
eventually became the commander of the Orflon base. (SN)
this was a common name among the Zeltron people. (UANT)
a race whose unique hairstyles marked them throughout the galaxy. They were a hot-headed and
vindictive race. During the early decades of the New Republic, the Froffli found themselves reduced in
stature by the Bothans, who used their position of power within the Republic government to drive their
own light-machinery industry and nearly wipe out that of the Froffli. (HTTE, SOP)
a large, reptilian creature which resembles a squating dog, the frog-dog uses its sticky, whip-like tongue
to snare its prey. Many races throughout the galaxy regard the frog-dog as a stupid creature, due to its
appearance and its low stature. This is something the frog-dogs do little to rectify, as it serves their
purposes quite well. They have made themselves available as spies to various agencies throughout the
galaxy, including the Empire. (TJP)
Frohad Galactic Firearms
this weapons manufacturer produced some of the galaxy's most unusual weapons, including the Magna
Caster-100. (ROE)
Frohard Galactic Firearms
see Frohas Galactic Firearms (AEG)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "dependable". (GCG)
Fromish Ale
this was a type of beer that was popular during the Clone Wars. (MBS)
Fromm Gang
a gang which operated on the planet Annoo during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. They
controlled the weapons satellite Trigon One until Demma Moll and her band of freedom fighters destroyed
it. (DCAR)
Frona Zeffla
this governmental functionary died at her desk, deep within the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. Because of
the office's location within the Palace, her body wasn't discovered for more than a year. (TT)
Frond Dra-loor
this was one of the many Neti individuals who hailed from the planet Myrkr. (UANT)
Fronde's Airspeeders
this speeder rental company had twenty-two outlets scattered throughout Lola Curich and Lianna. In
addition to speeder rentals, Fronde's also sells used speeders, and has a small repair shop. (ML)
Fronk's Fever
a bogus ailment Han Solo references when he leaves Ploovo 2-for-1 in the Free-Flight Dance Dome on
Etti IV. (HSE)

Frontier Post
this was the name used by the New Republic Scout Service for any one of about 5,000 frontier worlds
used as clearing houses on local system information. Most of the facilities on Frontier Posts were
automated, and provided scouts working in remote areas of the galaxy with current information. These
scouts could also receive new mission orders at Frontier Posts, as well as obtain a little rest and
relaxation. (GG8)
Fronz, Jared
the immensely obese Imperial bureaucrat in charge of Byrne City on Demophon, Fronz was deathly afraid
of bodily harm. He kept a loose hold on the city during its last days. (SN)
Froond-class Hyperdrive
this powerful hyperdrive engine was produced on the planet Hapes. (PH)
a Wookiee, and a member of Page's Commandos. She was known as a wilderness fighter. (HTSB)
a carnivorous amphibian alien found on the Forest Moon of Endor, the frosch laid eggs that were used by
Ewok shamans in the creation of healing potions. Frosch were known for their sharp teeth and short
tempers. (EGC, SWDB)
this male Trandoshan was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading to the Battle
of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture because of his associated with Two-Guns,
which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a meeting with
Jabba. (BH)
Frost, Alum
one of the Empire's most skilled and loyal soldiers, Frost was among the top four members of the training
facility on Yinchorr, in the same class as Carnor Jax and Kir Kanos. Emperor Palpatine ordered Frost and
Jax to battle each other to the death, in an effort to prove their loyalty. Jax quickly dispatched Frost. (CE)
Frosty Sulphate
an alcoholic concotion created by Wuher. (TME)
this Colonies Region planet was known as a haven for criminals who were trying avoid the notice of the
Core Worlds. It was also known for its abundant numbers of banthas, nerf, and other herd animals. Much
of the planet's surface was covered with rolling grasslands, broken mainly by farms. (WOA20)
this was a Twi'leki swear word. (PH)
a planet, and homeworld of the Frozian race, Froz had a lighter-than-standard gravity. It was once
covered with grassy plains and deciduous forests, until the Empire decided to punish the Frozians for
sympathizing with the Alliance. Large portions of the planet's surface were bombarded with turbolasers,
destroying much of the native flora and fauna. Many years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the
galaxy, the asteroids in the Froz System were used as communications bases by the New Republic and
the Jedi Knights, who were keeping tabs on the Yuuzhan Vong presence in the Corellian Sector. (AC, AE,
Frozen Blaster Technology
this was the name given to the theory and technology behind the first lightsabers ever produced in the
galaxy. Knowing that laser and blaster weapons could produce coherent bolts of light and energy, the
ancient Jedi hoped to "freeze" the energy into a solid blade. These early lightsabers required tremendous

amounts of power, which could only be provided by dedicated generators. Thus, these early weapons known as archaic lightsabers by Jedi scholars - were primarily siege weapons with the power pack
strapped to the wielder's back. (PJSB)
Frozen Citadel
this was another name for the Tawntoom Citadel. (WOTC)
Frozen Death Flightknife
this group of Adumari Blade-32 fighters served aboard the Allegiance during the defense of Adumar.
this was the native language of the Frozian people. (ANT)
a race of humanoids from the planet Froz, Frozians have an extra joint in their arms and legs. This makes
their motion very unusual to watch. They evolved from a species of prairie lopers who lived by eating the
fruit of tall trees. They are covered in fur, and have whiskers on their faces. They have no external ears,
and large muzzles. Frozians have a tendency to stutter words or phrases while they are speaking Basic.
They evolved in the relatively low gravity of Froz, and could live to be over 100 years old. Those Frozians
who lived on higher-gravity worlds often found it difficult to adjust, and the average life expectancy of a
Frozian living off their native world was about 20 years less than normal. During the height of the Galactic
Civil War, the Frozians were accused by the Empire of harboring sympathy for the Alliance. To make an
example out of them, the Empire blasted large sections of the surface of Froz with turbolaser fire,
decimating a good portion of the Frozian population. (AC, AE)
this Mrlssti worked as a commercial investigator on the planet Lamuir IV, at the height of the New Order.
He had a harmless demeanor, but was not to be underestimated. Frrflin had a number of dangerous
underworld contacts he could call upon in times of need. (TSIA)
this Gamorrean was one of Ugmush's husbands, and was a weapons gunner on the Zicreex. (POT)
Fruit Bladders
appendages of the native Calamarian algae, these air-filled sacs keep the algae afloat. They are also a
prime food source for much of Calamari's herbivorous sea life. (DA)
Fruit Fizz
a non-alcoholic drink favored by many of the New Republic's starfighter pilots. (IF)
this tree was harvested for its lustrous, green-hued wood. (SWDB)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "hot spring" in the Sullustan language.
Frundle's Cantina
this bar was located near Kwilaan Spaceport, in the city of Keren on Naboo. (WOA2)
Fruul, Simyl
this man served as the Wardex of the prison facilities on Delrian during the early years of the New
Republic. A prisoner revolt occurred during the height of Fruul's tenure, forcing Fruul to address issues of
traitorous facility staff and faulty security measures. (GCG)
Fryll Industries
this small corporation found a niche for itself, producing a variety fo oil baths for droids, including the TD

series. (FTD)
FS-1 Farshot
developed and manufactured by Czerka, the FS-1 Farshot was a blaster rifle designed for use on the
open range. While not exceptionally powerful, the FS-1 boasted greater range and lighter weight than
most sporting rifles. (AEG)
Seinar Fleet System's Avionics Control Package used on the TIE Fighter and the TIE Bomber. (SCRE)
Seinar Fleet System's Avionics Control Package used on the TIE Interceptor. (SCRE)
one of Seinar Fleet System's most advanced Avionics Control Package, the F-s5x was used on the TIE
Advanced as well as the TIE Defender. (XW, SWDB)
Loronar's Field-Secured Container Vessel, the FSCV always travels in pairs. The two ships face their ion
engines in opposite directions, which places their Prexton doublefield generators opposite the engines.
The two generators create a huge force bubble, which can be surrounded by a hyperspace field so that
the pair can jump into lightspeed. The power required to generate the force bubble draws considerable
power from the ion engines, leading to lengthy acceleration and deceleration distances. (ISB)
this was the model number of one of Sabrashi Bio-chemical Deterrants' Fear Sticks. (FOP)
this ball of frozen rock and ice was the eighth and outermost planet in the N'zoth System. (CCW)
an ocean world orbitting F'la Ren, F'tral is home to the Iyra species. The volcanic islands that have
formed in these clear, fresh oceans have become the homes of specialized plants. These plants have
adapted to become competent fishing plants, voracious cannibal plants, and some have evolved that can
seduce other lifeforms near enough for capture. It is located in the Calaron Sector. Many of the planet's
oceans are deep, with depths up to eleven kilometers. In other areas, the oceans are shallow tidal pools.
(GG4, REB)
f'Tuhns, Geoff
an Imperial recruit serving boot camp on Carida with Davin Felth. He was a tall, stocky man with flaming
red hair. (TME)
this man served the Empire as the base Commander at the garrison established on Dantooine, during the
years following the Battle of Yavin. (ROD)
this mercenary worked with Valance the bounty hunter, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. He and Dafi
captured Jaxxon on a backwater planet, but the rabbit was rescued by Amaiza. (MC16)
Fud Sang
this unusual alien was considered a top-notch pod racer during the last years of the Old Republic. Fud
Sang was unusual in that his head was also his body. His short arms and legs sprouted from the lower
half of his skull, while two huge eyes bulged from the top. (RAC)
Fuel City
located on the moon of Sulon, this was a major refueling depot that served the city of Baron's Hed. (RAG)

this form of fungus, which grew in abundance on the planet Gamorr, was used in the creation of many
Gamorrean meals. (SWJ14)
an Alliance Frigate operative during the Galactic Civil War. It was used to evacuate the personnal from
Briggia following the Imperial attack there as part of Operation Strike Fear. (XW)
Fuge in K
this ancient, orchestral piece was composed by Mondegrene. It was an intellectual masterpiece, complex
and grandiose, which was best heard when played by a full orchestra accompanied by thunder cannons
and dual-spectrum light organ. (POT)
Fandar's Chadra-Fan assistant, he was an extremely capable substitute for Fandar. (QE)
this individual was at one time the Administrator of Kline Colony, under Imperial rule. He was ousted in
favor of Administrator Brago, primarily because Fuguee was too forgiving of offenses against the Empire.
this was the most sacred text of the Cosmic Balance religion, written during Bakura's early history by Dif
Istuvi. Within the book, he claimed that "the weight of the universecould balance on one rightly-placed
atom." (TBSB)
Fulgin Cylinder
a long, convoluted tube. (POT)
Fulier, Kast
this Jedi Master and his apprentice, Etain Tur-Mukan, were dispatched to the planet Qiilura during the
early stages of the Clone Wars. Their mission was to investigate the development of a nanovirus by
Ovolot Qail Uthan. Their attempts to infiltrate the farmers and gain their confidence were undermined by
the fact that many of the farmers were under the control of Ghez Hokan, who was being funded by the
Separatists. The farmers eventually betrayed them, and Master Fulier was captured and killed. (RCHC)
this Cavrilhu pirate was one of several who patrolled the Kauron asteroid base, under the command of
Control. Fulkes often worked with Grinner, and the two of them tried to hunt down Luke Skywalker when
the Jedi infiltrated the base. (SOP)
Full DSW
this was a phrase used by New Republic starfighter pilots to indicate that their starfighters had enough
energy to fully supply drive systems, shields, and weapons. (SBS)
Fuller, Devon
a native of the planet Arkanis, Devon was the model of a brash, young, X-Wing pilot. He was accepted
into the Vensenor Flight Academy, but was expelled for his behavior. Still, he managed to learn enough to
serve as a ship's navigator until he saved up enough credits to buy his owne ship. As a spacer, he was
characterized as a nuisance, and once paid of a debt to Roark Garnet with a moderately defective P2
astromech droid. After Devon met up with Owen Sareth, he decided to align himself with the Alliance.
Since then, Devon's first ship, the Croc of Gold has been destroyed by Imperial forces. His second ship
was also shot down by the Empire. This formed a great hatred for the Empire in Devon, and hardened his
resolve to assist the Alliance. After Devon met Corwin Shelvay, he settled down even further, and his
closest compatriots within the Alliance have called him philosophical. (GG9)
Full-rig slave circuitry

automated spaceship control that allows droids and computers to fly the craft, rather than humans. (DFR)
Full-Spectrum Transceiver
this sensor package that was often called a universal sensor because they can detect all sorts of objects,
energies, and fields. These sensors use large receptor dishes to collect available sensory information.
Thus, the larger the dish, the better quality information that can be gathered. (SWSB, CHRN)
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "beloved". (GCG)
this New Republic warship was destroyed at the Battle of N'zoth. (TT)
this diminutive, green-skinned alien was Jace Forno's assistant during the period just following her
employment as chief of security for Movo Brattakin on Nar Shaddaa. Fulmrick has a wide, flat head with
large ears and a long snout. Fulmrick had a mane of black hair that ran from the top of his down down the
center of his back. He assisted Forno on her mission to retrieve crystals from Indobok. (DRO)
this Godoan served as the representative of his homeworld of Godo, during discussions with the Alliance
of Free Planets during the months following the Battle of Endor. Fumiyo was chosen because he was the
only Godoan at the time who could speak the Galactic Standard language. Fumiyo and his people nearly
died when a strange plague began afflicting the Godoans, until Han Solo discovered that two unusual
statues - the Dancing Goddess and the Minstrel - were actually key components in a strange technology
that helped keep them alive. Thanks to the efforts of Solo, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, and
Chewbacca, the statues were recovered and returned to their rightful places. The Godoans were revived,
and Fumiyo lived. He nearly started a war, however, when he refused to allow Lando to be revived by the
strange technology, after Lando contracted the plague while returning the Dancing Goddess to Godo. In
the end, Fumiyo convinced his leaders to allow Lando to return to Godo and be revived by the statues.
this was a term used by bongo racers on the planet Naboo for the various critics and opponents of their
sport. Consisting of conservationists, clean-up squads, safety consultants, and concerned parents, the
"fun-boggers" did everything they could to reduce the impact of bongo racing on the populace and the
environment. This, according to the racers, took away all the fun of their sport. (GMR4)
Fungus Ale
this beverage was fermented from munch-fungus by the Twi'leks. (PSPG)
Fungus Brothers
this pair of Twi'leki brothers maintained a booth within the open bazaar of the Kala'uun Starport, selling all
kinds of fungus harvested from the caverns of Ryloth. (PSPG)
Fungus Droid
this was the name given to the small spy droids created by the New Republic during the struggle against
the Yuuzhan Vong. The fungus droids were used on Coruscant and other worlds on which the alien
invaders used exploding fungus to reform the planet for their own usage. Each droid was mobile enough
to insinuate itself near Yuuzhan Vong locations, and carried a collection of recorders and transmitters to
beam information back to the Republic's agents. They were built to resemble the exploding fungus, and to
place themselves in a group of fungus to blend into their surroundings. (EL1)
Funnel Flower
this plant, native to Tatooine, has a cone of large petals that grows from a long, J-shaped stem. The stem
itself grows within a crack or crevice in the rocks. The plant pulls hot air in through the upper part of the
stem, and then moves it down into the part hidden in the crevice. There, moisture condenses out of the

air, and is hoarded by the plant in the crook of the stem. (ISU)
Funnel Plant
this plant, native to the planet Haruun Kal, was known for its waxy orange leaves. These leaves wrapped
around each other to form a funnel-shaped spiral which stood nearly two meters in height. Supported by a
shallow root system, the leaves of the funnel plant collected rainwater and directed downward to the
roots. The native Korunnai used funnel plants as a source of water, whenever they traveled through the
jungles. A hardier variety of funnel plant was native to the sparse oases of Tatooine, and grew in the
rocky crags that experienced the most shade. This allowed the funnel plants to collect the most
condensation during the early morning hours, when the temperatures on the planet dropped low enough
to extract moisture from the air. (SHPT, IWST)
a species of Kimanannian marsupial. (HSE)
this was fighter pilot slang for the incredibly complex collection of starships and weaponry that formed an
interstellar dogfight. (Dw)
this was a species of simple-minded beast. (COD, AOTCN)
this female Wookiee was a friend of Kikow's, and spent a great deal of time on Ralltiir during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Furellas had light brown fur and a smile that many beings mistook for a
snarl, but she was nonetheless friendly to most beings. It was later revealed that Furellas was a member
of The Kalmec. (PH)
Furgan is one of the suburbs of Umgul City. (JASB)
this Caridan ambassador was he is extremely loyal to the Old Empire and to Palpatine. He remained proImperial during the early years of the New Republic, even though the old Emperor had been dead 7
years. Following the death of the reborn Emperor, Furgan went on what he called a pilgrimage to
Coruscant to view the Empire's former center, and on the trip, he attended a New Republic function. It is
at this function that he threw a drink in Mon Mothma's face. The drink contained a number of nanodestroyers attuned to her genetic structure, and the pilgrimage eventually became obvious as an
assassination attempt. Furgan was also involved in a plot to capture Anakin Solo and gain a leg up on
Leia Organa and the New Republic. His attempt was foiled when Terpfen, Furgan's Mon Calamari spy,
turned on him, and Furgan was killed when Terpfen pushed his MT-AT off a cliff with another of the MTATs. (JS, DA, COTF)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
this tall, furry humanoid was part of the loose bounty hunter alliance that formed around Bossk, just
before the Battle of Endor. Furlag and the others tried to intercept Boba Fett and claim the carbonitefrozen body of Han Solo. They missed Fett on Gaul, but were able to track him using a signal sent by 4LOM. The bounty hunters captured Slave I and took Fett prisoner, and Furlag was placed in charge of
locking Fett up. However, this bat-faced alien didn't notice Fett activating an unused crawl shaft, and
stepped into the open tube. Furlag was then sucked into space and was killed. (SE)
this was a noted member of the Filordi race. (LFC)

this furred reptile was native to the planet Velusia. Averaging over two meters in length, the fursnake
hunted birds and small mammals on the slopes of the planet's many volcanoes. The bite of a fursnake
was not poisonous, but a tail stinger could deliver a potent venom. This venom was often extracted and
used as a poison by assassins. (CCW)
this venomous arachnid was native to the planet Devaron. As large as a dog, these insects wove webs of
blood-red webbing. A large group of these spiders lives in the undercity of Coruscant. (TPS)
a large, furry alien creature. (COTF)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
this transport ship was owned by the Mistryl. Shada D'ukal and Dunc T'racen used it during the early
years of the New Republic, when they were sent to assist Ghitsa Dogder and Fenig Nabon in transporting
a group of Twi'leki dancers. (TFNR)
one of three Imperial-class Star Destroyers under the command of Lumiya, following the Battle of Endor.
Fusai Sector
along with the Kakani, Sugai, and Ikenomin Sectors of the galaxy, this sector made up the Outer Zuma
region. (GMR9)
this tabletop game of skill involved moving zero-gravity targets into assigned spaces in order to score
points. (POC)
Fusion Cutter
an industrial tool with many applications. It produces a wide-dispresion laser beam which can be used to
cut through most materials. It can also be used as a weapon, in a pinch. (SW, DF)
Fusion Disintegrator
this device uses a contained reactor to reduce other materials to smaller, nearly atomic particles. They
found widespread use in tunneling applications, where dirt and rock must be removed and transported
from a dig site. Because of the nature of the machine, though, it can be used to cut through virtually any
material. The disintegrator can be used manually, or mounted on a support tripod. (VOF)
Fusion Disk
a small device which has a small charge attached. When the disk contacts another surface, the charge is
ignited, causing the disk to fuse itself to the other surface. The tow cables used by the Alliance to trip the
Imperial walkers on Hoth employed fusion disks. (ESB)
Fusion Furnace
this was the name givne to any small device which could generate heat and light, or could generate
power for recharging energy cells. (ESB)
Fusion Generator Supply Tanks
these cubical pods are used to store fusion energy, once it has left a generator. They can store the
energy for later use, for powering up vehicles and small installations. (CCG)
Fusion Holodrama

this holo-feature producer was responsible for some of the most popular holovids produced during the
New Order. Among their brightest stars was the actress Wynssa Starflare. (MBF)
Fusion Reactor
the most popular source of starship power, cold-ionization fusion reactors fuse matter at room
temperature, creating huge amounts of energy without emitting large amounts of heat. The fusion reactor
then sends the energy it generates to the cryogenic power cells for storage. These are also safe sources
of power, since they employ a well-understood technology at tolerable temperatures. Fusion reactors are
a necessity for propelling large starships through hyperspace. (SWSB, TT)
Fusion WeldCut
this welder is roughly the size and shape of a blaster, and emits a narrow stream of fused plasma. The
stream is capable of welding two metals together as well as cutting through most metals. It has oversized
controls, which allow it to be used by vac-suited repairmen at orbital drydocks. (TA)
Fusion Welder
a small device used to weld two objects together, the fusion welder alters the molecular structure of the
two objects at the point which they meet, forming a tight seal. The welder generates an internal fusion
reaction, focusing the energy created through its nozzle. Fusion welders are often used to place
restraining bolts on droids. They resemble bulky blaster pistols, and used blaster power packs. (CCG,
this Trandoshan bounty hunter was active during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SWRPG)
Futana, Nabicci
this man was one of the Old Republic's most noted musical composers. He was perhaps most famsou for
the stirring marches he composed during the Clone Wars. (SWJ5)
this is the name of the formal Naboo alphabet. Based on a series of oval shapes, the futhark is reserved
for use in military and official control labels. (IG1)
this is the name of the traditional, hand-written Naboo alphabet. It uses a wider variety of shapes and
symbols than the futhark alphabet. (IG1)
Futility Station
this was a nickname of Lant Mining Corporation's LMCTS-24542 testing station. (HAS)
this Sullustan infochant owned and operated Futor's Network, aboard the cruiser known as Omze's
Incredible Traveling Starport. He also maintained a collection of listening devices posted in the cabins of
the ship's General Quarters passenger area. Futor was at one time a computer controller for the
SoroSuub Corporation, but was fired for selling top-secret corporate information to the highest bidder. He
fled Sullust, and was eventually hired by Omze'kehr Kahr to infiltrate the Sienar Fleet Systems databanks
on Byblos. After successfully obtaining the information the Sludir wanted, Futor was hired by Omze to
work aboard the Starport. (PSPG)
Futor's Network
operated by the Sullustan infochant Futor, this business was set up on Omze's Incredible Traveling
Starport. Its immense databanks contained a wealth of information from across the galaxy, and provided
access to newsnets and other informational services to the patrons of the Starport. Futor sold information
for incredible prices, but his information was almost always current and correct. (PSPG)
Future of Honoghr
this was the term used by the Noghri to describe the hidden canyon in which they began growing all

manner of plants, during the early years of the New Republic. After decades of living with the mutated
kholm-grass created by the Empire, the Noghri discovered that they had been held in thrall by the Empire
because of its surreptitious poisoning of their land. Leia Organa Solo proved this to them, an event that
led the Noghri to break off their relationship with the Empire. Until the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn,
however, the Noghri were forced to begin growing crops in a canyon that hid their work from prying eyes.
This canyon became known as the Future of Honoghr, since it represented what the planet could truly
become, once the Imperial grasses were eliminated. (TLC)
this was a Yuuzhan Vong transport ship, stationed at Coruscant after the alien invaders captured the
cityworld from the New Republic. A huge ganadote dominated the interior of the craft, which was
dedicated for use to those Shapers who worshipped Yun-Yuuzhan. Shortly after the ship arrived at
Coruscant, however, Warmaster Tsavong Lah had the ship's inhabitants executed for Ghithra Dal's part in
the poisoning of his radank-claw implant. (EL2)
this Commander in the Imperial Armed Forces was stationed on Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War.
Fuzzel had managed to arrange a deal with Jabba the Hutt, in which Jabba turned over certain criminals
to Fuzzel for their rewards. More often than not, Jabba provided dead criminals, but he still managed to
find those beings Fuzzel could not. He was one of the many officers hunting for the criminal Karkas, and
Fuzzel intercepted Hoole upon his arrival, after learning that Hoole's ship had left Koda Space Station at
the same time Karkas had fled. He let Hoole and his young charges, Tash and Zak Arranda, free after
thoroughly searching their ship. Fuzzel later received Karkas' body, although Jabba had removed his
brain and stored inside the brain spider droid of a B'omarr monk. Shortly thereafter, Fuzzel was found
murdered in a Mos Eisley alleyway, with the letter 'K' carved into ihs forehead. Zak Arranda discovered
the body, and believed that his sister, Tash, was responsible for the crime. However, it had just been
Tash's body. Jabba had arranged to have Karkas's brain placed into another criminal's body, but the
criminal had escaped. So Jabba used Tash as a temporary holder. (GOF7)
a species of thin-legged creatures whose body consists of a fuzzy ball of fur. They have no technology to
speak of, and their preferred weapon is a wooden spear. (DCAR)
a plant native to the Forest Moon of Endor, the Ewoks have found that the fuzzynettle has certain
medicinal values. (EGC)
this was the designation of a standard droid motivator unit. (HM)
this was the Huttese word for the number four (4). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system, since
their hands had just four fingers each. (GMR5, TF)
Jarril had smuggling contacts on this planet, but hadn't used them in the three years leading up to his
death. (TNR)
F-Web Repeating Blaster
this successor to the E-Web weapon had increased power, and was equipped with a gunner shield which
required a third operator during use. It's main role was as an infantry anti-personnel weapon. The F-Web
was also collapsible, making it easy to set up and take down. (CSA, EGW)
this was the nickname of Tereb Ab'Lon's astromech droid, which was designated R2-Z1. It was named for
the unusual noise it made whenever it made an affirmative reply, which many technicians eventually
deemed a "design flaw." Nevertheless, it made the little droid distinctive, as did Fweep's loyalty to its

owner. On a mission to deliver information to the Alliance base in the Tao-Grant System, Tereb stored the
data in the memory banks of this droid. Unfortunately, Tereb was injured and murdered before he could
make it to Tao-Grant, so he asked Nim Bola to make the delivery. With the help of Ral-Kalei, Fweep was
delivered to Tao-Grant. (SWJ3, SWJ4)
this Huttese verb means "to clean." (E1A14)
this was a model of flechette pistol produced by Malaxan Firepower Incorporated. It was smaller and
easier to handle that the FC-1 from Golan Arms, and employed flechette-filled pellets instead of heavy
canisters. (FOP, AEG)
this planet, some 150 lightyears from Atzerri, was one of the colony worlds visited by the Star Morning
after it left Darepp for Motexx. (SOL)
this planet was located near Honoghr and Kessel, in the Calaron Sector. (TLC, REB)
this alien race mates only once, before they are sexually mature. The fertilized eggs are retained inside
the female's body until she has matured, at which time they are awakened and begin to grow. (TT)
Fw'sen-class Picket Ship
this Ssi-ruuvi design is a small combat ship that is piloted by a P'w'eck servant. These 45-meter long
ships required three P'w'eck pilots and ten P'w'eck gunners, and are extermely fragile. The Ssi-ruuvi
engineers opted for shield generators insetad of hull plating on these ships, which meant that once the
shields are down, the ship was extremely vulnerable. Like most Ssi-ruuvi starships, the Fw'sen-class
resembles a pointed egg. However, the Fw'sen-class has four stubby wings for stability. It is armed with
top- and bottom-mounted turbolasers, a pair of front-mounted laser cannons, and six ion cannons. Each
Fw'sen-class picket ship carried 6 enteched servant droids in addition to its P'w'eck crew. This crew
setup, paired with the ship's fragile shielding, allowed the picket ships to be expendable while serving the
purpose of providing needed support. The ships are piloted remotely by a Ssi-ruuk who has access to
special neural inhibitors planted in the P'w'ecks. Twenty Fw'sen-class ships were sent as part of the
Bakura invasion fleet. Note that the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels indicates that this ship was
fifty meters in length, and was not armed with ion cannons. (EGV, TBSB)
this Imperial medical droid served aboard the fleet which participated in the Battle of Hoth. The FX-10
series was similar in shape to the FX-7s. (CCG)
an FX-series medical droid produced by Medtech Industries, it is cylindrical in design with many useful
appendages. The FX-7 models were designed as surgical assistants. The FX-7 droid which served the
Alliance at Hoth's Echo Base was known as 'Fixit.' (ESB, SWSB, CCG3)
this was a model of Ubrikkian star yacht, produced during the early years of the New Republic. Measuring
44 meters in length, the FX-77 was capable of transporting up to eight passengers and 45 metric tons of
cargo in relative luxury. (WOA13)
this bullet-headed, humanoid medical droid served aboard the Super-class Star Destroyer Executor,
working in a hidden laboratory which was maintained by Darth Vader himself. (MC63)
FX-series Medical Droid

developed by Medtech Industries to serve as a medical assistant, the FX-series was a cylindrical droid
which could be adapted to an infinite number of configurations. With ports to accept up to twenty arms,
the FX-series could be configured for a variety of surgical, diagnostic, or precautionary uses. While the
FX-series was an elegant design, the advances in the abilities of surgon droids rendered the FX-series
virtually obsolete by the era of the New Republic. (SWSB, FTD, EGD)
this modified Ghtroc 720 freighter was owned by Kyli Ned'Ix. It was armed with a double laser cannon and
a pair of proton torpedo launchers. (DARK)
this was the name of a distinguished Verpine individual. (UANT)
this Ebranite term describes the leader of a clan. It also refers to the leader of the ghantar. (GG12)
Fyalko, Debor
this man served as the Court Swordmaster, serving under the rulership of King Lorac. (PH)
this young bounty hunter made a name for himself by locating a working suit of Nemesis power armor.
Fyefee Tiis
this Iktotchi served as a General in the Army of the Republic, during the early months of the Clone Wars.
General Tiis was in command of the modified Republic Cruiser Whipsaw during the defense of the planet
Cartao. The Whipsaw managed to disable the droid control ship which had been placed in orbit around
the planet, temporarily disarming the battle droids on the ground. Unfortunately for the clone troopers on
the ground, the Separatists had a mobile droid control unit ready to deploy in Foulahn City, which brought
the battle droids back online almost immediately. (SWI69)
this Weequay worked for Booster Terrik as a guard and soldier aboard the Errant Venture. (IJ)
Fyg Boras
this Vor served as the New Republic Senator from Vortex, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde approached Senator Boras on Calamari, with
an offer of twenty-five tons of relief supplies in exchange for his purchase of YVH-1 combat droids. They
recorded the entire conversation for evidence, and later threatened to reveal Boras' acceptance of the
bribe if he didnt support Cal Omas' candidacy for Chief of State. (DW)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this was the name of a noted member of the ZeHethbra race. (UANT)
this human stock evolved on the planet Fyodos. At one time, the Fyodoi had became a technology-rich
society with a thriving space program. They had managed to send starships to explore their system. Each
of the three continental groups of Fyodoi were in intellectual competiton with each other, until profits and
corporate directives got in the way. Small battles began to break out among the three groups, and these
battles escalated into a full-scale war. Using the fruits of their technology, the Fyodoi developed weapons
of mass-destruction and unleashed them on each other. This war later became known as the Great
Cleansing. Soon, the planet Fyodos was reduced to a scarred hulk.The Fyodoi realized that their pride
and technology had destroyed the world they loved, and reverted to a primitive society of
hunter/gatherers and warriors. The Fyodoi are a loud and boisterous race of stubborn, narrow-minded

warriors. (PG2)
this planet, the fourth in the Tatrang System, was a mecca of high technology and beauty until its human
population declared war on itself. The planet's other native race, the Galidyns, could only watch in horror
as their neighbors unleashed huge weapons of mass destruction on the world. Now, the planet is
recovering from the wars. Much of the terrain has nearly recovered, although only the Galidyns remember
its former beauty. The humans have reverted to a pre-technology stage of development. The average day
on Fyodos lasts 20 local hours, and the year lasts 360 local days. Fyodos has three natural satellites.
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
Fyre, Silver
a former smuggling pal of Han Solo's and a mercenary leader, she commanded the Aquaris Freeholders.
At one time, Silver hijacked a load of spice being transported by Solo, and he hasn't trusted her since.
Before she officially joined the Alliance, she had been responsible for turning people in to the Empire.
While on the planet Kabal, after meeting with Leia Organa, she signed up with the Alliance. Thus, when
the Alliance met her on Aquaris, Han was skeptical of her support. However, she proved her loyalty to the
Alliance when she rescued the agents from Kraaken, her second-in-command. (CSW)
Fyrth System
the asteroid field of this star system was believed to have been the only source of opila crystals, which
could used by the ancient Jedi Knights in the construction of a lightsaber. (KOTOR)
this Jedi Knight was known for her split-second reflexes, grace, agility. She was one the foremost
instructors in the Art of Movement exercise, and personally trained Obi-Wan Kenobi in its forms. (JQ3)
Fy'y Roog
this was the rallying cry of the Yuuzhan Vong shapers. (DW)
Fyyar, Galak
this Imperial Admiral was one of the many naval officers who served the remnants of the old Empire
during the early years of the New Republic. Fyyar was trained as a weapons specialist, and his designs
were considered radical ever for the Empire. Many believed that Fyyar's designs would have eclipsed
those of Bevel Lemelisk and Umak Leth, had he developed them during the height of the New Order. One
of the most unusual items Fyyar developed was a device that allowed him to infuse a person with the
Dark Side of the Force, turning them into Dark Jedi. Although the title of Admiral was honorary, for many
years he was in command of the warship Doomgiver. From this ship, Fyyar commanded the operations at
his base on the Cairn asteroid. To gain valuable muscle and to assist with his work, Fyyar allied himself
with the Dark Jedi Desann. They planned to use Fyyar's invention to attack Luke Skywalker's Jedi
praxeum on Yavin 4, some ten years after the Battle of Endor. However, during the battle, Fyyar was
confronted by Kyle Katarn aboard the Doomgiver. The Jedi Knight defeated Fyyar and combat, and set
out to destroy the ship. By disabling the shields and overloading the reactor, Katarn ensured that the
Doomgiver was destroyed, and Admiral Fyyar perished in the explosion. (JK2)
members of this clumsy, reptilian species were subcontracted to perform work for Dapp Solus and Salem
Victory on their custom freighter, the Starcat. After several of the repairs were found to be faulty - in
reality, the Happy Blasters got what they paid for, which wasn't much - the technician Mac targeted the
Fyyrsprus for extermination. He organized the team's efforts to "repay" the Fyyrsprus for their poor work.

G Cat
this modified Arakyd Helix Interceptor was operated by Cryle Cavv, with the help of the astromech droid
R2-RC, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Cavv claimed the ship was nothing more than a
transport vessel, despite its military beginnings. Cavv armed the ship with four plasburst cannons and a
pair of proton torpedo launchers, and installed a slave circuit and beckon call to remotely call the ship to
his location. (SWJ12)
developed and manufactured by GeneTech Laboratories, the G&B cybernetic exercise brace was created
to provide assistance to those beings who were recovering from debilitating injuries to their limbs. When
the G&B braces were put on, they provided strength to atrophied muscles, giving them a chance to grow
stronger without causing further damage. A variety of configurations could be achieved, providing support
for arm, leg, or full-body assistance. Many beings sometimes used G&B braces as ersatz power armor,
giving them added strength but little protection. (WOTC)
this was the designation of Comar's Tracker anti-atmospheric gun, developed for surface-to-air combat.
designation of Comar's TriTracker anti-atmospheric gun. It has an advanced target acquisition and
tracking system, which uses three different sensor arrays to locate its targets. Although it can be operated
by droids, a trained pair of crewmen provides the best operation and accuracy. The G-003 suffers from a
rather limited range, though, and requires a land-line power source. (ISB)
this fan-tan dealer droid worked at the Fifteen Moons Casino on Ord Mantell. It lacked any kind of
sympathy for the players, and would routinely skip over players who didn't meet its eye during gameplay.
G0-16 once tried to ignore Han Solo's bid during a match, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, while Han was
trying to increase the reward he received for rescuing Leia Organa. Han was being hounded by a small
droid dispatched by Alfreda Goot, and had to argue with the droid and the casino owner to have his bid
placed. (SL)
this is one of the many New Republic personnel transport gigs used to ferry pilots and commanders
between the ships of the Fifth Battle Group. Plat Mallar was in charge of the gig, which he used to ferry
Colonel Bowman Gavin to the Polaron. (TT)
this was the designation of the starfighter designed by the engineers of BullbaBong and the Theed Palace
Space Vessel Engineering Corps, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. At first glance, the G-1 is similar to the
N-1 fighter, except that it has been painted forest-green instead of bright yellow. The G-1 was also
designed for long periods of independent operation, so it used a slower hyperdrive in order to provide
more power to shielding and weapons. (WOTC)
G-1 series Droid
this series of automatons was created for deployment as heavy equipment operaters. They could be
programmed to handle almost any large piece of equipment, and found widespread usage at mining
facilities. (JH)
this was a model of repulsor-taxi produced during the early years of the New Order by Mobquet. (AIR)

this rogue star consumed the Imperial Star Destroyer Desolator after Alliance operatives repogrammed
the capital ship's navigation computer. (IC)
this is the designation of a bullet-shaped transport ship manufactured at the Byblos Drive Yards. (CCG4)
this small, roller-treaded droid was a maintenance droid assigned to the crew which assisted Ki-Adi-Mundi
in his search for Ephant Mon near Tatooine. The droid was a prototype, and had been rejected because
of its highly unusual programming. In an effort to distract his pursuit, Ki tried to empty his holds of
garbage and other junk, hoping to damage the trailing starship. In the chaos, G1M was swept out of the
hold with the garbage. This was part of Ki's plan, however, as G1M made its way onto Jabba the Hutt's
personal shuttle and downloaded its computer banks. Hidden in the data it recovered was enough
information to piece together the Trade Federation's part in the import of technology to Cerea. Note that in
later issues of Prelude to Rebellion, this droid is referred to as J1M. (PTR)
G1-M4-C Dunelizard
this starfighter was developed by the Hutts, and produced by MandalMotors, in the wake of the
successful M3-A Scyk fighter. The Dunelizard reused the wedge-shaped wings of the Scyk, but the
needle-shaped fuselage extended forward from the main body. The Dunelizard was a sturdier ship, with
more firepower and maneuverability than its predecessor. (LAWS)
G-20 Glop Grenade
manufactured by Merr-Sonn, these detonation devices release a chemical foam when triggered. The
foam has incredible adhesive properties, and clings to everything it touches. When lobbed into a mob or
battle phalanx, glop grenades can quickly immobilize attackers. It required a special "glop dissolver"
agent, often in aerosol form, to remove the glop. (CSA, WOTC)
a powerful, extremely sensitive life form tracker manufactured by Speizoc. (COJ)
this was a series of repair droids developed about 10 years after the Battle of Endor. (SOP)
this Karflo Corporation beam drill was a medium-sized unit designed for a single operator. The user stood
on a wide platform, while the repulsor-equipped G2-GE hovered over its target location. The selfcontained beam drill pointed downward, and was operated from a command console at its top. (EGW)
manufactured by Karflo Corporation, this repulsor-equipped beam drill platform was a stock G2-GE unit
which used a small force-field generator to enclose the user in a life-support bubble. The addition of tiny
ion maneuvering engines allowed the G2-GS to be used in orbital drydocks for starship repairs. (EGW)
a prison guard droid originally developed by Arakyd, the G-2RD was another example of the obsession of
Arakyd's engineers with repulsorlift technology. Originally produced during the Old Republic and still used
during the New Republic, the G-2RD measured 1.2 meters in height, and was equipped with a repulsorlift
for locomotion. The G-2RD had a visual/sound sensor suite, a vocabulator, a broadband antenna, a
grasping claw, and two weapons appendages - one for stunning and one armed with a blaster. The
programming provided to the G-2RD was tough and no-nonsense, and many beings considered them
demanding and abusive. They were also nearly impossible to corrupt or reprogram. The only known way
to force a G-2RD to abandon its programming was to affix a restraining bolt in just the right position, a
technique that was discovered by Han Solo and Chewbacca during the years leading up to the Battle of
Yavin. (DFR, DFRSB, TLC, SWJ14, EGD)

known as Uncle Gee, this protocol droid was owned by Xalto Sneerzick's parents. When Sneerzick's
mother died, his father programmed Uncle Gee to care for Xalto. They grew extremely close, and it was
Xalto who gave the droid the nickname Uncle Gee. When Sneerzick established the Droid Abolitionist
Movement, G-3PO remained by his side, and even risked his mechanical life for the fanatical leader. G3PO was the first droid impregnated with the "emancipation virus" developed by Sneerzick and
Babalabbet Swoont. Like the rest of Sneerzick's followers, Uncle Gee was aboard the Argent Lady when
the cargo of R5 droids reacted strangely to the "emancipation virus" and attacked the abolitionists. G-3PO
was blasted during a firefight. (SWJ9)
a series of servant droids. (TJP)
this was a series of tripod-mounted, portable laser cannon produced during the second decade of the
New Republic. (SBS)
strong, single-purpose droids. These silver automata can be programmed to perform menial tasks. (COJ)
this heavy-duty tractor beam generator was produced by Novaldex for use on ships which moved
asteroids for mining or for safety. Ecclessis Figg used sixteen pairs of them to maintain the sense of
gravity on Cloud City, as well as to draw in Tibanna gas for refinement and to draw in atmospheric heat to
drive the thermo-converters that powered the floating city. (GG2, SWDB)
this was GeneTech's basic bacta geltab, which was used in most medkits to provide easy access to a
small amount of bacta. The geltab could be placed on a wound to speed up healing. (LOE)
this was the ancient designation of the planet Kashyyyk, when it was first encountered by explorers of the
Old Republic. (KOTOR)
G-59 Cannibalizer
this SoroSuub starfighter design was produced by the design teams on the city of Edic Bar, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. (LFC)
G7 Power Cables
these specially-designed Cybot Galactica power cables were used on many of Cybot's old droid designs.
this was the designation of the drone barge dispatched by Darth Vader to transport Jix to Corulag, on his
mission to eliminate Governor Torlock. (SST)
Seinar Fleet Systems gravity well projectors used on the Immobilizer 418. (XW)
the G8 was a military blaster rifle produced by Merr-Sonn, although it was not as reliable or versatile as
the BlasTech E-11. It was originally produced during the last decades of the Old Republic, and was
popular among the police agencies in the Tion Hegemony and Hutt Space. When the Galactic Civil War
broke out, many of these agencies sold their weapons to the Alliance. (HTSB, EGW, AEG)
this astromech droid was one of several that served aboard the Naboo Royal Starship during the tenure

of Queen Amidala. G8-R3 was one of four droids dispatched during the Queen's escape from the Trade
Federation blockade of Naboo, but was also one of the first to be destroyed by Federation turbolasers. An
unusual astromech, G8-R3 had the head of an R5 unit and the body of a standard R2 unit. (IG1)
this engineering droid was created by QS-2D as an assistant, and over time it was Q-8Y5 that designed
Uffel's most useful and reliable droids. G-8Y5 worked with QS-2D to develop a line of security droids
which were used to defend the moon from outside invasion. (LFC)
this was a particularly deadly power blaster produced during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It
was favored by many smugglers and independent spacers, who carried the G-9 to protect against being
boarded. (SBS)
an Imperial Moff. (ISB)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "brave"
or "fearless", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name.
(GMR10, GCG)
Gaar Suppoon
this alien criminal was a rival of Jabba the Hutt's during the early years of the New Order. Suppoon was a
pink-skinned humanoid with a long face and thin limbs. His nose and chin are studded with a pair of short
tusks. The name "Gaar" is a title of respect among his people. Suppoon was responsible for the
destruction of Kosh Kurp's village and family, although he was known as Sonopo Bomoor then. Kurp
tracked the alien across the galaxy, and finally caught up with him, thanks to a plan devised by Jabba the
Hutt. When Jabba revealed that Suppoon was really Bomoor, Kosh Kurp decided it was time to repay
Bomoor. Suppoon tried to shot Kurp, but the laser blast deflected off Kurp's armor and blasted Suppoon's
head off. Jabba turned Suppoon's holdings over to Kurp. (JTH)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this Wookiee was a freelance pilot and shipper during the Galactic Civil War. However, his partner was
caught by Imperial forces and enslaved for labor. Gaartatha himself barely escaped, and consoled
himself by consuming too many Dentarian Ripples. He spent the rest of his time trying to figure out how to
rescue his partner. (GMH)
this was one of the few Tchuukthai ever to be encountered off their native homeworld. (WOTC)
this is the Tuhgri title given to the leader of a Tuhgri tribe. Each gaawan is sent to the House of Balance
each year to discuss matters of importance to the Tuhgri. (KO)
this airspeeder was distinguished by its pointed nose and long, rounded cockpit. (NEGV)
this large mammal, native to the Zirfan Glacier on the planet Rhinnal, served as a food source for the
native Rhinnalians. They also used the thick fur of the gabal to create wool. (CCW)

this Klatooinian worked for Zonnos the Hutt as a translator, during the early years of the New Order.
Gabbera had been born into slavery, and was turned over to Zonnos as payment for a gambling debt. He
was a cowardly individual, and many believed that he was scared of his own shadow. Nonetheless, he
was also an excellent pilot, and had passed his skills onto many within Zonnos' operations. When Popara
hired a group of freelance agents to rescue his other offspring, Mika, Zonnos allowed Gabbera to
accompany the agents as a pilot and guide. (TF)
this man was one of the multitude of chefs retained by Jabba the Hutt, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Gab'borah was known for his wondrous desserts, and he was often assigned to Jabba's
personal sail barge to cater to the crimelord's various guests. Gab'borah was the only being in the galaxy
who knew the recipe for Ziziibbon truffles, a fact that made him somewhat valuable to Jabba. A ten-yearold Boba Fett discovered that Gab'borah was also Ygabba's father. After Ygabba returned to Jabba's
palace to be with her father, the pair remained on Jabba's kitchen staff for many years. When Boba set
out to try and capture Wat Tambor, near the end of the Clone Wars, Gab'borah and Ygabba presented
him with a new suit of Mandalorian armor, tailored to fit his thirteen-year-old body. Gab'borah also
provided him with a packet of gleb rations. (BF4, BF5)
the 18-year-old survey pilot of the Astrolabe, Gabby was killed near Doornik-1142. (BTS)
Gabell, Jerri
this woman was a loyal member of the pro-Imperial protest group known as Citizens Against Unrest.
Gaber Rollobad
this Sullustan smuggler was shot down over Corellia during the height of the Galactic Civil War, when he
tried to avoid being boarded by an Imperial customs detachment. Rather than allow his illegal cargo of
weapons to be confiscated, Gaber tried to escape by outrunning the Imperials. However, the Star
Destroyer Shrike was the flagship of the detachment, and made short work of shooting down Gaber's YT1210, the Boolarg. Gaber managed to get to an escape pod and landed on Corellia, near to where the
Boolarg crashed. When he discovered that he was still alive, Gaber tried to hire a team of freelance
agents to help him locate the weapons, which had been hidden inside a smuggling compartment.
However, the Empire got to him first, and Gaber was arrested for his crimes. (CCW)
Gablith Masquer
developed from the basic ooglith masquer, the gablith masquer allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to assume the
guise of certain non-human races, including the Duros. The gablith masquer could form itself into a
number of shapes and textures, and its activation spot was located on the wearer's neck. This
modification - the activation spot on an ooglith masquer was near the nose of the wearer - allowed a
Yuuzhan Vong to impersonate a species such as the Duro, which lacked a nose. (BP)
Gabo the Wicked
this male Aqualish was a noted criminal during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was captured
on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett, after a bounty was placed on his head for indecent
exposure and the distribution of illegal holograms. (BH)
Gabo Tychee
this male Rodian was wanted for a variety of undisclosed reasons by the Hutts, during the years following
the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was placed on his head by the Hutts, which was claimed when Tychee was
captured on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett. (BH)
Gabonna Memory Crystals
this highly-specialized computer crystal was used in the production of some of the galaxy's most
advanced security droids, during the last decades of the Old Republic. When the Clone Wars broke out,
the Old Republic restricted the availability of Gabonna crystals - along with other important technical parts
- to ensure that they were made readily available for the military effort. The primary consumer of these

crystals was Cestus Cybernetics, which used them in the production of the Cesta line of security droids.
Because of this, Cestus Cybernetics was forced to abandon production of Cesta droids, which caused
severe economic hardship on the planet. The corporation and much of the population on Ord Cestus
decided to remain neutral - even hostile - toward the Republic, rather than side with it against the
Confederacy of Independent Systems. When Count Dooku offered Cestus Cybernetices an abundant
supply of its own Gabonna crystals as payment for thousands of JK-series security droids, Cestus
Cybernetics eagerly agreed to supply the droids to the Separatists. (TCD)
Gabredor III
this heavily forested world was the site of the Karazak Slavers Guild loading base during the early years
of the New Republic. The Red Moons broke up the Guild's operation when they attempted to rescue the
children of the ambassador of Cantras Gola. The planet is located with the hyperspace route known as
Myto's Arrow. However, like many planets along the route, Gabredor III offered no real value to
developers and was ignored. This made it the perfect haven for smugglers and slavers. The average day
on Gabredor III lasts 22 standard hours, and its year lasts 352 local days. (SWJ8, TFE)
this woman was the smuggling partner of Danna, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ3)
this was the alias used by Wedge Antilles to meet with Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon. The
Gabrielle was supposedly a New Republic scout ship which was patrolling the space near the Reecee
side of the Black Bantha. Once their true identities had been established, Han turned over a wealth of
information on the Yuuzhan Vong's plans to attack from a fleet position near the Black Bantha. (SBS)
this Gacerite term means "leader of artists. It is the highest compliment a Gacerite can bestow on a nonGacerite, and was used to describe Imperial Governor Ulbrek Gostech. (PG2)
this planet is the fourth and primary world in the Gacerian System. It was a model of what the Empire
could have been if it had been more compassionate. The Imperial governor, while in complete control, left
the general populace to themselves. This had the effect of instilling the values of the New Order while
preserving many of the freedoms the people once shared. Gacerian is the homeworld of the Gacerite
race. It is a world of stark beauty: the lack of naturally beautiful landmarks makes those that exist much
more breathtaking. Gacerian also have no axial tilt, so it has no seasonal variations. Its days last 36
standard hours, and its year encompasses 375 local days. Gacerian has two natural satellites. One of the
main exports of the planet are beautiful gemstones mined there. The remnants of the Imperial occupation
control them, using slaves to extract the gems. (PG2)
this is the native language of the Gacerite race. (POT)
this alien race is native to the planet Gacerian. They are humanoid, but stand nearly three meters tall.
They have spindly limbs and no body hair. Their eyes have evolved into small, black orbs that protect the
optic nerve from the bright glare of Klozar. Their ears, on the other hand, are large, and the Gacerite
sense of hearing is very keen. The nostrils in their noses draw air into their primary set of lungs, while a
secondary set of nostrils - located in their necks - connect to a thirs lung. This arrangement allows them to
continue to breath while talking or singing. Their music is cherished throughout the galaxy; even Emperor
Palpatine was said to be fond of Gacerite dirge opera. The Gacerites have a classless society and a welldisciplined army, and they do battle with vigor whenever they compatriots play battle music. They also
make excellent translators, and often are chosen to reprogram 3PO droids. The average Gacerite lives to
be 150 years old. (PG2, AE)
a precious stone. (PP)

Gachoogai River
one of the primary waterways found on the planet Ylesia, the Gachoogai River is located between Colony
One and Colony Two. On a planet of shallow seas and swamps, the Gachoogai was anomolously swiftflowing and deep. (TPS)
Gackle Bat
this flying mammal was believed to be native to the planet Devaron. It was distinguished by its wide
wingspan and flat body. (NEGV)
this was one of the many moons which orbited the lifeless world of Triton. The religious Tritonites
established several retreats on the moon during the early years of the New Order. (WOA26)
this Rodian smuggler served as Falan Iniro's gunner aboard the Take That!. Gadaf was killed when Iniro
took the ship into battle before getting the signal from the Nar Shaddaa command base, and the ship was
destroyed by a Carrack-class picket ship. (THG)
Gadan, Addath
this woman served as a Senator to the New Republic, representing her homeworld of Vannix for nearly
twenty years when the Yuuzhan Vong first invaded the galaxy. Senator Gadan barely escaped from
Coruscant when the alien invaders captured the planet, and made a swift return to Vannix. Shortly
afterward, she met Leia Organa Solo on Vannix, breaking the news that Presider Sakins had fled the
capital. Senator Gadan was left in command of the government, opposing Admiral Apelben Werl in taking
command of the planet, with a vote pending in the coming days. Unfortunately for Leia, Senator Gadan
was on record as favoring a path of appeasement toward the Yuuzhan Vong. When she learned that Leia
had negotiated a deal with Admiral Werl to help win the election, Senator Addath boldly offered a wealth
of naval resources to Leia in return for help with the election. Leia balked, since the naval resources were
under the control of Admiral Werl. Addath tried to convinced her otherwise, but Leia revealed that Fasald
Ghem had been recording their entire exchange. Senator Gadan, suddenly on public record as bribing
Leia in order to win the election and capitulate with the Yuuzhan Vong, fled the planet. (EL2)
Gaddatha In'Kro
this Caamasi led a delegation of Old Republic diplomats to Aargau, during the early stages of the Clone
Wars, to investigate the InterGalactic Banking Clan's affiliation with the Confederacy of Independent
Systems. Much of In'kro's work centered around the IBC's funding of Hailfrire droid production, since a
large number of the droids ended up in Separatist armies. (SWI65)
this was one of the repulsorlift cities built by Lant Mining Corporation in order to mine the moon of Lish V.
Gadde was an eight-sided facility supported by ten massive repulsorlift engines. A minimum of six
engines were required to keep the city afloat, and the city managers only operated nine at a time in order
to effect repairs and perform maintenance. (FBS)
an alien race. (RASB)
the traditional weapon of the Sandpeople. A short staff, with a double-edged axe at one end and a hook
on the other. Also called a gaffi stick, they are often assembled from freighter plating. (SWN)
this was the nickname given by Ton Phanan to his R2 astromech droid. (WS)
Gadma dar
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase was a command that was used to tell another individual to activate a villip or
other piece of technology. (SBS)

this name, which meant "blessed", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
the native species of the planet Abregado-Rae and its surrounding system, the Gados were tall, thin
humanoids with long limbs and a worm-like head. A layer of short fur covered most of their body. What
made the Gado unique was the structure of their internal organs. Most every organ in the Gado body was
laid out in ribbons that ran throughout their body. This meant that any injury could be life-threatening, no
matter how severe. (HTTE, EGP, CCW)
this alien race was native to the planet Gadon 3. (TCD)
Gadon 3
this planet was a mining world, and the home planet of the Gadon race. Gadon 3 was the only known
world where Kif could be mined, making it a valuable member of the Old Republic. (TCD)
this was the ancient language of the Gado race, native to the planet Abregado-rae. Most knowledge of
the Gados language was lost when the Tundei regime took control of the planet. They declared that Basic
would be the planet's official language, and Gados faded into the past. (CCW)
Gados Flatboat
this was the name given to the amphibious vehicles used to nagivate the waterways of the planet
Abregado-rae. (CCW)
see Gadrin (LFC)
this was one of two cities founded by Reidi Artom, when she returned to the Cularin System after filing for
the discovery rights to it. It was considered a twin city to Hedrett. It is sometimes referred to as Gadren.
Gadrin was established at the base of Cloud Mountain, where the Estauril River flowed past it. Hedrett
was established across the river when the population of Gadrin expanded too rapidly. During the Old
Republic, Gadrin was ruled by an elected governor. (LFC)
this Twi'lek was a noted Spheroids player during the era of the New Order, although he lost more often
than he won. (GFT)
this computer slicer was an apprentice of the Keiffler Brothers before their organization was conscripted
by Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. A native of Pembric II, Gaelin was returned to his homeworld after Sarne
executed the Keiffler Brothers. Sarne used him as a source of information, hoping to gain information on
the Bombaasa Cartel. Gaelin tried to start his own business, but was captured by Crev Bombaasa and
locked in a warehouse basement, forced to work for the Bombaasa Cartel. Nevertheless, Gaelin
managed to provide regular reports to Sarne. After the crew of the New Republic corvette FarStar
stopped on the planet Pembric II, during its hunt for Moff Sarne, Gaelin was offered a chance for freedom
in return for his help in removing the trapdoors which were discovered in Sarne's starcharts of Kathol
Sector. Once free from the Cartel's control, Gaelin agreed to join the crew of the FarStar as a slicer.
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)

this Kobok served as one of General Koong's henchmen, working from the Tawntoom Citdael on Roon
during the early years of the New Order. When Koong destroyed the Citadel in an effort to kill Imperial
Admiral Screed, Gaff was believed to have been caught in the blast. However, investigation by the
Council of Confederated Provinces produced no body, and many Roonans came to believe that Gaff had
somehow survived the blast and fledd off-planet. (DCAR, WOTC)
see Gaderffii (COJ)
Gaffi Stick
see Gaderffii (SW)
see Gaderffi (MA)
this small corporation produced several models of high-tech furniture. (GFT)
an Imperial freighter charged with delivering a new warhead. The warhead had enough power to take out
an entire Imperial-I class Star Destroyer. The freighter was intercepted by the Alliance shuttle Herald, and
the warhead was stolen. (XW)
this man was an Imperial officer during the height of the New Order. Raised in the Core Worlds, Gage
found that his career path in the military was made simpler by applying his family's connections and
wealth in all the right places. Because of this, he never worked hard to gain the position of Captain. His
demeanor among his troops was often viewed with disdain, as he considered himself above the common
labor of the troops. He often rode in comfort aboard his Juggernaut during missions, preferring to remain
clean and dry. When he was given command of Lieutenant Janek Sunber and his troops on Maridun,
Gage was unable to comprehend why Sunber chose to walk on the ground with his troops, explaining that
Sunber was supposed to direct his troops, not get his hands dirty with their toil. Gage's commanding
officer, General Ziering disagreed with this position, believing that Sunber had his priorities straight and
inferring that Gage were the one who was out of line. When Ziering was injured during an Amanin attack,
Gage tried to assert himself as the group's leader, and relegated Sunber to construction detail. Ziering,
however, had no intentions of resting, and ordered Gage to lead patrol duty while Sunber was laboring.
Gage's poor judgment was quickly evidenced when his squad was ambushed by Amanin, and only
Sunber's quick actions saved his life. Unfotunately, Gage panicked before recognizing that the Amanin
had massed in incredible numbers for an all-out attack. When Frickett ordered his forces to fire, Gage
tried to clear his own name by fabricating a story about how he warned Frickett not to attack. A
subsequent request to have himself promoted to Commander after Frickett's death fell upon Ziering's
increasingly deaf ears. Hoping to regain his control, Gage tried to order Sunber to the front lines of their
defenses, but Ziering responded by placing Gage himself on the second line. Gage froze, unsure of what
to do because he had ignored Sunber's plan completely. When the Amanin attacked, Gage panicked and
ordered a retreat, leaving Sunber's squad cut off and defenseless. (SWELM)
this was a common name among the Lepi people. (UANT)
this was believed to have been the Jawa verb for "to kill". (T10)
Gaham, Dela
this scout was a friend of J'an Ane Jinder, and spent a great deal of time on the planet Mrlsst. (WOTC)

this male Trandoshan was one of the many thugs who worked for Gardulla the Hutt during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was issued for his capture by his own clan, shortly after the Battle
of Naboo, when Trosslik claimed that Gahseelik had "disgraced the clan by leaving Trandosha to work for
a filthy Hutt." Jango Fett later claimed the bounty on Gahseelik, during a mission to meet with Gardulla to
discuss the Bando Gora cult. (BH)
G'ai Solem
this was one of the many cities found on the planet Solem. During the early stages of the Galactic Civil
War, G'ai Solem was the site of Imperial Governor Malvander's seat of power. (SWES)
this planet is the site of the Marqua Spas. (SWJ9)
this human worked with Mosep in Jabba the Hutt's accounting and tax collection office. He was also
highly technical, and spent a lot of time in the repulsor-pool with Barada. (CCG7)
the philosophers of this planet once said that "a seed does not know the flower that produced it." (BTS)
this unusual predator was native to the rivers of the planet Ansion. The wide mouth of the gairk contained
no teeth and seemed to have little bone structure. Individuals often submerged their lumpy bodies near a
crossing and waited for unsuspected creatures to try and ford the river. The gairk would then open its vast
mouth and used specialized gills to pump huge amounts of water into its gullet, creating an intense
suction that pulled its prey into its mouth. Gairks often worked together in order to catch more prey, with
three or more gairks linking their misshapen maws to form a huge vacuum. (APS)
Gait, Loowil
this man was a member of the Coruscant police force during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo.
A dedicated officer who worked a beat in Coruscant's financial district, Gait once arrested a key member
of a defense organization who was negotiating a deal with the Techno Union. The deal eventually fell
through, prompting the Techno Union to issue a bounty for Gait's capture. Jango Fett claimed the bounty
sometime later, when he apprehended by Gait and his fellow officers. Fett had just killed the Twi'lek
Senator Trell, and Gait's gunship was the first to arrive on the scene. Fett managed to disable the gunship
and take control of the police officers who survived. (BH)
this woman was a member of the cleaning crew known as the Tripod, working on Bakura during the
height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH2)
a tribe of Gamorreans living on Pzob with Luke Skywalker, Cray Mingla, and Nichos Marr were stranded
there. At that time, the tribe was ruled by Bullyak and Ugbuz. (COJ)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
this planet was long ruled by the Tallah dynasty, which held sway over three social tribes: the city people,
the hill people, and the sea people. The planet was the homeworld of the Galacian race, and had three
natural satellites. The average day on the planet was short, and the period of daylight was very short. A
decade before the Battle of Naboo, the old Queen of the Tallah agreed to allow her successor to be
chosen by popular vote of all the planet's inhabitants. Each of the three tribes would choose a candidate,
and the leader would be chosen from among them. She recognized that the gap between the rich and the

poor was widening, and that a continued division would tear the planet apart. Obi-Wan Kenobi and QuiGon Jinn were scheduled to travel to this planet, after they survived their encounter with Xanatos on
Bandomeer. The Jedi were on a mission given to them by Yoda, to mediate the election of the planetary
leader. Instead, they were hijacked to the planet Phindar by Paxxi Derida and his brother, Guerra. After
Obi-Wan was captured by the Syndicat, he was "renewed" by Baftu and dropped on Gala. However, ObiWan had used the Force to resist the effects of the renewal process, and landed with his memories intact.
this planet, the primary world in the Galaanus System of the Corva Sector, served as the New Republic's
primary communications station in the sector. This gas giant provides ample cover for the relay station
situated on its northern pole, as well as covering a New Republic Intelligence base. The base was
eventually discovered by the Imperial splinter group known as the Kaarenth Dissension and destroyed.
The planet's day lasts 132 standard hours, and its annual rotation takes up 479 local days. (SWJ6, SWJ8)
this race of humanoids was native to the planet Gala. There were three primary tribes of Galacians: those
that lived in the city, those that lived in the hills, and those that lived on the sea. They were thin-bodied
creatures with pale, bluish skin which seemed to have a faintly-glowing luminescence. The Galacians
often referred to the color of their skin as "moonlight." Because sunlight was not abundant on Gala, they
were often referred to as "moon people." The Galacians held deep beliefs in the family structure, and
marriages were often arranged so that one or both families augmented their own strength. (HP, MOC)
Galacian Mining Corporation
this legitimate mining operation was set up during Deca Brun's campaign to succeed Queen Veda as
planetary governor. The corporation was really a front for Brun to acquire political backing from Offworld
Mining Corporation. If Brun had been elected, Offworld would have obtained the rights to mine over half
of Gala's surface, including much of the Galacian Sea. (MOC)
Galacian Sea
this vast ocean covered much of the planet Gala. (MOC)
Galactar Route
this street, found in Somin City on the planet Seltos, was where Marse and Sinya Deboora lived. They
occupied the twelfth house on the street. (TSK)
Galactic Access, Incorporated
this corporation owned and operated a number of starports during the New Order, including the Estaria
Central Starport. (HAS)
Galactic Alliance
see Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. (FH1)
Galactic Architecture
this magazine, based on the planet Cularin, detailed the most wondrous buildings and architectural styles
of the Old Republic. (WOTC)
Galactic Archives
this establishment, located in the city of Talos, on Atzerri, was found near the city's spaceport. It
proclaimed itself as "a one-stop source for everything that's worth knowing." Luke Skywalker stopped
here, hoping to obtain information on the Jedi Knights, during his travels with Akanah. He picked up some
tomes, but they were obvious fakes. (SOL)
Galactic Bandits
a series of holofeatures which celebrated some of the galaxy's most infamous pirates and shipjackers.

Galactic Banking Network

a collection of banks throughout the galaxy that have linked their assess together to allow free movement
of funds. (SWSB)
Galactic Capital Bank
this old Jedi Knights used this financial institution for much of their business, during the last centuries of
the Old Republic. (RP)
Galactic Caucus
this meeting was called by the Alliance shortly after the Battle of Endor. Its goal was to determine the
correct form of government to put in place of the Empire, prior to the full construction of a New Republic.
Galactic Center, The
one of Lando's mystical expletives. (LCM)
Galactic City
this was the name used to describe the capital city of Coruscant, during the last years of the Old
Republic. With the advent of the New Order and Emperor Palpatine's rise to power, the city was
eventually remained Imperial City. At its height, more than twelve billion individuals lived in Galactic City
alone. (E1A3, IWE1)
Galactic Civil War
the war waged between the factions of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Empire which
embraced Palpatine's New Order. (SW)
Galactic Constitution
the document which laid the foundation for the Old Republic. (SWSB)
Galactic Core
the area of the galaxy immediately surrounding the Deep Core, it is also known as the Core system of
worlds. It includes Coruscant. (DE1, SWSB)
Galactic Corporate Policy League
this outwardly law-abiding and legal group of individual interests was secretly a cabal of plutocrats tied to
Senator Palpatine and the ideals of his New Order. They resented the legal prohibitions on slavery, stripmining, and credit-hoarding enforced by the Old Republic, and openly supported Palpatine's bid for
Presidency. They petitioned Palpatine for the loosening of governmental controls, and Palpatine listened
to them. Once he was established in office, Palpatine placed them in control of the Corporate Sector by
naming them the founding members of the Corporate Sector Authority. (CSA)
Galactic Correctional Authority
this huge correctional conglomerate sprang up during the last decades of the Old Republic, when the
concerns of the galaxy's rulers outweighed their concern with the well-being of the galaxy's most remote
worlds. Based in the Outer Rim Territories, GCA maintained several penal colonies for the incarceration
of criminals captured and convicted throught the Outer Rim. One of the most famous of these colonies
was located on Oovo IV, because it was also the site of several pro-circuit podracers. (RAC)
Galactic Costume Extravaganza
this annual event was sponsored by Elwis Bontraar during the last decades of the Old Republic. The
event was attended by business leaders, military personnel, and other wealthy beings, all of whom were
required to wear an unusual costume and spend an entire day and night sharing all manner of
information. The event, which was usually an open-invitation event, was held aboard the Bontraar's
immense yacht, the Masquerade. Because entry to the Extravaganza did not require an invitation, any
being could attend and exchange information without ever revealing their true identity. (WOA22)
Galactic Court

this is the highest-ranking judicial court in the galaxy, formed by the New Republic some years after the
Battle of Endor. (POT)
Galactic Courts of Justice
this complex of buildings, located in the former Galactic City on Coruscant, housed a multitude of
courtrooms and juryrooms used during trials of interstellar importance. (IWE1)
Galactic Criminals Act
developed and implemented by Xanatos on his homeworld of Telos, this law allowed the government to
obtain police resources to capture offworld criminals. Xanatos' primary goal in instituting the law was to
obtain any help he needed to capture Qui-Gon Jinn, if the Jedi Master ever traveled to Telos in an
attempt to capture Xanatos. (DOR)
Galactic Crystal Creations
this employee-owned corporation purchased the rights to the planet Garnib. It used the planet to create
wondrous pieces from the unusual Garnib crystals and market them throughout the galaxy. (PG1)
Galactic Cultures - A Visitor's Guide to the Galaxy
a travel guide which documents the various human and aline cultures found on the galaxy's most
population tourist destinations. (ML)
Galactic Cup of Limmie
this was the galaxy's largest, professional series of bolo-ball matches, held annually during the last
decades of the Old Republic. Bolo-ball was synonymous with limmie, being the name used outside the
Core Worlds. Since the Galactic Cup was sponsored primarily by Core World corporations, the matches
were known as limmie. (HNN4)
Galactic Dance Blast
a jizz tune played by the Max Rebo Band. (TJP)
Galactic Defense Review
a periodical produced during the Old Republic and, for a short time, early in the New Order, the Review
described the Navy's best weapons and strategies. It also offered commentary. (RPG)
Galactic DelSoli
this sport was contested in Rayter Sector. An annual tournament was the talk of the bars for many weeks.
Galactic Drift, The
one of Lando's mystical expletives. (LCM)
Galactic East
in order to ascertain and provide direction in the void of space, pilots and navigators modified
conventional thoughts of directions. Just as East on a planet was defined to be the direction of a planet's
rotation, toward the point from which the sun rises, Galactic East was defined as the direction in which the
galaxy spins. (SWED)
Galactic Electronics
a development firm located in the Corporate Sector, Galactic Electronics defied the Imperial ban on
weapons sales and worked closely with the Alliance to develop the mag pulse weapon just after the Battle
of Hoth. The Empire did not look kindly on businesses that defied its orders, let alone defied them in
support of the Alliance. An assault on the company's Pondut research station left the company without a
major research center. (TIE)
Galactic Encyclopedia, The
this vast collection of information documents nearly every major fact in the known universe. (DE1)
Galactic Exotics

a Twi'Lek business venture working with agricultural goods that are rare. They developed the shalaman
and podon orchards on Belsavis. (COJ)
Galactic Fair
this traditional fair was the highlight of Fete Week, each year on the planet Coruscant. It was held all
along the Glitannai Esplanade, providing visitors a glimpse of the wide range of cultures and civilizations
that made up the Old Republic. A glorious parade traveled the length of the Esplanade and ended in the
Pliada di am Imperium, at the base of the Imperial Palace. Here was also the site of the Grand Display,
which included displays created by various planetary governments. The Galactic Fair was renamed as
the Imperial Fair during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. (CCW, SWJ5)
Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
this was the name given to the government formed by Chief of State Cal Omas, after the fall of the New
Republic and the loss of Coruscant to the Yuuzhan Vong. Omas hoped that the various sections of the
galaxy which had been isolated by the war - including the Unknown Regions and the Imperial Remnant would join the scattered forces of the Republic in creating a Galactic Alliance which would fight back
against the alien invaders. (FH1)
Galactic Footwear
this small business, located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, offered a wide range of shoes and foot gear
for a variety of species. (GA)
Galactic Games
this sporting event, which was held every seven years since it originated some 80 years before the Battle
of Naboo, was hosted by a different planet each time. Created in order to promote galactic peace through
sport, the Games consisted of many different events featuring a wide range of activities, and were
administered in such a way as to eliminate favoritism or unfair advantages. Betting on the Games,
regardless of where they were held or how far away the bettor was, was illegal, in order to further
enhance the fairness of the events. Many of the events were fast-paced, and some were dangerous. All
were chosen for their appeal to the masses, in order to ensure that there was as much entertainment
value as there was personal satisfaction among the athletes. (JQ3)
Galactic Games and Competitions
compiled and edited by V.F.G. Corvallin, this massive tome collecting information on the multitude of
sports and games which were played throughout the galaxy. The original edition was produced during the
last decade of the Old Republic, and annual updates were made each year. (GFT)
Galactic Gourmet's Galaxy Guide
this reference guide highlights the various cuisines found throughout the galaxy's inhabited worlds. (ML)
Galactic Great Seal
this was the term given to the emblem of the Old Republic. In some cases, the Great Seal was
surrounded by the individual seals of the Thousand Worlds. (T)
Galactic History Foundation
this research group sought to create a complete picture of the history of galaxy. (COG)
Galactic Horizon
this Ithorian herdship was under the command of Captain Roogak during the early years of the Galactic
Civil War. (GMR6)
Galactic Humane Society
active during the last decades of the Old Republic, this group sought to put an end to the cruelty that was
often perpetrated on non-sentient creatures throughout the galaxy. (BH)
Galactic Medical Central
this is the formal name of the New Republic medical team working in the Meridian Sector, based on Nim

Drovis. (POT)
Galactic Miner's Guild
this was the Empire's official body that governed and controlled the mining of gases from gas giant
planets. (CCG5)
Galactic Museum
this huge museum, located in the Coco District of Imperial City on Coruscant, has survived the various
political changes that have swept around it. The museum is the home of many records detailing the Old
Republic's growth as well as that of the Empire. There are a number of Sith and Jedi artifacts stored
there. The Emperor Palpatine cut all funding for the museum during his rule, keeping the knowledge
contained within from the public. He did, however, leave enough money for the museum to carry on his
legacy. When the Rogue Squadron pilots infiltrated Coruscant following the Battle of Endor, they found a
vast holographic display in which Darth Vader lamented over the death of Palpatine at the hands of the
treacherous Rebels. Vader's image claimed that Palpatine was visiting a new "planetary ore extractor" another name for the second Death Star - when the Rebels attacked. The image went on to claim that the
Rebels were going to steal it in order to destroy Imperial planets, when Palpatine offered them
forgiveness. The Rebels then killed him and stole the extractor. Much of this pro-Imperial propaganda
was removed by the New Republic, following the liberation of Coruscant from Ysanne Isard, and was
replaced with failry neutral depictions of the Galactic Civil War. (ISU, WG, SOC, WOTC)
Galactic News Network
this newsfeed reported on the events of the Outer Rim Territories, during the early years of the New
Republic. (SWJ6)
Galactic News Service
a network which allows the entire New Republic to receive news as it happens, designed by the man who
created the Skydome Botanical Gardens on Coruscant. It was here that Voren Na'al got his start as a
reporter covering the Corsin swoop races. (MTS, TLC)
Galactic North
in order to ascertain and provide direction in the void of space, pilots and navigators modified
conventional thoughts of directions. Given that Galactic East was defined as the direction in which the
galaxy spins, Galactic North was defined as the direction in which one would fly to move toward the "top"
of the galaxy, at a right angle to Galactic East. (SWED)
Galactic Outdoor Survival School
known throughout the galaxy as simply GOSS, this organization was noted for training some of the most
skilled survivalists in any military. Founded by Barosa Warren on the terraformed world of OM813, GOSS
provided students with the opportunity to learn survival skills in those environments which were most
hostile to their own physiology. Thus, a Mon Calamari student could learn how to survive in desert areas.
Graduates described the school as a combination of educational facility and survivalist camp, with a
crude mentality and an excellent result. (AIR)
Galactic Patrol
this search and rescue operation was formed by the New Republic, and was missioned to assist disabled
starships. (POT)
Galactic Phrasebook and Travel Guide
this was one of the Old Republic's most comprehensive collections of travel information. Regular updates
and installments were made to the Guide, allowing readers to pick and choose what parts they needed to
read in order to prepare for a trip to another world. (HNN5)
Galactic Plague, The
this group of alien musicians pounded out bad songs at the Lazy Bergruutfa Cantina on Betha II. (SWJ8)
Galactic Podracing Circuit Underwriters' Union

this collection of insurance agencies provided backing to the various podracing arenas and leagues that
were operating during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The union insured racers and support
crews, as well as the arena operators for all manner of possible issues. (BH)
Galactic Podracing Promotional Board
during the last decades of the Old Republic, this body was responsible for promoting the image of
podracing as being based on speed, excitement, strategy, and sportsmanship. Racers like Sebulba made
their job challenging, and the general public paid to see the crashes more often than the racers
themselves. (NEGC)
Galactic Polysapient Medical Center
this multi-sentient-species medical hospital was founded on the planet Alderaan during the Old Republic,
and was known for its research and techniques for a wide range of races and species. The facility was
home to no less than seventy-three unique environment zones and corresponding operating rooms, and
could treat every known carbon-based form of life found in the galaxy. Additionally, its doctors could
handle the medical needs of many silicon- and halogen-based lifeforms. Many of its graduates and
doctors referred to it as the Big Zoo, because of the fact that one could encounter virtually any form of life
in its halls and rooms. It was said that if a being was alive and reasonably conscious, sooner or later
you'd see it at the Big Zoo. (MJH)
Galactic Power Engineering
this manufacturer once produced podracing engines and parts, as well as complete racers like the GPE3130. (IG1)
Galactic Radicals
this band of criminals and miscreants was active during the last decades of the Old Republic, during
which time its members caused all sorts of trouble for "straight" criminals. Mnay other criminal
organizations wanted the Galactic Radicals eliminated, because the members often horned in on their
activities, taking all the loot but never getting arrested. New members were recruited into the organization
by Boozoo "Bogey" Boga, who hijacked bounty hunters and liberated their quarry. If the bounty chose to
do so, they could join the Galactic Radicals. Otherwise, they were disposed of in short order, so as not to
reveal the gang's location. (BH)
Galactic Rebels
this hologame was created during the early years of the New Republic, and allowed players to take on the
personae of the heroes of the Alliance in defeating Imperial forces. (AFA)
Galactic Recreational Equipment Industries
a subsidiary of MK Enterprises, this leisure and fitness equipment manufacturer maintained 13,387 retails
outlets across the galaxy during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ6)
Galactic Registry
the document which describes all the peoples and races that have joined the galactic government. It was
established by the Old Republic, and revised during the early years of the New Republic. (COJ)
Galactic Regulatory Commission
this body, an extension of the New Republic, was responsible for setting the value of currency throughout
the galaxy. (SWJ15)
Galactic Representative Commission
this branch of the Old Republic Senate was made up of junior Senators who represented the minority
races on their homeworlds. The Commission allowed for a wide range of viewpoints to be addressed, not
just the condensed versions some Senators maintained in order to remain efficient. (NEGC)
Galactic Republic
the original name of the Old Republic, this galaxy-spanned government was founded after the discovery
of hyperspace travel and communications. (TOJ, SWDB)

Galactic Research Academy

this was the name given to several installations dedicated to pure research. One of the main locations
was established on the planet Koaan. (GOF4, GOF7)
Galactic Resorts
this holozine provided reviews and information on the most exclusive and exotic resorts in the galaxy.
Galactic Rim on 100 Credits a Day, The
a tourist's guide to the planets and sights of the Outer Rim. (RPG)
Galactic Scout Corps
this was one of the Old Republic's most respectable scouting unions. (GMR6)
Galactic Senate
this was the term used to describe the galaxy-spanning Senate of the Old Republic. There were 1,024
seats available in the Senate Rotunda on Coruscant, meaning that many systems formed alliances in
order to obtain a single vote. The Senate was presided over by the Supreme Chancellor. The Galactic
Senate was renamed to the Imperial Senate as soon as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself
Emperor. (DLS, SW1, IG1)
Galactic Senate Chamber
see Senate Rotunda (CCW)
Galactic Society of Recording Artists
this affiliation of musicians and singers provided employment and security for the galaxy's entertainers.
Galactic Spice Mining Guild
this guild flourished in the Outer Rim Territories during the last decades of the Old Republic, as the
Republic began to turn inward and ignore the activities of the more remote planets. (RAC)
Galactic Sports Update
this regular HoloNet newsfeed provided updates on the most important sporting events in the galaxy,
during the last years of the Old Republic. During the height of the Clone Wars, GSU was often recorded
for distribution to remote battlegrounds, to help provide some news of the outside galaxy to the
combatants. (MJH)
Galactic Standard
this was the name given to the Basic language, in the Marvel Comics Star Wars series. (LTA2)
Galactic Standard Time
this was the standard form of measuring time throughout the galaxy, and was based on current time of
day on Coruscant. Most chronometers had a feature that allowed the user to check their own current time
against the Galactic Standard. Most starships also had a setting that would maintain shipboard time at the
Galactic Standard, thereby defining day and night aboard ship. (GOF3)
Galactic Top 40,000
this was a regularly-updated list of the most popular 40,000 songs, gathered from across the galaxy
during the last years of the Old Republic. (MJH)
Galactic Union Day
this was a sort of holiday observed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. Small celebrations were held to commemorate the formation of the Alliance. (SWERS)
Galactic Universal Translator
known as a GalUT, this computer interface device analyzed and interpreted the handshaking protocols of
unkown computer systems and facilitated the exchange of data between. (EGW)

Galactic Voyager
Ackbar's MC90 star cruiser, he took it to Anoth to help avert Furgan's attempt to kidnap Anakin Solo. It
was one of the largest Mon Calamari cruisers ever built, and was part of the New Republic's naval
backbone. (COTF, DS, JASB)
Galactic Weekly NewsStack
this counter-culture publication rose to prominence in the Outer Rim Territories during the Galactic Civil
War. Known as a virastack, it took the form on a computer virus which was innocently passed from
network to network, dispersing itself even into the Core. At a pre-programmed date and time, the virus
blossomed into a tabloid-style news-feature that was displayed on data screens. This blossoming routine
once nearly overrode the controls of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in the Septevorres System. The
NewsStack contained hilarious and derogatory stories on the galaxy's most prominent figures, including
Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and Jabba the Hutt. COMPNOR initially ignored the
NewsStack, believing that its popularity would be short-lived. However, its virus-like intial form was
passed to so many networks and systems that COMPNOR couldn't foresee the explosion. The
NewsStack became a thorn in COMPNOR's side, since it harassed the New Order at every turn. (SWJ3,
Galactic Wildlife Liberation Front
this group was formed during the last decades of the Old Republic to combat the growing criminal
activities involving the smuggling and illegal breeding of indigenous species, especially those which were
endangered or unique to certain planets of environments. (BH)
Galactic Zoology Monthly
this periodical was dedicated to the study of the incredibly diverse zoology of the galaxy. (EGA)
Galacticon Insurance
an insurance company known throughout the galaxy for its personal policies. (RM)
Galacticorp Mines
this mining operation was headquartered in Somin City, on the planet Seltos. They were under the
nominal control of Magister of Trade Sinya Deboora, who was working to keep the Empire supplied with
ores mined by Galacticorp. (TSK)
GalactiDroid Architecture
creators of a number of galaxy-wide standards for automatons. (RPG)
Galae, Pash
this man, a native of the planet Utrost, grew up during the early years of the New Order. He was one of
the few members of his family to recognize that the Empire was inherently evil, and set out to join the
Alliance when he was sixteen. Pash worked as a computer slicer for many years, helping to decipher the
Imperial transmissions that passed through the Core. He eventually became a member of the Special
Operations team, and was infiltrated into the educational system on Anaxes to assist in the defection of
Imperial Admiral Arhul Holt. (CCW)
this young, dark-skinned man was a student at the Royal House of Learning, in the city of Theed on his
homeworld of Naboo. Galak was also a volunteer member of the Royal Security Force, and had been
trained by Captain Panaka himself. When the Trade Federation invaded the planet, Galak joined the
Naboo Underground with many of his classmates, supplementing his official duties with clandestine
missions for the resistance. (IOT)
Galalloy Industries
manufacturers of the first true probe droids, they designed automatons that could search planets and
asteroids for mineable metals and fuels. They developed these initial probe droids well before the Clone
Wars began. (SWSB)

see Galaneever-marmalios (UANT)
Galan Starfighter
this starfighter was often used by two-being Jedi teams, for traveling on their missions when away from
Coruscant. (JQ3)
this planet was the homeworld of the Galandan people, and was noted as the birthplace of H'kig and the
H'kig religion. (DFRSB, WOTC)
this near-human race was native to the planet Galand. Tall and wiry, the Galandan people had pale gray
skin. Those Galandans who joined the H'kig religion chose to use the term "Galandan" to refer to those
natives of the planet Galand who refused to join the H'kig religion. (WOTC)
this Squib, who preferred the nickname Galan, was a noted individual in the history of the planet Skor II.
this planet, located in the Utos System of Farlax Sector, was the homeworld of the Fia. Galantos was
found in the Core Worlds, just outside the bounds of the Koornacht Cluster. Its surface was covered with
gelatinous pools which were dotted with small islands. The crust of the planet was broken into tectonic
plates, and the landmasses were subjected to regular seismic vibrations. Thus, the cities built by the Fia
had to withstand strong seismic activity. Most of the transportation on Galantos was based on balloons,
which allowed them to move about with investing in roadways that could be damaged by earthquakes.
When Borsk Fey'lya was named the Chief of State of the New Republic, he chose to ignore Galantos and
the Fia as unimportant, an act which later led the Fia to break off communications with the Republic while
negotiating with the Yuuzhan Vong. (BTS, SOL, EGP, FH1, CCW)
Galantos Guard
this was the primary naval defense force created to protect the Fia and their homeworld of Galantos. For
many years, the Galantos Guard was on duty to protect against an invasion by the Yevetha. Years later,
the Galantos Guard provided a warning against the arrival of New Republic forces, after the Fia agreed to
provide information to the Yuuzhan Vong in return for resources and perceived freedom. (FH1)
Galard Stables
this Geonosian hive was populated by those aberrant drones who were forced to fight in the gladiator
arena but managed to survive the battle. Although technically exiled from their clan, the aberrants of the
Galard Stables were nonetheless revered for their ability to survive. (VD2)
this young Selkath male was part of a group of several Selkath youths who were tricked into joining the
Sith on the planet Manaan, during the height of the Great Sith War. His companions were told that Galas
was returned home, although he was later found by a group of Jedi Knights. He had been tortured and
badly injured by the Sith. (KOTOR)
this one of the many small mining settlements established on the planet Kallistas. Much of the planet's
gemstone mining was based in Galas. (GG10)
this Kerestian bounty hunter was an associate of Reglis Taal, and was known as a sort of bounty hunter
vigilante. He preferred to hunt down those other hunters who had broken Imperial laws, and was often
fined by the Empire for excessive damages during his hunts. Galasett once tried to bring in the Barabel
hunter Baraduk, hoping to bring in the other alien and claim a bounty maintained by the governor of

Herios IV. Baraduk defeated Galasett in one-on-one combat, and Galasett vowed to have his revenge
sooner or later. (GG10, GG12)
this was a casino game which catered to the very rich and wealthy beings of the galaxy. (EOV, GMR8)
Galasol Game-girl
this was the term used to describe any of the beautiful, voluptuous women who waited the tables on
galasol casinos. (EOV, GMR8)
Galasol Strip
this wide avenue, located near the primary spaceport on the planet Bonadan, was framed on either side
by a collection of overpriced casinos and cantinas. (EOV, GMR8)
Galax Titan
Mikos Argdran arranged for passage aboard this ore freighter, during the Alliance's search for Shondra
Del in the Elrood Sector. Argdran was traveling with the Alliance agent searching for Del, being on the run
from Loag assassins employed by Lud Chud. It was commanded by a man anmed Kortho Hatanga. The
Galax Titan was an aging X46-7 Ore Carrier, which was virtually dead in space whenever it was loaded
with cargo. It was armed with four laser cannons, to protect whatever cargo it was carrying. (OE)
Galax Viper Volley Gun
this was an anti-vehilce gun produced by Kurtough during the early years of the New Republic. A large
weapon, the Galax Viper employed a collection of missile launchers in a single unit, each designed to fire
shortly after the previous one. This produced a "curtain effect," with a continuous volley of projectiles
striking the vehicle and eliminating most deflector shields. (SWJ3)
Galaxies Theater
this was one of the most prestigious theaters located on the planet Coruscant, during the last years of the
Old Republic. (OWS)
Galaxis Award
this literary award was presented annually to the best novel produced in the previous year, during the last
decades of the Old Republic. (MBS)
Galaxy 500
this device allowed stock brokers and individual investors to monitor galactic stock markets, provided they
were within the device's range to access and download information. (GFT)
Galaxy 9 News
this was one of the largest news reporting agencies within the Pentastar Alignment. They were able to
operate with a certain level of freedom, but often used undercover agents to infiltrate the Alignment's
most secretive branches. (SWJ3)
Galaxy Chance
this ship is a floating casino, catering to the gaming needs of its passengers. The Khuiumin Survivors
hoped to execute Zlece Oonaar by intercepting the ship, some years after the Battle of Endor. It was a
modified Corellian CR90 Corvette, and was created to be a smaller version of the Errant Venture. It was
even painted red, the color Booster Terrik hoped to use on his Star Destroyer, but couldn't find in
sufficient quantities. It was defended by six TIE-wing Uglies. (IJ)
Galaxy Destructor
this was one of the terms Han Solo used to describe an Imperial superweapon, during his discussion with
Vana Dorja following the Battle of Coruscant. (DW)
Galaxy Gladiator Federation
this was the governing body which controlled the underground world of arena gladiator fighting. Shortly

before the Clone Wars, the Federation was faced with opposition from a number of fronts, primarily
because it lacked sufficient planning to handle the wide variety of alien abilities and disparate fighting
styles found throughout the galaxy. (HNN5)
Galaxy Grill
this small restaurant was located on Vertex Street, on Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. It was run by a being known as Endami. (EVE)
Galaxy Gun
the Empire's most recent super weapon, deisgned by Umak Leth and built in the Byss drydocks after
Palpatine was reborn a second time after the Battle of Endor. The Galaxy Gun is capabale of launching
intelligent projectiles into hyperspace. These projectiles can then exit hyperspace on their own, at precise
coordinates. Once out of hyperspace, the projectiles can strike immediately at their targets, without any
advanced warning. The Emperor managed to destroy the New Republic's base on the Pinnacle Moon of
Da Soocha V with a missile from the Galaxy Gun. However, during the defense of Byss, the Galaxy Gun
was rammed by the Eclispe II as it emerged from hyperspace. The Galaxy Gun fired a missile during its
destruction, which explosed inside the planet Byss. The resulting explosion wiped out the Imperial fleet,
killing all Imperial personnel in the blast. (DE2, EE)
Galaxy News Service
this news agency was one of the original Signatory Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority, and was
second only to Imperial HoloVision in terms of overall readership. (CSA, SWJ11)
Galaxy of Peace
this was a term used by the Korunnai natives of the planet Haruun Kal to describe the "perfect world"
which they felt the Old Republic believed itself to exist in. The so-called Galaxy of Peace was a facetious
term, indicating a place where rules were rules and were never broken, and where every race worked
together in harmony. Most Korunnai felt that their own position, in which they were fighting for their lives
with the Balawai, was so far outside the realm of the Galaxy of Peace that the Old Republic could not
understand their position. (SHPT)
Galaxy of Stars
this was the booking agency used by Xaverri, during the early years of her career as an illusionist. (THG)
Galaxy of War
this was a term used by the Korunnai natives of the planet Haruun Kal to describe the actual state of the
galaxy, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. In direct opposition to the Galaxy of Peace they
felt the Old Republic believed in, the Korunnai understood well that nothing ever existed in peace. Even in
peaceful times, there existed struggles and battles and wars, as was the case on Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
Galaxy Publishing
this non-voting contributing sponsor of the Corporate Sector Authority specializes in infotainment
brochures, holopromotions, and media. (CSA)
Galaxy Shop
located on Darknon Station, this meager general store offered the bare necessities to visitors. It the
heyday of Darknon's existence, the Galaxy Shop sold all sorts of tourist items and novelties from across
the galaxy. Over the years, the shop has been maintained by the Chadra-Fan merchant T'nadar Nadar.
Galaxy Tours
an intergalactic tourism coporation, Galaxy Tours uses a number of original-condition MC80-class luxury
liners to transport guests to any number of exotic locations. The company's most famous ship, the Kuari
Princess, was its flagship. Galaxy Tours was also a non-voting contributing sponsor of the Corporate
Sector Authority. Their headquarters were located on the planet Sullust. (RPG, CSA, SWTJ)
Galaxy Wanderer

the luxury starship hijacked and ransacked by the Malorm Family. (CSA)
Galaxy Ways Theme Park
found on the world of Aralia, this was one of many facilities attacked by Ranats, as tribal warfare
escalated and hunting grounds dwindled. (GMS)
this was one of Kuat Drive Yards most powerful ion engines, which saw use on the Nebulon-B frigate.
Galaxy-class Playhouse
this was the designation of the very best theaters and playhouses found in the galaxy, during the height of
the New Order. (SWJ5)
Galdos Stouff
this being was training as a Jedi Padawan, apprenticed to Sora Bulq during the years leading up to the
Clone Wars. Stouff accompanied his Master to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, and was one of the
many Jedi who particpated in the Battle of Geonosis. (IWE2)
this man was one of the many Jedi Knights who gathered on Ruusan to fight against Lord Kaan and the
Brotherhood of Darkness. A friend and supporter of Lord Hoth, Lord Gale was killed in one of the early
struggles against the Sith. (JVS)
Gale Team
this Alliance freighter unit was formed from the remnants of the Kwuennox Smugglers organization. It was
originally commanded by Ozik Poyiu, and many of the former smugglers felt that a smuggler shouls have
been promoted to succeed him instead of Aven Cholus. Their resentment at her appointment resulted
inpoor performance, and Cholus was demoted. (SWJ11)
Gale, Ratambo
this evil-looking man was one of the few beings in the galaxy who owned a datadagger which was
actually used to assassinate someone. A noted member of the Malkite Poisoners, Gale worked for the
elusive guild for more than forty years, most of them on the planet Chadnrila. Gale was hired by unknown
forces during the early years of the New Republic to rattle the Governor of of Chandrila, Jovive Centi, by
killing her bodyguard, Tristan Pex. While the assassination attempt seemed to be directed at Governor
Centi, Pex was the actual target. His mission compltede, Gale melted into the crowd and implicated a
group of offworlders in the crime. (WOTC, CCW)
Gale, Reina
this was a smuggler who parents joined the expedition to colonize the Mindavar System. Reina was one
of the few members of the group who survived a virus that killed her parents before the colony could be
established. She was placed in the custody of her uncle, who was forced to turn over over to a Hutt
crimelord to cover a gambling debt. The Hutt sold her into slavery, and over thenext twelve years she
became a hard, cold woman. When her Sullustan master acquired a Gigoran slave, Reina was the only
member of his slaves who could talk to him. Reina and the Gigoran, who was named Rollos, escaped
from slavery when Rollos destroyed the Sullustan's camp. The pair stole the slavelord's starship and fled,
taking up the life of smugglers and swindlers. Reina once tried to run a deal on Arcura, but she was
stopped by a group of Imperial AT-ATs there. (SWJ4)
according to Ewok legend, this wind spirit kept the air fresh in Ewok huts. (GCG)
this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in
the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)

a scientist by trade, this Radnoran and his sister, Curi, were working together on a project that would
produce a variety of destructive weapons, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The pair had
planned to sell their work to Dol Heep and the Avoni, but Curi discovered the plans and put a stop to any
sale. Galen was angry, hoping to reap huge profits for himself and his family. He made a separate deal
with the Avoni, unleashing a endemic plague in Aubendo in order to evacuate the planet Radnor. In this
way, Galen could appear to coordinate the evacuation while really helping the Avoni obtain the
technology they wanted. In reality, he was getting the Radnorans off-planet so that an Avoni invasion
force to sweep in and take control of Radnor. The Avoni plans were discovered by the Jedi Knights who
were sent to Radnor to handle the evaucation, and Galen was confronted by his sister, Curi. Curi held
him at gunpoint for more than two hours before security forces arrived to take him into custody. (JQ1)
Galentro Armaments
this was the arms and weapons division of Galentro Heavy Works, which produced a number of explosive
devices during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ3)
Galentro Heavy Works
this company controlled the government on Bescane, and operated the Jaemus shipyards. Galentro also
built the Enforcer-class picket cruiser for the Empire. (SWJ3, SWJ9)
Galentro's Rangers
this was the name of the secret police and security force maintained by Galentro Heavy Works, as a way
to protect its corporate leaders and assets. (SWJ3)
Gale's Central Club
this popular meeting place and drinking establishment was located on Bespin's Cloud City, during the
height of the New Order. (GMR3)
this man served as one of the cooks aboard the Mon Remonda, during the New Republic's hunt for
Warlord Zsinj. Galey, disgruntled by the self-impression that most of the Naval personnel held him in
contempt, had allied himself with Zsinj for the right price. Galey's role was part of Project Chubar and, as
Zsinj's agent, he was to speak certain key phrases to specific members of non-human species. These
non-humans ahd been brainwashed by other Zsinj supporters, and were programmed to kill the individual
described in Galey's seemingly inane phrase. Galey's first command was to trigger Tal'dira's
programming. Shortly afterward, he activated Nuro Tualin's programming. Both Twi'lek's acted during the
Republic's response to a distress call from Jussafet Four, with Tal'dira trying to kill Wedge Antilles while
Tualin tried to destroy the Mon Remonda. He was detained for questioning by the security forces aboard
the ship, since several pilots had seen him talking with the Twi'leki pilots. (SOC)
this biomedical firm was one of several corporations bidding for the rights to build a bacta refinery on
Verkuyl, some three years after the Battle of Endor. They built and operated a refinery on New Cov, a
facility that was built under budget and on schedule. (TFNR)
Gal'fian'deprisi City
this was the largest of the cities built by the Fia on their homeworld of Galantos. It was located in the
middle of the Gar'glum Sea, and resembled a giant clamshell croiwned with needle-sharp steeples. (EGP,
Gal'fian'deprisi City
this city was located on the opposite of the planet Galantos from Al'solib'minet'ri City. (FH1)
this jizz tune was made popular by Evar Orbus and His Galactic Wailers. It remained a hit for the band's
new incarnation, the Max Rebo Band. (SWI67)

daughter of King Ommin and Queen Amanoa of Onderon, she was raised in the walled city of Iziz but fell
in love with Oron Kira, the prince of the Beastmasters. They were married following Amanoa's death,
bringing together the Onderonian peoples and ending the centuries-old Beast Wars. She later became
the Queen of Onderon. (TOJ, FNU)
it was on this planet that the Jedi Knights defeated the Mandalorian Shocktroopers, two years before the
Battle of Naboo. The Mandalorians had been called to Galidraan by the planetary governor, ostensibly to
defeat an insurrection force that threatened his rule. Jango Fett later discovered that the governor had
been paid by Vizsla to help lay another trap for the Mandalorians. In the hopes of ensuring the defeat of
the Mandalorians, Vizsla had ordered the governor to call for the help of the Jedi Knights, claiming that
the Mandalorians were actually slaughtering the populace because of their political beliefs. While this was
in essence true, since the governor had hired them to eliminate the rebels, there was enough
embellishment to bring a Jedi task force to Galidraan. The Jedi eliminated the Mandalorians in the Battle
of Galidraan, and Jango Fett was turned over to the planetary governor as a slave. (JFOS)
a race of creatures native to the planet Fyodos, the Galidyns are huge, scaly, intelligent lizards. The
Galidyn have small, prehensile forepaws, and large wings. The average Galidyn measures five meters in
length, and has a wingspan of nearly ten meters. The Galidyn live to be thousands of years old, and each
mating produced just one egg every 100 years. Xenobiologists discovered that there were a few Galidyn
that had survived the Great Cleansing of the ancient Fyodoi. They Galidyn love ideas and discussion, and
have keen intellects and intense curiosity. They speak the same language as the Fyodoi, but a highlyrefined, pure version of it. They tolerate the Fyodoi. The Galidyn have formed eight cities on Fyodos, and
each is rulde by a Galidyn steward. When cornered or angered, Galidyn could be ferocious fighters.
(PG2, AE)
Galindas Exports
this mass-market fencing operation was part of the Tenloss Syndicate, and maintained a number of
asteroid storage facilities near the planet Lucrenn. (GG11)
Galinolo Subservient
this droid manufacturer produced the Mark VII Attendant Droid. (TA)
Galinolo XiX
this blaster pistol was produced during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
Galinolo XX
this model of sporting blaster came in a personal-use version as well as a Diplomatic Edition for use by
ambassadors and statesbeings. (SWJ1)
this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. It referred to a smith who worked with common
metals. (GCG)
this man served as the sheriff of The Landing, on the planet Engebo V. He was a former miner, employed
by Outer Rim Oreworks, who lost an eye in an accident. He was given a huge compensation and given
the position of security chief at the ORO mines. When ORO pulled out of the Engebo V mines, Gall
accepted a position with Jaffro Davengatt, leading the security team that protected Davengatt's nerf
ranches. Gall was one of the few beings to escape Engebo V, after the Madman's Fortune crashed onto
the planet and released a swarm of skekfish. (WOA10)
this moon of the gas giant Zhar was the site of an Imperial enclave during the Galactic Civil War. The
enclave was the home base for the Imperial fleet which patrolled Cadavine Serctor. The southern

hemisphere of the moon is ravaged by cyclonic storms. It housed a pair of Star Destroyers and their full
complement of TIE Fighters. Lando Calrissian discovered that Boba Fett had taken Han Solo there, after
his flight from Bespin, to get repairs made to Slave I after a run-in with IG-88 over Tatooine. Lando, Leia
Organa, Chewbacca, and Dash Rendar tried to intercept the bounty hunter and recover the body of Han
Solo, but were unsuccessful. (SE, SSE, SESB)
native to the planet Dagobah, the galla plant produced seeds which were edible. (VD)
this being was a noted crimelord - more often referred to as a Crimex - who worked on the planet Lianna
during the last decades of the Old Republic. A massive police operation was formed to ensure his
capture, after it was learned that he was moving goods and information through the Tion Commerce
Tower. (GCG)
this elder Duros founded Galladinium's Galactic Imports, some fifty years before the Battle of Yavin.
this company is known for its gladiator walkers, used in many illegal wargames. (SWJ8)
Galladinium Galactic Exports
based on Lenthalis, this galaxy-wide technology supply company was founded with the mission of
providing the latest in new technology to its customers. First open for business some fifty years before the
Battle of Yavin, Galladinium's made their inventory available throughout the galaxy via the Galladinium's
Galactic Datalog of Fantastic Technology, a yearly publication which documented the current inventory.
Galladinium Galactic Exports
this was one of the galaxy's largest shipping corporations, at the height of the New Order. (SWJ12)
Galladinium's Datalog
this publication of Galladinium Galactic Exports regularly detailed all the goods available for sale from the
corporation. The datalog was banned by the Empire when it was discovered that members of various
resistance groups, including the Alliance, were obtaining weapons from the Datalog. (SWJ12)
Galladinium's Galactic Datalog of Fantastic Technology
this publication, which celebrated fifty years in business shortly after the Battle of Yavin, was the primary
source of information on the inventory of Galladinium Galactic Exports. It was produced yearly, and
detailed all the latest technology for personal and business use. (GFT)
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)
Gallamby, Daclif
the heir-apparent to the Corellian Diktat, Dupas Thomree, early in the reign of Emperor Palpatine. When
Thomree died suddenly, Gallamby was named Diktat. This moved Trackan Sal-Solo from his position of
heir-presumptive into the second-in-command position. (AS)
the son of a commoner from the planet Ylix, Gallandro grew up unaware of the wars between his own
planet and the nearby world of Goelitz. When terrorists from Goelitz murdered his parents while he
watched, Gallandro was thrown into the world of violence. He was placed in an orphanage until he was
old enough to sign up for duty in the military. He became an excellent soldier; he felt that to be anything
less than the best was to end up like his parents. His hatred for the Goelitz made him sharpen his skills,
and his victories became almost legendary. When a mission to attack a hospial went bad - Gallandro's

quik reflexes made whirl and fire, killing an elderly nurse caring for several young orphans - he came
face-to-face with the reality that he just didn't care anymore about anything. He was a soldier, after all. He
was part of the forces that eventually defeated the Goelitz. Deprived of work but still highly-skilled,
Gallandro hired himself out as a bodyguard, mercenary, and bounty hunter. He single-handedly hijacked
the Quamar Messenger before being contracted by Odumin to kill the Malorm family, which he did with
ease. He reached them on Matra IV just before a Malkite Poisoner could catch them, and Gallandro was
also forced to kill the Poisoner. This got him into a feud with the Malkite Poisoners' Guild which lasted ten
years. During this time, Gallandro killed more than half of the Guild's elite leaders. Gallandro was then
offered a full-time position as one of Odumin's operatives while Odumin was a territorial manager with the
Corporate Sector Authority. Gallandro arrived on Ammuud shortly before Han Solo and Fiolla, and tried to
figured out the best way to deal with the possible exposure of the slave trade. He worked with Reesbon
clan to determine that a challenge to the new Mor Glayyd would eliminate his power and and leads.
Gallandro was hired to play the part of an offworlder who offended the Mor Glayyd's sister. The plan was
to lure Ewwen into a death-duel, which he would surely lose, or force him to step down as Mor Glayyd,
reducing his reputation. Gallandro was ready to kill Ewwen when Han Solo stepped in to fight for Ewwen.
Recognizing that Han was a somewhat-experienced gunman, Gallandro opted to back out of the duel
himself, rather than risk death. As he was leaving, he quickly drew his weapon and knocked out a number
of holotargets, showing at least Han that he was an incredibly fast and accurate gunman. He re-appeared
as Han was trying to leave Ammuud, overtaking the Falcon in an Authority warship. When he boarded the
Falcon and ordered Han to fly it back to the spaceport, he also asked for Zlarb's data plaque. Han gave it
to him, triggering the security case's neuro-charge. Gallandro was disabled, and Han neutralized him.
Han allowed Gallandro to escape, which allowed Gallandro to set out on a mission of revenge against
Han. Gallandro's search for Han Solo continued until he was able to intercept Han on Dellalt. When
Gallandro learned of Han's involvement with Badure and Hasti, he began making contacts with J'uoch
and R'all, and was on the planet when Han and his group arrived to search for the Queen of Ranroon.
Gallandro aided J'uoch insomuch as it allowed him to gain access to Han Solo. When the two met up,
they eventually came to an uneasy truce, agreeing to split the treasue of Xim in return to Han's life.
Gallandro never intended to go through with the agreement, and when he had Han Solo alone in the
starship's, hold, he tried to eliminate Han. Skynx interferred, drawing Gallandro away from Han. When
Gallandro tried to follow Skynx into the actual treasue hold, the ship's anti-weapons systems opened fire
on Gallandro. He was incinerated by the combined blast of a number of laser beams. Gallandro was a
gaudy dresser, and was known for his gray hair and long, droopy moustaches, into which he braided
golden beads. (HSR, HSL, CSA)
Gallandro, Anja
this woman was the daughter of the gunslinger Gallandro, born shortly before he was killed on the Queen
of Ranroon. He had met her mother on Anobis, just as the civil war there was breaking out. He left to find
fortune and glory, and left her on Anobis. Her mother came from a mining family, and she was devastated
when news of Gallandro's death came. She made sure that Anja knew who killed her father, although she
mistakenly believed it was Han Solo. Anja's mother was killed in the early battles of Anobis' civil war,
leaving Anja an orphan. Anja left the planet as soon as she could stow away, and eventually ended up on
Ord Mantell. There, she became addicted to andris spice, which helped to heighten her senses and skills
as a warrior. She came into possession of an ancient lightsaber, which she wielded almost as well as a
Jedi. A small woman with long, dark hair held back from her face by a rune-covered leather band, Anja's
lightsaber was acid-yellow in color. She eventually went ot work for Czethros, and jumped at the
opportunity to exact revenge on Han Solo when they plotted to kill him during the 93rd Blockade Runners
Derby. The attempt failed, but she confronted Solo and demanded he attone for her father's death by
trying to solve the problems on Anobis. She hoped he would die in the war, but he managed to survive.
She then decided to join the Solo children on Yavin 4, in an effort to remain close to Han and help
Czethros kill him. However, the more she came to know Jaina and Jacen, the more she began to doubt
Czethros' motives. She tried to fit in with the young Jedi students, but she first battled to overcome what
she felt was a small spice habit. However, she was unable to free herself of andris' lure alone. She fled
Yavin 4 by stealing the Lightning Rod from Zekk and traveling to Kessel, where she bullied her way into a
hangar and set out to find a vial of spice. She hoped that one more dose would help her get beyond the
pain of withdrawal, but soon found herself mistaken. A chance meeting with Lilmit later reveealed
Czethros' treacherous manipulation of her emotions, and she turned away from Black Sun. She helped

Cilghal and Jacen eliminate a Black Sun stash of spice beneath the polar icecaps on Calamari, then finaly
beat her addiction. She lef the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 with a new set of friends, and went to work for
Lando Calrissian as a pilot. (ROM, TCC, CCR)
this was an Alliance escort carrier, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)
this New Republic Majestic-class cruiser was assigned to the Fifth Battle Group. It took part in the
unsuccessful blockade of Doornik-319, but survived the counterassault. (SOL)
Gallant Sun
this Victory-class Star Destroyer was destroyed by Alliance forces at the shipyards at Pendari. The
Alliance employed a computer slicer to discover the ship's refitting schedule, and the information allowed
the Alliance to destroy the ship with minimal loss of life. (GG11)
Gallapraxis System
this star system was once under the control of the crimelord Drex. (T18)
this alien creature was native to the planet Trinta, and was the only pure herbivore on the planet. It
resembled a small deer, and traveled in herds of twelve or more individuals. Of the few who have visited
Trinta, many have discovered that the gallaze can be hunted for its meat. (DOE)
Galleefryn II
this jungle planet was freed from Imperial control by the Alliance, in a struggle which took place more than
ten years before the Battle of Endor. (TBSB)
this small, unarmed transport ship was developed during the last years of the Old Republic. The Imperial
Navy recycled these cargo ships, using them primarily as troop transports. (REB)
Galleria Shop
one of the many boutiques found aboard the Kuari Princess. (TFE)
this is the larger of the two continents on the planet Zelos II, recently renamed in honor of Galleros Nul.
Galleros Nul
this Zelosian is the charismatic leader of the planet Zelos II. He is unique among Zelosians in that he has
trained himself to enjoy the darkness. He has overcome his race's instinctive fear of the night, and is often
seen walking the dark streets, reassuring his people of their safety. Ever since the Empire arrived on
Zelos II and was thought to be driven off, Nul has kept the planet under a blanket of martial law. Nul
considers himself the Mandated Commander of the People of Zelos, often using the title Commander. His
word is the absolute law on Zelos II, and he has not relinquished it despite the belief that the Empire has
left the planet. He is distinguishable by his jet-black hair and military dress. After Jai Raventhorn and the
New Republic were tipped off to the Imperial presence on the planet, their strike team was killed and
Raventhorn was captured. When she was rescued, along with Dirk Harkness, Jai captured the Imperial
officer commanding the base and called Nul to let him know about the hidden garrison in the Valley of
Umbra. Shortly afterward, Nul disavowed any support for the Empire, and petitioned to have Zelos II be
admitted to the New Republic. (PG2, TFNR)
Gallia, Adi
this beautiful, brown-skinned woman was a Jedi Master during the last years of the Old Republic. Born to
Corellian parents who were diplomats on Coruscant, she was quickly recognized for her strength with the
Force. After years of training, she became one of the twelve members of the Jedi Council shortly before

the Battle of Naboo. Adi Gallia chose tro dress in the plain brown robes of a Jedi, but wore a Toloth
headdress. She was known among the Jedi for her abilities of intuition and information gathering, and
maintained a vast network of informants across the planet of Coruscant. Through this network, she
discovered that the Trade Federation was building droid-controlled starfighters and was planning to
blockade the small planet of Naboo, in an effort to force the Old Republic to lift its taxation of trade routes.
The Federation attempted to stop her on Esseles, but she was rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan
Kenobi. She brought this information to the attention of Chancellor Valorum, who requested that two Jedi
be dispatched to Naboo to negotiate a settlement without the interference of the Senate. Although she
chose not to use it unless all other options had failed, Adi Gallia owned a crimson-bladed lightsaber. Her
golden skin was accented by blue facial markings. Adi Gallia was portrayed by Gin in Star Wars: Episode
I - The Phantom Menace. (SW1, IG1, E1A1, FFT, SWDB)
Gallian Firestone
this variety of firestone was found on the planet Gall. Most of the Gallian firestones were black in color,
but varied in their crystalline structure. Some had a purely crystal matrix, while others had a boulder
matrix. (MBS)
Gallienis IV
this was the name of the planet Bridin Anchorage, before Quarlo Bridin took control of it. (GG11)
this verdant, wilderness planet was the homeworld of the life-forms which are known as Rainbow Gems,
and was part of the Hapes Cluster. During the era of the New Republic, Hapan scientists established an
outpost on the planet, where they worked with a variety of unusual, biotechnology. This technology was
based on work which was rumored to have created the original rainbow gems. (TB, GMR8, DJ)
a Ripoblus modified CR90 corvette used to attack the Dimok science station Youst. (TIE)
located on the large moon Shesharile 5, Gallisport served as the capital for both Shesharile 5 and
Shesharile 6. It was the home of a number of swoop gangs, including the Spiders and the Raging
Banthas. (GG6, SWJ6)
this corporation was known for its development and production of wheelbikes. (SWJ6)
this swarthy man owned and operated Galliwig's Cantina during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Galliwig's Cantina
this seedy bar was owned by Galliwig during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (DARK)
this species of fish was native to Naboo. (GCG)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. The name referred to a species of fish that was native
to Naboo. (GCG)
Gallo Memm
this eccentric crimelord owned Streysel Island, on the planet Vaynai. An avid collector of rare artifacts,
Memm made his fortune on Vaynai by allowing island businesses to profit from tourism and offworlder
spending. He then levied hefty taxes on local businesses, maintaining a balance between thievery and
laxity. To supplement his income, Memm maintained the Shrine of Kooroo - located on the site where his

cliffside estate was built - as a place of pilgrimage. With his credits, Memm collected a treasure trove of
unique art, weapons and armor, and his collection rivalled that of many museums. A team of freelance
thieves once tried to steal a suit of Felenar Armor from his collection, during the height of the New Order.
While the thieves were caught by Memm's Weequay guards, he admired their skill and determination, and
hired them to help him acquire more pieces for his gallery. (GMR8)
Gallo Mountains
this range of low mountains cut across the main continent of the planet Naboo. (IWE1)
Gallofree Medium Transport
developed and manufactured by Gallofree Yards, this clamshell-hulled craft was noted for its ability to
carry virtually any type of cargo. It was officially known as the GR-75, but most beings simply referred to
the vessel as the Gallofree Medium Transport. The upper and lower sections of the hull could be opened
independently, so that modular cargo crates could be loaded in a variety of configurations. At ninety
meters in length, the Gallofree Medium Transport could accommodate up to 19,000 metric tons of cargo.
It required a crew of six to operate, and was originally designed with quarters for up to forty passengers.
In its basic configuration, the Gallofree Medium Transport was armed with four turret-mounted twin laser
cannons, and was giving an enhanced shielding package to handle the various cargo configurations. A
Class 4 hyperdrive gave the ship sufficient hyperspace capabilities, and its engine array allowed the ship
to reach a top speed of 650 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. (RASB, EGV, WOTC, NEGV, IWST)
Gallofree Yards, Incorporated
this corporation manufactured a series of transport starships, like the Medium Transports used by the
Alliance on Hoth. Gallofree was a small company trying to make it in a crowded transport market, but their
marketing and service successes failed to keep it afloat. Gallofree went bankrupt several years before the
Battle of Yavin, although many of their ships are still in service. (RASB, EGV, WOTC)
a Mugaari cargo ferry destroyed when the Empire subjugated the Tungra Sector. (TIE)
Gallorr, Arno
the son of Mortris Gallorr, Arno owned and operated Gallorr's Light Repair Shed in the boomtown of
Corestrike, on the planet Chrona, during the early years of the New Republic. He disagreed with Mortris'
plans to protect the planet from criminals by hiring mercenaries and outside interests. It was later
revealed that Arno had been corrupted by the crimelord Themog. (SWJ12)
Gallorr, Mortris
this man served as the Town Council Adjunct of Corestrike, on the planet Chrona, during the early years
of the New Republic. It was Gallorr who first advertised for individuals to serve as protectors of the planet,
after it was overrun by crimelords and gamblers. He was the founder of Gallorr's Light Repair Shed, and
established the business before Corestrike was incorporated into a township. He longed for the peaceful
days before gambling and crime took over the planet's economy, a vision his son Arno disagreed with. He
and his grandson, Selmar, and his daughter-in-law, Serise, were kidnapped by Themog and held for
ransom, until a group of freelance soldiers defeated Themog and freed the Gallorrs. With Themog's
demise, Mortris was able to break the criminal yoke which held Chrona and re-establish the law. (SWJ12)
Gallorr, Selmar
this young boy was Arno Gallor's son, but he was more like his grandfather Mortris than like Arno. Selmar
was extremely gifted with his hands, and could tale apart almost any droid and repair it so that it worked
better than before. Selmar was entranced by the mercenaries his grandfather hired to protect Chrona,
and wanted to learn how to fire a blaster. (SWJ12)
Gallorr, Serise
this young woman married Arno Gallorr shortly before the Battle of Endor. (SWJ12)
Gallorr's Light Repair Shed
located in the town of Corestrike, on Chrona, this garage was owned and operated by Arno Gallorr.

Gallou, Rennie
this woman served as one of the Alliance's supply officers at the Massassi Base on Yavin 4. (SA1)
Elea Poista's false identity Kel was supposedly born on this planet. (GG2)
one of the many warring clans of Th'iruckai. (GMS)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "talented" in the Sullustan
language. (GCG)
this herd beast roamed the plains of Naboo, and could also be found living in the deserts of Tatooine.
Named for the unusual sound they made while searching for food, galoomps were proteted by their
armored, horned hide. The tail of the galoomp ended in a small, bony knob that was filled with loose
cartilage and was shed once each year. The Gungans of Naboo collected the discarded knobs for use as
baby rattles. The desert variety of galoomp was known to bury itself in the sand, with just its back
showing, in order to escape sandstorms. (GF, WSW)
Galous, Pinac
this Imperial economic advisor, assigned to the planet Ord Grovner, instituted a 15-percent increase in
consumption taxes required from all Oute Rim citizens during the Galactic Civil War. Galous cited the
increase in "rebellious attacks" and the rising costs of rawmat as the basis for his tax increase. This
increase met with heavy civilian opposition, especially since Galous announced that the added Imperial
revenue would be used for unspecified military funding. (SWJ9)
Galov Sector
this area of the galaxy is located in the Outer Rim Territories. (SWJ2)
Galpos II
possible destination of the GrimDeath I when it was intercepted by Spacetrooper Platoon 243-XT. It is
part of the Woldona System. (SWSB)
GalResource Industries
one of the many subsidiaries of TaggeCo, which was one of the original Signatory Sponsors of the
Corporate Sector Authority. (CSA)
Galsol Strip
see Galasol Strip (FP)
this corporation produced a wide range of starship diagnostic tools. (GFT)
this colony planet was located on the boundary between the most inhabited parts of Kathol Sector and
the Marcol Void. (DARK, KO)
Galtea Run
this hyperspace pathway runs through the Marcol Void, connecting Galtea with Timbra Ott and linking the
main section of Kathol Sector to the Kathol Outback. It is one of two such hyperspace routes through the
Void. (KO)
this akk dog had bonded with the Korunnai guerilla known as Chalk, during the years leading up to the

Clone Wars. After Chalk died during the siege of Pelek Baw, some six months after the Battle of
Geonosis, Galthra fled into the jungle and was not seen again. (SHPT)
this is the capital city of the planet Gala. Once grand and impressive, it became run-down during the last
years of the Beju-Tallah Dynasty. The city was built on three hills, with the royal castle situated atop the
tallest hill. This made it visible from any location in the city. (HP, MOC)
Galub Sea Slug
a parasitic ocean creature native to Spira, the Galub sea slug was known to grow up to two meters in
length. These incredibly stupid creatures adhered themselves to larger creatures, boring into their skin
and sucking the blood from their bodies. Because of their limited intelligence, Galub sea slugs often
mistook boats for living hosts, and attached themselves to passing ships. (SWJ1)
Galven Pattern
this pattern of electronic circuits lines the inside of a blaster barrel. It is formed by a static pulse field
created by micro-electronics built into the barrel. It modulates the power of the energy and light emitted
from the Actuating Blaster Module. (CFG)
Galvoni III
this planet was the site of an Imperial military communcations complex infiltrated by Voren Na'al in an
attempt to gather information on the Death Star project. (MTS)
Galvronos Givin Interchanges, Limited
this Givin export company procured a variety of Givin technology for sale throughout the galaxy, during
the height of the New Order. (GFT)
see Gravitic Amplitude Modulator (FH1)
GAM Missile
developed by Merr-Sonn, the Gravity Activated Mode missile can home in on intense infrared sources,
such as vehicle exhausts. It also has an onboard computer that be selected for targetting the gravitywave anomalies produced by repulsorlift usage. The GAM missile can pursue a target for up to 40
kilometers before it exhausts its fuel source. (ISB)
Gama System
this planetary system is home to the Gama-Senn race, which bowed to the reborn Emperor Palpatine
after seeing the destructive capability of the Galaxy Gun. (EE)
Gama, Tira
this woman was a native of the Corellian colony world of Tralus. There, she met and married Denn Solo.
She became pregnant shortly before a group of raiding pirates began attacking the outer worlds of the
Corellian System. She gave birth to twins just before Tralus was attacked. She managed to flee the attack
with a girl, whom she later named Tiion. Denn Solo fled with the other child, a boy, but was never heard
from again. When Tira returned to Corellia, her father wiped out all memories of Denn, to make it easier
on his daughter. (TPS)
Gamall Wironicc
this Klatooinan wanderer was rumored to have sacrificed himself on the battlefield, in an effort to ensure
that his comrades survived to fight another day. Somehow, Gamall himself managed to survive the battle,
but he could not return home for fear of being deemed a coward. He ended up on the planet Tatooine,
and found himself indentured to Jabba the Hutt. Gamall longed to live a better life, but knew that it was
not his fate. (CCG12)
this was one of the planets in the Iskalon System, and was considered the twin of Iskalon itself. During

the height of the New Order, Gamandar was swiftly subjugated by the Empire, which erected an immense
citadel to serve as the primary garrison in the system. This planet was the homeworld of a humanoid race
which was also known as the Gamandars. (MC74)
this race of slow, dim-witted humanoids was native to the planet Gamandar. They were distinguished by
their lanking limbs and rust-colored fur. When the Empire arrived in the Iskalon System, they quickly
subjugated the Gamandars and used them as slave labor in the construction of a citadel. (MC74)
a race of humanoids that inhabits the Gama System. They voluntarily submitted to the reborn Emperor
Palpatine, following the demonstrations of the power of the Galaxy Gun. They withheld their allegiance
until the Gun was fired, so that they could determine which side of the war to align with. (EE)
Gamb, Tord
this man, a native of Port Evokk, was known as a conman and sam artist during the early years of the
New Republic. He later managed to steal information on the Republic's defense net around Asmall, and
was wanted by the authorities. (WBC)
this was the name of Captain Amarith's personal starship, a highly-modified SoroSuub Luxury 2800 yacht
which was armed with a double laser cannons and a turret-mounted, retractable blaster cannon. It had
been owned by a Ho'Din crimelord who was put out of business during an Alliance action against his
organization. Amarith was the leader of the action, and took the Gambit for her own ship, all in the name
of the Alliance. Captain Amarith loaned the Gambit to a team of Alliance agents she dispatched to Ando,
in an effort to discover the truth behind the Empire's Ando Project. (SWJ11)
this was Lando Calrissian's callsign, some two years after the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, during
his participation in the Eclipse Project. (SBS)
this planet was the sister world to Arcopola. (SWJ11)
Game Chambers of Questal
this is a collection of puzzle-filled rooms maintained by Moff Bandor on Questal, during the Galactic Civil
War. The chambers included a space simulator, a laser maze, a pit of winds, a quarry, and the chamber
which housed the hurlothrumbic generator. The various rooms were connected with tunnels which
vibrated like earthquakes and were strewn with motion-activated lasers. Populating the chambers and
tunnels are the various creatures and outlaws captured on Questal by the use of the generator. These
denizens are kept angry by the generator, so that Bandor can toy with new prisoners by placing them in
the chambers and giving them the chance to survive. Other mercenaries and soldiers are employed by
Bandor, and patrol the chambers with special helmets that block the waves of the generator. A group of
Alliance agents, searching for Tiree, managed to successfully negotiate the chambers and destroy the
generator. (GCQ)
Game, The
this gambler's paradise is located on the planet Sorotarr VI. (GG9)
any gaming table with the capability to project holographic images into its surface, such as a holochess
table. (SW)
this caste of Bosph was made up of those individuals which excelled at hunting the wild umuls and favria.

an Alliance shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War, it was one of the groups that tried to
assassinate then-Vice Admiral Thrawn when he arrived at the new NL-1 station. (TIE)
Games, The
this series of military battles is staged among the warrior caste of Rabaanite society. The Games provide
a way for warriors to test their skills against other warriors, while weeding out the weaker opponents in
search of the planet's champion. The strongest and most capable warrior is named the planet's
champion, and is sent to the Combat Moon whenever a dispute arises between Rabaan and S'krrr.
a Krish crimelord who controlled the Morodin-hunting safari business on the planet Varont. He got much
of his funding from Jabba the Hutt, although he hated the fact that he had to work for Jabba. After Jabba's
death, Gamgalon reclaimed his independence. His business on Varonat was actually a front for his
harvesting of Yagaran aleudrupe plants, and was highly illegal because Morodin were sentient creatures.
He paid off the local Imperial Moff to maintain his lucrative business, which involved fertilizing the
aleudrope plants with Morodin slime. This caused them to become a form of catalyst that could create
blaster fuel that was even better than spin-sealed tibanna gas. When Talon Kaarde discovered the
operation, Gamgalon nearly eliminated the smuggler. However, in a standoff that resulted in the death of
Quelev Tapper, Mara Jade - also known as Celina Marniss - killed Gamgalon before he could execute
Kaarde. (SWJ1, EGC, TFE)
this unusual, female alien was known for her telepathic abilities. A native of Constancia, Gamine was also
loyal to the Alliance, and provided assistance to the fight against the Empire during the years following
the Battle of Yavin. Distinguished by her short stature, paunchy belly, white hair, and luminous blue-black
eyes, Gamine appealed to the Alliance for assistance in defeating the Imperial forces which tried to
subjugate her people. The Empire wanted their natural telepathy to use as a weapon against the Alliance,
but Gamine and her people resisted. The appearance of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo helped eliminate
the Imperial threat, freeing Constancia from Imperial control. (LAT1)
Gaminne Group, Incorporated
a mining conglomerate operated almost exclusively within the Lan System. Gaminne took control of the
system some 1,300 years before the Galactic Civil War, shortly after the system was discovered by Old
Republic scouts. GCGI bought the mining rights to the system from the native Qieg, and negotiated the
establishment of a human settlement. GGI's management of the system was even-handed, and
eventually the human and Qieg societies became intertwined. In the millennia since its establishment,
GGI itself was dissolved, but the mining operations in the Lan System continued throughout the Galactic
Civil War. (SWJ1)
Gamma Flux Broiler
this device is used to prepare food. (CSWEA)
this was the designation of Voort saBinring, while he was a test subject under the control of Tuzin Gast.
Gamma-class Assault Shuttle
heavily armored fighters with a good deal of armament, these ships often required a droid to perform
navigation. Manufactured by Telgorn Corporation for the Empire, these 30-meter ships were amon the
heaviest-shielded craft in the fleet. They were used to shuttle zero-G troops into battle, and were equally
capable in an atmosphere, deep space, or hyperspace. Each Gamma-class shuttle boasted the following
shipboard components

4 Taim & Bak KT6 Heavy Blaster Cannons

Nordoxicon Wavefront-active Tractor Beam projector

Telgorn Twin-tandem flight computers

Kel-Mar Steady State power coupler

Fabritech UL.2 power modulator

Telgorn IA/4 Fusial Thrust reactors

Novaldex Deflector Shield generator

Concussion missile launcher


Fonterrat stopped at this planet, shortly after recovering the Emperor's Plague from its Imperial
storehouse. He unknowingly released the plague, for Nolaa Tarkona had booby-trapped her payment with
a small sample of the plague. When he opened the container after landing on Gammalin, the plague was
unleashed as he passed tainted credits to the human population. Tarkona used the trap as a way of
proving the plague's effectiveness. The humans, after realizing what Fonterrat had done, threw him in jail.
He languished there and eventually died when his human captors succombed to the plague. (TEP)
this term of endearment was used on Brentaal to describe one's grandmother. (IDC)
Gamor Run
a legendary smuggling run that has been overrun by pirates and hijackers. (DE1)
this planet is the homeworld of the Gamorreans. It has a varied but temperate climate and ecology. The
planet's poles are covered with frozen tundra, while the equator is covered with deep forests and jungles.
The average day on Gamorr lasts 28 standard hours, and its year lasts 380 local days. There are very
few large settlements on the planet, and the largest are controlled and populated by entire clans of
powerful females. (SWSB, COJ)
this was the largest pharmaceutical corporation based on the planet Gamorr, during the last decades of
the Old Republic. GamorrCare specialized in the production of all manner of hygiene goods for
Gamorreans. (HNN4)
a race of large, green, pig-like aliens from the planet Gamorr, their history is a violent and bloody one.
The female Gamorreans handle all of the necessary productive work while the males wage annual wars
during the combat season. It is for this reason that the Gamorrean society is matriarchal. Gamorrean
genealogy is the science of a select group of females who memorize songs and sotries that contain the
complex history of each family. The six-breasted females often take a senior as well as a junior husband.
They only used primitive weapons during the combat season, saving their more advanced weapons for
off-planet use. The males are broken up into four castes: the warlord (the most powerful male of his clan,
usually married to the matriarch), the clan boar (any other married male that make up the clan's military
leaders), the tuskers (unmarried males who have hired into a clan as warriors), and the veterans (old,
retired males who have more often than not been injured and can no longer fight). Gamorreans also have
a deep-seated hatred of droids. Their normal body temperature is 105 degrees. The planet Gamorr was
eventually discovered by human traders, who were able to force the Gamorreans into submission through
a series of 'negotiations,' and took the Gamorreans with them as slaves, body guards, soldiers, and

bounty hunters. Jabba the Hutt employed a number of Gamorreans in his army. (ROTJ, SWSB, COJ,
see Gamorrese (UANT)
Gamorrean Hard Case
this song, written and played by the band Deeply Religious, was banned by the Imperial Board of Culture.
It first appeared on the compilation Deeply Religious. (GG9)
Gamorrean Interstellar
this was a mining corporation active during the New Order. (GG10)
Gamorrean Rot
this disease originated on the planet Gamorr, although it eventually mutated to affect non-Gamorrean
races over time. (GCG)
Gamorrean Slime Cat
this unusual feline has a layer of jelly-like slime covering its fur. They are hard to control, despite their
timid nature. (GOF3)
Gamorrean Snack-cracker
this tasty snack food is often dunked in malted drinks. (SH)
this was the name given to the native language of the Gamorrean race. (EGP)
a Ripoblus Lambda-class shuttle group used during the Sepan Civil War, as well as in battle against the
Empire. (TIE)
a creature that is served stuffed with grains and grasses. (TJP)
Gan Jan Rue's Traveling Menagerie
Bollux once worked for this entertainment troupe as a general roustabout. (HSE)
this immense creature was produced by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve as a form of meeting room. Little
more than a fifteen-meter-long disk at birth, a ganadote was raised by keepers who knew how to train the
creature to grow a certain way. In many respects, the ganadote was simply a mouth, and anus, and a
huge stomach. However, as it grew, a ganadote generated a collection of smaller side-stomachs, which
were altered by artificially-administered hormones to become chambers and rooms. The organic valves
which shut off the stomach became doors, and the ganadote itself became an immense collection of
meeting rooms and conference areas. Well-crafted ganadotes were trained to allow their tongues to be
used as portable podiums. By applying pressue with a foot or staff, a Yuuzhan Vong could tell the
ganadote to move the tongue virtually anywhere within its body. (EL2)
Ganar Tos
this ancient Zisian served as Teroenza's majordomo at Colony One, on Ylesia. In his old age, Ganar Tos'
eyes were rheumy and his skin was wrinkled and hung in loose flaps. When Bria Tharen began working
as Teroenza's museum cataloguer, Ganar Tos took a liking to her. He asked for, and received,
Teroenza's permission to marry her. She balked, but tried to maintain her demeanor as a pilgrim and
worker. When she escaped with Han Solo, Ganar Tos was heartbroken. Throughout the next decade,
Tos remained with Teroenza, and was one of the few members of the entire operation to survive the
Battle of Ylesia. (TPS, RD)

this violet gas giant planet was the fifth world in the Both System, and was orbited by fourteen moons. It
was named for a character in Bothan mythology. (SPG)
primary planet in the Ganath System, an undiscovered section of the galaxy that is cut off from the space
near Nar Shaddaa by a huge cloud of interstellar gas. Like the rest of the system, Ganath has lagged
behind the rest of the galaxy in terms of its technology. They are limited space travel capabilities, and
have not yet developed a hyperdrive. Han Solo and Princess Leia stumble onto the Ganath System while
trying to escape from Boba Fett on Nar Shaddaa. (DE2)
this was the native language of the Gand people. (ANT)
a species of sentient life that has developed in the gases of the planet Gand. Two distinct subspecies of
Gand are known to exist. One subspecies evolved without lungs, while the other retained their lungs.
Those Gand with lungs were able to survive in the various gases of their homeworld, but required special
breathing apparatus in order to survive in oxygen-based atmospheres. The lungs of the Gand are quite
efficient, able to utilize nearly 85 percent of the atmosphere they breathe in with each breath. It was later
discovered that those Gands with lungs could not regenerate body parts like those of the other
subspecies. It was discovered, after the Galactic Civil War, that the other subspecies of Gand had
regenerative properties. These Gand are also lungless, and could go for long periods of time in toxic
environments. The Gand have developed a totalitarian monarchy, and various colonies of Gand live in
pockets of mist in the gas giant's atmosphere. When renegade Gand are sought, findsmen are sent out to
locate them. When the Empire overran the planet, the findsmen were presented with advanced
technology with which to hunt their targets. The better findsmen became bounty hunters. The Gand hold
their names in great reverence. A Gand who has accomplished nothing in his life is simply known as
"Gand." When a Gand completes a task, they are given their family's surname. A further accomplishment
provides the Gand with a proper name. Pronouns are almost never used, and are reserved for those
famous Gand who have accomplished so much that their deeds are known by all. If a Gand does
something to be ashamed of, or causes offense to another Gand, their name is reduced. (MTS, XWN,
WG, AE, SWI65)
the planet Gand is a gaseous planet overrun by the Empire. It is home to the race of gas-breathers also
called Gand. The Empire brought in sophisticated sensory equipment, all but relegating the abilities of the
findsmen to the arcane. (MTS, TBH)
Gand, Eli
this man worked as a merchant near the Czerka office on the planet Kashyyyk, during the era of the
Great Sith War. Eli held Matton Dasol in virtual slavery, after Eli ambushed Matton's crew and stole their
starship. Eli then convinced Matton that he was paying a debt that his former shipmates owed him, in
order to ensure Matton's continued servitude. A passing Jedi Knight, who had discovered Jolee Bindo's
droid, learned of Eli's duplicity and exposed him has a fraud. Eli eventually freed Matton. (KOTOR)
Ganda doe wallya
this Huttese phrase translated roughly into Basic as "watch the store." (E1A14)
a planet. (GG11)
Gandalom City
this large, urban area was located on the planet Corvanni IV, and was the home to many hi-tech
businesses. (GG10)
Gandalom Paramedicinals, Incorporated
this pharmaceutical research and development company was based on the planet Corvanni IV. (GG10)

Gandan, Bey
this Jedi Knight accompanied Klin-Fa Gi on a mission to infiltrate the Yuuzhan Vong ranks, during the
height of the New Republic's struggle against the alien invaders. Unfortunately, both Jedi were captured
and enslaved aboard a Shaper's worldship. They discovered that the Shapers had been working to
devise a method of exterminating the Jedi Knights, and managed to steal a qahsa with information on the
project. They fled captivity and tried to return to the Republic, but Bey was recaptured by the Yuuzhan
Vong and Klin-Fa was nearly incarcerated on Bonadan. Klin-Fa convinced Uldir Lochett and the crew of
the No Luck Required to launch a rescue attempt for Bey, after returning to Wayland to recover the
organic key to the qahsa. Unknown to his friends, Bey had been twisted by the Yuuzhan Vong, and was
actually the delivery mechanism for the Shaper virus developed to destroy alazhi trees. He had become
disenchanted by Klin-Fa's attention to Yabaley, a fact that shattered his fragile mind. He decided to help
the Yuuzhan Vong destroy bacta, then believed he could kill them himself afterward. A Shaper's villip was
implanted in his skull, allowing Viith Yalu and Tsaa Qalu to communicate with Bey and give him his
orders. He nearly succeeded in tricking his friends to bring him to Thyferra, but Uldir figured out that Bey
was the carrier. Bey was cut down in a lightsaber battle with Klin-Fa and Uldir, and the small amount of
virus he was able to disperse was quickly eradicated. (SWI62, SWI64)
Gandder's Spin
this starfighter maneuver involves the pilot of a fighter shunting all power to one set of engines - port or
starboard - and applying full braking power to the opposite side vents. After a short period (about four
seconds), brke power is cut to zero and thrust is cut in half and spread across all engines. The result is
that the fighter spins wildly for a few seconds around its center of mass before shooting off on a new
trajectory when the spin is stopped. Often, the maneuver is used as cover for a group of proton torpedoes
fired at a target just before the spin begins. (SOP)
this planet served as a partner planet to the military world of Fondor. Many of the raw materials needed
by the Fondor shipyards were obtained on Gandeal. (SWJ12)
Gandeal-Fondor Hyperlane
this hyperspace route was established by the Empire, in order to more efficiently move starships from
Fondor to Coruscant. After the Empire abandoned its facilities at Fondor, the route was rarely used
because it was unknown to most independent spacers and corporations. (JE)
Gandish, Phylo
this woman, a native of the planet Naboo and the daughter of parents who ran a transportation business,
was a noted pilot who retired from active duty to start her own family. She was present at the ceremony
which united the Naboo and the Gungans, in the wake of the Battle of Naboo. (CCG13)
Gandle Ott
this planet was primary world in the Ott System, and was the site of one of the first settlements in the
Kathol Sector, some six centuries before the Battle of Endor. Known as a "gasper" to its original colonists,
Gandle Ott was a mild planet, with a temperate atmosphere which could sustain most humanoid life.
During the early years of the New Republic, the planet was often referred to as "Little Coruscant," at least
in Kathol Sector. At that time, the population of Gandle Ott was counted in the billions, and the planet was
known as an industrial power in the sector. The planetary government was partial to the New Republic,
despite the fact that it was nominally under the control of Moff Kentor Sarne. (DARK, KO)
this small corporation, based on the planet Kolatill, manufactured its own repulsorlift vehicles and repuslor
parts for Ikas-Adno. (DARK)
Gandolo IV
a barren moon located in the Outer Rim Territories, it was selected as a settlement by a group of
Wookiees fleeing Imperial slavery. Among the Wookiees was Chewbacca, who was helpin the Wookiees
relocate to the planet. Before they could establish a community, they were discovered by the bounty
hunter Bossk, who were being paid by the local Imperial governor. When the Empire tried to overtake the

moon, Han Solo landed the Millennium Falcon on top of their troop ship, killing all aboard and stranding
the others. (MTS)
Gandorthral Atmospherics
this corporation produced a variety of devices which enabled a user to breath in hostile environments.
this Imperial Moff was in charge of several worlds in the Colonies during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. Gandril was the man who decided Earnst Kamiel's fate, ordering his execution on the planet
Haldeen. In a symbolic gesture, Gandril chose the members of the firing squadron by selecting a shooter
from each of the systems in which Kamiel had the death sentence on his head. All 54 systems were
represented. (SWJ8)
Gandrossi VI
this planet, located in Perinn Sector, was controlled by Imperial Governor Desh during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (GG10)
Gandrun II
this planet is covered with a vast desert wasteland. (GG2)
this female Senali was Meenon's sister, and a member of the Banoosh-Walore clan. (SP)
Ganeid IV
this temperate, low-gravity world was the primary planet in the Ganeid System. (TBSB)
this was a noted Cragmoloid, who made several trips away from his homeworld of Ankus during the early
years of the New Order. (GMR6)
a fruit which is harvested and processed for its juice. (TJP)
this female Chiss was a member of the faction of Chiss who opposed the ideals of Soontir Fel and the
Nuruodo syndic, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. To ensure that her faction gained a
stronger voice in deciding Csilla's future, Ganet and her comrades arranged to assassinate Fel's family
when Luke Skywalker arrived on Csilla to search for information on Zonama Sekot. Acting on orders from
Peita Aabe, Ganet and her team tried to catch the group as they traveled across the icy surface of the
planet to the starport where their ship was berthed. (FH2)
this was a noted Meerian individual of the last decades of the Old Republic. (WOTC)
Gania System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Melantha during the New Order. (LOE)
an Imperial Captain who gained fame in the Battle of Sagma. The ISB suspected him of sympathizing
with the Alliance, and he was sacrificed at Picutorion by Drost and Bevven. (ISB)
this Hutt was a rival of Nawnum during the Galactic Civil War. When Ganis learned that Nawnum had
tried to assassinate him and take over his empire, Ganis placed a bounty on Nawnum's head and set out
to ruin the other Hutt. (IA)

this was a common name among the Sarkan race. (UANT)

Ganis Shipping
this semi-legitimate transport agency was founded by Ganis the Hutt. (IA)
native to a number of planets in the Filve Sector, this huge beast is similar in many respects to the
bantha. Both are large beasts, with the average ganjuko standing more than three meters tall at the
shoulder and measuring five meters in length. The body of the ganjuko is covered with a thick pelt of fur.
However, where the bantha is known as an easily-domesticated beast of burden, the ganjuko is an easilyangered predator capable of killing any other creature it encounters. Their relatively small heads are
nearly bald, and rangin in color from red to orange. Their mouths are formed by a sharp beak, which they
use to attack their prey. The beaks were also collected and sold on the black market. Their fur, coupled
with layers of fat beneath the skin, provide excellent heat-retention in cold climates, making the ganjuko a
sluggish and weak creature in areas where the temperature rises above the freezing point. They are longlived creatures, reaching the age of 110 standard years, but produce just four to eight offspring during this
time. They were hunted as trophies, but more often than not the "trophies" were taken by the ganjuko
themselves. (COG, SPG)
Gank Killers
an alien race used as body guards by many Hutt crimelords. They have square, yellow faces with
permanent snarls, cruel beady eyes, and massive, muscled bodies. They also wear highly-mechanized
body armor. Although most Ganks lived on Nar Shaddaa, their exact homeworld was unknown. (ESBN,
DE1, DE2, GOF1)
Gank Massacres
a devastating war which took place hundreds of years before the Jedi Assembly on Deneba, it was
alluded to by Shatoyo. It involved a struggle between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. (DLS)
Gankto Tree
native to the planet Kothlis, this twelve-meter-tall tree evolved in such a way that all its leaved were
located near the ground. The top section of the tree was exposed to the elements. This adaption came
about as a way to stop birds from nesting in the tree and consuming all its leaves. Although birds
continued to nest in the bare branches, the tree had enough leaves to survive. The uppermost branches
of the gankto tree were often filled with symbiospore fungus. (SPG)
this planet was the primary world in the Ganlihk System. (COG)
this man was a native of the planet Ferro, although he migrated to Zonama Sekot some sixty years before
the Battle of Naboo. He became the planet's unofficial spokesman and greeter, meeting with those beings
who traveled to Zonama Sekot to obtain a Sekotan starship. In all aspects, Gann remained a Ferroan:
reclusive and distrustful of strangers. (RP)
this Imperial Grand Moff controlled Sector 5 during the years leading up to the Yevethan Purge. He was
nominally in charge, although Warlord Foga Brill held the real power. (SOL)
this man was a member of Nevo's gang. Nevo sent Gann to follow Boba Fett on Star Station 12, but
Gann quickly lost site of the bounty hunter. Fett doubled back on Gann and captured him, the forced
Gann to explain why Darth Vader was after him. Fett quietly executed Gann, to ensure that he would not
be followed. (EOE)
Gann, Mapper
this clone trooper was part of the platoon dispatched to Pengalan IV, during the early stages of the Clone

Wars, to eliminate a Separatist missile facility on the planet. He was given the nickname Mapper by
Joram Kithe, who was stranded on the planet with the platoon's survivors after the Separatist sprang a
trap. The nickname, given to help Joram communicate with the troopers, was based on the fact that the
clone trooper was the only individual with a datapad that contained a map of Pengalan IV. Mapper was
unable to continue fighting, having suffered a broken leg in the initial ambush, but was invaluable in
helping the platoon reach safety. It was later revealed to Joram that Mapper and his platoon-mates were
actually enhanced clones, having been given additional self-reliance and initiative during their
development. These enhanced troops were dispatched with observers like Joram, in order to ensure the
production of clone troopers was continued. After the near-disaster on Pengalan, Mapper was given the
surname Gann, to help hide the fact that he, in fact, a clone. This helped him gain the confidence of
Cherek Tuhm and the team which was dispatched to Tarhassan to rescue Edbit teeks. Like Joram,
however, Mapper chafed at Tuhm's bureaucratic style of mission planning and execution, and was only
too happy to oblige when Joram set out on his own to capture Teeks. (SWI65, SWI73)
Gannarian Narco-spice
this was one of the many varieties of mood-altering spice which was smuggled during the height of the
New Order. (LTA3, MC52)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this Imperial Lieutenant served the Imperial Interim Ruling Council, although he was loyal to Xandel
Carivus. Carivus assigned Ganner to investigate the deaths of Burr Nolyds and Admiral Banjeer. Ganner
discovered that the weapons used to kill both men were marked with a symbol used by Kir Kanos, during
his tenure at the training facility on Yinchorr. When the Council was shattered, Ganner fled into hiding.
(CE2, HCE)
Ganner, The
see Jedi Giant (T)
Ganno Juice
this thick, black, syrupy juice was favored by the Jawas, but its bitter taste was hated by most other races.
Ganrite Yards of Elrood, Incorporated
this small starship manufacturer, based on the planet Elrood, produced clones of other corporations'
established designs, including the Bratillia light freighter. (PG3)
Gansett Zoo
this menagerie is famous for its intergalactic reptile house. (TMEC)
this lieutenant served Dolph, as the failed Jedi made a bid for power under the name of Kuellar. When
Dolph's major domo, Yanne, failed to impress Dolph, Dolph began grooming Gant to be his successor.
Gant Wanar
this starship was the primary vessel in the fleet maintained by the HY'thor Pirates. (AIR)
Gant, Trenn
this Colonel in the New Republic Intelligence agency investigated the capture of Han Solo's shuttle,
Tampion, when he was en route to the Fifth Battle Group in the Koornacht Cluster. He interviewed Plat
Mallar to try and ascertain what really happened to allow Solo's capture on what was supposed to be a
secret flight. (TT)

one of the suburbs of Umgul City. (JASB)

this hulking security droid served as the primary bodyguard for Imperial Governor Tovir Daglear, during
the height of the New Order. (GCG)
the Imperial governor Grandon Holleck retired to this world. (SWJ7)
Ganther Dance
this social event was held annually on the planet Gandle Ott. (DARK)
this planet is the primary world in the Gantho System, where the Loronar Corporation stripped many
planets of their natural resources, without the legal consent of the New Republic. (POT)
this man worked for the owner of the Sand Bar during the early years of the New Order. When the owner
fled in fear for his life - the reason Gantlo came to The Puddle in the first place - Gantlo took over as
owner and operator of the tavern. (HAS)
Ganton Mountain
this mountain was the highest peak in a range of mountains located on the planet Shalm. The Empire
established a garrison base on its western face, but abandoned it after the Battle of Endor. The militant
group Pendarran's Revenge took over the garrison to use as their base of operations. (WBC)
Gantonnerre System
this star system was the last known location of the bounty hunter Tyrn Jiton. (WBC)
Gantor Mining Company
this independent mining concern operated in Tapani Sector without aligning itself with any one noble
House. (LOE)
a descendant of the original colonists on Eol Sha, Gantoris was said to be sensitive to impending
earthquakes, and was used by the colony to predict them. When an avalanche occurred during his
childhood, many of the children and adults with him were killed while he remained safe from harm.
Gantoris was later elected the leader of the colonists on Eol Sha. He was sought out by Luke Skywalker
as a potential Jedi for his remarkable past. Gantoris tested Luke's motives and found them truthful, and
agreed to go with Luke to Yavin 4 for training as a Jedi Knight. He was often at odds with Corran Horn,
who was studying the Force under the alias of Kieran Halcyon. While there, Gantoris was approached by
the spirit of Exar Kun. Kun showed Gantoris how to construct a lightsaber well ahead of the training Luke
was providing, and also goaded Gantoris by telling him that there was more to learn the Luke's Light-Side
prattle. Gantoris resisted Kun's mental grip, and was killed by Kun's spirit. (JS, DA, IJ)
Gantrolo, Mellona
this woman was a lesser noble of House Pelagia, but she was also a sleeper agent placed in Pelagia by
House Mecetti. She married a Pelagian noble shortly after the Battle of Hoth, and worked to insinuated
either herself or her husband into the inner council of House Pelagia. (LOE)
Ganza Park
located on Procopia's Estalle Island, this was considered some of the most valuable undeveloped land in
Tapani Sector, at the height of the New Order. Its primary highlight was the Greenhouse, which had a
picturesque view of the ocean. (LOE)
this was one of the four main continents found on the planet Veron. (PG1)

Gaor Tembon
this male Sullustan was an infamous smuggler who plied the Borderlands Regions during the early years
of the New Republic. It was said that there was no cargo he wouldn't carry, and worked for other criminals
as well as the Empire on occasion. He operated from a base in the Nexer System, and traveled in his
modified Nestt-class freighter, the Miv'rah Firestorm. (WBC)
Gap Nine
this swampy-covered world was the homeworld of a reptilian alien species. It also was the site of an
Imperial fuel-ore processing station during the Galactic Civil War. At one time, an evil race built great
temples on Gap Nine, but the aliens were defeated by the Jedi Knights. The Jedi later used the temples
to store information, which was stolen by the Imperials occupying the planet. (SWJ7)
this male Ryn was part of the group, led by Melisma, who was searching for Droma during the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion of the galaxy. Gaph and Melisma, along with Droma's nephew and another Ryn, were
rescued from Gyndine but stranded on Ruan when there was no other place to relocate refugees. The
Ryn were approached by two men, known simply as Tall and Short, who wanted to secure their services
are forgers in order to create seemingly official documents which would allow high-paying refugees to
obtain passage off Ruan. Gaph used his skills at line drawing, which R'vanna used his calligraphy skills,
to create the document. In return, the Ryn were to be transported to Abregado-rae. Although the Ryn
made it off Ruan, they missed Droma and Han Solo, who arrived shortly after their departure and were
arrested for the forgeries. Unfortunately for Gaph and the Ryn, they were stranded on Fondor by the crew
of the Trevee. (JE)
Gap's Grill
a business in Mos Eisley. (TME)
this Kajain'sa'Nikto started his career as an enforcer aboard a Hutt starship, but soon became quite angry
at the fact that other races were not subject to the slavery of the Hutts like the Nikto were. He almost
considered joining the Alliance, but was recruited by the Tenloss Syndicate as a pirate. Ga'p'tashi quickly
accepted the offer, after Tenloss indicated that they wanted him to work almost exclusively in Hutt Space,
disrupting Hutt convoys. He soon acquired the Nikto Kajidic, and manned it with Nikto and Klatooinan
officers and gunners. Ga'p'tashi was very successful, and even completed a raid on the planet Vodran
without being damaged. (PP)
this was the abrreviation used to describe the Grand Army of the Republic, used whenever an individual
referred to the materiel produced for the army. GAR weaponry and supplies were produced exclusively
for the clone troopers of the army, although surplus arms and outdated technology were sold to loyal
goverments to fund the army's operations. (HIV)
this elderly man and his wife, Rilka, lived on the planet Dantooine some 4,000 years before the Battle of
Yavin. (KOTOR)
this Imperial Lieutenant served under Sil Sorannan as part of the Black Sword Command. He was one of
the 513 survivors of the Yevethan takeover, shortly after the Battle of Endor, and was imprisoned on
Pa'aal. He worked with Sorannan to plot their eventual escape from Yevethan control, and was one of the
primary officers Sorannan took with him when the Imperials captured the Pride of Yevetha and fled back
to the Deep Core. (TT)
this Talz was a huge, adult male who discovered a way to make friends with the Imperials that occupied
Alzoc III. He received special favors in return for keeping newly-enslaved Talz in line. (GMS)

this Gamorrean worked as a bodyguard for Slythor the Squib, on Korad, during the height of the Galactic
Civil War. (OE)
this man was a native of the planet Annoo during the early years of the New Order. (DCAR)
Gar Gastinin
this Duros was a small-time smuggler and con artist, and a friend of Vilmarh Grahrk during the years
following the Battle of Naboo. Gastinin was among the many criminals who seriously doubted every
single word that came out of Grahrk's mouth. (TDV)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
Gara, Cilyn
this Corellian man was a ntoed shipping magnate during the height of the New Order. He had matinained
an illicit business relationship with Yustavan Dreezien for many years, transporting the crimelord's illegal
spice for healthy profits. However, when Gara suddenly refused to transport any more of Dreezien's
spice, the crimelord hired Kodi Vilthar to assassinate Gara. (CCW)
Gara, Magda
this woman was the daughter of Cilyn Gara, and the heir to his shipping operations. When Cilyn was
murdered, Magda hired a group of freelance mercenaries to hunt down his killer and bring him to justice.
this huge, two-headed reptile lived in the forested jungles of Koda's World, protecting the ancient temple
of the Tempestro.At nearly twenty meters in length, the reptile resembled a wingless dragon. When
aroused, the garagon would bring one head up from hiding to survey the situation. If needed, it would
raise up its second head to attack more than one opponent. Each head, set upon a thick, sinuous neck,
was capable to belching fire at an enemy. The garagon could also attack with its heavy claws and sharp
teeth. (GG8)
Garaint, Noval
this bounty hunter gained notoriety in the Outer Rim Territories while delivering slaves to Horch of
Kheedar. During one such delivery, the Empire invaded Kheedar. Seeing a chance to gain more power,
Garaint freed the slaves and took control of Horch's castle. He deftly avoided the Empire, and managed
to quickly take control of Horch's empire. He left Horch to be nothing more than a sotted, inebriated
figurehead. Garaint is never seen in public without the protection of a suit of Krail 210 personal battle
armor. (GG9)
the Ergeshui swamp skimmer, this creature swims along the surface of the water with its mouth open.
This tactic allows the garalalesh to ingest prey with a minimum of effort. They can grow to three meters in
length. (PG2)
this manufacturing city, found on the planet Garos IV, is located about forty kilometers southeast of
Ariana. (SWJ2)
this creature lives in the trees of the planet Yelsain. They were forced into contact with the humans who
settled the planet, and fought to maintain their homes. The skirmishes between them became popularized

by holo-vids produced on Adarlon. (GG6)

Garbage Pit Racing
this illegal sport sprang up on Coruscant during the decades leading up to the Battle of Naboo and the
election of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The object of the race was to fly through the extremely
dangerous garbage pits of Coruscant using specially-designed race wings, avoiding the expelled waste
canisters and layers of shielding in an effort to reach the lowest levels. There, racers had to skim the
surface of the silicone slurry and obtain a scale from a garbage worm, and then fly back up through the
innards of the garbage pits where they finished the race by presenting the scale to the Greeter. Race
champions were determined by overall times, as well as their ability to produce scales from larger,
deadlier worms. (RP)
Garbage Pits
these huge, open pits were located all over the planet Coruscant, and were two ways in order to eliminate
the more than a trillion tons of refuse produced on the planet each day. Most organic materials - food
scraps, paper, light metals, and plastics - were actually consumed deep within the pits by garbage worms.
Materials which were too toxic to incinerate were placed inside sealed containers and scheduled for
transport. The energy from plasma generators was used to power an acceleration field which was used to
fire the containers into low orbit. Traffic throughout the planet's cityscape was re-routed around the pits,
so that the speeding containers didn't inadvertently destroy a taxi of liner. The containers in low orbit were
collected by specialized tugs, and moved to one of Coruscant's moons for more permanent storage. The
pits themselves were protected from unwanted intrusion by a series of shields and energy barriers. (RP)
Garbage Snipe
native to the planet Glottal, this bird-like creature is consumed by the Glottalphibs. (TNR)
Garbage Worm
these genetically manufactured creatures were vital to the elimination of waste on Coruscant. It was
known that they were based on a number of species of long worms from various other planets, but had
been greatly altered by Coruscant's engineers over a period of several hundred years. They lived deep
within the garbage pits of the city-planet, wallowing in silicone-filled pools. As waste from the city was
dumped into the pits, it was pulverized and mixed into the silicone slurry. The worms then ate anything
that they could. They converted much of the waste into small pellets which could be used as fuels or
stored. The rest was digested and eliminated as methane, carbon dioxide, and organic wastes. Anything
they couldn't eat - heavy metals, primarily - were expelled and sank to the bottom of the garbage pits,
where they were collected and sorted by garbage droids. These worms were covered with shiny,
iridescent scales of a milky white color. Rumor had it that a garbage worm could eat an entire hyperdrive
core and survive ... for a few seconds. The largest worms grew to lengths well over 100 meters, and were
nearly four meters in diameter. (RP)
a planet located in the Tau Sakar System, it is the homeworld of the Jenet race. It was overtaken by the
Empire, and the Jenet were forced to work as slaves in the mines. The planet has a temperate climate,
with a 17-degree axial tilt that made seasonal changes obvious. (GG4)
an Alliance container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
Garboren, Latika
this woman, a native of Coruscant's Taung Heights during the last years of the Old Republic, reported
seeing a Sith emblem in a dollop of dough she squeezed from a tube of pasterbread, shortly before the
onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this New Republic Naval Captain served the Fleet Office, and was its liaison to the fleet under Pakkpekatt
that was sent to intercept the Teljkon vagabond. He was stationed on the Glorious during this time. (SOL)

Garcornian Spice
this was a rare, and highly illegal, form of narcotic spice. (GFT)
this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male
Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete
male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to
ensure proper descriptions. The name Garda was used to describe an individual as an artist, poet, or
singer. (GCG)
Gardaji Rift
this area of the galaxy was located on the outer edge of the Tingel Arm, on the very edge of the known
galaxy. It was in this area that the Jedi Master Vergere first encountered the planet Zonama Sekot. (RP)
Garden Circle
this section of the primary city on Kegan was dedicated to cultivating the most beautiful plants found on
the planet. (FFT)
Garden of Butterflies
located in the city of New Escrow, on the planet Aargau, this remarkable garden was known for its
collection of live butterflies during the height of the New Order. (PH)
Gardens of Talla
a park overlooking the ancient Jedi library on Ossus. (TSW)
Gardens of Tralala
this arboretum and garden was located on the planet Kuat. (EGP)
this Hutt was known by most of her kind as a female, and was one of Jabba the Hutt's closest friends.
There were also rumors of a romance, as Gardulla was often Jabba's guest at his Tatooine townhome.
However, these rumors couldn't be farther from the truth. Gardulla had originally traveled to Tatooine at
the urging of her family, the Besadii kajidic, in order to protect her from the Desilijic clan. Angry and upset
at being deposited on the desert planet, Gardulla took control of her adopted city of Mos Taike and began
to create her own criminal empire. When the organization got too big, Gardulla was ordered to remain on
Tatooine inorder to protect it. As if this weren't enough, she was also ordered to court Jabba with the
intent of marrying him, in oder to strengthen Besadii's position. After the wedding, she was free to kill
Jabba in any manner she pleased. Jabba, meanwhile, decided that Gardulla was worth the effort, and
tried a number of tactics to earn her approval. He even used his own smugglers to raid her holdings, then
returned them to her as "gifts." All this effort on Jabba's part was doomed to earn Gardulla's affections,
but it did manage to degrade her holdings on Tatooine, thereby allowing Jabba to grow more powerful.
Seeing the error in her ways, Gardulla decided to renegotiate with Jabba for control. Jabba allowed her to
take complete control of the slaving operations on Tatooine, in return for her smuggling operations and
protection rackets. Gardulla owned many slaves, and was at one time the owner of Shmi and Anakin
Skywalker, so this seemed to be a good deal. However, she lost the Skywalkers in a bet with the
Toydarian junk dealer, Watto, six years before Watto lost Anakin to Qui-Gon Jinn in a similar wager.
Years later, when the Old Republic began enforcing its anti-slavery laws, Gardulla also lost the slave
trade on Tatooine, and was left with nothing. Many knew that Gardulla maintained a large, underground
pleasure garden, complete with ponds and plantlife and streams. She paid Sebulba to acquire a group of
Ghostling children to serve as living statues in the gardens, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. She also
planned to import creatures to hunt the Ghostlings, as part of a cruel, living ecosystem. Unfortunately, her
plans were thwarted by Anakin and his friends. Aurra Sing later revealed that she had been hired by
Gardulla to upset the plans of Jabba, in an effort to overthrow his control of Tatooine and claim it for
herself. Just prior to the Boonta Eve Classic podrace won by Anakin, Gardulla went to great lengths to
create a scale model of the racecourse. She then tried to convince Jabba that her analysts had predicted
that Gasgano would win the race, in an effort to destroy Jabba by getting him to bet on the Xexto. Jabba,
however, refused to bite on the ruse. Following the race, she offered to buy Anakin back from Watto, but

Watto was unable to secure Anakin before Qui-Gon whisked him away to Coruscant. Later, Gardulla was
implicated in the work of the Bando Gora cult, and was questioned by Jango Fett as to the whereabouts
of Komari Vosa. It was later discovered that much of Gardulla's interest in the Bando Gora had been part
of an intricate plot created by Count Dooku to test Jango's abilities and his usefulness as the source of
clones for the Army fo the Republic. In the aftermath of the Republic's crackdown on slavery, Gardulla
was arraigned on charges of slave trafficking. She chose to flee Tatooine, rather than serve time in
prison, and was never seen again. Note that the comic adaptation of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom
Menace indicates that Gardulla was a male Hutt. (SW1, QGJ, TPMC, E1A5, SWO, PRT, SOT, BH)
Gardulla the Younger
this Hutt was part of the group which formed the leadership of Nal Hutta during the early stages of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Although Gardulla the Younger didn't wholly agree with Borga's
plans to form an alliance, he realized that the plan was not without merit, and suggested selling
information on the Vong's invasion plans to the New Republic. (JE)
Garen IV
Stevan Makintay was shipped off to this Imperial penal colony by his father, the Imperial Governor of
Hargeeva, after Mak proposed marriage to Ketrian Altronel. (SWJ8)
this King of the planet Shalam tried to cheat Han Solo at a game of Laro, during the King's visit to the
New Republic capital of Coruscant. Solo discovered that Gareth was cheated, and got revenge by
cheating "better." (TBH)
one of several ships sent by the New Republic to accompany Garm Bel Iblis, Booster Terrik, and the
Errant Venture to Yaga Minor, in an attempt to steal a copy of the Caamas Document. (VOF)
this grey-furred Wookiee worked for Darnada as an enforcer, during the years leading up to the Battle of
Naboo. Known as Garga, he was a veteran warrior, and was missing his left eye completely. Garga
worked with Asa Naga to bring in the Sullustan gambler Feen Fenoob, after Darnada demanded that
Fenoob pay his debts. However, they were too late to recover credits from the gambler. Fenoob had been
killed by Darth Maul, and the two thugs had no choice but to bring the Sith Lord back to Darnada for
questioning. While Maul acquiesced to being brought to Darnada, it was only because it was part of his
large mission for Darth Sidious to eliminate the Dug. Once aboard Darnada's space station, Maul
executed every living being he encountered, including Gargachykk, while only Asa Naga managed to
escape. (DM)
this Verpine, known as Gargi to his friends, grew up like any other Verpine in the Roche Asteroid Belt.
However, his natural inquisitiveness and inventiveness led him to tinker more than his peers. Many of his
modifications were deemed too dangerous, even for the Verpine themselves, and he was cast out by his
hive. He wandered the galaxy until he met Fiz Cor'gril, who recognized his abilities and hired him to work
in his starship dealership. He keeps Fizzi's merchandise in top condition, and sometimes a little better
than that. (SWJ9)
Gar'glum Sea
this was the largest of the gelatin-like oceans found on the planet Galantos. (CCW)
Gargolyn IV
this planet is the homeworld of the Cor race. It is known to be a garden paradise that is lush with animal
life and vegetation. The planet was scouted by Karflo Corporation as the site of a new manufacturing
facility, but the scout team discovered that the land of the Cors was guarded by a huge beast that utterly
destroyed any settlement Karflo initiated. (GMS)

this old recluse faked his own death shortly after he single-handedly terraformed a world for himself to live
on. He faked his death because he didn't want his vast wealth and riches split up among his credit-hungry
relatives. His false will demanded that all his living heirs had to spend a full night in his mansion, which he
had elaborately rigged up to provide scares and traps. This way, he could see which of his heirs was
most worthy, and could listen in on their discussions about him. He used his background in the theater to
portray his own butler, Jeeves, who had actually passed away several years before. (GMS)
an Alliance transport destroyed in the Bruanii Sector following the Battle of Hoth. (TIE)
a planet held by gangsters, infiltrated by Han Solo and Chewbacca. They received a double payment for
stealing a hoard of spice stored there. It was also the home base of Grand Admiral Grunger in the years
prior to and following the death of Emperor Palpatine. Much of the galaxy's phobium is also mined there.
this immense Hutt was easily distinguished from the rest of his species by the fact that he lost the right
side of his head in an accident involving a wandrella worm on Circarpous V. As an infant, Gargonn had
ben abandoned on Nar Shaddaa, surviving only by performing tricks for passersby and feeding on any
vermin he could lure close enough to catch. He eventually developed a small entertainment "business" on
the Smuggler's Moon, hiring other performers and splitting their profits. His obsession with entertainment
led Gargonn into the business of trafficking exotic and endangered plants and animals for wealthy
collectors. It was Gargonn who discovered a way to sell mutant akk dogs, running them from his base
deep in the bowels of Nar Shaddaa. Gargonn also operated a series of sentient gladiator events, in
association with the Circus Horrificus. When the Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Depa Billaba discovered
that the source of the akk dogs was Gargonn, the Hutt had them placed in the gladiator pit against the
very dogs they were trying to rescue. Although the Jedi managed to escape, Gargonn also fled into
obscurity. Note that this character is also referred to as Gargon. (ETM, WOTC)
this plant, native to the planet Cularin, produced a bright orange, five-lobed bloom which was avoided by
nearly all species which roamed the planet. A single touch of the gargrell's flower caused intense skin
irritation and, sometimes, severe allergic reactions. (WOTC)
this armor-plated fish was native to the planet Neimoidia. To the Neimoidian people, the garhai
represented obedience and "dedication to enlightened leadership." It was one of the two most powerful
symbols of the Neimoidians, along with the Spherical Flame. (COD)
this was a brewtap located in the city of Cartann, on the planet Adumar. Wedge Antilles and Red Flight
visited the bar during their diplomatic stay on the planet. (SOA)
this is a vampiric race of sentients. At one time, Bail Organa presided over an emotional court case
between the Garhoons and their prey. The prey eventually returned to the Garhoons, much to Leia
Organa's dismay. (POT)
Garia System
this planetary system, located in Brak Sector, was controlled by the Empire at the height of the New
Order. (FBS)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
Garimor Street
this avenue was located on the planet Andasala. (GG11)
this man was an associate of Sharalon and Drixar, during their periods of assignment on the planet
Bothawui, shortly before the Battle of Endor. Ostensibly, Garin was an accountant and computer
databank administrator, but he was also a part of the Bothan Spy Network. (SESB)
the Kubaz spy, working for the Empire, who led the stormtroopers to Obi-Wan and Luke in Mos Eisley.
Also known as "Long Snoot," Garindan was so well-known that the Imperial detachment on Tatooine
sought him out for his ability to deliver information. Garindan also was known to dislike Jabba the Hutt,
and was often found delivering false information about the crimelord in an effort to foil Jabba's plans.
Much of his information regarding Jabba came from the Devaronian Labria. (SW, SWR, SCRE, MTS)
Garish Ridge
located on the planet Redcap, this outcropping of rock served as the base of the Juteau Settlement.
this New Republic warship was destroyed at the Battle of N'zoth. (TT)
this small starship manufacturer produced a number of personal-use shuttles during the height of the New
Order. (SWJ4)
Garlonti Personal Shuttle
this small, personal-use shuttle was produced by Garlonti. (SWJ4)
manufacturers of cold-weather, heat-absorbing tents used by snowtroopers. (SWSB)
this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)
Garm Totryl
this Rodian male was one of Tatooine's most skilled swoop racers, during the era of the Great Sith War.
Garman-class Mining Vessel
designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, this 300-meter-long starship was
developed to serve as the base for a small fleet of skimmers. Each Garman-class ship could transport up
to twenty skimmers, and had a series of collection tanks which were used to store the gases collected by
the skimmers from gas giant planets. These ships required a crew of 300 officers and four gunners, and
could transport up to twenty passengers and 70,000 metric tons of cargo. To protect themselves from
pirates, the Garman-class ships were armed with four quad-laser cannons. (FBS)
this militant Rakatan male was the Warleader of a small group of soldiers who opposed the stance of the
Elders, more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)
this planet was described to Luke Skywalker by a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He later intercepted a

transmission which mentioned the planet. Note that Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds indicates that Luke
received this transmission while practising with his lightsaber aboard his X-Wing! Luke travelled to Garn,
which was a desolate world of craggy rocks and dead trees shrouded in a thick yellow fog, and
discovered a trove of ancient Jedi armor. The planet was barren because, several millennia before the
Battle of Yavin, it was laid to waste by the Jedi Knights, who strove to eliminate the Order of the Terrible
Glare. He also discovered the Portal Desolate and the soul-snares used to trap the life energy of ancient
Jedi. He managed to destroy the portal and free the energies. (CSWDW)
this was a common name among the Nautolan race. (UANT)
Garn, Jandri
this man was a member of Demelza's Destructors, a gladiator walker fighting team based in Sedratis City
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
Garn, Olin
this darkskinned man was a freelance freighter pilot who often contracted work with Twin Suns Transport
Services. During his service to Twin Suns, he became emotionally involved with Aeron Azzameen.
However, he own ideals led him to break off his contract with Twin Suns and join the Alliance as a pilot.
The Azzameen family continued to maintain their relationship with Olin, considering him an adopted
member of the family. (XWA)
Garn, Ril
this Imperial Army Lieutenant was in command of the garrison on Yetnis, during the initial stages of
Operation Rebel Hunt. He was known as a by-the-books officer who could bend the rules to get what he
needed. (HAS)
a species of small, hard-working, purple insects native to Yavin 4. They communed with each other
through vibration and scent. (DTO)
Garnet, Roark
a self-proclaimed galactic entrepreneur and adventurer, Roark was the captain of the Dorion Discus. His
parents more or less disowned him after he took up smuggling, and he struggled for many years to break
even under the oppression of the Empire. (RPG, SWJ1)
this planet, the primary world in the Garnib System, is the homeworld of the Balinaka, considered by
many to be among of the galaxy's most artistic beings. They enjoy a life of love and expression. The
native race, the Balinaka, were subjugated by the Empire, but put up no resistance or complaint. They
paid their taxes and were only marginally garrisoned. The planet's day lasts 35 standard hours, and its
year lasts 432 local days. It is a cold world, covered in frigid oceans and glaciers. Despite its bleak
appearance, Garnib had a certain stark brutality which made it beautiful. (PG1)
Garnib Crystal Corporation
known on Garnib as the GCC, this was the primary source of Garnib crystals for the galaxy. Note that this
is referred to as Galactic Crystal Creations in Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One. (GMS, PG1)
Garnib Crystals
valuable gemstones found on the planet Garnib, Garnib crystals were rumored to have addictive
properties. The original crystals were formed when Vornest Dep-thesel Digarsarg incorporated colored
pumice and small gemstone fragments into ice sculptures. The ice sculpture shone with brilliant flashes of
light refracting through the colored pumice and gemstones. Over the years, the creation of these crystals
has become its own form of art, with craftsbeings working each and every crystal into an individual work
of art. These crystals are not mass-produced, and each one is different. What makes them addictive is
the swirling patterns of light thrown off when they encounter sunlight. Many beings have been known to
sit in from of them for hours, simply watching the display change as the sun shifted position. Most

physicians point out that the addiction is really just a short-term overstimulation of the optic nerve, but that
certain beings can become psychologically dependent upon the light. (PG1)
a Neti Jedi Master, Garnoo was Oss Willum's first teacher. (DLS)
Garnu Hral Eschen
this Drovian - and his entire family - were killed by Gopso'o tribal warriors during their generations-old
feud. (POT)
Garobi System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Barnaba during the New Order. (LOE)
one of the ancient ruling houses in the Senex Sector, they have run a marginally-safe, asteroid stripmining operation in the Outer Rim Territories for a long time. (COJ)
Garonnin, Lord
one of the Senex Lords who followed Roganda Ismaren to Belsavis, hoping to ride her coattails and
recover the Eye of Palpatine. He was killed on Belsavis when Irek Ismaren cleaved him in half with a
lightsaber. (COJ)
this was a term used by the Dantari to describe a member of their group who was something of a cross
between a holy man and magician. The garoo is believed to be able to speak with the spirits, and
commanded great respect from his tribe. The garoo was the nomial leader of his tribe, but was supported
by five or six tribal elders in making decisions. (GOF11)
this creature is the Ergeshui muckworm, which inhabits the swamps of the planet. The garool fasten
themselves onto the bodies of creatures that pass through the swamp. Using their sharp teeth, the latch
on and open a small wound. Through this wound, the garool sucks out the victim's bodily fluids. (PG2)
this alien race is easily distinguished by the purple-tinged gillis flaps they use to breathe. Note that
Specter of the Past also spells this as Garoosh. (SOP)
Garos IV
this thickly-forested world was settled by human colonists some 4,000 years ago. The inhabitants became
self-sufficient due to Garos IV's rich farmlands. A brisk trade developed between the Garosians and their
neighbors, the Sundars, who were part of the colonization effort. The Sundars developed technology, and
the two worlds complimented each other. However, the Sundars have recently begun to migrate to Garos
IV, settling in the valleys and establishing factories and industrial centers. This emigration began about
200 years before the Galactic Civil War, and raised the ire of the agricultural Garosians. When a Garosian
grain facility was destroyed, the resentment among the two neighbors bubbled over, and a civil war was
started. It lasted 82 years until a truce was signed. Garos IV was one of the first ten planets to join the
Refugee Resettlement Coalition, shortly before the Clone Wars. During the last years of the Old Republic,
the Garosian-Sundar truce was regularly violated until the Empire took control of the Garos System. The
Garosians became strong supporters of the Alliance, and held onto their beliefs until the New Republic
took control. Once the rest of the galaxy came to realize that the University of Garos was a top-notch
school, more beings began traveling to Garos IV to attend classes there. An economic boom followed, as
the students created a need for virtually every service. The planet had two moons, and was located
spinward of the Nyarikan Nebula. The average day on Garos IV lasted 25 standard hours, and its year
encompassed 382 local days. (SWJ1, SWJ12, DTR, HNN5)
this Yahk-Tosh crimelord controlled the planetoid upon which Yoshi Raph-Elan crashed, shortly after the

Battle of Naboo. Lord Gar-Oth maintained a police and security force of battle droids, each of which was
programmed to enforce Gar-Oth's many laws and regulations to the letter. Gar-Oth forcibly took control of
the planetoid, killing any being who stood in his path. He murdered the ruler of the planetoid and tried to
force his daughter, Lourdes, to marry him, in an effort to legitimized his rule. When Yoshi challenged GarOth's rule, Gar-Oth sent his huge gladiator droid, the Goliath, to fight for him. However, Gar-Oth was
unprepared for the attack of Princess Lourdes, who drove a sword into his chest and killed him. (SWS)
this noted pazaak player lived on the planet Taris, some four millennia before the Battle of Yavin. He was
often found in the Upper City Cantina, and was known to help individuals learn how to play the game, for
a small fee. (KOTOR)
a wealthy Rodian who frequents Issarga's space station. (RPG)
one of the Nightsisters accompanying Vonnda Ra when she seduced Dathomirian witches to join the
Shadow Academy. She was a powerfully-built, petite woman with long, brown hair. She earned the rank
of Captain among Brakiss' Second Imperium troops. She took control of Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka,
and transported them to the Shadow Academy. Luke feigned limited knowledge of the Force to lull her
into a false sense of security, then used the Force to physically fling her into an escape pod on the
Shadow Chaser and set her adrift in space. She returned to the Shadow Academy, and later helped
Tamith Kai kidnap Zekk. When Brakiss launched his attack on the factories of Kashyyyk, Garowyn
submitted to Zekk's leadership in order to gain an opportunity to recover the Shadow Chaser. She nearly
succeeded, but was thwarted when she discovered the ship had been damaged in an ion storm. In a
struggle with Chewbacca and Jaina Solo, Garowyn lost her footing in a tall wroshyr tree and plummeted
to her death. (SA, LO, K)
this unimportant Outer Rim world was under the control of the Empire for many years after the Battle of
Endor. It was an agricultural world that longed for its freedom. Because of the natural elements found in
the planet's crust, the native plant life took on a purple coloration, giving the planet a violet appearance
from space. Corran Horn traveled to Garqi to escape Imperial entanglements after he left the Corellian
Security Force, and was known to the students of Garqi Ag University through his droid, Whistler, who
went by the handle of Xeno. He worked undercover as an assistant the Imperial prefect Mosh Barris, and
helped a number of political prisoners escape from the planet. Among the prisoners was Dynba Tesc and
the the Duros trader, Lai Nootka. After the Yuuzhan Vong took control of Destrillion and Dubrillion, they
started working their way toward the Core. Following the Battle of Dantooine, and just before the
destruction of Ithor, the alien invaders discovered Garqi. The planet's defenses were unprepared to put
up any resistance, and the efforts of Corran Horn, Jacen Solo, and Ganner Rhysode could not save the
planet. After a brief battle, the Yuuzhan Vong captured Garqi and began reforming the planet as a
breeding ground for Chazrach warriors. While on Garqi, the Jedi learned that the vonduun crab armor of
the Yuuzhan Vong was susceptible to the pollen from the Bafforr tree. However, the planet Ithor was
destroyed before any action could be taken. (TFE, KT, DTR, NJOSB)
Garqi Agricultural Combine
this was the primary supplier of foodstuffs grown on the planet Garqi, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. (SFT)
Garqi Agricultural University
this was the primary establishment of higher learning, found near Pesktda, on the planet Garqi. It was the
source of much of the resistance to the Imperial presence on the planet. (TFE, SWJ7)
Garqi Eagles
this was the squadron name used by the Imperial pilots that were garrisoned on Garqi shortly after the
Battle of Endor. (TFE, SWJ7)

this dark-skinned youth was one of the many children who were orphaned during the early stages of the
Clone Wars. Garr was rescued from Excarga, after Separatists took control of the mines there. Aboard
the Candaserri, Garr tried to befriend young Boba Fett. Garr was a member of a near-human species
which was asexual until the age of thirteen, when their bodies changed and adopted male or female
characteristics. Boba eventually discovered that he liked Garr, and found that spending time with a friend
was a good experience. However, when the Candaserri landed on Bespin to drop off the orphans, Garr
was caught off-guard when Boba fled into the city's depths. He pursued Boba, only to have the young
bounty hunter tell him that he didn't need any friends. Garr then told Glynn-Beti where Boba was, in an
effort to bring him back. (BF2)
Garr, Faltun
this Imperial Colonel was placed in charge of the Incom Industries facility on Fresia, after the Empire
nationalized the corporation during the height of the New Order. In his mid-sixties at the time, Garr was
known more for his competent, though uncharismatic, approaches to his work. After serving as a soldier
and officer at Kuat Drive Yards and various Sienar Fleet Systems facilities, many thought the posting on
Fresia was something of a demotion. Garr, however, approached his new assignment with enthusiasm.
bipedal predators of the Wayland forests, garrals were used by the Empire to help guard Mount Tantiss.
They are attracted by the sounds of a repulsorlift, and most ultrasonic emissions will send them into a
killing frenzy. Their native world was unknown, although it was later discovered that they were biologically
engineered by the Imperial scientist Luthos Garral by crossing a Mantessan panthac with several other
creatures. A normal garral measures about two meters in length, has grey fur, and has a short tail topped
with tufts of white fur. (DFR, TLC, TTSB)
Garral, Luthos
this Imperial scientist is credited with crossing a Mantessan panthac with several other vicious species to
create the garrals. He designed them to be vigilant sentries and guards. (TTSB)
a native of the planet Abregado-rae, this portly but energetic man served as the base Commander of
Caluula Station, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Garray left his homeworld early in the
alien invasion, when his homeworld came under fire. He found himself in an unenviable position in the
months following the Galactic Alliance's Operation Trinity, as the Yuuzhan Vong began attacking the
station. He believed that the alien invaders were planning to overrun Caluula in order to reach Lianna, but
the Yuuzhan Vong commander explained that Caluula's inhabitants were to be sacrificed to the Yuuzhan
Vong gods. When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked with a ychna, Garray found himself powerless to defend
the station. Faced with the imminent destruction of Caluula Station, Garray issued the evacuation orders,
hoping to get as many people as possible to the planet's surface. (UF)
Garren, Ara
this woman was an Imperial Intelligence agent, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. (RESB)
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer, the Garrett was dispatched to aid the Harpax in recovering the
Protector fleet which defected under Admiral Harkov. Darth Vader commanded the ship. It was also used
to transport prisoners in the Yllotat System. (TIE)
Garret, Xun
he was the overseer of Tyed Kant. He was an honest man, who would not be bribed or swayed by the
various food producing ranches that hovered in the planet's clouds. (SN)
Garret's Gold
this was one of the many aliases Talon Karrde maintained for the Etherway, during the early years of the
New Republic. Aves used the Garret's Gold identity to enter Bilbringi, as part of a smugglers' mission to

steal the Imperial crystal gravfield trap that was located in the shipyards, just prior to the Battle of
Bilbringi. (TLC)
this was one of the multitude of Imperial-class Star Destroyers which made up the Imperial Navy fleet,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this man served as the chief traffic controller at the Mos Eisley spaceport, on the planet Tatooine, in the
months following the death of Jabba the Hutt. He had been on duty when Han Solo and the Millennium
Falcon blasted awat from Tatooine, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and never forgot that Han failed to
pay his docking fees. Garrick was also a skilled mechanic. (LTA4, MC81)
this was a common name used by the H'nemthean race. (UANT)
Garris Socket
this is the standard interface on the rear end of a starship negative flow coupler. It fits onto a threepronged slot. (CFG)
Garris, Keil
the son of Venadar Garris, Keil Garris was also an alias used by Han Solo. As Keil, he helped Venadar actually Garris Shrike - swindle wealthy Corellians out of their credits with a fake asteroid mining scam.
Pavik Tharen eventually discovered that Han was really Keil, and this precipitated Han's flight from
Corellia. (TPS)
Garris, Venadar
this alias was once used by Garris Shrike. Under the name of Venadar, he sold shares to wealthy
Corellians in a fake duralloy asteroid mining operation. He also used Han Solo in the cam, claiming him to
be his son, Keil. The scam was eventually uncovered, but not before Shrike made a tidy profit and went
underground. (TPS)
Garrison Moon
this is the single moon that orbits the planet Kessel. The Empire established a garrison station there,
which was later taken over by Moruth Doole. The moon has a normal day of 13 standard hours, and
orbits Kessel's sun every 644 local days. (JS, COTF, JASB)
this is a potent alcohol created by the Wookiees. (RD)
this Sullustan male worked with Vareth. After his parents were killed, he and Vareth took the insurance
money and purchased the Startled Circuit. The two of them were recruited by Bib Fortuna to work as
spacers for Jabba the Hutt. (GG7)
this was one of the largest settlements found on the planet Beheboth, during the height of the New Order.
After the defeat of Gideon Longspar, the city was renamed Prosperity. (LTA3, MC66, PH)
this planet was a hotbed of rebellious activity at the time of the Battle of Endor. The Alliance tried to set
up a cell network there, in order to overthrow the Imperial rulers of the planet. (TBSB)
this Dug criminal was a member of Bazurkah's criminal organization during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. Like many members of Bazurkah's family, Garrulkah suddenly discovered a bounty on
his head for alleged insults to the Ruhx crime family. The bounty, issued by Bog'Ruhx himself, was

claimed by Jango Fett shortly after the Battle of Naboo, when he was on Malastare to meet with Sebolto.
this is the fifth world in the Gorsh System, and is a volcanic wasteland. Like the other planets in the Gorsh
System, Garsala is owned by the Genetech Corporation. It had two natutal satellites. (PG1)
this planet, the second world in the Demar System, had been stripped of all natural resources by the Lant
Mining Corporatio by the time of the Battle of Yavin. (FBS)
this drunken spacer claimed to know the location of a secret ganjuko graveyard, but no one ever believed
him. He was captured Imperial agents on Kothlis shortly before the Battle of Endor, and pumped for
information. His identity was assumed by Imperial Security Bureau agent Cladus Glynn, who hoped to
either obtain information on Alliance agents or lure the agents onto a ganjuko hunt and eliminate them.
Gart, Breth
an Agamarian who joined the Alliance at the same time Keyan Farlander did. Gart aspired to be a fighter
pilot, but suffered from disorientation sickness early in his career. This kept him out of flight training on his
first two attempts to join the ranks of the pilots. He persevered, though, and overcame this weakness the
third time. He completed his training with satisfactory skills, but was killed early in the Galactic Civil War in
an Alliance raid on Kalla VII. (XW)
Gart, Ep
this brash young man was a small-time criminal who worked from a base in Mos Zabu, on Tatooine,
during the height of the Galactic Civil War. His plans to sell a load of Nergon-14 to an Imperial officer
were thwarted when Domo Jones and his friend Blerx called a herd of nerfs to stampeded the location of
the sale. He was killed when he tried to catch Domo, only to find himself flying over the sarlacc in the
Great Pit of Carkoon. The sarlacc attacked, and consumed Ep Gart. (T7)
this was an Alderaanian swear word. (TG)
this is the fourth world in the Gorsh System, and is an oceanic world dotted with small islands. Like the
other planets in the Gorsh System, Gartana is owned by the Genetech Corporation. The waters of the
planet are poisonous to many species. Gartana had twelve moons. (PG1)
this was a Daan settlement once located in the northern half of Zehava city, shortly before the Eighteenth
Battle of Zehva. The Melida invaded it during the early stages of the Nineteenth Battle, herding the Daan
into camps and executing thousands. (DOD)
this male Senali was Ganeed's husband, and a member of the Banoosh-Walore clan. (SP)
this was a common name among the Drall. (UANT)
Garthol's Pain
this was an expletive used whenever a being was surprised. (ROE)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)

one of the Gamorreans serving Jabba the Hutt just prior to the crimelord's death, Gartogg was dim-witted
even for a Gamorrean. Many deaths went unnoticed by Gartogg, who was easily fooled into believing that
the dead bodies were, in fact, asleep. Ree-Yees led Gartogg to believe that the deaths of Ak-Buz and
Phlegmin were part of a grand plot by Ephant Mon, and nearly missed the true nature of the real plots
brewing in the crimelord's palace. He stumbled into Dannik Jerriko, and discovered that Jerriko was an
Anzat. Gartogg tried to tell Ortugg that Jerriko was behind the strange deaths, but Ortugg believed that
Gartogg was just being thick-headed, as usual. Unfortunately, Gartogg was right: Jerriko was trying to
consume Han Solo's soup, and was building up a plot to get him close to Solo. Gartogg carried the bodies
of Phlegmin and a B'omarr monk around as evidence, until the bodies were putrified and partially
mummified by the harsh Tatooine environment. Following the death of Jabba, Gartogg was often seen
wandering around Mos Eisley with his two "friends" in tow. (TJP)
this eggs of this creature were considered a culinary delicacy, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Native to Coruscant, the gartro was a small, dragon-like reptile which scavenged the industrial
sections of the planet for food. Despite the glamor of eating gartro eggs, many native Coruscani believed
these creatures to be noisy nuisances. (CCW)
Gartro Rookery
this was the name given to an abandoned warehouse in Coruscant's industrial sector, during the last
years of the Old Republic. Once a Nebula Consumables warehouse, the building was vacated when
Nebula decided it needed to streamline its operations. Thousands of tons of denta beans were left to rot,
attracting the attention of a huge flock of gartros. The location was later used as a headquarters for The
Lost Ones gang. (CCW)
Gart's Frozen Fruit Snacks
this was a small business, located on Cloud City, that sold unique foods created from a mixture of fruits
from across the galaxy. (GMR3)
this ancient Sith Lord was the chief rival of the being known as The Patron. (DSSB)
a creature known for its tenacious protection of its offspring. (BP)
this Tasari male was the leader of a secret cult that worshipped Tasar Crystals. He father led the cult
before him, and it was the only life Garuk knew. However, he was really only interested in power and
wealth, and paid lip-service to the cult's beliefs. In order to maintain a luxury lifestyle, Garuk began selling
off his cult's crystals without their knowledge. (SWJ15)
this Weequay criminal was active on the planet Qiilura, during the last years of the Old Republic. When
Ghez Hokan began hiring individuals to serve as part of his "police force," Gar-Ul and his brother GutaNay were among the first to sign up. Gar-Ul was known more for his brutish violence than his intelligence,
although this allowed him to fit into Hokan's force with ease. It was Gar-Ul who discovered the presence
of Jedi Master Kast Fulier on Qiilura, after a group of farmers tipped him off to the Jedi's presence. Gar-Ul
was unable to capture Fulier's apprentice, Etain Tur-Mukan, who managed to escape. During the search
for the young Jedi, Gar-Ul crossed the path of the clone commando Darman, who killed the Weequay
with a quick slash of a vibroblade across his throat. (RCHC)
this gas giant was the third planet in the Corulus System. It was orbited by fifteen moons. (CCW)
this Pho Ph'eanian mechanic was a friend of Han Solo's, during the human's days as a smuggler. (EGA)

a deity referenced by Rars Lekfen. He uses an expletive that deals with Garvan's knees. (SWSB)
this drifter was one of the few who survived a stint as the caretaker of the Imperial base on Jellyfish Cove.
A loner and a soldier of fortune, the Empire approached him with the offer of easy payment for watching
over the base until he was relieved. He nearly succumbed to the wiles of the ethereal wraiths there. Bara
discovered how to block the sunlight by using a trooper's uniform, and nearly had Garve. Garve was able
to escape to a landing prisoner ship, which he hijacked when it landed. Rather than let the wraiths attack
the prisoners, Garve took them with him to Tatooine. There, he set the prisoners free in the custody of
Phlik. (SWG4, TMEC)
this planet was known for its strong magnetic poles. It was in orbit around Garvyn that then-Ensign Gilad
Pellaeon first exhibited his skills, using the poles confuse a group of pirates and detroy them. (NEGC)
Garwillian Champagne
this was a failry common form of champagne. (SWJ6)
Garyn, Alexi
known simply as Lex, this man was a Force-sensitive being who dreamed of becoming a Jedi Knight.
Unfortunately, by the time his abilities were discovered, he was too old to be considered for training.
Instead of remaining on the Light Side of the Force, Garyn chose a life of crime, and eventually became
the leader of the vast organization known as Black Sun many years before the Battle of Naboo. Garyn
surrounded himself with the strongest vigos, and even chose the Dathomir Witch Mighella as his personal
bodyguard. However, Garyn and his organization were unprepared for the fury of Darth Maul, who had
been dispatched by his master, Darth Sidious, to elminate any trace of evidence surrounding Hath
Monchar and his attempt to sell information about the upcoming blockade of Naboo. Hath Monchar had
tried to sell the information to Darnada, the Dug vigo who worked for Garyn. Maul destroyed Darnada's
entire operation, then wiped out that of Morn on Calamari, before learning that Asa Naga had fled to
Garyn's fortress on Ralltiir. The Sith Lord eventually caught up with Garyn on Ralltiir, and destroyed the
remaining vigos before drowning Garyn himself. (DM)
Gas Binder
developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, this medicinal fluid was used in the absence of
gas masks or other breathing apparatus. When injected into the bloodstream, a gas binder could help rid
the blood of a variety of toxins. Many medkits and field packs used by scouts and explorers contained a
supply of gas binder. (SHPT)
Gas Gem
this rare stone is found in the atmosphere of the planet Bespin, where it is formed from the various gases
which surround the planet's core. As the gases drop toward the core, they are compressed in various
combinations, until small whorls form around minute particles. The gravitational pressures compress the
gases around the particles, formed strange, clear jewels that appear to continually shift and change.
Gas Grenade
any offensive weapon that can be thrown or propelled into an enemy grouping, a gas grenade does not
produce shrapnel when it explodes. Instead, it releases stored chemical or biological gases into the
enemy's breathing space. (TB)
Gas Mine
this ancient form of mine was developed to expel a cloud of poisonous gas when stepped on. They were
used primarily during the era of the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
Gas Vortex
this mining colony was established in the clouds of the gas giant Yhifar. The pressure of the atmospheric

gases surrounding the station makes living at the station very uncomfortable for most beings. (GG8)
Gasan String Drum
a musical instrument played by Figrin D'an. (MTS)
this planet was of particular interest to both the Alliance and the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It
was powerful and independent, and had no fear of Imperial pacification. Likewise, it felt no need to assist
the Alliance.However, the planet's location and natural resources made it a valuable ally for either side.
After the destruction of Alderaan, several grass-roots rebellions sprang up, hoping to force the leaders of
Gascon to side with the Alliance. (GMS)
GA-series Intelligence Droid
this outdated model of information analysis droid was produced by Cybot Galactica for use in scientific
and business-oriented thinktanks. It was eventually replaced with the GY-series. (TBSB)
this gangly alien was a Xexto from the planet Troiken, and was generally considered one of Tatooine's
best pod racers. He was sponsored by Gardulla the Hutt and served as her personal podracing
champion, although he invariably lost races to Sebulba. Gasgano placed second behind Anakin
Skywalker, in the famous Boonta Eve Classic race won by the nine-year-old human. Known as an
intellectual racer, Gasgano turned into a drunken drawler whenever he had too much too drink. (SW1,
this was one of the many settlements found in the planet Bestine IV. Gasha was actually a floating city,
built on the surface of Bestine IV's ocean. (EGP)
this immense, batlike predator was discovered on an uncharted jungle planet by Milac Troper. A gasnit
swarm attacked Troper's scouting team, and Troper believed that Dayla Kev and Hereven had been killed
by the creatures. The gasnit attacked by grasping its prey with its sharp claws, which dug into the prey
and held on tightly with incredible muscle power. The bite of the gasnit was highly poisonous, allowing the
gasnit to grasp and bite its prey, then release it to die. Once dead, the gasnit could feast at its leisure.
The average gasnit was covered with short, grey fur, and was generally immune to heat and most
poisonous substances. (GMR6)
this term was used by explorers and scouts to denote any planet which was ideally suited to supporting
Human life. (DARK)
this was the Gungan word for a stove or oven. (E1A11)
Gass'kin's Used DroidNet
this was the name given to the network of used droid warehouses maintained by Mad Gass'kin. The
droids sold through the DroidNet were all reconditioned, and were guaranteed to perform as advertised.
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Gast, Edda
this Imperial doctor was one of the key figures in the genetic research of Project Chubar, performed at
Binring Biomedical and sponsored by Warlord Zsinj. Using the studies of her uncle as a starting point,
Doctor Gast developed several new ways to take humanoid alien species and manipulate their brains to
make them smarter and meaner. Zsinj had hoped to create an army of aliens which would help him better

infiltrate the New Republic's ranks and destroy it from within. Gast, a native of the planet Saffalore, was
only too happy to help. One of her first subjects was the Gamorrean, Gamma-9104. After Zsinj learned of
the escape of Gamma-9104 - who called himself Voort saBinring - and the Ewok Kettch from her uncle's
facility, he confronted Doctor Gast and Doctor Novin Bress. He provided both with blasters to kill each
other, as punishment for the escapes. Edda didn't hesitate, shooting Bress to maintain her own existence.
She was allowed to continue, but was eventually captured by agents of Wraith Squadron on Saffalore.
Zsinj tried to kill her with one of his brainwashed subjects, but Nawara Ven prevented that death by
getting her injured body into a bacta tank quickly. In return for a huge sum of credits and a new identity on
Coruscant, she agreed to tell the Republic all about Zsinj's plans. She opted to collect her payment in
Imperial credits, and was accompanied to Coruscant with Ven himself as her bodyguard. This suited Ven
just fine, since Gast was arrested by Republic agents upon her arrival, on charges of trying to smuggle
Imperial credits onto the planet for seditious purposes. Her own cunning had backfired, and she was
imprisoned. (SOC)
Gast, Tuzin
this man was employed by Binring Biomedical, and was one of the leaders in the Imperial experiment
known as Project Chubar, designed to create near-human intelligence in the galaxy's more primitive
humanoid species. It was Tuzin who arranged for the Imperial officer Zsinj to obtain a majority share in
Binring's operations, and who described the usefulness of his experiements. However, over time, Gast
became too attached to his subjects, and feared for their existence in Imperial control. He staged a
massive explosion in the Epsilon Wing of the labs on Saffalore, hoping to sacrifice himself so that the
creatures could escape. Warlord Zsinj's forces managed to recover all but one of the subjects, either
dead or alive, but this survivor was the Gamorrean Voort saBinring. Tuzin died in the explosion, which his
neice Edda claimed was a suicide. (SOC)
Gastess' Finance
this Outer Rim business is run by the despicable Gotal, Sarlim Gastess. This operation specializes in
hostile takeovers of well-run corporations. Gastess then fires ranking management, inserts its own
managers, and restructures the company. A short while later, Gastess will sell the "new" corporation for a
huge, short-term profit. It is not usual to see Gastess break its own records on the Parmic Sector Stock
Exchange. The corporation is large enough to purchase entire planetary conglomerates, but has found
them hard to liquidate. (GG9)
this New Republic Navy Midshipman served under Commander Zoalin aboard the Adamantine, and was
killed by the Death Seed plague while in orbit around Brachnis Chorios. (POT)
this gas giant was the third world in the Brentaal System. It was orbited by three moons. (CCW)
this planet was the homeworld of the Gastrulan race. (SWJ11)
this was a race of slug-like sentients which were native to the planet Gastrula. (SWJ11)
a unit of measure which describes the amount of tension present in a connection. (CFG)
GAT Droid
developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems and produced by the Baktoid Armor Workshop,
the GAT Droid was a maneuverable tank that served as the core of many offensives. The GAT could
perform a number of missions, including reconnaissance and attack, and was armed with a pair of
medium laser cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. It was also heavily armored, so that it could
withstand heavy fire. (SWI62)

this model of the standard GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat was armed with a tractor beam projector in place
of the concussion missile launcher. (FOP)
the Sienar Fleet Systems designation for the Skipray blastboat, a 25-meter-long defense and patrol ship
built for use by the Empire. Although small, it had the power output to rank it as a capital ship. It was an
exceptionally well-armed craft equally suited for atmospheric and deep-space use. The rear section,
containing the main drive, lasers, and stablizing wings, rotated around the axis of the ship on a speciallydesigned sleeve, allowing the ship to have both speed and maneuverability. The GAT-12h was
introduced shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and was not immediately purchased by the Empire. So,
Sienar Fleet Systems began selling them on the open market, where they were snapped up quickly by
pirate and mercenary fleets. The Skipray is equipped with the following shipboard components: 3
Mendarn Arms Dar-2 Medium Ion Cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, 2 Senko Systems 5000 "Tru-Lok"
laser cannons, a concussion missile launcher, and a Sarylcorp ViX Multiflux Reactor. (ISB, EGV, WOTC)
this was the second generation of GAT-series Skipray Blastboat. It measured 25 meters in length, with a
wingspan of 14.3 meters and a height of 7.2 meters. It was similar in armament and sensor systems to
the original GAT-12h, but had an improved Siep-Irol "Omni-Vu" sensor system. (TTSB, EGV)
the Sienar Fleet Systems designation for the third generation of the GAT-series Skipray blastboat,
introduced shortly after the death of Emperor Palpatine. It had larger ammunition bays for its missile
launchers, allowing 12 proton torpedoes and 18 concussion missiles. (JS, EGV)
Gata, Zanza
this man served as an inspector for the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigation during the height of the
New Order. He had an exceptional record with the IOCI, bringing years of experience and an 84-percent
success rate in tracking down his quarry into many investigations, including the search for the thief know
as the Tombat. He was given the task by IOCI Director Jacen Corbit, at the behest of Imperial Moff
Landric. (SWJ8)
the shell of this creature, which was native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, was used to create
ceremonial platters which were used during the Shaping process. (SBS)
this was the nickname Wedge Antilles gave to his R5 astromech droid, following the droid's memory wipe.
It was formerly known as Mynock. (BW)
Gate to the Lands of the Dead, The
according to Yuuzhan Vong mythology, this was the portal through which the living passed when they
died. All those who died were sent to the Lands of the Dead, where they were judged by the True Gods.
Only those deemed worthy were allowed to remain with the Gods. Those who were deemed unworthy
were doomed to roam the Lands of the Dead, never to return to the living nor feel the grace of the Gods.
Shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong reformed the planet Coruscant into a new version of Yuuzhan'tar, the
Yuuzhan Vong mythology was updated to include a Guardian of the Gate, known as the Ganner or the
Jedi Giant, in reference to Ganner Rhysode's stand against the Yuuzhan Vong while protecting Jacen
Solo. (T)
this Charon bio-construct was formed from a lifeform which existed on the Charon homeworld centuries
ago, but was exterminated by the Charon death cults. The machinations of the gatebeast were not fully
understood by the Charon bioscientists, but they managed to program it to perform certain duties. The
gatebeast is used as a defensive tool, for it has the ability to control an attacker's position. Any creature
targetted by the gatebeast can be "gated" back to a position it occupied a short time before. This seems
to be a limited for of teleportation, but the Charon have not fully discovered how the gatebeast performs

the movement. (OS)

a Jedi Master whose image is stored within a Jedi Holocron, the Gatekeeper is the primary access point
for whoever is using the Holocron. (TOJ)
this was one of the many domed cities which sprang up on the surface of the planet Duro, to house
refugees fleeing the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The dome, like other such refugee cities, was
located beneath one of Duro's twenty orbital stations, protected by the planetary shield that contained the
station. Gateway was constantly at odds with Settlement Thirty-two, as each dome tried to obtain the
other's supplies in an escalating struggle to feed its inhabitants. (BP)
Gateway Space Station
this space station was erected by the Empire in orbit around Tshindral III, although no one ever learned
the exact reasons for the choice of location. It was based on the spherical design of the torpedo sphere,
with a huge docking ring encircling the station. Many claim that the planet was a tropical paradise before
experiments aboard the station went horribly wrong. Whatever the reason, the Empire abandoned the
station shortly after its construction and left it adrift. Talandro Starlyte assumed ownership of the station,
and began to remodel it for use as a trading post. The Empire returned to reclaim the station, but Starlyte
offered to pay the Empire a monthly rent in return for its use as a trading post. The Imperials agreed,
provided that a liaison officer remained on the station to monitor its activities, and left Starlyte alone. He
also tried to rename the station as Starlyte Station, but the name only stuck with regular patrons. (WSV)
this common, though archaic, Zabrak surname meant "seeker", and referred to foragers who searched for
useful items. (GCG)
Gatharard, Vincent
this man, a native of the planet Coruscant, served the Empire as a Lieutenant in the military, although he
was known more for his self-important boasting than his skills as a leader. He was stationed at the
Imperial garrison on Echnos during the height of the Galactic Civil War, where he lorded over his
subordinates and longed for the day when he could return to the Academy as a teacher. (SWJ4)
Gatherer 164
this was the codename of the Ryn known as Ferfer, who was a member of the Ryn spy network based on
the planet Balmorra during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (UF)
this is a nickname used by operatives of the Bureau of Ships and Services. They are a non-descript
group, wearing no uniform to identify themselves as part of BoSS. The Gatherers are responsible for
tracking down and apprehending individuals who falsify their starships' transponder codes. (CFG)
Gathering Circle
this section of the primary city on Kegan was where all general meetings and discussions were held
among the populace. It was the central hub of the city, and all other rings surrounded it. (FFT)
Gathering of the Herd
this huge musical event was held annually at Bantha Traxx, on the planet Lianna. Open to local talent
from the Allied Tion, Herd night attracted scouts from all the major recording companies, who were
searching for "the next big thing." (WSV)
Gathering Trail
found in the forests of the planet Kashyyyk, this level of the jungle is used to bring food to the various
cities inhabited by Wookiees. (TT)
Gathering, The

this is the time of conjunction of the three Fyodos moons. All of the Fyodoi shamans, and at least 100
members of each tribe, gather for a huge feast. (PG2)
an alien race. (ISB)
a planet with a pretty good smashball team, during the early years of the New Republic. (COJ)
Gatonne, Resh
this man was a native of Bonadan, and was a bounty hunter during the last days of the Old Republic. His
son, Yarr, eventually followed in his footsteps. (GG10)
Gatonne, Yarr
a native of the planet Bonadan and the son of Resh Gatonne, Yarr Gatonne was a bounty hunter who
worked in the Testarr Sector during the early years of the New Republic. He learned everything he knew
about bounty-hunting from his father. As a mode of operation, Yarr would capture the contacts and
friends of his target, interrogate them, then pose as the contact in order to capture his bounty. His only
weakness was a fascination with rare and valuable gemstones, and could be lured into a hunt by the
possible payment in gemstones. (WBC, GG10)
this bounty hunter was one of several who accompanied Crutag to Trinta, in pursuit of a team of Alliance
agents they encountered on Kwenn Space Station. Gatral and his team were eventually killed by the
dreamscapes and dreambeasts of Halagad Ventor before they could capture the Alliance agents. They
were "resurrected" by Ventor as dreambeasts and sent after the Alliance team. (DOE)
Gatrara Shey'Tyan
this Bothan served as the Ambassador to the Empire, shortly before Bothawui was subjugated by the
Empire. It was Ambassador Shey'Tyan who gave the Empire permission to take control of the Bothan
worlds, much to the dismay of his people. (SWJ3)
this corporation specialized in the creation of highly-specialized explosives, such as plasticene thermite.
Gatsori, Jarina
this woman was a reporter for the Andasala Achievement News agency. (GG11)
this man suddenly appeared aboard the Razor's Kiss, after it was stolen from Kuat Drive Yards by
Warlord Zsinj. Zsinj knew he wasn't part of the security detail he'd sent to the ship, but Ensign Gatterweld
nevertheless took control after the death of Captain Raslan during the ship's flight from Kuat. However,
Gatterweld was unable to defend the huge ship from the massed firepower of the Mon Remonda and the
Tedevium, and the Razor's Kiss was destroyed. However, Gatterweld was rescued from the destruction
and rewarded for his bravery and loyalty to Zsinj. He became part of Zsinj's security force aboard the Iron
Fist, and was later assigned to escort Gara Petothel around the ship. Zsinj didn't trust Gara, who recently
had been known as Lara Notsil and a member of the New Republic. Gatterweld kept close tabs on her,
but was unable to discern her true activities aboard the ship. When she escaped him and released the
test subjects of Project Chubar, Gatterweld tried to stop her. The creatures she had released attacked
him, but she would not allow them to kill him. He was bound up and left behind. (IF, SOC)
one of the many pilots who worked for Lando Calrissian in the asteroid belt known as Lando's Folly,
Gauch was one of the first pilots killed when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Dubrillion. His TIE Bomber
starfighter was under the protection of Belt-Runner I, but the station sustained heavy damage and was
forced to retract shield energy. His ship was left without shields,and destroyed by enemy fire. (VP)

this man served under Grand Moff Bartam, during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. He was often
employed by the Emperor himself, whenever a mission needed covert, military attention, but he remained
faithfully loyal to Bartam. Distinguished by his bald pate the the tattoo that ran from his over his skull,
Gauer was a hulking man with a quick temper. As part of Bartam's intricate plans to take control of the
galaxy for himself, Gauer was assigned to present specially-modified stormtroopers to the Emperor
himself. These troopers were loyal to Trachta's plans, and would eliminate the Emperor at the first
opportunity. At the same time, Bartam tried to assassinate Trachta. Gauer, along with the renegade Moff
Kadir, presented the stormtroopers to Palpatine, as replacements to the troops lost in an earlier
assassination attempt. Palpatine, however, was aware of the plan, and killed Kadir and the stormtroopers
before Gauer could react. Gauer was later apprehended and held without recourse. (SWI62, SWEB)
the native race of the planet Gaulus. (RASB)
this planet was the site of an Alliance bsae during the Galactic Civil War. (RASB)
cowlike creatures raised by the Abyssin on Byss. (GG4)
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was part of the Empire's fleet in Tapani Sector, at the height of the New
Order, and was assigned to patrol the space around Lamuir IV. It was also the flagship of Captain Lin
Nunsk's fleet. (TSIA, LOE)
this 14-meter multipurpose starfighter was built by Shobquix Yards. It was armed with two pairs of laser
cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. (SSR, PG1)
this was the name given to one of the many podraces which wound through the caverns and energy
domes of the penal colony on Oovo IV, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (RAC)
Gauntlet Scanners
the sensor arrays deployed along with a ring of Star Destroyers to guard the planet Byss during Emperor
Palpatine's clonings, the Gauntlet Sensors monitor all incoming security clearance codes and alert the
Star Destroyers to any illegal users. (DE2)
Gauntlet Squadron
one of the fighter squadrons assigned to the Soothfast during its patrol of the Meridian Sector. The
squadron took heavy losses during a brief battle of Exodo II, in which the Yuuzhan Vong priestess Elan
was recovered. (HT)
Gauntlet Squadron
one of the two starfighter squadrons the New Republic relied heavily on when Rogue Squadron resigned
its commission to fight the Bacta War, along with Corsai Squadron. The Gauntlet Squadron X-Wings were
later assigned to the Allegiance during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. (WS, SOC)
this Corporate Sector world is controlled by a religious cult. Han Solo and Chewbacca once ran chak-root
to the workers of this planet, since the substance held some religious taboos. They ran the substance for
Big Bunji, who agreed to pay for their expenses as part of their salary. The chak-root runs became more
and more difficult as the religious leaders - known as muftis - took notice of them, until one run was
intercepted. The Millennium Falcon sustained considerable damage, and Han was forced to dump his
load in order to escape. He got the Falcon repaired, since Big Bunji agreed to pay for all expenses.
However, he soon received a bill from Big Bunji for all the repairs as well as the dumped chak-root. Both

Han and Chewie were livid, and in return for Big Bunji's bill, they strafed the crimelord's compound with
the Falcon's new weapons. (CSA)
Gauron Nas Tal
this Saurin comabt expert was hired by Jabba the Hutt to train his Gamorrean guards. He quickly came to
regret the decision to work for Jabba, because he hated the Hutt nad his henchmen. Like many of
Jabba's employees, he was plotting to kill the Hutt shortly before Leia Organa did the job for him. (CCG7)
this was the name used to describe any device which could charge an object with a specific electrical
field. (IWE1)
shortened name for an ground assault vehicle. (SWJ9)
a drink favored by the Mon Calamari. (RASB)
Joreb Goss lived with Isela Talsava Norand on this planet, in the city of Torlas. (SOL)
Gavin, Bowman
this New Republic Colonel held the title and position of director of flight personnel for the Fifth Battle
Group. This meant that he held a great deal of influence in the recognition and promotion of the pilots in
the Fifth, and had the ability to hand-pick pilots for certain assignments. As a pilot himself for the Alliance,
Gavin had earned the new sun insignia of the B-Wing pilots during the Battle of Endor. He earned many
more service decorations before be promoted to the director's position. (TT)
Gavler, Bent
this native of Bespin's Cloud City rescued Allania Jakien and her friends following the garrisoning of the
outpost. (MTS)
Gavrilonnis Tejere
this Givin was apprehended by Mace Windu and Yoda, shortly after it was discovered that he was
sabotaging the Yag'Dhul ambassadorial landing pad on Coruscant, shortly before the onset of the Clone
Wars. Tejere was caught trying to disable the platform's repulsorlifts by co-worker Jujiran Halbeet, who
was subsequently shot by Tejere. The two Jedi Masters happened to be nearby, returning from a
meeting, and rescued Halbeet before disarming Tejere and taking him into custody. Initial investigation
showed that Tejere had no direct affiliation with the Separatists, however. (HNN5)
Gavron Sil
this being was hunted down and killed by Boba Fett, during the early years of the New Order. Unknown to
Fett, Gavron Sil was the son of the crimelord known as Drex. Drex and his surviving son, Feleen
Bantillian, conspired to trap Fett on Vornax and exact revenge on him for the death of Gavron Sil. (T18)
a planet that was once under Imperial control. Gilad Pellaeon's first command assignment was to take a
group of transports to the planet, but he was ambushed by pirates. Pallaeon managed to defeat the
pirates, which eventually led to his promotion to command of the Chimaera. Note that this planet is
referred to as Garvyn in The Essential Guide to Characters. (TTSB, EGC)
this Old Republic corporation produced a variety of starship sensor suites. (SWJ5)
this was an inexpensive foodstuff produced for consumption by the farmers of Qiilura. (RCHC)

this expression, used in the smaller settlements on Tatooine, was used to express tentative indecision, as
in "Gawl, I'm not sure what to do next." (T7)
manufacturers of starfighter life support systems. (SCRE)
this was one of the more important Ansionian clans of Alwari, despite the fact that the Gaxun were not an
overclan. (APS)
this Herdessan man was one of Brylin's servants, during the early years of the New Republic. (MC88)
this was the word used to describe a member of the Gazaran race. (PG1)
an alien race native to the planet Veron, the Gazaran were intelligent, gliding reptiles that were extremely
friendly and eager to please. It was this trait that helped them escape the brunt of the Empire's pro-human
stance, since the Gazaran offered no resistance to Imperial rule. They were strictly herbivores, and lived
in the fevvenor trees of the Veron rainforest, establishing vast cities in their branches. At the height of the
Galactic Civil War, the Gazaran had achieved minimal level of technology and industry, mainly geared
toward the production of items needed by the tourists who visited Veron. Each Gazar was given a name
which described the city they lived in, their status in the city, and the names of their parents. Thus, the
name of a particular Gazar could change over time. The average Gazaran was highly superstitious, and
afraid of the larger creatures of the Veron rainforest. Each Gazaran city was ruled by a female who had
given birth to at least twelve litters, and other females held positions of power because of their ability to
give birth. Males, by contrast, were responsible for gathering food and protecting the females. (PG1, AE)
this Dug was a member of Sebolto's gang during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The noted
podracer Sebulba issued a bounty for Gazurga's capture, after hearing that Gazurga bet against him in
that fateful Boonta Eve Classic podrace won by Anakin Skywalker. Jango Fett eventually claimed the
bounty shortly afterward, during his attempt to meet with Sebolto. (BH)
Gazzari System
this star system, according to a story told by Groff Haug to the mercenary known as Montross, was the
site of the Bando Gora base of operations. Haug hoped to avoid any trouble from Montross, who
eventually discovered that Haug had been lying. In reality, the system was a haven for smugglers who
were working for Sebolto. The smugglers existed in the system for many years, until the Old Republic
shut them down after receiving information on their activities from Bendix Fust. In retaliation for the false
lead, Montross had Groff Haug frozen to death. (BH)
Gazzt So-Terr Aggul Meztim-Si
this was one of the wondrous tree-cities built by the Gazaran in the rainsforests of the planet Veron. It
was located on the southern coast of the continent of Ganzka. (PG1)
this was the Snivvian word for "ticket." (HNN5)
early Incom hyperdrive motivation unit. (TIE)
second-generation Incom hyperdrive motivation unit. (SCRE)

third-generation Incom hyperdrive motivation unit. (SCRE)

this Incom hyperdrive system was first used on the original Helix Interceptor light freighter. It was later
replaced by the GBp-629. (SWJ5)
this was a model of Incom hyperdrive was faster than its predecessor, the GBp-625. The main difference
was that the GBp-629 came equipped with a back-up hyperdrive motivator. The GBp-629 was used on
the "B" version of the Helix Interceptor. (GOF2, SWJ5)
an extremely high-gravity world, Gbu is the homeworld of the Veubgri race. (CS)
developed by the Bank of the Core, this currency converter was designed to provide the user with up-todate currency exchange rates during travels throughout the galaxy. (GFT)
this female Wookiee was an independent spacer who traveled the galaxy in her ship, the Silver Claw. She
was once captured by Imperial forces near Byblos, but was freed by a group of spacers she had rescued
at Rampa. (PSPG)
G-class Shuttle
this was a moderately fast transport shuttle, developed near the end of the Old Republic. (JQ)
this semi-humanoid droid was designed by Droxian Manufacturing for use in the multitude of Herglic
gambling houses on Tresidiss and other worlds. It was equipped with an AA-1 verbobrain, and its
computer banks contained an extensive gambling database and programming that allowed to to keep
tabs on a large number of players. (GG11)
this predatory creature was native to the planet Qiilura. Gdans hunted in large packs, and cooperated to
bring down prey that was much larger than any individual. The average gdan measured just thirty
centimeters in length, and was a nocturnal predator. Although the teeth of a gdan were capable of tearing
apart flesh, the farmers of Qiilura feared the bacteria and germs they carried in their saliva. A scratch or
small bite was almost always fatal. The gdan population was kept in check because of the Gurlanin,
which actually fed on the small predators. Usually, however, a Gurlanin would only kill a gdan if it was
threatening an infant. Gdans created huge, underground warrens for their living areas, and emerged
primarily to hunt and feed. (RCHC)
Geal System
New Republic Captain Narn Detan was killed by Moxin Tark in this system, while establishing the
government of a small colony. (WBC)
Gebbo Fewgive
this con artist was supposedly one of Talandro Starlyte's regular customers. (WSV)
a transport ship owned by Galactic Electronics, it was used to evacuate technical crews from the Pondut
research platform during the Empire's retaliatory strike there. (TIE)
this Gran smuggler was a rival of Fenig Nabon. His ineptitude usually meant that Fenig beat him to real
good jobs, a fact that Gecee rankled the Gran. Both Fenig and Gecee were involved in a barroom brawl
at the Black Dust Tavern, on Socorro, shortly after the Battle of Endor. They exchanged blows, and Fenig

knocked him unconscious with one good whack on the head with a bottle. Gecee later revived, and
attacked Fen when she returned to the Star Lady. Despite his lack of piloting skills, Gecee could shoot
straight, would have shot Fen if Ghitsa Dodger hadn't grabbed his ear and immobilized him. (GMR2)
an Alliance YT-1300 stationed at their DS-5 deep space outpost. It was the ship that Harkov used to try
and escape from Darth Vader when Vader intercepted Harkov at the station. (TIE)
this was the original name of the asteroid called Hanoon. Geddes was the site of many mining operations,
as the asteroid was rich in valuable minerals and ores. When the Empire terraformed the asteroid, it was
renamed to Hanoon. (GB)
Gedi IV
a planet. (E1A5)
Gee Long
this being was one of Auren Yomm's Colonial Games teammates, during the early years of the New
Order. Gee Long was among the many athletes from the Umboo Province who contracted the rooze
virus, after it was unleashed by Governor Koong. (DCAR, SWDB)
this was a form of speeder developed by the X'Ting for moving through the tunnels and warrens of their
lairs on the planet Ord Cestus. During the years leading up to the Clone Wars, these speeders were
equipped with electronic tracking devices, allowing them to map the fastest route to their destination, and
also allowing them to be tracked and located if lost. (TCD)
Geedon V
a world that was home to some of the most vicious pirates in the galaxy, until Gallandro arrived and took
control of the entire planet single-handedly. It is located in the Sumitra Sector. (HSL, REB)
this species of small avian was native of the forest moon of Endor, and was prized by zoos and collectors
of exotic animals for its ability to mimic any sound it hears. They were naturally inquisitive, reptilian
creatures, distinguished by the thick horn which stood atop their heavy bills. (GF, WSW)
this alien race is native to the planet Needan. They are short, furry, canine humanoids who loved to barter
and hoard valuables. They owned and operated Zirtran's Anchor during the Galactic Civil War. The
species barely survived when Needan was hit by a passing comet and forced into a wider orbit, resulting
in a rapid cooling of the planet and upheaval of the seasons. Needan was quickly turned into a frigid
wasteland, and the Geelan were forced to erect domed structures to protect themselves from the frigid
cold. A passing Arconan picked up a distress call the Geelan had broadcast, and agreed to supply them
with more advanced technology to assist in the survival of their species. In this way, they discovered the
great galactic community, and quickly spread throughout it. They employed a no-holds-barred form of
commerce, in which any action was acceptable as long as it got the job done. Blackmail, bribery, and
physical violence were not uncommon methods used by the Geelan to complete a deal. (SWJ5, SWJ13,
this Rodian was known as a cynic to his fellow patrons of the Crosstown tavern on Cularin, during the
height of the Clone Wars. (LFCW)
term was used by the Geelan race to indicate their ruler. Known as Master Geel or the Great Geel, the
Geeloniran was responsible for all business ventures undertaken by the Geelan. The Geeloniran also
presided over the activities of individual Geelan "nests." According to tradition, the Great Geel never left

the Geelan world of Needan. (SWJ5, SWJ13)

meaning "sly", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names generally
described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to
describe an individual. (GCG)
Geen, Locus
this man was a decorated General from the days of the Old Republic, following in the footstepps of his
grandfather's grandfather. He retired just before Emperor Palpatine instituted the New Order, and became
a politician on the planet Salliche. He developed a network of contacts, and his status as a war hero got
him invited to many events. He was known to be an expressive storyteller, often embellishing his tales
with different voices and sound effects. However, Geen also hated the Empire, and used specially
encrypted messages to pass information about the Imperial presence on Salliche to Alliance agents.
Geen, Tavell
this man served as the Scrivinir of the Centrality during the early years of the New Republic, until he was
ousted by Sris Lehhett. Geen fled to Coruscant, hoping to rebuild his power base and return to the
Centrality and reclaim his position as Scrivinir. (GMR5)
this young man worked as the son of a farmer on the planet Ceriun, some 1,000 years before the Battle
of Endor. He was also one of Tenno's close friends. When Tenno suggested that they take the Jedi
holocron found by Ka'arn and keep it safe until a Jedi could travel to Ceriun to recover it, Geenor was
among the group that agreed to help him. They also hoped that, maybe, a Sith might come looking for it,
and take them all as apprentices. When the Sith did arrive and simply took the holocron, Tenno explained
that they had been trying to ensure he could have it. Anger surged in the Sith, who explained that he
needed no one's help before killing Geenor and the others as Tenno's "reward". (T17)
Geentech Corporation
this company was the manufacturer of the 2-1B series of medical droids. They were headquartered in the
Gorsh System, which the corporation owned. In addition to medical droids, Geentech has also developed
and manufactured a large number of pharmaceutical products. These have been derived form the vast
amount of plant and animal life found throughout the Gorsh System. Unfortunately for the corporation,
however, they were run out of business by the ruthless tactics of Genetech, which claimed that the name
"Geentech" infringed on the copyrights of Genetech. Genetech ultimately won the court battle, and
Geentech was forced to stop its operations. Rumors abound that Genetech had the backing of the Empire
during the proceedings. (RASB, SWSB, PG, FTD)
Geentech Laboratories
one of the many subsidiaries of Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company, Geentech was
acquired when GeneTech successfully sued Geentech Corporation for copyright infringements. (CSA,
meaning "shy", this name was common among Gungan females. (GCG)
this small weapons manufacturer produced several micro-blaster, as alternatives to hold-out weapons.
this device was used to hold objects in place. It used a dedicated power source to apply incredible
pressure, and could easily clamp onto large objects. (TPS)

this Snivvian scout was employed by Jabba the Hutt to locate new planets and chart difficult terrain.
Although Geezum was never sure of Jabba's motives, the Hutt paid him very well. (CCG7)
this Rodian was one of Odanni's criminal contacts, until Geffa tried to force the Mon Calamari to pay a
ten-percent "emergency mark-up" on a shipment of spice. Odanni's enforcer, Nollo Kanx, had prepared
for treachery, and poisoned the food meant for Geffa. Geffa died when he refused to back down. (WSV)
this Imperial Navy officer served as Edric Darius' First Officer, aboar the torpedo sphere stationed near
Tallaan during the Imperial occupation of Tapani Sector. (LOE)
manufacturers of pleasure repulsorcraft such as sail barges. (RPG, GMS)
this Imperial Navy Captain survived the Galactic Civil War, and later served under Foga Brill. Gegak
commanded the destroyer Tobay during the search for the Teljkon vagabond. He carried a neuronic whip
as a personal weapon, using it to keep his crew in line. (TT)
Gegon Valt
this Skakoan individual was noted in the histories of the planet Skako. (UANT)
Gehenbar Hive
this was one of the most powerful Geonosian hives, which was also the chief rival of the Stalgasin Hive.
Geillian Ale
an interstellar brew. (WSV)
the Jedi Knight who accompanied Callista Ming on the mission to disable the Eye of Palpatine, Geith was
an excellent pilot as well as a Jedi. He was also very much in love with Callista, as she was with him.
They had first met on Cloud City, while Callista was on a brief layover while training aboard the
Chu'unthor starship owned by Jedi Master Djinn Altis. She discovered that he was Force-sensitive, and
asked him to learn about the Force on the Chu'unthor. After the original discovery of the Eye of Palpatine,
both Geith and Callista were dispatched by Jedi Master Plett to stop the ship. They managed to get
aboard, but were trapped by the ship's formidable defenses. After a long argument, they both agreed that
he was the only one with a chance to pilot a starship past the Eye of Palpatine's automated defenses and
escape. So, he left Callista on the ship with a promise to return with help, and took a Skipray Blastboat.
He had nearly predicted the ship's automatic firing pattern, but a change caught him unaware. Once the
Eye of Palpataine realized that its target was disabled, it trained all fire on Geith's ship, destroying it and
killing him before he could escape. (COJ, SWJ14, NEGC)
this was one of the minor Hutt clans which was native to the planet Nal Hutta. (TF)
a tough, green-skinned reptiloid race that walks upright. They have four digits on each hand and foot, and
have a scaly, segmented tail. The gektl has the unique ability of shedding their skin and tails when
captured. This sudden loss of control allows the gektl to escape from its startled captor. (CSWEA)
Gekto System
Talon Karrde often had business in this area of the galaxy. (TFNR)
a small, portable version of a bacta tank, it can be used on specific injuries. (LCM)

a protective packaging material that coats the internal moving parts of weapons or machinery and
preserves them during shipment. (HSE)
Geld Bernar
this Khil trader purchased the Merasy at an auction on Brentaal, and added many amenities to the ship.
Among them were a state-of-the-art entertainment system and improved library computers. However,
Bernar eventually sold the ship to Vacasor in order to help finance an investment in a high-speed
shipping company. (SS)
Geldan Sun-apple
an exotic fruit. (RM)
manufacturers of high-intensity lamps for starships. (SCRE)
this woman served as a traffic control officer aboard the Lormar 23 refinery station, during the height of
the New Order. (FBS)
this planet, located in the Outer Rim Territories, was left alone by the Empire. A cold, swampy world,
Gelgelar was best known as the site of the Gelgelar Free Port. Gelgelar was also known to be the site of
a Shrine of Kooroo. (SWJ8, SWJ13)
Gelgelar Free Port
this was the primary city found on the planet Gelgelar, and was the site of the planet's primary starport.
The entire establishment was owned and operated by Loro Ecls and his family. (SWJ14)
Gelgelar Outfitters
this general store was the primary source of supplies for spacers who visited the Gelgelar Free Port. It
was run by Qulo Ecls during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (PSPG)
this was one of the many Twi'leki clans which were native to the planet Ryloth. In the Twi'leki language,
the clan's name meant "flowery". (GCG)
this Saurton was a member of the Tresycht nation, when Messert Mines Corporation first purchased the
rights to the Thergum Pits. Gellack used the alliance with Messert to obtain weapons and backing for his
own army, and quickly subjugated the Yiszte nation. Within four years, Gellack had managed to take
control of the entire planet of Essowyn. He then established the position of High Priest, a Saurton within
each tribe who reported directly to Gellack himself. Over time, this system of government was adapted
slightly in order to maintain the control of the High Priests yet continue to have a single planetary
government. (PG1)
Gelorik, Camron
this Sundar leader was was one of the primary leaders of the Committee of Seven for Garosian
Unification. (SWJ5)
this was the term used to describe any seismic activity on the planet Galantos. (CCW)
this noted pazaak player lived on the planet Taris, some four millennia before the Battle of Yavin. He
played most of his matches at the Lower City Cantina, and was known as one of the best teachers of the
game in the galaxy. (KOTOR)

this was a common name among the Toydarian race. (WOTC, UANT)
this is one of the three largest cities found on the planet Farrfin. Like Jahhnu and Farlhu, it is best known
for the criminal element which thrives within its borders. (TTSB)
Gelune Blankuna
this female Twi'lek and her husband, Jer, feared that their son, Ree, had become entangled in the
criminal underworld surrounding Podracing, during the early years of the New Order. The Blankuna's
concern for their son was actually part of a ruse, however, as Jer was secretly working for the Desilijic
Hutts. Jer and Gelune were charged with locating a team of freelance agents to "rescue" Ree, in an effort
to get closer to Kaeline Ungasan without alerting him to the presence of Desilijic agents. The Blankuna's,
in fact, had no biological children. They engaged the freelancers during a series of interviews run from the
Blankuna mansion, which orbitted the planet Alderaan. After the agents broke up Ungasan's hold on
Ando Prime, the Blankunas were relocated by the Hutts, and the freelance agents were never paid.
Gelviddis Cluster
a section of the galaxy in which the Jedi Knights discovered a unique sand which allowed them to conjure
up images from their minds in its swirling patterns. (COJ)
this was form of candy enjoyed on the planet Cerea. (GCG)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Gem came from a form of candy that was enjoyed on
Cerea. (GCG)
GemDiver Station
the name given to Lando Calrissian's corusca gem mining platform in orbit around Yavin. He started the
operation around the time that Jaina and Jacen Solo attended the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. The station
was decorated with soft colors and artistic optical tubing creating pleasant designs. Soothing music was
continually played over the station's comm systems. Lando used heavily-armored mining ships to plunge
into Yavin's atmosphere and scrape corsuca gems from the hard core. His ships also employed nets to
capture gems that had been extracted by the harsh winds and swept into the atmosphere. The gems
were packed in armed hyperspace cargo pods and sent to their destination. (SA)
this world, the second planet in the Lianna System, was blanketed with a hot, dense, poisonous
atmosphere. It was orbited by a single moon. (ML)
this Alliance pilot helped the Alliance scout the planet Arbra, as a possible location for a new base of
operations after the Battle of Hoth. He later flew a TIE Fighter into battle against the Imperial forces on
Spindrift, using surprise to take control of the base. Sometime later, Gemmer acquired a stone
paperweight on Golrath, which began to pulsate with strange lights and kept Gemmer awake at night.
(LTA3, MC55, MC60, MC65)
this woman was married to a Balawai militia officer during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Her
husband and his partner, Lou, opted to allow Jedi Master Mace Windu to reach the droid control system
located beneath the city of Pelek Baw, on Haruun Kal, so that the Jedi could defeat the Separatist fleet
and put an end to the Summertime War. Gemmie was pregnant at the time, with the couple's third child, a
situation which led to her husband's decision to acceded to Master Windu. (SHPT)

a Cygnus Spaceworks ion engine which saw extensive duty as the emergency sublight drive of the
Imperial-class Star Destroyer. (EGV)
Gemthrop City
a walled city that houses an average spaceport. The city is walled to keep out the Lecknag beasts. (RPG)
this is a fine, silk-like thread that can be woven into extremely smooth cloth. (VOF)
meaning "clumsy", this was one of the most common names among Rodian males. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
this starship was produced during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (JQ7)
this huge, orange-and-blue gas giant planet was the fourth planet in the Cularin System. Its core was
incredibly dense, giving all the properties of a protostar, including the presence of nuclear reactions.
These reactions produced two effects. First, the atmosphere of the planet was churned by intense storms.
Second, Genarius appeared to glow from within, giving it an eerie appearance to visitors to the system.
Despite this incredibly dangerous scenario, Genarius was known to support at least one form of native
live, the cochlera. Also, several orbital cities were built by entrepreneurial mining operations as bases
from which they harvested some 150 rare gases and nuclear energy for sale. (LFC)
this planet, located in the M'shinni Sector, is the original homeworld of the M'shinni people. (GG12)
GenaTech Weapons
this was a little-known weapons producer, active in the Outer Rim Territories during the early years of the
New Republic. GenaTech was developed under the auspices of the New Republic, and essentially a
weapons development facility. (SWJ6)
this huge devices were the primary component in most planetary defense shields. (REB)
native to an unspecified planet, this race of humanoids was rarely seen in the galaxy. Those few Gen'Dai
encountered away from their homeworld we unusual in a number of respects, not the least of which was
their longevity. Some Gen'Dai were known to have lived for 4,000 years or more. The nervous and
circulatory systems of a Gen'Dai were highly unusual, and helped the Gen'Dai overcome physical injuries
with little effort. Rather than a central nervous system, the Gen'Dai body contained millions of nerve
clusters which acted together to act as a central system. This distributed nervous system gave the
Gen'Dai incredibly swift reflexes. However, the loss of one or more nodes meant little overall damage,
since the remaining clusters simply picked up the work. The circulatory system of the Gen'Dai lacked a
heart, using a combination of capillary actions and muscuklar contractions to push blood throughout the
body. This allowed a Gen'Dai to be cut many times without bleeding to death, as certain locations could
be clamped down with minimal effort. This dIstribution of function allowed the Gen'Dai heal and recover in
little or no time, and gave them the ability to slow the aging process. Furthermore, the musculature of the
Gen'Dai was composed of independent muscles linked by the distributed nervous system, allowing for the
Gen'Dai to extrude knots of muscle as secondary limbs. These muscles were also able to repair
themselves rapidly, allowing a severed limb to be reattached almost immediately. The only system which
did not benefit from the Gen'Dai's unusual physiology was brain, which deteriorated with age like any
other humanoid race. The galaxy at large was spared any fear of the Gen'Dai because, as a people, the
Gen'Dai were simple nomads who were not overly aggressive.The Gen'Dai population was also quite

small, as the birth rate was exceptionally low. (SWDB)

this man was the ostensible leader of the Outcasts, who lived in the poorest sections of the Lower City of
Taris some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. When a group of Jedi Knights returned several
diaries to Rukil, the elder turned them over to Gendar, hoping that he could piece together enough
information to pinpoint the location of the Promised Land. (KOTOR)
Gendarr, Iolan
the Imperial Navy Captain in command of the Star Destroyer Reliance, Gendarr was a native of the planet
Commenor. He served under Captain Needa aboard the Avengerbefore being promoted in the aftermath
of the Battle of Hoth. He was soon given command of the Reliance, and ordered to protect the training
facility on Jardeen IV. When word of the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Endor reached Jardeen IV,
Gendarr fled Jardeen IV with General Arndall Lott before the New Republic could find their facility.
Genden, Lohn
a native of Alderaan, Lohn Genden left the planet at the age of twenty-five, some twenty-one years before
the planet was destroyed by the first Death Star. In the time before Alderaan's destruction, Genden was
believed to have been under the command of Imperial Intelligence, but was unheard of until shortly before
the Battle of Hoth. Then, he ambushed a luxury liner and held the passengers hostage while demanding
the release of Imperial captives. Emperor Palpatine refused , and Genden destroyed the liner and all
10,000 passengers. Several months after the Battle of Endor, Genden re-appeared and took command of
a New Republic military base. He again demanded the release of prisoners being held in Republic
prisons, but he was driven off before any further action occurred. He managed to elude capture, and was
not seen again. It is believed that he retreated to the moon of Gormdin. (WBC)
Gendius V
the inhabitants of this planet were saved from a plague by the assistance of an unknown "scoundrel"
during the early years of the New Order. (WOTC)
a planet. (GA)
an ancient Duro dutchess, she was entombed in the Valley of Royalty, in a monument that bears her
name. Geneer was distinguished as the last of the sovereigns to control the planet Duro, having been
ousted by the megacorporations which evolved on the planet over the millennia. (MMY, CCW)
'Geneering Products
this pharmaceutical manufacturer created the truth serum OV600. They also manufactured RiMPacks for
cyborg implantation. (CFG)
this was one of the terms coined by the New Republic to indicate the science of bio-engineering organic
technology, which was brought to the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong. (T)
General Good
this was the set of beliefs held by the Keganites, prior to their joining the Old Republic. Maintained by VTan and O-Vieve, the General Good required every Keganite to dedicate themselves to their planet.
Everything they did was for the betterment of the General Good, including the virtually complete isolation
of the planet from the rest of the galaxy. V-Tan and O-Vieve taught the Keganites that the importing of
technology or knowledge was harmful to the General Good. Every member of society was held in equal
regard, and every person was considered a member of a single family. It was believed that each Keganite
had a Guide Within, which was their spirit and lifeforce, and tied them into the General Good. The
General Good wasn't complete unless every Guide Within was united with each other. To indicate a
Keganite's dedication to the General Good, each person placed a letter before their given name - a V for

men and an O for women - to demonstrate their commitment. The additional letter could only be dropped
when two Keganites formed a lifelong bond, and then only in private. (FFT)
General Information Contest
this form of testing, developed at the Leadership School on Andara, involved quizzing a large body of
students with questions of a general nature about the galaxy and its political situation. Each student
entered the answers to the questions on a personal datapad, and all answers were tallied up by a central
computer that was controlled by a professor. The GIC allowed professors to assess the overall progress
of a matriculated class, and could also help place incoming students into proper classrooms. (JQ5)
General Marshoo's Eatery
this cafe was located in the city of Otoh Gunga, on the planet Naboo, during the period leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. It was owned and operated by the immense Gungan, Marshoo. (T3)
General Ministry
this body ran the day-to-day business of the New Republic. It was formed after the dissolution of the
Provisional Council, in an effort to to ensure that the non-military aspects of the government were duly
addressed. It had the responsibility for handling the ministry of the government, finance, commerce,
security and intelligence, and science and education. Many well-respected universities, including the
Obroan Institute for Archaeology and the Kellmer Institute of Galactic History, were directly funded by the
General Minsitry. (SOL, CTD)
General Ministry Communications Agency
this body of the Old Republic was responsible for the maintenance and content of the HoloNet, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
General Purpose Attack Fighters
a snub fighter of Bakuran design, often referred to as GPAs. (SC)
General Quarters
this was the name of the lounge and passenger cabins maintained aboard Omze's Incredible Traveling
Starport. (PSPG)
General Spacetronics
manufacturers of the MaKing-class transport ship. (RPG)
General Visitor Agreement
this official document, signed by all offworld visitors to the planet Teyr, details the rules and regulations
that must be obeyed. Each visitor must return a signed copy to Teyr officials upon debarking on the
planet. (SOL)
Generations III
this was the brand name of a self-contained power generator used by the Empire to power their remote
communications centers. (SOP)
this Imperial agent was an average human being until the Empire discovered Calamari. Then, he gave
himself to the Emperor, and had his appearance surgically altered so that he resembled a Mon Calamari.
The disguise was nearly complete, except for the fact that his human internals were not altered. He
served as part of COMPNOR's Destabilization branch. (DU)
the primary planet in the Generis system, Generis was known as the site of the signing of the Treaty of
Generis which bound the Atrivis Resistance Group to the Alliance. It later server as an Outer Rim
communications center for the New Republic, which was destroyed just prior to the Battle of Bilbringi. It
was located in the Atrivis Sector. Much of the planet was dominated by dense jungles, and several ruins
found within them have revealed the existence of an extinct alien culture. The Republic decided to rebuild

the communications center on Generis, linking it to the outpost on Esfandia to form a redundant link to the
Unknown Regions. The Yuuzhan Vong, during their invasion of the galaxy, destroyed much of the
planet's surface, eliminating one of the Republic's major communications hubs. This action left Esfandia
as the only remaining communications center servicing the Unknown Regions. (RASB, TLC, TTSB, FH3)
this planet was the second and primary world of the Genesia System, located in Brak Sector. Its location
made it a destination for many of the spacers of the sector, and a variety of races from across the galaxy
passed through Genesia on their way to other destinations. Many independent spacers believed that the
planet was just plain lucky, since there were very few accidents among the multitude of starships jumping
to and from Genesia each day. Most of Brak Sector's crimelords established based on Genesia, since the
corrupt government held no real power and could be easily bribed. Genesia was orbited by a collection of
space stations known as G-Stations, as well as the moons of Laut and Gimm. (HR, FBS)
this yellow star was the primary body of the Genesia System of Brak Sector. (FBS)
GeneTech Laboratories
this was one of the many subsidiary corporations of Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company.
This corporation owned the rights to the entire Gorsh System, working in orbiting laboratories to discover
new biochemical products. During the height of the New Order, GeneTech sued the Geentech
Corporation for copyright infringement, citing that the corporate name had been used without permission.
Genetech won the court battle, forcing Geentech out of business and acquiring control of their operations.
Many business analysts believed that GeneTech had the backing of the Empire during the legal battle,
having given the Empire deep discounts and trade preferences in return for political clout. (FOP, FTD)
Genetic Slicer
this was a tool that was created by the Yuuzhan Vong for accessing locked bio-technology. Using a
genetic slicer, a Shaper could open a qhsa that had been sealed shut, and could only be opened by the
presence of its owner's genetic codes. (FP)
Gengi Tung
this Yuuzhan Vong Master Shaper was one of the leaders in the transformation of the planet Coruscant
into a simulacrum of long-lost Yuuzhan'tar. He kept a number of umrach beasts at his disposable for
hunting down the planet's former inhabitants, to help ensure that his shaping work could continue without
mishap. He was always accompanied by his two pet umrachs, Toi and Tixo. (CCW)
Genius Womp Rat
popular rumor during the height of the Galactic Civil War was that there existed a highly-evolved,
intelligent subspecies of womp rats, known as genius womp rats, in the deep deserts of Tatooine. Very
few beings ever claimed to encounter the genius womp rat, and none was ever able to bring back a live
specimen. Among the most notable rumors was that of a rogue, Mon Calamari scientist who was hired by
a Hutt crimelord to genetically alter womp rats. Some escaped, and managed to remain viable in the wild.
Another simply claimed that the "genius" womp rat was simply a smarter individual whose exploits were
blown out of proportion. All these stories were never corroborated by actual evidence, and so the
existence of the genius womp rat remained something of an "urban" legend on Tatooine. (WOTC)
this Mon Calamari served the New Republic as the Captain of the MC80A cruiser, Naritus. Following the
breakup of the Starbuster Plot, Genkal was planning to step down from his command and allow his chief
duty officer, Bril Parry, to assume command. (CTD)
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)
Gennan Var
this Twi'leki bounty hunter accepted Ganis' offer to capture Nawnum the Hutt. He hired the Stalkers in an

effort to ensure he captured Nawnum. He was easily distinguished by the large scars on his head and
arms, and the fact that he was missing one of his head-tails. (IA)
this man was the leader of the Wind Raiders during the height of the Galactic Civil War, and was the chief
rival of Laspevar. He succeeded his father in leading the Wind Raiders, and carried a blaster pistol he
obtained by killing a scout. He never fired the weapon in combat, fearful of the technology behind it.
Genoharadan Assassin Guild
this guild of hired killers was active some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, during the era of the
Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
Genoharadan Mesh Armor
this form of woven armor plating was used as body armor by the members of the Genoharadan Assassin
Guild during the era of the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)
this lonely world was situated close to several major hyperspace trade routes, but it remained unobtrusive
as the base of operations for Grappa the Hutt. (CE2)
an alien race which was part of the Trade Federation of the Old Republic. (RP)
a planet located in the Anoat System, Gentes was home to the Ugnaught race. The planet was barely
liveable, and most of the Ugnaughts move offworld to Cloud City. (MTS, WOA33)
this computer systems manufacturer was known for its advanced droid brain designs and storage
systems. (CRO)
Gentleman Caller
Tendra Risant's slow, out-dated Corellian runabout. She has had limited spaceflight experience, but she
takes the ship into the interdicted Corellian System to warn Lando about the Human League's plans. (AS)
Gentleman Pirate
this nickname was given to Beyla Rus, because he never allowed his band of pirates to kill anyone. Their
weapons were always set on stun. (WBC)
Gentler Rod
this was a form of double-strength stun baton, often favored by Hutts and slavers because of their ease of
use in subduing another being. (WOTC, T)
an Imperial freighter that was used to carry prisoners of war to the Imperial detention center on Mytus VII.
It was captured and boarded by the Alliance shuttle Drago. (XW)
this was another name for the Geonosian race, native to the planet Geonosis. (BF1)
this smuggler was known in criminal circles as a quick thinker and a double-crosser. He once challenged
a group of freelance agents to a starship race deep in Imperial space. He had rigged the course with
traps and ambushes, but was exposed for the fraud he truly was, and the agents took possession of his
ship. (GMS)
Geologist's Guide to Planetary Surfaces, The

this was a textbook written during the Old Republic, and described the basic make-up of the various kinds
of planets and moons. (SWJ2)
this insectile alien race was native to the planet Geonosis. Having evolved in the harsh environment of
the planet, the Geonosians' society grew into a rigid caste system that defined a specific heirarchy that
could not be broken. The average Geonosian was an avian humanoid with leathery skin and insectile
features. Two thin wings sprouted from each shoulder, and provided the primary means of locomotion for
the Geonosian. Their hands and feet ended in three digits, and their legs had two joints each. Their
triangular heads were dominated by a group of thick tendrils that hung from their chins. Those
Geonosians that could fly considered themselves to be superior to their earthbound brethren. Most
Geonosians were simple drones, capable to doing excessive amounts of work with little or no supervision.
Geonosians were efficient workers, combining their own ingenuity with vast amounts of automation to
quickly produce moderate technology. For many centuries before the Battle Geonosis, Geonosians found
a wealth of buyers for their products, but as the Old Republic crumbled, many of their former customers
opted to buy from more local or cosmopolitan worlds. All but a few of the Geonosian factories were
abandoned, until Count Dooku and the Separatists made a deal with the Geonosians to produce millions
of battle droids. (SWI60, TCG1, IWE2)
this was the native language of the Geonosian race. (UANT)
Geonosian Corvette
this corvette was designed and built by the Geonosians, for the use of the Confederacy of Independent
Systems, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Like most other Geonosian designs, the corvette had
a bronze-colored hull and a pointed nose that split into a pair of mandibles. (SWI65)
Geonosian Fighter
this twin-hulled, needle-shaped fighter craft was designed and developed by the Geonosians.
Manufactured by the Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective, the Geonosian Fighter was officially
designated as the Nantex-class Territorial Defense Starfighter. (X2)
Geonosian Massiff
this was an immense predator, native to the planet Geonosis and also found on Tatooine. Massiffs were
considered a symbol of authority by the Geonosian aristocracy, who kept domesticated massiffs as pets.
These massiffs also patrolled the colony's dwellings, eradicating vermin in exchange for the protection of
living inside the caves. The average massiff grew a pair of spike-like antlers each year, until a ring of
these spikes protected their skulls. (SWI60, VD2)
Geonosian Speeder Bike
this was the form of speederbike produced by the Geonosians during the last decades of the Old
Republic. These bullet-shaped speederbikes were controlled by foot pedals and a retractable set of
handlebars. (NEGV)
an inhospitable planet located less than a parsec from Tatooine, Geonosis was the homeworld of the
Geonosian race. The surface of the planet was a desert, dominated by reddish sand and dust which was
produced by regular meteor impacts. The high metallic content of the sands, coupled with the intense
radiation storms that swept the planet's atmosphere, made communications near the planet difficult.
Geonosis was ringed by several belts of asteroids and orbital debris, making the reddish planet appear
quite lovely from space. These asteroids - formed when one of the planet's moons was struck by a twokilometer-wide comet - continually fell to the planet's surface, causing massive groundshakes and
depositing large amounts of ores in the sand. Despite the high metal content of the planet's crust, the
gravity on Geonosis was slightly less than standard. The planet was orbited by four major and eleven
minor moons. (SWI60, BF1, SWDB, SWI62, SWI66, IWE2)
Geonosis Arena Acklay-Rider

this was one of the many attractions found at Aucellis Park, on the moon of Keriba VI, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. (WOA27)
Geonosis Square
this was one of the many tactics developed by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic in
the wake of the Battle of Geonosis. For most of that battle, the clone troopers were severely outnumbered
by battle droids of all kinds, forcing them to improvise on ways to survive the fighting. The Geonosis
Square was a defensive tactic in which four or more troopers arranged themselves in such a way that
they minimized the impact of both aggressive and defensive fire. It was virtually impossible to penetrate
unless fire was concentrated on a single individual. (TCD)
George R. Binks
according to a humorous story that appeared on the HoloNet during the years following the Battle of
Naboo, George R. Binks was the embattled father of Jar Jar Binks. A noted sailor and whale hunter who
was a brave as any Gungan who ever lived, George seemed to have been cursed with an inept son. No
matter how hard he tried, George couldn't get Jar Jar to change his ways. On one trip, Jar Jar allowed a
sea creature to swamp their ship, and the pair was stranded on a desert island, along with the only other
survivor, George's wife. He dreamed of ways to getting rid of Jar Jar and his immature outlook, but Mrs.
Binks thwarted his every attempt. As the story unfolded, it was revealed that George had turned down the
love of Sheebla to marry Mrs. Binks, since Sheebla was unable to bear him a son. Thus, it was ironic that
George's only son turned out to be Jar Jar. (T20)
this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it
didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded
names. (GCG)
Gep's Grill
located behind Lup's General Store in Mos Eisley, this restaurant is owned by Norun Gep and Fillin Ta,
two enterprising young Whiphids. They have worked out arrangements with many of Tatooine's hunters to
purchase the dewback and bantha meat brought out of the desert. (GG7)
Gepto Hukudi
this was a distniguished member of the Pacithhip society. (UANT)
this was one of the many nomadic Korunnai tribes, known as ghosh, which were native to the planet
Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
a planet in the Mneon System (TJP)
this city, located on the planet Garos IV, was the site of a grain processing facility. When the facility was
destroyed, it sparked a civil war between Garos IV and its neighbor, Sundari. The war lasted 82 years
before a truce was signed. (SWJ5)
a primitive, mammalian race native to Yavin 13, the Gerbs were known to be peaceful beings. They were
humanoid in form though short in stature, standing at most a meter tall with short arms and long legs. A
downy fur covered their bodies, and their claws were metallic in compositon, to help them dig through the
rocky ground for roots. A long tail helped the Gerb to balance. They were known for their speed and for
their keen sense of hearing. The ears of a Gerb were one-fourth the being's overall height, and were
effective at radiating excess body heat. In addition to the Gerbese language, the Gerbs learned the
Slithian language over time, as a sort of survival mechanism. The Gerbs were also immune to the venom
of the Slith. (GG2, PH)

Gerbaud 2
a planet in the Sepan Sector. The Imperial escort carrier Tropsobor delivered a number of TIE Advanced
prototypes to the Protector there. (TIE)
this was the native language of the Gerb species. (PH)
this Imperial officer served at the outpost on Spindrift, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Gerdy
and the rest of the personnel on Spindrift were captured by Alliance forces, which used a flight of stolen
TIE Fighters to get close enough to the base to destroy it. (LTA3, MC60)
Gerell Yok'ril
this being served as a proprietor within the Sunburst Mining corporation, on the planet Cularin, during the
last decades of the Old Republic. Gerell believed that Cloud Mountain was somehow cursed, after he lost
several work crews to attacks from dua-wurms. (WOTC)
Gergeroe, Selnia
this former Captain's assistant transferred from her post aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer because of
friction between herself and her commander. She took a position as an Imperial customs agent on
Byblos, but found that she was taken for granted because she was a female officer. A loyal supporter of
the Empire, Gergeroe was nonetheless reasonable to the spacers who landed at Byblos, demanding that
their paperwork be legitimate and in order but giving slack where she felt it was needed. (PSPG)
this Imperial Moff was in charge of the Halthor Sector during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ2)
Gerhalt III
this planet was discovered by Duros explorers during the early centuries of the Old Republic. The
appearance of the Duros helped avoid direct war that had been building as part of the Vinth Conflict.
this is the primary planet in the Geridard System, located in the Doldur Sector. It is the site of a renowned
retirement complex, which is rumored to have the best life-long care in the galaxy. Many corporate
officials and other affluent individuals spend their twilight years on this world. Augusta I'att was scheduled
to go to the Geridard Convalescent Center for treatment of her degenerative disorder when she was
executed by Moff Kerioth. (TFE)
Geridard Convalescent Center
this medical facility, located on the planet Geridard, was known for its ability to reduce or eliminate the
effects of degenerative diseases. (TFE)
this unusual alien race was barely sentient, and was often subjugated by the Hutts. Gerils had the ability
to clean the flesh of a Hutt, consuming the slime and bacteria that lived on a Hutt's thick skin. (APS)
this Tammuz-an princess, the daughter of Lord Toda, was held captive by Gir Kybo Ren-Cha, during the
early years of the New Order, after he escaped from prison and fled to the moon of Bodgen. It was Lord
Toda who had assumed control of Tammuz-an after the crown-prince Mon Julpa was lost. When Mon
Julpa returned and began negotiating with Toda for peace, Kybo Ren's pirates attacked Tammuz-an and
kidnapped Gerin. Jann Tosh and his droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, traveled to Bodgen with Jess Meade, in
an effort to rescue Gerin. Their mission was successful, and Gerin was returned to her father on
Tammuz-an. (DCAR, SWDB)

this man was an assistant to Airen Cracken, during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ15)
this man was the Imperial Prefect of the planet Namore, during the height of the New Order. It was
rumored that he was paying Dasar Zorm for illicit work, but nothing was ever proven. (HR)
this alien race, native to a planet in the Unknown Regions located near Crustai, was known to be playful
and amusing, and they went out of their way to ensure that their children were able to play whenever they
wanted to. The Geroons were believed to have been exterminated by the Vagaari, based on the
realization that Bearsh and his companions posed as Geroons in order to gain access to the Chiss-led
mission to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight project. (SQ)
Geroon Remnant
Bearsh claimed that this was the formal name adopted by the surviving members of the Geroon race, one
of the many alien civilizations that once thrived in the vicinity of Crustai but was nearly wiped out by the
Vagaari. According to Bearsh, the entire surviving population moved about on a single Paskla-class
cruiser for many years, until they encountered the Chaf Envoy on its mission to locate the remains of the
Outbound Flight Project. The Geroon Remnant decided to travel with them, to honor the fallen Jedi who
freed them from slavery. However, after Director Uliar realized that Bearsh and his companions were
actually Vagaari pirates, their story of the Geroon Remnant was exposed as a falsehood. (SQ)
this was a common name among the Phindian race. (UANT)
this Wookiee was wanted by Jabba the Hutt, at the height of the New Order. (SPG)
Gerrard V
this is the fifth planet in the Gerrard System, and is a world which was once much more hospitable than it
is. Gerrard V is dominated by deserts, broken by small temperate areas and bordered by oceans. The
planet was strongly against the New Order, and opposed the Empire until several orbital bombardments
left much of the planet in ruins. The devstation also destroyed much of the native ecology. The planet was
later liberated by Crix Madine and his Alliance forces. (SWJ3, RSG, NEGC)
Gerrat, Drac
this man operated a fishing boat on the moon of Dorumaa, during the era surrounding the Battle of
Naboo. He spent much of his time hunting the elusive Nus Whale in his vessel, the Icon, but he avoided a
direct hunt for fear that a whale would swallow the ship whole. (LFC)
small cells of Alliance support sprung up on this planet during the Galactic Civil War, despite the fact that
Gerrenthum was the sector capital of the Anoat Sector of the galaxy. Gerrenthum was located at the
intersection of the Corellian Trade Spine and the Nothoiin Corridor, near the Yarith and Javin Sectors in
the area known as the Greater Javin. This made the planet exceptionally wealthy, as starships passing
through the area used Gerrenthum as their primary stopover point. Gerrenthum also served as the base
of operations for several corporations in the Greater Javin, including the Outer Javin Company and
several of the Figg companies that were part of it. (GG2, WOA33)
a young Jedi who learned the use of The Force during the Galactic Civil War. (RPG)
this Quarren was a smuggler, and worked with his Twi'lek partner, Ryo, during the height of the New
Order. (SWJ11)

this Imperial Special Corrections Facilities Minister was killed just before the initial negotiations for the
Stars' End project began. This paved the way for Lady Chawkroft to work with the Corporate Sector
Authority to bring the project to fruition. He left behind a wife. (CSA)
Gervi Fruit
a galactic fruit. (RPG)
this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough
that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with longwinded names. (GCG)
this suffix was used to indicate a Bothan individual who was a member of the Iges of Ages clans. It was
added to the individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)
this small, furred, six-limbed race is native to the unusual jungles of the planet Gesaril. Their unusual
head structure was dominated by a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth. One eye was located at each
corner of their mouth, and a large bowl-like ear sprouted from each side of their head. They have a
certain affinity for the Force, which they used to manipulate the environment around them. When the
Empire tried to establish a presence in the system, the Gesaril were badly mistreated. It has been
rumored that the Gesaril, acting on concert and calling on the Force, pulled nine Imperial starships to
crash on the planet. In general, the Gesarils are hyperactive and playful, and welcome most visitors who
show no ill will. They are excellent carvers, using the Force to help them pull the inner beauty out of their
works. (GG6, AE)
a strange planet found in the Gesaril System of the Minos Cluster, Gesaril was the site of a series of
accidents involving nine Imperial warships. The planet is covered with a dense jungle which seems to
float above a noxious swamp. It is the homeworld of the Gesaril race. The Empire had a strong presence
in the system for two reasons. First, it had quarantined the system until it could discover why nine
separate ships crashed in the exact same section of coastline. Second, a prison facility was built on an
asteroid in far orbit around Gesaril's sun. The average day on Gesaril lasts 19 standard hours, and the
year lasts 134 local days. (GG6)
Gesco City
this was the second-largest city on the planet Bakura. (TBSB)
Gesenix Mining
this mining corporation founded the settlements on Andasala before the Galactici Civil War disrupted
trade in the sector and put the operation out of business. (GG11)
Geska Gesse
this Neetakka Rodian was one of the bounty hunters of the Goa-Ato at the height of the Galactic Civil
War. The assignment committee of the Goa-Ato placed Geska Gesse on the Imperial hunt for Luke
Skywalker, in order to get the Neetakka off Rodia for an extended period. (SPG)
Gespo Bomu
this Rodian soldier was a member of the Bomu clan, and worked for Zonnos the Hutt during the early
years of the New Order. (TF)
Gessak, Mils
this man served the Alliance as a scout, locating small planetoids and asteroids for use as remote bases
and sensor posts. He was the leader of reconnaissance team D812. (HAS)

this planet was the site of an Imperial base raided by Garm Bel Iblis. (DFRSB)
Getaway Missile Launcher
designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, this concussion missile launcher
was used aboard the YG-440 transport. (WOTC)
this Imperial Moff survived the upheaval which followed in the wake of the Battle or Endor, and
maintained control of the Antemerdian Sector. He maintained a small fleet under the command of Admiral
Larm, and wasambitious enough to align himself with the droch Dzym and Seti Ashgad. Getelles, backed
by Loronar Corporation's weapons and finances, believed that he could swiftly gain control of Meridian
Sector. His aspiration was then to expand outward into New Republic space. In reality, Getelles was
simply Loronar's paid assassin. Whenever they needed some being removed from their path, Getelles
was tipped off to possible threats to his reign. When the plot was discovered by Republic focres, Getelles'
fleet was destroyed. (POT)
this was the name of the TelBrinTel research droid stolen by Reesen Jivrak. Jivrak stole the droid from an
Imperial convoy, and modified it for use in creating toxins and poisons. Geth was programmed to create
toxins which altered the chemical balance of the deripors native to Ohratuu, making the beasts stronger
and more violent. These modified deripors then became part of General Jivrak's land army. (SWJ10)
Gethnu Cheeve
this Devaronian worked in Jugsmuk Station, on Gamorr, selling specialty items smuggled onto the planet.
the Clan Mother of the Nightsisters clan on Dathomir, Gethzerion was actually the middle daughter of
Augwynne, the Clan Mother of the Singing Mountain clan. Much to Augwynne's dismay, Gethzerion fell
prey to the power of the dark magics practiced by the witches of Dathomir, and felt that her mother's
power was weak. Gethzerion made a power play to take control of the Singing Mountain clan, hoping to
kill Augwynne but actually killing Kara'teel instead. Gethzerion's actions were discovered, but Gethzerion
was freed by Baritha and the two fled in exile from the clan. This only served to harden Gethzerion's
resolve, and she established her own clan, the Nightsisters. Gethzerion also wrote The Book of Shadows
as a collection of all known information about the Shadow Magic she loved. However, Gethzerion was
unable to fully comprehend the goals of the Empire, and was used by the remnants of the Empire to hunt
down runaway slaves. When Emperor Palpatine realized that her strength with the Dark Side of the Force
was considerable, he cut off Dathomir from any form of trade. Gethzerion was stranded on Dathomir, but
later killed the stormtroopers who were guarding her. She use the surviving stormtroopers as a sort of
security force. When Han Solo took Leia Organa to Dathomir, Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder of
Hapes tried to rescue her. Gethzerion recognized the strength of the Force in Luke, but was unable to
destroy him She later negotiated with Warlord Zsinj for the use of a ship to escape from Dathomir, but the
Warlord reneged on the deal and shot her ship from the sky. All the Nightsisters aboard were killed. (CPL)
this planet is the outermost world in the Iotran System. (GG12)
Gettiarn SpaceStation
this space station is adminsitered by the Iotran Police Force and orbits the planet Gettiarn. It is used as a
traffic control center for the Iotran System. (RPG, GG12)
Gevarak, Malindin
a native of the planet Ord Mantell, this small-type counterfeiter was wanted by the Empire for forging
Imperial credits for use by Alliance personnel. Although the charges were never proven, it was known that
Gevarak traveled with the Wookiee, Cherioer. Last seen in the Baronos Sector, Gevarak's bounty
reached 10,000 credits for live capture. He was recognizable by several facial piercings and tattooes.

Gevarno Cluster
this collection of star systems was located along the Gevarno Loop. During the Clone Wars, the Gevarno
Cluster was loyal to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. (SHPT)
Gevarno Loop
this short, hyperspace travel route connected a number of star systems in a circular configuration, with
the Al'har System located at its hub. (SHPT)
this combine-reaper was part of the small fleet of repulsor-equipped harvesting vehicles, deployed to the
fields near the Bleaks, on the planet Leritor. It was once attacked by an army of Sauvax, who claimed that
the crew of the Gevion fired on them first. The televor of the Sauvax clan then claimed that the settlers
ruthlessly murdered and entire kuuvan of Sauvax to the north. A team of independent investigators
discovered that a group of slavers had been raiding both Sauvax and human villages, taking what beings
they could find to work at Profex Rynalla's excavation site in the Bleaks mountain range. (GMR10)
Gevis City
this urban area was located on the planet Kalandis IV. (GG10)
this man was the Assistant Security Chief at the Mos Eisley Spaceport during the Galactic Civil War.
Gevtes, Pagda
this man was the master Devisor of the planet Exocron, during the period shortly after the Battle of Endor.
He was also a council adjunct to the planet's ruling council. Like his predecessors, Gevtes worked hard to
retain the knowledge of technology within the walls of Caballa City's Ministry of Technology. He also
worked to keep the Devisors at the top of Exocron's society and political structure. When the crew of the
FarStar was stationed on Exocron, Gevtes wanted to keep them on the planet in order to study their
starships and learn more about the current technology of the galaxy. After Eida Sharden agreed to assist
Kaiya Adrimetrum in freeing the crew of the FarStar, Gevtes was exposed as a power-hungry individual,
and the Devisors' social status was reduced. Gevtes himself was placed under arrest and tried for his
crimes. (KO)
this Gran settlement served as the capital city of the planet Stend IV. Unknown to the Gran, a branch of
the Army of Life established a base of operations on the planet shortly before the Battle of Naboo, in an
effort to restore the planet to its primitive ecological state. They later tried to import a cargo of
closhoppers to wreak havoc with the planet's environment. (WOA2)
this being was a rival of the owners of the Cavalier Club, during the height of the New Order. (GFT)
this Shyriiwook word was used as the prefix to many Wookiee names. It translated into Basic as "fat" or
"great", and could be combined with one or more suffixes to form a complete Wookiee name. (GMR10,
a mythological Wookiee. The name was used by Chewbacca as an alias when he and Princess Leia were
searching for Hethrir and Leia's missing children. In Chewie's case, he was simply a wookiee captured by
the bounty hunter Lelila. (CS)
this Arcona served as the first mate aboard the Isilia, working for Adriav Kavos. (PG1)

this corporation produced a number of devices used by theatrical companies throughout the galaxy to
produce special effects in their productions. Among the devices they manufactured were smoke
generators and lightning simulators. (ROE)
this is a Rodian swear word. (GG11)
this GH-series maintenance droid worked in the sewers below Eyar City, and was owned by Eyar
Treatment Systems. (HAS)
this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. It referred to a species of colorful,
schooling fish found in Mon Calamari's oceans. (GCG)
this species of colorful fish was native to the oceans of Mon Calamari, where it lived in large schools.
Ghana Gleemort
this Gamorrean was one of the many which were employed by Jabba the Hutt to guard his palace on
Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. Ghana was secretly negotiating with the B'omarr Monks to
defect from Jabba's service, before the Hutt's death at the hands of Leia Organa. (CCG12)
Ghanol, Zam
this older woman served with Erli Prann aboard the Golan II space station near Bilbringi, during the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It was Erli Prann who allowed the station to be located by the crew
of the Mon Mothma during Operation Trinity, so that he could lure hyperdrive-capable ships to the station.
In this way, the pirates could salvage the hyperdrives from the New Republic ships and use them to
power the battle station. Jaina Solo managed to use the Force to alter Prann's recollection of his
hyperspace jump coordinates, and the station ended up trying to jump through a Yuuzhan Vong
interdictor. While Prann and his people weren't clear of the Yuuzhan Vong, their proximity to the
interdictor allowed them to pound the ship and clear an escape route for the Galactic Alliance forces.
Prann then tried to fight his way clear, but Ghanol demanded that he surrender the Golan station to the
Galactic Alliance. He refused, but was eventually subdued. Once he was remvoed from control, Ghanol
and the rest of the pirates agreed to turn the station over. (FP)
this Ebranite word describes their clan leadership councils. Each ghantar is made up of selected
Ebranites, whose membership is voted on once every four local seasons on Ebra. (GG12)
this Noghri was one of Leia Organa-Solo's bodyguards. Gharakh was on duty when Shada D'ukal tried to
meet Leia at the Orowood Tower, during the Caamas Incident. (SOP)
an Alliance Colonel, Gharon was in charge of infiltration during the Cobolt Offensive. (RASB)
this panther-like predator was native to the moon Dxun. Its gray fur was interwoven with bronze scales,
giving it an armor-like plating that protected the beast. Despite being three meters in length and weighing
over 200 kilograms, the average gharzr was extremely agile, and could sneak up on its prey with amazing
stealth. The twin tails of the gharzr were each tipped with a poisonous stinger, and its long claws could
eviscerate its prey with one swipe. Several gharzr managed to bridge the gap between Dxun and
Onderon, and carved out a niche for themselves in the planet's jungles. (GMR3)

this creature lives on the planet Exodo II, boring tunnel-like holes into the lava formations that cover the
planet. (POT)
this band of pirates worked the area of space near Hargeeva during the height of the New Order. They
were known for their unique armor, which made them look like scaled swamp creatures. The armor
contained a special backpack which could spout methane or other gas at the touch of a button, helping to
deter any pursuit. (SWJ8)
Ghaz Kul IV
one of four mining towns that were operating on the planet Pitann, Ghaz Kul IV was connected to the
othertowns via repulsor-barge. (KO)
this was a lowly annelid which was native to the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld. (FH2)
Ghazdik Jah
this Dug was a member of Sebolto's gang during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Ghazdik Jah
worked as a hired gun during his employment with Sebolto, a role that often involved the murder of
certain Gran politicians and their aides. Senators Ask Aak and Aks Moe issued a bounty for his capture
after several of their assistants were assassinated, a bounty that was later claimed by Jango Fett during
his attempt to meet with Sebolto. (BH)
this Noghri and his clan-brother, Kohvrekhar, worked as henchmen for Darth Vader, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. The pair discovered Luke Skywalker's severed hand in the airways of Cloud City,
after Vader failed to seduce the young Jedi to the Dark Side of the Force. (SWG11)
this arrogant noble once traveled to Neftali, in order to secure the services of Kaori Batta in hunting down
an ice modrol. A former military officer, Ghecharo fancied himself a big-game hunter. Batta bristled at
Ghecharo's attitude, but agreed to lead the hunt. Despite his lean build, Ghecharo was inadequately
prepared for the rigors of Neftali's environment, and whined incessantly about the time it took to actually
locate an ice modrol. When they did finally locate one, it had been injured, and Batta refused to track it for
fear of attack. Ghecharo called Batta a coward and set out on his own to kill the beast. Unfortunately,
Ghecharo was as stupid as he was arrogant, and when he ingited a lumalamp to see into the cave, he
gave away his position to the ice modrol. The angry creature attacked with incredible swiftness, killing
Ghecharo instantly. Ghecharo's assistant, Kleck, barely escaped. (WSV)
Gheer, Trisdin
this Hapan man was one of Ta'a Chume's retainers, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, and
was also a member of the Ni'Korish faction. After the fall of Coruscant, Trisdin found himself the
receipient of the former Queen Mother's most vehement rantings against her daughter-in-law, Teneniel
Djo, as she began to open up the Hapan Cluster for refugees. It was Tristan who suggsted to Ta'a Chume
that she locate and train a young woman to take Teneniel Djo's place as Isolder's wife, removing the
Dathomirian woman while ensuring that there was a continued succession to the royal throne. Ta'a
Chume and Trisdin formed many plans within plans, including the murder of Jagged Fel and the grooming
of Jaina Solo to one day become the Queen Mother. Jaina later discovered that Trisdin was not wholly
loyal to Ta'a Chume, but instead was a spy for Alyssia, Ta'a Chume's niece. While this information was
being sent to the former Queen Mother, Trisdin was trying to free Crimpler and the other pirates from the
Starsprite in order to launch another attempt on the life of Teneniel Djo. The impetus for this action had
been placed in his mind by Jaina herself, using a subtle nudge from the Force. Unfortunately for Trisdin,
Crimpler was unaware of his loyalties, and killed Trisdin before escaping from prison. (DJ)
this Shell Hutt was climbing the social ladder when he was confronted with a great challenge. He was
placed in charge of the main planetary reception and diplomatic terminal, to be used by the Shell Hutts to

receive and negotiate with visitors. Gheeta was given an unlimited budget, and selected Emd Grahvess
as his architect. Grahvess was considered the galaxy's best, freelance architect at the time, rivalling those
employed by Emperor Palpatine and Prince Xizor of Black Sun. However, Gheeta had planned to kill
Grahvess once the job was complete, thereby removing the need to pay him for the work. Grahvess, to
his credit, was aware of the Shell Hutt's duplicity, and arranged to have a bounty placed on his own head.
The bounty stipulated that he could be taken once the project was complete. Boba Fett took the bounty,
but also arranged a few deals with Grahvess himself, placing weapons and explosives within the
diplomatic center's columns and walls. Gheeta, robbed of his prey, was forced to pay for Grahvess' work
and re-design the complex's security systems. The ease with which Fett penetrated the complex and
captured Grahvess proved that his original plans were nowhere near what the Shell Hutt elders had
requested, and this dropped him well down in the social structure. Thus, Gheeta developed a deepseated hatred for Boba Fett, and vowed to kill the bounty hunter. To this end, he formed a web of plots
and plans that came to a head with the arrival of Oph Nar Dinnid. In a fit of anger, Gheeta secretly killed
Dinnid before any information could be extracted from him, but continued to act as if the comm handler
were still alive. This ensured that Fett would come for the bounty on his head. When Fett and his
companions arrived, Gheeta made a great show of one-upping the bounty hunter, revealing the longdead body of Dinnid. This angered Nullada, who became outraged at the loss of credits. Gheeta tried to
placate the older Shell Hutt by explaining that the death of Dinnid was compensated by the Narrant
System liege-lords. Then, ignoring the elder Hutt's admonitions, Gheeta brought out a legion of hired
mercenaries to eliminate the bounty hunters. However, Fett activated the weapons and opened the
storage systems and wiped out the diplomatic complex. Near the end of the battle, Boba Fett took
D'harhan's laser cannon and shoved it into Gheeta's shell. Pointing the apparatus skyward, Fett fired the
weapon. Gheeta was killed instantly, as his shell exploded under the force of the blast. (MA)
Ghem, Fasald
this woman, tall and darkly-featured, was one of the most recognizable field reporters from the planet
Vannix, during the early decades of the New Republic. Her investigative holofeatures were highly
regarded for their in-depth analysis and unbiased opinions. Ghem agreed to help Leia Organa Solo
implicated Senator Addath Gadan in a plot to capitulate Vannix to the Yuuzhan Vong, pretending to be
Han Solo during a meeting between Leia and Addath. When the Senator offered to steal Vannix Navy
resources to help sway Leia to assist with her election as Presider, Ghem secretly recorded the entire
encounter. The resulting footage was eventually shown on Vannix holonetworks, dooming Senator Gadan
and ensuring that Admiral Apelben Werl was elected Presider. (EL2)
Adar Tallon's communications officer aboard the Silent Water. (RC)
Ghent, Zakarisz
a former crew member of the Wild Kaarde and employee of Talon Karrde, Ghent was an accomplished
young computer slicer from the planet Baroli. Note that the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook lists Ghent as
a human, but the HTTE comic series from Dark Horse portrays him as a blue-haired near-human. Shortly
before joining Karrde's organization, Ghent was a scrawny youth who was stranded on the planet
Sibisime. He was conned into traveling to Chibias as part of a plot by Counselor Raines to discredit
Imperial Governor Egron, and was going to take the fall when he was "rescued" by Mara Jade. It was
Ghent who helped Leia Organa-Solo decipher the transmissions of Delta Source and locate its
whereabouts, during the reign of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Following Thrawn's death and the formation of
the Smuggler's Alliance, Ghent chose to join the New Republic, and eventually worked his way up to the
position of Chief of Cryptography for the New Republic Intelligence agency. In this position, he was able
to reconstruct the offer of a peace treaty negotiation that was supposed to have been delivered from
Colonel Vermel to Garm Bel Iblis, before Vermel was captured by Captain Dorja and the Relentless. He
was accompanied to Pakrik Minor by the Caamasi Elegos A'kla, whose descriptions of the destruction of
Caamas and the need for justice without hatred and punishment without revenge struck a chord in the
man. Ghent agreed to accompany General Hestiv to Yaga Minor, to recover a copy of the Caamas
Document, as a first step in the new peace between the Empire and the New Republic. He was present at
the station when Garm Bel Iblis arrived with his own assault force, hoping to steal a copy of the
Document. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Ghent served as an intelligence expert

for the New Republic. (DFR, HTSB, HTTEC, SOP, VOF, BP, GMR10)
Ghentiw Northern Mountains
this range of craggy mountains was located just outside the city of Heg, on Bundim. The rebels and
Alliance forces, after being routed in the Battle of Heg, regrouped in these mountains shortly before
forcing the Imperial forces out of the city and off Bundim. (GMK)
Ghephaenne Deeper-Craters Weaponmakers
this Adumari manufacturer is generally regarded as the premier blastsword maker. Cheriss ke Hanadi
used their weapons exclusively, and Ghephaenne paid her for allowing them to use her image in their
advertisements. (SOA)
this Imperial Navy Commander served as the Deck Officer aboard the Executor during the last years of
the New Order. Gherant was hand-picked by Captain Piett, and was responsible for preventing
unauthorized access to the Super-class Star Destroyer's computer core. (CCG4)
this reptilian predator was native to the planet Rodia, and was legendary among the Rodians for wiping
out entire villages of primitive Rodians. A large creature which could attain lengths of six meters or more,
the ghests live and hunt in the water. The ghest had huge eyes and a large mouth filled with razor-sharp
teeth. Its four feet were heavily clawed, and its skeleton is made of cartilage rather than bone. They
hunted by floating along in the water with just their eyes above the surface, exploding out of the water to
ambush their prey and - in many cases - swallow it whole. They have no natural enemies, and even the
bloodthirsty Rodians feared to hunt them unless it was required to remove a curse or bring a halt to a
famine or drought. (KO, COG)
this creature, native to Clak'dor VII, rises at dawn and screeches its mating call across the jungles. The
skin of a ghhhk produces a special oil that is used by the Bith as a medicinal salve. The ghhhk is a thinboned, green-skinned creature with long limbs and two toes on each foot. Chewbacca had a holographic
ghhhk on his holochess board on the Millennium Falcon. (CCG2)
this language was used primarily by traders and smugglers, as a way to communicate without unwanted
eavsedroppers understanding. (TFNR)
this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)
this young woman and her twin sister, Tia, was eighteen when she found herself imprisoned by Jabba the
Hutt on Tatooine. Tia and Ghia were natives of Bestine IV, and had joined the Alliance shortly after the
Battle of Yavin, but only for the chance to meet Han Solo. After Solo was frozen in carbonite on Cloud
City, the sisters defected from the Alliance and set out to rescue him from Jabba. Their military skills were
lacking any form of organization, and the sisters were easily captured in Jabba's palace. As punishment,
Jabba forced them to fight against other combatants in a series of demolition derby events, flying a
modified T-47 airspeeder. (SWD)
Ghic Dx'ono
this Ishori Senator to the New Republic arranged for Leia Organa-Solo to meet with a delegation of
Caamasi during the Caamas Incident. His position, like that of his people, was that the Bothans involved
in the destruction of Caamas must all be brought to justice quickly and completely. This was in direct
opposition to Senator Porolo Miatamia, who wanted to delay a trial until all evidence was laid on the table.
Ghilron Pirates

this gang of shipjackers and thieves plied the Ac'fren Spur of the Sisar Run, and were the main rivals for
the spoils of the Spur of the Disac Pirates. After the Ghilron gang witnessed the extermination of the
Disac gang, they went into hiding. (SSR)
this was a common name among the Em'liy race. (GMR1)
this ancient being was a member of the Em'liy race which was native to the planet Shalyvane. When Luke
Skywalker and Chewbacca returned to Shalyvane to investigate the death of Shira Brie, they found G'hinji
in a burned-out building. It was G'hinji who told Luke the truth about Chinshassa, that there had never
been any humans living in the city, depsite the story provided to him by Shira. (MC62, UANT)
Ghithra Dal
this was a noted Yuuzhan Vong Shaper, working with the forces that invaded the galaxy some twenty-five
years after the Battle of Yavin. Ghithra Dal was responsible for ensuring that the radank-claw graft placed
on the arm of the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, would heal successfully. However, despite his
best work, Ghithra Dal was unable to ensure the graft would take. He was later implicated by Viqi Shesh
in a plan to discredit the Warmaster. Shesh claimed that the Shapers were working to dethrone the
Warmaster and take control of the invasion for their own goals, a claim she backed up by indicating the
Warmaster's failing radank claw implant, where the flesh would decay and heal in an unending cycle.
Ghithra Dal continued to work on finding a reason for the Warmaster's problem, but was unable to discern
any actual cause. The Warmaster no longer trusted his judgement, though, and made sure to track Dal's
actions. In an effort to prove that no one could stand against him, Tsavong Lah let loose a herd of wild
rancors aboard the Shaper transport ship Fu'ulanh, killing Ghithra Dal and all his compatriots. (EL1, EL2)
Ghoba Rice
this grain was a staple food on many planets. (T5)
this Wol Cabbashite lived in Jabba the Hutt's palace, hanging from the rafters and arches and licking
unsuspecting passersby. Ghoel was mistakenly left in the palace, and was quite intelligent. (CCG7)
this terrestrial world was the fourth planet in the N'zoth System. It was orbited by a single moon. (CCW)
this planet was once a vibrant, ocean-covered world with strong ties to the Old Republic. Upon instituting
the New Order on the planet, the leaders of the various governments chose to move slowly, retaining as
many of the freedoms they once enjoyed. This delay in the implementation of the New Order was
discovered by Emperor Palpatine, who decided that an example had to be made. As punishment,
Palpatine ordered all the water from the planet to be exported to Coruscant, where it would augment that
planet's already-poor supply. This left Gholondreine-b as an arid desert wasteland. Many of the planet's
natives moved to other inhabited worlds in the nearby systems to escape the dying world. It was on this
planet that Boba Fett and Bossk agreed to team up in order to collect the bounty on Trhin Voss'on't. (SLS)
this was the largest, and innermost, of Tatooine's three moons. (SWI62)
Ghoop Ocean
located on the planet Malastare, this ocean was the ceremonial burying ground of the Dug race. (NEGC)
this race once inhabited the deserts of the planet Tatooine, digging cities from the bedrock in order to
escape the heat. Many xenoarchaeologists believe that the Ghorfas died out when offworld settlers
disrupted the water supply they had maintained for generations. Others believe that the the Ghorfas
simply evolved into a nomadic species, hunting for new water sources. These nomadic Ghorfas were

widely held to be the ancestors of modern Tusken Raiders. (SWDB)

this former overlord and Imperial supporter was the ruler of the Greater Plooriod Cluster. He agreed to
supply the Alliance with a shipment of grain, but double-crossed them by providing poisoned cargo. In
response, Ghorin was discredited by the Alliance. Alliance pilots used ships stolen from Ghorin's navy to
attack an Imperial supply convoy in the Geedon System. Ghorin was executed for treason by Darth
Vader. He had a vast castle on the planet Plooriod IV. (XW)
primary planet in the Ghorman System, it was the site of a massacre in which the newly-named Emperor
Palpatine wiped out the planet's populace. Located in the Sern Sector, just outside the Core Worlds,
Ghorman's populace was not in favor of the Empire. Moff Willhuf Tarkin wiped out a group of protesters
by landing his warship on them for no apparent reason, other than to help Palpatine establish his evil
presence in the galaxy. Note that Rebellion places Ghorman in the Sesswenna Sector. The massacre
was a rallying cry for early leaders of the Alliance, including Mon Mothma. The Empire later established a
base there. When the Alliance learned of the base's construction, it sent out a squadron of starfighters,
which eliminated a number of supply ships and delayed the completion of the base for an entire year.
Ghorman Massacre
an event which took place just after Palpatine had named himself Emperor, and which solidified Bail
Organa's need for open rebellion against Palpatine's New Order. As a group of protestors demonstrated
against the Empire, Moff Willhuf Tarkin ordered his warship to land on them. Most of the protesters were
killed, and many were crushed and received near-fatal injuries. (JS)
Ghorman's Honor
this Alliance gunship was named in honor of those killed in the Ghorman Massacre. It was one of five
gunships sent to assist the Imperial forces battling the Ssi-ruuk at Bakura. (TBSB)
Ghorn System
this star system was located just off the Sisar Run, and was under the control of the Empire during the
Galactic Civil War. (SWJ10)
this was the Korunnai name for one of the semi-nomadic tribal groups which were native to the planet
Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
this Korunnai word was used to indicate a single member of a ghosh, one of the many nomadic tribes of
Korunnai who lived in the uplands of Haruun Kal. (SHPT)
Ghost Jedi
this Mrlssti band became very popular following the Battle of Endor. They had to perform their concerts
from an asteroid orbitting the planet, and project holo-concerts to various locations planetside. Their
music was written by Rorax Falken, a physicist who wrote precise music with little or no emotion. The
band is made up of Falken's best students, and was named for the ghost of Taj Junak. (XWPA)
Ghost Nebula
this gaseous region of the galaxy was named for the fact that it seemed to glow with a ghostly white color,
unlike the colorful eminations of many other nebulae. (VD2)
Ghost Ones, The
this was the name given to a mysterious clan of Senali who moved about without family ties. They were
considered troublemakers, creating rivalries between clans where no rivalry existed. The Ghost Ones also
spoke out against the exchange of royal children between Rutan and Senali. The Ghost Ones were
nomadic, moving from place to place and sowing discontent in their wake. It was later discovered that the

Ghost Ones were actually fictional, created by Prince Taroon of Rutan in order to discredit his brother,
Prince Leed, so that Taroon himself would gain the throne of Rutan. (SP)
Ghost Spydr
this species of spydr was native to the planet Kubindi, and valued for its tasty flesh in many Kubaz dishes.
Ghost Squadron
this was one of the most famous branches of the Empire's Special Operations forces. (SFE)
Ghost Wave
developed by the New Republic from technology created for the Shadowcast project, a ghost wave was
used to camouflage transmissions from prying ears. As part of Shadowcast, the ghost wave was used to
attached encrypted transmissions onto HoloNet advertisements, so that they could be "publicly" displayed
to agents who were deep under cover. (TG)
a strange, ethereal alien race that resembles humans. They are a very fragile people, and can easily be
destroyed when touched. The touch of a human almost certainly means death to them. Even given this
fact, though, many ghostlings desire to enter physical relationships with humans. Most ghostlings have
green-gold hair and shiny, tan skin. During the last years of the Old Republic, Ghostling children were
sought after as pets or slaves by many of the galaxy's less reputable beings, because they were
extremely beautiful and hard to find. Ghostlings are native to the planet Datar. They lived in nests formed
from creeper vines and leaf material, which hung from the branches of the bayah trees. (CS, E1A5)
G'hring ghosaii!
this was the warcry used by the nomadic Em'liy, which were native to the planet Shalyvane. (MC61,
GH-series Maintenance Droids
this series of egg-shaped droids was developed to work in the sewers of large metropolitan cities. (HAS)
Ghtroc Industries
an Outer Rim corporation that produced a series of stock freighters for general use. Their initial designs,
including the Class 580 and the Class 720 freighters, were popular with independent spacers, but later
designs lost favor with starship owners. The corporation went out of business during the Galactic Civil
War, but their freighters continue to see use. (RPG, PP)
GHT-series Medevac Droid
produced by TelBrinTel, this medical droid was desgined to support battlefield medics in a variety of
ways. A teardrop-shaped droid equipped with a repulsor engine, the GHT-series could transport injured
soldiers, carry medical supplies, and act as a triage medic or paramedic. The only flaw in the GHT's
design was the fact that it could not act independently, and had to be provided with information on the
lcoation of a downed soldier or a drop point. (FTD)
this pilot joined Rogue Squadron after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (IJ)
this Imperial served as the Moff of Thrasybule Sector during the height of the New Order. (ND)
Gi, Klin-Fa
a native of the planet Bonadan, this female Jedi Knight went rogue during the early stages of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. She had been on Gyndine and reported as killed in action, but she
later showed up on Bonadan. She and another Jedi, Bey Gandan, had been trying to return a stolen
qahsa to the New Republic, after having been captured and nearly enslaved by Yuuzhan Vong Shapers.
Both escaped, but then split up to try and recover the oranic key which would open the qahsa. Bey was

recaptured, and Klin-Fa was nearly taken into custody by the authorities on Bonadan. Because she had
managed to gain the confidence of Uldir Lochett, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker asked Lochett return her
for debriefing. She was eventually brought aboard Lochett's ship, the No Luck Required, but she used her
lightsaber to cut a hole in the walls of the brig. Klin-Fa Gi managed to reach the ship's hangar bay, where
she stole a small starfighter and fled the ship, bound for the planet Wayland. Once there, she barely
escaped capture by the Yuuzhan Vong, only to be reunited with Uldir. They were forced to defend
themselves against the attack of a Chom-Vrone in order to survive. With the help of the Free People, they
managed to escape Wayland with the organic key. Klin-Fa then related the details of her mission to Uldir
and his crew, in the hopes of gaining their trust and assistance in rescuing Bey and recovering the qahsa,
which held the Yuuzhan Vong's plans on destroying bacta production on Thyferra. They traveled to
Thyferra at top speed after rescuing Bey Gandan, only to discover that Bey was the delivery mechanism
for the virus which could wipe out the alazhi trees. Uldir and Klin-Fa fought valiantly against the former
Jedi, until Uldir found himself with Klin-Fa's lightsaber. He threw the weapon at Bey, but Bey used the
Force to push it away. His concentration was on Klin-Fa, however, and the lightsaber hit a tree and sliced
him in half. Uldir and Klin-Fa then worked to eliminate any trace of the alazhi virus before getting a welldeserved vacation from Luke Skywalker himself. The pair then gave into the emotions, and began to fall
in love. Klin-Fa was ultimately one of the handful of Jedi Knights to survive the conflict with the Yuuzhan
Vong. (GMR10, EOV, SWI62, SWI64, UF)
Gi, Sha'a
this awkward young man was a native of the planet Ord Biniir, and was discovered to have a strong
connection to the Force by Daakman Barrek, several years before the Battle of Naboo. During his
training, it became apparent that Sha'a Gi's true strength was in the area of computers, not combat or
martial arts, and he hoped to become a member of the staff at the Jedi Archives on Coruscant after
completing his training. Sha'a Gi grew as an individual during his training, as Barrek worked to bring out
Sha'a's inner strength. They spent much of their time together putting a stop to pirate activities in the
Outer Rim, which led to the discovery of the droid foundries on Hypori during the height of the Clone
Wars. They were forced to join the fighting when General Grievous decimated the Jedi task force sent to
Hypori, and Sha'a Gi had to watch in horror as Barrek was cut down by Grievous. Sha'a Gi panicked and
ran into the open, where he was surrounded by battle droids and set upon by Grievous. The General
speared Sha'a Gi with his six-fingered hand, then crushed him to death with his incredible weight. (OWS,
Giadean State Parks
located on the planet Chandrila, this collection of parks contained some of the galaxy's most stunning
gardens. (SWJ7)
this smuggler, a native of the planet Coruscant, worked from a base on Nar Shaddaa during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. (GUN)
Gian Speeder
this large, military repuslorcraft was often supported by smaller, more maneuverable speeders. These
speeders were modified version of the V-19 speeder, produced by SoroSuub during the last decades of
the Old Republic, and found a place in the military of the Naboo. In the Royal Naboo armed forces, Gian
speeders were supported by 2 or more Flash speeders. The Gian speeder measured 5.7 meters in
length, could transport a total complement of four beings (a pilot, a gunner, and two passengers), and
was armed with three light repeating laser blasters. The Gian speeder could attain speeds of 160
kilometers per hour. In order to ensure that the speeder remained operable during combat, the Naboo
added redundant power generators for the weapons, and they upgraded the underside plating to
withstand landmines. Special command versions of the Gian speeder contained enhanced
communications systems. (X1, IG1, SON, NEGV)
Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit
rumors abound of these amoebic ruminants, although not all of them are taken seriously. Urban legends
claim that these creatures were born in a TaggeCo lab, after scientists irradiated standard biscuits in
order to heat them up. Investigation revealed that the biscuits had been somehow bonded to the genetic

material of a bantha, and the combination was activated by the radiation. They could be destroyed by
covering them with the special, blue sauce produced by TaggeCo. (SWJ11)
Giant Flog
this immense, well-muscled, barely sentient being was a gladiator who was owned by Kesivo during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. Kesivo had purchased Giant Flog in the Moddell Sector of the
galaxy, but that was the extent of what was known about his origins. Giant Flog had very little command
of speech, and could only croak a few words. He did, however, obey Kesivo's commands. Kesivo placed
Giant Flog into the candidate pool for participation in the Blood Sport of Rattatak, and Giant Flog survived
the combat for nearly two years until Asajj Ventress appeared on the scene. It was said that he survived
so long because he was actually a demon summoned by strange rituals, or that he had been pieced
together from the body parts of dead gladiators. Just after the Battle of Geonosis, Ventress submitted her
own name to the gladiator events in order to impress Count Dooku, who was searching for a new leader
for his Separatist forces. Giant Flog was the one gladiator survived the longest during the match, and
confronted Ventress at the end. The lightsaber-wielding Rattataki was too much for the simple-minded
Giant Flog, who was quickly defeated. The mace he had been fighting with was severed from its handle
and flew through the air, smashing into Kesivo's viewing box and crushing him to death. (SWDB)
Giant Fungi Forest
this forest was located on the planet Kessel. It was formed from huge, trumpet-shaped fungi which are
large and strong enough to allow the inhabitants of Kessel to build homes and offices inside them.
Several large fungi were even used as landing pads. Professor Volz had his laboratory in one of the fungi
located in the forest. (CSWEA)
Giant Pig Rodent
this immense rodent was native to Dathomir. It was a favored prey of the rancor. (WSW)
Giant Renda
this large bear was native to the planet Bogden, where it fed on the shoots of the ironwithe plant. (MJH)
Giant Snail
this Ithorian mollusk is considered a delicacy by many races. (SE)
Giant Squid
a huge, tentacled cephalopod native to Calamari's oceans. (GDV)
Giant Step, The
this bar was located on The Strip, in the city of Takari on Iyuta. (SWCP)
Giant Tauntaun
also known as the common tauntaun, this was the most prevalent subspecies of tauntaun native to the
planet Tatooine. (WSW)
Giat Nor
this N'zoth guild city was known for its fine craftsmanship, especially on repulsorlift vehicles. Giat Nor also
served as N'zoth's planetary capital. The crasftsman of Giat Nor created magnificently-appointed
groundcars, and supplied a marvelous example of their work to Nil Spaar, upon his return to N'zoth
following the first wave of the Yevethan Purge. Any non-Yevetha discovered in the city was executed on
sight, so that their smell did not permeate the city's air. (SOL, CCW)
this man served as the chief mechanic at the rundown starport in Lesvol, on the planet Prishardia.
Several years after the Battle of Endor, he helped Fenig Nabon repair the Star Lady. He even piloted the
ship in an attempt to rescue Fen, Ghitsa Dogder, and Kyp Durron from Culan Braslis and his crew of
mercenaries. (TFNR)

this remote world was once scouted by the Empire for colonization, during the height of the New Order,
despite the fact that many starship captains avoided the planet. The effort to take control of Gibbela was
considered by historians to be one of the best examples of poor intelligence leading to military disaster,
as they meager Imperial detachment thought they were going to encounter little resistance. Initial fly-by
reconnaissance had shown a race of small, humanoid beings that were engaged in simple farming. As
the Imperial team learned, however, was that appearances could be deceiving. The simple humanoids
were actually a race of polymorphs that could quickly double in size when angered or upset, turning into
vicious predators. The Imperial team sent to Gibbela was summarily destroyed, and their equipment put
to use by the farmers, once they returned to their normal stature. (T19)
Gibbertz and ham
this was an expletive used by Tup. (EVE)
Gibbit Bird
this avian was a symbiont to the rancor. The rancor allowed the gibbit bird to roam freely in its mouth,
where the bird cleaned its teeth by picking out stuck pieces of bones and flesh. This helped the rancor's
teeth remain sharp and healthy, and allowed the gibbit bird to obtain food of its own. (GOF1)
this shapeshifter infiltrated the ranks of Cularin's government during the height of the Clone Wars, in order
to gain access to the system's politcal leaders. Posing as a human, Gibbs was placed in charge of
arranging the events which heralded the return of Senator Lavina Wren to Cularin. He spent most of his
time trying to convince Warlan Tosk that everything was in order, despite Tosk's ingrained skepticism. His
incredulity and timidness was all an act, however, as it was later revealed that he was working with an
assassin who had been hired to kill Senator Wren. (LFCW)
Gibbtra, Pyro
this man was a scientist who worked for Sygor Startech Industries, until the time when he stole the plans
to the Event Horizon engine design and hid out on Zirtran's Anchor. (LAA)
Giblo, Erdin
this man worked for the Corporate Sector Authority as the president of Commex, during the height of the
New Order. A warrant for his arrest was issued by Chils Meplin himself, after intelligence revealed that
Giblo had leaked CSA secrets to the Empire. (OWS)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "female warrior" in the Twi'leki language.
Gida Luroon
this female Twi'lek, distinguished by her purplish skin and the scar running across her left eye, was
working as a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell during the height of the New Order. She was about to leave
the planet when she discovered that Renci Tosh had crash-landed in the wilderness. Gida Luroon
remained on the planet, hoping to bring Tosh in, but was unable to secure her capture. (WOA15, WOA37)
this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a
single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's
grandfather's name for official matters. The name Gidd referred to a female warrior who, according to
Cerean mythology, traveled from the stars. (GCG)
this was the name of a female warrior from Cerean mythology. According to the myth, Gidd came to
Cerea from the stars. This myth prompted many Cereans to believe that Gidd might have been an ancient
Jedi Knight, who traveled to Cerea during the earliest stages of their civilization. (GCG)

an Alliance officer, Gideon was in charge of one of the assault teams assigned to the Cobolt Offensive.
this man plied the spacelanes with his first mate, Keeta, aboard the Independent Class. (SWJ12)
Gidoo Zehow
this being was a noted doctor at the Rhinnal State Medical Academy, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Doctor Zehow was among a small group of physicians who refused to acknowledge the
"medical benefits" of visiting the planet Columus, despite the marketing campaign initiated by the Columi.
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "singer" in the Sullustan language.
Giel, Mils
this Imperial Admiral was in command of a large fleet of warships, during the months following the Battle
of Hoth. A self-sure man with strong opinions on how the Empire should be run, Giel demanded complete
compliance with his orders. His confidence in his men and his fleet was admirable, but also short-sighted.
When it was learned that the Alliance had stolen the fleet's travel routes from the outpost on Spindrift,
Giel refused to believe that they could harm him. At the same time, Admiral Giel was ordered to return the
only known specimen of teezl to Coruscant. He was unprepared when Luke Skywalker and a group of
pilots managed to infiltrate his armada flying in modified TIE Fighters, and he quickly ordered the teezl to
jam communications. Although communications among the Alliance was disrupted, Luke managed to get
a shot away and destroy the teezl. Giel returned to the Empire empty-handed, but admitted his mistakes
to Darth Vader. Vader spared his life, but demoted him to Lieutenant for the loss of the teezl. Giel was
then dispatched to Golrath, to search the planet for clues as to where the Alliance went after leaving the
planet. Giel hoped that, by locating the Alliance and turning them over to Vader, he could regain his
Admiralty. It was Giel himself triggered the reactor overload which would destroy Golrath Station, as part
of an improvised plan to capture Leia. Leia managed to escape, as did the rest of the Alliance team,
leaving Giel once again without any information to return to Lord Vader. He tried to return to Coruscant,
but was shipwrecked on the planet Beheboth, where he discovered that he could use the Tirrith as agents
to consolidate his power. Though five years of experimentation, he developed speciallized globes that
could contain a small collection of Tirrith. He also began experimenting with ways to breed special
colonies of Tirrith, bred for destruction. He managed to receive funding from a cousin on Ralltiir, buying a
small moisture farm that was well away from any other settlement. The globes - designed around the
systems of a standard vaporator - about the size of an astromech droid - could then used as weapons,
releasing the specially-modified Tirrith to destroy certain outposts. Giel planned to use these Tirrith to
destroy the Alliance, in an effort to regain his position of power. His plans were discovered by Darial
Anglethorn, and although Giel managed to flee Beheboth, his plans were exposed by Luke Skywalker to
the commanders of the Alliance. (LTA3, OWS, MC60, MC61, MC63, MC65, PH)
Gifford, Dru
this man served as part of Mak Makintay's Green Squadron of X-Wing fighters, based out of Eyrie Base.
Dru was killed while escorting a Corellian Cruiser full of supplies to the survivors of Echo Base on Hoth.
Gift for Ackbar
this was a slang term used by Alliance agents to indicate a starship which had been spacejacked for use
by the Alliance. (SWJ13)
Gift of Anguish
this Yuuzhan Vong warship intercepted the Nebula Chaser as it was trying to evacuate refugees from the
planet Talfaglio. Captain Pollux refused to bow to the Yuuzhan Vong's wishes, and even tried to help
save Alema and Numa Rar from being captured. In the end, the Gift of Anguish destroyed the Nebula
Chaser in a ploy to try and win support from Leia Organa Solo. Her refusal to turn over information on the

Jedi Knights forced the captain of the Gift of Anguish to destroy the refugee vessel. (SBS)
Gifts of the True Gods, The
according to the Gospel of the True Gods, the Yuuzhan Vong were given three gifts by their gods: life, the
least of their gifts, so that the Yuuzhan Vong could serve the True Gods; Pain, so that each Yuuzhan
Vong knew that life's value lay only in the service of the True Gods; and Death, which was the greatest
gift of all, providing the Blessed Release from the burden of Pain and the curse of Life. (T)
this spacer slang word refers to a myriad of small ships designed for atmospheric or low-orbit operation.
They are built as support craft for larger starships, and are often well-armed for combat. (CSA)
Giga-class Transport
this was a generic term used to describe any number of huge, slow-moving transport ships produced
during the decades leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (IWE2)
spacer slang for most any form of illegal, inhaled drug. (POT)
this mountainous planet was the homeworld of the Gigoran race. (SWJ13)
this species of tall, furred bipeds was often confused with Wookiees. They had long, well-muscled limbs
with well-padded hands and feet. Unlike Wookiees, the Gigorans could speak Basic, but preferred their
own native language of unintelligible grunts and chirps. They led a peaceful existence until a group of
smugglers tried to establish a base on Gigor. The smugglers found a ready source of credits in selling the
Gigorans as indentured labor, primarily to the Empire. (SWJ4, SWJ13)
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Gigrig was
used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros.
This name literally meant "gardener". (GCG)
Gihal, Jio
this xenobiologist spent a great deal of time on the moon Misnor, researching the life and migration
patterns of the chiilak. Despite the Imperial support for the hunting of chiilaks, Gihal never revealed the
location of any of his sitings. (COG)
Giiett, Micah
this Jedi Master served on the Jedi Council as a contemporary of Mace Windu. A portly man with three
thick rows of hair on his head, Micah was known as a teacher who use devious methods to tech his
students the pitfalls of relying solely on the Force for their powers. Micah was good friends with Plo Koon,
and over the years the pair had developed a sharp repartee to their communication. Others may have
mistaken it for one-upsmanship, but those close to the Jedi knew that the two were good friends. Micah
was killed when Mace Windu and the Jedi traveled to the Yinchorri System to deal with the growing
aggressions of the Yinchorri. He was injured in the final battle of Yinchorr, and sacrificed himself to allow
the other Jedi to escape. When he was confronted by the Yinchorri warriors, he used his lightsaber to
ignite the fuel cells of a ground tank, killing himself and the leaders of the Yinchorri military. Mace Windu
suggested that Ki-Adi-Munid be elected to fill Master Giiett's position on the Jedi Council, despite the fact
that he was still a Jedi Knight. Note that this character is sometimes named Giett during Jedi Council:
Acts of War. (AOW)
this was the first of seven seasons experienced on the planet Guiteica. (AE)

homeworld of the Herglics. It was known for its explorers and merchants, and the Herglics were one of
the first members of the Old Republic. The Empire, realizing the importance of the Herglics and their
abilities, forcibly took over the manufacturing centers on Giju after a short but bloody battle. The Empire
forced them into hard labor. When the New Republic was born, the Herglics were able to rebuild their
society very quickly, for in submitting to the Empire, their cities and manufacturing facilities were spared
any major damage. (DFR, DFRSB)
Giju Passage
see Giju Run. (PGT)
Giju Run
also known as the Gju Passage, this hyperspace trade route connected Herglic space to the Tapani
Sector. (PGT)
Giju Stew
a foul-smelling meal. (SE)
this was a common name among the Noehon race. (UANT)
once a native of Repea, Gikkin was the commanding officer of the Crimson Aces defense squadron. He
was a vocal opponent of the New Order, a stance which led the Repean government to fear that he might
cause the Crimson Aces to defect from service. After Repea joined the Empire, they launched an attack
on the Crimson Aces, killing many of its members and scattering the survivors into the Cron Drift. Gikkin
managed to survive, and resurrected the Crimson Aces as a mercenary unit. They spent much of their
effort disrupting the relationship between Repea and the Empire, until several Star Destroyers destroyed
much of the planet. Gikkin and the Crimson Aces then set out on their own, selling their services to the
highest bidders. Gikkin was killed shortly afterward while on a mission. (GMR9)
this young man was a prince, the son of the King who ruled the nightside of his homeworld. Gil and
Princess Risa were pursued by a band of brigands when Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon suddenly
appeared from an energy disturbance and crashed into their planet, some months after the Battle of
Endor. Han arranged to have Prince Gil kidnapped by other brigands, so that King Cleroff could pay his
ransom and make Gil's family indebted to him. In this way, Cleroff could demand Gil's marriage to
Princess Risa as recompense. Although Marius tried to waylay the plans, in the end it was Han who
rectified the situation and allowed King Cleroff to push for a lasting peace. (MC101)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
one of the most famous warships of the Expansion Era, this was a cruiser-sized starship. (DESB)
Gilbrantes, Fenn
this man served as a Sector Ranger during the last years of the Old Republic, working in the Yarith
Sector of the galaxy. He had many run-ins with Salmakk and Clabburn, and did several interviews with
younger Rangers to warn them about the two criminals. He retired shortly after the institution of the New
Order. (WOA34)
Gilded Claw
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was part of the security forces used by Kuat Drive Yards to protect their
facilities, in the early years of the New Republic. It was part of the force sent to combat Warlord Zsinj and
the Iron Fist, during the Warlord's attempt to steal the Razor's Kiss. Although the Gilded Claw and its TIE
squadrons caused considerable damage to the Iron Fist, the larger ship managed to inflict serious
damage to the Gilded Claw and escape the battle. (IF)

Gilded Lily
this Baudo-class space yacht was owned by the actress Jona Reeten, whose real name was Rollo
Morsai. When the actress Reeten was blacklisted during the Imperial occupation of the Minos Cluster, the
fancy and expensive ship was converted for use as a transport. This was the only work that Rollo Morsai
could find. The 32-meter ship was gutted for cargo space, and the weaponry was upgraded to a simple,
turret-mounted lsaer cannon. (GG6)
Gilded Thranta
this was the name of the FX-77 Star Yacht owned by the Rodian Falloon, during the Yuuzhan Vong
invasion of the galaxy. It was armed with two turret-mounter, dual laser cannons, mounted on top and
bottom of the ship, along with a concussion missile launcher. Falloon, who was actually the former Black
Sun accountant Soolehad, gave the ship to the group of mercenaries who got him off Sriluur, after he
turned over the droid 9T-LOM to a group of former Black Sun leaders on Coruscant. (WOA13)
an alien creature whose soft flesh is pulverized to form a drinkable substance favored by Shistavenen
Wolfmen. (TME)
Gild-Galaxy Shops
this arcade, located aboard the Kuari Princess, has everything a traveller could ever want, but with better
quality and far more expensive prices than can be found throughout the galaxy. (RM)
this identity, maintained by Pike Angeles, was an Imperial Lieutenant who served in the Supply division of
the armed forces. (CRO)
Gileng Sector
this was the name of one part of the planet Coruscant, after it had been destroyed and rebuilt by the
Yuuzhan Vong into a simulacrum of their long-lost homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar. (FH3)
this Corellian man was one of many Corellians who joined the Jedi Order during the last years of the Old
Republic. However, Gilflyn's moral sense of rightness was somewhat corrupted. Although he went into
hiding when Emperor Palpatine beganhis Jedi Purge, Gilflyn actually believed that the balance of the
Force had been restored. When the New Republic emerged from the Battle of Endor and the death of
Palpatine, Gilflyn took it upon himself to restore balance to the Force. He believed that Luke Skywalker
and his new Jedi Knights were once again tipping the balance of the Force to the light side, and so he set
out to eliminate them and restore balance to the Force. He eventually turned to using a great deal of Sith
lore in his efforts, and became enamored of the idea of being a Sith apprentice. (CCW)
this Pursuer enforcement ship was owned by K'Armyn Viraxo during the Galactic Civil War. He used it to
harrass Harlequin Station as well as Azzameen Station. (XWA)
meaning "studious", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
Gillespee, Samuel Tomas
this man was a noted smuggler during the last years of the New Order, and the captain of Kern's Pride.
He decided to retire to Ukio after the Battle of Endor, and lost a newly-purchased piece of land when
Imperial forces under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn launched their first surprise attack on Ukio.
Afterward, he joined Talon Karrde in becoming one of the primary parties in the Smugglers' Alliance.

this Tapani Sector planet was the primary world in the Gilliana system, and was part of the holdings of
House Cadriaan during the New Order. (LOE)
Gillmunn, Orliss
this Jabiimite led the faction which remained loyal to the Old Republic, during the height of the Clone
Wars. As hostilities on Jabiim reached a head some twelve months into the conflict, Gillmunn was caught
in the crossfire at Shelter Base. He survived that initial assault, and was able to rally the surviving troops
to a staging point at Monsoon Mesa. There, they were forced to hope for an extraction force to rescue
them. Luckily, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was able to communicate with Anakin Skywalker, who led
the rescue mission and ensured that the survivors were able to get off-planet after forty-three days of
fighting. When Anakin was forced to limit the number of survivors when two of the rescue ships were
damaged on approach to Jabiim, Gillmunn lashed out in anger at the decision to leave the Jabiimites
behind. He blamed Anakin and the Republic for bringing the war to Jabiim, and threatened to shoot the
young Jedi in order to get off the planet. Anakin, in an angry fit, used the Force to briefly strangle
Gillmunn, forcing him to drop his weapon and stand down. As Anakin and the troopers of the Republic
lifted off, Gillmunn swore that he and his people would never forget their betrayal. (SWI69, RBJ)
this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most
Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name referred to a fisheating bird of prey. (GCG)
this was a species of fish-eating birds of prey which was native to the planet Ithor. (GCG)
this Ithorian worked on the planet Almas, during the era of the Battle of Naboo, as a researcher working
to understand the kaluthin grass which covered the planet. Gilloma was educated at the Alderaan
University, and taught there for twelve years before transferring to Almas. He had grown tired of students
who were slow to understand his teaching, and decided that field research for the Almas Academy would
bring more value to his life. (LFC)
Gilramos Libkath
known to his "children" as The Master, Libkath was a slimy criminal who worked the underworld of Mos
Espa during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Rather than get his own hands dirty, Libkath
kidnapped or stole young children to do his bidding. He implanted a tiny, eyeball-shaped tracer orb in
their palms, for use in monitoring their activities. Libkath also claimed that, should the children try to leave
the planet, the eyes would release a toxin into the bloodstream which would kill a child almost instantly.
Libkath was easily distinguished from other Neimoidians by his sickly-white skin and dull orange eyes. His
origins were unknown, but Ygabba believed that he had been exiled from Neimoidia. In fact, Libkath was
this Neimoidian as Nute Gunray's assistant during the years which led up to the Clone Wars. Libkath was
as pompous and conniving a Neimoidian as there ever was. Libkath made his living smuggling weapons
and other valuable commodities, often hijacking shipments from Jabba the Hutt. This earned Libkath a
substantial bounty on his head, for Jabba began to lose large sums of credits because of lost or missing
shipments. Eventually, Jabba hired both Durge and the ten-year-old Boba Fett to capture or eliminate
Libkath. Both bounty hunters cornered Libkath in the burned-out hull of a Theed cruiser near Mos Espa,
with Durge disabling Libkath with a blaster bolt. Young Boba stole his miter-like hat and fled the ship with
the children, while Durge set out to destroy Libkath. In his wild firing, Durge blasted a crate of weapons,
setting off a huge explosion. It was believed that both Durge and Libkath died in the fiery blaze. Boba Fett
returned to Jabba with the hat, using it as proof of his elimination of Libkath. (VD2, BF4)
Gilt Gushers
located on the planet Abregado-rae, this Gilt Gushers were a collection of natural tributary springs and
fountains located in the wilderness. They were named for the fact that, every once in a while, flakes of
pure electrum would bubble to the surface. Many prospectors went mad trying to locate a fountain just
when it brought electrum to the surface. (CCW)

Giltella Air Base

one of the two bases located near the city of Cartann, on the planet Adumar. (SOA)
Gilthos Uksaris
this being was the original manager of the Twisted Rancor Trio, and the author of the band's unofficial
biography, Guts and Glory: A Chronicle of the Amazing Story of The Twisted Rancor Trio. (KOTOR)
this was a noted Meerian individual of the last decades of the Old Republic. (WOTC)
Gilyad, Bahm
this ancient man established the rules and responsibilities for the medical profession some 5,000 years
before the Clone Wars, documenting them in a form that they retained for millennia. In addition to his
rules, Gilyad also documented a number of anecdotes for maintaining the physician's own mental and
physical health. (MBS)
this plant, native to the planet Dagobah, had a bark which provided succulent juice when chewed. The
bark contained certain chemicals that had anesthetic properties. Gimer sticks were favored by Yoda, who
believed the plant's juice aided in meditation. In reality, they probably relieved some of the pain of aging,
allowing the Jedi Master to concentrate. Note that the Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Dagobah
indicates that the gimer stick was a symbol of a Jedi Master's ancient wisdom. (ESB, CCG4, GF, VD1,
this grey-skinned alien, distinguished by his knobbed skull and fan-like mouth, posed a reporter for the
Holopix News agency on Challon, during the years prior to the Battle of Yavin. As a reporter, Gimlet was
able to get close enough to Leia Organa to protect her from an assassination plot. At the time, Gimlet was
serving as an assistant to Giles Durane, who had been hired by Bail Organa to train Leia in the use of
weapons. After Leia completed her training, Gimlet secretly returned to Challon to ensure her safety. He
intercepted Torgas' assassination attempt, but the Sakiyan assassin shot Gimlet in the chest. The small
alien died shortly afterward from the wound. (MCI3)
the second of two moons that orbit Genesia, Gimm was colonized in much the same way as its sister,
Laut. Underground facilities were formed to allow colonists to survive on the airless rock, providing them
with living and working areas near to - but not actually located on - Genesia. The colonists created the
cities to escape from the corruption and crime which dominated Genesia. (FBS)
one of the earlier settlers of the planet Nam Chorios, Gin was Arvid Scraf's aunt. She lived in Ruby Gulch,
and used some of her influence with the Newcomers to get Luke Skywalker a job in Hweg Shul. (POT)
this Hig was part of Wedge Antilles' command crew aboard the Yavin, during the battle with the failed Jedi
Dolph. Ginbotham was known among the New Republic's Navy for his piloting abilities. (TNR)
this Bimm (whose name begins with a hard "G" sound) was born on the Tolea Biqua space station near
Genarius. He was known in the Cularin System as a scavenger and information broker, and was more
often right than wrong in his information. Ginder acquired the head of the damaged droid L80-RC, only to
learn of the droid's association with Riboga the Hutt. Ginder tried to sell the head, hoping to reap great
profit from selling information on Riboga's activities, but found himself targetted by a number of rival
factions. Ginder was desparate to get rid of the information, and eventually turned it over to a team of
freelance mercenaries. (WOA4)

this male Herglic was hired to stand-in for Enni Anni - the kloo horn player for the band Distraction - at
public appearances. (WOA28)
Gindoch, Qan
this dark-skinned man was a native of the planet Traflin. He was captured in a raid on Pendor Gyrr's
criminal organization on Mantooine, but was released after interrogation. Since his release, Gindoch has
gone into the smuggling business, often dealing in spice but also stealing weapons and selling them on
the black market. (WBC)
this inexperienced Mon Calamari was a Commander in the New Republic, served as Pash Cracken's
commanding officer while on station at the planet Xyquine. When the Empire attacked the New Republic
there, Gingal was unsure how to retreat. He began to order the fleet to retreat, but Cracken interrupted
him before he could broadcast orders to the entire fleet - and to the Imperials waiting to attack them.
Gingal didn't allow his inexperience to get in the way, and took Pash's advice. The resulting tactic became
known as the Cracken Twist, and saved much of Gingal's fleet. (TTSB.)
Gingenny Grog
a light, sweet beer. (SWJ11)
this was one of the many young children who were brought to Ruusan to help the Army of Light fight
against the Brotherhood of Darkness during the Battle of Ruusan. Ginger, like the rest of the Jedi, was
killed when Lord Kaan activated his thought bomb. (JVS)
Ginivex-class Starfighter
this was a form of starfighter produced by the Geonosians during the height of the Clone Wars. These
ships were commonly referred to as fanblade fighters by the military forces of the Confederacy of
Independent Systems, since the main wing of the fighter could be extended like a fan. When in stealth
mode, the fan is drawn into the fuselage, giving the craft a slim, elegant profile. The spherical cockpit was
mounted in a cradle at the front of the craft, and a pair of support struts extended behind to support the
fan. The fan itself was extended on the dorsal and ventral sides of the fighter during combat, giving the
fighter a half-circle of wing that provided maneuverability. At the tip of each fan was a double laser
cannon. The material of the fan was similar to the sail used on Count Dooku's solar sailer, and could help
generate additional speed when necessary. It was believed that only six Ginivex-class fighters were
produced, all to fulfill and order to Dooku himself. Two were eventually captured by the Jedi Knights, and
the remaining four vanished with Asajj Ventress. (SWDB)
this was a species of flowering plant, native to the planet New Apsolon. (CTV)
Ginorra, Lexia
this young woman was a Jedi Padawan during the last years of the Old Republic. However, after she was
abducted by a crimanl kingpin on Kamparas, she abandoned the Jedi Order after she slaughtered her
kidnappers in order to escape. A search party was sent to Kamparas to locate her, by Lexia had fled into
the jungles and did not want to be found. Eventually, she returned to Coruscant, and took up the mission
of a vigilante, stopping any crimes she saw with bloody swiftness. Her reputation grew quickly among the
various Coruscant police and security forces, and even the major crimelords on the planet nicknamed her
"the Sith." (CCW)
Ginsbrack, Charls
this Alliance scientist led the hyperdrive research effort on the isolated moon of Barcola. Ginsbrack and
his team were developing a new form of hyperdrive to help the Alliance gain an advantage during the
Galactic Civil War. However, the new hyperdrive generated strange, hyperdimensional whirlpools that
randomly took organic and inorganic items with it, including several of Ginsbrack's scientists. Ginsbrack
himself was sucked out of existence, and the project was abandoned. (GMS)

this being was a weapons collector who preferred to fire only his more modern weapons, for fear of older
weapons misfiring and causing injury. (GUN)
this Saurton was a friend of Miktiss, and later served as his most trusted lieutenant within the Des'maric
Pirates. However, unknown to Miktiss, Ginzet had been planning to overthrow Miktiss in favor of Crev
Bombaasa. (DARK)
Ginzork, Peert
this patient, experienced soldier was known as the brute force behind The Shield. His name is an
assumed identity, created after he deserted the Imperial Army. He had been serving as an assault trooper
when he went AWOL. He emerged several years later under the guise of Peert Ginzork and formed The
Shield. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, he married Filice Ginzork. Peert was believed to be sympathetic
to the Alliance, as many of his operations served to protect field agents and other Alliance sympathizers.
Gion, Dara
this woman was the Commander and chief personnel officer of the Alliance's Oracle Base, during the
height of the Galactic Civil War. A native of Bacrana, she had never been part of the military until Moff
Ramier wiped out thousands of protestors in Amma. Dara and her lover, Equa Felens, were injured in the
battle, and they fled into hiding. They eventually joined up with Trep Reskan and the Bacrana System
Defense Force, and later joined the Alliance with them. After Felens was assigned to a safehouse on
Genesia, Dara lost track of him. (FBS)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
this man, a red-haired Jedi Knight who was trying to get the last group of Padawan learners to safety
during the Jedi Purge, was cornered by Darth Vader when the Sith Lord captured his starship. In order to
ensure the safety of his Padawan charges, Gira agreed to join Vader and the Dark Side of the Force in
return for their safety. Unfortunately, the Captain of the starship had already agreed to join the Empire in
order to save his own life. The Padawans were all killed when their escape ship was destroyed, and
Vader chose to leave Gira to his own fate. Gira, unable to reconcile the deaths of the Padawans against
his own decision to save himself, took his own life rather than succumb to the Dark Side. (T12)
this Nikto worked with Malakili to tend Jabba the Hutt's rancor. He hoped to trap a krayt dragon and bring
it to Jabba as a present. Note that the Star Wars Customizable Card Game indicates that Giran is a
kajain'sa'Nikto, although he has the appearance of a kadas'sa'Nikto. (CCG7)
this city, located on the planet Kip, was the site of the planet's largest prison facility. (HNN4)
Girigard Subsurface Correctional Facility
this underground prison facility was located in the city of Girigard, on the planet Kip. (HNN4)
this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "fair" or "evenhanded." (GCG, WOTC)
Girov Dza'tey
this Bothan was the leader of the group which sabotaged the Starfaring in order to land on the planet
Malrev. He claimed to be part of the tourist group which was aboard the ship, and that the ship's Captain
and chief engineers were the first to be killed in attacks by the Irrukiine, when Rogue Squadron was
dispatched to locate the ship. In reality, Girov was a master of Jeswandi, and killed the ship's Captain in

order to take control of the situation. When several members of Girov's group attacked Nrin Vakil, the
Rogue discovered that the Bothans were extremely good at hand-to-hand combat - skills not normally
found in a group of shipwrecked tourists. When Dllr Nep tried to defeat Cartariun by turning the Dark Side
energy back on the Devaronian, Girov arrived and shot Dlrr in the back. He then turned Cartariun's magic
against him, killing Cartariun. (XWRR, HXW)
this was a common name used by the Omwati people. (UANT)
Girt Marko
this Skakoan individual was noted in the histories of the planet Skako. (UANT)
Giryulan Findings
this series of Imperial reports documented a number of infamous acts committed by the Empire.
Historians believed that the real culprits were never caught, having framed their comrades in order to
evade courtmartials or executions. (AIR)
this Bothan name was given to newborn females. Translated into Basic, it meant "blessed." (GCG,
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "corners his prey". (GCG)
this man was a Major in the Imperial Security Bureau, and served as an adjutant to Agent Sollaine.
according to Zabrak mythology, this being brought food to certain individuals under miraculous
circumstances. (GCG)
this archaic name was given to female Zabrak, and referred to a figure from Zabrak mythology who
provided food under miraculous circumstances. (GCG)
this woman, a former Jedi Knight, was one of many warriors who succumbed to the Dark Side of the
Force in the early struggles of the Battle of Ruusan. She abandoned the Jedi Order and joined the forces
of Lord Kaan, serving as one of his chief lieutenants. It was rumored that Githany was the warrior who
brought a bowl of poisoned bloodsoup to Darth Bane, as part of Kaan's effort to eliminate the Dark Lord.
However, Darth Bane admired her for her bravery, and chose Githany to be his own lieutenant in an effort
to unite the Sith under one, strong leader. Before she could make a name for herself, Githany was killed
when the Sith attacked the main Jedi camp. She and her cohorts rode swoops into the second wave of
attacks, hoping to eliminate any Jedi who survived the initial blast. She was about to kill her former lover,
Lord Kiel Charny, but the forces of Valenthyne Farfalla shot her group from the sky. Githany survived to
meet Charny in battle, but did not have to fight him for long. The youth named Tomcat, disgruntled with
the Jedi's apparent weakness, decapitated Charny and joined Githany and the Sith. Githany later fled the
Sith forces after learning that Lord Kaan had decided to use the thought bomb against the Jedi. She and
Tomcat tried to escape Ruusan, but were trapped by the activation of the bomb. Githany herself was
trapped in a cave, and fell to her death in a newly-opened chasm. Note that her name is also spelled
Ghitany. (JVS)
Gitta, Davon
this man served as a thug and mercenary for the Desilijic clan of Hutts, during the early years of the New

Order. (GMR2)
this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "inspiration" in the Sullustan
language. (GCG)
this surname was common among the Sullustan race, and meant "miner" in the Sullustan language.
this Imperial recruit was part of Kyle Katarn's squadron, during the taking of asteroid AX-456. He worked
with Morley as the team's demolitons experts, and became the lead when Morley was killed during the
early stages of the battle for AX-456. (SFE)
Giver, The
this was another name for the Sunesi god known as the Maker. (BP)
an alien race that carries its skeleton on the outside of its body. This exoskeleton helps protect them from
the sudden pressure changes and periods of hard vacuum that occur on the surface of Yag'Dhul, their
homeworld. This exoskeleton allows them to seal their joints, giving further protection. Many scientists
have likened the Givin to Twi'lek string puppets in their appearance. The Givin live in hermetically sealed
cities built to withstand the tides of vacuum, and their society has grown up around the intense
mathematics needed to accurately predict the vacuum tides. This had given the Givin the reputation of of
being proficient mathematicians and strategists. The Givin also have a fairly advanced technology, and
are respected starship builders in most sector of the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, the Givin allied
themelves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, providing their shipbuilding talents in an effort
to gain a measure of respect against the Mon Calamari. (SW, GG4, CCG, SWDB)
this was the native language of the Givin race. The written component of the Givin language was
comprised of several hundered mathematical symbols. (UANT)
Givin Senatorial Tesseract
this was the central government building of the Givin people, located on the planet Yag'Dhul during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
this root vegetable was often sauteed and used as an accompaniment to meats like flangth. (SWJ14)
Givoni Airport
this public airport, located on Estalle Island on Procopia, provided access to the island to those workers
who lived on less-expensive islands nearby. (LOE)
this bookish individual was the branch manager of the Zygian Savings and Loan in Mos Eisley. (GG7)
this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "needle" or "stiletto" in the Twi'leki
language. (GCG)
Giza Tiatkin
this Twi'lek female and her droid partner were former pirates who agreed to help the New Republic hunt
down criminals. She was part of the team assembled to locate the TIE Interceptor pirates who were
striking at New Republic convoys from a base in the Abraxas System. She was recruited for her piloting
skills, and her droid's navigational skills helped Lando's teams navigate the debris clogging the system.

Unfortunately, Giza was shot and killed in the initial confrontation with the pirates. (T5)
Gizer Ale
this fermented beverage is blue in color. (TNR)
Gizer Freighter
a transportation starship. (TNR)
Gizer Pale Blue Ale
a lighter version of Gizer ale, Luke Skywalker kept a supply for visits from Han Solo. (IJ)
this fish was prized among the Selkath as a source of meat. Many xenobiologists believed that the gizka
found on Manaan was a placid descendant of a more vicious creature that originated on the Unknown
World of the Rakata. This gizka, which appeared from 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, was
known for its rapid rate of reproduction, producing a new generation every few days. These gizkas were a
nuisance to electrical systems, and could only be eliminated by using a specialized poison. This poison
made the gizkas rabid, causing them to attack and kill other gizkas before expiring. (PH, KOTOR)
Gizler, Zelda
an alias used by Princess Leia at Hologram Fun World when she is brought on stage by Cobak, who was
disguised as Bithabus the Mystifier. (QE)
this man was the businessman behind the Just Armor shop on StarForge Station. (FOP)
Gjeel Dhantra
this Advozse worked as Pok Nar-Tan's majordomo, serving the Klatooinan Trade Guild on Boztrok. It was
rumored that Dhantra was once a boss himself within the Guild, in charge of a Twi'lek slavery ring before
being disgraced by his enemies and removed from power. However, it was later learned that Dhantra had
been in charge of the Guild's relationship with Big Quince, and was demoted in the wake of Platt Okeefe's
killing of the Sludir. (PSG, SWJ11)
this Coynite was a noted Tawws'Kroyn champion, who gained fame as an arena gladiator fighter during
the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He was bold enough challenge any other being to their own style
of combat, claiming he was flexible enough to adapt to new conditions. However, he was a vocal
supporter of the Galaxy Gladiator Federation, and would not fight in events that undermined the integrity
of the sport. (HNN5)
MerrSonn's Cryocooler heat dissipation system used on the EWHB-10 repeating blaster. (ISB)
this model of guardian droid was used during the Galactic Civil War. (GOF2)
a later generation of MerrSonn CryoCooler heat dissipation unit, the Gk7 was used on the E-Web(15)
heavy repeating blaster. (TTSB)
this was Merr-Sonn's handhled grenade launcher, resembling a large rifle. In place of the barrel was the
thick launching mechanism. The GL-11 was designed to fire C-16 fragmentation grenades. (AEG)
this was another version of the Merr-Sonn GL-11 handheld grenade launcher. This version fired C-10
stun grenades. (AEG)

this Serv-O-Droid automaton was developed to serve as a doorman, during the early decades of the New
Republic. The GL-7 was often hardwired into the entrance of a residence or building, with landline
connections to police and other public service agencies. (SBS)
this was a form of breeding pool, developed by the Yuuzhan Vong to breed amphistaffs. (FP)
Gla Soocha
this is the name given to the planet around which orbits the New Republic's Pinnacle Base, located on the
planet's fifth moon. This was Da Soocha, in Dark Empire I. (DE2)
Gla Soocha 5
this is the name given to the fifth moon of Gla Soocha, and is the site of the New Republic's Pinnacle
Base. It was destroyed by a projectile fired from Emperor Palpatine's Galaxy Gun. This was Da Soocha 5,
in Dark Empire I. (DE2)
native to the oceans of Vaynai, this fish was harvested for its tasty flesh, which could be served broiled or
batter-fried. (GMR8)
Glacier Tauntaun
one of the smaller subspecies of tauntaun native to Hoth, the glacier tauntaun was named for the fact that
it lived primarily along the edge of glaciers. Thinner and less-furred than the common tauntaun, the
glacier tauntaun lacked the longer, counter-balancing tail of its larger cousin. The glacier tauntaun's horns
were noticeably smaller as well, and curled into tight spirals. (WSW)
Glacier Worm
this unusual annelid was native to the frozen world of Hoth. It was easilt recognized by its slow, side-toside movement. (GMR10)
this combat starship was used by the mercenaries who accompanied Boba Fett during the height of the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (WOTC)
Gladiator Battle Armor
this prototype personal combat armor was developed by the Min-Dal Company, and secretly tested in the
criminal pit-fights in the Soruus System. It was also known as JX4 battle armor. Unfortunately for Min-Dal,
the armor was so good the criminals were able to escape from prison while wearing it and wreak havoc in
the system. They were finally apprehended by Imperial forces, but Min-Dal was forced to shut down
production. (SWJ3, GUN)
Gladiator Droid
any droid which is programmed for armed combat in a controlled setting (such as an arena). It is
programmed to fight to the death with its opponent. They were popular late in the Old Republic, when
decadent and lawless activities began to get overlooked. (HSE)
Gladiator Walker
designed after the Imperial AT-ST and its predecessor, the AT-PT, gladiator walkers became popular
during the rise of the New Order. Produced by zZip Product Concepts and SecuriTech, these vehicles
were single-person units designed to allowed the rider to fight in a tournament against other riders. Armed
with a light laser cannon and protected by heavy armor and shields, gladiator walkers were relatively safe
to operate. In the event of imminent danger to its occupant, the walker's computer system would shut
down the entire system and notify other walkers of its "demise." (GFT)
Gladiators' Open
a regular event aboard The Wheel, this fighting event pitted a wide range of combatants against each

other in a series of differing combat arenas. The winner was the last fighter standing at the end of all
rounds. Parts of the Open were held in the Zero-Gee Hall. (ND)
this being was one of the most respected members of the Eighth Nebulan Scout Corps. (GG8)
this Imperial Prefect oversaw the planet Fremond III during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ9)
Glagggerick's Tavern
a bar located in Lola Curich, on Lianna. (ML)
Glah Ubooki
this Bimm was a native of Glastro. He once discovered the wreckage of an Imperial Research and
Development vessel on the planet, and salvaged a large quantity of parts and materiel. He eventually
sold the stuff to an Alliance operative for a tidy profit, and Glah convinced his brothers to buy a ship and
acquire as much valuable salvage as they could. It nearly bankrupted them, but they managed to locate
some truly rare items which kept them wealthy and kept their business running. Known as Glah Ubooki's
Strange and Wondrous Imports, the shop maintained a mixture of worthless junk and unusual relics. In
order to continue to seek out new wares, Glah's brothers helped run the shop. Each brother claimed to be
Glah Ubooki, and the real Glah always pretended to know a customer, whether he had actually met them
or not. Eventually, all eighteen brothers of Glah's took part in the ruse, and their family prospered. (SWJ1)
Glah Ubooki's Strange and Wondrous Imports
owned by the Bimm known as Glah Ubooki, this small shop was located in the city of Glastro. It sold rare
and unusual items - mostly junk, but every once in a while a truly valuable relic - to anyone who
happened to pass by. It was originally started when Glah Ubooki discovered the wreckage of an Imperial
R&D vessel, and sold the parts he salvaged to the Alliance for a tidy profit. As the business grew, the
other seventeen of Glah's brothers spread off Bimmisaari and started their own version of the shop,
although each one claimed that his was the one-and-only shop. (SWJ1)
this was one of the many mining settlements, or o'bekis, established on Goroth Prime. (GSE)
an cargo ferry which was used to smuggle stolen Imperial goods into the Sepan System, it was captured
by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this immense man was distinguished by his drooping moustaches, which grew down from his chin in a
thick rope before splitting into two pointed tails. In addition to his facial appearance, Glaive wore heavy,
metal gauntlets and leather armor which barely protected his heavily-muscled body. Despite his fearsome
appearance, Glaive was also a Jedi Master. Glaive and his apprentice, Zule, were dispatched with ObiWan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the moon of Ohma-D'un to investigate the loss of a Gungan colony
some ten weeks after the Battle of Geonosis. It was feared that the miners who worked the Naboo
System had been armed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and had attacked the Gungans in
order to secure the moon for the Separatists. Unfortunately, the four Jedi discovered a new form of
combat droid had been sent to exterminate the Gungans. The droids were under the command of the
bounty hunter Durge. When Durge captured Zule, Glaive was forced to stay his hand. Obi-Wan's actions
allowed Zule to break free, but Glaive was unprepared for the sudden appearance of Asajj Ventress.
Using her own lightsaber, Ventress beheaded Glaive before Obi-Wan could act. (RNFW)
an icy moon which was used by the Empire as a weapons depot. Jabba the Hutt and Ephant Mon tried to
steal the weapons cache, but they were betrayed by some of Jabba's own people. They managed to
escape, but had no protection from the moon's frozen wastes. Jabba wrapped himself around Ephant
Mon, shielding him from the cold until they were rescued by some of Jabba's more loyal supporters.

Glamaxon Tvurl
this Barabel was one of the many beings who fought in Gargonn the Hutt's gladiator pit, located deep
below the surface of Nar Shaddaa, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He lost his right arm
during one particularly intense match, only to find himself pitted against a pair of mutant akk dogs.
Glamaxon was saved from certain death by the intervention of Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Depa
Billaba, who were on Nar Shaddaa investigating the trafficking of the altered akk dogs. (ETM)
this an artform which rose to popularity on Kamori. (SWJ5)
Glarc Leapfar
this Nosaurian was a noted poacher of rikknits, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Like many
rikknit poachers, Glarc was only hunting them out of desparation, using the meager profits he earned to
pay for his family's expenses. Unlike other poachers, Glarc understood the relationship between the flora
and fauna in the hiakk forests, and worked hard to ensure that his hunting didn't damage any other part of
the forest. (CCW)
this aging man served as Xaverri's assistant during the years following the death of Xaverri's family. She
eventually replaced him with a young Han Solo. (THG)
this race of reptiloids was native to the swamps of Gelgelar. Roughly humanoid in shape, glarsaurs had
curled tails and muscled limbs which were studded with sharp claws. Their dorsal ridge was protected by
thick, green scales, and their belly was covered with segmented plates. Although they were the only
sentient life to develop on Gelgelar, glarsaurs were brutish creatures who would rather fight a war than
discuss an issue. (SWJ14)
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "bright". (GCG)
a Imperial System Patrol Craft hijacked by Ripoblus refugees seeking asylum. (TIE)
Glasc, Katya
this was the alias used by Ysanne Isard while on the planet Darkknell, searching for the stolen plans to
the first Death Star. Glasc was supposedly a member of the Darkknell Special Security team. (TFNR)
Glasfir Ring
this small criminal organization was controlled by the Defel Glasfir'a'lik, and was based on the planet
Demesel. The Ring had its hands in virtually every criminal enterprise on the planet, especially after
Glasfir eliminated the Hutt influence on the planet. (GG11)
this Defel, known as a particulary nasty being, was the leader of the Glasfir Ring. He was originally a Hutt
enforcer, but was left stranded on Demesel by the Hutts. He became angry at the Hutts, and for three
years he hunted down every Hutt agent on the planet. His ability to successfully kill a Hutt earned him
semi-legendary status on Demesel, despite the large bounty placed on his head by the Hutts. Glasfir'a'lik
eventually commanded the attention of the criminal underworld of Demesel, and quickly took control of
the various elements. Glasfir threatened and bribed the planetary government, and eventually won control
of the underworld and a level of immunity from prosecution. (GG11)
meaning "sleek", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)

Glass Mountain
located on the planet Tatooine, this barren mountain was the site of one of Jabba the Hutt's secret
caches. A barren knob of rock, Glass Mountain held Jabba's personal escape ship. Jabba had left the
small creature Onoh to guard it, shortly before his death. (TJT)
Glass Palace
situated on the ground of the Alaphoe Gardens, on the planet Procopia, this super-luxury clubhouse was
covered by an immense transparisteel dome, which gave it its name. Three floors of rooms and chambers
provided a variety tastefully decorated appointments, and housed various game rooms, bars, and
casinos. The third floor was off-limits to anyone outside the membership of House Cadriaan. (LOE)
this fern, native to the jungles of Haruun Kal, were part of the herbivorous diet of a grasser. (SHPT)
a material used to form starship viewports. (COJ)
this alloy, developed during shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, was as strong as
durasteel but was also transparent. This made glasteel perfect for use in forming the large windows of
skyscrapers and other large buildings, making the windows part of the overall superstructure. (SBS)
this was one of the major cities located on the planet Bimmisaari. (SWJ1)
Glastroan Wine
this wine was produced by the Bimms who lived in the city of Glastro. (SWJ1)
this man was a retired Imperial Navy Captain, and he always wore a form of Imperial Navy uniform during
his civilian life. He found work as a starship Captain, and commanded the Stellar Mermaid during the
early years of the New Republic. (POC)
this gas giant was the second planet of the Marcellus System. It had three satellites. (POM)
Glave, Modigal
this Imperial commander was sent to scout the Ishanna System during the height of the New Order. He
served under the command of Governor Klime. A seasoned Imperial commando, Glave was a veteran of
of thirty or more heated battles before he was assigned to Klime. His face was severely damaged in a
battle on Kestos Minor, when a blaster bolt shattered his helmet. The resulting explosion drove duraarmor fragments into his face, but he managed to ignore the pain and subdue the Alliance forces there.
This event got him promoted into an elite group of troopers who were destined to become the Imperial
Storm Commandos, and earned him the Imperial Medal of Valor. Glave led a group of stormtroopers to
the Combat Moon, with the help of the Rabaanite traitor Andos Delvaren. It was Glave who battled Mika
Streev and Sh'shak on the Combat Moon, nearly capturing them twice. Glave attempted to kill Sh'shak
and shot the S'krrr in the thorax, but not before Streev and Leda Kyss stopped him. In the rescue attempt,
Glave's arm was cut off by Streev, but not before Glave was able to fatally shoot Kyss. Glave and his
Imperial forces fled the Combat Moon before Alliance agents could supplement the warriors. (SWJ9)
one of Ammuud's seven major clans, the Glayyd clan was the largest and most powerful at the time Han
Solo and Fiolla were trying to track down the Corporate Sector Authority's slavery ring. At that time, the
Mor Glayyd was Ewwen, and he was involved in the slavery ring. (HSR)
Glaze Cake
a sweet form of cake. (IDC)

Glazed Glucose Pate'

this is a favored meal of the Ugor race. (SH)
an Nharwaak CR90 corvette destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was the designation of a series of general-purpose labor droids, produced by Industrial Automaton for
use in mining operations. Humanoid in stature, these droids contained a RapidProgram module for easy
modification of their programming. This module allowed them to serve in a variety of capacities, including
scouts, planners, or drivers. (FBS)
this large fern, native to the upland jungles of Haruun Kal, was named for its shiny upper surface. (SHPT)
this was form of artwork which used specially formulated inks to make images appear more realistic. (TG)
Gleasry, Pharnis
an agent of the Human League, sent to monitor the presences of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker during
the Corellian Trade Summit. He was arrested after the Starbuster Plot was broken up, and testified about
the full extent of the Human League's infiltration of the New Republic on Coruscant. (AC, SC)
Gleb Rations
developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, this flat, cardboard-like ration was easy to
transport and provided a day's worth of nutrients for most humanoid races. (BF4)
Glee Anselm
this aquatic planet was a member of the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It
was the homeworld of the Nautolan and Anselmi races. Much of the planet's surface was covered with
swamps and lakes, with just enough physical landmass to support the Anselmi. Because of its axial tilt
and seasonal changes, the planet was often ravaged by intense hurricanes and storms. (HNN4, VD2,
Glee Jun
a member of Klyn Shanga's Renatasian viligantes, searching out Vuffi Raa. (LCF)
Gleed Otondon
this imposing creature served under Cradossk in the old Bounty Hunters Guild. When the Guild was split
apart, Otondon joined the True Guild and acted as its emissary to Kud'ar Mub'at. A huge, heavily-muscled
alien with leathery skin and a spiked skull, Otondon was nevertheless apprehensive about negotiating
inside Mub'at's web. His hands were studded with claws. Following the breakup of the Bounty Hunters
Guild, Otondon began embezzling the Guild's funds and storing them in safe accounts. After the
dissolution of the True Guild and the Guild Reform Committee, Otondon took all the credits and went into
hiding, leaving the other bounty hunters with nothing. (SLS, HM)
this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was
essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)
Glef Wonkitz
this was the name of a distingished member of the Toong society. (UANT)
a Twi'leki unit of measure, it denotes a finite area. (TJP)
an Eol Sha colonist; Warton's wife. (JS)

this was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "filled with joy".
this herd beast was native to the planet Neftali. (WSV)
this is a strange fruit which has an unusual, ragged shape. (POT)
this small pest was hormonally modified by Beldorion's second chef to grow to huge proportions for
eating. The Kubaz discovered how to use the excretions from hall d'main and complement the glet-mite's
teleological systems. (POT)
an Alliance Escort Shuttle destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was a slang term used to describe a misforunate being. (COG)
Glidamir, Norrion
this Lorrdian woman served the Alliance as a Major, and was a contemporary of Barosa Warren's service
to the Old Republic. She was known as one of the graduated of the Twilight Class of Warren's Galactic
Oudoor Survival School, but she later died in action during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.
Glide Lizard
this large, black reptile is able to "fly" over short distances by extending the flaps of skin beneath its legs.
a lizard-like predator native to Orellon II, the glider resembled a dragon in many respects. Its "wings" were
folds of skin which stretched between its legs on either side of its body, and were used to glide through
the air when the creature leapt from tree to tree. Their heads were crowned with sharp horns, and four
eyes sat atop a mouth filled with pointed teeth. (SWJ2)
Glidrick, Stenn
this former Imperial Navy pilot retired and became a civilian starship captain. His last assignment was
piloting the Kuari Princess. He was the one who broke the news to Celia Durasha that her brother Raine
had been killed on Ralltiir. Glidrick was also in command when the Riders of the Maelstrom boarded the
ship and took control of it. Glidrick was killed in the attack. (RM, TFE)
a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "axe". (GCG)
this is a species of single-celled organisms that is native to the planet Naboo. There are two distinct
species of glie, green and red. The green glie grows on the surface of swamps, creating a greenish mass
and choking out other swamp plants while consuming any nutrients it can find. Red glie is very similar to
green glie, except that it is reddish in color and obtained its nutrients via photosynthesis. The gungans
use red glie in a tasty salad dressing. (GF, SON)
Glie Poison
this was the name given to the toxic poison refined from green glie. (SON)
Glie'oleg Kru
this Bothan earned a field promotion to Brevet Admiral during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.

Kru was in command of the Bothan Assault Cruiser Champion during the defense of Kalarba and Hosk
Station, but was killed when the Champion was destroyed near Hosk. (BP)
Glim Worm
found on a variety of planets, the many species of glim worm resembled tube-like predators which were
covered with sharp scales. They were highly adaptable, living in the desert as well as urban areas. They
burrow quite well, and have developed a complex musculature that allowed them to flow across a wide
range of surfaces. Glim worms hunted by detected the subtle vibrations caused by the movement of their
prey, and had only to come in contact with they prey in order to catch it. Their muscles could then be
used to extende their sharp scales, literally grabbing their prey. Just beneath the skin's surface,
specialized glands secreted a gluey substance that further enhanced their hold on the prey, and further
muscular manipulation literally rolled the prey into the glim worm's mouth. All the prey captured by a glim
worm was eaten whole. (COG)
Glimmer Uziel
this female being was the ruler of Vicondor, and one of the founders of the Station 88 Spaceport. Like
many of the natives of Vicondor, Glimmer had gold-colored skin and four tiny tentacles which waved like
feathers when she talked. When the founders of the station met with Count Dooku on Null to discuss a
possible alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Uziel decided to side with Lorian Nod
and throw his support to the Old Republic. Dooku decided that this was not an acceptable answer, and
brought in twelve super battle droids in order to force an agreement. Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice,
Anakin Skywalker, managed to defeat the battle droids and svae the leaders, but Dooku managed to
escape. (LOJ)
a small fish once native to the planet Alderaan, these finger-sized fish swarmed the canals and
waterways of the planet. During the mating season, hundreds of eggs are laid by each female, and they
all hatch at about the same time. The explosion of tiny glimmerfish turns the waters silvery with their
roiling passage. (ISU)
Glimmet Ledd
this being, a member of the Luurian Genetic Enclave, served the Old Republic's Ministry of Science
during the Clone Wars, helping to develop vaccines and counteragents to fight the biological weapons of
the Separatists. (SWI66)
this is a musical form embraced by many non-human species. (VD1)
Glio Svbas
the Ysanna words for "good-bye." (DE2)
this was a family of human colonists who settled on the planet Lobaoc, during the years leading up to the
Battle of Naboo. (WOA16)
this emergency medpack was produced by Chiewab. GliS was the designation for "General LifeSustaining," and was designed to treat contusions, broken bones, burns, and other traumatic injuries. It
had limited diagnostic capabilities, and could only store information on a single species. Special modules
were available to provide data on thousands of species, and could be swapped in and out quickly. (EGW)
this vicious Sedrian warrior was one of Karak's followers. (BGS)
developed by the Yuuzhan Vong, this shimmering fabric was made from living material which generated a
charge-neutralizing field along its fibrous form. This allowed a robe or tunic of glistaweb to deflect blaster

fire almost as well as vonduun crab armor, but much less conspicuously. (SBS)
Glitannai Esplanade
this wide avenue was located in Imperial City on the planet Coruscant, during the height of the Old
Republic. Leading from the Imperial Palace through the Judicial District, the Esplanade was the home of
a wide range of shops and restaurants. (CCW)
a slang term that refers to those addicts of glitterstim spice who consume it in its raw form. They are often
high-strung and tend to ramble incoherently. (KT)
Glite-Ven Hostilities
this series of battles between rival crimelords occurred during the early years of the New Order. (AIR)
this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "sharp-tongued". (GCG)
this planet ws one of the member worlds of the Old Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. (JT)
Glitter Cay Tower
this was the centerpiece of Wildwater City, located in the oceans of the planet Calamari. (WSV)
see Skar'kla (SPG)
this was the codename of the Alliance's base on Elbara Nine, hidden within the Corus-Calis Glacier
Ridge. It served as a staging location for Alliance Special Operations forces in the sector, as well as a
listening post which spied on the nearby Imperial Navy installation. (HAS)
this was a beautiful insect. (T)
this unusual form of glass was made on the planet Tatooine, and was used primarily in the creation of
artworks. Many considered the flowing, organic panes of glitterglass to be too garish to be considered art.
this sparkling gown was made from a glittering fabric, and was often cut in provocative ways to match the
body shape of females of various species. (SWI67)
Glittering Mynock
this species of mynock is slightly less revolting, although equally annoying, as its deep-space cousin. The
main difference is in the skin. A glittering mynock's skin will begin to shine and glitter as it sucks power
from a battery or other source. The more power it absorbs, the more intense the glittering becomes.
one of several luxury liners which brought the wealthy and powerful to Alakatha, the Glitterstar flew
regularly from the resort world to Coruscant during the early years of the New Republic. It was attacked
by Phan Riizolo and the Booty Full, a move that Rogue Squadron belived was backed by Leonia Tavira.
However, Riizolo had actually severed ties with Tavira, and was operating on his own. (IJ)
the form of spice mined on Kessel, it is a byproduct of the digestion of the spice grub. In its inert form, it is
carried in small, transparent, black fibers. The fibers are almost alive, and twist and curl after being

removed from their rocky veins. It takes a delicate hand to uncurl the fibers, because - although they are
flexible - are also very brittle. Individual fibers are stored in light-tight containers. This work is time- and
labor-intensive, and contributes directly to the high cost of glitterstim on the market. When exposed to
light it ripens, becoming a pearly-blue color when ready for use. When consumed, it crackles and sparks
due to contact with the light and saliva. It is the only known form of spice which heightens the user's latent
mental powers. A user who consumes too much glitterstim often goes blind, and the substance is known
to drive a Bith mad. (JS, JASB, TPS)
this valuable Bothan gemstone was also known by its Bothan name, Fervse. (FOP, SPG)
this was an unusual mixture of glitterstim and ryll spices, created on Nar Shaddaa during the last decades
of the Old Republic. The Corporate Sector Authority was rumored to have been interested in further
development of this substance, and the Jedi Knights dispatched Quinlan Vos and his apprentice, Aayla
Secura, to investigate. They were both captured and had their memories erased, in order to cover up the
secret of glitteryll. After Quinlan returned to Ryloth with Vilmarh Grahrk, they discovered that energy
spider eggs from Kessel had been transported to Ryloth and stored in the ryll caves. The spiders were
fed ryll spice, and then exuded webbing made almost purely of glitteryll. Quinlan later learned that Asante'
Vos had been one of the parties behind the development of glitteryll. After the energy spiders killed
Asante', Quinlan destroyed all the spiders in order to completely cut off the supply of glitteryll. (OWS,
this is a progressive form of jizz music. (ML)
this raspy, high-tech form of swing music was popular in the Outer Rim Territories. (RM)
this species of tree is native to Thyferra. The Vratix species made their homes in the gloan trees, well
above the ground. (BW)
Global Organization of Interstellar Shippers
this committee was made up from representatives of the largest transport corporations based on Gandle
Ott, during the early years of the New Republic. (DARK)
this immense, low-bodied reptile was a vicious predator. What the globblin lacked in speed it made up for
in relentlessness. The head of the globblin was dominated by a mouthful of huge fangs, and its long
tongue could be shot out from its mouth in order to snare its prey. (T7)
Globe of Peace
this Naboo relic resembles a small sphere, inside of which glows an intense, pinkish-white light. It
signified the centuries of peace which the Naboo had maintained on their planet. In the aftermath of the
Battle of Naboo, Queen Amidala presented the Globe to Boss Nass, in a gesture of a renewed peace
between their peoples. (IS1)
Glockaw Sauce
this culinary accompaniment was often served with scrimpi. (BP)
this Sakiyan worked as an enforcer at Merl's cantina on Centares, during the height of the Galactic Civil
War. (WOA32)
a starship's protective restraint system for its passengers. (SME)

Glok Monster
this unusual beast, native to the Forest Moon of Endor, was raised from the dead by the Night Spirit,
some years before the Battle of Endor. (ECAR)
Glom Tho
this planet was the site of the New Republic's decisive victory in the Hevvrol Sector. (RPG)
this Gamorrean thug was employed by Toln ne Yerres as a bodyguard and enforcers during the Galactic
Civil War. (GG2)
this was one of the many clans of Gamorreans. The Glonnks wiped out the primary fortress of their rivals,
the Horgk, forcing them to move elsewhere. (EGP)
Gloom Dwellers
a gang inhabiting Nar Shaddaa during the Galactic Civil War. (TME)
Gloom, Jervis
this man was one of the many slythmongers who sold death sticks in the undercity of the planet
Coruscant, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Distinguished by his portly form and spiked,
red hair, Gloom worked for Groff Haug for many years, and was implicated in the formation of a death
stick smuggling ring. He often hung around with the members of a Klatooinan gang, until he was captured
by Jango Fett and questioned about his relationship to the Bando Gora. (BH)
this was a terrible creature of legend. (T1)
Glor Jal
this outspoken Ugnaught was the leader of the Ugnuaght unions working on Bespin's Cloud City, during
the height of the New Order. Glor Jal was quite suspicious of non-Ugnaughts, and blamed them for most
of the problems experienced by those Ugnaughts who lived and worked on Cloud City. (WOA34)
this Hutt crimelord operated from a base on Hollast VII. The natives of the planet tried to overthrow his
during one of the planet's rebellious insurrections, but the Hutt's henchmen successfully deflected the
attack. (SWJ4, AIR)
Glorii Profus
this male Kaminoan served as a mentop to many clone troopers produced for the Grand Army of the
Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. Profus was stationed on Vandor-3 during, helping the
survivors of the training facilities there continue to operate as effective soldiers. (TCD)
Pakkpekatt's command cruiser, this Belarus-class cruiser was used to chase the Teljkon vagabond.
Glorious Rise of the New Order, The
this was one of the trivial, pro-Imperial dramas produced by Ahric Korownosek and the NovaCluster
Players, during the height of the New Order. (SS)
Glorious Spectrum
this was the name of Langro Dis' modified YT-1300 freighter. (GMR5)
this modified YT-1300 freighter was Toob Ancher's personal starship. He and Fahs Oxsor once flew the
Glory along the Kessel Run, completing it in 20.5 parsecs. During her heyday, the craft was also known
as the Dame of Nar Shaddaa. After Toob died over Redcap, Fahs became the owner of the Glory.

(SWJ2, SWJ5)
the Imperial-I class Star Destroyer dispatched to Venzeiia 2 Prime, it was also the flagship sent to recover
the mag pulse technology from Galactic Electronics, in the Corporate Sector. Under the command of
Admiral Zaarin, the Glory was used to keep Darth Vader at bay until Zaarin could get to Coruscant to
capture Emperor Palpatine. The Glory was Zaarin's escape vehicle from Coruscant when Vice Admiral
Thrawn showed up with the Vanguard and the modified corvette Mescue. (TIE)
Glory of Yevetha
this was the name given by the Yevetha to the recommissioned Super-class Star Destroyer EX-F. (BTS)
Glory Room
located in the heart of the Yuuzhan Vong command ship Sunulok, this chamber was where Tsavong Lah
maintained a cognition throne and a vast diorama of the locations of various starships arrayed in the
battle for control of the galaxy. The diorama was made up of a huge collection of blaze bugs, with
different bugs beating their wings at different speeds, thereby creating a way to indicate what each bug
represented. Low-frequency thrumming represented a Yuuzhan Vong warship, a sharp drone was used
for New Republic craft, a steady buzz indicated Imperial forces, and a shrill whine was used for other
infidel craft. A Yuuzhan Vong could move through the display, and the bugs simply moved out of the way
and then returned to their original position. The wingbeats of each blaze bug were coded to indicate the
class and name of the vessel represented, and subtle undertones of odor indicated the morale of the
crew. (SBS)
Glory Street
a thoroughfare located in the city of Zehva, on Melida/Daan. (UP)
this Gotal bounty hunter was brought to the planet M'haeli by Governor Grigor to help root out the pockets
of Alliance supporters, in an effort to locate Ch'no and Mora. Glott used his species' ability to sense the
Force as a defense mechanism, reading his opponents' moves a slip-second before they make them.
Glott was captured by Ranulf Trommer at Grigor's dragite mines, but Merrik intervened and allowed Glott
to escape. The Gotal continued to pursue Trommer and Mora, but was killed by Trommer when he
rescued Mora from Grigor. (ROC)
this forested, swamp-covered planet is the homeworld of the Glottalphib race. (TNR)
this cold-blooded, seal-like race is native to the planet Glottal. Taller than Wookiees, they have articulated
hands and large tails, and their bodies are covered with scales. These scales are normally a greenishyellow color, but this color darkens to brown as the Glottalphib ages and the scales begin to fall out.
These scales form an armor-like skin which can resist most blaster bolts. A unique characteristic of the
Glottalphib is their respiratory system, which produces ignitable gases as a byproduct. The Glottalphibs
use these gases as a defense mechanism as well as a hunting implement, igniting the gas and spouting
flames from their noses. A cold-blooded race, the Glottalphib are nevertheless larger than Wookiees in
size. (TNR)
this small, tasty fish is found in the oceans of the planet Calamari. (JASB)
this semi-tropical planet was first colonized aome 200 years before the Battle of Endor. A lode of precious
metals made the planet grow quickly, but the mines petered out just as fast as they were opened. The
planet's economy soon turned toward agriculture, and Glova became a major supplier of foodstuffs to
other planets in the region. The average day on Glova lasts 22.3 standard hours, and its year lasts 375
local days. (POC)

Glove of Darth Vader

when Luke Skywalker battled Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star, Luke severed Vader's right
hand in a lightsaber duel. It was thought that the hand was lost, flung into deep space when the Death
Star exploded near Endor. The Prophets of the Dark Side foretold that it would be found by the next ruler
of the galaxy. It was also beleived that the glove wsa indestructible. Captain Dunwell later found the glove
in a piece of Death Star wreckage on Calamari. It was believed by Trioculus that the glove also gave the
wearer the power to choke a victim without actually touching them, although this was proved false when
Trioculus couldn't do it. Emdee-5 then modified the glove to perform a similar duty when Trioculus aimed
it, to cover up Trioculus' lack of Force sensitivity. (GDV)
Glow Bug
this species of bioluminescent insect was native to the moon Rori. (ROD)
Glow Dome, The
owned by Corinna and Kandria A'Daasha, this establishment was known as "the bright center of Minos
Cluster." Located on Adarlon, the Glow Dome was named for the intensely bright lights which spill into the
sky above the building. The interior lighting is equally as bright, being populated with a variety of
SenseLights, and the owners took no responsibility for injured retinas. The main building was an immense
dome, situated atop a cliff overlooking the city. It was rumored that a group of Derriphan lurked within the
Dome. (WSV)
Glow Lichen
this was the name used by the New Republic to describe the phosphorescent, yellow lichen which grew
along the walls of Yuuzhan Vong starships, providing a source of light. (SBS)
Glow Pearls
precious gemstones. (HSE)
Glow Pole
this was a form of staff, measuring about 1.5 meters in height, that was topped with a glowing sphere of
incandescent light. The glow pole provided the user with a steadying mechanism for walking, as well as
lighting their path. (LFCW)
Glow Spider, The
this bar, located near Monument Plaza on Coruscant, was the hangout of Nici the Specialist. It was
located on Level 132, megablock 17, block 5, subblock12 of Imperial City. (TPS)
this was one most colorful pieces of costume jewelry worn during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Izal Waz developed this technique of using the Force to collect ambient light some two years into the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When used correctly, the "glowball" hid a starship from the alien
invaders as if it was inside a small star. Using this technique, he kept the Jolly Man hidden during its
search for a Yuuzhan Vong yammosk. (SBS)
this small, flying mammal was noted for piercing shriek. (SHPT)
a light source (DA)
this was a form of weapon produced during the height of the New Order. (SWJ14)

a species of floating algae that lives in the atmosphere of the gas giant Bespin. These bioluminescent
creatures give off a purplish glow that lights up the night side of Bespin. Many of the visitors to the planet
wait on the observation decks of floating cities to witness the nighttime glow produced by the glowers.
(GG2, ISU)
this bioluminescent fish is raised as a decorative pet. (SHA)
this bioluminescent mold grew in the caves of the planet Ryloth, and was used by the Twi'leks as a
source of light. (PSPG)
a small, light-emitting device used to pinpoint light. (DA)
a large, light-emitting device used to illuminate a large area. (DA)
the star-like power source found in Hollowtown on Centerpoint Station, Glowpoint is a strange, hovering
light source that is suspended in the exact center of Hollowtown and the station. None of the station's
inhabitants knew how it was powered, but one theory held that it drew power from the gravitational
interflux between Talus and Tralus. (SC)
a portable light source. (SWSB)
this is the Qella name for the star N'oka Brath, which is the primary solar body of the Qella system. (TT)
any form of glowlamp which has been shaped to resemble a rock or stone. They are used in decorative
outdoor arrangements. (KT)
an auto-luminescent decorative tile that can be placed into floors, ceilings, or walls to provide light. They
can also be custom-made to form intricate patterns when positioned correctly. Xizor had a set of glowtiles
created to form a map of the galaxy on the ceiling of his Imperial City palace. (SSE)
a stationary light source. (AS)
native to the upland jungles of Haruun Kal, glowvines were a species of phosphorescent plants which
glowed faintly in the jungle night. Individual types of glowvine were identified by the color of the light they
gave off. (SHPT)
this flaccid, star-shaped creature was considered a delicacy among the Hutts, who often peeled the head
off a glubex and ate it separately. (BF5)
Glue Stat
developed shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, this patch was genetically created from living clone
trooper tissue and an adhesive made from a Talusian mussel. When applied to a wound, the glue stat
sealed itself to the victim's skin, drawing flesh and skin together while preventing external infection. (MBS)
this chemical bonding agent was created for medical use by the Old Republic, during the height of the

Clone Wars. It had many uses, and could patch or seal a wound in any number of bodily organs and
vessels. (MJH)
this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival
characteristics, and meant "javelin". (GCG)
a creature was native to Calamari, the glurpfish sieves food from the water it lives in. It is made up of
protoplasm, and has no discernible form. It is a sluggish creature which gains sustenance by filtering out
microorganisms from the surrounding waters. Schools of glurpfish made disgusting burping sounds as
they gulped water at the surface of the ocean. (COTF, E1A7)
this was a species of pack animals, domesticated by the Gungans as workers some 3,000 years before
the Battle of Naboo. (GB)
one of Captain Huba's henchmen. (DRO)
Gluss'elta Islands
this chain of twelve islands is located on the planet Kintan. (GG12)
this race of Nikto was also known as the Pale Nikto, and evolved on the Gluss'elta Islands of Kintan. They
were distinguished from other Nikto races by their white or gray scales. They had small horns surrounding
their eyes, like a Kadas'sa'Nikto, and also had webbed hands similar to an Esral'sa'Nikto. This
combination of traits led many xenoarchaelogists to surmise that the first Pale Nikto was born from the
union of a Kadas'sa'Nikto and am Esral'sa'Nitko. The Gluss'sa'Nikto were known to be excellent sailors,
and a group of them was believed to have mutinied aboard a Hutt's star yacht and fled to Drexel II.
(GG12, EGA, GMR6)
a Corellian insect which has a voracious appetite for woody plants. They can clear a small forest in no
time, if not destroyed. (BW)
this Rodian was one of the beings who witnessed Sunry's flight from the hotel room he shared with
Elassa, on the planet Manaan, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. However, when forced to
testify on the witness stand, Gluupor revealed that he had been paid by the Sith to plant Sunry's Hero's
Cross medal on Elassa's body. Elassa had been murdered when Sunry broke off their affair, as her Sith
superiors realized that their plan to discredit the Old Republic was unraveling. (KOTOR)
GLX Firelance
this was a model of SoroSuub blaster rifle. It was unmarked, lacking any form of corporate or
governmental markings, which allowed the weapon to be untraceable if lost. It was also a very effective
weapon when used in stun mode, which was something of a rarity among blaster rifles. While the
Firelance was marketed as "the most effective weapon available for freelance enforcement officials", it
was specifically built for use by bounty hunters. (IA, GUN, AEG)
Glydus Drilling Platform
this mining operation was located on the planet Duro, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Built by
the defunct Glydus Mining Corporation and later taken over by DuroDele Industries, the platform itself
floated above the ground, beneath the layer of toxic clouds that covered the planet's surface. DuroDelve's
corporate rivals hired a team of freelance terrorists to destroy the platform, in an effort to drive them out of
business. (GMR2)

Glydus Mining Corporation

this Duro corporation was established as a mining operation. They went bankrupt during the height of the
Old Republic, and many of their operations were purchased by DuroDelve Industries. (GMR2)
Glymph Pie
this unusual casserole was created by the Glymphid people, and was made from mushrooms and
whatever meat was available. (TCD)
this is a species of long, thin-bodied aliens with a long, tooth-studded snout. They are native to the planet
Ploo II, in the Ploo Sector of the galaxy. (IG1, RAC, IWE1)
Glynn, Cladus
this Imperial officer worked for the Security Bureau, and was stationed on Kothlis during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. He role was to locate any Alliance personell moving through Kothlis or the Kothlis
Shadowport. To help him gather information, agent Glynn assumed the guise of Gart, the drunken spacer
who claimed to know the location of a ganjuko graveyard. (SPG)
Glynn, Devanna
this woman was a noted smuggler and Alliance supporter who was captured on the planet Kelada during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. She was only captured after an intense firefight, that caused traffic
jams and other problems in the heart of Downport. (GCG)
this blond-furred, female Bothan was a Jedi Master during the last decades of the Old Republic. She was
distinguished by the fur surrounding her face, which changed to a reddish color at the tips like a mane.
Like most Jedi of her time, Glynn-Beti condemned the actions of Aurra Sing, knowing that the bounty
hunter had once been a promising Jedi student. At the onset of the Clone Wars, Glynn-Beti was given the
rank of General in the Republic's armed forces, and led the mission which attempted to capture Count
Dooku on Raxus Prime, just after the Battle of Geonosis. The mission to capture Dooku was
unsuccessful, but the clone troopers managed to disrupt his plans to recover the Force Harvester. Years
later, as the Clone Wars drew closer to an end, Glynn-Beti and her Padawan, Ulu Ulix, were dispatched
to Xagobah to lead the forces that were laying siege to Wat Tambor's hidden fortress. Because the
fortress - known as the Mazariyan Citadel - and much of the surrounding plantlife had been genetically
altered by Tambor to serve as guardians, the clone troopers under her direction were unable to get close
to the fortress. However, she did help young Boba Fett infiltrate the citadel, hoping that he might provide
information or disrupt things inside. Tambor, meanwhile, continued to send droid armies into battle,
relying on sheer numbers to overwhelm the Republic's forces. After Tambor fled the citadel, Glynn-Beti's
forces managed to breach its walls, and forced the Separatists to abandon it. During the clean-up of the
battle, it was Glynn-Beti who helped Boba Fett, when she ordered her troops to let him go free. (BF2,
BF5, BF6)
this was the term used to describe the basic elements of the Ithorian written language. (VOF)
Glythe Sector
this area of the galaxy was the location of the Noghri commandos' Valrar base, during the early years of
the New Republic. (DFR)
G'Mai Duris
this X'Ting was chosen to serve as the Regent and leader of her people during the height of the Clone
Wars, at a time when her homeworld of Ord Cestus was under the control of Cestus Cybernetics and the
Five Families. This pairing also seemed to be under the control of the Confederacy of Independent
Systems. A talented and honest politician, Duris could trace her family's history back to the original hive
queen, althoug only tangentially. The main line died out during the plagues that decimated the X'Ting.
During the Clone Wars, Duris was in her female stage, and found herself on tenuous ground after
deposing the devious Caiza Quill as regent. She assumed a position of leadership after her mate, Filian,

was killed by Quill in a form of duel known as "going to the sand". After Filian's death, Duris also learned
of the history of her people, and how the eggs for which she served as regent had been hidden in a
secure location after the Great Plague. Her role, she learned, was as leader of the Regency, charged with
keeping the X'Ting as united as possible until the royal eggs could hatch. She tried to join the mission to
recover the royal eggs, but was voted down by the council and by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been
dispatched to Ord Cestus to discover a way to free the X'Ting. In the end, she allowed Obi-Wan to
accompany Jesson Di Blinth on the mission. After the Jedi managed to help secure the eggs, Duris was
forced to accede that he was working for the betterment of the Cestians. Thus, when she was challenged
for leadership by Caiza Quill, she felt that she was strong enough - and ready enough - to face the
challenge. Instead of attacking Quill, however, she stood stoically in the face of his posturing, until Quill
could no longer contain his own fear. He conceded his position to her, although he blocked her at every
remaining opportunity. With the destruction of the Five Families at their bunker in the Kibo Plateau, Duris
found herself entrenched as the true leader of the X'Ting and Ord Cestus. She was able to take
immediate control and bring the manufacturing facilities under the guidance of the X'Ting, and vowed to
keep Ord Cestus loyal to the Old Republic. She even gave the cave spiders - descendents of the spider
people who once ruled the planet - a measure of freedom. (HIV, TCD)
G'mi Moa
this Liannan bulk freighter traveled a regular route along the Perlemian Trade Route, until it was captured
by the notorious pirate Gunda Mabin. (SWJ14)
Gmir Askilon
this dim star (planet?) was where Lando Calrissian and Pakkpekatt intercepted the Teljkon vagabond.
Lando, along with R2-D2, C-3PO, and Lobot, was able to penetrate the vagabond's defenses, but the
ship registered their presence and leapt into hyperspace. Pakkpekatt's fleet was left to ponder what
happened to them and what their next move should be. Note that Tyrant's Test names this stellar body
Gmar Askilon. (BTS, SOL, TT)
GML 32i
this guided missile launcher was produced by Bryn & Gweith during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)
this Ithorian was a noted sculptor and craftsman, during the height of the New Order. Gm'uyal was
contracted to design the atrium of the Grand Colonnade, on Brentaal. (WOTC)
Gna She'starn
this city was located on the western continent of the planet Bothawui. (SPG)
an Alliance freighter destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this is a slang adjective, used to denote something less that wonderful. (SLS)
this Devaronian was one of vigo Antonin's personal assistants, during the period leading up to Antonin's
death at the hands of Jango Fett. (JF)
a species of huge, twisted trees that grow in the swamps of Dagobah, these trees were named for their
large, exposed root systems. The tree itself is made up of centuries of calcified, woody growth. They are
covered with all manner of fungus, lichen, and small creatures. One of the more unique aspects of the
gnarltree is that, when it wants to reproduce, it doesn't use pollen or spores. Instead, the gnarltree grows
a specialized form of mobilized roots known as a knobby white spider. This spider is really an animated
tree which consumes food until it is ready to plant itself in the ground and become a new gnarltree. (DS,

this small, flying insect made almost no sound as it flew. (JQ5)
this small, disgusting creature was native to the planet Trandosha. (MA)
this was the term used to describe an immature bonegnawer. (ANT)
this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet.
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was destroyed when it malfunctioned during the evacuation of Narth
and Ihopek. The explosion that rocked the ship tore it nearly in half, and left behind major pieces of
flotsam, including a fully-operative datacore. The New Republic junker Steadfast discovered the Gnisnal
on a routine mission, and was able to recover the datacore. The information in the Star Destroyer's core
was later used to identify the ships of the Black Fleet. (BTS)
Gnithian Oep
this creature, native to the Jospro Sector, was known as the original host of the ix dbukrii parasite.
a box-shaped, bipedal power droid produced by Industrial Automaton. (SW, COTF, BTM)
this ancient, pictographic work was compiled by the Ssi-ruu race, and documented the existence of the
Ssi-ruuk and their place in the Universe. Other parts of the G'nnoch detail the various ways of obtaining
and losing honor. A major section of this work described the creation of the universe, from the Ssi-ruuk
point of view. In the beginning, there wer four eggs. From the first hatched Ssi and P'w'itthki. Ssi's
children hatched from the second egg, while P'w'itthki's children hatched from the third egg. The fourth
egg was reserved for those descendants who earned a place in the afterlife. Eventually, Ssi was forced to
defeat P'w'itthki in combat, but allowed P'w'itthki's hatchlings to live on, serving the children of Ssi forall
eternity. This myth describes the beginning of the relationship between the Ssi-ruuk (htachlings of Ssi)
and the P'w'eck (hatchlings of P'w'itthki). (AE, TBSB)
this Old Republic Senator supported the Alliance during his tenure with the Imperial Senate. When that
body was dissolved by Emperor Palpatine, he resigned his position and went underground. Following the
Battle of Endor, he was re-elected to serve the New Republic as a Senator. He was one of Leia OrganaSolo's supporters, and believed - as she did - that the election of former Imperial supporters would
fractionalize the Senate. (TNR)
an unintelligent species of ape-like humanoids with very small brains. (MMY)
this streamlined, predatory fish was native to the seas of Aquaris. They travelled and hunted in larges
schools, which could reach ten kilometers in length. A subspecies of gnooroop existed in the shallow
oceans of Vaynai, and was maintained by Amira Nasrabi for use in creating a debilitating, poisonous
extract. (EGP, GMR8)
this Sunesi was an employee of CorDuro Shipping, but was one of the few who did not support the
company's plans to turn Duro over to the Yuuzhan Vong. After Jacen Solo was imprisoned by Durgard

Brarun, Gnosos provided Jacen with a datacard that contained his own voiceprint, which would key a
shuttle in the hangar of Port Duggan, allowing Jacen to escape. (BP)
this star-shaped creature was genetically altered by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve as a form of breathing
apparatus. When applied to the user's face, the gnullith sealed itself to the skin and extended one of its
appendages down the user's throat. This provided a way to pass breathable air into the user's lungs. Two
other appendages closed off the user's nose, protecting against intrusion of the foreign atmosphere. The
gnullith allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to travel underwater and in toxic environments without pause. The
New Republic's military forces discovered that a warrior wearing a gnullith could be killed if a shot was
placed in the very center of the gnullith's body. (VP, BP)
Gnullith-villip Hybrid
this piece of biotechnology was created by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. It
allowed a Yuuzhan Vong individual to breathe in a hostile environment while providing them the ability to
communicate with a remote location, thereby combining two pieces of the biological technology into a
single device. (EVR)
this Gamorrean worked as one of Jasta Finn's henchmen, although he was actually working directly for
Chiron Drebbick. (POC)
Go ana bopa
this Huttese command was used to tell a droid to "shut down." (AAOTC)
Go Home
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation StakeOut.
Go mob un loo?
this Jawa question translated into Basic as "How much will it cost?" (TG)
Goa Lawah
this bird, native to the planet Vortex, had saliva which was laden with toxic bacteria. This was a defense
mechanism as well as a hunting mechanism, as the bacteria helped break down the flesh of its prey.
this Rodian guild of hunters was formed when the ancient Grand Protectors arranged for a gifted bounty
hunter's first off-planet hunt. The Grand Protector was charged with providing allies for the new hunter as
well as adangerous target. The best hunters returned to Rodia to join the Goa-Ato. Only those Rodians
who had won the rights to travel offplanet were allowed entrance to the Goa-Ato. (SPG)
meaning "facile", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names
generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three
names to describe an individual. (GCG)
an edible leaf that is favored by the Gran. It has a silvery-green color to its long strands, and has as
sweetish smell. (TJP)
this was the Huttese word for the number seven (7). The Hutts used a base-eight numbering system,
since their hands had just four fingers each. (GMR5, TF)

this was the term used by military personnel to describe a pre-packed duffel bag that contained an
individual's most necessary possessions. Used by those soldiers, medics, and support personnel who
worked and fought near the front lines of a battle, a go-bag allowed an individual to quickly evacuate their
current location without forgetting important things like clothing and personal hygiene items. (MBS)
this name, which meant "still water", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)
this planet, with a landscape dotted with ancient ruins, was the site of an Imperial biowarfare laboratory
during the Galactic Civil War. The fifth planet in its system, Gobindi was the homeworld of the Gobindi
race. Much of the planet is covered by dense jungle. (GOF3)
this alien race was native to the planet Gobindi, though they were extinct long before the Battle of Yavin.
The Gobindi were master architects, and built huge ziggurats in the deep jungles of the planet. While
many of the stepped pyramids had rooms and passageways, several were completely solid. It was these
ziggurats which were built to contain the deadly viruses the Gobindi discovered in the jungles. They were
wiped out by one such virus, known as the Gobindi virus, but not before they discovered a way to cure it.
In their dying actions, they carved the formula for the antidote into the ziggurat's walls. (GOF3)
Gobindi Virus
this deadly strain of virus was discovered by the ancient Gobindi race, which eventually contracted it and
was wiped out by it. It was re-developed by the Empire's Biological Warfare Division for use as a weapon.
A sample of the virus was entombed in a huge ziggurat, built by thre Gobindi in an effort to stop it from
spreading. Before they were all killed by the virus, the Gobindi managed to discover a cure for its actions.
However, they were unable to administer it in time. they managed to carve its formula on the stepped
walls of the ziggurat, in case the virus escaped. It thrives in hot, humid envirnments, but was initially not
very contagious, requiring a liquid medium to move from one host to the next. Imperial scientists
discovered a way to allow to move through the air. The virus itself resembled a tiny, horned eel, and
wrapped its host in a coating of green slime to maintain its environment. This slime allowed the host to
move about, thereby increasing the chances of further transmission. (GOF3)
Goblin Moss
this form of moss was known for its intense green color. (SWED)
this was the Huttese word for the number thirteen (13). Note, however, that the Huttese counting system
was based on a base-eight system. So, goboba indicated the number eleven (11) in the Basic language.
this was the Huttese word for "wine." (GMR5)
see Go-Corp (TME)
this corporation manufactured a variety of automated vehicles, such as the Arunskin 32 cargo skiff. (TME,
this joint effort between Go-Corp and Utilitech produced a variety of droid-controlled vehicles during the
height of the New Order. (FTD)
see Ground-Orbit Communications Unit (BP)

God of Age
see Gotagei (CCW)
Godalhi, Palob
this native of Teth was Winfrid Dagore's chief aide during the resistance against the Empire. He was a
Lieutenant in Teth's armed forces at the time Dagore met with Bria Tharen. (RD)
an Imperial Corvette assigned to transport the members of the first Death Star's design team to the Star
Destroyer Immortal. It was attacked by Keyan Farlander and disabled before it reach the Immortal, and
the Alliance captured the design team. (XW)
this was the codename of the missile which was created by the New Republic, in an effort to fool the
Yuuzhan Vong. The Goddess missile was created with the exact gravitic signature as Jaina Solo's XWing, and when fired, essentially "became" the X-Wing to Yuuzhan Vong sensors. Thee sensors, which
were specialized dovin basal mines, locked onto the gravitic eminations of the Goddess missile and
reported its presence back to coralskippers. The coralskipper pilots were then led to believe that they
were chasing Jaina Solo, but too late discovered that they were chasing a fully-armed missile. (EL2)
Gode Takrab
this Neimoidian was one of the many who traveled to Naboo during the Trade Federation's blockade of
the Naboo System. He was dispatched to the surface of Naboo to gather information on Queen Amidala's
handwriting, in an effort to forge the documents which would have legitimized the Federation's occupation
of Naboo, after Amidala fled with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unfortunately for the Federation,
Gode Takrab was captured by the Naboo Underground before he could forge the documents. He tried to
bribe his way to freedom, having hidden a finished copy of the documents in the memory cells of his
protocol droid, TC-11, aboard his shuttle. The resistance fighters refused to bargain, and Takrab was held
until the Battle of Naboo was over. (SON)
an cargo ferry used to smuggle stolen Imperial goods into the Sepan System. It was captured by the
Empire during the Sepan Civil War. (TIE)
this Imperial Captain was known as a skilled fleet engineer and sensor officer. He served aboard the
Executor as a sensor monitor, keeping data on the integrity of the Star Destroyer's hull. (CCG11)
Godiban Bakoosta
this Arcona criminal served as Lojrak Shrag's chief lieutenant during the years leading up the Clone Wars.
When the Jedi Knights were dispatched to Cona to break up Shrag's salt smuggling operation, Bakoosta
died in the skirmish which resulted in Shrag's capture. (HNN5)
this was the name of the supreme ruler of the Anointed People. Each Godking served for forty years
before stepping down to make way for a new Godking. (SWCP, MB)
this was the upper class portion of the Anointed People's society. The Godlings included the nobility and
priests, and ruled over the Unwashed. (SWCP)
this planet was the homeworld of the Godoan race. Much of the life found on Godo was sustained by a
strange technology that was centered in the capital city of the planet, where a wondrous gold statue
channeled energy to the planet. Two smaller statues, later known as the Dancing Goddess and the
Minstrel, were the keys to ensuring that the power continued to flow. When these statues were stolen
during the Galactic Civil War, the Godoan people began to mysteriously die off. The efforts of Han Solo

and Lando Calrissian managed to recover the statues and restore vitality to the Godoans. (SWI67, MC99)
this short-statured race was native to the planet Godo. They were humanoid in stature, but were
distinguished by their wide eyes and two thick antennae which sprouted from their temples. Shortly after
the Battle of Endor, the Godoans were threatened with a strange plague that seemed to defy all attempts
to neutralize it. Han Solo discovered that the plague was caused by the decay of Godo's primary power
systems. This decay was caused when two statues, known as the Dancing Goddess and The Minstrel,
were stolen several years earlier. Han returned to Endor to request Lando Calrissian's help in recovering
the statues, in the hope of reviving the Godoan civilization. They managed to recover both statues, and
the Godoan civilization eventually recovered to its normal state. (EGC, SWI67, MC99)
Godon Frezzes
this snackfood comes packaged in a foil wrapper. (CFG)
God's Temple
Wehttem name for the Koornacht Cluster. (BTS)
this Sullustan served the New Republic military as a Commander, and was trained by Admiral Sien Sovv.
this colony world became involved in a vicious, terrible war with its neighbor, Ylix. The war lasted for a
number of years, with each side trying to outdo the other's acts of barbarism and terrorism. The local
Imperial Moff stated that he would resolve the civil war peacefuly, but the promise went unheeded.
Eventually, the natives of Ylix defeated the Goelitz. (CSA)
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy. (GCG)
Gofai, Hayde
this blond woman, known for her striking looks and blue lipstick, was a frequent patron of the Outlander
Club, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. She was one of many female patrons who
were intrigued by the appearance of Anakin Skywalker, during the Jedi's search for Zam Wesell. (OWS)
this immense, avian creature was native to the planet Naboo. To most inhabitants of Naboo, the goff sometimes known as the titavian - was a legendary creature. Its incredible size was dominated by its
huge wings and heavily-muscled arms, which were required to lift its huge bulk into the air. The average
wingspan of the goff was well over 100 meters across. Most of these birds preferred to live in high
perches and aeries, from which they could plummet in order to achieve flight. The Gungans considered it
a rite of passage for a young warrior to train an aiwha and fly up to the goff's perch to obtain one or more
of their long, striped feathers. The feathers were then used to adorn their military officers' mounts. These
avians are not dangerous by natural, but a sweep of a wing could easily unseat or kill a Gungan from its
aiwha mount. (IG1, WSW)
this being frequented the Splendor Tavern on Coruscant, during the years following the Battle of Naboo.
He had ties to a number of slavers and other disreputable beings, acquaintences which often alienated
him from others. An immense humanoid, Gogol was distinguished by his half-shaved head. What hair
remained was gorwn long and collected in a loose braid that straggled down his back. It was Gogol who,
for the right price, provided Obi-Wan Kenobi with information linking the slaver Krayn to the Colicoids.
this immense, green-skinned being owned one of the most prominent casinos in Kushal Vogh, on the

planet Elerion, during the height of the New Order. He was ostensibly a partner of Nescan Tal'yo, and
conspired with Tal'yo to sell a stolen holocube to the Empire. The holocube had been stolen by Tal'yo
from an Alliance agent on Fairwell Station, just after the Battle of Yavin, and contained information on the
locations of several Alliance bases. Gogol and Tal'yo planned to sell the holocube to the Empire and
make a fortune. Unfortunately for Gogol, Leia Organa had been tracking Tal'yo's movements, and
discovered his connection to Gogol. Rather than see the holocube fall into the Empire's hands, Leia
destroyed it. Gogol was left to explain the loss of the holocube to the Imperial agents sent to retrieve it.
this creature was native to the planet Ansion. The more superstitious shamans of the Alwari tribes
sometimes sacrificed a gogomar in order to "read' its entrails, whenever a matter of dire importance had
to be resolved. (APS)
Going To The Sand
this was the Basic translation of the X'Ting name for a stylized form of combat, evoked when one
individual formally challenged another to a one-on-one duel. (TCD)
Goir, Vill
one of Sedriss' sergeant-at-arms aboard the Avenger during the early stages of Operation Shadow Hand,
Vill Goir was a Dark Side Adept. Goir accompanied Sedriss to Ossus, to capture Luke Skywalker and
return him to Byss. Goir was killed by a lightsaber duel with Kam Solusar, when Kam was able to cleave
Goir in two. (DE2)
this green-skinned, alien King ruled the planet Alzar during the early years of the New order. He
discovered that his son, Prince Plooz, had stowed away on a freighter and traveled to the planet Sooma,
sometime before the Battle of Yavin. Unknown to both the King and his son, Plooz's actions were
preceipitated by the words of General Sludd, who desired to take control of Alzar for himself. (MDCAR)
this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Gol came from the term meaning
"mighty". (GCG)
Gol dosLla
this Ukian was the father of Tol dosLla. (TTSB)
Gol Storn
this New Republic warship was assigned to the blockade of Galantos, during the Yevethan Purge. It was
part of the task force which included the Thackery. (SOL)
Gol tok!
this Aqualish expression translated into Basic as, "Blast them!" (DARK)
this young Twi'lek girl was a student at Madame Vansitt's Charm Academy on Tatooine, at the same time
Pala was there. (E1A6)
Golan Arms
Golan Arms was a renowned military emplacement manufacturer which produced small, anti-infantry
weapons and huge orbital defense platforms. They allied themselves with the New Republic, shortly after
the Battle of Endor, ensuring a steady supply of business opportunities. (ESB, SWSB, CSA, EGW)
Golan Arms Batteries
cylindrical turret-style anti-infantry guns similar to those used by the Alliance to defend the Echo Base on
Hoth. (ESB, DFR)

Golan I Defense Platform

this orbital space station was an entry-level design. It measured 1,231 meters across, and was manned
by a crew of 213 and 112 gunners. Up to 40 troops could be stationed inside its perimeter, along with
5,000 metric tons of cargo. The Golan I was armed with 28 turbolaser batteries, 5 proton torpedo
launchers, and 6 tractor beam projectors. These stations are also known as Golan Space Defense
SpaceGuns. (TTSB, SOP, SOG)
Golan II Battle Station
a midorbit space station based on the design premise of the Golan I Defense Platform, this Golan
defense station measured 2,158 meters in length and about a kilometer in width. It was armed with an
array of 35 turbolaser batteries, 8 tractor beam projectors, and 10 proton torpedo launchers. The Empire
used them to guard the shipyards at Bilbringi. Each Golan II required a crew of 500, along with 149
gunners and up to 80 troops. It could also store about 10,000 metric tons of consumables, enough for
about 3 months of living. These stations are also known as Golan II Space Defense SpaceGuns. (TLC,
Golan II SpaceGun
this was another name for the Golan II Battle Station. (SOG)
Golan III Battle Station
a massive, midorbit spacestation, the Golan III was the largest station Golan Arms produced. It measured
2,600 meters in length, and required a crew of 880 along with 228 gunners. It could house up to 100
troops and 15,000 metric tons of cargo. Each Golan III was armed with 50 turbolsaer batteries, 24 proton
torpedo launchers, and 15 tractor beam projectors. The New Republic used two of them to help defend
Coruscant. These stations are also known as Golan Space Defense NovaGuns. (TLC, TTSB, SOG)
Golan III NovaGun
this was another name for the Golan III Battle Station. (FOP)
Golan SpaceGun
this was another name for the Golan I Defense Platform. (SOG)
Golan, Alzar
this man was an Imperial shuttle pilot until he was discharged for insubordinate behavior toward his
superior officers. After his discharge, Golan found employment as a skiff pilot working the corusca jewel
operations of Damarind Corporation. (GG2)
a stern-looking woman, she is the artillery innovations and tactical deployment expert at the Maw
Installation. Golanda was the eldest daughter of a wealthy Imperial industrialist, and attended the finest
schools in the Empire. She worked at the Imperial Ordnance Research Facility on Shumogi before
accepting the position at the Maw. Her acceptance came only after Tol Sivron blackmailed her into taking
the position, and she has held a grudge against him ever since. She is killed when the prototype Death
Star is dragged into the Maw's black holes and destroyed. (COTF, JASB)
this Jillsarian technican worked as the leader of the starship mechanics aboard Omze's incredible
Traveling Starport during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was known for his ornery disposition,
and no one knew for sure where he had come from. (PSPG)
Gold Beaches
a tourist attraction on the planet Corellia in the Corellian System, the Gold Beaches were located between
Coronet and Tyrena. (AC, EGP)
Gold Devil
a speciallized group of Y-Wings used during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Gold Five
Talos "Pops" Merkin's callsign during the Battle of Yavin (SW, JPL)
Gold Four
this Y-Wing, piloted by Lieutenant Lepira, served as the point fighter during the initial stages of the
Alliance's attack on the first Death Star, during the Battle of Yavin. (CCG9)
Gold Leader
Lando's callsign during the Battle of Endor (ROTJ)
Gold Leader
Dutch's callsign during the Battle of Yavin (SW)
Gold Leader
the callsign of the X-wing flight leader assigned to the Quenfis. (DFR)
Gold Plaza
this park was located in the center of the city of Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa. (ND)
Gold Six
this was the callsign of Y-Wing pilot Hol Okand during the Battle of Yavin. (CCG9)
Gold Squadron
this was the name of the starfighter training squadron Lara Notsil was assigned to, when she first applied
for a position in Starfighter Command. (IF)
Gold Squadron
a fighter group during the Battle of Endor, Gold Squadron was led by Lando Calrissian and the Millennium
Falcon and was assigned the task of destroying the second Death Star. (ROTJ, CCG11)
Gold Squadron
a group of Alliance Y-wings during the Battle of Yavin (SWN)
Gold Three
Ryle Torsyn's callsign during the Battle of Yavin. (CCG9)
Gold Two
Tiree's callsign during the Battle of Yavin (ANH script)
Golden Age of the Jedi
this was the name given to the 2,000-year period between the Great Sith War and the Battle of Ruusan,
in which the Jedi Order maintained a regular and benevolent presence in the Old Republic. No major
wars were fought during this period, marking it as a time of peace throughout the galaxy. (PJSB)
Golden Beach
this was one of the most up-scale sections of the city of Coronet, found on the planet Corellia. (MBS)
Golden Dreams
this SoroSuub medium transport ship was part of Drea Renthal's pirate fleet. It had been modified to carry
a group of Z-95 Headhunters and discharge them into battle. (THG)
Golden Globe
this mysterious, glowing orb was discovered by the Jedi Master Ikrit some 385 years before the Battle of
Yavin. It measured some four meters in diameter, but seemed incredibly vast from the inside. Ikrit was
unable to penetrate its force field, and the energy radiating from it told him that no adult Jedi would be
able to, either. So, he curled himself up at the base of the sphere and guarded it until a young Jedi would
appear to solve its riddle. This Jedi turned out to be two youngsters, Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila, who
learned of its existence from an elderly Melodie on Yavin 8. They were able, with Ikrit's help, to determine

that the Globe held the spirits of thousands of Massassi youths trapped by Exar Kun four millennia
before. The Globe could only be opened by a youthful Jedi. Adult Jedi would destroy the Globe and kill
the Massassi trapped inside. After puzzling over the Globe for many months, Anakin and Tahiri realized
that they needed to reach deep within the Force and allow it to channel away all the energy of the Globe's
outer shell. This would allow one of them to penetrate the Globe and lead the spirits outside. Together
they worked to draw off the energy, then Anakin managed to enter the Globe. Inside, he found himself in
a golden sandstorm that both blinded him and disoriented him. However, he was able to locate the
Massassi spirits and, with Tahiri's guidance, lead them out of the Globe. As the last of the spirits escaped
the Globe, it cracked into thousands of crystalline shards and shattered, spilling sand onto the floor of the
Palace. (GG, LW, P)
Golden Hugarz
this creature was the stuff of legends for many generations, until a group of explorers located a living
specimen on a remote, hostile world during the last decades of the Old Republic. (GCG)
Golden Jewel
this was the name of the starship which was used by Alliance Lieutenant Talnar, before he was
intercepted by an Imperial Guardian-class cruiser near Naalol. Talnar was forced to crashland on the
planet near Mount Mogaar, and the Golden Jewel was virtually destroyed in the crash. (GMR5)
Golden Moonmouth
this schooling fish was native to the planet Pavo Prime, and was distinguished by the kissing motion is
used when it breathed and ate. (SWI67)
Golden Nyss Shipyards
located near the Yinchorri System, this shipyard as a small operation which provided services to a wide
variety of smugglers and pirates, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The Devaronian scoundrel,
Vilmarh Grahrk, convinced the Yinchorri that they could steal starships from the Golden Nyss Shipyards,
in order to reach out and conquer other planets and star systems. The Yinchorri agreed, and were able to
gian access to the shipyards. However, much to Villie's dismay, the Yinchorri refused to steal the ships
and simply disappear. The reptilian humanoids destroyed the Golden Nyss Shipyards, earning Villie the
ire and consternation of many independent spacers. (TDV)
Golden One
this was the religious name used by the Ewoks to describe C-3PO. (SWDB)
Golden Opportunity
this was one of the many freighters owned and operated by Skydove Freight during the early years of the
New Order. (TF)
Golden Orb
a bar and restaurant located on Nar Shaddaa. Han Solo frequented the bar after he returned to Nar
Shaddaa from the Corporate Sector. (THG, RD)
Golden Ravine
this was the name given by the Majan to a rift valley located on the planet Baroonda. (RAC)
Golden Slug, The
this run-down flophouse was located in one of the seediest parts of Coruscant's underworld, during the
last years of the Old Republic. (JT)
Golden Song
this was the starship used by Crian Maru and her Padawan, Dree Vandap, during their search for Kaox
Krul. Named for the fact that Crian understood The Force as a song which flowed through her, the ship
was badly damaged with Kaox Krul caught the two Jedi in the Balowa System, some six months before
the Battle of Ruusan. (GMR5)

Golden Spoon
a culinary award presented to some of the galaxy's best chefs. (TJP)
Golden Sun
a living community of sentient coral polyps on the planet Sedri. They are Force-sensitive, and use it along
with their numerous minds to produce a continual source of energy for the colony. The polyps that make
up the Golden Sun are revered by the Sedrians, and the Sedrian priests have some Force sensitivity and
can sometimes communicate with the coral polyps. The huge mass of polyps, all in contact with the
Force, has tended to create massive gravity readings near the planet, causing hyperspace travel near the
planet to be somewhat hazardous. The organism gives off a golden glow as it lives, and the planet Sedri
appears to glow brightly when viewed from space. The energy produced by the Golden Sun has a limited
ability to heal another living organism. When the Sedrian priests enclosed the caves of the Golden Sun in
the domed city of Fitsay, the Golden Sun was not amused. This construction cut off much of the water
supply to the polyps, reducing the amount of food they could obtain. The Golden Sun has been trying to
find a way to get rid of the priests without causing damage to itself ever since. If a piece of the Golden
Sun were broken off, it would produce a sonic wave of pain that cut through the mind of most living
beings. The piece would stop glowing and turn a dull green as the living polyps went into a hibernation
trance, waiting to be reunited with the main body of the Golden Sun. When Pek, Fala, and a group of
Alliance agents tried to capture Karak, they were able to link their minds to that of the Golden Sun. They
all realized that the only way for the Sun to survive would be to scatter itself across the planet's oceans,
reducing its power and breaking Karak's will. With a great effort, the Golden Sun actually exploded,
freeing itself from the Great Shell Dome and scattering new colonies across the surface of Sedri. Over
time, the Golden Sun eventually recovered its strength. (GG4, BGS)
Golden Yoke
this was the name given to the special, gold-painted Blade-28 starfighter used by Pekaelic ke Teldan, the
perator of Cartann, during his early conquests. (SOA)
a nickname given to C-3PO by Han Solo during their escape from the Echo Base on Hoth. (ESB)
this fruit was named for its deep, yellow rind. (MBS)
this was a nickname used to describe a member of the Nothoiin race. (WOA33)
GoldWing Squadron
designated 20/604, this was one of two starfighter squadrons commanded by Vel Terno and assigned to
protect space station 2LC/Blue during the Galactic Civil War. (FOP)
this Caridan was the primary ambassador from his homeworld of Carida to the Old Republic, during the
years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Golga Besadii Fir
this Hutt represented Nal Hutta to the New Republic, but only as an envoy and not as a full Senator. A
member of the Besadii kajidic by birth, it was said that Golga had a touch of the Desilijic clan in him,
mainly because he had a desire for human women. After it was learned that Borha the Hutt had made a
deal to ally the Hutts with the Yuuzhan Vong, Golga ousted from Coruscant. He agreed to meet with Viqi
Shesh, who tried to gather information on the Yuuzhan Vong's next moves. (JE)
this aquatic planet was the site of several weapons and equipment laboratories established by the
Hydrodspeare Corporation during the height of the New Order. (AIR)

this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer was placed in position to defend an Imperial Golan I platform, shortly
before the Battle of Endor. The platform facility used a great deal of slave labor, and came under attack
by the Alliance. The Alliance succeeded in liberating the slaves, despite the presence of the Goliath.
Goliath Lifter
this unusual labor droid was spherical in shape, and moved about on two stout legs. What made the
Goliath Lifter unusual was that it could stand on one leg, while lifting heavy loads with the other leg. A
smaller pair of manipulator arms, located on the underside of the droid's body, helped the Goliath ready
an object for lifting. (BTRKS29)
Goliath, The
this huge combat droid was built by Lord Gar-Oth to fight for him in ritual combat. The Goliath was
created to receive and comprehend the telepathic commands of Lord Gar-Oth, giving the droid the benefit
of the Yahk-Tosh's mind. Lord Gar-Oth sent The Goliath into battle against Yoshi Raph-Elan, after the
young Jedi claimed to be Princess Lourdes' husband. Lourdes herself killed Gar-Oth, severing the mental
link to The Goliath. Yoshi then repaired his lightsaber, using parts from the droid, and destroyed its
command module. (SWS)
this planet was visited by Akanah as she flew from Carratos to Coruscant to find Luke Skywalker. It was
on Golkus that she obtained a set of falsifies identification papers from Talon Kaarde, along with a
smuggler's kit to keep the Mud Sloth anonymous. (SOL)
this purple gas giant planet was the fourth world in the Both System, and was orbited by twenty-three
moons. It was named for Golm Fervse'dra, a figure in Bothan history. (SPG)
Golm Fervse'dra
this Bothan is generally considered the first ruler of the Stone Clan, and the author of The Way. (SPG)
this Socorran term of respect literally translated into Basic as "grandfather." It was used whenever a being
met an Ibhaan'I shaman in the desert, an event which many Socorrans considered to be an omen. The
omen could mean good fortune or certain doom, depending on the extenuating circumstances. (BSS)
Golo le nochka, mootoe ne linga sochak
this was a particularly nasty, barbed insult used by the Rodians. (SWJ5)
this weapons manufactured produced a wide range of missiles and projectiles during the early years of
the New Republic. (GUN)
Golon Arms
this small weapons manufacturer produced a variety of weapons that could be mounted on wrist
gauntlets. (ROE)
this young man served as a sensor officer aboard the Mon Remonda, during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj.
He was killed in Nuro Tualin's attack on the huge ship, when he was sucked out into the vacuum of space
by Tualin's first volley of fire. (SOC)
this Trianii phrase is translated as "the will and destiny of the spirits of the ancestors." (CSA)
this was one of many planets on which the Alliance maintained a base during the era between the Battles

of Yavin and Hoth. While on Golrath, the Alliance used an abandoned magma smelting plant to house
their makeshift base. The base was eventually abandoned when the base on Arbra was established.
Months later, on Arbra, they found that the native rock found on Golrath had unique properties. When
heated, the rock seemed to absorb light rays from its environment and store them, almost like a twodimensional visual recording device. When the rock cooled, it released the stored light rays just like a
holovid. Leia Organa and the Alliance leaders feared that, should Golrath fall into the hands of the
Empire, that the rock of the smelting plant would reveal secret information about the Alliance, including
the location of the Arbra base. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Mils Giel was already on Golrath, scouring the
site for clues as to the Alliance's whereabouts. This worked out to the rebels' advantage, however, for
Giel himself triggered the reactor overload which would destroy Golrath Station, as part of an improvised
plan to capture Leia. Leia managed to escape, as did the rest of the Alliance team, leaving Giel once
again without any information to return to Lord Vader. (OWS, LTA2, MC50, MC65)
Golrath Station
this was the name of the abandoned magma smelting plant used by the Alliance as a temporary base, in
the wake of the Battle of Hoth. Unknown to the Alliance, the strange rocks which were used to build the
station could, when heated, hold light rays within their structure. Thus, acting like holographic recorders,
the rock managed to store information about the location of many of the Alliance's bases. It was
eventually destroyed by Imperial Admiral Giel, who triggered the reactor overload which would destroy
Golrath Station as part of an improvised plan to capture Leia Organa. Leia managed to escape, as did the
rest of the Alliance team, leaving Giel once again without any information to return to Lord Vader. (MC65)
Golthan, Bregius
this Imperial Advisor was stationed on Wroona early in the Galactic Civil War, and was assigned to
overseeing the security of the Colonies and the Core Worlds by Emperor Palpatine himself. After the
Battle of Endor, Golthan was charged with hunting down and wiping out the Black Curs. He was a tall,
gaunt man who always wore dark robes and an odd hat. He was called to the planet Canyon by Guldus
Bemm, who had captured a group of New Republic agents after luring them to the planet. The agents
managed to escape Golthan's grasp, but he made off with Platt Okeefe. Golthan took her to his fortress
on Voktunma, but the New Republic agents managed to infiltrate the planet and rescue her. In the
process, they also destroyed much of Golthan's fortress. Later, Platt and her friends managed to capture
Golthan at Wroona, killing him in a firefight and destroying the Star Destroyer Vengeance (SWJ5, SWJ8,
Golthar's Sky
an imaginary starship created by Aleema during the Great Sith War. (TSW)
Goluud Corridor
this risky hyperspace route was discovered by Jori and Gav Daragon, a thousand years before the Great
Sith War. It involved a jump past the unstable red giant Primus Goluud, but was approved by the
Navigator's Guild. It was deemed too dangerous, however, when the Cha'a drone ship Zeta Five was
drawn too near Primus Goluud and exploded. The Daragons were discredited because of this, and were
forced to flee Cinnagar. (GAS)
Goluud Minor
this planet orbited Primus Goluud some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It supported a small
mining colony. (GAS)
Gomex Moss
this simple form of plant is one of several first-generation plants used in terraforming. Gomex moss takes
hold even in rocky, barren soils, since it consumes very little water. The moss breaks down the rocky soil,
converting solid matter into its constituent elements. These elements are then easier to get to for secondgeneration plants like brachniel and balcrabiian. (POT)
Gommdora, Beyorth
this sentientologist was a member of the teaching staff at the University of Huvveck. He was known for his
theory that a plague wiped out the Wasilsi race of Joralla, which had been "seeded" on the planet and not

native. Their immune systems were not ready to combat the viruses on Joralla, and they died out before a
vaccination could be discovered. (PG1)
this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)
one of the many skulking humans who inhabited the lower levels of Jabba the Hutt's palace. He had a
pig-like nose and bright red, curly hair. He sometimes assisted Malakili. Somehow, Gonar discovered that
Malakili had made a deal with Lady Valarian, and threatened to spill the beans to Jabba if Malakili didn't
flee Tatooine and leave the rancor to him. Malakili killed Gonar by clubbing him with a huge bone, and
then fed the poor boy to the rancor. (TJP)
this planet was supposedly the first planet attacked with the MS-19 shield-busting warhead, during the
early years of the New Republic. (SWI67)
a sweaty, disgusting creature whose tusks are often used as ornamental decorations. (COJ, TJP)
this young Aqualish female was the younger sister of Tamo Lan's best friend, Karlon. When Karlon was
killed by Imperial forces on Bresnia, Tamo Lan took Gondara under his wing. She, like her brother,
decided to join the Alliance, and became a skilled thief as well as medical assistant to Lan. (SWJ10)
this Mandalorian term was used to indicate when an individual liked something. (KOTOR)
Gondola Speeder
this was the term used to describe at form of repulsor-equipped vehicle used to travel on rivers or canals.
They were built and designed to luxurious, stable transportation, and were often used at fancy hotels and
resorts to move beings between locations. (TCG5)
this one-eyed, hulking Abyssin was a native of the planet Byss. Djas Puhr employed the brute while he
was working for Sebulba as a slaver, since Gondry's strong muscles and formidable appearance helped
dissuade a captive from struggling too much. Like all Abyssin, Gondry had incredible regenerative
abilities, and could heal himself quickly and even restore a lost arm or leg. (E1A5)
Gonidor Supply Company
this corporation sold a wide variety of alien-made tools and musical instruments, during the early years of
the New Republic. (GUN)
this was the nickname of the EG-6 power droid found in the Jawa sandcrawler that picked up C-3PO and
R2-D2, when they landed on Tatooine after escaping the Tantive IV. Note that this name, provided by the
official Star Wars website, refers to an EG-6 power droid. Gonk was portrayed by Rusty Goffe in Star
Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. (OWS)
this planet, located in the Outer Rim Territories, was the site of one of Talon Karrde's many
clearinghouses during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Many of the
smugglers who worked for Karrde believed that the facility on Gonmore was also Karrde's primary
financial base in the Outer Rim. (SQ)
this Tahlboorean term means "good night." (DRPC)

this Imperial Corporal was part of the design team which created the YI-5 surveillance and investigation
droid. When Ysanne Isard, the Director of the Imperial Security Bureau, discovered that the YI-5 had one
red sensor eye and one blue sensor eye, she ordered Gonrey and his fellow engineers - Vypass and
Streln - to be executed for insubordination. Only the effectiveness of the YI-5 in bringing Vune Willic to
justice, coupled with the assurances of Imperial engineers, caused Isard to rescind the termination
orders. (PH)
this unusual, two-headed being was believed to have been the creature who created the magical cap that
silenced the raich. Gonster's two heads continually argued with each other, each seeming to known the
exact answer to any question or problem. When Wicket W. Warrick mistakenly removed the cap from the
raich, Gonster was able to create a new one for Wicket to place on the raich. (ECAR)
Gonto Yas
this noted pazaak player lived on the planet Manaan, some four millennia before the Battle of Yavin.
Gonto Yas was usually found in the cantinas of Ahto West. (KOTOR)
Gontzol System
this planetary system is home to the keyn species. (ISB)
Goo Gun
another name for the Stokhli Spray Stick. (E1A7)
this fish is native to the oceans of the planet Naboo. (SW1)
see Gooba (LFCW)
an Alliance transport group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)
this was one of the most common Gungan surnames, taking from the father's side of the family. These
surnames were not dropped, even after marriage. To the Gungans, it meant "tireless bearer". (GCG)
this was the brand name of one of the scent tablets produced for use in an Orfite Scent Mask. (PG3)
Goonga Munt Goonga
this was the name of Scranton Toon's personal starship, a modified Shock Hauler 33. It was armed with
four laser cannons and a concussion missile launcher. (GMR6)
this Snivvian owned and operated the Madman's Fortune, an aging transport ship which served as a
traveling circus and freak show. Shortly after acquiring a mummy Goontirk claimed was that of
"Archregent Vardovin IV, Lost King of Duro," Goontirk discovered that the mummy contained more than a
dozen skekfish eggs. While passing through space near the Engebo system, the Madman's Fortune hit a
plasma wave, which cracked open the mummy's coffin and allowed the skekfish eggs to hatch. The
skekfish attacked everything in sight, and the crew of the Madman's Fortune was killed. Goontirk himself
was beset with the creatures, but managed to reach an escape pod. He failed to notice several skekfish
still attached to his clothing, and Goontirk died long before the pod reached Engebo V. His pod contained
the only skekfish to survive the crash of the Madman's Fortune, and they were freed when Nell Davengatt
opened it when it crashed. (WOA10)

this was a common Chevin name. (UANT)

Goorlish Light Source
this small light was used in sculptures. (DFR)
an Alliance container transport captured during the battle to capture Imperial outpost D-34 following the
Battle of Hoth. (TIE)
an Old Republic Senator from Erigorm, Gopple was one of the Senators who believed in short-changing
the Republic by compromising on various expenses, such as starships and their components. He came
under heavy fire from the Republic's Navy, and from then-Admiral Jerjerrod specifically, for the poor state
of the firepower it held. (ISB)
Gopps Forest
this wooded area is located near Tiems. (RASB)
this was the Huttese word for "ransom." (GMR5)
this race is native to the planet Nim Drovis. The Gopso'o were sworn enemies of the other native race,
the Drovians, even during the New Republic's negotiations to place a sector medical base on the planet.
It was believed that the centuries-old feud stemmed from an argument over whether the root word for
"truth" was plural or singular. The Gopso'o resemble the Drovians in stature, but have mostly hairless
heads. The hair that does grow on their heads is braided with animal totems of plastic and rubber. (POT)
located on the planet Woostri, this city is the administrative capital of the world. A large number of
NeuroSaav Model 608 Mega'puters were installed in the city, and control the daily operations of the entire
planet. (TTSB)
Goq Cranna
this Sorrusian was the leader of the tribe which inhabited the Arra Desert region of the planet. Goq's tribe
lived in the Arra Desert, and was slowly starving after their croplands hand been destroyed. When Astri
Oddo arrived on Sorrus with Obi-Wan Kenobi, she showed Goq's son Bhu and the rest of his tribe how to
locate turu roots and other nutritional items in the desert, allowing the tribe to survive in the new desert. In
return, Goq supplied them with information on Ona Nobis. Goq later helped Obi-Wan and Siri after they
rescued Astri from Ona Nobis. (EVE)
this was a common name among the Yuzzem race. (UANT)
Gor Kolomo
this Twi'leki male served as the proprietor of the Uffel droid manufacturing centers during the Old
Republic, when a huge debris storm forced the facilities to completely shut down. Rumors of womp-rats
who shot ion beams from their eyes flooded in, especially when Kolomo's news conferences made the
halt in production seem "containable." When technicians began working to repair the systems, but were
injured when they tripped some of the built-in safety precautions, Kolomo was forced to use his valuable
droids to affect the repairs, in an effort to restore the economic balance of the Cularin System. (WOTC)
Gor, Fulin
this man was a noted law enforcement official within the New Republic. A former member of the Iotran
Police Force, Gor was known for his ability to track down any criminal, no matter how far they ran from
the scene of the crime. He was assigned to the New Republic Observers, posing as a wood trader in
order to keep watch over the planet Selonia. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Gor set out to

do whatever he could to rid the New Republic of the alien presence. (CCW)
Gora, Bando
this man was a noted criminal, based on the planet Circarpous V during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (HNN5)
this species of bird was native to the planet Alderaan, and was hunted for its tasty meat. (RF)
Gorak Khzam
this Rodian was once a member of the Sabriador Slavers, and later served as the First Officer aboard the
FarStar, serving under Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum. He joined the crew of the FarStar after a call went out
for volunteers, in the wake of the New Republic's liberation of Kal'Shebbol. Khzam then claimed to have
been plying the spacelanes of the Kathol Sector for a decade. Gorak was distinguished by his fear of
contact with other beings, a phobia which prohibited him from engaging even in hand-to-hand combat.
When Uta T'cha revealed Khzam's past, much of the crew threatened to kill him, having once been slaves
themselves. Captain Adrimetum relieved Kham of his duties until she could sort it all out for herself.
Meanwhile, Khzam began plotting a defection with Nizzal. When the FarStar landed on Uukaablis, Nizzal
managed to smuggle Khzam aboard the Muvon while claiming she was along to collect supplies. Khzam
suddenly reappeared after the crew had exited the freighter, and delayed their pursuit by throwing a
thermal detonator at them. Nizzal then flew the ship into Kathol Sector and they disappeared. Khzam and
the Sabriador reappeared during the Battle of Kathol, in Khzam's last effort to subvert the activities of the
FarStar and eliminate the Qektoth Confederacy. To improve his chances, Khzam enlisted the help of the
Skandrei Bandits. Unfortunately for the slavers, the Aing Tii had been tracking their movements, and six
Sanhedrim ships arrived at Kathol and destroyed them. Khzam was lost in the battle. (DARK, KO, KR, E)
this fruit was often dried and preserved. (BF4)
Gorastor, Tomlin
this man was Commenor's First Minister, serving his planetary government during the years leading up to
the Clone Wars. (HNN5)
Goratak III
this odd world is dominated by its wild, crystalline landscape. (MB)
this Imperial Strike-class cruiser was part of Warlord Foga Brill's fleet. It was commanded by Voba
Dokrett during the chase for the Teljkon vagabond. Dokrett attacked the vagabond, and the ship
responded with force. The Gorath was disabled by the vagabond, with all hands lost in the attack. (SOL,
this volcanic world was the second planet in the Kuat System. It was orbited by a single moon. (CCW)
a huge, humanoid behemoth native to the Forest Moon of Endor, the Gorax was an ape-like monster with
long, black hair, large, tufted ears, and a pig-like snout. It was carnivorous, and preyed on any living
creature it could get its hands on. In general, Goraxes were solitary beasts. One noted Gorax lived in the
limestone mounds that are found beyond the Desert of Salma. The average Gorax stood almost thrity
meters tall, which allowed it to reach into the tree-villages of the Ewoks and capture them for food.
Sometimes, a Gorax captured Ewoks simply as pets. A Gorax kept a ready supply of food, as indicated
when one captured Jeremitt and Catarine Towani and kept them caged for later consumption. Cindel and
Mace Towani were able to rescue their parents from the Gorax, with the help of the Ewoks. The Gorax
was killed when it fell from into an underground chasm. Goraxes have been known to kill a boar-wolf
mother as it was giving birth, killing the mother and all the pups except for the one it liked. It then took the
surviving pup and kept it as a pet. (DA, EA, ISU, SWDB)

Gorax King's Heart

this was the Ewok name for the Din Nebula. According to Ewok legend, the ancient Gorax King went to
war with the Ewoks' sun god, who eventually defeated the Gorax King and exiled him. The Gorax King
refused to leave unless he brought with him his one prized possession, a diamond the size of an Ewok
hut. When the sun god refused to allow this, the Gorax King swallowed the huge diamond. When the
Gorax King finally died and and his body melted away, the diamond was all that was left behind.
Astrophysicists and explorers found it unusual that this legend existed, because exploration of the Din
Nebula revealed that the suprenova that created the Din Pulsar left behind a planet-sized diamond when
it swept all the gases from a huge gas giant. (GMR9)
Gorb Drig
this huge Houk ran a cantina near the primary starport on the planet Phorliss. Gorb hired Mara Jade as a
serving girl when she fled from Ysanne Isard. He had planned to run the cantina with his son, but the
youth got killed in a war that started over a trivial matter. He was indebted to Black Nebula for the funds
used to purchase and maintain the cantina, and was eventually killed by the enforced Plattahr for not
keeping up with his payments. (MJEH)
when the Empire tried to subjugate this planet, the natives used a series of four hidden starship bases to
launch sniper attacks on the Imperial fleet. They nearly succeeded, losing out only to the sheer size of the
Imperial war machine. The survivors fled the system after the Imperial takeover. The tactic of hiding
starfighter bases in order to launch ambushes on an attacking force became known as a space snipe.
Gorbu Dalo
this minor Hutt crimelord was a rival of Yearo Seville, until Seville rescued his mother from an attack by
the droid MdZ-BLK. Seville sent the droid to Gorbu as a "gift," but the droid's unstable personality
snapped under Gorbu's control. The droid killed Gorbu after its hatred of the Hutt grew too strong. (CRO)
this Dark Jedi, along with his twin Pic, was a member of the group led by Jerec. Gorc was a huge beast,
standing more than two meters in height, and was heavily muscled. However, Gorc was slow-witted and
slow to move, and relied on his twin's distractive techniques to grab at unsuspecting opponents. Gorc and
Pic were defeated on Sulon by Kyle Katarn during the search for the Valley of the Jedi. (DF2)
this young man was considered a genius in the area of computer intelligence. He was part of the team
which performed research at the Empire's Lotide outpost during the Galactic Civil War. A Doctor of
Computer Science at the time of the Battle of Yavin, Gordal was friendlier to the computer systems on
Lotide than to his fellow scientists. He was experimenting with a memory chip that would expand a droid's
memory capacity by mor ethan 48 percent when the Alliance infiltrated the labs. (BI)
this senile old king of the planet Kheedar was a supporter of the New Order. However, when the Pestage
invaded his system, he denounced it vehemently. (GG9)
Gordian Reach
it was here that Kaj Nedmak had to dump a cargo of goods he was transporting to Torque for Bwahl the
Hutt, after being stopped by an Imperial blockade. Note that issue 25 of the Marvel Comics Star Wars
series indicates that the planet Yavin is located in the Gordian Reach. (SWJ14, MC25)
Gordon, Herrit
this New Republic diplomat served the Ministry of State on Coruscant, shortly after the Republic liberated
the planet from Ysanne Isard. He had previously served the Diplomatic Corps on Bothawui, and became
friends with many prominent Bothans, including Liska Dan'kre. (KT)
Gordon, Tatavan

Herrit Gordon's wife, she learned to speak Bothan while her husband served the with Diplomatic Corps on
Bothawui. This earned her the respect and friendship of many influential Bothans. (KT)
Gordulan Reaction System
this cybernetic implant was developed during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. It hyperstimulated the nervous system of the user, improving both reaction time and hand-eye coordination.
Goren, Del
this Alliance communications and sensor expert was part of the High Command at the Yavin 4 base,
during the Battle of Yavin. He formerly served the Alliance on the Spiral. (CCG2)
this Imperial Navy Lieutenant served as Joak Drysso's gunnery commander aboard the Lusankya during
the Battle of Thyferra. (BW)
this near-human race was characterized by the upward slant of the outer corners of their eyes. (SOP)
an Imperial cargo ferry group used to deliver supplies to the outpost in the Pakuuni System. (TIE)
this was a species of chuba-like creatures which resembled huge frogs, and was native to the oases of
Tatooine. Precocious by nature, gorgs were primarily herbivores. However, adults have been known to
consume their own young. Gorgs reproduce by laying eggs in stagnant puddles, and the eggs hatched in
just a few days. Note that these creatures are actually called chubas in several other sources. Gorgs
were often raised and sold as a snackfood by many street vendors, as the gorg's flesh was tasty and
nutritious. However, many health officials claimed that the gorgs' flesh was tasty because they were
raised in the sewers of many large cities - where there was plenty of water in which to breed them. (IG1,
this minor Hutt was Jabba's nephew, and spent much of his early years fawning and grovelling at his
uncle's feet in hopes of obtaining some small part of Jabba's empire. When Jabba died, Gorga was given
control of Jabba's bank holdings. In a cruel twist, Jabba had actually bequethed to Gorga a small bank,
which contained a lowly button. Later in life, Gorga became smitten with the beautiful H'uun, Anachro. He
employed Boba Fett to kill Bar-Kooda, as a present to Anachro's father, Orko. Orko and Gorga had never
been friends, and Gorga hoped to remedy that and take Anachro's hand in marriage if Bar-Kooda could
be eliminated. Fett succeeded, and returned Bar-Kooda's body to Gorga. Gorga had his chefs prepare
the body as the main course in a feast at which he asked for Anachro's hand in marriage. When Orko
learned just who dinner was, he heartily agreed to let Orko marry Anachro. They were married on
Tatootine, and honeymooned on Skeebo. It was on Skeebo that Anachro was kidnapped and held for
ransom by the Skavers and Kaptain Voor. Gorga once again called on Boba Fett, who was able to
eliminate the Skavers and Voor, as well as Bar-Kooda's older brother, Ry-Kooda, before rescuing
Anachro. Just as Anachro discovered she was pregnant, Gorga hired Boba Fett to kill off Orko. He
immediately regretted the decision, because he knew it would upset Anachro and complicate the
pregnancy, thereby reducing the chances that he would have an heir. In the confusion that followed, Orko
was killed by Ry-Kooda, who had come to exact his own revenge. The Koodan then turned to Gorga and
Anachro, but Boba Fett managed to kill off the Koodan before any damage could be done. Shortly
afterward, Anachro gave birth to a strong Huttlet. (BF, TJT)
Gorgal Springs
this was one of the largest producers of pure, natural "spring water" found on the planet Tatooine, during
the early years of the Clone Wars. Based in Bestine, Gorgal Springs shipped water across the planet.
She agreed to help Ygabba relocate the many children who had been kidnapped by Gilramos Libkath,
after a young Boba Fett liberated them from their "Master". (BF4)

this alien creature was native to the planet Trinta, where it was corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force. It
has a number of internal organs which can survive outside its body. Among the most interesting are the
creature's intestines, which can wrap themselves around a victim and crush it like a snake. (DOE)
Gorgano IV
this man was a former Emperor of Tapani Sector. (LOE)
Gorgano IV Museum
located on Procopia's Estalle Island, this museum was named for the former Emperor of Tapani Sector.
The museum was known for its prestigious collection of religious artworks. (LOE)
Gorgarian Buzzadder
this reptile was known for its unusual warning scales, which it can lift and display when threatened. (TFE,
this Gamorrean, along with his brother and partner, Greel, owned The Broken Tusk on Reuss VIII. Where
Greel was the businessbeing, Gorge was the muscle, and provided all the security necessary to maintain
the establishment. It was rumored that both Gorge and Greel were slaves of Var'Rotha Fin'Rotha, until
they managed to escape by jettisoning Fin'Rotha in an escape pod from his ship, the Tolan's Tusk. Gorge
and Greel took to the stars, but were inexperienced pilots at best. They ran out of fuel near Reuss VIII
and the Tolan's Tusk crashed onto the planet. The remains of the ship were converted into The Broken
Tusk, named for the right front tusk Gorge broke in the crash. (WSV)
this Imperial Navy Captain served as the commander of the shuttle Resurgence during the Galactic Civil
War. (SWCP)
this is a term used to describe those merchants who sell raw and cooked chubas and gorgs. (IG1)
this huge, furred predator was native to the planet Ilum. They preferred the lowlands of the planet, but
would sometimes venture into the mountains in search of prey. Resembling a lizard-like, fur-covered
gorilla, gorgodons moved about on all-fours, but could rear up on their thick tails to intimidate prey. The
tail could also be used as a bludgeon or whip to subdue prey. The mouth of the gorgodon had three rows
of vicious teeth lining their formidable jaws, and their keen senses of smell and hearing made up for their
poor eyesight. Once a gorgodon subdued its prey, the creature wrapped its long body around it and
squeezed tightly, thereby suffocating the prey. Their bodies were thick and heavy, with layers of muscle
and fat surrounding an incredibly strong skeleton. The only way a gorgodon could be killed was to have
its spine severed just behind the head, which paralyzed the beast and left it incapable of movement. (JQ,
this Corellian INT-66 interceptor was owned by Daxtorn Lethos. It was armed wih a piar of front-mounted
turbolasers, four repeating blasters, and a double pulse-laser turret. (SWJ4)
this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the
Galactic Civil War. (XW)
an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer stationed at the Maw Installation by Grand Moff Tarkin, the Gorgon was
the flagship of Admiral Daala, under the command of Commander Kratas. It suffered major damage when
the Cauldron Nebula was destroyed by the Sun Crusher, and was further damaged when Daala tried to
defend the Maw Installation. The ship was loaded with information on the weapons designed at the Maw

and brought to the Core Systems, where it was briefly added to High Admiral Teradoc's fleet before being
scrapped. (JS, DA, COTF, NEGC)
this tree, native to the planet Gamorr, was favored by the Gamorreans for its dense, thick wood, which
was used to form the handle of a thogk club. (UANT)
the females of this species of avian get so heavy after laying their eggs that they tend to wobble when
they fly. This flight pattern is merely a ruse, meant to lure predators to the mother and away from her nest.
Gorimn Wine
this fermented Wookiee beverage is considered mild, although it packs a wallop to humans. (RD)
Gorjaye, Ranna
a native of Salliche, this woman served as a squadron leader of the X-Wing forces sent to Kal'Shebbol to
take down Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne some four years after the Battle of Endor. After Sarne's escape,
Ranna joined the crew of the corvette FarStar as a pilot and gunner. She was a graduate of the Imperial
Academy on Raithal, but joined the Alliance because she thought it was the right thing to do. Ranna was
a cocky pilot known by the nickname "Wing-Ripper," who formed a grudging respect for Kaiya
Adrimetrum, but remained a loner aboard the ship until she struck up a relationship with Darryn Thyte.
She was also known for her sabacc playing, although much of the crew found her ability to win quite
annoying. (DARK, KO, KR)
this Gorothite organization, whose name literally meant "Committee for Free Goroth," tried to resist
Imperial and corporate control of Goroth Prime by taking the middle road. The leaders of the Gor'Jen'Ar
understood that passive resistance would never win against the offworlders, but chose not to become a
militant organization like the T'B'Dellyi'Mai. They feared that the actions of the T'B'Dellyi'Mai would force
the Empire to bring down a vicious reprisal that would harm the Gorothite people badly. However, the
Gor'Jen'Ar had no qualms about "killing for the cause," and was suspected to have been behind several
corporate "accidents." (GSE)
Gorkin's Rest
a tavern frequented by Platt Okeefe and Dirk Harkness, during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ1)
this Kitonak name was common across Kirdo III. (UANT)
this Outer Rim planet is the second world in the Gorsh System, and is owned by the Genetech
Corporation. It is a hot, desert world with a single moon. (PG1)
this Imperial Moff was known as a lover of jewelry, and each of his fingers was covered with rings. He
was chosen to preside over the trial of Reson Nath versus Imperial Prefect Adar. (GG10)
this was a common name among members of the Dug race. (UANT)
a planet located along the galactic frontier. (TOJC)
an alien race native to the moon of Gormdin, the Gorms are small, reptilian humanoids with large eyes
and sharp teeth. Their leathery skin is light brown in color, and they have two arms and two legs. As a

species, the Gorms are natural hunters, but are known to be peaceful beings when encountered in the
wild. During the reign of Emperor Palpatine, the Gorms were hunted for sport, and Gorm-hide hats and
bags were popular accessories. The practice of hunting Gorms was outlawed by the New Republic.
Gorm the Dissolver
an alien bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa. He was part cyborg, part living organism, but no one was sure
how much of his body was not organic. Many believe that Gorm was a product of the Arkanian
Renegades, the only surviving member of their cyborg army, and that his body was made up from the
parts of six distinct alien species and seven generations of droid electronics. This collection allowed Gorm
to survived more many hundreds of years. These rumors were more or less proven over the course of
many years, especially when it was learned that Gorm's left arm was actually that of Vultar the Ugly.
Gorm Worm
a medium-sized lizard, about the size of an iguana, it has a head studded with spikes and an extremely
venomous bite. They were native to the planet Gorm, and were favored as "pets" by ancient bounty
hunters because of their ability to kill a being with a single bite. (TOJ, TOJC)
this woman was a noted chef, during the last years of the Old Republic. She made cooking shows
popular during her weekly segment on the HoloNet, producing lavish dishes from sensibly-priced
ingredients. She also published a regular column on food and cooking, known as Gormaanda's Culinary
Corner. (HNN5)
Gormaanda's Culinary Corner
this was a popular food and cooking column, published over the HoloNet and written by the noted chef
Gormaanda, during the last years of the Old Republic. (HNN5)
this moon orbits the planet Sarrelon IV, and is a temperate world covered with rolling plains, steep
plateaus, and moderatey dense forests. Over sixty percent of the moon is covered by water, providing the
necessary moisture to maintain its environment. It was believed that Lohn Genden established a base of
operations on Gormdin, shortly before the Battle of Hoth. Gormdin is inhabited by the reptilian Gorms.
The average day on Gormdin lasts 20 standard hours, while its year lasts 180 local days. (WBC)
a predatory reptile native to Taraloon, the gornalaks were at the top of the food chain until Drek Drednar
and his pirates arrived. The gornalaks found the pirates to be tasty prey, but rarely attacked them
because their primitive weapons were no match for the pirates' blasters. (SWJ5)
a Prophet of the Dark Side, Gornash was a massive human in charge of spy activities for the Prophets on
Scardia. (MMY, PDS)
this Dulok was the sly, mean-tempered leader of his people, during the years before the Empire
garrisoned the Forest Moon of Endor. (ECAR)
this town, on an unspecified world, was the original development site for the Hammertong project. (TME)
a farm animal native to Pakrik Minor, gornts originated on the world of Hethar. The Empire annexed
Hethar shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and discovered that these ungainly omnivores could be raised
for their flesh, which was sweet, juicy,and highly nutritious. Packaged gornt meat was later added to the
rations given to soldiers. The average gornt grew to be a meter or more in length, and had a body which

was supprted by huge hind legs and small forelimbs. Their heads were topped with a single horn, and
their jaws were frilled with short tendrils. Gornts would eat just about anything, and could digest it with
relative ease. This made their flesh highly nutritious, and led to a booming business in raising gornts for
meat. Over the years since the Empire annexed Hethar, gornt stocks have been mismanaged.
Genetically, there is little variation remaining, and the quality of gornts being produced is sharply
declining. (SOP, COG)
Gornt Seron
this Hethas gangster maintained a base on the planet Korbin during the early years of the New Republic.
Known as Seron's Castle, it was located in the equatorial mountains of the planet. He was the son of
lowly criminals stranded on the planet, but was able to amass a small fortune during his early years. His
primary income was from illegal gambling halls, but he was also known to smuggle guns and engage in
extortion. Seron once acquired information on the New Republic's plans for eliminating the Imperial
presence in the galaxy, and offered to return it for 200,000 credits. The ransom was paid, but the
information was never returned. (WBC)
Gorofila, Simith
this woman was the leader of the Brentaal Dissidents League, during the years leading up to the Clone
Wars. (GCG)
Gorondin Chronometrics
this corporation produced some of the galaxy's most unusual and exotic time pieces, during the height of
the Galactic Civil War. (GFT)
Goroth Alpha
this red-orange star was the primary solar body in the Goroth System. It was surrounded by four planets
and a companion, brown dwarf star known as Goroth Beta. In ancient Gorothite legend, Goroth Alpha
was known as K'Len, or The Mother. (GSE)
Goroth Beta
this brown dwarf star was a companion to Goroth Alpha, but orbited Goroth Alpha as if it were a fifth
planet. In most respects, Goroth Beta was simply a gas giant planet, measuring some 227,575 kilometers
in diameter. However, its nuclear furnace never really ignited, although its core produced a great amount
of heat and radiation. (GSE)
Goroth Planetary Police
this was the police force which was funded and staffed by the major corporations that did business on the
planet Goroth Prime. Individual officers were given protective suits of armor which were based on the
eighteen-piece body armor of Imperial stormtroopers, although the GPP armor was much more angular.
Goroth Prime
this planet, the homeworld of the Gorothite race, was once a lush, forested world. Life had been evolving
on the planet for more than five billion years, and civilization first appeared some 10,000 years ago. A
group of Corellian explorers discovered that Goroth Prime's crust was rich in hyperbarides, and decided
to set up mining operations on the surface. It was devastated some 4,000 years before the Battle of
Yavin, during the Aqualish-Corellian War in an event the Gorothites referred to as The Scouring. The two
sides had been fighting over the mineral rights to Goroth Prime, and decided that if neither side could
control the planet, then nobody would. The offworlders moved a series of asteroids into position to
bombard the planet, throwing all sorts of heavy metals and hyperbarides into the atmosphere. These toxic
materials eventually formed a thin ring around the planet, with most of the material raining back down on
the planet. Over the centuries, the Gorothites adapted to the toxic chemicals which were thrown into the
atmosphere. Goroth Prime was located in the Trans-Nebular Sector of the Mid Rim, and had three moons
located exactly 120 degrees apart in orbital position. The day and night on Goroth Prime were of equal
length, and the planet had very little seasonal variation. (GSE, AE)
Gorothin Vagger

this Aqualish represented his homeworld of Andosha II, as well as the Andoan Free Colonies, in the Old
Republic Senate, before the secession of the planet Ando. Senator Vagger denounced his fellow
Aqualish for leaving the Republic, and voiced the continued loyalty of Andosha II and the Colonies to the
Republic, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. (HNN4)
this name is used to describe the written and spoken languages of the Gorothite people, native to Goroth
Prime. However, the spoken version and the written version are greatly different. The written version is
formed from ideograms that have no basis in phonetics, so there is very little correlation between it and
the spoken form. (GSE)
this race of reptilian humanoids was native to the planet Goroth Prime. Their large heads were dominated
by a bulging brain case, and a series of wattles at their throats were filled with air to form distended sacs.
These sacs and wattles were heavily tattooed, and used to display the lineage of an individual Gorothite.
Their beady eyes are set back into their skulls, and their sloping foreheads given them a formidable
appearance. Their forearms had an extra joint, giving them a flopping appearance. Xenoarchaeologists
have discovered that the Gorothites evolved from predatory carnivores who had just discovered sentience
when the planet Goroth Prime was nearly destroyed in an event known as The Scouring. The Gorothites
were forced down another evolutionary path in order to survive the toxic chemicals thrown into the
atmosphere after The Scouring. Marriage and monogamy were unheard of concepts on Goroth Prime, as
each j'ber, or clan, strove to strengthen its numbers over the centuries. However, mating between
individual j'ber clans was forbidden. The Gorothites, like most species on Goroth Prime, had two
stomachs. The names of individual Gorothites were made up of three parts: their j'ber name, the
individual's father's name, and their personal name. (GSE, AE)
this was a species of frog-like creatures that was native to the Forest Moon of Endor. Gorphs were known
for their exceptionally long tongues, which they used to catch their food. (ECAR)
Gorr Ebelt Desilijic
this Hutt established and maintained the largest criminal network on the planet Naboo, during the height
of the New Order. He was, however, an embarrassment to his clan, and rumor had it that Gorr was given
control of Naboo's underground by Jabba the Hutt as a gift to Gorr's parent. Gorr was known as an
immense coward, and controlled Naboo's underground only because Jabba felt that he couldn't cause
any real trouble there. (SWI65)
Gorrell, Brot
Brot Gorrell was a Lieutenant in the Imperial armed forces, during the height of the New Order. When the
Galactic Games were to be held on Coruscant, Gorrell was placed in command of the forces that were to
build the Emperor's speaking platform. He was murdered by Vune Willic, as part of Willic's plot to
assassinate Emperor Palpatine. With Gorrell eliminated, Willic was promoted into his position, and used
his proximity to the dais to plant scan-shielded thermal detonators. Fortunately for the Empire, the
detonators were discovered, and Willic was captured. (PH)
a female Wookiee, she was chosen by Salporin as a mate. The two were separated when the Empire
enslaved the Wookiees, and Gorrlyn was widowed when Salporin died trying to protect Chewbacca and
Leia Organa Solo on Kashyyyk. (HTSB)
this tall, thin alien was Ssk Kahorr's chief navigator. Gorrm was killed when Ssk Kahorr and the
Starbreaker 12 were destroyed by Naga Sadow. (GAS)
this is the name of a frozen desert created by Wookiee chefs. (RD)

Gorros' Fen
this immense worm was bio-engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve as a tube through which a KorosStrohna worldship could obtain nutrients from a planet-based location. The Gorros' Fen worm was
extended down from the worldship, and literally sucked the nutrients from the planet's crust and mantle.
this Gamorrean worked for Jabba the Hutt, and served as a bodyguard for the Jawa Akkik. (TM)
Gorryl Slug
this loathsome creature was native to the planet Kashyyyk. Resembling a disgusting blob of purplishbrown protoplasm, the gorryl slug was nonetheless known for its tasy flesh, and was considered a
delicacy on many worlds throughout the galaxy. The average specimen measured about 1.5 meters in
length, although it was not uncommon to find gorryl slugs over two meters long. They moved about in a
relentless search for food, and fed on the mites and organisms that lived on the bark of the wroshyr tree.
Gorryls were known to be difficult to kill, since their rudimentary internal organs were simple and
distributed. When threatened or startled, the gorryl slug could rear up the front part of its body, in an
attempt to scare off its attacker. If this didn't work, the gorryl would then flop its body back down, trying to
smother its attacker. (SWDB, GMR4)
a species of stout-trunked trees with phosphorescent orange flowers. (TME)
Gorsek, Lile
this scout worked for Commander Deffan and the Fernandin Scouting Expedition, and performed the
initial flyby of Yavin 4 during the search for a suitable location for Wetyin's Colony. (GG2)
this creature, native to the planet Rhamalai, was a swift-running herbivore which roamed the grassy
plains in herds of up to 200 individuals. When Rhamalai was first settled, some 400 years before the
Battle of Yavin, the colonists domesticated the gorsets, using them as pack animals and mounts. The
average gorset stood about 1.5 meters tall at the shoulder, and was covered with tightly-curled hair. Their
manes and tails were made of longer, flowing hair, and their overall coloration ranged form white through
brown to black. (SWJ13)
this yellow star was the central body in the Gorsh System. (PG1)
this is the primary planet in the Gorsh System, which is owned and overseen by the Geentech
Corporation. It is a swampy, damp world which is home to the Orgon race of intelligent plants. The
planet's long days (about 64 standard hours) keep it warm, and it thus supports a large number of plants
and animals that Geentech has been studying over the years. They have developed a large number of
pharmaceutical products from the unique chemical compunds that flourish on the planet. The annual
revolution around its sun takes Gorsh 300 local days. The Gorsh System is located in the Outer Rim
Territories, and it had a single moon called Tuvvet. (PG1)
Gorshian Hands of Death
this six-meter-wide, carnivorous plant was native to the swamps of the planet Gorsh. (PG1)
this flesh of this creature was considered a delicacy on the planet Druckenwell. (SWJ6)
this creature resembles a woolamander, but is smaller and has feathers instead of fur. They hatch from
small, pink eggs about a year after they are laid. In time, most gorts can be trained to mimic speech. The
eggshells are often used in jewelry, and are considered rare and precious. (SHA, CCR)

this was the first planet in the Genetech-owned Gorsh System, and was a hot, rocky wasteland. (PG1)
this frigid, ice-covered world is the sixth and final planet in the Gorsh System, located in the Outer Rim
Territories. (PG1)
this Kler'terrian was employed as the bartender at Shilley's. (GCQ)
this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it
was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the
Trandoshan language, the name meant "charges the enemy". (GCG)
Hath Monchar employed this Trandoshan to be his bodyguard, during his attempt to sell information
about the Trade Federation's impending blockade of the Naboo System. Gorth was killed by Darth Maul,
when the Sith Lord captured Monchar. (DMSH)
this barren, rocky world was the fifth planet in the Kuat System. It was orbited by three moons. (CCW)
Gorto Draga
this Aqualish thug was one of the criminal leaders on the planet Kiffex, during the last decades of the Old
Republic. Note that this character is also referred to as Yaga and Gorto Zaga in the comic series Star
Wars: Darkness. (DRKN)
Gorto Zaga
Vilmarh Grarhk tried to smuggle weapons to this Aqualish crimelord, who was imprisoned on the planet
Kiffex, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. After Volfe Karkko was re-awakened by Aayla Secura, Gorto
Zaga armed the criminals under his command and charged them with protecting his compound against
invasion by the feral Anzati. Note that this character is also referred to as Great Yaga on the official Star
Wars website, as as Gorto Draga and Yaga in the comic series Star Wars: Darkness. (DRKN, OWS)
this Imperial was a member of Hell's Hammers. Gortz was a navigator/pilot serving under Sergeant
Arbmab. (ISB)
this Gamorrean worked for Urais Xhaxin as a guardian and soldier aboard the Free Lance. He was known
for his belligerent nature, and Gorug had to be constantly reminded that the crew and passengers aboard
the ships they ambushed were not enemies to be vanquished or manipulated. (PP)
this species of humanoids was known for their thin, prehensile tail, which they used to hang from
branches during their sleep periods. When not in the wild, Gorums would hang from rafters and overhead
pipes instead of trees. Gorums had large, red eyes and square earflaps, and used their forked tongues to
suck the juice out of their food, be it fruit or flesh. (JH)
Gorvan Horansi
this subspecies of Horansi was native to the planet Mutanda, and was known to be the de facto rulers of
the planet. They were excellent hunters, and would hunt other races of Horansi if the need arose. Young
males of the Gorvan clans were forced to fight one another to prove their adulthood. The loser, if he didn't
die in combat, was exiled. They were distinguished by their golden fur. (PG1)

this Wookiee was one of the many inhabitants of the city of Rwookrrorro who supported Chuundar, more
than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. When he discovered that a group of Jedi Knights had
infiltrated Chuundar's defenses and obtained a piece of the Star Map, Gorwooken and his thugs attacked
them. The Wookiees were no match for the Jedi, however, and were killed in battle. (KOTOR)
this Wookiee was a famous hunter on the planet Kashyyyk, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "mechanically inclined". (GCG)
this Quarren crimelord was active on the moon of Nar Shaddaa during the years surrouding the Battle of
Naboo. When Quinlan Vos was stranded on the moon without his memory intact, Gorizma began taking
bets on how long the former Jedi Knight would last without his memories. One of the bets he took was
from Vilmarh Grahrk, who wagered his ship Inferno on Quinlan's chances. Villie captured Quinlan and
planned to execute him, but Quinlan avoided being killed. Villie, in order to pay off the first bet on
Quinlan's death, made a second bet with Gorizma about getting the Jedi off Nar Shaddaa before being
killed. Unfortunately for Gorizma, their escape involved the theft of the Inferno, leaving the Quarren with
nothing to show for the lack of a dead Jedi Knight. When Quinlan agreed to return Villie once he was
back on Coruscant, Gorzima reluctantly allowed them to take the ship. (SWT)
this planet is the homeworld of the Gosfambling race. (TNR)
this alien race is native to the planet Gosfambling. They are a delicate, furred race of creatures who are
highly intelligent although soft-spoken. They also have a definite view of things, with very little gray area.
There is a saying among the Gosfambling: "Once a loser, always a loser." (TNR)
this was the term used to describe any being who was highly-skilled in the use of Ta-Ree magic. The term
loosely translated into "Ascendant" in the Basic language,and referred to the being's ability to achieve
closeness to the ancient Kathol trapped in the Lifewell. (E)
Goshyn Detention Center
a prison facility, Goshyn was located on a remote asteroid, and was maintained throughout the reign of
Emperor Palpatine. (TTSB)
Goshyn Queen
this barely-modified Space Master Medium Transport was Billey's flagship, during the early years of the
New Republic. It was distinguished by its well-worn exterior, which showed at least a dozen different paint
colors and any number of missing hatches and scratches. The ship was named for the Goshyn Detention
Center, where Billey spent a portion of his life. He purchased the ship just after he was freed, but only put
credits into the vessel when it absolutely needed repairs. (GMR4)
Gospel of the True Gods
this was the collected set of beliefs and tenets of the Yuuzhan Vong's True Gods. To accept the Gospel
was to prove one's adherence to the True Way. (T)
Gospic, Feyn
this Colonel in the Alliance served as one of Jan Dodonna's chief strategic advisors during the planning
which preceded the Battle of Yavin. It was Gospic's plans which were approved for the approach to the
first Death Star. (CCG9)

see Galactic Outdoor Survival School (AIR)

Goss, Brivyl
this man served the Empire as a Lieutenant in the armed forces, and was stationed on Belgaroth during
the height of the Galactic Civil War. The antithesis of an Imperial officer, Goss achieved his rank through
sheer dumb luck, and his marginal skills made him the perfect candidate for the assignment on Belgaroth.
When the Empire gave the order to abandon Belgaroth and destroy the orbital docks known as Upside,
Goss simply gathered a few loyal friends and fled the system. (CCW)
Goss, Joreb
this owner of Atrium 41, and master of several slave girls on Atzerri, was Akanah's natural father. He met
her mother, Isela Talsava Norand, on Praidau, and they were soon married. They relocated to the planet
Gavens, where Akanah was born. However, following the death of Isela, Joreb abandoned his former life
and fled to Azterri. There, he became addicted to Rokna Blue and lost most of his memory. When Akanah
traveled to Azterri with Luke Skywalkerm she found that Joreb had no idea who she was or whether or
not he had ever had a daughter. Akanah realized that he was lost to her, and fled the planet. (SOL)
this was the native language of the Gossam people. It was made up of trills, croaks, and elided sounds.
The written form was created from a jagged alphabet. (GMR10, UANT)
this green-skinned, alien race was native to the planet Castell. Gossams were known for their unusual
hair settings, used to accentuate the difference between the sexes. Females often wore their hair in a
rising, upswept tailing to indicate their sexuality. The knobby skin of the Gossam people was intricately
patterned, and their elongated necks were often supported by metal rings that further stretched the neck.
At some point early in the civilization of the Gossam, a planet-wide economic depression struck the
Gossam. Individuals killed each other for food, jobs, and passage off-planet. The Commerce Guild was
quick to notice that land and facilities on Castell were vastly undervalued, and traveled to Castell to
purchase everything that they could. The Gossam people was essentially indentured to the Commerce
Guild, in return for economic assistance in the form of purchases and leases. The planet was eventually
repurchased by Shu Mai, but she kept the Gossam people in heavy debt to her government and the
Commerce Guild she came to control. Note that the novelization of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the
Clones indicates that

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