Useful Vocabulary For Cae Speaking

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I'm speaking English for my own satisfaction / my job / in order to improve my employment prospects.
If you want to go ahead these days, you need to have a good command of English
I always loved (the sea).
I'd love to visit places untouched by man.
However, there's no place like home.
That's a big question!
I want to be a useful member of society.
I'm keen on ...
I'm an avid (traveler, zapalony) ...
I haven't given it much thought until now.
You'll gain extra marks if you're able to give full, relevant answers to these questions.
Expand your answers! Remember that the whole reason you are taking the Cambridge Exam is to prove
that you have a very high level of English skills. Prove it by giving detailed answers that showcase your
skills, and remember: a yes/no or one sentence answer is never enough.
This is the only section of the test where you have an idea of the questions that will be asked, which
means that you can actually prepare yourself well for this section. Rehearse answers to the questions
listed above and become comfortable with speaking about the subjects that might be asked of you.
Phrasal verbs and idioms are what separate native and non-native speakers, so take any opportunity you
have to use these devices. The only challenge here is making sure that you do it naturally, which should
not be a problem if you practice and are comfortable using these words and phrases.
What strikes me about the first picture is the fact that...
This picture reminds me of...
Judging from the photograph, the children...
The man appears to be...
From what we can see here, he must...
There are many similarities...
Both picture depict...
Both picture are quite similar in that they show...
When you give it a closer look it reveals...
The first picture ... whereas the other picture ...
Another important difference is...
Picture ... doesn't show ... as clearly as ...
Picture ... attempts to ... but I think picture ... does this more effectively...
All pictures are interesting, but ... gives a stronger idea of...
It's difficult to tell from a photograph but this picture could have been taken in ...
I might be wrong, but I'd say that this picture ...
I would imagine/guess that this picture comes from ...
Picture ... is by far the best to show because ...
To me, picture ... is essential for this kind of publication.
I'm surprised there is no picture showing...
A picture of ... would get the message across more effectively.
The cover would be so much better if we had a picture of ...
So let's look at the alternatives ...

The name for this escapes me at present, but it's for/it's like ...
The name for it is on the tip of my tongue ...
1. The picture set will have a general theme but try to find two that are either very similar or very
different in some way. This will give you a basis on which to compare and/or contrast the two pictures. In
the example above, pictures two and three show two contrasting educational settings: the formal lecture
theatre in picture two compared to the relaxed outdoor scene in picture three.
2. In terms of hypothesizing, pictures two and three offer a good opportunity to speculate on how students
in each contrasting situation might be feeling. Think about opportunities for hypothesizing when choosing
your pictures.
3. Signpost the end of your talk by adding a personal reaction to the pictures. For example:
'The two people in picture three look like they're enjoying themselves but personally, I think I'd prefer to
spend my study time in a lecture theatre where I'd be more able to concentrate on learning'.
4. Many people preparing for the CAE oral exam worry about not having enough to say in the time
available or not having enough time to express their ideas. The best way to get the timing right is to
practise making short talks on various topics on your own. (Or in front of a friend if you're feeling brave!)
Up to the problem in question ...
The main problem centres around ...
It's my belief ...
For my part ...
As I see it ...
As I was saying ...
I forgot to mention ...
I'm of the opinion that ...
To my mind ...
To my way of thinking ...
I am convinced that ...
I am inclined to believe that ...
Don't get me wrong but shouldn't we ... ?
Judging by ... they must be ...
... is a separate issue.
Moving on to ...
Taking everything into account ...
I couldn't agree more.
I agree up to a point.
I think I see what you mean, but ...
I'm in two minds about it. / I'm ambivalent about ...
I don't see eye to eye with you here ...
That's true in a way, I suppose, but ...
I don't feel convinced ...
That's one way of looking at it. On the other hand ...
Can you take a clear stand on that matter?
It brings to the question / idea / problem of ...
Perhaps we should put ... first? What do you think?
A strong point in favour of ... is that ...
What do you think should go next?

Are you happy with this order then?

Do you go along with that?
It will help both yourself and your partner if you work together collaboratively on this task.
1. Be prepared to ask your partner for his or her opinion rather than simply stating your own.
2. Listen 'actively' to what your partner says, responding to comments he or she makes. Use expressions
such as the following to comment on something:
"That's an interesting point."
"I was interested in what you said about ..."
"So, when you say ........, do you mean ........?"
"Could you explain what you mean by .......?"
3. Use expressions to allow yourself time to think. For example: 'That's a good question.', 'Well, let me
think ...'
4. In order to bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion try using expressions such as the
"So, weighing up the pros and cons, do you think ?"
"Are we generally in agreement that ?"
"So, all in all do we feel ?"
"Essentially, do we all agree that ?"
"So, to sum up "
"So, in general "
"It seems weve reached the conclusion that "
Just following from what X was saying, I also feel ...
While generally agreeing with X, I must say that ...
Adding to what X has just said, I think ...
I can sympathise with what X said but ...
One thing X didn't mention is ...
Surprising, as it may seem, I don't support X's view on ...
Perhaps it should be also emphasized that ... / it should be pointed out that ...
1. Again, avoid short, 'yes', 'no' answers to the examiner's questions.
2. Use techniques to make your contributions powerful, for example by using short, personal anecdotes to
help make a point.
3. Continue to work with your partner. Respond constructively and show interest in things he or she says.

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