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Topic 4
Freuds psychosexual stages of development
Oral stage

0-18 months
Survival: eat drink cry and sucks
The child cries

Feed the infant


ignore the
not important

Anal stage

18mo 3yrs
Toilet training
o Good mother
o Bad mother
Clean obedient organized
Dirty disorganized disobedient

Phallic stage

Parent role model
6-12 yrs


Three levels of awareness

1. Conscious
a. Reality principle
b. Perceptions thoughts and emotions that exist in persons awareness
c. The smallest part
2. Precocious/subconscious
a. Thoughts and emotions are not currently in persons awareness but can
recall with some effort
b. Watchman of the mind
c. Partially forgotten but remembered
d. Under control of superego
3. Unconscious
a. Largest part storage bin of painful traumatic meaningful memories
b. Memories that are forgotten but still with accompanying feelings that
affect and influence behavior

Client displaces onto the therapist attitude and feelings that the client
originally experiences in other relationships
Unconscious projection of feelings towards the therapist that previously
belong to other important persons in the clients life
Client to nurse + or


When the therapist unconsciously displaces onto the clients attitudes or

feelings from his her past
Nurse to pt

Theoretical basis of psychiatric nursing

Erik Erikson psychosocial

Trust vs mistrust
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
I nitiatice vs guilt
Dusty vs inferiority
Density vs role confusion
Macy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagnation
Tegrty vs despair

Interpersonal theory by harry stack Sullivan


Stage infancy
Age 0-18 months
Task body contact and tenderness to gain security and avoid anxiety
Stage juvenile
Age 6 to 9 years

Task develop peer relationships

Stage preadolescent
Age 9 to 12 years
Task develops same sex relationship
Stage early adolescence
Age 12 to 14 years
Task develop opposite sex relationship
Stage late adolescence
Age 14 to 21 years
Develops satisfying relationship
Stage young adulthood
Age 21 and above
Task establishes love relationship economically stable

Bf skinners: operant conditioning


Behaviors can be changed through a reward and punishment

Positive or negative reward

Reality therapy by William glasses


Help patients face reality and then to develop responsible behavior patterns
so their needs for love worn can be met

Cognitive behavioral theory by Aaron beck and albert Ellis


Replacing irrational thinking with rational thinking to reduce dysfunctional

feelings and behaviors

Eclectic approach

Picking concepts from various models that best explains the patients
behavior problems and needs

Therapeutic modalities

Treatment of emotional personality problems and disorders by psychological

A. Indidual therapy
a. Also known as direct interview psychotherapy
b. One on one relationship between the tjerapist and the client wjo
engage in a series of interactions over a period of rime witj an agreed
upon purpose of change in a clients vejavoor
B. Group therapy
a. Processes that occur in a formally organized groups designed to
change maladaptive or indefinable behaviors
b. A type of treatment that involves group of people meet at planned
times with a qualified therapist to focus on self awareness and
inderstanding of oneself improving interpersonal relationsjip and
making behavior changes
c. Focus is here and now not the past

C. Family therapy
a. Form of group therapy In which the client and his family members
b. Family identity roles
c. Focus is family not pt
Milleu therapy

Provides a safe environment that is adapted to theomdividial clients needs

and also provides a greater comfort and freedom of expression


Physical and social environment in whichand individual lives

Mustbehighly constructive home and organized

Exercise therapy

Body health

Music art dance therapy
Indications for withdraw and depress
Goal to establish self awareness confidence readiness skills co ping skills social
behavior and may also provide pain management
Remotivation therapy
Goal: to reach a unwounded areas of a persons personality in order to get them
moving once again in the direction of reality
Indications regressed and long term patients

Should not talk about wounded area of pt life

Should pe neutral
Should not be about
o Religion
o Family
o God

o Love
o Life of pt
Neutral topics
o Geography
o Hobbies
o History
o Science
o Literature
o Sports
o Nature


Climate of acceptance
Bridge to reality
Sharing the world we live in
Appreciation of the world we live in
Climate appreciation


Use of printed words s means of modifying or stimulating the emotions and

providing information
Indication depress

Occuspational therapy

Systematic use of manual l task and jdcradt om treatment o mentally ill

Goal facilitate exressipm of feeling commimication with others and

Recreational therapy

Provide opportunity for fun

Play therapy

For 3 to 12 years

Attitude therapy

Kind firmness
o To be firm
o Indications
Matter of fact
o Explain routine
o Indication manipulative alcoholism passive aggressive
No demand
o Giving mo demands
o Indication confused and assaultive


Mind over matter think you can do it.

Guided imagery

Topic 5
Therapeutic modalities, and psychosocial lskills busing strategies
Electro convulsive therapy

It involves the use of electrically induced seizures for temporary relief of

psychiatric disorder
Started 1938by ego cerlettiand luciano bin italian psychiatrist
Refferwd as et or St
o Indication
o 1 for major depression 85 to 90
o Mania
o Postpartum psychosis
o Catatonic schizophrenia
o Parkinson
o Pt who does not respond tdrugs
o Contraindications
o MI
o Angina
o Chef
o Bone fractire
o Cranial lesion
o Frequency
6 to 15 treatments for 3x a week
70to 150 volts for 0.5 to 2 seconds
o Grandma/tonic clonic seizure for 30 to 60seconds collectively 220to
250 seconds
o Maintenance once a week for 6 to 12 months

Nursing intervention pre ect

Atropine/gycopyrrolate robinil
Dry mouth decreases aspiratipm vagal stimulation and arrhythmia 30
mins prior im/iv 0.4 to 0.6mg
Barbiturate methohexital Na brevital Na or thiopental Na pentothal iv 50
to 120mg anesthetic
Succinylcholoneanectine iv 0.6mg/kg muscle relaxant
Other nursing intervention pre ect

Explain procedure
Consent signed
Vs base line
Remove dentures hairpins contacts metal
Blood chemistry

Nursing intervention during ect


Ready ecg
Piles oximeter
O2 bedside
Stay with patient

Nursing intervention post ect


Priority airyway
Position side lying
Pulse oximeter
O2 bedside
Vs q15
Expect side effect
o Ha and n
o Temp memory loss
Intervention orient the pt
Do not feed
o Intervention check gag reflex

Insulin shock therapy


Discovered by Manfred sake 1933

The induction of hypoglycemic coma very dangerous
No longer used in psychiatry


Brain surgery performed on normal or deceased tissue

For dep
Russian anxiety odd and aggression

Topic 6

Also known as major tranquilizer or neuroleptics

Used for psychotic disorders
Block activity of dopamine
Do not withdrawal abruptly seizure
Effects and indications of antipsychotic

Antagonize Para; anticholinergic

Behavior effect
Drive for sex decreased
Eliminate ha caused by migrane and n and v prevention
Falling asleep effect of sedation
A. Classification accord Ng ro generation
1. Typical for. (+) tendency for. Eps
2. Atypical for (+) and (-) s/sx low tendency of Eps

Positive sign of schizophrenia (hard manifestations)

Loose of association
Psychiatric terminologies
Negative signs of schizophrenia (soft manifestation)
Poor judgment
Poor insights
Poor self care
B. Classified according to chemical class

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