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4 Mark - (4mins)
You get ONE mark for a 'basic description'.
You get up to THREE further marks by adding details of different aspects
- e.g Describe Wilhelm's policy of Weltpolitik?
START by writing a sentence saying at the basic level what the issue was II, then
ADD two or three details such as specific factual details or background context.
6 marks (9 minutes)
You will get a question, which gives you a source and then asks you whether you agree
with it
- e.g.: Source A suggests that the Soviets wanted to conquer Berlin. Do you
agree that the Berlin Blockade was an attempt to conquer West Berlin?
The mark scheme is very complicated, but to earn full marks you need to address two
How true is the CONTENT of the source
How reliable is the PROVENANCE of the source
START by writing a paragraph comparing what the source says to the facts you
know, and explaining whether what the source claimed was true or not, THEN write
a paragraph about the author/origin of the source, using his background and
motivation, and the date and the context, to explain whether he is reliable or not.
ATTACK: Author, Time,
(10 marks - 19 minutes)
You will be given two possible answers to a question, and then asked to judge which is
the better answer
- e.g.: Which of the following was more responsible for the outbreak of war in
a. colonial rivalry in North Africa
b. nationalist rivalry in the Balkans?

DESCRIBE what happened

EXPLAIN how it was responsible for its consequences
ASSESS how important it was in doing so
A final paragraph will then compare the importance of the two alternatives and
come to a judgment, giving a reason.Note that the number of marks you get
depends on how fully you explain your ideas, and prove them with facts.
START by writing a paragraph about [Factor 1], saying what happened, explaining
how it helped [its consequence], and assessing how important it was in doing so.
THENwrite a paragraph about [Factor 2 ], saying what happened, explaining how it
helped [its consequence], and assessing how important it was in doing so AND
FINALLY conclude by making a choice about which was the more important, and
explaining why you chose that with a new idea and/or facts which prove your


Paper Two, Section A, will probably include the following kinds of question:
Inference from a source (4 marks - 7 minutes)
Explain how (6 marks - 10 minutes)
A Utility (usefulness) source work question
Paper Two, Section B, will probably include the following kinds of question:
Detailed factual recall (describe)
Analysis and explanation (Do you agree with a suggestion)
Section A
(4 marks - 7 minutes)
You will get a question which asks you something like: What does this source suggest about
the government of Nicholas II in Russia?

You get up to TWO marks by extracting surface statements explicit in the source.
You get up to TWO further marks by identifying inferences in the source

NOTE if you give facts or inferences about things that are not to do with the Topic even if they
are true in the source - you will not be credited.

PROVIDE two explicit surface statements about the ISSUE, thenADD two or three inferences
(6 marks - 10 minutes)
You will get a question that asks you something like: Explain why the Bolsheviks grew in
popularity between March and November 1917.
To get full marks you will need to:
Cite a number of REASONS for the stated result (2 good or 3 'OK' ones should be enough)
EXPLAIN (with relevant facts) HOW the reason produced the result.
NOTE that you MUST make sure that you know what result you are trying to explain; many pupils
explain the wrong thing!
Write a paragraph for each reason, remembering for each paragraph to:
- SUGGEST a reason for the Bolsheviks growing popularity (Clause 1)
- PROVIDE a fact to go with it,
- EXPLAIN HOW it made the Bolsheviks more popular, using the word so. (Clause 2)
(10 marks - 17 minutes)
You will get a question which asks you something like: How useful is Source B for studying
the success of Red Army in the Russian Civil War?
To get full marks you will need to evaluate the usefulness of the source addressing:
How useful is the CONTENT?

How useful is the PROVENANCE?

Note that the number of marks you get depends on how fully you explain your ideas, and prove
them with facts!
write a section explaining (including facts from their own knowledge) whether the sources
CONTENT seems USEFUL (what does it tell us, and fail to tell us).
write a section explaining (including FACTS from their own knowledge) whether the
sources PROVENANCE is reliable (is this a 'good' source, or a useless one).
finish with a conclusion, giving and explaining a telling point.

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