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G.R. NO. 117097
On February 22, 1991, Acebedo filed an application with the Office of the
Mayor of Candon, Ilocos Sur, for the issuance of a permit for the opening and
operation of a branch of the Acebedo Optical in that municipality.
The application was opposed by the Samahan ng Optometrists sa Pilipinas
(SOP) which contended that Acebedo is a juridical entity not qualified to
practice optometry.
On March 6, 1991, Acebedo filed its answer, arguing it is not the corporation,
but the optometrists employed by it, who would be practicing optometry.
On April 17, 1991, the Mayor of Candon created a committee, composed of
"public respondents Eduardo Ma. Guirnalda, Dante G. Pacquing and Octavio
de Peralta, to pass on Acebedos application.
On September 26, 1991 the committee rendered a decision denying Acebedo
application for a mayor's permit to operate a branch in Candon and ordering
Acebedo to close its establishment within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
the decision. Acebedo moved for reconsideration but its motion was denied
on November 14, 1991. Acebedo was ordered to close its establishment
within ten (10) days from receipt of the order.
On December 9, 1991, Acebedo filed with the Court of Appeals a petition
for certiorari (CA G.R SP No. 26782), questioning the decision of respondent
committee. Its petition, however, was referred to the court a quo, which on
December 16, 1992, dismissed Acebedo's petition. Hence, the appeal.
Whether or not the honorable court of appeals erred in declaring that
private respondent acebedo international corporation does not violate the
optometry law (R. A. no. 1998) when it employs optometrists to engage in
the practice of optometry under its name and for its behalf.

Private respondent does not deny that it employs optometrists whose
role in the operations of its optical shops is to administer the proper eye
examination in order to determine the correct type and grade of lenses to
prescribe to persons purchasing the same from private respondent's optical
shops. Petitioners vehemently insist that in so employing said optometrists,
private respondent is in effect itself practicing optometry. Such practice,
petitioners conclude, is in violation of RA. No. 1998, which, it must be noted
at this juncture, has been repealed and superseded by RA. 8050.
Petitioners' contentions are, however, untenable. The fact that private
respondent hires optometrists who practice their profession in the course of
their employment in private respondent's optical shops, does not translate
into a practice of optometry by private respondent itself. Private respondent
is a corporation created and organized for the purpose of conducting the
business of selling optical lenses or eyeglasses, among others. The clientele
of private respondent understably, would largely be composed of persons
with defective vision and thus need the proper lenses to correct the same
and enable them to gain normal vision. The determination of the proper
lenses to sell to private respondent's clientele entails the employment of
optometrists who have been precisely trained for that purpose. Private
respondent's business is not the determination itself of the proper lenses
needed by persons with defective vision. Private respondent's business,
rather, is the buying and importing of eyeglasses and lenses and other
similar or allied instruments from suppliers thereof and selling the same to
For petitioners' argument to hold water, there need be clear showing that
RA. No. 1998 prohibits a corporation from hiring optometrists, for only then
would it be undeniably evident that the intention of the legislature is to
preclude the formation of the so-called optometry corporations because such
is tantamount to the practice of the profession of optometry which is legally
exercisable only by natural persons and professional partnerships. We have

carefully reviewed RA. No. 1998 however, and we find nothing therein that
supports petitioner's insistent claims.
All told, there is no law that prohibits the hiring by corporations of
optometrists or considers the hiring by corporations of optometrists as a
practice by the corporation itself of the profession of optometry.
Wherefore, the instant petition is hereby dismissed. Costs against the

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