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Filing Requirements: Precinct Delegate

-- 2010 Election Cycle --

Qualifications: An individual who wishes to seek a precinct delegate position must be “a

qualified and registered elector residing within, as well as having his or her actual bona fide
residence within, the election precinct for which he or she desires to become a candidate on the
filing deadline.” (MCL 168.624)

Filing requirements: A person who wishes to seek a precinct delegate position must file an
Affidavit of Identity with the clerk of his or her county, city or township of residence no later
than 4:00 p.m. on May 11, 2010. Petition signatures are not required. (MCL 168.624)

Such candidates will appear on the August 3, 2010 primary ballot. A precinct delegate candidate
may hold or seek any other public office in Michigan. As a consequence, a precinct delegate
candidate may appear as a candidate for another office on the August 3, 2010 primary ballot.

An Affidavit of Identity form designed exclusively for use by precinct delegate candidates can be
obtained through any county, city or township clerk’s office. The Affidavit of Identity form is
also available on the Michigan Department of State’s Web site: The
availability of the precinct delegate Affidavit of Identity form does not preclude a precinct
delegate candidate from filing with the standard Affidavit of Identity form if desired.

Withdrawal: The deadline for withdrawing a precinct delegate filing is 4:00 p.m. on May 14,
2010. The withdrawal must be in writing and must be filed with the county clerk; Michigan
election law does not make any allowances for filing such withdrawals with the city or township
clerk. (MCL 168.624a)

Filing requirements for write-in candidates: An individual who wishes to seek a precinct
delegate position with write-in votes is required to file a Declaration of Intent with the city or
township clerk by 4:00 p.m. on July 30, 2010. As an alternative, such candidates may file a
Declaration of Intent with the appropriate precinct board on the day of the August primary
anytime prior to the close of the polls. (There are no provisions of law which permit write-in
candidates seeking precinct delegate positions to file on the county level.) A Declaration of
Intent form developed exclusively for use by precinct delegate candidates can be obtained
through any county, city or township clerk’s office. The Declaration of Intent form is also
available on the Michigan Department of State’s Web site: (MCL

Financial disclosure: Precinct delegate candidates are not required to file disclosure forms
under Michigan’s Campaign Finance Act.

Questions: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Michigan Department
of State’s Bureau of Elections.

Michigan Department of State

Bureau of Elections
Richard H. Austin Building – 1st Floor
430 West Allegan
Lansing, Michigan 48918

Phone: (517) 373-2540

Fax: (517) 373-0941
Email: [email protected]

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