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Guidelines for the preparation of the PhD Thesis Proposal

PhD Program in Computer Science

Departamento de Informtica
What is the PhD Thesis Proposal?
When students of the FCT/UNL PhD Program in Computer Science are about to conclude
their research program and starting to write the thesis they are required to write and publicly
present a PhD Thesis Proposal.
In the early phases of the PhD program, the student submits and defends a (preliminary) PhD
Thesis Plan, as a requirement for entering the research phase of the program. The Thesis Plan
is neither intended to define a fully scheduled work plan nor a concrete set of expected
results. On the other hand, a more precise description of results and contributions obtained is
precisely what is expected from the PhD Thesis Proposal, to be submitted by the end of the
research phase and right before the dissertation writing phase of the PhD Program.
The PhD Thesis proposal is a short monograph (15-25 pages) explaining the performed
research work and the results that will be proposed as the core of the forthcoming PhD
Thesis. The candidate will orally present and discuss his Thesis proposal with the Thesis
Advisory Committee in a public review session (video conferencing is allowed, and even
encouraged, in particular if international advisory committee members are involved). The
objective of the PhD Thesis Proposal discussion is to assess that the candidate research
program is close to a conclusion, that substantial results have already been obtained, and that
the overall contributions are adequate for a PhD thesis.
The PhD Thesis Proposal also provides a basis for the Thesis Advisory Committee to advise
on all aspects that might led to improvements of the performed PhD research work, including
technical and presentation issues. The expected recommendation by the Thesis Advisory
Committee is at this point just either a write the dissertation or a continue research
recommendation, together with a written review with comments and suggestions. In the case
of a continue research decision, the candidate should resubmit the Thesis Proposal after
another year of research, following the recommendations of the Thesis Advisory Committee.
In the case of a write the dissertation recommendation, the Thesis Advisory Committee is
acknowledging that the candidate may move towards writing up the thesis. This
acknowledgement is only to be seen as a quality assessment point, essentially useful to give
relevant advice and further confidence to the candidate, helping to improve the presentation
of the work, since the PhD thesis may only be approved after the final submission, and public
defense before the PhD evaluation committee. The PhD evaluation committee will be
appointed after the thesis is submitted, according to the existing procedures and regulations of
UNL PhD Programs, and typically may include members of the Thesis Advisory Committee.
Typical Structure of the Thesis Proposal
The Thesis proposal may be seen as an executive summary of the forthcoming PhD thesis.
We find it useful to suggest a general template. The Thesis Proposal document should not
exceed 25 pages, and will typically consist of 15-20 pages (excluding bibliography). The
student is advised to write his Thesis Proposal using the LaTeX article style, in a4paper
format, 11 point font (or equivalent). The section titles suggested below are suggestions, as
the most appropriate ones should be chosen for each case.
1. Introduction
The Introduction should include a short summary of the major issues behind the performed
research, and provide the context of those issues within a broader background (not only in

academic, but also in industrial/social terms, if possible). It should provide a general overview
of the problems solved, the challenges overcome, and the results obtained.
2. Research Context
This section should present a summary survey of the research context in which the work is
taking place, covering the technical background and state of the art. The main goal is to give
the research context, motivate the issues that have been investigated and solved in the thesis,
and justify the relevance and originality of the results.
3. Research Problem and Results
This section should describe the performed research work, including a more detailed
description of the problem(s) addressed and ideas and techniques exploited, and a commented
enumeration of the original contributions. Use examples to illustrate concepts, whenever that
makes sense. This presentation should be anchored in the survey included in the previous
chapter, and in already published articles in conferences and journals.
4. Conclusion and self-assessment
This section should include any additional aspects not covered in the previous ones, including
possible extensions to the research work already done, open issues, and points for discussion
with the Thesis Advisory Committee.
5. References
The list of bibliographic references.
Final Remarks
The assessment of the Thesis Proposal document, its oral presentation, and public discussion
is an important event, the final major milestone of the PhD student progress towards the PhD
degree. As such, you should carefully prepare your Thesis Proposal, working in close
collaboration with the supervisor(s). It is likely that you will need to iterate a few times the
precise form of your document, so you should reserve some time to review and polish it
before submission. Writing the Thesis Proposal should also be a pleasurable and exciting
activity, and it gives you yet another opportunity of presenting your PhD research, and
receive feed-back about it, before writing the final dissertation document.

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