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Case 1:12-cv-04330-SCJ Document 76 Filed 12/18/14 Page 1 of 11










This matter appears before the court for consideration of plaintiff's

Renewed Motion for Sanctions for Spoliation of Evidence (Doc. No.

Plaintiff has filed

motion for sanctions for spoliation of evidence against

Defendant Wal-Mart Stores East, L.p. (',Wal-Mart,).

Plaintiffs retaliation claim in this case is based in large measure on

Defendant wal-Mart's decision to terminate his employment. Doc. Nos.

Defendant contends that Plaintiff was fired due to employee misconduct.

Demetrius Jacksory the manager of the store where plaintiff was employed,

testified that Plaintiff and another employee left one of the stords entrances
unlocked overnight. According to Jacksory he arrived at the store early on the

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morning of October 23,2009, and found that the Garden Center entrance was
unlocked. (Jackson Deposition ("Dep!'), Doc. No. [a9-11 at 58-61). Jackson

"If my memory

serves me correctly,

drove up on the store that

moming myself and saw the chains not up and the doors not locked." Id. at
60-61. The Garden Center entrance is closed

ovemight for safety reasons and to

deter theft. Id. at 58-61; Plaintiff's ("Pla.") Dep., Doc. No. [36-3] at 245;
Defendants'Statement of Material Facts ('DSMF"), Doc. No. [36] fl 36.
Jackson testified that he questioned the two AssistantStore Managers who

worked that night, Plaintiff and Mark Corurer. (Jackson Dep., Doc. No. [49-1] at
62). According to Jackson, both Plaintiff and Conner admitted that they failed

to ensure that the Garden Center doors were locked. Id. plaintifl however,
testified that he knows that the doors were locked that night and that Jackson
was not being truthful when he stated that the doors were unlocked. (pla. Dep.,
Doc. No. [36-3] at 276-7n.
Jackson testified that he reviewed surveillance video footage of the doors

and that the video footage confirmed that the doors had remained unlocked

overnight. (Jackson Dep., Doc. No. [a9-1] at62-661. However, Jackson took no
steps to preserve the video footage. ld. at66. when asked if the footage was

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preserved/ Jackson testified, "I don't think they keep anything over six months."

ld. at 62. Defendant Wal-Mart has confirmed that the video footage was
recorded over in the normal course of business, in the absence of a specific
request to save the footage. Doc. No. [50-1], p. 4, fl9.

In the two months immediately prior to Defendant's decision to terminate

Plaintiff's employment, Plaintiff had filed two formal charges of discrimination

against Defendant Wal-Mart

with the Equal Employment


Commissioner ("EEOC"). (Pla. Dep. (Doc. No. [36-3]at251, Doc. No. [36-7l,pp.
36, 38, Exs.

37,39). Plaintiff argues that Wal-Mart was reminded of its duty to

preserve the footage in November, 200g when plaintiff amended his EEoC
charge to include his termination. Doc. Nos. [36-7], p.32, [49], p.10.1
The Court held a hearing on October


2014. Said motion is now ripe



' .At oral argumen! Defendant wal-Mart argued that it probably would not have
received notice of the November

2009 charge for another three to four'weeks and could

have possibly recorded over the video during that time, as well. Defendant wal-Mart
did not present evidence of when it actually riceived notice. In the absence of evidence
as to when Defendant wal-Mart actually received notice, the court gives no weight
this argument.

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(Rev 8/82)

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"Spoliation is the destruction or significant alteration of evidence, or the

failure to preserve property for anothels use as evidence in pending or

reasonably foreseeable litigation." Graff v. Baia Marine Corp., 310 F. App'x 298,
301 (11th Cir. 2009); qeg_4!go Green Leaf Nursery v. E.I. DuPont Nemours and



F.3d 1292, 1308 (11th Cir. 2003) (providing a similar definition of

spoliation). The imposition of spoliation sanctions is governed by federal law,

as spoliation sanctions are considered an

evidentiary matter. Flury v. Daimler

Chrysler Corp.. 427 F.3d939,944 (11th Cir. 2005). However, where applicable,
courts may look to Georgia law as "[f]ederal law in this circuit does not set forth
specific guidelines" regarding spoliation sanctions and as ,,Georgia state law on

spoliation is wholly consistent with federal spoliation principles.,, Id.

The burden rests with the movant to prove: (1) the evidence existed at one

time; (2) the alleged spoliator was under a duty to preserve the evidence; and (3)
the evidence was crucial to the movant being able to prove its pn



facie case or


1305 (N.D. Ga. 2011); Southeastem Mech. Servs.. Inc. v. Brody, 657 F.Supp.2d

7293,1299 (M. D. Ga.2009).

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Under Georgia law, "spoliation of critical evidence may warrant the

imposition of sanctions . . . ." EU4L 427 F3d at945. "To determine whether
spoliation sanctions are warranted, a court must consider the lElUry] factors . .

." Gr&

310 F.

App'x at 301, as follows:

(1) whether the [movant] was prejudiced as a result of the

destruction of evidence; (2) whether the prejudice could be cured;
(3) the practical importance of the evidence; (4) whether the
[spoliator] acted in good or bad faith; and (5) the potential for abuse
if expert testimony about the evidence was not excluded.2
The Eleventh Circuit has acknowledged the broad discretion afforded to

district courts in determining whether to impose sanctions. Flury. 42T F.3d at



The court

will consider Plaintiffs initial burden and

each of the above-

stated factors in fum.

As toPlaintiff's initialburdery theCourtfinds

thatplaintiff hasestablished

that the evidence (videotape footage) existed at one time and that Defendantwas

under a duty to preserve the video footage (due to an ongoing EEOC



AO 724

The fifth factor is not at issue in this case and accordingly,

will not be discussed

Case 1:12-cv-04330-SCJ Document 76 Filed 12/18/14 Page 6 of 11

investigation during the applicable time period,3 Wal-Mart's own investigation

into the alleged employee misconduct including a review of the video footage,
and litigation being reasonably foreseeable). See E.E.O.C. v. Suntrust Bank, No.
8:72-cv-1325, 201.4 WL 1364982, at

* 6 (M.D. Fla. Apr. 7,

2074) (finding that

employer had a legal duty to preserve evidence, including surveillance videos,

beginning on the date that the employee at issue reported to the human
resources advisor that she was the victim of sexual harassment and had retained
a lawyer); see also 29 C.F.R. S 1602.14 ("Where a charge of discrimination has
been filed . . . against an employer under title VII, . . . the respondent employer

shall preserve all personnel records relevant to the charge or action until final

disposition of the charge or the action."). The Court further finds that plaintiff
has shown that the evidence is crucial to his being able to prove his pima

retaliation case at trial.

Next, the Court will consider the Flury factors. As to the first factor, the
Court must ask whether Plaintiff was prejudiced as a result of the destruction of
evidence. Plaintiff argues prejudice on the ground that the video footage was the

In the absence of authority that holds that the employee is responsible for
identifying (for the employer) video footage subject to preservation, the Court does not
find persuasive Defendant wal-Mart's arguments thai the video was not identified in
the Abdulahi's EEOC charge.

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single piece of relevant evidence for purposes of proving pretext and causation.

Doc. No.


p.7. More specifically, Plaintiff

asserts that the video footage is

impartial and indisputable evidence that shows whether the entrance was
unlocked overnight and accordingly, whether Plaintiff was fired for an illegal
reason. Doc. No. [51], pp. 2-3,7. ln response, Defendant denies prejudice and
argues that the conduct at issue can be proved through direct testimony of
Demetrius Jackson and contemporaneous evidence (such as emails Jackson sent

regarding the incident). Doc. No. [50], p. 10. The Court finds that plaintiff has
shown prejudice or damage to his legal claim (in terms of his ability to prove
retaliation) by the destruction of the video. The Court will address Defendant's

"cure" arguments, under the next/second factor.

As stated above, under the second factor, the Court mustconsider whether

the prejudice can be cured. Plaintiff argues that

prejudice thatit has suffered

as the

it is impossible to cure the

direct testimony/ contemporaneous evidence

that Defendant seeks to present through Jackson's testimony (conceming what

he saw on the video) is not from an impartial source, and is not a substitute


theactualfootage. Doc.No.[a9],pp.8,72. TheCourtfindsthatneitherJackson's

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testimony or the emails (which Defendant allege are contemporaneous evidence)

are equivalents for the video and that the prejudice cannot be cured.

As to the third factor, the Court must consider the practical importance of

the evidence. Plaintiff argues that the video footage was the single piece of
relevant evidence for purposes of proving pretext and causation. Doc. No. [49],
p. 7. Defendant Wal-Mart argues that the video footage was immaterial and
a small-piece of the retaliation scheme alleged by


court does not agree that

the video footage is


plaintiff. Doc. No. [66], p.3.

immaterial. The video footage

is relevant evidence and the footage has practical importance in terms of

Plaintiffs ability to prove retaliation.
As to the fourth factor, the Court must consider whether Defendant wal-

Mart acted in good or bad faith.

[r considering whether there was bad faith,

"[t]he court should weigh the degree of the spoliator's culpability against the
prejudice to the opposingparty." F\ury,427 F3d at946. ,,Mere negligence,, in
losing or destroying the records is not enough for an adverse inference, "as it
does not sustain an in-ference of consciousness of a week case." Bashir v. Amtrak,
119 F.3d 929,931. (11th Cir. 1997).a

* The parties
disagree as to whether there must have been intentional destruction

of the video to show bad faith. At least one district court has interpreted Eleventh

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Plaintiffs evidence of bad faith consists of the deposition testimony of

Store Manager Jackson, who responded in the affirmative when asked if he was
aware that whatever was on the surveillance video could be important evidence

regarding the basis for Plaintiff's termination. Doc. No. 49-1,, p.66. Defendant

Wal-Mart argues that this statement by Jackson, a non-lawyer, concerns

Plaintiff's terminatiory not future litigation. After review, the Court finds that the
statement, combined

with the totality of the circumstances, are sufficient to

attribute bad faith to Defendant Wal-Mart. In essence, as noted by the

magistrate, "grven the numerous indications from Plaintiff that he would
challenge Walmart's decision to terminate his employmen!" ,,a reasonable


could find it implausible that walmart decisionmakers would make no effort to

preserve surveillance video footage supporting the termination decision." Doc.

No. [53], p. 44. The Court finds that Plaintiff have shown something more than
mere negligence in Wal-Mart's destruction of the videotape footage.

Circuit authority to conclude that "t]he party claiming spoilation must present
'probative evidence' that the relevant materials were'purpoiely lost or destrbyed."'

Williams v. Wal-Mart Stores. Inc..584 F. Supp. 2d.731.6,7921.-22 (M.D. Ala. 2008t aff,d
342F . App'x 478 (1lth cir. 2009). After review of said case and binding Eleventh circuit
authority, the Courtfinds thatit is not clear as to whether "purposely lost or destroyed,"
is the actual standard. It is, however, clear thatsomething more than,,mere negligence,,
is required.

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After weighing the Defendant's culpability and the resulting prejudice to

the Plaintiff and consideration of the other Flury factors, the Court finds that the

factors weigh in favor of sanctions.

The Court finds that the appropriate sanctions are: (1) a jury inshuction
that inJorms the jury that destruction of the video footage creates a presumption

that Wal-Marfs stated reason for terminating Plaintiff was pretextual and that

retaliation was the but-for cause of Plaintiff's termination; (2) an award of

attorney's fees attributable to Plaintiff having to bring the pending motion.

Plaintiff's Renewed Motion for sanctions for spoliation of Evidence (Doc.
No. [65] is hereby GRANTED. The court orders the following sanctions. At
trial, the jury will be instructed that destruction of the video footage creates a

presumption that wal-Mart's stated reason for terminating plaintiff was

pretextual and that retaliation was the but-for cause of plaintiff's termination.s
The Court further awards Plaintiff attorney's fees attributable to the pending

. The_e-xact l3nguage of the jury instruction will be finalized during the charge
conference. Plaintiff shall submit a_draft jury

instruction in its proposed juiy charge in

accordance with the time lines set forth in the Court's instructi-ons at ooc. No.

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motion in the amount of $19,$ Defendant shall pay said attomey's fee
amount to Plaintiffs Counsel within thirty (30) days of the enty of this Order.


day of



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