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People of the Philippines vs Sandagon

233 scra 108; GR No. 106897


Whether the evidence presented are sufficient to prove that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
the crime charged against him.
It is not enough to say that a girl would not expose herself to the humiliation of a rape complaint unless the
charge is true. That is putting things too simply. For the prosecution to succeed, it is also necessary to find that
the complainant's story is by itself believable independently of the presumption. Otherwise, if all that mattered
was that presumption, every accusation of rape would inevitably result, without need of further evidence, in the
conviction of the accused. This would militate against the rule that in every criminal prosecution, including rape
cases, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved.
The established doctrine is that the conviction of the accused must rest on the strength of the prosecution and
not the weakness of the defense. Even if Sandagon's version may be weak in spots, it nevertheless appears to
be more credible than the story narrated by the complainant. The claim that she approached a man she did not
know and willingly went with him in search of her uncle makes the tale suspect at the very start. It seems to be
the prologue to a succession of inventions grown increasingly suspicious with each place supposedly visited by
the two and each rape allegedly committed.
The Court also notes that although Maricel was gone for one whole month, her family did not take any action to
look for her or to report her disappearance to the police. This inaction is more consistent with the appellant's
claim of elopement rather than the complainant's story of abduction and rape.
The appellant's failure to introduce in evidence letters or gifts exchanged between him and Maricel, or other
mementoes of their relationship, does not disprove his claim that they were sweethearts. The best evidence of
this was the fact that they traveled and lived together as husband and wife for one whole month, during which
period Maricel had many opportunities to leave him if she wanted to but chose not to do so. At any rate, a
romance need not be documented with love letters and other protestations in writing but may develop on oral
understandings and even tacit consent, without benefit of written commitments.
The situation is common enough, and familiar to this Court. There is an elopement. The girl's parents are
distraught. Eventually, the repentant couple return to the girl's home. The man assures her parents that he is
willing to marry their daughter and in fact begs for their permission and blessing. But the parents are
unforgiving. They choose to prosecute the man and pressure the girl. Soon, with their moral ascendancy over
her, she is persuaded to give testimony against her erstwhile lover. The elopement becomes an abduction with
rape and the romantic escapade is reduced to a sordid affair.
While we do not suggest that this was what happened in the case at bar, such a possibility has strengthened
the misgivings engendered in us by Maricel's implausible testimony. Consequently, considering the
constitutional presumption of innocence in favor of the appellant, and after weighing the evidence of the
parties, we have to rule that the conviction of the appellant cannot be affirmed because his guilt has not been
proved beyond reasonable doubt.

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