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OCTOBER 4, 2007

Serial No. 110–70

Printed for the use of the Committee on Energy and Commerce


44–948 PDF WASHINGTON : 2008

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

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JOHN D. DINGELL, Michigan, Chairman
EDWARD J. MARKEY, Massachusetts Ranking Member
BOBBY L. RUSH, Illinois NATHAN DEAL, Georgia
ANNA G. ESHOO, California ED WHITFIELD, Kentucky
Vice Chairman Mississippi
MICHAEL F. DOYLE, Pennsylvania STEVE BUYER, Indiana
TOM ALLEN, Maine JOSEPH R. PITTS, Pennsylvania
JAN SCHAKOWSKY, Illinois MARY BONO, California
HILDA L. SOLIS, California GREG WALDEN, Oregon
JAY INSLEE, Washington MIKE FERGUSON, New Jersey
MIKE ROSS, Arkansas SUE WILKINS MYRICK, North Carolina
ANTHONY D. WEINER, New York TIM MURPHY, Pennsylvania
BARON P. HILL, Indiana

SHARON E. DAVIS, Chief Clerk
DAVID L. CAVICKE, Minority Staff Director

BART STUPAK, Michigan, Chairman
CHARLIE MELANCON, Louisiana Ranking Member
Vice Chairman GREG WALDEN, Oregon
GENE GREEN, Texas TIM MURPHY, Pennsylvania
JAY INSLEE, Washington JOE BARTON, Texas (ex officio)
JOHN D. DINGELL, Michigan (ex officio)


Hon. Bart Stupak, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan,
opening statement ................................................................................................ 1
Hon. Joe Barton, a Representative in Congress from the State of Texas,
opening statement ................................................................................................ 3
Hon. Gene Green, a Representative in Congress from the State of Texas,
opening statement ................................................................................................ 5
Hon. Michael C. Burgess, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Texas, opening statement .................................................................................... 6
Hon. Marsha Blackburn, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Tennessee, opening statement ............................................................................ 8
Hon. John D. Dingell, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michi-
gan, prepared statement ...................................................................................... 49
Hon. Ed Whitfield, a Representative in Congress from the Commonwealth
of Kentucky, prepared statement ....................................................................... 50

Keith Rhodes, Chief Technologist, Center for Technology and Engineering,
U.S. Government Accountability Office .............................................................. 10
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 13
Richard Besser, M.D., Director, Coordinating Office for Terrorism, Prepared-
ness and Emergency Response, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 67
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 69
Hugh Auchincloss, M.D., Deputy Director, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services ............................................................................... 74
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 75
Eddie J. Davis, interim president, Texas A&M University ................................. 91
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 92
Gigi Kwik Gronvall, senior associate, assistant professor of medicine, Center
for Biodiversity, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center ............................... 105
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 106
Alan Pearson, director, Biological and Chemical Weapons Control Program,
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation ................................................ 110
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 112
Edward Hammond, the Sunshine Project ............................................................. 143
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 145

‘‘High-Containment Biodefense Research Laboratories: Meeting Report and
Center Recommendations’’ Gigi Kwik Gronvall, et al. ...................................... 174
Subcommittee hearing exhibts ............................................................................... 185



Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:05 a.m., in room
2123 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Bart Stupak
(chairman) presiding.
Members present: Representatives Stupak, DeGette, Green, Ins-
lee, Burgess, Blackburn, and Barton.
Staff present: John Sopko, John Arlington, Paul Jung, Scott
Schloegel, Kyle Chapman, Kristen Carpenter, Peter Spencer, and
Alan Slobodin.
Mr. STUPAK. Today we have a hearing on Germs, Viruses, and
Secrets: The Silent Proliferation of Bio-Laboratories in the United
States. Each Member will be recognized for 5 minutes for an open-
ing statement. I will begin.
This is the first of what will likely be several hearings this com-
mittee intends to hold to examine the risk associated with the re-
cent proliferation of high-containment biological research labora-
tories. Today’s hearing is focused on high-contaminate bio-labora-
tories known as BSL–3 and BSL–4 labs in the United States. We
anticipate a future hearing will examine the proliferation of high-
containment labs outside of the United States. Another hearing
will examine the Department of Homeland Security’s plan to close
Plum Island Animal Disease Center and build a new $500 million
animal research facility elsewhere, including a new BSL–4 lab.
Our hearing today will focus on the risk associated with the re-
cent increase of domestic BSL–3 and BSL–4 labs. These BSL–3 and
4 labs are the facilities where research is conducted on highly in-
fectious viruses and bacteria that can cause injury or death. Some
of the world’s most exotic and most dangerous diseases are handled
at BSL–3 and 4 labs, including anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease
and Ebola fever. The accidental or deliberate release of some of the
biological agents handled at these labs could have catastrophic con-
sequences. Yet, as we will hear from the Government Accountabil-
ity Office, GAO, no single Government agency has the ultimate re-

sponsibility for ensuring the safety and securing of these high-con-

tainment labs. However, GAO states there is a major expansion of
the number of BSL laboratories is occurring both in United States
and abroad but the full extent of that expansion is unknown.
No one in the Federal Government even knows for sure how
many of these labs there are in the United States, much less what
research they are doing or whether they are safe and secure.
What we do know is that the Federal Government has been fund-
ing the proliferation of these labs on an unprecedented scale. For
the past 5 years, the NIH has spent more than $1 billion on the
construction of new BSL–3 and BSL–4 labs. Given the serious risk
associated with these labs, we must ask if all these new labs are
necessary. Has the NIH carefully assessed the need for these labs
before writing checks to build them? Would we be better off ex-
panding existing facilities rather than building dozens of new ones?
When it comes to BSL–4 labs, which are the labs that deal with
the most serious diseases for which there is no cure, should we sig-
nificantly limit the number of labs so there are fewer chances for
an accidental or intentional release of these most dangerous sub-
stances? Has the proliferation of these labs reached the point at
which there are so many labs doing this research that you actually
increase the chances of catastrophic release of a deadly disease?
Apart from the issue of mushroom growth of these labs, perhaps
the most important question looming over all this is, are these labs
safe? The most serious accidents so far have occurred outside the
U.S., including the death of a Russian lab worker exposed to Ebola
and the SARS infections that sickened several people and killed a
lab worker in Asia. Here in the U.S. for the past 4 years, the CDC
has received more than 100 incident reports from labs handling se-
lect agents. However, there are indications that the actual number
of incidents may be much higher.
It is also alarming to note that more than a third of the incident
reports are from 2007, which begs the question of why has there
been such a steep increase in BSL incidents.
Federal regulations require reports only for incidents involving
so called select agents, a list of highly dangerous pathogens. But
other dangerous biological pathogens are not on the select agent
list, such as hantavirus, SARS and dengue fever. It appears that
there is no Federal oversight of the possession, use or transfer of
these dreaded diseases nor is there any requirement that the theft,
loss or release of these agents will be reported to Federal officials.
Even for select agents which are regulated, there may be a sig-
nificant amount of under-reporting of laboratory mishaps. A case of
point is Texas A&M University. Texas A&M recently reported to
the CDC that one of its lab researchers had been infected in 2006
with Brucella and that blood tests of three other workers indicated
two fever exposures. They reported the incidents only after one of
our witnesses, Ed Hammond, of the Sunshine Project exposed the
incidents on his Web site. The CDC’s subsequent investigation of
the Texas A&M lab revealed a number of serious violations of the
select agent rules, including lost samples, unapproved experiments,
a lack of training, safety training and lab workers without FBI
clearance, which is required for working with select agents. Unfor-
tunately, the CDC’s August investigation revealed not only short-

comings at the Texas A&M University but also shortcomings on the

part of CDC’s own oversight. It turns out that the CDC had in-
spected the very same Texas A&M lab prior to the disclosure of
these incidents and found only minor problems. This may indicate
that the periodic lab inspections that CDC carries out may not be
as thorough as one might hope.
Other recent incidents indicate additional problems presented by
labs around the country. Problems at the CDC’s own lab in Atlanta
and recent outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in the UK linked
to a high-containment lab at Pirbright illustrate the importance of
proper laboratory design, construction and maintenance, in addi-
tion to workers’ safety, worker training and security.
The potential human risk involved in high-containment labora-
tory biological research demand that this subcommittee take a clos-
er look at whether these labs are being designed, constructed and
operated safely. As I said, this is the first of several hearings our
Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee will conduct on germs,
viruses, and secrets.
With that I will yield back.
I will next turn to Mr. Barton.
Mr. BARTON. Thank you, Chairman Stupak, for holding this
hearing. I want to also commend Ranking Member Whitfield, who
is not yet in attendance, for his efforts.
To my knowledge, this is the first congressional hearing into the
safety and security of our Nation’s bio-laboratories. It is a matter
that deserves attention and I believe that it is timely to take it up
at this point in time.
Today we mark 6 years ago to the day that the Center for Dis-
ease Control, the director of the Center for Disease Control, learned
that lab tests confirmed that a patient dying a South Florida hos-
pital was infected with anthrax. As it turned out, this was the first
evidence in only a few weeks after 9/11. Our Nation, including the
Nation’s Capitol, faced a series of bioterrorism attacks using weap-
ons-grade anthrax that was delivered through the mail. Con-
sequently, five people died. That case, to this day, remains un-
solved. In the wake of the anthrax attacks, the public and the Con-
gress were astonished to learn that the Federal Government did
not know how many U.S. labs handled anthrax nor could the Fed-
eral Government identify every laboratory in the country with ac-
cess to the Ames strain of weaponized anthrax that had been used
in the attacks. Congress responded by passing the Bioterrorism Act
in 2002, which originated, if I recall correctly, in this committee.
It established a regulatory system at the Centers for Disease Con-
trol over the possession, use and transfer of select agents and tox-
ins. We also dramatically increased spending for the building, ex-
panding laboratories that research deadly germs and toxins.
These kinds of facilities are known as biosafety level 3 and 4 lab-
oratories. They deal in highly infectious viruses and other biologi-
cal agents. The critical part of what they do, however, must be to
protect the public and their own workers from the inherent dangers
involved in researching the very things that they research. Strict

safety rules and guidelines must be required to protect against

leaks, losses, are thefts of these deadly materials.
This hearing explores several questions. Has a Bioterrorism Act
helped improved Federal oversight of select agents? Are there over-
sight gaps? Is the expansion to research laboratories an unmiti-
gated good or does it pose serious risk? And how well do we man-
age risk? There are serious reasons to be worried. Records obtained
by the committee from the CDC revealed more than 100 acts in
missing shipments in 2003. Fortunately, as far as we know, no
deaths have been reported and it does not seem that the public has
been at risk so far. A very serious biosafety incident has occurred
at my alma mater, Texas A&M University. We have the president
of Texas A&M here today to testify about what happened there and
what Texas A&M has done to make sure that that does not happen
While we are examining the possible gaps in the Federal and in-
stitutional oversight of biosafety, we should also realize that the
work performed in these high-risk laboratories is critical to our Na-
tion’s defense and health. Much has been made about the secrecy
surrounding the bio-laboratories but it hardly seems surprising
that the world of bioterrorism research is also a world steeped in
secrecy. We might need this secrecy for our own protection but it
can also let bad habits go unnoticed and unchallenged until a crisis
exposes them.
We have seen that happen over and over again at our weapons
laboratory at Los Alamos. Last year this subcommittee had to
probe to learn that at the National Institutes of Health there was
no central inventory of human tissue samples nor any systematic
collection of data about them. We learned about that particular
problem within the NIH only after the system was abused for per-
sonal gain. We also learned in the last several years how some
Government scientists have been earning outside income by con-
sulting for drug companies. We have found that a few have oper-
ated completely outside of the NIH approval and disclosure rules.
Secrecy does not seem to nurture the truth sometimes, so the
fact that biosafety rules have been bent and lab safety breaches
have been concealed somehow should not come to us as a complete
We are going to hear from several distinguished witnesses about
the regulatory and oversight system of these laboratories. I want
to particularly welcome the acting president of Texas A&M, Mr.
Eddie Joe Davis. He is a personal friend of mine. He has assured
me that A&M is doing everything possible to correct the problem
and make sure it does not happen again. And I will assure this
committee, as a past chairman of this subcommittee and a past
chairman of the full committee, that if we know of a problem at
Texas A&M, I will guarantee I will help correct it and I will do
whatever it takes, including calling the Governor, the chairman of
the Board of Regents, to make sure if the changes need to be made,
they will be made. Texas A&M will be a model of how to do things
right. Not that they have not been in the past but they sure will
be in the present and the future in terms of this issue. You have
my personal guarantee of that, Mr. Chairman.

With that I yield back to the committee and look forward to

hearing of the witnesses today.
Mr. STUPAK. I thank the ranking member. Members will be mov-
ing in and out of this hearing as we have another hearing upstairs
on Environment and Hazardous Materials. I guess that is an ap-
propriate subcommittee for subject of today’s hearing here.
Ms. DeGette, opening statement please?
Ms. DEGETTE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to associ-
ate myself with your opening statement and waive my opening
statement in favor of more time for questions.
Mr. STUPAK. Very good. Mr. Green?
Mr. GREEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding the hearing.
I appreciate you mentioning our subcommittee hearing upstairs.
There are so many of us who are also members of that and so we
will be coming and going all day, along with votes on the House
But I particularly appreciate you holding this hearing on the
growth of biosafety labs and the inherent safety risks we must
work to mitigate.
For most of us here today, the dangers associated with bioagents
are all too real as we served in this capitol complex in 2001. Sev-
eral of our colleagues were targets of anthrax attacks. That attack
shed tremendous light on our lack of capacity to research these
agents for their health risk and find cures for the most dangerous
of them.
Today, approximately 6 years later, we are charged with deter-
mining whether that capacity was increased too quickly without
appropriate regulatory guidelines and safeguards. We will hear a
lot today about the incidents at Texas A&M, BSL–3 lab. There is
no question that the incidents have cast a dark shadow on Texas
A&M select agent research program.
It appears that the proper procedure are either unknown or bla-
tantly ignored and the university has taken full responsibility by
firing the individuals who acted irresponsibly and putting the full
weight of the university behind resolving the remaining issues.
I am pleased that Dr. Davis has agreed to testify before the com-
mittee today to help us learn about the A&M experience and iden-
tify any Federal oversight gaps that need to be addressed by regu-
lation or statute.
There are several basic concerns we must address such as the
fact that we do not even know how many biosafety labs are operat-
ing in our country. We know there are currently 15 BSL–4 labs ei-
ther operational or under construction, that these labs handle the
most deadly agents for which there is no treatment currently avail-
able. We know that there are 400 BSL–3 labs registered with the
Centers for Disease Control, yet the only factor that triggers the
requirement to register with the CDC seems to be the use of select
agents and the official list of select agents is not continuously up-
dated. We seem to have no clue about how many other labs there
are working on agents that may not appear on that list yet are un-
deniably dangerous. I have every confidence this hearing will be ef-

fective in routing out many of the other regulatory issues that are
facing our biological research laboratories. In our quest to fix many
of the problems, however, I hope we will not lose sight of the need
for this research being conducted in our country.
I am proud to have much of this research being conducted in my
own backyard at UTMB, University of Texas Medical Branch in
Galveston. I recently visited the construction site of UTMB’s Gal-
veston National Lab, which is one of only two national biocontain-
ment laboratories in this country. The research at the Galveston
National Lab will be conducted to develop therapies and vaccines
and tests for diseases like West Nile Virus, Ebola virus and drug
resistant TB, which I’ve had legislation on.
As a nation, we need the work to be performed in our country.
During my visit to UTMB in May I learned first-hand about the
measures UTMB is taking to ensure that the lab is built with every
contingency in mind. I have also learned about the competence of
training program that UTMB has put in place. Frankly, many of
the incidents we will hear about today could have been avoided had
appropriate and thorough training of research and lab employees
taken place.
I plan to focus a good portion of my questions on the safety as-
pect of the issue, not only because there seems to be a universal
need facing biosafety labs but I also have a mild personal interest
in it since my daughter is currently in her second year of fellowship
in infectious disease at UTMB. It is entirely possible she will work
on some of the research conducted in select agents either in the
currently operational BSL–4 or in the Galveston National Lab
when it opens next summer. As a parent to that research, I want
to make sure that these biosafety labs adhere to the highest safety
training standards. And it is a source of personal comfort that
UTMB has placed such an emphasis on that safety training. Given
the growth of these labs nationwide, I think we need to step up our
safety training efforts nationwide and my office will begin to draft
legislation on this important issue.
And I appreciate the witnesses here today and the chairman for
calling this hearing because our Oversight and Investigation Sub-
committee does the investigation, then we have to go from there to
draft legislation. And thank you, again, Mr. Chairman. I yield back
my time.
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, Mr. Green. Mr. Burgess, opening state-
ment please.
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I want
to assure you that I do not have duties in the other subcommittee
so I will be with you all day. I did not want you to feel in danger
or abandoned.
Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding the hearing today. I am
grateful that we are investigating this. We are in the 21st century
and we have come so far from 20th century problems, 20th century
difficulties and now providing for our common defense surely in-
cludes homeland security and protecting our homeland against the
threat of biological attack.

Recent years we have seen Hurricane Katrina, we have seen

SARS, we have seen threats of bird flu. So natural disasters come
into that list as well. We have got to have the guidelines in place.
We have got to have guidelines in our labs, our streets to ensure
that the very situations we are trying to protect ourselves against
do not foster the environment that could be ripe for the type of bio-
logical accident or catastrophe that we all fear.
Mr. Chairman, you are right, the labs are proliferated. That is
appropriate because of the 21st century threat. Our regulation re-
mains mired in the last century. There is a plethora of agencies but
they are beset by a lack of communication, which is typical of the
stove piping that frequently occurs within Federal agencies. And I
hope that our committee will put itself to the task of eliminating
those barriers.
The truth is, the Federal Government only regulates a specific
list of select agents but this list does not seem to be updated with
sufficient frequency and, in fact, does not include some of the most
deadly and contagious pathogens including the viruses responsible
for severe adult respiratory syndrome or SARS. I cannot help but
wonder, Mr. Chairman, if we are doing enough to keep this list up-
dated to ensure that our scientists and our private citizens are pro-
I know this is supposed to be the first in a series of hearings on
this issue and I ask that we specifically look into whether or not
the list is updated, how it is updated and if it is done in a most
timely fashion.
Now, our committee has an important responsibility to the Amer-
ican public and over the years I am grateful for the active and ag-
gressive oversight that we have had in many of our labs in the
country. As terrorism becomes more and more sophisticated and
global activities seem to make the world a smaller and smaller
place, we must continue to implement and maintain comprehensive
measures for our safety.
Today’s hearing brings further light to serious and ongoing tran-
sit laboratories across the country. When labs do not take adequate
care and caution, they literally put some of the brightest minds of
the country in danger. Part of the responsibility falls on the Fed-
eral Government due to the ambiguity regarding the regulations
and the guidelines that labs must follow.
We, as members of this committee, have a duty and responsibil-
ity to the citizens of the country, to the scientists of the country,
to resolve any ambiguities that currently exist within the Federal
regulations so that the biosafety in all labs can be assured. The sad
reality is that while the security breaches that have recently been
documented in the newspapers, while they are serious, ultimately
they could have been catastrophic had the right conditions pre-
vailed at the time that those breaches occurred.
But having said all that, I do want to join my Texas colleagues
in welcoming the president of one of the premier research facilities
in the United States, which happens to be in one of the premier
States in the United States, the State of Texas. So Texas A&M
president, Dr. Ed Davis, welcome to our committee. Of course,
A&M has produced some of the greatest thinking minds of this cen-
tury, including our ranking member, Mr. Barton. Unfortunately,

there has also been some controversy and today they are not going
to just be talking about the football team record.
Dr. Davis, thank you for being here today and we look forward
to hearing your discussion of exactly what happened in college sta-
tion. Hopefully, you can give us some guidance on what we should
do at our level to resolve the ambiguity and allow your scientists
to have the tools in place to provide the safety that they need to
conduct their research and ultimately protect the American people.
I would also like to briefly mention, as did my colleague, Mr.
Green, the issue of training at the University of Texas Medical
Branch in Galveston. They have been a leader in this, responding
to a need and developing a formal training center for laboratory
personnel. They are receiving Federal dollars through the Depart-
ment of Defense appropriations bill. Just make a note to the Major-
ity that we do need to vote on a conference report on the Depart-
ment of Defense appropriations bill with all haste and that that
should not be encumbered with other issues and I would encourage
you to talk to your leadership so that we can get that done and this
great lab in Mr. Green’s district can go forward and provide the
training that the scientists need. And they are going to work in
conjunction with the Center for Disease Control and the National
Institute of Health.
Again, Mr. Chairman, I thank you for holding this important
hearing. I know we have got a lot of issues to get to today, so I
want to be generous to you and I will yield back the balance of my
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you for yielding back 35 seconds. Next, go to
Mr. Inslee for an opening statement. Please, sir?
Mr. INSLEE. I will waive my opening. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STUPAK. Mrs. Blackburn, opening statement?
Mrs. BLACKBURN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate the
hearing and I will also, since my late father-in-law was a Texas
Aggie, I will express my welcome to Mr. Hammond also and to any
of the other Aggies that are in the audience.
I am delighted that we are having this hearing today. The hear-
ing focuses on facilities that conduct research on specific infectious
diseases, term-select agents. The labs that conduct the research on
these select agents are classified as either a biosafety level 3 or 4.
Now, in Tennessee, at the University of Tennessee, there are a cou-
ple of different labs. One is in Memphis and one is in Oak Ridge.
The UT Health Science Center in Memphis is currently construct-
ing a new regional BSL–3 biocontainment lab but we are pleased
with that facility and pleased with the progress that they have
made on some of their biotechnology and the research that goes
with that. This is something when I was in the State senate in
Tennessee. I spent a good bit of time trying to help get off the
ground helping start the biotechnology association and the task
force that help feed the energy into that when I was in the State
senate. We know that these facilities are working with materials
that can potentially cause serious harm to humans and to animals

with some of the pathogens having no known cure. In today’s

world, the threat of terrorism, as my good colleague has mentioned,
is present. Not only could terrorists potentially use one of the
pathogens to harm the public, there is also the possibility that
those wishing America harm could genetically alter these patho-
gens to form a new strain with no known cure.
And while I understand that the research is clearly needed, we
must also focus on the safety of those performing the research, as
well as the communities in which these labs and facilities are lo-
cated. I think we have all expressed concern with the way the
counting is done and knowing how many of these are actually
available. We know that the NIH said there was 277 in 2005 and
today the number is estimated to be around 400. I will let go also
one of the things that my colleague was mentioning. The lack of
communication between the agencies. When you look at the FDA,
the CDC and the NIH, Mr. Chairman, we continue to hear, wheth-
er it is in health sub or here, the inter-agency, as well as the intra-
agency communication and collaboration and share of information
seems to not be what we would like for it to be, especially when
we are looking at something as delicate and as necessary as the
type of research we are talking about and I hope that we have the
opportunity to address some of that today.
I do want to welcome our witnesses today. As I said, especially
any Aggies who are before us, I will join in welcoming them. I also
look forward to hearing and engaging in the Q and A. And, Mr.
Chairman, I yield back my time.
Mr. STUPAK. I thank the gentlelady for her opening statement.
That concludes the opening statements. Before we begin with testi-
mony, I would like to recognize our colleague, Chet Edwards, who
is here. Chet has Texas A&M in his district and I know he has
talked to me and others about this issue. So welcome, Chet. Seeing
no other members, we will move forward to our first panel of wit-
We have Dr. Keith Rhodes, Chief Technologist, Government Ac-
countability Office, Center for Technology and Engineering. And
with Dr. Rhodes is Dr. Sharma, who is GAO’s Assistant Director
of Applied Research and Methods.
It is the policy of the subcommittee to take all testimony under
oath. Please be advised that witnesses have the right under the
rules of the House to be advised by counsel during their testimony.
Do either of you gentlemen wished to be represented by counsel?
Mr. Rhodes? Dr. Sharma? No. OK. Witnesses indicated they do not,
therefore, I will ask you to rise, raise your right hand, take the
[Witnesses sworn.]
Mr. STUPAK. Let the record reflect that the witnesses replied in
the affirmative. You are now under oath. Dr. Rhodes, are you going
to start with your opening statement please?
Mr. RHODES. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, members
of the subcommittee, my colleague, Dr. Sharma, and I are pleased
to be here today to discuss our preliminary findings on the over-
sight of the expansion in the United States of biosafety level 3 and
biosafety level 4 labs, also known as high-containment labs. This
expansion is, in part, a response to the global spread of emerging
infectious diseases and the threat of bioterrorism. As you know,
BSL–3 and 4 labs often contain the most dangerous infectious dis-
ease agents like Ebola, small pox and avian influenza.
Although high-containment labs are designed to promote the
safety of researchers and the public, accidents and security
breaches have occurred in the past and they will occur in the fu-
ture. Experts tell us that most accidents occur due to human error,
which cannot be completely eliminated. In addition, these labs can
be used by terrorists or people with malicious intent to acquire or
develop harmful biological agents, posing a serious threat to our
national security and public health.
The intentional dissemination of anthrax in the U.S. mail high-
lighted major gaps in our civilian capacity to respond to a biological
attack. One such gap noted by the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases was the shortage of high-containment lab ca-
pacity available to conduct research for medical countermeasures.
To address this concern, the administration and Congress re-
sponded by providing increased funding for biodefense research and
for additional BSL 3 and BSL 4 labs in the private sector, espe-
cially in university settings.
As a result, concerns have been raised about the adequacy of
oversight of these labs because the deliberate or accidental release
of biological agents can have disastrous consequences, such as ex-
posing workers and the public. In addition, concerns have been
raised about their safety, as well as operations. Finally, there are
security concerns about the potential theft of the agents them-
selves. Accordingly, you asked us to address the following three
questions. One: Is there an expansion going on? Two: Who is in
charge of this expansion? And three: What lessons can be learned
from recent incidents at three high-containment labs? With regard
to expansion, Mr. Chairman, as you can see on the charts, we
found that a major expansion of BSL 3 and 4 labs is taking place
in the United States. For example, concerning BSL–4 labs, which
handle the most dangerous agents, the number of these labs has
increased from five before the terrorist attacks of 2001 to 15, in-
cluding at least one in planning. With regard to BSL–3 labs, no one
knows how many there are but the number is surely in the thou-
sands. In the past, the most dangerous of these types of labs, that
is the BSL–4 labs, were largely in Federal hands. But since 2001,
the expansion is taking place across many sectors, Federal, State,
academic and private and across most of the United States. While
information on expansion is available about high-containment labs

that are one, registered with the select agent program and two, fed-
erally funded, much less is known about the expansion of labs out-
side the select agent program, as well as the non-federally funded
labs including their location, activities and ownership.
With regard to who is in charge of this expansion, Mr. Chairman,
we found no single Federal agency has the mission and, therefore,
is accountable for tracking the number of all BSL–3 and 4 labs
within the United States. Although several agencies have a need
to know the number and location of these labs to support their mis-
sions, no agency knows how many such labs there are in the
United States or their locations. Therefore, no Federal agency is re-
sponsible for determining the aggregate risks associated with the
expansion of these labs. Since there is a baseline risk associated
with any high-containment lab, the aggregate risk associated with
this expansion will increase as their numbers increase. Impor-
tantly, the safety and security risks will be greater for new labs
with less experience.
Finally, from the three recent incidents that you asked us to ex-
amine, one: the failure to report to CDC exposures to select agents
by Texas A&M University, two: the power outage at CDC’s new
BSL–4 lab, and three: the most recent release of the foot-and-
mouth disease virus at Pirbright in the United Kingdom. We have
identified six lessons that can be learned. These lessons highlight
the importance of one: identifying and overcoming barriers to re-
porting in order to enhance biosafety through shared learning from
mistakes and to assure the public that accidents are examined and
contained. Two, training lab staff in general biosafety, as well as
in specific agents being used in the labs to ensure maximum pro-
tection. Three, developing mechanisms for informing medical pro-
viders about all the agents that lab staff work with to ensure quick
diagnosis and effective treatment. Four, addressing confusion over
the definition of exposure to aid in the consistency of reporting.
Five, ensuring that BSL–4 lab safety and security measures are
commensurate with the level of risk these labs present. And six,
maintaining high-containment labs to ensure integrity of physical
infrastructure over time.
In summary, the expansion of BSL–3 and 4 labs is indeed taking
place in the United States and it is proceeding in a decentralized
fashion. While some expansion may be justified, unwarranted ex-
pansion without adequate oversight is proliferation, not expansion.
Since the full extent of the expansion is not known, it is unclear
how the Federal Government can ensure that sufficient but not su-
perfluous capacity, bringing with it additional unnecessary risk is
being created.
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, the limited Federal oversight that
does exist for high-containment labs is fragmented among different
Federal agencies and for the most part, relies on self-policing.
As you have said in your opening statement, the inherent weak-
nesses of an oversight system based on self-policing are highlighted
by the Texas A&M University case. While CDC inspected the labs
at Texas A&M in February 2006, as part of its routine inspection,
its inspectors failed to identify three items. One, a worker became
exposed and ill. Two, unauthorized experiments were being con-
ducted and unauthorized individuals were entering the labs. And

three, both the agents and infected animals were missing. It was
not until a public advocacy group learned of the Brucella incident
and according to this group, applied pressure by demanding records
about the incident, that the university reported this incident to the
CDC. This report prompted the subsequent in-depth investigations
by the CDC. This incident is raising serious concerns about, one,
how well the agency polices select agent research being conducted
in over 400 high-containment labs registered under the select agent
program located at various universities around the country and,
two, whether the safety of the public is compromised. Moreover, if
similar safety breaches are occurring at other labs, they are not
being reported nor is CDC finding them.
I want to leave you with this thought. Since the labs are largely
overseeing themselves at this point, it is not the regulators but
only the operators of these labs who can tell you whether the three
recent incidents are the tip of the iceberg or the iceberg itself.
Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared remarks. Dr. Sharma
and I stand ready to answer any questions you or members of the
subcommittee may have.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Rhodes follows:]

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, Dr. Rhodes. Dr. Sharma, you do not
have an opening statement, sir?
Mr. STUPAK. OK. For the record, without objection, Mr. Dingell’s
statement will be submitted for the record.
I am sure Mr. Whitfield has one and when he comes up, it will
be submitted for the record, as well as opening statements of other
members of the subcommittee.
The prepared statements of Messrs. Dingell and Whitfield fol-

Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this important hearing. I congratulate you
for shining some much-needed light on the hidden world of bio-research, and I look
forward to assisting you in this investigation as we go forward.
The central question raised by these hearings is simply this: Are these high-level
biosafety laboratories safe?
The fact is that we just don’t know. According to the Government Accountability
Office (GAO), no single Federal agency even knows how many high-level biosafety
labs there are or where they are, much less whether they are safe and secure. More-
over, no one Federal agency has the responsibility for tracking these labs and ensur-
ing their safe operation.
Even though no one seems to know how many labs there are, the National Insti-
tutes of Health has energetically funded the construction of new high-containment
biosafety labs all over the country, to the tune of more than $1 billion over the past
5 years. It is unclear whether anyone has based these funding decisions on a quan-
tifiable assessment of need. Mr. Chairman, I intend to ask GAO to review this
spending, to provide an overall accounting of how much was spent, where it was
spent, and on what basis.
Although we don’t know how many labs there are, GAO and other witnesses will
testify that the number of high-level biosafety labs has increased dramatically over
the last decade. For example, at the height of the Cold War, and as little as 10 years
ago, this country had only two Level-4 laboratories—laboratories that handle deadly
diseases that have no cure: one at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
and one belonging to the Army at Ft. Detrick, Maryland.
By next year, there will be 12 such labs in operation. Do we really need 12 labora-
tories that operate at the very highest level of security? Is there a good reason for
creating these labs or have we simply begun an arms race against ourselves?
I had hoped that the Department of Homeland Security would be here today to
assist us in answering some of these questions. I was surprised and displeased, how-
ever, to learn that even though DHS is responsible for homeland security, it de-
clined our invitation to testify on the grounds that they were too busy and otherwise
Perhaps we need to consider compelling the attendance of the proper DHS offi-
cials at our next hearing. That would also provide DHS with an opportunity to ex-
plain their proposal to close the Plum Island Animal Disease Center off the coast
of New York and move it to the mainland.
Plum Island is where the Department of Agriculture has for decades conducted
research on foot-and-mouth disease. Much to their credit, they have done so safely
and securely, and apparently without incident.
The DHS proposal to close Plum Island and move foot-and-mouth virus to the
mainland U.S. is utterly baffling. Foot-and-mouth is one of the most contagious dis-
eases in the world. We know from recent incidents in the U.K. that it can escape
from even a high-level biosafety lab. And we know that any release of the foot-and-
mouth virus could have a devastating effect on the U.S. livestock industry, just as
it did in the U.K. in 2001. Why then would DHS propose to move this Level-3 biolab
that works with the most dangerous animal diseases in the world from Plum Island
to the heart of farm country?
I look forward to this committee’s investigation of the Plum Island issue as part
of this series of hearings on biosafety laboratories.
Mr. Chairman, I thank you for your recognition and look forward to the testimony
of the witnesses.

Mr. STUPAK. We will begin with questioning, 5 minutes each. I

will begin. Dr. Rhodes, you mentioned select agents, how many se-
lect agents are there? These select agents being done at these labs.
Is it 72?
Mr. RHODES. Seventy-two.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. One of your last statements, you indicated that
there are other labs out there. You mentioned these 400 and some
high-containment labs. But there are other labs out there doing
other research on potentially dangerous agents and viruses and
diseases, is that correct?
Mr. RHODES. Correct.
Mr. STUPAK. Do you know how many other labs that are out
there that are not considered high-containment labs?
Mr. RHODES. No. That would be a larger number than the ones
that are labeled high-containment.
Mr. STUPAK. Of these other labs, are they Government-sponsored
labs, as in research being done at the direction or request of the
Federal Government?
Mr. RHODES. Not necessarily.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. But possible?
Mr. RHODES. Possibly.
Mr. STUPAK. So agents such as SARS, dengue fever, hantavirus,
they are not on these select agents?
Mr. RHODES. Correct.
Mr. STUPAK. And that research could be done in other labs that
we do not know about?
Mr. RHODES. Correct.
Mr. STUPAK. And these are just as deadly as an Ebola outbreak?
Mr. RHODES. Could be, potentially, yes.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. In your testimony you said you surveyed 12
Federal agencies involved with these high-containment labs, is that
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Mr. STUPAK. And several of these agencies have a need to know
within their agencies how many level 3 and how many level 4 labs
are in the United States and where they are located, is that cor-
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. If I read your testimony correctly of these 12 agen-
cies, none of them, not Homeland Security, not the Center for Dis-
ease Control, not the FBI, none of the agencies actually know how
many level 3 or level 4 labs are out there?
Mr. RHODES. Correct.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. The number of BSL–4 labs, those labs that
handle the most dangerous and lethal diseases, have increased
from two labs prior to 1990 to 15 today, is that correct?
Mr. RHODES. With one in planning. At least one is still in plan-
ning right now.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. You know, this committee also has jurisdiction,
we have done investigations into our nuclear weapons research in
Los Alamos and others. And it seems like in the field of nuclear
we limit the number of labs doing dangerous work so we can keep
the research closely regulated, under tight security, under Govern-
ment control and consolidated in a few locations rather than spread

across the country. With the BSL–4 labs, we could conceivably

have an outbreak of something, Ebola or whatever virus spread
amongst the 15 different labs with varying levels of physical secu-
rity. Should not Congress want these diseases in fewer hands and
fewer locations rather than more locations and more people dealing
with it?
Mr. RHODES. Well, from having come out of the nuclear weapons
lab program—I mean, that is my background, is in nuclear weap-
ons side. That was the direction that we took in the establishment
of the labs that are authorized to work with nuclear weapons mate-
rial, particularly special nuclear material. Part of that is risk. Two
laboratories were established so that there was competition be-
tween the laboratories. The idea being that you come up with a
better idea through the competitive designs. But you do not expand
beyond two. The more BSL–4 laboratories there are, the more op-
portunities for mistakes. The more opportunities there are for a re-
lease. BSL–4 handles the most dangerous biological agents. They
are the ones in some cases for which there are no medical counter-
measures. And so narrowing the field and bringing the number
down reduces your risk because each one of these laboratories does
have a baseline risk to it.
Mr. STUPAK. And one of the risks that Congress was concerned
about was terrorism, right?
Mr. RHODES. Absolutely.
Mr. STUPAK. So the more labs you have out there, the more op-
portunity, if you will, for something to go wrong to fall into the ter-
rorists’ hands.
Mr. RHODES. The more laboratories you have, the more staff you
Mr. STUPAK. Correct.
Mr. RHODES. The more staff that you have to perform back-
ground investigations on. The more people who are possible to be
compromised. The more material that has to be moved in order to
go from point A to another lab. It becomes an extremely complex
management of material problem.
Mr. STUPAK. After the anthrax problems we had in this country
in the fall of 2001, Congress charged the labs to develop medical
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Mr. STUPAK. Could you find anything where they said to build
more labs?
Mr. RHODES. I have not found anything that said, as a result of
that, build more labs. Now, the NIAID pointed out an extreme gap
in the laboratory structure for countermeasure research but from
the Government’s direct perspective and the directives out to both
industry and the scientific community and all that, it was counter-
measures, not specifically build laboratories.
Mr. STUPAK. Just one more and if you know the answer, maybe
you do not. There is a level 4 lab right near here in Bethesda, cor-
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. Did you check that lab?
Mr. RHODES. That is one of the labs that we researched.

Mr. STUPAK. Are they doing any hot stuff there at level 4 at Be-
Mr. RHODES. If I understand correctly, they are at level 3 at the
moment. They are only handling level 3 agents.
Mr. STUPAK. But they are licensed or not licensed but they are
a level 4 lab?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, they are a level 4 containment.
Mr. STUPAK. So it is capacity not being utilized, it is already
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Mr. Barton for questions please.
Mr. BARTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The implication in the
written report is that we have too many of these level 3 and level
4 biolabs. What would a good number be?
Mr. RHODES. I do not know what a good number would be, sir.
The point that we are trying to stress in the report is that no one
knows what the number is. Decomposing from capacity require-
ment to figure out what the number is. If labs are being built just
because money is available and not necessarily to meet a——
Mr. BARTON. Well, based on the need as you see it today, do we
need more or less?
Mr. RHODES. I do not know whether we need more or less but
we need to know the ones that we have and we need to know what
they are doing.
Mr. BARTON. The report does not seem to think—I mean, I get
the implication that the report indicates we have too many. I do
not care if you say 10 or 100 or 2.
Mr. RHODES. The point of the report is that there is too many
at the moment for the level of oversight that is being provided. So
it is stretched beyond the ability of the fragmented and decentral-
ized oversight that exists now.
Mr. BARTON. So you are not worried about——
Mr. RHODES. If the oversight is going to stay the way it is, we
need less labs because the oversight that is there right now cannot
keep up with the number and the expansion that is going——
Mr. BARTON. When you say the oversight right now, what do you
mean by the oversight? Do we have too many agencies? Are the
agencies we have not doing a good job?
Mr. RHODES. Well, we have no single agency. We have no agency
that actually knows what the number is and when we go out to the
agencies, we still cannot get what the number is.
Mr. BARTON. All right. How many agencies can fund one of these
level 3 or level 4 laboratories?
Mr. RHODES. Well, at the moment I think it would be 15.
Mr. BARTON. So there is 15 different Federal agencies that can
fund these laboratories.
Mr. RHODES. I think so.
Mr. BARTON. Is that correct?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, I think so.
Mr. BARTON. How many should there be? Should we only let one
agency fund them?
Mr. RHODES. No, you can let them all fund, that is fine but who
is going to provide the oversight and make certain that there is
cross communication between those organizations that are funding,

as well as those organizations that are providing the oversight?

Right now it is a very fragmented environment.
Mr. BARTON. So you do not have a problem that 15 different Fed-
eral agencies can fund these. Your problem is or the GAO’s prob-
lem, not your personal problem, but is it the agencies that fund
these labs do not coordinate between each other on oversight. Is
that correct?
Mr. RHODES. That is part of it and they are not coordinating on
the actual need for the laboratories. So a particular department
has funding and it says it has a need and it goes and funds a lab-
oratory when, for example, let us take Texas A&M.
Mr. BARTON. Just out of pulling a name out of a hat.
Mr. RHODES. Just pulling a name out of a hat. As you said in
your opening statement, they will be the model laboratory. Well,
why should not they be funded by multiple agencies and make cer-
tain that there is coordination amongst the funding so that the re-
quirements are met and why should not it be that their oversight
is coordinated as well so it is not fragmented?
Mr. BARTON. I would think, to pull a name out of a hat, Texas
A&M would love to have multiple sources of funding.
Mr. RHODES. I would imagine so. I would imagine many other ex-
isting laboratories would like that too. The problem is that, as the
number of labs increases, the risk increases and, as that risk in-
creases, the oversight becomes more difficult. As the oversight be-
comes more difficult, the transparency of what is going on in the
laboratory goes away and that is the major concern. If the United
States Government decides in consultation with the Congress re-
garding funding that there need to be 15, 20, 50 BSL–4 labs and
there are needs for it and there is adequate safety and security as-
sociated with it and there is adequate coordinated oversight and it
is meeting adequate requirements definition, so be it.
Mr. BARTON. If you had to pick one agency today to be the lead
coordinator for this new oversight system, which agency would that
Mr. RHODES. I cannot say that at this moment but we will report
that out in the recommendations in our final report. These are our
preliminary findings but we will report that out in our final report.
Mr. BARTON. Is there an existing agency that is capable of being
the lead agency for oversight that is already in existence? Can you
answer me that question?
Mr. RHODES. I do not know if I can answer that question. Let me
give you just one point I would make about that oversight. The
oversight has to be completely independent. The oversight cannot
come from someone who is operating a lab. I will give you the ex-
ample from the Pirbright incident in the United Kingdom. I will be
very, very surprised if anyone is ultimately held liable for the re-
lease of Foot and Mouth virus from that laboratory because the op-
erator of the lab is the regulator. There was a private laboratory
on the Government facility. Funding was coming from multiple di-
rections. Multiple kinds of research was being done. I do not think
they will be able to figure out who is ultimately responsible for the
leak and who is ultimately accountable for it. And one of the com-
plicating factors is that DEFRA, which is their version of the De-

partment of Agriculture, is the operator of that laboratory, as well

as the oversight.
Mr. BARTON. I have two more questions, Mr. Chairman. I know
that my time is expired. The first question is, should these type of
laboratories be allowed at academic institutions generically?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, I do not see why not. I mean, that is the——
Mr. BARTON. So it is not a problem per se that it is at an aca-
demic institution?
Mr. RHODES. It is absolutely not an issue of where the laboratory
is located. Obviously, people are going to have to have open hear-
ings about where it should be. It is not a question of academia.
Mr. BARTON. Last question, Mr. Chairman. The laboratory at
Texas A&M, was it level 3 or level 4, do you know?
Mr. RHODES. It is a level 3.
Mr. BARTON. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STUPAK. Just a question. I mentioned about Bethesda being
3 and Mr. Barton mentioned about level 3. If a lab goes from 3 to
4, is the community around it aware or told what the agent or that
is known?
Mr. RHODES. It may not be.
Mr. STUPAK. There is no requirement either way?
Mr. RHODES. I have not seen any documentation so far that there
has to be a public hearing about a laboratory being allowed to go
from 3 to 4. There may be a requirement for a public notice but
I have not seen documentation that says that so far.
Mr. STUPAK. I mentioned in my opening that we intend to also
examine level 3 and 4 labs internationally and we intend to exam-
ine the proposal to close Plum Island and relocate the foot-and-
mouth disease research to the mainland. Will GAO continue to
work with the committee on that investigation research?
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Mr. STUPAK. OK, thank you. Ms. DeGette for questions please.
Ms. DEGETTE. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and I ap-
preciate you holding these hearings which are continuations of
hearings this committee has done for a number of years. I was tell-
ing staff about several years ago when I went to the level 3 lab,
the CDC lab, up in Fort Collins, Colorado. And the lab at that
time, they had vector-borne agents there and these vector-borne
agents were being stored in a modular unit behind the building
that had weeds growing up from the floor and it had flies flying—
these are vector-borne agents and I am happy to report that since
I visited that and with the assistance of my former colleague, Bob
Shaffer, we succeeded in having a new CDC lab built there. I as-
sume they have eliminated the weeds and the flies. But I was real-
ly dismayed about your testimony that we now have a proliferation
of these level 3 and 4 labs since 2001. Doctor, I am wondering if
you can tell us why you think that we have had such a prolifera-
tion of these labs?
Mr. RHODES. There is a perceived gap, and actually stated by
NIAID, that there is a need post-fall of 2001 events with the an-
thrax through the mail, for a response network to a future terrorist
event. Also a perceived need for ability to do research on counter-
measures. And as a result of that, as I stated, both the administra-

tion and the Congress have given funding to meet this require-
Ms. DEGETTE. And that is going to a wide range of types of pri-
vate and public entities?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, ma’am.
Ms. DEGETTE. So there has been no distinction made. I think you
pointed this out. There has been no distinction made between gov-
ernmental oversight and private or academic labs, correct?
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Ms. DEGETTE. And is it your view—I know you told Mr. Barton
that you did not have an opinion yet on which agency should be
the lead agency in overseeing these labs but my question is, do we
even want more than one agency overseeing level 3 and 4 labs
right now? We have got the CDC, the USDA, the DOD and others.
Do we want a coordinating lab or do we want just one single agen-
cy with authority over regulation of all of these labs?
Mr. RHODES. That would ultimately be the simplest answer.
Ms. DEGETTE. One agency coordinating.
Mr. RHODES. One agency. But that said, the agency that does the
oversight will ultimately end up being a coordinating agency be-
cause they will have to go to each of the departments and agencies
that are funding and go to any of the laboratories and will have
to coordinate with them relative to requirements and all that.
Ms. DEGETTE. But the advantage would be you would have one
set of standards that would be implemented, correct?
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Ms. DEGETTE. Dr. Sharma is nodding in agreement. And so
when do you think you will have your recommendation as to what
that agency and process should be?
Mr. RHODES. Our schedule right now is to issue our final report
in February.
Ms. DEGETTE. February 2008?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, 2008.
Ms. DEGETTE. Thank you.
Mr. RHODES. And we will have to put it out for comments, so I
would say probably by March.
Ms. DEGETTE. OK. Now, as I mentioned, not all of these level 3
and 4 labs are federally supported. Some of them are State sup-
ported or even private. I am wondering if these non-federally fund-
ed labs have unique concerns about which we should be aware and
which we should think about as we think about further regulation.
Mr. RHODES. A non-federally funded laboratory is, in effect, an
information black hole, so you do not have any insight into it. Un-
less they are part of the select agent program or they are federally
funded, the United States Government will not have any insight
into who owns it, where it is, what they are doing.
Ms. DEGETTE. What their protocols are.
Mr. RHODES. Absolutely.
Ms. DEGETTE. And what can Congress do to address that issue?
Mr. RHODES. That would be part of the charter, I guess of the
new oversight. They would have to have powers of authority to talk
to and gain information from all BSL–3 and 4 laboratories, not just
the ones that the Government has oversight of because it is a pub-
lic safety issue.

Ms. DEGETTE. What you are saying, I think based on your expe-
rience with the nuclear labs, what we would have to say is, if a lab
had in its possession a certain type of these agents, they would
automatically be regulated federally and it is not happening now.
Mr. RHODES. Well, let us look at nuclear power for example. You
have the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Well, the Nuclear Regu-
latory Commission is not just talking about commercial power.
Ms. DEGETTE. Right.
Mr. RHODES. Talking about anyone who is handling a radio nu-
Ms. DEGETTE. Right.
Mr. RHODES. So if your transportation person who is using ce-
sium gauges in order to figure out the depth of a freeway.
Ms. DEGETTE. Right. But what——
Mr. RHODES. You are licensed.
Ms. DEGETTE. And what I am saying is, right now we do not
have that same authority over these biologic agents.
Mr. RHODES. Absolutely.
Ms. DEGETTE. If someone can just set up one of these labs and
if it is privately funded then, what you are saying is, we are not
regulating that.
Mr. RHODES. Correct.
Ms. DEGETTE. Yes, Dr. Sharma wants to add——
Mr. SHARMA. I would add, this is a very essential issue because
these BSL–3 and 4 labs in the United States do not need any kind
of permit other than building permits if they are not receiving any
Federal funds. There is no certification requirements. They can op-
erate. In addition to that, we have additional problems. There are
these mobile labs. You can build it. So it is a very complex issue
and right now, our system is, there is no way for any agency to
know but we are looking at some other systems in other countries.
There are requirements to see the extent of which those systems
could be applied here and we will be reporting those as part of our
report in February.
Ms. DEGETTE. And as I said, what those systems would be is
similar to the system that we use for nuclear material, which is if
you are in possession of these agents and you are going to have a
lab, then you have to meet certain requirements, correct?
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Ms. DEGETTE. And is that part of what you are developing for
next spring?
Mr. RHODES. That is the direction we are looking.
Ms. DEGETTE. I think the committee would all agree that is an
extremely important set of guidelines. And I want to thank you
both for coming today.
Mr. RHODES. Thank you.
Ms. DEGETTE. I yield back.
Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Burgess for questions, please.
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you. Dr. Sharma, if I could just pick up on
what you were just saying as you concluded your response to Ms.
DeGette. So if there is no Federal funding involved, the only per-
mitting is local building permits?
Mr. SHARMA. Right.

Mr. BURGESS. Did I understand that correctly? So then there is

no one that certifies whether this is a level 3 or a level 4 facility?
Mr. SHARMA. It is our understanding that if you are not receiving
any Federal funds, if you are not working the select agents, there
is nobody you have to seek permission from other than city or State
Mr. BURGESS. So to answer the chairman’s question about who
in the surrounding community is notified, then, obviously, no one
would be notified in that situation, is that correct?
Mr. SHARMA. Correct.
Mr. BURGESS. Have you looked at all, and obviously other—we
have heard a little bit about the foot-and-mouth disease incident in
Great Britain. What are the systems in other countries? How are
they dealing with this? Because clearly this is something that is a
process in evolution, it is a concept that is developing. Where are
other countries on that continuum of development of their regula-
tion of these types of labs?
Mr. SHARMA. We have not extensively looked at other foreign
systems and we have plans to look at how other countries are han-
dling this issue.
Mr. STUPAK. And we have asked them to do that, Mr. Burgess,
look at other areas internationally. Not only for safety but you see
countries like Sudan and China suddenly coming up with level 4
labs. I wasn’t quite concerned to go to China yet but I was working
Mr. STUPAK. Dr. Rhodes, you had something you wanted to say?
Mr. RHODES. Let me just make one point. I was in the UK and
was talking to the people at the Pirbright site. There is currently
the exact same discussion that your colleague from Colorado was
discussing. They are trying to figure out who is going to be the sin-
gle regulator because they have the split, they only have two but
one is for animals and one is for human pathogens. And then there
is that area in-between, which is called zoonotics. Those are the
agents that affect both animals and humans. So what is probably
going to come out from that discussion is there will be a single reg-
ulator. There will be a single set of regulations. Obviously, they
have to be tailored for working with animals versus humans. There
will be no allowance for the regulator to be an operator. But that
is the discussion that is going on right now in the UK as a result
of the Pirbright outbreak.
Mr. BURGESS. Let me ask you the question, as it pertains to the
single agency regulations with radio nuclides, zoonotics are a little
bit different because here we have got a select list or select agents
which is somewhat arbitrary, I would argue. I am by no means an
expert but, I mean, SARS not being on that list is, well, a striking
omission and I am sure there are good reasons why, from a re-
search perspective, that someone has come up with that designa-
tion. But it just points to the difficulty when we talk about we
want to do things to remove ambiguity. But there are inherent am-
biguities in this system. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle prob-
ably applies here more so than the field of radiation sites, is that
not correct?
Mr. RHODES. I follow your logic on that.

Mr. BURGESS. I do not think it was logic but I appreciate your

calling it that. Let me ask you this. I mean, obviously, we got to
this system because someone said there is a threat and there is
value to developing a rapid response. Do I understand that cor-
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Mr. BURGESS. I wasn’t here in 2001. And then when I was here
in 2003, we had the SARS kind of just crop up all at once and it
was handled correctly. It was handled correctly from a lot of dif-
ferent levels at the CDC and the NIH and identifying it as a
coronavirus, identifying where it came from. And really with no
vaccine and no specific treatment, we were able to beat back the
threat of an epidemic very, very quickly with old fashioned tools,
epidemiology and quarantine. So, clearly there is value here in de-
veloping this expertise. I guess my only point is I hope there is
some caution, in bringing down the regulatory hammer here, that
we not cripple a system that delivered us from evil in the case of
SARS relatively quickly, very competently and although 800 people
did die, it could have been just extravagantly worse had we not
been at the top of our game on that particular illness.
Mr. RHODES. And that is a very good point. I want no one to take
our preliminary findings and think we are trying to throw the baby
out with the bathwater. In answer to Representative Barton’s ques-
tion about academic environment, I came out of an academic envi-
ronment. Dr. Sharma came out of an academic environment. We
have all come out of academic environments. And with our sci-
entific backgrounds, we couldn’t have them without academic envi-
ronments. So it is not saying be Draconian about this. It is saying
let us not be Byzantine about it. The fabric of oversight now is so
convoluted I would defy anyone—I mean, I have a very, very smart
team and we cannot figure it out. And we talked to people who
have regulatory authority and, as a matter of fact, one of them said
‘‘that would be nice if we could know that, anything you can do to
help us would be appreciated.’’ Now, if somebody goes to the GAO
and asks for help, they are in a hot spot.
Mr. BURGESS. Well, your table that you provided, page 12, and
in your evidence book, tab 23, just comparing those two maps of
the United States where the locations of the labs are strikingly dif-
ferent. So I think the ambiguity there speaks for itself that we do
not even know where we are, what we got and what we are doing
and clearly that is the thrust of this committee. Mr. Chairman, I
thank you for your indulgence. I will yield back.
Mr. STUPAK. I thank the gentlemen. Dr. Rhodes, in your survey,
did any of the Federal agencies that you looked at, did they indi-
cate concern about the proliferation of these high-containment
Mr. RHODES. Oddly enough, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
and the Intelligence Community were the ones who were most con-
cerned about it. Obviously, they have the counterterrorism side and
they have the national security side and they have the national in-
telligence estimate side. But the FBI also had another concern,
which was they are the ones who have to clear the staff. So on one
side they have the operational mission of trying to keep people safe
and on the other side, they have the operational issue of trying to

figure out if the people are actually trustworthy. And as the num-
ber of laboratories balloons their workload balloons, their ability to
collect intelligence diminishes. And that was their largest concern.
Mr. SHARMA. I would also like to add here that if there is an-
other accident, it is their responsibility to find out where the mate-
rial came from. And if they do not know how many labs there are
or where the potentials are, they cannot find the perpetrator. And
in particular, I think they are in the process of resolving this issue,
the CDC, we have been told. But up until now, they could not even
obtain the listing of select agent labs that are registered with CDC
and this makes their job very difficult. In addition, the main intel-
ligence agency in general have concerns about this proliferation of
labs especially not having a centralized Federal vision of what our
needs are and how those needs are going to be met. Right now it
is fragmented and they are concerned about it.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Mr. Green for questions.
Mr. GREEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And Dr. Rhodes, I have
a series of questions but I think the table on page 13 shows a
shocking amount, that no Federal agency has the mission to track
high-containment labs in the United States and you go down a
number of departments and none of them have that ability. I am
interested in the select agent program. It appears that the use of
select agents triggers a lab’s responsibility to register with the
CDC. Would you agree?
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Mr. SHARMA. Yes, sir.
Mr. GREEN. And USDA. I noticed that agents such as SARS are
not currently on the list. It trumps me to wonder when the list was
last updated. I know that Congress updated the list in 2002 with
the bioterrorism bill. Was that the last time there was any statu-
tory change?
Mr. RHODES. To the best of my recollection, that is the last time
there was a statutory requirement.
Mr. GREEN. OK. I know that the CDC and USDA have jurisdic-
tion over the regulation and oversight of the actual labs. What
about the agents being studied in the labs, does any regulatory
agency have the authority to update the list of these select agents?
Mr. RHODES. We do not know that answer.
Mr. GREEN. You do not know if there is any agency who can up-
date that list of the select agents? That is basically the question.
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Mr. GREEN. What agency, in your views, is best poised, is it
CDC? Do you know when they last updated that list?
Mr. RHODES. The last update, as I understand it, was in response
to the 2003 requirement.
Mr. GREEN. On other agents other than, for example, SARS,
what agents do not appear on this select agent list? Is there any
Federal regulation or inventory of the use of any of these agents?
Mr. SHARMA. There is a process in place. As you know, there are
emerging threats constantly. There is a mechanism whereby the
list can be updated but we have not specifically looked at the proc-

ess itself, how long it takes and what is involved in updating the
Mr. GREEN. OK. The CDC inspected the Texas A&M lab in Feb-
ruary 2006 and it was a full 13 days after an employee was ex-
posed to Brucella and was incapable of discovering the exposures.
Is this an inherent deficiency in the inspection process or is this
specifically an omission by the CDC in this instance?
Mr. RHODES. I think it is one of the problems in the ability of
CDC to inspect. Let me give you a counterpart from the UK. The
HSE, which is the Health Safety Executive, has inspectors. The in-
spectors are warranted. They have law enforcement authority.
They can compel testimony. They can dig up a pipe if they want
to. They can kick in a wall if they have cause to. They can show
up with constables if they need to, if they think that they are in
danger of personal harm because the Health Safety Executive looks
into all kinds of public safety issues, not just biolabs. But the U.S.
Government does not have a counterpart to that.
Mr. SHARMA. Let me add a few things here. I think CDC’s sys-
tem of inspection relies on documentation and people honestly re-
porting the facts. And if they are not going to, they are not going
to find out. It is very simple. The second thing is, and we have
shared this and there are other systems in place like in this case,
NIH has guidelines on rDNA under which they require institutions
that receives Federal funding to have institutional biosafety com-
mittees and they also must document the minutes of those meet-
ings. So it is coming from another part of the Government which
CDC, it is our understanding and in the process very labor-inten-
sive, I must say this, to review all those minutes. It was docu-
mented that this person was exposed to. Now, if it wasn’t for the
fact that the Sunshine Project Group took the pain to obtain and
review and identify this incident, there was no way. It is really the
responsibility of the institutions to report to CDC. And if they are
not going to, there is not much that can be done and not much we
can find out.
Mr. GREEN. OK. Mr. Chairman, I know I am out of time. I have
another question that I would like to submit basically on what the
GAO found was a primary source of the incidence of the biosafety
labs and would you attribute it to majority of accidents to human
error or engineering or design flaws of the system and I will submit
that in writing, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STUPAK. OK, very good.
Mr. RHODES. Thank you.
Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Inslee, questions please. We have six votes on
the floor, let us get this panel in if we can and then we will take
a break.
Mr. INSLEE. Thank you. Is there evidence that the anthrax at-
tack on the Senate was essentially a way to provoke this inquiry
we are having in this hearing? Was that the effort? Is there any
evidence to suggest that or not?
Mr. RHODES. We have seen no evidence to support that hypoth-
Mr. INSLEE. Well, I guess it would not make a difference. We
have an issue and we have to deal with it, I suppose in any event.
I’ve been told that there was a proposed study by NIH about the

risks associated with proliferation of labs and the like that was to
be completed. We have not seen it yet. Have you seen an NIH as-
sessment of this issue?
Mr. RHODES. No, we have not seen that.
Mr. INSLEE. Is there anything forthcoming from them that you
are aware of or not?
Mr. RHODES. We do not know of anything, sir.
Mr. INSLEE. OK. If we do develop some more uniform protocol for
oversight of these labs, I assume there will be some concern about
the military aspect of this. It is always difficult when you try to
blend oversight of civilian and military operations and the military
has concerns about that for understandable reasons.
Mr. RHODES. Yes.
Mr. INSLEE. How would we go about having a consistent over-
sight when we have a military operation that, I would assume, be
part of that?
Mr. RHODES. Well, that is one of the models we are looking at
in the UK because both DEFRA, as well as the Health Safety Exec-
utive, have oversight of both civilian and military. They have the
Ministry of Defense laboratories under their oversight, so we will
look into that and be able to report about.
Mr. SHARMA. CDC also, if the military labs are working the se-
lect agents, they also have to be registered with CDC and CDC
does provide the same oversight as they provide to other civilian
Mr. INSLEE. OK. You mentioned that some of these existing re-
quirements apply only if the facility is receiving Federal money. Is
it likely to have more of this work done in areas where there is not
Federal money? We have the situation with stem cells right. We
have a proliferation of labs, some not taking Federal money just so
they can continue the stem cell research because of the ridiculous
restrictions we have on Federal funding. Are we going to see more
strictly privately-funded labs here? If we do have requirements,
should it apply to everyone not just those who are receiving Fed-
eral money?
Mr. RHODES. We may. One of the problems in trying to answer
your question is that I have to have some baseline of data. And be-
cause privately-funded labs, if they are not using select agents or
are not federally funded, we do not know about them; then I cannot
even speculate on where that would go.
Mr. INSLEE. Do you think we need some regulatory process for
all labs, federally or non-federally funded, whether or not they use
these specific agents? Are there risks associated with certain activi-
ties that we are not picking up in our system?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, there are. There are agents that are not on the
select agent list and they have grave consequences as well. And
whether regulation is direct regulation or not or whether it is just
that we need to know where they are. I mean, right now, we do
not even know where they are and we do not know what is being
done and we do not know who is doing it. And from my standpoint
and my colleague’s, as well as a lot of safety professionals and secu-
rity professionals, including our own Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion and our own Intelligence Community, that is a worrisome sub-

Mr. INSLEE. You are not alone. We should do something. Thank

Mr. RHODES. Thank you.
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, Mr. Inslee. Mr. Inslee asked the ques-
tion: did you find any study to assess the need for more of these
level 3 and level 4 labs and you said you did not come across any
Mr. RHODES. We have not come across any.
Mr. STUPAK. Did you request from NIH, CDC or U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture any kind of justification of proliferation of
these labs? Dr. Sharma?
Mr. SHARMA. NIAID in collaboration with the American Society
of Microbiology did conduct this survey trying to ascertain what
our lab capacity is. But this study had some methodological prob-
lems. Primarily one major being very low response rates. And we
do have that study. But in addition to that, we do not have any-
thing else.
Mr. STUPAK. So they tried to do a study but it was such a low
response, you couldn’t make a determination from that assess-
Mr. SHARMA. Right.
Mr. STUPAK. So we still do not know what is the right capacity
or number of labs that we need?
Mr. SHARMA. Well, if you do not know the universe of labs and
their capabilities, you cannot obviously meet any——
Mr. STUPAK. Correct. If you do not know its abilities or what
they are doing you cannot make the assessment.
Mr. SHARMA. Right.
Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Burgess, anything before I let this panel go?
Mr. BURGESS. I think Mr. Barton referenced in his opening state-
ment, talking about the anthrax attack and when there was a Sen-
ate hearing there was a question posed to the FBI back in 2001,
the FBI was asked how many labs handle anthrax of this type and
I guess no one knew the answer to that question.
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Mr. BURGESS. Do we know the answer today?
Mr. BURGESS. Well, let me ask you this. Obviously, we have put
some time and effort into protecting the homeland with the pro-
liferation of labs, is it the opinion of the two individuals before us
from the GAO that we have moved on that continuum of being
more secure or are we stationary or are we less secure?
Mr. RHODES. That fact that there is so much that is unknown at
the moment, I would have to say we are at greater risk. Because
as the number increases, the risk increases and it is not just the
increase in the material, it is the increase in laboratories that have
less experience than others.
Mr. BURGESS. So the actual risk may be generated by the fact
that we are studying to prepare for the risk?
Mr. RHODES. Yes. It is a dilemma that we are in.
Mr. BURGESS. But that is one of the prices you pay for doing the
research, correct?
Mr. SHARMA. That is correct.

Mr. BURGESS. And you’ll never get to a point of relative security

if you are not willing to invest the time and effort and the risk in
doing the research, is that correct?
Mr. RHODES. That is correct but doing——
Mr. BURGESS. And we need to manage the risk.
Mr. RHODES. Yes. We are not——
Mr. BURGESS. So my question is, are we doing a good job of man-
aging the risk. I would assume the answer to that question today
is no.
Mr. BURGESS. But is it your opinion that we can get to that point
of managed risk which now is acceptable?
Mr. RHODES. Yes, we can. It could be done.
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you. I yield back.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Just along those lines though, today we are
only talking about buildings. We have not talked about the quan-
tity, quality, string of agents that are out there and who is doing
what at what labs and things like that. We do not even know that.
Mr. RHODES. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Future hearing. We have six votes on the floor.
Let us look for about 12:00, 12:15 we will be back. We will dismiss
this panel. Thank you very much and thank you for your work and
we will continue this investigation. So we will stand in recess for
45 minutes, 50 minutes.
Mr. STUPAK. It is one of those days, as I said, there is a hearing
going on on the third floor and we have got about three hearings
going in the Energy and Commerce Committee. So we have our
second panel of witnesses and they are Dr. Richard Besser, who is
the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Co-
ordinating Office of Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Re-
sponse. Dr. Casey Chosewood, who is director of CDC’s Office of
Health and Safety; Captain Robbin Weyant, who is the CDC’s Di-
rector of Division of Select Agents and Toxins; and Dr. Hugh
Auchincloss, who is the National Institutes of Health, Deputy Di-
rector of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It is
the policy of this subcommittee to take all testimony under oath.
Please be advised witnesses have the right under the rules of the
House to be advised by counsel during your testimony. Do any of
you wish to be represented by counsel? No one is indicating no, so
therefore I will ask you to please rise, raise your right hand to take
the oath.
[Witnesses sworn.]
Mr. STUPAK. Let the record reflect that the witnesses have an-
swered in the affirmative. You are now under oath. It is my under-
standing Dr. Besser and Dr. Auchincloss are going to be the only
ones giving testimony, is that correct? Dr. Besser, you want to start
with you please, sir?
Dr. BESSER. Thank you. Good afternoon, Chairman Stupak,
Ranking Member Whitfield, the members of the subcommittee. I
am Dr. Richard Besser, Director of the Coordinating Office for Ter-
rorism Preparedness and Emergency Response at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
Accompanying me today are Dr. Rob Weyant, who is the director
of our Division of Select Agents and Toxins and Dr. Casey
Chosewood, who is director of CDC’s Office of Health and Safety.
On behalf of CDC, I am pleased to be here today to discuss how
CDC oversees select agents in the Nation’s laboratories.
To further scientific knowledge about biological agents and toxins
and develop diagnostic tests and countermeasures against them,
our institutions conduct research on these potentially harmful
agents. Before undertaking any laboratory experiment, it is critical
that one weighs the potential benefits of the experiment against
the potential risks. We recognize that such research increases the
risks of accidental or intentional release of these agents. To miti-
gate this risk, Congress authorized the Federal Government to
oversee labs that work with select agents. The creation of this pro-
gram has given our Nation an important tool to help minimize the
inherent risks that accompany work with select agents. The regula-
tion of select agents is a shared Federal responsibility between the
Department of Health and Human Services, Agriculture and Jus-
tice. Congress gave HHS the authority to regulate the possession,
use and transfer of biological agents and toxins that could pose a
severe threat to public health and safety. We refer to these as se-
lect agents. No program for oversight of select agents existed in the
United States prior to 1996. In 2002, Congress significantly
strengthened oversight of select agents with the passage of the
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Re-
sponse Act of 2002. The select agent regulations that were estab-
lished as a result of this Act are the ones that are currently in ef-
It is important to note that not all laboratories work with select
agents. Therefore, not all laboratories are regulated under the pro-
visions of the select agent regulations. For instance, HIV and the
bacteria that causes tuberculosis are not select agents and are not
covered by the program. However, the Federal Government does
provide biological safety guidance to the entire laboratory commu-
nity through a document entitled, ‘‘Biosafety, Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories.’’
Laboratories have multiple systems in place to ensure biosafety.
The first line of defense is proper training of lab workers. Before
someone can work in a lab, they should undergo rigorous lab safety
training. People who work in labs also are physically protected
through the use of personal protective equipment such as gloves,
masks, goggles and for the most dangerous germs, biosuits. Labora-
tories also are engineered to ensure that dangerous pathogens can-
not escape. Some of these engineering controls include negative air
pressurization and the use of biosafety cabinets. Accidents can and

will happen in labs. But these multiple biosafety systems can help
to ensure that lab workers and the public are protected.
CDC executes the select agent program through both a strong
oversight role by evaluating and inspecting registered labs and by
providing guidance and training to those labs. Routine inspections
are conducted a minimum of every 3 years. Additional inspections
are conducted any time that an entity requests a significant change
to its select agent registration. An important tenant of the CDC’s
select agent program is that it treats all registered labs the same,
whether that lab is a commercial lab, State or local public health
lab or Federal lab, including CDC and Department of Defense labs.
The select agent program uses standardized checklists to inspect
all labs, has the same requirements for all labs and uses the same
standards when referring any lab to the HHS Office of Inspector
General for possible violations of the regulations.
Public concerns and questions about the overall safety of our Na-
tion’s laboratory workers are understandable and legitimate. In the
4 years that the select agent program has been in place with ap-
proximately 400 organizations being registered and after careful in-
vestigations when a potential incident has been reported, there
have been no confirmed losses or thefts of a select agent and there
have been three confirmed releases of a select agent. After careful
investigation, none of these releases were considered to be a public
health threat.
This does not mean, however, that such incidents cannot happen
in the future. Even a lab that follows all biosafety guidelines may
have accidents. But the biosafety and biosecurity requirements that
Congress established help reduce the likelihood that these acci-
dents will impact worker or community health.
We have accomplished much since the program began but we are
always looking for ways to improve. Investigations of labs have
taught us important lessons. We have learned that we need to
make improvements during inspection verification processes. In the
future during our inspections, we plan to expand the scope of inter-
views and review a broader array of documents to identify prob-
lems that may go unreported by registered labs. In addition, we
plan to assess the composition of our inspection teams and the fre-
quency of our inspections. We also have learned that we need to
provide additional outreach and training to the regulated commu-
nity and create additional guidance documents. We will be under-
taking an external review of the CDC’s select agent program so
that we can continue to improve our oversight of select agent work.
The external group conducting this review will actively solicit the
input of stakeholders and the general public. In addition to this re-
view, the HHS Office of Inspector General is conducting an audit
of CDC’s management of its select agent program. We look forward
to the findings and recommendations scheduled for completion in
2008 and using this work to help strengthen our program.
In conclusion, the select agent programs at CDC and USDA,
working in concert with the Department of Justice, have greatly
enhanced the Nation’s oversight of dangerous biological agents and
toxins. The select agent regulations have helped ensure that re-
search with select agents is conducted as safely and securely as
possible. However, the possibility of accidental or intentional re-

lease of these agents always remains so we must remain vigilant

and work to continuously improve our oversight. We will continue
to enforce the regulations and provide technical assistance and
guidance to the regulated community to ensure that the public’s
health and safety are protected.
CDC greatly appreciates the support of this subcommittee and
the rest of Congress in supporting its activities. We look forward
to continuing our work with you on these important issues. Thank
you for the opportunity to share this information with you and I
look forward to answering questions.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Besser follows:]
Good morning Chairman Stupak, Ranking Member Whitfield and members of the
Subcommittee. I am Dr. Richard Besser, Director of the Coordinating Office for Ter-
rorism Preparedness and Emergency Response (COTPER) at the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency of the Department of Health and
Human Services. Accompanying me today are Dr. Rob Weyant, Director of the Divi-
sion of Select Agents and Toxins in COTPER, and Dr. Casey Chosewood, Director
of the CDC Office of Health and Safety. On behalf of CDC, I am pleased to be here
today to discuss how CDC oversees select agents in the Nation’s laboratories.
To further scientific knowledge about biological agents and toxins and develop
countermeasures against them, our academic, commercial, and government institu-
tions conduct research on these potentially harmful agents. We recognize that such
research increases the risks of accidental or intentional release of these agents. To
mitigate this risk, Congress authorized the Federal Government to oversee labs that
work with select agents—which include such things as Bacillus anthracis (which
causes anthrax), Yersinia pestis (which causes plague), and Variola major virus
(which causes smallpox). The creation of this program has given our nation an im-
portant tool to help minimize the inherent risks that accompany work with select
The regulation of select agents is a shared Federal responsibility involving HHS,
the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of Justice (DOJ). Con-
gress gave HHS the authority to regulate the possession, use, and transfer of bio-
logical agents and toxins (select agents) that could pose a severe threat to public
health and safety. The Secretary of HHS has delegated this authority to CDC. Con-
gress gave USDA similar authority to regulate select agents that pose a severe
threat to animal and plant health and/or animal and plant products. DOJ is respon-
sible for conducting background checks, called security risk assessments, of any en-
tities and individuals that want to work with select agents. By regulating the pos-
session, use, and transfer of select agents, HHS, USDA, and DOJ contribute to the
Nation’s overall terrorism deterrence strategy.
My testimony will focus on CDC’s role in the regulation of select agents. I will
describe the history of the CDC Select Agent Program, CDC’s role in oversight of
select agent laboratories, our collaboration with other Federal partners, the key
components of the CDC regulatory program, key program accomplishments, and our
future plans for enhancing the program.
Establishing Oversight over Select Agents: A Brief HistoryNo program for over-
sight of select agents existed in the United States prior to 1996. In 1996, Congress
passed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (P.L. 104–132;
signed April 24, 1996). With the regulations that went into effect in April 1997 (42
CFR 72.6), the Secretary of HHS established a list of biological agents that have
the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety. The Secretary also
established procedures for the transfer of these biological agents. The CDC Select
Agent Program has been in place since 1996. The program was originally located
within CDC’s Office of Health and Safety and is now located within CDC/COTPER’s
Division of Select Agents and Toxins.
In 2001, Congress expanded the scope of the program by restricting the shipping,
possession, and receipt of select agents by passing the Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terror-
ism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act); (P.L. 107–56; signed Oct. 26, 2001). The USA
PATRIOT Act created a provision related to select agents requiring that no re-
stricted person shall transfer (i.e., ship, possess, or receive) a select agent.
In 2002, Congress significantly strengthened oversight of select agents with the
passage of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act); (P.L. 107–188; signed June 12, 2002). The Bio-
terrorism Act strengthened the regulatory authorities of HHS under Sec. 511 of the
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 and granted comparable reg-
ulatory authorities to USDA for select agents that present a severe threat to animal
or plant health, and/or animal or plant products. It also required coordination and
concurrence between HHS and USDA on program activities (e.g., development of
regulations, reporting forms, approval of changes to regulated laboratories—reg-
istrations, et cetera) for select agents regulated by both agencies.
The Bioterrorism Act has been implemented through a series of regulations. HHS
published an interim final rule—the ‘‘Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents
and Toxins’’ Interim Final Rule (42 CFR 73, 9 CFR 121, and 7 CFR 331) (effective
on February 7, 2003) which implemented the pertinent provisions of the Bioterror-
ism Act. A subsequent Final Rule became effective on April 18, 2005. On October
20, 2005, HHS established an Interim Final Rule adding reconstructed replication
competent forms of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus containing any portion of the
coding regions of all eight gene segments to the HHS select agent list. These regula-
tions are hereafter referred to as the ‘‘select agent regulations’’.
Whereas HHS and USDA have authority to regulate any laboratories that pos-
sess, use, or transfer select agents, not all laboratories work with select agents.
Therefore, not all laboratories are regulated under the provisions of the select agent
regulations. For instance, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Mycobacterium
tuberculosis are not select agents and any laboratories working with these agents
are not required to register with either HHS or USDA.
All five currently operational Biosafety Level (BSL) 4 laboratories in the United
States are select agent registered entities. (Any organization that has received a cer-
tificate of registration through either the HHS or USDA Select Agent Program is
referred to as a ″registered entity″.)


Though only a subset of laboratories is regulated by the Federal Government
under the provisions of the select agent regulations, the Federal Government does
provide biological safety guidance to the entire laboratory community. The Biosafety
in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) (4th edition is available in
print; 5th edition is available at
bmbl5toc.htm), produced by CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is a
nationally and internationally recognized source that provides safety guidance to
laboratories that work with infectious agents. The BMBL provides recommendations
for safely working with a variety of human pathogens and describes standard and
special microbiological practices, safety equipment, and facilities (constituting Bio-
safety Levels 1–4). In the BMBL, there are agent summary statements that provide
recommendations for the appropriate biosafety safety level to work with these
agents. The BMBL also is offered as a guide and reference in the construction of
new laboratory facilities and in the renovation of existing facilities.
CDC references the BMBL in the select agent regulations and requires select
agent registered entities to comply with the BMBL guidelines or equivalent stand-
ards. Specifically, the select agent regulations state that the entity should consider
the BMBL, NIH’s Recombinant DNA Guidelines, and the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration’s regulations on handling toxins (29 CFR 1910.1200, 29 CFR
1910.1450) in developing and implementing a written biosafety plan that is com-
mensurate with the risk of the select agent, given its intended use. If the Select
Agent Program determines that the entity’s biosafety and containment procedures
are not sufficient to contain the select agent, then the program can cite the entity
for non-compliance.


The CDC Select Agent Program works closely with both USDA and DOJ to imple-
ment the select agent regulations. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) is responsible for regulating the possession, use, and transfer of se-
lect agents that pose a severe threat to animal or plant health and/or animal or
plant products. For select agents that pose a threat to both humans and animals
or animal products, these select agents are regulated by both CDC and APHIS and
are called ‘‘overlap agents’’. To limit the burden on registered entities, CDC and
APHIS worked closely with the Office of Management and Budget to promulgate
regulations with identical requirements and analogous language and to create one
set of registration and reporting forms to be used by both agencies. These actions
helped standardize communication and interpretation of the regulations among
CDC, APHIS, and the regulated community.
To minimize the burden on entities that possess, use, or transfer select agents,
a single point of contact with either CDC or APHIS was established. This single
point of contact in the ‘‘lead agency’’ is responsible for coordinating all activities and
communications with respect to the entity’s registration, including coordination with
both the non-lead agency (APHIS or CDC) and with DOJ. CDC and APHIS collabo-
rate daily on select agent activities such as the development of select agent policies,
resolution of common issues associated with the entity’s registration (such as re-
viewing the required plans), conducting joint inspections, developing standard oper-
ating procedures and entity guidance documents, and providing concurrences to en-
tities’ amendments. We also collaborate on longer-term projects to improve the im-
plementation of the select agent regulations, such as the establishment of a national
select agent Web site ( and development and deployment of a
single shared database (the National Select Agent Registry).
CDC also works closely with DOJ’s Criminal Justice Information Service (CJIS).
CJIS conducts security risk assessments of all individuals and entities that request
to possess, use, or transfer select agents. As of September 25, 2007, 14,868 individ-
uals have received access approval from CDC to work with select agents, based on
the results of the CJIS security risk assessments. CDC also provides information
to DOJ’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for ongoing criminal investigations
related to select agents.


CDC exerts a strong oversight role by evaluating and inspecting registered enti-
ties, in addition to providing guidance and training to registered entities.
An important tenet of the CDC Select Agent Program is that it treats all reg-
istered entities the same—whether that lab is a commercial lab, state or local public
health lab, or a Federal lab (including CDC and Department of Defense labs). The
Select Agent Program uses standard checklists to inspect all labs, has the same re-
quirements of all labs, and uses the same standards when referring any lab to the
HHS Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) for possible violations of the regula-


Laboratory inspections are the primary means by which CDC confirms compliance
with the select agent regulations. Routine inspections are conducted every three
years. Additional inspections are conducted any time that an entity requests a sig-
nificant change to its select agent registration. Such changes may include the addi-
tion of a new facility, addition of a new agent, or the initiation of a new procedure.
Other inspections that are performed include follow-up inspections based on obser-
vations from audits performed by Federal partners and investigations that may
have involved biosafety or security concerns that could affect public health and safe-
CDC’s protocol for routine inspections consists of an extensive review of laboratory
safety and security as it relates to the possession, use, and transfer of select agents.
CDC uses specific checklists to guide its inspections (the checklists can be found at These checklists have been developed from the select agent
regulations and nationally recognized safety standards. The information entered on
the checklists is derived from inspectors’ observations of the physical safety and se-
curity components of the facility, an examination of the documentation available,
and from interviews with laboratory personnel. These findings are conveyed to the
institution in an inspection report. Entities must respond within a specified time-
frame to the deficiencies noted in the inspection report and provide documentation
of how they have resolved those deficiencies. In circumstances where the deficiencies
are serious and CDC wants to confirm in person that the deficiencies have been cor-
rected, a verification site visit is performed.
When CDC identifies deficiencies and possible violations of the select agent regu-
lations, several types of enforcement actions can occur:
• Administrative actions: CDC can decide to suspend or revoke a registered enti-
ty’s certificate of registration (a suspension can be for all work at a registered entity
or be specific to particular agents or particular types of experiments). Also, CDC can
deny an entity’s application to possess, use, or transfer select agents;
• Referral to HHS-OIG: CDC can refer possible violations of the select agent regu-
lations to HHS-OIG. HHS-OIG can levy civil monetary penalties (up to $250,000 for
an individual for each violation and up to $500,000 for an entity for each violation)
or recommend criminal enforcement (imprisonment for up to five years, a fine, or
• Referral to FBI: CDC can refer possible violations involving criminal negligence
or a suspicious activity or person to the FBI for further investigation.
As of September 25, 2007, CDC has referred 37 entities to HHS-OIG for violation
of the select agent regulations (such as for unauthorized transfers and entities that
are not registered with the Select Agent Program in possession of select agents).
HHS-OIG has levied $837,000 in civil monetary penalties against ten (10) of the en-
tities. For further information, please see the HHS-OIG Web site (http:// HHS has not referred to DOJ any violations of the select agent regula-
tions for criminal prosecution.
Technical Assistance and Guidance Provided to Strengthen the ProgramWhile en-
forcing the select agent regulations is the CDC Select Agent Program’s primary re-
sponsibility, the program also promotes laboratory safety and security by providing
technical assistance and guidance to registered entities. Some of the technical as-
sistance that CDC provides to registered entities includes having a primary point
of contact assigned to each entity, development of frequently asked questions that
are posted on the program website, and technical presentations at various con-
ferences. The CDC Select Agent Program in collaboration with APHIS provides as-
sistance and guidance to help the entire regulated community operate as safely and
securely as possible.
Some examples of the assistance that the CDC and APHIS Select Agent Programs
have recently provided to the regulated community include:
• As mentioned previously, CDC and APHIS released a security guidance docu-
ment to registered entities.
• CDC and APHIS released inspection checklists to assist registered entities in
complying with the security, incident response, training, and recordkeeping require-
ments of the select agent regulations.
• CDC is further educating the entities about the regulations and the inspection
process. It recently completed two training videos that explain the facility inspection
process to the regulated community.
In addition, CDC has proactively worked with registered entities in advance of
hurricanes to ensure that all select agents are properly secured. For example, prior
to the landfall of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, CDC contacted 11 registered entities
located in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. CDC collected information regard-
ing the entities’ plans to safeguard select agents during and after the storm and in-
formed the entities that CDC stood ready to expedite the emergency transfer of se-
lect agents should the need arise. CDC has taken similar action in 2006 and 2007
in anticipation of other hurricanes and predictable natural disasters (such as floods)
that could affect public health and safety, to minimize risk and any impact on public
health and safety.


Accomplishments to Date. Since the publication of the select agent interim final
rule in 2003 (followed by the final rule in 2005), CDC in collaboration with our Fed-
eral partners has (as of September 25, 2007):
• Conducted 607 inspections to ensure that appropriate security and safety meas-
ures are in place to deter the theft, loss, or release of select agents;
• Authorized 2,199 requests to transfer select agents; and
• Granted access approvals to 14,868 individuals to work with select agents, fol-
lowing a security risk assessment by CJIS.


CDC investigates all reports of theft, loss, or release of select agents to ensure
that the public’s health and safety are protected. It is important for the public to
know that after careful investigation, no incidents reported at select agent labora-
tories were considered to be a public health threat. From 2003 until September 25,
2007, there have been one hundred five (105) incidents reported to CDC through
the Select Agent Program’s theft, loss, and release reporting system. As a result of
follow-up investigations conducted by HHS, USDA, and the FBI regarding these re-
ports, it was determined that there were:
• No confirmed losses of a select agent;
• No confirmed thefts of a select agent; and
• Three (3) confirmed releases of a select agent which were identified by illnesses
in five (5) lab workers that had occurred as a result of working with these agents.
Even in the best of laboratories, which follow all biosafety guidelines, accidents
like a broken test tube or a needle stick can still occur, and we can expect that we
will continue to receive reports of possible losses and releases of select agents. How-
ever, we believe we should always strive to eliminate all incidents. Appropriately
contained and managed laboratories have multiple systems in place to ensure bio-
safety and have robust occupational health services in place to quickly mitigate the
effect of any laboratory incident. We also believe that the security requirements put
in place by the select agent regulations will continue to mitigate the possibility of
a theft of a select agent.
Moving Forward with Enhancing the Select Agent ProgramThe CDC Select Agent
Program has accomplished much since the program began, but we are always look-
ing for ways to improve. The Select Agent Program is a young program and it will
continue to build upon its successes and learn from its challenges. CDC is commit-
ted to continuous program improvement to fulfill its mission.

Investigations of select agent registered entities have taught CDC some important
• We need improvements in our inspection process. Some of the improvements
under consideration include:
• Expand the scope of interviews to include more types of laboratory workers dur-
ing inspections, to better assess the implementation of policies and the quality of
• Examine more closely the implementation of biosafety, security, and incident re-
sponse plans;
• Review a broader array of documents during our inspections, such as biosafety
committee meeting minutes and occupational health records, to identify problems
that may go unreported by registered entities; and
• Assess the composition of our inspection teams, the frequency of our inspections,
and whether we need to apply a prioritization system to how often we inspect labs.
• We need improvements in our verification process. Whereas before we relied pri-
marily upon documentation from entities to confirm that deficiencies were corrected,
we plan to conduct more verification site visits.
• We need to provide additional outreach and training to the regulated commu-
nity, including additional outreach and training to Responsible Officials and cre-
ation of additional guidance documents related to biosafety, incident response,
record-keeping, and theft, loss, and release.
The CDC Select Agent Program also must address the challenge of how the select
agent regulations apply to emerging technologies, such as synthetic genomics and
nanotechnology. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, CDC and its Federal
partners need to constantly review the select agent regulations and our implementa-
tion of the regulations to ensure that we can respond to new threats and


In the coming year, CDC will commission an external peer review of the CDC Se-
lect Agent Program. The external group conducting the review will actively solicit
the input of stakeholders and the general public.
In addition to this external peer review, HHS-OIG is conducting an audit of
CDC’s management of its select agent program. We look forward to receiving the
findings from that audit in 2008 and plan to carefully consider and implement HHS-
OIG’s recommendations.
The select agent programs at CDC and APHIS, working in concert with DOJ,
have greatly enhanced the nation’s oversight of dangerous biological agents and tox-
ins. Because of the efforts of the individuals in these programs, there is improved
awareness of biosafety and biosecurity throughout the select agent community. The
select agent regulations have helped ensure that research with select agents is con-
ducted as safely and securely as possible. CDC and its Federal partners have accom-
plished much in the few years since the publication of the select agent regulations,
but we must remain vigilant in ensuring laboratory safety and security. We will
continue to enforce the regulations and provide technical assistance and guidance
to the regulated community to ensure that the public’s health and safety are pro-
CDC greatly appreciates the support of this Subcommittee and the rest of the
Congress in supporting its activities. We look forward to continuing our work with
you on these important issues. Thank you for the opportunity to share this informa-
tion with you. I am happy to answer any questions.

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you. Dr. Auchincloss?

Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. Mr. Chairman, members of the subcommittee,
my name is Hugh Auchincloss and I am the Deputy Director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the
National Institutes of Health.
I am pleased to have the opportunity to discuss the expansion of
NIH’s biodefense research infrastructure. I have submitted written
testimony but will highlight certain portions in these oral remarks.
The anthrax attacks in 2001 were a sobering reminder that bio-
logic agents can be used for terrorism. In addition, defense against
naturally-emerging infections must be a top national priority. In
February 2002, the NIH embarked on a systematic planning proc-
ess for biodefense. We convened a blue ribbon panel made up of
distinguished scientists representing academia, private industry
and the Government. And we also conducted extensive discussions
with other Federal agencies. Based on this input, we developed the
NIAID Strategic Plan for Biodefense Research and other support-
ing documents. That blue ribbon panel noted that the shortage of
BSL–3 and 4 laboratories was a major obstacle to accomplishing
the objectives of the NIAID Biodefense Research agendas. NIAID
then estimated the number of new facilities needed to accomplish
our biodefense research objectives. Congress responded appropriat-
ing over $850 million for the construction of new BSL–3 and 4 fa-
cilities in four separate bills between 2002 and 2005. As a result,
14 new BSL–3 facilities and four new BSL–4 facilities are sched-
uled for completion within the next several years.
During the development of our construction project, we have had
literally hundreds of meetings in public forums to discuss our
building program, the agents that will be studied there and to keep
the public well informed.
The NIH is committed to helping ensure that all biodefense re-
search facilities operate safely with maximum protection of the
public health. The safety standards for this type of research are
best articulated in the Biosafety and Microbiological and Bio-
medical Laboratories Manual, this so-called BMBL. However, mon-
itoring adherence to these good laboratory practices is complicated
because multiple agencies are involved. You have already heard
from Dr. Besser that much of the research in BSL–3 and 4 facili-
ties involves select agents, which are regulated by CDC and other
Government agencies. The NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities
administers guidelines for research involving recombinant DNA

and requires that Institutional Biosafety Committees, or IBCs,

oversee this work at the local level. The IBCs first came into exist-
ence to oversee recombinant DNA research but many institutions
have gradually broadened IBC responsibilities to include oversight
of research involving all pathogens studied at BSL–3 and 4 levels.
However, at this time, there is no Federal body that sets national
standards or policies for this particular function of local IBCs. To
enhance the effectiveness of the IBCs, as their role has evolved, the
NIH has worked intensively with the IBC community through a
program of outreach and education. Furthermore, each of the insti-
tutions receiving one of the new construction grants from NIAID
has an IBC appropriately registered with NIH and each has will-
ingly accepted responsibility for adhering to the BMBL standards.
NIH is looking at ways to strengthen local and Federal oversight
of facilities that conduct biodefense research. Clearly, the issues as-
sociated with this oversight are much larger than the NIH or even
the Department of Health and Human Services. Biodefense re-
search is conducted by many Government agencies. For that rea-
son, the Department of Health and Human Services, the United
States Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland
Security and the Department of Defense have already agreed to es-
tablish a trans-Federal task force to undertake, in consultation
with other relevant agencies, an intensive analysis of the current
biosafety framework and to develop a set of recommendations for
Given the importance of biosafety for the country and its citizens,
active participation from the public at large will be essential.
The planned expansion of our infrastructure is needed if we are
to fulfill our research agenda and protect the Nation from disease
threats, be they deliberate or acts of nature. We have already made
substantial progress in ways that I have outlined in my written
testimony. Progress can occur more rapidly as the new facilities be-
come available.
Thank you very much and I will be happy to answer questions
[The prepared statement of Dr. Auchincloss follows:]
Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, my name is Hugh Auchincloss
and I am the Deputy Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agen-
cy of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I am pleased to have
the opportunity to discuss the NIH biodefense research program, including the ex-
pansion of the Nation’s biodefense research infrastructure and the need to ensure
that biodefense research is conducted safely.
The anthrax attacks in 2001 were a sobering reminder that the threat of delib-
erately released microbes can be used as a form of terrorism. Moreover, naturally
occurring microbial outbreaks pose a serious threat to domestic and global health.
The experience with SARS in 2003 and the ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 avian influ-
enza and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis have reminded us that defense
against naturally emerging microbes must be a top national priority. Congress has
recognized the urgency of improving our defenses against emerging public health
threats and has supported funding for such research. Within the broad Federal ef-
fort against emerging threats to public health, the role of the NIH is to conduct and
support basic and applied research that will lead to new vaccines, drugs, and diag-
nostic tools.
In February 2002, the NIH embarked on a systematic planning process for its bio-
defense research program. It first convened the Blue Ribbon Panel on Bioterrorism
and Its Implications for Biomedical Research, made up of distinguished scientists
representing academia, private industry, and government. Based on the panel’s ad-
vice and extensive discussions with other Federal agencies, the NIH developed three
key documents to guide its biodefense research program: the NIAID Strategic Plan
for Biodefense Research, the NIAID Research Agenda for Category A Agents, and
the NIAID Research Agenda for Category B and C Agents.
As a result of the strategic planning process, a clear consensus emerged that
meeting the goals of the biodefense Research Agendas would require additional re-
search infrastructure, especially research laboratories built to modern Biosafety
Level 3 (BSL–3) and Biosafety Level 4 (BSL–4) standards. BSL–3 laboratories are
used to study contagious agents that can be transmitted through the air and cause
potentially lethal infection. BSL–4 laboratories are used to study agents that pose
a high risk of life-threatening disease for which no vaccine or therapy is available;
they incorporate all BSL–3 features and occupy safe, isolated zones within a larger
There has been considerable discussion of how best to assess the extent of high-
containment facilities that would be required in the United States in the public, aca-
demic and private sectors and for what purposes these varied facilities are used.
Published estimates range from as few as 200 to as many as 1400 BSL–3 labora-
tories. (Many institutions maintain multiple facilities.) The explanation for this wide
discrepancy is that an assessment of laboratory capacity depends on the definitions
and sources of information used. Estimates at the high end, for example, include
the many hospitals that maintain small areas that meet BSL–3 standards that can
be used for testing clinical samples that might contain infectious agents. These are
not ‘‘research laboratories.’’ Some hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, bio-
technology firms, private reference laboratories and State public health laboratories
also have facilities that meet BSL–3 standards, but these are not generally available
for NIH-sponsored research. Finally, many BSL–3 facilities constructed before the
mid–1990’s cannot support research on select agents and on associated animal mod-
els. In 2002, NIAID determined that very little usable BSL–3 or BSL–4 research
space was actually available for its academic scientists in the extramural research
The Blue Ribbon Panel of 2002 noted the shortage of BSL–3 and BSL–4 labora-
tory space as a significant rate-limiting obstacle in accomplishing the objectives of
the NIAID Biodefense Research Agendas. In response, NIAID estimated the new
BSL–3 and BSL–4 facilities that would be required to accomplish the Research
Agenda. Congress also recognized the critical need for new BSL–3/4 laboratories and
responded quickly to supply the necessary resources to fulfill this need. In 2002, the
Department of Defense and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery
from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the Unites States Act, Public Law (P.L.)
107–117, appropriated $70 million for the construction and renovation of NIH intra-
mural biocontainment facilities. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2003, P.L.
108–7, provided $372.6 million to NIAID for construction of extramural biocontain-
ment facilities and $291 million for construction of additional intramural biocontain-
ment facilities. Further, the Project BioShield Act of 2004 (P.L. 108–276), amended
the Public Health Service Act to provide ongoing authority to NIAID to award
grants and contracts for construction of research facilities. An additional $150 mil-
lion was appropriated for NIAID in the 2005 consolidated appropriations act (P.L.
108–447) for extramural facilities construction grants.
The NIH is now implementing a construction program that will complete 14 new
BSL–3 facilities and 4 new BSL–4 facilities within the next several years. During
this process, the NIH or its funded institutions have participated in literally hun-
dreds of public forums on the nature and safety of the new facilities, and have sub-
mitted reports to Congress annually, along with periodic updates on our strategic
plans. In addition, NIH leadership has discussed the infrastructure expansion with
Congress on many occasions. And because NIH does not fund or conduct classified
research, the title and substance of every research project funded by the NIH is
publicly available.
Another important aspect of the biodefense research infrastructure is a network
of ten NIH-funded Regional Centers of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging In-
fectious Diseases Research (RCEs). Created in 2003, these multidisciplinary aca-
demic research programs are located at institutions across the country and provide
the scientific expertise for a wide-ranging biodefense research program, directed
against deliberate and naturally-occurring threats, that will be pursued in the new
The NIH is committed to helping ensure that all biodefense research facilities pro-
vide maximum protection for public health. The NIH is committed to the highest
quality in the design and construction of these facilities, the rigorous training of the
personnel that operate them, and the safe conduct of the research undertaken with-
in them.
To ensure that the new laboratories are designed and constructed to the highest
standards, the NIAID works closely with each grantee institution. Highly experi-
enced NIAID staff architects and engineers, with extensive experience in design of
biocontainment facilities, are assisted by a Construction Quality Management group
of contracted consultants with additional expertise. Together, these teams make cer-
tain that the finished projects will meet the regulations of HHS’s Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Agriculture’s Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) for facilities that conduct research
on select agents.
The NIH also supports a vigorous biosafety and biocontainment training effort
that has expanded substantially over the past five years. The National Biosafety
and Biocontainment Training Program (NBBTP) is a partnership between the
NIAID and the NIH Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), managed
by a not-for-profit education and research foundation. The mission of this program
is to prepare biosafety and biocontainment professionals of the highest caliber. The
program offers two-year post-baccalaureate and post-doctoral fellowships at NIH’s
campus in Bethesda, Maryland, with both academic and hands-on training. The
NBBTP has also provided training for containment laboratory operation and main-
tenance personnel across the country. In addition to this program, NIAID funds 28
Institutional Training Grants in Biodefense, and the RCEs conduct extensive train-
ing in biosafety and biocontainment. At the RCE at Emory University in Atlanta,
for example, trainees from across the country regularly participate in BSL–3 and
BSL–4 training in mock laboratories, constructed specifically for training purposes.
When these new facilities are ready for operation, NIH is committed to ensuring
that the research conducted within them is performed safely. The most widely used
guidance on the safe conduct of this research is the Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories Manual (BMBL), which was first produced jointly in 1984
by the NIH and CDC and which is now in its fifth edition and available online.
Monitoring adherence to good laboratory practices is a complex process because
multiple agencies are involved. Much of the research in BSL–3 and BSL–4 facilities
involves pathogens that have been designated as select agents. CDC and APHIS
have the responsibility for regulating the possession, use, and transfer of select
agents. For research that involves recombinant DNA, the select agent regulations
incorporate the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
(Recombinant DNA Guidelines) as a consideration in the entity’s development of its
biosafety plan. The NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA), with advice and
guidance from the NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC), is respon-
sible for implementation of the Recombinant DNA Guidelines, which outlines bio-
safety and containment standards for research involving recombinant DNA. Also,
the select agent regulations require that restricted experiments, such as the delib-
erate transfer of a drug-resistant trait to a select agent, must be approved by CDC
or APHIS prior to initiation. However, some research conducted in BSL–3 facilities
involves neither select agents nor recombinant DNA.
Local institutional bodies play a very important role in oversight of many aspects
of biomedical research. For example, oversight to protect human subjects in clinical
studies is provided by local Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and in the case of
animal research, oversight to ensure humane treatment is provided by the Institu-
tional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs). The NIH Guidelines mandate
that Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs) oversee recombinant DNA research,
but many institutions have gradually broadened IBC responsibilities to include over-
sight of research involving all pathogens studied at BSL–3 and BSL–4 levels. At
this time there is no Federal body that sets national standards or policies for this
function of local IBCs, and adherence to BMBL guidelines for BSL–3 and BSL–4 re-
search is voluntary; however, the select agents regulations require regulated entities
to comply with the BMBL guidelines or equivalent standards.
The NIH is deeply concerned about recent reports of accidents occurring in BSL–
3 facilities. When these events involve recombinant DNA, they are reported to the
OBA, and a root cause analysis is done so that NIH can assess the adequacy of the
institution’s response and work with the institution to put mechanisms in place to
mitigate the chance of a reoccurrence. To enhance all of the functions of the IBCs,
the NIH has worked intensively with the IBC community. These efforts have in-
cluded an extensive program of outreach and education, involving frequent day-long
training sessions, exhibits at major scientific conferences, policy guidances, edu-
cational resources for institutions to use in local training, and other means. Further-
more, each of the institutions receiving one of the new facilities construction grants
from NIAID has an IBC appropriately registered with NIH and each has willingly
accepted responsibility for adhering to BMBL standards.
The NIH is examining ways to strengthen local and Federal oversight of facilities
that conduct NIH-funded research. The issues associated with oversight of research
in BSL–3 and BSL–4 facilities transcend the NIH, or even the HHS. Biodefense re-
search involving BSL–3 and BSL–4 facilities is conducted by many government
agencies, including the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), and the USDA, as well as by universities and biotechnology compa-
nies. As I noted earlier, BSL–3 facilities exist in hospitals for routine handling of
clinical samples. It is important to devise a framework that improves oversight,
training, and reporting to enhance safety without causing unintended negative con-
sequences for either patient care or the biodefense research program. For that rea-
son, HHS, USDA, DHS, and DoD have already agreed to establish a Trans-Federal
Task Force to undertake, in consultation with other relevant agencies, an intensive
analysis of the current biosafety framework and to develop a set of recommenda-
tions for improvement. Given the critical importance of biosafety to protecting public
health and the concerns that the high containment facilities engender among local
communities, active participation in this process from the public at large will be es-
Support for infrastructure for biodefense research is essential if we are to fulfill
our biodefense research agenda and protect the Nation from disease threats, be they
deliberate or acts of nature. We have already made substantial progress with the
facilities now available. For example, NIH-funded scientists have developed a safer
second-generation smallpox vaccine called ACAM2000 and a very promising new
smallpox drug named ST–246. Investigators have developed and tested a new an-
thrax vaccine called rPA and have achieved promising results with antibodies capa-
ble of neutralizing anthrax toxins. They have developed first- and second-generation
vaccines against Ebola virus, and investigated a promising Ebola therapy based on
RNA interference. These and many other advances required the use of containment
facilities of the type that are now under construction. Progress should occur more
rapidly as the new facilities become available.
NIH-funded biodefense researchers are acutely aware of the threat posed by the
pathogens they study. These experts understand the need to handle them with ut-
most care, the need for rigorous training and state-of-the-art equipment, and the
need to scrupulously follow all required procedures. Their awareness also includes
a deep understanding that the Nation’s biosecurity depends on their work, which
is the conduct of research that will lead to new tools essential to meet emerging and
re-emerging threats to public health.Thank you for this opportunity to discuss this
very important issue with you. I will be happy to answer questions.

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you. Captain or Dr. Chosewood, an opening?

Mr. STUPAK. OK. We will go to questions.
Dr. Besser, if we can start with you please. There is a thing
called restricted experiments, right, which pose extraordinary
Dr. BESSER. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. And you have to apply for a permit to do these re-
stricted experiments?
Dr. BESSER. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. Where are these restricted experiments carried out,
at level 3 labs or level 4 labs?
Dr. BESSER. Yes, they are conducted in select agent laboratories,
primarily at level 3 and 4.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. And how many applications do you receive for
these restricted experiments on an average each year?

Dr. BESSER. Approximately five or six.

Mr. STUPAK. Five or six. If these are restricted experiments or
the ones that impose extraordinary risk and if you only get five or
six of these, why would we want to increase all these labs then?
Dr. BESSER. When you look at the breadth of work that takes
place in select agent laboratories, it is a very small part of that
work that would be classified as a restricted experiment. The vast
majority of the work does not fall within the category of restricted
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Well, before 2001, we had three of these labs,
level 4 labs, we are now up to 15. How many labs do we need at
level 4?
Dr. BESSER. We are at the anniversary of that anthrax attack
and at that time I was in Boca Raton working with the FBI inves-
tigating that outbreak. I spent 2 weeks in the Winnebago with
them. And during that time, I can tell you that we were pretty
scared about our ability to deliver countermeasures to people who
might need them.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. But how many labs do we need, or do we need
more Winnebagos?
Dr. BESSER. I can tell you based on my experience in that event
and my experience previously as head of the branch at CDC that
does anthrax work, that there was a limitation on our ability to de-
velop countermeasures based on the number of labs. I cannot tell
you though how many labs we need.
Mr. STUPAK. But to develop countermeasure does not mean nec-
essarily more labs, right?
Dr. BESSER. Well, when you look at what it takes to develop a
countermeasure, these measures need to be tested and much of
that work, in terms of testing, requires animal testing. That type
of work does require high-containment laboratories.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Dr. Auchincloss, let me ask you then because
you said you have the distinguished panel. There was strategic
planning of the three or four level labs and you indicated there
were not enough labs.
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. That is correct, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. So did the panel recommend how many labs we
needed then?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. The panel recommended a research agenda. It
did not recommend, specifically, the number of new facilities that
would be needed.
Mr. STUPAK. Would the research agenda then dictate the number
of labs we need in this country?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. The research agenda was what we used to de-
termine the number of new facilities needed in the country.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. So you used the research agenda to determine
the number of labs we need in this country. Is that what you said?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. That is what I said.
Mr. STUPAK. So how many level 3 labs do we need in this coun-
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. We determined, on the basis of that research
agenda, that between 10 and 15 BSL–3 facilities were needed for
the extramural community.
Mr. STUPAK. Ten to 15.

Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. And at least two level 4 facilities for the extra-
mural community.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. We had three. We are now up to 15. So it
should be five, so we got 10 too many level 4 labs?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. Sir, the estimates that the NIH has put to-
gether refer to the needs for the scientists that the NIH funds.
Mr. STUPAK. Sure.
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. And we are not trying to claim that our plan-
ning applies to other Government agencies or other funding agen-
Mr. STUPAK. So you only want five labs total then to do what
NIH wants to do?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. NIH determined that it needed between 10
and 15 BSL–3 facilities.
Mr. STUPAK. Right. And two more level 4.
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. And two level 4 for the extramural commu-
Mr. STUPAK. Correct.
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. And then we actually determined that we
have two additional level 4 facilities for the intramural program
that can be worked.
Mr. STUPAK. So your scientific panel only looked at what NIH’s
needs were.
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. Our scientific panel only looked at what the
NIH research agenda would be.
Mr. STUPAK. Did CDC do the same things, take a look at what
you thought was necessary?
Dr. BESSER. No, sir. CDC looked at its own needs in terms of the
work that we do in diagnostics and that lead to the expansion at
CDC in our level 4 capabilities.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. So the CDC then determined you needed so
many level 4 for your work you do in this area?
Dr. BESSER. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. And how many is that, level 4 labs?
Dr. BESSER. Four additional laboratories at CDC.
Mr. STUPAK. Four more additional labs at CDC. So it looks like
every agency is making their own assessment and doing their own
thing basically, right?
Dr. BESSER. I think that there is room for a more comprehensive
look at our national needs in both of these areas.
Mr. STUPAK. Well, if you got 15 different agencies, was your
other testimony, you are up to four. If we did five, four at each one,
four times 15 is 60. We would need 60 more level 4 labs if every
agency did their own assessment. Is anyone in control ball? Who
should be in control? It sounds like CDC, in your testimony, Dr.
Besser, are the ones who do the protocol; you are the ones that do
the inspections. Should you be in charge of all the labs of all the
Dr. BESSER. I think that the process that Dr. Auchincloss re-
ferred to in his oral statement of pulling together an intra-govern-
mental group, pulling together a blue ribbon panel to look at the
activities in BSL–3 and BSL–4 facilities will help to address that
issue. I think that CDC is effectively executing its mission around
the select agent program. But as we have heard, that does not

cover all of the organisms that need to be handled safely and se-
curely in laboratories.
Mr. STUPAK. Well, let me ask this. It seems like from where I
am sitting, over a billion dollars have been spent on labs that we
know of. No one can tell me how many labs that we have, the
quantity of stuff we are looking at, the quality of stuff we are look-
ing at that could be a threat to this country. It seems like if we
put the money out there then germs will come, so we will build
these labs. I mean, what has really changed since the fall, other
than anthrax, OK? Other than that, what has really changed that
would require this proliferation of labs that agencies double and
triple in labs they have. Is there a greater threat to us? If so,
should we not be putting the money into research as to most all
labs? So what has changed in the last 5 years, other than more
money available? Can someone answer that?
Dr. BESSER. I will start and you can follow. I think 2001 was a
wake up call; and it was a wake up call in terms of anthrax. But
it was a wake up call beyond that and it forced a look at what are
the potential agents that could be used deliberately and what are
our abilities to respond with either vaccines or treatments for those
conditions. That lead to issue of legislation and a push to develop
Mr. STUPAK. True.
Dr. BESSER. But as part of that, there was a move to expand the
laboratory capability to be able to address those needs. In addition
to that, if we look at our overall preparedness efforts around the
country, there has been developed something called the Laboratory
Response Network, which is not doing research but it does have
BSL–3 capabilities in order to be able to rapidly diagnose these
type of serious infections we are talking about to allow commu-
nities to respond faster. We are now at a point where 90 percent
of the U.S. population lives within 100 miles of one of these facili-
ties and it has created, I think, a laboratory infrastructure that is
critical to our preparedness and response.
Mr. STUPAK. But preparedness would be a countermeasure, a
medical countermeasure to like anthrax. Have we seen any
counterterrorism, medical counterterrorism measures to defeat an-
thrax. We still have not determined the strain from 2001, according
to the last panel, as the one that killed five people and sickened
20 others.
Dr. BESSER. There has been a lot of work done in the area of an-
thrax, vaccine work and countermeasures. CDC has undertaken a
study looking at the existing anthrax vaccine to try and reduce the
number of doses that are required to confirm protection. In addi-
tion, NIH has supported extensive work in developing vaccines for
anthrax that might be much safer.
Mr. STUPAK. When was the last time you updated the selected
list, the selected agents?
Dr. BESSER. The last time was August 28 of this year. We pub-
lished in the Federal Register and it is still open for comment, the
latest revisions to the select agent list.
Mr. STUPAK. Is SARS going to be one of these select agents?
Dr. BESSER. SARS was considered by the committee. If I could
explain the process by which agents are considered? There is an

intergovernmental committee called the ISATTAG. That is the

Intergovernmental Select Agent and Toxin Technical Advisory
Group. It contains representation from all the Federal agencies
that do work with select agents: CDC, NIH, FDA.
Mr. STUPAK. This group met in August this year. When did it
meet before August of this year?
Dr. BESSER. Well, the notice went out in August.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. They met this year. When did they meet before
this year?
Dr. BESSER. The ISATTAG not only reviews the select agent list
for our program, but they also review proposals for restricted ex-
periments, as was discussed earlier. And the ISATTAG meets on
an ad hoc basis, typically four or five times a year as needed when
issues come up.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Now, getting to the issue asked about SARS.
Dr. BESSER. No, select agents.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. You met four to five times. SARS is a select
agent. The hantavirus is not a select agent. And there is one other,
dengue fever. These are all we have no cure for. If they break out,
people can die.
Dr. BESSER. Right.
Mr. STUPAK. It seems like you are building the labs but no one
is doing anything about getting a list and trying to restrict the re-
search of the most dangerous things that could cause most harm
to us and spend, what, 5, 6 years.
Dr. BESSER. Each of those agents has been considered and was
not included on the list. There are 14 criteria that are looked at
when considering an agent for the select agent list. When the
SARS epidemic first occurred and we knew very little about that
virus, it was being handled in BSL–4 facilities. When the ISATTAG
looks at the science around an agent and whether it should be con-
sidered a select agent, we look at the degree of pathogenicity, how
bad an infection does it cause, how easy is it to transmit person-
to-person, how easy is it to spread within a community, what is the
route of exposure, how stable is it in the environment, how easy
would it be for somebody to produce that agent, can it be geneti-
cally manipulated or altered because there are long term——
Mr. STUPAK. SARS does not make it then?
Dr. BESSER. Well, SARS did not make it to that list and if
Mr. STUPAK. Since the fall of 2001, have you added any more
agents to this select list? Select list first came out, what, in 1996?
Dr. BESSER. Yes. In October 2005.
Mr. STUPAK. How many have you added since the fall of 2001?
Dr. BESSER. The 1918 influenza virus was added in October
Mr. STUPAK. OK. We had flu. Did you add anything else? I am
trying to justify all this money and all these labs. If we have a se-
lect agent list in 1996 at 72 and we add one, we get up to 73
maybe; how do we justify a proliferation of all these labs?
Dr. BESSER. Well, the work being done in those laboratories is
not necessarily being done just on the new agent, 1918 flu. But it
is acknowledging the lack of work or the need for work with some
of the existing agents.

Mr. STUPAK. Correct. And Congress’ charge was to develop coun-

termeasures to make America safe. And if the list has not grown
more agents that we should be concerned about but yet we have
probably 10 times more labs than we had before then. Again, it
goes back to look like we are building labs and hoping the germs
will come. That is my concern. Mr. Green for questions.
Mr. GREEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. When you let off by ask-
ing how many Winnebagos we need, our colleague, Mike Ross on
our committee keeps talking about all those FEMA trailers we
have in some field in Arkansas. Maybe we can put wheels on them
and get them. I thank our panel for being here and appreciate your
work. Coming from Texas, we certainly have been following the
news accounts on instances in the Texas biosafety labs. One of the
news articles quotes a laboratory expert who compared lab settings
to hospital settings and noted that infections are not entirely unex-
pected. Generally, where are the risks in this line of work and
would you say that they are primary to the lab worker or would
it be to the broader community?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. Obviously, we are concerned about infections or
releases in any setting because safety is a vital component of all
laboratory work for certain. The vast majority of incidents that
have occurred and given the vast amount of work that has gone on,
we believe that the actual number of events is very small. But
when those events have occurred, they have affected primarily the
laboratory workers. The select agents folks can give you some spe-
cific numbers on the amount of workers who have acquired infec-
tion. But the risk to the environment, in all of those cases, has
been non-existent in our opinion.
Mr. GREEN. OK. Another course of questions of safety are of ut-
most concern, but I also want to make sure that we have a meas-
ured and thoughtful reaction to the incidents we hear about. Of
course, we want 100 percent safety but based on the incidents to
date, the expert indicated that he was not certain the problems
reached the level of a crisis. Can you share your thoughts on that
issue, and would you agree or disagree with that statement wheth-
er it had reached that level of crisis?
Dr. BESSER. I think it is critically important that we move for-
ward very quickly to convene an intergovernmental group and look
at a process for reviewing how lab safety oversight is now provided
and we are committed to doing that. I think that the work of this
committee in shedding light on issues about safety will help move
the entire field forward and we welcome an opportunity to see the
GAO report and the preliminary report and their recommendations
because I think that as a young program, there is a lot we can
learn and there is a lot we can do to improve our oversight.
Mr. GREEN. Well, I know our Oversight and Investigation Sub-
committee, we do not do legislation but typically will refer to our
the committee’s Health Subcommittee, for example, and I look for-
ward to working with you and I know our full committee does.
Based on the incident reports received by the CDC, what is the pri-
mary source of the incidents in the biosafety labs? Can you at-
tribute it to accidents, the human or engineering design flaws?
Dr. BESSER. The vast majority of events involve human error.
That is why it is so important that individuals, like your daughter,

are well trained if they are going to be working in a laboratory;

that they have the right equipment for the type of experiment that
they are doing; that that experiment has been designed to mini-
mize the amount of risk; and that their engineering controls, in
case that individual makes an error, it does not get outside of the
Mr. GREEN. OK. Our GAO witness mentioned the CDC biosafety
microbiological and the biomedical laboratories guide, as well as
the importance of training lab staff. Specifically, Dr. Rose men-
tioned that BMBL’s guidelines that personnel must receive training
on potential hazard and precautions. Can you elaborate on that
training guideline? Is there a mandate for that guideline for level
3 and 4 or is it to all the levels of these labs?
Dr. BESSER. You want to comment on that, Dr. Weyant?
Dr. WEYANT. With respect to the regulated select agent commu-
nity, select agent laboratories are required to have a biosafety plan,
along with a security plan and an incident response plan. They are
required to train their staff in accordance with these plans and
they are also required to perform drills on an annual basis. As part
of our inspection regime through the CDC select agent program, we
review training records when we inspect entities.
Mr. GREEN. OK. I would like to carry forward and since I am al-
most out of time, Dr. Weyant, I am interested in clarifying the type
of agents that are being researched in the BSL–3 and BSL–4 labs.
Our witness on our fourth panel has referred to these agents as bi-
ological weapons agents. A term that certainly elicits strong reac-
tion from the public. My understanding, however, is that these are
not actually weapons agents by definition, rather they are infec-
tions agents occurring naturally in nature. Is it fair to assume that
the BSL–4 labs are necessarily working on biological weapons
agents and can you clarify the distinction of the two?
Dr. WEYANT. Well, it depends on usage. An agent such as bacil-
lus anthracis, the agent that causes anthrax, exists in the environ-
ment. It exists in soil in many parts of the world. However, the
agent can be grown up and purified and weaponized as was dem-
onstrated in the events beginning October 4, so it is difficult to
take a single organism on this list and say it is absolutely a weap-
ons agent or it is absolutely a naturally-occurring agent. I would
say it is fair to say that for the agents listed on this list, it is pos-
sible that they could be both.
Dr. BESSER. If I could add to that.
Mr. GREEN. Please.
Dr. BESSER. Currently CDC is assisting States on investigation
of cases of anthrax in Connecticut, cases of botulism in the South-
east, cases of tularemia in the Southwest. These are all agents that
are select agents and it is important that they have laboratories
that can diagnose those. But in their naturally-occurring form, they
are not something that could readily be used in a biological attack.
But in these laboratories we can learn about those agents and we
can work to improve our diagnosis, which is critical, and help to
develop treatments.
Mr. GREEN. OK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. STUPAK. But in response to that last question, especially on

botulism, the FDA’s response was that it closed down six of their
13 labs.
Mr. GREEN. I think those make sense, which was just said.
Mr. STUPAK. Botulism. If we are going to find it, FDA has re-
sponsibility but they want to close six of the 13 labs. Should not
we add food safety to CDC then?
Dr. BESSER. There are different roles in FDA. We have a primary
role in terms of investigating outbreaks related to botulism and
distributing the botulism antitoxin. And to succeed in that mission,
we have to ensure that we have rapid diagnostics. Currently, our
laboratories at CDC are working on a new ELISA test, which is
rapid test for diagnosing botulism that will have natural applica-
tions, as well as applications if there were deliberant events.
Mr. STUPAK. Right. I do not disagree with you with that last
statement but if the FDA, who is responsible for it, is closing the
labs and you guys are opening more labs, it seems like the agen-
cies—no one is in charge here. Everyone is doing their own thing.
With that, let me turn it over to Mr. Burgess for questions please.
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I apologize for being
out of the room for a while. I know I pledged to you earlier today
that I would not desert you through this hearing and my State del-
egation called and they actually rank a little higher than you, Mr.
Chairman. Let me just follow up and listening to the chairman’s
questions, Dr. Besser, in the room outside, on the select list, the
select agent list, that is developed, SARS is not on that list. Is
there a downside to having an agent on that list? Does it in any
way inhibit research, inhibit the evaluation of the agent? Is there
a research-oriented reason not to put an agent on that list? Is it
going to make it more difficult for the scientists to do their job?
And actually, whoever feels that they can answer the question. Dr.
Weyant, that is fine.
Dr. WEYANT. Thank you, sir. Yes, there is a downside to doing
work in a highly-regulated environment. There are extensive record
keeping requirements that we have for select agent laboratories.
There are extensive security requirements. As was discussed ear-
lier this morning, individuals who apply to work with select agents
have to undergo a Department of Justice security clearance proce-
dure, whereas individuals that would not work on a select agent,
do not have to undergo that. So there is a downside to working in
a highly-regulated environment. There is a lot more paperwork and
it is more resource intensive.
Mr. BURGESS. I referenced SARS earlier because of the rapidity
with which you guys, all of you at the table, made the designation
of a coronavirus previously reported and causing human disease,
came from a remote area in China, spread on planes from people
coming over here. Really relatively unsophisticated tools that beat
back the threat of this epidemic and I do not want to see us, Mr.
Chairman, do anything on this committee that would rob us of that
ability and I cannot say that anyone new going into that epidemic
that we are going to be able to beat this with epidemiology and
quarantine. But at the same time, because of the work that you do,
the scientific ground work that you did early on in that investiga-
tion, lead you to the conclusion that we have tools on a shelf that

we can beat this with and they, in fact, are the same tools that
were available in 1918 and let us get busy and do them.
In fact, I was really concerned, not to pick on the CDC but you
guys had a scientist get sick over in China; and he got put on a
Lear jet and brought back over to this country and I think refueled
two or three times coming back over here. I called the CDC back
in 2003 very concerned about is this the best way to be handling
a suspected case of SARS, putting them on an airplane with the
recirculating air that is present on an airplane, worrying about the
exposure to people, perhaps the ground based operators who would
be involved in refueling that plane and doing it for service that was
required at the various stops it made back to this country. It
turned out the scientist did not have SARS.
While I appreciate your dedication to bringing one of your own
back who was ill, I must admit I was terribly concerned. Turns out
that that concern was misplaced. Again, I just do not want us to
do anything that undermines your ability to do your job because
often times you do not know what it is you are going up against
and you are literally walking across a bridge as you are building
it. And we just have to be very careful that we do not stymie that
creativity and that ability to respond. But that does lead me to the
question that I asked the previous panel before and if you wanted
to place us on a continuum of exposure to safety, obviously we were
at one place in 2001 when the anthrax attacks on the Senate oc-
curred, have we moved on that continuum forward or back in the
6 years that have passed since that time?
Dr. WEYANT. I think we have moved forward and I think we
have moved forward because we now have a program in place that
is really requiring a lot of laboratories that are working on select
agents. The area of select agents, as has been said, does not cover
the full spectrum of germs that can be harmful. But we did not
have in place a program that required a detailed background check
for individuals who work with these agents. We did not have a pro-
gram that required approval and required inspections, that re-
quired documentation of safety, as well as security methods. So
that is an improvement. There is a lot more that can be done and
this process of this committee is raising really important issues
that we need to address. I can tell you about the CDC’s ability to
move people who are potentially infectious has improved. By early
spring, we will have a self-contained biocontainment unit that we
will fit in the CDC plane that will allow for transport of a pas-
senger safely. Again, it is critical, especially when we do not know
what we are dealing with, like the beginning of the SARS epidemic,
that we are able to use engineering controls to protect the public.
Mr. BURGESS. True. Well, that is very reassuring to hear that.
Mr. Chairman, I just also have to mention, last year when I was
taking a trip to Iraq, I think it was one trip with Mr. Green and
I took a side trip to Geneva to visit what was going on with the
World Health Organization. At that time, we were all real con-
cerned about the bird flu. And CDC had their people on the ground
in Geneva, in the, I do not know what you call it, the whatever it
is, the biologic room, and it is an impressive amount of work. And
that is impressive protection provided by American scientists on
loan to the World Health Organization. Not the World Health Or-

ganization, directive of the CDC but American scientists on loan.

And they went through the day’s reports with me. It was absolutely
astounding the breath, the scope, the danger that people were in
having to go to remote areas and ferret out the symptoms that had
come to their attention that might be indicative of something much
more serious. So, Mr. Chairman, unless we get too complacent or
smug up here that these are not real illnesses, real issues, I mean,
these guys are on the front line and I believe they are committed
to doing a good job. I just want us to be able to give the tools, de-
liver the tools to them that they need.
Mr. STUPAK. Dr. Besser, on your page four of your testimony the
statement is made that the NIAID estimated the new BSL–3 and
BSL–4 facilities would be required to accomplish the research
agenda. Our committee has asked for a copy of that assessment.
When will you provide that copy of the assessment?
Dr. BESSER. We will work with your committee to provide that
as soon as we can.
Mr. STUPAK. Yes, but we would have liked it before the hearing,
that is why I am asking, so get it to us, OK?
Dr. BESSER. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. All right. Second, let me ask you this question.
When you are working with SARS, as has been brought up, bird
flu to plague or Ebola, safety should be paramount. Do you feel
that the community where these labs are located and first respond-
ers in these communities should be notified of what agents are
being studied at those labs?
Dr. BESSER. I think that is an important question and I think it
is critically important that communities are aware that labora-
tories are in their community, that they have been engaged as part
of the decision as to whether a laboratory is being placed. When
it comes to specifics about what agents are in the laboratory, I
think that is a difficult question and one that is hard to answer.
There is the importance of transparency but there is also the issue
of letting individuals who may want to do harm know where cer-
tain agents are located and both of those have to be weighed.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. So you said, well, they should know about the
lab but not necessarily the agents being studied there. But should
the public then be made aware or notified of the shift of a lab from
a level 3 to a level 4, like you may be doing down in Bethesda?
Should that community be made known that it is going to go from
a level 3 to a level 4?
Dr. BESSER. I think that is an important question. I am looking
forward to guidance on some of these issues from our review proc-
ess. I think that we have to weigh the issue of sharing information
that could do harm to a community versus being open about what
is going on. And I think that the more trust that the community
has that the labs are being run safely, the less that is an issue.
But I do not think that we are where we need to be in terms of
that level of trust.
Mr. STUPAK. You think we are there at the level of safety?
Dr. BESSER. I think that the laboratories that are being built,
these state of the art laboratories, are extremely safe. That does
not mean that an error will not occur.

Mr. STUPAK. Yes, your own CDC lab in Atlanta was supposed to
have redundancy in the electricity event when the lightening stuck.
Everything shut down in a level 4 lab. You did not have the redun-
dancy that was required and that is a brand new lab.
Dr. BESSER. Dr. Chosewood?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. Sure. I would love to comment on that. In fact,
we believe that the GAO findings about the lack of redundant
power is absolutely incorrect.
Mr. STUPAK. It is incorrect?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. You should have just one power source at a level
4 lab, is that what you are saying?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. No, but in fact, that is not the case. The power
outage in our building 18 laboratory occurred as a result of an
Mr. STUPAK. A lightning strike, right?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. A lightning strike to the building.
Mr. STUPAK. Yes.
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. And unfortunately, the lightning protection sys-
tem in that building had been interrupted by ongoing construction
nearby. And so the power failure in that instance was completely
appropriate. It was as if you were having a power surge in your
own home.
Mr. STUPAK. So you think——
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. And if that were the case——
Mr. STUPAK. Power outages at level 4 labs are certainly appro-
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. No, I did not say that. One of the things that
I think is important is to imagine a power surge in your own home
and you have a breaker that trips appropriately. That is exactly
what occurred in this situation. And that is what you would want.
Mr. STUPAK. The backup system cable was cut, was not it?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. This was an interruption of the lightning pro-
tection system but not the backup cable for power.
Mr. STUPAK. So then why did not the back up one come on then?
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. Because it was not supposed to in an overload
situation like a lightning strike. So basically at the time of the
lab—we should tell you that we had no active work going on. The
maximum containment labs in building 18 are actually not func-
tional at this point. But even if they had been functional, there are
multiple systems of safety in place to avoid escape of any dan-
gerous pathogens.
Mr. STUPAK. But if you do not have any power, those backup sys-
tems are not going to work.
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. No, I would disagree because the facilities are
designed to withstand higher levels of containment than the typical
space. These are pressurized areas. If you have a power loss in a
maximum containment laboratory, the actual air flow goes neutral,
it does not become positive. You do not have the escape of that air
in the lab to the outside.
Dr. CHOSEWOOD. Backup power is important. It is a critical thing
but that was not the case here and our laboratories do have backup

Mr. STUPAK. Well, GOA tends to disagree with all you said but
that is the information we have to work with, to share information
with us and then maybe we can get some of this squared away.
You mention audits. Let me just ask about an audit. Do you do any
surprise inspections of these labs? Do they know when you are
coming to inspect the labs?
Dr. WEYANT. The select agent regulations give us the authority
to do surprise inspections.
Mr. STUPAK. Yes, but you do it?
Dr. WEYANT. As a rule, we do not do surprise inspections.
Mr. STUPAK. Well, if they know when you are coming, it is pretty
easy to pass inspection. Is that what happened at A&M? You guys
were right there, you guys approved everything, some minor things
were out of hand and if it wasn’t for this Sunshine Project, we
never would have found out about the instance there, right?
Dr. WEYANT. Yes, I think the issue of unannounced inspections
is something we need to consider as we look at improvements in
our program. I would rather not get into the details of Texas A&M
given that they have been referred to the Inspector General to as-
sess whether civil or criminal penalties may——
Mr. STUPAK. I am not here to dump on A&M but I am just trying
to say, without any kind of surprise inspection system, how are you
going to know? I mean, you said documentation. How do you know
if the documentation is valid? I mean, this Sunshine Project went
through a Freedom of Information, went to the State agencies and
found the information you should have been looking for and you
were just there. So, I mean, if Sunshine can do it, why cannot you
who are responsible for inspections figure out a way to double
check, to truly audit, to be truly independent what we are all
Dr. WEYANT. With each one of these events, we learn and we
look to make improvements. And from our experience with Texas
A&M and other institutions, there are additional documents, em-
ployee health records and such, that we will be looking at.
Dr. WEYANT. We will be looking to expand the pool of people that
we interview and we look for, again——
Mr. STUPAK. Let me go to Mr. Burgess to see if he has anything
further. We have got 5 minutes before we have to run down for two
votes. We should be able to get right back and we can——
Mr. BURGESS. I know they will hold the votes for you, Mr. Chair-
man, so we will take the 5 minutes.
Mr. STUPAK. Sure.
Mr. BURGESS. Can I just ask a question for really anyone on the
CDC side? If we find a problem, as was encountered at Texas
A&M, should we not encourage a system that would promote vol-
untary reporting? You’ve got an issue, confess your sin, work on
correcting it rather than a system that truly punitive. Design the
system more like NASA, more like what we see with the nuclear
submarine program that has such a proactive safety record.
Dr. BESSER. I think that is a very creative idea and something
we need to explore. We do not want to have a system in place that
actually leads to less transparency in reporting because of fear of

penalties. We want a system where laboratories can learn from

each other to prevent these from happening in the future.
Mr. BURGESS. Dr. Auchincloss, if I could ask you just in regard
to NIH and funding for the NIH. Of course, you know this commit-
tee went through a rather lengthy and involved reauthorization
process that culminated last year in December and finally just sent
it to—work and we got a bill passed that reauthorized the NIH for
the next 5 years, funding at about $30 billion a year to increase
by 5 percent a year. We took a lot of grief for only increasing your
budget by 5 percent every year and yet this year the House passed
labor NIH’s budget is about a 2.3 percent increase, if my arithmetic
is correct. Is that your understanding as well?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. That is my understanding.
Mr. BURGESS. So why have you all not been more outspoken
about not receiving your full authorized funding increase at NIH?
Clearly, we are at a time in our Nation’s history where if anyone
needs a funding, you guys need the funding. We authorized a 5
percent increase. Again, we were criticized for it not being a 7 or
9 or 10 percent increase and we only managed to come up with 2.3
this year.
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. We have research agendas for extreme drug-
resistant tuberculosis, further work on influenza, such where we
could spend the money.
Mr. BURGESS. Well, no question you can spend the money but
really it is a question of planning too. How can you obligate or ask
a young scientist to obligate their life to you when you are not sure
that your funding stream is going to be steady? That was the whole
purpose in reauthorizing the NIH budget last year. That is why we
went through that long laborious process. I would just ask the NIH
to help us make certain that your funding requirements receive no
less the attention than every other thing that we deal with on this
committee, whether it be the FDA regulation of tobacco or the
lyrics of rap songs. Your work is every bit as important as that
work and I want to hear from you. When we are not doing our job
at the funding level, goodness knows, I heard from everyone last
year, where were all your groups this year? Where was the NIH
when your funding was cut by half, by over 50 percent, your fund-
ing increase was cut by over 50 percent, where was the involve-
ment of the NIH?
Dr. AUCHINCLOSS. I got your point, Congressman, I do.
Mr. BURGESS. Very well. And you’ll deliver that to Dr. Zerning?
Thank you.
Mr. STUPAK. Less construction, more research. With that said,
we will be at recess for about 10 minutes. We have two votes. This
panel is dismissed. Thank you.
Mr. STUPAK. Witness to come forward. That is Dr. Ed Davis,
president of Texas A&M University. Dr. Davis, it is the policy of
this subcommittee to take all testimony under oath. Please be ad-
vised witnesses have a right under the rules of the House to have
counsel present and to be represented by counsel at this time. Do
you have counsel with you, sir?
Mr. DAVIS. No.

Mr. STUPAK. OK. Witness indicates no. So then I would ask you
to please rise, raise your right hand.
[Witness sworn.]
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, sir. Let the record reflect that the wit-
ness has replied in the affirmative. He is now under oath. Dr.
Davis, you’ll have 5 minutes for an opening statement. You may
submit a longer statement for the record if you wish. Dr. Davis,
we’d like to have your opening statement please, sir.
Mr. DAVIS. Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member Barton, sub-
committee members, my name is Ed Davis. I am president of Texas
A&M University. As a brief point of personal privilege, I would like
to acknowledge Mr. Barton’s long service to the State of Texas, his
district and to his alma mater, Texas A&M, as well as Mr. Chet
Edwards, who accompanied me this morning here, who is our 17th
Congressional District Congressman.
You might legitimately ask why the president of Texas A&M is
here. I am not a microbiologist. I am not a doctor. I am not even
a lawyer. But the answer is really pretty simple. Texas A&M has
a proud heritage of scientific research. In fact, our 131st birthday
is today and we have had a long history of providing service to our
country. More importantly, however, is we have a history of being
an honest, high-integrity and forthright institution in doing every-
thing that is right.
I am here today as president to make four important points for
the record. Number 1, we made a mistake. We failed to report an
exposure to a select agent, Brucella, in a timely manner. The de-
tails of the incident are contained in my written testimony and I
am pleased to give any additional details that you may wish. I am
satisfied through our internal review that this was due to human
error. It was compounded by a failure to have adequate protocols
and redundant controls in place to ensure it could not happen.
Number 2, we take this issue very seriously. I, as president, have
become personally involved in this situation. I have devoted time
and resources to assess what happened, to analyze appropriate cor-
rective steps, and to move to implementation to return our program
to doing the scientific work, the very important scientific work that
benefits the public health system and the security of our country.
Number 3, we are taking corrective actions to fix the problem. We
want to rescue our research, revise the select agent registration
with the CDC as our regulatory partner, hire and properly organize
the best talent to lead our safety, security and compliance activity
and re-establish the trust with the CDC, with you and with our re-
search funding partners.
Finally, Mr. Chairman and members, we intend as a learning
outcome of this episode, to develop in conjunction with you and the
CDC a model program for select agent research and compliance to
be in place across the country. In summary, we are committed to
getting it right. We will use CDC’s comprehensive review that has
been provided as our road map to compliance and we will move for-
ward from there. But we will leave nothing undone in moving our
program to one of a model of documented excellence. This research

is important, as I said, to our country’s public health system and

to our national security.
I think from the hearing today I have observed three protocols
and partnerships that make sense and I think the hearing has
been valuable for that. One is that we need to have good science.
That is our job in conjunction with our funding partners. We need
to have absolute compliance. That is our job with our regulator, the
CDC. And we need regulatory oversight and coordination, which is
the task of the hearing of this committee today. I think it provides
value. We appreciate the opportunity to be here. I am here to an-
swer any questions or provide further details. Mr. Chairman.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Davis follows:]
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Barton and members of the subcommittee, my
name is Eddie Joe Davis, interim president of Texas A&M University at College
Station. I have held this position since December 2006. The College Station campus
is the largest of the 10 campuses that fall within the Texas A&M University Sys-
tem. I am appearing here today at the Subcommittee’s request.
Texas A&M’s College Station campus is home to approximately 38,000 under-
graduate students at 10 colleges and approximately 7,000 graduate students. The
University takes great pride in its reputation as a top tier research institution. I
am here today to provide testimony regarding our select agent research laboratories.
As you may be aware, these laboratories have recently been the subject of investiga-
tion by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention or ‘‘CDC’’ and, as of June of
this year, our select agent research work has been suspended pursuant to CDC’s
My comments today will first focus on some background information regarding the
University’s research program, internal compliance program and the select agent
labs. I will then move on to the recent matters leading to the CDC’s suspension of
the University’s select agent research and our commitment to run a model program
to which others compare themselves. Finally, I will provide observations regarding
the application of recent Federal regulations governing the possession and use of se-
lect agents in the laboratories that have emerged over the past few years.
I want to make it absolutely clear that Texas A&M University is, first and fore-
most, fully committed to both the safety and protection of our employees, students
and community, and to following the guidelines and rules on safely and securely op-
erating our laboratories that handle select biological agents and toxins. Only then,
will we seek inspection and approval from the CDC to resume the research in these


Organizational Structure. The University’s research organization falls under the
Division of Research and Graduate Studies which carries out its mission through
several internal units and a variety of external units and centers that are focused
on important new fields of scientific inquiry. The work of the Division’s units and
centers spans the full range of scholarly endeavors and disciplines, securing Texas
A&M University’s place among the world’s leading research institutions.
The Office of Research Compliance, which is a key unit of the University’s Divi-
sion of Research and Graduate Studies, is responsible for providing training and
support to faculty, students and staff in regulatory requirements for scientific re-
search. Through key committees and related programs and activities, the Office of
Research Compliance develops, implements and oversees compliance with university
policies and any applicable research requirements or regulations related to the fol-
lowing areas, among others:
• Research involving humans;
• Research involving animals; and
• Research involving hazardous materials, select agents or recombinant DNA.
Research projects involving infectious/biohazardous agents are subject to approval
by the University’s Institutional Biosafety Committee or ‘‘IBC.’’ The IBC serves as
the University’s primary interface between the research institution, the Biological
Safety Officer (BSO), and principal investigators (PIs) concerning lab review, secu-
rity, safety, emergency plans, and other activities. In addition to the BSO, the Uni-
versity has also designated a responsible official or ‘‘RO’’ as required by the March
2005 Federal regulations promulgated by the Department of Health & Human Serv-
ices for select agents and toxins. The RO is the University’s designated individual
who has the authority and control to ensure compliance with the regulations govern-
ing our select agent labs.
We presently employ an RO and a BSO, but in an effort to assure full compliance
and seamless communications, we will combine these responsibilities into a single
person who will report directly to high-level University management. At present, we
have an on-going nation-wide search for a new RO/BSO and we expect to have this
position filled by the end of the month. With the promulgation of the select agents
and toxins rule, the roles of the RO and BSO have evolved and taken on additional
responsibilities, which require unique skill sets and experience.
Select Agent Research Laboratories. Texas A&M University has a long history of
applied and basic research involving Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, Brucella and
Coxiella species with the goal of advancing the understanding of mechanisms of in-
fection and disease, gene function, and vaccine development. The research efforts of
our investigators have resulted in a better understanding of mechanisms of infec-
tion, which have yielded significant and relevant results with respect to
immunogens for vaccine development, detection of the infectious agent and modes
of delivery for achieving the highest probability for success in immunization against
disease organisms. The collective contributions and over-arching theme of our re-
search with Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, Brucella and Coxiella bacteria are in un-
derstanding host-pathogen interactions as the basis for prevention of disease. While
these are zoonotic agents (i.e., agents that are transferable from animals to humans)
and prevalent in the surrounding environment, most of the research focuses on dis-
eases in animals and the economic impact of the resulting animal losses, as well
as development of better human and animal vaccines. The recognition of the bio-
weapons potential of these particular agents has only served to make the ongoing
research at Texas A&M more relevant and important. The four BSL–3 research lab-
oratories at the University that are registered with the CDC as handling select
agents are led by principal investigators Dr. Garry Adams, Dr. Thomas Ficht, Dr.
Jim Samuel and Dr. Vernon Tesch.
Dr. Adams is a Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Adams’ research involves studies of the
genetic basis of natural disease resistance, molecular pathogenesis of intracellular
bacterial pathogens, and the development of vaccines and diagnostic tests against
zoonotic diseases. For almost two decades, he has been actively involved in improv-
ing the scientific basis of the two largest animal health regulatory issues in the
U.S.—brucellosis and tuberculosis. Recently, he has been very active in developing
and implementing biodefense and emerging diseases research initiatives.
Dr. Ficht is a professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology at the Uni-
versity’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Ficht’s research involves Brucella, an
animal pathogen, which invades or persists in the phagosomal compartment of an
animal’s eucaryotic cells including professional phagocytes. His research explores
host-agent interaction between monocyte-derived macrophages and Brucella with
the aim of identifying the bacterial factors that subvert intracellular killing and the
host factors responsible for protecting the host from infection.
Both Dr. Samuel and Dr. Tesch are Associate Professors in the Department of Mi-
crobial and Molecular Pathogenesis in the College of Medicine at the Texas A&M
University System Health Science Center. Dr. Samuel’s research involves identify-
ing recombinant vaccine strategies to elicit protective immunity to the obligate
intracellular bacterial pathogen, Coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of Q fever and
a biothreat agent. Dr. Tesch’s research involves a family of bacterial toxins called
Shiga toxins known to cause disease in humans. Shiga toxins are produced by
Shigella dysenteriae and E. coli. These microorganisms have been in the news late-
ly, as the ingestion of undercooked hamburgers or other foods contaminated with
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli may lead to widespread outbreaks of bloody diarrhea.
A fraction of patients, mostly children, go on to develop life-threatening complica-
tions involving acute renal failure and neurological abnormalities.
Texas A&M University has been conducting research involving the propagation of
Brucella since the late 1970’s and has performed research using BSL–3 facilities
since the mid 1990’s. Research in the other BSL–3 laboratories has similarly been
on-going for some time. In addition to the four research laboratories, two BSL–3 di-
agnostic laboratories are operated by the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab
(TVMDL) located at the College Station campus. From its inception, the TVMDL
has occasionally received tissue or blood samples from animals which contain bio-
logical agents and toxins (e.g., rabies, e-coli, and Brucella) and, therefore, it must
be equipped to handle these samples in a high containment laboratory.
I now would like to turn our attention to the reported exposure of a University
lab worker to the select agent Brucella and the resulting CDC investigation of the
University’s select agent labs. I will first address the details of the exposure and
follow that up with comments regarding the CDC’s investigations earlier this year.
2006 Brucella Exposure. In February 2006, a post-doctoral research associate in
Dr. Thomas Ficht’s lab was conducting an experiment involving brucellosis using a
Madison Chamber. A ‘‘Madison Chamber’’ is an aerosol infection chamber that is
used to infect test animals with various pathogens. The use of the chamber for this
experiment was loaned to Dr. Ficht’s research associate by another researcher at the
University’s Health and Science Center, who used the chamber for tuberculosis re-
search. A Ph.D. research assistant involved in the tuberculosis research which uses
the Madison chamber was present during the burcellosis experiment conducted by
Dr. Ficht’s research associate. The research assistant is proficient in the operation
of the Madison Chamber from her use in research concerning tuberculosis. At the
time of the experiment, she was present in Dr. Ficht’s lab to observe the proper use
of the chamber by the research associate who was working with Brucella. After the
experiment had concluded and the test animals removed, she cleaned the chamber
as she would if the pathogen had been tuberculosis.
About 2 months later, the research assistant notified Dr. Ficht that she was ill
with flu-like symptoms and inquired as to whether or not anyone else was ill. On
that same day, Dr. Ficht had all other lab employees who were present during the
experiment in February tested and notified the BSO. Within the next two weeks,
the research assistant was diagnosed with Brucellosis and, through blood testing,
it was confirmed that no other employees had contracted it. The research assistant’s
positive test for Brucella was entered into the public health database by the Brazos
County Health Department, which was automatically transmitted to the Texas De-
partment of Health and CDC. The research assistant returned to work, was given
follow up blood testing and has continued to be monitored pursuant to the institu-
tion’s occupational health program.
In October 2006, the University received a request for public documents involving
incident reports for risk group 2 and higher pathogens from Mr. Edward Hammond
of the Sunshine Project, one of the witnesses at today’s hearing. In November 2006,
the University produced a document showing that there had been a single incident
relating to brucellosis. The University continued to inquire internally as to whether
there were any additional documents. In April 2007, additional documents were
identified regarding the Brucella exposure. At that time, the University immediately
notified CDC and provided the documents to Mr. Hammond.
CDC’s 2007 Investigation. Following the notification to CDC, the University re-
ceived a notice of suspension of select agent research in Dr. Ficht’s lab. Inspectors
from CDC then visited the University to follow-up on the notification of exposure
and conducted an inspection of the University’s four BSL–3 laboratories. A few
weeks later, the University submitted information to CDC regarding elevated titers
for Q fever—a term of measurement of antibodies in the blood—for three employees
who worked in Dr. Jim Samuel’s lab. Although it was not clear whether notification
was required for these elevated titers, the University elected to report these levels
to CDC out of an abundance of caution. While these elevated titers were cause for
concern, none of the individuals became ill. Following this disclosure by the Univer-
sity, the CDC issued an order suspending all select agent research at the Univer-
sity. The University immediately complied.
On July 23, 2007, an 18-member team from the CDC conducted a comprehensive
site review of the University’s select agent research activities which ultimately led
to the CDC’s August 31st site visit report. Though the CDC’s report acknowledged
the efforts of the University in curing the deficiencies noted by the CDC inspectors,
we acknowledge that several additional steps need to be accomplished in order to
be re-certified for select agent research. Our No. 1 goal is to ensure that our labora-
tories are operated in a safe and secure manner, in compliance with all applicable
laws and regulations.
We are using CDC’s August 31st site report as our roadmap to full compliance.
In fact, we have already begun to take corrective action to cure many of the defi-
ciencies cited in the report and have engaged outside experts—some of who were
recommended by the CDC—to assist in this process. This will continue full speed
ahead. Only after we have satisfied ourselves in the areas of biosafety, security,
training, recordkeeping and incident response, we will ask the CDC to allow us to
re-start the laboratories. We desire to get back to the important business of vaccine
research, with the CDC as our partner, as soon as possible.
I would now like to turn our attention to the Select Agent and Toxins regulations
that were promulgated in March 2005. These regulations are found at 42 C.F.R. §
73.1 et seq. and were developed pursuant to the Public Health Security and Bio-
terrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. These Federal regulations per-
tain specifically to the possession, use and transfer of select agents and toxins and
I will refer to them as the ‘‘SAT Regulations.’’
Like many labs in the U.S. handling select agents and toxins, we have grappled
with compliance with these regulations. Over the past two and one-half years since
their promulgation, several areas have emerged which we believe need further clari-
fication or improvement. I address a few of these areas below:
Definitions—perhaps the most challenging aspect of the SAT Regulations pertain
to definitional interpretations of key terms. The possession, use and transfer of se-
lect agents and toxins in biomedical laboratories is a highly complex scientific en-
deavor. Added to that is the need to operate the laboratories in a safe and secure
manner. Given these complexities, the application of definitional terms in the regu-
lations can take on different meanings given different operating scenarios. Terms
that are broadly defined can take on different meanings to different people, which
can result in differential application and enforcement of the regulations. The follow-
ing terms in the SAT Regulations have led to a good deal of confusion:
‘‘Access’ to select agents or toxins. 42 C.F.R. § 73.10(a) restricts access to select
agents and toxins to only those individuals that have been approved by the HHS
Secretary or Administrator, following a security risk assessment by the Attorney
General. Whether someone has access or not depends on ‘‘if the individual has pos-
session of a select agent or toxin (e.g., ability to carry, use, or manipulate) or the
ability to gain possession of a select agent or toxin.’’ 42 C.F.R. § 73.10(b) (emphasis
added). While the former condition (has possession) is straightforward, it is the lat-
ter condition that creates the bulk of the confusion (has the ability to gain posses-
sion). For example, does someone who has not been pre-approved and observes an
experiment in a select agent lab have the ability to gain possession of the select
agent? Or, if the select agent or toxin is in an animal that is locked in cage within
the lab, does that change the analysis? Presently, the definition of access to select
agents or toxins is interpreted to be extremely broad. Some degree of reason needs
to be applied to the rule in order to facilitate good laboratory practices and the ad-
vancement of scientific research. The effect of the broad application of the definition
is that any person who enters a SAT lab could arguably have access to the select
agent and, therefore, must be pre-approved.
‘‘Routine cleaning, maintenance, repairs, or other activities not related to select
agents or toxins’’ 42 C.F.R. § 73.11(d)(2) provides for certain exceptions to the rule
requiring that individuals entering a SAT lab be pre-approved. The exception in
(d)(2) specifies that an individual who conducts routine cleaning, maintenance, re-
pairs, or other activities may gain access to the lab so long as (1) his or her activity
is ‘‘not related to select agents or toxins’’ and (2) he or she is accompanied by an
approved individual. The exception is often confused with the requirement set forth
in ª 73.10(b) as described above. Furthermore, it is unclear what is meant by an
activity that is ‘‘not related to select agents or toxins.’’ Does the maintenance or re-
pair of a vent hood that is used for the handling of select agents or toxins fall within
this exception? It could be argued that any activity within a select agent or toxin
laboratory is ‘‘related’’ to the agent or toxin handled in that laboratory.
‘‘Occupational exposure or release’’ of a selection agent or toxin. 42 C.F.R. §
73.19(b) specifies the notification requirements in the event of a release of a select
agent or toxin. The trigger for the notification is based upon whether there is an
‘‘occupational exposure or release of a select agent or toxin outside the primary bar-
riers of the biocontainment area.’’ The SAT Regulations do not define the terms ‘‘oc-
cupational exposure’’ or ‘‘release,’’ leaving both the regulator and the regulated with-
out clear direction as to what is expected. In terms of select agents and toxins, there
is little guidance as to what constitutes an occupational exposure (e.g., mode of the
exposure or acceptable limits or levels?).
‘‘Restricted experiments.’’ 42 C.F.R. § 73.13(a) establishes a requirement that an
individual or entity may not conduct certain ‘‘restricted experiments’’ unless ap-
proved by the HHS Secretary. Subsection (b) sets forth two types of restricted ex-
periments—experiments using recombinant DNA that involve the deliberate trans-
fer of a drug resistance trait to select agents and experiments that involve the delib-
erate formation of recombinant DNA containing genes for the biosynthesis of select
agents. While there are likely strong public policy reasons for restricting these types
of experiments (based upon the ultimate end use) without express approval from
HHS, these two types of restricted experiments are very broadly defined and may
unintentionally limit legitimate experiments involving similar approaches but result
in completely different outcomes (and end uses).
Authorization of Access to Select Agents and Toxins—another area of confusion
involves the authorization of an individual’s access to a select agent or toxin. 42
C.F.R. § 73.10(a) states that ‘‘[a]n individual or entity—may not provide an individ-
ual access to a select agent or toxin, and an individual may not access a select agent
or toxin, unless the individual is approved by the HHS Secretary or Administrator,
following a security risk assessment Attorney General.’’ The confusion arises as to
whether the authorization of an individual is (a) as to a specific select agent, wher-
ever that select agent might be handled, or (b) as to a specific select agent handled
at a specific location. If the latter interpretation is correct, the authorization re-
quirement becomes a bureaucratic paperwork mess. For example, a research sci-
entist and his/her staff who work with Rickettsia prowasekii (a select agent) may,
from time to time, visit the labs of or work with other research scientists who han-
dle the same agent. Requiring that scientist and his/her staff who are already au-
thorized to access this select agent at their home lab to obtain authorization any-
time they visit another lab or location where the select agent is handled serves no
purpose, nor does it achieve any public policy. The regulation should be clarified
such that the authorization applies to the specific agent in question, not the specific
agent and location. The focus of the authorization should be, first, on the individual
(which is why there is a security risk assessment on the individual) and, second,
on the handling of the select agent.
In closing, I want to express my appreciation to the CDC for providing a com-
prehensive review of the steps necessary to rebuild the compliance model for our
select agent and toxin research program at Texas A&M. As I mentioned previously,
we are using it as our road map to full compliance.
The University has made significant progress in implementing corrective actions
that cure the deficiencies noted by CDC in its findings and has brought in outside
experts, including several recommended to us by CDC, who have aided us greatly
in the process. Our efforts will continue at full speed ahead until we have satisfied
the CDC and ourselves. Our goal is for the University’s select agent labs to be the
model to which others compare themselves.

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, Dr. Davis. We will begin questioning.

We will see if Mr. Barton would like to start.
Mr. BARTON. Mr. Chairman, I am willing to go first but I am also
willing to let the Chair exercise its prerogative to question first.
Mr. STUPAK. You are the graduate Texas A&M. Why do not you
go first?
Mr. BARTON. All right. I will be happy to. I think in full disclo-
sure, Mr. Chairman, I need to say, not only did I attend Texas
A&M, my father attended Texas A&M, my three children attended
Texas A&M, numerous aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins
have attended Texas A&M. If you added up all the relatives who
have had the privilege to go to that institution, it would be in the
neighborhood of 30. So I am a biased questioner in favor of Texas
A&M. But having said that, as a Member of Congress and this sub-
committee and the past chairman, I am absolutely committed to
getting to the bottom of what went wrong and making sure that
it does not happen again. Mr. Davis, as acting president of Texas
A&M, when were you first made aware of the Brucella exposure
and how was it reported to you?
Mr. DAVIS. In April 2007, Congressman Barton and I was noti-
fied that we had discovered that there was an error and a failure
to report within the timeframe required by the select agent regula-
tions. This did come about through a request from the Sunshine
Project for us to produce documents related to our select agent pro-
gram. And as we did review those documents and discovered that

this incident was not reported, as soon as we discovered it, we did

report the incident and at the same time, provided that information
to the Sunshine Project. The reason the incident was not reported
is fairly and lengthy and detailed but I think it is important that
I give you some summary of what happened. A laboratory worker
was actually an authorized person in a lab observing the use of an
aerosol piece of equipment, which she was using for tuberculosis re-
search. This chamber was then used in a Brucellas experiment in
a different laboratory. After she had completed that work, the other
researcher, the person that was actually providing the machine,
cleaned the machine unbeknownst to the laboratory technician that
was conducting the research. As a result, her exposure to the Madi-
son Chamber, we believe is where the infection came about. A few
weeks later she became ill with flu-like symptoms. She went to her
doctor. She was diagnosed with the flu and, ultimately, through a
couple of trips back to an infectious disease doctor, found that she
had, indeed, been exposed to Brucellas. At that time, she went back
to the principle investigator, informed him of this. He immediately
informed our biological safety officer, where the failure to report to
the CDC occurred. He did have the rest of his lab workers tested.
No one else revealed any indication of Brucellas or brucellosis and
the individual that was infected was treated and has been cleared
and has been routinely tested since that time, with no adverse ef-
Mr. BARTON. The individual that was infected was infected in
doing a procedure which she did voluntarily and was not instructed
to do so against protocol, is that correct?
Mr. DAVIS. That is correct.
Mr. BARTON. But in spite of that, this employee is currently
cured and, so far as you know, has no complaint against the uni-
versity, is that correct?
Mr. DAVIS. That is correct.
Mr. BARTON. OK. Now you mentioned that there was an expo-
sure incident of Brucella, we have talked about that. It is my un-
derstanding that there was also a Q fever exposure that went unre-
ported. Can you comment on that?
Mr. DAVIS. I think it is helpful to clarify that. After our Brucella
report and a visit by the CDC, after the CDC had come in in April
to review this incident with us, after their departure, we were re-
viewing documents and discovered that we had elevated titers in
three employees who were actually involved in Q fever research.
We do titer testing, obviously, to determine from a public health
standpoint, if anyone has had exposure, it allows us to understand
if they should be referred to a physician for possible treatment. In
these cases, it was not clear that we were required to report the
titers. We did it out of an absolute abundance of caution because
we had just not reported Brucellas.
Mr. BARTON. This was after the Brucella.
Mr. DAVIS. This was after the Brucellas incident and after their
visit. We felt it was important that we absolutely reveal anything
that was of any concern. Unfortunately, after we did report the Q
fever incident, shortly after that, the CDC suspended our select
agent research.

Mr. BARTON. Now currently, is the Texas A&M University sys-

tem fully cooperating with the CDC in their investigation or re-ex-
amination of the facilities and procedures at Texas A&M?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, we are. We have, of course, received their August
31 report. We have had a team of individuals, including outside ex-
perts, helping us with the response to that report, as well as the
reconstruction of a total re-registration of our select agent program.
Mr. BARTON. And so long as you are the acting president of
Texas A&M, are you committed to doing everything within your
power to make sure that A&M fully complies with the CDC direc-
tives and cooperates in every way to ensure the safety of these
agents if this type of research is allowed to be commenced again?
Mr. DAVIS. Mr. Barton, we are absolutely committed to the re-
search, to the safety, to the compliance of this research. Absolutely.
Mr. BARTON. Mr. Chairman, before I yield back, I want to recog-
nize, I think, the chairman of the board of regents at the Texas
A&M University system is in the audience, Mr. John White, and
I think that shows the seriousness with which the university takes
this matter. With that I yield back, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STUPAK. Well, thank you, Mr. Barton. All the people went to
Texas A&M in your family, I thought you would end up by saying
they named a lab after you.
Mr. BARTON. Well, there is an Olin E. ‘‘Tiger’’ Teague Research
Center at Texas A&M, who was my predecessor and who Congress-
man Edwards worked for as a district aid. So there is Aggie sixth
district congressman facility on campus but it is not named after
Joe Barton.
Mr. STUPAK. You’ll have to do a Chet Edwards, right? Dr. Davis,
this is a level 3 lab at Texas A&M, right?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Are you in the process of expanding that lab
at all?
Mr. DAVIS. We are not. In our revised registration documents,
Mr. Chairman, we are actually recommending to the CDC that we
re-activate two of our laboratories. The two other laboratories, or
four in total, we have some physical corrections to make to that but
we are not seeking immediate re-registration of those other two.
Not until we have them fully in compliance will we ask the reg-
istration to include them
Mr. STUPAK. Were you here when the last panel testified?
Mr. DAVIS. I was.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. I asked about unannounced inspections. Do you
think CDC should do unannounced inspections?
Mr. DAVIS. I think we should have a program that can endure
any kind of inspection, Mr. Chairman, announced or unannounced.
I also believe, and this goes back to another question I believe you
asked and it is related to Mr. Barton’s question, the idea of no fault
reporting, it seems to us, is a very valid concept and should be pur-
sued. We should be encouraged to report any kind of occupational
exposure or loss. And there needs to be greater definition of those
Mr. STUPAK. Congressman Edwards explained to me a couple
times that the person who is in charge of safety of your labs there
has been terminated from employment and you are going about

correcting it. Any suggestions on how we do this? I heard a lot from

the CDC saying, well, we got documentations, we will be question-
ing this and looking at this. And in the Texas A&M case, the peo-
ple who were in charge of certain things within the lab had all that
documentation. Maybe not to the level it was supposed to be but
they had that documentation and CDC passes you through and
then because of the Sunshine Project, we find there were greater
concerns. They come back in with their team and they find serious
violations. Any suggestions on how we can make sure CDC, or who-
ever is going to do it, do these inspections for independent verifica-
tion so we do not have this situation again? As the president of
Texas A&M, I am sure you got the report from CDC saying every-
thing is fine and then boom, we find things are not so good.
Mr. DAVIS. Certainly it is something that I would not be expect-
ing on a daily basis to be involved in but I am involved in it now
and I do have some thought about how we go forward. Frankly, I
think this hearing is a positive view of what needs to be done.
You’ve revealed some issues, some lapses in the overall integration
of the select agent program and the biological research program. I
think it is more complex than just inspections. I think what we
have to have, it is very interesting as I analyzed the exit interview
from the CDC, this was in an oral exit interview, one of the things
that became very clear to me was that there was a gap between
the understanding at the research compliance office and what was
going on in the labs. And part of that misunderstanding was the
fact, if you do not document it, you have not done it. It is a bit like
Sarbanes-Oxley issues. So what we actually did is employed an ex-
pert in the scientific compliance area, Dr. Claudia Mickelson, from
MIT with an expert in accounting in Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
because we thought we needed to be much better at transaction
process documentation. You need to know when people are entering
the lab. You need to know who is on the registration. You need to
be sure those things are protected. It is a very complex environ-
ment which this is all about. But let me give you one other exam-
ple of why it is so complex. Our re-registration document now is
900 pages, going toward 1,000. We are not finished. That is for four
labs that would fit inside this hearing room. There is a huge
amount of work that has to be done on not just writing the regula-
tions and implementing them but having the time to make those
regulations work together so that everybody understands what the
expectations are and the expectation has to be safety, security and
good science.
Mr. STUPAK. I understand that and also you have to have the
people in there who are trained to do it. Like your biosafety person
who was the biosafety officer at A&M. Had no training in biosafety
but was an industrial hygienist by education, experienced and he
was asked to take on these extra duties. Who would have made
that decision, the head of the lab, your safety officer?
Mr. DAVIS. Of the person that was there before?
Mr. STUPAK. Right, who was assigned these extra duties, who
wasn’t qualified to do it.
Mr. DAVIS. Well, I do not know who made that decision. I wasn’t
there at the time. I will tell you this, we are currently advertising
and seeking a new biological safety officer that will also be our re-

sponsible official in interacting with the CDC. We are looking for

a much greater level of expertise. That is, we want someone who
is an accomplished scientist with experience in the area of biologi-
cal compliance. And we have two good candidates and we hope to
have that filled within just a very short period of time.
Mr. STUPAK. Do you think the communities have a right to know
what is going on at these labs?
Mr. DAVIS. Absolutely.
Mr. STUPAK. There was some reluctance from the last panel to
let them know what agents or what we are doing at these labs but
that can be part of the checks and balance, can it not?
Mr. DAVIS. It does. One of the recommendations of the GAO that
I heard this morning I think is very sound is that we need to work
with the community health providers to be sure they know what
we are working on in the laboratories, so if there is an exposure,
accidental or otherwise, they recognize the symptoms if it comes
from someone who is working in one of these labs.
Mr. STUPAK. It is Mr. Green’s. I will turn to him for questions
just in a second. Let me ask you this and hopefully we can all learn
from the Texas A&M situation. You are telling me your re-license
is up to almost 1,000 pages now. I am sure as you talk with other
university presidents and others who have labs on their academic
facilities, you must have heard from others saying, boy, they are
putting you guys through a wringer. We got to tighten up our-
selves. Is that pretty common? I am not asking you to blow the
whistle on anybody but I am just saying, it seems like this has
been pretty shoddy the way we have been doing it throughout this
country, even with the proliferation. We really need to look at this
in more detail. Not that we are trying to tie up research but, at
the same time, it just seems like this has been sort of an area we
never paid much attention to until we really—and unfortunately,
your sort of institution that sort of got looked at closer.
Mr. DAVIS. This is not the type of role model we would like to
be, Mr. Chairman. However, I think our episode and the revela-
tions of this hearing will probably cause others to awaken to the
need to be very vigilant about these issues and to really focus on
both the regulations and their interactions with the regulating
Mr. STUPAK. Well, my time is up and as you can see, Texas A&M
has a lot of support on this committee. I am the only one here not
representing Texas A&M. So with that, let me turn it to Mr. Green
for questions or do you want to go, Mr. Burgess? Go ahead, Mr.
Green, you would have been next anyway.
Mr. GREEN. Dr. Davis, thank you for being here and I can imag-
ine under uncomfortable circumstances because those of us who are
familiar with Texas A&M and high institutions are not found when
something bad happens. But the good thing about it is when some-
thing bad happens you also want to fix it and that is what I am
proud of that we are problem solvers. I wish I could tell you I al-
ways voted right but if I find out it was wrong, then I will fix it
somehow. And I hope you know your testimony before us today pro-
viding us with the lessons it learned, which can make sure that our
regulatory gaps are filled. And my last series of questions from
CDC, I mentioned the need for rigorous training of lab workers and

the CDC mentioned that labs should have a biosafety plan, emer-
gency response plan, a security plan among others. And its inves-
tigations in the incidents at A&M, GAO noted that the infected re-
searcher had a wealth of experience in BSL–2 labs in particularly
tuberculosis. She was then called in to a BSL–3 lab to work on
Brucella despite not receiving training on that specific agent. Did
any biosafety plan speak to the specific protocols when alternating
between BSL–2 and BSL–3 labs?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, Congressman Green, it did. Unfortunately, a
modest change in that and that is the worker actually volunteered
to participate in the experiment because she was familiar with the
Madison Chamber, which was used in tuberculosis experimentation
and was being loaned in the lab that was doing Brucellas experi-
ments. So that is not an excuse, it is simply a statement that it
is quite different then that she was urged to do it or asked to do
it. It was a voluntary activity.
Mr. GREEN. The GAO office spoke to laboratory experts who
highlight inherent safety risk when researchers switch from BSL–
2 to BSL–3. And the GAO noted that the procedures, protocols are
different among labs and the researchers really need to make sure
that their safety protocols become part of their routine. From the
university research program perspective, is this a point made clear
to select agent programs either through the CDC or other safety
guidelines? Do you know if that was made plain to A&M?
Mr. DAVIS. Well, clearly from the interactions we have had with
the CDC and the GAO, we are very engaged in improving and up-
grading our safety plans, our training plans. Actually, during the
time that our laboratories are not in operation, we are taking ad-
vantage of that time, in addition to getting our documentation com-
pleted. We are also having training sessions with the individuals
that are assigned to the laboratories, including specific training on
the select agents in which they are working. So indeed, we are tak-
ing advantage of this time to improve our safety, security and ca-
pacity to do the research.
Mr. GREEN. When the CDC visited A&M in February 2006, days
after the unknown exposure occurred, was there any mention from
the CDC about the need to implement training protocols for re-
searchers specific to the agents they were handling?
Mr. DAVIS. I cannot answer that, Mr. Green. I do not know what
was contained in the report in their February 2006 visit. I was not
in place at the time.
Mr. GREEN. OK. Well, I guess from the testimony from our ear-
lier panels and seems like there is enormous lack of clarity in the
system and when it comes to authorities and the responsibilities
and protocols on the part of the Federal agency and also individual
research institutions and given the nature of these agents, I think
the questions need to be crystal clear to both the agency but also
to our institutions. And I look forward to working with you, of
course, the CDC, NIH and other schools to see if we can get that
so we do not have a repeat of what happened at Texas A&M and
maybe happen somewhere else that we do not know about as we
sit here today. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. DAVIS. One of the positive outcomes of this is we do have an

opportunity to get better, all of us do and that is what we intend
to do.
Mr. GREEN. Thank you.
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, Mr. Green. Mr. Burgess, questions
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Dr. Davis. Thank you
for being here with us and ensure your commitment to making
sure we get it better and my responsibility being on this committee
is being sure that we give you the tools that you need, give your
researchers the tools that they need so they are protected and in
turn they protect us. Let me just ask you briefly, the individual
that was involved with the brucellosis incident, was that an experi-
enced lab worker, was that a student, what was that person’s role
in the lab?
Mr. DAVIS. She was a research associate. She was a Ph.D. sci-
entist. She was experienced in laboratory activities and safety pro-
Mr. BURGESS. Did the extent that you are able to disclose it with
all of the Federal regulations regarding HIPAA, can you tell us the
condition of that individual today, what their health status is?
Mr. DAVIS. Her health is fine and we continue to monitor her for
any reoccurrence.
Mr. BURGESS. OK. So she was treated and responded to—OK.
Well, that is good news. Let me ask you this because I mean, A&M,
most people may not know this but you are the only school of vet-
erinary medicine in our State and probably in the region. The Bru-
cellosis is not really a new infective agent. Brucellosis has been
around for a long time. Has your university been involved with the
study or work of Brucellosis in the past?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir, for quite a long time. Actually before we
knew what a select agent was, we were working on Brucellosis re-
search. My guess is probably as early as the early part of the 20th
century because Bangs Disease or Brucellosis in cattle has been a
major issue and problem in the State of Texas. So Texas A&M has
actually lead in that. We have had laboratories in place, the BSL–
3 type laboratories, since the middle ’80’s, prior to the select agent
program, implementation working on Brucellosis research.
Mr. BURGESS. So even going back into the early part of last cen-
tury, even though you were not able to or your predecessors were
not able to intuit, that this agent would be a select agent in the
21st century, you had ongoing procedures and protocols to protect
from contamination and protect your laboratory workers?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir, we did. This research was primarily in ani-
mal-borne diseases and zoonotic diseases related to those patho-
Mr. BURGESS. Well, before we were called for this hearing today,
have you expressed concerns to the CDC about the ambiguities re-
garding the CDC’s handling of the select agents, the rules for han-
dling select agents? Do you feel like those have been delivered to
you a timely fashion with the appropriate clarity to allow your re-
searchers and your lab personnel to make the correct choices and

Mr. DAVIS. As we mentioned a while ago, I think there are some

areas that still remain unresolved, such as the definition of an oc-
cupational exposure, so that there is clarity and there is also a pro-
motion of open reporting of incidents. There are probably a few
other areas that are related to the security issues with select
agents where you have to have the Department of Justice approval
for individuals participating in particular laboratories. Currently,
the approval is related directly to the laboratory that the individual
might work in. So if you have a visiting faculty member going to
another lab using the same type of pathogen, they are not eligible
unless they are cleared again. And we think there are some im-
provements there but these are modest and we are certainly work-
ing with the CDC to try to find ways to reach agreement on all of
Mr. BURGESS. And do you collaborate with any labs that are from
outside the country? I will respond going forward and making sure
that we write the correct protocols or will write the correct legisla-
tion that allows you to write the correct protocols for the protection
of your community and protection of your workers. I mentioned at
the previous panel that was up here the concept of rather than
having a punitive system, to have a no fault system similar to
NASA, similar to commercial aviation, similar to, again referencing
the nuclear submarine program in this country that has a remark-
able safety record. A culture of not tolerating any security lapses
or any safety lapses but at the same time, rather than coming
down with extremely punitive measures, suspending a license or
suspending your ability to do the work you are trying to do, to
work in a collaborative fashion to learn from the mistake and go
on and make sure we are going forward, that we have the correct
procedures in place. Is that something that you are exploring inter-
nally in the university right now?
Mr. DAVIS. We are very much in favor of that and would love to
see that and implement it.
Mr. BURGESS. But are you working toward that specific goal?
Mr. DAVIS. Our position is we will report anything that we sus-
pect falls under the rules as an occupational exposure, although we
are currently still trying to get absolute definition of what that is.
Mr. BURGESS. Again, I thank you for your generous contribution
of time today for this committee. I think you have been very help-
ful with providing insight and Mr. Chairman, how we can craft the
appropriate legislation that will not stymie this research but, ulti-
mately, we all have the same goal in mind and that is protecting
our country. So with that, I will yield back.
Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Barton and I were talking about my series of
votes when I walked back here, some things we should or could be
doing. I am a little confused here, maybe you can help me out. This
Sunshine Project, right, that reported the stuff. Sunshine Project?
Sunshine Project. They foiled the information from Texas A&M,
right, and received the information from Texas A&M?
Mr. DAVIS. Well, in our case it is open records but the same——
Mr. STUPAK. But they got your records?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes.

Mr. STUPAK. Then why did not the CDC notice those problems
when they were there with their inspection, when they said every-
thing was fine?
Mr. DAVIS. I cannot answer that, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STUPAK. And they would have access to it, right?
Mr. DAVIS. Absolutely. I will tell you, however, that when we re-
ceived the request from the Sunshine Project——
Mr. DAVIS. We do not have a system that accumulates everything
that is going on in laboratories without going through keyword
Mr. STUPAK. Sure.
Mr. DAVIS. And so it did take us some time to actually locate and
dig out the documents which gave us the alert that this exposure
Mr. STUPAK. Right.
Mr. DAVIS. And so I think it is fair to say that the CDC probably
did not do that same level of inquiry and that is why we discovered
it and passed the information onto both them and the project.
Mr. STUPAK. But in order to get it into Texas A&M archives or
your stuff.
Mr. DAVIS. Electronic.
Mr. STUPAK. Yes. Someone reported it electronically?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. And then when the Sunshine Project put forth, did
the keyword search, that is when it popped up.
Mr. DAVIS. We did the keyword search based on their request.
Mr. STUPAK. And you actually provided them with the informa-
Mr. DAVIS. That is correct.
Mr. STUPAK. So CDC should have at least, knowing its electronic,
could have done an electronic search or then but where would your
lab person be?
Mr. DAVIS. They could have asked us to do the electronic search.
Mr. STUPAK. Sure. They could have asked you. Even if—inspec-
tion team, they just could ask you to do a key search and you
would have.
Mr. DAVIS. Right.
Mr. STUPAK. But this report then, would not the lab director
know? Your lab director know about this?
Mr. DAVIS. He did and as soon as he detected it, it was reported
to the biological safety officer.
Mr. STUPAK. Right.
Mr. DAVIS. Which reported through——
Mr. STUPAK. This is the public health.
Mr. DAVIS. Yes.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. That had the right training.
Mr. DAVIS. That is correct.
Mr. DAVIS. I know it sounds Byzantine but, indeed, it was and
that is the reason we failed to report it.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Did the Government Accountability Office come
down and do an inspection at Texas A&M?

Mr. DAVIS. They came and visited with individuals at our univer-
sity. I do not know if I would characterize it as a review or inspec-
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Was that after this incident was made public
about the Sunshine Project, do you know?
Mr. DAVIS. They were here this August, which was after.
Mr. STUPAK. It was after.
Mr. DAVIS. And then they were here in November 2006, which
would have been, I guess, also after the incident occurred but not
after it was reported. It was reported actually in April of 2007.
Mr. STUPAK. I know GAO’s been, in all fairness, Chris Shays had
a position in a different committee, Homeland Security, and started
this whole GAO and that was in 2005. And I thought it was a good
idea, so we picked up on it and so I know it has been going on for
some time, that is why I asked that question. My question base
prompt any other questions, Mr. Barton, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Green?
If not, Dr. Davis, thank you and we will call for our next panel,
our last panel of the day.
Mr. DAVIS. Thank you.
Mr. STUPAK. The last panel is Dr. Gigi Kwik Gronvall, senior as-
sociate and assistant professor of medicine at the University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Center for Biosecurity. Dr. Alan Pear-
son, who is the director of the Biological and Chemical Weapons
Control Program at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Prolifera-
tion. And Mr. Edward Hammond of the Sunshine Project. If you
would come forward please.
It is the policy of the subcommittee to take all testimony under
oath. Please be advised witnesses have the right under rules of
House to be advised by counsel during your testimony. Do any you
wished to be represented by counsel? Everyone shook their head no
so I will take it for a no. Then I am going to ask you to please rise
and raise your right hand to take the oath.
[Witnesses sworn.]
Mr. STUPAK. Let the record reflect the witnesses have replied in
the affirmative. You are now under oath. We have 5-minute open-
ing statements. You can submit longer ones for the record. We ask
Dr. Gronvall, do you want to go first here?
Ms. GRONVALL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, distinguished mem-
bers of the committee. I have submitted written testimony but I
will summarize those in my oral remarks. First, I would like to
make it clear that it is urgent that the Nation finds ways to protect
itself against large scale epidemics. In fact, it was the recognition
that there needed to be research to form those methods of protec-
tion, the medicines and vaccines that are needed that led to the ex-
pansion of the high-containment laboratories in the first place.
Without these high-containment laboratories, critical research can-
not be performed. However, these labs need to be safe otherwise
they cannot operate. And so I will highlight several actions which
could be taken to help ensure that these new labs are both safe and
productive in the future.

The first action that could be taken is to increase biosafety train-

ing. The way that people learn biosafety and high containment, the
way that I learned biosafety, was to apprentice to a more senior,
knowledgeable person. However, with the expansion of laboratories,
there may not be enough senior knowledgeable people to go around.
And so one solution is to standardize the training and require cer-
tification for high-containment work.
You can also increase the number of biosafety officers who are
credentialed for high-containment work, so they can provide train-
ing and they can provide guidance as research is being conducted.
The second action which could be taken is to develop a reporting
system so that all mistakes, near misses are captured, learned
from, and the results disseminated across high-containment labora-
tories. One model that may be useful is that used for aviation safe-
ty reporting. It was set up because it was found that most aviation
incidents and accidents had common root causes. But because these
incidents were not being reported, they were not being learned
from and so the new accidents were not being prevented. So that
is one potential model where people are encouraged to report.
The third action which could be taken is to share lessons and
operational experience across the high-containment laboratories. In
particular, it should be easier for a more senior, knowledgeable per-
son to conduct training in multiple high-containment laboratories.
The fourth action which could be taken is to make public engage-
ment a priority. Public engagement is essential to the success of
these laboratories. The community has a right to know that the
people who are working in these high-containment laboratories are
well trained, that if there is an accident, that it is being dealt with
appropriately. Some labs have done a better job of this than others.
And so the successes of some of these labs should be taken as les-
sons learned and disseminated across the high-containment labora-
tories and emulated.
So finally I just want to point out that this is not a domestic
issue. This is a global issue and these labs are expanding all over
the world because these countries recognize that these are impor-
tant for not only work on SARS and avian influenza and diseases
like this, but that it could be a major part of economic growth in
the 21st century. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Gronvall follows:]
Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. My name is Gigi Kwik
Gronvall. I am a Senior Associate at the Center for Biosecurity of the University
of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and an Assistant Professor at the University
of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The Center for Biosecurity is a nonprofit, multi-
disciplinary organization located in Baltimore that includes physicians, public
health professionals, and biological and social scientists. I am a biological scientist,
trained in laboratories at Johns Hopkins University and the United States Army
Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). My colleagues and
I at the Center for Biosecurity are committed to the development of policies and
practices that help prevent bioterrorist attacks or destabilizing natural epidemics
and, should prevention fail, that mitigate the destructive consequences of such
It is a privilege to come before you today to discuss the expansion of high-contain-
ment BSL–3 and –4 laboratories. Protecting the Nation against destabilizing large-
scale epidemics, whether natural or man-made, is an urgent priority. The anthrax
attacks in 2001, the SARS epidemic in 2003, and the current threat of avian influ-
enza all are important reasons why we must conduct research to determine how mi-
crobes work and how to defeat them with medicines and vaccines. These new high-
containment biological laboratories are needed to provide the safe, protective envi-
ronment necessary to do this research. In high-containment laboratories, potential
bioterrorism agents such as Ebola or Marburg, as well as emerging diseases such
as SARS and avian influenza, can be safely studied and understood. The labs can
also be used to develop animal models essential to developing and testing vaccines,
drugs, and other needed medical countermeasures.
The high-containment laboratories are necessary if we are to produce the sci-
entific advances needed to develop medical countermeasures against bioweapons
and emerging diseases. However, recent highly publicized laboratory errors and
siting controversies have raised questions about whether the governing framework
and standards for biosafety and biosecurity measures are adequate. Since 2005, my
colleagues and I at the Center for Biosecurity have been concerned that the expand-
ing number of high-containment laboratories may strain current systems for person-
nel training in biosafety and biosecurity. We held a meeting at the Center on July
11, 2006, to discuss these issues, the report from which we would like to submit
into the record. At this meeting, we heard from distinguished scientists and experts
in biosafety, biosecurity, and public health—both proponents of the laboratories, as
well as those who oppose the recent expansion. Based on those conversations, we
believe that there are several things that can be done to ensure that these new
high-containment laboratories are productive and safe and operate with due consid-
eration for their neighboring communities. These actions include expanding bio-
safety training for researchers and workers coming into high-containment research
from less dangerous areas of research; monitoring the safety performance and oper-
ational experience of the high-containment facilities; increasing communication be-
tween the high-containment laboratories to share operational experiences; and initi-
ating a public engagement effort at the Federal level that clarifies the need for high-
containment laboratories.
Currently, operational BSL–4 facilities can be found in Frederick, Maryland; Rich-
mond, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; Galveston, Texas; and San Antonio, Texas. There
are additional BSL–4 facilities under construction in Hamilton, Montana; Boston,
Massachusetts; Frederick, Maryland; and Galveston, Texas. The exact number of
BSL–3 laboratories in the United States is not known, however an NIH-sponsored
survey estimates that there are 277 distinct facilities with BSL–3, with about 600
individual laboratories, and a 2007 report from DHS and HHS states that 633 high-
containment laboratories are registered in the Select Agent Program. In addition,
13 BSL–3 laboratories are being built specifically for biodefense research, prin-
cipally funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
It should be noted, however, that high-containment laboratories are being built
all over the world at a rapid pace. For example, there were 16 BSL–3 laboratories
brought on-line in India in 2006 alone. This expansion is due in part to concerns
about SARS and avian influenza, but also because of a recognition that bioscience
is a key economic driver for the 21st century: in the US, the biopharma industry
produced $188 billion in revenue and 400,000 jobs in 2004 alone. The model that
the U.S. sets in operating these high-containment laboratories productively yet safe-
ly should provide leadership to other countries heavily investing in biotechnology
and pathogen research.
Promoting safety, security, and scientific innovation in the biological sciences has
been a challenge undertaken by the government and the bioscience community since
2001. It has led editors of scientific journals to come together in 2003, with the goal
of reducing the likelihood that legitimate bioscientific research could be used for ma-
levolent ends. It has led to the forming of the National Science Advisory Board for
Biosecurity, chartered in 2004 within NIH. Government and university researchers
have also participated in fora intended to diminish the risks and maximize the ben-
efits of new areas of bioscience, such as synthetic genomics. While bioscience prom-
ises great strides in enhancing quality of life through the development of medicines
and vaccines, it is a powerful technology that must be used safely if we are to enjoy
its benefits.
Biosafety protection is designed to be flexible. In the U.S., biological laboratory
research can be categorized by its safety level; Biosafety Levels (BSL) 1 through 4.
In this testimony, we use the term high-containment to refer to work performed in
the two highest levels, BSL–3 and BSL–4. BSL–3 laboratories are used to study bio-
logical agents that are potentially lethal and transmissible by the aerosol route and
that require special safety design features, such as sealed windows and specialized
ventilation systems. BSL–4 laboratories are typically used to study lethal agents for
which no vaccine or therapy is available. They incorporate the BSL–3 laboratory
safety features, plus additional safety features such as full-body suits ventilated by
life-support systems.
In general, the biosafety requirements needed to protect researchers are dictated
by the specifics of a biological experiment and are designed to be flexible. For exam-
ple, an experiment that could normally be safely performed at a low biocontainment
level may need additional biosafety protections if the researcher must handle a large
volume of infectious material. This flexible system for applying biosafety protections
requires researchers to weigh risks as they work. This is a necessity for bioscience
research; hard-and-fast regulations for every situation are difficult to develop, as
these researchers are not working on one repetitive process that can be fine-tuned
but are constantly exploring new scientific ground. The researchers need to use in-
formed judgment.
Biosafety guidelines, such as the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Lab-
oratories Manual published by the CDC and NIH are thus intended to inform the
judgment of researchers, biosafety officers, and others who advise on biosafety, so
that biosafety protections can be applied where they are needed. However, some bio-
logical organisms are more typically worked on in one safety level versus another:
infectious Ebola and Marburg viruses are researched in the highest level of contain-
ment, BSL–4; SARS is typically worked on in BSL–3; and Bacillus anthracis, the
causative agent of anthrax, is typically safely worked on in BSL–2.
Biosafety training program expansion for researchers entering high-containment.
As the new high-containment laboratories become operational in the coming years,
additional qualified staff will also be needed. As indicated in our report last year,
we have concerns that the usual methods of biosafety training for high-containment
research—that is, intensive one-on-one training within a mentor-apprentice relation-
ship—will not be sufficient to handle the influx of researchers and technicians into
the field. Developing core competencies and standards for new staff could be a use-
ful and important way to train new staff on safety practices. It could also conserve
the experienced mentors’ valuable time and abilities and shorten the time it takes
for the labs to become productive.
To develop the workforce, NIH could assess how many people will require training
for their work in the high-containment laboratories, and develop and fund programs
that can supplement on-the-job training. An assessment may be necessary, as not
all of the new hires for a laboratory will work in high-containment conditions. For
example, it is estimated that the Boston University National Biocontainment Lab-
oratory will create 600 jobs, but not all of those new employees will work in high-
containment conditions.
Biosafety officers, already required at every high-containment facility, will also be
needed in greater numbers. Biosafety professionals can help researchers determine
the best biosafety procedures and practices for laboratory-specific, experiment-spe-
cific containment decisions, so that the researchers can be productive and safe. Bio-
safety officers can also provide on-the-job biosafety training. NIH could work with
the American Biological Safety Association, the biosafety professional organization,
to determine credentialing standards required for work in high-containment labora-
tories. This may help to ensure that biosafety officers are knowledgeable resources
for the researchers in these labs.
Monitoring safety performance of high-containment laboratories. With the labora-
tory expansion, a systematic analysis of safety issues and operational problems in
high-containment laboratories can help to ensure that the laboratories are operating
safely. Currently, reporting of laboratory-acquired infections is required for all select
agents, those pathogens that require clearance to possess under the Select Agent
Rule as defined by 45 CFR 72, whether they occur at BSL–2, –3, or –4 laboratories.
NIH grants also stipulate that institutions report any serious accidents or research-
acquired infections. However, many of the experts we consulted thought nonlethal
infections were underreported, and operational problems or ‘‘near misses’’ were gen-
erally not reported.
Without reporting, and without analysis of these incidents, lessons cannot be
learned from the experience. Laboratory procedures cannot be analyzed in light of
the accidents, so that future accidents can potentially be avoided. To correct this sit-
uation, disincentives to reporting should be removed, to encourage researchers and
their institutions to report and take corrective action.
Generally, there is a disincentive to report acquired infections and other mishaps
at research institutions. Infections lead to negative publicity and scrutiny from the
granting agency, adversely affecting future research funding. In addition, after a sci-
entist acquires an infection in the laboratory, neither the scientist nor the labora-
tory wishes to advertise the mistake. These barriers need to be cleared so biosafety
can be enhanced through shared learning from operational experiences, and also so
the public may be reassured that accidents are being thoroughly examined and con-
One possible model for high-containment laboratories to emulate is the reporting
mechanism used for aviation incidents, wherein airlines can contribute operational
experience without fear of regulatory action. Mistakes are analyzed and learned
from, but they are not attributed to individuals (except when mistakes result from
criminal actions, such as drunkenness). Institutional anonymity may also be re-
quired in order to get robust reporting from research institutions. Procedures would
need to define thresholds and mechanisms for reporting if an accident poses a dan-
ger to the community surrounding the laboratory, however.
There are other potential models for the high-containment labs from the nuclear
and chemical industries. The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), formed
after the Three Mile Island accident, emphasizes personnel training, safety manage-
ment, and lessons learned; and Responsible Care, formed after the Bhopal tragedy,
is a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry to share lessons learned. These
models are from for-profit enterprises, underlining that any reporting system will
be expensive. Another possibility could be a reporting clearinghouse, where oper-
ational experiences would be posted and available for outside analysis.
Ultimately, it is the laboratory director’s responsibility to ensure that all labora-
tory personnel are properly trained to do research safely in high-containment. Yet,
the institution where the research takes place may be responsible for ensuring that
the head of the laboratory, the staff, and the lab environment conforms with bio-
safety requirements and accepted practices. The CDC or NIH could monitor
proactively whether biosafety is being managed at those institutions where Federal
money pays for the research and infrastructure.
High-containment laboratories and sharing lessons learned. Mechanisms to enable
and encourage inter-laboratory training and information exchange will be important
for these laboratories. Currently, the Select Agent Rule and concerns about legal li-
ability may have inadvertently become barriers to learning across high-containment
research facilities. Under the Select Agent Rule, as defined by 45 CFR 72, HHS and
USDA keep lists of pathogens that require select agent clearance. The rule regulates
the possession, use, and transfer of those agents; imposes security requirements for
the facility in which the work will be performed; requires inspections; and can im-
pose criminal and civil penalties on those who do not adhere to the Rule. In addi-
tion, security risk assessments are administered to individuals who work with select
agents by the Department of Justice, a process that is renewed every five years.
Once cleared, an individual is allowed to work with a specific biological agent, but
only within a specific laboratory. The specificity of this clearance procedure inhibits
the practical exchange of safety-related information and techniques between high-
containment laboratory researchers, by preventing, for example, a technician in one
laboratory from demonstrating techniques in another laboratory without going
through a separate lengthy clearance process.
In addition to clearance barriers, the perception that laboratories will be liable for
accidents that occur to scientists visiting for training purposes may have prevented
some training opportunities from taking place. This should be addressed so that ex-
perienced scientists and technicians can more easily demonstrate techniques and
safety procedures developed in one laboratory to another. This could speed up the
process for new laboratories to become productive; it could maximize the use of spe-
cialized facilities of some laboratories; and it could result in increased safety of the
Public engagement as a Federal priority for high-containment labs. NIAID has a
great deal of information about the new high-containment laboratories on its
website, but direct engagement with the communities where the laboratories are
being built is handled by the institution proposing the laboratory. Thus, the strate-
gies and outcomes of public engagement, as well as the transparency of laboratory
operations to the public, have varied considerably. This has undoubtedly exacer-
bated the controversy surrounding the siting and operation of these laboratories,
particularly in the face of highly publicized laboratory errors. While individual fa-
cilities bear final responsibility for their relationships with their neighbors, NIAID
could have a clearer mechanism to engage with the public about the siting and oper-
ation of these laboratories, beyond the NEPA process. It may help if there is a more
aggressive and proactive Federal effort to standardize public engagement and trans-
parency of operations for high-containment laboratories and to direct funds to this
A public engagement program could address the concerns that have surfaced in
siting high-containment laboratories. Often, proponents of the labs interpret pro-
tests against the laboratories as a lack of understanding of science: however, the
concerns about the labs are varied. For example, there have been concerns that the
labs would become a terrorist target, or that the laboratory would not provide jobs
to the community. The communites’ concerns could be actively addressed both by
HHS and NIAID and by the institution sponsoring the laboratory.
These high-containment laboratories should be a critical part of the research in-
frastructure for understanding the mechanisms of pathogenicity, as well as develop-
ing and testing medical countermeasures. However, as these labs come online, so
should new systems for training of personnel, monitoring safety performance, and
engaging the public. Experience has shown that proactive steps such as these can
lead to more effective and cost-efficient safety management than burdensome re-
quirements imposed following a serious accident. A new governance framework
could enable the laboratories to operate more safely, with consideration for their
communities, and it could help the laboratories fulfill their intended purpose of pro-
tecting the Nation against natural and man-made biological threats.

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you. Dr. Pearson.

Mr. PEARSON. Well, thank you for inviting me to testify today on
behalf of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Since
1980, the Center has been working to protect the American people
from the threat of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and we
see the issues being considered here today as integrals to achieving
that goal.
Over the last 6 years, the Federal Government has dramatically
increased U.S. research and development activity and infrastruc-
ture focused on biological agents that could be used as biological
The data are clear. Annual R&D funding is up six-fold since
2001. More than two dozen new high-containment facilities, which
we have heard about, funded specifically to work with such agents.
Over 15,000 individuals approved to work with such agents. This
expansion recognizes our need for a national biodefense program
but it is not necessarily an unalloyed good. It also creates risks to
laboratory personnel, public health and national security. Basically,
and we have heard this already today, when more dangerous re-
search is performed by more people in more locations, there are
simply more opportunities for significant biosafety or biosecurity
breaches to occur.
I would like to just make one point clear. The risk is not limited
to the BSL–4 labs, although that is usually the focus of the atten-
tion. There is actually good reason for concern that the risk may
be even greater at some of the BSL–3 labs. The most obvious risk
is that of the lab accident. A second particularly acute risk that I
would like to bring to your attention is that the very labs designed
to protect us against biological weapons could become a source for
them. The easiest way for a sub-state enemy, such as Al-Qaida, to
obtain a bioweapons capability will be for it to penetrate an exist-
ing research project that uses these agents. Nor should we ignore
the possibility that a U.S. biologist working in one of these labs
could become disgruntled or even turn rogue.
Some types of contemporary pathogen research taking place in
these labs increase risk further still. For instance, efforts to delib-
erately enhance the virulence or transmissibility of pathogens, to
understand how they cause disease, are inherently more risky than

experiments of the past. They are also dual-use in nature, the

knowledge and materials generated by the experiments can be used
for either hostile or peaceful purposes. And a particular concern in
this regard is threat assessment research, which is typically classi-
fied research that involves the exploration of offensive aspects of bi-
ological weapons agents and delivery mechanisms for defensive
Looking internationally for just a moment, each of these concerns
that you are hearing about becomes amplified. Our actions here,
taken for the best of intentions of protecting our Nation, also pro-
vide a plausible justification for others to do the same. So there is
a critical need for rigorous oversight and maximal transparency of
these facilities and activities.
What I would like to highlight here then are just a few of the
tools that our Federal Government needs in order to ensure that
oversight is stronger. First, Congress should mandate the estab-
lishment of a universally mandatory and transparent incident re-
porting system. Second, Congress should mandate a national li-
censing system and registry for all level 3 and level 4 facilities in
the United States, including an integrated and effective auditing
process. Licensing and registration are key to both effective over-
sight and comprehensive strategic planning. Third, Congress
should mandate institutional biosafety committee review of all re-
search projects involving bioweapons agents and other high-risk
pathogens and activities. Fourth, Congress should make these re-
quirements legally mandatory for all institutions, government, aca-
demic and private, not just those receiving funds from NIH and
they should apply also to all relevant research, whether that re-
search is classified or not. Fifth, compliance requires effective mon-
itoring and enforcement. A law not monitored and enforced may be
little better than a voluntary guideline. Congress should seriously
consider consolidating all CDC and NIH, responsibilities and au-
thorities relevant to monitoring and enforcing the suggestions I
just made into a single office located within the Office of the Sec-
retary of Health and Human Services. Sixth, Congress should man-
date comprehensive inter-agency needs and risk assessments to de-
termine our current and anticipated U.S. needs for high-contain-
ment facilities and the potential risks associated with them. Until
such assessments are completed and reviewed, there should be no
funding for any additional facilities. Last, Congress should modify
section 351(a)()h of the Public Health Service Act to more narrowly
and accurately define necessary and appropriate requirements for
withholding information about activities involving these agents. As
currently written, that section is hurting biosafety, biosecurity and
national security by impeding public accountability of our institu-
tions and Federal agencies and by reducing our ability to reassure
others that our R&D activities comply with our obligations under
international law. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Pearson follows:]

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you. Mr. Hammond, opening statement, 5

minutes, sir.
Mr. HAMMOND. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is the Sunshine
Project and to explain what it is, it is a very small, non-govern-
mental organization. We are based in Texas in the U.S. and Austin
and also have an office in Hamburg, Germany and we are dedi-
cated to biological weapons control.
I have submitted lengthy written comments and addressing
many of the issues that the prior panelists have addressed. I am
not going to go back over them but I have presented some addi-
tional thoughts about where Congress might go on some these
issues that have been raised. So to minimize duplication, I really
just want to highlight a few of the things that I brought up in my
written comments.
The first thing that I would like to do is just to give a little bit
of shape and talk a little bit about some data on the lab expansion
that my organization has put together with Margaret Race from
the SETI Institute. If you look at page two and three of my written
testimony, we have tried to bring together a table that has data on
the most important new labs that exists or are under construction.
This table excludes a lot of laboratories that we know of. But if you
look at just those labs that are there, you are talking about a con-
struction spree that is going on right now that is approximately 4
million gross square feet. That is 90 acres of laboratory space that
is either under construction or is going to be under construction
shortly. In terms of BSL–4 space, the historic amount, in fact, the
amount up until mid–2004 in the United States was about 14,000
net square feet. With the projects that are on the books right now,
we are looking at approximately 165,000 square feet just with what
is already either under construction or planned. That is a 12-fold
increase approximately. We do not know the final finished square
footage of some of the labs that are under construction but that is
the best estimate that we can make. The four million square feet,
to put that in terms that I think are more readily understandable,
that is the size of about 36 big box stores. That is how much lab
space we are going—if you stretch them end to end, it would a
chain that is 21⁄4 miles long.
The second issue that I want to bring up which has not been di-
rectly addressed is that of transparency of the Centers for Disease
Control. I filed numerous Freedom of Information Act requests
with the Centers for Disease Control, spoken to many journalists
and other non-governmental organizations that have done the
same. It is the apparent policy of the Centers for Disease Control
to not even attempt to locate records regarding select agents. They
deny absolutely all requests for anything. So the level of trans-
parency with respect to the Centers for Disease Control on its over-
sight of select agents is, well, non-existent. There is none. And I
think that if I lived near a biological facility I would frankly find
that to be offensive.
Moving on, and I think this is an important point because it is
emerging now, I believe that there is a positive correlation between

the transparency of these laboratories and compliance and accident

reporting. We saw in the case of Texas A&M that the revelation
of one accident caused them to report several additional reportable
incidents that occurred at the university. In my own research since
then, I have found that two other institutions in Texas have re-
ported select agent accidents, both of which occurred after Texas
A&M became public. Those institutions did not report anything
prior. And if the data that is coming out in the press now and the
Associated Press and in other sources in the last few days is cor-
rect, there has been a tremendous spike in reports to the Centers
for Disease Control of accidents involving select agents since April
2007. And I believe that that spike is, at least in part, attributable
to—first of all, it is attributable to the expansion of our laboratories
to begin with. But second of all, it is attributable to the trans-
parency at Texas A&M. So there is a positive correlation between
the two.
Finally, to wrap up, with respect to the expansion of laboratories,
I believe that our country does not need 400 laboratories and
15,000 people handling biological weapons agents. Our system can-
not absorb all the new laboratories that are coming on line. Even
with explicit training, we still do not need 400 laboratories and
15,000 people handling biological weapons agents. We do not have
the people to absorb a 12-fold increase in biosafety level 4 capacity.
I believe that Congress should act to impose a moratorium. It
should not authorize construction of any new biodefense facilities
and it should consider killing some projects that are underway.
Among those, the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, the very
unpopular lab at Boston University and the Regional Biocontain-
ment lab at Hawaii, which is late and over budget. Even if we kill
those projects, we are still going to be increasing our biosafety level
4 space by approximately seven-fold. And we should do that and
step back and perform the national needs assessment and then we
can move forward if we need to move forward with any new labs.
Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Hammond follows:]

Mr. STUPAK. Thank you. Thank you all for your testimony. We
will begin questioning, Dr. Gronvall. You indicated that your train-
ing was through an apprenticeship?
Mr. STUPAK. And you got to answer yes or no. I am sorry.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. With the proliferation of labs then, if you have
to go through an apprenticeship, where are they getting the people
to work in these labs?
Ms. GRONVALL. Well, I mean by working in laboratories as you
are training to be a biological scientist, you work in a lab, you
learn from the people who have worked there for more years and
have more experience. So that is what I mean by mentor appren-
tice relationship.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. In your testimony, you described the prolifera-
tion of these level 3 and level 4 labs in U.S. and around the world.
Are there too many high-containment labs in the U.S. in your opin-
Ms. GRONVALL. I would say that we have so much research that
needs to be accomplished, but that I really would have to know
what is going on in the laboratories. I do not have enough informa-
tion to answer that.
Mr. STUPAK. So in other words, needs assessment?
Msr. GRONVALL. I would like to know more to answer.
Mr. STUPAK. Are you aware of anyone ever doing a needs assess-
Mr. STUPAK. OK. You make the point that no blame reporting
may be a method of improving voluntary reporting and our ability
to learn from mistakes. Is this the same type of systems that is in
place for the nuclear industry? You mentioned airline industry but
is that the model you are looking at?
Ms. GRONVALL. I think the main points of any model for report-
ing would just be to encourage reporting and to not punish people
for reporting to make sure that there are incentives to report and
that you are capturing as much experience as possible. So there are
a number of industries, I think the chemical industry also has a
reporting system like that.
Mr. STUPAK. But if they do not report, you have no problem with
a punishment system then?
Ms. GRONVALL. I think where you want to go is that you want
to make reporting to be the norm and not reporting to be some-
thing that you do not want to do.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Dr. Pearson, let me ask you the same question.
Are there too many high-containment labs in the United States?
Mr. PEARSON. I do not think without having a good needs assess-
ment that you can answer that question.
Mr. STUPAK. And you are not aware of——
Mr. PEARSON. I have seen no evidence that there has been a good
needs assessment done.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. What was that section you wanted us to look
at, 351(a)(h)—the withholding?
Mr. PEARSON. Yes, it was passed in the Bioterrorism and Public
Health Emergency Response Act of 2002.

Mr. STUPAK. OK. Mr. Hammond, you indicated there were two
other Texas universities that came forward since Texas A&M be-
came public. Do you know if the CDC has done anything with those
two other universities?
Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir. In part, that is why I drew attention to
CDC’s policy to immediately reject all Freedom of Information Act
requests. In the past, in addition to the two universities in Texas
that reported, we have uncovered numerous additional incidents in
other States that required reporting or appear to require reporting
and we cannot obtain any documentation to determine whether or
not they were, in fact, reported and whether or not CDC acted on
the reports.
Mr. STUPAK. Have you then turned that information over to
CDC, your Sunshine Project?
Mr. HAMMOND. I’ve made the information public in forums where
CDC personnel—that are involved in the select agent program.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. After I want you to share that with the com-
mittee staff if you would. Those are the two universities, we will
get to the bottom of it. You state in your testimony that the BSL
lab expansion has gone ‘‘far beyond what is prudent and nec-
essary.’’ What is your estimate then of what is prudent and nec-
essary here in the United States?
Mr. HAMMOND. I believe that a certain answer requires the needs
assessment, however, my judgment based upon my experience is
that we would be safer and could accomplish our national needs in
biodefense if our program were perhaps a fifth or even smaller
than what we have right now. That would imply a much smaller
number of new labs. I believe that following the history of offensive
biological weapons programs, following what happened in 2001 and
expansion of our biodefense program was merited and that, logi-
cally, there should have been additional labs built to deal with revi-
talizing our biodefense program but we went considerably too far.
So something on the order of a fifth is my estimation.
Mr. STUPAK. This committee has asked for a needs assessment
too from CDC and they claim there is one out there but no one has
ever seen it.
Mr. HAMMOND. I believe that.
Mr. STUPAK. You mentioned private corporate labs, Mr. Ham-
mond, as being unaccounted for in the Government’s oversight of
the labs 3 and 4. What would you like to see done there on the pri-
vate lab?
Mr. HAMMOND. One of the things that my organization has done
in the past several years to look at the institutional biosafety com-
mittee system that is managed by the NIH Office of Biotechnology
Activities. And compliance there is only required for institutions
that are presently receiving NIH funding for recombinant DNA for
genetic engineering research. I took a look at private sector compli-
ance and found that out of the top 20 biotech companies, only
about two are in compliance. I think that clearly the guidelines for
recombinant DNA should be made a matter of law as should com-
pliance with the BMBL and that should be applied to all labora-
tories, not simply those that are currently federally funded.
Mr. STUPAK. Thanks. My time is up but as I indicated in my
opening statement, we will be sending our staff to look at some of

these overseas labs. We are just as concerned. We want to get a

hold of you or have you get a hold of us on what—because you are
connected with Europe too you said. There is a Sunshine Project
Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir.
Mr. STUPAK. OK. We may want to get some suggestions on what
labs you think we ought to look at, both secure and not so secure.
Mr. Burgess for questions.
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you. Mr. Hammond, just let me be sure
that I understand correctly. You are advocating 80 percent reduc-
tion on available laboratory capacity from where we are right now?
Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir. What I said was that I believe that a bio-
defense program that is approximately a fifth or perhaps even less
of our present size would be able to adequately address our na-
tional security needs. And because there would be fewer people
handling these agents and fewer laboratories, it would make us
safer in the sense that there would be less opportunity for diver-
sion of select agents. I am not advocating for any of the existing
infrastructure, major infrastructure, to disappear. Rather this is
with respect to the expansion.
Mr. BURGESS. So the expansion should be reduced by 80 percent.
Are these expansion plans that currently exist? I guess what I am
asking is—conducted the needs assessment that Chairman Stupak
has asked CDC for. Do you have data that you can share with this
committee about how you have arrived at those figures?
Mr. HAMMOND. My statement was with respect to the program
as a whole, not with respect to a laboratory, the fifth comment. Not
with respect to laboratories in particular. With laboratories, I be-
lieve that do need the needs assessment. But it is my judgment,
having spent now a number of years in very intense interaction
with practically every laboratory that handles these agents in the
US, particularly outside of the Government sector, that that scale
reduction would be appropriate and would make us, in fact, safer.
Mr. BURGESS. Let me ask you this because you raise a point in
your written testimony that is significant about the building of an
infectious agent out of its component parts, the nucleic acid issue.
And if I understand your writing correctly, the CDC, in fact, has
a loophole that would allow such a constructive infectious agent,
say if someone was building the 1918 flu, had one nucleic acid
change, that then is no longer an agent that falls on the select list,
is that correct?
Mr. HAMMOND. That is correct, sir, in effect. The select agent
rule in the plain language of the rule would appear to encompass
these complimentary DNAs or these types of genetic constructs
that you refer to. However, it appears that CDC has chosen to only
consider those that are themselves infectious to be covered by the
rule. And what this enables is for a person to possess, basically, all
of the components that are needed to produce a select agent, even
in a period of a few hours without being registered under the rule.
Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chairman, I would like for it to be clarified
to the committee, is this a rule that is been developed within the
agency? Do they need legislative help to close the loophole? I would
like for the committee staff to explore this so we know. This does
not sound like a good idea and I think if we have learned nothing

else today, this may be one of those things that we ought to try
to immediately correct because it does sound like a significant de-
fect. But I think I would also argue that we may need more lab
space rather than less. But I do agree with you that the more peo-
ple you have involved in a project, particularly when it is new and
you are finding your way, the more people that are involved in a
project, there is the greater potential for human error. Mr. Ham-
mond, I got to tell you, I am from Texas. I have never heard of your
group before. Where do you get your funding?
Mr. HAMMOND. In the way that most non-governmental organiza-
tions do. I receive contributions from individuals and I raise fund-
ing from foundations.
Mr. BURGESS. Can you supply to this committee a list of your
major donors?
Mr. HAMMOND. I would be happy to, sir, but certainly I have a
policy. I mean, the Sunshine Project engages in criticizing others
on transparency issues, so certainly I would be more than happy
to answer any question you have with respect to my organization.
Mr. BURGESS. You anticipated my question. I would ask the com-
mittee to make that generally available to members of the commit-
tee. And then I just have to ask you this. At the bottom, just before
the table at the bottom of the first page, you reference the Sun-
shine Project, the Margaret Race of the SETI Institute. What does
that acronym stand for?
Mr. HAMMOND. It is a NASA-funded institute that has to——
Mr. BURGESS. Is that the Search for Extra Terrestrial——
Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, Extra Terrestrial Intelligence.
Mr. HAMMOND. If I may, the interest there is that—and it can
be corrected if I misspeak but the interest there is that the Govern-
ment, NASA, has a long-term interest in potentially constructing a
level 4 laboratory in the event that they return samples from Mars
and so, therefore, NASA is interested in—it has funded work at the
SETI Institution to keep track of issues related to biosafety level
4 labs.
Mr. BURGESS. As I recall, this group out of Berkeley was the one
that connected personal computers across the country to evaluate
whether there were meaningful signals coming from outer space.
Do I remember that correctly?
Mr. HAMMOND. Sir, I honestly do not know but I do not believe
Mr. BURGESS. OK, I just had to ask. Mr. Chairman, if I may just
ask Dr. Pearson a question. Your concept of the large oversight or-
ganization, is that generally accepted by other scientists who work
in this area? If we were to take a poll of scientists who work on
these problems, they would be enthusiastically supportive of you,
moderately supportive of you or recoil in horror? Where would they
fall on that metaphysical scale?
Mr. PEARSON. I think that you are asking a very good question.
Certainly, it’s a concept that has raised a lot of controversy and
concern in the science community. We have an advisory board right
now that is trying to look exactly at this question of what kind of
oversight should be implemented on a national level. It is certainly
an ongoing discussion. I think the question here is not whether or

not we should have national oversight. The debate is over what

that oversight should look like.
Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chairman, I would just reference tab 22 in the
binder you provided for us. There is some concern that too much
movement too quickly in this arena will, in fact, stymie safety and
have the adverse affect on safety that we all seek. So again, I do
urge a little bit of caution when we get to the business of writing
legislation. I do hope you will let the minority participate in what-
ever legislative comes out of these hearings and I will yield back
the balance of my time.
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, gentlemen. You mention national secu-
rity. We invited the Department of Homeland Security to assist us
in answering some of these questions and I was surprised and dis-
pleased, to say at the least, that they refused to show up, even
though they are responsible for Homeland Security. So they de-
clined our invitation but there will be more work to be done. Con-
cludes questions. We got votes on the floor, so I am going to excuse
this panel. I thank them for coming. Before you leave, one more
question. Plum Island up in New York, we have a level 4 lab there,
level 3, and they want to shut that one down and move it to the
mainland. I think they do mostly foot-and-mouth disease there.
Good idea, bad idea? Any comments. EHS does, that is why we are
still to answer the question but go ahead. Mr. Hammond, I will go
right down the line.
Mr. HAMMOND. My comment would be that it is not entirely clear
to me at all that, in fact, Plum Island will be closed if the National
Bio and Agro-Defense Facility is constructed. Among my rec-
ommendations was that Congress consider terminating the project
to construct the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.
Mr. STUPAK. Right.
Mr. HAMMOND. Which would possibly imply that Plum Island
would remain open, which is, I believe, may happen anyway.
Mr. STUPAK. Plum Island is one of the few places where no one
lives there, it is just the lab is the only thing on Plum Island. That
is why it makes sense I think. Dr. Pearson, anything on Plum Is-
land or no opinion?
Mr. PEARSON. I am sorry, say that again.
Mr. STUPAK. Plum Island, should they close it?
Mr. PEARSON. Sure.
Mr. STUPAK. Move it to the mainland?
Mr. PEARSON. I think that with the case of Plum Island you have
a 50-year old facility that clearly either needs to be replaced on
Plum Island or replaced somewhere else. The issue with moving it
to the mainland, I think the primary issue given the agents it is
going to work with is, again, one of what happens if an agent gets
out. If it is working with FMD and you plunk it down in the middle
of cattle territory, is that a significant concern. So that is one
thing. That is why it has been on Plum Island. It is simply an issue
of do we have the oversight levels safe enough at that. The only
other issue that I would raise and this, again, gets back to the
needs assessment, I do believe that there is a need for a facility
like Plum Island or NBAF. The issue is the new NBAF facility is
going to be three times the size of Plum Island. So the question is,
is it being scoped out in the right way. And that is where the needs

assessment needs to come in. I believe DHS has at least done some
needs assessment on that. I have not seen it and the committee
might want to look at that.
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you. Dr. Gronvall?
Ms. GRONVALL. I think as far as Plum Island goes, the issue is
really there are pluses and minuses for keeping it there or moving
it. But the agents that they are going to be working with are select
agents, the people who are involved go through the security proce-
dure but there is no safety procedure and I think that is something
that would need to be considered if you are going to keep it there
or move it to make sure that the people are trained that are in the
Mr. STUPAK. OK. Thank you and I will dismiss this panel and
thank you for sharing your testimony with us today. That con-
cludes all questioning. I want to thank the witnesses for coming
today. I ask unanimous consent that the hearing will remain open
for 30 days for additional questions for the record. With no objec-
tion, the record will remain open. I ask unanimous consent that the
contents of our document binder be entered in the record and the
staff have the chance to edit any sensitive documents prior to
printing. No objection, the documents will be entered in the record.
That concludes our hearing. This meeting of the subcommittee is
[Whereupon, at 2:55 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.]
[Material submitted for inclusion in the record follows:]

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