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All civil engineering structures impose a loading on the underlying soil or rock. The part of the

structure, usually lying below ground level which transmits the load to the supporting strata is
referred to as the foundation. To ensure stability, foundations must provide an adequate factor of
safety against shear or bearing failure of the underlying soil and the structure must be capable of
withstanding the settlements that will result, in particular the differential settlements.
Thus the criteria for the determination of the bearing capacity of a foundation are based on
the requirements for the stability of the foundation. The design value of the safe bearing capacity
would be the smaller of the two values, obtained from the two criteria:

Shear strength criterion

ii) Settlement criterion

The ultimate bearing capacity, qu, (in kPa) is the load that causes the shear failure of the
soil underneath and adjacent to the footing. For design, one uses an allowable bearing capacity, qa,
obtained by dividing the ultimate bearing capacity by a suitable safety factor (i.e. qa=qu/FS).
The bearing capacity is affected by factors like

Nature of the soil and its physical and engineering properties

Size, shape, depth, rigidity and roughness of the foundation

Water table conditions and initial stresses in the foundation soil

Total and differential settlements that the structure can withstand without functional

In general, foundations are categorized into two groups, namely, shallow and deep
foundations. Shallow foundations (i.e. Df <B: according to Terzaghi) are comprised of footings, while
deep (Df >B) foundations include piles that are used when the soil near the ground surface has no
enough strength to stand the applied loading. In this chapter, we will discuss methods used to
estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of soils.

Bearing Failure Modes

Relative density of the soil and size of the foundation are among the major factors that affect the
mode of bearing failure likely to occur. The modes of bearing failure are generally separated into
three categories:
The general shear failure (Fig. 3.1 a) is usually associated with soils of low compressibility such as
dense sand and stiff cohesive soils. In this case, if load is gradually applied to the foundation,
settlement will increase. At a certain point when the applied load per unit area equals to the
ultimate load qu a sudden failure in the soil supporting the foundation will take place. The failure
surface in the soil will extend to the ground surface and full shear resistance of the soil is developed
along the failure surface. Bulging of the soil near the footing is usually apparent.

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BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

Figure 3.1: Modes of bearing failures (a) General shear (b) Local shear and (c) Punching shear.
For the local shear failure (Fig. 3.1 b), which is common in sands and clays of medium
compaction, the failure surface will gradually extend outward from the foundation but will not reach
the ground surface as shown by the solid segment in Fig. 3.1 b. The shear resistance is fully
developed over only part of the failure surface (solid segment of the line). There is a certain degree
of bulging of the soil.
In the case of punching shear failure,(Fig. 3.1c) a condition common in loose and very
compressible soils, considerable vertical settlement may take place with the failure surfaces
restricted to vertical planes immediately adjacent to the sides of the foundation; the ground surface
may be dragged down. After the first yield has occurred the load-settlement curve will be steep
slightly, but remain fairly flat.

Ultimate Bearing Capacity Equations

3.3.1 Terzaghis Bearing Capacity equation

Many of the present day principles regarding bearing capacity equations appear to have had their
origin on a failure mechanism proposed by Prandtl in the early 1920s (refer literature for Prandtls
failure mechanism). Prandtl developed a bearing capacity equation assuming a smooth (frictionless)
footing and ignoring the weight of the soil in the failure zone. These assumptions are not true in
practice and therefore Prandtls equation is never used in practical design, but it was a beginning.

Terzaghi (1943) improved the Prandtl equation to include the roughness of the footing and the
weight of the failure zone. The failure mechanism in a c, soil for Terzaghis bearing capacity solution
is shown in Fig. 3.2. Terzaghis ultimate bearing capacity equations are given as follows:
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Figure 3.2: Failure mechanism for Terzhagis, Meyerhofs, Hansens bearing capacity solution.
Strip (or long) footing:

q u = c' N c + DN q + 0.5 BN


Square footing:

q u = 1.3c' N c + DN q + 0.4 BN


Circular footing:

q u = 1.3c' N c + DN q + 0.3BN


where Nc, Nq and N are called the bearing capacity factors and are obtained as follows:

Nq =

e (3 / 2 ') tan '

2 cos 2 ( 45 + ' / 2)

N c = cot ' ( N q 1) ,

K p

N = 12 tan '
cos '


Terzaghi developed his bearing-capacity equations assuming a general shear failure in a dense soil
and a local shear failure for a loose soil. For the local shear failure he proposed reducing the cohesion
and as:

c '=


' = tan


Figure 3.3 shows the variation of the bearing capacity factors provided by Terzaghi. Based on this
figure, Aysen (2002) proposed the following equation to obtain the value of Kp in the N equation:

K p = (8 ' 2 4 '+3.8) tan 2 (60 0 + ' / 2)

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in the first term is in radians. In the undrained conditions (cu and

N q = 1 , N c = ( 32 + 1) = 5.71 ,

u = 0 ):

N = 0


Figure 3.3: Terzaghis bearing capacity coefficients.

The results obtained here are quite within acceptable limits for shallow footings (e.g. Df/B<1)
subjected to only vertical loads. But they are limited to concentrically loaded horizontal footings;
they are not suitable for footings that support eccentrically-loaded columns or to tilted footings.
Furthermore, they are regarded as somewhat overly conservative.
3.3.2 Meyerhofs Bearing Capacity equation
Meyerhof (1951) developed a bearing capacity equation by extending Terzaghis failure
mechanism and taking into account the effects of footing shape, load inclination and footing depth
by adding the corresponding factors of s, d, and i. For a rectangular footing of L by B (L > B) and
inclined load:

q u = c' N c s c ic d c + DN q s q iq d q + 0.5 BN s i d


For vertical load, ic = iq = i = 1

q u = c' N c s c d c + DN q s q d q + 0.5 BN s d


The bearing capacity factors:

N q = exp( tan ' ) tan 2 (45 + ' / 2) , N c = cot ' ( N q 1) , N = ( N q 1) tan(1.4 ' )
Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)


BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

u = 0 ):

In the undrained conditions (cu and

N q = 1,

N c = ( + 2) = 5.14 ,

N = 0

The bearing capacity factors are graphically presented in Fig. 3.4.

Figure 3.4: Meyerhofs bearing capacity coefficients.

The shape, inclination and depth factors are according to:


s c = 1 + 0. 2 K p

'= 0
' 10


d c = 1 + 0. 2 K p


ic = i q = 1 0


s q = s = 1

d q = d = 1

s q = s = 1 + 0.1K p

d q = d = 1 + 0. 1 K p


K p = tan 2 45 + ,

when triaxial



i = 0

i = 1 0

=angle of resultant measured from vertical axis.

is used for plane strain, adjust


to obtain


' = 1.1 0.1 triaxial

For the eccentric load, the length and width of the footing rectangle are modified to:
L = L 2eL


B = B 2eB


where eL and eB represent the eccentricity along the appropriate directions.

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BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

3.3.3 Hansens Bearing Capacity Equation
Hansen (1961) extended Meyerhofs solutions by considering the effects of sloping ground surface
and tilted base (Fig. 3.5) as well as modification of N and other factors. For a rectangular footing of
L by B (L > B) and inclined ground surface, base and load:

q u = c' N c s c d c ic bc g c + DN q s q d q iq bq g q + 0.5 BN s d i b g


Equation 3.10 is sometimes referred to as the general bearing capacity equation. In the special case
of a horizontal ground surface,

q u = c' N c s c d c ic bc + DN q s q d q iq bq + 0.5 BN s d i b


+ 90

Figure 3.5: Identification of items in Hansens bearing capacity equation.

Figure 3.6 provides the relationships between Nc, Nq, and N and the


values, as proposed by


Figure 3.6: Hansens bearing capacity coefficients.

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BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

The bearing capacity factors Nc and Nq are identical with Meyerhofs factors. N is defined by:

N = 1.5( N q 1) tan


Since failure can take place either along the long side or along the short side, Hansen proposed two
sets of shape, inclination and depth factors.
The shape factors are:

sc, B = 1 +

N q B'
ic , B ,
N c L'

sq,B = 1 +

iq , B sin ' ,

s , B = 1 0. 4

B i , B

L i , L


Nq L
ic , L ,
Nc B

sq,L = 1 +

i q , L sin ' ,

s , L = 1 0.4

L i , L

B i , B


sc, L = 1 +

For cu, u=0 soil:

s c , B = 0.2

ic , B ,

s c , L = 0. 2

ic , L


The inclination factors are:

i c ,i = i q , i

1 i q ,i

Nq 1

i q ,i

0.5 H i

0.7 H i
, i ,i = 1
= 1

V + Acb cot '

V + Acb cot '

where the suffix i (in Eqn. 3.16) stands for B or L.


2 1 5 . 2 2 5 . A is the area of the footing

base and cb is the cohesion mobilized in the footing-soil contact area. For the tilted base:

i ,i

(0.7 0 450 0 ) H i
= 1

V + Acb cot '


ic ,i = 0.5 0.5 1 H i Acb

For cu, u=0 soil:


In the above equations, B and L may be replaced by their effective values (B and L) expressed by
Eqn. (3.9).
The depth factors are expressed in two sets:
For D/B

1 & D/L 1:
d c , B = 1 + 0.4 D ,

d q , B = 1 + 2 tan ' (1 sin ' ) 2 D

d c , L = 1 + 0. 4 D ,

d q , L = 1 + 2 tan ' (1 sin ' ) 2 D



For D/B > 1 & D/L > 1:

( B),

d c , B = 1 + 0.4 tan 1 D

d q , B = 1 + 2 tan ' (1 sin ' ) 2 tan 1 ( D )



in radians

( L ),

d c , L = 1 + 0.4 tan 1 D
For both sets:
For cu, u soil:

Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)

d q , L = 1 + 2 tan ' (1 sin ' ) 2 tan 1 ( D )


d = 1 (for all )
d c , B = 0. 4 D


d c , L = 0. 4 D



BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

For the sloping ground and tilted base, the ground factors gi and base factors bi are proposed by the
following equations. The angles and are at the same plane, either parallel to B or L.

g c = 1

147 0

147 0

gc =

For cu, u soil:

bc = 1

g q = g = (1 0.5 tan )

bc =

For cu, u soil:


147 0

bq = e 2 tan ' ,


b = e 2.7 tan '



147 0

3.3.4 Vesics Bearing Capacity Equation

The Vesic procedure is essentially the same as the method of Hansen with slight changes. The Nc and

Nq terms are those of Hansen but N is slightly different as is given by: N = 2 N q + 1 tan



5 10 15
0.4 1.2 2.6




30 32 34 36 38
16.7 22.4 30.2 41 56.2 77.9 109.3 271.3 761.3

There are also differences in the ii, bi and gi, terms

Vesics factors (s, d, i, b, g)
Shape factors

s c = 1.0 +

s q = 1 .0 +

Nq B
Nc L


s = 1.0 - 0.4
0 .6

Depth factors

d c = 0 .4 k (for =0)
d c = 1 . 0 + 0 .4 k (for >0)
d q = 1 + 2 tan (1 sin ) 2 k

Inclination factors

mH i
(for =0)

ic = 1


d = 1.0

m = mL


k = tan 1

k in radians
k =


> 1

2 + B/L
1 + B/L
2 + L/B
1 + L/B

m = mB =

1 iq

ic = iq

(for >0)

Nq 1

i q = 1

V + A f C a cot

i = 1



m +1

Ground factors (base on slope)

gc =

5 . 14

g c = iq

+ < 900; < ; D measured vertically.

For L/B < 2 use tr
For L/B>2 use ps=1.5 tr -170 but for tr< 340use
tr= ps
= friction angle between base and soil (0.5 < < )
Af = B' L' (effective area)
ca = base adhesion (0.6c to 1.0c)

Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)

in rad (for =0)

1 iq

(for >0)

5 . 14 tan

g q = g = (1 . 0 t an )

Base factors (tilted base)

b c = g c (for =0)

bc = 1

(for >0)
5 . 14 tan

bq = b = (1 tan )

in radians


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Compute m=mB when Hi=HB (H parallel to B) and m=mL when Hi=HL (H // L). If you

have both HB and HL use m = mB + mL . Note use of B and L, not B',L'.

When =0 and 0, use N = -2sin( ) in N term

Hi term 1 for computing

iq, i (always)

For Vesic use B' in the N term even when Hi=HL

3.3.5 A Comparative Summary of the Four Bearing Capacity Equations

Terzaghis equations were and are still widely used, perhaps because they are somewhat simpler
than Meyerhofs, Hansens and Vesic. Practitioners use Terzaghis equations for a very cohesive soil
and D/B < 1. However, Terzaghis equations have the following major drawbacks:

 Shape, depth and inclination factors are not considered.

 Terzaghis equations are suitable for a concentrically loaded horizontal footing but are not
suitable for eccentrically (for example, columns with moment or titled forces) loaded
footings that are very common in practice.

 Terzaghis equations are suitable for tilted bases

 The equations are generally conservative than Meyerhofs and Hansens.
Both c
Meyerhofs and Hansens equations are widely used than Terzaghis. Both are viewed as somewhat
less conservative and applicable to more general conditions. Hansens is, however, used when the
base is tilted or when the footing is on a slope and for D/B > 1. Whereas Vesic method has not been
much used.
Given the data in Fig. E3.1, determine the ultimate bearing capacity qu using: a)Terzaghis,
b) Meyerhofs and c) Hansens bearing capacity equations.

= 260
= 19kN/m3

Df = 1.5m

c = 15kPa
B = 1.5m, L = 20m
Figure E3.1: An isolated strip footing.
Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a square footing 1.5 m, at a depth of 1 m in a soil c = 10

' =280,

cu = 105 kPa,

u =0

and = 19 kN/m3. Use Terzaghis, Meyerhofs and Hansens

bearing capacity equations.

A square footing 1.5 m is to be constructed in sand with c = 0,

' =400. The thickness of the footing

is 0.45 m and its top surface is level with the horizontal ground surface. The footing is subjected to
a central vertical force of 700 kN and a central horizontal force (parallel to the sides) of 210 kN. Find
the ultimate bearing capacity by a) Meyerhofs and b) Hansens equations. (Note that Terzaghis
Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)


BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

equations are not applicable for inclined loads). The unit weight of the sand is 18kN/m3.
3.3.6 Effects of Groundwater Table on Bearing Capacity
For all the bearing capacity equations, you will have to make some adjustments for the groundwater
condition. The term

in the bearing capacity equations refers to the vertical stress of the soil

above the base of the footing. The last term

refers to the vertical stress of a soil mass of

thickness B, below the base of the footing. You need to check which one of the three groundwater
situations is applicable to your project.
Situation 1: Groundwater level at a depth B below the base of the footing. In this case no
modification of the bearing capacity equations is required.
Situation 2: Groundwater level within a depth B below the base of the footing. If the
groundwater level is at a depth z below the base, such that z < B, then the term

sat z + ' ( B z ) .

saturated. The term

B is z + ' ( B z )

The later equation is used if the soil above the groundwater level is also

remains unchanged.

Situation 3: Groundwater level within the embedment depth. If the groundwater is at a depth z
within the embedment such that z < D, then the term


z + ' ( D z )

latter equation is used if the soil above the groundwater level is also

sat z + ' ( D z ) . The

saturated. The term B

becomes ' B .

Figure 3.7: Groundwater within a) a depth B below base, b) embedment depth.

Re-do example 3.3 assuming that the groundwater level is at the footing level (0.45 m below the
ground surface). The saturated unit weight is 21 kN/m3.
3.3.7 Allowable bearing capacity and factor of safety
The allowable bearing capacity, qa is calculated by dividing the ultimate bearing capacity by a factor,
called the factor of safety, FS. The FS is intended to compensate for assumptions made in developing
the bearing capacity equations, soil variability, inaccurate soil data, and uncertainties of loads. The
magnitude of FS applied to the ultimate bearing capacity may be between 2 and 3. The allowable
bearing capacity is:

Alternatively, if the maximum applied foundation stress ( a ) max is known and the dimension of the
qa =

footing is also known then you can find a factor of safety by replacing qa by

FS =
Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)

( a ) max in Eqn. (3.29):

( a ) max



BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

The bearing capacity obtained in Equation (3.29) is the gross allowable bearing capacity. The net
bearing capacity (qa(net)) is obtained by deducting the original overburden pressure or surcharge
pressure from the gross bearing capacity (qult) and dividing by the appropriate factor of safety.

qa(net) =

qu - D f



3.3.8 Eccentric Loads

Meyerhof (1963) proposed an approximate method for loads that are located off-centered (or
eccentric loads).

Figure 3.8 Method of computing effective footing dimensions when footing is eccentrically loaded
He proposed that for a rectangular footing of width B and length L, the base area should be modified
with the following dimensions:
B = B 2eB and L =L - 2eL


Where B and L are the modified width and length, eB and eL are the eccentricities in the directions
of the width and length, respectively. From your course in mechanics you should recall that

eB =



eL =



where P is the vertical load, and My and Mx are the moments about the y and x axes, respectively, as
shown in Fig. 3.8.
The maximum and minimum vertical stresses along the x axis are:

max =

P 6e B
P 6e B
1 +
and min =



max =

P 6e L
P 6e L
1 +
and min =



and along the y axis are:

Since the tensile strength of soils is approximately zero,


should always be greater than zero.

Therefore, eB & eL should always be less than B/6 & L/6, respectively. The bearing capacity equations
are modified for eccentric loads by replacing B with B.
A footing 2 m square is located at a depth of 1 m below the ground surface in a deep deposit of
compacted sand,

' =300,

c=0, and

sat =18 kN/m3.

The footing is subjected to a vertical load of

500 kN and a moment about the Y-axis of 125 kNm. The ground water table is 5 m below the ground
Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)


BDU, iOT, School of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

surface. Use Meyerhofs bearing capacity equation and calculate the factor of safety. Assume the soil
above the ground water is also saturated.

Field Tests
Often, it is difficult to obtain undisturbed samples of especially coarse-grained soils for

laboratory testing and one has to use results from field tests to determine the bearing capacity of
shallow foundations. Some of the most common methods used for field tests are briefly described
3.4.1 Plate Loading Test
Tests on full sized footings are desirable but expensive. The alternative is to carry out plate
loading tests. The plate loading test is carried out to estimate the bearing capacity of single footings.
The plates that are used in the field are usually made of steel and are 25 mm thick and 150 mm to
762 mm in diameter. A circular plate of 300 mm is commonly used in practice. Occasionally, square
plates that are 300 mm

300 mm are also used.

To conduct a plate load test, a hole is excavated (Fig. 3.9) with a minimum diameter 4BP (BP
= diameter of the test plate) to a depth of D (D = depth of the proposed foundation). The plate is
placed at the center of the hole. Load is applied to the plate in increments of 10% to 20% of the
estimated ultimate load. Each load increment is held until settlement ceases. The final settlement at
the end of each loading increment is recorded. The test should be conducted until the soil fails, or at
least until the plate has gone through 25 mm of settlement.

Figure 3.9: Plate Loading Test

For tests in clay,

qu ( F ) = qu ( P )


where qu(F) & qu(P) are ultimate bearing capacity of foundation and plate, respectively.

Eqn. (3.36)

implies that the bearing capacity in clays is independent of plate size.

For tests in sandy soil,

qu ( F ) = qu ( P )



where BF and BP stand for width of foundation and plate, respectively.

There are several problems associated with the plate load test. The test is reliable if the soil
layer is thick and homogeneous, local conditions such as a pocket of weak soil near the surface of
plate can affect the test results but these may have no significant effect on the real footing, the
correlation between plate load results and real footing is problematic, and performance of the test is
generally difficult.
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3.4.2 Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is used to determine the allowable bearing capacity of
cohesionless coarse-grained soils such as sands. The test procedure for SPT has been introduced in
Chapter 1. The N values obtained from SPT are usually corrected for various effects such as
overburden pressure and energy transfer. The following are two of the most commonly used
methods in practice for correcting the N values.

c N = ' ; c N 2 (Liao and Whitman, 1985)


c N = 0.77 log10 ' ; c N 2, z' 0 > 24 kPa (Peck et al., 1974)


where cN is a correction factor for overburden pressure, and

z' 0

is the effective overburden

pressure in kPa. A further correction factor is imposed on N values if the groundwater level is within
a depth B below the base of the footing. The groundwater correction factor is:

cW =

2 2( D + B )


where z is the depth to the groundwater table, and D and B are the footing depth and width. If the
depth of the groundwater table is beyond B from the footing base cW = 1. The corrected N value is:

N cor = c N cW N
Meyerhof (1956, 1974) proposed the following equations to determine the allowable bearing
capacity qa from SPT values.

qa =

S e N cor k d

1.22 m


B + 0.305
qa =
S e N cor

B > 1.22 m

where Se is the elastic settlement of the layer in mm and kd = 1 + 0.33D/B


1.33. In practice, each

value of N is a soil layer up to a depth B below the footing base is corrected and an average value of
Ncor is used in Eqn. (3.42).
Bowles (1996) modified Meyerhofs equations by 50% increase in the allowable bearing
capacity. Bowless equations are:

qa =

S e N cor k d

1.22 m


qa =

B + 0.305
S e N cor

B > 1.22 m


3.4.3 Bearing Capacity From CPT

Meyerhof (1956,1965) suggested for Smax =25mm and sands

q all (kPa) =
Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)


for B 1.2m


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q all (KPa)

q c B + 0 .3


; for


B > 1.2m

where qc= point resistance in KPa

Meyerhof proposed doubling the result obtained from (3.46) for mat foundations.

Schmertmann (1975) suggested the following for footings on sands

N =


with this value of N, is determined followed by other factors. Then Meyerhofs

bearing capacity equation is employed to determine qult. This approximation should be applicable for
D/B <1.5. qc is averaged over the depth interval from about B/2 above to 1.1B below the footing

For clays one may use[Schmertmann]:

Strip : q all (KPa) = 200 + 28q c

Square: q all (KPa) = 500 + 34q c


q c in KPa

Bearing Capacity Based on Tolerable Settlement

As discussed previously, the bearing capacity of a foundation is based on two criteria-the pressure
that might cause shear failure of the foundation soil and the maximum allowable pressure such that
the settlements produced are not more than the tolerable values. The first criterion has already been
discussed in detail. For the second criterion, the tolerable values of the total and differential
settlements which a particular structure, on a particular type of foundation in a given soil, can
undergo without sustaining any harmful effects are to be decided up on. These values have already
been specified, based on experience and judgment. Once the limiting values of settlement are fixed,
the procedure involves determining that pressure which causes settlements just equal to the limiting
value. This is allowable bearing capacity on the basis of the settlement criterion. It is to be noted that
there is no need to apply a further factor of safety to this pressure, since it would have been applied
even at the stage of fixing up tolerable settlement values.
The smaller pressure of the values obtained from the two criteria is termed the allowable bearing
pressure, which is used for design of the foundation. The bearing capacity based on settlement
criterion may be determined from the field load tests or plate load tests, standard penetration tests
or from the charts like those prepared by Terzaghi and Peck, based on extensive investigation.

Bearing Capacity Based on Building Codes(Presumptive Pressure)

Building codes stipulates values of allowable soil pressure to use when designing foundations. These
values are usually based on years of experience, although in some cases they are simply used from
building code of another city. These arbitrary values of soil pressures (Presumptive pressures) are
base on a visual classification.
The following table

indicates representative values of building code pressures. These values are

primarily for illustrative purposes, since it is generally agreed that in all but minor construction
projects some soil exploration should be undertaken. Major drawbacks to the use of presumptive
soil pressures are that they dont reflect the depth of the footing, size of footing, location of water
table, or potential settlements.

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Presumed Design Bearing Resistances* under Vertical Static Loading (EBCS 7, 1995)




** or




Massively crystalline igneous

and metamorphic rock

Hard and sound


(granite, basalt, gneiss)

Foliated metamorphic rock


(slate, schist)

and sound

Sedimentary rock (hard


shale, siltstone, sandstone,

Weathered or broken-rock
(soft limestone)
Soft shale


These values are based on



and sound


the assumptions that

the foundations are
carried down to un







Medium dense






Ground water level

Medium dense


assumed to be depth not







Medium stiff


weathered rock

Decomposed rock to be
assessed as soil

Gravel, sand and gravel



Cohesive soils








Medium stiff




Width of foundation
(B) not less than 1 m

less than B below the

base of the foundation

Very soft
Not Applicable
* The given design bearing values do not include the effect of the depth of embedment of the
** Compactness:
dense: N > 30,
medium dense: N is 10 to 30
loose: N < 10, where N is standard penetration value
*** Consistency:
hard: qu > 400 kPa,
stiff: qu = 100 to 200 kPa
medium stiff: qu = 50 to 100 kPa
soft: qu = 25 to 50 kPa, where qu. is unconfined compressive strength
Soil Mechanics II: Lecture Note (2006EC)


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