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April 2008

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Neupogen, Neulasta,Anzemet, Ferrlecit,

and Infed. The class includes those
making payments to Medicare Part B
between January 1, 1991, and January
1, 2005, or those who made payments
outside of Medicare Part B from
January 1, 1991, through March 1st.
The court is expected to set a trial
date for the remaining claims against
AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd. and
Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co. on behalf of
insurance companies and consumers
outside of Massachusetts. Those two
companies were ordered in November
of last year to pay almost $14 million
to insurance companies and consumers in Massachusetts as part of an
earlier settlement in this case. Pharmaceutical companies have been guilty
of fraudulently reporting the Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) and AWP
prices to state Medicaid agencies over
the years.

Abbott Laboratories and several

other drug companies have agreed to
pay $125 million to settle a class action
lawsuit involving the companies inflation of average wholesale prices on
some medicines. The lawsuit, filed in
2002 by consumers and insurance
companies, alleged that drug costs
were higher than they should have
been because the drug manufacturers
had falsely reported prices. The published average wholesale price is used
to set the price that federal programs
such as Medicare pay for a drug. It is
also the method used to set the price
for insurance companies and other
third parties.As we have reported, the
published Average Wholesale Price
(AWP) is used to set the price that
Medicare and consumers making
Medicare Part B co-payments pay for a
specific drug. Insurance companies and
other third-party payers also pay on the
same basis. A tremendous number of
drug companies have cheated federal
and state governments by supplying
false prices, which are used in setting
the reimbursement to providers such
as doctors or pharmacists.
Under the terms of the settlement,
82.5% of the settlement fund is designated for third-party payers claims,
with the remaining 17.5% being designated for consumer claims.Among the
defendants included in this settlement
are Abbott Laboratories; Amgen Inc.;
Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc.; Hoechst
Marion Roussel; Baxter Healthcare
Corp.; Baxter International Inc.; Bayer
Corporation, Dey Inc.; Fujisawa Healthcare Inc.; Fujisawa USA Inc.; Immunex
Corp.; Pharmacia Corp.; Pharmacia &
Upjohn LLC; Sicor Inc.; Gensia Inc.;
Gensia Sicor Pharmaceuticals Inc.;
Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc., and ZLB
Behring L.L.C.The drugs covered in the
settlement include Aranesp, Epogen,

The State of Connecticut has filed

suit against Eli Lilly and Co. alleging
that the drug maker illegally marketed
and concealed serious side effects of
Zyprexa, its top-selling schizophrenia
General Richard Blumenthal is seeking
to recover millions of taxpayer and
consumer dollars improperly spent on
Zyprexa as a result of its illegal marketing, and millions more spent for treatment of serious side effects from
Zyprexa. Lilly is already a defendant in
a lawsuit filed by the state of Alaska.
The trial in that case, which began last
month, has similar accusations involving marketing and side effects associated with Zyprexa, which is by far
Lillys biggest product. Lilly had sales of
Zyprexa of $4.76 billion in 2007, $2.24
billion of which was in the U.S.
Lilly is accused of promoting
Zyprexa for unapproved uses, including
the treatment of children, and of hiding
dangerous side effects, such as
increased risk of diabetes, weight gain,
and heart problems. Attorney General

Blumenthal made this statement when

he filed the suit:
Through a complex series of
illegal rackets and lies, Eli Lilly
built a multibillion-dollar drug
enterprise at the expense of taxpayers, consumers and patient
lives. Eli Lilly adopted a sick marketing mindset: profits over
patients, sales over safety.
The Attorney General accused Lilly of
promoting the drug for anxiety, depression, and attention deficit disorder in
children despite its not receiving FDA


Capitol Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Legislative Happenings . . . . . . . . . . 5


Court Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


The National Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


The Corporate World . . . . . . . . . . 11


Congressional Update . . . . . . . . . . 12

Source: Bloomberg



VII. Product Liability Update . . . . . . . . 14

VIII. Mass Torts Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Business Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Insurance and Finance Update . . . 24


Predatory Lending. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

XII. Premises Liability Update . . . . . . . 29

XIII. Workplace Hazards. . . . . . . . . . . . 31
XIV. Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Healthcare Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

XVI. Environmental Concerns . . . . . . . . 37

XVII. The Consumer Corner. . . . . . . . . . 40
XVIII. Recalls Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
XIX. Firm Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Special Recognitions . . . . . . . . . . . 45

XXI. Some Closing Observations . . . . . . 46

XXII. Some Parting Words . . . . . . . . . . . 47

approval for those uses. Although

doctors may prescribe medicines in
any way they see fit, companies are
allowed to promote them only for uses
approved by U.S. health regulators.The
drug maker was accused of corrupting
doctors, pharmacies, and public officials nationwide. Between 1996 and
2006, the Connecticut Medical Assistance Programs spent more than $190
million on Zyprexa, and millions more
were spent to treat injuries caused by
Zyprexa. The Attorney General has
been involved in private negotiations
with Lilly over Zyprexa, and a settlement with federal prosecutors may be
in the works.
An interesting development occurred
during the trial. John C. Lechleiter, an
Eli Lilly official who is about to become
the companys top executive, wrote an
e-mail message in March 2003 that
encouraged Lilly to promote Zyprexa
for a use not approved by federal drug
regulators. His comments were sent to
other Lilly executives after he traveled
to Cincinnati to watch Lilly sales representatives talk to doctors. In his e-mail
message, Mr. Lechleiter discussed the
use of Zyprexa by children and
teenagers. Mr. Lechleiter, who was then
the companys executive vice-president
for pharmaceutical products, noted to
other Lilly officials that company representatives were already promoting
Strattera, a second Lilly psychiatric
drug, to pediatricians and child psychiatrists. The representatives could also
discuss Zyprexa with these doctors. Mr.
Lechleiter wrote in his email message:
The fact we are now talking to
child psychs and peds and others
about Strattera means that we
must seize the opportunity to
expand our work with Zyprexa
in this same child-adolescent
Mr. Lechleiter also encouraged Lilly
to get data on the use of Zyprexa in
treating disruptive kids in order to
increase the drugs sales.The trial judge
wouldnt allow the email to be admitted into evidence because off-label use
isnt at issue in the case.This disclosure

nonetheless comes at a sensitive

moment for Lilly, which is also under
federal criminal investigation for the
way it promoted Zyprexa and played
down the drugs risks to doctors. Internal Lilly documents show that from
2000 to 2002 the company aggressively
tried to expand Zyprexas sales into
markets for which the drug was never
approved, including elderly patients
with dementia.
Because Mr. Lechleiter, an organic
chemist who is Lillys president and
chief operating officer, is a senior official about to become the chief executive, the public disclosure of an e-mail
message in which he appears to have
encouraged off-label promotion of
Zyprexa could complicate the talks. He
is scheduled to become chief executive
on April 1st, succeeding Sidney Taurel,
and is to succeed Mr. Taurel as Lillys
chairman at the end of the year. The
trial in Alaska is being watched carefully by other drug companies.
Source: Reuters & New York Times


CVS Caremark Corp., which operates
6,200 stores, has agreed to pay almost
$37 million to the federal government
and to nearly two dozen states, including Alabama, to settle claims that the
nations largest pharmacy chain billed
Medicaid programs for a more expensive formulation of an antacid.The settlement in the casethe first of its
kind for a retail pharmacy company
came after a lengthy investigation that
began in 2001 when a suburban
Chicago pharmacist alerted authorities.
The nations largest pharmacy chain
gave Medicaid patients capsules of Ranitidine, a generic version of the heartburn medication Zantac, instead of
even less expensive tablets. Both
generic versions of the medication
have the same active ingredient. The
switch is illegal and allowed the
company to more than quadruple its
charges to state Medicaid programs for
each pill, leading to a larger profit.Two
versions of the medication are techni-

cally considered different drugs.

Michael Behn, the Chicago lawyer who
represented the whistle-blower in the
case, observed:
Legally, switching tablets for capsules is the same as switching
Zantac for Prozac. A prescription
for a tablet is not a scrip for the
capsule, just as a price for the
tablet is not the price for the
CVS will pay the federal government
about $21 million as part of the settlement.The remaining $15.6 million will
be divided by Alabama, Indiana, Connecticut, the District of Columbia,
Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia and West
Virginia. The company also will pay
$800,000 for investigative costs and
other fees. It agreed to sign a five-year
corporate integrity agreement with
federal authorities, imposing ethical
standards and procedures to prevent
such drug switches in the future. U.S
Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, in a prepared statement, observed:
Switching medication from tablets
to capsules might seem harmless,
but when that is done solely to
increase profit and in violation of
federal and state regulations that
are designed to protect patients,
pharmacies must know that they
are subjecting themselves to the
possibility of triple damages, civil
penalties, and attorney fees.
Caremark gave Medicaid patients a
generic version of the heartburn drug
Zantac. Both drugs contained ranitidine, but the generic drug was in capsules, which are more expensive to
produce and cost more. For instance,
by substituting generic ranitidine capsules to patients in Illinois instead of
Zantac tablets eight years ago, Caremark was able to charge Medicaid
$79.80 instead of $17.10 for 60 pills.
The company also entered into a five-

year agreement designed with ethical

standards and procedures to prevent
such drug switches in the future. The
settlement came after a lengthy investigation that began in 2001, when a suburban Chicago pharmacist alerted
authorities by filing a lawsuit.
Source: Associated Press


The politically powerful pharmaceutical industry continues to take advantage of American consumers and
especially the elderly. Drug makers
increased their prices last year by an
average of 7.4% for those brand-name
medicines most commonly prescribed
to the elderly, according to the AARP.
The increase was almost three times
overall inflation, continuing a longstanding trend. The AARP, a strong
advocacy group for the elderly, has
tracked drug prices going back to
2002. Specifically, they looked at the
prices charged by manufacturers to
wholesalers.The price increases have
been greater since the Medicare drug
benefit kicked in on January 1, 2006,
which is certainly no surprise.
In the four years before the drug
benefits startup, tracking reveals that
wholesale prices rose between 5.3%
and 6.6% annually.According to AARP
officials, the outcry over the price of
drugs was quite strong when Congress
approved legislation establishing the
drug benefit. Since the drug benefit
began, however, that outcry has diminished somewhat. Thats because the
federal government is picking up
much of the tab for beneficiaries medicine. John Rother,AARPs policy director, observed:
Unfortunately, many manufactures have taken the absence of
an outcry as a green light to go
ahead and raise prices even
All but four of the 220 brand-name
prescriptions in the study had price
increases during 2007 and nearly all
exceeded the rate of general inflation.

Among the top 25 drug products, the

sleep aid Ambien, manufactured by
Sanofi-Aventis, had the largest price
increase, at 27.7%.As we have learned
in drug industry litigation, the manufacturers wholesale price is the most substantial component of a prescription
drugs retail price. However, insurance
companies, such as those that cover
Medicare beneficiaries, typically negotiate confidential rebates from the manufacturer. Plans could potentially negate
a higher wholesale price by negotiating
a steeper discount or by lowering their
reimbursement rates to pharmacies.As
a practical matter, the latter is unlikely
to happen. Still, a change in the wholesale price generally results in a similar
percentage change in the price of most
prescriptions, according to the AARP.
The trade group representing drug
makers, the Pharmaceutical Research
and Manufacturers of America, is one of
the most powerful lobby groups
around. In the past, the trade organization has protested comparing the rise
in drug prices to general inflation,
saying that a comparison to medical
inflation is more appropriate. I disagree
with that and so does the AARP. Big
Pharma has pretty much had its way in
Congress over the past seven years, to
the detriment of consumers and taxpayers. Their power and influence
should be considerably less once
George Bush leaves office.
While the AARPs report focused on
higher prices for brand names, federal
health officials note that more people
are taking generic medicines.They say
that trend has accelerated as a result of
the Medicare drug benefit. However,
the drug companies use tools, such as
lower co-payments for generics, to
steer consumers to lower-priced medicines. Government economists say that
at present about two-thirds of all prescriptions are now generics. In discussing the overall picture, the AARPs
Mr. Rother says:
Thats been the good-news story.
The plans have done what we
hoped they would do, which is
shift people to lower-cost generic
drugs. However, savings from

people shifting to generics are

being offset by these higher prices
for brand names.
Hopefully, after this falls elections,
the American people will get some
needed relief in the form of cheaper
drug prices.We cant afford to continue
the practice of letting BIG PHARMA
call the shots for both the president
and the Congress.Americans have been
subsidizing drug prices for the rest of
the world by paying grossly inflated
prices and that must end!
Source: Associated Press & AARP


I agree with Gov. Riley who says the
states current system of taxing natural
gas pumped offshore by ExxonMobil
and other companies is broken and
swindling Alabamians of their rightful
tax collections. The Governor is also
correct that the actions of the companies are unconscionable.The people
of Alabama are being fleeced by the
powerful oil companies and that must
be stopped. In an effort to correct
things, Gov. Riley has called on lawmakers to pass a proposed law that he says
would fix the tax-collection system.The
bill, if passed, would double the tax that
companies now pay on the natural gas
they pump from offshore.The increase
would be from about $40 million a year
to about $80 million a year. Doing
nothing could mean that ExxonMobil
and other companies, by deducting
overhead costs of production as
allowed in a recent ruling by an administrative law judge, could pump natural
gas in state waters and in effect pay
Alabama nothing in severance taxes on
the gas.
The administrative law judges ruling,
made in September, could force
Alabama to pay more than $100 million
in tax refunds to ExxonMobil and other
companies that pump gas from offshore. Gov. Riley, in support of his plan,
Its not only that they want the
State of Alabama to repay what

theyve already paid us. They

want a system that allows them
to deduct indirect costs down to
the point that they would never
have to pay any severance tax
going forward.
Gov. Riley has hit the nail squarely on
the head in his remarks on the
inequitable system that favors the oil
companies that are drilling in Mobile
Bay. Hopefully, the legislators will pass
this bill in short order. But, without any
doubt, it will be opposed by the cadre
of well-paid and influential lobbyists
for the powerful oil companies. If you
agree that we deserve fairness and that
the companies should pay, contact your
Senators and House members and ask
them to help pass this badly needed
Source: Birmingham News


President Bush will nominate Connie
Barker to the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission. If confirmed, she would fill the remainder of
a five-year term through June 2011.
Connie is with Capell & Howard law
firm in Montgomery and previously
was general counsel for the Mobile
County Board of Education. Connie, a
former prosecutor, received her bachelors degree from the University of
Notre Dame. She received her law
degree from the University of Alabama
in 1977. She represents a broad crosssection of commercial, manufacturing,
retail and professional firms. Connies
efforts are equally focused on the prevention of discrimination claims and
the defense of lawsuits. She works
closely with corporate clients to guide
their decision-making process in an
attempt to keep them out of trouble.
Connie should be confirmed by the
Senate. In my opinion, she will do an
outstanding job on this Commission.

So far during the session, the Alabama
Legislature has been traveling at a
snails pace when it comes to the
actual passage of bills. However, the legislative committees appear to have
been hard at work. The real problems
will come when the budgets come up
for consideration. Most Alabama citizens dont realize how serious the
money crisis facing this legislative
session really is. Funding for educational needs and for the operation of
the agencies that live out of the general
fund is going to be very difficult. Both
budgets are in serious jeopardy. Politicians have been saying no new taxes
for years and its catching up to those
who are now having to face the music.
The current group will have to
decide whether to drastically cut a
number of deserving programs and the
services they provide or increase the
amount of revenues that fund the state
budgets. If anybody really believes we
can get through this session without
new revenues, they havent kept up
with what is going on in Montgomery.
Even though Alabama hasnt been hit as
hard by the economic downturn affecting this country as some states, we can
no longer take the band-aid approach to
funding state budgets. Revenues are not
coming in as projected and it appears
the short fall will be significantly
greater than expected. Eventually, our
elected officials will have to get our
house in order. As they say where I
come from,its time to fish or cut bait!


James Field was elected to the House
of Representatives in a special election
that was held recently. The Democrat
from Cullman County will fill the
vacancy that has been created in House

District 12. This mans outstanding

record of community service, grassroots campaigning and civic involvement, as well as his solid character as a
pastor, United States Marine, and retired
state employee, inspired persons across
political boundaries to vote him into
office.This was not only a victory for all
of the people in Cullman County, it was
also one for all Alabamians who want
to take our state forward.
James Fields took a positive message
of hope, family values and problemsolving to the people of District 12 and
the response he received was overwhelming. Despite massive amounts of
money, outside campaigning, negative
mail pieces, and telephone calls by
Republican operatives, the voters of
Cullman CountyDemocrats, Republicans and Independentsmade their
own choice and it was James Fields. In
my opinion, this man will quickly
become a leader in the Alabama House
of Representatives. His election is a
very good sign for Alabama and one
thats very encouraging!


Its widely recognized that Alabama
has one of the worst set of workers
compensation laws in the nation.
Workers in our state badly need a
change in our archaic system. For
example,Alabamas compensation rates
for permanent partial disabilities for
workers who are hurt on the job,
capped at $220 per week, are not only
the lowest in the Southeast, but are the
lowest in the entire country. Of our
neighbors, the closest state in terms of
weekly compensation rates for permanent partial disability is Mississippi,
which compensates its workers at
close to $400 per week.The 220-cap,
as it is called, hasnt been raised since
Ronald Reagan was president. During
the 23 years since the 220-cap was put
into place, costs have risen sharply for
the goods and services consumers purchase. Alabamians know this because
they have experienced it.
example, gasoline has risen exponen-

tially since 1985. Workers are paying

more and more out of pocket just to
get to and from work. We are now
facing $4 per gallon for gasoline, thanks
to our federal governments failure to
deal with an obvious problem.
To bring the antiquated Alabama
workers compensation system up to
date and give the badly-needed relief
to the states injured workers, the
Workers Compensation Section of the
Alabama Association for Justice has proposed legislation that would improve
injured workers lives and get them the
care they need. The three bills that
make up ALAJs workers compensation
package are Senate Bills 389, 403, and
405. Generally, the bills, which have
been introduced only in the Senate,
would lift the 220-cap and tie it to the
states average weekly wage. In addition the bills, if they become law,
cause the compensation rate to
increase gradually with inflation;
give injured workers more say over
who their treating physician is;
allow injured workers to continue to
receive necessary care and treatment
for injuries even while insurance
companies fight over the costs of
care and treatment;
provide that employers must provide
doctor-prescribed medical devices
for injured workers; and
provide protection from retaliatory
discharge for injured workers filing
comp claims and for third parties
who testify on behalf of injured
workers in comp cases.

Its high time that we start treating

Alabama workers with the respect they


ALFA has introduced its Hog Bill
again for the seventh consecutive year.
It was assigned to the Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Committee. If this bill becomes law, it would
virtually make it impossible for folks to
protect their homes and communities
from the smell, flies, and lowered
quality of life that concentrated animal
feeding operations (CAFOs) such as a
big hog farm would cause.This legislation limits citizens legal rights and puts
tremendous amount of power in the
hands of corporate hog farmers. The
bill is entitled the Alabama Family
Farm Preservation Act, which is most
interesting because its neither about
family farms nor their preservation.
What this bill does is make it legally
impossible to label those huge CAFOs
as public nuisances. This bill is definitely not designed to do anything for
small farms in Alabama. Instead, its
strictly for the benefit of large corporate interests.A number of daily newspapers in the state have written strong
editorials against this legislation and
thats encouraging. Without a doubt,
the corporate hog bill should be
defeated. If you agree, let your legislators hear from you.


Alabamas workers deserve better

treatment than the current system provides, and that must be changed. The
passage of SB389, SB403, and SB405
would certainly be a step in the right
direction. Unfortunately, there is a great
deal of opposition to these bills from
special interest groups. If you agree
that Alabama workers are entitled to a
fair and equitable system of workers
compensation laws, contact members
of the Senate and ask for their support.

Consumer rights took another hit on

February 20th when the U. S. Supreme
Court, in a case styled Riegel v.
Medtronic, Inc., 128 S.Ct. 999 (2008),
held that the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) regulation of Class III
medical devices bars all state law tort
claims for medical injuries from



devices approved by the FDA. Many

personal injury suits may have to be
dismissed as a result of this ruling.
Most legal observers believe consumers have been stripped of rights
they once were able to rely on, and justifiably so.
In the case, Charles Riegel and his
wife sued Medtronic, Inc., a catheter
manufacturer, after Charles was seriously injured when a balloon catheter
burst while he was undergoing angioplasty surgery. Medtronic asked the
Court to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing
the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act preempted state-law damage actions
brought by patients like Charles who
have been injured by medical devices
that had received pre-market approval
from the FDA. The Court agreed with
the manufacturer and dismissed the
Riegels case.
The Court held that a provision of
the Medical Device Amendments to the
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act preempts
state-law claims seeking damages for
injuries caused by Class III medical
devices that had received approval
from the FDA before the devices went
on the market. Basically, if the device
passed the Class III FDA testing before
going to market, consumers with
injuries caused by these defectively
designed or labeled medical devices
have no right to sue the manufacturers
of these products.
Now, thanks to the decision in the
Riegel case, manufacturers that make
defective medical devices and fail to
warn consumers of the defects are
immune from liability. Federal preemption is simply backdoor tort reform
that is harmful to consumers. Socalled conservatives claim they are for
smaller government and less governmental intrusion. Yet, the Supreme
Court seems to support the authority
of federal administrative agencies
such as the FDAto draft regulations
that provide immunity to Corporate
America for making and selling defective products.These rules take away the
right of the states to protect its citizens
from harmful products. Congress
must get involved in this fight and do
the will of the American people. If deci-

sions like this one spread to other

products, consumers will be deprived
of the right to seek justice in the
courts. If you agree that federal preemption is bad, contact your U.S.
Senator and members of the U.S. House
of Representatives and ask them to
stand up for the American people on
this critically important issue.


The U.S. Supreme Court has refused
to say that federal regulations preempted a Michigan law that was based
on fraud. The High Court left intact a
ruling favoring people who sued a pharmaceutical company after being
harmed by Rezulin, a drug to combat
diabetes.The dispute arose from several
suits over Rezulin against WarnerLambert, which is now owned by
Pfizer. The court split 4-4 in the case,
with Chief Justice John Roberts not participating because of a conflict of interest.The users of the drug were relying
on a Michigan law, alleging that the
pharmaceutical company engaged in
fraud by misleading federal regulators
in order to get the drug approved. Interestingly, the Michigan law shields pharmaceutical companies from product
liability lawsuits unless they committed
fraud.The question before the Supreme
Court was whether the fraud exception, which allows lawsuits to proceed,
is preempted by federal regulation of
the pharmaceutical industry.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit in New York ruled that
the exception to the Michigan law was
not preempted by federal regulations,
allowing the plaintiffs to pursue the
case. In the case, twenty-seven Michigan residents contended they suffered
personal injuries caused by Rezulin.
This is a drug that federal regulators
approved despite risks to the liver and
cardiovascular system.When you consider how weak and ineffective the
FDA has been over the years, its inconceivable that federal preemption would
be recognized simply because that
agency approved a drug.All you have to

do is count the number of drugs

approved by the FDA and later recalled
because they were unsafe and dangerous.Vioxx is a classic example of how
inept and ineffective the FDA really is,
but there are many more such examples.Although this decision is a victory
for consumers, its really not that significant in the larger scheme of things. Had
the Chief Justice participated, the
Courts ruling could have gone the
other way. The fight over preemption
will continue in both the courts and in
Congress. Without a doubt, its one of
the most important battles for consumers in years and one that consumers cant afford to lose.
Source: Associated Press


A Philadelphia judge ruled last
month that federal law cant preempt a
state product liability claim centering
on the alleged failure of the makers of
Paxil to warn about the increased risk
of suicide. Judge Allan L.Tereshko, the
coordinating judge of the Philadelphia
Common Pleas Courts Complex Litigation Program, denied a defense motion
for summary judgment, ruling that the
doctrine of federal preemption does
not preclude the plaintiffs from arguing
that GlaxoSmithKline failed to fulfill its
duty to warn users of Paxil of an
alleged association between the use of
the drug and suicidality. The defense
argued that the plaintiffs should be precluded from making that argument in
state court under implied conflict preemption, saying that allowing the state
court action over the adequacy of the
Paxil label would result in conflicts
with the FDAs exclusive authority to
determine the content of the label.
Judge Tereshko wrote in his opinion:
Defendant asserts that such
inquiry is precluded by federal
law since the content of the drugs
label is governed by federal law
and the duty to supplement the
label is somehow subsumed into
the [federal Food and Drug
Administration] regulatory scheme.

Defendants position is clearly not

sustainable. Federal law in question unquestionably places the
duty upon the manufacturer and
does not pre-empt a states ability
to allow one of its citizens to
inquire whether the manufacturer breached that duty.
The Philadelphia mass tort program
has always been regarded as one of the
finest in the country, and that makes
the judges ruling most significant.
There are no other Pennsylvania
common pleas court opinions dealing
with the federal preemption issue in
pharmaceutical cases since the FDA
unveiled revisions to its prescription
drug labeling requirements in January
2006 and unveiled the preemption
preamble, which said that FDA
approval of drug labels preempts conflicting or contrary state law. A case
against GSK involving Paxil will now
proceed to trial. Sol H.Weiss will try the
case for the plaintiffs. There are 60
cases pending in the Philadelphia Paxil
program, according to Stanley Thompson, the director of the Complex Litigation Center.Tereshkos decision shows
that claimants injured by defective
drugs or relatives of people injured by
defective drugs can maintain their lawsuits in state court.
Judge Tereshko correctly said that it
was not Congress intent for federal law
to preempt state causes of action and
that the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act is silent on that issue. He
noted that Congressional hearings
leading up to the passage of the Federal
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act included
the decision to not include a provision
for a federal cause of action because
common law rights of action existed.
Judge Tereshko dismissed the defenses
argument that use of beneficial drugs
could be discouraged if they were mislabeled with warning information not
based upon scientific evidence of
known risks. He concluded such an
argument is putting language into the
federal law that is not there. The U.S.
Supreme Court is slated to take up a
preemption case, Levine v. Wyeth,
which obviously will have a say in the

preemption battle, and likely will

decide the issue.
Source: The Legal Intelligencer


A federal judge in Massachusetts has
fined Medtronic Sofamor Danek Inc.
and related companies $10 million for
the behavior of their lawyers during a
trial.The case involved a patent claim
brought by DePuy Spine Inc. Senior
District Judge Edward F. Harrington also
ordered Medtronic Sofamor, which
makes spinal implant devices, to pay a
part of the fees of the plaintiffs
lawyers. Judge Harrington ruled that
the defendants would have to pay 15%
of the fees from the time the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
issued a ruling on the patent claims in
November 2006 through the date of
the jury verdict. In September 2007, a
jury awarded $226.3 million plus interest to DePuy.
Medtronic Sofamor is a subsidiary of
Minneapolis-based implantable biomedical device manufacturer Medtronic
Inc. Massachusetts-based DePuy makes
spinal surgery devices and equipment.
DePuy alleged that several Medtronic
Sofamor products used during spinal
surgery infringed on a patent DePuy
licensed from another party. In his February order, Judge Harrington wrote
that the defendants demonstrated a
failure to accept the claim construction
governing this case throughout the
trial. He also said Medtronic Sofamors
infringement defense was apparently
based on an attempt to obscure, evade,
or minimize the Federal Circuits construction of the patent in question.
Judge Harrington also wrote that the
defendants sought to take advantage of
the technical and legal complexities
inherent in this case, and that the
defendants prolonged the proceedings
unnecessarily (thus unduly imposing
upon the jurys time), sought to
mislead both the jury and the Court,
and flouted the governing claim construction as set forth by the Federal
Circuit.That is some pretty strong lan-

guage from a judge, and one would

have to believe it was justified.
Judge Harrington denied the plaintiffs requests for enhanced damages
because of insufficient evidence of willfulness. Following the verdict, the Judge
issued a permanent injunction order
barring Medtronic Sofamor from
making, using, or selling the infringing
devices. The courts unwillingness to
allow a party to openly flout the law
and rules of evidence and conduct is
quite refreshing. It will be interesting to
see how all of this plays out given that
this case will likely go up on appeal.
Source: National Law Journal


As this issue went to the printer, the
U.S. Supreme Court had not ruled in
the case against ExxonMobil arising
out of the Exxon Valdez accident.The
Court is being asked by ExxonMobil to
set aside an award of $2.5 billion in
punitive damages. Based on what I
know about the case, the powerful oil
giant should be punished severely. For a
company that is making enormous
profits, a payment of $2.5 billion would
be little more than a slap on the wrist.
There appears to be good reason to
uphold the entire amount of punitive
When the oil tanker Exxon Valdez hit
a reef in Alaskas Prince William Sound
in 1989, the result was one of the
worlds worst man-made ecological disasters. Nearly 11 million gallons of
crude oil spilled into the Sound, creating a 3,000-square-mile oil slick that
fouled more than 1,100 miles of shoreline.The impact of the spill continues to
be felt because a considerable amount
of oil remains just below the surface of
the rocky shore.The spill is expected to
have a detrimental effect on wildlife for
years to come.The conduct of ExxonMobil was such that the U.S. Supreme
Court should uphold the $2.5 billion in
punitive damages levied.
The lawsuit was brought by 32,000
fishermen and businessmen who were
adversely impacted, and in many cases

forced into bankruptcy, by the spill.

The jury in the civil trial originally
ordered ExxonMobil to pay $5 billion
in punitive damages, but on appeal, the
amount was cut in half. If its a question of what amount would be adequate as punishment that seems to be
easily answered. How much of a financial pinch can $2.5 billion be for a
company that has been making recordbreaking profits? It has been pointed
out that ExxonMobil makes that much
profit in less than three weeks time.
Balancing that against the fact that
many of spills victims have been put
out of business and that the environmental cost is continuing to mount,
$2.5 billion really does seem like a slap
on the wrist. Its high time for this
politically powerful oil giant to pay for
its wrongdoing!
Source: Cordorva News


The jury verdict in California that
awarded millions of dollars to
Nicaraguan field hands who applied
pesticides to Dole Food Co. crops and
who are now sterile has been overturned by the trial judge.Although the
decision leaves four workers with
$1.58 million, it will affect claims of an
estimated 6,000 others who have sued
in the United States for similar injuries
suffered outside of this country. The
judge overturned jury verdicts in the
first trials in this country of claims filed
by victims of the pesticide DBCP.This
pesticide was produced 30 years ago
but is now banned worldwide. The
judge found that, because Dole was a
user and not a marketer of the pesticide, the firm cannot be subjected to
liability without fault.
The judge ruled that punitive
damages cant be used to punish a
domestic corporation for injuries that
occurred only in a foreign country.
The fact that the injuries occurred
more than 30 years ago was another
factor the judge cited in reversing the
verdicts.There are other cases pending
in California against Dole filed by

plaintiffs from Nicaragua. I understand

there are an additional 10,000 pesticide claims pending worldwide for
about $35 billion.
The case was widely seen by legal
scholars as a test of how well the U.S.
legal system could respond to injuries
inflicted in a globalized economy.
Because the harm occurred in Central
America, the defendants had argued for
years that the trials should take place
there, rather than in the United States.
Workers in Nicaragua have won as
much as $600 million in damages
against Dole and other producers, but
have yet to collect one dime. This
verdict is being seen as an additional
deterrent to future lawsuits in the
United States. The chemical DBCP
fights pests that attack the roots of fruit
trees and boosts the weight of banana
harvests by 20%, according to testimony from the California trial. It has
rendered field hands and production
workers sterile. It appears that these
workers may wind up being victims of
corporate wrongdoing with no real
remedy available to them, and thats
Source: Los Angeles Times

lawsuit, alleging violations of the

federal Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations Act. According
to the complaint, a telemarketing
company would solicit people who
had been in car crashes, offering
them a free chiropractic exam. Once
at the clinics, located in Texas, Ohio,
Indiana, and Alabama, patients were
told they needed immediate treatment. Patients were also referred to
lawyers, some of whom would show
up at the clinic to sign up the
patients as clients, according to the
lawsuit. If the allegations of this
lawsuit are true, then Allstate has
every right to go into the courts to
seek justice. However, when one of
its policyholders, or a claimant who
has a claim against a policyholder, has
valid claims that the company either
fails to pay or pays too little, those
persons should have the same right
to justice as does Allstate in its
current lawsuit.
Source: Associated Press



Allstate Insurance Company, a
company that has been a strong proponent of shutting down the civil justice
system, has actually filed a federal
lawsuit in the very system it has criticized. In its suit, Allstate is alleging
deception and coercion on the part of
a Texas-based chiropractic company.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court
for the Northern District of Texas,
accused 66 defendants of taking part in
an insurance fraud scheme by convincing car crash survivors that they had
severe injuries requiring immediate
treatment, which Allstate had to cover.
The primary defendant is Arlingtonbased Chiropractic Strategies Group
Inc. Other defendants include related
law office management companies,
telemarketers, and lawyers.
Allstate seeks $10 million in the

elected President. Apparently, those

attacks have been forgotten by the
soon-to-be GOP nominee.
In any event, wanting to give the
American people four more years of
Bush-Cheney-Rove doesnt seem to be
very smart and certainly isnt a winning
strategy. Lets take a look at the mantel
that is being passed down by the Bush
Administration to Sen. McCain and see
what the Arizona Senator has inherited:
A war in Iraq that has already lasted
for more than five years with 4,000
soldiers having been killed.The economic cost thus far is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and no
end in sight. There have also been
over 30,000 American troops injured
with most of the injuries being of a
disabling nature.The current cost of
the war and occupation is about $10
billion per month. The costs of this
war, which are projected to be
between 2 and 3 trillion dollars
when all of the items are computed,
have been paid with borrowed
money. This is the first war in U.S.
history that our generation has
fought on credit, and future generations will pay for it.
The federal government is literally
being run by special interest lobbyists.



The record federal deficit is growing


As soon as John McCain locked up

the GOP nomination, he made a fast
trip to the White House to get the
endorsement of President Bush. Why
anybody would want to base his run
for president tied to the failed politics
of the Bush Administration is a
mystery that defies logic. When Sen.
McCain ran against George Bush in the
2000 Republican primaries, I really
believed the Arizona Senator was a
straight-shooting maverick who would
do the right thing regardless of the
consequences, and that was somewhat
refreshing. During that race, the
attacks on Sen. McCain by Karl Rove
and his gang of thugs were lowdown
and dirty. As a result, as we all know,
Bush prevailed and was ultimately

We have a serious imbalance in

foreign trade, with the latest
numbers being around $65 billion.

Our nations economy is in recession

and its getting worse by the day.
Mortgage foreclosures are occurring
at a record pace, with the worst yet
to come.
Millions of Americans have no healthcare insurance.
Gasoline prices at the pump are projected to exceed $4 per gallon this
summer with no real plan in place to
do anything about it.
37 million Americans are living in

The Administration has totally failed

to address the critically serious issue
of global warming as a reality.
We are experiencing a politicization
of the immigration issue with
nothing of consequence being done.
We have serious infrastructure problems in this country.The price tag for
repairing crumbling bridges and highways has already reached $1.6 trillion
and little is being done about it.
We have witnessed a dismal failure to
rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf
Coast areas of Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. Some 2 1/2 years after
Katrina many people in the region
are still suffering and are getting little
The environmental record has been
the very worst in history and has
protected the polluters like never
before in recent times.
A failure to deal with the real threat
of terrorism by not finishing the job
in Afghanistan has caused the terrorists to be stronger than in 2002.
Americans image around the world
is at an all-time low.
The failure to take care of military
personnelmany of them disabled
returning from Iraq is a shame and a
This Administration has favored the
rich and powerful and has ignored
the rest of America.
In my opinion, Sen. McCain would
have had a difficult time in the general
election even without taking on as
part of his campaign all of the problems created and to be left behind by
the Bush Administration. With that
burden now around his neck, the GOP
candidates prospects are even more
dismal. In fact, it will take a total collapse by the eventual Democratic
nominee for Sen. McCain to have a
chance of being president.
On the Democratic side, the race for
the nomination is going forward and
apparently will go all the way to the


convention. Sen. Barack Obama clearly

has the edge as he and Sen. Hillary
Clinton face off in Pennsylvania. This
issue of the Report went to the printer
before the voting day in that state and
therefore we didnt have those results
at this writing. Sen. Clinton was favored
and probably will win there.
Frankly, I have been greatly disappointed in the tactics being employed
by the Clinton campaign. That type
thing certainly doesnt speak well for
Sen. Hillary Clinton or for her husband.
Actually, its been more like a campaign
run by Karl Rove than one being run
by a Democratic candidate in a primary
fight. I suspect that Rove and the right
wing of the Republican Party are
working hard for a Clinton-McCain race
in the general election. Nevertheless, I
believe Sen. Obama will wind up as the
Democratic nominee, and when that
happens, the Democratic Party will
unite and back him this fall without
I also believe a good number of Independents (who may be a much larger
group than many experts project) will
support the Obama campaign in
November because of the strong opposition among Independents to the policies of the current Administration. Its
also quite possible that a fairly significant number of Republicans will vote
for Sen. Obama because they too have
seen the shape in which the Bush
Administration has left the country.
Also, many Republicans simply dont
trust the GOP standard bearer.
Without question, the mood of the
voters is clearly for meaningful change.
They want a President who understands the real needs of people, who
tells the truth, who is not controlled by
the special interests and their powerful
lobbyists, and who will keep his promises. The choice will be very clear in


The so-called stimulus package
pushed through Congress by the Bush
Administration, hailed as the thing

needed to stop the recession and bring

back prosperity to American citizens,
will wind up as being totally ineffective. In my opinion, when folks get the
$600 checks ($1,200 for couples) from
the federal government, it will have
very little effect in slowing down the
recession. Our economy is in very big
trouble, and this package will be like a
rock thrown into a tidal wave in an
attempt to slow down the recession.
What we need is the creation of goodpaying jobsplenty of themand a
sincere effort to end our dependence
on foreign oil. It doesnt take an economist to tell us that we must put a stop
to the outsourcing of jobs and the borrowing of money from foreign countries such as China to keep our
government running.
When we have corporate CEOs
making hundreds of millions of dollars
annually while their workers are struggling to make ends meet, something is
badly wrong and out of kilter.You tell
somebody in Clayton, Alabama that a
$600 check is going to help that
person pay for $4 per gallon gas this
summer and wait for that persons reaction.The stimulus package that passed
Congress will have little, if any, effect
on slowing down the downhill slide
our economy is in.We have a president
who appears to not have a clue on how
serious the economic woes facing our
nation really are. Thank goodness he
will be heading back to Texas next
year.The Bush Administration will leave
the next President with some of the
most serious economic problems our
country has faced in years.


A group of Gulf Coast hurricane
victims has filed suit against the Federal
Management Agency
(FEMA) for sheltering them in trailers
that allegedly exposed them to dangerous fumes.The addition of FEMA to the
complaint, which had been filed in
federal court, makes the agency a
defendant in a number of consolidated
cases against several manufacturers

that provided the agency with tens of

thousands of trailers and mobile homes
after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in
2005.The cases against trailer makers
were consolidated in November 2007
and transferred to a U.S. district court
in New Orleans. However, FEMA couldnt be named as a defendant in the litigation at that time. The agency could
only be added at least six months after
a plaintiff had filed a claim against the
agency. Several plaintiffs from Louisiana
have met that threshold, allowing
FEMA to be named as a defendant in
the consolidated litigation.
Many trailer occupants have blamed
their illnesses on formaldehyde, a
common preservative found in building materials. Formaldehyde can cause
respiratory problems and has been classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
The plaintiffs allege that trailer makers
used shoddy materials and construction methods in a rush to fill FEMAs
demand for emergency housing after
Katrina destroyed Gulf Coast homes in
August 2005. As previously reported,
recent government tests on hundreds
of FEMA trailers and mobile homes in
Louisiana and Mississippi found
formaldehyde levels that were, on
average, about five times higher than
what people are exposed to in most
modern homes.
Nearly 100 residents of Louisiana,
Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama are
named as plaintiffs in the cases against
more than 60 trailer manufacturers.
Their lawyers want Judge Kurt Engelhardt, the federal judge, to certify the
cases as a class action. Hundreds, if not
thousands, of trailer occupants have
filed claims against FEMA over the
formaldehyde concerns. Interestingly,
Justice Department lawyers have been
involved in the litigation even though
FEMA wasnt a party in the litigation
before it was added last month. Gerald
Meunier, a New Orleans, Louisiana
lawyer, is the lead lawyer for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
Source: Associated Press


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
said on March 19th that climate change
and pandemic disease threaten international security as much as terrorism
and that Britain must radically improve
its defenses.The Prime Minister listed
the greatest threats to Britains peace as
war, terrorism and now climate
change, disease and povertythreats
which redefine national security. Lawmakers in the House of Commons
were told by the Prime Minister:
The nature of the threats and the
risks we face havein recent
decadeschanged beyond recognition and confound all the old
assumptions about national
defense and international security. Climate change is potentially
the greatest challenge to global
stability and security.
A classified list of threats to national
security is to be released to the public
later this year. British officials estimate
a flu-type pandemic in the U.K. could
cost as many as 750,000 lives. It also
claimed that major coastal floods
would likely need a military evacuation
of hundreds of thousands of people. If
global warming has the Brits concerned maybe our President will see
the light before he retreats to Texas.
Source: Associated Press

It almost went unnoticed in the
media reports, but the European Commission fined Microsoft a record $1.3
billion last month.This fine is in addition to the $357 million fine it handed
down in 2006.The fines resulted from
Microsofts delay in complying with
sanctions in an antitrust case that

started in 2004.The case arose out of a

dispute over an order to make it easier
for rival software applications to tie
into Microsofts Windows operating
system. As you may know, Windows
runs 90% of the worlds PCs and many
corporate servers. It will be interesting
to see if the European Commission got
the attention of the folks who run
Source: USA Today


Rep. Henry Waxman, who chairs the
House Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, has called for a
wide-ranging federal investigation into
Blackwater Worldwide. He says that the
private security contractor violated tax
and labor laws by classifying its guards
as independent contractors rather than
company employees. In letters sent last
month, Rep.Waxman asked the Internal
Revenue Service and the Labor Department to investigate whether Blackwater defrauded the government out of
tax revenue and violated labor laws. He
also asked the Small Business Administration to determine whether Blackwater violated federal regulations by
claiming it was eligible for small business preferences. Rep. Waxman, in a
memorandum to his colleagues on the
committee, observed:
The implications of Blackwaters
actions are significant. Committee
staff have estimated that Blackwater has avoided paying or
withholding up to $50 million in
federal taxes by treating its
guards as independent contractors rather than employees.
Rep. Waxman also wrote that Blackwaters claim of eligibility for small
business preferences has earned it
more than $144 million in government
contracts. It is one of the countrys
largest private military contractors and
has received nearly $1.25 billion in
federal business since 2000. Unlike
other security companies operating in
Iraq, Blackwater says the guards it
trains, equips and deploys to Iraq and


elsewhere are independent contractors hired directly by the federal government and therefore are not
company employees. As we all know,
under federal law, companies must pay
Social Security and other federal taxes
on employees. The IRS has warned
Blackwater that the companys classification of a security guard as an independent contractor is without merit.
The IRSs finding is the result of an
inquiry filed by a Blackwater guard.The
company has appealed the IRS ruling.
The primary factor in determining
whether a worker is an employee or
independent contractor is the degree
of control the business has over its
worker. Incorrectly classifying a worker
could mean steep penalties for the
company, including a $25,000 penalty
if the IRS determines an appeal is frivolous or groundless. In its March letter to
Blackwater, the IRS noted the company
paid all of the guards travel expenses
and signed a written agreement detailing the type of work required.The IRS
stated in the letter that a worker who
is required to comply with another
persons instructions about when,
where and how he or she is to work is
ordinarily an employee. Interestingly,
in defending itself against last years
shootings involving its security guards,
Blackwater officials asserted that they
retained tight control of their guards
and even fired some 122 guards in
Iraq for improper conduct. Interestingly, Blackwater now contends it does
not have enough control over its
guards to classify them as company
employees, which seems rather odd
and certainly inconsistent.
Source: Associated Press


A U.S. House committee chairman
has begun investigating the electrocutions of at least 12 service members in
Iraq. In the latest incident in January, a
soldier was killed by a jolt of electricity
while showering. Rep. Henry Waxman,
chairman of the House Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform, has


asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates

to hand over documents relating to the
management of electrical systems at
facilities in Iraq. Staff Sgt. Ryan Maseth,
a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, who
was only 24, died of cardiac arrest in
January after being electrocuted while
showering at his barracks in Baghdad.
Sgt. Maseths parents have filed a
wrongful death lawsuit in a Pennsylvania state court against KBR Inc., the
Houston-based contractor responsible
for maintaining the soldiers barracks.
The lawsuit alleges that KBR allowed
U.S. troops to continue using electrical
systems which KBR knew to be dangerous and knew had caused prior
instances of electrocution.
An Army investigation found that the
soldiers death was due to improper
grounding of the electric pump that
supplied water to the building. He died
after an electrical short in the pump
sent a current through the pipes. The
Pentagon has turned the matter over to
the departments inspector general for
a full investigation. It is being reported
that since 2003, at least 12 service
members have died in Iraq as a result
of electrocution. In October 2004, Rep.
Waxman said in his letter, the Army
issued a safety alert noting that five soldiers had been electrocuted that year
and that improper grounding was a
factor in nearly all of the cases. Rep.
Waxman asked that his committee be
provided investigative reports on the
dead soldiers and reports and communications regarding electrical grounding in military facilities in Iraq.
In a January 21st memo responding
to questions from Sgt. Maseths family,
the Armys criminal investigations division said the Chinese-made pump was
acquired before KBR took over maintenance of the building and did not
meet U.S. safety standards. Of course
that doesnt excuse the conduct of
KBR. As we all know, this company
was formerly owned by Halliburton
Co., the oil services conglomerate
once led by Vice President Cheney. I
was shocked to learn that the military
initially did not tell the soldiers
mother that her son was electrocuted,
but then told her he died with a small

electrical appliance in the shower.

Only later did she learn the truth,
which is most disturbing.
Source: Associated Press


IN 2007
ExxonMobil Corp. spent more than
$16.9 million to lobby the federal government in 2007, according to a disclosure form. The company lobbied on
various appropriations bills and on
pending legislation. One of the pieces
of legislation that the giant oil company
lobbied for was the energy bill signed
into law in December by President
Bush.The bill failed to include billions
of dollars in higher taxes for large oil
companies that would have been used
to fund tax breaks for various clean
energy industries. Exxons lobbyists
succeeded with the passage of an
energy bill that favors the powerful oil
industry to the detriment of the public.
Source: Associated Press

The U.S. Senate passed the Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) Reform Act last month. If this
significant bill survives, it will bring
much-needed improvements to an
agency that has too long been ignored
and under-resourced. The senators
who voted for this bill should be commended for taking meaningful steps
toward improving the safety of American consumers. In spite of intense
opposition from industry and the
White House, those senators who
stood tall produced a good bill for
American consumers, but its provisions will have to survive a conference
committees report to become law.As
you may know, a separate bill that

passed the House is much weaker

than the one passed in the Senate.The
two bills will now go to a conference
The CPSC needs more resources and
authority, and a greater sense of
urgency when it comes to hazards that
can injure and kill, especially in light of
the record 473 product recalls in 2007.
In this regard, the Senate bill is certainly a major step in the right direction. That bill increases the CPSCs
funding, creates a public database of
information on hazardous products,
gives state attorneys general more
authority to protect their residents
from unsafe products, sets lower
acceptable lead levels for childrens
products, improves safety standards
and testing for toys, and offers important whistleblower protection to
employees who report unsafe products
and legal violations.
Both the Senate and the House bills
will wind up before a conference committee where differences in the two
bills will be worked out.This committee should keep the health and safety
of American consumers and children at
the forefront of its discussions. This
congressional committee has an opportunity to put together a strong bill that
American consumers badly need.Anything less would be unacceptable.The
House and Senate have a duty to make
significant improvements to consumer
product safety law in this country.After
a year of recalls of millions of leadtainted toys and other hazardous products, many made in China, the
improvements found in the Senate bill
are essential to consumer safety. Lead
content in toys should be banned and
independent testing of childrens products mandated. The ban on chemicals
known as phthalates in childrens products must remain in the Senate bill.The
CPSCs budget, staff, enforcement clout,
and presence at U.S. ports must be
enhanced.A publicly-available database
on mishaps related to consumer products must be created. Protections to
whistleblowers inside corporations are
also necessary. If you agree that the
conference committee should adopt
the Senate bill, contact your U.S. Sena-

tors and House members immediately

and ask them to see that the conference committee members do the right
Source: Public Citizen


Sam Walton was strongly opposed to
lobbying governments at any level, but
things have certainly changed since he
passed away. Wal-Mart, the worlds
largest retailer, increased its lobbying
budget by a whopping 60% in 2007.
The company spent $4 million to influence the government on issues ranging
from energy efficiency to retail crime.
While its lobbying budget is still
labeled pocket change compared
with other major trade groups and corporations,Wal-Marts increased spending marks a growing recognition that
the companys bottom line is subject to
what happens in Washington. In 2006,
the company spent about $2.5 million
in lobbying dollars, up from $1.6
million in 2005. But less than a decade
ago, Wal-Mart barely broke the sixfigure mark. This was said to be due
largely to Sam Waltons strong dislike
for lobbying. He would most likely turn
over in his grave if he could see how
Wal-Mart operates today.Wal-Mart spent
$140,000 in 1999, after establishing a
Washington shop about ten years ago.
It spent about $1 million annually for
the next several years, before increasing its lobbying representation and
funds in 2005 amid increased criticism
of its labor practices and benefits.
The company has 12 registered lobbyists now, up from two in 1999. WalMart also has worked with a number of
outside lobbying firms, including
Patton Boggs LLP, the Podesta Group
Inc., and Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti
Inc. for the last few years. Wal-Mart
Stores Inc. has easily outspent its major
rivals, Target Corp., Costco Wholesale
Corp., and Macys Inc. In fact, the latter
two arent even registered to lobby.
Wal-Mart also outdistanced the top
retail trade group, the National Retail
Federation, which spent about $1.7

million last year. However, Wal-Mart

didnt move into the K Street stratosphere of major trade groups and
veteran corporate lobbyists.
The drug industry trade group, the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, spent $22 million in
2007, while ExxonMobil Corp., the
worlds largest publicly traded oil
company, spent $17 million. Wal-Mart
lobbied on numerous issues, including
a food stamp program, free trade, consumer product safety legislation, and
energy efficiency standards, and
pushed for tougher enforcement of
organized retail crime. It also lobbied
for a bank license, although it dropped
its bid last year after it was strongly
opposed by banks, unions, and other
critics. It continues to push for the
ability to offer other financial services,
such as prepaid Visa debit cards for millions of low-income shoppers who
dont have bank accounts.
Wal-Mart has never really had good
employee health-insurance benefits
and in recent years hasnt treated its
employees very well. The company
lobbied against legislation that would
allow employees to form, join, or
help labor organizations.As you probably know, Wal-Mart employees arent
unionized.The companywhich lobbied
Congress, the White House, the Consumer Products Safety Commission and
the Commerce and Labor Departments, among other agenciesspent
more than $2.2 million in the second
half of 2007 to lobby the federal government, according to a disclosure
form posted online in February by the
Senates public records office. It spent
nearly $1.8 million in the first six
months of 2007 to lobby on similar
As you may know, lobbyists are
required to disclose activities that
could influence members of the executive and legislative branches, under a
federal law enacted in 1995. If the next
President will take on the powerful lobbyists in our nations capitol and break
their stranglehold on government, we
will all be much better off. That task
will be very difficult, but its one that
must be taken on and completed as


soon as possible. In my opinion, the

future of our country depends on it.
Source: Associated Press

As we have mentioned in previous
issues, its undisputed that rollover
events are foreseeable crashes. Auto
manufacturers have made billions of
dollars over the last two decades selling
large- and medium-sized sport utility
vehicles to the traveling public. The
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), along with auto manufacturers, have recognized since the
early 70s that vehicles like SUVs, with
high centers of gravity, are more susceptible to rollover events than other types
of passenger cars. The federal government even compiles statistics regarding
the types of accidents that occur on an
annual basis in this country.The statistics show that rollover events are
common and usually result in severe
injuries or death. Despite this evidence,
auto manufacturers have failed to
provide vehicle designs that incorporate adequate occupant safety features
to prevent or mitigate injuries in
rollover events.
During a rollover event a number of
factors can contribute to serious
injuries or deaths for occupants.These
factors include roof strength, seat belt
design, and airbag systems, as well as
glazing or glass. Often, occupants are
injured by significant roof crush during
a rollover event. Manufacturers are
required to meet Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard (FMVSS) 216 for roof
strength in order to sell vehicles to the
public. However, the standard is inadequate.This standard does not require a
manufacturer to perform a dynamic
rollover test to see how a roof performs in an actual rollover event. As a
result, most vehicles have inadequate


roof strength. When the roof crushes

because of the forces of a rollover
event, occupants are at risk for severe
head and/or spine injuries. NHTSA is
currently debating whether to
strengthen this particular standard.
Coincidentally, most manufacturers
oppose any change to FMVSS 216.
Occupants are also injured when
their head, arms, or body parts break
the plane of the door window during a
rollover event. In most vehicles, seat
belts are anchored to the body of the
vehicle, which allows for significant
lateral occupant movement during a
rollover event.An occupants head may
break the plane of the window and
strike the pavement or other obstacles
as a result of lateral occupant movement. Manufacturers have known for
years that this type of occupant movement in a rollover event can be significantly reduced by mounting seat belts
to the seats. Manufacturers have also
been aware of seat belt pretensioners
which automatically pull the seat belt
tighter when the vehicle senses an
impending rollover.
Manufacturers also can include a side
airbag curtain. This safety technology
works like a frontal airbag system, but
the airbag fires when sensors detect an
impending rollover event.Whats significant is that side air curtains prevent
the occupant from breaking the plane
of the window, thereby limiting the
chances that an occupant will be
injured during a rollover event.
Additionally, a number of manufacturers have included laminated glass in
one form or another in order to
prevent occupants from breaking
through the plane of the window
during a rollover event. Typical safety
glass currently used in most vehicles
breaks into numerous small pieces
during a rollover event and leaves the
plane of the window open. Laminated
glass remains intact and does not break
during a rollover event.This allows an
occupant to remain inside the confines
of a vehicle, thereby preventing serious
injuries or death. In recent years, a
number of manufacturers, including
Ford Motor Company, have included
laminated glass in a small number of

their higher-priced vehicles. Ford has

included laminated glass in vehicles
manufactured under the Lincoln name
plate. However, auto manufacturers
often claim that the use of laminated
glass is for sound reduction as opposed
to occupant safety.
Many of these occupant safety features have been technologically feasible and available since the early 1990s.
Because this type of safety technology
is available to reduce occupant injuries
in foreseeable rollover events, one must
ask why manufacturers refuse to make
such features standard. In fact, most
manufacturers do not even provide sufficient information to the public to
allow them to make informed decisions
about when and how this technology is
available. In most cases, European manufacturers include many of these safety
features as standard equipment. Safety
should not be optional.Where technology is feasible and available, a manufacturer should include safety features that
can reduce severe injuries or death in
foreseeable accident events like


The study released by the Insurance
Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) on
March 12, 2008 adds to the mountain
of evidence that the federal government is failing to do enough to protect
the public from deadly rollover
crashes. The Institutes study exposes
the junk science that the auto industry
has been circulating for years. The
automakers have tried to pass off the
laughable claim that roof strength has
zero relationship to the risks vehicle
occupants face in rollover crashes.
Hopefully, this study will be the last nail
in the coffin for that bogus argument.
Additionally, the IIHS study, which
closely follows the methodology used
by the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) in its performance tests, underscores what safety
experts and consumer advocates have
been saying for years: NHTSAs proposed revision to the 40-year-old roof

strength standard is insufficient. Congress instructed NHTSA in the 2005

highway bill to upgrade the decadesold standard. NHTSA has chosen to
fiddle around at the margins instead of
overhauling its outdated safety standard to reflect the best protection possible for the public. The Institutes
study echoes the urgent warnings by
Public Citizen to the NHSTA that its
proposed increase of the roof strength
standard from 1.5 to 2.5 times gross
vehicle weight will not meet the
publics need for safety. As we have
reported, rollover crashes kill more
than 10,000 people every year. It is
long past time for NHTSA to listen to
the evidence and give the public the
upgraded safety standard it so desperately needs. The failure of NHTSA to
protect consumers on important safety
issues is proof-positive that it is not
doing its job!
Source: Public Citizen


In an effort to avoid more stringent
roof strength regulations, the automobile manufacturers have argued to the
National Highway Traffic and Safety
Administration (NHTSA) and in lawsuits that roof crush is not causally connected to occupant injury.As a result,
current roof crush regulations have
remained unchanged since 1971.Two
recent reports reveal that safety advocates and plaintiffs lawyers have been
right all along.These reports conclude
that the amount of roof crush intrusion
is directly related to the severity of
injury. In short, these studies conclude
that stronger roofs will save hundreds
of lives.
The first study, published by the
NHTSA in October 2007, studied thousands of accidents from 19972005.
Twenty-four different statistical models
were used to evaluate the relationship
between injury severity and roof crush.
The study concluded that the relationship between roof crush and injury
severity remained, regardless of the statistical model used.The other study was
conducted by the Insurance Institute

for Highway Safety (IIHS). It was

released in March 2008. This study
looked at the relationship between
roof strengths of eleven mid-size SUVs
and the rate of fatal or incapacitating
injury in single vehicle rollover crashes.
This study concluded that in all cases,
increased measures of roof strength
resulted in significantly reduced rates
of fatal or incapacitating injury. IIHS
President,Adrian Lund, observed:What
we do know from this study is that
strengthening a vehicles roof reduces
injury risk and reduces it a lot.
The IIHS estimates that people in
SUVs with roofs as strong as the toprated Nissan Xterra face up to 57% less
risk of serious injury or death in a
single vehicle rollover as those in the
1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee or
1996-2004 Chevrolet Blazer.The 19962001 Ford Explorer was also among
the SUVs that the IIHS said had the
weakest roofs.The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, which represents
major auto makers, calls the IIHS report
flawed. Unfortunately, there remains
no definitive answer as to what effect
roof strength has on injury risk and
rollover crashes.
About 35% of deaths to occupants in
car crashes involve rollovers. This
amounted to more than 10,500 people
in 2006, federal data showed.The 212
deaths that the IIHS said could have
been prevented that year with stronger
roofs would have reduced fatalities in
those 11 SUV models that year by
about one-third. Few issues are more
contentious in auto safety than what is
known as roof crush. The problem
first gained attention in the early 1980s
after the Ford Pinto in which 20-year
old Kelly Sue Green was riding hit a
horse near Portland, Oregon. The
animal was thrown onto the roof of the
damaged car. The roof then collapsed
onto Greens head and she was killed.A
jury ordered Ford Motor Company to
pay Mrs. Greens husband $1.475
million. Since then, automakers and
consumer advocates have debated the
likely role that auto roofs play in deaths
and injuries in rollovers.The acrimony
has risen along with the popularity of
SUVs. The advocacy group Public

Citizen has led the attacks on automakers about the issue and has long urged
NHTSA to upgrade its 37-year-old standard.
NHTSA first proposed upgrading its
roof strength rule in 2005. After pressure from safety advocates and victims
families, NHTSA requested comments
on a tougher plan. It would involve
testing both sides of a vehicles roof.
The government has required since
1971 that roofs on cars be able to hold
more than 1.5 times the vehicles
weight.The standard was extended to
cover SUVs and pickups in 1991. In
2005, NHTSA proposed raising that
figure to two times the cars weight.
Now, it is considering up to three times
the cars weight, something safety advocates have urged.
Robert Shull, deputy director for auto
safety at Public Citizen, says NHTSA
under-estimates the effects stronger
roofs would have. For example, he
notes, the agency doesnt attribute
fatalities to roof crush if the deaths
occur after a door opens or a window
smashes during a rollover and the passenger is totally or partially ejected.
Shull argues, though, that a weak roof
can also lead indirectly to rollover
deaths and injuries. When a vehicle
rolls, it causes the whole system to be
compromised, Shull says. When a roof
cant handle the weight of a car, he
notes, the side pillars alongside the
windshields and between the doors
must bear the cars weight and can
begin to crumble. Lund, of the IIHS,
agrees and says: Stronger roofs keep
doors and windows from opening.As a
result, he disputes the NHTSAs suggestion that people not using seatbelts are
not likely to be helped much by
stronger roofs.
Still unclear is the role of seatbelt use
in rollover accidents. Two-thirds of
those killed in rollover crashes arent
belted.Automakers contend that crushing roofs arent the cause of injuries to
unbelted occupants.Victims and advocates reject that assertion.They argue
that the issue is simple: No matter how
a motorist comes into contact with a
car roof, everyone would be safer if the
roofs were less likely to crush. Paula


Lawlor, a roof crush consultant who

works with plaintiffs, says stronger
roofs would aid both belted and
unbelted motorists. You could save
thousands of lives a year, says Lawlor,
who founded the advocacy group
People Safe in Rollovers. People are
dying totally unnecessarily.
Source: USA Today


A California state appellate court has
refused to alter or reduce an earlier
decision to award $82.6 million in
damages to a paraplegic who claimed
faulty design caused her car to crash.
The decision by San Diegos Court of
Appeals for the Fourth District came
after the U.S. Supreme Court had
ordered the state court to reconsider
its original ruling. In that decision, the
nations High Court held last year that
jurors cannot punish defendants for
harm to third parties when determining punitive damages.
Jurors in the case originally awarded
Benetta Buell-Wilson more than $368
million in damages, with $246 million
being punitive damages, against Ford
Motor Co. In 2006, the Fourth District
reduced the total award to $82.6
million, with $55 million consisting of
punitive damages. This latest ruling
affirmed that award, with the three justices unanimously saying there was
nothing in the Philip Morris decision
that warranted a change in their judgment.The justices wrote:
Based on our review of the
record, plaintiffs counsel was not
asking the jury to punish Ford for
harm done to third parties.
Rather, counsel was discussing
the repeated nature of Fords
actions in arguing the reprehensibility of Fords conduct.That argument was entirely proper and did
not create a significant risk the
jury would punish Ford for
injuries to third parties.
Buell-Wilson, a mother of two, was
injured on January 19, 2002, when her


1997 Ford Explorer fishtailed as she

tried to avoid a metal object and rolled
over four times before coming to rest
on its roof. The justices had found
Fords conduct reprehensible on the
first appeal. The California Supreme
Court denied review, but the U.S.
Supreme Court took the case and
remanded it back to the Fourth District
for further review.
In its latest ruling, the California
appeals court listed several reasons
why the High Courts opinion in Philip
Morris doesnt compel a reversal or
further reduction:
The court said Ford had submitted
misleading jury instructions on thirdparty harm at trial;
Ford didnt object in a timely manner
to Buell-Wilsons closing arguments
during the punitive damages phase;
Ford hadnt requested a limiting
instruction during the trials liability
phase and didnt raise instructional
error on appeal.
Ford plans to appeal. Jerome Falk Jr.,
who is with the law firm of Howard,
Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk &
Rabkin, in San Francisco, represented
Ms. Buell-Wilson and her husband. He
believes the appellate court was
correct to stand its ground, observing:
Its the kind of [ruling] that ought
to motivate automobile companies to make their cars safer and
not do as Ford did with this
vehicle. [The company made] some
very tawdry cost-cutting decisions.
It will be interesting to see what
happens if the U.S. Supreme Court
again takes the case for review. Regardless, it is refreshing to see a state court
do the right thing on the issue of corporate wrongdoing and punitive
Source: The Recorder


A Superior Court jury in Washington
State awarded $40.1 million to a man

whose heart was damaged so badly by

a malfunctioning machine during an
operation that he had to undergo a
heart transplant.The 54-year-old plaintiff also suffers other problems as a
result of the injury and anti-rejection
drugs he must take. The plaintiff had
checked into a hospital in October
2004 for cardiac bypass surgery when a
monitor manufactured by Edwards Lifesciences Corp. of Irvine, California, malfunctioned, causing a catheter to
overheat and burn his heart.The award
last month included $8.35 million in
punitive damages.
Edwards Life Sciences also had
blamed Providence Everett Medical
Center, saying it used a damaged cable.
Interestingly, the hospital said Edwards
failed to disclose a problem with the
monitor. The jury ordered Edwards to
pay 99.99% of the damages to the plaintiff and his family, leaving the hospital
responsible for .01%. Edwards was also
ordered to pay the hospital $310,000 in
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer


In last months report, I made you
aware of one of the most dangerous
ATVs on the marketthe Yamaha
Rhino. Since the Yamaha Rhino All
Terrain Vehicle was introduced to the
market in the United States in 2003, it
has been involved in a large number
of devastating rollover accidents,
leaving adults and a number of children seriously injured, permanently
maimed, and in some instances dead.
The Rhino has been linked with many
rollovers because of its narrow and
top-heavy design, as well as its small
tires.These design features make the
Rhino unstable and easily prone to
roll over. There have been serious
injuries when going around corners at
low speeds and on flat terrain. When
confronted with the mounting
injuries caused by the Rhino design,
Yamaha simply blamed the consumers
for their own injuries. The following
statement was released by Yamaha:

While the Rhino has been a reliable and versatile vehicle, some
operators have engaged in aggressive driving (such as sliding, skidding, fishtailing, or doing donuts)
or made abrupt maneuvers (such
as turning the steering wheel too
far or too fast) that have resulted
in side rolloverseven on flat,
open areas. Unfortunately, some
occupants have been seriously
injured during such rollovers
when they put their arms or legs
outside the vehicle, resulting in
crushing or other injuries.
Yet, without admitting that the
Rhinos design is defective, Yamaha
recently developed doors and passenger handholds for the Rhino and is
offering them to owners of the 20042007 ATV models free of charge. The
company claims that these features will
help people keep their limbs inside the
vehicle during a rollover. While these
features may indeed offer extra protection in the case of a rollover, the
rollovers should not be happening in
the first place. Yamaha is making the
offer of these features sound as though
they are a special offer, rather than the
installation of safety features that
should have been present from the
beginning. Furthermore,Yamaha should
admit that the core design of the Rhino
is defective. Instead, the company has
dealt with the safety problems by doing
things such as pasting a sticker to the
dashboard of the Rhino encouraging
responsible use of the vehicle. The
sticker contains statements that admit
the vehicles propensity to roll over,
such as:
If you think or feel the Rhino
may tip or roll:
Brace yourself by pressing your
feet firmly on the floorboards and
keep a firm grip on the steering
wheel or handholds.
Do not put your hands or feet
outside of the vehicle for any
These warnings put the blame for
defective design of the Rhino on the

driver and passenger of the vehicle and

assume that the occupants have time to
prepare for a rollover in advance of
such an accident.A sticker cannot overcome the defective vehicle design.


Federal safety regulators are investigating consumer reports of air bag
failure, and inadvertent deployment in
the 2001 to 2003 Hyundai Elantra.Two
people were killed in Elantra crashes
when the air bags failed to deploy,
according to NHTSA. As many as
340,000 cars could eventually be
affected by the NHTSA probe. The
NHTSA Office of Defect Investigation
(ODI) has also received 35 consumer
reports of the air bag light illumination. NHTSA investigated two fatal
accidents involving the Elantra and
failed air bags. Post inspection and
analysis indicate the air bag light had
illuminated prior to the crash on both
vehicles, NHTSA reported on its Web
site.The center console covering the
air bag control module was removed.
The module and the main connector
were covered with a brown sticky substance, possibly spilled liquid since the
cup holders are positioned above the
control module, according to NHTSA.
The NHTSA Web site document
states that the recovered fault codes
indicate a prior short circuit condition
that most likely would shut down the
air bag control module, and prevent air
bag deployment. In the second fatal
crash, NHTSA was told the air bag
warning light had come on several
months prior to the accident. Three
consumers complained to NHTSA that
the air bag light came on and the air
bag deployed without a crash and
without warning. NHTSA received ten
consumer complaints reporting a corroded or wet air bag control module.
The agency received five reports of
loose wiring associated with the
control module. The remaining 20
reports complained only of air bag
warning light illumination.
Source: Thomas Flanagan, Product Liability

We are constantly being asked about
what is going on in our firms Mass
Torts Section. Lawyers in the Section
are currently investigating a number of
drugs and medical devices, and are
involved in litigation with a number of
them. I will give a brief summary of
what the Section is doing at present.

Avandia, which is widely used to
treat patients with Type II diabetes mellitus, has been associated with a significant increase in the risk of myocardial
infarction and an increase in the risk of
death from cardiovascular causes.
Frank Woodson and Roger Smith are
the primary lawyers who are handling
Avandia cases for the section.

Fosamax (alendronate sodium), manufactured by Merck, is in a class of drugs
called bisphosphonates. Fosamax is
commonly used in tablet form to
prevent and treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Recently the
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons reported a link between bisphosphonates and a serious bone disease
called Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ).
Osteonecrosis is a disfiguring and disabling condition of the jaw bone that
causes infection and rotting of the jaw
bone.Typical presentation of Osteonecrosis is pain, soft-tissue swelling and
infection, loosening of teeth, drainage,
and exposed bone. Symptoms may
occur spontaneously, or at the site of
previous tooth extraction. Leigh ODell
and Chad Cook are the primary
lawyers in the section who are handling Fosamax cases.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administra-


tion (FDA) recently asked manufacturers of all Gadolinium-based contrast

agents to include a new boxed warning
on the product label. These contrast
agents are used to enhance the quality
of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
and can place patients at risk for developing a potentially fatal disease known
as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)
or Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy
(NFD). People who develop NSF or
NFD may experience a thickening of
the skin and other organs, which can
limit their ability to move, extend joints
and can lead to significant pain and
even death. Other problems may
include dark patches on the skin that
appear rough and hard with raised
plaques or papules, which are elevations of the skin. Joint and bone pain, as
well as swelling of the feet and hands
have also been reported.The FDA first
warned about NSF and NFD associated
with Gadolinium in June of 2006 and
again in December of 2006.As of April
of 2007, the FDA had received a considerable number of additional cases
involving these conditions.
There are five Gadolinium-based contrast agents which are FDA-approved.
One is the Omniscan Contrast Dye,
manufactured by GE Healthcare. It is
designed for intravenous use in MRI for
the brain and the spine. In a recent
study, five of the nine patients diagnosed with NSF received an MRI
involving Omniscan Contrast Dye.
Other studies have shown similar
results. The other Gadolinium-based
agents include OptiMARK, Magnevist,
MultiHance and Prohance. Manufacturers of these products include Bayer
Schering Pharma, GE Healthcare,Tyco
Healthcare and Bracco Diagnostic, Inc.
We are currently evaluating these
Gadolinium-based contrast agents
involving patients who have developed
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis or
Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy.
Ben Locklar and Russ Abney are the
primary lawyers handling Gadolinium
cases for the Section.



In July of 2005, the FDA announced
the recall of implantable defibrillators
and pacemakers manufactured by the
Guidant Corporation. These devices
are surgically implanted in persons
who have a type of heart disease that
creates the risk of a life-threatening
heart arrhythmia (abnormal rhythm).
Some of the risks associated with the
defibrillators are deterioration of wires
and their inability to deliver therapy.
One of the risks associated with the
pacemakers is that a hermetic sealing
component used in the subset of
devices may experience a gradual
degradation, resulting in a higher than
normal moisture content within the
pacemaker case. We are currently
investigating claims involving these
types of recalled devices.Ted Meadows
and Russ Abney are the primary
lawyers in the section handling
Guidant Heart Device cases.


On April 16, 2004, the FDA
announced the recall of numerous
implantable defibrillators manufactured by Medtronic, Inc., which were
implanted in 1997 and 1998. These
devices are considered a Class I recall,
which is the highest priority recall.
In addition, another recall was issued
by the FDA on February 10, 2005, for
additional Medtronic defibrillators
whose batteries were manufactured
between April 2001 and December
2003. We are currently investigating
claims involving the particular recalled
devices.Ted Meadows and Russ Abney
are the primary lawyers in the section
handling Medtronic Heart Device cases.


On October 15, 2007, the Food and
Drug Administration issued a Class I
Recall involving the Medtronic, Inc.,
Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Leads,
model numbers 6930, 6931, 6948 and
6949. This recall specifically relates to
those leads manufactured from Septem-

ber 2004 through October 15, 2007.

This action does not affect Medtronic
pacemaker patients.
In March 2007, Medtronic reported
two primary locations where chronic
conductor fractures have occurred on
Sprint Fidelis leads. Those are at: the
distal portion of the lead, affecting the
ring electrode and near the anchoring
sleeve tie-down, affecting the helix tip
electrode, and occasionally the high
voltage conductor. High voltage conductor fractures could result in the
ability to deliver defibrillation therapy.
Anode or cathode conductor fractures
may present increased impedance,
oversensing, increased interval counts,
multiple inappropriate shocks, and/or
loss of pacing output. The potential
for defibrillation lead fracture to result
in or contribute to inappropriate
shocks or death has been reported. As
of October 4, 2007, there have been
approximately 268,000 Sprint Fidelis
leads implanted worldwide. Based on
current information regarding the
268,000 implanted leads, Medtronic
has identified five patient deaths in
which a Sprint Fidelis lead fracture may
have been a possible or likely contributing factor. We are currently investigating claims involving the particular
recalled leads.Ted Meadows and Russ
Abney are the primary lawyers handling Medtronic Heart Device Lead
Wire cases for the Section.


For years, women have taken
Hormone Therapy (HRT) to reduce the
symptoms of menopause. Studies now
show that HT medications such as
Prempro and Premarin can increase the
risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer,
stroke and heart disease. We are currently handling claims against the manufacturers of HT medications. Ted
Meadows, Melissa Prickett and Russ
Abney are the primary lawyers handling Hormone Replacement Therapy
cases for the Section.

OrthoEvra is a hormone contraceptive available in a transdermal patch.
OrthoEvra is manufactured by Ortho
McNeil (a subsidiary of Johnson &
Johnson). Recently the FDA disclosed
that excessive levels of estrogen delivered by the birth control patch can
cause serious injuries and even death.
According to the FDA women who use
the patch are exposed to 60% more
estrogen than those who are taking the
pill, therefore increasing their risk of a
serious adverse event. Injuries or
death claims involving OrthoEvra
would likely be based on the following
criteria: Documented use of OrthoEvra
at the time of injury and significant
adverse event(s) including blood clots,
pulmonary embolism, heart attack,
stroke, deep vein thrombosis, and/or
death. Chad Cook is the primary lawyer
handling OrthoEvra cases for the

Paxil (paroxetine) is an anti-depressant manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Recently Public Health Advisories
have been issued for Paxil regarding
an increased risk of heart birth defects,
persistent pulmonary hypertension
(PPHN), omphalocele (an abnormality
in newborns in which the infants intestine or other abdominal organs protrude from the navel) or craniosynostosis
(connections between sutures-skull
bones, prematurely close during the
first year of life, which causes an abnormally shaped skull) in children born to
mothers exposed to Paxil. We are
handling cases on behalf of children
born with birth defects to a mother
who has documented use of Paxil
during pregnancy. Chad Cook is the
primary lawyer who is handling Paxil
cases for the Section.

restless leg syndrome (RLS). In a

recent New England Journal of Medicine study, a statistically significant percentage of those who used these drugs
for more than one year developed the
potentially serious complication of
valvular heart disease (VHD). Valvular
heart disease is typically diagnosed by a
painless and non-invasive test called an
echocardiogram that uses sound waves
to determine if the valves of the heart
are functioning properly. In many
cases, valvular heart disease does not
immediately result in symptoms, so if
someone has taken either of these
drugs, we would suggest that they
speak to their physicians about having
such a test.
At this point in time, it appears that
the only Parkinsons related drugs with
a demonstrated association with valvular heart disease are Permax (also
prescribed generically as pergolide
mesylate) and Dostinex (also prescribed
as generically as cabergoline). These
two drugs are chemically related to the
diet drug Fen-phen, which was also
related to the development of valvular
heart disease and another very rare
condition call Primary Pulmonary
Hypertension (PPH). Navan Ward is the
primary lawyer in the section handling
Permax and Dostinex cases.

ReNu MoistureLoc, manufactured by
Bausch & Lomb, is a solution used to
clean contact lens. Bausch & Lomb
announced on April 10, 2006, that it was
suspending shipments of this contact
solution and retailers were urged to
remove the solution from their shelves.
Reports of fungal keratitis infections in
users of this have been reported in
contact lens wearers who use ReNu
with MoistureLoc. Chad Cook is the
primary lawyer handling ReNu MoistureLoc cases for the section.



These drugs are prescribed in the

treatment of Parkinsons disease and
other neurological problems such as

Pain pumps are portable and often

disposable pain management devices

which continuously administer local

anesthetic through a catheter to a surgical wound site for several days following surgery to decrease postoperative pain and assist in more rapid
rehabilitation. A Y-connector accessory is sometimes available so that the
pain pump can be used on multiple
wound sites. Examples of pain pump
manufacturers include Stryker, I-Flow,
CME McKinley, Breg, Medical Flow
Systems, Baxter and Sgarlato Labs.
Recently, the use of pain pumps to
administer medication directly into a
joint following shoulder surgery has
been linked to a severe condition
called Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral
Chondrolysis (Chondrolysis), in
which the cartilage of the shoulder
joint process has been destroyed and
lost. The destruction of the shoulder
cartilage can be attributed to the application of anesthetic medication directly
into the joint space via the pain pump
catheter. In 2003, it appears that some
pain pump manufacturers may have
increased the anesthetic dosing capacity of their pain pumps, which may
have hastened the onset of Chondrolysis in some patients.
Chondrolysis symptoms usually
present between six weeks and six
months following surgery and include
increased shoulder pain and stiffness,
loss of cartilage, decreased range of
motion, loss of shoulder joint space,
crepitus in the shoulder and loss of
strength. Patients suffering from Chondrolysis are usually unable to complete
their post-surgical physical therapy due
to pain. Whatever the patients condition was prior to his or her shoulder
surgery, the post-operative diagnosis of
Chondrolysis is typically much worse.
Ultimately, complete shoulder replacement surgery (acromioarthroplasty)
could become necessary in order to
eliminate the painful and debilitating
symptoms of Chondrolysis.Ted Meadows
and Russ Abney are the primary
lawyers in the Section handling pain
pump cases.


Genetically modified riceLL601
and LL604has been discovered in the
U.S. rice crop, causing significant loss
of revenue to U.S. farmers and threatening the success of U.S.-grown rice on
the world market. LL601 and LL604
are types of genetically-modified rice
developed, manufactured, and tested by
Bayer CropScience. Bayer allowed the
unapproved rice to contaminate
conventional rice varieties. At the time
neither LL601nor LL604 were approved
for human consumption. Rice from
farms in a five-state regionArkansas,
Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, and
Texashas tested positive for LL601
and LL604. Rice farmers have suffered
losses due to crop contamination, lost
revenue, and additional costs associated with complying with state and
federal efforts to eradicate the contaminated rice. We are currently investigating potential claims of farmers
from Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri,
Louisiana, and Texas who produced or
sold rice at any point from 2003 to the
present. Frank Woodson and Leigh
ODell are the primary lawyers who are
handling these cases.

patients undergoing cardiopulmonary

bypass surgery who are at an increased
risk for blood loss and blood transfusion. Trasylol was manufactured by
Bayer Pharmaceuticals and was
approved by the FDA in 1993. On February 8, 2006, the FDA issued an advisory warning to doctors of the
potential for renal toxicity and on
November 5, 2007, the FDA and Bayer
agreed to temporary marketing suspension of Trasylol. We are investigating
potential Trasylol claims involving
death after undergoing a coronary
artery bypass procedure or kidney
failure requiring dialysis or transplant.
Frank Woodson is the primary lawyer
handling Trasylol cases for the Section.

Viagra is a drug manufactured by
Pfizer used to treat erectile dysfunction. We are currently investigating
cases involving partial or complete
blindness caused by non-arteritic
ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION).
This is a condition in which blood
supply is reduced to the optic nerve
causing permanent nerve damage.
Chad Cook is the primary lawyer in the
Section handling Viagra cases.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is an allergic reaction that can be caused from an
infection or immune response to drugs.
It is a severe expression of a simple
rash known as erythema multiforme. It
affects all ages and genders including
pediatric populations.The most severe
form of SJS is toxic epidermal necrolysis (TENS). SJS occurs twice as often in
men as in women. Most cases of SJS
appear in children and young adults
under age 30. Females with SJS are
twice as likely as males to develop
TENS. Frank Woodson is the primary
lawyer handling SJS cases for the

Trasylol is used to reduce blood loss
and the need for blood transfusion in



Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra are
popular and heavily-advertised arthritis
drugs commonly referred to as a nonsteroidal
(NSAIDS). As you know, Vioxx was
taken off the market in September
2004. Bextra was taken off the market
in April 2005. Celebrex, which is still on
the market, currently carries a blackbox warning on its label.
Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra have all
been associated with an increased risk
of cardiovascular events such as heart
attacks and strokes. These drugs are
classified as COX-2 inhibitors. COX-2
inhibitors, like older NSAID drugs such
as ibuprofen and naproxen, work to
decrease swelling in affected joints.
However, unlike older NSAIDs that also

caused irritation to the lining of the

stomach by inhibiting the Cox-1
enzyme, it is theorized that COX-2
inhibitors only block the COX-2
enzyme, leaving the stomach protecting
COX-1 alone. Published data calls the
beneficial advantages of these drugs
into question, and raises questions
about serious cardiovascular events
related to this class of drugs.We are currently litigating heart attacks, stroke and
death cases involving Celebrex and
Bextra. As you know, the Vioxx cases
have been resolved and we are busying
completing that settlement. We arent
taking any more Vioxx cases.
Andy Birchfield, Leigh ODell, Roger
Smith, Frank Woodson, Ben Locklar,
Melissa Prickett, Navan Ward, Chad
Cook and Russ Abney are all working
on these cases.

Zithromax (azithromycin), manufactured by Pfizer, is a popular antibiotic
used most often to treat respiratory
infections, while also used to treat skin
infections and some sexually transmitted diseases. Zithromax is taken once
daily, usually two to five days under
normal dosage. The most serious types
of health problems that have been
attributed to Zithromax include liver
damage resulting in death or liver transplant surgery. The symptoms for liver
damage may include yellow eyes,
abdominal pain, nausea, clay colored
stools, and dark urine. Recent warnings
have been added to the label regarding
abnormal liver function, jaundice, necrosis, hepatic (liver) failure and death,
which have been reported by persons
taking this drug. Chad Cook and Frank
Woodson are the primary lawyers in the
Section handling these cases.
Hopefully, the above information will
answer some of the questions we have
been getting concerning the Mass Torts
Sections activities. In addition to the
primary lawyers mentioned for a drug
or medical device, once a case is taken,
a trial team is put together at an early
stage so that preparation for trial can
get started. Its been very busy in this

Section and based on what we have

learned in litigation, I dont see things
slowing down any time soon.


We reported last month on the jury
verdict against Wyeth and a Pfizer Inc.
unit and the awards of compensatory
damages. In the second phase, the jury
ruled that the defendants must pay
$27.1 million in punitive damages for
menopause drugs that caused the plaintiffs breast cancer. Jurors in federal
court in Little Rock,Arkansas, found that
Wyeth and Pfizers Pharmacia & Upjohn
showed reckless disregard of the
health risks posed by their hormonereplacement drugs and should be punished. The jurors had awarded $2.75
million in compensatory damages to
the plaintiff in the first phase of the
trial. In the punitive phase,Wyeth, based
in Madison, New Jersey, was ordered to
pay $19.3 million in punitive damages.
New York-based Pfizer was told to pay
more than $7.7 million.
Its the third time Wyeth has been
ordered to pay punitive damages over
its handling of the drugs, Premarin and
Prempro. A Nevada jury in October
awarded $99 million in such damages
to three women after finding that the
treatments caused their breast cancers.
A judge reduced the award to $58
million in February. In January of 2007,
a Philadelphia jury awarded punitive
damagesbut the Judge placed the
amount under seal, pending appeal.The
plaintiff in the Arkansas case was
among 6 million women who took the
pills to treat menopause symptoms
such as hot flashes, night sweats and
mood swings. The defendants, in her
case, will likely appeal. Jurors found
that the hormone-replacement therapies were a cause of the plaintiffs
breast cancer and ordered the companies to pay $2.75 million in compensatory damages. Wyeth and Pfizer must
each pay half under Arkansas law.
Wyeth has lost five of eight jury trials
over Premarin or Prempro since they
began going to trial in 2006.Wyeth has

settled at least two other cases. The

company faces about 5,300 lawsuits
over the drugs, which are still on the
market. We estimate the total number
of claimants at about 7,000. Upjohn has
lost both of their cases that have gone
to trial so far over its Provera
menopause drug, which came on the
market in 1959. They have settled at
least two other cases. Pfizer acquired
Upjohn in 2003 as part of a $54 billion
acquisition of Pharmacia Corp. Sales of
Wyeths hormone-replacement drugs
reached $1.06 billion in 2007. Sales
topped $2 billion before a 2002 study
linked the medicines to a higher risk of
breast cancer.
In 2002, the Womens Health Initiative study, sponsored by the U.S.
National Institutes of Health, was
halted when it found an increasing
incidence of invasive breast cancer
among women who took a combination of estrogen and progestin, as
found in Prempro. Thereafter, Wyeth
revised the labels on its menopause
drugs. Until 1996, some menopausal
women used Premarin, which contained estrogen, together with
Provera, which contains progestin.
That year, Wyeth combined the two
substances in Prempro. Jim Morris,
who is a very good lawyer from
Austin,Texas, represented the plaintiff
in this case and did a tremendous job
for his client.
Source: Bloomberg News


In a related matter, a new study has
provided more information relating to
hormones. Among the many unanswered questions about hormones prescribed for menopause is whether a
womans health risks change after she
stops taking the pills.This study shows
that virtually all the benefits disappear
but that a slightly higher risk for breast
and other cancers persists for at least
three years after stopping the drugs.
The data come from a major study by
the Womens Health Initiative that
looked at 16,000 women who used the

estrogen and progestin combination

drug Prempro, made by Wyeth.
Reporting in the current Journal of
the American Medical Association, the
studys investigators urge caution in
interpreting the results, noting that a
womans individual risk remains small.
The excess cancer risk among former
hormone users translates to an added
annual risk of 0.3% for an individual
woman, or three additional cases of
breast or other cancers a year among
1,000 women. The findings do not
change recommendations for hormone
use, which advise that women consider
using hormones only if they have moderate to severe hot flashes and other
symptoms, and only at the lowest dose
and for the shortest possible time. Dr.
Gerardo Heiss, the reports lead author
and a professor of epidemiology from
the University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, observed:
What we found in the study is
quite consistent with the current
guidelines. There is no reason for
alarm. The absolute risk is of
small magnitude.
One of the biggest benefits of
hormone drugs, an improvement in
bone health, all but disappears during
the three years after women stopped
taking the drugs. But risks like blood
clots, stroke, and heart attacks originally seen among older hormone users
in the study also quickly dropped back
to normal rates once women stopped
the drugs. The research was halted in
mid-2002 because older women in the
study were at higher risk for heart
attacks if they began using hormones.
It appears that the findings have
changed the medical communitys
views on hormone therapy, which was
once used as a treatment to prevent
chronic disease. Currently, menopause
hormones are advised only for the
treatment of moderate to severe hot
flashes and other menopause symptoms, and doctors typically prescribe
far lower doses of the drugs than those
used in the study.The report focuses on
the three years after the end of the
study, comparing the health of women


who took hormones with that of participants who took placebos.

It was reported that future papers
will analyze cancer trends in the study.
During the three years women stopped
taking hormones, there was some suggestion that their breast cancer risk
began to drop from peak levels, but the
overall risk remained the same. The
breast cancer data were said not to be
statistically significant, suggesting
chance could play a role. However,
researchers say the trends are credible
because they are consistent with previous research. Other data on cancer risk
also failed to reach statistical significance. For instance, there was a suggestion that lung cancer risk was slightly
higher among former hormone users,
but that trend could also be due to
chance. It was only after researchers
combined all the data from various
types of cancers that they were able to
show a statistically significant difference between the former hormone
users and those who had used placebos. It will be most interesting to see
what develops in the medical community as a result of this study.
Source: Associated Press


The FDA has ordered that black
box warnings be placed on the labels
of Amgen Incs Aranesp and other
anemia drugs to note the drugs have
been shown to impair survival in
certain cancer patients.The strongestpossible warning states the drugs shortened overall survival, or caused more
rapid tumor growth, in clinical studies
in patients with breast, non-small cell
lung, head and neck, lymphoid and cervical cancers, when given at high
doses.The so-called erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are approved to
treat anemia in patients with chronic
kidney failure and in cancer patients
undergoing chemotherapy.
About a year ago, the FDA first
required a warning to the labels of
Aranesp, as well as Amgens Epogen
and Johnson & Johnsons Procrit.This


came after studies showed an increased

risk of death for some patients. Over
the past year, there has been a great
deal of negative news about the drugs,
which are genetically-engineered versions of a protein that boosts production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
Sales of Aranesp, Amgens top-selling
product, fell 12% last year to $3.6
billion, while sales of Procrit, which is
less important to J&Js bottom line, fell
9.4% to $2.9 billion.
In a related matter, federal advisers
said anemia drugs sold by Amgen Inc.
and Johnson & Johnson should be
sharply restricted to a segment of
cancer patientsa recommendation
that could cost the companies millions
of dollars. The limits, proposed on
March 13th by an FDA panel, were the
latest blow to the three blockbuster
medications already plagued by concerns over increased risks of death and
tumor growth.The cancer experts overwhelmingly voted to keep the drugs on
the market for chemotherapy patients,
but said use should be limited to those
with incurable forms of cancer. The
experts also voted to withdraw the
drugs use in patients with breast or
head-and-neck cancers, such as those
affecting the sinuses, throat, and lymph
nodes. The FDA often follows its panelists advice, although it is not required
to do so. It will be interesting to see
what the FDA does with the recommendations.
Source: Reuters and Associated Press


As has been widely reported,
mercury is the second most toxic
element on earth, behind plutonium.
Toxicity of mercury has been linked to
many different diseases, including
autism, learning disabilities, and bipolar disorder.Thimerosal, a preservative placed in many childrens vaccines,
is approximately 50% mercury. There
have been years of litigation on behalf
of children who suffer from various disorders, including autism, allegedly as a
result of thimerosal contained in child-

hood vaccines. Most of these cases

have been stalled as the government
contends that these cases can only be
argued in front of a federal government
board and not in a court of law because
of the Federal Vaccine Act.
Recently, the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Board ruled in favor of a
nine-year-old Georgia girl who developed neurological problems shortly
after receiving childhood shots. The
amount of the payment to be made is
yet to be determined. Although other
federal officials have claimed that the
girls autism-like symptoms were not
caused by the vaccinations, these officials on the compensation program
found that the shots exacerbated the
girls underlying medical condition, an
extremely rare disorder of the mitrochondria.The National Autism Association called this a landmark case for all
children suffering from mercury-based
autism. Over the past several years
thimerosal has been removed from
almost all childhood vaccinations. It is
uncertain if the thousands of other children will be awarded any payments
from the Vaccine Injury Compensation
Fund. Hopefully they will be included
for payments from the fund.


Over the past months, we have seen
a sharp increase in the number of
deaths caused by medication errors.
Celebrity cases such as Heath Ledgers
recent death from mixing prescription
drugs and Dennis Quaids newborn
twins receiving an adult dose of a
blood thinner have gotten lots of media
attention. But those two cases only
scratch the surface of the growing
number of lawsuits over medication
errors.The suits include claims against
pharmacies for errors in filling prescriptions, doctors and hospitals for
mistakes in dosage, nursing homes for
giving the wrong pills to patients, and
manufacturers for labeling. Pharmacists
at the large chains are dealing in large
volumes. Hospitals, doctors and nurses
have too many patients on occasion.All
of this causes problems. Medication

errors are said to be endemic in

nursing homes and that is directly
related to many nursing homes being
A recent study by the Harrison
School of Pharmacy at Auburn University found that dispensing errors are a
problem on a national level, and estimated that 51.5 million prescription
errors occur during the filling of 3
billion prescriptions each year. There
are a number of reasons for this, among
which are, the difficulty in distinguishing between packages identifying
drugs.The number of generic brands is
a factor because now there are many
different versions of the same drug
with similar packaging. In addition,
aggressive direct-to-consumer marketing by the drug companies has popularized drugs and put pressure on
doctors to prescribe them.The bottom
line is that there are a great number of
medication errors being made. The
healthcare system must address this
problem and come up with some
workable solutions.
Source: Lawyers USA


For years Pfizer, the maker of Celebrex and Bextra, has been blamed for
promoting off-label use of their drugs.
Lawsuits have been filed against Pfizer
after users suffered heart attacks or
strokes resulting from the ingestion of
these pain relief medications. Off-label
use occurs when a user is prescribed a
drug for purposes other than what the
FDA has approved it for. Some pharmaceutical companies have used their
sales force to purposefully market their
drugs to doctors off-label in order to
maximize the profits from those drugs.
Recently, a former sales manager for
Pfizer was indicted for obstruction of
justice for altering and deleting documents from his computer and for
directing other sale representatives to
delete marketing and training materials
concerning off-label promotion from
their computers. Specifically, the indict-

ment states that the Pfizer sales

manager directed sales representatives
to promote Celebrex and Bextra for
doses and usages that had been denied
by the FDA over safety concerns. In
2004, Pfizer was under investigation for
promoting these drugs off-label and
was instructed to preserve all related
documents. However, the sales
manager changed the clock on his
computer in order to alter and resave
documents to make them appear as if
created earlier in time. He also deleted
documents that the sales force used to
promote these drugs at unapproved
dosages and for unapproved uses. He
then directed several other sales representatives to use similar tactics to
destroy or alter information in their
The unfortunate truth is that this is
not an isolated incident. Evidence suggests that the promotion of unapproved uses of pharmaceutical drugs is
a common practice for Pfizer and the
pharmaceutical industry as a whole.
This was mentioned when discussing
the Zyprexa lawsuit in Alaska.This sort
of thing has resulted in many people
suffering unnecessary injuries from
dangerous drugs that are on the
market. Nonetheless, one can only
imagine how many times similar
actions as described above have gone
undetected and unpunished.


U.S. health officials have identified a
contaminant in batches of the blood
thinner heparin associated with 19
deaths and are trying to determine
how the chemical got into the drug.
The lots of heparin were recalled in
February. FDA officials reported on
March 18th, that no new deaths have
been reported since the recall. Dr. Janet
Woodcock, head of the FDAs Center
for Drug Evaluation and Research, said
the contaminant is oversulfated condroitin sulfate, a chemical that does not
occur naturally. Condroitin sulfate is a
natural compound that occurs widely
and is used as a dietary supplement but
the oversulfated version has not been

widely studied.The FDA is investigating

to see how it got into the drug.
The FDA has also initiated testing of
imported heparin entering this
country. Hopefully, the product on the
market now has been tested and is safe.
Since Condroitin sulfate with a compound is in the same family as heparin,
the FDA says preliminary testing failed
to identify it.Apparently, more exacting
tests by the government and university
researchers uncovered the contaminant. Oversulfated condroitin sulfate
would be less expensive to make than
heparin, but FDA officials arent able to
estimate the cost difference.The lots of
heparin linked to hundreds of allergic
reactions were marketed by Baxter
International and produced in China.
We should have learned by now that
anything coming from China has to be
at least suspect.
FDA officials said they could not yet
directly associate the oversulfated condroitin sulfate to the deaths and side
effects, but it is the lone contaminant
they have found in the product.As we
have reported, Heparin is derived from
pig intestines, and China is the worlds
leading supplier.Tiny family-run workshops near slaughterhouses send
batches of raw ingredients to larger
middlemen before they reach factories.
Hopefully, Chinese government officials are working to improve safety of
the products they are sending into the
U.S. In fact, they claim to have clamped
down on the production of heparin.
Source: Associated Press


Spiriva HandiHaler, which is
Boehringer Ingelheims respiratory
drug, may actually increase the risk of
stroke. Spiriva was associated with two
more cases of stroke in every 1,000
patients treated for one year compared
with a placebo medicine in a pooled
analysis of 13,500 patients, according to
a notice posted last month on the FDAs
Web site.The agency is still reviewing
the available data and hasnt confirmed
an increased risk. Boehringer, the


worlds largest family-owned drug

maker, markets Spiriva in the U.S. with
Pfizer Inc. as a once-a-day inhaled treatment for breathing difficulty caused by
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
company is assessing the long-term
effects of the drug in a four-year study
that is expected to report results in
June, according to the FDA. The FDA
plans to analyze the new study, called
Uplift, and make conclusions and recommendations to the public.
Source: Bloomberg


The widower of a New Jersey
woman who died suddenly while
using the NuvaRing contraceptive has
filed suit against its maker, claiming the
device caused a deadly blood clot. It
was alleged that Nuvaring, which the
32-year-old mother of two had been
using for six months, contributed to
her death. Defendants in the case are
Organon BioSciences NV and Schering-Plough Corp., which bought the
Dutch biopharmaceutical company in
NuvaRing, which was launched in
the summer of 2002, is a hormonal contraceptive inside a flexible ring that is
inserted in the vagina and left in place
for three weeks out of every month. It
slowly releases two hormones into the
vaginal wall: ethinyl estradiol, a type of
estrogen widely used in contraceptives,
and a progestin called etonogestrel.
Etonogestrel is the active form of a contraceptive hormone called desogestrol
contained in several newer birthcontrol pills, including Mircette,
Desogen and Ortho-Cept. Public
Citizen Health Research Group has
been pushing the Food and Drug
Administration since February 2007 to
remove those pills from the market
because they double the risk of blood
clots without having any benefit over
other contraceptives, according to the
groups director, Dr. Sidney Wolfe.
Source: Associated Press


Former Enron employees will now
get the remainder of lawsuit settlement
payments that had been delayed for a
long time because of a dispute. The
Department of Labor announced
recently that The Enron Creditors
Recovery Corp. and the Illinois-based
human resources company Hewitt
Associates will restore $11.2 million to
the settlement fund. As has been
reported, Hewitt had made a serious
error in the first wave of payments in
2006. The settlement resolves a contempt motion filed against Hewitt for
having misallocated the 2006 disbursement and refusing to make up the difference.The settlement will ensure that
all pension plan participants will
receive all the funds to which they are
entitled. U.S. District Judge Melinda
Harmon is overseeing the settlement
and fund disbursement.
The lawsuit in question was filed on
behalf of employees who were in
Enron retirement plans when the
energy company collapsed in 2001.The
entire case was settled for $218
million. In 2006, Hewitt erred when it
made the first wave of payments. In a
disbursement of $89 million, it misallocated $22 million in paymentsoverpaying 7,700 ex-employees and
underpaying 12,600.
The problem could have been
resolved in part by altering the second
set of payments, but that would have
left the settlement fund with a $9
million shortfall.The $11.2 million settlement includes interest on that
money. The rest of the $218 million
remained in limbo until the $11.2
million was restored. Hewitt took the
position that, because it was hired by
Enron, Enron was ultimately responsible for Hewitts errors. That really
made no sense and was impossible to
justify. The good thing now is that

$11.2 million in lost funds and interest

will finally be restored and paid.
However, it seems that Hewitt should
be penalized for its failure to act
sooner and for the indefensible position it took in the matter.
Source: Houston Chronicle


OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc. has settled
a class action lawsuit related to its
Tarceva lung-cancer drug for $9
million, with its insurer covering all but
$500,000 of the amount. The settlement, which is subject to court
approval, involves a lawsuit filed in
December of 2004, alleging that OSI
had made false and misleading statements about Tarcevas potential to
increase survival from lung cancer.
Under terms of the agreement, the
lawsuit will be dismissed with prejudice without OSI or its executives
admitting any liability.
Source: Houston Chronicle and Associated Press

American International Group Inc.
will pay $13.5 millionincluding a
record $9.1 million in penalties and
investigative coststo settle allegations of bid-rigging and financial misreporting brought by the state of
Pennsylvania. The settlement requires
the company to provide annual reinsurance reports, maintain compensation
disclosure rules for producers and
make further compliance initiatives.
Acting Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Joel Ario made this statement
relating to the settlement:
Financial reporting must be accurate for us to protect insurance
consumers and be certain that

companies are solvent.When there

is any indication of problems with
a companys financial reporting,
we investigate, take action and
hold insurers accountable.
The settlement includes $9.1 million
in penalties and investigative costs, the
largest-ever such payment to the states
insurance department. Approximately
$4.4 million of the settlement has
already been paid, according to a statement from AIG. The settlement is
related to a reinsurance deal in 2000,
that federal prosecutors alleged was
part of a scheme to inflate AIGs loss
reserves, and thereby its stock price.As
reported, four executives from Gen Re
and one from AIG were convicted
recently in federal court in Hartford for
their role in the scheme.
In addition to the false reporting, the
Insurance Departments investigation
of AIG focused on improper activity
relating to their bid-rigging and commission practices. The Department is
currently working with other states to
examine misconduct related to AIGs
workers compensation premiums.AIG
has numerous Pennsylvania-based subsidiaries for which the state insurance
department is the primary regulator.
The department has previously settled
related bid-rigging allegations against
broker Marsh Inc., Zurich Insurance
Company, and ACE INA Holdings Inc.
Source: Insurance Journal


A California state court jury has
returned a verdict of fraud and breach
of the implied covenant of good faith
and fair dealing against Mercury Casualty Co. and awarded compensatory
damages of $170,000 and punitive
damages of $3 million to the plaintiff.
Interestingly, five persons who had
automobile policies of insurance with
Mercury Casualty were on the jury and
voted for the fraud verdict and for punitive damages against their own insurance company. Amerigraphics, Inc., a
small, three-person graphic design and

printing business, sued Mercury for

failing to provide coverage for business
property and normal operating
expenses suffered as a result of water
damage from a ruptured water heater
in their leased building. The plaintiff
suffered damage to equipment used in
the business.
Despite being informed that the
firms scanner and large format printer
were permanently damaged and not
repairable, Mercury took possession of
the equipment and did not return or
replace it for more than 650 days. At
trial, Mercury didnt dispute that
Amerigraphics had coverage under
their business policy for normal operating expenses of $90,000, which the
insurer also did not pay. Mercury took
two years to pay only $23,000 on a
$45,000 claim. Mercurys own outside
adjustor had recommended payoff of
the full claim. The plaintiff claimed
that the payment delay and failure to
return the equipment put the
company out of business.
Amerigraphics sued Mercury for bad
faith based on improper claims handling and alleged that Mercury failed to
investigate or evaluate their claim in a
timely manner; used improper and nonexistent standards to deny their claim;
unreasonably delayed payment of their
claim; and failed to advise Amerigraphics of existing coverage. The Los
Angeles jury found that Mercury
defrauded Amerigraphics and failed to
pay proceeds due under their property
policy. In this case, the alleged fraud
meant not only concealing material
facts and doing so intending to harm
Amerigraphics, but also affirmatively
representing to Amerigraphics that coverage did not exist, when in fact coverage did exist.At trial, Mercurys senior
vice-president of claims testified that
the company had no property claim
handling guidelines in effect during
2003 and 2004.
This was a violation of California
state law requiring all insurance carriers to maintain guidelines for the
prompt processing of insurance
claims.The vice-president also testified
that Mercurys own internal training
guidelines taught claims adjustors to

never use your top dollar to begin

negotiations, to use time as your ally,
and to remind claimants that a judge
or jury would find them at comparative fault if they sued. James Osborne,
who is with the firm of Osborne and
Associates in Sherman Oaks, California, represented the plaintiff and did a
very good job.
Source: Insurance Journal


A recent Alabama Department of
Insurance bulletin discusses possible violations of the Alabama Trade Practices
Law (ATPL) by insurers admitted in
Alabama. The ATPL prohibits a property
and casualty insurer from directly or indirectly requiring an insurance customer
to purchase additional types of insurance such as life insurance or automobile insurance from the insurer or its
affiliates as an express or implied condition of the customer obtaining homeowners insurance coverage from that
insurer. These provisions of the ATPL
are also violated if an insurer predicates
a decision to renew an existing homeowners insurance policy on whether the
insured had in effect other insurance
business with the insurer or its affiliates
as of a specific earlier date. In the bulletin the Insurance Department required
any insurance company that engaged in
this practice within the last 12 months
to inform the Department by February
28th. Something must have been going
on for the Department to send out this
bulletin. I would like to hear from any of
our Alabama readers who may have
knowledge of what prompted the
Department to take this action.


Global warming is finally being recognized as a most serious problem and
one that will have many ramifications.
One area of concern involves the insurance industry. Potential climate change
is said to be the greatest strategic risk
currently facing the property/casualty


insurance industry, with demographic

changes taking priority for the life
insurance industry.This is according to
a new study by Ernst & Young. Climate
change is closely followed by demographic change and catastrophic events
among the top ten risks for insurers.
According to the Ernst & Young study,
Strategic Business Risk 2008, the top
ten risks are:
Climate change: long-term, far-reaching and with significant impact on
the industry.
Demographic shifts in core markets:
offers business opportunities but risk
that other sectors will capitalize first.
Catastrophic events: rising costs and
serious impact on earnings for insurers.
Emerging markets: risk and opportunity but competitive threat from new
Regulatory intervention: increased
scrutiny impacting on operations and
Channel distribution: technology is
changing the way insurance is sold
and purchased.
Integration of technology with operations and strategy: an enabler to
keep pace with competition but lack
of integration is a threat at the strategic business level.
Securities markets: changes in capital
providers and the way capital is
entering the insurance industry are
causing major changes in the industry.
Legal risk: significant and unexpected
change in the legal environment,
such as government legislation or
evolving case law, will continue to
have a critical impact on the insurance industry.
Geopolitical or macroeconomic shocks:
likely causes unknown but consequences potentially severe.

having direct impact on others, according to the report. For the new study,
Ernst & Young and Oxford Analytica
interviewed more than 70 industry analysts from around the world to identify
the emerging trends and uncertainties
driving the performance of the global
insurance sector over the next five
years.The study identified risks in three
broad areasmacro, sector-specific,
and operational threats. It identified the
top ten risks and five emerging threats.
The analysts told Ernst & Young these
are the strategic risks that industry
leaders must manage if they are to
maintain dominant competitive positions, raising questions about how
these risks will change what companies offer customers, the way they offer
services, and where.
The analysts also identified five
emerging risks, just outside the top ten,
which have the potential to become as
significant during the next five years.
These are: over-reliance on modelbased risk management; threats to
industry reputation; losing the war for
talent; increasing exposure to global
regulatory heterogeneity; and the possible emergence of entirely new risks.
Peter Porrino, global director of Insurance Services at Ernst & Young, made
these comments:
As the insurance environment
becomes more complex, companies need to shift from traditional
risk management approaches to
integrated processes that add
greater value. Understanding how
to respond to current trends is
paramount for insurers as they
seek to manage risk, optimize
performance, and increase operational effectiveness. The top three
risksclimate change and demographic shifts in core markets,
and catastrophic eventsare far
reaching social and environmental trends with complex long term
ramifications for the industry as
a whole.

Many of these risks are interlinked,

with the consequences from one risk

It was noted that the top ten list

demonstrates that change is constant.
Interestingly, climate change wouldnt


have registered on a risk list ten years

ago. Persons in the industry who deal
with risk management will have to deal
with reality, and that will include
dealing with risks that werent a
problem in years past. Climate change
will bring about a new set of risk issues
that the insurance industryas well as
governments at every levelwill have
to deal with. Hopefully, the insurance
industry will be better prepared than
the Bush Administration has been in
dealing with this issue. At least the
industry recognizes that there is a
Source: Insurance Journal

As we have seen in recent weeks, the
stock market can be a volatile place,
especially for the investment firms who
decide to gamble in the subprime securities market. For the past several
months, the nation has watched as the
housing market has continued its
plunge to levels not seen since the
Great Depression. At the center of
attention are the investment firms who
invested so heavily in the subprime
securities market and the investors
who entrusted their money to these
firms with the belief their investments
were secure. Our law firm has recently
taken a very hard look at one such
investment firm, Morgan Keegan.
Morgan Keegan is a Tennessee-based
investment firm that advertised their
Select Intermediate and High Income
Mutual Funds as investments that
would provide high yields without
excessive risks. However, the investments were actually made in illiquid
securities that are rarely traded and do
not have active price quotes that are
maintained.When the subprime mortgage crash occurred, these investments
suffered substantial losses.

Our clients, as well as other

investors, were given the false impression that the funds were a safe and
stable investment.The reality is neither
fund disclosed in their common
prospectus that the bonds were
exposed to a risk of heavy concentration in one sector.The prospectus did
not disclose that the investors were
exposed to an untested, thin market
subject to constant instability. Further,
the funds violated the investment
restriction against investing more than
25% in the same industry (in this case,
mortgage backed securities).As a result
of such investment practices, Morgan
Keegans select funds lost a substantial
amount of their value, especially when
compared to other funds in the same
market. More specifically, the Select
Intermediate Bond lost 47% of its value
while the Select High Income Fund lost
56% of its value.
Our firm is reviewing cases concerning the Morgan Keegan funds, including the Morgan Keegan Select High
Income Fund and the Morgan Keegan
Select Intermediate Fund. If you have
any questions concerning these funds
please contact either Roman Shaul or
Scarlette Tuley, who are the lawyers in
our firm handling these cases.You can
either send your inquires to one of the
lawyers at P.O. Box 4160, Montgomery,
AL 36103 or call our firm toll-free at


A case between Chevy Chase Bank
and a Wisconsin couple is pending in a
federal appeals court. Pending the
outcome of this lawsuit and the
courts decision, it could for the first
time enable the nations homeowners
to join together in class action lawsuits against mortgage firms in efforts
to get their loans canceled. Wall
Streets biggest banks are closely
watching this case. A favorable ruling
for the Wisconsin couple could cause
the banks to bear the large cost of
reimbursing all closing costs, broker
fees, and mortgage interest to groups

of homeowners who discover mistakes in their loan documents.

In this case, Chevy Chase Bank
appealed to the circuit court in
Chicago after a federal judge in Milwaukee ruled last year that the Wisconsin
couple had been deceived and that
other borrowers could join their suit.
This has been described as one of the
most important cases for the mortgage
industry right now.The ramifications
and impact of this case, if a class
approach survives, will have a tremendous impact on not only the mortgage
lending industry but on homeowners
who have been victimized.
While home lending boomed in
recent years, standards were loosened
at many mortgage firms leading to a
rise of abuses, particularly predatory
practices.This has led in turn to record
numbers of people currently finding
themselves with loans that are more
than they can afford. Estimates vary
widely on the number of homeowners
who could stand to benefit from this
case. Homeowners who hold a home
equity loan or who have refinanced are
already eligible for a refund, while
others can get monetary damages, and
the courts ruling will not change this.
But, according to several lawyers and
mortgage analysts, allowing plaintiffs to
file class action suits would make it
much easier and more affordable for
groups of homeowners to get that
relief. A tremendous number of class
action homeowner lawsuits have been
filed in California and other states
against the nations largest banks.The
decision in the Chevy Chase case could
definitely have a bearing on those
cases. Kevin Demet, from the law firm
of Demet & Demet in Milwaukee,Wisconsin, is representing the plaintiffs in
the Chevy Chase case.
Source: Washington Post


Federal authorities have opened a
criminal inquiry into Countrywide
Financial for suspected securities fraud
as part of the continuing fallout over

the mortgage crisis, government officials with knowledge of the case said
on Saturday. The Justice Department
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) are looking at whether officials at
Countrywide, the nations largest mortgage lender, misrepresented its financial condition and the soundness of its
loans in security filings.The investigationfirst reported last month in the
Wall Street Journalwas at an early
stage at press time. It was unclear
whether anyone will ultimately be
charged with a crime.
As you know, the FBI is investigating
14 companies as part of a wide-ranging
review of business practices in the
mortgage industry. In that broader
investigation, the FBI is looking into
possible accounting fraud, insider
trading, or other violations in connection with loans made to borrowers
with weak, or subprime, credit. The
inquiry into the companies began last
spring and it involves companies across
the financial industry, including mortgage lenders, loan brokers, and Wall
Street banks that packaged home loans
into securities.
As part of that investigation, the FBI is
cooperating with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, which is conducting about three dozen civil investigations into how subprime loans were
made and packaged and how securities
backed by those loans were valued.
Several state prosecutors are also investigating mortgage industry practices. For
the 2006 fiscal year, there were 35,600
documented reports of suspected mortgage fraud, up from 22,000 the year
before and 7,000 in 2003. State officials
have also been active in bringing mortgage cases. I am not certain how all of
the investigations will turn out or what
the ramifications will be. I am certain,
however, that a failure to adequately regulate the mortgage lenders and those
other groups that were a part of the
whole package is largely to blame for
the massive problems that are most
apparent. I also believe strongly that the
Bush Administrations efforts to protect
corporate wrongdoers have contributed
to the overall problem.
Source: New York Times



Analysts at a mortgage watchdog
firm have uncovered more than 42,000
mortgage applications, totaling nearly
$11 billion, containing significant misrepresentations of the borrowers
income. These applications were all
originated and submitted for review in
the last six months of 2007 by
Interthinx, a provider of mortgage
fraud detection products. Interthinx is
owned by insurance and risk services
provider, ISO. Kevin Coop, president of
Interthinx spoke at the Mortgage
Bankers Associations National Fraud
Issues Conference. He told the group:
For the first time, the industry is
getting a real-time look at the
scope of mortgage fraud, and
these numbers are staggering
based on what weve seen over
the past few years. These results
confirm what weve been saying
all along: fraud is the rotten core
of the mortgage meltdown.
The loans were discovered when
Interthinx analysts determined that its
FraudNET Loan Exchange (FLEX)
program had generated 42,610 income
alerts that warn clients that a borrower
has submitted multiple applications
and that the borrowers income as
reported has jumped by at least 15%
within a prescribed period of time.The
alerts signal that a borrower or another
party involved in the transaction has
manipulated the reported income to
qualify for a loan that would not be
made if the true income were disclosed. FLEX is a proprietary program
that allows lenders to leverage data
from all other Interthinx clients to
more accurately assess the consistency
and veracity of a given application
something lenders cannot do for themselves. Mr. Coop observed:
The industry has not recognized
the pervasiveness of fraud in part
because lenders have legal obligations to protect consumer data. So
if ABC Bank discovers a fraudulent application, it cant tell XYZ


Bank to watch out.Through FLEX,

Interthinx is able to compare data
from all of its clients applications
and reveal the deceptions without
compromising consumer privacy.
Knowing the truth lets our clients
prevent billions in losses. What
is really disturbing is that the
$11 billion represents just one of
the alerts used in the six-month
Interthinx analysts are currently evaluating data for when a borrower submits
applications for multiple owner-occupied properties within a prescribed
period of time. Misrepresentation of
occupancy causes lenders to inaccurately assess the true level of risk and to
incorrectly price the loan, according to
the firm.The company sends so-called
straw buyer alerts that the property
and the borrower may be involved in an
organized fraud for profit scheme. Loss
severity is greatly increased in organized
schemes since they can involve hundreds of loans. Interthinx said it intends
to release the results of its additional
analyses in the near future.
Source: Insurance Journal


Arkansas Attorney General Dustin
McDaniel has ordered payday lenders
throughout his state to shut down
immediately or face the likelihood of
lawsuits from his office. Letters were
sent to about 60 companies that run
156 payday lending firms in Arkansas.
The Attorney General said in his letters:
It is the position of this office that
you must cease and desist your
payday lending practices. In addition, I hereby demand you void
any and all current and past-due
obligations of your borrowers
and refrain from any collection
activities related to these payday
loans. Be forewarned that your
failure to comply with this
demand will likely lead to litigation to enforce the laws of

The Attorney Generals actions are

based on two recent Arkansas Supreme
Court opinions that make it clear that
the high interest rates charged by
payday lenders violate the state constitution and the Arkansas Deceptive
Trade Practices Act. According to the
Arkansas Constitution, no one should
charge an interest rate higher than
17%. But the state Check Cashers Act
that allows payday lenders to operate
in the state says a fee paid for holding a
check written before the date it is to be
cashed shall not be deemed interest.
The Supreme Court opinions in two
separate cases addressed this conflict.
In one case, justices said the Check
Cashers Act, passed by the state Legislature in 1999, did not provide blanket
protection for going over the constitutional cap. In the other case, the court
ruled that a customer can collect the
surety bond from a payday lender
accused of violating the state constitution by charging more than 17% a year
to borrow money.
In payday lending practices, typically
someone wanting a loan goes to a
check-cashing company and writes a
check for a certain amount. The
company then agrees not to cash the
check for a specified timeoften
waiting until the check-writers payday,
when money can be deposited to
cover the amount of the check.
Through a payday loan in Arkansas, a
customer writing a check for $400, for
example, typically would receive $350.
The lender would keep the check for
about two weeks without cashing it,
thereby allowing the customer time to
buy back the check.The $50 charge on
the $350 loan for 14 days equates to
371% interest, well above Arkansas 17%
limit.Attorney General McDaniel says:
These businesses have made a lot
of money on the backs of Arkansas
consumers, mostly the working
poor. Charging consumers interest
in the range of 300 to 500% is
unlawful and unconscionable and
it is time that it stops.
Hopefully, this effort by the Arkansas
Attorney General will be successful

and consumers in his state will get

needed relief. I commend Attorney
General McDaniel for taking this
needed action. Other states should
follow his lead and come down hard
on the payday loan sharks
Source: Center for Responsible Lending

Graniteville tracks the night before the

crash had been working long hours in
violation of company rules. Avondale
Mills says a Norfolk Southern supervisor could have avoided this tragedy by
mandating that employees adhere to
federal regulations requiring that they
work no longer than 12-hour shifts.
Source: Insurance Journal

A South Carolina textile company
that closed as a result of a train wreck
and toxic chemical spill in 2005 wants
the railroad to pay $420 million in
damages.The Norfolk Southern wreck
ruptured a car carrying chlorine and
released a poisonous cloud over the
mill town of Graniteville, South Carolina, killing nine people and injuring
250. Some 5,400 people were evacuated. Equipment at Avondale Mills
Graniteville facilities was covered with
corrosive chemicals after the crash, and
the companys flagship canvas plant
was locked down for safety reasons for
eight days. Avondale chief executive
Steven Felker Jr. closed the company
for good in May 2006 after experts
determined it would have cost more
than the business was worth to clean
the buildings and replace the machinery.The railroad has accepted blame for
the crash but is contesting damages.
Norfolk Southerns insurance company
is also part of the lawsuit.The company,
Factory Mutual, says that Norfolk Southern should repay the company the
$215 million to cover what it paid out
to Avondale Mills.The civil trial is projected to last for three months. The
crash occurred when a Norfolk Southern train veered off the main track onto
a spur, rear-ending a parked train
whose crew had failed to switch the
tracks back to the main rail. Norfolk
Southern should be held accountable
because the railroad knew that
members of the crew operating the


The Washington State Department of
Corrections has agreed to pay $2.25
million to the families of five California
children who were wounded or traumatized when a prison parolee opened
fire in a Jewish community center in
1999.The parolee is serving a life sentence in prison after pleading guilty in
2001 to the shootings at the North
Valley Jewish Community Center in
Granada Hills, California. The families
of the victims had filed a claim against
the Department of Corrections (DOC),
contending that corrections staff failed
to properly supervise the parolee or
visit his home, and should have known
that he had obtained firearms and
The parolee, a self-avowed white
supremacist, tried to commit himself to
a psychiatric hospital in October 1998.
He threatened staff members with a
knife, was arrested, pleaded guilty, and
served five months in jail for assault
with a deadly weapon.
In August 1999, the parolee drove
from Washington state to southern California in a van loaded with weapons.
He allegedly scouted out several
Jewish-related facilities before settling
on the North Valley Jewish Community
Center outside Los Angeles, where he
fired more than 70 rounds.Three boys,
a teenage girl who worked as a camp
counselor, and a female receptionist
were injured by gunfire. The parolee
then walked up to a mail carrier, asked
him to mail a letter, and then fatally
shot him.The parolee surrendered the
next day, telling police the shootings
were intended as a wake-up call to
America to kill Jews.

The families of the three wounded

boys, and of two other children who
suffered psychological harm while witnessing the shootings, filed the claim
in 2006. The DOC said the parolee
reported as directed to his community
corrections officer for several months
before the shootings. He was banned
from possessing firearms or alcohol.
Since the shooting, state lawmakers
have increased offender supervision.
The Offender Accountability Act,
which went into place in July 2000,
gave the DOC more authority to
impose conditions on offenders on
probation. Since the shootings, the
DOC has also gained easier access to
felons mental health records.
Source: Seattle Times


The family of a woman killed in a gas
explosion last year has settled a lawsuit
against Questar Gas and several contractors. It had been alleged that
Questar, Qwest and three subcontractors were at fault in causing the gas
leak at the Saratoga Springs, Utah residence.The plaintiff further alleged that
the defendants failed to properly repair
and safely clear the area.The plaintiffs
24-year-old wife was killed last year,
along with a Questar employee, when
the house exploded.
The four-hour sequence of events
that led to the explosion began around
noon.At that time, S&E Cable, working
as a subcontractor to Angilau, Niels
Fugal, and Qwest, attempted to use
a missilea pneumatically-powered
underground moleto bore a hole
toward the home for the installation of
a permanent phone and data line.The
missile struck and ruptured a Questar
gas line. S&E Cable was not a licensed
contractor and was not properly
trained to perform the work. Neither
was the S&E employee, who was
working alone, prepared to handle the
gas-line rupture.
It took nearly two hours for Questar
employees to arrive at the scene, a
delay said to have been exacerbated by


the unlicensed contractors mishandling of the situation. During that time,

the ruptured line pumped nearly 9,000
cubic feet of natural gas into the
ground on the north and east sides of
the home. Once the line was repaired,
Questar and its employees failed to
perform their duty to determine the
safety of the area. The bodies of the
homeowners and the employee were
discovered in the homes basement
near the furnace, which appeared to
have been turned on.
Source: Salt Lake Tribune


An Oklahoma woman has sued Six
Flags Over Texas over injuries she
received during a ride accident that
injured eight others in 2006. In the
lawsuit,Trista Price accuses Six Flags of
being negligent in operating and maintaining the Texas Tornado ride, which
spins riders in a wide circle on swinglike chairs.The suit also says the maker
of the ride, Chance Rides Manufacturing, which is also a defendant in the
suit, sold the Arlington theme park a
defective and unreasonably dangerous ride.
In March 2006, several park
patrons were injured on the Texas
Tornado when one of the mechanical
bearings that spins the ride malfunctioned. The operator engaged the
emergency safety mechanism, which
brought the ride to a stop and
lowered riders to the ground quickly,
causing some riders to bump into
others. Nine people were injured,
mostly with bruises and back and
neck strains, according to Texas
Department of Insurance reports.
Injuries at a theme park must be
reported to the Texas Department of
Insurance as part of the parks quarterly reports submitted every three
months. In the past three years, Six
Flags Over Texas has reported about
50 injuries per year to the department. The latest suit alleges that
operator error contributed to the
accident. It also says the Texas
Tornado contained unreasonably

dangerous design defects and was

not reasonably safe as intended to be
Source: Star-Telegram


A woman has filed suit against an
amusement park in a Colorado state
court. The woman says she suffered
permanent injuries after colliding with
another rider in an alpine coaster. It
was alleged that officials at the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, located
in Glenwood Springs, California, failed
to warn the woman that someone was
stopped in a car in front of her when
she was on the Canyon Flyer, a ride
similar to a roller coaster that allows
people to control their speed as they
slide on the tracks. In her lawsuit, the
woman says the collision and her
injuries were the result of negligence
or carelessness in how the ride was
built and operated. Reportedly, cars on
the Canyon Flyer race 3,400 feet
through trees and down a mountainside.The parks Web site says the ride is
the first alpine coaster in this country.
Customers must sign a waiver and
release of liability before getting on the
ride. The validity of such a release is
generally questionable in a case involving negligent or wanton conduct.The
plaintiff injured her left shoulder, left
foot, and back. Park owners said there
have been more than 300,000 rides on
the alpine coaster since 2005 and that
they have had very few incidents.
Source: Claims Journal


Kentucky lawmakers are taking steps
aimed at improving the safety of
amusement rides in the wake of a
tragic accident last year that severed
the feet of a girl at Six Flags Kentucky
Kingdom in Louisville, Kentucky. A
Senate committee has approved legislation that bars anyone younger than 18
or anyone under the influence of
alcohol from operating amusement

rides.The measure would also require

amusement ride operators in Kentucky
to inspect rides each day before
opening for business.
The move comes less than a year
after a cable snapped on the Superman
Tower of Power ride, severing the feet
of 14-year-old Kaitlyn Lasitter of
Louisville. Doctors were able to reattach the girls right foot. Kaitlyn and
her family are suing Six Flags Kentucky
Kingdom, claiming the park failed to
maintain the ride and equipment and
ensure riders safety. The amusement
park has denied liability in the accident. State officials said an operator of
the Louisville ride when the accident
occurred was 16 years old. The ride
was permanently closed after the accident and is being dismantled.
The Kentucky Department of Agriculture, which inspects amusement park
rides, is waiting on tests on a cable
from the ride to determine what
caused it to snap. Once the tests are
complete, the Agriculture Department
plans to release findings from its investigation into the accident.The State of
Kentucky had 32 amusement ride accidents reported last year. In eight of the
cases, the injuries required the victims
to be treated at hospitals.Among other
provisions of the proposal, maximum
fines for violations of amusement ride
safety laws and regulations would
increase from $1,000 to $10,000.
All states should strengthen existing
laws that deal with safety at amusement parks and those that have no
such laws should enact them. The
summer months, when children will be
out of school, will soon be here.While
its late in the game, any state legislature that is in sessionincluding
Alabamasshould take action in this
area of concern.
Source: Claims Journal


Abigail Taylor, the six-year-old girl
who underwent a rare transplant
surgery after her intestines were
sucked out in a swimming pool, died in
an Omaha hospital last month.Abigails
parents were with her when she died

at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

We wrote about Abigail in the December issue. She underwent transplant
surgery in December at the Nebraska
hospital to receive a new small bowel,
liver and pancreas.
In December, President George W.
Bush signed The Virginia Graeme Baker
Pool and Spa Safety Act of 2007, according to legislation provides incentives for states to adopt
comprehensive pool safety laws that
will protect children from life-threatening injuries and deaths from potentially
dangerous pool and spa drains.This legislation was badly needed and long
overdue.There were lots of victims like
Abigail who died tragic deaths as the
result of an industry that refused to
correct known defects in the products
it manufactured and sold.

A national audit conducted by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspectors of U.S.
refineries has found 146 violations
many described as potentially lifethreateningafter reviewing just 17
refineries in a dozen states. Even
though only 17 of 81 targeted refineries in this country have been reviewed
so far, those preliminary results have to
be most disturbing. OSHA wants to
expand the audit to include chemical
plants. The nationwide audit was
launched last year in response to
decades of U.S. refinery deaths, including the massive explosion that killed 15
people and injured 170 others at BPs
Texas City refinery in March 2005. It
has been reported that at least 29
people have died in U.S. refinery accidents from 2005 to 2008.The National
Emphasis Program aims to cover 64
more refineries in the next two years.

Inspectors have proposed $896,300 in

penalties, according to OSHA.
When the refinery program was
launched last June, OSHA leaders said
the goal was to reduce preventable
deaths at refineries, one of the nations
most dangerous industries. OSHA says
52 employees have died in the past 15
years. Yet OSHAs own data undercounts refinery deaths because OSHA
and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
dont classify deaths of contract
workers as refinery fatalities. Instead,
such deaths typically get counted as
constructionor even janitorial
accidents.That is obviously quite misleading. Any death at the refinery,
regardless of the victims employment
status, should be included in any list of
Despite the widespread problems,
about 60 refineries are exempt from
the ongoing audit because of their
companies past participation in other
OSHA programs. It should be noted
that OSHA has few inspectors nationwide who specialize in refinery safety.
In recent months, more than 300
inspectors have received crash courses
of one to two weeks to assist with the
National Emphasis Program. OSHA
should be given the authority and
resources needed to deal with the issue
of safety at our nations refineries.
Source: Houston Chronicle


BP PLC has set aside $2.13 billion to
settle claims arising from the fatal Texas
refinery accident in 2005. This is an
increase from the previously disclosed
$1.6 billion.The information was published last month in the United
Kingdom oil giants annual report. In
addition, BP said it was still in talks
with the Chemical Safety Board on the
final recommendations to be drawn
from the accident, which killed 15
workers. BP also has settled U.S. derivative shareholders lawsuits against the
company and its directors arising from
incidents at its Texas refinery and at its
Alaska Prudhoe Bay field.

Interestingly, BPs new chief executive,Tony Hayward, has received a dramatic increase in his 2007 bonus,
which was much higher than the
award granted to his predecessor in
2006.The U.K. oil giants oil new CEO,
who took over in May of 2007, was
awarded a bonus of 1.26 million ($2.5
million) for 2007, according to BPs
annual report. The number compares
with a 250,000 bonus for Mr. Hayward
for 2006 and 900,000 the same year
for his predecessor John Browne. In
October, Mr. Hayward launched a wideranging restructuring at the company,
following a difficult 2006, which
included a well publicized, part-shutdown at a BP Alaska oil field. Its pretty
obvious that the bonuses for these corporate bosses werent awarded for
excellence in safety!
Source: Wall Street Journal


Industries in Georgia that produce
flammable dust must now follow new
safety rules imposed by Georgias top
fire official in the wake of the deadly
explosion and fire that occurred at the
Imperial Sugar refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia. Insurance and Safety
Fire Commissioner John Oxendine said
the companies will have to draw up
emergency plans, give employees evacuation training, and make regular
reports to the state under the regulations issued last month.They will also
have to give new attention to their dust
exhaust equipment. The rules on the
ventilation system of sucking the particles out of a facility have been strengthened. The new rules went into effect
immediately and will remain in effect
for six months.The Commissioner will
take steps to make the new rules permanent. These new rules come in
response to the explosion and fire in
February at the refinery where 12
workers were killed and dozens more
injured.The head of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced last month that federal
inspections will be carried out at hun-


dreds of plants at which combustible

dust is a workplace hazard.The OSHA
decision also came in response to the
Port Wentworth disaster.
Combustible dust standards were put
into effect for the grain industry after a
series of explosions in the 1980s, but
OSHA declined to act on a 2006 recommendation by the U.S. Chemical Safety
Board that similar standards be set up
for other industries. The Chemical
Safety Boards standards are included in
Georgias new regulations. The emergency rule will apply to every industrial facility in the state of Georgia that
produces combustible dust, according
to Commissioner Oxendine. These
could include chemical facilities, food
processing businesses, and tire plants,
and potentially number in the thousands.All of the industries will be contacted to verify whether they come
under the regulation.
Source: Insurance Journal


The accident at Imperial Sugar refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia, was
the latest of about 300 combustible
dust incidents since 1980 that have
killed more than 100 workers and
injured 800 more. The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, the
part of the Labor Department responsible for regulating the hazard, ignored a
recommendation to create a single
dust-control rule, saying it already had
17 regulations telling employers how
to avoid a deadly buildup of dust. In
March, an oversight hearing on the
subject showed how the Congress has
grown weary of the Bush Administrations approach to regulatory policy,
which stresses partnerships with industry and voluntary efforts to keep workplaces safe. Rep. George Miller (D-CA),
who heads the House Education and
Labor Committee, told OSHA director
Edwin G. Foulke Jr.:
I see such an incredible lack of
urgency on the part of your
agency to protect workers that it
is astounding. We believe the


agency has taken strong measures to prevent combustible dust

Since the explosion in Georgia, the
agency has created a Web page to
make it easier to find guidance material on combustible dust. The agency
also sent letters alerting 30,000
employers of their responsibilities to
prevent dust buildup. According to
Director Foulke, OSHA is inspecting
300 facilities for compliance with
rules. Dust explosions occur when fine
particles, which might be from coal,
sugar, plastics, wood, soap, paper, or
dried blood, accumulate and ignite
from a spark or other heat source.
Combustible dust is prevalent in many
industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical and recycling operations.
OSHA insists that the 17 rules, which
cover housekeeping practices, emergency plans, ventilation, and other
issues, can prevent the explosions.
Foulke said that in doing its site inspections, the agency found if employers
had followed the applicable standards,
they would have mitigated these
hazards and prevented the explosions.
Members of the committee pointed out
that in 2003, three dust-related blasts
took 14 lives.The companies involved
paid a total of $170,000 in fines. One
facility closed, and the other two had to
be rebuilt.
In 2006, the U.S. Chemical Safety and
Hazard Investigation Board, an independent agency, urged OSHA to issue a
single rule to address control of the
dust, assessment of the hazard and
worker training.William Wright, interim
executive of the Board, said at the
hearing that since OSHA set a grain
dust standard in 1987, the agency estimates that deaths and injuries from
such explosions have dropped 60%.
Miller and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA),
who heads the workplace protections
subcommittee, wrote to Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao the day after the
sugar refinery explosion, asking her to
make issuing a standard a high priority. So far, the lawmakers have not
received an answer. Chao is being criticized about the sugar plant accident

and other issues on a new pro-labor

Internet site called ShameOnElaine.The
nonprofit American Rights at Work in
the District, whose board includes my
friend, John Edwards, said it is exposing
that the department isnt doing its job.
Source: Washington Post


A federal judge has granted final
approval of a $14 million class action
settlement in an ERISA suit against
New York Life Insurance Co. (NYL).The
suit was brought by employees who
claimed the company mismanaged its
pension funds by exclusively investing
billions in NYLs own mutual funds.
According to the suit, the key problem
with the practice was that it caused the
NYL pension plans to pay investment
management fees and expenses far in
excess of what the plans should have
paid.The suit alleged that the company
knew, or should have known, that the
fees were far in excess of what the
plans would have been charged if they
had invested in non-NYL mutual funds,
which must compete for the business
of large institutional investors on the
basis of price.
The NYL mutual funds never had to
compete for the business of pension
plans because the plans trustees were
NYL officers who had conflicting loyalties and effectively rubber-stamped
the recommendations of their investment adviser. But the investment
adviser, according to the suit, was the
president of the NYL mutual funds and
his compensation was tied to the
amount of assets under the funds management. Apparently, he had to know
that withdrawal of the pension funds
assets from the mutual funds would be
disastrous because the mutual funds
depended on the pension plans for
their sustainability and profitability.
The plaintiffs contended that the
result of these conflicts was imprudent
investing and the waste of millions of
dollars each year in excessive investment fees and expenses. Until the suit
was filed, NYL did nothing to remedy
the situation even when the impru-

dence of their use of retail-priced

mutual funds with associated excessive
fees and expenses was directly brought
to their attention by a third-party consultant. The pension plan trustees
hired DeMarche Associates in 1999 to
conduct an asset allocation study for
the plans. DeMarche discovered that
the majority of the pension plans
assets were invested in NYLs proprietary mutual funds and advised the
trustees that the plans could save more
than $7 million annually in fees simply
by moving their investments from the
funds to NYLs separately managed
account program, which was run by
the identical portfolio managers and
pursued the identical investment strategies as the funds but at a fraction of
their cost, the plaintiffs team argued.
But the plaintiffs lawyers said the
trustees did not act on DeMarches
recommendation for 18 months, and
not until after the filing of this lawsuit.
The settlement also calls for New
York Life Insurance to take steps to
prevent any future breaches of fiduciary duty by the pension plan trustees.
The trustees have agreed to hire an
independent adviser, which will also
have fiduciary responsibility to act
prudently and to provide advice to the
trustees about appropriate investments for each of the plans. Under the
terms of the settlement, the independent adviser must be retained through
May 2010. In approving the settlement, the court concluded that
although the maximum recovery in
the case was $70 million, and the
plaintiffs were recovering only 20% of
that amount, the settlement was fair
and reasonable in light of the significant risks that further litigation posed.
The court found that the risks of litigation could have negated or reduced
any possible recovery.
The plaintiffs lawyers conceded that
they faced significant risks in establishing liability because the pension plans
are currently overfunded from recent
contributions by NYL. As a result, the
company could argue that even if the
pension plans were charged excessive
fees, any loss suffered was to the plans

surplus and did not endanger benefits

funding. And for the 401(k) plans, the
company could argue that even though
alternative investment vehicles could
have proven less costly, the use of
mutual funds is generally common for
401(k) plans.The judge agreed, saying
that if the case had gone to trial, and if
the defendants were able to prove that
use of the mutual funds was not so
deficient as to preclude their use by a
reasonable fiduciary, any recovery for
the 401(k) plans could be limited or
negated.Taking everything into consideration, this appears to be a good settlement of a difficult case.
Source: Legal Intelligencer


A San Francisco, California jury has
ordered an asbestos manufacturer to
pay more than $7 million in damages
for exposing a onetime film actress and
singer to the fibers that caused her terminal cancer while she was working in
a home-remodeling business with her
husband.The state court jury awarded
Joan and Daniel Mahoney $20 million
in damages and assigned 30% of the
responsibility to Georgia Pacific Corp.,
the only defendant in the trial. The
company most likely will be ordered to
pay a slightly higher proportion of the
award, $7.1 million, under the rules on
shared liability under California law.
The rest of the damages will go unpaid.
The plaintiffs previously reached confidential settlements with other manufacturers. The verdict is one of the
largest ever in an asbestos case.
The plaintiffs moved to South Lake
Tahoe in the late 1960s and started a
part-time remodeling business. The
products they used included an
asbestos compound made by Georgia
Pacific to fill cracks in sheetrock. The
lawsuit claimed that the company continued making the compound long
after learning that asbestos could cause
cancer and competitors found substitutes.The use of asbestos was stopped
only after the federal government outlawed asbestos products in 1977. The

couple filed suit in 2006 after Joan

Mahoney was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer linked to
asbestos exposure. Doctors then gave
her no more than nine months to live.
Currently, at age 69, she is living in pain
from the disease while also caring for
her husband of 42 years, who suffered
a stroke last year.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle


A state court judge in California has
ordered coffee chain Starbucks to pay
$106 million, which includes interest,
to workers whose tips unfairly had
been shared with supervisors. The
court order also required that Starbucks cease letting supervisors share
tips. The ruling covers more than
100,000 current and former workers,
known as baristas, who worked for
Starbucks in California since late 2000.
The courts order stated that the
members of plaintiff class are entitled
to restitution against Starbucks in an
amount equal to the amount paid out
of pooled tips to shift supervisors
during the class period. Starbucks says
it will appeal.
Source: Reuters

The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) issued a $10.2 million finethe
largest in its historyagainst Southwest Airlines last month.The fine is for
Southwest flying 46 jets during nine
months in 2006 and 2007 without performing required inspections for cracks
in the fuselage. Cracks eventually were
found on six of the planes.The Boeing
737 jets made 59,791 flights before the
airline realized in March 2007 that the
inspections had not been completed.
The FAA said that the airline deliber-


ately made 1,451 more flights after discovering the lapse. The agency transferred an FAA supervisor who had
been overseeing Southwest to another
job and has taken appropriate action
against an unnamed employee, according to a spokeswoman for the FAA.The
inspections were ordered after undetected cracks in an Aloha Airlines 737
allowed a portion of the skin to peel
away in flight in 1988, killing a flight
After having discounted the problems for several days, and claiming that
safety was never compromised, on
March 12th Southwest grounded 41
planes, which is about 8% of its fleet.
The company had 520 Boeing 737 jets
at the end of last year. Nearly 200 of
them are older models, the Boeing
737-300, that were supposed to
undergo extra inspections for cracks
in the fuselage.
Southwest, the low-fare carrier that
has more domestic flights than any
other airline, disclosed the missed
inspections to the FAA in March 2007.
The FAA has a program that encourages
airlines to disclose safety problems
without fear of being punished. Linda
Goodrich, vice president of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists, the
union that represents FAA inspectors,
said many union members have come
forward to complain that the agency
abuses the program. They claim that
the agency has allowed (airlines) to
use this system to get around enforcement actions and that airlines have
been allowed to disclose safety problems and escape fines even though
inspectors initially discovered the problems. It should be noted that FAA regulations prohibit that practice.
Whistle-blowers working with the
House Transportation Committee had
produced detailed documentation
about the problems at Southwest,
according to a February 11th letter
from the Inspector General for the
Department of Transportation. Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN), had
asked the agency to investigate the
claims.The previous high FAA fine was
levied last year against TAG Aviation.
That fine, $10 million, was for operat-


ing charter flights in violation of

federal law. Interestingly, airlines often
pay less than the amount the FAA initially seeks. Clearly, Southwest needs to
improve its safety programs, but the
FAA also needs to do its job.
Source: USA Today


After the Southwest Airlines problems surfaced, the Federal Aviation
Administration ordered a check of
maintenance records at all U.S. airlines.
The FAAs action applies to records on
all planes. FAA inspectors will check to
make sure the airlines have complied
with orders to perform the type of
structural inspections that Southwest
Airlines missed on some older Boeing
737s. The first check of the airlines
maintenance records was to be done
by March 28 and a full audit finished by
June 30, according to the FAA. The
agency was to check compliance with
at least ten safety orders, called airworthiness directives, at every airline by
the March 28th deadline.A full audit covering at least 10% of all safety directives
is to be finished by June 30.The review
will involve both examining paperwork
and checking airplanes at 118 operators, according to the FAA.
Everybody isnt satisfied with the
FAAs actions. However, a leading FAA
critic, Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN),
chairman of the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee, called
the FAA move a positive step. In the
past, he has accused the agency of
being too cozy with airlines. The
agencys recent strategy of relying
more heavily on information from the
airlines themselves leaves lots to be
desired. FAA and airline officials argue
that the system correctly focuses on
improving safety instead of finding
blame.The FAA has a duty to do everything feasible to make the airlines
comply with all safety requirements.
Source: Associated Press


Carnival and Royal Caribbean Cruise
Lines have agreed to reimburse passengers for fuel surcharges that were not
adequately disclosed. The settlement
affects 300,000 bookings and will
return $21 million to people nationwide who made trip deposits as of
November 15, 2007. The worlds top
two cruise operators announced in
November they would start billing passengers $5 per person, per day to offset
rising fuel prices for voyages beginning
on February 1st. Florida Attorney
General Bill McCollum received more
than 300 complaints about the fuel surcharge, which other cruise operators
also added. Incidentally, Carnivals
Holiday cruise ship sails out of Mobile,
Source: Associated Press


Insurance companies have agreed to
pay $165 million to settle lawsuits
brought by relatives of those killed in
a 2000 plane crash in the Philippines.
The families of about 100 of the 131
people killed in the crash sued the
American companies that owned the
plane and leased it to Air Philippines.
The plaintiffs alleged that the companies provided a worn-out plane in
need of constant maintenance that the
airline was incapable or unwilling to
do. The case, filed in state court in
Chicago, was scheduled for trial in
September, but was settled in late February by Air Philippines insurers, who
negotiated on behalf of the planes
There is clearly a need to improve
safety in developing countries, where
carriers often buy aging aircraft no
longer wanted by U.S. airlines. In this
case, the families will get on average
more than $1 million each from the settlement. The judge must still approve
disbursements from a trust fund to
individual families, which will receive
varying awards. The Air Philippines
Boeing 737 that crashed was made in

1978 and operated for 20 years by

Southwest Airlines Co.
It was alleged that the plane had
cracks and a faulty altimeter when it
was delivered to Air Philippines. Southwest wasnt sued because it had no
role in selling the jet to the foreign
carrier. The plane was purchased in
1998 by AAR Corp., an Illinois-based
company that sells aircraft parts and
leases planes to some of the worlds
largest carriers.AAR leased the plane to
Air Philippines and then sold the plane
and the lease to Fleet Business Credit
Corp., which is now a subsidiary of
Bank of America Corp. In 1999, AAR
obtained an airworthiness certificate
from the Federal Aviation Administration judging the plane sound enough to
export to that country.
While on a commuter flight from
Manila to Davao in the Philippines in
April 2000, the plane crashed into the
side of a hill as the pilot made a second
attempt to land on the runway.All 124
passengers and seven crew members
were killed. A commission appointed
by the president of the Philippines
blamed the crash on pilot error and
found no evidence of mechanical
failure. But lawyers for the families said
no one will ever know what caused the
crash because parts of the mangled
plane were dumped in a pit and buried
in concrete before they could be examined by independent experts. Donald J.
Nolan, a Chicago lawyer, and Gerald C.
Sterns, a California lawyer, represented
the families in the lawsuit.
Source: Insurance Journal


Statistics have shown us over the
years that car crashes cause a great
number of teenage deaths each year.
The Alabama Legislature will have an
opportunity to do something during
the current session that should help
reduce of deaths. The following is an
excellent editorial on the subject.


Nationally, more teenagers are
killed in car crashes than from
any other cause of death. And in
Alabama, the carnage is even
more staggering. Only Wyoming
has a higher death rate for
teenage drivers and passengers
than Alabama. Rep. Mac Gipson,
R- Prattville, wants to change
those troubling statistics. Gipson
is sponsoring a bill that would
strengthen Alabamas weak graduated drivers license law that
places limitations on young
drivers until they gain experience
behind the wheel.According to the
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 16-year old
drivers have crash rates that are
about three times greater than
17-year-old drivers, five times
greater than 18-year-old drivers,
and about twice the rate of 85year-old drivers.Alabama adopted
a graduated license law in 2002,
but the states law is rated as only
fair by the Insurance Institute
for Highway Safety. The institute
describes an optimal system as
having the following:
A minimum age for a learners
permit of 16; in Alabama it is 15.
A learner stage that lasts at least
six months, during which
parents must certify at least 3050 hours of supervised driving;
Alabama requires 30 hours of
supervised driving, which meets
the recommendation, but barely.
A night driving restriction starting at 9 or 10 p.m.; Alabamas
starts at midnight.
A strict teenage passenger
restriction allowing no teenage
passengers, or no more than one
teenage passenger; Alabama
allows three teen passengers.
It is this last weakness in
Alabamas law that may be the
biggest problem. Studies have

shown that multiple teen passengers provide a major distraction

for young, inexperienced drivers,
raising the likelihood of accidents.
A tragic example occurred last
year when a car carrying seven
Alabama high school cheerleaders
crashed, killing three of them and
injuring the others.The cheerleaders, all students at a high school
near Warrior, were returning from
a gymnastics event when their car
left the highway and tumbled
down a hill.
The Blount County coroner was
quoted by the Associated Press as
saying the girls were laughing and
singing moments before the driver
lost control on a straight stretch of
road.It looks like she was just distracted.If you can imagine a bunch
of kids in a car like that, its not
hard to understand, the coroner
said. Gipsons bill would address
that shortcoming in the law by
allowing no more than one teenage
passenger and requiring that the
licensed driver in the car with the
GDL holder be at least 21 years old.
His bill also would ban drivers with
graduated licenses from using cell
phones, pagers or texting tools
while driving and from using an
audio or audiovisual device, such
as an iPod.It would double the time
a person under 18 must hold a
learners license from six months to
a year and ban graduated license
holders from driving between 10
p.m.and 6 a.m.A similar bill passed
the Alabama House last year, only
to be allowed to die by the Senate.
Its highly possible that several
Alabama teens might be alive
today if the Senate had acted
responsibly by passing that legislation.The Legislature should approve
Gipsons bill, and do so soon, so it
does not get bogged down in latesession maneuvering. Otherwise,
the carnage among teens on
Alabamas highways will continue.
Montgomery Advertiser
March 19, 2008


Hopefully, the Legislature will pass the

bill. Rep. Gipson has worked hard to get
it in a position to pass. In my opinion, it
is needed and should become law. If you
agree, let your Senators and House
members hear from you.


The Interstate 35W bridge over the
Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota collapsed last August after construction workers had put 99 tons of
sand on the roadway directly over two
of the bridges weakest points, according to a National Transportation Safety
Board report.The Board, in the midst of
a reconstruction of the circumstances
of the collapse, released a diagram on
March 15th showing the location of
every car, truck and piece of construction equipment that was on the bridge
at the time of the collapse.This diagram
assigns a weight to everything on the
bridge and is very detailed. Stress at
one of the two weakest points on the
bridge was 83% more than it could
have handled, according to an interim
report released earlier by the Federal
Highway Administration.
It should be noted that the Safety
Board has not established the cause of
the collapse, which killed 13 people
and injured 145. It is expected to do so
by the end of the year. Investigators
have previously said that because of
design flaws in the 40-year-old structure, several gusset plates, steel sheets
that tie girders together, were too thin.
The report, which can be found on the
Boards Web site, says investigators
were looking into what type of system
of checks and balances would have
been in place when the bridge was
designed back in the 1960s. In all,
Board researchers calculated a load of
1.26 million pounds, or 630 tons,
including 198,820 pounds of sand at
the critical spots. However, some
experts say the load would not have
been excessive for a well-designed
Since the collapse, highway departments have begun reanalyzing bridges
before bringing in large amounts of


equipment and construction materials.

The Board has hired the University of
Minnesotas Department of Civil Engineering to build a 1/200th scale model
of the bridge to help investigators
understand the bridges supporting
structure.The bridge was fracture critical, which meant that it had numerous
parts that had no back-up.Although the
design was common when the Interstate highway system was built, what
are referred to as redundant designs
are more commonly used today.A final
report on the cause of the collapse is
expected by the end of the year.

and a dozen other major water

providers, as well as smaller community water providers in all 50 states.
Here are some of the key test results
obtained by the investigators:

Source: New York Times

Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications were detected in a portion of

the treated drinking water for 18.5
million people in southern California.

A vast array of pharmaceuticals
including antibiotics, anti-convulsants,
mood stabilizers, and sex hormones
have been found in the drinking water
supplies of at least 41 million Americans. This shocking news comes as a
result of the findings by an Associated
Press investigation.The concentrations
of these pharmaceuticals are very
small, measured in quantities of parts
per billion or trillion, far below the
levels of a medical dose. Utilities insist
their water is safe. But the presence of
so many prescription drugsand overthe-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofenin so much of
our nations drinking water is not good
news by any stretch of the imagination.
It has increased concerns among scientists of long-term consequences to
human health.
It was reported that members of the
Associated Press National Investigative
Team reviewed hundreds of scientific
reports, analyzed federal drinking water
databases, visited environmental study
sites and treatment plants, and interviewed more than 230 officials, academics, and scientists. They also
surveyed the nations 50 largest cities

Officials in Philadelphia said testing

there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals
or byproducts in treated drinking
water, including medicines for pain,
infection, high cholesterol, asthma,
epilepsy, mental illness, and heart
problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the
citys watersheds.

Researchers at the U.S. Geological

Survey analyzed a Passaic Valley
Water Commission drinking water
treatment plant, which serves
850,000 people in Northern New
Jersey, and found a metabolized
angina medicine and the mood-stabilizing carbamazepine in drinking
A sex hormone was detected in San
Franciscos drinking water.
The drinking water for Washington,
D.C., and surrounding areas tested
positive for six pharmaceuticals.
Three medications, including an
antibiotic, were found in drinking
water supplied to Tucson,Ariz.
The situation could be much worse
than suggested by the positive test
results in the major population centers
documented by the Associated Press.
The federal government doesnt
require any testing and hasnt set safety
limits for drugs in water. Of the 62
major water providers contacted in the
investigation, the drinking water was
tested for only 28. Among the 34 that
havent been tested are: Houston,
Chicago, Miami, Baltimore, Phoenix,
Boston and New York Citys Department of Environmental Protection,
which delivers water to 9 million
people. Some providers screen only for
one or two pharmaceuticals, leaving

open the possibility that others are

present.The investigation also indicates
that watersheds, the natural sources of
most of the nations water supply, also
are contaminated. Tests were conducted in the watersheds of 35 of the
62 major providers surveyed by the
Associated Press, and pharmaceuticals
were detected in 28.This appears to be
a problem area that could be much
worse than anybody knows. Governments at every level have a duty to do
whatever is required to assure that the
water we drink is safe!
Source: Associated Press


A widely-used device that employs
brainwaves to help doctors prevent
patients from waking up during
surgery is no more effective than an
older, far less costly technique, according to a recent study of nearly 2,000
patients. The study showed the BIS
device, made by Aspect Medical
Systems Inc., did not help doctors
prevent any more patients from waking
up while under inhaled anesthesia.
Anethesia awareness occurs when
patients have some degree of consciousness. Michael Avidan of Washington University School of Medicine in St.
Louis and colleagues wrote in their
report, published in the New England
Journal of Medicine:
Our findings do not support
routine BIS monitoring as part of
standard practice. Reliance on BIS
technology may provide patients
and health care practitioners with
a false sense of security about the
reduction in the risk of anesthesia
awareness. If BIS monitoring were
routinely applied to all patients in
the United States receiving general
anesthesia, the cost of disposable
electrodes alone would exceed
$360 million annually.
As many as 40,000 of the 21 million
patients undergoing surgery in the
United States may experience inadequate anesthesia, leading to anxiety

and even post-traumatic stress disorder if the patient regains consciousness, according to the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations.Aspects Bispectral Index or BIS system assesses
brainwaves to help doctors accurately
gauge unconsciousness and adjust
anesthesia. It is used in about 60% of
U.S. operating rooms and is the only
system of its kind approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Apparently, there has been only a
single large randomized study suggesting it worked, and yet it was enjoying
widespread adoption throughout operating rooms in the U.S. and throughout
the world. The research team looked
for evidence of anesthesia awareness in
967 patients monitored by the BIS
system and 974 people in a control
group that used a long-established
monitoring methodstandard in new
anesthesia machinesthat measures
the concentration of anesthesia gas
exhaled by the patient.
Source: Reuters

I would be highly suspicious of anything the Bush Administration does on
any front between now and when the
President leaves office in January of
2009. In this regard, its being reported
that the Environmental Protection
Agency is asking Congress to rewrite
the Clean Air Act.The EPA has limited
the allowable amount of pollutionforming ozone in the air to 75 parts per
billion, a level significantly higher than
what the agencys scientific advisers
had urged for this key component of
unhealthy air pollution. EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson is pushing for
the rewrite of the nearly 37-year-old
Clean Air Act. He wants to allow regulators to take into consideration the cost

and feasibility of controlling pollution

when making decisions about air
quality, something that is currently prohibited by the law. In 2001, the
Supreme Court ruled that the government needed to base the ozone standard strictly on protecting public
health, with no regard to cost.
The new pollution rulesone of the
most important environmental decisions facing the Bush Administration in
the presidents final year in officewill
be a major factor in determining the
quality of the air Americans will
breathe for at least a decade.The standards, which are aimed at protecting
both public health and welfare, are
designed to limit the amount of nitrogen oxides and other chemical compounds released into the air by
vehicles, manufacturing facilities, and
power plants. In sunlight, the pollutants
form ozone.
The EPA recently set a lower but still
less-restrictive limit than what the EPAs
advisory committees had recommended. Democratic lawmakers, public
health advocates, and the EPAs own
independent advisers hit the ceiling.
Hopefully, with Democrats in control of
Congress, the proposal to rewrite the
Clean Air Act will be unsuccessful.
Nearly a year ago, the EPAs Clean Air
Scientific Advisory Committee reiterated in writing that its members were
unanimous in recommending that the
agency set the standard no higher than
70 parts per billion (ppb) and to consider a limit as low as 60 ppb. EPAs
Childrens Health Protection Advisory
Committee and public health advocates lobbied for the 60-ppb limit
because children are more vulnerable
to air pollution.
The EPA and other scientists have
shown that ozone has a direct impact
on rates of heart and respiratory disease
and resulting premature deaths. The
agency calculates that the new standard
of 75 ppb would prevent 1,300 to 3,500
premature deaths a year, whereas 65
ppb would avoid 3,000 to 9,200 deaths
annually. Under the Clean Air Act, the
federal government is obligated to reexamine the science underpinning its
smog standards every five years. The


agency last revised the standards in

1997, and 85 counties have yet to meet
those rules. If you agree that the Bush
Administrations efforts to weaken the
Clean Air Act should be defeated,
contact your U.S. Senators and members
of the House of Representatives and ask
them to oppose the efforts.
Source: Washington Post


In a major shift, a group of Southern
Baptist leaders now say their denomination has been too timid on environmental issues and has a Biblical duty to
stop global warming.The declaration,
signed by the president of the Southern Baptist Convention among others,
was released on March 10th. It shows a
growing urgency about climate change
even within groups that once dismissed claims of an overheating planet
as a liberal ruse.As you may know, the
denomination has 16.3 million
members and is the largest Protestant
group in the United States. The new
position was set out in A Southern
Baptist Declaration on the Environment
and Climate Change, and is most significant. The leaders say that current
evidence of global warming is substantial.Among those signing the declaration is Timothy George, head of
Samford Universitys Beeson Divinity
School in Birmingham.
Source: Associated Press


W.R. Grace & Co. has agreed to reimburse the federal government $250
million for the investigation and
cleanup of asbestos contamination
blamed for sickening hundreds of
people, some fatally, in the northwestern Montana town of Libby.The settlement must be approved by a federal
bankruptcy judge.According to the U.S.
Justice Department, $250 million is a
record sum for reimbursement through
the governments Superfund environmental cleanup program. Taxpayers


have been footing the bill for the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agencys
investigative and cleanup work in
Libby, where the agency arrived in
1999. Expenses total $168 million and
another $175 million in costs are likely.
Although the EPA likes the deal, U.S.
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) called $250
million a drop in the bucket compared
to the destruction and pain our neighbors in Libby have been through.
Asbestos came from the vermiculite
mine and processing facilities, a few
miles from Libby, that Grace owned
and operated from 1963 until the sites
closure in 1990. Vermiculite was used
in a variety of products and the
asbestos was dispersed in a variety of
ways.Workers carried it home on their
clothing.Asbestos also ended up in the
yards of homes where vermiculite was
spread as a soil conditioner. Exposure
in Libby has been blamed for lung-scarring asbestosis and for mesothelioma, a
fast-moving cancer that attacks the
lungs. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) said in a
Cleaning up the mess and taking
care of the Montanans poisoned
by W.R. Grace will take years of
hard work. It will also require
responsibility from a company
that knowingly turned so many
Montana families into victims.
The industrial-supply company is
based in Columbia, Maryland. The
agreement would settle a government
claim to recover expenses for past and
future costs of asbestos cleanup in
Libby homes, businesses, and schools.
More than 215 asbestos-related deaths
in Libby have been confirmed, and a
clinic in the community, the Center for
Asbestos-Related Disease, is following
about 2,000 asbestos cases. The EPA
says said the remaining cleanup work
in Libby is likely to take three to five
years. In 2001, the government filed a
lawsuit to recover costs and in 2003,
the EPA won a $54 million judgment
for cleanup costs incurred through
Dec. 31, 2001. However, the money
went unpaid during Graces bankruptcy protection. The recent settle-

ment includes that 2003 judgment.

Besides removing soil around homes
and businesses, cleanup has included
removing building insulation and
debris containing asbestos. Cleanups
have been completed at 954 properties, and 450 remain on a cleanup list.
Still to be decided: what to do about
some 700 properties that are in the
Libby area and are contaminated but do
not meet removal criteria.
Source: Associated Press


As new Home Depot home improvement warehouses pop up across the
country, the Environmental Protection
Agency is concerned that our waterways may be deteriorating as a result.
Last month, Home Depot agreed to pay
1.3 million dollars to settle alleged violations of the Clean Water Act.The violations were issued for prohibited
construction site run-off at 34 new
Home Depot stores. The U.S. Justice
Department, the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Colorado
agreed to the settlement, which will
now need to be approved by the court.
Although construction site runoff is a
temporary contamination source, the
impact continues long after the building has ceased. During the construction
process storm-water that flows off-site
carries a great deal of sediment and
debris into nearby waterways.Additionally, construction runoff can discharge
used oil, pesticides and solvents. Such
contamination can result in swimming
and fishing restrictions, decreased
drinking water quality, and higher treatment costs.As a result, the Clean Water
Act requires contractors to implement
controls in order to preclude polluted
run-off from entering waterways.
According to the EPA, the Home Depot
neglected to implement such controls.
Specifically, the government complaint alleged a pattern of construction
runoff violations. In some instances
Home Depot failed to obtain the necessary permits until after building had
begun or neglected to obtain the

permits at all.Additionally, even where

the necessary permits were secured,
Home Depot simply did not follow
them. In particular, the company was
cited for failure to prepare a required
plan to prevent construction runoff,
lack of adequate fencing around the
site, and failure to install pollution prevention mechanisms at storm drains.
In addition to the $1.3 million fine,
the agreement requires Home Depot
to establish a comprehensive stormwater pollution prevention plan at
each new construction site nationwide. Under the corporate-wide plan
Home Depot will be required to train
construction managers on federal
storm water rules as well as implement
a reporting system to improve management of future construction runoff
issues. Additionally, the new plan will
requires Home Depot to appoint a
company official to supervise storm
water runoff compliance at all new
construction sites. The Home Depot
settlement is the most recent in a
string of enforcement actions by the
EPA to manage construction site pollution. In 2005, a consent decree was
entered into with Wal-Mart for similar
violations. The Wal-Mart agreement
required the company to implement a
storm water pollution prevention plan
as well as pay a $3 million fine.
Source: Environmental News Service


A federal judge in Maine has
requested more studies on how best to
deal with mercury pollution in the
lower Penobscot River caused by the
former HoltraChem chemical manufacturing plant in Orrington, Maine. Senior
U.S. District Judge Gene Carter concurred with a report filed in January
that concluded mercury downriver
from the plant site poses substantial
risks to people and wildlife. Judge
Carter also directed a court-appointed
research team to conduct additional
studies to determine whether its
better to attempt to remove the
mercury, or to leave it alone and let

nature take its course. The chemical

plant was last owned by HoltraChem,
which ran it from 1993 until the
company went out of business in 2000.
Another company, Mallinckrodt Inc.,
based in St. Louis, Missouri, owned the
facility from 1967 to 1982, and it has
been held liable for the pollution
because it is the only former owner still
in business.
Judge Carters decision is the latest in
a string of recent legal defeats for
Mallinckrodt, which sought in court
filings to delay beginning the next
phase of the study. Mallinckrodt officials said the company already spent
more than $30 million to clean up the
site and worked cooperatively with
state and federal environmental agencies on that ongoing project. In his
latest ruling, Judge Carter wrote that
the main thrust of the next phase of
the cleanup should determine whether
it is necessary and feasible to clean up
the mercurywhich would likely
carry a huge costrather than allow
the river to naturally flush the contaminants over time. It will be most interesting to see what the new studies find
and what is recommended.
Source: Claims Journal


A gas station leak that has spilled
20,000 gallons of gas under downtown
Gunnison, Utah, has caused a great
number of problems for homeowners
and businesses. Gunnison City, a downtown bank, a local theater, and more
than a dozen families have filed suit
over the massive gas leak.The spill was
described as a catastrophe that caused
monetary damage and potential health
issues.The lawsuit was filed in a Utah
state court.
The plaintiffs contend that the
company hid the 20,000-gallon leak
rather than report it promptly, as
required by law.As a result, the Top Stop
and associated companies added to the
communitys injuries, according to the
suit.The spill has caused businesses to
close, families to be displaced, and the
downtown area to be torn up for

pumps and drains and cleanup equipment that may be in place for another
decade. Its said that the underground
leak has fouled parts of three city
blocks with enough gasoline to fill two
tankers. Its reported that a number of
homes are now completely uninhabitable and may never be usable again.
The fumes contain cancer-causing
benzene, which may not emerge for
decades as a health issue in the people
who have been exposed.
Source: The Salt Lake Tribune


A jury has determined that nine
insurance companies should cover the
costs assessed to the former Appleton
Papers Inc. for cleanup of the industrial
chemicals PCBs in the Lower Fox River,
which is in Wisconsin.After a five-week
trial, the jury determined that the insurance policies in effect from 1979-85
covered property damage caused by
the discharge of the industrial chemical
pollutants polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs). Columbia Casualty Co. of
Chicago sued in 2005, claiming its
policy did not cover PCB damage and
that the paper company didnt give the
insurance company timely notice it
was responsible for cleanup costs.
Eight other insurance companies
joined the lawsuit.The insurance companies could be required to pay from
$550 million to $730 million if the
jurys decision stands on appeal and if
it is determined that Appleton Papers
responsibility is that much. Six other
paper mills have been ordered by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and the states Department of Natural
Resources to present a design plan for
dredging and capping PCB-contaminated sediment from the river.
Source: Insurance Journal


A six-year battle between Oklahoma
poultry farmers and OK Industries Inc.
has resulted in a $21 million jury


award for the farmers. The action

brought in the U.S. District Court of
Eastern Oklahoma contended that the
company had violated the Packers and
Stockyard Act. Specifically, plaintiffs
claimed the company constituted a
monopsony in the area of eastern
Oklahoma where it operated and
imposed negative pricing and other
procedural practices to their detriment. A monopsony is similar to a
monopoly except it is where sellers
have only one buyer.The plaintiffs originally lost at trial, but the Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit reversed
the ruling and sent the suit back for a
second trial. OK Industries may appeal
the award, which would take the case
back to the appeals court.
Source: Class Action Reporter


An Oklahoma court has certified a
class of plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed
against Anadarko Petroleum Corporation.The class includes all royalty interest owners in Oklahoma wells where
Anadarko is or was the operator,
working interest owner, or lessee and
relates only to payment of hydrocarbons produced from those wells since
1985.The plaintiffs claim the international gas corporation wrongfully considered the costs associated with
compression, gathering, dehydration,
and processing in computing their royalties. It appears, considering the
recent concerns over not taking these
issues into account when selling to
end-consumers, the gas corporations
may be trying to shift the costs to individuals on both sides of the pump. It
will be interesting to see how this case
Source: Class Action Reporter

Consumer Reports has released its
annual list of the worst cars of 2008.
Over 260 vehicles were compared in
this years evaluation. Once again,American SUVs dominated the field,
although there were a number of
Toyota models, usually the strong
players, at the bottom of the field as
well. The worst cars are as follows:
Jeep Wrangler UnlimitedThe
Wrangler Unlimited was characterized by its poor ride and handling, as
well as its subpar fuel economy, fit,
and finish.
Hummer H3 five-cylinderPoor
performance and fuel economy as
well as a low rating for handling and
reliability ensured the Hummer H3
was at the bottom.
Jeep Liberty SportRated poorly
for fuel economy, NVH levels and fit
and finish.
Chevrolet Aveo5The Aveo5 only
suffered from poor acceleration and
handling but compared to its rivals
the South Korean hatch was the
worst performer.
Dodge Nitro SLTOne of the
worst cars in the field, the Dodge
Nitro SLT was rated as having poor
ride, handling, braking, NVH levels
and fuel economy.
Toyota FJ CruiserA work horse
SUV that requires premium fuel and
suffers from poor fit and finish and
subpar ride and handling.
Toyota YarisThe Yaris is one of the
most popular subcompacts in the
world but its poor acceleration and
vague steering meant it was one of the
worst cars in this years comparison.
ForenzaThe Suzuki
Forenza was rated poorly because of


its inadequate acceleration, fuel

economy, ride, and low results in the
IIHS side-crash result.
Jeep Patriot LimitedAnother
Jeep model made the list of worst
performance, once again for poor
acceleration, engine noise, driving
position, visibility, front-seat comfort
and fit and finish.
Chevrolet TrailBlazer LTPoor
handling, braking and fuel economy
ensure the Chevrolet TrailBlazer is at
the bottom of the list.
Mercury Grand MarquisThe
aging Grand Marquis rounds out the
list of the 11 worst cars of 2008, and
was picked because of its rough
sounding engine, poor ride and fuel
economy and low IIHS side-crash
Source: Consumer Reports


The Consumer Product Safety Commission released the top five hidden
home hazards a few weeks back. Its
good to know what to look for and
guard against and the list is certainly
worth paying attention to. Each year
over 33 million people suffer injuries
related to consumer products in the
home. Unfortunately, the hazards are
sometimes hidden or go unnoticed by
families in the home environment.The
following are the hidden hazards listed
by the CPSC:
Magnetssince 2005 there has been
one reported death, 86 reported
injuries and about 8 million magnetic
toys recalled.
Recalled Productseach year there
are about 400 recalls including toys,
clothing, childrens jewelry, tools,
appliances, electronics, and electrical
products. You can get free recall
notices at
Tip-Oversthere are an average of
22 deaths reported each year from
tip-over accidents. In 2006 there
were 31 deaths and about 3,000

injuries. Furniture, appliances and

Television sets can tip over and crush
young children. We have handled
cases where adults were killed by tipovers involving ranges.
Windows & Coveringsthere are an
average of 12 reported deaths annually from window cords. Window
falls cause an average of nine deaths
and an estimated 3,700 injuries to
children younger than ten years old
each year.
Pool & Spa Drainsthere have been
deaths and injuries that we have
written about in previous issues.This
major problem continues because of
the lobbying efforts by the swimming pool and spa industry.
If you want more information on
these hazards, you can go to the CPSC
Web site,
Source: CPSC


Federal health officials have released
the first brand-specific information
about which trailer homes provided to
Gulf Coast hurricane victims had the
highest levels of toxic fumes.Trailers
made by Gulf Stream, Keystone,
Pilgrim and Forest River each showed
higher levels of formaldehyde fumes
than the other brands.A study released
by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention found air samples from
those trailers were more than four
times what is found in newer U.S.
homes. Last month, CDC officials
urged that Gulf Coast hurricane
victims be moved out of their government-issued trailers as quickly as possible after tests found toxic levels of
formaldehyde fumes.
Source: Associated Press


The Internal Revenue Service is
warning people about the dangers of
Internet phishing by criminals
looking for confidential financial information. This tops the annual list of

scams people should be aware of. Officials say people also shouldnt fall for
predators posing as IRS agents asking
for information needed for their rebate.
The payment will be sent out automatically to anyone filing a return. Acting
IRS Commissioner Linda Stiff told Congress last month that people have forwarded thousands of e-mails to the
agency, reflecting more than 1,500 different schemes. Thieves use information to empty victims bank accounts,
run up credit card charges or apply for
loans in the victims names.A taxpayers
advocate is urging the IRS to take a
coordinated approach on identity theft.
Source: Associated Press


For more than twenty years, automobile insurance companies have been
accused of abusing policyholders relating to a practice called steering. In
fact, there have been lawsuits filed over
the practice. The steering of customers by insurance companies away
from automobile repair shops and/or
glass shops is an illegal business practice.All body shops want to be on the
approved list of an insurance
company and thats not a bad thing.
However, some insurance companies
require shops to agree to perform
repairs in accordance with the insurance companys guidelines. Some independent body shops believe this
practice can result in the customers
vehicle being repaired in an unsafe
manner or not being put back to the
standard actually required in the contract between the insurer and the policyholder. But the practice of steering
can save insurance companies money.A
consumer organization has been
formed in Alabama to help educate
consumers about steering and to deal
with issues relating to body shops in
Collision Repairs for Consumer
Choice (CRCC), which is based in
Northport,Alabama, hopes to educate
vehicle owners and to help them make
informed decisions regarding repairs of

their vehicles. Consumers must understand that most body shops view the
insurance company as the customer
because it has the checkbook. There
have been instances where body shops
performed repairs, but covered up
hidden damage. There have also been
reports of vehicles not being repaired
in a satisfactory or safe method. Consumers have been conditioned to let
the body shops and insurance companies negotiate the repair transaction,
leaving the consumer pretty much out
of the loop. The following are some
questions vehicle owners may want to
ask the body shop or their insurance
agent prior to having repairs done:
Have any oral or written agreements
been made to use discount parts
and/or labor with any outside entity
for the repairs to the vehicle?
Have any oral or written agreements
been made with any outside entity
that may alter professional recommendations concerning the needed
repairs to the vehicle?
Will the body shop provide a copy of
any written agreement that they have
with the insurance company handling the claim?
Should only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts be used?
Are after market, non-OEM, and
used parts the same as the parts on
the damaged vehicle?
Will the body shop provide a written
opinion concerning the use of OEM
parts to repair the vehicle?
Does the body shop install used or
salvaged suspension parts to repair
Does the body shop install used air
bags, seat belts, or other safety equipment when repairing vehicles?
Does the body shop install any used
or salvaged frame and structural
Does the body shop install any used
or salvaged weld-on structural sections or body panels?


Will any parts or processes used in

the repair of the vehicle alter or void
any existing warranties?
These may be helpful questions for
any person whobecause of an accidentneeds repairs to a vehicle. For
more information about this new consumer group or to answer any additional questions, you can contact the
CRCC at [email protected].
Source: CRCC News Release


The maker of Airbornethe herbal
supplement once claimed to help fight
off coldswill pay $23.3 million to
settle a class action lawsuit brought
against the company for false advertising. The Center for Science in the
Public Interest (CPSI), one of the
groups that joined the lawsuit, a nonprofit advocacy group, says the
company will refund money to consumers who bought Airbornes
product. It will pay for advertisements
in major publications instructing consumers how to get refunded, the report
added. CSPI Senior nutritionist David
Schardt has this to say:
Theres no credible evidence that
whats in Airborne can prevent
colds or protect you from a germy
environment.Airborne is basically
an overpriced, run-of-the-mill
vitamin pill thats been cleverly,
but deceptively, marketed.
According to the companys Web
site,Airborne was created by a secondgrade school teacher, Victoria KnightMcDowell, who studied the benefits of
herbal therapies used in Eastern Medicine.The site says Airborne boosts the
immune system with seven herbal
extracts and a proprietary blend of vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids and
antioxidants. Airborne Inc., Airborne
Health Inc. and Knight-McDowell Labs
were among the defendants in the
lawsuit, filed in the Central District of
California in U.S. District Court. A
hearing to consider final approval of
the settlement is scheduled for June


16th. I must confess that I really believed

Airborne worked in helping avoid
colds, but looking back, I realize it has
little effect.
Source: Wall Street Journal


It was reported last month that a
computer hacker stole thousands of
credit card numbers after breaching
security at two U.S. grocery store
chains owned by Belgium-based Delhaize Group SA. Nearly 2,000 cases of
fraud have been linked to the breach,
but no personal information such as
names or addresses was accessed when
the hacker broke into the Hannaford
Bros. stores in Massachusetts, New
England and New York, and Sweetbay
customers in Florida, Hannaford said in
a statement. It was reported in Boston
that 4.2 million credit and debit card
numbers were stolen. Hannaford, headquartered in Scarborough, Maine, said it
became aware of unusual credit card
activity on Feb. 27 and began an investigation. It said the data was illegally
accessed during the credit card authorization process.
There are 165 Hannaford stores in
the U.S. Northeast and 106 Sweetbay
supermarkets in Florida.This breach is
the latest at a big U.S. retailer and
comes after U.S. retail group TJX Cos
Inc. disclosed last year that data from
45.7 million credit and debit cards
were stolen by hackers over a period of
18 months, as well as personal information for 451,000 people. A group of
banks later asserted in court documents that the number of consumer
accounts that were affected was closer
to 94 million, a charge Massachusettsbased TJX denied. Obviously, crimes of
this sort can be extremely damaging to
individuals whose identity and information is stolen.
Source: Insurance Journal


Most folks who buy a new car often-

times will also buy an extended warranty. Consumer Reports surveyed

8,000 of its readers about extended
warranties purchased on new 2001 and
2002 vehicles. About two-thirds of
them said the extended warranty did
not pay off. The extended warranties
cost on average $1,000, but only provided an average benefit of $700.Thats
a net loss of $300. Forty-two percent of
the people in the survey didnt use the
extended warranty at all, mainly
because they didnt need repairs or
because the manufacturers standard
warranty covered the repair.
If youre buying a new car, Consumer
Reports says your best bet is to buy a
vehicle with a good record of reliability, so that you can skip the extended
warranty. I suggest letting Consumer
Reports help you find a reliable vehicle.
It predicts the reliability of new cars
based on its subscriber survey, which
covers more than a million vehicles.
This year Honda came out on top as
the most reliable vehicle manufacturer
overall. I have never believed an
extended warranty purchase was a
good idea. I agree with the recommendations from Consumer Reports.
Source: Consumer Reports


The Center for Environmental Health
says some Hannah Montana vinyl products that were manufactured in China
contain high amounts of lead, CBS
News reports. Charles Margulis of the
independent California lab conducted a
study in which he purchased and
tested 28 Hannah Montana products
and found nine to contain high levels
of lead, he told CBS.The paint and vinyl
of five products had levels higher than
federal standards permit, according to
the center. The other four products
exceeded the level set for toys by The
American Academy of Pediatrics. A
from and a Secret Star wallet
from Toys R Us had 1,800 parts per
million to 8,300 parts per million,
according to the lab.That amount is at
least triple the federal standard of

safety for lead in paint. Disney officials

denied their products have high concentrations of lead.


Source: Associated Press

Athletic shoe and apparel maker
Reebok has agreed to pay a $1 million
fine for importing and distributing
charm bracelets that contained toxic
levels of lead and resulted in the death
of a four-year-old boy.The civil penalty
is the largest ever for a violation of the
Federal Hazardous Substances Act and
follows a 2006 recall of 300,000 of the
Chinese made bracelets.The previous
record fine of $600,000 was paid by
Winco Fireworks in 2005 for importing dangerous fireworks from China.
The bracelets were provided as free
gifts by Reebok International Ltd. with
the purchase of various styles of childrens footwear. In March 2006, the
company learned that a four-year-old
boy from Minneapolis died after swallowing the bracelets heart-shaped
pendant. There were no other deaths
or injuries reported, according to the
CPSC. Acting CPSC Chairman Nancy
Nord said in a release: This civil
penalty sends a clear message that the
CPSC will not allow companies to put
childrens safety at risk.
The Canton, Massachusetts-based
company issued a notice in April 2006
that said it was recalling about 510,000
pendants that were distributed worldwide beginning in May 2004.While the
Reebok recall was announced two
years ago, problems with Chinese
exports continued in 2007.There were
a number of high-profile recalls of
potentially deadly products made in
China last year including toothpaste,
other toys tainted with lead, and pet
food that contained a toxic chemical.
Adidas AG acquired Reebok in 2006 in
a $3.8 billion deal that helped the
German company expand in the U.S. to
better compete with Nike Inc. and
Puma AG.
Source: MSNBC

General Motors Corp. is recalling

more than 207,500 Buick and Pontiac
vehicles because of an engine defect
that could cause oil leaks and lead to
fires.The recall applies to Buick Regal
and Pontiac Grand Prix vehicles with
3.8 liter supercharged V-6 engines, built
between 1997 and 2003.According to
GM, drops of engine oil deposited on
the exhaust manifold might ignite into
fires if drivers brake hard. It advised
owners to park their cars in the open,
and not in a garage or enclosed location. The automaker has received
reports of five minor injuries and one
moderate injury linked to the engine
fires. Owners of vehicles covered by
the recall have been sent notices and
can have their cars inspected at a dealership free of charge.


Ford Motor Co. is recalling about
100,000 of its F-Series trucks because a
weld on the drivers front seat back
could crack. The recall affects 2008
models of Fords F-250 through F-550
Super Duty trucks. Ford says that no
injuries have been reported.


Polaris Industries Inc., of Medina,
Minnesota, has recalled about 11,300
Select Outlaw IRS ATVs, Model Year
2006-2008. A retention bolt can come
loose causing the rear wheels to lock
up, which poses a risk of serious injury
to the rider. The firm has received 11
reports of loss of control, including one
rider who suffered a strained leg
muscle.The recall involves select 20062008 Polaris OutlawATVs with Independent Rear Suspension (IRS). The
affected models are: 2006 OUTLAW
500 IRS, 2007 OUTLAW 500 IRS,

2007 OUTLAW 525 IRS, 2008

OUTLAW 525 IRS.The model name is
printed on decals located on either side
of the fuel tank.
The ATVs were sold at Polaris dealers
nationwide from January 2006 through
January 2008 for between $6,900 and
$7,400. Consumers should stop using
the recalled ATVs immediately, and
contact any Polaris ATV dealer to
schedule a free repair. Polaris has notified registered consumers directly
about this recall. For further information, contact Polaris toll-free at (888)
704-5290 or visit the companys Web
site at


Manufacturer Combi USA is recalling
67,000 child car seats because federal
tests show the seats might separate
from their bases in front-end collisions.
The Fort Mill, South Carolina-based
company says it has received no reports
of injuries involving the recalled seats. In
a letter to consumers, the company says
the recall involves its Centre, Centre ARB
and Shuttle seats, as well as the travel
systems containing the Centre and
Shuttle seats.The recall covers seats produced between October 2005 and
December 2007. Consumers are being
asked to contact the company to obtain
a free retrofit kit on its Web site or by
calling 1-800-543-7734.


JCPenney has recalled about 27,000
Cooks Deep Fryers.The deep fryer has
a faulty heating element which can
cause it to overheat, posing a fire and
burn hazard to consumers. JCPenney
is aware of five incidents involving the
deep fryers, including one report of a
minor burn and three reports of
damaged countertops.The Cooks deep
fryer has a brushed stainless steel
exterior, a wire mesh basket with a
handle, a lid with a window and black
handles. The deep fryer has a 1/3gallon capacity.Cooks is stamped on
the side of the deep fryer. Model


number 22016 is printed on the

bottom of the deep fryer. JCPenneys
stores sold the fryers nationwide by
catalog and at
from August 2007 through January
2008 for about $50.


Toy distributor Mega Brands Inc. has
recalled about 2.4 million Chinese-made
toys, because small magnets could fall
out and cause internal damage. These
tiny magnets could fall out of the toys
and be swallowed or inhaled by children. If more than one magnet is swallowed, they can attach to each other and
cause intestinal perforation, infection or
blockage, which can be fatal. Mega
Brands is recalling 1.1 million Magtastik
and Magnetix Jr. preschool toys. The
company and the Consumer Product
Safety Commission have received 19
reports of magnets falling out of these
toys. In one incident an 18-month-old
boy put a magnet in his mouth, but it
was not swallowed. In another, a threeyear-old boy needed medical treatment
to remove a magnet from his nasal
cavity.The recall also includes about 1.3
million MagnaMan magnetic action
figures. The company and commission
have received 25 reports of magnets
falling out of the figures. No incidents
involving magnets from the action
figures have been reported.
In March 2006, Mega Brands recalled
3.8 million Magnetix magnetic building
sets because one child died and four
others were seriously injured after
swallowing tiny magnets in the toys.
About a year later, in April 2007, this
recall was expanded to include an additional 4 million Mega Brands magnetic
toys. Mondays recalled products were
sold at toy stores around the country,
including Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us
and Kmart between January 2005 and
December 2007. For details on the
recall, or on how to return the toys and
receive a free replacement, consumers
can call 800-779-7122. Information is
also available at or



About 64,000 Chinese-made portable
air compressors sold at Advance Auto
Parts stores are being recalled due to
fire and electrical-shock hazards,
according to the U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission.The agency
said the Strike Force air compressors,
supplied by All-Power America in City
of Industry, California, had motors that
could overheat and ignite the protective cover, posing a fire hazard. The
CPSC also said the cover might not
prevent internal components from
being touched, posing an electricalshock hazard. No injuries have been
reported, but there have been four
reports of fires. The recall involves
some of the air compressors sold at
Advance Auto Parts stores nationwide
and online from October 2006 through
December 2007 for about $90. The
CPSC says consumers should stop
using the affected air compressors and
return them to any Advance Auto Parts
store for a full refund.


The U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission announced the recall of
about 1,000 Progress brand outdoor
ceiling light fixtures due to a safety
hazard. The importer of the Chinesemade product, Progress Lighting of
Greenville, South Carolina, initiated the
voluntary recall after learning a weld
that affixes a mounting bracket to the
ceiling pan can fail, causing the fixture
to fall and possibly injure people.
Progress Lighting said it has received
six reports of fixtures falling. Only
Progress Lighting ceiling-mounted
outdoor light fixtures with model
numbers P5526-20 and P5526-44 are
included in the recall.The light fixtures
have three flame-shaped lights inside a
beveled glass and solid frame. Made
in/Hecho En/Fabrique Aux China and
the model numbers are printed on the
packaging.The light fixtures were sold
nationwide from January through

November 2007 for about $200. Consumers can contact Progress Lighting
at 866-418-5543 to schedule a free


About 50,000 LDR 1200 Series gas
connectors, manufactured in China and
imported by Chicago-based LDR Industries Inc., have been recalled because
they can leak propane or natural gas.
This poses a risk of fires or explosions.
No incidents have been reported.The
1200 Series Gas Connectors were
sold at hardware stores in Alabama,
Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi,
Arkansas,Tennessee and Florida between
August and September 2007. The
recalled LDR series 1200 gas connectors have 3/8 inch fine thread nuts
attached.The connectors are used primarily with gas space heaters.The brass
nuts are gold colored while the stainless steel tube is silver colored. Consumers should immediately stop using
the appliance with the recalled gas
connectors. Only a qualified professional, such as a plumber, heating contractor or gas company technician,
should check the connectors and
replace them. Contact LDR Industries
or the place of purchase for instructions on returning the connectors for a
full refund. For additional information,
contact LDR at (800) 545-5230 ext.
2345 or visit the firms Web site at

Tom Methvin, a native of Eufaula,
Alabama, graduated from the University
of Alabama with a degree in Corporate
Finance in 1985. He then earned his law
degree from Cumberland School of Law
in 1988.Toms family has been involved
in the practice of law in Alabama for

over two hundred years.Tom, who says

he always wanted to be a lawyer, began
his legal career at Beasley Allen in 1988
representing victims of consumer fraud.
In 1998,Tom became Managing Shareholder of the firm and continues to
hold that position.
Tom has been a very active member
of the Alabama State Bar, serving on the
Board of Bar Commissioners for nine
years, the Executive Council for two
years, and serving as Vice President of
our Bar in 2005.Tom will be installed as
President-Elect at the July 2008 Annual
Meeting of the Alabama State Bar Association, and will assume the office of
President of the Alabama State Bar in
July of 2009.
Tom is a Fellow in the Alabama Law
Foundation and a charter member of
the Atticus Finch Society. He is also
President of the Montgomery Cumberland Law School Club. He serves on the
Finance Committee for the Access to
Justice Commission, which was formed
by the Chief Justice to find new ways
to provide access to justice for the
poor in Alabama.Tom is a former President of the Montgomery County Bar
Association, former President of the
Montgomery County Trial Lawyers
Association, and serves on the Executive Committee of the Alabama Association for Justice.
Tom currently serves on the Boards
of the following charitable organizations: Let God Arise Ministries, a prison
ministry; Brantwood Childrens Home,
a home for abused and neglected children; the Center for Progress and
Opportunity, which explores ways to
expand opportunity for all underprivileged Americans; and the Cystic Fibrosis Advisory Panel, which helps fight
the terrible disease of CF.
Tom, who became a born again
Christian in September of 1996, currently attends Pike Road Baptist
Church. Tom says this decision really
made a difference in his life, as well as
in the lives of his family members. He
knows that we must give God the glory
for everything that happens in our life
and that we must trust in him completely. Tom recently shared his testimony with a group of several hundred

lawyers at our firm retreat prayer

breakfast. That was an inspiration for
others to do the same. In his free time,
Tom spends time with his wife and two
sons, either doing lake activities or
hunting. It is hard to believe that Tom
has been with the firm for 20 years.
Michelle Bailey, who has worked as a
temp at the firm since last August, was
hired as a full time Clerical Assistant
this past January. Michelle spends the
majority of her time researching information for the Beasley Report. She also
performs other duties as needed.
Michelle, who graduated from the University of North Alabama in Florence,
Alabama with a Bachelor of Science
degree in 1999, enjoys baking, sewing,
reading and spending time with her
ten-year-old son.We are pleased to have
Michelle with us and she has already
proved herself to be a hard worker. I
am confident she will be a valuable
addition in her new role to our firm.
Rosemary Mullin is one of our veterans, having been with our firm for
sixteen years. She is currently a legal
secretary for Dana Taunton and Graham
Esdale in our Personal Injury/Products
Liability Section. Rosemary came to the
firm as a word processor and database
entry clerk before moving up to her
current legal secretary position. She has
three children, Jessica, Lindsay and
Patrick, and five grandchildren. Her
latest granddaughter was born just last
month and grandchild number six is
due in August! Other than spending
time with her grandchildren, Rosemary
is an active member at Frazer Memorial
United Methodist Church. One of her
most memorable ministries was a trip
to Paraguay to assist in building a
school in one of the local barrio neighborhoods. Rosemary is a dedicated
employee and a very hard worker. She
is a definite asset to the firm and we are
blessed to have her with us.
Becky Lamb has been with the firm
since January 2006 as a clerical assistant
to Roger Smith in our Mass Torts

Section. Due to the firms prominent

role in the Vioxx settlement, Beckys
duties vary, but she says there is never a
dull moment. Becky, who graduated
from Troy University in December 1999
with a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Psychology and Human Services, has a
five-year-old daughter, Lauren, who
attends Pre-K at Highland Home School.
Becky is a very good employee and we
are fortunate to have her with us.
Fernando Morgan came to work at
the firm over four years after he
entered law school. He started in our
Consumer Fraud Section but last
December, was moved to New Client
Intake. In this position, Fernando
receives all calls from potential clients
from every Section of the firm except
for Mass Torts. He gathers the initial
information from the potential new
clients and gets the information to the
lawyer who is assigned to the case.This
is a critically important function and
Fernando has performed well.
Fernando recently completed law
school at Faulkner Universitys Thomas
Goode Jones School of Law and passed
the Alabama Bar. He is looking forward
to practicing law soon. Fernando and
his wife, Stephanie, have two children, a
20-month-old son and a three-year-old
daughter. He enjoys traveling with his
family, fishing and reading. In fact, Fernando also likes to write books and
hopes one day to get published. Fernando has been a very good employee
and has done an outstanding job for
the firm. I am confident he will be a
very good lawyer.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes
does a tremendous job of getting the
Gospel message out to athletes and
coaches nationwide. The saving
message of Jesus Christ reaches young


folks who might never have the opportunity to hear it except for the efforts
of the FCA.The FCA is hard at work in
Alabama. Throughout the state, FCA
Huddles at colleges, high schools, and
junior high schools are in place, with
more in the process of being added.
Since January, the FCA has shared the
gospel with over 20,000 students in
school assemblies and FCA events
throughout the state.As a result, there
have been over 500 professions of faith
so far this year. Its vitally important to
keep the FCA on the battlefield for the
souls of our young folks. Accepting
Jesus Christ as his personal savior is
much more important to a five-star
running back in Alabama than his
scoring 1,000 touchdowns.That profession of faith is the key to eternal life
and thats a fact. What they do has
made me a faithful supporter of the
FCA. If you arent aware of the work
done by the FCA, you can go to their
Web site,, for more information.


I am pleased to report that Grant
Enfinger won the 32nd annual Rattler
250 in our firms race car. Grant led the
opening laps, went to the back and
then charged to the front to hold off
Wayne Anderson, a very good driver, for
the win at the South Alabama Speedway in Opp, Alabama. Concerning his
win, Grant says:
It didnt go how we expected. We
were fast ever since we unloaded.
This race means so much more
than just a 100 lapper.We finally
got it to pay off.We had a good car
at the [Snowball] Derby but
things didnt work out.
The win was the first for Grant since
he won at Pensacola two years ago. He
had come very close in a number of
races, which makes this win extra
special. I predict many more for Grant
this year.We are all very proud of him.


Since we have just celebrated what I
consider to be the most important time
of the year for my family, I asked Leigh
ODell to write a special report on
Easter for this issue. Fortunately, she
agreed to do so and I am including it
for your edification.
We just celebrated Easter. For
many, Easter can be about the
Easter bunny, Easter egg hunts, or
Sunday lunch with family. But
Easter is so much more than
those things. Easter is the celebration of the sacrificial death and
triumphant Resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ.There is no more
important day in human history.
There is no more important day
we celebrate each year.
Why is Easter so important? All of
us, no matter how well-intentioned, fall short of Gods standard
of how we should live our lives.We
are sinners, and our sin separates
us from God. Because God desires
for us to be forgiven of our sins, to
enjoy a right relationship with
Him, and to have the hope of
heaven with Him for eternity
because of His great love for us,
God sent His Son, Jesus, to be the
sacrifice for our sins.Jesus endured
the cross, paid the penalty for our
sins, so that anyone who believes
in Him might not perish but have
everlasting life.(John 3:16) There is
no other way, no other name, by
which we can be saved. (Acts 4:12)
This free gift is available for
anyone who would receive it. A
person does not need to do more
good works than bad works. It is
by Gods grace that we can be
saved through faith in Jesus. (Eph.
2:8). It also doesnt matter what
we have done in our past. No sin
is too big to be forgiven. The
penalty for our sins was paid in
full by the blood of Jesus shed at

the cross. (Eph. 1:7). Someone

explained Gods grace this way
recently: Gods Riches At Christs
Easter is also a celebration of
Jesus triumph over the grave
and death. Jesus not only gave
His life on the cross and was
buried, but on the third day He
rose from the dead. Christ triumphed over the grave, sin, and
the devil. Now, Jesus is enthroned
at the right hand of God, reigning preeminent over our world
today. Christ lives! And Christ
reigns! At a time when so much
of the world seems to be in
turmoil and there seems to be so
much uncertainty, it is very
encouraging to remember that
Jesus reigns and rules today.
If we acknowledge we are
sinners and ask Jesus to forgive
our sins and to be the Lord of
our lives, each one of us can
live in the freedom and peace of
forgiveness, in the power of His
resurrection, and with the hope
of heaven for eternity. We can
enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. For those of us
who have done that, Easter is a
time to humbly thank the Lord
for His great sacrifice and to celebrate His grace in our lives.
What a sacrifice He made on
our behalf! Maybe you have
never acknowledged that you
are a sinner and asked for Jesus
to forgive you. You need not
wait any longer. God loves you.
He is waiting and willing to
hear your prayer for forgiveness
and for eternal life with Him.
You need only ask. No fancy
prayer is needed. Just share with
Him in simple words. He knows
your heart. By placing your
faith in Jesus, you can have
peace with God. (Rom. 5:1).You
will never make a more important decision. There is no
greater blessing. This old hymn
describes Easter best:

Here is love vast as the ocean

Loving kindness as a flood
When the Prince of Life, our
Shed for us His Precious blood
Who His love will not remember
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten
Throughout heavns eternal days.
On the mount of crucifixion
Fountains opened deep and wide
Through the floodgates of Gods
Flowed a vast and gracious tide
Grace and love like mighty rivers
Poured incessant from above
Heavens peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.
It is truly humbling to think God
loves you and me that much.Take
a moment this Easter season to
thank Him and if you have not
already done so, to respond to His
invitation at the cross.
Leigh ODell
March 25, 2008


I have really enjoyed hearing from
folks on this section of the Report. One
of our lawyers, Mark Englehart, supplied his favorite Bible verses this

Jesus said, I am the way, the

truth, and the life. No one comes
to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6 (CSB)
God made Him who had no sin
to be sin for us, so that in Him we
might become the righteousness
of God.
2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIV)
Jesus said, Father, forgive them,
for they dont know what they are
Luke 23:34 (NLT)
Here on earth you will have
many trials and sorrows. But take
heart, because I have overcome
the world.
John 16:33 (NLT)
I am with you always, to the
end of the age.
Matthew 28:20 (CSB)
I encourage any of our readers, who
feels led to do so, to send in a favorite
verse for inclusion in the May issue.

With all of the problems facing Americans today, its real easy to become
uneasy about our countrys future.

Oftentimes the economic and social

problems seem incapable of solution at
least by the standards we try to meet.
Dr. Jimmy Jeffcoat, who is with Huntingdon College, taught our Sunday
School Class on Easter Sunday and he
did a terrific job. Jimmy pointed out
that the only way we can handle the
current set of problems is to rely on
our faith in God and be obedient to the
covenant found in the New Testament.
Actually, as he pointed out, the formula
for our success as a nation is found in
the Old Testament:
If my people who are called by
my name humble themselves, and
pray and seek my face and turn
from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven and will
forgive their sin and heal their
2 Chronicles 7:14
All of us should pray that our leaders
on the national level will take this to
heart and follow Gods formula for
getting things right in this country.All
of us must pray diligently for a change
of direction in the land. Its obvious
that we are heading in the wrong direction on a number of fronts. Its only by
trusting God and following the formula
for correction set out above will our
nation set things in order and secure
the future for our children and grandchildren.

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