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Romanian field experience in live mounting of line arresters on EHV

Traian Fagarasan SC SMART SA
The paper presents the possibility to improve Power Quality, Reliability of the
Romanian Transmission System, trough selective installation of surge arresters in one
of the 400 kV OHL, a 2,76 km segment where the ground wires are missing. The
installation works will be performed live, with the energized OHL.
2.1 CN Transelectrica SA at a glance
CN Transelectrica, as the transmission and system operator of the Romanian Power System, to
accomplish its mission, has undertaken the following objectives:
To increase the quality norms and safety conditions in supplying the customers of the
transmission power grid.
To ensure the conditions of interconnection with the member systems of UCTE.
To increase the companys turn over and operating efficiency.
Transelectrica manages the balance between performance (operation), costs ( maintenance,
rehabilitation, modernization) and risks ( ageing, failing, critically, impact).
With the elaboration of the OHL maintenance policy, there were identified new methods and
possibilities of accomplishing the maintenance works by;
live working
aerial OHL inspections
GIS (Geographical Informational System)
applying the Reliability-Centered Maintenance concept.

Currently, Transelectrica runs about 9000km of OHL , out of which:

155 km with 750kV
4,630 km with 400kV
4,132 km with 220kV
38 km with 110kV,
and operates 77 substations in Romania :
1 of 750kV
32 with 400kV
44 with 220kV
In Transelectricas substations operate
autotransformers for a total rated power
of 34,150MVA, fig.1.
The OHL routes, especially in the
mountains zone, are very difficult,
because of the meteorological conditions
in winter time (hoarfrost) and also in
summertime (storms with lightnings).
Some segments of our 400 kV
and 220 kV OHL, in such conditions,
without ground wires, are exposed to
direct electric discharges, to lightnings.
Fig 1: Romanian Power Transmission Grid
2.2 400kV OHL Brasov Gutinas. The problem.
The Northern and Middle Moldavia zone is one of NPS short of power zones as it is
practically taking benefits of one single strong connection node with the remaining power system,
namely Gutinas 400/220/110 kV substation.
Brasov 400 kV OHL and Smardan 400
kV OHL represent the main power supply
source of this substation.
Brasov Gutinas OHL transfers the
power to Moldavia zone, being supplied by
the power plants of great capacity from
Oltenia, through the 400 kV substations,
Pitesti, Bradu and Bucharest.
Due to the big distance from the power
sources to the power consumption zone, NPD
has paid a special attention to this high
voltage line, to which the maximum power
transmission capacity has been periodically
calculated, using the steady state stability
The OHL route is placed in the
mountain zone on a chine in altitude over
1000 m, very exposed on lightning fig2.

3.OHL protection against lightning.


Theoretical approach.
Invariably, lightning on OHL without ground wire will strike one of the phases. As a result,
the current will displace in both directions, like a shock wave. The suiting shock intensity is the
product from current and suiting shock impedance U(t) = Z c i(t). /2.
Let's suppose, a current of 20 kA, as a result form a direct lightning, which will divide in two
shock waves, each with 10kA intensity. Both shock waves will pass an electrical line with shock
impedance of 350 (typical for a OHL of 362-525 kV). As a result, the shock intensity will be
about 3500 kV. This value exceed more than the lightning impulse withstand voltage of (1425 kV or
1550 kV). This means, for a line without ground wire, that a lightning will determine a flashover of
the insulation and an interruption of the OHL
Effects of lighting on Power System
Time to crest of voltage wave is very short
Wave travels ~ 300 meters / microsecond
Effect of voltage is very localized
First structure will be most impacted
Could lead to:
- insulator flashover (line to ground fault following)
- power quality, reliability issues
- equipment damage ( transformer, cable regulators, etc.)
Ways to Improve Lightning Performance
Add insulation
Add shield wire / improve shield angle
Improve footing resistance
Add arresters
Typical parameter for an electric OHL in case of an atmospheric over voltage is the specific
number of line tripping (ntr), which express the number of interruptions in an year and 100km line
length (izokeraunic zone B, 44 days with oraje phenomena).
The factors involving in specific number of faults caused by lightning are:
- external (relief and characteristic of the terrain of the line route, izokeraunic
characteristics of the line zone, soil characteristics along the route)
- design factors (the value of the footing resistance, line insulation and ground
A ground wire on a line may exclude, in theory, the possibility of lightning on active
conductors of OHL (direct break over).
A good insulation level and a low OHL resistance (<10 ohm) may minimize the number of
inverse break over.
Number of lightning on an OHL (N) depends of lightning density characteristic to crossed
zone, characterize by izokeraunic index.
Nt = 0,004 x Td1,25 x (28 x H0,6 +w)
Nt = 0,012 x Td x ( 4x H1,09 + w)


Nt number of lightning / 100 km*year
Td izokeraunic index ( days of storm / year)
H height effective of OHL ( m )
W distance of ground wires ( m )

4. Main characteristics of the 400 kV OHL Brasov -Gutinas

4.1 Technical Information
Total length: 126 km
Rated voltage: 400kV
Type of OHL: single circuit
Commissioning data: 1973
Connected substations: Brasov and Gutinas.
The OHL segment from pole 130 to pole 145 (2,76 km) operates without ground wire.
On this portion we will focus our attention.
The section of The Overhead Electric Line between the towers no. 130 and no. 145 is
employed, according to the stipulation of The Normative IL-1-67, in mountain weather conditions,
for which are characteristic the following values.
- the maximum speed of the wind vmax( m/s): 44;
- the speed of the wind simultaneous with hoarfrost vhf ( m/s): 22;
- the thickness of the hoarfrost batch bhf (mm): 30;
- the density of the hoarfrost ( kg/ dm3 ): 0,765;
- the minimum temperature tmin ( 0C): -30;
- the temperature of the formation of the hoarfrost thf ( 0C): -5;
- the medium temperature tmed (0C): +10;
- the maximum temperature tmax (0C): +40.
According to the stipulations of The NTE 001/03/00 Normative Concerning The Election of
The Insulation, The Coordination of The Insulation and The Protection of The Power System
Against Overvoltges,the following aspects result:
- considering the medium number of the hours of storm with lightning in a year
(cronokeraunic index = 115 hours), the route of the 400 kV OHL Gutinas Brasov, between the
towers 125 385, is situated in the zone B;
- considering the medium number of the days of storm with lightning in a year
(isokeraunic index = 44 days), the route of the 400kV OHL Gutinas Brasov, between the towers
125 385, is situated in the zone B.
The tower types in the
mentioned segment are shown in fig.3 and
fig. 4 . The OHL is equipped with active
conductor 1 x ALOL 973 /228 mm2, and the
insulator chains are composite ones. The
Footing Resistance, measured in this
segment of the OHL is R pm = 3,1 9,7 .

Fig. 3 ICy 400113 pole


Fig. 4 ICnY 400133 pole

4.2. Incident statistic

In reality, operation al experience demonstrated
that the wind conditions and hoarfrost in this area are
more elder than in normative, which conduct to a
succession of incidents/failures in operation.
For the limitation of these incidents/failures it was
performed following works:
- replacement of two conductors' phases with a
single conductor on a phase for avoids the hoarfrost
sediment to join the 2 conductors in a single muff.
- replacement of all support poles with stretch
poles (used as
support poles).
- decreasing the distance between poles, by using
supplementary poles.
- dismounting protection conductors which attain
under active
conductors level, because of hoarfrost loading.
Isokeraunic singularity (izokeraunic index and
cronokrenaunic index) are more elder than in normative.

The incident statistic on the 400 kV OHL Brasov Gutinas 2001 2005 is shown in fig.5.
Following aspects are relevant:
the number of incidents is
very high ( 4 10 )
autoreclosing ( 17 )
autoreclosing ( 9 )

Fig. 5

For one of the most important OHL for

the security of the NPS, like Brasov
Gutinas OHL, the incidents number,
gives us the reason to search solution to
diminish them.
Thereby, because of distinct
weather conditions, isn`t possible to
adopt classical protection methods, and
is a necessity to apply modern solutions,
to take into account the special
conditions in this area.

5.The Solution
5.1 Installation of surge arresters
The purpose of protection methods is to minimize line insulation flashover, since line insulation
flashover will cause an interruption until the resulting live to ground fault is cleared.
Within the section 130 145, the line operates without ground wires. For protecting the OHL
against lightning, the Fezability Study recommends the installation of OHL surge arresters, in
parallel with each insulator string, on this section.The surge arresters will be installed on phase of
the line.
This solution is recommended in
the case of OHL that cross the mountain
zones, of which the earth electrodes are
with a high resistivity ( usually rock) and
they are characterized by high
isokeraunic indecs, these factors
resulting in a great number of flashes
over of the insulator strings
Such zones are hardly accessibile and
the maintenance costs are high
The relatively high price of surge
arrests is compensated by increase of the
line reliability in operation and the low
Fig. 6
maintenance costs.
The line equipping with surge arresters for limiting tripping, is a very good solution, from the
following aspects point of view:
- the tripping rate for a line equipped with such mechanisms tends to zero;
- the operation in the outdoor environment is assured by:
ZNO plates and the rubber envelope are not damaged under the permanent
potential operation;
In the case of the surge arrester possible failure, the line can operate normally;
It is solid, light, assuring an easy handling and operation in hardly accessible
The metal oxide surge arrester
used in this grounded 400 kV system has
Maximum Continuous operating Voltage
[MCOV] of 255kV. The MCOV of a
surge arrester is the continuous 50 Hz
line to ground voltage that can be
supported for the life of the arrester fig 6.
The metal oxide surge arrester is
connected electrically in parallel with the
line insulation. The metal oxide surge
arrester limits the surge voltage across
the line insulation by going into
conduction at a voltage below the
flashover voltage of the line insulation.
The relationship between the discharge
Fig. 7
voltage of the 255 kV MCOV arrester
and the flashover voltage of the line insulation is shown in fig.7.

Fig. 8

After the surge arrester has

successfully discharged the lightning
surge the voltage across the arrester
returns to the line to ground value.
Since the metal oxide
arresters used in this application are
gapless, the arrester is only in
conduction for the duration of the
lightning stroke. This event is of too
short duration to be detected by
relaying methods. Therefore, the
operation of the surge arrester will not
result in an interruption.
Protection surge arresters can
be installed on OHL by fastening them
to the pillar gantries and beams, in
parallel with the existing strings,

Their maintenance at a constant value of the outdoor disruptive space, between the OHL wires and
the surge arrester inlet terminal, thus to assure its priming at the over voltage dangerous value (
fig.8, fig.9).
connection to the towers is made
through one flexible, copper wire,
provided one hole for earthing.
The connection between the
arrester and the powered conductors
will be made of copper wire, with
the conductibility equivalent to that
of the ACSR 973/228 sq mm. wire.
Taking into account the surge
arresters high cost, a more
economically solution is the
protection of OHL both with surge
arresters and with vertical lightning
rods, installed on the peaks of some
recommends the towers at the stones
134, 136, 138 and 143 for the
Fig. 9
protection through lightning rods
alternative, due to the fact that the towers are arranged on heights, the protection zone of the
lightning rods is more extended. We specify that these lightning rods protect the towers and the
powered conductors, situated in the highest zone, which is implicitly, the most exhibited to
Under this alternative, the total investment can decrease by 20% around, compared with the
alternative of the surge arrester protection of the complete section 134 145.

The number of faults resulted from atmospherically over voltages, is zero when the line ( line
section) is protected by surge arresters, installed on all phases and on all towers.
In the case in which surge arresters are installed on all phases, buy every 2 towers, the rate of
faults is 72% of the initial one, when the line is equipped with surge arresters.
Taking into account that our solution is to install surge arresters on 75% of the towers, it
results that the rate of fault is much lower, even without taking into calculation the lightning rods
impact .
5.2 Assessment of the solution advantages
For the 400 kV OHL Gutinas-Brasov, 128 km length, where on just a 2,8km segment is
without ground wire (poles 130-145), the numbers of interruptions is 2,7 vis a vis of 0,466 if the line
is equipped entirely (126 km) with ground wire, according to table 1:
Table 1
Tripping number of OHL 400 kV Gutinas Brasov / 119,7 km with ground wires
x year
2,8 km - without ground wires
Type of faults
119,7 km with ground wires
Inverse flashovers
Direct flashovers
Total flashovers
Total flashovers on the OHL

2,8 km without ground wires


It must be mentioned also the fact that the majority of direct strokes, in principal, due to
direct lightning on active conductors of unprotected lines through ground wire, may conduct to
possible faulting for the aluminum jacket of Al/OL conductors, because of local superheating owing
lightning current of high intensity, on the impact location.
This fact may have negative repercussion on safety operation of the OHL.
The 400 kV OHL was modeled to determine the lightning performance of various protection
option. The results are summarized in table 2.

Shield wire
2 wires

P*L placement

All 3 phases
Middle phase
External phases







Table 2
number of
number of
per year


6. Live working installation applied method.

The installation procedure consists of the following sequence of operations:
The grounding of the pole is checked. If necessary, the grounding must be
improved to a maximum of 15 Ohms before the procedure can go further;
All the tools are checked, cleaned and properly arranged for easy use.
Two of the operators are wearing special conductive clothes, conductive boots and
conductive gloves. Operator 1 will work at the active conductor potential and
operator 2 will work on the pole (at ground potential)
The arrester is lifted to the pole with by means of the special dielectric rope. The
upper end of the arrester is fixed to the pole.
An insulated chair is suspended in parallel with the insulator;
Seated in the chair, operator 1 rich the active conductor potential and connect the
lower end of the arrester to the active conductor;
Operator 1 leave the line potential still seating in the chair;
All the tools are recovered from the pole and stored back to the truck. All operators
descend from the pole and leave the area.

7. Conclusion

Lightning interruption are becoming a major problem for electric utilities.

The use of surge arresters gives up significant improvement in lightning
performance of the OHL.
Live working installation of surge arresters will reduce the interruption time of the
400 kV OHL Brasov Gutinas.
The applied solution will improve the Power Quality parameters and the Reliability
of the NPS. The tripping rate for a line equipped with surge arresters tends to zero.

8. Bibliography
1. Harold S Brewer
Reduction of lightning caused interruptions on Electric Power Systems 2005
2. Dr.Ing. Anca Popescu ISPE BUCHAREST
Ing. L. Boncu
Ing. Emil Kaytar
400 kV OHL Gutinas Brasov protection against lightning trough surge arresters
installation Fezability Study 2005
Surge arresters selection guide
4. Ing. H. S. Wechsler
Ing . L. D. Nicolae
400 kV OHL Gutinas Brasov protection against lightning Study -2003

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