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Grant Programme Short-term visits

Application form
In addition to this application form, candidates should send a cover letter stating the
reasons they are applying for a grant and their expected schedule. They should also include
their CV, a letter of affiliation to their university and a copy of their passport (or ID
document). For PhD candidates, a description of their PhD project as well as a reference
letter from a supervisor or a member of the academic staff is requested. Finally, applicants
from Armenia must provide contact information for a second reference. The cover letter, as
well as the other requested documents, can be sent in English, German or French.
Visits are for a minimum period of one month and a maximum period of three months. If
the scholar applies for a conference grant, the duration period will be shorter (up to one
I. Personal Data


1. Last name
2. First name
3. Gender
4. Date of birth
5. Citizenship
6. Passport number
7. Passport valid until
8. Email address
9. Telephone number
10. Fax number
11. Postal address
Do you need a visa?



II. Academic Background

1. Education (highest degree)

2. Field of study

3. Present occupation/position

4. Academic institution you work for / study

at (affiliation)


III. Purpose of Application

Conference Grant (up to one week)
Research Visit (one to three months)
a) Conference
1. Title of conference
2. Organising institution
3. Dates of conference
4. Explain the added-value of your
presence at the conference

5. Will you present a paper at the

b) Research Visit
1. Explain the purpose and the addedvalue of your visit

2. Institutions and scholars you will visit in

3. Have there already been preliminary
contacts with these institutions/ scholars?



If the answer is yes, with whom?

V. Dates
Date of arrival:
Date of departure:

The dates must be exact as they will determine the duration of your visa.
VI. Costs Covered
The grant covers the following:
- visa costs
- travel costs (lowest-fare economy class flight ticket; train ticket from and to airport)
- accommodation; in case you stay in Fribourg, the accommodation is organised by
ASCN Management
- daily allowances

VII. Deadlines
Applications can be made anytime during the year.
Candidates must send their application at least 4 WEEKS before arrival.
VIII. Checklist
application form
cover letter
copy of passport
description of PhD project (for PhD candidates), 2 pages maximum
one reference letter (for PhD candidates)
contact information for a second reference (for PhD candidates from Armenia only)
letter of affiliation from your university
Please return this form and the requested documents (preferably in one pdf file) by
email to [email protected] (ASCN Programme coordinator).
IX. Contact information:
Denis Dafflon
ASCN Programme Coordinator
[email protected]
For Georgia
ASCN Local Coordination Unit Georgia
Ms. Tinatin Kadagishvili, Local Assistant
Ilia State University
[email protected]
Phone: (+995 77) 55 33 16
For Armenia
ASCN Local Coordination Unit Armenia
Ms. Marina Saryan; Local Assistant
Caucasus Institute
[email protected]
Phone: (+374 10) 54 06 31
(+374 10) 54 06 32

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