Treatment Clinical Reports Zhoulin Bio Spectrum

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Training on Treatment Mechanism Of

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device
and Clinical Reports


Introduction of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum technology Co. Ltd

1. About Zhoulin
2. About Bio-spectrum
3. Treatment mechanism
4. Advantages over similar products

Clinical reports

I. clinical studies and mechanism of respiratory disease

II. Peripheral nerve disease-related clinical trials and mechanism
III. clinical trials and mechanism of Digestive disease
IV. Ischemic disease, and red blood cell rheology
V. Efficacy on wound healing and mild burns, bedsores by Zhoulin BFS Device
VI. Zhoulin BFS can lower blood glucose levels

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment

Device can simulate the
electromagnetic spectrum of human
body. Through resonant absorption
(the spectrum is matched and absorbed
by the body), it can produce thermal
effect and non-thermal effect within
the body for a beneficial regulation of
human spectrum which results in an
auxiliary treatment on disease of
several human body systems. Its main
functions include: improve blood
circulation and blood rheology;
enhance immune function; regulate
nervous system function; promote

About Mr.Zhoulin:
Inventor of the Bio-spectrum Treatment Device
Founder of the Medical Bio-spectrum
NPC representatives of the 7th and 8th National
People's Congress
Vice President of China Association of
Chief Scientist and Host of Zhoulin laboratory
in United States


WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Invention and Innovation Award

Patented in China
Patented in US and EU
Passed CE certification
Official sponsorship of the 2008 Paralympic Games
China's Top 60 Brands
Asia Top 500 brands

Company Headquarter

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum has

become the leading brand in
healthcare and rehabilitation
industry in the past 30 years.

Gold Medal of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)

Invention and Innovation Award

Ten Thousand of Clinical Reports

Independent Intellectual Property

About Bio-spectrum
All matters emit certain kind of electromagnetic spectrum at the
temperature above absolute zero. Our researches have indictated
that the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by living creature
ranges from infrared wave to microwave,which is called"Biospectrum ." Human body is an irradiation source of low energy.
Absolute zero: The lowest temperature theoretically attainable, there is no
object at this temperature who has internal energy. -273.15 set for the
thermodynamic temperature scale (Kelvin) of zero, is called absolute zero.
Bio-spectrumBiofrenquency Spectrum) is an integrated title for the
frequency of biological information of living creatures and the spectrum.

Infrared imaging and millimeterwave imaging

Infrared images of

Infrared images of human


Passive millimeter wave images of human


Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device owns the wide frequency band. The main
energy zone lies in the infrared section and spreads out to the millimeter and microwave
section(weak energy zone), which covers the similar frequency area of human body.
The difference of peak position of waves is similar to the characteristics of the
absorption spectral band of human body.

For weak energy zone, including infrared and micro-millimeter wave, though not so
strong direct effect on human body, however, laboratory animal studies and clinical
practice show some effect is from the distribution of spectral characteristics rather
than intensity of radiation. The non-thermal effect of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum
Treatment Device is closely related to this part of energy zone.

What is matching absorption (Resonant Absorption)?

When the frequency and amplitude of the external

radiation is close to the natural frequency of the
human body, the body achieves a maximum
absorption of the radiation. This is called the
resonant absorption.

What is the endo-thermal effect?

Cells are basic unit of the human body . The composition of

molecules and charged particles absorbs the radiation and causes the
temperature rise of the corresponding tissues, which is so called
"endo-thermal effect." While also the radiation changes the membrane
potential () to promote the exchange of intracellular
substances, as well as biochemical effects of synthesis and
decomposition, etc.

What is Non-thermal effect?

Non-thermal effect refers to a series biological effects of living creatures which

produce no significant heat and no obvious increase in body temperature after
receiving electromagnetic radiation. The biological effects which are difficult to
be explained by thermal effects are known as non-thermal effects.
Non-thermal effects are produced from millimeter-wave and weak microwave in
weak energy zone. A large number of biological experiments on millimeter-wave
have verified the existence of non-thermal effects. Most of the energy needed to
generate shock is provided by the biological system itself (which means the
body's own energy), and millimeter-wave only plays the role of the trigger.
(Similar to the role of the first domino)

Difference Between Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device and other

similar products

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum is widebrand

spectrum with thermal effect and nonthermal effect. Compared to TDP, it
has wider range of applications and
better efficacy.

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment

Device has ten thousand of clinical
reports over the 30 years to prove its
good efficacy, convenience and safe in

Due to different treatment mechanism,

the application range of Zhoulin Biospectrum Treatment Device approved
by SFDA is wider than that of TDP.

Internationally Patented, leading

brand, good reputation

Application of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

soft tissue sprains, muscular pain, arthritis, cervical spondylosis, wound
infection and healing,chronic prostatitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma,
chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, chronic hepatitis, colitis, constipation,
diarrhea, shingles, eczema, neurodermatitis mild burns, bedsores, frostbite,
chronic pelvic inflammation, dysmenorrhea, paediatric pneumonia,

Application of TDPClosed soft tissue injury, acute and chronic rheumatoid

arthritis, periarthritis humeroscapularis, paediatric diarrhea.


Clinical Data

Animal Studies

Basic Researches

The scientific research methods of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum

I. clinical studies and mechanism of respiratory disease

Article 1

Studies on WS Series Treatment Device to

regulate the immune function of rats

Lin JiaYou Gao Yang Li Li

Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Experimental Principle
Irradiate normal and tumor-bearing mice with WS Series Biospectrum Treatment Device
Observe its inluence on the activity of the spleen NK cells and the
impact of the mouse antibody
Observe change of PHA proliferative responses of the mouse immune

NK cell: Natural killer cells. It is an important immune cell of the body which is related to
prevent tumor and virus infection as well as being involved in autoimmune disease.
PHA proliferative responses: a kind of approach to observe the immune responses of
stimating lymphocytes with PHA (phytohaemagglutinin)

Different inluence on the activity of the spleen NK cells by Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

irradiated Group

Control Group














Different impact of the mouse antibody by Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

irradiated Group

Control Group








normal mice






Different change of PHA proliferative responses of the mouse spleen cells by Bio-spectrum
Treatment Device

irradiated Group

Control Group


Tumorbearing mice






normal mice






The study shows:
To irradiate the normal and tumor-bearing mice with Bio-spectrum Treatment
Device can increase the activity of NK cells and enhance the PHA proliferative
responses of T cells.
To irradiate the normal and tumor-bearing mice with Bio-spectrum Treatment
Device can produce antibodies that play a suppressive regulatory role, which
means it can help with treatment of antibody-mediated autoimmune disease. For
example: lupus erythematosus (), hepatitis,etc.

Conclusion: Bio-spectrum Treatment Device can promote immunity of the


Article 2

Efficacy Observation and Nursing Care on Acute

Bronchitis of the Elderly by Zhoulin Bio-Spectrum
Treatment Device

Mei Zhen
Geriatrics Section II, PLA Fuzhou General Hospital

General Information and Methods

92 patients with Acute Bronchitis were divided into two groups
randomly: treatment group and control group.
treatment group: spectrum device (irradiate patients chest) +
conventional drug therapy
control group: conventional drug therapy
Effective rate: Fully recovered, Marked effect, Improved, No

Efficacy Observation and Nursing Care on Acute Bronchitis of the Elderly

by Zhoulin Bio-Spectrum Treatment Device

Most elderly patients with bronchitis have low immunity and poor blood circulation
function. To irradiate their chest with the spectrum device can promote blood
circulation, improve immune status, speed up the absorption of local inflammation, and
improve respiratory function. With conventional anti-inflammatory drug therapy and
Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device can quickly improve the clinical symptoms and
shorten the treatment time.

Article 3

WS-spectrum Device Effect on induction level of

TNF- and plasma IL-8 levels for patients with
Liang Zhihui, Feng Wei, Wang Liren
Section of Immunology, Tongji Medical University
Zhong RuiSheng Liu Guanghui
Section of Allergy , Tongji Hospital
Zhai liXia
Pharmacy Department, Wuhan Railway Central Hospital

Knowledge on asthma
Asthma is a common lung disease for all age groups. Its incidence is rising. Pathology and
immunology prove that airway inflammation is related to the cause of asthma, whereas the
body's immune system is the medium of inflammatory response, in this process, some
inflammatory cytokines play an important role in the inflammatory response. Such as TNF-,
IL-8 and so on.

Experimental design
To study the treatment mechanism of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Device on asthma, we test the
induction levels of TNF- and IL-8 levels of the patients with asthma before and after the
treatment and that level of normal people. And also we study the effect of the 2 levels on treating
asthma when using the spectrum device.

TNF-: It is tumor necrosis factor, which can promote T cells to produce various inflammatory cytokines, thus
contributing to inflammatory reactions.

IL-8: Interleukin-8. In the inflammatory response, the IL-8 induces neutrophils and T cells to the lesion site.

WS-spectrum Device Effect on induction level of TNF- for patients with asthma
Table 1


No. of Patients

Induction level of TNF-

Normal people groupA)

Before treatmentB
After treatmentC



Before treatmentinduction level of TNF- is obviously higher than that of normal people group.
P<0.001)whereas, the level after treatment by spectrum device is much lower than that before treatment.
Comparison of plasma IL-8 levels Table 2


No. of Patients

IL-8 level

Normal people groupA)

Before treatmentB
After treatmentC



Before treatment, the plasma IL-8 level is higher than that of normal people group.
P<0.05),whereas ther is no significant difference between the levels before and after treatment.

Experimental Conclusion
TNF- is an inflammatory mediator of broad biological activity produced by activated
monocyte-macrophage cells, which can directly induce bronchoconstriction to cause
asthma. IL-8 from being discovered, is considered an inflammatory mediator, and so far,
extensive documents demonstrate their role of inflammatory mediators.
The results show that Treatment mechanism of ZhouLin Bio-spectrum Device on
effectively control of asthma is to reduce the high response of macrophages to lower the
induction level of TNF- to reduce the role of inflammatory mediators, which alleviate the
asthma in the end.
Tips: Spectrum Device is an effective auxiliary therapy for asthma.

Article 4

Efficacy Observation of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment

Device on Bronchial Asthma

Li Xueqian
Pulmonary Section, JiangHan 1st branch institute, The Union Hospital Affiliated to
Tongji Medical University;
Wu Qingping
Management Department, Wuhan Workers' Medical College

Gender composition of three groups of patients

Inhaled asthma
Infection-induced asthma
Chronic asthmatic bronchitis







Efficacy of three groups of patients

Inhaled asthma
Infection-induced asthma
Chronic asthmatic bronchitis




Effective Rate





Spectrum Device is an effective auxiliary therapy for different kinds of asthma.


Auxilliary treatment of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

on respiratory disease

Major respiratory disease:

acute and chronical tracheobronchitis
bronchial asthma, pneumoniae,etc
pollution, infection, allergy, low
immunity, etc.
Clinical Therapy:
Antibiotic treatment,
Oxygen and mist inhalation
Symptomatic treatment

Auxilliary treatment mechanism of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device on

respiratory disease

Enhance Immune System

Adjust local micro-circulation to strengthen phagocytes, accelerate cilia
activity, promote expectoration
Improve the metabolism of the lesion

For asthma, besides all the functions above, the spectrum device can
reduce the induction of TNF- of inflammatory mediator to alleviate the

User's Guide on pneumoniae and bronchial asthma

Location of irradiation
the affected part and acupuncture
point: 6911

Number of times and time

2 times/day
30 min/time

acupoint for
pneumoniae and
bronchial asthma

Better be used with conventional
drug therapy

Acupoint of chest and


acupoint for treating

pneumoniae and
bronchial asthma

Acupoints of back, waist and hip

User's Guide on bronchial asthma

Location of irradiation
acupuncture point: 4, 6
Number of times and time
2-3 times/day
40 min/time

acupoint of
bronchial asthma

II. Peripheral nerve disease-related clinical

trials and mechanism

Article 1

Treatment mechanism of WS bio-spectrum Device on peripheral

nerve disease

Xiao Wenhua Xie Yi

Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Experimental Principles

Irradiate the sciatic nerve

damage model of SD rats with
spectrum device to observe the
conductibility of the damaged nerve
and recovery of action potentials (
) as well as response to
medication. (irradiate the control group
with infrared light

Experimental Conclusion
Spectrum Irradiation Group: It can restore part of the action
potential of the damaged nerve, so that the impulse conduction of
the damaged nerve changes from jumpy conduction to continuous
conduction. And it helps to restore the normal structure of the
molecular layer membrane.
Infrared Irradiation Group: To irradiate the damaged nerve in
animals with the infrared light of the same power. the damaged
nerve zone shows no improvement on their reaction to TEA and
anisodamine as well as transmission of nerve impulses as same as
the group with no treatment.
Important notes: Thermal effect is not the main factor to restore
nerve function. The non-thermal effect of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum
Treatment device is the main factor.

Article 2

Study on 64 patients withBell's Palsy by Zhoulin Bio-spectrum

Treatment Device

Chen Aihua
The First Peoples Hospital of Jining City

Treatment Groupmedicine+spectrum device

Control Group Imedicine+TDP

Control Group II: medicine

The facial nerve of the patients with Bell's palsy is caused vascular spasm and ischemia due to
physical factors or viral infection to result in neural stem edema and then demyelination.
Conventional treatment is methyl vitamin B12 therapy or hormone therapy but with no obvious
changes on early pathology. Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device can improve local
circulation and rapidly reduce swelling, and restore the action potential of neural stem and repair
medullary sheath as well.
Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device is an effective auxiliary therapy for facial paralysis.

Treatment mechanism of WS Bio-spectrum Device on peripheral
nerve disease

Knowledge on hyperosteogeny

Cervical spondylosis, lumbar disease,

bone hyperplasia, facial paralysis, etc are
similar in pathogenesis which is caused by
neural stem edema and demyelination as well
as a series of symptoms caused by the trapped
nerve stem due to bone spur.

Causes: degeneration, strain,etc.

Treatment: surgery, medication, massage,


Treatment mechanism of WS Bio-spectrum Device on peripheral nerve disease

1. improve local blood circulation, remove the algogenic substance

2. Spectrum Device can restore part of the action potentials of damaged nerve
and improve the impulsive conductibility
3. Alleviate local edema

Algogenic substance: Potassium, hydrogen, calcium ions

play important role in causing pain in tissue damage or
inflammation, which are the main algogenic substances of
the disc herniation, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer,etc. And
other substances include serotonin, prostaglandin G,
bradykinin, etc.

Auxilliary Treatment on Cervical spondylosis

Location of irradiation
acupuncture point: 9

Number of times and time

2 times/day
30 min/time

acupoint of

Auxilliary Treatment on lumbar disease, strain

Location of irradiation
the affected part and acupuncture point:
Number of times and time
2 times/day
30 min/time

acupoint of lumbar
disease, strain

acupoint of lumbar disease,


Auxilliary Treatment on facial paralysis

Location of irradiation
From behind the ear to the facial area
with facial nerve distribution
Number of times and time
2 times/day
30 min/time

acupoint of facial

III. clinical trials and mechanism of Digestive


Article 1

Study on treatment mechanism of ulcers by Zhoulin

Bio-spectrum Device

Dong XiuYun Deng Wenlin Liu Xiumin

Department of Gastroenterology, Third Hospital of Beijing
Medical University

Peptic ulcers
Peptic ulcers: main causes: gastric acid, HP.
The healing of ulcers is related to many factors, among which
gastric mucosal blood flow is an important factor. Others factors
include oxygen free radicals, pepsin, glucoprotein, gastric acid and
so on.
Biological spectrum device has been found to promote healing of
gastric ulcers in rats. This study helps to prove the previous
foundings by these factors above.

Study on healing of acetic acid type gastric ulcers of the rats by

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum DeviceTable 1

Area of ulcersmm)

A Control Group


B BFS Group



C Infrared Group



D Lansoprazole Drug Group



E Lansoprazole Drug plus BFS




Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Device can promote the healing of acetic acid type
gastric ulcers of the rats. Group E ( treated with Lansoprazole Drug and the
spectrum device together) is found obvious smaller area of ulcers. The efficacy
of Infrared Group is not as good as that of BFS group.

Effect on gastric mucosal blood flow of the rats by Zhoulin Biospectrum DeviceTable 2


A Control Group


B BFS Group



C Infrared Group



D Lansoprazole Drug Group



E Lansoprazole Drug plus BFS




The gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) of BFS Group and Infrared Group is
obviously increased. Group D (Lansoprazole Drug Group) is seen decreased while
Group E (combination treatment of spectrum device and BFS) tends to increase.

Experimental Conclusion
The increase of gastric mucosal blood flow is an important factor of the healing of
gastic ulcers. The reasons why Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Device can promote the
healing of gastric ulcers include that it can increase gastric mucosal blood flow and
mucosal secretion of glucoprotein as well as reduce oxygen free radicals. In addition,
Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Device can effectively reduce the recurrent of the ulcers.
Though Infrared Group has shown some improvement on the the ulcers, but the
efficacy is much smaller than that of the spectrum device group.

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Device can promote the healing of gastric ulcers.

Article 2

Therapeutical Effects of BFS on Peptic Ulcer - Report of 48


Yang Biying, Long Xiaoguang,

Department of Physiotherapy, Hepingli Hospital, Beijing
Wang Facheng, Zhang Min,
Department of Internal Medicine, Hepingli Hospital, Beijing

Data and Methods

Selection of cases: 48 cases with peptic ulcer in active
stage, diagnosed by endoscope. The patients were divided
into two groups: treatment group and control group.
Treatment Group:Tagamet+Cimetidine+Zhoulin BFS
Device Control Group:Tagamet+Cimetidine
Observation: pain relief time, time needed for stool
occult blood to turn negative, time for ulcer healing

Time needed for stool occult blood to turn negative

time needed for stool

occult blood to turn







pain relief time

pain relief time







Time for ulcer healing

Time for ulcer healing

Recovery within 2
Recovery within 4

Number of
treatment group

Number of
Control Group





Experimental Conclusion
We observe the recent efficacy on peptic ulcers by Zhoulin
Bio-spectrum Treatment Device, which shows a significant
efficacy on pain relief. For the healing of ulcers, especially
in treatment of the bulbar ulcer with bulbar deformation, the
efficacy of the treatment group is much better than that of
the Control Group.

Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device is an effective

auxiliary treatment of peptic ulcers.

Study of the auxiliary treatment on digestive disease by
Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

Digestive disease
The digestive disease can be treated
by Zhoulin include: acute and chronic
gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal
ulcers, enteritis, diarrhea, etc.

mucosal protective agent
Symptomatic treatment

Auxiliary treatment on digestive disease by Zhoulin Biospectrum Treatment Device

Functions of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment

* increase gastric mucosal blood flow
* increase mucosal secretion of glucoprotein
* reduce oxygen free radicals.
* effectively reduce the recurrent of the ulcers and relieve
* better efficacy can be achieved when using with antacid
Glucoprotein: Mucosal surface is covered with a layer of mucus. Mucus glucoprotein is
the main component to form the mucus viscosity and gel-forming ability.

Acupoints for treating chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcers

Location of irradiation
the affected part and
acupuncture points: 7,10,24
Number of times and time
1-2 times/day
40 min/time

acupoint of chronic
gastritis, duodenal

Acupoints for treating chronic

gastritis, duodenal ulcers

Acupoints for treating chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcers

IV. Ischemic disease, and red

blood cell rheology

Article 1

Effect of red blood cell rheology by Zhoulin Biospectrum Treatment Device

Xu Jialing, Zhang Chuanli, Su Gang, Yu Guifen

Department of Biophysics, Beijing Medical University

Experiment Principles
Red blood cells cover the most
percentage of the blood and has
the greatest impact on blood
rheology. The deformation of red
blood cells is the necessary factor
to ensure the effective perfusion
of the microcirculation. Therefore,
we use the spectrum device to
irradiate blood in vitro and the
whole body of animals to test the
change of the red cell membrance
fluidity, electrophoretic mobility,
and the ability of deformation
before and after irradiation, by
which we can carry out further

Normal Red Blood


Impact of Zhoulin BFS on the change of electrophoretic mobility of

red blood cells
Irradiation of Red Blood Cells in Vitro

water bath

Irradiation of whole body


1st day

8th day



Control Group








Experiment Group




2.28 0.13










2.44 0.14


Experiment Shows after irradiation, the electrophoretic mobility is

higher than that before irradiation.

Experimental Conclusion
Red blood cells have aggregation and variability. Surface charge of red blood cells is
related to red blood cell aggregation. Some of the disease caused by increased blood
viscosity such as hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, diabetes have lower
electrophoretic mobility, which indicates that red blood cells is easy to gather to cause
the occurrence of thrombosis due to decreased cell surface charge density. Zhoulin BFS
device can increase red blood cell electrophoretic mobility, which means that irradiation
with Zhoulin BFS device can reduce red blood cell aggregation to promote
microcirculation. In the meanwhile, irradiation can increase red blood cell deformability
which also contributes to the improvement of microcirculation.

Irradiation with Zhoulin BFS device can reduce red blood cell aggregation, ease
blood viscosity, and prevent thrombosis

Article 2

Effect on cerebral blood supply for patients with cervical

spondylosis treated by Zhoulin BFS device

Ji Yanbin, Wang Laiyuan, Li Xiaofeng, Gao Chong

Department of Immunology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical Colleage
Shi Ruyuan
Department of Inspection, Second Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical Colleage

patient selection and group:

30 patients with cervical spondylosis, average age is 45, and age difference is
less than 5 years.
Patients are divided into 2 groups randomly:
Control Group: Venoruton 200 mg, Beniol 1 pill , 3 times/day.

Treatment group: irradiation with Zhoulin BFS Device. Centered with

acupoint of Dazhui, switch on high power, 30 min./ time, 2 times /day.
Treatment time: 2 weeks.
Frans-Scan 3D-TCD by EME Germany detects the speed of the blood flow.

Effect on cerebral blood supply for patients with cervical spondylosis treated by
Zhoulin BFS device

After treatmentcm/s

Btreat with

ctreat with
BFS device







31.424.26 (12)






Experiment Conclusion
With irradiation of the basilar artery(BA), left artery (LA) and right artery (RA) for the
patients with cervical spondylosis by Zhoulin BFS device, the speed of blood flow is
obviously increasedP<0.01. Compared with the Control Group, the BFS Group can
significantly improve the blood flow of basilar artery and right artery (P <0.05), particularly,
the improvement of the left artery.

Experiment suggests that Zhoulin BFS device is more effective on the improvement of
the cerebral blood supply for patients with cervical spondylosis than some of the

Auxiliary treatment of ischemic disease by Zhoulin BFS device

Ischemic disease:
Ischemic disease is a class of diseases
caused by insufficient blood supply due to
all causes of vascular stenosis, which
includes: cerebral ischemia, coronary
heart disease, a variety of vascular disease,
diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular
lesion so on.
Primary disease such as diabetes,
hypertension, renal disease,
bad habits, high cholesterol, obesity, etc.
Treatment: vasodilators, calcium

Auxiliary treatment of ischemic disease by Zhoulin BFS device

Surface charge of red blood cells is related to red blood cell aggregation .
Some of the diseases caused by increased blood viscosity such as
hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, diabetes have lower
electrophoretic mobility, which indicates that red blood cells is easy to
gather to cause the occurrence of thrombosis due to decreased cell
surface charge density.

Zhoulin BFS device can

increase red blood cell electrophoretic mobility
reduce red blood cell aggregation to promote microcirculation
increase red blood cell deformability

V. Efficacy on wound healing and mild burns,

bedsores by Zhoulin BFS Device


Study on the wound healing of the rat skin by BFS


Li Changtian Dong Linwang

Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Beijing Medical University

3 groups of healthy rats :
Surgery Group S Wound Group C
+ BFS Group
BFS GroupE (Wound includes
cut or burnt )

Observation: change of body weight, the activity of

growth factor of skin(GFS), peroxidase of the burnt
tissues, etc.

Change of GFs activity of the hurt tissues on the 3rd, 6th, 9th day

Group C
Group E
Group S

3 days

6 days

9 days




Group E : Group CP<0.05

Change of GFs activity of the burnt tissues on the 3rd, 6th, 9th
Group C
Group E
Group S
Group E : Group CP<0.05

3 days

6 days

9 days




Experimental Discussion
Zhoulin bio-spectrum is a electromagnetic wave of relatively broad spectral range.
Numerous clinical and experimental studies have found that the spectrum device
can improve local circulation and metabolic disorders. The followings are
confirmed by this study:
1. Zhoulin BFS Device can regain the body weight of the hurt rats
2. reduce the tissue damage, can inhibit the increase of vascular permeability at
early stage
3. promote recovery of wound tissue, can promote the activity of fibroblast
growth factor (GFs) and increase collagen synthesis

Irradiation with Zhoulin BFS device can accelerate wound healing.


Efficacy study on 33 Cases of wound infections

treated by WS-111 Bio-spectrum Treatment

Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Beijing Friendship Hospital

Efficacy study on 33 Cases of wound infections treated by WS-111

Bio-spectrum Treatment Device

Basic recovery rate of Zhoulin BFS is 84.8%, and basic recovery rate of TDP
is 37.5%.

Zhoulin BFS device has the following effects on wound

It can inhibit the increase of vascular permeability, reduce tissue edema at the
early stage;
It can promote recovery of wound tissue, can promote the activity of epidermal
growth factor( EGF) and fibroblast growth factor (GFs) at the early stage and
promote collagen synthesis;
It can promote blood circulation, speed up the accumulation of immune cells to
the wound to prevent infection;
The speed-up local circulation can take away the pain caused substances to
relieve pain.

Epidermal growth factor( EGF): EGF is a multifunctional growth factor which has
strong mitogenic effect of various tissue cells both in vivo and in vitro.

Treatment of frostbitemild burnsbedsoreshemorrhoids, leg ulcers, trauma

Location of irradiation
the affected part and acupuncture point: 12
Number of times and time
1-2 times/day
30-40 min/time

Acupoint for frostbite, trauma and


VI. Zhoulin BFS can lower blood glucose levels


Study on regulation of animal's blood glucose levels by WS series

spectrum treatment device

Li Wenhui

Wang Wanyu Zhu Shaowen

Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xiong Hai

Zhou Lin

Biomedical Engineering Institute of Yunan

Simple experiment principles

Damage the pancreas of the rats with alloxan to make a diabetes
model. In the meanwhile, we use hypoglycemic drug Metformin, or
WS series spectrum treatment device for treatment; Compare the
difference of the experiment and draw conclusions.

Alloxan Group, BFS Group, Metformin Group, BFS+Metformin

Group , Control Group

Study on regulation of animal's blood glucose levels by WS

series spectrum treatment device

WS series spectrum treatment device can not only significantly lower blood glucose
levels but also lower the high cholesterol and enhance the activity of superoxide
dismutase (SOD). However, the hypoglycemic effect is not as good as Metformin
group. It and can speed up the absorption of metformin.
WS series spectrum treatment device can promote the absorption of hypoglycemic
drugs. It can have synergistic effects with the drugs to reduce the use of
hypoglycemic drugs.

WS series spectrum treatment device can lower blood glucose levels and to
promote absorption of hypoglycemic drugs.


Observation of Zhoulin Bio-spectrum treatment Device

on regulation of blood glucose for patients with diabetes

Feng Jinguang Qian Rongli

Department of Endocrinology, First Hospital of Beijing Medical University,

Zhang Renling Xing weichang

Department of Endocrinology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical College

Group A change of blood glucose level

before and after treatment

Group B change of blood glucose level

before and after treatment

Based on their regular diet and regular hypoglycemic medicine, 74 cases of old and new
patients with type diabetes also use Zhoulin BFS Device for auxiliary treatment. The
fasting blood glucose of the two groups of patients were significantly decreased. But it raised
again after two weeks of stopping irradiation. But again, the blood glucose decreased further
when continuing with the irradiation. The glycated hemoglobin was significantly decreased
after irradiation. However, we need further observation and study on the mechanism of its
hypoglycemic effect and long-term hypoglycemic effects.

Effect of Zhoulin BFS Device on Blood glucose

It can lower blood glucose Significantly.

It can lower the blood lipids.

It can promote the absorption of hypoglycemic drugs.

It can have synergistic effects with hypoglycemic drugs.

Hypoglycemic effect

Location of irradiation
Acupuncture point: 7

number of times and time

2 times/day
30 min./time

Acupoint to lower the blood

glucose level

Treatment mechanism of several diseases



ischemic disease such as coronary heart disease and

cervical vertebra hyperosteogeny

improve blood rheology

increase red blood cell deformability
promote blood circulation

cervical spondylosis, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumbar

and leg pain, facial paralysis,etc

improve circulation
ease neural stem edema
repair medullary sheath

chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers

wound recovery, burns, frostbite, bedsore,etc

improve blood flow of membrance

promote recovery of tissues
promote local circulation
inhibit the increase of vascular permeability
promote the activity of fibroblast growth factor (GFs)
increase collagen synthesis

bronchitis, paediatric pneumonia, respiratory infections, promote immunity

bronchial asthma,etc
reduce tissue edema
improve blood circulation
auxiliary treatment with antibiotics
diabetes, diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular
lesion, diabetic foot, etc.

lower blood glucose

lower blood lipids
promote blood circulation of the lower limbs
accelerate recovery of the wound

We can draw the conclucion from above: besides thermal effects, the unique
low-energy non-thermal effects produced by Zhoulin Bio-spectrum Treatment
Device has been verified by a large number of biological experiments and
clinical applications. This is the key difference between Zhoulin products and
other TDP products.

Thank you!

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