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Executive Summary

Banking is one of the most sensitive businesses all over the world. Banks play
very important role in the economy of every country all over the world and
Pakistan is no exemption. This report is about one of the leading Agriculture
Bank of the Pakistan known as Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited. ZTBL is playing
its one of the most important role in the development of the
A g r i c u l t u r e S e c t o r o f t h e P a k i s t a n . O n 1 4 th
December 2002, under the ordinance of the
Development of the Pakistan 1961, ZTBL was incorporated as Public
LimitedC o m p a n y . T h i s B a n k s e v e r s i t s v e n e r a t e d c u s t o m e r s i n t h e f o
r m o f d i f f e r e n t c u s t o m i z e d products. It is providing both type of severs financial
and non-financials mostly to its clients of the rural areas of the Pakistan, which
comprises of 68% of the Pakistans total population. The Bank has country-wide
network in the form of 349 branches and is severing round about half of the million clients
annually and over accumulated account holders with the average loan size of a r o u n d
Rs.89,000 serving 65%, 31%
& 4% of subsistence,
e c o n o m i c a n d l a r g e g r o w e r s r espectively.
Executive Summary
Banking is one of the most sensitive businesses all over the world. Banks play
very important role in the economy of every country all over the world and
Pakistan is no exemption. This report is about one of the leading Agriculture
Bank of the Pakistan known as Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited. ZTBL is playing
its one of the most important role in the development of the
Agriculture Sector of the Pakistan. On 14
D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 2 , u n d e r t h e o r d i n a n c e o f t h e Agricultural
Development of the Pakistan 1961, ZTBL was incorporated as Public
LimitedC o m p a n y . T h i s B a n k s e v e r s i t s v e n e r a t e d c u s t o m e r s i n t h e f o
r m o f d i f f e r e n t c u s t o m i z e d products. It is providing both type of severs financial
and non-financials mostly to its clients of the rural areas of the Pakistan, which
comprises of 68% of the Pakistans total population. The Bank has country-wide
network in the form of 349 branches and is severing round about half of the million clients
annually and over accumulated account holders with the average loan size of a r o u n d
Rs.89, 000 serving 65%, 31% & 4% of subsistence,
e c o n o m i c a n d l a r g e g r o w e r s respectively.
Chapter no 11INTRODUCTION1.1 History of the Bank

Pakistan is one of the agricultural country, about 75% of its population is

directly or indirectly associated with agriculture. Due to its widespread and
extensive canal system, its land is very fertile. The Agricultural Development
Finance Corporation was setuped in 1951, keeping in view t h e n e e d o f f i n a n c e t o
rapid development of agriculture sectored. It also provides
f i n a n c i a l facilities for the development and modernization of agriculture, including
forestry, fisher, animal husbandry, poultry and dairy farming. Under the Agricultural
Development Bank Act, the Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan came in being in
September 1957. Under this Bank, the agriculturists, co-operation societies
ando t h e r s w e r e p r o v i d e d t h e f a c i l i t i e s o f c r e d i t i n c a s h , w a r e h o u s i n
g a n d s t o r a g e . A g r i c u l t u r a l Development Finance Corporation
and the Agricultural Development Bank were similar infunction and
government provides capital to both of them. later On February 18, 1961, due
totheir similar functions these both came under the single banner of
Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan. Agricultural Development Bank of
Pakistan (ADBP) Under the ADB Ordinance 1961, the Agricultural Development
Bank of Pakistan (ADBP) was established originally. Then, ADBP was
reorganized into a public limited company, with the purpose of ensuring better
governance and the provision of high quality financial services to itsrural clientele. Then
all assets, business, contracts and liabilities of ADBP were taken by theZarai
Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL and on December 14, 2002 and started its
countrywideoperations as a public limited banking company. The ADBP had than
become the single largest institution in the country catering to be viable c r e d i t
need of the agriculturists and in disbursing over Rs. 5000 million
p e r a n n u m f o r t h e development and modernization of agriculture.
Conversion of ADBP into ZTBL
Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP) was converted into Zarai Taraqiati Bank
Ltd(ZTBL) by the Federal Government and it started its operations with
profound effect. It wasrestructured accompanied with new board of directors and was
titled as public limited company.Its aim under the presidential ordinance was to
ensure good governance, autonomy,
deliveringh i g h q u a l i t y , v i a b l e a n d t i m e l y
f i n a n c i a l s e r v i c e s t o a g r e a t e r n u m b e r o f c l i e n t e l e i n t h e agricultural
and rural segment of the country with adequate return to the stake holder. In
1984Zarai Taraqiati Bank (ZTBL) under the companys ordinance was
registered with SECP as a public limited and by virtue of finance order, all assets,
liabilities proceeding undertaking of theADBP stands transferred to and vested in
Zarai Taraqiati Bank with effect from December 14, 2002.T h e c o n v e r s i o n o f
ADBP into Z TBL had a con di tio na li ty o f th e Asi an De ve lo p ment

B a n k (ADB) loan framework as per which a restructuring exercise was

initiated. The restructuring process entailed ADBs Rural Finance Sector Development
Program (RFSDP) with the objectiveto transform ZTBL into a sustainable Rural Finance
Institution. It also included the up-gradationof Information technology (IT)
infrastructure for which funds from ADBs loan were to beutilized. As part of
the overall organizational revamping strategy, the bank has taken
severalinitiatives to enhance its lending activities while adopting a prudent
approach with regards tocredit quality. Kisaan Support Services (Pvt.) Limited (KSSL),
a subsidiary of ZTBL, has beenengaged to sell fertilizer to farmers at subsidized rates, while
a Memorandum of
Understanding( M o U ) i s s i g n e d b e t w e e n K S S L a n d P a k A r a b F e r t i l i z e r t
o e n s u r e t i m e l y a v a i l a b i l i t y o f agricultural inputs.The main aim behind the
restructuring of ADBP and its conversion into ZTBLis extend swore credit to the
needy segment of highly productive and yielding agri and non-farm activities. It wasdone
keeping in the mind that this step shall greatly add to the credit distribution
mechanism. National OperationThe Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited runs its operation in whole
Pakistan and also out side Pakistana n d t h e p e r s o n s c o n d u c t i n g s u c h b u s i n e s s .
T h e b a n k s t o t a l m a n p o w e r i s 7 6 6 5 h a v i n g 4 5 1 5 officers and 3150 staff.
It has 49 regional offices and 342 branches through out the Pakistanincluding
the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA), Federally Administered
NorthernArea (FANA) and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. ZTBL while completing
its period of 42 years
operational activities tried to serve the forming community through the country for their
mediumand long-term development credit needs.OrganizationFirst the head office of
the ZTBL was located in Karachi and was shifted to Islamabad later during
1973. Presently there are 9 division and 33 departments in the head office. It
has 49regional offices and 343 branch offices apart from 8 audit directorates
in the field, two staff colleges at Islamabad and Karachi. To cater for loan
requirement of the forming community at their door steps over 1408 Mobile Credit
Officers have been deployed in the field, each covering25 villages in an average.
Board of Directors:
Syed Qamar-Uz-Zaman Shah
Chairman Board
Mr. Muhammad Zaka Ashraf
President/ CEO
Mr. Yawar Zia
Mr. Qamar Zaman Chaudhry
Mr.Muhammad Iftikhar Khan Mohmand

Mr. Tauqir Ahmad Faiq
Dr. Khalid Ahmad Khokhar
Mr. Imam Bux Sheikh
Mr.Muazam Ali
Company Secretary
Emerge as a Leader in provision of agriculture credit by promoting and sustaining
productivitythrough a market/agribusiness focus. To bridge yield gaps of all agriculture
commodities and toe n s u r e t h a t t h e w e l f a r e o f f a r m i n g p o p u l a t i o n i s
r a d i c a l l y i m p r o v e d a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t i s protected from harmful human
To become a leader in guiding entrepreneurs & farmers impl
e m e n t a n a g r i b u s i n e s s a n d marketing led approach that brings str
o n g c o m m e r c i a l o r i e n t a t i o n i n p r o d u c t i o n c a t e r i n g domestic and intern
ational markets. As a specialized agriculture development bank,
deliver pragmatic technology and optimal solutions to farm communities and rural areas
across all agro-ecological zones with sensitivity to economic growth and equity. Develop
close partnership andlinkages with all its clients to dramatically transform,
restructure and revamp the agriculture scene and enhance its outreach by investing
wisely and judiciously in new approaches, ideas andmeans of mass communication.
Corporate Objectives
The prime objective of ZTBL incorporated under the companies ordinance
1984 is to provideSrural and agriculture sector and mitigates poverty. The
credit facilities in rural areas shall be provided in cash or kind at a market based a
mark-up rate that ensures operational and financialsustainability of the bank.The ZTBL is to
Develop and operate as a financially and operationally sustainable R.F.I of thecountry. To
assist rural community, particularly the small farmers, in raising their productivitya n d
income levels through timely delivery of credit, advisory and
ancillary services.
Bui ldZTBL's i mage as a pr oa ct iv e, cl ie nt fri en dl y, fin a nc ia lly & op

e r a t i o n a l l y s u s t a i n a b l e w i t h indigenous product deployment.Establish and provide

backward and forward linkages to strengthen agri. value added commoditychains. Engage
in public - private and wholesale - retail partnership to deepen outreach
andreduce operating cost. It functions as a rural commercial bank to mobilize rural capital
and to commercialize the agri. sector by delivering the true value of credit to the client.
Provide awide range of risk insurance products to its clients. Open up it venues of operation
to Domestic& International Banking Industry to avail comparative advantages.
Nature of Business
Zarai Tarqiati Bank is to provide credit facilities to the farmers, including hiring and renting
of any thing which it may advance way of loan and the provision for ware hosing facilities
of suchterms and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by its rule to
agriculturists for the purpose of agriculture and to persons engaged
in cottage industries in rural areas and providesustainable rural financing
services, particularly to small farmers.
Banks provides loans through various products/schemes for short,
m e d i u m a n d l o n g t e r m depending on the cash flow of the borrowers.The bank
gives special focus and importance to fulfill the genuine and real needs of the
smallfarmers in terms of production loans (seed, fertilizers, pesticides, POL, labor charges
etc) as wellas for working capital purpose. These loans are provided to the
needy farmers in cash and
kindu n d e r v a r i o u s s c h e m e s l i k e S a d a B a h a r , A w a m i Z a r a i , G e n e r a l C
r e d i t a n d O n e W i n d o w Operations Zarakhazi Schemes.The bank also provides
Development loans to farming community like tractors, allied agriequipments/implements, besides loans for poultry and livestock, fisheries, orchards,
plantation,and irrigation schemes etc.
Maximum Credit limit
Maximum limit of loan is Rs.1.00 million per borrower/party.
The bank advances preferably to small farmers and following criteria is
observed in overall distribution

Subsistence farmers 70%Economic farmers 20%Big farmers 10%Production loans

77.5%Development loans 22.5%The management adopts lending recovering linkage
criteria to ensure smooth operations of the bank and honor its obligations.
The bank provides loans under Agri-Pass Book System as well as other collateral acceptable
tothe bank. Simplification of loan documents is in order to facilitate the
farmers, the Bank hassimplified the loan documentation to be applicable
for three years of the loan period. The mainloan documents which are
presently being used in the branches of the bank are as under
loana p p l i c a t i o n f o r m I B - 7 R e v i s e d l o a n A g r e e m e n t c u m - G u a r a n t e e C h a r g e C r e a t i o n Certificate/Sanction Mutation entered
in bank favor sanction latter for loan
Sada Bahar SchemeOne Window Operation/Zarkhaiz SchemeCrop Maximization ProjectIIWhite Resolution SchemeRed Meat Financing Package SchemeGreen Revolution
SchemeSairab Pakistan SchemeCrop loan Insurance SchemeBanazir Tractor SchemeAwami
Zarai SchemeEstablishment of Model Village
Performance and Progress of ProjectsLoan Disbursement
During the year 2009 loans amounting to Rs.77.680 billion were disbursed to 567.415
borrowersa s c o m p a r e d t o R s . 7 0 . 6 9 8 b i l l i o n a v a i l e d b y 5 7 1 , 9 4 6
b o r r o w e r s d u r i n g t h e y e a r 2 0 0 8 . T h u s growth in amount was 10%.
Disbursement Position during the Last 5 Years
Y e a r s D i s b u r s e m e n t Growth
BorrowersServedP r o d u c t i
o n D e v e l o p m e n t T o t a l 2

. ank
disbursed total of Rs.77.680 billion in 2009 as against Rs.39.356 billion disbursed duringthe
years 2005, with borrower network of 567,415 and 441,536 respectively. The
cumulativeg r o w t h d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d u n d e r r e m a i n e d 9 7 % i n t e r
m s o f a m o u n t a n d 2 9 % i n t e r m s o f borrowers
Pay Roll Unit
Payroll unit of ZTBL consists of 700 employees. Its role is to manage
Advances given to theemployee, allowances, benefits and tax deduction over
the salaries of the employees etc. there are five types of the advances as mentioned
bellow:House building allowancesComputer allowancesPersonal loansCar loanMotor
cycleThere is 4% markup charged over the employees on the house building
allowances while nomarkup is charged over the personal loans, which is in the benefit of
the employees. Non clericalstaff is given 18% allowance, while clerical staff is given 15%
allowance on the basic pay.A l l o w a n c e s a n d b e n e f i t s a r e g i v e n o n t h e b a s i s
o f t h e s c a l e s o f t h e e m p l o y e e s . T h e r e a r e different scales of the employees as
mentioned bellow:1 to 3 Scale for non clerical employees4 to 7 scale for clerical employees7
onwards for officersThe amount of allowances and advances are transferred
through a transfer voucher. Different t y p e s o f t h e v o u c h e r s a r e u s e d i n
Z T B L s u c h a s d e b i t v o u c h e r , c r e d i t v o u c h e r a n d t r a n s f e r voucher. The
credit and debit voucher are in the branches of the ZTBL, while transfer voucher isused in
the ZTBL Head Office.Day 2: 20-7-2010, Munir hussain OG 2ZTBL consists of staff
training school, which facilitates the refresher courses in training programto the existing
employees of the ZTBL. Training school preplan the training schedule for
theupcoming year, which is approved by the higher authorities and send letter to different
trainingzonal offices for training purpose.Employees coming form the different branches are
entertained through lecture on banking
sector a n d a r e g i v e n t e c h n i q u e s t o i m p r o v e s k i l l s r e q u i r e d i n t h i s c u r
r e n t w o r l d o f c o m p e t i t i v e environment. ZTBL hire the trainer of the program both
internally as well as internally
Lecture Fee
These trainers charge the lecture fee, which is disbursed by the HO Account
Department. Theentry is passed in the GL Head (General Leger Head) as debit
the speaker fee and credit the ZTBL. Above transaction is done, while using the excel
format as mentioned bellow:S. No. PP No. Account No Speaker AmountAmount of
the lecture is given to the speakers with respect to the grade vice. Minimum amountis Rs400

for grade 16 to 18, and maximum amount is Rs600 for 19 grade officer.It is required for
the external speaker to open account into the ZTBL for error free
transaction.This transaction usually takes two days to take place.
Leave In Cashment
When leave of the employee is not approved by the bank then that leave is
changed into cash.The criteria for this mentioned by the SBP, which stats that it is only
possible when there is 180days balance of the employee, below this it would not
work. This transaction takes place as followEmployee CreditBank credit
Education Stipend/ Allowance
Education stipend is special relief for all staff including non clerical, clericals and officers,
wherea s e d u c a t i o n a l l o w a n c e i s o n l y o p p o r t u n i t y a v a i l a b l e t o n o n
clerical and clerical staff. Theemployees apply through the
application forms, while submitting that to the Staff
W e l f a r e Department Three children are allowed for the stipend allowance and 300 are
added in the salaryof the employee. For the education stipend minimum 65%
marks criteria is set by the bank.Students of the 6
to 8
are given Rs224 per month, 9
and 10
are given Rs376 per month
where as students of the XI and XII are given Rs388 per month and bachelors to master are
givenRs400 per month. Top 10 students in their studies are awarded Rs1200 per child.
President Club Charge
President club charges are Rs1300 per month.
Payment of Special Duty Allowance
It is the criteria of the bank that if the employee will perform special duty after the bank
timingsthen he will be given special duty allowance. Employees who perform special duty
from 5 PM to8 PM or 10 PM then they are given Rs200 per day.
Arrear of Salaries
Arrears are the result of increment, promotion of the employees or other differences of the
actualsalary and paid salary. These arrears are handled by the payroll unitDay 3Sher
allumgeer AVP IBR UNIT
IBR Unit
HO Account Department consists of IBR unit, in which reconciliation of the
transaction takes place. These transactions are of two types, one is transaction in between
branches and other is

in b e t w e e n a n d h e a d o f f i c e . C e n t r a l A c c o u n t i n g s y s t e m H e a d O f f i c e
I s l a m a b a d i s u s e d f o r reconciliation purpose. It consists of central
accounting file/ entry quarry. Again it consists of t w o f i l e s , o n e i s
originating file and other is respondent file. From originate file
f u n d s a r e transferred, while from respondent file funds are received. In these accounts
transfer voucher isused as base.When errors occurred in the transaction then the balances
does not tally. Errors in these accountsmostly occur due to wrong code of branch or mixing
of both debit and credit accounts or
througho t h e r w r o n g e n t r y . T o s o l v e t h i s p r o b l e m o f e r r o r s r e c
onciliation method is used. Inter
reconciliation unit in HO Account Department collects whole data from country wide
branchesand if there is problem of reconciliation, IBR Unit inform the branches
to reconciliation thetransaction. If there is error in the data collected in IBR
Unit then software shows the status of 99. After reconciliation when balances
tally then the software show the status of 00. The
heado f f i c e s e n d s a d v i c e s t o b r a n c h e s t h r o u g h m a i l a n d l i s t f o r m . A c
c o r d i n g t o t h e p r u d e n t i a l regulations issued by the State Bank of Pakistan
reconciliation should take place with in 30 days, but for certain times it takes place after
due date.
Employees Funds Unit
HO Accounts Department of ZTBL consists of Employee fund unit.
Major responsibilities
of t h i s u n i t c o n s i s t s o f a c t i v i t i e s r e l a t e d t o t h e m a n a g i n g f u n d s , i n v
e s t m e n t o f s u r p l u s f u n d s , payments of retirement benefits of gratuity,
pension, GPF, GTI, BF grants etc. to out going employees. It is also the
responsibility of this unit to prepare the accounts of the funds annuallyand these are later
audited by external auditors. Further more it records the contribution towardsemployees
funds and maintains individual accounts in visionary funds where ever applicable.
Itmaintains the book of accounts of trust funds and invests the surplus funds and
manages the
auditw i t h t h e h e l p o f C h a r t e r e d A c c o u n t a n t s F i r m s . I t f a c i l i t a
t e s t h e p a y m e n t i f b e n e f i t s o f Benvolevent Funds, Pensions,
Provident, Gratuity and Group Term Insurance (GIT). It alsofacilitates the
payments of various benefits just as death compensation/donation to
deceasedemployees family and marriage grant to clerical staff etc. It manages outstanding
staff advanceso f e m p l o y e e s w h o d i e d u r i n g b a n k s e r v i c e s . I t r e c o v e r s
f u n d s p r o v i d e n t f u n d s a d v a n c e s . I t facilitates the arrangement of actuarial
valuation study as required under International accountingstandarad-19This unit consists of
trustees, who manage these funds through operational staff of this unit. Theregulations,
standards and instructions of the banks are kept at first priority while managing thesefunds.

According to the regulations of the bank, Head of the Accounts and in charge of
employeefunds are chief trustee and trustee according to their functional
position. To select the chief trustee, according to the Banks fund regulation two third
rules is applied.This unit manages different types of the funds for different purposes as
shown in figure in

1 Z T B L
E m p l o y e e
B e n e f i t
F u n d T o
w r i t e - o f f / a d j u s t
h o u s e
b u i l d i n g
a n d conveyance advances of all officer/staff whodie during Bank service
and payment of
(Officers)Payment of
BF grant as admissible under rules3 Z T B L B e n e v o l e n t F u n d
( S t a f f ) P a y m e n t o f B F g r a n t a s
a d m i s s i b l e u n d e r r u l e s ; Funeral charges & Marriage
e m p l o y e e s o n s u p e r a n n u a t i o n o r v o l u n t a r i l y exit from service after
completion of 25 year of service.5
SSR-1961)Gratuity is paid to employees having
less then10 year of service. After 10 years of service thegratuity is transferred to pension
SR2005)P a y m e n t o f g r a t u i t y a s s e v e r a n c e b e n e f i t t o employees regulated under
FundP a y m e n t o f a c c o u n t b a l a n c e s d
u r i n g s e r v i c e or/and accumulated Provident Fund to member at exit from
service.8 Z T B L
G e n e r a l
P r o v i d
e n t
F u n d (Officers)P a y m e n t o f a c c o u n t b a l a n c e s d u r i n
g s e r v i c e or/and accumulated Provident Fund to member at exit from
service.9 Z T B L
G e n e r a l
P r o v i d
e n t
F u n d (Staff)P a y m e n t o f a c c o u n t b a l a n c e s d u r i n g s
e r v i c e or/and accumulated Provident Fund to member at exit from

service.1 0 Z T B L
C o n t r i b u t o r y
P r o v i d e n t FundP a y m e n t o f a c c o u n t b a l a n c e s d u r i n g s
e r v i c e or/and accumulated Provident Fund to member at exit from service.
Central Accounts Department of ZTBLAims & Objectives

The central accounts department of ZTBL formulate and maintain a

c c o u n t i n g p o l i c e s a n d procedures manuals accounting standards to ensure
dissemination and implementation across the bank. It formulates and prepares financial
statements keeping in the view of the requirement
of B a n k . I t a l s o m a k e s s u r e t h e p r o p e r a c c o u n t i n g o f A s s e t s ,
l i a b i l i t i e s , a n d I n c o m e a n d Expenditure.
Central accounting department issues instructions related to accounting polices and
procedures.Central Accounts Department of ZTBL consists of five units like
Policy Unit, Accounts Unit, Corporate Tax Unit, Fixed Asset unit, Prepayment Unit.
Policy Unit
Policy Unit plans accounting procedures of accounting in both head office and
branches andcoordinate with other departments with in the head office on the different
policy meters. It dealsc o o r d i n a t i o n o f e x t e r n a l a u d i t o r s a n d a r r a n g e
p a y m e n t t o t h e m . I t f o r m u l a t e s b a n k c h a r g e s schedules and circulates
among the branches and submits to SBP on half yearly basis. It
dealsw i t h m a n a g e m e n t l e t t e r a n d e x e c u t i v e s u m m a r y a n d s u g g e s t s g u
i d e l i n e s f o r a d j u s t m e n t o f suspense account. It performs administrative
functions for the department such as sanction of l e a v e s a n d b u d g e t
preparation. This unit also provides guidelines to the branches
r e g a r d i n g rectification of accounting errors and audit observation.
Accounts unit
The Account unit of the Central Accounts Department coordinates with concerned
departmentsf o r t h e t i m e l y p r o d u c t i o n o f s t a t e m e n t o f a f f a i r s . I t p r e p a r
es financial statements whilingcompiling balances under relevant
group of heads from trial balances. It makes the list
of abnormal entries for rectification. It prepares quarterly, half yea
rly and yearly financialstatements for the audit committee. It
p r e p a r e s a n n u a l c a p i t a l a d e q u a c y r a t i o s t a t e m e n t f o r certification by
external auditors.
Tax unit
The Tax unit of the Central Accounts Department of the ZTBL provides guidelines of
deductiono f t h e t a x u n d e r t h e o r d i n a n c e o f i n c o m e t a x 2 0 0 1 a n d

collects tax payment documentaryevidences for tax deducted. It

c o m m u n i c a t e s a n d c o o r d i n a t e s w i t h t a x c o n s u l t a n t , S B P a n d income
tax authorities and collects related to the tax refund case form consultant. It pays advancetax
and prepares the statement along with tax related audit.
Fixed assets unit
It sends out timely formats and procedures for the fixed assets to the Zones, Branches, and
HeadOffice Department. It deals with collection of fixed assts schedules as
well as other requireddocuments from branches and head office department. It
compiles and summarizes the fixedassets schedules on country level along
with data maintenance. This unit on quarterly basis compiles the addition and
deletion of fixed assets. It works to monitor and verify the disposal of fixed assets and
depreciation charged by the departments and head office on quarterly basis.
Itcalculates and accounts for the deferred tax assets and coordinates and cooperates with
externaland internal auditors on the different issues of the fixed assets of the bank.
Pre-payment verification unit
Pre-payment unit of the ZTBL Bank is designed to verify all payment
structures related to theHead Office. It checks availability and competence of
sanction of the competent authority. It works to check procedural compliance and
completeness of documents.
Budget and Fund Management DepartmentAim and Objective
The main aim of Budget and Fund Management Department of ZTBL
Bank is prepare thefinancial plane for
the credit limits, fund review and to arrange additional resources f
o r maintenance of additional liquidity for efficient distribution, timely discharge of
liabilities andoperations of Bank.
Budget and fund management department of ZTBL mainly develops the policies, procedures
andstandards for the budget planning and analysis. It coordinate and cooperate with
administrativeand government in order to resolve budget issues. It automates budget process
and preserves thed a t a a n d o b t a i n s a p p r o v a l f r o m B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s f o r
a n n u a l b u d g e t . I t g a t h e r t h e d a t a o f various departments and analysis that for
their performance. Further it consists of four units asdescribed bellow.Budget Planning
UnitBudget Analysis UnitTreasury UnitFund Reconciliation Unit
Budget Planning Unit
The Budget planning unit of the Budget and fund management department of the ZTBL
developsd e p a r t m e n t a l p o l i c e s p r o c e d u r e s a n d s t a n d a r d s f o r t h e f i n a n c
i a l m a n a g e m e n t a n d b u d g e t planning processes and parameters. It communicates
with administrative and governance groupsin order to resolve the budget issues. It

compiles and process necessary information for the preparation of annual reports. It
generally evaluates and review expenditures and submits to theaudit committee. Its
further role is to provide information and analysis for the purpose of the annual
planning and effective efficient decision making.
Budget Analysis Unit
It generally analyzes and monitors financial activities of departmen
t s w h i c h s h o w t h e i r performance. On the basis its analyzed results
performs the highly effective steps. It develops assumptions and strategies for future
budget cycle
Treasury Unit
Treasury Unit is engaged in the arrangement of the fund for the
d i f f e r e n t p u r p o s e s t o t h e branches and maintains their records. It manages
Banks accounts with SBP and commercial banks such as MCB, HBL, and UBL
and so on. It checks out the appropriate balances in the branches if there are
excess balances then its calls for and if there is less balances then it transfer the funds and
also declare the deposit rates for the depositors. It performs the role of coordinator while
performing the role of coordination with SBP, commercial, Internal and External auditorson
the matters of treasury. It deals the matters of investment of surplus funds
provided by the branches.
Funds Reconciliation Unit
It mainly plays the role of reconciliation of Bank accounts with other commercial banks at
HeadOffice, due maintenance of check and balance of funds received or remitted from other
branches.Advices issued by branches are responded by Funds Reconciliation Department. It
also monitorsthe reconciliation of bank accounts with other commercial banks.
Regulatory Reporting Deportment
The regulator gives instructions What to do, when to do and hoe to do
as Government agenciesand SBP etc, while reporting means perpetrations of the reports
and submission of the reports tothe regulators. Thats why this department reports
certain information to the regulators and ensures it that bank has compiled
all instructions.
Aims and objectives
It aims to fulfill the statuary reporting requirements and provides financial
reporting to themanagement for the specific purposes. Its objective is to provide and
ensure the effectiveness inmeeting statutory reporting obligations. It makes
prompt and accurate analysis to aid effective decision making. In last it ensures the
implementation of the Basal-II.
It reformulates and redesigns system of data capturing, its consolid
a t i o n a n d s u b s e q u e n t reporting keeping in mind regulatory requirements. It
ensures the implementation of updated reporting requirements, which are update time

by time. It analysis the financial results and repotsit to concerned authority and
arrange compliance with external and internal auditors. Further more it performs
the job suggested by the regulatory authority.
Reporting process
There are mainly five steps in reporting process, which are defined bellow:
Data Capturing
This is the step in which data is gathered from various sources such as field offices,
deportmentssuch as CAD and ISD and from financial reports such as Accounts, D/R Series
In this step the gathered data is consolidated in to single hole, because this data is collected
fromvarious sources.
Data verification
In this step collected data is verified weather the collected data is valid and true or not,
becausethe collected data is not all ways reliable. It needs very careful examination due
to possible errorsand mistakes, which are later rectified for report generation purpose.
Report generation
On the basis of analyzed and verified data is injected in the form of reports which is
provided bySBP.
In this last step the complete formed reports are submitted to the regulatory
authorities such asSBP. The main sources of submission are courier and online.
ExperiencePersonal Experience
My internship was started on 6
of July at Operation Division of the ZTBL Islamabad. Firstly wemet with Sir Mahmood
Karim Qureshi Sahib, he is the Senior Vice President of BD &
MDd e p a r t m e n t . W e w e r e t h e u n d e r s u p e r v i s i o n o f S V P B D &
M D d e p a r t m e n t . H e w a r m l y welcomed in the ZTBL Head Office and gave us
the Brief introduction of the ZTBL and purposeof the organization. After meeting
with SVP of BD & MD department I moved to the ZTBLIslamabad Branch, to
the operation branch as Schedule given in the internship letter issued byZTBL
Head Office. I spend my first two weeks of Internship at ZTBL Islamabad
Branch atoperational Branch. As I wanted to the get information and
knowledge about work which isgoing on grass root level, where the basic work is
performing.During internship period (8 weeks) in ZTBL (Internal Audit
Department), I learned a lot of knowledge from the experts and highly qualified

persons. It was necessary to fulfill the practicalrequirements of the degree of master of

business administration.
Chapter no 2Learning and personal Internship experience
Practical world is different from that we studied in books. When students
getting their degreesfrom their institutions, every one have its mind set goal,
either he wanted to start his personal business or wanted to get a good job. Internship
is the compulsory academic requirement whereyou are studying in the institute. As Im
student of MBA and I selected the ZTBL Bank for
myl e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e b e c a u s e Z T B L i s t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a l o r g a n i z a
t i o n o f t h e P a k i s t a n . I t s technology is used for the high production
development, so that it was our nicer chance to get into this to enhance the learning
approach and get good experience from the organization.

Regulatory and reporting deportment

Grades of


With an integrated network of over 27 zonal offices and 342 branches in Pakistan
Conclusion and RecommendationsRecommendations
ZTBL should improve the Management system.They should be employee and customer
oriented.They have to introduce the dress coat into the organization.Loaning procedure
should be easier and convenient to the customers and easy processing system.They should
adopt the new agriculture technology for the high level production to increase
theGDP level of the country.ZTBL has to play vital role for introducing new
energies to overcome the problems of the fuel and bio gas.Political involvement
should be eliminated so that they can take good decision and actions for the
better disbursement.Marketing department should play vital rol for introducing
new products.They should also play role for advertise their products and features and
functions of the products.ZTBL Head Office has to update the annual reports and manuals
annually.They should hire the employee on the merit basis.Their employees have to
knowledge about their organization and about its department where they are
working.Employees should be qualified and productive.
ZTBl has to introduce again for Project Financing scheme. Because the scheme was
successful b e f o r e b u t d u e t o t h e s o m e h u r d l e s i t w a s c l o s e d . B u t i t
r e a l l y h i g h l y b e n e f i t e d t h e w h o l e country.The banks logo and its color should be
changed.Fresh and energetic graduates should be select for the recruitment on the merit
base.Bank should also be male and female oriented for the better performance of the
organization.ZTBL has to started Online banking system so that their customer
will get benefit from their services and number customer will increase to their
organization.ZTBL has to introduce ATM card service to facilitate their customersZTBL has
to focus on commercial banking alsoIntroduction of New Branches to expand their
business.Introduction of DMS to overall branches

Performance Analysis of the company


It provides the loan at cheaper interest rate as compare to the other Banks.

In Pakistan, majority of the farmers is poor thats why farmers are required to
get loanfrom the bank so ZTBL has a very vast market to operate in.

ZTBL gets most of the funds from different developmental instituti

o n s i n c l u d i n g Government, ADP, and SBP etc. so in case of bad debts the
bank wont have to suffer alot.

It is affiliated with different research institutions and it has all sor

t o f a g r i c u l t u r a l machines and technology so it can easily achieve its aim
which is the development of agriculture in Pakistan.

ZTBL has a staff college for the training of its employees in Islamabad,
through proper training more efficient team of employees can be made which shall be
beneficial in tough banking competition.

One of the core competency of the bank is its MCOs because ZTBL is the only
bank w h i c h h a s a t e a m o f h i g h l y e x p e r i e n c e d a n d p r o p e r l y t r a i n e d
M C O s w h o c a n e a s i l y disburse loan and can achieve recovery target quickly hence
risk of bad debts is reduced.

Through different computer softwares data is kept and maintained.

S o m e o f t h e s e softwares are CFOCS, DMS, MIS, and HRIS etc.

ZTBL has no competitors in the market, some banks started lending

f a c i l i t y f o r a g r i business but due to lack of efficient team of MCOs those banks had to
suffer heavy loss.

The farmers have a trust on ZTBL because of its operations and the behavior
of mobilecredit officers.

Audit zone performing its job in a better way to rectify the errors and fraud cases.

Sometimes the lending is done on political basis. Due to the influence of political leadersthe
recovery system is affected which leads to bad debts.

The bank has no treasury department due to which funds are not being
properly utilizedand the bank is missing a great opportunity to earn profit.

There is exuberance of old, non technical and uneducated employees in ZTBL.

Theseemployees are promoted to senior level management on the basis of
seniority due towhich performance is affected.

Some cases of nepotism are often seen in the bank when loans are given by the
branchmanagers to their relatives and fake data is maintained.

Most of the employees even seniors managers are computer illiterate. They
can evencheck their emails properly. So IT implementation seems to be failed in the bank
due torigid attitude of employees because they are not adaptable to change.

They are lacking of banking online system.


By utilizing the efficient team of MCOs the bank can have heavy amount of deposits.

The bank can set up its treasury department in Karachi for proper utilization of the fundsand
for maximum profit earning.

The bank can reduce its expenses by laying-off non performing employees.

The bank has a good reputation in the market and its employees are highly
trained for agri business development planning so it can also operate in
Middle East because the Arabs are now focusing on agriculture.

ZTBL can become a leading commercial bank by slightly changing

i t s c u l t u r e . I t i s already equipped with highly experienced bank officers.

As the economy situation is very bad and the country is facing liquidity
crunch thatswhy ZTBL may have to face difficulty in getting funds.

In order to overcome the liquidity problem the bank has started operating in
commercial banking market but due to inefficient commercial banking practices
ZTBL may have toface a severe situation.

The climate of the earth is rapidly changing due to which heavy rains and floods are
oftenanticipated. This is an alarming situation for ZTBL to operate in the market being an

The bank has a very small profit margin because it gets funds from
S B P a t 6 % a n d provides funds to the farmers at 8% only.

Agricultural crop rate decreasing each year


The recovery procedure of the ZTBL loan is to carried and taken by three stepssuch as
recovery schedule, issuance of notice and legal action which is briefly explainas under;
4.3.1Recovery Schedule:
recovery schedule in each
loanc a s e a s p e r t e r m s o f s a n c t i o n o f l o a n i s f
i x e d a n d communicated to the borrowers after disbursement of loan. In
case of default or failure in repayment of any installmenton due date the mark-up shall
continue to be charged and
lasti n s t a l l m e n t d u e t o t h i s m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e a m o u n t o f insta
llments fixed at the time of disbursement.
4.3.2Issuance of Notice:
The ZTBL can issue notice for recoveryo f l o a n w h i c h i s k n o w n a s

Demand Notice
. I t i s i s s u e d before the due date of every installment. A legal notice
isissued one month after the due date informing the borrower t h a t i f t h e
a m o u n t i s n o t r e p a i d w i t h i n n e x t o n e m o n t h , further legal action will
be taken to recover the dues.
4.3.3Legal Action:

The legal action can be initiated against the d e f a u l t e r i f l o a n i s n o t r e p a i d

e v e n a f t e r e x p i r y o f l e g a l notice period. Where the court in bank's favor has
decreed acase, account is to be settled by recovery of amount from theauction of the
mortgaged property. The bank may purchasethe mortgaged property if
considered feasible to dispose it off later on through auction or in any manner deemed
for g e t t i n g t h e b e s t p r i c e . T h e b a n k m a y d i s p o s e o f f t h
e mortgaged properties of defaulters for satisfaction of its dueswith out intervention of
courts under Financial InstitutionsOrdinance 2001

The ZTBL provides loans for the development and growth of rural areas
anduplift of farm activities. The loans of ZTBL are briefly explained as under;
4.2.1 Production Loans:
These loans are given to farmers for seed, fertilizer, pesticides, labor charges
etc. to grow crops and vegetables including working capital for poultry, dairy,
orchard and fishery and are recoverable within one and half year. The amount of
disbursement of production loan, at the end of December 31, is50,222 million for overall
four provinces. The example of production loans items aregiven as
2 . P e s t
i c i d e s ,
i n s e c t i c i d e s
a n d
h e r b
i c i d e s
m a n u a l
s p r a y e r s 3
5 . W a t e r
c h a r g e
a n d
e l e c t r i c
c h a r g e s
f o
t u b e
w e l l 6 . P r o d u c t i o n
l o a n
f o r
g r o w t h
o f
m u
s h r o o m 7

fuel wood for tobacco curing

Institute of Management Sciences, Kohat University of Science & Technology

Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Report
4.2.2 Development Loans:
The loans for purchase of items like farm machinery,tractors, irrigation, land
development, orchard, green houses, dairy, poultry, fishery,livestock, farming..etc
are recoverable up to one to eight years. The amount of disbursement of
development loan is 5,690 million at the end of 2007, for overall four provinces.
However, the provinces wise disbursement of loans & its percentages at end of
31st December, 2007 is given as under;
S . N o . P r o v i n c e s D i s b u r s e m e n t o f
Moreover, the term wise disbursement of loans of bank is on short, medium and longterm
The short term loans are also called production loans having maturity periodis
one year
loans are given to farmers for seed, fertilizer, pesticides, labor chargesetc. to grow crops
and vegetables. These loans are recoverable in lumpsum commencing after the harvest or
marketing of respective crops.
Medium term loans are for development and advance purposes the examples of
these loans are dairy farming and livestock. The installments of these loans aremade on
monthly, biannually and annually basis and the recovery or maturity period is 5

The long term loans are for tractor, agricultural

machinery, poultry farming,and orchard. The installments of these loans are made on
monthly, biannually andyearly basis and the maturity period is 8 years and above.

The ZTBL provides various schemes for customers, in order to strengthen therural
and agricultural sector of econnomy, mitigate poverty and accelarte groth.
TheSchemes of the ZTBL is which is briefly explains as under ;
4.1.1 Sairab Pakistan Scheme:
T h e Z T B L c a n r a i s e t h e i r r i g a t e d a r e a f o r t h e purpose to accelerate rate
economic growth and to facilitate the farmers. The ZTBLhas assigned the
collaboration agreement with the KSB Pumps Company Limitedunder the
Sairab Pakistani Scheme. The ZTBL will provide loans to the farmers
for installation of tube wells and turbines whereas KSB Pumps Company
Limited will provide quality pumps, turbines, equipments to borrowers for
efficient pumping of w a t e r s . T h e w a t e r c a n p l a y s v i t a l r o l e t o i m p r o v e
p e r a c r e y i e l d . O u t o f t o t a l 3 1 million hectors area of the Pakistan, 22 million
hectors is cultivated while 9 million
hectors is not cultivated & waste mainly due to non-availability of water. More over increase
in water supply being a key input is required to raise cropping intensity andhence the income
of the farmer. Since inception the ZTBL financed over 143000 tubewells amounting to
Rs.15 billion. The KSB Pumps Company will provide qualitymachinery and
equipment for efficient pumping of water. The company shall also provide
after sale service including replacement of parts and availability of
sparesthrough its network of dealers despite technological advancements and rapid
growthof industrial sector, agriculture is still the back bone of the Pakistan's
economy. Itcontributes 22% towards the GDP and employs nearly 45% of country's labor
force.It provides raw material for preparation of industrial products. So it has both
pulled & pushes effect on the economy.
4.1.2Supervised Agriculture Credit Scheme:
U n d e r t h i s s c h e m e a g r i c u l t u r e loans are given for short, medium and long term
loans up to Rs.1 million
per b o r r o w e r . T h e l o a n s a r e s a n c t i o n e d f o r f a t s , l i v e s t o c k , o r c h a r d ,
t r a c t o r , agricultural machinery, tube well and irrigation facilities. Under the
scheme besides provision of credit, information is to the farmers for planning

thefarm, production, guidance for implementation of the scheme, marketing andrepayment

of loans.
4.1.3White Revolution Scheme:
I n o r d e r t o m o d e r n i z e t h e d a i r y f a r m i n g f o r increasing milk supply, mitigate
poverty in Pakistan, and improving the livingstandards of the rural areas in Pakistan for the
purpose to achieve growth andd e v e l o p m e n t i n a g r i c u l t u r e s e c t o r
of Pakistan, the ZTBL may start the
Strategic Partnership
a g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e P a k i s t a n D e v e l o p m e n t D i a r y Company (PDDC) and
the Nestle Pakistan Limited (NPL) under the white revolution scheme. Under this
participatory approach, the diary sector would b e m o d e r n i z e d w i t h a v i e w t o
i n c r e a s e m i l k s u p p l y , m i t i g a t e p o v e r t y a n d improve the living standard of the
rural population. The ZTBL has
earmarkedf u n d s t o t h e t u n e o f R s . 5 0 0 0 m i l l i o n s f o r f i n a n c i n g o
f 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n i m a l s (buffaloes and imported cows) during the five years period 2007 to
2011. The
PDDC will also help the ZTBL in the selection of clients and processing
of loan cases. Initially the schemes will be for modernization of 5000
farmersduring 5 years period involving Rs.700 million. Under the scheme 1000
farmswould be covered on yearly basis. The modernization of dairy farm will
becarried out through financing milk cooling tank, generator, voltage stabilizer,hot water
geezer, water pump, cooling pad and other dairy equipment. There w o u l d b e
maximum limit of loan of Rs.1 million per borrower party.
T h e PDDC would bear the entire amount of mark-up charged in the loan cases
& provided the 50% of principal part of loan is repaid in time by the
borrower.The remaining 50% amount of principal along with the amount of
mark-upwould be paid by the PDDC.The Nestle Pakistan Limited would help to select and
identify good clients for the ZTBL to improve quality breed of foreign and local dairy
animals. The NPL can provide technical guidance to the farmers through nestle veterinary
doctors. The NPLwould purchase milk through its network and make weekly payments of
milk sale tothe ZTBL for the adjustment of loan.
4.1.4 Micro Credit Scheme:
This Scheme has been launched since 15th July, 2000for the uplift of rural poor. The
landless poor such as; tillers, harries and small
lando w n e r s h a v i n g l a n d n o t e x c e e d i n g 2 a c r e s m a y a v a i l l o a n
u n d e r M i c r o C r e d i t Scheme. It is operational in all branches of the ZTBL
through all the Mobile Credit Officers. Both, men and women may obtain loans under
the scheme as an individualor as a member of group of 5-10 members. The
minimum credit limit is Rs.
5,000w h i l e m a x i m u m c r e d i t l i m i t i s R s . 2 5 , 0 0 0 .

O n e h u n d r e d a n d t h i r t y s i x i n c o m e generating activities or cottage industry items

have been identified for lending under the scheme. The loan may be advanced
against one surety with 50% solvency of theassessed value of property owned
by the guarantor or security of tangible property.Being small loans involving
high cost 18% per annum mark-up is charged,
whereas2 % r e b a t e i s g i v e n o n t i m e l y r e p a y m e n t . A l l l o a n s u n
d e r t h e s e S c h e m e s a r e recoverable within 18 months after disbursement of loan
Zarkhaiz Scheme (One Window Operation):
For timely and conveniently provision of credit to purchase inputs, loans
is provided to the borrowers under thisscheme being conducted twice a week during
Rabi & Kharif seasons. All the relateddepartments such as revenue, agriculture, post
office.etc. attend the focal points which are established at convenient places. The
farmers get their pass books preparedand loan applications processed on the same
day whereas sanction payments are m a d e w i t h i n t h r e e d a y s a t b r a n c h . F o r
R a b i c r o p s , o n e w i n d o w o p e r a t i o n f r o m October to January and for Kharif
crops from April to September each year which isextendable as per requirement of particular
4.1.6 Sada Bahar Scheme:
For providing timely input loans for crops and workingcapital for poultry and fishery
etc, the ZTBL has launched a Sada Bahar Scheme. T h i s s c h e m e i s a l s o
k n o w n a s R e v o l v i n g F i n a n c e S c h e m e . T h e a s s e s s m e n t f o r inputs
requirements for the whole year is made at the time of first application.
Theamount so assessed is treated as revolving limit provided it is within the
securitylimit. The managers are authorized to sanction such loan limits up to Rs.5 Lake.
Thesalient features of the scheme are given as under:
Revolving Credit Limit is fixed to cater production credit and ancil
l a r y requirements of the farmers during one year period.
The borrowers can draw the credit in lump sum or in installments according tohis
The borrowers can repay in lump sum or in installments during the year whenhis cash
position allows him.
The Pass Book containing transactions in his account is supplied to
every borrower free of cost.
4.1.7 Tea Financing Scheme:

In order to increase the tea cultivation in Mansehra,S w a t , M u t t a a n d D i r

i n M a l a k a n d D i v i s i o n , t h e t e a f i n a n c i n g s c h e m e h a s b e e n introduced
which would not only save the hard earned foreign exchange but would
also help to improve the socio-economic condition and living
s t a n d a r d o f t h e inhabitants of the area. The salient features of the scheme are given as
The maximum credit ceiling of Rs.60,000 per acre has been fixed.
All the farmers owing land up to five acres are eligible to avail loans.
The amount of credit will be given in three installments; th
e f i r s t y e a r installment is Rs.30,000, second year installment
i s R s . 1 5 , 0 0 0 a n d t h i r d installment is year Rs.15,000.
The credit would be repayable within 11 years with 6 years grace period with prescribed
markup of 9% per annum

During my internship here in ZTBL, I found that ZTBL has high level of
professionalism and challenging environment and its culture is friendly. ZTBL seems Top
Agriculture Financing inthe future as indicated by the financial indicators. It
keeps energy and potential to serve the deserving clients in all over the world. The
bank has set itself a vision to be a world-class bank.T h i s c a n o n l y b e a c h i e v e d
with dedication and a passion to excel in every activity. I
r e a l l y admire ZTBLs policy makers for designing investor friendly and
customer oriented products.The bank is really working well and contributing a
valuable part in the economy of Pakistanthrough tax, giving loan to
government, giving loans to the businesses for their survival and expansion,
generating a well skilled human resource and employment etc. During this internship,I really
learned Professionalism, leadership skills, communication skills, problem solving
skills,situation analysis skills and how to become a good mentor etc

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