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1. Brake system in which compressed air is used in the brake cylinder for the application of brake is
called airbrake system
2. Single pipe airbrake system used in goods stock
3. The dia of main feed pipe is 25mm
4. The dia of main brake pipe is 25mm
5. The dia of branch feed pipe is 20mm
6. The dia of branch brake pipe is 20mm
7. Auxiliary reservoir is connect with feed pipe
8. The pressure inside the brake pipe is 5kg/cm2
9. The pressure inside the feed pipe 6kg/cm2
10. Under normal condition the brake pipe is charged with 5kg/cm2 from the loco
11. Main reservoir present in loco
12. The pressure inside main reservoir is 7kg/cm2
13. The pressure inside auxiliary reservoir is 6kg/cm2
14. Capacity of auxiliary reservoir is 200 liter
15. Auxiliary reservoir is charged through feed pipe
16. When brake pipe pressure is 5kg/cm2 then brake cylinder is connected to atmosphere
17. Heart of the brake system DV (distributor valve)
18. The capacity of controlled reservoir is 6liter
19. The pressure inside CR is 5kg/cm2
20. CR is charged through brake pipe
21. When brake pipe pressure is reduced by LP then DV connects the auxiliary reservoir to brake
22. The maximum pressure inside the brake cylinder from auxiliary reservoir is 3.8kg/cm2
23. Material used in manufacturing of air reservoir is mild steel
24. How many types of process involved in airbrake system 4(four)
25. Brake pipe is indicated with green color paint
26. Feed pipe is indicated with white color paint
27. NRV in airbrake system used for unidirectional flow of compressed air
28. The no of house pipes in one coach is 4
29. The no of AR in one coach 1
30. The no of brake cylinder present in one coach 4
31. The no of isolating cocks present in one coach 5
32. The brake application time in twin pipe airbrake system is 3to5 seconds
33. The brake release time in twin pipe air brake system is 15to20 seconds
34. The step involves in brake applications is 4step
35. In minimum reduction step of brake application BP pressure reduced by 0.5to0.8 kg/cm2
36. In service application step of brake application BP pressure is reduced by 0.8to1kg/cm2
37. In full service application step of brake application BP pressure reduced by 1to1.5kg/cm2
38. In emergency brake application BP pressure reduced by above 1.5kg/cm2
39. During brake application the pressure inside AR is 6kg/cm2
40. AR is continuously charged to 6kg/cm2 during brake application is feed pipe
41. The no of DV present in one coaching stock is 1
42. Types of DVs are KEO, C3W
43. POH periodicity of DV is 5years
44. COAC stands for cut of angle cock
45. In BOXN wagons N stands for air brake
46. The leakage permitted on the coaches 0.2kg/cm2
47. AR tested by applying air pressure 10kg/cm2
48. In PEAV exhaust port provided a dia of 8mm
49. Single pipe airbrake system used in goods stock
50. Compression spring provided in BC to comeback the brake riding after brake application
51. During charging brake cylinder is connected to exhaust through DV to keep the brake in release
52. The control reservoir is directly connected to DV through common pipe bracket
53. Air hose pipe is replaced for every 3years
54. The DV of coaching stock colored by green color


The DV of goods stock is colored by black color

the dia of BMBC is 210mm
the dia of branch pipe which connect through PEAV is 20mm
the choke dia in guard emergency brake valve is 5mm
which type of isolating cock are used in coaching stock ball type
air brake is released through recharging of brake pipe
DV isolates the brake cylinder from the auxiliary reservoir
Common pipe bracket is mounted on the under frame
COAC is dismantled and overhauled in every poh
Leakage in any port detected by soap solution
The overhauling of brake cylinder is carried out at every poh of coach
Drain cock is provided in the AR for draining out the condensate/moisture
AR is overhauled in every poh
Slack adjuster is also known as brake regulator
When E dimension of SAB decreases it indicates brake block worn, Worn out wheels, pins and
Draw and braking forces will be taken by Anchor links in ICF bogie.
The gap between brake block and wheel tread on ICF coach to be maintained is 5mm
PEASD is provided with 8 mm choke
What is the function of check valve with choke provided in the air brake system?
To permit flow of air from the FP to the AR but not in the reverse direction.
What is the following is the function of PEAV
Facilitate the passenger to intimate the driver to stop the train by reducing air pressure.
In C3W distributor valve which sub-assembly help in manual release of brakes? Double release
Twin Pipe Braking Helps in Reduces release time
What is the maximum pressure in the brake cylinder when the driver drops the BP pressure by 1.6
Kg/cm? 3.8 Kg/Cm2
In C3W distributor valve, through which sub assembly the control reservoir is charged ?
Cut off valve
In KE distributor valve, through which sub assembly the auxiliary reservoir is charged?
Which defect in C3W Distributor Valve causes brake binding ?
Main valve check valve damaged.
Which defect in KE type of Distributor valve makes the cylinder In operative?
Main diaphragm perished or Quick release valve leaking
Working Piston stroke of Bogie mounted brake cylinder? 32mm
Maximum slack take up capacity of a Bogie mounted brake cylinder? 305mm
In bogie mounted brake system at what wheel diameter the brake gear connection should be
shifted to next inner hole of connecting link? 839mm
What is the Brake cylinder pressure release time from 3.8Kg/cm2 to 0.4 Kg/cm2 with single car
test rig as per IRCA Part IV? 15 to 20 seconds.
What is the drop in brake pipe pressure during sensitivity test with SCTR?
0.6 Kg/cm in 6 Seconds
What is the validity of Brake power certificate of CC rake?
7500 Km. or 35 days which ever is earlier.
Colour of vacuum brake BPC of goods train? Pink
Colour of Brake power certificate of Air brake Goods train (End to End)? Green
Minimum percentage of effective brake cylinders on an intensively examined Air brake goods
train? 90%
Brake power percentage of Air braked CC rake at originating station? 100%
Minimum BP pressure required in brake van of 58 BOXN wagons? 4.7 Kg/cm2
Permissible leakage rate of air pressure in goods train as per G-97?0.25 kg/cm2/minute.
Condemning limit of composite brake block in goods train? 10mm
ull required to operate alarm chain apparatus? 6.4 to 10 Kg.
Condemning thickness of Composite brake blocks of a coach? 12mm
What is the dimension A OF slack adjuster for coaches with 16.25 ton bogies? 22mm
Slack adjuster e dimension of ICF coach? 375mm +/- 25mm

99. Wear on brake block does not disturb A dimension of slack adjuster? True
If a goods train is stabled for more than 24 hours the BPC becomes invalid.
What does an Air Flow indicator do? Indicates leakages of air pressure
What types of brakes are there in LHB coaches? Axle mounted disc brakes
What is the release time of a DV permitted on coaching stock? 15 to20 sec.
What is the droppage of BP pressure for full service brake application on coaching train?
1.0 to 1.5 Kg./Cm2.



The other name of pilot valve is
The L type composite brake block should be changed, if worn out beyond(a) 10 mm
(b) 15 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 22 mm
The K type composite brake block should be changed, if worn out beyond(a) 10 mm
(b) 12 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 22 mm
Capacity of air reservoir (AR) of the coach is
(a) 150 Lit.
(b) 200 Lit
(c) 250 Lit.
(d) 300 Lit.
A dimension of a passenger train (Non AC coach) is
(a) 14 2 mm (b) 16+2/-0 mm (c) 16 4 mm
(d) 18 2 mm
In an AC coach, A dimension should be
(a) 18 2 mm (b) 20 2 mm
(c) 22 2 mm
(d) 22+2/-0 mm
In a passenger train e dimension is
(a) 378 20 mm (b) 37525 mm (c) 37010 mm (d) 38020 mm
In the passenger train, the diameter of brake pipe & feed pipe is
(a) 20.0 mm
(b) 25.0 mm
(c) 28.0 mm
(d) 30.0 mm
In the passenger train, the diameter of branch pipe is
(a) 15.0 mm
(b) 18.0 mm
(c) 20.0 mm
(d) 22.0 mm
What is the diameter of branch pipe in between PEAV to PEASD?
(a) 10.0 mm
(b) 25.0 mm
(c) 30.0 mm
(d) 20.0 mm
During full service application, Brake pipe pressure is dropped to
(a) 2.0 Kg/cm2 (b) 1.0 Kg/cm2 (c) 3.0 Kg/cm (d) 1.5 Kg/cm2
At originating station the brake power percentage for mail/express train should be
(a) 85%
(b) 90%
(c) 100%
(d) 75%
Cut off angle cock can be fitted to(a) FP (b) BP (c) BP&FP both (d) None of the above
What is the piston stroke of air brake coaching train fitted with modified horizontal lever?
(a) 6010 m (b) 8010 mm (c) 8515 mm
(d) 855 mm
What is the diameter of bogie mounted brake cylinder?
(a) 220 mm
(b) 210 mm
(c) 203 mm
(d) 200 mm
The brake cylinder diameter of conventional air brake system is
(a) 205 mm
(b) 355 mm
(c) 325 mm
(d) 305 mm
The rate of air leakage in single car testing should not be more then
(a) 0.02 Kg/cm2/min
(b) 1.0 Kg/cm2/min
(c) 0.2 Kg/cm2/min
(d)0.1 Kg/cm2 /min
In emergency application the brake cylinder pressure rises from 0-3.6 kg/cm2 in
(a) 15-20 sec
(b) 5-10 sec
(c) 3-5 sec
(d) 8-10 sec
Check valve with choke allows air from
(a) BP to FP
(b) FP to CR
(c) FP to AR
(d) AR to BC
When brake is manually released by QRV, which pressure will be vent out?
(a) BC pressure (b) AR pressure (c) BP pressure (d) CR pressure
What is the pressure of control reservoir in coaching trains?
(a) 6.0 Kg/cm2(b) 5.0 Kg/cm2 (c) 6.0 to .2 Kg/cm2
(d) 4.8 Kg/cm2
In coaching trains, auxiliary reservoir is charged to (a) 5.0 Kg/cm2 (b) 6.0 Kg/cm2 (c) 4.8 Kg/cm2
(d) 5.5 Kg/cm2
Reduction in BP pressure for minimum application is (a)1.0 to1.5 Kg/cm2(b)0.8 to 1.0 Kg/cm (c)0.5 to 0.8 Kg/cm2 (d)0.1 to 05 Kg/cm2
Reduction in BP pressure for service application is (a)1.0 to 05Kg/cm2 (b) 1.0 to 1.5Kg/cm2(c) 0.5 to 0.8Kg/cm(d) 0.8 to 1.0Kg/cm2








Reduction in BP pressure for full service application is (a)1.0 to 1.5 Kg/cm2 (b)0.8 to 1.0 Kg/cm2(c)0.5 to 0.8 Kg/cm(d)0.1 to 05 Kg/cm2
Reduction in BP pressure for emergency application is (a)1.0 to 1.5Kg/cm2 (b)1.5 to 3.8Kg/cm2(c)0.5 to 0.8Kg/cm2(d)3.8 to 5.0Kg/cm2
How many dirt collectors are fitted with under frame mounted air brake system on every coach?
(a) Tw (b) One (c) Three(d) None of the above
What is the choke diameter of guards emergency brake valve?
(a) 4.0 mm
(b) 5.0 mm
(c) 6.0 mm
(d) 8.0 mm
What type of slack adjuster is used in passenger coaches?
(a) DRV-600
(b) None
(c) IRSA-450
(d) IRSA- 600
For testing C3W DV, the AR charging time from 0 to 4.8 kg/cm2 is
(a) 170 10 sec (b) 175 30 sec (c) 280 30 sec (d) 210 20 sec
For testing KE type DV, the AR charging time from 0 to 4.8 kg/cm2 is(a) 160 to 210 sec
(b) 210 to 260 sec
(c) 260 to 280 sec
(d) 180 to 200 sec
For testing C3W DV, the CR charging time from 0 to 4.8 kg/cm2 is
(a) 170 10 sec (b) 165 20 sec (c) 160 10 sec (d) 210 20 sec
For testing KE type DV, the CR charging time from 0 to 4.8 kg/cm2 is
(a) 170 10 sec (b) 160 40 sec (c) 160 10 sec (d) 210 20 sec
The three-branch pipe attached to common pipe bracket, where the middle pipe lead to
(a) CR
(b) DV
(c) BC
(d) AR
During brake release, air from BC goes to
(a) AR
(b) CR
(c) DV
(d) Atmosphere
At what schedule, testing of pressure gauge and replacement of the defective gauge in SLR?
(a) IOH
(b) A schedule (c) B Schedule (d) Special schedule
The type of dirt collector, used in bogie mounted passenger coach is (a) 2- way
(b) 4-way
(c) 3-way
(d) single way
When DV is working condition the position of DV handle is
(a) Horizontal
(b) Inclined
(c) Vertical
(d) Parallel
The en-route brake power percentages of passenger BG coaching train is
(a) 85%
(b) 90%
(c) 100%
(d) Not specified
What is the capacity of control reservoir of passenger coach?
(a) 6.0 litre
(b) 7.0 litre
(c) 9.0 litre
(d) 10.0 litre
What should be the effective maximum pressure in brake cylinder during full service application is
(a) 3.6 0.1Kg/cm2
(b) 3.7 0.1Kg/cm2
(c) 3.8 0.1Kg/cm2(d) 4.1 0. Kg/cm2
DV is directly mounted on (a) AR (b) Brake pipe (c) Brake cylinder
(d) Common pipe bracket
Which one of the following valve in DV controls charging of CR?
(a) Main valve (b) Cut off valve (c) Quick service valve (d) Limiting device
Control reservoir in air brake system is
(a) To control FP pressure
(b) To control DV valve
(c) To control Brake system
(d) None of the above
Auxiliary reservoir is assisting in
(a) Charging of DV
(b) Charging of BP
(c) Sending air to BC
(d) Charging of CR
Dirt Collector should be cleaned within
(a) At the time of IOH
(b) At the time of A schedule
(c) At the time of POH
(d) At the time of B schedule
In air brake system, brake should apply when the rate of drop of air pressure in BP is
(a) 0.6 Kg/cm2/min in six sec
(b) 0.3 Kg/cm2 in one sec
(c) 0.4 Kg/cm in one sec
(d) 0.1 Kg/cm2 in one sec
In air brake system, brake should not apply when the rate of drop of air pressure in BP is
(a) 0.3 Kg/cm2 in 60 sec
(b) 0.4 Kg/cm2 in 4 sec
(c) 0.5 Kg/cm in 30 sec
(d) 0.8 Kg/cm2 in 8 sec
The function of non-return valve used in air brake system is
(a) To reduce BP
(b) To prevent flow of air from AR to FP
(c) To prevent CR to be charged
(d) To prevent flow of air from CR to BP
Which equipment are not charged, when DV is isolated
(a) Control reservoir and brake cylinder (b) Brake cylinder




(c) Control reservoir auxiliary reservoir (d) Auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder
The vent hole is provided in the cut off angle cock to (when angle cock is closed)
(a)Exhaust air pressure of air hose into atmosphere
(b)The amount of vacuum
(c) To arrest air pressure from air hose
(d) None of the above
In air brake end-to end rakes, After intensive examination validity of BPC remain up to the
(a) Next station (b) Loading point
(c) Destination point (d) 72 Hours
Control rod diameter of air brake wagon is
(a) 30 mm
(b) 32 mm
(c) 38 mm
(d) 40 mm
Piston stroke of BOXN wagon in empty conditions is (a) 8510 mm (b) 7015 mm (c) 755 mm (d) 8010 mm
Piston stroke of BOXN wagon in loaded conditions is (a) 14015 mm (b) 13010 mm (c) 12015 mm (d) 12515 mm
In air brake stock, BPC becomes invalid, if the rake is stabled in any examination yard for more
than(a) 24 hours
(b) 36 hours
(c) 48 hours
(d) 12 hours
Dirt collector of a wagon should be cleaned within(a) At the time of ROH (b) 2 month
(c) 6 month
(d) 3 month
What is the capacity of control reservoir in goods train?
(a) 4 Lit.
(b) 6 Lit
(c) 8 Lit.
(d) 10 Lit.
The BP pressure in Brake Van of 56 -BOXN wagon load should not be less than
(a) 4.5kg/ Cm2 (b) 3.7 kg/ Cm2 (c) 4.8 kg/ Cm2 (d) 5.8kg/ Cm2
When we release manually KE type DV, the air pressure release form (a) CR & AR
(b) BC & AR
(c) CR & BC
(d) AR & DV
The diameter of branch pipe of BP to DV for wagon is
(a) 25 mm
(b) 20 mm
(c) 13 mm
(d) 22 mm
A dimension in Boxn wagon is (d) 175+1mm
(a) 7020 mm (b) 1723 mm (c) 1754 mm
For testing Air pressure locomotive the test plate hole diameter is(a) 8.2 mm
(b) 7.5 mm
(c) 9.5 mm
(d) 10 mm
The diameter of air brake cylinder BOXN wagon is(a) 300 mm
(b) 355 mm
(c) 360 mm
(d) 315 mm
The diameter of air bake cylinder in BVZC (Wagon) is (a) 300 mm
(b) 295 mm
(c) 305 mm
(d) 315 mm
The capacity of Auxiliary Reservoir (wagon) in air brake except Bk.Van is(a) 200 litre
(b) 100 litre
(c) 300 litre
(d) 150 litre
In Single pipe system the time taken in releasing of the wagon brake is(a) 60 Sec.
(b) 120 Sec.
(c) 210 Sec.
(d) 90 Sec.
Distance between the control rod head and the barrel of SAB is named as (a) E dimensions
(b) C dimension
(c) A dimension
(d) d dimension
The capacity of compressor machine for air brake testing of rake is
(a) 12-15 Kg/ Cm2
(b) 8-10 Kg/ Cm2
(c) 7-12 Kg/ Cm2
(d) 7-8 Kg/ Cm2
At the originating point, minimum brake power of premium end-to-end rake is (a) 85%
(b) 95%
(c) 90%
(d) 98%
The brake power of CC rake from nodal point is
(a) 90%
(b) 100%
(d) 85%
(d) 75%
Brake power certified issued for Premium end-to-end rakes will be valid for
(a) 10+5 days (b) 12+3 days
(c) 15+3 days (d) one month
What is the function of DC (Dirt collector)?
(a) Collect dirt (b) Collect air (c) Clean air
(d) Clean CR
How much pressure should drop in a minute after putting a test plate in locomotive?
(a) 0.8 Kg/ Cm2 (b) 1.0 Kg/ Cm2 (c) 1.2 Kg/ Cm2 (d) 1.5 Kg/ Cm2
The colou for brake power certificate for Premium end-to-end rake is(a) Green
(b) White
(c) Pink
(d) Yellow
For testing DV the time required for brake cylinder draining from 3.8 to .04 kg/cm2 is
(a) 30-40 sec
(b) 40-50 sec (c) 45-60 sec (d)50-75 sec
What is the piston stroke of BVZC wagons?
(a) 5010 mm
(b) 7010 mm (c) 8510 mm (d) 90 5 mm










What is the empty piston stroke of BOBR/BOBRN wagon is (a) 7010 mm (b) 7510 mm (c) 8010 mm (d) 10010 mm
A dimension of the BOBRN wagon is (d) 255 mm
(a) 292 0 mm (b) 27 2 0 mm (c) 33 2 mm
What is the colour of BPC of air brake CC rake?
(a) Red
(b) Pink
(c) Green
(d) Yellow
Control rod of SAB when rotated for one round, control rod head moves by a distance of
(a) 6.0 mm
(b) 4.0 mm
(c) 2.0 mm
(d) 1.0 mm
In wagon, hand brake is used when (a) Standing in yard
(b) Running in down gradient
(c) Running in up gradient
(d) None of the above
SAB adjust clearance between (a) Wheel and brake block
(b) Tie Rod and Brake block
(c) Anchor pin to control rod
(d) None of the above
The M.R. pressure of engine should be(a) 6.0 to 8.0 Kg/ Cm2
(b) 8.0 to 10.0 Kg/ Cm2
(c) 10.0 to 12.0 Kg/ Cm2
(d) 12.0 to 15.0 Kg/ Cm2
What do you mean of SWTR?
(a) Single wagon test rubber
(b) Single wagon test rig
(c) Sliding wagon test ring
(d) None of the above
If C3W type DV is manually released, pressure is released from (a) AR
(b) Control reservoir
(c) Brake cylinder
(d) All above
To uncouple BP or FP air hose it is essential to
(a) Open adjacent angle cock
(b) Close adjacent angle cocks
(c) Close supply of air from loco (d) None of the above
The Empty Load Device indicator plate shows (a) Yellow empty, black loaded (b) Blue empty, black loaded
(c) White empty, black loaded (d) black empty, blue loaded
The first step of releasing brake binding in conventional A/B system is to (a) Open vent plug of BC
(b) Rotate SAB
(c) Take out pin of SAB
(d) Isolate DV & release manually.
The Type of dirt collector, used in wagon is (a) 2-way
(b) 3-way
(c) Branch pipe of BP to DV
(d) In BP

SAB A dimension for ICF coach with brake leverage ratio of 1:5.5 is 22+2-0mm (AC coach)
When E dimension of SAB decreases it indicates brake block worn, Worn out wheels,
pins and bushes.
The dash pot oil level under tare condition is 40mm
Draw and braking forces will be taken by Anchor links in ICF bogie.
Silent Block (Rubber bush) has been fitted in bogie components to reduce noise
To control the lateral swing of the bolster Equalizing stays have been provided on ICF
The gap between brake block and wheel tread on ICF coach to be maintained is 5mm
ICF solid wheel maximum diameter is 915mm
Hot axle can be detected through visual observation in rolling in examination.
ICF coaches are provided with bearings: self aligned spherical roller bearings Wheel discs
are fitted on axles with shrunk fit
Projection of buffer from head stock should be within:
(a)700 to 715mm
(b)680 to 695mm
(c)600 to 635mm
What is the new and condemning diameter of wheels fitted on ICF WGACCW coach?
915mm & 813 mm
What is the permissible variation in wheel tread diameter on the same bogie and on the
same coach on BG ICF design at the time of wheel changing? 5mm & 13mm
What is the lowest permissible wheel diameter for a coach turned out after POH from
workshops? 837mm
What is the Permissible wheel gauge of wheels on an ICF coach as per revised IRCA part IV?
1600 +2/-1mm
What is the root radius when new for wheel turned to worn wheel profile? 14mm
What is the Axle load of coach running on Rajadhani express? 16.25 tonnes
What is the Condemning flange thickness of wheels fitted on ICF coach running at 110
Kmph.? 22mm
What is the maximum and minimum Buffer heights to be maintained on an ICF coach
under tare condition? 1105mm to 1090mm.
Maximum permissible clearance between pin and bush during renewal on Express train?
What is the dimension A OF slack adjuster for coaches with 16.25 ton bogies? 22mm
Slack adjuster e dimension of ICF coach? 375mm +/- 25mm
Longitudinal movement of bolster in ICF bogie is controlled by? Anchor link
Angle to which split pins and cotters to be split? 45 degrees
In an open line coaching depot for what defects do you look for when the bearing is
opened for schedule? Bearing should not be opened in open line depots for schedules
What is the wheel base of an ICF bogie? 2896mm.
131. What is the minimum buffer height permitted on loaded coaching stock? 1030mm
132. Permitted Flat faces on ICF wheels is 50mm
133. When oil oozing noticed in between wheel seat and axle it is called loose axle
134. When pull rod is grazing on axle forms the Notched axle.

31) Maximum Axle load bearing capacity is-16.25t for ac &13t for non ac
32) Wheel base of icf bogie is-2896mm
33) Wheel diameter for icf bogie-new wheel 915mm
34) Telescopic axle guide with oil damping is used for axle guidance
35) Coil spring is used for- Primary Suspension and Secondary suspension
36) For shock absorber In primary suspension vertical dashpot is used
37) For shock absorbers In secondery suspension Hydraulic doubleacting verticalshock absorber is used
38) The wheel sets are provided with self-aligning spherical roller bearings mounted in cast steel axle box
housings in
ICF bogie

39) The weight of the coach is transferred through side bearers on the bogie bolsters.
40) The lower spring beam suspended from the bogie frame by the inclined swing links at an angle 7O .
41) Hydraulic shock absorbers and dash pots are provided in the secondary and primary suspensions
respectively to damp vertical oscillations.
42) Axle box guides are fitted with guide caps having nine holes of diameter 5 mm equidistant through
which oil in the lower spring seat passes under pressure during dynamic oscillation of coach
43) In axle box guides the quantity of oil required to achieve 40 mm oil level above the guide cap in
modified arrangement is approximately 1.6 liters and in unmodified arrangement is approximately 1.4
44) Air vent screws are provided for replenishing oil in the dash pots.
45) The two anchor links diagonally positioned are provided with silent block bushe to prevent any
relative movement between the bogie frame and coach body
46) ICF bogie helical springs are manufactured from peeled and centreless ground bar of chrome
vanadium/chrome molybdenum steel
47) The centre pivot pin joins the body with the bogie and transmits the tractive and braking forces on the
48) The side bearer arrangement consists of?(A).machined steel wearing plate immersed in an oil bath
and (B) floating bronze-wearing piece with a spherical top surface
49) wear limit for wearing plate is New size 10 mm Shop renewal size 9 mm Condemning size 8.5 mm
50) Wear limit for wearing piece is New size 45 mm Shop renewal size 43.5 mm Condemning size 42
51) Anchor links are pinned to the bolster sides and the bogie Transoms.
52) Anchor links are designed to take the tractive and braking forces.
53) Silent block is a synthetic rubber bush fitted in anchor link and center pivot of ICF bogies to transmit
force without shock and reduce noise.
54) Brake rigging is provided to control the speed of the coach by transferring the braking force from the
brake cylinder to the wheel tread.
55) In 13 t axle load bogie brake rigging modified mechanical advantage in a bogie is of 7.64 per bogie for
non-ac coaches
56) In 16 t axle load bogie brake rigging modified mechanical advantage in a bogie is 8.40 per bogie for ac
57) Equalising stays has been provided on bogies between the lower spring plank and the bolster to
prevent lateral thrust on the bolster springs
58) The capacity of hydraulic shock absorbers is 600 kg at a speed of 10 cm/sec.
59) Longitudinal gauge for 13t bogies BSS brackets is 14001.0 mm (7000.5 mm from longitudinal centerline)
60) Longitudinal gauge for 16t bogies BSS brackets is 15001.0 mm (7500.5 mm from longitudinal centerline)
61) Transverse gauge for 13t and 16t bogies BSS brackets is 2159 1.0 mm
62) Diagonal gauge for 13t bogies BSS brackets is 2573 1.0 mm
63) Diagonal gauge for16t bogies BSS brackets is 2629 1.0 mm
64) Longitudinal gauge for 13t and 16t bogies axle guide is 570 1.0 mm (equidistant from center-line of
65) Transverse gauge for 13t and 16t bogies axle guide is 21591.0 mm
66) Diagonal gauge for 13t and 16t bogies axle guide is 36121.0 mm
67) Distance between BSS bracket and adjacent axle guide in13t bogies is 4631.0 mm
68) Distance between BSS bracket and adjacent axle guide in16t bogies is 4131.0 mm
69) Longitudinal gauge for suspension strap in 13t and 16t bogies is 8701.0mm (equidistant from centerline of the axle)
70) Thickness of side bearer plate is 10 mm thick top wearing surface and 45 mm thick bottom wearing
71) Hot dip galvanised equalizing stay is repaint with epoxy paint
72) The distance between horizontal wearing arms of BSS hanger is 384mm
73) Thickness of vertical arm of BSS hanger 25.5mm

75) Amount of oil required to fill each side bearer oil bath is 2 litres.
76) Length over buffer in icf coach is 22296mm.
78) length over head stock in icf coach is 21336mm.
79) Height from rail lavel in icf coach is 3886(old) and 4025(new).
80) Bogie is designed to run on Indian Broad Gauge Track (1676 mm).
81) provision of coil spring at primary and secondary suspension so that bogie is called all coil spring.
82) bogie head stock is provided with pressed T-section.
83) bogie sole bar is provided with pressed I-section.
84) weight transmission by two side bearer located at distance of 1600mm.
85) Clasp type brake block arrangement is provided with the use of brake shoe head and brake beam.
86) Riding index of ICF bogie is 3.25 to 3.50 .
89) The dia of axle box spring is 33.5mm.
90) The dia of bolster box spring is 42mm.
100) free height of non AC axle box spring is 360+2/-0mm.
101) free height of non AC bolster spring is 385+2/-0mm.
102) free height of AC axle box spring is 375+2/-0mm.
103) free height of AC bolster spring is 400+2/-0mm.
104) Wear limit for wearing plate: New size : 10 mm Condemning size : 8.5 mm
105) Wear limit for wearing piece: New size : 45 mm Condemning size : 42 mm.
106. Minimum oil level in BG-ICF Dashpot __________
(40 MM)
107. Name the Oil used in Dashpot & Side bearer __________ (SEROLINE-100)
108. Function of ICF Coach Center Pivot __________
109. Max. Thickness of ICF-Hanger Block__________(9.5 TO 17 MM)
110. Max. Diameter of Equalizing Stay Pin for 16.25T_______ (31.5 MM)
111. What is the condemning size of hangers__________
(36.5 MM)
112. Max. Buffer stroke__________(127 MM)
113. Max Buffer Height__________(1105 MM)
114. Minimum buffer height under no load for ICF-BG Coach(1090 MM)
115. clearance between ICF Bogie Transom & ICF Coach body is -------- ( 70+/- 3 MM)
116. clearance between ICF Bogie Transom & BEML Coach body is ------- ( 140MM)
117. What is the Ride Index of ICF Coach__________(3.5)
118. Beyond what temperature Axle Box is consider as HOTBOX----- ( 80 oC)
119. min. shop out size of wheel dia ---- (837 MM)
121. Purpose of Coil Springs shot blasting in workshops is -------(INTERNAL STRESS RELEIVING &
122. Function of Air flow indicator is -----------( TO SHOW LEAKAGE OF BP PRESSURE)
123. Type of brake system used on LHB is ------( DISC BRAKES)
124. Method used for fitting bearing on journal in Workshops is -----( INDUCTION HEATING)
125. Clearance between axle box lug & safety loop _______( 40 MM)
126. Warranty period of Roller bearing (spherical) is _______(36 MONTHS)
127. LHB stands for --------( LINKE HAFFMAN BOSCH)
128. Types of Bogies used on LHB design coaches are ------ ( FIAT & HYBRID )
129. Crown clearance for WCB, WFC and AC coaches is __________ mm
(27+0 -3)
130. 13T bogie frame plate thickness is ________ mm.
131. 16T bogie frame plate thickness is ________ mm.
132. Overall length of the axle is ______ mm. Wheel of base of FIAT

133. Primary suspension consists of articulated arms, nested helical coil springs
and_____________(Vertical dampers)
134. Free height of outer spring in primary suspension of FIAT bogie is___________(324mm)
135. Riding Index of LHB coach is ________________(2.5 to 2.75)
136. _____________________is fitted between bogie frame and coach body in LHB coaches (Yaw
Axle guide outer diameter is _____ mm
Ans. 120
Lower spring seat permissible inner diameter is ______
Ans. 140 +0.4 -0
139. Roller bearings are extracted/dismounted using_______
140. Ans. Hydraulic dismounting equipment Composite brake block condemning limit __________( 12
141. Brake Cylinder diameter of BMBC _________( 8 INCHES)
142. U/Frame mounted Brake Cylinder diameter __________(14 INCHES)
143. Clearance between brake gear pin & bush __________(0.5 MM)
144. A-Dimension on 16.25Ton Axle load __________(22+/- 2 MM)



Acceptable height range of AC bolster springs under test load is ________ (301-317)
Acceptable height range of AC axle box springs under test load is _______ (264-282).
The minimum clearance between bolster and bogie frame under tare weight is __ Ans. 35mm.
The maximum clearance between bolster and bogie frame under tare weight is ____Ans. 45mm
The date, the month and the year of attention of roller bearing and the workshop code
should be punched on ________
Ans. Locking plate


The standard wheel gauge of passenger BG coaching stock is
(a) 1602 mm
(b) 1601 mm
(c) 1600 mm
(d) 1598 mm
Rigid wheelbase of ICF BG trolley is
(a) 2896 mm
(b) 2803 mm
(c) 2990 mm (d) 2837 mm
In coach, the load transmission takes place through (a) Center pivot (b) Bogie
(c) Side bearer (d) Wheel
The L type composite brake block should be changed, if worn out beyond(a) 10 mm
(b) 15 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 22 mm
The K type composite brake block should be changed, if worn out beyond(a) 10 mm
(b) 12 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 22 mm
Std. packing pieces of ICF coach is
(a) 13,14,26 mm
(b) 13,22,28 mm
(c) 13,26,38,48 mm
(d) 22,26,32 mm
The maximum standard buffer height above rail level to center of buffer is
(a) 1085 mm
(b) 1100 mm
(c) 1105 mm
(d) 1030 mm
The minimum permissible buffer height above rail level to center of buffer is
(a) 1105 mm
(b) 1145 mm
(c) 1115 mm
(d) 1030 mm
Standard buffer projection from Headstock is
(a) 650 mm
(b) 635 mm
(c) 620 mm
(d) 660 mm
Minimum Permissible buffer projection from Headstock is
(a) 635 mm
(b) 605 mm
(c) 590 mm
(d) 584 mm
The diameter of buffer plunger face of ICF coaches is
(a) 552 mm
(b) 457 mm
(c) 493 mm
(d) 510 mm
What is the distance between two buffers at one end?
(a) 1952 mm
(b) 1976 mm
(c) 1956 mm
(d) 1992 mm
What is the maximum buffer plunger stroke in mm?
(a) 127.0 mm
(b) 129.0 mm
(c) 131.0 mm
(d) 133.0 mm
What thickness of hard packing ring used for 889 to 864 mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height?
(a) 10.0 mm
(b) 12.0 mm
(c) 13.0 mm
(d) 20.0 mm


What thickness of hard packing ring used for 863 to 840 mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height?
(a) 12.0 mm
(b) 16.0 mm
(c) 20.0 mm
(d) 26.0 mm
165. Thickness of hard packing ring used for 839 to 820 mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height is (a) 16.0 mm
(b) 20.0 mm
(c) 38.0 mm
(d) 46.0 mm
166. Thickness of hard packing ring used for 819mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height is (a) 20.0 mm
(b) 38.0 mm
(c) 46.0 mm
(d) 48.0 mm
167. The use of 13 tons axle load bogie is in
(a) PVH
(b) AC
(c) Power Car
(d) Non AC
r bearing
(d) Desh pot
168. Bogie wheelbase of ICF/ RCF all coil bogies are (a) 2896 mm
(b) 2986 mm
(c) 2886 mm
(d) 2997 mm
169. Min shop issue size of ICF solid wheel is
(a) 837 mm
(b) 870 mm
(c) 854 mm
(d) 8746 mm
170. Flange thickness of new BG wheel coach is
(a) 28.0 mm
(b) 28.50 mm
(c) 29.50 mm
171. The axle guide outer diameter Ans
115mm B:
118mm C:
120mm D:
172. Last Shop issue size for wearing plate Ans
12mm B:
10mm C:
9mm D:
173. The acceptable height of non AC bolster springs under test load Ans
174. The angle of suspension of BSS hangers Ans
10 degree
15 degree
20 degree
7 degree
175. The acceptable height under load test of AC axle box springs
260-280 mm B:
261-281 mm C:
263-282 mm D:
264-282 mm
176. The acceptable height of AC bolster springs under test load
178. The acceptable height under load test of non AC axle box springs
179. Maximum permissible variation in tread diameter same ICF bogie and coach are ______ mm
5 and 13
6 and 12
3 and 6 D:
12 and 25
180. Maximum slake take up capacity of a Bogie mounted brake cylinder?
305 mm
309 mm
312 mm
315 mm
181. Maximum diametrical clearance between guide bush and dash pot ?
1.2 mm B:
1.4 mm C:
1.6 mm D:
1.8 mm
182. Lybyrinth ring (collar) requires heating for shrink fit up to a maximum temperature of
____________ Ans
100 degree C B:
110 degree C C:
120 degree C D:
130 degree C
183. Over heating of roller bearing beyond 120 degree or repid heating may result _________
Dimensional instability B:
Change in material
May initiate cracks
All the above
184. Projection of buffer from head should be within ..
600 mm to 635 mm
620 mm to 645 mm
640 mm to 655 mm
660 mm to 665 mm
185. The function of anchor link is to take
Lateral forces B:
Draw and braking forces
To absorb vertical shocks
Lateral movement
186. The minimum clearance between bolster and bogie frame under tare weight
30 mm B:
35 mm C:
40 mm D:
45 mm
187. The mechanical advantage on 16.25 T axle load bogie is Ans
8.256 B:
8.000 C:
6.208 D:
188. The length of the ICF bogie
3950 mm
3900 mm
3925 mm
3975 mm



The max clearance between bogie frame to body bolster is

80 mm
60 mm B:
65 mm C:
73 mm D:
The free height of non AC axle box spring
355mm B:
360mm C:
365mm D:
The longitudinal gauge for BSS brackets of 16.25 ton bogie
The leverage ratio of 16.25 tonns axle load bogies
1:1:236 C:
1:1:376 D:
The max clearance between bolster and bogie frame under tare weight Ans C
35 mm B:
40mm C:
45 mm D:
50 mm
The condemning size of wearing plate ofside bearer of coach
8 mm B:
8.5 mm C:
9 mm D:
9.5 mm
The condemning size of hanger block Ans
7.5 mm B:
8 mm C:
8.5 mm D:
8.75 mm
The condemning height of bronze wearing peace of side bearer of coach Ans
40 mm B:
41 mm C:
42 mm D:
43 mm
The clearance between axle box safety straps and bogie bolster safety straps
30mm B:
35mm C:
40mm D:
The condemning diameter of BSS pin Ans
36.5 mm
36 mm C:
35.5 mm
35 mm
Lateral movement of bolster in ICF bogies is controlled by ?
Anchor link
Axle guide
The free height of AC bolster spring
405mm D:
395mm B:
400mm C:



Equalising stay

The crown clearance of AC coaches on tare weight

363 B:
303 C:
263 D:
212. The distance between BSS bracket and adjacent axle guide of 16.25 ton bogie Ans
213. The crown clearance of GS,SLR,SEN
43+0-3 B:
35+0-3 C:
45+0-3 D:
214. The diameter of the axle guide closing plate hole
7.5 mm
3 mm B:
4 mm C:
5 mm D:
215. The diagonal gauge for axle guide of 16.25 ton bogie
215. The diameter of equalising stay 16.25 ton pin Ans
30mm B:
31mm C:
32mm D:
216. The distance between BSS bracket and adjacent axle guide of 13 ton bogie
217. Longitudinal movement of bolster in ICF bogie is controlled by
Anchor link
Equalising stay C:
Axle guide
218. Equalising stay in a bogie is fitted between
Lower spring plank and C:
Transom and body
Lower spring plank and
of the D:
Centre pivot and side
bolster upper spring plank
coach bearer
219. Alignment to Axle guides should be measured with reference to _____ Ans
Centre pivot
Wheel base
Head stock
BSS bracket
220. Axle end holes should be checked with _____ gauge for correct size
Thread plug
Thread ring
Feeler D: Snap
221. At what diameter of wheel the second hole of curved pull rod is fitted Ans
223. Cut off angle cocks are painted ____ and ______ respectively on feed and brake pipes. Ans
Green and white
Yellow and green
White and green
Green and yellow
224. Clearance between the axle box lug and the bottom of safety strap ?
22 mm B:
32 mm C:
42 mm D:
52 mm
225. Bogie brake rigging has been modified to incorporate a total mechanical advantage of
per bogie

for non - AC coaches and .per bogie for AC coaches

8.644, 9.400
5.644, 6.400 B:
6.644, 7.400 C:
7.644, 8.400 D:
226. BSS hangers are to be tested to a transile load of
6 tonnes
4 tonnes
8 tonnes
12 tonne
227. In bogie mounted brake cylinder to what angle the adjusting screw rotates for each stroke to take
up slack?
18 degrees
24 degrees
22 degrees
20 degrees
228. Lateral and longitudinal movement of wheels in an ICF bogie are controlled by ? Ans
Anchor link
Equalising stay C:
Axle guide
229. Intermediate piece is used in between Ans
Auxiliary Reservoir and D:
Brake shoe and Brake B:
Common pipe bracket C:
None of the above
Block and Distributor valve Under frame of the coach
230. How much oil is required for one side bearer oil bath Ans
1 litre B:
1.5 litre C:
1.6 litre D:
2 litre
231. What is the minimum oil level to be maintained above the guide cap in dash pot of BG ICF coach as
latest coaching manual?
45 mm B:
42 mm C:
38 mm D:
40 mm
232. What is the quanitiy of oil in each Dashpot for modified axle guide ?
1.2 liters
1.4 liters
1.6 liters
1.8 liter
233. What is the distance between two wheel flanges on the same axle ?
1500 mm +2 / -1 mm B:
1600 mm +2 / -1 mm C:
1700 mm +2 / -1 mm D:
1800 mm +2 / -1 m
234. What is the vertical weight transmitted through each centre pivot in ICF design Ans
235. What is the diameter of fixing hole of buffer casing ?
24 mm B:
26 mm C:
28 mm D:
30 mm
236. What is thickness of Plunger face plate ?
9 mm B:
10 mm C:
11 mm D:
12 mm
237. What is the width of the horizontal wearing surface of BSS hanger
39+ or-1
40+or-1 C:
41+or-1 D:
238. What is the weight of the AC Bogie ? Ans
5.20 Tonnes
6.20 Tonnes
7.20 Tonnes
8.20 Tonnes
239. What is the total length of axle ?
2312 mm + 0.5 / - 0.0 mm
2314 mm + 0.5 / - 0.0 mm
2316 mm
+ 0.5 / - 0.0 mm
2318 mm + 0.5 / - 0.0 mm
240. The standard diameter of BSS pin
36 mm B:
37 mm C:
38 mm D:
40 mm
241. The size of anchor link silent box pin
200.012/0.052 B:
220.012/0.052 C:
245. Transverse distance of axle guides of 13 ton bogie
246. Transverse distance of axle guides of 16 ton bogie
248. The longitudinal distance axle guide of 13 ton bogie
249. The diagonal distance of axle guides of 13 ton bogie
250. What is the condemn size of hangers in a ICF bogie?
388 mm
390 mm
385 mm
387 mm
251. What is the coefficient of friction of cast iron brake block ?
0.10 to 0.12
0.12 to 0.14
0.14 to 0.16
0.16 to 0.18
252. What is the clearance to be maintained between lugs bottom of safety straps of axle box wings of
ICF bogie
22 mm B:
25 mm C:
28 mm D:
32 mm
253. What is the capacity of stock absorber fitted on ICF bogie
900 kg B:
1200 kg C:
400 kg D:
600 kg


What is the Crown clearance of WCB, WFC, WFAC, WSCZAC, WGSCZAC, WCBAC, WLRRM, WFCZAC,
29 +0/-3 mm D:
31 +0/-3 mm
25 +0/-3 mm B:
27 +0/-3 mm C:


(1) Axle distance of LHB bogie is 2560mm

(2) The bogie frame is a solid welded frame made by steel sheets and forged or cast parts
(3) The frame is made up of two longitudinal components (1) connected by two cross-beams
(2) which also support the brake units.
(4) The bolster beam is connected to the bogie frame by the secondary suspension.
(5) A control arm connecting the axle bearing to the bogie frame and transmitting, not stiffly, lateral,
and part of the vertical forces
(6) The secondary suspension enables lateral and vertical displacements and bogie rotation with
respect to body when running through curves.
(7) An anti-roll bar fitted on the bogie frame realizes a constant, reduced inclination coefficient during
(8) The bogie frame is linked to the bolster beam through two vertical dampers , a lateral damper ,
four safety cables and the traction rods.
(9) The bogie frame is linked to the coach body through two yaw dampers.
(10) The traction centre transmits traction and braking forces between bogie frame and body by a
traction lever , on the bolster beam pin, and two rods.
(11) On FIAT bogie each axle is fitted with two brake disks diameter 640 mm and width 110 mm.
(12) In FIAT bogie taper roller cartridge type bearing is used.
(13) Vertical forces Transmission: from the body to the bogie frame through the secondary
suspension springs; from the bogie frame to the axles through the primary suspension springs
and frame - axle bearing control arm.
(14) Crosswise forces Transmission: from the body to the bogie frame through the secondary
suspension springs; from the bogie frame to the axles through the elastic elements of the frame
- axle bearing control arm.
(15) Longitudinal traction efforts and braking powers Transmission: from the body to bogie frame
through the traction centre rods and the traction lever; from the bogie frame to the axles through
the frame - axle bearing control arm.

During washing FIAT bogie, liquid temperature must be kept below 80 C;

Before lifting the FIAT bogie disconnect pneumatic connections of the brakes
Before lifting the FIAT bogie disconnect cables of the hand brake
Before lifting the FIAT bogie disconnect electric cables from the sensors mounted on the axle
(20) Before lifting the FIAT bogie disconnect ground cable between coach body and bogie frame
(21) Before lifting the FIAT bogie disconnect yaw dampers from the car body supports
(22) Before lifting the FIAT bogie disconnect bolster beam from the car bottom
(23) The control arms coated with " BLASOL 135 " solution (Equivalent to Cortec VCI-368 & Molytec EP)
during POH/IOH
(24) The distance between two wheel flanges on the same axle should be 1600 mm+ 2/-1 mm.
(25) The measurement of wheel flanges should be taken at three locations apart with the help of an
adjustable pi gauge.
(26) The difference in tread diameter of the two wheels on the same axle should not exceed 0.5 mm
after tyre turning.

(27) The wheel diameter is measured with the help of a trammel gauge with a least count of 0.5 mm.
on both sides.
(28) LHB bogie Designed for operating speed of 160 kmph, tested at 180 kmph and has a potential for
operation up to 200 kmph.
(29) In LHB bogie Structurally superior y- frame bogie construction making it lighter and yet stronger.
(30) In LHB bogie improved primary and secondary suspension for smooth and comfortable riding,
obtained by use of flexi coil spring.
(31) LHB bogie equipped with hydraulic shock absorbers conforming to UIC standard with higher life
cycle rating.
(32) In LHB bogie axle guidance is provided by an articulated control arm through a resilient bush which
will give better negotiation on curves.
(33) LHB bogie having bump stops in primary and secondary suspension.
(34) LHB bogie having Nested spring sets with 2 helical and one rubber spring in secondary.
(35) Two side frames connected by two cross beams support brake units.Various brackets on frame.
(36) The bogie frame rests on the primary suspension spring units and supports the vehicle body by
means of a bolster beam.
(37) Width of LHB bogie is 3030mm.
(38) Length of LHB bogie is 3534mm.
(39) Waight of LHB bogie is 6300kg.
(40) In LHB bogie diameter of new wheels is 915
(41) In LHB bogie diameter of max. worn wheel is 845mm
(42) In LHB bogie distance between the wheels is 1600mm
(43) In LHB bogie brake disc diameter is 640mm.

1. The lowest permissible wheel diameter of a coach turned out after POH should be
2. The 53rd wagon has parted in an air brake train of 59+1 formation the likely cause
is brake binding.
3. To distinguish the BPC the color of BPC of vacuum brake and air brake stock will
be pink & green.
4. Piston stroke of BPT'N' wagon in loaded condition is 130+10mm.
5. All freight trains shall be examined if stabled for more than 24 hours.
6. Warranty period of BP/FP hose pipe from the date of fitment is 24 months.
7. Standard moving dimension from rail level to top center is 4115 mm and from rail
level to top sides is 3505 mm.
8. Enroute train examination of a passenger trains are done after a distance of
9. MHC stands for maintenance history card.
10. Schedule A maintenance should be done in 1month+/-3days.
11. Condemning size of wearing plate of side bearer in coach is 8.5 mm.
12. BP pressure in the Brake van of a goods train having more than 56 wagons is
13. Metallic type of side bearer is only used in CASNUB Bogie.
14. Knuckle is the only component of CBC AAR coupler which has not been
15. The difference in wheel diameter permitted from one bogie to other bogie in a
wagon is 25mm.
16. Codal life of BOXN wagon 30 years.
17. FRP stands for Fiber reinforced plastic.
18. Codal life of RA coaches is 40 years.
19. L- type brake block is used upto 110 kmph.
20. Coefficient of friction of cast iron brake block is more than L-type composite
brake block.
21. K-type brake block is used for speeds upto 110kmph.
22. The general cause of brake binding of Air brake coaches is DV Leakage.
23. In bogie mounted brake system coaches k-type composite brake block is used.
24. The size of brake cylinder of bogie mounted brake system is 8".
25. BNR Wagon uses CASNUB type of bogie.
26. Brake cylinder is connected to AR during application of brake in air brake system.
27. The spring arrangement used in BOX'N' CASNUB bogie for 22.9T axle load is
outer spring-14, inner spring-14, snubber spring-4.
28. 1105mm is the maximum permissible buffer height of BG stock in 'empty'
29. 1030mm is the minimum permissible buffer height of BG stock in 'load'
30. Periodicity of POH of BOXN wagon is 4.5 years.
31. Split pins or cotters used for securing brake gear pins should be split at an angle of
32. 100% is the minimum brake power for CC rakes at the originating station (PME).
33. ACP to be operated at 6.4-10 kg force in BG coaching train.
34. The periodicity of ROH of a BOXN wagon is 18 months.
35. Validity of BPC issued for a ballast train is 30 days with revalidation once in a
36. The allowed leakage rate in BOXN wagons is 0.25 kg/cm2 per minute.
37. Permitted flange thickness of wheels for high speed coaches is 22mm.
38. The specified dimension A of SAB for air brake stock in high speed coaches is
39. The piston stroke of BMBC is 32mm.
40. Overhauling of alarm signal apparatus is done during POH schedule.
41. Maximum axle.load of BG mainline coaches is 16.25 tonnes.

42. During application stqge of the twin pipe working the components which have
less than 5kg/cm2.
43. In case of coaching stock on mail/express train, the POH interval is 18 months.
44. Thin flange defect on a wagon increases the flange force.
45. Brake pressure in Brake van in a formation of more than 56 wagons is 4.7kg/cm2.
46. The condemning limit of wheel dia. of BOXN wagon 895mm.
47. Brake block of BOXN wagon will b replaced when thickness is less than 10mm.
48. Allowed leakage in feed pipe is 0.2 kg/cm2 per minute.
49. H type CBC couplers are fitted in Venkatadri Express.
50. Length of overhead stocks of BRN wagon is 13716mm.
51. Internal flaws of an axle are checked by Ultrasonic Testing.
52. A minimum of two emergency windows are provided in each coach.
53. K-type brake blocks are used in BMBC coaches.
54. AC three tier coaches are displayed to public as B-1, B-2, etc.,
55. The axle box is considered HOT BOX when the temperature reaches above 800C.
56. Allowable difference of wheel diameter on same bogie of coaching stock is 5mm.
57. IOH schedule of coaching stock is performed at a periodicity of 9 months.
58. Diameter of BMBC is 8.
59. Maximum speed limit of ART/MRV (BG) is 100kmph.
60. Life line express means mobile hospital in a train.
61. Four wheeler tower wagons are permitted to be attached by _______trains.
62. The number of coaches attached to the rear of the Brake Van is 2.
63. The number of coaches attached enroute without endorsement of BPC is 2.
64. Different colors of BPCs of Freight Stock is 3.
65. Detachable size of flat place of BOX-N wagons wheel is 60mm.
66. Minimum prescribed time for primary maintenance of super fast express is 6
67. IRCA Part IV is related with coaching stock.
68. IRCA Part III is related with freight stock.
69. BPC of premium rake is of pink color.
70. CBC type of coupling is used in LHB coaches.
71. Highest riding index coach currently in Indian Railways is LHB.
72. Codal life of BG coach is 25 years.
73. There are 3 classes of ODC's.
74. BPC of coaching train after primary maintenance is valid upto 96 hours.
75. BPC of BOX-N CC rakes is valid upto 7500 kms.
76. Riding index of ICF coach is 3.5.
77. Yellow strips on end wall panels of coaches represents anti-telescopic coach body.
78. While dumble mark on end wall panels of coaches represent the coach is fitted with enhanced capacity
screw coupling.
79. Stenciling of AB near the coach no. on exterior panel indicate coach is fitted with bogie mounted brake
80. WSP stands for wheel slide protection.
81. LSD stands for load sensing device.
82. Auxillary relief medical equipment coded as ARME.
83. MEMU stands for modified electric multiple unit.
84. PEASD stands for passenger emergency alarm signal device.
85. FRP stands for fibre reinforced plastic.
86. The weight of the coach is transferred to the bogie through the side bearer in an ICF coach.
87. PEAV stands for passenger emergency alarm valve.
88. Tare weight of BOXN wagon is 22.47 tonnes.
89. The frequency of schedule A for coaching stock is 1month +/- 3 days.
90. The frequency of schedule B for coaching stock is 3months +/- 7days.
91. The frequency of schedule C for coaching stock is 6months +/- 15days.92. Examination lines are required for a freight depot examining 15 rakes per days is 8.
93. Periodicity of ROH for BOXN wagons is 18 months.
94. The intensive cleanimg of any coach is carried out after an interval of 1month.
95. The interval of cleaning coach water tank is 1month.

96. Repainting of coaching stock as per C scheis done at every 5 years.

97. Rehabilitation of coaching stock is carried out between 12-15 years.
98. Rehabilitation of coaching stock is 25% of total cost of a new unit.
99. POH periodicity of DV is 3years or 8 lakhs kms whichever is earlier.
100. Periodicity of schedule Q for all types of LHB coaches is 3 months +/-15days.
101. POH periodicity of BG brake van is 2years.
102. PME stands for preventive maintenance examination.
103. CC rakes means Closed circuit rakes.
104. Dirt collector should be cleaned at thr time of ROH.
105. Periodicity/interval or over hauling vaccum brake cylinder is 18-24 months.
106. POH interval in four wheel tank wagon is 3.5 to 4 years.
107. POH interval in TCL and THA tank wagon is 2 years.
108. The thickness of roof sheet in ICF is 1.6mm.
109. Thickness of coach flooring compreq plywood is 13mm.
110. The diameter of compression tube under lavatory portion is 65mm.
111. Thickness of body side wall sheet is 2mm.
112. Thickness of body side trough floor in ICF/RCF coaches is 3mm.
113. Cross section of Sole bar for ICF coach is Z-section.
114. The desirable damping ratio for railway vehicles is 20 25%.
115. The brake blocks are used in bogie mounted brake system is K-type.
116. Level of dashpot oil being maintained on the coaches at washing line is 60mm.
117. The radius at the root of the flange of new wheel is 16mm.
118. Servoline 68 oil is used in dashpot guide.
119. Maximum limit of flat place in an ICF coach is 50mm.
120. The color of Group A springs is Yellow.
121. The color of Group B springs is Oxford Blue.
122. The color of Group C springs is Green.
123. While the coach is negotiating a curve the bogie can move around having the
pivot point at center pivot.
124. Drag link is not a part of an ICF bogie.
125. Maximum permissible clearance between brake gear pin and bushes is 1.5mm.
126. The cast iron brake block should be changed if worn out beyond 20mm.
127. The standard thickness of compensating rings is 6mm.
128.The distance between axle box top and axle box crown bolt is called clearance A.
129. The 16.25T axle load bogie is used in AC coaches.
130. Axle load capacity of generator (WLLRM) is 16.25 tonnes.
131. The 13T axle load bogies is used in non-AC coaches.
132. Condemning flange thickness in a high speed coaches is 22mm.
133. Lateral movement of wheels are controlled by axle guide.
134. Hardness of both wheels on the same axle should not vary more than 35BHN.
135. Total length of axle is 2316 +0.50/-0.00mm.
136. On ICF journal, a taper should not exceed 0.010-0.015mm.
137. The capacity of equalizing stays used in shatabdi is 16tons.
138. Amount of the oil per side bearer in ICF coaches is 2.5 litres.
139. Maximum distance between safety loop and axle in ICF bogies is 40.0mm.
140. Distance between centers of side bearers of ICF coach is 1600mm.
141. In release condition, the gap between brake block and wheel is 5mm.
142. The oil in dash pot is 40mm.
143. Number of holes provided in th guide cap in ICF/RCF bogie is 9.
144. Variation in camber b/w any two springs on a bogie under load shoul not exceed to 13mm
145. The std thickness of brake block of BOXN wagon is 58mm
146. No. of side frames are fitted in a CASNUB trolley bogie is two
147. The axle load of CASNUB trolley except CASNUB22HS is 22.9t
148. The new wheel diameter of CASNUB22W is 956mm.
149. CC Type of side bearers are fitted in CASNUB22W bogie.
150. CC Type of side bearers are fitted in CASNUB22W(M) bogie
151. IRS Type of pivot is used in a CASNUB 22W trolley
152. ULC Spherical Type of pivot is used in a CASNUB 22W(M),22NL and other

type of CASNUB trolley.

153. The nominal lateral clearance between side frame and bolster in CASNUB 22HS
is 25mm.
154. The nominal lateral clearance b/w side frame and bolster in CASNUB
22W, 22WM, 22NL, 22NLB is 18mm.
155. The nominal longitudinal clearance b/w side frame and axle box/adopter of
22W(M) bogie is 10mm.
156. The nominal longitudinal clearance b/w side frame and axle box/adopter of
22W(Retro) trolley is 2mm.
157. The standard wheel profile used in CASNUB bogie is 1 in 20.
158. The Condemning wheel diameter in all CASNUB versions is 906mm.
159. The condemning dimension of narrow jaw/wide jaw adopter thrust shoulder is
160. The condemning/ware limit of narrow jaw/wide jaw adopter crown lugs is 4mm.
161. The lateral clearance b/w side frame and axle box/adopter CASNUB 22W,
22WM is 25mm.
162. The wear limit of axle/adopter side ugs (cylindrical roller bearing) in CASNUB
bogie is 3mm.
163. The new dimensions of axle box sides (cylindrical roller bearing) in CASNUB
bogie is 268mm.
164. The worn/condemning dimensions of axle box sides (cylindrical roller bearing)
in CASNUB bogie is 262mm.
165. The dimensions of new axle box sides lugs (cylindrical roller bearing) in
CASNUB bogie is 130mm.
166. The dimensions of new wide jaw adopter crown lugs is 156mm.
167. The condemning dimensions of axle box/adopter side lugs (cylindrical roller
bearing) in CASNUB bogie is 136mm.
168. The dimensions of new axle box crown seat (cylindrical roller bearing) in
CASNUB bogie is 36.5mm.
169. The condemning dimensions of new axle box crown seat (cylindrical roller
bearing) in CASNUB bogie is 33mm.
170. The dimensions of new axle box crown lugs (cylindrical roller bearing) in
CASNUB bogie is 159mm.
171. The dimension of new narrow jaw adopter crown lus is 155.5mm.
172. The wear limit of wide/narrow jaw adopter crown seat is
173. The dimension of new wide jaw adopter bore seat to crown seat is 48.5mm
174. The dimension of new narrow jaw adopter bore seat to crown seat is 26.2mm
175. The dimension of new modified jaw adopter bore seat to crown seat is 25.5mm
176. The condemning dimensions of axle box crown lugs (cylindrical roller bearing)
in CASNUB bogie is 167mm
177. Worn limit of wide jaw adopter bore seat to crown seat is 45mm
178. Condemning limit of modified wide jaw adopter bore seat to crown seat is

179. Condemning limit of narrow jaw adopter bore seat to crown seat is 22.7mm
180. Types of adopter are used in CASNUB trolley is three
181. The condemning size of brake block of goods stock is 10mm
182. Free chamber of 10 plated laminated spring of box type wagon is 47+6/-0mm
183. Free chamber of 13 plated laminated spring of box type wagon is 76+6/-0mm
184. Free chamber of 9 plated laminated spring of box type wagon is 57mm
185. Nominal free height of inner spring of CASNUB bogie except 2HS is 262mm
186. Clearence along the length of shackle pin assembly with shackle plate, scroll
iron, spring eye and cotter for vaccum brake stock is max 1.5mm
187. The cleareance b/w shackle pin diameter and shackle plate hole max 1.0mm
188. The nominal thickness of elastomeric load of CASNUB bogie is 46mm
189. Condemning size of elastomeric load of CASNUB bogie is 42mm
190.Nominal dimension of side bearer rubber load for CASNUB bogie is 114mm
191. Condemning size of side bearer rubber load for CASNUB bogie is 109mm
192. The working capacity of enhanced capacity screw coupling is 36T
193. In icf coach, replace headstock if the thickness is reduced more than 4mm
194. Standard buffer protection from headstock is 635mm
195. Minimum permissible buffer protection from headstock is 584mm
196. The diameter of buffer plunger face of Icf coach is 457mm
197. The distance b/w two buffers at one end is 1956mm
198. The maximum plunger stroke is 127mm
199. ICF buffer plunger is made of cast steel
200. The draw and buffing force transmission in coach is center pivot.
201. The arc radius of buffer face is 1905mm.
202. The free height of 16.25 tons or AC coach axle box spring is 375mm.
203. The free height of non AC coach or 13 tons axle box spring is 360mm.
204. The inside length of a new bolster spring suspension hanger is 384mm.
205. The new diameter of BSS hanger pin is 37mm.
206. The condemning diameter of BSS hanger pin is 35.5mm.
207. The load applied to 16.25 tons AC coach bolster spring for checking is 6tons.
208. In tare condition axle spring height of ICF bogie in GS coach is 289+4/-3mm.
209. Free height of high capacity parcel van axle box spring is 315mm.
210. Free height of high capacity parcel van bolster coil spring is 393mm.
211. The capacity of hydraulic shock absorbers other than those of power car is 600kg

212. Which type of suspension is used in double acting telescopic type shock absorber secondary
213. elastomeric pad provided to reduce wheel flange wear.
214. The composite brake block for air brake trains should be changed in the yard when its thickness
215. The std- gap between wheel and brake block in box wagon is 6.25mm.
216. In the BOX/BCXT wagon the distance between headstock and end of train pipe is 216mm.
217. Axle load of the brake van goods (BVG) is 16.3 ton.
218. Which RDSO pamphlet is referred to for welding repairs in UIC trolley -R7.
219. Minimum pressure required for door operation on BOBR wagon is 4.92 kg/ cm2
220. Wheel base of the brake van match truck (BVN) is 3505 mm
221. The BOX bogies is designed for an axle load of 20.30t
222. The clearance between pins & bushes should not exceed 1.5mm
223. Stander diameter of wheel on thread on BOXN wagon is 1000mm.
224. Minimum diameter of wheel thread on BOXN wagon during service is 906 mm.
225. The axle load of BOXN,BCN,BRN,BOBR,BTPN,BOX ,BCX,BHR wagon is 20.32t.
226. The axle capacity of BVZC,CRT, BTAL,BTAG,BTPGL, wagon is 20.3t.
227. The axle capacity of TPR,ToRS,andTCL wagon is 16.3t.
228. The wheel gauge should be measured on off load condition.
229. The condemning wheel diameter of BVG is 990mm.
230. The condemning wheel diameter of BOI wagon is 906mm.
231. The new wheel diameter of BOY wagon is 1000mm.
232. The condemning wheel diameter of BOBR ,BTPN wagon is 906mm.
233. The radious of the root of the flange of new worn wheel profile is 14mm.
234. Permissible maximum flat surface on tread on other BG wagon is 60mm.
235. Permissible maximum flat surface on tread on other IRSBG wagon is 75mm.
236. What is the minimum lateral play b/w axle box lug born check for UIC trolly is 25mm.
237. Maximum longitudional clearance b/w axle box lug and worn check for UIC type tyolly are 18mm.
238. The wheel gauge measures the distance b/w flange of two wheels on same axle.
239. Standard clearance b/w side bearers on UIC stock is 4mm.
240. Permissible clearance b/w side bearers on UIC stock is 6mm.
241. What is the permissible variation in the group for load bearing & snubber spring 3.0mm
242. The length of brake block of BOXN wagon is not specified.
243. Nominal diameter of draw gear pin is 31.0mm.
244. Nominal thickness of buffer casing body wall is 11.50mm.
245. What is a wear limit of buffer casing body wall5.50mm.
246. Maximum nominal thickness of plunger face plate in ICF type buffer is 19.0 mm.
247. Wear leamit of plunger face plate in ICF type buffer is 11.0mm.
248. What is the weakest link of the H-type tight lock center buffer coupler is knuckle.
249. The minimum tensile stress of H-type tight lock center buffer coupler is 6327Kg/cm2.
250. Minimum yield stress of H-type tight lock center buffer coupler is 4310kg/cm2.
251. How many auxiliary headstock are provided in an ICF shell are 4.
252. Destruction tube are provided inside the buffer.
253. The maximum difference in buffer height on same axle stock is 64.0mm.
254. What type of draw gear is used in brake van goods- (BVG) screw coupling.
255. Permissible diameter of knuckle pivot pin is 39.5mm.
256. Standard diameter of clevis pin is 38mm
257. Permissible diameter of clevis pin is 36.5mm
258. Standard dimension of shank wear plate for AAR coupler is 6mm
259. Standard diameter of distance between the nose of knuckle and guard arm is 127mm
260. Wear limit of distance between the nose of knuckle and guard arm is 130mm
261. For goods train maximum buffer height from rail level is 1105mm
262. Maximum permissible free slack in the draft gear in service is 25mm
263. Maximum buffer projection from the head stock on BG wagon is 456mm
264. Maximum permissible wear in drawbars shackle pin hole is 6.35mm
265. Maximum permissible wear in drawbars cotter pin hole is 12.7mm
266. The weakest link of the centre buffer coupler is knuckle.
267. The high capacity draftgear is Mark50

268. Type of CBC used in IR is AAR Type

269. Type of head and shank are used in AAR type CBC is E&F Type
270. The yield strength of knuckle of material AAR M-201 grade c(STD) is 132T.
271. The yield strength of coupler body AAR grade c(STD) is 169T.
272. The working strength of CBC is 120t.
273. The diameter of knuckle oivit pin is 40mm.
274. The conventional screw coupling has working load of 22.5mm.
275. Buffer gear assemblies absorb buffer impact to buffer spring.
276. The tractive effort of the loco to the individual wagon is transmitted with the help of draw gear.
277. Clevis and clevispin are the part of transition coupler.
278. Hydraulic testing of TCL tank barrel is carried out at 43.7kg/cm2.
279. Hydraulic testing of BTAL,BTALN tank barrel is carried at 56.3kg/cm2.
280. Working pressure of BTPN safety valve is 1.4kg/cm2.
281. Thickness of barrel plate cylindrical portion of BTPGAL tank barrel is 15mm.
282. The diameter of master valve of BTPN tank wagon is 100mm.
283. What is the estimated weight of phosphoric acid tank barrel 6.54t.
284. In the tank wagon vapour extractor cock is closed after loading.
285. In the wagon master valve is closed after unloading.
286. What is the hydraulic test pressure in the barrel of chlorine tank wagon 23.7kg/cm2.
287. No of safety vents with frangible disc fitted in sulphuric acid tank wagon are one.
288. Codal life of tank wagon is 45years.
289. Tare weight of the TPGLR tank wagon is 18.2t.
290. The axle load capacity of BCL wagon is 20.32t.
291. What is the material specification of BCL wagon trolley cast steel.
292. At the time of load distribution what percentage of load is coming on the center pivot 10%.

1. CDTS is stand for control discharge toilet system.
2. CDTS has two sliding valve.
3. In CDTS two sliding valves are available, one is upper sliding valve and other lower sliding valve.
4. CDTS is control by PLC.
5. PLC stands for programmable logic controller which controls the cdts system
6. CDTS is programmable.
7. CDTS is non pollution for environment.
8. CDTS works the principle of high flush with water pressurization.
9. Lower slide valve is open at 30 kmph to through the human waste.
10. Pre-determined flushes (generally 15) are required to operate the lower slide valve.
11. The purpose of cdts is eliminate the practice of spillage of toilet waste on to railways station areas in
the populated areas of city.
12. The waste transferred to a retention tank.
13. It is easily programmable and reprogrammable.
14. Hygienic, improves environmental conditions at railway station.
15. The CDTS retains human waste to avoid discharge at station.
16. Any chocking should be possible to be rectified on the spot without needing depot attention.
17. The toilet system is one touch operation type.
18. It is low maintenance type system.
19. This system works on electrical & pneumatic pressure arrangement.
20. The retention tank stores has two openings.
21. Sliding valves are activated by double acting pneumatic cylinders.
22. The upper sliding valve opens every time when the user operates the flush button.
23. The lower sliding valve opens at predetermined speed & no. of cycle of flushes.
24. The solenoid / magnetic valve control the entry of pneumatic pressure.
25. The pressurizes delivers pressurized water to flush the waste.
26. The logical control records the no. of flush cycle as well as speed of the vehicle.
27. The cdts system starts working on a single push of flush button switch.
28. As the flush button is depressed, opens the slide valve connecting the toilet bowl to the waste
retention tank.
29. After each flush cycle the toilet is sealed off from the retention tank by the slide/flapper valve,
preventing odor from entering the toilet room.
30. The waste remains in the retention tank until vehicle minimum speed 30 kmph & predetermined no.
of flush counts.
31. The retention tank discharge valve remain open only for a small period of time (one minute or less).
32. Presently the cdts available on LHB coaches.
33. There are two types (Indian & European) of toilet basin used in these cdts system.
34. PLC works on 24 V DC.
35. The solenoid valve control the entry of pneumatic air in the pnumatinc cylinders.
36. Control relay is fitted a side of PLC on the control panel.
37. The effluent drained from the toilet basin bowl after flushing is stored in the retention tank.
38. In case of extra flush (beyond the capacity of tank) over flow pipe is provided to drain out the effluent.
39. Upper slide valve close after effluent enters the retention tank.
40. The slide valve consists of a slide which is connect by means of link to two pneumatic cylinders.
41. The slide valve open and close by the movement of piston of pneumatic cylinders.
42. The movement of upper slide is horizontal as per old design.
43. In the latest version the flapper arrangement has been introduced instead of upper valves, to
overcome slide jamming problems.
44. The difference between slides & flapper arrangement is the axis of movement of opening
45. The flapper operates in vertical direction (open & close).
46. The difference between slides & flapper arrangement is the axis of movement of opening
47. Lower slide valve is designed to operate on two parameters (predetermined no. of flush count &
predetermined speed of vhicle).
48. The movement of lower slide valve is horizontal as per design.
49. Flush button is an electrical switch on pressing this switch the electric circuits are completed.


Water pressurizes is fitted in the inlet of water pipe line connection to the cdts system.
Water pressurizes will work when the flush button operates.
A Fail safe mode of operation is been provided in cdts system.
In fail safe mode loss of air /or electricity, the retention tank upper slide valve will automatically
revert to the open position and remain in the open position until air and electricity are restored.
54. Water by pass valve is provided on the interior toilet room to provide minimum amount of water to
the toilet in an emergency situation.
Biodegradable toilet
55. The provision of biological toilet is being made in passenger coaches to control pollution over station &
city area along with running track.
56. Biodegradable toilet system is based on aerobic bacteria.
57. Degradation of human waste into CO2, water & carboneous matter.
58. Biodegradable toilet provided first in Bundelkhand express.
59. The discharge from Biodegradable toilet is without fecal material.
60. No perceptible foul smell was noticed in the Biodegradable toilet.
61. Volume of the tank of Biodegradable toilet is 316 litre.
62. The tank of Biodegradable toilet is made of stainless steel with coat of special epoxy applied to the
inside surface the tank.
63. Maximum capacity of water per flush (pressurized water) is 2.5 litre/flush.
64. Biodegradable toilet tank includes the screen tray to collect foreign objects such as bags, papers, tin
can etc.
65. An especially design flapper valve is provided between the tank & toilet room to present odors.
66. The tank is installed under the coach.
67. The tank of Biodegradable toilet includes two clean out ports in addition to clear/ translucent plug for
visual detection of any foreign material.
68. The organizers are non toxic, odorless and harmless.
69. Micro- culture must be used at a rate of 08 ounce capacity two bags.
70. Micro culture must be used at every 90 days to accelerate the biological process.
71. The waste treatment slows down due to paper deposits.
72. The efflunent flow through the primary chlorination and around the chemical slugs.
73. The bacteria free effluent then flow out the discharge of the treatment tank assembly directly to the
road bed atmosphere.
74. The waste treatment tank, biological process treats the human waste.
75. This system requires no handling of row waste water and no manual draining.
76. It requires the regular addition of the chlorine slug for disinfections.
77. The treatment tank utilizes microphors new synthetic filtration media.
78. The new synthetic media has larger surface area than the tank body.
79. The red wood bark media has an average cycle life of 5.7 years.
80. In Biodegradable toilet systems, water consumption is low.
81. The synthetic media converts solid waste directly into gasoline and water.
82. Aerobic bacteria doubles its population in 6 to 8 hours.
83. System does not require oxygen and also does not require regular cleaning.
84. Bio-toilets are basically of four types.
85. The system is provided with 500 liter capacity of retention tank.
86. The retention tank is mounted in under frame of coach body by means of four brackets below toilet
87. The fecal matter will pass through U trap to the tank.
88. U trap eliminate gas emission to the toilet room.
89. Entire tank is devided into 6 no. of chambers by means of net grill.
90. Biodegradable toilet system developed by DRDE Gwalior.
91. In the retention tank CO2 and CH4 (methane) gases are released from fecal matter.
92. To exhaust CO2 and CH4 (methane) gases in atmosphere the vent hole has been provided in the upper
surface of the tank.
93. To exhaust CO2 and CH4 (methane) gases in atmosphere one vent hole is provided.
94. Preferably vent hole is provided over first or last chamber of the tank.
95. One flapper valve is provided for water seal and to arrest foul smell.
96. The flapper valve also act as passage to clear foreign materials.
97. The flapper valve also act as a fail safe mode in an emergency.

98. Another version of Biodegradable toilet flapper valve with P.L.C. is replaced by manual slider valve
which is operated from outside.
99. P.L.C. in Biodegradable toilet is an electronic device which is arranged inside wall of toilet room.
100. Solenoid valve is provided with flusher valve of toilet room which is connected with P.L.C. system.
101. Solenoid valve provides pressurized water through flusher pipe.
102. A small tank of one liter capacity in integrated beside of retention tank is called chlorinator tank.
103. Chlorinator tank has two nos. of outlet for collecting samples for periodical testing.
104. Over flow drainage pipe is provided inside wall of tank, in case of overflow of tank disinfected
liquid discharges to the track.
105. For testing procedure, samples are collected and these parameter are checked P.H. value, total
solid, T.D.S., C.O.D.
Environmental management system
106. ISO 14001 is an environmental management standard.
107. The purpose of ISO 14001 is to help all types of organization to protect the environment to prevent
pollution and to improve their environment performance.
108. Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as
external stoke holders.
109. ISO 14001 reduces cost of waste management.
110. It saves in consumption of energy and material.
111. It helps lower distribution costs.
112. It improves coporate image among regulators, customers and the public.
113. It reduces risk of environmental incidents.
114. It helps better use of energy and resources.
115. It helps us to compliance with environmental rules and regulations.
116. It enhance workplace health and safety.
117. ISO 14001 is applicable to any systems.
118. ISO 14000 is the standard and ISO 14001 is the document containing the requirements.
119. The organization must develop an effective system that must the requirements of the standard.
120. The ISO 14001 specifies requirements for an environment management system.
121. It provides safe work environment.
122. It protects employees and public from unacceptable risk.
123. It encourages use of proper tools and PPE.
124. It minimize the damages to personal property and environment.
125. It controls all waste, specially solid waste and their proper disposal.
126. It conserves natural resources and devlop greenery.
127. Top management must be committed to and involved in the design and implementation of the
128. The EMS must clarify what resources, human and physical are required to create safe products and

1. MPI stands for Magnetic particle inspection.

2. MPI methods will not be applicable to non-magnetic materials.
3. MPI method is used to detecting the presence of cracks, laps, seams.
4. CMT lab work is mainly sub-divided into chemical, physical & NDT sections.
5. CMT stands for chemical & metallurgical testing.
6. NDT stands for non-destructive testing.
7. Zyglo testing technique is employed for testing of Roller bearing & pinions.
8. CBC and welding of under frame in Durunto bogies are tested by Dye penentrant test.
9. Ultrasonic testing is non destructive type of testing.
10. Axles and wheels are tested using ultrasonic test.
11. Ultrasonic testing uses high frequency sound energy.
12. CMT comes under Mechanical department.
13. CMT is responsible for quality assurance of incoming material.
14. CMT conducts regular quality control operation.

15. Ferrous materials are tested for presence and percentage of elements such as Carbon, Manganese,
Silicon, Chromium etc.
16. Non ferrous materials are tested for presence of Copper, Tin, Aluminum, Magnesium and Lead.
17. Ferrous materials are tested by color comparision, volumetric method and gravemetric methods.
18. Non ferrous material tests include Electrolysis, Volumetric method and Gravimetric method.
19. Brinnell hardness tester is used for measuring hardness in RC & RB scales.
20. Universal testing machine is used for measuring tensile strength, elongation.
21. Microscope is used to find out micro-struchtures, grain size and inclusion rating.
22. Physical section of CMT carries out failure analysis.
23. NDT is used for testing of axles, wheels, roller bearing, BSS hangers, BSS pins, Drwa bars, springs and
24. Ultrasonic testing can be used for flaw detection, dimensional measurements and material
25. UST uses a transducer which generates hight frequency ultrasonic waves.
26. UST uses frequency waves in the range of 500KHz to 10MHz.
27. Wavelength depends on velocity and frequency.
28. MPI is not applicable to non-magnetic materials.
29. In MPI, the defects can be more clearly viewed under UV light by using Flourescent magnetic particles.
30. Zyglo test is also known as Flouroscent Dye penentrant test.
31. CBC and welding are tested by Dye penentrant test.
32. Capillary action is the principle behind Dye penentrant test.
33. Penentrant and developers are the chemicals used in dye penentrant test.
34. Instrument used to measure glossiness of the paint surface of the coach is
35. Instrument used to measure temperature above the range of liquid thermometer is
36. Indentors used in Rockwell A & C is Diamond.
37. Indentors used in Rockwell B is 1/16 steel ball.
38. Indentors used in Rockwell R is steel ball
39. Indentors used in Rockwell L is steel ball.
40. Insttrument used to measure the DFT of paint is elcometer.
41. A substance having metallic properties and being compared of 2 or more chemical elements of which
atleast one is an elemental metal is alloy.
42. A suspensionof one liquid phase in another is emulsion.
The type of grease used in ICF spherical roller bearings is lithium base grease.
The torque valve for end locking studs is 8 to 9 Kg-m for 6mm bolts and 15 to 16 Kg-m for
20mm bolts.
The dash pot oil level under tare condition is 40mm
Draw and braking forces will be taken by Anchor links in ICF bogie.
Silent Block (Rubber bush) has been fitted in bogie components to reduce noise
To control the lateral swing of the bolster Equalizing stays have been provided on ICF
Life of other coaching vehicles ( light usage) is 40 years
The gap between brake block and wheel tread on ICF coach to be maintained is 5mm
ICF solid wheel maximum diameter is 915mm
ICF coaches are provided with bearings: self aligned spherical roller bearings Wheel discs
are fitted on axles with shrunk fit
Projection of buffer from head stock should be within 600 to 635mm
Integral coach factory located at Perambur
PEASD is provided with 8 mm choke
How do you measure buffer height of a coach? Rail table to center of buffer face
Which is the most frequent reason for Train parting on AAR coupler? Failure of Knuckles
The function of check valve with choke provided in the air brake system is
To permit flow of air from the FP to the AR but not in the reverse direction.

The function of PEAV is Facilitate the passenger to intimate the driver to stop the train by
reducing air pressure.
In C3W distributor valve Double release valve sub-assembly help in manual release of
Twin Pipe Braking Helps in Reduces release time
In case of coaching stock accident where human loss is there the enquiry will be conducted
by CRS (commissioner of railway safety)
What is the maximum pressure in the brake cylinder when the driver drops the BP pressure
by 1.6 Kg/cm? 3.8 Kg/Cm2
What is the new and condemning diameter of wheels fitted on ICF WGACCW coach?
915mm & 813 mm
What is the permissible variation in wheel tread diameter on the same bogie and on the
same coach on BG ICF design at the time of wheel changing? 5mm & 13mm
What is the lowest permissible wheel diameter for a coach turned out after POH from
workshops? 837mm
What is the Permissible wheel gauge of wheels on an ICF coach as per revised IRCA part IV?
1600 +2/-1mm
What is the permissible flat surface on wheel tread of RWF disc as per the latest
instructions is 50mm
What is the root radius when new for wheel turned to worn wheel profile? 14mm
What is the Condemning flange thickness of wheels fitted on ICF coach running at 110
Kmph.? 22mm
What is the maximum and minimum Buffer heights to be maintained on an ICF coach
under tare condition? 1105mm to 1090mm.
What is indication for ensuring proper coupling of CBC during train examination?
19 mm clearance between toggle and coupler body
Working Piston stroke of Bogie mounted brake cylinder? 32mm
In bogie mounted brake system at what wheel diameter the brake gear connection should
be shifted to next inner hole of connecting link? 839mm
Piston stroke of a loaded BCN wagon? 130mm
Pull required to operate alarm chain apparatus? 6.4 to 10 Kg.
Condemning thickness of Composite brake blocks of a coach? 12mm
Maximum permissible clearance between pin and bush during renewal on Express train?
Longitudinal movement of bolster in ICF bogie is controlled by? Anchor link
Angle to which split pins and cotters to be split? 45 degrees
Periodicity of POH of OCVs on mail & express trains? 18 months
Minimum air pressure in the under slung water tank of AC coach? 0.35 Kg/Cm2.
The clearance between wheel and brake block increases automatically in Bogie mounted
brake cylinder? No
Beyond which temperature is the axle box considered hot box? 80 degrees C
Under whom does NTXR work? IRCA
Where is Rail Spring Karkhana located? Gwalior
What does an Air Flow indicator do? Indicates leakages of air pressure
What is the wheel base of an ICF bogie? 2896mm.
What is the minimum buffer height permitted on loaded coaching stock? 1030mm
What is the release time of a DV permitted on coaching stock? 15 to20 sec.
What is the droppage of BP pressure for full service brake application on coaching train?
1.0 to 1.5 Kg./Cm2.
When oil oozing noticed in between wheel seat and axle it is called loose axle
When pull rod is grazing on axle forms the Notched axle.
2 CT stands for TOURIST CAR
5 ERR stands for FOUR / SIX WHEELER


18 RH stands for MEDICAL VAN
20 RK stands for DYNAMOMETER CAR
21 RN stands for GENERATING VAN
22 RS stands for STORES VAN
27 VP stands for PARCEL VAN






The standard wheel gauge of passenger BG coaching stock is

(a) 1602 mm
(b) 1601 mm
(c) 1600 mm
(d) 1598 mm
Length over body of ICF BG coaches is
(a) 2334 mm
(b) 2310 mm
(c) 21337 mm (d) 22132 mm
Rigid wheelbase of ICF BG trolley is
(a) 2896 mm
(b) 2803 mm
(c) 2990 mm (d) 2837 mm
The other name of pilot valve is
What is the period for POH of departmental coach?
(a) 24 month
(b) 36 month
(c) 42 month (d) 60 month
What is the Transportation code of inspection carriage (Administrative)?
(a) AR
(b) CR
(c) IC
(d) RA
In coach, the load transmission takes place through (a) Center pivot (b) Bogie
(c) Side bearer (d) Wheel
The L type composite brake block should be changed, if worn out beyond(a) 10 mm
(b) 15 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 22 mm
The K type composite brake block should be changed, if worn out beyond(a) 10 mm
(b) 12 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 22 mm
Std. packing pieces of ICF coach is
(a) 13,14,26 mm
(b) 13,22,28 mm
(c) 13,26,38,48 mm (d) 22,26,32 mm
Yellow strips on end body of ICF indicate is
(a) Anti-telescopic
(b) Dual brake(c) In built air brake
(d)Non-Anti telescopic
For finding what defect UST is done?
(a) Internal crack
(b) external crack (c) Air flow crack (d) None of the above
What is Codal life of steel bodied coaches (Including dining / pantry cars) (a) 40 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 22 years
Codal life of light utilization categories of coaches is (a) 40 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 20 years
All newly built coaches shall be given IOH after (a) One month (b) six month
(c) one year
(d) two year
The length over buffer of ICF/ RCF coach is (a) 22297 mm (b) 22299 mm (c) 21996 mm (d) 21030 mm
Over all width of ICF/ RCF coach is (a) 3251 mm
(b) 3250 mm
(c) 3245 mm (d) 3991 mm
The height from rail level of ICF/ RCF coach is (a) 3886 mm
(b) 4025 mm
(c) 3991mm
(d) 3251 mm
Rehabilitation of coaching stock is carried out between
(a) 10 to 12 year
(b) 12 to 15 year
(c) 15 to 18 year
(d) 18 20 year
How many emergency windows provided in AC ICF/RCF coaches are
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
Rehabilitation cost of coaching stock is
(a) 15% of the total cost
(b) 20% of the total cost
(c) 25% of the total cost
(d) 35% of the total cost
What is the interval of schedule A examination of a coach?
(a) One month 3 days
(b) Two months 3 days
(c) Three months 6 days
(d) None of the above
What is the interval of schedule B examination of a coach?
(a) One month 3 days
(b) Two months 3 days
(c) Three months 7 days
(d) None of the above
What is the purpose of manipulator?
(a) For testing roller bearing
(b) For down hand welding
(c) For ROH
(d) For brake ringing Adjustment
What do you mean by FRP?
(a) Fibre recalling panel
(b) Fibre reinforced plastic
(c) First reduction plastic
(d) Fine reinforced panel








Where has been distraction tube provided in ICF/RCF coaches?

Between main head stock and auxiliary head stock
Outer main head stock
With auxiliary head stock
None of the above
The maximum standard buffer height above rail level to center of buffer is
(a) 1085 mm
(b) 1100 mm
(c) 1105 mm
(d) 1030 mm
The minimum permissible buffer height above rail level to center of buffer is
(a) 1105 mm
(b) 1145 mm
(c) 1115 mm
(d) 1030 mm
Standard buffer projection from Headstock is
(a) 650 mm
(b) 635 mm
(c) 620 mm
(d) 660 mm
The diameter of buffer plunger face of ICF coaches is
(a) 552 mm
(b) 457 mm
(c) 493 mm
(d) 510 mm
What is the distance between two buffers at one end?
(a) 1952 mm
(b) 1976 mm
(c) 1956 mm
(d) 1992 mm
What is the maximum buffer plunger stroke in mm?
(a) 127.0 mm
(b) 129.0 mm
(c) 131.0 mm
(d) 133.0 mm
How the weight of the body is transferred on trolley in ICF coach?
(a) Journal
(b) Wheel
(c) Side bearer (d) Dashpot
The ICF buffer plunger is made of
(a) Mild steel
(b) Cost iron
(c) Cast steel
(d) Al Alloy
In loaded condition, the minimum permissible height of buffer in ICF coach is
(a) 1090 mm
(b) 1105 mm
(c) 1030 mm (d) None of the above
The draw & buffing force transmission in coach is through (a) Centre pivot
(b) Bogie
(c) Side bearer (d) Wheel
Hauling capacity of H type CBC is (a) 7000 ton
(b) 8000 ton
(c) 9000 ton
(d) 10000 ton
What thickness of hard packing ring used for 889 to 864 mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height?
(a) 10.0 mm
(b) 12.0 mm
(c) 13.0 mm
(d) 20.0 mm
What thickness of hard packing ring used for 863 to 840 mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height?
(a) 12.0 mm
(b) 16.0 mm
(c) 20.0 mm
(d) 26.0 mm
Thickness of hard packing ring used for 839 to 820 mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in
adjustment of buffer height is (a) 16.0 mm
(b) 20.0 mm
(c) 38.0 mm
(d) 46.0 mm
Thickness of hard packing ring used for 819mm diameter of two wheel sets of bogie in adjustment
of buffer height is (a) 20.0 mm
(b) 38.0 mm
(c) 46.0 mm
(d) 48.0 mm
Nominal thickness of buffer casing body wall is
(a) 9.50 mm
(b) 10.50 mm
(c) 11.50 mm
(d) 13.50 mm
What is wear limit of buffer casing body wall?
(a) 2.50 mm
(b) 3.50 mm
(c) 4.50 mm
(d) 5.50 mm
What is the weakest link of the H type tight lock center buffer coupler?
(a) Draft gear
(b) Knuckle
(c) Lock
(d) Yoke pin
Destruction tube is provided inside the
(a) Buffer
(c) Head stock (c) under sole bar
(d) None
What is the thickness of roof sheet in ICF coach?
(a) 2.1 mm
(b) 1.9 mm
(c) 1.8 mm
(d) 1.6 mm
Water tank capacity of ICF coach is
(a) 1600 litre
(b) 1800 litre
(c) 1500 litre
(d) 2000 litre
Under shung tank capacity of roof mounted AC coaches fitted with WRA system is
(a) 1600 Litre
(b) 1700 Litre
(c) 1800 Litre
(d) 2000 Litre
Minimum and Maximum air pressure required for WRA is
(a) 0.35 Kg/cm2& 0.75 Kg/cm2
(b) 0.45 Kg/cm2 & 0.5 Kg/Cm2
(c) 0.55 Kg/cm & 0.6 Kg/cm
(d) 0.65 Kg/cm2& 0.75 Kg/cm2






Sole bar of ICF coach consists of

(a) Z section
(b) I section
(c) Y section
(d) U section
What capacity of the equalizing stays of the shatabdi Exp.?
(a) 22 tons
(b) 20 tons
(c) 16 tons
(d) 14 tons
What is amount of the oil per side bearer in ICF coaches?
(a) 1.2 letter
(b) 1.6 letter
(c) 2.5 letter
(d) 2.2 letter
What is the distance between side bearers of ICF coach?
(a) 1560 mm
(b) 1590 mm
(c) 1600 mm
(d) 1610 mm
What is the oil level in dashpot?
(a) 50.0 mm
(b) 40.0 mm
(c) 75.0 mm
(d) 90.0 mm
What should be the interval of check the dashpot oil in mail/Express train?
(a) 15 days
(b) 25 days
(c) one month
(d) two month
What is the amount of oil per dashpot in 40-mm depth in modified guide arrangement?
(a) 1.6 Litre
(b) 2.5 Litre
(c) 2.2 Litre
(d) 1.9 Litre
What is the interval of check the side bearer oil?
(a) One month (b) 25 days
(c) 15 days
(d) 10 days
In bogie mounted air brake systems, the No of brake cylinder in a coach are
(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 2
(d) 4
The weight of the coach is transferred through (a) Side bearer (b) Equalizing stay
(c) Helical spring
(d) Bolster
Center pivot pin does not transmit any (a) Horizontal load
(b) Tractive
(c) Breaking force
(d) Vertical force
New dimension of side bearers wearing plate is (a) 10.0 mm
(b) 12.0 mm
(c) 14.0 mm
(d) 16.0 mm
What is shop renewal dimension of side bearer wearing plate?
(a) 10.0 mm
(b) 9.0 mm
(c) 8.0 mm
(d) 7.5 mm
Condemning size of side bearer wearing plate is (a) 10.0 mm
(b) 9.0 mm
(c) 8.50 mm
(d) 7.50 mm
Newly dimension of side bearer wearing pieces is (a) 45.0 mm
(b) 44.0 mm
(c) 43.0 mm
(d) 42.0 mm
Shop renewal size of side bearer wearing piece is (a) 45.0 mm
(b) 44.50 mm
(c) 43.50 mm
(d) 42.50 mm
What is the condemning size of side bearer wearing piece?
(a) 45.0 mm
(b) 44.0 mm
(c) 43.0 mm
(d) 42.0 mm
Diagonal gauge for axle guide of 13 t & 16.25 t bogie is (a) 3912 1.0 mm
(b) 3812 1.0 mm
(c) 3712 1.0 mm
(d) 3612 1.0 mm
Which type brake system, external slack adjuster have been eliminated?
(a) BMBC
(b) UMBS
(d) None of the above
What is the modification of equalizing stay rod?
(a) Fitted 16 tons in all coaches
(b) fitted 18 t o tons in all coaches
(c) Fitted 14 tons in all coaches
(d) none of the above
The color code of helical spring of ICF bogie is
(a) Yellow, blue, green
(b) Yellow, red, green
(c) White, blue, green
(d) White, red, green
What type of axle guidance arrangement used in ICF/RCF bogie?
(a) Oil clamping
(b) Telescopic axle guide with oil damping
(c) Vertical oil damping
(d) pneumatic axle guide
One of the function of Anchor links?
To joint bolster and side frame
To prevent rational movement of bolster
To connect with upper plank and lower plank
None of the above
Which type of grease used in roller bearing in ICF coach?
(a) Servo 20
(b) Lithium base
(c) Servo 40
What quantity of grease filled per axle box of SKF make bearing?
(a) 1.75 kg
(b) 2.00 kg
(c) 2.25 kg

(d) Graphite 20
(d) 2.5 kg








What quantity of grease filled per axle box of other than SKF make bearing?
(a) 1.75 kg
(b) 2.00 kg
(c) 2.25 kg
(d) 2.5 kg
LHB coaches are provided with what type of bearing?
(a) Spherical type
(b) Plain bearing
(c) CTRB
(d) None of the above
In air brake coach, PEAV & PEASD is connected to branch pipe is
(a) FP
(b) BP
(c) BC
(d) DV
The pulling force required for alarm chain testing should not be more then (a) 12 kg
(b) 10 kg
(c) 20 kg
(d) 30 kg
What is the choke size of PEAV
(a) 4.0 mm
(b) 5.0 mm
(c) 6.0 mm
(d) 8.0 mm
What is the chock size of Guard emergency brake valve?
(a) 8.0 mm
(b) 6.0 mm
(c) 5.0 mm
(d) 4.0 mm
At what schedule, the over hauling and testing of alarm chain apparatus is done
(a) A schedule
(b) B schedules
(c) C schedule
(d) Special schedule
The full name of PEAV is
(a) Power energy valve
(b) Passenger entrance valve
(c) Passenger emergency alarm valve (d) Pipe emergency valve
PEAV & PEASD can be isolated by(a)
Isolate isolating cock between branch pipe of BP & DV
Isolate isolating cock between branch pipe of FP& BP
Isolate isolating cock fitted in branch pipe
Isolate isolating cock of BC
What is the free height of 16.25 tons axle box spring?
(a) 360 mm
(b) 365 mm
(c) 375 mm
(d) 380 mm
What is the free height of non-AC coach axle box spring?
(a) 355 mm
(b) 360 mm
(c) 367 mm
(d) 370 mm
Free height of all non-AC ICF type axle box spring is (a) 375 mm
(b) 372 mm
(c) 360 mm
(d) 315 mm
Free height of AC ICF type bolster coil spring is (a) 375 mm
(b) 385 mm
(c) 400 mm
(d) 416 mm
What is co lour code of A group coil spring is
(a) Yellow
(b) Green
(c) oxford blue
(d) White
What is co lour code of B group coil spring is (a) Oxford blue
(b) White
(c) Green
(d) Yellow
What is co lour code of C group coil spring is (a) Oxford blue
(b) White
(c) Green
(d) Yellow
Piston stroke (coach) of bogie mounted brake cylinder is
(a) 28 mm
(b) 32 mm
(c) 36 mm
(d) 38 mm
In BMBS hole adjustment of curved pull rod to be done when wheel diameter reaches to (a) 839 mm
(b) 842 mm
(c) 846 mm
(d) None of the above
Permissible variations in wheel tread diameter for four-wheeled bogie on the same axle on BG is
(while turning the wheel)
(a) 0.5 mm
(b) 0.49 mm
(c) 0.30 mm
(d) 0.45 mm
Permissible variations in wheel tread diameter on the same coach on BG is (while turning the
(a) 12.0 mm
(b) 10.0 mm
(c) 11.0 mm
(d) 13.0 mm
Permissible variations in wheel tread diameter for the same bogie on BG is -(while turning the
(a) 10.0 mm
(b) 7.0 mm
(c) 5.0 mm
(d) 8.0 mm
The axle load of AC coaches is
(a) 22.0 tons
(b) 16.25 tons (c) 15.0 tons
(d) 14.50 tons
Axle load capacity of generator (WLLRM) coach is
(a) 16.0 tons
(b) 16.25 tons (c) 15.0 tons
(d) 20.30 tons
The use of 13 tons axle load bogie is in
(a) PVH
(b) AC
(c) Power Car
(d) Non AC




Flat faces on BG coach is permitted up to

(a) 60.0 mm
(b) 50.0 mm
(c) 75.0 mm
High speed ICF coach condemning flange thickness is
(a) 14.0 mm
(b) 13.0 mm
(c) 22.0 mm
Lateral movements of wheels are controlled by
(a) Axle Guide (b) Journal center
(c) roller bearing
Bogie wheelbase of ICF/ RCF all coil bogies are (a) 2896 mm
(b) 2986 mm
(c) 2886 mm
Min shop issue size of ICF solid wheel is
(a) 837 mm
(b) 870 mm
(c) 854 mm

(d) 90.0 mm
(d) 10.0 mm
(d) Desh pot
(d) 2997 mm
(d) 8746 mm

Flange thickness of new BG wheel coach is

(a) 28.0 mm
(b) 28.50 mm (c) 29.50 mm (d) 27.50 mm
The radius of the root of flange of new BG wheel is
(a) 14.0 mm
(b) 16.0 mm
(c) 18.0 mm
(d) 19.0 mm
Condemning height of flange on tread on BG wheel is
(a) 30.0 mm
(b) 32.0 mm
(c) 34.0 mm
(d) 35.0 mm
Condemning size of radius at the top of flange (Sharp flange) of BG main line coach wheel is
(a) 8.0 mm
(b) 5.0 mm
(c) 10.0 mm
(d) 12.0 mm
WRA is
(a) Water raising apparatus
(b) White race assistance
(c) Water recording agreement
(d) None of the above
What is the means of WSP?
(a) Water speed protection
(b) Wheel slide protection
(c) Wheel solid profile
(d) None of the above


1. IRCA is Indian Railway Conference Association.

2. The IRCA came into existence in the year 1902.
3. Initially, in 1902 the IRCA was constituted to frame rules and regulations for booking of traffic and
interchange of trains between 19 privately owned separate railways systems covering a total of
8,475 miles, to act as a consultative Committee and as a Board of Arbitration
4. IRCA Conference Rules, Part III deals with Wagon.
5. IRCA Conference Rules, Part IV deals with Coach.
6. The Executive Committee of IRCA consists of General Manager/ Northern Railway, who is exofficio President, IRCA, and General Managers of two States owned Railways and General
Manager of one of the non-government Railways.
7. The President of IRCA is shri. S.K. Budhlakoti, GM/NR.
8. The members of IRCA are GM/SCR, GM/NCR and Traffic Manager CPT Chennai.
9. The General Secretary of IRCA is Shri. R.M. Chhabra.
10. IRCA main functions deals with Neutral Control Organization and functions at Head quarters.
11. The head quarter Office has the following functions Interchange Section, Ownership records,
Wagon census, Wagon Balance & Hire Charges and Tariff Section.
12. Tariff section coordinates the functions of the Commercial Committee. The Commercial
Committee consists of the Chief Commercial Managers of all Zonal Railways plus one
representative of the non-government Railways (KRCL Rlys.)
13. All the proposals for new rules relating to booking of traffic e.g., Classification, Packing/Weight
Conditions, Reservation, Refund, etc. or any modification in the existing rules are, on being
referred to IRCA.
14. The work of NC Examination in IRCA has been successful and the standard of examination has been
highly appreciated by various Committees viz., Kunzroo Committee, Wanchoo Committee, Sikri
Committee and Railway Safety Review Committee.
15. At present the N.C staff are posted in 33 workshops, and 38 ROH depots all over Indian Railways
16. Nine flying squad batches operate at six different points viz. IRCA/Hd.Qr./NDLS (2 batches) ANCO
office/Mumbai, Chitpur & Andal of Eastern Railway, Khanalampura of Northern Railway,
Tondiarpet of Southern Railway, Bhilai of South East Central Railway, New Katni Junction of West
Central Railway and one Sample check batch at ANCO office/Kolkata for conducting regular
monthly checks on originating/Terminating Premium End to End & C.C. freight rakes over Indian
17. Joint sample checks of wagons interchanged with seven steel plants viz. Durgapur & IISCO/Hirapur
over Eastern Railway, Visakhapatnam over East Coast Railway, Tatanagar, Raurkela, Bokara &
IISCO/Burupur over South Eastern Railway and Bhilai over South East Central Railway as directed by
Railway Board.
18. BG


IR & Pakistan Railway

Atari (N.Rly.)
Ranaghat (E.Rly.)

IR & Bangladesh Railway

>Petrapole (E.Rly.)
>Singhabad (N.F.Rly.)

19. MG
IR & Bangladesh Railway

Radhikapur (N.F.Rly.)

Mahishasan (B.Rly.)
20. Interchange points of MG stations between Zonal Railways are in operation as per detail given









Forbes Ganj
21. The General Secretary, IRCA acts as Secretary of the Commercial Committee and IRCA Office as its
22. The Commercial Committee also acts as Traffic Claims Arbitration for fixing inter- railway liability
of compensation paid to the public.
23. In 1926, IRCA has formed 5 permanent committees and technical sections covering all spheres of
Indian Railways.
24. The 5 permanent technical committees of IRCA are Mechanical Engineering Committee, Electrical
Engineers Committee, Civil Engineering Committee, Signal Engineering Committee, Metallurgical
& Chemical Engineering Committee.
25. After India got independence, all the state privately owned Railways came under one single
authority Railway Board, and then IRCA was, therefore, re-organized to deal with the reduced
26. In 1969, after installation of Computers in the Railway Board, the work regarding maintenance of
Interchange of BG wagons was transferred to Railway Board. But, the work relating to MG wagons
continues to be dealt with in IRCA.
27. From 1947 to 2002, the winding up of IRCA has repeatedly come up for consideration before the
Railway Board several times and each time ultimate decision was in favor of continuance of the
organization, as it was felt that it was serving useful purpose in view of its independent status.
28. At present, the parties to the IRCA are, all the Zonal Railways plus Mumbai Port Trust, Kolkata
Port Trust, Chennai Port Trust, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Konkan Railways and Pipavav
Railway Corporation.
29. Printing of passenger fares, Parcel rates for descriptive goods (motor cars) and freight rates as
announced during budget every year and distributing the same to all zonal Railways before 31st
March to implement from 1st April is done by Tariff section, IRCA.
30. Issuing of correction slip to Military tariff containing general rules etc. printing of these books as
and when required by Railway Board and supply to all zonal Railways time to time is done by Tariff
section, IRCA.
31. Issuing of correction slips to Red tariff containing rules of dangerous commodities etc. printing of
this book as and when required by Railway Board supply to all zonal railways time to time, is done
by Tariff section, IRCA.
32. Compiling and printing & to allot code initials of railway stations and private siding as and when
requested by the zonal railway and revise the alphabetical book and Correction slip duly supplying
the same to all zonal railways is done by IRCA.
33. To supply Railway maps (Hindi & English) to all zonal Railways as per their requirement on receipt
from Survey of India, Dehradun is done by Tariff section, IRCA..
34. Printing and distribution of point to point fare table Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains is done by Tariff
section, IRCA.
35. The budget estimate for the year 2008-09, Railway Board sanctions Budget of IRCA approved by
the President/IRCA and Executive Council is Rs. 3,10,00,000/36. Allocation of Budget by IRCA, estimate for the year 2008-2009 for South Central Railway is Rs.
1694501. The cost of Neutral Control staff posted at Workshops, ROH depots and Sick lines is
wholly borne by the concerned Zonal Railways.
37. NC/HQ ADMINISTRATION BRANCH is located in IRCA/HQs office, New Delhi.
38. It maintains establishment records of the 438 staff posted at the Neutral Control points over Indian
Railways and 77 staff of IRCA headquarters. The personnel matters are also dealt with in this
39. NEUTRAL CONTROL BRANCH: This branch is based at HQs Office/New Delhi.
40. Various monthly/quarterly statements received from Neutral Control Points (Workshops, ROH
depots & Sick Lines over Indian Railways) are complied in NC branch and submitted to Railway
Board and Zonal Railways.
41. The Instructions/Directives pertaining to maintenance of Coaches & Wagons issued by Railway
Board/RDSO are circulated to all the NC points. Correction slips pertaining to CR part III & IV are
also issued from this branch


1 Distance between inner axle distances of LHB coach are 12340mm
2. The bogie center distance or flexible wheel base of LHB coach is 14900mm
3. Number of toilets provided in LHB coach are 3
4. Maximum CBC height drop under load and worn condition of LHB coach is 75mm
5. The slide valve of CDTS of LHB coach opens automatically at speeds above 30kmph
6. The thickness of flooring panels of LHB coach is 16mm
7. Length of LHB coach has been increased in comparison to ICF coach is 2mts
8. Braking distance of LHB coach from a speed of 160kmph is 1200mts
9. No. of yaw dampers in LHB coach are 2
10. The interval for repair/replacement of amenity fittings for all types of LHB coaches is six
11. Maximum tare weight of the LHB coach is 41.31t
12. Condemning wheel diameter of LHB coach is 845mm
13. Three types of water tanks are provided in LHB coach.
14. Water supply in wash basin is controlled by in LHB coach is Electromagnetic switch
15. The roof seat ,side wall seat and end floor seat are fabricated of Stainless steel
16. The under frame of LHB coach is fabricated of mild steel
17. Codal life of LHB coach is 50years
18. Piston stroke of brake cylinder of LHB coach is 8-10mm
19. The no. of speed sensors have been provided in LHB coach wheel is four
20. Daimeter of chock in PEAV of LHB coach is 19mm
21. The capacity of air reservoir of LHB coach is 125lts
22. The no..Dump valves have been provided in each wheel of LHB coach is one
23. The number of Sliding valves are provided in CDTS system is two
24. Type of coupler is used in LHB coach is Tight lock coupler with anti clamping feature
25. Height of center line of coupler from rail level under tare condition of LHB coach is1105+0/-15mm
26. CDTS stands for controlled discharge toilet system
27. The number of Brake pipe connections and feed pipe connections are provided in LHB coach are 2BP
and 2FP on each end
28. The berth capacity of AC-2Tier LHB coach is 54 berths
29. Berth capacity of AC-3 LHB coach is 72 berths
30. Length over body of LHB coach is 23540mm
31. Maximum width of LHB coach is 3240mm
32. Height over roof of LHB coach is 4039mm
33. The length over buffer of LHB coach is 24000mm
34. Rigid wheel base of LHB coach is 2560mm
35. Gauge of LHB coach is 1676mm
36. Length over CBC of LHB coach is 24000mm
37. Height of the coach from rail level (AC three tier) is 4250 mm
38. Maximum distance between inner wheels is 12345mm
39. Window opening of LHB coach is 1180x760 mm
40. Distance between centre pivots is 14900mm
41. Height of compartment floor from rail level under tare condition is 1303 mm
42. Maximum CBC drop under gross load and worn condition is 75 mm
43. Minimum height from rail level 102 mm
44. Maximum height of centre line of side CBC above rail level for empty vehicle is 1105mm
45. Minimum height of centre line of CBC
weight is 1030mm

above rail level for loaded vehicle Maximum tare

46. Wheel diameter (New) of LHB coach is

915 mm

47. Maximum axle load permissible is 16.25 tones

48. Higher speed potential of LHB coach is 160 Kmph upgradable to 200

49. Ride index of coach is 2.5 at 160 Kmph but not >2.75
50. LHB Coaches are about 2 meters longer than ICF coaches.
51. The weight of the coach is about 10 percent less as compared to the conventional coach resulting into
lower haulage cost
52. FIAT stands for Fabrica Italina de Automobil Torino
53 .FAIT bogie is an adoption of EUROFIMA design.
54. In LHB TIMKEN make taper roller cartridge type bearings is used
55. Each FIAT bogie of LHB has 4no of primary vertical dampers
56. Each FIAT bogie of LHB has 2 no.of secondary vertical dampers
57. Each FIAT bogie of LHB has one secondary lateral dampers
58. Each FIAT bogie of LHB has 2 no. of yaw dampers.
59. The traction and braking force between bogie and body is transferred through a rocker device
60. A torsion bar having two forks is provided between bogie frame transverse beam with the help of two
links to resist rolling motion of coach.
61. LHB coaches have been provided with tight lock centre buffer couplers instead of screw coupling
62. Heat insulation of the floor side wall lower area and end wall is done with Resonaflex insulation mat
63. The noise level inside the LHB coach is limited to 60 DB.
64. The thickness of side wall sheets is 2 mm.
65.The thickness of roof sheet is 1.25mm
66.The thickness of End plate sheet is 4mm
67. The thickness of floor is 1.25mm corrugated sheets
68. Meta cot silver grey weld able primer is applied to avoid bimetallic corrosion
69. End wall is made of ferritic steel
70.Coach body should be lifted off the bogies either by two overhead electric cranes of 25 tonnes capacity
71. LHB coach Trip schedule D1 is weekly/Every trip
72. LHB coach monthly schedule D2 is 30days+/-3days
73. LHB coach Six monthly schedule D3 is 180days+/-15days
74. LHB coach shop schedule /ss-1 is 18months+/_30days or 6lakh km which ever is earlier
75. LHB coach shop schedule /ss-ii is 3yrs or 12lakh km which ever is earlier
76. LHB coach shop schedule /ss-iii 6yrs or 24lakh km earned which ever is earlier

77. CBC height of a coach should be measured under its tare condition from the top of the rail on a level
and straight track
78. In Air Brake system compressed air is used for operating the brake system
79. The feed pipe is connected to the auxiliary reservoir
80. The brake pipe is connected to the brake cylinders through the distributor valve
81. Brake application takes place by dropping the pressure in the brake pipe
82. The Brake Container (Brake equipment panel) consists of a Manifold on which various devices like the
Distributor Valve, Cocks, Test fittings etc
83. The Intermediate flange is an adopter part of the distributor valve for matching common pipe bracket
84.The three-pressure valve controls brake cylinder charging and discharging according to the changes in
the brake pipe pressure
85. The accelerator consists of a quick-service control valve with a quick-service chamber , a control
sleeve and a choke switch H
86. When the brakes are applied, the minimum pressure limiter causes the brake cylinder to charge
quickly to about 10% of the brake force
87. The distributor valve KE-1 is fitted with an R-Charger having a isolating valve & the check valve
88. The isolating valve serves to switch the brakes of a vehicle on and off and, when switching off,
simultaneously exhaust all pressure chambers and the brake cylinders
89. The quick release valve serves both to fully release the brake automatically and to adjust an elevated
A pressure to the L pressure.
90. The Stopcocks are manually operated units serving to charge, shut off and vent compressed air systems
in rail vehicles
91. The Air Brake System uses three reservoirs of capacities 125 litres, 75 litres and 6 litres
92. 125 litre reservoirs is charged through feed pipe
93. Air supply from 75 litre reservoir is used for Controlled Discharge Toilet system (CDTS).
94. The indicator serves to indicate the braking condition of the compressed air brake on rail vehicles
fitted with disc brakes
95. With a brake cylinder pipe pressure below 0.6 bar, the signal color of indicator is green
96. With a pressure above or equal to 0.6 bars, the signal color of indicator is red with black dot appears in
the window.
97. The speed sensor scans a ferromagnetic rotating gear (tooth module 2) that is centered over the axle
98. The air gap between the rotating gear and sensor is 0.4 to 1.4 mm.
99. The speed sensor G16 operates in the range between 0 Hz and 4 kHz
100.Brake Pipe accelerator Valve provides rapid venting of the brake pipe only during emergency brake
101. The test fitting K1-E is mounted on brake control units or installed in pipeline systems to test
pressures in compressed air system
102. Air receivers should be hydraulically test at test pressure of 16 kg/cm2 during shop schedules (POH).
102. Cut off angle cocks are provided both on brake pipe & feed pipe on either end of each coach to
facilitate coupling and uncoupling of air hoses
103.ESRA. stands for Electronic System for Railway Applications

104. 19 mm choke dia is provided in PEAV of LHB Coach

105. Maximum dia of axle mounted disc in LHB Coach is 640 mm
106. 2 No. of Air Conditioning Plant are provided in AC LHB Coach
107. Brake Cylinder dia of LHB Coach is 10 inch.
108. POH of LHB Coach is done on an interval of 36 months
109. IOH of LHB Coach is done on an interval of 18 months
110. Phonic wheel sensor is provided for detecting the speed in LHB coaches.
111. Function of anti creep device is to resist unlocking of CBC.
112. The bogie frame rests on the primary suspension spring units and supports the vehicle body by means
of Bolster beam
113. The traction Centre transmits traction and braking forces between bogie frame and body by a traction
lever on the bolster beam pin and two rods.
114. The secondary suspension enables lateral and vertical displacements and bogie rotation with respect
to body when running through curves
115. The bogie frame is linked to the bolster beam through two vertical dampers , a lateral damper , four
safety cables and the traction rods
116. The traction centre transmits traction and braking forces between bogie frame and body by a traction
117. A taper roller cartridge type bearing is used in LHB coach
118. Vertical forces from the body to the bogie frame through the secondary suspension springs; from the
bogie frame to the axles through the primary suspension springs and frame - axle bearing control arm.
119. Crosswise forces from the body to the bogie frame through the secondary suspension springs; from
the bogie frame to the axles through the elastic elements of the frame - axle bearing control arm.
120. The flanges on both sides of a wheel set are checked with the help of a profile gauge
121.The center buffer couplers are used on LHB coaches
121. The draft gear is a double acting device for energy absorption
122. The stroke in tensile (draw) direction is limited to 58 -5/+0 mm while that in the compressive (buff)
direction is 80 mm (max
123. Friction springs are spring assemblies consisting of a set of outer and inner rings with mating taper
faces (wearing surfaces).
124. Material used in LHB coupler is High tensile Steel Grade E per AAR Spec. M 201 Q & T
125. Pattern of LHB coupler is 20140mm
126. Operation of LHB coupler is Double rotary
127. Compressive strength (yield strength) of LHB coupler is 2000 kN
128. Tensile strength (yield strength)
of LHB coupler is 1000 kN
129. Coupler length (from face to pivot) of LHB coupler is 1030 5 mm
130. Weight of Coupler (approx.) of LHB coupler is 231.4 Kg
131. Maximum horizontal swing of Coupler is 17.85
132. Maximum vertical swing of Coupler is 7
133. Start force (static) of friction spring is 45 15 kN
134. End force (static) ) of friction spring is 1000 100 kN
135. Stroke of friction spring is 58 3 mm
136. Energy absorption of friction spring is 30 3 kJ
137. Damping rate of friction spring is 64 %
138. Length (unloaded) of friction spring is 337.3 mm
139. Length (preloaded) of friction spring is
322 mm
140. Weight of friction spring is 34.5 kg

141. Corrugated sheet floor and roof sheeting are made of austenitic stainless steel
142. Roof structure, side wall and end wall are made of ferritic stainless steel.
143. Underframe of LHB coach is Corten Steel
144. The coach is equipped with two no. of compact air conditioning units
145. Air conditioning units are supplied by three phase mains.
146. The coaches are provided with 2 no. of microprocessor controlled A.C. package units.
147. Both microprocessor controlled package units are controlled by a microcomputer
148. Cooling capacity of air conditioning system is 22.5 kW (to= 6 C, tK= 55 C)
149. Heating capacity of air conditioning system is 6.1 kW, 415 V-3 phase-50 Hz
150. Compressor motors of air conditioning system is 10.0 kVA (t0= 6 C, tK= 55 C)
151. power of air conditioning system is 415 V-3 phase -50 Hz
152. Fan motor axial (for condenser)
of air conditioning system is 3.3 kVA, 415V-3 phase -50 Hz
153. Fan motor radial (for evaporator) of air conditioning system is 1.1 kVA, 415V-3 phase -50 Hz
154. Required air supply of air conditioning system is 3000 m3/h,
155. Fresh air ratio of air conditioning system is 820 m3/h
156. Max. power input, cooling of air conditioning system is 17.0 kVA
157. Max. power input, heating of air conditioning system is 7.1 kVA
158. Max. power input, dehumidifying of air conditioning system is 16.7 kVA
159. Refrigerant of air conditioning system is R 22
160. Weight of air conditioning system is 630 kg
161. Dimensions of air conditioning system is 2200 x 2000 x 500 (mm)
162. Coaches are provided with 70H 110V maintenance free light weight VRLA batteries.
163. The battery box also contains a temperature sensor for detecting the ambient temperature in the
battery box
164. Fluorescent tubes(18watts) are used as general lighting in LHB coach
165. Incandescent lamps (10 watts) are used for night lamp and pantry in LHB coach
166. Halogen lamps (10watts) are used for reading lamps in LHB coach
167. The Generator-cum-brake van takes over the power supply of the passenger coaches by means of two
three-phase mains with a voltage of 750 VAC, 50 Hz
168. 750VAC 50Hz voltage is made available by two diesel engine driven alternator sets, each having a
capacity of 500 kVA
169. A 3 phases, 60 kVA, 50 Hz transformer to convert 750V to 415V, 3 AC is provided to feed coach load
170. Wheel set earthing equipment have been provided in each bogie to prevent return current from
passing through the axle bearings
171. Wheel slip protection device is used to avoid wheel sliding
172. Capacity of Soup warmer of mini pantry equipment is 12ltrs
173. Capacity of Water boiler of mini pantry equipment is 15 ltrs.
174 Capacity of Refrigerating Unit of mini pantry equipment is 560kcal/hr
175. Dimensions of Hot case of mini pantry equipment is 910 x 1092 x 600mm
176. Capacity of Deep freezer of Integrated modular pantry equipment is 230ltrs
177. Capacity of bottle cooler of Integrated modular pantry equipment is 90 ltrs
178. Capacity of Hot case of Integrated modular pantry equipment is 140 meals
179. Capacity of Oven Toaster Griller of Racold / Tefal/ Phillips of Standard Kitchen Equipment is 16 ltrs..
180. Capacity of Water heater assembly with water filter of Standard Kitchen Equipment is 30 ltrs
181. Capacity of Water heater assembly without water filter of Standard Kitchen Equipment is 30 ltrs.
182. Capacity of Double door, no frost, refrigerator of Standard Kitchen Equipment is 310 ltrs.
183. Saloon sliding door comprises of sliding shutter operated by manual handling and has automatic
return movement
184. Door leaf built by stainless steel sheet sections welded by Tig welding
185. The shutter carries external and internal handles of stainless steel sheet metal/pipe along with
handsafe gasket.
186. Ventilation grid made up of Aluminum extrusion
187.Braking cylinder acts as pneumatic brake in opposition of backward movement of the doors obtained
by an elastic rope

188. Endwall doors comprise of two sliding shutters operated by manual handling and have automatic
return movement
189. Door leaf of Endwall door has Sandwich construction with a AISI 304 stainless steel frame
190. Each shutter has a replaceable toughened and transparent glass window, with stainless steel frame
riveted with the front sheet
191. Switch board door is of wooden sandwich construction of High pressure laminated sheet on wooden
board, with properties like termite resistant, water resistant and weather resistance
192. No. of Fixed window unit with sealed glass is 12 per coach
193. No. of Emergency open able window is 4 per coach
194.No. of Hopper type windows for lavatory is 3 per coach
195.The sealed unit consists of outer 8.4 mm laminated glass and inner 4 mm tempered safety glass with 6
mm air gap with Krypton/Argon gas filling
196. Roller blinds have been provided on the windows in AC Chair cars instead of curtains
197. In LHB coaches, the luggage racks are made from aluminum extrusions and tempered safety glass.
198. The luggage racks can withstand distributed load of 1000 N (100 kgs) per meter length
199. point load of the luggage racks is 850 N (85 Kgs) as per UIC 566.
200. There are 78 no. of chairs in the II AC chair car
201. 56 no. of chairs in Executive class arranged in rows of 2 and 3 chairs
202. Weight of a single chair car for II AC chair car is approximately 21 kg.
203. The height of the seat cushion above floor level is 450 mm
204. The width between the arm rests is 420mm and 500 mm in Exe.class
205.The movement of the backrest is actuated by means of a gas spring fixed to the seat frame
206. The table board consists of a piece of cast aluminum
207. The table will be locked to the back rest by means of a turnable lock knob.
208. The bottle holder made up of a bent steel wire.
209. The programmable logic controller records the no. of flush cycles as well as speed of the vehicle
210. PLC works on 24 V DC voltage.
211. PLC has 8 no.of inputs
212. PLC has 4 no of outputs.
213. The solenoid valve control the entry of pneumatic air in the pneumatic cylinders fitted on the upper &
lower slide valves based on the signals from PLC
214. Control relay is fitted aside of PLC on the control panel
215. The efficient drained from the toilet basin bowl after flushing is stored in the retention tank
216. Upper slide valve is opened with the operation of flush button
217. Lower slide valve open & close by the movement of piston of pneumatic cylinders controlled by PLC &
solenoid valves.
218. Water pressurizer is fitted in the inlet of water pipe line connection of the CDTS system
219. The speed-sensing device works on the principle of induced E.M.F.
220. The solenoid valve operates at 5 bar pressure
221.In the event of a loss of air, electricity, or both; to enable use of the toilet, FAIL SAFE MODE is
222. In Stand-by Condition, Water Pressurizer is Off
223. In Stand-by Condition, Water check Valve is Closed
224.In Stand-by Condition Retention Tank Inlet Valve is Closed
225. In Stand-by Condition Retention Tank Discharge Valve is Closed
226. In Flush Cycle operation, Water Pressurizer is On (for a predetermined time)
227. In Flush Cycle operation, Water Valve is On (for a predetermined time)

228. In Flush Cycle operation, Retention Tank Inlet Valve is Open (for a predetermined time)
229. If train speed is below 30 kmph then the retention tank discharge slide valve is closed
230. If train speed is above 30 kmph and Flush Count is below predetermined value, then the Retention
tank lower slide valve remain closed.
231. .If the train decelerates to 30kmph or below, the retention tank lower slide valve opens, regardless of
flush count (for a predetermined time)
232. Thickness of Glass wool for roof,side,end wall(above window bottom level) is 60mm
233.Thickness of Resonaflex for roof,side,end wall(below window bottom level) is 60mm
234. Size of the sheet of Resonaflex Alu is 1000x1000 +10/-20 mm
235. Thickness of Resonaflex Alu is 20 mm to 100 mm with 5 mm step
236. Cubic weight of Resonaflex Alu is 28.0 kg/m3
237. Fire response of Resonaflex Alu is Conforms to B-1 of DIN 4102/5510
238. If body of coach is lifted from one end, the Centre pivots security plate is likely to suffer damages
239. If body of coach is lifted from one end, body panels are likely to get dented near the body bolster.
240.If body of coach is lifted from one end, The sealed windows of AC coaches are also likely to break.
241. A component will require repair/ replacement, if it has lost more than 20% of its thickness
242. If incidence of corrosion is noticed in the bottom half of the sole bar, the trough floor should be cut to
a width of 300 mm
243. If heavy corrosion is noticed, the side wall should be cut to a height of 500 mm. from the bottom
covering sufficient length
244. If signs of corrosion are noticed, the side wall sheet above the lifting pads should be cut to a height of
500 mm. and to a length of half meter,
245 If corrosion is noticed, side wall sheet in the area of corrosion should be cut to a height of 450 mm.
from the bottom sufficient length for thorough examination
246. Material used in yaw dampers is Cast steel
247. Material used in sole bar is corten steel
248. Before welding , dye penetrant test (DPT)is used to get proper location of crackin sole bar.
249. IF train locomotive has to be detached, for avoiding the rolling of rakes, it should be ensured that
brakes are not released in at least 3 to 4 coaches from the locomotive end
250. IF train locomotive has to be detached, for avoiding the rolling of rakes, it should be ensured that
brakes are not released in at least 3 to 4 coaches from rear
251. Carriage controller CCR shall repeat the out of course work done to the Primary Maintenance (PM)
depot after corrective action
252. During primary maintenance The brake gearing should be properly adjusted ensure 100% brake power
253. During primary maintenance All missing passenger amenity fittings must be replaced and the rake
must be turned out as Zero-Missing-Fitting rake
254. During primary maintenance, Clear maintenance time on the pit as per train schedule is 6hrs
255.During primary maintenance ,Any exception to be jointly decided by COM/CME of the Railways.
256. During Charging of ABS, The three-pressure valve G is in the release position.
257. During Charging of ABS, The inlet valve (R-Cv) is closed, the outlet (Cv-O) open
258. During Charging of ABS, The control reservoir control valve D is open.
259. During Charging of ABS, The minimum pressure limiter F and the maximum pressure limiter E are
260.Air escaping at valve body is due to o-ring defective.
261. Air discharging constantly from the body is due to KNORR Kring defective
262. Dimensions of Brake Frame is 1505 x 1350 x 720 mm

263. Weight of Brake Frame with equipment is 350kg

264. The phonic wheel is a toothed wheel which modifies the internal inductance of the adjacent sensor.
This modification is evaluated as axle speed
265..Daimeter of Break actuator is 254mm
266. Slack adjusting capacity of Break actuator is 130mm
267. Maximum pressure of Brake actuator is 6 kg/cm.
268. Weight of Brake actuator is 24kg
269.Type of Brake disc used in LHB is Internally vented axle mounted brake disc
270. Weight of Brake disc is Apprx. Weight 145 Kg
271. Emergency brake light outside the coach will be activated by using the pull box, which is equiped with
an electrical switch.
272. Diameter of BP and FP is 28mm
273.Thickness of FP and BP is 1.5mm
274. Diameter of emergency CDTS and pressure gauge pipes is 10mm
275.Thickness of emergency CDTS and pressure gauge pipes is 1mm
276. Diameter of brake cylinder pipes (BC line) is 18mm
277. Thickness of brake cylinder pipes (BC line) is 1.5mm
278. Pulling the handle of passenger emgergency alarm valves exhausts the bp pressure resulting in brake
279. Capacity of Main reservoir is 125lts
280. Capacity of Auxiliary reservoir is 125&75ltrs
281.Capacity of controlled reservoir is 6ltrs
282. Air Brake Rake testing procedure, charge the BP pressure to 5.0 kg/cm2 with FP cock closed.If, FP
gauge shows any pressure, the NRV of any coach in the rake is defective.
283. Daimeter of Brake pads is 35mm
284. Axle distance of LHB Bogie is 2560mm
285. Width of LHB Bogie is 3030mm
286. Length of LHB Bogie is 3534mm
287. Weight of FAIT bogie is 6300kg
288. Thickness of Roof arch of body shell is 2mm
289. Thickness of Roof flange of shell is 4mm
290. Thickness of Horizontal member of shell is 2.5mm
291. Thickness of Body pillar of shell is 2.5mm
292. Thickness of cross bearers of shell is 4mm
293. Thickness of Cantrail of shell is 2mm
294. Thickmess of sole bar of shell is 6mm
295. Inner width of LHB shell is 3120mm
296. Stainless steel body filled with phenolic resin for better heat insulation
297.Inside panel of door is made up of Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP)
298. Number of passenger emergency alarms per compartment is two
299. Number of passenger emergency alarms in lavatories per coach is three
300.Graduated Application time of Air brake system is 3-5 SEC
301. Graduated Release time of Air Brake system is 15-20 SEC
302. TYPE OF PAINTING SYSTEM in LHB coach is Epoxy-Polyester- Polyurethane system
303. Allow time to hard dry of PU Primer is 16 hrs in air or 45 min in oven at 70-80 deg.cent or 16 hrs in



IRS stands for Indian Railway Standards
IRS design has Steel bodied coaches
IRS coaches has a codal life of 30 years
Steel bodied coaches has codal life of 25 years
ICF stands for Integral Coach Factory
Integral all metal coach design was taken from M/s Schlieren, Switzerland
Manufacturing of all metal coaches started in the year 1954
IRS design had bogies of speed potential of 96 kmph
The IRS design has been modified to all coil bogies
All coil bogies had longer suspension hangers
ICF design had the weight transfer through side bearers
The Schlieren design had the speed potential of 105 kmph on main line standard track
The speed potential of Rajdhani/Shatabdhi trains is 140 kmph
The tracks designed for running trains for 140 kmph were laid as per RDSO report No. C&M-1,
Helical springs were used in place laminated springs in the secondary suspension.
Earlier, the braking system used was under frame mounted braking system
At present, all coaches are being manufactured with Bogie Mounted Braking System
Light utilization category coach has a codal life of 40 years
Earlier, the POH periodicity for passenger coaches was 12 months
At present, the POH periodicity for passenger coaches has been increased by 6 months
The wheel discs made by Durgapur Steel plant were manufactured by forging process
The grove on the Durgapur steel plants wheel disc indicates condemnation limit
The wheel discs made by Rail Wheel Factory were manufactured by casting process
The adopted profile for machining of wheel is Worn wheel profile
The profile used for machining when the wheel comes for rediscing is Intermediate worn wheel
It has been decided by the Railway Board that 16.25 t capacity axle should be used for 13t bogie.
On all new coaches, in bogies, standardization of 16 t equalizing stay has been done
Provision of locking arrangement for guide caps has been done for existing and new bogies
APD stands for Anti Pilferage Device
Provision of APD for foot plate of vestibule has been provided by welding of washer with securing
Hytrel washer (upper and lower) is the upgraded material for axle box spring seat washer in
primary suspension
Hytrel is technically called as high capacity thermoplastic polyster elastomer
DTPB stands for Densified Thermal Bonded Polyster blocks
DTPB is a replacement for rubberized coir cushion
First AC upholstery has Grade-1 type fire resisting material
Rexine is technically Vinyl coated upholstery fabric
Injection molded silent block has been provided for anchor links
Injection molded poly-acetal protective tube has been provided for axle box guide
HPPA stands for High Performance Poly Amide
Phenolic brake gear bushes has been replaced with HPPA bushes
At present, coach body side wall paneling is done with laminated plastic sheet
Laminated plastic sheet is technically known as decorative thermo-setting synthetic resin bonded
laminated sheet
The thickness of LP sheet being used for side wall paneling is 3 mm
NFTC stands for Natural Fibre Thermo Setting Composite
At present, coach roof paneling is being done with NFTC
The thickness of NFTC sheet being used for roof paneling is 1.5 mm
PVC stands for Poly Vinyl Chloride
The thickness of the homogenous vinyl flooring is 2 mm
FRP stands for Fibre Reinforced Plastic
FRP layers is being provided on trough floor, solebar, turn under and side wall
FRP frame glass shutter is a replacement for Aluminium shutter

HDPE stands for High Density Poly Ethylene

Metal type plastic push cock in lavatory is replaced by HDPE push cock
At present, plywood sheet is replaced by Compreg sheet
Compreg sheet is technically wood based impregnated compressed laminate
The thickness of compreg sheet being used is 12 mm in place of 19 mm plywood sheet
At present, standardization of stainless steel inlays in lavatories is being carried out.
Safety wire rope arrangement has been provided for brake beam
The fitment of UIC vestibule has been provided for communication between two coaches
Brake gear with N5 finished electro-plated pins have Nylon 66 bushes
For safety purpose, emergency openable type of windows was fitted on both AC and Non-AC
62. Brake block hanger length has been increased to 30 mm
63. To avoid wearing of bushes in the brackets, pin has been modified for Z-lever hanger
64. Earlier, draw gear and screw coupling were manufactured from stc.60.61 VSM 10661 Steel
65. The draw gear and screw coupling are designed for a proof load of 60 T (individually)
66. The draw gear and screw coupling are designed for a breaking load of 108 T and 112 T respectively.
67. The material for draw gear and screw coupling components have been upgraded to IS: 5517 -93
Grade 35 Mn6Mo3
68. The draw gear and screw coupling are designed for a enhanced proof load of 75 T (individually)
69. The draw gear and screw coupling are designed for a enhanced breaking load of 130 T
70. The design for brake head and brake shoe key has been modified for better fitment of brake block.
71. NFTC is being used for axle box packing
72. Single piece FRP louver shutter is being used for lavatory shutters
73. Rubber stopper has been provided to maintain the axle box clearance
74. Seamless type of pipes are being used in air brake system
75. Five no of additional safety bars have been provided on body side door and first window
76. Magazine pouches (net type) are made by Nylon wire
77. Wire rope arrangement has been provided below seats for luggage securing
78. At present, TRA type of roof ventilators is being provided on coaching stock
79. The transom of the bogie frame has been strengthened for mounting 4.5 kw alternator for 110v
DC system
80. At present, roof filling arrangement has been eliminated
81. The material for upper berth ladder has been modified to rubberized foam type in place of a
complete metal frame
82. Foot step and handle has been provided in place of ladder
83. Chequered plate has been provided in doorways and gang ways
84. Material used for chequered plate is Aluminium
85. To minimize the cracking of head stock, the location of fixing holes in buffer case were revised.
86. The seating capacity of ordinary chair car is 73
87. The seating capacity for Garib Rath AC chair car is 102
88. Increased seating capacity of Garib Rath AC chair car has been achieved by optimum utilization of
available space
89. For the first time, AC coaches with three door aside has been implemented in Garib Rath AC Chair
Car train
90. Garib Rath AC chair car has been designed for maximum running speed of 130 kmph
91. The cushioned seats of fixed inclination in Garib Rath AC chair car were designed ergonomically
92. Passenger amenity items like snack table, magazine bag and bottle holder were provided in Garib
Rath AC chair car
93. As additional passenger amenity, the charging facility for cell phone and laptops were provided in
Garib Rath AC chair car
94. In Garib Rath AC chair car, each row of seats will have one window
95. In Garib Rath AC chair car, windows are of double sealed design
96. The outer side of the window in Garib Rath AC chair car has been sealed with polycarbonate
97. The inner side of the window in Garib Rath AC chair car is made of toughened glass
98. No: of openable emergency windows provided in each coach of Garib Rath AC chair car are four
99. In Garib Rath AC chair car, DTPB has been used as the thermal insulator for better air-condition
100. Axle end loading arrangement has been provided for direct mounted spherical roller bearings

101. The attachment berth has been lowered to approx 600mm from floor in ac coaches
102. No of seats in GS coaches for physically handicapped person is 1
103. compression spring has been provided to support canvas vestibule frame
104. Most of the interior fittings in coach are painted with interior white paint
105. Names of the high performance grease used in roller bearing axle journals are SERVOGCM_RR3
106. Modifications to increase linen room capacity has been done on 2tier AC coaches
107. DTPB foils are used to wrap the auxiliary reservoir to prevent corrosion.
108. Strengthening of partition wall has been than between guards lobby/ brake van.
109. Cotton threads used for sewing of seat covers have been replaced by nylon threads for more
110. The size of bolts and nuts provided for fitment of bottom covers to the centre pivot flange with
bent plate anti location type M 24.
111. 4 No. of window bars have provided on window of body side wall of guards portion of brake van.
112. Closing piece and inspection door have been provided in sliding door pocket in luggage
compartment of SLR coaches.
113. For safety purpose anti pilferage device has been fitted beside shoe pin arrangement.
114. Ventury type of chutes are being used for lavatories.
115. Bogie which is using spring in the axle box guide suspension is called as snubber bogie.
116. The bogie which is using snubber has been replaced by alarming off (of 1.4 L).
117. Capacity of the damping oil inside the dash pot is 1.4 L.
118. Higest of the damping oil inside the dashpot is 40 mm.
119. In the bogie mounted brake cylinder, the piston stroke is 32 mm.
120. Piston stroke In BMBC can be adjusted upto 305 mm.
121. Pipe dia of BMBC is 15mm.
122. No of BMBC/bogie are 2.
123. At present, K type brake blocks are being used in place of L type.
124. K type brake blocks are of 2 types (Asbestos/ non asbestos).
125. K type brake blocks are high friction composite brake blocks.
126. No of materials in the composite brake block are 17.
127. Weight of each K type brake blocks is 3 kg.
128. The braking distance of the train having K type brake block is 800 m @ 110 kmph/18 coach
129. No of pins in BMBC are 84.
130. K type brake block wear rate is 1.325 cc/kw hr.
131. Co efficient of friction for the K type brake block is 0.25(0.25+/-15% @ 110kmph).
132. Earlier, in the under frame mounted air brake system, total no of cylinders provided/coach are
133. The size of the cylinder in BMBC system is 8 inch.
134. The size of the cylinder in UF mounted air brake system is 14 inch.
135. BMBC is having built in slack adjuster.
136. Slack adjuster in BMBC is single acting type.
137. Curved profile pull rods are provided with one additional holes for adjustment of slack between
wheel and block .
138. K type composite brake blocks are applicable only for all coaches fitted with BMBC.
139. Earlier, in the UF mounted ABS, the braking distance of train with 18 coaches @110 kmph was 905
140. No of pins and bushes used in UF BS was 102.
141. Brake block wear rate in UFBS was 3 cc/kwhr.
142. In BMBC for 13 T bogie, mechanical advantage of the lever arrangement is 7.644.
143. In BMBC for 16.25 T bogie, mechanical advantage of the lever arrangement is 8.40.
144. The lever ratio in the UF mounted brake rigging components for 13T bogie is 1:1.
145. The lever ratio in the UF braking system for 16.25 T bogie is 1:1.376.
146. The mechanical advantage of UFMBS is 5.504 for 16.25ton bogie
147. The mechanical advantage of UFMBS 13t bogie is 4

1. Buffer casing is made of forged cast steel.
2. Buffer plunger is made of forged cast steel.
3. Capacity of buffer enhanced to 1030kg.
4. Capacity of buffer enhqnced according to specification IRS-M10.
5. Maximum buffer height without load is 1105mm.
6. Minimum buffer height without load is 1090mm.
7. Thickness of the buffer casing wall is 11.5mm and the wear limit is 5.5mm.
8. Diameter of buffer fixing hole is 26mm and the wear limit is 2mm.
9. Instrument used to measure diameter of buffer casing is inside micrometer.
10. Thickness of buffer plunger tube wall is 9mm and wear limit is 4mm.
11. Thickness of plunger face plate is 19mm and wear limit is 11mm.
12. Instrument used for measurement of buffer plunger tube wall is micrometer.
13. Instrument used to measure plunger face plate 1905mm curvature gauge with
depth measurement.
14. Total number of rivets used for plunger face is 6 each 16mm diameter.
15. The length of rubber buffer pads is below 424 mm.
16. Buffer height with load is 1030 - 1040mm.
17. Lenght of the buffer 635+/-2 mm.
18. Rubber buffer pads changed at every alternate POH.
19. Dia. of buffer spindle body is 40 mm and its wear limit is 5 mm
20. Threads of buffer spindle is M39 with a wear limit 0.5mm.
21. Gauge used to measure the buffer spindle thread is thread profile gauge.
22. Destruction tube is used as shock absorber of buffer.
23. Each buffer has 4 sets of rubber pads. Each set has 4 rubber pads.
24. Free height of rubber pads is 484+/-2 mm.
25. The pre-compression of rubber pack with parting plate is 439+/-2mm.
26. Split pin connecting of buffer bolts at 90degrees.
27. Graphite grease is used on face plate after checking for cracks and wear.
28. Buffer projection should not be less than 600 mm.
29. Buffer projection should not be more than 635 mm.
30. Draw gear & screw coupling is made of IS 5517.
31. Draw gear is a vital components of rolling stock.
32. The two types of draw gear currently used in Indian Railways are Conventional
draft gear & center buffer coupler.
33. Proof load of draw hook (IS 5517) is 75T.
34. Proof load of screw coupling (IS 5517) is 75T.coupling
35. Proof load of draw bar (IS 5517) is 60T.
36. Breaking load of draw hook is 130T.
37. Breaking load of screw coupling is 130T.
38. Draw gear is maintained during POH cycle.
39. Cleaning of draw gear components is done in bosch tank and hot tank.
40. Draw hook is checked using a No Go gauge.
41. Hole diameter of draw bar and its wear limit is 155mm and 9mm.
42. Shank body thickness of draw bar & its wear limit is 39mm & 3mm.
43. Thickness of draft key and its wear limit 36mm & 4mm.
44. Cotter hole diameter of draft key & its wear limit 14mm & 2mm.
45. Rubber pads should be changed of draw bar every Alternative POH.
46. Hole diameter of draft yoke & its wear limit 45mm & 3mm.
47. Hole diameter of draft yoke bush & its wear limit 32mm & 1mm.
48. Nominal diameter of draw gear pin is 31mm.

49. Wheel & axle made by Medium carbon Steel with carbon 0.62%.
50. Maximum diameter of wheel for ICF coaches is 915mm.
51. Minimum diameter of wheel or last shop issue size for ICF coaches is 837mm.
53. Minimum diameter of ICF wheel in open line/C&W is 825mm.
54. Maximum diameter of wheel for Fiat bogie is 952mm.
55. Minimum diameter of wheel or last shop issue size for Fiat bogies is 873mm.
56. Minimum diameter of wheel in open line/C&W for Fiat bogies is 865mm.
57. Wheel gauge distance is 1600+2/-1mm.
58. ICF axle diameter for 13T is 145mm.
59. ICF axle diameter for 16.25T is 152mm.
60. Length of axle is 2316+0.5/-0.0mm.
61. Journal diameter of axle is 130.43 to 130.68mm.
62. Thickness of wheel disc/disc width is 28.5+0.5/-0.0mm.
63. The tread diameter is measured using a trammel gauge.
64. Wheel gauge is measured using a pie adjustable gauge.
65. Permissible variation in wheel diameter on same axle is 0.5mm.
66. Permissible variation in wheel diameter on same bogie 5mm.
67. Permissible variation in wheel diameter from one bogie to another on same coach
is 13mm.
68. For wheel diameter of 889-863mm then the wooden packing size is 13mm.
69. For wheel diameter of 862-837mm then the wooden packing size is 26mm.
70. For wheel diameter of 836-820mm then the wooden packing size is 38mm.
71. Radial clearance for new roller bearing is 0.145-0.190mm.
72. In service maximum radial clearance for RB of SKF make is 0.33mm.
73. In service maximum radial clearance for RB of FAGFAG/NORMA make is
74. In service maximum radial clearance for RB of NBC make is 0.29mm.
75. Radial clearance is checked by feeler gauge.
76. Quantity of grease for SKF in each roller bearing is 2 kgs and for all other makes
is 1.75 kgs.
77. M16 size bolts are used for roller bearing mounting.
78. End locking bolt should be checked by Go-No Go gauge.
79. Roller bearing is tested using zyglo test for cracks.
80. Pressure maintained in feed pipe is 6 kg/cm2.
81. Pressure maintained in brake pipe is 5 kg/cm2.
82. Control reservoir is charged at 5kg/cm2 and its capacity is 6 litres.
83. Auxillary reservoir is charged at 6kg/cm2 and its capacity is 200 litres.
84. Leakage rate of brake pipe & feed pipe is 0.2kg/cm2 per minute.
85. Brake cylinder filling time (from 0 to 3.5 kg/cm2) is 3-5 seconds.e
86. Maximum brake cylinder pressure is 3.8 +0.0/-0.1 kg/cm2.
87. Brake cylinder release time from 3.8 kg/cm2 to 0.4 kg/cm2 is 15 to 20 seconds.
88. In sensitivity test, when BP is reduced at the rate of 0.6 kg/cm2 in 6 seconds
brakes should apply.
89. In Insensitivity test, when BP is reduced at the rate of 0.3 kg/cm2 in 60
seconds brakes should not apply.
90. Piston stroke of the brake cylinder is 32mm.
91. Maximum piston stroke of brake cylinder is 95mm.
92. Emergency brake application is when the BP reduces from 3.8 kg/cm2 to zero.
93. Charging time of AR (0 to 4.8 kg/cm2) is 60 to 120 seconds.
94. Charging time of CR is 160 to 210 seconds.
95. During full brake application the BP is reduced from 5.0 to 3.4 kg/cm2 in 3 to 5
96. When pressure in BP is reduced by 0.5 to 0.8 kg/cm2 it is called minimum
97. In service application the pressure in BP is reduced 0.8 to 1 kg/cm2.

98. During full service application the pressure in BP is reduced by 1 to 1.5 kg/cm2.
99. During emergency application the pressure in BP is reduced by more than 1.5
100. Under frame bottom to bogie frame top for ICF is 67 to 73mm.
101. Under frame bottom to bogie frame top for BEML is 130 to 175mm.
102. Rail level to bogie frame top for ICF is 685+/-5mm.
103. Bolster spring for 13T ICF coach is 301 to 317mm.
104. Bolster spring for 16T ICF coach is 291 to 308mm.
105. Bolster clearance for a non-AC ICF coach is 35 to 45mm.
106. Crown clearance of GS, SCN, WCB, WGCZ is 42 to 48mm.
107. Crown clearance of SLR, SDC, VPH, VPU is 45 to 51mm.
108. Crown clearance of PAC, WACCW, WCBAC is 22 to 28mm.
109. Crown clearance of WACCN is 31 to 37mm.
110. Crown clearance of WCAAC, WGACCW, WGACCN, WGSCZAC is 32 to
111. Axle box lug & strap is 40mm.
112. Free height of axle box spring of Group A for 16T bogie is 264 269mm.
113. Free height of axle box spring of Group B for 16T bogie is 270 275mm.
114. Free height of axle box spring of Group C for 16T bogie is 276 282mm.
115. Free height of axle box spring of Group A for 13T bogie is 279 284mm.
116. Free height of axle box spring of Group A for 13T bogie is 285 289mm.
117. Free height of axle box spring of Group A for 13T bogie is 290 295mm.
Paint Shop
1. For extensive corrosion repair work necessitates removal of paint up to Bare Metal.
2. For every 5th POH of coach paint should be removed up to bare metal and it is know as Schedule-A.
3. For every POH Schedule-C painting is done.
4. The painting schedules cover the exterior painting of coaches with Synthetic Enamel Paint System.
5. For schedule-A the entire surface should be applied with suitable paint remover.
6. The coach surface shall be swabbed with Petroleum Hydrocarbon Solvent (IS:1745) to remove tr
of paint remover.
7. Surface dries up completely, it should be sand papered to make it slightly rough.
8. To the bare metal, a coat of Red Oxide Zinc Chromate Prime (IS 2074-92) is applied.
9. The Red Oxide Zinc Chromate Primer DFT should be of 25 microns (minimum). **Dry Film
10. Before applying primer the coach should be Sand Blasted or Sand Papered.
11. After applying primer first coat of brushing filler is applied of DFT 30 microns.
12. After hard drying of filler, apply the first coat of Knifing Stopper Putty.
13. First coat of Knifing Stopper Putty followed by Spot Putty Application and Wet Rubbing.
14. Apply Spot Putty to get uniform surface.
15. After drying of water, apply 2nd coat of filler to a DFT of 30 microns (minimum).
16. The dry surface should be wet rubbed down with Bone Cuttle and Silicon Carbide Water Proof
17. A first coat of under coat should be of DFT 25 microns (minimum).
18. The enamel finishing should be of DFT 20 microns (minimum).
19. The door handles is normally Chrome Plated.
20. Door handles if not chrome plated, should be painted with Golden Yellow.
21. Foot steps should be painted with Bituminous Black.
22. Roof should be painted with Aluminum paint.
23. Standard lettering should be done with Golden Yellow.
24. Standard schedule charts, signs should be Stenciled.
25. The windows for ICF coach should be painted with Satin Blue.
26. For ICF coaches Side wall above 75mm upper side of window and below 75mm of lower side of
window should be painted with Aircraft Blue.
27. Side wall in between 75mm of the upper edge of window and 75mm of the bottom edge of
window should be painted with Satin Blue.
28. The postal van should be painted with PO Red (Postal Red).

29. Exterior color scheme (ICF coaches) for mainline coaches as per RDSO Sketch No 1723.
30. For Rajadhani Exp. Up to 234mm below and from 234mm above window is painted with Signal
31. For Rajadhani Exp. Band of 60mm above and below window at a distance of 114mm from window
is painted with Signal Red.
32. For Rajadhani Exp. Side wall window area 234mm above and below window is painted with Off
33. For Shatabdi Exp. Side wall up to lower window sil is painted with Oxford blue.
34. For Shatabdi Exp. Side wall above lower window sil is painted with Pale Cream Shade.
35. For Shatabdi Exp. Band of 100mm at a distance of 50mm below lower window sil Pale Cream
36. Newly built coaches with laminated plastic panels require painting only on the Steel Mouldings.
37. The mouldings should be cleaned in every POH and repainted with one coat of Synthetic Enamel.
38. For Schedule-C coach should be Cleaned and then Spot Puttied.
39. Condition of the paint on the mouldings has deteriorated or become thick, the complete paint
should be removed.
40. Aluminium Frames should not be painted.
41. Aluminium Window frames should be removed and cleaned with Oxalic Acid.
42. FRP Windows should be painted with Polyurethane Paints.
43. Laminated Panels should be polished with Silicon Paste to restore luster.
44. Laminated plastic panels should be cleaned with Soap Solution or Suitable Detergent.
45. No painting at Laminated Plastic seals, Moulded seats of Synthetic Material etc.
46. For wooden battens seats the battens should be Sand Papered and a coat of filler is applied.
47. Anti telescopic coach end walls should be marked with Yellow Strips.
48. Types of Putty knifes used in painting are Pallet Knife, Falling Knife, Haking Knife.
49. Silicon Carbide water proof papers are grade used in paint shop 120, 220, 320& 400.
50. The workers of paint shop should be provided with Goggles, Helmet, Gumboots.
51. Duration of Schedule-A takes 9 days.
52. Duration of Schedule-C takes 5 days.
53. On first day schedule of Schedule-A is Remove old paint.
54. 2nd day schedule of Schedule-A is one coat of Red Oxide Zinc Chromate Primer.
55. 3rd day of Schedule-A concentrate on Spot Putty to fill up holes/dents where required.
56. 4th day of Schedule-A is Filler second coat.
57. 5th day schedule of Schedule-A is Rub Down.
58. 6th day of Schedule-A is One coat of under coat.
59. 7th day of Schedule-A Concentrate on One coat of Enamel finishing.
60. 8th day Schedule-A Concentrate on Second coat of Synthetic enamel finish.
61. 9th day schedule of Schedule-A is Lettering and cleaning window glasses.
62. Day-1 of Schedule-C is Cleaning & Touch up damaged portion.
63. Day-2 work of Schedule-C is Spot Putty.
64. Day-3 work of Schedule-C is Rub down & one coat finishing enamel.
65. Day-4 of Schedule-C is Rub down & Second coat of synthetic enamel finish.
66. Day-5 work of Schedule-C is Lettering.
67. Before opening the paint drum the paint drum should be Roll down.
68. Before offering to NRXR paint shop personal ensure all Stenciling works are completed.
69. Dont mix up Kerosene in Enamel Paints.
70. The main purpose of the screen painting is to produce Quality Print with uniform thickness.
71. Thinners used in paint for Reduce Viscosity.
72. Ingredients of paint are Pigment, Vehicle, Thinner, Drier.
73. Pigment is a solid substance which forms paint when mixed with vehicle.
74. Pigment in paint gives resistance against abrassion in paint.
75. Pigment in paint minimizes shrinkages.
76. ZnO can be used as Pigment.
77. TiO2 can be used as Pigment.
78. Vehicle acts as a binder in paint.
79. Vehicle helps in spreading of paint.
80. Linseed oil, Tungsten can be used as Vehicle in paint.
81. Thinner is used to reduce Viscosity in paints.

82. Better covering power for spreading of paint can be achieved by Thinner in paint.
83. Turpent Oil can be used as Thinner in paint.
84. Pine oil can be used as Thinner in paint.
85. In emergency Kerosene can be used as thinner in paint.
86. Drier is added to paint for enhancing oxidation of vehicle in paint.
87. MnO2 can be act as Drier in paint.
88. Pb Acetate can be acts as Drier in paint.
89. Cobalt can be act as Drier in paint.
90. For interior Smoke Gray colour paint is used.
91. For ceiling Matt White colour paint is used.
92. Interior White colour paint has shining property.
93. Emergency windows PO red colour paint is used.
94. For screen printing PVC Ink is used.
95. Coach fitted with CBC is represented by Vertical Yellow Line.
96. X mark on coach end body is painted with Fluorescent Yellow.
97. Fluorescent Yellow is used for End Vehicle Visibility (during night time) Purpose.
98. Tail lamp bracket is painted with White Enamel Paint.
99. Enhanced screw coupling is represented in Dumble shape.
Screen printing of enhanced screw coupling is done by Golden Yellow Colour.
Flourscent paint having the property of Reflecting light.
Galvanic corrosion occurs when Brake in paint film.
Fresh polish is used for Teak wood
Force drying is done By heating in the range of 100 Degree F to 200 Degree F
For wet flatting of putty Water proof emery is used.
For spray painting air compressor is Required.
Additives binds pigment particles into a film and adhere to the substrate.
For accelerated drying of paint in an oven the painted component is taken to the oven only
flash off.
Grits are made of Synthetic Material.
Flash point and power point of paint are important properties of paint to the Safety point
of view.
Fire retardent paint will Slow down the fire spreading.
Fire retardency of paint is tested as per IS specification No. IS 163.
Fire retardant paints are compounds based on Antimony, Phosphorous & Bronze.
Film thickness obtained by spray paint is usally Less than brush painting.
Film formation through evaporation of solvent alone is known as Lacquers
Film formation is through the reaction with moisture in the air is known as In organic
For cleaning brushes Turpentine is used.
In special paints (Epoxy) catalysts are added to speed up chemical reaction.
Normally synthetic putty can be applied to a film thickness of more than 1000 microns in
one coat.
Normally phosphate coating is given by weight 4.3 to 7.5 gm/m2.
Matt finish gives Dull surface.
Masking type is used to cover the Unwanted area while painting.
Luminescent paint Reflect light.
Low viscosity volatile liquids used in coatings to improve application property is known as
Inside of the Al water tank should be painted with bituminous black lead free acid, alkali
water and
heat resistant paint, free from CNSL and BNSL.
Generally the basic material available in paint is Resin.
The system of paint is classified based on Resin.
The surface finish of grit blasted surface is expressed in SA
The spreading capacity of oil paint per litre is 10sft.
The reaction undergone by paint during drying process is called Polymerization.
To extinguish fire on paint, use sand.

The importance of dry thickness measurement of paint is Protection depends on
To obtain glossy finish Clear varnish is added to enamel paint
The dry film thickness of paint film is generally measured in microns. It is usually less than
Evaporation of paint.
The common defect in spray painting is Orange peel.
The characteristic feature of aluminium paint is a good reflector of heat.
The best suited primer on steel component is Red oxide zinc chromates.
'Tack free drying is the important from the point of Handling of painted job.
Normally while brush painting; Brush should be hold at an angle of 60 degrees to the work
Sequence of evenness on sheet metals is Degreasing, Blasting, Painting.
Electrostatic Spray is the special painting process.
The gloss value of paint is high, its reflective power will be more.
Wet film thickness is used to check the spreading rate of paint.
Water emerge is used to flatting.
Uneven gloss observed on the painted surface is known as Flashing
Type of power supply used in electrostatic painting is DC
To prevent acidic corrosion on metals paint used is Rubber base paint.
Wet on Wet in painting means Painting of the second coat in the wet film.
Pigments are added to paint to colour.
Surfaces prepared is a must before carrying out painting operation because to get good
finish and good adhesion.
Purpose of putty application is to cover dents and undulation.
Primer should be applied on grit blasted surface immediately.
Pot life is generally associated with two pack system.
Polyurethane Paint is a two pack system
Putty can be applied only after Primers application.
Pin holes defect is commonly associated with Putty application.
Putty is applied by Knife
Phosphating is done before painting.
Painting must be applied only after paint has reached Hard dry
Paint will stick better in Rough surface.
Paint is diluted by using Turpentine.
Zinc rich primer provides Cathodic protection.
Polyurethane paint is costlier than Alkyed system.
Scrapping knife is used to scrap old paint on metal surface.
Staining is the process of coloring of wooden surface.
Spray painting must be used in the case of quick drying paint
Spray painting (conventional) consumes More paint than a brush painting.
Skinning is a paint defect which occurs on long time storing of paint
Silicon coatings are used in High temperature application.
Purpose of the applying "Sanding Sealer" on gold size before polishing is to fill small porus
holes and
to avoid oil absorption.
Second coat of paint should be applied after the first coat is fully dried.
Orange peel is a paint defect associated with spray painting.
Sagging defect occurs due to too thin paint
Roller painting is generally used on Flat surfaces only.
Red oxide used in Primer is a Pigment.
Radiant heat ovens normally employ Infra-red-electric lamps.
Quick drying paint must be applied by brush dipping.
Shelf life of a paint indicates how long the paint can be stored.
In conventional spray air is required for atomization.
In air less spray air is required.
High pigment volume concentration of paint has Superior brightness.
Electro painting uses Electro deposition technique.
Infrared radiation is used for Evaporation of resin.


Acid used for hot phosphating is Phosphoric acid

Emulsion is the blend of Water and Oil.
Asphalt paints are used To paint steel water tanks and concrete reservoirs for storing
Bristles of paint brush are prepared from Hairs of animals like pig/dog etc.
Air drying is done under normal weather condition
Regulator is used for regulating pressure of air supply in the spray system.
Covering capacity of different paint is different.
Paddle is used to mix paint.
Electrometer is used to measure DFT of paint.
Dry film thickness of paint is measured in microns.
Blow lamp is used to remove old paint.
Electrostatic painting can be used to paint Steel tables.
Constituents of paint include Pigment, Binder and thinner.
Colors that cannot be made from other colors are called Primary colors.
Curing of Paint is known as Drying of paint.
The formation of short, cracks in an exposed glossy surface is known as Shallowing.
Surface drying time is less than tack free condition
Tie is associated with Stencil marking.

Spring Shop
Passing springs are categorized into A, B, C groups .
Stress is directly proportional strain upto Proportional limit
Acceptable springs should be given one coat of red oxide zinc chromate primer and one
coat of
Black Japan
During load test of springs, load should be gradually applied .
In magnetic crack detection test "magnetization by current flow along the axis of the wire
constituting the spring" is to find longitudingal defects.
During load testing, maintain the test load for 30 Seconds.
304-308 mm is the loaded height of group 'C' AC ICF bolster springs
290-295 mm is the loaded height of group 'C' non AC ICF axle box springs
312-317 mm is the loaded height of group 'C' non AC ICF bolster springs
The RDSO specification No. C-8419 for Maintenance procedure for helical suspension
springs of
coaching stock (BG and MG)
Specification of red oxide zinc chromite primer is IS-2074
Test load for AC ICF Axle box springs is 2800kg
Test load for AC ICF Bolster springs is 4800kg
Test load for non AC ICF Axle box springs is 2000kg
Loaded height of group 'B' non AC ICF axle box springs is 285-289 mm
The wire dia of AC ICF axle box springs is 33.5 mm
The wire dia of AC ICF bolster box springs is 42 mm
The wire dia of non AC ICF axle box springs is 33.5 mm
The wire dia of non AC ICF bolster springs is 42mm
Magna Flux and Load Defelection tests are prescribed for coil springs fitted on coaching
stock in
workshops during POH
The color code of helical spring of ICF bogie is Yellow, Blue, Green.
C group springs are painted up with green colour
B group springs are painted up with oxford blue colour
A group springs are painted up with yellow colour
A group of springs are tied up with single loop of sealing wire
C group of springs are tied up with three loops of sealing wire
B group of springs are tied up with two loops of sealing wire
Scrag test should not be conducted during maintenance of helical springs
The test load for non AC ICF Bolster springs is 3300 kg
Magnetic crack detector type of test is conducted on Springs for Rolling stock

Acceptable height under test load of AC ICF axle box springs is 264-282 mm
Acceptable height under test load of AC ICF bolster springs is 291 - 308mm
Acceptable height under test load of non AC ICF axle box springs 279-284 mm
Acceptable height under test load of non AC ICF bolster springs is 301-317 mm
Loaded height of group 'C' AC ICF axle box springs is 276-282 mm
Loaded height of group 'B' AC ICF bolster springs is 297-303 mm
Loaded height of group 'B' AC ICF axle box springs is 270-275 mm
Loaded height of group 'A' non AC ICF bolster springs is 301-305 mm
Loaded height of group 'A' non AC ICF axle box springs is 279-284 mm
Loaded height of group 'A' AC ICF axle box springs is 264-268mm
Free height of non AC ICF bolster springs is 385mm
Free height of non AC ICF axle box springs is 360mm
Free height of AC ICF bolster springs is 400mm
Free height of AC ICF axle box springs is 375mm
Loaded height of group 'B' non AC ICF bolster springs is 306-311mm
Loaded height of group 'A' AC ICF bolster springs is 291-296mm
EMCD means Electro Magnetic Crack Detecting,
Capacity of Primary shock absorber is 200kg at the speed of 10cm/sec.
Capacity of Secondary shock absorber is 400kg at the speed of 10cm/sec.
Nos. of primary vertical shock absorber in one IRY coach are 08
Nos.of shock absorbers fitted in one IR-20 bogie are 10
Capacity of lateral shock absorbers in IR-20 bogie is 100kg
Nos. of lateral shock absorbers in IR-20 coaches are 04
The advantage of Fiat Bogie over ICF bogie is Primary suspension if nested coil spring with
damper and control rod is more reliable and maintenance free as compared to dashpot
arrangement .
The coil come into contact with each other and the spring cant be deflected any further is
know as
The weights of the wheel axle etc are not loaded with any spring and are called Unsprung
To keep the dynamic augment of vertical loads low and with in permissible limits because
unsprung mass to be kept as low as possible.
Primary Spring checked with 3.8 ton load.
Inside length of a new bolster spring suspension hanger is 384mm.
16.25 tons AC coach bolster spring checked with 6 tons load.
Free height of high capacity parcel van axle box spring is 315mm
Free height of high capacity parcel van bolster coil spring is 393mm
Secondary suspension is used in double acting telescopic type shock absorbers.
Essential requirement of a suspension system in a train is to absorb the jerks.
Jerks encountered by the wheel due to wheel/track irregularities.
The softer the spring, the greater is its capacity for absorbing the disturbances.
Payload is High as compare to tare weight is one of the criteria for single stage suspension
Payload is low as compare to tare weight is one of the criteria for two stage suspension
Secondary suspension connects the vehicle body to the bogie frame.
Primary suspension connects the bogie frame to the Axle.
Wagons used single stage suspension.
Single stage suspension used vehicles moderate speeds are required.
Passenger coaches having two stage suspension systems.
Silicon-manganese steel is the most commonly used material for rolling stock springs.
The damping ratio of tolling stock on Indian railways in between 0.15 to 0.25
Friction Damping and Hydraulic Damping are used in IR stock.
Friction damping system is used in all freight stock.
Hydraulic Damping system is used in all coaching stock and locomotives.


Rolling stock on IR maximum buffer drop 75mm is permitted from tare to gross.
Axle box spring( 13 ton and 16 ton) wire dia is 33.5 mm
Bolster spring ( 13 ton and 16 ton) wire dia is 42 mm
Axle box spring (13 ton and 16 ton) outer dia is 242mm.
13 ton Bolster spring outer dia is 302mm
13 ton and 16 ton Axle Box spring outer dia is 242 mm.
16 ton Bolster spring outer dia is 284mm.
Axle box spring (13 ton and 16 ton) inner dia is 175mm.
13 ton Bolster spring inner dia is 218mm
16 ton Bolster spring inner dia is 200mm.
Axle box spring (13 ton and 16 ton) number of coils are 6.75
13 ton Bolster spring no. of coils are 5.75
16 ton Bolster spring no of coils are 6.25
13 ton Axle Box spring deflection is 36.4 mm/ton.
13 ton Bolster spring deflection is 23.55 mm/ton
16 ton Axle Box spring deflection is 37.2 mm/ton
16 ton Bolster spring deflection is 21.22 mm/ton

Corrosion Shop
Rate of corrosion of metals is expressed as Meter/year.
Corrosion is chemical phenomenon of oxidation of steel surfaces.
The result of corrosion is loss of section and strength.
Corrosion takes place only when the steel surfaces are exposed to atmosphere in the
presence of
Reaction of metals with aqueous environment is known as Wet corrosion.
At the time of corrosion ferrous oxide take place on the steel surface.
Corrosion on coaching stock have been divided in to Vulnerable and Non-vulnerable.
Vulnerable places are those which may cause concern and even accident due to rapidity of
Non-Vulnerable places are those which may not cause concern and accident due to less
of the place and less rapidity of corrosion.
The design of coach is based on the principle of self supporting structure.
Phosphating of components is done as it Anti corrosive.
To avoid corrosion, commonly used primer coat is Zinc chromates primers.
Before spot welding of steel components, the joints are applied with Zinc rich primer
The rate of corrosion usually increases with temperature.
Corrosion formed by metal/gas as metal vapor reaction system is known as Dry Corrosion.
Corrosion resistance is a not a constant property.
Corrosion resistance of a material depends on Composition of corrosive atmosphere.
Crit blasting is done on M.S surfaces to remove rust.
Electro chemical corrosion is a wet corrosion.
Corrosion aiders is a chemical which when added in small quantities to an environment
decreases the corrosion rate
Acid cleaning is mainly used to Remove rust
Acid cleaning is also known as Acid Pickling.
Inherent nature of metals, to go back their own states is cause of Corrosion. 100 Body side
are made up of 2.00 mm thick corten steel
Brazing metals and alloy commonly used are Copper, Copper alloys, Silver alloys.
Corrosion repairs requiring above 2900 man hours are classifed as Very heavy corrosion
Corrosion repairs requiring 101 to 600 man hours are classifed as Light corrosion reparis
End wall consists of four vertical pillars of box section connected transversely by 'Z'
sections and are

welded to the head stock at the bottom and to the roof at the top.
Corrosion repairs requiring 601 to 1500 man hours are classified as medium corrsoion

Corrosion repairs requiring below 100 man hours are classified as Light cum Direct
Corrosion repairs requiring 1501 to 2900 man hours are classified as heavy corrosion
The thickness of the PVC used in flooring is 2.0mm
Only part of the floor is to be replaced, repari to floor shall be carried out by using Plywood
- 19 mm
The head stock is replaced when the wear is more than 4 mm
Anti telescopic structure feature is provided in the end walls to avoid telescoping of the
coaches and to absorb the
major part of collision energy in case the ends coolied during heavy collisions
Corrugated type of sheets are utilised for the trough floor
IRS-M-41 is the specified standard for corten
C 7602 is the RDSO specification for instructions for corrosion repairs ICF built BG Coaches
The size of compreg sheet used in flooring in passenger coaches is 12mm
Only 8mm thick corrosion resistant steel sheets should be used for head stock repairs
The corrugated trough floor with its corrugations running longitudinally forms one head
stock to the
other takes up the Buffering loads.
Specification number for corrosion resistant steel sheet for trough floor side walls etc is
The 12 mm Compreg floor board will be used when complete floor is repaired in the coach
Pre heating is essential in welding for Cast Iron material
Wire bushes are used for removing Rustor dirt from the metal prior to welding.
Sheet members and location prone to corrosion can be classified into 2 Categories.
Minimum plate thickness used in Workshop is 1.6mm.
Maximum plate thickness used in workshop is 16 mm
The Advantage of Fiat Bogie over ICF Bogie is lower corrosion .
Why the Fiat bogie is low corroded over ICF bogie is Extensive use of Stainless Steel.
Skirting of decolite in the compartment and lavatory helped in controlling corrosion in ICF
Sole bar in doorways strengthened by box section helped in controlling corrosion.
Increased size of drain hole on trough floors from 13mm to 29mm is helpful in preventing
corrosion in an ICF coach.
Using Stainless Steel Trough floor is helpful for preventing of corrosion.
Tubular Structure is better for preventing corrosion below the lavatories.
Copper Bearing type steel is used for preventive measure of corrosion.
Anti corrosion bath to fittings is helps to preventive measure of corrosion in lavatories
Corrosion starts only when both the bitumen and primer suffer from mechanical injuries.
Tubular structure, skirting height, Timber all these are techniques used for prevention of
in lavatories
Practice of surface preparation before painting is the main counter measure of corrosion is
workshop technique point of view.
Design technique points of view the main corrosion counter measure are corrosion
treatment of steel sheets, change in construction, anti-corrosive material, paints.


1. POH stands for periodic overhauling.
2. IOH stands for Intermediate overhauling.
3. ROH stands for Routine overhauling.
4. First POH of passenger Carrying vehicle/Mail/Exp of ICF Design is 2 years
5. POH periodicity of Passenger Carrying vehicle/Mail/Exp is 18 months
6. IOH periodicity of Passenger Carrying vehicle/Mail/Exp is 09 months + 30days.
7. POH periodicity of ICF Designed Coach is revised from 12 to 18 months.
8. IOH periodicity of ICF Designed Coach is revised from 06 to 09 months.
9. POH periodicity of overhauling of Distributor valve(DV) is 18 months.
10. The Periodicity of overhauling of Distributor valve (DV) is changed from 24 to 18 months.
11. At the time of POH, all parts of undergear are dismantled and should be replaced if there is any wear
and tear.
12. At the time of POH, painting of whole coach is done.
13. At the time of POH, profiling of wheel is necessary.
14. POH is allowed in nominated workshops only.
15. Rehabilitation of Coaching stock is carried out at 12.5 years.
16. The shop schedule I (IOH) periodicity for LHB Coach is 18months/6lakhs kms earned whichever is
17. The shop schedule II (POH) periodicity for LHB Coach is 36months/12lakhs kms earned whichever is
18. The shop schedule III (POH) periodicity for LHB Coach is 72months/24lakhs kms earned whichever is
19. The first POH of Air Brake Stock of BOXN,BRN,BPTH,BOST,BOXNHS,BOXNHA,BOY(newly built with
casnub bogie) type wagons is 6years
20. The subsequent POH of Air Brake Stock of BOXN,BRN,BPTH,BOST,BOXHS,BOXNHA,BOY(newly built with
casnub bogie) type wagons is 4.5years
wagons is 6years.
22. The Subsequent POH of Air Brake Stock of
23. The first POH of Air Brake Stock of BPTGLN,BTAL/BTALN type wagons is 4years.
24. The subsequent POH of Air Brake Stock of BPTGLN,BTAL/BTALN type wagons is 4years.
25. The first POH of Air Brake Stock of BOY(with Amsted Bogie) type wagon is 3years.
26. The subsequent POH of Air Brake Stock of BOY(with Amsted Bogie) type wagon is 3years.
27. The first POH of Air Brake Stock of BVZC,BVZI type wagon is 2years.
28. The subsequent POH of Air Brake Stock of BVZC,BVZI type wagon is 2years.
29. The first POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOX,BCX,BRH,BOXK,BOXKH,BFK,BFKL,BOBY type wagons is
30. The subsequent POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOX,BCX,BRH,BOXK,BOXKH,BFK,BFKL,BOBY type
wagons is 4.5years.
31. The first POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOBS type wagon is 3years.
32. The subsequent POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOBS type wagon is 3years.
33. The first POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BTPGL,BOI,BRS type wagon is 4years.
34. The subsequent POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BTPGL,BOI,BRS type wagon is 4years.
35. The first POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of TX,THA and all other 4 wheeler Tank wagons is 2years.
36. The subsequent POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of TX,THA and all other 4 wheeler Tank wagons is 2years.
37. The first POH of Vacuum brake stock of Bogie Well Wagons(BWT,BWS,BWH,etc) is 4.5years.
38. The subsequent POH of Vacuum brake stock of Bogie Well Wagons(BWT,BWS,BWH,etc) is 4.5years.
39. The first POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOB(PB),BOBC(PB) and other deptt hopper wagons and other
bogie wagons with PB is 4.5years
40. The subsequent POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOB(PB),BOBC(PB) and other deptt hopper wagons and
other bogie wagons with PB is 4.5years
41. The first POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BRAKE VANS used with wagons is 2years.
42. The subsequent POH of Vacuum Brake Stock of BRAKE VANS used with wagons is 2years.

43. The ROH interval of Air Brake Stock of

NAHS,BTAL/BTALN type wagons is 18months.
44. The ROH interval of Air Brake Stock of BOY(with Amsted Bogie) type wagon is 18months.
45. The ROH interval of Vacuum Brake Stock of BOX,BCX,BRH,BOXK,BOXKH,BFK,BFKI,BOBY,BOBS type
wagons is 18months.
46. The ROH interval of vacuum Brake Stock of BTPGL,BOI,BRS type wagon is 24months.
47. The ROH interval of vacuum Brake Stock of Bogie Well Wagons(BWT,BWS,etc) type wagon is 18months.
48. The ROH interval of vacuum Brake Stock of BOB(PB),BOBC(PB) and other deptt hopper and other bogie
wagons with PB is 24months.
49. After every trip, the primary maintenance depot should perform TRIP SCHEDULE.
50. As per Boards guidelines, the maintenance time should be given to a 24 coach length trains during
primary maintenance is 6hours.
51. As per Boards guidelines, the maintenance time should be given to a 24 coach length trains during
secondary maintenance is 2hours.
52. The frequency of schedule-A for coaching stock in Depots is 1month + 7days
53. Intermediate overhauling of shatabdi/Rajdhani Exp coaches are attended in Nominated workshops
54. Intermediate overhauling of newly built coaches are to be attended after 12months only wheels are to
be replaced.
55. The coach will be given 2 Quarterly 'B' schedules before IOH.
56. During POH, thorough inspection giving extra attention to areas prone to corrosion.
57. During POH, Turnunder repairs to be carried out with 5mm thick plates.
58. During POH, only 8mm thick SS sheets to be used for headstock repairs.
59. During POH, use stainless steel trough floor and inlays for toilets.
60. During POH, use of 13mm comprege floor board instead of plywood.
61. During POH, use PVC sheets for toilets and compartment floor.
62. During POH, use stainless steel plates with drain holes in doorways.
63. During POH, provision of tubular structure below lavatory area.
64. During POH, corten steel is used for panel repairs.
65. During POH,apply two coats of primer and three coats of,bituminous solution of all under gear
66. Testing of alarm chain signal apparatus in an air brake train is for Every trip primary/secondary
67. The validity of BPC to be issued for 12days including date of issue, however grace period of 3days is
given when rake is loaded condition and on 15days rake must be unloaded and must be offered for C&W
68. The rake is handed over to Operating Department for multiple loading and unloading within 12 hours.
69. After each loading and unloading, the rake must be offered for Guard and Driver check before
commencement of journey as per proforma issued by Railway and observation will be recorded on the
relevant column of the BPC.
70. Movement of premium rakes will be monitored through FOIS by Traffic Department with Mechanical
71. If the rakes stabled in yard for more than 24hours, the rake must be offered for C&W examination
otherwise BPC will be treated as invalid.
72. CC rakes will run on predefined path and under completion of day/km. Mention on BPC the rake should
be examined at nominated base Depot only.
73. CC rake examination should be conducted in daylight only(morning to,sunset).
74. CC Rake examination should be conducted and nominated line by CRSE & CFTM of the Railway.
75. All Rejectable items must be attended during CC examination of such rake.
76. The air brake wagons of same type of stocks are formed in CC Rake, Mixed Wagons can not be
77. For examination of CC rake, 100 man hours is to be taken.
78. After CC Rake examination, BPC with 100% brake power is issued on prescribed yellow colour
79. Movement of CC rakes will be monitored through FOIS by Traffic Department with Mechanical
80. The Km runs must be endorsed by Driver and Guard on BPC in relevant column.

81. CC examination will be done only on the examination lines in the yard having proper facilities of
material handling, pucca pathway, welding, lighting etc., the CC examination will be done on the lines
where there is no OHE.
82. The existing rakes (ordinary/CC/premium) shall be thoroughly examined before the rake is declared CC
by supervisor not below the rank of SSE/C&W.
83. During CC examination, proper attention to the safety fitting, pipes,valve etc., shall be given and their
maintenance records will be maintained separately.
84. Monitoring of CC rakes shall be done through FOIS and also by Sr.DME(C&W) and Sr.DOM of AGC
Division jointly.
85. After each loading/unloading the rake will be examined by Guard and Driver before commencement of
journey and observation will be recorded under relevant column of the BPC.
86. ROH/POH wagons from CC rake will be marked and detached at Base Depots only.
87. Brake power of CC rake is 100% and BPC is issued on yellow colour certificate.
88. Brake power of premium rake is 95% and BPC is issued on Green Colour Certificate.
89. Brake power of End to End Vacuum rake is 85% and BPC is issued on Pink Colour Certificate.
90. Brake power of End to End Air Rake is 85% and BPC is issued on Green Colour Certificate.
91. Frequency of schedule- A for coaching stock is 1 month + 7days.
92. Frequency of schedule-B for coaching stock is 3months + 15days.
93. Trip schedule to be performed by primary maintenance depot after Every Trip.
94. As per Board's guidelines, the maintenance time should be given to a 24 coach length trains during
primary maintenance is 6hours.
95. As per Board's guidelines,the maintenance time should be given to a 24 coach length trains during
secondary maintenance is 2hours.
96. The first two digits of coach no. represents Year of Manufacturing.
97. The Third digit of coach no. represents Type of coach.
98. The last two digits of coach no. represents Individual Coach Number.
99. A Marshalling yard is a place where goods train originate & terminate.
100. The first two digits(C1,C2) of wagon no. represents Type of Wagon.
101. The next two digits (C3,C4) of wagon no. represents Owning Railway Code.
102. The fifth & Sixth digits (C5,C6) of wagon no. represents Year of Manufacturing.
103. The seventh to tenth digits(C7,C8,C9,C10) of wagon no. represents Individual wagon number.
104. The last digit of wagon no. represents Check Digit.
105. The permissible Riding index of ICF bogie is 3.25
106. The maximum Riding index of ICF bogie is 3.50
107. The permissible Riding index of LHB coach is 2.5
108. The maximum Riding index of LHB coach is 2.75
109. ICF coaches are designed to run at a maximum speed of 110kmph
110. LHB coaches are designed to run at a maximum speed of 180kmph
111.The New wheel diameter of ICF coach wheel is 915mm dia
112. The New Wheel diameter of LHB coach Wheel is 915mm dia
113. The maximum usable worn out dia of LHB coach wheel(condemn) is 845mm
114. The last workshop issue of ICF coach wheel is 836mm
115. The wheel base of ICF coach is 2896mm
116. The wheel base of LHB coach is 2560mm
117. WSP stands for Wheel Skid Protection.
118. LHB coaches are approximately 2 metres longer than the Conventional ICF type coach.
119. Yellow zebra strips on wagons signifies Departmental wagon.
120. Four Emergency Windows are provided in AC ICF/RCF coaches.
121. Spherical Roller Bearing is used in ICF Bogies.
122. Tappered Roller Bearing is used in FIAT Bogies.
123. Bogie Mounted Brake system is used in ICF Bogies.
124. Axle Mounted Disc Brake system is used in FIAT Bogie.
125. Brake Application time for the Coaching stock is 3 to 5 seconds.
126. Brake Releasing time for the coaching stock is 15 to 20 seconds.
127. White dumble mark on end wall panels of coaches represents Coach fitted with enhanced Capacity
Screw Coupling.
128. Yellow Strips on exterior panel above the lavatory window on coaches represents Second Class
General Coach.

129. Slandered AAR catridge type rolling bearing used in CASNUB Bogie.
130. CBC is used to transmit Buffing force.
131. Axle load of CASNUB Bogie is 22.9 T
132. New wheel diameter of CASNUB Bogie is 1000mm.
133. Wheel base in CASNUB Bogie is 2000mm.
134. Braking Distance of conventional rake of 58 + 1 wagons is 1350mm.
135. Braking Distance of BMBS wagons is 880mm(approx).
136. Brake Cylinder filling time from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2 for wagon is 18-30 seconds.
137. Brake Cylinder filling time from 0 to 3.6kg/cm2 for coach is 3-5seconds.
138. Brake Cylinder Release time from 3.8kg/cm2 to 0.4kg/cm2 for wagon is 45-60 seconds
139. Brake Cylinder Release time from 3.8kg/cm2 to 0.4kg/cm2 for coach is 15-20seconds.
140.Dia of Brake pipe and Feed Pipe in Coaching stock is 25mm.
141. Dia of Brake pipe in Goods is 32mm.
142. Capacity of Auxiliary Reservoir in Goods is 100 liter
143. Capacity of Auxiliary Reservoir in coaching is 200liter
144. Capacity of Control Reservoir in Goods is 6 liters.
145. Capacity of Control Reservoir in Coaching Stock is 9 Litres.
146. Number of Dirt Collectors in Coach is 2.
147. Number of Dirt Collectors in Goods is 1.
148. Number of isolating cock in a coach is 5(max).
149. Number of isolating cock in a wagon is 1(max).
150. During testing, the permissible leakage in FP & BP is 0.2kg/cm2/min.
151. From sidebearer the weight of the body transferred on trolley in an ICF Coach.
152. Codal life of Steel Bodied coaches is 25years.
153. Codal life of IRS coaches is 30years.
154. Codal life of Light Utilisation Categories of Coach is 40 years.
155. The 'A' clearance provided between axle box crown & safety bolt for 13 ton is 43+0mm-3mm
156. The 'A' clearance provided between axle box Crown & Safety bolt for 16 ton is 27+0mm-3mm
157. The 'B' clearance to be provided between bolster top & bottom of solebar should be 40 + 5mm to all
type of Bogies.
158. Maximum Buffer Height of ICF coach in Empty condition is 1105mm.
159. Minimum Buffer Height of ICF Coach in Empty Condition is 1090mm.
160. The wire Dia of Axle Box spring is 33.5mm.
161. The wire Dia of Bolster spring is 42mm.
162. The free height of Axle Box Spring of Non-AC coach is 360+2mm-0mm.
163. The free Height of Bolster springs of Non-AC coach is 385+2mm-0mm
164. The free Height of Axle Box Spring of AC Coach is 375+2mm-0mm
165. The free Height of Bolster spring of AC Coach is 400+2mm-0mm
166. The permissible diameter variation in wheel on same axle for ICF design is 0.5mm
167. The permissible Diameter Variation in wheel on same Bogie for ICF design is 5.0mm
168. The permissible diameter variation in wheel on same Coach for ICF design is 13.0mm
169. The permissible diameter variation in wheel for Goods on same Axle is 0.5mm
170. The permissible Diameter variation in wheel for Goods on same Bogie is 13.0mm
171. The permissible diameter variation in wheel for Goods on same Trolley is 25.0mm
172. Radial clearance of Direct Mounted Roller Bearing arrangement for SKF make is 0.105 to 0.296mm
173. Length of Screw coupling when fully opened is 997mm.
174. Length of Screw coupling when fully tight is 751mm
175. Working capacity of Modified Screw coupling is 36 tonnes.
176. Proof load capacity of modified Screw coupling is 75 tonnes.
177. In long case Buffer (8 wheel) the length from headstock is 635mm
178. In short case Buffer( 4 wheel), the length from headstock is 458mm.
179. Allowed variation of Buffers in height at same end is 64mm
180. Allowed Variation of Buffers with adjacent vehicle is 75mm.
181. Number of Buffing pads in each Buffer is 14-16 No's
182.Capacity of Buffing pads is 1030 kg-m
183. If corrosion is suspected at places without inspection holes 100mm Dia hole should be cut at the
bottom of turn under for examination.

184. Examine visually and with the help of a spiked hammer from below the coach and the Inspection
holes in the turn under.
185. The wheel Base of ICF Coach is 2896mm
186. Clasp type Brake System is used in ICF Designed Bogies.
187. Piston stroke of Goods in Empty Condition is 85 + 10mm
187. Piston stroke of Goods in loaded condition is 130 + 10mm
188. Piston stroke of coaching stock (ICF) is 90 + 10mm
189. Piston stroke of coaching stock (LHB) is 10 to 12mm
190. Minimum time required for pulling manual release handle of DV of air brake is 10sec at 15 degrees.
191. Distance between journal centres in CASNUB Bogie is 2260mm
192. Distance between sidebearers in CASNUB Bogie is 1474mm
193. Steam cleaning is done for Tank Wagons during POH
194. ODC stands for Over Dimensional Consignment
195. The maximum clearance between consignment & fixed structure on running condition will be known
as "Net Clearance" of ODC
196. The net clearance between consignment & fixed structure in stationary condition is known as "Gross
Clearance" of ODC
197. The distance between Axle Box top and Axle Box crown bolt called Axle Box Crown clearance.
198. Lateral Movements of wheels are controlled by Axle Guide.
199. Hardness of both wheels on the same Axle should not vary more than 35BHN
200. Total length of Axle is 2316+0.5mm-0.0mm
201. Amount of oil per side bearer in ICF coaches is 2.5litres
202. Distance between side bearers of ICF Coach is 1600mm
203. In released position, the gap between brake block and wheel is 5mm
204. Oil level in dashpot is 40mm
205. Amount of oil per dashpot in 40mm depth in modified guide arrangement is 1.6 liters.
206. Centre pivot pin does not transmit any Vertical Force.
207.Wear limit of BSS Brackets is 1.0mm
208. Longitudinal guage for BSS Bracket of 13T Bogie is 1400 + 1.0mm
209. Longitudinal guage for BSS Bracket of 16.25T Bogie is 1500 + 1.0mm
210. Diagonal guage for BSS Bracket of 13T Bogie is 2573 + 1.0mm
211. Diagonal guage for BSS bracket of 16.25T Bogie is 2629 + 1.0mm
212. Longitudinal guage for Axle Guide of 13T Bogie is 570 + 1.0mm
213. Longitudinal guage for Axle Guide of 16.25T Bogie is 570 + 1.0mm
214. Diagonal guage for Axle Guide of 13T & 16.25T Bogie is 3612 + 1.0mm
215. For Rolling In Examination of train it has to be ensured that proper lighting arrangement is provided
on both the sides of the track at nominated spots.
216. Rolling In Examination is done for examination of UnderGear parts during night.
217. C & W staff should take position at nominated Rolling In place on both the sides of the track before
the arrival of the train.
218. As the train passes the nominated Point, C&W staff should watch out vigilantly for loose
hangings/broken & undergear parts of the coaches, any unused sound coming from the coaches or any
other abnormality in the coaches.
219. Every coaching stock shall have computer for manufacturing the coach maintenance history in a
software program which should be compatible with the programme of the coaching workshop.
220. The coach Maintenance History Card(MHC) for each of its coaches, the card will contain records of
maintenance schedules including POH and Special Repairs in shops.
221. Coach Maintenance History Card(MHC) will give details of all major repairs like wheel changing, Bogie
Changing etc.,
222.The Warranty period of Distributor Valve is 36 months from the date of delivery or 24 months from
date of its fitment whichever is earlier.
223. The Warranty period of Direct Mounted Spherical Roller Bearing is 36 months from the date of
delivery or 4lakh km from the date of commosioning whichever is earlier.
224. The Warranty period of Air Brake Cylinder is 36months from the date of delivery or 24 months for
date of fitment whichever is earlier.
225. The warranty period of Shock Absorbers is 15 months from the date of delivery or 12 months from
the date of fitment whichever is earlier.

226. The warranty period of BP/FP hose is 36 months from the date of delivery or 24 months from the date
of fitment whichever is earlier.
227. The warranty periodof Upholstery for 1st AC Coaches and executive class chair car of shatabdi
express is one and half year from date of delivery.
228. The warranty period of slack adjuster is 36 months from the date of delivery or 24 months from the
date of fitment whichever is earlier.
229. The warranty period of Composition Brake Blocks is 18 months from the month of supply or Duty life
cycle i.e., time taken in reaching the wear limit of the Brake Block whichever is earlier.
230. The warranty period of Rubber Spring of 100kg-m side buffers is 2 years from the date of mounted in
coaching stock.
231. Oil in hydraulic dashpots of Rajdhani and shatabdi coaches should be checked once in 15 days to
detect oil leakages.
232. A component will require Replacement, if it has lost more than 20% of its thickness.
233. All coaches after POH repairs should be tested under water spray for roof leakage before they are
finally turned out from the workshop.
234. At the bottom 2mm thick corten steel corrugated trough floor is provided between sidebars and
running over the length between the headstocks of underframe
235. A component will require replacement, if it has lost more than 20% of its thickness.
236. All Coaches after POH repairs should be tested under water spray for roof leakage before they are
finally turned out from the workshop.
237. Auxiliary Reservoir charging time from 0 to 4.8 kg/cm2 is 270 + 30sec for C3W Distributor Valve.
238. Auxiliary Reservoir Charging time from 0 to 4.8kg/cm2 is 170 + 10sec for KE Distributor valve.
239. Control Reservoir charging time from 0 to 4.8kg/cm2 is 280 + 20sec for C3W Distributor valve.
240. Control Reservoir charging time from 0 to 4.8kg/cm2 is 160 + 10sec for KE Distributor valve.
241. Single Car Test is performed on a coach to ensure proper functioning of Air Brake System.
242. Single Car Test is Carried out after every POH and after every change of Distributor valve in the
243. Braking distance at 110kmph of 18 Coaches for Conventional Air Brake System is 905m
244. Braking distance at 110kmph of 18 Coaches for Bogie Mounted Brake System is 800m
245. FRP stands for Fibre Re-inforced Plastic.
246. The type of grease used in ICF spherical roller bearings is lithium base grease.
247. Draw and braking forces will be taken by Anchor links in ICF bogie.
248. Silent Block (Rubber bush) has been fitted in bogie components to reduce noise
249. To control the lateral swing of the bolster Equalizing stays have been provided on ICF bogies.
250. Inflammable fluid tank wagons are checked with battery operated torch lights.
251. Hot axle can be detected through visual observation in rolling in examination.
252. Wheel discs are fitted on axles with shrunk fit.
253. PEASD is provided with 8 mm choke
254. How do you measure buffer height of a coach? Rail table to center of buffer face
255. Which is the most frequent reason for Train parting on AAR coupler? Failure of Knuckles
256. What is the function of check valve with choke provided in the air brake system? To permit flow of air
from the FP to the AR but not in the reverse direction.
257.What is the following is the function of PEAV Facilitate the passenger to intimate the driver to stop
the train by reducing air pressure.
258. Twin Pipe Braking Helps in Reduces release time
259. What is the revised torque value for tightening end locking screws fitted on CTRB of BOXN wagon? 40
kg. Mt.
260. Which defect in C3W Distributor Valve causes brake binding ?Main valve check valve damaged.
261. Which defect in KE type of Distributor valve makes the cylinder In operative? Main diaphragm
perished or Quick release valve leaking
262. Pull required to operate alarm chain apparatus? 6.4 to 10 Kg.
263. Condemning thickness of Composite brake blocks of a coach? 12mm
264.Maximum permissible clearance between pin and bush during renewal on Express train? 0.75mm
265. Longitudinal movement of bolster in ICF bogie is controlled by?
Anchor link
266. Angle to which split pins and cotters to be split? 45 degrees
267. Newly built ICF coach running on mail/express trains first IOH is done after months 12 months
268. Condemning height of EM pad? 42mm
269. Condemning height of CC pad? 109mm

270. How the center pivot of CASNUB bogies is lubricated as per revised wagon manual?Graphite flakes to
271. Minimum air pressure in the under slung water tank of AC coach? 0.35 Kg/Cm2.
272. Wear on brake block does not disturb A dimension of slack adjuster? True
273. If a goods train is stabled for more than 24 hours the BPC becomes invalid.
274. Beyond which temperature is the axle box considered hot box? 80 degrees C
275. In an open line coaching depot for what defects do you look for when the bearing is opened for
schedule? Bearing should not be opened in open line depots for schedules
276. What is the full form of CORTON steel?Corrosion Resistant steel
277. Under whom does NTXR work? IRCA
278. What does an Air Flow indicator do? Indicates leakages of air pressure
279. What types of brakes are there in LHB coaches? Axle mounted disc brakes
280. When oil oozing noticed in between wheel seat and axle it is called loose axle
281. When pull rod is grazing on axle forms the Notched axle.
282. If driver fails to log Kilometers BPC of CC rake expires on 21st day from the date of issue.
283. Rehabilitation cost of coaching stock is 25% of the total cost
284. The draw & buffing force transmission in coach is through Centre pivot
285. Dirt Collector should be cleaned within At the time of A schedule
286. The function of non-return valve used in air brake system is To prevent flow of air from AR to FP
287. What is the thickness of roof sheet in ICF coach? 1.6 mm
288. Water tank capacity of ICF coach is 1800 litre
289. Under shung tank capacity of roof mounted AC coaches fitted with WRA system is 1600 Litre
290. Minimum and Maximum air pressure required for WRA is 0.35 Kg/cm2& 0.75 Kg/cm2
291. What should be the interval of check the dashpot oil in mail/Express train? one month
292. What is the interval of check the side bearer oil? One month
293. The color code of helical spring of ICF bogie is Yellow, blue, green
294. What type of axle guidance arrangement used in ICF/RCF bogie? Telescopic axle guide with oil
295. Lithium base type of grease used in roller bearing in ICF coach
296. 2.00 kg of grease filled per axle box of SKF make bearing
297. 1.75 kg of grease filled per axle box of other than SKF make bearing
298. LHB coaches are provided with CTRB type of bearing
299. The pulling force required for alarm chain testing should not be more then 10 kg
300. In B schedule, the over hauling and testing of alarm chain apparatus is done.
301. Codal life of Tank wagon is 45 year

1. Prefer nonflammable refrigerant for refrigeration system
2. Ensure that stacks are not more than 4.5 m in height and a gap of a list one meter is maintained
between the top of the stack and the ceiling beam or sprinkler heads
3. Keep flammable materials always prone from ignition sources
4. Always prefer standard equipment bearing ISI MARK
5. Burn electrodes to not less than 38 to 50mm in length burning then for the damages the electrode
6. For safety do not use an acetylene pressure greater than 9PSIG
7. Never use copper fittings an acetylene lines in exist facilities travel distance should not exceed
8. AP fire services which act ACT1999
9. In construction the minimum height of assembly hall should be 3.6m
10. The minimum width of staircase /corridor 2m
11. Wood, paper ,cloth are which type of fire CLASS A type
12. Flammable liquids (petrol etc) are which type of fire CLASS B
13. Flammable gaseous (butane, lpg, etc ) which type of fire CLASS C
14. Combustible metals (magnesium etc ) is which type of fire CLASS D
15. Electrical equipment are which type of fire CLASS E
16. Cooking oil fats are which type of fire CLASS F
17. Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure as per the revised SOD 2326
18. Double lock arrangement is required for relay room doors, block instrument doors
19. CRS statutory enquiry is required in some of the accidents crs means COMMISIONER OF RAILWAY
20. The working current of EKT in RE area is 220mA
21. What is the location of safety valves fitted in liquefied petroleum gas tank wagon inside dome
22. How many emergency windows are provided in AC icf/rcf coaches four
23. Dont use DCP/CO2 extinguisher on class A & class E fire
24. Use only foam type extinguisher on class B&F fire
25. Which type of fire extinguisher use for class A type fire water + co2
26. Which type of fire extinguishers use for classB type of fire foam
27. Which type of fire extinguisher use for class C&D type fire dry chemical powder(DCP)
28. The main causes of accident except weather
29. When lifting heavy object keep as much weight as possible over your legs
30. A screw driver is identify by the type of screw it fit
31. The main difference between type of hand saws relate to their teeth
32. If the drill bit binds in the material being drilled whats the first action you should take release the
trigger switch
33. When using an electrical saw to avoid excessive vibration use a clamp to hold the work
34. Viscosity described as the rate of lubricant will flow at a know temperature
35. An antifriction bearing uses rolling friction
36. What is the most common valve used in piping system to throttle or regulate flow globe valve
37. Ball valve are commonly used to start/stop flow
38. Which tool is used measure gap size in a rough alignment inside caliper
39. The part of coupling that actually transmits power and rotation from one shaft to another shaft is
40. For safety wear apron for cleaning the bearing
41. Never use elevators in case of fire accidents
42. In case of smoke accumulation move slowly
43. Electrical pedestal fans if installed should be connected to the power supply through 3 pin plug
44. In electrical installation see that no light fitting has a clearance of less than 75cm from highest
working level
45. Ensure that safe floor load limit given in IS875:1964 are not exceeded
46. In plug and socket dont try to force a 2pin plug in 3pin socket
47. Dont use any metallic arrangement like rings, watches while working with electrolyte
48. Dont use multiple connection for welding machine
49. Cover your body and head during spray painting use goggles to protect eyes

50. Brake lining must be free from oil and Grease

51. Never smoke in bed use ashtray
52. In handling dont drag containers labeled flammable handle them with care and use appropriate
53. Temporary structures should not located within 15m from railway line substation chimney furnace
or similar hazard
54. In case of waste disposal the drainage channels kept free from chocking
55. Flammable channels and dry vegetation should not be allowed inside and up to 3m around
56. How many types of water tanks are provided in LHB coach-Three.
57. Water tank capacity of ICF coach is 1800litre
58. Total water tank capacity of WRA is 1800litre
59. Under slung tank capacity of roof mounted AC coaches fitted with WRA system is 1600litre
60. Over head tank capacity of WRA system is 200litre
61. Minimum air pressure required for WRA IS 0.35KG/CM2
62. How many non return valves are provided in ICF coach fitted with WRA system 05
63. Maximum air pressure required for WRA IS 0.75KG/CM2.
64. NOS OF WRA fitted in one IRY coaches are 3
65. Maximum pressure of WRA in one coach is 1.20kg/cm2.
66. Capacity of storage water in one IRY coach is 1800litre.
67. What is the interval for cleaning coach water tank one month.
68. Give the connection to overhead testing tank creating 0.35kg/cm2 pressure.
69. In water tank which type of welding used TIG.
70. codal life of water tank 20 years.
71. Aluminium water tank thickness is 4mm.
72. Capacity of one water tank 455litres(100gallons).
73. Pit hole fitted by (AL+SI).
74. No of plate pieces in 3 pieces tank 6 plates.
75. No of plate pieces in 2pieces tank 2 plates.
76. Diameter of side filling pipes is 40 mm.
77. Diameter of wash basin pipe is 25mm.
78. Diameter flash tap pipe is 25mm
79. Water tank air vent hole is 1inch(1)


Max. no. of passengers per lavatory in 2 Tier Sleeper are
A: 15
B: 13
C: 16
Out side calliper is used for measuring
A: Out side angle
B: Out side diameter
C: Out side radius
Mortise gauge is used for
A: levelling the surface B: mark two perpendicular C: mark two parallel lines in
diagonal lines
lines in single stroke
single stroke
Mitre square is used for marking and testing of
A: 15 degree
B: 30 degree
C: 45 degree
Max. no. of passengers per lavatory in Non-AC Sleeper Class are
A: 25
B: 24
C: 22
Max. no. of passengers per lavatory in General Coach are
A: 25
B: 23
C: 28
Max. no. of passengers per lavatory in AC 3 Tier Sleeper are

Ans B
D: 18
Ans B
D: All of the
Ans C
D: mark two
in single
Ans C
D: 60 degree
Ans D
D: 20
Ans A
D: 22
Ans D

A: 19
B: 16
Plastic push cocks are made up of
A: High density
B: Fibre reinforced platic
the above polyethylene

C: 15

D: 17

C: Both

D: None of

Ans A

The blade width of mortise chiesel varies

A: 3 to 12 mm
B: 3 to 16 mm

C: 3 to 18 mm
10 Tha aluminium water tank and joints are tested at a pressure of
A: 0.30 kg/
B: 0.32 kg/
C: 0.34 kg/
11 Pincer is mainly used for
A: rivetting
B: driving
C: hammering
12 Lavatory pan in Non-AC coaches is made up of
A: porcelien
B: stainless steel
C: frosted
the above
13 20 mm rubber hoses are used GI Pipe
A: 10 mm
B: 15 mm
C: 20 mm
14 Bevel square is used for marking and testing of any angle between
A: 0 - 60 degree
B: 0 - 90 degree
C: 0 - 180 degree
15 Al.water tanks are removed in.for testing and repairs, inspection.
A: first POH
B: second POH
C: third POH
16 31.5 mm hose pipe is used for GI Pipe
A: 20
B: 25
C: 30
17 50 mm rubber hose is used GI Pipe connection
A: 20
B: 25
C: 30

Ans B
D: 3 to 20
Ans C
D: 0.36
Ans D
D: pulling
Ans B
D: None of
Ans B
D: 25 mm
Ans C
D: 0 - 270
Ans C
D: fouth POH
Ans B
D: 35
Ans D
D: 35


Wash basins fitted in AC coaches are made up of..

A: porcelien
B: stainless steel
19 Jayson cocks functions on the principle of
A: capiler
B: surface tension
C: gravity
the above
20 In Lavatory windows FRP banjo shutter type windows with ___________ glass are fitted.
A: Fibre
B: Frosted
C: Forced
21 In coaches, push cocks are made up of
A: FRP material
B: HDPE material
C: NFTC material
22 What is the diameter of Wash basin pipe in Non-AC coaches ?
A: 25 mm
B: 30 mm
C: 35 mm
23 What is the capacity of set of under slung water tank ?
A: 100 gallons
B: 200 gallons
C: 300 gallons
24 How many Al. overhead tanks are available in SLR coaches
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
25 What is the diameter of Side filling pipes?
A: 20 mm
B: 30 mm
C: 40 mm
26 What is the diameter of Air went in Aluminium water tanks ?
A: 15 mm
B: 20 mm
C: 25 mm
27 What is the capacity of Aluminium water tank in Non - AC coaches ?
A: 405 liters
B: 455 liters
C: 475 liters

Ans A
Ans C
None of
Ans B
Ans B
Ans D
40 mm
Ans B
400 gallons
Ans C
Ans C
50 mm
Ans C
30 mm
Ans B
500 liters

In argon arc welding, the arc is between the Non consumable tungsten and workpiece
In arc welding air is created between the electrode and work contact resistance
In arc welding eyes need to be protected against infra-red and ultraviolet rays
In arc welding penetration is minimum for DCRP
constant resistance
In arc welding temperature generated is of the following order 3500 degrees C
In arc welding using A.C, amount of useful heat at the anode and cathode respectively ar equal
In arc welding using D.C, amount of useful arc heat at the anode and cathode respectively are two
third and one third
In arc welding, if arc is too long, it will result in formation of large globules in an irregular pattern
because of wandering of arc, leading to poot fusion with base metal
10 In electrical resistance welding voltage, required for heating is in the range 6 to 10 volts
11 In arc welding, penetration is deeper for DCSP
12 If the weld is made from left to right it is known as fore-hand welding
13 In braze welding, the filler metal is melted and deposited at the point where the weld is to be made
14 In central hole of the nozzle is used for Oxygen for cutting
In CO2 welding No flux is used
Coated electrode in arc welding rod melts first and then coating melts
In DC Reversed polarity
A: 66.66% heat is
B: Least penetration
C: Better arc cleaning action D: All of the
generated at the
electrode and 33.33%
at the job
In DC straight plolarity
A: 33.33% heat is
B: Deep penetration
C: No arc cleaning of base
D: All of the
generated at the
electrode and 66.66%
at the job
19 In electric resistance welding, two copper electrodes used are cooled by
A: water
B: air
C: both of the above
D: none of
the above
20 Grey cast iron is welding by Oxy-acetylene
21 In arc welding, if arc is too short, it will result in electrode sticking to the base metal and base metal
not melting and bead resting on top of the work, leading to poor fusion and gas and slag holes
22 How much percentage of chromic acid used in hot phosphating plant 0.05
23 IS specification for training of Welder code of practice IS 817-1992
24 Half corner weld is used
A: where longitudinal
B: to join two pieces of
C: where efficiency of joint
D: none of
the above
shear is present
metals in the same
should be 50%
manner as rivets join
25 Which of the following is preferred for weldind of non ferrous metals by arc welding
A: AC low frequency
B: AC high frequency
C: D.C
D: All of the
26 High friction compositebrake blocks of _____ have been used
A: F.Type
B: K-Type
C: Both
D: None of
the above
27 How many hours are allowed for proper bond of PVC flooring to compreg base floor 24 hours
28 How many kinds of oxy-acetylene flames are there 3
29 How many tanks are there in hot phosphating plant (LGDS) 7
30 How much current range required for 3.15mm electrodes 90-130 amps
31 In welding process, flux is used

5 In a

Ans D

Ans D

Ans C

Ans D

Ans C

Ans B

Ans C

A: to permit perfect
the above
cohesion of metals

B: to remove the oxides of

C: both (a) and (b) above

D: none of

the metals formed at high

32 How much oxygen pressure required for 100mm MS plate cutting purpose 4.2kg/cm sq
33 If the weld is made from right to left, it is known as back-hand welding
34 How much percentage of dilute hydrochloric acid used in Hot phosphating plant 10-15
35 How much quanity of hydrochloric acid is used in hot phosphating plant 525 kg
36 How much quantity of caustic soda is used in hot phosphating plant ? 280 kg37
How much qua
38 I.S specification number for compressed oxygen gas IS 309/1992
39 I.S specification number for steo for general structural purpose IS 2062 - 1992
40 If I,R and V are the current, resistance and the potential difference, then V is equal to IR
41 If signs of corrosion are noticed, the side wall sheet above the lifting pads should be cut to a height of
500 mm
42 In electrical resistance welding, cleaning of metals to be welded is important
43 How much current range required for 4mm electrod 140-170 amps
44 In TIG arc welding, the welding zone is shielded by an atmosphere of argon gas
45 In spot welding, spacing between two spot welds should not be less tha 3d
46 In spot welding, the tip of electrodes is of copper
47 In straight polarity welding Electrode holder is connected to the negative and work is positive
48 In submerged arc welding, the flux is in the form of Granuels
49 In the manual TIG welding, the angle of the electrode holder with the direction of welding is
electrode heater
with the direction of welding is 70 degrees
50 In thermit welding
Ans D
A: weld cools uniformly B: all part of the weld
C: problem with internal
D: all of the
Section are molten at the
residual stresses is minimum
same time
51 In thermit welding, aluminium and iron oxide are mixed in the proportion 1:3
52 In thermit welding, heat is generated from chemical reaction involving finely divided aluminium and
iron oxide
53 In electrical resistance welding voltage is low and current is high
54 In thermit welding, thermit used is mixture of aluminium and iron oxide
55 In reversed polarity welding.Electrode holder is connected to the positive and work is negative
Page 3 of 18
56 In TIG welding, the cooling rate as compares to electroslag welding is fast
57 In ultrasonic welding, the thickness of metal is limited to 3 mm
58 In welding aluminium with TIG are welding A.C is used
In welding copper alloys with TIG arc welding: direct current with straight polarity (DCSP) is used
60 In welding magnesium with TIG arc welding direct current with reverse polarity (DCRP) is used
61 In which form Acetylene gas is stored in cylinders? Liquid form
62 In which type of welding a pool of molten metal is used electroslag
63 "Oxygen to acetylene ratio" in case of neutral flame is: 1:1
64 In thermit welding, the iron oxide and aluminium oxide are mixed in the proposition of 3:1
65 In inert gas arc welding, which of the following is used for welding magnesium Non-combstible
electrode in combination with helium and d.c.current
66 In electrical resistance welding, pressure applied varies in the range 250 to 550 kgf/
67 In electrical resistance welding, when the current passes through the metal, the greatest resistance is
a point of contact of metals to be welded
68 In gas welding using oxygen and acetylene cylinders, pressure of gas is more in
Ans D
A: acetylene cylinder
B: oxygen cylinder
C: equal in both the cylinders D: none of
the above
69 In gas welding, flame temperature of the oxyacetylene gas used is 3200 degrees C
70 In gas welding, maximum flame temperature occurs at inner cone
71 In gas welding, maximum thickness of material which can be welded with a 30 mm diameter welding
rod is 3 mm
72 In hot phosphating process degreasing will take time 5-15 minutes

73 In hot phosphating temperature range for degreasing 65 to 75 degree C

74 In single V-butt welds, the angle between edges is kept about 70 to 90 degree
75 In inert gas arc welding, which of the following is used for welding carbon steel ? Carbon dioxide
because of its excellent
penetration and high speed
76 In saw moulding, the bottom most part of the slack is called cheack
77 In metallic arc welding, the transfer of metal from the electrode is due to
A: molecular attraction B: surface tension and
C: gravitional force
D: both (a)
and (b) above
78 In MIG welding even unclean surface can be welded to obtain sound welds
79 In MIG welding, helum or argon is used in order to act as shileding medium
80 In MIG welding, the metal is transferred in the form of fire spray of metal
81 In PVC flooring, When the second roll is laying overlaping the first sheet is by...about 5 to 10
82 In resistance welding voltage used for heating is: 10 V
83 In resistance welding, the pressure is released
A: just at the time of
B: just after completion of
C: after the weld cools
D: during
heating period
passing the current
84 In reverse polarity welding
A: electrode holder is
B: electrode holder is
C: work is positive and holder is D:
holder is positive and
connected to the
connected to the positive
work is
negative and work to
and work to negative
85 Grey cast iron is usually welded by
A: Gas welding
B: Resistance welding
C: Arc welding
D: Any of the
86 In inert gas arc welding, which of following is used for welding aluminium ?
A: non-combustible
B: combustible electrode
C: straight polarity d.c.current D: carbon
dioxide, because
electrode in
and argon in combination
of its
combination with
with a.c.current
penetration and high
helium and d.c.current
87 Before laying of floor, the joining edges of compreg sheet shall be coated with..
A: water resistant sealing B: oil sealing compound
C: grease sealing compound D: None of
the above
88 An example of fusion welding is
A: arc welding
B: gas welding
C: thermit welding
D: forge
89 An example of plastic welding is
A: arc welding
B: gas welding
C: forge welding
D: all of the
90 Annealing is a process
A: To harden the materials B:
To soften the materials
C: Both A & B
D: None of the above
91 Arc length in arc welding should be equal to
A: half the diameter of B: rod diameter
C: twice the rod diameter
D: 2.5 times
the rod
electrode rod
92 Arc length in arc welding should be nearly equal to
A: diameter of electrode B: 1.5 d
C: 2 d
D: 3 d
rod (d)

Ans D

Ans C

Ans B

Ans A

Ans B

Ans A

Ans B

Ans C

Ans B

Ans B

Ans A


Arc length in electric arc welding is the distance between the tip of the electrode and the
A: work piece
B: centre of crater
C: bottom of crate
D: work piece
94 Argon gas cylinder painted with
A: Black
B: Maroon
C: Red
D: Blue
95 As per RDSO instructions % aluminium fillar rod containing, minimum % of silicon is_____
A: 5%
B: 3%
C: 4%
D: 4.5%
96 Chemical used in producing acetylene gas is
A: carbon
B: crushed bone
C: charcoal
D: all of the
97 Basic coated low hydrogen electrodes are used for welding of
A: Mild steel to corten steel B:
Mild steel to stain less
C: Mild steel
to spring steel
D: cost iron to copper
98 Amount of current necessary in resistance welding is of the order of
A: 1-2 kVA/cm square
B: 2.5-40 kVA/cm square
C: 4.5-6.2 kVA/cm square
D: 6.5-8.9
kVA/cm square
99 Black colour is generally painted on
A: oxygen cylinder
B: acetylene cylinder
C: hydrogen cylinder
D: none of
the above
100 Body side panels are made up of
A: 1.6 mm thick corten B: 2.00 mm thick corten steel C: 2.50 mm thick corten steel D: 3.15 mm
thick corten
101 Brazing metals and alloy commonly used are
A: Copper
B: Copper alloys
C: Silver alloys
D: All of the
102 Carburising flame is obtained by supplying
A: equal volumes of
B: more volume of acetylene C: more volume of oxygen and D: none of
the above
oxygen and acetylene
and less volume of oxygen
less volume of acetylene
103 Carburising flame is used to weld
A: steel, castiron, copper B: brass and bronze/c
C: hard surfacing materials such D:
of the above
as stellite
104 Carburising flames as compared to oxidising flame is
A: more luminous
B: less luminous
C: equally luminous
105 Carburizing flame is used for the welding of
A: high carbon steel
B: brass and copper
C: low carbon steel
D: medium
carbon steel
106 H.A.Z. Means.
A: Heat Affected Zone
B: Hard Annealed Zone
C: Heat Area Zone
D: Hazard
Affected Zone
107 Back fire occure due to
A: Oil or grease
B: Rust
C: Touch the job
D: All of the
108 A.C arc welding always employs coated electrodes because it
A: has high efficiency and B: uses less input current
C: has low leakage loss and
D: all of the
low splatter
protects the newly formed
weld against atmosphere
109 ____ type of electrode is used for cutting ferrous metals
A: A1
B: D
C: N1
D: A2

Ans C

Ans D
Ans A
Ans B

Ans A

Ans C

Ans A

Ans B

Ans D

Ans B

Ans C

Ans A

Ans A

Ans A

Ans D

Ans D

Ans C

110 ____ type of electrode is used for Welding where strength requirement is not specified
A: C2
B: A5
C: A1
D: A4

Ans C

111 ____ type of filler wire used in CO2 Welding

A: Copper coated mild
B: Copper wire
C: Both A & B
D: None of
the above
112 _____ type of electrode is used for semi dynamic application and radiographic quality (IS 2062 Gr-B)
A: A1
B: A2
C: A5
D: A4
113 3.15mm, 4mm, Electrode lengths in general
A: 350mm, 450mm long B: 450mm, 550mm
C: 550,650mm
D: None of
the above

Ans A

114 A collimated light beam is used for producing heating in

A: TIG welding
B: MIG welding
C: Laser welding
D: Plasma
115 A consumable electrode is used in
A: TIG Welding
B: MIG Welding
C: Submerged arc welding
D: carbon arc
116 A good weld joint should have
A: No cracks in the weld B: Good penetration
C: Welds of correct shape
D: All the
117 Amperage to be used in arc welding is dependent upon
A: work thickness
B: arc gap
C: electrode rod thickness
D: other
118 A single 'V' and single 'U' - butt welds are for sheets of approximate thickness
A: 1 to 5 mm
B: 5 to 15 mm
C: 15 to 25 mm
D: more than
25 mm
119 Amount of current required in electric resistance welding is regulated by changing the
A: input supply
B: primary turns of the
C: secondary turns of the
D: all of the
120 Acetylene connection nuts have
A: Champfer and grooves B: No chamfer and grooves C: Both A & B
D: None
121 Acetylene cylinder and hose connection nut threads have
A: Right - hand
B: Left - hand
C: Plain
D: Simple
122 Acetylene gas is stored in cylinders in
A: solid form
B: liquid form
C: gaseous form
D: all of the
123 Adhesive to fix PVC flooring to ply wood / compreg will be..
A: Neoprene based rubber B:
Neoprene based plastic
C: Neoprene
based rubber
D: Neoprene based plastic
adhesive of Dunlop Sadhesive of Dunlop S-758
adhesive of Dunlop S-756
of Dunlop S-756
124 Advantage of electroslag welding is / are
A: ability to weld metals of B:
high welding speed
C: little
distortion and good
D: all of the above
great thickness in a
stress and protection from
single pass without
calling for joint
125 After adhesive work of the 1st roll is over, apply pressure on the flooring with a steel roller of ..
A: 15kg approx.
B: 20kg approx.
C: 25kg approx.
D: 30kg
126 Aluminium properties are

Ans B

Ans A

Ans C

Ans B

Ans D

Ans C

Ans B

Ans B

Ans A
Ans B
Ans B

Ans A

Ans D

Ans C

Ans D

A: It control the grain

B: It improves the
C: It act as deoxydiser
127 Alumuinium water tanks can't be welded by
A: TIG Welding
B: Arc Welding
C: Co2 Welding
128 Class 'L' is used for
A: For Welding of
B: For Welding of brass
C: For Welding of mild steel
Welding of S.S
129 A non-consumable electrode is used in
A: gas welding
B: D.C welding
C: A.C arc welding
130 For overhead welding with 3.15mm electrode required current is
A: 90-110amps
B: 110-140amps
C: 150-160amps
131 Ends of two pipes of uniform cross section are welded by
A: spot welding
B: seam welding
C: projection welding
132 Equipment used for arc welding a material by carbon electrode is
A: a.c welding is
B: rectifier
C: motor generator
set with

D: All of the

Ans C
D: Gas
Ans A
D: For

Ans D
D: Argon arc
Ans B
D: 200Ans D
D: upset butt
Ans D
D: d.c welding

133 Ferrous metals are
A: Aluminium
B: Zinc
134Filler material is essentially used in

Ans D
C: Lead

D: Cast iron
D: all of the

A: gas welding
B: spot welding
C: scam welding
135 Filler metal is used in
A: electric spot welding B: seam welding
C: projection welding
D: none of
the above
136 Flux used for brazing cast iron is
A: Mixture of boric acid, B: boric acid, borax of
C: chlorides and fluorides
D: none of
the above
borax and a wetting
fluoride with a wetting
mixed with water none of the
137 Fluxesare used in welding in order to protect the molten metal and the surfaces to be joined from
A: Oxidation
B: Carburising
C: Dirt
D: Distortion
and warping
138 Following gases are used in tungstem inert gas welding
A: Hydrogen and oxygen B: CO2 and H2
C: Argon and helium
D: Argon and
139 Characteristics of argon gas
A: Good cleaning action B: Low arc voltage
C: Low gas volume
D: All of the
140 For micro welding applications, welding preferred is
A: thermit welding
B: arc welding
C: laser welding
D: all of the
141 Electrode gets consumed in which of the following welding process
A: Gas
B: Resistance
C: Thermit
D: Arc
142 For welding plates of thickness less than 5 mm bevelling of its edges
A: is done to a single V or B: is done to a double V or C: is done to a double V or U- D: is not
U-groove on one side
groove on both side
143 For welding plates of thickness more than 12.5 mm bevelling of its edges
A: is done to a single V or B: is done to a double V or C: is done to a double V or U- D: is not

Ans D

Ans B

Ans A

Ans C

Ans D

Ans C

Ans D
Ans D

Ans C

U-groove on one side
groove on both sides
144 Forge welding is best suited for
A: Stainless steel
B: High carbon steel
C: Cast iron
145 Gas torch is usually lighted by a friction lighter because
A: it is easier to operate B: of low intial cost
C: spark is created for very short
safety of operator
and maintain
146 Gases used in tungsten inert gas welding are
A: hydrogen and oxygen B: CO2 and H2
C: argon and neon
147 Generally the oxy-acetylene welding is done with
A: neutral flame
B: oxidising flame
C: carburising
148 Gray iron is generally welded by
A: gas welding
B: arc welding
C: TIG welding
149 Grey cast iron is best welded by
B: Arc
150 For joining rails_____ welding is used
A: Thermit welding
B: T.G
C: Both
the above
151 Corrosion repairs requiring above 2900 man hours are classifed as
A: light corrosion repairs B: medium corrosion repairs C: heavy corrosion repairs

Ans D
Ans D


Ans D
argon and
Ans A
all of the
Ans A
Ans D
oxyAns A
None of
Ans D
very heavy

152 CO2 welding is an example of
A: TIG Welding
B: MAG Welding
C: MMA Welding
D: None of
the above
153 Coatings of electrodes are used to produce gas shields to protect the weld from atmosphere. The
consists of
A: flux and slagging
B: stabilizers to prevent
C: titanium oxide or potassium D: all of the
materials like titanium
compounds to increase the
oxide and calcium
melting rate and ferro
manganese as a deoxidiser

Ans B

Ans D

154 Colour of D.A. Gas hose pipe is .

A: Black
B: Red
C: Meroon
D: Yellow
155 Colour of Oxygen gas hose pipe is .
A: Black
B: Red
C: White
D: Yellow
156 Consumable electrode are used in the process
C: Thermit
D: Laser
157 Copper is
A: easily spot welded
B: very difficult to be spot
C: good for spot welded as any D:
preferred to be welded
other material
by spot
158 Copper is a
A: Good conductor of
B: Bad conductor of electricity C:
Both A & B D:
None of the above
159 Corrosion repairs requiring 101 to 600 man hours are classifed as
A: Light cum Direct
B: Light corrosion reparis
C: Medium corrosion reparis D: Heavy
corrosion repairs


160 End wall consists of .vertical pillars of box secton connected transversely by 'Z' sections and are
Ans B
welded to the head stock at the bottom and to the roof at the top.
A: two
B: four
C: six
D: eight
161 Corrosion repairs requiring 601 to 1500 man hours are classifed as.
A: light corrosion reparis B: medium corrsoion repairs C: heavy corrosion repairs
D: very heavy
162 Electroslag welding is
A: a process which uses a B: accomplished by
C: a process in which are is
D: there is
nothing called
mixture of iron oxide
maintaining a hot molten
maintained under a blanket
and granular
metal pool between
of flux
163 Corrosion repairs requiring below 100 man hours are classifed as
A: Light cum Direct
B: Light corrosion repairs
C: Medium corrosion repairs D: Heavy
corrosion repairs
164 Cracks occurs due to
A: Too high arc current B: Fast arc travel speed
C: Ductility of base metal
D: All of the
165 Current is measured in
A: Amperes
B: Volts
C: Ohms
D: None of
the above
166 Cylinder in which oxygen gas is stored are
A: Fabricated by casting B: Fabricated by forgiving
C: Fabricated by welding
D: Seamless
steal cylinder
167 'D' class electrodes are pre-heated upto
A: 250 degree C two and B: Pre-heating is not
C: 150 degree C one hour
D: None of
the above
half hour duration
required or recommended
by manu facturer
168 Distortion occurs due to
A: Improper tack Welding B: Improper Welding
C: Smaller size electrode dia D: All of the
169 Earth connections is directly given to the
A: job
B: Near to the job
C: Pole
D: Both A & B
170 Electro beam welding is carried out in
A: air
B: vaccum
C: not in vaccum
D: not in air
171 IS specification for DA gas
A: IS 308/1999
B: IS 309/1992
C: Both
D: None of
the above
172 Corrosion repairs requiring 1501 to 2900 man hours are classifed as
A: light corrosion reparis B: mediam corrosion repairs C: heavy corrosion repairs
D: very heavy
173 Too low welding current in arc welding would result in
A: excessive pilling up of B: excessive spatter, under C: too small bead, weak and D: excessive
piling up of
weld metal, poor
cutting along edges,
wasted electrodes
metal, overlapping
penetration, wasted
irregular deposits, wasted
penetration of
wasted electrodes
174 Thermit welding is used for
A: joining rails, truck
B: repairing broken shears
C: replacing broken gear teeth D: all of the

Ans B

Ans B

Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

Ans D

Ans D
Ans B
Ans A

Ans C

Ans A

Ans D

frames and broken
motor castings
175 Three types of fillet welds are
A: Convex, Flat, concave B: convex, flat, vertical
C: Flat,vertical,Inclined
D: None of
the above
176 TIG Welding is a
A: Pressure Welding
B: Non pressure Welding
C: Both A & B
D: None of
the above
177 TIG welding is best suited for welding
A: Mild steel
B: Stainless steel
C: Aluminium
D: Silver
178 TIG welding is preferred for
A: mild steel
B: aluminium
C: silver
D: all of the
179 TIG welding means
A: tungstem inert gas
B: gas metal arc welding
C: both a & b
D: none of
the above
180 T-joint weld is used
A: where longitudinal
B: where several loading is C: to joint two pieces of metals D:
join two pieces
shear is present
encountered and upper
in the same manner as rivets
surfaces of both pieces
join metals
must be in the same
181 To check during Welding
A: Whether welder
B: Speed of weld deposition C: Removal of slag after each D: All of the
maintaining proper arc
182 Voltage drop across the arc between the two electrodes known as arc voltage, increases as the arc
A: increases
B: degreases
C: remains same
D: none of
the above
183 Too high welding current in arc welding would result in
A: excessive piling up of B: excessive spatter, under C: too small bead, weak weld D: excessive
piling up of
weld metal, poor
cutting along edges,
and wasted electrodes
metal, overlapping
penetration wasted
irregular deposits, wasted
penetration of
wasted electrodes
184 The welding, in which the metals to be joined are heated to the plastic state and then forged
together by
external pressure without the addition to filler material, is known as
A: plasitc welding
B: fusion welding
C: thermit welding
D: none of
the above
185 Too slow welding speed in arc welding would result in
A: excessive pilling up of B: excessive spatter, under C: too small bead, weak and D: excessive
piling up of
weld metal, poor
cutting along edges,
wasted electrodes
metal, overlapping
penetration, wasted
irregular deposits, wasted
penetration of
wasted electrodes
186 Tungsten inert gas Welding belongs to the category of
A: Gas Welding
B: Arc Welding
C: Resistance Welding
D: Pressure

Ans A

Ans B

Ans C
Ans B

Ans A

Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

Ans B

Ans A

Ans D

Ans B

187 Two sheets of different materials but same thickness can be spot welded by
Ans D
A: adjusting the current B: time duration of curent
C: adjusting the pressure applied D:
changing the size of
188 Two sheets of same material but different thickness can be butt welded by
Ans A
A: adjusting the current B: time duration of current C: pressure applied
D: changing
the size of one
189 Undercuts occursdue to
Ans D
A: Too high current
B: Improper cleaning on the C: Faster arc travel speed
D: All of the
job surface
190 Unit of current is
A: Volt
B: coulomb
C: Ampere
D: Ohm
191 Upto what thickness of plate, edge preparation for welding is not required?
A: 4 mm
B: 5 mm
C: 8 mm
D: 10 mm
192 The cooling rate increases with
A: increasing weld speed B: decreasing weld speed
C: does not depend upon weld D: both (a)
and (b) above
193 Too fast welding speed in arc welding would result in
A: excessive piling up of B: excessive spatter under
C: too small bead, weak weld
piling up of
weld metal, poor
cutting along edges,
and wasted electrodes
metal, overlapping
penetration, wasted
irregular deposits, wasted
penetration of
wasted electrodes
194 The most commonly used flame in gas welding is
A: Neutral
B: Oxidising
C: Carburising
195 Incomplte penetration occurs due to
A: Root gap too small
B: To large electrode dia
C: Improper level
196 The electordes commonly used in submerged arc welding are
A: Bare rods
B: Coated electrodes
C: Core wires
197 The electrode used for an A.C arc welding are coated with
A: potasium silicate binders B:
sodium silicate binders
and (b) above
D: none of the above
198 The electrode used for D.C arc welding are coated with
A: potassium silicate
B: sodium silicate binders
C: both (a) and (b) above
the above
199 The electroslag welding is suitable for welding
A: thick plates
B: thin plates
C: both (a) and (b) above
the above
200 The following welding process uses consumable electrode
C: Thermit
201 The highest size of nozzle for cuttozen type cutter is
A: 1/32"
B: 5/64"
C: 1/16"
202 The main purpose of heat treatment is to change
A: Chemical composition B: Mechanical propoerties of C: Corrosion properties of the

Ans C
Ans A
Ans A

Ans C
D: excessive
Ans A
D: All of the
Ans D
D: All of the
Ans A
D: Copper
Ans A
C: both (a)
Ans B
D: none of

Ans A
D: none of
Ans B
D: Laser
Ans D
D: 1/8"
Ans B
D: Surface

finish on the
of the metal
the metal
203 Thermit welding is
A: process which uses a B: accomplished by
C: a process in which are is
D: no welding
mixture of iron oxide
maintaining a hot molten
maintained under a blanket
and granular
metal pool between
of flux
204 The material used for coating the electrode is called
A: Protective layer
B: Slag
C: Binder
D: Flux
205 The width of Heat Affected Zone is more in
A: plasma arc welding
B: electron beam welding
C: electro-slag welding
D: electric
resistance welding
206 The name key hole welding refers to
A: Projection welding
B: percussion welding
C: Pulsed TIG welding
D: Plasma arc
207 The oxygen cylinder is usally painted with
A: Black colour
B: White colour
C: Maroon colour
D: Yellow
208 The phenomenon of weld delay occurs in
A: Cast iron
B: Brass
C: Bronze
D: Stainless
209 The smallest size nozzle for cuttozen type cutter is
A: 1/32"
B: 5/64"
C: 1/16"
D: 1/8"
210 The voltage between the output terminals of the arc Welding power source when no current is flowin
in the Ans
Welding circuit is called
A: Duty cycle
B: Load voltage
C: Open circuit voltage
D: None of
the above
211 The weld pool is surrounded by an inert gas in
A: arc welding
B: carbon arc
D: submerged
212 The welding process in which two pieces to be joined are overlapped and placed between two
electrodes, is
known as
A: spot welding
B: projection welding
C: seam welding
D: butt
213 The welding process which uses consumable electrode is
C: Thermit
D: Laser
214 Weld spark is
A: flux
B: welding defect
C: electrode coating
D: none of
the above
215 The major problem in welding of stainless steel is
A: formation of oxide filmB: high electrical resistance C: poor thermal conduction D: formation
of chromium
216 Which of the following electorde is used in Tungsten-Inert gas gas welding?
A: Consumable electrode B: Non-consumable
C: Both A & B
D: None
217 What is the thickness of the PVC used in flooring
A: 1.0 mm
B: 1.6 mm
C: 2.0 mm
D: 2.6 mm
218 When only part of the floor is to be replaced, repari to floor shall be carried out by using
A: Compreg - 12 mm
B: Compreg - 10 mm
C: Plywood - 17 mm
D: Plywood 19 mm
219 When the head stock is replaced ?
A: wear is more than 1 mm B:
wear is more than 2mm
C: wear is
more than 3 mm
D: wear is more than 4 mm
220 When the work is connected to the negative terminal and the electrode holder to the positive
terminal, the
welding set up is said to have

Ans A

Ans D
Ans C

Ans A

Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

Ans C

Ans A

Ans B
Ans B

Ans D

Ans B
Ans C
Ans D

Ans D

Ans B

A: straight polarity
B: reversed polarity
C: both (a) and (b) above
D: none of
the above
221 When the work is connected to the positive terminal and the electrode holder to the negative
terminal, the
welding set up is said to have
A: straight polarity
B: reversed polarity
C: both (a) and (b)
D: None of
the above
222 When Welding is going on, Arc voltage is of the order of
A: 40-95 volts
B: 100-125 volts
C: 18-40 volts
D: 130-170
223 When welding is going on, are voltage is of the order of the
A: 18-40 volts
B: 40-95 volts
C: 100-125 volts
D: 130-170
224 Which feature is provided in the end walls to avoid telescoping of the adjacent coaches and to absorb
the Ans
major part of collision energy in case the ends coolied during heavy collisions ?
A: Telescopic structure B: Telegraphic structure
C: Anti telescopic structure
D: Anti
telegraphic structure
225 Vertical welding do not require plate edge preparation for thickness up to
A: 3 mm
B: 6 mm
C: 8 mm
D: 16 mm
226 Which of the following current is preferred for welding of non-ferrous metals by arc welding?
A: A.C low frequency
B: A.C high frequency
C: D.C
D: All of the
227 What is the specification Number of water sealing compound used in joining edges of compreg sheet
A: IS:7080-1973
B: IS:7082-1973
C: IS:7084-1973
D: IS:70861973
228 Which of the following gas is used in tungsten inert gas welding process?
A: Acetylene
B: Oxygen
C: Argon
D: Hydrogen
229 Which of the following gas is used in Tungsten-Inert Gas Welding Process?
A: Argon
B: Acetylene
C: Oxygen
D: Hydrogen
230 Which of the following is used to measure the current flowing through a circuit?
A: Volt Meter
B: Ammeter
C: Golvanometer
D: None
231 Which of the following materials is best weldable itself?
A: Stainless steel
B: Copper
C: Aluminium
D: Mild steel
232 Which of the following provides a convenient, safe and inexpensive means of lighting the gas torch?
A: Match sticks
B: Gas lighter
C: Burning stick
D: All
233 Which of the following welding process uses non consumable electrode
A: LASER welding
B: MIG welding
C: TIG welding
D: Plasma
234 Which of the following welding process uses non-consultant electrode?
A: Laser welding
B: TIG welding
C: MIG welding
D: Ionbeam
235 Which type of sheets are utilised for the trough floor
A: tubular
B: skewed
C: corrugated
D: uneven
236 Which is the specified standard for corten steel ?
A: IRS-M-40
B: IRS-M-41
C: IRS-M-42
D: IRS-M-43
237 Welding transformer is a
A: Step up transformer B: Step down transformer
C: Both A&B
D: None of
the above
238 Weld spatter defect in welding is due to
A: too high welding
B: too low welding current C: low voltage
D: high
239 Welded rod coated with fluxing material is used in
A: gas welding
B: shielded arc welding
C: D.C arc welding
D: argon arc
240 Welding in which the metals to be joined are heated to a molten state and allowed to solidify in
presence of a

Ans A

Ans C

Ans A

Ans B
Ans C

Ans C

Ans C
Ans A
Ans B
Ans D

Ans B
Ans C

Ans B

Ans C
Ans B
Ans B

Ans A

Ans B

Ans B

filler material, is known as

A: plastic welding
B: fusion welding
C: thermit welding
D: forge
241 Welding of chromium molybdenum steels cannot use
A: thermit welding
B: electrical resisitance
C: oxyacctylene welding
D: all of the
242 Welding preferred for wrought iron is
A: spot welding
B: seam welding
C: forge welding
D: laser
243 Welding process preferred for cutting and welding for non-ferrous metals is
A: inert gas arc welding B: MIG welding
C: submerged arc welding
D: D.C arc
244 Welding process using non-consumable electrode is
A: Laser welding
B: MIG welding
C: TIG Welding
D: Ion beam
245 Welding process which employs exothermal chemical reaction for developing high temperature is
A: thermit welding
B: gas welding
C: arc welding
D: resistance
246 What is the specified procedure for laying PVC flooring in passenger coaches?
A: RDSO No.C 9001
B: RDSO No.C 9002
C: RDSO No.C 9003
247 Welding process, in which heat is produced for welding by chemical reaction, is known as
A: gas welding
B: thermit welding
C: forge welding
D: resistance
248 What is the specification of aluminium chequered sheet used in GS coaches ?
A: IS:735 HS 20-W
B: IS: 737 HS 20-W
C: IS: 739 HS 20-W
D: none of
the above
249 What are the chemicals used for cleaning aluminium water tank
A: H2 SO4
B: Water
C: HCL and Oxalic acid
D: Castic soda
250 What are the different management levels in an organisation
A: Top management
B: Middle management
C: Lower management
D: All of the
251 What is the class of low hydrogen electrode ?
A: A2
B: B2
C: C2
D: D2
252 What is the diameter of PVC electrode used in PVC flooring?
A: 1 mm
B: 1.6 mm
C: 2 mm
D: 2.15 mm
253 What is the inhibitor used in hot phospating plant ?
A: antimony dioxide
B: boran dioxide
C: corban dioxide
D: duralmin
254 What is the percentage of caustic soda used in hot phosphating plant ?
A: 2-4
B: 4-6
C: 6-8
D: 8-10
255 What is the RDSO specification for instructions for corrosion repairs ICF built BG Coaches?
A: C 7601
B: C 7602
C: C 7603
D: C 7604
256 What is the size of compreg sheet used in flooring in passenger coaches
A: 8 mm
B: 10 mm
C: 12 mm
D: 14 mm
257 The commonly used flux for Brazing is .
A: Resin
B: Pewter
C: Borax
D: Soft Iron
258 Welding process, in which electrode is not consumed is
A: tungsten-inert gas (TIG) B:
MIG welding
C: D.C. arc
D: Argon arc welding
259 Oxidising flame as compared to neutral flame, its inner core
A: less luminous
B: shorter
C: more luminous
D: both (a)
and (b) above
260 Natural flame of oxy-acetylene gas welding has ____ percent of oxygen & acetylene respectively
A: 1:1
B: 1:2
C: 2:1
D: 1:4

Ans B

Ans C

Ans A

Ans C

Ans A

Ans A

Ans B

Ans B

Ans C
Ans D

Ans C
Ans C
Ans A

Ans C

Ans B
Ans C
Ans C
Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

261 Neutral flam consists of

A: Excess of oxygen
B: Equal volumes of oxygen
the above
and acetylene

Ans B
C: Excess of acetylene

D: None of

262 Neutral flame is obtained by supplying

A: equal volumes of
B: more volume of acetylene C: more volume of oxygen and D: none of
the above
oxygen and acetylene
and less volume of oxygen
less volume of acetylene
263 Neutral flame is used to weld
A: copper or brass
B: cast iron
C: steel
D: all of the
264 Neutral flame temerature
A: 3200 degree c
B: 3500 degree c
C: Both A & B
D: None of
265 Normalising is a process
A: To relive the internal B: To refine the grain
C: To improve the mechanical D: All of the
266 Number of zones of heat generation in spot welding are
A: 1
B: 3
C: 5
D: 7
267 Only ______ thick corrosion resistant steel sheets should be used for head stock repairs
A: 8mm
B: 10mm
C: 12mm
D: 8mm or
268 Parent metal metalurgically affected by the heat of welding or cutting but neither melted nor made
plastic is
A: heat affected zone
B: weld zone
C: fusion zone
D: weld face
269 Open circuit voltage for manual metal arc welding is of the order of
A: 20-40 volts
B: 40-100 volts
C: 100-150 volts
D: 150-250
270 Melting point of zinc
A: 419 degree c
B: 600 degree c
C: 650 degree c
D: 700 degree
271 Oxidising flame is obtained by supplying
A: equal volumes of
B: more volume of acetylene C: more volume of oxygen and D: none of
the above
oxygen and acetylene
and less volume of oxygen
less volume of acetylene
272 Oxidising flame is used to weld
A: brass
B: copper
C: bronze
D: all of the
273 Oxidising flame is used to weld metals like
A: Steel
B: Copper and Brass
C: Abrasine
D: None of
the above
274 oxidizing flame is used for
A: Mild steel
B: Aluminium
C: Brass-Branze
D: All of the

275 Oxygen connection nuts have

A: Chamfer and grooves B: Double chamfer and
C: Plain with no chamfer and D: None
276 Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of carburisng flame is
A: 0.5:1
B: 0.9:1
C: 1:1
D: 1:1.2
277 Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of neutral flame is
A: 0.08:1.0
B: 0:1
C: 1.2:1
D: 2:1
278 The corrugated trough floor with its corrugations running longitudinally form one head stock to the
other takes

Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

Ans D

Ans C
Ans A

Ans A

Ans B

Ans A

Ans C

Ans D

Ans B

Ans C

Ans C

Ans B

Ans B

up the
A: dragging loads
B: buffing loads
C: impact loads
D: compact
279 Open circuit voltage for arc welding is of the order of
A: 18-40 volts
B: 40-95 volts
C: 100-125 volts
D: 190-240
280 Manganese properties are
A: Increase the hardness of B:
To improve the tensile
C: Both A & B
D: None of the above
the steel
281 IS specification number for equipment for eye & space protection during welding
A: IS 1179 - 1967
B: IS 2573 - 1975
C: IS 9857 - 1990
D: IS 4559 1968
282 It is not possible to arc weld all types of metals with transformer set because it does not have
provision for
A: Control of current
B: Control of voltage
C: Control of time duration
D: Change of
283 It is possible to arc weld all types of metals with transformer set because it does not have provision
for Ans
A: control of current
B: control of voltage
C: control of time duration
D: change of
284 Laser welding finds vide application in
A: heavy industry
B: structural work
C: process industry
D: electronic
285 Line welding uses
A: right ward technique B: carburising flame
C: neutral flame
D: both (a)
and (b) above
286 Low hydrogen electrodes are to be dried in the oven at
A: 100 degree C for
B: 150 degree C for
C: 200 degree C for minimum D: 250 degree
C for
minimum two hours
minimum two hours
two hours before use
two hours
before use
before use
before use
287 Low pressure acetylene is produced at the welding side by chemical reaction between water and
A: calcium chloride
B: calcium carbide
C: calcium carbonate
D: carbon
288 Standard M.S plates sizes are
A: 5mm
B: 6mm
C: 8mm
289 Most commonly used flame in gas welding is
A: neutral
B: oxidising
C: carburising
290 Main criterion for selection of electrode diameter in arc welding is
A: Materials to be welded B: type of welding process
C: thickness of material
291 Metal which can be suitably, welded by TIG welding is
A: aluminium
B: stainless steel
C: pure titanium
292 Maroon colour is generally painted on
A: Oxygen cylinder
B: acetylene cylinder
C: hydrogen cylinder
the above
293 Material difficult to be spot welded is
A: stainless steel
B: copper
C: mild steel sheet
294 Material used for coating the electrode is called
A: protective layer
B: binder
C: slag
295 Maximum flame temperature occurs at
A: the tip of the flame
B: the inner cone
C: next to the inner cone
outer cone

Ans B
Ans C

Ans A

Ans D

Ans D

Ans D

Ans D

Ans A

Ans D
D: All of the
Ans A
D: all of the
Ans C
D: voltage
Ans D
D: all of the
Ans B
D: none of
Ans B
D: all of the
Ans D
D: flux
Ans C
D: at the

296 Melting point of aluminium

A: 1535 degree c
B: 1200 degree c
297 Melting point of brass
A: 1535 degree c
B: 1350 degree c

Ans D
C: 450 degree c

Ans D
C: 1200 degree c

298 Melting point of iron

A: 2000 degree c
B: 1600 degree c
C: 1535 degree c
degree c
299 Melting point of the filler metal in brazing should be above
A: 420 degrees C
B: 600 degrees C
C: 800 degrees C
degrees C
300 Per heating is essential in welding
A: High speed steel
B: Stainless steel
C: Cost iron

301 Magnetic arc blow is

A: a recent welding
importance during

D: 657 degree

D: 900 degree

Ans C
D: 1700
Ans D
D: 900
Ans C
D: German

Ans C
B: Used to weld hard

C: Phenomenon of occurrence D: of
of splatter because magnetic

Used to weld hard

fields created in d.c are
302 Temperature of oxy-hydrogen flame as compared to oxy-acetylene flame is
A: More
B: less
C: same
the above
303 Solder is essentially
A: tin-silver base
B: tin-lead base
C: tin-bismuth base
304 Spaher occurs due to
A: Too high arc current B: Long arcs
C: Damp electrodes
305 Specification number for corrosion resistant steel sheet for trough floor side walls etc
A: IRS-M-41/97
B: IRS M-40/98
C: Both
the above
306 Spot Welding is a
A: Pressure Welding
B: Non pressure Welding
C: Both A & B
the above
307 Spot welding is used for welding top joints in plates having thickness
A: 0.25 to 1.25 mm
B: 1.25 to 2.50 mm
C: 2.5 to 3 mm
3 mm
308 Spot-welding, projection welding and seam welding are classification of
A: electric resistance
B: thermit welding
C: arc welding
309 Step down transformer is used for
A: ridio receivers
B: Bed lights
C: transisters
310 Striking voltage as compared to voltage during welding in arc welding is
A: same
B: more
C: less
311 Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of oxidising flame is
A: 1:1
B: 1.2:1
C: 1.5:1
312 Submerged arc welding is

striking of

Ans A
D: none of
Ans B
D: silver-lead
Ans D
D: All of the
Ans A
D: None of
Ans A
D: None of
Ans A
D: more than
Ans A
D: forge

Ans D
D: All of the
Ans B
Ans C
D: 2:1
Ans C

A: a process which uses B: accomplished by

C: a process in which are is
the above
mixture of iron oxide
maintaining a hot molten
maintained under blanket of
and granular
metal pool between
313 Seam welding is
A: Multi spot welding
B: continuous spot welding C: used to form mesh
the above
314 Temperature of rinse in water in hot phosphating at tank 2 (LGDS)is
A: 10 - 15 temperature B: 15 - 20 temperature
C: room temperature
315 Temperature of the inner luminous cone of neutral flame is of the order of
A: 1000 degree C
B: 2000 degree C
C: 3000 degree C
degree C
316 Temperature of the inner luminous core of neutral flame is of the order of
A: 1100 degrees C
B: 2000 degrees C
C: 2500 degrees C
degrees C
317 Temperature of the plasma torch is of the order of
A: 1000 degrees C
B: 5000 degrees C
C: 10000 degrees C
degrees C
318 Temperature produced in oxyhydrogen flame as compared to oxyacetylene flame is
A: same
B: more
C: less
319 The 12 mm Compreg floor board will be used the coach flooring

none of

Ans B
none of

Ans C
Ans C
Ans D
Ans D
Ans C

D: gang way

A: Part of the floor is

B: complete floor is repaired C: path way floor is repaired
floor is
320 The acetylene cylinder is usually painted with ..
A: Black colour
B: White colour
C: Maroon colour
321 The bast weldable steel is
A: 0.2% carbon steel
B: 0.4% carbon steel
C: 0.6% carbon steel
carbon steel
322 Strongest brazing joint is
A: butt
B: scarf (inclined)
C: lap
equally strong
323 Projection welding is
A: multi-spot welding
B: continuous spot welding C: used to form mesh
make cantilevers
324 Pick up the incorrect statement about friction welding
A: Little preparation is
B: Dissimilar metal can be
C: It is best suited for welding of
any type of configuration
required for joints
325 Plain and butt welds can be used for sheet shaving thickness approximately
A: 25 mm
B: 40 mm
C: 50 mm
326 Plain and butt welds may be used on materials upto approximately
A: 25 mm thick
B: 40 mm thick
C: 50 mm thick
327 Plug weld joint is used
A: where longitudinal
B: where severe loading is
nothing like plug
shear isi present
encountered and the
upper surfaces of both
pieces must be in the

Ans C
Ans A
Ans C
all are
Ans A
used to

Ans D
can be
Ans A
100 mm
Ans A
60 mm

Ans C
C: to join two pieces of metals D: there is
in the same manner as rivets
join metals

weld joint

same plane
328 Poor fusion in a welded joint is due to
A: high welding speed
B: dirty metal surface
C: improper current
329 Porosity and blow holes occurs due to
A: Fast arc travel speed B: Demp electrodes
C: Too low and high current
330 Porosity of welded joint is due to
A: high welding speed
B: low welding speed
C: wrong size of electrode
331 Pre heating is essential in welding for which of the following material?
A: high speed steel
B: Stainless steel
C: cast iron
332 Silicon properties are
A: Act as deoxidiser
B: Improves magnatic and
C: Both A & B
the above
electrical properties
333 Projection Welding belongs to the category of
A: Gas Welding
B: Arc Welding
C: Spot Welding
334 Seam welding is a ..
A: Arc welding process
B: Multi spot welding process C: Continuous spot welding
the above
335 PVC roll foam to RDSO specification No..
A: C-8510 (Rev.2)
B: C-8513 (Rev.2)
C: C-8515 (Rev.2)
336 Rate of welding steel by carburising flame as compared to neutral flame is
A: more
B: less
C: same
the above
337 Ratio of oxygen to acetylene for complete combusion is
A: 1:1
B: 1.5:1
C: 2:1
338 Rutile coated electrodes are classified as
A: A1 class
B: B1 class
C: C1 class
339 Rutile coated electrodes (B2 class) and stainless steal electrodes are to be heated upto

Ans C
D: lock of flux
Ans D
D: All of the
Ans D
D: poor base
Ans C
D: German
Ans C
D: None of

Ans D
D: Resistance
Ans C
D: None of

Ans C
D: C-8517
Ans A
D: none of
Ans D
D: 2.5:1
Ans A
D: D1 class
D: None of

A: 100-150 degree for oneB: 250 degree for two hour C: Both A & B
the above
hour (or) as
or as recommended by
recommended by
340 Rutile coated electrodes are to be heated in the oven at
A: 50 - 100 degree
B: 100 - 150 degree
C: 150 - 200 degree centigrade D:
centigrade for one hour centigrade for one hour
for one hour
for one hour
341 Safety plug provided in
A: Oxygen cylinder
B: D.A cylinder
C: Argon cylinder
342 Seam welding comes under the category of
A: Gas welding
B: Spot welding
C: Arc welding
343 Wire bushes are used for removing ____from the matal prior to welding
A: Oil
B: Grease
C: Rustor dirt
344 Pressure regulators are used for
A: To reduce pressure from B:
To increase pressure from
D: None
the cylinder
the cylinder

Ans B
200 - 250
Ans B
Ans B
Tig welding
Ans C
All of the
Ans A
Both A & B

Wheel and roller bearing

1. Roller bearing with a spherical rollers are called as spherical roller bearing
2. 13t,16t axle length is 2316(+0.5,-0.0)mm
3. axle barrel dia for 13t axle is 145/146mm
4. axle barrel dia for 16t axle is 152/154mm
5. wheel seat length for 13t,16t axle is 191(+2,-0)mm
6. wheel seat dia for 13t axle is 172(+0.014,-0.039)mm
7. wheel seat dia for 16t axle is 178(+0.014,-0.039)mm
8. condemed wheel seat dia <169mm
9. collar seat length 13t,16t axle is 85mm
10. collar seat dia for 13t,16t axle is 145(+0.174,-0.134)mm
11. journel length for 13t,16t axle is 119mm
12. journel dia for 13t,16t axle is 130(+0.068,-0.043)mm
13. surface roughness (RA) value for journel is 0.8microns
14. surface roughness (RA) value for collar is 0.8microns
15. surface roughness (RA) value for wheel seat is 1.6microns
16. surface roughness (RA) value for axle barrel is 3.2microns
17. minimum pressing force for ICF 13T axle is 68.9t
18. minimum pressing force for ICF 16T axle is 71.2t
19. maximum pressing force for ICF 13T axle is 89.4t
20. maximum pressing force for ICF 13T axle is 106.8t
21. axle end holes should be check by plug gauge
22. axle end holes depth is 40mm
23. axle end holes depth checked by depth gauge
24. reject the axle if axle end hole depth is <40mm
25. RB drum locking pressure is 350 t0 400 bar
26. RB drum extraction pressure is 400 to 500 bar
27. wheel is made up of alloy steel
28. wheel dia measured by trammel gauge
29. axle diameter measured by micrometer
30. the rebored wheel disc should be inspected with the help of an inside micrometer
31. the wheel seat should be lubricated with a mixture of carbonate white led(1.2kg), boiled inside
32. an operation of enlarging a hole that already been drilled called boring
33. lathe machine bed is made up of cast iron material
34. a machined axle should be inspected for dimensional accuracy with the help of a micrometer with
least count of 0.01mm
35. journel dia measured at the three points along the lenth of the journel
36. torque applied for M16 bolts 11-12kg-m
37. torque applied for M20 bolts is 15-16kg-m
38. the axle should be ultrasonically tested for flaw detection
39. presssing pressure of wheel should be 400 to 600 kg/mm
40. bearings should be dismounted at every alternate poh or 2 lakh kms which ever is earlier
41. variation allowed in wheel dia on same bogie should not exceed 0.5mm
42. variation allowed in wheel dia on same coach should not exceed 13mm
43. spherical roller bearing no 22326/c3 with 130mm parallel bore on the inner ring are being used
on ICF type coach.
44. Roller bearing are directly shrunk fit on the axle journals
45. All RBs should be cleaned , inspected and filled with fresh Grease at every POH
46. All bearings should be dismounted at every alternate POH or 2LAKH KM which ever is earlier.
47. Axle box cleaning plant contains bosch tank & spray jet cleaning
48. For dismounting of spherical roller bearing hydraulic dismounting equipment is used
49. For mounting of roller bearings we need a induction heater with demagnetizing device
50. Visual inspection of dismounted RBs is carried by using magnifying glass with light
51. Measuring / checking of radial clearance of roller bearing long feeler gauge is used
52. Long feeler gauge contains number of leaves with different thickness
53. Journal/shoulder dia measured by outside micrometer
54. Inspection of end tapped holes done by using thread plug gauge

55. Exact quantity of Greece to be filled by volumetric containers

56. Identification of bearings/inspection details are made by engraving/etching machine
57. The blades of the feeler gauge should be inserted between the outer ring and the unloaded
58. While measuring the radial clearance the rollers should not be allowed to roll over the blade
59. The acceptable range of radial clearance for bearing in mounted position on journal for SKF makes
of roller bearing is 0.105mm to 0.296mm
60. The acceptable range of radial clearance for FAG/NORMA make RBs 0.080 to 0.185mm
61. The acceptable range of radial clearance for NEI/NBC make RBs 0.080 to 0.190 mm
62. Torque wrenches should be periodically checked for accuracy with torque wrench tester
63. The date , the month , and the year of attention and workshop code should be punched on the
locking plate
64. The V grooves in the rear cover should be fitted with fresh Greece after thorough cleaning
65. The quantity of Greece filled per axle box for SKF make bearing is 2kg
66. The quantity of Greece filled per axe box for NBC make bearing 1.75kg
67. For lubrication only lithium base Greece of approved brands should be used
68. The axle end holes should be checked with GO-NO GO thread plug gauge for correct size and
thread condition
69. The practice of blocking of worn out holes and drilling a new hole 60o away from old ones to
reduce the probing are on axle face for ultrasonic testing
70. The end locking holes should be of high tensile steel of reputed brand /rdso approved
71. The condition of end locking bolts threads should be checked with GO-NO GO thread ring gauge
72. The retaining ring should be cleaned , inspected for flatness
73. The collar should not be dismounted unless it is damaged or interference fit with axle is lost
74. New felt ring should be socked in warm cylinder oil to IS-1589-60 type 1 grade3 heated to 400 to
500C for 30 minutes
75. The height of the shoulder from the face of both front cover and rear cover should be 60(+0.1,0.1)mm
76. Use cylindrical gauge fitted with dial indicator to check housing bore diameter at bearing seat
77. The width of axle box should be 216(+0.1,-0.1)mm
78. For new bearings radial clearance limit in dismounted condition is 0.145 to 0.190mm
79. Maximum permissible clearance for SKF make bearing in service is 0.33mm
80. Maximum permissible clearance for FAG/NORMA make bearing in service is 0.270mm
81. Maximum permissible clearance for NBC make bearing in service is 0.295mm
82. End holes are checked for elongation with the help of thread plug guage.
83. Labyrinth ring has an interference fit on the journal, so it requires heating for shrink fitting
84. Heat the labyrinth ring upto a temperature of 100o C max
85. If several labyrinth rings are to be mounted a good method is to heat them in an Oil Bath for
around 30 minutes
86. Soak the felt seal in warm cylinder oil (IS: 1589 type 1 grade 3) heated to 40oC to 50oC for about 30
87. Fill approximately 50% of sealing collar cavity with grease.
88. Fill the space between rear cover and the neck of collar with grease and align.
89. Induction heater heating time should be between 5-7 minutes.
90. Spherical roller bearings are coated with rust preventive oil prior to dispatch.
91. Heating of bearings can be done to either by using an Oil bath or Induction heater
92. For heating of bearings, temperature range of 100oC to 120oC will be given for sufficient
expansion for easy sliding of bearing over journal.
93. While heating bearings, ensure that temperature of bearing does not exceed 120oC
94. The oil bath methods has advantage of gradual and uniform heating of bearings.
95. Oil used in oil bath should be fortified with anti-oxidation, anti-foaming additives.
96. For heating of bearings in oil bath method type of oils used are Enklo 68,ServoSystem 68
97. Heating time required in induction heating system largely depends upon the weight of the
98. Overheating(beyond 120oC) or rapid heating in Induction heating system may result in
Dimensional instability or change in Material properties due to change in Micro-structure.

99. Heated Bearing should be handled with the help of hook, tong, or asbestos gloves and mounted
on the journal.
100. The limits for permissible maximum flat surfaces on the tread for BG ICF coaches is 50mm.
101. 2.5mm tadius is provided on the wheel bore to facilitate mounting, should made after the
finishing cut.
102. The serviceable wheel discs are rebored on the vertical boring machine
103. For new wheel seat collar may be shrunk fitted on axle after heating it to 150o10oC by using
induction heater
104. Soak the felt ring in worm cylinder oil temperature 40 to 50oC for 30 minutes
105. Make four wheel sets as a group in such a way that two wheel set dia in each bogie should not
exceed 5mm and from bogie to bogie, Wheel set dia should not exceed 13mm.
106. Rollers are guided by an inner ring with two raceways separated by an inner rib
107. Spherical roller bearings have a large capacity for radial,axle&complex loads
108. Cycle time of vertical turret lathe(VTL) is 27min/disc for ICF wheel set
109. Schedule time for VTL is for every 3 months
110. Schedule time for HEGEN SCHEIDT wheel lathe is 1month
111. Cycle time of HEGEN SCHEIDT wheel lathe is 24 ICF wheel sets per shift
112. Axle journal turning & burnishing lathe scheduling time is 3months
113. Axle journal turning & burnishing lathe cycle time is 20 ICF wheel sets/shift
114. Cycle time for wheel press is 40min/ICF wheel set
115. Scheduling time for wheel press is 3 months
116. Axle turning lathe cycle time is 1.5 axles/shift & scheduling time is 1month
117. CNC axle turning lathe cycle time is 50min/icf axle & schedule time is for every 3 months
118. CNC wheel lathe cycle time is 24wheelsets/shift & scheduling time is for every 3 months
119. Roller bearing cleaning plant cycle time is 208 bearings/shift & schedule time is 1month



Roller bearings are named according to the shape of

A: Inner ring
B: Outer ring
Roller bearings are extracted / dismounted by using
A: Pressing machine
B: Hammer

Ans C
C: Roller

D: Cage
Ans C

C: Hydraulic dismounting

D: Heaters

Roller bearing with spherical rollers are called as

A: Spherical rollers
B: Ball bearings
C: Roller bearing
D: None of
the above
Roller bearing section should have clean surroundings and free atmosphere.
A: Water
B: Air
D: Dust
Roller bearing mounting and maintenance work must be done by personnel as per laid down
A: Any
B: Juniors
C: Senior most
D: Qualified
The acceptable range of radial clearance for bearing in mounted position on journal for SKF and FAG /
Ans D
NORMA makes respectively is ______
A: 0.501 to 0.692 and
B: 0.015 to 0.962 and 0.800 C: 0.510 to 0.269 and 0.800 to D: 0.105 to
0.296 and
0.080 to 0.501mm
to 0.151mm
0.080 to
Standard distance between wheel flangs is
A: 1602 mm
B: 1600 mm
C: 1601 mm
D: 1599 mm
Recommended limits of redial clearance for bearings in dismounted condition for new bearings are
for in service bearings are _______
A: 0.135 to 0.160 mm,
B: 0.145 to 0.190 mm, 0.270 C: 0.165 to 0.220 mm, 0.290 to D: None
0.250 to 0.290 mm
to 0.330 mm
0.260 mm
New felt ring should be soaked in worm cylinder oil to a temperature of for about 30minutes

Ans A

Ans D

Ans D

Ans B

Ans B

Ans C

A: 25 to 30 degree C, 25 B: 30 to 40 degree C, 30
degree C, 30

C: 40 to 50 degree C, 30

D: 50 to 60

Mounting of roller bearing is done by heating the bearing on

A: Direct heating
B: Furnace
C: Water heater
D: Induction
11 Lybyrinth ring (collar) requires heating for shrink fit up to a maximum temperature of
A: 100 degree C
B: 110 degree C
C: 120 degree C
D: 130 degree
12 Over heating of roller bearing beyond 120 degree or repid heating may result _________
A: Dimensional instability B: Change in material
C: May initiate cracks
D: All the
properties due to change
in micro structure
13 The bearing should be kept in induction heating system for a period of minutes to attain 120 degree
A: 1 to 2
B: 2 to 3
C: 3 to 4
D: 5 to 7
14 Radial clearance should be measured in a mounted position with long feeler gauge inserted between
A: Inner ring and roller B: Roller and roller
C: Outer ring and unloaded
D: Cages
15 On ICF axle journal taper should not exceed
A: 0.015 / 0.010 mm
B: 0.025 / 0.020 mm
C: 0.035 / 0.030 mm
D: 0.045 /
0.040 mm
16 On ICF axle journal out of roundness (ovality) must not exceed
A: 0.010 / 0.015 mm
B: 0.015 / 0.020 mm
C: 0.025 / 0.025 mm
D: 0.030 /
0.035 mm
17 Removing of axle box from wheel is done by _____
A: Hitting with sledge
B: Mechanical screw type
C: Pressing machine
D: Heating
18 The axle guide inner diameter
A: 1100.00/0.034m
B: 1120.00/0.034m
C: 1140.00/0.034m
19 The length of the bolt should be ______ than that of tapped axle end holes
A: More
B: Equal
C: Less
D: Double
20 The inner ring of roller bearing is provided by ______ type of bore for direct mounted bearing
A: Taper
B: Cylindrical
C: Spherical
D: Square
21 The inner dia of guide ring
A: 1120.04/0.00mm
B: 1130.04/0.00mm
C: 1140.04/0.00mm
22 The height of the shoulder from the place of both front cover and rear cover should be ________
A: 600.1mm
B: 700.1mm
C: 670.1mm
D: 650.1mm
23 The heat labyrinth ring (collar) on an induction heater, the heating time should be between _______
A: 3-5
B: 4-6
C: 5-7
D: 7-9
24 The lowest permissible wheel diameter of POH coach
A: 819 mm
B: 829 mm
C: 836 mm
D: 840 mm
819 mm
25 The correct torque value for M16 end locking bolts is _______
A: 10 to 11 kg m
B: 11 to 12 kg m
C: 12 to 13 kg m
D: 13 to 14 kg
26 The collar should not be dismounted unless it is ________
A: Found OK
B: Damaged
C: Rigid
D: None
27 Automatic roller bearing cleaning equipment to clean roller bearing requires ________
A: Pre wash
B: Wash
C: Water sinsing
D: All of the
28 Bearing should be handled carefully avoiding ____ to the bearings
A: Bruising
B: Contact
C: Rubbing
D: None
29 For roller bearing in mounted position, after removing the old grease, it should be thoroughly washed
and Ans

Ans D

Ans A

Ans D

Ans C

Ans A

Ans B

Ans B

Ans D

Ans C
Ans B
Ans D

Ans A
Ans C
Ans C

Ans B

Ans B
Ans D

Ans A

cleaned with kerosene and then___ cleaning should be done

A: Oil
B: Chemical
C: Petrol/White spirit
D: None
30 How the roller bearing is fit on the axle journal
A: Press fit
B: Slide fit
C: Shrunk fit
D: None
31 In induction heating system, bearing is placed around _______
A: Primary circuit
B: Yoke
C: Shaft
D: None
32 In ICF Design passenger coaches, how many bearings are used in each axle box
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
33 How do you find that the filtering is compressed to the mounted position bearing
A: By shaking the rear
B: By rotating the bearing
C: By measuring the size
D: None
34 How do you examine the roller track of inner ring or roller bearing
A: By mechanically
B: By swiveling the outer
C: By rotating the inner ring D: By
seperating both inner
pulling out a few rollers
and outer
from the cage
34 Fresh grease should be packed between the rollers and space between rear cover and roller bearing
A: The gap provided to B: Front side of the bearing C: Grease gun
D: None
rear cover
35 How many rollers are there in SKF roller bearing
A: 28
B: 29
C: 30
D: 32
36 How many rollers are there in FAG, NORMA, NBC make roller bearing
A: 28
B: 30
C: 26
D: 24
37 What is the periodicity to dismount the roller bearing ?
A: Once in 6 months
B: Once in 12 months
C: Once in 24 months
D: Once in 36
38 What is the size of inner ring bore of roller bearing no. 22326/C3
A: 125mm
B: 130mm
C: 135mm
D: 140mm
39 What is the shrinkage allowance between bearing and journal ?
A: 0.043 to 0.067 mm
B: 0.430 to 0.670 mm
C: 0.435 to 0.675 mm
D: 0.445 to
0.680 mm
40 What is the difference between axle journal size and the roller bearing inner ring size ?
A: Axle journal is always B: Both are of same size
C: Roller bearing inner ring size D: None
bigger than the bearing
is bigger than the axle
inner ring size
41 What is the function of mounting ring (ring for DMB) in roller bearing assembly ?
A: To arrest rotation of B: To give firm support to
C: It has to function
D: None
rear cover
42 What will be happen if bearing clearance is not with in the prescribed limit ?
A: Excessive wear of roller B: Excessive wear of races
C: Roller bearing failure
D: All of the
43 What will happen if the felt ring is perished during run
A: Bearings gets jammed B: Wheel skidded
C: Grease may ooze
D: None
44 When the D.P.test will be carried out compulsory on roller bearings ?
A: If age of the bearing B: If age of the bearing
C: If age of the bearing
D: If age
exceeds of the
exceeds 4 years
exceeds 5 years
exceeds 6 years
bearing 7
45 What will happen if improper and/or excessive/inadequate grease is used in the roller bearing ?
A: Excessive temperature B: Seizing of bearing
C: Complete failure of bearing D: All of the
will be generated
46 Which instrument is used to examine axle box housing bore diameter at bearing seat
A: Vernier calipers
B: Insider calipers
C: Outside micrometer
D: Cylindrical
gauge fitted

Ans C
Ans B
Ans A
Ans A

Ans A

Ans A

Ans C
Ans A
Ans C

Ans B
Ans A

Ans A

Ans B

Ans D

Ans C
Ans C

Ans D

Ans D

with dial
47 Why only self aligning spherical roller bearings are used in coaches
A: Huge size
B: Requires no lubrication
C: Requires no repairs

Ans D
D: Suited to

and shock loads
48 The spherical roller bearing have self aligning properties and therefore can automatically adjust to any
deviation in the ____
A: Load
B: Speed
C: Centre line of the axle
D: None
49 What is the advantages of oil bath heating method to the bearings ?
A: Gradual and uniform B: Several bearings can be
C: Time saving
D: All the
heating accommodated
50 What happens if fitment of substandard / improper end locking bolts used on roller bearing assembly
A: Bolts may get seize in B: Bolts may get loose in
C: Nothing will happen
D: Axle box
may get
the axle
service leads to bearing
51 To measure inner ring of roller bearing ______ is required
A: Vernier caliper
B: Inside micrometer
C: 3 legged inside micro meter D: 3 legged
with .01 mm least count
micrometer with
least count
52 To dismount the bearing one should observe the following
A: Found Grease discolored B:
Contaminated with water,
C: Previous
date of mounting is
D: All the above
foreign particles etc
beyond 2 years

To detect minute cracks in roller bearing ________ is required

A: Di penetration test
B: Ordinary light
C: Ultrasonic test
D: Light with
under ultra violet light
54 To clean axle boxes, axle box cleaning plant requires _______
A: Bosch tank
B: Jet cleaning
C: A closed chamber with
D: All the
55 What happens if excessive or inadequate lateral clearance between axle box, covers and bearing
allows ?
A: May damage bearing B: May damage axle
C: May damage filtering
D: Nothing
56 Under slung air brake coaches which palm end hole is used for wheel diameter of 840 to 854
A: 3rd hole
B: 4th hole
C: 5th hole
D: 6th hole
57 Under slung air brake coaches which palm end hole is used for wheel diameter of 855 to869
A: 2nd hole
B: 3rd hole
C: 4th hole
D: 5th hole
58 Visual inspection of dismounted roller bearing requires ____
A: Magnifying glass with B: Only light
C: Only magnifying glass
D: None
59 Using slung air brake coaches which palm end hole is used for wheel diameter of 885 to 899
A: II hole
B: III hole
C: I hole
D: IV hole
60 What happens if journal finish and diameter are not as per the drawing ?
A: Bearing may become B: Rear cover and other parts C: Beaeing rums freely
D: Nothing
may damage
61 What are the advantages of induction heating ?

Ans C

Ans D

Ans B

Ans D

Ans D

Ans A

Ans D

Ans A

Ans C
Ans C
Ans A

Ans B
Ans A

Ans D

A: Quick

B: Safe

C: Energy saving environment D: All


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