Week 1 Practice 101

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) If the marginal cost of keeping a doctor's office open one additional hour per day is $200, then the
doctor should keep the office open for one extra hour
A) as long as the marginal cost does not rise.
B) only if the marginal benefit she receives is greater than $200 plus an acceptable profit margin.
C) until the marginal benefit she receives reaches zero.
D) as long as the marginal benefit she receives is just equal to or greater than $200.


2) Economists reason that the optimal decision is to continue any activity up to the point where the
A) marginal benefit equals the marginal cost.
B) marginal benefit is zero.
C) marginal cost is zero.
D) marginal benefit is greater than the marginal cost.


3) The highest valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity is the definition of
A) economic equity.
B) marginal cost.
C) opportunity cost.
D) marginal benefit.


4) You explain to your roommate Surya, who makes beaded headbands, about an economic theory
which asserts that consumers will purchase more of a product at lower prices than they will at
higher prices. She contends that the theory is incorrect because over the past two years she has
lowered the price of her headbands and yet has seen a decrease in sales. How would you respond
to Surya?
A) Surya is making the mistake of assuming that correlation implies causation.
B) I will explain to her that she is making the error of reverse causality: it is the decrease in
demand that has caused her to lower her prices.
C) I will explain to her that there are some omitted variables that have contributed to a decrease
in her sales such as changes in income.
D) Surya is right; she has evidence to back her claim. The theory must be erroneous.


5) By definition, economics is the study of

A) how to make money in a market economy.
B) how to make money in the stock market.
C) the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources.
D) supply and demand.


6) In economics, the term ________ means "additional" or "extra."

A) optimal
B) marginal
C) allocative

D) equity


7) Consider the following economic agents:

a. the government
b. consumers
c. producers


Who, in a centrally planned economy, decides what goods and services will be produced with the
scarce resources available in that economy?
A) producers
B) the government, consumers and producers
C) the government
D) consumers
E) consumers and producers

8) Automobile manufacturers produce a range of automobiles such as sports utility vehicles, luxury
sedans, pickup trucks and compact cars. What fundamental economic question are they addressing
by making this range of products?
A) Why produce a variety of automobiles?
B) How to produce goods that consumers want?
C) Who to produce automobiles for?
D) What to produce?


9) DeShawn's Detailing is a service that details cars at the customers' homes or places of work.
DeShawn's cost for a basic detailing package is $40, and he charges $75 for this service. For a total
price of $90, DeShawn will also detail the car's engine, a service that adds an additional $20 to the
total cost of the package. What is DeShawn's marginal benefit if he sells a basic detailing package?
A) $35
B) $75
C) He makes a marginal loss of $15, not a marginal benefit.
D) The marginal benefit cannot be determined.


10) Economists assume that individuals

A) will never take actions to help others.
B) behave in unpredictable ways.
C) prefer to live in a society that values fairness above all else.
D) are rational and respond to incentives.


11) ________ is a situation in which a good or service is produced at the lowest possible cost.
A) Productive efficiency
B) Equity
C) Optimal marginalism
D) Allocative efficiency


12) Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between economic efficiency and
economic equity?
A) They are both automatically achieved in a free market economy.
B) There is no conflict between the two goals.
C) They always call for opposite outcomes.
D) There is often a trade-off between the two.


13) On a two-dimensional graph, ________ allows for the effects of additional variables.
A) shifting curves
B) eliminating a curve
C) moving along a curve
D) adding an additional curve


14) Which of the following is a positive economic statement?

A) The government should revamp the health care system.
B) The U.S. government should not have bailed out U.S. auto manufacturers.
C) If the price of iPhones falls, a larger quantity of iPhones will be purchased.
D) The standard of living in the United States should be higher.


15) Which of the following is an example of an efficiency-equity trade-off faced by economic agents?
A) Concerned about the falling birth rate, the French government has pledged more money for
families with three children, in an effort to encourage working women to have more babies.
B) Some U.S. colleges are actively recruiting foreign students for their technology-based
C) According to an article by in the American Journal of Public Health by Edward Kaplan and
Michael Merson of Yale University School of Medicine, the federal government's current
method of allocating HIV-prevention resources is not cost-effective. Instead of allocating
resources to states in proportion to reported AIDS cases, resources should flow first to those
activities that prevent more infections per dollar and then to less and less effective
combinations of programs and populations until funds are exhausted, even if it means that
some populations would be left without any prevention services.
D) All New York City art museums are considering adopting a free-admission policy for local
residents one weekend per month.


16) In 2010, Hooverville consumed 205,000 tons of sugar. In 2011, sugar consumption rose to 245,000
tons. Calculate the percentage change in sugar consumption.
A) 8.37%
B) 11.95%
C) 19.51%
D) 26.33%


17) Holding all other personal characteristics-such as age, gender, and income-constant, economists
would expect that
A) people with health insurance will be equally likely to be overweight as people without health
B) there is no correlation between having health insurance and being overweight.
C) people with health insurance will be less likely to be overweight than people without health
D) people with health insurance will be more likely to be overweight than people without health


Table 1-1


Lydia runs a small nail salon in the town of New Hope. She is debating whether she should extend her hours of operation.
Lydia figures that her sales revenue will depend on the number of hours the nail salon is open as shown in the table above.
She would have to hire a worker for those hours at a wage rate of $10 per hour.

18) Refer to Table 1-1. What is Lydia's marginal cost if she decides to stay open for two hours instead
of one hour?
A) $10
B) $20
C) $25
D) $40


19) Consider the following statements:

a. Car owners purchase more gasoline from a gas station that sells gasoline at a lower price than
other rival gas stations in the area.
b. Banks do not take steps to increase security since they believe it is less costly to allow some
bank robberies than to install expensive security monitoring equipment.
c. Firms produce more of a particular DVD when its selling price rises.


Which of the above statements demonstrates that economic agents respond to incentives?
A) a only.
B) b only.
C) c only.
D) a and b.
E) a, b, and c.

20) The prevalence of Alzheimer's dementia is very high among residents living in nursing homes. A
student concludes that it is likely that living in nursing home causes Alzheimer's dementia. What is
the flaw in the student's reasoning?
A) The student is drawing a false conclusion; he is confusing cause and effect.
B) The student is drawing a false conclusion by making the mistake of omitting critical variables
such as the age and gender of the residents.
C) The student is using an inadequate sample size.
D) The student has failed to take into account other causes of Alzheimer's disease.


21) Making optimal decisions "at the margin" requires

A) making borderline decisions.
B) making decisions according to one's whims and fancies.
C) making consistently irrational decisions.
D) weighing the costs and benefits of a decision before deciding if it should be pursued.


22) An economic ________ is a simplified version of some aspect of economic life used to analyze an
economic issue.
A) variable
B) trade-off
C) model
D) market


23) Which of the following questions or statements regarding medical school is normative?
A) How do changes in expected future incomes affect the decisions of medical students about
which specialty to choose?
B) What role does tuition play in a student's decision about whether to attend medical school?
C) Have tuition increases had a large effect or a small effect on the number of applications to
medical school?
D) Medical students who enter specialized fields make a larger contribution to society than do
student who enter primary care.


24) The basic economic problem of ________ has always existed and will continue to exist.
A) efficiency
B) recession
C) scarcity
D) inflation


25) Recent changes occurring within the U.S. health care system, including lower insurance
reimbursement rates, have resulted in
A) a majority of hospitals closing routine medical practices in order to focus only on emergency
care facilities.
B) a growing number of doctor's choosing to open private practices.
C) a majority of doctors working directly for insurance companies.
D) more medical practices being owned by hospitals than by individual doctors.


26) Allocative efficiency is achieved when firms produce goods and services
A) at the lowest opportunity cost.
B) at the lowest possible cost.
C) at a marginal cost of zero.
D) that consumers value most.


27) The relationship between consumer spending and disposable personal income is
A) a direct relationship.
B) an inverse relationship.
C) a negative relationship.
D) independent.


28) Which of the following is a macroeconomics question?

A) What determines the inflation rate?
B) What factors determine the price of carrots?
C) What determines the production of DVDs?
D) What determines the wage of auto workers?


29) Which of the following statements about economic resources is true?

A) All economic resources are man-made.
B) Economic resources are used only by businesses.
C) Economic resources are also called factors of production.
D) Economic resources include financial capital and money.


30) Economists assume that rational behavior is useful in explaining choices people make
A) even though people may not behave rationally all the time.
B) because individuals act rationally all the time in all circumstances.
C) even though people rarely, if ever, behave in a rational manner.
D) because irrational people do not make economic choices.


31) Markets promote

A) competition and voluntary exchange.
C) equity and equality.


B) equity and competition.

D) voluntary exchange and equality.

32) Suppose the U.S. government encouraged new medical school graduates to take over existing
practices from doctors wishing to retire by paying both the new and retiring doctors $100,000.
These doctors would be exemplifying the economic idea that
A) people are rational.
B) equity is more important than efficiency.
C) people respond to economic incentives.
D) optimal decisions are made at the margin.


33) The revenue received from the sale of ________ of a product is a marginal benefit to the firm.
A) the total number of units
B) no units
C) an additional unit
D) only profitable units


34) The extra cost associated with undertaking an activity is called

A) marginal cost.
B) net loss.
C) foregone cost.
D) opportunity cost.


35) The machines workers have to work with are considered

A) entrepreneurship.
B) financial capital.
C) physical capital.
D) human capital.


36) DeShawn's Detailing is a service that details cars at the customers' homes or places of work.
DeShawn's cost for a basic detailing package is $40, and he charges $75 for this service. For a total
price of $90, DeShawn will also detail the car's engine, a service that adds an additional $20 to the
total cost of the package. What is the marginal cost of adding the engine detailing to the basic
detailing package?
A) $20
B) $30
C) $60
D) $60 plus the value of his time


37) The three fundamental questions that any economy must address are:
A) What goods and services to produce; how will these goods and services be produced; and
who receives them?
B) Who gets jobs; what wages do workers earn; and who owns what property?
C) How much will be saved; what will be produced; and how can these goods and services be
fairly distributed?
D) What will be the prices of goods and services; how will these goods and services be produced;
and who will receive them?


38) Which of the following statements about positive economic analysis is false?
A) There is much more disagreement among economists over positive economic analysis than
over normative economic analysis.
B) Positive analysis uses an economic model to estimate the costs and benefits of different course
of actions.
C) Unlike normative economic analysis, positive economic analysis can be tested.
D) There is much more disagreement among economists over normative economic analysis than
over positive economic analysis.


39) Economic models do all of the following except

A) portray reality in all its minute details.
B) simplify some aspect of economic life.
C) make economic ideas explicit and concrete for use by decision makers.
D) answer economic questions.


40) Why is it necessary for all economic systems to not only provide people with goods and services,
but also restrict them from getting as much of these goods and services as they wish?
A) Failure to do this could lead to an inequitable allocation of goods and services produced.
B) Failure to do this could reduce efficiency and leads to an inequitable allocation of output.
C) Failure to do this could reduce the efficiency of the system by producing some goods and
services that are not as highly valued as others.
D) Failure to do this could lead to drastic shortages of good and services.


41) Marginal analysis involves undertaking an activity

A) only if its marginal costs are greater than its marginal benefits.
B) until its marginal benefits equal marginal costs.
C) only when its marginal benefits are positive.
D) until its marginal costs start declining.


42) Since 1994, obesity rates in the United States

A) have remained fairly constant throughout the country.
B) have increased in all 50 states.
C) have been on a slow and steady decline.
D) have primarily increased in the Southeast and remained constant or slightly decreased in the
remainder of the country.


Figure 1-2

43) Refer to Figure 1-2. Calculate the area of the triangle A.

A) $1.3 million
B) $2.6 million
C) $3.4 million

D) $5.2 million

44) DeShawn's Detailing is a service that details cars at the customers' homes or places of work.
DeShawn's cost for a basic detailing package is $40, and he charges $75 for this service. For a total
price of $90, DeShawn will also detail the car's engine, a service that adds an additional $20 to the
total cost of the package. Should DeShawn continue to offer the engine detailing service?
A) More information is needed for DeShawn to make this decision.
B) yes, but only if he raises the price of the basic detailing package
C) no, his marginal benefit is less than his marginal cost
D) yes, he still makes a profit by selling the engine detailing service with the basic detailing



45) If the price of milk was $2.50 a gallon and it is now $3.25 a gallon, what is the percentage change in
A) 13 percent
B) 30 percent
C) 75 percent
D) 77 percent
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
46) What is the difference between positive economic analysis and normative economic
analysis? Give one example each of a positive and normative economic issue or question or


47) Explain why economics is considered a social science.


48) What is equity, and how does it differ from efficiency?


49) What is meant by the statement that "optimal decisions are made at the margin"?


50) Explain the economic assumption that "people are rational."



Answer Key
1) D
2) A
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) C
8) D
9) B
10) D
11) A
12) D
13) A
14) C
15) C
16) C
17) D
18) A
19) E
20) A
21) D
22) C
23) D
24) C
25) D
26) D
27) A
28) A
29) C
30) A
31) A
32) C
33) C
34) A
35) C
36) A
37) A
38) A
39) A
40) C
41) B
42) B
43) B
44) C
45) B
46) Positive economic analysis is concerned with what is. Positive economic analysis reaches conclusions based on
verifiable statements. Normative economic analysis, on the other hand, is concerned with what ought to be. Normative
analysis reaches conclusions based on opinions. (Students will give many different examples.)
47) Economics is a social science because it studies the actions of individuals. As a social science, economics considers
human behavior, particularly decision-making behavior, in every context.

Answer Key
48) Equity refers to the fair distribution of economic benefits. In economics, efficiency refers to least cost production
(productive efficiency) and producing according to human preferences (allocative efficiency).
49) In economics, the word "marginal" means "extra" or "additional." Economists reason that the optimal decision is to
continue any activity up to the point where the marginal benefit equals the marginal cost, so optimal decisions are
made at the point where the extra benefit received from an activity is equal to the extra cost associated with that
50) "People are rational" means that economists assume consumers and firms will use all available information as they act
to achieve their goals. Rational individuals weigh the benefits and costs of each action, and they choose an action only
if the benefits exceed the costs.


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