Re-Investing Authenticity: Tourism, Place and Emotions

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Re-investing Authenticity
Tourism, Place and Emotions

From the highly influential concept of staged authenticity in tourism studies released
for the first time in 1973 by Dean MacCannell to the general claim of longing for
authenticity on behalf of all Western consumers made by Pine & Gilmore in 2007, it
is obvious that the concept of authenticity is still worth considering. The fundamental
new and groundbreaking proposal of this book is that authenticity is a surplus of
experiential meaning and feeling that derives from what we do at places.
In Re-investing authenticity - Tourism, place and emotions an international cast of
scholars representing an extraordinarily wide range of disciplines, examine different
contemporary performances of authenticity in travel and tourism practices. The
performance of authenticity at places is illuminated from different perspectives. From
cultural place branding to individual pilgrim performances, from intensified
experiences of imaginary crime scenes at actual places to the rhetorical features of the
encounter with the traumatic real, from photography performing memory of a place
and playing a political role for minority people to experiences of wilderness
producing kinaesthetic sensing, excitement and joy thrill, all examples demonstrate
how the feeling of authenticity within places is produced.

The book is part of Tourism and Cultural Change Book Series, Centre for Tourism
& Cultural Change Leeds Metropolitan University. Editors of the series are Professor
and Centre Director Mike Robinson, Leeds and Professor Alison Phipps, Glasgow.
Britta Timm Knudsen
Associate Professor, Ph.d.
Scandinavian Institute, Aarhus University
Jens Chr. Skousvej 7, DK 8000 Aarhus C
e-mail: [email protected]

Anne Marit Waade

Associate professor, Ph.d.
Institute for Information- and Media Studies
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14, DK - 8200 Aarhus N
phone: +458942 1111/ +45 8942 9269
e-mail: [email protected]

Tourism And Cultural Change Book Series/ View Channel Publication
Book series editors:

Mike Robinson Director, Centre for Tourism & Cultural Change Leeds Metropolitan
University The Old School Board Calverley Street Leeds LS1 3ED UK Tel. +44
(0)113- 283 8540 Fax. +44 (0)113- 283 8544 email [email protected]
Alison Phipps
Graduate School for Arts and Humanities
University of Glasgow
6 University Gardens University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QH tel: +44 (0) 141 330
5284 fax: +44 (0) 141 330 4537email: [email protected]


Staging and practicing authenticity

1. Timm Knudsen, Britta & Waade, Anne-Marit: Performative
Authenticity in Tourism and Spatial Experience. Rethinking the
relation between travel, place and emotion in the context of cultural
economy and emotional geography
2. A.B. Gran: Staging places as brands - visiting illusions, images and
3. A. Jansson: The City In-Between Communication Geographies,
Tourism and the Urban Unconscious
4. N. Kayser Nielsen: The summer we all went to Keuruu intensity
and topographication of identity

Branding and materializing authenticity

5. C. Ooi & B. Stber: Authenticity and Place Branding: The Arts and
Culture in Branding Berlin and Singapore
6. S. Buhl Hornskov: On the management of authenticity. Culture in the
place branding of resund
7. H. Pico Larsen: A Ferris Wheel on a Parking lot: Heritage, Tourism,
and the Authenticity of Place in Solvang, California

Re-writing authenticity and re-mediating authenticity

8. D. Ringaard: Travel and Testimony, Rhetoric of Authenticity
9. K. Klitgaard: Cool Kullaberg The History of a Mediated Tourist Site
10. K. Sandvik: Crime scene as augmented reality. Models for enhancing
places emotionally by means of narratives, fictions and virtual reality.
11. C. Sjholm: Murder walks in Ystad
12. Maria Mnsson: Negotiating authenticity at Rosslyn Chapel

Re-empowering authenticity
13. M. Sandbye: Making Pictures Talk - The re-opening of a dead city
through vernacular photography as a catalyst for the performance of
14. S. Aagaard: Globe 1: A Place of Integration or an Ethnic Oasis?
15. J. Linaa Jensen: Online tourism Just like being there?

Embodying spatial mythologies

16. T. Selberg: Journeys, religion and authenticity revisited
17. J. stergaard & D. Refslund: Walking towards oneself Authentification of Place and Self
18. S. Gyimthy: Thrillscapes: Wilderness Mediated as Playground

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