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(b)( 1)

6 December 1984


John H. Wright. Chief

Information and Privacy Division. OIS


Jack B. Pfeiffer


Mandatory Review Request

1. As specified in Attachment 1 to this request. I submitted an UNCLASSIFIED version of my manuscript on the Taylor
Committee Investigation of the Bay of Pigs to Charles E. Wilson,
Chairman, Publications Review Board on 8 November 1984 on the assumption that his concurrence was required on the classification
of the manuscript prior to my seeking possible non-official publication. My presumption was based on HR 6-2, Revised: 7 August
1984 (1677).
2. As indicated in Attachment 2 to this
my assumption that the Publications Review Board was the proper reviewing authority was in error ...

Following Mr. Wilson's suggestion. I contacted Gay
Haran of your office; and she subsequently informed me that you
and she believed that the appropriate procedure for me to follow
was to request a mandatory review of . , manuscript through IPD.
To that end, I su'bmit the enclosed manuscript of The Taylor Committee Investigati\n of the Bay of Pigs.
(See Attachment 3)

Inasmuch as my Agency employment is scheduled to
terminate on 31 Decem er 1984. it would be most helpful to have
your decision soonest.
5. Please let$e know if I can be of assistance to you
in this effort.


aa ap.,"'.'
Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer









Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Organization and Procedures of the



Chapter 3

Testimony of the Witnesses ,


Chapter 4

The Taylor


Chapter 5

General Taylor's Retrospective Views


Chapter 6

Assessment of the Taylor Committee





Topics for Discussion by the Taylor

Committee, 25 April 1961


Letter for the President from

McGeorge Bundy


Appendix C

Protecting the Kennedy Image


Appendix D

Study of the Anti-Castro Invasion

(Zapata), 11 May 1961


Letter to President Kennedy from

General Maxwell D. Taylor,
13 June 1961


Bitter Recriminations: The Navy CAP

at the Bay of Pigs, 11 April 1961


Appendix A
Appendix B

Appendix E

Appendix F

Source References



The Taylor Committee Investigation

of the Bay of Pigs
Chapter 1

More than twenty years after the event, CIA personnel

who were closely involved in the Bay of Pigs (BOP} operation
continue to speak bitterly about the outcome.

That the

criticism of the Agency for its "fiasco" began even as the

search for survivors from the beaches at Playa Giron and Playa
Larga was underway--and continues to the present--has done
nothing to mollify the feelings of those who were involved
that they have taken a IIbum rapll for a political decision
which insured the military defeat of the anti-Castro forces
the Agency had been authorized to organize and train for
the overthrow of Fidel Castro.
As a result of the collapse of the anti-Castro invasion
effort, reference to the Bay of Pigs continues to be used
by any media expert, academician, politician, or demagogue
who chooses to snipe at the Agency.

As late as ]979 one

worshippper of John F. Kennedy published a volume which,


among other charges, claimed that/the time of the Bay of

Pigs, the Agency acted lIout of control and independent1y,1I
IIcovered up, II and was IIroutinely, daily, committing unconstitutional
acts. against its own citizens in its own country.lI*

Peter H. Bay of Pigs (New York; Simon and Schuster,

1979, pp 7- 8)

This volume critically examines the investigation of the

Bay of Pigs operation conducted by General Maxwell D. Taylor
at the behest of President John F. Kennedy during the period
from 22 April - 13 June 1961.

An almost immediate spate of

rumors and leaks were that CIA's blunders were responsible

for the "debacle."

The relatively recent pUblication of most

of the Taylor Committee's report probably will do little to

change that impression among the general public.
This volume reviews in detail the testimony of the witnesses who appeared before the Committee.

It focuses on the

errors of fact, the omissions of critical information, the

exchanges between witnesses and" interrogators, and it assesses
the validity of the Committee's findings on the basis of
the documentary evidence available at the time of the

The failure of the anti-Castro operation PLUTO

the definitive break between the Kennedy and Eisenhower


As a youthful, liberal, and untested Kennedy

together the likes of Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara,

Douglas Dillon, Adlai Stevenson, and Chester Bowles at the
cabinet, or near-cabinet level, he was faced with the task
of orchestrating their endeavors

Theodore Sorensen,

McGeorge Bundy, Walt Rostow, Richard Goodwin, Arthur Schlesinger,

and Sargent Shriver among other White House


Operation Zapata (Frederick, MD: University Publications of

America, 1981).

of course, Attorney General Robert Kennedy crossed all lines

as the President's alter ego.

If the interplay among these

principals and the highly educated, articulate, and often

abrasive members of their various staffs and departments was
not enough, there was the additional problem of evolving relations
with the new Congress.

This would be less of a problem with the

Senate where the President had closer ties than with the House,
but each had its full quota of egos to be massaged, special
interests with. which to contend, and post-election fences
(poth inter- and intra-party} to be mended.
As the new administration moved into operation, it faced
the us.ual domestic issues of the ecnomic health of the nation,
social welfare, resource and defense policies, and clearly
emerging civil rights issues.

In the international area there

were, in addition to the continuing problems of any new administration of reassuring members of the Western alliance that
the US could be depended on to be the linchpin of the alliance,
the ongoing challenges presented by the USSR and its Eastern
Bloc allies and by China and its surrogates in SEA, especially
in Laos and Vietnam.

Almost simultaneously with its installa-

- tion, the new administration also showed its concern for developing
active programs to meet the challenges presented by the African
nations and Latin America.

The Food for Peace program, the Peace

Corps, and the Alianza para el

were well into the

planning stages even as the Kennedy troops were waiting in the




In addition to the ferment of his own administration's

shakedown, when competition for presidential attention, approval, and favor was extreme, President Kennedy inherited
the anti-Castro program which had been initiated formally

on 17 March 1960 by President Eisenhower and

handed over to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of State for implementation.

Following his own initial

interest in the developing program, President Eisenhower's

personal involvement dropped off sharply by the late summer
of 1960.

the November elections, however, there was

a resurgence of interest on the President's part, and it was

clear that he favored the planned use of the Cuban exile
force which. was being supported by the US Government.


Eisenhower, however, deferred to the incoming administration

,rather tha.n authorizing implementation of the paramilitary
By the time that the new President was sworn in, what
had been planned in. the spring of 1960 as a program to infiltrate

experts, expertise, and supplies to develop the

strength of anti-Castro elements inside Cuba had been abandoned

as a result

effective security measures developed by Castro.

By early fall 1960, CIA's revised plans called for an air

supported, amphibious invasion by a force of no less than 600
troops, and

likely by 1,200-1,500 men.

The Agency backed the Frente Revolucionario Democratico

(FRD), the most active and vocal of the many Cuban exile
organizations, as the 'group with the best prospects for
unifying the anti-Castro elements in the US.

Under Agency

guidance the FRD was to promote financial support from the

business community in the New York City area; and, in the
Florida area, the FRD was developed as the focal point for
the recruitment of the Cubans who would form the 2506 Brigade.
The Cuban community in Miami and Dade County, Florida, was a
hotbed of anti-Castro politics of all degrees from improbable
intellectualizing to strident calls for direct and immediate
US intervention--particularly if US forces would oust Castro and
then turn the country over to "them".

As polemicists and

pUblicists, the Cubans were developing a talent for directing

political pressures at points where they believed there was the most
to gain.

Both. local politicians and congressional representa-

tiyes were quite aware of these lobbying efforts against the

Castro, government.
For good or ill, Castro himself was widely known in the
US; and the media sought by whatever means to uncover the
- "secret" war plans which were being developed for his overthrow.
By the late fall of 1960 when the concept changed from developing
a guerrilla potential to the creation of an amphibious invasion
force, the US Government's plan to maintain "plausible
deniabi1ity" of its anti-Castro involvement had the impenetrability





of the emperor's new clothes.

The overt recruitment efforts

in Miami by the FRO, the general inability of Cubans-particularly the leaders of the numerous exile factions--to
retain confidentiality, and persistent pursuit of leads by

local and national media made a mockery of attempts to deny

that training bases had been established in Guatemala and
that the

was the. mechanism being used by the US

Government to support the anti-Castro exiles.

upon assuming office, President Kennedy inherited a
paramilitary contingent in training with aircraft (bomber/
. ground support and transportsl and an infantry brigade which
probably had the heaviest concentration of firepower
in the Caribbean basin, if not in all of Latin America.


insure the success of the planned landing on a hostile shore,

US Army Special Forces trainers, USAF and Air National Guard
pilot instructors and mechanics, and pilot instructors from CIA
were assigned to, or volunteered for, the project.

In addi-

tion to CIA and the Department of State, Kennedy almost

immediately ordered that the Department of Defense, under
its new Secretary, Robert McNamara, become a more active
- participant in CIA's paramilitary planning for the overthrow
of Castro and the installation of a government which would
be anti-Communist and, preferably, pro-US.




Whether the new Administration believed in the program

which was jointly evolved--a moot point after the collapse
of the invasion when political reputations were being
protected at all cost--it became obvious almost immediately
following his

that the President was going to

have to make some decisions on Cuban policy.

Pressures to

use the Brigade came not only from the Agency, which had been
conducting training activities since June 1960, but also from
the Government of Guatemala which provided the air and ground
training sites for the Cubans and from the Government of
Nicaragua wh.ich had agreed to the use of Puerto Cabezas as
the operational base for launching the invasion of Cuba.
Whatever else concerned the Kennedy administration during
the period between 22 January 1961 when the principal cabinet
members first were briefed by CIA on the details of the
anti-Castro plan until the evening of 16 April 1961 when--after
consultation with Secretary of State Rusk--the President
cancelled the D-Day air strike, the planned anti-Castro
operation was a burr under its saddle and could not be wished

The increasing concern about the problem improved

cooperation between the Agency and the Department of Defense,

and DOD's support for the operation increased as JCS
evaluations indicated that the chances for success were greater
than for failure.

On the other side, the Department of State

and influential elements in the White House hoped that the

confrontation might be avoided completely, but that if it did
come it would be with minimum risk--particularly domestic political risk and negative international repercussions.
the collapse o the invasion, and the almost immediate
request by President Kennedy for General Maxwell Taylor to
the operation, the remaining linkage between the
Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations would be shattered
almost completely.

It was this investigation which, even

more than the formal transition of administrations on 20

January li6l, ended any remaining doubts about the need for,

o, worrying about the policies of the previous

At the time. that he was asked to serve President Kennedy
in Ap,t'il 19.61, Taylor was, perhaps, the most Universal Man
of the 20th Century--decorated soldier and military commander

in heroic mold, engineer, li,uist, teacher, author, diplomat,

and business executive.

As head of the committee to review the

Cuban operation he saw himself as the impartial judge assigned

to insure that the record of events was presented in'as unskewed
-a manner as possible in view of the parochial interests of
the other committee members:

Attorney General Robert Kennedy's

concern for the Oval Office; Admiral Arleigh Burke's for the
welfare of the JCS and the military; and Allen Dulles's for

Taylor's background should have made it possible for



him--more so than for any other member of the cornrnittee--to

render objective judgments on controversial issues.

It is

apparent from the record of testimony of the witnesses before

the committee that, although Taylor did redirect or soften
some of the more blatantly obvious attempts of Attorney General
Kennedy to discredit witnesses from the military or the intelligence service, his strongest tilts were toward deflecting
criticism of the White House.
At the conclusion of the testimony of the witnesses, it
was clear that Burke and Dulles, the latter a particularly strong
figure in the Eisenbower administration, were headed for the
elephants' burial ground--thanks to Robert Kennedy's denigration
of them and their Agencies and, in no small part in the case
of Dulles to his abysmal performance as a witness.

Even before

the testimony of the Taylor Committee witnesses ended, Dulles

and Burke were nattering at each other over the matter of
degree to which the Navy's representatives had been taken
into the {ull confidence of the Agency regarding the antiCastro plan.

By the end of 1961, both men had retired from

All witnesses testifying before the Taylor Committee
had interests to protect, but it was evident before the close
of the hearings that those military officers who had been
involved in the anti-Castro project from early on risked career
damage if, during their testimony, they suggested that the

modifications to the operational plans made by the White

House or its staff might have had any negative effect on the
outcome of the invasion.

Intimations to this effect made by

military or CIA witnesses were immediately cried down or

cavalierly dismissed as irrelevant by Robert Kennedy.
With the conclusion of the Taylor investigation, there
was a period of mistrust of both CIA and the JCS by the new
President; and he turned to his inner circle for guidance which
previously would have been sought from the Agency or the Department of Defense.

General Taylor performed in such

acceptable fashion that he was recalled to active duty and

into the elite inner circle to become president Kennedy's
military adviser and subsequently Chairman of the JCS.
It was in this atmosphere of doubt and questioning of the
old administration's experts and tolerance for witnesses
of the new that the Taylor Committee would be pushed to reach
its conclusions as quickly as possible.

After his mea culpa

and acceptance of responsibility for the operation, the

President and his less than squeaky clean coterie escaped
all blame for the invasion's failure; but CIA has continued to
bear the full brunt of responsibility for the "fiasco" at
the Bay of Pigs.
This volume presents the first and only detailed examination of the work. of, and findings of, the Taylor Committee to be
based on the complete record.

In the examination of the

procedures followed, identification of the sins of conunission

and omission by conunittee witnesses, and in raising
questions about the choice of witnesses, it is hoped that
there will be a better understanding of where the responsibility
the "fiasco" truly lies.




Chapter 2
Organization and Procedures
of the Committee

April 22, 1961

Dear General Taylor:
I am delighted that you have consented to serve as my
advisor on a series of important problems, and I send this
letter to indicate the range of the matters which I hope you
will consider.
It is apparent that we need to take a close look at all
our practices and programs in the area of military and paramilitary, guerrilla and anti-guerrilla activity which fall
short of outright war. I believe that we need to strengthen
our work in this area. In the course of your study, I hope
that you will give special attention to the lessons which can
be learned from recent events in Cuba.
Since advice of the kind I am seeking relates to many
parts of the Executive Branch, I hope that you will associate
with yourselt, as appropriate, senior officials from different
areas. I have asked the following to be available to you in
this fashion: Attorney General Robert Kennedy from the Cabinet,
Admiral Arleigh Burke from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
Director Allen Dulles from the Central Intelligence Agency. I
hope that each of them will have an opportunity to review and
comment on your conclusions. But in the end what I want is
your own report, drawing from past experience, to chart a
path toward the future. I hope I may have a preliminary report
by l1ay 15th.
I hereby authorize you to obtain from all officials of
the Goyernment any information or records which you may find
-pertinent to your work. While your appointment will be as a
Consul tant to me., on the White House staff, the Department of
Defense will provide tfqvel, funds, and administrative support
that you may require. =r

/s/ John F. Kennedy

1 '"



On the basis of this charter, and despite its emphasis

on the structure for dealing with potential paramilitary operations during the Cold War, the Committee appointed by
President Kennedy in April 1961 and headed by General Maxwell
focused principally on the failure of the anti-Castro
operation at the Bay of Pigs.

Of the more than two dozen

distinct issues which were introduced to, or by, the Cuban

Study Group (CSG), as it came to be known, all were related
directly to the question of the collapse of the anti-Castro
brigade in the Bahia de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) area of Cuba
between 17-19 April 1961.
A$ General Taylor has written, he received a call from
President Kennedy on 21 April 1961--two days following the
collapse of the Cuban brigade's invasion--requesting that he
come to Washington to discuss the Cuban situation.

In that

meeting on 22 April 1961, President Kennedy asked Taylor to

head an investigative group to find out what went wrong at
the Bay of Pigs; and despite apparently serious reservations
concerning his own future as the recently appointed president
of Lincoln Center in New York City, Taylor agreed to undertake the


For all practical purposes the Taylor Committee investigation was completed by 11 May 1961--four days earlier than the
15 May date that President Kennedy had indicated as desirable

for "a preliminary" report.

The President was briefed on

these preliminary findings on 16 May 1961.

Completion of the

preliminary report by 11 May is significant for the fact that

it was prepared prior to the CSG's meeting with four key
individuals involved in the Bay of Pigs operation--DCI Allen
'Dulles and Admiral Arleigh Burke,

of Naval Operations,

both of whom were CSG members, Jacob Esterline, the Agency's

Chief of the anti-Castro task forces, WH/4, and General Lemnitzer,
Chairman of the JCS.

Considering that the CSG not only had to

review the testimony of the numerous witnesses who appeared,

but also had requested and received literally hundreds of
pages of documentary materials pertaining to specific aspects
of the overall operation, one might wonder whether the committee's
findings, conclusions, and recommendations were not more
hurriedly drawn than need have been, particularly since the
final report was not transmitted to President Kennedy until
13 June 19.61.
Another aspect of the Taylor Committee Report which gives
one pause towonder--as it gave Taylor himself some qualms--was
the makeup of the committee.

Taylor has written that the

Attorney General "could be counted on to look after the

- interests of the President": while Admiral Burke and DCI
Dulles "would see that no injustice would be done to the
Chiefs of Staff or the CIA."

The general reported that his

fears concerning differences of opinion among committee members


were groundless and that it "turned out to be a congenial

team" which worked harmonisouly "in resolving the many
contentious issues."


Despite recognized biases, Taylor

probably did as relatively impartial a job of reporting as

possible on the basis of what he understood.
without intent to denigrate General Taylor's many significant contributions to the nation, it is obvious that during
the course of the Taylor Committee hearings both CIA and the
JCS suffered more direct hits than did the President, Cabinet
members, or White House personnel who were involved in decisions relating directly to the modification of the planned
at the Bay of Pigs.

Additionally General Taylor's

recall from retirement to become military adviser and then

Cbairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for President Kennedy
related directly to the mutual admiration which developed between
the General and the Attorney General in their service on the CSG.*

* Taylor

would subsequently write about Robert Kennedy that:

was impressed by his ability as a thorough and incisive
interrogator of witnesses, always on the lookout for a
snow job, impatient at any suggestion of evasion or imprecision, and relentless in his determination to get at
the truth, particularly if it bore on a matter affecting
John F. Kennedy. His attitude toward the President was
unusual, quite the reverse of the usual fraternal relationship in which a big brother looks after a junior. It
was Bobby, the younger, who took a protective view of
the President, whose burdens he always sought to share
or lighten. In watching Bobby at work on the Cuba Study
Group, I liked his performance, and our work together was
the start of a warm friendship." !I

There is no evidence indicating how it was determined

who the witnesses would be or in what order the witnesses
would testify.

On the same day that he met with President

Kennedy and received his instructions as to the nature of the

invest.igation he was to conduct, Taylor held his first meeting
with the committee.

In attendance in addition to the committee

members were representatives from both CIA and the Department

of Defense.

Included among others in the CIA contingent were:

Richard M. Bissell, Jr., Deputy Director for Plans; C. Tracy

Barnes, Bissell's Deputy for Action; Gen. Charles P. Cabell,
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence; Jacob D. Esterline,
the overall Chief of the Bay of Pigs project; Col. J.C. King,
Chief, Western Hemisphere Division; and Col. Jack Hawkins
(USMC), Chief of paramilitary planning for the project.


principal representative for the Department of Defense was

David W. Gray, a member of the Joint Staff of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff who had participated most actively in insuring
DOD support for the operation.

The CIA participants in the first

meeting were, of course, the most obvious choices; and consequently, their appearance at the first meeting was no surprise.
The appearance of other Agency personnel was in most instances
- at the direct request of the committee or at the suggestion
of one of the witnesses who was testifying.



In addition to its calls for witnesses, the first meeting

of the CSG established the practice of requesting copies of
documents that had been originated during the course of the
Bay of Pigs operation or, alternatively, asking that specific
reports be prepared in response to questions raised during
the course of the testimony.*

In an historical context,

one of the most important decisions of the first meeting

concerned the handling of documents and tapes generated by or
for the

and it was determined that all such materials

would be retained by General Taylor.

With the exception of

the first two or three meetings, the official record of all

subsequent meetings and interviews became the responsibility
of then Lt. Col. Benjamin W. Tarwater (USAF), who was assigned
to the Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.**
The official records of the Taylor Committee, although in
many instances in considerable detail, are not a verbatim record.
* See Appendix A for an example of such a request.
** Col. Tarwater had been responsible for reviewing the progress
of the anti-Castro Air Force in February 1961 when the
Joint Chiefs were tasked with the responsibility of assessing
the readiness of the forces planning to invade Cuba. The
records of the first two or three meetings were prepared by
Col. J.C. King, Chief, Western Hemisphere Division and
Col. Inglelido of the Joint Staff.

'. .,




According to Colonel Tarwater this was a conscious decision

that had been made by General Taylor.

In the course of re-

search, however, the present writer found a verbatim transcript

of four reels of tape of the first meeting.

The significant

differences between the verbatim record and the official record

of the committee meetings, including the ability to identify
most of the speakers--an uncertain process in the official

the committee meetings--prompted an inquiry as

to the existence of additional verbatim transcripts or tapes.

Unfortunately, the response was negative.

Although each meeting

was tape recorded, at the conclusion of each session Col.

Tarwater used the tapes to make notes highlighting the testimony
of eacb of the witnesses at a given session.

Once having

made his notes, Tarwater said that he then erased the tapes,
following this procedure throughout the course of the hearings.
Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell characterized the
record keepin.g as "just plain amateur."
Once completed, a copy of the notes was made for each of
the four members of the committee--with all copies to be returned
for Taylor's files.
Ignoring the plan, however, Attorney
General Robert Kennedy retained his copies of the memorandums of


the committee meetings and these are on file in the collection

of the Robert Kennedy papers at the John F. Kennedy library in
Boston. *
The full flavor of the committee meetings is lost in the
official memorandum of the first meeting when compared with the
verbatim transcript of the meeting.

The latter indicates the

constant and continuing interruptions for operational personnel

to respond to incoming calls concerning the on-going efforts to
locate survivors in the Bahia de Cochinos area, questions concerning the vessels still at sea with troops and supplies,
and the need for senior personnel who were involved in the committee meetings to make decisions regarding the handling of
personnel and materiel.**

At this writer's request, Dr. Henry J. Gwizada at the Kennedy

Library examined the collection of memorandum in the Robert
Kennedy papers and reported that there were no significant
notes, corrections, or questions apparent on the copies that
Kennedy retained. Arthur Schlesinger's book on Robert
Kennedy quoted extensively from a lengthy classified memorandum Kennedy wrote during the course of the investigation,
and the memorandum clearly identifies many of the points where
the Attorney General was asking questions or makingcomrnents.
At the writer's FOIA request, this Kennedy memorandum was declassified 23 August
** The author has been unable to ascertain how the copy of the
verbatim transcript of the first meeting came into the
Agency's possession--it was found among the many
miscellaneous files on the operation. Neither Col. Tarwater
nor' likely CIA prospects (whether still in the employ or
retired from Agency service) could shed any light on the
origin of the transcript.

...... .





It already has been mentioned that during the course of

the Taylor Committee meetings requests were initiated for responses
to specific

for copies of memorandums, and for the

of special summaries.

By the end of the third

meeting of the CSG (25 April 1961) practically all of the most
criticial and controversial problems which would be considered
during the course of the committee's life had been surfaced-control of the air, cancellation of the D-Day air strike,
internal support from anti-Castro elements, capability of the
Brigade to pass to. guerrilla status, and interdepartmental
planning and cooperation during the course of the operation.
Another decision which was made with reference to the
CSG's request for papers from the anti-Castro task force
C!=! . g., WH/4t was that no pseudonyms, cryptonyms, or aliases for

p.ither Agency personnel or projects be used.

reported in true name.

Everything would be

In addition to requests for copies of

papers or the preparation of memorandums, the Cuban Study Group

apparently had some degree of operational authority for a
memorandum bearing the heading, tiThe following actions have
been directed by the Green Study Group" gave specific instructions for the airlifts of Cubans from Guatemala to Vieques Island




or Nicaragua to the US.*

Instructions were given for the use of

the type of aircraft and the particular air bases in the United
States which would receive such personnel.

The memorandum

also gave instructions for the handling of Cubans who were

still aboard naval vessels returning to the United States and
,9ave instructions for their handling by the Miami base,
particularly their debriefing by personnel qualified in the
Spanish language and plans for any needed hospitalization of
those who were returning via ship.

These and other matters

were to be called to the immediate attention of Commander Shepard

of the White House Staff.
The Cuban Study Group also directed that the Agency attempt
to get Mr. Carlos Hevia to release a statement on behalf of
the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC)--the statement being
designed to take the monkey off the back of the US for the

* consider

Taylor suggested that since the President did not

this study of the Cuban Project to be either an
'inquiry' or an 'investigation,' that some other title for
the group be agreed upon. Col. King's suggestion that it
be called the 'Green Study Group' was agreed to and General
Taylor suggested that the first page of the 22 April
minutes be amended to reflect this change of title in the
heading of those minutes." (Taylor Committee, 2nd meeting,
a.m. session. See Operation Zapata, p. 63.)



action which had taken place at the Bahia de Cochinos.

Apparently, "Mr. Hevia made some editorial corrections and
then released it

statement) to the press.

Mr. Hevia's

deletion watered down the effect which we hoped to achieve."

A word should be said about the restrictions which were
placed on distribution of the final report of the committee.
On 15 June 1961, one o DCI Dulles's senior assistants sent a
note to Mr. Dulless stating:
This is to remind (you) that you wish to
make a special request to the President
be furnished one copy of the
Taylor Committee Report. As you will
recall, it was Dick Bissell's suggestion
at today's Deputies' meeting thatQur
copy of the report could be maintained
in a special file at the White House for
a period of six months to a
released to us at the end of that time.
Whether the Agency did or did not have at least one copy
of the Taylor report squirreled away from the time of its
completion is a moot point1 but as late as the fall of 1971
when a representative of the Inspector General's staff was
attempting to declassify papers at the request of the White
House, including the Taylor Committee Report on the Bay of
Pigs, he reported to Colonel L. K. White, then Executive
Director-Comptroller, that inasmuch as the Agency did not have
- a copy of the report it could not be declassified.


Kennedy also planned to limit access to both the final

report and the background materials .

. ..,

One final procedural matter to be mentioned concerns

the format of the report.

In a one page letter of transmittal

to the President dated 13 June 1961, General Taylor referred

to President Kennedy's letter of 22 April 1961 which asked
him to perform certain tasks with the assistance of Messrs. Dulles,
Burke, and the Attorney General; and Taylor also referred to the
16 May meeting when the committee presented an oral report to
the President.

In his transmittal, Taylor indicated that the

committee was ready to make its final report and specified that
four memorandums were. attached to the transmittal.

In addition

Taylor went on to say:

In your letter of 22 April, you invited
me to submit an individual report subject
to the review and comment of my associates.
As we have found no difficulty in reaching
a unanimous view on all essential points
under consideration, we are submitting this
yiew as a jointly agreed study.
Memorandum Number One which Taylor transmitted on
13 June 1961, was titled "Narrative of the Anti-Castro Operation
Zapata," consisting of 31 pages of text, 5 maps and charts, and
references to 32 annexes that were selected from the many
memorandums, reports, and miscellaneous documents that had been
supplied to the Committee.

Memorandum Number Two, "Immediate

Causes of the Failure of the Operation Zapata,"

in length.

was four pages

Memorandum Number Three, "Conclusions of the Cuban

Study Group," was three pages.

Memorandum Number Four, "Re-

commendations of the Cuban Study Group," consisted of nine

pages plus one chart.

These four memorandums totaling 54 pages


generally are considered to be "The Taylor Conunittee Report,"

and in the records of the National Archives and Records Service
(NARS) the four memoranda specifically constitute Part I of
The Taylor Committee Report.
For reference purposes NARS also has identified as Part

ot the Taylor Committee Report the record of 21 meetings

and the three "conversations" which were conducted by the

committee as a whole or by various members of the committee1
and as Part III, the 33 Annexes which are referred to in
Memorandum Number 1 of Part 1.*

It was not until the late 1970's that the writer was able
to obtain a complete copy of the Taylor Committee Report.
Requests to the National Archives and Records Service for
access to the report under the Freedom of Information Act
precipitated the move toward review for sanitization
and declassification of the report. The bulk of Parts I
and II Of the Taylor Committee Report have been DECLASSIFIED
DECLASSIFIED, and published commercially
as Operation Zapata (Frederick, MD1 University Publications
of America, 1981). As of March 1983, PartIII was still
in the process of declassification review and the writer's
last recommendations on this subject were that practically
all of Part III be declassified/sanitized as well as all
of the remaining testimony of witnesses and the "conversations" of part II.


.. ,

. .i'l

Chapter 3
Testimony of the Witnesses'

Facing the massive volume of testimony and documentation

that resulted from the 21 meetings of the committee, various
alternatives were considered for presenting the issues under
discussion in th.e most meaningful manner for the reader.


posed problems because the interrogations frequently were confusing to both interviewer and interviewee;
were asked or


given on the basis of assumed or presumed

knowled9"eability of or committee members;' not infreqtt.ently topics were. dropped abruptly or left
though. the
for the

could have been of major importance; and

part, the identity of the committee member asking

a question was not. given.

Even as the

opened, certain operational

activities--the return of ships at sea, the transport of personnel

of the Cuban brigade by air from Guatema1a and Nicaragua back
to the United States, and the continuing search for possible
escapees from the beach--still were underway.

There was no

single committee member nor any single witness who, at any time
during the course of the investigation, had all of the facts

available and was knowledgeable about all of the areas on which

questions were raised.
Having the advantage of more than 20 years of retrospective
views of would-be-authorities on the Bay of Pigs (committee
witnesses and non-witnesses alike), access to the Agency's
records, and the cooperation of many of the key personnel
who, for the first time since the collapse of the operation,
were willing (even eager} to talk to an "insider" with no axe,
to. grind, it was decided that review on a meeting-by-meeting
basis and identification of the most critical and controversial
issues as they were surfaced would provide the most meaningful
insight to the committee's operations.

In some instances, this

led to a degree of overkill because of the recurrence of a given


In the context of the modification, exaggeration, or

ignorance of the individual witnesses, however, nuances of

the repetition are important.

To the extent possible, documentary

evidence which should have been known to given witnesses

has been cited to illustrate various of the controversial issues;
and in

instances pertinent information subsequent to the

event are. recognized.

The first meeting of the Cuban Study Group (CSG) was held
- from 1400. - 1800. hours, 22 April 1961, and it was heavily
attended by senior CIA personnel.

In addition to l1r. Dulles

(as a member of the committee) were:


DDCI, Gen. C. P. Cabell;


Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Bissell; Bissell's

principal deputy, C. Tracy Barnes; Col. J. C. King, Chief
Western Hemisphere
Jacob D. Esterline, Chief of
WH/4, the anti-Castro task force; Edward A. Stanulis, Deputy
Chief, WH/4; and Col. Jack Hawkins (USMC}, Chief, WH/4/Paramilitary Staff.

This meeting might best be described as

There were no designated witnesses, and everyone

apparently said his piece as the spirit moved him.

This is

the only meeting of the Taylor Committee for which there are known
to be two separate reports--a verbatim transcript of four
reels of the testimony and the "official" Memorandum for
the Record--the latter would be used as the format for all

The verbatim testimony indicates the

numerous interruptions--telephone calls for Jack Hawkins,

Allen Dulles, and Dick Bissell; incoming reports about on. going operational problems in the Caribbean; and notes the
high level of noise. from aircraft which made it impossible
for the verbatim transcript to be totally accurate--but it
is by far the most valuable of the two records.

As in the

official memoranda of the CSG meetings, even this verbatim

transcript failed to identify each of the individual speakers.


The whole gamut of the operation from the 17 March 1960

authorization for the anti-Castro program by President Eisenhower
through the collapse of the invasion effort--including the on, going search in Cuban waters by


destroyers and a submarine

for possible survivors and escapees from the beach at Playa Giron-were introduced during the course of the initial meeting.


of the problems raised at this time were to be of continuing

interest throughout the hearings.
Concern for the authority under which CIA's anti-Castro
activity had been set in motion was one such issue.


information on that subject was provided by Col. J. C. King who

traced CIA's anti-Castro interests back to 1958, prior to Castro's
take over of the. Cuban government.

Very early differences between

the Agency and the Department of State over possible violations

of OAS or UN agreements as the Agency sought to use Guatemala
and Nicaragua as sites tor the training and possible launching
of the anti-Castro forces were noted.

The question of the

Agency's relationship:;; with the Cuban exile leadership-especially questi'ons concerning the choice of leaders and the
failure of the

to put the Cubans in positions of true

leadership--was :introduced at this time.

As others would state

at subsequent meetings, Mr. Bissell pointed out that, although

there were certain highly sensitive areas of activity which
could have been ,run only by Agency personnel, the original
idea, was:


That the Cubans should exercise a large

responsibility. I emphasize that because
one of the changes thatoccurred--never
really noted in any policy paper but an
important change in the concept that occurred
progressively in the next four or five
months--was that we found it less and
less possible to rely on the Cubans for
competent and effective action. And to
an increasing degree over the next five
or six months, this political entity came
to be served as a cover and a threat
rather than as itself in its own right a
vitaldecisiotl,making and an executive
The question of the change in concept for the planned
operation also was raised during the course of the first
meeting and it, too, would be the subject of ongoing discussions.
The reasons fOr the reservations which General Taylor had
about accepting the job also became apparent during the course
of the first meeting of the CSG.

Both Jake Esterline of the

CIA and Admiral Arleigh Burke made references to the political

interference which had a significant impact on the military

The almost instantaneous,

reaction of

Robert Kennedy to any such suggestions showed loud and clear

i.n the verba.tim transcript1 but, unfortunately, in the official
memorandum of the meeting, none of this comes through.
lllustrative of the readiness of the Attorney General to
defend bi.s br.other was the following exchange between Jake
Esterline and Kennedy.

Esterline said:

There certainly are some other things

that Col. Hawkins and I feel very
strongly about and I think it is premature to mention them and yet I think

it has been me.ntioned and that is the

thing we've learned bitterly ourselves,
that we cannot conduct an operation where
political decision is going to interfere
with military judgment
To this Robert Kennedy responded--for whatever it meant:


friend you sound like military men have been shouting down
the hall" and then quickly changed the subject.
The official
transcript of this meeting omitted Esterline's reference to the
impact of political decisions on the failure of the operation.*
Toward the end of the first meeting, Taylor and Kennedy
debated Burke and Bissell on the merits of the planned operation
and whether or not the Kennedy administration would have gone
alon9 with the proposed invasion plan had there been discussion

Haying already done. his best to prove (A Thousand

. Days) that Presi4ent Kennedy was blameless for the
failure at the Bay of Pigs, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
also has attempted to picture Robert Kennedy as the
White Knight of the Bay of Pigs investigation.
noted, for example that the Attorney
General "was far more critical of the military
than perhaps Maxwell Taylor wanted to be,1I and that
"the transcript Jof the Taylor Committee meetings]
shows that the Attorney General took the lead in
exarning witnesses. His unsparing questions disclosed how pathetically ill-considered the adventure
was. 1I 3/


similar to that which was taking place during the course of this


first meeting.

Dulles, for example, strongly suggested

that the Agency had been wrong to engage in such a large scale
activity saying:
We can handle 200 or 300 men, and we
can send in small guerrilla landing
parties etc., that's within our channel
Basical1y I would like to get out of
this business. It is going to ruin the
Agency, bad enougg/as it is, it has been
a terrible blow. _
The bogy of Soviet and/or East Europen participation with
the Cuban troops in fighting the anti-Castro invaders was
raised; and as a part of this story were charges that Castro's
Fuerza Aerea Revo1ucionaria (FAR) was utilizing MIG aircraft.
There was a strong thrust by the CIA representatives to emphasize
that not only had EUropean voices been picked up on the communications network at the beach, but in addition, that European
bodies had been found in one of the tanks which had been destroyed
by the


Even as the committee meeting was in

progress, someone., possible General David Gray or Admiral Burke,

was engaged in a te1econ concerning an ongoing activity about a
communication--probably from a survivor of the Houston--reporting:
Two u.s. Naval aircraft going overhead
and then said "No they're Migs" which
indicates, incidentally that there are
some in Cuba or they wouldn't be
saying that That's all he said. He reports
two--seeing two/Navy jets then said, "No,
they're Migs." ! *

See footnote on next page.



As an example of the loss between the verbatim transcript

(76 pages) of the first meeting and the offical record (8 pages)
is the reporting of an, exchange between Attorney General
Robert Kennedy and Allen Dulles.

The official record reads as

The Attorney General then asked what
step should we have taken at that time
.rat the time the anti-Castro policy
was being formulated in March of 1960]
if we had known what we know now, and
did we have any policy then. Mr. Dulles
replied we did have a policy, which was
to overthrow Castro in one way or another.
In the verbatim transcript of that exchange, the Attorney General

Now could I ask something? What, and

maybe it is premature to ask this-maybe you want to give it some thought
--what, in looking back on it, should
we have done or steps should we have
tak.en at that time which would have
been more effective than taking the
steps that we did take? In other words,
if you had known or knew then what you
know now that all these arms were being
sent in by the Soviet Union, [and] that
Castro would really in a major way create
a police state--which wasn't anticipated-what steps would you have taken at tha
time? Did you ever think about that? -


There is no evidence to support the belief that either

European troops or technicians were involved in the fighting
nor is there any evidence that Migs were in use. The only
jets which were observed were FAR T-33's or USN A4-D's.
The closest X'eference the author has seen to a possible
Slav or East European name at the invasion site was a
a Commandante Tomassevich y Alerneida who
in action at Playa Giron on D+2 with Castro's forces._






In the verbatim record, Mr. Oulles after first stating

that obviously it would have been decided that to undertake
the proposed action would have been more than the Agency
could handle, then fumbled around with the thought that the
issue would have been taken to the 5412 Committee for an

He then wandered off about the possibility of

internal resistance in the Escambray and, finally, did come

out with the comment that "We had the policy then Castro
. 101

ought to be overthrown."

From this imprecise response,

during the first meeting of the Taylor Committee, Dulles's

testimony did little to enhance his reputation.

In subsequent

meetings, as will be noted, he was responsible for errors of

fact which were inexcusable.
The second meeting of the Cuba Study Group took place
on 24 April and was conducted in two sessions.

Col. Jack

Hawkins carried the brunt of the testimony with regard to

the planned paramilitary operations, and he stressed that a
major problem to be overcome if the operation against Castro
was to succeed was the acquisition of suitable air bases.
To insure plausible deniability, such bases were located
- outside of the continental United States.

Under certain

conditions, all three major types of aircraft utilized by

the anti-Castro brigade--C-54 and C-46 cargo aircraft and B26 bombers--could be operated out of Guatemala for selective


missions over Cuba; but as the PU Chief stated, it was not

until agreement was reached on operations out of Puerto
Cabezas, Nicaragua that it became feasible to conduct air
operations in support Qf an invasion effort'.
The question of Castro's use of MIG aircraft against the
invading forces surfaced again at the second CSG meeting.


this instance, Col. J. C. King, Chief, WH Division, not only

was most insistent that MIGs had been in operation over the
beach on 19 April 1961, but he even suggested that they had
been uncrated and made operational between the time of the


invasion on 17 April and the early morning hours of 19 April.-Col. Stanley Beerli, the Acting Chief of the Agency's
air arm, contributed the first of several errors with his
comrr.ent that all of the aircraft lost by the Cuban brigade
had been a result of shoot downs by T-33's.

At least two B-

265 were lost to ground fire and two more to Castro's Sea

During the course of the second meeting of the Cuban
Study Group one of the most significant oversights in the
story of the Bay of Pigs surfaced, but it was completely
ignored by all participants--witnesses and committee members

In response to questions by General Taylor about the

Agency's preference for the Trinidad rather than the Zapata

plan, Col. Hawkins stated:

...,...., -)


After the seizure of the objectives we would

enlist and arm civilians, we would use the
hospital and other buildings for the force
--we would coordinate with local civilian
leaders and make contact with local guerrillas.
We would use the local airport for resuPP lY--but the airport could not take a B-26.g7
AS the questioning about the Trinidad plan continued, Hawkins
subsequently volunteered the following:
We thought of another plan for Trinidad
involving landing troops who would go directly
into the mountaitis--but there was no airfield.
Finally, through photography, we found what we
thought was a usable field--this was in the Zapata
area--and this is what led us to this area. The
plan was hastily put together. We got started
about 15 March ....after the 11 March meeting. An
error in photographic interpretation had occurred.
We believed there were 4,500 usable feet of runway
in northe.rn Zapata Ipresumably at Soplillar]. One
pf the disadvantages was the 18 mile bay which
meant we would have trouble getting people up
there in daylight hours. We found a 4,100 foot
field at Playa Giron. We would never have adopted
the Zapata Plan if we had known that he [Castro]
had coordinated forces that would close in and
fight as
did. The j!jfield requirement was
what led us

Writer's emphasis. The Trinidad Plan was the one which the Agency
had worked out and which had been approved by the DOD. It
called for an air supported amphibious invasion of the CasildaTrinidad area on the southern coast of Cuba in Las Villas Province.
This was a populated area in which it was expected that the
invaders would attract a reasonably high degree of anti-Castro
support. The port facilities would require no across beach
landing. Although it was planned to use the captured air
strip for C-46s, there was no plan to use it for B-26 operations.
In case the invaders found that they could not maintain the
area, it was planned that they would head into the nearby
Escambray area as an organized guerrilla force. Trindad lay
approximately 180 miles southeast of Havana.

The Zapata Plan called for an invasion in the area of the Bahia
de Cochinos in Las Villas Province about 100 miles nearer Havana
than Trinidad. This alternate plan was dictated by President
Kennedy and Secretary Rusk's desire for a quieter, "less like
World War 11" invasion. The Zapata area was sparsely settled
and the plan called for night landings across three separate
beaches with air support to be withheld until the air strip at
Giron could be captured and two of the Brigade B-26s landed
and then flown off the strip. All of this was intended to support
the "pl aus ible denial" of U.S. involvement in the operation. The
area offered no viable guerrilla option in case the brigade faced
defeat. The DOD supported, the Agency's contention that none of
" the alternatives to the Trinidad ("T") plan were as good as Trinidad,
II. '''''but agreed with the Agency that Zapata
(liZ") was feasible.

At no point in his testimony was Hawkins questioned as

to why the B-26's could not have operated from the Trinidad

In fact, there was a 4,000 foot, hard-surfaced

runway at Trinidad from as early as 1957, and in 1960, it was

listed as one of the seven major civilian airfields of Cuba.
Eyen more damning is the fact that both Col. Stanley Beerli,
and Jake Esterline were present during Hawkins's testimony,
but neither remembered that 4,000 landings were practiced by
the Cuban pilots during their training at Retalhuleu, Guatemala.*
The afternoon session of the CSG's second meeting also
had some unusual features.
volunteer witness,

The first was the presence of a

the reports of the meeting as "Pilot"l

(referred to in


and the

concerned the JCS evaluation of the relative merits

*In the writer's opinion the failure of either WH/4 or DPD
personne,l to know the details about the Trinidad airfield
was inexcusable. Their belief that the runway at Trinidad
could not handle a-26s provides the most valid case in support
of the criticisms which were subsequently leveled by the
Inspector General and the other Bay of Pigs "experts" who
faulted the anti-Castro Task Force (WH/4) for failure to take
advantage of the expertise which was available in its own
house. A CIA publication giving the correct runway information
had been issued by the Deputy Directorate for Intelligence as
a part of its regular, on-going series of National Intelligence
Surveys. Similarly, the Department of Defense representatives can hardly 'be held blameless for their failure to pick
up this error, since the publication from which some of the
information used in the NIS had been derived was Airfields and
Seaplane 'Stations of the World, a joint publication of the USAF
and the USN. What is even more ironic is that the airstrip that
was to have been used for B-26s at Playa Giron also was only
4,000 feet. During their training in Guatemala the Cuban
drilled on landing their B-26s within 4,000

of the Trinidad and the Zapata plans for the invasion.

introduction ofl


linto the Committee room resulted

from Jake Esterline's remark that an American pilot who had

in the air operations on the morning of 0+2 (19
April) was available for questioning by the committee.
__________________ IThomas "Pete" Ray, one of
the Americans who had been killed in a B-26 shot down over
Cuba on 0+2.

Unfortunately, the CSG seems to have been more


Ithan by either Gar Teegen (pseudo) who

was in charge of over-all air operations at the time of the

invasion or Col. George Germosen (pseudo) of OPO who was
assigned to work directly with the WH/4 task force in Washington.
_________Iwas a briefing and debriefing officer for the air
operations flown out of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua--the strike
base for the anti-Castro effort.

On the morning of 19 April,

he volunteered to fly as an observer with the American pilots

who headed toward the invasion beach in support of the collapsing
brigade but who were recalled when it was learned that two of

by the Americans had been shot down.


lappeared to testify before the CSG, Col. J. C. King

apparently initiated the questioning--even though King was not

a member of the CSG.*

The first question that King asked

* Except
members of the CSG and two military officers-Lt. Col. Tarwater, the official recorder, and Commander Mitchell,
Admiral Burke's.
attended more sessions of the
CSG than anyone else. He was present at nearly two-thirds of
the sessions.




after I

Igave his resume was fori

and planning for the' air strikes.

IViews on training

Just how far J. C. King

had been removed from knowledge of and participation in the

final operational

was revealed by King's query:

"Why weren't all of the operational aircraft launched

Ion D-2]?" (The number of aircraft had been limited
to give credence to the story that the attack had originated
from Cuban airfields by FAR defectors.)

Col. Hawkins also interjected questions that led

into discussions involving matters which were clearly beyond

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1


volunteered answers.

lhowever, unhesitatingly

One such response concerning the

possibility of a USN Combat Air Patrol (CAP) during the course

of the three-day invasion was precursor to more serious discussions of this sUbject which would come up in subsequent
meetings of the Cuban Study Group.

Hawkins's questioning of

the pilot also permitted Hawkins to interject a reference to

an air strike on the afternoon of D+l (18 April 1961) in which
two American pilots had participated.**

One report said that

More about J. C. King's responsibilities during the course

of the planning of the anti-Castro effort appears later in
this volume.


Each of the American pilots had a Cuban copilot and the other
four B-26's on the mission had Cuban crews.



the Americans led a strike on a column of Castro tanks and

trucks headed toward Playa Giron and that the Cubans suffered
about 1,800 casualties.-That casualty figure--though
unsupported by evidence--would be used on subsequent occasions
as proof of the fighting quality of the invading Cuban brigade,

even though. it in no way was related to action by the infantry

was guilty of at least two other errors

__- L

of fact which went unchallenged during his session with the


In one instance, Robert Kennedy asked him to

point out to the committee where in the invasion area the

was taking

and I

Ipointed to Red, Blue,


and Green beaches on the chart.

The references to the Red

and Blue beaches were correct, but at the time that the troops
were to have been landed, it was decided that the 200 men
scheduled to. go ashore at Green beach would be held for landing

beach or at Playa Giron.

Neither fighting nor a landing

took place. in the area of Green beach which was 18 miles

southeast o! rlaya Giron.
In response to another question from General Taylor about
the method of communication between the aircraft and the ground
- forces,[

[stated that there was no such direct communication;

but went on to say:


They [the anti-Castro flyers] did land_

an aircraft on the [Playa Giron] strip
and try to do some controlling with
their radio. We then tried to have
other aircraft land, but the Cuban
pilots' fuel control procedures
bad and they had to turn back. 181
The only brigade aircraft that landed on the strip at
Playa Giron was a C-46 on the morning of 0+2 bringing in
some ammunition and taking off one'wounded man, l1atias Farias,
a B-26 pilot who had been shot down on D-Day and survived a
severe crash landing on the air strip at Playa Giron.
During the second meeting of the Taylor Committee
Col. Jack Hawkins also made an unfortunate and probably
unthinking response which he would contradict subsequently.
When he was asked to describe the plan of action once the
invadin<;1 troops were on the beach, Hawkins said that at the
sign of the slightest weakness on the part of Castro's militia
the brigade would attempt to break out and head for Havana;
but if the brigade met more resistance than anticipated, Hawkins
said they would try to break out and head for the Escambray.


At no point in the Zapata plan was it anticipated that this

procedure would be followed.

As Hawkins would correctly note

in the subsequent discussions about.the relative merits of

-Zapata and Trinidad there would be little, if any, opportunity
for a breakout through the Zapata marshes to the Escambray, a
distance of more than 50. miles--breakout for the Escambray would
have been feasible only if the Trinidad plan had been accepted.





In the course of the same discussion of plans when the

troops hit the beach, Hawkins mentioned that in addition to
650 men who were to be landed in the Blue beach area, paratroopers
also would be dropped in the vicinity: and then he suggested
that 400 men were to be installed at Green beach.

At this

point Bissell was quick to note that "the initial landing at

Green beach was about 200 men;" but as just mentioned, no
troops ever got near the Green beach area.
Such errors
would seem to reflect the tension of the moment.
The second meeting of the Cuban Study Group also introduced discussion about the evaluation of CIA's paramilitary
plan of action by the JCS and about the hectic period between
11 and 15 March 1961 when President Kennedy and his advisers
demanded alternative plans to the Agency-proposed Trinidad

Many of the basic questions raised during this

early meeting of the CSG would continue to surface through

sUbsequent sessions of the Cuban Study Group.

Among the most

important issues introduced at this time were the following:

The JeS's evaluation of the anti-Castro
forces that the Agency had assembled.
The JCS's estimate of the chances of
success of the planned
The understanding of objectives to be
achieved vis-a-vis the population of
Cuban by the planned invasion.
The question of whether or not the JCS
actually recommended in favor of the


In the course of these discussions, it was made quite

clear to the Cuban Study Group that, with minor but correctable reservations, representatives of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff had investigated the ground, air, and logistics
capabilities which had been developed by the Agency, and
that the JCS representatives had concluded that effective
elements for the planned invasion were in being.

The most

serious problem specified by the JCS concerned logistics planning

for the beachhead, but this problem was given a direct assist by
a representative of the Joint staff who volunteered to work on
the project.
In a meeting of 11 March 1961, the Agency presented its plan
for the invasion of Cuba to the President, the Secretary of State,
senior DOD personnel, and others, but as a result of objections
from the Department of State and at the direction of the President,
the Agency was ordered to seek alternative sites and plans for the
operation intially developed for the invasion at Trinidad.
result was the


and approval in the period of 16-17 March

19.61 of the Zapata plan which moved the site of the invasion from
Trinidad to the Bahia de Cochinos.

In response to General Taylor's

questions during the second meeting of the Cuban Study Group,

Gen. David Gray, Director of the Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, cited various portions of JCSM-166-6l of 15 March 1961
which was used as the basis for the Joint Chiefs' acceptance of
the Zapata plan.*

* JCSM-16i-6l

Of the

conclusions of the Joint Chiefs

was entitled "Evaluation of the Military Aspects

Concepts, CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba."

of Staff Memorandum, the last three are pertinent to the

discussion which began during the second meeting of the eSG.
These paragraphs read as follows:
Paragraph C. Alternative III {the Zapata
Plan] has all the prerequisites necessary
to successfully establish the Cuban Voluntary
Task Force, including air elements, in the
objective area and sustain itself with outside logistic support for several weeks;
however, inaccessability of the area may
limit the support anticipated from the
Cuban populace.
Paragraph o. Of the alternative concepts,
Alternative III is considered the most
feasible and the most likely to accomplish
the objective.
Paragraph E. None of the alternqtive concept'sareconsidered as feasible and likely
the objectiv7
the basic /*
tary plan [the
plan]. _2l
hearing these conclusions the official record
note.S that General Ta:ylor remarked, "You say that the Joint
Chiefs felt this plan was not as feasible as the original

But he was immediately jumped on by Kennedy who asked,

":rs that question accurate?

Wouldn't it be right to say that

the Joint Chiefs of Staff approved this concept?"

At this

point, Admiral Burke joined in the conversation stating,

"There is no paper which says that.

However, inasmuch as the

-JCS did not disapprove this concept, it does imply approval,

even thou9h there were many factors and reservations that were

taken into account."-

Taylor was then handed a copy of

Emphasis by the writer.


JCSM-l66-6l and, after reviewing the JCS findings, he stated

that the "Joint Chiefs of Staff recommendation still seems to
be a choice between these three alternatives but they still

state that the Trinidad plan was preferred."-

Despite the discussion, the most important aspect of

JCSM-l66-6l failed to emerge.

The memorandum was addressed to

the Secretary of Defense, President Kennedy's appointee,

Robert McNamara, and recommended that:
a. The Secretary of Defense support the
views ot the Joint Chiefs of Staff as expressed in the conclusions.
b. The views expressed in the above
conclusions be transmitted to the
Director of Central Intelligence, together with three copies of the appen. dices hereto,
his information and
To the observer long after the event, it is inconceivable
that neither the JCS representatives nor the Agency representatives
in attendance at the second meeting, or at subsequent meetings of
the Cuban Study Group brought these recommendations forcefully


ignored when

The JCS's views would be completely

testified before the Cuban Study Group

"It was my understanding that both the CIA and Chiefs


- preferred Zapata to Trinidad. ,,-

Even in his final memo-

randum of review of the findings of the Cuban Study Group,

General Taylor would disregard McNamara's apparent lack of
concern about the Joint Chiefs' me11)orandum.Inasmuch as


the Secretary of Defense became very much involved in the

operation--after the invasion was launched--some explanation
of the mishandling of , the Joint Chiefs memorandum would seem
to have been in order.
Perhaps more understandable considering that all of the
loose ends had not yet been tied up at the time of the second
meeting was Mr. Bissell's failure to have pursued the matter
of the destruction of Castro's microwave facilities.


noted that if the beachhead could have been held for a period
of several weeks, Castro's microwave links could have been
destroyed and the Cubans forced into open voice communications-thus giving considerable advantage to the invading troops.


point that Bissell failed to make was that the original plan
for the D-Day air strike had included Castro's microwave
facilities as primary targets, but with the cancellation of the
D-Day strike,

was reported that the first word of the in-

vasion at Playa Giron had come to Castro's headquarters through

microwave channels.-On 25 April 1961, the CSG held its third meeting.
the first two


presumable by direction--the

official record from this point forward identifies the specific

witness appearing before the committee, but usually does not
identify the member of the Cuban Study Group asking a question.


Use of the words "question," "answer," and "statement" make a

positive I.D. of witness, CSG member, or other attendees at a
. given session difficult to impossible.

As an example, there is

a page and a half of questions, requests, answers, suggestions,

and responses by unidentified individuals which precedes the
testimony of Col. Jack Hawkins, the first witness specifically
identified--and the principal witness--at the third meeting of
the Cuban Study Group.*
Among the principal concerns of the third meeting were
the planned air operations in support of the anti-Castro Cubans.
This discussion evoked some questionable responses from both
Col. Hawkins and Col. Stanley Beerli, Acting Chief of DPD, the
Agency's air arm.

In response to a query about the failure to

put Castro's T-33 jet trainers out of action and the failure
to use napalm in the attack on the three Cuban airfields on D-2,
Hawkins said that the prohibition against napalm was an internal
CJ,A decision.

In fact, the prohibition against the use of

napalm was the derivative of protecting the theory of plausible

deniability--Castro had no napalm in his inventory.


Hawkins was out of bounds with his comment about being surprised
* Beginning with the third meeting the official record omitted
the distribution list
copies of the record. In addition
to the four CSG members, copies of the record of the first
and second meetings had been sent to General Gray, Mr. Bissell,
Colonel King and Jake Esterline.





at the efficiency and effectiveness of the T-33s.

This seems a

rather strange response from an individual who was so throughly

convinced of the importance of having full control of the air
before any troops should be landed on Cuban soil.
Even less forgivable than Hawkins's comments were the
about the T-33s made by Colonel Beerli.

In his testimony

during the third meeting, the record indicates that Beerli

"pointed out that B-26s had been the primary concern and the
capability of the T-33s hadn't been appreciated as it wasn't

believed tha.t these aircraft were armed."-

While Beerli

himself may have lacked knowledge about the T-33s in the inventory of Castro's

it was no secret to the Cuban pilot-

trainees nor to their US instructors.

The Department of

Defense was able to supply the Agency's air ops planners

with complete information on the T-33s in the Cuban inventory
because the US Government had sold them to Cuba, and it was
specified that the T-Birds were equipped with two .50 caliber
machine guns.

As the Agency's senior air operations officer,

Beerli certainly should have known this.

Discussion of the effectiveness of the T-33s, however,
_was after the fact.

The more important discussion which

occurred during the course of Hawkins's appearance as a witness

concerned the cancellation of the planned air strike on D-Day.
In early January 1961, Hawkins had written


..... ,.f'



The question has been raised in some

quarters as to whether the amphibious/
airborne operation could not be mounted
without tactical air preparation or support or with minimum air support. It is
axiomatic in. amphibious operations that
control of air and sea in the objective
area is absolutely required. The Cuban
Air Force and naval vessels capable of
'opposing our landing must be knocked out
or neutralized before our amphibious
makes its final run into the
beac. If this is not done, we will be
courting disaster. Also, since ottr invasion force is very small in comparison
with forces which may be thrown against
it, we mustc'ompens'ate for numerical in, 'fe'riority' byeffective tactical air support not only during the landinj but there'after as long as the force rernaJ.ns in combat. It is essential that opposing military targets such as artillery parks, tank
parks, supply dumps, military convoys, and
troops in the field be brought under effective and continuing attack. Psychological
considerations also make such attacks
essentiaL ' The spectacular aspects of air
operations will So far toward
uprising in Cuba that we seek. __ w
When asked if the Agency had taken "a strong position" with
secretary of State Rusk during the meeting at which the D-Day
strike was called off by President Kennedy during the telephone
conversation with Mr. Rusk, Hawkins's opinion was reported to
have been:
Probably not strong enough. It was
indicated that the worst would be that the
invaders would not have their B-26 support and if
the ships were on their way out, the force would
be denied its resupply capability. 30/**
* ','Writer:' Sl :empha$is..
** As will be noted, the responses by General Cabell and Mr.
Bissell during the meeting with Secretary of State Rusk were
major points of discussion at subsequent meetings of the Cuban
Study Group.


The Colonel was far more positive about the disastrous

results of cancellation of the pre-D-Day and D-Day air strikes
as he closed the third meeting of the Taylor Committee by
reading his memorandum on "Factors which Hampered Preparations
for and Conduct of Effective Paramilitary Operations, Cuba."
The memorandum emphasized that:
The paramilitary staff, on the other
hand, consistently informed all
authorities concerned that the operation
could not be conducted unless the opposing
air force was knocked out before the landing,
and unless the landing force was continually
supported by effective tactical air
as long as it was in a combat situation. __
Hawkinss memorandum also made two additional positive
assertions which--unfortunately from the CIA point of view--were
largely disregarded in the subsequent meetings and in the findings
of the Taylor Committee.

Hawkins was the only witness to suggest
If this decision [to cancel the D-Day
strikesJ had been communicated to the
paramilitary staff a few hours earlier,
the operation would have been halted
withdrawn with troops
on board. 3 /'"
In similarly blunt fashion the Chief, WH/4/PM wrote that:


curtailment of tactical air must be regarded as the one factor

Which 'insured failure of the operation."

Emphasis in original

** Writer's emphasis.



The sUbsequent "Conversation" which Hawkins had with the

Committee would focus on the above and other of the criticisms-direct and indirect--of the White House and the Department of

In all probability his frank approach helps to explain

his failure to aChieve the general's stars for which he appeared

to be headed.
The otticial record of the fourth meeting of the Cuban
study Group (26 April 1961) identified General Cabell and
Mr. Bissell as witnesses along with General Gray of the Joint

It was noted that positive in-telligence available

to the planners and the tactical commander of the invasion

force made possible the identification and location of all
of Castro's combat aircraft.

Once again, however, serious

misstatements concerning air operations were made by one of

the CIA at the session.

It was stated that:

Discussion of the "Conversation" with Hawkins follows on


** This-wa8 one of the few meetings where Mr. Dulles was not
listed among the committee members in attendance. However,
specific remarks attributed to him toward the end of the
meeting indicate that he was present for at least part of the
session. 34/


They [presumably the Headquarters

planners and air operations personnel in the
field] were surprised, however, by the capabilities of the pilots which Castro committed
against the invasion force. , In retrospect it
was believed that these aircraft were probably
flown by 50 Cuban pilots that had been trained
in Czechoslovakia and returned to Cuba a few
days before the invasion. 35/*
Castro had only 13 pilots available for combat, none of whom
had been trained in

and three of the FAR pilots

who played principal roles in the attacks against the invading

forces were purely and simply lucky beyond belief.

For example,

Quintana had been detailed to the infantry for

the three months prior to the invasion, and he had done no

recent flying until he took off in a T-33 on the Morning of the
invasion and show downtra B-26.

Gustavo Bourzac had never

fired the machine guns on an aircraft until he helped sink

the Houston.

Douglas Rudd Mole'had done no flying for five

months prior to

recalled to the air service after the


air on 15 April 1961, and he helped destroy a B-26.-

A more important tactical consideration concerning the employment of FAR by Castro was his order that the first target which
should be taken under attack was the shipping that was bringing
the forces into Cuba--this was

what had been predicted

in the 22 January 1961 briefing for Secretary Rusk and repeated

during the Bissell and Cabell meeting with Rusk on the night
. 37/

of 16 April.

* As

with Mr. Dulles, there is no record that J.C. King was

present at this meeting, but the writer suspects that this
comment probably was made by King. Certainly he was most
insistent that there were MIG aircraft in Cuba and that East
European personnel were engaged in the fighting.


In the continuing discussion of the intelligence available

to the anti-Castro forces, it also was stated that the estimate
of the weaknesses of Castro's navy had been borne out by the
failure of that unit to play any significant role during the
period of the invasion.

The committee was told, however, that

the tactical intelligence on Castro's ground forces had been

poor, a principal reason being that Castro's militia had no
standard organization which could be used as a measure to
determine strengths, equipment, and so on.

Again with reference

to' the infantry units, excuses were made for the apparent
willingness of Castro's forces to stand up to what had been
claimed would be far superior fire power.

The caveat being if foreigners, possibly Czechs, were directing the Cubans

that might have accounted for their combat effectiveness.


in the first meeting of the Committee, the question was raised

about commands being issued in European tongues.

There was no


truth in this rumor of East European leadership.--

The discussion of the success of Castro's forces in turning

aside. the invasion led to another of the topics which would be
of continuing interest to the Cuban Study Group--the plan, or
lack of planning, for internal support from the Cuban populace
for the invasion.

Discussion of this sUbject by the Agency's

representatives at the fourth CSG meeting suggests a far higher

of naivete than one should have expected.*

* Cabell

with reference

and Bissell were listed as present and, as noted above,

King and Dulles probably were present for at least part of the


to the question of the validity of intelligence concerning

dissident groups and potental supporters for the invaders, the
Agency's respondents seemed to place more faith in the clandestine
reports being received from Cuba than ever was warranted by the
information available from common sense review of the National
Intelligence Estimates which had been available both prior to
and subsequent to the departure of Batista and the takeover by
Castro--reports which the senior planners of the project claimed
to have used and obviously did use at least when they changed the
plan from infiltration of GW cadres to invasion in the fall
of 1960.

There was also an attempt to avoid giving any firm answer

to the question of how many Cubans were expected to join with the
invasion ;forces.

On the one hand, the statement was made that

the number likely to support the invasion had been reduced from
somewhere be.twe.en 20,000 - 30,000 down to 2,500 - 3, 000; but in
the next breath it was stated:
One of the factors that made us think that
the resistance potential within Cuba was
substantial was the fact that we had a backlog of 19 requests from our agents for supplies,
and ammunition for 8,000 people. These
people were crying for supplies. Had we been
able to provide this equipment, these people
would have had something to rise with. 39/
As would be pointed out in subsequent meetings of the committee,
this euphoric point of view was hardly in keeping with. the lack


of success that had attended the attempts to supply--particularly

by air drop--dissident elements in Cuba.*
The committee had further reason to be confused when on
the one hand a response was given which indicated that not only
would it have been necessary to achieve a successful lodgement
for the invading brigade but, as Hawkins had suggested in the
previous meeting, it would be necessary for the brigade to move
out of the lodgement in order to acquire support from the Cuban

In response to another question, however, it was

that if the lodgement could have lasted for a

week with the planned air operation, that in itself would have

* In

a memorandum probably written immediately following the

fourth meeting of the CSG, Colonel King addressed a memorandum
to the DCI via the DDP to explain the reasons for the failure
of the anti-Castro dissidents to rally to the invaders' support.
He placed the blame principally on President Kennedy's 12 April
1961 press conference which ruled out direct US intervention in
Cuba, but also noted the repressive measures introduced by Castro,
the isolation of the invasion site from any known area of active
dissidence, and interestingly in the concept of the isolated area
invaded, the lack of any "initial indication of military success-no tpwn was taken, no radio station was captured. Fence sitters
had no concrete reason to believe they should switch loyalties."
40/ Preparation of this memo gives further reason to believe that
King, like Dulles, was in attendance at the fourth session of
the CSG.



been a significant factor in gaining support of the anti-Castro

elements inside Cuba.
Once again one might wonder whether
the most senior Agency personnel were in fact the best qualified
witnesses to present, to explain, or to defend the Agency before
the Taylor Committee.
In addition to the possible support from anti-Castro
elements within Cuba, another of the questions which had surfaced in the earlier meetings was raised during the course of
the fourth me.eting.

This was the question concerning the

relative merits of the Trinidad and the Zapata plans, particularly

the planned air operations--both as scheduled for Trinidad and
as evolved for the Zapata plan.

General David Gray may have

been the witness who responded to a question probably asked

by Robert Kennedy:

"At the 16 March meeting was the JCS

preference for the original Trinidad plan over the Zapata

presented?"; and Gray responded, "Idon't think so." I.f thi s was Gray's answer, it was as ambivalent as some of
the answers made by CIA representatives who were either in
ignorance of the facts, or hesitant to risk their reputations
by being forthright.

Whether Gray, Bissell, or Cabell answered,

all three should have known and recalled that the JCS preference
- for Trinidad over Zapata had been enunciated clearly in
JCSM-166-61 of 15 March 1961 which had been sent to Secretary

Robert McNamara; and it would have been logical

for the Secretary of Defense to bring this to the attention

of the President.




Another critical question regarding Trinidad versus Zapata

was raised by someone on the committee asking if Secretary Rusk
had been briefed on the Cuba plan prior to 10 March 1961.


the respondent to this question was General Cabell or Mr.Bissell

is not known: but the answer indicated a belief that Rusk had been
briefed "on some elements of the plan, but not on the military


details." -

In fact, on 22 January 1961, Rusk had been

thoroughly briefed on all aspects of the planned Cuban operation,

including the paramilitary operation with emphasis on the
criticality of air attacks to eliminate Castro's air and naval
opposition and to provide continuing support for the Cuban Brigade
throughout the course of the action.

Among others, Mr. Bissell,

General Lemnitzer, Secretary McNamara, and Attorney General

Kennedy had been present during the course of that meeting.
Inasmuch as that was the first comprehensive briefing that had
been given to the Kennedy administration's senior personnel-the President would receive a less detailed briefing on
28 January 1961--it was unfortunate, particularly in view of
Rusk's subsequent testimony, that neither Bissell nor Cabell
(nor Dulle.s if he was present during this testimony) recalled

that Rusk had been briefed in depth.

With reference to Rusk's role in the cancellation of
the D-Day strike, one of the CIA witnesses specified that
when they had gone to the Department of State to discuss the
importance of retaining the D-Day strike but failed to

. get that strike restored:

"r did not say we would cancel the

ope;ration be.cause at this time we did not have the ability to

call it off."


If this was intended to imply that Cabell

and/or Bissell did not have the authority to cancel this operation
at that late stage, that was an error in fact.

If on the other

hand it was intended to indicate that the operation was committed

beyond recall, it was at best a protective statement.

At the

time that the meeting with Rusk had been concluded, the vessels
carrying the brigade were still lying off shore of the invasion
beaches--debarkation probably had not started, or, if started,
could not have been so far along that reloading could not
have been completed before daylight.

Had Cabell or Bissell

so decided, the operation could have been scrubbed at that

SU9gestions that bad an attempt been made to cancel
the operation at that late stage of the game the Cubans
would have commandeered the vessels and run the invasion
themselves are difficult to accept.

The brigade leaders,

who were well aware of the need for air support if the
invasion were to have a chance of success, probably would
not have attempted any such take-over.

Certainly in an

attempt to cancel at the eleventh hour, the two highly

regarded Americans aboard the invasion vessels--Gray Lynch


and Rip Robertson--would have reinforced the point that

without air cover all hope for success was gone.*
Before the fourth meeting closed Mr. Bissell offered his
opinions..:on some of the "wrong judgments" that had been made.
Included in this category were the underestimations of Castro's
organizational ability, particularly the ability to move his
forces into operation within the minimum estimated time period;
an underestimation of Castro's air capability, with the reiteration that "contrary to our opinion the T-33s were armed;"
the failure to give proper emphasis to success as opposed to
deniability; and, with reference to air operations, an insufficient number of B-26s and B-26 pilots, the failure to
acquire US air bases, and the failure to use US pilots.

In his

apologia, Bissell overlooked the basic fact that even with the
best of pilots and more aircraft, there was no way B-26s could
compete in the air with T-33s or Sea Furies.

Bissell also noted

that another "major mistake was the restriction on the employment

of our air capability between D-2 and D-Day."


Based on
of Bissell and Cabell, the discussions
with SecretarY of State Rusk were concluded by approximately
10:30 p.m. (Washington and Cuba time). Departure of Gray Lynch
and the UDT team of Cubans to mark Blue Beach did not begin
until approximately 1:00. a.m. (Cuban and Washington Time) on
17 April 1961. Within that two to two and a half hour time
frame, a cancellation message could have been sent from
Washington to the vessels standing off Cuba.



A final feature of the fourth meeting was the obvious

effort to establish that President Kennedy was blameless in any
way for the defeat.

Illustrative of this are the following

Question: Db you think it was in the
President's mind that these men [the
Cuban Brigade] could disappear as a
guerrilla force if necessary?


Statement: I can't believe that if

the President had understood how important the air strikes were that
he would have called them off.
Response: All members of the Group
Mr. Dulles: Another factor Iwith
reference to changes in the plan
from Trinidad to Zapata] was that
the President was faced with hurried
and difficult decisions. We [CIA] had
made it very clear to him that to call
off the operation would have resulted
in a very unpleasant situation.
Statement: In the future we must
carry out any operations of this
type in such a manner that the
President, who has shown the highest
courage, will not have to assume the
responsibi1ity.* -46/

The fifth and sixth meetings of the Cuban Study Group on

the 27 and 28 of April 1961 were highlighted by the discussion
of the need for revisions in the handling of cold war activities
* Once again, the reviewer would benefit by knowing whether the
last statement was made by the President's brother, General
Taylor, or one of the other participants at this particular
meeting of the Cuban Study Group.



by the United States Government, particularly by the elements

of the Department of Defense which would be more directly involved than the Agency in such projects; by the testimony of
some individuals who

active roles in the course of such

operations; and by the resolution of some of the problems that

surfaced during the four prior meetings.

During the course

of the fifth meeting both Generals Erskine and Gray, and in

the sixth meeting Admiral Dennison, addressed themselves to the
question of difficulties faced by the military in attempting to
provide necessary support for the CIA directed operation, noting
particularly the absence of planning papers throughout the course
of their association the activity.

By implication the testimony Of)

who had been one of the participants in the JCS evaluation of
the CIA'S paramiltary plan, also supported the position that
operations of this nature should be directed by the military
rather than by the. CIA.

had been responsible for

the JeS's evaluation of the logistics planning for the operation.

As a result of various weaknesses which he set forth in the
JCS paper CJCSM-146-6l, 10 March61}*--and at his request--he
was assigned to the project to assist with the logistics effort.
Although=was given high marks for his contributions
to improvements in the logistics system, his testimony presented

JCSM-146-6l, 10 Mar 61, "Evaluation of the CIA Cuban Volunteer

Task Force with Attachments."

some contradictions when for example, he told the committee

that his report had showed that the logistics "capability was
marginal without resistance, but impossible with it."


was more positive than his contribution to the JCS memorandum

which stated that there was "a marginal capability of operating

tor a period of thirty days with the present logistical


organi.zation." "-----

---l!testimon y was most questionable with reference

to the impact that the change from Trinidad to Zapata had on

logistics operations. I

Iresponse to the CSG--that it

made no difference--is difficult to understand in view of the

fact tha.t the Trinidad operation was to be conducted in daylight
with materiel and equipment to be unloaded directly from the
ships onto trucks at the dock.

Zapata called for an across-the-

beach movement as the LCVPs and LCUs unloaded the supply ships
at these separate landing sites in a night conducted operation.
As in other instances durin<J the course of the committee's
investigations, no one present challenged the witness.
The sixth meeting be<Jan with the reading of a report of
a session between a CIA representative and some 60 Cuban
who had belonged to the brigade's air force contingent.
These witnesses put an end to the stories that had circulated
through the previous meetings that Castro's FAR had employed
MIG aircraft.

The airmen reported that no such planes were

in evidence, nor did they believe that any of the aircraft

. ..



used against them had been piloted by non-Cuban personnel.

Noting that three jet aircraft had been principally responsible
for bringing the invasion to a halt, the returnees expressed
some bitterness about the failure to follow up on the 0-2
air strikes, particularly in that it not only left elements
of FAR intact, but it also provided Castro with time to

mobilize his forces. -

It was during the sixth meeting of the Taylor Committee

that Grayston Lynch, one of the two Americans who led the
Cuban beach marking teams during the Bay of Pig landings

Lynch was high in his praise of the brigade's

performance and his remarks made a strong impression on the

committee because Lynch had been in a fire fight at the time
of the landing.

As the LCls moved out of the Bahia de Cochinos,

Lnchls LCI provided the communication link between the brigade on the
beach and Washington.

meeting of the Cuban Study Group on 1 May 1961,

was one of the most important sessions conducted by the committee.

The three principal witnesses on this day were Rear Admiral John A.
Clark who commanded the US Navy task force operating in the area
- of the invasion site ,1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

who was in charge of training the Cuban infantry for the

planned invasion, and McGeorge Bundy, President Kennedy's
National Security Adviser.

The record shows that Admiral

Clark began his testimony by noting "that all the orders he

had received were good dispatches and clear and that they
were all carried out fully."

Consequently, Admiral Clark's

discussion of the combat air patrol (CAP) which A40 jet

fighters from the Admiral's carrier, the Essex, was to have
provided tor the brigade B-26s on the morning of 0+2 (19
April 1961} followed that line.
Clark told that he not only had ordered his CAP to be on'
station a half hour earlier than scheduled (i.e., from 0630 0730 local time), but also that the brigade aircraft had overflown the carrier one hour earlier than had been scheduled-consequently, the A40s were still on the deck.

Even though the

A40s were then launched they were unable to reach the invasion
area in time to protect the B-26s--one of which was shot down by
a FAR T-33 and another one was downed by ground fire.


to the Admiralr
We arr;j.ved over the beach area 40
minutes before 0630 Romeo. However,
by that time the CEF aircraft had
. already made their strikes and
left. 51/
The failure of the combat air patrol to carry out its mission,
therefore, was obviously the fault of the CIA not the USN.
No one in attendance. at the seventh meeting saw fit to
question Admiral Clark's testimony.

In fact, Col. J.C. King--

the almost ever-present CIA representative during the committee

meeti.ngs--was asked to check with CIA's air operations people
to see what explanation they could offer for "the time discrepancy."


The evidence necessary to demonstrate that Clark's version

of the CAP was self-convicting became available before the
Taylor Committee closed its investigation, and it was unfortunate that the Agency's USAF representatives--particularly
Colonels Beerli and Germosen or Gar Teegen--had no opportunity
to challenge Admiral Clark's testimony.

As detailed in

Appendix F to this volume, it is unimaginable that the B-26s

could have come "over our ship one hour early" without
having been picked up well in advance by the Essex's radar
or by reconnaissance aircraft off the Essex which, considering
the Navy's concern regarding a possible attack by Castro's
B-26s, should have been aloft.

The facts regarding the

USN air CAP illustrates how CIA became the whipping boy for
the failure of others at the Bay of Pigs.*
Inasmuch as Gar Teegen, the commander for the air
operations at the Nicaragua air base, had sent an emergency
message to the commanding officer of the Essex pointing out
that without assistance from the Navy jets on D+2, "[we] will
be sitting ducks without your help--these are American boys,"
it particularly disheartening to have to report the loss of
two B-2Gs each carrying an American pilot and copilot.**

For Appendix F see

**The reason for concern over this incident sterns not from the
possibility that the USN CAP would have prevented the collapse
of the invasion but that it might have provided an opportunity
for the anti-Castro brigade to have organized an orderly
evacuation from the beachhead. In addition, it might
have prevented the loss of American lives.


As stated in Appexdix E:
Perhaps indicative of the Navy's sensitivity
about its performance during the Bay of Pigs
operation is the fact that the operational
records of its participation were ordered
destroyed presumably at the direction of
Admiral Burke.
Admiral Clark was not reluctant to jump into other areas
where his competence was even more suspect.

In response to a

que.stion about the. failure of the invasion, Clark popped out the
answer that Castro'!;! forces had not been taken by surprise.
When he was pulled up short by a question from one of the
committee members indicating that the evidence previously
presented to the committee indicated that there had been complete
tactical surprise, Clark volunteered that because Castro's opposition
had formed up so quickly "I think Castro's people saw the CEF forces
from a lighthouse and they could have seen them from the air."
Mr. Dulles pointed out to the Admiral that again there had been
no evidence that the brigade had been observed from the lighthouse
in question.

The landings at Playa Giron and Playa Larga, in

fact, met no organized resistance.

Extending his expertise

even ,further, Cla.rk. also suggested that another reason for

the failure was that the beach turned out to be coral rather
than sand, but this was offered without any further explanation.
Iwas the next
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

witness to appear before the Cuban Study Group during the

course of the seventh meeting I

Admiral Clark probably

landing craft had been
and tore their bottoms
movement of the troops
effect on the landing.

Itook over the infantry

referred to the fact that some of the

hung up on a coral reef at Blue Beach
out. Although this did delay the
to the beach somewhat, it had no serious

63 ...

training of the Cuban Expeditionary Force (CEFl from the

fall of 1960 until the time of the invasion.

He was the

principal training officer for the men who were to go ashore

at Playa Giron and for the troops who were to be parachuted
into the various drop zones on D-Day.
highly praised the caliber of his trainees, particularly the
leadership of J?epe San Roman.

He down played such political

clitferences as tended, to cause disruptions at various times

during the course of the training and emphasized the fact
that about 2Q percent of the troops were former soldiers
and, consequently, they could assist in many ways with
training of raw recruits.
In a series of questions concerning promises that he or
other American trainers might have made to the Cubans about
active support from US forces,

lasserted that no such

- - - -

had ever been made:

We carefully pointed out that
diplomatic and logistical support
would be given, and that lines of
communication would be kept open.
Beyond this however, no support
could be expected from the United
States. '53/
lalso was queried about the possibilities and
- - - - - - - - -

the plans that had been laid on the infantrymen for going
guerrilla should the situation at the beach become untenable.
He made quite clear that while many of the men were capable


Gonducting themselves in guerrilla status, the alternative

of the group going into guerrilla status was a last option-the last resort--that was to be employed.


Should the situation

call for it, it was planned that the troops would be evacuated
by boat--according to the colonel using some of the aluminum
boats which had been acquired for assistance in off-loading
men and supplies.
One important caveat offered bY[

[Csubsequentl Y

supported by Grayston Lynch) was that an individual--but not a

unit--could support himself in the swampy area of Zapata.


said that a man could find enough small game, fish, and fresh
water to insure survival.

lalso informed the CSG

that there was no evidence to indicate that as the beachhead

was collapsing that Pepe San Roman had given orders to his
troops to gO to 9uerrilla status.
was of the opinion that if the planned
invasion bad been called off as the ships were en route to Cuba,
the members of the Cuban brigade probably would have taken over
and attempted to run the operation themselves.

In his words:

I was informed that if the operation

was called off they would take over.
They said that as a friend we want
you to direct all your people not to
resist if this comes about, because we
don't want anybody to get hurt. Conconsequently I had all our people turn in
their side arms. I would say after the
first of April it was a "go" operation. 2.21*
The testimony given by McGeorge Bundy, President Kennedy's
Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, was unique
among the wi tnesse.s appearing before the Taylor Committee.


In the course of interviews with the author of this history, some

p:rsonr1 who had participated in the operation indicated that
had tried to promote such a take-over even
if the. cancel a Joon ook place before the troops departed the
Guatemalan training base. This author believes that such
statements reflect personal
toward [




the possible exception of CSG members Admiral Burke and DCI Dulles,
who themselves appeared as witnesses, Bundy is the only other
individual who is known to have had an opportunity to review his
own testimony.

The memorandum for record for the seventh meeting

of the paramilitary study group shows that the meeting was convened
in Bundy's office at the White House and is prefaced with the
following comment, liThe notes of Mr. Bundy's interview have been
replaced by the Memorandum dated 4 May 1961."

This memorandum on

Whi te. House stationary and dated 4 May 1961 begins as follows:
Dear General Taylor:
I regret to say that lam not satisfied
with the account of our interview which appears
in the Memorandum for Record submitted to me today
by Col. Walmsley. It seems to me that I can do a
better job of presenting my views on this matter
by sending you a memorandum covering my position
on the points which are discussed in the Memorandum
of Record. 56/*
This memorandum from Bundy is a classic example of a
rear guard action to protect a President's rear.


wasted no time in making positive assertions about the position


Kennedy on various of the questionable issues which

already were surfacing with reference to the Bay of Pigs Operation.

Recognizing that the. change from Trinidad to Zapata came as a
- result of objections by the President to the Trinidad plan, Bundy

According to Benjamin W. Tarwater, who became the official

recorder for the meetings of the Cuban Study Group,
Colonel Walmsley served as an administrative officer for
and sat outside the meeting
during the
course ot the hearings.


wrote that "as work on this plan progressed, the gradual impression
developed that on balance the CIA preferred this plan to the

original Trinidad Plan." -

With the possible exception of a

memorandum, probably written by Richard Bissell, which gave a

"Balance stronglY favors 'Z' .. estimate that the chances of success
at Zapata were probably better than at Trinidad, CIA records for
the period between 11 and 16 March 1961 make clear that the
zapata plan was regarded as achievable but far less desirable
than Trinidad ..
The planners of Trinidad were aware of the geography and
natural features of the area and had no doubt that if worse came
to worse there were good prospects that a cohesive, organized
, guerrilla effort could move into the Escambray.

In like fashion,

the planners also were aware that the marsh lands of the Zapata
swamp provided little, if any, possibilities for conducting
formidable guerrilla type activities.

They were conscious, too,

of the fact that Trinidad lay a hundred miles further away from
Havana than did Playa Giron, a matter of distance which might
have a direct bearing on success or failure of the invasion.
In an operation which already had been found wanting in certain
aspects of its logistical planning, the requirement that initial
use of B-26 aircraft would be contingent upon capture of the
airstrip at Playa Giron concurrent with the invasion required

a major effort to reorganize the basic loading of several of


the invasion vessels in order to accommodate the necessary

materiel, equipment, and personnel for running the air operation
from the beachhead.
Following his misconception regarding the Agency's position
vis-a-vis the Zapata plan, Mr. Bundy then advanced some additional

In stating that, "it was clearly understood that

the air battle should be won," Mr. Bundy simply was repeating a
position which he had advanced at the time that the Trinidad and
Zapata plans were being discussed (11 - 16 March 1976).

In a

memorandum to President Kennedy, Mr. Bundy had written:

Even the revised landing plan [Zapata]
depends strongly upon prompt action
against .Castro's air. The question in
my mind is whether we cannot solve this
problem by having the air strike come
some time before the invasion. A group
of patriotic airplanes flying from
Nicaraguan bases might knock out
Castr6's air force in a single day without anyone knowing (for soine time) where
they came from .
That Mr. Bundy on the one hand could make such positive
statements regarding the need to control the air and then on the
other hand state, as he did in his memorandum to General Taylor,
One startling ommission, in retrospect,
is the failure of any of the President's
advisers to warn of the danger of the
T-33s. I suspect that one reason for
the later decision (by the President]
not to launch an air strike on the
morning of D-Day was that this capability
of the. Castro air force was never put
forward as significant. 59/


The escape clause in Mr. Bundy's statement, of course, was "the

reference to "the President's advisers" because it is true that
if this referred to the White House Staff none of the group,
except Bundy himself, was likely to have been aware of the
T-33 problem.

There certainly was no question, however,

that both Bundy's and the JCS's concern about removing

Castro's Air Force automatically included the T-33s.
Once again the reader is referred to the earlier comments
concerning the appearance of General Cabell and Mr. Bissell with
Secretary of State Rusk on the evening of 16 April 1961 when it
was made quite clear that failure to take out the remaining aircraft in Castro's inventory on

as planned would lead to

the destruction of the Cuban Expeditionary Force's shipping and

and that this, in turn, equated to defeat of the brigade.


every attempt had been made to emphasize to various of the

President's advisers--beginning with the briefing of Secretary
Rusk and other cabinet members on 22 January 1961--that dominance
of the air over Cuba was an absolute necessity for the success
of th.e. planned anti-Castro operation.
Mr. Bundy also addressed himself to another of the most
controversial issues that was raised during the Taylor investigation-the position of the DOD on the Zapata plan.
- Mr. Bundy:


According to

While there was no clear discussion

of the opinion of the Joint Chiefs as
to the relative merits of the two plans,
I think these two statements are correct:
1) that there was no impression left that
the Joint Chiefs as such preferred the
Zapata [Trinidad?] plan; 2) it was clearly
understood that they had approved the
{Zapata] plan and favored the operation on
this revised basis. I base this statement
upon the fact that the President repeatedly
asked for the opinion of representatives of
the Defense Department, including members of
the Joint Chiefs, and was invariably informed
that the Defense Department favored the operation. I do not think that this was merely
a matter of "concurrence by attendance."
The military certainly wanted the operation
to proceed; I do not think that this was
because of a deep conviction that this was
the best possibleplan--it was rather that
in view of the absence of desirable alternatives and the press of time, the
military believed that the prospects were
sUfficiently favorable so that it would be
best to go ahead. I would not wish to go
further into detailed analysis of the
motives or positions taken by the Joint
Chie;fs. 60/*

By the time that Bundy appeared before the CSG as a witness, he

already was on record with a memorandum specifying "that the causes
of failure of this operation are essentially military, and only
secondarily political, though the consequences are almost all
political and only slightly military." 60al Bundy made quite clear
his view that the military were responsible for pushing the senior
political advisers into supporting the invasion effort.
Arthur Schlessinger also was on record with his views on the military
vs political views of the anti-Castro effort. Inunediately following
the Presidents rejection of the Trinidad plan, Schlesinger wrote:
The trouble with the operation
that the less the military risk, the greater the political risk, and vice versa.
It seems to me that the utilization of the men under conditions of minimum political risk is clearly the thing to
aim at. I bad the impression Ire the presentation of the
that the military aspects of the problem
had received more thoughtful attention than the political
aspects. 60bl
considering that the operation called for an amphibious landing
one. would hope that the principal concern of the planners would
have been for success in the field, without reference to domestic



What Bundy completely failed to bring into his account

was that in JCSM-166-61 (15 March 1961) the Joint Chiefs were
on record to the

of Defense specifying that Zapata was

acceptable, but that Trinidad was best of the plans that had been

As in the earlier meetings of the Taylor Committee

where this issue had been raised, the albatross was once again
around the necks of the Joint Chiefs; and no comment was
made about the position, or lack thereof, of the Secretary of
Jnasmuchas there

no evidence that the Secretary of

Defense ever responded to JCSM-166-61, it is unfortunate that neither

the Chairman of the JCS nor any other member of the Joint
Chiefs had pushed the Secretary of Defense for a response to
that memorandum.

It is particularly important because the

memorandum specifically requested that the Secretary of

Defense support the conclusions that were presented in the
memorandum, including the conclusion that "none of the
alternative concepts ito Trinidad] are considered as feasible
and likely to accomplish the objective as the basic [Trinidad]
paramilitary plan."

Conceivably, of course, at this relatively

early stage of the new administration, the members of the

JCS may have been overly intimidated by McNamara's "whiz
kid" reputation.





Mr. Bundy also was quite positive in his statements

that the President had been assured "repeatedly" that should
the Castro opposition pecome too much, the invading forces
would have the option of going guerrilla.

In reinforcement

of this opinion, Mr. Bundy stated:

As one listening in the same way that
he listened to most of the discussion
before him, I was left with the clear
irnpre.ssion that unless there was a quite
unexpected catastrophe in the beaching
process itself, a substantial portion
of the force would almost certainly be
able to survive for a prolonged period
in guerrilla operations As I recall
it', the report of the Joint Staff on
the Zapata plan explicity included
on the guerrilla option. 61/
Mr. Bundy's recollection that the Joint Chief's evaluation of the
Zapata plan included assurances on the guerrilla option was
completely in error.

Nothing in the evaluation of Zapata in

JCSM-166-61 touched on the possibility that the invaders could

go into the swamps in guerrilla capacity: but the JCSM did note,
however, in their evaluation of the proposed but rejected
modi:eication of the Trinidad plan that the guerrilla option
was available--into the Escambray.

Similarly in their

evaluation of the alternative of an invasion in the Preston

- area

northeastern Cuba, the JCS pointed out that the

mountanous area was within ten miles of the proposed invasion




Once again it appears that two members of the Taylor

Committee should have been able to respond to the comments
of one of the witnesses.

In this instance, presumably the

Director of Central Intelligence (PCI} had received a copy

of the. JCSM-l66-6l--at least one of the recommendations of
the Joint Chiefs was that the Secretary of Defense forward a
copy of the memorandum to the DCI.

As a member of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Arleigh Burke, too, should have

reviewed the memorandum if, in fact, he did not receive his
. 62/
own copy.
In another of the protective stances that he adopted in
support of administration policy, Mr. Bundy stated:
I do not concur in any judgment that
this operation was "run from the White
House." What happened was rather that
as trouble began to develop after D-Day, was steady pressure on the President
a relaxation of rules which had previously been made, and in the light of
changing circumstances some such relaxations were authorized. Only in the
case of the decision on Sunday with
respect to the D-Day strike was there
an operational modification that restricted, instead of enlarging, the
authorizations to the CIA. 63/
In the context presented, Mr. Bundy's remarks made it appear
- as if the cancellation of the D-Day strike was a relatively

fact it unhinged the whole operation.

Moreover, l-1r. Bundy ignored the significant actions between

D-2 and D-Day when re-attack on Castro's air fields was
rejected and

modifications of the D-Day target



list were made as as result of pressures from the administration-including among other deletions the planned strikes against
Castro's microwave facilities and a napalm attack on the
tank/truck park at Managua.
Another of the hard to swallow propositions advanced by
Mr. Bundy--and this was straight party line from the White
House--was his comment "I specifically endorse the comment
attributed to me lin the official record of the seventh
meeting of the CSG] that if the military had said at any
time that calling off or modifying the air strike would
cause the operation to fail--or even damage it severely--the
President would have reversed any such decision as that on

. 64/*

Once again the reader is reminded of the

comments which General Cabell made to Secretary of State

Dean Rusk. during the course of the 16 April discussion on
cancellation of the D-Day strikes.

When Secretary Rusk had

the President on the other end of the telephone line, Rusk

accurately transmitted to the President Cabell's fears that
if the strike were cancelled the success of the operation
was in serious jeopardy--but to no avail.**
* McGeorge Bundy was unquestionably one the of the most loyal of the
White House staff. Following the collapse of the invasion
at the Bay of Pigs, he offered an undated letter of resignation
to President Kennedy to be "accepted at your pleasure at
any time." See Appendix Bfor a copy.
**Perhaps Mr. Bundy did not consider General Cabell, the Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence, sufficiently "military."
General Cabell, of course, had an outstanding record as an Air Force
officer including extensive combat experience during World War II
and planning and intelligence experience,
prior to becoming DDCI
in 1953. One of the principal activities under General Cabell's
jurisdiction when he was Director of USAF intelligence was air target
analysis, and General Cabell had been closely associated with
such analysis.


One of the few points on which Mr. Bundy was challenged

was with reference to his statement that he did not believe
that the operation had been run from the White House.

One of

the members of the committee, otherwise unidentified, stated

"the messages make it appear that it was very close to this
Icontrol of the operation from the White House].


Was this

Mr. Bundy did agree that the planning should

have been more explicitly laid out and that the responsibilities
more clearly defined.

In his summary statement he indicated

that among the numerous lessons which were learned as a result of

this operation were the following:

political risks would have

been minimized by quick, positive success; the excessive concerns

for secrecy, covertness, and plausible deniability were so extreme
that they made for inefficiency in the operation; and both Agency
and military personnel became advocates of the operation and found
themselves unable to render objective judgments--the less so the
longer the invasion was postponed.

Perhaps the most serious weakness

according to Mr. Bundy was the failure of senior personnel to step

forward and speak about their reservations.


As to the last item, General Taylor strongly supported

Mr. Bundy's position noting, "I don't believe the military view,
Bundy's statement on deniability was: "As I reflect on the
of this operation, I'm amazed that we thought there was
a chance of deniability." 67/ This was quite a switch because on
18 April 1961, he was urging-the President to authorize USN air
support for the B-26s because "the immediate request I would grant
(pecause it cannot easily be proven against us and because the men
are in need,l "68/


such as held by Colonel Hawkins, was strongly presented to the

President"; and the Attorney General added, "People that actually
have to carry the operation through don't have access to the
President." The eighth meeting of the Taylor Committee took place on

1961, and among the witnesses called for this session were

Grayston Lynch and William "Rip" Robertson.

Mr. Lynch had pre-

viously testified (at the 6th meeting of the Cuban Study Group)
where he spelled out his role in marking the route for the landing
craft coming in at Blue beach.
at the

He was called back as a witness

meeting in order to clarify some aspects of the

chronology as given in his initial session, but according to the

memorandum for the meeting "he did relatively little to clarify
the chronology."

Based on the records of the Taylor Committee,

Mr. Lynch was probably the one who came closest to encouraging the
Cubans in their belief that they would get direct
during the course of the invasion.



The comment on Mr. Lynch's

.appearance was:

* The

comment made by the Attorney General probably was one of the

few made by Mr. Kennedy with which Jake Esterline, the Chief of
WH/4 (the anti-Castro project) agreed. In the course of an
interview with this writer, Mr. Esterline was quite explicit about
the failure, particularly of the Agency, to let either Hawkins or
himself do the major share of the
to the most senior
. audiences. As already noted with reference to the previous meetings
of the Taylor Committee, Messrs. Dulles, Cabell, Bissell, and Barnes
were all guilty of sins of omission and commission that contributed
significantly to confusing the picture of both the planning and
operational stages of the Agency's anti-Castro effort.


.,; .1.1.

He stated that he may have given Pepe

ISan Roman] the impression that the
Navy Air CAP .would come in and stay
for the duration of the operation rather
than advising him that the Navy Air CAP
would only be provided for one hour
.[on 19 April]. He stated that this had
been his 'honest impression, and that he
had not purposely misled Pepe. However,
in fact, he had given Pepe the wrong
impression. 70/
Like Mr. Lynch, who landed on the beach at Playa Giron,
Rip Robertson not only led the team marking the landing path at
Red beach (Playa Larga) but went ashore to assist with the unloading and engaged directly in a firefight with Castro's troops.
In addition, Robertson's small boat came under direct attack by
Castro's aircraft before he got back aboard the LCI Barbara J.*
Testimony at the eighth session of the CSG was taken
from a CIA communications officer

and Lynch submitted detailed reports of their
efforts at the landing sites during the course of the invasion
- operation. Both were technically in violation of the Presidential
restriction about the direct participation of Americans in the
operation. Both men subsequently received the Agency's second
highest award for valor, the Intelligence Star. In the late 1970's
Lynch appeared on a TV program and recounted most of his experiences. Robertson was an emergency medical evacuee from Southeast
Asia in the 1970's and died shortly following his return to the US.


response to the question of the handling of the messages

that came into the. Washington area, he replied, "They were seen by Colonel Hawkins who made any tactical decisions
that may have been necessary.

If they involved higher level

decision, Mr. Esterline, Mr. Bissell, or Mr. Cabell would take

the message to the State Department or the White House."
asked if there was a routine


of messages to the State

Department or the White House he reiterated "No, only on

special issues as determined by the higher-ups."


FollowinS the commo testimony and that of Robertson and


jthe skipper of the LCI Blagar

and a United States civilian,

the Cuban Study Group

as a witness before
covered much the

The spelling of the name of the captain of the Blagar

appears as both]
The writer has been
unable to confirm either spelling.


same ground that had been gone over by Lynch and Robertson.
In resI?onse to a direct question,

lindicated the

possibility that Castro .Cuban observers might have spotted

the invasion. fleet from the light house which had figured in
Admiral Clark's testimony. /

/also specified that he

encountered problems with the Cuban members of the crew of

the Rio Escondido which had been sunk off of Blue beach, the
Blagar having picked up most of the crew members--all of
whom, incidentally, escaped as the ship sank.

these Cubans absolutely

to be transported to the beacb to join the fight against

Castro; and in addition, as the invasion fleet was moving out of
range of Castro's aircraft and into international waters, five

joined with some of the crew from the

Rio Escondido in an

to take over the engine room of the

!told the CSG that he succeeded in talking the

men out of this, but Gray Lynch, on the other hand, indicated
that there. was some degree of force that he and some of the other
crew members of the' Blagar applied to regain control of the
explained to the committee that the
plan to resupply the beachhead with ammunition had been cancelled
on 0+2 because air cover would not have been available and he

was ordered to remain at sea.*

In response to a request for his

opinion of how things might have been better,


pointed out that the ships which they had been forced to use
were really inadequate for the task; and he noted that in
his own case he would have pre-ferred to have a vessel
similar to a Coast Guard cutter. j

jClosed his

testimony with the following remark which, if not made with

tongue in cheek should have been--"We had a lot of explosives
and ammunition aboard.


I don't know if that was advisable." -

* Although the official record indicates no problems with reference

Itestimony on this sUbject, Gray Lynch told the writer:
That ammunition they Ithe CSG] made a lot of this.
In fact, Bobby Kennedy got very indignant talking to
You know--why he didn't continue on
1n there that n1ght Ithe night of 0+1/0+2]--as though
this was a very critical thing. Well, when you are
talking about a 1,OOO-man pack that soulds like a
great deal tonnage-wise. But this was kits--so many
M-l rifles, so many machine guns, and so forth--and
a very small amount of that was ammuniction. What
they really needed in there was the ammunition from
the ships--not in hundreds of pounds like we had,
but in tons. 74/

Because Lynch. testified very briefly at the 8th meeting

just before I
it appears that Lynch was
still present wnen]
Jwas being questioned. There
was no indication 1n ne 0 ficial record ofl
meeting of any criticism from Robert Kennedy. poss1biy
Lynch was present when Rip Robertson was the witness
earlier in this Same session. There was a note of criticism
in the questions and comments regarding the possible
resupply of ammunition on 0+1/0+2, and Lynch may have
confused the witnesses.


The ninth meeting of the Cuban Study Group on 3 May 1961

opened with testimony from the chiefs of counterintelligence (CI)
and foreign intelligence (FI) activities during the course of the
anti-Castro project.

from both men apparently satisfied

the committee, but considering the charges which would be made

about the failure. of WH/4 to ,make use of the Intelligence
Directorate of the Central Intelligence Agency, it was unfortunate
that no one on the committee seriously questioned the FI Chief
on the subject.

At least Mr. Dulles should have mentioned

that the Agency's planners utilized both National Intelligence


and Special National Intelligence Estimates

(SNIE'sl in assessments of the internal situation in Cuba.


In addition to the WH/4 FI and CI Chiefs, a number of

military officers also testified at the ninth session of the


Cuban Study Group; and responded to questions concerning the

broad picture of the capability of the US to respond to Cold
War situations and to engage in paramilitary activities.
The principal witnesses at the ninth meeting, however, were
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and General Earl Wheeler,
then Director of the Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs of
Almost immediately upon beginning his testimony, Secretary
McNamara was queried about the influence that Thomas Mann-Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs
until'about a month before the invasion--had on the formulation
of the anti-Castro effort, particularly on the policy of

Mr. McNamara was quite firm in his defense

of the Department of State representative and said:

Tom Mann enforced the {anti-Castro] plan
before the point of no return The
qesirability of non-attribution was a
general view, almost to be met prior to
. approval. However, this can't be charged
to TOIl} Mann. 77/
Unlike the CIA planners who were convinced that their
operation to oust Castro could succeed without the direct intervention of U.S. armed forces, Mann pragmatically ;insisted that
as a fundamental condition for acceptance of the Agency plan
there should be a commitment to victory even if this meant the
use of U.S. forces.

l1ann's arguments \'lerebased on a number of


., .

alternatives designed to involve the OAS, the UN, or individual

Latin American nations in making clear to Castro that they found
the. growing Soviet presence in Cuba a threat to political and
economic stability of the area.

With the 20/20 vision of

hindsight, it is unfortunate that Mann's proposals were dismissed

in lieu of an additional six to eight weeks' delay to seek either
Latin American support, a


commitment to winning, or cancella-

tion of the project.

Mr. McNamara then got involved in the question of whether
there was a guerrilla option that was open to the invading

After some confusing testimony on this sUbject, the

following exchange occurred:

Question: What was expected to happen
if the landing force effected a successful
lodgment but there was no uprising?
Secretary McNamara: They would be split
up into a guerrilla force and moved into
the Escambrays. 78/
Once again none of the committee members questioned whether the
actually had been trained to conduct such a sophisticated
military maneuver in the face of a hostile force or whether a
Playa Giron for the Escambray through at least
50 miles of opposition was realistic.
Next Mr. McNamara was requested to give his opinions about
the JCS evaluation of the Zapata plan and also about the importance
of controlling the air over Cuba.

Recalling that JCSM-166-61 of


15 March 1961 had been prepared for the Secretary and clearly
stated the JCS preference for the Trinidad plan over any
of the alternative plans that had been presented, McNamara
none-theless testified as follows:
The JCS had reviewed the plan in early
JanuarY1 and while they considered it
marginal, they still believed it had
sufficient chance of success to warrant
i.ts implementation. After all the
modifications to the original plan were
made they still believed the chances of
success were marginal, but they still
wanted to give it a try. There was one
important modification that the Chiefs
never knew about and one about which
they all felt strongly. This was a decision
to cancel some of the D-Day air strikes.
This decision was made at the only meeting at which neither I nor the Chiefs
participated. It was my understanding
that both the CIA and Chiefs preferred
Zapata to Trinidad. For while Trinidad
offered the advantage of close proximity
to Escambray or guerrilla territory,
Zapata offered an air strip and was
likely to be less well protected by
Castro, thereby raising the chances of
success for the initial landing. 79/*
This response by Secretary McNamara raises a number of questions.
Did he even read JCSM-166-6l?

If so, he completely ignored the

strong pre.ference for Trinidad.

If the Chiefs felt

very strongly about the cancellation of the D-Day targets,

*. There was no question of cancellingsomeof the D-Day air strikes-the D-Day air strike was cancelled. McNamara appears to have used
the word "strikes" when he meant "targets," and there were numerous
revisions in the list of targets for the D-Day strike prior to the
time that the President cancelled the strike. The question of
defense of either the Trinidad or the Zapata air strip was never
an issue. One source has indicated that in response to
Chester Bowles's question, "Will this Iinvasion plan] work without
American troops?" that McNamara's response was, "It would be
very doubtful. "80/



why on D-Day did not he or the Chiefs go immediately to

President Kennedy with a recommendation that the target
system be reinstated?

Certainly this would have been in

keeping with the cables that were coming in from the Chief
of Air Operations in Puerto Cabezas regarding the need for
strikes against 'Castro's airfields.
When asked by the committee if control of the air was
essential to the success of the invasion, Secretary McNamara
It was understood that without control
of the air the chances of success would
be considerably decreased. The understanding of Castro's Air Force was not
adequate, particularly in terms of the
numbers and types of aircraft. Furthermore, it was assumed that a larger number
of aircraft would be incapacitated.
This appears to have been a major
error. However, to get back to the
question of control of the air, it
was certainly understood that it was
very important. It doesn't appear
that we would have achieved complete
control of the air even if we had
made the dawn air attack. '81/
This response contained so many errors that one might even
speculate that
motive in mind,

the Secretary of Defense had an ulterior

Control of the air had been emphasized, re-

emphasized, stated, and restated, as the essential to success

of the operation.

It was not a question of whether the

chances for success would be decreased, it was a question of

success or failure--there was no middle ground.

Even Mr.

Bundy, as noted earlier, had made control of the air the

sine qua non for victory.

Moreover, the Agency fully and



completely understood Castro's air capability.

Based on

overhead photography of the clearest possible nature, every

single combat aircraft that Castro possessed--up to, and
including, a number of decoy aircraft--was positively identified.

fully supported the pre-strike

estimates--photography which, in fact, was available even

before Secretary McNamara appeared before the committee.
In further refutation of McNamara, to suggest that the
limited number of aircraft that Castro was able to put up would
not have been further reduced (even to 100 percent down) by the
D-Day strike ignores the marginal condition that actually existed
with Castro's Air Force at the time.

Also illustrative of the

essentiality of complete domination of the air over Cuba was a

statement which. appeared in another JCS memorandum that had been
prepared for Mr. McNamara--which again he apparently ignored.
JCSM-146-6l of 10 March 1961 forwarded the report of the
JCS team which had conducted "an independent evaluation of the
combat effectiveness of the invasion force and detailed analysis
of logistics plans by a team of Army, Navy, and Air Force officers.
This report indicated that a successful lodgment as planned for
Trinidad--the di.scussion of Zapata had not yet taken place but
would follow very soon after--could be

but "ultimate

success will depend on the extent to which the initial assault

serves as a catalyst for further action on the part of the antiCastro elements throughout Cuba."



In reaching that conclusion,




JCSM-l46-6l specified that "if only one Cuban combat plane escapes
destruction and interdicts the field [in this case the airfield
at Trinidad], the oper,ation would be seriously handicapped."


the existence of a single aircraft posed a threat to the overall

operation at Trinidad, where the airstrip was to be used initially
for bringing in supplies, such an aircraft would have posed an
even more serious threat to the operation at Playa Giron where
the airstrip was to be used immediately for the support of
combat a-26s.
The implication in McNamara's statement that Castro had
a large inventory of aircraft from which to draw also is without foundation.

Castro's inventory of both available aircraft

and, equally important, available pilots was at best marginal.

Castro himself stated that if the fight had continued for
another five days, FAR would have been out of pilots.


Secretary McNamara also introduced an idea that had not

come up in any of the previous testimony, and again it would
be an issue which went unchallenged by the members of the
Taylor Committee.

In discussing the feasibility of having

the CIA run an operation of the sort which had been brought
to an end on the beach at Playa Giron, Secretary McNamara
was quite positive that the Department of Defense was in a
better position to handle sizable paramilitary operations than



CIA was.

The Secretary of Defense said, "CIA should not run

such large operations.

They simply don't have the facilities.

We could have used our facilities on a non-attributable



Because the CSG sessions had been concerned

with question of deniability--particularly as this had become

increasingly difficult in the expanding operation--it seems
somewhat strange that none of the committee members asked
Secretary McNamara why he never had suggested to the President
that US facilities be employed for the continued training of
the brigade and that the facilities in Guatemala and Nicaraugua
be closed down.

As had been made clear from the initiation

of the anti-Castro program, the Agency would have welcomed

the opportunity to use US military bases as training sites
in preference to the foreign bases they were forced to use in
the futile attempt to insure deniability of US involvement.
S'!('!retary MCNamara's testimony concluded with a rather
interesting speculation about the nature of planning for future
Cuban type operations--in fact, it seems to have represented
a ;r;-ather novel Clepa,rture in terms of the Agency's responsibility
to support policy, rather than to make policy, Secretary
McNama,ra saJd:
Another alternative that might be
desirable in the case of future
Cubas is that the CIA, for example,
would conceive the need for certain
actions. CIA should tnen layout
their basic plan and when they reach



the point where they feel they

should train and equip troops,
the JCS should be brought in to
make an evaluation. This should
be done even before the President
makes his decision. Then at the
point when the operation is approved
the military commander should take
over so he can shape the whole
operation. 85/
One implication--intended or not--was that with strong leadership
the Department of Defense and the CIA might become de facto
policy makers.

This was not one of the suggestions which

would appear in the final report from General Taylor to the


This proposal was significantly different from the

proposals in JCSM-44-61 "US Plan of Action in Cuba" (27 January

1961l in which the JCS proposed that an Interdepartmental
Planning Group undertake to develop a plan to overthrow the
Castro government.

In an 'escalating scale of action, the

Department of Defense would become overtly involved in the


No reference was made to this plan in McNamara's

testimony and apparently the JCS never had a response from

McNamara to the report.

The Taylor Committee noted, uncritically,

that JCSM-44-61 "reached the Secretary of Defense but appears to have

been lost in the activities ensuing out of the change in administration."86/

The question of why such an oversight went unchallenged

has never been asked.

The final witness at the ninth session of the Taylor
Committee was General Earl G. Wheeler, Director of the Joint
Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


In sharp contrast to

the testimony of Secretary McNamara, General Wheeler was

very positive about the importance of control of the air.
He stated:
At every' [JCS] .meeting there were
pros and cons on how important the
first air strikes would be and how
important it would be to the success
of the operation. I feel that the
sense of Chiefs throughout the meetings
was that air support was critical to
the success of the operation. ill
In terms of detail, however, General Wheeler appears
to have been as confused as various of the earlier witnesses
had been about specifics of the anti-Castro invasion.


with Secretary McNamara, General Wheeler opined that the only

real difference between Trinidad and Zapata was that it changed
the place of the landing and changed the pattern of the .landing
of the invasion force.

What the General ignored was that from

a single landing site the invading forces were to be scattered

over a distance of 36 miles or more at three separate landing
sites, that Zapata required air operations not begin until
two B-26s had touched down on the airstrip at Playa Giron,
and that all tactical targets (i.e., airfields) were off

In comparing Trinidad and Zapata, General Wheeler

was another one of the witnesses who volunteered a comment

about the inability of B-26s to operate off of the air field
at Trinidad.

Again the reader is reminded that before the

B-26 pilots had finished their training at Retalhuleu in

\'. :




Guatemala, they had perfected landing their B-26s, including

down field roll, within the 4,000 foot markers which
instructor had marked off on the runway.*
General Wheeler also got bogged down in questions about
the suitability of Zapata for the anti-Castro forces to go
to guerrilla

and he was queried very specifically as

to whether the JCS had actually made a study of the Zapata


As with previous witnesses, about all that the General

could say was that the Zapata had a reputation for being the
base for guerrilla operations of one sort of another.
General Wheeler finally did concede that no such study had been
made, but he noted that CIA had informed JCS that a group of
possibly 100 guerrillas were operating in the region.
Following this statement by General Wheeler, someone,
probably one of the committee members and most likely the
General, made the following remark:
Of course, a second point was that
while it might have been usable as
a guerrilla area at one time, this
was before the time of helicopters.
It would seem that some of these
military experts should have been
able to figure this out. 88/
The alternative of sea evacuation for the invaders also
came up during the course of Wheeler's interview, and he
reported that both he and

lhad recognized the


extreme difficulty of such an operation.

the committee to comment:

This led one of

"It would seem that the

concept of falling back to the beaches should have been ruled

asphalt surface runway at Trinidad measured 4,000 feet in


out because it almost ruled out the possibility of guerrilla

action as a practical thing."


Guerrilla action, of

course, never was "practical" for Zapata, not only for the
problems which would have .been presented by the immediate
terrain and the long distance from the Escambray, but because
government was strongly supported by the population
of the area, sparse though it was.

Social improvements,

particularly in education, transportation, and housing were

well underway 1 and the likelihood of a successful guerrilla
option was extremely remote.
The tenth meeting of the Cuban Study Group was convened
on 4 May 1961, and the three witnesses who appeared were
General David Gray of the Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, General Charles Bonesteel, assistant to the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Dean Rusk, the Secretary of

The generals testified before the committee in the

offices which had been assigned to General Taylor in the

Pentagon, and Secretary Rusk's testimony was given in his own
offices at the Department of State.*

General Gray was DOD's

closest associate with the CIA planners during the BOP operation
* As with various other of the flag and general officers who
appeared before the Taylor Committee, General Bonesteel's
remarks were addressed to suggested improvements in the
US capability to respond to crises in the Cold War and had
no bearing on the Cuban Operation.




He made it quite clear during his testimony that he believed

that the Joint Chiefs had been fully informed about the planned
operations at both Trinidad and Zapata, and he. noted that even
though the Joint Chiefs agreed to the Zapata plan they had clearly
indicated their preference for the Trinidad operation.
General Gray.told the CSG that in addition to having
an opportunity to review the Trinidad plan, the Joint Chiefs
had conducted their own independent survey of the best areas
for launching an operation directed at the overthrow of Castro
and, like the Agency, they,

came up with Trinidad as the

most feasible of the possible sites in Cuba.

The general also

indicated by way of illustration that the Joint Chiefs had been

read into the Agency's planning, that the initial Zapata plan
had been modified from a single invasion point at the head of
the Bahia de Cochinos down to the Playa Giron area when it was
discovered that the airstrip which was to have been utilized
at the north end of the bay was unsuitable for B-26


the strip at Playa Giron, with its harder surface, would support
the aircraft.
When pressed by the committee about the short length of
time that the JCS had in which to evaluate the Zapata plan,
General Gray pointed out that the changes from Trinidad to
Zapata were easily understood by the Joint Chiefs, particularly
as the revised plan also included the heavy D-Day air strikes.


General Gray's testimony seemed to relieve General Taylor

of some of the doubts that he had about the knowledgeability
of the Joint Chiefs regarding the Zapata plan for Taylor


"After 'to General Gray's testimony, I now

feel that the Joint Chiefs had a more complete appraisal of


t.he plan and consequently gave a more complete approval." -

The testimony of Secretary of State Rusk, however, was

another matter.

Secretary Rusk's testimony indicated the

traditionally associated with senior members of

the State Department--generally cautious, con-servative, and

Of all the witnesses before the Taylor

Committee, Secretary Rusk probably did more harm to the

Central Intelligence Agency than anyone else.

His sins of

commission went unchallenged and his sins of omission were

From the beginning to the end of his testimony before
the Taylor Committee, the most generous thing that can be
said about Secretary Rusk is that his testimony was contradictory.

Among his first remarks about the operation, was

the following:
The risks of the operation were
accepted, however, because the
importance of success was fully
appreciated. Time was running
out. It was the last chance in
some time to have this job done
by Cubans. Otherwise we might have
to do this with American personnel
and this would be less desirable.
Castro's police power was increasing,


and he was also rece1v1ng a large

inflow of Soviet arms. Further, it
should be pointed out that when we
talked about the possibility of
failure we talked about far more
disastrous results than actually
occurred. For example, we had
discussed the possibility of such
things as being ousted from the OAS
or censure by the UN, and lively and
adverse reaction by our allies in
Europe. The results that developed
were not as serious as those that
we had considered. 91/*
The implication of the above statement that Secretary Rusk
had positive views about the planned operation is in sharp
contradiction to the opinion of Thomas Mann, who had recently
requested reassignment from his position as Assistant Secretary
of State for American Republic Affairs.

Mr. Mann, despite

contrary views held by some CIA participants that he was

against the operation

opinion not held by either DDP

Bissell or project chief Esterline), was an unequivocal

supporter of the plan to oust Castro.

He emphasized the

"last chancen aspect of the effort in light of Castro's

increasingly success-ful repression of dissidents, and he
stressed the danger of the export of revolutionary government
to other Caribbean countries.

Mr. Mann has stated that he

asked to be relieved from ARA earlier than planned because:

* Emphasis

by writer.



I could not get a decision from

either the President or the Secretary
on the policy question of whether the
plan should be carried through; I did
not want to be responsible for the
area if I could not have a clear
decision on the policy issues at
stake. E/


I don't know what his [Rusk's] feelings

were. Now, that sounds strange because
we attended maybe a dozen meetings, most
often with the President, but if he [Rusk]
ever expressed himself as seeing it
through or scrubbing it very clearly, I
wasn't aware of it. 93/

The Secretary of State also addressed the question of the

anticipated reaction of the Cuban populace to the news that
invaders had landed.

Like other witnesses, he expressed the

opinion that there was considerable likelihood of a popular


It is interesting that no one on the committee

asked Secretary Rusk whether this was a problem which his

department had examined in any detail, for it was a topic
which his own Director of Intelligence and Research, Roger
Hi1sman, had proposed for careful study because of reservations
which he had when he heard about the program.

Mr. Hi1sman's

proposal was rejected out of hand by the Secretary of State.


When CSG members asked Secretary Rusk if it was understood

that the Joint Chiefs of Staff favored the Trinidad plan over
the Zapata plan, Secretary Rusk commented on the more
spectacular nature of Trinidad and noted that Zapata had
greater political advantages and that the JCS had approved



When challenged on the matter of JCS support for Zapata

as opposed to Trinidad, the following exchange took place:

Statement: The JCS commented that
the best of the three
alternatives they had considered,
but that they still favored the
original Trinidad Plan.
Secretary Rusk: They didn't put their
views in writing and that didn't come
through. There was a strong impression
that they favored the [Zapata] plan.
At one meeting the President went
around the room and asked everyone
pe.rsonally their opinion and I believe
I was the only one that didn't approve .21/* ..
No one on the committee challenged Secretary Rusk's comment
that the JCS failed to put their views in writing.

It would have

been useful to know whether any meeting in which Secretary Rusk

had participated during the first part of April, prior to D-2,
had discussed JCSM-166-6l where the JCS position in favor of
Tr!nidad had been so clearly stated; and it would have been
to learn whether or not the Secretary of Defense
had ever discussed this particular paper during a Cabinet
session Secretary Rusk was present.

In any event,

Mr. Dulles undoubtedly received a copy of JCSM-166-6l (at least

the JCS specified to Secretary of Defense that the DCI should

* Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., who was at the meeting where Rusk

claimed to have been the only one who indicated disapproval

of the Zapata Plan, stated in his book, One Thousand Days
(pp. 25l-252), that the only dissident was Senator Fullbright.


get a

and if he had been alert, he should have queried

secretary Rusk on this issue.*

It was on the question of the air operations, however, that
secretary of State Rusk's testimony was at its protective best.
Because of the criticality of this issue in the controversy
over the responsibilities for failure of the invasion effort,
it is believed that Rusk's testimony on this subject is worth
quoting in full.

It went as follows:

Question: Was it understood that control

of the air was considered essential to the
success of the landing?
Secretary Rusk: Yes, it was understood
that it was essential to the success of
the landing, but there was an inadequate
appreciation of the enemy's capability in
the air. Furthermore, neither the President nor I was clear that there was a D-2
air strike. We did have it on our minds
that there would be a D-Day air strike.
Following the D-2 air strike there was considerable confusion. It wasn't realized that
there was to be more than one air strike in
the Havana area. The President was called
on this matter and he didn't think there
should be second strikes in the area
IHavana? or Cuba?] unless there were overriding considerations. We talked about the
relative importance of the air strikes with
Mr. Bissell and General Cabell at the time.
However, they indicated that the air strikes
would be important but not critical. I
offered to let them call the President but
they indicated that they didn't think the
matter was that important. They said that
they preferred not to call the President.

Admiral Burke also would have received a copy of JCSM-l66-6l

as a member of the JCS. Although the record shows Burke in
attendance at the morning meeting of the Committee in the
Pentagon, he was not recorded as an attendee at the afternoon
session in Rusk's office. If Burke had been alert and
reviewed his copy of the Rusk testimony, he could have
clarified the JCS position to the committee.


Question: Did you attempt to advise the

President as to the importance of the air
Secretary Rusk: I had talked to him and he
had stated that if there weren't overriding
considerations the second strikes shouldn't
be made. Since Mr. Bissell and General Cabell
didn't want to talk to the President on the
matter, I felt there were no overriding considerations to advise him of. I didn't think
believed the dawn air strikes were too
important. I believe that Castro turned out
to have more operational air strength
than we figured.
Mr. Dulles: I don't believe they had
any more. However, they turned out to
be more efficient.

Question: Do you recall why the question

of air strikes was withheld until Sunday
Secretary Rusk: As far as I was concerned,
I was caught by surprise with the first air
strikes. I was trying to advise Adlai
Stevenson at the UN on what was happening
and suddently found out there were additional
air strikes coming up. We didn't want him to
have to lie to the UN. 96/
Rusk's contention that there were underestimates both of
the number of

aircraft and the capability of Castro's

air force have. already been discussed with reference 'to other
wi tnesse,s before the Taylor Coromittee.

Suffice to say here,

the air operations people, particularly the Cuban and American

pilots who were working to develop the B-26 capability, fully
appreciated the danger that the T-33s and the Sea Furies presented; and the full strength of Castro's air arm was positively
identified and located.

If Secretary Rusk was not clear about


the planned D-2 air strike, he apparently was either a slow

learner or a selective listener.

At the 22 January 1961 briefing

which the Agency gave for secretary Rusk and other Kennedy
cabinet members, specific mention was made of plans for extensive air strikes from the beginning through the end of
the operation.
At Secretary Rusks 16 April meeting with Mr. Bissell
and General Cabell, both had spelled out the threat to the
invasion shipping which would result should Castro's air
arm not be destroyed.

Moreover, the summary of White House

meetings which General Gray had prepared for submission to

the Taylor Committee noted with reference to a meeting of
5 April 1961;
There was a very small meeting with
the President where only Secretary
McNamara, General Lemnitzer, and representatives of State and CIA were
present. At this meeting the general
idea of fake defections and preliminary
lair] strikes were discussed. The
President indicated approval of the
general idea but indicated that everyone should consider further measures
overnight and there would be another
meeting the following morning. 97/
General Gray's record of the meeting on 6 April--"the following
morning"--specifically noted Secretary Rusk's presence.

It also

"The President questions whether or not a pre98/

lirninary {air] strike wasn't an alarm bell."

stated that:


Secretary Rusk's reference to the meeting with General

Cabell and Mr. Bissell on the evening of 16 April, also raises
the question of the Secretary of State's understanding of what
he had been told would happen to the brigade's ships if Castro's
Air Force was not destroyed.

To suggest that the CIA representa-

tives did not believe that there were "over-riding considerations"

for conducting the D-Day air strike would appear to have been a
a deliberate misinterpretation of their very reason for
making their protests about the cancellation of the D-Day

If nothing else, General Cabell's subsequent visit

to Secretary Rusk at 4:30 on the morning of 17 April to

request Presidential authorization for USN air cover should
have alerted the Secretary of State to the fact that the Agency
was concerned about the fate of the operation.
Mr. Rusk's explanation for the late time at which the
cancellation of the D-Day strike was ordered should not have
gone unchallenged by the committee.
have been

Secretary Rusk should

for details concerning Stevenson's role and

asked why, 'evenif Sec'retary Rusk had been unaware of the

planned D-2 strike, he didn't contact both the UN Ambassador
and CIA immediately upon learning of the strike on 15 April in
order to coordinate the US position.

After the fact of

Ambassador Stevenson's unintentional lie to the UN on Saturday

afternoon (including the farce of the B-26 photos), it seems
apparent that Secretary Rusk was more concerned about the


image problem than he was about the success at Bahia de Cochinos.

Had the Taylor Committee acted at this time, many harsh words
and bitter recriminations concerning Mr. Stevenson's role might
have been avoided.

Mr. ,C. Tracy Barnes, Mr. Bissell's

principal deputy, failed to make any mention of the planned

D-2 air strike when briefing Ambassador Stevenson on 8 April
When Secretary Rusk was asked if he understood the
importance of air cover for the planned attempt by brigade ships
to resupply ammunition to the beach, Secretary Rusk provided a
"yes" and "no" answer saying, "It was apparent that it [air
cover] was critical.

The requirement for air cover wasn't as

apparent as for air drops and getting the ships back in there,
particularly in regard to getting them some tank ammunition."


At this time, on 4 May 1961, Rusk still did not understand what
General Cabell and Mr. Bissell had told him on the evening of
16 April 1961--that the exposure of the brigade's ships to

Castro's aircraft would result in disaster.

It was not until Sunday, 16 April 1961, probably late in the

morning or early in the afternoon, that Stevenson learned
from Richard F. Pedersen, then Chief of the Political
Section of the US-UN operation, that the statements that 99/
he, Stevenson, had made to the UN on Saturday were false.
For details of the Stevenson story re the second strike, the
reader is referred to Studies in Intelligence, Fall 1983,
pp. 37-47.


With reference to the question on non-attribution

secretary Rusk seemed to be confused.

He noted that the hope

was for non-attribution in the fullest degree, but he realized

after the fact that this was a somewhat naive conception.


of the members of the Committee suggested that the push for

non-attribution was one of the costliest mistakes that the
Government had made, particularly as it imposed a requirement
"not to have the air strikes even by Cubans."

Secretary Rusk

went into his thesis of the necessity to capture an airstrip

in order to have one or two of the B-26 touch down so that the
US could claim that the B-26s were operating from within Cuba.

Inasmuch as it had already been publicized by the Cubans that

the B-26s involved in the 0-2 activity were not flown out of
Cuba and since Stevenson had been burned at the UN on Saturday
(0-2), the insistence by Secretary Rusk and President Kennedy
that this fiction be continued even on D-Day is beyond comprehension--the more so inasmuch as the cancellation of the D-Day
strike insured, as the air operations people knew it would,

the presence of Castro's T-33s and Sea Furies. ---

During the COUrse of his testimony Secretary Rusk also stated


that the operation had been blown.

made in later years by others who

This charge would be

claimed that the invasion

date had been passed on to the Cubans by the Soviets who had
picked up the information in Mexico.

Even if the Soviets were

aware that 17 April 1961 was the planned date for the invasion,
there is no indication that they transmitted this information



to Castro, for such preparations as he made with his forces

were obviously in response to the D-2 strike rather than to
other information which he might have had.

. 103/

It is clear

that the landings at Playa Giron and Playa Larga caught the
Cubans by surprise--this despite the contrary suggestions
made by earlier witnesses who claimed that the invasion
forces probably had been spotted by Castro people in the
light house of Cayo Guano.*
Secretary Rusk had objections to what he identified as
the operational. aspects of the anti-Castro effort.


among the points he made in this connection were the fact

that "these covert matters are handled on such a restricted
basis that the resources of the departments are not brought
to bear."

tAs mentioned earlier no one on the committee

raised any questions with Secretary Rusk about his own failure
to check with State's intelligence people on such matters, for
example, as the prospects for support of the anti-Castro effort
from dissident elements within Cuba.)

Secretary Rusk also

supported the view expressed by earlier witnesses from the

Department of Defense that having planning and action papers
written out would have been helpful, but he did caution that
this might have resulted in the distribution of so many pieces
of paper as to jeopardize a given activity.
Further, Secretary Rusk found difficulty with the piecemeal
nature of the briefings on the anti-Castro operation and

Admiral Clark in particular.


suggested that the Agency and the Department of Defense should

have made an effort to get everything together for one single
briefing of President Kennedy who, with all the factors then
available, would have been in a better position to make

This, of course, overlooked the point that when

the Agency briefed tbe President on the Trinidad Plan on

11 March 19.61, they hoped that would have been the single
for an O.K.
Another of Secretary Rusk's opinions concerned the handling
of the 1,20Q man brigade, suggesting that there had been
undue conce.rn about aborting the plan and returning the 1,200
Cubans to civilian life.

This probably was the most valid

point in the. Secretary of State's testimony, but this was a

political problem which was of primary concern to the Kennedy
administration and not to the Agency per see

Also with reference

to the brigade, Secretary Rusk said that "if you are not
prepared to go all the way, you shouldn't put 1,200 men ashore."
This piece of testimony raises the question of why, since the
brigade was going to be committed, did Secretary Rusk support
the one action which was most certain to eliminate all
possibilities of victory for the brigade--the cancellation of
the D-Day air strike?

If he believed in what he was saying,

Secretary Rusk, who said that his had been the only dissent
concerning the invasion plan, should have tried harder to
obtain a cancellation of the invasion or, to insure success,
siven up on deniability, supported the D-Day strike, and


urged USN air support.

The conclusion of these sorts of

inconsistencies came in the following remark:

There was no one involved that didn't
recognize that this was a risky business
and that failure would be costly. However,
we overestimated the international effects
of failure and underestimated the effects
of failure on this town. 104/
Presumably the view that the country suffered more from
self-flagellation than it did through loss of respect in the
international arena should have been dispelled by US action
during the missile crisis in Cuba in 1962; but among other
actions, the pervasive presence of Cuban surrogates in Third
World countries in the more than 20 years since the collapse
at the Bay of Pigs gives one cause to question the judgment of
the Secretary of State who insured Castro's victory.


his testimony before the Taylor Committee raises questions about

his integrity.*
* Less than two years after this self-protective testimony, Rusk
took another hard shot at CIA when the BOP operation came up
during a session with the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
On 16 January
Rusk testified:
It is also true that in terms of the deficiencies of
information that turned up after the event, that the
count of planes on the island from sources on the island
as well as other sources turned out to be inaccurate.
There were some planes in hangars and so forth that
were not hit with the strike that did take place, and
more planes, in fact, turned out from the Cuban side than
had been anticipated."

Rusk's comments were completely unsupported by any evidence that

had surfaced since the collapse of the invasion (or to the time
of the writing of this volume).


The only witness at the eleventh meeting of the Cuban

study Group on 5 May 1961 was Adolf A. Berle who had been
serving President Kennedy as a special adviser on Latin American

The most important point of Berle's testimony was his

view on the question of non-attributability.

To a question

concerning the need for non-attribution, Mr. Berle's response

was as follows:
Non-attribution was not altogether
necessary. The conventions protecting
against intervention did not apply
because the Communists had intruded in
this hemisphere, and second because
Castro's government was an openly constituted totalitarian government which
is clearly outside the provisions of
the treaty of Rio de Janeiro. They
attacked the Organization of American
States, announced they would not be
bound by the rules of the treaty of
Rio de Janeiro, and announced they were
going to export the revolution. They
. had actually invaded two or three other
states, and were in no position to
claim the protection of the international system. This is still true.
As far as non-attribution is concerned,
we had assisted Cubans that wished to
fight for freedom in their own country.
As a matter of fact, it seemed that it
was the last clear chance that the Cubans
would have to fight for freedom in their
own country. The danger, then, was not
of non-attribution but of failure. Clearly
it must not be an American invasion. The
attribution of assistance to the Cubans
by the United States under all circumstances did not seem too serious. 105!
This statement of Mr. Berle's was followed by a subsequent
C01'lUI\ent that:


Success in this kind of an operation

would have been the greatest single
thing we could have done to avoid any
Cold War threat of major proportions
from the countries to the south. Some
sort of a clash was bound to come, and
it was probably better if it came sooner
with one country, rather than later with
two or three countries. 106/*
The committee, however, failed to follow up on these comments
by Mr. Berle to see if, in fact, similar sentiments had been
expressed by, or were supported by, others most closely involved
with planning the Bay of Pigs Operations.

As noted in this

chapter, Mr. Thomas Mann, the Assistant Secretary of State for

American Republic Affairs until a few weeks before the time of

In this diary two days prior to his appearance before the Taylor
committee, Ber1e indicated his particular displeasure about the
failure of the Latin American nations to recognize the danger
posed by the growing Soviet presence in Cuba. The diary stated:
"The other American republics in general were not facing up to the
sectors of their public opinion did not know that
Cuba was now in effect a Sino-Soviet tool. Some sectors
but did not wish to know. Some knew but wished
to play that the problem was not there. A great many
sectors including the politicians and intellectuals wished
to hide behind cloudy un-realities. The doctrine of "nonintervention" was used as an excuse for not facing the
savage fact that high intentions, good words and even good
deeds would not stop Cold War activities carried on with
agitation, money, bought demonstrations, and surreptitious
organization of guerrillas with arms. To leave this
situation without clarification merely meant that the
process would go on. Then circumstances would probably be
require much larger military action. 107/



the invasion, probably had the best track record in support 'of
this position of any of those in either the Eisenbower Administration or the Kennedy Administration who were involved in the
planning or the Bay of Pigs Operation.

Mr. Mann had consistently

advocated that if the United States was going to support a

major anti-Castro activity, it should be done overtly, and
probably with American Forces.

Strangely enough, Mr. Mann

was not called as a witness--that he would have to be called

back from his recently assumed post as Ambassador to Mexico
being the rationalization for not requesting his testimony.
The JQeeting on 6 May 1961, was a "conversation" between
General Taylor and Garfield Teegen (pseudonym), Chief of Air
Operations for the anti-Castro project.

As usual, Colonel

Tarwater was present to keep the record of the meeting; and


of the Memorandum for Record of this session

stated this, was not a verbatim transcript.

Aside from the

first CSG meeting, however, this may be the only other session
where what was reported was verbatim.*
Because it is relatively short, and because Mr. Teegen
was obviously the most knowledgeable individual about the air
operations this conversation is repeated in full as follows:

The writer says this advisedly, but it is based on a lengthy

interview with Mr. Teegen and several subsequent conversations
with him, including a discussion following Teegen's review of
the first volume of this history (Air Operations). The
author's impression is that Mr. Teegen probably was just
as terse with General Taylor as indicated.


Question: Would you explain how the

air operation was organized. As I
understand it, there were two organizations--one for planning and one
for execution.

Thatls right.


Were you the actual air commander?


Question: When did the pre-Day strikes

corne into the picture?

lim not sure.

Statement: Will you ask Col. Beerli

to come over on Monday and set forth
the facts relating to pre-D-Day air


Question: What was the turn-around

time for your aircraft?
Answer: The longest time was three
hours. A normal combat loading took
approximately an hour.
Question: How long could you remain
over the target?

Thirty minutes to an hour.

Question: What was your capability

for providing air cover to the beach?
Answer: We could keep someone over
there all the time. On D-Day we had
a capability for launching 20 sorties.
If we hadnlt lost some of our air crews
to enemy action, weld have been able to
maintain this indefinitely.

That would have been a major



Question: How many strikes were

conducted against the airfields?
Answer: The 0-2 air strikes of eight
B-26s against three airfields. On the
nights of 17 and 18 April, three B-26s
were scheduled against San Antonio de los
Banos. Two of these aborted, one arrived
over the target, but due to haze and a
blackout he was unable to identify his
target. In the early morning hours of
18 April, three more aircraft were dispatched against San Antonio de los Banos.
One aborted on take off, two aircraft
arrived over target, but due to scud
and haze in the area, they couldn't
locate the target.
Statement: After the 0-2 air strikes,
we knew that we hadn't destroyed all the
aircraft. Consequently, we requested
permission to launch air strikes against
the remaining targets on 0-1.
Question: How was the request for the
0-1 air strike handled?

It was not approved by Washington.

Question: When were you denied permission

to 1,1se napalm?
Answer: We only had standing authority to
use napalm against a tank farm. We had to
request authority on all other targets.

When did the pilot fatigue show


Was this really fatigue?

Yes. In 14 out of 17 cases; the

other three pilots just didn't have it.

How many B-26 pilots did you

Seventeen Cuban and eight
Twenty-five all together.

Question: What do you think about the

adequacY of the number of pilots?

It was enough.


Question: Did you have enough pilots to

fly over the beach with two aircraft at
all times?
Answer: Yes. There was a 4,000 foot
strip in the beachhead area and we had
crews qualified to operate from this strip.
Question: If the invasion had been
successful enough [for the aircraft] to
keep the artillery off, you would have
been successful?


Question: What was your understanding

on the use of contract pilots?
Answer: We didn't have blanket authority
to use them, but we did have the authority
to hire and train them and put them on a
standby status. Later the use of contract
pilots, in the beachhead area only, was
approved by Washington.
Question: Who handled your messages in
Answer: Colonel Geomosen (pseudonym)
and Colonel Beerli.
Question: Were you surprised at the
effectiveness of the T-33s?
Answer: I've flown T-33s--they're a good
airplane. We weren't surprised at their
capabilities once they were airborne.
Question: How would you summarize your
feelings with regard to the operation and
the lessons to be learned?
Answer: Policy decisions above the Agency
deni.ed us the right to go ahead as scheduled
and planned.
Question: Was there some confusion as to
the time the Navy air CAP was to be provided?


Answer: There was no confusion of the time.

I received a message that Navy air (CAP) would
be provided.
Question: Would you provide us with a copy
of the message'?



The twelfth meeting of the Cuban Study Group was held on

8 May 1961, and featured two distinct sets of witnesses.


set addressed themselves basically to the broader problems of

how the US should plan to handle covert and Cold War operations
and the second group was formed by the members of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff--General White of the Air Force, General
Decker of the Army, and General Shoup of the Marine Corps.

Excluding Colonels Hawkins, I

'/ who refused the author's request for 1nterv ews,
Mr. Teegen, of all of those interviewed, clearly remains
the one with the deepest feelings about the loss at the
Bay of Pigs. He was frank and outspoken in his criticism
of the cancellation of the D-Day strike and he was equally
outspoken concerning the failure of the Kennedy Administration to permit the subsequently requested support from
USN jets off the Essex. With the possible exception
of one or two of the other pilots, there probably was no
American who was so closely involved with the personnel,
both Cuban and American, who gave their lives in the
course of the air operations over'Playa Giron. The
writer was told that as the invasion was collapsing
Headquarters received a suggestion from Puerto Cabezas that
a disguised B-26 be used to bomb an isolated part of the
US naval base at Guantanamo in order to create an "incident"
to justify US intervention in Cuba. Although not confirmed,
this is the sort of action that those in charge of air
operations probably would have supported.


The testimony of the members of the JCS was the most

acrimonious and disputatious of all the sessions held by the
Taylor Committee.

It is quite apparent that there was a positive

effort on the part of at least one CSG member--Robert

Kennedy--to hang the albatross of failure at Playa Giron
about the necks of the Joint Chiefs as well as the CIA.


is equally obvious, however, that the generals were going to

make an all-out effort to protect themselves.

It speaks

highly for the caliber of the military personnel who were

under the gun, that they spoke their minds--apparently
without regard to the consequences that such openness might
have on their military careers.

As with other sessions of

the Cuban Study Group, it is unfortunate that the members of

the committee who posed questions or who made statements are
not identified in the record of this meeting; and it is
unfortunate., too, that the record is not verbatim text.


first of the military Chiefs to testify was the Commandant

of the Marine Corps, Gen. David M. Shoup.

Very early in his

testimony, Gen. Shoup made it clear that there were aspects

of the planned operation against Castro about which he had
no knowledge..

In such instances where he thought it appropriate,

he suggested that perhaps the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

would/have such information.

Gen. Shoup's point, of course,

was that the Chairman of the JCS, rather than the other
members, was most likely to have been party to planning
sessions for the Bay of Pigs Operation.


His general statement

to the committee made it clear that he was in full agreement'

with other members of the Joint Chiefs who favored the
Trinidad plan over any of the alternatives--including Zapata-that had been proposed

the President's objections

to Trinidad during the course of the 11 March 1961 meeting.

The interrogation of Gen. Shoup developed in the following

Que,stion: The JCS commenting on Trinidad
said that it had a fair chance of success. Then I
think that the record shows that they viewed the
next alternatives and said that Zapata was the
best of these three plans, but that they still
. preferred Trindad.
General Shoup: Yes, sir, any corporal would
have said that
Question: Did you have any misgivings
labout the planned amphibious operation]?
General Shoup: I very frankly made this
statement, if this kind of an operation
can be done with this kind of a force with
this much training and knowledge about it,
then we are wasting our time in our divisions,
we ought to go on leave for three months out
of four . '109/
This response obviously rubbed Allen Dulles the wrong
way for he sharply criticized General Shoup pointing out that
representatives of the. Department of Defense rather than CIA
personnel had been called on to render military judgments.
General Shoup then noted that if he had known more about the
operation, he. might have been more optimistic about its chances
for success.

He reported that he couldn't find out all that

he would have liked to have known about the plan, but recognized
that he wasn't supposed to know all such details.


At this point the following acidulous exchange between

General Shoup and a member of the Cuban Study Group was reported:
Statement: Let's go back to this question
of military responsibility. Certainly you,
as Commandant of the Marine Corps, had no
responsibility for it, but as a member of
the Joint Chiefs you did have responsibility
for this operation.
General Shoup:

That's not my understanding.

statement: At least the JCS as a

corporate body had responsibility
for this operation.
General Shoup: That's not my underunderstanding, only insofar as the
Commander-in-Chief might want to
know something about the adequacy of
the plan, or the probability of success.
Otherwise I don't feel that I, or any
of the other Joint Chiefs, had any responsibility for the success of this
Question: The Joint Chiefs are by law
the advisors to the Secretary of Defense,
National Security Council, and the
President. Consequently, would you say
that you should volunteer any advice on
this SUbject?
General Shoup: As a member of the Joint
Chiefs I don't know what the Chairman did.
I don't know what happened at a lot of the
at the White House or the State
Department, but I do know this, that within
the corporate body I for one emphasized
time after time that we had to have air
superiority and we had to help this outfit
fend off the force they were going to have
them down there. 111/


Admiral Burke and Allen Dulles then became involved in

the General Shoup testimony.
Admiral Burke: There are three or four
things that are the basis of this thing
that ougnt to be cleared. One is the
responsibility of the Chiefs to comment
on the plan. Another is the actual
conduct of the operation, which was all
in one place and that was in CIA.
Mr. Dulles:

But that was done by military

Admiral Burke:

But not under our command

Statement: But as advisors to the

President the JCS had a responsibility.
The President had the right to look to
the Joint Chiefs for advice during the
planning or execution phase if they
thought they had something important
to offer.
General Shoup: That's true, as limited
by their knowledge of all aspects of the
Statement: And in the absence of hearing
from the. Chiefs he .had a right to assume
that everthing was going satisfactorily.
General Shoup: Yes, to the limit of our
knowledge.. I want to tell you this right
now. Had I as an individual heard that
they were going to call off the air strikes
I'd haye asked that the Commander-in-Chief
be informed. I'd have called him myself
because it was absolutely essential to
success. The D-2 affair was only a half
Mr. Dulles: General, may I add this. The
D-2 Day was essentially a plot, not a plan.
The Plan was the D-Day Strike.
Question: Do you feel that you had absolute
and complete knowledge about this operation?


General Shoup:

Absolutely not.

Question: Did you understand that the

President and his advisors were looking
to you for your military evaluation of
this plan?
General Shoup: The thing that we were
asked to do was determine which of the
three alternatives was the best.
Question: But then after that, did you
understand that during that period of time
that the President was looking to you, the
JCS for the military evaluation of the
General Shoup: I would have to presume
that in accordance with his title of
Commander-in-Chief he would be thinking
about the military part.
Question: But you understand that he
wanted to get your advice and ideas also?
General Shoup:

That was never stated.

Question: What I am getting at is that

if you feel that you didn't have full
knowledge and information on the plan and
at the same time the President was looking
to you for advice, it seems to me that it
would be almost impossible for you to give
him the military evaluation.
General Shoup: Well, you had to look at it
in the context of what the Agency said about
the uprisings. I possible way to
know or evaluate them. That in itself was a
particularly important factor.
Statement: There was a general impression
that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had approved
this operation. I don't think that there is
any doubt but what they went ahead thinking
that you and the other Joint Chiefs had
approved the plan, but you now say you didn't
have full knowledge and information in order
to evaluate the plan. That in itself is of
some significance for the future.


General Shoup: One of the main features

relating to the ultimate success of this was
not whether you could put the ships in here
and unload this military equipment, [but]
whether the people were properly trained to
fend off a reasonable enemy effort.
Statement: Your idea of the plan is entirely
different than some other peoples' idea of the
General Shoup:
know it.

I'm telling the truth as I

Statement: I don't think there is any

doubt about that.
Statement: The idea that the people would
land on the beach and then take off into
the swamp is a new one to us.
Admiral Burke: There was great emphasis on
the uprising and we spent hours and hours
determing how to get additional equipment.
We ended up with equipment for 30,000 people.
The only slight difference I have with General
Shoup is that it was my understanding that
this group had to be able to hold the beachhead
for some. time, for several days.
Statement: It's very significant that the
Commandant of the Marine Corps, whom the
President of the United States and the Secretary
of State thought had approved this plan had an
entirely different idea of what the plan was.
It seems that something has gone wrong somewhere along the line.
General Shoup:
of time.

This whole thing was a function

Statement: But when I asked you, you said that

they were going to get out of there the same
day. They were only going to hold the beachhead
long enough to unload the equipment. There wasn't
any possibility of anybody coming down there.
There wasn't anybody around there. Their idea


was to hold that beachhead. I think it is important that when the President and the Secretary of State think that they have your view,
that they do have your view. 112/*
This hassle went

through the rest of General Shoup's

testimony with attempts by committee members (or a member?)

to get General Shoup to admit that he might have been derelict
in his duty by not telling the President of any doubts which
he had about the planned operation.

The Marine Commandant,

however, resisted all such pressures, and his testimony

concluded with the following questions and answers:
Question: If you were going to do this
again and there was still the requirement
that it be a covert operation, what changes
would you make? Anything that would be
materially different?
General Shoup: I don't think that at this
time in 1961 or hereafter you are going to
do it covertly.

The difference of opinion reflected here refers to the

question which. had been asked Shoup earlier. The question
had been "How long did you think they'd be in the bay?" and
Shoup had answered:
One day. I thought they'd load those ships and
get out of there. If they didn't get unloaded,
they'd come back after dark, depending upon
whether they were actually rushed by the enemy
or if they weren't, and depending upon where the
people were that could use the arms. 113/

In context, it is apparent that Shoup was thinking solely

about the vessels which brought the invasion forces and
materiel into the beaches. According to the plan the vessels
were to retire before daylight on D-Day and then return after
dark, if necessary, to finish unloading.


Question: Did you really think that this

would be covert in the sense that it would
not be attributed to the United States?
General Shoup:

I did not. 114/

If, as the record Seems to indicate, Robert Kennedy was

the CSG interrogator who appeared determined to prove that
General Shoup had failed to meet his responsibilities to the
President, then the Attorney General failed to make his case.*
The next member of the JCS to appear as a witness at the
twelfth meeting of the eSG was Gen. Thomas D. White, USAF.
General White was as positive as General Shoup had been about
the preference that the Joint Chiefs had for the Trinidad Plan
as compared to the Zapata Plan.

As with the Marine Commandant,

General White also noted that the JCS had agreed that of the
alternative plans that had been presented, Zapata was the best
of the lot.

General White was even more adamant about the

necessity for gaining control of the air than General Shoup had

In his discussion with the committee, General White, too,

noted instances where he was unable to respond to questions

because he had not been involved in the particular discussions
that led to decisions such as the D-2 strike or the cancellation
of the D-Day strike.

Inasmuch as Mr. Bundy of the White House

Staff was one of the principals involved in the D-2 strike and

One might wonder whether Col. Jack Hawkins's failure to make

General in the Marine Corps was in any way related to Shoup's
set-to with Robert Kennedy and, to a lesser extent, with
Maxwell Taylor during Shoup's meeting with the. eSG. Colonel
Hawkins had been the personal choice of General Shoup to work
with CIA on the anti-Castro project.


because the cancellation of the D-Day strike had come directly

on the orders of the President, General White's intimations
that the JCS had been bypassed on these affairs led to another
period of sharp exchanges, presumably with the Attorney General.
The record of the meeting shows the following exchange:
Question: He IPresident Kennedy] heard
nothing from the Joint Chiefs with regard
to any infeasibility of this [Zapata] plan.
Is it fair to say that the Chiefs would
have volunteered their comment if they
really thought this thing was going badly?
General White: Without any question. The
problem was that there were last minute
changes of which we did not know.
Question: You refer to the last minute
cancellation of the air strikes?
General White:


But that was just one factor.

General Wbite:
factor, sir.

I think that was a very key

Statement: Well, in this operation, I

think we would be convinced that the plan
wouldn't have been any more successful if
we had had the .ID-Day] air strikes.
General White: Well, I really believe that
the Cuban Air Force had a whale of an effect
on the bad outcome. It is difficult to say
what an air strike on D-Day at dawn would
have done, but it might very well have made
the difference in my opinion. 115/
White then got himself entangled in a discussion concerning
Castro's T-33s.

Following his statement that he was "surprised"

to find that the T-33s were armed, General White was jumped on


by a member of the CSG whose purpose seemed to be to demonstrate

that there was a lack of concern on the part of the JCS and the
CIA about the

back to a point or points which had

been made during the first and second meetings of the CSG that
if President Kennedy had only known that the T-33s posed a
threat he undoubtedly would not have cancelled the D-Day air

General White, however, avoided argument on this point

and stated that if he had known that the T-33s were armed he
would have made certain that the airfields where the T-33s
were based were brought under attack.

In fact, the three

airfields that were brought under attack in the course of the

air strikes were the only ones where T-33s were based.
In response to the question, "Based on the information you
had, then you would never have recommended that they [T-33s]
be knocked out?"

To which General White responded, "They

would have be.en included in the overall plan to knock out


Castro's air force." -

With reference to the question of defining the

responsibility of the JCS during the course of the Bay of
Pigs operation, Gene.ral White's response was that whenever
called on, the JCS gave their views to the best of their
ability; and he emphasized that although they disagreed
with the decision on going to zapata rather than Trinidad,
the JCS did support to the fullest the Zapata plan.



reference to the specific question of "Would you say you

[the JCS] had the responsibility to volunteer advice to the
President and since he received no contrary advice he had
the right to assume that all was well?"

General White's

relpponse was, "Ye.s, except that a number of things took place

that I did not know about.

of the ID-Day] air strikes."

knew nothing about the cancellation


General White noted the impossibility of maintaining the

deniability of the US role in an operation such as that which
had taken place; and he stressed the point that any operation
sizable numbers of aircraft stood no chance of
maintaining its covert nature.

General White said that even

though the JCS spent far less time studying the Zapata plan
than it had spent studying the Trinidad plan, the basic
question .was a change of location rather than any significant

change in the plan.

Once again, the four members of the

committee let this statement pass unchallenged, raising no

questions concerning the change to a night landing, the
movement of materiel across the beach, or multiple landing
sites several miles apart at Zapata as compared to Trinidad.
Prior to the appearance of General Decker, Chief of Staff
of the US Army, the Cuban Study Group had a brief session
with Colonel Germosen,* USAF, who was assigned to the Development



Projects Division of CIA and who became the air operations

officer for the WH/4 task force at Headquarters.

The primary

concern of the committee with reference to Colonel Germosen

was whether the T-33s were considered to be a threat, and if
they were. a threat, whether they had been selected specifically
as air targets during the 0-2 or planned D-Day air strikes.
Colonel Germosen's testimony was quite direct; he apparently
was quite self-composed in stating that there were no instructions for the pilots to go after T-33s in particular.
The instructions for 0-2 were to knock out all offensive
aircraft photographed in the parking areas of the three
selected airfields.
testimony of I

Colonel Germosen also refuted the

IWhO had told the committee that the

B-26s in Castro's inventory were of far more concern than

the T-33s.

Colonel Germosen pointed out that Castro's T-33

inventory was located at the three airfields selected for

attack on 0-2; and he told the committee that of Castro's five
T-33s, three were knocked out by the 0-2 strikes, but one of
these was back. in the action by 0+1 (18 April 1961).


queried about the origin of the 0-2 strike, the officer had
to plead ignorance.

After he indicated some reservations

about the wisdom of the 0-2 strike, one committee member took
a cheap shot at Colonel Germosen by saying "I have real doubt
in my mind as to whether you did well by accepting those other
D-2 strikes."

* The

record does read " other 0-2 strikes," but there was only
one 0-2 strike at three airfields. It was not Germosen's responsibility "to accept" or not accept the 0-2 strike plan.



The testimony of General George H. Decker, Chief of Staff

of the US Army, added nothing new to what had already been put
to the Taylor Committee during the course of the twelfth meeting by
Generals Shoup and White.

The Session with General Decker also

appears to have been conducted at a less emotional level than

were the meetings with either the Air Force or the Marine Corps
senior officers.

General Decker was in agreement with his

colleagues in that the JCS favored Trinidad over Zapata, but

could live with the Zapata plan and thought that it had a
reasonable chance of success.

He did not believe that there

was any possibility that the support from the US could have
remained deniable, and he thought that the JCS had acted
properly in giving its best evaluations on the basis of the
information that they had available.

The only point on

which General Decker differed from Generals White and Shoup

was with reference to the D-2 air strike.
General Decker was very much in favor of the D-2 strike,
but he also suggested that strikes even earlier than D-2 would
have effectively insured destruction of Castro's air arm.
General Decker agreed with his JCS colleagues that the operation
was of such scale that it should have been run by the military
rather than by the Central Intelligence Agency.

As with other

witnesses who had appeared before the committee, General Decker's .

explanation of the brief time that the JCS spent in review of
the shift from Trinidad to Zapata was based on the similarity



of the two plans. with no one challenging the serious differences

that in fact did exist
tbe two proposals.
The thirteenth meeting of the Cuban Study Group on the
lOth of May 1961 took brief testimony from General Walter Bedell
Smith, former Director of Central Intelligence.

General Smith's

testimony was devoted exclusively to the larger picture of the

position of the United States in the world situation and he took
a very hard line about the need for the US to understand that
covert operations were a tough, dirty business, and concerns
about morality were going to have to be put aside in order to
meet the communist challenge in this arena.

* According to Arthur Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy was extremely

upset by the testimony of the Joint Chiefs, having written:
"What really bad work the Joint Chiefs of Staff did on this
whole matter Ithe Bay of Pigs Operation]. The plan as they
approved it Ithe Trinidad plan] would have been even more
catastrophic than the one that finally went into effect."
Schlesinger cites as the source .for this and other derogatory
comments about failures by the JCS as "RFK handwritten notes
after Cuban Study Group meetings of Mayl and 11, 1961,
RFK papers." 120/ The meeting of 1 May 1961 was the 7th
meeting and that of 11 May was the 14th meeting, but there
was no testimony by any representatives of the JCS at
either of the meetings specified by Schlesinger. The
members of the JCS were witnesses at the 12th meeting
on 8 May 1961 and the 17th meeting on 18 May.



Robert A. Lovett, former Secretary of Defense, was the

sole witness at the fourteenth meeting of the CSG on 11 May 1961.
Mr. Lovett's testimony

broad ranging on the issues of

organizing US efforts to effectively fight the Cold War, and

he was particularly concerned about the impact which CIA's
covert action ope.rations in overseas areas were having on
internal politics of foreign nations,

Additionally, he questioned the

authority of CIA to support an invasion effort "on a hostile
Mr. Lovett stressed that in terms of manpower and money,
the Department of State could not compete with CIA activities
in fore.ign areas, and he noted the various recommendations
which the 5412 Group and the President's Board of Consultants
had recommended to control the situation.

In this context

Mr. Lovett specified with reference to the Bay of Pigs operation

that there was an obvious failure on the part of the US
Government, not CIA, to "make up its mind what in the hell it
wanted to do."
Mr. Lovett also expressed concern about the security
problem with reference to the Cuban operation because of the
generally wide knowledge of the operation which he had found


during a visit to Miami prior to the invasion.

He also doubted

US capability to run covert operations because we were an

"openmouthed society."
When Mr. Lovett made a strong pitch for the separation
of paramilitary operations from intelligence collection and
production, he apparently was challenged by Allen Dulles who
noted that the estimates on the possibilities of support from
dissident elements in Cuba and of the strength of the Castro
forces had been quite accurate and had been prepared by the
operations, not the intelligence, component of the Agency.
Again Dulles was in error.

The estimates by the operations

people of potential support by anti-Castro elements were highly

optimistic--as were their estimates of the numbers actually
involved in guerrilla operations.

Far more realistic estimates

appeared in the NIEs which were basically produced by intelligence,

not operations, officers.
As was the case with General Smith, Mr. Lovett was
especially concerned about the US will to meet the Communist
challenge in the Cold War.

Among other things he pointed out

that the US needed to stop worrying about whether the world

loved us and recognize that the Soviets were really an enemy
to be beaten by any methods necessary.


The single witness at the fifteenth meeting of the Taylor

Committee on 16 May 1961, was Captain Jacob Scapa, US Navy, who
was the naval adviser for the project.

Capt. Scapa had been

responsible for reviewing the naval plan, but his actual contact
the naval contingent had been limited to four days at
Puerto Cabezas prior to the departure of the invasion vessels
for Cuba.

Capt. Scapa took a fair amount of flak from members

of the committee, again unidentified, during the course of

the discussion of the unloading plan for the vessels in the
Bahia de Cochinos.
There was some particularly severe criticism about the
decisions not to attempt to run the arms packs which were
carried by the LCI's Blagar and Barbara J in to Blue Beach
during the night of D-Day and the early morning of D+l--the fear
being that it would have been impossible to get the vessels in

and out before daylight at which time they would have been
subject to air attack from Castro's Fuerza Aerea Revolucionaria.
The committee made a point in asking why the ships hadn't been
put at risk since it was known that there was an ammunition
shortage at the beach.

The committee further pointed out that

the two LCls had survived serious air attacks on D-Day and
with the other vessels had fled safely into international


The best that Capt. Scapa could present by way

of argument was that it was feared that the vessels would

be sunk and, in addition, no ammunition would be landed.


But, as he pointed out, this was a difficult decision: and

it was the subject of extensive debate at Headquarters.* 122/
In response to a question which had been raised about
the problems that had been encountered in the use of aluminum
boats for off-loading troops, Capt. Scapa stated that the
acquistion of the. small boats had to be accomplished wi thin a
period of roughly ten days to two weeks prior to the departure
of the from Puerto Cabezas.

His statement was:


had to procure them, get them assembled, send them down to Puerto
Cabezas, load them aboard ship, and train some crews to run
them." This was .over-simplication of the problem of trying
to acquire the three dozen 18' aluminum boats with 75 h.p. outboard motors which had been laid on WH/4's logistic component
when the plan was changed from Trinidad to Zapata.

This was a

complication that was passed over too lightly during the Taylor
Committee hearings; and, unfortunately, Capt. Scapa missed an
opportunity to present some of the details which would have helped
to explain the difficultie.s in handling the boats at the time of
the invasion.**

See footnote page:

for comments on the limited value of arms
packs to the troops' needs.
**In the course Of an interview with the author of this history,
Grayston Lynch placed most of the blame for the failure of the
aluminum boats on a Marine colonel who had volunteered to assist
the Brigade with its logistical problems. Lynch accused this
officer of being completely ignorant of small boat operations
and specified that the small boat engines failed to start in
the Bahia de Cochinos because the marine had insisted that
the new engines be filled with heavy oil rather than the very
light oil required when breaking in a new motor. 124/

The sixteenth meeting of the Taylor Committee was

held on 17 May 1961 and was devoted exclusively to the
testimony of five

who had escaped from the invasion

beach following the collapse of organized resistence by the

Brigade on 19 April 1961.

The common thread of the testimony

of all five witnesses who had been engaged in the action from
Red beach down to Blue beach was that they had lost because
they did not receive the air support which they had been

They were particularly critical of the failure of

the United States Government to respond to their calls for air

support when it became apparent that the invasion was not going
to succeed as long as Castro's jets controlled the air.
Contrary to the testimony of some earlier witnesses
who had suggested that an attempt to call off the invasion
when it was learned that the D-Day air strike had been cancelled
would have been forcibly resisted by the Cuban trainees, the
opinion of the escapees who expressed themselves on this sUbject
was that it was unlikely that the Cubans would have attempted to
take over the vessels and continue the invasion themselves.


escapees also were particularly critical of the aluminum boats-a subject which had been discussed with Captain Scapa at the
previous day's meeting.

With the exception of one of the

witnesses who indicated considerable reluctance about being

able to depend on the United States, the others agreed that


they would be willing to support another invasion effort.

But all made it clear that they expected the United States to
play a more direct role in any future activity--their point
being that the fight

not just Cuban against Cuban, but

that it was a fight against world communism.
The seventeenth meeting of the Cuban Study Group was

convened on 18 May 1961 and the principal witness was

General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of

In addition to General Lemnitzer, two of the political

leaders of the Cubans, Antonio Varona and Manuel Ray, also

testified; but their remarks can be summed up very simply:
Both Ray and Varona agreed that Cubans should have been in
charge of the operation rather then the North Americans, and
both agreed that there were severe inequalities in the funding
of the various Cuban Groups--each, of course, emphasizing that
it was his group which should have had a larger share of the
money as well as a greater voice in a leadership of the Cubans.
General Lemnitzer's testimony followed the pattern
that had been set by the other members of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff when they appeared as witnesses before the Taylor Committee.
He spoke quite freely, he disagreed with the committee members
on various points, his facts were not always correct, and at
. several points in his testimony on critical issues, the
committee failed to ask for or seek elaboration on questions
which were of major importance to the operation.*
* As will be discussed in the next chapter, by the time
General Lernnitzer testified the Committee had already briefed
President Kennedy on its conclusions.


In his opening statement, General Lemnitzer indicated that

the role of the Department of Defense in the course of the
Cuban operation had been to provide support for the Central
Intelligence Agency which was in charge of the operation.
General Lemnitzer's words:


"The thing I would like to say at

the very beginning is that I consider the JCS role as one of

appraisal, evaluation, offering of constructive criticism, and
assisting CIA in looking at the training and detailed plans.
Defense participated in the role of support." --General Lemnitzer was questioned extensively about plans
for the Cuban operation, and he noted that in late January 1961,
following the first briefing that the Agency had given for
President Kennedy's major cabinet appointees--inc1uding
Secretary of State Rusk, Secretary of Defense MacNamara, and
the Attorney Gene.ra1, among others--that the JCS independently
prepared a plan of action for Cuba and forwarded it to the
Secretary of Defense.

The paper to which General Lemnitzer

referred was JCSM-44-61 which recommended that an interdepartmental planning group be established and charged with
defining the overall plan of action for the overthrow of the
Castro Government.*
Although the Chairman of the JCS apparently never got to
discuss this memorandum with the Secretary of Defense, he

* MEmorandum

for the Secretary of Defense from the Joint Chiefs

of Staff, 27 Jan 1961, sub: "US Plan of Action in Cuba."


did report that he had discussed it with both the Secretary

of State and the DCI.

The Secretary of State "was pretty

receptive," but CIA apparently took a rather dim view of the

JCS proposals since they already were involved in their own
operational plan.

No questions were raised by the Committee

concerning the failure of General Lemnitzer to discuss this

JCSM with the Secretary of Defense or, indeed, if the Secretary
of Defense ever read the memo.
There was a similar--and far more significant--communication
. gap between General Leminitzer and Secretary MacNamara concerning
the JCS's evaluation of the Trinidad and Zapara invasion plans.
After clearly indicating that the Joint Chiefs favored the
Trinidad over the Zapata plan, but nonetheless supported the
Zapata plan, the following conversation took place between
General Lemnitzer and one of the members of the CSG:
Statement: You mention the preference
for Trinidad--I'm not sure whether you're
aware of it, but the Secretary of Defense
apparently never appreciated that point.
In fact, he had the impression that the Chiefs,
thought that Zapata was the better of the
two plans.
General Lemnitzer: I just don't
understand how he got that impression.
I can show you in my notes on two
accounts where I called it to his
attention. We also put it in writing
that "of the alternate plans, alternative
three JZapata] is considered the most
feasible and most likely to accomplish
the objective. None of the alternates
involved are as feasible and likely to
accomplish the objectives as the present
ITrinidad] paramilitary plan." I don't
see how you can say it any clearer than


Statement: I think it's just a question

of too many papers being confused. 127/
With that single statement the committee then passed on to
other subjects--once again emphasizing their failure to
pursue a matter which could have and should have been of
critical importance to the Secretary of Defense regardless
of how many papers were under study.

Surely such a JCS position

should have warranted the attention of the President's National

Security Advisor and probably the President himself.
With reference to the zapata plan, General Lemnitzer and
the committee clashed over the issue of whether the invading
brigade was prepared to go to guerrilla status.

For whatever

reason, General Lemnitzer had it in his head that the brigade

had been trained in guerrilla warfare tactics, and consequently
he stated:
It was our understanding of the plan
without any doubt that moving into the
guerrilla phase was one of the important
elements of the plan, and any idea that
the Chiefs considered that they were
making an indefinite lodgment on the
beachhead is not right. Every bit of
information that we were able to
gather from the CIA was that the
guerrilla aspects were always considered as a main element of the plan.
The response by one of the committee members was:
General, if you look at that area and
talk with anybody who has been there,
you couldn't possibly become guerrillas
in that damn place.
General Lemnitzer, however, chose to make an analogy with
the situation in

Admiral Burke then joined in the conversation saying:

Guerrillas couldn't sustain themselves
in any of these areas [the Escambray
or the Zapata swamps] until they got
support from the populace. Supplies
would have to be carried in to them
until they received support from the
At this point the Attorney General apparently joined
the discussion saying:

"The President had the same impression

that you did--that if worse came to worse, this group could

become guerrillas, but as we've gotten into it, it's become
obvious that this possibility never really existed."
To this General Lemnitzer is reported to have said,
"Then we were badly misinformed."*

Allen Dulles finally inter-

jected himself into the discussion in response to a comment

that another committee member had made suggesting that unless
the whole brigade had had training and instruction, they never
could have gone. guerrilla.

Mr. Dulles said:

On the day following his testimony before the Taylor Committee,

Lemnitzer testified (19 May 1961) before the Senate Foreign
Relations Subcommittee on American Republic Affairs which
was investigating the Bay of Pigs operation. Once again
Lemnitzer confused the guerrilla option of the Trinidad
Plan with the Zapata Plan. 128/


I wouldn't wholly buy that. These

people had a cadre of leaders--20
percent to 30 percent would be the
leaders. They knew about guerrilla
warfare. The guerrillas in World
War II never had any training until
they got into a guerrilla operation.
General Lemnitzer however, refused to concede, and after
an exchange of remarks about the fact that the only plan for
withdrawal was by sea, General Lemnitzer remarked, "but that
was not the kind of withdrawal that was anticipated, as far
as I was concerned."


General Lernnitzer also had some interesting exchanges with

the committee concerning the air strikes that were planned for
D-2 and D-Day.

In one exchange between the Chairman of the

JCS and an unidentified member of the committee, Lemnitzer

stressed clearly that he was opposed to the D-2 air strike-his point being that as far as he was concerned the motivation
was other than military.

When General Lemnitzer was challenged

about the potentially disastrous effects that the D-2 air

strike could have

the possibility that Castro

subsequently might have dispersed his aircraft--General Lemnitzer

avoided answering the question and noted that, in fact, Castro
hadn't dispersed his aircraft.
General Lemnitzer's contention was that the only air
strike that really counted or, which was intended to count, was
the D-Day air strike.

In the course of his remarks about

the significance of D-Day, General Lemnitzer noted that it


didn't make any difference whether the Zapata plan or the

Trinidad plan was in effect because it did not change the
air plan--an error which also had been made in the testimony
of other members of the JCS.

This time, however, one of the

members of the eSG specified that the air plan was significantly
different as the invasion site was shifted from Trinidad to
Zapata, stating:
The objection to one of the plans
[Trinidad] was the fact that the
airstrip wasn't adequate. That
same objection wasn't made in
connection with the Zapata plan.
The second thing is that the
Zapata plan, as it was originally
considered, anticipated capturing
this airport Iactually the airstrip] and then have the planes
take off from the airoort.
This was a point of fact to which General Lemnitzer
only moments earlier had agreed, but in response to the above
remark the following curious exchange took place:
General Lemnitzer:

No, sir.

That's wrong.

Statement: I'm just going by what the

paper says.
General Lemnitzer: Are you saying that
these aircraft were supposed to fly from
Nicaragua and then land and load up and
take off and bomb and so on?

I don't know.

I wasn't there.

General Gray: I think its wrong to base

that whole Zapata plan on one paper because
this was just the first cut of the Zapata
plan. After that the Zapata plan was considered again and again over a period of
time and all this became very clear as it
went on.


Statement: Yes, I understand, but we're

just talking about the beginning. The
important thing is that you didn't turn
one plan down because of the air strike
situation, and yet you did turn
another plan down because the
air strike situation wasn't adequate.
You didn't turn Zapata down because
the air strikes weren't considered
adequate, and yet the air strikes
consisted of taking off after dawn.
General Lemnitzer: I didn't think
there was any material change in
the air plan. The targets were the
same regardless of where you'd land.
On D-Day the air plan involved going
after the Cuban Air Force; thereafter
they would take under attack any
movement of troops to the area and
they would attempt to knock out microwave communication stations on which
the Cuban national communications
were largely dependent.
Question: What did you think would
happen if you weren't 100 percent
successful and didn't get a couple
of T-33s?
General Lemnitzer: In war, you never
expect 100 percent success. However,
a couple of T-33s are not going to be
decisive elements in an operation of
this kind.
Question: Were there any comments or
discussion about the T-33s in particular?
General Lemnitzer: I think I had information that they were armed, because
we had been trying to get some kind of
equipment against the Pathet Lao, and
we were considering what the distribution
of T-33s was around the world. We saw
that some of them had been armed as
reconnaissance planes, and it was
suspected that the Cuban air force had
armed theirs--but they weren't bombers.


Yes, but they hit targets.

General Lemnitzer: Yes, but the T-33s

didn't sink any ships.

Yes, they did.

Statement: No, not the T-33s. I

think they were Sea Furies. A Sea
Fury was the one that hit the Rio.
General Lemnitzer: I have a long list
of the reasons why we preferred Trindad
to Zapata: It was more distant from
Havana, the closeness to the Escambray
mountains, there was only one access
road into the area, the nearest Cuban
army unit of any size was 100 miles
away, and considerable support from
dissidents was expected in that area.
Question: What was the understanding
of the importance of control of the
General Lemnitzer:
to success.

Absolutely vital

Question: Were the Chiefs satisfied

with the plan of pre-D-Day strikes?
General Lemnitzer: We first talked
about some strikes on the day before
D-Day, but the D-Day strikes were regarded
as critica1 0f course, elimination of the
D-Day strike greatly eliminated the insurance against attack from the Cuban air
force. 131/*

In the course of the discussion of the D-Day and D-2 air

strikes, Lemnitzer specified that napalm, as well as bombs
and machine guns, was to have been used in the attacks on
the Cuban airfields on D-Day. He also repeated this in his
19 May 1961 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations
Subcommittee on American Republic Affairs. In fact, napalm
had been authorized only for the two B-26s scheduled to hit
the tank/truck park at the Managua Military Base on D-Day. 132/
Lemnitzer obviously was confusing the very early planning
for the D-Day strike which had called for all of the B-26s
which were scheduled to strike the Cuban airfields to carry
both napalm and bombs.

1.4 t'6

To say the least, exchanges of this nature were confusion

worst confounded.

The greatest part of the confusion lay among

the committee members,

as General Lemnitzer was

quite correct in that the switch from Trinidad to Zapata had

nothing to do with the selection of air targets.

The change


had been made in large part because of the insistence of

President Kennedy, supported by Secretary of State Rusk and
Thomas Mann, the Assistant Secretary of State for Latin
American Affairs, that a site be selected to support the
story that the air attacks were originating from Cuban bases
by Cuban defectors.

Additionally, the President had insisted

on a less "spectacular" and "quiet" night landing.
by the CSG that General Lemnitzer and the JCS
had favored the switch from Trinidad to Zapata were in no
way related to the actual situation.

On this point the

service Chiefs refused to become the whipping boys for the

member of the CSG most interested in protecting President
Kennedy's reputation--his brother, the Attorney General.
General Lemnitzer also was better informed about the
T-33 situation than were previous witnesses who had suggested
that the T-33s were not known to be armed.

Even here,

General Lemnitzer's knowledge was not as precise as it should

have been--particularly in view of the available information
on the T-33s that the United States had sold to Cuba.
General Lemnitzer correctly pointed out that the Hawker Sea


Furies in the Castro inventory had been principally responsible

for sinking both the Rio Escondido and the Houston.
As with the other

General Lemnitzer accepted

the story that the Brigade B-26s could not have operated off
the Trinidad airfield--a1though as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
it is easier to excuse his lack of knowledge on this
particular point than it is to excuse either General Gray
of the Joint Staff or General White of the Air Force for
not knowing better.

General Lemnitzer's comment that the

T-33s could not be a decisive element, like his remark that

a couple of MIGs "would have pretty well complicated the
operation," indicated a cavalier attitude about the importance
of opposing jet-powered aircraft with piston-engined B-26s.
General Lemnitzer's testimony supported that of previous
military witne.sses who had testified that the D-2 strike had
originated outside of the Department of Defense and that the
Department of Defense representatives learned of the cancellation
of the D-Day strike only after the fact.

As with previous

witnesses whose opposition--after General Cabell and Mr. Bissell

had received word that the President had cancelled the D-Day air
strike--might have caused the President to reconsider his decision,
Lemnitzer, too, was unchallenged on this point.*

As with the

General Lemnitzer said the Generals Gray and Wheeler informed

him about the D-Day cancellation at approximately 2:00 A.M.
(Washington and Cuban time) on 17 April 1961, and General Gray
. noted that he had received the word of the cancellation at
approximately 1100 A.M. (Washington and Cuban time) on the 17th.

other members of the Joint Chiefs, General Lemnitzer was of the

opinion that they had done all that could have been expected
from them in the way of advising the President.
Admiral Arleigh Burke, Chief of Naval Operations, was
the sole witness at the eighteenth meeting of the Cuban Study
Group on 19 May 1961.

Once again a member of the Joint Chiefs

of Staff was asked to comment on the Secretary of Defense's

reaction to JCSM-44-6l (27 January 1961) on proposed US
action in Cuba.

Again a member of the Joint Chiefs told the

CSG that the memorandum had gone forward to Mr. McNamara,

but that nothing further was heard from it.

Yet another

time, the committee chose not to pursue the matter further.

As with the other Chiefs, Admiral Burke stated that the
only difference between Trinidad and Zapata insofar as the air
strikes were concerned was that by using the Zapata strip the
could be made that the air attacks were originating from
within Cuba.

In response to the question of whether or not the

Joint Chiefs approved of the Zapata plan, Admiral Burke volunteered

that technically they did not approve of the plan, but morally
they did.

This response proved a bit too much for one of the

members of the committee who then asked, "Would you say it was
given de facto approval?"

To which Admiral Burke replied,

In further interrogation, Admiral Burke was asked,

"If it had looked as though they had had an unfeasible plan,

you would have volunteered your doubts, isn't that right?"

To which Admiral Burke again replied, "Yes."


When Admiral Burke was asked, "What about the air

plan which turned out to be critically weak?

Did you make

any special judgment of the adequacy of the air plan?"

Admiral Burke responded that:
plan I

"In the early days of this

think the {anti-Castro] Cuban Air Force was

This non-responsive answer prompted another inquiry regarding

the extent to which the Joint Chiefs of Staff had studied
the overall plan of the operation, particularly the merits
of the 0-2 and D-Day air strikes.
Admiral Burke, like the other members of the Joint Chiefs,
said he was more impressed by the political importance of the
D-2 strike than by what it might achieve in the way of destruction
of Castro's air force.

He, too, emphasized that the D-Day

strike was intended to keep Castro's Air Force on the ground.


Again, however, there was a sharp difference between the intent

of those who planned the D-2 air strike and what the Joint
Chiefs envisioned as the rationale for the strike.


Messers. Bundy, Hawkins, Esterline, and Bissell intended the

D-2 air strike as insurance to guarantee the destruction of


Castro's combat air capability.

That it would have to

appear to have originated from within Cuba followed automatically

in order to support the Zapata plan.
before the CSG, there

In their testimony

no evidence that any of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff understood the validity of 0-2 as a tactical

operation--or if they did, they decided to ignore it.


with other subjects, Mr. Dulles, who certainly should have

known better, failed to correct the testimony of the DOD
Chiefs who focused on 0-2 as a purely political, rather than
as a military, concept.
Of the JCS witnesses who were queried about the possibility
that the D-Day air strike might have gotten all of Castro's
remaining aircraft, Admiral Burke provided the most accurate
description of the situation which would have followed in
the wake of such an attack.

He pointed out that if some of

Castro's combat aircraft remained in flyable condition it

was unlikely that a strike against the invading forces could
have been launched on D-Day.

He emphasized that there would

have been great confusion following the heavy strikes which

had been planned--casualties would require attention, aircraft
would have to be inspected, the runways inspected and repaired,
and the dispatch of troops probably would have been delayed.
In response to questions concerning the delay authorizing more
T-33s from the USAF inventory for the brigade, Admiral Burke
reported that T-33s did not have the range to operate out of


Nicaragua 1 and if they were going to be used, they would

have had to be operated out of Key West--obviously in contra138/*
diction to the Presidential policy of deniability.
In contrast to the other members of the Joint Chiefs
who were firm in assurances to the committee that the JCS
had properly discharged its responsibilities to the President
during the course of the Bay of Pigs operation, Admiral Burke's
response to this question was refreshingly frank:
This is a most difficult question.
My answer can be misinterpreted badly. According
to what had happened before and under the way the
Chiefs ope,rated before and in view of the procedures
which had been set up, yes, they did discharge
their responsibility; but morally, they did not.
In looking back on it now, I regret several things
very much, personally. I regret personally
that I did not insist upon things that I
felt uneasy apout. I felt uneasy about being
briefed instead of having something in
writing so that I could wrestle with it.
I regret I didn't do that. I should have insisted. 140/
Both Admiral Burke and General Lemnitzer were more
forthcoming concerning the JCS relationship with the Kennedy
Administration during oral interviews they gave in the midto-late 1970s.

A JCS history states:

* Admiral

Burke's response re the turn over of T-33s was more

accurate than the response J.C. King had made when the same
question came up during General Lemnitzer's testimony--at
that time King speculated that there probably was a shortage
of pilots. 139./


Years later, Admiral Burke readily

acknowledged that the .JCS could be
faulted (1) for displaying a certain
naivete about the new administration
and (2) for failing to voice their
reservations about Zapata more forcefUlly. He added, however, that there
were important extenuating circumstances.
First, they did not realize that
President Kennedy conducted business
somewhat in the manner of a college
seminari decisions could be reviewed
and changed up to the moment of
execution. Thus the JCS thought matters
were settled when, actually, they were
still open to discussion and revision.
Second, the Administration had installed in aSD a group of civilians who
were determined to confine the military's
influence upon foreign policy. Consequently,
he recalled, the JCS became reluctant to
volunteer opinions on any matters that lay
beyond their own professional cognizance.
General Lemnitzer's afterthoughts were less
charitable. The new civilian hierarchy, he
concluded, was crippled not only by inexperience but also by arrogance, arising
from failure to recognize their own limitations.
Thus, without consulting the JCS, they switched
tbe landing site from Trinidad to Zapata,
canceled the D-Day air strike--and then blamed
the Chiefs when matters went badly. 141/*

* Appendix

C provides a specific example of how Arthur M.

Schlesinger, Jr. and Richard N. Goodwin continued to poison
the weI! against both the JCS and the Agency even after the
Taylor Committee had completed its work.


The nineteenth meeting of the Taylor Committee took

place on the 22 and 23 of May 1961.

The only witness at

that session was Jake Esterline, Chief, WH/4, and the

overall project director.

Addressing his opening remarks

to the formation of WH/4's anti-Castro task force in

January 1960, Mr. Esterline proceeded 'to spell out the chain
of command for the members of the Taylor Committee.
He testified that the line of authority went from him to
Col. J.C. King, Chief, Western Hemisphere Division and then
to Richard Bissell, Deputy Director of Plans.

This meant

that about half of the time he was dealing with Bissell's

alter-ego, C. Tracy Barnes, Assistant DDP for Action.


Esterline finished that brief presentation, a member of the

committee made the following comment "Mr. King, this is

I never knew whether you were in the chain of

command or not."

Inasmuch as this was the twelfth meeting

of the committee where Col. King had been present, one

wonders why this question had not been raised before.


justi-fication for Col. King's continuing presence never was

officially exp1ained.*
Esterline proceeded with the story of the planning
and initial paramilitary training of some 300 men in Panama.

access to Mr. Bissell, the DDP. E. Howard Hunt's explanation
for King's presence is that "Colonel J.C. King emerged as
its ITaylor Committee's] general factotum." 142/ Dick
Drain, C/OP/WH/4 stated that there were "numberless irritations
that arose from the fact that J.C. King was neither 'in'
it nor 'out' of it. He was just sort of 'in-and-out' and
almost never had enough of the picture, understandably, to
know what the hell he was talking about." 143/


Then he turned to the change in concept toward the end of

September 1960 when he, Col. Jack Hawkins, and Mr. Bissell,
decided that

would take an air supported amphibious

operation of more than

men, rather than a guerrilla

type operation, to dislodge Castro.

After discussing this

invasion plan with Mr. Bissell, the expanded operational

plan sUbsequently was presented to the Special Group 5412.
There was no objection to the plan; and according to Esterline,
the basic Trinidad plan was set before the end of December

In response to a question, Esterline said it was his

opinion--based on the fact that so many of the brigade's

senior officers had been trained

i-that if necessary

the brigade could have moved into guerrilla status either in

the Zapata area or from Trinidad; moreover, if the guerrilla
option was not feasible, the brigade's leaders should have
been able to conduct a successful evacuation out of the
beachhead by sea.

In either case, however, Esterline's

premise was based on control of the air.

The committee and Esterline also discussed the relative
merits of having the command center nearer the scene of the

Esterline and others who testified before him had

argued that having the command post closer to the center of

the operation would have given the project leaders a better


feel for the action taking place.*

Apparently the Attorney

General jumped on this point stating, as he had on previous

occassions, that the President of the United States "wasn't
really aware of what was,going on down south and had there
been some command post close to the operation, I think he
would have."

Esterline countered this criticism noting

that from 16 April 1961 General Cabell or other senior

CIA personnel had been in constant contact with the White
House during the operation and there was no excuse for the
White House being unaware of the criticality of the situation.
Esterline stressed that on 16 April after learning of the
cancellation of the D-Day strike he told Col. King he couldn't
continue because there was now no possibility of success.
Esterline and the committee then rehashed the business
of the cancellation of the D-Day strike, including the
meeting of General Cabell and Mr. Bissell with the Secretary
of State.

Esterline also reported on what he called "a

heavy discussion," involving himself, Colonel Hawkins,

Captain Scapa, and General Cabe11--with Cabell in effect
telling them they would have to bite the bullet and do it
the way that the President wanted it done.

Someone on the

committee apparently raised the question of why there were

no anti-aircraft weapons taken in with the invading forces,
and Esterline pointed out that the expectation was that
Castro's Air Force would be destroyed on the ground.
further stated that it was


that there were any anti-

aircraft weapons which could have been taken in by the Brigade

which would have been effective against jet aircraft.
There was a lengthy discussion between Esterline and
various members of the committee about the question of
ammunition resupply to the beachhead, particularly the
failure of anyone to order the LCls into the beach on the
night of D-Day and the early morning of D+l or on the night
of D+l and the early morning of 0+2.

Esterline himself

took full responsibility for this, pointing out that in his

opinion the vessels would have been lost to air attack by
the remaining Castro aircraft.*

To the question of how it

happened that the LCls and the other vessels had survived
the attacks on D-Day, Esterline's contention was that it
was sheer luck.

He also was critical of the late approval

which had been given for some USAF C-l30s to be used for
ammunition resupply, and he suggested that if approval for
this air re-supply had been given 6 - 8 hours earlier it
might have been feasible to get the aircraft in and out
under the cover of darkness.

By the time the approval was

given, it was too late.

Esterline, like Gray Lynch, was aware that there was a

limited amount of ammunition in the 1,OOO-man packs on the


During the discussions of the ammunition shortage

and the failure to resupply the beach from the LCUs and
LCls that were standing by or from USAF C-130s, one of
the CSG members commented that if the President had known
how bad the ammunition situation on the beach was, he would
have authorized air cover for the ships.

Esterline's re-

joinder to this remark was that he couldn't imagine how the

President could have been ignorant of the critical situation
from 16 April until the collapse of the beachhead--particularly
considering that Richard Bissell and General Cabell had been
in constant contact with the White House.*
line, Esterline also told the committee:

Along this same

"As long as decisions

by professionals can be set aside by people who know not

whereof they speak, you won't succeed [in operations such as
the one under study]." About a week. after Esterline's testimony Robert Kennedy wrote
that: "Jack on the first day [17 April 1961] realized
there was going to be difficulty." Assuming the Attorney
General had made the comment to the Committee about the
President's lack of knowledge of the
at the beach
this sentence indicates the possibility that the record
was being skewed to protect the President. 145/
** This comment by Esterline made a strong negative impression
on Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. In his 1978 book on Robert
Kennedy, Schlesinger commented about the CIA-FBI as
self-appointed guardians of the Republic saying:

Let others interfere at their peril. J.D. Esterline,

the CIA'S supervisor of planning for the Bay of Pigs,
bitterly told the board of inquiry [e.g., the Taylor
Committee], "a$ long as decisions by professionals can
be set aside by people who know not whereof they speak,
you won't succeed." 147/
Mr. Schlesinger apparently was so upset that his source
citation for Esterline's quotation is incorrectly given as
"Cuba Study Group, May 19, 1961, RFK papers." The correct
citation should be Cuba Study Group, 19th Meeting, 22 - 23
May 1961, p. 22. On the subject of
error in
his volume on Robert Kennedy, he also identified E. Howard Hunt
as "the original chief of political action for the [BOP)
project." 148/ In fact, Hunt's role was limited principally
to hand holding with the Cuban political leaders; and he had
no command responsibilities.


The final question put to Esterline concerned the rules

and regulations for the utilization of US personnel.


went through the drill, noting that the use of American pilot
instructors had been approved early in the game; and finally

and 0+2, American pilots had been authorized to

participate in combat air operations.

With reference to the

use of Americans in the maritime activities, Esterline reported that initially there had been an absolute prohibition
against the use of American crewmen on infi1tration-exfi1tration
exercises; but later that had been modified to permit their use
aboard the ships--but not to go ashore.

Esterline agreed that

the prohibition against Americans who were serving aboard the

vessels held at the time of the invasion, and he conceded that
when Lynch and Robertson went ashore it was without authorization.*
* The chances were that had Lynch and Robertson not been with the
underwater demolition teams that were marking the beaches, the
invasion -might have stopped off-shore of Playa Giron. Considering
the failure of the Kennedy administration to support the Brigade's
effort, this would have been far less embarrassing to the US than

That a third US citizen was on Cuban soil during the invasion

escaped notice of the. CSG and everyone else who has written on
the Bay of Pigs except Eddy Ferrer, one of the Brigade's C-46
pilots. :rn his book, Operacion Puma Ferrer wrote "un navegante
norte-americano que se hacia llamar 'Bob'" was on the C-46
that landed at Playa Giron on 0-2 (19 April 1961) with ammunition and picked up Matias Farias, the B-26 pilot who had been
shot down by Castro's planes on D-Day and survived a crash
landing. The navigator in question was an Alabama National
Guard volunteer Robert Hofbruck (pseudo).


Lynch, on the other hand, had a different opinion:

We were never told that the President has said that
no Americans will be involved in this. That was
something that we never heard of until we got back
to Washington I had no specific instructions
to land on the beach and I had no specific instructions not to land on the beach. I was
given a job to do here. I told the people when
they said that we would have to have this recon . if
I have to land in there to determine it [the
situation] I will do so. And they did not
object. 150/
The twentieth meeting of the Taylor Committee, 25 May 1961,
was confined to the testimony of Miro Cardona, head of the
Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) which had been promoted by the
Kennedy Administration to succeed the Frente Revolucionario
the exiled Cubans.

and give a broader base to the voice of

Miro Cardona went through the standard

drill about all of the high level people that he had talked
to in the Kennedy Administration and the assurances that had
been made for the future of Cuba.

He specified that prior

to the invasion he had been promised 15-30,000 American

troops by Adolf Berle. and I

Miro made the

standard protest about how the Cuban leader-ship should have

been in charge of the whole invasion effort and that if the
US would supply the money, he could insure the ouster of
The twenty-first meeting of the Cuban Study Group, 20
May 1961, had as its single witness Allen Dulles, the Director
of the Central Intelligence Agency and a member of the
Taylor Committee..

This is the last officially recorded


. ,'P

meeting of the Taylor Committee and the session was initiated

by questions which allowed the DCI to express his opinions
about the need for the anti-Castro project and about the
probability of success of the planned operation.


emphasis was placed on the chances of the Brigade to hold

the beachhead, in-eluding the airstrip, for sufficient time
to encourage resistance groups to seek contact with the
invading forces and to acquire arms and materiel to expand
the fight against Castro.
Dulles very carefully pointed out that the objective of
the invasion was not to precipitate an immediate uprising by
the Cubans--here he emphasized his own experiences with the
. French underground during World War II where precipitate
action by dissident groups had led to their sudden and quick

The DCI stressed that until a populace could be

well armed, prospects for success against even poorly

armed militia were exceedingly remote.

Dulles was

challenged on this point, apparently by Robert Kennedy,

who suggested that his brother the President had understood that there was to be a call for an uprising coincident
with the invasion.

Kennedy said:

It might have been the pressure of the

time but I know the President kept after
Dick Bissell about the uprising and Dick
Bissell stated on the first day [D-Day]
that it was going to happen that night.

"' r-6


Dulles remarked that the happenings to which Bissell

referred were probably to an increase in acts of sabotage
the underground had been asked to initiate

some of

which had already taken,place) immediately preceeding the


The Attorney General, however, could not quite

accept this at face value and asked why, if an immediate

uprising had not been anticipated, arms for 30,000 men had
been acquired:

"The figure of 30,000 indicates to me that

someone was planning on a massive uprising

getting people to use these weapons.
comment, Admiral [Burke]?"


Would that be a fair

Admiral Burke, however, supported

He noted that the CIA plan had called for a stock

of weapons sufficient to arm 5,000 men, but the Secretary of

Defense was the one who has insisted that the number of
weapons be pushed to the 30,000 figure.
When the DCI was asked for his opinion regarding the
attitude of the JCS on the Zapata plan, he proceeded to
straddle the issue.

He first indicated that it was his

opinion that the Joint Chiefs--as had been emphasized by the

JCS witnesses--clearly preferred the Trinidad plan, but were
willing to support the Zapata plan.

Dulles then added a

to his statement "and suggested that some of the military

personnel working on the project thought that Zapata was in
some respects better than Trinidad.

Admiral Burke's pointed

rejoinder to Dulles was that while that may have been the
opinion of some of the, assignees to CIA, the Joint Chiefs never
accepted that estimate.
In the course of his discussion, Dulles indicated that
he was "surprised" about the effectiveness of the Castro
'aircraft, a comment which indicated an unfortunate lack of
preparation on his part, particularly inasmuch as the success
of the anti-Castro plan was keyed to air operations.
Jake Esterline or the Air Force assignees


in charge of the

could have told him, once airborne, there was

no way that the Brigade B-2Gs could stay

both the fastest propeller

a sky protected by

airplane of the time, the

Sea Fury, and the T-33s--even, as proved to be the case, if

the FAR pilots were inexperienced and rusty.
Considering that he had been closely queried about air
operations in his 2 May 1961 session with the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, the DCI appears to have failed to have
profited from that less than assured performance.

He did know

that Castro had no MIGs but he went on to say that the Cubans
did have.:



T-33 jet trainers which they beefed up,

and which were extremely effective We
did not know their being with the new armament
that they had and they were handled with great
skill. We are a little suspicious of this.
We cannot prove who were in these T-33s, but
I have talked to some of the airmen who
fought against them. Their techniques were
so different from the techniques of the B-26s
that had Cuban crews that we have suspicions,
but we cannot prove them, because we never
fished anybody out of one of these planes. 152/
In fact, air operations personnel and the Brigade's pilots were
well aware of the fact that the T-33s were armed with two
.50 caliber machine

and the comparison of "techniques"

between B-26s and T-33s is meaningless. By the time of his

testimony to the Taylor Committee there was no question that
Castro's planes were not being flown by East European or
Soviet pilots.
The relative merits of Trinidad and Zapata also included a
discussion of the feasibility of the

forces going

Dulles indicated that a number of the invaders

might escape from the Zapata area, but the prospects for the
guerrilla option would have been far better from Trinidad.
This was contrary to the response which probably was hoped
for by one of the committee members (Robert Kennedy most
likely) who had asked if Dulles, like the President, believed
that the disaster potential for the operation was low because
if worse came to worst, the group could go into the hills
and become guerrillas?* With respect to the possibility of the

In this instance Dulles apparently had done his homework following his session with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
on 2 May 1961. At that time he had suggested that escape
through the Zapata swamps was not an unreasonable prospect in
any weather. 153/


sea evacuation should things go to hell on the beach, Dulles

took a position which was identical to that which had been
taken by Jake Esterline during the course of his testimony-that it was only if you,had complete control of the air
that the evacuation of the brigade off the beach would
have been feasible.
To the request that he address himself to the question
of maintaining plausible deniability, Dulles was quite
forthright in saying that in November of 1960 when the
change in concept from the use of guerrilla tactics to
standard military maneuver became the objective of the
training program he should have informed President Eisenhower
and the Special Group that the theory of
was no longer realistic.


This should have been reiterated,

if ne.cessary to President Kennedy.

With the wisdom of

hindsight, there is no question but had this been done the

anti-Castro effort in the form which terminated at the Bay
of Pigs never could have taken place.
Rather surprisingly Dulles made no apologies for the
charges that CIA was "selling" the operation--a charge
which had been made by the committee in several of the

The DCI agreed that:

The proponents of an operation always try

to sell it. It's part of human nature.
They spend a lot time developing a plan,
and they're enthusiastic about its possibilities. Yes, I think I was aware of
their trying to sell the operation because



we've always had it. It's inherent in this

type of operation. At the same time, I
realize that the Agency had the final
responsibility for the operation I should
have exercised more of my own judgment in
pointing out clearly to the President certain
of the features which have been brought out in
these discussions. The President once did
ask me directly whether he should go ahead on
this. I said I'd give it further study. I
wasn't ready to approve it then because of
the difficulty we were having in obtaining
naval cover. Later, this was worked out and
I recommended that we go ahead; so I take
full responsibility there.
For whatever reason, the DCI's performance as a witness
before the CSG left much to be desired.

He failed to support

senior Agency personnel (including military assignees) who had

In retrospect both Richard Bissell and Dick Drain placed

much stronger emphasis on this aspect of the operation than
Dulles did. Bissell said that in March 1961 when it reached
the point where the force had to be committed or the project
"Why didn't we of our own initiative at that point
say, 'Look given the present strategic concept,
the forces are not sufficient.' Why didn't we
cancel? The answer probab1y essentia11y
certainly an important element of the answer is
the obvious one--that we were psychologically
and every other way committed to this question." 154/
Dick Drain in commenting on the Bay of Pigs operation wrote:
"The operation began to have a life of its
own and that the intensity of the momentum
itself became a major factor in our working
positively to achieve the goal to the exclusion of objective examination of the
Isic] of success. We were all
finally so swept up in it all that we let
the op run us rather than the other way
around. II 155/


done their best to conduct an operation in support of national

policy despite a continuing series of restrictions which
. were such as to guarantee

of the operation before it

was launched.
The DCI also weas1ed in his testimony with regard to
the question of whether General Cabell and Mr. Bissell had
to go to the Secretary of State for decisions on operational
matters and did not have direct access to President Kennedy.
Dulles's response to a statement of this nature was:
Yes, that was our general view, that
Mr. Rusk spoke for the President with
regard to policy considerations which
permitted or inhibited certain types
of actions. Let me go back to the
fact that on the 5412 Committee we looked
to the State representatives to tell us
whether this could or couldn't be done.
Question: Do you think that after D-Day
CIA did not have direct access to the
Response: General Cabell and Mr. Bissell
would say, yes, but their understanding of
procedure was that the Secretary of State
was acting on these things in the name of
the President.
Mr. Kennedy: I just note that I was there
during those few days and they were in
continuous presence. Mr. Bissell was talking
with the President practically continuously.
All the decisions that were made, were made
by the President. They weren't made by
Dean Rusk ..
Statement: Yes, but I gather that when
D-Day started, there were a number of
requests for relaxation of the ground
and that the senior CIA representatives
they should go to State


and if they didn't get through there,

they didn't go directly to the President.
Mr. Dulles: They went directly to the
President at 4:30 in the morning [of
D-Day], you

Yes, that one time.

Mr. Dulles: But after that, they

certainly had very good access to the
President. The President never cut off
access at any time.
Question: Would you say then that the
CIA leadership encountered no buffer in
presenting operational requirements to
the President?
Mr. Dulles:

No never.

Dulles ended his testimony with another mea culpa for

not having taken a more direct role in the project, although
he indicated that he had no reluctance about imposing
questions and requesting information from project personnel
as these occurred to him.

In the course of his excuses, the

DCI suggested tbat the Agency had not had the best of advice
from the Department of Defense; but Admiral Burke immediately
challenged this by suggesting that the Defense people didn't
have all the information that they should have had.


bristled at this, and asked:

"Why didn't they know, Arleigh?

We didn't hold out anything.


we didn't tell them everything."

have been by ignorance

Dulles suggested that if


the DOD representatives, General Gray and Captain Scapa, had

questions it was his assumption that they would have asked.*
One final note with reference to the DCI's testimony
is that when he was questioned about his absence from the
continental United States at the time the invasion was
taking place, he admitted that this was "probably unwise."
He went on to explain how he had planned for over a year
to be in Puerto Rico to address the Young Executives group.
He was the main attraction for the group and, "If I had
dropped out at the last moment, unless I had gone to bed
or a hospital, or feigned some illness, it would have been
noted very clearly and would have been related to what was
about to happen."

Dulles said that he had told various

and sundry people at the White House and the Agency that he
* The visits by the Joint Staff officers to training sites to
evaluate the anti-Castro infantry and air force and the
numbers of DOD personnel who might be permitted to attend
certain CIA briefings were closely controlled. There is no
question that it seemed that senior project officers involved
in the anti-Castro effort did tend at times to hold DOD personnel at arms length. It should be kept in mind,
however, that many of these restrictions also applied to
other CIA personnel, even some affiliated with the project.
For the most part restrictions on access to information
were for the purpose of protecting the security of the
operation rather than for any ulterior motives.
Mr. Dulles's sniping at the DOD was somewhat similar to the
criticisms he had made during his briefing of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee on 27 April 1961.
At that time the DCI indicated that the JCS representatives
had reservations about the anti-Castro plan and he implied
that any flaws in the military aspects of the operation
should be blamed on the ,,'military specialists"
assigned to CIA as advisors.


was going to take off, and nobody told him to stay home and
mind the store.

Belaboring the obvious, he said that he

didn't think there were going to be any changes made in

the planned D-Day
The point was, however, that Dulles "left Washington around
Saturday afternoon" on 15 April 1961, well after the time that
the D-2 air strike had taken place and Adlai Stevenson was in
the United Nations telling the world--truthfully he thought-that the attack on the three air fields had been the work of
internal defectors from the Cuban Air Force.

It was predictable

even before Dulles left this country that CIA was going
to be charged with the responsibility of the air raid.*
Certainly if anyone needed to be on hand during the course
of the invasion, it was the DCI--the person in CIA who had
the easiest access to, and highest credibility with, the
President of the United States.
The Agency has long been remiss for its failure in this
case to call a spade.

Allen Dulles's absence during the

launching of the Bay of Pigs operation was inexcusable.

Moreover, that Dulles reportedly told Sherman Kent that he
* That Dulles was in Puerto Rico obviously was going to make
no difference about the charges which would be made against
him. At 1337 hours (Cuban time) on 17 April 1961, Havana
radio was broadcasting that Dulles was directing the invasion from Puerto Rico. 156/


wished that he had known before the operation was launched

how strong Kennedy's reservations about the plan were suggests that the DCI missed some obvious signals from the
President in the delays, questions, and, most importantly,
the decision that led to the switch from Trinidad to the
Bahia de Cochinos well prior to the cancellation of the D157/*
Day strike.
In addition tothe record of 21 meetings and one dated
"Conversation," the package of material identified by NARS as
Part II of the Taylor Committee Report also includes memoI

randums of two additionai "Conversations," both undated.

One of these conversations was with David A. Phillips, Chief,
Propaganda Section for the anti-Castro project; and the
other conversation was with Colonel Jack Hawkins who was in
charqe of planning the paramilitary effort.

Why these two

conversations were undated cannot be determined.

The undated record of the conversations held with
David A. Pbillips was made in response to a request,
apparently from General Taylor, that Phillips's comment on
two paragraphs which "we intended to include in our report
on _propaganda. "

There is no indication that any members

of the CSG except General Taylor were in attendance during

the meeting and, as usual Col. Tarwater kept the record.

See footnote on following page.





In light of his comment to Kent, his greater concern about .

1 than
s return
from Puerto Rico, and his woeful performance both as a member
and witness before the Taylor Committee suggest the onset
of the mental deterioration reported in Leonard Mosley's
volume on the Dulleses. 158/ Mosley makes reference
to Dulles's plan to respond to the versions of the Bay
of Pigs operation which had appeared, or were about to
appear, in articles and books about the Kennedy Administration
by Theodore Sorensen and Arthur M. Schlesinger. According
to Mosley, Eleanor Dulles, Allen's sister, and Dulles's
daughter, Joan, persuaded Mr. Dulles to withhold the article
"Allen had already IJune 1965] begun to lose
command over his memory and ideas. If it were ever
to be printed, it would not be a credit to him, because it was from a man who had lost about thirty
percent of his faculties."
The Allen Dulles Papers held by the Princeton University
contain copies of three draft manuscripts of the proposed
article written in 1965 and entitled "My Answer on the Bay
of Pigs." The copies bear the following caveat:
article by Allen Welsh Dulles on the Bay of
Pigs, ana background material):
Mrs. Allen W. Dulles wishes to state that
her husba.nd decided not to publish this article,
because there was so much more in his favor he
could have said, if he had been at liberty to do
so, that the material was inadequate.
Signed for Mrs. Dulles
F. Garner Ranney
Archivist to Mr. Dulles
Review of the manuscripts confirms the wisdom of withholding
There is no question, however, that many of
Mr. Dulles's criticism of both Sorensen and Schlesinger were
well taken and much deserved, if for no other reason than as
pointed out by Mr. Dulles, neither man was involved in the
operational planning or was in on many of the confidential
sessions with the President and others to which Dulles was a
party. Sorensen, by his own admission, played no part in the
Bay of Pigs activity, but this did not deter him from
becoming an "authority." Schlesinger, however, came to be
regarded as "the authority" on the Bay of Pigs with the
publication of A Thousand Days. He sUbsequently would criticize
both Dulles and Bissell for their failure to say anything to
the Taylor Committee about the assassination plots against
Castro. 159/ As noted in Volume 3 of this history, however,
activity was separate and apart frqm,the
Bay of action1 and Jake Esterline, Chief, WH/4, heicl.
no knowledge of the plot.

167 . ':.

Phillips objected to the segments of the Taylor report

in question claiming that the reports suggested that the
propaganda effort was smaller and far more restrictive
than what it truly was, and he also said that the intimation
that the propaganda activities carried on by WH/4 were
uncoordinated with other agencies of the US Government was



While the conversation with Mr. Phillips appears to

have been a one-on-one meeting between Phillips and General
Taylor, the questions asked of Colonel Hawkins make clear
that General Taylor, Robert Kennedy, and possibly Admiral Burke
participated in the conversation.

In addition, Colonel King,

Chief of WH Division, also was present because he is identified

as making at least one specific comment in the course of the

No date is given for the session with Colonel

Hawkins, but it is believed likely that it followed the third

meeting of the Taylor Committee on 25 April.*
Beginning with the first question, more than half of
Hawkins's testimony focused on the question of whether the
guerrilla option was a realistic possibility for the Brigade,

Col. Hawkins was a participant in the first three meetings of

the CSG, but this "conversation" refers to a comment that
Hawkins made "before lunch," thus eliminating this specific
conversation as a part of the first meeting of the Taylor
Committee because that meeting did not convene until the
afternoon of 22 April 1961. The second session of the Taylor
Commi ttee ran from 10.20. - 1700 hours on 24 April and had both
a morning and an afternoon session. Considering the length of
the meeting it seems unlikely that the "conversation" with
Hawkins took place then. The third meeting of the Committee
on 25 April is recorded only as a morning session, but it
was at this meeting that Col. Hawkins read his Memorandum
for the Record of 24 April 1961 on "Factors Which Hampered
Preparations for and Conduct of Effective Paramilitary
Operations, Cuba." The questions and discussions noted
in the conversation appear to relate directly to Hawkins's
memorandum, and for this reason it is assumed that the
conversation took place on the afternoon of 25 April 1961.


particularly after the plan shifted from Trinidad to Zapata.

Col. Hawkins went through the drill beginning with the
exercise when all recruits were to be

trained for small team

guerrilla type operations and ending with the training for

conventional infantry type tactics necessitated by changing
conditions inside Cuba.

Hawkins also pointed out that re-

cruiting had slowed down seriously in mid-November of 1960

as a result of the political games which the FRO leaders
were playing.

He noted that each one of the leaders of

the FRO was trying to insure that his own particular

supporters would be the ones recruited and sent into the
training camps.
Another factor militating against guerrilla training
for all of the recruits was related to the long drawn out
negotiations with the Department of Defense over the
acquisition of 38 Special Forces trainers who would be
responsible tor teaching infantry tactics to the enlarged

These trainers did not arrive on the scene until

January 19.61, and they had to devote their full time and
effort to teaching basic infantry tactics and the use and
- employment of the weapons which now were to be used by the



After setting the stage regarding the training program

and the difficulties attendant thereto, Hawkins commented
that in terms of the opportunities for going guerrilla:
"We of the military staff realized that the Zapata swamp
was isolated from the rest of Cuba, and if the force was
unable to break out, they would not be able to take really
effective guerrilla action."

There then ensued an

acrimonious discussion similar to what has already been

reported with reference to the testimony of other witnesses
who suggested that the Agency planners never had any expectation that an organized movement into guerrilla status
could be effected out of the Zapata area.
Apparently Robert Kennedy was the one who jumped
Hawkins immediately on this particular point stating:
"The President and the Secretary of State would say they
were amazed that these men were captured because they
Ithe President and Mr. Rusk] felt they could get away by
going guerrilla."

Hawkins refused to back down,

. however, saying that he was sure "that on more than one

occasion" Mr. Bissell had specified to both the President
and to the Cabinet members that the Trinidad plan offered
- the opportunity for effecting a guerrilla movement whereas

Zapata did not.

"This was made absolutely clear on a

number of occasions," according to Hawkins; but the

response to that, again probably from Robert Kennedy, was
"I am sure of that, but he never said that they couldn't
go guerrilla in Zapata, or even suggested that there was
a minimal possibility as we are now inclined to believe."
When Hawkins stuck to his guns saying that the only
thing that he ever heard Bissell say was that Trinidad
offered the. guerrilla option, his antagonist insisted
that Bissell had made the same claims for Zapata; but
again Hawkins denied that he had ever heard Bissell make
such a statement.

At this point Mr. Kennedy stated:

"Mr. Bissell came. to my office and that was the statement that he made to me, and he made it quite clear to
the President.

I think he recognizes this now."


again refused to bUdge, saying that even though he recognized


great concern about the possibility of

getting the troops out of the Zapata area if necessary,

the only point that the Agency planners had made was that,
if necessary, a great many of the troops could be evacuated
from Zapata by the shipping which had brought them in-presupposing control of the air.
But Hawkins was again badgered with the question, "I
believe you confirmed what)

Fold us, that the troops

were indeed briefed that if the beachhead was penetrated


they would fall back on the beach for sea evacuation and
if that didn't work, then they should go guerrilla?"


disagreed with that statement saying that he knew what he had

told I

Ito brief the troops on, but, not being

present for the briefing, did not know what exactly

was said.

Hawkins said his instructions


if Blue Beach was collapsing the troops should retreat north

towards Red Beach which did provide the best access for escape
and evasion and tor guerrilla action.

If the Red Beach area

collapsed first, the troops were to move to join up with the

forces at Blue Beach.

Hawkins refused to make any comment

about having

tell the troops to go into

guerrilla status.
The questioning of Col. Hawkins then focused on air
operations, particularly on the question of whether the T-33s
per se were planned as targets for the air strikes.

Once again,

however, there were sins of commission on the part of both

witness and interrogators.

Hawkins pointed out that the T-33s

as such not singled out as targets, but were included in

the inventory ot all Castro aircraft which were scheduled for
destruction by air strikes.

Unfortunately, however, he suggested

that "the T-birdswere more effective than we anticipated.

don't believe we thought they would be as dangerous to us as
the B-26s."

This opinion was contrary to the estimates the

Agency's air operations personnel.


Similarly the comment made by one of the members of the

committee that:

"You {Hawkins] mentioned before lunch that

you knew the T-33s were armed with .50 caliber machine guns;
however, in the Air Annex of the field order they were listed
as trainers.

Would you say that the importance of getting

these T-33s was appreciated?"

The inference that because the

T-33 had been listed as a trainer meant that it was unarmed

was naive beyond belief.

Air operations personnel had verified

from Department of Defense records that the T-33 trainers the

US sold to Cuba carried two .50 caliber guns, and there was
no question in the pilots' minds that B-26s would be at the
mercy of both T-33s and Sea Furies.
In response to the question of why no US fighters had
been acquired by the brigade in order to combat the T-33s,
Hawkins pointed out that the restriction on the use of


bases precluded the use of T-33s from the USAF inventory.

Because of their limited range, the planes would have had to
operate from US bases--thus blowing the plausible deniability

Despite contrary opinion from at least one unidentified

member of the Taylor Committee, Hawkins insisted that considering

Castro's limited inventory of combat aircraft, it would have
-been possible to eliminate 100 percent of that capability.
Strangely, however, Hawkins made no specific reference to the
fact that cancellation of the D-Day strike eliminated this


During both his "conversation" and in his other testimony

Hawkins did not hesitate to let it be known when he disagreed
with the committee, particularly with Robert Kennedy.


examined in the complete context of the exchanges that took

place between Colonel Hawkins and the various members of the
Taylor Committee it would appear reasonable speculation
that his testimony had a negative impact on his career progress
in the military--and it seems unlikely that Hawkins would have
been unaware of this.
The review of Hawkins's conversation concludes the discussion
of what has been identified as Part II of the Taylor Committee

The treatment of the evidence presented by the witnesses

on such critical items as the switch from Trinidad to Zapata,

the role of the JCS, the evaluation of the anti-Castro forces,
the D-2 strike, cancellation of the D-Day strike, and ultimate
responsibility for the failure at Playa Giron will be discussed
in the next chaper.


The Taylor Committee Report

The Preliminary Report

As requested in his 22 April 19.61 letter to General Taylor,

the President was given a briefing by the General on the preliminary findings of the Committee on 16 May 1961.


meeting is important to an appreciation of the final report

of the Taylor Committee for a number of reasons:

The close correspondence between the findings

of this meeting and the final report of the CSG

indicates that for all practical purposes the
conclusions regarding the operation were firmly
established by the CSG within a period of roughly
three weeks from the time of their first meeting,
despite the fact that it would be another month
before a final report was forwarded to President

Although the findings specified in the

16 May

meeting with the President were

reached prior to the appearances of Admiral Burke,

General Lemnitzer, Mr. Dulles, or Jake Esterline
as witnesses before the Taylor Committee, there



is no evidence that their subsequent testimony

" had any detec"table impact on the final report
of the CS"G--particularly regarding the strong
views of Burke, Dulles, and Esterline that the
political restrictions on the Brigade's air
operations made the difference between victory
and defeat.

For all practical purposes the preliminary

findings on the causes for the failure of the

operation and the preliminary conclusions reached
by the CSG would be incorporated almost en toto
in the final report.

These portions of the

final report were based on an 11 May 1961 "Study

of the Anti-.Castro Invasion (Zapata)," presumably
prepared by, or at the direction of, the
Committee. *

A draft memorandum on the 16 May 1961 meeting

of the Taylor Committee with the Prepident provides

one of the few records of President Kennedy's
personal thoughts about the Bay of Pigs operation.
Because it was one of the two principal sessions
between the President and the Committee it is cited
in full:

See Appendix 0 fo;r a copy of the 11 May 1961 "Study."


The Cuba In] study Group met at luncheon

with the President to give orally an
interim report on their conclusions to date.
In the course of the conversation, the
following points were developed:
There was no formal governmental review after
March, 1960 of the necessity for a paramilitary
operation to replace the Castro government.
Although the President had many doubts with regard to such an operation, the pressure for an
affirmative decision arising from the need to
use the. Cuban Brigade quickly or disband it was
a strong factor in causing an affirmative decision.
In the President's mind there was reasonable hope
for a popular uprising following a successful
landing as well as the possibility of setting up
a free Cuban government in the beachhead after
it had been firmly secured.
The President was always reassured by the
assumption that the Cuban Brigade in an emergency
could pass to a guerrilla status. There was a
breakdown in communication someplace between
the training base in Guatemala and the senior
officials in Washington which occassioned the
misunderstanding of the feasibility of exercising
the guerrilla option.
It was clear to the President that the Trinidad
plan had military advantages over Zapata. However,
the choice of the latter overcame many of the
political objections raised against Trinidad.
With regard to the cancellation of the D-Day
strikes, the President is inclined to think
that a special NSC meeting should have been
called to deal with this important matter.
However, the. CIA officials in charge of the
operation did not speak to him directly with
regard to the critical nature of the cancellation.
The President was aware of the serious shortage
of ammunition in the beachhead at the end of 0+1.
However, he was never approached for authority to
extend the Navy air cover over the ammunition convoy
in its movement to Blue Beach.


In connection with Paragraph 14 of the

Committee's paper "Study of the AntiCastro Invasion Zapata" dated 11 May 1961,
the chart and paper entitled "A Mechanism
for the Planning and Coordination of Cold
War Strategy" were discussed. The President
encouraged the group to develop this organizational concept in greater detail for
inclusion in their final report,. The latter
is to be oral, supported by written memorandum.
It was agreed that this final report and the
supporting memorandum would not get beyond the
President, but the possibility was left open of
some sanitized document to s,et right the past
misstatement of the press.
There was some discussion of the pesirability
of changing the name of CIA in order to reduce
its visability. Mr. Dulles undertook to study
the matter and see if he could make a recommendation. 1/*

The Final Report


Letter of Transmittal
On 13 June 1961, General Taylor forwarded

the final report of the Cuban Study Group to

President Kennedy.

Taylor's letter of transmittal

referred to the oral briefing given to the President

on 16 May 1961, identified the four memoranda which
made up the final report, and indicated that the
committee was prepared to give the President the
oral briefing he had requested on the final report.

Even though he was not listed as one of those in attendance at

the 16 May 19,61 meeting with the President--the memorandum
listed only the four members of the CSG--the writer presumes
it may have been written by J.C. King, Chief, WElD and
frequently a fifth presence at the meetings of the CSG.


The letter also stated:

In your letter of April 22 [1961J, you
invited me to submit an individual report
subject to the review and comment of my
associates. As we have found no difficulty
in reaching a unanimous view on all essential
points under consideration, we are submitting
this view as a jointly agreed study. 2/*
As will be noted, the above statement ignored that the most
controversial question about the Bay of Pigs operation--how close
the landing came to success--drew the only formal dissent recorded
by the

Both Admiral Burke and DCI Dulles objected to

the position taken by General Taylor and Attorney General Kennedy

that the project never could have succeeded.

The Four Memoranda


Memorandum No. 1
"Narrative of the Anti-Castro Cuban Operation

Zapata" is a 36 page summary based on the testimony taken from

more that 60 witnesses in a little over five weeks.

There also

were 32 Annexe"s which were specifically cited in support of

Memorandum No.1.

These annexes represented a selection from

among the many hundreds of pages of background information and

documents which had been requested from CIA, DOD, and State by the
committee during the course of the individual meetings and
_conversations with witnesses.
In the introduction to "Narrative of the Anti-Castro Operation
Zapata," the committee outlined President Eisenhower's

For a complete copy of Taylor's 13 June 1961 memorandum see

Appendix E.


17 March 1960 anti-Castro plan and indicated that its focus

would be on the paramilitary portion of the plan to overthrow
Castro's government.

To that end, it pointed out how, during

the Eisenhower administration, the 5412 Committee--commonly

referred to as the Special Group--assumed the basic responsibility for details concerning the anti-Castro planning activity.*
It also noted the'establishment within CIA's Western Hemisphere
Division of the WH/4 Task Force headed by Jacob D. Esterline
and the line of command that ran from Esterline directly to
Bissell, the Deputy Director for Plans, to General Charles P.
Cabell, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, and finally
to Allen Dulles, the Director of Central Intelligence.


reference to Mr. Dulles, the committee report stated "while

acceptin,g full responsibility for the operation, {Dulles] generally
did not inject himself into military operational matters."

Although the reference to Dulles is borne out by the

record, one important factor which was ignored by the committee,
not only at this point, but also during the course of Dulles's
appearance as a witness before the committee, was that Dulles
did play a principal role in many of the high level briefings on

- * The

Special Group consisted of the Deputy Under Secretary of

State, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Director of Central
Intelligence, and the Special Assistant for National Security
Affairs. It was referred to as the 5412 Committee because it
was authorized under NSC 5412/2.


the paramilitary plan.

Both Jake Esterline and Jack Hawkins

emphasized that it was unfortunate that Dulles and other senior

Agency officials did not defer more frequently to those who
were closer and more knowledgeable about military plans when
such briefings and meetings were called.

Insofar as Esterline

was concerned, rank in these instances had too many privileges.

Memorandum No. 1 noted that between March and early
November 1960, the original concept of the paramilitary plan
was to prepare a number of guerrilla units to infiltrate and
promote dissidence among the Cubans; but by the fall of 1960,
improvements in Castro's security forces indicated that it would
require an amphibious operation with air support to oust Castro.
It also was reported that President Kennedy had been first
informed about plans for an anti-Castro effort following his
election in

1960, but that it was only after he

was sworn in that details of the plan were revealed to the

administration. On 22 January 1961, a briefing
including Secretaries Rusk, McNamara, Robert Kennedy and
Chairman of the JCS, General Lemnitzer, among others, spelled
out in detail plans for pre-D-Day, D-Day, and post-D-Day air
strikes which were to be an integral part of the CIA plan for
the invasion of Cuba.

A brigade of 750-800 men would lead



the invasion and establish a beachhead from which a provisional

government might be established.*
Memorandum No. 1 also noted the developing interest on
the part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the anti-Castro plan:
JCSM-44-6l in which they [the JCS]
recommended the institution of an interdepartmental group to consider
various courses of action in ascending
degree of US involvement, which, after
approval by the President, would become
an over-all plan Ito oust Fidel Castro]
to be supported by subordinate plans
prepared by the agencies concerned.
This recommendation reached the Secretary
of Defense, but appears to have been lost
in the activities arising out of the
change in the administration. 5/
What the JCS had in mind had been carefully explained by
General David Gray of the Joint Staff to C. Tracy Barnes,
Mr. Bissell's principal deputy, shortly before the pUblication
of JCSM-44-61.

Rather than the Agency going it alone, Gray

pointed out that the operation should be regarded as a series

of increasingly strong actions and a commitment on the part of
the US to insure Castro's removal.

Included in such actions

* There is some indication that as plans for briefing Presidentelect Kennedy were being made consideration had been given
to establishing a joint CIA/DOD force of 1,500-3,000 Cubans
to undertake the invasion. Unfortunately the three Agency
principals thought most likely to be knOWledgeable of this
plan--DDP Bissell, project chief Esterline, and project
operations officer Drain--were unable to recall the plan.


would have been support for an internal uprising; possibly a

small invasion force to help promulgate such an uprising; and
then the use of trained guerrilla forces and/or a voluntary
army in conjunction with the US effort.

At the time of

the discussion with Tracy Barnes, General Gray indicated

that having begun the training of the volunteer army:
The planning now needed should carry us
from our ICIA) plans ends [sic] through
the various phases in the scale, including
the final step of overt US military action.
He [Gray] stated that a paper [JCSM-44-61,
27 January 19.61) is being prepared by Defense
to explain this planning cycle . As of the
present, he believes that probably the most
likely action would be the use of our [CIA]
element followed by substantially overt US
support, presumably after the recognition
of some provisional government. He said
that his worry is that a decision might be
made'to land the FRO force without having
first decided upon and prepared the supporting
US effort. His position was that it would be
too late to try to do this after the FRO force
was on its way. I told him that all of us
agreed thoroughly with him and we were all
equally anxious to obtain firm plans and
decisions that would permit the use of such
force as the situation may require. 6/
On 28 January 1961, DCI Dulles gave a briefing on the
Agency's anti-Castro plan to President Kennedy and various
senior members of his administration including, among others,
-the Vice President, Secretaries Rusk and McNamara, the
Chairman of the JCS, McGeorge Bundy, the Assistant Secretary
of State for Latin America (Thomas Mann), the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs


(Paul Nitze), and Tracy Barnes.

The President approved the

continuation of CIA's "current activities" despite warnings

from the State re-presentatives regarding the "grave political
dangers" to US relations with other members of the Organization
of American States.

The DOD was authorized to review the

paramilitary plan with CIA and "the results of this analysis

will be promptly reported to the President." This reference
to CIA-DOD cooperation probably was the result of the meeting
between General Gray and Tracy Barnes on 18 January with
reference to DOD's work on JCSM-44-6l.

It is most difficult

to understand why the Taylor Committee cavalierly ignored

Secretary McNamara's failure to have responded to JCSM-4461.

In retrospect it appears that the presidential interest

in DOD-CIA cooperation provided a most opportune time for

DOD to have pushed hard for a joint operation on the order
of the proposals in JCSM-44-6l; but this never happened.
Moreover, the State Department's reluctance to risk the
harsh words and bitter recriminations that might originate
from Latin America could have been brought into better
Memorandum No. 1 noted that in response to the President's
request during the meeting of 28 January, the Joint Chiefs

Writer's emphasis. The Taylor Committee's reference to this

briefing states that the results of the DOD review of the
CIA plan "were to be promptly reported to the CIA."
Inasmuch as it was to be a joint DOD-CIA review, the version in
the text above would appear to be correct.

of Staff evaluation of the Agency's paramilitary plan (JCSM57-61, "Military Evaluation of the CIA Paramilitary PlanCuba," 3 February 1961) had been submitted to the Secretary
of Defense.

The Taylor' Committee indicated that the conclusions

of this JCSM generally supported CIA's Trinidad plan; and

even though noting some shortcomings the JCSM stated:
"This plan has a fair chance of ultimate success and, even
if it does not achieve immediately the full results desired,
could contribute to the eventual overthrow of the Castro
regime." The CSG's comments on JCSM-57-6l made no
reference to any of the points which had been covered
previously in JCSM-44-6l, nor had any of the witnesses from
DOD been questioned on the proposals of the earlier JCSM which
had outlined both the need for the military to playa major role
in the Agency's anti-Castro effort and the probability that
overt military action by the US might be required to support
the invasion.
Considering the importance. which the CSG hearings had
attached to both the choice of Zapata over

and to air

Memorandum No, 1 of the Taylor Committee largely

ignored JCSM-5.7-6I t s treattt:lent of both subjects. *

;rt also

Of the invasion sites, the Joint Chiefs evaluation of the CIA

paramilitary plan reported that: "Based on an independent
analysis by the Joint Staff, the beachhead area lTrinidad] is
considered to be the best area in Cuba for accomplishment of
the Task Force Mission. 10/


would seem to have been appropriate--considering the committee's

responsibility to inform the President about the reasons for
the failure of the operation--to have indicated the dramatic
revision between the CIA air plan which was evaluated in
JCSM-57-6l and the air operations which were authorized from
D-2 until the end of the action.
As evaluated by the JCS in February 1961, the air plan
called for a D-l air strike by 14 B-26s against the six airfields containing all of Castro's potential combat aircraft,
against three microwave communication centers, naval units,
and interdiction targets.

Reattack by the same number of

aircraft was planned for the afternoon of D-l, the morning

of D-Day, and the afternoon of D-Day.

Each aircraft headed

for the airfield targets was to carry 2-750 lb. napalm bombs,
16-220 lb. fragmentation bombs, and 2,400 rounds of .50
caliber machine gun ammunition for the a-gun nose.


was the maximum air effort of the original plan and, in

addition, one of the aircraft intended for the strike against
each of the six airfields would have an American pilot.
Neither the Taylor Committee members nor Agency personnel who
testified before the committee contrasted the impact of the
cutback in the air plan on the outcome of the operation--particularly the restrictions on the number of planes, the
use of napalm, and the targets that were imposed from D-2
through D-Day.

If the operation was judged to have only a


"fair" chance with full-scale air operations, it should have been

obvious that anything less would lead (as it did) to defeat.
Memorandum No. 1 of the Taylor Committee also stated
that the representative of the Joint Staff who visited the
infantry and air training facilities in Guatemala reported
that both the ground and air units were well trained and
that the expectation of initial success was good.


memorandum did emphasize, as had the report of the JCS

evaluators, that failure to gain control of the air over
Cuba would seriously jeopardize the whole operation and
that survival of a single Castro combat aircraft armed
with .50 caliber machine guns could sink all or most of
the invasion vessels.

As discussed earlier the probability

of such sinkings was regarded as inconsequential by

Secretary of State Dean Rusk and the President when they
cancelled the D-Day air strike.
Memorandum No. 1 then reviewed the discussions which
took place following CIA's 11 March 19.61 presentation of the
Trinidad plan and the President's request for a quieter, more
deniable type ot operation which resulted in the evolution of
the Zapata plan.

During the Taylor Committee hearings, the

Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that they had informed the

Secretary of Defense that none of the alternative plans, including Zapata, was "as feasible and likely to have accomplished
the objective as the basic [Trinidad] paramilitary plan."
Memorandum No. 1 reported that:

This preference for the Trinidad operation

seems to have been overlooked in the
subsequent consideration of the plan by
some of the senior civilian officials
including the Secretary of Defense to
whom the views of the Chiefs were
addressed. 13
As had been the case during the committee hearings nothing
more was said about the breakdown of communications between
the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


stating that the JCS preference for Trinidad "seems" to have

been overlooked, the committee ignored, an act of carelessness,
if not irresponsibility, which had a significant impact on
the plan to overthrow Castro.

With regard to the "extent"

of the JCS approval of the Zapata plan, the


the CSG's memorandum was that because they subsequently

participated actively in the discussions of the Zapata plan
the Joint Chiefs were satisfied with it.

That JCS approval

was based on the assumption that there would be a major air

strike on D-Day was ignored.
In its record of the evolution of the Bay of Pigs
operation, the Taylor Committee also stated that because
of the extended discussions of planned air operations-particularly the Department of State's resistance to the
"noisy" tactical air strikes that had been specified for
the Trinidad

and which it was expected, at least by

the Agency, also would be incorporated into the Zapata


plan--"a compromise was reached with regard to the air plan.

Early in April, it was decided to stage limited air strikes
on D-2 at the time of the diversionary landing of 160 men
to be made in eastern Cuba. II
The suggestion that the
D-2 air strike was evolved as a compromise in response to
State's objection is a novel thesis, unsupported by the

The question of softening, pre-D-Day air strikes

had been under consideration as early as 8 December 1960,

and was the sUbject of continuing interest from that date.
Moreover, there was never any implication that the D-2
effort was intended to reduce the level of the D-Day attack.
Taylor Committee Memorandum No.1, however, emphasised
that the political advantages were the basic reason for the
D-2 deception/defection operation; and reported:

"Mr. Bissell

of CIA also later stated at a meeting on April 6 that CIA

would prefer to conduct an all-out air strike on the morning
of D-Day rather than perform the D-2 defection strikes followed
by limited strikes on D-Day."
Bissell, of course, was
never given the D-Day choice; and, in fact, Bissell--with
Colonel Hawkins and Tracy Barnes--was one of the originators
of the D-2 air strike for added insurance to guarantee the
_grounding of Castro\s combat aircraft.*
* If Bissell were presented with this choice, his response
was most logical. This is the only reference the writer has
seen which suggests that the D-2 strike was intended to reduce
the level of the planned D-Day strikes.



The committee's narrative of the operation then ran

through the various planning meetings, including the several
delays prior to the 12 April meeting with the President which
outlined the latest version of the invasion plan.
other items discussed at that meeting were:


the D-2 air

strike, the diversionary landing plan for Oriente Province

on the night of D-2, the D-Day landing, and the subsequent
air strikes on D-Day once the landing strip had been secured
at Playa Giron so that the B-26s could touch down on Cuban
President Kennedy continued to withhold final approval
of the plan until the White House received a copy of the
cable that Col. Jack Hawkins sent to Headquarters from
Puerto Cabe.zas on 13 April 1961 expressing his full confidence in the readiness of both the anti-Castro infantry
and Air Force.

The President then gave the go-ahead for

the D-2 diversionary operation by Nino Diaz's guerrilla

group and for the D-2 air strike.

It was not until about

noon on 16 April (P-l} that Kennedy finally authorized the

landing by the Brigade.

In reporting on this progression,

the Taylor Committee accepted that the senior officials responsible fo1;' approving the operation assumed that the guerrilla
option was, at worst, available.

None of the contrary opinions


which had been expressed during the course of the hearings,

particularly by military witnesses, were indicated.
The memorandum then related the story of the conversations
involving Secretary of State Rusk, Mr. Bundy, Mr. Bissell,
General Cabell, and the President of the United States on
the evening of 0-1 (16 April 196J) when the President
cancelled the D-Day air strikes.

As with the records of

the testimony of witness when the subject was discussed,

the final report of the committee failed to indicate any
concern about the rationale for this Presidential decision.
The premise of deniability of US involvement if the B-26s
could be said to be taking off from Cuban soil already had
been blown with the 0-2 attacks on Castro's airfields.


knowledge that the attacking B-26s were not part of Castro's

Fuerza Aerea Reyolucionaria was not limited to the Cubans,.
but it had already been picked up by the media.
real issue was that without the planned D-Day air strike,
the defeat of the invasion was inevitable.
In describing the action over the beach on D-Day-where Castro's Sea Furies and T-33s had clearly established
a no-win position for the brigade

superior US aircraft

were introduced for their support--the Taylor Committee report

made the following interesting comment:

"Impressed by the ease

with which the T-33 aircraft could destroy the obsolete B-26
type aircraft, the CIA leaders decided to attempt, by a bombing


attack, to destroy the remaining Castro aircraft at night [on

D-Day and 0+1] on the ground." -The suggestion that it took
the shooting gallery

Playa Giron on D-Day to impress the CIA

leadership with the necessity of eliminating the T-33s was absurd.

Gar Teegen, Chief, Air Operations at Puerto Cabezas had
requested authorization for a restrike on the airfields during
the late afternoon of D-l; but Teegen request already had
been received and rejected by Washington prior to the time
that Kennedy made his arbitrary decision to cancel the D-Day
strikes. *
Memorandum No. 1 of the Taylor Committee Report then
related the story of the action at Red and Blue beaches during
the course of D-Day, D+l, and D+2.

The thrust of the story was

that the heaviest casualties inflicted on the Castro forces

resulted from B-26 attacks on D-Day and 0+1, and specific
reference was made to the air action on the afternoon of D+l
which was led by Ar.:\erican contract pilots.

In reporting on the

extent of the casulties caused by the B-26 attacks, the committee

accepted the grossly exaggerated figures that had been presented
during the initial CSG meeting.**

The reader might recall that the original air plan called for
all out air strike on both the morning and afternoon of
and D-Day and subsequently as required.
President Kennedy initially cancelled all D-Day
air strikes, he and Rusk finally agreed to permit the B-26s
to fly ground support actions in the immediate area of Red and
Blue Beaches on D-Day. Attack against any of the targets
originally scheduled for D-Day was specifically prohibited.


The committee's memorandum also discussed the question of

the ammunition supply and the requests which started on D-Day
for resupply of ammunition for the beachhead, noting that the
decision to cancel the'plan to run supplies to the beach
using the LCls and LCUs was CIA's unilateral decision.
Although no specific criticism was made of the Agency for
failure to push the resupply effort by the ships, the implied
criticism was apparent.
With reference to the air action on 0+2 the Taylor
Committee accepted the US Navy's version of the combat air
patrol which had been authorized from 0630 - 0730R on the
morning of 0+2, putting the full blame for the loss of the
American pilots on the Agency because of the early arrival
of the B-26s.

As mentioned earlier in this chapter and as

spelled out in detail in the first volume of this history,

this judgment left unanswered many critical questions regarding
the performance of the US Navy.

Even in the more detailed

section which the committee devoted to the role of the US

Navy during the course of the Bay of Pigs Operation, the failure
of the. combat air patrol was again passed over.
The portion of Memorandum No. 1 devoted to "The Exercise
-of Control in Washington" provides a glaring example of the
attempt to protect President Kennedy's reputation.

The report

explained the establishment of the CIA command post in Quarters

Eye, the around the. clock presence of senior project personnel--


Jake Esterline, Colonel Hawkins, Colonel Germosen, and

Captain Scapa--and the easy access that these operational
personnel had to Mr. Bissell and DDCI Cabell should they
need policy guidance.

It then was noted that there was

formal, continuous, and effective liaison maintained between

CIA and DOD--including contact with'CINCLANT--and that within
the Department of Defense the Joint Staff effectively provided
information to both the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman
-of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The other members of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff maintained liaison officers with General Gray

of the Joint Staff and so they too were informed.

The memorandum

then stated:
The technical performance of the CIA
communications net was reported to
have been excellent. There was an
impressive volume of traffic transmitted
over it. Nevertheless, the President,
the Secretary of State, and others had
insufficient knowledge of the situation
to react in time and to make the needed
decisions. This inadequacy resulted from
many factors: the loss of important signal
equipment in the sinking of the Rio
Escondido, the wetting of the portable
radios carried ashore and the resulting
failure of radio communications within
the Brigade net ashore, the lack of
information on the part of the Brigade
commander himself, and, most importantly,
the absence of an experienced American
officer or Headquarters in the combat
area with the responsibility to summarize
and present the changing situation to the
authorities in Washington.
As a result of these factors, the President
and hi$ advisors were generally in the
dark, about important matters as to the
situation ashore and were uninformed of the
flight of the cargo ships. To clarify the


situation, the US Navy was directed to

fly a reconnaissance mission over the
beach on the afternoon of 0+1, reporting
about 1900 that there was no evidence of
fighting at Blue beach where the beachhead apparently had a depth of about 10
miles. This was the last indication of
the situation ashore which the President
received until the following morning
when he received the message that the
beachhead had collapsed and that men
were fighting in the water." 18/
This portion of the Taylor Conunittee report raises more
interesting questions.

It is stated that the President, the

Secretary of State, and "others" had insufficient knowledge

of the situation to react; and at another point it says the
President and his advisers were generally in the dark about
important matters concerning the situation ashore.


would seem to be a contradiction between these statements and

the previous conunents in Memorandum No. 1 which indicated
that there was extremely close liaison between the Central
Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense.


as one of the President's principal advisers was Secretary of

Defense McNamara, it is difficult to understand how the
President could have. been uniformed.

Similarly, on at least

one occasion during the course of the Taylor Conunittee hearings,

-Robert Kennedy specified that during the invasion Mr. Bissell

was in constant contact with the President.


That either the

President or the Secretary of State. could have been in

ignorance of the course of events at Playa Giron is difficult
to believe, let alone explain.

Perhaps the Taylor aommittee

itself failed to raise the proper question with reference

to the Navy recon over the beach on D+l when there was no
evidence of fighting in the Playa Giron area or, perhaps,
the President upon being informed that there was no evidence
of fighting should have asked what the hell was going on.
Finally with refererence to Memorandum No. 1 of the
Taylor Committee, mention must be made of the response to
the speculation of how near the landing ever came to success.
The comment was:
Had the ammunition shortage been surmounted,
which is to say, had the Castro air been
neutralized, would the landing force have
accomplished its mission? Considering their
lack of experience, the Cubans ashore fought
well and inflicted considerable losses on the
Castro mil.itia while they had ammunition. Contrary to the view held prior to the landing
that with control of the air the CEF could
have. maintained themselves for sometime, with
the rapid appearance of the vastly superior
Castro forces on the scene, the ultimate of such a small landing force became
very unlikely. The limited number of B-26
crews, if forced to continue to operate from
Nicaragua, would have been strained to provide
continuous daylight air support to the beachhead. An attempt by the landing force to
exercise the guerrilla option and take to the
hills would have been virtually impossible
because of the presence of the encircling
Castro forces and of the instructions which the
invasion units had received to fall back on the
beaches in case of a penetration of the beachhead.


Under the conditions which. developed we are

inclined to believe that the beachhead could
not have survived for long without substantial
help from the Cuban population or without overt
US assistance. Although under these conditions
the guerrilla alternative did not exist, with
control of the air the CEF might have been able
to withdraw wholly or in part by the sea. !21
It was this portion of Memorandum No. 1 which moved
committee members Burke and Dulles to take the only exception
recorded in the CSG report:
Admiral Burke and Mr. Dulles consider that
there is insufficient evidence to support
the conjectures in this paragraph. The
well motivated, aggressive CEF fought
extremely well without air cover and with
a shortage of ammunition. They inflicted
very severe losses on the less well trained
Cuban militia. Consequently, it is reasonable
to believe that if the CEF had ammunition and
air cover, they could have held the beachhead
for a much longer time, destroyed much of the
enemy artillery and tanks on the roads before
they reached the beachhead, prevented observation
of the fire of artillery that might have been
placed in position, and destroyed many more of
the local militia en route to the area. A local
success by the landing party, coupled with CEF
aircraft overflying Cuba with visible control
of the air, could well have caused a chain
reaction, of success throughout Cuba with resultant 'defection of some of the militia,
increasing support from the populace, and
eventual success of the operation. 20/
Even here, however, not enough stress was placed on the
fact that restrictions on the use of Brigade aircraft guaranteed
the operation's failure.

Each of the above responses indicated

acceptance of the testimony from the first and second meetings


of the committee regarding the effectiveness of the performance

of the Brigade in opposition to the Castro militia.

The tales

told by the escapees from the beachhead who appeared before

the Taylor Committee hinted, however, that perhaps there were
more lovers than fighters among those who went ashore.


roughly 72 hours of contact with the enemy, the Brigade

suffered fewer than lnO killed in action; and Castro's forces.
suffered fewer than lSO killed in action.

If the ammunition

expenditure was as great as estimated and if there were more

heroes than cowards in the Brigade, it strains credibility
to accept that the losses would have been so limited in view
of the numerous reports of close contact--practically hand-tohand combat in

instances--that ranged from Playa Larga

down to Playa Giron.

The presumptions by Taylor and Kennedy that if the B-26s

were forced to continue to operate from Nicaragua they would
have been unable to provide continuous air support to the
beachhead and that even if the Brigade air arm had controlled
the air it would not have affected the outcome ignored
completely that the plan supported by the President and Rusk
required that the Brigade aircraft would operate off the strip
at Playa Giron as well as from Nicaragua.

Consequently the

B-26s could have provided not only continuous daylight support,

but might possibly have supported some night operations, thus
limiting the. effective forces that Castro could move into action.

20 0


Memorandum No. 2
"Immediate Causes of Failure of the Operation

Zapata" is a four page, eleven paragraph segment which repeats

almost in toto the causes of failure which

given in the

11 May 1961 "Study of the Anti-Castro Invasion (Zapata)" and

which was the basis for the 16 May "preliminary" briefing of
President Kennedy on the findings of the Taylor Committee.
The memorandum began by listing the "proximate" cause for the
failure of the invasion as the shortage of ammunition which
developed from D-Day forward.

The reasons the CSG presented

to explain this shortage were the lack of ammunition discipline,

the loss of the Rio Escondido and the Houston which carried
reserve supplies of ammunition and other Dlaterie1, and the
flight of the Brigade vessels to the open sea in order to
escape the attacks of Castro's aircraft.
Al L110ugh excusable because relatively few Cubans from
the invading force were available for interrogation and debriefing at the time that the Taylor Committee report was
written, none of the "popular" volumes which have been written
on the Bay of Pigs subsequent to the release of the prisoners
in 1962 have challenged the "proximate" cause of the failure as
anything other than the ammunition shortage.

As suggested in a

preceding paragraph, cowardice on the part of the invading

Brigade--especially as it became apparent that Castro retained
control of the air--may have been more directly responsible for
the surrender than any lack of ammunition.
Examination of the testimony presented during the course
of the trial of the Brigade prisoners consistently indicated
that their performance was less than admirable.

Consider the

following examples:
1. We entered playa Giron practically without
firing a shot and found loaded artillery, artillery
that had been loaded some time before, tanks in
position, machine guns, rocket launchers, and huge
amounts of rockets and munitions
This means that they did not fight bravely and resolutely
to the end as they could have done.
2. That cowardice was demonstrated later by the
number of prisoners who are present today--a brigade of
1,400 men, where there are 1,200 prisoners . A
brigade in which not one battalion leader has died in
combat; a brigade whose battalion and company leaders
are all here as prisoners
3. President [i.e., the presiding judge] - Do you
remember the state you found them in when they were captured?

*It is doubtful that there was a shortage of

ammunition. Within a few months of the invasion, a Cuban
publication, PIa a Giron: Derrota del 1m erialismo (Havana:
Burgay y Cia, August 1961 ran p otos 0 arms and ammunition
which were reputedly captured from the invaders. Other Cuban
publications of unidentified or later date also contain photos
ahd comments which indicate a lack of spirited resistance:
"Huge amounts of American army weapons and ammunition left
behind by the cowardly mercenaries as they fled from the
advance of the Revolutionary Forces. Had the invaders fought
more courageously, they could have held that territory for a
longer length of time." And, "When the Revolutionary forces
advanced, the invaders abandoned 57mm. and 75mm. recoiless guns,
rocket launchers, .50 caliber machine guns, 60mm., Slmm. and
4.2 inch mortars, Garand and Browning rifles, many of which
were still unpacked. 211


Witness - In a completely deplorable state.

President - Deplorable? In what way?
Witness - Deplorable for a combatant,. deplorable
behavior for men who came here with weapons in their hands.
President - Who are you referring to?
Witness - I am referring to all those who were
captured here. We dedicated the 19th [of April 1961] to
picking them up, not capturing them.
President - Did they turn themselves in?
Witness - They simply turned themselves in. You
saw them and you picked them up, that's all there was to it.
4. There were some who
themselves more or less
to their defense, but there were others who. even at the time
when only 70 or 100 members of the brigade were prisoners,
spoke on television and gave data that the revolutionary
[Castro] forces were able to use in effecting a speedier
capture of their other buddies, whom they should have
supposed were still fighting.
I was not dealing only with the prisoners who admitted
defeat and recognized their guilt, but those--like Mr. Artime-who did not at that time hestitate to accuse others, including
individuals in the counterrevolutionary underground here in
Cuba. That is not the behavior of leaders. 22/*
By the time nearly 1,200 Brigade members who had been
imprisoned were returned to the United States in December 1962,
Rll were heroes and none were cowards.

Getting reliable in-

formation about the performance of the Brigade during the three

days of the invasion proved almost impossible.

Both the

commercial publications on the Bay of Pigs that began even

before the release of the prisoners from Cuba and the most

-----*Both Manuel Artime and Jose Perez San Roman, two of the leading
figures in the anti-Castro brigade, signed confessions of
treason and blamed the U.S. for having conned them into joining
the attempt to overthrow Castro. l/

recent volume of the operation have perpetuated the myth

that all of the invaders fought furiously and heroically
until overwhelmed by Castro's militia.*
Possibly the most realistic evaluation of the performance
of the Brigade was that made by Fidel Castro about the time
that the Taylor Committee forwarded its final report to
President Kennedy.

Castro is reported to have said:

The invading forces fought very well as

long as they thought they had air cover.
After it failed, it was an easy matter to
get them to surrender. 24/
In the same context regarding the Brigade's performance,
the Cuban leader said that if the paratroops had been dropped
further inland, if they had succeeded in controlling the roadways into Playa Giron and Playa Larga as planned, and if the
battalion from the Houston had immediately joined their
comrades in the fight at Playa Larga a provisional government
probably could have been established.

Castro conceded that

"from a tactical point of view, in studying the terrain and

choosing the appropriate place, the Pentagon strategists did
very well. tl


This is not to deny that there were truly brave men

among the members of the invading force, but the percentage
of heroes among the infantry brigade was far less than among

*For example, see Peter Wyden,

(New York: Simon &Schuster, 1979). Wyden presented much of
his material as verbatim conversations that were taking place
during the course of the action.

the anti-Castro flyers.

By and large the bulk of the latter'

group had, as Gar Teegen so bluntly put it, "their asses

on the line" any time they got into a B-26,C-46, or a C-54
headed for Cuba after D-2.

There was a strong possibility

that they would be met by a FAR T-33 or Sea Fury, yet Thorsrud
said that only three fliers quit.

Included among the group

of heroes of the air operation were those US pilots, including

the four who, with ten Cubans, gave their lives in the attempt
to oust the Castro government.*
By the way of explanation of the shortage of ammunition
on the beach, Memorandum No. 2 noted the loss of the Rio
Escondido and Houston to the FAR aircraft, stating:


effectiveness of the Castro Air Force over the beach resulted

from the failure to destroy the airplanes on the ground
(particularly the T-33s whose importance was not fUlly
appreciated in advance) before or concurrently with the

Again the committee'ignored the fact that those

most directly involved in planning the CIA air operation were

aware of the T-33 threat and, that both senior CIA personnel
and the JCS representatives involved in the operation fully
understood the need for controlling the air over Cuba if the
invasion plans were to succeed.

There were no exceptions to

*The Awericans were Riley Shamburger, Leo Baker, Thomas

"Pete" Ray, and Wade Gray of the Alabama National Guard.

205 i::".

this, and contrary to the wording of the committee report

just cited, there was no opportunity provided for destroying
Castro's aircraft on the ground "concurrently with the

A few sentenceS later the committee seems to

have revised its opinion when it reported that the cancellation

of the D-Day strike "was probably the most serious [of the
restraints imposed to insure deniability] as it eliminated
the last favorable opportunity to destroy the Castro Air Force
on the ground." 26/

The committee's second memorandum offered

as an explanation for the cancellation of the D-Day strike the

on-going debate in the UN over Cuba and the Agency's failure
to push Kennedy on the military consequences of the cancellation.
It ignored the fact that ex-naval officer Kennedy was unconcerned about the loss of Brigade shipping and couldn't
understand that denial of the D-Day strike posed a
critical threat to the operation--though General Cabell
called him at


hours to request air cover from the

Memorandum No. 2 also suggested that the ammunition
shortage at the beach was not fully understood because
Headquarters could not keep up with what was happening in
the combat area.

The remedy for this, of course, would

have been to have had "a command ship in the sea area with




an advance CIA command post on board. II

What this suggestion

ignored was the presence of the US carrier task force in the

immediate area with. a CIA liaison officer aboard the flagship,
and there were never any questions raised during the course
of the conunitte.e he.arings on the failure by either CIA or DOD
to suggest that the flagship of the USN task force should have
been made the C.I.C. either before, or imMediately after, D-2.
causes of failure., was one with which no one involved in the
Bay of Pigs operation would disagree--the United States
Government was not organizationally prepared to handle a
operation on this scale.

It is correctly pointed

out that there was no single authority short of the President

could have coordinated the actions of CIA, Defense, State,
and the USIA.*
*For wha.tever reason, the committee did not follow up on the
possibility that the failure of the D-2 diversionary landing
planned for Oriente Province east of Guantanamo by Nino Diaz
had contributed to the failure at Zapata. This speculation
had been made in Memorandum No.1, but was ignored as a contributing factor here.. 27/ Considering that the committee
suggested that the diversionary landing failed "because of
weak leadership on the part of the Cuban officer," it was
unfortunate that no investigation was made regarding the
selection of Diaz.
In late January 1961, a report from the infantry training base
in Guatemala indicated that Diaz was well known to all
trainees as a blowhard agitator and troublemaker and he was
not desired as brigade trainee. A former COB claimed that
his protests to WH/4 that Diaz was a loser and incapable of
leading the diversionary landing were ignored. Howard Hunt,
whose perception of the caliber of the anti-Castro Cubans
was quite good, had nothing favorable to say about Diaz; and
his remarks irnplie.d his concern about the choice of Diaz.

""07 }.

,:.. ,


Memorandum No. 3
Of the eleven "Conclusions of the Cuban Study

Group" reported in the three page memorandum prepared by the

CSG, roughly half warrarited general
after the fact.

As with Memorandun No.2, most of the

conclusions were direct repeats of portions of the 11 May 1961

"Study of the Anti-Castro Invasion (Zapata)."

These conclusions,

therefore, were reached by the committee within 19 days from its

first meeting and were basically unchanged in the following
five weeks prior to submission of their report to the President.
Included among the conclusions were: 29/
1. By about November 1960, the
impossibility of running Zapata as a covert
operation under CIA should have been recognized and the situation reviewed. The
subsequent decision might then have been
made to limit the efforts to attain covertness
to the degree and nature of US participation,
and to assign responsibility for the amphibious
operation to the Department of Defense. In
this case, the CIA
have assisted in
concealing the participation of Defense.
Failing such a reorientation, the project
should have been abandoned.
One other element which was introduced during the course
of the committee hearings which might have been added as an
alternative to cancellation, of course, was for the U.S. to
mount an overt military effort against Castro.
2. Once the need for the operation was
established, its success should have been the
primary consideration of all agencies in the
government. Operational restrictions designed
to protect its covert character should have been

accepted only if they did not impair the chance

of success. As it was, the leaders of the operation
were obliged to fit their plan inside changing
ground rules laid down for non-military considerations,
which often had serious operational disadvantages.
On the few occassions when this subject was broached during
the hearings, it was dismissed without discussion or disputed
by the Attorney General.

DCI Dulles declined to become involved

in the dispute.
3. The leaders of the operation did not
always present their case with sufficient force
and clarity to the senior officials of the government
to allow the latter to appreciate the consequences of
some of their decisions. This remark applies in
particular to the circumstances surrounding the
cancellation of the D-Day strike.
The "leaders of the operation" against whom this particular
charge was directed were General Cabell and Mr. Bissell.

Based on

review of both the testimony at the hearings and of Memorandun

No.1, this conclusion appears to have had the purely
motive of protecting President Kennedy--and automatically
Secretary Rusk--from any direct responsibility for the failure
of the operation.

In a memorandum he wrote prior to completion

of the Taylor Committee Report (but after he had seen "a preliminary draft of the conclusions"), Bissell may have had the
above conclusion in mind.

He wrote that decisions on the military

operation had been made by qualified military professionals who


"suffered relatively few frustrations through either inability

to obtain decisions or through receiving unwelcome decisions
on matters that were within my authority and that of the DCI
to determine [and] .. and,they suffered relatively little
interference from within the Agency."

30/ Certainly the

last minute cancellation of the D-Day strike was clearly a

case where professional military judgment was negated by
political expediency.

As noted in their testimony, the JCS

were completely ignored when this decision was made.

4. The planning and conduct of the
operation would have been improved if there had
been an initial statement of governmental policy,
assigning the mission and setting the guidelines
within which it was to develop. Thereafter,
there was a need for formalized procedure for
interdepartmental coordination and follow-up
with adequate record keeping of decisions.
This was made quite apparent during the course of the
hearings held by the Cuban Study Group, and had such decision
been made early in the game, some of the difficulties which
were apparent in the relationship between the Agency and the
Department of Defense, particularly in the period shortly prior
to the change of administration on 20 January 1961, might have
been avoided--much to the benefit of the overall operation.
5. We are of the opinion that the
preparations and execution of paramilitary
operations such as the Zapata are a form of
Cold War action in which the country must be
prepared to engage ... Such operations should be
planned and executed by governmental mechanisms
capable of bringing into play, in addition to


military and covert techniques, all other

forces, political, economic, ideological,
and intelligence, which can contribute to
its success. No such mechanism presently
exists but should be created to plan, coordinate, and further a national Cold War
strategy capable of including paramilitary
Although Cold War issues fell within the general charter
President Kennedy gave to General Taylor, they were treated
only marginally.

Suggestions such as this were supported

without objection by the Director of Central Intelligence

at various points during the course of the hearings.

Among the other stated conclusions

of the Taylor Committee Report, each of the

following raised some specific questions as
to their validity or completeness:


"There was a marginal character

to the operation which increased with each

additional limitation and cast a serious
doubt over its ultimate success."

One of the

points used in support of this conclusion was

that the 36 mile beachhead at Zapata stretched
the Brigade forces too thin.

It might be re-

called that this point had been made by the JCS

in its evaluation of the Zapata plan, but in the
hearing, the committee passed over it in cavalier
fashion; and little protect was heard about the


loss of the shock value which would have attended

the initial operation as planned for Trinidad.


shock value being intended, of course, to encourage

dissident Cubans to rally round the invading forces.*

The discussion with reference to

the marginal character of the operation also

emphasized that there was a shortage of B-26
pilots "if the beach was to require cover for
a long period."

The committee again ignored

the fact that before the cancellation of the

D-Day strike the Zapata plan specifically called
for operational use of the Playa Giron airstrip
by some of the anti-Castro B-26s.

Moreover, it

was not expected that there would be any opposition

from FAR.

It also was the committee's opinion

that the effect of demobilizing (rather than

using) the Cuban Brigade would have posed a
political problem which had both national and
international ramifications--international1y
in terms of loss of face among the anti-Castro
Latin American nations and nationally because
of its impact on the Democratic party.


latter concern probably had more to do with

the President's "go" decision than the former--

*The actual beachhead was about 20 miles long from Blue beach
to Red beach. No landing was made at Green beach which was
18 miles SE of Blue beach.


Dean Rusk notwithstanding.

Arthur Schlesinger

noted that when Kennedy believed that the cost

of failure was reduced to an acceptable level,
he said:

"If we" have to get rid of the 800 men,

it is much better to dump them in Cuba than in

the United States, especially if that is where
they want to go."


On the point that the Cuban Expeditionary

Force had achieved tactical surprise in its landing,

the CSG was correct, but it reiterated the doubtful
proposition discussed earlier in this paper that the
Brigade "fought well and inflicted heavy casualities
on the enemy."

Another part of this same conclusion

was that because of the short life of the invasion

"Castro's repressive measures following the landing
made coordinated uprising of the populace impossible,"
and there could be little argument about this.
Actually, however, Castro's repressive measures
were instituted almost immediatley following the D-2
air strike which he properly assessed as a precursor
to larger scale military activities.

The CSG also concluded that the President

and his senior advisers had been confused about the

guerrilla option being available to the Brigade if
the situation at the beachhead should become too

Robert Kennedy, of course, had been


the most vociferous in his assertions that the

President had been led down the primrose path on
this matter.

Where the committee failed in this

instance was in not suggesting that all parties-the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of
State, and the Department of Defense--were remiss
for not having made specific studies of developments
which had taken place in the Zapata area since Castro's
take over.

This point had been ignored during the

course of the hearings, but had such studies been

undertaken they would have revealed the great interest
which Castro had taken in developing the area--and
consequently winning strong support from the area's
inhabitants. * Moreover they also chose to ignore
testimony which stressed that the guerrilla option
was realistic only in terms of the Trinidad plan
'where refuge in the Escambrays was possible.
If the CSG had done its homework it also could have pointed
out that even cursory exmination of a map of Cuba should have made
it clear to the poorest military planner--and White House "experts"-that to exercise the guerrilla option to get from Zapata to the
Escambray through a hostile countryside was unrealistic.


*Castro made a point of this in his 23 April 1961 TV special

on the Bay of Pigs.


accomplish such a feat from the beachhead implied a breakthrough and a journey of SO - 70 miles through hostile country
to reach the foothills of the Escambray area.
of this conclusion stated:

The final sentence

"As we have indicated before, the

guerrilla alternative as it had been described was not in fact

available to this force in the situation which developed."
A more accurate statment would have been:

"The guerrilla

alternative from the Zapata area was not in fact available to

this force."

According to Jake Esterline, this reality was

clearly recognized by the Cuban Brigade leaders;

It must be stated that little interest or
enthusiasm was displayed by the Brigade
personnel concerned for any aspect of the
plan that involved retreat and defeat, to
include this contingency for guerrilla
operations plan. It was generally recognized
and openly stated by the key officers that
any military force involved in an airborne/
amphibious landing and subsequent field
operations against an enemy defending his
homeland would have an extremely difficult
time assuming a guerrilla role in any substansive [sic] force subsequent to defeat in
the field. The defeat itself implied that
the enemy in close combat had surrounded or
ruptured and destroyed the Brigade as a
military force, thus allowing only a fraction
of its combat effectives to escape to assume
role as escapees and evaders with a limited
potential for later guerrilla operations. 33/*

The opening statement of a conclusion

"The operation suffered from being run

AThe question is, of course, why the committee did not recognize
this. Perhaps in their hurry to meet the President's deadline,
they didn't take time to read a memorandum dated 31 May 1961.


from the distance of Washington . " was undisputable.

The questionable portion of the conclusion was
whether there was a clear understanding in the
Washington headquarters of the Agency and in the
operations center in the Pentagon of the state of
affairs at the beachhead.

Memorandum No. 3 of

the Taylor committee stated "This [lack of understanding about the state of affairs at the beachhead] was particularly the case on the night of
D+l when an appreciation of the ammunition situation
would have resulted in an appeal for US air cover
in an all-out effort to supply the beach by all
available means."

This suggests greater responsiveness

and willingness to risk loss of deniability by the

Kennedy administration than had been evidenced at
any time earlier.

In fact, the President's reluctance

to grant more than one hour for the Navy CAP on the
morning of D+2 would not seem to warrant a judgment
that the President would have loosened the reins in
favor of overt US support for the Brigade.

Another conclusion took up the issue of the

JCS'ssupport of the Zapata plan, and mentioned that the

JCS position in favor of Trinidad over Zapata--even though


they supported Zapata as the best alternative plan,

"apparently never reached the senior civilian officials."
But here again the committee blatantly ignored the real
issue in not faulting the single "senior civilian official"-Secretary McNamara--who ignored, lost, or misplaced two
critically important JCS papers.

Nor did they criticize

either the JCS for failing to follow through with the

Secretary of Defense concerning the official DOD position
re Trinidad and Zapata or senior CIA officials--particularly
Allen Dulles--for not pursuing the matter of JCS support
for Trinidad with Mr. McNamara or with President Kennedy.
In short, the Taylor Committee failed to place blame
where it really belonged--on a principal member of the
President's cabinet.

One of the most positive conclusions recorded

by the Taylor Committee stated:

"Although the intelligence

was not perfect, particularly as to the evaluation of the

effectiveness of the T-33s, we do not feel that any
failure of intelligence contributed significantly to the

This conclusion poses serious semantic problems.

It would have been impossible for intelligence to evaluate

the "effectiveness" of the T-33s prior to the invasion.
What could be evaluated was the "capability" of the T-33s.


Both the US and Cuban pilots who were preparing for the'
anti-Castro effort were thoroughly familiar with the
capabilities of the T-33s; and, in addition, the Cuban
pilots were also familiar with their compatriots who
had remained loyal to Castro.

More precisely put,

there was no failure of intelligence which contributed

to the defeat.

The failure was on the part of the

President and Secretary of State who refused to permit

the fullest exploitation of the anti-Castro Air Force
in order to eliminate the capability of Castro's Fuerza
Aerea Revo1ucionaria to get off the ground.

Memorandum No. 4
The final eleven page memorandum of the Taylor Committee,

"Recommendations of the Cuban Study Group," contained six recommendations, four of which dealt with the broad aspect of
preparations that the United States should make for meeting
Cold War threats and included:

A mechanism for the planning and

coordination of Cold War strategy; to be

known as the Strategic Resources Group (SRG);

Establishing responsibility for paramilitary


Improving effectiveness in the paramilitary

field; and



Defining relations of the JCS to the

President in Cold War operations.

As Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. Dulles noted that
Recommendations 1-4 were "not within my range of competence."
Dulles did suggest, however, that if General Taylor and others
were to undertake revision of NSC S412--which the DCI strongly
recommended--that he would willingly participate in that


The fifth recommendation was without title and stated:

It is our feeling that every effort should
be made to draw all lessons from the Cuban
operation, particularly those which point
up the errors made and the reasons therefor. For this purpose all the principal
participants in the decision making process
should be informed of what took place so
that the operation can be viewed objectively
in its totality. Because of the tight
security which surrounded the operation in
governmental circles, probably no one
official now knows all the important facts
concerning it. We believe that the Cuban
Study Group should give an oral presentation
to the participants of the highlights of their
study. 36/
The next paragraph suggested the need for the President
to emphasize to his principal advisers the need for a change
in attitude on the part of the government and in the people
of the United States toward the "life and death struggle which
may be losing, and will lose unless we change our ways and
marshall our resources with an intensity associated in the

AThe Agency had made detailed proposals for the CSG's

consideration in formulating recommendations on paramilitary
activities. 35/


past only with times of war."

Among the suggested changes

were the declaration of a limited national emergency, review

of treaties and agreements which would restrain the full use
of US resources in Cold

and the allocation of foreign

aid based on the attitude foreign nations showed toward the

United States.

Two other sections of recommendation Number 5

related to the establishment of governmental machinery to

handle cold war problems and to the need for "a critique
of the Cuban operation accompanied by a statement of the views
of the President, [to] be held with at least the following

The Vice President, the Secretary of State, the

Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Joint Chiefs

of Staff, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Special
Assistant for National

Affairs, and General Taylor." 37/

The sixth recommendation of the CSG emphasized that as a

result of its work, the members of the committee had become
convinced that Fidel Castro's leadership of Cuba "constitutes
a real menace capable of eventually overthrowing the elected
governments in anyone or more of weak Latin AmeMJ-can republics."
It said that hoping that Castro would just go away was unlikely,
and that his ouster would require direct, overt US action with
any support it could get from Latin Ame.rica.

The committee

did caution that any action against Castro would have to be

weighed against events in other parts of the world

US interests were involved.

It concluded by stating:


is recommended that the Cuban situation be reappraised in the

light of all presently known factors and new guidance be
provided for political, military, economic, and propaganda
action against Castro."


In effect, what the CSG recommendations on Cuba amounted

to was approval and restatement of the anti-Castro program
which had been authorized by President Eisenhower in March 1960.
Except for two political decisions by the Kennedy Administration-the switch from Trinidad to Zapata and cancellation of the D-Day
strike--the Castro "problem" might have been fully resolved in
April 1961 instead of being left on square one.


General Taylor's Retrospective Views
I am afraid that I could not be of real assistance
to you in providing qualified answers. While I worked
very intensively on the broad aspects of this affair in
1961, I have forgotten many of the details which were
available to our committee. I would only say that I felt
at the time that the committee had access to all the
facts necessary to allow us to form a qualified judgement
[sic] as to the major causes of the failure of this
Albert C. Persons, Bay of Pigs (Birmingham,

Kingston Press, 1968), p. 77.

However poor his memory may have been in response to

questions posed by Mr. Persons, one of the US pilots who had been
directly involved in air transport operations related to the
Bay of Pigs, General Taylor's recall had improved greatly by

In his book, Swords and Plowshares, the general repeated

practically all of the findings of the four Taylor Committee

memoranda; and he showed little or no evidence of any second
thoughts in the interval since the committee had done its work.
If anything, his views on the correctness of the findings seem
to have hardened.

This was particularly true of the emphasis

which he placed on the inadequacy of the planning for air

operations and on the evaluation of the chances for success
of the operation.


Because of the relationship of air operations to the

success of the project, it is disturbing to note the manner
in which Taylor viewed the issue:
The evidence left no doubt about the inadequacy
of the air support of the beachhead and the
disastrous consequences to the ammunition supply.
Failure to control the air was a result of the
inadequacy in numbers and quality of the B-26s
and the lack of sufficient Cuban pilots to keep
the planes over the beachhead. Futhermore, this
tiny air force was not allowed to use its full
strength against the Castro airfields in the
surprise attack on April 15, and had no fighters
capable of dealing with Castro's planes, particularly the three T-33 jet trainers. Finally,
as mentioned previously, on the evening of
April 16, President Kennedy canceled the dawn
strike scheduled to precede the landing of the
Brigade. 1/
As specified in an earlier volume of this history there was
an adequate number of pilots and an excellent fleet of B-26s
available to the Brigade.

The inability of this force to

support the beachhead traced directly to the failure of the

President and his White House advisers to:

1) sanction a

major air strike on D-2--only eight aircraft were employed;

2) permit a requested restrike on D-l following the strike
on D-2 when it was known that not all of the T-33s and Sea
Furies had been hit; and 3) permit the all-out air strike
which had been planned for D-Day.

Once Castro got his T-33s

ana Sea Furies into the air, there was no way that the Brigade
B-26s--even with more B-26s and more Cuban pilots--could control
the air.

As both Admiral Burke and Mr. Dulles pointed out


during the Taylor Committee meetings. continued operations by

the Brigade B-26s throughout Cuban air space, including operations
off of the Zapata airstrip. might well have stimulated internal
dissidence and permitted the establishment as planned of a
provisional, anti-Castro. government.

In his book Taylor was

putting the cart before the horse.

Taylor also discussed the reaction to the report which he
forwarded to President Kennedy on 13 June 1961.

He wrote:

After discussing our recommendations with his

senior advisers. the President eventually
approved all except the one relating to the
establishment of the Strategic Resources Group.
Dean Rusk was less than enthusiastic about an
interdepartmental committee reporting to the
President with a potentially important role in
foreign affairs which might impinge on the
traditional responsibilities of the Department
of State. As a result, the concept of the
SRG was progressively modified in discussion
and finally in January [1962] took the form
of the Special Group Counterinsurgency .
The after-action critique which we had urged
took place in the President's sitting room
in the White House with an attendance which
included the President, Secretary of State
Rusk, Secretary of Defense McNamara. the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, McGeorge Bundy, Senior
CIA officials, and the members of the Cuba
Study Group. I made the presentation for
the Group. outlining the entire Bay of Pigs
operation as we had reconstructed it, the
mistakes as we saw them, our conclusions and
recommendations. Since up to that moment
no one present, except the President, had
had the entire operation laid out before him,
the audience followed the presentation with
intense interest. At the end, there was
animated discussion but with no indication
of resentment or ill feeling among the officials
whose conduct was under review. When it was
over and the visitors had filed out, the
President turned to me with a wry grin and said,
"Well, at least nobody got mad" ..


Our critique .. set some kind of record as a

conscious effort on the part of an administration
to derive the lessons from an important episode
in time to apply them to the problems of the
future. To be complete, however, we might
profitably have reviewed the alternatives open
to the President in the spring of 1961 and tried
to decide what
have been the best course
of action to have undertaken then. 1/
The alternatives that Taylor suggested were available at
the time were:

1) cancellation of the operation and dis-

banding the Brigade; 2) infiltrating groups of the Brigade for

sabotage and intelligence gathering; 3) using the Brigade as
an invading force without direct US participation, but
avoiding the errors that had occured at the Bay of Pigs; and
4) landing the Brigade with the clear intention of supporting it
with whatever US military power was necessary to its objective-the ouster of Fidel Castro.

After reviewing the pros and cons

of those four alternatives, Taylor concluded:

"Such an analysis

to me to tilt the scales in favor of alternative one,



a newspaper article which he prepared following the

failure of the 1980 attempt to rescue the US hostages held by

Iran, General Taylor made further references to the CSG review
of the Bay of Pigs operation.*

Some of the remarks which he

made in May 1980 did not necessarily jibe with what he had
written in 1972.

The newspaper article suggested, for example,

* Washington Post, 12 May 80, Analogies (I I) :

another Bay of Pigs?"


"Was Desert I

that CIA as the Agency responsible for the conduct of the

Bay of Pigs operation had used "an improvised command and
communication system that invited the trouble that promptly
arose in exercising control."


At no point during the

course of the operation was the Agency or its representatives

unable to exercise control over the Cubans who were in training
or in combat; and this issue was not subject to serious
discussion by the Taylor Committee.
At another point in the newspaper article, Taylor said:
In discussions after the fact with President
Kennedy's principal advisers, I was struck
by the fuzziness of their concept of what
the Cuban expedition was supposed to accomplish. All agreed that the initial purpose
was to establish a beachhead in the Bay of
Pigs, but then what? There was never a
clear plan as to how to proceed.
Taylor may have gotten this impression from Kennedy's advisers-as distinct from the CIA principals--but if so this did not corne
through lcud and clear in the course of the Taylor Committee
investigation; nor did Taylor suggest any such fuzziness
regarding the over-all objective of the Bay of Pigs operation
in his book, Swords and Ploughshares.

He was clear that the

intent of the Bay of Pigs operation was the ouster of Fidel Castro
and the installation of a provisional government--preferably one
which was anti-communist and pro-US.
Taylor's article then reiterated the points made in the
conclusions to the Taylor Committee report:
some of his advisers understood:

That Kennedy and

"The Brigade would exercise


the so-called 'guerrilla options,' i.e., a break-out to the

nearby swamps and hills in guerrilla bands to join the antiCastro dissidents believed to be in the region."



suggested earlier, at best this seems to have been wishful

thinking on the part of Kennedy and his advisers.


the hills in which the guerrillas were operating were anything

but "nearby" Zapata.
General Taylor appears to have exercised selective recall
when he made the following statement about the role of the JCS:
"The role of the JCS was that of advisers on the sidelines,
offering comments from time to time on selected aspects of the
operation but never formulating an integrated evaluation of the
overall merit of the plan and its probability of success."


As the Taylor Committee reported, there was no integrated

evaluation of the operational plan prepared by the Joint Chiefs
of Staff;" but it also was pointed out by the individual Chiefs
of Staff during the course of their appearances as witnesses
before the Taylor Committee that each of them believed that
the planned operation was capable of achieving its objectives.
What was completely overlooked was that the JCS's own anti-Castro
plan supported CIA's and that DOD representatives who evaluated the
zapata plan, found it feasible but less desirable than the
Trinidad plan.


In response to the specific question that was asked of

the JCS members during the course of the hearings regarding
the probabilities of success of the BOP operation, each of
the Chiefs answered that'if he had not believed that the
objectives were attainable, he would have said so.

What the

Chiefs did point out during the course of the hearing was
that this belief was based on the assumption that there would
be a heavy D-Day air strike as had been outlined in the last
operational plan that each of them had seen or been briefed

The President's cancellation of the D-Day strike late on

D-l was specifically noted during the course of the testimony

of the Joint Chiefs as a factor which would have changed their

This point was not stressed in either Taylor's book or

his newspaper article.

In attempting to draw analogies between the Desert I plan
for the rescue of the US hostages in Iran and the Bay of Pigs
operation, Taylor's newspaper article stated that although there
was a fail-safe plan to reduce the risks of the Iranian operation,
there was no fail-safe plan for the Bay of Pigs.

In fact:

Although President Kennedy had always been

uneasy about the whole business and had set
back the date of the landing twice, he never
sought to turn back the Brigade once it was
headed toward Cuban soil. As a matter of
fact, because of the precarious state of
communications, I am not sure that a cancellation would have been possible. !/


Communications between the Headquarters area and the

vessels carrying the anti-Castro Brigade toward Playa Giron
were never in doubt at the time when the question of possible
recall carne up--on the

of D-l following the President's

cancellation of the D-Day strike.

There was no question but

that the recall message could have been received.

The only

question was whether the Cubans might refuse to obey such an

order and attempt to go it alone--infeasible as that would have

As noted earlier, there were rumors that the Brigade had

been encouraged to take such steps, perhaps even by one of their

principal American advisers.

Such communications problems as

did develop occurred only on D-Day following the sinking of

the Rio Escondido by Castro's aircraft.

At no point, however,

was communication completely cut off from those on the beach.

Finally in his retrospective newspaper article, General
Taylor suggested:

"One would hope that at a proper time

President Carter would conduct a post-mortem review of the

rescue mission as President Kennedy did of the Bay of Pigs."
The value of doing post-mortems of operations is an established
fact, but one might question the wisdom of undertaking such an
analysis on a crash basis before the final results are really

That the Taylor Committee began its hearings even as

rescue operations were still underway in the Bahia de Cochinos

and for practical purposes had

its conclusions--

faulting the Agency principally and JCS secondarily--


even prior to the testimony of such principals as Mr. Dulles,

Admiral Burke, General Lemnitzer,and Jake Esterline illustrates
that the investigation had political as well as fact finding

An impartial observer might question which took

precedence with Taylor.


Assessment of the Taylor Committee Investigation

In his 22 April 1961' request asking General Maxwell Taylor

to undertake an unbiased examination of US ttmilitary and
paramilitary, guerrilla and anti-guerrilla activity which fall
short of outright war," President John F. Kennedy also asked
that Taylor "give special attention to the lessons which can
be learned from recent events in Cuba."

Although the "Re-

commendations" of the committee did present a broad spectrum

of strategies for the Cold War--with only minor reference to
the Bay of Pigs--the principal focus of the Taylor Committee
investigation was that operation.
Despite General Taylor's opinion that the group selected
by the President--himself, DCI Allen DUlles, CNO Arleigh Burke,
and Attorney General Robert Kennedy--would protect the interests
of the CIA, the military, and the White House, it was apparent
from the first meeting of the committee that Robert Kennedy
and Taylor would set the tone for the investigation and that,
whatever else, President Kennedy's image would remain untarnished.
The President's quick acknowledgment of responsibility for the
operation would be regarded as a chivalrous gesture to protect
his subordinates, but neither the Agency nor the JCS were


effectively defended by Dulles or Burke--even though they

jointly registered the only official dissent in the course
of the


more concerne.d with a

Had the President been

investigation than with his

image, he would have waited at least until all the troops had
been returned from the. invasion area or otherwise been accounted
for; he. would have eliminated Dulles, Burke, and his brother from
as members of the committee; and he would have
selected a group of "statesmen" with reputations similar to
Taylor's for the committee.
There. is no question that the report of the Cuban Study
Group suffered from the haste with which it was prepared.
For all practical purpose.s, the Committee had completed its
report by 11 May 1961--less than three weeks from the initiation of the project, four days in advance of the date on
which the President had requested a preliminary report, and
prior to the appearance of Admiral Burke, General Lemnitzer,
DCI Dulles, and Jake Esterline as witnesses.

Moreover, the

CSG failed to call a number of witnesses whose testimony

could have contributed significantly to improving the assessment
of the

Among CIA personnel in this category were

the following:
C. Tracy Barnes who, as Bissell's principal
deputy, had the closest and most continuous contact
with--and input to--the project of anyone outside
of liH/4. Barnes had been responsible for the
controversial 8 April 1961 briefing of Adlai
Stevenson about the operation.
See page 205.


Richard D. Drain who served in various senior

capacities during the project and was Chief
of Operations for the project prior to and
during the attack on Cuba.*

J. C. King, Chief,_Western Hemisphere Division,

who attended a majority of the sessions of the
CSG and, though not technically assigned to the
project, was thoroughly involved in the operation.
y a e
during the sessions
en erroneous-warranted an

Gerard Droller and E. Howard Hunt who were

directly responsible for trying to bring order
out of the chaos among the anti-Castro political
Lawrence K. White, Deputy Director of Support
(DDS), Sherman Kent, Chairman of the Board of
National Estimates (BNE), and Robert Amory,
Deputy Director of Intelligence (DDI).

particularly unfortunate that the last three individuals,

as senior members of the Director's staff, were not pressed to

explain why they failed to play more active roles as the operation

Ever since the collapse of the operation, Amory,

in particular, escaped all criticism because he supposedly was

ignorant of the planned operation.

Arthur Schlesinger claimed

that Amory ",,'as not informed at any point about any aspect of the
operation," and Roger Hilsman, State's intelligence chief, stated
that Amory was "kept in the dark,"


Considering the very

*Drain commented that: "I was standing by all the time ... [but]
I was never called before Bobby Boy's little proctological group." '1./
**As late as 1975, one newspaper report stated that "When the 'covert
operations' people were organizing the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961,
they did not tell the Agency's own Deputy Director of Intelligence,
Robert Amory, who might have figured the whole trip would be a


nature of CIA's business and the length of time that the

project was under way, to believe that any Deputy Director-particularly one charged with responsibility for producing
finished economic, current, geographic, military, and photo
intelligence on Latin America (including Cuba)--could have
been as "in the dark" as claimed for Amory defies belief.
The evidence shows that as early as 22 June 1960 one
of Amory's staff ,I


a special NSC

briefing on the Cuban situation when General Cabell outlined

the Agency's anti-Castro program, including a discussion of the
on-going training of a cadre of nearly c==JPM instructors and
radio operators.

At the latest, Amory learned the details

about the planned operation on 10 March 1961.

He was present

when DCI Dulles briefed the CIA subcommittee of the House Armed
Services Committee on all phases of the Trindad plan, including

1 ary InvasIon.

Amory also was present at the

DCI's morning meeting on 30 March 1961 when DDS White discussed

indemnification for the owners of the vessels to be used in the
invasion "against the loss of their ships and whatever casualties
may be suffered among the crews."

Perhaps the most accurate

statement regarding Amory's knowledgeability about the operation

was made by Stewart Alsop who said:

"The DDI was never given an

opportunity to evaluate its [the Bay of Pigs] chance of success."


Recent declassification of the Executive Sessions of the Senate

Foreign Relations Committee revealed that Amory certainly knew about
the invasion plan by 11 January 1961 when he accompanied DCI Dulles
to Dulles's off the record briefing of the Committee. The DCI
prefaced his
by noting: "The Cuban and Guatemalan problems
, are so closely tied together, sir, that with your approval I would
like to present the two together.


Sherman Kent, Director of the BNE, told one interviewer

that neither he nor anyone on the BNE had been "officially"
consulted about the Bay of Pigs operation; however, a Memorandum
for the

of 3Q January 1961 highlights details of the

briefing Colonel Jack Hawkins gave to DDCI General Cabell and


Jeruald Wright and Generals Earl Barnes and

Harold B\lll on the planned operation.

It \-las reported that these

"senior Agency officials critiqued the plan at some length."


Also in late January 1961 at the request of Director Dulles,

Kent's Office of National Estimates prepared an internal memo;randurn on "Proba.ble International Reactions to Certain Possible
US Courses of Act:kon against the Castro Regime."
courses of US action was to "provide active

One of those
of varying

degrees of magnitude and overtness, to an attempt by Cuban

opposition elements, internal and in exile, to overthrow Castro."
As with both DDS White and DDI Amory, Kent was a participant in
the DCIls morning meetings; and he did indicate that "in general"
attendees at these sessions were aware of the anti-Castro project.
One of the strangest oversights, however, was the Taylor
Committee's failure to question Colonel "Red" White, the Deputy
Director tor Support. Even before the establishment of WH/4,


January 19.60)., \fuite's Directorate had been involved in sup-

porting the Agency's activities


linclUdin g

Unlike the. Clandestine Services which ignored its

own Contingency Task Force Plan, Colonel tvhite insisted that


the best qualified personnel from his Directorate--logistics,

security, communications, and other support activities--be
assigned to the project.

His observations concerning problems

in these areas should have been explored by the committee.


would have been valuable, for example, to have heard White's

comments on the impact that the change from Trindad to Zapata
had on logistics operations.*

*Richard M. Helms who was Chief of Operations for the Deputy

Directorate of Plans at the time of the Bay of Pigs operation has
deliberately been omitted from the list of Agency personnel who
might profitably have been called as witnesses by the Taylor
Committee. There were rumors--subsequent to the operation--that Helms purposely had isolated himself from the operation
because he foresaw it as a failure. In his book on Helms,
The Man Who Kept the Secrets, Thomas Powers has repeated all the
innuendoes and rumors about the Machiavellian tactics that were
being employed by Bissell and Helms to discredit each other
during the course of the operation--Helms reportedly wanting to
force cancellation of the operation and Bissell wanting to arrange
Helm's transfer. 7/
in direct response to my question about his relationship to Helms
at the time of the Bay of Pigs activity, the following conversation
with Mr. Bissell is believed to reflect a more accurate view of the
"Bissell: I think he saw most all the cable
traffic and I think he was pretty well informed
as to what was going on--very well informed; but
he was really out of the line of command on this
operation. There was something of a tacit agreement between us that he would be devoting himself
to a lot of the other ongoing business of the DDP
office because this [anti-Castro project] was
taking a great deal of my time.
"JBP: This was a tacit agreement?
a session with you and Helms?

This wasn't

"Bissell: Let me say that this probably was not

that explicit. I would make an observation here,
(Footnote continued on next page)


From the Department of State there also were at least

three individuals who should have been asked to appear as

Thomas Mann, Roger Hilsman, and Adlai Stevenson.

Thomas Mann, Assistant Secretary of State for American

Republic Affairs until a few weeks before the invasion, had
expressed strong reservations about the capability of the
anti-Castro brisade to achieve success without the intervention
of US forces and about the need for the US to be more overt in
its support of the anti-Castro movement.
drew heavy fire fromWH!4.


Roger Hilsman, Director of

Intellisence and Research, had his proposal to make a study of

the feasibility of a covert attempt to oust Castro rejected by
Dean Rusk; and Adlai Stevenson became the scapegoat for a
bumbled briefing by CIA's Tracy Barnes and the disastrous policy
decisions of Secretary Rusk and President Kennedy.

Each of the

three would seem to have warranted a hearing before the committee.

and I don't want you to infer anything really

beyond what it says. It was not particularly
easy--I did not find it particularly easy-to discuss things clearly and derive a clear
understanding with Dick about the division of
;Labor be.tween us when he was my Deputy. I don't
imply by this any sense of conflict or rivalry,
but he would go ahead and handle certain kinds
of matters. We saw one another, of course, all
the time. Quite often I would consult him about
something that I was handling. I think rather
less often he would consult me. I don't mean
to imply, however, in any kind of concealment
never had that feeling at all. But
it really was our habit during the whole time
that we were in those positions that the division
of la.bor betwee.n us was more tacit than explicit. II


The failure of the Taylor Committee to calIon the above,

and others, to testify cannot be justified for lack of time-even within the time frame set by the President.

In the period

between 22 April 1961 whe!1 the committee held its first meeting
and 16 May when General Taylor gave the President the preliminary briefing he had requested, more than forty witnesses
had completed testimony.

In the period between 17 May and

the final meeting to take testimony (30 May 1960) only a

dozen witnesses would appear; and most of those were Cubans
whose testimony was quite brief.

Between 31 May and 13 June, the

four memoranda which make up the Taylor Committee Report were

prepared, but considering that significant portions of two of
these memoranda were taken from the preliminary briefing paper,
it should have been possible to have interviewed many, if not
most, of those identified above.
In its haste to complete the report by the President's
deadline, it appears that the committee put its priorities in
reverse order.

The narrative portion of the final report

(Memorandum No.1) traces the history of the operation from its

inception under President Eisenhower's 17 March 1960 authorization
of an anti-Castro program through the collapse of the invasion at
Playa Giron on 19 April 1961.

This story is told on the basis

of the testimony of the witnesses and the more than thirty

"Annexes" which the committee requested as a result of the


of various individuals.

Unfortunately this procedure

made it impossible--or apparently impossible since no witnesses

were recalled--to resolve differences among the testimony of
witnesses or discrepancies between testimony and documents,
including the Annexes.

Inasmuch as most of the documents that

the CSG requested were available prior to the committee's

first session--only a few documents of a statistical nature
were prepared specifically in response to the DSG's requests-it was unfortunate that the committee did not first attempt to
collect and review pertinent materials before examining witnesses.
As a result of the committee's failure to resolve these
kinds of discrepancies, such critical issues as the following
were ignored:
1. Claims by Secretary Rusk and others with reference
to the cancellation of the D-Day air strike that President
Kennedy was unaware that the Zapata plan called for both a
D minus 2 and a D-Day strike. Not only was there ample
eVidence that McGeorge Bundy, the President's National Security
Adviser, was an early advocate of a pre-D-Day strike, but the
"Summary of White House Meetings" that General David Gray preared for the committee noted that during a 6 April 1961 meeting-after Mr. Bissell had specified that there would be a D minus 2
strike: "The President questions whether or not a preliminary
strike wasn't an alarm bell. "*
2. The Committee's complete lack of concern about the
handling of JCSM-44-61 and JCSM-166-61. Both reports were lost,
forgotten, or ignored by Secretary McNamara. The papers represented the thinking of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and could
have had a direct impact on the operational plan had they been
properly evaluated. JCSM-44-61 proposed that an interdepartmental
group plan Castro's ouster with the US military playing a leading
role, and JCSM-166-61 specified that CIA's Trinidad plan was
better than any proposed alternatives, including Zapata.

*General Gray's memorandum was dated 9 May 1961.



The confusion about the possibility of the Brigadu .

guerrilla status from the Zapata area into the
Escambray. Reference to even the most simplistic topographic
map would have quickly ended all such speculation. The only
realistic chance to move as guerrillas into the Escambrays
would have been from the Trinidad site and it was only with
reference to Trinidad that this option had been specified by
4. The failure to resolve the confusion over matters
related to air operations such as the appreciation of the
capabilities of Castro's T-33s, whether Castro's B-26s were
of more concern to the Brigade than the T-33s, whether the
T-33s were armed, and whether Castro's FAR had MiG aircraft.
The individuals directly responsible for WH/4's air training
and air operations--Billy Carpenter, George Germosen, Gar
and all of the pilots (Cuban and American)--knew exactly what
they were up against. That Beerli, Bissell, Hawkins, and even
General White confused the situation without contradiction or
questions from the committee was inexcusable considering the
criticality of air operations to the success or failure of the
5. The committee failed to raise any questions concerning
the capability of the Trinidad airfield to handle B-26 traffic.
Perhaps this became a point of no consequence once the
President and Secretary of State decided that a "quieter"
invasion was required. Since it was offered as one of the
reasons for changing the invasion site, it should have been
examined more carefully, particularly since use of the Playa
Giron air strip not only required drastic revisions in the
lcad1ng plans for the ships, it also impinged directly on
planned air operations by requiring the landing of two B-26s
on D-Day prior to the planned air strikes.
6. In this same context was the committee's failure to
question the validity of statements by witnesses that the
switch from Trinidad to Zapata presented no particular problems.
Unfortunately, even some of the CIA air operations personnel,
as well as members of the JCS, tended to regard this as a minor
matter. In fact, the shift caused a massive readjustment of
the logistics plan, including the reloading of the Rio Escondido
to provide support for air operations Qff of the Playa Giron
airstrip. The reloading including the avgas which exploded
when Castro's aircraft attacked the Rio on D-Day. Additionally,
the need to plan for three--rather than one--landing sites


compelled readjustments of cargoes on the Houston and other

vessels. It was the shift from Trinidad to Zapata that led
to the mad scramble at the last minute to acquire the aluminum
small boats to off-load the troops at the Playa Larga site
at the north end of the Bahia de Cochinos.
questions were raised by the committee
concerning the performance of the Brigade despite the sharp
differences immediately apparent between the 24 April 1961
memorandum that Col. Hawkins presented to the committee at
its third meeting and his 13 April 1961 cable from Nicaragua
extolling the virtues of both the Brigade's infantry and its
Air Force. The committee apparently took for granted the
comments made at its first meeting concerning the heroic
fight waged by the invaders, despite the fact that well before
completing their work they learned that the bulk of the Brigade
had been taken prisoner and that fewer than a hundred men had
been killed.
8. The failure of the USN'S CAP to meet the Brigade's
B-26s for the one hour of protection on 19 April 1961 was never
challenged. How the B-26s could overfly the Essex one hour
early without being detected was ignored, even though the
USN'S most senior officer, Admiral Burke, was a committee
member, The destruction of the operational records of the
. Essex which probably could have clarified the situation regarding the missed CAP strongly suggests that senior naval officers
were interested in protecting their careers and/or the reputation
of the USN than in admitting to error. This episode would
not have changed the outcome at the Bay of Pigs, but it
might have pe.rmitted the orderly withdrawal of some of the
Brigade. from the beach.. Moreover, no question was raised as
to why, at this stage of the operation, President Kennedy
limited the air support by the USN to one hour.
In addition to its failure to focus on any of the above
issues, the committee deserved sharp criticism for failing to
provide a verbatim transcript of its meetings.

The loss of

information from this decision is clearly evident in the

comparison between the verbatim record and the "official"
record of the first rneeting--the only session for which there
is known to be a verbatim transcript.

In this same category

was the committee.'s failure to insure that the record of all

meetings with witnesses clearly identified questioners,


respondents. and commentators.

Considering the confusion

and problems noted above. it was unfortunate that all US

personnel who appeared as witnesses were not provided an
opportunity to review the record of their testimony.


this been done, even under the deadline set by the President
for completion of the report. useful corrections and clarification of the record might have been accomplished before the
final report was forwarded.

(The only witness to whom this

privilege is known to have been extended was McGeorge Bundy.)

The Taylor Committee neglected to make any assessment of
leadership at the White House and cabinet level, despite the
fact that policy decisions which had a major impact on the
operational plan originated with Secretary Rusk's caution,
Secretary McNamara's ignorance (for whatever reason) of two
important JCS papers, and President's Kennedy's insistence
to maintain plausible deniability beyond the


point of reason.

The challenges to leadership by the committee

were aimed--often rudely and crudely--only at CIA and DOD


The only exception to this generalization which

has been surfaced appeared in a report about the committee's

meeting on 12 June 1961 which stated:
During the meeting General Cabell and Mr. Bissell
were being questioned about the events leading up
to the cancellation of the D-Day strike. General
Taylor commented, "This was the time to take the
issue to the President. The situation did not
penetrate the Secretarial brain (he is referring
to Secretary Rusk). By training, Secretary Rusk
is not prepared to deal with this kind of problem."



The sting was taken out of this comment, however, as the

memorandum pointed out that General Taylor also criticized
General Cabell for his failure to get on the phone with
President Kennedy when

offered him the opportunity to

present his case against the cancellation of the D-Day strike.

Taylor's remark ignored the fact that Cabell stated that Rusk
was repeating to the President exactly what he (Cabell) had told
Rusk and that Cabell saw no point in personally repeating the
information to the President.*
The reputation of President Kennedy suffered no diminution
as a result of the Taylor Committee's investigation thanks in
large part to the vigilant efforts of Attorney General Robert
Kennedy to deflect or block the slightest hints that the failure
at the Bahia de Cochinos in any way resulted from actions taken
by the resident in the White House or his principal advisers.

the latter, one writer has stated:

"Associates of President

Kennedy have reported their memories so as to insulate the

President from responsibility for the fiasco."



too, displayed no inclination to question the actions or inaction

of the Chief Executive; and his criticisms were of the Agency's
principals and the Joint Chiefs.

*The information on Taylor's comments is found in a J.C. King

memo for record of 12 June 1961 which incorrectly gives the date
of the meeting as 2S June 1961. There was no committee meeting
on 25 June which the DCI was scheduled to attend. 10/
Presumably Secretary Rusk was not in attendance.

The President's understanding of the guerrilla option

and his cancellation of the D-Day air strike were issues that
engendered some of the bitterest exchanges between the Attorney
General and various

during the committee hearings.

That the President believed that there was a guerrilla option

once the invasion site had been shifted from Trinidad to Zapata
and that cancellation of the D-Day strike had little or no
relation to the failure of the invasion suggests both inattention
to--or disregard for--the advice he had been given by the
individuals most qualified to make the operational judgments
for successful implementation of the agreed plan.

The most

dramatic evidence of the President's contempt of the experts

was provided during a meeting between Kennedy and John McCone
a few weeks after McCone had replaced Allen Dulles as DCI.
knowledgeable source has written:
In a private meeting with President Kennedy
on 7 January 1962, the President told McCone
that he, the President, had been persuaded to
approve the operation on the basis that if the
invasion failed to inspire large-scale defections,
then the force which had been put ashore, could
retreat into the Escambray mountains and would
represent a substantial guerrilla force which
would be rather easily reinforced and resupplied
from the United States or elsewhere. He said
that he learned much to his surprise the operation
was so planned and the landing so located that
there was no possibility of such an escape. The
President made a second point. He had concluded
that modest air power, even if successful, would
have only postponed defeat for a few days. He
said that indeed he doubted if even substantial


amounts of U.S. air power over a considerable

period of time would have given the necessary
cover to permit a retreat into the Escambray.
It was the President's opinion that the
operation was doomed to defeat and the fact
that an air strike was not forthcoming at a
particular hour. or day probably hastened the
defeat but would not have made the difference
between success and failure.
Secretary Rusk, with the President, was the other individual
most responsible for the political alterations that ruled out
implementation of the Agency's Trinidad Plan--which was favored
at all times by the Joint Chiefs of Staff--and for cancellation
of the D-Day air strike.

As indicated in the discussion of his

testimony before the Taylor Committee, Rusk found no fault with

his own performance, but his dissimulative remarks about the
judgments and performance of others not only shaded the truth
but were demonstrably in error.

As with Rebert Kennedy,

Secretary Rusk would subsequently continue to provide disabout the Agency's estimates and the importance of
the air operations.
Secretary of Defense McNamara's opinions could have had
a significant impact on the planning of the anti-Castro operation,
particularly if he had studied the two JCSM's which seem to have
disappeared from sight after having been sent to his
regarding the importance of the cancelled air strike on
D-Day were ones about which the Attorney General would continue to
be most protective of the President--even to the point of disingenuousness. This topic is discussed in detail in Volume I of
this history (pp. 295-305).
**The papers were JCSM-44-6l, 27 Jan 61, "US Plan of Action in Cuba,"
and JCSM-166-t51, 15 Mar 61, "Evaluation of the Mil i tary Aspects of
AlternAte Concepts, CIA paramilitary Plan, Cuba."


For whatever reason, the Taylor Committee did not pursue the
breakdown in the system which resulted in this loss.


the fact, there is no question that McNamara was concerned

about the operation; but he never intervened with the President
at the critical time on D-Day when it was apparent that control
of the air was at issue.
The absence of Allen Dulles at the time that the crucial
decision on cancellation of the D-Day strike was being made by
Kennedy and Rusk was inexcusable, the more so considering that
Dulles had not departed the US for Puerto Rico prior to the
air strike.

There was no question that once the attack on

Cuba began that both Dulles and the CIA were going to be targets
for attack by Castro and the pro-Communist nations.

For all

practical purposes, the committee ignored this matter when, had

he been present, Dulles was the one man who might have persuaded
to permit the D-Day strike.*
Inexplicably, the focus of CIA's bitterness came to be
Adlai Stevenson rather than either the President or Secretary

With regard to the Bay of Pigs, Stevenson was more sinned

against than sinning.

A cable from Stevenson to Rusk as the

invasion was in its final stages clearly indicated how isolated

Stevenson was from the anti-Castro project.

Although not

recommending such action, Stevenson did express hope that if

*The severest critic of Dulles was Dick Drain, C/OP/WH/4 who said
the DCI upon his return was more concerned about I
I .
the fate of tne on-golng


necessary to insure the success of the operation the US would

use "covert means" to achieve that end.

In view of Stevenson's

comments about the alternative of US support for a provisional

government, it is unfortunate that Mr. Rusk did not take him into
confidence as the operation was being developed.
In contrast to the findings of the Taylor Committee
concerning the Bay of Pigs operation, the following retrospective
remarks written by Colonel Jack Hawkins in 1976 are believed
I would like you to know my view that failure
of the operation in question was not due to
any lack of dedication, determination, and
skillful effort of [sic] the part of the
Agency. Stupendous efforts were made by all
concerned in the Agency to accomplish a very
worthwhile objective--against ever-growing
and truly insurmountable restrictions and
handicaps which were imposed from sources of
the US Government outside the CIA and finally
crippled the operation beyond redemption.
Imagine the benefits that would have accrued
if the operation had been allowed enough
latitude to insure success. For one, the
dangerous missile confrontation which ensued
would have been avoided.
The real failure of the CIA in this operation,
I believe, was in not cancelling it, or recommending its cancellation, as the selfimposed restrictions of the US Government made
the possibility of success too remote, But the
CIA itself and all members of it with whom I
was associated were not of a mind to give up.
So determined were they all that they could
not turn back but had to go ahead against any
obstacle no matter how formidable. And in
the minds of many, if not all, was the thought
that the great power of the United States
would never, in the final count, allow the
operation to fail


I recommended in writing that the operation

be abandoned if sufficient air support was
not to be provided and predicted military
disaster if opposing air forces were not
completely neutralized before the beach
assault. This still could have been accomplished, even with the reduced air sorties
allowed to be planned, had it not been for
cancellation at the last moment of the air
strikes scheduled against any remaining enemy
aircraft at dawn on D-Day. This was the
final disaster, preventing as it did the
orderly landing of all troops and their
In conclusion, let me say that the operation
came closer to succeeding than the American
people have ever been allowed to know. The
objective was to ignite the spark of counterrevolution throughout Cuba, not to send a
small body of armed patriots marching from the
Bahia de Cochinos into the streets of Havana.
If that small body of patriots had been
protected sufficiently to allow them to bring
in their ships safely and land their ammunition
and supplies, they could possibly have held on
long enough to ignite the spark.
Was it not significant that the Cuban Navy
made no effort to interfere and that captured
militiamen and civilians in the objective
area offered to join the invading force? This
sort of response possibly would have been magnified many times if the landing had been made at
Trinidad as recommended by the CIA but disapproved
for reasons hard to understand. Trinidad was
in better guerrilla country (Escambray Mountains),
had better landing facilities, more civilians to
recruit, and guerrilla forces already active in
the area, plus a suitable airfield.
No, the failure of the Cuban patriots was not
the fault of the CIA. Too bad that it has had
to bear the brunt of the criticism. 14/


There can be no doubt that the Agency will continue

"to bear the brunt of the criticism" for the failure at the
Bay of Pigs until a decision is made to release details such
as presented in this volume.

CIA's leadership was not without

faUlt, but the documentary evidence inCluded in this examination

of the Taylor Committee's investigation shows that the major
causes for the failure--contrary to the image which has been
and continues to be popularized--were directly attributable
to actions, or inactions, of the Kennedy Administration,
specifically including the President, Secretary Rusk, and
Secretary McNamara.
Before the end of February 1962, however, Director Allen W.
Dulles, Deputy Director General Charles P. Cabell,and Deputy
Director for Plans Richard M. Bissell, Jr.--had either resigned
or retired*

In addition to these three senior officers, progress

*Mr. Dulles retired on 29 November 1961, General Cabell resigned

on 31 January 1962, and Mr. Bissell resigned on 17 February 1962.
Bissell's forced resignation was partiCUlarly ironic in view of
the fact that very serious consideration had been given to his
appointment as Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
as late as 2S February 1961 but:
"The first choice of all concerned for this job,
you [President Kennedy] know, was Dick Bissell,
but in the light of your own feelings about the
future of CIA, you urged him to stay where he is,
and he, of course, followed your advice. What I
now wonder is whether you might find it wise to
reconsider that decision .. One final argument
in favor of this shift is that Bissell and the
State Department would be very good for each
other. If Dick has a fault it is that he does
not look at all sides of the question, and, of
course, the State Department's trouble is that
it is usually doing exactly that and not much
else." 15/

in the careers of the three principal military assignees to

the Agency--USMC Colonels Jack Hawkins, Chief, Paramilitary
Section/WH/4 and

liaison officer with


ground training officer--was

stYmied as a result of their participation in the Bay of Pigs


In the instance of Colonel Hawkins--the personal

choice of Marine Corps Commandant, General Shoup, for the CIA


assignment--it prevented his promotion to General, a rank for

which he had been considered a sure bet.
By contrast, cabinet members Rusk and McNamara remained
untainted despite their roles in the failure of the effort.
McGeorge Bundy, a principal advocate of the essentiality of
control of the air over Cuba--until the critical day (16 April 1961)
following the D-2 air strike--remained unscathed despite the
blatant contradictions between his record before the invasion
And his testimony before the Taylor Committee after the invasion.

General Taylor, with a powerful boost from Robert Kennedy,

acquired new laurels as presidential adviser and then as Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Kennedy.

With the

protective screen provided by his brother, by Taylor, and by

members of the Camelot entourage--Schlesinger, Sorensen, and
among others--the conception that President Kennedy
was a white knight misled by overconfident, if not mischievous,
CIA activists has remained.

The significance of the failure at the Bay of Pigs-particularly in light of the current disarray in Central American,
is perhaps best illustrated in the contrast between Richard
Rovere's optimistic piece in 1961 and an historian writing in

Rovere wrote:
There is widespread recognition of the fact
that the paramilitary operations of the
Communists have confronted the West with a
new kind of danger, and that some means of
dealing with them must be found. And there
is some recognition of the possibility that
the President may, in his moment of failure
and error [at the Bay of Pigs], have done
something to give pause to the Khrushchevs
and Castros of this world. The Russians
have been put on notice that the United
States cannot be counted on to abide by
all the rules of late-nineteenth-century
diplomacy .. We may not try anything of this
sort again, but Khrushchev cannot be sure of
this, and there is always a certain gain, in
dealing with men of his kind, in increasing
the element of risk involved in his maneuvers.


Unfortunately for the nation, neither the Soviets nor their

Cuban surrogates were intimidated, despite their set-back at
the time of the 1962 missile crisis.

As the historian has noted:

The rise and decline of American imperialism

can be traced through Cuban events. The era,
which began in 1898 with the Rough Riders'
charge on San Juan Hill, ended in 1961 in
the swamps of the Bay of Pigs. There is more
than a grain of truth in Castro propaganda
that his victory at "Playa Giron," which
shattered the myth of American invincibility,
was a turning point for America's international
image. In this sense, the Bay of Pigs is a
minor prelude to Vietnam.


Kennedy began as
of the U.s. with the aggression
that was underway, that he inherited, that he approved, and that
he lost. The most difficult day for the revolution was the 19th
of April 1961 when in sight of our troops was part of the North
American fleet with marines, destroyers, aircraft carriers, etc.
Kennedy vacillated. If at that moment he had decided to
invade us, he could have suffocated the island in a sea of blood,
but he would have destroyed the revolution.
Luckily for us, he vacillated. If instead of Kennedy we
h2d had any of the later presidents, they would have intervened
and destroyed the revolution.
(Translation of a comment by Raul Castro during
an interview with Teresa Gurza of El Dia,
Mexico, 19 September 1975)



Topics for Discussion by the
Taylor Committee
2S April 1961

Appendix A
Topics for Tuesday [25 April 1961?]
1. Was there any doubt about the necessity of some such
military action against Castro?
2. What was the estimate of the probability of success
of ZAPATA before D-Day?

What was the feeling of likelihood of a popUlar

following the landing? How essential was such an
uprIsIng regarded for the success of the operation? How
rapid a reaction was expected by Castro?
4. What was expected to happen if the landing force
effected a successful lodgment but there was no uprising?
5. What was the understanding of the position of the
JCS as to ZAPATA? Was it appreciated that they favored
TRINIDAD over ZAPATA? What did the President expect from
the Chiefs?
6. Was it understood that control of the air was
considered essential to the success of the landing?
7. What were the circumstances surrounding the
cancellation of the D-Day air strikes? How serious was the
viewed? What was the understanding about prelanding
8. What was the understanding as to the ability of the
landing force to pass to a guerrilla status in an emergency?
To what extent did this factor influence approval of the
9. What was the understanding of the ammunition
situation by the end of April l8?
10. What degree of non-attribution was sought and why?
Were the operational disadvantages arising from some of the
restrictions imposed by the efforts to achieve non-attribution
clearly presented and understood?
11. To what extent did the CIA operations representatives
have to "sell" the operation to the other agencies of government?
Was any consideration given to transferring the operation to


12. How could interdepartmental planning and coordination

be better effected in a similar operation?

What were the principal lessons learned?


At what [point]. did we realize op waS going to fail?


Letter for the President from
McGeorge Bundy, undated

,)56 "






Dear Mr. President:

I think you should always have the easiest freedom

in the choice and use of close associates, and so I think

you ought to have on hand their resignations.

Here is

mine, to be accepted at your pleasure at any time.


know that I wish I had served you better in the Cuban

episode, and I hope you know how I admire your own gallantery
under fire in that case.

If my departure can assist you

in any way, I hope you will send me off - and if you choose
differently, you will still have this letter for use when
you may need it.

Your assistants are yours to use - and

one use is in charging the air when that is needed.



protecting the KennedY Image





"On April 17 Praegerpublished The Cuban Invasion,

in which New York Times correspondent Tad Szulc
and Washington "Post correspondent Karl E. Meyer
indict CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff as responsible for the disaster at tbe Bay of Pigs
(NR. review, May 22). Although the Times' Sunday
Book Review is normally prompt and generous in
alloting space to products of its own stable, five
Sundays have gone by and nary a peep about The
Cuban Invasion. In explanation therefor a northering bird brought us the following information.
Both authors are close to Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
and Richard Goodwin of the White House staff. They
have told various friends that their book was
undertaken on White House inspiration and that
Messrs. Schlesinger and Goodwin helped them get
the Real Dope. The Times sent an advance copy
on for review to Hal Hendrix, Latin American
editor of the Miami Daily News. Mr. Hendrix
offered first one draft, then another, but both
were rejected by the Times as too unsympathetic.
The Times then went shopping for a more friendly
critic. Now here is the curiosity in this drab
little story: that one faction within the White
House promotes a book which (with multiple error
and distortion, moreover) slashes into two other
(and not the least important) arms of the government
(CIA and Joint Chiefs); and that singular institution, the Times Sunday Book Review, takes
care that the book shall be warmly received."
The National Review,
5 June 1962


The Meyer and Szu1c book, incidentally, included the

following remarks about Schlesinger and Goodwin:

"Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., the Harvard
historian who had joined the White House
staff as a kind of troubleshooter. A shrewd
veteran of intelligence service during World
War II, Schlesinger brought a discreet
skepticism to bear on discussions of the
invasion proposal." (p. 101)


"Richard N. Goodwin, a bright, articulate,

29-year-old Harvard Law School product who
had clerked for Justice Felix Frankfurter
and had worked on the House Oversight Subcommittee's expose of Charles Van Doren
became the President's chief adjutant on
Latin American matters."
(pp. 100-101)'


Study of the Anti-Castro
Invasion (Zapata)
11 May 1961

11 May 1961.

The operation to seek the replacement of the Castro

regime by covert means had its origins in a governmental decision

taken on March 17, 1960.

At that time. the exact character or

timing of the operation was not determined.

In its final form.

the operation referred to herein as ZAPATA. had the approval of

the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense. the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, and the Director, Central Intelligence.


study undertakes to determine the reasons for its subsequent

failure and to suggest possible ways of avoiding any similar
reverse in the future.

The proximate cause of the failure of the operation was

a shortage of ammunition which developed from the first day of

the landing. April 17. and became increasingly critical until
it resulted in the surrender of the landing force about 1400
on April 19.

There were three primary reasons for this shortage of


The logistical plan for the landing made ample

provision for ammunition with the men and in floating reserve.

However, upon landing there is evidence that the Cubans wasted
their ammunition in excessive firing. displaying the poor
ammunition discipline which is common to troops in their first


Far more serious was the loss of the freighters RIO

ESCONDIDO and HOUSTON through air attack at about 0930 on the

morning of April 17.

The RIO was a particular loss as it had

ten days of reserve ammunition on board, as well as other

important supplies.

Thtl air attack which sunk these ships caused all others

in the landing area to put out to sea with the order to

rendezvous 50 miles off the coast.

The freighters ATLANTICO and

CARIBE headpd south and never stopped until intercepted by the

U.S. Navy at points 110 and 218 miles respectively south of Cuba.

The CARIBE was so far away that its cargo, principally

aviation supplies, was never available for movement to Blue

Beach while the fight lasted.

The ATLANTICO, which had

considerable ammunition on board, did rejoin the other ships

of the expedition at 1816, April 18 at a point about 50 miles
of the beach and transferred her supplies to the waiting
two LCls and 3 LCUs for a night run to the beach.

By the time the supplies were transferred and the

convoy had started north it was too late to hope to resupply

the beach under cover of darkness.

The convoy commander asked

CIA operational headquarters, Washington, for destroyer

and U.S.

jet cover without which he believed that

he would lose his ships to air attack the next morning.

added that without U. S. Ne.vy support the Cuban crew would
mutiny if sent back to the beach.



As the result of these messages, CIA Headquarters,

apparently not aware of the critical importance of this resupply

mission, called it off and the attempt to get ammunition to the
beach ended.


was never asked permission to extend

the air cover to protect the ammunition convoy.


These causes for the ammunition shortage rested in turn

on others which lay deeper in the plans and organization of this

operation and the attitude toward it on the part of Government

The effectiveness of the Castro air force over the

beach resulted from a failure to destroy the airplanes on the

ground before or concurrently with the landing.

This failure

was a consequence of the restraints put on the anti-Castro

air force in planning and executing its strikes, primarily
for the purpose of protecting the covert character of the

These restraints included:

The requirement to use

only the B-26 as a combat aircraft because it had been distributed

widely to foreign countries; the limitation of pre-landing
strikes to those which could be considered plausibly to come
from Cuban air fields; the inability to use any non-Cuban base
within short turn-around distance from the target area, (about
nine hours were required to turn around a B-26 for a second
mission over the target from Nicaragua); prohibition of use
of American contract pilots for tactical air operations;
restriction on munitions, notably napalm; and the cancellation
of the strikes planned at dawn on D-Day.


The last mentioned

was probably the most serious as it eliminated the last


to destroy the Castro air force on the

The cancellation seems to have resulted partly from

the failure to make the air strike plan entirely clear in

advance to the President and the Secretary of State, but,
more importantly, from the failure to carry the issue to the
President when the opportunity was presented and explain to
him with proper force the probable military consequences of
a last-minute cancellation.

The flight of the CARIBE and ATLANTICO might have

been prevented had more attention been paid in advance to the

control of the ships to include the placing of some Americans
was a

The CIA officer responsible for all the ships involved


was aboard

the LCI BLAGAR with no means to control the freighters, or indeed

to locate them after they disappeared.

Only the initiative of

the U.S. Navy in the vicinity brought them back to the scene of

The absence of Americans on board these vessels was an

application of the general order to keep Americans out of the

combat area.

This order had been violated in a few cases but

it was apparently not considered important to do so in the case

of the freighters.

The lack of full appreciation of the ammunition

situation at the end of D-plus-l in the CIA Operational

Headquarters was largely the result of the difficulty of keeping


abreast of the situation on the beach and at sea from the

distance of Washington.

Also, there was a confidence in the

improvised supply of the beach by air which turned out to be


Had there been a command ship in the sea with

an advance CIA command post on board, a more effective control

would have been possible.

It may be asked how near the landing ever came to

Had the ammunition shortage been surmounted, which

is to say, had the Castro air been neutralized, would the

landing force have accomplished its mission?

The Cubans

ashore fought well and inflicted heavy losses on the Castro

militia while they had ammunition.

It seems reasonable to

believe that with control of the air they could have maintained
themselves for some days, although the vastly superior Castro
forces which appeared qUickly on the scene made a break-out
unlikely by such a small landing force.

The limited number of

B-26 crews, if forced to continue to operate from Nicaragua,

would have been strained to provide continuous daylight air
support to the beachhead.

An attempt by the landing force to

exercise the guerrilla option and take to the hills would have
been virtually impossible because of the presence of the encircling Castro forces and of the instructions which the Cuban
invasion units had received to fall back on the beaches in
case of a penetration of the beachhead.


We are inclined to

believe that under the conditions which developed the beachhead

could not have survived long without substantial help from the
Cuban population or without overt



As noted

above, the guerrilla alternative did not really exist


Our conclusions are still tentative as we have not

yet discussed the operation with'the President or the Chairman

of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

At the moment we would advance

the following:


A paramilitary operation of the magnitude

of ZAPATA fell outside the limited scope of NSC 5412/2

and exceeded the organizational capacity of the CIA.
Responsibility for the planning, training, and
execution of the operation should have been transferred to the Department of Defense about
1960, and the covert classification of the operation
If the transfer of the operation in the
form contemplated was not approved, it should have
been abandoned.

Once the need for the operation was established,

its success should have had the primary consideration of

all agencies in the Government.

Operational restrictions

designed to protect its covert character shOUld have been

accepted only if they did not impair the chance of success.
As it was, the leaders of the operation were obliged to fit
their plan inside changing ground rules laid down for nonmilitary considerations, which often had serious operational



The leaders of the operation did not always

present their case with sufficient force and clarity

to the senior officials of the Government to allow
the latter to appreciate the consequences of some
of their decisions.

This remark applies in particular

to the circumstances surrounding the cancellation of

the D-Day strikes.

There was a marginal character to the operation

which always cast a serious doubt over its ultimate


The landing force was small in relation to its

36-mile beachhead and to the probable enemy reaction.

The air support was short of pilots if the beach was to
require cover for a long period.

There were few seconds-

in-command to provide relief for the key leaders of the

invasion who soon became casulties to excessive fatigue.
There were few Cuban replacements for the battle losses
which were certain to occur.

It is felt that the approval

of so marginal an operation by many officials was really

an expression of the feeling that the Cuban brigade was
a waning asset which had to be used quickly, and that this
operation was the best way to realize the most from it.
Also, the consequences of demobilizing the Brigade and the
return of the trainees to the U.S.A., with its implication
that the United States had lost interest in the fight
against Castro, played a part in the final decision.



The Cuban Expeditionary Force achieved tactical

surprise in" its landing and, as we have said, fought

well and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy.
Although there had been considerable evidence of
strong pockets of resistance against Castro throughout
Cuba, the short life of the beachhead was not sufficient
to trigger an immediate popular reaction, and Castro's
repressive measures following the landing made coord1nated uprisings of the populace impossible.


effectiveness of the Castro military forces, as well

as that of his police measures, was not entirely
anticipated or foreseen.

In approving the operation the President and

senior officials had been greatly influenced by the

understanding that the landing force could pass to
guerrilla status, if unable to hold the beachhead.
These officials were informed on many occasions that
the ZAPATA area was guerrilla territory, and that the
entire force, in an emergency, could operate as guerrillas.
With this alternative to fall back on, the view was held
that a sudden or disastrous defeat was most improbable.
As we have indicated before, the guerrilla alternative
as it had been described was not in fact available to
this force.




The operation suffered from being run from

the distance of Washington.

At that range and with the

limited reporting which was inevitable on the part of

field commanders absorbed in combat, it was not possible
to have a clear understanding in Washington of events
taking place in the field.

This was particularly the

case of the night of D-plus-l when an appreciation of

the ammunition situation would have resulted in an allout effort to supply the beach by all available means.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff had the important

responsibility of examining into the military feasibility

of this operation.

They approved the ZAPATA Plan,

although initially they would have preferred TRINIDAD,

a point which apparently never reached the senior civilian

As a body they reviewed the successive changes

of the Plan piece-meal and only within a limited context,

a procedure which was inadequate for a proper examination
of all the military ramifications.

Individually, they

had differing understandings of important features of

the operation.

Although the intelligence was not perfect,

particularly the evaluation of the effectiveness of the

T-33s, we do not feel that any failure of intelligence
contributed significantly to the defeat.

.- rr



The planning and conduct of the operation would

have been

if there had been an initial statement

of governmental policy, assigning the mission and setting

the guidelines within which it was to develop.


there was a need for a formalized procedure for interdepartmental coordination and follow-up with adequate
record-keeping of decisions.

In the light of the foregoing considerations, we are of

of the opinion that the preparations and execution of paramilitary

operations such as ZAPATA are a form of Cold War action in which
the country must be prepared to engage.

If it does so, it must

engage in it with a maximum chance of success.

Such operations

should be planned and executed by a governmental mechanism capable

of bringing into play, in addition to military and covert techniques,
all other forces, political, economic, ideological, and intelligence,
which can contribute to its success.

No such mechanism presently

exists but should be created to

coordinate and further a

national Cold War strategy capable of including paramilitary


Letter to President Kennedy
from General Maxwell D. Taylor
13 June 1961

Room 2E980, The Pentagon
Washington 25, D.C.
13 Jme 1961
Dear Mr. President:
By your letter of April 2.2, 1961, you charged me in association with
Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Admiral Arleigh Burke, and Director of
Central Intelligence Allen Dulles to study our governmental practices
and programs in the areas of military and paramilitary, guerrilla and
anti-guerrilla activity which fell short of outright war with a view to
strengthening our work in this area. You directed special attention to
the lessons which can be learned from the recent events in Ma.
On May 16, our Cuban Study Group submitted to you an interim oral
report of .our conclusions as of that date. We are now prepared to make
our final report to you orally, supported by the following memoranda:

Memorandum No. 1 "Narrative of the Anti-Castro Operation

Memorandum No. 2 "Immediate Causes of Failure of the
Operation ZAPATA"
Memorandum No. 3 "Conclusions of the Cuban Study Group"
Memorandum No. 4 "Reconunendations of the Cuban Study Group"
In your letter of April 22, you invited me to submit an individual report
subj ect to the review and comment of my associates. As we have fomd no
Qliiicul'ty in reaching a manimous view on all essential points mder
consideration, we are submitting this view as a jointly agreed study.
In closing, may I express our view of the great importance of a prompt
implementation of our first recommendation to establish a Strategic Resources
Group supported by a Cold War Indications Center which will allow our
government readily to focus its resources on the objectives which you set
in the so-called Cold War? We feel that we are losing today on many fronts
and that the trend can be reversed only by a whole-hearted union of effort
by all Executive departments and agencies of the Government mder your
Sincerely yours,
Maxwell D. Taylor
The President
The Whi te House


Bitter Recriminations:
The Navy CAP at the Bay of Pigs
19 April 19_61

2 74

19 APRIL 1961*

On 19 April 1961, the anti-Castro Air Force operating out

of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua was authorized to fly its B-26s on a
combat mission over Cuba in an attempt to relieve the pressure on
the anti-Castro Brigade and, possibly, to support the orderly
evacuation of these troops from the beachhead at Playa Giron on
th.e Bay of Pigs.

In the course of this action, two B-26s--each

carrying a two-man American crew under contract to CIA--were shot

down and the four fliers were killed.

The loss of the American

crews precipitated a controversy between the US Navy and CIA

which heretofore has never been the subject of serious study.
The basis for the disagreement focuses on the combat air patrol
tCAP) which had been authorized by Presic1ent Kennedy to fly off
of the USS Essex--the flagship of a carrier task group standing
off Cuba--to protect the B-26s

Castro's T-33s and Sea Furies.

The undisputed facts about this episode are that:

To support the planned air strike, President
Kennedy authorized the USN to fly a CAP for one hour on
19 April.
2. The
for the CAP set by the President
was agreed to by the USN and CIA as 0630-0730 Cuba (and
Washington) time.
3. For whatever reason, the USN CAP and the B-26s
missed their rendezvous; and two B-26s and four Americans
were lost.

Unpublished manuscript by Jack B. Pfeiffer, August 1983



Explanations for the failure of the rendezvous have focused

on the time

Navy claiming that the CIA B-26s arrived too

early and the Agency claiming that the CAP arrived too late.
Degeneration of this dispute to firm assertions and positive
denials ignored the available evidence which makes clear that
the failure

the CAP was the result of an inexplicably sloppy

performance on the part of the Navy even if the B-26s arrived

as early as the Navy has claimed.

The Navy deliberately de-

stroyed records which reflected on their poor performance.


purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how this conclusion

was reached on the basis of evidence that was available before
the Maxwell Taylor Committee completed its investigations of
the BOP operation in mid-June 1960.
Review of the messages, memorandums, and other pertinent
information shows that USN planning for operation BUMPY ROAD (the
Navy's identification of CIA's anti-Castro program} began on 25
19.61 with authorization from the JCS.

On 1 April, Rules of

Engagement were issued for surface shipping and air patrols:

and on 11 April, the USN Task Group got its first orders to provide Early Warning
ships. 1/

of Castro aircraft for the Brigade

Also on 17 April 1961 a JI'lernorandurn from the USN officer

_serving as the Agency's liaison officer with the JCS set forth the
Rules of Engagement for the carrier task group which set limits
on the distance from Cuban territory for both carrier ann aircraft



and conditions under which carrier aircraft could engage unfriendly aircraft.
Beginning on D-Day (17 April 1961) Navy aircraft were in
evidence in the invasion areas.

In strict conformity with the

the USN jets made no effort to deter Castro's aircraft,

even as Brigade aircraft were being shot down and its ships
sunk at the. Bay of Pigs.

With the heavy losses of Brigade aircraft

on 17 April, CIAs air commander at Puerto Cabezas began to


appea:l for immediate support from the jet aircraft aboard the

Before noon on 18 April, both Gar Teegen, the CIA air

chief in Nicaragua, and McGeorge Bundy, the President's national

security adviser, were urging their respective chiefs to authorize
direct action against Castro's FAR by planes from the carrier-Teegen's contention being that there was no longer any way of
denying US involvement with the invasion.

At the White House level,

Bundy prepared a memorandum for the President stating:

I think you will find at noon Ion 18 April] that the
situation in Cuba is not a bit good. The Cuban armed
forces are stronger, the popular response is weaker,
and our tactical position is feebler than we had hoped.
Tanks have done in one beachhead, and the position is
precarious at the others.
The CIA will press hard for further air help--this
time by Navy cover to B-26s attacking the tanks. But
I think we can expect other pleas in rapid crescendo,
because we are up against a formidable enemy, who is
reacting with military know-how and vigor.
The immediate request I
grant (because it
cannot easily be proven against us and because men are
in need) In my.own judgment, the right course now
is to eliminate the Castro air force, by neutrallypainted .US planes if necessary, and then let the battle
go . its way. /


Neither of these requests for air support

was acted on

the Navy

when authorization for assistance

from the carrier task force was granted, it was

early hours of 19


(Schlesinger says shortly after 1:00 a.m.),

the President, during a meeting with his high level advisers,

authorized' one hour 6f air cover for the Brigade B-26s by six
unmarked jets from the' Essex.*

Among the other caveats, the Navy

jets were not to seek air combat nor attack ground targets. 3/
Once this decision was made, Headquarters sent a message to
Puerto Cabezas stating among other things that there would be:
"positive aggressive Navy air support and cover" from l130Z to
l230Z, on 19 April and that all "enemy forces on approaches
leading into Playa Giron airfield should be attacked."
, But even as this authorization for one hour of a CAP was
being flashed to Nicaragua; the air base was sending a message
through Headquarters at 08l5Z (0215 Nicaragua/03l5 Washington)
to the commanding officer of the Essex specifying that the USN
air CAP be, provided at the area of "Blue Beach not at
the 12 mile limit."

* In addition to himself and the President, Schlesinger wrote

that other attendees at the meeting were the Vice-President,
McGeorge Bundy, Secretaries Rusk and McHamara, Walt Rostow,
General Lemnitzer, Admiral Burke, and
Bissell. One might
wonder whether the presence of DCI Allen Dulles would have led
to a more realistic use of the USN CAP than emerged from this
meeting. Dulles's absence
the US from around noon on D-2
until'nearly midnight on D-Day--he was in Peruto Rico keeping a
scheduled date to address the Young Presidents organization-was one of the worse--of not the worst--decisions he made as

Less than an hour after the message was sent to Gar Teegan
confirming the one hour CAP for 19 April, JCS sent a message to
both Admiral Dennison,

and to Rear Admiral Clark,

ing Officer of the Task' Group.

This message ordered TG-81.8 to

furnish six unmarked aircraft to protect the anti-Castro Cuban

Air Force during the period from 0630-0730 local time, 19 April

The USN pilots were not to seek air combat, but were

to play a purely

role guarding both B-26s and

C-46s. ,!I
The Task Group also was alerted to the possibility that
the invading forces might need to be evacuated from Blue Beach,
and Admiral Dennison

an amphibious squadron in the area alerted

to assist if such an effort were authorized.

Again, however,

there were restrictions on the extent to which the rescue operations could be performed.
remain deniable!

At all costs, the US presence was to


At 1128Z t0628Rt on 19 April, a FLASH message to Puerto

Cabezas from the Task Force (via CIA Headquarters) reported
that the aircraft from the Essex had taken off, but if the testimony
of Admiral Clark to the Taylor Committee is to be believed, this
message from the Task Force failed to make any reference
the fact that the anti-Castro B-26s already had passed over
the Essex at 05301


Shortly after 0900 Cuban time,Puerto Cabezas sent an

EMERGENCY message to the Task Group reporting the shoot down
of a B-26 with an American crew into the ocean and requesting
that a rescue attempt be made.

This message was soon followed

by a series ot messages from Puerto Cabezas reporting that two

a-26s with American crews had been lost and that the promised USN
air CAP had never materialized.

The cables from Nicaragua

culminated with Teegen's message to Headquarters shortly before

noon $aying:
crews dispatched as last resort,
confident ot Navy cover, per Headquarter's guidance.
lUll not send any more B-26.s from this base under
present conditions.
Before 3:0.0 p.m., Washington time, on 19. April, a message
went from Headquarters to puerto Cabezas telling them to stand
down all air activity pending further advice.*
In theme$sages from the field to Headquarters between
17-19.. April, there were repeated complaints about the failure

of Navy aircraft--even within the limits specified prior to 19

fly low

so that their mere presence might serve

to protect the B-26s from attack.

The crucial failure, however,

There had been a meeting in DCI Dulles's office about 8:30 a.m.
on 19 April attended by McGeorge Bundy and the key personnel
1nvolved in the project--DDCI Cabell, Mr. Bissell, Jake Esterline,
Dick Drain, Colonels Hawkins, Beerli, and Germosen, and Captain
Scapa. Bundy called President to request that Navy air be
authorized to attack both ground and air targets. The President
refused to authorize
extension beyond the hour granted for
the morning.


concerned the absence of the Navy CAP when the Brigade B-26s were
nearing their eIP tCoast in Point) on the morning of 19 April-even if the planes from Puerto Cabezas arrived earlier than
scheduled as claimed by the Navy.
In his testimony about the Bay of Pigs before the Taylor
Committee, Admiral Clark stated that his orders were for a CAP
from 0630R-0730R on 19 April, but:
I decided to play this one safe and ordered by
people to be on station one-half hour early [0600R]
in the event that the CEF [Cuban Expeditionary Force]
aircraft made the trip quicker than they had anticipated.
However, they
over our ship one hour early [OS30R],
and consequently we launched our aircraft immediately.
We arrived over the beach area fortv minutes before
0630 Romeo JOSSORJ. However, by that time, the CEF
aircraft had already made their strikes and left. 6/
If the Navy CAP was launched and over the beach at the
time specified by Admiral Clark in the above testimony, why
did the message transmitted from the Task Force to Puerto
Cnbezas via Headquarters l128Z [0628R] on 19 April fail to
meption that the Brigade's B-26s had already overflown the

If the message at l128Z represented the approximate

time of launch of the CAP from the Essex, then the time sequence
specified to the Taylor Committee by Clark was grossly in error.*
Gar Teegen, the air commander at Puerto Cabezas, had
little to say about the time problem.

In his testimony

to General Taylor, in response to the question of whether

* The introductory note to Admiral Clark's testimony before

the Taylor Committee stated that Clark: "Made the point that
all the. orders he had received were good dispatches and clear
and that they were carried out fully." 7/

2 81

there was some confusion as to the time the Navy CAP was to
be provided, Teegen's terse answer was:
of the time.


"There was no confusion

I received a message that Navy air CAP would be

Mission Summary Report of 26 April 1961 for

the TaYlor Committee noted that either four or five B-26s

were launched from Puerto Cabezas between Q845Z and
Estimating the minimum time of arrival over the target for these
aircraft to be two-and-one-half hours, one of the planes could
have been over the target area as early as 0430R, two at 06lSR,
and two at 0630R.
the time

The first arrival clearly was outside of

for the USN CAP.

The other four would have

been well within the time COSSOR) that Admiral Clark testified
his CAP was "over the beach area."

The two B-26s which were

lost on 19 April were within the specified period (0630-0730R)

for CAP protection.
The question of the number of aircraft focuses on the approximate time

departure for Joe Shannon.

In the r1ission

Summary for the Taylor Committee prepared in 1961, Shannon's

launch time was shown as l030Z; but when Teegen reviewed
Albert Person's publication, The Bay of Pigs, Shannon's launch
given as 0900Z.

Based on the messages that Puerto Cabezas

sent to Headquarters on 19 April reporting the shoot down of

Riley Shamburger and Wade Gray by a T-33, Shannon must have launched

at 0900 inasmuch as Shamburger was his wing man when he was


The time of departure from Puerto Cabezas and the

approximate time of arrival over Cuba as given to the Taylor

Committee and as shown in Teegen's review of Person's book
are given in Table 1.*
Col. Stanley Berrli, the Acting Chief of Air Division,
retained bitter recollections of the miss between the Navy
CAP and the brigade B-26s.

In discussing this episode, Beerli

was most positive about who was at fault:

You're damn right I was involved . I was there-down at the Task Force Headquarters. Bissell was there.
Arleigh Burke was there Bissell had obtained the
clearance for that [air] support, and there was some
discussion as to what the Navy would do and what they
would provide--jets, etc. It was decided that we could
launch our strike. The Navy would give us air cover
for one hour. O.K. and then the question is
what time do you want it? Bissell turned to me and
said, "Stan, what time do you want it?"
I. blame him lAdmiral Arleigh Burke] for this because
it was a time mixup He was there, and he said, "Nell,
",hat time do you want it?" I said, "Six," and then
I thought you know there are a lot of six o'clocks
around in different places in the world, and I said,
"Six o'clock Zebra time."
Anyway, I converted it to Zebra time . and I gave
it to him in Zebra time l remember that specifically,
that it would work out locally for that
. I remember him going out--and
I said, "Remember, Zebra time." But he was kind of in a
might have been in a kind of preoccupied mood. It wasn't
typewritten down on a piece of paper and given to him.
Maybe that's it. He went back and said, "Be there at
0630-0730;" and they just weren't there . But I blame
him for that tieup, because our people were there at the
time it was specified. I just think that there was the
foul up--not. getting that "z" time back to the Navy. 2-/

Table 1 fo1lows
The two-and-one-half hour flight tiMe
from Puerto Cabezas to Cuba probably errs on the side of a higher
average airspeed (230 mph) than was operationally feasible (190200 mph>'. Albert C. Persons was a C-46/C-S4 pilot/instructor during
the BOP



19 APRIL 1961*

1968 Revision of
Mission Stmn'ary of
26 April 1961

Mission SUrm'ery,
26 April 1961



(575 s .rn./230































1030 (0900?) I

1300 (1130?)

I !


(575 s.rn.J230




Est:i.rra ted arrival
time over







minimum arrival
tiIre ovel'




0700 (?)



ZEBRA. (Z) time except t.i.nes in

(e.g., Havana and Nashington, D. C.)




are Eastern St.'1ncbrd Time

Col. Beerli's strong feelings about the failure of the

Navy to get the time period for the CAP correct are sUbjective,
but there is less speculative evidence which adds credence to
the Agency's contention that the Navy clearly was at fault on
19 April 1961--regardless of whether the B-26s arrived an hour
earlier than scheduled.

Admiral Clark told the Taylor Committee

that the Essex was unaware of the approaching B-26s until "they
came over our ship one hour early."

Also according to Clark, by the

time he launched his CAP and got them over the beach, the
B-26s "had already made their strikes and left."


At no time did any of the USN personnel testifying before

the Taylor Committee Cincluding Admiral Burke of the Committee)
indicate that the incoming B-26s had been picked up by radar on
the Essex or on the radar of the escorting destroyers.


based on the intercept ranges for the radars installed on the

Essex (as of November 1960-June 1961) indicate that B-26s flying
at a speed of 230 mph, between altitudes of 500' and 10,000',
could have been picked up between 45 and 154 statute miles from
the carrier.

This would have provided the carrier with an

advance warning of roughly 12-40 minutes.


Although it cannot be determined accurately at what

height any of the brigade's B-26s were flying, Gar Teegen was
of the opinion that they probably would have been cruising at
S,OOO-lO,OOO' for the early part of the trip, dropping down to

See Table 2 following p. 11.


Height of

Intercept Range
(Statute miles) *


Time Required
B-26 t s to
reach ESSEX**
























Source: Department of the Navy, Sea Systems Command,

24 April 1979 (SEA 62X/EFW, Ser 81). u.

Estimated average speed 230 mph.



when approximately 15 miles off the target--by which

time they would have been well past the Essex.

It would appear

reasonable to assume that the carrier's intercept should have

been made at approximately 100 miles, or 25 minutes' warning
time of the incoming aircraft.


Equally difficult to understand is Admiral Clark's

statement that by the time his jets were launched and to the
target area the B-26s had made their strikes and departed.


already noted, based on the take-off times out of Puerto

Cabezas as many as tive B-26s--those flown by Ray, Shamburger,
Shannon, Goodwin, and)

I-could have been in the air at

the time that the jets from the Essex arrived.

Herrera and,

possibly "Doug" in the first two B-26s over the target area might
have been in and out prior to the arrival of the CAP; but
according to Buck Persons, Doug was intercepted by one of the
USN jets as he was en route back to Puerto Cabezas.


though he had no radio contact with the Navy pilot, Doug was
able to direct the aircraft back toward the beach where Joe
Shannon still faced possible attack by the T-33s which had
downed his wing man.


This would seem to justify some

questions about the credibility of Clark's testimony before

Taylor Committee.
Stanley Beerli also criticized the failure of the Navy
radar to pick up the B-26s, and, in addition, he


if the Navy had been serious about its obligation to support


the project, they would have had reconnaissance aircraft up

well before the B-26s appeared.

Even if the recce aircraft

had failed to catch the incoming B-26s, Beerli's contention was

that the carrier's radar surely should have spotted them.


Captain Lionel Krisel' (USNR, Ret.l--who for a number of

years was working on a history of naval operations, including
the Bay

Pigs, at the instigation of Admiral Ar1eigh Burke--

has claimed that the carrier did have a reconnaissance aircraft

up and that the Essex CAP got off within a few minutes of a radar

In context, Krise1's comments implied that the

carrier's radar and not the recce aircraft spotted the B-26s. 15/
If Krisel's version were accepted as correct and if the Essex,
even with a radar warning alert, could not get its jet aircraft
launched in time to catch any of the B-26s before they completed
their strikes, the efficiency of US carrier operations would

The April 19.79 estimate bV the Navy of the capability of the

radar gear carried by the Essex between November 1960-June 1961
confirms Beer1i's belief that the radar capability was there.
This makes even more incredible Admiral Clark's contention
that the Essex was unaware of the B-26s until they passed
the carrier.


appear to have been another of the numerous, significant

questions which went unasked by the Taylor Comrnittee.*
There also were other problems with reference to the
CAP from the Essex that were indicative of consinerably less
than top performance by the USN.

Teegen, as reportedly

previously, had urged the Navy aircraft to operate at lower

altitudes if they were to be of any use for protecting the
brigade aircraft.


Based on Captain Krisel's claims that

in his

with sorne of the Essex's pilots who flew

the CAP he was told that they had no orders to fire, it would
have made no difference. at what height the A4Ds operated.


* In his
with Col. Beerli, Capt. Krisel apparently
did not indicate that there was any radar pickup of the B-26s. 16/
In one of his conversations with me, Krisel stated that the A4D
Skyhawks from the Essex did not carry radar and had to be vectored
by the carrier to any aircraft which they could not sight visually. 17/
Yet another version of the time frame problem was told to
Peter Wyden in a conversation with Admiral Clark's second in command, "Deacon" Fickenscher. According to Wyden:
On Wednesday \119 April 1961J at 6: 30 a.m., Deacon
lFickenscherJ received a message .. from Washington .
to launch four SkYhawks which were supposed to protect
B-26s headed for the beach .. The launch was scheduled for six-thirty, clearly no longer possible. The
planes were airborne shortly before seven-thirty.
Deacon knew they would almost certainly miss their
rendezvous .. Nobody could execute orders before
they were received. Obviously, communications with
Washington were not working right. 18/
**The writer told Krisel that this was an unbelievable story
be.cause the purpose of the CAP was to "defend CEF against air
attacks from Castro forces. Do not seek air combat, but defend
CEF forces from air attack." Krisel reported that the pilots
claimed that the Rules of Engagement must have been changed
and the pilots were unaware of the change.


Perhaps indicative of the Navy's sensitivity about its

performance during the Bay of Pigs operation is the fact that
the operational records of its participation were ordered
destroyed, presumably at the direction of Admiral Burke.


One source has indicated that the destruction of the records-including "the operation order, the deck log, the navigation
log, the combat information center log, the engineering log,
everything"--was done in the incinerator of the Essex following
the collapse of the invasion.


If the performance by Navy air was less than admirable,

it should be remembered that by D-Day military considerations
had gone by the board in favor of political expediency as determined by the White House.

That President Kennedy could

have been unaware that the effort against Castro was in trouble
from the. time the first B-26 went down and two of the supply
ships were sunk., then he either was listening to the wrong advisers or was engaging in wishful thinking.

Certainly McGeorge

Bundy was well aware of the air problem and he was in close
contact with key CIA personnel who were actively seeking air
support from the Navy.

That the President failed to authorize

US intervention by USN air when there was still time to salvage

if not most, of the Brigade did nothing to deflect criticism
of the US an an "interventionist"f and it did irreparable damage
to US relations with the nations of Central America.
* Destruction of these records was another item that never carne
to the attention of the Taylor Committee.


1. Operation Zapata (Frederick, MD: University Publications of America, 19B1}., pp. 30-31, 131.
2. Memo for the President from McGeorge Bundy, 18 Apr 61,
sub: lCuban Situation].
3. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., A Thousand Days (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin,
pp. 277-278.
4. Wyden, Peter, Bay of Pigs (New York: Simon and Schuster,
1979)., pp. 125-238, 243, 267-268.
Dennison, Robert L. D., "As I Recall," US Naval
Institute Proceedings, Oct 79,


6 . . 'Operation Zapata, p. 167.




Ibid., p. 235.

9. Interview with Stanley W. Beer1i by Jack B. Pfeiffer,

2 Feb 76, pp. 58-60.

Operation 'Zapata, p. 167.

11. Letter to Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer from P.E. Robinson,

Jr. (Dept. of Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command}., 24 Apr 79,
sub: Radar Intercept Ranges of USS Essex, Nov 60-Jun 61.
(SEA 62X!EFW!SER 81).
12. Te1econ between Jack B. Pfeiffer and Garfield M. Teegen
(pseudol, 24 Aug 76.
13. Persons, Albert C., Bay of Pigs (Birmingham, AL:
Kingston Press, 196B), p. 57.
14. Telecon between Jack B. Pfeiffer and Stanley W. Beerli,
21 Sep 76.

All sources are unclassified.


15. Conversations between Jack B. Pfeiffer and

Captain Lionel Krisel (USNR, Ret.), 23 Apr 75 and 9 Jun 78.

Pfeiffer-Beer1i te1econ, 21 Sep 76.


Pfeiffer-Krise1 conversation,


Wyden, p. 242.


Pfeiffer-Teegen telecon, 26 May 77.


Pfeiffer-Krisel telecon, 2 Jun 7B.

June 78.

21. Conversation between Jack B. Pfeiffer and Dr. Dean C.

.A llard, Operational Archives, Naval Historical Center (Jul 76?).

Wyden, p. 299..


Asterisk (*) indicates source reference is for a classified

document for which declassification has been requested (2 November 1983)

under FOIA.

If declassification is denied, text either will be retained

without specific source citation or othenvise inodified to meet PRB


All other sources are unclassified.

is F83-0954, 2 Nov 83.

(FOIA request

Includes references specifed here

and others as well.)



Chapter 1


No source references
Chapter 2 Organization and Procedures
of the Conunittee
22 Apr 61.

Letter to General Maxwell Taylor from John F. Kennedy J

2. Taylor, Maxwell D., Swords and Plowshares (New York:

W. W. Norton &Co., Inc., 1972), pp. 179-181.

Ibid., p. 184.


Ibid., p. 185.

S. Te1econ between Benjamin W. TaIWater and Jack B. Pfeiffer,

5 Feb 81, sub: Taylor Conuni ttee Records.

6. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Robert Kennedy and His Times,

Houghton Mifflin, 1978), pp. 970-971.

Letter to Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer from Martin F. McGann,

23 Aug 82, sub: Mandatory Review Case: NKL-82-17, RFS Dictated
of 1 June 1961. (Hereafter as RFK


of America, 19
Chapter 3 Testimony of the Witnesses
1. Taylor Conunittee, Part II, 1st Mtg, 22 Apr 61, Verbatim
Transcript, Reel 1, pp. 16-17. (Hereafter as TCVf, R#, pp.).

Ibid., R 2, pp. 20-21.


Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, pp. 446-448.


TCVf, R4, pp. 5-9.


Ibid., p. 8.


Ibid., RZ, pp. 9, 22-23, R3, pp. 4-5.



OZ, p. 58.


TCVT, R2, pp. 16-17.


Ibid., p. 17.


OZ, pp. 68-70.


Ibid., p. 75.



, pp. 77-78.
, p. 80.

15. MR from Jack B. Pfeiffer, 30 May 79, sub:

Mary Dunlap, DOT re Trinidad Airfield, Cuba.

OZ, p. 118.

17. Wyden, Peter, Bay of Pigs (New York:

1979), p. 236.

OZ, p. 123.


Ibid., p. 98.


Te1econ with

Simon and Schuster,

" , pp. 98-99.

21. JCSM-166-61,15 Mar 61, Evaluation of the Military Aspects

of Alternate Concepts, CIA Para-Military Plan, Cuba, p. 2.
22. .OZ, p. 109.

Ibid., p. 112.


JCSM-16-61, pp. 2-3.


OZ, p. 202.


Ibid., pp. 13-14.



, pp. 112-113.
(Habana: Ediciones R,

1961) ,

OZ, p. 134.


for Chief, WH/ 4 from J. Hawkins, 4 Jan 61, sub:
Policy Decisions Required for Conduct of Strike Operations Against
Government of Cuba.

OZ, p. 130.

*31. MR. from J. Hawkins, 24 Apr 61, sub: Factors which

Hanpered Preparations for and Conduct of Effective Paramilitary
Operations, Cuba.





OZ, p. 147.


Ibid., p. 141.


PG: Derrota, I, 97-106.


Ibid., pp. 92 -93.


OZ, pp. 140-141.


Ibid., p. 142.

*40. 1vemo for OCI from J. C. King, 27 Apr 61, sub: Resume
of Conditions Inhibiting Mass Uprisings in Cuba on 17 Apr [61].

OZ, pp. 142-143.


Ibid., pp. 143-145.


" , p. 144.

*44. MR from C. Tracy Barnes, 23 Jan 61, sub:

of Dean Rusk's 22 January 1veeting on Cuba.


DCI's Calendar, 17 and 22 Jan 6l.


OZ, p. 145.


Ibid. , pp. 145-148.



, pp. 151-153, 163-165.

, pp. 153-156.

1vemo for Sec Def from L. L. Lernni tzer, 10 Mar 61, sub:
EValuation of CIA Cuban Volunteer Task Force
Enclosure C,
p. 4.



OZ, pp. 155-156.


Ibid., p. 158.



, p. 167.



, pp. 168-169.



, p. 171.



, pp. 172-175.


, p. 175.
, pp. 176-177.

58. MeJOO for President Kennedy from McGeorge Bundy, 15 Mar 61,
sub: Meeting on Cuba, 4 p.m., 15 Mar 61.

OZ, p. 178.


Ibid., p. 177.
60a. terno from McGeorge Bundy, 24 Apr 61, sub: Some Preliminary
Administrative Lessons of the Cuban Expedition.


60b. terno for the President from Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,

15 Mar 61, sub: Cuba.


OZ, p. 178.


JCSM-166-61, pp. 2-3 and Appendix.


OZ, p. 180.




" , p. 181.


" , pp. 181-182.


" , p. 182.

68. Memo for the President from McG[eorge] B[tmdy], 18 Apr 61

[sub: Situation Report].

OZ, p. 182.



Ibid., p. 191.



, pp. 184-189.



, p. 190.


, pp. 190-194.

Interview with Grayston Lynch by Jack B.Pfeiffer,

13 Nov 75, pp. 35-36.

Lynch-Pfeiffer Int., p. 39.


OZ, p. 194.


Ibid., pp. 199-200.


" , p. 201.


" , p. 202.


" , pp. 202-203.


Wyden, Bay of Pigs, p. 121.


OZ, p. 203.


JCSM-146-61, p. 2.


PG: Derrota, I, 491-492.


OZ, p. 204.


Ibid., p. 205.


" , p. 8.

for Sec Def from L. L. LeIlUlitzer, 27 Jan 61, sub:

US Plan of Action in Cuba (JCSM-44 -61)

OZ, p. 207.


Ibid., p. 208.


" , pp. 208-209.


" , pp. 213-217.


" , pp. 219-220.


15 Oct 74.

Letter to Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer from Thomas C. Mann,

93. Oral History Interview with Thomas C. Mann. b.y Larry

Hackman, 13 Mar 68. (JFK Ly, OH 73-19, p. 20).
94. Hi1sman, Roger, To M:>ve a Nation (Garden City, N'. Y.:
Doubleday, 1967), p. 31.

OZ, p. 221.


Ibid., pp. 221-222.

97. MR froJll David W. Gray, 9 May 61, sub:

Whi te House
p. 3.
19 Ju1 76.

Summary of

Letter to Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer from Richard F. Pedersen,


OZ, p. 223.





103. Interview with Jacob D. Esterline by Jack B. Pfeiffer,

10-11 Nov 75, pp. 44, 66.

OZ, pp. 224-225.


Ibid., p. 229.


" , p. 230.

_107. A. A. Ber1e Papers: Ber1e Diary, 3 May 61.

Box 220, File: Diary, Jan-May 61.)

OZ, pp. 232-235.


Ibid., pp. 246-247.




. , pp. 247-248.
, p. 248.
, pp. 248-25l.
, p. 246.


(FDR Ly,


Ibid., p. 254.



, pp. 258-259.



, pp. 259-260.



, pp. 262-263.



, pp. 267-269.



, pp. 269-274.


Schlesinger, Robert KelUledy, pp. 447, 970.


OZ, pp. 275-277.


Ibid., pp. 279-288.



, p. 288.


Lynch-Pfeiffer Int., pp. 48-51.


OZ, pp. 289-311.


Ibid., p. 313.



, p. 317.

128. Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Canunittee

(Historical Series), Vol. 13, Part 1, 87th Cong., 1st Sess, 1961.
(Washington, D. C.: GPO, Apr 84), p. 590. Cfilreafter as ExSess, SFRC CBS),
v. 13, pt. 1.)

OZ, pp. 318-320.


Ibid., pp. 322-324.



pp. 325-326.

ExSess, SFRC CBS), v. 13, pt. 1, p. 596.

133. OZ, pp. 323-324.

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., A Thousand Days (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1965, pp. 242-243.

OZ, pp. 325-326.


Ibid., pp. 343-344.



Ibid., p. 344.
, pp. 344-347.



, pp. 346-347.



, p. 330.



, pp. 350-351.


141. Memo for CIA Infonnation and Privacy Division, et a1.,

from Edmund P. McBride, 19 Aug 81, sub: Declassification Review
of one volume History of the JCS, Att., p. 10. (SM 586-81).
142 . Hun t, E. Howard, Give Us This Day (New Rochelle, N. Y.:
Arlington House, 1973), p. 213.
143. Interview with Richard D. Drain by Jack B. Pfeiffer,
8 Jan 76, pp. 56-57.

Esterline-Pfeiffer Int., p. 74.




Schlesinger, Robert Kermedy, p. 454.




Ibid., p. 453.


Lynch-Pfeiffer Int., pp. 29-31.


Ibid., p. 29.


OZ, pp. 355-358.


ExSess. SFRC (HS), v. 13, pt. 1, pp. 395-396.


Ibid., p. 401.

Memo, p.


154. Interview with Richard M. Bissell by Jack B. Pfeiffer,

17 Oct 75, p. 32.
155. Memo for David R. McLean from Richard D. Drain,
6 Jun. 73 [sub: Bay of Pigs].
156. FBIS Daily, Latin America, No. 73, 1961 (Vol. No. 1965,
Daily Reports), p. hhhh 28.
157. MR from Jack B. Pfeiffer, 10 May 74, sub:
with Shennan Kent.



Drain-Pfeiffer Int., p. 18.

Mosley, Leonard, Dulles (New York: Dial Press/James

Wade, 1978), pp. 478-479.

159 . Schlesinger, Robert KeJUledy, p. 454.

Chapter 4 The Taylor Committee Report
*1. MR [from J. C. King?], n. d., sub:
President on 16 May 1961. (DRAFf)

Letter for President KeJUledy from General Maxwell

D. Taylor, 13 Jun 61.


OZ, pp. 3-6.


Esterline-Pfeiffer Int., p. 98.


OZ, p. 8.


with the

for Chief, WH/4 from C. Tracy Barnes, 18 Jan 61,

with General Gray, 18 Jan 61.

from McGeorge Bundy, 28 Jan 61, sub:
of Discussion on Cuba.

OZ, p. 9.

for Sec Def from 1. L. Lenmitzer, 3 Feb 61, sub:
Military Evaluation of the Cuban Plan (JCSM-57-61), p. 3.



Ibid., p. 1.


, pp. 22-23.

OZ, pp. 10-11.

13 .. Ibid. , p. 14.
pp. 14-16.







pp. 16-21.



p. 24.


, p. 16.

, pp. 34-35.


Ibid., pp. 29-30.


p. 29.

PG: Turnba, pp. 25, 30.

History of an Aggression (Havana: Unidad', 1965),

photos following p. 407.

Ibid., pp. 212-213,220-221, 274, 299.

" , pp. 63-113.
New York Times, 17 Jun 61.

*MR from J. C. King, 19 Jun 61, sub: Comments by

Fidel Castro on the Invasion of 17 April 1961.

History of an Aggression, p. 10.


OZ, pp. 37-38.


Ibid., pp. 15-18.


Hunt, Give Us This Day, pp. 82, 160, 201-204, 207.


OZ, pp. 40-43.

*30. Memo for DCI From Richard M. Bissell, Jr., 20 May 61,
sub: Cuban Experience as It Bears on the Organization of Paramilitary Activities.

OZ, pp. 40-43.


Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, pp. 257-258.

for the Cuban Study Group from WH/4], 31 May 61,

sub: What briefing, if any, was given the Brigade or the Brigade's
staff on going guerrilla?
for Gen. Maxwell Taylor [from Allen W. Dulles],
21 May 61, sub: Comrnents on Areas of Reconunendation.

for Gen. Maxwell Taylor from Allen W. Dulles,
3 Jun 61, sub: [Connnents on Memos No. 1 and 2].
for Gen. Maxwell Taylor from Allen W. Dulles,
4 Jun 61, no subject.
for Gen. Maxwell Taylor from Allen W. Dulles,
8 Jun 61, no subject.

MeJOO for General Taylor from Allen W. Dulles,

21 May 61, sub:
on Paramilitary Activities].

OZ, p. Sl.


Ibid., pp. 51-52.


" , pp. 52-53.

Chapter 5
General Taylor's Retrospective Views
on the Cuban Study Group

Taylor, Swords and Plowshares" p. 186.


Ibid., p. 192.


Ibid., pp. 192-194.


Washington Post, 12 May 80.









Chapter 6
Assessment of the Taylor Committee Report

Drain-Pfeiffer Int., p. 4S.


Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, p. 248.

Hilsman, To Move a Natia1, p. 31.


Washington Post,S Jan 75, p. A-8.


Alsop, Stewart, The Center (New York: Harper & Row, 1968), p. 232.

S. ExSess SFRC (HS), v. 13, pt. 1, p. 43.


6. MR from David R.
tion with Sherman Kent.

14 5ep 72, sub:


MR fran R. D. Drain, 30 Jan 61, sub: WH/4 1M Briefing.

7. Powers, Thomas, The Man Who Kept the5ecrets (New York:

Alfred A. Knopf, 1979) pp. 106-111, 329-330.

Bissell-Pfeiffer Int., pp. 5-6.

*9. MR from J. C. King, 12 Jun 61, Taylor Group M3eting

of 25 [sic] June 1961.

10. lem for Clief, Executive Registty from Jack B. Pfeiffer,

13 Apr 81, sub: Request for Infonnation.

lemo for Dr. Jack Pfeiffer from

Pfeiffer's 13 Apr Memo tol

*11. I
Central Intelligence, 26 Feb


22 Apr 81,

Allen Welsh Dulles as Director of

53-29 NOv 61, III, 145.

*12. Elder, Walter, John A. McCone as the Director of central

Intelligence, 29 Nov 61-28 Apr 65, p. 31.

Drain-Pfeiffer Int., pp. 17-18.

to Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer from Jack Hawkins, 14 Jan 76.

15. Memo for the President from McG[eorge] B[mdy] ,

25 Feb 61, sub: [Organizaticn].

16. Rovere, Richard,

New Yorker, 6 May 61

from Washington (27 Apr 61),"

OZ, p . ix.


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