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1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID

card will not be allowed to play under any circumstance(s).
2. The game is played in 2 halves consisting of 25 minutes each.
The half time interval must not exceed more than 10 minutes. At
the discretion of the referee more time is allowed to compensate
for any stoppage during play e.g. Due to substitutions or care
and attention of injured players.
3. Players must wear a jersey, Shorts, stockings. shinguards and
4. There shall be rolling substitutes.
5. The composition of the team shall not be in excess of 16
6. If a player is awarded RED card then he shall not be allowed to
play in the next match.
7. If a player is awarded YELLOW card in two consecutive
matches then he shall not be allowed to play in the next match.
8. FIFA rules shall be followed.
9. The decision of the referee shall be final and binding.


1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID
card will not be allowed to play under any circumstance(s).
2. The composition of the team shall not be in excess of 10
3. There shall be 3 sets and the tennis point system shall be
4. On serve the ball should be released properly.
5. The rotation system shall be followed.

6. The decision of the referee shall be final and binding.

Lawn Tennis
1. Each team shall consist of minimum 2 and maximum 4 players.
2. There shall be 2 singles competition and doubles competition
followed by a tiebreaker if necessary.
3. Each match shall be of 1 set.
4. In cases of dispute AITA rules shall prevail.
5. There is no team cap and each university/college is allowed to form
any number of teams.

(Rules of Throwball as Per International Throwball Federation)

1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID

card will not be allowed to play under any circumstance(s).
2. Each team should consist of seven (7) Players at time of play
and 5 Substitutes.
3. The match should be played for best Of 3 sets for 25 Points in
each set with rally Score.
4. Any ball to be released should be released from above the
Shoulder Line only.
5. The ball has to be caught with both the hands and returned in
one hand only.
6. Service ball should not touch the ilet and double touch is not
allowed for receiving he Service Ball. The ball should be served
after the whistle & within 5 Seconds and should be served only
from the Service- Zone & without crossing the end line. Any
ball falling on the box line or in the Dead Zone is a foul.
7. Any Ball After Catching (During Rally) Should Be Released
With In 3 Seconds.
8. During the rally. ball can touch the net a player should have
contact with the ground at time of receiving the ball, and can
iump and return the ball. Also a player can jump and serve the
9. Body touch during catching or releasing the ball is not allowed.
10. The ball should be caught simultaneously with both the
hands without any sound and any movement of the ball in the

hand. 2. Two players cannot catch the ball simultaneously. The

players should stay in 2-3-2 position at the time of service.
12. Shifting the ball from right to left or left to right is not pennirted.
13. Team should be in proper jersey.

1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID
card will not be allowed to play under any circiuustance(s).
2. The composition of the team shall not be in excess of 10
3. Duration of each quarter shall be 8 nthiutes.
4. A player in excess of four personal fouls will have to sit out for
the remaining match.
5. On the occunence of two tecluiical fouls. the team would be

6. If a team conuuits 5 fouls in one quarter. the other team will be

allowed 2 free throws.
7. The decision of the referee shall be final and binding.

Street Soccer
1. Players without their respective college university issued
ID card will not be allowed to play under any
2. The composition of the team shall not be in excess of 8
members. Maximum 5 players shall be allowed on the
couil that includes 4 outfield players and 1 goalkeepei.,
3. Rollins substitutes system shall be followed.
4. Duration of the match shall be of 20 minutes with each
half of 10 minutes and a break of 5 minutes.
5. A goalkeeper must not score goals. The goalkeeper must not

leave time penalty area. The goalkeeper ninst not hold the ball
longer than necessary in his penalty area (bpyg for time).
6. The goalkeeper must distribute the ball from his hands
underanu (below shoulder height). If time goalkeeper does not
distribute the ball underarm a fiee kick will be awarded to the
other team at the halfway line.
7. A goalkeeper must not leave the penalty area.
8. A pass back nile applies. If a goalkeeper picks the ball up with
his hands after receiving a pass back from a team mate time other
team is awarded a penalty.
9. The referee can award a penalty against a team which is
persistently time-wasting after the team has been first warned
about its conduct.
10. Players must wear a jersey.
11. Boots are not allowed. Only sport shoes shall be used.
12. The decision of the referee shall be fumal amid binding.

1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID card
will not be allowed to play tinder any circumstance(s).
2. There shall be oniy one team from each college/University.
3. The composition of the team shall not be more than 2 members.
4. The 1st player who starts (breaks the rack to start a game) is
determined randonily. The break will then alternate between players
in fumre games at the same table. regardless of who won that last
game. The player who breaks must strike the rack
with the cue ball. Othenvise. the break becoiiies il1ea1 and the turn
switches to the opponent. Any balls pocketed oii the break remain
5. If during a break the player pockets a ball. other than the 8-ball or
cue ball. the same tuni continues. If no balls are pocketed on the

break. the turn switches to the next player. Regardless of whether a

ball is pocketed or not on the break. the table is still considered
open (i.e.. the choice of playing solids or stripes is still up for
6. The choice of stripes or solids is not detennined on the break. The
choice is detenlthled only when a player legally pockets tile first ball
after a break. If tile player pockets both a solid and a stripe in tue
same shot. he/she must choose which group of balls they wish to play.
If the table is open and a player strikes tile 8-ball first, this is
considered a foul and the turn rotates to the next player who gets ball
in hand. If any balls were pocketed on this foul. they remain pocketed
and the table is still considered open. If tile 8-bali is pocketed when
it 5 not a legal shot the game ends and the player who illegally
pocketed the 8-ball loses the game. Once solids and stripes have been
assigned, its considered a foul to strike the other players ball before
your own. If this happens. the players turn is over and any balls
pocketed remain pocketed.
7. A player loses the game by making any of the following errors:
Foul when pocketing tile 8-Ball.
Pocketing the 8-ball in a pocket other than the one he/she
Pocketing the 8-Ball when it is not the legal object ball.
Pocketing the 8-ball Oil tile same shot as the last of the players
group of balls.
8. Tile decision of the Judge shall be final and binding.
1. Players wit1iout ersity issued ID card will not be allowed
to play under
2. There shall be 1iiy one
3. The compositioiloj..ilie t nnbers.
4. The decision of the idge shall be final and bindiiig.

1. Players without their respective college/iuiiversity issued ID card

will not be allowed to play under any circumstance(s).
2. There shall be only one team from each college/University.
3. The composition of the team shall not be more than 4 members.
4. The decision of the Arbiter shall be final and binding.
5. Every participant will get 30 minutes,

1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID card
will not be allowed to play under any circumstance(s).

2. There shall be oniy one team from each college/University.

3. The composition of the team shall not be more than 3
4. The decision of the referee shall be final and binding.

Table Tennis
1. Players without their respective college/university issued ID
card will not be allowed to play tinder any circumstance(s).
2. There shall be only one team from each college/University.
3. The composition of the team shall not be more than 3

4. Each player serves two points in a row and then switch
server. However, if a score of
10- 10 is reached in any game. then each server serves only
one point and then the server is switched. Alter each game. the
players switch side of the table.
5. The ball must rest on an open hand palm. Then it must be
tossed tip at least 6 inches and struck so the ball first bounces

on the servers side and tlieii the opponents side.

6. The decision of the referee shall be final and binding.

Counter Strike
1. The composition of the team shall not exceed 5 members.
2. No cap oii number of entries.
3. Game version Half-Life Counter-Strike Condition Zero.
4. The Totuiiameiit Orgaiiizers reserves the right to cancel r
modify the tournament rules if fraud, technical failures or any
other factor beyond iasonable controL impairs the integrity of
the tournament.
5. A game coiisist of 2 periods, each period icludin5 ounds. A
round lasts 2 minutes. One Debd-as terronsts and the other as
cotuiter-knonsts for each team.
6. In the inc match g
7 In the to unwanted maps.
8. A knife-round vs Cuuter-Te1Torist and which team plays
Tenorist. Thiiuierof the knife-rotthclpicks their role before the
first half of the match. Roles switch in the second half of the
9. If a team is not present on the tournament server at the start of
the scheduled time. the other team chooses map and the side (CT
or T).
10. Team members may not comiununicate (speak) when lie or
she is dead in the game. The only exception is when all
team members are eliminated in the game.
11. Only the team captitis are allowed to seiicl public messages
(messagemodel or y) during the game. The rest of the
players are not allowed to use messagemode 1: failure to meet
this rule would lead to team penalties. The players can send


only team messages (messagemode2 or u) during the match.

12. The decision of the Judge shall be final and binding.

Need for Speed

1. The tournament will be knock out.
2. The player who wins their 1st stage match advances to the next
3. There will not be any match played for the third spot.
Match Format
1. Sprint Races will be played by 4 players in the preliminary
2. Players getting the 1st position hi the sprints shall qualify for the
next rotuid. Game Settings
1. Courses: Diamond, Dunwich Bay, Heritage Heights. Bay Bridge.
EastPark. Forest Green. Heritage and Diamond and Seaside &
2. Car Settings: All 32 cars are available.
3. Race Mode Options:
* Nitrous: On
* Collision Detection: on
* Performance Matching: Off
4. Player Mode Options:
* Game Moment Camera: Off
* Car Damage: Off
* Rear View Mirror: Players own discretion


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