Multilingual Education

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Chapter 05: Multicultural and Multilingual Education

Multiple Choice
1. The purpose of ethnocentric education is to
A. encourage the study of many different cultural perspectives.
B. place Eurocentric views at the center of schooling.
C. overcome negative popular images of dominated groups.
D. teach students how to live with nature and develop an attitude that respects nature.
Answer: C
2. The criticism of multicultural education raised by Lisa Delpit is:
A. it discourages White children and lowers their self-esteem.
B. it is not as rigorous as the traditional curriculum.
C. it seeks to preserve the cultures of dominated groups.
D. it does not teach minority students about the culture of the powerful.
E. it leads to the fragmentation of our society and increasing culture clash.
Answer: D
3. According to this chapter, what is one reason why African-American students may not be
willing to engage with their education?
A. They may see it as sacrificing their identity to act white.
B. Multicultural education may overlook them in favor of model minorities.
C. Their courses may be too Afrocentric and seem irrelevant to them.
D. Multicultural education may overlook them in favor of model minorities and their
courses may be too Afrocentric and seem irrelevant to them.
E. All of the choices are correct.
Answer: A
4. Which of the following is NOT one of Sonia Nietos recommendations for multicultural
A. Encourage students to question political and economic institutions.
B. Talk about sexism as well as racism.
C. Encourage white students not to comment, so that they do not discourage students of
other ethnicities.
D. Ensure that multiculturalism pervades the entire school, including assemblies, the library,
and the lunch room.
E. Teach students to identify racist attitudes and structures in society.
Answer: C

5. A guarantee that children have the right to all levels and forms of education in a State is
stated in
A. the U.S. Constitution.
B. the Indian Constitution.
C. the Italian Constitution.
D. the U.N.s Draft Declaration of Indigenous Peoples Rights.
E. the Universal Covenant of Linguistic Human Rights.
Answer: D
6. Which of the following types of education is supported by the No Child Left Behind Act?
A. maintenance bilingual
B. transitional bilingual
C. two-way bilingual
D. English acquisition
Answer: D
7. Which of the following statements is true about the effects of bilingual education?
A. Bilingual education programs attempt to break students ties to their home culture.
B. Students are better able to learn English if they can read and write in their native
C. Students from bilingual education programs are less likely to speak English well than
those from immersion programs.
D. Bilingual education programs discourage students from integrating into mainstream
E. Students in these programs become confused about which language to speak at which
Answer: B
8. Which of the following are members of immigrant cultures?
A. a boy whose grandparents were born in Mexico, but he lives in the United States
B. a girl whose parents were born in Korea, and the family now lives in the United States
C. a girl who was born in India, and her family now lives in the United States
D. an African American family
E. All of the choices are correct.
Answer: C
9. The phrase culture of power refers to
A. unspoken codes about how to dress, talk, and interact in the workplace.
B. the culture of the middle and upper classes.
C. the ways teachers act, and how textbook publishers shape what students learn.
D. unspoken codes about how to dress, talk, and interact in the workplace and the culture of
the middle and upper classes
E. All of the choices are correct.
Answer: E

10. Which of the following is an example of empowerment?

A. giving food to a homeless person on the street
B. giving money to a church or secular charity
C. paying a compliment to someone from another culture
D. working to change a discriminatory law or policy
E. All of the choices are correct.
Answer: D
11. You are shown three pictures a fishing pole, a football, and a fish. If you view the world
through a holistic lens which pictures would you put together?
A. football and fish
B. fishing pole and fish
C. fishing pole and football
D. None of these choices are correct.
Answer: B
12. Americans view the world through ____________.
A. a holistic lens
B. a magnifying glass
C. the lenses of taxonomic categories
D. binoculars
Answer: C

13. Critical theory believes that the ways students resist education can be channeled into an
education which both empowers students and transforms society.
Answer: True
14. The term cultural frame of reference refers specifically to a method of multicultural
education that encourages students to see the world through others eyes.
Answer: False
15. Dominant culture in the U. S. refers to the European-American culture.
Answer: True
16. Afrocentric education is concerned primarily with the segregation of black students.
Answer: False
17. One purpose of ethnocentric curricula is to purge Eurocentric worldviews from Native
American, African American and Hispanic childrens minds.
Answer: True
18. Bicultural means to retain ones own culture while renouncing the dominating culture.
Answer: False

19. Drawing upon the work of John Ogbu, identify and discuss ways in which negative feelings
dominated cultures hold about school lead to low academic achievement. How can schools
address this in culturally responsive ways?
Answer: Answers will vary.
20. Identify and describe the characteristics of multiculturalism that empower students.
Answer: Answers will vary.

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