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Assignment of

Human Resource
Topic: HR Practices of Wipro Limited.

Prepared by:
Chintan Mandaliya
GIA (07)

Guided by:
Miss. Amee Pandya

Submitted to:
Department of Business Administration
M.K. Bhavnagar University

When I look at where we have come, what gives me tremendous satisfaction is not so much the
success, but the fact that we achieved this success without compromising on the value we defined
for ourselves? Values combined with a powerful vision can turbo-charge a company to scale new
heights and make it succeed beyond ones wildest expectations.
Azim Premji
Wipro is the first People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) Level 5, SEI
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 5 and version 1.1 of CMM certified IT
Services Company globally. Wipros people processes are based on the current best practices in
human resources, knowledge management and organization development, giving a great focus to
match changing business needs with development of employee competencies.
Wipro has expertise in Six-Sigma methodologies, which have been put in use to streamline and
enhance existing people processes in organizations, enabling decision making based on metrics
and measurements.
The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many defects you have in a
process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to zero
defects as possible.
Wipro is the first Indian company to adopt Six Sigma. Today, Wipro has one of the most
mature Six Sigma programs in the industry ensuring that 91% of the projects are completed on
schedule, mush above the industry average of 55%. As the pioneers of Six Sigma in India,
Wipro has already put around ten years into process improvement through Six Sigma.
Along the way, it has scaled Six Sigma ladder, while helping to roll out over 1000 projects. The
Six Sigma program spreads right across verticals and impacts multiple areas such as project
management, market development and resource utilization.
Evolution of Six Sigma at Wipro:Six Sigma at Wipro simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. It is an
umbrella initiative covering all business units and divisions so that it could transform itself in a
world class organization. At Wipro, it means:
(i) Have products and services meet global benchmarks
(ii) Ensure robust processes within the organization
(iii) Consistently meet and exceed customer expectations
(iv)Make Quality a culture within.

HRO Services
Shared Services:
Our global service delivery model includes a mix of local, regional and offshore services coupled
with captive local and remote shared services centers.
HR Consulting Services:
We deliver business process efficiencies through a combination of process transformation,
outsourcing, and usage of technology platforms. These include Process HEAT MAPPING, Gap
Analysis, Performance Metric Analysis & Benchmarking, Process Controls Review and Risk
Management, Improvement benefit summary and Roadmap Design, Business Case
Development, Process Consolidation, Change Management, etc.
HR Transformation:
This is a planned execution of completely changing the way HR is organized and the way
services are delivered to HR customers. These changes include internal transformations, Broad
HR Outsourcing or Point Solution Outsourcing.
Employee Relationship Management
Wipro has a well organized structure to deal with employee management. It has developed few
models to manage these processes, which include, EPM, BPO, SaaS, Employee Contact Centre,
Talent Management
Wipro typically offers flexible Employee Performance Management (EPM) solutions delivered
in either a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) or Software as Service (SaaS) model that makes
assessment and development easy, more accurate and economical for our clients HR function.


WIPRO recruitment process:Round 1: Written test
1. Verbal: This section will have 15 questions related to synonyms, antonyms, Analogies, SC,
Prepositions and reading comprehension.
2. Aptitude: This section will have 15 questions related to aptitude topics like Time & Work,
Time & Distance, Blood Relations, Series Completion, Puzzles, Calendars, Clocks, Percentages,
and ratio proportions, Ages, Pipes and Cisterns etc.
3. Technical: This section will have 20 questions related to basic technical concepts from C, C+
+, Java, Linux, UNIX, DBMS, SQL, Programming fundamentals, Hardware, Software
Engineering, and Micro Processors etc. Candidates are informed to brush up their technical skills
which were covered in their regular academic curriculum.
Round 2: Technical Interview
This is a major elimination round. Candidates should be thorough with their basic technical skills
to clear this round. Candidates are here by informed to be prepared with their core subjects.
Technical test (networks, OS, basic computation)

Round 3: HR Interview
Candidates can expect basic HR interview questions like Tell me about yourself, Why should I
hire you, Why only WIPRO, What is SIX sigma level. Candidates will be tested in their
communication and vocabulary during technical and HR interviews.
Round 4: Placement
Upon Joining, the incumbent shall be given an employee code number by Manager(HR) and he
shall fill up the joining forms and shall submit the same to the Manager(HR) for further course of
action. Final HR - just a formality (They will explain you the salary structure etc.) Wipro recruit
40% employees from campus recruitment. Another popular source for Wipros
Recruitment is the Online Placement through NSR (National Skill Registry).


Training & Development of individuals is a key focus area at Wipro. Our Talent
Transformation Division handles this. For those with less than one year of experience a
well-structured induction training program is conducted. This will cover all aspects of
software development skills that are required.
As a PCMM Level 5 organization, there is also high focus on Competency Development.
Talent Transformation has a mandate to provide technical & business skill training based
on the departmental and divisional need. All employees are eligible to take training based
on the competency gap identified or Project need.
In addition to class room training one can take e-Learning without waiting for class room
Compliance and Regulatory training is an important aspect in todays regulated
environment and is often implemented as part of corporate initiatives. All large
companies have mandatory trainings be it in the field of Environment, Health & Safety,
Ethics, Risk-Management, Finance, Law, etc.

Rapid Learning:At Wipro, we know how critical time is for fulfilling training needs and hence we have
developed competency in the area of Rapid Learning. An emerging form of content development,
Rapid Learning helps to develop content in a short span of time using various tools. Wipro has
strategic partnerships with leading technology providers to help you choose the tool that suits
your requirement best.
Wipro Leaders Qualities Survey, which started in 1992, is one of our oldest leadership
development initiatives. It has successfully contributed in our endeavor to nurture top class
business leaders in Wipro. We have 8 Wipro Leadership Qualities, which are based on Wipro
vision, values and business strategy. In order to identify and help leaders develop these
competencies we adopt a 360-degree survey process. This is an end-to-end program, which starts
with the obtaining of feedback from relevant respondents and ends with each leader drawing up a
Personal Development Plan (PDP) based on the feedback received. The PDP is developed

through Winds of Change which is a seven-step program that helps in identifying strengths
and improvement areas, and determining the action steps.
Wipro has developed an approach for Life Cycle Stage Development Plan.
Entry-level program (ELP) - The program covers the junior management employees with the
objective of developing managerial qualities in the employee.
New Leaders Program (NLP) - It is popularly known as NLP and aims at developing
potential people managers.
Wipro Leaders Program (WLP) - This program is for middle level leader with people,
process, business development and project management responsibilities. Business Leaders
Program (BLP) - This is for senior leaders with business responsibility. At this level, people are
trained up for revenue generation; and Profit & Loss responsibilities.
Strategic Leaders Program (SLP) - This program covers top management employees. The
focus is on Vision, Values, Strategy, Global Thinking and Acting, Customer Focus and Building
Star Performers.
Custom Content Development
As a part of the Custom Content Development Service, Wipro provides innovative and
affordable learning content solutions. This service is customized specially to meet your
requirements and help you get a competitive edge. Wipros Custom Content Development
Service goes through a rigorous development cycle to ensure Quality and Timely Delivery of the

Performance appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated
in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time. Performance appraisals are regular reviews of
employee performance within organizations.
Wipros solution aims at strategic value delivery in the least possible time incorporating rich
functional features, aided by smooth workflow, notification, authorization, etc.
In order to answer your Performance related questions, Wipro offers an integrated end-to-end
Performance Management Solution. This solution is based on global people processes drawn
from best practices and helps organizations streamline their performance evaluation processes.
Wipros e-Performance Management solution not only helps you establish the best practices in
Performance Management, like 360degree appraisal, MBO, etc, but enables reduced
Performance Management cycle time without compromising on the sub-processes which are so
critical to your HR values. Once reviewed by HR dept. Assistant updates the records for each
employees score in the database.

Higher you go. Heavier you get

A promotion is the advancement of an employee's rank or position in an organizational

hierarchy system. Promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance i.e. positive
Bases of Promotion:1. Seniority:Seniority simply depends upon how long the employees is doing job with the company.
2. Merit:Merit implies the knowledge, skill and performance records of an employee. It helps to motivate
competent employee to work hard and acquire new skills.
Wipro also prompt employee by conducting different case studies on different aspects of
Information Technology. Working at Wipro is very comparative & to get promotion required
smart work and projection.

Wages and salaries structure is very vital for the retention of the employees as due to stiff
competition, if proper salary is not given then the employees will go to those organization
offering higher salaries. Jivraj Tea Ltd is actively involved in retaining good manpower in the
organization by providing proper salary and incentive methods. Wipro runs 50 offices in India.
It has a branch office in USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Africa etc.

Welfare Activities: Education:
Wipro has its own institute, where the education is given to the employees children absolutely
Companys philosophy is Nobody should die without fund. Company recognizes the
importance of good occupational health services. Therefore, at the manufacturing sites, they have
well equipped, fully fledged medical centre, which are manned round the clock.
Company has its own township at different location in Bangalore. If house is available, the new
employees are allotted the house otherwise the company can also hire house.
The company gives canteen facility under which food is provided to the employees but it is not
compulsory for them. They get the allowance in their salary.
To motivate the employees of the company organizes different sports tournaments i.e. Cricket,
Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton Etc.
Recreation activities:
For the recreation of the employee, company organized gets to gather once in a year with their
family and also arranged short distance picnic.
Club membership:

The purpose of the club membership is to meet the other members of the industrial community
and interact with them for relation personnel leisure. Insurance Policy
Wipro provides personal accident insurance policy of Rs 100000 for employees. Premium of the
company is half pay by employee and other will pay by Wipro.

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