A Survey and A Layered Taxonomy of Software-Defined Networking

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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

A Survey and a Layered Taxonomy of

Software-Defined Networking
Yosr Jarraya, Member, IEEE, Taous Madi, and Mourad Debbabi Member, IEEE,

AbstractSoftware-Defined Networking (SDN) has

recently gained an unprecedented attention from industry and research communities and it seems unlikely that this will be attenuated in the near future.
The ideas brought by SDN, although often described
as revolutionary paradigm shift in networking, are
not completely new since they have their foundations
in programmable networks and control-data planes
separation projects. SDN promises a simplified network management by enabling network automation,
fostering innovation through programmability, and decreasing CAPEX and OPEX by reducing costs and
power consumption. In this paper, we aim at analyzing
and categorizing a number of relevant research works
toward realizing SDN promises. We first provide an
overview on SDN roots and then describe the architecture underlying SDN and its main components. Thereafter, we present existing SDN-related taxonomies and
propose a taxonomy that allows classifying the reviewed
research works and bringing relevant research directions into focus. We dedicate the second part of this
paper to study and compare the current SDN-related
research initiatives and describe the main issues that
may arise due to the adoption of SDN. Furthermore,
we review several domains where the use of SDN shows
promising results. We also summarize some foreseeable
future research challenges.
Index TermsSoftware-Defined Networking, Openflow, Programmable Networks, Controller, Management, Virtualization, Flow

I. Introduction
For a long time, networking technologies have evolved
at a lower pace compared to other communication technologies. Network equipments such as switches and routers
have been traditionally developed by manufacturers. Each
vendor designs his own firmware and other software to
operate their own hardware in a proprietary and closed
way. This slowed the progress of innovations in networking
technologies and caused an increase in management and
operation costs whenever new services, technologies or
hardware were to be deployed within existing networks.
The architecture of todays networks consists of three core
logical planes: Control plane, data plane, and management
plane. So far, networks hardware have been developed with
tightly coupled control and data planes. Thus, traditional
networks are known to be inside the box paradigm.
This significantly increases the complexity and cost of
Yosr Jarraya (Corresponding author), Taous Madi, and Mourad
Debbabi are with the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada. e-mail: {y [email protected]}.

network administration and management. Being aware of

these limitations, networking research communities and
industrial market leaders have collaborated in order to
rethink the design of traditional networks. Thus, proposals
for a new networking paradigm, namely programmable
networks [1], have emerged (e.g. active networks [2] and
Open Signalling (OpenSig) [3]).
Recently, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has
gained popularity in both academia and industry. SDN
is not a revolutionary proposal but it is a reshaping of
earlier proposals investigated several years ago, mainly
programmable networks and control-data planes separation projects [4]. It is the outcome of a long-term process
triggered by the desire to bring network out of the box.
The principal endeavors of SDN are to separate the control
plane from the data plane and to centralize networks
intelligence and state. Some of the SDN predecessors that
advocate control-data planes separation are Routing Control Platform (RCP) [5], 4D [6], [7], Secure Architecture for
the Networked Enterprise (SANE) [8], and lately Ethane
[9], [10]. SDN philosophy is based on dissociating the
control from the network forwarding elements (switches
and routers), logically centralizing network intelligence
and state (at the controller), and abstracting the underlying network infrastructure from the applications [11].
SDN is very often linked to the OpenFlow protocol. The
latter is a building block for SDN as it enables creating a
global view of the network and offers a consistent, systemwide programming interface to centrally program network
devices. OpenFlow is an open protocol that was born
in academia at Stanford University after the Clean Slate
Project1 . In [12], OpenFlow was proposed for the first time
to enable researchers to run experimental protocols [13]
in the campus networks they use every day. Currently,
the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), a non-profit
industry consortium, is in charge of actively supporting
the advancements of SDN and the standardization of
OpenFlow, which is currently published under version
1.4.0 [14].
The main objective of this paper is to survey the
literature on SDN over the period 2008-2013 to provide a
deep and comprehensive understanding of this paradigm,
its related technologies, its domains of application, as
well as the main issues that need to be solved towards
sustaining its success. Despite SDNs juvenility, we have
identified a large number of scientific publications not
1 http://cleanslate.stanford.edu/

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

counting miscellaneous blogs, magazine articles, and online

forums, etc. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the
first comprehensive survey on the SDN paradigm. While
reviewing the literature, we found few papers surveying
specifc aspects of SDN [15][17]. For instance, Bozakov
and Sander [15] focus on the OpenFlow protocol and
provide implementation scenarios using OpenFlow and
NOX controller. Sezer et al. [17] briefly present a survey
on SDN concepts and issues while considering a limited
number of surveyed works. Lara et al. [16] present an
OpenFlow-oriented survey and concentrate on a two-layer
architecture of SDN: control and data layers. They review
and compare OpenFlow specifications, from the earliest
versions till version 1.3.0. and then present works on
OpenFlow capabilities, applications, and deployments all
around the word. Although important research issues have
been identified, there is no mentioning about other relevant aspects such as distributed controllers, northbound
APIs, and SDN programming languages.
In the present paper, we aim at providing a more
comprehensive and up-to-date overview of SDN by targeting more than one aspect while analyzing most relevant
research works and identifying foreseeable future research
directions. The main contributions of this paper are as
Provide a comprehensive tutorial on SDN and OpenFlow by studying their roots, their architecture and
their principal components.
Propose a taxonomy that allows classifying the reviewed research works, bringing relevant research directions into focus, and easing the understandability
of the related domains.
Elaborate a survey on the most relevant research proposals supporting the adoption and the advancement
of SDN.
Identify new issues raised from the adoption of SDN
that still need to be addressed by future research
The paper is structured as follows; Section II is a preliminary section where the roots of SDN are briefly presented.
Section III is dedicated to unveiling SDN concepts, components, and architecture. Section IV discusses existing
SDN taxonomies and elaborates on a novel taxonomy for
SDN. Section V is the survey of the research works on
SDN organized according to the proposed taxonomy. The
latter identifies issues brought by SDN paradigm and the
currently proposed solutions. Section VI describes open
issues that still need to be addressed in this domain. The
paper ends with a conclusion in Section VII.
II. Software-Defined Networking Roots
SDN finds its roots in programmable networks and
control-data plane separation paradigms. In the following,
we give a brief overview of these two research directions
and then highlight how SDN differs from them.
The key principle of programmable networks is to allow
more flexible and dynamically customizable network. To

materialize this concept, two separate schools of thoughts

have emerged: OpenSig [3] from the community of telecommunications and active networks [2] from the community of IP networks. Active networking emerged from
DARPA [2] in mid 1990s. Its fundamental idea was to
allow customized programs to be carried by packets and
then executed by the network equipments. After executing
these programs, the behavior of switches/routers would
be subject to change with different levels of granularity.
Various suggestions on the levels of programmability exist
in the literature [1]. Active networks introduced a highlevel dynamism for the deployment of new services at runtime. At the same time, OpenSig community has proposed
to control networks through a set of well-defined network
programming interfaces and distributed programming environments (middleware toolkits such as CORBA) [3]. In
that case, physical network devices are manipulated like
distributed computing objects. This would allow service
providers to construct and manage new network services
(e.g., routing, mobility management, etc.) with QoS support.
Both active networking and OpenSig introduced many
performance, isolation, complexity, and security concerns.
First, they require that each packet (or subset of packets)
is processed separately by network nodes, which raises
performance issues. They require executing code at the
infrastructure level, which needs most, if not all, routers
to be fundamentally upgraded, and raises security and
complexity problems. This was not accepted by major
network devices vendors, and consequently hampered research and industrial developments in these directions.
A brief survey on approaches to programmable networks
can be found in [18], where SDN is considered as a
separate proposal towards programmable networks besides three other paradigms, namely approaches based on:
(1) Improved hardware routers such as active networks,
OpenSig, Juniper Network Operating System SDK (Junos
SDK), (2) Software routers such as Click and XORP,
(3) Virtualization such as network virtualization, overlay
network, and virtual routers. The survey on programmable
networks presented in [1] is a more comprehensive but
less recent. SDN resembles past research on programmable
networks, particularly active networking. However, while
SDN has an emphasis on programmable control plane,
active networking focuses on programmable data planes
After programmable networks, projects towards controldata planes separation have emerged supported by efforts towards standard open interface between control and
data planes such as the Forwarding and Control Element
Separation (ForCES) framework [20] and by efforts to
enable a logically centralized control of the network such
as the Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) [21]
and RCP [5]. Although focusing on control-data planes
separation, these efforts rely on existing routing protocols.
Thus, these proposals do neither support a wide range
of functionalities (e.g. dropping, flooding, or modifying
packets) nor do they allow for a wider range of header

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

fields matching [19]. These restrictions impose significant limitations on the range of applications supported
by programmable controllers [19]. Furthermore, most of
the aforementioned proposals failed to face backwards
compatibility challenges and constraints, which inhibited
immediate deployment.
To broaden the vision of control and data plane separation, researchers explored clean-slate architectures for
logically centralized control such as 4D [6], SANE [8],
Ethane [9]. Clean Slate 4D project [6] was one of the first
advocating the redesign of control and management functions from the ground up based on sound principles. SANE
[8] is a single protection layer consisting of a logically
centralized server that enforces several security policies
(access control, firewall, network address translation, etc.)
within the enterprise network. And more recently, Ethane
[9] is an extension of SANE that is based on the principle of
incremental deployment in enterprise networks. In Ethane,
two components can be distinguished; The first component
is a controller that knows the global network topology and
contains the global network policy used to determine the
fate of all packets. It also performs route computation for
the permitted flows. The second component is a set of
simple and dump Ethane switches. These switches consist
of a simple flow table and use a secure channel to communicate with the controller for exchanging information
and receiving forwarding rules. This principle of packet
processing constitutes the basis of SDNs proposal.
The success and fast progress of SDN are widely due to
the success of OpenFlow and the new vision of a network
operating system. Unlike previous proposals, OpenFlow
specification relies on backwards compatibility with hardware capabilities of commodity switches. Thus, enabling
OpenFlows initial set of capabilities on switches did not
need a major upgrade of the hardware, which encouraged
immediate deployment. In later versions of the OpenFlow switch specification (i.e. starting from 1.1.0), an
OpenFlow-enabled switch supports a number of tables
containing multiple packet-handling rules, where each rule
matches a subset of the traffic and performs a set of actions
on it. This potentially prepares the floor for a large set of
controllers applications with sophisticated functionalities.
Furthermore, the deployment of OpenFlow testbeds by
researchers not only on a single campus network but
also over a wide-area backbone network demonstrated the
capabilities of this technology. Finally, a network operating
system, as envisioned by SDN, abstracts the state from the
logic that controls the behavior of the network [19], which
enables a flexible programmable control plane.
In the following sections, we present a tutorial and a
comprehensive survey on SDN where we highlight the
challenges that have to be faced to provide better chances
for SDN paradigm.

network control and forwarding functions. This enables the

network control to become directly programmable and the
underlying infrastructure to be abstracted for applications
and network services2 . In such an architecture, the infrastructure devices become simply forwarding engines that
process incoming packets based on a set of rules generated
on the fly by a (or a set of) controller at the control
layer according to some predefined program logic. The
controller generally runs on a remote commodity server
and communicates over a secure connection with the forwarding elements using a set of standardized commands.
ONF presents in [11] a high-level architecture for SDN that
is vertically split into three main functional layers:
Infrastructure Layer : Also known as the data plane
[11], it consists mainly of Forwarding Elements (FEs)
including physical and virtual switches accessible via
an open interface and allows packet switching and
Control Layer : Also known as the control plane [11],
it consists of a set of software-based SDN controllers
providing a consolidated control functionality through
open APIs to supervise the network forwarding behavior through an open interface. Three communication interfaces allow the controllers to interact: southbound, northbound and east/westbound interfaces.
These interfaces will be briefly presented next.
Application Layer : It mainly consists of the end-user
business applications that consume the SDN communications and network services [22]. Examples of such
business applications include network visualization
and security business applications [23].
Figure 1 illustrates this architecture while detailing
some key parts of it, such as the control layer, the application layer, as well as the communication interfaces among
the three layers.

III. SDN: Global Architecture and Meronomy

In this section, we present the architecture of SDN
and describe its principal components. According to the
ONF, SDN is an emerging architecture that decouples the

A SDN controller interacts with these three layers

through three open interfaces:

Application Layer

Unified Network
Monitoring and Analysis



Network Access Control and

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Other Business

Other Business

Northbound API (e.g. REST API, etc.)

Control Layer

Westbound API


Eastbound API


Southbound API (e.g. OpenFlow, ForCES,

PCEP etc.)
Infrastructure Layer
Physical switches

Virtual Switches

Fig. 1. SDN Architecture [11], [23]

2 ONF,


1553-877X (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Southbound : This communication interface allows the

controller to interact with the forwarding elements
in the infrastructure layer. OpenFlow, a protocol
maintained by ONF [14], is according to ONF a
foundational element for building SDN solutions and
can be viewed as a promising implementation of such
an interaction. At the time of writing this paper, the
latest OpenFlow version is 1.4 [14]. The evolution
of OpenFlow switch specification will be summarized
in later sections. Most non-OpenFlow-based SDN
solutions from various vendors employ proprietary
protocols such as Ciscos Open Network Environment
Platform Kit (onePK) [24] and Junipers contrail
[25]. Other alternatives to OpenFlow exist, for instance, the Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) framework [20]. The latter defines an
architectural framework with associated protocols to
standardize information exchange between the control
and forwarding layers. It has existed for several years
as an IETF proposal but it has never achieved the
level of adoption of OpenFlow. A comparison between
OpenFlow and ForCES can be found in [26].
Northbound : This communication interface enables
the programmability of the controllers by exposing
universal network abstraction data models and other
functionalities within the controllers for use by applications at the application layer. It is more considered
as a software API than a protocol that allows programming and managing the network. At the time of
writing this paper, there is no standardization effort
yet from the ONF side who is encouraging innovative proposals from various controllers developers.
According to the ONF, different levels of abstractions
as latitudes and different use cases as longitudes
have to be characterized, which may lead to more
than a single northbound interface to serve all use
cases and environments. Among the various proposals, various vendors are offering a REpresentational
State Transfer (REST)-based APIs [27] to provide a
programmable interface to their controller to be used
by the business applications.
East/Westbound : This interface is an envisioned communication interface, which is not currently supported
by an accepted standard. It is mainly meant for enabling communication between groups or federations
of controllers to synchronize state for high availability

From another perspective, several logical layers defined

by abstraction were presented for control [29] and data [30]
layers. These layers of abstractions simplify understanding of the SDN vision, decrease network programming
complexity and facilitate reasoning about such networks.
Figure 2 compiles these logical layers and can be described
in a bottom-up approach as follows:

Physical Forwarding Plane: This refers to the set of

physical network forwarding elements [30].
Network Virtualization (or slicing): This refers to

an abstraction layer that aims at providing great

flexibility to achieve operational goals, while being
independent from the underlying physical infrastructure. It is responsible for configuring the physical forwarding elements so that the network implements the
desired behavior as specified by the logical forwarding
plane [30]. At this layer, there exist proposals to slice
network flows such as FlowVisor [13], [30], [31].
Logical Forwarding Plane: It is a logical abstraction of
the physical forwarding plane that provides an end-toend forwarding model. It allows abstracting from the
physical infrastructure. This abstraction is realized by
the network virtualization layer [30].
Network Operating System: A Network Operating
System (NOS) may be though of as a software that
abstracts the installation of state in network switches
from the logic and applications that control the behavior of the network [4]. It provides the ability to
observe and control a network by offering a programmatic interface (NOS API) as well as an an
execution environment for programmatic control of
the network [32]. NOS needs to communicate with the
forwarding elements in two-ways: receives information
in order to build the global state view and pushes
the needed configurations in order to control the
forwarding mechanisms of these elements [29]. The
concept of a single network operating system has been
extended to distributed network operating system to
accommodate large-scale networks, such as ONOS3 ,
where open source software are used to maintain
consistency across distributed state and to provide a
network topology database to the applications [4].
Global Network View : It consists of an annotated
network graph provided through an API [29].
Network Hypervisor : Its main function is to map the
abstract network view into the global network view
and vice-versa [33].
Abstract Network View : It provides to the applications a minimal amount of information required to
specify management policies. It exposes an abstract
view of the network to the applications rather than a
topologically faithful view [29].
In the following, we provide the details on the role and
implementations of each layer in the architecture.
A. Forwarding Elements
In order to be useful in an SDN architecture, forwarding
elements, mainly switches, have to support a southbound
API, particularly OpenFlow. OpenFlow switches come in
two flavors: Software-based (e.g., Open vSwitch (OVS)
[34][36]) and OpenFlow-enabled hardware-based implementations (e.g., NetFPGA [37]). Software switches are
typically well-designed and comprise complete features.
However, even mature implementations suffer from being often quite slow. Table I provides a list of software
3 Open
Network Operating System (ONOS) http://www.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials





Control Program
Abstract Network View
Network Hypervisor
Control Plane

Global Network View

Network OS
Logical Forwarding Plane
Network Virtualization or Slicing
Physical Forwarding Plane

Data Plane

Fig. 2. SDN Abstraction Layers [29], [30]

switches supporting OpenFlow. Hardware-based OpenFlow switches are typically implemented as ApplicationSpecific Integrated Circuits (ASICs); either using merchant silicon from vendors or using a custom ASIC. They
provide line rate forwarding for large number of ports but
lack the flexibility and feature completeness of software
implementations [38]. There are various commercial vendors that support OpenFlow in their hardware switches
including but not limited to HP, NEC, Pronto, Juniper,
Cisco, Dell, Intel, etc.
An OpenFlow-enabled switch can be subdivided into
three main elements [12], namely, a hardware layer (or
datapath), a software layer (or control path), and the
OpenFlow protocol:

The datapath consists of one or more flow tables

and a group table, which perform packet lookups
and forwarding. A flow table consists of flow entries
each associated with an (or a set of) action that tells
the switch how to process the flow. Flow tables are
typically populated by the controller. A group table
consists of a set of group entries. It allows to express
additional methods of flow forwarding.
The control path is a channel that connects the
switch to the controller for signaling and for programming purposes. Commands and packets are exchanged
through this channel using the OpenFlow protocol.
The OpenFlow protocol [14] provides the means
of communication between the controller and the
switches. Exchanged messages may include information on received packets, sent packets, statistics collection, actions to be performed on specific flows, etc.

The first release of OpenFlow was published by Stanford

University in 2008. Since 2011, the OpenFlow switch
specification has been maintained and improved by ONF
starting from version 1.0 [43] onward. The latter version
is currently widely adopted by OpenFlow vendors. In that
version, forwarding is based on a single flow table and
matching focuses only on layer 2 information and IPv4
addresses. The support of multiple flow tables and MPLS
tags has been introduced in version 1.1, while IPv6 support
has been included in version 1.2.

In version 1.3 [44], the support for multiple parallel

channels between switches and controllers has been added.
The latest available OpenFlow switch specification published in 2013 is version 1.4 [14]. The main included
improvements are the retrofitting of various parts of the
protocol with the TLV structures introduced in version
1.2 for extensible matching fields and a flow monitoring
framework allowing a controller to monitor in real-time
the changes to any subset of the flow tables done by
other controllers. In the rest of this paper, we describe
the OpenFlow switch specification version 1.4 [14], if the
version is not explicitly mentioned.
A flow table entry in an OpenFlow-enabled switch
is constituted of several fields that can be classified as
Match fields to match packets based on a 15-tuple
packets header, the ingress port, and optionally
packets meta-data. Figure 3 illustrates the packet
header fields grouped according to the OSI layers L14.
Priority of the flow entry, which prioritizes the matching precedence of the flow entry.
An action set that specifies actions to be performed
on packets matching the header field. The three basic
actions are: forward the packet to a port or a set of
ports, forward the flows packets to the controller and
drop the flows packets.
Counters to keep track of flow statistics (the number
of packets and bytes for each flow, and the time since
the last packet has matched the flow).
Timeouts specifying the maximum amount of time or
idle time before the flow is expired by the switch.

Meta- Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet VLAN VLAN







TOS Field

Traffic Class

Src. Port


Dest. Port


Fig. 3. Flow Identification in OpenFlow

OpenFlow messages can be categorized into three main

types [14]: controller-to-switch, asynchronous, and symmetric. Messages initiated by the controller and used
to manage or inspect the state of the switches are the
controller-to-switch messages. A switch may initiate asynchronous messages in order to update the controller on
network events and changes to the switchs state. Finally,
symmetric messages are initiated, without solicitation, by
either the switch or the controller and they are used,
for instance, to test the liveliness of a controller-switch
connection. Once an ingress packet arrives to the OpenFlow switch, the latter performs lookup in the flow tables
based on pipeline processing [14]. A flow table entry is
uniquely identified by its matching fields and its priority.
A packet matches a given flow table entry if the values in

1553-877X (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

OpenFlow Stacks and Switch Implementations
OpenFlow Switch


Open Source



Open vSwitch [34]

OpenFlow Stack: Soft switch and control stack for hardware switching
OpenFlow Stack that follows the specification
hardware-independent software for
hardware switching
For OpenFlow on physical and hypervisor switches based on the Stanford
reference implementation
Enable Commercial OpenWRT wireless
devices with OpenFlow



Multiple contributors


v 0.8

not yet

Nicira Networks



Big Switch Networks

v 1.0


v 1.0

Implementation [39]
Pica8 [40]
Indigo [41]
Pantou/OpenWRT [42]

the packet match those specified in the entrys fields. A

flow table entry field with a value of ANY (field omitted
or wildcard field) matches all possible values in the header.
Only the highest priority flow entry that matches the
packet must be selected. In the case the packet matches
multiple flow entries with the same highest priority, the
selected flow entry is explicitly undefined [14]. In order to
remediate to such a scenario, OpenFlow specification [14]
provides a mechanism that enables the switch to optionally
verify whether the added new flow entry overlaps with an
existing entry. Thus, a packet can be matched exactly to
a flow (microflow), matched to a flow with wildcard fields
(macroflow) or does not match any flow. In the case of
a match found, the set of actions will be performed as
defined in the matching flow table entry. In the case of no
mach, the switch forwards the packet (or just its header) to
the controller to request a decision. After consulting the
associated policy located at the management plane, the
controller responds by a new flow entry to be added to the
switchs flow table. The latter entry is used by the switch
to handle the queued packet as well as the subsequent
packets in the same flow.
In order to dynamically and remotely configure OpenFlow switches, a protocol, namely the OpenFlow Configuration and Management Protocol (OF-CONFIG) [45], is
also being maintained by ONF. The latter enables the
configuration of essential artifacts so that an OpenFlow
controller can communicate with the network switches
via OpenFlow. It operates on a slower time-scale than
OpenFlow as it is used for instance to enable/disable a
port on a switch, to set the IP address of the controller,
B. Controllers
The controller is the core of SDN networks as it is the
main part of the NOS. It lies between network devices at
the one end and the applications at the other end. An SDN
controller takes the responsibility of establishing every flow
in the network by installing flow entries on switch devices.
One can distinguish two flow setup modes: Proactive vs.
Reactive. In proactive settings, flow rules are pre-installed
in the flow tables. Thus, the flow setup occurs before the
first packet of a flow arrives at the OpenFlow switch. The

v 1.0

v 1.2

main advantages of a proactive flow setup is a negligible

setup delay and a reduction in the frequency of contacting
the controller. However, it may overflow flow tables of the
switches. With respect to a reactive flow setup, a flow rule
is set by the controller only if no entry exists in the flow
tables and this is performed as soon as the first packet of
a flow reaches the OpenFlow switch. Thus, only the first
packet triggers a communication between the switch and
the controller. These flow entries expire after a pre-defined
timeout of inactivity and should be wiped out. Although a
reactive flow setup suffers from a large round trip time, it
provides a certain degree of flexibility to make flow-by-flow
decisions while taking into account QoS requirements and
traffic load conditions. To respond to a flow setup request,
the controller first checks this flow against policies on the
application layer and decides on the actions that need to be
taken. Then, it computes a path for this flow and installs
new flow entries in each switch belonging to this path,
including the initiator of the request.
With respect to the flow entries installed by the controller, there is a design choice over the controlled flow
granularity, which raises a trade-off between flexibility
and scalability based on the requirements of network
management. Although a fine grained traffic control, called
micro-flows, offers flexibility, it can be infeasible to implement especially in the case of large networks. As opposed
to micro-flows, macro-flows can be built by aggregating
several micro-flows simply by replacing exact bit pattern
with wildcard. Applying a coarse grained traffic control,
called macro-flow, allows gaining in terms of scalability at
the cost of flexibility.
In order to get an overview on the traffic in the switches,
statistics are communicated between the controller and the
switches. There are two ways for moving the statistics from
the switch to the controller: Push-based vs. pull-based flow
monitoring. In a push-based approach, statistics are sent
by each switch to the controller to inform about specific
events such as setting up a new flow or removing a flow
table entry due to idling or hard timeouts. This mechanism
does not inform the controller about the behavior of a
flow before the entry times out, which is not useful for
flow scheduling. In a pull-based approach, the controller
collects the counters for a set of flows matching a given flow

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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

specification. It can optionally request a report aggregated

over all flows matching a wildcard specification. While
this can save switch-to-controller bandwidth, it disables
the controller from learning much about the behavior of
specific flows. A pull-based approach requires tuning the
delay between controllers requests as this may impact the
scalability and reliability of operations based on statistics
In what follows, we present a list of the most prominent
existing OpenFlow controllers. Note that most of these
reviewed SDN controllers (except RYU) currently support
OpenFlow version 1.0. The controllers are summarized in
Table II and compared based on the availability of the
source code, the implementation language, whether multithreading is supported, the availability of a graphical user
interface, and finally their originators.

NOX [32] is the first, publicly available, OpenFlow

single threaded controller. Several derivatives of NOX
exist; A multi-threaded successor of NOX, namely
NOX-MT has been proposed in [46]. QNOX [57] is
a QoS-aware version of NOX based on Generalized
OpenFlow, which is an extension of OpenFlow supporting multiple layer networking in the spirit of
GMPLS. FortNox [58] is another extension of NOX,
which implements a conflict analyzer to detect and
re-conciliate conflicting flow rules caused by dynamic
OpenFlow applications insertions. Finally, POX [47]
controller is a pure Python controller, redesigned to
improve the performance of the original NOX controller.
Maestro [48], [59], [60] takes advantage of multicore technology to perform parallelism at low-level
while keeping a simple programming model for the
applications programmers. It achieves performance
through distributing tasks evenly over available working threads. Moreover, Maestro processes a batch
of flow requests at once, which would increase its
efficiency. It has been shown that on an eight-core
server, Maestro throughput may achieve a near linear
scalability for processing flow setup requests.
Beacon [49] is built at Stanford University. It is
a multi-threaded, cross-platform, modular controller
that optionally embeds the Jetty enterprise web server
and a custom extensible user interface framework.
Code bundles in Beacon can be started, stopped,
refreshed, and installed at runtime, without interrupting other non-dependent bundles.
SNAC [50] uses a web-based policy manager to
monitor the network. A flexible policy definition language and a user friendly interface are incorporated
to configure devices and monitor events.
Floodlight [52] is a simple and performent Javabased OpenFlow Controller that was forked from Beacon. It has been tested using both physical and virtual
OpenFlow-compatible switches. It is now supported
and enhanced by a large community including Intel,
Cisco, HP, and IBM.

McNettle [53] is an SDN controller programmed

with Nettle [61], a Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
embedded in Haskell, that allows programming OpenFlow networks in a declarative style. Nettle is based
on the principles of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) that allows programming dynamic controllers. McNettle operates on shared-memory multicore servers to achieve global visibility, high throughput, and low latency.
RISE [51], for Research Infrastructure for largeScale network Experiments, is an OpenFlow controller
based on Trema4 . The latter is an OpenFlow stack
framework based on Ruby and C. Trema provides an
integrated testing and debugging environment and includes a development environment with an integrated
tool chain.
MUL [54] is a C-based multi-threaded OpenFlow
SDN controller that supports a multi-level northbound interface for hooking up applications.
RYU [55] is a component-based SDN framework. It is
open sourced and fully developed in python. It allows
layer 2 segregation of tenants without using VLAN.
It supports OpenFlow v1.0, v1.2, v1.3, and the Nicira
OpenDaylight [56] is an open source project and
a software SDN controller implementation contained
within its own Java virtual machine. As such, it can
be deployed on any hardware and operating system
platform that supports Java. It supports the OSGi
framework [62] for local controller programmability
and bidirectional REST [27] for remote programmability as northbound APIs. Companies such as ConteXtream, IBM, NEC, Cisco, Plexxi, and Ericsson are
actively contributing to OpenDaylight.

C. Programming SDN Applications

SDN applications interact with the controllers through
the northbound interface to request the network state
and/or to request and manipulate the services provided
by the network. While the southbound interface between
the controller software and the forwarding elements is reasonably well-defined through standardization efforts of the
underlying protocols such as OpenFlow and ForCES, there
is no standard yet for the interactions between controllers
and SDN applications. This may stem from the fact that
the northbound interface is more a set of software-defined
APIs than a protocol exposing the universal network
abstraction data models and the functionality within the
controller [23]. Programming using these APIs allows SDN
applications to easily interface and reconfigure the network
and its components or pull specific data based on their
particular needs [63]. From the one hand, northbound
APIs can enable basic network functions including path
computation, routing, traffic steering, and security. From
the other hand, they also allow orchestration systems
4 http://trema.github.com/trema/

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

SDN Controllers
NOX [32]
NOX-MT [46]
POX [47]
Maestro [48]
Beacon [49]
SNAC [50]
RISE [51]
Floodlight [52]
McNettle [53]
MUL [54]
RYU [55]
OpenDaylight [56]

Open Source

C and Ruby


such as the OpenStack Quantum [64] to manage network

services in a cloud.
SDN programming frameworks consist generally of a
programming language and eventually the appropriate
tools for compiling and validating the OpenFlow rules
generated by the application program as well as for querying the network state. SDN programming languages can
be compared according to three main design criteria: the
level of abstraction of the programming language, the class
of language it belongs to, and the type of programmed

Level of Abstraction: Low-Level vs. High-Level. Lowlevel programming languages allow developers to deal
with details related to OpenFlow, whereas high-level
programming languages translate information provided by the OpenFlow protocol into a high-level
semantics. Translating the information provided by
the OpenFlow protocol into a high-level semantics
allows programmers to focus on network management
goals instead of details of low-level rules.
Programming: Logic vs. Functional Reactive. Most of
the existing network management languages adopt
the declarative programming paradigm, which means
that only the logic of the computation is described
(what the program should accomplish), while the
control flow (how to accomplish it) is delegated to
the implementation. Nevertheless, there exist two
different programming fashions to express network
policies: Logic Programming (LP) and Functional
Reactive Programming (FRP). In logic programming,
a program is constituted of a set of logical sentences.
It applies particularly to areas of artificial intelligence.
Functional reactive programming [65] is a paradigm
that provides an expressive and a mathematically
sound approach for programming reactive systems in
a declarative manner. The most important feature
of FRP is that it allows to capture both continuous
time-varying behaviors and event-based reactivity. It
is consequently used in areas such as robotics and
Policy Logic: Passive vs. Active. A programming language can be devised to develop either passive or
active policies. A passive policy can only observe the


Nicira Networks
Nicira Networks and Big Switch Networks
Nicira Networks
Rice University
Stanford University
Nicira Networks
Big Switch Networks
Yale University
NTT OSRG and VA Linux
Multiple contributors

network state, while an active policy is programmed

to reactively affect the network-wide state as a response to certain network events. An example of a
reactive policy is to limit the network access to a
device/a user based on a maximum bandwidth usage.
In the following we examine the most relevant programming frameworks proposed for developing SDN applications.
1) Frenetic [66], [67]: It is a high-level network programming language constituted of two levels of abstraction. The first is a low-level abstraction that consists
of a runtime system that translates high-level policies
and queries into low-level flow rules and then issues the
needed OpenFlow commands to install these rules on the
switches. The second is a high-level abstraction that is
used to define a declarative network query language that
resembles the Structured Query Language (SQL) and a
FRP-based network policy management library. The query
language provides means for reading the state of the
network, merging different queries, and expressing highlevel predicates for classifying, filtering, transforming, and
aggregating the packets streams traversing the network.
To govern packet forwarding, the FRP-based policy management library offers high-level packet-processing operators that manipulate packets as discrete streams only.
This library allows reasoning about a unified architecture
based on see every packet abstraction and describing
network programs without the burden of low-level details.
Frenetic language offers operators that allows combining
policies in a modular way, which facilitates building new
tools out of simpler reusable parts. Frenetic has been
used to implement many services such as load balancing,
network topology discovery, fault tolerance routing and it
is designed to cooperate with the controller NOX.
Frenetic defines only parallel composition, which gives
each application the illusion of operating on its own copy
of each packet. Monsanto et al. [71] defines an extension to
Frenetic language with a sequential composition operator
so that one module acts on the packets produced by
another module. Furthermore, an abstract packet model
was introduced to allow programmers extending packets
with virtual fields used to associate packets with highlevel meta-data and topology abstraction. This abstraction

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

SDN programming languages
Frenetic [66], [67]
NetCore [68]
Nettle [61]
FML [69]
Procera [70]




allows to limit the scopes of network view and module

actions, which achieves information hiding and protection,
2) NetCore [68]: It is a successor of Frenetic that
enriches the policy management library of Frenetic and
proposes algorithms for compiling monitoring policies and
managing controller-switch interactions. NetCore has a
formal semantics and its algorithms have been proved
correct. NetCore defines a core calculus for high-level
network programming that manipulates two components:
Predicates, which match sets of packets, and policies,
which specify locations where to forward these packets.
Set-theoretic operations are defined to build more complex
predicates and policies from simple ones. Contrarily to
Frenetic, NetCore compiler uses wildcard rules to generate switch classifiers (sets of packet-forwarding rules),
which increases the efficiency of packets processing on the
3) Nettle [61]: It is another FRP-based approach for
programming OpenFlow networks that is embedded in
Haskell [72], a strongly typed language. It defines signal
functions that transform messages issued from switches
into commands generated by the controller. Nettle allows
to manipulate continuous quantities (values) that reflect
abstract properties of a network, such as the volume of
messages on a network link. It provides a declarative
mechanism for describing time-sensitive and time-varying
behaviors such as dynamic load balancing. Compared to
Frenetic, Nettle is considered as a low-level programming
language, which makes it more appropriate for programming controllers. However, it can be used as a basis for
developing higher level DSL for different tasks such as
traffic engineering and access control. Moreover, Nettle has
a sequential operator for creating compound commands
but lacks a support for composing modules affecting overlapping portions of the flow space, as it is proposed by
4) Procera [70]: It is an FRP-based high-level language
embedded in Haskell. It offers a declarative, expressive,
extensible, and compositional framework for network operators to express realistic network policies that react to
dynamic changes in network conditions. These changes
can be originated from OpenFlow switches or even from
external events such as user authentication, time of the
day, measurements of bandwidth, server load, etc. For example, access to a network can be denied when a temporal
bandwidth usage condition occurs.



Policies Type

5) Flow-based Management Language (FML) [69]: It

is a declarative language based on non-recursive Datalog,
a declarative logic programming language.A FML policy
file consists of a set of declarative statements and may
include additionally external references to, for instance,
SQL queries. While the combination of policies statements
written by different authors is made easy, conflicts are
susceptible to be created. Therefore, a conflict resolution
mechanism is defined as a layer on top of the core semantics of FML. For each new application of FML, developers
can define a set of keywords that they need to implement.
FML is written in C++ and Python and operates within
NOX. Although FML provides a high-level abstraction,
contrarily to Procera, it lacks expressiveness for describing
dynamic policies, where forwarding decisions change over
time. Moreover, FML policies are passive, which means
they can only observe the network state without modifying
IV. SDN Taxonomy
The first step in understanding SDN is to elaborate
a classification using a taxonomy that simplifies and
eases the understanding of the related domains. In the
following, we elaborate a taxonomy of the main issues
raised by the SDN networking paradigm and the solutions designed to address them. Our proposed taxonomy
provides a hierarchical view and classifies the identified
issues and solutions per layer: infrastructure, control,
and application. We also consider inter-layers, mainly
application/control, control/infrastructure, and application/control/infrastructure.
While reviewing the literature, we found only two taxonomies where each focuses on a single aspect of SDN:
The first is a taxonomy based on switch-level SDN deployment provided by Gartner in a non public report
[73], that we will not detail here, and the second focuses
abstractions for the control plane [18]. The latter abstractions are meant for ensuring compatibility with low-level
hardware/software and enabling making decisions based
on the entire network. The three proposed control plane
abstractions in [18], [74] are as follows:
Forwarding Abstraction: a flexible forwarding model
that should support any needed forwarding behavior
and should hide details of the underlying hardware.
This corresponds to the aforementioned logical forwarding plane.
Distributed State Abstraction: This abstraction aims
at abstracting away complex distributed mechanisms

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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

(used today in many networks) and separating state

management from protocol design and implementation. It allows providing a single coherent global view
of the network through an annotated network graph
accessible for control via an API. An implementation
of such an abstraction is a Network Operating System
Specification (or Configuration) Abstraction: This
layer allows specifying the behavior of desired control
requirements (such as access control, isolation, QoS,
etc.) on the abstract network model and corresponds
to the abstract network view as presented earlier.
Each one of these existing taxonomies focuses on a single
specific aspect and we believe that none of them serves our
purpose. Thus, we present in the following a hierarchical
taxonomy that comprises three-levels: the SDN layer (or
layers) of concern, the identified issues according to the
SDN layer (or layers), and the proposed solutions in the
literature to address these issues. In the following, we
elaborate on our proposed taxonomy.
A. Infrastructure Layer
At this layer, the main issues identified in the literature
are the performance and scalability of the forwarding
devices as well as the correctness of the flow entries.
1) Performance and Scalability of the Forwarding Devices: To tackle performance and scalability issues at this
layer, three main solution classes can be identified and they
are described as follows:
Switches Resources Utilization: Resources on switches
such as CPU power, packet buffer size, flow tables
size, and bandwidth of the control datapath are scarce
and may create performance and scalability issues at
the infrastructure layer. Works tackling this class of
problems propose either optimizing the utilization of
these resources, or modifying the switches hardware
and architecture.
Lookup Procedure: The implementation of the switch
lookup procedure may have an important impact on
the performance at the switch-level. A trade-off exists
between using hardware and/or software tables since
the first type of tables are expensive resources and the
implementation of the second type of table may add
lookup latencies. Works tackling this class of problems
propose to deal with this trade-off.
2) Correctness of Flow Entries: Several factors may
lead to problems of inconsistencies and conflicts within
OpenFlow configurations at the infrastructure level.
Among these factors, the distributed state of the OpenFlow rules across various flow tables and the involvement
of multiple independent OpenFlow rules writers (administrators, protocols, etc.). Several approaches have been
proposed to tackle this issue and the solutions can be
classified as follows:
Run-time Formal Verification: In this thread, the
verification is performed at run-time, which allows to
capture the bugs before damages occur. This class of


solutions is based on formal methods such as model

Offline Formal Verification: In this case, the formal
verification is performed offline and the check is only
run periodically.

B. Control Layer
As far as network control is concerned, the identified
critical issues are performance, scalability, and reliability
of the controller and the security of the control layer.
1) Performance, Scalability, and Reliability: The control layer can be a bottleneck of the SDN networks if
relying on a single controller to manage medium to large
networks. Among envisioned solutions, we can find the
following categories:

Control Partitioning: Horizontal or Vertical. In large

SDN networks, partitioning the network into multiple
controlled domains should be envisaged. We can distinguish two main types of control plane distribution
Horizontally distributed controllers: Multiple
controllers are organized in a flat control plane
where each one governs a subset of the network
switches. This deployment comes in two flavors:
with state replication or without state replication.
Vertically distributed controllers: It is a hierarchical control plane where the controllers functionalities are organized vertically. In this deployment model, control tasks are distributed to
different controllers depending on criteria such
as network view and locality requirements. Thus,
local events are handled to the controller that are
lower in the hierarchy and more global events are
handled at higher level.
Distributed Controllers Placement: Distributed controllers may solve the performance and scalability
issue, however, they raise a new issue, which is determining the number of the needed controllers and their
placement within the controlled domain. Research
works in this direction aim at finding an optimized
solution for this problem.

2) Security of the Controller: The scalability issue of the

controller enables targeted flooding attacks, which leads to
control plane saturation. Possible solutions to this problem
is Adding Intelligence to the Infrastructure. The latter
relies on adding programmability to the infrastructure
layer, which prevents the congestion of the control plane.
C. Application Layer
At this layer, we can distinguish two main research
directions studied in the literature: developing SDN applications to manage specific network functionalities and
developing SDN applications for managing specific environments (called use cases).

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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

1) SDN Applications: At this layer, SDN applications

interact with the controllers to achieve a specific network
function in order to fulfill the network operators needs. We
can categorize these applications according to the related
network functionality or domain they achieve including
security, quality of service (QoS), traffic engineering (TE),
universal access control lists (U-ACL) management, and
load balancing (LB).
2) SDN Use Cases: From the other side, several SDN
applications are developed in order to serve a specific use
case in a given environment. Among possible SDN uses
cases, we focus on the application of SDN in cloud computing, Information Content Networking (ICN), mobile
networks, network virtualization, and Network Function
Virtualization (NFV).
D. Control/Infrastructure Layers
In this part of the taxonomy, we focus on issues that may
span control and infrastructure layers and the connection
between them.
1) Performance and Scalability: In the SDN design
vision of keeping data plane simple and delegating the control task to a logically centralized controller, the switchesto-controller connection tends to be highly solicited. This
adds latency to the processing of the first packets of a flow
in the switches buffers but can lead to irreversible damage
to the network such as loss of packets and palatalization of
the whole network. In order to tackle this issue, we mainly
found a proposal on Control Load Devolving. The latter is
based on the delegation of some of the control load to the
infrastructure layer to alleviate the frequency by which the
switches contact the controller.
2) Network Correctness: The controller is in charge
of instructing the switches in the data plane on how to
process the incoming flows. As this dynamic insertion of
forwarding rules may cause potential violation of network
properties, verifying network correctness at run-time is
essential in keeping the network operational. Among the
proposed solutions we cite the use of Algorithm for Runtime Verification to deal with checking correctness of the
network while inserting new forwarding rules. The verification involves checking network-wide policies and invariants
such as absence of loops and reachability properties.
E. Application/Control Layers
Various SDN applications are developed by different
network administrators to manage network functionalities
by programming the controllers capabilities. Two main
issues were examined in this context: Policy correctness
and the northbound interface security threats represented
by adversarial SDN applications.
1) Policy Correctness: Conflicts between OpenFlow
rules may occur due to multiple requests made by several
SDN applications. Different solutions are proposed for
conflicts detection and resolution that can be classified as
either approaches for Run-time Formal Verification using
well-established formal methods or Custom Algorithm for
Run-time Verification.


2) Northbound Interface Security: Multiple SDN applications may request a set of OpenFlow rule insertions, which may lead to the possible creation of security
breaches in the ongoing OpenFlow network configuration.
Among the envisaged solutions is the use of a Role-based
Authorization model to assign a level of authorization to
each SDN application.
F. Application/Control/Infrastructure Layers
The decision taken by the SDN application deployed
at the application layer influence the OpenFlow rules
configured at the infrastructure layer. This influence is
directed via the control layer. In this part of the taxonomy,
we focus on issues that concern all of the three SDN layers.
1) Policy Updates Correctness: Modification in policies
programmed by the SDN applications may result in inconsistent modification of the OpenFlow network configurations. These changes in configurations are common source
of network instability. To prevent such a critical problem,
works propose solutions to verify and/or ensure consistent
updates. Thus we enumerate two classes of solutions

Formal Verification of Updates: Formal verification

approaches, such as model-checking, are mainly used
to verify that updates are consistent (i.e. updates
preserve well-defined behaviors when transitioning
between configurations).
Update Mechanism/Protocol: This class of solutions
proposes a mechanism or protocol that ensures that
updates are performed without introducing inconsistent transient configurations.

2) Network Correctness: While the network correctness

at the Control/Infrastructure layers is more about the
newly inserted OpenFlow rules and the existing ones at
the infrastructure layer, network correctness at Application/Control/Infrastructure concerns the policy specified
by the applications and the existing OpenFlow rules.
Among the proposed solutions is Offline Testing, which
uses testing techniques to check generic correctness properties such as no forwarding loops or no black holes and
application-specific properties over SDN networks taking
into account the three layers.
V. SDN Issues and Research Directions
In this section, we present a survey on the most relevant
research initiatives studying problematic issues raised by
SDN and providing proposals towards supporting the
adoption of SDN concepts in todays networks. The reviewed works are organized using our taxonomy: either
belonging to a specific functional layer or concerning a
cross-layer issue. We identified a set of most critical concerns that may either catalyze the successful growth and
adoption of SDN or refrain its advance. These concerns
are scalability, performance, reliability, correctness, and
security. Figure 4 provides an overview of the reviewed
research work classified using our taxonomy.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials


Switch Resources

[37], [76][80]

Lookup Procedure

[37], [79], [81]

Run-time Formal


Offline Formal

[83], [84]





Intelligence to
the Infrastructure





[30], [99], [100]

















and Scalability

Control Devolving



Algorithm for Runtime Verification

[131], [132]

Algorithm for Runtime Verification

[58], [133]

Run-time Formal




Formal Verification
of Updates

[135], [136]



Offline Testing

[138], [139]

and Scalability
Correctness of
Flow Entries

and Reliability
Control Layer
Controller Security


Application Layer
SDN Research
Use Cases


Policy Correctness
Interface Security

Policy Updates

Fig. 4. Overview of the Surveyed Research Works Classified According to the Proposed Taxonomy

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

A. Infrastructure Layer
1) Performance and Scalability: Despite the undeniable advantages brought by SDN since its inception, it
has introduced several concerns including scalability and
performance. These concerns stem from various aspects
including the implementation of the OpenFlow switches.
The most relevant switch-level problems that limit the
support of the SDN/OpenFlow paradigm are as follows:

Flow Tables Size. The CAM is a special type of

memory that is content addressable. CAM is much
faster than RAM as it allows parallel lookup search. A
TCAM, for ternary CAM, can match 3-valued inputs:
0, 1 and X where X denotes the dont care
condition (usually referred to as wildcard condition).
Thus, a TCAM entry typically requires a greater number of entries if stored in CAM. With the emergence
of SDN, the volume of flow entries is expected to grow
several orders higher than in traditional networks.
This is due to the fact that OpenFlow switches rely
on a fine grained management of flows (microflows)
to maintain complete visibility in a large OpenFlow
network. However, TCAM entries are a relatively
expensive resource in terms of ASIC area and power
Lookup Procedure. Two types of flow tables exist:
hash table and linear table. Hash table is used to store
microflows where the hash of the flow is used as an
index for fast lookups. The hashes of the exact flows
are typically stored in Static RAM (SRAM) on the
switch. One drawback of this type of memory is that
it is usually off-chip, which causes lookup latencies.
Linear tables are typically used for storing macroflows
and are usually implemented in TCAM, which is most
efficient to store flow entries with wildcards. TCAM is
often located on the switching chip, which decreases
lookup delays. In ordinary switches, lookup mechanism is the main operation that is performed, whereas
in OpenFlow-enabled switches, other operations are
considered, especially the insert operation. This can
lead to a higher power dissipation and a longer access
latency [76] than in regular switches.
CPU Power. For a purely software-based OpenFlow
switch, every flow is handled by the system CPU
and thus, performance will be determined by the
switches CPU power. Furthermore, CPU is needed
in order to encapsulate the packet to be transmitted
to the controller for a reactive flow setup through
the secure channel. However, in traditional networks,
the CPU on a switch was not intended to handle
per-flow operations, thus, limiting the supported rate
of OpenFlow operations. Furthermore, the limited
power of a switch CPU can restrict the bandwidth
between the switch and the controller, which will be
discussed in the cross-layer issues.
Bandwidth Between CPU and ASIC. The control
datapath between the ASIC and the CPU is typically
a slow path as it is not frequently used in traditional


switch operation.
Packet Buffer Size The switch packet buffer is
characterized by a limited size, which may lead to
packet drops and cause throughput degradation.
Various research works [37], [76][81] addressed one or
more of these issues to improve performance and scalability of SDN data plane, and specifically of OpenFlow
Switches. These works are summarized in Table IV.
2) Correctness of Flow Entries: More than half of
network errors are due to misconfiguration bugs [140].
Misconfiguration has a direct impact on the security and
the efficiency of the network because of forwarding loops,
content delivery failure, isolation guarantee failure, access
control violation, etc. Skowyra et al. [84] propose an
approach based on formal methods to model and verify
OpenFlow learning switches network with respect to properties such as network correctness, network convergence,
and mobility-related properties. The verified properties
are expressed in LTL and PCTL* and both SPIN and
PRISM model-checkers are used. McGeer [83] discusses
the complexity of verifying OpenFlow networks. Therein,
a network of OpenFlow switches is considered as an acyclic
network of high-dimensional Boolean functions. Such verification is shown to be NP-complete by a reduction from
SAT. Furthermore, restricting the OpenFlow rule set to
prefix rules makes the verification complexity polynomial.
FlowChecker [82] is another tool to analyze, validate, and
enforce end-to-end OpenFlow configuration in federated
OpenFlow infrastructures. Various types of misconfiguration are investigated: intra-switch misconfiguration within
a single FlowTable as well as inter-switch or inter-federated
inconsistencies in a path of OpenFlow switches across the
same or different OpenFlow infrastructures. For federated
OpenFlow infrastructures, FlowChecker is run as a master controller communicating with various controllers to
identify and resolve inconsistencies using symbolic modelchecking over Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) to encode
OpenFlow configurations. These works are compared in
Table V.

B. Control Layer
1) Performance, Scalability, and Reliability: Concerns
about performance and scalability have been considered as
major in SDN since its inception. The most determinant
factors that impact the performance and scalability of
the control plane are the number of new flows installs
per second that the controller can handle and the delay
of a flow setup. Benchmarks on NOX [32] showed that
it could handle at least 30.000 new flow installs per
second while maintaining a sub 10-ms flow setup delay
[142]. Nevertheless, recent experimental studies suggest
that these numbers are insufficient to overcome scalability
issues. For example, it has been shown in [143] that the
median flow arrival rate in a cluster of 1500 servers is
about 100.000 flows per second. This level of performance,
despite its suitability to some deployment environments
such as enterprises, leads to raise legitimate questions

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials


Survey on Initiatives Addressing Performance and Scalability at the Infrastructure Layer
Kannan and Banerjee [76]

Addressed Issue
TCAM Flow tables size and
power dissipation

Proposed Solution
Compact TCAM by replacing flow
entries with shorter Flow-ID


Flow tables size, bus speed between the hardware pipeline

and the on-chip CPU, and CPU

architecture (Split SDN Data
Plane) splitting the forwarding
fast path into TCAM-based and
software-based paths and use a
high-speed bus
Equipping switches with powerful
CPUs and gigabytes DRAM and
setup a high-bandwidth internal
link between the CPU and the
Network Interface Card (NIC)
and achieve fast decision path by
caching flow table entries on the
Implemented a network processorbased acceleration card and an
OpenFlow switching algorithm
Implementation of a full line-rate
OpenFlow switch on NetFPGA
Algorithm for rules placement that
distributes forwarding policies and
supports dynamic incremental update of policies



Lu et al. [78]

Packet buffer size, CPU power,

and bandwidth between CPU
and ASIC

Tanyingyong et al.

Software-based lookup procedure

Luo et al. [79]

CPU power and Lookup procedure

Naous et al. [37]

Flow tables size, CPU power,

and Lookup procedure
Flow tables size

Kang et al. [80]

on scaling implications. In large networks, increasing the

number of switches results in augmenting the number of
OpenFlow messages. Furthermore, networks with large
diameters may result in an additional flow setup delay. At
the control layer, the partitioning of the control, the number and the placement of controllers in the network, and
the design and implementation choices of the controlling
software are various proposals to address these issues.
The deployment of SDN controller may have a high
impact on the reliability of the control plane. In contrast
to traditional networks where one has to deal with network
links and nodes failures only, SDN controller and the
switches-to-controllers links may also fail. In a network
managed by a single controller, the failure of the latter may
collapse the entire network. Moreover, in case of failure in
OpenFlow SDN systems, the number of forwarding rules
that need to be modified to recover can be very large as
the number of hosts grows. Thus, ensuring the reliability
of the controlling entity is vital for SDN-based networks.
As for the design and implementation choices, some
works suggest to take benefit from the multi-core technology and propose multi-threaded controllers to improve
their performance. Nox-MT [46], Maestro [48] and Beacon
[49] are examples of such controllers. Tootoonchian et al.
[46] show through experiments that multi-threaded controllers exhibit better performance than single-threaded
ones and may boost the performance by an order of
In the following, we focus first on various frameworks
proposing specific architectures for partitioning the control
plane and then discuss works proposing solutions to deter-

Required Modification
Packets headers to carry the Flow-ID
and a Flow-ID table at the controller
Modification to switches hardware and

Modification to switches hardware and


Modification to switches hardware and


Modification to switches hardware and

Modification to switches hardware and
Rule placement algorithm within the
controller to satisfy switch table-size

mine the number of needed controllers and their placement

in order to tackle performance issues.
Control Partitioning Several proposals [85][89] suggest
an architectural-based solution that employs multiple controllers deployed according to a specific configuration. Hyperflow [85] is a distributed event-based control plane for
OpenFlow. It keeps network control logically centralized
but uses multiple physically distributed NOX controllers.
These controllers share the same consistent network-wide
view and run as if they are controlling the whole network.
For the sake of performance, HyperFlow instructs each
controller to locally serve a subset of the data plane requests by redirecting OpenFlow messages to the intended
target. HyperFlow is implemented as an application over
NOX [32] and it is in charge of proactively and transparently pushing the network state to other controllers using a
publish/subscribe messaging system. Based on the latter
system, Hyperflow is resilient to network partitions and
components failures and allows interconnecting independently managed OpenFlow networks while minimizing the
cross-region control traffic.
Onix [86] is another distributed control platform, where
one or multiple instances may run on one or more clustered servers in the network. Onix controllers operate
on a global view of the network state where the state
of each controller is stored in a Network Information
Base (NIB) data structure. To replicate the NIB over
instances, two choices of data stores are offered with
different degrees of durability and consistency: a replicated
transactional database for state applications that favor
durability and strong consistency and a memory-based

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials


Survey on Initiatives Addressing Correctness Issues
Al-Shaer and


McGeer [83]


Skowyra et al.






Porras et al.
[58] (FortNox)





Son et al. [134]



Reitblatt et al.
[135], [136] (Kinetic)
McGeer [137]



Canini et al.
[138] (NICE)
Kuzniar et al.
[139] (OFTEN)


Flow tables in OpenFlow
temporal logic
Flow tables in OpenFlow
network properties
OpenFlow learning switch networks between mobile endhosts against network correctness, network convergence, and
mobility-related properties
Checks for network-wide invariant violations using existing
flow table rules at each forwarding rule is inserted by the controller
Checks for network-wide policies and invariants on every
event using existing flow table
Conflicts detection and resolution between newly OpenFlow
rules inserted by applications
vs. existing OpenFlow rules
Conflicts detection and resolution between flow table rulesets
and SDN firewall applications
Compliance of updated flow table rulesets with respect to nonbypass security properties
Invariance of trace properties
over updated policies
Consistent updates of the programmed policies
Testing the behavior of controller and its applications integrated wit an abstract model
of the switches
Testing the behavior of controller with its applications integrated with real OpenFlow

one-hop Distributed Hash table (DHT) for volatile state

that is more tolerant to inconsistencies. Onix supports
at least two control scenarios. The first is horizontally
distributed Onix instances where each one is managing a
partition of the workload. The second is a federated and
hierarchical structuring of Onix clusters where the network
managed by a cluster of Onix nodes is aggregated so that
it appears as a single node in a separate clusters NIB. In
this setting, a global Onix instance performs a domainwide traffic engineering. Control applications on Onix
handle four types of network failures: forwarding element
failures, link failures, Onix instance failures, and failures in
connectivity between network elements and Onix instances
as well as between Onix instances themselves.
The work in [87] proposes a deployment of horizontally
distributed multiple controllers in a cluster of servers, each
installed on a distinct server. At any point in time, a single
master controller that has the smallest systems load is




Type of verification
Run-time verification

Formal verification: Solving satisfiability problems over networks of

logic functions
Formal verification of the design
using Verificare tool againts a library of requirements using modelcheckers

Offline verification

Algorithm: searching for overlapping rules using equivalence classes

of packets

Run-time verification

Algorithm: Header space analysis of

forwarding rules

Run-time verification

Algorithm: Alias set rule reduction

for detecting rule contradictions

Run-time verification

Algorithm: Header space analysis

for detecting and solving conflicts

Run-time verification

Formal verification using an SMT


Run-time verification

A mechanism for consistent update

and a formal verification using a
A protocol for OpenFlow rule updates to ensure per-packet rule-set
State-space search using symbolic
execution and custom explicit state

Offline verification

Based on NICE [138] synchronized with state of real OpenFlow


Offline testing

Offline design verification

Offline Testing

elected and is periodically monitored by all of the other

controllers for possible failure. In case of failure, master
reelection is performed. The master controller dynamically
maps switches to controllers using IP aliasing. This allows
dynamic addition and removal of controllers to the cluster
and switch migration between controllers and thus deals
with the failure of a controller and a switch-to-controller
These aforementioned frameworks allow reducing the
limitations of a centralized controller deployment but they
overlook an important aspect, which is the fact that not
all applications require a network-wide state. In SDN, it
belongs to the controller to maintain a consistent global
state of the network. Observation granularity refers to
the set of information enclosed in the network view. Controllers generally provide some visibility of the network
under control including the switch-level topology such
as links, switches, hosts, and middelboxes. This view is

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials


SDN Control Frameworks




Horizontal with
state replication

Publish/subscribe messaging

HyperFlow [85]
Onix [86]

Horizontal with
state replication
or Vertical

Replicated NIB in a
database and a DHT


Yazc et al. [87]

Horizontal with
state replication

JGroups notifications and



Kandoo [88]

controller (may
at the top layer
and a horizontal
with no state
replication at the
the bottom layer
with no state

Depending on the top layer

Partial (bottom
layer) Full (top

running on a set of
physical servers
(cluster with a master
controller) each on a
distinct server
Bottom layer controller
can be implemented on
a commodity middlebox as switch proxy or
directly on OpenFlow

NoSQL database integrated
with each RM




FlowVisor [13],
[30], [31]

with no state

Primary to secondary controller communication (for

state replication)

SiBF [89]

referred to as a partial network-wide view, whereas a

view that accounts for the network traffic is considered
as a full network-wide view. Note that a partial networkwide view changes at a low pace and consequently it
can be scalably maintained. Based on this observation,
Kandoo [88] proposes a two-layered hierarchy; A bottom
controllers layer, closer to the data plane, that have neither
interconnection nor knowledge of the network-wide state.
They run only local control applications (i.e., functions
using the state of a single switch), handle most of the
frequent events, and effectively shield the top layer. The
top layer runs a logically centralized controller (root controller) that maintains the network-wide state and thus
runs applications requiring access to this global view. It
is also used for coordinating between local controllers,
if needed. The root top layer controller can be a single
controller or horizontally distributed controller such as
Onix [86] or Hyperflow [85]. The work in [141] proposes
a solution based on the primary-backup technique to
increase control plane resiliency to failure in the case of a
centralized architecture. A component, namely CPRecovery, is designed to provide a seamless transition between
a failure state and a backup, consistent with the latest
networks failure-free state. In this solution, one or more
backup secondary controllers are maintained consistent

(Networkslice view for
each controller)

NOX [32]

Failure Recovery

Network partitions
switch, link, Onix
switchto-Onix link, and
Onix-to-Onix link

Each RMs is a standalone application running in one of the rack

NOX [32]

Server and network


A software slicing layer

between the forwarding
housed outside the


Controller failure

with respect to the last consistent state of the primary

controller. In case of failure of the primary controller,
one of these secondary controllers is elected to shoulder
smoothly the control tasks from the last valid state. This
solution adds to the OpenFlow protocol, which provides
the means to configure one or more backup controllers,
a coordination mechanism between the primary controller
and the backup ones. Replicating the controller allows to
overcome the controller failure issue but does not solve the
scalability concern.
FlowVisor [13], [30], [31] slices the network in order
to allow multiple networks tenants to share the same
physical infrastructure. It acts as a transparent proxy
between OpenFlow switches and various guest network
operating systems. Table VI summarizes and compares
these aforementioned works on control partitionning.
The work in [144] addresses the problem of overloaded
controllers due to statically configured mapping between
switches and controllers in a distributed SDN controllers
environment. This is the case for instance for HyperFlow
[85] and Onix [86]. A controller may become overloaded
if the switches statically attached to it suddenly observe
a large number of flows, while other controllers remain
underutilized. To solve this problem Dixit et al. [144] propose an elastic distributed controller architecture, namely

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

ElastiCon, where new controller instances may be added or

removed from a pool and a proposed protocol dynamically
assigns switches to controllers according to traffic conditions change over time. The proposed protocol is designed
to minimally affect the normal operation of the network
while guaranteeing consistency and reliability.
Controllers Placement As explained above, distributed controller deployments allow to alleviate performance, scalability, and reliability problems. However, they
introduce other new concerns that need to be investigated
and addressed. The most relevant ones are the number
and placement of the controllers and the global state
In [90], the problems of deciding on the number of
controllers to use and their placement within the topology
are discussed. The efficiency of various proposed placement
solutions is compared based on the switch-to-controller
latency, which is one of the most important performance
metrics, especially in wide area networks. They concluded
that there is no general placement rules that apply to
every network. Rather, the number of controllers to be
used and their placement depend on the network topology
on the one side, and the trade-off between the availability
and the performance metrics fixed by the network operator on the other side. Hu et al. [91] propose algorithms
to automate the placement decisions given a physical
network, the number of controllers, and a pre-defined
objective function to optimize. The main objective of these
algorithms is to maximize resiliency of SDN to failures. In
[92], a study has been conducted on how the physically
distributed control plane state impacts the performance of
the logically centralized control applications. Two tradeoffs have been studied through experiments on load balancing applications: the trade-off between the application
performance and the state distribution overhead, and the
trade-off between the robustness to inconsistency and
the complexity of the control applications. The study
concluded that inconsistency has a significant impact on
control applications, which means that the application
logic should be aware of the state distribution, like in Onix,
for a better performance.
Even though performance and scalability issues have
been always coined to SDN, [145] arguments that these
concerns are neither caused by nor fundamentally unique
to SDN and they can be addressed without losing the
benefits of SDN.
2) Security: Shin et al. [93] propose AVANT-GUARD, a
new framework that tackles SDN security issues by adding
intelligence to the OpenFlow data plane. AVANT-GUARD
enables the control plane and the SDN network to be
more resilient and scalable against control plane saturation
attacks such as TCP-SYN flood. It articulates around two
modules. The first is a connection migration module that
allows increasing the Open-Flow network resilience and
scalability by preventing from saturation attacks (spoofed
and non-spoofed flooding attacks). This is achieved by
inspecting the TCP sessions at the data plane before
notifying the controller. The second module, called the ac-


tuating trigger, enables the controller to push into the data

plane rules for detecting and responding to the observed
threats. This is realized through a more efficient collection
of network statistics and by automatically setting specific
flow rules under some predefined conditions. To implement
AVANT-GUARD, OpenFlow switch specification needs
to be extended with new adequate commands to handle
modules operations.
C. Application Layer
1) SDN applications: The SDN paradigm allows multiple network administrators to govern various network
flows through their own services and applications. In the
following, we focus on some specific services, namely security, QoS, traffic engineering, universal ACL management,
and load balancing. For each service, we show how SDN
overcomes issues existing in traditional networks.
Security Thanks to its capacity to provide a global
network state observation, a logically centralized control
intelligence, and a standardized programmability of network devices, SDN constitutes a great opportunity to
design and deploy novel effective solutions or to improve on
existing ones in order to address network security issues.
For instance, in traditional networks, Anomaly Detection
Systems (ADS) are generally deployed in the network
core of the service provider in order to protect home and
office networks from security threats. Mehdi et al. [94]
propose to bring ADS from network core to home networks
using SDN. They devise a framework composed of four
anomaly detection algorithms implemented as application
for the controller NOX. They showed that these algorithms
allow applying a higher accurate security policing when
deployed in SDN home networks compared to a network
core deployment.
Braga et al. [95] propose a security application to detect
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks for NOX
controllers. In their approach, the controller retrieves the
information needed about the traffic flow features that
are specific to DDoS attacks including average packets
per flow, average bytes per flow, and growth of single
flows. Then, this information is processed by the SelfOrganizing Map (SOM) mechanism, an artificial neural
network, to identify abnormal traffic by classifying it either
as normal traffic or an attack-related traffic. It has been
proved that the technique achieves a high rate of detection
and a low rate of false alarms. Jafarian et al. [96] define a
countermeasure against network scanning based on SDN.
They propose a technique for IP address mutation based
on a central management authority. This would prevent
attackers from making the right hypotheses about IP
addresses assignment in the network. The strength of the
technique lies in the fact that monitoring in an SDN
network is centralized, which allows efficiently coordinating IP mutation across OpenFlow switches with minimal
FleXam [98] is an OpenFlow extension that implements probabilistic and deterministic per-flow sampling

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

techniques. This extension allows the controller accessing

useful packet-level information while keeping a minimum
overhead. The pulled information can be used to implement efficient network security OpenFlow controller applications, that need packet-level information to perform
properly, such as port scan detection, worm detection
and botnet detection. Giotis et al. [97] propose a realtime, modular and scalable OpenFlow-based anomaly detection architecture. The solution is constituted of three
main modules. The collector module gathers data based
on sFLow [146], a flow monitoring mechanism utilizing
packet sampling. The output of the collector module is
periodically fed to the anomaly detection module in order
to identify potential attacks. As soon as an anomaly is
detected, specific network metrics are inspected, correlated
and exposed to the mitigation module. The latter issues
and installs appropriate flow entries to neutralize the
identified attacks by blocking the malicious traffic. It has
been shown that the proposed solution successfully detects
DDoS attacks, worm propagation, and port scan attacks.
Quality of Service Quality of service provisioning has
been for a long time a chronic issue in traditional networks
and a source of operating expenses and risk that is based
on delivering differentiated types of quality to network
end-users. This is partly due to the closed interface of
networking equipments, the completely distributed hopby-hop routing architecture of the Internet and to the lack
of a synthetic picture of the overall network and resources.
SDN can solve several network QoS challenges by offering
a complete network visibility and opening networking
devices to programmability. Only few papers focus on such
an issue. Egilmez et al. [99] propose dynamic QoS routing
mechanism called OpenQoS that is specifically designed
for delivering multimedia traffic with QoS. OpenQoS was
implemented for the Floodlight controller. In addition to
preliminary research initiatives [30], [100], the ONF is
actively enhancing the QoS support in OpenFlow. Historically, only experimental QoS support has been introduced
in OpenFlow version 0.8. In OpenFlow 1.0 [43], packets
can be forwarded to queues of output ports by the optional
enqueue action that is renamed to set queue in version
1.3 [44]. Therein, the behavior of the queue is determined
outside the scope of OpenFlow. Complex QoS support was
introduced in OpenFlow 1.3 with meter tables that consist
of entries defining per-flow meters. These meters enable
OpenFlow to implement various simple QoS operations,
such as rate-limiting. These meters can be combined with
the optional set queue action, which associates a packet
to a per-port queue in order to implement complex QoS
frameworks, such as DiffServ [44].
Traffic Engineering Traffic engineering or traffic
management is a method for dynamically analyzing, regulating, and predicting the behavior of data flowing in
networks with the aim of performance optimization to
meet Service-Level Agreements (SLAs). Traffic engineering in traditional networks is still a challenging task since
it is based on the deployment of excessively expensive
infrastructures. SDN offers both the complete visibility


of the network-wide view and the ability to externally

program network devices by dynamically provisioning forwarding tables. This allows choosing the most efficient
paths based on application requirements and on real-time
information. Centralized traffic engineering in WAN using
SDN is already adopted by Google [101]. As a first step
towards achieving traffic engineering through SDN, authors in [102] explored an SDN-based integrated network
control architecture for configuring and optimizing the
network to fit better to big data applications requirements,
using dynamically configurable optical circuits. However,
flow-level traffic engineering for big data applications has
been postponed for future work. In [103], capabilities of
SDN/OpenFlow for WAN traffic engineering have been
outlined and demonstrated through a network application.
Universal ACL Management Network policy updates require device-level configuration across heterogeneous elements (switches, routers, firewalls) by human
operators. This is time-consuming, error-prone, and costly.
SDN allows network administrators to perceive network
devices as a unique abstract switch and to create universal access policies that will be further spread over a
complex network topology with a single command. In
this direction, authors in [104] motivate the objective of
building machinery for global policy transformation by
moving, merging, and/or splitting rules across multiple
switches, while preserving the overall forwarding behavior
of a network.
Load Balancing To cope with the increasing traffic
load of online services such as social networks, services
are replicated over multiple servers. Then, a load balancer
is typically used to split clients requests among these
servers. However, load balancers are expensive hardware
with a rigid policy set, and they constitute a single point of
failure. Wang et al. [105] propose a costless and more flexible OpenFlow-based alternative. In this solution, traffic is
allocated to servers by switches based on the flow tables
installed by the controller. They devise an algorithm that
figures out the concise placement of wildcards in flow table
entries to achieve the adequate forwarding granularity for
a scalable solution.
2) SDN Use Cases: Many works proposed to adopt
SDN to different application domains such as cloud computing, mobile networks, and information content networking. In the following, we review the most prominent
Cloud Computing Cloud data centers are required to
be large in scale, cost-effective, easy to operate and offer
a reactive on-demand network configuration management.
However, cloud data center based on traditional networks
are still facing problems to meet these requirements. Indeed, they are very expensive to setup and their resources
are underused [143], which increases their operating costs.
Moreover, current network APIs have very limited expressiveness and network switches are designed to operate
autonomously with static configurations and minimum administrative intervention. This prohibits transferring the
information between the required network functionality

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

and the capabilities of commodity network devices.

Various research works have revisited these concerns
using SDN and OpenFlow. For instance, Matias et al.
[106] explore the virtualization of the physical network
using OpenFlow in order to enable the presence of multiple cloud operators sharing a common infrastructure.
This provides a virtualization framework that manages
resources in a similar way to FlowVisor [13], [30], [31].
Lei et al. [107] propose an OpenFlow virtualized network
architecture for large-scale multi-tenant data centers and
use the REST API to support the on-demand network
management and configuration. Rotsos et al. [108] present
an event-driven OpenFlow controller library built on top
of Mirage platform [147] that allows cloud applications
to exercise flow-level control over the forwarding process.
Direct exposure of network capabilities to the applications
effectively distributes control among all entities sharing
the network infrastructure, which contradicts the current
data center model where the service provider is firmly in
charge of the control hierarchy.
The emergence of SDN provides an opportunity to
leverage the cloud networking feature through the programmable interfaces and the flow-based access control.
A joint orchestration of computing and storage with networking resources is seen as one of the most important
applications for a software-defined network. Cloud orchestration requires the interworking of an SDN controller
and a cloud computing controller, such as OpenStack
[109]. The latter is an open source infrastructure-as-aservice cloud platform that provides Network-as-a-Service
cloud functionality through the recently added component,
Quantum. This service endows tenants with the capability
of creating and controlling their own virtual networks.
Quantum has an extendable, API-driven and pluggable
architecture with networks, subnets, IP addresses and
ports manipulation and access control features. OpenStack
supports the SDN controller Ryu and communicates with
it using the Quantum Rest API [55]. Meridian [110], is
another SDN-based controller framework that has been
proposed for cloud networking. It has been implemented
on top of the Floodlight controller [52] and it articulates
around three logical layers: The network abstraction and
APIs layer exposes to the network control applications
the information needed to interact with the network. The
network orchestration layer performs logical-to-physical
translation of commands issued through the abstraction
layer and provides the global network view and state.
Finally, the third layer consists of interfaces that allow
to interact with the various underlying network devices.
As per security in the cloud, Stabler et al. [111] propose
an implementation of an elastic IP and security group service, similar to the Amazon EC2 services, using the OpenFlow protocol and the OpenNebula system. The implementation relies on the integration of the OpenFlow controller NOX with the EC2 server. Flow rules are inserted
in the controller using the EC2 API and then used by
Open vSwitches on the underlying hypervisor to manage
network traffic. This implementation enables customizable


network services operated by the end users through API

calls. Koorevaar [112] proposes an approach for leveraging
SDN architecture to automatically enforce security policy
using a mechanism called Elastic Enforcement Layer tags
(EEL-tags) by adding meta-data to the packet in order
to route it to the next middlebox instance. This is done
by enabling the hypervisor to add an application Id Tag
into the flow of packets emitted by the VM, which allows
identifying the security policies that actually refer to a
chain of middleboxes to be traversed by the secured traffic.
NICE [117] is a defense intrusion detection framework
for virtual network systems. It is based on two components: NICE-A, a network intrusion detection engine
installed in each cloud server, and a centralized control
center which is mainly constituted of an attack analyzer
and an OpenFlow network controller. After detecting suspicious or abnormal traffic, NICE-A sends alerts to the
central control center through a secure channel. Afterward,
the attack analyzer evaluates the received alerts based
on an attack graph, and decides of the countermeasure
to apply. Then, the network controller reconfigures the
OpenFlow switches in a way to establish the newly defined countermeasure. In [116], authors propose SnortFlow
a comprehensive intrusion prevention system for cloud
virtual network environments. SnortFlow combines the
benefit of Snort, the multi-mode packet analysis tool, with
the power of the OpenFlow programmable infrastructure.
This solution is mainly based on the SnortFlow server
component, which actively collects alert data from Snort
agents running on cloud servers, evaluates the network
security status and issues actions to be pushed to the
OpenFlow controller in order to reconfigure the network
tasks accordingly.
As far as VM mobility is concerned, both live and offline
VM migration provide an important level of flexibility,
workload balancing, availability, fault tolerance and bring
down enterprises OPEX costs. However, VM migration
techniques are still facing several challenges. For example,
they are limited to local networks mainly because of the
hierarchical addressing used by layer 3 routing protocols.
Recent works have made use of SDN and OpenFlow
controllers to overcome these limitations. CrossRoads [113]
and VICTOR [114], for instance, are OpenFlow-based
systems proposed for seamless VM migration across data
centers. VICTOR supposes that data centers are managed
by a unique controller while CrossRoad suggests that each
data center is governed by its own controller. In [115], authors take another direction by defining a Infrastructureas-a-Service (IaaS) software middleware solution based on
OpenFlow to achieve interoperability between data centers
with different network topologies.
Information Content Networking Information Content Networking (ICN) or Named Data Networking (NDN)
is a recently emerging network paradigm that proposes an
alternative for the current IP-based networks. It focuses on
the content itself rather than on hosts or connection channels that are carrying this content. ICN is considered as
one of the major characteristics of the future Internet [148]

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as it introduces features such as content-based services and

efficient network caching. Among current ICN research
projects we can cite CONVERGENCE [149], SAIL [150]
and PURSUIT [151].
Deploying ICN on traditional networks, however, turns
out to be a challenging issue since running equipments
need to be updated or replaced with ICN-enabled devices.
Moreover, ICN aims at shifting the delivery fashion form
host-to-user to content-to-user. Consequently, there is a
need for a clean separation between the task of content
controlling (information demand and supply) and the task
of forwarding. In this context, SDN seems to be a key
enabling technology for deploying ICN since it offers the
programmability feature and the separation between the
control and the forwarding plane. Combining SDN and
ICN has already gained considerable attention among the
research community, and many papers have been proposed
to discuss issues related to supporting ICN using SDN
concept [123][125]. Melazzi et al. [123] propose CONET,
a framework for deploying ICN functionalities over SDN
that leverage OpenFlow to better fit to ICN requirements.
Syrivelis et al. [124] tackle technical issues related to combining ICN and SDN. Therein, a mapping of the notion of
flow from SDN to ICN is proposed. According to [124],
combining SDN to ICN would raise interesting business
strategic questions in addition to the technical ones, since
it will attract not only Internet and networking players but
also a wide variety of industries. Chanda et al. [125] describes a content centric network architecture and propose
a mechanism to observe and extract content metadata at
the network layer used to optimize the network behavior.
However, some modifications to the OpenFlow protocol
are necessary to support the proposed mechanisms.
Mobile Networks In recent years, mobile environments have become commonplace and mobile traffic has
exponentially increased and it is even more expected to
increase. Consequently, mobile environments are becoming
a prevalent part of the Internet. Moreover, mobile users
are permanently requiring new services with high-quality
and efficient content-delivery independently of their location. A lot of mobility management solutions exist
in the literature, but in order to get sound validations
over these propositions, researchers need a long time to
simulate wireless channels and to emulate traffic and
movement of users in a realistic way. Moreover, realizing
back-hauling between heterogeneous technologies is hard
to achieve. As the first goal of SDN is to enhance and
to speed up the development of new solutions, many
works have already studied its applicability to wireless and
heterogeneous networks. For example, in [118], authors
explore the use of SDN in heterogeneous (infrastructure
and infrastructureless-based) networks. They discuss some
application scenarios and research challenges in the context of Heterogeneous SDN (H-SDN), the case of SDN in
heterogeneous networks. K. Yap et al [119] propose OpenRoad or OpenFlow wireless to support a flexible wireless
infrastructure. OpenRoad is an adaptation of OpenFlow to
the framework of wireless networks. An OpenFlow-based


architecture for mesh networks is proposed in [120].

In [121], authors discuss how SDN could enable better
solutions for major challenges in cellular networks (i.e.
Long Term Evolution (LTE)) and how it could be of a
great usefulness for operators by giving them a greater
control over their equipment, by simplifying network management and by introducing value-added services. Therein,
extensions to controller platforms, network switches, and
base stations are presented to enable software-defined
cellular networks. Bansal et al. [122] propose OpenRadio,
a platform that is quite close to OpenFlow in the sense
that it aims at achieving a programmable data plane
in cellular networks. OpenRadio focuses on decoupling
wireless protocols definitions from the hardware, then, it
proposes a software abstraction layer that exposes a modular and declarative interface to program these protocols
remotely in the base stations. Designing a control plane
for cellular SDN infrastructure still needs to be addressed.
In summary, SDN and OpenFlow are becoming a key
enabling technology for mobile networks and research in
this field is still in its infancy. Many challenges need to be
addressed including security and interoperability between
different SDN domains, more precisely between mobile and
fixed domains.
Network Virtualization A Virtual Network (VN)
or a network virtualization environment is a subset of
the underlying physical network. It consists of a set of
virtual nodes connected through virtual links. The main
goal of network virtualization is to realize the coexistence
of heterogeneous network architectures, with eventually
conflicting purposes, in isolation from each other within
the same substrate. Sharing the same infrastructure and
supporting logical network topologies that differ from
the physical network are two common concepts to programmable networks and network virtualization [1], [152].
Network virtualization enables a flexible and independent
implementation and management for each VN. Furthermore, it facilitates introducing customized network protocols and management policies. It also provides means to
implement performance, QoS, and isolation, which allows
minimizing the impact of network security threats [152].
Various surveys [152][154] have been recently published
in the context of network virtualization.
SDN is not a new network virtualization technique
but is more an enabling tool or technique that can be
used in order to create virtualized networks [154]. Among
relevant works on enabling network virtualization using
SDN technology, FlowN [127] is a virtualization solution
that provides programmable control over a network of
switches where each tenant has the illusion of having its
own address space, topology, and controller. The approach
leverages database technology to efficiently store and manipulate mappings between virtual networks and physical
Network Function Virtualization Network Function
Virtualization (NFV) [126] is an industry specification
group that was formed by several network service providers
(AT&T, BT, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia,

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Telefonica and Verizon) under the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). NFV aims at
leveraging the standard IT virtualization technology in a
way that decouples network functions from proprietary
hardware appliances. It involves the implementation of
mobile and fixed network functions such as firewalling,
signaling, intrusion detection, and DNS, in software. The
implemented virtual appliances are hence designated to
be executed on different, yet standardized, environments
provided by different network vendors for different network
operators. Applying NFV is susceptible to bring several
benefits to the telecommunication industry:
It allows reducing development time and costs for
deploying new services in order to meet the emerging business requirements, which in turn, lowers the
associated risks.
It allows services to be scaled up and down based on
the actual requirements by a simple remote software
It opens the market to many different players to create
new virtual appliances without significant risks, which
encourages innovation.
Though being complementary and sharing two main objectives, namely, openness and innovation, NFV and SDN
are two independent paradigms. That is to say, NFV can
be implemented without separating the control plane from
the data plane as suggested by SDN. However, an NFV
infrastructure with SDN support is perfectly conceivable.
Even better, it is expected that such an alignment would
engender a greater value to NFV, since SDN enhances
compatibility, eases maintenance procedures, and provides
support for standardization.
D. Control/Infrastructure Layers
Examining the interconnection between the data and
the control Layers, two important dimensions have been
investigated in the literature: Performance and scalability
of the southbound interface and its correctness.
1) Performance and Scalability: One of the most important design goals of OpenFlow was to keep the data
plane simple and to delegate the control task to a logically centralized controller. As a result, switches have
to consult the controller frequently for instructions on
how to handle incoming packets of new flows. This tends
to congest switch-controller connections, which in turn
adds latency to the processing of the first packets of a
flow in the switch buffer. Solutions to devolve a part of
the control load to be processed by the data plane have
been proposed. For instance, Devoflow [128] design goal
is to keep flows in the data plane as much as possible by
redistributing as many decisions as possible to the switches
and maintaining a useful amount of visibility on the flows
for a central control. This can be done by minimizing the
need for frequent invocation of the OpenFlow controller for
flow setup and statistics gathering. Mainly, only detected
significant (elephant or long-lived) flows are managed by
the controller while short-lived ones are handled in the


datapath. Despite the benefit of reducing switch-controller

network bandwidth consumption, this approach requires
a modification of the OpenFlow model. DIFANE [129]
proposal is to split pre-installed OpenFlow wildcard rules
among multiple switches, called authority switches, in a
way that ensures all decisions can be made in the data
plane. Thus, the controller has only to generate the flow
entries and then partition them over the switches. Mahout
[130] is a new traffic management system proposed to eliminate the need of per-flow monitoring in the switches using
a combination of elephant flows detection at end-hosts
and in-band signaling to the controller. The approach
incurs low overhead and requires few switch resources,
however implies the modification of end-hosts. In the aim
of evaluating OpenFlow systems performance, the work in
[155] describes a queuing theory-based performance model
of a preliminary OpenFlow architecture (constituted of one
OpenFlow switch connected to a controller). In this model,
the OpenFlow switch and controller are abstracted as a
forwarding queue system and a feedback queue system,
respectively. The work concluded that the packet sojourn
time depends mainly on the processing speed of the controller and the probability of new flow arrivals.
Although addressing a critical issue in SDN architecture,
these solutions have the drawback of requiring a modification (either to the OpenFlow protocol, the switches, or
the end-hosts) and comes at the cost of flow visibility in
the control plane.
2) Network Correctness: VeriFlow [131] is a layer between the controller and the data plane that is proposed
for runtime verification of the forwarding rules to check
network invariants violations. It acts as a proxy application by intercepting and monitoring rules insertion and
deletion messages between the two entities and checking
their effect on the network. In case of invariant violation, VeriFlow executes the associated action that is preconfigured by the network operator. The major drawback
of VeriFlow is the added latency to the connection as it
runs in real-time. This work is summarized in Table V.
NetPlumber [132] is a real-time policy checking tool based
on Header Space Analysis (HSA) [156]. It creates a dependency graph of all forwarding rules in the network, then
uses it to verify the overall network policy. NetPlumber
allows preventing errors and reporting violations as soon
as they occur. It can be used both in SDN and conventional
E. Application/Control Layers
1) Policy Correctness: Wang et al. [133] focus on SDNfirewall applications and proposes an HSA-based approach
for detecting and resolving conflicts between firewall rules
and the flow table rulesets in order to avoid bypass threats.
In [134], a model checking-based approach is proposed
to verify that the dynamically inserted flow entries do
not violate the overall security properties. Porras et al.
[58] focus on the problem of detecting and re-conciliating
potentially conflicting flow rules caused by dynamic OpenFlow applications insertions. To address this issues, an

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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

extension to NOX controller, called FortNox, has been

proposed with an integrated conflict analyzer component
that detects flow rules conflicts over the flow rule insertion
requests made by several security OpenFlow applications.
To do so, FORTNOX translates all the current flow rules
into a representation called Alias Reduced Roles (ARR)
and stores them in an aggregate flow table. To detect
a conflict between a candidate flow ruleset (cRules) and
the existing ruleset (fRules), cRules are converted to the
ARR form and then compared to the fRules. Conflicts are
resolved based on the priority attached to each ruleset.
These works are compared with other approaches in
Table V.
2) Northbound Interface Security: FortNox [58] implements a role-based authorization model for SDN applications based on three roles among applications that produce
flow rule insertion requests: Human administrator, security applications, and non-security related applications. To
these roles different priorities are assigned to the flow rule
insertion requests: Human administrator with the highest
priority, security applications with medium priority, and
non-security related applications with the lowest priority.
Roles are implemented through a digital signature scheme,
in which FortNOX is preconfigured with the public keys
of various rule insertion sources. The role-based source
authentication component validate the digital signatures
and assigns the appropriate priority to each candidate flow
F. Application/Control/Infrastructure Layers
1) Policy Updates Correctness: SDN allows frequent
modifications to the network configuration. However, these
changes may introduce inconsistencies leading to network
failures. To avoid such scenarios, mechanisms to prevent
transient anomalies during changes are of paramount importance. A number of research works [135][137] propose safe update protocols and abstractions for OpenFlow
networks. Reitblatt et al. [135] propose abstractions for
network updates with strong semantic guarantees. These
are implementable as abstract update operations that ensure per-packet and per-flow consistencies. Each operation
identifies a set of packets that, when updating from an
old policy to a new one across multiple switches, every
packet (per-packet consistency) uses either the old or the
new policy, not some combination of the two. Per-flow
consistency is a generalization of per-packet consistency
where it guarantees all packets in the same flow to be
processed by the same policy. A formal model and proofs
of the per-packet abstraction updates are investigated in
[136]. Therein, Kinetic, a run-time system implementing
these update abstractions on top of the NOX OpenFlow
controller, is presented and its performance is evaluated.
Kinetic is realized under the Frenetic [66] project and
provides consistent writes, which are the dual abstractions
of consistent reads presented in Frenetic. McGeer [137]
propose OpenFlow Safe Update Protocol to ensure perpacket rule-set consistency and demonstrate formally its


2) Network Correctness: As any software, controllers

and its applications may contain not only implementation
errors, but also critical design and logical flaws. The
impact of these flaws could be extremely damaging if not
detected and corrected before system deployment. Nice
[138] is a proactive approach for testing the behavior of
SDN application and controllers where a simplified OpenFlow Switch model is used. NICE mainly combines symbolic execution, explicit state model-checking, and search
strategies. It exhaustively explores systems state using a
model-checker in order to find out invalid states. It is
designed for offline-verification. OFTEN [139] is an OpenFlow integration testing framework for SDN networks,
based on black-box testing. Instead of the NICE simplified
OpenFlow switch model, OFTEN builds upon NICE [138]
by enabling testing an SDN system consisting of one or
more controllers and potentially heterogeneous collection
of real switches to check that it operates without violating
correctness properties. These works are summarized in
Table V.
VI. SDN Open Issues
A part from the discussed issues to which some researcher have proposed potential solutions, other open
research problems are still not well investigated and need
to be addressed by future research efforts to provide more
chances to the adoption of SDN. In this section, we review
some of the most important open research issues.
A. SDN Security Applications
Managing and orchestrating security in an SDN-based
network requires the development and creation of security
applications that interact with the controller northbound
API to accomplish the desired security functions. For
instance, network security applications, such as intrusion
and anomaly detection and prevention require packets
related information at different levels of details and at
different paces. Particularly, access to payload information
is crucial for many network security applications. Additionally, this information need to be obtained at a considerably reduced latencies in order to respond appropriately
to abnormal traffic or degenerate conditions.
In its current version, OpenFlow [14] handles mostly
layer 2/3 network traffic information and the entire packet
may be sent to the controller but only in some special cases
(because of no available buffers in the switch or the first
packet of a given unknown flow). Thus, applications that
need to have access and to manipulate data packet payload
cannot benefit from the current OpenFlow implementation
as both deep packet inspection and aggressive polling of
the data plane can rapidly cause degradation of the latters
performance. There are some research efforts that have
been proposing initial solutions for such a problem [93],
[97], [98], however, major efforts need to be spent in this
area in order to propose solutions with good trade-offs
between performance, usability and security.

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B. Security of SDN
After reviewing the literature, we can safely affirm
that security and dependability of the SDN itself is still
an open issue. While SDN brings significant promises
to networking, it introduces many legitimate questions
about the potential security risks that SDN itself might
present to a network. Various works (e.g. [157][159]) have
investigated vulnerabilities and threat vectors related to
the deployment of SDN with OpenFlow. By decoupling
the control plane from the data plane, the attack surface
for SDNs is augmented, when compared to traditional
networks. According to Kreutz et al. [157], new attack
surface areas are introduced by SDN deployment. Three
identified vectors out of seven are specific to SDN, which
are controllers software, control-to-data layers communications, and control-to-application layers communications.
The remaining identified four threats, already present in
traditional networks, may have a potentially augmented
Among the well-known vulnerabilities of the SDN platform, controllers are susceptible to DoS attacks, which
can have a devastating impact on the whole network. By
setting up a large number of new and unknown flows, an
attacker can overwhelm the controller by a large number
of OpenFlow requests from the switch to decide on how
to handle these flows. A saturated controller would no
more be able to make decisions about the rest of the
traffic. To address such issue, Kreutz et al. [157] propose
the replication of the controller with the applications,
the use of diverse controller products, and a mechanism
to dynamically associate switches with more than one
controller. However, in a scenario where the switch has to
store packets in its input queue awaiting for the flow table
entry to be returned, the DoS can be also observed on the
level of the switch node. Several mechanisms and good
practices from several communities are proposed in [157]
to address various threats. While these recommendations
are valuable for improving the security of SDN, no concrete
solutions were provided. These recommendations need to
be followed by specific solutions that should be carefully
studied and experimented so that they do not add other
problems such as performance and scalability problems, do
not decrease the expectations from SDN (e.g. flexibility),
and do not introduce new security threats. Among the
few works proposing concrete solutions to secure control
platform in SDN, Shin et al. [93] designed and implemented AVANT-GUARD to defeat TCP-SYN flooding
attacks and network scanning. The proposed framework
is shown to successfully prevent control plane saturation
attacks (DOS) and flow-rule-flooding problem in the data
plane. However, the proposed approach is not designed to
prevent application layer DoS attacks or attacks based on
other protocols such as UDP or ICMP. Also, more works
need to be done to address more sophisticated attacks.
Another important identified threat to SDN is the communication between the applications and the controller
API. SDN networks are programmed using policies that


might be frequently and easily modified using business

applications. These applications systematically acquire the
privilege of manipulating the entire network behavior
through the controller. As the controller does not apply
any verification on the semantics of the implemented
policies, buggy and malicious applications may be at the
origin of various sever threats such as circumventing flow
rules imposed by security applications or may cause harm
to the whole network due to the abuse of privilege. Porras
et al. [58] are pioneers in practically addressing this issue
by proposing a security enforcement kernel (FortNOX)
that implements a role-based authentication technique and
sets priorities between applications in order to restrict
their privileges. In this context, Flowvisor [13], [30], [31]
attempts to enhance the SDN security by achieving the
network inter-slices isolation, which may decrease the
impact of rogue applications on only a single slice of the
Other identified security threats are related to the
OpenFlow switch specification. For instance, Benton et
al. [158] analyze OpenFlow vulnerabilities of version 1.0.0.
However, the OpenFlow specification has been extended
and new features have been improved along the released
versions. Koli [159] studied OpenFlow vulnerabilities using STRIDE methodology and showed that even though
various improvements have been performed on the OpenFlow switch specification from version 1.0.0 to 1.3.1, they
address only a subset of the potential security flaws. In
the IETF Internet draft [160], some security properties of
OpenFlow specification version 1.3.0 [44] are discussed. It
has been noticed that security of OpenFlow is underspecified, which may lead to differences between multiple implementations and consequently to operational complexity,
interoperability issues or unexpected security vulnerabilities. While analyzing the latest OpenFlow version 1.4.0
[14], we found that the vulnerabilities identified in [160]
were not eliminated.
To summarize, the security research community needs to
attach a considerable attention to security issues in SDN
in order to reduce risks while preserving the undeniable
benefits of deploying SDN. Still major efforts need to be
spent in this area in order to propose solutions with good
trade-offs between performance, usability and security.
C. Compatibility and Interoperability
OpenFlow switches run embedded software that are
mainly needed to process control messages sent by the
controller and configure the flow tables accordingly. This
piece of software needs to be compliant with the OpenFlow
specification. However, specifications may be ambiguous
and may have several interpretations, which may give
implementation freedom to vendors. This could lead to
implementations that exhibit compatibility and interoperability concerns. In real-life SDN deployment scenarios, it is likely that the infrastructure is constituted of
OpenFlow switches from multiple vendors. Thus, this
type of problems can easily occur at the forwarding infrastructure level. SOFT (Systematic OpenFlow Testing)

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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

[161] is an exhaustive approach and tool for automated

switch interoperability testing using symbolic execution
and the constraint solver STP (having as input formulas
over the theory of bit-vectors and arrays that captures
most expressions from languages like C,C++,Java, Verilog
etc.). The approach allows to leverage multiple OpenFlow
implementations at the development stage.
As SDN enables the development of independent network components, it becomes an urgent necessity to ensure
that SDN networks and components, when integrated
together, perform correctly at each layer of the SDN stack
(control and data plane). Attempting to investigate these
concerns, Kuzniar et al. [139] proposed OFTEN for testing
integrated OpenFlow SDN systems consisting of one or
more controllers and potentially heterogeneous set of real
switches. OFTEN checks that the system does not violate
preexisting list of correctness properties. For instance,
some packets were lost by the tested load balancing application during reconfiguration phase due to incompatibility
of OpenFlow switch specification earlier to version 0.8.9
with the later ones, which was not taken into account in
the tested application.
Finally, as multiple controllers may be used to control
the same or various domains, it is important to ensure
compatibility among controllers to enable cooperation.
This communication is needed for enabling various fundamental services such as inter-domain routing to enable
communication between hosts in different domains. This
compatibility can be improved by standardizing intercontroller communication through the east-westbound interface. To summarize, research in this direction has not
received enough attention. A lot of work is needed to
provide appropriate tools and techniques to resolve incompatibility and interoperability problems.
D. SDN Applications Creation and Orchestration
SDN brings two potential benefits for improving computer networks: facilitating innovation in network technologies on the one hand, and making the creation, deployment, and composition of a variety of network services an
easy task on the other hand. While the first opportunity
has been well-grasped by many efforts, the second one
has received less attention. Indeed, few works [70], [162],
[163] have proposed frameworks for orchestrating policies
expressed in different contexts (QoS, traffic engineering,
access control, etc.) in order to harmoniously manage
networks and avoid possible conflicts.
Although these are some promising research contributions to network services creation and orchestration, there
is a clear need for more research and implementation
efforts in this direction. Indeed, it is vital to SDN to
provide a framework for the creation, the deployment,
and the coordination of not only security-related applications but also all types of applications that achieve and
improve on todays networks services. Additionally, these
frameworks should enable the development of applications
independently from the used controller.


VII. Conclusion
SDN has recently gained an unprecedented attention
from academia and industry. SDN was born in academia
[9], [10], [12]. Several important organizations such as
Google [101] and VMware are running SDN networks
and several experimental testbeds are running and testing
OpenFlow networks worldwide, including NDDI [164],
OFELIA [165], FIBRE [166], JGN-X [167] and GENI [168].
Thus, a survey on SDN that studies various aspects of this
novel networking paradigm was needed.
In this paper, we elaborated a thorough survey and
tutorial on SDN to investigate the potential of SDN in
revolutionizing networks as we know them today. First, we
went back to the roots from where SDN and OpenFlow
have emerged. Then, we presented SDN concepts and
described its architecture. Therein, we detailed the main
SDNs components, namely the forwarding devices and the
logically centralized controller, along with their functionalities and interactions. We also compared various available
products conceived to support SDN deployment, such
as controllers software, OpenFlow-enabled switches, and
frameworks for SDN programming. Afterward, we studied
existing SDN-related taxonomies and proposed a layered
taxonomy that allows classifying the reviewed research
works. The proposed taxonomy presents a hierarchical
view and classifies the identified issues and solutions per
layer (or layers) they belong to.
In the second part of this paper, we surveyed the
research initiatives aiming at solving the already identified
issues and described some relevant application domains
where SDN is expected to make the difference, particularly for emerging technologies such as cloud computing.
Finally, we have investigated some of the open issues that
have been poorly addressed by the literature and thus need
to be addressed by future research efforts.
A recent IDC study [169] projected that the SDN market will increase from $360 million in 2013 to $3.7 billion
in 2016. However, in order to reach wide acceptance, we
believe that the maturity of SDN is a critical factor. This
maturity depends on the advancement in the design and
implementation of various SDN components, namely the
controllers, the switches, and the application services as
well as the interfaces across them. Furthermore, several
other issues including security, interoperability, reliability,
and scalability need further investigation. Once the maturity of SDN reaches an acceptable level, training and
education of networks stakeholders is an important step
for a smooth transition to the SDN paradigm.
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10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/COMST.2014.2320094, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Yosr Jarraya Dr. Yosr Jarraya is a Research

Associate at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering at Concordia
University, Montreal, Quebec. She is an active
member of the Computer Security Laboratory
(CSL). She was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow and a Research Assistant at Concordia
University. She holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and
Computer Engineering from Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada and a M.Sc
in Telecommunications from Ecole Sup
des Communications de Tunis (SupCom), Tunisia. She published 1
book and more than 15 research papers in journals and conferences.
Her research interests include cloud computing, software-defined networking, network security, cyber security, verification and validation,
and software and systems engineering.

Taous Madi Taous Madi is a PhD student and a Research Assistant in Information
and Systems Engineering at the Concordia
Institute for Information Systems Engineering at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Canada. She received a Bachelor of engineering and a Magister degrees from Universit
e des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari
Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria in 2007 and
2010, respectively. Her research interests include cloud computing, mobile computing,
software-defined networking, and security.

Mourad Debbabi Dr. Mourad Debbabi is

a Full Professor at the Concordia Institute
for Information Systems Engineering. He holds
the Concordia Research Chair Tier I in Information Systems Security. He is also the President of the National Cyber Forensics Training
Alliance (NCFTA Canada). He is the founder
and one of the leaders of the Computer Security Laboratory (CSL) at Concordia University. In the past, he was the Specification
Lead of four Standard JAIN (Java Intelligent
Networks) Java Specification Requests (JSRs) dedicated to the elaboration of standard specifications for presence and instant messaging.
Dr. Debbabi holds Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from
Paris-XI Orsay, University, France. He published 2 books and more
than 230 research papers in journals and conferences on computer
security, cyber forensics, privacy, cryptographic protocols, threat
intelligence generation, malware analysis, reverse engineering, specification and verification of safety-critical systems, formal methods,
Java security and acceleration, programming languages and type
theory. He supervised to successful completion 20 Ph.D. students
and more than 60 Master students. He served as a Senior Scientist
at the Panasonic Information and Network Technologies Laboratory,
Princeton, New Jersey, USA; Associate Professor at the Computer
Science Department of Laval University, Quebec, Canada; Senior
Scientist at General Electric Research Center, New York, USA;
Research Associate at the Computer Science Department of Stanford
University, California, USA; and Permanent Researcher at the Bull
Corporate Research Center, Paris, France.

1553-877X (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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