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Marketing Management (C)

Fall 2014-15

Submission Date: Tuesday, 24th February, 2015
For this project you will work in a team of 6 students. Your task is to choose a failing /
unsuccessful / unprofitable product or service, and apply your understanding of Marketing
Management to develop a plan that will make it successful in the market. The product can be
local OR international.
This is a project with strategic, tactical, structured, and creative dimensions. Your chosen
product will have its own unique reasons for failure, and therefore you have to think
intelligently, and apply those concepts, tools, and techniques that you think are most relevant.
However, as a guideline, these are some of the questions that you should be thinking about when
you plan your work:
1. What other products/services is the company selling? Are the other products successful or
not? (hint: product portfolio analysis, BCG)
a. It will be helpful to conduct a SWOT here, as a starting point
2. What are the needs and wants that the product was developed to fulfill? Do you think
these wants are important?
3. What are the external conditions of the market? (hint: Macro environment, PEST
4. What are the primary and secondary reasons for the products failure? Some of the
possible reasons could be:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Availability
d. Company reputation
e. Lack of Brand Awareness
f. Poor Customer Service

g. Better Competitors
h. Weak Positioning
5. Use Porters Five Forces Model to get an understanding of the industry (e.g. competitors,
a. Is the industry growing, or shrinking?
b. Is the market saturated?
6. Is the product offering any distinct advantages over its competitors, or is it a me-too
7. What are the Marketing objectives for the product? Are they appropriate, realistic, and
achievable? If not, suggest improvements
8. Can the product be made successful only through tactical execution (e.g. advertising
campaigns, improving public relations, enhancing visibility) or does the company need to
improve its management and business operations (e.g. infrastructure, hiring and
employee training, outsourcing, improved processes, developing competencies and
competitive advantages)
9. Does the company have a tightly knit and synergistic portfolio or should it divest some of
its products?
10. Can it enter new markets or countries to make the product successful?
11. Is it targeting the right market and selling to the correct segment (hint: describe which
segmentation strategies are being employed by the company)
12. Is the company making use of new technologies, or is it using redundant and old tools
and techniques (e.g. ERP systems, social media)
13. Should it form a strategic alliance? If yes, which companies can it partner with?)

Note: Remember to give suggestions throughout. Use secondary data resources wherever

1. A properly formatted and professionally written typed report
2. A presentation (Approximately 15 minutes, including Q&A)

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