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Excerpts From The Book Of Life

2012 by Dana Leonardi. All Rights Reserved.

(Chapters 1 thru 19)

Immanuel had always wanted to write a book. Something deep within
him wanted to create. Unlike all other books ever written, this book
would be uniquely different. Within the covers of this book we will get a
glimpse of eternity gazing in a mirror. We will see the unseen. Creation
and time will begin and end. But the most unique thing about this book
is that Immanuel himself will enter into the pages of his book and live
within the confines of its pages, just as his creation lived. Will they
recognize the author of their very lives and what would his purpose be
in confining himself to the pages of his book? Listen, Immanuel is about
to speak

Chapter 1
First, I will create an environment for my creation to live in. Im going
to paint pictures of myself in all that I create. I think I will create 2
different realms. First I will create a spiritual realm where I will dwell
with other spiritual beings that can see me. Then I will create a physical
realm where I will also create time and space and matter. I will visit the
physical realm occasionally but they wont be able to see me until that
time when I come as one of them.
The spiritual realm I have created is beautiful beyond description and
the angelic beings I have created to dwell with me there are wonderful
companionsbut something is missing. I love them dearly and I love
that they love me but they are created beings and I sometimes feel alone
and long for a companion that is uncreated as I am. A being that is one
with me. I know she is within me.
My Creator.
Michael, one of 3 of my greatest angelic creations, interrupted my

My Lord, Lucifer has incited a riot among the angelic host. He has
surmounted an insurrection and has gathered a third of us to his side
and right now he is attempting to overtake your realm. What shall we
Hmmm. I knew this was coming. Lucifer is also one of my 3 greatest
angelic creations. I gave him such a high position and honor and I soon
saw that he abused his position as he coveted my glory as creator. He
did not have the humility needed to walk in the high position that I gave
him and he soon sensed that he would have to take by force that which
he coveted in his heart. Wow, what a silly, foolish angel. There is so
much that he doesnt know. My eternal plan was conceived and finished
before I started my book and long before I created him. If only he would
have come to me and confessed the evil in his heart, I could have helped
him see his folly.
Now I must leave the next page of my book blank. It is a page where I
Am not. It is a formless and void page where darkness hides in
nothingnessan abyss.
Michael, go and stop the rebellion. I give you my authority to cast
Lucifer and his followers out of our realm.
But where shall we send them once we defeat them?
Send them to the place of nothingness, the void that is where I Am
I could sense the shiver that Michael felt, as it is incomprehensible to
Michael to ever be where I Am not. I showed Michael the place that is
not a place and as he left, I thought of how easily pride can delude one
into seeking only for themself.
Although I knew that Lucifer would rebel, I created him and all the
angels with free will and choice such a strange paradox. You see, the
book I write has been in me for quite a while. I know the beginning and
the end of my book before I even write it. I Am the beginning and the
end. I hold history in my hand and I can enter my book at any place or
in any time. Speaking of time, I think its time for me to create.

Chapter 2

Well, the first thing We need to do is get some light in here. I was talking
out loud so that my angels could hear and witness all that I was about to
do. I wanted them to understand specific portions of my eternal plan
and to see how I weave myself into my creation. They were amazed at
how I could create something out of nothing. It was fun and they all
joiced at the light and then rejoiced at everything that followed. The
light I created was part of my nature, kind of like a picture of me. Now
that my light has illuminated the darkness and formless void, its time
we cleaned up this mess. It seems that Lucifer and his followers have
made a huge mess of things here. How does one make a void and
darkness even worse than it is? I think I will change Lucifers name. He
was a light bearer as he reflected my light as he dwelt in my presence,
but now he is opposed to everything I do so his name shall now be Satan
as he has made himself to be an adversary. Although he will oppose me
in everything I do, he will be completely unaware that I will use him as a
tool in accomplishing my purpose.
It was sad to watch Satan and his followers try to hide when I created
my light. They actually were fighting each other to hide behind one
another. I will cause my light to shine on a portion of each day and leave
darkness for them to dwell in. There will be opposites of me in my
creation and it is there that they will dwell and work. I allow this with a
great purpose in mind. I explained to my angels how Satan and his
followers, which we will call demons, will now always try to imitate me
because he wants to be me or to be in my position as creatoras God.
He dwelt in my presence and saw my goodness and bore my light. When
he decided that he wanted these things for himself and allowed pride to
pervert him, he then rebelled against me and then could only imitate
what he saw in me. Now, whatever I do, he will imitate but his motive is
evil while mine is good. He can only imitate good but the good that he
imitates is truly evil because it is a deception to keep others from me, the
one who is truly good. He will imitate my light and all that I Am in
order to deceive.
Gabriel, one of the 3 highest angels I created, asked me what all the
others wanted to ask.
Lord, who will they try to deceive, we are all there is and we all fought
against them and cast them out of our realm, we will not be deceived by
themwill we?

Soon, I said, you will all see. I have not finished creating.
I spent the next 5 days creating the heavens and the earth and its
environs and saw that everything that I created was good. With each
day, I created a higher form of life and as with all things I create, I wove
into the physical creation a part of me so that all could see me in my
creation. Once again, Gabriel spoke up on behalf of all the others.
Lord, we see you in the light and in water and in the life that you
bestow on all living things that you have placed on this wonderful blue
ball, but we are still uncertain of what your purpose is. Please help us to
The angels were amazed each day with all that I created. This was a
physical realm that was beyond their understanding because all they
have ever known is the spiritual realm. It was hard for them to
understand that I would create an even higher form of life. I said to
Patience my friends, I have still not finished creating.

Chapter 3
I sat and studied the lump of clay before me. Even though I created all
the animals from this same earth, this one would be different. This one
would be unique. This would be the highest life form I create in the
physical realm. I could sense the anticipation of my angels and hear
some of their whispers.
Is He going to form another animal, I gave Him an idea for one that I
call a unicorn, I hope that is what He will make.
Its just dirt. Why is He taking so long?
I smiled and then laughed and then started sculpting. My attention to
every detail was captivating to my angels. They witnessed all of creation
being spoken into existence by me. This was different. I was forming this
being with my own hands. They could sense that something special was
being formed. They were not disappointed. I stepped back from my

creation and heard the gasps from my angels. They were captivated and
could not take their eyes from it. Then their eyes would go back and
forth from me to my creation. They were mesmerized and speechless
and at the same time wanted to shout for joy and ask a thousand
questions. Finally, Michael stepped out from the midst of them and
Lord, it looks like you. Is it you? Lord, what is it? Who is it?
I smiled again and said to them all,
OK, I will no longer leave you in suspense. I will now open your
understanding of what I am doing. I have worked and created for 6
days, I am now going to breathe life into this form of my image and call
him man. He will be my highest creation in this realm because when I
breathe life into him he will become a living being with a soul. On the
7th day, we will all rest and as man explores his new home, I will explain
to you all that you seek to know.
I then breathed life into man and spoke with him before I sent him off to
explore his home. I then gathered my angels and told them my purpose
in creating man.
I have never seen my angels so quiet before. They are always singing
with joy or worshipping but now it was so quiet that you could hear a
feather drop from the wing of an angel! I also noticed Satan trying to
hide himself, clothed as an angel of light. He was intently listening and
he actually thought that I was fooled by his disguise! I told them that the
man I created is my image. Man is lord over the earth just as I Am Lord
over heaven. He will rule in my place in the physical creation. Just as I
have painted pictures of myself in the physical creation, man is a picture
of Me. He is my physical image.
I Am 3 parts. There is my Father who is outside of this book and from
who I come. I Am His image. I Am the written and spoken Word sent by
my Father and my Spirit is the very essence of me. We dwell together as
one, eternally, outside of my book. Our eternal plan was conceived and
enacted outside of my book and will be manifested in my book, through
my creation. My book is to allow all my creation to understand this. All
will be called but only a few will respond and I will put my Spirit into
those who respond so that they will understand my eternal purpose. You

have not seen or understood anything outside of my book but you who
are spirit are given the ability to enter into the physical realm and move
about the pages of my book as I direct. The pages of my book, as
pertaining to the physical realm, are time.
The physical realm consists of 3 parts also, time, space and matter.
Matter is anything that occupies space. All physical objects consist of
matter or substance, which man is. Objects have their position or place
in space. Time is the continued progress of existence in succession from
past to present to future. This was all a marvelous learning experience
for them as there is no such thing as time, space or matter in the
spiritual realm. There is only the eternal now and there is no space in
which to be confined or any type of matter that can be touched. All of
the physical realm is bound and limited in time. Man will only be able to
move forward in time and will not know when I will stop time. Man will
not have the ability to step outside of time or to enter the spiritual realm
where we dwell unless I allow him to. He can only occupy one space and
be in one time because his body is matter or has substance, whereas I
can be in all places at the same time and also be in all times, as I am
Spirit. I can be in all parts of my book at the same time or at different
times or pick any time in my book and be there. I Am outside of my
book so I hold time, space and matter and even the spiritual places in
my hand.
Man is also 3 parts. He is spirit, soul and body. I have created his body
and breathed his soul life into him. His soul also consists of 3 parts; his
mind, will and emotions. I have created his mind to rule over his will
and emotions. I have also created his spirit to rule over his soul and his
body. I have not yet made his spirit alive with my Spirit. He has one
part missing now. It is the most important part. I will put my Spirit into
him soon when he has made the proper choice. Right now he is my
highest creation in the physical realm but he is still a little lower than
you angels. When man chooses my Spirit to dwell in him, he will then be
the highest life form ever created. He will actually possess my Life and
live by my Life. He will be a son of God. When this happens, man will
no longer be restrained by space or time and will be able to freely move
about between our two realms. You, my companions, will have the high
honor of serving and fellowshipping with man just as you do with me.
After explaining this to my angels they were overwhelmed with
excitement and wanted to return to earth and begin this wonderful

fellowship with man. I told them to wait a little more as I wanted to

meet with man and spend time with him so that we could get to know
one another. I returned to earth quite often to spend time with man. I
called him Adam because I formed him from the earth. We became such
good friends and we both enjoyed our time with each other. I created a
beautiful garden that I called Eden and told Adam to live there. All of
his needs were taken care of and he lacked nothing. It was a perfect
environment, a perfect picture of my home in the spiritual realm. I
placed a tree in the garden. It was the tree of life. The fruit of this tree
contained my very life. If Adam would eat of this tree, he would have
my life in him and his spirit would be made alive with my Spirit. He
would be made perfect, just as I was perfect.
I gave Adam authority over all things on the earth. I then brought all
the animals that I created to Adam so that he could name them and so
that the animals would know their lord. We laughed and joked about
some of the odder ones and Adam even asked me where the unicorn
was! Looks like hes been hanging out with one of my angels. It was all
good but when we were finished Adam asked me why all the animals
had mates but their lord had no suitable mate for himself. I pondered
his question for a minute and said
Well Adam, maybe everything isnt good. I dont think its good for
man to be alone. What shall we do about that Adam?
My Maker, Adam replied, You are the only one who has the answer
to that. Have you created my mate and hidden her from me? Were you
going to surprise me, where have you hidden her?
I have hidden her in the same place that I have hidden my
This made Adam stop and think. He started to realize just how much he
was like me.
Wait a minute. If I am made in your image and I, lord of earth have no
mate, then you, Lord of all, have no mate also.
Ah, Adam. You show the wisdom that I created you to have. How shall
we rectify this problem?

Chapter 4
I left Adam alone for a time so that he could ponder this question. When
I returned, I asked him what he understood of this.
Lord, I am so very happy. The garden is beautiful beyond description
and I have no needs. Your creation is in perfect harmony and the time
that we spend together fills me with wonder, but I have a deep yearning
within me as if someone was deep within me calling to me with the same
yearning. It is as if my counterpart was deep within me longing to come
alive so that she could be with me also. It is almost as strong as my
desire for you. I believe that you have put this desire within me because
I delight in you. I also believe that if I have this desire then you must
have it also because you have made me in your image. I have so much
love to pour out upon her that I feel I must die if she is not brought
forth. I feel that I would give my very life up for her to be brought forth
but in doing so would she then be without me?
Adam, I see that wisdom grows in you daily. You have understood
correctly and the time has come for a gift for you. You need not give
your lifeonly a rib. I will now cause you to sleep deeply, similar to a
physical death and when you awake, you will find a great surprise.
I caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam and I called my angels to
come and witness what I was about to do. Again, I noticed Satan
curiously watching from a distance. As they gathered around, I opened
Adams side and removed one of his ribs. I took his rib and started to
form his counterpart. I took extra special care in forming her so that she
would be perfectly made for one who is almost perfect. When I had
finished and gave her the breath of life, my angels were amazed with
wonder of one so radiant and beautiful. She opened her doves eyes and
looked deep into my own eyes. Her first words echoed across the
universe and penetrated the heart of every angel and yes, my heart
My Lord and my God.
I saw in her the radiance of the one who is deep within My own being.
Oh the joy she will bring to Adam with her beauty and her selfless love
and innocence. He will now have his mate to love and cherish

forevermore. I was about to wake Adam so that we all could share in

this wondrous event of man when suddenly I had to stop time

Chapter 5
With a flash of darkness, never before seen on earth, Satan boldly
stepped forward as pride and jealousy emanated from within his being
and melted his disguise of light. He could no longer contain his rage as
he arrogantly pointed his finger towards me. Every angel instinctively
drew their swords and instantly Michael was by my side. I was still
sitting next to the image of my counterpart and writing in the sand,
unconcerned with one so deluded who actually thought that he would be
a threat to me.
I stood and told my angels to sheath their swords. They once asked me if
they could be deceived by this deceiver. I informed them that wherever
this deceiver and his followers are, there is deception. He hid amidst
their ranks disguised as one of them so they must always be aware. My
angels felt a threat towards me when Satan revealed himself so I made
them to understand that he is not a threat to me but a pawn that I will
use to accomplish my will. Even so, you must always be on guard, as this
one will devour any being that is unaware of his presence.
I allowed Satan to approach and to speak what was on his deluded
mind. With disdain and bitterness dripping from every word he said
Do you actually think that I will sit idly by as you allow these two to
rule over me and my domain? I held back when you created Adam,
biding my time, as I knew I would destroy him easily when he was alone
without you to protect him. But now there are two of them and I believe
they will be able to procreate just as I see the animals do. I will not allow
these images of you to rule over me and my domain. I may have lost the
first battle for the spiritual realm but I will return to my original home
and rule just as I do here. I have been cast down to this realm and it is
mine. You may have these so-called elect angels fooled, but not me. Man
is a little lower than the angels but I will steal his birthright, I will kill
him, I will destroy his relationship with you. He will not possess your life
and be higher than me. I will enslave them and rule over them. They
will bow to me just as you will.

Instantly he was gone and I watched as he manifested himself in a tree

that was right next to the tree of life. The fruit of that tree turned
poisonous although it still retained a delight to ones eyes. He is a crafty
one with great knowledge but he has forsaken wisdom. That tree is now
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You see, before Satan
rebelled, he was my light bearer. He carried my light and beheld my
glory and holiness. He saw my love and my authority. He saw many of
my attributes and saw that they were all good and desired them for
himself. When he was cast out of the spiritual realm to the earth, he set
himself up as god. He wanted to be like me. He wanted to be me. Since
he did not have my life in him, he could only imitate me. He now takes
all of my attributes and imitates them in order to deceive one in to
following him. He did that with my angels and he will now try to do the
same with man.
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will always bring
death once it is eaten. Death is separation from Me. The good fruit
contains the same poison as the evil fruit. It comes from the same tree; it
is all the same fruit. There is no such thing as a tree bearing both apples
and oranges. If you eat the good fruit you will spend your life trying to
be good. This shows the craftiness in his deception. You will imitate good
just as he does but you will be separated from me. This is death. I Am
life. If you are not a part of me, you will die. The evil fruit is the same as
the good fruit but reveals his true nature. Both have his life and his
nature in them. The existence of this tree presupposes that good and evil
exist. Man has no understanding of evil because he has only been in
relationship with good. This will always be unless man chooses to go his
own way. The fruit of the tree of life possesses my life and once eaten,
man will be a part of me, possessing my life. Adam will have to make
this choice, as will all his descendants.
My angels were taken aback by such insolence and were even more
incredulous when I allowed Satan to leave without any consequence. I
explained once again that I will allow Satan to pursue his demented
plans but also reminded them that I have my own plan and soon, very
soon, they would begin to see it manifested.

Chapter 6

Time, once again, came into view and I gently woke Adam up. He
immediately sensed that a part of him was missingnot really missing
but somehow outside of him and was alive. He looked at me with a look
of wonder and anticipation and saw the excitement in the angels and in
my eyes. I stepped aside and Adam beheld one in raiment of light,
reflecting my glory more perfectly than the sun. Adam stood and
proclaimed to all creation:
One was taken out of me that reflects the beauty and glory of my Lord.
I shall call her woman. She is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She
is my oneness.
They embraced as they both wept for joy and as angels rejoiced and as I
longed for a coming day
Soon, all creation joined in this rapturous celebration as the lord of
earth was crowned with his mate. These were never ending times of joy
that would only be eclipsed by when the Lord of all was joined to His
mate. After some time, I sat down with Adam and his wife and explained
to them that together they are man, or mankind. All of the human race
is in them. You shall be joined together as one and your reunion will be a
symbol of a coming day. I have joined you together; let nothing separate
you. I took woman out of Adam and now all of mankind will come out of
Adam said, I will call her Eve because she will be the mother of all the
I created you with a purpose in mind and you must walk in my
purpose. To do this you must partake of my life. My life is eternal and is
the highest life form. My angels have everlasting life and are spirit as I
Am, while you are a little lower than them, being physical. But I have
created you to be mine and to be like me but you must have my life in
you and it must be your choice to do so.
I have planted the tree of life in the middle of the garden. The fruit of
this tree contains my life. You may partake of this tree freely along with
any other trees in the garden. But there is also one other tree in the
garden that you must not eat from. It is the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil and this is the only tree that you are forbidden to eat
from. If you eat the fruit of this tree, you will die. You will be separated
from me. Go now and tend the garden, it is your home. Enjoy each

other and make little ones that will also be My image and I will visit
with you often. Eternal Truth ran free in youthful bliss in its new
environment and soon expressed itself in a mystery as the two became
Now you must understand that before I ever gave a commandment to
man to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there
was a deep fellowship and communion between man and Myself. There
was deep love mutually expressed. The command to not eat from that
tree was also given in love. It was given for their protection. There will
always be a foundation of love that any rule or law or command is built
upon. When love is not the foundation then the rule becomes a burden.
When given in love, the choice to obey is love expressed. The choice will
be theirs to make.

Chapter 7
The days and nights went by without notice as the 2 that were now one
explored their habitat together. Every part of them was in deep union
with me and with each other. Angels frolicked with man and each other.
All creation was in harmony. All was good.
Adam said to Eve
My oneness, we have explored the garden and have tasted of all its
bountiful fruit but we have yet to eat from the tree of life. It is the
largest and most beautiful tree in the garden and I sense in my spirit
that the fruit of the tree is bursting with life just as the river beside it
glimmers as if it is alive. Tomorrow we shall eat of it and discover the
mysteries that our Lord has hidden within it. Lets rest now and
contemplate all the good things the Lord has given us.
I told my angels to observe that from the time of their creation Adam
and Eve have never been apart. They are one in body, soul and spirit.
They are pure and holy in their union and as one they cannot be
overcome. They watched with joy as the two that were one sat in the
shade together under the tree of life. Adam noticed that Eve was looking
at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with childlike curiosity.
"Dont even look at it Eve. Adam said. Remember what our Lord has
said regarding that tree.

I know, my love, it just looks so strangely beautiful and has an alluring

draw to it that makes me want to just touch it and see what it feels like.
Their conversation was interrupted by a little lamb. It had wandered
nearby and seemed to be lost from its flock. Adam instinctively went to
it and picked it up and carried it back to the flock. Knowing that I had
joined them as one, Satan knew that he must separate them in order to
overcome them. It was Satan who stole the little lamb from its flock in
an attempt to lure Adam away from Eve. This was the moment that
Satan had patiently waited for, the first time they were apart. He
instantly entered a serpent with the power of deception raging within
As soon as Adam left, Eve noticed that a serpent was standing next to
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and was waving for her to
come to him. Her curiosity was no longer childlike and she
surreptitiously, almost running, made her way to the serpent. Now at
that time, the serpent was a lovely creature and the craftiest beast that I
had made and he was holding a piece of fruit from the tree and took a
bite as he said to Eve.
My lady, didnt God say that you could eat from any tree in the
Yes, He did. We can eat from any tree in the garden except this one. He
said if we eat from this tree or even touch it, we would die.
Eve was trying to remember what Adam had told her about this tree but
she was eerily mesmerized by the glittering light that was coming from
the tree. It seemed to be emanating from the serpent himself.
The serpent took another bite of the fruit as he continued.
You must have misheard God or misunderstood what He said. Isnt it
obvious that you will not die? I have been eating this fruit for a long
time and I am eating it as we speak. You see that I have not died. I do
believe that God wants you to eat this fruit because it will make you
even more like Him. Isnt that what He wants? You will be just like God

and you will know good and evil. Look at me, I grow wiser with each
bite and look at my light, am I not like God?
Eve kept looking at the fruit and then at the serpent and then at the
fruit. It looked so good to her, delightful to her eyes and she reasoned in
her mind that it was good for food and that it would make her wise like
the serpent and the serpent had eaten the fruit and didnt die. Was it the
fruit or was it Eve that was ripe with anticipation as Eve reached out for
the fruit that hung within arms reach. Angels and I watched with heavy
hearts as Eve put the fruit to her lips. I cried out to her at the same
moment as did Adam
Eve, my love, my onenessstop.
Adam was returning and could see Eve in the distance talking with the
serpent. He called out to her but she did not hear his cry as she had
already taken her first bite of the poisonous fruit or was it that the fruit
had taken its first bite out of her? In that split second, unaware to Eve,
I saw the serpent bite her on the heel and watched as the venom of death
enveloped her very DNA. And now Eve, the mother of all, would pass
this on to all her offspring. But I have a planan eternal plan and I will
crush the head of the serpent.
Adam quickened his pace and arrived at the tree as Eve continued
eating the fruit. Eve, being full of excitement now, picked another piece
of fruit and quickly gave it to Adam. Before Adam knew what was
happening, he found himself holding a piece of the fruit. Eve went on to
tell him what the serpent had told her and was desperately trying to
convince Adam of the same. Jumping up and down and twirling in
circles as if intoxicated in her new found freedom, she exclaimed.
As you can see, I have not died. The serpent has not died. I believe you
have misunderstood what God had said about this tree. Look at the light
that reflects from the serpent to the tree and then to me. Eat, my
husband, and join us, we must remain one.
Adam, seeing how Eve was reveling in her state of being and wanting to
please her, bit into the deadly fruit. He waited a minute to see if he
would die and when nothing happened, he finished the fruit. All in the

while, the serpent with sinister gleefulness walked behind the tree, or
was it into the tree? Suddenly all of creation went dark for a split second
as if a light switch was turned off and then back on very quickly.
The earth shifted and tilted throwing all creation out of harmony.
Animals instinctively hid themselves. Adam noticed it first with Eve.
The light that emanated the glory of the Lord from within her was no
longer there but was replaced by the light coming from the tree that she
was now reflecting and now that light was not pure but a dingy yellow.
As he watched in horror, that light dissipated as Eve now stood before
Eve could see the horror in Adams eyes as she looked down at herself
and then to Adam once again only to see the same transformation in
him before her eyes. The horror in her eyes now matched his. Weeping
uncontrollably and feeling things that were unknown to her, Eve
reached out for Adam. Not understanding what he was feeling, Adam
reached out for Eve. Deception and Fear, 2 of the highest ranking
demons, danced around them where only angels could before. Not
knowing what to do, Adam and Eve, no longer clothed in the light of
God and feeling the shame of their nakedness because they were now
self conscious instead of God conscious, sewed together leaves from a fig
tree in a vain attempt to cover themselves. They then tried to hide
themselves, like the animals.
I came to the garden as I often did to spend time with Adam and Eve
but they were nowhere in sight. I called out to them to give them the
opportunity to come out of hiding. I knew what they were feeling and I
wanted them to know how much I loved them but Deception had already
perverted their thinking and darkened their souls and Fear had convinced
them that I was there to punish them and to hurt them. They were no longer
aware of my great love for them and could not understand that I was there to
forgive them as I had already made a Way, the only Way, to cover their sin.
But in their state of deception they could only see themselves and continued
in the way that seemed right to them. They would now put themselves first
in all things. If I dont seek them out and explain and instruct them,
their fate will be much worse than what awaits them. I called out to
them again and Adam finally answered and told me they were hiding
because they were naked.

I said, If you know that you are naked then you must have eaten from
the tree that was forbidden to you.
Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Instead of taking
responsibility for their actions, they blamed others. I called the serpent
forth and cursed this once beautiful animal who now represents Satan,
so that it would no longer walk but slither on its belly and feed off the
dust of the earth. Man was made from the dust so the serpent will feed
off of mans carnal nature. There will always be enmity between Satan
and man and he will bruise man on his heel but Man will crush his
head. This is a hint that I gave to man to make him aware of my plan. I
told the woman that she would now have great pain in bringing forth
children instead of the painless way that was designed for them. Their
children would now be in their image instead of My image and even
though this pain will be great, she would still desire her husband and his
position even though he will rule over you. I then told Adam that the
ground would be cursed and no longer yield its fruit with ease and he
would have to toil and sweat to make it yield. He was taken from the
earth and to the earth he shall return. These were the natural
consequences of their choice to eat of the fruit that was forbidden them.
I explained to them what had happened to them. I told them of how
Satan had rebelled and how he and his demons were cast out of my
realm. I told them why I created them and how Satan wanted to steal,
kill and destroy them and keep them from me. As I was speaking Eve
blurted out...
But Lord, why didnt you tell us these things first so that we would
know not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and not
be deceived?
Oh my beautiful Eve. How could I tell you things that you could not
have understood? You had no knowledge of good and evil as I do. These
things did not exist in your realm. All was good. I love you. I created
you. I gave life to you. It is because I love you that I told you not to eat
from that tree. That was all you needed to know and hear. I created you
with the ability to choose. I had to give you the ability to choose so that
you would choose to love me in return. That choice also gave you the
ability to choose yourself before me. Satan has deceived you into making
that choice to put yourself first. His life is in the fruit of that tree. You

have chosen to partake of his life. Your eyes have now been opened to
good and evil. If you had eaten from the tree of life, you would have
partaken of my life because my life is in the fruit of the tree of life. Your
eyes would have been opened also, but opened to my ways and my life.
I then took some animals and made coverings for them from the skin.
They were horrified that the innocent animals that they loved had to be
sacrificed to cover their nakedness. They were now clothed like the
animals instead of being clothed in light like Me. They were created a
little lower than the angels and now they were just a little higher than
the animals. They were destined to have my own life, the highest life,
until they chose to live their own life. The desire for the fruit that was
forbidden them had caused them to exalt themselves. Now they are
humbled. They tried to save their own lives by wanting to be like Me.
Now they have lost their lives. What I had offered to them for free, they
tried to take and have separated themselves from me. The deceiver has
deceived them into acting just the way he acted and they have received
the same fate. Mans lordship over earth has been usurped by Satan but
a new Man will come and I will face this same temptationI have a
plan, an eternal plan.

Chapter 8
Now I had to do the hardest thing since creating man. I had to remove
them from the garden and protect them from eating from the tree of life.
Man had sinned and separated himself from Me and if they ate from the
tree of life, they would then possess My eternal life and live forever in
their sinful state, separated from Me. I Am life and to be separated from
Me is death. They thought that their physical bodies would die but it
was their spirit that was now dead. Their physical bodies would now
also die because death was given access to man through his sin and
death was now the shepherd of all mankind. Although man did not
understand, it was out of my love for them and mercy that I sent them
out of the garden and stationed cherubim at the garden with a flaming
sword that turned in every direction so that no one could partake of the
tree of life.
Adam looked out at the landscape. Eve could only cling to her husband
afraid to even look up. This was not their home. They felt alone and
sensed fear. They didnt know where they would go or what they should

do. They had become gods of their new world...impotent gods. Now
clothed like the animals that they were once lord over and no longer
able to see the unseen, they became limited in their understanding and
learned to reason with the knowledge of good and evil.
In the same manner that the lord of earth rebelled against the Lord of
all, so did all of creation under his lordship. Docile animals took on a
new nature as some became predators and some became prey. Almost
all were now afraid of their former lord and some would not be afraid to
kill if given the opportunity. The demons called Fear and Deception had
already established themselves as the new world powers in all of
creation as Satan, the new god of this world, watched with an unsavory
Harmony was unseated as chaos now reigned on earth. Seasons
displaced My perfect environment with to much heat at one time and
then too much cold at other times. At times there was no water, at other
times, too much water. The earth would only yield its fruit to man after
much struggle and time. Space and time was now the matrix that
confined man where he became fodder for the one that deceived them. I
would often come to them to comfort them but they could no longer see
me or hear me. At times, they could sense me but in their fallen state,
soon their soul took preeminence over their dead spirit. Alternating
between their mind, will and emotions ruling them, they became easy
prey for Satan and his demons. Angels watched with dismay as the
intelligence that I gave to man, gave way to reason. His will no longer in
harmony with my will, gave way to whatever they reasoned in their own
mind. Their emotions pulled them in many different ways based on their
own self-interest. At this rate, it wouldnt be long before his body ruled
over his soul and they sink even further. Lust stood near to deception
waiting for an opportune time to strike.
Adam and Eve still had each other. They still stayed together as much as
possible, more out of fear than love. They couldnt understand the fears
that tormented them. They had never felt feelings such as these in the
garden. They didnt know where they came from or how to be rid of
them. They longed for the peace and joy and love that was theirs in the
garden. At times they would feel such feelings as these, but they were
short lived and never felt as real anymore. As time went on they slowly
adjusted to their new life and surroundings. One night I listened as Eve
said to Adam...

Adam, Ive been thinking about that last day in the garden when the
serpent deceived me. If Satan could enter into the serpent then it is
conceivable that he could enter into any creature. If he could deceive me
in such a paradise as the garden, then how much easier would it be to
deceive us in this place where all is not good? We now know good and
evil. I still can remember the goodness of our God and I now can feel the
evil that haunts me. These feelings of fear are of the evil one. All of these
feelings that we have been experiencing have only been with us after we
were deceived. So this, now we know, must be evil. What we knew in the
garden was all good. We must know and differentiate these feelings in
order to know when evil is working in us and against us.
Adam replied, Your wisdom outshines your beauty this day my deep
love. If this is so, then it makes sense now what our Lord told us that
Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy. He has already stolen our lordship
over the earth. He has destroyed our relationship with our God and he is
now determined to kill us. I already feel half dead so I know this must
be so. Since Satan copies our God then we must assume that he will try
to copy the goodness of our God as he did in the garden. We must also
understand that trying to be good will not restore our relationship with
God. Our only hope is to eat from the tree of life but how can we when
we cannot go back to the garden?
Eve continued,
My only love, if I have any wisdom it comes from you as I was taken
from you. I only have what our Lord has placed in you. I know that we
are now prohibited from the tree of life and that it is our Gods mercy
and love for us that does this. Can you ever imagine living in this state
forever? I also know that our God is good and that He will provide a
way for us to partake of the tree of life. Until then, we must always be
aware of the evil that works within and without. I am now aware that
Satan and his demons have copied our Lord in regards to his
government on earth. He is now god of this world and has his hierarchy
in the demonic ranks just as our Lord does with His angels. We already
know of these high-ranking demons of deception and fear. They have
kept us from seeking our Lord. We must always be aware now of their
workings in and around us, knowing that whatever we feel that was
after our departure from the garden is not good. We must always stand

together and help each other to remember and teach these things to our
children. And Adam, speaking of children...

Chapter 9
Lets call him Cain, said Eve.
Well OK, but I am going to name the next one, Adam replied.
Man was made in the image of God but now all men born of man will be
the image of man with each successive generation less and less of the
image of God. As sin permeates all of creation so does death. Adam and
Eve witnessed first hand the devastating effect on creation and how it
grew exponentially over time. Sometimes they would weep together and
sometimes alone. I always wept alone.
Life had gradually gotten better for Adam and Eve ever since I gave
them more understanding of the circumstances they were in. Ever since
that day, they started seeking after Me once again and would talk to me
individually and as one. As they did this, fear and deception had less of
an influence on them. Now that man was once again seeking his Lord,
some of the animals started seeking after their lord. It was great to see
Adam and Eve playing with many different animals again and learning
to use others in their labor. As fear and deception had less influence over
the former lord of earth so had it lessened over many of the creatures of
the earth. I watched as Satan would meet with Deception and Fear and
threaten them for losing control of the situation. He added another highranking demon to their cause with a new strategy. This demon was
named Hate.
Not long after this, Abel was born. The years passed and Adam and Eve
continued to have more children and they passed on to their children
how it all started and what they have learned through their lives. They
instructed their children to continue to pass this history down to each
successive generation. Time continued forward and life remained
relatively normal but Eve was the first to notice that there was much
enmity and strife between Cain and Abel. She told Adam about it but
he, at first shrugged it off. As the boys grew older, it could no longer be
shrugged off. Eve said to Adam.

Remember when we discussed that anything that was not good must be
from the evil one? Look at your sons, they are now men and they are
fighting all the time. We have not known things like this before and you,
we, must speak with them as I feel that a new kind of evil is upon us.
They sat them down and told them once again of their life in the garden
and the 2 trees in the garden and how they were deceived and how evil
crept up on them, unseen and unheard like a serpent. Cain was
impatient and did not want to sit and listen to the stories again. He
continually pointed the finger at Abel and accused him of causing all the
problems that they fought over. Abel felt remorse and asked his brother
to forgive him for any wrongs he had done to him. This did not assuage
Cain but actually made him feel more embittered against his brother.
He stormed off angrily as Hate followed closely behind.
Satan is quite aware that the offspring of Adam and Eve will one day
crush his head so he naturally assumed that it would be Cain, the
firstborn. As Cain and Abel grew up, Satan saw how easily he could
influence Cain but not Abel. He then believed that it would be Abel that
would crush his head and take over his rule so he devised a plan to kill
Abel first. You will find him doing this throughout the history of man
because he does not know who this Man will be or when He would be
It was a day like any other but on this day a new form of evil has had its
way with fallen man. Abel was dead, murdered by his own brother. Hate
had found its way into Cain and dwelt there. Deception had convinced
Cain that he would never be able. Fear now controlled Cain. It was from
this strategic point that humanity was led, unknowingly but almost
willingly down a path of doom and destruction. The population of man
grew at an ever-increasing rate, as did the demonic forces under the
supervision of Satan. As Deception, Fear and Hate led their legions of
fallen angels they stealthily controlled fallen mankind.

Chapter 10
As time continued to make its mark across creation, sin also made its
mark. Generations of man came and went, with each succeeding
generation growing worse in their depravity. Death had entered my
creation, through sin, and was now the shepherd of all mankind in place

of its creator. As sin enveloped creation, death and decay also ran
rampant with its effect causing entropy, as mans life span grew shorter
and shorter. I soon regretted creating man because every intent and
thought in his heart was continually evil. To watch man who was
destined for glory, fall to such a depraved state, broke my heart. In
mercy, I decided the best thing I could do for man was to destroy them.
In spite of all the evil that surrounded him, Noah still walked with me.
He was blameless and righteous and found favor with me. I decided to
use Noah to start over. I told him to build a big boat and gave him
precise dimensions on how to build it. I also told him that I was going to
destroy mankind and the earth with a flood. I loved Noah so I allowed
him to bring his wife and his 3 sons and their 3 wives along with him so
that they could replenish the earth after the flood. I also told him to
bring a male and female of every animal for the same reason. I gave him
120 years to build this ark.
As the 120 years passed, Noah became a mockery to people as they
watched him building a boat where there was no water. Noah would
never retaliate but always used it as an opportunity to tell the people
about me and what was about to come upon them. This only made them
revile Noah all the more. At times, even Noahs own family thought him
to be insane. He couldnt blame them for he sometimes wondered the
same. This will always be the fate of men who choose to follow me
instead of following other men. The time had come, the ark was finished
and not even one other person had turned to me. I was so saddened by
this that I manifested my tears in the rain.
You must understand that before this moment, it had never rained on
the earth. I told Noah to take his family and enter the ark. I closed the
door behind them and opened the floodgates of the sky and opened the
fountains of the deep. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights until the entire
earth was flooded and all creation that I gave life, was no longer. The
fountains of the deep gushed forth with such intensity that the land
broke apart to form separate continents. As land crashed into other
land, mountains formed where there were no mountains before. Water
gathered in new places to form oceans and lakes and the earth lamented
its fallen state. After the waters had receded and it was safe to walk the
earth, I told Noah to take his family and the animals and to once again
populate the earth. I also made a covenant with Noah and the earth that

I would never destroy it again by flood. I put my bow in the sky as a


Chapter 11
Generations passed as mankind once again rapidly grew. Unfortunately,
not much had changed. Man would soon go his own way and found no
need for his creator. The fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil was in his DNA and his sin would pass down to each successive
generation. From the angels point of view, it seemed as if man was
destined to live a life of futility. From the demons point of view, man was
enslaved with no hope of redemption. But my point of view
encompassed all of eternity past, present and future and I have an
eternal plan.
You see, it does not worry me as I watch Satan foil with man in his
feeble attempt to hinder me. I do not get anxious nor do I need to hurry.
I am not slow in enacting my plan. I do not count slowness as men do. I
am outside of time. A thousand years may pass in time as I write it in
my book, but it is like a day to me. Even as I write these lines, I look and
see that men have now gathered together as one to build a city and a
tower that reaches to heaven. This is not how to reach me. Man will
never be reconciled to me when they devise their own ways to reach me,
no matter how good their motives. There is only One Way to reach me
and I have provided that Way. If they would just call out to me, I would
be with them. I am not impressed with the things that they can do or
achieve. Their true motive is to make a name for themselves. If they
finish this tower, they will say, Look at what we have done. If they can
accomplish this much in such little time, there is no telling what they
will do. I think its time to confuse their language so they cannot
understand each other. I will also scatter them all over the face of the
As their languages changed so did their customs and men separated
each to his own. Finding no need for me, they created their own gods
from their vain imaginations. Drifting further and further from me,
they drifted further from each other. From this point, man now kept
within his own tribe. Tribes grew into nations and nation fought against
nation always seeking after their own. Demons danced with delight as
they led men, like animals, with invisible chains. High- ranking demons

were chosen as principalities over the tribes and nations built by men.
In the same manner, men ruled over other men. As Satan built his world
system, he formed smaller systems within it to be managed by his
highest-ranking demons. There was a political system, a religious system
an economic system. Systems were added as needed. Soon after, men
started building the same systems. All were corrupt. All were a
perverted imitation of what I had created for angels and man.
Each tribe and nation had their own gods of their making. Impotent
gods feigning life as their demon princes saw the greater deception in
letting man worship false gods than in revealing themselves as their god.
As long as man had false gods, he would never see the true God. The
religious system flourished as superstition and fanaticism had free reign
over mans deluded mind. All of their superstition morphed into
tradition and this further separated man from me, and each other. At
different times throughout history, the religious system would dominate
the political system or conversely the political system would dominate
the religious system. They were both fueled by the economic system that
they both wished to control. All systems were fueled by the fruit from
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. All of these systems will be
allowed to grow and to enslave man until that day when I come to free
man and restore him to myself.

Chapter 12
I have allowed Satan to set up his world system and I have allowed men
to divide into nations because it fits into my plan, my eternal plan.
Nothing I do is in response to something Satan or man does. My eternal
plan cannot be stopped or changed by any fallen angel or man. I have a
special man that I will form a nation from. They will grow in the midst
of this world system and I will be their God and they will be my people.
It is to this people that I will reveal myself and it is through this people
that I will come to earth to enact my plan. I will raise up certain men
from my people that will speak to my people for me and through them I
will tell my people how and where I will come and what will happen to
me when I come. This I will do so that they will recognize me when I
come to them. Here comes that special man now...I called to him.

Abram stopped for a moment as if his thought were being interrupted.

Abram was a man not content. Although he was wealthy and had family
and friends, he always felt as if something was missing. He remembered
the stories that were passed down through the generations that spoke of
Me and he longed for something more than the false idols and gods of
his countrymen. He went through the motions but always felt that he
belonged somewhere else. He kept these thoughts and feeling to himself
but occasionally he shared them with his wife Sarai. The missing part of
Abram was about to be found.
This time he stopped long enough for me to get his attention.
Abram, I want you to leave this land and your family and I want you
to go to a land that I will show you. I will make a great nation from you.
I will bless you and I will be good to those that are good to you and be
against those that are against you.
Abram looked around to see if anyone was there. He knew he wasnt
dreaming and he knew he wasnt thinking to himself. He knew he was
alone. What he didnt know was who it was that was speaking to him.
He pondered this through the day and later that night he told it to Sarai.
They both agreed that maybe he was in the sun to long and the heat got
to him. Abram found that to be a better reason than thinking he was
losing his mind. As he lay in bed he could not stop thinking about this.
He remembered the stories he heard of Noah and how God had spoken
to him.
Well at least God is not telling me to build a boat. He thought out
Sarai woke for a minute and said, What did you say?
Nothing my love, go back to sleep.
Abram did not sleep well that night. He came to the conclusion that if I
could speak to Noah then I could surely speak to him. Once again he
thought out loud.
Since I am not content in this place and feel like an outsider and I do
not worship the false gods in this land then quite possibly the Lord is
leading me away from here.

Finally, he fell asleep.

Chapter 13
Abram woke early the next morning and excitedly told Sarai what had
happened and how I spoke to him and that they were going to pack up
everything and leave. She listened intently until he came to the part
about leaving.
What, she said. What do you mean we are leaving? Where are we
going and for how long and why do we have to pack up everything? You
are going to have to come up with a better reason than God spoke to
She kept questioning Abram, becoming more agitated with each
question. Abram understandingly interrupted her questions and calmly
Sarai, Sarai, my love. Haven't I always taken care of you? You know
that I have and I always will. Please calm yourself and understand that I
have questioned this much more than you. You know how I have always
longed for something more even though I have not known where to find
it. I believe that our God is going to lead us to that place. He told me
that He would raise a nation from me and bless me. How could I not do
as He said?
Abram, how is God going to raise a nation from you when we have no
children? Have you thought about that? Have you questioned your God
about that? This alone should make you question who or what you
Yes Sarai, I have thought about that quite a bit and it is just as
concerning to me as with you. But when I think of Noah building a boat
in the middle of nowhere for 120 years and then see the outcome of it, it
makes me desire to have this kind of faith in God. And He is not just my
God Sarai. He is our God. If Noah didn't obey God then maybe none of
us would even be here. If I dont obey God then maybe there will never
be this nation that God said He would raise. He will give us children if a

nation will come from me. We need to trust Him just as Noah did. Noah
didn't see the flood that was going to come, he just did as God said and
trusted God. We need to do as He says also and trust Him. It requires
faith to leave this place where we are prosperous and go to a place
where God will lead us. I do believe Him and trust what He says and
you must also. The least you can do is to trust me and we will see
Sarai had calmed down and could see and hear the passion in her
husband as he talked of God. Her questioning was now more in the way
of agreeing with her husband than before. She even started thinking of
what it would be like to have a child and she did want to please her
husband. She was slowly starting to ease into the idea and when the
thought of having a child overcame her fears of leaving, they left.
Abram was 75 years old when he left his country and I led him to a land
called Canaan, where he settled. I made a covenant with him there and
promised him an heir and told him to name his son Isaac. It would be
through Isaac that my covenant would continue through time and many
generations until I come to my creation. Abram was 100 years old when
Isaac was born. This man had waited 25 years, as men count time, to see
my faithfulness in my promise. Because Abram believed my words, I
counted him as righteous. I also gave him a new name of Abraham
because he would be the father of many nations. Sarai was now called

Chapter 14
Many years had passed and Isaac was now a young man and I called to
Abraham and told him to take Isaac his son, his only son who he loved,
to a mountain that I would show him, and to sacrifice Isaac as an
offering to me. I did this as a sign for future generations to recognize me
when I come and also to show the spirit realm the faith that Abraham
had in me. Abraham told Sarah what I had told him, this led to a very
long night for them both.
Sarah, please stop. Why do you add to my distress by fighting with
me? Yes, I am sure it was the Lord speaking to me. It was just as the
other times before.

Abraham, I do not, I cannot, I will not believe you this time. You are
losing your mind in your old age. You must listen to me and not the
voices in your head. Surely God did not say this to you.
My angels and I watched with great interest as Satan whispered into the
thoughts of Sarah the very words that loudly came from her mouth. It
was the same lie he used on Eve. This is why a husband and wife should
always be as one. Satan will always divide and conquer and try to
thwart my will by splitting a husband and a wife, by tearing apart what
I have joined together.
Sarah, we have been down this road before. We both know the
faithfulness of our God. When He asks the impossible, then He will
make a way. He is the only way even when there is no way. Our part is
to trust Him knowing that all will be good, no matter how it looks to us.
I have thought to myself the very things you say to me. I want to run
away from this but dont you think the same thing will be required from
us at another time and place but will be even harder then? We cant go
our own way this time. Look at the mess we made before when we tried
to help God out by having Ishmael. That was our way, not His way."
Abraham, you promised me that you wouldn't bring that up again.
Youre right, Im sorry but you must understand that this is the only
way. Hasnt everything that God has promised us come to pass? He also
has promised that a great nation would come from me and His covenant
would be carried through Isaac and his descendants. Do you understand
what this means? Im not sure I fully understand it but I do believe that
if God requires Isaac as a sacrifice, then He will raise Isaac from the
dead in order to fulfill His promise. You must believe this Sarah. He has
breathed life into man so He is able to put life back into a man if he dies.
It may require the death of one for this new nation to be born. Im not
quite sure how or why but I believe this to be true even though I
struggle within myself to complete it, yet I am compelled to do so.
My husband, the passion you speak with makes me want to believe you
even though I cannot. I speak with the same passion in order to stop you
from this madness but my words cannot move you the way our Lord
moves you. I once laughed because I was to old to conceive when God

told you that we would have a son, now it is His turn to laugh. It is a
cruel God that would require our only son.
I know that my words cannot comfort you Sarah but I hope that they
will give you hope. Ours is not a cruel God. He would not require from
us anything that He does not require of Himself. Let my words and His
promise sink deep within you. If you believe, you will see the glory of
our God.
I knew that all through time men would question and condemn Me as a
cruel god just as Sarah had for this requirement. It was the custom in
that era for the ungodly to sacrifice their children to their false gods.
But what Sarah and many others didn't understand was that My ways
are not their ways. It was never my intent to have Abraham sacrifice
Isaac but just the opposite. This will now be a testimony through all of
time that it is I who will provide the sacrifice, once and for all.
This turned out to be the longest night in the life of Abraham and Sarah
but for Sarah, the next 4 days and nights would be even longer.

Chapter 15
Abraham left very early the next morning. He loaded his donkey with
supplies for the journey and took 2 of his servants along with Isaac.
Sarah stood at the entrance of their dwelling weeping as they faded in
the distance. She was inconsolable and Abraham knew that if he had
tried to reason with her that she would prevail in preventing him from
leaving. He loved her deeply. He also asked me all that morning to reach
her and console her during the time of his journey.
Abraham walked very slowly the entire journey as if the slowness of his
pace would somehow prevent the task at hand. Isaac also noticed the
somberness of his father the entire time. Isaac had never seen his father
like this and although he was excited about the journey and had many
questions about it, he was quite reluctant to say anything. After a few
days of walking and not arriving at any destination, Isaac finally asked
his father where they were going and why he was so somber and why
was his mother crying when they left. He was starting to think that he
would not see his mother again.
Abraham knew that his son would eventually ask him all these
questions and was prepared with answers because for the past few days

his thoughts wavered between turning back and how he would answer
Isaac. He tried to focus on his answers and my promise so that he
wouldnt turn back. With every step of faith that Abraham took, I
increased his faith until he started to see beyond what was right in front
of him. He answered Isaac.
Isaac my son, I am sorry that I have not been myself on this journey.
Although it has only been a few days, it has been the longest and hardest
journey in my life. I do not know where we are going but the Lord will
show us when we get there just as He did when your mother and I left
our homeland to where we live now. I have told you all these stories
many times and I have raised you in the knowledge of our God. It is
now time for you to know Him for yourself by experience and not just
by stories. He has told me to take you to a place where He will lead us to
and to sacrifice to Him there. Your mother was crying because she
didnt know how long we would be gone and didn't want us to go.
But father, why has this journey been so hard for you? I see how slow
you are walking. Are you not well?
The difficulty is not in the physical journey my son but in the anguish
of my soul. The Lord has required of me something that I am unable to
do in my own strength.
Father, I am strong now, I am not a little boy any longer. I can help you
with anything you need to do.
Yes my son, you will help but it is not your physical strength that is
I dont understand. How will I be able to help and am I going to meet
Yes Isaac, it is with certainty that I say that you will meet God and you
will begin your own journey with Him. You will be able to help me by
trusting me as you always have and by being obedient in what I ask of
you, as you almost always have. It is very pleasing to me as your father
when you trust me and obey me even when you dont understand what I
ask of you. It is the same with God our Father. Yes my son, soon you will
meet God.

It was now the third day of their journey and Abraham saw the
mountains in Moriah from a distance. It is here that their journey ends
and another will begin. Abraham told his servants to wait for them with
the donkey while he and Isaac would go further and worship and return
to them. My angels stood in awe of this man as he considered his
sufferings to be worship to me and his faith proclaimed their return.
One of my angels fell prostrate to worship also so I gave him the honor
to go and walk with Abraham and Isaac and to await my instructions.
Abraham took the wood that he brought and gave it to Isaac to carry.
Abraham carried the knife for the sacrifice and the tools to make the
fire. One of my angels asked me why Abraham had Isaac carry the very
wood that he would be sacrificed on. I told them all that Isaac is a clue
for the nation that would come from him, so they would recognize me
when I come to them. As they walked I could see Abraham trembling; it
was then that Isaac spoke.
Father, I have the wood and you have the fire but where is the lamb
that we will sacrifice?
This question struck the heart of Abraham deeper than the knife would
strike the heart of his son, his son that he loved so deeply. Abraham
My son, God will provide the lamb for the sacrifice.
They continued walking until they came to the place where I had led
them. Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood. He then
bound Isaac and laid him on the altar on top of the wood. Isaac looked
at his father in shock and disbelief. What was happening was slowly
sinking in on Isaac. He started to kick and tried to get up and off the
makeshift altar. He was now crying as he said...
Father, what are you doing? I dont understand.
Abraham could not contain his grief and sorrow any longer as he
desperately wanted to pick Isaac up and hold him and never let him go.
I have not seen such sadness in angels eyes since Adam and Eve ate the
forbidden fruit and were sent out of the garden. I gave Abraham the
grace that he needed to calm himself so that he could also calm Isaac.

Abraham gently caressed his son as his tears dropped to Isaacs face and
mingled together as if to signify the uniting of their hearts and will as
one. As Isaac looked into his fathers eyes he could see the love and
faithfulness that he had learned to trust with his life. In that moment
Isaac knew that whatever his father would do would be the best thing
for him. He stopped struggling. No words were necessary.
Isaac was a young man and could have easily overpowered his father
and gotten up from the altar but he chose to trust his father. Abraham
knew that if he hesitated any longer that he would not be able to finish.
As he raised the knife one of his tears landed on Isaacs heart as if to
mark the target. Isaac closed his eyes, as did many angels. Abraham was
about to thrust the knife when I had my angel call out to Abraham.
Abraham, do no harm to the boy. Your reverence for God is evident in
not withholding your son, your only son.
Abraham dropped the knife and fell to his knees. His weeping increased
but they were now tears of thanksgiving. He then pulled Isaac to him
and embraced him and kissed him over and over, their tears once again
mingling. Abraham untied Isaac and they sat holding each other for
quite some time. Their tears spoke more than words were able. My
angels and I sat in silence also, watching the beauty of the love between
a father and son. I thought of how much better it was for Abraham, to
obey than to sacrifice. I was also thinking of a time when I will enter my
book, in time, through the line of Abraham and Isaac. Unlike Isaac
though, my Fathers hand would not be stayed. The silence was broken
when Isaac said...
Father, I heard a voice speaking but when I opened my eyes, there was
no one there but you. Who was speaking to you?
My son, remember I told you earlier that you would soon meet God?
Well, you have had your first experience with Him. Now you must seek
Him and find Him and know Him for yourself. He has spared you this
day so that you will follow Him as I do. I will explain this further as we
make our journey home but we must leave this place quickly and return
to your mother with the good news.

I desire this very thing father and I want to hear all that you will tell
me. Lets go quickly.
As they got up to leave, Abraham noticed that a ram was caught by its
horns in the thicket. Although they both wanted to leave, they took the
time to take the ram and offer it as a sacrifice to Me and to worship Me.
I provided the ram. I provide the sacrifice for all. As they returned to
the two servants waiting, Abraham sent one of them ahead to tell Sarah
that all would return soon. Traveling alone the servant would be able to
return a day sooner. The next day Sarah stood at the edge of the camp
and watched all day. It was late in the day when she saw on the horizon
three figures approaching. She fell to her knees sobbing and

Chapter 16
Time continued unabated and Abraham died and Isaac married
Rebekah and they had a son named Jacob and I continued my covenant
through him. When Jacob had submitted to my will I changed his name
to Israel. Jacob had twelve sons. I would use Jacobs 11th son, Joseph, to
continue with my plan and I gave him special dreams in his young age.
Whenever it is obvious to Satan that I am using someone for my plan, he
always tries to thwart it by using others against my chosen vessel.
Joseph became a target. What Satan doesnt understand is that
whatever he is allowed to do to my chosen ones, I will use it to
strengthen my chosen ones to accomplish my purpose. I use the pain
and adversity in their life to draw them deeper and closer to me.
Sometimes this takes a long time but I am in no hurry.
Joseph became the favorite of Jacob and his brothers hated him and
became jealous and wanted to kill him. They devised a scheme to sell
Joseph in to slavery. They told Jacob that Joseph had been killed and
the loss of his favored son had broken Jacobs heart. He was taken to
Egypt and purchased by a high- ranking official close to the Pharaoh. I
was with Joseph and was preparing him, through his many trials, to
represent my character. After a while Joseph was unjustly accused and
put in prison so that I could continue to transform him and prepare him
to fulfill My purpose. I gave him the ability to interpret dreams and
through a series of events over a long period of time, I orchestrated an
opportunity for Joseph to interpret some very disturbing dreams that I

allowed the Pharaoh to have. None of the magicians or wise men in

Egypt could tell Pharaoh what his dreams meant but Joseph could.
Joseph was finally called upon and taken from prison to Pharaoh and
Pharaoh said to Joseph that he had heard that Joseph could interpret
dreams. Joseph quickly told him that he could not but that I could. So
Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams. Joseph knew that the dreams were
describing a great famine that would devastate the land of Egypt and he
suggested what needed to be done to prevent it. Pharaoh was impressed
with Joseph and the God he served and made Joseph ruler over all of
Egypt, second to only Pharaoh himself. Joseph was now a young man.
Seeing that his plan to destroy Joseph was foiled, a now enraged Satan
and his hordes went about the earth causing the famine to spread
everywhere. People came from everywhere to Egypt to buy grain from
Joseph. When Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent his
sons to buy grain. When they came to Joseph they didn't recognize him,
as he was just a boy when they sold him in to slavery and now he was a
man. Joseph recognized them and after some time he revealed himself to
them and they were in shock and fear and disbelief. Joseph comforted
them and told them that what they had meant for evil, I had meant for
good because I sent Joseph before them in order to preserve life. He told
them to go back and get their father and bring everything to Egypt to
live and that he would care for them. Jacob came and once again his 12
sons were all together.

Chapter 17
Many generations had now passed and Jacob and Joseph died and the
people of Jacob grew to a multitude and became very strong. The new
king of Egypt did not know about Joseph and all he saw was a people,
who he called Hebrews, that could turn against them at any time so he
needed to get them under control for fear of them. As the spirit of fear
whispered in the ear of the king, Satan devised his plan to enslave my
The king put taskmasters over them and sentenced them to hard labor
but they multiplied all the more. The king then instructed the Hebrew
midwives to put to death any son born of my people. The hard labor and
slavery continued for hundreds of years until I raised a deliverer from

my people. A baby boy was born and his mother hid him for a while but
when she could not hide him any longer she put him in a basket and put
it in the reeds along the Nile River.
The kings daughter went to bathe in the river and she saw the basket.
She found the baby crying and had pity on him and took him as her
own. She named him Moses. I had favor on Moses so that he was shown
favor in the household of the king. As Moses grew, he saw the treatment
inflicted on my people by the Egyptians. He knew that his heritage was
with my people and he grew in resentment of the Egyptian people and
was in constant conflict within himself over this. On the one hand he
was raised in privilege and had everything he wanted but on the other,
he couldn't just stand idly by as such injustice was inflicted on the
people that he came from. This went on for some time as I continued to
show favor to him.
Again, as Satan saw my favor towards Moses, he attempted to kill him.
One day as Moses witnessed an Egyptian mistreating one of my people,
he became enraged and killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand.
This news eventually reached the king and the king now wanted to kill
Moses. I protected Moses as he fled to the desert far away from the king
and from Egypt. Once again, Satan had played into my hand as this is
what I wanted for Moses so that I could now resolve the conflict within
him and prepare him for My purpose. There were no longer any
distractions from Egypt, only the solitude of the desert.

Chapter 18
I think its been over 40 years now that I have spent in this desert. I
have a hard time even remembering my life of privilege in Egypt. All I
know now is my family and you. Moses was talking out loud to himself
and the flock that he was pasturing. Life was pretty much the same day
in and day out for Moses. He wasnt much for talking but he did enjoy
leading the flock and talking to them. I had a different, much larger
flock in mind that I wanted Moses to lead so it was time that I got his
I set a large fire on a nearby bush but did not allow the fire to consume
the bush. Sure enough, Moses did a double take on the bush and then
came over to it to inspect it. I called to him from the bush and told him

not to come any closer and to remove the sandals from his feet because
he was now standing on holy ground.
Wherever I AM, becomes holy. I told Moses who I AM and told him that
I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt and I have heard their
cries and that I am sending him to Pharaoh to deliver My people out of
Egypt. I also let him know that Pharaoh would not listen to him and
would resist him.
Moses took his family and left for Egypt and went to Pharaoh and told
him what I had said and sure enough, Pharaoh would not let My people
leave Egypt and oppressed them even more. I then allowed 10 plagues to
be inflicted upon Egypt and its people and instructed Moses to
announce each one to Pharaoh before they happen. Satan and his
demons had a wonderful time as they reveled in the free reign given to
them to inflict such destruction and misery. After each plague, Pharaoh
hardened his heart more and more towards My people and I.
It was after the 10th plague that Pharaoh finally relented. It was also in
this plague that I would reveal myself to My people and to future
generations. On this very night I would release the angel of death in the
land of Egypt to take the first born of all the people of Egypt. Death will
not be able to touch My people if they are protected by the blood of the
lamb. I told Moses to tell all of My people to take a spotless lamb and to
slay it and put the blood on the top and 2 sides of the doorpost. As the
angel of death goes through the land of Egypt to take all the firstborn
children, he will be prevented from entering any house that has the
blood of the lamb on the doorpost. He must pass over that house
because I will be there to prevent him from entering. This will become
the feast of Passover for My people and for future generations.
At the end of my book I put a very big clue to let my people know
something I did before I created anything or even started my book. No
created being has ever known of this event, which was outside of time
and in the eternals. Only my Father and I know of this event. This event
was when I first dealt with sin and death and took them upon Myself in
order to defeat them and to redeem My creation from them. I AM the
lamb that was slain before the foundations of the world. It was truly
finished before I ever created. Death was the prodigy of sin and Satan is
the master of sin. Neither Satan nor death are aware that they were

defeated before they ever came into being. There will come a day when I
enter my creation and make this event known to all. Until that time, I
will give clues to some of My people to share with all My people about
when I will come and the manifestation of this unknown event so that
My people will recognize Me when I come.
The lambs that are now slain by My people will be symbolic of Me, the
only lamb of God that has taken away the sin of this fallen world. When
My people put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their houses, it
will be symbolic of a time when anyone who accepts My sacrifice for sin,
on their behalf, symbolically applies My blood to their life, then death
can not touch them. Death must pass over them just as death must pass
over My people on this night.
My angels watched in horror as death walked unhindered across the
land of Egypt. Pride and Arrogance walked a safe distance ahead of
death proclaiming his rule upon all creation. Nothing created would
dare challenge death, as it grew stronger with every life it took. Satan
himself could not control this one. There are no words in any language
of man that can describe this one. It is the embodiment of all that is evil
and is the antithesis of all that I AM. It only comes to pay that which has
been earned by sin, its mother. It is only satisfied when one is sucked
into its being and enslaved by it forevermore. Its satisfaction is always
waning as its ever-increasing hunger to claim another fuels its lust to
conquer all. It knows no enemies, yet all are its enemies, though nothing
created can stand against it.
As insatiable death came to the area in Egypt where My people live,
there seemed to be an insidious delight that came over it. Raiment in the
darkness of its own being and absorbing anything in its path; death, the
shepherd of all mankind, boldly approached the first house in blind
ecstasy knowing that nothing created in heaven or on earth could stop it
this night. Unaware that I, uncreated Life, stood at the doorway with
my head at the top of the doorway and my arms outstretched to each
side where the blood of the lamb was applied, death attempted to enter
the house. It encountered unapproachable Light and the embodiment of
darkness could not comprehend or overpower My Light. It was thrown
backwards and fell down as a for-telling to my angels of its fate. It is a
simple truth that my people must learn that pride goes before
destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. The cacophony of praises

from pride and arrogance was silenced by the pitiful, tantrum like cry
from death as its sense of entitlement was threatened for the first time

Chapter 19
As death slowly recovered from its fall, bewildered by what it was that it
encountered and expecting to see a legion of my angels that it would
take pleasure in destroying for having the audacity to even presume that
they could stop it; I allowed it to approach Me once again as pride and
arrogance resumed their delusional praises. With a look of disgust and
perplexity and now filled with hubris, death defiantly and mockingly
yells out for all the spirit realm to hear...
You, the only Son of the Living God, dare to come into my domain and
then compound such foolishness by trying to stop me? I am death. I am
lord over all. All bow to me. None can resist me or stop me. Your feeble
creation has chosen me over you and they delight in sin almost as much
as I delight in their fear and futile resistance of me. They are rightfully
mine and when I am finished here with this physical realm, I will come
after you and your companions in the spiritual realm. I am certain that
you have hidden yourself from me for this very reason. You are no
threat to me and if you remain in my domain, I will take you now. Get
out of my way before I destroy you now.
Death, you speak with the pride of Satan who ushered sin into my
creation and with the arrogance of sin who ushered you into my
creation. Such an unholy trinity you are. How does one who knows so
little become so boastful?
What do you mean? I am death. I know all things and all things belong
to me.
You do not know all things. Why is it that you cannot enter into this
house? Why is it that you will not enter any of My peoples houses that
have the blood of the lamb on it?
Instantly death was at another house but I was there before it. As it
tried to enter, it was thrown back once again. It tried several more
houses with the same outcome and then I approached death and said...

I command you death to pass over every house that has the blood of
the lamb on it. There will be no victory for you here tonight for I have
removed your sting from the midst of my people. You are unaware of
our fist meeting but there will be a time when I enter my creation as a
man and I will call you to Myself and we shall meet again when time
intersects with eternity. Until then, you will have your way. No, death,
you do not know all things.
(coming soonchapters 20 through 29)

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