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Name: _______________________________

Date: ____________________

Elementary Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 1527)

Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

For dinner, my sister (eat) ate pizza, but I (have) had soup.

My brother (drink) ________________ coffee while he (do) ________________

his homework.

He (walk) ________________ into the classroom, then he (sit)

________________ down.

While I (study) ________________ , Sue (run) ________________ into the


When the class (finish) ________________ , the teacher (drive)

________________ home.

Harry (sing) _______________ a song when Jane (come) _______________ in.

Nothing happened when I (turn on) ________________ the DVD player.

It (start) ________________ to rain while I (walk) ________________ to the


Yuki (listen) ________________ to the radio when the phone (ring)

________________ .

The children (go) ________________ the cinema last night.


Mr. Jones (find) ________________ some money when he (clean)

________________ the cupboards.

Write statements, negative sentences or questions with used to.

you/have/brown hair (question) Did you use to have brown hair?

people/use/the computer (negative) ___________________________________

he/go/running (statement) ___________________________________________

they/like/painting (question) _________________________________________

your brother/come/by bus (statement) __________________________________

we/drink/coffee (negative) __________________________________________

my mother/speak/Spanish (negative) __________________________________

he/live/in Paris (statement) __________________________________________

Julie/play/football (question) ________________________________________

houses/have/bathrooms indoors (negative) ______________________________


all children/go/to school (question) ____________________________________

Elementary Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 1527)

Read the paragraph. Choose the best tense for each space.

My grandfather (0) C to the same school as me. He (1) ______ to our school last
week to talk to the class about what it (2) ______ like in the old days. He (3) ______
he (4)______ the names of all his teachers. One of them still teaches at the school.
He (5) ______ art and music, but now he only teaches music. As he (6) ______ , he
(7) ______ us pictures of his school friends. He (8) ______ us that the boys
(9) ______ only football, but now we play basketball as well. He thinks things
(10) ______ better in the old days.

A goes

B was going

C used to go

A comes

B came

C was coming

A was being

B is

C was

A said

B says

C was saying

A remembered

B remembers

C was remembering

A is teaching

B used to teach

C teaches

A talks

B is talking

C was talking

A is showing

B showed

C was showing

A told

B is telling

C tells

A play

B were playing

C used to play


A are

B were

C used to

Underline the correct word in each sentence.

Ive worked here since/for 2001.

Your mother has ever/just come home.

Has he ever/since arrived on time?

Weve never/ever been to Spain.

Katy has just/for come back from her holiday.

Ive worked here since/for 5 years.

I started this book 2 days since/ago.

Theyve lived here since/for a few months.

Shes early. Shes yet/already arrived.

Mikes played golf since/for last year.


We havent started our homework just/yet.

Elementary Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 1527)

Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

Someone (eat) has eaten my orange.

Oh no. I (break) ________________ a glass.

My sister (start) ________________ a new school.

Your boyfriend (phone) ________________ .

I (leave) ________________ my new bag on the train.

We (not lose) ________________ all my money. Here it is!!

We (spend) ________________ 75 already. Have we got any more money?

I (buy) ________________ some shoes, a new coat a hat.

Pierre (not do) ________________ his homework yet.

My father (go) ________________ to the shops, hell be back soon.


You (not write) ________________ that letter yet.

Underline the correct tense.

Its very cold. It will/is going to snow.

I will/am going to do it tomorrow, promise!

I havent got any plans. I dont know what I will do/am doing next month.

The party will/is going to be on 28th November.

I will/am going to have a cake, please.

I will/am working at 10.00.

Mary has just told me. She will/is going to have a baby.

I am seeing/will see the dentist at 11.15.

Im sure the train will/is going to arrive soon.

They are leaving/will leave in the morning.


I will finish/am finishing this later.

Elementary Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 1527)

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