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De La Cruz v Asian Consumer

Topic: Sale of Movables - NCC 1484 - 1486

Doctrine: In this jurisdiction, the three (3) remedies provided for in the "Recto Law" are
alternative and not cumulative; the exercise of one would preclude the other remedies.
Consequently, should the vendee-mortgagor default in the payment of two or more of the
agreed installments, the vendor-mortgagee has the option to avail of any of these three (3)
remedies: either to exact fulfillment of the obligation, to cancel the sale, or to foreclose the
mortgage on the purchased chattel, if one was constituted.

Spouses Romulo de la Cruz and Delia de la Cruz, and one Daniel Fajardo, petitioners,
purchased on installment basis one (1) truck from Benter Motor Sales Corporation (BENTER
for brevity). To secure payment, they executed in favor of BENTER a chattel mortgage over
the vehicle 1 and a promissory note payable in thirty (30) monthly installments of P9,412.00.
On the same date, BENTER assigned its rights and interest over the vehicle in favor of
private respondent Asian Consumer and Industrial Finance Corporation (ASIAN for brevity).
Pets defaulted on more than two (2) installments. Thereafter, notwithstanding the demand
letter of ASIAN, petitioners failed to settle their obligation.

By virtue of a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of chattel mortgage, the sheriff attempted
to repossess the vehicle but was unsuccessful because of the refusal of the son of petitioner,
Rolando de la Cruz to surrender the same. Hence, the return of the sheriff that the service
was not satisfied.

Romulo de la Cruz brought the vehicle to the office of ASIAN and left it there where it was
inventoried and inspected.

ASIAN filed an ordinary action with the court a quo for collection of the balance of
P196,152.99 of the purchase price, plus liquidated damages and attorney's fees.
TC: pro- ASIAN

CA: Affirmed TC
". . . no extrajudicial foreclosure of chattel mortgage ever transpired in the case at bar.
Undoubtedly, plaintiff had first chosen to extrajudically foreclose the mortgage, but this did
not materialize through no fault of plaintiff, as defendant refused to surrender the Hino
"Though the remedy of foreclosure was first chosen, this remedy however proved ineffectual
due to no fault of plaintiff. Therefore, plaintiff may exercise other remedies such as exact
fulfillment of the obligation and thereafter recover the deficiency. This is the essence of the
rule of alternative remedies under Article 1484."
Petitioners take exception. While they do not dispute that where the mortgagee elects the
remedy of foreclosure which, according to them, includes the option to sell in a public or
private sale, commences and pursues it, and in consideration of which he also performs
everything that is incumbent upon him to do to implement the foreclosure they nevertheless
insist that he should not later be allowed to change course midway in the process, abandon
the foreclosure and shift to other remedies such as collection of the balance, especially after
having recovered the mortgaged chattel from them and while retaining possession thereof.
Issue: Whether or not a chattel mortgagee, after opting to foreclose the mortgage but failing
afterwards to sell the property at public auction, may still sue to recover the unpaid balance
of the purchase price.
Held: Yes.
It is not disputed that the instant case is covered by the so-called "Recto Law", now Art.
1484 of the New Civil Code, which provides:
"In a contract of sale of personal property the price of which is payable in installments, the
vendor may exercise any of the following remedies: (1) Exact fulfillment of the obligation,
should the vendee fail to pay; (2) Cancel the sale, should the vendee's failure to pay cover
two or more installments; (3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the thing sold, if one has
been constituted, should the vendee's failure to pay cover two or more installments. In this
case, he shall have no further action against the purchaser to recover any unpaid balance of
the price. Any agreement to the contrary shall be void."

In this jurisdiction, the three (3) remedies provided for in the "Recto Law" are alternative and
not cumulative; the exercise of one would preclude the other remedies. Consequently,
should the vendee-mortgagor default in the payment of two or more of the agreed
installments, the vendor-mortgagee has the option to avail of any of these three (3)
remedies: either to exact fulfillment of the obligation, to cancel the sale, or to foreclose the
mortgage on the purchased chattel, if one was constituted.

The records show that ASIAN initiated a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of the chattel
mortgage. But the sheriff failed to recover the motor vehicle. It was not until 10 October
1984, or almost a month later that petitioners delivered the unit to ASIAN. The action to
recover the balance of the purchase price was instituted.

It is thus clear that while ASIAN eventually succeeded in taking possession of the mortgaged
vehicle, it did not pursue the foreclosure of the mortgage as shown by the fact that no
auction sale of the vehicle was ever conducted.

In the case before Us, there being no actual foreclosure of the mortgaged property, ASIAN is
correct in resorting to an ordinary action for collection of the unpaid balance of the purchase

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