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M0140 [2009-N]

Nissan Engineering Standard


Salt Spray Testing

This Standard specifies corrosive salt spray tests for plated or painted metals used for anti-corrosive and
decorative purposes on automobiles.
Remarks: 1. Classification of test objects.
(1) Metal covered with metallic, inorganic or organic film...metal plating, painting, resin coating, etc.
(2) Metallic film and inorganic film applied to non-metal...metal plating, vacuum plating, hot stamp, etc.
on resin.
(3) Metal...stainless steel, aluminum alloy, titanium alloy, etc.
2. The units and numerical values expressed in this standard are based on SI units. Conventional units
are noted in { } for informative reference.

The pieces of test equipment consist of a temperature controlled chamber, test solution chamber, test
solution supply tank, air saturator, air compressor, and exhaust fan equipped with the following: spray
nozzles, test piece holder and spray collecting container. An example of the test equipment is shown in
Figures 1 and 2 and shall satisfy the following conditions.
(1) The materials used for the pieces of equipment shall not influence the results of the corrosion test and shall not
corrode themselves during the test.
(2) Do not direct the spray nozzle and spray test liquid directly on to the test pieces. Drops of the test solution,
condensed on the ceiling or cover of the test chamber, shall be prevented from falling on the test samples.
(3) Drops of test solution that fall from the test samples shall not be reused for another test.
(4) The spray collecting containers must be clean and have a collecting area of 100 mm diameter and each have a
horizontal collecting area of approximately 80 cm . They are placed adjacent to the test pieces at more than two
positions to provide uniform spray pattern: nearest to and furthest from the spray nozzles.
(5) The compressed air for spraying the test solution shall not contain oil or dust.



Water used for test solution...................................Deionized water (252C specific resistance: 1 S/cm or less).
Sodium chloride used for test solution ..................Former JIS K 8150 (Sodium chloride Class 1) or above.
Concentration of test solution................................505 g/L
Specific gravity of test solution ..............................1.029 to 1.036 (252C)
pH of test solution .................................................6.5 to 7.2 (252C)
Spraying pressure of test solution .........................0.07 to 0.17 MPa
0.0980.010 MPa {1.00.1 kgf/cm } is preferable
(7) Spraying rate of test solution.................................1.50.5 m/80 cm /h
(8) Temperature of the test chamber ..........................352C
(9) Temperature of the test solution chamber.............352C
(10) Temperature of the air saturator............................472C
*1) Standard values by former JIS K 8150-1989 (Sodium chloride class 1) are shown as follows.
Water solubility
pH value (5W/V%)
Sulphate (SO4)
Heavy metal (as Pb)
Potassium (K)
Magnesium (Mg)
Calcium (Ca)
Barium (Ba)
Iron (Fe)

Normative References:

JIS K 8150-1994
ISO 9227-1990
JIS H 8502-1999
JIS Z 2371-2000

Standard value
Within the limit
5.0 to 8.0
max. 0.005
max. 0.001
max. 0.01
max. 0.003
max. 0.003
max. 0.001
max. 0.0005 %
min. 99.0

Sodium chloride
Corrosion tests in artficical atmospheres-Salt spray tests
Methods of corrosion resistance test for metallic coatings
Methods of salt spray testing

- 1/11 -

M0140 [2009-N]
According to the Attachment: Procedure for Producing Salt Spray Test Solution and Control Standard for The Test

5.1 Test pieces shall be the product itself or a portion of the product that includes the effective surface area. If it is
difficult to use the product for the test or if test results are not conclusive, then alternative test pieces may be used
to represent the product.
5.2 Shape, dimensions, and number of test pieces shall conform to the specifications of the test material or product
standard. However, if standard specifications are not available, agreement must be reached between the parties
5.3 Pretreatment of test pieces
5.3.1 Cleaning of test pieces
(1) Completely clean test pieces of metal for metal film using a suitable cleaning agent ( ) such as ethyl alcohol or
other cleaner.
Note ( ): No polishing, corrosive or protective film-creating cleaning agent shall be used.
(2) For chromium plated test pieces, the test surface may be cleaned by rubbing with absorbent cotton wetted with
water and magnesium oxide powder or precipitating calcium carbonate; washed with water and cleaned with a
clean cloth or blotting paper.
(3) Test pieces painted or covered with a non-metallic film shall generally not be cleaned or treated before the test.
5.3.2 Cross-cutting of test pieces
When corrosion of a painted or organic coating is to be measured, the paint or film shall be cut along the two
diagonal lines with 10 mm of the edges of the test piece using a retractable knife specified in NES M0007, Section
33 until it reaches to the base material.
5.3.3 Protection of surface other than the test area of test pieces
Cut sections, exposed base and edges, etc. of the test pieces that are not part of the test surface shall be covered
with protective coating ( ). This protective coating shall be stable under the test conditions.
Note ( ): Cover with electrical insulation tape, paint, or solid paraffin.
5.4 Supporting test pieces
During the test, test pieces shall be placed in the test chamber in the following manner.
(1) The major test surface of test piece shall be at an angle of 205 to the vertical line, and placed in the test
chamber in such a way that it is not perpendicular to the spray flow direction when viewed from above. However,
in case of a product, it shall be placed in such a way that the effective surface is 205 to the vertical line.
(2) Test piece shall not prevent free-fall of the atomized test solution.
(3) Test pieces shall not be in contact with anything other than the supporting frame.
(4) The test solution of a test piece shall not splash on another test piece.
(5) Punched identification marks, mounting holes, etc. of the test piece shall be placed as close as possible to the
5.5 Treatment of test pieces after spraying
After spraying, the cover of the test chamber is opened carefully to prevent falling drops of the salt solution from
hitting the test pieces. Take out the test pieces carefully so as not to damage the test effective surfaces. The test
pieces must then be immediately immersed in room temperature water (to rinse off salt adhering to surfaces) and
dried. If specifically required, lightly brush to inspect the corrosion of the base metal.


Follow the steps below for the operation. The procedures for production method of the test solution are shown in
the Attachment.
(1) Fill the prepared test solution in the salt water and supply chambers.
(2) Adjust the spray pressure indicated on the precision pressure gauge to 0.0980.010 MPa {1.00.1 kgf/cm }, and
collected spraying rate of test solution to 1.50.5 m/80 cm /h by operating the pressure regulator. Spray volume,
if difficult to adjust within the above pressure range, may be adjusted by changing the spray pressure in the range
of 0.07 to 0.17 MPa.
(3) Visually confirm that the spraying is correctly conducted.
(4) Adjust the temperature of the test chamber and the salt water chamber to 352C and the temperature of the air
saturator to 472C.
(5) Interrupt spray and place the test pieces on the test piece holder inside the chamber.
(6) To start the test, restart the spraying. Spray for the specified time and under the specified test conditions.
(7) Environmental variations (salt spraying rate, variations in temperature) occur within the tolerance of specified
value, due to the difference in installation position of test piece under the range of conditions indicated in Item 3 in
the test solution and spraying condition. Therefore, as a measure for reducing such variations, rotation of the test
piece is required. However, regarding the rotation method and its frequency, and other details, they shall be
determined through the consultation between the concerned parties, after considering the required accuracy for
the test. See the following cases as examples for performing the rotation:
<Case 1> For the test period of 2 weeks or more
Move the test piece any number of times (recommended to perform in the frequency of once per week or more)
during the test period, by an installed unit or by a unit of installed row. For example, if there are 4 installed units,
number them 1 to 4 beforehand, and perform the moving of the installed units in the order of: 12341 on a
weekly basis.
<Case 2> For the test period of less than 2 weeks
Since the number of rotations will be smaller, perform the test within the range of the median value 1.50.1 m/8.0
cm /h (specified value: 1.50.5 m/8.0 cm /h) for the spraying rate specified in 16. Spraying rate of the Attachment
Table 1.

M0140 [2009-N]
<Case 3> For securing the accuracy by long-term test
For the purpose of improving the test accuracy, the following describes the examples of the procedure for
complete randomization of the rotation order:
(1) Number nonnegative integers 1 to n for each test piece number n.
(2) Generate random numbers of nonnegative integers 1 to n for the n installation positions for test pieces.
(3) Install test pieces to each position, according to the numbers that are identical with the installation position
numbers for test pieces.
(4) Perform the rotation of the test piece by repeating (2) and (3) described above any number of times
(recommended to perform in the frequency of once per week or more) during the test period.
(8) After the specified time, remove the test pieces cautiously so as not to damage the test effective surfaces.

Test time is as specified in the material standard or the product standard.
The test must not be interrupted.
Remarks: 1. Test pieces must be rinsed well with deionized water (1 S/cm or less) and kept dry when the test is
unavoidably interrupted.
2. During the test, interruption must be done within the shortest period of time due to inspection of test
samples, examination of the test solution or supply of the solution.
3. Continuous test means continuous operation of the test equipment while keeping the cover of the test
chamber closed except for the interruption of test as specified in 2.

The results are evaluated on the basis of the material standard, the product standard, or determined by
the agreement between the parties concerned.
Record, unless otherwise specified by the material standard or the product standard, the following items:
(1) Types of sodium chloride and water used for preparing the test solution
(2) Measured temperature of the spraying area in the test chamber
(3) Daily recorded values of the following items obtained from each collecting container
(a) The volume (m) of the test solution collected per hour per 80 cm
(b) The concentration or the specific gravity at 25C of the solution in the collecting container
(c) pH of the solution in the collecting container
(d) Shape, dimension, and part number or classification of the test pieces
(e) Test piece rinsing method before and after the test
(f) Method of holding test pieces in the test chamber
(g) Type of protective coating used according to 4.3.3
(h) Spraying time
(i) Reasons for test cancellation and test time before cancellation
(j) Final inspection results
Test chamber

Spray nozzle


Test liquid supply bottle

Temperature regulator

Distribution panel
Temperature regulator

Dry and wet bulb
Pressure gange
Pressure regulator


Compressed air
Vent tube

insulating plate

Air cleaner
Air saturator



bypass valve

Thermometer for temperature saturator

Test liquid tank heater

Nozzle air valve

Test liquid tank

Collecting container
Test chamber heater

Figure 1

Salt spray test setup


Air saturator heater

M0140 [2009-N]
Figure 2

Test chamber

Front view

Side view



M0140 [2009-N]
Attachment: Procedure for Producing Salt Spray Test Solution and Control Standard for The Test Equipment.

1. Procedure for producing salt spray test solution

(1) Use sodium chloride (NaCl) reagent Class 1 or superior as specified in former JIS K 8150-1989 (Sodium chloride
Class 1).
(2) Use deionized water (specific resistance: 1 S/cm or less).
(3) Prepare a plastic container (approximately 50), wash the container with tap water and finally rinse the same with
deionized water.
(4) Fill 40 of deionized water in the container.
(5) Heat the water up to 25C with an immersion quartz heater (about 1 kW) stirring occasionally with a plastic or
glass stirrer to blend the temperature evenly.
(6) Dissolve sodium chloride (NaCl) in a concentration of 50 g per liter of solution.
(7) After stirring the solution sufficiently, measure the specific gravity of the solution at 25C. Adjust the specific
gravity to 1.029 to 1.036.
(8) Next, sample 50 m of the solution and measure its pH using a glass electrode type pH meter. With a pH of 6.5 or
less at 25C, add a thin solution of sodium hydroxide, completely stir and measure pH again. Repeat these
operations until a test solution of 6.5 to 7.2 pH at 25C is obtained. Just to ensure, confirm that the salt
concentration of test solution is 50.5% using a salt concentration tester, etc.
(9) After completion of preparing the test solution, cover the container to prevent entry of dust.

2. Control standard for test equipment

The test equipment is required to be inspected to the following control standard to keep its normal
*1) Standard values by former JIS K 8150-1989 (Sodium chloride Class 1) are shown as follows.
Water solubility
pH value (5W/V%)
Sulphate (SO4)
Heavy metal (as Pb)
Potassium (K)
Magnesium (Mg)
Calcium (Ca)
Barium (Ba)
Iron (Fe)

Standard value
Within the limit
5.0 to 8.0
max. 0.005 %
max. 0.001 %
max. 0.01
max. 0.003 %
max. 0.003 %
max. 0.001 %
max. 0.0005 %
min. 99.0


M0140 [2009-N]
Attachment Table 2
Inspection item

1. Air cleaner's stain

2. The safety valve

Inspection method

Remove the filter case by Must be free from stain

turning the ring thereof and
inspect stain in the filter

Operate the air

functioning of the air compressor. Check if the
safety valve functions at
196.1 kPa {2 kgf/cm2}.
3. Air saturator: Water Check the water level with
level and water
the level gauge.

4. Air saturator:

electric conductivity
and insulation
resistance of the

5. Spraying pressure

6. Air saturator

7. Linings:


8. Spray nozzle:

Standard or Tolerance

Functioning pressure:
196.1 kPa {2 kgf/cm2}.

The water level must be

maintained between two
level marks.
Use a circuit tester or a
Continuity between the
megger. Check the electric terminals should exist.
conductivity between the
Insulation resistance. 5
terminals of the heater and M cm min.
the insulation resistance
between the terminals of
the heater and the air
Adjustable between 0 to
Operate the air
176.5 kPa {0 to 1.8
compressor and apply
176.5 kPa {1.8 kgf/cm }
pressurized air to the inlet
of the air pressure gauge.
Check if the air pressure is
adjustable between 0 to
176.5 kPa {0 to 1.8
kgf/cm2} by the gauge.
The indication of the
Operate the air
compressor and check the pressure gauge must be
indications of the pressure within approximately 58.8
gauge while regulating the to 176.5 kPa {0.6 to 1.8
pressure between 58.8 to kgf/cm2}.
176.5 kPa {0.6 to 1.8
Visually inspect the
The linings must be free
appearance of the inside
from cracks or holes.
of the test chamber, water
seal and cover.
Visually inspect the
The nozzle must be free
appearance to check
from damages or
damages or clogging.


Corrective action

Inspection period

Remove the filter element.

Blow off air stains by using
compressed air after soaking
the filter element in gasoline
Every 3 months
or a thinner sufficiently.
Wipe off stains from the safety
valve. Adjust the pressure
regulating screw or replace
with a new safety valve.
Fill distilled water from inlet.
Every operation
Change the water completely
at least every half a month.
Replace with a new heater.

Overhaul or replace with a

new one.
Every 3 months

Check the clogging and

leakage of air piping, clean or

Repair the faulty part.

Every 3 months

Replace damaged nozzle with Every operation

a new one. Wash and clean
off cloggings with hydrochloric
acid solution or an undiluted
sulfuric acid solution of
potassium dichromate.
(Abnormality of the air
saturator is liable to cause the
clogging of the spray nozzle)

M0140 [2009-N]
Attachment Table 2 (Continued)
Inspection item

conductivity and
resistance between
the test chamber
and the heater.

Inspection method

Use a circuit tester or a

megger. Check the electric
conductivity between the
terminals of the heater and
the insulation resistance
between the terminals of
the heater and the test
chamber sheathing.
10. Thermometer
(1) Visually check the
continuity of the mercury.
(2) Compare with an
approved standard
thermometer and calibrate
by heating the
thermometers in a
temperature controlled
chamber. The heating
temperatures are 35C
and 47C for the
thermometers for the salt
water chamber and the
test chamber, and for the
air saturator, respectively.
11. Test chamber:
Set the temperature
controlled chamber at
controlled chamber 35C. Raise the
temperature of the test
chamber and check the
indication of the test
chamber thermometer.
12. Air saturator:
Set the temperature
controlled chamber at
controlled chamber 47C. Raise the
temperature of the air
saturator. Check the
temperature indication.
13. Integrating hour
Operate the integrating
meter functioning
hour meter for 1 hour and
over and read the time
14. Spraying air
Set the temperatures of
the air saturator and the
test chamber at 472C
and 352C respectively.
Adjust the pressure
regulator so that the
pressure gauge indicates
98.1 kPa {1.0 kgf/cm2}.
Perform the spray and
examine the variation of
the indication of the
pressure gauge.
15. Spray condition
Perform the spray under
the same condition as
specified in (14. Spraying
air pressure). Visually
inspect the spraying
condition through the
upper cover, and spraying
as conical and continuous

Standard or Tolerance

Corrective action

Inspection period

Continuity between the

terminals should exist.
Insulation resistance: 5
M cm and above.

Replace with a new one or


Every 3 months

The mercury must be

Difference from former
calibration must be within

Mercury interruption: Replace Every 6 months

the thermometer.
Off-standard indication:
Calibrate or replace the

The indication of the

thermometer must be

Repair or replace as required.

The indication of the

temperature must be

Repair or replace as required.

The operating hour and

the indication time must

Repair or replace as required.

Every 3 months

Pressure gauge indication Repair or replace air-leaking

part, air saturator or pressure
must be 68.1 to 166.7
reducing valves as required.
kPa {0.7 to 1.7 kgf/cm2}.

Every operation

Every operation

Gauge accuracy:
98.19.8 kPa {1.00.1

Repair or replace as required.

Conical and continuous

spray shall be performed.

Clean or replace the nozzle as Every operation



Every year

M0140 [2009-N]
Attachment Table 2 (Continued)
Inspection item
16. Spraying rate

17. Test solution

Concentration and
pH of salt water
18. Air compressor

Inspection method

Standard or Tolerance

Corrective action

After continuous operation

for more than 24 hours
using any collecting
container within 15 cm
interval inside a test
chamber, as indicated in
Figure 3, inspect the
amount of test solution that
has accumulated in a
collecting container.
(1) Measure by a
hydrometer or by titration
with silver nitrate.
(2) Measure with a pH
(1) Check the stains and
clogging of the felt filter.
(2) Raise the pressure and
examine switching-off and
switching-on pressure for
the auto switch. Examine
the exhaustion while
listening to the exhaust
noise when the pressure
switch is opened.
(3) Check the level and the
quality of the lubrication oil
using an oil gauge.

It shall be within the

range of specified value
(1.50.5 m/8.0 cm2/h).
Do not perform any tests
for the portions that
cannot be contained in
the range of the specified

Adjust the position and the

angle of the nozzle.
Adjust the spray pressure.
Replace nozzle as required.

Concentration 50.5%
pH6.5 to 7.2 (25C)

Readjust or renew the salt


The felt filter must be

The switching-off and
switching-on pressure
shall be the same with the
indication on the
automatic pressure
switch. The exhaust noise
must last for a short
period of time.
The lubricating oil must
be filled to the specified
level and shall not be
Shall be free from dirty
drain water.

Clean or replace as required.

(4) Reduce the pressure of

the air chamber. Loosen
the drain valve. Check the
stain conditions of the
inside of the air chamber.

Inspection period

Every operation

Every 24

Adjust, repair or replace as


Every 3 months
Supply or renew the
lubricating oil.
Drain dirty drain water

Remarks: (1) The test chamber must be ventilated naturally, not forcibly. The ventilation passage must be free of
(2) The ventilation system must be designed to prevent corrosion of the fixtures and furnishings. Use of
some salt spray eliminator is preferable.
(3) Before long suspension of operation of the test equipment, the salt solution, the water in the water
seal and the air saturator must be removed and the test equipment must be washed with fresh water.
(4) The main body of the test equipment must be well maintained and kept clean.
15 cm

15 cm interval

15 cm

15 cm interval

Figure 3

Salt water sampling positions inside a test chamber


M0140 [2009-N]
[Revision objectives in 2009]
Based on the actual situations, the working wording were modified, and the descriptions were corrected regarding the
following test accuracy.
1) Description of "5.3.2 Cross-cutting of test pieces": The working method was corrected to follow the description of NES
M0007, Section 33.
2) Description of "5.3.3 Protection of surface other than the test area of test pieces": "Paint" is added to the stable
coating film.
3) Description of "5.4 Supporting test pieces": The angle of test piece was corrected to follow the description in JIS
4) Description of "6. PROCEDURES": Descriptions of spraying amount were corrected.
5) Description of "8. CONTINUATION OF THE TEST": "Deionized water" was added to the rinse water.
[Revision objectives in 2004]
Corrosion test results greatly depend on the test conditions such as the salt spraying rate or others. Therefore, the
corrosion test equipment has been strictly maintained.
However, it is known that there are cases in which the conditions of salt spraying rate could not be met in some portion of
testing equipment because of the aging of testing equipment or others. This time, with the aim of reducing the variation of
test results, the control standard for salt water spraying rate shall be more strictly controlled, and the description about
the test piece rotation when the high test accuracy is required has been added.
1. Clarification of control standard for salt spraying rate
The control method has been added in the spraying rate specified in "16. Spraying rate" in the Attachment Table 1.
2. Description concerning test piece rotation
Described in 6. PROCEDURES
[Revision objectives in 2001]
Five years have passed since NES M 0140 (Salt Spray Testing) was revised in 1995, and meanwhile JIS (K8150, Z2371,
and H8502) was also revised.
JIS standards revised in 2000 were modified to be consistent with ISO 9227, therefore, this NES has been reviewed and
revised to consistent both ISO and JIS standards.
Reference Comparison of test conditions (correspondence to ISO and JIS)


NES M 0140-2001
(Salt Spray Testing)

ISO 9227-1990
(Corrosion tests in artificial
atmospheres-Salt spray
tests )
Distilled water or deionized
water (specific resistance:
less than 20 S/cm)

JIS Z 2371-2000
(Salt spray testing)

Used water

Deionized water (specific

resistance: 1 S/cm or less)

Used sodium chloride

Reagent Class 1 or superior

JIS K 8150

* Note-1



Distilled water or deionized

water (specific resistance:
20 S/cm or less)
Special class reagent or
JIS K 8150

505 g/L

505 g/L

505 g/L

0.07~0.17 Mpa
0.0980.010 Mpa is
1.50.5 mL/80 cm /h


1.50.5 mL/80 cm /h

0.07~0.17 Mpa
0.0980.010 Mpa is
1.50.5 mL/80 cm /h










Specific gravity
Concentration of salt
Spraying pressure
Spraying rate
Concentration of
spraying chamber
Temperature of the
salt water chamber
Temperature of air

70~170 kPa


M0140 [2009-N]
* Note-1: ISO has the salt standard of ISO 6353-2, however ISO 9227 does not adopt this standard but
specifies the elements. The specified values are as follows.
When sodium chloride is measured using atomic absorption analysis method or other analysis method
having the same accuracy, the inclusion of copper and nickel shall be less than 0.01 g/kg each, and
sodium iodide shall be less than 1.0 g/kg, and the total amount of impurities (converted into dry salt) shall
be less than 5 g/kg.
Major revision points
1. Test condition
Test conditions were changed as follows.
(1) Concentration of testing solution : 50.5%
(2) Specific gravity of testing solution : 1.0259~1.0329 35C
(3) Spraying pressure
: 0.0980010 MPa
(4) Spraying rate
:1.0~2.0 ml/80 cm /h
(5) pH of test solution
: 6.5~7.2 35C

505 g/L
1.029~1.036 25C
0.07~0.17 MPa
1.50.5 ml/80 cm /h
6.5~7.2 252C

2. Operation
The spraying pressure shall be 0.07 to 0.17 MPa conforming to JIS Z 2371. This pressure range has an
advantage in adjusting spraying rate by changing the pressure from the viewpoint of standardization of
conditions. However, the spraying pressure of 0.0980.010 MPa shall be left in this NES as a preferable
3. Test condition
Concentration of test solution
Specific gravity of test solution
Spraying rate

pH of test solution

: The expression method has been changed to conform to JIS Z 2371.

: Specified using the specific gravity at 35C in the previous NES, however,
in this revision conformed to ISO 9227 and JIS Z 2371, and modified to
meet the concentration at 252C.
: The spraying rate was 1.0 to 2.0 ml/80 cm /h, however, it is more rational
to set the median value, so 1.50.5 ml/80 cm /h shall be adopted to match
: Specified as 35C in the previous NES, same as the temperature condition
of the spray chamber, however, specified as 252C to conform to JIS in
this NES.

4. Reagent (sodium chloride)

The previous NES adopted Class 1 salt specified in JIS K 8150, however, JIS K 8150 was revised in 1994 to
adopt special class only. In addition, in order to conform to ISO 9227 - 1990 Corrosion tests in artificial
atmospheres-Salt spray tests, the description was modified as "special class or superior" in JIS Z 2371 2000 Salt spray testing, and the specification of ISO 9227 was added in remarks as the explanation of being
equal or superior.
However, the previous standard Class 1 salt, which is a reagent, is still used now as the corrosion resistance
estimation salt. If the evaluation accuracy is adversely affected, it should be changed to special class reagent,
however, the effect caused by the previous standard Class 1 or the current standard special class salt is not
clear at present. Therefore, it has been specified that the standard value corresponding to the previous
standard Class 1 salt shall be specified this time.
The difference between similar reagents shall be confirmed immediately, and revision shall be proposed
when modification is determined necessary.

- 10 -

M0140 [2009-N]
1. Recommended time for testing
Considering the finish time of the test, it is desirable to be 24 h which is a multiple of the integer.
2. Specific gravity of testing solution
The relation between values published in MIL and JIS standards with respect to the salt concentrations of 4, 5, and 6%
of testing solution is shown in Fig. 1.
Annex Fig. 1 Relation between concentration and specific gravity of salt water
Concentration 4%

Concentration 5%

Concentration 6%

Temperature (C)

Science guide
converted value
MIL published values
Actual measured
(use JIS Class 1 salt)

Specific gravity

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