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Harry Blamires, a graduate of University College, Oxford, was formerly

Dean of Arts and Sciences at King Alfreds College, Winchester. He was
Visiting Professor of English Literature at Wheaton College, Illinois, in
1987. The University of Southampton has awarded him a D.Litt. in
recognition of his achievements as a writer. His total output of some
thirty books includes fiction and theology, but he is widely known for
his works of literary history and criticism. These include A Short History of
English Literature (Routledge) and Twentieth-Century English Literature (Mac
millan). For over three decades students in the USA and the UK have
benefitted from his classic guide to Joyces Ulysses, The New Bloomsday Book.
More recently, in The Cassell Guide to Common Errors in English, he has shown
how lively and entertaining the exploration of current usage can be.


The Penguin Guide

to Plain English
Express Yourself Clearly and Effectively



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What is Plain English?



T h e W o rd s a t O u r Disposal


The Words to be Used










The Right Words and the

Wrong Words


Words at W ork








The Make-up of the English













A rranging W o rd s C orrectly



ch a pter

chapter 7

The Use of Verbs














The Fabric of the Sentence






Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls









Presenting a Case


















Good Style and Bad















p a rt



Sound Logic
















Changing Fashions in Usage


Innovation Good and Bad











Current Liberties and Constraints



t r a n s it iv e / in t r a n s itiv e verbs












Workaday English





3 31







W hat is Plain English?

Sir, tis m y occupation to be plain says Kent to the king in Shakespeares

King Lear, as he all but despairs o f persuading his master to face facts. And
Kent is Shakespeares chosen vehicle to represent the values o f com m on
sense and reason in a w orld toppling into lunacy. Kents is the voice of
healthy discernment in recognizing the difference between truth and
falsehood, genuineness and corruption. Plainness is his pride. And in
Shakespeares Richard III this is how the villain Gloucester protests against
misrepresentation o f his character:
Cannot a plain man live and think no harm,
But that his simple truth must be abused
By silken, sly, insinuating Jacks?
He postures as the plain man up against the showy, greasy tricksters
w ho specialize in nods and winks and innuendoes. The plain is again
opposed to the bogus and the deceptive. And although we sometimes
nowadays use the w ord plain as the converse o f beautiful, it remains
a connotatively rich one. Plain living and high thinking are no m ore
W ordsw orth complained in criticism o f the w orship o f wealth and show
corrupting contemporary life. Yet plainness does not generally imply
austerity. W hen the words plain and English are taken into the
expression plain English cooking, we are m ore likely to encounter roast
beef and Yorkshire pudding, apple pie and cream, than the m enu o f the
We are looking then for usage w hich is genuine and direct, unspoiled
by any hint o f the bogus or the pretentious, English w hich is clear and
open as the day, w hich claims no special attention to itself but rather
melts away into w hat it conveys. That should be the standard usage o f
speakers and writers. But we only need to open a newspaper or turn on
the radio to realize that the prevailing verbal usage o f our age falls short
in num erous ways. That is the reason for the m ethod of approach adopted

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

in this book. Tidily explaining to readers how the English language

should be used by a neat progression through the parts of speech, and
the construction of clauses and sentences, can be illuminating. But it is
not quite the same process as checking up at the coalface on the English
that is actually used and uncovering w here it goes wrong. I have taken
heed o f a wise popular saying, If it aint broke, d o n t m end it. That
advice has always seemed to me to be peculiarly applicable to the business
of w riting books w ith an instructive purpose. And that is w hy I have
believed that the most practically helpful starting-point for giving advice
about how to write good English is from the mass o f bad English w ith
w hich we are surrounded.
I now have a collection of some 7,000 bad sentences, accumulated
over the years from the press, the radio, commercial publicity and junk
mail. Bringing this material to light enables us to discern w here people
go w rong in their use of English, not just occasionally but time after
time. W here a bad practice turns up day after day in the newspaper, on
the air and in the m orning mail it ought to get proportionate attention
and space in a book w hich specifically concentrates on the English we
actually read, actually hear, actually use.
That is why this book abounds in examples. It does not take up a
dogmatic position in relation to traditional grammar or to the revisionist
grammars of the last few decades. It does not lay into the latest slang or
get over-excited about split infinitives. It explores the English now in use
w ith determ ined emphasis on the guide-lines we must follow if w hat we
say and w hat we w rite is to be exactly w hat we mean.
For we are about a m uch m ore positive task than that o f mere detection
and correction o f error. That in itself is not an inspiring activity. N or
does it w in friends. Filthy famished correctioner Shakespeares Doll
Tearsheet screams at the interfering Beadle. But correction can be salutary.
W hom the Lord loveth He correcteth, the Book of Proverbs tells us.
And the positive aim here is to reveal how gratifying, indeed how
stimulating it is to achieve that sustained level o f correctness w hich marks
plain English. There is great satisfaction for all those w ho do not have
to w orry that w hat they write, or w hat they say w hen they speak in
public, may not stand up to scrutiny on some point of style or usage.
For most people it is not a matter o f mastering a lot o f grammatical
rules. It is rather a matter o f learning to keep a clear head. Having read
Glancing to the right, the church spire is visible above the rooftops, the
grammarian will talk about the hanging participle, while the clear

W hat is Plain English?

headed reader will anyway protest mentally But the church spire is not
glancing to the right. In the same way, having read As the inheritor of
an illustrious name in hunting, the threat to the sport came as a great
shock, the grammarian will quite properly talk about misconnecting an
appositional phrase, but the clear-headed reader can see anyway that it
is nonsense to talk o f a threat as having an illustrious name in hunting,
and will not need to refer to the grammatical rule book. Correct use of
English depends so m uch on straight thinking and sheer com m on sense
that it is possible in discussion o f the subject to be selective and economic
in the use of grammatical terminology. That is the policy in this book.
Some light can be shed on w hat constitutes plain English if we take a
preliminary look at a few o f the obvious qualities it m ust have. Utterance
that is plain is utterance that cannot be misunderstood. And utterance
that cannot possibly be m isunderstood will be precise. To be precise is
to get exactly the right word. Precision ought not to be regarded as
the preserve of pedants. Getting nearly the right w ord renders prose
uncomfortable for the educated reader. Here w e have an advertisement
w here a touch of cleverness misfires through failure to be precise.
Five Alive, one of the most popular fruit drinks on the market, has devel
oped a new tasty recipe thats an ideal accompaniment for any breakfast
Reading w ith proper attention, we sense at once that the w ord accom
panim ent is ill-chosen. Tomato sauce m ight be a suitable accompaniment
for fish and chips, and a piano m ight provide a suitable accompaniment
for a singer, but a breakfast table does not need to be accompanied by a
recipe. The w riters desire not to say the simple and direct thing, that
the recipe makes a tasty drink for breakfast, instead o f dragging in the
notion of accompanying a table, merely makes for imprecision.
Plain English is never wasteful o f words. If a thing can be said briefly,
then so it should be. Great poets recognize this. Few sentences say as
m uch as Shakespeares To be or not to be; that is the question. Not that
compression so extreme fits all occasions. But the pointless piling-up of
words degrades the w ords it wastes. Nevertheless, the notion that brief
conversational idioms should be translated in print into long-w inded
utterance is widespread. Here is a report on the result o f a test taken by

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The assessments were all successfully undertaken. The anticipated learn

ing outcomes of each group member were substantially exceeded and
are currently being expressed as part of the outcome profile for each of
Translated into English, this w ould read: They all did better than expected
and their results are being recorded.
The converse error o f excessive thrift in the num ber of w ords used is
perhaps m uch rarer. But it is possible to w rite w ithout being long-w inded
and yet to produce w ording that is stilted and strained. Here is a com m ent
on the disposal o f a locomotive by a railway preservation society.
It is a year since its custodianship transferred to another society.
The use o f the w ord custodianship here sounds awkwardly affected.
W hy not: It is a year since it was handed over into the keeping o f another
There is of course a place for artificial vocabulary w hich confers a
degree o f dignity on w hat is said. But there are contexts w here the
avoidance o f the most familiar and natural vocabulary merely seems
emptily pretentious. Here is a piece from an article about a particular
breed o f dogs.
It was apparent that with the enormity of their size, their slobbering habits
and also their general dislike of the heat it was obvious that their preference
would be an outside environment, which was certainly more practical for
We overlook the elementary error o f repeating it was apparent in it
was obvious. W hat concerns us here is the use o f such expressions as
the enormity o f their size (a bad error anyway, since enorm ity does
not mean m agnitude but dreadfulness) and their preference w ould be
an outside environm ent. W hat it all am ounts to is that because they are
big and slobber and dislike heat, they w ould be better kept outside. And
that is how it should be put.
It should go w ithout saying that plain English will be accurate in its
use o f words. Ensuring that your sentence makes the point you w ant to
make clearly is a matter of clarifying your meaning mentally before
you pen a word. Inaccuracy is not found only in long, awkward para
graphs. A brief and at first sight simple sentence, w hich to the superficial
glance raises no problems, may not stand up to careful scrutiny in this

W hat is Plain English?

respect. Here is a sentence from an article about collecting Old Master

The history of collecting Old Master drawings in this country is of unrivalled
The reader wonders how a history can be so distinguished. From the
sentence that follows this one we learn o f aristocratic collectors w ho
indulged in this hobby. In short, the w riter did not mean that the history
had unrivalled distinction, but that from earliest times collectors were
distinguished people. W hat was really m eant was: Distinguished aristo
crats were early collectors o f Old Master drawings in our country.
In this matter o f accuracy, the good w riter will learn to play safe. We
m ust fully understand every w ord we use and take no risks. Venturing
outside the range o f our understanding is dangerous. Sometimes avoiding
what is simple and straightforward lures us into error. A misjudged
attempt at distinctiveness in vocabulary can fail disgracefully. Even high
brow critics are not exempt from the tem ptation to be just a little too
clever. Thus we find a literary reviewer writing:
After a while exaggerated comic scenes mount up meaninglessly, and even
the funniest feel belaboured.
Clearly w hat the w riter w anted to convey was that the comic scenes
seemed laboured, w hich means laboriously put together. The somewhat
archaic verb to belabour means to thrash, so the critics sentence really
means that the comic scenes seemed thrashed, w hich makes no sense at
There is another way o f avoiding w hat is straightforward, w hen we
pick up some ready-made but contrived expression where a simple
sequence o f familiar w ords w ould be better.
He was awkward, stubborn and lazy to the extent that his parents finally
lost patience with him.
This is a case in point. It is difficult to think o f a sentence using the
expression to the extent that w hich w ould not be better w ithout it.
Nothing is gained here from avoiding the straightforward wording: He
was so awkward, stubborn and lazy that his parents finally lost patience
w ith him .
Plain English will use w ords that are appropriate to the context. There
will not be w ords w hich seem incongruously out o f place. Even a fairly

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

simple statement o f fact may be m arred in this respect. Here is a police

officer reporting on the discovery o f a dead body:
At 7.0 p.m. last night officers attended some waste ground.
The w ord attended may be standard in police-speak, but it is surely
out o f place here. It has too formal a ring and in any case conveys the
w rong meaning. We m ight speak o f attending* a w edding reception in
a hotel, but not o f attending the hotel. To speak o f attending waste
ground is a clumsy way o f avoiding som ething very simple: Officers
w ent to some waste ground. Plain English will not furrow the brow of
the reader by a hint o f inappropriateness in the relation o f w ord to w ord.
W e cannot w rite plain English unless w e keep a clear head. Here is a
sentence from an article in a quality paper on the subject o f body-piercing.
With a tongue-stud, there are two main veins underneath the tongue and
you have to make sure that you keep away from them.
There is a strange illogicality here. The two main veins underneath the
tongue are there w hether you are going to fix a stud in the m outh or not.
W ith is a problem atic w ord in this respect. W e shall see many instances
of its misuse later in the book. W hat the w riter means is: If you fit a
tongue stud, you have to make sure that you keep away from the two
main veins underneath the tongue.
Plain English is easy on the ear. It reads fluently. There are occasions
in poetry and in other imaginative literature w hen the w riter may wish
to exploit the unsettling, percussive pow er o f words. But generally
speaking, prose should flow smoothly. It should not unsettle the readers
response by jerkiness or by seemingly cluttered wording.
School from Hell headlines stereotyped children from the Ridings School
in Halifax, young reporters from the Save the Children-backed Newcastle
Childrens Express News Agency told journalists at a recent seminar.
The thirteen-w ord pile-up as the subject of the verb told unsettles
the readers attention. Young reporters from the Newcastle Childrens
Express News Agency is surely long enough as the subject o f the verb.
To bolt on to that the words Save the Children-backed is to apply a
packed bale o f straw to the camels already fully loaded back. W here the
situation is as desperate as this, use brackets: young reporters from the
Newcastle Childrens Express News Agency (backed by Save the Children)
told journalists.

What is Plain English?

If utterance is plain, it will not be complex. W hatever intricacies there

may be in the message conveyed, the w ording will not overtax our minds
to sort it out. Here is a piece from a marketing journal about the European
Monetary Union.
The respondents, however, in spite of their doubts about the single currency,
foresaw many benefits, including the elimination of the risks involved with
currency exchange, the equalization of currencies, the reduced adminis
tration costs (e.g. in billing) and the psychological benefits attached because
of a strengthening of the bonds between countries and it being evidence of
a united European economic power.
The complexity here is not gross, but it is enough to make the sequence
seem awkward. The reader senses a lack o f cohesion. Too many bits seem
to have been stuck together. Indeed, the passage asks to be broken up
into its constituent parts. The correspondents had doubts about the
single currency, but they foresaw many benefits. The risks taken in
exchanging currencies w ould be removed, currencies w ould be
equalized, administrative costs w ould be reduced, and, psychologically,
bonds between countries w ould be strengthened by the existence of a
united European economic pow er.
Two general lessons could be learned from this little exercise. W here
argument or reasoning is involved, a watch should be kept on para
graphing, to ensure that the force o f individual points is not lost in the
process of heaping them together. The second point is that replacing
nouns by verbs often simplifies and clarifies m eaning ( elim ination
is replaced by could be rem oved, equalization by equalized and
strengthening by strengthened). That kind o f shift in usage will be
thoroughly explored later in the book.
Plain English will never be muddled. Here is a travel article tempting
us to visit the island o f Corfu.
From Odysseus through to the English poet and novelist Lawrence Durrell,
the island has long been lauded for its glorious beaches, great rock forma
tions along the west coast, picturesque villages and spectacular birdlife. Add
to that the acres of silvery, ancient olive groves, and it is hard to believe that
you are nearly at the end of the twentieth century.
We do not have doubts about w hat the w riter is w anting to tell us here.
But we wish she had actually said it, instead o f leaving us to keep up a
running process o f mental correction as we read. From Odysseus to

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Durrell, people have lauded Corfu w ould make sense. From Odysseus
to Durrell, the island has been lauded does not. The w ord that in Add
to that, placed w here it is, ought to refer to the long lauding of
the island. But it doesnt. The w riter has changed tack. Moreover, she
immediately changes tack again. Adding olive groves to villages and
birdlife does not make it difficult to believe that we are w here we are in
history. W hat the w riter means is that the (unm entioned) tranquillity
and remoteness o f the scenery seem to belong to a past century. Clear
articulation of a train o f thought will leave no gaps in logic w hich the
readers m ind has to jum p over. The connecting expressions Add to
that, and it is hard to believe and O therw ise all need to be replaced:
From Odysseus through to the English poet Lawrence Durrell, people
have long lauded the island for its glorious beaches, great rock formations
along the west coast, picturesque villages and spectacular birdlife. M ore
over, there are acres o f silvery, ancient olive groves, and the peaceful
atmosphere makes it hard for the visitor to rem em ber that we are nearly
at the end o f the tw entieth century.
Finally, plain English has a directness w hich ensures that its meaning
will never seem m ore complex than it is. It will never become convoluted
by tangled syntax. Here w e have an observation about the introduction
o f a new High Intensity Cruising Licence for vessels w hich have no
perm anent m ooring, on our inland waterways.
In an about-face British Waterways changed from claiming the new licence
was due to the majority of continuous cruisers flouting the rules, causing
mooring congestion at popular visitor moorings, and cost enforcement
issues, to saying that this was part of the process to resolve the funding and
arrears of maintenance problems.
To begin with, by the new licence was due to the w riter really means
the introduction o f the new licence was due to . Too big a pile-up of
participles and gerunds (ending in -ing) is almost always clumsy. The
basic construction chosen (changed from claiming . . . to saying), w hen
complicated by due to flouting and causing congestion sinks under its
ow n weight. The direct presentation o f the items awkwardly joined
w ould make reading far easier. BW has done a U-turn. They said the
new licence was introduced because continuous cruisers flouted the
rules, caused congestion at popular m ooring sites and made enforcement
o f the regulations expensive. They now say that the new scheme helps
towards the general costs o f m aintenance. In the original there are three

What is Plain English?

finite verbs only ( changed, w as and this w as) surrounded by an

entanglement of non-finite forms ( claim ing, flouting, causing, say
in g , to resolve, funding). In our corrected version there are eight
finite verbs (has d one, said, was introduced, flouted, caused,
m ade, say and helps). The change not only makes the passage m ore
straightforward and easier to follow. It also makes the prose tauter and
m ore vigorous.

W e have dipped our toes into the sea o f carelessness that contemporary
usage exemplifies. W e have noticed dom inant tendencies - tendencies to
inflation, to inexactitude, to m uddle and to illogicality. In all these
directions, and in many others, variable degrees o f erroneousness will
be fully explored in the following chapters, as w e systematically take
stock o f current usage.

Part 1 The W ords at O u r Disposal

The focus of the earlier chapters o f the book is upon our vocabulary. The
English vocabulary is vast and varied. We m ust learn to be confident
about w hich is the right w ord and w hich is the w rong w ord in any
context. To that end the chapters in Part i are devoted to thorough
exploration o f w ords now com monly misused or over-used and to
problems that can arise in m aintaining accuracy in meaning w hen jux
taposing w ord w ith w ord. We then take a look at the peculiar character
o f the English language, examining the development o f its extraordinarily
rich vocabulary and considering some o f the problem s as well as the
advantages that its resources present.

Part 2 Arranging W o rd s Correctly

Part 2 has a series o f chapters m ore concerned w ith the build-up o f
sentences, the proper arrangement o f w ords in rational utterance and the
need for congruity and coherence in this respect. It is in this section that
attention is given to the constructions that tend to trip us up, to the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

proper techniques for arguing a case, to the demands o f sound logic, and
to w hat it is that distinguishes good style from bad. The aim throughout
this section is to ensure clear understanding o f the various pitfalls beset
ting the w ould-be w riter o f good English today, and to show how they
may be avoided.

Part 3 Changing Fashions in Usage

Finally, in Part 3 the emphasis is upon verbal fashions and trends affecting
current usage. Here the book explores the innovations o f recent decades,
samples trendy verbal practices, and looks into some o f the liberties taken
in current usage. There is emphasis throughout upon the evident need
for new discipline to restore vitality to our utterance. The last chapter, in
particular, focuses on contemporary usage in various spheres o f business
and public life.


The Words at Our Disposal


The W ords to be Used

W hen are we most likely to feel a little dissatisfied w ith what we have
just said? W hich are those occasions w hen we feel for the right w ord and
d o n t quite find it? W hen are we most likely to say You know w hat I
mean? One such occasion may arise w hen we are trying to explain a
situation to someone else, or trying to argue a point. The process of
explaining or arguing is one o f the contexts in w hich the use of w ords is
likely to present problems. By explaining or arguing I do not have in
m ind any very abstruse reasoning processes. After all, we are involved in
modest reasoning processes w hen we say That sunset seems to promise
a fine day tom orrow . And we may get involved in a fairly awkward
search for the right w ords in the right order w hen a passing m otorist
asks us the way to a given street in a tow n riddled w ith one-way signs.
We have seen that to choose the right w ord is to choose the precise
w ord, the appropriate and straightforward w ord. That ought to mean
choosing the obvious w ord, the w ord that comes first to mind. But
unfortunately that is not the case. What comes first to m ind is often the
currently most frequently used word. Now o f course there is no point in
trying to avoid use o f the most frequently used w ord simply in order to
be different. But fashionable habits establish some words widely and
firmly in current usage to the neglect of others. And that has unfortunate
consequences. In the first place, a given w ord is over-used while other
words are too little used. In the second place, differences in connotation,
sometimes slight, sometimes subtle, are thus lost. And thirdly, current
speech is riddled w ith usages w hich excessive exploitation has rendered
inaccurate. We shall consider various spheres o f discourse in w hich the
damage done to the connotation of crucial w ords makes difficulties for
O f course, things can go w rong in a m ore complex way than in the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

mere choice o f words. Later on in the book we shall have to return to

consider the contexts in which errors abound, w ith an eye on m ore
complex problems o f sentence structure and syntax.

cause, reason, reasonably
N owhere is it m ore necessary to select w ords carefully than in dealing
w ith matters o f cause and effect. In this respect a current bad habit is the
careless use of the w ord reason. In the contexts w ith w hich w e are
concerned reason is best used o f hum an motivation. If a m an is hurrying
to catch a train, the reason for his haste may be that he wants to be
hom e in time for dinner. If he meets an old friend w ho detains him , that
is not the reason w hy he misses the train, it is the cause o f his missing
it. Thus w hen w e read: Acne is on the increase among w om en . . . The
reason is thought to be stress, we recognize that this should be: the
cause is thought to be stress. The error is a com m on one.
The common reason for money to go unclaimed is shareholders failing to
inform registrars of change of address . . . Another reason is cheques,
delivered to the wrong address, lapsing because they are not cashed within
six months.
This gives us two causes, not reasons. In correcting the passage it w ould
be far better, as so often is the case, to base the w ording neither on the
noun reason nor on the noun cause but on use o f the w ord because:
Money often goes unclaimed because shareholders fail to inform regis
trars of change o f address . . . It also may go unclaimed because cheques
are delivered to the w rong address, are not cashed w ithin six m onths and
so lapse.
The companys difficulties were due to no other reason than inefficiency.
Similarly this w ould better be: Inefficiency was the sole cause o f the
com panys difficulties.
If reason is a w ord that over-use has weakened, even m ore so is the
w ord reasonably. It is one o f those adverbs w hich we throw about in
conversation w ith little sense of precision. If we were m ore disciplined
in our choice o f w ords we should recall that the distinction between
what is reasonable and w hat is unreasonable is a crucial one. But

The Words to be Used

conversational freedom allows the w ord reasonably to mean something

like moderately (Im reasonably certain about it) until its connotation
deteriorates finally into something like rather and we find in print: The
details are reasonably sketchy at the m om ent.
In dealing w ith matters o f cause, result and effect, there is now a tendency
to fall back too often on the w ord m ean. Throughout this book usage
o f the w ord in its strictest connotation is bound to be frequent. We must
repeatedly observe that a given w ord m eans this and does not m ean
that. It is by a natural and logical development that we arrive at such
conversational usages as That sky means theres rain ahead or even the
m ore idiomatic That fellow means business. However, popular usage
now drags the verb into contexts where it merely draws attention to the
paucity o f vocabulary in the w riters grasp.
The hillside location of this hotel means there are wonderful views of the
town and harbour.
The w riter is here concerned, not w ith a'm atter o f meaning, but w ith a
matter o f cause and effect. It w ould be m uch better to say: Because o f
its hillside location, this hotel has w onderful views o f the tow n and
harbour. There is a similar causal function in the w ord m ean in:
Recent developments in surgical practice mean that patients are not required
to stay in hospital overnight.
Clearly it w ould be m ore precise to say: As a result o f recent developments
in surgical practice patients are not required to stay in hospital overnight.
And the following advice, given to young w om en about their appearance
w hen they are going to be interviewed, stretches the idiomatic usage
If in doubt, dress up rather than down - even if the job youre going for
doesnt mean looking smart.
Our objection to the usage is that it over-uses a m uch over-used verb,
and also that it is imprecise, w hen what is really meant is: even if the
job youre going for doesnt require you to look particularly sm art. It is
after all the possible requirem ent presented by the employer or the post
that is at issue.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

involve I involvement
The verb to involve is also being used to cover a variety o f rational
connections, causal and otherwise. Its connotation has developed
interestingly. The Latii^ root ( volvere) meant to roll something
about and is behind both our w ords revolve and involve. Involvere
came to mean to overwhelm or cover, used o f clouds sweeping over the
sky. So in English usage in the eighteenth century the poet William
Cowper began his powerful poem about a castaway at sea w ith the
Obscurest night involved the sky,
The Atlantic billows roared . . .
From meaning to roll things up, to enwrap, to envelop or entangle we
can see how it has become the useful w ord w e now know too well.
The retirement package involved continued rent-free residence.
Here the w ord involve is used to mean include.
The expedition would involve spending three weeks in an exposed position
on the mountain.
Here the w ord involve is used to mean necessitate.
Accepting the new post would have involved my whole family.
Here the w ord involve is used to mean affect.
We could not consider the boards proposal without involving the whole
work force.
Here the w ord involve means consult. This is a far cry from the notion
o f rolling up clouds in a stormy sky. It is a pity to weaken an already
weakened w ord further. That is w hat we should say to ourselves before
lightly using the word.
The popularity o f the verb to involve has now been matched by the
popularity o f the noun involvement*. If a project involves collecting
inform ation, then collecting inform ation is a necessary part o f the project.
People involved in a project are significantly concerned and associated
w ith it. W hen w e read o f the hope that a pretty but neglected waterway
will see an increased local involvement we recognize the same usage,
but w hat can we make o f the following?

The Words to be Used

The case for one member, one vote involvement in future leadership
elections is not just to provide democratic legitimacy but also as an incentive
to join.
The w riter here errs in trying to balance is not just to w ith but also as
instead of w ith but also to . But that grammatical lapse is not what we
happen to be interested in just now. W hat is one member, one vote
involvement? The w riter is trying to say: The case for using the onem ember, one-vote system in future leadership elections is not only that
it will be m ore democratically legitimate but also that it will encourage
people to join the party.
problem, solution, different
The w ord problem too readily springs to our lips these days. The cur
rent drift is towards increasingly indiscriminate use o f it. We need
not be over-fussy about this in conversation. W e know now that
w hen the waiter says No problem , he means that the cook will be
only too happy to do the steak exactly as requested, and w hen the
garage foreman says it, he means that he will deal immediately w ith the
punctured tyre or the broken exhaust pipe. Sometimes the w ord seems
to be superfluous.
A government research study in 1995: pinpointed insufficient iron as a
problem in the underfives.
The problem is the insufficiency o f iro n . Does the w ord problem
add anything here? Insufficiency cannot be present anywhere w ithout
representing a problem . All that is needed is: A government research
study in 1995: pinpointed a deficiency o f iron in the underfives.
There is a graver current misuse than that.
The problem that faced the police was the remote site.
At first sight, that is probably not a sentence that worries us. Even the
sentence The rem ote site made access difficult may seem acceptable.
Yet, strictly speaking, it is not the rem ote site but the remoteness o f the
site that makes access difficult. We see immediately that it w ould n ot be
right to say The extremely aged man made questioning difficult w hen
w hat w e mean is The extreme age of the m an made questioning difficult.
The tw o sentences differ sharply in meaning. Precision in that kind of
statement is the sign o f a logical mind.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

We also need to watch the tendency to use the w ord problem as an

Apparently beauty salons have been using this method for years to control
problem skin.
W e have heard o f the problem o f controlling problem children in
schools. Presumably that usage (problem children) stemmed from a
psychologically convenient and politically correct desire not to define the
childrens idiosyncrasies too blatantly. It w ould appear that a similar
tenderness has to be employed in defining defects in personal appearance.
The young w om an does not w ant to think o f her skin as in any way
imperfect, but she will gladly regard it as a problem .
There is no doubt o f our fondness nowadays for talking, wherever
possible, in terms of problem s and solutions. The latter w ord is
even m ore misused than the former. Sometimes a solution is posited
seemingly w ithout reference to a problem.
We took the scooter to Spain last winter and found it a good solution to
taking a large motorcaravan off site and parking in spots where a large
vehicle could be an embarrassment.
This is a striking example o f allowing the pen to move faster than the
brain. W hat the w riter means is: We found it a good alternative to taking
the large motorcaravan off site. Such misuse is not rare. Consider this
notice about an art course.
The course questions the notion of the book, and most students have
different solutions.
Here the use o f m ost and different is illogical. The question arises,
different from what? And what about the m inority o f students not
represented by the w ord m ost? Do they share a non-different, that is
an identical view? Better start afresh: The course examines w hat a book
should be, and the students air various views. Unfortunately this misuse
o f different is not rare either.
Im a part-time nurse in Saudi Arabia where architecture and furnishings
are very different.
Different from what? The implication (different from our o w n ) m ust
be spelt out. W hen w e say Men and w om en are different and then Men

The Words to be Used

and w om en are different from dum b animals w e use the w ord different
in two recognized, but different ways.
convince, persuade, induce
These w ords should be carefully differentiated. Historically convince is
a powerful word. Deriving from the notion o f vanquishing, it is used to
convey the idea o f overcoming someone so completely in argument
that acknowledgement o f the truth in question is made. The emphasis
therefore should be on acknowledgement o f some fact or theory.
When American expatriates Sara and Gerald Murphy discovered Antibes
sleepy seaside Hotel du Cap in 1923, they convinced the owner to keep it
open for them out of season with a minimal staff.
Convinced here should be persuaded. To convince someone o f some
truth should be carefully distinguished from persuading them to act in
a certain way. O f course there is an overlap o f meaning. But it is the once
powerful verb convince that suffers deterioration o f m eaning w hen it
is misused.
Cadbury Garden Centre, near Bristol, aimed to convince gardeners to use
more exotic plants.
This should be: aimed to persuade or aimed to induce.

Evading and Preventing

avert, avoid, forestall, obviate, preempt, prevent
Closely related to the business o f arguing in terms o f cause and effect is
the business o f explaining how some consequence m ight be evaded or
prevented. It will be made evident at many points in this book that bad
usage often arises from failure to discriminate precisely between w ords
w hich may have a slight overlap of meaning, but w hich nevertheless
cannot be regarded as interchangeable. In discourse concerning evasion
and prevention the danger is notable. Current practice seems to be to
over-use the w ord avoid. It is gradually taking over in the press and on
the radio w here there are other and better w ords to hand. W hen we
consider the num ber and variety of these words, as illustrated above, we
are bound to regret the excessive use o f one o f them.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The drivers quick thinking avoided a major railway disaster.

This should read: averted a major railway disaster. To avoid something
is to render it void, or o f no effect. It can also m ean to escape something
or to have nothing to do w ith it. To avert is to turn away. She averted
her eyes in em barrassment, we say. Thus it means to deflect something
from the course it is taking and therefore to w ard off a possible devel
In the basic meaning of the verb avoid the overlap w ith notions o f
preventing or averting is not sufficient to justify turning it into a verb
virtually synonymous w ith either prevent or avert. Yet that is w hat
has happened. This is not so m uch a question o f correctness or incorrect
ness as of discrimination in the use of words. People w ho care for
language will naturally not like to see subtle distinctions lost. W e may
avoid a puddle in the road by stepping round it. W e may avoid paying
income tax by various questionable means. But w here evasion is less an
issue than prevention, the w ord can be used very unhappily, as in the
We had no criticism of the cab seats, which gave enough support to avoid
As I read that, I get the image o f cab seats narrowly escaping exhaustion.
Surely to prevent fatigue w ould be better.
Remove each piece from the table one at a time . . . This avoids having to
reconstruct the entire pattern.
Here, in instructions for practising decorative decoupage, there is an
excellent chance to use a now neglected w ord especially appropriate
w here something is prevented by anticipatory action: This obviates
having to reconstruct the entire pattern.
A bad habit has lately developed o f misusing the w ord preem pt.
Although it has a special intransitive use in the game of Bridge, it properly
means to acquire or appropriate beforehand. Someone m ight preem pt
a deal at an auction by putting in a high offer in advance. But one does
not preem pt someone elses announcem ent by getting in first w ith it.
That is to anticipate it. Nor can anyone preem pt the building o f a
motorw ay by organizing objections to it. That is to forestall it. And
again no one can preem pt some parallel claim ants case by accepting a
low offer before that claim ants case comes up. That is to prejudice it.

The Words to be Used

Exchanging and Replacing

substitute, exchange, usurp
In w ords for exchanging and replacing we find a carelessness that causes
not just a deterioration in meaning but sometimes an almost total reversal
in meaning. That happens w ith the w ords substitute and substitution.
To substitute a player for an injured player is to replace the injured one
by the substitute. It is incorrect to speak o f an injured player being
substituted by a reserve. Yet we often read or hear the blunder made.
At the moment Katie tends to have a savoury dish followed by, say, a jam
tart. This could be substituted for fresh fruit, yogurt or fromage fresh . . .
This nutritionists advice is seemingly topsy-turvy. She says she wants to
replace the childs fresh fruit and yogurt diet by a savoury dish and a jam
tart. What she means is: This could be replaced by fresh fruit, yoghurt
or fromage fresh.
More than 20 passengers . . . rode the service on July 1 1, with NWT having
been advised to avoid the train being substituted by a taxi, which has
occurred on several occasions this year.
The w riter in the Railway Magazine has provided us w ith a similar topsy-turvy
misuse of the verb substitute along w ith another unfortunate use o f
avoid. Get rid of the redundant w ith , om it the unnecessary avoid
and switch the w ording round: More than 20 passengers . . . rode the
service on July 1 1, NW T having been advised not to substitute a taxi for
the train.
W here for is used along w ith a verb in such constructions as I
exchanged my old bike for a new one it is im portant to rem em ber that
w hat you exchange is w hat you part w ith and the thing for w hich you
exchange it is w hat you take possession of. If readers think this an utterly
unnecessary w arning, let them carefully read the following. It comes
from a review o f a book on Mary Robinson, the former President o f the
Irish Republic. The review makes the point that where the Irish were
once know n for their devotion to religious figures, they now appear to
give that devotion to secular figures. The review concludes:
But it is not clear that the Irish have done well in exchanging secular for
religious sanctity.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

This error, in a quality weekly, raises ones eyebrows. The w riter has got
it the w rong way round. W hat he means is: But it is not clear that the
Irish have done well in exchanging religious for secular sanctity. As so
often, the w ord replace could have been used: in replacing religious
by secular sanctity.
Before taking leave o f the w ord, however, w e should take note o f an
unfortunate new development. It is a construction that works like this:
The committee have decided to exchange a new and revised brochure with
their rather old-fashioned one.
In this sentence the clear mistake was to use w ith at all. We do not
exchange a new car w ith our old one. We may exchange the old car
for a new one. In any case exchange is surely not the best verb to use
where the issue is a m atter o f replacement: The committee have decided
to replace their rather old-fashioned brochure w ith a new and revised
o ne. Oddly enough, an alternative correction w ould be to use the so often
misused verb substitute: The committee have decided to substitute a
new and revised brochure for their rather old-fashioned one.
Another verb of replacement now misused is the verb to usurp.
The friendship ended irrevocably in 1987, when Mr Milosevic championed
the cause of the Kosovo Serbs and usurped his mentor.
To usurp is to seize w ithout proper authority some position to w hich
one is not entitled. Thus a rebel may usurp a throne, but he could not
usurp the king. The above should read: cham pioned the cause o f the
Kosovo Serbs and usurped his m entors position.

Repaying and Forbearing

reimburse, compensate, condone
A category o f verbs w hich can easily lure to error is the kind w hich affects
two objects in different ways. The verb works directly on the object in
such sentences as He stole a car. The meaning there is complete. But
there are verbs w hich affect two objects. In He gave his sister a book,
the verb has both a direct object (the book) and an indirect object (his
sister). Though h e truly gave the book, it cannot be said that he
gave his sister. But there are verbs w here this double effect is m ore
complicated. From the sentence He paid the retailer five pounds it

The Words to be Used

w ould be correct to derive both the sentence He paid the retailer and
the sentence He paid five pounds. Because the verb pay and the verb
repay w ork thus, there is a tem ptation to try to make other verbs o f
paying w ork similarly. Thus a minister in the House o f Commons spoke
o f reim bursing the cost o f an enterprise. One hears this error repeated
on the radio. The announcer tells us that the National Health Service is
to recoup the cost o f treating road accident victims from insurance
companies. There is determ ination to track dow n the m oney and reim
burse it to the Health Service. But m oney cannot be reim bursed. To
reim burse is to repay someone, not to repay a sum. Thus the w ords it
to should be om itted in the above: track dow n the money and reim burse
the Health Service.
A comparably faulty use o f the verb to com pensate occurs w hen it is
treated as though it worked like the verb to pay. W e may pay someone
five pounds because we can either pay som eone or pay five pounds,
but we cannot compensate someone five pounds because, though we
can compensate som eone we cannot compensate five pounds.
They are now working out how much he should be compensated.
Thus that statement on Radio 4 will not serve. Add the w ord by: They
are now w orking out by how m uch he should be com pensated.
We can com pensate a person but not a sum o f money. Conversely,
however, we can condone an offence but not the person w ho com mitted
it. We hear on the radio:
A lot of parents condone their truant children.
To condone is to forgive or overlook an offence, not a person. Thus this
should be: A lot o f parents condone their childrens truancy.

Approving and Disapproving

creative, dogmatic, pathetic
W ords o f strong approval or strong disapproval acquire emotive force
w hich sometimes gets out o f hand. That is to say, speakers or writers
latch on to them for giving vent to likes or dislikes w ith a rather loose
awareness o f their exact meaning. An instance is provided by the words
creative and creativity. The precise connotation o f such words requires
us to use them o f acts w hich produce something w here nothing o f the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

kind existed before. One thinks o f the acts o f creation recorded in the
Book of Genesis. And so one feels a certain verbal discomfiture w hen one
reads in a travel article o f a Spanish township, It was here that the study
o f medicine and surgery was created. W hy not just began? W hen one
thinks of the kind o f context in w hich the w ord creative is properly at
hom e, w hat comes most readily to m ind is perhaps the towering genius
o f a Shakespeare or a Beethoven. But the w ord so conveniently arouses
feelings o f w onder that it gets bandied about in relation to all kinds o f
activities calling for our approval where, strictly speaking, true creation
is not at issue. There are courses in Creative Cookery and Creative
Advertising, not to m ention less publicized activities in Creative
Accountancy. We perhaps ought not to be too solemn about such usage.
W e naturally smile w hen w e read Owing to the creativity of the w eather
this year, her garden has been subject to some confusion. But there are
plenty of misuses. Advertisements o f vacant posts in various spheres,
business or professional, w ould seem, by the w ording of their demands
for creativity in their applicants, to be expecting some as yet unrecog
nized Botticelli or some m ute inglorious Milton to emerge from suburbia
and take the bait.
We have looked at the decay o f a w ord through its positive connotation;
let us look at the decay o f a w ord through its negative connotation. The
adjective dogm atic takes its meaning from the noun dogm a used o f a
system of authoritative doctrines, especially religious doctrines. To assert
such doctrines w ith due authority is to be dogm atic. Now such assert
iveness, especially in a liberal age, will be described as bigotry by
those w ho reject the doctrines. Gradually the w ord dogm atic acquires
overtones m ore and m ore pejorative. Thus, although even a recent
dictionary defines the w ord dogm atic objectively as forcibly asserted
or (of a person) prone to forcible assertion, it is scarcely possible now
to use the w ord w ithout a condemnatory implication.
Today many teachers realize that there is little point in imposing dogmatic
dress or disciplinary codes.
Here is a case in point. A code is a conventionalized set o f rules. The
adjective dogm atic therefore adds nothing to the strict connotation o f
the w ord, but the pejorative emotive resonance conveys that such codes
are to be disliked.
A m ore remarkable degeneration o f meaning has occurred in our use
o f the w ord pathetic, the adjective deriving from the noun pathos.

The Words to be Used

Like the w ord pathetical in Shakespeare, it was applied to persons or

things w hich evoked or expressed genuine sympathy. In his Life of Samuel
Johnson Boswell quotes a poetic tribute paid by Johnson on the death o f
his old friend, Robert Levett. Boswell declares that Johnson had such an
affectionate regard for Levett that he honoured his m em ory w ith the
following pathetic verses. Thus at that time one m ight have praised an
actresss sympathetic and moving performance in a tragedy by declaring
it pathetic. If that were said today, it w ould be m ore likely to mean that
the acting was pitiably bad.
derisory, derisive, abusive, nauseous
Sad to say, there are cases o f misuse o f words w hich we find sanctioned
by new dictionaries. W here there are adjectives w hich define hum an
attitudes we generally distinguish between the attitude and the object at
w hich it is directed. That is to say, a m an may be described as being
desirous of something and the object o f his desire as desirable. Similarly
a person may be described as contem ptuous and, if the object o f the
contem pt merits the attitude, we say it is contem ptible. If I developed
a bad habit of mixing up these two w ords and describing a thing as
contem ptuous w hen I m eant that it was contem ptible, the pedants
w ould rightly be unwilling to give me their support. But in fact that is
exactly w hat has happened in connection w ith the verb to deride. By
all reasonable linguistic tradition, a person w ho derides is being derisory
or derisive and the object o f the derision is derisible. My Shorter Oxford
English Dictionary (1933 edition, reprinted w ith corrections 1947) presents
all this clearly. Yet I find a new dictionary accepting the assumption that
w hat is to be derided is derisory.
Adjectives such as derisive and decisive are descriptive in the first
place o f hum an attitudes. So is the adjective abusive. An abusive speech
is a speech full o f abuse. Yet a speaker on BBC Radio 4, reporting on
child-abuse, declared that people have been making their abusive claims
for years. Clearly a claim that there has been abuse cannot be called an
abusive claim, any m ore than a protest against indecency could be called
an indecent protest.
A w ord misused in the same way as derisory is the w ord nauseous.
W hat is nauseous is nauseating. It causes nausea; it is repulsive and
distasteful. Indeed the w ord has the connotative strength o f loathsom e.
Yet journalists regularly misuse the word.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The first signs that Cardinal Hume was ill appeared when he began feeling
nauseous at mealtimes a few weeks ago.
Thus The Times tells us that the Cardinal felt loathsome. He did not. He
felt nauseated. He was affected by nausea.

Use of Fashionable Abstractions

concept, value
There are some abstract nouns found once in rigorous philosophical
usage that are now so inappropriately exploited that they have become
almost unusable. The w ord concept has the same root as conceit and
means an idea or notion, something that the m ind has conceived. Yet
just as the w ord idea has been weakened in conversational usage ( the
very idea!), so now the w ord concept has lost its anchorage in the
realm of thought. Here is a statement about a new block of open-plan
offices w ith cafe and shops:
This concept of management on the move has been made possible by the
design of Waterside.
N ow the concept of the change, that is the idea for the change, existed
before anything was done about it. The concept w ould have been exactly
w hat it was, had nothing been done about it. It was the realization o f the
concept that was made possible by the design o f the building: The concept
of m anagement on the move has been realized in the design o f Waterside.
The w ord having been thus weakened, it becomes a way o f muffling
exact thought. Thus we get someone explaining the pains o f having to
sack employees.
To tell them theyre now on the scrap heap - 1 found that as a concept very
Again w hat the speaker meant was surely that the realization o f the
concept w ould be difficult. Merely to think about sacking people hurts
no one. To correct the sentence, simply om it as a concept.
W hat has happened to the w ord now is that it has achieved a life o f its
ow n as a kind o f adjective. The AA tells us that special concept cars of
the 2 1st century will be an attraction at a show. And The Times captions
an illustration Concept cars on show at the NEC, Birm ingham. So

The Words to be Used

concept now carries associations o f the latest thing in design. Indeed

we are rem inded of w hat happened to the w ord designer a few decades
ago. Taken over as an adjective to describe an item o f clothing, flaunting
the designers label, it came to m ean trendy in a desirable sense.
The w ord value is a w ord w ith deep resonances for those w ho w orry
about moral or metaphysical issues. Consider how it is now abused.
Modern, in that it uses environmentally friendly materials, the Monaco
[kitchen] still had traditional construction values.
The kitchen still had traditional construction values. Does that mean
anything other than that it was well m ade? The truth is that the w ord
value is often used, especially by advertisers, so as to be conveniently
evasive o f what particular benefits are supposed to accrue to the responsive
readers. The w ord value becomes an all-purpose way o f praising w ithout
having to specify too clearly w hat you are praising.
Epitomizing the Volkswagen approach to motorhome base vehicles, the
L. T. shares the values Volkswagen have been building into leisure vehicles
for decades.

Reversals of Meaning
There is an odd, and fortunately rare, kind o f misuse w hich causes not
so m uch a deterioration in meaning as an almost total reversal in meaning.
As we have seen, words for substituting and exchanging provide notori
ous examples o f this.
deceptively, availability
Another glaring example is provided by the w ord deceptively as used by
estate agents. They will advertise a house as being deceptively spacious,
intending to mean that it is really m uch m ore spacious than it appears to be
at first sight. If a man is described as deceptively considerate, it is im plied
that though he appears to be considerate, that appearance is deceptive. On
this reading a deceptively spacious house w ould be one which appeared
to be spacious, but in fact was not so. One w onders w hether the w ord
deceptively can be rescued in contexts like these. For instance we read:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Giles Turner held the lead on Mavis Davis, before Geoff Glazzard dislodged
him with a deceptively fast round on his first ride, Hello Oscar.
Are we really to believe that Hello Oscar appeared to be running fast but
that this was a trompe loeil and he was really taking his time? Clearly the
construction m ust be changed. One can hardly substitute dislodged him
w ith a deceptively leisurely ro u n d . It w ould not be very neat to substitute
dislodged him w ith a round m uch faster than it seemed, but that is
probably the best we can do.
A comparable kind o f misuse threatens the w ord availability. It too
is in danger o f suffering reversal o f meaning.
A real concern of AA members is the high cost of petrol, and its availability
as rural petrol stations struggle to stay open.
Clearly the availability o f petrol can never be a concern. It is the lack o f
petrol or the possible unavailability of petrol that is or m ight be a matter
of concern. A real concern of AA m embers is the high cost o f petrol,
and the doubt w hether it will continue to be available as rural petrol
stations struggle to stay open.
help, improve
There is sometimes near-reversal o f meaning in the use o f w ords for
im proving, curing or helping. Here are two instances from magazines
on the subject o f restoring hair. The first is a caption:
Hair-raising electrichogenesis, a process to help baldness, being launched
at Manor House Hospital in North London.
The question arises w hether helping baldness is the same thing as helping
the m an w ho is bald. Clearly the need is to get rid o f baldness, w hich
sounds as though it ought to be the opposite o f helping it. The passage
should read: a process to help to cure baldness. The second example
seems to represent the same error:
However, increasing intake of iron itself and vitamin C to aid iron absorption
often fails to improve hair loss . . .
Again the question is w hether to improve hair loss is the same thing as
to improve the hair. A loss is not something that needs to be im proved,
but to be repaired. So the sentence should end: often fails to repair the
loss o f hair.

The Words to be Used

Adjectives That Cannot be Qualified

Dissipation o f meaning has its worst effects w hen the connotation o f a
once powerful w ord is virtually forgotten. There are adjectives w hich
cannot be qualified. That is another way o f saying that, if something is
the very best, there cannot be anything m ore best. The same is true of
the w ord equal. In Animal Farm George Orwell mocked totalitarian
com m unist propaganda w hen the pigs am ended the slogan All animals
are equal by adding the illogical form, but some are m ore equal than
Here is a case in point. An ideal concept or article is one w hich cannot
be im proved upon.
There could be no more ideal Christmas gift than a flight on Concorde.
The ideal Christmas gift is the perfect or best conceivable Christmas
gift, and therefore the concept o f a m ore ideal one is inadmissible.
They feel there is everything to gain from keeping a start-up service on the
go, however minimal.
Just as the m inim um is the least possible am ount, so the w ord m inim al
describes the smallest possible quantity. Thus there can be no degrees o f
minimality, and the w ords however m inim al do not make sense. If
m inim al is kept, how ever m ust go, and vice versa: They feel there is
everything to gain from keeping a start-up service on the go, however
A n o rm is an average level qualitatively or quantitatively. Just as a certain
level o f achievement or behaviour cannot be described as m ore average
than another, so it cannot be described as m ore norm al than another.
W hat the w eather forecasters mean w hen they mistakenly promise us
m ore norm al temperatures tom orrow is that the temperatures tom orrow
will be nearer to the average (or the n o rm ) for the time of year.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

I find it hard to imagine a more perfect view.
If the speaker could imagine a m ore perfect view, then the view in
question w ould not be perfect. What is perfect cannot be im proved
A statement is either true or false. If John is six feet tall, the statement
John is five feet eleven is not truer than the statement John is five feet
six. Both statements are false.
Would it not be truer to admit that we can never guess at the workings of
the divine mind?
This kind of rhetorical flourish, whatever it follows, is totally illogical.
Truer could be replaced by true, but the introduction o f the w ord is
unnecessary: Must we not admit that we can never guess at the workings
o f the divine m ind?
If something is unique it is absolutely the only one o f its kind. Therefore
one cannot speak o f anything being m ore unique than other things,
nor o f something being very unique. The w ord unique is properly
applied to a thing o f w hich only one exists, yet the num ber of u n ique
opportunities now offered by the business w orld seems to be limitless.

As in so many departments o f life, fashion in language has a deleterious
effect on usage, cheapening terms by misuse and then by over-use in too
many different contexts. The most obvious kind o f misuse is that w hich
results from sheer error in understanding. One or two people make
mistakes and others follow suit. We have show n how the w ords substi
tute and substitution have been confused w ith the words replace and
replacement, and now they are so widely misused that one is likely to
be accused o f pedantry if one draws attention to the error.
In many cases over-use cheapens w ords w ithout damaging them to

The Words to be Used

that extent. There is a gradual process o f change in w hich can be traced

the drift from the orthodox connotation. This chapter is m uch concerned
w ith w ords which manifest that drift. We are considering the questions:
W hat are the spoilt w ords o f today, the w ords damaged by being
misunderstood, and the w ords whose meaning is dissipated in lax over
use? It w ould take a very long list to contain them all. But we have already
considered several in this chapter and w e can pick out a few m ore o f the
most glaring examples. Over-use is not, o f course, an arithmetically
calculable matter. If you w ork in a restaurant, you and your colleagues
may use the w ord table thousands of times a year w ithout affecting the
meaning o f the w ord in the slightest. Here we are concerned w ith the
kind o f over-use w hich weakens and distorts meaning.
W e accept that, largely perhaps through the influence of the com puter
world, the noun access has taken new life as a verb.
It is part of our policy to present visual art to people who might not normally
visit a gallery by accessing through other artforms.
My dictionary classifies access as a transitive verb that requires an object.
One accesses a source o f inform ation on the internet. But in the sentence
here we do not know w hat is being accessed nor w ho is accessing. The
grammar suggests that our policy is to help people by accessing
through other artforms. But in the back o f the m ind one guesses that it
is the people w ho are being helped w ho will be able to access something
There are contexts w here this is the exact w ord needed. Used o f putting
the appropriate directions on an envelope or o f speaking formally to an
audience, it is not replaceable. But the w ord is now being used where
better w ords are available.
At last the editor has addressed an issue which is of vital importance to all
of us.
Thus people speak o f addressing issues, situations, problem s, and
the like where they m ight better use verbs such as deal w ith, tackle,
attend to , cope w ith or even study. I have just heard a BBC Radio 4
com m ent on a report about the treatment o f cancer by the National

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Health Service. The report found that the wealthy do better in this respect
than the poor. The announcer spoke o f the report as a catalogue of
injustices that will have to be addressed. The w ord addressed is not
happily used here o f dealing w ith a catalogue. There are m ail-order
firms that regularly address catalogues to potential customers. The usage
has to be handled w ith care because there are contexts w here it m ight
easily lead to ambiguity.
While the voluntary code of practice has been welcomed by park officials and
rangers, Maryl Carr feels that it does not adequately address the increasing
number of participants or their impact on other mountain users.
To speak o f not adequately addressing participants inevitably suggests a
public address from a platform. The mistake here needs to be analysed.
To address a problem is one thing, and to address a crow d of participants is
another thing. W hat the w riter means is that the problem of the increasing
num ber of participants has to be addressed. If the verb to address is used,
there can be no way o f avoiding some such w ord as problem .
alternate / alternative
Basically the verb alternate defines m ovem ent this way and that way, as
o f a pendulum. Thus day alternates w ith night. The w ord can be used
only o f such balanced couples.
This may be more so now that the Game Fair alternates between only four
central sites . . .
If there are m ore than two variants, as here, then the w ord alternate
will not do. One m ust write: now that the location o f the Game Fair
varies between only four central sites.
The w ord alternative is even m ore frequently abused. Alternatives
are two mutually exclusive possibilities. W hen we choose between tw o
possibilities, say going to the theatre or staying at home, w e choose
between two alternatives. There can never be m ore than two alternatives.
If a third possibility is presented to us, then the three possibilities become
options. More often than not the w ord alternative is now being used
as though it meant optio n. This development has led to usages such as
the following:
ContiFlug is a relatively small airline. It offers a highly cost-effective alterna
tive for commuter travel to Berlin.

The Words to be Used

The question arises: alternative to what? If there w ere only one other
means o f com m uter travel to Berlin, the w ord m ight be appropriate. But
often now, especially in advertising, the w ord is used too vaguely o f a
possibility w hich the advertiser wishes to recom m end.
The purpose of the advertising campaign is to present self-catering holidays
as an attractive and economic alternative.
Clearly w hat we are really being offered here is again an option. But the
most satisfactory correction w ould be to use neither alternative nor
option: The purpose o f the advertising campaign is to present selfcatering holidays as attractive and econom ic. After all, a self-catering
holiday m ight be an attractive alternative to staying at home, but it w ould
not be an economic alternative to staying at home.
There are usages w hich seem to remove from the w ord even the notion
of an option.
I wanted to create an alternative trading model.
There the w ord simply means fresh or n ew . And now we have to
allow too for the fact that, in recent decades, novel movements w hich
questioned the status quo and prevailing climates o f opinion began
to define their innovative life-styles as alternative, and the w ord has
Shortly before she died Gertrude Stein is said to have m uttered W hats
the answer? and shortly afterwards to have added W hats the question?
The partnership o f the tw o nouns is such that to use the w ord answ er
w hen there is no notion o f a question, or even a problem in the
background, is lax. Yet that is what happens.
The real answer is periodically to have a thorough clean . . .
The recom m endation that it may be a good idea to clean vehicles ought
to be able to be made w ithout turning it into an answer.
W e know well enough w hen this w ord is exactly the right one, w hether
used o f coming nearer to a physical position or making advances towards
influencing someone. Too often neither notion is involved.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Running a mobile snack-bar falls into two distinct approaches. You must
decide whether you want to sell at the roadside or in a market.
The notion o f falling into two approaches w hen running a mobile
snack-bar suggests a Road Traffic Accident. W hat the w riter means is:
There are two possible sites for a mobile snack-bar.
My actual manner of painting in gouache is not that different from my
approach to oils.
If one wants to say that the m anner or m ethod used for one m edium
is similar to that used for another m edium , w hy drag in the w ord
The use o f the w ord area has been adopted in place o f a wide range of
possible options.
The way peer pressure stimulates in children the demand for ever more
unsuitable footwear is another area of concern.
One can think o f m any a w ord w hich w ould have saved the w riter from
this over-used w ord area. The simplest correction w ould be to om it
area o f : dem and for ever m ore unsuitable footwear is another concern.
But possible w ords such as m atter, issue and topic also suggest
themselves. Elsewhere we hear that Truancy is an area that m ust be
looked into, w here there w ould be no loss in substituting Truancy also
must be looked into.
The committee will be responsible for areas such as funding, excursions
and new members.
There is gross incongruity in labelling excursions as one area and new
m em bers as another. Again it w ould be better to substitute m atters for
One o f the situations in w hich the w riter ought to pause and scratch the
head is well illustrated here, w here the w riter is recom m ending the
varied delights o f exploring an area o f waterways:
For instance, canals, industrial history, wildlife, landscape, cycling or walk
ing the towpaths, or many other aspects may appeal to you.

The Words to be Used

Canals, industrial history, wildlife, landscape, cycling and walking

together represent a mixed bag. H ow many o f them can properly be
called aspects? Probably none o f them, so the expression many other
aspects is totally out o f place. The first four o f the items listed are really
cited as topics o f interest for possible study. The other tw o items, cycling
and walking, are activities. The six items cannot be classed together as
aspects. The distinction between them m ust be made: For instance, the
study o f canals, industrial history, wildlife or landscape may appeal to
you, or activities such as cycling or walking the tow paths.
A ballot is an instance o f the practice o f electing a representative by
voting. We speak o f the ballot paper on w hich voters register their vote
and the ballot box into w hich the papers are consigned. Voters cast
their votes. They do not cast their ballots, a fact w hich ought to be
conveyed to the news writers o f the BBC.
The Israelis are expected to cast their ballot early in the spring.
This should be either: The Israelis are expected to cast their votes or:
The Israelis are expected to hold their ballot.
challenge, challenging
The w ords challenge and challenging have lost whatever overtones
they once had o f knightly encounters in the lists, meetings w ith pistols
at dawn, or any other such desperate situations. Over-use o f the w ord in
business has em ptied the w ord challenging o f resonance.
We provide a challenging, unique environment where those with ability
can realize their ambitions.
The same applies to the w ord challenge. Over-use has rendered it null
and void.
PowerGen has continued to move ahead to new challenges during the year.
This, o f course, is tantam ount to saying nothing at all except that the
firm still exists.
Feeling for the right w ord to apply to a bunch o f supposedly related
items, the m ind may throw up such words as aspects, elem ents,

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

features, attributes and factors. It is w orthw hile to pause before

plum ping for one. The following is a piece o f evolutionary theorizing
on BBC Radio 4:
We got to having a higher intelligence because shorter people had to be
cleverer, they had to be faster on their feet, they had to adapt in different
ways, and that may be one of the components in our progress.
The w ord com ponent (officially defined as a constituent part o f som e
thing m ore com plex) has strong technical and mechanical overtones,
and is out o f place in this hum an context. W hy not: and that may have
contributed to our progress?
A com prom ise is a settlement between tw o parties in a dispute, by
w hich they meet each other half way. In w ider use it can therefore
indicate a half-way meeting point between tw o opposing interests.
We chose a 40 ft boat because it seemed a sensible compromise between
the amount of living space aboard and running costs.
A boat cannot be a com prom ise between living space and expenditure.
A modest outlay m ight represent a com prom ise between heavy spending
and sharp economy. A 40 ft boat m ight represent a com prom ise between
an 80 ft boat and a 1o ft boat. There m ust be the relationship between
the two elements o f the com prom ise that allows o f a meeting point
on the same plane. W hat the w riter meant was: W e chose a 40 ft boat,
adjusting our wish for living space aboard by calculating the running
Used for the central part o f something, this w ord carries colourful
overtones o f w hat you find in the middle o f an apple. Over-use in the
business w orld is now reducing its connotation to the same diluted level
as that o f w ords like central, im portant or even essential. W here an
employee m ight once have been allotted his main task, he is now given
his core rem it.
credible I credibility
These tw o words, like the words creed and credulous, have to do w ith
belief. A m an w ho is credulous is too ready to believe w hat he hears,

The Words to be Used

accepts things on inadequate evidence, and is easily taken in. W hat is

credible is w orthy o f belief. The w ord has suffered lately from over-use
in contexts where it is little m ore than a term o f general approval, roughly
equivalent to effective or convincing.
On European integration I dont find his attitude credible.
This is the equivalent of saying I d o n t agree w ith his attitude to European
integration. The same looseness affects the w ord credibility.
The double lining is a guarantee of the jackets credibility in wet weather.
Here credibility presumably means reliability.
This w ord derives from Latin. The Latin verb was used o f the practice of
Roman generals to punish by killing every tenth man in a given force.
There are two current misuses of the word. The one occurs w hen use of
the verb implies that a body o f people has been all but w iped out. In that
case it is as though the meaning o f the verb is that a body of troops or a
section o f some population has been reduced to a tenth of its original
size, instead of to nine-tenths. The other misuse occurs w hen the w ord
decimate is seemingly confused w ith some other w ord such as devas
tate, as w hen a judge tells a criminal that he has decimated the lives of
tw o w hole families.
An interesting case of changing usage is provided by the verb to diag
nose. The verb strictly means to identify something, most usually a
physical condition. Thus the doctor may examine a patient and diagnose
w hooping cough. It is the condition that is diagnosed, not the patient.
Yet over the past few years usage has veered confusingly. You should be
properly diagnosed by your doctor should be either: You should be
properly examined by your doctor, or: Your condition should
be properly diagnosed by your doctor. It is now com m on to speak of
someone having been diagnosed w ith epilepsy w hen, strictly speaking,
epilepsy has been diagnosed.
The verb em erge carries its ow n clear meaning, but it is now being
over-used as a means o f avoiding the verb to occur or to happen.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The most amazing escape from the Nairobi carnage emerged yesterday
when an Israeli team rescued a mother and her son from an upper floor in
the 22-storey building.
No doubt the m other and her son em erged from the building, but to
describe the escape as emerging from the carnage is just careless usage.
equate / equation
Popularization o f the w ord equation has diluted its meaning. It is used
as an alternative not just to problem , but to situation. Ive nothing
new to add to the equation apparently just means Ive nothing to say
on the subject. Correspondingly the verb to equate is in fashion.
But sensual and sexy equate to two different things for me.
This simply means: are two different things.
Properly used o f an element that contributes to some result, the w ord
factor suffers from the same loose treatment as aspect.
But the exact make-up of his [Schroders] government was unclear last
night because of the complicating factor of small parties which might not
gain the per cent needed for parliamentary representation.
Here the w ord factor is a dead counter and the w ord com plicating not
needed if the argum ent is simply presented: But the exact make-up o f
his Government was unclear last night because the small parties m ight
not gain the $ per cent needed for parliamentary representation.
The focus in Latin is the hearth around w hich people gather. The w ord
has been usefully adopted in the mathematical and scientific worlds. N ow
that the business w orld has discovered its usefulness, that usefulness is
being destroyed.
Nigel Woods, accounts director for the UKs fastest growing motivations
group, MotivForce, says travel is often a more focused way of rewarding
In w hat sense is the present o f a holiday package m ore focused than the
present o f a cheque or o f private health care, or o f any other o f the perks

The Words to be Used

that companies distribute? Focus is a nice-sounding w ord w ith the air

o f some intellectual meat about it, o f some clarity and resonance. But
w hat the w riter means is that travel is often a good way o f rewarding
W hen a w ord has some dramatic thrust it is especially destructive to use
it so as to deprive it of colour or force. Here the w ord im pact is used in
a piece o f advice about prettifying the home:
To add impact, choose flowers that make a statement.
Im pact is a powerful w ord, used o f fatal crashes at high speed on the
motorway, or o f dramatic effects produced by some spectacle o f rare
impressiveness. The w riter o f the above, however, reduces the w ord to
the level o f any old piece o f w orn-out currency; then, to make things
worse, trundles out the m ost hackneyed o f current non-sayings, flowers
that make a statem ent.
My dictionary definition o f this verb is to bring about, as by incitem ent
and to urge on to some violent or unadvisable action. The notion of
stirring things up into a state o f excitement attaches to the verb, w hich
has been m uch used o f fermenting rebellion. The w ord is now used
increasingly as though it meant no m ore than initiate or start.
His grandfather instigated the first public transport system in the city.
Here initiated or started w ould be better.
He joined the society soon after going up to Cambridge, instigated by a
former school friend.
Here encouraged w ould be the right word.
Something w hich materializes takes on material form. Therefore the
verb is used o f things w hich become fact, w hich actually take place. Thus
the w ord has been increasingly used o f plans w hich come off, as we
say. The usage is not favoured by the pedants. The m odern tendency to
use the verb as an alternative to the verbs to happen or to occur is
regarded as lax and imprecise. As one looks at instances o f its use

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

one can see why. Here is a sentence from the controversy about student
Nor is there much evidence that the least affluent will be adversely affected.
This claim was made when student loans were first introduced nearly a
decade ago: it did not materialize in practice.
The trouble here is that a claim is not something that m ight materialize.
A claim o f this kind may prove true or false, but if it is made about the
future it is probably better called a forecast: This was forecast w hen
student loans were first introduced nearly a decade ago: it did not happen.
A descriptive term increasingly misused is the w ord optim istic.
The truth [about cancer] is far more optimistic: cancer is largely a prevent
able disease.
An optim istic person is one w ho expects the best. The philosophical
doctrine o f optim ism holds that good will ultimately trium ph over evil.
T ruth can be neither optimistic nor pessimistic. It appears that the w riter
means The truth is far m ore encouraging, that is, productive o f optim ism
rather than optim istic.
This w ord is being misused in the same way as alternative.
If you are one of the growing number of owners who are trying to give
their pets the healthier option . . .
W hat this means is: If you are one o f the growing num ber o f owners
w ho w ant to keep their pets healthy . . . Use o f the w ord option should
be restricted to contexts in w hich there are at least two possible courses
o f action from w hich one may be chosen. One cannot speak o f the
healthier option in a context w here no other option is m entioned.
W hat is potential is possible but not yet actual, latent but not yet
We need to look at the present situation, where potential nannies need no
qualifications for training.

The Words to be Used

Potential nannies is not a satisfactory usage. In a sense every girl is a

potential nanny, just as she is a potential m other, wife, or wage-earner.
W ould-be nannies is the simplest expression for aspirants to nannyhood.
A pragmatic attitude is an attitude adopted rather for its practical
consequences than on any basis of principle or theory. Thus, in loose
use, it refers to practical, everyday business.
But in recent years the Princess has become the pragmatic and acceptable
face of royalty at a time when other, younger members of the Royal Family
have behaved in a manner which not only saddens the Queen, but also
sullies the reputation of the monarchy itself.
The contrast between the Princess Royals conduct and that o f other
m embers of the Royal Family m ight reasonably bring the w ord accept
able into play, but the concept of the pragmatic as opposed to the
theoretical is scarcely relevant. A better w ording w ould be: the Princess
has become the fitting and acceptable face of royalty.
The list o f w ords already spoilt or in the process of being spoilt must
surely include this one (not to m ention prioritize). It is now throw n
about far too freely. Here is a piece o f advice to parents w ondering
w hether to send their children to holiday camps.
Your main priority is whether or not your child is going to be happy away
from home.
Do we really need a priority to be mentioned? W hat is lost if we write:
You must first decide w hether or not your child is going to be happy
away from hom e?
This is one o f those words w hich we readily throw about in conversation:
You havent cleaned the car properly, He doesnt brush his hair p rop
erly. The lax usage jars on the printed page.
Old enamel ware is now quite hard to find, but if hunted down properly
can still be found at car boot sales.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Here the sense o f appropriateness w hich the w ord should convey is

absent. There is no issue o f propriety here. The w ord could be replaced
by carefully or keenly, or, better still, could be omitted.
We find a boarding school advising prospective parents to get in touch
w ith the school secretary. But a prospective parent is either a pregnant
w om an or the father o f her child. The w ord is out o f place here.
The message is meant, not for prospective parents, but for prospective
There is a point in the decay o f a w o rd s meaning at w hich the question
arises w hether the w ord is w orth using at all. Does it add anything?
She was the warmest, sweetest person you could ever meet, the proverbial
prostitute with the heart of gold.
N ow although there is no well-known proverb about a prostitute, we
recognize that the w ord here serves the purpose of conjuring up a certain
stereotype exploited in literature. But w hat is the result w hen the w ord
proverbial is dragged further from any anchorage?
You could have heard the proverbial pin drop as Kilbaha entered the arena
for the jump-ofF.
It requires no great mastery of the English language to be familiar w ith
the expression You could hear a pin drop. Not to be able to use it
w ithout annotating it as though attention needed to be drawn to its
hallowed position in our linguistic tradition is surely pretentious. It is
like talking of the thin end of the proverbial w edge or barking up the
proverbial tree.
The scenario is basically the plot of a stage play or film. The first person
to use the w ord outside its theatrical context showed some im agination
to inspired effect. The usage became fashionable. Over-use has now
diluted its significance. It is done to death.
Jane revels in major contracts, and starting from scratch is her ideal scenario.
The w ord gets applied to any sequence o f events. We even hear Getting

The Words to be Used

up late in the m orning is his ideal scenario. Thus the original connotation
is dissipated.
Sector meaning a part or subdivision has a geometrical basis. It has been
m uch used in the expressions public sector and private sector, but it
is best not applied to groups o f hum an beings. There is nothing to be
gained from saying (rather ungrammatically) There is a sector o f the
police force w ho are racist instead o f Some policem en are racist. The
w ord is equally unhappily used in the following:
This scheme represents a new era in reproductive medicine and helps certain
sectors who before couldnt get treatment.
W hy not: . . . and helps certain people w ho before couldnt get
treatm ent?
In the case o f words such as concept we have seen how a technical term
may be taken over, quite usefully, for m ore general use, and then may
suffer a gradual loss o f definable meaning. This has begun to happen
w ith the w ord spectrum . Strictly it means the band o f colours into w hich
a prism resolves a beam of light. The image is useful, but we are beginning
to hear the w ord applied m ore and m ore widely w hen people w ant to
sum up a range o f attitudes. Speaking for social workers, someone says
Yet we deal w ith a spectrum o f em otional issues in the course o f our
w ork, where spectrum w ould be better replaced by range or variety.
The w ord them e is not perhaps a vivid w ord, but it is rich in association
w ith accounts o f symphonic movements in music and metaphorical
sequences in poetry.
But humiliation was the theme of Yeltsins position in those days.
If we w ant to say that Yeltsin was being humiliated, do we need to drag
in the w ord them e at all?
Here again is a forceful w ord w hich ought not to be employed so as to
weaken its connotation.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Sight Savers International desperately needs your help to wipe out this cruel
and unnecessary disease.
This illustrates the increasing tendency to misuse the w ord unnecessary.
The question o f necessity or its absence simply does not arise. W hat the
w riter means is: Sight Savers International desperately needs your help
to wipe out this cruel and avoidable disease.
This w ord is chosen as representative o f abstract nouns ending in -ism .
If one considers, say, the verb to colonize, it is matched by two distinct
nouns, colonialism and colonization. Colonialism is the abstract
w ord for the theory and practice o f colonizing, but any single act of
colonizing itself represents colonization. It w ould be a mistake to
confuse the two words.
His head chef at lOranger, the restaurant, has been arrested after the alleged
theft of i ,500 and the vandalism of the restaurant, the night after he was
Here that mistake is made w ith the w ord vandalism. To vandalize a
building is to com m it an act of vandalism, but the process of vandalizing
a building is vandalization. Here the sentence could read: has been
arrested after the alleged theft of 1,^00 and the vandalization o f the
restaurant, or: and the vandalizing of the restaurant. Better still w ould
be: has been arrested for allegedly stealing 1,5-00 and vandalizing the
Virtually means in effect as opposed to in fact. We m ight say She
was only a recently elected m em ber of the committee but she was
virtually in charge o f everything. But increasingly the w ord is being
It was virtually sixty years ago that Edith Smith took the photograph.
There is no contrast here between w hat happened in effect and w hat
happened in fact. To use virtually to mean alm ost or nearly is bad
enough. But here it means neither. W hat is meant is: It was about sixty
years ago that Edith Smith took the photograph.


The Right W ords and the

W rong W ords
Choosing the w rong w ord sometimes results from getting confused
between two w ords w hich are very similar in sound or spelling. The
mistake is even m ore likely to occur if the two w ords are also close in
meaning. The extreme form o f confusion between two words similar in
sound is the m alapropism , so called after the character Mrs Malaprop
in Sheridans play The Rivals. Mrs Malaprop declares that she w ould have
no wish for a daughter of hers to be a progeny of learning, w hen she
clearly means prodigy. She considers her niece Lydia to be by no means
illegible for a certain match, but she finds her as headstrong as an
allegory on the banks of the N ile. There is perhaps little need now to
w arn readers against confusing an allegory w ith an alligator or using
illegible instead o f ineligible, but I have quite recently seen prodigy
misused where the w ord should have been protegee. O f the many pairs
o f words w hich lend themselves to this confusion, observation suggests
that the following deserve attention.
abjure / adjure
To abjure is to renounce, often used of formal recantations. This rough
magic / I here abjure says Shakespeares Prospero, w hen he renounces
the practice of magic at the end of The Tempest. To adjure is formally to
com mand, earnestly to bind or appeal to ( His friends earnestly adjured
him to take care o f his health).
abrogate I arrogate
To abrogate is to cancel, to repeal, officially to revoke. W hen Holofernes
in Loves Labours Lost seems to be about to tell a risque tale. Sir Nathaniel
warns him to abrogate scurrility. The verb to arrogate, derived from
a Latin verb meaning to adopt as a child, came to mean to assume to
oneself rights to w hich one is not entitled. In Paradise Regained Milton attacks
false philosophers w ho arrogate all glory to themselves and none to

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

God. Thus an arrogant person is one w ho unwarrantably lays claim to

dignities, qualities or knowledge.
accede I exceed
To accede is in the first place to enter upon an office (He acceded to
the throne), and in the second to give assent to (She acceded to my
request for adm ittance). The verb to exceed means to be greater than,
to surpass (The total sum collected exceeded their wildest hopes).
accessary I accessory
Practice has now run these two words together. Historically accessary
(connected w ith the w ord access) is the w ord for someone w ho aids
and abets in an offence, w hether before or after the event. An accessory
(connected w ith the w ords accede and accession) is an adjunct. Since
the spelling accessory has now for some time been accepted in place of
accessary, a useful distinction has been lost.
activate I actuate
To activate is to render active, used mainly of scientific processes, but
sometimes used non-technically o f launching a plan o f action. To actuate
is also to set something going, but is used m ore generally to mean
motivate (Her proposal was actuated by the m ost generous intentions).
adduce I deduce
To adduce an argum ent or a proposition is to bring it forward for
consideration as evidence (He adduced a series o f instances to corrobor
ate his case). To deduce is to derive a conclusion logically from some
proposition or piece o f evidence (From the evidence before him he
deduced that it was a case o f m urder).
adverse I averse
Adverse means hostile. We speak o f adverse circumstances w hen those
circumstances are unfavourable to w hat we w ant to do. Averse means
personally disinclined. A nervous man may describe him self as averse to
speaking in public.
affect I effect
To affect is to influence (Coming across the w ork o f Tolstoy affected
his ow n ambitions as a w riter) or to disturb (Her sons distress affected

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

her deeply). To effect is to bring about ( The teaching o f Tolstoy

effected a revolution in his thinking).
allusive I elusive
The verb to allude means to refer to something indirectly or just to
m ention it. An allusion therefore is a passing reference (In the whole
speech there was only the slightest allusion to his ow n desperate state of
health). The verb to elude is to escape something or avoid it, very often
something w hich ought not to be evaded ( For seven years he managed
to elude the police). The balancing noun elusion is now obsolete. The
adjective allusive means rich in allusions and is often used of literary
style. One m ight apply it to the prose o f Joyces Ulysses. The adjective
elusive refers to w hat easily escapes attention or is difficult to get
hold of. It m ight be applied to the narrative content o f Joyces Finnegans
ambiguous I ambivalent
The element am bi, based on the Latin w ord for both, occurs for
instance in am bidextrous, meaning equally skilled w ith both hands.
Something w hich is am biguous is open to m ore than one interpretation,
and the w ord is used primarily of statements, but also of actions. The
w ord ambivalent is not a synonymous alternative to am biguous, as
some writers seem to think. An attitude w hich is ambivalent involves
two different and perhaps conflicting em otions, not interpretations.
( There was ambivalence in her attitude to the man w ho had both aided
and injured her.)
amend I emend
To am end is to improve, make better. God am end us, God am end!
says Berowne in Shakespeares Loves Labour's Lost. In the House of Commons
efforts are made to am end bills being put before members w hen they
think an am endm ent advisable. The verb to em end is used in a m ore
specialized way o f correcting errors or making textual improvements in
manuscripts and printed material. The correction is an em endation.
amoral I immoral
The prefixes a- and im - cancel out the meaning of the w ord m oral
in two different ways. W hat is im m oral transgresses moral laws and the
w ord is used generally o f unethical and corrupt behaviour. W hat is

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

am oral is totally outside the realm of the moral; behaviour or beliefs

w hich accept no such measure o f behaviour as the m oral and the
im m oral. The prefix a- signifies negation or privation just as in - and
u n - do. It is used nowadays in such words as asocial and asymmetrical
as well as in the technical musical terms atonal and atonality, of the
absence o f key in some twentieth-century compositions.
appraise I apprise
To appraise is to assess the value o f something, to make an appraisal
o f it. To apprise is to inform. Thus The authorities could not act before
they were appraised o f the break-in should be: . . . before they w ere
apprised o f the break-in.
assume I presume
To assume is to take something for granted (As he had got engaged to
the girl, we assumed that he w ould marry h er). It is also used o f taking
things up other than mentally ( He assumed the role o f guardian).
Similarly there is an impersonal use (The situation began to assume a
threatening character). In its most com m on use, presum e may be
substituted for assume ( Dr Livingstone, I presum e). Often, however,
to presum e is arrogantly to take up a position to w hich one is not
entitled. That is the case in Popes celebrated couplet:
Know then thyself, presume not God to scan,
The proper study of mankind is man.
In legal usage an accused person is presum ed innocent until proved
authoritarian I authoritative
The difference between these two words, both concerned w ith the
exercise of authority, is that authoritarian generally implies some exer
cise o f authority w hich is undesirable, while authoritative carries no
such pejorative overtone. An authoritarian government or manage
m ent lays the law dow n from above w ithout democratic consultation,
and an authoritarian personal m anner is similarly inflexible. An authori
tative statement or action is one w hich carries the w eight of due auth
ority, such as for instance an announcem ent by the Prime Minister in

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

baleful I baneful
Both words now have a faintly archaic flavour. Bale is evil, both in the
sense o f malignancy and in the sense o f torment. Rome and her rats
are at the point o f battle says Menenius Agrippa at the beginning of
Shakespeares Coriolanus, and adds The one side m ust have bale, meaning
One or the other is going to come a cropper. Bane is death and
destruction. Thus the two w ords baleful and baneful overlap in that
they threaten misery. Baleful became a literary w ord for sorrowful and
miserable, and we still hear the expression baleful new s. Bane means
poison in the w ord ratsbane. Milton left us a m emorable expression
w hen he told how riches grow in hell, w hich naturally supplies the ideal
environm ent for the precious bane.
bathos / pathos
As the w ord pathetic properly refers to w hat arouses sympathy or pity,
so the w ord pathos is the pow er of arousing feelings of sympathy, pity
or sorrow. It is used o f works o f literature and o f oratory as well as of
personal situations. Burns wrote:
To make a happy fireside clime
To weans and wife,
Thats the true pathos and sublime
Of human life.
The w ord bathos is used o f any sudden switch from what is exalted and
dignified to w hat is pedestrian and trivial. It is also used o f attempts at
pathos which are overdone or fail to come off.
beneficence I benevolence
There is a subtle distinction between these two words. W here benefi
cence is generosity in action, benevolence is generosity o f spirit. Thus
it is an act of beneficence for a benefactor to endow a new hospital, but
the action stems from the benefactors benevolence.
biannual I biennial
As annual means occurring once a year, so biannual means occur
ring twice a year. But a biennial event is one that occurs every two

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

carousal I carousel
As to carouse is to drink freely, so a carousal is a drunken feast. (In
pronunciation the stress is on the second syllable.) A carousel, originally
a knightly tournam ent w ith racing horses, came to be used of a m erry-goround. Hence it is used for the revolving luggage conveyor at an airport
and also for the circular tray into w hich slides are slotted and produced
one by one for a projector.
classic / classical
A classic is a w ork of art o f the highest excellence w hich has stood the
test of time. The w ord is used for something created w hich is of the first
rank and m ust be regarded as definitive. Hence comes the less strict
connotation o f the adjective classic exemplified in such statements as It
was a classic case o f parental negligence, w here the w ord means little
more than typical. The w ord classical was applied to the civilization
of ancient Greece and Rome and to later forms of art and architecture
that preserved the same tradition o f formality and restraint. In this respect
contrasts between classical and rom antic styles were drawn. More
recently the w ord classical has come to be used o f music belonging to
serious traditional culture as opposed to ephemeral popular music.
complacent I complaisant
To be com placent is to be over-easily satisfied w ith things, and especially
w ith ones self and w ith ones ow n achievements. It is to be unm oved
by matters w hich really should cause concern, and thus the w ord is m uch
used in criticism o f political opponents. Conversationally com placent
means smug. The bachelor essayist Charles Lamb found nothing m ore
distasteful than the complacency and satisfaction w hich beam in the
countenances o f new -m arried couples. To be complaisant is to be
agreeably obliging, accommodating ones self readily to the requests and
needs o f others. In Buckinghams burlesque play The Rehearsal (1672),
w hich satirizes contemporary drama, a Mr Smith avers that its very
complaisant to be of another m ans opinion before knowing w hat it is.
complement I compliment
These two w ords are often confused, both as verbs and as nouns. A
com plim ent is an appreciative or respectful tribute paid to someone. A
com plem ent is basically a person or thing w hich completes something.
We speak of a full com plem ent o f staff or crew. The w ord is most

The Right W ords and the Wrong Words

com monly used o f a person or thing w hich nicely balances or partners

another. Thus in grammatical usage the w ord policem an in the sentence
My husband is a policem an balances the subject My husband and
is therefore its com plem ent. Com plim ent is the m ore frequently
misused of the two words. We find new cutlery advertised as the perfect
com plim ent to a new china dinner service, w here the w ord should
be com plem ent. The parallel adjective com plim entary is similarly
comprise I consist
The point to rem em ber about this tricky couple o f verbs is that consist
is intransitive. It cannot be followed by an object. It is most com monly
followed by o f : The company consisted o f old-age pensioners. (The
rarer use of the words consist in is exemplified in His filial devotion
consists in visiting his m other once a year.) But to com prise is a
transitive verb. It takes an object ( The company comprised people o f all
ages). W hat it amounts to is that to consist o f means to com prise. To
com prise, meaning to be made up o f ( The choir comprised fifteen
m en and fifteen w om en), covers the whole num ber (unlike the verb
He will accept a company cheque from anywhere in the world as long as
the shareholders are comprised principally of individuals from whom
personal donations can be solicited.
This Times leader misuses the verb. (One should not say The members
are comprised o f instead o f com prise.) Moreover, principally cancels
out the proper meaning o f com prise, w hich covers the whole, not a
part. The sentence should read: as long as the shareholders are com posed
principally of individuals.
connote I denote
Both words are used in defining w hat w ords or signs mean. The w ord
connote is the m ore comprehensive of the two. If someone says She is
a real lady the expression real lady implies notions of charm and grace
associated w ith the aristocracy. The connotation o f the w ord includes
all such implications. W hat a w ord denotes is exactly what it literally
stands for. But, used o f signs other than words, denote now has w ider
reference (The fellows sly smile may denote a degree of untrust
w orthiness).

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

continually I continuously
A matter that continually affects me does so repeatedly, but not
unbrokenly. I m ight complain if my work were continually interrupted
by telephone calls. W hat happens continuously is not something that
recurs but something that is ceaseless (She w ent to bed and slept
continuously for ten hours).
converse / inverse
The w ord converse is used o f something w hich is the opposite of
something already referred to. She is certainly not helping to support
her mother; indeed the converse is probably the case. This w ould mean
that far from supporting her m other, it is likely that her m other is
supporting her. In such a case, The converse is true is the equivalent of
The boot is on the other leg. But the w ord converse does not always
bring in the notion o f contradiction. It may introduce a reversal rather
than a contradiction. She is o f great assistance to her mother, and of
course the converse is true w ould mean that just as she helps her m other,
so too her m other helps her. The w ord inverse overlaps in m eaning
w ith converse but is primarily used of w hat is turned upside dow n or
reversed in order.
We hear winners listed in inverse order w hen a judge announces the
results o f a race, reserving the name of the first to the last.
council I counsel
A council is a body o f people gathered together for consultation or
administration. The m embers o f the council (councillors) are appointed
or elected to direct the affairs of a given society or a given area o f the
country. Counsel is advice or guidance, and hence the w ord is used too
for the barrister w ho undertakes to advise clients and to pursue legal
cases for them. Outside the legal profession a person giving advice is
called a counsellor. The verb to counsel, meaning to give advice or
comfort, is used in the fields of psychology and social work. The
expression to keep o nes ow n counsel means to be noticeably reticent
over matters public or private w hen perhaps some opinion or revelation
is being sought.
defective I deficient
W hat is defective has a defect, and a defect is a fault, a shortcoming.
The w ord is m uch used of objects or materials that have not been

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

manufactured w ithout flaws, and o f flawed ideas and schemes. A thing

that is deficient lacks something necessary to its completeness. It has an
inadequacy. A socially clumsy person may be said to be deficient in tact.
definite I definitive
Something which is clearly defined is said to be definite. The w ord
implies sureness and precision. We m ust have a definite answer is a call
for an end to vagueness or prevarication. The w ords a and an are called
indefinite articles because, unlike the definite article the, they do not
point to a specific subject. The w ord definitive means conclusive and
final. It is used o f statements w hich put an end to doubt or controversy.
defuse I diffuse
To defuse a situation is to remove the tension from it. The connection
is obvious between this general meaning and the particular process of
making a bom b safe by removing its fuse. To diffuse is to pour out,
to scatter or to spread out in all directions. Thus the adjective diffuse is
used o f ideas that lack clear focus and conciseness. The w ord diffuser
has a technical usage in relation to scattering light to reduce glare, and
to dispersing sound waves in a radio.
delusion / illusion
A delusion is a mistaken notion or belief (She suffered from the delusion
that her family were all against h er). An illusion is a false or misleading
appearance or perception ( W hether he had actually seen a ghost or
w hether what he saw was an illusion he could never decide).
dependant I dependent
A dependant is someone w ho depends for their living on another.
Dependant is thus a noun. D ependent is the matching adjective. A
dependant is dependent on someone else for a living.
Year-round travel insurance is provided without an additional cost to any
cardholder, his or her spouse and dependant children.
This should read: dependent children. Correspondingly we find an
advertisement for Eurocamp Independant Holidays, which should be
Independent Holidays. Confusingly, the noun dependant does not
have a matching noun independant. So a parliamentary candidate is
called an Independent and the newspaper is called The Independent.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

deprecate I depreciate
To deprecate something is to express earnest disapproval of it ( We
strongly deprecated the m ovem ents decision to resort to a public
dem onstration). To depreciate is to belittle or to reduce the value of
something by criticism or ridicule. The verb is also used intransitively.
As to appreciate is to rise in value, so to depreciate is to fall in value.
discreet I discrete
Discreet means careful and tactful in behaviour, and is used especially
o f being able to be trusted w ith confidences. The corresponding noun is
discretion. The Book o f Com mon Prayer gave us the expression years
o f discretion as representing the age at w hich the growing person can
begin to exercise sober judgement. Discrete (related by contrast to the
w ord concrete) is used o f separate parts that cannot be assembled
together. It is quite erroneous for advertisers w ho seek sexual partnerships
through the columns o f Private Eye to propose discrete contacts. U nder
such arrangements they w ould never meet.
disinterested I uninterested
The w ord disinterested is m ore often used incorrectly than correctly. It
does not mean uninterested. U ninterested negates interested in the
most com m on use o f the w ord (I am not interested/uninterested in ball
games). The w ord interest has a special connotation in the sentence
Smith is personally interested in the sale of the property, w hich conveys
that Smith has a financial interest in the matter, and may benefit or fail
to benefit from the transaction. That is the usage w hich the w ord
disinterested negates. To be disinterested in any matter is to be in no
position either to benefit or to be disadvantaged by whatever transpires.
Disinterest is impartiality.
Were told that growing children need a healthy diet, but how can you put
this into practice when youre faced with a disinterested toddler?
Here the w ord should be uninterested.
dispense with I dispose o f
Basically, to dispense is to distribute, and a dispensation is an act of
distributing. Its connection w ith the issuing o f acts o f papal pardoning
in the Middle Ages is the root of the m odern usage in w hich to dispense
is to exempt from some rule or obligation and therefore to do away

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

w ith something and to manage w ithout it. To dispose something was

basically to arrange it suitably, to settle it. (My Author and Disposer
M iltons Eve calls Adam in a m om ent o f wifely compliance.) To dispose
o f a matter was to deal w ith it finally and thus to get rid o f it. But
whereas to dispense w ith implies an attitude o f removing what is
superfluous or redundant ( After a successful operation for cataract, he
was able to dispense w ith his glasses), to dispose o f carries no such
overtones (He disposed o f his country house and bought a tow n
The development in use o f the corresponding nouns, dispensation
and disposition, is noteworthy. W hereas the noun disposition is
now chiefly used o f a persons tem peram ent or frame of m ind (the
arrangement of personal idiosyncrasies), the noun dispensation tends
to be used of the public system of adm inistration (the ordering o f its
regulations). In T. S. Eliots Journey of the Magi the three kings, having
witnessed the new born Jesus, return to their kingdom s no longer at ease
here, in the old dispensation.
equable / equitable
Equable means unvarying and uniform . A generally calm and placid
person may be described as o f an equable tem peram ent. Equitable
means fair and just. W here equable relates to the w ord equality,
equitable relates to the w ord equity.
erupt I irrupt
To erupt is to break or burst out as a volcano does from time to time.
(On the appearance o f the Ghost in Hamlet Horatio foresees some strange
eruption to our state.) To irrupt is suddenly and forcibly to break in,
as an invading army m ight after besieging a stronghold.
exclude / preclude
To exclude is the opposite o f to include. It is to keep out, to prevent
from entering a place, or from taking part in an activity or celebration. The
dictionary definition o f to preclude is to make impossible, especially
beforehand. It is used o f disbarments made necessary by other factors
(Smiths parlous state o f health precludes him from taking part).
A consultative paper sent out to members [from Tory headquarters] excludes
a Prime Minister Hague restoring the hereditary principle to the Lords.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The reporter used the w rong verb here: precludes restoration of the
hereditary principle to the Lords by a Prime Minister H ague.
exhausting / exhaustive
The verb to exhaust means to draw off, to drain o f resources, and
therefore to empty and to weary. The w ord exhausting is thus generally
used to mean tiring, but we speak of exhausting all possibilities in
trying to find something lost. The w ord exhaustive is a favourite w ord
to use o f investigations or books w hich thoroughly and comprehensively
finish the task they w ere intended to deal w ith ( This book is an exhaustive
account of the French Revolution).
expedient I expeditious
To expedite is to push quickly forward some action or project, clearing
away any obstacles. The w ord expeditious is used w ith emphasis on the
speed of such action (At this crisis the dem and for m ore troops called
for an expeditious response) . The w ord expedient is used w ith emphasis
on the appropriateness o f the action ( As his form er wife remained on
the same staff, he found it expedient to seek a new post elsewhere). The
emphasis on convenience produces an implicit contrast w ith action that
is inconvenient but is dictated by principle and propriety. Thus politicians
get accused of being motivated by expediency rather than by principle.
explicit I implicit
W hat is explicit is clearly and precisely expressed, leaving no room for
doubt (There was an explicit requirem ent that employees should wear
formal dress). W hat is im plicit is not directly stated in so many w ords
but implied. The notice Thank you for not sm oking in a restaurant is
an im plicit request that customers should not smoke. That request is
im plicit in the notice.
fallacious I fallible
Something w hich is fallacious contains a fallacy, an inaccuracy or a
deception. The forbidden apple w hich Adam and Eve eat in M iltons
Paradise Lost is described as the fallacious fruit. To say something w hich
is fallacious is not necessarily to lie, because the speaker may not know
that what is said is false; falsehood is assumed to be dishonest, w here a
fallacy may merely be a mistake. The w ord fallible means liable to be
deceived or to be erroneous. In Shakespeares Measure for Measure the Duke

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

advises Claudio, w ho faces a death-sentence, not to comfort him self

w ith hopes that are fallible.
fatal I fateful
A fatal event or decision is one w hich leads to disastrous consequences.
A fatal accident or a fatal disease is one w hich causes death. (Lady
Macbeth tells how the hoarse raven croaks the fatal entrance of D uncan
into the castle w here he will be m urdered.) The w ord fateful is used of
events or decisions w hich have m om entous consequences, but w hich are
not necessarily unfortunate. A persons decision to drive to a certain
meeting m ight be described as fateful if an accident en route proved
fatal. But similarly a w om ans decision to seek w ork in a given firm
m ight be described as fateful if she there m et her future husband.
febrile / frenetic
It is helpful to rem em ber how these two w ords are related to others.
Febrile is basically a medical term, the adjective form ed from fever.
Thus it means feverish and appropriately describes a person in a state
of restlessness and discomposure. The w ord frenetic is related to the
words frantic and frenzy. So its associations are w ith madness rather
than w ith physical illness. It will be seen that while febrile implies a
rather enfeebled restlessness, frenetic implies frantic activity.
ferment I foment
To ferm ent is to cause fermentation and therefore to stir something up
into an agitated condition. The w ord is often used of stirring up trouble.
An agitator may be said to ferm ent rebellion. To fom ent is originally to
bathe in w arm healing water, hence to cherish, to encourage or to promote.
Since it is sometimes used o f prom oting or encouraging the growth or
development o f what may be undesirable ( The failure o f his application
fomented his frustration) it may come near to ferm ent in meaning.
fewer I less
Fewer refers to num ber, whereas less refers to bulk or amount. One
rarely finds few er used w here the w ord should be less. But the converse
error is still very com m on.
If public transport were better, there would be far less people going about
in cars.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

There the w ord should be few er. Less people w ould be people of
smaller stature. It w ould be correct to say If public transport were better,
there w ould be far less use of cars.
However, it is sad, to many of us who remember it, that the passing of time
has caused less and less converted lifeboats and pontoons to be seen being
boated by those less concerned with what their boat looked like, but more
where they could take it.
The first two uses o f less are wrong: the passing o f time has caused
fewer and fewer converted lifeboats to be seen.
fictional I fictitious
Both words derive from the w ord fiction, used to classify imaginative
works o f literature, m ore especially in prose. Thus Jane Eyre is a fictional
character, not a person from real life. The expression fact or fiction
highlights the contrast between w hat is true and w hat is invented. So the
w ord fictitious carries the connotation not only of the invented, but
also o f the false as opposed to the genuine (He carried on a correspon
dence w ith his mistress from a fictitious address).
flammable I inflammable
These two w ords both mean susceptible to being inflamed or easily set
on fire. Confusion can arise because in so many cases adding the prefix
in - to an adjective turns it into a negative. Thus the positive soluble
becomes the negative insoluble. But the prefix in - serves the same
positive purpose in inflame as it does in inspire.
flaunt I flout
These two words are confused in spite o f the fact that their meanings are
totally unrelated. To flaunt something is to display it proudly and
ostentatiously. Thus a rich man may be said to flaunt his wealth, a
glamorous actress may be said to flaunt her charms. To flout is to
reject scornfully and arrogantly some authority, some regulation, or
some code w hich one ought officially to accept and observe (He flouted
the firm s rules by smoking in the office).
gourmand I gourmet
Both words refer to a person w ho is devoted to eating and drinking. But
whereas gourm and is used pejoratively o f a gluttonous person w ho

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

may shovel food away w ithout m uch discrimination, gourm et is used

o f a connoisseur w ith a cultivated and sophisticated taste for food and
heritage I inheritance
Both words have to do w ith what is inherited. A m ans inheritance is
what is handed on to him from his ancestors in the way o f money,
possessions, and such things as titles or family prerogatives. The w ord
heritage is used m ore generally for what is handed dow n from genera
tion to generation, not only in the way of personal possessions, but also
in the way of institutions and public properties, culture and knowledge.
honorary I honourable
Both words are obviously connected w ith the w ord h o n our. W hat is
honourable is w orthy of honour. W hat is honorary is bestowed as an
honour. Thus a university degree awarded as an honour and not as the
result of any examination is an honorary degree, and a post held
w ithout payment is an honorary post. Confusion can arise because
the abbreviation h o n . is widely used in m ore than one context. In
parliamentary reference to the H on. Member for Bedford the abbrevi
ation stands for honourable, whereas in a societys reference to the
h o n . secretary the abbreviation stands for honorary.
imaginary I imaginative
W hat is im aginary is a product o f the im agination in the sense that it
has no real existence (He is a hypochondriac w hose ailments are largely
im aginary). W hat is im aginative is the product of the imagination
working creatively in the arts or in original thinking.
immanent / imminent
The w ord im m anent is used in philosophy to define what dwells or
operates within. Thus God has been sometimes defined as im m anent
w ithin the universe rather than overlooking it. The w ord im m inent
basically refers to something that overhangs as a lofty m ountain may
overhang a valley. From this sense of overhanging it derives its
most com m on meaning today o f something immediately, and often
threateningly, im pending ( Little did we know that the explosion was
im m inent).

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

immunity / impunity
There is a slight overlap o f meaning between these two words. The w ord
im m unity is used medically of the bodys ability to resist disease and
m ore generally o f freedom from legal obligations and from official
restraints (In return for agreeing to assist the authorities, the form er
criminal was granted im m unity from prosecution) . Im punity is exem p
tion from charge or penalty and thus now describes a state o f safety ( He
ridiculed the authorities w ith im punity).
imply I infer
To im ply something is to convey it by w hat is said, perhaps indirectly.
If a father informs his unem ployed son that there is w ork to be had in a
nearby firm, he is probably im plying that the son should go and apply
for a job there. In fact the w ord im ply is rarely misused. W hat goes
w rong generally is that the w ord infer is used as though it meant the
same as im ply. By every thing she said, she inferred that I was lazy
should be: she implied that I was lazy. In m odern usage to infer is not
to convey a message but to deduce one (From his sickly appearance and
lack o f appetite I inferred that he was ill).
inapt I inept
A thing w hich is apt is highly suitable to its purpose. Thus w hat is
inapt is inappropriate. The w ord is also used to mean unskilful, that
is, lacking in aptitude. Inept is originally the same w ord spelt differently
but we tend to apply it to a degree of inappropriateness and lack o f skill
that implies clumsiness or stupidity ( It was inapt of him to miss his
m others funeral, and inept to imagine that no one w ould notice).
informant I informer
The history o f these tw o words is curious. In present-day usage, an
inform ant is simply a person w ho conveys inform ation, while an
inform er is someone w ho lays inform ation against another, bringing
to light offences against the law. In the eighteenth century, however, the
w ord inform ant was used in this latter sense, and the w ord inform er
could be used to mean one w ho animates and inspires. Thus in Pope we
find Nature! inform er o f the hum an heart.

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

ingenious / ingenuous
An ingenious person has skill and inventiveness, and the products of
his cleverness are also ingenious. The w ord ingenuous once meant
straightforward and candid but now indicates (especially w hen qualified
as over-ingenuous) not mere lack of duplicity but rather over-simplicity,
naivety and even gullibility.
junction / juncture
A junction is the point at w hich two things join, especially used of the
place where a road or a railway line divides into two. The w ord juncture
is now generally used for a point in time at w hich the convergence of
events creates a significant m om ent, perhaps a m om ent o f crisis ( In the
autum n he lost his job, and at this juncture his wife chose to leave h im ).
loathe I loath (loth)
To be loath or loth to do something is to be reluctant, unwilling to do
it (I was loth to part w ith my collection o f stamps). The verb to loathe
means to detest. Because the spelling loath, for reluctant, is now m ore
often used than the spelling loth, confusion w ith the verb loathe
luxuriant I luxurious
Both w ords are related to the w ord luxury. The w ord luxuriant is used
to describe things (such as houses, artefacts, gardens, works of art) that
are richly ornate and profusely decorative. The w ord luxurious overlaps
in meaning, but conveys m ore the sense o f w hat indulges hum an appetite
for ease and comfort, and for all that delights the senses (In retirement
he was able to live a luxurious life in luxuriant surroundings).
militate / mitigate
Here the similarity in sound between the two verbs causes confusion in
spite o f the totally different meanings they convey. To militate is to
combat or oppose (Our genteel upbringing militated against the call to
go and w ork dow n the m ines). In fact the w ord is rarely misused. The
verb to m itigate means to soften or soothe (His daughters decision to
come and live w ith him somewhat mitigated his grief at the loss of his
w ife), but it gets used mistakenly in the place o f militate.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

momentary I momentous
A m om ent is a short space o f time and the w ord m om entary means
brief, lasting for only a mom ent. The w ord m om ent has another use in
expressions such as a matter o f great m om ent. It is this use that is
reflected in the w ord m om entous, w hich means of great m o m en t or
very im portant.
nationalize I naturalize
A business or an organization is nationalized w hen it is taken under
public ow nership and becomes the property o f the state. The w ord is not
used o f hum an beings w ho change their nationality. If someone of
foreign birth seeks to become a citizen o f their adopted country, the
official process is know n as becoming naturalized.
naught I nought
Strictly speaking, w here aught means anything, naught means nothing
(I tell you naught for your com fort says the visionary voice to King
Alfred in Chestertons Ballad of the White Horse). N ought is the digit which,
oddly enough, we pronounce O h w hen making a telephone call. The
spelling n ought is now used as a variant o f naught.
obsolete I obsolescent
Increasingly obsolescent is being used w here the w ord should be
obsolete. W hat is obsolete is out of date, no longer in use or no
longer fashionable. W hat is obsolescent is becoming obsolete, gradually
perhaps going out o f date and ceasing to be o f use.
official I officious
The adjective official relates to an office and in particular to what issues
authoritatively from it ( As an M Ps secretary, she has an official perm it
to enter the H ouse). One may be called to attend an official meeting
or invited to an official dinner. The w ord officious has a pejorative
connotation. It is applied to self-important people w ho are unnecessarily
free w ith attention or advice.
ostensible I ostentatious
Here are two m ore related adjectives, like official and officious, w ith
vastly different overtones. W hat is ostensible is apparent, plain to see.

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

Sometimes the w ord is used to distinguish w hat is seemingly apparent

on the surface from w hat lies hidden beneath ( The ostensible purpose
o f the journey was to visit his aunt, but he had far m ore sinister motives) .
The w ord ostentatious implies showiness that is pretentiously extrava
gant (He never concealed his wealth: indeed he was ostentatious enough
to run two Rolls-Royces, each w ith its ow n chauffeur).
perspicacious I perspicuous
The w ord perspicacious (along w ith the noun perspicacity) is related
to such words as perspective and used to mean clear-sighted, but is
now applied only to mental clear-sightedness and means penetrating
or sharply perceptive. The w ord perspicuous, related to the w ord
conspicuous, means transparently clear, and therefore, applied to
peoples thought or utterance, lucid and easily understood.
practical I practicable
The w ord practical often offsets the w ord theoretical and means related
to actual experience and the w orld of daily action. A practical person
will quickly respond to an emergency by doing w hat com m on sense
w ould recommend. The w ord practicable means strictly able to be put
into practice, and is therefore used to express a strong recom m endation
for any plan or scheme that is as yet at the theoretical stage.
precipitate I precipitous
In non-technical usage the verb to precipitate is to bring something
about too soon, over-hastily (The quarrel in public precipitated a break
dow n in their relationship). The adjective precipitate thus means overhasty or rash. The verb also means to hurl dow n from a height.
Precipitous means steep. The connection of both w ords w ith the w ord
precipice is w hat makes for confusion.
prerequisite I perquisite
These two words have nothing in com m on except a num ber of identical
letters. A prerequisite is something required in advance, often used of
conditions required by an employer (A prerequisite of the appointm ent
was that I should move into the area) . The w ord perquisite (abbreviated
to perk) is now used chiefly for benefits from em ployment additional
to the salary, such as a w aiters tips or an executives company car.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

prescribe I proscribe
To proscribe is officially to outlaw or prohibit some conduct or person.
W ords including the syllables scribe or script (from the Latin) are to
do w ith writing. To outlaw a person was to publish his name publicly in
writing, to proscribe it. To prescribe is to lay dow n authoritatively
some regulation or, in medicine, some treatment or potion. Thus the
doctor prescribes medicaments for us and w e take our prescription to
the pharmacist. There is a danger of misusing the w ords as diagnose is
now misused:
I have been prescribed with a variety of medicines.
The w ord w ith must go. Just as doctors diagnose illnesses and not
patients, so too they prescribe medicines and not patients.
presumptuous I presumptive
The w ord presum ptuous is related to that usage of presum e w hich
implies that someone is taking m ore for granted than they have the right
to do (It was highly presum ptuous o f him to gatecrash that very exclusive
party). The w ord presum ptive is related to the usage of presum e
which is disinfected o f all such overtones, and simply means highly
probable. The heir presum ptive to the throne is the one w ho will
succeed provided that no stronger claimant comes on the scene. In the
United Kingdom if the m onarch had a daughter as first-born child, she
w ould be the heir presum ptive unless or until a brother was born. The
heir apparent is the heir w ho will definitely succeed, provided that
death does not intervene.
prevaricate I procrastinate
To prevaricate, deriving from a Latin verb meaning to walk crookedly,
is to deviate from the proper course and hence to be deceptive or evasive
in action or speech. To procrastinate is to postpone action, to put
it off to another day. Procrastination is the thief o f tim e said the
almost forgotten eighteenth-century poet Edward Young in his Night
principal I principle
People continue to be tripped up by the similarity o f these two words.
The adjective principal means first in im portance (The resignation of

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

the Chairman is the principal business o f the m eeting). Thus we use the
noun principal o f the person in charge o f an institution. A principle is
a fundamental law or a basic proposition from w hich other deductions
prone to / susceptible to
The w ord prone, basically meaning bending forward or lying prostrate,
flat on the face, came to mean having a natural inclination to do some
thing. We stress the w ords to d o . A naughty child m ight be said to be
pro ne to telling lies. It w ould be less satisfactory to say that someone is
prone to attacks of bronchitis. That is w here the w ord susceptible is
better. For w here prone means having an inclination to d o something,
susceptible means having an inclination to be responsive to som e
thing. Yet we read:
My own limitations, of energy, time, or approach, make me always suscep
tible to behaving badly.
Bad behaviour does not come upon us from outside like the flu germ. It
is something we do, not something we suffer: My ow n limitations make
me always prone to behaving badly.
recourse I resort
If you resort to something you turn to it in need, and w hat you turn to
is your resort. Thus Polonius tells Ophelia to lock herself away from
Ham lets resort. The use o f the w ord for a holiday destination was a
natural development. Whereas resort is both a noun (That is our last
resort) and a verb ( All else having failed, we had to resort to the use of
force), the w ord recourse is a noun only. W hat a person resorts to is
in fact his recourse. He resorted to force and He had recourse to force
are two ways o f saying the same thing.
remission I remittance
Both w ords derive from the verb rem it. Remission means forgiveness
(the Bible speaks o f the remission of sins) or release from some obliga
tion or penalty. It is applied to the reduction o f a term of im prisonm ent
( a remission of three years from the life sentence) and to a temporary
period o f abatement from a life-threatening disease. A different kind of
obligation is finished off by a rem ittance, a paym ent that settles a debt.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

reversal I reversion
Reversal means the act of reversing, physically going back on o n es
tracks, or coming up against something w hich stops one in ones desired
progress ( The failure o f her second novel to sell brought a reversal o f all
her am bitions). The w ord reversion is used of the return to an earlier
condition or attitude ( In his latest poems we detect a reversion to the
style o f his earliest w ork). It is also used legally o f the part o f an estate
w hich is restored to the original testator or his heirs after the death o f
some temporary grantee.
salubrious I salutary
Both w ords are concerned w ith a healthy effect. While salubrious,
m eaning conducive to health, is used chiefly o f spas and other resorts
w here climate may benefit health, salutary is used m uch m ore widely
o f whatever promotes health or well-being. In its looser use, it means
little m ore than beneficial (It m ight be salutary at this stage of the
meeting to pause for reflection).
sensibility I sensitivity
The w ord sensible m ost often means showing good judgement, but is
also used m ore technically to mean capable o f being sensed or perceived.
It is from the latter connotation that the w ord sensibility derives its
meaning: the capacity to respond to emotional needs or aesthetic qualities.
An art critic needs to be a person of cultivated sensibility. The w ord
sensitivity is used generally of ready personal responsiveness. It is
usually a tribute to call a person sensitive, but there is another usage
where the w ord implies over-ready responsiveness w hich is touchy,
the responsiveness o f someone w ho is quick to take offence.
sensual / sensuous
Both w ords are concerned w ith the appeal to the senses or the responsive
ness o f the senses to w hat is physically attractive, but sensual is pejor
ative; it is used o f excessive indulgence in w hat appeals to the physical
appetites. The w ord sensuous is used o f w hat properly appeals to the
senses by its beauty and richness, especially perhaps in the aesthetic
sphere, and o f the sensitive hum an response to it. One m ight speak o f
the rich sensuous appeal o f a poet such as Keats or a composer such as

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

stimulant / stimulus
Anything that stimulates, w hether physically or mentally, is a stim ulus
in that it encourages or goads to action or to decision. But the w ord
stim ulant is mostly restricted to use for drugs or other consumables,
such as alcohol, coffee or tea, w hich at least temporarily revitalize the
body or raise the spirits.
substantial / substantive
These two words, both obviously connected w ith the w ord substance,
overlap somewhat in meaning, but the overlap scarcely justifies the recent
tendency to use only substantive where substantial w ould be equally
or m ore appropriate. The w ord substantive was the technical name o f
a noun. As an adjective it stresses therefore the independent and essential
basis of whatever is referred to. The w ord substantial has been m ore
used to refer to the magnitude, the importance, the solidity of a thing. It
also distinguishes what is actual and soundly based ( Substantial evidence
was produced against h im ).
testament I testimony
A testament is a will. Because it testifies to the intentions of the testator,
being indeed the expression o f his w ill, the w ord has come to be used
m ore generally o f w hat can stand as a proof or attestation. It is at this
point that the meaning o f testament overlaps w ith the meaning of
testim ony, w hich is most com monly used in law for the evidence o f
witnesses. It has become evident that people ar using testament w here
once they w ould have been inclined to use testim ony:
The tyre gouges on the roundabout bore testament to the frequency of
This is a case in point. The gouges really bear testim ony, that is, witness
to a fact as in a court o f law.
titillate I titivate
Titillate derives from a Latin verb meaning to tickle. Hence its present
meaning, to excite pleasure by some delightful gratification. It is used
of comparatively trivial delights. One w ould not speak of being titil
lated by a Beethoven symphony; one m ight o f being titillated by a
delicious trifle or a nice new hat. Titivate is a nineteenth-century w ord

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

developed out of tidivate, that is to make tidy. It is used of the final

touches to hair, to make-up or to dress, made just before appearing in
tortuous I torturous
I have just heard on the radio a reference to the experience o f a man w ho
was kidnapped. There was emphasis on w hat he endured in several
tortuous m onths o f im prisonment. Clearly the person w ho w rote the
report thought that the w ord tortuous was connected w ith the w ord
torture. But it isnt. The w ord the news w riter wanted was torturous,
the adjective derived from torture. The w ord tortuous derives from
the w ord tort. It refers to what is twisted, w inding or crooked, the
reverse o f direct and straightforward. Thus one m ight speak of someone
having to make a tortuous journey by some difficult and circuitous
route. Coincidentally I read in the newspaper that it was inevitable that
Danny W ilsons torturous season in charge of Sheffield W ednesday
w ould take another debilitating tw ist. Plainly the w ord here should be
tragedy / travesty
A travesty is an unw orthy mockery of something, farcical in its extrava
gance. Yet we read this about a shrine to D. H. Lawrence in New Mexico,
w hich is suffering from neglect.
Its going to be lost to future generations, and that will be a travesty.
This appears to be one of those blunders w hich result from confusing
two words that are similar in sound. Presumably the w riter meant: and
that will be a tragedy.
trustful I trustworthy
It seems surprising that anyone could confuse these words. Adjectives
that end in -ful, such as truthful and fearful, convey the m eaning
full o f truth and full of fear. Just so trustful means full o f trust.
By contrast, adjectives w hich end in -w orthy, such as praisew orthy
and blam ew orthy, mean deserving o f praise and deserving of
blam e. Nevertheless, in a BBC Radio 4 discussion about the quality of
treatment provided by the Health Service, we hear an educated voice

The Right Words and the Wrong Words

I, as a patient, want to feel absolutely trustworthy about any one who

attends to me.
She means that she wants to be able to be trustful, and she wants those
w ho attend to her to be absolutely trustw orthy.


W ords at W o rk

Preserving Consistency
The right w o rd does not exist in isolation. W hat may seem to be the right
w ord in the first half o f the sentence may have to be questioned w hen we
see w hat follows it. The exact com bining o f words is w hat guarantees
clarity and precision. It is no use getting w hat seems to be the right w ord
if you then attach to it something that is not precisely appropriate.
Delay, even for a month, could be too late.
The sentence is a case in point. Delay can make some action or event too
late. But the delay in itself cannot be too late. It is whatever is delayed
by delay that may be too late. The delay is too long. Similarly the
sound beginning o f the following sentence is thoroughly spoiled by the
w ords at the end:
It might be damaging to Mr Clinton to provoke a crisis which he might
then lose.
W hen a crisis arrives for a statesman, there may be grave dangers,
w hether political or physical. The person w ho faces a crisis may survive
it successfully or go under. But a crisis is not a kind o f competitive event
w hich one m ight either w in or lose. This straightforward collision o f
meanings between the subject o f the sentence and what follows it is
surprisingly com mon. Here is a sentence from a piece about the building
of new railways in the nineteenth century.
Parliamentary powers were passed in 1866.
Powers were not passed. The w riter means either that powers were
taken to do this or that, or that legislation was passed.

Words at W ork

It is perhaps w hen we are being conversational in our style that it is

easiest to lose exact consistency o f meaning.
There are a few simple tips that if used with care should help your little
problem quite nicely.
A tip, w hen it is not a gratuity given to a waiter or waitress, is a useful
piece of advice. We do not, however, speak o f using such pieces o f
advice, but o f follow ing them. And the desirable thing is not to help
a problem, but to solve it or get rid of it. Since the tone o f the whole is
conversational, we need not quibble about quite nicely, though it is
not the most precise expression for the meaning required. We should
correct to: There are a few simple tips that, if carefully followed, will
help you in your little difficulty. And if one is seeking a gem of
thoughtlessness in this connection perhaps the following will do:
Even today weather forecasting is difficult to predict.
That is the equivalent o f saying Even today w eather forecasting is difficult
to forecast. Nobody could possibly be interested in having forecasting
predicted instead o f the weather.
Simple, familiar w ords that are frequently on our lips may make
an ill-assorted anarchic concoction if they are allowed to slide out u n
There is a clear funding gap which, if not resolved, will stunt future
development of small businesses in London.
The way to deal w ith a gap is to bridge it, not to resolve it. And how
can a gap, w hether resolved or not, stunt future development of
small businesses? A better sentence w ould be: There is a shortage of
cash which, if not made up, will impede future development o f small
businesses in London.
The w ord gap has a metaphorical element here. And w here metaphors
are used, it is crucial not to mix them too glaringly.
Throughout Central Europe the loss of monopoly on power reduced over
night the individual communist parties to an insignificant fraction in a
blossoming political landscape.
The good w riter w ould never speak of a fraction in a blossoming
landscape, any m ore than he w ould speak o f a bunch of lilies in a
quadratic equation.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Utterance at the political level too readily overstretches the meaning

o f w ords to the point w here connotation collides w ith connotation.
One of the most basic elements of US concern for any freed hostage is his
or her privacy. Yesterday Mr Ronnegut violated that policy.
To begin with, a concern is not a policy. Secondly, a policy is not
something that can be violated. A principle m ight be violated and a
policy m ight be abandoned. Then again, the use of the w ords basic
elements is unnecessary. We may write: One o f the basic US concerns
for any freed hostage is his or her privacy. Yesterday Mr Ronnegut
ignored that concern.

Preserving Coherence
The kind o f verbal inconsistency we are investigating can lead to partial
or total loss of coherence. Indeed it is possible to cancel out the meaning
o f a w ord by careless choice o f a succeeding w ord or words. For instance,
something w hich is inescapable obviously cannot be avoided. It may
be said that death is an inescapable consequence o f swallowing cyanide.
W riting of a natural disaster, a journalist says:
The inescapable conclusion is probably that most of the missing are dead.
Here the force o f the w ord inescapable is destroyed by the succeeding
w ord probably. Clearly, if the conclusion is a matter o f probability only,
then it is not inescapable. In any case, the w riter has.sufficiently hedged
his bets by use o f the w ord m ost. One o f the tw o w ords should go,
either inescapable or probably.
It is perhaps easiest to lose coherence w hen sentences are clogged w ith
words. Nevertheless economy w ith w ords can sometimes have the same
effect. Here is a sentence from an article on the nocturnal threat to cattle
farms in Africa from hyenas.
Often only a part of the victim was eaten and when found next morning
had to be shot.
The sentence tells us that part o f the animal was eaten, found next
m orning, and shot. But it was not the part that was eaten that was shot.
It was the remaining uneaten part. Economy w ith w ords is the trouble

Words at W ork

here. W hat is needed is: Often only a part of the victim was eaten, and
w hen the animal was found next m orning it had to be shot.
A similar miserliness w ith w ords leads to trouble in the following
sentence. It is part o f a plea for keeping sewage and other contamination
away from our lakes.
If we dont, we may have to forgo our favourite lakeside walks with
kingfishers, dragonflies and water lilies.
We may take our country walks w ith our friend or w ith our dog, but we
d o n t take them w ith kingfishers and water lilies. Some words must be
inserted: our favourite lakeside walks and the glimpses of kingfishers,
dragonflies and water lilies. That is the kind o f error produced by
over-hasty writing. Journalists often work under pressure and their prose
sometimes bears the mark of hasty composition. In the attempt to be
concise and not to waste words they may transfer on to paper the
freedoms which are proper only to conversation.
She set about a rigorous training programme culminating in a 2o-mile
sponsored canoe from Lancaster to Preston.
This will not do in print. A training program m e cannot culminate in a
canoe. Nor, strictly speaking, is the canoe sponsored. It was the ride in
the canoe that was twenty miles long and was sponsored. That is a fairly
crude example of the effects o f over-compression. At a subtler level the
error is not so easy to spot.
Shareholders have angrily denounced the companys speedy receivership
over the weekend.
The w ord receivership means the condition o f being administered by
a receiver. This is not in itself a condition that can be either speedy or
tardy. What the w riter means (and what the reader understands in spite
o f the illogicality) is,that: Shareholders have angrily denounced the
com panys speedy recourse to receivership. It was the decision that was
over-hasty in the shareholders eyes.
The risk o f com bining words together incoherently is especially strong
w ith over-used words. The m ore a w ord is used, the weaker and vaguer
its connotation becomes. The w ord problem was cited in this con
nection in Chapter i . Here is a sentence about dealing w ith antelopes in

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Controlling these problems does not come under the heading of sport.
The problem s concern the business o f controlling antelopes and, in a
very crudely conversational sense, the antelopes may b e problems. But
however one looks at it, the difference is that antelopes have to be
controlled and that problem s have to be solved, and you can no m ore
control a problem than you can solve an antelope.
Another m uch used word, issue, also tends to such vagueness that
precision gets lost in its use. Here is an observation on football tactics by
a commentator:
The issue of diving and over-reacting, basically cheating, needs to be quickly
eradicated, probably using video technology.
There is m ore than one issue here. To use the w ord basically as the
equivalent of in other w ords is characteristic o f what is now a general
loose treatment of the word. But m ore serious is the claim that an issue
should be eradicated. It is not the issue w hich the w riter really wants
to be rid of, but the practice of diving and over-reacting.

Preserving Congruity in a Sequence

Loss o f consistency and coherence occurs in improperly controlled
accumulations of items. Track is lost of a crucial w ord because w hat
follows it wanders away from accurate preservation o f its meaning. Here
is some publicity material from a major bank:
This means that our income on retirement is likely to be based on pensions
from a number of different sources. Each of these must be tracked down,
calculated and taken into account for someone to build up an accurate
picture of the kind of retirement they will enjoy.
The w riters first sentence focuses on the sources o f pensions. Each of
these must be tracked do w n makes sense, because these means the
sources of the pensions. But to continue by saying that each o f these
must be calculated is totally incongruous. One does not calculate a
source. A different subject is required for the verb calculate and w hat
follows. The mistake arises because the w riter has used the w ord these
and then forgotten exactly w hat it refers to. Better avoid it: Each source
must be tracked dow n, the pensions calculated and taken into account.

Words at W ork

Just as use o f a pronoun such as this or these can bring about a lapse o f
congruity in w ord usage, a long parenthesis can produce the same danger.
The moves towards allowing more of us to take control of our working
environment - whether that means working for ourselves from home
full-time or working for an employer from home two days a week - are
coming true at last.
The long parenthesis causes the w riter to forget w hat the subject o f the
sentence was. Moves may lead to action. Moves tow ards something
may eventually get there. But m oves cannot be said to be coming tru e.
It w ould be better to get rid of the w ord m oves: Plans towards allowing
m ore o f us to take control o f our working environm ent . . . are being
realized at last.
It should be noted that it is w hen a sentence gets somewhat clogged
w ith w ords (as by the introduction o f the parenthesis in the sentence
above) that the logical sequence from subject (The moves) through
verb (are com ing) to w hat follows ( true) may be defective.
His combination of talent, daring, intelligence and dedication amounts to
the most impressive sportsman of our time.
Here, for instance, the accumulation o f the four words ( talent, daring,
intelligence and dedication) clogs progress sufficiently for the sequence
from subject (His com bination) through verb ( am ounts to ) to w hat
follows (the most impressive sportsm an) to be upset. The w riter w ould
not have been tem pted to write His com bination amounts to the sports
m an, but w hen divested o f the verbal clogging around it, that is the
basic construction used. A simple change o f verb w ould correct the error:
His com bination of talent, daring, intelligence and dedication mark him
as the most impressive sportsman o f our tim e.

Avoiding Just the W ron g W o rd

If you fasten on just the w rong word, you put consistency and coherence
at risk. Consider the following advertisement for insurance in a magazine
for people w ith equestrian interests:
A unique choice of cover for all the flexibility you need - from family
ponies to competition horses.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

It is less than exact to convey that the need for satisfactory insurance for
a variety o f activities or possessions can be sum m ed up as a need for
flexibility. But then seemingly to define flexibility as a category o f
beings ranging from family ponies to com petition horses makes matters
worse. W hat should be offered is: cover for whatever you need it for,
from family ponies to com petition horses.
W here a m etaphor is involved it is all too easy to attach the w rong
w ord to it. An image w hich has lately become popular is that of a raft.
A raft is a platform w hich floats and can usefully carry a load o f items
carefully arranged together. Hence we hear that the governm ent is
producing a raft o f proposals on this matter or that. That is a useful
expression, if handled properly.
The government has unveiled a raft of proposals.
Here it is mishandled. The w riter has opted for the w rong initial verb,
and the imagery breaks down. It m ight be appropriate to launch a raft,
but the picture o f someone unveiling a raft will not do.
There are words w hich can be used in different senses in different
contexts. Exploiting double meanings can be a source of hum our or, in
poetry, o f profundity. One m ight flippantly say The baby was delivered
at eight o clock in the m orning, at the same time as the newspaper in
fact. There is always a risk for the w riter in using any w ord w hich has
the sort o f double usages that are exploited there in the verb deliver.
For it is possible to call up the w rong meaning unintentionally.
A glass of wine and an introductory lecture will precede a special guided
tour of the exhibition by gallery staff.
The verb precede means to take place before in time. It also means
to go before in movement. The glass o f w ine and the lecture precede
the guided tour in time. But the concept o f people walking through
the gallery on a guided tour is apt to bring the other meaning of pre
cede to mind, so that one pictures a procession headed by a glass o f
Even the shortest w ords can be used to exploit this kind of ambiguity.
The w ord in is made to do double duty in Dickenss celebrated account
of the agitated Miss Bolo in Pickwick Papers, w ho w ent straight hom e, in a
flood of tears and a Sedan chair.
The w riter has to take care not to allow an unintended am biguity to
intrude through lack o f watchfulness.

Words at W ork

A summerhouse is a treat. People buy them as a self-indulgent present for

their garden.
I assume that what the w riter means here is that people give themselves
a present by purchasing a summ erhouse for the garden (People buy
them for their garden as a self-indulgent present). But the sentence fails
to allow for the divergence in the usage o f for in He bought a
w heelbarrow for the garden and He bought a present for his w ife. By
using the w ord present the w riter has unintentionally brought to m ind
the second usage, w hich makes it sound as though people buy presents
for their gardens.

Confusion Between W o rd and Fact

In a variety o f ways w ord may be confused w ith fact, form w ith substance.
The catalogue is packed with everything you need to keep your dog safe
while in the car - for example harnesses for all sizes . . .
It may sound pedantic, but it has to be pointed out that the catalogue is
not packed w ith harnesses or w ith any other bits o f apparatus to keep a
dog safe. The catalogue is packed only w ith inform ation about such
items, in print, and perhaps in pictures too. There is no escape from
including the necessary clarification: The catalogue is packed w ith details
of everything you need
This mistake occurs at many different levels o f literacy from the crude
to the subtle.
These walks are written by over twenty different authors.
That is an example o f the mistake at a rather crude level. The sentence is
from a review o f a book giving routes for walks. It is not the walks that
are w ritten but accounts o f the walks. If the w ord w ritten is to be kept,
then the missing verbal link m ust be supplied ( Accounts of these walks
are w ritten by over twenty different authors). But of course it may be
better to get rid o f the verb w ritten: These walks are described by over
twenty different authors. The mistake occurs quite often in accounts o f
books or other publications. There is confusion between speaking about
the publication as a w hole and speaking about the contents contained
w ithin it.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

In a survey of i oo wetland Sites of Special Scientific Interest a majority are

beginning to suffer from eutrophication.
This is like saying o f a history book The funeral o f King Edward VII
takes place in chapter seven. The wetland sites are not suffering from
eutrophication in the survey any m ore than King Edward VII is interred
in the history book. The survey and the developments it reports are two
different matters. All that is needed to correct this error is the insertion
o f a simple parenthetical expression such as w e learn that or it is
revealed that after the w ord Interest. But even that need could have
been obviated if the w riter had not begun the sentence w ith the w ord
In: A survey o f 100 wetland Sites of Special Scientific Interest reveals
that a majority are beginning to suffer from eutrophication.
It is not only in accounts of books and in official reports that we find
this error. The w ord new s is misused in similar fashion on the radio.
We hear from the commercial w orld that a certain rather questionable
financial deal, involving huge profits for the fat cats, has just been agreed.
Then we are told that The Shadow Chancellor has condem ned the new s.
Clearly it is not the publicization o f the facts ( the new s) that angered
the politician, but the facts recorded. After another such announcem ent
of a possible scandal, the BBC reporter tells us The news is part of a
continuing investigation - w hich it plainly is not. The investigation is
one thing, the news o f the scandal another thing.
Confusion between statement and fact, between words and w hat they
convey, lies behind many such errors. In the extreme case we read this
on the subject o f stag-hunting:
Words such as biodiversity and Agenda 2 1 Local Plans are the way forward.
No one is likely to defend this as a justifiable verbal short cut. If the writer
means that biodiversity should be encouraged, then he should talk
about it and not about the w ord. Clearly to recom m end certain w ords
as a way forw ard is not going to get anyone very far.

Keeping Connotation Intact

A peculiar form o f misusing a single w ord occurs sometimes w hen a
w ord is made to do duty in two different ways in the same sentence. The
error can turn up in accounts o f football matches.

Words at W ork

Wolverhamptons victory thrilled him, for it was his native city.

The victory was scored by a team o f footballers. W olverham pton,
meaning that team, cannot in the same sentence mean the place. It is like
saying W olverham pton is a magnificent team w ith a fine tow n hall in the
m iddle. There is no escape from repeating the w ord: W olverham ptons
victory thrilled him, for W olverham pton was his native city. The error
is not rare in the w orld o f sport.
Mr Scoular travelled to England every week to watch Liverpool, where he
was a season-ticket holder.
The w ord w here gives the w ord Liverpool a double usage w hich it
cannot have. For the place w here Mr Scoular was a ticket-holder was
not the same thing as the band o f players he came to watch. Mr
Scoular, a season-ticket holder, travelled to England every week to watch
The same error can occur in speaking about the past. A confusion
arises between the record and the reality.
Even this building has a most fascinating history which is well worth
The history o f what the building has been through is one thing and
w hat you can read is another thing. It w ould be correct, but rather
awkward to say: Even this building has a most fascinating history, w hich
is well w orth reading about. Perhaps it should rather be: which is well
w orth know ing. Not very different in category is the slip in the following
recom m endation for certain wines.
Currently the range consists of three wines . . . , each of which has a recipe
on the back that you can peel off and keep.
We may overlook the fact that it is the bottle and not the w ine w hich
has a recipe on the back. This, o f course, represents a shift in meaning
o f the w ord w ine. More interesting is the shift in meaning of the w ord
recipe. First it is a real recipe w ith advice about use of the wine. But a
m om ent later it has become a piece of paper that you can peel o ff the
bottle. Currently the range consists o f three wines . . . , and each bottle
has a recipe on the back label w hich you can peel off and keep.
These transitions in meaning, however, are less stark than the fol

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

She immediately passes the information on to the social services, who leave
at once to find the boy.
Now it may be argued that the person w ho received the inform ation did
indeed leave at once. But the social services to w hom the com m unication
is sent is surely an organization w ith a substantial staff. They do not all
leave at once. If w h o is to be kept, then leave m ust be changed: w ho
send someone at once to find the boy.


A peculiar kind of inappropriateness can be found w hen w ords and
images that should be personal in their connotation are used in contexts
where the im personal is required. We use o f living creatures w ords and
expressions inappropriate if applied to inanimate or abstract objects. We
must not be too solemnly pedantic about this. Poets often rely upon
fanciful applications o f the personal idiom to the im personal world.
Shakespeare tells the w inter w ind that it is not so unkind/A s m an s
ingratitude. The poet Thomas Nashe tells how , in spring, the daisies
kiss our feet, and W ordsw orth declares that Earth fills her lap w ith
pleasures of her o w n . We do not protest that the w ind can be neither
kind nor unkind, that daisies have no m ouths to kiss with, and that the
earth lacks the kind o f build w hich w ould grant it a lap.
Can plain English prose, utilized for day-to-day com munication,
allow such liberties? There are indeed contexts in w hich the mixture
causes us to smile rather than to criticize. We indulge weather forecasters
as they personalize aspects o f the climate. W hen the forecaster tells us
that the ram will be reluctant to move away, or w hen she says that
temperatures will struggle to get up to i s* w e probably feel that she has
as m uch right to this exercise o f the pathetic fallacy as the poet has. Our
long struggles w ith w eather encourage us to endow it w ith a will. We
tend to nod in approval in m id-w inter w hen the forecaster announces
that there is a bit too m uch weather about today. We may jib at the
extension of the linguistic liberties, however, w hen the forecaster predicts
m ore organized bands of rain.
Temperatures may be allowed to struggle and rain to be reluctant,
but in colder prose argum ent is m arred w hen such liberties are taken.

Words at W ork

Personal Verbs Misused

Here is a sentence from an article complaining o f the decline o f grouse
on m oorland and the problem o f dealing w ith harriers:
Other methods - translocation, disturbance prior to breeding, and removal
of eggs have all stumbled on the legal fence.
The m etaphor of stum bling at a fence can be appropriately applied
to any hum an experience o f frustration. But stum bling is essentially
something that living beings do. To attribute the capacity to stum ble to
a series o f m ethods o f tackling a problem will not do. The sentence
w ould m ore appropriately read: Other m ethods - translocation, disturb
ance prior to breeding, and removal o f eggs - have all been rejected
on legal grounds. There is a comparable misapplication of personal
vocabulary in this sentence from my m orning paper:
The Derby has become an occasion racked with self-doubt.
Neither a horse race nor an occasion o f any kind can suffer self-doubt.
It is the people involved w ho may suffer so.
Some verbs are so frequently on our lips in a personal context that
they slip too readily out w hen the context is decisively impersonal. A
legal spokesman, speaking on BBC Radio 4 o f defects in the prosecution
service, argues the need for a system that can enjoy public confidence.
So accustomed are we to the expression enjoy public confidence that it
slips out here irrespectively of the fact that enjoyment is a hum an
experience that no system could feel. There is no advantage in not
saying: a system that the public can trust. There is a similar liberty taken
in the following:
A rise in interest rates will exert further pressure on the Bank of England to
consider an emergency cut in interest rates.
My dictionary gives the m eaning of exert as to apply (oneself) vigor
ously, make a strenuous effort. The bracketed oneself indicates the
propriety of using the verb for personal effort. A rise in interest rates
cannot make a strenuous effort. It is a pity to weaken the verb exert by
making it the equivalent o f the m ore colourless verb p u t, which w ould
be better used in the sentence we are looking at. The same issue arises
w ith the verb achieve in the following.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The paper used with gouache is significant; different types achieve different
Paper is not capable o f achieving anything. The m eaning is that different
types o f paper enable the artist to achieve different qualities.
A rather subtler question arises from a statement made on Radio 4:
Cannabis should be allowed to be prescribed.
This is like saying Meat should be allowed to be eaten. If one says
It should be legal to prescribe cannabis, one is urging that doctors
should be allow ed to do something, but this does not em power
cannabis in any way. Although we are used to notices saying Smoking
is not allowed, it is clearly better to avoid the converse instruction
Cigarettes should be allowed to be sm oked as a variant o f People may
The issue arises again w ith the verb to enable. It is better reserved for
the personal field. The grant enabled us to finance the foreign to u r
represents the personal usage. The whole discussion is about enabling a
framework to be in place represents the far less satisfactory, impersonal
usage. Strictly speaking, a framework cannot be enabled to be anything.
As material things such as cannabis ought not to be said to be allow ed
privileges, so material things such as frameworks ought not to be said to
be rendered capable o f doing anything.
Before leaving this topic, we should note that there is one verb properly
reserved for the activity o f living beings w hich has long been used
idiomatically of inanimate beings in certain contexts. It is the verb to
see. We use the w ord widely of actual vision and also of registering by
the m ind ( See w hat I m ean?). I doubt w hether any pedants are shocked
w hen someone writes The year 1945- saw the defeat of Germany even
though years are not gifted w ith either vision or mental understanding.
But the acceptance o f such an idiom does not justify extending its use
into other and very different contexts. Here is an account o f some horse
Twenty-four started over Keith Bristows track . . . and some tricky related
distances saw only five reach the jump-off.
The notion o f related distances witnessing or registering this or that
num ber o f successful riders strains the idiom too far. The same may be
said of the following account of repairs to railway trucks.

Words at W ork

Despite experiments with aluminium doors, a programme of repairs to

OBA open wagons sees the original wooden dropside doors replaced in
Again there is no advantage in using the verb to see. No verb other than
replaced is required: in a program m e of repairs to OBA open wagons
the original w ooden dropside doors are replaced in kind.
Like other metaphors, the verb to see, meaning to register, ought not
to be used in a context w here metaphors m ight collide. A newspaper
headline about a speech made by an opposition spokesman in Serbia
reads Dissenting voice seen as proof of split in Belgrade. Since voices
are heard and not seen, this particular use o f the verb to see ought to
be avoided.

Personal Terms Used Inappropriately

We suffer advertisers to take certain freedoms in this matter of using a
personal vocabulary w here it is strictly inapplicable.
Sensitive skin needs treating with respect and understanding.
The advertiser purposely takes the regularly partnered words, respect
and understanding, out o f their normal psychological milieu. Both
respect and understanding are desirable hum an qualities most often
directed towards other hum an beings. Here the advertiser treats them as
proper attitudes to be taken up towards o nes skin. The point made is
valid enough, but we should observe that the m ore the two words
respect and understanding are thus used, thus depersonalized as it
were, the m ore the resonances o f hum an w arm th and appreciation are
O f course a w riter has a perfect right consciously to mix the personal
and the impersonal to comic effect, such as in:
What self-respecting garden would be without a few bold clumps of
Cornflower Blue Ball?
Just as one should be wary o f attributing actions and processes proper to
hum an beings to the inanimate, so one must be wary of describing the
inanimate in inappropriate personal terms. The attempt to personalize
the impersonal, even w hen consciously made, can easily fail to come off.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

A well-designed playground in a park or school can be a childs paradise,

particularly if the ground is forgiving.
Presumably this means: particularly if the ground is soft to fall o n .
Whatever allowances one makes for metaphorical experiment, the
attempt to endow the earth w ith the capacity to forgive surely misses
fire. There is a similar, if less stark, failure in the following sentence:
Some private companies provide safe, well-organized camps during the
holidays, of which Camp Beaumont is probably the most experienced.
The w riter was trying not to waste w ords here, but the camp m ust not
be said to be experienced. Either persons m ust be involved: o f w hich
Camp Beaumont is probably in the most experienced hands or the w ord
experienced must go: of w hich Camp Beaumont is probably the best
ru n .
We have in English a num ber of adjectives w hich can be used either
personally or impersonally. The questions Are you comfortable in that
chair? and Is that a comfortable chair? am ount to the same thing. Either
a hum an being or a chair can be said to be com fortable. An innocent
child may be playing an innocent game, and a naughty child may be
up to naughty tricks. A wicked man does w icked deeds and a brave
m an does brave deeds. There is an old illustrated Yorkshire joke about
a young hiker climbing over a gate into a field in w hich there is a bull.
A farmer approaches and the young man addresses him: I say, farmer,
is that bull safe? The reply is A dam n sight safer than you are. This
double application o f the w ord safe to the m ans situation and to the
threat from the animal is perfectly acceptable. We ask ourselves Is it
safe? or Am I safe? in many a situation. But we cannot extend this
freedom of duplicated reference to any w ord we choose. A journalist
tells us of the discovery o f something vitally im portant to the food
. . . a plant that provides sugars that can make non-fattening and guilt-free
sweets and cakes.
To speak of sweets and cakes as guilt-free is to make an unacceptable
transfer of qualification from consumer to commodity. We may feel
guilty about eating too many chocolates, but the chocolates do not
share the guilt.
W hat applies to personal descriptions applies too to personal defi-

Words at W ork

nitions. In a statement about proposed legal reforms a spokesman on the

radio com mitted him self to this:
We have put into process measures that will be witnesses to our intention
to put things right.
Imaginatively to describe, say, objects in a room in w hich a m urder had
been com mitted as witnesses to the crime w ould be appropriate because
o f the emotional quality of the situation. But to define vague m easures
thus is verbally insensitive. It w ould be better to write: We have put into
process measures that will prove our intention to put things right.
We turn to an example o f the imprecision now affecting use of the
w ord role. It is not so long ago that respectable publishers spelt it role,
as though it had not yet settled dow n fully in the English language. Now
it is on everyones lips. Correct usage requires one to limit it in application
to hum an beings. They are the beings w ho can play roles w hether on
the stage or in real life. Licence may be allowed to such expressions as
the role o f m anagement today because m anagem ent consists o f hum an
beings. But this, from a railway magazine, surely abuses the word:
The managing director and general manager will continue to run the
railways daily role.
One may assume a role, but scarcely ru n one. And to apply to the
machinery of the railway a w ord w hich should be rich in associations of
theatrical performances by w orld-fam ous actors is woefully insensitive.
But w hat we are concerned w ith is the sad tendency to use the w ord
role as though it m eant function and then, as here, as though it meant
operation. There is also use o f the w ord as an adjective, especially in
the expression role m odel. Here again, provided that the words refer to
some hum an being, the usage is unobjectionable. But there is the danger
that it will be used simply to mean example. That has happened in
the following com m ent on the Politically Correct decision to reprint
photographs o f the great Victorian railway engineer Isambard Brunei and
to blot out the cigar he habitually smoked.
They think the cigar is an inappropriate role model for the young.
Brunei may be less useful as a role m odel if he is represented w ith
a cigar in his m outh, but to apply the expression to the cigar will
not do.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Favourite Personal Expressions Misapplied

It is all too easy to slip into use of some m uch used expression w hich is
distinctly personal in a quite inappropriate impersonal context.
Either end of the outside edge of the top berth is usually higher than the
mattress in the hope of stopping its occupants from falling out when they
turn over.
H um an beings can take action in the hop e o f achieving certain results.
Indeed someone m ight design a berth in a certain way, as described here,
in the hope o f preventing occupants from falling out. But we m ust not
say that the berth takes this or that form in the ho pe o f preventing
occupants from falling out. We need m ention o f a person, directly or
indirectly, to justify reference to hope. The direct m ention of a person
w ould satisfy the purist: The designer made either end o f the top berth
higher than the mattress in the hope of preventing its occupants from
falling ou t. The less dogmatic stylist m ight be satisfied w ith the implicit
reference to a hum an agent w hich use of the passive voice involves:
Either end o f the outside edge is usually made higher than the mattress
in the hope of preventing its occupants from falling o ut. Here one
understands that, if something is m ade, a person is involved in the
Here is a rather m ore subtle confusion o f the same kind:
The course, she believes, has made the Bar more accessible to those from
less privileged backgrounds, and that can only be good news for the depth
and diversity of the legal system.
W hat the w riter means here is: that can only serve to im prove the depth
and diversity o f the legal system. And it is insensitive to equate the
expression to bring good news to w ith the expression to benefit or to
im prove. Only hum an beings can be sensitive to good new s. Good
news cannot excite any response in the depth and diversity of a system.
Nor can a system experience hope.
The railway is pinning its hopes that any outstanding work on Ditcheat Manor
will be completed in time.
The sensitive reader jibs at the notion o f a railway pinning its hopes
anywhere, but the attribution o f hum an characteristics to railway systems

Words at W o rk

attracts railway enthusiasts. Perhaps generations brought up on Thomas

the Tank Engine are im bued w ith enthusiasm for an anthropom orphic
That month also saw the demise of Caerphilly Castle, which with i ,910,730
miles under its running plate, was withdrawn to be exhibited at the Science
Museum, Kensington.
The w riter here takes the familiar expression from the personal field ( A
promising young w riter, he had two successful novels under his belt),
and applies it to the engine, changing belt to running plate. The joke
is taken. By contrast w e finally cite an instance w here flippancy fails.
Every five years or so, London Fashion Week is supposedly about to meet
its Maker.
The words about going to meet ones Maker have been a traditional
euphem ism for dying. Applied to anything other than hum an beings,
they represent a failed flippancy in rather bad taste.

Established Combinations
There are established com binations o f w ords w hich come naturally to
m ind because they are so apt and useful. To speak o f someone having a
steady hand or an infectious smile can often enough be appropriate.
To describe som eones hardships as a crippling burden and an addition
to them as a terrible blow is to reach for very well-used expressions.
That a com bination o f w ords is stereotyped does not prevent it from
being genuinely usable. Some o f the most useful and forceful such
combinations have a metaphorical content. W e speak o f someone having
received a bloody nose w hen he has merely been rebuffed. There is
only a metaphorical iciness about being in a cold sweat, having cold
feet or giving someone the cold shoulder. And we move further still
from literalness w hen we say things are in apple-pie order or w hen we
describe a grandiose creation as a w hite elephant. The origin o f the
former is disputed, but the latter expression apparently dates back to a
Siamese king w ho presented expensive w hite elephants to out-of-favour
courtiers w ho couldnt afford to keep them.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

But combinations establish themselves w hich lack spark or freshness

and w hich are done to death by over-use. Habit then prevents the quick
speaker or quick w riter from using the dom inant w ord in the com bination
w ithout the other. We hear that someone is totally com m itted to a
project or thoroughly tired of some involvement. W ords such as totally
and thoroughly (which the grammarians call intensifiers) increase the
force o f w hat is said, but so vaguely and colourlessly as to be little
m ore than the equivalent o f underlining or italicizing the w ords they
accompany. Similarly we say something is completely useless or som e
one is utterly stupid and the words com pletely and utterly, although
they are in themselves meaningful w ords w hen properly used, in that
context just exercise that function of intensifying the words useless and
stupid w ithout any connotative clarity.
W hen over-use leads to an automatic coupling o f such words, then
meaningful w ords are diluted o f content, and are turned into colourless
intensifiers. H es hopelessly inefficient, w e say, and the w ord hope
lessly means no m ore than very or thoroughly w ould have meant.
This does not just apply to adverbs such as utterly and thoroughly and
hopelessly. Adjectives too can be so over-used in certain combinations
that they are deprived o f content, and function only to lay emphasis on
the words they are partnered with. W hen w e read that some advertiser
is offering us a unique opportunity we understand that the opportunity
is supposed to be a considerable one, but the w ord unique does not
convey anything clearer than that. Over-use has emasculated it.
The careful w riter will always be on guard against falling back on
w ords w hich serve only as counters for enhancing the im portance o f the
w ords they accompany. Not every opportunity is a golden opportunity,
not every failure a dismal failure. Indeed it is even possible to beat a
retreat that is not hasty.
There are, however, a couple of now m uch-used com binations w hich
deserve attention. I have just heard a com m ent on a sportsman w ho
surprised by suddenly achieving success after a string of mediocre per
formances. The com m entator said he was shaking off his w ooden-spoon
reputation. The image o f the w ooden spoon is in popular use just now.
In the early tw entieth century the person w ho achieved the w orst result
in such organized competitive activities as w hist drives w ould be pre
sented w ith the booby prize. The use of the w ord booby for a silly
person was clearly well established in the eighteenth century w hen

Words at W ork

Fielding made his Lady Booby the absurd w ould-be seductress o f innocent
Joseph Andrews. The image o f the w ooden spoon, now m ore com monly
used, has a curious history. The associations o f insensitivity and com para
tive worthlessness w hich the w ord w ooden carries date well back. In
Shakespeares Henry VI Part i the Earl of Suffolk writes off the king as a
w ooden thing. It became the custom at Cambridge University to present
a w ooden spoon to the student w ho obtained the lowest marks in the
Mathematical Tripos. From this derives the image now popular w ith
Imaginative inventiveness is revealed sometimes in adding to the stock
o f such expressions. Consider the expression golden handshake. The
two words golden and handshake are rich in associations w hich offset
each other powerfully in the partnership. Golden endows a concept
w ith preciousness. The w ord handshake, used o f a parting, can convey
a deep pathos. In Shakespeares Troilus and Cressida there is a fine image of
how the parting handshake differs from the w elcoming embrace.
For time is like a fashionable host
That slightly shakes his parting guest by the hand,
And with his arms outstretched as he would fly,
Grasps in the comer.
Put together the image o f the golden gift and the limp parting handshake,
and there is something w hich sums up a w orld o f emotional complexities
that victims o f involuntary and half-voluntary redundancies experience.
The effectiveness o f the expression golden handshake has inspired
further verbal partnerships. W hen an em ploying board is induced to give
a new top manager a package o f pecuniary benefits, the manager is said
to have received a golden hello. Similarly, a person may be appointed
to a post in m anagement or in the professions and granted pecuniary
benefits (such as removal and resettlement costs) w hich must be repaid
if the appointee stays less than two or three years in the post. The
employee is then said to be held in golden handcuffs. Moreover, I see
now that a person em ployed at the top level o f a major business w ho is
given a lum p sum and required to leave his lucrative post for a m uch
m ore m odest one is described as being brought dow n to earth in a
golden parachute. Journalists seeking an expression to convey an even
rarer and m ore valuable gesture to a departing director have now spoken
o f a platinum handshake.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Familiar Metaphorical Expressions

A living language is rich in well-used phrases and expressions that have
stood the test o f time. We are always ready to fall back on them w hen
they seem to meet our need. Using old biblical images, w e may call a
hypocrite a w hited sepulchre or a favourite child the apple o f m y eye.
We speak o f something occurring at the drop o f a hat and o f someone
being at the end of their tether. On occasions w e feel that there is no
equally expressive alternative to speaking o f a pig in a poke or a pain
in the neck. We have a stock of long-established metaphorical sayings
to hand w hich we readily resort to. H ow w e should miss the m etaphor
He has hit the nail on the head! And that use o f the verb h it reminds
us how fruitful certain basic verbs have been in supplying us w ith
multifarious expressions. W hen someone gave us the expression hit the
bottle, w e gained a vivid way of saying something for w hich no crisp
and neat alternative could be found. One could only match it in m eaning
by qualifying the verb to drink (heavily, continually, addictively)
or by having recourse to terms like alcoholic or dipsom aniac. And
how richly different from hitting the bottle is hitting the ro o f , hitting
the headlines, hitting the hay or hitting the jackpot.
We have other verbs w hich have supplied such expressions. The verb
to drive gives us drive a hard bargain, drive a coach and horses
through, drive a point hom e and drive a nail into som eones coffin.
The w ord ru n , as verb and noun, gives us run the gauntlet, run rings
ro u n d , run the show and the run o f the house. The best such
metaphorical expressions have a colourfulness and a vividness w hich
seem to make them indispensable. W here should we turn for an alterna
tive w hen we w ant to say that someone is barking up the w rong tree?
This particular experience is typical in the way it encapsulates hum an
experience. For it derives from hunting w ith dogs. The dog chases its
prey but fails to identify the tree up w hich the animal has escaped. The
saying is one o f many associated w ith dogs, such as I have a bone to
pick w ith you. There the hostile struggle caused by giving one bone to
two dogs to share is in the back o f the mind. His bark is worse than his
bite is an apt description of someone w ho is superficially threatening or
hostile but is unlikely to harm anyone in practice. W hen we w ant to
criticize someone for playing a double game and trying to protect his

Words at W ork

ow n interests by keeping in w ith tw o opposing parties, we say H es

trying to run w ith the hare and hunt w ith the hounds.
Our stock o f such sayings is rich in reference to animals. We advise
someone w ho hesitates to grapple decisively w ith a problem to take the
bull by the horns. We talk about having backed the w rong horse w hen
w e have made a costly misjudgement. Indeed horses seem to appear
frequently in imagery about the limitations o f the hum an lot. W hen all
our best efforts fail to produce the desired effect on someone, we say
You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. We refer
to effort wasted on a failing project that is beyond recovery as flogging
a dead horse. On the other hand, w hen someone is seemingly question
ing or hesitant as some real benefit is offered, w e tell him not to look a
gift horse in the m o u th .
To understand the full meaning of that last example, we need to know
that the expert judges the age o f a horse by examining its teeth. Many o f
the most used traditional expressions o f this kind are self-evident in
meaning and indeed self-explanatory. We do not yet need to inquire
how the expression I take off my hat to h im comes to mean I-am full of
respect for him. But even this seemingly most obvious expression will
perhaps be less easy to understand as headgear disappears and fashions
of courtesy change. Other sayings were self-evident in meaning at an
earlier stage in history but m ight need to be explained to the youth o f
tom orrow. The origin o f the expression to strike while the iron is h o t,
for acting at exactly the m ost propitious m om ent, was m ore immediately
evident to the villager w ho passed the blacksmiths shop every day than
it is to us now. Even the advice You m ust make hay while the sun shines
presupposes a knowledge o f the farming year. But these sayings are not
so far removed from our daily life as, for instance, the saying He has
m ore than one string to his b o w , w hich derives from the fact that the
prudent archer w ould go into battle w ith a spare string. And w hen we
talk o f taking someone dow n a peg, meaning to dislodge them from
their pretentiously assumed superiority, we are using imagery derived
from the raising and low ering o f flags on ships. There is a naval
background too behind the expression show a leg, meaning bestir
yourself. It derives from the m orning call to sailors to jum p out o f their
Not all such sayings can be received as feelingly as they once could.
W hen there is talk o f some breadwinner bringing hom e the bacon or

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

o f someone w ho has narrowly escaped disaster saving his bacon we get

the full force o f it only by recalling how im portant once was the bacon
preserved in the house for the familys food through the winter. Eating
is in the background too in that most useful way o f expressing doubt
about the literal truth o f w hat someone has said: You m ust take it w ith
a pinch o f salt. The implication is that the thing cannot stand on its ow n
w ithout qualification. The degrees o f obviousness in such sayings vary
greatly. To save o nes face, meaning to protect o nes reputation, may
be obvious enough, as is the expression for a rebuff, to shut the door in
som eones face, but to face the m usic, meaning to face up to the dire
consequences o f ones mistakes, is not at all obvious. It has been suggested
that the basis of the saying was the fact that an officer in the army w ho
was guilty o f some offence had to face the drum s w hen the charges were
formally put to him. We have no such explanation for the seemingly
illogical saying H ell laugh on the other side o f his face, m eaning His
rejoicing will be turned to disappointm ent.
It will be noticed that many traditional sayings testify to the w isdom
acquired through experience. They w arn us against rash optim ism ( One
swallow does not make a sum m er), against being deceived by outw ard
appearances (All that glisters is not gold), against overvaluing seeming
promise ( All her swans are geese), against wanting too m uch o f life
(She thinks she can have her cake and eat it), and against thinking we
can escape the consequences of our ow n mistakes ( He has made his bed
and he must lie on it). W hen we shrug our shoulders over some failed
enterprise we quote (or misquote) Robert Burns:
The best laid schemes [not plans] o mice an men
Gang aft a-gley.
So familiar is the quotation that it is only necessary to m ention mice and
m en together to make the point.
It is because o f the hom ely w isdom and the moral guidance enshrined
in such sayings that literary figures (and after-dinner speech-makers) can
have fun in turning them upside down. G. K. Chesterton insisted that If
a thing is w orth doing, its w orth doing badly. And, for one person, sad
experience turned the com forting saying As one door closes, another
opens into As one door closes, another shuts.

Words at W ork

Misuse of Metaphorical Expressions

W hat concerns us especially here is the proper use of com m on
expressions. Unfortunately, vivid sayings can have their force dissipated
by over-use. Moreover, sometimes over-use leads to misuse by people
w ho hear them and fail fully to understand them. Let us consider some
such cases.
begging the question
Here is one striking case w here a familiar expression is being widely
misunderstood. We hear a speaker saying That begs the question w hether
first past the post is a fair electoral system as though it meant That raises
the question w hether first past the post is a fair electoral system. But
strictly to beg the question in controversy is to assume in argum ent a
conclusion w hich is in fact at issue in the controversy. From this, by a
natural development, derives the accepted practice o f using to beg the
question to mean to evade the issue. The current habit of treating to
beg the question as meaning to raise the question is thus inexcusable.
breathing down the neck
W hen an athlete is closely pursued in a race so that the nearest rival seems
to be challenging most strongly, we say that the challenger is breathing
dow n the neck o f the one in front. The expression is useful quite outside
the sports field. A candidate in a parliamentary election whose voting
figures seem to be threatening his rivals position could be said to be
breathing dow n his neck. Using another m etaphor from athletics, the
challenger could be said to be close on his rivals heels. It is as well to
keep such images clearly sorted in ones mind. On the eve of elections in
N orthern Ireland we heard a BBC Radio 4 spokesman declare o f one
candidate H es breathing heavily dow n Mr Trim bles heels.
the end o f the road
Here is a saying w hich needs to keep its connection w ith hum an beings.
The image of people reaching the end of the road is a telling one. But
what can we make o f the following?
Water gardens are still popular, but I think they have reached the end of the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The notion o f gardens in progress along a road is absurd. The difference

between good writers and bad is that good w riters think about w hat they
are saying, w ord by w ord, and image by image.
entering a minefield
We find similar liberties taken w ith the expression to enter a minefield.
A divorce court faced with assessing the potential pension of a healthy man
of 38, and then calculating how much of it his divorcing wife is entitled to,
is entering a minefield.
The phrase is used here w ith a proper sense o f its meaning. But one m ust
question w hether it is proper to speak o f a divorce court as entering a
minefield. Surely the phrase is one that should be used only o f a person
or perhaps a vehicle. The reader will not easily picture the assembled
personnel o f a court aboard a tank or even a bus. Nevertheless, the above
usage is far less unsatisfactory than the following:
Once you start organizing walking expeditions for other people, you find
that your bright idea can turn into a minefield of snarling legislative traps.
Here one is unhappy w ith the notion of the bright idea turning into a
minefield rather than leading one into a minefield. And w hat is buried
in this minefield? Not explosives seemingly, but traps w hich snarl.
Users o f motorways know all about the inconvenience of being snarled
u p . But the threat o f being locked into an entanglement simply does not
fit w ith the m inefield image o f being blow n up by hidden explosives.
flash in the pan
The old flintlock had a flashpan to hold the gunpow der. It was hit by a
ham m er w hen the trigger o f the gun was pulled. The act o f firing was a
failure if there was a flash in the pan but no other result. Hence the use
of this m etaphor to describe the promising first display o f seeming
brilliance by someone w ho in fact produced nothing afterwards to justify
the promise. We read in a piece on flat racing:
Will they prove to be champions this year? Or just a couple of flashes in a
notoriously volatile pan?
Again we see the need to have full understanding o f the imagery w e use.
The w ord volatile has come to mean changeable. Unless one accepts an

Words at W ork

insensitive connotation of the w ord as meaning unreliable, it could

scarcely be applied to anything so solid as a flashpan.
a running sore
In an article about the possibility o f holding referendum s on the subject
o f hunting, we read:
Anything which did reach the statute book as a result would be a recipe for
a running sore with no final resolution.
It may be that the w riter thought the quotation marks justified the
freedom taken w ith the image o f the running sore. But to speak o f a
recipe for a sore introduces the smell o f the kitchen into the pharmacy,
and to suggest by use o f the w ord resolution that a sore should be
resolved rather than healed is equally incongruous.
stepping into the breach
The w ord breach, familiar to us in its legal usage (breach o f prom ise)
was used of a gap in fortifications through w hich a besieging enemy
m ight make an entry. Thus Shakespeares Henry V calls his m en Once
m ore unto the breach outside the walls o f Harfleur. The m ore general
use o f the phrase now is o f taking over from a missing or injured person
in an emergency:
Emma Gibson . . . fell heavily on her feet. The subsequent injury to her knee
kept her from riding her impressive heavyweight hunter Shelford Rupert.
Fortunately, her friend Sam Fisher, who has not ridden him before, stepped
into the breech, and went on to win.
Stepping into the breech is rather a matter o f getting dressed than o f
taking over in an emergency, for breech, like the m ore com m on form
breeches, is a w ord for trousers.
striking a chord
W here a familiar expression has a metaphorical content, it is im portant
not to use it in such a way that incongruous m etaphors collide.
When companies blame the pound they know they are striking a politically
sensitive chord on the back of which it is easier to push through measures
that would otherwise seem draconian.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

To speak of pushing through a measure on the back o f some forceful

but not necessarily wholly relevant argum ent is an effective way of
making the point desired. But the effect is destroyed, indeed swamped
in hum our, by the readers need to picture first the striking of a sensitive
chord. The struggle to conceive of something pushed through on the
back o f this chord dissolves in farce.
thin end o f the wedge
It is not a good idea to mutilate colourful idiomatic expressions. A
w edge is something solid shaped like a letter V, w hich can easily be
inserted into a narrow space at the thin end. W e speak o f the thin end
o f the w edge to define something seemingly slight which, if pushed
further, will turn into something unw anted or threatening. It is one o f
those expressions w hich perfectly fits the case w here the only alternative
w ould be a clumsy circumlocution. Such expressions are valuable, and
should not be lightly exploited.
This is the end of the wedge for our town and the problem needs to be
stamped on.
Unless the wedge is introduced from the thin end, we may point out,
the threat that it represents w ould decrease rather than increase. We cant
have the idiomatic wedge divested of its thin end. Moreover, though
subversive movements perhaps need to be stamped o n , problems do
not call for that treatment.
watch like a hawk
One danger is that such established images as this one may float from the
m outh so automatically that the demands o f grammar, and even of
com m on sense, are ignored. We readily say that some close observer
watches like a hawk, but on BBC Radio 4 an em inent public figure
Prescribing practice should be watched like a hawk.
To speak o f being watched like a hawk seems to put the leg into the
w rong boot.
the winning hand
Here is another expression w hich is best kept for reference to hum an
beings. To speak o f someone having the w inning hand in some testing

Words at W ork

situation makes a point forcefully. We think o f card games. We know

that a player may recognize that he has in his hands a selection of cards
likely to bring him victory. The image is useful because while the favoured
player recognizes his good luck, the other players cannot see w hat he has
in his hand. But we hear this from a speaker explaining w hy he chose to
accept a certain post:
The attractions of the job had the winning hand.
This is to waste a useful image in a context w here half its meaning is lost.
It is no m ore appropriate than to explain o n es choice on the m enu by
saying The attractions o f the profiterole had the w inning hand.

Some O th er Overdone Expressions

We have looked at a handful of established metaphorical expressions
w hich readily come to m ind w hen we are speaking or writing. It is now
w orth adding a few usages w hich have no metaphorical content but
w hich are often misapplied.
no exception
An error o f misuse w hich regularly occurs in the press and on the radio
is represented by statements ending w ith the expression no exception.
The proper use o f these w ords requires some generalization to be made
(Englishmen like their roast beef on Sundays, and John Smith is no
exception). Too often there is no appropriate generalization to w hich
the expression may be appended.
Cricket statisticians are oft-times a breed apart and Anandji Dossa is no
Here there is no generalization to which an exception could be made.
The statement is that cricket statisticians are oft-tim es a breed apart.
This implies that they are not in all cases a breed apart. Therefore the
question of an individual statistician being an exception cannot arise. If
the w riter had said All cricket statisticians are a breed apart then it w ould
have been reasonable to point out that Dossa was no exception to this
generalization. Yet one can find worse misuses o f the exception than that
one. Here is an advertisement:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

You rely on your horses ability to respond to your commands. But your
horse relies on you too, and your insurance is no exception.
One has to ask no exception to w hat? The w riter seems to assume that
a generalization has been propounded on the subject o f reliance to w hich
not insuring a horse w ould be an exception. It is only by a process of
imaginative detection that one deduces the existence o f this fragile
connection in the w riters mind.
in the event that
An increasingly used construction that is generally better avoided is
introduced by the expression in the event that. It is a rather clumsy way
o f avoiding simple constructions.
In the event of a breakdown or accident in the UK or Europe, help is just a
phone call away.
Since firms are not usually shy of using the second person, one wonders
w hy this did not begin If you have a breakdown or accident in the UK
or Europe. A similar question arises over this advertisement for an
insurance company.
New Disposal cover to help you with the costs in the event that your horse
may lose its life.
In this case the w riter is com mitted to use of the second person, openly
referring to your horse. So w hy not: New Disposal cover to help you
w ith your costs, should your horse lose its life?
least o f all
It is odd that this particular expression gets used w hen its opposite is
Turks and Cypriots will find it difficult to agree about anything on that
divided island, least of all about the current anniversary.
W hat the speaker m eant was that the Turks and Cypriots will find it
especially difficult to agree about the anniversary. If the opening of the
sentence is kept (Turks and Cypriots will find it difficult to agree) then
w hat follows m ust be: most of all about the current anniversary. That
sounds a little clumsy. The better correction w ould be: Turks and

Words at W ork

Cypriots will not readily agree about anything on that divided island,
least o f all about the current anniversary.
few and far between
One danger to be avoided is that of falling back on a familiar expression
w hen in fact it merely wastes words.
The number of vacancies there are is rather few and far between.
That is a com ment on the em ployment situation made on the radio. Few
and far betw een is a telling expression w here it is appropriately used,
say o f habitations in a largely unpopulated area. But here it slips from the
speakers tongue to fill time. In fact There are few vacancies w ould say
all that the speaker said, reducing the num ber o f words from twelve to
four, indeed saving tw o-thirds of them.
in terms of
This expression means as represented by and is properly used in such
statements as In terms o f public influence he counted for nothing. It is
now being used indiscriminately.
They have no use for civil servants in terms of getting things done.
Here in terms o f simply means for.
In terms of the current controversy I have nothing to add.
Here in terms o f simply means about.


The Make-up of the

English Vocabulary

It is time to pause in our exploration o f some o f the vagaries o f current

English usage. For one cannot give close attention to choosing the right
w ords w ithout becoming aware of w hat a remarkably rich vocabulary
English has. In order to understand why that is so, and also in order to
understand w hat kind o f variety it is that English has, it is necessary to
look briefly at the historical development o f the language.

Roman Britain
The Britons inhabiting our country, w ho faced the first Roman invasions
by Julius Caesar in 55 b c and then the actual conquest undertaken by the
Emperor Claudius some ten years later, w ere Celts. The Romanization of
the country, o f w hich w e still see so many rem inders in our roads and
in the scattered relics o f houses, baths and temples, had its effect on the
language spoken here. Many people m ust have used Latin. Natives w ho
prospered and took advantage o f Roman civilization in the form of
centrally heated country houses no doubt had to use Latin from time to
time. But whereas Latin replaced the Celtic language in Gaul, its use in
England seems to have been limited to a small section of the population.
The Romans w ithdrew , the last troops finally leaving round about a d
410. There followed the invasion o f Britain by tribes from Denmark and
the Low Countries. These w ere Teutonic tribes defined by early historians
as Jutes, Angles and Saxons. The Anglo-Saxons, as they came to be called,
no doubt settled dow n w ith the Celts comfortably enough in certain
areas. But elsewhere the Celts fiercely resisted the invaders and were
gradually driven west to settle in Wales and Cornwall. Roman towns were
destroyed and abandoned. A different kind o f social order developed. The

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

organization o f life in tribes under various leaders gradually produced

separate kingdoms, such as N orthum bria, Mercia, Essex and Wessex. The
relationship between the Anglo-Saxons and the Celts was such that very
few words from Celtic were taken over into Anglo-Saxon. (If we w ant to
find Celtic elements in our vocabulary, w e m ust look chiefly to place
names.) But, even before the Teutonic invaders came to England, their
ow n languages had already been enriched by w ords from the language
o f the conquering Romans. And that enrichm ent continued after they
settled here.

The Old English Period

We speak of the years between about 4^0 and 1 150 as the Old English
period and the years betw een about 1 15 0 and 1500 as the Middle English
period. Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, was an inflected language. That is
to say, nouns changed their endings according to their grammatical
function in a sentence, as they do in German or Latin. In m odern English
we distinguish between The dog bit the m an and The man bit the dog
by w ord order alone. The biter comes before the verb and the bitten
comes after. In inflected languages the distinction is made by a change
in the form o f the noun in question. Modern English retains just enough
o f the old inflexions in its pronouns for the principle to be easily
understood. The differences in meaning between I gave her a book and
She gave me a book are registered by the changes from T to m e and
from h er to she as well as by the w ord order.
Inflexions, it appears, tend to disappear if the educated classes do not
watch over them. W e can see it happening in our ow n day as the
distinction between w h o and w h o m is gradually being lost. Our
dialects in particular tend to play fast and loose w ith inflexions. In
Hampshire I once heard three w orkm en em ptying a lorry o f sand, and
two o f them w ere chaffing the third. Oh George, e d o n t get on w ith
the girls. E d o n t like they, and they d o n t like e. There we see the
distinction between h e and h im being lost and the distinction between
they and them .
The Old English period was a period o f cultural development. The
conversion o f the country to Christianity began w ith the coming o f
St Augustine in 97. Some scholars claim that by the time Charlemagne
called Alcuin from York to run his Palace School in 782, England had


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

become the intellectual centre of Europe. Be that as it may, the crucial

event in determining the future character o f the English language was
the Norm an Conquest in 1066. From that point our country had a ruling
class w ho spoke French. Not unnaturally natives found it useful to learn
the language o f their superiors. English became the language of the less
educated and socially inferior people. It is w orth recalling that our words
for animals w ho were looked after by peasants, such as ox, cow ,
sheep, pig and h o g , are Anglo-Saxon, w hile w hen the animals reach
the table to be eaten by the better off, the meat is defined in French as
b e e f, m utton and pork.

The Middle English Period

It was in the thirteenth century that English reasserted itself. Although
French was still m uch used in the upper classes and in business and
administrative circles, its preservation became increasingly a matter of
social convention, no longer a natural inheritance o f the m other tongue.
For English was adopted m ore and m ore in general use am ong all classes.
By the beginning o f the fourteenth century English was understood by
all. And here we m ust note that the English w hich had been in the care
of the uneducated peasantry since the N orm an Conquest had been freed
from the pedantic oversight o f the educated classes. Consequently it had
largely lost its inflexions. The English o f Chaucer may look strange to us
at first sight, but, by com parison w ith it, the English of the Anglo-Saxons
is a foreign language. To master it we are required to sit dow n and learn
how to inflect (or to decline) the nouns, adjectives and pronouns, and
how to conjugate the verbs. It is salutary for linguistic scholars and
protectors o f the purity o f our language to recall that it made such progess
w hen it was freed for a century or so from the control o f the educated.
If the changes in our gramm ar consequent on the N orm an Conquest
w ere so beneficial, the changes in our vocabulary w ere equally so. We
have seen how the N orm an-French occupation left us w ith two w ords
w here we m ight have had only one in the case o f cow and b e e f, p ig
and pork. This enrichm ent o f vocabulary, sometimes by duplication,
sometimes as straight additions, came about in many areas. W ords poured
in, w ords to do w ith governm ent (realm, sovereign, adjourn, alliance),
words to do w ith nobility (duchess, countess, marquis, baron, squire),
words to do w ith the Church (religion, theology, sacrament, com

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

m union), words to do w ith law (assize, plea, plaintiff, defendant). So

too did w ords to do w ith the army and the navy, w ith food and fashions
and social life, w ith art, medicine and learning. It is true that many native
w ords were lost, but the new borrow ings m ore than compensated,
numerically speaking.
French is one o f the European languages directly descending from
Latin. W hen the w ords w hich came directly into English from Latin in
the various periods of our history are added to the w ords w hich came
indirectly into English from Latin through French, the double ancestry
o f m odern English becomes evident. A basically Teutonic language w hich
shares m uch o f its vocabulary w ith German has acquired an immense
vocabulary from Latin w hich it shares w ith French. W hether we ought
to rejoice in Harolds defeat at the Battle o f Hastings becomes a question
hard to answer. Because o f it the English language has become the richest
in Europe, a language w hich can act as a bridge between the Teutonic
races and the Latins.


Homeliness and Sophistication
It is not surprising that so often our words from Latin carry a flavour of
sophistication w hich our Anglo-Saxon vocabulary lacks. It is not surpris
ing that our Anglo-Saxon vocabulary has an earthiness and a homeliness
that our Latin vocabulary lacks. It is not surprising that w hen we w ant to
be very friendly w e use our Anglo-Saxon vocabulary, and w hen we w ant
to be formal and dignified we use our Latin vocabulary. Can you call at
our house next Tuesday w e say to a close friend. But w hen the formal
occasion arises its Mr and Mrs George Smith request the pleasure of
your company at the w edding o f their daughter Mary to . . . The words
request, pleasure, com pany all derive from French and ultimately
have Latin roots.
Certainly there is fascination in the dual vocabulary we enjoy. Philol
ogists have contrasted the w arm w ord darling w ith the less touching
w ord favourite, the hom ely w ord deep w ith the dignified w ord
profound, the intimate w ord lonely w ith the resonant w ord solitary.
Such duplication does not always produce synonyms. Indeed the tendency
was for duplicated terms w hich began as synonyms to drift apart in


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

meaning. That is w hat happened w ith darling and favourite. And this
drifting apart often produced subtle differentiations o f meaning. Even
w here the meanings remained for dictionary purposes identical, the
duplication allowed o f subtle distinctions resonating in the overtones of
the words. Sorrow is an Anglo-Saxon w ord, m isery a Latin word. They
have drifted apart in their emotive baggage. Hearty and cordial give
us synonyms w hich strike the ear w ith very different resonance. We
greeted him heartily rings different mental bells from We saluted him
cordially. No one w ould suggest that there is m uch difference in meaning
between the verb begin and the w ord com m ence. Even so w e use the
two w ords in different contexts.
It is risky to generalize about this drifting apart o f native and parallel
Latin words. W here, say, the w ord grasp is a forceful w ord in its
concrete sense (He grasped the pole and hurled it in the air) and the
parallel Latin w ords com prehend and apprehend are likely to be
associated w ith getting hold o f things w ith the m ind rather than w ith
the body, nevertheless w e readily speak o f grasping new ideas and we
used to refer regularly to the business of apprehending criminals. Usage
does not stand still in this respect. We now use the w ord heavy chiefly
in reference to physical weight. We use the w ord w eighty o f both
physical items and arguments. The Latin equivalent, ponderous, tends
to be used only in a metaphorical sense o f over-solemn personages. Yet
I have just read a notice issued by the Midland Railway in 187^:
This bridge is insufficient to carry weights beyond the ordinary traffic of
the district, and the owners and persons in charge of Locomotive Traction
Engines and other ponderous carriages are warned against passing over the
A century or so later that use o f the adjective ponderous can only be
said to seem too ponderous.
Otto Jesperson pointed out that our native vocabulary seems to have
been short o f adjectives, w ith the result that we tend to shift from native
nouns to foreign adjectives. He cites the noun m o u th and the adjective
oral, the noun nose and the adjective nasal, the noun eye and the
adjective ocular, the n oun son and the adjective filial. The adjectives
here have no native equivalents, unless w e count the adjective nosey
(and what a homely, unsophisticated w ord that is). In cases w here there
has been recourse to foreign adjectives despite the existence o f parallel
native ones, the tw o w ords tend to drift apart in meaning. Thus tim ely

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

is not an exact synonym for tem poral, and earthy, earthly and
earthen differ each from each as well as from terrestrial.
W hat m ost o f us first think of w hen reference is made to the Latin half
o f our vocabulary is that mass o f w ords w hich have at best a sophisticated,
at w orst an artificial flavour: w ords like speculate, cogitate, and m edi
tate, w hich contrast w ith w ords like think, w eigh and brood. We
must not oversimplify this issue. She was always showing o ff says w hat
She continually conducted herself ostentatiously says. But in practice
we do not find ourselves asking w hether w e should use this w ord or
that, drive or im pel, show y or ostentatious. A kind of instinct for
w hat is appropriate operates.
Choosing the best w ord is not always a matter o f choosing the native
Anglo-Saxon w ord instead o f the Latin borrow ing. Our minds enter
different linguistic w orlds according to w here we are, w hom we are
talking to, and what the occasion is. There is a time to say I told him to
shut u p and a time to say I requested him to keep silent. And however
great the overlap between seeming synonyms, ingrained habits prevent
us often from treating them as always interchangeable. We may speak
interchangeably either o f burying someone or o f interring them, but
we should never exclaim o f someone, Oh, shes always got her head
interred in a book!
It should go w ithout saying that it is the Latin part o f our vocabulary
that can trip us up m ost easily. All those w ords that end in -ation, how
easy it is to get one w rong. We are amused w hen someone is shown
up picking the w rong one. We laugh aloud w hen Private Eye records
how a speaker on the radio said The script evolved after three years
o f gesticulation, w hen he should have said after three years o f gest
ation. It is not just the slip-up that is funny, but the image produced
o f radio programme-m akers devoting themselves for three years to

Monosyllables and Polysyllables

Very often the difference between the homely and the m ore sophisticated
w ord can be m easured in length. We tend to use shorter words (not
always native Anglo-Saxon ones, o f course) in the hom e than in public.
W hen differences or tensions in relationships w ithin the family or
between close friends arise and are at issue, w ords such as vex and

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

fret, nag and pester, badger and taunt come to our minds. But
w hen the affairs of societies and institutions, political parties and public
figures are involved, then w ords such as aggravate and exacerbate,
irritate and exasperate, reproach and discountenance are m ore likely
to be used. The first six w ords together contain eight syllables, the other
six w ords together contain twenty syllables.
But the longer w ord is not always the m ore artificial and less vivid
one. The Anglo-Saxon practice o f forming abstract nouns by adding such
endings as -ship and -hood has left us w ith some sturdy and vivid
longer words such as friendship, fellowship and courtship, m other
h o o d , sisterhood and brotherhood. Here again, in the context o f the
family, there is a discrepancy in emotive pow er between the w ords
fatherly and fatherhood on the one hand, and the Latinate paternal
and paternity on the other, between brotherly and brotherhood on
the one hand, and the Latinate fraternal and fraternity on the other.
The num ber o f syllables in the words we use also affects the sturdiness
o f our utterance. A series o f monosyllables can give a strikingly urgent
and dramatic flavour to utterance. John Donne begins a celebrated poem
w ith a line o f ten monosyllables:
For Gods sake, hold your tongue and let me love!
William Cowper manages two full lines o f verse in monosyllabic w ords
and there are sixteen o f them:
Lord, we are few but Thou art near,
Nor short thine arm nor deaf thine ear.
In Shakespeare the proportion of polysyllables to monosyllables is often
quite low. The line To be or not to be, that is the question contains one
two-syllable w ord to nine monosyllables. The lines Friends, Romans,
Countrymen, lend m e your ears / I come to bury Caesar, not to praise
h im contain one three-syllable w ord, three two-syllable w ords and
twelve monosyllables.
U ninhibited use o f polysyllabic w ords does not necessarily produce
nervelessness or spinelessness. No w riter used our Latinate vocabulary
m ore freely than Dr Johnson, but it is done w ith such care for exactness
of meaning and for rhetorical balance that it pleases the ear at the same
time that it stimulates the mind. Here he is defending Shakespeare against
the charge that he ignored the old classical unities (of time, place and
action) in the construction o f his plays.

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

He that, without diminution of any other excellence, shall preserve all the
unities unbroken, deserves the like applause with the architect, who shall
display all the orders of architecture in a citadel, without any deduction
from its strength; but the principal beauty of a citadel is to exclude the
enemy; and the greatest graces of a play, are to copy nature and instruct
To be able to use freely phrases like dim inution o f any other excellence
w ithout sounding pedantic or pretentious indicates Johnsons mastery o f
the polysyllabic vocabulary. Such is the shaping o f the prose that to
replace w ithout any deduction by w ithout taking away from w ould
not strengthen the passage. Similarly, to replace to exclude the enem y
by to keep the enemy o u t w ould upset the balance. Such possible
changes w ould merely introduce an alien aural element and disrupt the
flowing rhythm.
There is a place for heavily Latinate diction. Johnsonese m ight sound
incongruously artificial at the breakfast table am ong the family. It m ight
sound very appropriate in a eulogy on a w orld figure from the lips o f a
distinguished diplomat at a state funeral.

French W ords: Pronunciation
We have seen that our language has taken in w ords from Latin and French
throughout its history. Yet we find in current English a num ber o f words
and phrases from these languages w hich retain their foreignness. In the
case o f words from the French accents are preserved in spite o f the fact that
English has no accents. Moreover, among the educated classes at least, the
French pronunciation is preserved, or something like it. W hen French
words were introduced in the past there was often a considerable space of
time before the pronunciation got anglicized. We know that w hen the
w ord oblige came in from French in the sixteenth century, it was p ro
nounced obleege, and indeed that pronunciation survived right up to the
nineteenth century. In this connection it is interesting that we keep the
French pronunciation in our use o f the expression noblesse oblige (liter
ally nobility obliges), w hich we quote, often ironically, in reference to
the honourable and generous conduct w hich is expected of the aristocracy.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Anglicization, in respect o f French accents, is happening all the time,

if very slowly. W here role, w hich came in in the seventeenth century,
has lost its accent during the last few decades, cliche, w hich came in
last century, still keeps its accent. The w ord cortege we sometimes see
nowadays w ithout its accent. Yet tete-a-tete (a confidential conver
sation, literally head to head), w hich came in during the seventeenth
century, keeps its accents. The w ord cafe, a nineteenth-century im porta
tion, has preserved its accent and its pronunciation hitherto.

Haute Cuisine and Haute Couture

Cafe is just one am ong many French words from the w orld of eating
and drinking w hich have now established themselves in regular English
usage. We use the French terms gourm et, gourm ande and bon viveur,
for those w ho relish the delights of the table. No doubt the French
preeminence in the w orld of w hat we call haute cuisine (high-class
cookery) is responsible for this influence o f the French language. At the
restaurant we study the a la carte (according to the list) menu, from
w hich we are free to select as we choose, and the table d ho te (literally
the hosts table) m enu w hich contains a series o f courses planned by
the establishment at a quoted price. The first course may be called
the hors d oeuvre (outside the w ork) and is supposed to consist of
preparatory appetizers. If the w ord starters seems now to be replacing
hors d oeuvre, other French expressions at the table seem to hold their
own. There are dishes such as pate de foie gras ( pate of fat liver), and
a beefsteak cut from between the ribs is called entrecote. Our sweet
dishes include a souffle. They also include a sorbet and, accustomed
as we are to adapting our pronunciation to suit the French, w e give the
w ord the French treatment, though in fact it comes from Turkish and is
really the same w ord as sherbert. There is a dessert called creme
caramel, and a liqueur called creme de m enthe ( cream o f m int).
We may add that the expression creme de la crem e ( cream o f the
cream ) takes us right out of the restaurant. It stands for the very best o f
the best. Our inherited respect for the French as social superiors and
arbiters of taste applies beyond the dining-room . Just as we speak o f
haute cuisine so also w e use the expression haute couture for high-class
dressmaking, another sphere o f French preeminence. We used to call
high society the haut m on de (the high w orld) and the w orld o f fashion

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

the beau m onde (the beautiful w orld). We still preserve the French
pronunciation o f boudoir, massage and coiffure. In the w ider w orld
it is significant that w hen we wish to characterize an act o f patronization
and condescension we call it acting de haut en bas ( from high to lo w ).
The French language therefore, having the cachet or prestige of the upper
class, comes in useful for veiling unm entionable items and practices in
delicate terminology. W hen w om en want new underwear, they seek, it
in the lingerie department. Their undress is their negligee or their
deshabille. We describe a w om ans low -cut garment that exposes the
bosom as decollete. W hen a married couple (or a pair o f sexual partners)
choose to live in cohabitation w ith a third person, the additional sexual
partner o f one of them, we call it a menage a trois. A comparable
delicacy no doubt stands behind the now established practice o f referring
to hotel rooms that are fully equipped w ith washing and toilet facilities
as en suite (literally in sequence).

Social Niceties
Our vocabulary for the intimate and the personal is rich in French terms.
We use the expression en famille for someone w ho is at hom e w ith his
family. Another French expression, entre nous ( between you and m e) ,
serves us in the sphere o f confidential intimacy. W e even tend to preserve
the masculine and feminine spellings o f confidant and confidante for
a very special friend w ho can be let into all our secrets. A delicate way of
speaking o f a com m unication w hich amounts to a love letter is to call it
a billet doux (literally a sweet n ote). Delicacy of a different kind
encourages us to speak o f a faux pas (literally a false step) w hen
someone puts their foot in it, as we say, and we call a social blunder a
Somehow in the realm o f social proprieties and social indiscretions
recourse to French is habitual. We hear people use the expression com me
il faut (as it should b e) as a delicate way o f pronouncing some practice
thoroughly acceptable in the best circles. We speak of damage to a
persons self-respect and personal sense of propriety as something w hich
w ounds their am our-propre ( self-love). The French expression lese
majeste (meaning w ounded majesty) is used for suffering presum p
tuous behaviour from inferiors against their betters. We describe som e
one w ho is unconventional in behaviour and commits indiscretions as


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

an enfant terrible (terrible child). A contretem ps (literally something

against the tim e) is an inopportune action or an awkward situation. A
jeu d esprit (playful act o f the spirit) is a light-hearted pleasantry or a
display o f playful cleverness. The expression is used in apologetic excuse
for a prank that may have misfired. A subtle use o f the w ord frisson has
established itself: it comes into play in not very earnest conversation to
define a shiver o f delight that is too refined and evanescent to justify the
use o f the cruder English w ord thrill.
It w ould be difficult to account on any other grounds than those o f
social one-upm anship for the use o f en passant as an alternative to by
the w ay or incidentally, though in fact the usage has its origin in the
technicalities o f moves in the game o f chess. It is also difficult to account
for the survival o f nom de plum e w hen the English equivalent (pennam e) matches it perfectly, and o f the w ord soubriquet for the English
nicknam e. The same may be said o f carte blanche (blank paper): to
give someone a free h and or a blank cheque is the English equivalent.
But we can perhaps understand w hy there are still those w ho fall back
(often w ith a shrug o f the shoulders) on French expressions such as
faute de m ieux (for w ant o f something better) , tant m ieux ( so m uch
the better) and tant pis (so m uch the w orse), w here the French seems
slightly less clumsy than the English. W e find the French bete noire
(black beast) a useful way o f referring to w hat we regard as a pet
aversion. The foreignness allows one to distance oneself from the
expression o f personal distaste.
The French verb savoir (to know ) has given us the general
expression savoir-faire (literally to know how to d o ) for knowingness
and tact. The colloquial w ord savvy ( H es got plenty of savvy) for
shrewdness and acuteness has the same derivation. So too has the phrase
je ne sais quoi (I d o n t know w hat), w hich has a touch o f subtlety in
its connotation. W hen we say o f a w ork o f art or a newly furnished room
It has a je ne sais qu o i, we generally imply that it has a touch of
something indefinably special. By contrast, the com m on English versions
o f the d o n t-know -w hat brand are half-hum orous deprecatory
expressions like thingum abob and thingum ajig. They certainly seem
to belong on a different social level.

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

The Public Scene

In the military w orld the w ords aide de cam p are still used for an officer
serving as a personal assistant to a senior officer. One o f the dom inant
motivating principles behind acts o f obedient self-sacrifice or heroism is
the esprit de corps, pride in the company to w hich one belongs and
fidelity to it. In the w orld o f espionage and undercover w ork by the
police we use the term agent provocateur for a secret agent w ho is used,
by disguise and deception, to provoke a suspected spy to reveal him self
or a suspected criminal to com m it an illegal act w hich confirms his guilt.
The words coup d etat (stroke o f state) have long been the accepted
expression for a sudden seizure o f pow er w hich overturns an existing
government, while a coup de grace (blow o f m ercy) is the mortal
blow that mercifully puts an end to the recipients suffering. A laissez
faire policy is a let-them -get-on-w ith-it policy of not interfering in
other peoples affairs, and therefore used o f government policies that
allow unrestricted freedom to commerce and industry. In the historical
field we still refer to the end o f the nineteenth century as the fin de
siecle ( end o f the age), thereby denoting a period o f artistic decadence.
And, suprisingly enough perhaps, we have never found an English
alternative to the expression avant-garde ( the vanguard) for the group
of artists, composers, poets or figures in any cultural field whose w ork
represents the latest thing in experiment and innovation. The piece de
resistance is the most im portant and outstanding item, the one w hich
brings a performance to a climax. We use the expression cause celebre
(celebrated case) to highlight the importance o f a trial or controversy.
We say someone is hors de com bat ( out o f the fight) w hen they have
retired from some struggle or are so placed that it is of no consequence
to them. A trom pe lceil ( deception o f the eye) is a w ork of art or an
artifact so realistic as to give an illusion of actuality. A double entendre
is a form o f words w hich can be interpreted in tw o different ways, the
one of them innocent, the other indecent.
O f longer French expressions, w hich we use because they so neatly
sum up an attitude, the w ords receuiller pour mieux sauter, meaning
to take a backward step in order to jum p forward better, concisely hit off
an attitude for w hich no equally brief phrase exists in English. Similarly
there is a euphony about Voltaires words pour encourager les autres
(in order to encourage others), w hich ensures its survival. The sentence



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Plus 9a change, plus cest la m em e chose is an expressive way o f saying

The m ore things change, the m ore they rem ain the same. The phrase
Chacun a son gout means no m ore than everyone to his taste but is
still used. People say Cherchez la fem m e (Look for the w om an), often
not very seriously, w hen urging that attention be given to the possibility
o f a sex element or motive behind some mystery.

Latin Abbreviations
W e constantly use a num ber o f abbreviations derived from Latin. A w riter
may insert the w ord sic in parenthesis. Literally it means thus, but we
use it to draw attention to something remarkable in what has just been
said, m ore especially perhaps w hen quoting another source. It may draw
attention to w hat is anomalous or dubious in the w riters eyes. On the
other hand it may draw attention to something that confirms w hat the
w riter is saying. The abbreviation i.e., standing for the Latin id est,
means that is to say, and is useful w hen clarifying a point already made
by words w hich am ount to the same thing. The abbreviation e.g.,
standing for exempli gratia ( for examples sake) and meaning for
example, is useful w hen providing an illustration w hich exemplifies and
corroborates the point made. These two abbreviations are so established
that people will use them in conversation (Did he have anything m ore
to say - e.g. about w here he was on the night in question?). Other Latin
abbreviations include N B (nota bene), meaning note w ell, drawing
special attention to w hat follows. Certain abbreviations have been pre
served in the religious field. There are the letters DV (Deo volente),
meaning God w illing, once m uch used by Christian bodies advertising
future events and anxious to draw public attention to the fact that all that
may be planned from day to day could take place only w ith divine
permission. Another abbreviation m uch used by the Church is RIP
( requiescat in pace) meaning rest in peace. The same Latin noun is
used in the traditional greeting pax vobiscum , meaning peace be w ith
you. The letters IHS, originally o f Greek derivation, were used from
the fifteenth century to stand for Jesus H om inum Salvator ( Jesus, the
Saviour of M en).
Some Latin w ords have become so firmly established that one questions
w hether they ought still to be distinguished as not English. The Latin
w ord passim, meaning in many or various places, is a convenient

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

device used especially by academic writers, w hen the w riter wishes to

indicate that a given individual or topic is referred to, not once or twice,
but at many points throughout the book. I have seen this w ord confused
in print w ith the Latin w ord pace, w hich means by leave o f . W hen a
writer wishes to make a polite nod towards some know n authority w ith
w hom he is disagreeing, he may insert the parenthesis, pace Dr Johnson,
w hich conveys the message, in spite o f w hat Dr Johnson says to the
contrary or if Dr Johnson will kindly allow m e to dispute his judgem ent.
Clearly these two expressions economize in w ords wonderfully.

Latin Expressions
The expression tabula rasa is still in use (literally a clean slate on which
nothing has yet been w ritten), though in fact the English expression a
clean sheet (unused w riting paper) means neither m ore nor less. There
are m ore useful Latinisms than that, many o f a m ore technical kind. The
Latin w ord quasi means just as i f or just as though. In English we
have converted it into a prefix, so that a quasi-philosophical statem ent
would be a statement w hich passes itself off as philosophical w ithout
actually being so. One m ight, for instance, describe Scientology as a
quasi-religious cult. The nearest simple English equivalent w ould be a
seemingly religious cult. The Latin expression a priori, meaning liter
ally from the previous is used adjectivally o f a proposition that is being
assumed from the beginning o f an argument rather than deduced in the
course o f the argument. This expression came into use in England in the
eighteenth century and is so well settled that the noun apriority has
been derived from it. Another expression used in arguing a case is ipso
facto (literally by that very fact), w hich is said to introduce a point
inexorably following from a point just made. The alternative form o f this
connecting link is eo facto (by that fact) , a slightly less forceful version.
The expression sui generis means o f its ow n kind and therefore
sometimes peculiar or even m ore loosely, un ique. It is not considered
over-pedantic to use the expression sine qua n o n (literally w ithout
w hich nothing) for an indispensable condition. The w ords status q u o
are used for the existing state o f affairs (The agitators had no thought of
rebellion, being anxious to preserve the status q u o ). A quid pro q u o
(literally something for som ething) is something given in exchange for
some object or some advantage received ( His knighthood was a quid

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

pro quo for his services to the party) . An interesting Latinism is preserved
in the words pro rata (an abbreviation o f pro rata parte, literally
according to w hat has been fixed in calculation) w hich means in
proportion. Universities award honorary degrees honoris causa (liter
ally for the sake of h o nour) in recognition of meritorious achieve
Latinisms m ore likely to be used in a personal conversational context
include mea culpa (m y fault), w hich constitutes an apology, and infra
dig, an abbreviation o f the Latin infra dignitatem , meaning beneath
o nes dignity and applied to any suggestion for conduct w hich selfrespect w ould not condone. And people used to be conversationally free
and easy w ith the w ords non compos m entis (not master o f o n es
m in d ) applied to mentally defective people. Inter alia is sometimes
used in place of the English among other m atters, and likewise ceteris
paribus for the English other things being equal. More difficult to spare
w ould be the expression mutatis m utandis, a most economic way of
saying something for w hich several w ords are needed in English. It is the
equivalent of once the necessary changes have been m ade.

Legal Latin
There are Latinisms m uch used in legal affairs w hich have also been taken
into general usage. The expression de jure, w hich means according to
law , is usefully balanced by the expression de facto, meaning in actual
fact. Thus a man convicted o f a mercy killing m ight be described as a
de jure m urderer but de facto innocent. The expression prim a facie,
m eaning at first sight, is used o f assumptions made before full trial o f a
case. Thus a prim a facie case must be made by police and prosecuting
counsel before a person charged w ith a crime can be sent before an assize
court. The expression sub judice, literally meaning before a judge, is
applied to matters still under judicial consideration. The fact that they
have yet to be officially pronounced upon limits the right o f general
public comment. Ultra vires (literally beyond strength) defines som e
thing w hich is legally outside the pow er o f a person or an institution to
affect or control. The w ord ultra is used also in the expression nec et
non plus ultra, roughly the equivalent o f so far and no further. Obiter
dictum (literally something said on the way, while travelling) was
originally an expression o f opinion given by a judge w hich was not

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

essential to the judgm ent he was making, and therefore not binding or
authoritative. Hence the w ords obiter dictum or the plural obiter dicta
are used o f some persons incidental remark or remarks. The w ords rigor
m ortis (rigidity o f death) are in com m on use for the state o f a corpse
after stiffness has set in.

Longer Latin Expressions

There are longer expressions, some o f them quotations from great writers,
w hich have been so m uch used that it may be necessary only to quote
the first words of the saying for the rest to be understood. The words
quot hom ines will be understood to stand for quot homines, tot
sententiae, literally how many m en there are, so many opinions there
are. The English language does not have matching resources to make such
complex comparisons so briefly. The w ords sic transit gloria m u ndi,
meaning thus the glory o f the w orld passes away, will be understood if
the speaker merely says sic transit. Similarly the w ords de m ortuis nil
nisi b onum , meaning only good things should be said of the dead,
will be understood if only the w ords de m ortuis are said. The Latin poet
Horaces famous line D uke et decorum est pro patria m ori, meaning
H ow beautiful and honourable it is to die for o n es country, comes into
the same category. Wilfred Owen called one o f his w ar poems D uke et
Decorum est, and in fact it is perhaps his most horrifying picture o f m en
at the front. It includes a grim account of a soldier choking from a gas
attack, w hom his fellows fling on to a wagon, watching his w hite eyes
w rithing in his hanging face. It was from Horace too that we gained the
expression laudator temporis acti ( praiser o f days gone by), used to
describe someone w ho repeatedly compares the present unfavourably
w ith an idealized past. Juvenals line Orandus est ut sit mens sana in
corpore sano, meaning One should pray to have a sound m ind in a
sound body has left us an expression mens sana in corpore sano, a
healthy m ind in a healthy body, w hich has been cited as an educational
In many o f the instances listed above the foreign expression has
advantages o f clarity and brevity as well as a peculiar neatness and
forcefulness. If we take these advantages into account, we should certainly
not think o f condem ning the introduction o f foreign phrases into English
prose. But over-use o f such expressions, or use o f them in inappropriate

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

contexts, smacks o f artifice and pedantry. There is always the risk that
the w riter or speaker w ho readily makes use o f them will appear to be
showing off.

The vocabulary o f a language changes over the centuries. We have seen
how English has acquired new w ords throughout the ages. It has also of
course lost words. And sometimes w ords are half-lost, or nearly lost.
They disappear from popular general use, but turn up from time to time
either in special circles w ith strong traditionalist leanings, or in the
utterance o f knowledgeable people w ho find them useful and, perhaps,
irreplaceable. W here w ords stand for things once part o f the environm ent
but w hich have now disappeared from daily life, it is natural that they
should get lost. We come across such words, say in reading Shakespeare,
and w hen we discover that they refer to items o f dress or arm our long
since discarded, w e find the loss quite understandable. But words are also
lost, not because the things they stood for have gone from the m odern
scene, but because they have been replaced by other words. We read
H am lets question, W oot drink up eisel? and learn from the glossary
that eisel is vinegar, so the question is W ould you drink up vinegar?
However, quite apart from nouns, w hich may stand for things no longer
used, or for things for w hich we now have other names, there are w ords
w hich we class as archaisms for another reason. They have ceased to be
used altogether, or ceased to be used m uch in general parlance. They
sound quaint. Such is the adverb eke, meaning also or m oreover. As
eek it was a favourite w ord o f Chaucer. He tells how the m onks bridle
w ould jingle in the w ind And eek as loude as dooth the chapel belle. It
is to be distinguished from the verb w hich we use in saying that someone
eked o u t a living on a poor croft. It is a useful w ord to cite as an instance
because in James Joyces Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man we meet a close
friend o f the hero Stephen, one Cranly, whose habit o f using the w ord
eke adds comically to his ironic pose of scholarly solemnity.
There are words w hich have not entirely disappeared from current
usage yet w hich carry an archaic flavour. This archaic flavour is not strong
enough to prevent our use of the words, but it is strong enough for us
to hesitate before using them for fear o f sounding affected and preten
tious. Thus we may hesitate before using albeit instead of although.

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

W e should think twice before using the verb abide. Similarly w e may
hesitate before using the im personal w ord behove. Perhaps that is a
pity. It behoves m e to give you a grave w arning lays emphasis on the
duty and responsibility of the speaker, depersonalizing the rebuke. The
comparable impersonal verb befit remains in use, but is subtly different
from behove. W hat is befitting is appropriate. W hat is behoveful is
needed, called for. Like befit, the w ord beholden remains in use while
carrying a faintly archaic air. I am greatly beholden to you means I am
greatly obliged, or indebted, to you.
A few archaisms survive in com m on usage because they are found in
m em orable quotations. We still hear the expression hoist w ith his ow n
petard, deriving from Shakespeare. Hamlet speaks o f the irony o f seeing
an enginer Hoist w ith his ow n petar, that is struck by his ow n machine
w hich is meant to blow a hole in a wall w ith gunpow der. This quotation
has only recently been rendered disposable by the equally useful phrase
about scoring an ow n goal. Another interesting survival is the use o f
the w ord cudgel w hen w e say I m ust cudgel my brains, meaning
struggle to remember. A cudgel was a stick that could be used for beating
people. The noun has gone but the verb lingers on in this one expression.
There is possible cause for regret over the loss o f a w ord from general
parlance only w here it is not replaceable. Here w e may cite the gradual
disappearance o f the w ords w hence and w hither. W hence is the
equivalent o f from w here and w hither is the equivalent o f to w here.
We have replaced W hence have you com e? by W here have you come
from ? (the change adding a w ord). We have replaced W hither are you
going? firstly by W here are you going to? and then by W here are you
The w ord w here was once used in various com pounds w hich have
mostly ceased to be used. They include w hereat, w hereby, w herefore,
w herefrom , w h ereo f, w hereto and w herew ithal. We still use the
w ords w hereas, w hereupon and w hereabouts. We use the w ord
w herew ithal in a sem i-ironic tone o f voice w hen we are short o f cash
( I havent got the w herew ithal). But otherwise it is chiefly in legal
docum ents that the words survive. The usefulness o f some o f these w ords
is made evident by the way lawyers fall back on them w hen seeking the
m axim um clarity o f definition. It is also made evident w hen we ask
ourselves w hat has replaced them. The means whereby I live has to
become The means by w hich I live.
W hat applies to the w ord w here also applies, in different degrees, to

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

the w ords there and here. We still say therefore and sometimes
thereby, but for therew ith and thereunder w e m ust turn to legal and
other official documents. Such docum ents still depend on com pounds o f
h ere, such as hereafter, hereat, hereby, herein, hereon, hereto,
hereunder, hereunto, and herew ith. We continue to use hereabouts
as well as w hereabouts in conversation. The intensified forms, w hereso
ever and w hensoever, like the forms w hosoever and w hom soever,
are words w hich w e associate now w ith lawyers and w ith past poets.
W hen we read the poet Robert Herricks famous lines,
Whenas in silks my Julia goes,
Then, then (me thinks) how sweetly flows
The liquefaction of her clothes
w e mentally accept w henas and me thinks as archaic poetic diction.
If we have any doubt about the value o f the kind o f com pound here
represented, we have only to study the prose o f the King James Bible.
W hen we read the w ords of Saint Paul in the King James Bible, Howbeit,
whereinsoever any is bold, I am bold also, and w e ask ourselves w hat
w e should now substitute for the w ord w hereinsoever, we realize w hat
a convenient w ord it was, and how m any w ords it w ould take to replace
it. For whereinsoever any is bold really am ounts to in whatever respects
anyone is bold or in whatever circumstances anyone is bold. Checking
up on tw o m ore recent versions, I find the w ords whereinsoever any is
b old m ultiplied to whatever anyone dares to boast o f and in whatever
particular they enjoy such confidence. It is perhaps a pity that we cannot
rescue w ords so useful, but we m ust face facts. The discerning w riter
may be able to use an archaism from time to time, but clearly it is
desirable to exercise restraint in that respect. People may get away
w ith a lavish use o f archaisms in the w orld o f ceremonial officialdom.
Anywhere else it will seem comic.

That usages should have come into English from America is no m ore
surprising than that they have come into England from France. W here
words and expressions are equally well established in both the US and
the UK, no problem arises. In the UK we now all say OK as naturally
as the Americans. W e speak about barking up the w rong tree or burying

The Make-up of the English Vocabulary

the hatchet w ithout picturing an American scene. The relationship

between British English and American English becomes significant only
w hen two usages do not match. W e feel uncom fortable w hen the Ameri
can says gotten w here we w ould say got, but the American turns out
to be using a now disused English form. There was dispute among
nineteenth-century English scholars about w hat Shakespeare m eant
w hen, in the fencing scene between Hamlet and Laertes in Hamlet, the
Queen says o f Hamlet that he is fat and scant o f breath. A fat Hamlet
was not w hat readers wanted. One scholar suggested that perhaps Richard
Burbage had put on w eight by the time he came to play the part. The
m atter was cleared up only w hen an English scholar, walking in rural
New England, was told by a farm ers wife from w hom he sought a
drink that he looked fat. Sweaty was w hat she meant. The seemingly
provincial usage had survived among the descendants of im migrants
from Warwickshire.
Thus American usage may be as historically valid as British usage
w here the two differ. Moreover, the American usage may be the m ore
vivid. The Americans say sidewalk w here w e use the Latin w ord pave
m en t. Resistance to American im portations has often been both ignorant
and irrational. There was a time w hen the American fondness for saying
I guess was ridiculed, yet Chaucer was fond o f the interjection. As for
American pronunciation, the American vowel sound in w ords such as
path, bath, and father is said to be closer to Elizabethan pronunciation
than current English pronunciations are. I have heard intelligent people
reacting in mock horror to American use o f the verb to enjoy. The
American waitress puts dow n the dish on the table and says Enjoy! For
us the verb to enjoy is a transitive verb that requires an object. We do
not say I enjoyed but I enjoyed m yself. And my latest dictionary allows
o f no intransitive use. But it w ould be a mistake to criticize the American
usage as incorrect, for the OED cites an archaic intransitive use o f the
verb, meaning to be in a joyous state, to rejoice from the year i 49.
All one can say o f current divergences between British and American
English is that they are interesting rather than culturally significant. We
are amused w hen an American air pilot announces that We shall be
landing at H eathrow m om entarily, for to us it suggests a stay too
brief to allow o f safe escape from the plane. Just as the Americans use
m om entarily to m ean in a few m om ents tim e, so they use presently
to mean at present (Im sorry, Im afraid the manager is presendy away
from the office), w here w e use it to mean very soon.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Sometimes new specialized usages can misfire in the US as in the UK.

Failure o f sensitivity to accepted meanings can be unfortunate. A recent
development in US medical circles involves the w ord em ergent. Because
acutely sick patients are picked up from their homes or from the street
by the Emergency Services, and because they then go into hospital
through the Emergency Room, the habit has arisen o f calling such
patients em ergent patients. Here is a case w here innovation has failed
to recognize w hat the w ord em ergent means and m ust continue to
mean, that is, com ing into being or making an entry. Clearly the only
patient in a hospital w ho m ight justifiably be called em ergent w ould be
a new -born baby. It is obvious that not all American innovations are to
be encouraged. I am told by a correspondent that in programmes for the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra concerts the conductor Sir George Solti
used to be said to be concertizing abroad.
W hen, during a stay in the US, my wife w ent into a shop and asked
for a reel o f cotton, the shopkeeper show ed his am usem ent by asking
Are you going fishing? She then learned that she should have asked for
a spool o f yarn. W hen she was involved in conversation w ith our hosts
on the subject o f the kitchen equipm ent in the apartment provided for
us, she happened to use the w ord toast-rack. The w ord was unknow n
to our hosts. Friends asked to explain it tended to make conjectures in
terms o f mediaeval torture. Such differences merely testify to slightly
different domestic habits in our respective countries. Try to locate an
electric fire in any American shop and you will almost certainly fail.
In some cases, w here w ords differ, the American w ord is gradually
driving out the English w ord. That is happening as diaper replaces
nappy, as truck replaces lorry, as rare (for a beefsteak) replaces
underdone and freight train begins to replace goods train. But plenty
o f interesting contrasting pairs of w ords remain. There is biscuit and
cookie, boot (of a car) and trunk, w indscreen and w indshield,
petrol and gas, a wage rise and a wage raise, and sweets and


Arranging Words Correctly


The Use of Verbs

The key to meaningful utterance is the verb. The verb transforms the
indeterm inate utterance the plum ber into the meaningful utterance
Call the plum ber. You can utter nouns or pronouns by the dozen
w ithout making sense. Potatoes, peas, cabbage, carrots. The nouns make
meaningful utterance only if a verb is added or is understood. Please
supply me w ith . . . In earlier chapters we w ere concerned w ith the
choice o f words. Our subject was primarily the m eaning o f individual
words. Here, however, we are m ore concerned w ith the way in w hich
w ords can properly be arranged. And since the verb is a key element in
the structure of utterance, good w riting is impossible w ithout correct
use o f verbs. W here we go w rong in the use o f verbs is something
we cannot afford to ignore. If we examine current error carefully, we
shall find that a few false uses of the verb corrupt current usage widely.
It is our task to examine these bad habits and show how they can be

We say The bird sings sweetly and The birds sing sweetly and we do
not think o f the choice between the singular sings and the plural sing
as a grammatical danger zone. Yet we may feel less confident in choosing
between The choir is singing tw o madrigals and The choir are singing
tw o madrigals.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Collective Nouns
W e have raised the question of the collective noun, the noun w hich, like
the w ord choir, refers to a group or body o f objects or people. Strictly
speaking, it should in m ost cases take a singular verb, but one finds the
rule broken wherever one turns.
Our range of tiles have many different themes to choose from.
Behind the small village are a range of mountains.
A range of unique water-mixable mediums have been developed.
That is but a handful o f examples from the w orld o f magazines and
devoted to the one collective noun range alone. In each case the verb
should be singular: Our range o f tiles has many different them es;
Behind the village is a range o f m ountains; A range o f m edium s has
been developed.
W hat applies to the w ord range applies to other collective nouns. Yet
it is easy to find specimens o f error. Note the bracketed corrections in
the following sentences.
An impressive array of their paintings hang [hangs] on the walls.
A selection of bars, tavernas and shops are [is] within easy walking distance.
A rash of television designers have [has] erupted . . .
The entire fleet of Mendip Rail-operated GB Class 59s were [was] on site.
Her exhibition featured a mixture of hats; a combination of transparent,
woven, flexible and solid fabric structures were [was] used.
One finds the same mistake being made w ith a variety o f w ords like
com bination that gather items together. But usage sometimes presents
us w ith problem s in this respect. The following is a piece about cabinet
In the early 1970s, there were still an average of 60 meetings a year.
Technically the singular verb w as w ould seem to be required here to
go w ith the singular w ord average, but it w ould be a rash pedant w ho
w ould insist on that. The safest correction w ould be: there w ere still, on
average, 60 meetings a year. The same applies to the following sentence:

The Use of Verbs

An average of 3.3 starlings were seen in each garden.

To correct this by making the verb singular (An average . . . was seen)
w ould not do because it was not the average that was seen but the
starlings. Far better w ould be to change the subject o f the sentence and
write: On average 3.3 starlings w ere seen in each garden.
An interesting variation occurs naturally in the use o f the w ord
num b er. In There was any num ber o f reasons for them to perform
below their best the singular verb w as is correct, for the issue is a list
o f reasons. But no one w ould w ish to press for w as instead o f w ere in
the sentence A num ber o f people were shouting outside and clamouring
for adm ittance, w here it is the behaviour o f several individuals that is
being described. Similarly, w hile it is correct to say The audience was
small, it is also correct to say The audience w ere screaming and waving
their hands. In the form er case the audience is the w hole body. In the
latter case the audience is the gathered individuals. (To say The audience
w ere small w ould convey that the people were o f dim inutive stature.)
This freedom in mixing singular and plural is accepted in such sen
tences as This group are all paid-up members o f the society, w here, in
spite o f the singular pronoun and noun - this group - the plural verb
is required by w hat follows.

The Institutional Collective

The same distinction is regularly made in speaking o f collective bodies
such as the governm ent or the council. Speaking o f a collective
decision, we say The governm ent has decided to push the act through,
but thinking of the body as a collection o f individuals, we say The
governm ent are deeply divided on this issue. Thus the following sen
tences need correction as indicated.
The authority plan [plans] a low-key promotion of the route.
Since then the museum have [has] funded two lots of restoration work.
The National Trust have [has] one other complete example, Reliance, which
has been authentically restored.
The institutional collective, as used o f football teams and the like, tends
to take a plural verb. I hear o f a match w here Aston Villa meet Tranmere

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Rovers and I doubt w hether one w ould often be likely to hear the
equivalent of w here Aston Villa meets Tranmere Rovers. A rather differ
ent liberty is taken w hen the com m entator makes this judgement:
Seven defeats out of ten on Scottish soil tells its own story.
To make a pedantic correction here ( Seven defeats out of ten tell their
ow n story) w ould be nit-picking. W hen a given series o f events (Seven
defeats out o f ten) is thus sum m ed up as a single significant fact, the
case for using the singular verb is strong. And w hen, moreover, the verb
in question is part o f a single w ell-w orn expression (it tells its ow n
story), the case is strengthened.

Attracting the W ro n g Verb

Sometimes a mistake is made w hen the noun in question can in no sense
be called collective.
Detailed analysis of the cost of rehabilitation and the potential revenue were
W hat happens here is that the w riter forgets that the subject o f the
sentence is the singular w ord analysis because the w ord has been
followed by the plurality o f items, cost of rehabilitation and potential
revenue. But the subject analysis is w hat m ust govern the verb: Detailed
analysis o f the cost and the revenue was given. This blunder all too often
appears in print.
It is the abiding interest in the countryside, its landscape and wild-life, its
traditions, customs and crafts, that result in constant reinterpretation . . .
By the time the six items have been listed, countryside, its landscape and
wildlife, its traditions, customs and crafts, the w riter has completely
forgotten that the subject o f the sentence was the w ord interest, and
that it m ust be followed by the verb results.
We may define the process that leads to this error as attraction in that
the nearness o f the listed nouns attracts a plural verb. The fatal attraction
can lure journalists in the m ost respectable broadsheets.
The area of interests which can be labelled women only have shrivelled

The Use of Verbs

The w ord interests exercises the fatal attraction so that the journalist
writes The area . . . have shrunk instead o f has shrunk. And just as the
plural noun interests lures the w riter astray there, so the singular noun
subject lures the w riter astray below.
The tensions among naval intelligence staff inside the building known as
the Citadel was the subject of a recent report.
Surely the tensions w ere the subject o f a report. Here the w riter m ight
urge that he strays w here the great have strayed in that the King James
Bible includes the m uch quoted sentence The wages of sin is death.
Perhaps the attraction towards the incorrectly singular verb is at its
m ost subtle w hen the verb is made to precede the subject.
On the evidence available there does not appear to be any legal grounds for
In saying there does not appear, the w riter fails to anticipate that w hat
is to come is a plural noun, grounds. It may seem less natural to say
there do not appear, but that is w hat is needed to introduce any
grounds. And it is presumably out o f a desire not to sound too stilted
that a journalist writes:
Also in the redheads hall of fame is singer Belinda Carlisle and actresses
Shirley Maclaine and Julia Roberts.
Over-formal as it may sound to begin Also in the redheads hall o f fame
are . . ., that is the correct w ording.

Plural Terms in Singular Units

W here the subject of a verb contains a plural noun but nevertheless
represents a singular entity as a whole, the grammatical rule accords w ith
com m on sense. The m ost obvious instance is in the case of titles. W e say
The Two Gentlemen of Verona is one o f Shakespeares early plays. It w ould
be absurd to say The Two Gentlemen of Verona are one o f Shakespeares early
plays, making the verb plural because Two G entlem en are included in
the subject that governs it. But that represents the m atter very starkly.
Consider the following sentence about some ancient standing stones in

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

To the west along the valley is Long Meg and her daughters, memorial to
an even more ancient presence.
W hy is the singular verb is correct here? Because Long Meg and her
daughters is the official nam e o f the group o f stones, and it is the location
o f that group that is being described. In a superficially similar sentence
about real people the plural verb w ould be required (To the west, dow n
the road, live my friend Mrs Bean and her daughters). We extend this
freedom to have singular verbs to certain very familiarly partnered nouns.
Bread and butter is good for you, we say, and even Bacon and eggs is
m y favourite meal. Rhetorical tradition perm its extension o f this freedom
to closely related pairs o f nouns, as in Kiplings Recessional ( The tum ult
and the shouting dies).

The Universal Singular

The universal singular is the construction used in such statements as The
fox is a pest, w here the formally singular noun stands for the species as
a whole. The usage is familiar in daily talk. The m ini-skirt is back in
fashion we say, referring to thousands and thousands o f such garments.
There is a danger that quick movements from use o f the universal singular
to use o f the norm al plural will upset the grammar.
One of the good things about a television series is the interest they generate.
Obviously this shift from a television series to the words they generate
will not do. One m ust stick w ith the universal singular: One o f the good
things about a television series is the interest it can generate. It may be
that this particular sentence goes astray because there is no recognizable
plural form o f series, but the error is found w here that problem does
not arise.
The sleeve section is also made from EXEAT and they are wool-mix lined
for extra warmth.
It is easy to slip thus from the universal singular section to they w hen
the garments in general are being held in m ind. The safest correction
here w ould be to stick to the plural: The sleeve sections are also made
from EXEAT and they are w ool-m ix lined for extra w arm th. Perhaps the
slippage in the following section is less excusable.

The Use of Verbs

Another rarity was the large mirror on the outside wall; these steam up like
the ones outside.
Although we are dealing w ith m irrors in general in the second half of
the sentence, there is no excuse for the shift from the large m irro r to
these. The singular noun m ust be cancelled out: these mirrors steam
up like the ones outside.
none I either I neither I or
These w ords appear to raise queries about the use o f singular and plural.
N one is basically the equivalent of no o n e. Thus logic seems to guide
us to think of it as singular. And indeed there are writers w ho always
treat it so. But popular usage tends towards the plural. Thus Dry den, a
classicist, left us the famous line, None but the brave deserves the fair,
and we hear it m isquoted as deserve the fair. Schoolboys used to be
made familiar w ith Macaulays idealized sum m ing-up o f the probity of
Roman political life in the days w hen Horatius kept the bridge.
Then none was for a party,
Then all were for the state.
That firm contrast between singular and plural for no n e and all tends
to make sticklers for style uncom fortable w ith plural verbs after n o n e.
However, from a w riter as reliable as Oliver Goldsmith the 0 ED quotes
None o f these how ever are know n to us. And the drift towards that
usage today seems to be irresistible.
None of those applicants who sent in their forms last year are required to
It has seemingly become the mark of the pedant to prefer: is required to
The w ords either and neither match the w ords they refer to.
Although it is obviously correct to say Neither Catholics nor Protestants
were present at the cerem ony, it is not correct to say Neither the bride
nor the bridegroom w ere willing to be interview ed. It should be: was
willing to be interview ed. Similarly Neither o f us enjoy eating o u t
should be: Neither o f us enjoys eating o u t.
We have dealt w ith the permissive sportsm ans team plural used o f
football teams. It is im proper, however, to extend too far the liberties
granted by this collective. W hen we hear o f tw o teams that neither side

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

are m uch fancied for the title, we are bound to protest. N either is there
singular. If two teams are com peting, either one or the other is
probably going to be victorious. If the match proves to be a draw, then
neither is the w inn er.
In such incorrect usages as Neither my father nor my m other were
willing to help, the difficulty arises because the speaker or w riter has
just been dwelling mentally on the fact that tw o people failed to respond.
That difficulty is not confined to the use o f negatives like n o n e and
For my style of working I find that top grade cartridge or hot pressed paper
are best suited.
Here it is the force o f the w ord o r that the w riter ignores. She is mentally
dwelling on the fact that tw o methods suit her. But o r separates the two
items. W hen one says Paint or wall-paper is acceptable, one means that
one or the other will serve. Logic demands the singular similarly in the
above: I find that top grade cartridge or hot pressed paper is best suited.

The infinitive is used after certain verbs such as to w ish, to decide, to
help and to advise. In the sentences I wished to leave and I decided
to go, the infinitives to leave and to go act as objects o f the verbs
w ished and decided. There are also cases w here the infinitive acts as
subject of a verb ( To postpone decision seemed to be the best policy).
W e have the occasional usage in w hich the infinitive is used w ith the
verb to be both as subject and as com plem ent: To w ork is to pray; To
know her was to love h er.
It is im portant not to try to use the infinitive construction after verbs
w hich it cannot properly follow. We say I allowed him to g o , I
encouraged him to g o and I persuaded him to g o , but this cannot be a
model for any verb one chooses.
The challenge now is to prevent mass migration, by supporting people to
stay on their land and cultivate, fish, or raise catde.
We do not say They supported their son to try for the university, but
They supported their son in trying for the university. So here, if

The Use of Verbs

supporting is kept the end o f the sentence should read: by supporting

people in staying on their land and cultivating. However, in view o f the
context o f the sentence, w hich is taken from a charitable appeal for
money, it w ould be clear enough to write: by enabling people to stay
on their land.

Omission of to
In cases w here the infinitive is properly placed, a tendency has developed
o f om itting the w ord to . W e find people saying I helped him move his
house instead of I helped him to move his house. No doubt the practice
o f om itting to is harmless enough in conversation. We ought not to get
excited w hen someone says They are helping her cope w ith the problem ,
but in print that omission o f to can appear lax.
The book suggests methods parents can try to help children master these
basic skills.
Parents can help their less buoyant offspring cultivate this ability.
In each o f the above cases the restoration o f to is recommended: Parents
can try to help their children to master these basic skills and Parents can
help their less buoyant offspring to cultivate this ability. At present it is
especially the case w ith the verb help that this liberty is taken, but the
thin-ended wedge is being slowly pushed further. It is a small step from
Help her cross the road to Encourage him eat his cereals. If we
too readily accept statements like I helped my daughter choose her
engagem ent ring, may we soon be asked to accept I taught my daughter
make mince pies? For w e can already read:
A lost rail can force you bring stream-crossing skills into play.
This o f course should be: force you to bring. It should be added that
English does have a few verbs w hich are properly followed by w hat
grammarians call the bare form o f the infinitive (the infinitive w ithout
to ): We watched her go; They made me help.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Infinitive Misused
Misuse o f the infinitive tends to occur w hen it stands in close relationship
to a noun. We should naturally say He hopes to succeed in this venture,
following the verb to ho p e w ith the infinitive to succeed. But we should
equally naturally say W e had little hope of reviving h im , following the
noun h ope w ith the gerund o f reviving. But this does not m ean that
infinitives cannot ever have a proper dependence on a noun. There are
num erous cases o f such dependence. In the sentence There was no doubt
o f his determ ination to leave, the infinitive to leave is directly attached
to the noun determ ination. Such sentences as They acknowledged her
prom ise to take part, W e saw their willingness to participate and He
w elcom ed our readiness to cooperate give some idea o f how com m on
this use of the infinitive is. In each of those cases the infinitive is directly
attached to a noun. W e say I have a duty to go, She has an obligation
to be there, and They have a strong claim to present. In any o f these
cases use of the gerund w ould be out o f the question (duty o f going,
obligation o f being there). But there are certain nouns which, unlike
these, sometimes seemingly offer a choice to the writer. Whereas We
saw no reason to rejoice is acceptable usage, W e had a hundred reasons
for rejecting the proposal is equally respectable.
The escape from use o f an ill-placed infinitive cannot always be best
achieved by use o f a gerund. Consider the following sentence:
Todays Airbath International is founded on thirty years of market experi
ence, with constant research and development to improve and refine the
original unique idea.
The infinitives to im prove and refine cannot stand thus, unhappily
connected to the nouns research and developm ent. The best way to
make the infinitives usable is to introduce a participle on w hich they can
depend: w ith constant research and development designed to im prove
and refine the original idea.
The models are complete with rubber feet to prevent them from slipping
or scratching the table.
Here is another sentence w hich requires the same treatment. Since it
w ould be clumsy to w rite complete w ith rubber feet for preventing

The Use of Verbs

them from slipping, the participle should be inserted: complete w ith

rubber feet designed to prevent them from slipping.
Perhaps one can safely say that the use o f the infinitive presents us
w ith one o f the m ost obvious instances o f a construction w hich can pass
in conversation w here it could not in print.
Its a sheltered spot to sit in the sun and breathe in the scent of rosemary,
sage and creeping thyme.
The w ild card infinitive to sit can get by in conversation. On paper the
sentence must become: Its a sheltered spot w here you can sit in the
sun. And in the following sentence the infinitive to try should be
avoided in print.
Rowse has produced a twelve-page booklet that contains lots of tempting
dishes to try.
Correct this by anchoring the infinitive: contains lots of tempting dishes
for you to try. A comparable liberty is taken in the following from a
concert programme.
The two Violin Rhapsodies are rare to find in performance.
If one wanted to be technical about this usage one w ould call it perhaps
a constructional transfer. Because the idiom hard to find exists, there
fore on the m odel o f that the w riter describes something as rare to find.
It is quite illogical, for though the process o f finding something may
indeed be hard, it is not that process but the thing found that may be
In conversational use o f the infinitive there is a curious habit o f
substituting and for to , m ore especially w ith the verbs com e and
try. Come and see m e whenever you like we say, instead o f Come to
see me whenever you like. In the same way w e say Try and do your
best instead o f Try to do your best. Obviously there is no point in
trying to disparage usages so well established. But writers should be
chary o f transferring them from the w orld o f conversation to the printed

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The Split Infinitive

One can scarcely leave the subject of the infinitive w ithout reference to
the vexed question o f the split infinitive. There are linguistic issues w hich
arouse great passion, and this is one o f them. It is difficult to sympathize
w ith those w ho w ould totally ban its use. There are times w hen it is
tasteless. W hen President Nixon first faced questions about Watergate,
he is reported to have told his staff I w ant you to all stonewall it. N ow
clearly it w ould have been better to say I w ant you all to stonewall it.
But it is not difficult to assemble instances o f the split infinitive w hich
are unobjectionable.
The steam will soften your skin, enabling you to gently remove any
blackheads with tissue-covered fingers.
You should be able to simply slot the new stud into the original mortices
in these two beams.
It is difficult to see the point o f replacing to gently rem ove w ith gently
to rem ove and to simply slot w ith simply to slot.


We turn now to consider the first o f a group o f constructions w hich
probably cause m ore elementary grammatical upsets than any others in
our language. They involve participles and the gerund. Our first concern
is w ith that part o f the verb w hich ends in -ing. There are two such
forms to be distinguished, the gerund and the present participle. That is
to say, we have to distinguish the use o f the w ord singing in the
sentence Singing is m y hobby from its use in the sentence I heard
father singing in the bath.
In the first instance singing functions as a noun. Though it is part o f
a verb, it is the subject o f the sentence and functions just as a real
noun w ould in Music is my hobby. That is the gerund, sometimes
conveniently called the verbal n o u n . In the second instance singing
functions as an adjective. Though it is part o f a verb, it functions just as
a real adjective w ould, describing father. That is a participle. O f course

The Use of Verbs

we should tend to put the real adjective before the noun, whereas the
participle often follows it.
There are various ways in w hich the present participle can be misused.
One can say of them, as one can say o f certain misuses of the gerund,
that at the w orst these misuses represent a crude abuse of language.
But at the other end o f the scale the least serious misuses sometimes
merely represent the difference between good style and a touch , o f

Hanging Participles
The m ost com m on error in using the present participle is to leave it
unconnected to a noun or pronoun. Thus disconnected, it is called a
hanging or dangling or detached participle.
Reclining there in a deck chair on the lawn in the summer sunshine, the
house had never looked so beautiful.
The mistake is easily made. Reclining is the present participle and m ust
agree w ith a noun or a pronoun. It w ould have been correct to write
Reclining there on the lawn in the sum m er sunshine, we thought that
the house had never looked so beautiful, because w e provides the
pronoun for reclining to agree with. As the sentence stands in the
original, the w riter declares that the house was reclining in a deck chair
on the lawn.
Listening to the Chancellor in full spate, his confidence seemed utterly
Exactly the same error is com m itted here. There is neither noun nor
pronoun for the participle listening to attach itself to. In strict gram m ati
cal terms, his confidence is said to be listening. The participle m ust be
properly anchored: Listening to the Chancellor in full spate, I found his
confidence utterly disproportionate.
Perhaps the w orst examples o f this error are to be found w hen the
participle is form ed from the verb to b e.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Being mid-winter, the central heating should have been left on when we
went away.
That is typical o f the trouble that beginning a sentence w ith being can
lead to. The sentence tells us that the central heating was m id-w inter,
and that it should have been left on. The sentence should begin: As it
was m id-w inter. At its silliest this same mistake falsely links being w ith
the reader.
Being an Irvine Walsh book, you can guess where that rash is located, and
what happens every time it gets a good scratch.
Here is a reviewer telling you that you are an Irvine Walsh book, for that
is w hat the grammar strictly conveys. There is no escape from something
like: As it is an Irvine Walsh book. The truth is that the good w riter will
always pause before beginning a sentence w ith being, and will pause
again before finishing the sentence.

Directions for Routes

W e often find detached participles w hen w riters are spelling out direc
tions for routes, especially routes to be taken by walkers.
Heading due east for a mile to Pen-y-bryn, there are wide views to the blue
whalebacks of the Carneddau.
Here the w ide views are said to be heading due east. Such sentences can
usually be corrected by introducing an appropriate personal pronoun to
agree w ith the participle: Heading due east for a mile to Pen-y-bryn,
you will have w ide views to the blue whalebacks of the Carneddau.
Veering right at the junction of the paths, a magnificent panorama of hill
and dale is opened up.
Here the magnificent panoram a is said to veer right at the junction.
Introduce a personal pronoun: Veering right at the junction o f the paths,
you will see a magnificent panorama o f hill and dale.
Moving north of the border, the country turns wilder.
Here the country is said to move north. One could give the sentence the
same treatment: you will find that the country turns w ilder, but it

The Use of Verbs

w ould be just as natural to get rid o f the troublesom e participle: As you

move north o f the border, the country turns w ilder.
This is one o f the participles w ith w hich the problem repeatedly arises.
Looking out across its central grassy space, the place is much quieter these
Looking downwards, the sea stretches out into the distance.
Looking at the plan in detail, it seems too complicated.
In each case the participle looking is unanchored. In strict grammatical
terms we are told that the place is looking out across the space, then
that the sea is looking dow nwards, and lastly that it (the plan) is
looking at itself. If looking is kept, then there m ust be a pronoun to
agree w ith it: Looking out across its central grassy space, we find the
place m uch quieter. Similarly we could have: Looking downwards, we
see the sea stretching out into the distance and Looking at the plan in
detail, we find it too com plicated. But in each case the alternative
correction w ould be to replace the participle looking: As we look out
across its central grassy space, the place is m uch quieter; As we look
dow nw ards; and W hen w e look at the plan in detail.
It is correct to say He rem oved the broken tile from the roof, using a
step-ladder, because h e did indeed use the ladder. But it is at best
imprecise to say The broken tile was rem oved from the roof, using a
step-ladder, because the broken tile did not use the ladder. Nevertheless
one can find that construction day after day in print in the press.
Using proper firmness, most children over the age of two will sleep well.
It isnt the children w ho use proper firmness, as this tells us. The participle
should go: If proper firmness is used, most children over the age o f two
will sleep w ell.
Using appropriate varieties, endive can be sown for much of the year.
Again endive m ust not be said to use varieties, as this sentence has it.
And there is an excellent device for avoiding the grammatical trap. Drop
the participle using and substitute by the use o f .

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Employment Advertisements
A fairly recently established version o f the hanging participle can be
found in advertisements for industrial posts.
Reporting to the Deputy Managing Director and liaising with the Sales and
Marketing Directors, your responsibilities will be wide ranging.
It is not the responsibilities that will report to the Managing Director
and liaise w ith Sales and Marketing Directors. The sentence can make
sense only if the pronoun you is introduced and the sentence ends:
you will have w ide ranging responsibilities. The specimen illustrates a
very frequent error in the business world.
Reporting to the Northern European Marketing Manager, the key responsi
bility will be development and implementation of channel marketing pro
Again the key responsibility is said to have to report to the Marketing
Manager. The advertisement should read: Reporting to the N orthern
European Marketing Manager, you will have the key responsibility for
development and im plem entation of channel marketing program m es.
The error is made so frequently that one could quickly pile up further
/ I me
Just as the personal pronoun you is necessary in that kind o f sentence,
so the personal pronoun I is needed in many sentences introduced by
a participle.
Writing at the end of a long hot summer, it is easy to forget that we had
some cold times in the spring.
Saying that, my personal favourites are La Prairie and Estee Lauder.
In these two sentences the personal pronoun is required to make sense
o f the opening participles: W riting at the end o f a long hot summ er, I
find it easy to forget that w e had some cold times in the spring; Saying
that, I personally favour La Prairie and Estee Lauder. In matching an
initial hanging participle w ith a personal pronoun, it is not always
necessary to use the personal pronoun as subject o f w hat follows.

The Use of Verbs

Standing in the glass-roofed, cobbled courtyard, the distinctive interior is

reminiscent of Kew Gardens.
Here is a case in point. Instead o f w riting Standing in the glass-roofed,
cobbled courtyard, I am rem inded o f Kew Gardens, it w ould here be
technically quite correct to make sense o f standing by attaching it to
m e: Standing in the glass-roofed, cobbled courtyard, the distinctive
interior rem inded me o f Kew Gardens.
generally speaking
It w ould be w rong to leave this topic w ithout drawing attention to
various idiomatic uses o f the present participle w hich seem to break the
rules we have followed so far. For instance, w e should accept the follow
ing sentences.
Generally speaking, audiences here are poor.
Strictly speaking, the fellow ought to be reprimanded.
These two expressions, generally speaking and strictly speaking, have
established themselves as detachable from the im plicit pronoun ( Strictly
speaking, I think the fellow ought to be reprim anded) . We have to accept
that other such expressions could w ith popular use equally establish
themselves as respectable. Is not the process happening in our hearing in
the case o f the participle looking? Do w e not hear educated people
saying Looking at the idea objectively, it is im practicable, as though the
idea were looking at itself?


The Passive Past Participle
There is an active and a passive form o f the past participle. In Having
heard you speak, I feel I m ust disagree w ith you w e see the active form
having heard. In Heard in silence, he soon finished his speech, w e see
the passive form heard. Like the present participle, the past participle
tends to get detached from any noun or pronoun that could make it
grammatically acceptable. Errors are especially frequent in use o f the
passive past participle.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Designed as part of a comprehensive series on the English counties, the

author is deeply attached to his native area.
Illustrated by beautiful colour photographs and useful sketch-maps, the
reader will find delight in following in the authors footsteps.
It is curious that this particular grammatical error can often be found in
book reviews. In the first sentence we never learn w hat it is that is
designed as part o f a series. The w ording really conveys that the author
is so designed. In the second sentence we never learn w hat it is that is
illustrated by photographs and sketch-maps. This time the actual w o rd
ing conveys that the reader is thus lavishly illustrated. Participles resist
being m arooned. If deprived o f their proper m ooring, they will drift by
the force o f grammatical logic to an untenable attachment. If designed
and illustrated are to be kept, then book or some such w ord m ust
follow somewhere: Designed as part o f a com prehensive series on the
English counties, the book reveals the authors deep attachment to his
native area; Illustrated by beautiful colour photographs and useful
sketch-maps, the book will give delight to the reader w ho follows in the
authors footsteps.
There is a com m on version o f this error w hich is not always easy to
Originally appointed by the monarch to oversee his affairs in the outposts
of the kingdom, the Sheriffs role today is largely symbolic.
The w riter begins the sentence ( Originally appointed) presumably
assuming that the subject will be the Sheriff. But the w ording goes
awry w hen we get to the Sheriffs role. For it was not the role but the
Sheriff that the m onarch originally appointed. The Sheriff and his role
m ust be differentiated: Originally appointed by the m onarch to oversee
his affairs in the outposts o f the kingdom , the Sheriff today has a largely
symbolic role. We may call the mistaken construction here the possessive
trap. There is a subject involving a possessive, like Sheriffs role, and
the w riter proceeds as though the subject w ere really the Sheriff, and not
the role.
Let us turn to a specim en o f the blunder m ore veiled in words:
Brought up in a family of singers and instrumentalists, his musical interests
were the basis of many life-long friendships.
This w ording conveys that som ebodys musical interests w ere brought

The Use of Verbs

up in a family of singers and instrumentalists. Brought u p m ust be

attached w here it belongs: Brought up in a family o f singers and
instrumentalists, he enjoyed life-long friendships on the basis o f his
musical interests.
Sometimes we come across the hanging participle following a w ord
such as i f or w h en . In this usage the past participle can drift even
further from any mooring.
If confirmed, Mr Lader and his wife, Linda, are expected to continue running
the annual Renaissance gatherings.
Since there is no other w ord for if confirm ed to attach itself to, this
sounds as though Mr Lader and his wife will be allowed to continue their
w ork provided that they subm it to a certain religious ceremony. The best
way out of this confusion is to sacrifice the participle and substitute a
proper verb: If the appointm ent is confirm ed.
The same slip can occur after the w ord w h en .
The buffet had been laid out on sparkling white table-cloths. When removed,
our hosts revealed that they were really trestle tables.
The strict literal sense here w ould surely be that the hosts made this
revelation after they had rem oved. It w ould also appear that the hosts
identified themselves as trestle tables. Any correction w ould need to fill
out the construction: W hen the table-cloths w ere removed, it was
revealed that our hosts w ere using trestle tables.

The Active Past Participle

The active past participle is sometimes left as isolated from grammatical
m ooring as the passive. The following sentence takes us into the w orld
o f caravans and the caravan site.
The installation of a microwave oven would be a boon and at no cost,
having already paid the supplement to the site fee.
Here having paid hangs in total isolation. The way to bring it into the
sentence grammatically is to provide it w ith an anchorage: The instal
lation o f a microwave oven w ould be a boon and at no cost, the ow ner
having already paid the supplem ent to the site fee.
The active past participle suffers the same m istreatm ent as the passive

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

one in that it can be left in seeming attachment to the w rong noun w hen
the w riter falls into the possessive trap.
Alans background is in civil engineering, having worked in the coal industry
for twenty years.
Here Alans background is said to have w orked tw enty years in the coal
industry. The necessary correction can be very simply made: Alan has a
background in civil engineering, having worked in the coal industry for
tw enty years.
Perhaps the com m onest version o f this error is the misuse o f the phrase
having said that.
The site is vast and busy; but having said that, a quiet backwater can usually
be found.
Here the quiet backwater is said to have uttered. For though Having
said that, I shall accept the plan is correct, Having said that, the plan
will do fine is incorrect, since the plan did not speak. The ironical thing
about this error, w hich is made day after day on the radio, is that the
correct alternative is so rarely heard. That being said, the plan will do
fine is the obvious correction. An even shorter one is That said, the plan
will do fine.

The gerund is the part o f the verb that is used as a noun. We use lots o f
gerunds in daily talk: Walking is good for y ou; I love reading; Too
m uch talking tires h er; W e have stopped going to the cinem a. These
formations from the verbs to w alk, to read, to talk and to g o allow
us to use the verbs as nouns, acting as subjects or objects to verbs proper.

Gerunds A fter Prepositions

Gerunds can follow prepositions just as nouns can. Instead o f You will
succeed only by hard practice, one m ight say You will succeed only by
practising hard. W e should notice the connection in m eaning here
between practising and you. I hoped to im prove my holidays abroad
by learning French makes sense because by learning is related to the

The Use of Verbs

w ord I*. By learning French, holidays abroad can be im proved will not
do because holidays abroad do not learn French. This is the first com m on
misuse o f that construction, to leave it unanchored.
By paying his own way at Loughborough, it leaves more cash in the family
pot to adopt a baby girl from Guatemala.
This is the error in crude form. By paying cannot be attached to it. All
that needs to be done is to replace it by h e . W e turn to a slightly m ore
complex version of the misuse.
Time-tables and advance booking forms are available by sending an s.a.e.
to the headquarters.
This will not do because neither time-tables nor booking forms can send
stamped addressed envelopes. (It is necessary to make the further point
that these items are available w hether anyone sends for them or not.
They are obtainable only on receipt of the applications.) Perhaps the
shortest correct version here w ould be: Time-tables and advance booking
forms will be sent from headquarters on receipt o f an s.a.e.
A child who dislikes walking can be a problem, but by gentle coaxing and
by insisting on leaving the car at home when taking him where he especially
wants to go, he will gradually respond.
Here there is no proper subject to make sense o f the expressions by
gentle coaxing and by insisting on leaving the car at h om e. As the
w ording stands, the tw o expressions attach themselves to the subject
h e, w hich relates back to child. The one w ho does the coaxing m ust
be mentioned: By gentle coaxing and by insisting on leaving the car at
hom e w hen taking him w here he wants to go, you will gradually get
him to respond.
Such mistakes are not hard to find. Indeed it is possible to find the
same error muffled up in highbrow waffle. Consider the following from
a book review.
By repeating images, and multiplying visual fragments as a kind of marginal
gloss on the text, our grasp on what it is that interests Jonathan Miller about
a particular example builds up in stages.
We are here told that our grasp is busily repeating images and m ultiply
ing visual fragments in the process o f learning something or other. Either
by repeating images and m ultiplying fragments m ust go, or the phrases

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

m ust be detached from our unwilling grasp and placed firmly where they
belong: By repeating images, and m ultiplying visual fragments . . .
Jonathan Miller builds up our grasp on w hat it is that interests h im . But
alas, at the end of the review ers sentence one scarcely wants to know.
Failure to relate a gerund correctly to the noun to w hich it applies can
sometimes cause it to drift towards a noun w ith w hich it has no connec
tion. The following w ords from a speaker on BBC Radio 4 show the
dangers o f this possibility.
After ordering my meal, the waiter started to gossip.
In strict grammatical terms this implies that the w aiter ordered the meal.
A special caveat is needed about the use o f being as a gerund. Being
young is not always an advantage. Such sentences as that are proper and
useful, though it should be pointed out that one could equally well use
an infinitive and say To be young is not always an advantage.
Being a mass market marque means spare parts are never a problem.
It w ould be far better here to use the participle: The car being a mass
market model, spare parts are never a problem .

The Gerciple
There are matters o f controversy in grammar, matters over w hich som e
times experts disagree. W e approach one such now. Having acquainted
ourselves w ith the participle, w hich acts like an adjective (I found her
reading) and the gerund, w hich acts like a noun ( She loves reading),
w e m ust turn our attention to a form w hich tries to be both at the same
time and fails satisfactorily to be either: She disliked me reading detective
novels. The w ord reading there is a cross betw een a gerund (as in She
disliked reading) and a participle (as in She found m e reading). Fowler
called this m isbegotten form the fused participle. Because it tries to do
the w ork o f both gerund and participle, I have labelled it the gerciple.
There is logic in disallowing the construction. She disliked me reading
detective novels is im proper because she did not dislike me at all. She
disliked w hat I was doing. Thus it is that the correct thing to say is She

The Use of Verbs

disliked my reading detective novels. W e change the gerciple into a

genuine gerund, making it a verbal noun that is the object o f disliked.
W herever one turns in the press today there are gerciples. But it is
extremely difficult to find them in the w ork o f good writers - not always
impossible though. And have we not m anufactured them ourselves? It
w ould be a very bold w riter w ho claimed never to have done so. For
gerciples can appear at every level of im propriety from the grossly
illiterate to the utterly excusable. W e look first at the fondness for
attaching gerciples to pronouns.
Excuse me, I hope you dont mind me interrupting.
This should be: I hope you d o n t m ind my interrupting.
The building remains more or less intact thanks largely to it being listed.
This should be: thanks largely to its being listed.
The ride [in a car] is good: most bumps are swallowed without you even
knowing they were there.
This should be: w ithout your even know ing they were there.
The expression difference betw een tempts writers to illicit use o f the
gerciple. The following piece of parental advice illustrates the point.
Make it clear theres a difference between you reading to him (sheer
enjoyment for you both) and him learning to read (sometimes hard work).
The direct correction w ould simply adjust the pronouns: difference
between your reading to him and his learning to read.
We have corrected the sentences so far by turning the gerciples into
genuine gerunds. This has m eant turning m e into m y, it into its
and you into your. W e face a different problem w hen the misuse
involves a noun rather than a pronoun.
If you dont mind long-term health-care becoming a means-tested service,
then thats OK.
Technically this could be corrected by inserting an apostrophe: If you
d o n t m ind long-term health cares becoming a means-tested service.
But clearly that is intolerably awkward and clumsy. In such cases the
construction m ust be changed: If youre quite happy for long-term
health-care to become a means-tested service.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

It is frequently the case that clauses beginning w ith that can rescue
the w riter from error in this context.
In Britain there is a lay tradition of gifted naturalists undertaking the field
So here one gets rid o f the gerciple naturalists undertaking, not by any
apostrophe (naturalists taking) but by recourse to that: In Britain
there is a lay tradition that gifted naturalists undertake the field w ork.
High tides up to i ft above normal were forecast, with the added risk of
the hurricane, stalling over the coast and dumping all its rain.
To correct by use of the possessive case is once m ore impracticable (w ith
the added risk of the hurricanes stalling). Change the construction:
w ith the added risk that the hurricane w ould stall over the coast and
dum p all its rain.
This change is appropriate after those gerciples w hich tend to follow
such w ords as risk, possibility, danger and threat. So the possibility
o f the w hole staff being sacked w ould not become the possibility o f the
w hole staffs being sacked but the possibility that the w hole staff w ould
be sacked. Similarly the threat o f all the union m em bers com ing out on
strike w ould become the threat that all the union members w ould come
out on strike. Thus the following com m ent on a stowaway cat on a flight
in a Boeing 7^7 requires similar treatment.
There was no danger of it being too cold for her during the flight.
Instead o f correcting to danger o f its being too cold, use that again:
There was no danger that she w ould be too cold during the flight. And
again here is a quotation from a letter displaying the same fault.
Your report highlights the embarrassment which delays are already causing
ministers, with the threat of the Jubilee Line not being completed in time
for the public to visit the Millennium Dome.
Though the threat o f the Jubilee Lines not being com pleted w ould be
correct, it w ould be clumsy. W e need: w ith the threat that the Jubilee
Line will not be com pleted.

The Use of Verbs


may /might
There are few problem s w ith the form o f the tenses o f English verbs. We
do not find ourselves confusing the present w ith the past tense by
accident. The difficulties that do arise involve the conditional tenses.
Above all there is slackness in the use of m ay and m ight. The rule is
that w here we are speaking in the present or future tense, w e use the
form m ay: I hope I may be able to com e. And w here we are speaking
in the past tense, w e use m ight: I hoped I m ight be able to go. It is
not difficult to find this rule broken in print.
Some parents worried that if they complained their children may be taken
into care.
If the information about the food poisoning had been acted upon without
delay, the deaths may have been prevented.
There had been a possibility that the locomotive may have gone abroad.
In each case m ay should be m ight. The rule is really a very simple one.
Yet a news announcer speaks thus about a w om an whose daughter has
died o f meningitis after an unfortunate delay in finding a hospital place
for her.
Her mother believes she may not have died if she could have had the
treatment she required.
Plainly, once more, this should be: she m ight not have died if she could
have had the treatment she required.
The converse error, that o f using m ight w here the present tense o f
the main verb requires m ay, is perhaps slightly less common.
If you continue to work hard, you might get promotion.
Try as we might, the DETR will give us no details.
In each case m ight should be m ay.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Irregular Verb Forms

W e have our irregular verbs (such as sing, sang, sung) but few o f
them cause us difficulties. It is interesting that w e find writers today
treating the verb to sw ing as though it w ere exactly the same as sing
in this respect:
Politically, the NUS swang decisively from the left to the pragmatic
The back-up teams swang into action.
M odern usage prefers sw ung. Indeed my m odern dictionary gives only
sw ung as possible. But the 0 ED allows sw ang as a rarity. W e m ust
observe that it is dangerous to assume that a verb will w ork exactly like
a similar sounding one. Learnt is an alternative to learned as the past
tense o f to learn. But there is no such alternative to the past tense o f the
verb to earn.
His pragmatism earnt him respect in Ulster.
Her husband earnt yen in the Nippon Credit Bank in the City.
These sentences are incorrect. In each case earnt should be earned.
Some of our irregular verbs, however, provide us w ith choices in this
respect. The past tense o f weave may be either w eaved or w ove and
the perfect tense either I have w eaved or I have w oven. Other verbs
too, whose irregular forms have been simplified through the years, offer
us alternatives. The past tense o f strive should be strove and the
perfect tense I have striven. Yet the past tense o f thrive may be either
throve or thrived and the perfect tense either I have thriven or I have
heave I hove
The verb to heave has either heaved or hove as the past and perfect
forms. Publicity about a Titanic film on Channel 5 includes the sentence:
Acting styles and accents fly in all directions, especially when the rascally
Tim Curry hoves into view as a wicked steward/purser.
This is the same error as saying He sangs a song. There is no English
verb to hove. The verb to heave is used intransitively o f a vessel

The Use of Verbs

moving. The only possible correction to the above w ould be: w hen the
rascally Tim Curry heaves into view .
lead I led
Such w ords as hove are not often on our lips. It is ironic that the main
area o f current error in the forms of verbs is to be found in one or two
o f our most com monly used verbs. The verb to lead has the past tense
led. But because there is a noun lead (the metal) w hich is pronounced
exactly the same as led, the w rong spelling turns up for led w ith
remarkable frequency.
My work with adults had lead us into many ventures.
The workshop will be lead by Caroline E. Dari and Denise Allen.
In each case lead should be led.
lay /lie
Overriding all other seeming difficulties w ith verb forms is the persisting
confusion between the verbs to lay and to lie.
The harassed parent only wants to lay drowsing in the sun.
Its as good a place as any to lay for a couple of weeks in the sun.
I just couldnt lay about the house eating cake.
In each case lay should be lie. Lay is a transitive verb. It takes an
object. A hen lays an egg. A waitress lays the table. No doubt the
origin o f the troublesom e confusion lies in the fact that the verb to lie
has lay as its past tense.
Is this a lost cause? I ask because, m onths after writing the above, I
find the following in The Times report on Turkey after the earthquake:
His wife, Aynur, cooks what she can on a camping stove and warms the
milk for her ten-month-old baby, Ayae, who lays on a blanket under a
The baby lies on the blanket.
The converse error is just as common.
When she took Vicki out in her pram, she would lie her on her side.
First lie her on her back on a soft towel.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

In each case lie should be lay. Lie is an intransitive verb and cannot
take an object.
sat, stood, sprawled
A comparably frequent blunder in verb forms is the misuse o f the past
tenses o f sit, stand, and sprawl.
I recently spent a week either sat by my phone or calling my answer machine
from work.
The w riter means that she spent a week sitting by her phone. And once
again the blunder is com m on. W ithin a few days I have come across the
following two instances, the first from a radio presenter standing in for
a celebrated presenter w ho is on holiday:
It is a privilege to be sat in her seat.
And the second, according to my newspaper, from a QC addressing his
Old Bailey jury:
I dont suppose you want to be sat in here when there is an eclipse.
In each case sat should be sitting.
The verb to stand is similarly mistreated
He was stood there like a stuffed dummy.
The w riter means that the fellow was standing there like a stuffed
dumm y. Small w onder that a correspondent in The Times writes H ow I
m ourn the demise o f was sitting and was standing in favour o f the
hideously inelegant was sat and was stood . It is not just a case o f
hideous inelegance, but o f elementary grammatical error. We find the
same treatment given to the verb to spraw l. He was sprawled in front
o f the TV should be He was spraw ling.
A rather silly practice has recently been cultivated in w om ens journals
o f inverting the proper usage o f the verb to suit.
Im going for a dressy evening look, as I feel Maureen will suit it.
In purchasing clothes the issue is w hat will suit the customer, not w hat
will suit the clothes. Subject and object are not here interchangeable.
The clothes have no choice. The garments w ith the dressy evening look

The Use of Verbs

cannot decide that they w ould rather clothe M aureens friend than
Maureen. There is no m ore sense in inverting the usage w ith the verb to
suit than there w ould be w ith, say, the verb to please. No one has yet
begun to write She greatly pleases this kind o f holiday instead o f This
kind o f holiday greatly pleases her.


The Fabric of the Sentence

The main building blocks o f utterance are nouns and verbs. But we
frequently replace nouns by those convenient substitutes w hich we call
pronouns. We scatter our daily talk w ith pronouns. W here is it?, How
is she?, Tell them to be quiet, Thats the postm an. The w ords it,
she, them and that are all pronouns. They function as nouns. They
save us the trouble o f saying W here is the new spaper?, How is your
grandm other?, Tell the children to be quiet, or The noise at the door
is made by the postm an. Stand-in w ords like these raise few problem s
in conversation w here w e know w hat nouns they are understudying. If
you ask W hat is it? w ith an unopened Christmas present in your hand,
nobody is going to ask W hat do you mean by it ? And if you say Tell
them to be quiet as your youngsters are perform ing circus acts in the
bedroom above, no one is going to ask you W hat do you m ean by
them ? But in print w hat the w riter is getting at as he or she sprinkles
pronouns over the page may sometimes not be clear.
Nowhere is this m ore likely to occur than in the use o f it.
You can never really know the limits of your body; it is always surprising.
W hat is it? W e can guess, but the w riter doesnt tell us. For it should
refer back to som ething already referred to (The tyre is flat; it m ust be
punctured). On this reading the w riter is saying The body is always
surprising. But w e know that she doesnt m ean that. She means that
discovering w hat the limits o f your body are is always surprising. She
should have said: it is always surprising to find o u t.
That is the first o f the problem s raised in the use o f pronouns. The

The Fabric of the Sentence

reader always needs to know exactly w hat they refer back to. The good
w riter will never leave it so placed that the reader is not absolutely
certain w hat the w ord refers to. There should never be that m om ent o f
doubt in the readers m ind produced by a collision between the meaning
suggested by the context and the m eaning im plicit in the grammar.
Use a make-up sponge to sweep it over the face. Dont overload the sponge
or it could look streaky.
Clearly the first it refers to the make-up in use. But the readers m ind
receives a little jolt from the second it. The form o f the sentence - the
grammatical proxim ity o f it to sponge - suggests one meaning, then
the brain rules it out as absurd. It cant after all be the sponge that may
look streaky. It m ust be the face. These are reasoning processes w hich
readers ought not to have to go through. The good w riter will ensure
that they d ont have to. Its all a question o f the primacy o f concepts
planted in the m ind by the words.
This is a lovely way to keep fruit for a couple of days. Its delicious for
breakfast, lunch or tea.
Here is a case in point. The reader responds to a statement about a w ay
to keep fruit. That is the concept that has the primacy. But the reader is
not allowed to continue to hold to the w ay o f keeping fruit as the
subject o f discourse. For the tw o w ords Its delicious plainly refer, not
to the way o f keeping fruit, but to the fruit itself. Thus time after time it
is by the misuse o f pronouns that readers are jolted from following
logical trains of thought by m om entary mental doubts, quickly removed,
but nevertheless interruptive.
they / them
The plural pronouns they and them m ust equally refer back to som e
thing previously m entioned.
Introduce a friend to the AA, and both of you can choose a free gift. They
include a travel rug, first-aid kit, sports bag . . .
To use they to refer back to a free gift is bad. Correction is needed:
The gifts include a travel rug
Sometimes they can be ill-used in that there seem to be two possible
alternative nouns to w hich the w ord m ight refer back.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Peoples ideas about the 50s and 60s tend to blur together - but they are
really quite distinct from one another.
On first reading this one m ight assume that they refers back to peoples
ideas. But the context suggests that the w riter m eant not that peoples
ideas differ, but that the 50s differ from the 60s. So correction is needed:
but the two periods are really quite distinct from one another.
W hat applies to they applies to them .
Under new proposals up to 200 car spaces may be lost with simply nowhere
for them to go.
This conveys the message that there is now here for the spaces to go.
Nothing has been said directly about cars. The message is about the
spaces they occupy. The cars m ust be specifically m entioned for th em
to have a reference point: up to 200 parking spaces may be lost, leaving
simply now here for the cars to go.
This is m ine, w e say. In relation to that usage the question may arise:
W hat does this refer to? The m ost com m on misuse o f this occurs
w hen that question cannot be unam biguously answered.
The railway would like to buy the old station building at Market Bosworth,
which is used as a garage and workshop. Although it was on sale recently
for around 200,000, this is beyond its present means, but it holds hope
of some agreement. This may be difficult in the short term.
Here in three sentences are tw o uses o f this and two uses o f it. That
it was on sale does not trouble us. It there is plainly the old station
building. And that this is beyond som eones means does not in itself
trouble us. It is clearly the price quoted to w hich this refers. But for the
same sentence to state that it was on sale at a price beyond its present
means and that nevertheless it holds some hope will not do. Nor is the
last this happily related to w hat precedes it. The answer to all these
problems is simply to economize on pronouns rather than on nouns, and
to say: Although the station building was on sale recently for around
200,000, the price was beyond the railways present means, but there
is hope o f some agreement, though reaching it may prove difficult in the
short term .
One of the facts that complicates the use o f this is the double

The Fabric of the Sentence

application the w ord can have. In the one usage it refers back to a single
noun, in the other usage to a complete clause. He had to take the
examination in Physics yesterday. This is not one o f his strong subjects.
There this refers directly back to the one w ord in the previous sentence,
Physics. N ow change the second sentence. He had to take the exam in
ation in Physics yesterday. This is unfortunate because he was not feeling
w ell. In that sentence this refers back to the w hole content o f the
previous sentence. W hen w riting this one should always check exactly
w hat it is that it refers back to. There m ust be no am biguity for the
he I him, she I her, 11me, we / us
In turning to these personal pronouns we have to deal w ith a different
kind o f error, not so m uch the error of not making clear to w hom the
personal pronoun refers, but the error o f getting confused between the
tw o forms, subject and object, h e and h im , she and h er, I and
m e, w e and us. W hen errors occur in this m atter the likelihood is
that h im is used w here it should be h e, that h er is used w here it
should be she, and that us is used w here it should be w e. (Yet,
strangely enough, that tendency is reversed w ith the pronouns I and
m e.) In certain dialects one used to get the equivalent o f they hated
h e or he trusted she, but these are not com m on errors today. The rule
to rem em ber is that the forms h im , h er, m e and us can never be
used as subjects of a verb. Thus It is him w ho is to blam e should be It
is he w ho is to blam e and We got on well together, him and m e should
be We got on well together, he and I. Similarly M um is against him
too: both her and Dad w ant m e to leave h im should be both she and
Dad w ant me to leave h im . Whereas it is correct to say It is we w ho are
to blam e, w here w e is the subject o f the verb are, it is correct to say
It is us he blam ed, w here us is the object o f the verb blam ed. One
has to turn to cheaper magazines to find the crudest such errors in print,
and they often occur in letters from readers.
Im really interested in plants and have taken down lots of addresses for
places me and my friend can visit in the spring.
This should read: lots o f addresses for places I and my friend can visit.
Alas, I had just w ritten the sentence above about cheaper magazines
w hen my eye fell on a piece in The Times. The newspaper prints a tribute


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

to Charlie Chaplin on the anniversary o f his death w hich reads thus at

one point:
His childhood was unhappy and when Charles was five his mother sent he
and half-brother Sydney to an orphanage.
This should be: sent him and half-brother Sydney to an orphanage. The
error is curious, for one could hazard a guess that the w riter w ould in
no circumstances have w ritten His m other sent he to the grocers shop.
W hat is it that happens to the hum an m ind to upset it w hen pronouns
are thus partnered w ith nouns?
There is only one error o f this kind that is heard frequently in super
ficially cultivated circles. It is the misuse o f I. For in contrast w ith w hat
obtains w ith the other pairs o f personal pronouns, it is I that is over-used
and not m e. Somehow people have got the im pression that it is always
w rong to say you and m e. So we get such tortuous statements as They
w ould never threaten you and I instead o f you and m e.
Come immunization day, my mother couldnt get my brother and I jabbed
fast enough.
Here is a typical case in print o f I used w here m e w ould be correct. It
is remarkable that people w ho w ould never think o f saying My m other
gave I a present will readily say My m other gave my brother and I a
For you or I it would be an intolerably difficult decision to have to make.
The case after a preposition such as for m ust always be m e, h im ,
h er, us or them . It is curious that people are reluctant to com m it
themselves to the natural construction: for you or m e. H ow deeply this
error has corrupted us may be gauged from N orm an Lamonts account
o f how John Major, as Prime Minister, replied in the Commons to
accusations o f a split between the Chancellor and himself:
It may be that many people would like to invent divisions between he and
I, but there are none.
This should have been: divisions between him and m e.
who I whom
This relic o f Anglo-Saxon differentiation betw een the subject case and
the object case is still troubling people.

The Fabric of the Sentence

Theres a new couple down the road who Id love to meet.

Theres a man at work who I fantasize about.
You need to know who to contact.
In each o f these three sentences w h o should be w h o m , for in each
case the pronoun is the object o f a verb: w hom Id love to m eet; w hom
I fantasize about; w hom to contact. W ho is appropriate only w here
the pronoun is the subject o f the verb (I w ant to know w ho lives there).
It is ironic that though the form w h o m is used far less than it should
be, yet people still manage to use it w here they should not.
He refused to tell police whom he thinks is responsible for the guerrilla
The pronoun (w h o m ) used here should not be regarded as the object
o f he thinks but as the subject o f is. Many sentences are made on this
pattern. There are two possible alternative corrections. We may change
w h o m to w h o : He refused to tell the police w ho he thinks is respon
sible. Or we may make the pronoun the real object o f thinks by altering
the verb is: He refused to tell the police w hom he thinks to be
responsible. The same treatm ent could be given in the following
The ante-post market for the Sagitta 2000 Guineas has become lively after
the winning debut at York last week of Stravinsky, the Aidan OBrien colt
whom many think will follow in the footsteps of his stable companion . . .
This m ust become either: the Aidan O Brien colt w ho many think will
follow in the footsteps, or: the Aidan O Brien colt w hom many think
likely to follow in the footsteps.
The relative pronoun w h o m must refer back clearly to a noun (or
pronoun), and it m ust be a noun used as a noun, not a noun used as an
I act for a small husband-and-wife partnership, both of whom are semi
retired and unlikely ever again to be liable to tax.
Here the w ords husband-and-w ife act as an adjective describing the
partnership. Strictly speaking, neither husband nor wife has been m en
tioned as such. If the w ord w h o m is to be kept, husband and w ife
m ust become genuine nouns: I w ork for a partnership o f husband and
wife, both o f w hom are sem i-retired.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English


Prepositions, those little w ords in the architecture o f the sentence, are
rather like the m ortar that holds the bricks together in building. I w ent
the cinema my friend the evening the tw enty-fifth is like a pile o f loose
bricks. W hen the prepositions are added ( I w ent to the cinema with my
friend on the evening of the tw enty-fifth) the bricks are fastened together
in a meaningful fabric.
A w ord m ust be said about the label preposition. In dealing w ith
verbs in the last chapter we finally turned to the part o f speech know n as
the gerund or the verbal n o u n . The very expression verbal n o u n can
teach us a lot. If a verb can function as a noun from time to time, then
basic grammatical labels m ust sometimes be taken w ith a pinch o f salt.
Indeed, the w ords we were taught at school to call prepositions spend
quite a lot of their time not being prepositions at all. Consider the w ord
u p , how variously it functions. One only has to compare He ran up a
big hill w ith He ran up a big bill to realize that w hat he did in respect
o f the hill is very different from w hat he did in respect o f the bill. In up
a big hill, u p is indeed a preposition w ith a direct relationship to the
noun hill. In He ran up a big bill u p is w hat is generally called a
particle, determ ining the meaning of the verb ran . This is not a special
peculiarity o f the w ord u p . The bus ran dow n the hill m ight be
com pared w ith The bus ran dow n a pedestrian. Again d o w n is a
preposition in the first sentence and a particle (sometimes called an
adverbial particle) in the second sentence.
W hat other forms o f speech can the w ord u p become? Most com
m only perhaps an adverb, as in sentences such as A storm suddenly blew
u p or The w inning num ber came u p . It can also become an adjective,
for the railways used to speak o f the u p line and the d o w n line
according to w hether the line was used for trains going towards London
or away from London. And w hen we speak o f the ups and dow ns o f
life we are using the w ord u p as a noun. Finally, in the sentence He
upped and w ent away w e use the w ord u p as a verb.
We are here chiefly concerned w ith prepositions perform ing their
proper prepositional function. As long as crude physical connections are
at issue in such expressions as to the cinem a and w ith my friend, it is
unlikely that the preposition used will be the w rong one. But o f course
prepositions are used to indicate connections less easily definable than

The Fabric of the Sentence

those. And an observer o f the way the English language is being used
from day to day cannot avoid noticing an extreme carelessness in the choice
o f prepositions. This is not perhaps so m uch a m atter o f logic as o f custom.
W hen a reviewer in the Daily Telegraph writes Many people will be particu
larly interested by the m ore speculative pieces, the reader feels a jolt o f
mental discomfort. Traditional usage w ould surely require Many people
will be particularly interested in the m ore speculative pieces. Just as we say
fascinated by and attracted by, so we say interested in .
N ow it may be argued that many well-established uses o f prepositions
are simply the product o f convention. But in a sense all verbal meanings
are a matter of established convention. It may be agreed that some verbal
conventions have m ore o f a philological basis than others. Some verbal
conventions are m ore im portant than others and no doubt certain ver
bal conventions are m ore purely conventional than others. But is there
some special reason for treating w ith indifference the conventions o f
usage affecting prepositions? I ask this because, so far as the spoken w ord
is concerned, and if BBC Radio 4 is representative o f general practice,
then it w ould not be an exaggeration to say that there is an epidemic o f
prepositional anarchy around. A prom inent sym ptom of the complaint
is over-use o f the preposition to . There seems to be a campaign to turn
it into an all-purpose preposition.
to for of
Remember too - that the secret to getting and staying physically active is to
start at a level which is comfortable to you.
W eve discovered the secret to looking good for longer.
Here is evidence from the magazine w orld o f how the usage secret o f
is being neglected. In these tw o cases preference should surely be given
to the secret o f getting and staying physically active and the secret o f
looking good. Convention has established the usage the secret o f success
matching the usages the riddle o f the sands and the enigma o f the
unsolved cypher. The substitution o f to for o f after secret appears
to derive from the usage in such sentences as Detectives are searching
for clues to the identity o f the criminal. By a familiar process o f construc
tional transfer the usage appropriate for clue is applied to the w ord
And now I have just heard on the radio a speaker telling us that

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

someone took a very different view to the w hole affair. Clearly it should
be a different view of the w hole affair. W hat makes the mistake worse
is the fact that there is a proper use o f the expression view to widely
different in meaning from the expression view o f . One may say I
bought the country cottage w ith a view to eventually retiring there.
Again, I hear on the radio a well-spoken, well-educated w om an give
this reply to an interviewer: I d o n t know w hether Im the right person
to ask that question to . The established convention is that w e ask a
question o f someone, not to someone, and therefore the speaker
should have said I d o n t know w hether Im the right person to ask that
question of.
to for on
And now someone has been speaking on Radio 4 about experimentation
w ith GM crops, and insisting that there w ould be no detrimental effect
to the environm ent. But established convention requires us to speak o f
the effect o n the environm ent.
to for in
A former Manchester Ship Canal locomotive will celebrate its centenary by
being painted to its original MSC livery.
W e repaint things in a given colour, not to it: celebrate its centenary
by being repainted in its original MSC livery.
The trick to drawing is measurement.
Even if we condone the dubious use o f the w ord trick (here roughly
meaning w hat was m eant above by secret) , it surely cannot be followed
by to . One m ight speak of the trick in drawing, but trick is the w rong
w ord anyway.
to for for
I r e a d in The Times D ia ry :
Charges of lack of sympathy to women have been successfully rebuffed by
John Casey, Fellow of Gonville and Caius, Cambridge.
The preposition to is again out o f place after sympathy. The sentence
should read: Charges o f lack o f sympathy for w om en have been success
fully rebuffed.

The Fabric of the Sentence

to for with
We now turn to a misuse w hich is increasingly damaging our verbal
sensitivities, that is, the distinction betw een connected w ith and con
nected to .
He believed Mr Pettit was connected to drugs.
Here is a clear misuse o f to . Mr Pettit may have been connected w ith
drugs, that is to say, he may have been associated w ith people involved
in the handling o f drugs. An electric fire is connected to the mains by a
plug in a socket. The attachment o f one thing to another is a different
matter from the association o f one thing w ith another. Cancer o f the
lung may be connected w ith cigarette smoking, but cannot be said to
be connected to cigarette smoking. But to judge from the English o f
Radio 4 the habit o f using connected to w here connected w ith w ould
be correct is widely prevalent. The w ord to seems sometimes to have a
compulsive grip on speakers. I have even heard a speaker take up a point
by saying in connection to w hat we have been discussing instead o f in
connection w ith w hat w e have been discussing.
Here is another case w here to appears at the expense o f w ith :
All chief constables have now been ordered to provide to the Home Office
confidential reports on corruption in their forces.
It is not established English usage to speak o f providing food to starving
people, but to speak o f providing starving people w ith food. All
chief constables have been ordered to provide the Home Office w ith
confidential reports.
to for after
W hat looks like a further misuse of to is displayed in a local journal.
Then Tom, who has always hankered to run an evening paper, took over
the editorship of the North West Evening Mail at Barrow.
The verb to hanker actually derives from a verb meaning to hang about
and thus gathered its associations of being in search o f something. In
traditional usage the verb is followed by after, though for is also
sometimes used. There is no authority for to . The correction is: Tom,
w ho has always hankered after running an evening paper.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

to for from
Most remarkable of all is this novel practice:
Much of the decline [of village inns], however, dates to the introduction of
greater competition on beer prices by the Thatcher government in the
W hy not the established (and logical) dates from ?
missing to
After the evidence above o f over-use o f the preposition to , it is ironic
that w e have to draw attention to a failing in the opposite direction. A
lax habit is being cultivated in some quarters of om itting prepositions
w hich are really indispensable.
Some novels are hard to bid farewell.
To find this in print in a review is surprising. The once-fashionable, but
quite illogical, ruling against ending a sentence w ith a preposition can
hardly be said to excuse this. Inelegant as it may seem, we m ust have:
Some novels are hard to bid farewell to.
on for for
Another over-used preposition today is o n .It appears in various contexts
in substitution for various other prepositions.
The Director outlines some of the implications on ministry as a whole.
W e speak o f implications for ministry, not o n ministry. This again
appears to be a case o f constructional transfer. Because it is our practice
to speak o f the effects o f an event o n someone or even the influence o f
an event o n someone, therefore the w riter here assumes that one can
speak o f the implications o f an event o n someone or something.
on for to
I wouldnt recommend it on anyone.
This is an even m ore extraordinary case o f constructional transfer. Because
we speak of im posing things o n people and, m ore idiomatically, o f
w ishing things o n people, the w riter here assumes that one can speak
o f recom m ending things o n people. So w e get the over-used preposition

The Fabric of the Sentence

o n used w here the even m ore over-used preposition to w ould in fact

be proper.
on for o f
Economists said the data confirmed that the strong pound, the Asian finan
cial crisis and a slowing domestic economy were taking heavy toll on the
The m ore regular English usage is to take toll o f ,
on for against
Here is an even m ore remarkable misuse.
The Government is continuing its campaign by stealth on the deluded
middle classes who elected them.
A campaign o n vivisection is surely the same thing as a campaign about
vivisection, w hether pro or con. Plainly there should be no such vagueness
about the above sentence from the hunting lobby. The w riter means to
persuade us that the governm ent is involved in a campaign against the
middle classes. No other w ord than against w ould be right here.
redundant on
As an extreme instance of the prepositional anarchy from w hich
the media now suffer, let us consider the following passage from The
Hundreds of Ukrainian mercenaries are fighting alongside Sierra Leones
rebels who yesterday made good on their promise to burn Freetown, the
capital, to the ground.
There are two idiomatic English usages o f the w ords make good. The
one is represented by such statements as After a difficult start, he
eventually made good, w here made good simply means succeeded.
The other usage is represented by such statements as He made good his
pledge to cover all the cost w here made good means faithfully kept,
generally used o f a prom ise duly fulfilled. The journalist above presum
ably meant just that: made good their promise to burn Freetow n. So
w hat is the w ord o n doing there?
And here is a misplaced attem pt to be colloquial:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Atkinson, 47, of Kilburn, North London, had studied up on art and

antiques . . .
U p and o n are alike out of place. If studied is kept, they m ust both
be removed.
missing on
Here is Radio 4 s announcem ent about the discovery o f a black box after
a plane crash.
It sheds no light as to what caused the accident.
Light is shed o n the objects it illuminates, not as to them.
A local authority has sent a receipt for a parking fine.
Received o ff. . . Mr Bloggs . . .
Is received from now regarded in local governm ent as an obsolete
Perhaps for is the com m on preposition m ost rarely misused, but the
statement below provides an instance:
Local Tory and Labour leaders share a fierce pride for their city.
This seems to be another case of constructional transfer. Because we
speak o f affection, fondness or love for a city, the w riter w rongly
transfers this usage to the w ord pride. The proper usage is: Local Tory
and Labour leaders share a fierce pride in their city.
Radio 4 has supplied another instance o f such constructional transfer
in a reference to a father w ho has an obsession for sport. A person may
be said to have a love for sport, but w e do not use for after obsession.
Just as we say that someone is obsessed w ith (or by) a hobby, so we
say that someone has an obsession w ith a hobby. But in the sentence
quoted it is difficult to understand w hy the noun obsession was used at
all, instead o f the verb: a father w ho is obsessed w ith sport.
W e are told by a voice on Radio 4 that a certain politician has no
sympathy for this view . English has two distinctive usages after the w ord
sympathy. We say that w e have sympathy w ith a friend w hen w e w ish

The Fabric of the Sentence

to indicate that we share her feelings or convictions in some respect. We

say that w e have sympathy for the friend w hen w e w ish to indicate that
w e have understanding and fellow-feeling for her in her current situation.
It is im portant not to confuse these usages. You may feel sympathy for
a stricken person, because you thereby enter into sharing that persons
feelings, but you sympathize (m ore objectively) w ith that persons
viewpoint. The distinction may be a subtle one, but distinctions between
usages have to match in subtlety the workings o f the hum an mind. To
lose the distinction in such cases as this is to jettison nuances w hich are
a part o f our heritage as thinking beings.
fro m . . . to
One o f the constructions w hich seems to cause people trouble is the use
o f from and to in such sentences as From saucepans to electric washers
everything in the store seems too dear. That sentence makes its point
properly because saucepans and electric w ashers belong to the same
series o f items as goods on show in a particular shop. Thus everything
makes sense as sum m ing them all up in a generalization about those
items. But consider this:
From frosty pinks to rosy hues, everyone will have a chance to look
fashionably made up.
To define people as frosty pinks and rosy hues is not flattering. Everyone
here cannot be said to sum up that series o f colours in making the
generalization. The only possible sequence to From frosty pinks to rosy
hues w ould be som ething like all the colours were fashionable.
Having looked at a case w here a from . . . to construction is
im properly followed up, we should also look at a case w here the from
. . . to construction is itself im properly handled.
This action plan includes a wide range of activities from working with
young offenders to those who suffer discrimination.
The from . . . to construction here itself goes awry. There is no proper
balance between w hat should be parallel items after from (w orking
w ith young offenders) and to (those w ho suffer). We need that
balance: a w ide range o f activities from working w ith young offenders
to helping those w ho suffer discrim ination.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The preposition from on its ow n is perhaps less often misused. But the
following is noteworthy.
While Tony Blair has reformed the Labour Party, making its policies more
acceptable, the Conservative Party under William Hague has become unreco
gnizable from the party I used to support so enthusiastically.
We need to consider w hat prepositions can be properly used after
unrecognizable. W e can say The building is unrecognizable from this
distance, but plainly that is not the usage intended above. W e can also
say He is unrecognizable as the man w ho sold m e the car. And it w ould
appear that this is the appropriate usage for the sentence above: The
Conservative Party has become unrecognizable as the party I used to
The w ord from is used after certain verbs o f prohibition. A person is
prohibited or banned from driving. But that does not justify a statement
about Parliament having to decide w hich countries should be forbidden
from receiving certain w eapons. We forbid people to do this or that.
Sometimes error or awkwardness results from rather thoughtlessly begin
ning a sentence w ith a preposition.
At a meeting called last week by the President of the local Chamber of Trade
over i 30 people attended.
People do not attend at a meeting. They attend the meeting. To correct
this sentence while keeping the first w ords At a m eeting the verb
attended w ould have to go: over 130 people were present.
It seems hazardous to begin a sentence w ith at. Here a journalist is
looking into the background o f a newly revealed one-tim e spy:
At the house in Kirkham Drive, Hull, where he has lived for the past three
years, none of the neighbours knew about his cloak-and-dagger background.
Was it at the house that nobody knew? Did the neighbours all gather
there to oblige the journalist, allowing him to economize on prepositions?
We cannot know.
There are a few verbs w hich are often followed by at. W e stare at
people and we marvel at new inventions. In such cases the w ord is
generally not dispensable even w hen the verb is passive. If I stare at you,

The Fabric of the Sentence

then you are stared at, not just stared. That is w here the following
touch o f eloquence about the young goes astray.
They dont want to be lectured, they dont want to be preached.
The only thing that can be preached is a sermon. There is no alternative
to: they d o n t w ant to be preached at.
The conversational habit o f om itting at after certain verbs w hich
require it should not be followed in print. W here Its a nice place to
stay m ight pass in conversation, in w riting one w ould expect Its a nice
place to stay at.
He reviews restaurants too, and makes most of them sound like places you
wish you could eat.
Plainly this should be: most o f them sound like places you w ish you
could eat at. The notion o f w anting to eat restaurants m ight seem unlikely
to be often expressed in print, but in fact it is not rare.
Penang has a mix of Chinese, Indian and Malay people, which, among other
things, makes it a fantastic place to eat.
in and out
A com m on malpractice w ith in (as w ith at) is that o f om itting it. A
radio announcer, speaking of the plight of the sufferers from the Turkish
earthquake, says that they are finding the emergency tents supplied to be
places not fit to live instead of not fit to live in . It is only a living being
w ho can logically be described as not fit to live.
There is a temptation to use o u t w here it is superfluous - for example,
There are two things you can separate o u t. This means no m ore than
There are two things you can separate.
At the beginning o f this section we cited a misuse o f by after the w ord
interested. There is a similar lapse from established convention in a
reference to
Wives or girl friends . . . who dont understand why their partner is so
concerned by being bald.
One m ight be upset, disturbed or moved by something, but concerned
is followed by at: so concerned at being bald. And another journalist
seems equally at sea over the use o f by:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Nicholas Owen, of ITN, is in trouble with his friend Sophie Rhys-Jones, by

comparing her with Diana, Princess of Wales.
Just as a criminal w ould not be jailed by robbing a bank but fo r
robbing a bank, so Nicholas Owen m ust not be said to be in trouble b y
anything he has done but for comparing Sophie w ith Diana.
W e have various idiomatic usages o f over. In (a) She has changed over
the years the notion o f duration is predom inant. In (b) They exhibited
great concern over the w hole tragic affair the w ord over is the equivalent
o f about or in respect o f . In (c) They discussed the latest news over
lunch the notion o f simultaneity is present.
What do you think of the governments handling over the whole affair?
In this question, put by a Radio 4 interviewer, the speaker seems to be
trying to com bine usage (a) w ith usage (b) in the same utterance. The
effort does not come off. Usage (b) is appropriate only after certain
w ords such as concern, w orry or disappointm ent (He expressed his
disappointm ent over the w hole discussion). In this context the w ord
handling requires to be followed by o f .
W e come now to the treatm ent o f the preposition whose misuse has run
riot in contemporary journalism. Journalists, it seems, are prepared to
force the preposition w ith to do num erous jobs for w hich it is unfitted.
the additive with
She lives in London, with regular travels overseas.
We may accept that the com ma after London makes clear that there is no
question o f cohabitation. Nevertheless since the proper use o f w ith
w ould give us such sentences as She lives in London w ith her grand
m other, it seems impossible to justify not w riting She lives in London
b u t/a n d travels regularly overseas.
We climbed and climbed with a sheer drop as one glanced out of the window.
Here again the w ord w ith is asked to do an additive job it is unfitted
for. The sentences W e climbed w ith heavy rucksacks on our backs and

The Fabric of the Sentence

We climbed w ith great difficulty show how w ith should be used.

Instead it here introduces an additional piece o f inform ation which, as
before, m ight have been properly introduced by and: We climbed and
climbed, and caught sight o f a sheer drop as w e glanced out o f the
w indow s.
The statement made clear that there was no agreement on interest rates,
with governments likely to go their own way.
Once m ore w ith is used im properly to add to the inform ation given.
The sentence should conclude: and governments w ere likely to go their
ow n ways.
There are times w hen the use o f w ith to add an appendage seems
positively forced on the English tongue. Here we have a form er ambassa
dor on the subject o f the Foreign Office.
One of the great failures of the diplomatic service has been to cast off its
image as bowler-hatted, pin-striped, chinless and with a fondness for
W hy avoid the straightforward natural sequence here: cast off its image
as bowler-hatted, pin-striped, chinless and fond o f cham pagne?
the causal with
The misuse o f w ith for appending additional inform ation is, however,
a m ild offence com pared to the prevalent misuse o f w ith w hich treats
it as having something in com m on w ith the w ord because.
As you say, with the noise, you could easily have been persuaded that the
gear box was broken.
W ith the noise is here used to m ean because o f the noise. One wonders
w hat is the rational basis for using the w ord thus. For the causal element,
in various degrees, now seems to intrude into the use o f w ith in many
different contexts.
With a mainly rural constituency it was no surprise when Paddy Ashdown
joined the Countryside Alliance march through London.
Paddy Ashdown certainly did not join the m arch w ith a rural constitu
ency. He joined it, w e are really being told, because he has a rural
constituency. Not that there is any need to introduce the w ord because
here. The participle could be used. Having a mainly rural constituency,

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Paddy Ashdown not surprisingly joined the Countryside Alliance march

through London. This recourse to a participle will often correct misuse
o f w ith .
With trading pretty tough, dont expect a big profits advance this year.
Once m ore the causal element is predom inant in the connotation o f
w ith . Yet there is no need to use because. The participle will serve
again: Trading being pretty tough, d o n t expect a big profits advance
this year.
O f course there are occasions w hen getting rid o f the offensive w ith
may take m uch m ore trouble. Consider the following sentence about life
in the Fens.
Malaria was once a great problem, for example, and with few doctors and
endemic poverty the local people often resorted to homemade remedies.
It is bad to com bine endemic poverty w ith few doctors as two equivalent
possessions the locals had. The two items require separate verbs to
indicate their proper connection w ith the local people: Malaria was
once a great problem , for example, and, having few doctors and suffering
from endemic poverty, the local people often resorted to hom em ade
rem edies.
the causal / temporal with
There is a use o f w ith w hich is part-causal and part-tem poral in its
With Gordons retirement, we have sought to make a few more changes
within the team at Headquarters.
The w ords seem to com bine the sense since Gordon retired w ith the
sense because Gordon has retired. The m ost suitable correction w ould
be: Now that Gordon has retired.
Now her childhood home is up for sale and, with both her parents dead,
saying goodbye is going to be painful.
Here w ith is used again to give both a temporal and a causal explanation,
am ounting to now that they are dead and because they are dead. But
the participle construction could perfectly m eet the need here: and, both
her parents being dead, saying goodbye is going to be painful. The same
treatment can be given to the following:

The Fabric of the Sentence

With Edith gone something had to be done about Jack.

Correct this to: Edith having gone, som ething had to be done about
with and participle
Some o f the most unfortunate misuses o f w ith occur w hen the w ord is
followed by a present participle.
With the internet seeming to have an effect on many areas of our lives, it
was probably only a matter of time before it was used to organize a railtour.
The causal force o f w ith should be differently obtained: Now that the
internet seems to have an effect on many areas o f our lives.
Perhaps the most excruciating o f all misuses o f w ith can be illustrated
by the w ords o f a Times correspondent from W ashington:
With it looking almost certain, barring new developments, that the required
two thirds of the ioo-member Senate will not remove Mr Clinton from
office by voting to convict him on the two articles of impeachment, the
disagreement among senators is over how quickly to rid themselves of the
W hat is meant here by W ith it looking almost certain is Since it looks
almost certain, and that is how it should read. The journalist is operating
here on the same level as the person w ho could w rite W ith it being wet,
I stayed inside instead o f Since it was wet,
Very often the bad com bination of w ith and a present or past participle
can be m ore simply avoided.
With the pic having increased its authorized share capital to 1,000,000,
the relaunch will enable it to raise the money needed to rebuild the line.
All that needs to be done here to make the sentence a perfectly good one
is to take out the w ord w ith : The pic having increased its authorized
share capital to 1,000,000, the relaunch will enable it to raise the money
In a m ore complex sentence the same simple correction can often be
The incumbents of Egremont Castle seemingly had problems providing
male heirs, and with Richard de Lucy leaving no son, the superstition
developed that no male heir would ever survive to inherit the castle.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

If w e take out the w ord w ith and adjust the punctuation, we are left
w ith a perfectly satisfactory sentence: The incum bents o f Egremont
Castle seemingly had problem s in [sic] providing male heirs and, Richard
de Lucy leaving no son, the superstition developed that no male heir
w ould ever survive to inherit the castle. This usage o f the participle
construction in a kind o f parenthetical detachm ent from the rest o f the
sentence (Richard de Lucy leaving no son) is one o f the m ost neglected
o f all English constructions. It is the construction w e recom m ended
earlier in getting rid o f the absurd hanging participle in Having said
that, it looks like rain, w hich we replace by That being said, . . .
An ugly usage o f the w ord w ithout has now established itself in the
They hoped their partners would know what they wanted without them
having to tell them.
This usage exploits w hat w e have called the gerciple. To correct it we
m ust change the gerciple ( them having) into a proper gerund: w ithout
their having to tell them . This is one o f those cases w here that correction
can be made straightforwardly. The w ord them becomes the possessive
form their, and all is well. Unfortunately, w here the error occurs, such
a direct change is not always possible.
Do not believe that Scotland can be given devolution without it then
demanding independence.
Strictly speaking, the sentence w ould be correct if it were changed to
its: w ithout its then dem anding independence. But that usage has an
air o f pedantic contrivance w hich we shy away from. Therefore it w ould
be better to get rid o f w ithout: Do not believe that Scotland can be
given devolution and not then dem and independence.
Dealing w ith bad usage o f w ithout thus generally means getting rid
o f gerciples.
If you, too, find it a trial of strength to pick up a saucepan full of cooked
food and drain it without the contents disappearing down the sink, or
dropping the pan, Boots has the answer.
This is a useful specimen because it shows the w itho u t construction
both ill used and properly used. It is correct to write o f draining a

The Fabric of the Sentence

saucepan w ithout dropping the p an because w ithout dropping is

indeed w hat is meant. It is incorrect to speak o f draining a saucepan
w ithout the contents . . . because w hat is really m eant is w ithout the
disappearing (disappearance) o f the contents dow n the sink. Since the
use o f the apostrophe ( contents disappearing) is both awkward and
ugly, the need for it m ust be removed: If you, too, find it a trial o f
strength to pick up a saucepan full o f cooked food and drain it w ithout
losing the contents dow n the sink or dropping the pan, Boots has the
answ er. The reader will notice that we have brought the two construc
tions into parallel: w ithout losing the contents and w ithout dropping
the pan .
The advice to writers m ust be to exercise extreme caution whenever
the impulse arises to use w ith o u t to introduce a phrase. Conversational
idiom , I suppose, now allows such expressions as w ithout anyone
noticing (instead of w ithout anyones noticing) and perhaps w ithout
trouble arising (instead o f w ithout troubles arising). On paper, how
ever, such constructions look bad. On the w hole they do not appear in
good books. And they are avoidable. They are replaceable w ithout strain
ing the language (which sentence is correct, w here w ithout the language
being strained w ould be incorrect).
This preposition is rarely misused, but error arises w hen one tries to use
it as though it were a conjunction.
Youll need to pay for these yourself, except if youre hard of hearing.
This instance o f generosity on the part o f BT is m arred by the gramm ar
in w hich it is expressed. The proper w ord to use here w ould be unless:
Youll need to pay for these yourself, unless y oure hard o f hearing.
There is a construction except that w hich can function as a conjunction
and introduce a clause (I w ould love to come along w ith you except that
I have another engagem ent on the day). But on its ow n except m ust
govern a noun or pronoun (The w hole family came except the baby).


Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

O ur daily utterance in speech may contain a fair proportion o f simple

sentences or questions such as Dinner is ready or W hat time shall I
m eet you? But w e also have a lot to say and to w rite w hich requires
m ore complex arrangements of words. Daily life inevitably involves us
in reasoning w hich complicates the way we handle words. By reasoning
I do not necessarily m ean anything very sophisticated. We w ork through
a simple pattern o f reasoning w hen we say As a decorative scheme, it
just doesnt come o ff or I prefer the pink wallpaper to the blue o ne.
The intention here is to consider some o f the lines o f utterance w hich
are a proportionately significant part o f our daily conversation and w hich
can be shown to lead our contemporaries frequently into error. For m uch
o f the error in the use o f English today is concentrated in a handful of
bad practices associated w ith certain frequently used constructions. W hen
one studies current usage w ith a microscope, concentrating on the
detection of error, one is surprised not just by how m uch o f it there is,
but by how limited it is in range. There is a handful o f notable construc
tional defects and they turn up, in many different forms, day after day,
by the thousand. Obviously there is a need to make clear w hat those
errors are; and it should be helpful too to illustrate w ith w hat ingenious
versatility they are com mitted. Then it becomes possible to look out for
As we express views about this or that, as w e make plans, as we discuss
matters o f current interest, as we get involved in professional controversy,
we naturally w ant to know w hat are the routes our thinking takes w hich
are most hazardous to the preservation o f accuracy. W hich are the
highways of reasoning and indeed the byways of passing reflection m ost
littered w ith traps? W hich are the m uch-used individual w ords w hich
sign-post the way to the areas o f stum bling and falling? That is at issue
here and, at a slightly m ore sophisticated level, in the next chapter.

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

There are many usages in w hich item is related to item in such a way as
to produce parallelism betw een them. W e see this parallelism at its
simplest in the relationship between John and my solicitor in the
statement John, my solicitor, is ready to see y o u or in the statement
John is here as my solicitor. The reader may be surprised to discover how
m uch mismatching can be found in usages involving such parallelisms.

Mismatches A fter as
We deal in the next chapter w ith misuse o f as in linking clause w ith
clause (They w ent hom e as soon as they could). Here w e are concerned
w ith that superficially simple construction used w hen someone says As
a doctor, I should advise a long rest. So long as the w ords as a doctor
are firmly anchored to a subject such as I, all is well. Alas such simple
connections are sometimes hard to find.
As something of a steam enthusiast, it was good to see steam has now
reached Mach 0.4 5.
There is no w ord later in the sentence to give m eaning to the opening
words as something o f a steam enthusiast. They require a matching
noun or pronoun. Introduce either I or m e: As something o f a steam
enthusiast, I found it good to see that steam has now reached Mach 0 .4 ^ ,
or: it pleased me to see that steam has now reached Mach 0 .4 ^ . A
comparable failure to m atch the opening w ords appears in the following.
As an international holiday resort, every type of cuisine can be found.
The words as an international holiday resort are just forgotten. There is
nothing to give them a meaning. A few w ords appended w ould provide
the matching item needed: As an international holiday resort, every type
o f cuisine can be found in the tow n. The w ords the to w n provide the
matching item for as an international holiday resort.
Often there is a mism atch after as that seems to result from sheer
carelessness in w riting, carelessness that a m om ents thought w ould have

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

As the organization which represents the interests of the British-grown

timber industry, I cannot let his article go unchallenged.
The w riter surely did not intend to identify him self as an organization.
He began his letter w ith something in m ind that he then forgot. It w ould
have been better to say at the beginning exactly w hat he was: As
spokesman for the organization w hich represents the interests o f the
British-grown tim ber industry.
There w ould seem to be a similar forgetfulness in this artists com m ent
on paintbrushes.
The behaviour of the synthetic fibre is remarkably effective as a low-cost
substitute for animal hair.
It is not the behaviour that is effective as a substitute for animal hair, it
is the synthetic fibre. One questions w hether the w ord behaviour is
w orth keeping: Synthetic fibre is remarkably effective as a low-cost
substitute for animal hair. If the original sentence looks like a version of
the possessive trap, the following observation from the racecourse looks
even m ore so.
Bought at an auction in Mechelen, Belgium, as a three-year-old by Michael
Whitaker, Pions win pleased David Broome.
We are told here that Pions w in was bought at an auction in Belgium
as a three-year-old. So easy it is to slip into the possessive trap and talk
about a possession w hen you should be talking about the possessor. If
the first part o f the sentence is kept, the subject o f the rest will have to
be Pion: Pion pleased David Broome w ith his w in .
There is an even m ore com m on version o f the possessive trap.
His association with Shackerstone, started ^8 years ago as a railway junior,
has continued ever since.
The strict gramm arian will say that it was not his association that started
as a railway junior. H e started as a railway junior, but h e has not been
mentioned. The w riter is talking about his association and should not
forget that. His association w ith Shackerstone, started ^8 years ago w hen
he was a railway junior, has continued ever since.

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

Mismatch A fter although

Like the w ord as, the w ord although may be used to introduce a phrase
in grammatical parallel. Although a heavy smoker, he survived to the
age o f ninety. (The opening o f the sentence is really an abbreviation o f
Although he was a heavy sm oker.) Care m ust be taken not to allow a
mismatch between the tw o parts o f the sentence.
Although a strict vegetarian, his only daughter ate meat.
Strictly interpreted, this tells us that the strict vegetarian daughter ate
meat. There is no other w ord than daughter to give grammatical
propriety to the w ords although a strict vegetarian. The only way to
rescue the sentence is to introduce the vegetarian and a second verb:
Although he was a strict vegetarian, his only daughter ate m eat.

Mismatches A fter Participles

Another source of mismatches is the m isconnected participle. We have
already seen such failures in looking at present and past participles. They
are not hard to locate.
Handmade by an experienced brushmaker, its Kolinsky sable hairs will hold
a generous quantity of colour.
Are we to understand that the hairs were handm ade by an experienced
brushmaker, or that the entire paintbrush was so made? If the latter
was intended, then the above requires correction: Handmade by an
experienced brushmaker, the brush has Kolinsky sable hairs w hich hold
a generous quantity o f colour.
Originally designed in 193^ by John Adams, the war and its need for utility
delayed wholesale production until 1946.
Here the burden o f responsibility for the Second W orld W ar seems to be
shifted from the shoulders o f Adolf Hitler. For the war, we are told, was
originally designed in 1935 by one John Adams. The only other possible
noun for designed to agree w ith w ould be production. Correction
involves supplying an appropriate noun to m atch the w ords originally
designed. This could be inserted towards the end o f the sentence: the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

w ar and the consequent emphasis on utility products delayed production

o f the piece until 1946. Alternatively, the sentence could be reworded:
Originally planned in 193^ by John Adams, wholesale production of
the piece was delayed until 1946 by the w ar and the need for utility/

O th er Mismatches
Many mismatches are made simply by straightforward failure to parallel
terms correctly. Sometimes a couple o f w ords will serve to launch a
sentence that explodes on take-off.
Recent parents, our small patch of green had sadly become a wilderness of
We could allow Recent parents, w e had no time for gardening, or even
Recent parents, our neighbours allowed their garden to go to seed. In
each o f these statements Recent parents are identified ( w e and our
neighbours). But our w riter identifies the small patch o f green as recent
parents. W hat is m eant is: As recent parents w e had allowed our small
patch o f green to become a wilderness o f weeds. The longer the sentence,
the m ore easily a m ismatch o f this kind can pass unnoticed.
A devout practising Christian throughout his life, the calm of the village
church at an early Sunday morning service provided a welcome respite from
the hectic pressures of life in the City.
All that is needed here to transform slack w riting into correct w riting is
the addition o f the pronoun h im somewhere in the latter half o f the
sentence: A devout practising Christian throughout his life, the calm o f
the village church at an early Sunday m orning service provided him w ith
a welcome respite. W ithout that h im there is nothing to make sense o f
the opening w ords A devout practising Christian.
The w orld o f advertising goes in for mismatching on a generous scale.
The following is about pottery.
Sleek and elegant in its simplicity, the clean lines still possess a contemporary
modern quality.
W hat is it that has this simplicity? It cannot be the plural clean lines.
Yet those clean lines are the only subject o f the sentence, the only

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

item under discussion. To correct the sentence one m ust either attach
simplicity to the clean lines: Sleek and elegant in their simplicity, the
clean lines etc. or change the subject o f the sentence: Sleek and elegant in
its simplicity, the pottery has clean lines that still possess a contemporary
m odern quality.

D irect Similarities
In no area o f statement on paper is there m ore error than in the making
o f comparisons and contrasts. Declaring similarities by using the w ord
like, or declaring dissimilarities by using the w ord unlike are processes
w hich seem to bring out the worst in English penmanship. The most
obvious failures occur w hen a comparison instituted by the w ord like
really fails to materialize. If we read Like m ost mothers, she soon tried
to teach her child to speak, we recognize that the words like most
m others introduce and define the w ord she. But if we read Like most
mothers, the demands o f the children were a pressing preoccupation,
we look in vain for the w ord w hich Tike m ost m others should introduce
and define. It does not appear. The sentence illustrates the first kind o f
misuse of Tike, w here the adjective Tike (for it is usually an adjective)
never acquires the noun w hich it should qualify.
The error is not rare. Consider the following sentence about collecting
Like most of the treasured things we surround ourselves with, the fun is
knowing their historical context.
The w riter starts w ith the w ords Like most o f the treasured things we
surround ourselves w ith and readers wait for the expected specimen.
They await some sequence such as our favourite pictures are a constant
delight. But no such sequence appears. We never explicitly hear w hat
these things are w hich are Tike most o f the treasured things we possess.
Instead the w riter talks about fun, w hich is not really a treasured piece
o f household equipm ent at all. If the opening o f the sentence is kept, the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

conclusion m ust be totally changed: Like m ost o f the treasured things

we surround ourselves with, our antiques give delight as we explore
their history.
More com m on than such elaborately contrived excursions into error
are the simple oversights of people w ho slip up in their use of a pronoun:
These old horses love their work and, like humans who retire, it can be a
shock to the system.
The natural sequence is always the best, and the natural sequence after
like hum ans w ould begin w ith they. To introduce it instead after
like hum ans is obviously going out o f o n es way in asking for trouble.
The proper sequence w ould be: These old horses love their w ork and,
like humans w ho retire, they can suffer a shock to the system.
W hen the pedant starts to look for instances o f bad usage following
the w ord like, he is faced w ith a seemingly infinite variety. Here is a
sentence recording that six kittens had been used in a year in a certain
scientific research establishment.
This was, like laboratories across Britain, the lowest level yet.
This presumably is the num ber cited. It is said to resemble laboratories
across Britain. It w ould be difficult to think of a m ore disastrous placing
o f the w ord like. Neither the num ber nor the level can be said to be
like laboratories. If like is to be kept, the subject o f the sentence m ust
be changed: This establishment, like laboratories across Britain, thus
achieved the lowest level yet.
The examples we have given may seem to be rather crude, and readers
may well feel themselves totally im m une from stumbling so badly. But
skilled writers sometimes trip up w ith this same usage.
Like a husband who has been caught in an adulterous affair, and who tries
to repair his marriage with ever more expensive gifts, the relationship
between politician and people has become demeaned.
Now indeed this accomplished w riter o f political diatribes in The Times
excites our curiosity w ith his opening words. We are prom ised reference
to someone w ho is behaving like an adulterous husband, vainly trying
to compensate for his infidelities w ith boxes of chocolates and jars o f
perfume, chocolates first from Cadbury, then from Belgium, perfum e
first from Boots, then from Chanel. But alas this rather revolting individual
is never named. It turns out that no one is like him after all. W hat is

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

like him is a relationship, and w hat could be m ore boring than that?
Next time the w riter should arrange his w ords differently: Like a husband
w ho has been caught in an adulterous affair, and w ho tries to repair his
marriage w ith ever m ore expensive gifts, the politician has dem eaned his
relationship w ith the people.

O th er Misuses of like
We have dealt so far w ith failures to achieve correct matchings on either
side of the w ord like. But there is another current misuse o f like w hich
is rapidly establishing itself.
Im making it sound like we didnt get on.
The correct version o f this w ould be: Im making it sound as though we
didnt get o n (or: as if we didnt get o n ). W e find the misuse increas
ingly in print.
I feel like my hair makes me look really young.
You dont want to look like youre plastered with make-up.
A body that doesnt look like its swollen three sizes . . .
As it sounds like you have under twenty per cent grey hair, it should give
complete colour.
In each o f the above cases like should be replaced by as though or as
i f . The objection to like used thus is that it is an adjective. She is like
a m other to m e; The pie crust was like cardboard; such sentences show
the adjectival force o f like at its most direct. But the w ord like as used
in the faulty sentences above is made to function as a conjunction,
hingeing on a verb and linking two clauses together. It links I feel and
my hair makes m e look; it links You d o n t w ant to look and youre
plastered; it links A body doesnt look and its swollen; it links it
sounds and you have. This is a function that the adjective like cannot
A slightly different version o f such misuse treats like not as the
equivalent o f as tho ugh, but as the equivalent o f as.
You get a bill a few weeks later like you would with a Visa.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The same judgem ent applies to this misuse. It treats Tike as a conjunction,
as a w ord that can link You get a bill w ith you w ould w ith a Visa. In
the same way the substitution of as for like w ould correct the following
Raw Valley drew in passengers like never before.
When I first did Burghley, you could have taken a bold seven-year-old or,
like I did, a slightly cobby 15.2 hh, and done well.
The question m ust be asked here w hether this construction has sufficiently
established itself to be pronounced acceptable. All one can say is that
good writers are not using it.
as with
The w ord like is so over-used and so often misused that it is ironic to
have to point to occasions w hen avoiding it leads to bad writing. Here
w e have a com m ent about Tudor Rose dining trains.
As with most services of this type, this is very popular.
It is a fairly safe piece o f advice to writers to say that if they are just going
to begin a sentence w ith as w ith they are probably just about to make
a blunder. Here the w ord should be replaced by like: Like most services
o f this type, this is very popular.
As with the Freud exhibition, Rileys show will include paintings.
The same correction should be made here: Like the Freud exhibition,
Rileys show will include paintings.
The w ord similar (followed by to ) suffers from the same laxity in
usage as Tike.
The format will be similar to last year.
This not unusual carelessness requires a very simple correction: The
format will be similar to last years. Short-circuiting a comparison in
that way is an error that appears in many guises and at various levels o f
The last time I wept was when my cat died. It was uncontrollable, short-term
kind of reaction, similar to my father dying.

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

Here is a fairly crude specimen. The w riter compares her misery to the
death o f her father, instead o f to the misery she suffered on his death.
She should have written: It was an uncontrollable, short-term kind of
reaction such as my fathers death caused.
There are examples o f this error at a m ore sophisticated level and they
cannot be so easily dealt with.
Great Eastern generated the fewest complaints, particularly commendable
as its service complexity and density is similar to other commuter railways
which show far worse figures.
This sentence puts the same error on show, though w rapped about w ith
m ore words. Great Easterns performance is being compared w ith other
railways instead o f w ith their performance. One may question too
whether service com plexity is really a satisfactory equivalent o f com
plexity o f service, and w hether the w ords particularly com m endable
should not be m ore firmly attached to the rest of the sentence: Great
Eastern generated the fewest complaints, a particularly commendable
result, as the complexity and density o f its service are similar to those of
other com m uter railways. To get rid o f the artificial those o f , rewrite
thus: a particularly com mendable result in that, in the complexity and
density of its services, it matches Other com m uter railways w hich show
far worse figures.
If two items resemble each other, they can be said to be similar. A
BBC news w riter commits him self/herself to the absurd comment: Both
reports are similar. Since it w ould be impossible for A to be similar to B
unless B were similar to A, the use o f the w ord b o th is out of place, and
it should be omitted.

Direct Contrasts
Making direct contrasts by using the w ord unlike is just as productive
of error as declaring similarities by using the w ord like. As is the case
w ith so many misuses that we are examining, this abuse of unlike
appears at all levels o f simplicity and sophistication.
Unlike its rival, the Kenwood Chef, the top could be detached and used as
a portable hand mixer.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

There is the error at its simplest. The top o f the mixer, instead o f the
mixer itself, is said to be unlike its rival. W hat is m eant is: Unlike its
rival, the Kenwood Chef, it has a detachable top that can be used as a
portable hand m ixer.
One persistent version o f the error appears in reference to dates.
Unlike the late 1980s, the economy is starting to slow after the monetary
squeeze applied by the Bank of England.
The pedant wonders w hy anyone should w ant to contrast the econom y
w ith the late 1980s. The only thing that could be properly contrasted
w ith the late 1980s w ould be another period, say, the 2000s. If
unlike is kept, the sentence must be reshaped: The economy today,
unlike that o f the 1980s, is starting to slow . The slip is not a rare
And, unlike the early 1980s, public finances are healthy enough not to need
Does the pressure o f repeated occurrences o f this construction require us
to accept it? To anyone in whose m ind the w ord unlike persists in
maintaining its adjectival status the idea is unacceptable. The acceptable
pattern for these comparisons is Unlike 1980, 1990 had a hot sum m er.
The innovative pattern w e are criticizing is represented by such statements
as Unlike 1980, the weather is h o t, w here unlike 1980 hangs in the
air, an incomplete utterance.
The misuse o f unlike in comparing dates may be bad, but there are
far worse versions o f the error. Consider this advertisement from an
insurance company.
Unlike many other plans, if you dont die during its 15-year term, you get
a worthwhile cash sum to spend as you wish.
Your custom is sought by a kind assurance that you are unlike many
other plans. There is only one kind o f sequence that could logically
follow Unlike many other plans and that is something that begins: this
plan of ours or w ords to that effect: Unlike many other plans, our plan
ensures that if you d o n t die during its 1g -year term, you get a w orthw hile
cash sum to spend as you w ish.
Unlike the Labour Party, there is not a relationship between financial
contributions and the control of policy.

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

This time there is no attempt to make clear w hat it is that is unlike the
Labour Party. To correct it that body will have to be m entioned: Unlike
the Labour Party, the Conservative Party allows no relationship between
financial contributions and the control o f policy.
N ow let us turn to the error locked into a w ordier and m ore com pli
cated sentence:
Unlike the angry response of western politicians, the Albanian villagers who
survived the attack were muted, probably because they were still in shock
after the butchery.
The Albanian villagers were unlike the angry response o f our poli
ticians, we are told. Only matching items can be draw n together by like
or pushed apart by unlike. So the above should read: Unlike the angry
response o f western politicians, the response o f the Albanian villagers
w ho survived the attack was m uted

O th er Comparisons and Contrasts

compared with
Not all positive comparisons involve like and not all negative com pari
sons involve unlike. But the same error of failing to match like w ith like
appears in a variety o f constructions. W hen a m an claiming descent from
Sir Walter Ralegh was given a jail sentence, a newspaper made this
Compared with his alleged ancestor, whose tobacco was grown in Virginia,
it was a moderate sentence. Sir Walter was executed for treason in 16 18.
Compared w ith his ancestor . . . it was a m oderate sentence illustrates
the same failure in matching like w ith like as we have found above. The
use o f the apostrophe s could make the com parison valid ( Compared
w ith his alleged ancestors, it was a moderate sentence) but the m ore
direct correction w ould be simply to alter it was a moderate sentence
to he received a moderate sentence.
Sometimes the misused construction com pared w ith is used unneces
sarily anyway.
The prospect of an economic landline through euroland is adding to pressure
on the currency, which has lost 7 per cent of its value against the dollar

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

compared with its launch two months ago, and which fell to a new low
this week.
The euro is said to have lost 7 per cent o f its value com pared w ith its
launch, but its value cannot be compared w ith its launch, only w ith its
value at the time o f the launch. Yet there is no need for that kind o f
awkward precision. Simply scrap the construction com pared w ith , for
the real comparison is between value at one date and value at another.
The end o f the sentence should read: adding to pressure on the currency,
w hich has lost 7 per cent o f its value against the dollar since its launch
two m onths ago.
more than
Making comparisons that involve m ore than or just a comparative
adjective ( bigger than) can produce similar problems. Here, for
instance, a slip turns up in a travel piece.
The food is described as an eclectic mix of Mediterranean and modern
British, and is more authentically deserving of that description than many
The food, we are told, is better thus described than many other places.
Unless the construction is changed there is no escape from: is m ore
authentically deserving o f that description than the food o f many places.
But a w riter may well prefer something less clumsy: m ore authentically
deserving o f that description than food you will find elsewhere.
The mistake highlights the need for writers to ask themselves before
making any comparisons: W hat exactly am I comparing w ith what?
Failure to face that question squarely results in the error o f missing the
point in the sequence o f thought.
The Irish economy is growing at almost three times the rate of Britain.
Plainly the w riter does not really mean to compare the Irish economy
w ith Britain, but w ith Britains economy. In this case the insertion o f an
apostrophe s will correct the error: The Irish economy is growing at
three times the rate o f Britains.
W e turn to a slightly m ore subtle comparative misfire:
Those facing redundancy today face a tougher time than in the previous

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

This w ould be correct if those facing redundancy today were the same
people w ho faced it in the previous recession. But they are not. So we
cannot say that they are facing a tougher time than in the past. It w ould
be correct, but clumsy, to write: Those facing redundancy today face a
tougher time than their predecessors did. It w ould be better to write:
face a tougher time than was faced in the previous recession. After all,
the basic contrast is between periods o f redundancy.

Personal Likenesses
The kind o f error we are dealing w ith always betrays a streak o f illogicality.
That is why one cannot accept the notion that it must be regarded as
acceptable because so many people are guilty o f it. Here, from the w orld
o f horse-racing, we have a com m ent on an expert.
His knowledge of pedigrees would be the equal of any stud manager in
This error is another version o f the possessive trap. The false comparison
between one m ans knowledge and another m an m ust be replaced by a
contrast between one m ans knowledge and anothers. The apostrophe
does the trick: His knowledge o f pedigrees w ould be the equal o f any
stud m anagers in N ew m arket.
That kind o f false com parison cannot always be rescued by insertion
o f an apostrophe.
She knows that the social skills acquired throughout her previous employ
ment, not to mention her day-to-day legal experience, are a distinct advan
tage over full-time students.
The mistake is really the mistake made in Her pupils skills are better
than her children, w here w hat is needed is to change children to
childrens. For the social skills are not an advantage over full-time
students, but over those o f full-time students. If an alternative
correction is preferred, then it could be: She knows that the social
skills acquired . . . give her a distinct advantage over full-time
H ow widely the error is com m itted may be gauged from these two
com ments by a judge at the end o f a trial.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Your problems are no worse than hundreds of your fellow human beings
who do not behave as you.
No one hearing the evidence could fail to feel utter disgust at your life-style
and others of your social circle.
The pedant is tem pted to correct these two sentences w ith rather ugly
additions (Your problem s are no worse than those o f your fellow
hum an beings and utter disgust at your life-style and that o f your social
circle). But correctness is not all. And evasion o f the need to insert
those o f and that o f is always better. W e m ight recommend: You
have faced no worse problems than hundreds o f your fellow hum an
beings and: disgust at the life-style you and others o f your social circle
have adopted.
The trap w hich leads to misfires in comparisons operates in other contexts.
The w ord different sometimes lures the w riter into it. We find the
mistake in a piece on wildlife reserves in Russia.
The brigade enforces strict regulations on the use of wildlife resources. Its
work is very different from the brigades based in main trading centres such
as Vladivostok.
The brigades w ork m ust not be said to be different from other brigades,
but from their work: Its w ork is very different from that o f brigades
based in main trading centres.
The layout of the boat was slightly different from the previous days boat.
The layout o f one boat m ust be contrasted w ith the layout o f the other,
but we can scarcely use the apostrophe s here ( very different from the
previous days boats) because of the apostrophe already there in days.
Recourse to the expression that o f smacks o f artifice, so it w ould be
better to recast the sentence: The boat was slightly different in layout
from the previous days boat.
rather than
The use o f these w ords is especially productive o f error. Rather than is
best followed by a construction that matches the construction preceding
it. It is better to say I prefer to stay here rather than to go than to say I

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

prefer to stay here rather than g o in g / On these grounds we criticize the

following sentence.
If someone sustains personal injury while on holiday, through negligence
or default of the hotel, and the hotel was booked through a tour operator,
its possible to sue the tour operator here rather than going to the difficulty
of finding a lawyer in the USA.
The infinitive to sue preceding rather than should be matched by an
infinitive after it: its possible to sue the tour operator here rather than
to go to the trouble o f finding a lawyer in the USA.
And here is another example of clumsy recourse to the gerund after
rather than where a matching infinitive is called for:
As teeth became more complex it became advantageous to retain a perma
nent set rather than continually replacing them.
The sentence should read: it became advantageous to retain a perm anent
set rather than continually to replace them .
Balancing what follows rather than w ith w hat precedes it is not
always a matter o f rigid parallelism.
Presumably this is because they want maximum profit now rather than plan
for the long term future.
The proper correction here w ould be: they w ant m axim um profit now
rather than to plan for the future. The infinitive can follow rather than
even though a balancing noun precedes it, because an infinitive can
provide an object for certain transitive verbs ( They want to go) just as
a noun can (They w ant dinner).
It is alarming to find rather than misused in a literary review o f a
new book.
George Eliots Journals, too, would have taken a better form at Oxford rather
than they have at Cambridge.
A schoolchild w ould acquire red ink markings for this. Rather than they
have will not do. In fact rather is simply redundant. Omit it.
It is not uncom m on to find the w ord than grossly misused w here it
should not be used at all.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

More than twice as much was spent on tea than on coffee in 1968.
The construction twice as m uch requires to be followed by as. The
w ord than is totally out o f place. Yet one finds the same error in the
quality press.
A study of car prices by the European Commission found that some cars
can cost half as much again in this country than in continental countries . . .
A schoolchild w ho w rote My lollipop cost twice as m uch than his
(instead of as his) w ould be rightly marked dow n. That is the mistake
here. The sentence should read: cost half as m uch again in this country
as in continental countries. And I find this w ithin a few lines in the same
A report soon to be published by the Organisation for Economic Co
operation and Development is expected to show that the gaps have widened
between prices since its last report in 1995 and that goods and services are
the most expensive in the UK than most comparable countries.
Again, a schoolchild w ho w rote My marks in Maths are the best than
anybodys w ould be taken to task. The sentence should read: goods
and services in the UK are m ore expensive than in most comparable
And now I find a political correspondent w riting thus of a public
opinion poll:
But nearly four times as many people would discourage others from voting
for the Tories than would encourage them.
The journalist is mixing up two constructions. Either as m any m ust go
(four times m ore people w ould discourage others from voting for the
Tories than w ould encourage them ) or than m ust go (as w ould
encourage them ).
Logical breakdown can occur w hen a w riter thus mixes up tw o
constructions in the back o f the mind.
Jonathan hadnt been inside her cottage a matter of moments than she knew
he was smitten by her lovely house.
The correct version here w ould be: Jonathan hadnt been inside her
cottage a matter o f m om ents before she knew he was smitten by her
lovely house. In the back o f the w riters m ind here was the construction

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

No sooner had Jonathan entered her cottage than she knew he was
sm itten. But this use o f than is firmly linked to the words No sooner
had Jonathan entered. It is logical to say No sooner did I enter than she
left because the comparative adjective sooner is appropriately followed
by than. It is neither logical nor grammatical to say I hadnt been there
a m om ent than she left.
the same as
This is another construction w hich requires a proper balance to be kept
between the items compared. At the simplest level, no problem arises. In
her hairdresser is the same as m ine, h er is perfectly balanced by m ine.
At a m ore complex level the same balance should be kept: She recited her
multiplication tables at the same time as she helped w ith the w ashing-up.
There she recited and she helped are similarly balanced as grammatical
parallels. But consider the following caption to a photograph in The Times.
Drummer boys and Zulu warriors yesterday remember the fallen at the Battle
of Isandhlwana i 20 years ago in which British forces were overwhelmed on
the same day as Britains defence of Rorkes Drift.
Here the required parallelism is lost. We can correctly say They fought
the battle on the same day as the reinforcements arrived, but it w ould
be bad to say They fought the battle on the same day as the arrival o f
reinforcem ents. They fought can be paralleled by reinforcements
arrived but not by the arrival o f reinforcem ents. In the above sentence
the error is well cushioned in words but the failure o f balance is no less.
The sentence should end: in w hich British forces were overwhelmed on
the same day as Britain defended Rorkes Drift.
such as
The w ord such may be followed by that in statements asserting that
something is a consequence o f something else ( His anger was such
that he sacked the fellow on the spot). But w here such introduces a
comparison, it m ust be followed by as ( It was such a show as I have
never seen before).
This book is certainly entertaining and anecdotal, very funny in places as
well as thought-provoking as the author covers such diverse subjects like
the problems of access to open countryside, the history of Munros and
other tick lists.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Here the w ord like m ust be replaced by as. The expression such like
is usable only as an idiomatic colloquial way o f saying et cetera (He
was always messing about w ith toy trains and buses, and such like).

The Comma
Correct punctuation is achieved by close attention to meaning. That is
especially applicable to the placing of commas. There is a big difference
in meaning between He said nothing to make his lodger look guilty
and He said nothing, to make his lodger look guilty. The addition of
the com ma transforms the meaning. Separate items may be linked falsely
together if a com ma is om itted where it is needed.
Try not to panic and visit your GP if symptoms persist.
The w ord visit and w hat follows it are too closely linked here to w hat
precedes them. As the sentence stands, someone is being advised neither
to panic nor to visit the doctor. Clearly that was not intended. The breath
that a speaker w ould take after saying panic needs to be represented by
a comma: Try not to panic, and visit your GP if symptoms persist.
For games lessons we had to wear special togs and goal posts became a
symbol of misery for me.
Once m ore too strong a link is established between the togs and the goal
posts, w hich sound like two items to be worn. A com ma must be inserted
after togs. ,
As lack o f commas may connect material too closely to preceding
words, it may result in failure to mark phrases that call for separation.
They gathered around the table tasting delicacies and chatting amiably.
Again the natural break after table m ust be marked by a comma. And
quite often the appropriate degree of separation requires the use o f
commas at either end o f a group o f words.
The conflagration had spread to the house next door and for the firemen
the whole prospect was a very dangerous one.
The w ords for the firem en need to be separated by commas at either

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

end: and, for the firemen, the whole prospect was a very dangerous one.
It is im portant not to neglect the second com m a in such constructions.
W hether the two commas should be used in the case o f a single w ord is
now rather a matter o f taste than o f rule. The truth is, however, that not
a single m em ber agreed to the proposal. There, the force o f how ever,
in announcing a matter seemingly out o f line w ith w hat has preceded it,
requires the prom inence that the surrounding commas give. But in the
sentence The pictures, too, gave me great delight the intervention o f
the commas seems fussily interruptive, and they should be omitted.

The Semicolon
The semicolon marks a slightly firmer break in the flow than the comma.
The attempt to make a com ma do m ore w ork than it is fitted to do is one
o f the faults in punctuation w hich do occur quite frequently.
Recovering from the effects of bronchitis is never a quick process, it takes
Here the comma is inadequate. The separateness o f the clause it takes
tim e, w hich could be a sentence in itself, calls for something m ore than
a comma. It w ould not be incorrect here to use a full colon, but because
o f the very close connection between the main clause and w hat follows,
a semicolon will suffice. It harks back to the subject o f the sentence,
Recovering. This closeness o f connection between the separated clauses
is w hat determines the choice of semicolon. My husband gave me a
necklace; my daughter gave m e a box o f chocolates. That is correct, for
although the subject o f the first clause is My husband and the subject of
the second is my daughter, the sequence is so close that there is no need
to use a colon.

The Colon
The colon stands betw een the semicolon and the full stop in the force
fulness o f the break it indicates.
Lots of people spend hard-earned money on the lottery: very few of them
ever benefit from it.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The contrast here between lots o f people and the few , and their
respective experience makes the colon desirable. Very often the colon
could be replaced by a full stop. It w ould be grammatically satisfactory
here, but it w ould break up the prose too jumpily.
There is another and now perhaps m ore com m on use o f the colon. It
is placed after a general statement in order to introduce a series of
specific instances. The board had twelve m embers in all: a chairman, a
vice-chairman, a secretary and nine other elected representatives.

The Apostrophe
In the use o f the apostrophe mistakes are made on every side. The
apostrophe followed by s is required w here single nouns are used in
the possessive case (Tom s book, the rainbow s end). The general rule
is that this applies even to nouns w hich already end in s (St Thomass
church, Dickenss novels). But this general rule is broken w here it
m ight produce an awkward sequence of letters. Thus we write Xerxes
rule, not Xerxess rule. Indeed in William Blake we find the lines W hat
was the sound of Jesus breath? / He laid his hand on Moses law . W hat
happens w ith these special singular names is that they are treated as plural
nouns ending in s are treated. (The parents attitude refers to one
parent; The parents attitude refers to m ore than one parent.)
The general rules are not all that difficult, yet retailers display notices
for Potatos, Turkeys and N ewspapers, and a stylish magazine reads:
In fact, if her vegetables arent cooked just so when she dines out, chefs
had better be prepared for them to keep coming back until they get it right.
This mistake matches those o f the retailers. The ordinary plural of a noun
like ch ef requires no apostrophe. The sentence illustrates the fact that
apostrophes are m ore often put in w here they are not w anted than missed
out w here they are wanted.
Some of my mates friends get on my wick. Can I dump them without
chucking her too?
This is an interesting specimen o f error. W hen we get to the end o f the
first sentence we assume that the w riter is speaking o f the friends o f several
mates (my m ates friends). Only after reading the second sentence do

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

w e realize that he has misplaced the apostrophe. There is only one m ate,
so he should have written: Some o f my m ates friends.
Mistakes are still frequently made w ith the w ords its and its. The
apostrophe is needed only w hen its is short for it is (Its time to g o)
or it has (Its disappeared). Yet one reads in a gardening magazine:
Its deep red flowers look quite different in full sun or shade.
This should be: Its deep red flowers look different. I have before me a
dozen sentences culled from recent journals all making this elementary
mistake o f inserting an apostrophe into the possessive its. Perhaps m ore
remarkably still, I have a letter from a garage drawing attention to the
fact that my car is now three years old and needs an MOT.
Of course, if any work is needed to get your vehicle through its test, we
w ont start without your permission.
Trying to understand how this extraordinary form its came about, one
can only conclude that someone remembers from schooldays that a w ord
ending in s must have its apostrophe after the s ( Members coats can
be left in the cloakroom).
In forming plurals o f w ords w hich normally do not have plurals the
temptation to use apostrophes should be resisted.
It was far too late for us to call on the Joness.
That should be: to call on the Joneses. The following illustrates a
comparable error.
. . . unless you know the basic dos and donts it can end up looking a mess.
The apostrophe is needed in d o n ts because d o n t is the equivalent of
do n o t. It is not needed in dos w hich is an idiomatic plural o f d o .
Comparably easy to find are instances o f apostrophes inserted after
num bers in recording dates or scores. It is quite w rong to write o f the
fashions o f the 1960s or o f the 60s. The apostrophes are not needed.
We refer to the 1960s and the 60s. A building dating from the 175 0 s
should be A building dating from the 17 50s . Similarly we do not refer
to a score o f two 5 s and two 3s but o f two 5s and two 3s. It should
go w ithout saying that such headings as 51,516 Thank yous are also
im proper.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The Hyphen
Hyphens are used to knit words together into a single unit. In sentences
such as The accommodation was rent-free* a noun ( rent) is tied to an
adjective ( free). Free is one o f a group of adjectives w hich are fre
quently used thus to form new adjectives ( pain-free, trouble-free).
The adjective dependent is added to nouns in com pounds such as
insulin-dependent and w heelchair-dependent. In all these cases the
hyphen is necessary. But it goes w ithout saying that a com pound w hich
in its early days is hyphenated may become so established that the hyphen
disappears. In m y 1933 dictionary w orld-w ide is hyphenated. In my
recent dictionary w orldw ide is a single w ord. One should be wary of
trying to initiate change in this respect. W hen in doubt, hyphenate. The
same applies obviously to com pounds in w hich prefixes are attached to
nouns in such expressions as pre-Reformation history, postReformation history and counter-Reformation m ovem ents. All the
com pounds above function as adjectives. There are also prefixes attached
to nouns w hich produce com pound nouns, such as hyper-inflation or
There are com pounds involving gerunds that function as nouns, such
as jam -m aking and bottle-w ashing. It is helpful to distinguish these
com pounds from those w hich combine the noun w ith a present participle
to form a kind o f adjective, such as cancer-causing agents and questionbegging answers. It is risky to experiment w ith this kind o f formation.
The lonely walk can be hard going, but there are no route finding
If route finding is used at all, then it should be hyphenated, but it w ould
be better replaced by: there is no difficulty in finding the route.
Compounds in w hich the noun is tied to a past participle also function
as adjectives. Thus we speak of an air-cooled engine and a family-run
business. We also have long-established com pound adjectives made up
of an adjective and a past participle, such as bald-headed, sure-footed
and long-legged. W hen words are piled up together in im prom ptu
combination, it is necessary to hyphenate them.
This means that the jacket as a whole doesnt have the suit of armour like
feel of a saturated double Ventile one.

Avoiding Grammatical Pitfalls

There is no escape here from a sprinkling o f hyphens: doesnt have the

suit-of-armour-like feel.
It is chiefly in the com pounds made by fusing two nouns that problems
arise. The recent fashion for making m ore and m ore of these com pounds
is fully explored in chapter i i . Here we are concerned w ith the proper
use o f the hyphen in such innovations.
The .material is notable for its durability and its frost resistance.
The two nouns frost and resistance thus com bined in a com pound
noun technically need to be hyphenated together. However, we are now
inundated w ith totally hyphenless com pounds, in the literature o f the
business w orld especially. In one paragraph I read o f a solutions strategy,
im plem entation teams, the knowledge base, the service sectors,
im plem entation activities and Global Solutions teams. In this area the
battle for the adjective as well as for the hyphen seems to be already lost.
One must hope that it is still possible to resist the neglect of the hyphen
in m ore general usage where accumulation o f nouns is not an epidemic.
However, I have recently seen references to British made b ee f, to a
seven night cruise and to the cat loving public, w hich seem to cry out
for hyphens as the hunted hart for the waterbrooks.
There is, o f course, a distinct use o f the hyphen in print w hich merely
indicates that a w ord has been split in tw o to preserve the neatness o f the
printed page. It is im portant to keep a watchful eye on such computerized
hyphenation. Failure to do so, according to correspondents in The Times,
has produced am biguous com binations such as pronoun-cem ent,
brains-canner, not-ables and bed-raggled.


Presenting a Case

The expression Presenting a Case is used in its most general sense. You
are presenting a case if you say In my opinion, the house is dingy as
well as ugly. That is reasoning at a very straightforward level, reasoning
in which point is added to point. At a slightly m ore complex level of
reasoning, you m ight say John will miss the bus if he doesnt hurry u p .
That is reasoning by w hich a somewhat less obvious connection is
established between two different points. From that level o f directness to
the level of sophistication at which managers or lawyers argue their cases,
a few easily definable constructional patterns form the frameworks o f
We dealt in Chapter i w ith some of the w ords which can easily be
misused in the reasoning process. There our concern was w ith the exact
connotation o f the w ords touched upon, and the importance o f using
the right ones. Here our concern is w ith the deployment of w ords used
in reasoning. We are particularly concerned w ith the function o f certain
very frequently used terms w hich act as links or hinges in connecting
point w ith point. Thus the expression as well as established the link by
w hich point was added to point in the sentence In my opinion, the
house is dingy as well as ugly, and the w ord i f was the hinge on w hich
point was connected w ith point in the sentence John will miss the bus
if he doesnt hurry u p .
In the latter sentence the connection was established between two
verbs, miss and hurry u p , each w ith its ow n subject. The w ord i f
established the connection and is appropriately called a conjunction.
The clause if he doesnt hurry u p is a clause subordinate to the main
clause John will miss the bus. In respect o f the interplay o f point w ith
point, the arrangement o f w ords can easily go astray. That is so w hether
the related points are located w ithin a single clause or in different ones.
We are to look now at the various constructions by which one point
is related to another point in argument.

Presenting a Case

The most straightforward o f such constructions are those by w hich we
add point to point cumulatively. The accumulation may be effected by
direct aggregation ( I came, I saw, I conquered), but m ore often we use
linking terms. The simplest is the w ord and (I came and I saw). But
there are also m uch-used expressions such as besides, as well as and
in addition to . (It should perhaps be added here that in literate English
there is no place for the w ord plus as a substitute for and.)
This is perhaps the most used o f all link-words. A frequent mistake in
the use o f and is introduction o f what may be called the dual-function
Self-esteem builds up independence, self-reliance and also hikes up those
resilience reserves.
The w ord and here is introduced as though it is going to complete the
sequence beginning independence, self-reliance w ith another noun.
Instead of w hich it introduces a sequence w ith a different construction.
The w ord and cannot serve two purposes at once. Unless the construc
tion is changed, two ands are needed, one to serve each purpose:
Self-esteem builds up independence and self-reliance, and it hikes up
those resilience reserves. The following sentence goes astray similarly.
Life is frustrating for all of us, but we cope using insight, patience, and by
turning the other cheek.
The words preceding and ( using insight, patience) lead us to expect a
third noun (using insight, patience, and com m on sense). But in fact
and is used to connect using w ith turning, while the other sequence
(insight, patience) is left hanging in the air. Correct either by using a
second and: but we cope using insight and patience, and by turning
the other cheek, or by introducing another verb: but we cope, using
insight, showing patience, and turning the other cheek.
W hen and is used to link two items w ithin a clause, care should be
taken to ensure that there is no ambiguity. I read the following in my

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Alan Clark, former minister and MP for Kensington and Chelsea, said the
confrontation about the partys direction was deplorable.
The reader abreast o f current affairs w ould have had no difficulty here.
But the forgetful or the ignorant w ould not know w hether Alan Clark
were still an MP or not. The words former minister and MP for Kensing
to n could stand if he had ceased to be an MP, but if the w ord form er
applies only to the w ord m inister, then another com ma w ould be
needed: former minister, and MP for Kensington.
There is a tendency sometimes to insert w hat is really a redundant
and before a relative clause.
The matter was recently the subject of a Parliamentary Question raised on
our behalf by Eric Illsley MP and which resulted in an answer from the
Secretary of State.
The w ord and is here unnecessary and indeed awkward. Moreover, to
say that the question resulted in an answer is surely unnatural. The
sentence should read: a Parliamentary Question raised on our behalf by
Eric Illsley MP, w hich provoked an answer from the Secretary o f State.
in addition to
The various constructions we are here concerned w ith make the same
requirem ent, namely that parallelism should be preserved between the
items joined together by the linking expression chosen.
In addition to his expertise as a wine-taster, Garrard was a skilful and
far-seeing economist.
Here there is no exact parallelism between the two items w hich the
expression in addition to combines together. There must be a noun to
balance expertise: In addition to his expertise as a w ine-drinker, Garrard
had great skill and far-sightedness as an econom ist.
along with
Similar errors occur after along w ith (and together w ith).
Along with a complete redecoration of the premises we have added a new
Since the redecoration was not added, proper parallelism breaks down.
If the construction is to be kept, there m ust be a noun to balance

Presenting a Case

redecoration: Along w ith the redecoration o f the premises, we have

effected the construction o f a new floor. But obviously it w ould be much
better to change the construction: We have both completely redecorated
the premises and added a new floor.
as well as
The same rule about preserving parallelism applies to the use o f as well
as. One could say He has a knife as well as a fork, w here knife balances
fork. One could say He has a habit o f drinking too m uch as well as
(of) smoking too m uch w here drinking too m uch balances smoking
too m uch. But such parallels are not always preserved.
The court was told that his route coincided with that of Miss Smith and that
he was known to carry a knife on occasions, as well as having a collection
of them.
It w ould be correct to say he was know n to carry a knife as well as a
cosh. It w ould likewise be correct to say he was know n to carry a knife
as well as to take dope w here to take dope matches to carry a knife.
There is no such parallelism in the sentence quoted. We should be able
happily to break up such a sentence into the tw o balancing halves joined
by as well as: he was know n to carry a knife and he was know n to
have a collection of them . So the correct version w ould be: he was
know n to carry a knife on occasions as well as to have a collection of
th em .
The temptation that writers succumb to w hen using as well as is to
follow it by a gerund. W hereas this is perfectly satisfactory if the gerund
balances a previous one (He was fond o f fishing as well as shooting), it
is poor style to use it w ithout such a parallel.
He was a lively host and a brilliant raconteur as well as being an indefatigable
public servant.
The w ord being destroys the sequence and, ironically enough, is redun
dant anyway. It should be omitted.
not just I on ly. . . but also
This is another construction w hose function is to draw items together in
parallel. It is not just beautiful, it is also valuable, w e say, or It is not
just raining, it is also very w indy. The relationship between beautiful
and valuable or betw een raining and very w indy is one where


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

the parallelism intensifies a statement. The parallelism is crucial to the

The furniture is not just well-made, but also its design is up-to-the-minute.
The parallelism breaks dow n here because the sequence beginning not
just well-made but also is never completed. Instead a new subject and a
new verb (its design is) are brought in. The reading should be: The
furniture is not just well-made, but also up-to-the-m inute in design.
W hat applies to not just applies to not only. There is need to preserve
parallelism between w hat follows not only and w hat follows but also.
The endangered gorilla families have found themselves in danger not only
from the warring people, but have also had their habitats encroached on by
refugees fleeing deep into the forests.
Again parallelism breaks down. It is like saying I bought not only a
pound o f butter but have also been given a free voucher for soap flakes.
The words not only from the warring people need to be balanced: in
danger not only from the warring people, but also from refugees fleeing
deep into the forests and encroaching on their habitats.
Once m ore w e have a construction that draws items together in parallel
and w here sometimes due sequence breaks down.
Besides a two-year guarantee the Pakka Jacket features an integral hood,
studded stormflap over the full-length zip, side-adjusted hem, shaped back,
hood drawcord tidies and extra arm extension.
There is stark incongruity here between the first item and the succeeding
ones. The w ord besides generally introduces an addition closely related
to the other items (Besides a flat in Mayfair, he has a country house in
Gloucestershire). But the sentence above is almost like saying Besides a
flat in Mayfair, he has a sly expression and a sarcastic tongue. There is
no grammatical error, but the verb features, properly applied to the
various aspects of the make-up of the garment, is incongruously applied
to the two-year guarantee, as though it w ere also part o f the fabric.

Presenting a Case

The expressions we have touched upon link point w ith point accumulat
ively. We turn to expressions w hich link point w ith point so as to indicate
distinctions o f various kinds. Such is the w ord o r (You can sleep
upstairs or you can have a bed dow n here) .
There is a misuse o f o r comparable to the misuse o f and, w hich
produces what we may call the dual-function o r.
One can hire pedaloes, motorboats or try waterskiing.
It w ould be correct to w rite One can hire pedaloes, m otorboats or water
skis. But o r cannot stand as the link to a third item that can be hired
and at the same time serve as the link between hiring something and
trying something. One o r must be allotted to each function: One can
hire pedaloes or motorboats, or try waterskiing.
apart from
A converse construction to that serviced by in addition to is the construc
tion serviced by apart from . We call it a converse construction because
that is w hat it ought to be. It separates w here in addition to combines.
Apart from my youngest sister, we all love pancakes. That represents
the proper use o f apart from , w hich distinguishes an exception from a
general rule or statement. Unfortunately the construction is often used
for the very opposite purpose.
Apart from a huge fertile plain in the east, the centre of the island has a
large mountainous backbone.
The fertile plain does not constitute an exception to a general statement
about the island. No such statement has been made. Two facts are stated
w hich need to be connected by and or b u t: There is a huge fertile
plain in the east, but the centre o f the island has a large m ountainous
Sometimes apart from is allowed to drift so far from its proper
function that it stands for virtually the opposite o f w hat it should stand
for. Here is a recom m endation for a camping stove.



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Apart from the ultralight weight, its superbly made and the design is
Far from being a disadvantage, the ultralight w eight is plainly an advan
tage. Apart from is here being used, not to introduce an exception, but
to introduce a further positive corroboration o f the general drift. Scrap
apart from and change the construction: Ultralight in weight, the stove
is also superbly made and the design is excellent.
former I latter
The w ord form er relates to the first o f tw o things just m entioned and
the w ord latter to the second o f the two. The w ord latter should not
be used w hen m ore than two items have been mentioned.
Of the sitting-room, the dining-room and the study I thought the latter the
best furnished.
That is strictly incorrect. Since it w ould be too strained to say I thought
the last-named the best furnished, the w ording should be: I thought
the study the best furnished.
Some horses require a quiet corner and no changes to routine, others relish
being stimulated. If your horse is the latter, stimulate his senses . . .
The w ords form er and latter should refer back to nouns. It w ould be
correct to say There is provision for the meat-eater and for the vegetarian:
if you are the latter, please inform the housekeeper. There if you are
the latter refers directly back to vegetarian. It w ould be poor usage to
say Some people are carnivores, others will not eat meat: if you are the
latter, please inform the housekeeper because there is no direct reference
back to a single noun such as vegetarian. In the sentence above (If your
horse is the latter) there is likewise no direct reference back to a single
noun. If the w ord latter is to be kept, the sentence should read: There
is the horse w hich requires a quiet corner and a fixed routine, and the
horse w hich relishes being stimulated. If your horse is the latter, stimulate
his senses . . .

Presenting a Case

The next group of terms to be investigated is a group o f terms concerned
w ith reasoning about cause and effect.
The w ord because has a clear function, yet is often misused. It is correct
to say He left because he w anted prom otion. It is not correct to say His
departure was because he wanted prom otion. The difference is that in
the first sentence because hinges properly on the verb left. That is its
proper function as a conjunction. In the second sentence because is made
to hang on the noun departure, w hich is grammatically inadmissible. Yet
I read just such a sentence in a political piece about a recent public
opinion poll.
The growing gap between this pessimism and the stability of voting inten
tions is because the public is still giving the Government the benefit of the
One should not w rite The gap is because . . . but The gap is caused
by . . . The simplest recipe for getting out o f this bad habit is to shift
back the verb is: There is this growing gap between pessimism and
the stability of voting intentions because the public is still giving the
Government the benefit o f the doubt.
W hat is virtually the same mistake may occur w ithout the intervention
o f the verb to be.
The 34-year-old Ulsterman has always been interested in the media and
during a three-month break because of injury from early May looked into
the long-term future.
Just as it is im proper to say His three-m onth break was because of
injury, so it is not permissible to speak of a three-m onth break because
o f injury. The correct version w ould be a three-m onth break caused by
injury or a three-m onth break due to injury. All uses o f because on
this pattern mark a w riter badly.
Writers need also to be wary o f because o f . The w ords often lead
one into bad constructions.
This is because of splinter groups coming down and attacking my home.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The gerciple ( splinter groups coming d o w n ) is unfortunate and

unnecessary. The m ore straightforward construction is better: This is
because splinter groups come dow n and attack my hom e. And here is
someone in Cosmopolitan explaining w hy it is always difficult to get over
being rejected in love.
But thats not because of her or him, thats because of oneself asking, What
did I do wrong?
The tongue-twisting because o f oneself asking could be technically
corrected by making it even m ore of a tongue-twister (because of
oneselfs asking), but the reader deserves something m ore palatable,
and o f course m ore straightforward, than that: that is because one asks
oneself W hat did I do w rong?
Writers also need to be wary of w hat one m ight call causational
The reason she left him was because he was an alcoholic.
That is overkill. Either the reason m ust go ( She left him because he
was an alcoholic) or because m ust go (The reason she left him was
that he was an alcoholic). The same kind o f overkill occurs at a
conversational level in such sentences as:
Just because he never goes out doesnt necessarily mean that he is ill.
This should be The fact that he never goes out doesnt necessarily mean
that he is ill, w hich can be quite properly reduced to: That he never
goes out doesnt necessarily m ean that he is ill.
The highlighting is caused because each individual hair is lighter at the tip
than at the shaft.
This is like saying His death was caused because he was ill. The
duplication represented by the two w ords caused because is quite
illogical. Clumsy as it may seem, if caused is kept, then there is no
escape from some such sentence as The highlighting is caused by the
fact that each individual hair is lighter at the tip than at the shaft.
due to
This is one of the m ost ill-used constructions in general use today. Due
to is not interchangeable w ith because o f . W e may write Because of
the weather, the m atch was cancelled, but it w ould be incorrect to w rite

Presenting a Case

Due to the weather the match was cancelled. The reason is that due is
an adjective and, as such, has to agree w ith a noun. One can say The
cancellation was due to the bad w eather because there due to hinges
on the w ord cancellation. In this respect the misuse o f due to is as
easily found as any misuse explored in this book.
Due to the diversity of designs and number of bottles produced, it is still
possible to pick up Lalique bargains.
Due to the ever-increasing number of visitors, the company decided to
appoint a full-time warden.
Due to increased use of the locks several pounds were low, even though
water was being back-pumped.
In each o f these three sentences the w ords due to are misused. In all
cases they could be replaced by owing to or because o f . Neither o f
these two constructions requires to be attached to a noun as due to
does. The consequent advice to writers is: Never start a sentence w ith
due to w ithout first checking that it is going to be grammatically correct.
In fact it very rarely is. Always consider ow ing to or because o f as
your alternative.
It is not only at the start o f a sentence that the w ords due to present
risks for the writer.
The Rail Tour has been put back to November 28 at the request of EWS
due to initial problems with the loco.
The w ords due to are again incorrectly used. It is the attempt to attach
d ue to a verb instead o f a noun that is wrong. A postponem ent m ight
be due to certain problems. But due to cannot hinge on has been put
back. Again the w ords could happily be replaced by because o f or even
owing to .
There is a tendency to attach the w ord d ue to the w rong word, thus
producing a slight illogicality.
The lower than normal number of birds seen could be due to last years
mild winter.
We have a subtle com plaint here. W hen I say The top-storey flat makes
access difficult, I really m ean that the top-storeyness o f the flat makes
access difficult, or in other words, The fact that the flat is on the top
storey makes access difficult. Thus w hat the w riter means in the sentence



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

above is: The fact that a lower than norm al num ber o f birds are seen
could be due to last years m ild w inter. The fact that is a slightly clumsy
construction, but w hat the w riter is talking about is not the num ber but
the low er-than-norm alness of the num ber. W e mentally bind adjective
and noun tightly together in such familiar usages as The hot w eather is
due to an anti-cyclone, where the heat is w hat is due to the anti-cyclone.
(The w eather is there, anti-cyclone or not.) But w here the adjectival
element is increased to The hotter than norm al weather is due to an
anti-cyclone, logic w ould seem to prefer: The abnormal heat is due to
an anti-cyclone.
Oddly enough, the w ord due is misused in a totally different context
from that o f reasoning about cause and effect. I have just heard some
advice given on a radio program m e on the subject of Income Tax.
If youre due some money back, you must apply at once.
But if m oney is due to you, that does not make you due some money.
Money can be d ue, or a railway train can be due. That is the proper
use of d ue. Just as it w ould be im proper to say It is five o clock. You
are now due a train to Paddington, so it is im proper to say You are now
due an income tax rebate.)
It was made clear above that care has to be taken to avoid attaching d ue
to the w rong w ord w here a noun and an adjective are involved. The
same problem arises w ith the verb to cause.
Dull hair can be caused by product build-up, chemical treatments, sun
damage or environmental pollution, so its not surprising so many of us
suffer from it.
The hair is not caused by any o f these factors. It is the dullness o f the hair
that is caused by them. The slight touch o f illogicality represented by the
above careless usage ( dull hair) will be avoided by good writers. Change
the subject o f the sentence: Hair can be made dull by product build-up.
One can find even m ore awkward examples than the above o f the way
the verb to cause can become detached from its proper m ooring.
Consider this remark about a railway viaduct.
The lattice wrought iron structure is designed to minimize weight on the
unstable ground caused by mining.

Presenting a Case

Just as the hair, w hether dull or not, was not caused by product build-up,
so too the ground, w hether firm or not, was not caused by mining. One
m ust spell out exactly w hat was caused by the mining. If caused by
m ining is kept, then instability must be m entioned. It is probably better
to change the construction: The lattice w rought iron structure is designed
to minimize w eight on the ground rendered unstable by m ining.

Closely related to reasoning in terms o f cause and effect is reasoning in
terms of purpose and result.
in order that I to
The words in order can be followed by to or by that. It is not good
to follow them by for.
The current account requires a balance of $2,000 in order for transactions
to be free.
In order is really redundant here. One m ight say: in order that trans
actions may be free, but that w ould be clumsy. All one needs is: The
current account requires a balance of $2,000 for transactions to be free.
In order for the AA to get to you as quickly as possible it would help if you
have your membership card ready when phoning our call centres.
Again in order is redundant. All one needs is: For the AA to get to you
as quickly as possible. The best correction w ould be: To enable the AA
to get to you as quickly as possible.
Used as a verb or a noun, the w ord result often introduces a bad
The failure to start on time resulted in them losing the title.
Reference has been made to the bad usage I have called the gerciple.
The verb result all too often lures writers to use it. It w ould be correct
to turn losing into a genuine gerund (resulted in their losing the title)
but it w ould be equally satisfactory to use the verb cause followed by


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

an infinitive: caused them to lose the title. The error is not rare. The
following is advice to w om en on matters o f style.
Attempting to imitate may result in you not getting the look you
This time use o f the genuine gerund is to be recommended: Attempting
to imitate may result in your not getting the look you w anted.
The opportunity came about as a result of David reading an announcement
of the Clubs forthcoming cruise.
Here the same bad construction follows result used as a noun. Again
one can turn reading into a genuine gerund: came about as a result o f
Davids reading an announcem ent. But the construction could be happily
changed: The opportunity arose because David read an announcem ent.
One can safely say that all writers should exercise extreme care in using
the construction as a result o f . There is no shortage o f evidence to
support this advice.
Premenstrual outbreaks can occur as a result of water retention putting
pressure on both sides of the pore and follicle duct.
In this particular instance the option of converting the gerciple into a
genuine gerund is not on offer (as a result o f water retentions putting
pressure o n ). Therefore the construction m ust be changed. And, as so
often w hen this usage as a result o f faces us, the question arises: W hat
is w rong w ith the w ord because that people avoid it? It offers the most
natural alternative here: Premenstrual outbreaks can occur because water
retention puts pressure on both sides o f the pore and follicle duct.
Here is another, and very different, misuse o f the verb result.
The dining room is a blue-grey violet that resulted by a happy accident.
The expression that resulted normally occurs in such sentences as There
was a tragic accident that resulted in two deaths. The accident resulted
in deaths. But the blue-grey violet did not result in anything. It was
itself the result. W e w ould not say There w ere two deaths that resulted
by a tragic accident. Nor should we say that blue-grey violet resulted
by accident. We may correct here by turning the verb result into a
noun: The dining room is a blue-grey violet colour, the result o f a happy

Presenting a Case

Writers should be wary o f using the participle resulting. It must keep the
adjectival status it clearly has in such usages as The resulting conflagration
destroyed the house. There the w ord resulting qualifies the noun
conflagration. It is lax usage to say: The house caught fire, resulting in
its destruction because resulting cannot happily hinge on the whole
previous clause.
Many of the older oaks have been pollarded - the tops have been removed
for a variety of uses, resulting in the growth of many almost horizontal
W hat does the w ord resulting qualify here? It does not qualify oaks or
tops or uses. Instead it is made to hinge on the whole of the previous
part o f the sentence. In short, it has been forced to do a job a participle
is unfitted for. It is better not to use the participle: Many of the older
oaks have been pollarded the tops have been rem oved for a variety of
uses, and many almost horizontal branches have grow n as a result.
It is rarely felicitous, though not incorrect, to use the w ord resulting
in such sentences as There was a party downstairs and the resulting noise
was disturbing. The construction has to be handled w ith extreme care.
In Amsterdam there are literally thousands of cafes to choose from. The
downside is that many of these rely on tourist trade and not regular
customers, so the resulting meal can be very disappointing.
Clearly no meal should be said to be the result o f reliance on the tourist
trade. One cannot bypass the chef in the kitchen.
in an effort to
The w ords in an effort to sometimes form a convenient alternative to
other constructions expressing purpose ( in order that, so that): He
persevered in an effort to make m oney. But, like so that and because,
in an effort to m ust be connected w ith a verb (here persevered). A
journalist, w riting of a plan to turn a sensational m urder case into
entertainment, speaks of:
. . . the creation of five screenplays in an effort to make a drama that would
not offend viewers.
This should be: five screenplays created in an effort to make a dram a.
The grammatical mistake o f linking in an effort to the noun creation


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

is the same mistake made in linking because to a noun in The exam

failure was because o f sheer laziness.

The problems that arise w ith the w ord i f are similar to those arising
w ith because. It is correct to say He will die if he goes on smoking like
that, because the w ord i f links directly w ith the verb will die. It is
incorrect to say Workers are threatening a strike if their demands are not
m et. This will not do since, as is the case w ith because, it is incorrect
to make the w ord i f hang on a noun like a strike. The workers are
definitely threatening something, and the threat is there w ithout any
condition. It is the strike that is conditional. Therefore it w ould be correct
to say The workers are threatening to strike if their demands are not m et.
For there the conditional i f is properly attached to the verb to strike.
Below we have a com m ent about a new Chairman of the Arts Council.
His first task is to restore the Councils credibility if it is to survive.
This Radio 4 announcem ent illustrates the bad usage glaringly. The w ords
if it is to survive are made to hinge on the noun credibility. Yet there
is no such thing as a credibility if it is to survive. If the w ords if it is to
survive are to be kept, a verb must be provided to make sense o f them:
His first task is to restore the credibility the Council will need if it is to
The authorities are drawing attention to the possibly horrendous conse
quences'if the worst predictions prove true.
Here again the clause if the worst predictions prove true is anchored to
the noun consequences, though a clause beginning w ith i f should
always be anchored to a verb. In the sentence He will pay the price if
the worst predictions prove true we learn that someone will pay a price
i f the worst predictions prove true. But in the sentence above the
authorities are drawing attention to something w hether predictions
prove true or not. The solution to the problem is to supply a verb for the
i f clause to be anchored to: The authorities are drawing attention to
the horrendous consequences that will follow if the worst predictions
prove true.

Presenting a Case

Another, less serious, misuse o f i f is its replacement of w hether in

indirect questions. This replacement has been gradually taking over. Here
is a sentence about day nurseries.
Your local authoritys Early Years Advisor should be able to tell you if one
exists in your area, if youre eligible for consideration and how long the
waiting list is.
Not so very long ago this w ould have been: Your local authoritys Early
Years Advisor should be able to tell you w hether one exists in your area,
w hether youre eligible for consideration am d how long the waiting list
The new usage has established itself to such an extent that one can
scarcely claim it to be incorrect. But the reader should note the pedants
(bracketed) preference in such cases as the following.
You need to check if (whether) management services are available.
M. J. Street wondered if (whether) the after-sales warranty would work
when the vehicle battery failed.
It should always be rem em bered that an alternative conditional construc
tion to the use o f i f is represented by such sentences as Were it not
raining, I should certainly go instead o f If it were not raining. There
are times w hen this usage is definitely called for.
She was sentenced in the High Court to three months and told that her term
would be higher if not for her ill health and her admission of guilt.
Here it w ould be better to write: her term w ould be higher were it not
for her ill health and her admission o f guilt.
The w ord unless tends to be misused in the same way as i f . It is
sometimes wrongly anchored. You will receive higher wages unless you
insist on sticking to the restrictive practices is correct, because the clause
introduced by unless hinges on the verb receive. Receiving the higher
wages is conditional on the employees attitude. The management is
offering higher wages unless the workers insist on sticking to their
restrictive practices is incorrect because it is not the act o f offering that
will be obliterated if the m en stick to their restrictive practices. The offer
has been made. The simple correction that is needed is to supply the


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

verb for unless to hinge on: The m anagem ent is offering to pay
higher wages, unless the workers insist on sticking to their restrictive
W hen unless is linked to a participle ( A child should not go out at
night here unless accompanied by an adult) the w riter m ust make sure
that there is a proper link, like the link here between a child and
Because some medicines are designed to release their ingredients slowly,
tablets should not be crushed unless directed by your doctor.
Here it is said that tablets m ust not be crushed unless they have been told
to be crushed. The w ord directed m ust be properly linked to a subject:
Because some medicines are designed to release their ingredients slowly,
you should not crush tablets unless directed by your doctor.
Misuse o f unless is a matter o f logic as m uch as of grammar.
Unless your hair is quite thick, the style is most suited to those with even
This is like saying Unless you are too fat, roast turkey is the most popular
Christmas dish. The turkeys popularity does not depend on anyones
relative obesity. And if the hairstyle is m ost suited to w om en w ith even
features, that is a fact independent o f w hether a given individual has
thick hair or not. Unless is out of place.

depend I depending
These words are used today w ith great laxity. The notion o f reliance is
present in the basic m eaning of the w ord depend: He depends on
farming for a living.
What kind of clothing you take with you will depend on the weather at the
The relationship here defined by depend is not a matter o f reliance. It
is rather a matter o f cause and effect. W here that is the case, one should
use the words determ ined by: W hat kind of clothing you take w ith
you will be determined by the weather at the tim e.

Presenting a Case

Some companies will charge more [interest on credit cards] depending on

where you live.
Here the issue is riot so m uch o f dependence as o f correspondence, so
the better construction w ould be: Some companies will charge m ore
interest according to w here you live. Thus in deciding w hether to use
depend, one should always consider w hat the relationship is that the
w ord is supposed to define.
Depending o n is an even m ore awkwardly mishandled expression.
Depending on how long you have been a member, you may or may not be
eligible for the hand-out.
This shows the risks o f starting a sentence w ith depending o n . W hat is
really meant is: W hether you are eligible for the hand-out will depend
on how long you have been a m em ber.
This w ord enables us to cancel out any question of either dependence or
causation. Because it was fine, w e took a w alk. That is positive causation.
Despite the rain, we took a w alk. That removes any element of causation.
The reader should notice that, whereas because can be followed by a
clause (it was raining), despite is followed only by a noun (despite
the rain). The attem pt to make despite introduce something m ore than
a noun often leads to error.
Despite his wife trying to dissuade him from the expedition, he determined
to go through with it.
The inadmissible gerciple ( his wife trying) is easily avoided if one
rem em bers that despite should be followed by a noun: Despite his
w ifes attempts to dissuade him from the expedition, he determined to
go through w ith it.
Despite the income from voluntary contributions having fallen, the treasurer
is confident that the work will not suffer.
The same error occurs here. To avoid falling into it, the w riter needs to
pause before using despite and ask the question w hether although or
even though w ould not be a better construction. W here despite
requires to be followed by a noun, even th ough can introduce a clause
( Even though he was tired, he joined in ). Thus the above should be:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Even though the income from voluntary contributions has fallen, the
treasurer is confident that the w ork will not suffer.
O f course, even if despite is properly followed by a noun, it can be
misused through a failure in logical sequence.
Despite his detractors, Kitchener was responsible for laying the foundations
of what was to become one of the best governed countries in the British
The w riter here does not really mean that Kitchener got on w ith his job in
spite o f his detractors. W hat is meant is that this fact about him m ust stand
in spite o f what his detractors claim. The sentence illustrates the usefulness
of asking oneself, before using despite, w hether in spite o f w ould not
be better. The sentence should begin: In spite o f w hat his detractors say.


W here although is properly used, there is always an antithesis. Although
she was over eighty years old, she picked up a ham m er and hit the
intruder on the head. W e do not expect old ladies of over eighty to pick
up hammers and hit intruders on the head. If there is no such element of
surprising contrast, then the w ord although should not be used. Yet the
death of an actor was announced thus on the radio:
Although he was much loved by the public, he will be sadly missed by the
acting profession.
Although is the w rong w ord here. The implication o f using it is that
popularity w ith the public normally alienates the acting profession.
For it suggests that this particular com bination o f popularity w ith the
profession as well as w ith the public represents a surprising reconciliation
of opposites. W hat the BBC news w riter meant presumably was: He
was m uch loved by the public and will be sadly missed by the acting
Although we have to replace the odd tile after a windy day, everything else
feels cosy.
This account o f life in a country cottage errs in a slightly different way.
The implicit contrast between living w here tiles are blow n off the roof

Presenting a Case

and otherwise feeling cosy may justify the use o f although, but the
w ords everything else feels cosy produce a disjointed effect. It is rather
like saying Although we occasionally suffer from food-poisoning, every
thing else is eatable. A possible correction m ight be: Although we have
to replace the odd tile after a w indy day, in all other respects the cottage
is cosy.

This w ord is used in m ore than one function. Here we are concerned
w ith its use in joining tw o clauses together. We see this use at its simplest
in such sentences as The sun shone as the rain stopped, where it brings
two statements together in a relationship. The relationship there is a
matter o f contemporaneity. (The sun shone at the time the rain stopped.)
But in the sentence He did as he was told the relationship is one o f
similarity. (He behaved in the way he was instructed to behave.) It is
generally in sentences o f the second kind that errors occur, that is,
sentences defining some kind o f likeness. The most obvious failures
in this respect are in those sentences w here the likeness is no real like
ness. Such is the case in this BBC Radio 4 account o f the effects o f a
The banana crop . . . has been completely flattened, as have other industries.
Clearly the verb flattened cannot be applied to industries in general.
W here the verb used in the main part of the sentence is so restricted in
usage, the introduction o f a parallel by as cannot work. Either the verb
flattened m ust become a m ore general verb such as ruined, or the
construction m ust be abandoned: The banana crop has been completely
flattened, and other industries similarly dam aged.
Mishandling an as clause can easily cause a m ore tangled confusion
than that.
Miss ODonoghue, 4, admitted a crime born of passion as she attacked her
former husband Bill Becket, 3, for leaving me penniless.
This report of a court case makes it sound as though the defendant
adm itted the crime at the same time as she com m itted it. In fact the w ord
as is out o f place: Miss O Donoghue, 4, adm itted that she com m itted
a crime born of passion in attacking her former husband.
There is a habit of taking an ungrammatical short cut after certain uses
o f as.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The Tories were not a selfish party, as they were caricatured.

This is really a short cut for: The Tories w ere not a selfish party as they
w ere falsely pictured to be.
The most com m on misuse of as in this respect is its use in a bogus
connection w ith the verb to know .
Ralph is one of the few grocers to specialize in cucurbits as the members of
the pumpkin and squash family are known.
This should be as the members of the pum pkin and squash family are
called. In English we say Smith was called Softy . Therefore we can
refer to Softy as Smith was called. But in English we do not say
Smith was know n Softy and therefore we ought not to refer to
Softy as Smith was know n. The correct w ording w ould be Softy
as Smith was know n as. No one is going to make that awkward statement.
Therefore there is no alternative to Softy as Smith was called. It is
incorrect, illogical and insensitive to misuse know n as it is now misused
day after day by the press and the BBC.

Positive statements and negative statements have to be carefully handled
w hen closely com bined in a single sentence. Consider the following
sentence on the G overnm ents proposals for lone parents benefits:
Its proposals were not coherent and a clumsy way in which to start Mr
Blairs welfare reform initiative.
Our use o f the w ord and is such that She was not willing and helpful
means that she was neither willing nor helpful. On that basis the above
sentence m ight at first sight be understood to be conveying that the
Governments proposals w ere neither coherent nor a clumsy way in
w hich to tackle the matter. No thoughtful reader w ould be likely so to
misread it, but the construction is clumsy. In order clearly to confine the
effect of the w ord n o t to the part o f the statement preceding and, the
verb it affects m ust be repeated: Its proposals w ere not coherent and
were a clumsy way in w hich to start Mr Blairs welfare reform initiative.
An even m ore extraordinary m ix-up between the negative and the
positive occurs in this statement from a railway magazine:

Presenting a Case

No major external structure modifications have been made during the

rebuilding, the most noticeable being the large roof-mounted silencer and
the bogie-mounted sandboxes.
This sounds like a contradiction in terms. One m ust assume that the
noticeable modifications referred to are not m ajor. On that assumption,
the sentence is really the equivalent o f saying No young people attended
the performance, the most noticeable being a m an o f eighty. If the
second half of the sentence is to be rescued, it w ould probably be best to
sacrifice the w ord m ajor: Only m inor structural modifications have
been made during the rebuilding, the m ost noticeable being the large
roof-m ounted silencer.
There are cases w here the use of the negative should be avoided. It is
m ore elegant to say Three people disapproved o f the suggestion than
to say Three people did not approve o f the suggestion. In reporting
views and attitudes, writers need to rem em ber this.
Only a quarter of the respondents dont feel satellite will ever challenge
terrestrial TV.
Here it w ould be better to move the negative to w here it really belongs
in the recorded attitude o f the respondents: Only a quarter of the
respondents feel that satellite will never challenge terrestrial TV.
A slightly m ore complicated version of this looseness appears in a
com m ent on a report by the Waterways Ombudsman:
Eight complainants did not show the internal complaints procedure had
been completed.
Once m ore the negative needs to be shifted to w here it belongs. As it
stands, the sentence is a m ost uncomfortable way o f trying to say: In
eight cases the internal complaints procedure had not been completed.
Our sense o f logic is offended by double negatives. At its crudest the
double negative cancels itself out. I d o n t w ant not to go, logically
considered, w ould m ean the same thing as I w ant to go. By the same
token the sentence She will never change her m ind or say yes means
w hat it says, while She will never change her m ind nor say yes w ould
appear to convey the message She will never change her m ind and not
say yes, that is, She will never change her m ind and fail to say yes. The
truth is that double negatives have a respectable history in English
literature. If we lay dow n strictly logical rules, then someone will come


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

along w ith a quotation from Shakespeare to show that we are insensitive

pedants. That being said, it is best to give logic the benefit of the doubt
in making ones judgements.
The dream of the moneyed country lover is shifting back to the green acres
and privacy of the real countryside. But once there, they have no wish to
farm nor to become the local squire.
Strictly speaking, logic here requires us to question the w ord n o r. The
tw o items to farm and to become the local squire are equally w hat
they have no wish for. They have no wish for either o f them. In short:
they have no wish to farm or to become the local squire.
The placing o f the w ord n o needs to be watched. It comes as a shock
to hear on the radio the announcement:
Its a No Vote of Confidence.
The vote was a vote and the w ord n o belongs elsewhere: a vote o f No
There are certain w ords w hich are always followed by positive verbs.
We do not say All the m embers did not turn u p but None of the m embers
turned u p . Thus All the supporters we contacted could not have been
m ore enthusiastic w ould m uch better be All the supporters we contacted
w ere very enthusiastic. Sometimes a simple change in w ord order can
improve usage in this respect. All twenty-five m embers o f the family were
never present together. The awkwardness there is removed if we say: The
twenty-five m embers o f the family were never all present together.
After the w ord any the same rule against a following negative applies.
From the beginning of April any member of staff will no longer be permitted
to smoke in the office.
Here the proper usage w ould be: From the beginning o f April no
m em ber o f staff will be perm itted to smoke in the office. The tendency
to break this rule occurs most often w hen the w ord any is open-ended
in referring to possible future developments.
Any future changes in your income will not be taken into account in our
This should be: No future changes in your income will be taken into


Good Style and Bad

W e all w ant to write good English, and we believe that something called
style is involved. It will be good or it will not. Yet attempts to define
good style are not easy to come by. On the contrary, great writers can be
very dismissive of the matter. There is a recorded outburst on the subject
by Matthew Arnold.
People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is! Have some
thing to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of
Is that all it amounts to? Can w e not distinguish between the substance
o f a book and its style? May we not appreciate the one and dislike the
other? No doubt we can think of writers in w hose cases to think
o f separating content from style in discussion w ould seem almost
absurd. Swift and Bunyan m ight be cited as examples. But there are
writers w ho drive us to speak separately of style and content. There
is a celebrated com m ent on Tennyson made by G. K. Chesterton: He
could not think up to the height o f his ow n tow ering style. That implies
that here is a writer, a poet, whose style markedly exceeds in quality
w hat he has to say, so that the reader senses a lack of profundity
underneath a loftiness o f verbal bearing, a paucity of inner substance
underneath an outer majesty that seems to cry out for a matching quality
o f thought.
Dr Johnson, w ho had so m uch to say on the subject o f writers and
writing, him self insisted in his Life of Cowley that Language is the dress o f
thought. He clearly did not underestimate the importance of the sub
stance. Nevertheless, in his Life of Addison, he spoke as though a w riter
m ight im prove his or her style by modelling it on anothers.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and
elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes
of Addison.
W hat is interesting here is that we have something like a definition of
good style - or at least one brand of good style. It will be familiar
w ithout being coarse and elegant w ithout being ostentatious. That is to
say, if we may be so bold as to try to paraphrase Johnson, it will have a
kind o f natural simplicity w hich avoids vulgarity and a sm ooth dignity
that avoids showiness. These qualities depend on tw o things: the appro
priate choice o f w ords and the appropriate arrangement o f words. A
twofold discipline is required o f the good stylist, the discipline w hich
forswears laxity and self-indulgence in the selection o f words, and the
discipline w hich forswears laxity and sloppiness in their arrangement.


Avoiding Wordiness
Natural simplicity will avoid unnecessary wordiness. One o f the first
characteristics o f good English is the economic use o f words. It is not just
a matter o f not wasting words but also o f using the most natural w ords
available. There are certain words w hich bear the hallmark of unnecessary
Recent correspondence regarding microwave ovens suggests it is time for a
change concerning the provision of cookers in motorcaravans.
It w ould be good advice to any w riter to say, If you are thinking of
using the w ord regarding , d o n t. W e do not w rite letters regarding
microwave ovens but about microwave ovens. Likewise w e do not say
There has been a change concerning his attitude, but There has
been a change in his attitude. So the sentence should read: Recent
correspondence about microwave ovens suggests that it is time to change
the provision o f cookers in motorcaravans.
Economy in w riting is m uch m ore than a matter o f avoiding clumsy
connecting w ords such as regarding and concerning. A correspondent
w ith a feeling for English and a sense o f hum our has w ritten thus to the

Good Style and Bad

The Today programme reported this morning that Tony Blair fears slippage
in the time frame of the arms decommissioning process in Ulster. Well, I
suppose thats better than a delay.
O f course, slippage in the time fram e means delay. But alas, we
regularly hear now that the time fram e or the time scale allotted for
some venture was too limited w hen what is meant is that someone tried
to do something too quickly. Here is a sentence from the w orld of
The gas locker easily accommodates two 6 kg propane or two 7 kg butane
containers, which should keep most motor caravanners going for an
adequate time span.
Plainly w hich should keep most m otor caravanners going for an adequate
time span means w hich should last long enough for most m otor
There seems to be something about this business o f speaking on the
subject of time - how long something takes or how m uch something is
delayed - that stirs up the pot of verbosity.
You should understand that any further delay in reaching a decision could
well jeopardize the likelihood of maintaining a satisfactory level of public
support for the whole venture.
In plain English this seems to mean: Postponing a decision could cost
public support. But just as we have to speak o f time spans, time scales,
and time frames w here once things were done slowly or quickly, so
being acceptable or popular is now a matter o f maintaining a satisfactory
level of public support.
Sometimes the choice o f a single w ord or two sends a sentence
spinning from the sphere o f simple statement into the w orld of m uddy
The fear of gas is firmly entrenched into the minds of virtually all sailors.
W hy entrenched? The w ord has, or ought to have, a powerful conno
tation from the picture o f digging defensive positions in the stress of
war. W hat purpose do hints of that connotation serve here? Does the
sentence m ean anything other than Most sailors fear gas? Consider, too,
the following:
The HCS provide a much needed volunteer section input to the project.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

On any list o f overdone words in p u t w ould have to have a place. Is it

needed here? And is the w ord section needed either? Is a volunteer
section input anything m ore than volunteers? W hat impulse towards
wordiness is it that produces such excess? The following is another such
Building them in greater numbers is under review.
Surely this simply means They are thinking o f building m ore. Similarly
the works manager w ho announced that results showed a product uptake
curve only meant that sales were up. And the employer w ho reported
on an employee that he had an inform al approach to time-tables
presumably meant that he was unpunctual.

Formulas and Evasions

Sometimes wordiness is not so m uch a matter o f picking up the w rong
w ord here and adding the unnecessary w ord there, but of settling dow n
to a bilious outflow o f emasculated w ords that cushion the brain against
thought and the heart against feeling:
I should like to assure you that on our part we are determined to do our
best to settle the matter to your satisfaction.
Clearly this means W e shall do our best to m eet your w ishes. One
should be forewarned o f com ing excess by the opening words. It is a
fairly safe piece o f advice that if anyone in print w ould like to assure you
of something, then you are not about to receive a crisp announcem ent. 1/
We should like to assure you that is only one of a group o f introductory
expressions that are presumably intended to soften up readers so that
they respond m ore readily to what follows. These expressions have a
personal flavour established by the initial W e or I and sustained by the
direct appeal to y ou the reader. Other such formal introductory
addresses include W e are pleased to be able to announce t h a t. . ., We
are taking this opportunity to inform our customers t h a t. . ., We believe
it will be o f interest to you to learn t h a t. . ., and, most w inning o f all,
As one of our m ost loyal and valued customers, you will no doubt be
delighted to hear that
There are also introductory redundancies o f a different kind, the
impersonal ones. They are less w inning. They do not cajole. They do not

Good Style and Bad

try to slide into intimacy w ith the reader. They do not attempt gently to
gain the ear for a quiet word. Rather they clamber up to make a formal
pronouncem ent before the face. Some o f them retain a degree o f restraint,
such as It is felt that, It gives us great pleasure to record that and even
It is regretted that. Others are m ore clamant and challenging such as It
is generally agreed that, It m ust be accepted that, It w ould not be
claiming too m uch to assert that and even It is surely obvious to
everyone that.
There is, o f course, a brand o f wordiness w hich has a purpose. The
purpose may be to soften a blow, to make an announcem ent seem
less shocking than it is. We are used to this kind o f avoidance o f the
straightforward expression in talking about death. W e say that so and so
passed away. A firm advising those in direct marketing about checking
up on their lists o f customers estimates that, while 12 per cent of
the customers change their addresses, 3 per cent may be lost due to
mortalities. In short, they die.
The vocabulary of pregnancy and child-bearing was similarly wrapped
about w ith verbiage in the Victorian age. A pregnant wife m ight be
described as being in an interesting condition and she and her husband
m ight be said to be expecting a happy event. In our ow n period verbal
evasions tend to veil very different events. Industrial firms are said to be
dow n-sizing w hen they plan to dismiss large num bers of their staff.
The process of adding to the num bers of unem ployed is one o f rationaliz
ation. A recently sacked employee has ironically described him self as
having suffered an involuntary career event. This attitude of seeming
tenderness towards employers is not always reciprocated by employers
themselves. The Times city diarist gives us this inform ation about a large
As the latest report and accounts reveals, as of December 31, 1998, 177
employees had been terminated.
The finality o f being term inated contrasts w ith experiencing a passing
career event.
The sort o f evasive style illustrated here is o f course a speciality of
political propaganda. At the time w hen news bulletins were filled w ith
horror stories o f the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo by Serbian troops, it was
said that nearer hom e, in Serbia itself, the refugees w ere described as
relocated transit Albanians and their lot was to be rehoused as guests
in Albanian hom es.



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Recourse to Nouns
Since excessive wordiness often results from unnecessary recourse to
nouns, it is w orthw hile to explore fully the difference between English
style heavily laden w ith nouns and English style heavily laden w ith verbs.
But we must first note how uneconom ic a too ready recourse to nouns especially abstract nouns - can be.
We shall continue to build on improvements in the efficiency of our
operations, maximizing the potential for growth at home and for expansion
in the global market-place.
We shall look carefully at the vocabulary o f business later in the book.
For the m om ent it is enough to observe that all we learn from this
sentence could be learned from the simple statement: We shall do our
best to be efficient and to expand our business at hom e and abroad. This
reduces the num ber o f words in the original by about a third. And the
nouns im provem ents, efficiency, operations, potential, grow th
and expansion have all gone.
Business reports abound in such wastage.
The funding will provide us with the ability to deliver world class training
to potential team members.
Whenever a w riter is tem pted to use such expressions as provide us w ith
the ability, he or she should pause. All that is needed here is: The
funding will enable us to deliver w orld class training to potential team
m em bers. Just as to provide someone w ith ability to do this or that is
identical w ith to enable someone to do this or that, so there are
many abstract nouns w hich can be attached to verbs in the business of
manufacturing similar inflations. We are determ ined to give im mediate
consideration to the plan should be: W e are determ ined to consider the
plan im mediately. The review should supply us w ith full awareness of
the extent of the com m itm ent that is required o f us should be: The
review should inform us how far we need to be com m itted.
Fondness for abstract nouns is now such that there are cases w here a
w riter appears to have dragged one into the text by the scruff o f the neck.
Here is a claim from the nursing profession:

Good Style and Bad

We have finally taken our rightful place at the policy tables at federal and
state level due to increasing public recognition of our essentiality.
That nurses are necessary to society is a fact w e are n ot going to question.
But can we not appreciate how im portant nurses are w ithout talking
about their essentiality?
And I have just heard a speaker prophesying ill o f likely future develop
ments in the European Community:
Such an eventuality would result in the gravest consequences for all of us!
This means If that happens, it w ould be bad for all o f us. Plainly the
temptation to have recourse to established circumlocutions such as such
an eventuality w ould result in is wasteful.

The Pile-up of Nouns

There is another aspect o f the current over-fondness for nouns w hich has
developed over recent decades. The fashion is to pile noun upon noun
where once adjectives m ight have been m ore used. We find a breakfast
cereal announcing itself thus:
The superior high fibre wheat bran cereal.
The w ords fibre, w heat, bran and cereal are all nouns. There seems
to be a willingness to expand lists o f nouns indiscriminately. We hear of,
say, a Barn Dance Revival Society, then o f a Barn Dance Revival Society
Conference organized by a Barn Dance Revival Society Conference
Coordinator. The nouns are piled up w ith reckless abandon. The m ind
begins to long for an adjective as a thirsty m an longs for drink in the
The good w riter will restrain the appetite for nouns. One of the
excesses in this respect is that of forcing a noun into the garment of an
These guidelines cover diet and other lifestyle factors that can help prevent
Notice w hat process produces a sentence like this. There is the noun life
and there is the noun style. The two have been forced together as a new
noun. But then this new noun is forced into an adjectival function by



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

being jammed up against another noun factors. The net result is not
anything grossly tasteless, but the good w riter is not satisfied merely to
avoid the grossly tasteless. And the habit o f jamming nouns together does
not produce elegance. Consider this complaint about weather conditions
that can produce flooding:
There is evidence of some unsatisfactory forecasting and warning dissemi
The objection here is not against bad gramm ar but against tortuous
juxtaposition o f nouns ill-fitted for m utual attachment ( forecasting and
w arning dissem ination). Reduction in the num ber of nouns w ould
certainly make for im provement: It seems that forecasts and warnings
were not made widely enough know n.
In this respect it is not always good style to use one w ord w here two
m ight have been used. W arning dissem ination is certainly not better
English than dissemination o f w arnings. The same may be said o f the
nouns in the following:
Oil hydraulics have a number of advantages which include greater corrosion
Corrosion protection in itself is scarcely a tenable concept. Nothing is
to be gained from not saying: protection against corrosion.
Perhaps even m ore tortuous is the mental process that produces this
com m ent on the tim ber trade:
The modern forestry, saw-milling and wood-processing industry has a good
story to tell. It makes an important contribution to the economy by providing
rural employment and contributes to the balance of payments by import
The expression im port substitution is grotesquely ill-chosen. I f im port
substitution made an acceptable com bination, surely it w ould be m ore
likely to mean substitution o f im ports than substitution for imports.
Again verbal parsim ony is misplaced, as it often is w hen it economizes
on prepositions. The sentence should read: contributes to the balance of
payments by replacing im ports.

Good Style and Bad

Using Nouns or Verbs

Over-use of nouns and under-use of verbs is a plague in m uch contem por
ary journalism, indeed in m uch contemporary prose o f many kinds. Let
us consider what are the characteristics o f prose w hich is overladen w ith
nouns, as opposed to prose w hich is fully laden, or indeed overladen,
w ith verbs. For instance I read in a m otoring magazine:
Plans are in place to increase production of high top models.
The first seven w ords there include three nouns: plans, place and
production. If we rewrite the sentence, replacing the nouns plans,
place and production by verbs, it becomes W e plan to produce m ore
high top m odels. The flavour of the latter sentence is less sophisticated
and simpler.
W e must not conclude that it is always better to sprinkle a paragraph
w ith verbs rather than nouns. We need to take into account the kind of
prose we are writing, its purpose and the readership it is intended for.
To exemplify prose heavily laden w ith verbs perhaps no w riter is m ore
useful than Defoe. As a stylist he is simple and direct. His Journal of the
Plague Year, published in 1722, is a supposedly first-hand account o f the
outbreak o f the plague in London that occurred in 1665. Defoe w ould
have been a child o f four or five at the time, but he studied factual
docum entary accounts o f the outbreak, and his book acquires a seeming
authoritativeness from its sober direct reportage. Defoe always packed
his fictional and semi-fictional w ork w ith descriptive and anecdotal detail.
In the passage we quote he tells of a poor London citizen w ho lost his
wife and all his children in the Plague. He decided to make for the
country, taking two servants and an elderly relative w ith him. Arriving
at a village he takes an em pty house.
After a few days he got a cart and loaded it with goods, and carries them
down to the house; the people of the village opposed his driving the cart
along, but with some arguings and with some force, the men that drove
the cart along got through the street up to the door of the house. There the
constable resisted them again, and would not let them be brought in. The
man caused the goods to be unloaden and laid at the door, and sent the
cart away; upon which they carried the man before a justice of the peace;



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

that is to say, they commanded him to go, which he did. The justice
ordered him to cause the cart to fetch away the goods again, which he
refused to do; upon which the justice ordered the constable to pursue the
carters and fetch them back, and make them reload the goods and carry
them away, or to set them in the stocks till they came for further orders;
and if they could not find them, nor the man would not consent to take
them away, they should cause them to be drawn with hooks from the
house-door and burned in the street.
For other purposes this m ight perhaps seem to have an excessive prepon
derance o f verbs. But Defoe captures the urgency o f the situation and
something of the desperate frustration involved in trying to find safety.
His flow of verbs renders the prose sinewy, hom e-spun and compelling,
but neither elegant nor rhythmic.
By contrast let us look at the style o f the historian Lord Macaulay. He
concludes his Essay on Warren Hastings w ith a summary character study
whose style abounds in resounding nouns.
Those who look on his character, without favour or malevolence will
pronounce that, in the two great elements of all social virtue, in respect
for the rights of others, and in sympathy for the sufferings of others, he
was deficient. His heart was somewhat hard. But though we cannot with
truth describe him as either righteous or as a merciful ruler, we cannot
regard without admiration the amplitude and fertility of his intellect, his
rare talents for command, for administration, and for controversy, his
dauntless courage, his honourable poverty, his fervent zeal for the interests
of the state, his noble equanimity, tried by both extremes of fortune, and
never disturbed by either.
The prose here is less taut, less plain, and less vigorous, but it has
smoothness and some stateliness appropriate to the context. There is also
a fine balance in the architecture of the prose and a rhythmic flow quite
absent from Defoes narrative.

C urrent Over-use of Nouns

In our ow n age, generally speaking, the tendency is to over-use nouns
heavily. This is the tem ptation w hich todays w riter has to resist. It means
that our prose is m ore likely to suffer from flaccidity than from jerkiness.

Good Style and Bad

Contemporary prose is all too likely to lack vitality and force. At its
most obvious the unnecessary preference for nouns can so easily be
Health professionals yesterday urged the police to stop using CS spray to
subdue psychiatric patients after research showed that it was a frequent
We all know that a frequent occurrence is something that often happens.
W hy do we translate after research show ed that it often happened,
w hich is the way we think, into after research showed that it was a
frequent occurrence, w hich has become the way we write?
There seems to be a small glossary o f abstract nouns labelled in our
minds as for use in p rin t. Users feel that they m ust be dragged out and
put on paper to prevent w hat they w ant to say from seeming too obvious
or too easily comprehensible.
The experts fear a worsening of the danger.
Now the person w ho put that into print w ould not have put it like that
in conversation. To an acquaintance he w ould have said: The experts
fear the danger will get w orse. W hat in speech gets w orse on paper
becomes a w orsening.
They can contemplate and accept the inevitability of its disappearance.
The person w ho w rote that w ould not have said it. He or she w ould have
said They can see and accept that it m ust go. In speech w e recognize
that something m ust go, whereas on paper w e have to accept the
inevitability o f its disappearance.
Americans have long seen the Middle East, North Africa and sometimes
even Western Europe as areas in which vigilance against such [terrorist]
attacks is a permanent necessity.
Let us again try to imagine w hat happened in the m ind and possibly even
in speech before anything o f this got put dow n on paper. Someone
decided that there w ere areas w here they w ould always have to watch
out for terrorist attacks. So the mental glossary o f writable w o rd s was
ransacked and the recom m ended terms were brought into play. Instead
of always having to w atch out, there must be asserted the necessity for
One begins to w onder w hether press magnates encourage their


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

employees to translate from the language o f thought and utterance into

this laboured and inflexible idiom.
A further sinister reinforcement of this attitude may be that smoking among
older women has been found to be associated with relative thinness, a
possibility that may not have been overlooked by observant teenage girls as
well as the tobacco industry.
Older w om en w ho smoke tend to be thinner. Teenage girls notice that
and so does the tobacco industry. The point is w orth making, but do
we really need all this stuff about reinforcem ent of an attitude and
something being associated w ith relative thinness and a possibility
that some observant people may not have overlooked?
Reaching for an abstract noun whenever one has something to say
becomes a kind of ingrained habit. There was a news item on BBC Radio
4 about an incident in the Balkans in w hich bodies o f Albanians were
found, seemingly massacred by the Serbian Security Police. Various
versions o f w hat had happened were aired. On this issue the radio
announcem ent ran:
As the days passed the precise truth became less and less clear.
W hy drag in this abstraction precise tru th , w hen what the newswriter
m eant was that w hat had actually happened became less and less
clear as the days passed? There is a strange rooted objection in journal
ism to the use o f such a natural English noun clause as w hat had hap
pened. If w hat was true became ever m ore difficult to determine,
that does not mean that truth was becoming less clear. It means that
truth was getting harder and harder to arrive at. But the reader will
notice that, as we strive to make clear w hat should have been said, verbs
come into play. We use such expressions as w hat had happened,
becoming m ore difficult to determ ine, and getting harder and harder
to arrive at.
There is need for a campaign in English education against the over-use
of nouns. Pick up any piece o f publicity you receive through the post
and you will find evidence of this. Today I read:
Under self-assessment rules, the automatic penalty for the late submission
of a tax return is i oo.
Suppose we try to reduce the nouns there. U nder self-assessment rules,
you will be fined i oo if you send in your tax return late. Instead o f the

Good Style and Bad

noun penalty we have the verb will be fined. Instead of the noun
submission we have the verb send in .
Children should be given exercises in schools in translating nou n
ridden prose into verby prose. The earliest exercises could take the form
o f turning Our sole aim is your satisfaction into We only w ant to please
you. Nothing is easier than turning up suitable specimens for this kind
of exercise. Replaceable nouns are printed in bold type in w hat follows.
Verbs introduced in their place are also in bold type.
Our intention is to give the matter serious consideration.
This becomes:
We intend to consider the matter seriously.
Consideration must be given to organizational developments which could
strengthen the accountability of senior management.
This becomes:
We must consider how to develop our organization so as to make our
senior managers more accountable.
After a whole day of negotiation a settlement was arrived at which met
with acceptance from both parties.
This becomes:
After negotiating for a day, a settlement was reached which both parties
agreed to.
Greater customer care plus improved support for dealers were identified
as key benefits behind one of the biggest innovations in the leisure vehicle
This becomes:
The leisure vehicle industry has reformed its practices so as to care more
for customers and to support dealers better.
There are too many concentrations of dangerous heavy metals in plants
that are important resources for a wider range of waterbirds.
This becomes:
Too often dangerous heavy metals are concentrated in plants that help to
sustain many different waterbirds.



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Nouns Doubling as Verbs

We have been concerned here w ith nouns and verbs as w ords w ith
contrasting functions. But the English language is rich in words w hich
are both nouns and verbs. Look up a few simple nouns or a few simple
verbs in a dictionary. Such nouns as love, force and taste are also
verbs. Such verbs as drink, w ash and play are also nouns. W e think
of give as a verb and gift as a noun, but the Scots have long used gift
as a verb. We think o f author as a noun, but the Americans use it as a
verb. The temptation for writers to use an established noun as a verb or
an established verb as a noun can scarcely be considered a practice alien
to the language. We have been taking such liberties for a long time.
W ords as essentially nounlike in their form as condition, position,
partition, requisition and section are all used as verbs. We can see
this practice extended further and further in our ow n day. My latest
dictionary gives rubbish as a noun only, but we now often hear it used
as a verb, meaning to disparage totally ( In an ironical outburst the leader
of the Opposition rubbished the Governm ents new proposal). There
are even cases w here an individuals career may furnish us w ith a new
noun-turned-verb. It was during Mrs Thatchers forceful premiership
that the noun handbag was turned into a verb expressive o f aggressive
diplomacy in action.
Experimentation w ith words can enrich the language. We have long
been manufacturing new verbs from existing nouns and adjectives. My
wife and I caravan all year ro u n d , I read. My older dictionary gives
caravan only as a noun; my new er dictionary gives it as a verb too.
There are obvious advantages in not having to write My wife and I use
our caravan all year round. In the early days of the private car the w ord
m otor was used o f both the vehicle and the use o f it. King George V
was known to be fond o f m otoring and Rowntrees successfully marketed
m otoring chocolate.
It is true that sometimes verbs newly fashioned from nouns make
readers squirm w hen they are first encountered.
The Craft Movement Contemporary Craft Fair showcases the original work
of more than 100 of the UKs best professional designer/makers . . .
Here is a case in point. The noun showcase som ehow seems too
thoroughly nounish to be so treated. Yet on reflection we realize that

Good Style and Bad

some seemingly m ost unlikely com pound nouns such as tim e-table,
soft-pedal and steam -roller have become useful verbs.
W here can we draw the line? I have heard an attempt to turn the
noun nuance into a verb: I think I should w ant to nuance that criticism
a little. Presumably this means I think I should w ant to give a subtle
change to that criticism. How free are w e in this respect? Was the
first person to use the w ord rubbish as a verb charged w ith illiteracy?
If we are so clever that we thus invent a new verb, we must hope that
it will catch on until those w ho at first squirm to read it begin to use it
themselves. After all, w hat noun w ould totally resist being converted
into a verb? The Victorian Age left us a tongue-twister in the form of
a snatch o f conversation between a lady and a w orkm an repairing a
Are you aluminiuming it, man?
No, Im copper-bottoming it, mum.
And in conversation it is not only nouns that get turned into verbs. In
Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, w hen Juliet annoys her father Capulet by
resisting his dem and that she should marry County Paris, Capulet accuses
her o f being too proud. She quibbles over the w ord p roud and Capulet
loses his temper w ith her. Proud me no prouds he says in rebuke,
turning the adjective pro u d temporarily into a verb and then temporarily
into a plural noun.

The pursuit o f simplicity and directness does not preclude colour and
imagery. The judicious use o f m etaphor is crucial in the best writing. But
m etaphor misapplied damages style. And, once a seemingly appropriate
m etaphor has been seized on, it must be properly followed up. Here is a
tribute to the old Nature Conservancy Council.
Its official enthusiasm for local nature reserve designations on edu
cational and recreational grounds has pumped life into official doorstep
Now to speak o f pum ping life or breathing life instead o f just using a
verb like strengthened or revitalized is to make sensible use o f m eta
phor. But pum ping life into a m ovement is one thing, and pum ping

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

life into doorstep conservation is another thing. After all, w ild life
conservation is conservation o f wild life. And on that pattern doorstep
conservation w ould be conservation o f doorsteps.
It tends to be w ith the introduction o f fairly w ell-w orn m etaphors that
writers trip up. We are so used to them that we lose sight o f their
metaphorical content. Consider this, for instance:
Among the pantheon of great sporting cliches, the hoary old chestnut that
luck is something you make for yourself has always seemed to me one of
the more blatantly unsatisfactory.
The Pantheon was a circular temple in Rome. Its peculiarity was that it
was dedicated, not to a particular god, but to all the gods. Thus the w ord
has been taken up for a building in w hich a nations dead heroes are
com mem orated. From that usage stems the use o f the w ord for a place
that houses the full tally of a nations poets or artists. The w riter o f the
above sentence may or may not have sensed that the w ord represents a
place in w hich a num ber o f beings are com mem orated, but he assumes
that he is free to use it to mean a repository for lots of items or indeed a
kind o f volume o f quotations. This is to stretch the m etaphor further
than it will go. In other words it is to destroy the metaphor. W e can
accept the other m etaphor, the hoary old chestnut, as standing for a
sporting cliche. But to picture it taking its place in a pantheon is to turn
a good m etaphor into nonsense.
In the use o f m etaphor there m ust be appropriateness, restraint and
consistency. These three requirem ents make for effective use o f imagery.
W hen the metaphorical use of the w ord pantheon required us to treat
a temple or a mausoleum as a thesaurus of quotations, there was a
plain lack o f appropriateness. One m ight argue that the imagery of the
following sentence fails in respect of both restraint and consistency:
I cannot believe that he [the Prime Minister] will choose to plunge into such
an obvious elephant trap which would sour relations with the countryside up
to and well beyond the next General Election.
We may or may not feel that it is over-stretching the image to parallel
the passing o f a new law w ith plunging into an obvious elephant trap.
But, however that may be, we ought not to be asked to picture either the
plunge or the trap souring relations.
One ought not to go in for imagery w hose effect on readers depends
upon their not taking it too seriously; that is to say, not visualizing w hat

Good Style and Bad

is pictured. It is bad to rely on unresponsiveness by the reader to vivid

m etaphor, however well established.
Englands leading clubs are positioned today to make a gesture that could
soothe the months of nagging warfare that have blighted British rugby since
the introduction of professionalism.
Now if the w riter had said a gesture that could put an end to the m onths
o f nagging warfare, we should not have complained. But the w ord
soothe is, or should be, a powerful metaphorical expression, and the
sensitive reader balks at the idea o f soothing months. And just as we do
not soothe m onths, neither do we soothe nagging warfare. This is
w hat is meant by our dem and for consistency in imagery.
W hen, quite justifiably, seeking to avoid the m ost obvious and most
used verbs, the w riter m ust take care not to use a verb w ith a metaphorical
content that collides incongruously w ith its context.
Saladin stopped Richard I from taking Jerusalem, sparking the decline of
large-scale expeditions.
The image of sparking derives presumably from starting a conflagration
or an explosion. It w ould seem appropriate enough to the launching of
an enterprise or to the outbreak o f some catastrophic development such
as a war, but surely it is not appropriate to an event w hich marks the
beginning of a decline. One can only recom m end a m ore colourless verb:
starting the decline of large-scale expeditions.


We all know that w ords group themselves for us, not just according to
their literal meanings, but according to the kind o f context in w hich they
are most often used. W e read in a leaflet about some public meeting that
Proceedings will com mence w ith a statement from the Chairman. The
vocabulary does not strike us as odd. But if we w ere invited out to dinner
w ith some close friends and our host turned to us as he received us and
said Proceedings will com mence w ith drinks in the drawing room , we
should suspect him o f being funny. The appropriate vocabulary for one
situation is not the appropriate vocabulary for a very different situation.
Now we m ust not assume that transfer of vocabulary from its normally
appropriate context into a seemingly inappropriate context is always a

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

mistake. It may be intentionally done for a comic purpose, as we sug

gested w ith the hosts greeting at the party. Samuel Beckett at one and
the same time convulses us w ith laughter and wrings our hearts in his
plays and in his novels by juxtaposing snatches o f the familiar currencies
of contemporary day-to-day usage w ith situations totally and tragically
at loggerheads w ith the thrust and tone o f w hat is said.
Indeed the forcing together o f w ords from different areas o f usage
may be highly poetic in effect. Surely there is no m ore prosaic w ord in
the English language than the w ord satisfactory. We associate it w ith
the dullest school reports on the most unexciting performances by the
m ost pedestrian of achievers. Yet T. S. Eliot achieves a dramatic, indeed
a climactic effect by his use o f the w ord at the end o f one section o f
Journey of the Magi, his poem about the com ing o f the three kings to
Bethlehem on the birth of Christ. The poem begins in a conversational
idiom as the journey is described, and one w ord seems to stick out at the
end o f the sixth line w here the camels are described as galled, sore
footed, refractory. The seemingly rather clumsy w ord resonates in the
m ind until, over twenty lines later, the speaker tells o f the eventual arrival
at Bethlehem and w hat they found there in the w ords it was ( you may
say) satisfactory.
It takes a poet to make the w ord satisfactory so powerfully evocative.
We are unlikely to be inspired to comparable strokes o f genius in
our daily use of words. If we get the w rong w ord from the w rong con
text it is likely to be a defacement rather than an enrichm ent o f our
utterance. The careful speaker or w riter uses w ords w hich meld happily
together. We do not w ant business jargon in the privacy o f the home.
A police inspector, interviewed on the radio about a certain problem
Its a question of getting the message down to that section of the police
service which has an interface with the public.
The w ord interface, basically a scientific term for the surface w hich is
com m on to tw o different contiguous things, has been found useful in
the field of business organization, so useful that it has been over-used. It
is now a vogue w o rd . But clearly it is out o f place in the policem ans
statement. If we cannot talk about the officers w ho come into personal
contact w ith the public w ithout introducing an interface between them,
we need some elementary instruction in the use o f our language. It is
this practice o f dropping a decisively technical w ord into a hum drum

Good Style and Bad

sentence that needs to be disciplined. It introduces a linguistically alien

element that discomfits the reader.
The countryside is a complicated entity, in danger of being overlooked or
taken for granted.
The w ord entity is basically a philosophical term for something w hich
has real and distinctive existence. Perhaps its nearest English equivalent
w ould be beingness. It is quite out o f place in a sentence pleading for
m ore attention to the preservation o f the English countryside. W ords
such as complicated, entity and danger are weakened by usage w hich
relies on the reader not to take any o f them at their face value.
We move from the countryside to the garden for another experiment
in verbal misplacement.
People should experiment more with plants. They are unaware of the
potential of their gardens, so they plant the norm.
The non-gardener may be so taken aback by this statement as to feel it
necessary to check up in an encyclopaedia just to make sure that there is
not a fast-spreading herbaceous perennial called n o rm . After all, the
w ord n o rm we are accustomed to means the average level o f achieve
ment, the standard o f action that can be expected as representing the
average. It is not something that can be planted in a garden. To use the
expression they planted the n o rm to m ean they put in the kind o f thing
that most people w ould is again to introduce a verbally alien note.
The converse error o f abusing familiar words that are associated w ith
primal hum an experiences by exploiting them for commercial purposes
is a commonplace o f business publicity.
All the members of our Board join me in urging you, as a valued shareholder,
to look seriously at a new and exciting proposal which I am proud to be
able to present to you.
Here our complaint is that familiar words are applied w ith an insensitivity
to their genuine meaning that cheapens them. Valued, seriously,
exciting and proud are throw n about like counters of little w orth. The
request to the reader to study something is w hat has to be conveyed. It
is tasteless to wrap it around w ith the ambience o f seriousness, excitement
and personal pride.
It is in translations into English that the gravest misplacements of
vocabulary can occur. Such misplacements can be a great source o f



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

hum our. W hen we are told of them, we w onder w hether they are not
perhaps the stuff of fiction. But perhaps it is true that a Hong Kong tailors
shop displays a notice saying Ladies may have fits upstairs and a Greek
tailors shop guarantees to execute customers in strict rotation. And
perhaps there really is a hotel in an Austrian ski resort w here guests are
requested not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the
boots of ascension. Periodically such specimens appear in the press and
indeed they illuminate nuances and vagaries in our vocabulary.
It should go w ithout saying in this m atter o f suiting the w ord to the
context that what is appropriate in speech may be unsuitable on the
printed page. Many a construction cited in this book for criticism m ight
well be used in conversation w ithout raising pedantic eyebrows. But
there is a gossipy informality in our chatter that can look tasteless in
Perhaps youre picking up on problems in their relationship and are feeling
protective towards your friend.
The Agony Aunt m ust be allowed her due licence o f informality, but this
slangy construction to pick up o n , meaning to take notice o f or to
make something o f , w ould be better replaced by some tasteful usage
that is none the less homely, say: Perhaps yo u re dwelling too m uch on
problem s in their relationship. But if readers feel indulgent towards the
Agony Aunts chatty idiom, they will be less inclined to look favourably
on the following:
Designers have already picked up on the potential of mood-enhancing
room fragrances.
Here the meaning is: Designers have already exploited the potential o f
m ood-enhancing room fragrances.
Certain readily used conversational expressions som ehow have their
constructional defects exposed w hen they are put into print. For instance
we ask Was it just m y im agination? w hen we w ant to imply that perhaps
w hat we are going to say is not factually correct but a guess on our part.
Yet w hen this expression is put in print the literal meaning of the words
is revealed in its bareness.
Was it my imagination or were gardens in June neglected because of the
bad weather?
It w ould be m uch better here to drop the colloquialism and say: Is my

Good Style and Bad

hunch correct, that gardens in June w ere neglected because o f the bad
w eather?
Such colloquialisms form quite a significant part o f our daily conver
sations. Someone tells us something that fully confirms a perhaps contro
versial view that we have long held. Indeed, w e say, that says it all!
But put that into cold print and advertise Furniture that says it all and
the expression suddenly has its absurdity revealed.
W ords w hich carry only a slight metaphorical content w hen we use
them in conversation may have that content strengthened w hen they are
put into print. For instance, we m ight say That notion sounds absurd,
and we are not thinking o f the verb sound in connection w ith noise of
any kind. But put that in print and the effect is different.
The notion of growing orchids in the bitter cold urban jungle of Chicago
sounds as unlikely as snow falling in the desert.
W hen we have read w ords like cold urban jungle we are mentally in a
verbal w orld where things are felt. W hen we m ove on to expressions like
snow falling in the desert we are strengthened in our sense o f the felt
world, the w orld in w hich w eather changes and snow may fall. As a
result the w ord sounds gets involved also in the w orld o f sensation, and
we think to ourselves that growing orchids and snow falling are both
silent processes, and that notions do not produce any sound at all.

Hyperbole is exaggeration indulged in for the sake o f effect. It may be
deliberate and effective. Poets use it unashamedly. In Shakespeares Mac
beth, w hen Macbeth has m urdered Duncan and is horrified at the sight o f
his ow n bloodied hands, he cries:
Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red.
Here is hyperbole on the grand scale. Macbeths notion that if he put his
hand in the sea the w orlds oceans w ould turn red is imaginatively
powerful precisely because its excess matches the enormity of the deed.
The w orst kind o f hyperbole is that w hich establishes itself by such


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

frequent repetition that all novelty and force are lost. The most obvious
of all hyperboles are those w hich we use daily in conversation. Shes
terribly late, we say, w hen in fact the element o f terror 4 s lacking.
Terribly has become a substitute for very. My dear, it was absolutely
devastating! The milkman failed to deliver on two successive days. The
potentially powerful words absolutely devastating are used as little m ore
than a substitute for inconvenient.
Now conversation is one thing and the w ritten w ord another thing.
On paper, the cheapening o f richly m eaningful w ords by using them as
so many counters to avoid repetition o f very or m ost implies failure
to think carefully. It also suggests poverty o f imagination. Let us consider
a few specimens.
The hotel is close to a fabulous sandy beach.
The w ord fabulous (from the w ord fable) strictly defines an imaginary
beast such as the Minotaur or some other comparable creature or event
w ith only legendary existence. Hence it is used to describe something so
astoundingly remarkable as to be unbelievable or all but unbelievable.
To describe someone as having fabulous w ealth w ould convey the
possession of riches all but inconceivable. To throw the w ord around as
an equivalent o f very nice is to dissipate its meaning. The same applies
to the w ord fantastic. An advertiser tells us that if we use certain dyes
fantastic results are guaranteed. The w ord fantastic (from the w ord
fantasy) is applied to beings and things conceived in the w orld o f fancy
rather than o f reality. Again it is totally inappropriate to use the w ord
thus. Closely related to the misuse o f fabulous and fantastic is the
misuse o f incredible and incredibly, w ords w hich also seem to belong
m ore to the recounting of marvellous events than o f day-to-day doings.
The display of her work went down incredibly well.
Clearly again the w ord very w ould do all that the now weakened w ord
incredibly can do.
The desire to give the highest degree of praise one can to efforts of
this kind naturally breeds hyperbole. Here we have a com m ent on a horse
trials event. The w riter tells that no one is too big to give advice, w hen
asked, or to share their ideals, and adds:
It is eventings greatest asset and creates such a good camaraderie amongst
competitors, an ideal that I believe is unique to this sport.

Good Style and Bad

Here the words ideal and unique seem to be brought into play chiefly
because o f the nice noise they make.
The specimens we have been looking at tend to arise from the desire
to make something seem m ore remarkable than it is. By the use
of hyperbole the w riter exaggerates the em otional impact of w hat is
Dr Jeff Sampson has just joined the Animal Health Trust as Canine Genetics
Co-ordinator. This new post, sponsored by the Kennel Club, will help apply
this exciting subject to the world of dog breeding.
Over-use of the w ord exciting is not uncom m on. In contexts like this
it is apt to raise an ironic smile. Certainly the subject is one that dogbreeders will find interesting. The w riter gains nothing by using the
w ord exciting, as though it m eant no m ore than that. A similar, perhaps
m ore justifiable, hyperbolic approach to the readers feelings is made by
the w ord horrifying in the sentence:
A horrifying number of pets are put to sleep because they cant be identified
and their owners traced.
Just as words to do w ith stirring the readers feelings tend to be hyper
bolic, so too do w ords connected w ith suggestions of great size. It is
easy to find examples of w ords such as trem endous, im m ense and
enorm ous used w here large or big w ould be m ore appropriate.
Hyperbole is not just a matter o f using adjectives extravagantly. A
different brand o f hyperbole builds up an image in a w ord or two whose
effect is quite disproportionate to what is needed. Here we have an
advertisers enthusiastic account o f a new car.
The sexy aristocrat of the open road. Sleek and swift. Purebred and powerful.
With the body of a thoroughbred and the soul of a beast.
The w orld o f cold prose seems to be left behind here. We are in the
verbal w orld w here M acbeths bloodied hands could turn the w orlds
oceans scarlet. The trouble is, however, that the AA journal is not
designed for theatrical performance before a hushed and rapt audience.
No doubt the psychologist could have some fun explaining the propa
ganda effect o f w ords such as sexy and aristocrat, w ith their associations
of glowing beauty and social superiority, o f words such as purebred
and thoroughbred, w ith their associations of high breed and grace on
display in the fresh country air. And, lest it was all beginning to seem



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

too cultivatedly high-class, there is the expression the soul o f a beast to

raise associations of untam ed pow er waiting to be unleashed.
Ours not to cavil or complain w hen the poetic souls o f advertisers are
let off their leash. But the imaginative efforts do not always come off.
Witness the advertisers question, put before recom m ending a skin
Is your skin tight, tingly and throwing a tantrum?
One can give higher marks for ingenuity than for good taste here. To
speak o f throw ing a tantrum in connection w ith the conduct o f skin is
surely to go over the top.


Sound Logic

Good writing is logical. The relationship between logic and grammar is
close. It is very often by a failure in grammar that a failure in logic occurs.
That is one way o f putting a crucial fact about good style. And the other
way of putting it is this: It is often by a failure in logic that a failure in
grammar occurs. Such is the interconnection between the two. It follows
that we have already in this book had to criticize the choice or arrangement
o f words because o f their illogicality. For instance, a com m on error
w hich has both its logical and its grammatical aspects occurs w hen some
such w ord as it or this is used w ithout clarity as to w hat the w ord
refers back to, and we cited cases in Chapter 6 that w ould exemplify this.
At the crudest level this is a matter of making sure that such pronouns as
it and this are properly anchored.
All the work is done on anaesthetized animals. It is given a single injection
and never wakes up.
The error assumes a grammatical character here. The singular it is used
w here the plural they is required.
But sometimes the failure in back-reference involves a different kind
o f lapse in the thought-process, w hich can only be described as illogical.
Here is a journalist reporting on the restoration o f a three-mile canal
tunnel near Huddersfield:
Sealed for more than fifty years, it has long been thought of as an impossible
Plainly it, as placed here, m ust refer back grammatically to the sealed
tunnel. But no one has ever thought of the tunnel as a restoration,
w hether possible or impossible. W hen we say It has long been thought
difficult to climb M ount Everest, it refers forwards to the w ords to

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

climb Mount Everest. Using that construction, the journalist could have
written: it has long been thought impossible to restore it, w here the
second it refers properly back to the tunnel.
It is not the only pronoun that can introduce a failure in backreference. Let us consider a notice seen in a shop in a tourist area:
Will customers please leave their rucksacks and any other large baggage at
the till. This is due to safety precautions.
The failure in grammar and logic here centres on the w ord this. W hat
is this? If, as appears most likely, this is the request itself to leave the
baggage at the till, then it is not due to safety precautions. Rather it is
a safety precaution. The better w ording w ould have been: This is a safety
We turn to a m ore complicated failure o f logic involving the w ord
You often feel more depressed and alone, and probably quite angry that
no one is making the effort to reach out to you. This leads to physical
symptoms, hoping perhaps that you can get the attention and care you need
that way.
The grammar suggests that the physical symptoms are h oping for
attention. The present participle hoping, lacking proper attachment, is
required here to do an impossible job. W hat the w riter means, I take it,
is: This leads to physical symptoms, caused by the hope that they may
w in you the attention you deserve.
An even m ore subtle case o f faulty back-reference confuses concepts
Salman Rushdie says what he most dislikes about his appearance is its
infrequency. Happily those who know him as a regular on the party circuit
know this is not quite true.
The question arises: W hat is not quite true? As it stands, the diarist is
telling us that Salman Rushdie did not quite tell the truth in saying that
he disliked the infrequency o f his appearances. But Rushdies likes and
dislikes are not at issue. All that the diarist is wanting to question is the
w ord infrequency. If the shape o f the sentence is to be kept, it must
end in some such statement as: Happily those w ho know him as a regular
on the party circuit know that infrequency is not quite the right w o rd .
Faulty back-reference by misuse of a pronoun is a simpler error to

Sound Logic

correct than faulty back-reference involving a verb. W hen a passage

includes some such back-reference as and that was w hat we did, it
is im portant that the grammatical antecedents o f the conclusion are
appropriate. It is correct to say We were told to take our umbrellas, and
that is what we did, because the words that and d id refer back to the
w ords take our um brellas. It is incorrect to say They planned a picnic
for us, and that is w hat we d id because there is no proper connection
between that is w hat we d id and they planned a picnic.
Society must be assured that anyone that comes to hospital for treatment is
only discharged at the point where they are well and its safe to do so.
Safe to do what? the reader wants to know. And here we come upon a
typical instance of misusing the expression to do so. Whereas it is
correct to say I shall discharge you w hen it is safe to do so, because the
w ords to do so refer back to the w ord discharge, it is not correct to
say You shall be discharged w hen it is safe to do so because the
back-reference of to do so m ust involve an active not a passive verb:
No one w ho comes to hospital for treatment will be required to leave
before they are well and it is safe to do so (i.e. to leave). Oddly enough,
it w ould be correct, though not elegant, to say You shall be discharged
w hen it is safe to be so (i.e. to be discharged). The verb to d o is so
generalized in its meaning that this kind of failure is not rare.
The Countrywide Holidays operating manual runs to 90 pages. A smaller
company might not have the resources to do this.
Again the reader asks the question: to do what? The only verb to w hich
the verb d o can refer back is the verb runs. The pedantic logician
w ould argue that w hat is said here is: A smaller company m ight not have
the resources to run to 90 pages. But it is the manual that runs to 90
pages, not the Countryside Holidays company, however large. The w riter
is requesting the reader to thought-read: A smaller company m ight not
have the resources to publish one so big.
There is a similar lapse in this advice about simmering on a camp
Its not impossible, just so difficult that most users never learn to do it and
dont often bother if they have.
If they have what? Again that is the question that arises. One m ight say
I trust you have brought your raincoat: put it here if you have, because


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

there if you have refers back to brought your raincoat*. But it is not
correct to say if you have w here there is no such clear use o f a verb in
the matching tense to refer back to. To keep if they have the sentence
above w ould have to read: Its not impossible, just so difficult that most
users have never learned to do it and d o n t often bother if they have.
The alternative is to keep the first part o f the sentence and change the
ending: most users never learn to do it and d o n t often bother if they
d o . Ending a sentence w ith words such as they have or he has requires
the w riter to check that w hat has gone before gives the w ords proper
Keen judges say the 2 6-year-old Mancunian is riding as well as he ever
In conversation this m ight pass. But there is no proper anchorage for he
has, w hich requires ridden if it is to make sense. Since there is no
ridden to refer back to, it m ust be inserted at the end: the 26-year-old
Mancunian is riding as well as he has ever ridden.
The risks involved in ending a sentence w ith they have or he has
apply equally to ending a sentence w ith it w ill. Here is a sentence about
the placing o f mem orial plaques on the form er London homes o f famous
The criteria are there to ensure the fame of the person concerned is lasting
- in one or two cases its obvious it will.
The question naturally arises - will what? We can say Perhaps rain will
fall: I think it w ill because w ill recalls and reintroduces the rest o f the
verb, fall. But we ought not to say There could be rain tom orrow : I
think it w ill, because in that sentence there is no verb to be recalled to
go w ith the auxiliary verb w ill. The two parts o f the sentence m ust
m atch in this respect: The criteria are there to ensure the fame o f the
person is lasting - in one or two cases it obviously is.
There are certain w ords w hich cannot generally be used except w ith
some back-reference. The w ord others is one such. Typical usage is
represented by such sentences as Some like meat; others prefer vege
tables. It is true that sometimes the process is reversed and the w ord
others is balanced by a forward reference. The usage is rare in prose,
because it has a som ewhat artificial rhetorical quality, but there is a
famous sonnet by Matthew Arnold, addressed to Shakespeare, that

Sound Logic

Others abide our question. Thou art free.

We ask and ask: Thou smilest and art still,
Out-topping knowledge.
There others is balanced by forward reference to the w ord T hou.
Sometimes artists have a very clear idea of what they want, but others may
have an idea and be unsure how to resolve it.
Here there is no proper back-reference. One cannot balance sometim es
w ith others. If others is to be kept, then the sentence m ust begin:
Some artists have a very clear idea o f w hat they w ant.
An instance of faulty back-reference is sometimes better seen as an
instance o f faulty forward-reference. W here two parts o f a verb are joined
by and, it is essential that the match is exact.
That could, and has been, dismissed by Conservative Central Office as sour
One could say That could, and I think will, help because could can be
followed by help. But the auxiliary could cannot be followed by has
been dismissed. There is no escape from spelling out the first verb
properly: That could be, and has been, dismissed by Conservative Central
Office as sour grapes .

All the illogical sentences quoted so far in this chapter called for collection
w hich m ight have been defined in grammatical terms. But of course it
is possible to be extremely illogical while not erring grammatically. Not
all the sentences criticized in this present section are faulty grammatically.
Sometimes, in a perfectly grammatical sentence, a single ill-chosen w ord
turns the logic o f utterance upside down. In this respect we trespassed
into the field o f logic w hen illustrating in Chapter 3 how ill-chosen
w ords in com bination can produce inconsistency and incoherence. That
is also at issue here. The following announcem ent was made on television.
Louise Woodward will return home to restart the rest of her life.
There were two possible ways o f making this announcem ent logically:
either, Louise W oodw ard will return hom e to start the rest o f her life,

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

or Louise W oodw ard will return hom e to restart her life. There was
one thing that Louise could not do, and that was to return hom e and
restart the rest o f her life, because the rest o f her life had never been
started, and what has not been started cannot be restarted. QED. W ords
w hich place events in time (such as restart the rest o f her life above)
have to be scrutinized for possible logical lapses. Here is one such:
Jordan will be living on its nerves tomorrow when King Hussein, 63,
undergoes a second bone marrow transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota
in a last-ditch attempt to save him from last weeks recurrence of lymphatic
A m om ents thought could surely have prevented this illogicality. It is
far too late to save someone from last w eeks recurrence o f a disease.
The recurrence has occurred, and that is that. The King can perhaps be
saved from some o f the possible consequences o f the recurrence. It w ould
appear that here the journalists professional obsession w ith supposed
compression led him astray. He wanted to avoid by way o f abbreviation
the obvious sequence: in a last-ditch attem pt to save him from the effects
of lymphatic cancer w hich became threatening again last w eek. In fact
the alteration o f a single w ord (from to after) in his version w ould
have given him the brevity he required w ith correctness throw n in as a
bonus: undergoes a second bone m arrow transplant at the Mayo Clinic
in Minnesota in a last-ditch attempt to save him after last w eeks recur
rence o f lymphatic cancer.
Placing events in time clearly sometimes strains the logical faculties.
Here is a not uncom m on misuse o f w h en . The sentence is about a
hoarder w ho one day turned to crime.
Cleaning the windows of a financial broker in the heart of Reading was
when the turning point came.
It is correct to say It was a beautiful sum m er evening w hen the turningpoint came because w h en properly relates to a time. It does not relate
to a place such as Reading, or to an activity such as cleaning windows. If
the activity were placed in time then w h en could be used: He was
cleaning the w indow s o f a financial broker in the heart o f Reading w hen
the turning point cam e.
There are certain w ords w hich tend to lure writers into illogicalities
of various kinds. One is the w ord true.

Sound Logic

The picture of political corruption in government circles there is increasingly

A picture cannot increase in truthfulness. Even if w e take out the picture
and write The account o f corruption there is increasingly true, the
sentence w ould still be illogical. W hat changes w ith time is neither the
picture nor the account, but the situation on the ground. The sentence
should spell that out: The reported political corruption in government
circles there is increasingly evident.
Sometimes an ill-chosen descriptive w ord can collide in meaning w ith
the w ord it qualifies. I turn to an advertisement for a mountaineering
holiday. The advertisement is headed:
Are you ready for the most fulfilling challenge of your life?
If someone faces a great challenge, w hether it is o f climbing a high
m ountain or running in a m arathon, then to take it up and successfully
accomplish the testing feat is w hat brings fulfilment. In short, answering
a challenge successfully is w hat is fulfilling. The challenge itself cannot
be fulfilling. In a way the two words fulfilling and challenge cancel
each other out. To talk o f a fulfilling challenge is like talking of an
answering question. As the answer satisfies the question, so the fulfil
m ent answers the challenge. Get the w rong com bination of terms and
the slide into illogicality is easy. A similar kind o f misattachment relates
tw o words in the following:
Finding the right person to suit your need and budget can often be frus
It is not finding that is frustrating. W hat is frustrating is seeking and
failing to find the right person. Logic requires: Trying to find the right
person to suit your need and budget can be frustrating.
New figures were published yesterday showing an increase of one third in
the amount of car travel over the past decade. Mr Strang said they demon
strated the need for change. Unless we alter some of these trends, they are
not sustainable.
Surely, if the trends are altered, then they become different trends. So the
original trends cannot be sustainable if such an alteration is made. The
original trends fail to be sustained precisely because new trends have
taken their place. The w riter should not have used the construction

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

beginning w ith unless. W hat he meant was: W e m ust alter these trends,
because they are not sustainable.
We see how logical clarity often depends on the careful selection o f
terms, especially w here a choice between related terms has to be made.
Here is a sentence from an article about the superstition that soil is best
turned w hen the m oon is in the barren signs o f Leo, Virgo, Aquarius
or Gemini.
Evidence of this technique is steeped in history and can be traced back as
far as the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.
One wants to say but . . . b u t at several points in this sentence. Is the
practice o f turning the soil at a certain time really a technique? Then is
it the evidence that is steeped in history? One m ight justly say o f an
ancient castle Evidence shows that it is steeped in history. The evidence
establishes the fact. And is it the evidence that is traced back? Rather the
evidence emerges from the act o f tracing back. The sentence w ould be
better w ithout the w ord evidence: This practice is steeped in history
and can be traced back as far as the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.
There is a curious tendency to produce an illogical concertina effect
w hen handling certain terms. Here is a com m ent on a W orld Cup match.
An estimated worldwide television audience of one million watched Brazil
take an early lead.
The question arises: Is an estimated audience of one m illion really just
the same thing as an audience estimated at one m illion? An estimated
audience is surely a concept rather than a crow d of people in an arena. It
seems fair enough to say The estimated audience will num ber one
m illion, but once the audience is a fact that use o f estimated is lax. It
requires a m inim um change in the w ording to say: A w orldwide tele
vision audience estimated at one million watched Brazil take an early
lead. A similar laxity appears in the use o f the w ord predicted:
However, Steves predicted number of ten reached the first jump-off.
Surely the predicted n um ber is one thing, existing in the m ind, and the
horses that reached the jum p-off are another thing, bodily active. W hat
the sentence means is: As Steve predicted, ten competitors reached the
first jum p-off.
In studying erroneous comparisons caused by misuse o f the w ord
like, as we did in Chapter 7, we were generally concerned as m uch

Sound Logic

w ith failings of logic as w ith failings o f grammar. The w orst instances o f

this misuse achieve a stark illogicality.
Like all birds seen for the first time at very close quarters, there are surprises
in store for those who might be familiar with gannets passing out to sea in
their hundreds of thousands. It was the feet that took me by surprise when
I first met the birds at such an intimate distance.
W hen we ask w hat it is that is like all birds, the passage gives us no
answer. The seeming implication that surprises are Tike all birds is
clearly not intended. It is always a mistake to begin a sentence w ith the
w ord like unless one is absolutely clear w hat the resemblance is and
what creatures or items it exists between. In fact the likeness in the
w riters m ind here resides in the fact that very often birds look different
w hen you get close up to them. This is a generalization for w hich use of
the w ord like is not needed. The w riter should have started w ith that
generalization. W hen you first see birds at very close quarters, their
appearance can surprise you. Those familiar only w ith the sight o f
hundreds o f thousands o f gannets passing out to sea w ould be surprised
to see them close up. It was the feet that surprised m e.
Rhetorical effect m ust not be bought by sacrificing grammatical and
logical correctness. But slackness in construction following the w ord
like may appear at a m uch less obvious level. The following is from a
passage on the demise o f the Morse Code.
Like the keyboard of a typewriter, the sequence of dots and dashes is
delightfully random.
Is it proper to describe a typewriter keyboard as random ? Surely the
machinery is such that everything about its construction and its func
tioning is planned to the last detail. The writer took an unjustifiable short
cut in not saying Like the seeming arrangement o f letters on the keyboard
of a typewriter, the sequence o f dots and dashes is delightfully random .
There is another brand o f illogicality w hich stems from making
im proper comparisons. Here is an advertisement for holdalls.
Theyre available with fine leather handles to match the trim or with leather
handles for rougher treatment.
Since no kind o f treatm ent has been mentioned, the reference to
rougher treatment is out o f place. There can be no answer to the
question: rougher than what? Since the alternatives are handles that match

2 J4

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

the trim or handles that can stand rough treatment, the point should be
made w ithout the comparative adjective: or w ith leather handles to stand
rough treatm ent. We see there how intertw ined are the grammatical and
the logical aspects o f the misuse o f o r.
Finally, we turn to a case w here a sentence disintegrates. W hether we
criticize it in terms o f logic or of grammar, the issue is the same.
He opened up Greenland, which wasnt well known topographically. The
coastland, the mineral deposits and whether it was feasible to use it as an
economic commodity were due to Watkins.
The first question is w hether the coastland o f any country or its mineral
deposits can be said to be due to a person. Clearly they cannot. The
subject o f the second sentence must be changed: Knowledge o f the
coastland and the mineral deposits . . . was due to W atkins. The rest o f
the sentence seems to be almost untranslatable. In its basic structure it is
the equivalent of w hether it was going to rain was due to the forecaster.
To put it in grammatical terms, in no sentence can an opening clause
beginning w ith an indirect question such as w hat is at stake or w ho
will be there or w hether it will rain be followed by the adjective d ue.
A possible correction w ould be: Knowledge o f the coastland, the mineral
deposits and the possibility o f developing them commercially was due
to W atkins.

There is a sometimes subtle kind o f illogicality produced by mentally
taking a short cut so that a statement is left w ith a link missing. W hat
happens is that the m ind o f the w riter moves too quickly for full control
to be kept on the m anagement o f the w ords being used. The practice
might well be called verbal leapfrog or even mental leapfrog. It is
illustrated in the following sentence.
During the mid-1920s he travelled throughout North America painting
many commissions.
He may have painted landscapes or he may have painted portraits of
distinguished people, but no one can paint commissions. There is
no escape from filling out the words: painting many com missioned

Sound Logic

Talking o f com missions seems to encourage this kind o f carelessness.

The commissions began to flood in, among them several high-profile pieces
which demonstrate the young sculptors impact in a relatively short space
of time.
If an artist is commissioned to make a piece o f sculpture, w hat he makes
is a sculpture, not a com m ission. The pieces this artist made cannot
be classed am ong the commissions that flowed in. The sentence can be
rescued by elimination o f the w ords among th em : The commissions
began to flood in, some o f them for high-profile pieces
A slightly different instance o f confusion between the theoretical and
the practical, another confusion caused by verbal leapfrog, occurs in this
The contractors were behind schedule and completion of the line by 1871
had become unrealistic.
W hat had become unrealistic was surely the plan or the intention to
complete the line by 1871. No one w ould say My marriage in June of
next year has become unrealistic if w hat was meant was My wish to
marry in June o f next year has become unrealistic.
There is a similar short cut in the following com m ent on w om ens
part in secret w ork in the Second W orld War.
Discrimination and poor training were the main complaints of the
women who strove to interpret the Enigma codes and to track German
It is no m ore correct to say discrimination was a com plaint than to
say the complaint was discrim ination. The complaint was against
discrimination. Either one m ust correct, somewhat clumsily, by directly
supplying the missing link: Discrimination and poor training w ere the
main subjects o f com plaint, or one must start again, perhaps replacing
the noun com plaint by a verb: The w om en . . . complained mainly
against discrimination and poor training.
We are dealing w ith a kind o f error, seemingly due to haste, w hich
produces confusion o f concepts. The m ind moves so quickly that it
leapfrogs a stage in the verbal process.
Between 1900 and the late 1930s Siberian tigers plummeted to probably
twenty or thirty.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

This comes from a sad account of a species under threat of extinction.

Clearly the tigers did not plum m et. The w riter assumes that readers
will mentally insert the missing w ord ( the num ber o f Siberian tigers
plum m eted), but it is the w riters business not to leave such gaps.
In conversation allowances can be made for a certain am ount o f verbal
Poor eating habits, such as too many snacks, pave the way for an unhealthy
diet and possible weight problems.
W e m ight not jib at that, said in our hearing, but in print it will not do.
Too many snacks do not constitute a habit, it is eating them that
constitutes a habit. The point must be made: Poor eating habits, such as
consuming too many snacks
A w ord w hich tends to encourage writers to make this particular
mistake is the verb to include.
The charter is expected to include an increase in competitive tendering for
council services.
A charter is a document. It contains clauses that state principles and make
recommendations. No charter could include anything other than such
material. It certainly could not include an increase in competitive
tendering. W hat is m eant is that the charter includes a recom m endation
for an increase in competitive tendering. Let us turn to another example
o f such carelessness.
As this was a very special occasion, all tickets were pre-booked and included
a complimentary bottle of wine.
Obviously the tickets did not include bottles o f wine. They supplied
the right of admission to the dinner, but it was the dinner that included
the bottle of wine.
While we have questions o f cost in m ind, let us consider the following
notice in a big store w ith a sale in progress. It was placed over a row o f
Up to half original price.
The verbal compression here produces a kind o f contradiction. The w riter
w ho devised the notice had in m ind that up to half of the original cost
was being defrayed for the benefit of customers. But if the reduction
am ounted to up to half the original cost, then the m axim um reduction

Sound Logic

on a dress costing 40 w ould be 20. In short 20 was the least that any
customer m ight pay for a 40 item. No going low er than that - dow n
to half the original price.
Sometimes a missing link can leave a w hole phrase floating away w ith
out any mooring. Here is an advertisement from a financial institution:
At the risk of sounding like your parents, do you regularly contribute to a
pension plan?
This is like saying At the risk o f sounding like a beggar, can you lend
me a few pounds? There is no escape from m ooring the phrase at the
risk of sounding to something in the rest o f the sentence. W e m ust know
w ho is taking the risk. At the risk o f sounding like your parents, we
must ask you this. Do you regularly contribute to a pension plan?
The reader will recognize that we are here often criticizing verbal
habits w hich m ight be readily acceptable in conversation. Consider this
Double-glazed windows, doors or a conservatory are a major home
The m ind leapfrogs over a step in the sequence o f thought. It is the actual
fitting of these new features that constitutes an im provem ent. The
im provem ent resides in the fact that they are here today and they were
not here last year. That is the definition of the improvement. If the
double-glazed w indow s w ere fitted to a house while it was being built,
then even the fitting o f them w ould not represent an im provem ent.
And it is the use o f the noun im provem ent instead o f the verb to
im prove that causes the solecism: Fitting double-glazed window s,
doors or a conservatory can greatly improve your house. A similar
excessive use o f nouns has the same unfortunate effect in the following
advertisement for climbing clothing:
Its design combines the experience of world-class athletes and the expertise
of our research and development teams.
Neither experience nor expertise is com bined in the actual design.
The design is rather the fruit o f both experience and expertise. The verb
com bines must give way to another: Its design embodies the experience
o f world-class athletes.
As a tail-piece to our study o f verbal leapfrog we add the following
prize specimen from the w orld o f transport:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

To facilitate luggage, special facilities are provided.

There is a certain duplication in saying that facilities are there to
facilitate something. W e cannot allow the grave omission o f a w ord
giving proper meaning to the w ord facilitate: To facilitate the handling
o f luggage. But if the w ord facilities is to be kept then facilitate must
go. To expedite the handling o f luggage w ould perhaps best represent
the meaning, but readers m ight prefer To simplify the handling o f

A slight lapse in w ord order can mar the strict logicality of a sentence.
One or two such lapses will categorize a w riter as verbally clumsy. We
have seen how desirable it is to take special care in placing only or not
only in a sentence. To say The piano can only be placed opposite the
w in dow w hen w hat is m eant is The piano can be placed only against
the w indow is to place oneself as a w riter only in the second class.
Another construction w hich requires particular care over w ord order
is the use of both . . . and.
A rash of televisions have erupted, cheerfully egging their viewers on to
radical change both in the house and garden.
This represents the most com m on slip in using both . . . and. The writer
has two alternatives here, either: radical change both in the house and
in the garden, or: radical change in both the house and garden. If
b o th comes before the w ord in , then in m ust be repeated. If b o th
comes after in , then in is not repeated. And have erupted should be
has erupted.
Sometimes the failure w ith both . . . and is m ore complex than that.
The policy will not be easy to carry out both in respect of cost and how it
will affect the environment.
To begin with, b o th cannot be allowed to introduce one construction
(in respect of cost) while and introduces a different construction
(how it will affect the environm ent). We can allow both in respect of
cost and in respect o f its effect on the environm ent. And in the right
context we could allow both w hat it will cost and how it will affect the

Sound Logic

environm ent. So long as the constructions following bo th and and

match and balance each other, all is well. But in fact the above sentence
has another grave error. One cannot follow the negative ( The policy will
not be easy to carry o u t) by the w ords b o th and and. The negative
construction requires either . . . o r. The policy will not be easy to carry
out either in respect o f the cost or in respect o f the effect on the
environm ent.
Like the construction both . . . and, the construction either . . . o r
requires careful attention to w ord order. It w ould be correct to say Either
you attend the meeting or I shall go m yself w here the alternatives are
either you attend . . . or I go. It w ould be incorrect to say You either
attend the meeting or I shall go m yself, because the first o f the two
alternatives is you attend, w hich m ust therefore be preceded by either.
You m ust either attend w ould be a satisfactory alternative only in some
such sequence as: You m ust either attend the meeting or resign.
It takes us just a day or two to complete any job. We can either do the work
by mail order or you are welcome to stay on our free customer site.
Here we see the w ord either misplaced. It is not a case o f two alternatives
that w e have (We can either do the w ork by mail order or do it on our
prem ises). The alternatives are that w e do something or that you do
something. Therefore either m ust precede w e as o r precedes you:
Either we can do the w ork by mail order, or you are welcome to stay on
our free customer site.
There are times w hen a w riter tries to rescue faulty w ord order by the
use of commas.
Mr Morris arrived on the island on Friday night and was travelling around
in a taxi on Sunday, when the robbery took place, to familiarize himself
with the area.
The comma before to prevents the reader from gathering that the
robbery was a means o f familiarizing Mr Morris w ith the island. Neverthe
less, this phrase (to familiarize him self w ith the island) needs to be far
closer to the place w here it belongs (travelling around in a taxi). If the
misplaced phrase w ere pushed back, the awkwardness w ould be removed.
Mr Morris arrived on the island on Friday night and, to familiarize
him self w ith the area, was travelling around in a taxi on Sunday w hen
the robbery took place.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The need thus to reposition a phrase at the end o f a sentence recurs in

the following.
Remember that a UK provisional driving licence is unacceptable abroad and
you cannot drive a car if youre i 7 years old in most countries.
The placing o f in m ost countries almost suggests that a persons age
may vary w hen travelling from country to country. The phrase w ould
be m uch better placed earlier in the sentence: Remember that a UK
provisional driving licence is unacceptable abroad and, in most countries,
you cannot drive a car if y oure 17 years old. The Automobile Association
seems to like to delay the arrival o f crucial information.
French motorway picnic areas featured mobile masseurs during the summer
for stressed-out motorists, in an attempt to reduce road rage.
Again the last phrase should be pushed back in the sentence: In an
attempt to reduce road rage, French m otorw ay picnic areas featured
mobile masseurs during the sum m er for stressed-out m otorists.
Even a small adverbial addition to a sentence, if w rongly placed, can
make for uncom fortable reading.
To the west of the house visitors can wander in the magnificent parkland at
leisure, which contains woodland walks, deer parks and a profusion of wild
There is nothing grossly incorrect here but the placing o f at leisure so
far from the verb w ander is slightly awkward and causes an unnatural
separation o f the relative clause beginning w hich contains from the
noun parkland. At leisure w ould be better placed next to the verb: To
the west o f the house visitors can wander at leisure in the magnificent

The good w riter leaves no reader feeling that the meaning has been
inexactly expressed. W e are talking here about good style as opposed
to criticizable style, not about mere correctness as opposed to error.
Inexactitude is not just a matter of confusion existing w here there ought
to be clarity. There is a kind o f inexactitude by w hich the reader is left

Sound Logic

feeling that really the surest w ords have not been used. Sometimes this
is quite a subtle matter. Compare these two sentences.
Following the right-hand path, the walker will soon come to a bridge across
the river.
Following its successful restoration, the monument has been moved to a
new site.
The first sentence w ould not make any reader pause and ask: Is that the
best way o f putting it? But the second sentence makes the sensitive reader
inwardly aware that the m onum ent is not follow ing anything in the
way that the walker w ould follow the right-hand path. So w hy not use
the obvious after instead o f the journalists favourite follow ing? And
indeed, w hy not?
We dealt w ith bad use o f the present participle in the appropriate place
earlier in this book. Here, however, we are concerned w ith a question
o f logical sensitivity in the choice o f w ords and constructions w hich is
not always, though it often is, a matter of grammatical correctness. Here
are another two sentences w hich call for com parison in this respect.
The path meanders downhill for half a mile, eventually leading to a stile in
the wall.
In his haste Seth hadnt shut Martins bag properly again, leading to Ros
and Jacks unscheduled discovery.
Again, while sensitive readers find nothing in the first sentence to stir
unease, the use o f leading in the second sentence makes them w onder
w hether the most precise w ord has been chosen. The path led the way
in the first sentence. W hat is it that is doing the leading in the second
sentence? To put it technically, the use of the participle leading in
relation to a w hole clause ( He stormed out angrily, leading to a family
quarrel) instead o f in relation to a single noun or pronoun, w hether
grammatically defensible or not, is never a happy construction. And by
happy construction we m ean one that is comfortably precise for the
reader. The above sentence w ould be better w ithout the w ord leading:
In his haste Seth h adnt shut M artins bag properly again, w hich brought
about Ros and Jacks unscheduled discovery.
A slightly m ore complex failure o f precision involving the same
construction is the following:


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Henry II granted the town its charter and right to hold a guild in i 179,
making Preston one of the oldest boroughs in Britain.
Although we are dealing w ith the same construction here again, the
degree o f imprecision and the character o f the readers mental discomfort
are different. W hen Henry II granted Preston its charter in 1 179, he
certainly did not thereby m ake it one of the oldest boroughs in Britain.
That is the achievement o f history. Time was required. Now some readers
may regard this as quibbling, but the attem pt here is to sensitize people
to the w ords they use. If you are sensitive to the proper meaning o f the
w ord m ake, then you will be mentally uncom fortable to see it ill-used.
W e can best recom m end the simple, straightforward, natural w ording:
Henry II granted the tow n its charter and right to hold a guild in 1 179,
and so Preston is one of the oldest boroughs in Britain.
There are certain w ords w hich seem to lure writers to imprecision.
The w ord w ay is a case in point.
Campbeltown Heritage Centre is a fascinating way to learn about the cultural
and industrial development of Kintyre.
To describe the centre as a w ay to learn will not do. A given road may
be the w ay to town. A given technique may be the w ay to learn the
violin. In that sense to visit the centre and study its exhibits may constitute
a helpful w ay to learn m ore o f the place.
Trains provided a relaxing break from driving on the sometimes congested
main roads and were a great way to see the country.
The trains were not a w ay to see the country. Travelling on the trains
may perhaps be said to have been such a w ay.
Another w ord w hich lures writers to imprecision is the w ord any.
Since in itself it is a w ord o f vague reference, it needs to be handled w ith
In any event, any benefits from most of these proposals are bound to be in
the long run.
This sentence m ight stand as a showpiece o f m inor laxities. To begin
w ith, it is a pity to repeat the w ord any so soon w ith a changing
connotation. Secondly, there is a slight logical inadequacy in the new
shorthand o f w riting any benefits from these proposals w hen w hat is
meant is any benefits that may accrue from these proposals. It is the

Sound Logic

w ords that may accrue w hich fully justify the use o f any. Thirdly,
the main utterance, w hich am ounts to any benefits are bound to be in
the long ru n misuses the verb to b e. We do not say the benefit will
b e but the benefit will arise. Fourthly, any benefits from m ost is
simply insensitive usage. The reading should be: In most cases, any
benefits that may accrue from these proposals are bound to arise only in
the long ru n .
Sometimes imprecision results from careless use o f w h en or w here.
Hindlimb lameness is more common than you realize, particularly when
the onset is insidious and subtle and affects both hindlegs the same.
The subject is horses. The sentence illustrates a rather imprecise use of
w h en . Again it is the kind of usage w hich w ould be accepted in
conversation. But lameness cannot be said to be m ore com m on w h en
the onset is insidious. If the w ord w h en is to be kept, then w hat precedes
it m ust be changed: You may be slow to recognize hindlim b lameness,
particularly w hen the onset is insidious.
The following sentence, however, errs m ore gravely.
Often a coexisting front leg lameness detracts from an underlying problem
behind - vets find that once they have resolved a problem in front, a
hindlimb asymmetry then becomes apparent.
To detract is to diminish. We m ight say o f a statesman w ho has been
found guilty of some m inor lack o f candour that it detracts from his
high reputation. The w riter o f the above does not surely mean that
front leg lameness reduces the problem o f the hindlim b asymmetry.
Indeed it reveals it. W hat was m eant was either: Often a coexisting front
leg lameness derives from an underlying problem behind, or: Often
a front leg lameness detracts attention from an underlying problem

It is possible to w rite a sentence, on the surface grammatically correct,
w hich nevertheless leaves room for m ore than one interpretation. Very
often this results from use o f a pronoun the reference of w hich is not

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

About 15 per cent of kidney transplants in Britain are now provided by

living donors, although the level is only half that in Scandinavia and the
United States.
Here the pronoun that m ight be construed in tw o different ways. In
speech the meaning w ould be determ ined by the kind o f intonation and
emphasis placed on the word. The meaning m ight be ( i ): that the level
o f transplants from living donors is twice as high in Scandinavia and in
the United States as it is in Britain. Alternatively the meaning m ight be
(2): that the level o f transplants from living donors is twice as high in
Britain as it is in Scandinavia and the United States. It all depends on how
you utter the w ord that. If, as I suspect, sentence (1) gives us the
intended meaning, the reading could be confirmed by moving the
pronoun that* so as to make its reference unam biguous: About 15 per
cent o f kidney transplants in Britain are now provided by living donors,
although that level is only half what it is in Scandinavia and the U nited
A degree o f ambiguity sometimes arises from the fact that some present
participles are adjectives in their ow n right. W e say That was a very
moving story, and the w ord m oving is separate in our minds from the
verb to m ove. Such adjectives seem to drift slightly away from their
grammatical m ooring in the verbs they derive from. W hen w e say I
visited him on the following day, the verb to follow is not really in
our minds. We think o f follow ing as an alternative to next. One case
where the adjective has drifted notably from the verb is that of the w ord
retiring. She is o f a retiring disposition we say, and we do not mean
that she is in the habit o f repeatedly signing off from her jobs. Thus,
w hen a bank labels a section of a marketing leaflet Retiring W om en,
we are apt to think o f ladies w ho demurely make themselves scarce,
instead of ladies on the verge of retirement.
W here a w ord has two very different meanings ambiguities can be
intentionally produced for comic purposes. The notice Refuse Tip placed
at the entrance to a field means something different from the advice
Refuse tip given to a waitress. The fact that an ocean liner sails the
ocean, whereas a bin liner is placed inside a bin illustrates the complexity
of the relationship between the first noun and the second. A family
wrecker destroys families but a family butcher does not m urder them.
(If we were stricter in our use o f hyphens we should apply them to
bin-liner and to family-wrecker.) Sometimes the simplest w ord can

Sound Logic

operate in ways so distinctive that careless use can go disastrously wrong.

Private Eye managed to get a photograph o f an advertisement in w hich use
o f the w ord better proves unintentionally hilarious.
TRY OUR HEALING SERVICE. . . You w ont get better!
W ith almost any other verb than to heal this use of better w ould have
been unexceptional. Try our laundering service. You w o n t get better.
But w ith the verb to heal a different meaning asserts itself.
Another special kind o f problem can arise in making comparisons. If
one writes These people give their children m ore attention than their
garden, then the reader knows exactly w hat it means. But if one writes
The Browns give their children m ore attention than their neighbours,
the reader may w onder w hether the neighbours are getting less attention
from the Browns than the Browns children, or are giving less attention
to their children than the Browns are giving. A hum orist m ight detect a
hint of that kind of ambiguity in the following.
Somehow the Hungarians have managed to keep their buildings and
countryside in better condition than most of their contemporaries.
The context does not encourage misreading, but in controversy it is just
that kind of sentence that an enemy m ight purposely misread. In this
pattern of comparison the safeguard against ambiguity is to add a verb:
Somehow the Hungarians have managed to keep their buildings and
countryside in better condition than most o f their contemporaries d o .

The logical m ind is always offended by failure to preserve due sequence
in listing items. It frequently happens in devising plans or programmes
in the w orld of business, or indeed o f leisure and cultural activities, that
a w riter has to formulate a series o f points in sequence. The framework
of the list may be a single sentence. At the other extreme a single sentence
may introduce a series o f linked propositions. In either case the successive
items in the list m ust be presented in matching sequence. We touched
upon elementary grammatical aspects of this matter w hen use o f the
w ord and was explored in Chapter 8.
At its crudest, failure to preserve due sequence results in such sen
tences as:



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

We enjoyed ourselves bathing in the sea, playing in the sand, and a beautiful
picnic tea.
Due sequence is broken by the third item, w hich should m atch the other
grammatically: bathing in the sea, playing in the sand, and eating a
beautiful picnic tea. A slightly m ore complex instance of this kind of
lapse is represented in this sentence from the w orld o f waterways.
The range of crafts considered by the Guild is diverse: to date this includes
boat builder, cooper, cast ironware manufacturer, boaters clothes maker,
ropework and fender making, and woodcarving.
The first four items in the list are craftsmen, but the last three ( ropew ork
and fender making and woodcarving) are crafts. Either crafts must
become craftsmen and the last three m ust become rope-worker, fendermaker and w oodcarver, or the first four in the list m ust become crafts:
boat-building, cooperage, cast ironw are manufacturing, boaters
In all kinds o f listing the relationship between the items listed m ust
justify their being assembled together.
Telling people anything really contentious is always grounds for not telling
them until you really have to. Stag nights, football matches, visits to
mothers-in-law, requests to mind the children and shopping trips are just
a few examples that spring to mind.
That is a straightforward case of failure in logical continuity. The trouble
is that none o f the items cited is in fact an example o f telling people
something contentious. We can see w hat the w riter wanted to say, but
he or she did not say it. One always tends to put off m entioning a
possibly contentious matter such as planning to go to a stag night or a
football match, or dealing w ith requests to visit m other-in-law , m ind the
children or go shopping. It is w orth noting that in total this version
saves four words.
We are concerned now w ith a m uch m ore sophisticated kind o f listing
than these sentences represent, but the basic danger o f not preserving
due sequence is just the same. We take as a specimen a docum ent
produced by the Campaign for Freedom to Roam.
Our ten points make up a comprehensive plan which we urge the Govern
ment to adopt. . . The ten points are as follows:

Sound Logic

Freedom to roam - a new law to enable the public to walk over mountain,
moor, heath, down and common land in England and Wales.
Restrictions - the freedom is restricted to protect wildlife, farming and
other interests.
Enter at own risk - walkers take responsibility for their own safety with
occupiers liability reduced.
Code of Practice for walkers, to provide education on how best to behave.
Wardens and by-laws - where necessary . . .
No access to back gardens, cornfields or farmyards . . .
Dogs - no automatic right to roam for dogs.
No compensation - top legal advice makes it clear that the Government
need not pay compensation to landowners.
No payment for access - access to be free of charge for walkers . . .
Wilful obstruction - it will be an offence for landowners wilfully to
obstruct access where parliament has said it must be freely available.
The failure here to preserve a semblance o f continuity is comprehensive.
One has only to cite the first w ords of each p o in t to see how incongruous
the list is: Freedom to roam , Restrictions, Enter at ow n risk, Code
of Practice, Wardens and by-laws, No access, Dogs, No com pen
sation, No paym ent, Wilful obstruction. Perhaps the w riter made a
crucial error in listing the items as points. They m ight have been
presented as a series o f dem ands. Thus a com m on construction could
have been repeated throughout: There should be freedom to roam . . .
The freedom should be restricted to protect wildlife . . . Entry should be
at the walkers ow n risk . . . Walkers should adopt a Code o f Practice . . .
There should be wardens and by-laws . . . There should be no access to
back gardens . . . Dogs w ould have no automatic right to roam . . . There
should be no com pensation . . . There should be no payment for access
. . . Wilful obstruction by landowners w ould be illegal.
The sort of grammatical and logical anarchy represented above can be
found frequently enough in the business world.
How Renewal can support you as a retailer:

Enjoy healthy profits . . .

A high percentage repeat purchase
High quality attractive packaging
No quibble money back guarantee if your customers are not satisfied.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Again a com m on pattern must be adopted. If an initial sentence begins

w ith H ow ( How to remain healthy in middle life) it must be succeeded
by phrases w hich in each case could connect directly w ith that introduc
tory formula ( By taking regular exercise . . . By drinking alcohol only in
m oderation . . . By not over-working . . .). Thus, if the initial sentence
is kept in the above declaration, then it m ust be logically followed up in
the same way: How Renewal can support you as a retailer: By ensuring
that you enjoy healthy profits . . . But it w ould probably be better to
scrap the w ord H ow and begin m ore directly: Renewal can give you
these advantages as a retailer: Healthier profits . . . and so on.


Changing Fashions in Usage


Innovation Good and Bad

Language is a changing medium. Even the meanings o f individual words

may be transformed w ithin a few decades. New inventions inevitably
make demands on language. The w ord m ouse is probably used m ore
often today to refer to the com puter device than to refer to the household
pest. The w ord tape is perhaps m ore com m only used of a device we
put into our recording apparatus than o f a strip o f material. We have of
course dealt w ith changes in usage at many points in this book. We have
been compelled to do so by the need to illustrate w hat goes w rong in
current practice. In this chapter, however, we turn our attention to
developments in usage w hich do not necessarily call for blue-pencilling.
They include innovations w hich have enriched the language, providing
vividly expressive terms in contexts w here traditional vocabulary can
supply nothing to match them.

The last few decades have seen a vast increase in our use o f com pounds.
Each decade adds to our vocabulary in that respect. The Second W orld
War gave us blackout and hitch-hike. The developing needs o f the
office w orld have given us clipboard, polyfile and w ord-processor,
and now the general adoption of computers has supplied inkjet,
desktop, internet, disk-drive and w eb-site. W e speak of a test-tube
baby, and the words w ould have meant nothing a few decades ago. The
words hitm an, frog-m an, front-m an and con-m an are twentiethcentury coinages. The w orld o f film-making has given new life to the
w ord b it, colloquially used o f a m inor role in the com pound bit-part.
I have heard a failing perform er on the race-track described as being
reduced to a bit-part straggler.
Most popular com pounds are self-explanatory. W hen we speak of

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

ring-fencing an issue, refer to som eones know -how , or describe a

policy as a catch-all solution, the expressions are not likely to be
misunderstood. But w hen we first hear the expression squeaky-clean,
used o f someone w ho is above reproach, we perhaps need to have the
expression explained. Apparently it comes from hairdressing salons,
w here hair may be washed so thoroughly that w et strands will squeak
w hen rubbed. There is imaginative insight behind many such innovations
in the first place. The sense o f hum our is often operative too, as in the
use o f the com pound joined-up to mock the elementary level of thinking
attained by some public figures.
Just glancing thus at the productivity in new com pounds today, one
wonders how novel is the escalation in hyphenation. Taking dow n from
the bookshelves volumes from past literature and turning the pages in
search of hyphens proves surprisingly unfruitful. Oddly enough, only in
the w ork of one o f the simplest of early stylists, John Bunyan, does a
quick search yield a harvest. The Pilgrims Progress is peopled w ith such
figures as Mr Money-love, Mr Fair-speech, Lord Time-server, Lord
T urn-about and Mr Facing-both-ways. The time is perhaps right for a
Ph.D. thesis on The H yphen in English Prose.
Be that as it may, the intention here is to draw attention to how rich
and varied has been the production o f com pounds during the last

The Hag-ridden Variety
It is fashionable to add to the stock o f com pounds used for a descriptive
purpose. We look here at those in w hich a n oun is tied to a past participle
to produce a kind o f com pound adjective. We use a fund o f such
com pounds conversationally, declaring people bone-headed, rubber
necked or toffee-nosed. There is nothing new in the practice itself. And
there has been considerable grammatical freedom exercised in form ing
the com pounds. H and-m ade pottery is made by hand and tailor-m ade
clothing by the tailor, while hom e-baked cakes are made in the
home, a house-proud w om an is proud o f her house and a selfinflicted w ound is inflicted by the self. In many recently developed

Innovation Good and Bad

com pounds the relationship between the two partnered elements extends
that degree o f flexibility even further.
These cookers are safety-checked and come with a three-month guarantee.
Here the meaning o f safety-checked is checked for safety.
She explained that I would have to fill out a detailed questionnaire and be
risk-assessed before I could be considered for cover.
If I am to be risk-assessed, I am to be assessed for risk. We now
happily accept the complex relationships between noun and participle
represented in such partnerships, and we extend such usages freely,
speaking of governm ent-sponsored initiatives and welfare-focused
W here does one draw the line? Perhaps at the following usage:
Clarins formulations are dermatologically and allergy-tested.
The curious relationship between allergy and tested ( tested in respect
o f possible allergic reactions) is made even less acceptable by being
cheek-by-jowl w ith the grammatically clear relationship between derm a
tologically and tested.
Even in the case o f well-established com pounds, the logical basis may
be problematic. We hear people speak of a N orland-trained nanny, and
we recognize that the Norland Institute did the training. But w hen we
are told that the new kitten has been house-trained we know that the
house did not do the training. And again, w hen w e hear that the toddler
has been potty-trained, we know that the potty did not do the training.
Moreover, the potty-trained toddler is habituated to doing something
in the potty w hich the house-trained kitten is specifically trained not to
do in the house. Such discrepancies abound in the field o f compounds.
Although a council-built house is a house built by a council, in the
w ords a purpose-built structure the relationship between noun and
participle is totally different in effect. But these expressions do not w orry
us on grammatical grounds as, for instance, the following does:
We intend to pass on these bargain-priced motorhomes to our customers.
Such expressions as highly-priced and cheaply-priced apply a qualifi
cation to the verb priced w hich is rationally and grammatically accept
able. The noun bargain cannot operate thus.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The Deep-seated Variety

Usage today abounds in com pounds that attach an adverb to a past
participle. There are terms for personal characteristics such as high
handed, hard-headed, tight-fisted, long-w inded, near-sighted,
flat-chested, heavy-handed, large-hearted and soft-spoken. There
are colourful and economic com pounds such as red-handed and back
dated, hard-bitten and soft-centred. In many cultural and commercial
activities descriptive com pounds of this kind proliferate to m eet practical
needs. Thus, for instance, the fashion trade relies on com pounds such as
high-necked, long-sleeved, double-breasted, and w ide-brim m ed.

The Mind-boggling Variety

Com pounds using a noun and a present participle (or gerund) are just
as familiar. We speak of life-saving equipm ent and labour-saving
devices, of back-breaking jobs and nerve-racking trials. We define
difficult issues as m ind-boggling and pernicketiness in argum ent as
hair-splitting or nit-picking. Compounds such as m outh-w atering,
eye-catching, face-saving, tim e-consum ing, life-threatening,
record-breaking and even cringe-m aking are very m uch part o f living
conversation. For the most part these are used adjectivally, but there are
com pounds such as square-bashing and foot-slogging that are used
chiefly as nouns.
Novelists, o f course, have long produced extempore com pounds w ith
out any intention o f adding permanently to the language. One reads o f a
cigar-smoking tycoon and a gin-loving reprobate. And we must hope
that some of the business w orlds instances o f the device are intended to
be ephemeral.
But Ms Trotter Betts hit out at process re-engineering programmes, which
have reduced nursing output.
All o f us alter the way w e do things from time to time, if its only the
way we lay the table or the route we take to work, but we do not think
of ourselves as being occupied in process re-engineering programmes.
However, vapid as such usages may be, they do not w orry us on
grammatical grounds, as does the following:

Innovation Good and Bad

These shade-growing plants prefer dappled light.

At this the m ind boggles. The concept o f a plant w hich grows shades
instead o f leaves and flowers is alarming. But by no species of grammatical
jugglery can shade-grow ing m ean shade-loving.
It is not desirable to try to give a comparative form to adjectival
com pounds o f this kind.
We must encourage the companies to take a more risk-taking approach.
Nothing is gained by not saying: We m ust encourage the companies to
take m ore risks.

The Wide-ranging Variety

W hat applies to com pounds made from a noun and a participle ( risktaking) , applies also to com pounds made from an adverb and a participle
such as far-seeing, long-standing, long-suffering, and wideranging. The com pounds cannot be happily qualified thus: We need
m ore w ide-ranging talks. Better re-write: W e need to range m ore
widely in our talks.

The High-profile Variety

The same advice is needed for use of this other adjectival com pound,
manufactured o f adjective and noun. There are well-established com
pounds such as first-rate, last-m inute, old-tim e, top-grade and even
top-hole. But no one has tried to intensify these adjectives by speaking
of someone being m ore top grade or topper grade than someone else.
Yet, regrettably, one now hears someone described as very high profile
and a suggestion made that a m ore low-key approach is needed to a
certain problem.
Nineteenth- and tw entieth-century developments added to the stock
of com pounds using single and a noun: single-decker, single-parent,
single-track and single-entry. Though these are used adjectivally, there
are comparable com pounds using double that make nouns (double
tim e, double-talk) or verbs (double-check, double-park).

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The Reader-friendly Variety

We turn to com pounds in w hich the noun is partnered w ith an adjective.
The form very usefully extends the old practice represented by hyphenless
com pounds such as footloose, headstrong and seaw orthy. There are
highly economic usages such as com puter-literate, publicity
conscious, labour-intensive and market-sensitive. Advertisers pro
duce self-explanatory com pounds such as crease-resistant and
fade-resistant. These expressions do not strain the language as does
publicizing a food for kittens as nutrient-dense and recom m ending a
beauty treatment for blem ish-prone skin.
One may quibble too about the following:
Completely dishwasher-safe, a pack of two coffee cups and saucers costs 15-.
A certain grammatical licence is required to describe crockery as dish
washer-safe w hen w hat is meant is that the cups and saucers will not
drop to pieces as the dishwasher performs its proper function. We have
the w ord w aterproof and have extended that usage in such expressions
as fire-proof and burglar-proof. The terms dishw asher-proof, oven
p ro o f and m icrow ave-proof all make sense.
It is machine-washable, quick-drying, and will see off light showers and
Here we have in the same sentence a perfectly natural com pound (quickdrying) and a com bination o f noun and adjective ( m achine-washable)
w hich defies logical interpretation.
The habit of form ing com pounds by adding the w ord friendly to a
noun is well established. We hear o f a child-friendly environm ent, o f a
customer-friendly approach in business. The usage is convenient but it
ought not to be reversed (as it was in advising parents how to make
children school-friendly), and like other such com pounds, it ought not
to be used so as to extend already existing com pounds, as it is in this
letter to the press from the Breast-feeding Prom otion Group.
While our objective is a breast-feeding-friendly environment, our counsel
lors are committed to meeting parents individual needs.
The tongue-twister
construction too far.



com pound-

Innovation Good and Bad

W here friendly is attached to a noun, it generally has a hum an

connotation. W here the relationship is between things inanimate, the
notion that they can operate readily together w ithout modification or
adaptation is conveyed by the w ord com patible. Thus we get references
to computers as IBM -compatible.

The Junk-mail Variety

We turn to com pounds w hich involve two nouns. The Second W orld
War gave us H om e-G uard and the establishment o f the Welfare State
gave us hom e-help. On the pattern o f the older com pound junk-shop
we have gained the useful words junk-food and junk-m ail. The w ord
junk o f course retains its pejorative connotation. And there is a certain
aural crudity about such double-noun partnerships as space-walk, discjockey, bodice-ripper and block-buster. These com pounds seem to
retain their hyphens, w here lifestyle does not.
Glancing at a fifty-year-old dictionary, I find lots o f now -popular
com pounds missing, such as egghead, ego-trip and puppy-fat. The
old dictionary gives some general com pounds o f tw in such as twinbrother, tw in-sister and tw in-born, and also some technical com
pounds such as tw in-plane, twin-axis and tw in-screw , but it
apparently predates the regular use of the terms tw in-bed, tw in-set,
tw in-track and o f course tw in-tub. To take another source o f com
pounds, side, most o f those we use today were well-established in this
source too but, oddly perhaps, not that most useful w ord side-effect.
Colloquial practice has since given us side-kick and transformed a
sideboard from a piece o f sturdy furniture to a hirsute section o f the
male face.
More com mon, however, than the partnered nouns functioning as
nouns are those functioning as adjectives. Some o f these, such as kneejerk, represent lively developments. But, alas, there is now a plague of
partnered nouns used as vapid pseudo-adjectives.
We know that losing excess body fat is good news, as are a healthy diet,
regular exercise, effective stress-management strategies, and medication if
The com pound stress-m anagement, consisting o f two nouns, performs
an adjectival function here in relation to the noun strategies. The two


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

partnered nouns body and fat are given no hyphen, body being
given a kind o f adjectival function in relation to fat.
The juxtaposing o f two nouns is an increasing practice in contemporary
usage, and we shall explore the practice further in the next chapter.
Indeed, the juxtaposition of noun w ith noun is now such a regular
practice that the question arises: W hen is a com pound not a com pound?
To w hich the answer derived from experience w ould appear to be:
W hen the w riter omits a hyphen.
The interior of the main saloon follows a similar design theme.
There is evidence that the two nouns design and them e are entering
into a stable relationship. And here is a tempting invitation to customers
interested in fancy tiles:
Come to our showroom where our helpful staff will be pleased to assist
with your queries, design or theme concepts.
In this case we are faced not so m uch w ith a stable relationship as w ith a
menage a trois. The noun design is mentally conjoined w ith the noun
concepts, and the noun them e enters into the same partnership.

The W all-to-wall Variety

It is possible for a clever com pound that sums up a topical notion to get
out o f date through changing fashions. In the fifties, sixties and seventies
the smart hom e had wall-to-wall carpeting in its rooms. Thus wall-tow all became a useful and colourful expression to apply to any plan or
attitude that was comprehensive: We cant afford wall-to-wall super
vision for our staff. In the nineties the fashion for wall-to-wall carpeting
was replaced by the fashion for w ooden floorboards and this colloquial
use o f wall-to-wall disappeared.
Compounds w hich bind three w ords together are not new to the
language. Early in the tw entieth century the com pounds ready-to-w ear
and off-the-peg were applied to ready-made suits at a time w hen
bespoke tailoring was beginning to go out o f fashion. We have some
usefully vivid and economic expressions such as hand-to-m outh, faceto-face and now eyeball-to-eyeball. The com pounds hit-and-run and
hit-and-m iss are surely irreplaceable. We now hear books called som e

Innovation Good and Bad

w hat inelegantly no-holds-barred biographies. And after the m urder o f

a television personality the BBC announced:
Staff have been offered round-the-clock grief counselling.
O f the nine words there, five are involved in com pounds; three constitute
a triple com pound and two (grief counselling) a dual pseudo
com pound.
The manufacture o f triple com pounds can achieve a no-squirm -spared
Weve got a quality-of-life policing strategy which has got several legs.
That is police-speak. The com pound quality-of-life is an empty term of
approval, applicable to almost anything. And to follow the dry verbal
artifice o f the quality-of-life policing strategy by saying that it has got
several legs is to achieve a masterpiece o f bathos.

Some W ild er Compounds

In addition to the various forms o f com pound using the participle of
verbs there are a few w hich use the naked verb in the fashion of
tim e-share. There is something peculiarly unattractive about this kind
of combination, but its usefulness is obvious.
I decided to job-share when I had my second child.
The fashion for this usage was set, one imagines, by the expression
flat-share, w hich has now bred w ork-share as well as job-share. More
useful and readily acceptable than these have been the now established
and unhyphenated verbs brainw ash and headhunt. In all these cases
the noun is the object o f the verb. One shares w ork or a flat. If that
grammatical connection w ere generally maintained, then to force-feed
w ould presumably mean to cater for the police. But the freedoms exer
cised in the verb-based com pound are wild. We read an advertisement
for cosmetics pressing the case for leave-in conditioners, and there is
advice in an article on decoupage to use a wipe clean surface.
Occasionally an invention that offends ones literary sensibility may at
the same time arouse a sneaking admiration for its brevity, as w hen
someone in direct marketing deals w ith the problem o f the gone-aways,



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

the addressees w ho have moved, gone on holiday, or died. There is a

similar concentration in the following now popular usage:
Both were demonstrative people and touchy-feely by nature.
Fortunately it seems to be the case that, w hen the seemingly w orst
horrors o f com pound-m anufacture are perpetrated, there is at least a hint
of hum our in the air.
Ask anyone whos been docu-soaped and they will tell you its like placing
a ferret in your trousers.
There are worse horrors even than that to be found in the magazine
Hear how other parents unwind and grab some me-time in the midst of
their busy, busy lives.

English Prefixes and Suffixes

The twentieth century was also fruitful in adding to the stock o f com
pounds using native prefixes and suffixes.
up I down
We have long-established com pounds using the prefix u p ( upbraid,
uphold) and the prefix d ow n (dow nfall, dow nright). Additions
now include update, upm arket and dow nm arket. The verb to dow n
load is used in the com puter world, the w ord upfront in business. And
there too the verb to dow nsize has acquired om inous overtones through
its use in connection w ith reorganizations that involve cutting staff. The
dow nside o f any plan or action is the disadvantages it may involve. And
although, in conducting music, the dow nbeat is the emphatic one and
the upbeat the relaxed one, popular usage has reversed this in making
upbeat stand for the positive and the cheerful, and dow nbeat stand
for the depressed and unexciting.
Current uses o f u p as a suffix include carve-up and stitch-up,
w hich seems to have taken the place o f fram e-up. The development
of rocketry has popularized count-dow n. The colloquialisms putd ow n (for a humiliating rebuff) and clim b-dow n are economic

Innovation Good and Bad

in I out
An in-depth study involves intensive research. The Automobile Associ
ation speaks of in-vehicle devices. An in-house project is one which
involves only the employees o f a given institution and is conducted
w ithin its boundaries. The com pound out-house has been used, not of
a shed in the garden or an earth-privy at the bottom of the backyard,
w hich used to be its meaning, but of BBC projects involving contracts
w ith outsiders.
The prefix o u t used w ith verbs has a distinct connotation: to outlive,
ou tdo, outrun or outstrip. The meaning o f the prefix is consistent. It
is a matter of beating others in some exercise, not o f turning them o u t
o f some premises. W hen we read that in the Christmas sales m en
have outshopped w o m en, we recognize the standard usage, however
infelicitous. But then we read in a railway magazine that a certain engine
has been outshopped from a repair shed, and there is no linguistic
justification for that usage. To describe an engine as being outshopped
(turned out of the repair shed) is like describing a recovered patient as
being out-hospitalled.
The w orld o f protest has given us sit-in, indulging laziness has made
an adjective o f drive-in, and buying a car has given us trade-in. A
person w ho opts out of things is a drop-out. A fade-out gradually
removes a scene from view. More vulgarly, a cop-out is a failure or an
escape from some responsibility.
Here is another prefix w hich can be misused. W hen we use it in such
w ords as overeat, oversimplify and overstrain, our meaning is that
something is being done to excess. There are dozens and dozens o f such
com pounds in recent dictionaries. We now add it to any w ord we choose,
adjectives ( over-explicit, over-indulgent, over-sceptical) and verbs
(over-supply, over-insure, over-tire). Yet in the gardening world,
w here the verb to over-water means to provide w ith too m uch water,
we find the following:
A cool porch is an ideal place to overwinter tender shrubs.
No doubt in the English climate it w ould be possible to supply tender
plants w ith too m uch winter, but clearly that is not the meaning here.
W hat makes the usage utterly unnecessary is that in fact we do use the

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

verb to w inter (w ithout any prefix) o f looking after farm animals

appropriately during the cold season.
Using over as a suffix, we compress verbs and adverbs (I shall
need to think it over) into hyphenated nouns (It will need a bit o f a
think-over). The m ore established com pounds o f this kind ( hangover,
pushover, flyover, walkover, takeover) have shed their hyphens.
on / off
Something w hich is on-line is directly related to the central project in
question, and in the political field, the com pound on-message describes
statements by MPs and party members w hich are fully in accord w ith
official party policy. W e now hear on-target used as an adjective. O n
is used in the com pound hands-on, w hich is descriptive of immediate
practical experience of some technical machinery.
The prefix o ff occurs in the verb to off-load and in the adjective
off-peak. The fashion for skiing has added the com pound off-piste.
O ff as a suffix appears in speaking of giving someone a tip-off and in
the w ord spin-off for a by-product. Air-travel has given us the com
pound lift-off. If w e buy something too expensively, we call it a
rip-off. To speak o f giving a brush-off to someone whose approach
is unwelcome illustrates the imaginative quality o f such images, recalling
as it does the flicking away o f an unsightly crum b or piece o f hair from
a smart suit.
-ism I -ist
These com m on suffixes are m uch used in social polemic. We have long
had words such as anarchism /t and im perialism /1. The development o f
liberal ideologies o f recent decades has given us racism /t, sexism /t,
and ageism /t. The w ord abolitionist came into use in connection w ith
the abolition of slavery and has been used m ore recently in controversy
about the House o f Lords. Public controversy has given us environm en
talist and anti-abortionist, unilateralist and devolutionist. New com
pounds are readily throw n off in argument. One hears an opponent of
proportional representation described as a first-past-the-post-ist.
Carefree goes back to the m id-nineteenth century, and fancy-free
almost as far. The suffix is now added indiscriminately. There is talk o f
traffic-free areas and stress-free jobs, m eat-free diets and car-free

Innovation Good and Bad

existence, not to m ention phases of life that are child-free and others
that are oldie-free.
The w ord otherw ise has been matched in such w ords as contrariwise
and lengthw ise. We now hear and read innovative developments o f this
practice o f adding the suffixw ise.
Cost-wise I recommend the bus route; comfort-wise I recommend the
This kind o f running coinagery, w hich some people go in for in conver
sation, is economic but neither elegant nor grammatically impeccable.
W hen one sees it in print, one feels uncomfortable:
Celeb-wise, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sharon Stone and Cameron Diaz are setting
the standard at the moment.
W hich means that these celebrities are setting the standard hairw ise.
wrongThe old com pounds w rongdoer and w rong-headed have been joined
by w rong-foot. Deriving from the game of tennis, in w hich a player
can make the kind o f shot w hich w ould put the opponent off-balance, it
has proved a conveniently colourful way o f defining an action w hich
inconveniences an opponent or a rival.
This is now used colloquially, added pejoratively to techno, psycho
and pharm aco as a term for the specialist chatter o f the respective experts
w hen viewed as so m uch hot air.

Latin and G reek Prefixes and Suffixes

ante-1 postThese two prefixes, meaning before and after, have been long w ith
us. The w ord antecedent dates back to the fourteenth century. Used
m ore concretely, the prefix appears in antecham ber, then in anteroom ,
for a room leading to a m ore im portant apartment. On the pattern o f the
w ord ante-natal we now have ante-nuptial. It has sometimes been

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

convenient to extemporize w ith ante in conversation so that w ords such

as ante-decimalization and ante-devolution are born. The prefix post
occurs as early as the thirteenth century in the w ord postern for a back
door; the words posterior and posthum ous date from the seventeenth
century. Although we have several uses o f the English prefix after in
such w ords as afternoon and afterm ath, they are now not nearly so
num erous as the w ords prefixed by post ( post-natal, post-w ar) to
w hich we constantly add (post-m odern, post-Thatcher).
anti- /proThese two prefixes, meaning against and for respectively, are m uch
used in general vocabulary and in scientific vocabulary. In the case
o f anti- many o f the new additions (anti-abortion, anti-sem itic,
antidepressant and antifreeze) testify to social and technological
changes. Political developments add to the stock o f w ords w ith these
prefixes and suffixes. Just as we have pro-European and anti-EM U, so
we hear talk of anti-single-currency attitudes and anti-proportionalrepresentation views. There are, o f course, far m ore words in our
language that begin w ith p ro , but the recent tendency in use o f the
prefix has been to hyphenate it. People will declare themselves p ro
euthanasia or pro-devolution. The com pound pro-life is used by the
anti-abortionist campaigners.
cyberThis root, from a Greek w ord meaning to steer or to govern, has given
us the words cybernate (meaning to control w ith a servomechanism)
and cybernetics for the branch of science concerned w ith control
systems. In the com puter w orld it has given us com pounds, serious
and less serious, in connection w ith use o f the internet. We hear of
cyberspace, of cyberporn, o f cyberphobia, o f cybershopping on
the internet, o f cybercodgers addicted to the internet and of cyberchondriacs w ho obsessively try to find treatments for their ailments there.
contraThis prefix, standing for w hat is against or contrary, early used in such
w ords as contradict and contravene, has been less used lately, perhaps
because the prefix anti- serves a similar purpose. However, the nine
teenth century gave us contraceptive and contraception and now the

Innovation Good and Bad

w ord contrasuggestive has been used o f personalities inclined to oppose

prevailing and accepted views. We have a new use in contraflow, for
the movement of traffic on a motorway.
flexiThe prefix flexi derives from a Latin verb meaning to tu rn . Hence the
w ord flexible means easily bent and therefore adaptable and variable.
The com pound flexitime was introduced for the system by w hich
employees are allowed a degree of freedom over the disposition of
their hours o f attendance at w ork provided that they serve the agreed
m inim um .
hyperO f the two Greek prefixes, hyper and hypo, the former refers to what
is above norm al or excessive, and the latter to w hat is below normal or
inadequate. Parallel terms are not num erous in com m on speech, but in
medicine there are the parallels hyper-thyroidism and hypo
thyroidism , m eaning respectively over-production and under
production of thyroid hormones. The popularity of the Latin prefix
super has perhaps restrained the development of new com pounds w ith
hyper, but we use the w ords hyper-inflation, hyper-tension and
hyper-sensitive. Com puter experts speak o f the hypertext and hyper
m edia. In some cases com pounds w ith hyper duplicate com pounds
w ith super ( hyperm arket, hypersonic). The colloquial verb hype,
meaning to make exaggerated claims in publicity, and the parallel noun,
derive from this prefix.
interThis prefix, m eaning between or among, has been used of late years to
add scores o f w ords to the already extensive list. W ords such as Interpol,
interface, intergalactic, intergovernm ental, internet and internuclear show how widely it has been used.
max/-1 miniW e took the w ords m axim um and m inim um directly from Latin to
mean the most and the least. Although the w ord maxidress (abbreviated
to m axi) has been used o f a full-length w om ans dress, new com pounds
w ith m axi are chiefly ephemeral coinages throw n off by advertisers (a


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

m axi savings account). But m ini has been well used since the 1960s
fashion for the m iniskirt, and the production o f the small car by the
Austin/M orris combine.
megaThis prefix, deriving from Greek, means huge or powerful. It gave us
such words as m egaphone, megalithic and megalom ania. It has been
a useful prefix in various sciences and technologies ( m egahertz and
m egaw att), and then too in the w orld o f com puting. Recently it has
been used colloquially as a popular way o f conveying the grandeur or
importance of something: a m ega-m atch or a mega-star.
microThis Greek prefix, m eaning small, gave us established w ords such as m icro
cosm and microscope and they have been added to in m icrolight, for a
small aircraft, and microfiche, for a card holding miniaturized print, as
well as in m ore specialized terms such as m icrochip and m icrodot.
multi- / omniThe prefix m ulti derives from the Latin adjective meaning m uch or
m any. The m ultistorey car park, the multistage rocket, the m ulti
national business and m ultim edia activities, all these com pounds have
now generally shed their hyphens. We read o f a m ulti-m illion pound
campaign, and the hyphen survives.
In the case o f the prefix o m n i (from the Latin w ord for all or every)
the old com pounds om nipotent and om niscient have been added to
by such words as om nicom petent and om nidirectional.
nonThis prefix, the Latin w ord for n o t, is used to nullify w hat follows. The
w ord nondescript goes back to the seventeenth century and the w ord
nonpareil to the fifteenth. In our ow n day the practice o f prefixing a
w ord w ith n o n (non-alcoholic, non-infectious) amounts to a ru n
away habit. We invent the words as we need them, presuming on an
attitude of non-objection on the part o f our non-pedantic friends.
-phile I -phobe
An interesting development has been the tendency to use the Greek
suffixes philia for love o f and phile for lover o f a movem ent or a

Innovation Good and Bad

programme, w here the Latin prefix p ro has been m ore com monly used
(as in the pro-life m ovem ent). A foreign enthusiast for things British is
sometimes called an Anglophile. Thus w e speak o f a political supporter
o f closer ties w ith Europe as a Europhile. Correspondingly there is the
tendency to use the Greek suffix phobia or phobe for hatred or
disapproval of a movem ent or programme, w here once the Latin prefix
anti m ight have been used. Thus we speak o f hom ophobia for the
disapproval o f homosexual practices and o f a hom ophobe for a person
so disapproving. Those highly critical o f European union do not call
themselves Europhobes, w hich som ehow has a distasteful air o f w hole
sale negativity, but call themselves by the anodyne w ord Eurosceptics
preThis prefix (from the Latin prae) is in continual use. Whereas it used to
be confined to historical references (pre-Reform ation and preRestoration), it has become handy for general use over a shorter term
( pre-Welfare State and pre-decimal currency).
pseudoMeaning false or bogus, pseudo, long used in the w ord pseudonym ,
is now prefixed depreciatively to any adjective o f choice: pseudoBohemian, pseudo-Elizabethan, pseudo-Georgian and pseudo
m odern. The noun pseud is applied colloquially to someone scorned
for their charlatanry.
retroThe words retrograde and retrospect/ive have long been in our lan
guage. In his astrological w ork A Treatise on the Astrolabe Chaucer uses the
w ord retrograd, m eaning moving in a direction contrary to the order
o f the signs. In Shakespeares Alls Well That Ends Well Helena tells Parolles
that he must have been born under Mars w hen the planet was retrograde,
because he goes so m uch backward w hen he fights. So the w ord came
into general use for taking backward steps. Retrospective dates back to
the seventeenth century. The space behind the high altar in a cathedral is
the retrochoir. The prefix has been used in anatomy and pathology as
the converse o f in tro , and meaning situated behind (retro-ocular and
retro-uterine). On this basis the w ord retrofit has now come into use
for the business o f fitting parts to aircraft and other vehicles after they


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

have already been in use. The prefix retro is therefore to hand and in a
piece in The Times Libby Purves uses the w ords retrophobia and retrodread of current attitudes harking back to the evils o f Nazism and the
Second W orld War. She gives the words a somewhat w ithin-quotes
flavour by half-seriously also coining the w ord yesterphobia. Thus it
becomes difficult to draw the line between innovative com pounds w ith
a future and one-off com pounds tossed out as jeux desprit, to add spice
and not to be taken too seriously. For instance, in the same article Libby
Purves ingeniously coins the w ord unthinkabilia for those matters raised
w hen people think the unthinkable. The w ord m em orabilia, for things
w orthy o f being remembered, is clearly related to the w ord m em orable.
It m ight consequently seem reasonable to treat other w ords ending in
able comparably. But one must exercise discipline in making such
coinages. To try to treat deplorable as m em orable has been treated
w ould not give us words w orth having, except perhaps for comic p u r
poses. Neither deplorability nor deplorabilia w ould fill a gap in our
superO ur language abounds in words w ith this prefix (superficial, super
cilious) and m odern technology has given us supersonic. From the
days of the so-called supercinemas of the interwar years and the super
markets of the post-w ar world, the prefix has come into use as an
intensifier of quality that could be applied to anything in the advertise
m ent w orld and the m edia world. Thus we have superglue, supergrass,
superstar and superfine.

There are areas o f usage in which fashion changes from century to
century, and others in w hich fashion changes from decade to decade. In
areas where delicacy has required oblique terms to be used in polite
conversation changes in fashion have been fairly frequent. W hen an
inoffensive but evasive w ord is used in place o f a w ord w hich m ight be
considered in some way crude or offensive, we call it a euphemism. An
early euphemism for a lavatory was the w ord privy w hich dates from

Innovation Good and Bad

the fourteenth century. Since it meant private and then private room
it was perhaps a m ore respectable w ord than the sixteenth-century w ord
jakes (to which Shakespeare seems to have intended an oblique reference
w hen he used the name Jaques for his somewhat sour philosopher in
As You Like It).
W hen Sir John Harington, a courtier, equipped Queen Elizabeth I with
a water-closet, it marked the beginning o f an age in plum bing. But it was
not until the m id-eighteenth century that the w ord water-closet came
into use. It is of course euphemistic in that closet means any small room
and the use of w ater does not openly indicate w hat the closet contained.
Indeed the w ord lavatory was already in use for an apartment containing
apparatus for washing. The addition o f the lavatory pan to the wash basin
was a logical development. The w ord water closet had a long life. Early
in the twentieth century it was in com m on use, and the letters W C
were printed on toilet doors. But already there had been squeamish
Victorians whose euphem ism for a visit to the lavatory was going to see
Mrs Jones or Aunt Jones. Gradually the term W C gave place to the
w ord lavatory. The double function o f the apartment in question was
convenient verbally. Indeed for a long time the hostesss welcoming
question to a guest, W ould you like to wash your hands? was considered
to be a polite way o f asking Do you w ant to relieve yourself? But
eventually the w ord lavatory began to seem too crude and direct and
the w ord toilet came into com petition w ith it, though never in the best
circles. It has taken over on the public scene. It was in the sixties and
seventies that the w ord loo began to be used in conversation. Its origin
is in doubt. The suggestion has been made that it comes from the French
w ord for a water-closet - lieux d aisance (place o f easement) . W hether
seriously or not, it has also been suggested that loo is short for W ater
loo. Be that as it may, colloquially it is now the most used term.
An interesting euphem ism for sexual intercourse came into use in the
earlier part of the tw entieth century. The press used it, and it was used
in the law courts. To ask a defendant w hether he or she had been
intim ate w ith a partner was to ask w hether the two had had sex. This
extremely evasive euphem ism became even m ore absurd w hen the noun
intimacy was used in the divorce courts: They w ent up to a hotel
bedroom , m lud, and intimacy took place.
Sometimes a shift in usage is intentionally encouraged by lobby groups
in order to corroborate a desired change in public attitudes. The most
notable instance of this is the use of the w ord gay by the homosexual


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

com munity. Fashionable colloquial expressions, such as pansy, queer,

p o o f and nancy-boy, all expressed a disdain that the homosexual
com m unity was determ ined to counter.

Colloquial Fashions
It is not only in the realms o f the sexual and the lavatorial that verbal
fashions change quickly. They change quickly too in the sphere o f usage
w here new words hover uncomfortably between the category w e call
slang and the category o f respectable usage. One such w ord is the verb
to scarper, meaning to depart quickly, to beat a hasty retreat. The general
resonance o f the w ord suggests a less than respectable getaway by a
person leaving a mess behind. The w ord appears to have taken the place
o f a verb popular in Victorian usage w hich I cannot find in my recent
dictionary, the verb to levant, meaning to bolt or abscond, used especi
ally of betting m en w ho got away w ithout paying.
Todays trendy words will not necessarily be tom orrow s trendy words.
To call attractive young girls dollybirds or teenyboppers nowadays
w ould be to hark back to the sixties, and people no longer talk o f
beatniks or groupies. Moreover, such is the force of fiction, that
sometimes yesterdays supposedly trendy w ords were in fact little used.
For instance, the novels of P. G. W odehouse preserve an upper-class
idiom from the early tw entieth century w hich was perhaps always m ore
used in fiction than in fact. Indeed the act o f using the idiom comically
in fiction rendered expressions unusable in real conversation, except
ironically and w ithin metaphorical quotation marks. Only thus w ould
one declare someone to be a bit o f a bounder, som eones performance
to be top-hole or some welcome suggestion to be topping.
But there are colloquialisms less subject to literary mockery that have
a real life for a time. If one reads, say, Anthony Powells A Dance to the
Music of Time, w hich recaptures the England o f the inter-w ar years, one
will find terms, then trendy, w hich have since gone out o f use. W here,
earlier in the century, English people had visited the picture house and
the Americans had visited the m ovies, by the thirties middle-class
English people talked o f going to the flicks (a w ord form ed from the
flickering of the early screens). At the same time a favourite w ord for
denigrating a venture or a business was to call it a ram p, meaning that
it was a swindle, w here twenty years later it w ould have been called a

Innovation Good and Bad

racket. Today popular usage seems to be replacing these terms by

the w ord scam. In the inter-w ar years the colloquial expression for
mockingly mimicking and satirizing famous people was to take o ff.
The Lord Chancellor in Gilbert and Sullivans Iolanthe perhaps stuck a pipe
in his m outh and took o ff the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin. But
forty or fifty years later the comedian w ould send u p the Prime Minister
o f the day.
An interesting twentieth-century development has been the use of the
w ord chic. It came into English in the nineteenth century to mean
artistically stylish. Then it began to be used o f stylishness and elegance
in w om ens fashions. The noun chic was correspondingly used of
m odish good taste. But colloquial use o f the w ord outside the w orld o f
w om ens fashions later gave it a rather disparaging edge. For instance, in
m ore recent decades, an attitude of political radicalism which was
assumed by a w ell-to-do middle-class person m ight be dismissed as
radical chic. This im plied that the radicalism was assumed as a fashion
able pose rather than bred o f real experience and deep conviction.
And now past fashions can be implicitly discredited by calling them
retro-chic, while firm resistance to fashion is called anti-chic.
Among the w ords temporarily fashionable among trend-setters in the
post-war w orld was cam p, meaning affected and effeminate, vulgarly
artificial and showy, used especially of homosexuals. It is an interesting
w ord because it seems to have derived from a fictional tetralogy by the
novelist L. H. Myers, The Near and the Far, published novel by novel between
1929 and 1940. Although the story is set in sixteenth-century India, that
is merely a convenient background for Myerss reflections on the w orld
he knew. And he presented a satirical study of contemporary Bloomsbury
in the homosexual Prince Daniyals Pleasaunce o f the Arts, a remote camp
of pleasure houses and a hotbed o f scandal. Everybody in the Camp was
always ready to do a friend a bad turn. The w ord cam p appears to have
been taken up by the chattering classes of the period.
An odd colloquial innovation o f the sixties was the German w ord
kitsch, introduced into voguish patter to mean something tawdry and
vulgar, over-consciously modish. Applied at first to art and literature, it
became the trendy w ord for dismissively devaluing attempts to catch up
w ith the fashion in furniture and decoration.
In fashionable social circles the increasing habit of resorting to psy
chiatrists for treatment and advice led to the need for frequent conver
sational reference to psychiatrists. A comical habit grew o f avoiding

29 2

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

the taxing series o f syllables, and mentally distancing oneself from the
psychological need by referring to a psychiatrist as a trick cyclist. Later
the w ord shrink (derived from head-shrinker) took over.
Representing a different level o f culture the w ord teddy-boy came
into use in the 19os. In the early post-war years certain fashions imitative
o f the Edwardian age replaced what had been the fashions for m en in the
1930s. For instance, suit jackets were m uch longer and looser-fitting,
and trousers were narrower. There was a cult among youth to push the
Edwardian style to extremes. Hence the nam e teddy-boys was applied
to groups of delinquent and roisterous teenagers and young men. Gradu
ally the w ord came to stand for youths given to violence and criminality.
The same sub-culture gave us the w ord streetwise, a neat term to
describe people, especially young people, w ho are wise in the ways of
the street, w hich means that they are adept at keeping afloat in an
environm ent that may be poor, unsavoury and criminal. The w ords
street credibility, now colloquially street-cred, refer to awareness
o f the style and understanding needed to be at hom e in the urban
The worlds o f the media, of pop music and o f fashion supply an
ever-changing colloquial vocabulary (rock, rap, h ip , grunge,
grotty, glitch, glitzy, etc.) only some of w hich is taken into general
The w orld o f public life and politics has enriched colloquial vocabulary.
Slang w ords readily become acceptable w hen they prove to serve a useful^
purpose. They may be widely taken up because they so exactly encapsulate
a concept for w hich there is no easy alternative expression. Such is the
case w ith the w ord freebie, standing for something provided w ithout
charge. Earlier in the tw entieth century the abbreviation perk was
formed from the noun perquisite to stand for the kind o f incidental
benefit that a person m ight gain from a certain employment. Thus
waiters and waitresses tips were regarded as perks. The w ord has been
used for company cars and benefits such as private health contributions
provided by certain employers. But the w ord freebie has come to stand
for treats provided, not so m uch by employers, as by interested parties
anxious to gain influence. Thus, where perks belong to the business
world, freebies belong to the political world, the w orld where Members
of Parliament or o f local councils may be treated to trips abroad.
During the nineties the fashionable vocabulary of political journalism

Innovation Good and Bad

was affected by the grow th of the propaganda industry in the service o f

governments and political parties. We have been accustomed to use o f
the w ord spin in the expression spinning a yarn, used of too-ready
talkers telling a tale w ithout overmuch scrupulousness as to facts. Hence
the w ord spin was adopted for the propaganda poured out by the
publicity experts. The experts themselves began to be called spindoctors. And because o f the sheer w eight o f the government propaganda
machine and the irresistible direction it is supposed to exercise on
MPs in the Party, the com pound control-freaks was used o f its key

O V E R - U S E OF F A M I L I A R
In recent decades there has been heavy over-use of certain originally
highly expressive phrases and expressions, most o f w hich have a meta
phorical content. It is because they are so expressive that we too often
have recourse to them. But as a result their force is dissipated. No doubt
the first person in our age to speak o f throw ing something out o f the
w indow instead o f merely throw ing it o u t achieved quite a rhetorical
effect. (Though one is inclined to ask w hether the speaker was really
brought up to use the w indow for this purpose.) But now that the
expression has caught on so that everyone speaks o f throw ing things out
of w indow s instead o f getting rid of them or abolishing them, the
expression scarcely makes an impact. Familiarity breeds contempt.
at the end o f the day
So too now, w hen we hear someone beginning a sentence, Well, at the
end o f the day, we are inclined to yawn. The phrase at the end o f the
day is o f course used metaphorically in that the reference to fading
daylight is introduced because as night falls the days business has to be
tied up. The implication is that the point has arrived at which w hat is
said is final and brings doubt and controversy to an end. Thus the
expression at the end o f the day has gradually taken over as a substitute
for finally or ultim ately. The trouble is that it now seems to stand for
so many different expressions, such as w hen all is said and done, to
cut a long story short, w hen push comes to shove, what it all amounts

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

to , or even to give you my honest opinion. The speaker or w riter

should weigh such other possible options before using an expression
now so over-used.
the level playing field
Other currently fashionable expressions o f this kind derive their m eta
phorical content from the sports field. Again, though useful and colourful
expressions, they are now grossly over-used. People dem and a level
playing field w hen they w ant to ensure that there is no bias favouring
the one side or the other w here there is com petition between the two.
Thus we hear a government minister express his determ ination to play
fair in looking at the competing interests o f gas, oil and coal:
Our aim is to put all fuels on a level playing field.
The image o f a playing field is quite out o f place in such a context. The
concept o f coal, oil and gas - a solid, a liquid and a vapour - in
com petition over an area o f ground is simply unpicturable. In any case,
it is perhaps surprising that this image has become so popular w hen in
games such as football the two competing teams change places in the
middle o f the game, so that neither can reap the advantage o f a field
sloping this way or that.
moving the goal posts
It is m ore understandable that this expression from the football field has
become so popular. As a m etaphor for unfairly changing the conditions
under w hich rival sides compete, interfering in mid-career w ith the very
standards and criteria by w hich w inner is to be distinguished from loser,
the expression is a useful one.
kick for the long grass
We are beginning to hear this expression rather often too. Kicking a ball
off the pitch into the long grass at the side is a temporary expedient for
getting out of a testing position. Thus it makes a satisfactory image for
an expedient move that sidelines an im mediate problem for the time
blow the whistle
Another useful expression deriving from the sports field is to blow the
whistle o n .

Innovation Good and Bad

The British Marine Industries Federation has already blown the whistle on
the decline in the number of inland boaters, attributing it largely to the
industrys inability to attract the younger generation.
This quotation excellently exemplifies how a colourful expression can
gradually be deprived o f its usefulness. W hen the referee blows the
whistle on the football field, he does so to draw attention to some foul
or inappropriate behaviour by one o f the players, thus temporarily
putting a stop to the game. A crucial element in w hat the expression
conveys is the notion of bringing to light some misdeed before the eyes
o f the public. But the w riter o f the above sentence has fastened merely on
the notion of drawing attention to something, irrespectively of w hether it
involves anything im proper. W hen enough people have used the
expression blow the whistle o n merely to mean draw attention to ,
then a useful enrichm ent o f the language will have been dissipated.
the name o f the game
Another popular expression w hich comes from the sports field is less
easy to account for. W e hear the pronouncem ent thats the name o f the
gam e spoken w ith some solemnity. In m ost contexts it appears to mean
nothing m ore than thats w hat m atters, thats the essential point. It is
a way o f laying heavy emphasis on some judgement. But we also hear it
used in a m ore explanatory sense to mean Yes, that is what is involved
or That is what you should expect. Thus the reply to Ive lost two
thousand on the Stock Market m ight well be Well, thats the nam e o f
the gam e. There are times w hen use o f the idiom seems to represent a
way of saying nothing at all.
Sound project management is clearly the name of the game.
The w ord clearly rings a bell o f challenge here.
the bottom line
An expression which, surprisingly enough, seems to overlap in meaning
w ith that is the nam e of the gam e is that is the bottom line. Clearly
we are in a different field o f imagery here. The expression appears to
derive from the w orld o f accountancy. The last line on a balance sheet
shows the final profit or loss made by the business concerned. But in
other fields the last line o f a docum ent is apt to finalize matters w ith the
central point to w hich argum ent or discussion has led. The expression is

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

to be avoided simply because it has been cheapened by over-use to the

point at w hich it becomes little m ore than a verbal gesture. As used by
some people it is almost the equivalent o f exclaiming Thats that! or
indeed of emphatically saying Amen. I found this at the end o f an
earnest article about preserving the Cumbrian environment: The bottom
line is Cum bria. There, as elsewhere, the expression seems to be enunci
ated w ith the flourish proper to proclaiming a credo.
raising awareness and profiles
W e nowadays hear o f special occasions organized to raise awareness of
this problem or that, this affliction or that. W here once one w ould have
said Its purpose is to draw attention to the lifeboat service, we now
hear Its purpose is to raise awareness o f the lifeboat service. A slightly
stronger version o f drawing attention is represented by raising the
The primary objectives are to raise the profile of dogs, and to act as a guide
to prospective owners allowing them to make an informed choice on the
pet that will best suit their lifestyle.
To raise the profile, it appears, is not only to draw attention to, but also
to increase the im portance or significance of. But surely, whatever one
writes about, one writes in the hope o f drawing attention to it and
increasing its significance in the eyes o f the reader. As for the rest o f the
sentence, time was w hen one m ight choose or make a choice. N ow one
has to make an inform ed choice. The insult to our intelligence implicit
in the suggestion that, w ithout the help offered, we should naturally
make uninform ed choices is hard to bear. W hy not The aim is to rouse
interest in dogs, and to help prospective dog owners to choose the right
p et? That reduces the num ber of w ords from thirty-five to nineteen.
make a statement
There are some familiar expressions w hich have become substitutes for
thought, and this is one of them.
Black gingham curtains with an overstuffed heading filled with wadding
make a huge and expensive statement.
A Victorian decoupage screen makes a bold statement at the head of a
bateau-lit bed.

Innovation Good and Bad

Strong sharp shapes are young and make a style statement.

W hat does all this am ount to? Is anything at all said here except that the
curtains, the decoupage screen, and strong sharp shapes are good things?
Yet the statements abound. We have a h uge and expensive one, a
bold one, and a style one. So too we have flowers that make statements
in gardening magazines and gyrations that make statements in the rock
world. Here a controversial new production o f W agner or Shakespeare
makes a statement, and there a seemingly haphazard collection of
junk masquerading as sculpture makes a statem ent. The literate m ind
demands an end to the making o f statements. But the idiom seems to
have bred its offshoots. We read in a magazine:
Kate Butner shows you how to turn a lamp into a style statement.
Plainly this piece of legerdem ain is o f doubtful value if the transformation
is complete and the source o f light is lost.
what its all about
We should also like to hear no m ore of w hat this or that is all about.
We hear a com m ent on the thorny question o f how the National Health
Service should deal w ith mentally unstable individuals w ho m ight pose
a threat to others. Treatment should not be about coercion. This means
that coercion should not lightly be used in treating patients, whatever
their condition. Abuse o f the w ord about in this way is now an epidemic.
We hear such monstrosities as Good relationships are all about being
yourself and Conservatism is all about being able to make choices.
People use the w ords its all about as simply a clumsy way of conveying
that they think this or that is im portant w ithout actually making a
coherent statement.
window o f opportunity
This is currently a popular expression, over-used to an embarrassing
extent. The trouble is that, in fact, the image of the w indow scarcely
adds anything to the concept opportunity, w hich in itself refers
to something that opens up the view to a future possibility. In earlier
decades o f the last century the favourite image was not w indow but

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

sing from the same hymn-sheet

This expression has caught on for urging people in a com m on enterprise
to make sure that they are of one m ind in w hat they convey. Since it
hints at the chaos produced w hen a church congregation tries to render
two different hymns at the same time, it has forcefulness, but it is


Current Liberties and Constraints

During the last few decades liberties have been taken in the use o f
transitive and intransitive verbs, that is w ith verbs w hich normally take
an object (like in I like ice-cream) and verbs w hich do not take an
object (sleep in He sleeps on the couch). The area of usage we are
touching on is one w hich is like a minefield for the pedagogue. The
reason is that historically English usage has allowed such freedoms from
time to time that it is dangerous for one to lay dow n the law. It is
easy enough to give examples o f comparatively recent changes. In my
fifty-year-old Shorter Oxford English Dictionary the verb to resum e is given
only as transitive and no instance o f an intransitive use is supplied. Thus
it is that fifty years ago one w ould have said The meeting was resum ed.
N ow we tend to say The meeting resum ed. Presumably the English
teacher o f the inter-w ar years w ould have been justified in correcting
that as a grammatical error.

Established Liberties
The freedom long exercised w ith certain verbs may be illustrated by the
way we use the verb to show .
Some of Pauls work was already showing at a Glasgow gallery.
We accept this as an alternative to Some o f Pauls w ork was already
being shown at a Glasgow gallery. The following sentence extends that
The Andrews London home in Hyde Park could rent for i ,000 a week.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

We substitute could ren t for could be rented, a practice also applied

to the verb to sell. The picture was sold for 5 0 0 m ight become The
picture sold for 5 0 0 . Just as this usage seems to be particularly favoured
in the relevant trading circles, so the same freedom is adopted by
specialists in other areas. Let us turn to the w orld o f horsemanship.
It looks enormous from the road, though fences jump deceptively easily off
a sharp rise.
We know, o f course, that it is the horses that do the jum ping w hile the
fences remain at rest. But we have always played this trick o f verbal
reversal. We tuck a notecase away in our pocket and say See - the
notecase tucks away neatly. And I see that the W ine Society advertises
red wines that are drinking beautifully n o w . W here do we draw the
line w ith this practice? Usage is very arbitrary. You will hear or read The
organ was playing as w e entered the church, but you will not hear or
read The violin was playing as we entered the concert hall. Instead it
w ould be The violinist was playing. The organ appears to be the only
instrum ent that is allowed to play itself. (Is this because the player is
hidden away in an organ-loft?)

M ore Questionable Liberties

The difficulty in laying dow n the law in this m atter can be illustrated by
the following sentence in w hich a m other tells w hat happened w hen she
dressed up her little girl:
I noticed how she transformed to suit the costume.
The pedants first impulse is to w ant to correct this. My m odern
dictionary allows only a transitive use o f the verb to transform . On that
basis the reading ought to be either: she was transform ed or: she
transformed herself. But in fact the OED quotes a sixteenth-century
intransitive use o f the verb and adds now rare.
A comparable but converse instance is provided by the verb to vanish.
Here is a piece about a painting by Canaletto.
And the delicate steeples which needle the horizon of the eighteenth-century
city are mostly vanished in the modern photo, destroyed and never sub
sequently rebuilt.

Current Liberties and Constraints

M odern practice is to treat the verb to vanish as intransitive only. So my

later dictionary defines it. Yet the OED cites a fifteenth-century transitive
use, meaning to cause to disappear. Thus there is precedent for the
converse freedoms exercised w ith the normally transitive verb transform
and the normally intransitive verb vanish. It is plain that it w ould be
foolish to be free w ith the w ords correct and incorrect w hen dealing
w ith this particular m atter o f usage. All one can do is to call attention to
what is happening.
France warred on these neighbours through the 1790s, while trying to
recover internal order and reconstruct.
To construct is a transitive verb and to reconstruct is too. But the
w riter here has taken w ith the verb to reconstruct the freedom w hich
traditional usage allows w ith the verb to recover. You can recover
your balance and, if you have been ill, you can just recover. Very well
then, the verbal libertarian may ask, why should not a state, after a period
of turmoil, just reconstruct? And while we are on this subject, do we
have the right to criticize an advertisement using erect as reconstruct
was used?
Tents that erect in thirty seconds.
We may itch to correct this to Tents that can be erected in thirty
seconds, but again past literature can provide instances o f the verb used
intransitively. The following sentence too may strike one as im proper:
Motorists shun from flattening animal casualties in daylight.
Checking up in a recent dictionary, I find that the verb to shun is labelled
transitive. In that case, one m ight shun something, but not shun
from it. But once m ore recourse to the OED reveals that the verb was
used intransitively 400 years ago.
We turn to a now m ore established though very questionable freedom
taken w ith certain verbs.
Two years ago fashion editors were eulogizing on the chain stores new
This sentence exemplifies w hat is today probably the m ost com m on and
regrettable laxity in use o f transitive verbs. To eulogize is to praise
enthusiastically. There is no justification at all for the w ord o n . The
editors were eulogizing the chain stores chic. The habit o f thus treating


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

a transitive verb o f speaking as though it had to be intransitive is wholly

regrettable. Even w hen popular usage seems to have established the
practice, the purist will feel uncom fortable w ith it.
He comes across as refreshingly unacademic even when expounding upon
complex subjects.
Although a recent dictionary w ould justify this, the insertion o f the w ord
u p o n is totally unnecessary. It w ould be better to write: even w hen
expounding complex subjects. But the habit o f inserting these redundan
cies grows apace. We have sentences such as The speaker expanded on
the new plan o f action, as though the speaker increased in size before
his audience. There are appropriate verbs for this context, such as to
expatiate or to enlarge.
One wonders to w hat novelties this practice may lead. I have just heard
a radio com m entator ask w hether a certain political development has
depleted from a partys reputation. Perhaps he m eant to say detract
from . To deplete is firmly transitive and means to empty or exhaust.

Unacceptable Liberties
We have been criticizing the unnecessary intrusion of the w ords o n and
u p o n after verbs w hich are better treated as transitive. Here is a specimen
o f the converse error.
This plant hunter embarked his perilous journey.
This should read: embarked on his perilous journey. For while in its
intransitive use to em bark was to board a ship, in its transitive use it
was to put something on board a ship, the bark being the vessel. Equally
unacceptable is the following sentence:
The process is stripped away of inessentials.
The process has not been stripped away. It is the inessentials that have
been stripped away. One m ight say He was stripped o f his clothes or
His clothes were stripped away but not He was stripped away o f his
clothes. For all the freedoms allowed in this m atter o f grammar, it is
dangerous to take liberties and here the trick has gone too far. Yet the
trick is catching on. Another journalist writes of a passionate love affair:
Its stripped away o f the complicated stuff w hen she means that the

Current Liberties and Constraints

complicated stuff has been stripped away from it. Headline writers
sometimes take too far the freedom granted to them in this respect,
anarchically misplacing passive verbs.
Newcastle Pair Torn Off a Strip by Angry Investors.
This headline illustrates the point. The Newcastle Pair were certainly not
torn off a strip by the investors. Why, we may ask, did the headline
w riter not write: Strip Torn off Newcastle Pair by Angry Investors?
The extempore manufacture of intransitive verbs by the insertion o f
redundant prepositions is not restricted to verbs o f speaking such as
eulogize and expound.
Making the most of what you have and minimizing on waste is the key
when youre on a budget.
To m inim ize is to reduce to the m inim um . The intrusive o n is out of
Munch on vegetable sticks or a handful of raisins or other dried fruit.
Again the intrusive o n is ugly as well as redundant. There is an old
intransitive use o f m unch, just as there is an intransitive use o f the verb
to eat. You can say He is eating or He is m unching, but you w ould
not say He is eating on toast. Very relevantly I have just heard on the
radio a comparable misuse o f the verb to segregate. The dictionary
definition o f the verb is to set or be set apart from others. But the Radio
4 speaker spoke o f a plan to segregate something o ff, as though the
verb were not a clear transitive one.
Perhaps we may usefully include here three further examples in w hich
the freedom to juggle w ith generally intransitive verbs is exploited too
Each paper motif must be completely adhered to the furniture surface.
The verb to adhere is intransitive. Flattery adheres to pow er, Gibbon
observed. We do not adhere a postage stamp to an envelope. W e stick
it to the envelope, and thereby the stamp adheres to the envelope. And
I read a reference to the shoe shops that proliferate Oxford Street. To
proliferate is to grow or increase rapidly. A transitive use o f the verb is
possible in zoology, w here it w ould mean to produce by proliferation.
The notion that shoe shops m ight proliferate a street is therefore
absurd. Avoidance here o f the natural intransitive usage ( shoe shops that


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

proliferate in Oxford Street) has led to error. And here is a newish verb
even m ore boldly mistreated:
A girl aged 12 has been questioned by police over the death of the 16-monthold toddler she was babysitting.
No doubt the girl was babysitting, but she was not babysitting the
toddler. To try to turn babysit into a transitive verb that takes the
cared-for baby as its object will not do.

W e have seen how m odern English has largely lost the inflexions w hich
enabled the Anglo-Saxons to distinguish one case of a noun from another.
There are only a few lingering relics of the old Anglo-Saxon inflexions
w ith us. One is the surviving distinction between the singular noun and
the plural noun. In m ost cases we add an s to our nouns to make the
plural form. Book becomes books, father becomes fathers and so
on. The relics o f other, irregular, inflectional changes from singular to
plural are few. M an becomes m en, w om an becomes w o m en and
child becomes children. These forms have survived, but not (for
general purposes) brethren as the plural of brother. And o f course,
there is a handful o f nouns w hich are the same in the plural as the
singular, notably sheep and deer.
Another relic of the old inflexions of the noun is the genitive case
w hich is form ed by the apostrophe s. We speak o f the teachers book
rather than of the book o f the teacher, thus preserving the distinctive
genitive case for the possessive. We have two uses of this possessive case
in m odern English. We may speak of the doctors treatment o f Mary or
o f Marys treatment by the doctor. The doctors treatm ent is something
that he does. Marys treatm ent is something that she receives. The one
usage may loosely be called objective, the other subjective.
There are certain nouns like treatm ent w hich lend themselves either
to objective or subjective use in the possessive case, for instance the
nouns selection and portrayal. In such cases, generally speaking, the
objective usage is the safer. W e can be slightly happier w ith the local
partys selection o f John Smith as their candidate than w ith John Smiths
selection by the local party as their candidate. It is better to speak o f

Current Liberties and Constraints

Shakespeares portrayal o f Julius Caesar than o f Julius Caesars portrayal

by Shakespeare.
Nevertheless the latter usage is not uncom m on. Increasingly the subjec
tive possessive is being used w here it w ould be better avoided. Perhaps
the w orst instances of poor usage in this respect occur w hen writers use
the genitive case o f an im personal noun.
The Bills passage, by 33 votes to 21, came after an acrimonious debate.
Surely this should be The passage of the Bill or, better still, The Bill
was passed by 33 votes to 21 after an acrimonious debate. The tendency
o f journalists to use such constructions as The passage o f the Bill cam e
rather than The Bill was passed is to be regretted.
If the existing power struggle in Beijing survives the Asian depression, it
will be one of historys more remarkable achievements.
The great achievements are not historys achievements, they are m en s
or w om ens achievements (one of the m ore remarkable achievements
in history).
We turn to a press com m ent on the national temper:
There are two reasons for the moods sudden turn to the worse.
Once more, though the sudden change in m o o d w ould be better, better
still w ould be to use a verb instead of either o f the nouns tu rn or
change ( There are tw o reasons w hy the m ood has suddenly changed).
Although the use o f an apostrophe s w ith an impersonal noun can
be very tasteless, the m ore com m on misuse of the subjective possessive
occurs w ith pronouns. We speak of his conversion of the stable into a
cottage, w here he has effected the change, or of his conversion to
Buddhism, w here he has been affected by the change. Clearly there is
no reason to question such usages of the pronouns in the appropriate
contexts. My present to you becomes your present from me, the
m om ent it is handed over. But my message to you does not become
your message from me, once it is delivered. The difference may be a
conventional one, but all language is conventional. So the BBC newsw riter was at fault to give us this account of an English m others acquittal
on a charge in a foreign country.
She has already telephoned them [her children] with news of her verdict.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The courts acquittal o f the w om an may be said to be her acquittal by

the court. But the courts verdict on her is in no sense h er verdict. No
person in the dock can deliver a verdict.
The foster-father of Billie-Jo Jenkins has launched an appeal against his
conviction for her murder.
The awkwardness o f com bining his conviction w ith her m urder w ould
not be removed by w riting his m urder o f h er. It w ould be better to
write: his conviction for m urdering h er. The press seem to be fond o f
this usage:
A Briton who doused his former girlfriend with petrol and set her on fire
pleaded guilty yesterday to her attempted murder.
The addition of attem pted makes the usage even m ore illogical. We
have got used to her attem pted suicide, recognizing that the w om an
may indeed have attem pted the act. But his attem pted act against her
can no m ore become her attem pted act than his crime can become her
We have already seen that the noun selection lends itself to either the
objective or the subjective use. But extreme care should be exercised in
opting for the latter.
Almost all his potential rivals in the Republican leadership are even more
conservative. Their selection would be an enormous risk for a party that
enters the next House election in 2000 with a slender six-seat advantage.
The uncom fortable use o f Their selection should be replaced either by:
Selecting them w ould be an enorm ous risk or by: To select them w ould
be an enorm ous risk.
We have referred to other nouns w hich present the same problem s as
She must have been hurt by her portrayal as a fairly clueless mother.
An im provem ent on that w ould be: She m ust have been hurt at being
portrayed as a fairly clueless m other.
One may question w hether the w ord purchase fitly allows o f the
double usage in question. My purchase of a new suit can scarcely be
presented as the new suits purchase by m e. Nevertheless we find this
in a railway magazine:

Current Liberties and Constraints

It has been undergoing restoration at the Gloucester Warwickshire Railway

since its purchase by the group.
It w ould be better to change since its purchase to since it was p u r
The w ord approval also resists this usage. My approval o f a new
novel cannot be paraphrased as the new novels approval by m e. Yet I
heard talk on the radio o f the Northern Ireland Agreement and the speaker
referred to its overwhelming approval by popular vote. She should have
spoken instead o f how it had been overwhelmingly approved by popular
The HSBC Bank advertises w hat it calls its Choice points program m e.
You can now spend your Choice points on just about anything you
w ant, it says, and then declares W eve kept your favourite offers. But
we readers know that they are not o u r offers, they are the Banks offers.
Your present may become m y present w hen I receive it, but y our
offer o f help does not become m y offer w hen I accept it.
The Masters of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds have been out on
Exmoor as normal putting casualty deer out of their misery despite their
ban from hunting for five weeks.
W hose ban? we may ask. It sounds as though their ban follows on
their m isery as an additional burden on the deer. In any case it is not
very felicitous to speak o f banning either m an or beast from doing
anything. The simplest solution here w ould be to replace their ban from
hu n tin g by the ban on hunting.
The possibility o f confusion arising from such careless use o f the
possessive pronoun is illustrated in the following:
Computerized typesetting systems fascinated Kindersley and he worked
with Cambridge scientific colleagues on their study.
According to general practice in English usage w orked w ith scientific
colleagues on their study w ould suggest on the study they were involved
in . But the context indicates that here their study means the study
o f the com puterized typesetting systems. Better w rite w orked w ith
Cambridge scientific colleagues in studying them .
Finally, there is a particular kind of false economy w ith w ords in use
o f the possessive forms.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

A pathologist is going out to report on the Nigerian Chiefs death in gaol

. . . and remove suspicions about its circumstances.
Our criticism here is about the use of its. The circumstances o f his
death ought not to be rendered his deaths circumstances or as here
its circumstances. As so often error w ould have been avoided and style
im proved if the noun circumstances had been avoided: and remove
suspicions about how it happened.

A practice has developed of using nouns as adjectives m ight be used,
jamming them up against other nouns. We have long run nouns together
in such useful com binations as family outing, dairy farm er and univer
sity degrees. And new com pounds have continued to be established
m ore recently on the pattern of jum bo jet and w ord processor. Here
w e look at the practice o f sticking nouns together, sometimes seemingly
w ith the intention to add useful com pounds perm anently to our vocabu
lary, like car registration num ber or PIN num ber, and sometimes
w ithout any intention to establish w hat can properly be considered a
com pound. Thus people talk about conflict resolution and safety
precautions w ithout mentally hyphenating the words. And the following
usage is not uncom m on:
Nationwide Building Society will press the government to introduce new
rules to protect societies against member attempts to force conversion.
Until fairly recently writers w ould have referred to m em bers attem pts
or attempts by m em bers. But now writers jam nouns together in
twos and in threes, economizing on both apostrophes and hyphens.
Presumably the person w ho w rote m em ber attem pts did not think that
a new com pound was being established on the pattern o f gas-works or
even a stable relationship on the pattern o f fruit salad. Rather the w ord
m em ber was picked up and treated as a pseudo-adjective. That has
become a general practice. W e read o f a business strategy u n it, and the
three w ords rem ain separate in our minds. Since, generally speaking,
such com binations are not hyphenated, they can scarcely be called com

Current Liberties and Constraints

Let us consider how the w ord custom er has been treated in this
respect. We find that we have a customer reference num b er on our
electricity bill, and we notice that the partnership o f nouns is a threesome.
But whereas the customer reference n um ber is indeed the custom ers
ow n num ber, w hat is printed under the heading Customer Inform ation
includes no facts about the customer at all, but only facts about the
company. Some w ell-m eaning businesses talk sympathetically about cus
tom er care as though they w ere in league w ith the NHS. Indeed the
Halifax no longer employs a clerk or an accountant to let you know w hat
interest is now due to you. Instead you receive a com m unication from a
Customer Care Manager. At least one bank has supplied inform ation to
its members as w hat they call a customer convenience, w ords w hich
surely ought to refer to toilet facilities.
Again we find firms talking about customer com plaints, and the
w ords do not refer to ailments, but to grumbles. A garage labels one o f
its doors a Customer Entrance. Thus it seems that though a Theatre
Entrance w ould be an entrance to a theatre, a Customer Entrance is
neither the m outh nor any other hum an orifice. It may be argued that
only at the dentists or in a hospital operating theatre could the expression
Customer Entrance or Patient Entrance be said to be ambiguous. I do
not know w hether there is a hospital w hich marks a Patient W aiting
Room , though the usage m ight not be inappropriate. We have long used
the expression Car Parking and are well acquainted w ith w hat it means.
N ow we find notices advertising Customer Parking. It may well be
argued that no one is going to m isinterpret this and treat the area as a
hum an dum p, but a current news item inform s us that w om en shoppers
are wanting superstores to provide creches in w hich they can deposit
their menfolk w hile they get on w ith the serious business of stocking up
w ith foodstuffs, unim peded by masculine attendance. Such a room w ould
surely be m ore justifiably labelled Customer Parking. And now I read
that the Halifax is to open *g o Customer Marketing Areas throughout the
country. The marketing o f wives was not unknow n in nineteenth-century
England, as we know from Thomas Hardys The Mayor of Casterbridge.
W hether customer marketing can escape the attentions o f the law remains
to be seen.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English


Controversy has recently drawn the attention of writers to certain
freedoms taken in the use o f adverbs. Consider the following two
We decided to ask the Smiths to come to our party, and they gratefully
We decided to ask the Smiths to come to our party and, surprisingly enough,
they accepted.
In the first sentence the adverb gratefully tells us how the Smiths
responded to the invitation. It does so by its relationship w ith the verb
accepted*. In the second sentence the adverb surprisingly does not tell
us in w hat m anner the Smiths accepted. Presumably they themselves felt
no surprise in agreeing. Rather surprisingly covers the response o f the
speaker to the Smiths acceptance. This is a valid construction. Yet in the
journal o f the Queens English Society the M embership Secretary was taken to
task for w riting thus o f the loss of members:
Of these 34 have resigned, 28 have been lapsed . . . nine have gone away
and 16 sadly have died.
The critic protests: How does one know the state o f m ind o f those w ho
died, sad or not? The complaint is unsound. The adverb sadly modifies
the verb died only from the point o f view o f the writer. It com ments
parenthetically on the clause w hich it interrupts, 16 have died. It is the
equivalent o f sad to say.
W hat are the limits to this use o f adverbial parentheses?
Thankfully, when baby is feverish and in pain, many new mums seem to
know instinctively whats needed.
The w ord thankfully is accepted as indicating the feeling o f the writer.
It is almost the equivalent of You will be glad to know that
You can easily make sponge from a packet, but baking the real thing takes
very little effort and, more importantly, it tastes better.
Here again, we are not being told that the mixture tastes im portantly.
Rather, im portantly relates to the w hole clause it tastes better as a fact

Current Liberties and Constraints

w hich the writer is attaching the im portance to. More im portantly is

the w riters parenthetical observation.
Let us turn to a com m on conversational usage in this respect:
Our noisy neighbours have mercifully removed to London.
W e can take it that the neighbours did not act mercifully in removing
themselves. Mercifully is the speakers ironic com m ent on the event
represented by the w hole clause it interrupts.
It is perhaps in this context that we should consider the fairly recent
development in usage w hich gives the w ord hopefully a distinct kind
o f parenthetical status. Strict traditional usage requires one to use hope
fully in clear direct relationship to a verb ( W e looked at the recent
developments hopefully). But recent practice has been to use it as a
substitute for a parenthetical I hope or w e ho p e. Thus, instead o f
saying Electricity shares will rise rapidly this year, I hope, someone will
say Hopefully, electricity shares will rise rapidly this year. Plainly
the electricity shares are incapable o f feeling hope. Thus the usage is
condem ned as barbaric by many grammarians. It is said that in the offices
o f the Times Literary Supplement there is a notice over one journalists door,
reading Abandon hopefully all ye w ho enter here. Nevertheless, it
looks as though the usage is here to stay. It has a certain usefulness. It is
not markedly different in construction from the usage cited above o f
m ore im portantly.

W hat we call Political Correctness has had its m ain effect on English in
two areas o f usage: the traditional vocabulary o f gender and the vocabu
lary used in reference to hum an abnormalities.

Feminists have called for abolition of the practice o f using the w ords
m an , m en and m ankind to cover both sexes. W ords such as person,
people and hum anity are employed instead. W here past usage has left
us w ith male and female forms for certain roles and posts, feminists have
sought standardization. In this respect the current situation is somewhat

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

chaotic. The two w ords actor and actress survive. So do host and
hostess, w aiter and waitress, and even proprietor and proprietress.
It w ould seem unlikely that we shall lose the differentiation represented
by hero and heroine; and the w ords m aster and mistress, in their
various usages, seem indispensable. But a large num ber o f feminine terms
are being discarded. W e do not now hear the w ords authoress, poetess,
instructress or sculptress. Other feminine forms, such as creatrix from
creator, have also gone out o f fashion. However, interesting survivals o f
that feminized form are still w ith us. There is the w ord executrix, still
used officially and unofficially. The w ord dom inatrix appears in an article
by Libby Purves in The Times. In the same paper, in a survey o f television
programmes, a photograph of Amelia Earhart, w ho flew the Atlantic in
record time in 1932, is captioned Amelia Earhart, Aviatrix. But the w ord
doctor never had doctrix as a matching feminine form in English. The
w ords once used were doctoress or doctress, and they have long gone
out o f use. The favoured present practice is to insert the w ord w om an
before the masculine term ( w om an doctor) w here needed.
Awkward linguistic problem s can arise w here the attem pt is made to
change the suffix m an. American influence has given us chair for
chairw om an, though there have been female protests in this country
against the implicit dehum anization of the role. But we hear such com
pounds as chairperson and spokesperson. Traditionally we have distin
guished between a postm an and a postw om an, a m ilkm an and a
m ilkw om an. The attem pt to popularize person in cases like these has
not proved popular. And it w ould seem impracticable to eliminate the
syllable m an in such w ords as craftsmanship, horsem anship and
one-upm anship. Com pounds w hich have m an as a prefix, such as
m anhole, m anslaughter, m anpow er and m anhandle, also resist
adaptation. It is likely that inconsistency and illogicality will be w ith us
in this sphere for some time. For instance, the feminine form hostess is
still being used in the partying world, whereas there is talk in the sphere
of surrogate m otherhood o f the host m other. It is interesting that
w hen foreign words are adopted, they do not necessarily come in for
homogenization. W e still distinguish a m asseur from a masseuse, but
we seem to have lost the feminine chauffeuse, used early in the tw entieth
century. Com pounds involving m aster and mistress were once
com m on enough. Schoolmaster and schoolmistress survive. W e used
to speak of a postm aster in charge of a post office and a postm istress
too; we even had both stationm aster and stationmistress.

Current Liberties and Constraints

There are still a few w ords in use w hich distinguish masculine from
feminine by the addition o f the suffix ette for the feminine version. An
usher (a w ord perhaps chiefly used now o f a man showing guests to
their places at a church w edding service) is balanced by an usherette
(used o f the w om an w ho shows you to your seat in the cinema). We
describe as drum majorettes the young girls fitted out in uniform for
their musical parades. In pre-w ar Oxbridge it was com m on to speak (if
not to w rite) of undergraduates and undergraduettes. Private Eye
has established the w ord hackette for a female hack, a disparaging
w ord for a cheap journalist. The French basis o f these usages is obvious.
The masculine French ending et becomes ette in the feminine. There
are cases where w e have taken one o f a French pair w ithout taking
the other. The French coq (English cock) produced the French
w ord coquet (for an amorously inclined gallant) as well as the w ord
coquette (for a flirtatious w om an). W e have adopted the latter but not
the former.
On the w hole the flavour o f delicacy and fem ininity does hang around
the ending ette. W here the w ord toilet is now used chiefly for a
lavatory, the w ord toilette is associated w ith refined feminine attention
to personal appearance. Associations o f refinem ent also resonate in the
w ord etiquette, w hose history is oddly interesting. Deriving from the
same w ord as the w ord ticket, and m eaning a soldiers billet for
lodgings, then a label for admission, it som ehow came to stand for the
code o f polite behaviour.
Strictly speaking, the ending ette was a dim inutive form too. Thus
we have cigarette as a small version of cigar. W e have also taken over
m aisonette, the dim inutive of m aison w ithout m aison itself. And
now the small disk used in com puters is called a diskette.
The main linguistic problem s arise w ith the use of pronouns. The
singular pronoun everyone has always taken a singular verb. Everyone
goes hom e at the same tim e, we say. But w hen a possessive pronoun is
introduced the official usage used to be masculine. Everyone m ust search
his ow n heart was the usage, and even Everyone m ust look after himself.
Now people had been unhappy w ith this particular usage well before the
feminists attacked it. A headteacher o f a mixed school, addressing his
pupils, w ould generally say Every one m ust lock their ow n locker
properly, using their as a singular pronoun. This practice has now
become established. But there are cases w here awkwardness can be
avoided by use o f the plural all instead o f the singular every.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

It combines the power every motorist needs with the refinement they
This collision between the singular m otorist and the plural they could
be avoided by use o f the plural throughout: It com bines the pow er all
motorists need w ith the refinem ent they expect.
The reference to motorists reminds us that w e perhaps ought not to
leave this topic w ithout m entioning the odd use o f feminine pronouns
in connection w ith ships and machines. The practice o f treating ships as
feminine has lingered on. It has been claimed that this practice has
sometimes led to comic misunderstandings, as w hen a journalist is
reported to have described the launching o f a liner thus:
Her Majesty smashed a bottle of champagne against the bows and then she
slid gracefully down the slipway into the water.
Certainly in the early decades o f the tw entieth century no garage m ech
anic and no m otorist w ith a serious interest in the new automobiles
w ould have spoken o f a cars perform ance or discussed problem s in
the engine except w ith feminine pronouns. She pinks w hen she gets
dow n to thirty in top on a hill. This was a spoken rather than a w ritten
idiom. It expressed a kind o f knowing familiarity between m an and
The converse practice o f using the neutral it w here hum an beings are
involved is unsatisfactory.
We feel that the smart employer should be concerned with the general
health, morale and efficiency of its workforce.
An employer cannot become it. Use o f the plural w ould eliminate the
problem : Smart employers should be concerned w ith the general health,
morale and efficiency o f their em ployees. It is odd that the one context
in w hich the use o f it for a hum an being was once acceptable was in
reference to babies. Lay the baby on its tum m y surely still sounds
unpatronizing, though in the case o f older children we should find the
neutral pronoun uncom fortable. That is presumably why some journalists
try to solve the problem by a quota system. Cheek by jowl, we find such
sentences as the following:
Sometimes teasing can bring a childs morale so low that she sees no way
o u t. . .

Current Liberties and Constraints

But if the child feels that hes not only failed his tests but failed your
expectations too, its doubly hard to bounce back.
Unless your child is one of those enviable creatures, a good eater, its easy
to become worried or obsessive about their food.
The question about the use o f m an and m e n to cover both sexes
may be looked at in the light in w hich we speak o f other living creatures.
There has always been inconsistency here. The dictionary will define a
m are as a female horse and a vixen as a female fox, but w ould not
define a w om an as a female man, rather as a female hum an being.
H orse seems to be used rather as m an was used. We speak o f wild
horses and we do not think we are excluding mares. We speak o f the
swans on the river, and w e do not feel that w e are excluding the pens.
Contrariwise, we say that we are keeping hens even w hen a cock is
included. The feminine sex takes precedence also in reference to geese,
w here the masculine creature is a gander.
It is not easy to discover w hat current etiquette requires o f us now that
there has been a reaction against the feminist pressures o f a few decades
ago. A recent letter to The Times runs thus:
The use of the ugasp - ungrammatical gender-ambiguous singular pronoun
- which pollutes our language in the cause of political correctness reaches
new depths of absurdity in your report of September on a case of unfair
dismissal. You quote the employer as saying . . . the applicant does not
have to tell us they are pregnant. A cherished ugasp of a similar type comes
from a magistrate I heard addressing a defendant: You kicked your victim
in the testicles and went on to break their nose.
Certainly it w ould seem that pursuit o f political correctness in this respect
can lead to curious logical dilemmas. It w ould appear to require one to
choose between the kind o f statement above, using they ( the applicant
does not have to tell us they are pregnant) or such usages as: If an
employee becomes pregnant, h e/sh e will be allowed the usual period o f

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The political correctness that requires ever m ore evasive euphem ism s in
reference to physical or mental abnormalities or deficiencies is difficult
to talk about objectively because it directs our minds to tragic hum an
problems. One has to accept that w here terms carry a physically, mentally
or morally pejorative connotation sheer politeness often requires a certain
blanketing o f the reality. It w ould be offensive to describe someone as
grossly fat or obese, w hen gentler terms such as overw eight are
available. It may be, o f course, that the overw eight are a special case in
that putting on w eight is sometimes the result o f over-eating rather than
o f an inescapable affliction. A w ell-rounded w om an o f my acquaintance,
concerned about her w eight, received from her GP the brutal verdict:
There were no overweight people in Belsen.
We are concerned here rather w ith afflictions w hich no one w ould
think o f as in any way brought upon themselves by the afflicted. W hat
the King James Bible calls the blind, the halt and the lam e we now call
the disabled or the physically disadvantaged. The once m uch-used
w ord cripple has become unacceptable. So too have terms such as
mental deficiency and mentally defective. W hat once was a deficiency
is now an im pairm ent. Along w ith the w ord im paired the w ord
challenged has been attached to various adverbs, as in visually chal
lenged. Some seemingly less serious inventions o f this kind include
vertically challenged as an alternative to short and follically chal
lenged as an alternative to bald or balding.
In the educational w orld care has been increasingly exercised to avoid
term inology that m ight damage sensitive children or depress their
parents. W here the use of w ords such as backward and retarded was
com m on in the earlier half o f the tw entieth century to describe less
mentally able pupils, contemporary teachers speak of children w ith
learning difficulties. A deaf, dyslexic, or mentally retarded child is
classed as having special needs. An inattentive child is described as
suffering from an attention deficit syndrom e.
If w e can disentangle our thinking from the emotive elements in this
matter, we shall have to recognize that the now discredited w ords mental
deficiency and m ental defective were introduced as polite and hum ane
w ords to replace terms such as dem entia and feeble-m indedness,
w hich themselves w ere probably introduced to replace terms such as

Current Liberties and Constraints

dotage and insanity. If we go far enough back, the w ords lunacy

and lunatic, idiocy and idiot were usable. W ordsw orth, a very
compassionate man, w rote a moving poem called The Idiot Boy. It is the
touching story of young Johnny Foy, the darling son o f Betty Foy, and
the adventure that befalls them w hen she sends him at night on her pony
to fetch the doctor for an ailing neighbour. Throughout the poem the
w ords idiot boy are repeated several times in reference to Betty Foys
devotion to her son, Him w hom she loves, her idiot boy. The two
w ords together, idiot boy, are made to hold a great weight o f sympathy
and tenderness. They resonate w ith compassionate understanding o f the
b oys lot. Yet nowadays they could not be so used.
It w ould appear to be the case that attem pting to blur the reality o f
w hat we are talking about generally works only temporarily. W hen
disabled has had a few decades o f use, the direct connection apparent
between the w ord and sometimes gross hum an deformities will initiate
the kind of disgust w ith the w ord w hich recent generations have felt
w ith the w ord cripple. On the basis of historical experience there is
reason to believe that the now respectable w ords im pairm ent and
disability will eventually go the way o f deficiency. For in the choice
o f euphemisms the passing ages run from one at first polite w ord to
another as the full significance of the form er sinks home. Todays polite
w ord is tom orrow s im polite word.
We have to live in the real w orld, not in a philological hothouse. And
for the m om ent the real w orld requires us to describe a blind or nearly
blind person as visually im paired and a person w ith abnormal mental
limitations as someone w ith learning difficulties. This book, however,
is about the use o f English. Its statements about usage cannot properly
be m easured according to the degree of compassion seemingly evidenced
for those w ho suffer appalling afflictions. It is the relationship between
w ord and reality that concerns us here. W hen a m an w ho has brutally
raped, strangled and then carved up a num ber o f young w om en is
described as a person w ith mental health problem s, there is a peculiar
discrepancy between w ord and fact w hich in other contexts w ould
produce hum our. W hat w e call the discrepancy, that is to say the
im mense disproportion between the reality and the w ord defining it, is
precisely w hat political correctness exists to establish. Verbally speaking,
political correctness in these matters is the denial of literalness. Instead
o f trying to match act and experience w ith com mensurate terminology,
it determines to create a gap between the two. In this respect it moves in

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

the opposite direction from rhetoric and poetry, w hich augm ent m eaning
by exaggeration and amplification, pressing it hom e in term inology that
brings the m axim um intensity and vividness to bear on facts and events
defined. By contrast political correctness o f this particular brand dilutes
and disembodies everything it touches. Regular addiction to its term in
ology is a form o f linguistic anorexia nervosa.

C H A P T E R 13

Workaday English

It remains to take a look at some questionable verbal habits now adopted

in various spheres o f commerce, in certain national institutions and in
our cultural life, and to recom m end simplifications.

The term business-speak covers a w ide field o f usage. One w ould
hesitate before attem pting to w rite about science-speak as though one
could generalize about the linguistic characteristics o f writers in psy
chology and physics, m edicine and metallurgy en bloc. To enter into the
linguistic w orld o f any such speciality is a study in itself. Business-speak
too is a house w ith many mansions. Quite apart from the distinguishing
linguistic features that mark a given form of commerce, there are linguis
tic features appropriate to various specialisms such as m anagement and
marketing, and to sub-divisions of the former, say, such as those con
cerned w ith overall strategy and those concerned w ith hum an resources.
The general public, however, comes across business-speak chiefly
through publicity, w hether in the form of advertisements in the press or
direct mail. It is to this that we turn our attention.

Publicity and Recruitment

We had something to say about the use o f hyperbole in Chapter 9. At the
present day a certain group of extravagant terms has been seized on by
the business w orld and they are so over-used that their meaning is
dissipated. Consider the following.
The companys growth has been meteoric and Worldcom has very quickly

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

established itself as the most dynamic player in the market. Essential to

achieving continued success is the recruitment of high quality people and
two new fabulous opportunities have been created to play a key part in
Worldcoms expansion.
The extravagance here is obvious. M eteoric, dynam ic, fabulous and
even essential are, or used to be, pow erful words, and their use here
devalues them. The sentences are unnecessarily wordy. Essential to
achieving continued success is the recruitm ent o f high quality people
conveys no m ore than We need to recruit good people would. That
firms intend to rem ain successful can be taken for granted. Declarations
o f this kind are now familiar, and we cannot help w ondering w hether a
greater impact m ight be made by a simple statement, directly noting that
the firm is a big one and a growing one, and is making tw o new
appointments to crucial posts.
An even greater extravagance is show n in the following:
At Ostagon you will be immersed in an innovative, energetic and driven
culture, focused around your accelerated development and achievement of
personal goals. The experience gained through this programme creates an
awesome platform for your ultimate success.
W ords such as innovative, driven, focused, achievement and goals
are nowadays peppered over statements in the business w orld as excla
mation marks were in the Victorian age. As for the aw esom e platform,
the w ords m ight be an appropriate description o f the site o f a public
execution. But, since the platform is represented as a starting-point, one
m ust assume that it is the kind o f platform from w hich one catches the
train rather than the kind from w hich one appears in public for whatever
The business pages o f the press abound in this kind o f sticky-toffeepudding vocabulary.
Our continued growth has been achieved through our unique ability to
create business solutions that integrated expertise and experience across
the full range of business needs - strategy, technology, processes and
Continued, achieved, unique, create, business solutions, inte
grated expertise, strategy, processes . . . The w ords tum ble out o f the
business-speak thesaurus, and they have all been heard so many times

Workaday English

before in this kind o f context that they simply do not register at all. They
are dead counters.
The epidemic is raging everywhere. Instead o f finding a way to improve
a business, you have to discover a high perform ance vehicle for adding
real value to it. Instead o f having an eye for profit, you have to have a
proactive response to the m arkets ongoing consolidation. Instead o f
directing a firms marketing, you have to take im m ediate responsibility
for the creation and im plem entation o f a sales development strategy.
Instead o f watching carefully for new ways o f im proving sales, you have
to be a catalyst for grow th w hose focus will be to identify opportunities
and convert these into a business reality. Instead o f looking for the
right man for the job, the employers seek som eone w ho will have the
credibility to make an im m ediate and sustained im pact.
Efficient businessmen ought not to be able to endure this waste o f
verbiage. Its sheer excess simply does not go w ith the image o f the slick
and the streamlined w hich is supposed to characterize m odern commerce.
It is a vocabulary that belongs, not in the age o f the Eurostar, but in the
age o f transatlantic liners w hose room s w ere burdened and littered w ith
the unnecessary ornam ent o f the age. It should have gone dow n w ith the

The Personal Touch

W e have seen how the verbal excess is sometimes com bined w ith a
personal touch in advertisements for posts. The imaginary applicant is
addressed in the second person, often w ith fulsome flattery. The appeals
made to w ould-be employees in such advertisements can reach a panto
m im ic level o f hyperbole. W e turn to an advertisement for NT Server
Product Managers (Hardware and Software).
Standing up in front of a senior level audience, convincing them youre the
most knowledgeable server guru alive, leveraging your technology and
marketing skills to enthuse customers about the supremacy of our products
- by doing these things youll become the ultimate products champion,
bringing confidence and a drive for results to all you do. A proven relation
ship builder and project manager, youll probably be straining at the
leash of a national remit and keen to upgrade to a truly pan-European

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

This is the kind of excess w hich makes the layman gasp. We w ho w ould
like to be regarded as plain-speaking, we w ho are quite prepared to talk
about people doing their best to make their products popular, do we
now need to learn the language o f leveraging technology and marketing
skills to enthuse customers about the supremacy o f our products and all
in the cause o f w inning the ultimate products championship? W hat sort
o f people are they w ho talk like that? It is the same question that arises
in our minds w hen w e look at a mediaeval tapestry o f knightly jousting
or a picture of a gorgeous Elizabethan banquet. W hat on earth were these
people really like behind all this fancery and flummery? And yet, in
truth, there is som ething about this excess w hich one wants to call its
innocence. There seems to be a childish delight in having a go, in
discovering and verbally dressing up in grandm as discarded finery that
m aturer heads have put away in the attic.
And if one tries to enter the m ind of the w ould-be applicant for the
post advertised above, the natural question arises: In w hat idiom shall I
respond? To begin Dear Sir/Madam, W ith reference to your advertise
m ent o f such and such a date w ould seem totally inappropriate to the
grandeurs on offer. And to take the advertisement too literally w ould
surely suggest a lack o f respectful subservience: Dear Sir/M adam, Thank
you for the tribute you paid me in the advertisement of such and such a
date. I could not agree m ore and I can only applaud your insight. The
advertisement w ould surely seem to require adoption of an idiom that
does justice to the character o f the challenge and yet avoids tedious
formalities: N ow youre talking! perhaps.

The W o rs t Excesses
W hat it all am ounts to is that verbosity now runs riot in the kind o f
publicity material w e have been sampling. The first rule o f the crudest
business-speak appears to be: Never use one w ord w here two will do,
or tw o w ords w here three will do. Do not talk about such things
as m anagem ent. Far better to talk about m anagem ent systems or
m anagem ent issues, better still about m anagem ent systems issues and
best o f all about m anagem ent systems issues strategy. The question
arises w hether courses in business studies and m anagem ent ought not to
be classified under the M odern Languages umbrella. At the extreme
point business-speak seems to be making a lot o f noise yet saying nothing

Workaday English

at all. Consider the following from a letter to Marketing Week usefully

preserved in the Pseuds Corner o f Private Eye.
Surely marketing is and will always remain a transactional-based function
responsible for the designated tangible and intangible interactions between
internal and external customers.
However one struggles to translate this into decent English, the verbiage
resists the attempt. Surely marketing is m arketing m ight perhaps say it
all. Even to add and will always rem ain so merely com pounds the
redundancy. To say Marketing is a m atter o f transactions between people
is to function as a dictionary. The pile-up o f unnecessary and indeed
redundant terms such as function, designated, tangible, intangible,
internal and external adds nothing but noise. Suppose we try to
describe driving a car in the same idiom. Surely driving is and will
always remain a directional-based function responsible for the designated
and co-ordinated operational interactions betw een internal com bustion
and external propulsion.
An interesting feature o f business-speak is the way it sometimes reaches
out to involve linguistic currencies from other spheres of life in the effort
to give an upmarket flavour to simple statements about buying and
selling, advertising and marketing.
Communicating a brands core equity and being able to leverage a media
brands value as part of a more holistic and integrated sell is something I
know advertisers are simply crying out for.
One may be a little sceptical about the notion that people in the business
w orld are crying out for this kind of thing. The w ording of the business
w orld proper is evident in talk about being able to leverage a media
brands value. W hat the w riter appears to be getting at is that som ehow
a brands w orth should be exploited as part o f a new kind o f sell, indeed
a m ore holistic and integrated sell. The w ords holistic and integrated
carry overtones o f w hat is comprehensively health-preserving and
thoroughly purified o f limitations and peripherals. To try to bring these
resonances to bear upon an act of handing over a product in exchange
for cash is to plum b the depths o f bathos.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Post Office
The w orld o f business-speak, once perhaps a small dom ain, has now
taken over in the form er nationalized institutions and colonized the
professions. This is the idiom o f Post Office Counters:
Delivering coherent strategies through effective change management, Post
Office Counters is a commercially focused customer driven quality retail
Do the first seven w ords say anything at all that is w orth com municating?
And is it not self-evident that a business m ust be commercially focused
and customer driven?
With continuous customer service improvement seen as a key to ensuring
continued long term success, our business strategy unit has identified a
need for an energetic change management professional, to be based in
Chesterfield, to support the delivery of the companys strategies within the
individual business unit through the integration of new, with existing,
initiatives and the management of the planning process within the unit.
W hat is the difference between seeing continuous customer service as a
key to ensuring continued long-term success and believing that it pays
in the long run to do your best for your customers? And, w hile w e have
long benefited from newspapers on our doormats and milk bottles on
our doorsteps, w hy does every firm in the land now w ant to start
delivering strategies or flexibility, solutions or added value, bottom -line
efficiency or integrated expertise? The Post Office, at least, has better
material to deliver.

Electricity Industry
We turn to the electricity industry to illustrate the language o f com pany
reports. This is how a major supplier o f electricity explains that it is going
to pay its employees as well as it can:
National Powers remuneration policy takes account of the changing nature
of the business in both the UK, where competition has increased signifi
cantly, and overseas. In order to compete and meet these challenges the

Workaday English

Committee has established remuneration levels which will retain and motiv
ate top quality executives but which are sufficiently incentivized to link
remuneration to Company performance.
Before com m enting on style, let us note an elementary error. One cannot
speak o f the nature o f the business in both the UK. . . and overseas,
because we do not use the expression in overseas. The w ord in is on
the w rong side o f bo th . Correct the passage to both in the UK. . . and
overseas*. W hat exactly do we learn from the tw o w ordy sentences? We
m ight try to put it succinctly. National Pow ers business is growing at
hom e and abroad. It will pay top employees enough to keep, encourage
and rew ard them in an increasingly competitive m arket. The w ords
and phrases happily sacrificed include rem uneration policy, changing
nature o f the business, in order to com pete and m eet these challenges,
and sufficiently incentivized.
We may cite a further example o f National Pow ers increasingly lavish
output o f verbiage.
Activities in the UK have continued to focus on maximizing our operational
and commercial performance.
Plainly this means that the firm has gone on trying to do its best.

We turn to banking to explore the language o f direct marketing used to
make a personal appeal to the customer. A few years ago a m uch used
w ord in advertising was choice. It had become an approval noise to be
voiced alongside political claims for freeing the population from this
or that program m e pressed by the rival party. A bank seized on the w ord.
Midland Choice . . . We are proud to introduce Midland Choice . . . A world
of innovative ideas, exclusive offers and awards designed specifically for
you. Midland rewards your loyalty . . . as a valued customer and cardholder.
It provides us with a means to express our thanks in the most direct way
possible for using our credit cards and enjoying the variety of benefits they
provide - Midland Choice offers you a wealth of opportunities and special
awards. You have only to look through this brochure to get an idea of the
quality and range of existing benefits available.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The business-speak we have already encountered reappears here in such

terms as innovative ideas, exclusive offers, valued custom er and
wealth o f opportunities. These expressions derive from the Businessspeak All-Purpose Guide to Recom mended Terms. But that vocabulary is
threaded through w ith a vocabulary m ore appropriate to the w orld o f
personal com munications between friends. W e m ight speak o f seizing a
means to express our thanks in the m ost direct way possible if we were
w riting round to those friends w ho had sent us w edding presents or
indeed sent letters o f sympathy to us after a bereavement. That vocabulary
is here used in the process o f drawing attention to a catalogue o f items
that are purchased by the points accumulated through lavish use o f the
banks credit card. This merging of idioms prom pts one to ask the
question: Does it take anyone in? Are there customers w ho feel a w arm
glow as the bank talks about rewarding their loyalty? Indeed, are there
customers w ho, as they hand over their card at the check-out, are not
w ondering Have I spent too m uch?, but Have I been loyal enough to the
bank in being content w ith this modest trolley-full? Does the departing
customer have second thoughts: O ught I perhaps to have bought that
extra bottle o f claret? It m ight have earned m e a special w ord o f thanks
from the bank manager. It w ould certainly have opened the way to a
special award. I should have w on increased freedom o f choice to plunder
that range of existing benefits.

National Health Service

The NHS is run by a bureaucracy and w hen the bureaucracy makes its
announcem ents one expects to hear the voice o f bureaucracy. Nor is one
disappointed. Hear a com m ent made on BBC Radio 4 by a representative
o f one of the country regions. The question at issue was the need to avoid
overspending. H ow could the trust economize?
One of the areas identified was the potential closure of regional hospitals.
Here we have the w ords areas and potential introduced and a matter
o f identification touched on all in the process of translating into the
language o f bureaucracy the statement W e may have to close some
regional hospitals.
We have come to expect this usage from managers. But, alas, the idiom
is not restricted to managers. The caring professionals may not talk like

Workaday English

that, but some o f them are capable of w riting like that. Here is a com m ent
from the Nursing Standard on how a nurse valued w hat she had gained from
taking a certain course.
If she had acquired this earlier, she says, the transition to her desired goals
could have been achieved more quickly.
Did the nurse really say The transition to my desired goals could have
been achieved m ore quickly? Did she not rather speak o f having got
m ore quickly to w here she w anted to be?
The possibilities o f using a lot o f w ords to say nothing are explored in
many directions in the same journal. Here w e have one among a series
o f paragraphs presented as challenges for debate on the im portance o f
a balanced diet for patients in hospital.
To measure how nutrition outcomes have been achieved and assessed.
Debate assists in clarifying expected learning outcomes for nutrition
components of a programme. Reflections on and the use of learning out
comes for the key characteristics of the boards framework will help to
determine progress in meeting nutrition education outcomes and will also
help to specify the professional and academic standards to be achieved in
different programmes and modules at both pre- and post-registration levels.
W e seem to drow n in a sea o f w ords designed only to fill space. W e are
in a mental world o f com ponents and outcom es, o f program m es and
key characteristics in w hich no clear line o f utterance emerges. W hat
do we know at the end o f the paragraph that we did not know at the
beginning? By thinking about the use of learning outcomes we are going
to make progress in m eeting nutrition education outcomes. Is this w hat
the National Health Service is all about?

Dialects of Business-Speak
There are various dialects o f business-speak, and some o f them go in for
brevity, for instance the idiom in use by professionals for publicity
purposes w ithin their ow n field o f activity. It is designed to make a quick
impact and not to waste words. In this idiom practitioner is speaking
to practitioner, and m uch can be taken as understood. Thus it trims
business-speak down:

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

TRUEDATA is a proven 7 step data quality framework for dealing with UK

domestic and international data within a scalable architecture.
This presents the product w ith a directness that suggests efficiency.
Scalable architecture may be a less than exact image but, like the rest o f
the sentence, it does not waste words. Nor does the following:
Our vendor independent approach will allow us to support TRUEDATA
with best of breed software as it becomes available and thus free IT resources
from time consuming product assessment exercises.
The point to be made here is that business-speak has an in-business
dialect w hich makes a no-nonsense approach that values brevity. And the
message is phrased so as to achieve the kind o f impact made by headlines
and newspaper placards. This dialect extends further the freedoms o f the
business-speak that is directed at the outside world. Usages such as 7
step data quality fram ew ork and best o f breed software illustrate the
queer amalgam o f influences from business jargon and from literature.
There is also a business-speak dialect far less formal, far chattier and
m ore intimate than the public voice. It tends to be used w ithin the
m anagem ent w orld rather than in com m unicating w ith the public o u t
side. We perhaps feel some reluctance in exploring w hat is after all an
area o f intimacies into w hich outsiders are not expected to intrude.
If you have any ideas/views; know of the key documents etc. other areas
have please let me know. I believe that within the business we have excellent
well thought through ideas, there are some key issues/challenges that need
to be bottomed out and the task is to pull these threads together into a
realistic focused strategy.
Here we have the intim ate w ord-in-your-ear approach. Button-holing
fellow workers does not call for the heavy hand of verbal solemnity. If
we are to subject the passage to criticism /judgem ent/analysis, w e m ust
appreciate that it was not intended for the pages o f the Financial Times etc.,
but for distribution am ong the office fraternity. If there are gram m atical/
logical errors/solecism s in it that need to be bottom ed o u t/to p p ed up,
then we may overlook them. All the w riter was anxious to do was to pull
a lot o f threads together into a realistic focused strategy.

Workaday English

E-mail is of course used outside the business w orld as well as w ithin it.
Academics converse across the Atlantic by e-mail about their studies in
this or that abstruse field o f research. In such com m unications appropriate
idiomatic shorthands are used w hich to outsiders may make no sense at
all. That is true too o f the continuous on-line chat w hich lightens the
daily burdens of the business world. And lovers are increasingly sending
billets-doux by e-mail. Here is another sphere o f usage into w hich
outsiders can scarcely dare to intervene. W e regard Jonathan Swift as a
master o f English prose. If a m odel o f simplicity, directness and plainness
in English prose is called for, then Swift is the w riter to w hom literati
turn. But he was quite prepared to end a letter to his dearest Stella w ith
such messages as:
Im angry alomost; but I wont tause see im a dood dallar in odle sings,
iss and so im Dd too . . . Lele I can say lele it ung oomens iss I tan, well
as 00.
Such mysterious idioms survive in the personal columns o f the press on
St Valentines Day. The point to be made is that m uch e-mail is a kind o f
private correspondence. And according to the degree o f intimacy between
correspondents private languages are adopted. This applies to the business
w orld too.
Leisurely pen-pushing is not the only parent o f e-mail. It is equally the
offspring o f the telegram. And the telegram made the m axim um dem and
for brevity: h o u s e b u r n t d o w n s t o p c o m e q u i c k l y s t o p p h o n e
i n s u r a n c e s t o p . The use o f e-mail by the business w orld must be noted
because it is another m edium w hich demands brevity.
We have just dealt w ith com munications w ithin the sphere of a given
set o f business interests. Com munication by e-mail is com m on w ithin
limited segments o f that world. And, w here com m unication is between
people engaged in the same w ork and perhaps in many cases familiar
w ith each other, the freedoms cited above are further extended. The
in-house e-mail dialect o f business-speak thus makes a fascinating field
o f study. As one m ight expect, the m odern liberties taken w ith nouns
and verbs are further extended:



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Please action as below if possible.

What products are available to mailed customers?
Confirm Wilkinson order processed/despatched.
Such terse messages as these three exemplify the point. (We now accept
liberties taken w ith the verb to m ail, though, if my recent dictionary is
comprehensive and authoritative, one could only m ail customers by
posting them in letter-boxes.)
W hen records are at issue in in-house e-mail, com puterology inserts
another vein into the verbal amalgam.
This is currently not in scope of the programme and needs consideration (eg
keep excluded? include in XYZL WN3456? delay until resource resolved?)
Outsiders are likely to have just as m uch difficulty w ith this as w ith the
Journal to Stella. Yet there is no doubt that the bracketed questions save
space by obviating the need to spell out the three options w ith gram
matical clarity. Indeed brackets are used w ith some versatility in this
What do you think is the (business as usual) route by which these things
will be addressed?
But perhaps the m ost interesting feature o f in-house e-mail is that,
because personal contacts exist between correspondents there is a natural
tendency to use conversational expressions w hich one w ould not find in
externally directed business-speak.
Please let me know how this is working once it has had time to bed down.
We need another meeting to sweep up any other matters.
Feed this to Robinson.
Usages such as bed do w n , sweep u p and feed give the in-house
e-mail dialect a vein o f refreshing simplicity absent from so m uch

Workaday English

Visual Arts
The peddlers o f verbiage in the arts are a special breed. They have an
inestimable advantage over writers in the fields we have been looking at.
They can rely on the assumption that if readers do not understand w hat
they read, they will believe that this is due to their ow n ignorance and
not to any failing on the part o f the writer. W riters on the arts are
protected from the judgements o f com m on sense by a mystique. The
mystique derives from the notion that all w orthw hile new developments
in the arts m eet at first w ith popular opposition because they are not
properly understood. It follows that the cognoscenti can brainwash the
public into laying aside the judgements o f com m on sense w hen face to
face w ith new art. The notion that great art is generally unappreciated by
the contemporary w orld cannot be supported by reference to history.
But the artistic w orld keeps it alive, and it fills the laity w ith apprehension.
If a new w ork does not make sense to them, then probably that is because
they are old-fashioned ignoramuses.
W e are not here concerned w ith the larger civilizational aspect o f this
attitude. We are concerned w ith the treatm ent o f the English language
w hich art critics can indulge in on the basis o f that attitude. Mystification
pays off w hen the truly great is likely to be the incomprehensible.
It is w ith these observations in m ind that w e should approach the field
o f aesthetic criticism. For it is a field rich in em pty verbiage. We may
have seemed to some readers to have been over-caustic in our treatment
o f the business world. Let it be clearly understood, therefore, that the
misuse o f language in the business w orld pales into insignificance com
pared w ith the misuse o f language in the w orld o f the arts. To begin
w ith, business uses a vocabulary w ith limits. Business may reach out into
the field o f personal vocabulary or even, as we have seen, into the
vocabulary o f personal well-being, but these tend to be sporadic incur
sions into recognizable fields o f discourse. Moreover, as we saw above,
w hen a firm brought in the w ord guru from a different field o f discourse,
it really m eant guru. The concept came in as well as the noise. The
w orld o f artistic appreciation criticism knows no such inhibitions. It is
not just that in context after context any w ord will seemingly do, but

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

that whatever m eaning that haphazardly chosen w ord drags along w ith
it from its norm al contextual backgrounds can be happily ignored. Let
us look at this sphere o f the aesthetic at a modest level o f discourse w here
a magazine article deals w ith restoring an old house.
Drawing the line between ethics and personal preference has to be con
sidered and controlled, but where an overall scheme of decoration of this
type was carried out, the only way it can be interpreted satisfactorily is to
return to its nearest state of originality.
The reference to ethics ( the philosophical study o f the moral aspects o f
hum an conduct) illustrates the point made above about the tendency
among aesthetic writers to make forays into alien verbal territory. W hat
it means, if it means anything, to consider and control a line draw n
between ethics and personal preference scarcely seems to matter. The
grammatical and logical collapse that follows (w here a scheme was
carried o u t . . . the only way it can be interpreted satisfactorily is to return
it to its nearest state o f originality) is complete. H ow a scheme can be
interpreted by being so treated is incomprehensible.
The point that needs to be made here is, not that the passage makes
nonsense, but that the passage can nevertheless be found in print. And
that point is w orth making. Because, once w e have appreciated that the
w orld o f aesthetic criticism, at a fairly low level o f expertise, can play
havoc w ith m eaning and logic, we shall be better prepared to face the
horrors o f m ore highbrow utterance. Let us look at an account o f the
massive sculpture know n as the Angel o f the N orth, an account for
w hich we are indebted to the Pseuds Corner o f Private Eye.
The body of the Angel is trapped. It exists between vulnerability and
strength. It is a millennial work witnessing the transition between the
industrial and the information ages. This is not a logo, symbol, or even a
representation in the traditional sense. It is based on reality; a moment of
lived time in which my body was registered in plaster, a moment when
biological time was captured in geological time.
If the terms vulnerability and strength are properly understood, then
the notion o f being trapped between them is untenable. If the m illen
nium marks a transition between the ages o f industry and inform ation,
that does not m ean that a contemporary w ork of art will som ehow
w itness to that idea. To say something is based on reality adds nothing

Workaday English

to our understanding o f it. As for lived time, biological time and

geological time, the terms reek o f imprecision.

The story of the development o f literary criticism during the last hundred
years or so is one o f increasing specialism. Time was, in the Victorian
age, w hen critics w ere content to com m ent on works o f fiction on the
understanding that, say, Tess in H ardys Tess of the DUrbervilies was a portrait
o f a hum an being such as you or I m ight meet, and the novelists ability
to render her lifelike was one o f his m ajor gifts as a writer. Literary
criticism then began to interest itself in the relationship between the
fictional content of a w riters books and the actual events o f the authors
life. In the early years o f the tw entieth century, therefore, literary studies
o f authors were often com binations of biographical material from the
authors ow n life and com mentary on related material in the fictional
output. Various changing emphases on the aesthetic, the social, the
psychological and the political aspects of fictional constructions em erged
during the m id-century years. These attitudes were superseded in the
last decades of the century by theorists w ho cut away the traditional
assumption that literature expressed some kind o f reality in exploring
the life o f humanity. Attention shifted to works o f literature as constructs
manufactured from words. The business o f criticism was not to com m ent
on the w orld as presented in art form but to examine the linguistic
formulations from w hich works o f literature were constructed.
It is necessary to give this brief account o f developments in a now very
technical field in order to explain how the stage has been reached at
w hich w hat literary critics say on paper can make seeming nonsense; that
is to say, how writers can conceal the true quality o f their thinking behind
a flow of contrivedly abstruse terminology. The following is a review o f
a critical w ork for w hich w e are again indebted to Private Eye.
The first part of her essay concludes with naming the spatialized polity of
the (Derridean) sophist - the city of modernity - as necropolis. For, in
denying temporality and the spoken word, and being as the gift of an
excessive beyond, eliciting an erotic gaze (sight which participates in that
which is seen), in favour of spatialized writing and being as the given

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

commanded by a panoptic vision, modernity ironically embraces necrophi

lia where it should affirm only life.
It is not my intention here to try to elucidate this. Half an hour spent w ith
a dictionary, checking up on the meaning o f such w ords as spatialized,
polity and panoptic will not get one far, for it is not the individual
w ords that present a problem to the reader but the eccentric juxtapositioning o f one w ith another: spatialized along w ith polity, spatialized
along w ith w riting, and excessive along w ith beyond.
Taking a glance at this specimen o f recent literary criticism, we recog
nize that this area o f study has become a closed w orld for specialists. But
imaginative literature, unlike nuclear physics, is m eant to be open to all
comers. And if one asked seriously the questions W ould Shakespeare
understand this? W ould Dickens understand this? they w ould have to
be answered in the negative.

It is a com m on view that music is the m ost incorruptible o f the arts. Yet
it has suffered from the regrettable recent developments here explored,
the bold exploitation o f the public by a seemingly inform ed use o f words
that is specious and often nugatory. It is a brand of verbosity that covers
near-meaninglessness. We have to distinguish this from wasting w ords
to convey som ething easily said w ith far fewer words. W hat we are here
concerned w ith is rather a m atter o f using w ords to say little or nothing
at all while seeming to be profound. There is a flavour o f bogusness
about this kind o f utterance w hich it w ould be unjust to im pute to those
w hose often wasteful, but scarcely dishonest, m anner o f speaking and
w riting we illustrate elsewhere. Let us turn to a program m e note about
one o f Beethovens major works . . .
It is what it is, says what it says, offers what it offers, with immediacy,
confidence and transcendental pertinence.
N ow clearly, once y ouve started on this says w hat it says lark, you can
really make a meal o f it: urges w hat it urges, announces w hat it
announces, bubbles up w ith w hat it bubbles up w ith and so on. As for
the list o f qualities: im m ediacy, confidence and pertinence (w hether
transcendental or not), there is no reason why one should not add

Workaday English

several m ore abstractions, say vigour, astuteness, and determ ination.

And w hat makes pertinence transcendent? W hy not eternal im m edi
acy, infinite confidence and transparently transcendental pertinence? If
music critics are paid by the shovelful o f words, we could easily add to
the income.
If a w riter is seriously engaged in describing a com position intelligibly,
that w riter is surely lim ited in the intensity o f the nonsense he or she can
produce. W hat is w ritten may be awkward, ill-phrased, even highly
ungrammatical, and yet w hat the w riter is trying to say may make sense.
Here is a sentence from a program m e note on Rachmaninovs third
An urgent triplet rhythm takes us into the development with wind meanderings leading to disparate pockets of themes (based on the first subject)
eventually coming together in a tramping rhythm with trumpets peal
ing, alternating with the afore-mentioned xylophone/piccolo/bassoon
It is not elegant prose. If a schoolboy handed it in, one w ould suggest a
re-write. But it is not nonsense. Indeed, having swallowed our reser
vations about the idea o f disparate pockets eventually m erging in a
tram ping rhythm , we may feel that the connection between the
prose and the m atter in hand is firm, and that the sequence o f ideas
rather clumsily assembled actually helps us to understand the w ork in
question. In the present climate of aesthetic utterance, that is no mean
Unfortunately music critics do not restrict themselves to elucidation
of musical form. Here w e have a piece from the Programme Notes for
the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, again courtesy o f Private
To ask if the artist has a moral responsibility implies, paradoxically, that the
artist is not divorced from the social reality despite there being no empirical
evidence that art has a function beyond the aesthetic. But asking the question
at all amounts to a confession that society - and art - is in a crisis, and
emphasises the inability of the Marxist or any other readily available vision
to direct the way to the creation of a value structure which suggests the
possibility of hope in the final few years of the twentieth century. The
search for meaningfulness is as old as time, but during this climacteric there
has never been a greater need for affirmation.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The supporters o f the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival may be

generous people. They need to be. Presumably they purchased their
program m e notes in the belief that they w ould find guidance towards
full appreciation o f the new music. They w ould probably have been quite
content to swallow a few verbal gob-stoppers about the adventures o f
disparate pockets, provided that they thereby got some signposts to the
thematic content o f the w ork under review. But w hat have they been
sold instead? A forced question about the connection between morality
and art leads to the assertion that there is no empirical evidence to
support such a connection. No empirical evidence? Does not Defoes
Robinson Crusoe have a m oral message? Does not Bunyans Pilgrims Progress
have a moral message? W hat about Dickenss novels? And, in the sphere
o f music, w hat about Beethovens Fidelio and Tchaikovskys Eugene Onegin?
These works ooze w ith moral overtones. As for the statement that Asking
the question at all am ounts to a confession that society - and art - is in
crisis, it is totally mistaken. Asking the question as he does merely reveals
that the w riter is intellectually in deep trouble. The w ords that follow
about directing the way to the creation o f a value structure w hich
suggests the possibility o f hope are so m uch em pty froth. The possibility
o f hope is always there. W hat is needed now is the possibility that careless
critics o f the arts will learn to use their native tongue.

One cannot listen to the reports on the radio o f football matches and
cricket matches w ithout wishing that the sports writers could be per
suaded to give advice to the newswriters and to fellow journalists on
how to produce lively prose. The same can be said o f the reports on
matches in the daily press. It is not that sports writers generally deserve
the highest marks for economy o f utterance, but they have a way o f
vivifying their prose w ith metaphor. N ow it has to be accepted that there
is often a touch o f self-conscious irony in their recourse to grandiloquent
image and vocabulary. Great com mentators on cricket for long relied on
the language o f heroism on the battlefield. Their presentation o f events
m ight endow noble stands at the wicket w ith the heroism o f Horatius on
the bridge at Rome or give to the struggle on the field the flavour o f epic
encounters under the walls o f Troy. This tradition seems to justify the

Workaday English

grandiloquence still adopted. Here is a com m ent on the news that an

English FA club had just signed a young Italian.
It also sends a signal down through the English fabric of the game,
descending through the Nationwide League into the semi-professional and
even amateur roots. Whither the opportunity for our embryonic talents if
we are importing the seed as well as the full-grown plant?
The progress o f the signal dow n through the very fabric o f the game all
but reminds one o f how , in Macaulays ballad, the approach o f the
Spanish Armada was signalled by beacons right up the kingdom from
hill top to hill top until the red glare on Skiddaw aroused the burghers
o f Carlisle. The question W hither . . . ? maintains the grandiloquent
flavour. W hen, in a previous book on usage, I happened to observe that
w e had all but lost two very useful w ords in ceasing to say w hence
instead of the clumsier w here from and w hither instead o f the clumsier
w here to , a critic pounced on this as a sign o f my unfittedness to address
the contemporary w orld on the subject o f usage. W ho on earth w ould
w ant to use either w hence or w hither nowadays? Apparently the sports
com m entator does. One may argue that the fabric of the game through
w hich the signal is transm itted sounds m ore like a block o f flats than a
living thing and that therefore the reference to roots (instead o f perhaps
basem ent?) and the quick change o f m etaphor to that of seed and plant
is a little wayward. But the prose is alive. And the idiom is w ith us daily.
I turn to this m ornings Times.
After all the subterfuge and the paranoia of the reign of Glen Hoddle, the
sheer boldness of Kevin Keegan swept through the England camp like a
river of hope yesterday. The caretaker English coach did not just flout
convention by naming his team to play Poland a day early, he nailed it to a
We are learning about the end of a reign. As the news in the previous
specimen seeped dow n through a fabric to its roots, so the new com ers
boldness sweeps here through a camp like a river. Now, if you have ever
put up a tent in Wales or in the Yorkshire Dales, you will know that
w hen a river sweeps through the camp it is not exactly a symbol o f hope.
But water is refreshing and it could be that the picture here is o f a camp
in the Sahara or in the desert o f Arizona. The image o f the new caretaker
is o f one w ho flouts convention. Indeed the picture of him, nailing to a

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

tree - not convention (as the gramm ar suggests) - but the list o f his
chosen team, brings back associations o f Martin Luther taking on the
w hole m ight of Rome. That the w riter is not unconscious o f the
im plicit similarity w ith m ighty historical events becomes obvious in
w hat follows.
A small crowd gathered round the proud old oak outside the team hotel to
peer at the i i names he had written in black capital letters on a white
sheet and felt the thrill of a visceral challenge pass through them. Keegan
could not have made it much more stirring if he had been a medieval
The pathetic convention is employed to make the old oak p ro u d o f the
privilege it has been granted. After all, we are in a w orld w here black
capital letters on w hite paper can send the thrill o f a visceral challenge
coursing through the veins o f grow n men. And now the cat is out o f the
bag. We are not picturing a hum drum contem porary in action, but a
mediaeval knight. Later in the piece the knight him self speaks. He does
so w ith a different idiom.
I see the team playing on a wonderful pitch. I see us winning and I see
people cheering when we come off. But that is me.
Here is someone w ho can make simple words, framed in simple rhetorical
repetitions, touch the heart, like Martin Luther Kings repetitive w ords I
have a dream . They are the w ords o f a visionary, but a visionary w ith
his feet on the ground.

This book has relied greatly on quotations from the daily press and from
magazines. It may therefore seem to the reader to be superfluous to
devote a special section to issues that have been w ith us throughout the
book. But a glance at certain journalistic habits may not come amiss in
this survey of the current scene.

Workaday English

Verbal Ostentation
We have just looked at the kind o f hyperbole found in sportspeak. Some
readers may even feel that we have been too tender in our treatment o f
sports writers in this respect. After all, the touch o f hyperbole and the
taste for avoiding plain, direct utterance are not features peculiar to
sportspeak. The same kind o f ironic over-statem ent that the sports writers
use may be found in many different contexts. Here is part o f an account
o f a well-decorated hom e in a magazine on style.
But the coup de grace could be her bathroom, whose cupboards belie a
mundane function. Instead they resemble one of those charming Victorian
screens pasted with nostalgic snapshots . . .
A coup de grace is originally an expression from battle. Literally a stroke
o f m ercy, it represents the final blow w hich puts an end to the opponents
life and suffering. Hence it is used o f m om entous acts w hich terminate a
struggle, then, less seriously as here, o f the final touch w hich comes as a
climax to w hat has been done or said. Just as one senses the authorial
smile behind this expression, so too it is there behind the consciously
sophisticated way o f saying that in appearance the cupboards belie their
mundane function. Even advertisers rely on not being taken too seriously
in their adventures w ith words.
Shimmer the summer away with Pastel Lumiere Eyeshadows from Bourjois
- fabulously strong, long-lasting colours . . .
The notion o f a w om an shim m ering her sum m er away asks not to be
conceptually analysed any m ore than the claim that the colours are
fabulously strong.
But w hen the hint o f hum our is lacking, such artificial verbal poses
may fail to come off. In a journal directed at the field sports com m unity
a w riter lets off steam about the threats from the Green movement. He
has just come across a piece o f scientific research w hich throws doubt on
some o f the claims o f the environmentalists.
We can but hope that this incident marks a new era when there will be
further stirrings in the scientific thickets to apply correctives to the miasma
of humbug with which we are at present enveloped.


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The w riter m ight argue that a simpler and m ore direct sentence w ould
not have conveyed the sense of outrage w hich expressions such as
miasma o f hum bug reveal. Nevertheless, by being too indigestible, the
image o f correctives to a miasma that emerge som ehow from stirrings in
the thickets turns almost to parody. The result is that, w here readers are
m eant to receive the image o f a righteously w rathful opponent o f n o n
sense, they receive instead an image o f someone all but frothing at the
m outh uncontrollably. In short, the thing becomes comic.
The kind of verbal finery we are exploring does require a certain
degree o f sophistication in the writer, for the vocabulary is rich in
artifices. Because o f this, it cannot afford to lapse grammatically. To hear
a lout being noisily ungrammatical is not hair-raising. But to hear the
smart, supposedly educated person on a platform being ungrammatical
is embarrassing. So too the user o f verbal finery cannot afford to trip up
in elementary grammar. Yet it happens. Here we have a w riter praising
alfresco meals taken in various places, and he describes lunch at a club in
St Tropez w here a mist o f water is sprayed from concealed piping.
This cooled the air but was sufficiently well judged and fine enough so as
not to militate against a post-prandial cigar.
We are in a sophisticated w orld w here one can measure the degree of
atmospheric interference that m ight mar enjoym ent o f a post-prandial
cigar. How inappropriate, then, to com m it a grammatical how ler that
m ight disgrace a schoolboy by saying sufficiently fine enough so as not
to m ilitate instead o f the correct fine enough not to m ilitate. One or
the other, sufficiently or enough, is redundant. And that so as
represents a lapse into illiteracy.
In this respect a kind o f moral code comes into operation w hen one is
picking holes in other peoples writing. A m odest writer slipping up
w ith a difficult w ord or concept does not seem fair game, as does the
sophisticated w riter slipping up w hen showing off. So w hen a third
leader in The Times comes a cropper, while dealing w ith a literary subject
and ostentatiously dropping names o f writers and works, conscience
allows one to record it for posterity. The topic is the lighthearted question
w hether the daw n o f a new century will turn todays avant-garde writers
into yesterdays men. After attributing to Keats Brownings oft-quoted
lines, Oh, to be in England / N ow that Aprils there, the w riter continues:
But for the Times Literary Supplement, Eliots Prufrock was of the very smallest

Workaday English

importance and, in The Waste Land, he was rebuked for neglecting the
limitations of his medium.
Eliot was not rebuked in The Waste Land, but in a review o f the poem. The
mistake is the error w e called verbal leapfrog.

We turn to a less sophisticated brand of verbal finery w here hyperbole is
used to express enthusiasm. Our conversation and our private letters
abound in simple and innocent forms o f overstatement. H ow else can we
express our grateful appreciation of our friends cooking and hospitality?
W ords like w onderful, superb, and delightful fall from our lips or
are penned in our letters o f thanks. W hen we have to pay tributes to
people on occasions o f celebration, we tend to use a ready vocabulary o f
praise. And w hen journalists have the duty to report achievements in
competitive events, they tend to tap a familiar vein o f overstatement.
Once again Mrs Ronnie Wallaces Anchor Herd stallion, Icecream, won an
impressive collection of silverware at the Exmoor Breed show, at Exford on
the moor.
A few lines below this, w e read:
Also well laden with trophies was Vera Lipsombe, from Wootton Courtenay,
near Minehead . . .
Talk o f w inning an impressive collection o f silverware and o f being laden
w ith trophies is the product o f three motives. The first motive is the wish
to say something different from The horse came first; the second motive
is the wish to say som ething that takes up a little m ore space than The
horse came first; and the third motive is to say something that expresses
more enthusiasm than The horse came first. W e see the same three
motives in operation w hen we read how a certain com petitor crow ned
a marvellous season w ith a win, how another followed up earlier
trium phs w ith a victory, and how a third belied his age w ith a scintil
lating perform ance to claim first prize. The sports writers we cited above
used imagery to create a definable verbal ambience, but the over-used
expressions here do not carry authentic feeling and drop into the m ind
as dead counters.

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

The trouble is that certain kinds o f w riting are the product o f the
necessity to pen sentences w hen the material available for utterance
w ould be m ore appropriately put in note form. In reading reports o f
competitive events, one can often sense the struggling m ind o f the w riter
adopting this device and that in order to put in seemingly natural prose
the ordered list o f w inners and losers.

Adventurousness in the choice o f w ords is tempting, but purposely
pushing a verb into a new usage by a kind o f colloquial inventiveness
may come off or may fail to come off. Consider the use o f the verb
guarantee in the following.
The pursuit of ratings is now such an all-consuming matter that bagging a
face that will guarantee the cover of the TV Times has become almost more
important than signing the best actor for the part.
The usage is neither precise nor grammatical but there is a touch o f verbal
legerdemain about translating a face that is sure to appear on the cover
o f the TV Times into a face that will guarantee the cover o f the TV Times.
W ith this kind o f experim entation one does o f course run the risk o f
seeming illiterate rather than clever, as we see in this use o f the verb to
m uster:
The sheep gave mfe as filthy a look as a sheep can muster to display their
displeasure at being kept waiting.
The verb to m uster has been primarily used o f collecting together bodies
o f m en for military or other duties. Thus the notion o f assembling
personnel is basic to the usage. The fact that failure to assemble enough
people for a given purpose produced the usage Is that all you can
muster? should not be the basis for eliminating the basic m eaning o f the
verb in its connection w ith gathering num bers together. In short the
experiment does not come off and the w riter should have been satisfied
with: gave me as filthy a look as a sheep can give.
Fanciful coinages m anufactured by journalists w ith a sense o f hum our
can brighten sober prose. Some decades ago the w ord couth was used
in print. It was intended to mean the converse o f uncouth. As un co u th
means lacking in good m anners, so couth was used to m ean civilized

Workaday English

and cultivated. W hoever it was that first used couth thus provided others
w ith an entertaining w ord to drop in conversation. But etymologically the
usage does not make sense. Although the current m eaning o f uncouth
is lacking in good m anners, the w ord couth once m eant know n. We
find the w ord in Chaucer. There is a point in his narrative poem Troilus
and Criseyde at w hich an exchange o f prisoners is planned between the
Trojans in Troy and the besieging Greeks. The news o f this plan spreads
rapidly. This thing anon was couth in every street Chaucer tells us. And
w e do not need to look as far back as that for use of couth, meaning
know n. It still survives in Scotland.
That said, the joke was a good one and produced some imitations.
They behaved perfectly, w hich gruntled m e no end, I read in a magazine.
Here again the joke depends on assuming that gruntle m ust be the
converse of disgruntle. The reasoning is that if being disgruntled is
being displeased and put into a bad m ood, then gruntled m ust mean
pleased and satisfied. But this is to ignore etymology and history. In fact
the verb gruntle is the frequentative form o f grunt (as prattle is
the frequentative form o f prate) and is not therefore the opposite o f
disgruntle (to put in a bad temper) but a near equivalent.
There are certain other w ords w hich exist in a seemingly negative
form for w hich the converse positive form is not used. We speak o f a
clumsy, physically unprepossessing person as being ungainly, but the
positive form gainly, m eaning graceful, has long dropped out o f use.
We use the w ords scrutiny and scrutinize for close examination and
w e describe a taxingly unreadable personality as inscrutable, but the
w ord scrutable has also gone from com m on use. Used in journalism,
the two w ords gainly and scrutable give a piquancy to the text.
No doubt the tem ptation to use or adapt archaic or rarely used w ords
comically will always find takers.
Your swash has never been buckled until youve experienced Errol Flynn in
full doublet and hose as Robin of Locksley.
Swashbuckling is a colourful w ord, but to talk o f buckling a swash is
really topsy turvy. It w ould be nearer the point to talk o f swashing the
buckle, for the swash was the clattering stroke o f sword on metal. A
swashbuckler was one w ho made a noisy display by striking his ow n
or his opponents shield w ith his sword. It is safer philologically to make
such jokes w ith purely imaginary words, as the w riter of the following

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

On behalf of her mates she keeps alert (surely this countrys got enough
lerts, perhaps she should be a loof instead?).

Usages w hich exploit slang or crude colloquialisms may brighten journal
ism or cheapen it. Perhaps the following advertisement manages to do
Let Direct Line guide you to a bright career as the glammest gran on the
W e all know w hat glam m est m ust mean, though w e may never have
m et it before. G lam orous is not an adjective that can be turned into
glamorousest. Evading the usage m ost glam orous in the interests o f
brevity and o f sustaining a tone of inform al chatter serves its purpose.
One may feel less indulgent towards the comparatively recent usage
o f the verb to forget in a piece about the treatm ent o f children.
Forget shouting at them to clear up.
As a substitute for saying D ont do this or Stop doing that, Forget
doing it has a certain colloquial freshness at first, but that kind o f
freshness soon palls, and one begins to sense that, after all, desisting from
doing something is one thing and forgetting to do it is another and very
different thing. But the usage is part o f the Listen-to-m e-being-inform al
idiom w hich is to be heard all around us.
Disclosing tablets can be a fun way of testing that all the plaque has been
Too many liberties are taken here in the advice for looking after a childs
teeth. Using fun as an adjective and defining tablets as a w ay are no
doubt devices for keeping up a light-hearted tone, but the price paid in
verbal finish is too high. On the other hand one can see w hat is gained
in briskness and conciseness by the following opening:
Spring is the ideal time to dejunk your wardrobe.
The w ord dejunk carries the suggestion o f som eone w ho means business
and it doesnt convey the tone o f a person from w hom the polite m ight
shrink, as does the following:

Workaday English

I take real pleasure in slobbing around in T-shirts with holes in.

We are not, of course, expected to w ant to join her, and she makes sure
o f that. There is no verb to slob, but the noun slob means someone
unattractively coarse and crude. To suggest that you enjoy indulging in
the coarse and the crude sounds too m uch like a challenge. One feels the
need for a w ord to define the practice o f verbal slumming.
When youre done being all cultural, hit the clubs, blag your way into the
impossibly trendy Met Bar . . .
One assumes that the w riter was perfectly aware that w hen youre done
is a crudely illiterate version o f w hen y o u ve done. This amusingly
exaggerates the shift in m ood from cultural interests to something
earthier. H itting clubs or other high spots is established slang. The slang
verb to blag officially means to rob but the effect on us ordinary readers
o f seeing it used to m ean som ething else is to make us feel out o f touch
w ith the latest trends. W e recognize that it m ust be h ip to say w hen
y o u re done instead o f w hen youve done and hipper still to speak o f
hitting clubs. So w e m ust assume that it is hippest o f all to talk o f
blagging your w ay into a bar. If we really appreciate that we are not
just trendy, we are positively funky.



Words and phrases discussed in the text are indexed in italics; topics discussed
in roman type.
V- (prefix) 48
abbreviations, Latin 112-13
abide 1 17

challenged attach ed to 3 1 6
o v e r -u s e d 8 8
w r o n g ly -p la c e d 2 6 0

-abilia (su ffix ) 2 8 8

adverse, and averse 4 6

abjure, a nd adjure 4 5

a d v ertisem en ts

abrogate, and arrogate 4 5 - 6

abusive 2 5

e m p lo y m e n t 1 3 8 - 9
a nd verbal o ste n ta tio n 3 3 9

accede, and exceed 4 6

affect, an d effect 4 6 - 7

access (verb) 31

after, to su b stitu ted for 161

accessary, and accessory 4 6

against, on su b stitu te d for 163

accompaniment 3

agent provocateur 11 1

accuracy 4 - 5

aide de camp 11 1

activate, and actuate 4 6

a la carte 108

actuate, and activate 4 6

albeit 1 1 6 - 1 7

a d d itio n 1 9 9 - 2 0 2

(what its) all about 2 9 7

address (v erb) 3 1 2

All her swans are geese 9 2

adduce, and deduce 4 6

All that glitters is not gold 9 2

adhere 3 0 3

allusive, and elusive 4 7


along with 2 0 0 - 2 0 1

nouns used as 308-9

over-used 88
and the roots of our vocabulary
that cannot be qualified 2830
used personally or impersonally
84 S
see also compounds
adverbial parentheses 3 1o11

alternate/alternative 3 2 3
a lternation an d sep aration 2 0 3 - 4
although 2 1 6 - 1 7
m is m a tc h after 177
a m b ig u ity 2 6 3 - 5
ambiguous, an d ambivalent 4 7
ambivalent, an d ambiguous 4 7
amend, and emend 4 7
A m e r ica n ism s 1 1 8 - 2 0
amoral, and immoral 4 7 8

The Penguin Guide to Plain English

amour-propre 109

averse, an d adverse 4 6

and 1 9 9 - 2 0 0

avert 2 0

A n g lo -S a x o n s 1 0 0 - 1 0 1

avoid 2 0

a nd la n g u a g e 1 0 2 , 1 0 3 - 5 , 1 0 6 ,

a nim als

-babble (su ffix ) 2 8 3

babysit 3 0 4

A n g lo -S a x o n n a m es for 102

b a c k -re fe r en ce 2 4 5 - 9

in m e ta p h o r s 91

back the wrong horse 91

answer (n o u n ) 33

bacon, u s e d in m e ta p h o r s 9 1 - 2

ante- (p refix ) 2 8 4

baleful, a n d baneful 4 8 9

anti- (p refix ) 2 8 4

ballot 3 5

apart from 2 0 3 - 4

b a n k in g , and b u sin ess-sp ea k 3 2 5 -

a p o str o p h e , th e 1 9 4 - 5 , 3 0 4 - 5

barking up the wrong tree 9 0 ,

appraise, and apprise 4 8


apprehend 1 0 4

(His) bark is worse than (his) bite 9 0 - 9

apprise, and appraise 4 8

basically 7 4

approach 3 3 - 4

basic elements 7 2

appropriate w o r d in g 5 - 6, 2 3 7 - 4 1

bath 119

a p p ro v in g and d isa p p ro v in g 2 3 - 4

bathos, a n d pathos 4 9

a priori 1 1 3

beau monde 109

apriority 1 1 3

because 2 0 5 - 6

archaism s 1 1 6 - 1 7

Beckett, Sa m u el 2 3 8

area 3 4

befit 1 1 7

A rnold, M a tth ew 2 2 1 , 2 4 8 - 9

begging the question 9 3

arrogate, and abrogate 4 5 - 6

begin 1 0 4

artistic w o r ld , v e rb ia g e 3 3 1 - 6

beholden 1 17

a running sore 9 5

behove 117

as 2 1 7 - 1 8

being 1 3 5 - 6

m ism a tch es after 1 7 5 - 6

as a g e r u n d 1 4 4

A s one door doses... 9 2

belabour 5

aspect 3 4

beneficence, and benevolence 4 9

assume, and presume 4 8

benevolence, and beneficence 4 9

as well as 1 9 8 , 201

besides 2 0 2

as with 182

best-laid schemes of mice and men 9 2

at 1 6 6 - 7

bete noir 1 1o

at the end of the day 2 9 3 4

biannual, and biennial 4 9

attend 6

B ible, K ing Jam es v e r s io n 1 18

authoritarian, and authoritative 4 8

biennial, a n d biannual 4 9

authoritative, and authoritarian 4 8

billet doux 109

availability 28

Blake, W illia m 1 9 4

avant-garde 1 11

blow the whistle 2 9 5

average 29

(I have a) bone to pick with you 9 0


bon viveur 10 8

comme il faut 109

booby prize 8 9

commence 1 0 4

both...and 2 5 8 - 9

compared with 1 8 5 - 6

(the) bottom line 2 9 6

c o m p a r in g and co n trasting 1 7 9 - 9 1

boudoir 109

compensate 2 3

breathing down the neck 9 3

complacent, a n d complaisant 5 0

bringing home the bacon 9 1 2

complaisant, a n d complacent 5 0

B u nyan , J o h n 2 7 2

complement, a n d compliment 5 0 - 5 1

burying 10 5

completely 8 8

burying the hatchet 1 1 8 - 1 9

component 3 5 6

business-speak 3 1 9 - 3 1

com pounds 2 7 1 - 8 0 , 308

by 1 6 7 - 8

see also prefixes; suffixes

comprehend 1 0 4

cafe 108

comprise, a nd consist 51

camp 2 9 1 2

compromise 3 6

campaign against 163

concept 2 6

candies 1 2 0

c o n d itio n s 2 1 2 - 1 4

carousal, and carousel 4 9 - 5 0

condone 23

carte blanche 11 o

confidant/confidante 109

case, presenting a 198-220

connected to/with 161

cause 14, 2 0 8 9

connote, an d denote 51

cause celebre 1 1 1

consist, an d comprise 51

cause and effect 205-9

Celts 100, 101

contemptible 2 5

ceteris paribus 1 14

continually, an d continuously 5 1 - 2

contemptuous 2 5

Chacun a son gout 1 12

continuously, a nd continually 5 1 - 2

challenge/challenging 3 5

contra- (p refix ) 2 8 5

challenged 3 16
Chaucer, Geoffrey 1 16

control-freak 2 9 3

Cherchez la femme 112

converse, and inverse 5 2

contretemps 1 10

Chesterton, G. K. 92

convince 19

chic 291

cookie 1 2 0

c h ild ren , less m e n ta lly able 3 1 6

cordial 1 0 4

classic, and classical 5 0

core 3 6

cliche 108

cortege 108

coherence, preserved 72-80

coiffure 109
colloquialisms 241, 29093
colonialism 44
colonization 44
colon, the 193-4
comma, the 192-3, 259

council, and counsel 5 2

counsel, and council 52
coup de grace 1 1 1, 3 3 9
coup detat 1 1 1
couth 3 4 2 - 3
C o w p e r, W illia m 106
creative/creativity 2 3 - 4


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

credible/credibility 36-7
credulous 36
creme caramel 108
creme de menthe 108
crisis 70
cudgel 1 17
customer 309
cyber- (prefix) 284-5

diffuse, and defuse 53

d ir e c tio n s, for ro u te s 1 36
d isability, and p o litica l co rrectness

d isa p p ro v in g and a p p ro v in g 2 3 - 4
discreet, and discrete 5 4
disgruntle 3 4 3
disinterested, and uninterested 5 4
dispensation 5 5

darling 104
dates from 162
death, and wordiness 22 5
deceptively 27-8
decimate 37
decisive 25
decollete 109
deduce, and adduce 46
de facto 114
defective, and deficient 5 2
deficient, and defective 52
definite, and definitive 53
Defoe, Daniel 22930
defuse, and diffuse 53
de haut en bas 109
de jure 1 14
delay, too long 70
delusion, and illusion 53
de mortuis 1 15
denote, and connote 51
dependant, and dependent 53
depend/depending 214-15
dependence and independence
deprecate, and depreciate 53-4
deride/derisory/ derisive/ derisible 25
deshabille 109
designer (adjective) 26
despite 21516
diagnose 37
dialects, of business-speak 328-9
diaper 120
different 18-19, 188

dispense with, and dispose of 5 4 - 5

dispose of, and dispense with 5 4 - 5
disposition 5 5
dogmatic 2 4
double-, in c o m p o u n d s 2 7 6
double entendre 1 1 1
d o u b le m e a n in g s 7 6
down 15 8
as a prefix or suffix 2 8 0 - 8 1
down-sizing 2 2 5
drive, u s e d in m eta p h o r s 9 0
due to 2 0 6 - 8
Duke et Decorum est 1 15
d u p lic a tio n , o f term s fr o m Latin a nd
A n g lo -S a x o n so u rces 1 0 3 - 4
DV (Deo volente) 1 12
earn 148
earthy, earthly and earthen 105
eek 116
effect, and affect 4 6 - 7
e.g. (exempli gratia) 1 1 2
eisel 11 6
either 1 2 9 , 1 3 0
either . . . or 2 5 9
eke (ad v erb ) 1 16
electricity in d ustry, b u sin ess-sp ea k

3 2 4 -5
Eliot, T. S. 2 3 8
elusive, and allusive 4 7
e -m a il 3 2 9 - 3 1
emend, and amend 4 7
emerge 37


emergent 12 0

o v e r -u s e 2 9 3 - 8

employment, advertisements for

w e ll- u s e d 8 7 - 9 0

1 3 8 -9
(the) end of the road 9 3 - 4

see also fo r e ig n w o r d s and phrases;

m e ta p h o r s

en famille 109
enfant terrible 1 1o

fabulous 2 4 2

enjoy 1 19

face the music 9 2

enormity 4

faces, in m e ta p h o r s 9 2

en passant 1 1o

factor 38

en suite 109

fallacious, and fallible 5 7

entering a minefield 9 4

fallible, and fallacious 5 7

entrecote 108

fantastic 2 4 2

entrenous 109

fa sh io n s, c o llo q u ia l 2 9 0 - 9 3

eo facto 1 1 3

fat 119

equable, and equitable 5 6

fatal, and fateful 5 7

equate/equation 38

fateful, and fatal 5 7

equitable, and equable 5-6

father 1 19

erupt, and irrupt 5 6

faute de mieux 1 1o

esprit de corps 1 11

faux pas 109

etiquette 31 3

favourite 1 0 4

-ette (suffix) 31 3

febrile, a n d frenetic 5 7 - 8

eulogize 3 0 1 - 2

ferment, a n d foment 5 8

e u p h e m ism s 2 8 9 - 9 0

fewer, and less 5 8

for d isability 3 1 6 - 1 7

few and far between 9 9

Eurosceptic 2 8 7

fictional, and fictitious 5 8 - 9

ev a sio n and p r e v en tio n 1 9 2 0

fin de siecle 1 1 1

every 3 1 3 - 1 4

flammable, and inflammable 5 9

everyone 31 3

flash in the pan 9 4 - 5

exactitude 260-3

flaunt, and flout ^9

exceed, and accede 4 6

flexi- (p refix ) 2 8 5

except 17 3

flicks 291

exchange 2 1 - 2

flogging a dead horse 91

e x c h a n g in g and r ep la cin g 2 1 - 2

flout, and flaunt 9

exclude, and preclude 5 6

focus 38

exhausting, and exhaustive 5 6

foment, and ferment 5 8

exhaustive, and exhausting 5 6

fo o d , F rench term s 108

expedient, and expeditious 5 :6 - 7

fo o tb a ll tea m s, taking th e plural verb

ex p e rim e n ta tio n , w it h w o r d s 2 8 8 ,
312, 342-3

explicit, and implicit 5 7

ex p r essio n s
overd one 9 7 - 9

for 1 6 4 5
on su b stitu ted for 162
to su b stitu ted for 16 0
forb ea rin g and r ep a y in g 2 2 - 3


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

foreign words and phrases 107-20

and political correctness 312,
forestall 2 0

Hell laugh on the other side of his face 9 2

help 2 8
here, c o m p o u n d s u s in g th e w o r d 1 18
heritage, an d inheritance 5 9

former 2 0 4

H errick, R obert 118

-free (su ffix ) 2 8 3

her/she 1 5 5 6

freebie 2 9 2

him/he 1 5 5 - 6

freight train 1 2 0

His bark is worse than his bite 9 0 91

French w o r d s 1 0 2 - 3 , 1 0 7 - 1 2 , 3 1 3

hit the bottle 9 0

frenetic, and febrile 5 7 - 8

hoist with his own petard 1 1 7

frisson 1 1o

h o m o se x u a ls , c o llo q u ia l e x p r essio n s


for 2 9 0

from . . . to 165-

honorary, and honourable 5 9 - 6 0

m is u s e 1 6 5 - 6

honoris causa 1 14

to sub stitu ted for 16 2

honourable, an d honorary 5 9 - 6 0
-hood, w o r d s e n d in g in 106

gaffe 109

hopefully 3 1 1

gaps, bridged 71

horrifying 2 4 3

gas (p etro l) 1 2 0

hors de combat 1 1 1

g en d e r , p o litica l correctn ess 311 - 1 5

hors d oeuvre 108

generally speaking 139

h o rses, in m e ta p h o r s 91

g e r c ip le , the 1 4 4 - 7 , 1 7 2

hove 1 4 8 - 9

g e ru n d s 1 4 2 - 6

how 2 6 8

golden 8 9

hyper- (p refix ) 2 8 5

gotten 119

h y p e r b o le 2 4 1 - 4 , 3 1 9 - 2 2

gourmand 108
a nd gourmet 5 9
gourmet 108

u se d b y journalists 3 4 1 - 2
h y p h e n , th e 1 9 6 7, 2 6 4
see also c o m p o u n d s

a nd gourmand 5 9
grasp 1 0 4

ideal (ad jectiv e) 2 9

Greek, suffixes and prefixes 2848

idiot/idiocy 3 1 7
i.e. (id est) 112

hanker after/for 161

if 1 9 8 , 2 1 2 - 1 3

haute couture 108

If a thing is worth doing... 9 2

haute cuisine 108

I guess 1 19

haute monde 108

I have a bone to pick with you 9 0

having (her) cake and eating it 9 2

IHS 1 12

hearty 104

illusion, a nd delusion 5 3

heave/hove, an irregular verb 1 4 8 - 9

im a g e s , p erso n a l and im p er so n a l

heavy 1 0 4

8 0 -8 1

He has only one string to his bow 91

imaginary, and imaginative 6 0

he/him 1 5 5 - 6

imaginative, a n d imaginary 6 0


I/m e 1 5 5 - 6
a nd participles 1 3 8 - 9

interested in 159
in terms of 9 9

immanent, and imminent 6 0

interring 1 0 5

imminent, and immanent 6 0

intimacy 2 9 0

immoral, and amoral 4 7 - 8

inverse, and converse 5 2

immunity, and impunity 6 0

involve/involvement 1 6 - 1 7

impact 39

ipso facto 1 1 3

impaired 3 1 6 , 3 1 7

irrupt, and erupt 5 6

implicit, and explicit 5 7

-ism /-ist (su ffix ) 2 8 2

imply, and infer 6 0 - 6 1

issue 7 4

improve 2 8

it 1 5 2 - 3 , 2 4 5 - 6

impunity, and immunity 6 0


a p p lie d to h u m a n s 3 1 4 - 1 5
I take off my hat to him 91

o m is s io n 167

its/it's 1 9 4 - 5

as a prefix or suffix 281

in an effort to 21 1- 1 2

je ne sais quoi 1 1o
Jesperson, Otto 104
jeu desprit 1 1o

inapt, and inept 61

J o h n so n , S am uel 1 0 6 - 7 , 2 2 1 - 2

in c o n se q u e n tia lity 2 4 9 5 4

joined-up 2 7 2

to substitu ted for 1 6 0

in addition to 2 0 0

incredible/incredibly 2 4 2

jo u rn a lese 3 3 8 - 4 5

induce 19

junction, an d juncture 61

inept, and inapt 61

juncture, and junction 61

inescapable 7 2

Jutes 1 0 0

in the event that 9 8

infer, a nd imply 6 0 - 6 1

kick for the long grass 2 9 5

in fin itiv e 1 3 0 - 3 3

kitsch 2 9 2

split 1 3 4
inflammable, and flammable 5 9

laissez faire 1 1 1

in fle x io n s 10 1 , 3 0 4

la n g u a g es, in fle cted 1 0 1 , 3 0 4

informant, and informer 61

Latin 1 0 0

infra dig 1 1 4

abb rev ia tio n s 1 1 2 - 1 3

ingenious, and ingenuous 61

E nglish voca bula ry fr o m 1 0 3 - 5 ,

ingenuous, a nd ingenious 61

1 0 6 , 107

inheritance, and heritage 5 9

e x p r essio n s 1 1 3 - 1 4

in the hope 8 6

leg a l 1 1 4 - 1 5

in order th a t /t o 2 0 9

lo n g e r e x p r essio n s abb reviated

instigate 3 9
in stitu tion a l c o lle ctiv e 1 2 5 - 6

suffixes and p refixes 2 8 4 - 8

in stru m en ts, m u sic a l 3 0 0

latter 2 0 4

inter- (p refix) 2 8 5

laudator temporis acti 11 5

inter alia 1 14

lavatory 2 8 9


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Jay/lie, irregular verbs 1 4 9 - 5 0

mea culpa 1 14

lead/led, an irregular verb 149

mean (verb ) 15

learn, an irregular verb 148

m ea t, F ren c h -d er iv e d n a m es 102

learning difficulties 3 1 6 , 3 1 7

mega- (p refix ) 2 8 6

least of all 9 8

menage a trois 109

led 149

mens sana in corpore sano 1 15

leg a l Latin 1 1 4 - 1 5

m e ta p h o r s 7 1 , 8 1 , 8 7 - 9 2

lesemajeste 109

m is u s e 9 3 - 7 , 2 3 5 - 7

less, and fewer 5 8

see also e x p r essio n s

levant 2 9 0

me thinks 1 18

level playing field 2 9 4

mice and men 9 2

lie (verb) 149

micro- (p refix ) 2 8 6

Life of Samuel Johnson (B o s w e ll) 2 5

M id d le E nglish p e r io d 1o 1, 1 0 2 - 3

like 1 7 9 8 3 2 5 2 - 3

might/may 147

lik en esses, person a l 1 8 7 - 9 1

militate, an d mitigate 6 2

lingerie 109

mini- (p refix ) 2 8 6

links, m is s in g 2 5 4 - 8

minimal 2 9

listin g in se q u e n c e 2 6 5 - 8

misery 1 0 4

literary criticism 3 3 3 - 4

mitigate, a n d militate 6 2

loathe, and loath (loth) 6 1 - 2

momentarily 1 19

lo g ic 2 4 5 - 6 8

momentary, and momentous 6 2

loo 2 8 9 - 9 0

momentous, and momentary 6 2

looking 13 7

m o n o sy lla b le s and p o ly sy lla b les

loth (loath), and loathe 6 1 - 2

lunacy/lunatic 3 1 7

more than 1 8 6 7

luxuriant, and luxurious 6 2

movies 291

luxurious, and luxuriant 6 2

moving the goal posts 2 9 4

M acaulay, Lord 2 3 0

m u s ic criticism , and w o r d in e s s

multi- (p refix ) 2 8 6

m a c h in e s, treated as fe m in in e 3 14


m a g a z in e -sp e a k 3 3 8 - 4 5

muster 3 4 2

Make hay while the sun shines 91

mutatis mutandis 1 14

make a statement 2 9 7
m a la p ro p ism s 4 5

(the) name of the game 2 9 5 - 6

man- (p refix) 3 1 2

N a tio n a l H ea lth Service, b u sin ess-

-man (suffix) 3 12

speak 3 2 6 - 7

man/men/mankind 3 1 1

nationalize, and naturalize 6 2

massage 109

naturalize, and nationalize 6 2

materialize 3 9 - 4 0

naught, and nought 6 2 - 3

maxi- (p refix) 2 8 6

nauseous/nauseated 2 5

may/might 147

NB (nota bene) 1 12

me see I/me

nec et non plus ultra 1 14


negatives 218-20
negative words, positive words
coined from 343
negligee 109
neither 129-30
news 78

on 1 6 2 3
m is s in g 1 6 4 , 3 0 2
as a prefix or suffix 2 8 2
r ed u n d a n t 1 6 3 4 , 3 3
to su b stitu te d for 1 6 0
One swallow does not make a summer 9 2

noblesse oblige 107

(He has) only one string to his bow 91

no exception 9 7 - 8

optimistic 4 0

nom de plume 1 1o

option 4 0

non- (p refix) 2 8 6 7

or 1 3 0 , 2 0 3

non compos mentis 1 14

organ (m u sic a l) 3 0 0

none 12 9

ostensible, a n d ostentatious 63

normal 2 9

ostentatious, an d ostensible 63

N o r m a n C o n q u est 102

others 2 4 8 - 9

not just/only...but also 2 01 2

out 167

not to look a gift horse in the mouth 91

as a prefix or suffix 281

over 168
as a prefix or suffix 281-2
overstatement, by journalists 341-2
Owen, Wilfred 1 15

nought, and naught 6 2 - 3


collective 124-5
compound 274, 277-8
doubling as verbs 234-5
institutional collective 1256
plural 304
replaced by verbs 7
used as adjectives 308-9
verbal see gerunds
and wordiness 22633
obiter dictum 1 1 4 - 1 5
oblige 107
obsolete, a nd obsolescence 6 3
obviate 2 0

on substituted for 163

to substituted for 159-60
off 164
as a prefix or suffix 2 8 2
official, and officious 6 3
officious, a nd official 6 3
OK 1 18

Old English period 1o 1- 2

omni- (prefix) 286

pace 1 13
parallels, false 1759
parentheses, long 75
parenthetical adverbs 31 o - 11
and directions for routes 136
and employment advertisements
following with 171 - 2
hanging/ dangling/ detached

mismatches after 177-8

past 139-42
present 134-9
particles 158
passim 1 12-1 3
pate de fois gras 108
path 1 19
pathetic 24-5
pathos, and bathos 49
pax vobiscum 112


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

perfect 2 9
perk 2 9 2 - 3

p r e p o s itio n s 1 5 8 - 7 3
g e ru n d s after 1 4 2 - 4

perquisite, and prerequisate 6 4

prerequisate, and perquisite 6 4

-person (suffix) 3 1 2

prescribe, a n d proscribe 6 4

p erso n al a nd im p er so n a l im a g e s
8 0 -8 7

presently 1 19
presume, a n d assume 4 8

person/people/humanity 3 1 1

presumptive, and presumptuous 6 4 - 5

perspicacious, and perspicuous 63

presumptuous, and presumptive 6 4 - 5

persuade 19

prevaricate, and procrastinate 6 5

-phile/-philia (su ffix ) 2 8 7

prevent 2 0

-phobe/-phobia (su ffix ) 2 8 7 , 2 8 8

p r e v e n tio n and e v a sio n 1 9 - 2 0

phrases, o v er u se 2 9 3 - 8

pride in 1 6 4

pick up on 2 4 0

prima facie 1 14

picture house 291

principal, and principle 6 5

piece de resistance 1 11

principles, violated 7 2

pinch of salt 9 2

p rin ted w o r d s see w r itte n w o r d s

platinum handshake 9 0

priority 41

plural n o u n s 3 0 4

private sector 4 3

plus 199

privy 2 8 9

Plus 9a change, plus cest la meme chose 1 12

pro- (p refix ) 2 8 4

p o litica l correctness
and d isa bility 3 1 6 - 1 8
and g e n d e r 31 115
p o ly sy lla b les and m o n o sy lla b le s 1 0 5 - 7

probably 7 2
problem 1 7 - 1 8 , 7 4
solved/got rid of 71
procrastinate, and prevaricate 6 5

ponderous 1 0 4

proliferate 3 0 3 - 4

p o sse ssiv e s 1 9 4 , 3 0 4 - 8

prone to, and susceptible to 6 5

post- (p refix) 2 8 4

p r o n o u n s 1 0 1 , 1 5 2 7, 2 4 5 6

Post O ffice, b u sin ess-sp ea k 3 2 4

properly 41

potential 4 0

pro rata 1 14

pour encourager les autres 1 1 1

proscribe, and prescribe 6 4

powers, taken 7 0

prospective 4 2

practical, and practicable 6 3 4

proverbial 4 2

pragmatic 41

pseudo- (p refix) 2 8 7

pre- (p refix) 2 8 7

psychiatrists 2 9 2

precede 7 6

public sector 4 3

precipitate, and precipitous 6 4

p u n c tu a tio n 1 9 2 - 7

precipitous, and precipitate 6 4

p u r p o se and result 2 0 9 12

preclude, and exclude 5 6

Purves, L ibby 2 8 8 , 3 1 2

preempt 2 0
prefixes 4 8 , 2 8 0 - 8 3
Latin and Greek 2 8 4 8
p r e g n a n cy , and w o r d in e s s 2 2 5

quasi- (p refix ) 1 1 3
quid pro quo 1 1 3 - 1 4
quot homines 1 15


racket 291

savoir-faire 1 1o

raft 7 6

savvy 1 1o

raising awareness and profiles 2 9 6

scam 291

ramp 291

scarper 2 9 0

rare (for a beefsteak) 1 2 0

scenario 4 2

rather than 1 8 8 - 9

scoring an own goal 1 17

reason (n o u n ) 14

sector 4 3

reasonably 1 4 - 1 5

see 8 2 3

receivership 73

s e m ic o lo n , th e 19 3

receuiller pour mieux sauter 1 1 1

send up 291

reconstruct 301

sensibility, a n d sensitivity 6 6 7

recourse, and resort 6 6

sensitivity, a n d sensibility 6 6 7

reel (n o u n ) 1 2 0

sensual, and sensuous 6 7

reimburse 23

sensuous, a nd sensual 6 7

remission, and remittance 6 6

s e q u e n c e , listin g in 2 6 5 - 8

rep a y in g and fo rb ea rin g 2 2 - 3

sexu al in terco u rse, e u p h e m ism s for

replace 2 2
rep la cin g and e x c h a n g in g 2 1 - 2


resort, and recourse 6 6

m o n o sy lla b ic w o r d s 106

result 2 0 9 - 1 o

q u o te d 1, 4 9 , 1 1 7 , 1 1 9 , 2 3 5 , 2 4 1 ,

resulting 211


retro- (p refix) 2 8 7 - 8

she/her 1 5 5 6

reversal, and reversion 6 6

sherbert 108

reversals o f m e a n in g 2 7 - 8

-ship, w o r d s e n d in g in 106

rigor mortis 1 15

sh ips, treated as fe m in in e 3 1 4

RIP (requiescat in pace) 1 1 2

show 2 9 9

Rivals, The (Sheridan) 4 5

show a leg 91

role 8 5 , 108

shun 301

role model 8 5 - 6

shut the door in someones face 9 2

Roman Britain 100-1 o 1

sic 112

ro u tes, d ir e c tio n s for 13 6

sic transit 1 15

run, in m eta p h o r s 9 0 , 91

sidewalk 1 19

run with the hare and the hounds 91

similar 1 8 2 - 3

( a ) running sore 9 5

sim p licity 2 2 2 - 3 5
and m is u s e o f m e ta p h o r

salubrious, and salutary 6 6

salutary, and salubrious 6 6

see also w o r d in e s s

(the) same as 191

sine qua non 1 1 3

sat 1 5 0

sing, an irregular verb 148

satisfactory 2 3 8

sing from the same hymn-sheet 2 9 8

save ones face 9 2

single-, in c o m p o u n d s 2 7 5 - 6

saving his bacon 9 2

sit, an irregular verb 1 5 0



The Penguin Guide to Plain English

slang 2 9 0 , 3 4 4 - 5

table dhote 108

solution 18

tabula rasa 1 13

sorrow 1 0 4

take the bull by the horns 91

soubriquet 11 o

take off 291

souffle 108

taking someone down a peg 91

sounds (verb ) 241

tant mieux 1 1o

spectrum 4 3

tant pis 1 1o

spin 2 9 3

teddy-boy 2 9 2

spin-doctor 2 9 3

teleg ra m s 3 2 9

sportsp eak 3 3 6 - 8

temporal 10 5

sprawl, an irregular v erb 1 5 0

testament, and testimony 6 7 - 8

squeaky-clean 2 7 2

testimony, and testament 6 7 - 8

stand, an irregular v erb 1 5 0

tete-a-tete 108

status quo 113

than 1 8 9 91

Stein, Gertrude 33

that 2 6 4

stepping into the breach 9 5

that says it all 241

stimulant, and stimulus 6 7

the end of the road 9 3 - 4

stimulus, and stimulant 6 7

theme 4 3

stood 1 5 0

there, c o m p o u n d s u s in g th e w o r d 1 18

street-cred 2 9 2

the same as 191

streetwise 2 9 2

they/them 1 5 3 - 4

strictly speaking 139

thin end of the wedge 9 6

strike while the iron is hot 91

thingumabob and thingamajig 1 1o

striking a chord 9 5 - 6

this 1 5 4 - 5 . 2 4 5 , 2 4 6

strive, an irregular v erb 148

thoroughly 8 8

style 2 2 1 - 4 4

thrive, an irregular v erb 148

sub judice 1 1 4

timely 1 0 4 - 5

substantial, a nd substantive 6 7

tips, following 71

substantive, and substantial 6 7

titillate, and titivate 6 8

substitute/substitution 2 1 , 22

titivate, and titillate 6 8

such as 191

toilet 2 8 9

suffixes 2 8 0 - 3

toilette 3 1 3

Latin and G reek 2 8 4 - 8

sui generis 11 3
suit 1 5 0 - 5 1

to (in th e in f in it iv e ), o m is s io n 131
to (p r e p o s itio n ) 1 5 9 - 6 3
on su b stitu ted for 1 6 2 - 3

super- (p refix ) 2 8 8

tortuous, and torturous 6 8

susceptible to, and prone to 6 5

torturous, and tortuous 6 8

Sw ift, Jonathan 3 2 9

totally 8 8

swing, an irregular verb 14 8

tragedy, and travesty 6 8 - 9

syllables, in w o r d s 1 0 5 - 7

translations in to E nglish 2 3 9 - 4 0

sympathy with/for 1 6 4 - 5

travesty, and tragedy 6 8 9

s y n o n y m s 1 0 3 4

trompe loeil 1 11


truck 1 2 0

virtually 4 4

true 3 0 , 2 5 0 - 5 1

vo cab u la ry

trunk (car b o o t) 1 2 0

A m e r ica n ism s 1 1 8 - 2 0

trustful, and trustworthy 6 9

a rch aism s 1 1 6 - 1 8

trustworthy, and trustful 6 9

du al (Latin and A n g lo -S a x o n )

ultra vires 1 14

fo r e ig n w o r d s and phrases 1 0 7 - 1 6

1 0 3 -7
uninterested, and disinterested 5 4

h isto rica l b a c k g r o u n d 1 0 0 - 1 0 3

unique 3 0

see also w o r d s

u n iversal singular 1 2 8 - 3 0
unless 2 1 3 - 1 4

wage raise (w a g e rise) 1 2 0

unlike 1 8 3 - 5

watch like a hawk 9 6

unnecessary 4 3 - 4

water-closet 2 8 9

up 158

W C 289

as a prefix or suffix 2 8 0

weave, an irregular verb 148

using 137

weighty 1 0 4

usurp 22

we/us 1 5 5 - 6

us/w e 1 5 5 - 6

what its all about 2 9 7

utterly 8 8

when 2 5 0
whenas 1 18

value 2 6 - 7

whence 1 17

vandalism/vandalizing/vandalization 4 4

whensoever 1 18

vanish 3 0 0 - 3 0 1

where, c o m p o u n d s u s in g th e w o r d 1 17

ve rb o sity see w o r d in e s s

whereby 1 1 7


whereinsover 1 18

a ffectin g tw o objects 2 2 - 3

wheresoever 1 18

back -referen ce in v o lv in g 2 4 7 - 8

wherewithal 1 1 7

c o m p o u n d s u sin g 2 7 4 - 5 , 2 7 9 - 8 0

white elephants 8 8

d ir e c tio n s for r o u tes 1 3 6

whither 1 1 7

d isto rtio n s 2 7 - 8

whomsoever 1 18

d o u b lin g as n o u n s 2 3 4 5

whosoever 1 18

th e g e ru n d 1 4 2 6

who/whom 1 5 6 - 7

in fin itiv e 1 3 0 - 4

window of opportunity 2 9 8

irregular 1 4 8 - 5 1

windshield 1 2 0

m is u s e o f p erso n a l verb s 8 1 - 3

(the) winning hand 9 6 7

past particip le 1 3 9 - 4 2

-wise (su ffix ) 2 8 3

p resen t particip le 1 3 4 - 9


rep la cin g n o u n s 7
singular and plural 1 2 3 - 3 0
tr a n sitiv e /in tr a n sitiv e 2 9 9 - 3 0 4

m is u s e 6, 1 6 8 - 7 2
to su b stitu ted for 161
without 1 7 2 - 3

tr o u b le s o m e fo r m s 1 4 7 - 5 1

W o d e h o u s e , P. G. 2 9 0

a nd w o r d in e s s 2 2 9 3 0

woman 3 1 2


The Penguin Guide to Plain English

wooden spoon 88-9

wordiness 3-4, 6-7, 222-6
in the artistic world 331-6
in business-speak 320-27
journalese and magazine-speak
338 - 4 5
sportspeak 336-8
using nouns or verbs 226-3 5
see also hyperbole
appropriate 5-6, 237-41
combining 7072
compound 271-88
damaged by misuse and over-use
double meanings 76
double usage 79-80

established combinations 87-90

foreign words and phrases
monosyllabic and polysyllabic
order 258-60
right and wrong 44-69
too economical with 72-3
see also vocabulary; wordiness
Wordsworth, William 317
would-be 40
written words, and spoken words
231-2, 242
wrong- (prefix) 283
You can take a horse to water, but you cannot
make it drink 91

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