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Online pizza ordering services are websites that feature interactive menus allowing customers to place
orders with local restaurants and food cooperatives. Much like ordering consumer goods online, many of
these allow customers to keep accounts with them in order to make frequent ordering convenient. A
customer will search for a favourite restaurant, choose from available items, and choose delivery or pickup. Payment can be amongst others by credit card or cash, with the restaurant returning a percentage to
the online food company.
This online application enables the end users to register online, select the food from the e-menu card, read
the E-menu card and order food online by just selecting the food that the user want to have. The results
after selecting the food from the E-menu card will directly appear in the screen near the Chef who is
going to cook the food for you. By using this application the work of the Waiter is reduced and we can
also say that the work is nullified. The benefit of this is that if there is rush in the Restaurant then there
will be chances that the waiters will be unavailable and the users can directly order the food to the chef
online by using this application.
Manual system involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining
critical information in the files and manuals is full of risk and a tedious process. Including a framework,
showing how to apply Internet technology progressively as skills and confidence grow, the project
demonstrates the route from adapting materials to developing an online environment. Nowadays people
dont have much time to spend in restaurant by just there and waiting for the waiter to take their order.
Many customer visits the restaurant in their lunch break and recess so they have limited time to eat and
return to the respective office and colleges. So this software helps them to save time and order food
whenever they want without calling the waiter again and again.

1.1 Vision
The vision of our company is to:

Expand it all over the world and let everybody taste our delicious pizza.
Enhance our products through customers feedback.
Modify the existing products.
Make it user friendly.
Better service.
To make the people know all the eating items they desire to eat can be made available at minimum

time without our effort excluding money.

To improve the well being of our customer community & people connected our enterprise RUN

1.2 Scope
In this day and age where presence in the virtual world is an imperative, small restaurants and
entrepreneurs too need to take benefit of it. Online food ordering websites present just the options. The
difference between the organised and the unorganised sector in the Indian hospitality industry is huge.
This does not just include hotels, but also the food service segment. Apart from the organised chain
restaurants, most restaurants cater to local needs and often at a micro market level. In such a scenario,
creating a loyal customer base is not difficult and a specialised marketing and sales force may not be
Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations:
SLA: Service Level Agreement or SLA is a formal written agreement made between two parties, the
service provider & the service recipient. It defines the term of engagement - the fundamental rules that
will govern the relationship.
EJB: Enterprise Java Beans.
JAVA EE: Java Enterprise Edition 5 is a programming platform part of the Java Platform-for
developing and running distributed multi-tier architecture Java applications, based largely on modular
software components running on an application server.
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol between a web
browser & a Web Server.
HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL (secure socket layer).
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communication protocols used to
connect hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP and IP.

1.3 Overview
The remaining sections of this document provide a general description, including characteristics of the
users of this project, the product's hardware, and the functional and data requirements of the product.
General description of the project is discussed in this document. The functional requirements, data
requirements and constraints and assumptions made while designing the E-Store. It also gives the user

viewpoint of product. It also gives the specific requirements of the product. It also discusses the external
interface requirements and gives detailed description of functional requirements.

2. System Analysis
2.1 Existing system
Over the internet there is numerous number of online food ordering portals like dominoes, pizza hut etc.
They offer facilities like choosing pizza, calculating total values of the pizza, ordering sides etc. they also
has user friendly website that can be accessed by everyone be it children or adult. But the existing system
also has some limitations like sometimes the site get crashed in the middle of the transaction.
The current System of a company is very ancient and need to be replacing as companies business is
expanding. One of the biggest disadvantages of the current system is that lacking of computerized food
order each time a customer need to order food he has to wait for the wait to take their order and then give
to the chef who will be preparing our food. So this process is very time consuming and very ancient. This
is very difficult to manage. And there also situations where the customers mixes the order and gives food
of one customer to another and there are also situations where customer forgets to take the order and even
after taking the order he forgets to supply food on time.
All the existing system is traditional and lack of use of technology, therefore the process is very time
consuming and lengthy as paper work is there. This was creating problem in maintain data record at the
end like employee attendance, bill, payslip, salary slip etc.

2.1.1 Limitations in existing system

The existing system is manual system, Needs to be converted into automated system.
Risk of mismanagement of data.
Less Security.
No proper coordination between different Applications and Users.
Fewer Users - Friendly.
Accuracy not guaranteed.
Not in reach of distant users.

2.2 Proposed system

This online application enables the end users to register online, select the food from the e-menu card, read
the E-menu card and order food online by just selecting the food that the user want to have. The results
after selecting the food from the E-menu card will directly appear in the screen near the Chef who is
going to cook the food for you. By using this application the work of the Waiter is reduced and we can
also say that the work is nullified. The benefit of this is that if there is rush in the Restaurant then there
will be chances that the waiters will be unavailable and the users can directly order the food to the chef
online by using this application. The user will be given a username and a password, by sing that every
time a user logs in he/she gets 2% discount in the total bill. This implies that the customer is the regular
user of the Restaurant.
Manual system involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining
critical information in the files and manuals is full of risk and a tedious process. Including a framework
showing how to apply Internet technology progressively as skills and confidence grow, the project
demonstrates the route from adapting materials to developing an online environment.
Nowadays people dont have much time to spend in restaurant by just there and waiting for the waiter to
take their order. Many customer visits the restaurant in their lunch break and recess so they have limited
time to eat and return to their respective office and colleges. So this software helps them to save time and
order food whenever they want without calling the waiter again and again.
The objectives of this project are:
To order food rapidly
To make it convenient for people who have limited time
Cost reduction
Reduced paper work
Computerized Order and billing system
To debug the existing system, remove procedures those cause data redundancy, make navigational
sequence proper. To provide information about audits on different level and also to reflect the current
work status depending on organization/auditor or date.

Managing and keeping records of all customers, bills, orders and the entire system in digital

format i.e. in computers.

As it is online the customer doesnt have to wait for the waiter to take their order and doesnt

has to wait for the food as well

Waiters dont have to manually keep a record of all the food ordered by the customer and that

work is very easy.

Waiters dont have to manually calculate the amount of money to be paid by the customer after

having food it is automatically done in the software.

Records are maintained in computers so there are less chances of damage and loss of data.

2.2.1 Advantages
Thanks to the internet, ordering food from your favourite restaurant has become easier than ever.
However, while the major restaurant chains have their own websites where orders can be easily placed,
many singular restaurants, cafes, and diners either do not have the resources or the knowledge to
effectively get online.

More Customers Order Food Online: Today, more people than ever are ordering online thanks to new
smart phones and tablets. In fact, more people use mobile devices to surf the web than laptops and
computers. This means that the restaurants that will jump on the bandwagon today will actually have
more customers tomorrow as the trend towards more mobile devices will only continue into the future.

Customers Place Orders Faster & More Conveniently: Thanks to mobile devices, customers can place
orders on their time when they have the chance as opposed to waiting until they get home or having to
place a phone call. Whether stuck in traffic, riding the bus, or on a break, a customer can simply place the
order quickly and easily. Plus, customers can place orders faster with their mobile devices on average
compared to calling it in. After all, there is no waiting for someone to answer or having to be put on hold
while the owner tends to other business.

No Phone Misunderstandings: One of the biggest issues with phone conversations is that
misunderstandings can happen quite easily. Usually due to the noise either in the restaurant or on the

other end of the line, all it takes is one small mistake to confuse the entire order. This means that when the
customer arrives, they are not getting what they wanted. With online orders, the entire process is handled
by the customer who can now choose exactly what they want. This way, there is no confusion or missing

More Time for Customers to Browse the Menu: Another advantage of ordering online is that customers
can have more time to look over the menu to choose what they want. This actually means greater
customer satisfaction since everything for them to order is right there and they can take as much time as
they want to read over the menu and discuss the selections before ordering. For families, this can be quite
valuable as the kids can look over the menu as well.

Customizing Orders: For restaurant owners, having customers customize their orders can actually bring in
more business as well. Of course, you can decide on the flexibility that customers have, but allowing
them to order separate items together or perhaps choosing particular toppings, salad dressing and other
small changes brings a more pleasant feeling for customers who can customize their orders. By putting
your menu online, you are allowing customers to order from anywhere, anytime that they want during
your business hours so that the food is hot and waiting for them when they arrive or can be delivered to
their home.

2.3 Feasibility study

2.3.1 Economic feasibility
An estimate is a prediction based upon probabilistic assessment. It is the responsibility of the project
manager to make accurate estimations of effort and cost. This is particularly true for projects subject to
competitive bidding where a bid too high compared with competitors would result in losing the contract
or a bid too low could result in a loss to the organization. This does not mean that internal projects are
unimportant. From a project leaders estimate the management often decide whether to proceed with the
project. Industry has a need for accurate estimates of effort and size at a very early stage in a project.
However, when software cost estimates are done early in the software development process the estimate

can be based on wrong or incomplete requirements. A software cost estimate process is the set of
techniques and procedures that organizations use to arrive at an estimate. An important aspect of software
projects is to know the cost. The major contributing factor is effort.

2.3.2 Operational feasibility

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into information system. That will meet the
organizations operating requirements. Operational feasibility aspects of the project are to be taken as an
important part of the project implementation. Some of the important issues raised are to test the
operational feasibility of a project includes the following: Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?
Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and implemented?
Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the possible application benefits?
This system is targeted to be in accordance with the above mentioned issues. Beforehand, the
management issues and user requirements have been taken into consideration. So there is no question of
resistance from the users that can undermine the possible application benefits. The well-planned design
would ensure the optimal utilization of the computer resources and would help in the improvement of
performance status.

2.3.3 Technical feasibility

The technical issue usually rose during the feasibility stage of the investigation includes the following:
Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?
Do the proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data required to use the new system?
Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of the number or location of
Can the system be upgraded if developed?
Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data security?
Earlier no system existed to cater to the needs of Secure Infrastructure Implementation System. The
current system developed is technically feasible.. Thus it provides an easy access to the users. The
databases purpose is to create, establish and maintain a work flow among various entities in order to

facilitate all concerned users in their various capacities or roles. Permission to the users would be granted
based on the roles specified. Therefore, it provides the technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability and
security. The software and hardware requirements for the development of this project are not many and

are already available in-house at NIC or are available as free as open source. The work for the project is
done with the current equipment and existing software technology.

3. Software requirement specification

3.1 Product perspective
The Online shopping system should provide the facility of online Buying and Cancellation of items.
Online transaction should take place if the item is available and the amount should be taken from the
customer account by using their credit card number and if they cancel the item means the amount should
returned to the account.
Access to the Online Shopping System for the administrator and customer is provided with an individual
Username will be individual customer ID and each set their own password.
Administrator can only perform all kinds of operations.
Customer can just view their item details and can pay for their items. If any errors found, they have to
contact the admin directly and correct the error manually.

3.2 User interface

The user interface for the software shall be compatible to any browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla
or Netscape Navigator by which user can access to the system.
The user interface shall be implemented using any tool or software package like Java Applet, MS Front
Page and EJB etc.

3.3 Hardware interface

Since the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect internet will be
hardware interface for the system. As for e.g. Modem, WAN LAN, Ethernet Cross-Cable, mouse.
Processor: Quad core

3.4 Software interface

The e-store system shall communicate with the Configuration to identify all the available
components to configure the product.

The e-store shall communicate with the content manager to get the product specifications,
offerings and promotions.

The e-store system shall communicate with billPay system to identify available payment
methods , validate the payments and process payment.

The e-store system shall communicate to credit management system for handling financing

The e-store system shall communicate with CRM system to provide support.

The e-store system shall communicate with Sales system for order management.

The e-store system shall communicate with shipping system for tracking orders and updating of
shipping methods.

The e-store system shall communicate with external Tax system to calculate tax.

The e-store system shall communicate with export regulation system to validate export

The system shall be VeriSign like software which shall allow the users to complete secured
transaction. This usually shall be the third party software system which is widely used for internet





SQL server 2008


Software Environment:

Presentation Layer






3.5 Modules
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
This project is divided into 6 modules:
1. Registration Module
Registration module is to register all the prospective customers those are interested in browsing the
website. This module can be very useful for the returning customers and people who are least interested
in putting in their details every time they visit the site. The customers can order the item in the site by
simply filling in their details on the registration page.

2. Products Browse Module


The products offered by the company are vast and so as to make it convenient to the users the products
are divided into different categories. Each category is further divided into other parts. In this module the
customer selects the items that he/she desires to order and add them to the cart. The cart is a secondary
part to the shopping cart module in this module. The cart adds up the items and displays it to the
customer. The vouchers or coupon codes that customer holds can be used in the section with redeem
coupon and the updated value of the cart will be displayed to the customer.

3. Feedback Module
After several or few experiences with using the site for ordering pizza by the customer, the customer is
liable to give a feedback to the company. This feedback is further used to develop and improve the service
provided by the company. This module can be reached after the customer has ordered, visible beside the
billing details.

4. Shopping cart Module

This module adds up the items chosen by the customer plus the taxes applied. It is used for the customer
to review their order before placing it. Any type of vouchers and coupons can be added in this module. It
also consists of the available offers that can be used to enhance their order.

5. Shipping Module
Shipping details of the customer are filled by them on this module. The shipping details are the personal
details of the customer placing the order like address, mobile number, name etc.

6. Payment Module
The customer pays for the order placed by them. The payment module has many options to choose from.
Like cash on delivery, credit card, debit card, cash cards, net banking etc. The cash on delivery option
further offers the customer to authenticate their order by phone or sms.

7. Contact us Module

The customers willing to contact the company for any details or questions can use this module. It consists
of FAQS that can be used to answer any frequently asked questions. Else the customer can fill in the
contact us form and send their question to the customer support service.

4. System design
4.1 Data flow diagram

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