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10 March 2015


A very special welcome to Jay Kaiser, Charlotte Watkins, Haley Guan

and their families to Kaikorai Primary School!

Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of the parents who have attended the
recent Meet the Teacher and Parent/Teacher interviews.
This information sharing plays a very important part in the success of
your child.
Another aspect that we think is very important for the success of your
child is independence. This has been a common theme that has come
through these meetings and something that we can all work on together to
Research has shown that children are exposed to somewhere between a
couple of hundred to 5000 words a day. Children who hear more
language ultimately do better at school. Having a rich conversation with
your child is hugely beneficial. Simple things for new entrant children
such as knowing colours, counting and alphabet recognition can easily be
practised at home
Other simple things like making sure they carry their own bags and letting
your child organise their belongings for the day ahead can make the world
of difference if good routines are established when they are young.
Kind regards,
Simon Clarke

Wright St, Roslyn


Important Dates
March 12 Sausage Sizzle
and Book Fair
March 13 - Room 2
March 17-20 - Year
6 camp and Year 5
activity week
March 18 Religious
Information sharing
March 23 Anniversary Day
March 27 - Room
2A Assembly
April 2 - Last Day
of Term
April 3 - Easter
April 20 - Term 2


Junior News
We are totally immersed in our inquiry the wonderful world of Dairy Farms, cows and the products
made from milk. We are looking forward to our cheese making kits arriving soon so we can try our
hand at being cheese makers. We know that our amazing but extremely hot trip to the farm has
answered many of our wonderings.
It has been great to catch up with you all at parent interviews this week. If you forgot or couldnt make
it, please make sure you see your childs teacher to make an appointment it is important that we see
PMP is on each week and we are always desperate for helpers please try and come at least once a week
to help out. The same for Fun Friday we urgently need people to help on a Friday afternoon from 1.30
to 2.45. We have two more Fun Fridays left this term. Thank you to the fabulous parents who already
give us time for these important events.

Middle News Big things are happening in the Middle Syndicate all related to Sustainability. Our native bush area is slowly
taking shape and our students are really proud of their creations and their knowledge of the native animals and
Thursday 12th of March is going to be a big day for the Middle Syndicate, with not only Pizza Day, but also
Room 3s Book Fair and Room 5s Sherbet Delivery. Later in the term you can expect to find out about lots of
ways to keep busy with Room 6s Book of Fun.
Book Fair
If you have any books that are in good condition that you are willing to donate please send them along to Room
3. As it is Pizza day there will be lots of parents around so make sure you come in to the hall and have a look.
Room 5 are making sure no food is going to waste in the school kitchen. They are making sherbet which will be
available to order before Friday 6th March and will be delivered on Thursday 12th March.
Book of Fun
Room 6 are busy creating booklets full of free and fun activities that you can do in and around our local area.

Senior News
All the senior classes have now visited the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, and have worked with John Neumegen
who is the teacher there. We have seen an exhibition that an artist made on a flight. It was made up of photos
taken in an aeroplane toilet, using only whatever was available in there. We have also looked at paintings of the
environment and installations of recycled materials. In the art room itself each class created works that
featured our Sustainability focus. Room 1 used the dump as inspiration, Room 2 used waste in space for theirs,
Room 2a looked at rubbish in the ocean and Room 4 explored ideas of flash trash fashion. Our displays are
now in the classrooms and also on The Art Gallerys website.
Sustainability is being explored in different classes in many different ways. We are all trying to take some
immediate action, and so we enjoyed walking down to the gallery and know that we saved a bit on our carbon
footprints by choosing to do this.
Football skills sessions are continuing on a Tuesday for our PE time, and we are very fortunate to have skilled
people taking these high quality lessons through Football South. The childrens skills are developing well.
Teachers are busy just now finalising arrangements for the year 6 Camp at Iona, and the outdoor education
programme for the other senior children. We are all looking forward to the new challenges these activities will

Sports and Enrichment Programme
Eighteen teams are competing in summer sports codes this term and it has been great to see the
children playing hard and enjoying their sports. We are a proud and committed sporting school
and this is reflected in the number of teams we have and the positive involvement from children
and parents alike.
As always, this would not be possible without the wonderful support from parents who support
the various teams. We are grateful to you and appreciate your help.
Mr Reid and a variety of other experts have been working with a
group of gifted female athletes. They have been improving their
skills in sports that they already play such as cricket and also trying
new sports such as bowls and crocket.

Weekbix Tryathlon
Last Sunday 51 students from Kaikorai Primary School took part in the Weet-Bix triathlon at
Memorial Park, Mosgiel. There were a lot of nervous faces before the start of the event, but all of
our students gave it 100% and had a great day. We also had the most competitors from one
school, well done to everyone who gave the event a go.

Year 5 Activity

Room 3 Book Fair

Room 3 are having a book fair for their Inquiry. We want to collect books that
you dont want anymore and that are in good condition.
It will be in the hall on Thursday 12th of March.
We will sell the books and all of the profits will go to Orokonui.
Please bring your old books to Room 3.
Books will cost 50c or $1.
Written by Room 3

This year we will be running

a Year 5 EOTC programme
while the Year 6 students are
on camp. We will be taking
part in yachting,
orienteering, and a national
beach sustainability project,
as well other school based
activities. As always we
require parent helpers for
these trips to be successful. If
you are able to help out on
Tuesday 17th March, or
Friday 20th March please fill
out the newsletter form that
has been sent home with
Year 5 students and return it
to your classroom teacher.

Parent Group
I would like to briefly introduce myself, I'm
Nikola Ballard and I have two daughters in
the Senior Syndicate. I look forward to
taking on the Chairpersons role, and
encourage new members to join our Parents
Group.We had a lot of parents leave at the
end of last year, so perfect time to come on
board. The Parents Group plays a vital role
in assisting the school to buy additional
equipment and subsidises all the wonderful
Field Trips the syndicates take. If you are
unable to join the parents group we are
always looking for volunteers for any of our
fundraising activities, Sausage Sizzle, School
Disco etc. In addition we are looking for new
fundraising ideas, all queries and ideas are
welcome - you can contact me on
[email protected], or come up and have
a chat to me before or after school. We have
our first Pizza Lunch fundraising event for
the year on March 12th and all funds raised
will go to the Year 6 School Camp.
The next Parent Group meeting will be held
in the school staff room on Tuesday 24th
March at 2pm.

New picnic tables for the juniors purchased

with the generous support of The Parent
Group and the wider community.

IAAF Kids Athletics Lunch

On Monday a team of nine of our year 3
and 4 students took part in an athletics
event at Forsyth Barr Stadium as part of
the International Association of Athletics
Federations kids programme launch.
They tried a number of different modified
team activites and were lucky to meet
world long jump record holder Mike
Powell. The new athletics programme will
be used in schools around New Zealand.

Shona Cumming
Commercial & Property Lawyer



Marzipan Drama Group
Is your child shy? Do they feel intimidated by the idea of public speaking and performance? Do they
sometimes find it difficult to make eye contact? Do they just need 45 minutes a week to take part in
organised craziness?! Come and join Marrzipan! In Term 2 we will be running our awesome drama classes
which focus on key life skills. Classes will run on Tuesday lunchtimes. We play fun engaging games and
perform at the end of term once to parents and once to the school. All scripts are original, engaging,
educational and HILARIOUS. All children receive an end of term progress report too, along with a
certificate to remind them they are awesome! A free trail lesson will be on Tuesday 17th March. All classes
are on school grounds and are private to Kaikorai Primary School students only. Give me a call to sign
your child up to the trail or just to chat to discuss how our classes can benefit your child's development.
Contact Kayla on 021 02645487 or email [email protected]

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