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This chapter discusses the method and the procedures that dictate the conduct of this
study. It w i l l include the method of the research to be used, comprehensive description of
the research design, respondents of the study, sample and sampling techniques, the instrument
and techniques to be used, validation of the instruments, data gathering procedures and the
statistical treatment that will be applied on the gathered data.
Research Design

We, the researchers will decide to use the descriptive type of research in this
study. Descriptive research w i l l d e s c r i b e the data and characteristics about the population
or phenomena being studied. It will be also the gathering and presentation of the statement of
Through descriptive method of research, the researchers will answer the problems and objectives
that will be stated at the beginning of the study. The study w i l l entitled AN ASSESSMENT
Utilized a descriptive research design, the focus of which was to obtain respondentsrespondents perception as regards to the effect of food promotion.

Participants of the Study

The researchers will divide the respondents of the study into two groups as follows:
a. 25 Male Customers
b. 25 Female Customers
The respondents were handed out questionnaires during peak hours.

Ethical Considerations
The researchers will recognize the importance of ethics when conducting a research. For
this reason, the researchers will adhere to ethical practices by keeping confidential the
information gathered from the company and the respondents. The researchers will also respect
the answers and information that will be revealed by the respondents of the survey questionnaire.

Sample and Sampling Techniques

The researchers w ill use simple random sampling techniques. This was taken to mean
that everyone in the population has the chance to be included in the sample. Selection will be
done fairly, just and without bias. Researchers will give no criteria or will be objective in the
selection of the samples.
The respondents of the study will be chosen from the customers of Maxs Restaurtant
Malate Branch. The researchers will use the formula below to arrive at the sample size using
a five (5) percent
margin of error.

1+Ne 2


= Population

= Sample

= Margin of Error at 5%

From the result of sampling computation, sample respondents from the customers of
Maxs Restaurant were drawn randomly.

Research Instruments and Techniques

This will contain the instruments that will be used by the researchers in collecting data
and information. The researcher will use questionnaires and unstructured interview in this study.

This will be a primary research instrument that will be used by the researchers in
gathering data which will be constructed to gather facts and information regarding the study.
Data will be collected by giving the structured questionnaires to the respondents. In order to
make the questionnaire stand for its validity and reliability, the researchers will conduct a
pretest to the respondents, and other concerned persons.

Unstructured Interview
This will be used by the researchers to clarify items given by the respondents. The
researchers will use personal interview.
Personal Interview can be done by one on one basis wherein questions will be personally
asked by the researchers to a respondent for the clarifications or for better
understanding of the researchers to the answer of the respondents to the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Proceedure

The researcher will use two kinds of data gathering the Primary data and the
secondary data. The primary data w i l l b e gathered through the said survey questionnaires
that will be answered by the customers regarding their views and opinions about the quality of
food and service of Maxs Restaurant that rendered to its customers.. The secondary data will
gather through printed material such as books, theses, articles and sources from the internet.

Statistic Tools
The researchers will use different statistical tools in providing a systematic way of
organizing the analyzing data that will be gathered in order to answer the questions depictive
in the study.
The statistical tools that will be used are the following.

1. Percentage

It showed the relationship of the part to its whole. Researchers will use this statistical tool
to transform proportion to a percent by multiplying it to 100.
The formula would be:




x 100

= percentage

= frequency

= total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean
The researchers will use it to measure the central tendency using the
frequency distribution and also to measure the evaluation of the respondents
in the
questionnaire. The formula would be:

Weight mean


Scale Rate


Sum of all the population

Total number of respondents

The obtained mean values were interpreted using the Lickert scale as shown below:
Mean Matrix
Scale Value

Mean Range


4.51 5.00

Great Extent

3.51 4.50

Moderate Extent

2.51 3.50

Average Extent

1.51 2.50

Little Extent

1.00 1.50

No Extent

3. Standard Deviation

The researchers will use this because it is the most commonly used indicator of the
degree of the dispersion and the most dependable measure to estimate the variability in
a total population from which the sample came. The formula used will be:


( Xx ) 2
N 1



= Standard Deviation

= Score

= Arithmetic Mean

= Sum of the deviations of x and the


= Total number of cases

( X x )

= Sum of the deviations of x and the mean

4. T Test

The t-test for independent sample was used to determine whether or not Maxs Restaurant
food and service is effective in influencing and attracting consumers to patronize their
The formula to be used is as follows:


X 1X 2

( n11 )( s 1 ) 2 1
n 1+ n 22
n1 n 2



= mean of the frst sample


= mean of the second sample


= standard deviation of the first sample


= standard deviation of the second Sample


= number of items in the first sample


= number of items in the second sample


Decision Criteria

The formulated hypothesis will be tested at 0.05 level of significance. It will imply that
the decision is 95% right. The decision whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis was
made using the following criteria:
1. Accept the null hypothesis if the computed value is less than the tabular value.
2. Reject the null hypothesis if the computed value is equal to or greater than the tabular

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