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Girth Gear
Pre- and PostManufacture

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What are the ins-and-outs of quality inspection of girth gears, from both a
manufacturer and buyer perspective?
Girth gear specifications: DP=6.327.12mm, Module=30, Number of teeth=208,
Teeth width=600mm, Dim.=6.367/4.900760,
Material=GS34CRMO4, Rep.=1.3 to 13
Response No. 1 provided by HMC Inc.:
There are many quality control requirements involved with girth gears. The
process begins in manufacturing and
continues through installation, run-off
and ongoing monitoring.

Manufacturer perspective:

During manufacturing:
Raw material: incoming checks and
These include, but are not limited
to, material certifications with full
reports from forging and plate
vendors, dimensional inspection
and hardness testing upon arrival,
and ultrasonic inspection of the
Dimensional reports.
NDT hardness testing and verification.
Fabrication (welding)
Stress-relieving oven; digital
charting (thermal reports).
Dimensional checks.
Magnetic particle testing; ultrasonic testing of welds.
CWI (certified welding inspector)
visual checks.
Machining/tooth inspections
In-process dimensional, run-out
and surface finish checks for any
significant process.
On-board lead, pitch and profile checks on the teeth are performed.
Final inspection
During the final inspection everything is dimensionally inspected
and thoroughly reviewed to make
sure all items and inspections are
up to the specifications.



Mesh test between gear and pinoils and the heavier, open-gearing
ion (contact pattern).
lubricants are very similar, thus
During installation and alignment:
inviting employees to potentially
Over the years, HMC has seen misuse the wrong lubrication materialignment cases where companies
als. This could prove to be a disasget in a hurry and/or have a lack of
trous situation for the operating
proper supervision and instructions.
quality of your girth gear. Proper
The girth gear driving pinion ends
selection and continuous inspecup getting aligned to the reduction of the girth gears lubrication
er, causing a misalignment issue
selection falls in parallel to both
between the girth gear teeth and the
proper alignment of the gearing
driving pinion teeth (Fig. 1).
and start-up monitoring/inspec Proper alignment should consist
tion, as mentioned above.
of: axial and radial alignment of
By routinely inspecting the qualthe girth gear to the center line of
ity of the oil lubricating the girth
kiln/mill; center line of the driving
gear system an effective doupinion is aligned to the center line
ble-check on proper alignment
of the girth gear; center line of the
would be created. In the event
reducer output shaft with coupling
of an improper initial alignment
is aligned to the center line of the
inspection, the results from a
girth gear driving pinion; finally, the
girth gear oil sample inspection
center line of the
motor is aligned
to the center line
of the reducer
input shaft with
Run-off and ongoing monitoring
Proper oil inspection and selection
Oils and other
lubricants are
often stored in
the same area.
And often the
numerical and
numbers that
Figure 1Example of girth gear misalignment: girth gear driving
identify the
pinion end is aligned to the reducer, causing misalignment
different gear/
between the girth gear teeth and driving pinion teeth
(courtesy HMC).

would yield metallic contents due

to the meshing contact breaking
down and dynamic destruction
Proper start-up monitoring/
inspection, specifically with
emphasis on temperature recording, would be a significant indicator of proper oil selection. If
the incorrect oil is selected for
lubrication purposes, an unusually high temperature will be
observed at initial start-up; this is
due to the possibility that the oil
selected has a viscosity under the
requirements for a girth gear set.
If the viscosity is not high enough
to properly lubricate the meshing set, operating temperatures
will increase. As these temperatures increase, the natural viscosity properties of the lubricating oil
will continue to decrease, leading
to damage of the girth gear set. As
can be observed, this is a doubleedged sword; i.e.: an improper,
low-viscosity oil selection from
the beginning will lead to high
operating temperatures and an
even lower operating viscosity in
the gear set.
Run-off and ongoing monitoring
Two functions must be performed
at start-up:
Monitor contact patterns, as the
pattern could change under loading.
Verify the gear set is lubricated
As soon as the machine is running, verify that adequate amounts
of lubrication are conveyed and
dispersed evenly and completely.
A good suggestion is to run mill
for eight hours under no load,
then increase load slowly over a
24-hour period. Check contact pattern and lubrication patterns every
2-4 hours. When partially or fully
loaded, some deflection will occur;
continue to check contact and lube
patterns every 2-4 hours and make
alignment corrections as required.
Continue checking until no farther
adjustments are required and all
pattern checks are satisfactory.
Check contact pattern and lubrication patterns approximately (30)
days after start-up and take a lubrication sample. Make alignment
adjustments as required and change
lubrication as it becomes contaminated. A periodic maintenance

schedule should be developed based

on specific field conditions.

Customer perspective:

Generally, customers require a final

inspection report that may include, but
is not limited to, a mesh check (contact
pattern check), material certifications,
dimensional inspection, run-outs, MT
and UT reports. Some customers require
quality inspection test plans. Customers
perform full vendor audits.
HMC responses were a team effort consisting of
Ryan Parkes, Robert J. Smith III, Josh
Winiger, Greg Kermode, Bob Sullivan
and Rob Ferguson
HMC Inc.

3010 S. Old U.S. Hwy. 41, Princeton, IN 47670

Phone: (866) 9909462

Response No. 2 provided by Frank

Uherek, Rexnord Corp.

Manufacturer perspective:

When the gear is mounted on the mill,

periodic inspections are required to
check alignment of the pinion and gear.
This can be done by measuring temperature differences between each end of the
gear face as it meshes with the pinion.
In addition, the teeth should be visually
examined for pitting and wear damage.
Magnetic particle inspection is a useful
tool to detect surface separation (cracks)
in the tooth surface. ASTM E2905 discusses a new method for performing this
type of inspection. Confirming that the
lubricant system is dispensing the correct amount of oil or grease at the proper
spray interval is also important for long
gear life. Reviewing bolt torques at the
split joint and mill mounting flange is
also required.

Inspection stepsmanufacturer

Given the critical service these gears perform, quality assurance is an integral
part of the manufacturing process. The
process begins with chemical analysis
of the blank material, magnetic particle inspection of the cast blanks or fabricated rims, heat treat documentation records, and mechanical properties testing. Once the gear blank leaves
the foundry or fabrication shop and is
rough-machined, ultrasonic testing of
the split-joint flange (where the gear is

bolted together), the rim and the mounting flange to the mill is performed to
ensure a sound base before cutting teeth.
The hardness of the blank is also confirmed at this time. Dimensional checks
are made to confirm interface dimensions. Run-out of the mounting flange,
face width and outside diameter is taken
to record the as-cut condition of the
blank to enable the same mounting conditions on the mill as on the gear cutter. Tooth attribute inspections, such as
profile and pitch, as well as tooth thickness, are recorded to confirm that the
gear matches the design requirements
of the engineer. A roll contact check, or
fixed center contact check is also completed to confirm that the helix (lead) of
the gear matches the pinion. Split joint
closure is measured to confirm that the
gear did not distort during the manufacturing process. Magnetic particle inspection of the finished gear teeth is typically conducted and the results reviewed
by the design engineer to identify and
relieve any surface indications present
on the gear teeth from the raw material.
The last step is to have the design engineer review all of this collected information to confirm that the finished product
meets the specification and provides the
client the performance they are expecting for the application.

What is required of the customer?

The client should confirm that the mill

is properly installed with a well-designed
foundation and the required safety and
electrical controls. A periodic preventative maintenance inspection program ensures that all controls, lubricant
delivery systems and power transmission componentsgear drive, couplings,
pillow blocks and girth gear setsare
aligned, lubricated and performing to
Frank Uherek, principal engineer
mill products
Rexnord Gear Group

3001 West Canal Street, Milwaukee WI 53208

Phone: (414) 937-4523
Fax: (414) 937-4083



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